. CVJ fJy- i; I I v^ 1 1 n,\^ I I I v^ i / II > in 2008 with funding from jr«*ijoff http://www.archive.org/details/familiesarmorialOOfoxdrich n THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA GIFT OF William F. Freehoff, Jr. 'ARMORIAL FAMILIES ARMORIAL FAMILIES A DIRECTORY OF SOME GENTLEMEN OF COAT-ARMOUR, SHOWING WHICH ARMS IN USE AT THE MOMENT ARE BORNE BY LEGAL AUTHORITY COMPILED AND EDITED BY ARTHUR CHARLES FOX-DAVIES " Nohiies sunt qiii Arma gentilitia antecessorum suorum prof er re possimt " THIRD EDITION EDINBURGH : T. C. ^ E. C. JACK EDITOR'S CHAMBERS: HASTINGS HOUSE, NORFOLK STREET LONDON, W.C. 1899 \_This Book is not an official Publication: and there is no existing Peerage or Baronetage, or other hook treating in a similar manner of Arms or Titles in use at the moment, ivhich possesses official authority.^ Printed by Ballantyne, Hanson & Co. At the Ballantviie Press GIFT PREFACE TO THIRD EDITION 'O the extended introduction — a part of my first edition — I have little to add, and nothing to retract. Whilst welcoming the many recent evidences of the renewed interest, and happily the critical interest, which is being aroused in Arms and Arms-bearing, it is gratifying to find that so many people now take up a similar attitude to that I have so often put forward, that if Arms are to be borne at all they should be genuine Arms, legally and correctly used. Criticism of all kinds I expected. I have had it. Correspondence, friendly and vituperative, I looked forward to. I have had it in shoals, But the only complaint I myself make, concerning the adverse judgments which have reached me through the press or otherwise, con- cerns the point most frequently raised, namely, the omission of this person or that person. I never put 77iy book forward as complete, I distinctly said it was not complete. I fail to see how I could have put this fact more plainly than I did on page xxx. But witli regard to the majority of cases which have been brought to my notice, I must point out that I really cannot accept a mere state- ment of descent, as I find I am frequently expected to do, when it covers loo or 200 or more years. Lists have been sent to me of ancient families whom I have omitted, and I have been held up to criticism because my book does not include all the families in " Shirley." I don't say I have examined them all, but I have examined a good many ; and I simply ask my critics to bear in mind that a large number of these families have not made any proof of descent since the Visitations. The risk of illegitimacy is too great to accept any pedigree until it has properly gone through the mill, I shall be only too glad to have my attention called to pedigrees which have been officially recorded up to date. One alteration of some importance, which I feel confident will be greatly appreciated, lies in the fact that the illustrations have been transferred from the end of the volume to their proper position in the text, each accompanying the entry it concerns. " Armorial Families," it is now evident, has made such a position for itself that one is justified in anticipating its future re-issue at frequent, probably 757 ii Preface to CfiirD €tiition biennial, intervals. But a book published periodically must of necessity be kept within reasonable limits of size, or it at once becomes too unwieldy for use as a book of reference. There are also other practical and technical objections which have made themselves apparent during the issue of the first and second editions. The book was, of course, never put forward as being complete, and the enormous number of new entries which required to be inserted, and the still greater number which will need to be inserted in the future, before I can claim any real completeness for the volume, threatened to enlarge the size of the book to an extent which it is hopeless to attempt to carry on from year to year. To cope with this difficulty there were several alternatives. One of these seemed to be to make the third edition merely a supplement to the previous editions, inserting only those arms which had not hitherto been included ; but the objections to this plan are many and obvious. Another alternative was to exclude all titled people from the book, leaving it simply a directory of untitled gentlemen ; but there is at present no book dealing with arms of Knights, so that it was desirable that these should remain within the compass of these pages. There is also another point : the recently constituted Society of the Baronetage have announced an intention of clearing away impostors from their ranks. Now there are many points, chiefly touching this end, which require to be dealt with and scrutinised fully, and one is curious to see what will be the result of their labours. But to put the matter briefly, the main object of "Armorial Families" is to draw a noticeable distinction between good and bad arms. Now the majority of Peers and Baronets have unquestioned arms, so that this purpose of distinguishing between the good arms and bad arms of the Peerage and Baronetage can be equally carried out in a much less space by the publication of a list of those people bearing hereditary titles whose right is open to question. Consequendy, after much consideration, the final decision of my publishers has been, to prevent the very great size to which the book would already have run, to eliminate from its pages the whole of the Peerage and Baronetage, substituting in its place a list of those who have no right to arms. A few such, however, still appear therein, in accordance with the undertaking under which subscriptions for the first edition were obtained. In accordance with the above decision, the words " Peerage " and "Baronetage" were eliminated from the title when the prospectus for the third edition was issued, and the appeal for information was made on the lines above indicated. Again, and more than ever, my most grateful thanks, for an enormous and not easily calculable amount of kindly and very acceptable assistance and preface to Cf)irti oBtiition HI information willingly afforded to me, are due to Charles H. Athill, Esq., F.S.A., Richmond Herald. I have often wondered at his patience and courtesy in so continually affording me the assistance I have requested. In no case has he refused to comply with any request of mine for information which he felt justified in giving me. Without his help I could have done but little. But let me here repeat that the responsibility for everything I put into print is mine only. The assistance I have received from J. Balfour Paul, Esq., F.S.A. (Scot.), Lyon King of Arms, has been great, and has placed me under many obligations, in return for which I can only offer him my grateful thanks ; and I received much help from the late J. W. Mitchell, Esq., Lyon Clerk. I am equally indebted to Sir Arthur Vicars, F.S.A., Ulster King of Arms, and to Mr. Burtchaell, his secretary, and my thanks are due to them for no small measure of assistance. For all this I am and have been truly grateful. And I also tender my thanks to Mr. Lee, Bluemantle Pursuivant, for very extensive and kindly help. ARTHUR CHARLES FOX-DAVIES. Hastings House, Norfolk Stkekt, Strand, London, W.C, 1899. THE ABUSE OF ARMS URELY even those who affect the greatest contempt for Heraldry will admit that if Arms are to be borne at all, it should be according to the laws of Arms ; and that, if the display of them be an empty vanity, it is a less creditable vanity to parade as our own those which belong of right to others. This is no deeply learned or scientific treatise for the further guidance of those who are already Past- Masters in the knowledge of Armory and its laws. They oug/i^ to know its legal, as well as its antiquarian, aspect ; but I am sorry to say that many who pose before the world in such character either do not know, or wiU not know, the former. Consequently, as there is a far more famihar word than Armory, 1 propose to use this other word, " Heraldry," though in reality this latter covers a far wider field. It really includes within its meaning anything appertaining, or which has appertained, to the office or duties of the herald. Of later years, and at the present time, though the hymn-books may give the herald wings, and require him to carol joyfully — though cheap penny-a-liners and minor poets may stretch its meaning, and only know the word as a duplicate for "harbinger," and may apply it unreservedly to March winds and jackals, to sunrises or to sunsets, to the cuckoo or the sea-serpent, the parliamentary white hat or the big goose- berry, the word " herald " has acquired a very definite and stated meaning. A Herald — my critics to the contrary nevertheless — is hardly a man who simply writes books on Heraldry — at the best he is but an heraldic student. A Herald proper must be an Officer of Arms, and the official and recognised duties of the Officers of Arms in this latter age seem pretty well to be limited to those matters which relate to Armorial achievements in all their forms, to pedigrees, the devolution of hereditary titles, the ordering and arrangement of State ceremonies, to precedence, to knighthood and to the orders of knighthood, to installations, and to the proclamations of Peace and War, and the succession to the Crown. Such are now the duties of a Herald — such is really the limit of the meaning of the word Heraldry. "Heraldry has been contemptuously termed 'the science of fools with long memories.' There is more wit than wisdom in the remark, and with the many a smart saying has untortunately a great advantage over a just one. It is impossible to say that there is any direct testimony to the existence of Armorial Bearings in the now accepted sense of the word earlier than the twelfth century, when they seem to have been adopted with one accord throughout P^urope. Previous to that period we read of "white shields" and "red shields" and "gilded shields." In Salmund's Edda mention is made of a red shield with a golden border. The Encomiast of Emma speaks merely of the glittering effulgence of the shields suspended on the sides of the vessels of Canute. In tlie Anglo-Saxon illuminations we perceive the shields of warriors generally painted white, with red and blue borders and circles : on those of our Norman invaders as represented in the Bayeux Tapestry, a work at the earliest of the close of the eleventh century, we find crosses, rings, grotesque monsters, and fanciful devices of various descrip- tions, but nothing approaching a regular heraldic figure or disposition of figures. Some of the standards are striped and spotted in a fashion which may have originated the pales, bars, and roundels of the succeeding century, but as these devices are not repeated on any of the bearers' shields they cannot be considered as personal insignia. Thus we see that Heraldry as we know it. Heraldry even as it was understood in its earliest stages, had no existence at the time of the Norman Conquest, nor can any authenticated example be discovered of a proper Armorial shield prior to the first Crusade. Ere the second had reached its termination its usage was extensive and assured. That is all that is known of its origin, but undoubtedly — for it is a matter no one has as yet dreamed of disputing — the Crusades have exer- cised an influence difficult to truly estimate. Not only are a vast proportion of heraldic "charges" easily traceable to the Holy Land, but the assemblage of the flower of European chivalry in all its nationalities, all claiming nobility of birth, must have given a great impetus to the progress of a science devoted and confined to themselves, apart from the encouragement afforded to it by the requirement of some method of distinction amongst themselves. A writer of a bygone age has said that " Coates of Amies were inuented by our wise ancestors to these 3 ends : The first was to honour and adorn the family of him that had well deserued V if VI m)t atJU0e of arm? towardes his countrye. The seconde to him more worthy and famous above the rest which had not done merit, and thereby they might be prouoked to doe the hke. The third was to differ out the severall hgnes and issues from the noble ancestor descending ; so that the eldest borne might be known from the second, and he from the thirde." . r i, ■ .u i j i j » Heraldry was not originated in England, but England was not long in following the lead placed before her and though at no period perhaps within the British Isles has the love and reverence of \rmorv reached such a high degree of enthusiasm as has been sometimes accorded to Armorial insi-nia elsewhere : still since the old Crusading days have our ancestors of each succeeding genera- tionlianded down a respect and admiration for these marks of lineage, rank, and high degree that Socialism and Anarchy, with all tiieir changeability of visage, have failed to suppress in spite of the manifold and multifarious methods and manners in which these ideas have passed through the land, in the Wars of the Roses, in the Reformation, the Commonwealth, the Revolution, and " the Hyde Park tub-ihumper." , , •, "There is no subject more difficult to be dwelt on than that of honourable descent; none on which the world are greater sceptics, none more offensive to them ; and yet there is no quality to which every one in his heart pays so great a respect."— (Sir Egerton Brydges' Autobiography, p. 153). And by reason of this very reverence and respect. Armorial Bearings are one of the earliest outward and visible signs which make their appearance when a family commences its rise in the scale of social eminence. At first, ere their full lustre and significance had been realised, those who bore Arms selected them as pleased their fancy, but as a name became glorious so did the pictorial sign upon the shield associated with that name become renowned, and a son inherited his father's Arms with his father's sword : and Armorial Bearings almost from the very birth of the science have been hereditary. Let a privilege or a usage be created, and its abuse rapidly follows. Merchants placed their " merchant-marks " upon escutcheons, and called them coats-of-arms when as yet their rank did not warrant the assumption. New men called themselves by old names and claimed the ancient Arms. The monks of Battle Abbey are known to have tampered with their roll, and centuries ago the heralds deplored and tried to keep in check the vagaries and usurpations of these " painter-fellows," as they then described them, referring thus contemptuously to those handicraftsmen who undertook the actual labour of cutting seals and emblazoning Arms. Had these handicraftsmen stopped their hands at these legitimate limits, little abuse, comparatively speaking, could have crept in, but they did not; they hankered after the fees — in their eyes veritable flesh-pots of Egypt — of the official heralds. Then, as now, the true position and authority of the Officers of Arms was not properly known or umlerstood. Then, as now, these "painter-fellows" encroached, and then, as now, they profited by the lack of heraldic knowledge current among the general public, and they purposed to grant, confirm, and assign Arms. Rooks, we are told, will only build their nests of two kinds of sticks,* and by a similar analogy the Arms these outsiders dealt in were likewise of but two kinds — firstly, Arms which emanated solely from their own imagination, and which were bogus from beginning to end, and secondly. Arms which were perfectly legitimate, and which belonged to ancient families, which legitimate coats-of-arms these "painter-fellows" assigned to other families bearing the same or similar names, without the ghost of a pretence, and without the shadow of a possibility of establishing a descent from the bo7ia-fide holders. That was how the abuse began centuries ago. At the present time, at the close of the nineteenth century, this same abuse runs riot, and now, as then, it is in the forefront, and the most prominent of all heraldic follies. Though beside this particular illegality all others seem but as mere peccadilloes, there are many other matters which can but come under the same heading and description. To a long-standing abuse, when the legal penalties therefor seem almost to have lapsed into desuetude, there is but one remedy, namely, publicity. It enlightens those who are sinning through ignorance, it may prevent others falling into the same errors ; and as to those who are of knowledge and aforethought wilfully disre- garding the laws of Arms and the laws of the Realm— well, it advertises their little weaknesses. This remedy I propose to try. One of my critics has asked what business it is of mine to criticise Arms when the College of Arms remains silent. I stand in a widely different position from the Officers of Arms. I much question if they are brought into contact with one tithe of the heraldic abuses that I am, for people hardly of their own free-will exhibit to an accredited Officer of Arms preten- sions which they know can be at once detected as bogus or illegal. On the other hand, the indivi- duals comprising the world at large seem to fancy that the said world at large, outside themselves, is unable to discover the real character of the Arms they lay claim to. Consequently, as I am simply but another unit in this aforesaid world, the Arms and garbled pedigrees have been sent up to me apparently with guileless simplicity, either for insertion in this book, " Armorial Families," or in "The Book of Pubhc Arms," or for the crests to be included in my edition of " Fairbairn." I had no reason when I commenced heraldic writing to have looked with suspicion upon the informa- tion which was afforded me, but as each successive case I investigated turned out to be a perver- Straight ones and crooked ones, Cf)e atiujsfe of arm0 Vll sion of the truth, my standpoint had to change. I found, first of all, that the fact ot living in the same county, or in the adjoining one for the matter of that, or even in the county adjoining that, was to the ordinary mind quite sufficient evidence for descent to be claimed ("in an unbroken line," my correspondents usually state) from any armigerous person or any celebrity* who at any time since the Norman Conquest (and many don't even stick at the Conquest) have had a resi- dence in that county. At first I was always inclined to think that a person to make such a statement must at least have some evidence to support him, even though it might not be sufficiently stable and consecutive to pass muster as a pedigree before the Chapter of the College of Arms. I couldn't have made a greater mistake. I then found that people really entitled to a pedigree of perhaj)s five or six generations, and to a modern grant of Arms, were seldom content with it, and it usually came to me as a genealogical tree of fifteen or sixteen generations, and the Arms had generally been granted by Edward III., or at the latest by Queen Elizabeth. And here is a pretty safe way to judge a pedigree if the time cannot be spared to investigate it thoroughly. Whenever a pedigree in the male line runs back far up into antiquity — or I will say even this, whenever a pedigree commences prior to the beginning of the eighteenth century, just look at it closely. If in the early part of it there figure celebrities, with full dates of marriages and deaths, and details of all the children, and there follow later the words, "from whom descends," or the words, "whose descendant," without the details of the actual relationships, the odds that that particular pedigree is "faked" are 999 to i. Another little failing that was quickly made apparent to me is this. When a family have been illegally making use of Arms for some time, and are then, for some reason or other, induced or required to place their Armorial matters upon a legal footing, and a Patent of Arms is obtained under the hands and seals of the Kings of Arms, the coat-of-arms which has previously been in use is never granted to the person intact. If a desire for a coat similar to the one in use be preferred, some alterations and additions to it are introduced, varying according to the discretion of the Officers of Arms and the circumstances of the case, in order to render it a dijferent and new coat-of-arms, and to satisfy the requirements of one of the rules of the College, that no two coats-of-arms which may be granted by its officers shall be alike, t The usual tale I am told — if the fact of the grant being modern by any chance transpires — is, if you please, that the alterations and additions are "augmentations'* granted for some special service. Some of the older grants simply made additions to the coats which had been previously used, and this, to an ordinary individual, might lend some semblance to the idea. To the propagators of such fables I would add this fact to their knowledge. An " augmen- tation " proper requires a special warrant from the Sovereign. The "augmentations" legitimately existing are comparatively very few in number, and are all very well known. And another foible is this. Very few people care to admit that they have had a "grant" of Arms. The usual tale'is, " My people had been using these Arms for a very long time, but documentary evidence, so very hard to get, &c., &c., couldn't strictly prove a legal title to them, &c., so the College of Arms 'confirmed' them to me with a very slight difference." The facts generally turn out to be that the Arms were "found" for 3s. 6d. at an heraldic stationer's, perhaps ten or perhaps twenty years ago, or perhaps supplied gratis with a "guinea box of stationery." It was then afterwards ascertained that they were quoted in Burke's " General Armory " as belonging to a family of the same name, which family were promptly claimed as ancestors. "The Arms are the same, you know, we ffmsthe descended from them." There are few people who could summon up sufficient audacity to offer to the critics such another pedigree as the notorious Coultart genealogy ; but there is still a good deal of unblushing audacity in existence. Times out of number have I been informed that Arms submitted to me have been granted, or confirmed, or certified, by the Officers of Arms. Even the dates of grants have been quoted to me when no such grants exist, and the certificates when asked for are never to be found. I call those sort of statements untruths pure and simple. Small wonder that with such a plenitude of these falsehoods my credulity waned below zero, and now is non-existent. Of the hundreds with whom I have been brought in contact I could count on the fingers of my one hand those people whom I know at the very beginning have told me the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. Consequently, though it is a brutal admission to have to make, I cannot believe, and do not believe for one moment, any man's account of his own family, or lake his word concerning them. No matter how truthful a man may be, his probity never seems to have stability on that one point. I think the Archangel Gabriel would have " made the usual mistakes." If any ordinary individual tell you he is descended m the male line from some one who figures upon the glorious roll of Battle Abbey, or that his ancestor " came over with the Conqueror," write him down a perverter of the truth at once. Mr. Evelyn Philip Shirley published some number of years ago a book which deserves a greater name and a far wider reputation than it has received. * One family to my knowledge claim descent from Cardinal Wolsey, and have assumed his Arms. t I do not wish any opportunity for misconstruction. At the times of the Visitations, when two families — though not the least relationship might exist between them — proved a right to identical Arms, these were allowed to them both, and the above rule has only applied to grants. Vlll Cfte aijujffe of armjef I Tcfcr to "The Noble and Gentle Men of England." He took a far less ambitious standpoint than the Norman Conquest, simnly including witliin his covers all those then Arms-bearing families who had held their land in legitimate uninterrupted male descent since the reign of King Henry VII. to the present day. Of all the landholders of to-day, of all the county families within or without the pages of VValford ; of all the names in "Burke's Peerage" or in Kelly's "Upper Ten Thousand," how many families, titled and untitled together, think you does his book contain ? Three hundred and thirty. Some number of the very older families are Saxon, but the great majority only take their start from the Wars of the Roses, that great social upheaval which shook to its very foun- dation the aristocracy of England. Read " De Nova Villa," and read the "Last of the Barons," if you wish to know what became of the ancient families of England. Of the twenty-five Barons who signed or affixed their seals to " Magna Charta," of which we so proudly boast, not a solitary male descendant is known to exist Fuller, writing in his book, "Worthies of Bedfordshire," says :—" Hungry Time hath made a glutton's meal on this Catalogue of Gentry (the list of gentry of the reign of Henry VI.), and hath left but a very little morsel for manners remaining." The pedigrees in " Burke's Peerage " in all conscience are lax enough, but even there but one hundred and eleven are taken back to the time of the Norman Conquest, and of these forty-nine are Saxon, Welsh, Scottish, or Irish. There are nearly seven hundred Peers and over eleven hundred Baronets and all their relations within the covers of "Burke's Peerage;" there are nearly five thousand families in the " Landed Gentry," and all their relations ; there are sixteen thousand names in Walford's " County Families;" there are twenty-four thousand individuals in " Kelly." As I have said, but sixty-two pedigrees in the Peerage are taken back to the Normans, and Shirley admits but three hundred and thirty families. Where do the rest come in? What price for the Norman descent of the residue ? And yet almost every other man you speak to on the subject will tell you his "ancestors came in with the Normans." Were there no Britons.? no Welsh? no Scots? no Irish? no Danes? no Huguenots? no Flemings? no Saxons? no Jews? Are theie no German clerks or pauper immigrants to-day? Why, in a couple of centuries, perhaps in less, they will tell you they are descended from the companions of Duke William of Normandy. The first point I wish to draw attention to is the wholesale display of bogus Anns — perhaps I should be more correct in saying the wholesale bogus display of Arms. These, as I have previously stated, are of two kinds : i. Arms which, apart from the question of ownership, are of no legal origin; 2. Legal Arms used by people to whom they don't belong. The latter predominate. But first of all it is necessary to make it clear what constitutes the right to bear Arms. The right differs widely in the three kingdoms, and they all differ widely from the laws current in the rest of Europe. But now, and throughout this Introduction, I shall confine myself to the United Kingdom. It is of no use for the blind to lead the bhnd, and I have no sufficiently intimate knowledge of either the heraldic or the common law in vogue in the various countries of Europe to warrant my offering to teach others what I am by no means sure I know myself. In the infancy of Heraldry no control existed or was exercised by anybody over Armorial matters. It was " The good old rule, the simple plan, That they should take who have the power, And they should keep who can." But this era was of short duration. Almost the first step in the United Kingdom towards establishincr control was taken m England, and the Corporation of the College of Arms was established by Royal Charter m the reign of Richard III. Now, there are very many people who grandiloquently assert that "they don't recognise the authority of the College of Arms." Such a statement sounds very big, but It IS pure nonsense. They might just as well proclaim themselves Anarchists at once and 'not recognise" the Sovereign or the Houses of Parliament. And I have also found that anv mention of the authority of the College of Arms is usually the signal for an outburst of abuse (and abuse pure and simple, not criticism) against the College itself and its officials. I will be no party to any such controversy. Nothing I can say will add to or detract from their authority, or c^ive more weight to its expression. I can simply make the knowledge of it more public ; for one cannot but admit that nothing c^n alter the fact that the Officers of Lyon Office (for Scotland), of Ulster's Office (for Ireland), and of the College of Arms (for the whole of the rest of Her Majesty's dominions) have the sole authority and control of Armorial matters anv iv whh'.T"''"^ T ^'''''^°^ ".y °^ '^^ ^°^^"Ses or Offices of Arms ; I am not connected in m/Xr o/ thf '■ ^"1 not writing at the instigation of any Officer of Arms. I am simply a TnH if .h° . general public, brought closely into touch with the laws and the practice of An4 : and If the expression of the knowledge I have obtained prevent any person ignorantly following the tempting and well-worn ruts of heraldic abuse, I shall be satisfied. gnorantiy louowing tne Now Arms are a matter of honour. The Sovereign is the fountain of honour. Cte abuse of arms IX It has been said that if this be so, then the Kings of Arms are the "turncocks." It is a coarse and iinpoetical way of putting it ; but the remark has the advantage of a great deal of wit, and a large measure of accuracy. In the reign of Henry V. (1417) a Royal Proclamation was made that no man in future be allowed to bear arms without authority. This has been printed in full on several occasions. 'Jhe next step was the consolidation of the various Officers of Arms in England into the Corporation of the College of Arms. The two Charters by which they hold and exercise their authority are given in Noble's "History of the College of Arms." I don't ask any one unquestioningly to take my word that the authority exists. They can convince themselves by reterring to the Charters in question, to the Royal Warrants appointing the Visitations, to the Reports submitted by the Law Officers of the Crown to His Majesty Kins; George III. in connection with the dispute between the Officers of the Order of the Bath and the Officers of the College of Arms, and to the Patent appointing any King of Arms to his office^, which, to a certain extent, recies his powers and privileges. Perhaps the most important of all, as to a certain extent defining the right to bear Arms, are the warrants commanding the Visitations. So much for England. Let us now see how matters stand in Scotland. The whole subject is very tersely and pertinently put forward in the " Ordinary of Scottish Arms," from which I am permitted to quote. " The earliest Scottish Armorial in existence is said to have been prepared by or under the superintendence of Sir David Lindsay of the Mount about 1542. It is impossible to say whether it took from the first an official character, but that there must have been some such recognised record before the close of tiie sixteenth century is clear from several references which are made to the Liber insigniorum, or "Book of Arms," in the Acts of the Scottish Parliament at that period. In 1592 an Act was passed authorising the Lyon and his heralds to hold visitations throughout the realm in order to distinguish the Arms of the various noblemen and gentlemen, and ' ihaireftir to matriculat thame in thair buikis and registeris.' It is unfortunate that this permission to make heraldic visita- tions was never largely taken advantage of; had it been, and had the registers indicated in the Act been projierly kept, it is unlikely that the Privy Council would have, within the next forty years, practically authenticated as an official record Sir David Lindsay's MS. above referred to, which they did in the following terms : — " ' This Booke and register of Armes, done by Sir David Lindesay of the Month, Lyone King of Arms, reg. Ja. 5, conteines 106 leaves, which register was approvine be the Lordies of his Majesties Most Honourable Privie Counsale at Halierude hous 9 December 1630. '• ' Sir James Balfour, Lyone. " * Thomas Drvsdaill, Hay Herauld. " ' Register: " " Whatever may have become of the official registers previous to the date of the commencement of the present one, it is certain that many collections of Arms were from to time made, both by the Officers of Arms and others. Sir Robert Forman, Lyon (1555-1567), presented to Queen Mary a roll containing 267 Scottish coats-of-arms. In addition to the 'Workman MS.' now in the Lyon Office, at least four other Armorials belonging to the sixteenth century, and relating to Scot- land, are in existence and were shown at the Heraldic Exhibition held at Edinburgh in 1891, while the seventeenth century collections are comparatively numerous. As time went on, however, the absence of an authentic and official Register of Arms was more and more felt: in 1639 the Com- mittee on Articles appointed the Lyon to do diligence for cognoscing and matriculating all Arms, and to represent the same to the Privy Council, that they might take some course to prevent Arms being assumed irregularly. In 1662 it was apparently found that the registration of Arms was more neglected than ever, though Cromwell had appointed one if not two Lyons during his administration of the Government. By an Act passed in that year it was provided i^Uer alia that "... Consider- ing what disorders and confusions have arisen and are dayly occasioned by the usurpation of Cadents, who against all rules assume to themselffs the armes of the cheeff house of the familie out of which they are descendir, and that other mean persones who can nowayes deryve thair succession from the families whose names they bear, as they have just assimied the name, doe therafier weare the coat of tliat name to which they pretend without any warrand or grund whatsumever, ... no younger brother or caudent of any familie presume to carie the armes of that familie bot with such distinc- tions as shall be given by the Lyon King of Armes ;" and it was likewise provided that all persons were to have their Arms examined and renewed by the Lyon, and inserted m his register. This Act, however, did not remain long in the Statute-Book : considerable dissatisfaction appears to have been created by it, possibly from the amount of the fees which it entitled the Lyon to exact at the funeral solemnities of the nobility and their wives, and it wa«j repealed in the following year, 1663. It is not very clear whether the above-quoted allusion to the Lyon Register can be taken as implying that at that time there was such a record in existence, or whether it merely means that a Register was X Cfjc abuse of acm0 tlien to be commenced. But as the present Register was certainly commenced within the next ten years as new, it may (airly be inferred that no official Register, of Arms, with the exception of Sir David Lindsay's MS. mentioned above as having been approved by the Pnvy Council was in existence at the period of the Restoration. What had become of the old Registers, if such there had been has been a matter of some speculation : both water and fire have been held to be answerable for their destruction. It is by some thought that they may have formed part of that cargo of records ori"inallv carried off to London by Cromwell, and ultimately jettisoned from the frigate Eagle or los^with the ship 'Elizabeth' of Burntisland, when, owing to the representations of the Scottish Parliament, they were being restored to their proper home. On the other hand, Arnot in his History of Edinburgh ' mentions that the Lyon Office Records were burned in a fire which took place about 1670, and that the Act under which the present Register was instituted was in consequence passed shortly afterwards. As, however, there is no mention made of any such fire in that Act, which merely alludes in general terms to the ' many irregularities of these late times,' it can hardly be regarded as authentic history, and it is unnecessary to do more than allude to the causes which have been thought likely to have induced the Scottish Legislature to take the steps they did for the formation of an entirely new Register. It has been shown that an attempt had already been made in 1662 to improve the Registration of Arms, but it had come to nothing. In 1672 the Parliament again addressed themselves to the subject, and this time with success : they had the advantage of a member who was himself well acquainted with Heraldry— Sir George Mackenzie of Rosehaugh— and he not improbably took a special interest in drawing the Act, which took its place on the Statute-Book as the Act of 1672, cap. 47I. It ratified generally the Act of 1592 so far as it related to visitations and the penalties to be inflicted on persons using Arms without authority, and it ordered all persons of whatsoever degree, who were in the habit of using Arms, to give in a description of such Arms and of their lineage, to the Lyon Clerk in order that they might be distinguished with 'congruent differences,' and that the Lyon might enter them in his books and registers, and might grant Arms to 'vertuous and well deserving persones.' The Register now instituted was to be considered as the true and unrepealable rule of all Arms and Bearings in Scotland, and was ordered to remain in the Lyon Office as a public register of the kingdom for all time coming. All persons who used Arms after the expiration of a year and a day from the passing of the Act rendered themselves liable to a fine of one hundred pounds, and the goods on which the Arms were engraved were to be escheat to the king." The Act reads as follows, and I think it better to quote it in full, as it definitely lays down the important point that cadets in Scodand are not entitled to bear the Arms of the head of their family until they have been matriculated to them with a difference : — Copy of the Act concerning the Priviledges of the Office of Lyon King at Armes. 47. Our Soveraigne Lord Considering, that albeit by the 125 Act of the 12 Parlia^ holden by his Maiesties grandfather in the yeir 1592 the usurpation of Armes by any of his Maiesties leidges without the authority of Lyon King of Armes is expresly discharged ; And that in order thereto, Power and Comission is granted to the Lyon King of Armes or his Deputes, to visite the whole Armes of Noble- men, Barrons and GenUemen, & to matriculate the same in their Registers, and to fine in One Hun- dreth pounds, all others who shall unjustlie usurp armes ; As also to Escheit all such goods and geir as shall have unwarrantable Armes ingraven on them. Yet amongst the many irregularities of these late times, very many have assumed to themselvis Armes, who should bear none, and many of these who may in law bear have assumed to themselvis ye Armes of their chieff, without distinctions, or Armes which were not carried by them or their predicessors. Therefor His Maiestie, with advice and consent of his Estates of Parlia' Ratifies and Approves the foresaid Act of Parliament ; And for the more vigorous prosecution thereof Doth hereby Statute and Ordain that lettirs of publication of this present Act be direct to be execute at the mercat cross of the held Burghs of the Shires, Stewartries, Bailliaries of Royalty & Regallitie and Royal Burrowghs chargeing all and sundry Prelates, Noble- men, Barons & Gentlemen who make use of any Armes or Signes armoriall within the space of one yeir aftir the said publication, to bring or send ane account of what armes or Signes armoriall they are accustomed to use ; and whither they be descendants of any familie the Armes of which familie they bear, and of what Brother of the ffamilie they are descended ; With Testificats from persones of Honour, Noblemen or Gentlemen of qualitie anent the Verity of their having and useing those Armes, and of their descent as afoirsd, to be delivered either to the Clerk of the Jurisdiction where the per- sones duells, or to the Lyon Clerk at his office in Edinburgh, at the option of the party, upon their receipts gratis without paying any thing therefore : Which Receipt shall be a sufficient exoneration to them, from being obleidged to produce again, to the effect that the Lyon King of Armes may distin- guish the sds Armes with congruent differences, and may matriculat the same in his Bookes & Regis- ters, and may give Armes to vertuous and well deserving Persones, and Extracts of all Armes, expressing the blasoning of the Arms undir his hand and seall of office : For Which shall be payed Cf)e atuse of atms XI to the Lyon the soume of Tuentie merkes by Every Prelate & Nobleman, and Ten merks by Every Knigh: & Baron, and five merkes by every other persone bearing Armes, and noe more : And his Mat'^ hereby Dispenses with any penalties that may arise be this or any proceiding act for bearing Armes, befor the Proclamation to be issued hereupon. And it is Statute & Ordained with consent forsd that the sd Register shall be respected as the true and unrepeallable rule of all Armes & Bear- ings in Scotland to remain with the Lyons office as a publict Register of the Kingdome, and to be transmitted to his Successors in all tyme comeing : And that whosoevir shall use any other Armes any manner of way, aftir the expireing of year & day from the date of the Proclamation to be issued hereupon in maner forsd shall pay One Hundred pounds money toties quoties to the Lvon, and shall likewise escheat to his Maiestie all the moveable Goods & Geir upon which the fds Armes are engraven, or otherwise represented. And his Maiestie with consent forsd Declaires that it is onlie allowed for Noblemen & Bishopes to subscrive by their titles ; And that all others shall subscrive their Christned names, or the initiall letter thereof with there Sirnames, and may if they please adject the designations of their Lands, prefixing the word Of to the fds designations. And the Lyon King at Armes and his Brethren are required to be carefull of informeing themselvis of the contraveiners heirof, and that they acquaint his Maiesties Councill therewith, who are hereby impowered to punish them as persones disobedient to and contraveiners of the Law. It is likewise hereby Declaired that the Lyon and his Brethren Heraulds are Judges in all such causes concerning the malversation of Messingers in their office, and are to enjoy all other priviledges belonging to their Office which are secured to them by the Lawes of this Kingdome, and according to former practice. Under a strict interpretation of the above Act, this opportunity of " matriculation " of ancient Scottish Arms could be held to have long since lapsed. I am in no way speaking for Lyon, nor do I wish to in any way hamper his discretion, but I believe it to be correct, and consequently it cannot be too widely known that the present Lyon King is by no means averse, if satisfactory evidence can be produced, to still exercise his prerogative and discretion, and matriculate at the present date Arms which can be shown to have been authoritatively borne prior to the passing of the above Act. In Ireland the powers of Ulster King of Arms are best defined by the Patent creating the first Ulster. This can be seen in " Rymer's P'cedara," but most of the powers of Ulster King are recited in the Patent of each successive occupant of the office. Owing to the fact that the records in Ulster's Office are not so complete as is the case in England, Ulster King of Arms has the power in his discretion to confirm Arms which it can be shown have been continuously borne for a certain number of L;enerations (I believe four), even though they may have been previously of no legal authority, and this power is continually exercised ; but as a general, nay, an almost invariable rule, some mark is placed upon the Arms, though usually a very trifling one, to distinguish in the eyes of the learned those Arms borne by virtue of a confirmation from those for which the right has been fully proved. Briefly, then, to sum up, to establish the right to bear Arms in England it is necessary to prove legitimate male descent from some person to whom a grant of Arms has been made, or from some person to whom Arms were confirmed at the Visitations ; in Ireland the same, or else from some person to whose descendants Arms have been confirmed. Failing this, there is no alternative but to obtain a grant of Arms yourself, or, if you be of Irish descent, and can produce the necessary evidence, a confirmation. In Scotland, if you are the heir male of a grantee, or of any one to whom Arms have been matriculated, you are entitled to bear these Arms; if you can only establish a junior descent, you must have the Arms matriculated to yourself, even if it be your father who is the grantee ; if you cannot show any such descent, you must petition for a grant. Now with regard to the bogus display of Arms, there are sins of omission and sins of commission. Very few people indeed claim less than they are entitled to, and the only sin of omission of any consequence is the cool disregard which is paid to the marks of illegitimacy. A person of illegiti- mate birth has assuredly no Arms. Many people will tell you that it is simply a question of placing what they colloquially term the "bar sinister" upon the escutcheon, in exactly the same manner as a second son in England or Ireland may charge his Arms with a crescent, the third with a mullet, the fourth with a martlet, and so on.* But this is not the case at all. He must either do one of two things. He must petition for a grant of Arms, in which case he is under no necessity to disclose his illegitimacy. But he will have an entirely new coat-of-arms granted to him. Or else he must first prove of whom he is the natural son, and then petition for a Royal License to bear the name and Arms of his putative father. If he adopt the latter course, and the Royal License be granted to him, he will find he is permitted to bear the Arms with "due and proper marks of distinction." Now the grant of a perfectly new coat with no mark of illegitimacy, costs exactly the same as the grant of the old one with these "due and proper marks," so that if a man deliberately elects to proclaim his relationship to any family, it is only fair to other and legitimate members of that family that the * The laws of Arms only provide differences for nine sons of the same father. A correspondent wrote to me the other day in good faith, to ask what lus difference would be as the twenty-first surviving son of the same father and mother. I was forced to admit I did not know. I wonder what would bj dons. Xlt C!)e abuse of arin0 manner of his relationship should also be indicated, for his birth cannot be an equivalent of their legitimate descent. . I grant it is through no fault of the man himself, and consequently I refram from givmg any list of those whom I know to be offending in this respect. There are several in the " Peerage," and matters are certainly made easier for them by the fact that these " due and proper marks of distinction " do not always figure upon their Arms therein. This is very unjust to their legitimate relatives, and it is breaking the law of Arms, and is not in keeping with the terms therein recited, upon which the Royal License to bear the name and Arms was conceded to them. And concerning this colloquial term " bar sinister." There cannot possibly be such a thing, for the " bar " in Armory is neither dexter nor sinister. The term is merely a misnomer for " bend sinister." The bend sinister is given in all heraldic books as an ancient mark of illegitimacy ; but it has long since been discarded, and is now never granted on a shield, though a bendlet wavy sinister is some- times, in fact nearly always, placed across the crest. A baton sinister, which is a bendlet sinister couped, is the mark reserved for Royal illegitimates, but it is not universal. I can call to mind at the moment no coat-of-arms correctly in use at the present day upon which the bend sinister occurs save the "ShifTner" coat (which I believe is of foreign origin) and the Burne Jones coat, and in these it does not occur as a mark of illegitimacy ; nor do I know of any coat in use which bears the mark which the laws of Arms are said to provide for the base-born son of a noble woman. I find the mark now in use is not generally known even amongst those who profess to have made some study of Heraldry, and I am only aware of one book in which it is mentioned ; and curiously enough it is not a mark of illegitimacy at all in Scotland : though, knowing its English character, I believe it is a little fought shy of even there. Consequently, as I have not the least desire to make it in any way more difficult for those who have the misfortune to bear it, I have no intention of advertising what it is. The only other sin of omission that I know is the objection some few people have to the double coat consequent upon a double name. For instance, if your name be Jones, and you get Her Majesty's Royal License for yourself and your descendants to bear the additional name of Smith, and to bear the Arms of Smith quarterly with those of Jones, that quarterly Smith-Jones coat becomes one indi- visible coat, and you have no more right to separate it again than you would have to discard half the charges upon a simple coat because you didn't like them. But when we come to the sins of commission, their name is legion. In the first place, by the law of Arms, the right of bearing either crest or motto is denied to a lady. In the olden days a Joan of Arc was a wild exception, and it was universally conceded that no woman was capable of wearing a helmet. The "new woman" may have changed this into a fiction in her crusade against her com- plementary sex. but in the far-off aj^es Amazons, either Christian or Barbarian, were an unheard-of quantity, and the laws of Arms were irrevocably constructed centuries ago. Anyhow the fiction (I daren't call it anything else) did exist, and consequently, as the crest was then an ornament inseparable from the helmet, the right to a feminine display thereof was denied. It is so still. The motto, anciently the "cri-de-guerre" likewise, the shield also. Now the domain of the "ladye-faire" in olden time was at the spinning-wheel — would that it were so still — and the "distaff" was a ])eculiarly feminine ornament and prerogative. The distaff was supi^osed to resemble the heraldic lozenge in form and figure— it does so in some slight degree. Consequently the law of Arms allows a maiden lady to bear the Arms, upon a lozenge, which appear on her father's shield. When left a widow, she impales her late husband's Arms with her father's, and bears that combination upon a lozenge. Now here is another little anomaly. Heraldic law knows no Married Woman's Property Act, and concedes them no "separate estate," and consequently in his lifetime the husband bears the Arms " for his wife," and the impalement takes its place in his shield and under the pro- tection of his helmet. If the wife bean heraldic "heiress" (the exact meaning is explained later on), though he is at liberty still simply to impale the coat if he prefer, the husband is allowed instead to place the Arms of his wife's family upon a small escutcheon in the centre of his own shield, called an "escutcheon of pretence," because through his wife he "pretends" to the repre- sentation of her family. And if the said heiress survives" her husband, she usually places her father's Arms on the same escutcheon in the centre of a lozenge of her husband's Arms. And the "fic- tion " of the feminine non-ownership of Arms is kept up further. Bv the English law of Arms, a " difference" mark is ipso facto provided for the second and all younger sons to place upon their fathers coat-of-arms. There are none for daughters, each bearing exactly the same Arms and differ- ences as the father bore. But the Scottish law, which provides that all younger sons shall have no Arms until a matriculation of their father's with a difference shall have been made to them, allows all the daughters to bear their father's Arms upon a lozenge, and allows the husbands to impale these Arms without further " difference." But the point is that widows and unmarried girls must show that they have no helmet to pro- tect them ; m other words, they must bear their Armorial Insignia upon a lozenge (the same figure as a diamond upon a pack of cards), and they must not use a crest. And now, on the subject of the conjunction of the Arms of man and wife, I will not inflict upon I Cfje at)u$e of atm0 xni you the old heraldic jargon of "baron et femme," but the rule is simply this. First of all find out whether your father-in-law is or was legally entitled to bear Arms. Don't think that because you are entitled to bear Arms anything will do for an impalement, because it won't. Both of them must be irreproachable. Then divide your shield by a straight line down the middle; place the whole of your own Arms on the dexter side,* and place the pronominal coat of your wife's father in the remaining half. This is called "impaling" the two coats. If you are not entitled to Arms yourself, you are not at liberty to take the Arms of your wife's family. Her rights to bear or transmit any Arms or quarterings, whatever they are, become and must remain dormant until such time as you or the descendants of your marriage with her choose to establish a right to Arms in the male line. If you are a knight of any Order having the right to surround your own escutcheon with the ribbon or collar of an Order, you must use two escutcheons. On the one are simply your own Anns so surrounded, and on the other your own Arms impaled with those of your wife's family ; the idea being that your knighthood is personal to yourself, and that you cannot share it with your wife. Just the same, a bishop cannot share his episcopal rank with his wife, and he has to use two escutcheons if his wife be entitled to Arms. The Scottish Anglican bishops and the Irish Anglican bishops created since the disestablishment of the Church in Ireland, and all Roman Catholic bishops, have no Arms for their sees. If a woman be of higher rank than her husband, or possess rank in her own right, she cannot share it with him. For instance, take a peeress in her own right. By right of her heirship, the husband would place the Arms of the family upon an escutcheon of pretence upon his own, and he is allowed to place her coronet above the escutcheon of pretence, but he has no right to her supporters, or to place her coronet above his own escutcheon. Here again two escutcheons must be used, for on the sinister side of his own he must repeat her father's .Arms upon a lozenge, surmounted by her coronet and between her sup- porters. In the same way the husband could not claim a share in a double-headed eagle, if the wife's family were entitled to display Arms upon it. There is one other point. Care must always be taken that the whole pronominal coat of your wife's father be impaled. If he have a double name and a sub-quarterly coat, you must impale the whole of the coat which stands for his surnames. Further, by the Scottish law of Arms you do not become ipso facto entitled to quarter Arms; you are only entitled to bear the coat which has been matriculated to you in Lyon Office. If you want quarterings introduced, you must get a fresh matriculation, and after they are matriculated you cannot drop them without rematriculation ; so that, if you go north of the Tweed for your wife, you must be careful to impale everything that has been matriculated to her father. Now in England the practice is different. I distinctly say it is not tlle;^al or incorrect in the slightest degree, but at the same time it is considered rather " bad form " to impale more than the simple coat which stands for your wife's surname. Your wife's father may be entitled to fifty quarterings, but if the name be Smith, you simply impale the Arms of Smith. The next point is, what constitutes an heiress ? The heraldic meaning of the word is very different from its colloquial usage. Neither land nor money have anything to do with it. An heiress in Heraldry need not possess or transmit the value of one brass farthing. What she must transmit is the representation of her father or her family. If her father have no sons she is an "heiress," or if she have sisters a "co-heiress." If she have brothers she is not an heiress unless or until the issue of these brothers has become extinct. If the brothers die leaving no sons, but leaving daughters, these daughters become the heiresses and not the sister. If the issue of the brothers even- tually becomes absolutely extinct both in the male and female lines, then the sisters (themselves, if alive, or if not in their descendants) become the heiresses, even though the extinction may not occur for hundreds of years. On marrying an "heiress" or "co-heiress," as I have said, a man is allowed, but not required, to place the Arms of her family upon an escutcheon of pretence in the centre of his own, and his children are entitled by the English law to take as quarterings the whole of these Arms and quarterings which their motiier was entitled to transmit, and add them to anything their father may have possessed. Occasionally — but very very seldom — a woman may be an heiress to her motiier but not her father, or vice versa, and in these cases special rule^ app'y- l^y Scottish law, if you inherit quarterings you must get them matriculated to yourself before using them. The English law does not make the registering of them compulsory, but apart from the desirability of perpetuating evidence, it is always advisable to submit your claim to the ofificers of the College, and get your right adjudicated upon and recorded and allowed before assuming quarterings ; so very often some or all require careful investigation, and, speaking advisedly, so few people, even amongst those w ho have made a study of Armory, know how to marshal them correctly. But two points I would draw special attention to are these : No woman is an heiress until the death of her father. There is always the possibility of his marrying again and having sons, so that until your father-in-law is dead you are only at liberty to " impale." • This is another heraldic fiction. You are always supposed to look at a shield from behind, so that the dexter half is really the half upon your left-hand side, as you look at a shield in the ordinary way. XIV C6e Zbim of arms You do not necessarily quarter your mother's Arms. Find out if she be an heiress. And even if your mother be an heiress, and her mother an heiress as well, you cannot quarter the Arms of your grandmother's family until you have proved that your mother's father was a/so entided to Arms. One faulty coat invalidates everything that comes a//er ir. So that, before you draw up wonderful schemes of quarterings, find out if all the coats will hold water. Quarterings seem to be an especial weakness of some peopie. I had a claim to nearly loo sent up to me not long ago along with a claim to a dormant Baronetcy. Even the very first coat could not be substantiated. But some families are undoubtedly entitled to a very great number. The Lnne-Kox family haA-e proved 136, and Sir Lambton Loraine's children will have very nearly as many, and I fancy so would Sir Humphrey de Trafford if he went to the trouble of proving them. I am told that the Duke of Northumberland is entitled to over 500, but I doubt it. Anyhow, at the Heralds' College, I believe, the record is held bv the family of Lloyd of Stockton, who have proved and recorded 323. Now a word or two about crests. At the publication of my edition of " Fairbairn's Book ot Crests," one of my reviewers gave himself away at the very commencement of a long and very appreciative review, by the remark that the book " would commend itself to those who, whilst not aspiring to the dignity of a coat-of-arms, rightly thought themselves entitled to something more than a mere monogram, and so laid claim to possessing a crest." With all due deference to the aforesaid gentleman, such an idea is utteriy wrong. At the present moment, though there is many a coat without a crest, I believe I am correct in saying, there is not a single crest legally in existence that is not part of a complete achievement. I am afraid the abominable advertisement so familiar to our eyes, " What is your crest and what is your motto?" &c., is much to blame for this very erroneous idea. At the beginning of Armory the crest was an extra distinction — much the same as supporters are at the present day — and the old Heraldry books allude to a time when none below the rank of a knight were entitled to display a crest. Consequently many of the really old coats have no crest belonging thereto, and it can generally be shown that amongst ancient families the crest is of more recent date than the Arms. One exception, and only one, have I come across, and, though I have mentioned the matter to several Officers of Arms, I can learn of no other. This is the Buckworth crest — one of the two belonging to Sir Charles Buckworth-Herne-Soame, Baronet. The Arms were exhibited at the time of the Visitations, and though the crest was passed the Arms were not, but the Arms were rectified at a later date. That is the only case I know. So may I impress the fact that you cannot have a crest unless you are legally entitled to a coat- of-arms. Another abuse with regard to crests is the promiscuous bearing of two, three, four, or five crests. I have never seen more than five in England. The law in the United Kingdom is that you can, in the ordinary matter of course, only possess one. Probably the abuse has crept in with the craze for double surnames. If you obtain a Royal License to bear a double or treble surname, you probably acquire the right — but such right only in accordance with the terms of the Royal License — to bear one crest for each surname ; or even if you change your name, and yet obtain permission to quarter the Arms for the new and the old surname, you would be entitled to two ; but if your Royal License distinctly state that you shall bear the new name and Arms " in lieu of" the old one, then you have only the right to the one. If you want the two, you should take care the terras of the petition make provision for that. The late Duke of Buckingham and Chandos had five, but he had five surnames (Temple-Nugent-Brydges-Chandos-Grenville) ; and I know of no greater number legitimately used in the United Kingdom. Of course, there are exceptions. When a family obtain a grant of Arms, and then subsequently prove their right to an older grant, they become entitled to both coats and both crests ; but this does not apply to two or three matriculations in Scotland. The last matriculation supersedes everything of a previous date. Duplicate crests often occur through one being a crest of augmentation, as in the cases of Lord Combermere, Lord Gough, Lord Nelson, and many others. There are some few instances where additional crests have been granted without being crests of augmentation ; but this is very exceptional. Lord Garvagh, Lord Bute, and Lord Camden are cases I can call to mind. One of the funniest mistakes with regard to a crest that I have ever seen is made by Lord Cal- thorpe. His surname is Gough-Calthorpe, and he has two crests— i. a boar's head couped below the neck azure (for Calthorpe) ; 2. a boar's head couped dose argent, pierced through the cheek with a broken spear gules (for Gough). But the crest he uses is described : " A boar's head and supporters, two savages wreathed about the loins and each holding in the exterior hand a club proper." These supporters are, of course, simply the proper supporters for his coat-of-arms, and appertaining to his •■ Peerage"; yet this hybrid mixture is what is used. I confess I personally have no great objection to seeing a crest placed upon a wreath, and without a helmet; but of late an idea seems to have gained currency, and certainly with a good deal of reason, that as the crest is purely an ornament to surmount the helmet, it is unwarranted or even wrong to separate them or to depict a crest alone That IS one of these "nice" points capable of a good deal of argument; but a book-plate in my I 1 Cf)e abuse of atm0 XV possession shows a Knight's helmet (of degree) in the fesse point of the escutcheon. I confess to having been much amused by a brougham I have frequently seen of late. The said brougham, which from its striped appearance is easily recognised, has for its Armorial decoration a helmet and a crest ; but for some utterly inscrutable reason these are detached, and are placed side by side. But, as a curiosity, I can beat even this. I saw a carriage in the Park recently, which, from the monogram of the letters T. G., and the shield bearing "three escallops on a chief" (I forget the tinctures employed), I presume belongs to somebody of the name of Graham. The peculiarity in this case consisted of the fact that the said monogram was placed, in the manner and after the fashion of a crest, upon a wreath above the escutcheon. Another point with regard to crests that is plainly an abuse is the encircling of them (and coats- of-arms as well for the matter of that) with Garters, or with ribbons, whether bearing mottoes or not. This is a privilege confined, and very strictly, to Knights of the various Orders, it not even being conceded to Companions. Consequently an ordinary individual is very wrong in adorning his achievement in this manner. Even if the motto upon the Garter be changed, it can only be said to slightly lessen the offence. Yet there are several families legitimately possessing mottoes employed by one or other of the Orders. And, as to another little weakness, if your crest should legally be borne upon a wreath, for goodness' sake don't place it upon a chapeau, or issuing from a coronet. In England the College of Arms disclaim all jurisdiction over mottoes. If it is wished, any motto, to which no objection offers, is painted below the emblazonment in the margin of a Patent, but, save in rare instances, it is not mentioned in the wording, and forms no part ot the grant, and it is a comparatively modern innovation for it to be inserted even in the painting ; so that the rule for those people who come within the jurisdiction of the Heralds' College is this, that unless the motto is specially mentioned in the wording of the Patent, or unless it be charged upon the shield itself, or in some way attached to and forming a constituent part of the crest, any motto may be assumed, altered, or discarded at the pleasure of the wearer. As far as the laws of the College are concerned, you can quote a psalm or a scene out of Shakespeare in your escroll if it so please you. And you are at liberty to place your motto where you like, — above your crest, below the arms, or in any other position in which you can find room for it, though custom appears to rule that it shall find its place under the shield. In Scotland the law is diametrically the opposite. The mottoes are always mentioned in the Patents of grant or matriculation, and are unchangeable ; and more- over their position is stated, and must be adhered to. It is usually over the crest. Book-plate designers might take a note of this fact. In Ireland the position is about half way between these two extremes, inasmuch as if a motto be recorded with your coat you are expected to make use of that particular one. As to supporters, though there is a good deal of abuse concerning their usage, there is no definite rule that can be laid down. Ulster and Lyon Kings have absolute power to grant supporters to whomsoever they will. But little advantage has been taken of this power in Ireland, and practi- cally the same rules hold good as obtain in England. Moreover, the present Eyon King of Arms, I believe, considers it well to keep within these same bounds in the case of new grants. But former Lyons thought nothing of the kind, and granted them to all and sundry who would pay the fees, and some number of English Baronets went to the trouble and expense of obtaining grants of supporters in Lyon Office. These grants, of course, were ultra vires. AH chiefs of clans and heads of families claimed the right, and it was usually conceded to them if they cared to pay ; so that north of the Tweed the only rule that can be quoted is that no one is entitled to them unless they are matriculated in Lyon Office, and the larger half of them are not. I hope before long to publish a list of those who are. In England the law is very straightforward, granted — and their successors or not, according to make use of them. And such grants are only issued to Peers, Knights of the Garter, Thistle, and St. Patrick,* and Knights Grand Cross of the other Orders, unless the grant be made as an augmentation or otherwise, pursuant to a warrant from the Sovereign. Sujiporters granted to a Peer usually are limited to those upon whom the title shall descend, likewise those granted by Royal Warrant to Baronets, e.g.., Guise, Otway, Guinness. Supporters granted to a Knight Grand , Cross are personal to himself And I would point out that supporters granted to a Knight Grand Cross who is subsequently created a Peer, do not descend with the Peerage, unless a new grant with extended limitation be issued; and to my knowledge more than twenty Peers and Baronets have not the ghost of a right to the supporters they display. And there are a good many Knights Grand Cross who use supporters without having obtained the right — in other words, have simply invented them for themselves. * For a long time these Orders have been confined to Peers, and the Garter to those of the rank of Earl and upwards ; but formerly, when they were open to commoners, they carried the privilege of the right to obtain supporters, as did the Order of the Bath before it was divided into classes. Only those people to whom they have been the limitations of the Patent — are entitled to xvi Cijc abuse of 3rms Another point is tliat it is utterly illegal for heirs-apparent to Peerages, even though bearing courtesy titles, to assume either a coronet or supporters, and yet nearly every one of them do. 1 would commend to the notice of all offenders on this point the clauses in the Patents confining the ri-.'ht to use the supporters to "those upon whom the Peerage shall descend." No Peeress, after a second marriage, is entitled to continue to use the coronet and supporters of her first husband, and in fact any woman, after a second marriage, has entirely forfeited her privilege of using anything Armorial pertaining to her first marriage. Every week sees mural tablets erected with Arms wrongly emblazoned, with quarterings wrongly marshalled, often the whole achievement utterly unauthorised, and these remain, and are intended to remain, lasting memorials — to the unwary — of the glory and fancied relationships of the person com- memorated, but to the wary of his bogus pretensions. A well-known Member of Parliament, speaking to me upon the subject, j)ut forward an argument why he should continue to use the Arms he was doing, and not drop them, as I recommended. Pie bears the name, with a different spelling, of one of the oldest if not the oldest family in England, and used their Arms without the pretence of a difference. He has been at some trouble in buying property which at one time or another has be- longed to members of that family ; but he has not a shred of evidence beyond his name to put forward towards a descent from them. His generosity is well known, but it was in no spirit of boastfulness that he told me that he had helped to restore and given stained glass windows to thirty different churches, and that every window bore in some manner or other the coat he had been using. Now, livinJf^e;^^r^e r - right to bear Arms ^Iajes^vXee„ Elizabeth The A™.""^™""''°" ^'^"""^ ''''" "' ^ '^P"'^' "'^* °f &™ur by Her ago n which the Roval Arm^ nf Vr.,.. ^ ^ . ' °"' ^ book-plate was sent me not bng land second and th?d TW belonged .of '^''^''''f,^''' ^"^ fourth with the Royal coat of Scot^ was one of the crests ^ ^''''°" °^ '^' """^' °^ ^^^S^' ^"d the Royal " dolphin " book'o;H:rX'' wth^ifded^^^^^^^^ T''''^\ ^"^?"^ '^''' ^ ^^'^ - ^^ " Hand- Crampton, in Washington a carrStwhir^K^- ?".""= S^ residence of our Ambassador, Mr. to be repaired, sle t°me af'eSs of M ' r °"°^^' ^'^'^^ ^"°^'"^ ^^^^ ^^"^ ^° ^ carnage-builder's see seveial ^^^V, su^,.eZn":; eTch^a'^rSrhirAfm? ? ^''. ''T'' ""' ^^ '^'^'''^'^ '' attendant and, direciin- his notice to fvl" ^ ^ ^^^^.^- ^"^ astonishment he turned to the n, notice to the carnages in question, inquired if they were built for him. I Clje atjuse of Hrmief XVI I "I reckon not, sir," was the reply; "you see when your carriage was here some of our citizens admired the pattern of your Arms, and concluded to have them painted on their carriages too ! " But if a tale which was once told to me be correct, I think I can go even one better than that. A Yankee — or perhaps I should say an American, for that is all that can be guaranteed — called one day at a noted coachbuilder's. At the time of his visit a state carriage of the Duke of St. Alban's happened to be there for some trifling repairs, and the "stranger" admired it greatly, and particularly its heraldic adornments. He asked whose it was, and was told. " And is that his coat-of-arms ? " " Yes." He " reckoned it was mighty fine," and left. And the end of the story is that, until quite recently, a carriage was to be seen occasionally in New York with the coat, crest, coronet, supporters, and Garter of the Duke, and with the " baton sinister " and all. But what cati you expect of a country where nobody can say definitely what the National Arms are really intended to be, and where they are popularly supposed to be governed by a clause with a "shifting limitation " of blazon ? A coat-of-arms reached me not long ago which, from certain peculiarities, I at once recognised as a modern grant. Over all appeared the undoubted mark of illegitimacy. The coat was only granted in 1843 to some one to whom a Royal License had been issued to take the same name as that of ray correspondent, who had been thus guilelessly labelling himself a bastard. Not the least relationship existed. I have yet to learn where he picked up the Arms. This is a good example towards my argument all along, which is to make sure you are really entitled to the Arms you carry. Perhaps some people sin through ignorance ; but I know many people are perfectly well aware of what they are doing, and one can but suppose they simply trust to the general ignorance of the subject to escape detection. But having regard to those who are sinning through lack of knowledge, it is a pertinent inquiry as to how they have drifted into the ranks of the offenders. The first people to get blamed by the outer world are, of course, the official heralds. People like " Guy le Vieux " {vide letters in the Globe), probably simply because their own Arms have failed to pass muster, go about seeking whose credulity they may devour, and loudly proclaiming that the King, who is above tiie Heralds' College, granted Arms which are not recorded there ; or that the heralds at their visitations omitted to record this coat or the other coat. And you may, as I have done, hear tales about families who have continuously since the twelfth century borne Arms which have never been recorded in the College of Arms. It is, of course, impossible to say that any hypothetical case cannot exist, but I have never known one proved ; nor can I come across any one having the least real knowledge of Heraldry who believed in these tales; for they all, when examined, prove to be a tissue of impossibilities, improbabilities, and untruths. It is just possible one or two isolated cases of the kind might exist in the Channel Islands, and undoubtedly unregistered Arms have for a long time been borne in some cases in Scotland and Ireland, but the law of the land — not any law of the Offices of Arms — has distinctly declared these to be illegal, and that puts an end to any argument. Jlut as to England pro[)er, one can be very safe in saying that no such cases exist. One often hears the remark, " Oh, but anybody can have a coat-of-arms by paying for it." A more mistaken idea could not exist, as a good many people might find on petitioning the Earl Marshal for a grant. But, though I have heard this remark often, I have never once heard it come from the lips of any one who was undoubtedly Armigerous, either of new or old gentility. Consequently, if other people may judge from my experience, whenever that remark is made you can be pretty certain of — well, the deduction is fairly obvious. A gentleman with whom I have come in contact has shown me a seal which was engraved for him for some very small sum. When he was quite a boy he was persuaded by some itinerant vendor wiio carried a small book of illustrations in his pocket, and went the round of commercial offices, that that was the crest he was entitled to use. That is certainly one way of supplying Armorial hankerings. And jewellers and seal-engravers carefully foster the very erroneous idea that all people of the same name are entitled to the same Arms. Because your name be Smith you are not neces- sarily a relative of Lord Carrington, nor is every Mr. Jones a relative of the late Lord Ranelagh. Because your mother's name was Howard, you need not as a matter of course be a relative of the Duke of Norfolk, and entitled to quarter his coat with his augmentation ; neither is every person rejoicing in the name of Robinson at liberty to take and use Lord Rokeby's coat-of-arms. Arms lielong to the grantee and his descendants, and such others as may be mentioned in the Patent, and not to everybody else of his name in tlie world. It is the fashion just at present to abuse the late Sir Bernard Burke's publications. They might have been a little more accurate certainly, but I don't think they have done quite the harm that some people would debit them with, and they have certainly done a great deal of good by keeping alive the interest in long descent, and it is still accounted "something" to have one's family included in the " Landed Gentry." But the real harm lies with these advertising heraldic shopkeepers. The general public think that a search with them is precisely the same as a search through the official records. All these shop- xviii Cfje aijuse of ^vm0 keei)ers do is to take down Burke's " C.eneral Armory," and, if your name be a common one, pick out the one amongst the different coats which is located nearest to the address you gave of your earUest known ancestor. One of this shopkeeping fraternity, on being appHed to for a " correct coat," with a good deal of ingenuousness replied to his correspondent that there were several different coats for his name, and he could take his choice. One that was indicated seemed to be the oldest, and he advised that. A certain well-known character had a presentation made to him, and an almost equally well-known purveyor was asked to supply a coat-of-arms to occupy a prominent position upon the gift. I may as well say at once that the coat and crest he supplied did not belong to each other, and neither belonged to the gentleman in question, or ever had belonged to anybody of his name. But that appears to have been merely a detail. Some rather strong remarks I had made upon the use of the coat came to the ears of its purveyor, and one day a tall, middle-aged military-looking personage walked into my room, and placed a card upon the table. It was very dirty, which may have been the reason the individual took it away with him again when he left. It bore the name of the noted heraldic purveyor in question ; and during our interview my visitor spoke vigorously with regard to what had been said. The Arms over which the dispute had arisen, according to the first account I heard, were erected upon a brass in a certain church in a small village in Derbyshire, which bore a date in the seventeenth century. A solicitor's letter, threatening a hbel action, was the next act in the farce; but I had meanwhile taken the trouble of writing to the clergyman of the church mentioned. He assured me there was no such brass in existence, the church mentioned having been only built about twenty years ago. I pointed this out to the purveyor, and he promptly gave another origin for the coat, which was quite as ridiculous, namely, that it had been recorded in his books for some con- siderable length of time. In my preface to the revised edition of " Fairbairn," I said : " There is no such thing as the ' prescriptive right to Arms,* as to which one heraldic shopkeeper with whom I have come in contact talks glibly ; it exists solely in his conversation. Others of his persuasion have other little plausibiUties equally corrupt which they bring into prominence. And it is a fairly safe plan to pursue to reject as bogus all Arms and crests which boast no other origin than the heraldic stationer, who, for a trifling fee, professes, on receipt of ' name and county,' to find Armorial Bearings for any applicant. During the revision of this volume, I have had a very great number of ' certificates ' from such places sent up to me for insertion. To my own mind that alone was sufficient evidence against their authen- ticity ; but for fear they might be right, I have had each one formally examined as it reached me by the proper authorities, and in no solitary instance have the Arms of right pertained to those one was led to believe from the certificate were the possessors, and in most cases the Arms themselves, apart from the question of ownership, were wrong in detail or some technicality." In the two years which have elapsed since the book was published, I have had no reason what- soever to in any way alter this opinion. The majority of these certificates nearly all come from the same purveyor I refer to above. He is evidently not ashamed of his profession, for he stamps his name upon the back with an india^rubber stamp. I am always much amused when these paintings reach me with this name carefully scratched out But the handwriting I can always recognise. "It has been asserted that 'he who careth not whence he come careth not whither he goeth.' This is rather a bold statement to put forth, and, like many other trite aphorisms, one probably in which truth and strict propriety are sacrificed to epigrammatic force. Be this as it may, indifference as to the origin of their family is really felt by few, for the pride of ancestry seems to be innate in nearly every one \ those only affect to despise it who are ignorant of their descent, and can lay claim to no hereditary insignia of honour, practically expressing the sentiment of Montaigne, ' If we cannot attain to greatness ourselves, let us have our revenge by railing at it in others.' " But the age we live in would have us learn, or else accept from its lips as an incontrovertible fact, that all men are equal. The parsons tell us so from the pulpit ; the newspapers flaunt it before our eyes ; it is shouted from the housetops ; it is screamed aloud in Hyde Park. It is a wild inaccuracy, a chimerical ideal if you like ; but for all that, an utter falsehood, magnificent alone in its conception and extent. There always has been, and there always will be, an aristocracy of some sort in this world — and mayhap there will be in the next. But on this earth there must be an aristocracy. The alternatives are few, of birth, of riches, of intellect, or of physique ; and the two last are summed up in the first. The aristocracv of physique IS the origm of the aristocracy of birth, and the aristocracy of intellect is its outcome, 'it is no rash statement. The University Racing Crews are the summit of the perfection of their moment, and the " 'Varsity teams" can give points to others, even though the former are amateurs; the poets and artists, by a stnkmg majority, come from the upper classes ; and the statesmen who have governed England and Europe have not been drawn from the working millions ; the men who have built up this Empire of ours have come from the patricians ; and those who have pulled down la belle France are her ple- beians. And the aristocracy of physique is still that of birth, as is the aristocracy of beauty. There d CJje ^bUH of atm0 XIX is a certain Duchess, a certain Marchioness, and a certain Countess whose photographs can any day be seen in the shop-windows. Put them side by side with any professional beauty you can think of, and your task of comparison is easy enough, for there can hardly be much comparison. Take a dozen men at random, about whose birth there can be no question, and "pick" a dozen men from a Tower Hill " equality meeting " — let Poole and Truefit have carte-blanche with the latter — and the difference between the two sets will still be apparent. There may be brilliant exceptions : a plebeian may be better educated, handsomer, better built, far cleverer, and yet he will lack something his patrician rival possesses, something he would give all his other qualities for ; he lacks the cachet of birth. And out of these very exceptions can be brought another argument. Heredity ofttimes " harks back," and the odds are great that this exception can be proved, if the facts can only be ascertained, to possess (even though it be but left-handedly) some patrician ancestor. And for the moment only conceding the popularly accepted definition of the word, what is the percentage of " gentlemen " who figure in the lists of the criminal ? Money will do much, and the nineteenth century is lamented by some as being governed by an aristocracy of wealth. But money cannot jjurchase real ancestry, which is still the only entree to some doors, the only passport to some coveted ends. You will hear the Socialist, "standing afar off" (who will not lift up so much as his eyes unto the unattainable), say he sets no store thereon. We none of us covet the moon ; we know we cannot have it. But help him to set his foot firmly on the first rung of the social ladder, and then watch his rise and his concurrently ascending desires and ambiuons — Tradesman, Churchwarden, Guardian of the Poor, Town Councillor, Alderman, Member of Parliament, and Knight Bachelor, and then he or his wife will fish as eagerly as any one else for invitations to aristocratic houses. Strange, is it not, how opportunities alter opinions. But aristocracy in England has of reality been of birth since man knoweth not when. Many systems of enumeration produce a multitude of terms to suit their requirements; but until these degenerate days there was one plain line of demarcation, and even yet it is accounted some- thing to be a "gentleman." But no word has ever been more abused, no word is less understood. No doubt the confusion between the words "gentlemanly" and "gentlemanlike" and the title " gentleman " is at the bottom of it, and the abuse of the word " Esquire " has helped. But when the idea "that kind hearts are more than coronets" is rammed down one's throat, the ideal of the gentle- man must suffer. We teach boys their manners, and exhort them to be gentlemen, when they have nothing to do with it. They are or are not gentlemen already. If they are not, the most that can be done is to teach them to be men, and gentlemanlike ; if they are, show them how and why and in what way they are better than others, teach them that they are — as they are — of another caste — and then, noblesse oblige. And I would remind those with the sneer ready to their lips that Arms are a mere matter of payment of fees, that it is not so, and, moreover, that there are degrees of gentility. A grant of Arms, which is a concession of grace by the Sovereign, is a Patent of Gentility from the Crown, from which is all honour, and the fees which have to be paid are not the price of it to you, but are the cost to the Crown of the concession which is made to you, and which cost you are required to defray. The right to coat-armour is the proof of gentility. Tiie grantee of Arms is simply a gentleman by Patent, as the first holder of the lesser nobility of that creation in precisely the same manner as the first Peer is a Peer by Patent, and the first holder of the greater nobility of his creation. But the anomaly in England is that a Peer need not necessarily be a gentleman, and some are not The Crown only can take away a man's gentility, and in the ordinary way a man can forfeit it by nothing he does, though the remark was true that " it is a pity some gentlemen are such blackguards." The right to the tide of "gentleman" as yet is not provided gratis in the Board Schools; it is still a privilege to acquire it by the concession of the Crown. Everybody cannot be of ancient lineage and high degree, we are not all of us of " the caste of Vere de Vere," but granted a certain amount of education and refinement, the desire to rank and be considered as "gentle" is almost universal. Therefore let no unauthorised pretence be made by the usurpation of the signs of another's gentility. The start must be made some time, and if you have the misfortune to have been your- self born ignobilis, make the effort that your sons shall be gentlemen, your grandsons gentlemen of birth, your great-grandsons gentlemen of ancestry, and your great-great-grandsons gentlemen of blood. The Continental test of the perfection of blood — the proof of " Seize quartiers " — has never been required in England, and though many glibly boast of it, but few indeed can prove it. It has nothing to do with the quarterings you bear, and the fact of the proof thereof by the father does not consti- tute the right of the son. In England men mate with whom they will, and a woman even socially is accepted as of her husband's rank, unless the discrepancy be too egregious and apparent ; and this is the English stumbling-block to proofs of " Seize quartiers." XX C6e atJUiffe of arms To establish a proof of this you must show that all Ugally entitled to bear Arms. In other words, you must your sixteen great-great-grandparents were show this right to have existed for Self. Your Your Your Your Your Your Your Your Your Your Your Your Your 14. Your 15. Your 16. Your I. 2. 3- 4- 5- 6. 7- 8. 9- ID. II. 12. 13 Parents. Father's Father's Father's Father's Father's Father's Father's Father's Mother's Mother's Mother's Mother's Mother's Mother's Mother's Mother's Grand- parents. Father's Father's Father's Father's Mother's Mother's Mother's Mother's Father's Father's Father's Father's Mother's Mother's Mother's Mother's Gt.-grand- parents. Father's Father's Mother's Mother's Father's Father's Mother's Mother's Father's Father's Mother's Mother's Father's Father's Mother's Mother's Gt.-gt.-giand- parents. Father. Mother. Father. Mother. Father. Mother. Father. Mother. Father. Mother. Father. Mother. Father. Mother. Father. Mother. And then we turn to the abuse of the word "Esquire." It has been termed by one writer as a description of a state (e.g., widow and widowhood), and not a title. But whichever it is matters little, for the right to the affix of Esquire is clearly defined. Neither usage and custom nor use and abuse can now alter the legal right to this description. There have, in times past, been other qualifications (for instance, anciently Esquires were created by Patent) which have become obsolete, but by the qualifications still existing Esquires are these — The sons of Peers. The sons of Baronets. The sons of Knights. The eldest sons of the younger sons of Peers, and their eldest sons in perpetuity. The eldest son of the eldest son of a Knight, and his eldest son in perpetuity. The Kings of Arms. The Heralds of Arms. Officers of the Army and Navy of the rank of Captain and upwards. Sheriffs of Counties, for Life. J.P.'s of Counties whilst in Commission. Serjeants-at-Law. Queen's Counsel. Serjeants-at-Arms. Companions of the Orders of Knighthood. Certain principal Officers in the Queen's Household. l^eputy- Lieutenants. Commissioners of the Court of Bankruptcy. Masters of the Supreme Court. Those whom the Queen, in any Commission or Warrant, styles Esquire [and amongst these are Royal Academicians], and any person who, in virtue of his Office, takes precedence of Esquires. Graduates of universities, as such, are not Esquires, and barristers-at-law, as such, are not Esquires. A judge once ruled certain documents "out of order" because a barrister was not described therein as an Esquire, and this is continually being quoted to me as "proof-positive" that they are so. But he might just as well have said that all barristers must be described as Earls or as Dukes. Such a remark would be no more xiltra vires than the one actually made was. Touching the subject of liveries, I say frankly at once that there is no law, heraldic or otherwise, to govern their choice or design. But, in the absence of any law, a very definite usage has sprung up, so universal and long-established in its character, and so generally recognised, that I may doubtless be pardoned if I draw attention to it. This custom is that the colours of the livery shall be determined by the tinctures of the wreath ■ — in other words, by the principal colour and the principal metal occurring in the coat-of-arms, which Cf)c abuse of atm0 XXI are known as the livery colours. In all Scottish Patents the phrase will be found, "and upon a wreath of his liveries is set for a crest," &c. The exceptions are so few that the rule may be briefly understood by saying that these must be the iirst metal and the first colour which occur in the official blazon. Whatever is the field of the coat-of-arms, whether it be colour or metal, determines the pre- dominant colour of the livery, thus — mm Sable wou/d give black. Gules would give red. Vert „ green. Or „ yellow Azure ,, blue. Argent „ white. Purpure ,, purple or mulberry colour. A yellow or a white livery few people in this uncertain climate, and in these days of aesthetic colours and half-tones, have the courage to make use of save for State or full-dress occasions, and foi ordinary usage dark drab for the former or light drab for the latter are generally used in their stead. Scarlet is the Royal livery, and is barred to all others (with the exception of the few who are privileged to make use of the royal stables, and, I believe, of the Duke of Norfolk as hereditary Earl Marshal), consequently, if the field of your Arms be gules {i.e., scarlet), your red for livery purposes must be claret colour or chocolate colour. If your livery be black, you have but little opportunity for personal taste in the selection of tint, but with blue and green you may choose a shade as brilliant or as retiring as seems good to your own particular taste. The second colour governs that of the facings, and in the matter of facings yellow and white for gold and silver and scarlet keep their original colours. And it is in the matter of facings that the opportunity occurs for "taste" and ingenuity. The great majority of people for undress purposes make the collars and cuffs of the second tincture, or " pipe " the garments with that colour. The waistcoat for undress purposes is usually of a material of narrow stripes of the two colours. A craze lately seems to be gaining ground to make use of scarlet waistcoats. This is decidedly an infringe- ment of the royal livery, and doubtless arises from the fact that this forms a part of the undress livery at Marlborough House. Their Royal. Highnesses the Prince and Princess of Wales have to submit to a good deal of imitation, but things have passed far beyond the bounds of that " sincerest form of flattery" when their liveries are duplicated throughout the land. Their would-be disciples might just as well assume the plume of feathers encircled by the coronet of the Prince. If the hatband be other than of black it should be of the metal in the wreath. The buttons, if they are of metal, should also be governed by the same rule. Dress and State liveries, from their less frequent assumption, are not so subject to the vagaries of mind of the country or second-class tailor, consequently custom and usage with regard to them are fairly regular. The coat is usually in accordance with the field, the facings and ornamentation governed by the secondary colour or metal, as are the breeches and occasionally the stockings. The garters and shoe-buckles follow the rules I mention above for metal buttons. The waistcoat is some- times one and sometimes the other, most frequently being the same as the coat If a third colour appear in the Arms, this is sometimes introduced in the facings, and the undress waistcoat is then striped of the three ; but I think it undesirable, though it is not incorrect. The following examples of the liveries which should pertain to the Arms I mention will show how the colours are applied : — Suppose the Arms to be vert (the field), a saltire argent, the livery would be — Undress — Green coat and overcoat, with white collar and cuffs, facings, piping, or white or silver braid or lace, silver buttons and hatband, green and white striped waistcoat. Dress — Green coat, with silver lace or braid, or white facings — waistcoat the same — white breeches and stockings, silver buttons, garters and buckles. Suppose the Arms to be or, an eagle displayed sable — C/wrt'rm— Dark drab coat and overcoat, with black collar and cuffs, facings, piping, braid or lace, gold buttons and hatband, black and yellow striped waistcoat. Dress — Yellow coat and waistcoat, with black lace braid or facings, black breeches and stockings, gold buttons, garters and buckles. Suppose the Arms to be gules, a lion rampant or — Ufidress. — Claret-colour coat and overcoat, with yellow collar and cuffs, or gold or yellow facings, piping, braid or lace, gold buttons and hatband, black and yellow striped waistcoat. Dress.— C\daQ\.-co\om coat and waistcoat, with gold or yellow lace, braid or facings, yellow breeches and stockings, gold buttons, garters and buckles. If any one, from a lack of heraldic knowledge or any other reason, cares to write to me upon the subject, 1 shall have very great pleasure in pointing out what colours should be made use of in the designing of liveries. If you have no coat-of-arms, it cannot be said to be wrong to assume any colour you may c xxii Cfte atiusc of ^rm0 choose ; but it might be pointed out that the colour brown, wliich seems to be rather a favourite, is not approximated to any heraldic tincture. With a double name or a quarterly coat you take the colours from the first quarter of your Arms, disregarding all others. If a fur occurs in one or other of the principal colour and metal of your Arms, you take the colour of its ground, thus — Ermine is treated as white. Erminites is treated as while. Erminois is treated as gold, Pean and ermines is treated as black. If the field of your Arms is vair, your livery colours are blue and white, and you are at liberty to treat whichever you prefer as the dominant colour. If your field be vaire, you take in the same manner the colours of which the fur is composed. If the field be of a metal or colour, and the principal charge be vair or vair^e, the dominant colour of your livery is in accordance with the field, and you take either colour or metal, whichever you may want, from the fur. If through a change of name you become an accredited representative of a different family, and the first quarter in your coat-of-arms is altered, your livery ought certainly to change as well. If you have been using a livery and have no desire to alter it, and subsequently obtain a grant of Arms, I think it would be found, if the wish were expressed, that in designing the new coat the Officers of Arms would, if possible, so arrange it that the old livery continued to be correct. The colours of carriages and of the upholstering is simply a matter of taste, and it is nothing more than artistic preference and a desire for uniformity — but a very general preference, by the way — which makes them in accordance with the liveries. In actual practice the metal of the harness and harness ornaments will usually follow the rules which decide the metal of the buttons. There is a very pretty custom in vogue at the moment of placing knots of ribbon or coloured leathers at the heads of horses. These should, of course, follow the two livery colours. From liveries to cockades is no great step, and the abuse of this ornament — for such it assuredly is — is greater than the abuse of Arms. As to this, again, there are no laws in existence, but the custom which has regulated their usage is much more emphatic and pronounced than in the case of liveries, and the observance of which at the same time is more widely recognised and exacted. The cockade originated in the " brooch," if I may so term it, or fastening of the old three- cornered hats. The black cockade of the present time is generally known as the " black cockade of Hanover," and its usage upon the hats of liveried servants dates from about the time of the Hano- verian succession. One hears about the white cockade of the Stuarts, but I am inclined to think it originated in contradistinction to the black cockade of Hanover, and I fancy has a greater existence in poetry and romantic chivalry than it ever had in actual life. It is doubtful if it had anything beyond an actual military existence. The cockade is purely a. fighting badge, so that it is essentially ridiculous for civilians or ladies to pretend to it. There are two shapes at present in general usage; the most usual is the one surmounted with a fan-shaped ornament. This is the military cockade. The oval shape, without the fan, is iht naval one. The right to the military cockade is universally conceded to all officers holding commissions in the Army, Militia, or Volunteers ; and, by virtue of their military capacity, to Lord-Lieutenants and Deputy-Lieutenants ; and for the same reason, to High Sheriffs during their year of office. The right to the naval one is conceded to officers holding commissions in the Navy or Royal Naval Reserve. It is a moot point whether ex-officers, when no longer holding their com- missions, are still entitled to make use of it. In my opinion, it should be conceded, at any rate, to those who receive permission to continue to wear their uniform ; but I cannot substantiate my opinion by any authority, or settle the matter one way or the other. The royal cockade is circular, and larger and rather different in the form of its construction. This shape, in a smaller size, is adopted by many of the royal household for their private purposes, and I cannot help thinking that the usage of this shape by such persons, and the usage of cockades by ambassadors, are simply a matter of privileged concession to the holder of the office for the time being. The foreign cockades are of different colours. Cussans enumerates — The German Black and white. I The Austrian The Portuguese . The Belgian The Spanish The Netherlands Black and yellow. White and blue. Black, yellow, and red. Red. Oransre. And I have seen others. I C6c af)Uj8ie of arm0 XXlll From the fact that the use of the cockade is conceded to Deputy-Lieutenants — and the list of Deputy-Lieutenants includes the great majority of those in a prominent social position — it seems to be considered by a large number of people that the placing of the cockade upon the hats of servants is nothing more than an indication of such social position on the part of their employers, and conse- quently the pretenders to this rank, with common consent, infringe the privilege. It is difficult to see what steps can be taken to check the abuse. Certainly a step in the right direction has been " taken in this book, in which every person is marked whose right to the privilege I believe to be undoubted. But it would be most beneficial if an official notice by the Lord Chamberlain were inserted in the Gazette, definitely conveying the wishes of the Sovereign, if an expression of them could be obtained, as to what classes were entided to the privilege. An opportunity will occur, though it is to be hoped not for a long time, at the change of the dynasty ; lor with the accession of His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales the raison d'etre of the black cockade of Hanover will no longer exist. If the colour of the cockade were then altered, and at the time of the oflficial signification thereof the opportunity were taken of definitely stating to whom the new cockade would appertain, attention would be forcibly drawn to the matter, and public opinion, having definite knowledge to go upon, would effectually prevent any extensive abuse of the privilege The Royal Arms are not hereditary in the generally accepted sense of the word, and no one at tlie present time actually knows what the Royal Arms will be in the next reign ; but there is a great deal to be said in favour of then introducing the tinctures " gules and or " into the cockade, for these are the "liveries" of England, of Scotland, and (as generally accepted) of Wales. The " liveries " of Saxe-Coburg are black and yellow. And there is anotiier very objectionable practice which I wish to refer to, and that is the display of bogus private Arms in municipal matters, such as invitation cards. State carriages, and presenta- tion portraits. It seems a very usual practice to introduce into such matters the personal insignia of the Mayor or Aldermen, and it seems to me peculiar, judging by the publicity thereby given to them, that it should be the exception rather than the rule that such personal insignia should be of any authority. The High Sheriffs' banners and seals bring us another crop of unauthorised Arms; but, of all the occasions of the desecration of these marks of dignity and honour, the Lord Mayor's Show in this City of London stands unrivalled. It is the common boast of a certain City firm of "heraldic purveyors,'' that they have supplied the successive Lord Mayors and Sheriffs with Arms for nearly a century. The statement certainly may be only a sample of trade " tall-talk," but it might well be true, for it is a fact that but few of these officers start their civic display with legitimate .Arms. It is not a matter of a recognised rule that each City Alderman must of necessity be a scion of the nobility, or even of " gentle " descent ; indeed, tradition points to the exact reverse, and that a Lord Mayor more frequently " founds " than " terminates " an illustrious house. Further, where is the disgrace of coming from a race of forebears who were not Armigerous ? If a claim to gentility of birth, either on behalf of oneself or one's descendants, be made by the display or Armorial Bearings, they most assuredly ought to be genuine. And if Mayors, Lord Mayors, and Aldermen and High Sheriffs desire their Arms to be en hid^-nce^ might I suggest that they should ascertain whether or not they have a legitimate right to those to which they lay claim ? We are proud, in this United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, of our monarchy, and of our three estates of the realm. We are proud of that corner of Westminster where cluster together our national Valhalla, hallowed by every glorious and sacred tradition of which tongue can tell, and our Houses of Parliament. We are proud even of the buildings themselves. It: says little for our national consistency; for in this House, where the laws are made, there is a lasting memorial to the contempt in which they are held. There is an open staring infraction, patent to everybody who can obtain the entree to the building, of the laws made in a bygone day, but which are still upon our statute-books. In some of the painted windows appear escutcheons. There can be no doubt as to what they are intended to be, for each coat-of-arms is labelled with the name of the town the Arms of which it purports to represent. I have not yet had opportunity of making anything like a complete list of the illegal coats and mistakes which have been placed on record for all time to come, but the whole any advertising seal-engraver might have been ashamed to stand sponsor to ; and no one need repeat the criticism that they only purport to be the designs upon the seals, for every solitary one is placed upon an escutcheon, and each one is surmounted by a helmet and lambrequin. But I can answer that over thirty unauthorised coats are displayed. Surely in the national Houses of Parliament at least, if nowhere else, one might have expected to find the laws of the realm and the laws of Arms complied with and respected. In these Houses of Parliament, where in matters of procedure some of the stereotyped forms of centuries are scrupulously adhered to, it must be a matter of surprise that the bogus and illegal assumptions of XXIV Cfje abuse of ^tm& this century should appear side by side with ancient and honourable Arms. In very truth must Armory in these latter times have fallen upon evil days. Still, what more can one expect? Take up Debrett's " Guide to the House of Commons,' and glance through its pages. Many of the Members of Parliament have a pictured shield against their names. FulTy a third of these I know to be wrong, or of no authority. It is related of an Irish Member of Parliament, who was applied to by the editor of a biographical work for a few particulars about his career, together with a description of his "Amis," that he gave a florid and eloquent account of his achievements in life, but added that he did' not carry "Arms," as he lived in a proclaimed district. One wishes a few more of the Irish Members would make a similar reply to the editor of " Debrett," for very few of them are entitled to their Arms. Next to the illegal use of Arms comes the illegal use of titles. Perhaps many people would put the latter first. In the first place, no one may accept or use in the United Kingdom any foreign title or Order of Knighthood without the express permission and Royal License of Her Majesty; and such a Royal License is very difficult to get with newly created titles. With regard to English titles, I will leave the Peerage to the mercies, tender or otherwise, of Mr. Horace Round and the Qtiarierly Review. But to pass to Baronets, it is here that the greatest abuse occurs. When " Foster " issued his memorable Peerage and Baronetage, he felt constrained to regard certain pedigrees as at any rate requiring further proof or lacking corroboration. I append a list of them. "Turing" has since been proved and registered — the insertion of Colleton I think was a mistake — and I fail to see what else Sir Reginald Barnewall or Sir Hector Maclean Hay can do to make their claims more valid, for their right is proved and recorded in Ulster's Office and Lyon Office respectively. The list in chaos is as follows : — Carmichael - Anstruther (Nova- Scolian title). Barnewall. Boreel. Broun. Burke "of Glinsk." Campbell of Auchenbreck. Campbell of Ardnamurchan. Cathcart. Cockburn. Colleton. Cox. Crawfurd-PoUok. Crosbie. Cumming. Cuninghame of Robertland. Dalyell. Dick. Dunbar of Northfield. Elphinstone. Esmonde. Dalton-Fitzgerald. Fleetwood. Fletcher (1812). Foulis of Woodhall. Foulis of Ingleby Manor. Gibb. Gordon of Letterfourie. Gordon of Lesmore. Graham of Esk. Grant of Dalvey. Hamilton of Silverton Hill. Hamilton of Preston, county Had- dington. Hay of Smithfield. Hay of Alderston. Innes of Balveny. Innes (1628). De Burgh-Lawson. Leslie of Wardis. Mackenzie of Gairloch. Mackenzie of Scatwell Moncrieff. Howell-Murray. Murray of Philiphaugh. Milliken-Napier. Nicolson (1637). Nicolson (1629). Palmer (1621). Payne (1737). Perrott. Richardson {1630). Sinclair of Dunbeath. Skipwith. Steele. Swale. Temple. Lushington-Tilson, Turing. Agnew-Wallace, Wemyss. GrifRes- Williams, Wright. To this, by the help of Dod and Debrett, the following doubtful or unproven cases come to swell the list : — Burton. Clifton. Stapley. Wasteneys. Knowles. Reade (1641). Livesey. A mere lament will effect but little, and it seems to me that there is a good deal that might be done. And the remedy I am about to suggest, which I believe would be effective, would appear at the sam.e time to be a sufficient preventive for another evil of which we hear a good deal. In the history of most hereditary titles there comes a time when the property which originally endowed the title gets separated from it, and the titular dignity becomes but an empty inheritance. And it ceases to become a dignity and degenerates to a farce when its holder, as has sometimes happened, has not known where to turn for his next meal. Such a state of things, to put it mildly, by no means adds to the dignity of the Peerage and Baronetage, inasmuch as a Peer or Baronet can hardly drop out of the world completely, as does an ordinary untitled person, when he "knocks under." It would be easy to provide against the two evils in future creations. Nowadays the "start" of a new family is generally in hard cash, and not by the aid of extensive landed property ; so that it would be no hardship to require, prior to the creation of a Baronetcy, that a sufficient quantity of consols to produce, say, a fixed income, be purchased and settled inalienably upon the successors in the title — the actual money being required to be lodged in the hands of the Crown — the income to be paid to such persons as establish their right to the titles. The income should not be fixed at so large an amount that the providing of the principal would cripple resources, but should be sufficient to prove an ample inducement to go to some trouble to obtain it. If the law provided that the income i C6e Htjui8fe of armiei XXV was not paid until the right was established, and that no arrears were to be paid, such income only to accrue from the date upon which the succession to the title was certified to have been established, then there would be but little delay that would ever occur through non-registration. In the event of the title becoming extinct, half the capital to revert to the Crown, the remaining half to be at the disposal by will of the final holder. Such an arrangement would very safely and thoroughly provide (i) for the succession to future creations being promptly proved and recorded; (2) that no holder of the title during his enjoyment of it was ever in circumstances of pecuniary distress. Any person should be allowed to endow his title if he wished, to any amount up to a maximum of double the sums mentioned, but any voluntary additions to be absolutely at the disposal by will of the last holder of the title. With regard to existing creations, such proposals could not in any justice be made compulsory, but if the opportunity of voluntarily so endowing their titles were afforded to the present holders, some number would be found to take advantage of it. There is a certain pride of race which causes men to go to a great deal of trouble in order to perpetuate their families, and few who had it in their power to provide without inconvenience the necessary endowment would let the opportunity slip. And many would be at some pains to provide an endowment by means of insurance. When- ever a Baronet were created a Peer, or when one of the latter got a "step" in the Peerage, the en- dowment would be required, and it could be understood that if the "step" became extinct a sufficient sum would be retained to create the minimum suitable to any subsidiary title not lapsing with the " step." Thus gradually all existing creations would be brought within the fold. There comes a time in all families sooner or later when the heir gives healthy promise of making " ducks and drakes" of his patrimony as soon as he may come "into his kingdom." Frequently the actual responsibility of possession when it comes has a sobering effect, but many a father must have had numerous anxious moments as to what will happen after his death. Four out of five would settle the matter at once by taking advantage of any legal opportunity of endowing in perpetuity their direct line of posterity. Such a feeling would, before a couple of centuries have passed, have been fairly certain to have produced endowments for all the genuine titles in existence. And endowments in money are open to none of those objections on the score of impoverishment which are so vehe- mently urged against estates carrying only a "life-interest" for their holders. But holders of the shaky titles now in use would give any such voluntary endowment scheme a very wide berth, and these are the very gentlemen whose assumptions it is most desirable to suppress. These cases could only be met by requiring any person assuming any title to pay an annual license of say ;^5oo, unless he could produce a certificate that his pedigree was recorded and his succession to the title established, and rendering all editors and publishers of Peerages liable to a fine of perhaps ;^ioo for each offence, for every uncertified person entered in their lists. The details of creation, and the limitations of English, Irish, and United Kingdom Baronetcies, are accessible and well known, and there would be no difficulty about these. There probably would be a good deal of difficulty, however, over some of the Nova Scoiian creations. But in these days, when Royal Commissions are getting to resemble the seed of Abraham in multitude, those responsible for their initiation might do a great deal worse than to take these titles in hand and agitate for a Commission to examine them ; and let their report be final, subject to the prerogative of the Sovereign to confirm or re-create such Baronetcies as she may be inclined, which have failed to be established before the Commission. And it is also desirable to create some recognised course of procedure for establishing the descent of Scottish Peerages. In 1840 a number of Baronets assembled under the direction of the late Sir Richard Brown, and formed a Committee of the Baronetage of Privileges, wherein were adopted several rather ridiculous resolutions, which were never officially recognised by the Sovereign, or by the College of Arms. The members of the Committee resolved that all Baronets should take for supporters two armed knights ; for coronet a plain circle of gold with four pearls resting on the edge — which is engrailed — two of them appearing in drawings ; and that the helmet should be affront^e and open, guarded with four grilles of gold ; and besides these exterior ornaments, that they should surround their escutcheons with a collar of SS. They likewise determined to prefix to their title that of " Honourable." These were the principal alterations suggested ; but happily they were not generally adopted. This was the wonderful Baronets' " Committee of Privileges " about which one hears so much. Had they been more mode- rate in their demands, it is said that the Crown would not have been unwilling to meet some of their wishes ; but they asked too much, and, as a natural result, got nothing, beyond a considerable amount of ridicule. Had they addressed themselves to the reform of the abuses which had already crept into the exercise of their recognised privileges, some useful end might have been served ; but the Broun Baronetcy happens to be one of those which Foster subsequently considered necessary to place in " chaos." A new Baronets' Society has been inaugurated. If those on the Committee are sufficiently strong to keep securely muzzled those who wish to annex the earth to the degree of Baronet, and to confine their proposals within the bounds of common sense, they may do good. And now wc come to the question as to what can be done to prevent these abuses of the right Ci)c at)U0C of arms XXVI and privilege of bearing Arms, with whicii I iiave dealt in the foregoing pages. It is almost hopeless to advocate or expect any further convictions and fines under the old laws, which provided such heavy penalties for the wrongful usage of Arms ; but still, overlooking these penalties, and without any alteration of the law, tliere is a great deal that might be done. First and foremost, if the Inland Revenue authorities were more eager and efficient m the discharge of their duties, and in the enforcement and collection of the annual licenses imposed by the law, it would make a marvellous difference. And if the payment of the required license were more rigorously enforced, the average tradesman's wife might think again before answering a news- paper advertisement and placing herself in a tradesman's hands for a guinea box of stationery, and perhaps a prudent husband might enforce a little reflection. And the wording upon the licenses issued by the Inland Revenue authorities requires consider- able alteration. At j^resetU it reads — No LICENCE : TO USE ARMORIAL BEARINGS ;^i i o 32 and 33 Vict. Cap. 14. of in the Parish of within the Administrative County of. ishereby Authorised to wair and me Armorial Beariw^s (but not to have the same painted, marked, or afhxed on or to any Carriage) from the day of the date hereof until the 31st d.iy of December next following: the sum of One Pound One Suillinl: having been paid for this licence. Granted at this day of by INLAND REVENUE. LICENCE: TO USE ARMORIAL BEARINGS ^220 32 and 33 Vict. Cap. 14. of in the Parish of within the Administrative County of is hereby Authorised to wear and use Armorial Bearings, and to have the same painted, marked, or affixed on or to any Carriage from the day of the date hereof until the 31st day of December next following : he having paid the sum of Two Pounds Two Shillings for the licence. Granted at this day of by The italics are mine, and this wording, to put it mildly, is ultra vires. I am not the first to point out that as it stands now it is a direct infringement of the personal prerogative of the Sovereign. It needs no Act of Parliament to alter it. With all possible deference to the authorities at Somerset House, I would suggest the following wording as more legal and less open to abuse : — " having paid the sum of one guinea, is hereby admitted to have fulfilled the requirements of the Inland Revenue Department, but such payment not to be held to have confirmed or conferred any right to the usage of Arms not sanctioned by the duly accredited Officers of Arms." The Act of Parliament creating the requirement of these licenses reads as follows : — " 32 & 33 Vict. : Customs and Inland Revenue Duties: Ch. 14, sec. 18. On and after the first day of January one thousand eight hundred and seventy, there shall be granted, charged, levied and paid, for the use of Her Majesty, her heirs and successors in and throughout Great Britain, under and subject to the provisions and regulations in this Act contained, the following duties, that is to say : . . . For Armorial Bearings : — If such Armorial Bearings shall be painted, marked, or affixed on or to any carriage ^2 2 o If such Armorial Bearings shall not be so painted, marked, or affixed, but shall be otherwise worn or used . . . . . . .110 Ch. 14, sec. 19(1). It shall not be necessary for any member of the Royal Family to make^ any declaration or to take out any licence under this Act, nor shall it be necessary for the sheriff of any county, or mayor or other officer in any corporation or royal burgh serving an annual office] therein, to take out a licence for any servants, carriages, or horses employed or kept by him for the' purposes of his office during his year of service, nor for any person who shall by right of office wear ' or use any of the Arms or Insignia of any member of the Royal Family, or of any corporation or royal burgh, to take out a Ucence in respect of the use of such Arms or Insignia. Ch. 14, sec. 19 (13). 'Armorial Bearings' means and includes any Armorial Bearing, Crest, or ELnsign, by whatever name the same shall be called, and whether such Armorial Bearing, Crest, or Ensign shall be registered in the College of Arms or not. Ch. 14, sec. 19 (14). Any person who shall keep any carriage, whether owned or hired by ^f)z 3buj3c of Zxim XXVll him, shall be deemed to wear and use any Armorial Bearings painted or marked thereon or affixed thereto. Ch. 14, sec. 19 (15). It shall not be necessary for a hcence to be taken out by any person duly licensed by proper authority to keep or use any public stage or hackney-carriage for any Armorial Bearings painted or marked on such stage or hackney-carriage." There is some difference between the foregoing and the notice appearing upon the back of the return, by which you are invited by the means above mentioned to contribute to the Inland Revenue. It is as follows : — "ARMORIAL BEARINGS. Definitions. The term * Armorial Bearings ' means and includes any Armorial Bearing, Crest, or Ensign, by whatever name the same shall be called, and whether such Armorial Bearing, Crest, or Ensign shall be registered in the College of Arms or not. Any person who keeps a carriage, whether owned or hired by him, is deemed to wear and use any Armorial Bearings painted or marked thereon or affixed thereto. A licence to use Armorial Bearings on carriages includes the use of such insignia in any other manner. Note.— If any person holding a licence at the lower rate of duty shall become liable to the higher rate by reason of using a carriage with Armorial Bearings thereon, a proper licence must be taken out within 21 days. The duty on the former licence will then be repaid by the Collector of Inland Revenue. Exemptions. The proprietors of public stage carriages or of hackney carriages licensed by local authority, in respect of any Armorial Bearings marked thereon, or on the harness used therewith. T/ie Commissioturs of Inland Revenue do not require licenses to be taken out in the following cases : — 1. By any shopkeeper in respect of the use of Armorial Bearings or devices, solely as trade" marks, and in the course of trade. 2. By any municipal or other corporation, or any public company, in respect of the use of their corporate Armorial Bearings, or by any person using the Armorial Bearings of such a corporation or company by right of office. 3. By any officer or member of a club, or society, using at the club, or on the business of the society, any Armorial Bearings for the use of which such club or society have taken out a licence. Persons Exkmi']' 1 ko.m Rktuun and Duty. r. Members of the Royal Family. 2. The Sheriff of any county, or the Mayor or uiiier officer in any corporation or royal borough, serving an annual office therein, in respect of any servants or carriages kept by him for the purposes of his office during his year of service. 3. Persons wearing by right of office any of the Arms or Insignia of members of the Royal Family, or of any corporation or royal borough, in respect of the use of such Arms or Insignia." The difference is no doubt somewhat explained by the enclosed reply I received to certain inquiries upon the matter : — 1642 E 1894 " Inland Revenue, " Somerset House, London, W.C, " 9M March 1894. "Sir, — In reply to your letter dated tlie 22nd ultimo, I am instructed by the Board of Inland Revenue to acquaint you that (i) section 19 of the Act 32 and 33 Vict. c. 14 provides tliat it shall not be necessary for a Corporation wearing or using Arms or Insignia to take out a licence. (2) 'I'he above exemption for a Corporation is construed by the Board as meaning that a licence need not be taken out by any public company for any corporate Armorial Bearings. (3) A licence is not (according to a concession allowed by the Board) required by a shopkeeper for Armorial Bearings used in connection with matters relating merely to his trade, as on bill-heads, trade labels, &c., or on his shop front; and this regulation applies to the use of the Royal Arms, so far as the Revenue is concerned. But (4) the Board cannot state whether or not in any particular case objection arises under the Patent, Designs, and Trade-Marks Act of 1883 to the use of the Royal Arms. This point would be determined by the Board of Trade. " The Act relating to licences for Armorial Bearings is the 32 and 33 Vict. c. 14. — I am, Sir, your obedient Servant, , (Signed) " Wm. Rossetti, *'• Asst. Secretary.''^ Corporations, public companies, and tradesmen are every bit as capable of bearing taxation as those of more patrician birth ; and, moreover, it appears to me that the Inland Revenue authorities might just as well make up their minds not to collect the tax on wine or cigars when imported by a tradesman or public company. If the tax were rigidly enforced in all the cases that the Act xxviii Cl)e Zbn0t of arm0 sanctions, the revenue from this source would be more than doubled, and tradesmen would be far less prone to prostitute the dignity of ^rms to the catchpenny artifices of business. As matters stand, they have a direct suggestion and mducement for domg so. And it would need no Act of Parliament to construct a regulation in the Trade-Mark Registration Department that no coronet whatsoever, and no design which can be classed as heraldic, should in future be accepted for registra- tion. It is easy to say what is "heraldic" in design: or the regulation might run that no design should be placed upon an escutcheon, lozenge, wreath, or chapeau, or in conjunction with any coronet, and that no design should consist of any object — commonly classed as heraldic — or any such disposition of objects, upon a circle, parallelogram, or oval, that one could be led to suppose the design might be considered to be a coat-of-arms. It would not need an Act of Parliament to introduce a police regulation that no vehicle should be licensed as a public hackney carriage until anything "heraldic" painted upon it or affixed thereto were defaced or obliterated. It would only need a resolution of the Common Council for it to become a si//e qua non that no Armorial Bearings, personal or impersonal, should be placed upon any casket or other presentation article ordered by the Corporation, or upon any official invitation card or other official publication, until such Arms had been sanctioned by the College of Arms. And a great deal might be done by Town Clerks and Mayors. It is a positive disgrace that many towns are using Arms which are of no authority. It would be very little trouble for each Town Clerk or Mayor of the towns which are illegally using Arms to call the attention of the Corporation to the fact. I feel certain that in many towns, particularly in Scotland and Ireland, where the fees for matriculating or confirming Arms are so trivial, matters have only to be placed before the Corpora- tions in the proper light, for immediate steps to be taken to rectify the present illegal state of affairs. If after having all the facts before them the Corporations are too parsimonious to move in the matter, it should certainly be made known, in order that the effort might subsequently be made by private individuals (as it has already been done in a good many cases) to rectify the apathy of the official body. For surely in these large towns who are still defaulters— ^.^., Leeds, Swansea, Wolverhamp- ton, Cardiff, Newport (Mon.), Crewe, Blackpool, Eastbourne, and Southend — there are enough public-spirited people interested in Heraldry to subscribe in small sums the necessary fees, even if there be no local magnate willing to make the town a present of its Arms. It would be no bad speculation for the local paper in each place to head the subscription list, for it would be amply repaid for its trouble by the advertisement and by the cash which would accrue from the sale of photographs of the Patent or accurate copies of the official Arms. County Councils in the same manner. One of the most important checks is in the hands of clergymen, and is this. No brass plate or mural tablet or tombstone may be erected in a church or churchyard without the consent of the clergyman thereof for the time being, nor can any hatchment be hung up upon the walls of the church. I am afraid the day of hatchments has come to a sorry end, but still with these where they may be used, and with all intra or extra mural monuments, the clergyman can discourage the use of any but legal Arms. He would be wise to require the mourners to spend an extra half-guinea to provide a certificate from the College or Office of Arms concerned, that the Arms proposed to be erected were legally displayed and properly marshalled. Architects can do a great deal — particularly with regard to impersonal Arms — by discouraging their display unless the coat-of-arms be beyond reproach ; and, where they have reason to doubt the accuracy or validity of personal Insignia, by taking care to avoid affording opportunities for the display of such. Were it not almost hopeless to expect an effort from such quarters, it needs very little thought to see how much might be done by tradespeople— jewellers, stationers, painters, coachbuilders, seal-engravers, die-sinkers, stained glass manufacturers, monumental masons, and others. I question if the tradesman exists who would refuse an order rather than employ in his design a bogus coat which might be supplied ; but it is asking so little to propose that they should themselves refrain from suggestmg that Arms " should be found" for their purposes. The field of ornament has a wide enough scope surely, even after everything heraldic is barred. Much might be done by the foundation of a School or Institute of Heraldic Design and Handi- craft. If therem a rigid rule were made that before any Arms were " touched " a certificate of them frOTi an Officer of Arms were required to be lodged, I should imagine it would be found that all Officers of Arms would go to some trouble in recommending their clients to go there for their requirements, as would everybody else who had the welfare of Heraldic Art and true Armory at heart There are so few good heraldic handicraftsmen in existence, that the whole of them could readily be "retained," and the Institute, by superiority of workmanship alone, could give a cacJiet to the heraldic results of its handicraft which would soon be conceded and recognised: and I fancy the shutters would soon be up in several objectionable quarters. I doubt the feasibility or the advantage of a return to compulsory "Visitations," but with all possible agreement I join my advocacy to that of others who recommend the renewal of the Visita- 1 Cfie abuse of ^tm0 XXIX tions m a voluntary form. Many people, on the score of indifference, will not take the trouble to record their pedigrees, but might resnond to an invitation to do so if special facihties were offered The world is growmg strangely casual and indifferent of late on matters of honour. The House of Peers has been stated by an able writer to be as representative a body as the House of Commons, the difference being that the composition of the one is permanent as representative of a permanent class, and the other varying as representative of a body varying in its constitution and wishes. Consequently there is everything in favour of the continuance of°the hitherto practised methods of the selection and creation of Peers. But there is much to be put forward in favour of the consideration whether services to the Sovereign or the community, which may happen to be only of a comparatively minor character cannot adequately and acceptably be rewarded in more frequent cases by grants of Patents of Gentility, or where gentility exists, by grants of Augmentations. Such a revival of ancient practices would greatly add to the dignity of Arms, and in each case can readily be made into a direct memento of wliatever action it is desired to commemorate. And further, it would provide also for cases where services worthy of recognition have been rendered, where the means do not exist to satisfactorily maintain the dignity of knighthood, or of a hereditary title. It is much to be regretted that it is not considered a necessity for each person, as he attains his i majority, to ascertain and record what Arms, quarterings, and difference mark he should display. And upon his marriage, it ought to be considered as much a matter of course as consulting a lawyer ^as to his marriage settlement, that he should consult an Officer of Arms as to what difference his marriage makes in his achievement. But even if the head of every family would take the trouble to investigate the right of his original ancestors to the Arms they claimed, and would then prove and register his own right to < these Arms, and place upon record what he knows, a great step would be taken towards the correct i end. A certain responsibility attaches to the headship of a house, or even of a branch of one. It is a rotten argument that because posterity have done nothing for you, you are called upon to do j nothing for them. As it has been truly said, " Many things are lost to us which were known to our i grandfathers, and our grandchildren will search in vain for things which to us are most familiar." f And the Ex-Libris Society, by instituting a pillory of all those book-plates which bear illegal j Arms, could at any rate reduce to a minimum the further initiation of unauthorised Arms, simply as j excuses for book-plates. But more than two-thirds of the Ex-Libris in existence are in some way I Armorial, and as but a very small proportion of the world at large is genuinely Armigerous, the I deduction is obvious. I And there is much to be done in the literary field. Learned treatises are still multiplying in i number, which will even yet continue to discuss the ancient controversy as to whether a lion [ passant guardant must not of necessity be a leopard, which even yet take poor Sir Isaac Heard , to task for the coat he designed for Lord Nelson. It is certainly very interesting, but no book has i so far taken proper cognisance of the legal as apart from the scientific and antiquarian view of the i study of Armory. The scientific might well have been left until the legal was "understanded of the • multitude." These pages may perhaps have filled the void during the past two or three years. But I a series of articles have recently been published, " The Right to Bear Arms," by " X " of the Sa/ur- \day Meviezv, a writer who on a few occasions has laid those pages under contribution. These articles ' have dealt more exhaustively with the legal side of the question than I have done herein, and they J are announced for republication in book form at an early date. I am constantly being asked to recommend a handbook of Heraldry, The ideal book has yet to j be written. Planche is the truest writer who has yet set i)en to paper on the subject of Heraldry. I Read his " Pursuivant of Arms" first, and then read his edition of Clark's " Introduction to Heraldry." I For a Dictionary of Heraldry Berry is far away the best. He is not universally accurate, but he ( will seldom lead you far astray. But his Armory is no better than any other. Some other modern I treatises and dictionaries would have been of greater value had they never been published, and their I authors might have easier tasks set them than to verify and correct their facts. i Mr. Walter Rye did a great service to genealogists and antiquarians of all degrees — a service I which I hardly fancy is yet thoroughly realised — when he wrote and published his book, " Records I and Record Searching." In it he says : — " No catalogue or index has ever been published of the I contents of the College, nor have the Officers of Arms ever considered themselves called upon to issue, as they most certainly ought to do, a list of those persons who are and those persons who are I not entitled to Armorial Bearings. Many of the earlier Visitations have been copied more or less I accurately — rather less than more — and are to be found in the British Museum and other libraries." > I mention it last because I consider this book is the most crying want that Heraldry knows. The I College has not published such a book, and apparently has left the effort to be made by private ' enterprise. Had no heraldic book ever been published, had no list of Arms ever found its way into print, had no unauthorised " Peerage " ever been compiled, then it would have been well for the Science of Armory. If the attempt to supersede their jurisdiction had been suppressed ages ago. XXX Cfte Htjuse of atm0 when the College had and exercised sufficient power and authority to have done so, they would have remained what they are not — (not only the sole authority upon matters of Arms), but — and here they would have had the power — the sole source of heraldic information. But it is idle to talk Of lost opportunities, the situation of the moment remains. And it is this — every reference library has a copy of Burke's " (General Armory," from which the whole wide world helps itself to a crest or a coat-of-arms. Every day the newspapers and the penny post convey advertisements of those who pretend to find, for three-and-sixpence or less. Arms for those who don't know how- to help themselves. Everybody who proclaims himself to be anybody must apparently sport a coat-of-arms. So that the need has undoubtedly arisen for some book which shall advertise, that all who run may read, which coats-of-arms are lawfully and legally borne ; that shall discriminate between the sheep and the goats ; that shall separate legitimate Armigeri from bogus pretenders. This is the book I am endeavouring to create. Where I could discover that Arms without doubt were lawfully borne, I have inserted them in ordinary type ; and, to the extent of the knowledge I have, I honestly believe that every person so included is, by the law of the Realm and by the laws of Arms, unquestionably a Gentleman of coat- armour. In the cases in which I could not satisfy myself that the right to Arms legally existed the entries are in italics. I give the information for what it is worth, and each entry upon its own merits, subject to any qualifying remarks by which it is accompanied. No one besides myself knows the trouble I have gone to in order that my book should be accurate, but I can hardly expect a book of this magnitude to have gone through the press devoid of any error whatsoever. If I have treated any one unjustly I am truly sorry ; but as of the thousands of individuals mentioned in the book com- paratively but few are personally known to me, I have no reason for anything but an absolutely impartial standpoint. If any one considers I have wronged them, I can only ask them to communi- cate with me ; but I wish that as few as possible shall have cause of complaint. It is possible some people may eventually establish a right to Arms which I have herein criticised adversely. The details of the Armorial Bearings have had my personal attention, and, as I have said, I believe them to be correct. For the other details I have been at the mercy of those who have supplied them and the sources from which they have been taken. And, unlike the details of the Arms, the other facts and matters have been largely dealt with by my assistants, and I am not inclined to personally vouch for them to the same extent that I hold myself responsible as to the Arms, but I have no reason to consider that my book is less accurate than other publications of a similar character. It may not be in some details so extensive, but I believe that the information I do give is correct. But as by now everybody must have received from four to six proofs of their entries at different times, the mistakes remaining must be few in number. But I do not claim that my book is at present anything like complete. But it is the first and only attempt to draw a plain, unvarnished, and legible distinction between those Arms for which the authority has been legally and duly established and those for which it has not. It is the first book of its character which has recognised fully that the laws of Arms differ widely in England, Scotland, and Ireland. It is the only book that has gone to the root of the matter, and treated of the abuse as well as of the use of Arms. The end I have in view mayhap is not yet near ; I may be a long time in reaching the goal I have set before myself, but the ideal towards which I am striving can soon be told. It is simply to take every living person who claims or pretends to the display of Arms, to quote the Arms he uses, and to let it be widely known whether his Armorial Insignia are borne with or without authority. The difficulties under which my book has been compiled may perhaps in some measure be appreciated when I say that I personally have had no access to the records of the College of Arms. My book is in no way official, being issued under neither the sanction, the authority, nor the control of the College of Arms, of Lyon Office, or of Ulster's Office. But it is for this reason in no worse plight than any other book. As far as I know, the "Ordinary of Scottish Arms" by the present Lyon King is the only book relating to Arms which has ever been issued, and which can be con- sidered in any way official. But I have had the most cordial and generous help, encouragement and assistance, far beyond anything I had the least right or intention to expect, from Lyon King of Arms and Lyon Clerk in Scotland, from Ulster King of Arms and Mr. Burtchaell, his Secretary, in Ireland, and from Richmond Herald in England. I wish to disclaim on their behalf the least responsibility for the appearance of my book or for the statements it contains. That I know must pertain solely to myself, but the help has been given me, and I am more grateful therefor than I can express. But to Mr. Athill, Richmond Herald, is due even a far greater proportion of my thanks than to the others, though my debt to them is very large. Not only has he devoted time beyond calculation to my assistance, but he has been almost my sole source of information from the College. Continuously during the last four years has he untiringly made search upon search for me, and he has always been most ready and willing to J Cfee atJU0c of arms XXXI answer my inquiries, and afford me advice. I don't say I have always followed it, for I haven't. Perhaps, had I done so in one or two matters, things might have moved more easily. Though I may claim to have been an acquaintance of Richmond Herald from my school- days, I had read and digested the usual run of heraldic books before claiming his assistance to any appreciable extent, but I wish to gratefully acknowledge the fact that it was he who first pointed out to me, that there was a legal side to Armory as well as an antiquarian. And then one passes naturally to the question of what changes in the law are desirable. In the first place, it should be made imperative that, before any Charter of Incorporation be granted to any town or company, the fees payable upon a grant of Arms should be lodged with an Officer of Arms. This would at once check a great abuse, for I find that, unlike the cases of indi- viduals, when Arms legally exist for a Corporation there is seldom much inclination to go beyond or set aside what is duly authorised. The erection of no monument bearing anything of an Armorial character should be permitted without the production of a certificate from an Officer of Arms of its accuracy. No Arms whatsoever ought to be permitted to be erected upon any building other than a private dwelling-house without their validity being certified. It is desirable that an official Government " Inspector of Seals " be appointed under the direct authority and control of the Marl Marshal, Lyon King of Arms, and Ulster King of Arms. And it should be required that all official seals be obtained from him. And by " official" seals, I mean any seal whatsoever that is used for any purpose other than purely private and personal matters ; and I would include all Ecclesiastical and Municipal seals, and all Company seals, and tiiose of the High Sheriffs. This would put an end to the present farce by which so many bogus coats are per- petuated. Such a regulation would inflict no hardship upon anybody, and would not require a single person to obtain a grant of Arms. For the official Bishoprics there are the ofificial coats, and a Company or Municipal seal need be engraved with nothing beyond its legend. If the High Sheriffs did not choose to establish a right to Arms, a monogram would answer all their purposes The exemptions at present made from the taking out of licences in the case of " trade pur- poses," hackney carriages, companies, and corporations, it is desirable to abolish. They simply place a premium upon unauthorised coats. There is a regulation which requires that before the Patent of creation for a Baronet can pass the Great Seal, his .Arms and pedigree shall have been first recorded in the Heralds' College. This should most certainly be made to apply to all other hereditary titles ; and if it were made to apply to the dignity of Knighthood as well, it would inflict no hardship, and might bring a handsome increase to the revenue. And Knights Grand Cross and Peers should be required to obtain grants of Supporters. They nearly all assume them, and they might just as well all be required to do it. legally. It is desirable that upon proving and recording your right to a coat-of-arms, it should be possible to obtain damages from any unauthorised person who is making use of the same Arms. 1 am advised that as matters exist at present this could not be done, even after the coat had been "entered at Stationers' Hall." The penalty for improperly making use of the Royal Arms, besides being much more rigorously enforced, might, with advantage, be increased. It is doubtful to my mind if the Prince of Wales' badge at present is protected. If it is not, it should be definitely included. A penalty should be legalised and enforced upon those who make use of Municipal Arms for other than Municipal purposes. The last suggestion I will make is one for the origin of which I cannot claim the whole credit. The law at present requires that a licence shall be taken out annually for the use of Armorial Bear- ings, namely, of one guinea, or if used upon a carriage, of two guineas. The proposition in question is, that it should be open to any one, corporations included, to ol)tain a certificate from the Officers of Arms that they were legally entitled to bear Arms. Such certificate might, as a help to the Revenue, be required to bear a half-crown stamp. Upon the pro- duction of this certificate, a remission of 25 or perhaps 50 per cent, upon the amount payable to be made to the applicant. And failing the production of the certificate, the licences to be increased to two guineas and five guineas respectively. Such a change would at once commend itself not only to those Armigers who would be em- 1 owered to take advantage of it, but to every one who has at heart in the least degree the welfare and respect of true Armory. A few people — e.g., of illegitimate descent — would pig-headedly pay the higher fee in perpetuity rather than have their claims adjudicated upon, but the great majority would immediately prove and establish their right or drop the use of Arms. Then there would be at once a practical end to the bogus display of Arms. Such a change is only likely to take place if it can be shown that it will increase or at least not diminish the revenue. It is my opinion, and also the opinion of all others whom I have consulted, tliat the revenue from this source would, as a result, substantially increase. In the first place, a large xxxii C!)e 3l)use of ^rmisf revenue would arise from the stamps upon the certificates. In the next place, a large number of i people in undoubtedly good position are sinning through ignorance of the law, and making use of unauthorised Arms. They would have their attention forcibly called to this, and a large number of new grants would require to be issued, and the revenue from the stamps thereupon would be of great magnitude. It would call attention pointedly to the Scottish law of Arms, which requires all younger sons and cadets to matriculate their Arms, and of course in Lyon Office the whole of the fees accrue to the Government. There would constantly and continuously be required new matriculations as each younger son attained his majority, and the fees, jQ\2 in each case, would materially lighten the woes of the Chancellor of the Exchequer for the time being. And this would be by creating no new law of Arms, but simply by enforcing laws which not only exist but are recognised and in a measure conformed to at the present day. And it would be a "Democratic" budget enough, in all conscience, for it would not touch this latter-day fetish, the British working man. But to my mind, as a lover of Armory, by far the greatest argument in its favour is, that it would in some measure restore the ancient respect for Arms — it would in some degree renew their ancient lustre. When they can be obtained for 3s. 6d. (no charge if an order for stationery be given), they have become rather cheap. Small wonder, then, that some people entided to them by birth are by no means eager to display them. It would then mean in reality that the mere use of them ivas a genuine mark of gentility, and the end of "faked" pedigrees and "claimed" relationships would be at hand. I have little more to say ; the advantages, on more general grounds, of these remedies for which I have pleaded I would much rather leave in some better hands to put forward — I would fain commit the task to some more facile pen, would hand it on to some more eloquent advocate. The age of chivalry may be at an end, the light of the olden time from the gloriously brilliant guiding-star of honour may seem to be rapidly waning ; and with the " progress " and free trade of the times, with this insane desire for "change" of any sort, at any price, which seems to possess the world, comes the demand for "free trade in blazon." If honour be at an end, let its signs and tokens go with it ; let not the one outlive the other and degenerate into a meaningless farce, into the degradation of an abominable abuse. But to every action we are told there is a reaction equal and opposite, and surely some day the tide must turn. Mayhap it shall date from the far-away future, from a period beyond our lifetimes, but come it must, and a generation will arise which shall no longer bow its neck to the worship of " Democracy." When the glory of knightly honour once more shall hold sway in these kingdoms three, and these marks of honour again take their rightful place, let it not be said that whilst in our charge we have allowed their splendour to be tarnished or their lustre to be dimmed. Arms have even yet a lustrous meaning and a significance known and cherished by many, but " surely even those who affect the greatest contempt for Heraldry will admit that if Arms are to be borne at all, it should be according to the laws of Arms; and that, if the display of them be a matter of vanity, it is a less creditable vanity to parade as our own those which belong of right to others." A. C. F.-D. London, February 1895. CLUBS Clubs. Postal address. Alijemarle 13'Albemarle Street. JArmy and Navy 36 Pall Mall. \rthur's 69 St. James's Street. \rts 17 Hanover Square. \inndel I Adelphi Terrace, W.C. \ihenxum 107 Pall Mall. Jachclors' 8 Hamilton Place, W. lulmington Piccadilly, W. ,H .(lie's 28 St. James's Street. i, loks's St. James's .Street. uilington Fine Arts 17 Saville Row. ( amera Charing Cross Road. Cnrlton 94 Pall Mall. Civalry 127 Piccadilly, W. n-aiClub 6 Waterloo Place, S.W. ( ity Carlton St. .Swithin's Lane. 'iiy Liberal Walbrook. (jtv of London 19 Old Broad Street, E.C. ( .ii-,ervative 74 St. James's Street. ('« nstitiitional Northumberland Avenue. (liili II 10 Adelphi Terrace. D' vonshirc 50 St. James's Street. I ;i t Indian United Service 16 St. James's .Square. ,. , (15 Garrick Street, Covent ( Gardens. ( imlton 10 Grafton Street, \V. (iisham I (Jresham Place, E.C. (.I'svenor 135 New Bond Street, W. (.iiuds 70 Pall Mall. I I L;arth 36 Dover Street, W. Ilmlingham Fulham, .S.W. I ilimian 150 Piccadilly. junior Army and Navy 10 St. James's Street. luiiior AthenKum 116 I'iccadilly. iinior Carlton Pall Mall. 1 nil If Conservative 43and44 Albemarle Street. iiisior Constitutional Piccadilly. uuior United Service Charles Street, St. James's. Clubs. Postal address. Marlborough 52 Pall Mall, S.W. National i Whitehall Gardens. National Liberal Whitehall Place, S.W. National .Sporting Covent Garden. Naval and Military 94 Piccadilly. New Club 4 Grafton Street, W. New Oxford and Cambridge 68 Pall Mall. New Travellers 96 Piccadilly. New University 57 St. James's .Street. Oriental 18 Hanover Square, W. Orleans 29 King Street, St. James's. Oxford and Cambridge 71 Pall Mall. Portland 9 St. James's Square, S.W. Primrose i4 ^^<^ 5 Park Place, .St. ( James's. Queen's West Kensington. Raleigh 16 Regent Street, S.W. Reform 104 Pall Mall, S.W. St. George's 4 Hanover Square, W. St. James's 106 Piccadilly. c. c. u > Ti Bridge Street, West- .St. Stephens ■{ *> ' I nnnstcr. Savage Adelphi Terrace, W.C. Savile 107 Piccadilly, W. Scottish 39 Dover Street, W. Thatched House 86 St. James's Street. Travellers' 106 P.1II Mall. Turf 85 Piccadilly. Union Trafalgar .Square. United Service 116 and 117 Pall Mall. United University i .Suffolk Street. Wellington i Grosvenor Place. Whitehall 47 Parliament Street. White's 37 St. James's Street. Wyndham 13 St. James's Square. Yorick 5 Beaufort Buildings, W.C. Pi CONTENTS PREFACE TO THIRD EDITION INTRODUCTION CLUBS m A DIRECTORY OF GENTLEMEN OF COAT ARMOUR PAGE i xxxm APPENDIX . 917 ARMORIAL FAMILIES For the addresses of London Clubs refer to list. All Clubs are supposed to be London Clubs unless immediately followed Ijy the name of a town in brackets. The surnames of daughters are intentionally omitted, and all daughters are placed togetlier, after all the sons. A complete entry should contain full Christian and surnames, style, titles, and de- signations, and offices held, date of birth, name of father and of mother, and of mother's father, dates of succession to. and creations of titles, clubs, livery, armorial bearings, including impalements, date of marriage, name of wife and of her father, names of children and dates of birth of sons, names of estates and postal addresses. The Editor will be happy in all cases to insert any nund^er of quarterings that are duly recorded (upon proof of this being produced), and will add such of the details above indicated as may be omitted. He ho[)es also to have his attention called to any mistakes, and will be glad to receive notice of all alterations that occur. Please address all conmmnications to Arthur Charles Fox- Davies, llastings Mouse, Norfolk Street, Strand, London, W.C. TiiK HoNouRAHi.K WILLIAM ARTHUR CAL- LANDLk A HIXKKTT, Justice of the nt '^tZpfhpft Peace, of Mcllwurne. /ic/v/ July 7, 1833, U XCtl-ntVl i,ejng the eldest son of Sir William a Heckelt, Knight Bachelor, Chief-Justice of \'ictoria, by liis first wife Emily, daughter of Kdwanl Hayley of London, Melljourne. Armorial bearings Hi- bears for Arms : Or, on a chevron f>;uies, between three hons' i leads erased of the last, a fleur-de-lis between two annulets I if the first, all within a Iwrdure wavy of the second, and upon in escutcheon of pretence for and in right of his wife, the inns of Mills, namely, party per pale indented argent and i/ure, a niill-rind between three escallops all counterchanged. I 'pon tlie escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, uith a mantling gules and or; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a fleur-de-lis azure, surmounted with a lion's head erasedy proper. Motto — "Loyal au mart." Married, June 5, i860, Caroline Maria, eldest daughter of J. G. Turnbull of the Hall, Pinner, Middlesex ; and has with other Issue — Gerald Adair, bom November 7, 1865. Estate anil postal w\i\xii%%~ Heatherton Park, near 'J'aunfon. ALLAN SHAFPO ADAIR, Esquire, Justice of the Peace for the counties of Middlesex and Hertford, late Cap- tain in the 13M Regiinent of Light Infantry. Born December 26, 1838, being the fourth son of the late Alexander Adair, of Heatherton Park, in the county of Somerset, by Harriet Elliza, his wife, daughter of George .Atkinson of Temple So^oerby, in the county of Westmorland. C\vi!o — .irmy and Navy. Armorial bearings, as given in Burke's "Landed Gentry," are fur Arms: Party per bend or and argent, three dexter hands couped at the wrist two atid one gules; and for the Crest, a man's head couped and bloody proper. Motto — " Loyal au mort." Married, , Georgina Sarah, daughter of J. G. Turnbull of the Hall, Pinner, Middlesex ; and has Issue- Postal address — Bank of England, Plymouth. ADAMS, see PEERS-ADAMS. Dame /CATHERINE ADAMS, commonly kntmni as Lady Adams, daughter of the late h'everend Thomas Coker Adams, Clerk in Holy Orders, Master of Arts, Vicar of Anstey, Shilton, and Foleshill. Married, November 23, 1843, her cousin, the late Major-General Henry William .Adams, Companion of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, of Anstey Hall, who died 1854 at Scutari, of wounds received at the battle of Inkerman ; she was raised to the rank and precedence she would have enjoyed had her husband lived to be elevated to the rank of Knight Com- mander of the said Order. Armorial bearings, as given in Burke's " Landed Gentiy," are, upon a lozenge : Vert, a cross or, charged with an estoile sable. Postal address — The Lodge, Anstey, near Coventry. FRANCIS ADAMS. Born December 10, 1837, bei7ig the eldest son of the late Francis Adams, of Clifton and Cots- wold, by .Maria his wife, fourth daughter of the Rei'erend J. F. Dcrveton,of Everdon Hall, in the county of Northampton, Justice of the Peace and Deputy- Lieutenant, Rector of Mells and of Burnet, in the county of Somerset. Armorial bear- ings, as given by Burke's "Landed Gentiy," are for Arms : Quarterly i and 4, vert a pale argent between t'wo t^rvphons segreant or (for Adams), 2 and'^2 P>^'''v per chci'ro'n sable and or, in chief t^oo eagles displayed of 'the last {for Shute). Crest— ^ demi-gryphon segreant or. MottO— " Totit ou ricn." Married, April 20, 1870, Julia, third dau/yhter oJ the Reverend Arthur Drummond, Clerk in Holy' Orders, Vicar of Charlton, in the county of Kent ; and has Issue— Francis Adams, born .April 17, 1874 ; and .Maty Frances Drummond. Postal address— tWraw/rf Grange, Cheltenham. HENRY AUGUSTUS ADAMS, Esquire, General in the Army. Born December 3, 1814, being the third but eldest survivmg son of Captain Richard Adams of the and Dragoon Guards (Queen's Bays), of Wainsford, near Lymington, in the county of Southampton, by his wife Louisa, daughter and co-heiress of Newsham Peers of Alveston Park, near Strat- ford-on-Avon, in the coimty of Warwick ; Ensign, February 7, 1836; Lieutenant, June 29, 1841 ; Captain, March 7, 1850- Major, July 20, 1858; Lieutenant-Colonel, February 7' 1862 ; Colonel, February 7, 1867; Major-General, January \, 1878; Lieutenant-General, April i, 1882; General, Decem- ber I, t888. ClHb—]\xn\ox United .Service. Armorial fi is the Military Cockade. bearings— He bears for Arms : Gules, a heart between three cross crosslets fitchi'^e or. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degiee, with a mantling gules and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, on a mount vert, a cross crosslet fitchee or, charged with a bleeding heart gules; with the Motto, "In cruce salus. Married, June 9, 1840, J. Charlotte, daughter of John .'\ndrew Rab6 of Rab6 Castle, near Amsterdam, Holland; and has had Issue — (i) Henry Edward Adams, Gentleman, late Lieutenant 6th Foot, born February 21, 1841, died September 22, 1880; (2) Ma.xwell Richard William Peers Adams, Gentleman, born January 15, 1849 ; (3) James Craig- Bate Delisle Adams, Gentleman, born August 20, 1851 ; (4) Alexander Peers.-\dams, Gentleman, late Surgeon Indian Medical Service, born September 6, 1855, died Sep- temlx^r 12, 1887; (5) Newsham Peers Adams, Gentleman, born June 6, 1861 ; (6) Leslie Peers Adams, Gentleman, born F'ebruary 27, 1863 ; (7) Charles Winckworth Peers .^danis. Gentleman, born September i, 1864, died March 19, 1870; (8) Francis Peers Adams, Gentleman, born December 9, 1866 ; Katherine Louisa [married the Reverend Edward Rogers, who died ] ; and Beatrice Julia, died, un- married, November 26, 1889. Postal address — c/o Messrs. F. P. Baker & Co., 6 Bond Court, Welbeck, E.G. Rev. JAMES WILLIAMS ADAMS, V.C, B. A., Senior Chaplain liengal licclesiaslical ICstablishment, Rector of Postwick, Norwich. Armorial bearings— Vert, a cat-a- mountain between three crescents or, and pendent below the escutcheon his Victoria Cross. Mantling vert and or. Crest — .\n eagle regardant, wings elevated sable, pendent from the neck an escutcheon or, charged with a cat's face vert, resting the de.xter claw on a crescent also or. Postal address — The Rectory, Postwick, Norwich. JOHN ALEXANDER PHILLIPPS ADA.MS,Esquire. Justice of tlie Peace for the county of Pembroke, formerly Captain, Royal .Artillery, liorn 1831, being the eldest son of the late John Adams, of Holy land. Esquire, Justice of the Peace for the county of Pembroke, for which, he seii'ed the Office of High Sheriff in the year 1837, by .Anne his wife, eldest daughter of the late Henry Gibbons. ' Armorial bear- ings, as given in Burke's " Landed Gentiy," a re for AxTQB : Quarterly i and 4, sable a martlet argent, 2 and 3 argent a cross gules, thereon Jive mullets or. Crest — .A martlet argent. MottO — " Certior in ceelo domus." Married, 1862, Lucy Ellen, daughter of Edtvard Lojtus Neynoe, of Castle Neynoe, in the county of Sligo ; and has Issue — (i) John Loftus .Adams, born 1870 ; (2) Bertram Edward .Adams, born 1871. Estate and postal address — Holyland, Pembroke. MAYOW WYNELL ADAMS, Esquire, Justice of the Peace for the counties of Kent .nnd London. Horn 1808, M is the Naval Cockade. I atia and is the son of the late William Dacres Adams. Club — Athenaiimi. Armorial beaiings— He bears for Arms : Or, sera& of cross crosslets fitcliee sable, a lion rampant fjiiles, a bordure engrailed of the second; and for a Crest, an arm enibov.ed in armour proper, garnished or, the elbow charged wilh a torteau, the gaunllct also proper grasping a cross crossln filchee sable; with the Motto, " Libertas et natale solum." Marrifd, May ig, 1841, Anna Maria, daugh- ter of the late Major Hodge of the .Seventh Hussars, by his wife Maria, second daughter of .Sir Edmund Bacon, eighth Baronet of Redgrave and ninth Baronet of Mildenhall, and the then Premier Baronet ; and by her has had hsiie — Edith Maria, married, Novemlx-r 9, 1865, Edward R. Fisher of Thorncoml>e, near Guildford, and died October g, 1871. Postal (tda'resx — The Old House, Sydenham, London, S.E. SAMUICL ALLE.\ ADAM.S, Esc|., J.P., formerly isl Lieut. 'I'ipperary Militia Artillery, /iurii March 1, 1847, being the eldest son of the late John Hervey Adams, Esc|. , of Northlands, Barrister-at-Law, J. P. cos. C'avan and Mona- ghan, and High .Sheriff 1854, by his first wife, Elizabeth f'rances, third dau. of Ambrose Going, Esq., [.P., of Bally- pliili]), CO. 'rip|>erary. Armorial bearings ( Jules, a heart tetween thiee cross crosslets litchi'e or. Mantling gules and or; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, on a mount vert, a cross crosslet Htchi-e or, charged wilh a bleed- ing heart gules; with the MottO, " In crucesalus." Mar- ried, June 13, 1871, Frances iJorothea, dau. of Rev. Uecimus W. Presioii, .\.M., Rector of Killinkcre; and has had Issue — (i) John Hervey Stuart .\dams, Gentleman, h. Dec. 30, i 75 ; (2) Samuel Allen Adam.s, Gentleman, b. April ii, 1882; , ,) Ambrose Douglas Adams, Gentleman, b. May 9, 1889; Kmily Maude Elizalieth, d. May 29, 1891 ; Felicia I'reslon, d. June 24, 1887; Olive Mildred; Mary Henrietta Mabel; Frances Dorothea Kathleen, d. .Sept. 2, 1887; and Hazel Gertrude. Estate and postal address — Northlands, Carrick- macross. SAM U I'.L THOMAS ADAMS, Gentleman. Born 1870, being the only son of the late Samuel Adams, Gentleman, by his wife Louisa Lowe, da // -Drumelton House, Cootehill, eo. Cavan. liiK Rkvkrknp WILLLAM FULFORD ADAMS. I !' rk in Holy Orders, M.asier of Arts of the University of < i\fiird. Vicar of Little Faringdon, in the county of Oxford. / ni July 19, 1833, being the eldest son of the late Reve- re nil i)acres .Adams of Bowdon, in the county of Devon, \ K ar of Bampton, in the county of Oxford, and a Justice of the Peace for that county, by .Anna Maria, eldest daughter of Baldwin I'ulford of Fulford, in the county of Devon. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms: Or, semi?e of rrnss crosslets fitch(5e sable, a lion rampant gules, a lx)rdure 1 nL;iailed of the second ; and for his Crest, on a wreath of t' ■ colours, a dexter arm embowed in armour proper, gar- !iid or, the elbow charged with a torteau, the gauntlet 1 proper, grasping a cross crosslet fitchfc sable ; with the Motto, " Litsertas et natale solum." Married, October 13, i'S5o, Catherine Mary, only daughter of Thomas Horton lit Hromsgrove ; and has had Issue — William Dacres Adams, the University of Oxford, Vicar of flt1l> /"'' ^^^ county of Cambridge, Lieutenant i\th •aUl^aiKP Battalion (.Militia) Suffolk Liegiment. Born November 2, 1863, being the only son of the late Henry John Adeane, Esquire, of Babraham, in the county of Cambridge, Custos Rotulorum of the Isle of Ely, Major of the Cambridge Militia, Justice of the Peace and Deputy-Lieutenant, Member of IMrliament for that county from 1857-1865, by Elizabeth Phillipu Yorke his wife, com- monly kno^i'u as Lady Elizabeth Phillipa Yorke, eldest daughter of the Right Honoiinible Charles Philip, fourth Earl of Hardwicke. Armorial bearings, as given in Burke's "Landed Gentry," are for Arms: Vert, on a chevron between three griffins' heads erased or, as many estoiles sable. Crest — A griffin's head, collared, between two wings. Married, July 23, 1888, Madelina Pamela M is VsLXi Military Cockade. atii Constance Blanche, second daughter of Percy Scaiveu Wyndham, Esquire, commonly known as the Honourable Percy Scatoen Wyndham, Member of Parliament for West Cumberland, late Captain in the Coldstream Guards. Instate and postal address — Babraham Llall, near Cam- ' bridge. SM Rear -Admiral EDWARD STANLEY \ W ADEANE, Companion of the Most Distinguished Order of Saint Michael and Saint George, EelUmi of the Roval ! Geographical Society, Justice of the Peace and Deputy-Lieu- tenant for the county of Cambridge, fustice of the Peace joy .Middlesex. Born 1836, being the third son of the late Henry fohn Adeane, by his second loife Ahitilda, commonly knoxmi as the Honourable Matilda, daughter of the Right J/onour- able John, first Baron Stanley of Alderley ; commanded the " Tenebos" during Zulu War in 1879, and has commanded Her Majesty's ship ' ' Aja.x" from 1886. Armorial bearings — His Arms, as given in Burke's "Landed Gentry," are: Vert, on a chei'ron between three griffins' heads erased or, as many estoiles sable, quartering fones, Brydges, and Chandos , and for his Crest, a griffin's head collared betivcen /<\v/ 7i gules (for Moore). Upon the escutcheon is placed a liehm-t befitting his degree, with a mantling azure and or ; and for a Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a mount vert, thereon in front of rays of the sun an eagle proper, gorged with a collar sable; with the Motto, " Tyme proveth truth." Married, 1848, Sophia Harford, only daughter of Philip Parker of Chew Magna, by Sophia his wife, daughter of James Harford, also of Chew Magna. Estates in Chew Magna and Dundry, both in the county of Somerset. Postal address — 'Y\\q Manor House, Chew Magna, near Bristol. Mr. Adlam with the above arms upon his hook-plate beai ^ upon an escutcheon of pretence for Parker: Anient, a chevron M is the Naval Cockade. atii aoiington between three stags' heads cabushed gules ; but he has estab- lished no rii^hl to this at the College of Anns. HENR 1 ■ SMI Til A DUNG 7 ON, Esquire, Justice of the Peace for the county of Norfolk, late Captain t\lh Dragoons ; served in the Crimea. Born March 21, 1827, being the only son of the late Thomas Adlington, of East Bradenham, in the county of Norfolk, and Clapham Common, in the county of Surrey, by Mary his wife, only daughter of Peter Sjitilh of 1 1 albridge, in the county of Gloucester. Armorial bearings, as quoted in Burke's " General Armory," are for Arms : Sable, a chevron between three goals' heads erased argent. Crest — A goat's head as III the arms. Motto — " Per antiquam cartam." Married, \pril 24, 1856, Emma Jean, second surviving daughter • if the Kiverend Charles Campbetl, Vicar of Weasenham, ill the county of Norfolk; and has had Issue — Henrv ( ampbell Adlington , born August 25, 1865, and died May 4, 1866; Mary Campbell [married, June \, 1893, Horatio George Broke} ; and Evelyn Campbell. Estate ;md postal address — Th^ Hall, Holme Hale, Shipdham, riietford, Norfolk. The h'everend FINANCES KEYES AG LION BY, ( Icrk in Holy Orders, Master of Arts of the University .'/ Oxford, Vicar of Christ Church, Westminster. Born 1848, being the eldest sun.'iving son of the late Charles .Iglionbv, formerly Yates, by Eainiy his wife, daughter uj Colonel James I V. 1 1 \ilker, of I irginia, in the United States of America. Armorial bearings, as given in Burke's " Lauded Gentry," areforAXBlB : Argent two bars, and in I /lief three martlets sable. Crest — A demi-eagle displayed or. Married, August 9, 1876, Amy, daughter of the Right Reverend Edivard Henry Bickersteth, Bishop of Exeter; and has Issue — (i) Frances Basil Aglionby, born 1878; (2) Charles l-'.dward Aglionby : (3) John Orfeur Aglionby ; and Rose fninces Estate — Nunnery in the county of Cumberland. I'ostal address — 7'he Vicarage, Christchurch, Broadway, Westminster, Ijjndon, S. W. Hon. Sir JAMES WILLSON AGNP:W. K.C.M.G., M.U., M.R.C.S., J.I'., F.K.S.A. (Ireland); wasaM.L.C. of Tasmania, 1877-1881, and 1884-87, and Premier and Chief Si'c, 1886 7, and is a M.E.C. of that colony. Born 1815, living the eldest son of the late James William Agnew, M. D. , of Ballyclarc, co. Antrim, and was created K.C.M.G. 1895. Armorial bearings —Gules, on a chevron between in chief two ciiiqiu-foils :uul in bise a saltire coujjed argent, a trefoil slipped vert, the escutcheon being surrounded by the riblxjn, iikI pendent the badge of ;i K.(,'. M.CJ. Mantling gules iiul argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, 111 eagle issuant rising and regardant proper, charged on its luf.ast with a trefoil as in the arms. Motto — " Consilio non iinpetu." Married, April 27, 1846, Louisa Mary, second 'I;iu. of Major Eraser, formerly of 78tli Highlanders; and has /,v.(//6'- (i) Charles Stewart .\rnolil Errington Verc Agiiew, Gentleman, b. Sept. 19, 1848, d. Jan 25, 1854; (-2) Louis Stewart ,\gnew, Gentleman, b. June 8, 1854, d. Se|jt. 5, 1878 ; (3) Gerald Eraser ,\gnew, ( Jentleman, b. Jan. 18, 1856, d. August 31, 1858; (4) Charles Stewart Agnew, l.s(|., J. P. [m. Dec. 4, 1883, Lucy Emmeline, second dau. r Alexander Keid of Ratho, BolhwcU, Tasmania], J. P. I lorence ; Stewart, deceased; and Evelyn Robina. Resi- ■ :''-'ice — Macquarie Street. Hobart, Tasmania. Sir WILLIAM AGNEW. first Baronet, J. P. for Lan- cashire, Manchester, and Salford, M.P. for .S. E. Lancashire (1880-85), for Lancashire, S. E. Stretford (1885-86). Born Octoter 20, 1825, being the son of the late Thomas Agnew uf Manchester. ^7/c/m -Devonshire, National Liberal, Re- fi >\m. Armorial bearings — Per saltire argent and gules, in pale two ciiu|uefoils, and in fesse as many saltires couped, II counterchanged, the escutclieon charged with his badge t Ulster as a Baronet. Mantling gules and argent ; and ii II his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, an eagle regardant wings expanded proper, each wing charged with a pale or, holding in its mouth a sword pointed upwards, also proper, I nd resting the dexter claw on a saltire couped gules. Motto "Consilio et impetu." Married, 1851, Mary (who died I S92), eldest daughter of George Pixton Kenworthy of Man- rliester, and Peel Hall, Lancashire ; and has Issue — George William, Esquire, born Jan. 19, 1852. Residence — 11 Great Stanhope Street, W. aik J.AMES AIKEN, Gentleman, Master of Arts of the University of Glasgow, elder son of John ^tbpM Aiken of Dalmoak and Janet liis wife, younger s.»iu,vil (laughter of John Belch of Drumoyne, Lanark- sh i re. Armorial bearings— H e bears for Arms : Or, three oak slips fructed proper, achiefvair; and upon a u II all i.l Ills Irenes is set U>\' Crest, a dexter lianil couped at tlie wrist, holding a garland of oak leaves proper; with the Motto, " In roliore decus." Estate and postal address — Dalmoak, by Dumbarton. FRANK AlKENHEAD, Gentleman. Born March 22. 1867, iR'ing the oidy son of the late Robert Aikenhead, Iis(|uire, J. P. for the North Riding of the co. of York, by his wife Frances ;\nnie, eldest child of Joseph Davidson of Greencroft Park, Lanchester, co. Durham. I.iverv — Green, with silver buttons. Armoriai bearings — Argent, three acorns slipped and leaved vert, two Haunches gules, each charged with a thistle leaved and slipped or. Mantling vert and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a demi-man affrontiJe, holding in his dexter hand a branch of laurel slipped and fructed all proper, and resting his Tlie Editor undertakes that every entry not in italics is tbat of a genuinely armigerous person. m ake ,.ri< sinister on a chaplel ol oak also proper, friutcil. Motto — " Rupto roL)ore nati." RANGES AN Nil': AlKHNHIiAD, widow, eldest dau. losepli Davison. /./:w)' Green, with silver buttons. Armorial bearings are, upoii a lozenge : Argent, three acoiTis slipped and leaved vert, two Haunches gules, each charged with a thistle slipped and leaved or. Miirrwd, 1864, Rolx-rt Aikenhcad, ICsquire, J.l'. for N. Ridmg of the CO. of York, who died 1895; and has /jtwf— Frank Aikenhead [to whom refer], Ixsrn March 22, 1867 ; and Caroline. Eslate and postal address— Oiiex'mgion Hall, Northallerton. STMOMA.S STORKS GKORCiE HUGH ROHERT- SON AIRMAN, ICsciuire, J. P., I).l>., Major 4lh Haltalion Highland Light Infantry. Born February 25, i860, lieing tlu! eldest son of Hugh Henry Rolx;rlsoii Aikinan of Ross and Broomhilton, by Mary Joyce, only child of 'I'lionias Stokes. r.V//Av— Carlton, Hyde Park, New ( Kdinburgh). Armorial bearings— .Xrgent, a sinister hand holding a branch of oak paleways projjer, surmounted of a bend engrailett gules. Mantling gules douliled argent. Crest — On a wreath of his liveries, an oak-tree proper ; and in an escroU over the same tliis Motto, ".Sub Robore Virtus." Scat — Ross and Broomhilton .Hamilton, N.B. H DA I 'ID A INS WORTH, Esquire, Justice of the Peace ^ and Deputy-Lieutenant for the county oj ^it1trttiri1*f'fl Cumberland, and Justice of the Peace )'*J^UUi5iaj) Council, Member of Parliament for St. Augustine's Division of Kent, Justice of the Peace for the county of Edinlnngh, Justice of the I'eace for the counties of Kent and Dumfries, and a Deputy-Lieutenant for the city and the county of the City of Canterbury, formerly a Lieutenant East Kent Yeomanry Cavalry. Born 1851, being the only son of the late Reverend Aretas Akers of Mailing Abbey, in the county of Kent, by Frances Maria his wife, daughter of Francis Holies Brandram of 'Punbridge Wells, and assumed in 1875 Ijy Royal License the arms and the additional surname and designation of " Douglas of Baads." Clubs — Carlton ; Junior Carlton. Armorial bearings— Argent, a man's heart with a dart jjicrcing through the same fesseways gules, on a cliiel azure three mullets of the held. Married, 1875, Adeline ^m is the Naval Cockade. I ait Mary, elder daughter of Horatio Austen Smith of Hayes Court, Kent; and has Issue — (i) Aretas A kers- Douglas, Gentleman, liorn 1876; (2) George Alexander Akers- Douglas, Gentleman, born 1878; Adeline Frances; Ethel Margaret and Hertha Marion. Estates — Chilston Park, Maidstone ; Craigs, Near Dumfries. The coat of arms tpuirtered for A kers, and the crests for Douglas ami Akcrs, as used and as ^iven in Debrett' s " House of Commons," are of no authority whatsoever. ROBERT SWAN AITCHISON, M.D. (Edin.), F.R.C. RJ'J. /Jorn June y, 1854, being the younger son of the late James Aitchison of Lilliesleaf, co. Roxburgh, by his wife Jane, dau. of Robert Swan of l'".arl.ston, co. IJerwick. Armorial bearings — Or, a double-headed eagle displayed sable, teaked and nientbered gules, on a chief engr.iiled vert, a pheon between two spur-revels of the first ; in the centre of the shit Id an escutcheon of pretence gules, on a chevron between three demi-lions rampant, and. in chief a cross crosslet fitch(?e or, a tp-foil tietween two anchors sable (for Pepper-Staveley). Mantling' sable doubled or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreatii of his iivim-,, ;iii ci-i'- iici.i • rased s;d)le ; and on an escroU over the same this Motto, '* Vigi- laiitib'.is." A/arricd, June 16, 1 891, Jessie Georgina .Annie .Staveley, dau. and co-heir of the late George Augustus I'epper-Slaveley, Esq., Judge in the Hengal Civil Service, and of Woldhurstlea, co. .Sussex (by his second wife Jessie Louisa, eldest dau. of late Donald Macfarlan, M.D. , of Ledanl, co. Perth; and has had /ssue — George Staveley .\itcliison. Gentleman, fi. May 19, 1894; and Nerina Jane, /'. 1892, d. 1897. Residence— T4, Great King Street, Edin- burgl). ALHIXI, cpiartered by HORDERN. ALDAM, see WARDE-ALDAM. PHILIP CLAYTON ALCOCK, i;sc|., late Capt. oi the Gloucester Regt., J. P. for co. Wexford, liorn June 26, 1861, being the eldest son of the late Philip Savage ,-\lcock, l'".s(iuiie, of Park House, Wexford, late Capt. 95th Regt., Hon. Colonel, J. P. co. Wexford, by his wife Katherine .Annette, second dau. of Richard Clayton Browne Clayton of .\dlington Hall, co. Lancaster, and Carigbyrne Lodge, CO. Wexford; s. his uncle 1893. Clnbs^\\\w\o\ Constitu- tional, Ivildarc Street (Dublin). Armorial bearings— .Argent, .a fesse between three cocks' heads erased sable. Mantling sable and argent; and for his Crest, upi, together comprisuii; about 900 acrts, iiiid subject to certain equities affecting the same. Postal address — The Vicarage, Ludlow, Salop. hl'Cll ALDERSEY, Est/ ui re. Justice of the Peace for the county of Chester, Hachelor oj Arts of ^XtXWHtW ^^"^ Universifv of Cambridge. Horn Fcb- *AKVt\'\,P%/]f ,.„„,y 2, 1858^ being the eldest son of Thomas .Aldersey of .-Itdersey, Esquire \to whom refer], by Nose Sidney his wife, daughter of the A'everend George liecher lilomficld. Canon of Chester and Sector of Stevenage. Clubs— AWf Travellers' , Grosvenor (Chester). \A\cvy -French grey and dark green. Armorial bearings, as used, are for Anns : Gules, on a bend argent, bcttcecn two cinquefoils or, three leopards' faces vert ; and for the Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a demi-griffin segreant gules, beaked and armed, and issuing from a flume of Jive ostrich feathers or. The .4lderseys of Aldersey ore one of the oldest families in England, and are included in Shirley's ' ' Noble and Gentle Families," where the Arms are quoted ; and a pedigree of the family appears in Burke's " Landed Gentry." Hut as no modern pedigree has been recorded in the College oJ .-trrns, the Editor regrets he is unable to accept the responsi- bility of inserting the above Hugh Aldersey, Esquire, as armigerous. Married, April 3, 1888, Evelyn, daughter of the A'everend Francis Coulman Royds, Clerk in Holy Orders, Rector of Coddington ; and has Issue — (i) Hugh Aldersey, born December 28, 1888 ; (2) Ralph Aldersey, born March 20, 1890. Postal address — Crook Aldersey, Cliester. THOMAS ALDERSEY, Esquire, served the office oj High Sheriff for the county of Chester in the year 1862. Born March 30, 1830, being the second but only sui-viving son of the late Samuel Aldersey, Esquire, of Aldersey Hall and Spurstow, in the county of Chester. Armorial bear- ings as used are for Arms : Gules, on a bend argent, between two cinquefoils or, three leopards' faces vert; and for the Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a demi-griffin segreant gules, beaked aud armed, and issuing from a plume of five ostrich feathers or. The Alderseys of Aldersey are one of the oldest families in England, and are included in Shirley s " Noble and Gentle Families of England," where the Arms are quoted ; and a pedigree of the family appears in Burke's ' ' Landed Gentry. ' But as no modern pedigree has been recorded in the College of Arms, the Editor regrets he is unable to accept the responsibility of inserting the above Thomas Aldersey, Esquire, as armigerous. Married, February 5, 1856, Rose Sidney, second daughter of the Reverend George Becher Blomfield, Canon of Chester and Rector of Stevenage, in the county of Hertford ; and has Issue — (i) Hugh Aldersey, Esquire [to zvhom refer] ; (2) Thomas Aldersey; Constance; Rose Frances; and Ida Mary. Estate and postal dLAAress— Aldersey Hall, Chester. ALDRED, Earl of NORTHUMBERLAND, quartered by HUSSEY. § RICHARD WILLIAM ALDWORTH, Esquire, Colonel late 7th Royal Fusiliers, Justice of the Peace for the counties of Cork, Kerry, and Limerick, Deputy- Lieutenant for the county of Cork, High Sheriff 1869. Born January 31, 1825, being the eldest son of the late Richard Oliver Aldworth, Esc|uire, of Newmarket, in the county of Cork, Justice of the Peace and Deputy-Lieutenant, High Sheriff 1832-1833, by his wife the Lady Letitia Hare, eldest daughter of Richard Hare, Esquire, commonly called Viscount Ennismore (eldest son of the first Earl of Listowel). Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Argent, a fesse engrailed between six billets gules, and impaling the arms of Hare, namely gules, two bars and a chief indented or. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a dexter arm embowed in armour, the hand grasping a straight sword all proper ; with the Motto, " Nee tiniere, nee timide." Married, July 30, 1863, Lady Mary Henrietta Catherine Bernard, eldest daughter of the Right Hono\iral)le Frances Hare, third l-:arl of Bandon. Estate and postal address — Newmarket, county Cork. ROBERT ALDWORTH, Esquire, late Captain and Honorary Major 9th Battalion King's Royal RiHes, Justice of the Peace for the county of Somerset. Born 1827, being the second son of Richard Oliver Aldworth, Esquire, Justice of the Peace and De|)uty-Lieutenant, of Newmarket, S is the Military Cockade. Ml the county of Cork, by his wife Letitia, commonly known as Lady Letitia, daughter of Richard Hare, Esquire, com- monly known as Viscount Ennismore, and granddaughter of the Right Honourable the first Earl of Listowel. Clubs — Primrose, Royal Dorset Yacht (Weymouth). Livery — While and red. Armorial bearings—He bears for Arms : Argent, a fesse engrailed between six billets gules. Upon the escutclieon is placed a helmet befitting his ilegree, with a mantling gules and argent ; and for liis Crest, ujwn a wreath of the colours, a dexter arm embowed in armour, the hand grasping a sword all proper ; with the Motto, " Nee temere, nee timide." Married, May 23, 1867, Louisa Mary, daughter of Major-General Ilenry Dunbar Tolley, Companion of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath. Postal address — Westlake, West Coker, Yeovil, Somerset. ALEIGH, quartered by MALET. § GRANVILLE HENRY J.\CKSON ALEXANDER, Esquire, J. P. and D.L. for co. Armagh (High Sherifl 1883), late Captain Armagh Militia, formerly Lieut. 83rd Regt. Born 1852, being the eldest son of the late Ilenry .Alexander, Esq.. D. L., of lorkhill, by Lady Louisa Juliana, second dau. of the Rt. Hon. Thomas Knox, 2nd Earl of Ran- furly. 6V///M— Calton, Kildare Street (Dublin). Armorial bearings — Per jsale argent and sable, a chevron between in chief an annulet and in base a crescent all counterchanged. Mantling sable and argent; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, an arm in armour embowed, the hand grasp- ing a sword all proper, and charged on the elbow with an annulet sable. Motto—" Per mare, per terras." Married, 1880, Daisy, dau. of M. Matthews of San Francisco. Seat — Forkhill House, Forkhill, co. Armagh. JAMES DALISON ALEXANDER, Esq., D.L. for Kent, late Capt. W. Kent Yeomanry. Born March 5, 1846, being the eldest son of James .Alexander of Oak- I bank, .Sevenoaks, and of .Annai Maria Jula, eldest dau. of Maximilian D. D. Dalison of Hamptons, Kent. Clubs — Travellers', Junior Carlton. Liveiy — Undress: dark blue- full dress : white, black facings, black plush breeches' M is the Naval Cockade. I ait ail Armorial bearings — i'erpale argent and sitble, a chevron and in Ijasc a crescent all counterchangcd, on a canton azure ,1 liarp or, stringed argent, and impaling tlie arms of Hoyie, iKimely, per Ix-nd embattled argent and gules. Mantling >.ible and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, 111 arm in armour embowed proper, holding a dagger of the last hilt and jionmiel or. Motto — " I'er mare per terras." Mtirried, Jan. 27, 1885, Lady limily Harriet Catherine lioyle, eldest dau. of Rt. Hon. the Earl of Cork and Orrery, I'.C., K.I'.; and has Issue — (i) James Ulick Francis (ban- ning Alexander, Gentleman, h. Feb. 10, 1889; (2) James Cedric St. Lawrence -Alexander, Gentleman, b. July 15, 1897; Evelyn Catherine; and Jacqueline Harriet. Kesi- Jcnce — Hanisell Manor, Eridge, Sussex. riiK KicviiRKNi) CHARES ARGENTLNE ALING- TON, Hachelor of -Arts of the University C?ltHrt'<"rtt1 ^^ Oxford, Justice of the I'eace for the ailU^l'UU Lountyof Lincoln, Clerk in Holy Orders, formerly Rector of Muckton-with-Bur- uell. Born March 22, 1828, Ijeing the eldest son of the late (Jeorge Mannaduke .Mington, Escjuire, Justice of the I'eace and Deputy- Lieutenant of Swinhope, by Mary his wife, third daughter of Matthew Bancroft Lister of Burwell, ill the county of Lincoln. Club — United University. Ar- morial bearings— He l)ears for Arms : Sable, a bend engrailed between six billets argent, (juartering Argentine, l'"itz-'rhomas, (Gardiner, Winford, and Cookes ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a talbot passant ermine ; with the Mottoes, " Non |)our Haine," " lin iJieu est tout." Married. 1873, ICleanor, youngest daughter of the late Daniel (Jave, lisquire, of Cleve Hill, county of Gloucester (she died 1874); and has /«//lllCtli pj.,- ix-nd indented ermine and gules, in the sinister chief a stag's head erased of the second, attired or, and in dexter base a crescent argent, within a bordure or. U|jon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules, doubled argent : and upon a wreath of his liveries is set for Crest, a talboi's head erased sable; with the Motto, " Spero." Postal addres'i — 15 W'oodside Terrace, Glasgow. § ALEXANDER ALLAN. Esquire, J.I'., D.L., and Hon. Sheriff of .Argyllshire. Burn Nov. 4, 1844, Ijeing the only son of the late Bryce Allan of Liverpool, by his his wife Janet, dau. of George Blair ofCheenoek. ('lubs — ■ Junior Carlton, New (Edinburgh). Armorial bearings — I'er bend indented ermine and gules, in chief a stag's head erased of the second, attired or, and in base a crescent argent, all within a liordure sable. Mantling gules doubled argent. Crest- On a wreath of the liveries, a talboi's head sable. Motto — ".Spero." Married, Sept. 18, 1866, Julia Elizateth, dau. of Alexander M'Ewan of Sunderland, Islay ; and has Issue — Bryce Allan, born 1874 ; and Sheila Elizabeth. Seat — Aros House, near Tobermory, Isle of Mull. N.B. § HENRY CHARLES HYNMAN ALLANBY. Es- cjuire. of Walsoken, M.A. (Oxon.) 1878, Hon. Maj. 3rd Bait. Seaforth Highlanders ; late Capt. R. N. Lincoln Militia; has resumed the old spelling of the family name. Born 1853, being the eldest son of Henry Hynman AUenby, Esq., J.R , of Kenwick Hall, who d. 1869, by Eliza, dau. of Titus Bournt' of .Alford, co. Lincoln. C///fc — Boodle's, Royal Highland Yacht. Armorial bearings— .Argent, on a chevron engrailed azure, between four horses' heads erased, three in chief and one in base gules, three crescents of the first, a bordure of the second, impaling the arms of Garfit, namely sable, a Ixmd nebuly argent, gutt(5e-de-poix, between four goats, two and two salient, and Ijendways of the second, armed or. Mantling azure and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a crescent gules, issuant therefrom a dcmi-lion proper, holding Unween the paws a horse-shoe also gules. Married, 1879, Mary Florence, dau. of Thomas Garfit, Esq. , M. P. ; and has, with other Issue — Allan Charles Hynman AUanby, Gentleman, b. 1881. Residence — Knaith Hall. Gainsborough, Lines. CHARLES FRANCIS EGERTON ALLEN, Bachelor of Arts of the University of Cambridge, Barrister-at-Law, formerly Cioi'ernment Advocate in British Burmah, and sometime Recorder of Rangoon, Member of Parliament for Pembroke and Haverfordtvest District. Born October 14, 1847. being the third son of the late Charles Allen of Norton, in the county of Pembroke, Esquire, fusticc of the Peace for that county, for which he sen'ed the office of High Sheriff in the year 1876, by his wife Maiy, youngest daughter of James Allen of Freestone Hall, in the county of Pembroke. Club — Oriental. Armorial bearings, as given in Debrett's "House of Commons," are for Arms : Per bend rompu argent and sable, six martlets cuunterchanged. Crest — A dove holding in the beak an olive branch all proper. Motto — " Amicitia sine fraude." The arms are those which loere confirmed and The Editor undertakes that every entry not in italics is that of a genuinely armigerous person. ail ail iiNtnivii in 1620 to John Aleyite of Hampton, in the county of D>~t and gules, a garb or, between two flanches of the last, each charged with two bars raguly of the first. Ui)on the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling sable and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, on a mount vert, a wheatear rising and regardant, holding in ihe t^eak an ear of wheat, stalked and bladed Ijetween four similar ears of wheat, two on either side or. MottO--"Ciod giveth the increase." Married, Decenitjer 29, 1881, .Adelaide Catlierine, daughter of the late Roljcrt Gray, sometime Master of the Vintner's Company, London; and has /«//<• — (i) (ieorge Kendall Allen, (;'tntleman, b<3rn Feb. 15, 1883 ; (2) Robert William Allen, Gentleman, born Sept. 23, 1884; (3) Henry Isher- wood .Allen, Gentleman, born Nov. 18, 1887; and Chris- tiana Mary .Adelaide. Postal rt^Wrwr— Cranleigh School, Surrey. SHKNR V SE YMOUR A l.I.EN, Kujuire, J us/ ice of the Peace and Deputy-Lieutenant for the county of Pembroke, for which he served the office of High Sheriff in the year 1873, late of the 1st Life Guards. Born August 30, 1847, being the second but eldest snmiving son of the late Seymour Phillips Allen of Cresselly, Esquire, fustice of the Peace and Deputy-Lieutenant for the county of Pembroke, by Catherin,' his wife, commonly knmun as Lady Catherine, second daughter of the Night Honourable Kewton, fourth Earl of Portsmouth. Armorial bearings, as quoted in Burke's "Landed Gentry," are: Per bend rompu argent and sable, six martlets counterchanged. Crest — A dtwe holding in the beak an olive branch all proper. MottO — " .Imicitia sine fraudc." The arms are those which were confirmed and alUmi(iigest daughter of James Allen of Freestone Hall, in the <.r/(W, Tenby. JAMKS FRANKLIN SWITHl'-N ALLIEN, Gentleman, M.D., M.Ch., R.U.I., President of the Natal Province of the South African League. Iforn July 15, 1853, V)eing the third surviving son of William Allen of Liscongill, co. Cork, by his wife Clara Belinda, dau. of Christopher Rland of l)erric|uin Castle, Snoem, co. Kerry, Ireland. Livery — Dark blue, with white facings. Armorial bearings^-Argent, two bars azure, a Ixiud counterchanged, charged with three bivants, on a chief of the second, an esloilc between two scallops or. Mantling azure and argent. Crest—On a Meath of the colours, an ogress charged with a talbot's li -ad erased or. Motto — "Fiiielis morte lam vita-." Mar- ried, Jan. II, 1B82, Jane Cooper, dau. of James Campbell of Crieff, Perthshire, Scotland ; and has Issue — (i) William Allen, Gentleman, b. March 3, 1889 ; (2) Robert .Allen, (ientleman, and Kllen. Africa. b. March Residence - 1897 ; Clara IJelinila ; Mary ; I'ietermaritzburg, Natal, South S RALPH ED WARD ALLEN. Esquire, Justice of the Peace for the county of Somerset , Major East Yorkshire Regiment. Born 1846, being the only son of .Major Ralph ShuttU-ioorth Allen, Deputy-Lieutenant and Justice of the Peace for the county of Somerset, by .tnne E.lizabeth his wife, daughter of Sir Samuel Cunard, Haronet. Clubs — I'niled Service, Naval and .Military', Saint James, Wellington. Livery — /Hack coat loith siher buttons, black and white striped waistcoat. Armorial bearings, as used, are for Arms : Per bend rompu, si.v martlets counterchanged ; and for the Crest, a Cornish chvugh with wings endorsed proper : and the MottO, "Jamais arritre." The arms are those which were confirmed and alhrwed in the year 1620 to John .Alevne of Hampton, in /h€ county of Devon, fifth son of Thomas .■ileyne of Forseham, in the county of Suffolk, but no pedigree has been established or recorded shinidng any con- nection or descent by the abot'e Major Allen. Estate — Hath- ampton, in the county of Somerset. Postal address — 10 Hanover Square, London, W. ROBERT CALDER ALLEN, E.squire, late Captain Royal Navy, Companion of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath. Horn 1812, being the son of the late William Allen, Royal Navy, of Torrebourne, in the county of Perth, Master Attendant and Her Majesty the Queen's Harbour- M;ister at Malta, 1864 1867; Dept'ford, 1867 1870; retired Captain 1870; created Companion of the Most llonoiuable Order of the Bath, 1877. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Parted per bend wavy argent and azure, in chief a crescent and in base a nuillet, coimierchafiged, and pen- dent below the escutcheon his badge .is a Companion of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath. Upon the escut- cheon is placed a helmet belilting his degree, with a mantling gules, doubled argent ; and upon a wreath of his liveries is set for Crest, an arm vested azure, the hand holding a hunting-horn gules, garnished or; with the Motto, " Vivite fortes." Postal address — j2 Shirland Gardens, Maida Vale, London, W. S.AMU EL ALLEN, Escjuire, Justice of the Peace for the county of Antrim, for which he served the office of High Sheriff in the year 1886, Master of .Arts of the University of Cambridge, Doctor of Laws of the University of Dublin, and Barrister-at-Law. Horn July 22, 1842, Iwing the second The Editor undertakes that every entry not in italics is that of a genuinely armigerous person. 14 m m but eldest surviving son of the late Henry Ellis Allen of Lisconnan. in the county of Antrim, Hachelor of Arts of the University of Dublin' by jane, thirtl daughter of John Regan. Master of the Charter School at Kilkenny. C/itfis — Constitutional, Ulster (lk'lfa>t), University (Dublin). I.ivcry — Light (Iral) witii blue facings and silver buttons. Armorial beanngB lie In-ars for Arms : Argent, two chevronels azure, on a chief indented of the last a bezant between two escallops or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a bezant charged with a talbot's liead erased sable, gorged with a chaplet of fern proper ; with the Motto, " Malo mori quam faedari." Married, January 15, 1890, Florence Mary, second, but at that time the only surviving daughter of General Sir Charles William Adair, Knight Commander of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath ; and has had Issue — (i) Samuel Allen, Gentleman, born June 5, 1891; (2) Henry Adair Allen, Gentleman, l)orn July 18, 1893; (3) Conway Benning Allen, Gentleman, born Sept. 25, 1896 ; Marjorie ; and Audrey (died 1895). Estate consists of the townlands of Ballyallaght, Islandrose, Knock- anboy, Lisconnan, and Toberdoney, all in the county of Antrim. Postal address— XjMcoww'A.n, Dervock, county Antrim, Ireland. GOODRICH HOLM'SDALK ALLFREY, Esquire, Justice of the Peace, High Sheriff 1881, formerly Major 2nd Dragoon Guards. Born September 27, 1835, l)eing the eldest son of the late Robert Allfrey, Esquire, of Wokefield Park, Justice of the Peace and Deputy-Lieutenant, by his wife Caroline, daughter of William Hobson of Harley Street, London. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Party per fesse sable and ermine, a pale counterchanged, three ostriches' heads erased argent, ducally gorged and lined or. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling saVjle and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, an ostrich's head and neck, ducally gorged as in the arms, between two ostrich feathers argent. Married, August 21, 1873, Helen Clara, daughter of William Little ; and has Issue — (i) Herbert Cyril Allfrey, Gentleman. born September 28, 1874 [luarried, 1897, Norah, daughter of John Gilbert Meiggs] ; (2) Nugent St. Clair Allfrey, Gentleman, born May 2, 1880. Estates — Wokefield Park, in the county of Berkshire ; and Salehurst, in the county of .Sussex. Postal address — Wokefield Park, Mortimer, Berkshire. Rev. JAMES ALLGOOD, M.A. (Oxon.), late Rector of Ingram, Alnwick. Born 30 June 1826, being the second but eldest surviving son of the late Robert Lancelot AUgood of Nunwick, I'^sq., D.L. Northumberland, High Sheriff 1818, by his second wife IClizabeth, 2nd dau. and co-heiress of John Hunter, of The Hermitage, in the same county. Ar- morial bearings— He bears for Arms: Argent, a cross engrailed gules, lietween four mullets azure, on a chief or, S is the Military Cockade. three damask roses of the second, seeded gold, barbed vert. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules and argent : and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, two arms embowed in armour proper, holding in the hands a human heart, gules, infiamed or, charged witli a tower trijjle-towered argent ; with the Motto, " Age omne bonum." Married, 4 May 1854, Isal)ella, 3rd dau. of Charles A. Williamson of Balgray ; and by her (who d. 21 Jan. 1876), has had Issue — (i) Roliert Lancelot AUgood, Gentleman, h. 18 Oct. 1855; (2) George Guy Hunter AUgood, Gentleman, b. 6 Nov. 1857 ; d. 1890 ; (3) James Charles AUgood, Gentleman, b. 21 July 1862 ; d. 21 Jan. 1876; (4) David Williamson AUgood, Gentleman, /'. 19 April 1864; d. 21 Jan. 1876; (5) Alfred Major AU- good, Gentleman, /'. 15 Aug. 1866 ; (6) William Henry Loraine AUgood, Gentleman, h. 16 Feb. 1868; (7) Roland Frederick AUgood, Gentleman, b. 3 Aug. 1873 ; Alice Whit- tingh.am [/«., 1884, John Coppin Straker]; Elaine Elizabeth, (/. 2 Sept. 1861 ; Edith Gertrude [w. , 1895, Frederic Straker] ; and Mary Evelyn. Estate and -postal address — Nunwick, near He.xham, co. Northumberland. AUGUSTUS HENRY EDEN ALLHUSEN, Esquire, Justice of the Peace for the county of Buck- C^f (flllC^tl ingham, late Lieutenant Royal Bucking- vlUIJU^vll hamshire Hussars. Bo?-n August 20, 1867, being the eldest son of the late Henry Christian AUhusen, Lieutenant-Colonel ist Newcaslle-on- Tyne Volunteer .Artillery, by Alice his wife, second daughter of Thomas Eden of Norton Hall, in thecounty of Gloucester. Clubs — Carlton, Orleans, Cavalry. Livery — Dark blue coat, yellow waistcoat, brass buttons. Armorial bearings Barry of six or and azure, four fleurs-de-lis, two and two counterchanged. Mantling azure and or. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a demi-lion guardant azure, holding in the dexter paw a jiassion cross or, between two open buffalo-horns of the last ; with the MottO, " Devant si je puis." Estates — Stoke Court and Mount Alexander, both in the county of Buckingham. Postal address — .Stoke Court, Stoke Poges, Buckinghamshire. WILLIAM HUTT ALLHUSEN, Gentleman. Born 1845, being the fourth son of Christian AUhusen, Esq., J. P., D.L.,of Stoke Court, Bucks, who d. 1890, by Anne, dau. of John Shield, Est]., of Broonihaugh, Northumber- land. Clubs — Union, WeUlington. Armorial bearings Barry of six or and azure, four fleurs-de-lis, two and two counterchanged. Mantling azure and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a demi-lion guardant azure, holding in the dexter paw a passion cross or, between two open buffalo-horns of the last; with the Motto — ^" Devant si je puis." Married, 1876, Beatrice May, dau. of late Col. Thomas Bromhead Butt, 79th Cameron Highlanders. Residences — Twyford Abbey, near Ealing, W. ; Isola Bella, Cannes. WILTON ALLHUSEN, Gentleman. /?<»r« 1840, Ijcing the son of Christian AUhusen, Esq., J. P., D.L., of Elswick Hall, Newcastle-on-Tyne, and Stoke Court, Bucks, who d. 1890, by .Annie, dau. of John Shield, F^^sq., of Broomhaugh, Northumberland. Club — Union. Armorial bearings- Barry of six or and .azure, four fleurs-de-lis, two and two counterchanged, and impaling the .arms of Vandeleur, viz. or, a trefoil vert, Iwtween three nmllets purpure. Mantling azure and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a demi-lion guardant azure, holding in the dexter paw a passion cross or, between two open buffalo-horns of the last; with the Motto, "Honour first." Married, 1874, Adelaide, dau. of Major Thomas Pakenham Vandeleur of Limerick ; and has, with other Issue — A son, Ormsby AUhu-sen, Gentleman, /;. 1888. Seat — Pinhay, East Devon, near Lyme Regis, Dorsetshire. Town residence — 61 Eaton Place, S.W. S CHARLES HENRY ALSTON, Esquire, formerly Capt. and Hon. Major in " (Juecn's Own" Lanark- shire Yeomanry Cavalry. Born F'eb. 28, 1843, being the fifth son of the late James William Alston, Esq., of Stock- briggs, CO. Lanarkshire, by his wife Margaret Hamilton, dau. of William .Stirling of Cordale, Dumbartonshire. Armorial bearings — Azure, ten nmllets of six points or, 4, 3, 2 and I, within a bordure wavy of the last, charged with thice tleurs-de-lis gules. Mantling gules doubled argent. Crest — Upon a wreath of the liveries, a demi- ^m is the Naval Cockade. I m eagle rising proper, on each wing a crescent reversed gules. Motto—" In allum." Married, 1868, Sara Fullerton, dau. of Capl. John George Brown the younger of Auchlochan, ame 15 Lanarkshire; and has /w/zf. /i'«/(/^«r(?— Allt-garbh, Loch Awe, Argyll. N.I5. WILMAM ALSTON of Stockbriggs, Lanarkshire. Armorial bearings -Azure, ten nuillets of six points or, I, 3, 2 and I, within a hordure of the last, charged with three tli'urs-dc-lis gules. Mantling gules doubled argent. Crest— Upon a wreath of the livirics, a denii-eagle rising jiroper, f)n each wing a cresci-nt reversed gules. Motto — "In altuin." Pos/al address — Stockbriggs, Lanark- shire. The Rkverkni) ALTHAM SURTEKS ALTIL-X.M, Master of Arts of the University of Oxford. f{or/i January 23, 1851, l)eing the eldest son of the late William .Surtees Althani, ICstjuire (who assumed, in the year 1862, by Royal License, the name and arms of Altham), late Major 83rd Foot, Justice of the Peace for the county of Somerset, by his wife Henrietta, second daughter of Edward Barrett Mouiton- Banet, Es(|uire, of Hope End, in the county of Hereford, Justice iif the Peace and High Sheriff for that county in 18(4. Armorial bearings— He Ixjars for Arms: Quar- terly I and 4, paly of six ermine and azure, on a chief gules, a lion passant regardant or, armed and langued azure ; 2 and 3 azure, on a chevron argent, lietween three garbs or, as many tleurs-de-lis gules. Upon the escutcheon is jjlaced a helmet befitting his degree, with a mant- ling azure and argent; and for his Crests, i. upon a wreath of the colours, a demi-lion or, holding a ship's rudder sable ; 2. upon a wreath of the colours, a talbot sejant sable, collared or, reposing the dexter fore-paw on an escutcheon argent, charged with an estoile azure ; with the Motto, " Pro Deo et catholica fide." Afa>-- rird, 1881, Bertha Emma, elilest daughter of the late Reverend Frances Fisher, Vicar of Hillmarton ; and has /vj7/t> — John Altham Surtees Altham, Gentleman, lx)rn 1886. Estate and postal address — Timl)ercoml)e, Aisholt, Bridgwater. WILLIAM HENRY AMBROSE, Gentleman. Born June 14, 1853, being the eldest son of the 3lTlfal*nfliP '^'"^ William Ambrose of Glasgow and of <^i«»wvvxiV Bothwell,inthecountyof Lanark, .Solicitor, by Janet Muir his wife, daughter of the late David MacBrayne of Glasgow. 6V«(5j— Constitutional, Junior Constitutional, .Scottish, Conservative (Glasgow), Castle and County (Ventnor, Isle of Wight). /./I'tv^— Dark blue and silver. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : -Azure, two lions passant in pale argent, on a chief dove- tailed of the last, a fleur-de-lis l)ctween two annulets of the first ; and for his Crest, on a wreath of the colours, and issuant front the battlements of a tower a cubit ami proper, holdinga billet in Ijcnd sinister or; with the Motto, " lespere en Dieu." Married, July 30, 1883, ICdith Jane, daughter of John D'.Monte Arbuthnot, by Esther Jane his wife, daughter of the late Sir William Murray, ninth Baronet, of Clermont ; and has /.«//<"— Lilian lidith. Postal address— 4$ S>t. James's Square, Notting Hill, London, W. AMCOTTS, see CRACROFT-AMCOTTS. AUGUSTA PERCY AMES, Widow, daughter of the late Colonel Sir John Morillyon Wilson, Com- C?t>t|>fy panion of the Most Honourable Order of the vtlllV^ liath. Knight of the Royal Hanoverian Ciuelphic Order. Armorial bearings, displayed upon a lozenge : Quarterly i and 4, argent on a bend cotised Ijetween two annulets sable, a c|uatrefoil t)etween two roses of the field (for Ames), 2 and 3, party per pale or and gules, a saltire between two mascles in j)ale, and in fesse as many leopards' faces jessant-de-lis all counterchanged (for Poole). Married, June 10, 1848, Lionel .Ames, ICsquire, Justice of the Peace and Deputy- Lieutenant for the county of Ifedford, who died February 20, 1873. Postal addrcss^-^l Eaton Square, London, S.W. LiicuTEN ANT -Colonel GERARD VIVIAN AMES, Esquire and Lord of the Manor of Ayot Saint Lawrence, Hertfordshire. Horn August 7, 1852, and is the eldest sur- viving son of the late Lionel ;\mes, h'squire, of the Hyde, in the county of Bedford, Justice of the Peace and Deputy- Lieutenant for that county, by Augusta Percy his wife, daughter of the late Colonel Sir John Morillyon Wilson, Companion of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, Knight of the Royal Hanoverian (iuelphic Order. Clit/i — Junior United Service. Armorial bearings — Quarterly i and 4, argent on a bend cotised tetween two annulets sable, a quatrefoil Ijetween two roses of the field (for .Ames), 2 and 3, party per i)ale or .and gules, a saltire The Editor undertakes that every entry not in italics is that of a genuinely armigerous person. i6 ame between two niascles in pale, and in fesse as many leo- pards' faces jessant-de-lis all couiiterchanged (for Poole) ; and for a Crest, upon a svre.ith of his colours, a rose argent, slip])ed and leaved proper, and in front thereof an annulet or. FREDERICK AMES, Esquire, Justice of the Peace for the county of Worcester. Born October 17, 1836, teing the fifth son of George Henry Ames, Gentleman, by Anna his wife, daughter of the late Gideon Acland. Cliihs — Junior United .Service, Hyde I'ark. I.iveiy—D-AxV. Oxford mixture, silver buttons, and scarlet waistcoat. Armorial bearings — Quarterly i and 4, argent, on a bend cotised between two annulets sable, a quatrefoil between two roses of the field (for Ames) ; 2 and 3 party per pale or and gules, a saltire between two mascles in pale, and in fesse as many leopards' faces jessant-de-lis all counterchanged (for Poole) ; and for a Crest, upon a wreath of his colours, a rose argent, slipjjed and leaved proper, and in front thereof an annulet or. Married, March 14, 1865, Letitia, eldest daughter of the late George Fillingham of Syerston Hall, Newark, Notting- hamshire. Postal address — Hawford Lodge, near Wor- cester. HENRY ST. VINCENT AMES, Gentleman, Master of Arts (O.xon). Born August 19, 1833, being the fourth son of the late George Henry Ames, Gentleman, by Anna his w ife, daughter of the late Gideon Acland. Cli/li — Junior Con- servative. Livery — Oxford mixture, with narrow lace show- ing roses. Armorial bearings — Quarterly i and 4, argent, on a bend cotised between two annulets sable, a quatrefoil between two roses of the field (for Ames) ; 2 and 3 party per pale or and gules, a saltire between two mascles in pale, and in fesse as many leopards' faces jessant-de-lis all counti-rchangd (for Poole) ; and for a Crest, upon a wreath of his colours, a rose argent, slipped and leaved proper, and in front thereof an annulet or; with the Motto, " Fama Candida rosa dulcior." Married, April 29, 1875, Charlotte Henrietta, daughter of the Reverend George Robinson, formerly Rector of Tartaraghan, in the county of Armagh, by Charlotte Augusta his wife, daughter of the Reverend Andrew God- frey Stuart, commonly known as the Honourable and Reverend Andrew Godfrey Stuart. Postal address — Cote House, Westbury-on-Trym, Bristol. l>OUIS ERIC AMES, Esquire, Justice of the Peace for the county of Northumberland. Born April 17, 1855, being the eldest son of the late Henry Metcalfe Ames of Linden, Esquire, Deputy-Lieutenant for the county of Northumber- land, by his wife ICliza (Burke gives Elizabeth) Sarah, only daughter of Major Hodgson Cadogan of Brinkburn Priory. Armorial bearings — Quarterly i and 4, argent on a bend cotised between two annulets saljle, a quatrefoil between two roses of the field (for Ames), 2. party per p.ale or and gules, a saltire between two mascles in pale and in fesse as many leopards' faces jessant-de-lis all counterchanged (for Poole), 3. per fesse or and sable, in chief two calves statant and in b.ase a dove volant counterchanged (for Metcalfe) ; and for a ^ is the Military Cockade. anti Crest, upon a wreath of his colours, a rose argent, slipped and leaved projjer, and in front thereof an annulet or ; and for a Motto, "Fama Candida rosa dulcior." Married, April 2S, 1881, Margaret Wilhelmina, daughter of William John Hamilton, Memljer of Parliament, by his wife, com- monly known as the Honourable Margaret Frances Florence Dillon, daughter of the Right Honourable Henry Augustus, thirteenth Viscount Dillon, and Maid of Honour to the Queen; and has Issue — (i) John Louis Metcalfe Ames, born May 12, 1882 ; and (2) Robert Henry Ames, born October 26, 1883. Postal address — Linden, Morpeth. JOHN AMPHLKTT, Esquire, Justice of the Peace f or f/ie county of Worcester, Barrister-at-Latc. QitYtntyXctt Born Alarch 22, 1845, hein^ the only son c/ iia quiF honesta." KsXMe.— Mount John, in the county of \ I 'icklou>, Ireland. §Cor,. GEORGE BRAMSTON ARCHER- IIOUB- LON, J.]', for Berks, Essex, and Herts; formerly Lieut.-Col. 3r(i Batt. F'rincess Cliarlotte's (R. Berkshire) Regt., retired 1894. Born 1843, being tlie only son of the late Charles Eyre (formerly Archer- Houblon), Esq., of Wei- ford Park, J. P. and D. L. .'by his first wife, Mary Anne, elder (laii. of the late General E. W. Leyborne-Popham of I^iltle- lote, Wilts; assumed the surname of Arclicr-Houblon, by IxDval iJa'iise, on the death in 1891 of Jolui .Archer-Houblon III H:\llint;lmi y. Clubs — Junior Carlton, Travellers'. Ar- morial bearings — {^)uarterly i and 4, argent, the base vert, issuing therefrom three hop-poles sustaining their fruit all proper (for Houblon) ; 2 and 3, quarterly i. and iiii. ermine, a cross saljle (for Archer) ; ii. and iii. argent, on a chevron sable, three quatrefoils or (for Eyre); and im- paling the arms of Lindsay, namely, quarterly i and 4, gules a fesse chequy argent and azure ; 2 and 3 or, a lion rampant gules, debruised by a ribbon sable. Mantling vert and arg:ent ; and for his Crests, i. upon a wreath of the colours, a lion's head erased or (for Houblon) ; 2. upon a wreath of the colours, a wyvern argent (for Archer) ; 3. upon a wreath of the colours, a leg in armour, couped at thje thigii proper, garnished and spurred or (for Eyre). Married, 1S72, Lady Alice Frances, eldest dau. of Alexander, 25th Earl of Crawford ; and has, with other issue— Henry Lindsay Archer-Houblon, Gentleman, *. 1877. iVa^.t — Welford Park, Newbury ; Hallingbury Place, Bishop's Stortford ; Culverthorpe Hall, Grantham. Town residence — 73 Upper Berkeley Street, W. CHARLES FALCON ARCHIBALD. Born February 25, 1866, and is the only son of the late C^trflthAfJl t^harles William Archibald, Esquire, of aVVillUaiU Kusland Hall, Justice of the Pence for the county of Lancaster, by his wife Isa- bella, second daughter of Robert Falcon, Doctor of Mc^dieine, of Whitehaven. Armorial bearings— Argent, on a bend azure iietween two estoiles of the last, tliree crescents of the first, all within a bordure invected sable, charged with three mullets or ; and for a Crest, on a wreath of the colours, a palm branch slipped in Ijend proper, in front thereof a mount vert, thereon an estoile or; with the Motto, " Palma non sine pulvere." Postal address— Rusland Hall, Ulverston. CLARENCE HOLFORD ARCHIBALD. Born Nov- emlier 12, 1847, being the third son of the late Charles Dickson Archibald, Esquire, of Rusland Hall, Justice of the Peace and Deputy- Lieutenant for the county of Lan- caster, by his wife IJridget, only child and heiress of Mylcs Walker of Rusland Hall, in the said county. Armorial bearings — Argent, on a bend azure between two estoiles of the last, three crescents of the first, all within a bordure invected sable, charged with three mullets or; and for a Crest, a palm branch slipped in bend proper, in front thereof a mount vert, thereon an estoile or ; with the Motto, " Palma non sine pulvere." Married, 1880, Edith Lousia, daughter of Francis l-'ield of Oxford ; and has Issue. EDMUND DOUGLAS ARCHIBALD, Esquire, is the younger son of the late Sir Thomas Dickson Archibald, Kiiight Bachelor, Judge of the Common Pleas, by his wife Sarah, daughter of Richard Smith of Dudley Priory, in the county of Worcester. Armorial bearings — Argent, on a lx;nd azure Ixitwecn two estoiles of the last, three crescents of the first, all within a bordure invected sable, charged with three mullets or ; and for a Crest, a palm branch slipped in bend proper, in front thereof a mount veri, thereon an estoile or; with the MottO, "Palma non sine pulvere." Married, 1876, Janet Ellen, daughter of Robert Finlay. WILLIAM FREDERICK ALPHONSE ARCHI- BALD, Est)uire, Master of Arts in the University of Oxford, a Master of the Supreme Court of Judicature, and Barrister- at-Law. Born 1846, and is the elder surviving son of the late Sir Thomas Dickson .Archibald, Knight Bachelor, Judge of the Common Pleas, by his wife Sarah, daughter of Richard Smith of Dudley Priory, in the county of Worcester. Armo- rial bearings Argent, on a bend azure between two estoiles of the last, three crescents of the first, all within a bordure invected sable, charged with three mullets or ; and for a Crest, a palm branch slipped in bend proper, in front thereof a mount vert, thereon an estoile or ; with the Motto, " Palma non sine pulvere." Married, 1873, Florence, daughter of Charles W. H. Wallroth of Lee, Kent. Postal address — Inglewood, Woking. RICHARD DRAPES ARDAGH, Esquire, General Indian Staff Corps (unemployed supernumerary), eldest son oj the late Lieutenant-Colonel John Russell Ardagh, by his wife Prudence, daughter of Richard Drapes. C\uh— Senior United Seivice. Armorial bearings ^.f used are for Anna : Sable, two barrulets between six mullets argent, on a chiej or, three martlets of the field. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling sable and argent; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a The Editor undertakes that every entry not in italics is that of a genxiinely armigerous person. ao atD arg demi-Hoti rampant argent, gutti'e-de-sang, holding in the h n-e blue finks. MottO— ' ' Med gloria fides. ' ' These 16 paws thi^ , ,. ^ arms are dulv recorded in Ulster's Office, hut there ts no k-di^ree rei;isiered shcnving his right thereto. Married, Afay ;6, 1857. 'Fran(ts Jeine Pe^'cter, daughter of the late Lieu- tenant-Colonel John Hulihings, Retired List, Indian Army (Madras Presideniv) ; and has Issue (i) George Hutchings Ardai^'h, horn Julv2.\, 1861; (2) Walter Arthur Vernon Arda^h, born September 17, 1868/ (3) Russell Drapes Ar- da^k,born March 8, 1868 / Janet Prudence ; Alice Lamphier; Eciith Harriet Gaborian ; Una Frances; and IVinifred Mary. Postal address— 23 Inverness Terrace, Kensington Gardens, London, W. STnE Most Nom.E Sir GEORGE DOUGLAS CAMP- BELL, Duke of Argyll, Baron Sundridt^e and CTfrttlTf Hamilton in the Peerage of (Jreat Britain, and •»>l*-VJi;ll eighth Duke of Argyll, Earl of Argyll, Marquess of Lome and Kintyre, I'2arl of Campbell and Cowal, Viscount of Lochow and Glenilla, Baron of Inverary, Mull, Morven, and 'I'iry, Baron Campbell, Baron of Lome, all in the Peerage of Scotland, Knight of the Most Noble Order of the Garter, and Knight of the Most Ancient and Most Noble Order of the 'I'histle. Horn at / rdcncapel Castle, Dumbartonshire, 1823, lieing the son of the seventh Duke, by his second wife, only daughter and heir of John Glassel of Long Niddry, East Lothian (she died IX EA WNOSTRAVOCO ALFRED CHARLES ARDING, Esquire, J.P. Berks., B.A. (Oxon.). Born 1858, being the third son of Edward Wells, Esq., J.P. , of Wallingford ; and assumed by Royal Licence, 1890, the name and arms of Arding in lieu of Wells. Armorial bearings— Quarterly i and 4, Crests — 1. on a wreath of the colours, a demi-griffin vert, the wing charged with three escallops two and one or, and holding in the mouth a tilting-spear in bend proper (for Arding) ; 2. on a wreath of the colours, issuant from a rock, a tlame of fire proper, environed by a chain or (for Wells). Motto— "Semper fidelis." Married, 1880, Flor- ence M., dau. of Edwin D. Maddy of 10 Queen's Gate Terrace, S. W. Postal address — Braziers Park, Checkenden, Wallingford. & is tbe Military Cockade. 1828) ; succeeded his father in 1847 ; appointed Lord Pri\ y Seal January 1853, and Postmaster-General in November 1855, resigned 1858 ; was again Lord Privy Seal from June 1859 to July 1866 ; appointed Secretary of State for India, and President of the Council of India, December 1868, re- signed February 1874 ; appointed for the third time Lord Privy Seal, May 1880, resigned April i88r ; was a memtier of the Committee of Council on Education December 1868 till August 1872, when he was nominated to the same for Scotland ; is Hereditary Master of the Queen's House- hold in Scotland, and Hereditary Sheriff of Argyllshire, of which county he was appointed Vice - Lieutenant in 1847, and Lord- Lieutenant 1862; created Honorary Doctor of Civil Law of the University of Oxford 1870; was elected Chancellor of the University of Saint Andrews 3 is the Naval Cockade. arg 1851 ; Rector of the University of Glasgow Novcmljer 1854 and 1855 ; made Doctor of Laws at Cambridge 1862. Armorial bearingB — He bears for Arms : Quarterly I and 4, g)ronny of eight or and sable (for Campbell), 2 and 3 argiiit, a lymphad her sails furled and oars in action sable, flags and pennons flying gules (for Lome) ; behind the escutcheon are placed saltireways, a baton, |X)wdered with thistles, on the top thereof an imperial crown, and thereon the Royal Crest of Scotland, and a sword proper hilt and pommel or, as Heritable Master of the Royal llcusehoid in Scotland and Justice-General of the Shrievalty of Argyll, the Isles, and the other places thereto adjacent. Upon the escutcheon, which is surrounded Iby the garter, and encircled by the collars of the Most [Noble Order of the Garter and the Most Noble and Most Ancient Order of the Thistle, from which depend the badges of the two respective Orders, is placed the coronet of his rank, and thereupon a helmet Ix-fitting his degree, with a mantling gules doubled ermine ; and upon a wreath of iiis liveries is set for Crest, a boar's head erased or ; and upon an escroll above, the Motto, " Ne obliviscaris," and below the arms, "Vix ea nostra voce;" and for his Supporters, on either side of the escutcheon a lion guardaiit gules. Married, firstly, 1844, elflest daughter of the second Duke |of Sutherland (she was Mistress of the Robes to the Queen from Deceml)er 1868 to January 1870; she died 1878); sn Diidly, 1881, Amelia Maria, eldest daughter of the Right kcvLTcnd Thomas Lcgh Claughton, Doctor of Divinity, formerly Bishop of Saint Albans, and widow of Colonel .the Honourable Augustus Henry Archibald Anson, upon Whom Her Majesty had conferred the Decoration of the Victoria Cross (she died 1894); and has /««ith a bee volant proper ; and for the Crest, on a wreath of the colours, an eagle rising or, in its beak an escutcheon pendent by a ribbon gules, tliereon a hank of cotton argent ; with the Motto, " Multa tuli fecique." These armorial bearings luere granted in the year 1792 to Sir Richard Arkwright, but no pedigree of the family has ever been established or recorded at the College of Arms. In the various notices under tlie different branches of the family, a genealogy is given at some length in the "Landed Gentry," and the above-mentioned Reverend Edwin Arkwright is given as the great-grandson of Sir Richard. Postal address — 36 Seymour Street, London, W. § FERDINAND WILLIAM ARKWRIGHT. Es- quire, Justice of the Peace and Deputy- Lieutenant for the county of Wanuick. Born December 10, 1814, being the sixth son of the late Peter Arkwright, Esquire, of Willerstey, Justice of the Peace and Deputy-Lieutenant, by Mary Anne his li'ife, daughter of Charles Hurt of Wirksivorth. Armorial bearings, as quoted itt Burke's "Landed Gentry," are for Arms : Argent, on a mount vert, a cotton-tree fructed proper, on a chief azure between two bezants an escutcheon of the field, charged with a bee volant proper ; and for the Crest, on a wreath of the colours, a?i eagle rising or, in its beak an escutcheon pendent by a ribbon gules, thereon a hank of cotton argent; with the MottO, "Multa tuli fecique." These armorial bearings were granted in the year 1792 to Sir Richard Arkwright, but no pedigree of the family has ever been established or recorded at the College of Arms. In the various notices under tlie different bratuhes of the family, a genealogy is given at some length in the " iMuded Gentry" and the above-mentioned Ferdinand William Arkioright, F.squire, is given as the great-grandson of Sir Richard. Postal address — 22 Ryder Street, St. James's, London, S. W. FRANCIS ARKWRIGHT, Esquire, Justice of the Peace for the county of Derby, and for the North Riding of the county of York, Lord of the Manor of Churchover, in the county of Wanoick, formerly in the 100th Regiment, and sometime Member of Parliament for East Derbyshire. Born March 17, 1846, being the elder son of the late Reverend Godfrey Har/y Arkiuright of Sutton Scarsdale, by Frances Rafela his first wife, third daughter of Sir Henry Fitzherbert, third Baronet, of Tissingfon Hall, in the county of Derby. Club — Carlton. Armorial bearings, as quoted in Burke's "Colonial Gentry" and in his "Landed Gently," are for Arms : Argent, on a mount vert, a cotton-tree fructed proper, on a chief azure between two bezants an escutcheon of the field, charged with a bee volant proper ; and for a Crest, on a lureath of the colours, an eagle rising or, in its beak an escutcheon pendent by a ribbon gules, thereon a hank of cotton argent; with the MottO, "Multa tuli fecique." These armorial bearings loere granted in the year 1792 to Sir Richard Arkwright, but no pedigree of the family has ever been established or recorded at the College of A rms. In the various notices under the different branches of the family, a genealogy is given at some length in the " Landed Gentry," and the above-mentioned Francis Arkwright, Esquire, is giiwi as the great-great-grandson of Sir Richard. Married, firstly, January 2, 1868, Louisa, daughter of Henry John Millbank; and secondly, September 15, 1875, Evelyn, com- monly known as the Honourable Evelyn, third daughter of the Right Honourable William Wells Addington, third Viscount Sidmouth. Of the first marriage there is Issue — An only daughter, Margaret Louisa. Estate and postal address — Overtoft, tiear Marlon, Wellington, New Zealand. FR.INK WIGSELL ARKWRIGHT, Esquire, late a Captain in the Coldstream Guards. Born September 29, 1848, being the eldest son of the late Major Robert Wigram Arkiuright of Knuston Hall, in the county of Nortluimptc" , @ is the Naval Cockade. I arfe ind Sander stead, in the county of Surrey, Justice of the Peace, by Sophia Julia his wife, eldest daughter of Alexander 'Ireig. Armorial bearings, as quoted in Burke's " Landed 'lentry," an for Arma: Argent, on a mount vert, a cotton- 'ree fructed proper, on a chief azure between two bezants an escutcheon oj the field, charged with a bee volant proper ; and ''or the Crest, on a wreath of the colours, an eagle rising or, \n its beak an escutcheon pendent by a ribbon gules, thereon I hank of cotton argent: with the MottO, " Multa tuli 'ecique." These armorial bearings were granted in the year 1792 to Sir Richard Arkioright, but no pedigree of the family 'uis ever been established or recorded at the College of Arms, fn the various notices under the different branches of the 'amily a genealogy is given at some length in the "landed Gentry" and the akne-inentioned Captain Arkwright is •riven as the great-great-grandson of Sir Richard. Married, [878, Rosa Frederica, daughter of IV. Baring of Norman Court, Salisbury; and has Issue — A son and a daughter. Estate and postal address — Knuston Hall, Wellingborough. FREDERIC CHARLES ARKWRIGHT, Esquire, lustice of the Peace for the county of Derby, Jor which oiinty he served the office of High Sheriff in the year 1887, Captain 2nd Derbyshire Rifle Volunteers 1882-1887. Born November 7, 185-1, being the only son of the late Frederic A rkivright of I ( illersley, by his wife Susan Sabrina , daughter Vf the Venerable Arc/uicaeon Burney. Club — United Uni- versity. Livery — Drab with yellow and black waistcoat, l&nnorial bearing's, as quoted in Burke's " Landed Gentry," Virefor Arms : .Argent, on a. mount vert, a cotton-tree fructed wroper, on 11 chief azure between two bezants an escutcheon of we field, charged with a bee volant proper ; and for the Crest, tin a wreath of the colours, an eagle rising or, in its beak an \fiscutcheon pendent by a ribbon gules, thereon a hank of cotton \argent ; with the MottO, " Slulta tuli fecique." These kirmorial bearings loere granted in the year 1792 to Sir yiichard Arkioright, but no pedigree of the family has ei'er ^een established or recorded at the College of Arms. In the {Various notices under the different branches of the family a . 'I,-,} logy is given at some length in the " landed Gentry," / the above-mentioned Frederic Charles A rkwright. Esquire, iven as the great-great-grandson of Sir Richard. Marriuii, \ i/nbcrj, 188^, Rebecca Olton, third daughter of Sir John ' r .Vaoton .4lleyne, third Baronet ; and has Issue — (i) ^Richard Alleyne Arkwright, born September i, 1884; (2) [Frederic George Alleyne .Arkwright, born October 23, 1885 ; 'and Kathleen Rebecca. Estates — Willersley, in the parishes ' I romford, Matlock, Bonsall, and Wirksivorth, all in the '//y of Derby / and the A/ellor and Marple Estate, in the • .'n/i/ies of Derby and Chester. Postal address — Willersley, inimford, Derby. IIF.RHFRT ROBERT ARKWRIGHT, Esquire, Jus- ti.i- if the Peace for the county of Northamtton, for which III- u/ved the office of High Sheriff in tlie year 1891. Born \ivcmber 15, i860, being the second son of the late Major h'.'/vrt Wigram Arkwright of Knuston Hall, in the county III Xorthampton, and Sandcrstead in the county of Surrey, JuUice of the Peace, by Sophia Julia his wife, eldest daughter '/ Alexander Greig. Armorial bearings, as quoted in ''■iikes " Ixinded Gentry," are for Arms: Argent, on a '■nit vert, a cotton-tree fructed proper, on a chief azure i'liivcen two bezants an escutcheon of the field, charged with a lee volant proper ; and for the Crest, on a wreath of the kolo/irs, an eagle rising or, in its beak an escutcheon pendent by a ribbon gules, thereon a hank of cotton argent ; tt'ith the tMottO, "Multa tuli fecique." These armorial bearings ii'i-rr granted in the year 1792 to Sir Richard Arkwright, ' 110 pedigree of the family has ever been establislied or rded at the College of Arms. In the various notices /'V the different branches of the family a genealogy is given • •me length in the " Landed Gentry," and the above-men- :. n.-d Herbert Robert Arkwright, Esquire, is given as the :' '/-great-grandson of Sir Richard. Postal address — hiiiiilon Hall, Irckester, Wellingborough. rj^/OHiV HUNGER FORD ARKWRIGHT, Esquire, '•;'■ Deputy-Lieutenant and Just ice of the Peace for the county OJ Hereford, for which county he sen'ed the office of High Sluriff in the year 1862, Master of .irts of the University of (l\f>rd. Born July 1833, being the eldest son of the late '■'hri Arkioright, Esquire, of Hampton Court, in the county Hereford, Justice of tlic Peace, by Sarah his wife, eldest I' ii'ing daughter of .Sir Hungcrford Hoskyns, Baronet, of acfe 23 Jfamvood. C\\xh— Carlton. Armorial bearings, as quoted in Burkes "Landed Gentry," are for Arms: Argent, on a irwunt vert, a cotton-tree fructed proper, on a chief azure betiveen two bezants an escutcheon of the field, charged with a bee volant proper ; a?id for the Crest, on a wreath of the colours, an eagle rising or, in its beak an escutcheon pendent by a ribbon gules, thereon a hank of cotton argent ; with the Motto, ".Multa tuli fecique." These armorial bearings were granted in the year 1792 to Sir Richard .Arkwright, but no pedigree of tlie family has ever been established or recorded at the College of Arms. In the various notices under the different brayiches of the family a genealogy is given at some length in the "Landed Gentry," and the abiwe-mentioned John Hungerford Arkwright, Esquire, is given as the great-grandson of Sir Richard. Married, June 12, 1866, Charlotte Lucy, daughter of J oh 71 Davenport oJ Foxley, in the county of Hereford, and Westioood Hall, in the county of Stafford ; and has Issue — John Stanhope Arkwright, born 1872; Geraldine Mary Rose; Evelyn Lucy Alice ; and Olive Katharine Mary. Estate and postal address — Hampton Court, Leominster. SJOHN THO.MAS ARKWRIGHT, Esquire, Justice oj the Peace and Deputy-Lieutenant for the county of War- ivick. Born Noz'ember 2, 1823, beitig the youngest son of the late Peter Arkwright, Esquire, of Willersley, Justice of the Peace and Deputy-Lieutenant, by Mary Ann his wife, daughter of Charles Hurt of Wirksivorth. Armorial bear- ings, as quoted in Burke's " Landed Gentry," are for Arms : .Irgent, on a mount vert, a cotton-tree fructed proper, on a chief azure betiveen two bezants an escutcheon of the field, charged with a bee volant proper ; and for the Crest, on a wreath of the colours, an eagle rising or, in its beak an escutcheon pendent by a ribbon gules, thereon a hank of cotton argent ; with the Motto, "Multa tuli fecique." These armorial bearings were granted in the year 1792 to Sir Richard Arkwright, but no pedigree of the family has t~fer been established or recorded at the College of Arms. In the various notices under the different branches of the family a genealogy is given at some length in the " Landed Gentry," and the aboi'e-mentioned John Thomas Arkioright, Elsquire, is ^iven as the great-grandson of Sir Richard. Married, 1856, iMura (who died 1886), daughter of the late Reverend Edward Willes of Hamstall Ridware, Staffordshire, and has Issue — (1) John Peter Arkwright ; (2) Ferdinand George .Arkivright ; iMura Jane, married J. Broughton Drydale, of J Vroxall Abbey, in the county of Wanvick ; and Emmeline Iu)uisa. Postal address — Hatton House, near Warwick. LOFTUS JOSEPH ARK WRIGHT. Born October 14. :866 {Kelly says horn 1867), being the eldest son of the late I^ftus Wigram Arkwright of Parndon Hall, iti the county if Essex, by Elizabeth his wife, daut^hter of S. Reynolds. Armorial bearings, as quoted in Burke's " Landed Gentry," are for Arms : Argent, on a mount vert, a cotton-tree fructed proper, on a chief azure between two bezants an escutcheon of the field, charged with a bee volant proper ; and for the Crest, ('// a wreath of the colours, an eagle rising or, in its beak an escutcheon p>endent by a ribbon gules, thereon a hank of cotton argent; with the Hotto, ".Multa tuli fecique." These armorial bearings were granted in the year 1792 to Sir Richard Arkwright, but no pedigree of the family has ti'er been established or recorded at the College of Arms. In the various notices under the different branches of the family a genealogy is given at some length in the " iMnded Ge?ttry," and the a bi/i'e- men tinned Loft us Joseph A rkwright is given as the great-great-grandson of Sir Richard. Postal address — Parndon Hall, Little Parndon, Harloio, Essex. W RICHARD ARKWRIGHT, Esquire, Deputy-Lieu- vSf tenant for the county of Hereford, Master of Arts of the University of Cambridge, Barrister-at- Law, and sometime .Member of Parliament for I^ominster. Born January 23, 1835, being the eldest son of the late John Arkwright, Esquire, of Hampton Court, in the county of Hereford, Justice of the Peace, by Sarah his wife, eldest surviving daughter of Sir Hungerford Hoskyns, Baronet, oJ Harewood. Clubs — Carl- ton, " White's. Armorial bearings, as quoted in Burke's " Landed Gentry," are Jor Arms: Argent, on a mount vert, a cotton-tree fructed proper, on a chief azure between two bezants an escutcheon of the field, charged with a bee volant proper ; and for the Crest, on a wreath of the colours, an eagle rising or, in its beak an escutcheon pendent by a ribbon gules, thereon a hank of cotton argent; with the VLoXtO, "Multa The Editor undertakes tbat every entry not in italics is tbat of a genuinely armigerous person. 24 ark arm tulificique." These armorial beaiini^s were granted in the year 1793 to Sir A'ichani Arkwrit;ht, but no pedigree of the faniilv has ei'er been established or recorded at the College of Arms. Jn the Tarious notiees under the different branches of ^he family a genealogy is given at some length in the ' ' Landed Gentry," and the ' abin-e-mentioned Richard Arkwright, Esquire, is given as the great-grandson of Sir Richard. Marrieii, July 22, 1862, Maiy Caroline Charlotte, commonly imnon as /utdv Mary Caroline Charlotte, second daughter of the Right Honoui'able George Stdrns Byng, second Earl of Strafford. I'ostal M\dres.s.— Earn ham, Surrey. WILLIAM ARKWRIGHT, Esquire, Urdofthe Manor of Sutton Scarsdale, served the office of High Sheriff for the county of Derby in the year 1890. Born April 21, 1857, bein^ the only son of the late Major William Arhoright, 6th Dragoons, by Eanny Susan his wife, second daughter of Edward J h'ornciuil'l of Dove Cliff, in the county of Stafford. Club — I Vhite's. Armorial bearings, as quoted in Burke's " Landed Gentry," are for Arms : Argent, on a mount vert, a cotton-tree fructed proper, on a chief azure between two bezants an escutcheon of the field, charged with a bee volant proper ; and for the Crest, on a wreath of the colours, an eagle rising or, in its beak an escutcheon pendent by a ribbon gules, thereon a hank of cotton argent ; with the MottO, " Multa tulifecique." These armorial bearings 7vere granted in the year 1792 to Sir Richard Arkwright, but no pedigree of the family has ever been established or recorded at the College of Arms. In the various notices tatder the different branches of the family a genealogy is given at some length in the "Landed Gentry," and the above-mentioned William Arkwright, Esquire, is given as the great-great-grandson of Sir Richard. Married,'/?//)/ 8, 1884, Agnes Mary, daughter of John Somers Cocks. Estate and postal address — Sutton Scarsdale, Cliesterfield. The Reverend WILLIAM HARRY ARKWRIGHT. Master of Arts of the University of Oxford, Justice of Peace for the county of Leicester, and Vicar of the pa?-ish of Crom- ford, in the county of Derby. Is the yojaiger son of the late Reverend Godfrey Harry, Arkwright of Sutton Scarsdale, by Frances Rafela his first wife, third daughter of Sir Henry Eitzherbert, third liaroiiet of Tissington Hall, in the county of Derby. Armorial bearings, as quoted in Burke's "Landed Gentry," are for Aims : Argent, on a mount vert, a cotton-tree fructed proper, on a chief azure between two bezants an escutcheon of the field, charged with a bee volant proper; and for the Crest, on a wreath of the colours, an eagle rising or, in its beak an escutcheon pendent by a ribbon gules, thereon a hank of cotton argent ; with the Motto, " Multa tulifecique." These armorial bearings ivere granted in the year 1792 to Sir Richard Arkwright, but no pedigree of the family has ever been established or recorded at the College of Arms. In the various notices under the different branches of the family a genealogy is given at some length in the " Landed Gentry," and the above-tnentioncd Reverend William Harry Arkioright is given as the great-great- gi-andson of Sir Richard, l^ostal address — The Vicarage, Cromford, Derbyshire. Major PETER ARMFI ELD-MARROW, late King's Dragoon Guards ; assumed, 1896, the additional name of Armfifld. Born Aug. 20, 1851, being tlie eldest son of the late William John Marrow, by his wife Kinbaia Swene, dau. of Edward Armfield of Birmingham. Armorial bear- ings — Per fesse azure and sable, a fesse indented argent, between in pale two roses of the last, barbed or, seeded vert, and in cross four maidens' heads couped at the shoulders argent, crined or. Mantling azure ;ind argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, between two roses argent, seeded or, barbed vert, a maiden's head couped at the shoulders proper, crined, also gold, the neck encircled wiUi a garland of roses as in the arms. Motto—" Fidite virtute." Married, Feb. 28, 1878, Mary, dau. of Rev. Alex. Stewart, Rector of Liverpool ; and lias Issue — (i) Edward Armfield Armfield-Marrow, Gentleman, b. Sept. 26, 1883; (2) William John Marrow, b. Jan. 27, 1887, d. in infancy; (3) Peter Marrow, Gentleman, b. and d. 1888 ; Petrina Mary ; Mar- jorie Noel ; Mary Stewart ; Eileen Norah ; and Alison Violet. Residence — BENJAMIN ARMITAGE, Esq., J.P. co. Lancaster; formerly M.P. for Salford, 1880-5, a"tl W. Salford, 1885 6. Born 1823, being the second son of the late Sir Elkanah Armitage, by Mary Louisa, dau. of the late James Bowers & is the Military Cockade. of Newton Heath, co. Lancaster. Club — Devonshire. Ar- 1 morial bearings— Chiles, a lion's head erased within an orle argent, between three crosses potent or. Mantling gules 1 and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, in front of a dexter arm embowed vested gules, cufied argent, the hand grasping the blade of a sword in bend sinister, the j point downwards proper, pommel and hilt or, an escutcheon gold, charged with a cross potent gules. Married, ist, 1845, Elizabeth, dau. of John Smith ; 2nd, 1856, Elizabeth, dau. of George J. Southam ; and has issue. .Vfr//"— Chonilea, Pendleton, Manchester. VERNON KIRK ARMITAGE, Esq., J.P. for Lan- cashire, M.A., Trinity Coll., Cambridge, Barrister-at-Law. Born 1842, being the son of the late Sir Elkanah Armitage of Hope Hall, co. Lancaster, by his second wife Elizal«th, dau. of Henry Kirk. Armorial bearings — (hiles, a lion's head erased within an orle argent between three crosses potent or. Mantling gules and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, in front of a dexter arm em- bowed vested gules, cuffed argent, the hand grasping the blade of a sword in bend sinister, the point downwards proper, pommel and hilt or, an escutcheon gold, charged with a cross potent gules. Married, 1870, Emily, dau. of the late John Fenton of Crimble Hall, co. Lancaster. Seat — Swinton Park, Manchester. ARMITSTEAD, quartered, with FENTON, by PRICKETT. GEORGE ARMITSTEAD, Esq., J.P. and D.L. for co. Forfar and J.P. for co. Perth, was M.P. for Dundee 1868- 1873, and 1880-1885. Born 1824, being the second son of the late George Armitstead of Riga (a Russian merchant), and grandson of Rev. John Armitstead, Vicar of Easingwold, CO. York. C/«i^ — Reform. Armorial bearings — Or, a chevron embattled sable, between three pheons gules, a border of the last, and impaling the arms of Baxter, namely ermine, on a chevron engrailed between three mullets gules, as many garbs or. Mantling saVjle and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a sinister and a dexter arm embowed in armour, each hand grasping a spear erect proper. Married, 1848, Jane Elizabeth, eldest dau. of Edward Baxter, Esq., of Kincaldrum, co. B'orfar. Seat - Kinloch Laggan, Kingussie, N. B. Town residence — 4 Cleve- land Square, S.W. The Reverend JOHN RICHARD ARMITSTEAD, Master of Arts, Christ Church, Oxford, Patron and Vicar of Sandbach, in the county of Cheshire, formerly Rector of Wendlebury, in the county of Oxford. Born May 11, 1829, being the eldest son of the late Reverend John Armitstead, Vicar of Sandbach, Master of Arts, Justice of the Peace, by his wife Susan Hester, second daughter of the Reverend R. Massie of Coddington, in the county of Chester; succeeded his father as Patron and Vicar of Sandbach 1865, and in 1877, upon the death of his cousin, Agnes Anastasia Armit- stead, to Cranage Hall. Livery — Drab coat, crimson waist- coat. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Or, a chevron counter-embattled between three pheons sable, two (launches gules, each charged with a tilting-spear erect of the field, headed argent. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling sable and or; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a dexter and sinister arm embowed in armour, each hand grasping a spear erect proper; with the Motto, " Pro Rege et Patria." Married, May 9, 1866, Frances Mary, eldest daughter of William Henry Hornby, Member of Parliament, of Poole Hall, in the county of Chester ; and by her (who died December 9, 1887) has Issue — (r) The Rev. John Hornby Armitstead, M.A. (Oxon.), J.P. , Cheshire, born August 31, 1868; (2) Lawrence .\rmitstead, Gentleman, B.A. (Oxon.), born February 26, 1870; (3) Edward Armitstead, Gentleman, B.A. (Oxon.), born September 10, 1872; (4) Cecil Armitstead, Gentleman, born January 13, 1874; (5) Geoffrey Armitstead, Gentleman, born February 15, 1878 ; Mary Henriana ; and Margaret. Seat — Cranage Hall, Holmes Chapel, in the county of Chester. ARMSTRONG, quartered by MACDONNELL. ARMSTRONG, see HEATON-ARMSTRONG. Sir GEORGE CARLVON HUGHES ARMSTRONG, first Baronet. Born at Lucknow, July 20, 1836, being the is tlie Naval Cockade. I J arm son of the late Colonel George Craven Armstrong, of the Bengal Army, by his wife Georgina, daughter of Captain Philip Hughes ; entered the Bengal Army 1855, and retired as Captain ; was created a Haronet in 1892. Clubs — Carlton, Junior Ar:Tiy and Navy, and Constitutional. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Gules, three dexter arms vambraced argent, hands closed projMjr ; on a canton of the second thiee pallets azure ; and for his Crest, in front of a dexter arm vambraced argent, hand closed prop<'r, a trefoil slipped v(Mt; with ihc Motto, " Vi et armis." Married, 1865, Alice Fitzroy, daughter of the Reverend Charles Fur- long ; and has Issue— (\) (Jeorge Elliot Armstrong, Kst|uire, born January 19, 1866 [to whom refer] ; (2) Francis Philip Armstrong, l^scjuire, born 1871 ; (3) Arthur Reginald Arm- strong, l''squire, born 1873 ; and Agnes IJealricc. Postal address — 4 Ashburn Place, S.W. (JKORGE ELLIOT ARMSTRONG. Fsquire. Born laiuiary 19, 1866. being the eldest son of Sir George Carlyon 1 lu'^hes Armstrong, Haronet [to whom refer] ; was formerly Lieutenant Royal Navy. Club — Naval and Military. Armorial bearingrs — lie Ijears for Arms: Gules, tliree dexter :irms vambraced argent, hands closed proper; on a c.mton of tlie secnnil three pallets azure ; and for his Crest, in front of a dexter arm vambracerl argent, liand closed proper, a trefoil slipped vert; with the MottO, " Vi ct irmis." Married, 1890, Edith Annie, daughter of .Adolphus 1 ass; and has /«//^— Doris Edith. Postal address— Cornex- ways, Weybridge. LUCY ANN ARMSTRONG, Widow, youngest daugliter of Major Charles Henry Cobbe, 60th Regiment. Armorial bearings are, upon a lozenge : CJules, three dexter arms \ainbr;iced and emlx)wed argent, the hands closed proper. Miirricd, November 21, 1885, John Childe Armstrong, ("'iiileman, who died March 30, 1886, eldest son of John Aijustrong, Gentleman. Lord of the Manor of Roscrea (who m the year 1890 assumed the additional surname and arms ol I leaton— see Hkakjn-Akms tko.ng), by his wife Josephine I lierese, youngest daughter of Franz Mayr of l^olien. MARCUS liENESFORD ARMSTRONG, Esquire, 1. 1\, formerly Capt. ith Bri};. N. Irish Div. R.A. Born .\hn< 19, 1861, beitti^ the son of Wiltiaiii Armslrom^, by h'.itheriue, dau. of Ce/i. Clarke. Armorial bearings as '(/ and as given in Burke's "Landed Gentry," but for • •liich no authority has been established in Ulster's Office, ,:ir — Gules, three arms in armour vambraced, hands [^r, Aubrey George Armstrong- MacDonnell, Gentleman, Ijorn February 21, 1873; Mary Gertrude; Nora Grace; and Violet Maud. J'ostnl at/dress — liew Hall, county Clare. S ARTHUR HENRY ARMYTAGE, Esquire, Lieuten- ant-Colonel in the Royal Artillery, /iorn Qflt'H\tanty August 27, 1845, Ijeing the second son 'at lU^VUl^t of yjr George Armylage, fifth Baronet, of Kirklees, in the county of York, justice of ihe Peace and Deputy-Lieutenant for the West Riding of that county [to whom refer], by liliza Matilda Mary his wife, second daughter of Sir Joseph Radcliffe of Rudding Park, in the county of York, Baronet. Annorial bearings —He bears for Arms : Gules, a lion's head erased, between three cross crosslets argent ; and for his Crest, a dexter arm einbowed coupcd at the shoulder habited or, the cuff argent, holding in the hand proper a statY gules, headed and pointed or ; with the Motto, "Semper par.itus." Married, June 24, 1879, Katherine Harriet, second daughter of Ralph Creyke of Rawcliffe Hall and Marton, in the county of York ; by wiiom he has liad A.f«t'— Arthur Ralph Ar- mytage, born May 2, 1884, died August 5, 1885 ; Dorothy Haniette ; Lilac Gwendoline ; and Frances Guinevere. Postal address—MvLrion Hall, Bridlington, Yorkshire. FRANCIS REGINALD ARMYTAGE, Gentleman, Bai- rister-at-Law of the Inner Temple, Master of Arts of the University of Oxford. Bor/i July 9, 1849, being the fourth and youngest son of Sir George Armytage, fifth Baronet of Kirklees, in the county of York, Justice of the Peace and Deputy-Lieutenant for the West Riding of that county [to whom refer], by Eliza Matilda Mary, his wife, second daugiiter of Sir Joseph Radcliffe of Rudding Park, in the county of York, Baronet. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Gules, a lion's head erased, between three cross crosslets argent ; and for his Crest, a dexter arm embowed couped at the shoulder habited or, the cuff argent, holding in the hand proper a staff gules, headed and pointed or ; with the Motto, " Semper paratus." SSiR GEORGE ARMYTAGE, Baronet, of Kirklees, in the county of York, Deputy-Lieutenant and Justice of tiie Peace for the West Riding of that county. Born August 3, 1819, being the eldest son of the late John Armytage, Esquire, who died "vita patris," by Mary his wife, only daughter of William Assheton of Downham Hall, in the County F'aiatine of Lancaster, Esquire ; and succeeded as fifth Baronet under the creation of July 4, 1738, at the decease of his grandfather. Sir George Armytage, Baronet, July 14, 1836. Clubs — Carlton, Garrick, and Yorkshire. Livery — Dark blue coat, brass buttons, scarlet waistcoat with brass buttons, black trousers. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Gules, a lion's head erased, between three cross crosslets argent, and in chief his badge of Ulster as a Baronet, impaling the arms of Radclifte, namely, argent, a Ijend engrailed sable, charged with a crescent of the field for difference ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a dexter arm embowed habited or, cuffed argent, holding in the hand proper a staff gules, headed and pointed or ; with the Motto, " Semper paratus." Mar- ried, June I, 1841, Eliza Matilda Mary, second daughter of the late Sir Joseph Radcliffe, second Baronet of Rudding Park ; and has had Issue — (i) George John Armytage, Esquire, to whom refer]; (2) Arthur Henry Armytage, ■•'squire [to whom refer] ; (3) William Edward Armytage, liscjuire, born September 7, 1847, and died December i, 1861 ; (4) Francis Reginald Armytage, Esquire [to whom refer]; and Harriet Matilda. Estate — Kirklees, in the county of York. Postal addresses — Kirklees Park, near Brighouse, Yorkshire ; 27 Cambridge Square, Hyde Park, London, W. GODFREY ARMYTAGE, Esquire, Justice of the Peace and Deputy-Lieutenant for the West Riding of Yorkshire, late Governor of West Riding Prison at Wakefield. Born March 16, 1825, being the third and youngest son of the late John Armytage, Escjuire, by Mary his wife, only daughter of William .Assheton, Esquire, of 1 )ownhain Hall, in the County Palatine of 1 .ancaster. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Gules, a lion's head erased Ijctwcen & is tlie Military Cockade. three cross crosslets argent ; and for his Crest, a dexter arm embowed couped at the shoulder, habited or, the cuff argent, holding in the hand proper a statT gules, headed and pointed or. Married, 1849, Charlotte Emily, daughter of Joseph Blackburn of Wynberg, Cape of Good Hope. Postal ad- dress -The Court, Ackworth, Pontefract. GEORGh: JOHN ARMYTAGE, Esquire, Fellow of the Society of Antiquaries since 1869, Associate of the In- stitute of Civil Engineers, Fellow of the Surveyors' Insti- tution, and Chairman of the Lancashire and Yorkshire Railway Company. Borti April 26, 1842, being the eldest son of Sir George Armytage, fifth Baronet, of Kirklees, in the county of York,- Justice of the Peace and Deputy- Lieutenant for the West Riding of that county [to whom refer], by Eliza Matilda Mary his wife, second daughter of the late Sir Joseph Radcliffe, second Baronet of Rudding Park, in the' county of York. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Gules, a lion's head erased, between three l^sgmygr ygratttgjis cross crosslets argent, and impaling the arms of Littledale, namely argent, a lion passant gules, on a chief azure three cross crosslets of the field ; and for his Crest, a dexter arm embowed couped at the shoulders, habited or, the cuff ar- gent, holding in the hand proper a staff gules, headed and pointed or ; with the Motto, " .Semper paratus." Married, firstly. May 11, 1871, Ellen, who died July 4, 1890, eldest daughter of the late Reverend Ayscough Favvkes of Farnley Hall, in the county of York ; and secondly, April 6, 1893, Mary Georgiana, daughter of the late Henry .Anthony Little- dale of Bolton Hall, in Craven ; of his first marriage he has had Issue — (i) George Ayscough Armytage, Esquire, Lieu- tenant King's Royal Rilles, born March 2, 1872 ; (2) John Hawksworth Armytage, Gentleman, born May 19, 1873 ; Winifred Harriette, born June 9, and died June 10, 1875 ; and Edith Beatrice. Postal address — Clifton Woodhead, near Brighouse. PERCY ARMYTAGE, Gentleman. Born March 8, 1853, being the son of Henry Armytage, Colonel in the Coldstream Guards [to whom refer], by his wife Fenella Fitzhardinge, commonly known as the Honourable Fenella Fitzhardinge, daughter of Admiral the Right Honourabk- Sir Maurice Berkeley, first Baron I'"itzhardinge, Knigin (jrand Cross of the Most Honouralile Order of the Bath (Military Division), and a Member of Her Majesty's Most Honourable Privy Council. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms: CJules, a lion's head erased, between M is the Naval Cockade. arn 306 27 three cross crosslets argent ; and for his Crest, a dexter arm embowcd couped at the shoulder, habited or, the cuff argent, holding in the hand proper a staff gules, headed and pointed or; with the Motto, "Semper paratus." Married, April 25, 1888, Roselta Fhillippa, youngest dauglitcr of Lieutenant-Colonel Cameron of the 79th Highland Regiment, and widow of Charles Stannard Eustaee, heir male and representative of the Viscounty of Baltingiass. HARRY THOMPSON ARNALL - THOMPSON, Centleman, B.A. Oxon. Horn 1864, being the eldest son of Joseph Arnall, Solicitor, of Thrussington, co. Leicester, by his uife Mary, dau. of John Thompson, and nephew of the late Fiederic John Thompson of Belgrave, co. Leicester; ;ui(l assumed in 1885 the additional name and arms of riiompson, under the will of his uncle, on inheriting his estate. Club — Isthmian. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms ; Quarterly i and 4, cjuarterly sable and argent, a cross voided countercharged between a horse's head couped of the second in the first cjuarter, three men's heads in profile couped at the neck proper in the second, a talbot statant of the first in the third quarter, and a tower also of the second in the fourth (for Thomp.son) ; 2 and 3 gules, a chevron nebuly erminois between three escutcheons or, each charged with a pheon of the first (for Arnall). Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling sable and argent ; and for his Crests, i. upon a wreath of the colours, \\\ front of tw(j Hagstaves proper, fiowing from each a pennon gules, a lion couchant sable, charged on the shoulder with a Ijc/.anl (for Thompson) ; 2. in front of a demi-leopard I c!,'ardant proper, semde of annulets gules, holding between the [jaws a torteau charged with a pheon, a staflf raguly fesseways also gules. Estates — Haworth, Keighley, York- shire ; Helgrave (irange, I^icestershire. Postal address — Belgrave Grange, Leicester. .\I.\jc)u W. B. ARNLSON. Armorial bearings— Per pile azure and sable, a demi-lion erased Ijctween four I'stoiles saltireways or. Mantling azure and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, in front of a fern-brake, a stag lodged prcjper, rt^.sting the dexter forefoot upon an cstoile or. Motto — "Ditat servata fides," Postal address — IVaumont, Penrith. ARNOLD, see COAPE-ARNOLD. RDWARD PENROSE ARNOLD-FORSTER, Es- quire, Justice of the Peace for 5IrnnI^- fTnrrffTr ''*'" ^''"^ J^iJi>'g of the county aillUlU'jrUl^li^l of York. Born 1855, *67«4' Mf eldest son of the late William Ihiafield Arnold, First Director of Public Instruction in the I'liiijaub, and the adopted son of the late Rij^ht Honourable William Edioard Forster, Xlember of Parliament, whose surname he assumed in addition to his own June 9, 1879. ( hibs — Athemeum, Devonshire. Livery — Dark blue with I'ross buttons. Armorlal bearings — The ahoi'e-mentioned luiward Penrose .i ruiilJ-/'i>rs/cr, /''si/uire, appears to make II w of a Crest only, namely, a dolphin naiant,^ which the I'ditor presumes is intended as that of the Arnold family ; ■ lit neither this crest nor in fact any armorial bean'ni^'s /ilizal«th .Agnes, daughter of Benjamin Bateman of Clapham Park, London ; and has Issue — Archibald Theodore Arrol, Gentleman, lx)rn July 19, 1881 ; Frances Margaret Isobel ; Agnes Gwendolen ; and Elizalx;th Winifred. Postal address — Torwood Hill, Row, Dumbartonshire. The Reverend THOMAS PR EKE ARTHUR, Master of Arts of the University of Cambridge, Clerk in Holy Orders, Patron of the Living of Atherington. Born 1828, and is the eldest surviving son of the Reverend James .Arthur, Rector and Ij)rd of the Manor of Atherington, by his wife Mary J add Brent, daughter of Thomas Burnard, .Merchant, of Bideford. Armoriaj bearings as used, but for luhich no authority has been established, appear to consist only of a crest, namely, "a pelican in her piety :" as the Reverend Thomas Freke Arthur above-mentioned writes, " knoio nothing about any coat-of-anns." Married, September 3, 1856, .Mary Priscilla, daughter of John Wills, Oentleman, Solicitor; and has Issue — The Reverend William Wills Arthur [to whom refer\, and Priscilla Evelyn. Estates — The .Manor of Chichacott, Okehampton ; tligher Oabwell, in the parish of Stokeinteignhead ; and South llarton, in the parish oj Lustleigh. Postal address — Hawley House, Barnstaple. The Reverend WII.I.IA.M WILLS ARTHUR, Rector and lA)rd of the Manor of Atherington, Bachelor of .irts oj the University of Cambridge. Born Jutie 18, 1857, being the onlv son of the Reverend I'hoinas Freke .Irthurlto whom refer], by .Mary Priscilla his 7i'//i-, daughter oJ John Wills, Gentlenian and Solicitor. Armorial bearings as used, but for which no authority has been established, appear to consist of a crest only, namely, " a pelican in her piety." Married, June 16) 1880, Florence Blanche .Mary, daughter of William Startin ; and has Issue — James Startin II ills .Arthur, born March 9, 1881. Postal address — The Rectory, Atherington, Barnstaple. FREDERICK ARTINDALE, Gentleman. Armorial bearings — .Vzure, on a fesse indented erminois, Ijetween three mullets of six points or, a lion passant guardant gules. Mantling azure and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a demi-pegasus or, winged frctty gules, holding l>etween the hoofs a nmllet of six points. Motto — "In lumine luce." Postal address — Brown Hill, Burnley. ARUNDEL, Earl of, see NORFOLK. ARVAS. quartered by HORDERN. Major-Genkk.\l Sik CROMER ASHBURNHAM, Knight Commander of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath (Military Division), has Third Class of the Medjidie. Born .September 13, 1831, being the fourth and youngest The Editor undertakes that every entry not in italics is that of a genuinely armigerous person. 28 9i8f!) a^f) son of the late Reverend Sir John Ashburnham, seventh Baronet, by Fanny, ilau. of William Foster ef Hollington, Sussex; was Aide clo-C "amp to the Queen 1882-1886; Governor of Suakini 1884; Assistant-Adjutant and (Juarter- Mfciiter-General South-l^ast District 1884-1886. Livery— Uress : white, willi scarlet facintjs ; undress : black and grey mixture. Armorial beaxings— He bears for Arms : Gules, a fesse between six mullets argent. Upon the es- cutcheon, which is encircled by the ribbon, and pendent therefrom the badge of a Knight Commander of the Most i lonourable Order of the Bath, is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules and argent ; and for the Crest, out of a ducal coronet or, an ash-tree proper ; with the Motto, "Will God and I shall." Married, 1864, Urith Amelia, daughter of the late Captain George Bohun Martin, K.N., C. B. ; and has Issue — (i) Cromer .Ash- burnham, Esquire, Captain Kings Royal RiHe Corps, born 1866 ; (2) John Ashburnham, Gentleman, born and died 1873; Urith Amelia; and Editha. Postal address— Brooklands, Wellington, Salop. GEORGE ASH BY, Esquire, Brevet Major 1st Duke of Cornwall's Light Infantry. Dotn March 26, 1856, being the eldest son of the late George Ashby Ashby, Esquire, of Naseby, in the county of Northampton, late Captain nth Hussars, Justice of the Peace for the counties of Nor- thampton and Leicester, Deputy-Lieutenant and High Sheriff for the county of Northampton, 1863-1864 (who assumed by Royal License, August 21, 1857, the surn.-ime and arms of Ashby), by his wife Helen, daughter of Lieu- tenant-General Hope Gibsone of Fentland. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : (Quarterly i and 4, azure a chevron ermine, between three leopards' faces or (for Ashby) ; 2 and 3, per pale azure and gules, three pheons in fesse between a lion passant in chief and another in base or (for Maddock). Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling azure and argent ; and for his Crests, 1. on a mural crown argent, a leopard's face or (for Ashby) ; 2. upon a wreath of the colours, a demi- lion couped or, fretty gules, holding in the dexter paw a dagger erect argent, pommel and hilt gold (for Maddock) ; with the Motto, " Be just and fear not." Married, 1888, Mabel Cecilia, daughter of the late Lieutenant- Colonel F. C. Anderson, Royal Bengal Artillery. Estate and postal address— Naseby, WooUeys, Rugby. GEORGE ASHBY HERMANN ASHBY, Gentleman. Dorn December 18, 1866, being the eldest son of Nicholas Hermann Ashby, Gentleman, of Quenby, by his wife Anne (who, on succeeding to the Quenby estate on the death of her uncle, with her husband assumed the surname of Ashby), daughter of William George Ashby, Esquire, Lieutenant Royal Navy; succeeded his father 1890. Ar- morial bearings— He bears for Arms : Azure, a chevron ermine, between three leopards' faces or. Upon the escut- cheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mant- ling azure and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a mural crown argent, a leopard's face or. Motto — "Be just and fear not." Seat — Quenby Hall, Hungerton, in the county of Leicester. ASHELDAM, quartered by HORDERN. ASHFORD, Baron, see ALBEMARLE. WILLIAM HENRY ASHHURST, Esquire, Justice of the Peace for the county of Oxford, for ?l^rtflfllf ftfl" w/i?c//. //<; served the office of High Sheriff i\'^lJV)W\,J>\, /„ jggi. Born December 29, 1851, being the eldest son of John Henry Ashhurst, Esquire, Justice of the Peace and Deputy -Lieutenant, of Waterstock [ivho died 1885), by his wife Elisabeth, daughter of the late Thomas Duff/eld, Member of Parliament, of Marcham Park, in the county of Berks. Armorial bear- ings, as quoted in Burke's "Landed Gentry," are — Gules, a cross between four fleurs-de-lis argent. Crest — An ox statant proper ; zvith the MottO, " Vincit qui patitur." These arms are perfectly genuine, and the family is men- tioned in Shirley's "Noble and Gentle Families," but no pedigree has been recorded at the College for ircer two hundred years. Married, 1882, Catherine Sophia, second daughter of Arthur H. Gierke Broiun of Kingstoivn Blount (she died i8go) ; and has Issue — Gladys Alary. Estate and postal address — Waterstock, Wheatley, Oxford. ^ Is tbe Military Cockade. SiK ELLIS ASHMEAD-BARTLETT, Knight Bache- lor, Bachelor of Arts of a0l)meati=OBatt!ett t:;!'^^'^^''^ eldest son of the late I'.llis Bartlett of Plymouth, New England, in the United Slates of America, by Sophia his wife, daughter of John King Ashmead ; was Civil Lord of the Admiralty from June 1885 to January 1886, and from August 1886 to August 1892; Member of Parliament for Sheffield since 1885 ; from 1880 to 1885 was Member of Parliament for Eye ; created Knight Bachelor, 1892. Clubs — Carlton, Saint Stephens, Wellington, Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Party per fesse dancettde sable and azure, in chief three sinister gauntlets pendent argent, tasselled or, fesseways, and in base four crescents in cross of the last. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet Ixifitting his degree, with a mantling sable and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, in front of a tower proper, a demi-swan with wings elevated argent, collared sable ; with the Motto, "Mature." Postal address — 6 Grosvenor Street, W. ASHTON, quartered by DE TRAFFORD. HThk Rt. Hon. JAMES WILLIAMSON, BARON ^ ASHTON of Ashton, in co. Palatine of Lancaster, Justice of the Peace and Deputy-Lieutenant for the County Palatine of Lancaster (High Sheriff 1885), Justice of the Peace for the county of London, Member of Parliament for the Lancaster Division of Lancashire (North), 1886 1895. Born December 31, 1842, being the son of the late James Williamson, Esquire, [.P., of Parkfield, Lancashire, by Eleanor his wife, daughter of Leonard Miller. Clubs — Devonshire, Magistrates', County (Lancaster). Creation — -1895. Livery — Blue, with white piping, silver buttons, blue and white striped waistcoat. Armorial bearings — — Party per chevron or and argent, a chevron nebuly be- tween in chief two trefoils slip]ied and in base a demi-eagle couped and displayed sable. Mantling sable and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a demi-eagle displayed or, guttee-de-poix, each wing charged with a fesse, and holding in the beak two trefoils in saltire sable ; with the Motto, " Murus asneus conscientia sana ; " and for his Supporters, on either side of the escutcheon, an eagle re- gardant with wings endorsed or, guttde-de-poix, holding in the beak, by a riband gules, an escutcheon argent charged with a trefoil vert. Married, ist, 1869, Margaret (who died 1877), daughter of Joseph Gatey of Keswick ; 2nd, 1880, Jessy Henrietta, daughter of the late James Stewart of Clapham, Yorks ; and by his first marriage has Issue — Honourable Eleanor (Ella); and Honourable Maud. Postal addresses — Ryelands, I^ancaster ; Ashton Hall, near Lancaster; Alford House, Prince's Gate, S.W. THOMAS GAIR ASHTON, Esquire, J. P. Lanes, and CO. Chester; Master of Arts of the Univer- Cf^ftf-Art sity of Oxford ; Member of Parliament for VlPlJvUll the Hyde Division of Cheshire, 1885, 1886; and for S. Beds., 1895; being the eldest son of Thomas Ashton of Hyde and Ford Bank, in the County Palatine of Lancaster, by Elizabeth his wife, daughter of S. S. Gair of Liverpool. Clubs — Reform, New- University, Brooks'. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms: Sable, on a pile between two crescents in base argent, a mullet pierced of the first ; and for his Crest, on a wreath of the colours, on a mount vert a mower proper, vested paly argent and sable, in the act of whetting his scythe also proper. Married, December 2, 1886, Eva Margaret, daughter of J. H. James of Kingswood, Watford, in the county of Hertford ; and has Issue — Thomas Henry Ashton, Gentleman, born 1887, died 1897; Marian Evelyn ; and Margaret Joan. Estate — Property at Hyde, Cheshire. Postal address — 39 Prince's Gardens, S.W. TiiK Rkvkkend WALTER HENRY TRELAWNV ASHTON-GWATKIN,Mas- a0f)ton.(Dtoatkin Slridl^V£x.^/^Se' Born August 27, 1861, Ix'ing the fifth son of the late Frederick Gwatkin of Lincoln's Inn, and of Grove House, Twickenham, by his wife Louisa Isabella, younger daughter of the Reverend Am- brose Stapleton, Master of Arts, sometime Rector of Halwell and Vicar of East Budleigh, in the county of 3 iB the Naval Cockade. aiBfj a0fe 29 Devon ; and assumed by Deed Poll the additional surname of Ashton in the year 1888. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms: lu-mine, two chcvronels engrailed vert, between tl ree bees volant proper. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling vert :ind argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, oil a mount vert, a garb or, in front thereof a Cornish chough with wings expanded sable ; with the Motto, •' Duw a bortha y brain." Married, January 18, 1888, Frances Lilian, daughter and heir of I'Vank Ashton, l-ls- (|uire. Justice of the Peace of Twickenham ; and has Issue — I'rank Trelawny Arthur Ashton-Gwatkin, Gentleman, born Afiril 14, i88g. Postal address — The Vicarage, Margate, EDWARD ASHWORTH, Esquire, J. P. Lanes. Horn .Aug. 20, 1829, Ijeing the only surviving son of the late Richard .Ash worth of I'Varns, Rossendale, by his wife Alice, (lau. of James Livesey of Cowpe, Rossendale. Club — Devonshire. Armorial bearings— Quarterly, gules and argent, a cross couped and indented Ix'twcen two tleurs-de-lis in chief and as many quatrefoils in base all counterchanged. Mantling gules and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, in front of two crosses lx)ltonn<''e fitcht'c in .saltire or, a fo.\ passant proper, charged on the Iwdy with two fleurs-de-lis in fesse, also gold. Motto — " Vincit amor patria;." Married, 1853, Helen, dau. of Royslon Olives of Todmorden, Yorks. ; and has Issue — (i) Oliver Ash- worth, (ientleman, born 1854 [w., 1878, Anne Mary, eld. dau. of John H. Krablx;, and has issue]; (2) Richard Ashworth, Gentleman, lx)rn 1855; (3) Edward Ashworth, Gentleman, born i860; .Mice; and Helen. Residence — Staghills, Waterfoot, Manchester. GEORGE BINNS ASHWORTH. Esquire, J. P. Lanes. Born Nov. 29. 1823. being the eldest son of the late Henry Ashworth. Esq.. J. P.. of The Oaks, Turton. Lanes., by Letitia his wife, dau. of George Binns of Liverpool. Club — Union (Manchester). Armorial bearings — Gules, a passion cross invected or, between four lozenges saltireways argent, each charged with a Heur-de-lis azure. Mantling gules and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, upon a rock a fox proper, supporting with the dexter foreleg a passion cross as in the arms. Married, Aug. 13, 1863. Ruth, dau. of John Jones. Esq.. J. P., of Ruckley Grange. Shropshire; and has Issue — (i) George Henry Ashworth. Gentleman. M.A. (Oxon.), born 1865 ; (2) Arthur Henwayn Ashworth. tjentleman. born 1869. Residence — Birtenshaw House, Bolton. HENRY ASHWORTH, Gentleman. Bom March 6, 1865, teing the second son of John Ashworth of Ollenon. Bolton, by his wife Mary Jane, only dau. of Thomas Knowles of Clively Bank. Pendlebury. Lancashire. Armo- rial bearings — Gules, a passion cross invected or, between four lozenges saltireways argent, each charged witii a fleur- de-lis azure. Mantling gules and or. Crest— On a wreatli ot the colours, upon a rock a fox proper, supporting with the dexter fore-leg a passion cross as in the arms. Married, Sept. 9. 1889. Annie Lillian Margery, only dau. of Charles Augustus Purnell of Dowlais. 'Residence — Llangorse, Breconshire. WALTER ASHWORTH. Gentleman, Born Aug. 14. 1862. Vjeing the eldest son of John Ashworth of Ollerton. Bolton, by his wife Mary Jane, only dau. of Thomas Knowles of Clively Bank, Pendlebury, Lancashire. Armo- rial bearings— Gules, a passion cross invected or. between four lozenges saltireways argent, each charged with a fleur- de-lis azure. Mantling gules and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, upon a rock a fox proper, supporting with the dexter fore-leg a passion cross as in the arms. Married, Dec. 6. 1888. Harriet, dau. of Chailes Marshall Hamer ol Snitterfield. Stratford-on-.Avon. Residence — Moss Lea. Sharpies, Bolton. General WILLIAM HARRISON ASKIVITH. Colonel - Commandant Royal Artillery. PTflifcHltffl f'"''" 1811, being the eldest son of John .^^nUllVlJ Had don Askwith of Pickhill, near Ripon, in the county of York, by Catherine his wife, daughter of William Harrison of Ripon, Doctor of Medicine, and Fello^v of the Royal Society. C\\\h— United Service. Livery — Drab. Armorial beajing^ as used, but for which no authority has been established, are: Sable, a fesse between three cross crosslets argent ; and for his Crest, a cross crosslet between two wings ; with the MottO. " Hhnesta quam splcndida." Married. September 14, 1854, Elisabeth, only daughter of George Ranken ; and has Issue — (1) William Bayne Ashivith, Gentleman, Lieutenant Royal Engineers, born 1858, killed at Suakim 1885/ (2) George Ranken Askivith, Gentleman, Barrister -at- Law, born 1861 ,• (3) John Browning Harrison Askwith, Esquire, Captain in the Royal Artillery, born 1862/ (4) Charles Hamilton Askioith, Gentleman, Lieutenant Royal Navy, born 1864, died 1887,- (5) Henry Francis Askwith, Gentle- man, Lieutenant Royal Horse Artillery, born 1865 ; Mar- garet Elizabeth [married John Kennedy of Kirklands, in the county of Dumfries, and Brookside, in the county of Chester, late captain fifth Dragoon Guards ; she died 1892]; and Alice Bro7vning. Postal address — 119 St. George's Square, London, S. W. 5 RALPH JOHN ASPINALL, Esq., J. P. and D.L. Lanes. (High Sheriff 1880), and J. P. for the W. Riding of co. York, Lt.-Col. and Hon. Col. 3rd Batt. R. Lanes. Regt. Born Sept. 26, 1847. Ijeing the only son of the late John Thomas Walshman Aspinall. Esq. . of Standen Hall, D. L. , M.P. for Clitheroe, by his wife and cousin Ellinor. dau. of Nicholas Aspinall of Liverpool. Clubs — Carlton. New University. Armorial bearings— Or, a chevron between three griffins' heads erased sable. Mant- ling sable and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a denii-griflSn erased sable, collared, winged, and beaked or. Motto — " A'.gis fortissima virtus." Married, May 11, 1876, Mabel Federica Frances fiaynes, dau. of Robert Lloyd Jones Parry. Esq.. of Aberdunant. co. Carnarvon, and Plris Tregayan, co. Anglesey; and has Issue — (i) John Ralph Aspinall. Gentleman, b. April 11. 1878; (2.\ Miles Edward Aspinall. Gentleman, b. Dec. 18, 1879 ; (3) Charles Lewis Robert .Aspinall, Gentleman, b. April 14. 1883 ; (4) Geoffrey Aspinall. (ientleman. b. June 25, 1884. Seat — Standen Hall, near Clitheroe. HENRY HUGH ASKEW. Gentleman, late 6th Dragoon Guards. Born July 28. 1847. being the eldest son of Henry William Askew. Gentleman, of Conishead. by his wife Lucy, dan. of the Hon. and Rt. Rev. Hugh Percy, I.,ord Bishop of Carlisle. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Sable, a fesse or, between three asses passant argent, quartering Storrs, Crakenthorp, Rawlinson, and Mottram. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling sable and or; and for his Crest, Upon a wreath of the colours, a naked arm proper, grasping a The Editor undertakes tbat every entry not in italics is that of a genuinely armigerous person. 30 mi ^00 sword argent, pommel and hilt gold, enhled with a Sara- cen's head couped, distilling drops of blood, all also proper, wreathed alxmt the tiniples. Mt.rried, 1868, Marv bdith Montague, eldest daughter of the late Reverend Octavius Friere Owen, Master of Arts. Recior of Burston, and has issue. H WATSON ASKFAV-R0B1:K rSON, l':squirc. Justice Q of the Peace and Deiiutv-Lieutenant for the county of Northunil)erland. Higli Sheriff 1862, and Justice of the Peace for the county ol Berwick. Born August 6, 1834, being the only son of the late Captain Christopher C. Askew. Roval Navy, of liroadbush, in the county of Hamp- shire, by his wife Sarah, daughter of Patrick Dickson, Es- quire"; succeeded his uncle 1851 ; and on succeeding to the estates of L.adykirk, on the death of Lady Marjonlxinks, 1889, assumed the additional surname and arms of Robert- son by Royal License, dated September 20, 1890. Clubs— Carlton, Boodle's, Oxford and Cambridge. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms: Quarterly i and 4, gules. three wolves' heads erased argent, armed and langued azure, all within a bordure of the second, and (for distinction) a canton of the field (for Robertson of Ladykirk) ; 2 and 3, sable a fesse or, between three asses passant argent, maned and unguled of the second (for Askew); and for and in right of his wife, upon an escutcheon of pretence the arms of Robert- son of Ladykirk, namely gules, three wolves' heads erased argent, armed and langued azure, within a bordure of the second. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules and argent ; and for his Crests, I. upon a wreath of the liveries, a dexter cubit arm proper, charged (for distinction) with a cross crosslet gules, the hand holding an imperial crown, also proper, and above, on a scroll, the Motto, " Virtutis gloria merces " (for Robert- son of Ladykirk) ; 2. upon a wreath of the colours, a dexter hand holding on a poignard erect proper, hilt and pommel or, a Saracen's head couped and imbrued proper, wreathed about the temples with a torce argent and gules, tied with ribands of the same colours, and above, on a scroll, the Motto, " Fac et si^era" (for Askew). And in a com- partment below the shield, a wild man lying fesseways in ^ is tbe Military Cockade. chains proper; with the Motto, " Patentia casus exuperat omnes" (for Roliertson of Ladykirk). Married, August 20, 1856, the Honourable Sarah, eldest daughter ami co-heir of the Right Honourable Uavid Robertson, Baron Marjori- banks of Ladykirk; and has had Issue— (i) George Chris- topher Hugh Askew, Gentleman, born February 10, 1858, died February 15, 1862 ; (2) David Hugh Watson Askew- Robertson, Esquire, Bachelor of Arts, Justice of the Peace for the county of Berwick, Bairister-at-Law, born October 21. 1863; (3) William H.aggerstone Askew - Robertson, Gentleman, born October 4, 1868 ; (4) John Bertram Askew- Robertson, Gentleman, born October 16, 1869 ; (5) Charles Marjoribanks Askew- Robertson, Gentleman, bom Septem- ber 6, 1871 ; Bridget Watson (died 1894) ; Mary Marjori- banks ; and Isabel Sarah. Seats — Pallinsburn, Cornhill, in the county of Northumberland ; Ladykirk, in the county of Berwick. ARTHUR PALMER ASPLAND, Esquire, J. P. for Cheshire. Armorial bearings — Azure, three chevronels erminois between as many crescents in chief and a cross flory in Ijase argent. Mantling azure and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, in front of a ram's head couped sable, armed or, three mascles interlaced fesse- ways argent. Motto — " Ex libertate Veritas." Seats — Werneth Lodge, Gee Cross, Hyde, Cheshire ; and Beau- fell, Windermere. LINDSAY MIDDLETON ASPLAND, LL.D., Bar- rister-at-Law, son of the late Rev. Robert Brook Aspland, M.A. Armorial bearings — Azure, three chevronels er- minois, between as many crescents in chief and a cross flory in base argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, in front of a ram's head couped sable, armed or, three mascles interlaced fesseways or. MottO — "Ex libertate Veritas." Postal address — ASSHENDON, quartered by HORDERN. § RALPH ASSHETON, Esquire, Justice of the Peace and Deputy-Lieutenant for the county of G[titi\\Oi'f\Y\ Lancaster, and Justice of the Peace for the *X7>7iV}Kr\,\M\ West Riding of the county of York, Master of Arts of the University of Cambridge, and late Captain of the ist Lancashire Militia ; sometime (1868-1880) Member of Parliament for Clitheroe. Born December 20, 1830, and is the elder son of the late William Assheton, Gentleman, of Downham and Cuerdale, both in the county of Lancaster, by Frances Annabella. daughter of William C'okayne, Esquire, commonly known as the Honourable William Cokayne, and niece and coheiress of the Right Honourable Borlase Cokayne, sixth and last Viscount Cullen. 6'/?/^j— Carlton , United Univer- sity. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Quarterly of six, I. argent, a mullet sable, pierced of the field ; 2. ermine, on a fesse gules, three annulets or (for Barton); 3. argent, two bendlets sable, the upper one engrailed (for Lever) ; 4. gules, two chevronels argent between three lozenges or (for Hyde) ; 5. ermine, three lozenges conjoined in fesse sable (for Pigot) ; 6. argent, three cocks gules, armed, crested, and jelloped sable (for Cokayne), impaling for his wife the arms of Feilden, namely, argent, on a fesse cotised azure, between two martlets in chief sable, and a rose in base gules, three lozenges or ; and for a Crest, on a cap of mnintenance, a mower vested and capped quarterly argent and sable, his sleeves and stockings counterchanged, hold- ing a scythe azure, handled or, the point of the blade towards the dexter; with the Motto, "Nee arrogo, nee dubito." Married, August 3, 1854, Emily Augusta, fourth daughter of the late Joseph Feilclen, ICsquire, of Witton, Justice of the Peace and Deputy-Lieutenant for the county of Lancaster ; and has Issue — (i) Ralph Cokayne Assheton, Gentleman, born September 13, i860 [to whom refer] ; (2) Richard Assheton, Gentleman, born December 23, 1863; (3) William Orme Assl.eton. Gentleman, born February 16, 1866; (4) Nicholas Radclyffe Assheton, Gentleman, born July 5, 1870 ; Frances Annabella [married, October 20, 1886, Mervyn I^loyd Peel, Barrister-at-Law, and has issue]; Dorothy ; and Joan. I-'.state and postal address — Downham Hall, Clitheroe. RALPH COKAYNE ASSHETON, Esquire, J. P. for the CO. of Lancaster, and for W. R. co. of York. Born September 13, i860, and is the eldest son of Ralph K is the Naval Cockade. I ajef0 a0t 31 Assheton, Esquire, of Downham Hall, Justice of the Peace and Deputy-Lieutenant for the county of Lan- caster [to whom refer], by his wife Emily Augusta, fourth daughter o'" the late Joseph Feilden, Esquire, of Wilton, also a Justice of the Peace and Deputy-Lieutenant for ■ the couniy of Lancaster. (.'///;*— Oxford and Cambridge. I Armorial bearings— I le liears for Arms : Quarterly of six, j I. argent, a mullet sable, pierced of the field ; 2. ermine, on a fesse gules, three annulets or (for Barton) ; 3. argent, two bendlets sable, the upper one engrailed (for Lever) ; 4. gules, two chevronels argent between three lozenges or (for Hyde) ; 5. ermine, three lozenges conjoined in fesse sable (for Pigot); 1 6. argent, three cocks gules, armed, crested, and jelloped sable ifor Cokayne) ; and for a Crest, on a cap of mainte- nance, a mower vested and ca[)ped cjuarterly argent and sable, his sleeves and stockings counierchanged, holding a I scythe azure, handled or, the point of the bl.ade towards the de.vter; with the Motto, " Necarrogo, necdubito. " Postal address — Downham Hall, Clitheroe. RICHARD ASSHETON, Gentleman, Master of Arts of the University of Cambridge. Horn December 23, 1863, being the second son of Ralph Assheton, Esquire, of Down- ham Hall, Justice of the Peace and Deputy- Lieutenant for ilu- < bounty of Lancaster [to whom refer], by his wife Emily .Augusta, lourthdaughterof the late Joseph Feilden, ICsquire, of \\'itton, alsoa Justice of the Peace and Deijuty- Lieutenant for the county of Lancaster. Armorial bearings — He bi Mrs lor Arms : Quarterly of si.x, i. argent, a nuiUet pierced sable (for Assheton) ; 2. ermine, on a fesse gules, three an- nulets or (for Marton) ; 3. argent, two l)endlets sable, the upper one engrailed (for Lever) ; 4. gules, two chevronels argent between three lozenges or (for Hyde) ; 5. ermine, three lozenges conjoined in fesse sable (for Pigot) ; 6. argent, three cocks gules, armed, crested, and jelloped sable (for ( (jkayne), impaling the arms of Bazley, namely, per pale 1 azure and sable, a bee volant or, between three Heurs-de-lis argent ; and for his Crest, on a cap of maintenance, a mower vested and capped quarterly argent and sable, sleeves I and stockings counierchanged, his scythe azure, handled (.r, 1 the point of the blade towards the dexter ; with the Motto, "Nee arrogo, nee dubito." Married, January 5, 1892, I Frances Annette Ellen, third daughter of .Sir Thomas Sebas- tian Bazley of Hatherop Castle, second Baronet. The Revereno RICHARD ORME ASSHETON, I Master of Arts of the University of Oxford, Rector of Bilton, in the county of Warwick. Horn July 12, 1835, and is the younger son of the late William Assheton, Gentleman, of ' Downham and Cuerdale, lx)th in the county of Lancaster, by h'rances Annabella, daughter of William Cokayne, ICs- • (]uire, commonly known as the Honourable William iCet of Southbrome House, co. Wilts, Esq., J. P., M.P. for Chippenham. Club — Wellington. Armorial bearings — (Quarterly i and 4, gules a lion passant per pale or and argent, between four cross crosslets of the last (for Astell) ; a and 3 argent, on a chevron gules, between three hawthorn trees eradicated vert, three crosses pat(5e titch(5e argent (for Thornton). Mantling gules and or. Crests — I. on a wreath of the colours, a cross crosslet or, entwined with a serpent vert (for Astell) ; 2. on a wreath of the colours, a lion's head erased purpure, gorged with a ducal coronet or and guttc'e-de-larmes (for Thornton). Motto — "Sub cruce glorier." Residence — Dale Lodge, Sunningdale, Berks. RICHARD JOHN VEREKER ASTELL, Gentleman. Horn Sept. 7, 1890, l)eing the only son of William Harvey Astell, Esq., D. L. for co. Cambridt;e, J. P. for cos. Bedford, Cambridge, and Huntingdon, sometime Lieut, in (Jreiiadier (Juards, formerly served in Bedford Militia. Armorial bearings — (Ju.arterly i and 4, gules a lion passant |)er ])ale or and argent, iK'tween four cross crosslets of the last (for Astell); 2 and 3 argent, on a chevron gules, between three hawthorn trees erailicated vert, three crosses patte fitchde argent (for Thornton). Mantling gules and or. Crests- 1. on a wreath of the colours, a cross crosslet or, entwined with a serf>ent vert (for Astell) ; 2. on a wreath of the colours, a lion's head erased jiurpiire, gorged with a ducal coronet or and gutt<5e-de-Iarmes (for Thornton). Motto — "Sub cruce glorier. " Seat — Woodbury Hall, Sandy, Beds. Town residence — 16 Sloane Gardens, S.W. S WILLIAM HARVEY ASTELL, Esquire, Justice of the Peace and Deputy- Lieutenant for the county of Cambridge, and Justice of the Peace for the counties of Bedford and Huntingdon, Lieuienant in the Reserve of Officers, late of the Grenadier Guards. Llorn November 26, i860, being the eldest son of the late John Harvey Astell, Esquire, of Woodbury Hall, Justice of the Peace and Deputy-Lieutenant for the couniy of Bedford, and Justice of the Peace for the counties of Cambridge and Huntingdon, formerly Member of Parliament for Cam- bridge and .Ashburton, by Anne Emelia his wife, daughter of Robert Parry Nisbet of Southbrome House, in the county of Wiltshire, Member of Parliament for ( hippenham. Clubs — Guards', Union, Wellington, Hurlingiiam, and Ranelagh. Armorial bearings— Quarterly i and 4, gules a lion passant per pale or and argent, between four cross crosslets of the last (for Astell) ; 2 and 3 argent, on a chevron sable, between three thorn-trees eradicated vert, three cro.sses pat(^e fitchte argent (for Thornton. Crests — I. ona w reath of the colours, a cross crosslet or, entwined with a serpent vert ; 2. on a \vn ath of the colours, a lion's head The Editor undertakes that every entry not in italics is that of a genuinely armigerous person. 3a a0t atfe erased imrjiure, porjijed with a ducal cornet or and giitt<5e- de-larmi's. Motto — " Sub cruce gloriar." Married, De- cenilwr 7. 1886, IClizaU-lh Maria, cnmnionly known as the Honoural)le Klizulx-ih Maria, fourth daughter of tlu; Right Honourable Standish Prendergast Verekcr, Viscount Ciort ; and has /w«^— Richard )()hn Vcrcker AstcU, born Scptem- Iwr 7, 1890; and Aline Annette, born October i, 1888. Eitatfs — Woodbury, and property in the [larishes of Gani- blingay, in the county of Cambridge ; Tetworth, in the county of Huntingdon; Great HouglUon, in the county of Northatnpton ; and Wrestlingworth, in the county of Bed- ford. Postal address — 16 Sloane Gardens, London, S.W. WILLIAM WALDORF ASTOk', son of the late John Jacob Astor of New York. Armorial bearings as used, hut to which no right has been pnwed, are for Arms — A dexter hand in a gauntlet fesseivavs, thereon a falcon Jessed and belled, in chief two fleurs-de-lis. Crest— ^i// eagle 7oith wings displayed. Motto — " Ad astra." Seat — Clievcdon, Taplow, Bucks. Town residence — 18 Carle ton House Terrace, S. W. EDWARD JAMES ATHAWES, Master of Arts oj the University of Cafnbridge, Barrister-at- (lif\\a\w0ti La7o, Stipendiary Magistrate for Chatha?/! 4^tIJuUJvP atid Sheerness. Born February 1836, being the eldest surviving son of the Reverend John Athawcs, Clerk in Holy Orders, Rector of I^oughton, in the coufity of Buckingham, by Miriatn his wife, daughter of Aaron Brotcn of Earith, in the county of Huntingdon. C\nh— Junior Carlton. Armorial bearings as used, but for which he has established no authority, are : Sable, on a chevron between three taus (?) or, a ... ; and for the Crest, a lion rampant. Married, April 21, 1869, Helena Turnell, daughter of Robert Spofforth of Hncden, in the county of York; and has Issue — (i) Edward John Spofforth Athawes, born 1873 ; (2) Arthur Samuel Athawes, born 1878 ; Mildred Helena; Mary Ethel; Alice Gertrude; Enid Edith ; and Constance Miriam. Estate — Has property i?i the county of Buckingham. Postal address — i Cloisters, Temple, London, B.C. § ARTHUR HARRY HOWARD ATHERLEY, Es- quire, Justice of the Peace arid Deputy- Gif\\pY''{n\\ Lieutenant for the county of Southampton. iAKlJX'lXK']) Born May 25, 1865, being the only child of Colonel Francis Henry Atherley, Justice of the Peace [to whom refer'], by his wife Isabel Julia Elisabeth, commotily known as Lady Isabel Julia Elisabeth, eldest daughter of the Right Honourable Charles John Hnoard, seven tee?ith Earl of Suffolk and tenth Earl of Berkshire. Clubs— White's, Brooks's, Pratt's. Armorial bearings as used are those of Lord Norton, to rvhich no right has been established. They are for Arms : Argent, on a bend azure, three mascles of the field. Crest — On a chapeau gules, turned up ermine, a stork proper. Motto — " Pro patria." Postal address — Landguard Manor, near Shanklin, Isle of Wiqhf. COLONEL FRANCIS HENR Y A THE RLE Y, Justice of the Peace for the county of Southarnpton. Born May 30, 1831, being the eldest surviving son of the Reverend Arthur Atherley, Clerk in Holy Orders, Vicar of Heavitree, in /he county of Devon, by Amelia Elizabeth his wife, daughter of Richard Dawkitis. Clubs — Travellers' , Brooks'. Livery — Dark blue with gilt buttons. Armorial bearings as used are those of Lord Norton, to which Colonel Atherley has not established any right. They are for Arms: Argent, on a bend azure, three rnascles of the field. Crest — On a chapeau gules, turned up ermine, a stork proper. Motto — "Pro patria." Married, June 18, 1863, Isabel Julia Elisabeth, commonly knototi as Lady Isabel Julia Elisabeth, eldest daughter of the Right Honourable Charles John Howard, seventeenth Earl of Suffolk and tenth Earl of Berkshire ; and has Issue — Arthur Harry Howard Atherley, Esquire, born May 25, 1865 \to whom refer]. Estates — Landguard Manor, in the Isle of Wight ; and the Manor of Hill, in the parish of Millbrook and county of Southampton. Postal address — Landguard Manor, near Shanklin, Isle of Wight. LLEWELLYN ARCHER ATHERLEY- JONES, Bachelor of Arts of the Univer- sity of Oxford, Member of Parliament for the North- western Division of Durham, atj)etlep=31one0 Barrister-at-Law. Born 1849, being the son of the late Ernest Jones, Barrister-at-Law, of Broughton, Manchester, by his wife Jane, daughter of Edmond Gibson Atherley, liarrister-at-Law, of Barfield, Cumberland. Armorial bearings as giijen in Debretts "House of Commons," but ''or which no authority has been established, are: Quarterly, I. per pale azure and gules, three lions rampant argent ; 2. argent, on a bend azure, three lozenges of the field ; 3. argent, on a bend asure, three stags' heads caboshed ; 4. paly of six argent and azure, a bend gules. Crests — i. a stag's head erased sable, attired or, bet^veen the attires a bugle-horn ; 2. a blackamoor s head in profile couped below the shoulders, wreathed about the temples. Motto — ' ' Qui nous empecheron." Married, 18—, Elizabeth Fanny, daughter of the late James Lambert of Durham. Residences — i Prioiy Gardens, Chis- wick. Chambers — 4 Paper Buildings, Temple, E. C. § CHARLES HAROLD ATHILL, Esquire, Richmond Herald of Arms, Fellow of tlie Society of Anti- 3tflt(! quaries. Armorial bearings — He bears for '(iVIJIll Arms : Argent, on a chevron double cotised sable, three crescents or, the escutcheon being surrounded by his collar of SS (and impaling the arms of is tbe Military Cockade. Smith, namely, quarterly or and gules, a fret between three fleurs-de-lis all counterchanged). Uijon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling sable and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, three ostrich feathers argent, interlaced by as many annulets, also interlaced fesseways or ; with the Motto, " Crescam ut prosim." Postal address — College of Arms, E.C. Rev. GEORGE MIDDLETON ATHORPE, M.A., Patron of Dinnington, Yorks. Born 1835, being the eldest surviving son of the late J. Carver Athorpc, Esquire, J. P., D. L. ,of Dinnington Hall, Yorks. Armorial bearings Per pale nebuly argent and azure, two mullets in fesse counterchanged. Mantling azure and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a falcon proper, belled or, the dexter claw resting on an escutcheon of the arms. Seats — Morthen Hall, near Rotherham ; Thorpe Hall, Howden. JOHN ROBERTS ATKIN-ROBERTS, Esquire, Justice of the Peace for the county of Crffctn-lRnflOrftf Kent, Major, late of the Prince avn.lU'li\UUt-ti.^ of Wales's Leinster Regiment. Born 1843, and is the second son of John Drew Atkin of Castle Park, Dalkey, in county Dublin, by Georgina his wife, daughter of Sir Thomas M is tbe Naval Cockade. I J atft atfe 33 Roberts, Paronet, of Rrightfieldstown in county Cork, and sister of Tlionias Walton Roberts, Esquire, of Glassenbury in the county of Kent. He received Her Majesty's Royal License, d ited December 23, 1882, to assume and bear the surname of Roberts in addition to and after that of Atkin, and to bear the arms of Roberts quarterly with those of his own family. r////i— Junior United -Service. Livery — Dark blue with silver buttons. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Quarterly i and 4, azure on a chevron argent cotised or. three mullets of si.x points pierced sable (for Rotjerts) ; 2 and 3 argent, guttde-de-sang a cross coti?ed flory, in the first and fourth quarters a trefoil slipped sable, and' in the second and third quarters a mullet of six points of the last, pierced of the field (for Atkin); and for his Crests, 1. upon a wreath of the colours, on a mount vert, an eagle displayed ermine, the wings argent, gorged with a chaplet of ivy proper (for Roberts) ; 2. upon a wreath of the colours, two greyhounds' heads addorsed and erased argent, gutt(5e-de-sang, gorged with a collar vair, and each holding in the mouth a trefoil slipped sable (for Atkin); with the Motto, "Post funera virtus." Married, 1875, Marian Gertrude, daughter of Douglas Fox of Derby ; and has Issue — Malcolm Roberts, Gentleman, born 1876; and Jane Walton. Estates — Glassenbury and Brenchley, both in the county of Kent. Postal address — Glassenbury Park, Cranbrook, Kent. FRKDF.RICK WALTER ATKEY, Gentleman, fifth son of the late James Atkey of Chichester, and Clf'felMI ^'^ ^^^^^ Eliza, «/eut.-Col. (retired) Grenadier Guards (who assumed the name of Atkinson in lieu of Bradford in 1872, on succeeding his brother), by his wife Amy Emily Sarah, dau. of the late Lieut. -Col. Hugh Fitzroy, Grenadier Guards. Armorial bearings — He bears for Anns : Ermine, on a fesse double cotised gules, between three pheons azure, a lion passant between two roses argent. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, on a mount, between two roses stalked and leaved proper, a pheon azure; with the Motto, " Crede Deo." Scat — Angerton, near Morpeth, Northumberland. WILLIA.M ADAIR ATKINSON. Born 1842. being the youngest son of the late Reverend IVilliam A t kin son - Clark of Belford Hall, in the county of Northumberland, Clerk in IIolv Orders. Armorial bearings, as quoted in Burke's "Landed Gentry," but for 7L'hich no authority has been established, are for Arms : Gules, a double-headed eagle displayed argent, on a chief of the second three mullets of the first ; and for the Crest a falcon, wings expanded argent. Married. 1871, Dame Anne Colquhoun, by courtesy and generally kno^un as Lady Colquhoun, only child of the late William Ca throw. Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons, The Editor undertakes that ever7 entr7 not in italics is tbat of a genuinely armigerous person. 34 atfe ./ IVevmoutA Street, London, W., and Stoke I.odi;e, m the iountv of Ihickini^ham, and widoiu of the late Sir Robert GiljnoiirColqiiho'un. Knii^ht Commander of the Most Honour- ake Order of the Bath,' Consul-Ceneral in Egypt. Postal address -A'«(V/t/tf /•/■/£', Pitlochry, N.D. Hon. NICHOLAS ATKINSON, of the Inner Temple, Barrister-at-Law, formerly Senior Puisne JudRe of the Supreme Court of Justice in British Ciuiana. Born 1836, being the second son of the late Nicholas Atkinson of Hull, Yorks. 67//*— Constitutional. Armorial bearings- Ermine, on a pile gules, an eagle displayed with two heads argent, a chief invected azure, thereon a rose of the third between two mullets or, pierced azure. Mantling gules and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a falcon, wings elevated and addorsed gules, bezant^, gorged with a collar gemel argent, supporting with the dexter leg an escutcheon azure, charged with a rose as in the arms. Motto — " Deo et patrias fidelis." Married, 1873, Catherine Margaret, dau. of Denis Burns of New Amsterdam, Berbice, B. Guiana. Postal address — ALFRED AUGUSTUS TOWN ATTREE, Gentleman. Born Juno 24, 1857, being the younger son of OittVCO ''^® ^^^^ Reverend Francis Town Attree, Clerk iX\,lKK'K^ in Holy Orders, Bachelor of Arts of the Uni- versity of Durham, sometime Incumbent of Middleton-by-Wirksworth, in the county of Derby, by Marie his wife, daughter of John Harding of Lastinghani, in the county of York, sister and co-heir to her brother, Thomas Harding. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms: Party per chevron or and vert, in chief two oak- trees eradicated proper, and in base a cin(|uefoil of the first ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, on a mount an oak-tree, and in front thereof a serpent nowed all proper ; with the Motto, " Sperate futvrum." @ is the Military Cockade. attD § FREDERICK WILLIAM TOWN ATTREE, Es- \ quire, Major in the Royal Engineers ; served in the ' Afghan War, 1879, and at Suakim in the year 1886. Born \ April 6, 18S3, being tbeelderson of the late Reverend Francis j Town .Attree, Clerk in Holy Orders, Bachelor of Arts of tlic University of Durham, soniet me Incunit)ent of Middlelon- by-Wirksworlh, in the county of Derby, by Mary his wife, daughter of John Harding of Lastinghani, in the county n\ York, sister and co-heir to her brother, Thomas Harding. Livcrv — Dark green with yellow facings. Armorial bear- ings—He bears for Arms : Party per chevron or and vert, in chief two oak-trees eradicated proper, and in base a cinquefoil of the first; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, on a mount an oak-tree, and in front thereof a serpent nowed all proper; with the Motto, " S])erate futurum." Married, Novemlier 23, 1887, his cousin Frances Elizabeth Mary Wakeford, only surviving daughter and heir of Richard Wakeford Attree of Clomendy House, Corwen, in the county of Merioneth ; and has Issue— Francis William Wakeford Town Attree, Gentleman, born December 17, 1888 ; and Lorna May Wakeford Town. Estate (in conjunction with his sister)— Chilverbridge, in the county of Susse.v. Postal address — Royal Engineers, Chatham. GEORGE REGINALD ATTWOOD, Gentleman. Born June 28, 1847, being the only surviving son of the late George de Bosco Attwood, by his wife Mary, dau. of William Medley of Iver, Bucks, and heir male of the family of .'\ttwood, late of Hawne House and the Leasowes, CO. Worcester. 67//*— Windham. Livery — Claret and silver. Armorial bearings— (^)uarterly i and 4, gules, a cross indented, in the first and fourth quarters a lion ram- pant argent, and in the second and third a swan close also argent, beaked or ; 2. per pale argent and gules, a chevron vair between three quatrefoils, in the centre chief point a fleur-de-lis all counterchanged (for Adams of Cakemore House, CO. Worcester) ; 3. or, on a mount, in base an oak tree i^roper, over all a fesse gules, thereon three cinquefoils of the field, in the dexter canton two annulets interlaced in pale sable (for Carless of Birmingham). Mantling gules and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, in front of an oak tree proper, a demi-swan with wings expanded argent. Motto — " Possunt quia posse videntur." Married, Oct. S, 1887, Constance Marion, dau. of Rev. William Harper Brandreth, M.A., Rector of Standish, Lanes., Hon. Canon of Manchester, and Rural Dean of Leyland ; and has /j-^y/zt'— Rosamund Carless. Postal address— GlasXyn Court, Crickhowell. THOMAS ARTHUR CARLESS ATTWOOD, Gen- tleman, M.A. (Oxon.). Born May 27, 1863, being the only child of the late Thomas Aurelius Attwood of Bir- mingham, Barrister-at-Law, by his wife Mary, eldest dau. of Joseph Smallwood of Castle' Bromwich. /./i^tvj— Claret and silver. Armorial bearings— Quarterly i and 4, gules, a cross indented, in the first and fourth quarters a lion rampant argent, and in the second and third a swan close also argent, beaked or ; 2. per pale argent and gules, a chevron vair between three quatrefoils, in the centre chief point a fleur-de-lis all counterchanged (for Adamsof Cakemore House, CO. Worcester) ; 3. or, on a mount, in base an oak- tree proper, over all a fesse gules, thereon three cinquefoils of the field, in the dexter canton two annulets interlaced in pale sable (for Carless of Birmingham) ; and impaling the arms of Pomeroy, namely or, a lion ramjiant gules, armed and langued azure, holding between the forepaws an apple proper. Mantling gules and argent. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, in front of an oak tree proper, a demi-swan with wings expanded argent. Motto — " Possunt quia posse videntur." Married, Oct. 5, 1892, Hon. Hilda Evelyn, only surviving dau. of Rt. Hon. James Spencer Pomeroy, sixth Viscount Harberton. Postal address — Malvern, Worcs. GEORGE DE WHURST ATWOOD, second son of the Reverend H. A. S. Atwood of Ashworth, in (%Wv\Cit\t\ '''"' county of Gloucester, by Anitia his zvife, Ui'WUUU it a lighter of S. Evans, Doctor of Divinity, of Foxfield Rectory, in the county of 1 1 '/V/.f. Armorial bearings as used, but for which no authority hos been established at the College of Arms, are: Gules, a li^": rampant argent ivithin an orle of eight acorns; and Jn the Crest, // dove proper ; with the MottO, " Ihinuuii nil &i is the Naval Cockade. auti alienum.' Married, 1854, Catherine, daughter of Major Sanders of The Hall, Thirsk, in the county of York; and has Issue — (1) Geon^e Henry Sanders Atwood, born December 29, 1855 ; (2) Henry Arthur Spenser Atwood, born May 20, i866 ; (3) Tlwmas Alexander Gresley Ativood, born May 4, 1871. Postal address — Hinton, lirackley, Northants. CHARLES AUBREY AUBREY, Esquire, of Dorton House, in the county of Buckingham, Justice of the Peace. lliirn November i, 18 14, being the eldest son of Charles Spencer Ricketts, by his wife Elizabeth Sophia, only daugh- ter of Colmel Thomas Aubrey, Memljer of Parliament, and heir of Sir John Aubrey, sixth Baronet (extinct), of Dorton House ; and assumed by Royal License, dated March 7, 1874, the surname of Aubrey only, and the arms of Aubrey and Ricki'tts quarterly. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : (Quarterly i and 4, azure, a chevron between three eagles' heads erased or (for Aubrey) ; 2 and 3, argent, on a chevron engrailed l)etween three quatrefoils g^les, an escallop of the field between two scimitars chevronways proper (for Ricketts). Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet Ixifitting liis degree, with a mantling azure and or ; and for his Crests, 1. upon a wreath of the colours, an eagle's head erased or (for Aul)rey) ; 2. upon a wreath of the colours, issuant from a wreath of quatrefoils gules, an arm embowed vested argent, charged with two escallops also gules, the liand holding a scimitar projier (for Ricketts). HottO — " .Solem fero." Seat — Dorton House, Aylesbury, in the county of Buckingham. AUDLEY, quartered bv MALE T and THICKNESSE- TOUCHET. AUGHTON, quartered l)y Dli TRAFFORD. AUNOIER, quartered by PAKENHAM. JAMICS AUS TEN-CARTMELL, Gentleman. Annorlal bearlngrs— Crests- -I. on a wreath of the colours, a lion rampant per fosse nelmly vert and gules, guttle d'or, and resting the foiepaws on a tent or (for t'artmell) ; 2. on a wreath of the colours, in front of the battlements of a tower proper, ihcreon a stag sejant argent, attired and resting the dexter forefoot upon a cjuatrefoil or, a lion's gamb erased fesseways i^ules (for Austen). Motto — " Immer frey." Postal addresses — 100 Lcxham Gardens, Kensington, London, S.W. ; New S(|uare, Lincoln's Inn, London, W.C. TiiK Rkv. WILLIAM EDMUND CRAUFURD AUSTIN-GOURLAY, M.A. (Oxon.), formerly Rector of Stanton St. John, Oxon., 1877-90. liorn 1821, Ijeing the only son of the late Brig. -General Austin of Bath, by Jean l'lenderleath,dau. of William Gourlay of Kincraig ; inherited the property and assunieil the name of Gourlay on the death of his aunt. Armorial bearings— (Quarterly i and 4, sable an eagle displayed argent, armed and leaked gules (for Ciourlay) ; 2 and 3 or, on a chevron tietween three lions' tjaiiibs erect and erased gules, a crescent of the field (for Austin). Mantling gules doubled argent; and for his Crests, I. on the dexter side, on a wreath of the liveries, a ilemi-eagle argent, beaked gules (for Gourlay) ; 2. upon I wreath of the liveries, an eagle displayed with two heads per [)ale or and gules, on each wing a crescent counter- changed. Mottoes (over the crests) — " Profunda cernit," ' ' \'irtute non Vi. " Supporters — Two eagles argent, armed and beaked gules. Married, 1863, Emily, dau. of the late ( apt. Frederic Blair, R. N. Seats — Kincraig, Winchester ; Kincraig, Elie, Fifeshire. CHARLES A VVDRY, Esquire, Justice oj the Peace for the county of Wiltshire. Born February 12, CfiY«>««««« 1846, beinx the fourth son of the late Sir John v4UIUl[/ Wither Awdry, Knight Bachelor, of Notion House, in the county of Wiltshire, Justice of the r,ace and Deputy-/. ieutenant for that county. Master of Arts and Honorary Doctor of CItH Law, FelUnu of Oriel I 'i>llei>e, Oxford, Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of I iidicature, by Frances Ellen his second wife, daui^htcr of /he late Right Rei'erend Thomas Carr, Doctor of Divinity, ':>id Bishop of Bombay. Club — United University. Livery — Blue, velhnv and black striped loaistcoat, silver hatband. Armorial bearings as used, and as quoted in Burke's avDD 35 "Landed Gentry," but for which no authority has been established, are for Arms : Argent, on a bend cotised azure, three cint/uefoils or, a crescent of the second for difference ; and for a Crest, out of a ducal coronet or, a lion's head azure. Married, April 20, 1876, Margaret Helen, eighth daughter of the Right Reverend George Moberley, Doctor oj Divinity, Lord Bishop of Salisbury ; and has Issue — (1) Charles Sehoyn Awdry, born March 1877; (2) Ambrose John Awdry, born i^-jg ; (3) Robert William Awdry, born i88i ; Margaret Frances ; Alethea Mary ; and Helen. Estate — Shaw Hill. Postal addresses — Shaw Hill, Melk- sham : 2 Hyde Park Street, London, W. HERBER T A WDR Y, Esquire. Born October 20, 1851, being the sixth son of the late Sir John Wither Awdry, Knight Bachelor, of Notion House, in the county of Wiltshire, Justice of the Peace and Deputy-Lieutenant for that county. Master of Arts and Honorary Doctor of Civil Lmw, Fellow of Oriel College, Oxford, Chief-Justice of the Supreme Court of Judica- ture at Bombay, by Frances Ellen his second wife, daughter of the late Right Rt-verend Thomas Carr, Doctor of Divinity, Bishop of Bombay. Livery — Jllue, yellow and black striped waistcoat, silver hatband. Armorial bearings as used, and as quoted in Burke's " Landed Gentry," but for which no authority has been established, are for Axins : Argent, on a bend cotised azure, three cinquefoils or, a crescent of the second for difference ; and for the Crest, out of a ducal coronet or, a lion's head azure. Postal address — Notion House, Chippenham. JAMES AWDRY, Esquire. Born September 8, 1848, being the fifth son of the late Sir John Wither Awdry, Knight Bachelor, of .Notion House, in the county of Wiltshire, Justice of the Peace and Deputy-Lieutenant for that county, .Master of Arts and Honorary Doctor of Civil Law, Felhno of Oriel College, Oxford, Chief-Justice of the Supreme Court of Judica- ture at Bombay, by Frances Ellen his second wife, daughter of the late Right Reverend Thomas Carr, Doctor of Divinity, Bishop of Bombay. Livery — Blue, yellmv and black striped waistcoat, silver hatband. Armorial bearings as used, and as quoted in Burke's " Landed Gentry," but for which no authority has been established, are for Arms : Argent, on a bend cotised azure, three cinquefoils or, a crescent of the second for difference ; and for the Crest, out of a ducal coronet or, a lion's head azure. NIarried, August 3, 1876, Catherine, n(5e Chittenden, of Kingston-on-Thatnes ; and has Issue — (i) William Wither Awdry, Gentleman, born 1877; (2) James Sheldon Awdry, Gentleman, born 1878; .Amy Sarah; and Catherine Goadard. Estate and postal address — Notion, Marlon, Wanganni, New Zealand. THOMAS A WDR Y, Esquire. Born July 6, 1840, bein^ the eldest son of the late Sir John Wither Awdry, Knight Bachelor, of Notion House, in the county of Wiltshire, Justice of the Peace and Deputy-Lieutenant for that county. Master of Arts and Honorary Doctor of Civil La7o, Fello7v of Oriel College, Oxford, Chief-Justice of the ."Supreme Court of Judica- ture at Bombay, by Prances F.llen his second ivife, daughter of the late Right keverend Thomas Carr, Doctor of Divinity, Bishop of Bombay. Livery — Blue, yelhno and black striped waistcoat, silver hatband. Armorial bearings as used, and as quoted in Burke' s " Landed Gentry," but for which no authority has been established, are for Arms: Argent, on a bend cotised azure, three cinquefoils or, a crescent of the second for difference ; and for the Crest, .out of a ducal coronet or, a lion's head azure. Married, July 19, 1872, .\fary Olivier, daughter of West Awdry of Monk- ton, Chippenham ; and has Issue — John West Awdry, Esquire, born 1874; Frances Olivier; Lucy Carr Delrrl^ ; and Margaret Alethea Verena. Estate — Tadcroft, in the colony of New Zealand. Postal address — I^rospect Place, Cor sham. The Rex'erend VERE A WDRY, Cler-k in Holy Orders. Born October 14, 1854, being the seventh son of the late Sir John Wither Awdry, Knight Bachelor, of Notion House, in the county of Wiltshire, Justice of the Peace and Deputy- Lieutenant for that county. Master of Arts and Honorary Doctor of Civil Imw, Fellorv of Or-iel College, Oxford, Chief- Justice of the Supreme Court of Judicature at Liombay, bv Frarues Ellen his second wife, daughter of the late Right Reverend Thomas Carr, Doctor if Divinity, Bishop of Bombay. Livery- — Blue, yellmv and black striped roaist- coat, silver hatband. Afmorlal bearings as used, and The Editor undertakes that every entry not in italics is that of a genuinely armigerous person. 36 atoD TBac as quoted in Burkes "Landed Gentry," are for Arms: Argent, on a bend cotised azure, three cinquefoils or, a crescent of the second for difference ; and for the Crest, out of a ducal coronet or, a lion's head azure. Married, i8gi, asHis second wife, Marv, nt^e Man, of Saint Leonard's ; and has lssiuc—/iridi:et I'ere. Postal address— T-^f J'icarage. Broad Hinton, Swindon. The Ka'erend WILLIAM AWDKY, Clerk in Holy Orders, Master of Arts of the University of Oxford, Canon of Chichester. Born January 24, 1842, heini; the second son of the late Sir John Wither Awdry, Knii;hf Bachelor, of Notion House, in the county of Wiltshire, Justice of the Peace and Deputy-Lieutenant for that county. Master of Arts and Honorary Doctor of Civil Law, Fellow of Oriel College, Oxford, Chief-Justice of the Supreme Court of Judicature at Bombay, by Frances Ellen his wife, daughter of the late Right Rei'erend Thomas Carr, Doctor of Divinity, Bishop of Bombay. Livery — IMue, yellow and black striped waistcoat, silver hatband. Armorial bearings as used, and as quoted in Burke's " Landed Gentry," but for 7vhich no authority has been established, are for Arms: Argent, on a bend cotised azure, three cinquefoils or, a crescent of the second for differ- ence : and for the Crest, out of a ducal coronet or, a lion's head azure. Married, August 4, 1868, Frances Emily, sixth daughter of the Right Reverend George Moberly, Doctor of Divinity, Lord Bishop of Salisbury. Postal address — The Vicarage, Amport, Andover, Hants. The Reverend WILLIAM HENRY A WDRY, Clerk in Holy Orders, Master of Arts of the University of Oxford. Justice of the Peace for the county of Wiltshire, Rural Dean, Rector of Lndgershall, Andover, Inspector of Schools. Born 1835, bi'ing the eldest son of the late West Awdry, by his wife Marv Remington, second daughter of John Smith of Clapham. Armorial bearings, as quoted in Burke's " Landed Gentry," but for which no authority has been established, are for Arms : Argent, on a bend cotised asure, three cinquefoils or ; and for the Crest, out of a ducal coronet or, a lion's head azure ; ■with the Motto, "Nil sine Deo." Postal address — The Rectory, Ludgershall, Andover. CAROLINE MARIA AYLMER, Spinster, eldest child of the late Sir Gerald George Aylmer, Baronet, Justice of the Peace, by his wife Alicia Hester Caroline, fourth daughter of Richard Conway Dobbs of Castle Dobbs, county An- trim. Club — Alexandra. Livery — White coats and vest piped black, black breeches and stockings, silver buttons. Armorial bearings are, upon a lozenge : Argent, a cross sable tx!lween four t'ornisli choughs proper. Estatc- Settled estate of Donadca in county Kildare, inlieritcd at the death of only brother, Sir Justin Gerald Aylmer, eleventli Baronet. Postal address — Y)ox\mS.q.^. Castle, county Kildare, Ireland. § GERALD PERCY VIVIAN AYLMER, Esquire. Justice of the Peace and Deputy-Lieutenant for the county of Durham, High Sheriff 1887. Born July 8, 1856, being the third and eldest surviving son of John Harrison Aylmer, Escpiire, Justice of the Peace and Deputy- Lieu- tenant, by his wife Rosanna Louisa, daughter of Admiral Sir Josiah Coghill, Baronet. Club — Bachelors'. Livety — White and silver. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Argent, a cross sable between four Cornish choughs proper. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling sable and argent ; and for his Crest, out of a ducal coronet or, a Cornish chough rising proper ; with the Motto, "Hallelujah." Estate and postal address — Wal- worth Castle, Darlmgton. 3 JOHN ALGERNON AYLMER, Esquire, Major in the 4th (Royal Irish) Dragoon Guards, Justice of the Peace for the county of Kildare, eldest son of Michael Aylmer (died 1885) of Courtown, in the county of Kil- dare, by his wife Charlotte Margaret, daughter of Hans Hendrick, Esquire, Justice of the Peace, of Kerdiffstown, in the county of Kildare. C///^.r— Naval and Military, Cavalry, Kildare Street Club (Dublin). Armorial bear- ings — He bears for Arms : Argent, a cross sable, between four Cornish choughs proper. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling sable and argent ; and for his Crest, a Cornish chough rising out of a ducal coronet all proper. MottO — "Hallelujah." Married, 1886, Blanche {d. 1895), third dau. of late John Eveleigh Wyndham of Clearwell Court, in the county of Gloucester, by his wife Elizabeth, daughter of Colonel Fitz- gerald of Turlo Park, in the county of Mayo ; and has Issue — John Wyndham Aylmer, Gentleman, born March 9, 1889; and Stella Wyndham. Estates — Courtown, Ballycannon, Rathcoffey, in the county of Kildare, and lands in King's County. Postal address — Courtown, Kilcock, county Kildare. B I THOMAS BACHE, Gentleman. Armorial bearings- Ermine, a lion rampant guardant sable, holding between the paws a woolpack proper, within a bordure of the second, charged with eight bezants, a chief wavy gules, thereon a bend engrailed or, between two roses argent, barbed and seeded proper. Mantling sable and argent. Crest — On a mount vert, a demi-lion guardant sable, bezantte, gorged with a wreath of oak or, holding between the paws a wool- pack as in the arms. Postal address — Coventry. PHILIP BACK, Gentleman, Alderman and Sheriff of Norwich 1879. Born June 15, 1824, being the third but only surviving son of the late Edward Back, by his wife Harriot, dau. of Robert Alcock Barker. Armorial bearings — Per saltire argent and gules, a lion rampant guardant proper, on a chief wavy argent, a woolpack of the first between two bezants. Mantling gules and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a griffin passant per pale wavy gules and argent, collared or, wings elevated erminois, the de.xter claw supporting a woolpack as in the arms. Married, June 7, 1849, Hannah, dau. of Charles Whaites of Witton Hall, Norfolk ; and has Issue — Philip Edward Back, Esq., Major ist Norf. Vol. .Art. [to whom refer]; Fanny Harriot [in., 1879, Frederick Edwards of Norwich]; and Ethel Mary [/«., 1887, Joseph Gibbons, B.A. of Dulwich College, and has issue]. Postal address— Eaton, Norwich. & is tbe Military Cockade, PHILIP EDWARD BACK, Esquire, Major 1st Norfolk Vol. Artillery. Born January 14, i860, being the only son of Philip Back, Alderman and Sheriff of Norwich 1879, ^'X his wife Hannah, dau. of Charles Whaites of Whitton Hall, CO. Norfolk. Armorial bearings — Per saltire gules and argent, a lion rampant guardant proper, on a chief wavy argent, a woolpack of the first, between two bezants. Mant- ling gules and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a griffin passant per pale wavy gules and argent, collared or, wings elevated erminois, the dexter claw supporting a woolpack as in the arms. Married, 1881, Ellen Race, younger dau. of William Shales, Great Yarmouth, Norfolk, and Bradwell, Suffolk; and has Issue — (i) Philip Glandfoni Back, Gentleman, born 1882; (2) William Edward Back, Gentleman, born 1889 ; (3) Nicholas Back, Gentleman, born 1891; (4) Thomas Quarles Back, Gentleman, born 1892; Dorothy, died 1896; (5) Robert Jermy B.ick, died 1898; Phyllis Mary; and Helen Ursula. Residence — Curat's House, Norwich. CHARLES JAMES BACKHOUSE, Esquire, J. P. for CO. of Durham. Born 1848, being the second son of William Backhouse and Katlierine, daughter of William Aldam. Livery — Blue, with white facings. Armorial bearings — Per saltire or and azure, a saltire engrailed er mine between two roses in pale gules, barbed and seeded proper, and as many passion crosses in fesse of the first. M is tbe Naval Cockade. T5ac 15 ag 37 Mantlllf^azur^nd or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath i)f tlic colours, in front of a rock proper, thereon an eagle displayed vert, holding in each claw a cross as in the arms, a serjjent on its back, the tail nowcd also proper. Motto — " Confidf) in Deo." Married, Oct. 28, 1874, Lucy, elder dauphterof Major J. R. Vincent of Hemsworth, Lane Ends, Wakefield. Estate and postal address — St John's, Wolsing- liam, Darlington. EDMUND B.\CKHOUSE, Esquire. Justiceof the Peace for the county of Durham and for the Ol^Sirfefintlrtr North Ridingof the county ofYork, only iUuVttljUlipv- surviving son of Jonathan Backhouse of Polam,Darlington,andhiswife Hannah Chapman, daughter of Joseph Gurney of Norwich. Club— Reform. Livery — Blue turned up with white. Armorial bear- ings— He bears for Arms : Party per saltire or and azure, a saltireeni^ailed ermine between two roses in pale gules, barbed and seeded proper, and as many passion crosses in fesse of the first; and upon an escutcheon of pretence for and in right of his wife the arms of Vo\, namely, ermine on a chevron azure, three fo.xes' heads erased or, within a Vjordure lleurettc^'c of the second ; and on a canton of the same a drinking-cup of the third, surmounted by three fleurs- de-lis argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, in front of a rock proper, thereon an eagle dis- played vert, holding in each claw a passion cross or, a serpent on its Ixick, the tail nowed also proper. Mar- ried, September 22, 1848, Juliet Mary, only daughter of Charles Fox of Trebah, Falmouth ; and has Issue — Jonathan Edmund Backhouse, Esquire (to whom refer); Charles Hubert Backhouse, (jentleman, born September 22, 1856 married, 1880, Constance Maude, daughter of Ritchie Ayton'; Sarah Juliet, married Horatio North Pyne, and (lied 1880; and Millicent Evelyn. Estate— '\'x&\xi.\\, in the Parish of Constantine, Cornwall. Postal address — The Hank, Darlington. JON.XTHAN EDMUND BACKHOUSE, Esquire, justice of the Peace and Deputy-Lieutenant for the North Riding of the county of York, and Deputy-F^ieutenant for the county of Durham. Horn Novemljer 15, 1849, ixjing the elder son of luhnund Backhf)use, Esquire, of Trebah in the county of Cornwall [to whom refer], and Juliet Mary his wife, only daughter of Charles Fox of Trebah, Fal- iMcniih. Armorial bearings- He liears for Arms: (Ju.ar- I'lly I and 4, party per saltire or and azure, a saltire ngrailed ermine between two roses in pale gules, barbed iiid seeded projjer, and as many passion crosses in fesse of lie first (for Backhouse) ; 2 and 3, ermine on a chevron azure, three foxes' heads erased or, within a bordure flory of the second, on a canton of the same, a drinking-cup of the third, surmounted by three fleurs-de-lis argent (for Fox), impaling the arms of Salusbury-Trelawny, namely argent, a chevron sable between three oak-leaves slippeu proper ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, in front of a rock proper, thereon an eagle displayed vert, holding in each claw a passion cross or, a serpent on its back, the tailed nowed also proper. Married, November 29, 1871, Florence, youngest child of the late Sir John Salus- bury-Trelawny, ninth Baronet; and \va& Issue— [\) Edmund Trelawny Backhouse, Gentleman, born 1873; (2) Oliver Backhouse, Gentleman, Sub.-Lieut. Royal Navy, born 1876 ; (3) Roger Roland Charles Backhouse, Gentleman, Midshipman Royal Navy, born 1878 ; (4) Miles Roland Charles Backhouse, Gentleman (a twin with Roger) ; and Harriet Jane. Postal address — The Uplands, Darlington. BADENOCH, quartered by GORDON and GORDON- LENNOX. BEAUCHAMP FREDERICK BAGENAL, Esquire, of Benekerry, co. Carlow, J. P., formerly Lieut. 4Sth Regt. , High Sheriff CO. Carlow 1871. Born Sept. lo, 1846, being the second but eldest surviving son of the late Philip Newton of Benekerry, who assumed by Royal License, dated March 6, 1832, the surname and arms of Bagenal, by his wife Georgiana Thomasina, dau. of Major James Boyd of Rosslare, co. Wexford. Armorial bearings — Barry of four ermine and or, a lion rampant azure, armed and langued gules; and impaling the arms of Hall-Dare, namely, quarterly i and 4, azure a lion rampant argent, between three lozenges or, each charged with an increscent gules, in chief a cross crosslet of the third (for Dare) ; 2 and 3 sable, on a chevron engrailed between three battle-a.xes erect or, as many eagles displayed of the field. Mantling azure and argent ; and for the Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, an heraldic antelope sejant vert, attired, unguled, ducally gorged and chained or. Married, July 5, 1870, Ethel Constance Mary, dau. of Robert Westley Hall-Dare, Esq., of Newtonbarry, CO. Wexford ; and has Issue — (i) Beauchamp Walter Bage- nal, (jentleman, h. Jan. 5, 1873 ; (2) Charles James Bagenal, (ientleman, b. March 22, 1877; Mary Verena, Violet, and Kathleen Prudence Eirene. Estates and postal addresses — Benekerry, Carlow ; Dunrae Lodge, Borris. EL THOMAS EDWARD BAGGE, Esquire, Master of Arts of the Universityof Cambridge, Deputy-Lieutenant and Justiceof the I'eace for the county of Norfolk, Lieutenant- Colonel (retired) of the Prince of Wales' Own Norfolk Militia Artillery. Horn April 30, 1838, being the second surviving son of the late Richard Bagge, Esquire, Justice of the I'cace and Deputy-Lieutenant, by his wife Pleasance, daughter of the late Reverend E. iiulton. Doctor of Laws, Rector of the parish of Gaywood. Clubs — Oxford and Canjbridge. Livery — Blue-black or dark blue coat and trousers, red and white striped waistcoat and dark blue greatcoat, bra.ss buttons. Armorial bearings— Hebearsfor Arms: Lozengy paly bendy argent and gules, two flaunches or, on a chief of the last, an annulet l>etwcen two cinquefoils of the second ; and for the Crest, a pair of wings addorsed or, sem<5e of annulets gules ; with the MottO, " Spes est in deo." Married, firstly, September 6, 1871, Louisa Maria Mary (who died 1882), daughter of the late Frederick Walpole Kep|)el, ICsquire, of Lexham Hall, in the county of N(3rfolk ; antl secondly, 1884, Constance Mary, younger daughter of the late Lloyd Baxendale of Greenham Lodge, in the county of Berkshire. Estates — Gaywood and Isling- ton Halls, and has property in the parishes of Mintlyn, Leziate, Tilney .All Saints, and Islington, and in the town of King's Lynn. Postal address— Gaywood Hall, King's Lynn. Rkv. JOHN BAGHOT-DE LA BERE, M.A. (Oxon), Clerk in Holy Orders, Vicar of Buxted St. Mary, Sussex, and Patron of the Vicarage of Prestbury. Born July 8, 1832, being the eldest son of Rev. John Baghot-De la Bere, sometime Vicar of Prestbury, co. Gloucs., M.A. (Oxon), I. P. CO. Gloucester, by his wife Elizabeth, dau. of John Milford of I'lxeter. Armorial bearings— (Quarterly I and 4, azure a bend or, cotised argent, between six martlets of the second (for De la Bi-re) ; 2 and 3 ermine, on a bend gules, three eagles displayed or (for Baghot) ; and impaling the arms of Bruce of Downhill, viz. or, on The Editor undertakes that every entry not in italics is that of a genuinely armigerous person. 38 T6ag T5ag a sallire gules, a harp argent, a chief of the second, and ou a canton of llie third, a lion rampant azure. Mantling azure and or. Crests — i. out of a ducal coronet or, a plume of eight ostrich feathers, five and three per pale argent and azure (for De la Bere) ; 2. on a wreath of the colours, a buck's head cabbshed sable, and between the attires a greyhound current argent, collared gules (for Baghot). MottO — " In cruce salus." Married, Oct. 30, i86o, Louisa Eliza- beth Margaret, youngest daughter of Sir James Rotertson Bruce of Downhill, co. Londonderry, Bart. (by-Ellen, youngest dau. of Robert Bamford-Hasketh of Gwyrch Castle, co. Denbigh, Esq.); and has had Issue — (i) Cyril De la Bere Baghot-De la Bere, b. April 10, 1864 [/«., March 27, 1894, Maud Mary, elder dau. of James Ballard, R.N., of Brigh- ton, and has issue, Cyril John Baghot-De la Bere, /'. July 29, 1896]; (2) Wilfrid Baghott De la Bere Baghot-De la Bere, b. Oct. 14, 1866, died Aug. 15, 1867; (3) Basil Baghott De la Bere Baghot-De la Bere, b. Jan. 21, 1868; (4) John Baghott De la Bere Baghot-De la Bere, b. March 28, 1870, Clerk in Holy Orders, M.A. (O.xon.) ; (5) Thomas Baghott De la Bere Baghot-De la Bere, b. April 12, and died April 19, 1871 ; (6) Michael Patrick De la Bere Baghot-De la Bere, b. Oct. 17, 1874 ; Etheldreda Mary ; Ellen Bridget Mary ; Agatha Mary ; Winifrid Mary Bence ; and Louisa Elizabeth Mary, died Oct. 7, 1876. Estate — The Hayes, Prestbury, Gloucs. Postal address — Buxted St. Mary Vicarage, Uckfield, Sussex. RALPH BAGNALL BAGNALL-WILD, Esquire, Master of Arts in the University ni^flftflS^TT-frfrJilh °^ Cambridge, Justice of the iUa^U(lii'lU!;iil.U peace for the county of Not- tingham, and Barrister-at-La\v. Born 1845, being the second son of William Kirkby ; assumed by Royal License in the year 1868 the surnames of Bagnall-Wild in lieu of his ])alronymic, and the arms of Wild and Bagnall quarterly. Armorial bearings are for Arms : Quarterly i and 4, ermine a fesse engrailed between in chief two stags' heads erased, and in base an escallop all sable (for Wild), 2 and 3 or, two bars ermine, a lion rampant azure between two Haunches of the last (for Bagnall) ; and for his Crests, i. upon a wreath of the colours, a demi-stag sable, guttfe-d'or, attired and resting the sinister foot on an escallop or (for Wild), 2. upon a wreath of the colours, upon the trunk of a tree fesseways eradicated and sprouting & is tbe Military Cockade. proper, an heraldic antelope sejant azure, bezantde, gorged with a collar gemel and horned or (for Bagnall); with the Motto, " Sur et loyal." Married, July 4, 1871, to Alice, ilaughler of R. A. Pfeil of Guildford; and has Issue - Ralph Kirkby Bagnall-Wiki, Gentleman, Lieutenant Royal Engineers, born August 18, 1873 ; and Maude Kirkby. Estate and postal address— y[w(\or House, Costock, Lough- borough. SJOSCELINE BAGOT, Esquire, Major Westmorland and Cumberland Yeomanry, Justice of the Peace and Deputy-Lieutenant for the county of Westmorland, Member of Parliament for South Westmorland, formerly Captain in the Grenadier Guards (1874-1886), Aide-de-Camp to the Governor-General of Canada, 1882, 1883, and again 1888, 1889. Born Octolxjr 22, 1854, being the eldest son of Colonel Charles Bagot of the Grenadier Guards Assistant Master of Ceremonies to Her Majesty, 1852, 1871, by his wife Sophia, eldest daughter and co heir of Vice-Admiral Josceline Percy, Companion of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, commonly known as the Honourable Josceline Percy, brother of the Most Noble Hugh Percy, Duke of Northumberland. Clubs — Carlton, Guards. Livery — Dark blue, with silver buttons and yellow waistcoat, ilurmorial bearings — He Itears for Arms : lirmine two chevronels azure (for Bagot) ; and impaling the arms of Leslie, namely argent, on a Ijend azure, between two holly leaves proper, three buckles or. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling azure and argent ; and for his Crest, out of a ducal coronet or, a goat's head argent. attired also or; with the Motto, " Anti(|uum obtinens." Married, June 11, 1885, Theodosia, daughter of Sir John Leslie, first Baronet, of Glaslough, Ireland, by his wife Constance Wilhelmina, conuuonly known as Lady Constance Wilhclmina, daughter of the Right Honourable the Earl of Portarlington; and has /.f.v//t' — Alan Desmond Bagot, Gentle- man ; Dorothy; Marjory Constance ; and Mary. Estates — Levens Hall, Milnthorpe, Lord of the Manors of Helsington, Fawcett Forest, Gaythorne, the fourth of the Barony of Kendal, called " Lumley P'ee," &.Z., all in the county of Westmorland. Postal address — Levens Hall, Milnthorpe. BAGSHAWE, see GREAVES-BAGSHAWE. FRANC:iS WESTBY BAGSHAWTi, Esquire, Justice of the Peace for the West Riding of the county of Ycirk, and Justice of the Peace and Deputy-Lieutenant for the county of Derby, for which he served the office of High Sheriff in the year 1868 ; Master of Arts of the University of Cambridge, and late Captain of the ist West York Yeomanry Cavalry. Born April 4, 1832, lieing the second but eldest surviving son of the late William John M is the Naval Cockade. OBapfl)atoe Bagshawe, Esquire, of Wormhill Hall, and of the Oaks, Justice of the Peace and Deputy-Lieutenant, Master of Arts and Harristor-at-La\v, by Sarah his wife, third daughter of William Partridge of I5isho[)'s Wood, in the county of I Hereford. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Party per pale erniinois and gules, a bugle stringed between three roses all counterchanged, barbed and seeded proper ; ;ind for a Crest, on a wreath of the colours, issuing out of clouds, a dexter cubit arm proper, holding in the hand a bugle-iiorn or, the handle sable, within the strings a rose gules : with the Motto, " Forma flos fama flatus." Married, October 21, 1873, Caroline .'\melia, younger daughter of K. H. C. Godwin-Austen of Shalford House, in the county of Surrey ; and has Issue — Beatrice Muriel Westby, and Gladys Godwin de I'Hall. Estates and postal addresses — rhe Oaks, Sheffield ; Wormhill Hall, Buxton. His Honour WILLIAM HENRY GUNNING BAG- SH.WVE, a Judge of County Courts, and one of Her Majesty's Counsel Learned in the Law, a Justice of the Peace for the counties of Northampton, fJcdford, and Hunt- ingdon, iic. Hum August 18, 1825, lx.'ing the eldest son of the late Henry Kidgard Bag.shawe, E.sc|uire, Justice of the Peace, Master of Arts, and one of Her Majesty's Counsel Learned in the Law, by Catherine Elizabeth his wife, (laughter of John Gunning, lisq. , C. B. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Party per pale erniinois and gules, a bugle stringed between three roses all counterchanged, barbed and seeded proper; and for his Crest, on a wreath of the colours, issuing out of the clouds a dexter cubit arm jiroper, holding in the hand a bugle-horn or, the handle .sable, within the strings a rose gules ; with the Motto, "Forma flos fama flatus." Postal address — 249 Cromwell Road, London, S.W. n RICHARD liAGWRLL, Esquire, Justice of the w Peace and Deputy - Lieutenant for the county of fipperaiy, and Justice of the Peace for the county of W'aletfonl, Master of Arts of the University of Oxford, fidest son of John Bagwell of Marlfield, by his roife Frances Elizabeth, younger daughter of Francis Prittie, /'.squire, commonly knorvn as the /honourable Francis Prittie. Clubs -///-tw/'t't, Oxford and Cambridge, Kildare Street (Dublin). Armorial bearings as used', but which are not recorded in Ulster's Office, arc for Arms: Paly of '■i\- argent and azure, on a chief gules a lion passant of the first. Crest— O/// of a mural crown, a demi-bull all I'liipcr. Motto — " In fide et in bello fortis.' Married, April 9, 1873, Harriet Philippa Jocelyn , younger daughter / Philip Jocelyn Neiuton of Dunleckney, in the county of ( 'iirltno ; and has Issue— /«//« Philip liagicell, born August 11,1874; Emily Georgina ; Margaret; and Lilla. Estates .'/ and near Clonmel, in the counties of Tipperarv and 1 1 aterford. Postal address— ./l/ar^^/rf, Clonmel. WILFRID RAGWELL-PUREFOY, Esq., J. P. for co. 1 ip|)erury, late Lieut. 3rd King's Own Hussars. Horn 1862, being the eldest son of the late Colonel Edward P.igwell-Purefoy of (ireenfield, by his second wife Ch.irlotte, fiuuth dau. of John (ireen 'Wilkinson. Armorial bearings (^)uarterly i and 4, sable three pairs of hands conjoined or, ruflled argent (for Purefoy) ; 2 and 3 paly of six argent iiid azure, on a chief gules, a lion passant of the first (for liigwell). Mantling sable and or ; and for his Crest, upon .1 wreath of the colours, a hand in armour grasping a broken 1. nice all proper. MottO— " En bonnefoy." .bVa/— Green- i It-Id, 'I'ipperary. JAMES BAILEY, Esquire, J. P. for E.ssex, M.P. for Walworth Division of Newington. Horn Nov. 10, 1840, being the son of William Bail<-y of Kensington House, Mattisliall, Norfolk, by his wife Sarah, n^e Dunthornc. '/////?— Carlton, Junior Carlton, Constitutional. Livery — 1 lue. Armorial bearings— Per pale indented argent and able, a cross crosslet sallireways, two mullets in pale within IN many Haunches, each charged with a mullet all coun- terchanged. Mantling sable and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, in front of a cubit arm vested per pale azure and gules, cuff argent, the hand proper holding a crosier, surmounted by a mullet, both or, three mullets of the last. MottO — "Deo dr.ce." Married, firstly, 'atherine [d. 1892), dau. of John -Smith of Benson, Oxford ; d secondly, 1896, Lily, dau. of Adolphus Fass of ,1-^ Queen's Gate Gardens ; and has Issue — (i) Percy James Bailey, Gentleman, Lieut. 12th Lancers ; (2) Frederick George Glyn Bailey, Gentleman ; (3) Sidney Robert Bailey, Gentleman, Midshipman on H.M.S. "Centurion"; Alice [w. Walter Hopkins]; Augusta Dunthorne \in. Vivian Nickalls]; and Marie Elizateth. Residences— 102 Eaton Square, London, S.W. ; Shortgrove, Newport, Essex. § EDMUND WYNDHAM GREVIS BAILEY, Esquire, Justice of the Peace for the county of Kent, TBailgt) ^"dMaior(Hon. Lt.-Col.)4thBatt. RoyalWest Mj\m%^^ KgPit j^ggf jj^^.^ November 10, 1858, being the eldest son of the Reverend James Sand- ford Bailey, Master of Arts of the University of Cambridge, by Lavinia his wife, daughter of Demetrius Grevis-James, Esquire, Justice of the Peace and Deputy-Lieutenant, of Igh- tham Court, Kent, f///*— Junior Constitutional. Livery— Blue. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Erniinois, a lion passant sable, Ijearing in his dexter paw a cross pat^e fitchde gules, on a chief nebuly of the second a cross pat^e or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, in front of a dcmi-lion erminois holding in his dexter paw a cross pat(5e fitch(5e gules, a trunk of a tree eradicated fesseways and sprouting proper; with the Motto, "Nee temere nee tiniide." Married, January 1885, Allwrta Sylva, only child of the late James l^velyn, Captain Grenadier Guards. Postal address — Nepicar House, Wrotham, Kent. JOHN LOCKHART BAILEY, Gentleman and Solicitor, Bachelor of .'\rts of the University of Oxford. Born Octo- l«r 7, 1853, iK'ing the second son of the late William Latham Bailey and his wife Frances Byng, youngest daughter of John M'I>ean of Campbeltown, in the county of Argyll. Clubs — Con.servative (Liverpool) and Athentvum (Liverpool). Lively — Dark blue coat, silver buttons, scarlet waistcoat. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : .Argent, three annulets in fesse 1 n't ween two barrulcts, all between three martlets gules; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a griffin sejant argent, senile of annulets gules; with the Motto, " Libertas." Estates — Freehold house and land in Toxteth Park, Liverpool, as tenant in common with brother Llewellyn Crawshay Bailey and sister Mary Anne Margaret Frances Byng Bailey. Postal address — Llangorse House, Prince's Park, Liverpool. LLEW^ELLYN CR.\WSH,\Y BAILEY, Gentleman. Born .Vpril 25, 1856, lx;ing the third son of the late William Latham Bailey and Frances Byng his wife, youngest daughter of John M'Lean, ICsquire, of Camplx-ltown, in the county of -Argyll. Clubs — .Athennsum (Liverpool), Palatine (Liver- pool). /./I't-;-)/— Dark blue coat, silver buttons, scarlet waistcoat, drab breeches, top boots, black band on hat. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms: Argent, three annulets in fesse between two barrulets, all between three martlets gules ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a griffin sejant argent, semte of annulets gules ; The Editor undertakes tbat every entry not in italics is tliat of a genuinely armigerous person. * 40 IBai IBai with the Motto, " Libcitas." Estates — Freehold house (Llangorse House) and hind in Toxteth Park, Liverijool, as tenant in common vvitli brotlier John Lockhart Bailey and sister Ahiry Anne Margaret Frances Hyng Bailey. f%stal address— \AM\goY5C: House, Prince's Park, Liver- pool. Rkv. JAMES SANDFORD BAH.F.Y, M.A. (Cantab.), Clerk in Holy Orders, formerly Vicar of St. Clements, Cam- bridge. Bom May 5, 1824, being the only son of James Alderson Bailey, Esq., Capt. King's Own Tower Hamlets Militia, and Lieut. 69th Foot, by his wife Anne, only child of the Rev. Edmund Sandford, H.D., formerly Fellow and Tutor of Jesus Coll. (Oxon.), and Rector of Nutfield, Surrey. Armorial bearings — Erminois, a lion passant sable, hold- ing in the dexter paw a cross patde fitchde gules, on a chief nebuly of the second, a cross pat^e or ; impaling the arms of Grevis-James, namely, quarterly i and 4, argent two bars embattled and counter-embattled gules (for James) ; 2 and 3 argent, on a fesse azure between three ogresses, each charged with a lion's head erased of the first, a griffin passant between two escallojjs or (for Grevis). Mantling sable and or. Crest — Upon a wreath of the colours, in addresses — Nepicar House, Wrotham, Kent ; and 21 Clifton Terrace, Brighton. Sir WILLIAM HENRY BAILEY, Knight Bachelor, Mayor of Salford 1893-94, J. P. for .Salford and Lancashire. Horn 1838, being the son of John Bailey. Club — Manchester Reform "(Manciiester). Armorial bearings— Argent, on a front of ademi-lion rampant erminois, holding in the dexter paw a cross pat(5e fitch(5e gules, the trunk of a tree eradicated fesseways and sprouting proper. Motto — " Nee temere nee timide." Married, June 16, 1857, Lavinia, dau. of Deme- trius Grevis-James, Esc)., J. P. and D.L., of Ightliam Court, Ightham, Kent, formerly High Sheriff of Kent; and has Issue — (1) Edmund Wyndham Grevis Bailey, Esq., J. P., Lt.-Col. 3rd Batt. R. West Kent Regt. [to whom refer]; (2) Demetrius James Sandford Bailey, Gentleman, B.A. (Cantab.), b. May 31, i860; Etheldreda Lavinia Margaret; Edith Maud ; and Christalx'lla Rolfe. Estate and postal ^ is the Military Cockade. fesse between two martlets in chief gules and a lymphad in base, oars in action, sable, flagged of the second, two annulets or. Mantling gules and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a griffin segreant argent, winged ehequy of the tirst and azure, holding in the dexter claw a flagstaff, there- from flowing to the sinister a banner gules, sem(5e of annulets, and resting the sinister claw on a pheon sable. Motto — " Non terra sed aquis." Married, 1866, Jane Dearden, dau. of James Doming. .S'tv/Z-^Sale Hall, Cheshire ; Glan- y-mor, Beaumaris. RONALD BAILEY, Gentleman. Born October 24, 1883, being the second and only surviving son of the late John Eglington Bailey, Gentleman, F..S.A. , by his wife Emma, daughter of John Mills. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Gules, on a fesse nebuly between four martlets, three in chief and one in base argent, two roses of the first, barbed and seeded i)roper. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules and argent ; and for the Crest, on a wreath of the colours, in front of an anchor in bend sinister proper, a female figure vested vert, sujjporting with the right hand an escocheon gules, charged with a martlet argent, and resting the left on the stock of the anchor. Motto — " Vallum a;niuni esto." S JAMES WILLIAM BAILLIE, Esquire, Colonel Leicestershire Yeomanry, late of the Royal Horse Guards, Justice of the I^eace for the county of Leicester. Born August 11, 1832, being the eldest son of David Baillic, by his 7vife Louisa, daughter of Lieutenant-General the Honourable Sir William Steivart. Clubs — Turf, Boodle's, Pratt's. Livery — Dark blue, and yclknv icaistcoat. Armo- rial bearings el of three points for I difference. Mantling gules doubled argent. Crest— On 'a wreath of the liveries, a de.xter arm emlnjwed gules, the I hand grasping a dirk pro]>er. Motto — " Et arte et marte." I Seat — Craggs, Little Broughton, Cockermouth. The Reverend JOSEPH HENRY DAINHRIGGE, Clerk in Holy Orders, Bachelor of \ '^K]3ttlflt*t(T(T0 Artsofthe University of O.xford , Vicar ; iUaillUVI^^t- ofFinstall. Horn JiJv 20. 1S23. bein^ the second surviving son oj' Sir Philip luiiiibrigge. Knight Commander of the Most Honourable Order of the Hath, by his wife Sarah Mary, daughter of Joseph Fletcher. Livery — Drab, with black facings. Ar- morial bearings as used, but for which no authority has ' been es/ab/is/ied at the College if Arms by the above mentioned, ,1 re for Arms: Argent, a chevron embattled between three tatile-axes sable. Crest — On a mount vert a goat statant sable , iitiired and collared argent. Confirmed by William Fknoer, \orroy, to William Paynbri^e of Lockington, in the county oj Leicester, Februaiy 14, A.u. 1583, anno 26 Elizabeth. Motto (assumed by the Reverend J. //. Bainbrigge) — ( " Vincet i]ui patitur." Married, November 4, 1863, Eliza • Emily, daughter of Colonel Thomas Bund of Wick Episcopi, ir. the county of Worcester. Estates — Has property at Finstall and at Moor in Fladbuiy, in the county of Worcester. ■ Postal address — St. GodwalcCs, Finstall, near Bromsgrove. WILLIAM MORTIMER BAINES, F.R.G.S., Lord o> the Manors of Deighton and Wig^inton, Yorks. Born 1B30, being the youngest son of the late Hnvley Mortimer Ddines of Bell Hall, Yorks., by his wife Mary, dau. of William H. Harrison, F.R.S., M.D., of Ripon. Armo- rial bearings as used, but Jor which no authority has been estiiHished, are — Sable, a shin bone in pale surmounted by iuuither in fesse argent. Crest — A dexter hand couped proper, holding a shin bone ardent. Married, 1855, Mary .lime I'erdon, dau. of Peter Russell Dixon of Auckland, A ./. / and has, tvith other Issue— //fr^'/fv Mortimer Baines, Ivrn 186s. Seal— Bell Hall, Naburn, i'orks. M ALEXANDER BAIRD. Esq., of Urie, and Rickarton, W Kincardineshire, Lord-Lieut, of co. Kincar- TBflirtl '^'"^' ^""^ ^ D. L. for CO. Inverness. Born 1849, i^UIVV being the eldest son of the late John Baird, Esq., J. P. and D.L. , of Urie and Lochwood, by Margaret his wife, dau. of John Findlay of Springhill, CO. I^nark. Club— Carhon. Armorial bearings — He Ixsirs for Arms : Parted per pale engrailed gules and or, a boar passimt counterchanged ; and impaling the arms of Palk, namely sable, an eagle displayed argent, armed or, a Iwrdure engrailed of the second. Upon the escut- cheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules doubled argent ; and upon a wreath of his liveries is set for Crest, a griffin's head erased or ; and in an escroU over the same this Motto, " Dominus fecit." Married, 1873, '^^ Hon. Annette Maria, elder dau. of the Rt. Hon. Lawrence Palk, ist Baron Haldon ; and by her, who d. 1884, has with other /«?/«;— John Lawrence Baird, Gentle- man, b. 1874. Seat — Urie, Stonehaven, N.B. 3 JOHN BAIRD. Esq., of Lochwood. co. Lanark, J. P. and D.L. for co. Inverness, late M.P. for N.W. Lan- arkshire. Born Veh. 17, 1852, being second son of the late John Baird, Esq.. of Urie and Lochwood ; s. to Lochwood on the death of his father 1870. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms: Parted per pale engrailed gules and or, a boar passant, in chief a crescent, all counterchanged. Upxin the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules doubled argent ; and upon a wreath of his liveries is set for Crest, a grifiin's head erased or ; and in an escroU over the ?anie this Motto. " Dominus fecit." Mar- ried, April 23. 1878. Constance Emelia. dau. of John Battersby Harford of Blaise Castle, Henbury, near Bristol ; and has Issue— (i) James Alexander, b. Feb. 15, 1879; (2) Hugh William, b.' Jan. 24. 1882 ; Jean Edith ; and Margaret Ina. Seat — Lochwood. Gartcosh, N.B. Admiral Sir JOHN KENNEDY BAIRD, Knight Commander of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath. Born 1833, being the son of Sir David Baird, second B.aronet, by his wife Anne, commonly known as Lady Anne, daughter of the Most Honourable Archibald, Mar- c|uess of Ailsa ; became Captain in the Royal Navy, 1864, Vice-Admiral, 1886, and Admiral, 1892 ; was formerly Naval Aide-de-Camp to Her Majesty the Queen ; sers-ed in the Russian War, 1854, 1855 ; was Admiral-Superintendent of Naval Reserves, 1885-1888; and in Command of the Tbe Editor undertakes tliat every entry not in italics is tliat of a genuinely armigerous person. 42 TBai T5ak Channel Squadron, 1888-1890; created Knight Commander of the Most Honoural)lc; Order of the Bath, 1890. Club— Army and Navy. Armorial bearings He bears for Arms : Gules, a hoar passant or, on a canton ermine, a sword erect proper. Upon tlie escutcheon, which is surrounded by the ribl>on of the Most Honourable Order of the Hath, and therefrom pendent the badge of a Knight Commander of that order, is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules, doubled argent ; and upon a wreath of his liveries is set for Crest, a boar's head erased or ; with the Motto, " Vi et virtute." Postal address — 31 Cadogan Place, London, S.W. H WILLIAM BAIRD, Esq., of Elie, Fifeshire, J. P. and ® D.L. force. Ayr, and J. P. for co. Fife. Horn 1848, l)eing the eldest son of William Haird, Esq., J. P., of Elie, M.P. for Falkirk 1841-7, and nephew of the late James Haird, lisq., of Cambusdoon. Cli/b — Carlton. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Parted per pale gules and or, a boar passant counterchanged. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules doubled argent ; and upon a wreath of his liveries is set for Crest, a griflin's head erased or; and in an escroll over the same this Motto, " Dominus fecit." Married, 1883, Caroline Muriel, dau. of the late John Alexander Burn Callander of Preston Hall. Seat — Elie House, Fife. JAMES GEORGE BAIRD- HAY, Esquire, formerly Captain 92nd Highlanders, J. P., D.L. co. Haddington. Born 1826, being the eldest son of the late Rear-Admiral Tames Hay of Belton, by Mary his wife, dau. of Robert Hathorne Stewart of Physgill. Armorial bearings — Quarterly i and 4, qrly. i. and iiii. azure, three fraises argent ; ii. and iii. gules, three bars ermine, all within a bordure gules, over all an escutcheon of the arms of Hay, viz. argent, three escutcheons gules ; 2 and 3 parted per pale gules and or, a wild boar passant counterchanged. Mantling gules doubled argent. Crest — On a wreath of the liveries, a goat's head erased argent, armed or. Motto — "Spare nought." Married, 1862, Jane, dau. of the late William Bairdof Elie, co. Fife. Po'ital address — Helton, Dunbar, N. B. FERDINAND BAKER BAKER, Gentleman. Born December 18, 1858, being the third son of the late Henry John Baker Baker, Esquire, of Elemore Hall (who assumed by Royal License, in 1844, the name of Baker only (in lieu of Tower), in accordance with the will of his grandfather, George Baker, Esquire, and the arms of Baker and Tower quarterly), by his wife Isabella, younger daughter of Robert Lancelot AUgood of Nunwick, in the county of Northumber- land. Club — White's. Livery — Dark blue, silver buttons. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : (Quarterly i and 4, ermine on a saltire engrailed azure, a maunch between four escallops or, on a chief sable, a lion passant of the third (for Baker) ; 2 and 3 .sable, a tower or, charged with a pheon of the field, within a bordure of the second, charged with ten cross crosslets also of the field (for Tower). Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling sable and argent ; and for his Crests, i. upon a wreath of the colours, a lion rampant argent, charged on the shoulder with a saltire azure, and supporting between the paws a shield of the last, thereon a maimch or (for Baker) ; 2. upon a wreath of the colours, a griflfin passant per pale or and ermine, the dexter claw resting on a shield saVjle, charged with a tower as in the arms (for Tower). Motto — " Love and dread." .S'^i?^— Elemore Hall, in the county of Durham. Damk FLORENCE BAKER. Widow, commonly known as Lady Baker, daughter of M. Finnian von Sass. Married, i860 (as his second wife), Sir Samuel White Baker, Knight Bachelor, Master of Arts, Fellow of the Royal Society, Fellow of the Royal Geographical Society, Fellow of the Royal Astronomical Society, Deputy - Lieutenant for the county of Gloucester, and Justice of the Peace for the county of Devon, who died Decemljer 31, 1893. Armorial bearings are, upon a lozenge : Argent, within two barrulets Ijetwcen three swans' heads erased of the second, and in the centre chief point a fountain proper, two cinquefoils fesseways also of the second. Postal rtrf(//rw— Sandford Orleigh, Newton Abbott. L.\WRENCE INGHAM BAKER, Gentleman. Born 1862, being the eldest son of Lawrence James Baker of |§ is the Military Cockade. Overshaw Park, formerly M.P. Frome Div. Somerset, by his wife Ellen Catherine Thompson. Armorial bearings- impaling the arms of Peto, namely, barry of six per pale intlcnted or and gules, two annulets in fesse all counter- changed. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, in front of a swan's head erased argent, an estoile or, between two bezants. Motto — "Sedulo et honeste." Married, 1885, Helen Agnes, youngest dau. of Sir Samuel Morton Peto, 1st Bart. ; and has /jj?eing the only son of William Robert Baker, Esq., J.P. and D.L., and High Sheriff 1836. by his wife Anna Emm.i Katherine. Armorial bearings— Per pale ermine and gules, a greyhound courant between two bars invected, in chief two quatrefoils, and another in base all M is the Naval Cockade. J iBafe T5al 43 junterchangcd. Mantling gules and argent. Crest — On wreath of the colours, a cockatrice per fesse indented niinois and pean, cpnibed and wattled t;ules, gorged with collar a/.urt', and in the beak a cpiatrefoil slipped vert. [Otto — "So run that ye may obtain." Married, \\m\ 12, S64, l-^dith Mildmay Ashurst, eldest dau. of the Rev. lenry Lewis Majendie, Vicar of (Jreat Dunmow ; and iias ^sue—('i) Henry William Clinton Baker, lisq., J. P. Herts., March 16, 1865; (2) Lewis Clinton IJaker, Gentleman, ^ieut. R.N., /'. March 16, 1866; (3) O.-ljert Clinton Baker, lentleman, Lieut. -.Adjutant ist Royal Irish Rifles, b. Sept. 869; (4) Geoffry Clinton Baker, Gentleman, (^. Uec. i, 871 ; (s) John Hugh Clinton, Gentleman, b. Uec. 25, 87s; Estina Anna [m., 1890, Herbert Nelson Lear]; and atherine Edith. 6Va/— Bayfordbury, Hertford. WILLIAM MEATH BAKER, Esquire, Justice oj the ''eace for the county of Gloucester, Master of Arts of the Iniversity of Cambridge. Bom November i, 1857, being he only son of the Reverend Ralph Bourne Baker, Master of Irts, Justice of the Peace, Rural Dean, by his wife Francis 'rofton, eldest daughter of the Right Reverend Joseph lendcrson Singer, Doctor of fJivinity, Bishop of Mcath. I.ivery — Claret colour, with silver buttons. Armorial jearings as used, but for zohich no authority has been ftablishcd at the College of Arms, are — Quarterly i and 4, \iiles,agoal passant argent, attired or (for Baker); 2. argent, \i a fesse gules, between two bars waty sable, three crescents or \for Dod); 3. per fesse sable and gules, an eai,'le displayed Irgent (for Edge) ; and fir the Crest, out of a ducal coronet b-, a goat's head argent, attired or, with the MottO, " Ars ma violcntia." IVIarried, May 24, 1884, Hannah Mary, aughter of Richard John Corbett, Captain (retired list) ndian Stajj Corps ; and has Lssue — (i) William George 'orbett Baker, born May 13, 1885 ; (2) Francis Ralph Baker, irn June 23, 1886 ; (3) Ediuard John Baker, born August , 1887. Estates — Hasfield, in the counties of Gloucester .,iid Worcester ; Fenton, in the county of .Stafford. Postal ytldress — Hasfield Court, Gloucester. k WILLIAM ROBERT BAKER. Esquire, Justice of iSr the Peace .ind Deputy-Lieutenant, and High Sheriff E36. Born October 8, 1810, being the second but only rviving son of the late William H.aker of Bayfordbury, by lis wife I^stina, daughter of RoUtI Kagan, Consul-General (f Her Britannic Majesty for .Sicily and Malta. Armorial earings — He l)ears for Arms : Per pale ern)ine and gules, greyhound courant between two bars invccked, in chief Uo quatrefoils, and another in base, all counterchanged. iJpon the escutcheon is placed a helmet Ijefitting his degree, I'ith a mantling gules and argent ; and for his Crest, upon wreath of the colours, a cockatrice per fesse indented rminois and pean, comlx'd and wattled gules, gorged with i collar azure, and in the lx:ak a tjuatrefoil slip|jed vert, [lotto — " So run that you may obtain." Married, Oclotjer , 1838, .Xnna Emma Katherine, eldest daughter (by Kath- tine, his second wife, daughter of the Right Reverend [Villiani Majendie, Bishop of Bangor) of Henry Fynes Hinton of Welwyn, in the county of Hertford ; and has Lov/c— William Clinton Baker, Esquire, Justice of the Peace I tlie county of Hertford, born Septen>lx;r 26, 1839 II mied, .Xpril 12, 1864, Edith Mildmay Ashurst, eldest ■aughter of the Reverend Henry Lewis Majendie, Vicar If Great Dunmow, in the county of Esse.x, and has with jther issue, Henry William Chnton Baker, Gentleman, (Jill .March 16, 1865]. Estate and postal address — Bayford- ury, Herts. ADDISON FRANCIS BAKER-CRESSWELL. Gentle- i.m. Born Nov 8, 1874, laeing the eldest son of the late tswin Cununing Baker-Cresswell, Esquire, of Cresswell, .1'., Higli Sheriff 1882, formerly Capt. 3rd Hussars, by his .ife iMUMia .Sophia Georgina (now Countess of Ravens- • 1)1 til), dan. of the Hon. Richard Denman of Westergate, ^u^Mx. Armorial bearings — (Quarterly, i. quarterly i. nil iiii. erminois, three torteaux two and one, each charged . ith a squirrel sejant argent (for Cri;sswell) ; ii. and iii. '.ul's, a goat statant, armed and crined or, Ix-tween three altiiL'sof the last (for Baker); 2. the same arms of Cress- X il ; 3. the same arms of B.iker ; 4. azure, two chevronels ii;int, l)etween two garbs in chief or, and in base two iwuids in sallire proper, pommels and hilts gold (for Reed). Mantling gules and or. CrestS— i. on a wreath of the ')lours, a mount vert, thereon a torteau, charged as in the arms (for Cresswell) ; 2. on a wreath of the colours, a goat's head erased argent, armed and crined or, gorged with a collar gemel and charged on the neck with a saltire gules (for Baker). Motto— " Cressa ne careat." 6Vrt/j— Cress- well, Morpeth, Northumberland ; Harehope, Alnwick, Northumberland. GILFRID GEORGE BAKER-CRESSWELL, Esquire, J. P. for Worcestershire. Bt^n 1848, Ijeing the second son of the late Oswin Addison Baker-Cresswell, Gentleman, by his wife Anne Seymour Conway, eld. dau. of Sir William Gordon-Cummiiig, Bart., of Altyre. C/«*— Junior United Service. Armorial bearings— Quarterly, i. quarterly i. and iiii. erminois, three torteaux, two and one, each charged with a squirrel sejani argent (for Cresswell) ; ii. and iii. gules, a goat statant, armed and crined or, between three saltires of the last (for Baker) ; 2. the same arms of Cresswell ; 3. the same arms of Baker ; 4. azure, two chevronels argent, between two garbs in chief or, and in base two swords in saltire proper, pommels and hilts gold (for Reed), and impaling the arms of Cooper, namely vert, a fesse em- battled or, l)etween two pheons in chief and as many thigh tones saltireways in base argent. Mantling gules and or. Crests — I. on a wreath of the colours, a mount vert, then-on a torteau, charged as in the arms (for Cresswell) ; 2. on a wreath of the colours, a goat's head erased argent, armed and crined or, gorged with a collar gemel, and charged on the neck with a saltire gules (for Baker). MottO —"Cressa ne careat." Married, 1876, Alice Louisa, youngest dau. of Sir Astlcy Paslon Cooper, Bart. , of Gade- bridge; and has /.«//<•— (i) Henry Gilfrid Baker-Cresswell, Gentleman, born 1878 ; (2) Oswin Easterby Baker-Cresswell, Gentleman, born 1882 ; and Alice Ida. Postal address — 32 Lower Sloane Street, London, S.W. BALFOUR, quartered by BETHUNEand BRUCE. BALFOUR, see TOWNELEY-BALFOUR. ROBERT ANSTRUTHER BALBIRNIE-VANCE, Esquire, J. P., of Balmerino. Born , being the son of Balbirnie, by Margaret his wife, dau. of John Vance of Coagh, CO. Tyrone, and sister and co-h. of George Washington Vance. Armorial bearing^— Quarterly i and 4, argent, on a Ijend gules, three mullets or, in the sinister chief point a cinquefoil of the second ; 2 and 3 vert, a fesse chequy argent and azure, between three cuirasses of the second, on a chief indented of the last, a rose gules, Iwtween two buckles of the third. Mantling gules .ancl .irgent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a lion rampant or, gorged with a collar gules, and holding in the dexter paw a ])air of balances proper, and charged on the shoulder with a cinquefoil of the second. Motto — "Be faithful." Postal address — Balmerino, Victoria, Australia. SThk Right Honoukahi.k ARTHUR JAMES BAL- F'OUR, First Lord of the Treasury, a Member of Her Majesty's Most Honourable Privy Council, Deputy- Lieutenant for tlie county of East Lothian, Master of Arts of the University of Cambridge, Fellow of the Royal .Society, Honorary Doctor of Laws of the Universities of lidinburgh, St. Andrews, Cambridge, Dublin, and Glasgow, Honorary Doctor of Civil Law of the University of Oxford, Chan- cellor of the University of I'^dinljurgh. Born July 25, 1848, being the eldest son of the late James \!aitland Balfour of Whittingehame, in the county of East Lothian, and of Strathconan, in the county of Ross, by his wife Blanche Mary Harriet, commonly known as Lady Blanche Mary Harriet, second daughter of the Most Honourable Sir James Brownlow William Ga.scoyne-Cccil, second Mar- quess of Salisbury, Knight of the Most Noble Order of the ( jarter ; elected a Member of Parliament for Hertford, February 1874 to November 1885, since when he has sat for the East Division of Manchester. tV«/^.<— Carlton, Travellers', St. .Stephen's, Bachelors', .Scottish Conservative. Armorial bearings — He Ixjars for Arms : Argent, on a chevron en- grailed Ijetween three mullets sable, a seal's head erased of the first, within a Ininlure of the second. Upon the escutcheon is jilaced a helmet l«titting his degree, with a mantling sable doubled argent ; and upon a wreath of his liveries is set for Crest, a palm-tree proper. Motto — "Virtus ad ajthera tendit. " Estate — Whittingehame. Postal addresses — Whit- tingehame, Prestonkirk, East Lothian ; 10 Downing Street, London, S.W. The Editor undertakes tliat every entry not in italics is tbat of a genuinely armigerous person. 44 Ti3al IBal ARTHUR MACKINTOSH BALFOUR, Esq., Captain Royal Regt. of Artillery, presently Adjutant in the Sussex Artillery, East Division Royal Artillery. liont , being the son of Lewis Balfour, Merchant, Calcutta. Armoriad bearings — Argent, on a chevron indented sable, between a rose gules in chief and a saltire azure in base, an otter's head erased of the first within a bordure engrailed of the third. Mantling sable doubled argent ; and upon a wreath of his liveries is set for Crest, a dexter hand holding an olive branch proper ; and, in an escroll over the same, this Motto, " Adsit Deus." Postal address — Sussex Artillery, Brighton. SEDVV'ARD BALFOUR, Esquire, of Balbirnie, in the county of Fife, Deputy-Lieutenant. Born 1849, being the second but eldest surviving son of the late John Balfour, of Balbirnie, Esq., J. P., D.L., Hon. Col. Fife Artill. Mil., late Ca])t. Grenadier Guards, by his wife. Lady Georgiana Isabella, daughter of the Right Honourable John Frederick Campbell, first Earl of Cawdor. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Argent, on a chevron engrailed between three mullets sable, a seal's head erased of the first. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules doubled argent ; and upon a wreath of his liveries is set for Crest, a palm-tree proper ; and in an escroll above, this Motto, " Virtus ad a;thera tendit." Married, 1879, Isabella Weyman Hooper of Boston, United States of America, and has issue. Estate — Balbirnie, Mark- inch, N.B. Postal address— 48 Belgrave Square, London, S.W. CHARLES BARRINGTON BALFOUR, Esquire, Justice of the Peace for the counties of Roxburgh and Berwick, and DeiJUty-Lieutenant for the county of Berwick. Born February 20, 1862, being the only son of Charles Balfour of Balgonie and Newton-Don, by his wife Adelaide, commonly known as the Honourable Adelaide, daughter of the Right Honourable William Keppel Barrington, sixth Viscount Barrington. Clubs — Guards', Carlton, Bachelors', New Club (Edinburgh). /./Tr/'v — White, with black facings, black breeches and stockings, silver buttons, and silver shoe-buckles. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Argent, on a chevron engrailed between three mullets sable, an otter's head erased of the first, within a bordure also engrailed of the second ; impaling the arms of McDonnell, namely, quarterly, i. or, a lion rampant gules ; 2. or, a tiexter arm issuant from the sinister fesse point out of a cloud proper, the hand holding a cross crosslet fitch(ie erect azure ; 3. argent, a ship with sails furled sable ; 4. per fesse azure and vert, a dolphin nainnt in fesse proper. Upon tlie escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, witli a mantling sable doubled argent ; and upon a wreath of his liveries is set for Crest, a palm-tree proper ; and in an escroll above, this Motto, " Virtus ad aithera tendit." Mar- & is the Military Cockade. ried, April 12, 1888, Helena, commonly known as Lady Helena, fifth daughter of the late Right Honourable Mark McDonnell, tenth Earl of Antrim ; and has Issue — (i) Charles James Balfour, born F"ebruary 8, 1889 ; (2) Duncan Balfour, born April 10, 1891 ; (3) John Balfour, born May 26, 1894; .Archibald Balfour, born August 26, 1896. Estates — Newton- Don (counties of Berwick and Roxburgh) ; Balgonie and Balfour (contiguous) in the county of Fife. Postal addresses — Newton-Don, Kelso ; 21 Hans Place, London, S.W. § FRANCIS WALTER BALFOUR, Esquire, of Fernie, in the county of Fife, Justice of the Peace and Deputy- Lieutenant for that county; formerly Major Rifle Brigade ; one of the claimants to the Barony of Balfour of Burleigh. Born 1830, being the eldest son of Francis Balfour of Fernie, by his wife Margaret, daughter of Graham Bower of Kincauldrum, in the county of Forfar. Club — Army and Navy. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Argent, on a chevron sable, an otter's head erased of the first. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules doubled argent ; and upon a wreath of his liveries is set for Crest, a mermaid proper, holding in her dexter hand an otter's head erased sable, and in the sinister a swan's head erased, also proper. Motto — " Omne solum forti patria." Supporters — Dexter, an otter; sinister, a swan, both proper. Married, 1866, Jane Amelia, second daughter of Patrick Small Keir of Kindrogan, in the county of Perth ; and has, with other Issue — Francis Balfour, Gentleman, born 1867. Estate and postal address — Fernie Castle, CoUessie, Fife, GERALD WILLIAM BALFOUR, Master of Arts of the University of Cambridge. Member of Parliaincnt for the Central Division of Leeds. Born April 9, 1853, being the fourth but second surviving son of the late James Maitland Balfour of IVhittinghatne, East Lothia7i, and Strathconan, in the county of Ross, by his wife Blanche Mary Harriet, commonly known as Lady Blanche Mary Harriet, second daughter of the Most Honourable Sir James Brotvnlow William Gascoyne-Cecil, second Marquess of Salisbury, Knight of the Most Noble Order of the Garter. Club — Carlton. Armorial bearings, as quoted in Burke's ' ' Landed Gentry," andasgiven in Debrett's ' ' House of Commons," are: Argent, on a chevron engrailed between three mullets sable, a seal's head erased of the first. Crest — A palm-tree proper. Motto — " Virtus ad cethera tendit." Married, December 21, 1887, Elizabeth Eldith, commonly knoiun as Lady Eliza- beth Edith, eldest daughter of the Right Honourable Sir Edward Robert Buhver- Lytton, first Earl of Lytton, Knight Grand Cross of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, Knight Grand Commander of the Most Exalted Order of the Star of India, Companion of the Most Eminent Order of the India?) Empire; and has Issue — Ruth, and Eleanor. Postal address — 67 Addison Road, Kensington, London, W. The Hon. JAMES liALFOUR, a Member of the Legis- lative Council and of the Executive Council of Victoria, Justice of the Peace. Born May 10, 1830, being the sixth son of John Balfour, a merchant in Leith, by his second wife Robina, dau. of Capt. Robert Gordon of Invercarron. Club — -Australian (Melbourne). Armorial bearings — Argent, on a chevron indented sable, between a rose in chief gules and a saltire in base azure, an otter's head erased of the field. Crest — A dexter hand holding an olive branch jiroper. Motto — " .Adsit Deus." Married, April 19, 1859, Frances Charlotte, eldest dau. of the late Hon. James Henty, M.L. C. , of Victoria; and has Issue — (i) James Hugh Balfour, /'. 1861 \m., 1885, Ethel Maud Lucy Scales, and has issue] ; (2) Rev. Graham Henty Balfour, M..A. Melbourhe University, B.D. St. -Andrews University, b. 1866 [w., 1896, Annie Henderson]; (3) Lewis John Balfour, B.A., M.B., Ch.B. Melbourne Uni- versity, b. 1868; (4) William George Balfour, /;. 1871; (5) Robert Melville Balfour, b. 1873, d. 1883 ; (6) Henry Rainy Balfour, b. 1875 ; Charlotte Gordon ; Fanny Robina ; Mary Matheson, deceased ; .Annie Munro ; .and Christina Emily Elphinstone. Residences — Tyalla, Toorak, Melbourne; and Round Hill, Culcairn, New South Wales. JAMES WILLIAM BALFOUR, Esciuire, of Balfour ■and Trenabie, in the county of Orkney, Justice of the Peace and Deputy- Lieutenant, Convener of that county, Honorary Colonel (retired pay), and Colonel Commanding S is the Naval Cockade. TBal Orkney Artillery Volunteers, late Captain 7th Dragoon Guards. Born December 30, 1827, being the eldest sur- viving son of the late William Balfour, Esquire, of Trenabie, Captain Royal Navy, and Vice-Lieutenant of Orkney, by his secorul wife Mary Margaret, daughter of Andrew Baikic ; succeeded to the estate at the decease of his half-brother, 1887. Clubs^-Army and Navy, St. George's, New (Edinburgh), Scottish Conservative (Edinburgh). Ar- morial bearings— He bears for Arms : Argent , on a chevron TBal 45 ella Frances Emmeline, died January 28, 1871 ; Mary I'^loanor Edith ; and Maud ."Mice. Seats — Balfour Castle ; lierstane House, Kirkwall; and Noltland Castle, all in the county of Orkney. § KENNETH ROBERT BALFOUR. Esquire, Cap- tain in the ist Royal Dragoons. Born December!^, 1863, being the second son of the late Geoige E. Balfour of The Manor, Sidmouth, by his wife Marianna, daughter of the A'cTcreiid J. Jo^oitt, Vicar of Headingly, Ixeds. Clubs — Naval and Militaiy, Wellington. Livery — Bidff and red. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms: Argent, on a chevron sable between three lions passant gules, an otter's head erased of the first. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befit ting his degree, with a mantling gules and argent ; and upon a wreath of his liveries is set for Crest, a dexter hand ruary 15, 1815, being the fourth son of James Balfour of Pilrig, by his wife Anne, daughter of Captain John Mackintosh of Courbrough More and Harwood, of the 42nd Regiment. Clubs — The Club (St. .Andrews), Scottish Liberal (ICdinburgh). /-/7'tvT — Black and silver. Armorial bearings lie bears for Arms: (Quarterly i and 4, argent on a chevron indented sable, between a rose in chief gules and a saltire in base azure, an otter's head erased of the field (for Balfour of Pilrig) ; 2 and 3 gules, three crescents argent within a l)ordure of the last, charged with eight roses of the first, a crescent of the second in chief for difference (for Melville). Married, August 15, 1844, Eliza Ogilvie Heriot Maitland, daughter of James Heriot of Ramornie, in the county of Fife; and has Issue — (i) James Heriot Balfour-Melville, Gentleman, born July 8, 1845 ; (2) Frederick Maitland Balfour-Melville, (Jentleman, born July 2, 1847 ; (3) Francis Douglas Balfour- Melville, Gentleman (twin with Frederick), died August ' 1859 ; (4) John Elphinstone Balfour-Melville, tientlenian, | born November 4, 1849 ; (5) Robert Andrew Agnew Balfour- 1 Melville, Gentleman (twin with his brother John) ; (6) \ Leslie Melville Balfour-Melville, Gentleman, born March \ 9, 1854; (7) Elliot Southesk Balfour-Melville, Gentleman, born July 6, i860 ; and Emma Constance. Estate — Strath- kinness, in the county of Fife. Postal address — Mount Melville, St. Andrews. Dame LGULS.A BALL, Widow, commonly known as Lady Ball, daughter of John Samuel Yates, Commandant Royal Navy. Married, firstly. Captain Charles Henry Morris of Loddington Hall, in the county of Leicester, which marriage was dissolved ; and secondly, June 2, 1870, Sir William Keith Ball, second Baronet, who died 1874, when the title became extinct. Armorial bearings :ire, upon a lozenge : Ermine, a lion rampant sable, armed and langued gules, between two torteaux in chief, and in base a bomb fired proper. CHARLES BALL-ACTON, Esquire, Companion of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, TRflff CJrf'rtll Colonel {retired), lately cotnmanding iO aU=^VVU 1 1 ij/ Yorkshire Light Infantry and ^Sth Regimental District. Born December 17, 1830, being the third son of the late Colonel IVilliam Acton of IVestaston (now Kilmacurragh), Member of Parliament for the county of IVicklow, Justice of the Peace ' Tagannen, in.the county of Wexford, Master in Chancery Ireland) ; by his wife Caroline, daughter of Thomas Walker, Club — Junior Conservative. Livery — White coat, green- velvet ivaistcoat and breeches. Armorial bearing^s ^.f used, but for ruhich no authority appears to have been established, are for Arms : Gules, two lions passant in pale argent, between nine cross crosslets or (for Acton), itnpaling the arms of Annesley, namely, paly of .six argent and azure, over all a bend gules; and for his Greats, i. a demi-lion rampant (for Acton); 2. a griffin s head crorvned (for Ball); with the Mottoes, " Adjnvante Deo," " Tout depend de Dieu." Married, .////)' 31, 1869, Georgina Cecilia, younger daughteroj the late Geort^e Annesley ofig Queen's Gardens, London, W. ; and has Issue — (i) Charles Annesley Ball-Acton, bom Eebruary 14, 1876 ; (2) Reginald Thomas Annesley Ball- Acton, born October 2, 1877 ; (3) Vere Annesley Ball-Acton, born April 22, 1879; Evelyn Caroline Annesley; Grace Annesley ; and Irene Annesley. Estates — Sydden and Pole- castle, in the county of Meaih, Ireland. Postal address— The Blantjuettes, Worcester. BALLARD, quartered by WOODD. §HUGH BALLINGALL, Esquire, of Ardarrock, D.L. Forfarshire. Armorial bearings— Parted per pale argent and vert, three bars counterchanged. Mantling vert doubled agent. Crest— On a wreath of his liveries, a demi-eagle displayed vert, between two lilies issuing out of the wreath proper. Motto — "Decore." Postal addrcs<^ .Ardarrock, Dundee. WILLIAM FORD BALLY, F.R.C..S. Armorial bear- ings — Per chevron argent and azure, in chief twn acorns vert, and in base a demigrifiin of the first. Mantling azure and argent. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, on a M is the Naval Cockade. t i IBam BamforD nount vert, in front of an oak-tree fructed proper, two swords in sallire also proper, pommels and hills or. Postal ;fW/-«.f— Bath. ARTHUR JOHN JONES B.XMFORD, Gentleman, Lord of the Manor of Misterton. Born April 25, 1857, being the third .son of Charles llamford and his wife, Hannah Clifford, daughter of John Yerl. Clubs — [vcicestcr Conservative (Leicester), Conservative (Liverpool), L'ounty (Rhvl). Z./"i' ' in fesse vert, an escallop of the first, and impaling the arms of Macfie, namely, parted per fesse nebuly azure and or, in chief a sword argent point downwards, and in base a gallev sable under sail of the third, flags and pennons gules ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, in front of a mount vert, thereon a Cross Calvary argent, a garb fessewavs or. MottO-— " Nihilo nisi cruce." Married, October 20, 1869, C.iroline Easton, third daughter of the late Rol>ert Andrew Macfie of Drcghorn Castle, in the county of Midlothian ; and has Issue— Ko\v!X\. Barbour, Gentleman, born 1876 ; Caroline Elizabeth ; and Janet Mary. Estate— V,n\c%\iox\.\\ Casde. in the county of Cheshire, /'((f/a/.zi/./rc.w— Bolesworth Castle, Chester. The Editor imdertakes tbat every entry not In Italics is that of a genuinely armigerous person. 48 T5ar IBat CHARLES ALEXANDER BARCLAY, Esquire, J. P., Horn Oct. i8, 1826, l)cinR the son of James Barclay, Esq., of Knockleith, co. AlK-rdoen. Armorial bearings— Azure, a chevron between two crosses patt'e in ehii-f and a niascle ih base argent. Mantling az\ire and argent. Crest— On a wreath of his liveries, a hand holding a dagger proper. Motto—" Aut agere aut mori." Postal (zn'rt';v«— Aberdour House, Fraserburgh, co. .Mierdcen. ROBERT BARCLAY, Esquire, of Bury Mill, in the county of Surrey, Master of Arts, Fellow of the Royal and upon a wreath of his liveries is set for Crest, a mitre or, and in an escroU over the same this MottO, " In cruce sjiero." Supporters— Two savages wreathed round the loins with oak, each holding in the exterior hand a club all proper. Married, November 28, 1877, Laura Charlotte Rachel, eldest daughter of Marniaduke Wyvill of Constable Burton, Memlxn- of I'arliament for Richmond, by his wife Laura, daughter and heiress of Sir Charles Ibbetson, Baronet, of Denton Park; and has Issue — (i) Roljert Wyvill Barclay, Gentleman, born November 23, 1880; (2) Thomas Hubert Barclay, Gentleman, born,JApril/i3, rs-HAc • vmcE Geographical Society (High Sheriff 1878), Chief of the house of Barclay of Mathers and Urie. Born October 7, 1837, lieing the eldest son of Arthur Kelt Barcla\', Esquire, Fellow of the Royal Society, Justice of the Peace and Deputy-Lieutenant, of Bury Hill, who died i86g, by his wife Maria Octavia, daughter of the late Ichabod Wright, Esquire, of Mapperley, in the county of Nottingliam ; succeeded his father 1869. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Azure, a chevron, and in chief three crosses pat^e argent. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules doubled argent ; M is the Military Cockade. 1884 ; {3) Arthur Victor Barclay, Gentleman, born August ir, 1887; (4) George Eric Barclay, Gentleman, born |uly 25, 1889 ; and Ellen Rachel. Estate ami postal address— Bury Hill, Dorking, Surrey. H ANBURY BARCLAY, Esquire, Colonel late of the 1st Volunteer Battalion South Staffordshire Rej,'itnent. Born June i, 1836, deing the eldest son of Robert Barclav, Esquire, by his wife Rachel, daughter of Osgood Hanbu'ry of Holfield Grange, in the county of Essex. Club— Con- stitutional. Livery — Dark blue -with white piping, silver S is the Naval Cockade. J HBar QBarcIag^Hnartiicc buttons. Armorial bearings as used, are: Azure, a chevron, in chief three crosses patde argent. CrestS — i. A mitre or ; 2. a Jove proper, holding in the beak a branch of olive. Mottoes—" /// cruce spero ;" " Cedant arm a ;" "In hac vince." These arms of Barclay undifferenced, only appertain to the head of the family, and no matricula- tion has been made to Colonel Barclay. Married, July ■20, 1864, Adeline Henrietta, third daughter of Arthur Kelt Barclay, Esquire, of Bury Hill, in the county of Surrey ; and has Issue— (i) Hubert Frederick Barclay, born June 30, 1865 ; George Nevil Barclay, born January 2, 1867 ; (3) Arthur Hayward Barclay, born December 13, 1868 ; Mabel Emily (deceased) ; and Adeline Rachel. Postal address— Great Berkhampstead. DAVID STUART BARCLAY-ALLARDICE. Gentle- man. Born Novcmter 21, 1845, l)cing the third but second surviving son of the late Samuel Ritchie by his wife Margaret [now Barcl-iy-Allardice, and to whom refer], only child and sole heir of Rolx;rt Barclay- Allardice, Ksc|uire, of Allardice and Urie ; and assumed by Royal License in the year 1883 the surnames and arms of Barclay-AIIardice. Livery — Liglit l)lue with white facings. Armorial bear- ings — He lx,"ars for Arms : Quarterly i and 4, argent a fesse wavy gules Ix'tween three boars' heads erased sable, armed and langued of the .second (for Allardice of Allardice) ; 2. azure, a chevron and in chief three crosses pat(?e argent (for Barclay of Ury) ; 3. quarterly i. and iiii. argent on a chief sable three escallops or, ii. and iii. or, a fesse chequy azure .and argent, in chief a chevronel gules (for Graham, liarls of Moiiteith and Airth). Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet belitting his degree, with a mantling gules doubled argent ; and for his Crests, ujxjn the dexter side, u|ion a wreath of the liveries a naked man from the middle, in his de.xter hand a scimitar all proper ; and in an escroll over the same this MottO, "In defence of the distressed " (for .Xllaidice), antl upon the sinister side, on a wreath of the liveries, ,1 Bishop's mitre or ; and in an escroll I over the same this Motto, " In cruce spero" (for Barclay). i Married, Oetoljcr 15, 1868, Fannie Foster, daughter of I'.ilwin Day Klliot of West Brattlelxjro, Vermont, in the United .Stales of .America; and has Issue — (i) Rolx-rt Bar- clay-. Mlardice, (jentleman, born 1869; (2) lilliot Ritchie Barchiy .Mlardice. (jentleman, l)orn 1873; (3) David (Jraham Barclay-. Mlaidice, (ientleman, lx)rn 1877; (4) Clinton Bar- clay-AIIardice, (Jentleman, born 1882; Margaret Anna, [married, 1893, VV'illiain Howard Bigelow] ; .Augusta Stan- dish (died unmarried) ; and Amelia. Postal address — Belmont Aveime, I'rovidence, Rhode Island, United Stales of .\inerica. ROBKRT BARCLAY-ALLARDICK, Gentleman. .\I.A., i''.S..A. (.Scot.). Born May 19, 1841, tx.'ing the eldest son of the late Samuel Ritchie, by his wife Margaret [now Barclay-. Mlardice, and to whom refer], only child and sole heir of Rol)ert Barclay-.AIIardice, Es<|ui!e, of Allar- dice .ind Urie, and ;\ssumed by Royal I, icen.se in 1883 the surnames antl arms of Barclay-.AIIardice. Clubs — Caledonian, University (lulinlmrgh). l.ivery — Light blue with white facings. Armorial bearings— (Quarterly 1 and 4, argent a fesse wavy gules, between three Ixjars' heads erased sable, armed and langued of the second (for .Allardice of Allardice) ; 2. azure, a chevron and in chief three crosses pat<5e argent (for Barclay of Ury) ; 3. quarterly i. and iiii. argent, on a chief sable three escallojis or, ii. and iii. or, a fe.s.se ehetpiy azure Liiid argent, in chief a chevronel gules (for Graham, I'.arls of Monteith and Airth). Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet belitting his degree, with a mantling gules, doubled argent; and for his Crest, upon the dexter side, upiin a wreath of the liveries, a naked man from the middle, ill his dexter hand a scimitar all proper; and in an escroll iivcr the same this Motto, "In defence of the distressed" (tiir .Allardice), and upon the sinister side, upon a wreath III the liveries, a Bishop's mitre or ; and in an escroll over the same this Motto, " In cruce spero" (for Barclay). Postal evon, Master of Arts of the it7alllllJ-Vii;UUlU University of Cambridge, Justice of the Peace for the county of Devon, Rector and Patron of Lew Trenchard, aforesaid. Born January 28, 1834, being the eldest son of the late Edward Baring-Gould, Esquire, of Lew Trenchard, Justice of the Peace and Deputy-Lieutenant for the county of Devon , by Sophia Charlotte his wife, daughter of Admiral Thomas Godolphin Bond, Royal Navy. Livery — Blue and gold. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Quarterly i and 4, party per saltire or and azure, a lion rampant counter- changed (for Gould) ; 2 and 3 azure, a fesse or, in chief a bear's head proper, ringed and muzzled of the second (for Baring). Crests—Upon a wreath of the colours, a demi- lion rampant azure, bezantt'e (for Gould), there being no recorded Baring crest. Married, May 25, i868, Grace, daughter of John Taylor of Horbury, in the county of York ; and has had Issue — (i) I'^dward Sabine Baring- Gould, born September 5, 1871 ; (2) Julian Baring-Gould, born 1877 ; (3) William Drake Baring-Gould, born 1878 ; (4) Henry Baring-Gould, born 1885 ; (5) John Hillary Baring-Gould, born 1890 ; Mary [married to A. W. II. Dickinson of Dunsland, in the county of Devon] ; Margaret ; Beatrice Gracieuse, died an infant, 1876 ; Veronica Bar- bara ; Diana Amelia ; Felicitas ; Joan ; Cecily ; and Grace. Estate and postal address — Lew Trenchard, North Devon. GEORGE RICKARD BARKER, Esquire, Master of Arts of the University of Cambridge, Justice of the Peace, Patron of Hemsby, Barrister-at-Law. Born June 25, 1832, lieing the eldest son of the late Robert Copenian, Esquire, of Hemsby Hall, in the county of Norfolk, Justice of the Peace, by his wife Ann, only surviving child of John Barker Hunting- ton, Esquire, Justice of the Peace for East Somerton, in the county of Norfolk [by his first wife Anne, only daughter of Benjamin Barker, Esquire, Justice of the Peace for Carbrooke, in the county of Norfolk ] ; assumed the name and arms of Barker only, in lieu of Copeman, by Royal License, dated July 5, 1889. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Argent, a torteau Ijetween three liears' heads couped gules, muzzled or, a chief invected of the second. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules and argent ; and for his Crest, on a wreatii of the colours, a bear's head couped gules, muzzled or, be- tween two torteaux. Seat — Hemsby Hall, near Great Yarmouth. THOMAS BARKER, Gentleman. Armorial bearings — Quarterly i and 4, per chevron gules and argent, in chief three escallops of the last and in base a bear sejant sable, muzzled or (for Barker) ; 2 and 3 azure, an eagle displayed within an orle of four estoiles and as many annulets alter- nately, all or (for Schuldhani). Mantling gules and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a bear sejant sable, muzzled and gorged with a collar gemelle or, holding in the paws an escutcheon gules, charged with an escallop argent. Postal address— Roslyn Hall, Sydney, New South Wales. M is tbe Military Cockade. BARKWORTH, see WILSON-BARKWORTH. THOMAS BARKWORTH, Esquire, Justice of the Peace for the county of Glamorgan. '1Kat«feVMrt1*ffl 13or" 1842, being the youngest son of n:^VKlfXyXfUlll) the late John Bark'uwth of Tranby House, East Yorkshire. Club — Union. Armorial bearings as used, and as engraved upon Mr. Barkivortli s huok-plate, are for Arms : Chequy or and gules, on a bend azure three lions rampant argent, impaling {pre- sumably for Braithwaitii) jTules, on a chevron argent, three cross crosslets Jitchde sable ; and for a Crest, a demi-lion rampant argent ; with the Motto, " Esto quod esse videris," but the above-mentioned Thomas Barkworth, Esquire, has established no right whatsoever to make use of them. Married, June 27, 1868, Louisa, daughter of the late Isaac Braith- waite of Hookfield, Epsom, in the county of Surrey ; and has Issue — (1) John Raymond Barkworth, born June 17, 1869; (2) Alfred Montgomery Bark'worth, born July 16, 1873 ; (3) Harold Braithivaite Barkworth, born November 7, 1878; Louisa Maud; and Gwenddolen (sic) Edith Georgina. Postal address — West Hatch, Chigivell, Essex. ALEXANDER KAY BARLOW, Esquire. Born Sep- tember 30, 1855, being the second son of William Barlow, Gentleman, of Chorlton-on-Medlock, Manchester, by his wife Leah Frances, daughter of William Searle of Oak- hill, West Derby. Clubs — Royal Mersey Yacht, Royal Harwich, Royal Portsmouth, and Corinthian. Livery — Black and silver. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Bendy of eight argent and vert, an eagle dis- |)Iayed with two heads sable, the claws resting on a mill- rind in base fesseways or, holding in each beak an ear of barley slipped proper. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling vert and argent ; and for iiis Crest, upon a wreath of tiie colours, a gauntleted hand bendways proper, grasping two eagles' heads conjoined and erased at the neck sable ; with the Motto, "En foi prest." Married, Decemljer 10, 1890, Sophia Matilda, daughter of Henry Salomonson of Oak- lands, Victoria Park, Manchester ; and has /.ov/t'— Alexander William Lancashire Barlow, Gentleman, Ixjrn Novemljer II, 1892 ; Joyce Henrietta Lancashire ; and Sybil Margaret Lancashire. Estates — Tlie Barlow Hall Estate, Wood- bury County, Iowa, in the United States of America; and the Blakstake Estate, Chorlton, Manchester. Postal addrc — Wivenhoe Hall, Essex. THOMAS BARLOW -MASSICKS, Esquire, J. P. for Cumberland. Born 1832. Armorial bearings — Per pale or and azure, on a fesse between four leopards' faces jessant- de-lis, three in chief and one in base, two quatrefoils all counterciianged. Mantling azure and or ; and for his 3 is the Naval Cockade. 15ar llBar 5t Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a cross palL-e azure, surmounted by a leopard's face jessant-de-lis or. Motto — "Vestigia nulla retrorsuni." Scat — The Oaks, Millom, Cumberland. Thk Rkvkkkni) DENNIS JACOB JOHNSON B.AR- NARD, Clerk in Holy Orders, Master of Arts, Doctor of Laws of Trinity Hall (Cantab.). Born June 23, 1848, Ijoing the eldest son of the l;it — Union. Armorial bearings— Barry of six or and argent, a bear 1 ampaiU sable, muzzled gold'. Mantling sable and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, on a mount vert, a demi-lwar sable, muzzled, charged on the shoulder with a cross patL'e fitch(?e, and the sinister paw resting on a cross crosslet or. Married, 1854, Ellen, dau. of the late William Wyndham of Dinton, Wilts; and has, with other Issue— llertjert Wyndham Barnard, Gentleman, born 1859. Nesi- deuces — 69 Portland Surrey. Place, W. ; Burrows Lea, Share, JOHN BARNARD, Gentleman. Born May 27, 1818, being the eldest son of John Barnard of Lambeth, Gentle- man, by Harriette his wife, eldest daughter of William Burrows of South Lambeth, in the county of Surrey. Clubs — Junior Carlton, Constitutional, New (Brighton). Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : I'er cheveron gules and aigent, in chief two lions rampant of the last, and in base a bear rampant sable, nmzzled or ; and for the Crest, on a wreath of the colours, a lion argent billetty sable, supporting with the dexter paw a shield gules, charged with a garb or ; with the Motto, " Mea gloria fides." Married, .Sepiemlxii- 25, 1845, Eliza Ellen, only child of Charles Gibson ; and has surviving Issue — John Charles Barnard, Geinleman, lx)rn Novemljer i, 1847; Ellen Harriette; and three other children, since deceased. Postal address— ^2, Montpellicr Crescent, Brighton. JOSEPH BARNARD, Gentleman. Armorial bear- ings—Or, a bear rampant sable within two fianches vair. Mantling sable and or. Crest -On a wreath ol the colours, a denii-bear rampant sable, semee of annulets or, and hold- ing between the paws a buckle of the last. Motto " Kx Concordia victoria; spes. " Postal address — Nolcliffe Hou.se, Tewkesbury, Gloucs. URSULA MARY FLORENCE BOLDERO BAR- N.'XRD, Spinster, only dau. of the late Charles Edw^ifd Gee Boldero Barnard, Esej. , J. P., Barrister-at-Law, by his wife So|)hia Letitia, fifth tlau. of Hon. .Andrew Godfrey Stuart. Armorial bearings — On a lozenge quarterly I and 4, argent a bear rampant sable, muzzled or (for Barnard) ; 2 and 3 per pale or and azure, a saltire counterchanged surmounted by another counterchanged (for Boldero). Seat — Cave Castle, Brough, co. 'York. S NATHANIEL WALTER BARNARDISTON, Esquire, Justice of the Peace for ^RafMflt*Tltn<-rttl thecountv of Suffolk, Captain Duke iOaiimiUlSlUIl ,y- Cam'tridges Chvn (Middlesex- Regiment), Adjutant (2ud Batta- lion), 1882-1886, Aide -de -Camp to His Excellency the Governor oj Bermuda, 1889-1892,- eldest son of Nathanie. Barnardiston, Esquire, of The Ryes, Sudbury, in the county of Suffolk, Justice of the Peace and Deputy-Lieutenant for that county, and Justice of the Peace for the county of Essex, by his wife Elorence I^gge, commonlv known as Lady Elorence l^gge, daughter of the Right Honourable William Legi;e, fourth Earl of Dartmouth. Club — Naval and Military. Livery — Blue coat, yelloto and black striped waistcoat, silver buttons. Armorial bearings as used are: Azure, a fesse dancetti'e ermine bel-ilayed sable, charged on the body and on each wing with a bezant, and resting the dexter claw on a leopard's face or. Motto — " Avoruni honori." Postal address — Tiverton, Devon. JOHN HABINGTON BARNEBY-LUTLEY, Esquire, M.A. Ch. Ch., Oxford, J. P. co. Worcester, J. P. and D.L. CO. Hereford, and High Sheriff for same co. in 1872. Born May 2, 1840, being the eldest son of the late John Barneby of Brockhampton, M. P. for Droitwich, and afterwards for CO. Worcester, by his wife Susan, eldest dau. of John Henry Elwes of Colesbourne, co. Gloucester. Clubs — Carlton and Junior Carlton. Armorial bearings— Quar- terly I and 4, sable, a lion passant guardaiu between three The Editor undertakes tbat every entry not in italics is tliat of a genuinely armigerous person. 52 13ar 15av escallops argent (for Barneby) ; 2 and 3 quarterly or and azure, four lions rampant countorchanged (for Lutley). Mantling sable antl argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a lion couchant guardant sable. Motto — " Virtute non vi. " Seat — Brockhanipton, co. Hereford. § ALFRED BARNES, Esquire, J. P. and D.L. for the county of Derby, M.!'. for E. Derbyshire, 1880 85, for Chesterfield Division, 1885-92. Bor/i 1823, being the youngest son of the late John Gorell Barnes of Ashgate, Derbyshire. Armorial bearings — .Xzure, two lions passant guardant ermine, each holding in the dexter paw a sprig of oak slipped or, between three annulets in pale argent. Mantling azure and argent. Crest -On a wreath of the colours, in front of a cubit arm in armour, the hand grasp- ing a broken sword all proper, the wrist encircled by a wreath of oak or, five anntilets interlaced and fesseways argent. Motto — " Frangas non Hectes." Married, 1854, Charlotte, youngest dau. of the late 'J'honias Wilson of Liverpool ; and has, with other Issue— AvUvix Gorell Barnes, Esq. [to whom refer]. Seat — Ashgate Lodge, Chesterfield. Town residence — 105 Pall Mall, S. W. ARTHUR GORl-'.LL BARNES, Esquire, M. A. (Cantab), J. P. for Derbyshire, late Capt. and Hon. Major 3rd l?att. (Mil.) Derbyshire Regt. Born 185s, lacing the eldest son of Alfred B.irn'es, Esq., J. P., D.L., M.P., of Ashgate Lodge, Chesterfield, l)y his wife Charlotte, youngest dau. of Thomas Wilson of Liverpool. Club — Reform. Armorial bear- ings — ."Vzure, two lions passant guardant ermine, each holding in the de.xter paw a sprig of oak slipped or, between three annulets in pale argent ; impaling the arms of Beau- mont, namely gules, a lion rampant or, armed and langued azure, within eight crescents in orle of the second. Mant- ling azure and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, in front of a cubit arm in armour, the hand grasping a broken sword all proper, the wrist encircled by a wreath of oak or, five annulets interlaced and fesseways argent. Motto — ' ' Frangas non Hectes. " Married, 1891 , Everilda Maria, fifth dau. of Henry Frederick Beaumont of Whitley Beaumont, J. P., D. L. , formerly M. P. Seat— Tn\Aon Hall, Chesterfield. FREDERIC GORELL BARNES, Esq., J. P. for Kent. Barrister-at-Law, M. P. for N.E. Division of Kent, M.A. (Cantab.), F. R.G.S. Bom 1856, being the second but now only surviving son of the late Charles Barnes, Esquire, J. P., of Mossley Hill, Wavertree, Lanes., by his wife Marian, elder dau. of the late Rev. William Peach, Vicar of Old Brampton, Derbyshire. Clubs — Carlton, Oxford and Cau)- bridge, Garrick. Armorial bearings — Azure, two lions passant guardant ermine, each holding in the dexter paw a sprig of oak slipped or, between three annulets in pale argent ; impaling the arms of Lethbridge, namely azure, over water a bridge of three arches embattled proper, on a chief argent an eagle displayed sable between two roses gules, barbed and seeded proiser. Mantling azure and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, in front of a cubit arm in armour, the hand grasping a broken sword all ])roper, the wrist encircled by a wreath of oak or, five annulets inter- laced and fesseways argent. Motto — ' ' Frangas non Hectes. " Married, 1894, Caroline .A,nne Roper, only dau. of Sir Roper Lethbridge, K.C.LE. ; and has Issue — Charles Roper Gorell Barnes, Gentleman, born July i, 1896 ; and Catherme I'^lsie Marian. Estate — Barnes, Dronfield, Derbyshire. Resi- dences — Dadmans, Lynsted, Sittingbourne ; 19 Bramham Gardens, S.W. Thk Revekf.ni) GEORGE BARNES, Clerk in Holy Orders, Master of .Arts of the University of Durham, Vicar of Saint Barnabas, Bethnal Green, London. Born , being the fourth son of Robert Barnes of the city of Durham, and of Stathern, in the county of Leicester, and of his wife Anne, daughter of John Wheeldon of .\shover, in the county of Derby, Gentleman. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Gules, four lozenges conjoined in cross between as many trefoils slipped all argent, a martlet for difference; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, upon a rock ,a bear proper, nuizzled or, and resting the dexter fore-paw on a trefoil slipped vert; with the Motto, " Fer fortiter." Postal address — The Vicarage of Saint Barnabas, Bethnel Green, London, S.E. Hon. Sir JOHN GORELL BARNES, Knight Bachelor (1892), Q.C. , a Judge of the Probate, Divorce, and Admiralty M is the Military Cockade. Division of the High Court of Justice, M.A. (Cantab.). Born 1848, being the eldest son of the late Henry Barnes of Liverpool, by his wife Georgiana, dau. of the Rev. Richard Smith. Armorial bearings — Azure, two lions passant !;u.irdant ermine, each holding in the dexter paw a sprig of oak slipped or, between three annulets in pale argent. Mantling azure and argent. Crest On a wreath of the colours, in front of a cubit arm in armour, tlie hand grasp- ing a broken sword all proper, the wrist encircled by a wreath of oak or, five annulets interlaced and fesseways argent. Motto — "Frangas non Hectes." Married, 1881, Mary Hampstone, eld. dau. of the late Thomas Mitchell. Residence — 14 Kensington Park Gardens, London, W. ROBERT BARNES, Gentleman. Born February 23, 1822, being the eldest son of Robert B;irnes of the city of Durham, and of Stathern, in the county of I^eicester, and of .\nne his wife, daughter of John Wheeldon of Ashovcr, in the county of Derby, Gentleman. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms: Gules, foiu" lozenges conjoineil in cross between as many trefoils slijiped all argent. Crest — Upon a wreath of the colours, upon a rock a bear proper, nnizzleil or, and resting the dexter fore-paw on a trefoil slipped vert. Motto, " For-ljear." Married, June 6, 1850, to Anne I'^lizabeth Jane Fielding, daughter of James Fielding-Sweeny, .Major of the 70th Regiment, and Justice of the Peace for tin- county of Carlow, Ireland ; and has Issue — .Anne Elizabeth. THOMAS BAR.XETT, Lord of the Manor of Kemp- stone, is the second son of John Edward Barnett. Livery — Blue. Armorial bearings, as in rough sketch supplied, are for AlVOS: . . . a chevron, and in chief two ronndles ; and for the Crest, out of a coronet a [f s;rij}in' s) head ; with the Motto, " Paret insi imperat." The arms and crest an of no authority. Married, May 28, 1850, Sarah, dauglitn of Stephen Leeds ; and has Issue — (i) Arthur Thomas Barnett , born September 21, 1858; (2) Erancis Thomas Barnett, born March 6, 1861 ; (3) Harold Thomas Barnett, born January 6, 1865 ; (4) Bertram Leeds Thomas Barnett, born June 22, 1875; Ellen; Edith Ann ; Julia Marian; Katherinc Sarah ; and Mabel. Estate and postal address — Nyton, Aldingbournc, Chichester. SiK REGINALD AYLMER JOHN DE BARNEVAL BARNEWALL, tenth Baronet, of 'Iftflt'fluVMflIf Crickstown Ciistle, in the county of iUttiUI^'UiaiV Meath. /fo/v/ February 16, 1838, Iwing the posthumous son of the late Sir .Aylmer John Barnewall, ninth Baronet, who died January 22, 1838, by his wife Esmay Mary, who was also his cousin, ^h is the Naval Cockade. a 'Bar IBar 53 eldest daughter of Christoplier Barnewall, Gentleman. Clubs — Brooks', Wellington, Saint James', Amphitryon, Kildare Street (Dublin), l.hcry — . Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Quarterly of eighteen, i. ciniine, a bordiire engrailed gules, fesseways in pale or, on a chief ermine a demi-lion rampant issuant gules (for De Geneville), 7. or, a lion rampant gules '■'^r ), 8. gules, a lion passant or (for Bigod), 9. gules, a pale or (for Grandmesnil), 10. party per pale or and vert, a lion rampant gules (for Marshal), 11. gules, a bend :^L^^l^y^mE^AKy 1 his badge of Ulster as a Baronet (for Barnewall), 2. azure, 1 cross moline quarter-pierced or (for Molvneu.x), 3. argent, \ wyvcrn gules (for Drake). 4. argent, a'chevron itetween lime dolphins naiant sable (for Serjeant), 5. vair. a chief .lii-quy or and gules (for Fleming), 6. azure, three barnacles lozengy or (for Marshal — ancient), 12. argent, on a chief azure, three crosses pati5e-fitch(5e of the field (for De Clare), 13. or, three chevronels gides, in chief a laliel of five points .azure (for De Clare — ancient), 14. gules, three lions passant in pale argent (for Giffard), 15. sable, three garbs, two and T:ie Editor undertakes that every entry not in italics is that of a genuinely armigerous person. 54 TBar TBar one argent, banded gules (for Macniorough), i6. or, a lion rampant sable (for De Wells), 17. gules, a fesse, dancett(5e between sixcrosscrosslets, three and three or (for D'Eingaine), 18. ermine, a fesse between three colts courant sable (for Colt). Above his escutcheon is placed a helmet of his degree, with liis lambrequin of gules, doubled argent ; and for his Orest, upon a wreath of the colours, a plume of live ostrich feathers respectively or, gules, vert, azure and argent, and therefrom a dcmi-eagle rising of the last ; with the Motto, " Male mori quam fcedari." Postal address — 6 Park Street, London, W. Foster in his Peerage placed this Baronetcy in " chaos"; but as Sir Pcgi?iatd has proved his pedigree to the satisfaction of Ulster King of Arms — and as his succession to the title IS allimied, certified, and recorded in Ulster s Office — the Editor fails to see xvhat doubt exists upon the matter. Sir JOHN BARRAN, first Baronet, J. P. for Leeds (formerly Mayor, 1870- 1871), M.P. for Leeds 1876-85, and Yorkshire W. Riding (Otley Div.) 1886-95. Born Aug. 3, 1821, being the son of tlie late John Barran of New Wands- wortli, .Surrey. Clubs — National Liberal, Reform. Armo- rial bearings — Per saltire gules and sable, a bear passant or, muzzled of the second, between two mascles of the third. Mantling gules and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, in front of a tower gules, charged with three mascles intertwined paleways, a lion's gamb fesseways erased or. Motto — " AmorpatriEE." yl/rtrr/tv/, ist, 1842, .'Vnn (who died 1874), d.aughter of M. Hirst of Leeds ; 2nd, 1878, Eliza, daughter of William Brown of Helensburgh, N.B. ; and has Issue— [\) Charles Barran, Esquire, born 1849; (2) Alfred Barran, Esquire, born 1851 ; (3) Henry Barran, Esquire, born 1856 ; (4) Rowland Hirst B.arran, Esquire, born 1858 ; Ann; Eliza; and Louisa. Seat — Chapel Allerton Hall, near Leeds. Residence —^^ Queen's Gate, S.W. § SAMUEL BARRETT-HAMn.TON, Esquire, J. P.. D.L., High Sherriffi886, late Capt. 3rd and 14th Hus- sars, only son and heir of Hill Hamilton Barrett of Dublin ; assumed name .and arms of H.amilton by Royal Licence, Aug. 20, 1887. 67///V— Kildare Street (Duljlin), R. St. George's Yacht. Armorial bearings— Quarterly i and 4, per saltire gules and azure, a galley, sails furled and o.ars in action or, between three cinquefoils pierced argent (for Hamilton) ; 2 and 3 per pale argent and gules, barry of eight, in chief three roses all counterchanged (for Barrett). Mantling gules and or. Crests — i. on a wreath of the colours, in front of two battle-axes in saltire, an oak tree fructed all proper, the trunk transfixed with a frame-saw or (for Hamilton). 2. on a wreath of the colours, a human heart gules, between two wings conjoined and expanded azure, bezantt^e (for Barrett) ; over the second crest, " Vi it pooh funera virtus." Motto (under the arms) — " Through." Married, first, 1865, Alexina, eldest dau. of the late James Tvyall, Esq., of Earnoch, co. Lanark; .second, 1870, Laura Emilia, fourth dau. of Childers H. Thompson, r'2sq.,of The Mount, York ; and has, with other Issue — Gerald Edwin Hamilton Barrett- Hamilton, Es(|., Capt. 5th Batt. R.I. Rifles, B.A. Cambs., Barrister-at-Law. Scat — Kilmanock, CO. Wexford. BARRINGTON, see KENNETT-BARRINGTON. CHARLES GEORGE BARRINGTON, Esquire, Com- panion of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath. Born 1827, being the only son of Captain George Barrington, commonly known as Captain the Honourable George Barrington of the Royal Navy, by Caroline his wife, commonly known as Lady Caroline, third daughter of the Flight Honourable Sir Charles Grey, .second Earl Grey, Knight of the Most Noble Order of the Garter ; Aiiditor of the Civil List and Assistant-Secretary to the Treasury from 1848-1888, Gentleman Usher of the Red Rod, created Com- panion of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, 1887. Clubs — Turf, Travellers', Wellington. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Argent, three chevronels gules, a label azure. Upon the escutcheon, from which is pendent his badge as a Companion of the Most Honouralile Order of the Bath, is placed a helmet tefitting his degree, with a mantling gules and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a cajiuchin's bust in profile vested, with a cowl paly of six argent and gules ; with the Motto, " Honcsta riuam splendida." Postal address — i Edinburgh Mansions, Victoria Street, London, S.W. 3 JAMES BARRINGTON -WHITE, Esquire, Lieu- tenant in Herts Yeomanry Cavalry, and High Sheriff for CO. Armagh (1898). Born Sept. 21, 1856, being the eldest son of T. H. White, Esq., J. P., of Orange Hill, Tandragee, co. Armagh, by his wife Mary J., daughter of Edward Barrington, Esq., D.L., of Fassaroe, Bray, co. Wicklow, deceased. Clubs — Carlton, Wellington, Garrick, Conservative, &c. Livery — Dark grey and gold facings, yellow and black striped waistcoat, black plush knee- breeches, gold garters, and white stockings. Armorial bearingB — Or, three chevronels sable, between in chief two roses vert and in base a castle flamant j^roper. Mantling sable and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a crown vallary or, charged on the band with three pommes, issuing therefrom a demi-hermit, with the dexter arm elevated, vested paly gules and argent, the hand ]iroper, grasping three roses gules on one stem, slipped, barbed, and seeded proper, on the head a cowl also j^aly gules and argent. Motto—" Ung durant ma vie." Married, 1885, Mary, daughter of John K. Boyd of Cultra House, Cultra, co. Down ; and h.as Issue — Ivan Barrington-White, Gentleman, b. 1886. Seats — Roxley Court, Hitchin, Herts ; Orange Hill, Tandragee, co. Armagh. Town residence — 62 Green .Street, Park Lane, London, W. QBarron & is the Military Cockade. Sir HENRY- PAGE-TURNER BARRON, Baronet, Companion of the Most Distinguished Order of Saint Michael and Saint George, of Glen- anna and Barroncourt, county Waterford, His Majesty's Minister Resident to the King of Wiirtcmberg. Born December 27, 1824, Ijeing the only .son of the late Sir Henry Winston B.arron, first Baronet, and his first wife Anna Leigh Gay, only daughter of Sir Gregory Page- Turner, Baronet, of Battlesden Park, in the county of Bedford. Clubs — Travellers', Saint James's, Wellington. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms: Ermine, a saltire gules, five annulets argent. U|5on the escutcheon, which is charged with his badge of Ulster as a Baronet, is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a boar passant azure, armed, crined, langued, and unguled or; with the Motto, " Audaces fortuna juvat." Estate — Carrigsea, in county Waterford ; and property at S is the Naval Cockade. Greenwich and Eltham, in the county of Kent. Postal address — c/o National Bank, Charing Cross, London, S.W. CLARKE CHARLES NETTERVILLE BARRON, (Jentlonian. Born August 20, 1834, being the second son of Joiin Netterville Barron, Esq., J. P., an Officer of the Army. Armorial bearing's— Ermine, on a saltire gules, five annulets or. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a boar passant azure. Motto — " Kortuna juvat audaces." Mar- ried, Sept. 5, 1861, Augusta Jessie Curtiss ; and has Issue — \i\ Netterville Charles Barron, Gentleman, b. Nov. 19, 1867; (2) Winston Netterville Barron, b. Sept. 25, 1869; (3) Nugent Netterville Barron, Gentleman, b. Dec. 16, 1873; Mabel Inez; and Ella Jessie. Postal address —XAoX-xms. Street, Wellington, New Zealand. BRIDGMAN LANGDALE BARROW, F.sqnire, Jus- tice of the Peace for the county of Derby. Born 1844, being the third son of Richard Bridgman Barrviv, Esquire, Justice of tlie Peace for the county of Derby, by Alice Elizabeth his first u>ife, 7oho -oas the 'only daughter of William James May. Armorial bearings, as used, are for Arms : Party per pale Indented sable and azure, two swords in saltire argent, hilts and pommels or, betiveen four Jleurs-de-lis, tivo in pale or and two in fesse argent ; and for his Crest, on a ■wreath of the colours, on a perch proper a squirrel or, crack- ing a nut of the first, collared and chained azure ; with the Motto, " Non frustra." These arms were granted in the year i8j^ to the Reverend Richard Barrow of .Southwell, in the county of Nottingham. A pedigree of the family 7vas then proved and recorded, but this has not been since con- tinued. Married, July 22, 1880, Margaret Jane, elder daughter of Charles Henry (hikes of Holly Hurst, near Alfrelon, in the county of Derby ; and has Issue— (i) Charles l.augdale Barnnv, born May 28, 1881 ; (2) Alfred James l!,irnm>, born April jp, 1882'; (3) Cecil Bridgman Barnrw, hirn Xovember II, 1883; (4) Claud Gerard Barrow, born September 15, 1886 ; and Marguerite Georgina. Estate and postal address — Lydnope Hall, near Matlock. [lelcgrams — " Barrow- Twodales." I'orterage, 6d.] JOHN BURTON BARROW, Esquire, .Master of Arts of the University of Oxford, Justice of the Peace for the county of Derby, Barrister-at-Law. liorn March 5, 1855, being the eldest son of John James Barrvtv, Esquire, of Holme- wood, in the county of Kent, Justice of the Peace and Deputy- Lieutenant for the county of Derby \ to rvhom refer], by his first wife Caroline, daughter of W. Ferguson Holroyd of Heath Royd, Halifax. C]\ib— Junior Carlton. Armorial bearings, as quoted in Burke's "Landed Gcntty," are for Arms : I'arty per pale indented sable and azure, two nvords in saltire proper, pommels and hilts or, between four Jleurs- de-lis, two in pale of the last and two in fesse argent : and for the Crest, on a perch proper, a squirrel sejant or, collared and chained, cracking a nut all proper. The crest is not correctly quoted, but the arms are those granted in the year 1815/1; >/"^ Reverend Richard Barroao oj Southwell, in the county of Nottingham. A pedii^ree ofthejamily was about that lime proved and recorded in the College of .irms, but it has II, >l been since continued, hi the notice of the family in the " Landed Gentry," the abozie-mentioned John Burton Barrim<, /■'s./uire, is given as the great-grandson of the Ri-i'erend k'irhard Barnnu. Married, .-Ipril 14, 1876, Helen Janet ■ IJu, daughter of the Reverend James Duncan .Macfarlane ; ■ Hid has Issue — Arthur Edmund John Burton Barrou<, I'ostal addresses — Ringiiiood Hall, Stavely, Chesterfield; 1 I /a re Court, Temple, London, E.C. JOHN JAMES BARRO W, Esquire, Justice,/ the Peace and Deputy-Lieutenant for the county , i)Iack collar, red facings and waistcoat. Armorial bearings— Quarterly i and 4, erminois, within two bars gemcl, lx;twecn as many horses' heads in pale cou|Jcil, five crescents fesseways sable (for Barstow) ; 2 and 3 barry of six sable and argent, on a Ijend nebuly ermine, between two trees eradicated or, an acorn between as many jack- daws close of the first (for Jackson). Mantling sable and or. Crests — I. on a wreath of the colours, in front of a horse's head argent, collared geniel sable, an increscent and a decrescent of the last (for Barstow) ; 2. on a wreath of the colours, in front of two trees, a demi-catherine wheel, thereon a jackdaw close lx)th sable (for Jackson). Motto — "Nil desperandum auspice Deo." Married, Aug. 8, 1888. Mary elder dau. of Sir Abraham Woodiwiss of The Pastures, co. Derby; and has L^sue — John Eric Jackson Barstow, Gentle- man, l)orn Aug. 10, 1895; Evelyn Mary; Maljel Dorothy; Hilda Beatrice; and Ileene Violet. Residences — The Lodge, Weston-super-Mare, co. Somerset Rossmoor, co. York. BARRY, quartered by MAXWELL. Right Rev. Bishop ALFRED BARRY, D.D. Cantab.. D.C.L. Oxon., LL.D. Durham, Canon of Worcester 1871 1881, Westminster 1881-83, Principal of King's College, London, 1868-83 ; Bishop of Sydney and Metropolis of New South Wales and Primate of .\ustralia and Tasmania, The Editor undertakes that every entry not in italics Is that of a genuinely armigerous person. S6 IBav T5at 1883-89 ; Coadjutor Bishop of Rochester, 1889-90 ; Canon of Windsor from 1890 ; Rector of St. James's, Piccadilly, W., from 189s; Assistant Bishop in Diocese of London, 1897. Born 1826, Ijeing the son of hite Sir Charles Barry, R. A. Armorial bearings— Or, three bars gemel azure, oyer all a pale invcctod ermine, thereon a ]iortcullis with chains sable, the escutcheon being surmounted by a mitre. Mar- ried, 1851, dau. of T. S. Hughes, B.D., Canon of Peter- borough. Postal addresses — 197 Piccadilly, W. ; Cloisters, Windsor Castle. CHARLES BARRY, Ksquire, P.ist President Royal InstitiUe, B.A., F.S.A. , Honorary Meml)er of Imperial and Royal Academy of .Arts at Vienna, Officer Leg. Hon. Horn 1824, l>eing the eldest son of the late .Sir Charles Barry, R..\. 67//;^— Athenreum. Armorial bearings— Or, three bars gemel azure, over all a pale inveeted ermine, thereon a portcullis with chains .sable. Mantling azure and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a gryphon gules, wings elevated and addorsed barry of si.x or and azure, in its beak a rose argent, leaved and slipped proper, resting the de.xter claw on a portcullis as in the arms. Motto — " Bout ex en avant." Married, 1854, dau. of Tho. May of Rxeter. Postal addresses ^iiX'An\ey House, London Road, Forest Hill, S.E. ; Parliament Mansions, Victoria Street, S.W. T/ie Kii;ht Honourable CHARLES ROnERT BARRY, one of Her Majesty's Counsel Learned in "IRiirtMl ^^^ Law, a Member of Her Majesty's Most iij%X\,\,^ Honourable Privy Council, Serjeant-at-Law, a Lord Justice of Appeal, a Senator of the Royal University of Ireland. Born 1824, being the son of the late James Barry, Cr^wn Solicitor, 0/ Limerick, by his wife Ellen, daughter of John Piircell. Clubs — Reform, Athentnim, St. George's Yacht (Kingsto7c>n), Uni- versity (Dublin), St. Stephen's Green (Dublin), Royal Irish Yacht. Armorial bearings as given in Debretfs ' ' House qf Commons," but which are not registered in Ulster's Office, are for Anas: Barry of six argent and gules. Crest — A castle argent, and issuing from the battlements a loolf's head gules, ^otto —"Boutes en avant." Married, 1855, A'ate, third daughter of David Fitzgerald. Postal address— 3 FitsivilUam Square East, Dublin. CHARLES STANDISH BARRY, Esq., J. P. for co. Cork. Born 1847, being only surviving son of the late Henry Standish Barry of Lemlara, by Angelina, youngest dau. of the late William Brander of Morden Hall, Surrey. Armorial bearings — .Argent, three bars gemels gules, im- paling the arms of Southwell, namely .argent, three cinque- foils pierced gules, e.ach charged with six annulets or. Mantling gules and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a castle with two towers argent, therefrom a wolf's head issuant sable ; with the Motto, " Boutez en avant." Married, 1869, Hon. Margaret Mary, dau. of Lieut.-Col. Hon. Arthur Francis Southwell (and sister of the Rt. Hon. the 4th Viscount Southwell, K. P.); and has had /w//£— Henry Arthur Robert Standish Barry, Gentleman, b. Nov. 5, 1873, d. 1892 ; and Winifred Mary Standish. Seat — Lemlara House, Carrigtwohill, co. Cork. ED WARD AR THUR BARR Y. Born 1858, being the eldest son of Francis Tress Barry, Esquire, of St. Leonard's Hill, Berkshire, M.P., D.L., J. P. Armorial bearings as used, but for which no authority rchatsoe^ter has been estab- lished by him, are for Arms: Argent, three bars gemels ^iiles. Crest — Out of a castle, a wolf's head. Married, firstly, Kathleen E., eld. dau. of P. Bicknell of Gurteen, Tipperaiy ; and .secondly, Eleanor N., elder dau. of Col. Courtney H. S. Scott. Postal address — Ockwells Manor, Bray, Berkshire, S FRANCIS TRESS BARRY, Esq., J. P. and D.L. for CO. Caithness, and J. P. for Berks, formerly H.B.M.'s Vice-Consul for Prcniince of Biscay in Spain, and Consul-General in Great Britain for Republic of Ecuador ; has been created Baron de Barry iti Portugal, but has no Royal Licence to bear the title in England. Born 1825, being the eldest son of the late Charles Barry of The Priory, Orpington, Kent. Club — Carlton. Armorial bearings as used, but for which no authoritv has been established, are — Party of six argent and gules. Crest— yi toiver argent, and issuant from the battlements a wolfs head gules. MottO — & is the Military Cockade. " Boutez en avant." Married, 1851, Sarah Douglas, only dau. of the late Arthur Heron of Northam, Sussex ; and has Issue — Residences — St. I^onard's Hill, Windsor; A'eiss Castle, Caithness ; i South Audley Street, London, W. HORACE BARRY, Esquire, Justice of the Peace for the county of Middlesex, fourth son of Frederick Barry by Elisabeth his wife, n^e Rojvsell. Club — Gresham. Livery — Black, with gilt buttons. Armorial bearings, y*//- which no authority has been established, consist of a Crest, a "griffin with paw on Bible," but this is the crest of a family named Gardyner. Married, February i, 1851, Juliet Blanch Mercy ; and has Issue — (i) Horace Bany, born July g, 1852; (2) Douglas Barry, born July 16, 1853 ; (3) Frederick Charles Barry, born January 6, 1868. Estate and postal address — Bush House, Winchmore Hill, London, N. JAMES GRENE BARRY, Esquire, J. P. Born April 20, 1841, being the eldest son of the late James Barry oj Bellevue, by his second wife Maria, dau. of John (Irene of Cappamurra. Club — County (Limerick). Armorial bear- ings as used since 1633, hut for which no authority has been established in Ulster's Office, are — Argent, three bars gemel gules, a crescent for difference. Mantling gules and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, out of a castle argent, a wolf's head sable. Married, June 20, 1881, Mary, only dau. of Thomas Kane, M.D., J. P., of Whitehall, Ufnerick ; and has Issue — (i) Jajnes L'itzjames Barry, b. Jutte i8, 1882 ; (2) Gerald Barry, b. 1883 ; (3) Donald Barry, b. 1885 ; (4) William Barry, b. 1887 ; (5) John Barry; Nesta ; and Anna Maud. Estates and postal addresses- -Sandvi lie Grange, Kilmallock ; and Bellevm-, Croom, CO, Limerick. BARTLETT, see ASHMEAD-BARTLETT. CHARLES LEFTWICH OLDFELD BARTLETT, Gentleman. Born Dec. 25, 1824, being the second son of the Rev. Thomas Oldfeld Bartlett, Rector of Swanage, Dorset, by his wife Elizabeth, dau. of Robert Leach of Sutton Montis, .Somerset. Armorial bearings — Quarterly of fourteen, i and 14, azure a fesse or, fretty gules, two cotises indented of the second, between two cinquefoils in chief and a cross patL-e fitchee in base argent (for Bartlett) ; 2. or, on a bend gules, three crosses patt'e fitch(5e argent (for Oldfeld) ; 3. azure, a garb or, charged with a crescent for difference (for Grosvenor) ; 4. sable, a cross patonce argent (for Pulford) ; 5. azure, three pheasants or (for Phesant) ; 6. quarterly .sable and argent, a cross i^atonce counterchanged (for Eton) ; 7. vert, three trunks of trees eradicated and raguly argent (for Stockton) ; 8. argent, on an inescutcheon voided within an orle of eight martlets sable, a cross pat(?e gules (for Leftwich, ancient) ; 9. or, a fesse azure (for Vernon) ; 10. quarterly or and gules, over all a bend s.able (for Maltjank) ; ii. sable, a lion rampant argent, debruised by a bend gobony or and gules (for Crox- ton) ; 12. argent, a chevron between three ravens' heads erased sable (for Ravenscroft) ; 13. azure, a bend cotised between two stags' heads attired or (for Howarth). Mant- ling azure and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a dcmi-eagle or, wings elevated azure ; on an escutcheon depending from the lieak, a cross pat^e fitchde gules. Motto — " .Sapiens incipit a fine." Married, April 14, 1858, Mary Elizabeth, dau. of the Rev. Edward Whiteley, M.A., Rector of Sutton Montis, Somerset; and has Issue — (i) Thomas Charles Bartlett, Gentleman, b. Dec. 14, 1861 ; (2) Edward Whiteley Bartlett, Gentleman, b. May 11, 1865 ; Elizabeth Vincent [w. , April 17, 1885, William Haddon Owen of Little Grimsby Hall, Lines.] ; and Eleanor Burton. Postal address — Burton House, Sherborne, Dorset. JOHN ADAMS BARTLETT, Esquire. Born Sep- ten^ber 23, 1826, being the eldest son of OI^Jlt't'Tl'f'f' ''"^ ^^^^ John Adams Bartlett of Liver- iUCttVivVv pool, by Mary his wife, only daughter of the late William Woods of Liverpool. Armorial bearings — He lx;ars for Arms : Quarterly argent and gules, five lozenges conjoined in fesse between four crescents all eoimterehanged, impaling the arms of Smet- hurst, namely, sable an eagle's head erased l)etween two crosses pat(5e paleways or, on a chief of the last two roses saltireways gules, barbed, seeded, stalked, leaved and slippeil ^^ is the Naval Cockade. 1 TBar TBar 57 proper ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, on a mount vert, a moor-cock sable, combed and wattled gules, holding in the beak an ear of wheat leaved and slipped proper, resting the dexter claw on a crescent gules ; with th(.' Motto, "Deo favenlc crcsco." A/dr/ir,/, August 20, 1890, Ada Jaiii', only daughter of William Ilatton Sinet- hurst of l.ivt-rpool. Postal midrcss — " Lynloii," Mossley Hill, near Liverpool. TiiK. Rkvkkkni) JOHN MOYSEY HARTLKTT, Clerk in Holy Orders, Bachelor of Arts of the Uni- versity of Oxford. Horn Oclolx;r 25, 1821, In-ing the second son of 'I'homas Martlett (jf 'i'i'ii;iimi)Uth, Solicitor, by his wife and cousin Grace l''ic<'n).iii, (i:uiglitcr of John Hartlett of the same place. Armorial beariZLgs 1 le l)ears for Arms : l'>mine, on a pale nebuly azure, three sinister gloves paleways, pendent and tasseltcd argent, two Haunches of the second, each charged with as many crescents also paleways of the third. L'pon the escutcheon is placed a helmet Ix'fitting his degree, with a mantling .azure and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wre:ith of the colours, in front of a demi-swan, wings elevated argent, semt'e of crescents, and gorged with a collar indented gules, five Kisi's Icssi'ways of the last, barlx.'d and seeded proper; with tile Motto, " Mature." Married, firstly, Novemlier 5, 1845, I'enelope (who died 1853), daughter of Kdmund Koterts of 'l"urlake House, ICxeter, Solicitor, but had no surviving issue ; and secondly, Septenilx-r 12, 1859, Mar- garet (who died 1859), daughter of William Hopson, but had no surviving issue ; and thirdly, July 18, i860, Char- lotte Mary .Sarah (who died Noveml)er 16, 1892), only daughter of Major-General John Alexander Philips, of the Royal Marines, late Conmiandant of Marine Artillery at Portsmouth ; and has liad Issue— {\) I-'rank Walter Bart- lett, (ientleman, born November 23, 1861, and died May 28, 1883; (2) Courtenay Langdon Bartlett, Gentleman, born Septemlx'r i,and died November 20, 1862; (3) Philip Perring Bartlett, Cientleman, born March 19, 1868 ; and Katherine BuUer. Estate a»d postal address — Ludbrook, Ivybridge, in the county of Devon. Rkvi KKNi) RICHARD GROSVENOR BARTLETT, < lerk in Holy Orders, M..\. Oxon. Uorn Deceml)er 5, 1868, being the sixth son of the Rev. Rotiert Leach Bartlett, Rector of Thurloxton, co. Somerset, by his wife Christiana, sdIi; dan. and heir of Joseph Adams, F^hysician to H.E. I.C.S. Armorial bearings— .\zure, a fesse or, fretty gules, two cotises indented of the second between two cinquefoils in chief and a cross pat^e fitchee in bas^ argent, c|uartering Oldfeld, Grosvenor, Pulford, Phesant, Eton, Stockton, Left- wich, Vernon, Malbank, Croxton, Ravenscroft, Howarth. Mantling azure and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a demi-eagle or, wings elevated azure, pendent from 'the beak an escutcheon argent, charged with a cross pat^e fitchde gules. Motto — "Sapiens incipit a fine." Postal address — East Gate, Corfe Castle, Dorset. THOMAS BARTLETT, Gentleman. Bom July 5, 1839, being the third and youngest son of the late John Adams Bardett of Liverpool, by his wife Mary, only daughter of the late William Woods, also of Liver|)ooi. Club— Athenaeum (Liverpool). Armorial bearings— He Ix-ars for Arms : Quarterly argent and gules, five lozenges con- joined in fesse, between five crescents all counlerchanged, a mullet for dif((;rence ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, on a mount vert, a moor-cock sable, comlied and wattled gules, in the beak an ear of wheat leaved and slipped proper, resting the dexter claw on a crescent gules ; with the Motto, " Deo favente cresco." Postal address — 12 Pembroke Place, Liverpool. WILLIAM BARTLETT, Esquire, late CaiHnin 8th Lancashire Artillery Volunteer Corps, President of tlie In- corporated Law .Society of Liverpool 1878-1879, Councilloi for Castle .Street Ward in the City of Liverpool 1885 to 1895, and since then an Alderman of the City, I'irst C'ouncillor for Division of West Derby (South) in the County C"ouneiI of Lancashire. Horn Novemljer 20, 1837, being the second son of the late John Adams Bartlett of Liverpool, by Mary his wife, only daughter of the late William Woods, also of Liverpool. Clubs — Constitutional, Conservative (Liverpool), .\tlu-n;vum (Liverjiool). /./jrrv— Claret. Armorial bear- ings — He Ix'ars for Arms : Quarterly argent and gules, five lozenges conjoined in fesse Ix-tween four crescents all counlerchanged, and in chief a crescent for difference, im- paling the arms of Johnson, namely, argent, a saltire invected pean l«tween two wings erect in fesse sable, on a chief of the last a lozenge between two woolpacks or; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, on a mount vert, a moor-cock sable, combed and wattled gules, holding in the V)eak an ear of wheat leaved and sljijped proper, resting the dexter claw on a crescent gules ; with the Motto, •' Deo favente cresco." Married, June8, 1865. Mary, second daughter of the late James Johnson of Higherfield, West The Editor undertakes that every entry not in italics is that of a genuinely armigerous person. 58 TBar IBat Derby, in the County Palatine of Lancaster ; and has had /ssue—(i) John Adams Bartlett, Gentlenjan, Master of Arts .of the University of Oxford, born March 14, 1868; (2) William Francis Bartlett, Gentleman, born August 8, 1869, (lied April 4, i88q; (3) Gotlfrey Thomas Bartlett, Gentle- man, born February 7, 1880; Mary Beatrice; Alice Maud; Gertruarrister-at- Law ; and has had Issue — Everard William Campbell liarton, Gentleman, born September 30, 1887 ; died Decem- ber 19, 1887; Evelyn Mary; Winifred Millie; and Con- stance Everard Campbell. Postal address — Astley Hall, Stourport, Worcs. JOHN BARTON, Esquire, J. P., C.R. Born Oct. 8, 1850, hei7i^ the second son of Pic/iard Barton I'v /lis wife Hannah, only dan. of the late Rev. John Butler. Armorial bearings — Argent, three boars' heads coupcd tfules. Crest — A hoar's head as in the arms. Motto — "Nisi don/in us frustra." Mnrried, Aug. 30, 1877, Isabella, eldest dan. of tha late F.dward Grace Septimus Tone of Capheaton , Northumberland, England; and by her had Issue — (i) Richard John Barton, b. Dec. 27, 1879; (2) Eldward Furness Barton, b. Sept. 10, 1883; (3) Roy Nathaniel Barton, b. Dec. 25, 1885 ; (4) IVildrid Tone Barton , b. Aug. 29, 1892 ; and Isabel. Postal address — Trent ham, Wellington , New Ac aland. BRIAN BARTTELOT BARTTELOT, Esquire, Justice of the Peace for the county of Sussex, late HR fl1*f"f'^!rti" Captain 2nd Battalion Sussex Rifle Volun- IX. HVvVvlUV teers, youngest but only surviving son of George Barttelot, Esquire, Justice of the Pe.ace and Deputy-Lieutenant of Stopham, in the county of Sussex (and brotiier of the late Colonel the Right Honourable Sir Walter Barttelot Barttelot, B.ironet, Companion of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, Member of P.arliament), by Emma his wife, youngest daughter of James Woodbridge. Clubs — Oxford and Cambridge University, Pall Mall, Lon- don ; Royal Torbay Yacht (Torquay), Royal Dart Yacht (Kingswear, Dartmouth). Livery — Dark blue coat with black and yellow striped waistcoat, black trousers, and brass buttons ; dress livery : blue coat, pale yellow cashmere waistcoat, black plush breeches, gold garters, and black silk stockings. Armorial bearings — He Ix'ars for Arms : Quarterly of 8, i. sable, three sinister gloves pendent argent, tasselled or (for Barttelot) ; 2. quarterly per fesse indented argent and gules, four crescents counterchanged (for Stop- ham) ; 3. azure, three chevronels argent, in the sinister chief a martlet for difference (for Lewknor) ; 4. gules, three bucks' heads caboshed argent (for Doyley) ; 5. azure, two bars gemel, in chief a lion passant guardant or (for Tregoz) ; 6. or, on a chief gules, three bezants (for Camoys) ; 7. argent, & is the Military Cockade. three hawks' heads erased sable (for Walton) ; 8. argent, an eagle with two heads displayed sable (for Sykeston) ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a swan coucham with wings endorsed argent; and the Motto — "Mature." Married, June i, 1864, Mary Dorothy, eldest daughter of the late John Frederic La TrobeBateman, Fellow of the Royal Society, of Moor Park, Farnham, in 'the county of Surrey; and has Issue — (i) George Frederic Barttelot, lisquire. Cap- tain Royal Welsii Fusiliers, born June 13, 1865 ; (2) Brian Herlicrt Fairbairn Barttelot, Gentleman, Lieutenant Royal Navy, born December 31, 1867; M.iry Philadelphia; and Isobel Dorothy [married, September 1891, Alfred P. Marsden]. Estate and postal address — Ditton, Torquny, Devon. BASING, quartered by HUSSEY. ALFRED HILL BASS A NO, Esquire, JusticcofthePeace for the county of Stajfordshire, Bachelor of ORntftfflMrt -^'''^ of the University of Oxford. Born iC aXtpailU 1862, being the eldest son of 1 ValterBassano, Esquire [to whom, refer'], by his wife EmiUnc Maty Gcorgina, daughter of Benjamin Best. Armorial bearings, '^f.v used, are for Arms: Party per chevron vert and argent, in chief three siltioorm moths, and in base a laurel tree all counterchanged ; and for a Crest, a silkioorm moth proper; with the Motto, "Gratia nos dirige." These arms were confirmed and alhnved in the year 1633 to Anthony, Ninoell, and Andrea Bassano, all of the City of London, but no pedigree has been since recorded or right established to them at the College of Arms. Married, 1892, Agnes, second daughter of George Allan of Congreaves Hall ; and has Issue — A daughter, born June 12, 1893. Postal address — Hadenholme, Old Hill. WALTER BASSANO, Esquire, Justice of the Peace for the counties of Worcester and Stafford. Is the third son of E'rancis Bassano by his wife Maty, daughter of ^m is the Naval Cockade. J T5a0 IBat 6i 'homas IVilifh. C\uh—Co*isen'a/ive (liinniiig/iam). Ar- lorlal bearings, as used, are/or Arms : Party per chevron 'rt and argent, in chief three silkioorm ?noths, and in base laurel-tree ill counterchanged ; and for a Crest, a silk- ■orm moth proper ; with the Motto, " Cratia nos dirige." liese arms ii.erc confirmed and allu^ved in the year 1633 to {nthony. No-well, and Andrea Bassano, all if the city of ondon, but no pedigree has been since recorded or right ablis'hed to them at the College of Arms by the above- 'cntioned Walter Bassano. Married, 1861, Jimiline Mary eorgina, daughter of Benjamin Best ; and has Issue— ) Alfred Hill Bassano {to whom refer"]; (2) Charles Valter Bassano, born 1863; (3) Francis Bassano, born 368; (4) Harold Frederic Bassano, born 1872; Ann :iiza; and Mary Fniiline. ¥&iii\e—Beoley, in the county ' Worcester. I'ostal address — Haden Cross, Old Hill. ALFRED BARNARD BASSET, Gentleman, Barrister- at-Law, Master of Arts of the University of IfirtrfWrtf- Cambridge, Fellow of the Royal Society, SDujPiOvl' only child of the late Alfred Basset, and heir of ihe late John Swinford Besset, lisquirc, r Stamford Hill, in the county of NTiddlesex. Clubs— Inited University, Conservative. Armorial bearings — 'til) •.-^-. ^■^00^^^^ le hears lor Arms: Or, threi- piles i;uk's, lach charged ilh a l)iij,'li-li()ni stringed uf the first, a chief vair. Crest -A boar's hi'ad erased or, gorged with a ribband gules, ispending an e.sculclieon of the last, and thereon a bugle- orn as in the arms. MottO — •" In arduis fortitudo." Mar- ied, April u, 1882, Ediili .Sarah Irwin, only child of the ite Thomas Gustave de Chaundre of Rouen and Dublin. '.slate and postal address — Fledborough Hall, Holyporl, rks. I CHARLi:S HENRY BASSET, Esquire, Justice of the * Peace for the county of Devon, and sometime Mendxir f Parliament for Barnstaple (1868 1874). Born Noveni- er 16, 1834, being the fourth surviving son of the late Sir William Williams, first Baronet of Tregullon, in the county I Cornwall, by his wife t'aroline, younger daughter of ;ichard Eales of Eastdon, Lieutenant (retired) in the Royal lavy, having served through the whole of the Crimean Var in the Black .Sea, and the .Sea of Azof, Major in the loyal North Devon Yeomaiuy. Assumed by Royal License, 1 the year 1880, the surname of Basset in lieu of his patro- yniic; with the arms of Basset. Club— ]\\n\or United ervice. Armorial bearings He l)ears for Arms : Barry 'avy of six or and gules, and for distinction in the centre hief point a cross crosslet of the last ; and for a Crest, on wreath of the colours, a unicorn's head couped argent, le mane, beard, and horn or, on the neck two bars indented ules, and charged for distinction with a cross crosslet also ules; with the Motto, " Pro Rege et [wpulo." Married, anuary 7, 1878, Hairiet Marv, only ilaughter of .Arthur Davie Basset, Gentleman, of Watermouth, and sister and co-heiress of Reverend Arthur Crawfurth | Davie Basset, Justice of the Peace and Master of Arts, also of Water- mouth ; and has Issue — Walter Basset, Gentleman, born Septeml)er 20, 1863, and Edith [married, October 18, 1882, Ernest Charles Penn Curzon, I'^squire, Captain in the i8th Hussars, and has issue]. /?5/(//«— Westaway, Umberleigh, and Watermouth Castle, all in the county of Devon. Postal address — Watermouth Castle, Ilfracombe. RALPH THU R.STAN BASSETT, Esquire, J. P. and D. L. for CO. of Glamorgan (High Sheriff TBafllfiiEtt ^^9^'' ^"''"^ January 15, 1851, being the At, u^A'VVV second but only surviving son of the late Richard Bassett, Esquire, of Bonvilstone, in the county of Glamorgan, Justice of the Peace and Dejjuty- Lieutenant for the county of Glamorgan, by his first wife, .Ann Maria, second daughter of John Homfray of Penlline Castle, in the same county. CV//i^— Junior Carlton. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms: Argent, a chevron l)etween three bugle-horns stringed sable ; and for a Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a stag's head c.iboshed, lx,'tween the attires a cross fitchee argent ; with the Motto, " ( jwell angau na chwilydd." .Married, June 12, 1878, Augusta Maria, daughter of Captain F. Tyler ; and has Issue — Dorothy Sysylt, and Olive. listates — Bonvilston and Cilfynydd. Postal address — Crossways, Cowbridge, South Wales. S THOMAS BATE, Esquire, Deputy- Lieutenant and Justic!e of the Peace for the county of Flint, for TRflfr which he served the office of High Sheriff in the aURVv year 1887, late Captain in the Denbighshire Hussars. Born 1849, being the only son of the late Edward Bate, Esquire, of Kelsterton, Justice of the Peace, by Martha his wife, only daughter of the Reverend Edward Whitley of Berse Drelincourt. Clubs ^]im\or Carlton. /,/zr/T— Dark blue coat, red waistcoat, drab box- cloth overcoat, with blue cufls and collar. Armorial bear- ings—He tjears for Arms : .Sable, on a fesse cotised argent, lietween four dexter hands couped at the wrist three in chief and one in base lx;ndways or, an arrow fesseways proper ; and for the Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, in front of a stag's head couped argent, attired or, pierced in the neck by an arrow in bend proper, a hand couped at the wrist fessewavs also or ; with the Motto, ' ' Live to live. " Married, luly 11,1878, Pcrenna, daughter of William Owen, Esquire, Tbe Editor undertakes that every entry not in italics is that of a genuinely annigerous person. 62 TBat T5at of Shanvaghcy, Queen's County, and of Blessington, Ireland, Justice of the Peace; and has hsiie — (i) Roger Whitley Bate, (jentlenian, liorn October 12, 1882 ; (2) 'I'liomas Hate, Gentleman, i)orn July 1, 1889; Gwendoline Mary Owen; Dorothy; Gladys Annie; and Marjorie Perenna. Estate ami pos/a/ a(Jdress—Ke\sienon, Flint, North Wales. ALFRED EDMUND BATEMAN, Esquire, C.M.G. (1892), Bar. Inner Teuiple, and is Dep. Controller-Gen. of Commerce, Labour, and Statistics; was Sec. to Roy. Conimn. for negotiating Commercial Treaty with France 1881-82, and to International Sugar Conference 1887-88, British Delegate to International Tariff Bureau Conference at Brussels 1888, Sec. to Treaties Committee 1890-92, and British Delegate to Anglo-Portuguese Commercial Negoti- ations 1892, and to Anglo-Spanish Commercial Negotia- tions 1894; is Hon. Sec. Roy. Statistical So. Bom Aug. 31, 1844, being the seventh son of the late Rev. John Bate- man, Rector of E. and W. Leake, Notts, and Dean of Har- tington, by his wife Emily, dau. of F^dward Shewell. C///d — Windham. Armorial bearings—Or, three crescents, issu- ant from eacli an estoile of si.\ points gules, a canton azure, and pendent below the escutcheon his badge as a C.M.G. Mantling gules and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a crescent and estoile as in the .arms, between two e.agles' wings or. Motto — " Sidus adsit amicum." Married, July 30, 1868, Edith Ellen, dau. of James Eland Hobson of Haveriield, Kew, and of Eaton Socon, Beds. ; and has had Issue — (i) John Sacheverell Bateman, Gentleman, bom and died 1869 ; (2) Edward Sacheverell Bateman, Gentleman, born December I, 1870; (3) John Keelinge Bateman, Gentle- man, born June 10, 1872 ; (4) Alfred James Bateman, Gentle- man, born 1881, died 1883; Grace Ellen; Hester; and Edith Florence. Postal address — Woodhouse, Wimbledon Park, London, S.W. Sir FREDERICK BATEMAN, Knight Bachelor, Doctor of Medicine, Doctor of Laws, Justice of the Peace for the county of Norfolk and for the city of Norwich ; Pellotv of the Royal College of Physicians, London. Born 1824, being the son of John Bateman 0/ Nonvich ; created Knight Bachelor, 1892. Armorial bearings as used, and as quoted in Burke's " Geiie?-al Armory," but for which no authority has been established at the Colhgc of Arms, are: Sable, three crescents ermine, 7oithin a bordure engrailed argent. Crest — A crescent. Motto — " Principiis obsta." Married Etntna Broivnfield, only daughter of the late John Gooderson of Nonoich. Postal addresses — Upper St. Giles' Street, Nonoich ; Burlingham Lodge, Alburgh, Norfolk. HUGH ALLEYNE SACHEVERELL BATEMAN, Gentleman, Lord of the Manor of Morley. Born i860, being the only son of the late Thomas Keelinge Bateman, Gentleman, by his wife Georgina, daughter of Frederick Bannatyne, 33rd Regiment. Club — -Boodle'-S. Livery — Black coat, with red waistcoat. Armorial bearings—He bears for Arms : Quarterly i and 4, or tliree crescents, with an estoile of si.\ points gules, a canton azure (for Bateman) ; 2 and 3 or, on a fesse Ijetween two dragons' heads erased sable, three dolphins of the field (for Osborne) ; and for the Crest, a crescent with an estoile gules Ijetween two wings or ; with the Motto, "Virtus ad sidera." Married, June 8, 1888, Anna, daughter of Edward Bridges, late of Shrojj- shire, formerly 7th Fusiliers. Estates — Morley, in tiie county of Derby. Postal address — Etwall, Derbyshire. §JOHN BATEMAN, Esquire, J. P. and D.L. co. .Staf- ford, J. P. Essex. Born March 19, 1839, being the eldest son of James Bateman, Esq., F.R.S., F.L..S., F.G.S., late of Biddulph Grange and Knypersley Hall, co. .Stafford, J. P. and D. L., M.A. Oxon., by his wife Maria .Sibilla, dau. of Rev. Rowland Egerton of Norley, co. Chester (who took the additional name of Warburton on succeeding to the estates of Sir Peter Warburton, ]5art. , of Arley). Mmorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Azure, on a fesse embattled between three crescents issuant from each an estoile argent, the chemical character of Mars sable, and impaling the arms of Bootle- Wilbraham, namely, t|uarteriy i and 4, argent three bendlets wavy azure (for Wilbraham) ; 2 and 3 gules, on a chevron engrailed, between three combs argent, as many crosses pat^e fitchc% of the field (for Bootle). Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling azure and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a tower argent, issuant therefrom & is the Military Cockade. a demi-eagle with wings elevated sable, charged on the breast with the chemical character of Mars or ; in the beak a wreath of oak proper. Married, 1865, the Hon. Jessy Caroline, 2nd dau. of the late Hon. Richard Hootle-Wilbr.aham ; and has /.«.f«t'— Agnes Mary \_m., 1889, Robert Maxwell D'Arcy-Hildyard, Esq., of Colborn Hall^ CO. York ; 68th Durham L. L]. iVa/j— Moveron's Manor and Brightlingsea, Essex. FREDERICK OSBORNE FITZHERBERT BATE- MAN, lisquire, J. P. co. Derby. Born Nov. 12, 1859, Ijeing the only child of the late Thomas Osborne Bateman, f'^sq., J. P., D. L. , of Hartington Hall, by his wife Fanny Hanham, dau. of William L.awrence Bicknell. Club — Windham. Armorial bearings— Or, three crescents, and issuant from each an estoile of six points gules, a canton azure. Mantling gules and or. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a crescent and estoile as in the arms, between two eagles' wings or. MottO — "Sidus adsit amicum," Married, 1886, Evelyn Mary, dau. of Major Wilkinson of .Scarborough ; and has, with other Issue — O.sborne R. .Sacheverell Bateman, Gentleman, born 1887. Seats— Hartington Hall and Breadsall Mount, Derbyshire. ROBERT BATEMAN, Esquire, J. P. co. .Salop. Born 1842, being the third son of lames Bateman, Esquire, D.L., J. P., F.R.S., F.L.S., F.G.S., late of Biddulph Grange and Knypersley Hall, co. St.iff. , by his wife Maria .Sibilla, dau. of Rev. Rowland Egerton of Norley, co. Chester (who took the additional surnatue of Warburton on succeed- ing to the estates of Sir Peter Warburton, Bart., of Arley). Clubs — Savile, Junior Conservative. Armorial bearingB — Azure, on a fesse embattled between three crescents, issuant from each an estoile argent, the chemical character of Mars sable. Mantling azure and argent. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a tower argent, issuant therefrom a demi-eagle with wings elevated sable, charged on the breast with the chemical character of Mars or, in the beak a wreath of oak proper. Married, 1883, Caroline Octavia, dau. of the late Very Rev. the Hon. Henry Howard, Dean of Lichfield. Residence — Benthall Hall, Broseley, Shropshire. ^^ is the Naval Cockade. IP T6at TBat 63 RKVERENn JOHN FITZHI:RBERT BATEMAN, M.A.. Rector of North and South Lopham, Norfolk, and Rural Dean of Rockland. Born April 6, 1829, Ijeinf; the eldest son of the late Rev. John Batenian, Rector of East and West Lake, Notts, and Dean of Hartington, by his wife Emily, dau. of Edward Shiwell. Armorial bearings— Or, three crescents, and issuant from each an cstoile of six jjoints gules, a canton azure. Mantling gules and (jr. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a crescent and an estoile as in the arms, between two eagles' wings or. Motto — " Sidus adsit amicum." Married, firstly, 1861, Susan Elizabeth (Atfl ^'''" "^'''*^ '^^*^ Henry Bath of .Swansea. Club— iCCHy Constitutional. Armorial bearings -(iules, a chevron paly of six argent and or, between three |)lates, on a chief of the third, as many wolves' heads erased sable ; and for a Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a wolf's head eiaseil sable, gorged with a collar vair, and holding in the mouth a rose gules, slipped and leaved proper; with the Mottoes, "Habere et dispertire," — " He conciuers who endures." Postal address — Ffynone, Swansea. H ED\\'ARD IHCNRY BATH. Esquire, Justice of the %# Peace and Deputy- Lieutenant for the county of Car- marthen, for which county he served the office of High Sheriff in the year 1892, and is also a Justice of the Peace for the borough of Swansea. Born 1851, Ix'ing tlie eldest son of the late Edward Bath of Brynymor, Swansea, Ijy Eugenie his wife, daughter of Charles Lambert of Coiiuimbo, in the Republic of Chili, and nephew of the late Henry James Bath of Alltyferin. Club—^evi Lyric. Livery— Chocolate, with red piping. Armorial bearings— Gules, a chevron paly of six argent and or, between three plates, on a chief of the third, as many wolves' heads erased sable. Mantling gules and argent ; and for a Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a wolfs head erased sable, gorged with a collar vair, and holding in the mouth a rose gules, slip|)ed and leaved proper; with the Mottoes, "Habere et dis|3ertire," — " He conquers who endures." Married, August 12, 1874, Esther, daughter of John William James Brynbriallu, .Swansea; and has Issue — Henry Bath, born December 18, 1875; listher ; Katherine I'klith ; and Janet Lamljcrt. Postal address — Alltyferin, Nantgaredig, R.S.O. , Carmarthenshire. WORSLEY BATTERSBY, Esq., J. P. for Somerset. Born 1825, l)eing the son of the late Charles Battersby of Hindley, co. Lancaster, by Annie, dau. and coheir of the late Rev. 'I'homas Heyes, M.A. , Vicar of West Houghton and Christchurch, co. Lancaster. Armorial bearings — .Argent, a lozenge sable, on a chief wavy azure, a paddle-wheel steamship with sails or, impaling the arms of .May, namely gules, a chevron invected or, between three roses argent, on a chief of the second a bull stalant sable. Mantling sable and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a ram argent, armed or, charged on the body with two trefoils slipped vert, and resting the dexter foreleg on a lozenge sable. Motto — ," Labore vinccs." Married, 1876, Jessie, 3rd dau. of William May, of the E. I.e. Service; and has, with other Issue — Charles Worsley Battersby, Gentleman, b. 1877. Seat — Knowle, Dunster, Somerset. Town residence — 72 Onslow Gardens, S.W. Tut-: Rkvkhknu FREDERICK BATHURST, Arch- deacon of the county of Bedford, Honorary Canon of Ely. Born March 7, 1827, being the sixth son of .Sir James Bathurst, Knight Commander of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, by his wife Caroline, commonly known as Lady Caroline, daughter of the first ICarl and sixth Baron Ciistlestuart. Armorial bearings — He Ijears for Arms : Sable, two bars ermine, and in chief three crosses patL-e or. Upon the escutcheon is jjlaced a helmet befit- ting his degree, with a mantling sable and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, an arm in mail embowed, the elbow to the sinister, the hand proper, holding a spiked club or. Married, 1855, Catherine Georgiana, daughter of the Reverend Calvert Fitzgerald Moore, Chaplain in Ordinary to Her Majesty ; and has had Issue — (1) James Stuart Bathurst, Gentleman, born 1859, died 1868 ; (2) Frederick Marlay Bathurst, Gentleman, born 1865 ; Louisa [married Stanley Victor Coote] ; and Katherine. Postal address — Holwell Rectory, Hitchen. Tlie Editor undertakes tliat every entry not in italics is tliat of a genuinely armigerous person. 64 Ti3at T5at SThk Right Honourahi.e SEYMOUR HENRY BATIIURST, Karl Rathursf of Batlmrst, in thecounly of Sussex ; Harem H.itliurst of Haitli-sden, in the county of •Bedford; and IJaron Apsley of Apsley, in tla- county of Sussex ; Deputy-lJeutenant, Major 4th Battalion Glou- cester Regiment. Born Julv 21, i86.(, being the eldest son 1893, Lilias Margaret Frances, only daughter of Rt. Hon. Sir Algernon Borthwick, Baron -Glenesk and Baronet; and has Issue — Allen Algernon Bathurst, Esquire, com- monly called Lord Apsley ; Mcriel Olivia. Residences— Cirencester House, Cirencester ; 20 Grosvenor Gardetis, .S.W. of tlie late Right Honourable Allen Alexander, sixth Earl Bathurst, by his wife Meriel Leicester, daughter of the Right H(jnourable Gix)rge, second Lord de Tabley. Livery — Dark blue with gill buttons, pale yellow waistcoat with narrow blue lines. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms: Quarterly 1 and 4 (for Bathurst), sable, two bars ermine, in chief three crosses patc^e or; 2. argent, on a cross gules, five escallops or (for Villers) ; 3. barry of six argent and gules, a canton ermine (for Apsley) : and impal- ing tlie arms of Borthwick, namely, argent, a cinquefoil sable, on a chief invected of the last, two cinquefoils of the field. Above the escutcheon is placed the coronet of his rank, and thereupon a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling sable and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a dexter arm in mail ombowed the hand proper, grasping a club with spikes or. Supporters — Two stags argent, each gorged with a collar gemellc ermines. Motto — "Tien ta foy." Married, November 15, & is the Military Cockade. §\VILLL\M H1:NRY B.\T THC-WRIGHTSON, Es- quire, lusticeof the Peace T13attie=ailtiffl)t0on '^£:'^.^7^, late Lieutenant in the 105th Light Infantry, and Cajitaiu 3rd Battalion York and Lancaster Regiment, Fellow of the Society of Antiquaries. Horn 1855, being the eldest son of the Reverend Charles luhvard 'I'liomas, Rector of Hemsworth, in the couiUy of York, and his wifeCJeorgiana Mary, third daugliter of Colonel Henry Hely Hutchinson of Weston, Towcester, conmionly known as Colonel the Honourable Henry Hely Hutchinson, by Harriot his wife, eldest daughter of William Wrightson of C'usworth ; and assumed the surname and arms of Battle- Wrightson, by Royal License in the year 1891. C////'.? — Naval and Military. A/ir/j— Black coat with yellow piping on the collar, yellow and black striped waist- coat, black trousers with yellow piping, and drab greatcoat. S is the Naval Cockade. 1 T5at Irmorlal tooarings — He Ijears for Arms : Quarterly i and , or a fessc engrailed compony counier-compony azure and rgent, between four griffins' heads erased, three in chief nd one in base of the second (for Wrighison) ; 2 and 3 able, a chf\ ron arjzent, between three goats siatant of the pst, each charged with two pallets gules, a chief or, issuant jherefroni a denii-man affronl<5e, the dexter hand holding a hub in bend between two cinquefoils, all also gules (for Baltic) ; impaling the arms of Cecil, namely, barry of ten irgent and azure, six escutcheons, three, two and one able, each charged with a lion rampant of the first ; and or his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, upon a rock )roper, a unicorn rampant argent, resting the sinister fore- eg on an escutcheon or, charged with a griffin's head ■rased azure. Married, August 7, 1884, Isabella Georgiana lein<^ the son of Robert Heart of Godmanchester. Armoiial Searings m used, but for which no authority whatsoever has Seen established, a/e for Arms: Ai'^ent, on a bend i^ules, 'hree mascle: or; and for the Crest, a stork statant argent, leaked and 'e^ed gules, between bulrushes proper, three on •ither side, with the MottO, "Quod verum tututn." tvlarried, 1871, Amy, daughter oj F. J. Horiuson. Postal address — The Chestnuts, Godmanchester, Huntingdon. § STUART BROWNLOW BEATSON. Esquire, Major Prince of Wales' Own Bengal Lancers. Horn , being the only son of C'apt. William Stuart Beatson, H.E. I.C.S. (who succumbed to cholera when .-Yssist. Adjutant-General to Havelock's force advancing to the J-elief of Lucknow), by his wife Cornelia Elizatjeth, daughter of Colonel (ieorge Brownlow, H.E. I.C.S., a niece of the tirst Lord Liirgan. Clubs — Cavalry, Junior Army and Navy. Armorial bearing's — He bears for Arms : Gules, a chevron between three spear-heads points upward argent, a mullet lor difference, and impaling the arms of Elles, viz., parted ber fesse or and azure, three esquires' helmets counter- changed. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet liefitting his degree, with a mantling gules doubled argent ; and on a Wreath of the liveries is set for Crest, a bee volant eii arriere jproper ; and in an escroU over the same lliis Motto, " Cum jprudentia sedulas." Married, Nov. 2, 1889, Edith Cecil, kfoungest daughter of the late Major-General Sir William ^idston Elles, K.C. B. ; and has /«//<■— Charles Elles fStuart Beaison, Gentleman, lx)rn Sept. 21, iSgr ; and lEleanor Jean. Postal address — Union Bank of London, L'haring Cr(jss Branch, W.C. I FREDERICK EDWARD BLACKET T BEAUMONT, formerly Lieutenant -Colonel in the !l>Jlftt*lintlf' '■i'^yii' Engineers, Member of Parlia- l|;'aUlUUllV ,„e„t for South Durham, 1868 1880. Horn 1833, being the eldest son of the late Edward Blackett Beaumont, l^squire, Justice of the Peace and Deputy-Lieutenant, of Darfield, by Jane ^lis wif(', daughter of William Lee of (Jrov(!, in the county )f Yfirk. Clubs -]un\uT United Service, Whitehall. Ar- jmorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Gules, a lion rampant or, laiigued azure, within an orle of eight crescents |of the second: and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the Icolonrs, a bull's head erased cpiarterly argent and gules; kvith the Motto, "Fide sed cui vide." /.'.i/rt/f— DarfieM, nil the county of York. Postal address — Junior United [Service Club. § HENRY FREDERICK BEAUMONT. Esquire. Justice of the Peace for the North and West Ridings iof tile comity of York, and for the parts of Kesteven, in ithe county of Lincoln, Honorary Colonel of the West IRiding Yorkshire Volunteers. Deputy-Lieutenant for the rWest Riding of the county of York, antl formerly Member K)f Parliament for the Souliiern Division of the said Riding, jand for tl e Colne Division. Horn March 10. 1833, being Ithe eldest son of the late Henry Ralph Beaumont, by jCatherine his wife, daugluer of Sir George Cayley, Baronet, tof Bronipton, in the county of York. Clubs — Brooks's. iTrav<;llers', Turf. Livery -WwV claret. Armorial bear- lings — He bears for Arms: Gules, a lion rampant or, ■armed and langued azure, within eight crescents in orle •of the second ; and for the Crest, upon a wreath of the icolours, a bull's head erased quarterly argent and gules ; jwith the Motto, " F'ide sed cui vide." Married, September |i. 1857, Maria Joanna, daughter of William Garforth of Wigantliorpe Hall, in the county of York; and has Issue — (i) Henry Ralph Beaumont, Esquire, Justice of ilie Peace anfl Deputy-Lieutenant, born December 17, 1865 ; (2) Ricliard Henry Beaumont. Gentleman, born January 2, 1868; Maria Catherine; Family Diana Maria; Dora Maria ; Mary Frederica Maria ; Everilda Maria ; Margaret Louisa Maria; Octavia Maria ; and Haid(5e Maria. Estates — Whitley Beaumont ; Crosland ; and Melthum. Postal arfrfr^w— Whitley Beaumont, Huddersfield. §WENTWORTH BLACKETT BEAUMONT, I'.sqiiire. Justice of the Peace for the county of I Durham, a Justice of the Peace and Deputy-Lieutenant for the county of Northumberland and the West Riding of the county of York. Horn 1829, being the eldest son of Thomas Wentworth Beaumont, Esquire, Member of Parliament of By well and Bretton, by Henrietta Jane Emma his wife, daughter of John Atkinson of Maple Hayes, in the county of Stafford. Clubs— \/g the only son pf C. W. Heck of Upton Priory, in the county of Cheshire, and Fongoch, in the county of Montgomery, by his wife Elizabeth, only daughter of Richard Wright, Esquire, Justice of the Peace, of Peover, in the county of Cheshire. Livery — Chocolate, and amber facings. Armorial bearings as used, but for which no authority has been established, are for Arms : Or, a raven proper. Crest — ./ raven, betiveen two ivings or. MottO — • " Assiduitas." Married, 1890. Jessie, youngest daughter of the Reverend C. /•'. Hroughton, Rector of .Xorbury, in the county of Derby ; and has Xssae.— Charles Harrop Hroughton Heck, born 1891. Estates — Upton Priory, in the county of Cheshire; Llanlhyan, in the county of Montgomery. Postal address — Upton Priory, Macclesfield, Cheshire. Jl ERNEST WILLIAM BECKETT, Major Yorkshire ® Hussars Yeomanry Cavalry, Member of HKOfltt^ff" '^^rliament for Whitby Division of the iOvttVvlV North Riding of the county of York since December 1885. Horn November 25, 1856. being the eldest son of the late William Beckett, lisquire. Member of Parliament, of Nun Appleton Hall, Bolton Percy, in the county of York, by his wife Helen, commonly known as the Honourable Helen, daughter of the Right Honourable the second Baron Feversham ; heir presumptive under a special remainder to his uncle, the first Baron Grimthorpe ; resumed The Editor undertakes that eveiy entry not in italics is that of a genuinely armigerous person. 68 T5ec TBeti in 1866 by Royal License the original family surname of Ik'ckett in lieu of Denison. 6V///Jj— Carlton, Bachelors', St. James's, Turf. Armorial bearings— He bears for Anns : Gules, a fesse between three boars' heads couped erininois. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a Ixiar's head couped or, pierced by a cross patde fitciK\' erect sable ; with the Motto, " Prodesse civibus." Married, 1883, I^ucy Tracy (wlio died 1891), daughter of the late William Tracy Lee of New York ; and has /wk^— Ralph William Krnest Beckett, Gentleman, Ixarn May 3, 1891 ; Lucy Katharine ; and Helen Muriel. Postal addresses— YJ\xVs,\.d\\ Grange, Leeds; 17 Stratton Street, W. PliTER ARTHUR RECK, Esquire, Justice of the Peace for the counties of Warwick and Montgomery, and served the offlce of High Sheriff for the latter county in the year 1886. Horn 1829, being the second son of the late John Beck of Kingsland, in the county of Salop, by Susannah Margaret his wife, daughter of Overbury Whitley Badger of Elles- mere, in the same county. Z/7rr>'— Plain dark green. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Or, two bars nebuly sable, gutt(?e-d'eau, on a chief azure, a peacock's head couped between two annulets of the first ; and for a Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a peacock's head couped azure, holding in the beak an annulet or, between two wings of the last, sem^e of annulets also azure ; with the Motto, " Spem pretio non emam." Married, 1864, Frances Ann, eldest daughter of His Honour the late Robert Griflfith Temple of the Lache, in the county of Chester, Barrister-at-Law, and Judge of the North Staf- fordshire County Courts. Estate and postal address — Trely dau Hall, Guilsfield, near Welshpool. WILLIAM BECKETT -TURNER, Gentleman, Bar- rister - at - Law. Armorial Tl^rCfePtts^IirtlPr l>earings— He bears for iDl^tttl^VV'Va.UlUi;i ^rms: Quarterly of si.x, 1 and 6 quarterly, ii. and iii. erminois, on a cross quarter-pierced sable, between four tre- foils vert, as many fers-de-moline argent (for Turner) ; ii. and iii. or, on a chevron between three lions' heads erased gules, a fleur-de-lis between two annulets of the field (for Beckett) ;' 2. the same arms of Beckett ; 3. argent, on a fesse engrailed gules, three cross crosslets of the field ; 4. party per pale sable and argent, a cross moline counterchanged ; 5. argent, a fesse gules, between three stags' heads caboshed sable. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling sable and or; and for his Crests, i. upon a wreath of the colours, a lion passant guardant erminois, charged upon the body with three trefoils in fesse slipped vert, and holding in the dexter paw a fer-de-moline sable ^ is the Military Cockade. (for Turner) ; 2. upon a wreath of the colours, a fleur-de-li: azure, charged with a lion's head erased ermine (for Beckett) Estate — Littleton, in the county of Wiltshire. Posta address — 2 Tanfield Court, Temple, London, E.G. HENRY JOHN BECK WITH, Esquire, Justice of th Peace for the county of Durham, /rbVMtffl Captain syd Regiment. Born 1840,1 iiJ\/V\XyXMV\j being the eldest son of the Reverend Henry \ Beckwith, Rector of Eaton Constantine\ in the county of Salop, by his wife Rose Anne, daughter on the Reverend John Eyton, Rector of Eyton and Vicar oj\ Wellington, both in the county of Salop. Club — Naval ana: Military. Livery — Dark blue coat, scarlet waistcoat, irasi- buttons. Armorial bearings as vsed are : Argent, a chevron between three hinds' heads erased gules. Crest — An antelopt trippant, holding in the 7nouth a branch ; with the Motto, ' Joir en bien." The arms are tho%e of an old Yorkshire family of the name ; but Captai?i Beckwith has not established or recorded any right to them in the College of A rms. Married, ' Octoberi2,i8j6, Kathleen Elizabeth, second daughter of Robert Craven I ( 'adc of Cloneybrayney, in the county of Meath ; and has Issue — ll'illiam Malebisse Beckwith, born August 20, 1877; and Kathleen Erances. Estates — Silkstvorth, near Sunderland, and Trimdo/i, near Eerryhill, both in the county of Durham. Postal address — Silksworth, near Sunderland ' ALFRED HENRY BEDDINGTON, Gentleman.' Armorial bearings — Azure, a lion rampant argent, charged on the shoulder with a mullet of si.\- points ol the first, be- tween four roses in cross of the second. Mantling azure and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a lion rampant argent, gorged with a collar gemelle azure, hold- ing in the forepaws a flagstaff erect ptoper, therefrom flowing to the de.xter a banner azure, charged with a chaplet of roses argent, and resting the dexter hind paw on a mullet of six points or. MottO — "Be strong and fear not." Postal address— % Cornwall Terrace, Regent's Park, London, N.W. HYAM LEOPOLD BEDDINGTON, Gentleman. Armorial bearings — Azure, a lion rampant argent, charged on the shoulder with a mullet of six points of the first, be- tween four roses in cross of the second. Mantling azure and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a lion rampant argent, gorged with a collar gemelle azure, hold- ing in the forepaws a flagstaff erect proper, therefrom flowing to the dexter a banner azure, charged with a chaplet of roses argent, and resting the dexter hind paw on a mullet of six points or. MottO— " Ex fide fortis." Postal address— Cornvia.W Terrace, Regent's Park, London, N.W. MAURICE BEDDINGTON, Esquire, J. P. for co. of Surrey. Armorial bearings — Azure, a lion rampant argent, charged on the shoulder with a mullet of six points of the first, between four roses in cross of the second. Mantling azure and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a lion rampant argent, gorged with a collar gemelle azure, holding in the forepaws a flagstaff erect proper, therefrom flowing to the dexter a banner azure, charged with a chaplet of roses argent, and resting the dexter hind paw on a mullet of six points or. MottO — Postal addresses— <)i Lancaster Gate, London, W. ; and The Limes, Carshalton, Surrey. SAMUEL HENRY BEDDINGTON, Gentleman. Armorial bearings — .\zure, a lion rampant argent, charged on the shoulder with a mullet of six points of the first, be- tween foui- roses in cross of the second. Mantling azvire and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a lion rampant argent, gorged with a collar gemelle azure, hold- ing in the forepaws a flagstaff erect proper, therefrom flowing to the dexter a banner azure, charged with a cliaplet of roses argent, and resting the dexter hind paw on a mullet of six points or. MottO— "Deus nobis, quis contra." Postal address — Hyde Park Square, London, W. WILLIAM HENRY REVELL BEDELL-SIVRIGHT, Gentleman. Born March 28, 1846, teing the only ;-on ol the late William Bedell, Attorney - at - 1 .aw, Calcutta, and the also deceased Frances Elizabeth Ann his wife, only TBetieU-^itjngftt is the Naval Cockade. « IBtt} TBee 69 lild of William Sivright, Lieutenant 8th Regiment of Ben- il Native Cavalry in the service of the Honourable the ast India C'onipany. "By a Disposition and Deed of ntail of the lands and Barony of Southho'iise and others in e coimty of I klinburgii, executed by DavidSivright of South- Rise and Meggeiland on March 28, 1732, and recordrd the Register of Tailzies June 29, 1733, to wl)ich he cceeded on the death, unmarried, of Miss Catherine Siv- jht of Southhouse, on May 14, 1873, ''^ assumed the rnaine of Sivright of Southliouse in addition to, and ter that of B<>dell." Livery — Dark blue, silver-plated .ittons, and silver band on hat. Armorial bearings — He ears for AnUB : Or, a battle-axe erect fwofjcr between tree torteaux. Above the shield is placed a helmet, with mantling gules doubled argent ; and issuing from a |reath of liveries is set for Crest, a dexter hand holding thunderbolt proper; and in an c^croU over the same this ,'otto, " Recte ferio." Mitrried, firstly, 1875, linuiia pe Chismon (she died 1877 without issue) ; secondly, 1879, krace ICditli, eldest daughter of the late Benjamine Barbour Jhedied 1884) ; and thirdly, 1890, ICleanor Locke, daughter r Henry Aynsley. By his second marriage he has Issue — ) David Revell Bedcll-Sivright, Gentleman, born December i 1880; (2) John Vandeleur Ik-dell-Sivright, Gentleman, prn October 18, 1881 ; (3) William Henry Vcre Bedcll- jvright, (Gentleman, born August i, 1883; and by his jiird marriage, ICleanor Frances ; Catherine and Sophia. i>/a/«— Southhouse and Gorgie, in the county of Edin- prgh, and Ardencaple, in the county of Argyll. Postal rfi/rwi— North Cliff, North Queensferry, Fifeshire, N.B. } HENRY HALL BEDFORD, Gentleman. Born April ^, 1847, being the second son of John Bedford, Gentleman (0 whom refer], by Harriet his wife, daughter and co-heir [George HawksJey of Owlerton. Armorial bearings — >e bears for Arms : Quarterly i and 4, party per chevron •gent and sable, four bears' paws erased, three in chief id one in base, within a bordure engrailed all counter- langcd (for Bedford), 2. party [jer saltire chequy or and i!ure, and argent, on a saltire gules between two battle- fces in fesse proper, a cross pat^e of the first (for Grayson), or, three demi-lions couped gules, on a chief of the last, rose between two chaplets of the first (for Hall) ; and ir his Crest, on a wreath of the colours, in front of a iar's paw erased sable, holding a terrestrial glolje prop>er, in annulet argent; with the Motto, " Gare le pied fort." farried, l''ebruary 20, 1879, Lucy, youngest daughter of «eph Daniiy of Hibaldstown, in the county of Lincoln. The Rev. WILLIAM KIKKPATRICK RILAND EDFORD, M.A. (O.vo,,.), Chaplain of the Order of the hospital of St. John of Jerusalem in England, J. P. for the '. of Wanuick. Born July 12, 1826, being the eldest son oj 'ev. William Ri land Bedford, Rector of' Sutton Cold field. Watwickshire, and Grace Campbell, daughter of Charles Kirkpatrick Sharpe, of Hoddom Castle, Dumfriesshire. Q,\\A)— National. Armorial bearings as used, but Jor which no authority has been established, are—i. argent, three bears' paws erased in a bordure engrailed sable {for Bedford); 2. sable, a chevron bet%veen three martlets argent [for Riland); 3. argent, a saltire azure, on a chief of the same, three woolpacks of the field (for Kirkpatrick); 4. argent, on a fesse azure, beticeeti two crosslets fitchie gules and an armed hand holding a dagger, three mullets of the .field (for Sharpe). Married, Sept. 18, 1851, Maria Amy, dau. of Joseph Houson, Solicitor, London; and has Issue — (i) William Campbell Riland Bedford, h. 18^2; (2) Charles Yeone Riland Bedford, b. 1853 ; (3) Arthur Edward Riland Bedford, b. 1861, d. 1865 ; (4) Henry Ksme Riland Bedford, b. 1862 ; (s) Albert Eldward Riland Bedford, b. 1864 ; (6) Walter Adrian Riland Bedford, b. 1866; (7) Bernard Francis Riland Bedford, b. 1868; Amy Grace Riland; Ethel Frances Riland; Lucy Riland ; and Annie Stella Riland. Postal addresses — Manvey House, Sutton Cold- field; \oi) Philbeach Gardens, S.W.; The Library, St. John's Gate, Clerkenwell, E.G. JOHN BEDFORD, Gentleman. Born May 26, 1815, being the only son of the late John Bedford of Ponds and Oughtibridge, by Ann his wife, daughter and heiress of George Grayson of Oughtibridge, by Martha his wife, daughter and heiress of Josepii Hall of Oughtibridge. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms: Quarterly 1 and 4, iiarty per pale chevron argent and sable four bears' paws erased, thret* ''^"^ •^'"^'' sumivins; son of the Rei'erend Shirley UDX^iKXjKl Belcher, by Helen his wife, daughter of William Worthington of Burlon-on- Trent. Uwnx'j—Darlt blue and gilt buttons. Armorial bearings M is the Naval Cockade. J IBzi IBti 71 cs used are : Quarterly i and 4, or three pallets gules, a chief vairi [for Belcher) ; 2. [for Shirley), but of which Mr. Belcher sends tio particulars ; 3. per bend gules and vert, an eagle displayed . . . (for Greaves) ; and for a Crest, a greyhound' s head . . . gorged with a collar gules, gar- nished or, the ears azure ; xuith the MottO, ' ' Ij)yal au Alort, but no authority to bear these or any armorial bearings has been established by the above-znen tioned Rer^erend Evans Belcher. Estate and postal address — Heather Manor, Ashby-de-la-Zouch. FREDERICK MEADOWS UELDAM-JOHNS, Es- quire, J. P. for Cambridgeshire, being the son of the late Wni. Nash Woodhani, Esquire, J.F. , of Shepreth, Cam- bridgeshire ; assumed names of lieidam-Johns in heu of Nash-Woodham by Royal License, 1867. Armorial bear- ingB — Vert, three garbs chevronways between as many dexter hands cou|)ed at the wrist or. Mantling vert and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, upon a mount vert, a garb banded or, pendent from the band by a ring also or an escutcheon vert, charged with a dexter hand as in the arms. Motto — " Dat Deus incrementum." Seat—Vo\\\n\eve Manor, Royston. The Right Ho.nourabi.k ALEXANDER CHARLES HAMILTON, loth Lord lielhaven and Stanton. [Has been served heir in the Scotch Courts to the Wishaw estates, which are entailed on the title, and has voted unquestioned at Holyrood at the election of the Scotch Representative Peers. He has not established his claim before the Com- mittee of I'rivilegcs of the House of Lords as did the 7th and the 9th holders of the Barony.] /iorn 1840, Ijeing the eldest son of the late William J. Hamilton, Esquire, M.I'., F. R.S. , by his second wife, Hon. Margaret F. , daughter of the kt. H\\xe. and gold. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Per pale or and azure, a fessi,- emljattled and cotised between three roundels, each charged with a church bell all counterchanged. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling azure and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, in front of the stock of a tree a branch of olive and a sword in saltire all proper, thereon a hawk, wings close argent, belled or, charged on the body with two bars azure. MottO — " Fortis qui prudens." Married, .April 18, 1867, Caroline IClizabelh, daughter of Thomas Clare of Enfield, Essex; and has Issue- kx\n\e. Caroline. Postal address — 61 Portland Place, London, W. .MATTHEW BELL, Esquire, Justice of the Peace and Deputy-Lieutenant for the county of Kent, for which county he served the office of High Sheriff in the year 1850, .Master of Arts of the University of Cambridge, Pellotu of the Geo- logical Society. Born July 7, 1817, being the only son of the late John Bell, Esquire, formerly of Lincoln's Inn, one of His .Majesty's Counsel learned in the Laic, by his wife Jane, n(5e Grove. C\ub— Carlton. Armorial bearings as Tlie Editor undertakes that every entry not in italics is that of a genuinely armigerous person. 72 T5el TBel used, but to which no right has been established, are for Arms : Sable, on a chevron between three bells argent, as many lions' /leads erased proper ; and for a Crest, a lion's head as in the arms; with the MottO, "Lege et labore." Married, June 13, 1839, Fanny Cecilia, youngest daughter of the late Thomas Dig^e ; and has had Issue — (i) Matthc^v John Hell, Esquire \to whom n-fer] ; (2) Edward Thurland Bell, born September i, 1841, and died April 16, i86i ; (3) Charles George Bell, late s^rd Royal Welsh Fusiliers [married, July 17, 1875, Emma Frances Beres- ford, second daughter of Colonel I Vhyte, of Ne^uto^vn Manor] ; (4) Herbert James Bell, born Ai/gust 16, 1853 ; Florence Jane [tnarried, July 28, 1868, Allen George Douglas, late Captain ()th Regiment]; Fantiy Alice [married, October 26, 1865, Charles Steicart Hardy of Chi Iham Castle, in the county of Keni\; Augusta Rose [tnarried, January <^, 1876, William Gaven Eden] ; Eleanor Margaret [tnarried, July 16, 1874, Revetend Arthur Ellison Molineux, Master of Arts, I'icar of Caversham, ttear Reading] ; Constance Georgina [tnarried, July 30, 1872, Major Frederick Thomas Whinyates, Royal Horse Artillery]; and Gertrude Cecilia. Estates — Bourtie Park, Milton, Oakleigh, Higham, and the Isle of Graiti, all in the county of Kent. Postal address — Bourne Park, Canterbury. MA TTHE W JOHN BELL, Esquire, Justice of the Peace for the county of Kettt, late Captain in the I'ith Light Infantry. Born May 3, 1840, being the eldest son of Alatthew Bell, Esquire, Justice of the Peace atid Deputy-Lieutenant for the county of Rent [atid to whom refer], by Fanny Cecilia, his wife, youngest daughter of the late lliomas Bigge. Club— Junior United Service. Armorial bearings as used, but to which no right has been established, arejor Arms : Sable, on a chevron between three bells atgent, as many lions' heads erased proper ; and for a Crest, a lion's head as in the arms; with the Motto, "Lege et labore." Married, 1870, Kathleen Matilda, second daughter of John Reilly ; and has Issue — Matthew Gerald Edward Bell. REGINALD BELL, Esquire, J. P. for the N. Riding of CO. York, late Lieut. North York Rifles, and inherited this property in 1875, under the will of his grandmother, when he assumed, by Royal License, the name and arms of Bell. Borti 1848, being the eldest son of the Rev. Henry Smith of Easton Maudit, co. Northampton, by Frances, dau. of the late Rev. William Macbean. Armorial bearings — Per chevTon azure and sable, a chevron engrailed witii jjlain cotises between tliree bells argent. Mantling azure and argent. Motto — " Spes mea copia fecit." Married, 1878, Henrietta Elizabeth, dau. of the late Arthur Bayley Mark- ham of Northampton ; and has Issue — John Bell, Gentleman, b. 1879. Seat— The Hall, Thirsk. THOMAS BELL, Gentleman. Armorial bearings- He bears for Arms : Azure, a fesse between two bells in chief, and a screw-stenmship under canvas in base all or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, in front of a mount vert, thereon a falcon rising proper, belled and jessed gold, three roses fesseways or ; with the Motto, "In- dustria et probitate. " Postal address — 23 Windsor Terrace, Newcastle-upon-Tyne. THOMAS HUGH BELL, Esquire, Justice of the Peace for the North Riding of the county of York, for the county of Durham, and for the borough of Middlesbrough, High Sheriff of Durham 1895-96. Born February 10, 1844, being the eldest son of Sir Lowthian Bell, Baronet [to whom refer], by his wife Margaret, daughter of tlie lute Mugli Lee Pattinson, Fellow of the f-ioyai Society. Club—KvUnm. Livery — White, with blue facings. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Argent, on a fesse between three hawks' lures azure, as many hawks' bells of the first ; and On an escutcheon of pretence for and in right of his wife the arms of OUiffe, namely argent, a chevron engrailed vert between three olive branches fructed of the same. Crest — A hawk or, resting liis de.xter claw on the sun in his splendour or, and holding in his beak a lure azure. Married, firstly, April 23, 1867, Maria, youngest daughter of the late John Shield of Newcastle-on-Tyne, she died April 19, 1871 ; secondly, August 10, 1876, Flo- rence Eveline Eleanore, third daughter of the late Sir Joseph Olliffe, Knight liachelor, sometime Phvsician to the Britisii Embiissy in Paris ; and has Issue — (i) Maurice Hugh Low- thian Bell, Esquire, born March 29, 1871 ; (2) Hugh ^ is the Military Cockade. Lowthian Bell, Gentleman, born October 1878; Gertrude Margaret Lowthian ; Florence Elsa ; and Mary Katharine. Postal address — Red Barns, Coatham, Redcar. Sir WILLIAM JAMES BELL, Knight Bachelor (1892), Barrister-at-Law, Doctor of Laivs of Cambridge (LL.D.), and ALA. Born 1859, being the only son of Dr. James Bell, C.B., E'.R.S., D.Sc, by his wife Ellen Reece. Clubs — Reform, Highland (Inverness), Union (Brighton). Livery — Blue and silver. Armorial bearingB as used, but which have not been matriculated to Sir Williatn Bell in Lyon Register, are for Arms — .Sable, a fesse ermine betiveen three church bells argent. Crest — A roebuck feeding proper on a mount vert. Married, Sept. 26, 1882, Bertha D., daughter of late G. Torr, of Garbrand Hall, Elivell, Surrey; atid has Issue — Three daughters, natnely, Maude; Marjorie Ethel; and Ailie. Seats and postal addresses — Scatwell, Muir of Ord, N.B., and 7 Grand Avenue, Hove. n GEORGE CLARKE BELLAIRS. Esquire, Justice of & the Peace for the county of Leicester, Lieu- ^Rpfffltrrt tenant-Colonel (retired) and Honorary Col- iiJvlltllV^ onel ist Volunteer Battalion Leicestershire Regiment, and has Volunteer Decoration. Born December 12, 1826, being the second son of George Bellairs, by his wife Mary, daughter of Samuel Linwood. Club — County (Leicester). Livery — Black, with red waist- coat. Armorialbearings— He bears for Arms: Quarterly, 1. ermine, a lion rampant gules, on a chief engrailed sable, a leopard's face between two cross crosslets fitchde or (for Bellairs) ; 2. argent, a cross gules, upon a chief azure, an eagle displayed Ijetween two cross crosslets fitchtJe or (for Bellairs) ; 3. quarterly gules and azure, a lion rampant argent, ducally crowned in chief two garbs or (for Bellairs) ; 4. azure, a chevron erminois between three griffins passant or (for Lea) ; 5. gules, a fesse vairee erminois and azure between three escallops argent (for Foote) : 6. argent, a fesse, and in chief a lion passant gules (for Walford). Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet tefitting his degree, with a mantling gules and argent ; and for his CrestB, i. out of a mural crown gold, a demi-Iion rampant gules, langued azure, holding between his paws a cross crosslet titchee or ; 2. upon a wreath of the colours, a horse's head couped argent, in the mouth a leaf of oak proper ; with the SS is tbe Naval Cockade. I IBzl IBzl 73 Mottoes, "Virtus tutissima cassis," and " Nihil sine cruce." Matried, Septemljer 29, 1875, Eleanor Catharine, second daughter of the late Reverend George Edward Bruxner, Clerk in Holy Orders, of Thurlaston Holt, in the county of Leicester ; and has had Issue — One daughter, Zillah Ella, died an infant. Postal address — The Newarke, Leicester. HTiiK Rkverkni) HENRY WALFORD BELLAIRS, ® Master of Arts, late Vicar of Nuneaton and Rural Dean, Honorary Canon of Worcester, formerly one of Her Majesty's Inspectors of Schools, Honorary Chaplain Warwickshire Volunteers, J. P. for co. of Oxford. Born March 14, 1812, being the eldest son of the Reverend Canon Bel lairs of Deeping Fen, in the county of Lincoln, J. P. for co. of Warwick, by his wife Dorothy Parker, daughter and co- heiress with Mary, wife of John, Earl of Strafford, and Sarah, wife of Captain Carmichael, of Peter McKenzie of Grove House, in the county of .Middlesex (by his wife -Mary, dau. and co-heir of l'",nnis Read). Livery — White, with red facings. Armorial beaxings— He bears for Arms : Quar- terly, 1. ermine, a lion rampant gules, on a chief engrailed sable, a leopard's face between two cross crosslets fitchd-e or (for Bellairs) ; 2. argent, a cross gules, upon a chief azure, an eagle disj^layed Ijctween two cross crosslets titchdc or (for Hellairs) ; 3. quarterly gules and azure, a lion i rampant argent, ducally crowned in chief, two garbs or I (for Bellairs) ; 4. azure, a chevron erminois between three j grifiiiis passant or (for Lea) ; 5. gules, a fesse sMxtc erminois j and azure l)etwccn three escallops argent (for Foote) ; 6. j argent, a fesse, and in chief a lion passant gules (for I \yalforil). Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet liefit- I ting his degree, with a mantling gules and argent ; and for I the Crests, i. out of a nmral crown gold, a demi-lion I rampant gules, holding Ix.-tween his paws a cross crosslct j fitcht^e or ; 2. upon a wreath of the colours, a horse's head ■ couped argent, in the mouth a leaf of oak proi)er, and on a scroll over the same "My truste ys"; with the j Motto, " Virtus tutissima cassis." Married, July 15, 1839, Mary Hannah Albina, dau. of George W.atkin Kenrick of I Woore Hall, in the county of Salop (by Mary Isabella, , dau. of James ffarington of Worden) ; and has Issue— [\) The Reverend Henry Spencer Kenrick Bellairs, Master of Arts of the University of Oxford, Clerk in Holy Orders, Iwrn September 27, 1840 [married Marv, daughter of B. Starey of Milton Ernest, and has Issue]; (2) Clement Walford Bellairs, Esq., Capt. R. H.A. ; (3) Kenneth ffarington Bellairs, (jentleman, born 1846; (4) Walter Gray Bellairs, Gentleman, born 1847 ; (5) Alban Ennis Bellairs, Gentleman, born 1848; (6) Ernest ilamon Bellairs, Gentleman, born 1853; (7) William Charles Bellairs, Gentleman, born 1861 ; Mary Albma [md. General Sykes] ; Gertrude Ermin [md. Rev. Randle Feilden] ; Frances Amyand [md. Edward Brooke] ; Constance Maud ; Ida Mary ; and Hylda Emily Dora. A'j/rtto— Apsley Paddox, in the county 'of Oxford, and Stoke Golding, in the county of Leicester. Postal add ress— Apsley Paddox, Oxford. Lieutenant-general Sir WILLIAM BELLAIRS, Knight Commander of the Most Distinguished Order of Samt Michael and Saint George, Companion of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath. Born 1828, being tlie son of the late Sir William Bellairs, of Mulbarton, in the county of Norfolk, Justice of the Peace, by his wife Cassandra Wilson, daughter of Edmund Hooke, Barrister-at-Law, and Bencher of the Middle Temple ; entered the army 1846; became Colonel 1873, and retired Lieutenant-General 1887; served with the 49th Regiment, and on Staff as Deputy Assistant -Quartermaster -General, and Assistant - Quarter- master - General to the Second Division throughout the Crimean Campaign, 1854-1856 ; served in the Kaffir Cam- paign, 1877, 1878, and commanded the Combined Imperial and Colonial Forces on the Eastern Frontier during the Gaika Rebellion ; in the Zulu War, 1879 ; commanded the Forces in the Transvaal, 1880, 1881 ; was Administrator of the Transvaal, 1881 ; was created Knight Commander of the Most Distinguished Order of Saint Michael and Saint George, 1882 ; Companion of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, 1878; is Knight of the Legion of Honour; and has Crimean Medal with three clasps, the Medjidie, Turkish War Medal. 67«(5— United Service. Armorial bearlng^B — He bears for Arms : Quarterly, i. ermine, a lion rampant gules, on a chief engrailed sable, a leopard's face between two cross crosslets fitchde or (for Bellairs), 2. argent, a cross gules, upon a chief azure, an eagle displayed between two cross crosslets fitch^e or (for Bellairs) ; 3. quarterly gules and azure, a lion rampant argent, ducally crowned, in chief two garbs or (for Bellairs) ; 4. azure, a chevron erminois between three griffins passant or (for L**)i 5- gules, a fesse vair^e erminois and azure between three escallops argent (for Foote), 6. argent, a fesse and in chief a lion passant gules (for Walford) ; the escutcheon being surrounded by the ribbon, and pendent his badge as a Knight Commander of the Most Distinguished Order of Saint Michael and Saint George, and as a C.B. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules and argent ; and for his Crests, i. out of a mural crown or, a demi-lion rampant gules, holding between his paws a cross crosslet fitchte or ; 2. upon a wreath of the colours, a horse's head couped argent, in the mouth a leaf of oak proper; with the Motto, "Virtus tutis- sima cassis." Married, firstly, 1857, Emily Craven, eldest daughter of William Barton Gibbons, Justice of the Peace (she died in 1866); and has Issue— (1) William Gibbons Bellairs, lisquire. Justice of the Peace, Resident Magistrate Cape of Good Hope, born March 23, i860; Amye Venour [married, Octoljer 8, 1885, Sir David Pennant, Knight Com- mander of the Most Distinguished Order of Saint Michael and Saint George, Speaker of the House of Assembly, Cape of Good Hope] ; t'lorence de Courcy [married, September 27, 1890, Staff-Surgeon Myles O'Connell M'Swiny, Royal Navy]; secondly, 1867, Blanche St. John, daughter of Francis .•Xdolplms Mosclizisker, Doctor of Philosophy, and has (2) Beauchamp St. John liellairs, Esquire, Lieutenant Royal Navy, born July 17, 1868 ; (3) Norman Edward Breton Bellairs, Esquire, Lieutenant Royal Artillery, born Nov- eml>er 12, 1869 ; (4) Carlyon Wilfroy Bellairs, Esquire, Lieut. R. N., born March 15, 1871; (5) Roger Mowbray Bellairs, Esvelyn Wood to Zululand, served in Bechuanaland F^xpodition 1884, selected to Command 5tli Lancers in 1885, half-pay from i88q. Club— Anuy and ! Navy. A/'7'(VT-Invisible'green and gold. Armorial bear- j ings — H(> bears fur Arms : Azure, on a chevron or, between three martlets in chief and one in ba.se argent, three an- I nulets of the field ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of I the colours, upon a mount vert a hor.se's head couped argent, pierced through the neck by an arrow in bend sinister point downwards proper; with the Motto, " Irre- vocabile." A/arried Augusta D'A., daughter of ihe late J. D'A. Saiimda, Member of Parliament, 7 Gloucester Square, Hyde Park ; and has /ssue — Two daughters. Postal ad- dress— Hiokegreen House, Slough, Bucks. ARTHUR CHRISTOPHER BENSON, Gentleman, M.A. (Cantab.), Assistant Master at F2ton College. Born April 24, 1862, being the second but eldest surviving son of the late Rt. Hon. and Most Rev. Edward White Benson, Lord .Xrchbishop of Canterbury; Lord Primate of All lingland and Metropolitan, D.D., P.C, D.C.L., by his wife Mary, daughter of Rev. William Sidgwick of Skipton, CO. Yorks. Armorial bearings— Argent, a (|ualrefoil be- tween two trefoils slipped in bend sable between four bendlets gules. Mantling sable and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a bear's head argent, erased gules, gorged with a collar gemel, and muzzled of the second, and holding in the mouth a trefoil slipped as in the arms. Motto — "Fay bien crain rien." Postal address — l^ton College, Windsor. EDWARD FREDERIC BENSON, Gentleman, B.A. (Cantab.), F"irst-Class Classics. Born July 24, 1867, being the third but second surviving son of the late Rt. Hon. and Most Rev. Edward White Benson, Lord Archbishop of Can- terbury, Primate of All England and Metropolitan, D.D., P.C. D.C. L. , by his wife Mary, daughter of Rev. William Sidgwick of Skipton, co. Yorks. Armorial bearings — .Argent, a quatrefoil between two trefoils sli|)ix'd in Ix-nd sable between four bendlets gules. Mantling sable and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a bear's head argent, erased gules, gorged with a collar gemel and muzzled of the second, and holding in the mouth a trefoil slipped as in the arms. MottO — " Fay bien crain rien." RALPH BEAUMONT BENSON, E.squire, Justice of the Peace, Captain Salop Yeomanry. Born 1862, being the eldest son of the late Ralph Augustus Benson, Esquire, of Lutwyche, Justice of the Peace, Master of Arts, Barrister- at-Law, formerly Recorder of Shrewsbury, by his wife Henrietta Selina', only daughter of Charles Robert Cock- erell. Royal .Academician. C'/wf^j— Carlton, Cavalry. Ar- morial bearings — He bears for Arms: Argent, on waves of the sea, an old English galley all proper, on a chief wavy azure a hand couped at the wrist, supporting on a dagger the scales of Justice between two pine-a[)|)les erect or, leaved vert, and imp.ding the arms of Cholniondeley, namely gules, two esquires' helmets in chief proper, and in l)ase a garb or. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling azure and argent ; am! for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a horse caparisoned, passant, proper, on the breast a shield argent, charged with a pine-apple proper. Motto— " Leges arma The Editor undertakes that every entry not in italics is that of a genuinely armigerous person. 76 TBen IBzt tenent sanctas." Marntd. 1886, Caroline Essex, dauRliler of the Reverend K. H. Cholmondeley, Rector of Hodnet ; and lias Issue— Cicorne. Reginald Benson, (Jentlenian, born 1888 ; Stephen Kioii Henson, Gentleman; Catherine Maia ; and Stella. .SVefitting jiis degree, with a mantling gules doublerl argent ; and upon \ wreath of his liveries is set for Crest, a rani's heaii proper, issuing from an antique crown (jr. Motto — " Je avance." Married, Oct. i, 1853, Adelaide Mary, widow of John fJaniel Collyer, and dau. of John Bateman, one of the jounders of Melbourne ; and by her (who d. May 25, 1882) Lad Issue— (i) William Bertram, (jentleman, Lieut. 96th kegt., b. 1859 \tn., 1888, Ethel .\ngel, dan. of the late k B. Towse, and has, with other issue, William Robert pertram. Gentleman, b. Dec. 1888]; (2) .Archibald Douglas Bertram, (Jentleman, b. 1862; (3) .Allan Lockhart Bertram, gentleman, /'. 1864; (4) John Bertram, (ientlenian, d. an nfant; Adelaide Mary; and Eliza Violet. iV(j/— Kerse- rell, Carnw.ath, co. Lanark. Sir HENRY BESSEMER, Knight Bachelor, Fellow of the Royal Society. Horn 1813, Ix-ing hftprfdrftlPt* ^^^ ^°" °'^ ^''^ '^'"^ Anthony Bessemei iDK'jmK'lWX'l of Charleton, in the county of Hertford ; is the inventor of " Bessemer Steel," l.nd was dubbed Kniglit Bachelor in 1879, in recognition of 'he value of this invention, and for his other nimierous nventions in different departments of arts and manu- nctures ; has been presented with the Freedom of the City of London and of the City of Hamburg ; and a Weniber of the Institute of Civil Engineers ; was President If the Iron and .Steel Institute 1871, 1872; is an Honorary Member of the Royal Institute of British Architects, and a Hember of the Society of Mechanical Engineers of America. |innorial bearings— He l>ears for Arms: Azure, on a ;hevron embattled counterembattled between three fieurs- le-lis or, a crescent lietween two e-toiles of the first. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, vith a mantling azure and argent ; and for his Crest, upon !. wreath of the colours, a demi-gryphon azure, charged with Ihree fieurs-de-lis clievronways or, supporting a torch erect [ired proper; with the Motto, " Onward ever." Married, J833, Ann, eldest daughter of Richard Allen of Amers- iiani. Postal address — 16!; Denmark Hill, Camberwell, .E. BEST, see HAD1':N-BEST. § Major MA WD f STL Y GA USSRN BBS T. Justice of the Peace for the county of Kent, for which 'ItJ prff- county he serred the office of High Sheriff in the **•' vPv year 1881. Born Aui^ust 23, 1826, being the second but eldest sun— Naval and Military. Armorial bearings — .Argent, on a chevron Ix'tween three boars' heads coupcd close sable, an estoile or. Mantling sable and argent. Crest — On a ducal coronet or, a boar's hend coupcd sable. Married, 1887, Maud, dau. of R. Bower; and has Issue — Three daus. Residence — Middlethorpe Lodge, York. SCoMMANDKK GEORGE RICHARD BETHELL, R.N., M.P. Holderncss Div. MR. co. York; served during Egyptain War. Born 1849, lx;ing the second son of the late William Froggatt Bethell, Esq., J P., D.L. (High Sheriff 1875), of Rise Park and Watton Abliey, by his wife Elizalx^th Beckett, second dau. of Sir Edmund Beckett. Clubs — Carlton, Naval and Military. Armorial bearings — Argent, on a chevron between three Ixiars' heads couped close sable, an estoile or. Mantling sable and argent. Crest— On a ducal coronet or, a boar's head couped sable. Residence — Sigglesthorne, Hull. GUY VIVIAN BETHELL. Born 1861 (twin with his brother Slingsby Westbury), being the son nt^Ptfll^IT °'^ Slingsby Bethell, Esquire, commonly JDK'XiXjK'ii known as the Honourable Slingsby Bethell, Companion of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, Justice of the Peace and Deputy-Lieutenant for the county of Middlesex, and Justice of the Peace for Westminster [to whom refer], by his wife Caroline, daughter o( the late William Chaplin, Memter of Parliament, of Ewhurst, in the county of Hampshire ; was formerly The Editor undertakes that every entry not in italics is that of a genuinely armigerous person. 78 iBn iBm Lieutenant 4th Battalion Gloucestershire Regiment. Ar- morial bearings— lie bears for Arms: Argent, ! boars' heads ^ablc, ail estoile or, a bordure of the third ; and for the Crest, out of a crown vallery or, an eagle's head sable between two wings azure, and ciiarged on the breast with an estoile or; with the MottO, "Ap Ithel." Married, 1892, l-Uhel, daughter of John Coutls Fowlie. SLINGSBY BKTHKLL, Esquire, commonly known as the Honourable Siingsby Bethell, Companion of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath ; Bachelor of Arts of the University of Oxford ; Justice of the Peace and Deputy- Lieutenant for the county of Middlesex, and Justice of the Peace for Westminster. Born 1831, being the second son of the Right Honourable Sir Richard Bethell, first Baron Westbury, by liis first wife EUionor Mary, eldest daughter of Robert Abraiiam ; Barrister, Middle 'I'emple, 1857; is Reading Clerk and Clerk of Committees in the House of Lords ; was formerly Registrar of the Court of Bankruptcy. 67tt*— Brooks'. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Argent, on a chevron engrailed azure, between three boars' heads sable, an estoile or, a bordure of the third. Pendent from the escutcheon is iiis badge as a Companion of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath ; and for the Crest, out of a crown vallery or, an eagle's head sable, between two wings azure, and charged on the breast with an estoile or ; with tlie Motto, " Ap Ithel." Married, first, 1855, Caroline (who died 1886), daughter of the late William J. Chaplin, Member of Parliament, of Ewhurst Park, Hampshire ; secondly, 1888, Laura Beatrice, daughter of the Reverend Frederick Maunsell, Rector of Symondsbury, Bridport ; and has had lisue — by his first wife, (1) Siingsby Westbury Bethell, Gentleman, born November 5, 1861 [to whom refer]; (2) Guy Vivian Bethell, Gentleman, twin with his brother .Siingsby [to whom refer] ; (3) Lionel Beresford Bethell, Gentleman, born 1864; Violet Isabel Siingsby (who married, 1888, Captain Archibald Hicks-Beach, and died in 1891) ; by his .second wife, (4) Llwelyn Siingsby Bethell, Gentleman, born July 22, 1889 ; (5) Richard Alfred Siingsby Bethell, Gentleman, born July 7, 1892; and Eleanor Love Siingsby. Residence — 47 Sussex Square, Kemp Town, Brighton. SLINGSBY WESTBURY BETHELL. Born 1861 (twin with his brother Guy Vivian), being the son of the Hon. Siingsby Bethell, Companion of the Most Honourable Order of the Hath, Justice of the Peace, and Deputy-Lieu- tenant for the county of Middlesex, and Justice of the Peace for Westminster, by his wife Caroline, daughter of the late William Chaplin, Member of Parliament, of Ewhurst, in the county of Hampshire ; was formerly Lieutenant 4tli Batt.alion Gloucestershire Regiment. Armorial bearings — He bears for .Arms : Argent, on a chevron engrailed aziu-e, between three boars' heads, sable an estoile or, a bordure of the third ; and for the Crest, out of a crown vallery or, an eagle's head sable, between two wings azure, and charged on the breast with an estoile or; with the Motto, " Ap Ithel." Married, , 1890, Sophia Isabella, daughter of the late Captain J. H. T. Alexander, Royal Navy, Com- panion of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath. § WILLIAM BETHELL, Esquire, J.P., D.L. for E.R. and J. P. N.R. co. York. Bom 1847, being the eldest son of the late William Froggatt Bethell, Esq., J. P., D.L. (High Sheriff 1875), of Rise >ark and Walton Abbey, by his wife Elizabeth Beckitt, second dau. of Sir Edmund Denison of Greenthorpe. C/i//>s — Carlton, York- shire (York). Armorial bearings— Argent, on a chevron between three boars' heads couped close sable, an estoile or. Mantling sable and argent. Crest — On a ducal coronet or, a boar's head couped sable. Married, Jan. i, 1880, Hon. Mairi Myrtle, fifth dau. of Rt. Hon. Henry Willoughby, eighth Lord Middleton ; and has Issue — William Adrian Vincent Bethell, h. 1890; and Phyllis Mary Hermione. Seats — Rise Park, Hull ; Walton Abbey, Beverley. AUGUSTINE MATTHEW BETTS, Esquire, J. P., Solicilor. Born March 6, 1844, being the eldest son of the late John Belts of Cloudcsley, near Parramatta, Ne7v South Wales, by his wife Mary, dai/ghler of the Rev. Samuel Marsden. Armorial bearings— c;///cj, a chevron ermine, in chief two crescents argent, and in base a fleur-de-lis or. ^ is the Military Cockade. Crest — Oiet of a naval coronet argent, a demi-lion gules, holding a sail argent charged with an anchor sable. Married Elizabeth, daughter of F. A. Tompsoti of the Murrambidgee, Grazier ; and has Issue — (1) Ernest Augus- tine Belts, b. June 24, 1872 ; (2) Sehvyn Frederic Belts, b. March 10, 1879 ; Lily Elizabeth ; and A?ny Mary. Postal address — Eutliella, Goulburn, New South Wales. SYDNEY BEVAN, Gentleman, of Fosbury, Wilts, and of Trent Park, Herts, a Banker in London. Borti Oct. 6, 1838, being the eldest son of the late Robert Cooper Lee Bevan, l-"sq., of Fosbury House, Wilts, and Trent Park, Herts, J. P. CO. Middlesex, by his first wife Lady Agneta Elizabeth, dau. of Vice- Admiral Sir Joseph Sydney Yorke, K.C. B. , and sister of the Rt. Hon. Charles Philip Yorke, 4th Earl of Hardwicke ; s. his father 1890. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms: Ermine, a bull passant, between three annulets gules. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a griffin passant or, sem^-e of annulets gules, holding in dexter claw two annulets interlaced also gules. Motto —" De us praisidium." Seats — Fosbury Manor, Hungerford, Wilts ; Trent Park, New Barnet, Herts. H THOMAS BEVAN, Esquire, Deputy-Lieutenant and W Justice of the Peace for the county of Kent, and a Member of the Commission of Lieutenancy for the City of London, Chairman of Bench of Magistrates, Dartford Division, High Sheriff of the City of London and county of Middlesex, 1879. High Sheriff of the county of Kent, 1895. Bom 1829, being the eldest son of Thomas Bevan, Doctor of Medicine, of Finsbury Circus, London, by his wife Hannah, daughter of the late .Samuel Bennett. Cluh — Magistrates'. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Azure, on a rock, in base a dove proper holding in the beak a branch of olive or, on a chief nebuly ermine a hurt betwebn two annulets of the first. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling azure and argent ; and for his Crest, on a wreath of the colours, upon the battlements of a tower a griffin or, gorged with a collar gemelle azure, resting the dexter claw on an escutcheon argent charged with a hurt. Married, 1852, luiima, daughter of Thomas Bayes of Kimberley, in the county of Norfolk; and has, with other Issue — (i) Robert Bevan, Gentleman, born 1857 [married, 1885, Constance|Helen, only daughter of the late William Munro Ross of Stone Castle, in the county of Kent]; (2) and Edmund Henry Bevan, Esquire, J. P., born 1862. Estates— ^wAX\%Qoxn\iQ Manor, Alkerden Manor, Stone Park, Northfleet, Green Street Green, and several others. Postal address — Stone Park, Greenhithe. CALV1';RLEY BEWICKE, Esquire, Justice of the Peace for the counties of Northuml)erland and TKl^YMtrfel^ Durham. Bam January 28, 1858, being ii::^ I^UIlVUI^ the elder son of the late Calverley Bewicke, Esquire, of Close House and Urpeth Lodge, Justice of the Peace and Deputy-Lieutenant, by Jane Henrietta his wife, daughter of W. T. MacCullagh Towers. Clubs — Windhaiu, Junior Carlton. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Argent, five lozenges con- joined in fesse gules, each charged with a mullet of the field between three bears' heads erased sable ; and for a Crest, on a wreath of the colours, a goat's head erased at the neck argent, armed maned and gorged with a mural crown gules ; with the Motto, " In cirlo quies." Married, 1880, Eleanor Evelyn, daughter of the Reverend H. Quicke of Newton Saint Cyr, in the county of Devon, and has Issue — . Estates — Close House, in the county of Northumberland ; and Urpeth Lodge, in the county of' Durham. Postal address^Close House, Wylam-on-Tyne. t CALVERLEY THEODORE BEWICKE, Gentle- man, Lieutenant in the Royal Navy. Born 1848, being the eldest son of the late Calverley Bewicke, Gentleman, of Hallaton Hall, in the county of Leicester, by Mary Amelia his wife, yotmgest daughter of the Reverend Nathaniel John HoUingsworth, Rector of Boldon, in the county of Durham. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Argent, five lozenges conjoined in fesse gules, each charged with a mullet of the field, l)etween three tears' heads erased sal)le ; and for a Crest, upon a wreath of tiie colours, a goat's head erased at the neck argent, armed maned and Q is the Naval Cockade. 3 TBcto TBlC 79 gorged witli a mural crown gules. Married, August 21 1878, Effie Elizalietli, youngest daughter of the Reverend Dawson Turner, Doctor of Divinity. §ROBE -iT CALVERLEY ALINGTON BEWICKE- COl'LEY. Esquire, Deputy- ^etDicfee=Copleg klSTth/county^fvo^k*: Captain ist Battalion King's Royal Rifle Corps, nam April 8, 1855, being the eldest son of Rol)ert Calverley Hewicke Bevvicke, l^squire, of Coulhy Manor, in the county of York, Justice of the Peace and Deputy-Lieutenant, by Mary his wife, third daughter of the Reverend William Gooch, a Minor Canon of the Cathedral of York ; and assumed by Royal License, in the year 1892, the surname of Copley in addition to and after that of Bewicke, and the arms of Copley quarterly with those of Bevvicke. (liifis — Naval and Military, Yorkshire. /.«r;j— Black and white. Armorial bearings are for Arms : (Quarterly i and 4, argent a cross inoline sable, and for distinction a canton gules (for Copley), 2 and 3 argent, five lozenges conjoined in fesse gules, each charged with a mullet of the field, t)etween three bears' heads erased sable (for Bevvicke) ; and upon an escutcheon of pretence in right of his wife, the arms of Watson-Copley, namely, quarterly I and 4, argent a cross moline sable (for Copley), 2 and 3 argent, on a chevron invected azure, lietween three martlets sable, as many crescents of the field, in the centre chief point a naval coronet of the second (for Watson) ; and for his Crests, i. out of a ducal coronet or, charged with a cross crosslet gules for distinction, five ostrich feathers argent (for Copley), 2. on a wreath of the colours, a goat's head erased at the neck argent, armed, maned, and gorged with a mural crown gules (for Bewicke) ; with the Mottoes, " In cruce vinco," " (^uies in coelo. Married, February 2, 1886, Selina Frances, eldest surviving daughter and co- heiress of the late Sir Charles Watson-Copley, third Baronet of Fulmer, in the county of Buckingham, by (jeorgina his [wife, daughter of the Reverend Robert Tredcroft ; and h.as /«//<"— Red vers Lionel Calverley Bewicke-( 'opley, (ieiitle- man, born September 1890; a son, liorn May 23, 1893; [Gladys ; and .Mhreda. Estates — Sprotborough Hall, and Coulby Manor, both in the county of York. Postal address \ — Sprotborough Mall, Doncaster. BEYNON, see CROW I'M ICR-BEYNON. j H JOHN BEYNON, Esquire, Justice of the Peace for the \^ county of Pembroke, Deputy-Lieutenant and nRpHtiritl -^"-'■''""^ '/ '^"' f^i-'ttce for the county of Car- i ujK^WvW mar/hen, for ivhich latter county he sef-i'ed I the office of High Shcrijf in the year 1878. JBorn December :6, 1829, fieing the elder son of John Thomas \Deynon, l-'.squire, of Tmocrn, Justice of the Peace, and his \wife Catherine Sophia, second daughter of Charles Allen \Phillips of Saint lirides Hill, in the county of Pembroke. Clubs — Pembrokeshire County, Tenby and County. I^ivery — \lnvisibh' green coat, slraw-colour and white vest, brass \butlons. Armorial bearings as used, and as 4 is the Military Cockade. Cirencester ; and London address — 19 Ennisniore Gardens London, S.W. Genkrai. Sir MICHAEL ANTHONY SHRAPNEL BIDDULPH, Knight Grand Cross of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath. Born 1823, being the son of the late i Reverend Thomas .Shrapnel Biddulph of Amroth Castle, in I the county oi Pembroke ; entered the Royal .Artillery, 1844; became Colonel, 1874; General, 1886; retired, 1890; served ' in the Crimean Campaign, 1854, 1855; was Deputy- Adjutant- General of Artillery in India, 1866 1871 ; Brigadier-General, 1866-1874 ; in command of the Sealkot Brigade, 1874- 1876 ; in command of Rohilkund district, 1876-1878 ; served in the -Afghan Campxiign, 1878, 1879; and was in command of the (Juetta Field Force, and of the Second Division on the Helmund, commantied Rawal Pindi Division, 1880-1885; appointed Groom-in-Waiting to her Majesty the Queen, '. 1879; President of Ordnance Committee, 1886-1889; ap- [ pointed keeper of the Crown Jewels, 1891 ; created Knight Commander of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, 1879. Club — Junior United Service. Livery — Green. Ar- morial bearings — He bears for Arms : Vert, an eagle displayed argent. Upon the escutcheon, which is encircled by the ribbon of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, and pendent therefrom his badge as a Knight Grand Cross of that Order, is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling vert and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a wolf sejant regardant argent, vulned in the shoulder gules ; with the Motto, " Sublimiora peta- mus." Married, 1857, Katharine, daughter of Captain Stamati, Commandant of Balaklava. Postal address — 2 Whitehall Court. General Sir ROBERT BIDDULPH, Knight Grand Cross of tho Most Distinguistied Order of Saint Michael and Saint George, Knight Commander of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath. Born August 26, 1835, being the second son of the late Robert Biddulph, Esquire, of Ledbury, Justice of the Peace and Doctor of Laws, Member of Parliament for Hereford, by his wife Elizabeth, daughter of George Palmer, Member of Parliament, of Nazing Park, in the county of Essex ; entered the Royal Artillery 1853, became Colonel 1872, General 1883; served in the Crimean Campaign; was Deputy Assistant- Adjutant-General in India, 1858-1860; Military Secretary in China, i860, 1861, and at Madras, i86i- 1865 ; Assistant Boundary Commissioner under Reform Act, 1867; Deputy Assistant-Quartermaster-General at Woolwich, 1868-1871 ; Private Secretary to the Secretary of State for War, 1871-1873 ; Assistant-Adjutant-General at Headquarters, 1873-1878 ; High Commissioner and Com- mander-in-Chief in Cyprus, 1879-1886; Inspector-General of Recruiting, 1886-1888 ; Director-General of Military Educa- tion, 1888-1893; Quartermaster-General to the Forces, 1893, since when he has been Governor and Commander-in-Chief of Gibraltar ; was created Companion of the Most Honour- able Order of the Bath, 1877, and K.C. B. 1896; created Knight Commander of the Most Distinguished Order of Saint Michael and Saint George, 1880, and advanced to the rank of Knight Grand Cross of the same Order, 1886. Club— United Service. Livery — Dark green. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Vert, an eagle displayed argent, armed and langued gules. Upon the escutcheon, which is encircled by the ribbon of the Most Distinguished Order of Saint Michael and Saint George and Ijy the collar and pendent therefrom his badges as a Knight Grand Cross of that Order and a Knight Commander of the Most Honour- able Order of the Bath, is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling vert and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a wolf sejant regardant argent, vulned on the shoulder gules ; with the Motto, " Sublimiora petamus." .Married, August 11, 1864, Sophia, daughter of the Reverend Anthony Lewis Lambert of Chilbolton, and widow of Richard Stuart Palmer of Calcutta ; and has Issue — (i) Hope Biddulph, Esquire, Captain Royal Artillery, born October 27, 1866; (2) Michael Biddulph, Es(|uire, Lieutenant Royal .Artillery, Ixjrn April 5, 1871 ; (3) Harry Biddulph, Esquire, Lieutenant Royal Engineers, born July 19, 1872 ; (4) Lewis Biddulph, Es(iuire, born June 27, 1876; Eva [married Lieutenant-Colonel A. H. Mason, C.B., D.S.O.]; Constance, married to C. A. King-Harman, Esquire, Companion of the Most Distinguished Order of Saint Michael and Saint George; Jessie; Helen; Mabel ; and Georgiana. Postal address —The Convent, Gibraltar. ^m is the Naval Cockade. FRANC DIGBY BIDDULPH-COLCLOUGH, Esq., ipt. 3rd Middlesex Militia (who assumed the surname id arms of Colclough, liy Royal Letters Patent, in 1886). ,r^i , bjing the youngest son of Francis WcUesley arsh Biddulph of Rathrobbin, Tullamore. Armorial sarings— (Quarterly i and 4, argent five eaglets displayed cross sable, a canton azure for distinction (for Colclough); xnd 3 per pale vert and azure, an eagle displayed ermine, med and beaked between four trefoils clipped or (for Bid- ilph). Mantling sable and argent ; and for his Crests, upon a wreath of the colours, a demi-eagle displayed ble, ducally gorged or, and charged, for distinction, on e breast with a cross crosslet argent (for Colclough) ; 2. )on a wreath of the colours, a wolf rampant argent, gutt(?e- -sang, gorged with a gemel azure, and charged on the oulder witli a trefoil slipped vert (for Biddul]jh). MottO His calcabo gentes." Married, 1885, Louisa Maria isan Biddulph-Colclough, eldest dau. of John Thomas jssborough, Esq., of co. Fermanagh, a J. P. and D. L. for . We.xford (High Sheriff i860), [who assumed the name d arms of Colclough on succeeding to the Tintern estates], r Mary (iray Wentworlh, only dau. of the late Ca.*sar jlclough, Esq., Chief Justice of Prince Edward's Island; id has had Issue — Ca;sar Franc Thomas Bickerstafte Plan- genet Biddulph-Colclough, Gentleman, /'. Sept. 15, 1886, July 20, 1888 ; Lucy Wilmot Maria Susanna Biddulph. •at — Tintern Abbey, Kinnagh, New Ross, co. Wexford. BIEST, quartered by LI NGEN- BURTON. BIGGS, .see YEATMAN-BIGGS. GEORGE BIGLAND, Gentleman. Born Dec. 18, 1830, ing the second son of the late John Bigland, Esq., Capt. d Lancashire Militia, by his wife Mary, ilau. of John arshall of Towton, Yorks. Armorial bearings — .Xzure, to ears of big wheat erect in fesse and bladed (jr. Mant- Og azure and or. Crest On a wreath of the colours, lion passant regardant gules, holding in his fore-paw ear of big wheat as in th'; arms. Hottoes — "Spes lOr levis," and "Gratitudo." Married (ist), Feb. i, 60, Alice Maud Mary Proud, youngest dau. of John wker of Tcrrington, Yorks ; (2nd), Aug. 28, 1886, Edith anche Hinde, dau. of Peter Fo.x .Andre of London ; and s/ssne — George Braddyll Bigland, Gentleman, fi. Nov. 4, 191. Seal — Bigland Hall, near Ulverston, Lancashire. CHARLES ARTHUR liATHURST lilGNOLD, ^ Esijuire, J. P. and D.L. for co. of Norfolk, and J. P. for \otwiih. Born March 25, 1857, being the eldest son of the \te Lien/. -Col. Charles Edward liignold, J. P. and D.L. Y Norfolk, and J. P. for Noiwich, by his wife Cecilia, u'/'of dau. of John Turner (haver Ilnnorie, /\si/. , J. P. , if \orley Hall, Wymondham, Norfolk. Armorial bearing^ [ used, and as placed upon a monument in Nonoich nthedral, are — Azure, two ears of bit; wheat or. Crest — A vn passant regardant gules, holding in his fore-paio an ear \ big wheal as in the arms. 'These arms are those of the \mily of liigland of liigland Hall, from which family Mr. ignold is not descended. Married, April 6, 1880, Louisa, \ii. of Maj.-Gen. James Cockbnrn of liracondale, Norioich ; [)rf by her (who d. Eeb. 10, 1881) has Issue — (i) Samuel ignold, b. Jan. 20, 188 1. He married secondly, June 3, J91, Henrietta Charlotte, younger dau. of Robert liacon Vtige of Spixworth Park, Norfolk ; and by her has sue— (2) Charles Robert Pignold, b. Aug. 22, 1892; (3) iiperl .Alfred Francis Pii^nold, h. Feb. 24, i89i6 ; (4) ictor Bruce Bignold, b. Aug. 2, 1897 ; and Henrietta hristine. Residence — Reymerston Lod^e, Norwich. rUGOD, (juartered by BARNEWALL. JA.MES /i/GllOOD, Esquire, J. P. for cos. of London M Middlesex, M.P. for Brentivood Division of that co. prn 1839, being the son of the late James lligicood of \.ifton, Bristol.' Club — Carlton. Armorial bearings as H>en in DebretCs " House of Commons," but for which no vthority has been established, are — .Argent, on a chief gules, yee crescents of the field. Crest — Issuing out of clouds, a tbit arm ha/ding a club all proper. MottO — " Vigneur de \ssus." Married, 1862, Marian, only dau. of the late vizuard H'ebb ; and has with other Issiie — James Edward veil Binwood, Esquire, J. P., b. 1863. Residence — The ncn, Twickenham, London, S. W. TBin S CHARLES BILL, Esquire, Justice of the Peace for the county of Stafford and an Alderman of the Council TRtff -^'"' county, Lieutenant-Colonel 4th Battalion 'U./ill North Staffordshire Regiment, Master of Arts of the University of Oxford, and Member of Parlia- 7nent for the I^ek Division of the county of Stafford, Lord of the Manor of Cheadle Grange. Born January 8, 1843, being the second but only surviving S07i of John Bill, Esquire, of Farley Hall, Justice of the Peace, by Sarah his wife, daughter of Abel Humphreys of Philadelphia, in the United- States of America. Clubs — Carlton, United University. Livery — Drab with dark blue facings, blue plush breeches. Armorial bearings as used, and as given in Burke's " Landed Gentry" and Deb ret t' s " House of Commons," but for which no authority has been established at the College of Arms, are: Quarterly i and i^, ermine tzvo battle-axes {or bill-hooks) endorsed in saltire proper, a chief azure thereon, on a pale argent between two pelicans' heads and necks erased and vulning themselves proper, a rose gules [for Bill) ; 2 and 3 azure, three wolves' heads erased or [for Horsfall). Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a pelican s head and neck as in the arms ; ivith the Motto, ' ' Omne solum patria." Married, May 3, 1870, Ellen Margaret Hepburn, second daughter of Lieutenant-Colonel Richard Henry FitzHerbert of Somersal Herbert, in the county of Derby ; and has Issue — (l) Charles FitzHerbert Bill, born July 13, 1872 ; (2) John Hu^o Hepburn Bill, born November 2^, 1877 ; and Ida Helen de la Martelliire. Estates — Farley Hall ; IVoodhouse, near Cheadle; Mayfield ; and Aberfeldy, Wanganui, Neiv Zea- land. Postal address — Farley Hall, Cheadle, Staffordshire. WILLIAM BINDLOSS, Esquire, Justice of the Peace and a Member of the Council for the county ^RlM^lf rtrftf "f Westmorland, Mayor and Justice of the iiJ\\\\^\\^V^J> Peace for the Borough of Kendal. Born May 2, 1826, being the second son of Robert Bindloss. Livery — Oxford mixture, with blue and white striped waistcoat. Armorial bearings rti //Jt'rf rt;r .■ Quar- terly per Jesse indented or and gules, on a bend azure, a cinque- foil between two martlets of the first. Crest — A de mi-horse argent, ducally gorged azure. MottO — "Cor unutn via una." These arms were granted in i^'&y to Robert Benlosse of Berewyke, in the county of Lancaster, but 710 pedigree has been established shmuing a descent the/-efrom. Married, October 11, 1869, Agnes Sarah, daughter of John Kitching, Member of the Royal College of Surgeons, Licentiate of the .Society of Arts. Estate — Castle Green, Kendal. Postal addresses — Castle Green, Kendal ; Flowerden, Mil/ithorpe. S DENIS BINGHAM, Esquire, Justice of the Peace for the county of Mayo, Captain in North TRtflirflfltn Mayo Milltla. /yy/v/ .Se|)tenilx;r 8, 1818, iDlll^lJCtlll iM^ing the eldest son of Rolwrt Augustus Bingham, Gentleman, by his wile and cousin .\nne, daughter uf the late Major Denis Bingham of Bingham Castle, Belmullet, in the county of Mayo. Livery —Undress : blue, with silver buttons ; full dress : white, with silver buttons. Armorial bearings— He Iiears for Arms : Quarterly i and 4, .azure a bend cotised lx;tween six crosses pat(?e or (for Bingham) ; 2 gnlcs, a fes.se ermine, Ix-twcen three dolphins naianl argent (for Blennerha.sset) ; 3 vert, a lion rampant or, armed and langued gules (for Shaen). Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet l>efitting his degree, with a mantling azure and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, on a mount vert, a falcon rising proper, lieaked, Ijelled and memlx;red or. Motto — "Spes mea Christus." Mur/-ied, February 19, 1846, Elizaljeth Elinor, only child and heiress of Arthur Nash of Carn House, lielmullet, in the county of Mayo; and has had Issue— {\) Denis George Charles Arthur Bingham, Gentle- man, born November 19, 1849 [married, 1874, Maria, eldest daughter of Cajjtain W. H. Broad, Royal Navy, and died 1878, leaving issue, Dennis George Broad Bingham, Gentle- man ; and Charles Henry Arthur Shacn Richard Bingham, Gentleman]; (2) Gerald Henry Bingham, Gentleman, born July 6, 1855 [married Augusta Cecilia Davies Selverton, daughter of the late Rowland A. G. Davies, Esquire, Justice of the Peace, of Rendennick House, Penzance] ; (3) Richard Lionel Nash Bingham, Gentleman, born October 29, 1856 [married, 1888, Elizabeth Elliot of Texas] ; (4) Robert Nlilcombe Bingham, GenUeman, born August 31, 1858, died February 12, 1864 ; Adelaide Elizalwth [married, July 10, 1867, Henry Tilson Shaen-Carter of Watlington Park, in the county of Oxford] ; Constance Letitia Anne [married The Editor undertakes that every entry not in italics is that of a genuinely armigerous person. 82 "Bin IBiv Cochrane Edward Palmer of Beckfield House, Queen's County] ; Elizalx-th Clara (died unmarried) ; Frances Anne Shaen (died unmarried) ; Ernestine Elizatelh (died un- iiinrried) ; and Viola Alexandra [married Lieutenant Arthur Tilson Shaen-Carter i)f the Royal Navy]. Estates — Bingham Castle and other lands in Erris. Postal address — Bingham Castle, BelmuUet, county Mayo. § JAMES BINNEY, Esquire, Bachelor of Arts of the University of Cambridge, Captain 3rd Bat- nKttini^M t;^h<>"( King's) I-'ver|X)ol Regiment, Barrister- iDUUlVj; .It-Law, j. P. Cainbs., Lord of the Manor of Pampisforfi. /tor// Auu;ust 14, 1868, being the third son of Edward William Binney, Fellow of the Royal Society, of Ravenscliffe, Isle of Man, and of Man- chester, by Mary Christiana his wife, fourth daughter and co-heir of the Reverend David Jones, Rector of Hope Bagot, in the county of Salop. Clubs — Isthmian, New Oxford and Cambridge. /Jvery — Blue, with brass buttons. Armorial bearing^— He bears for Arms : Per saltire or and azure, four horses' heads couped at the neck, counterchanged ; .and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a barbel in front of two bulrushes in saltire proper ; with the Motto, "Bene." Married. January 4, 1894, Cecilia De Anyers (dic(ry l'',li/,al)eth, daughter and heiress of Thomas Griffiths, NR.C'.S. ; and lias Issue— (1) Roliert Macdonald Bird, ('nllenian, born Jan. 27, 1871 ; (2) William Bird, (lentle- Tin, born Jan. 22, 1872; (3) John Bowyer Bird, Gentle- nji, born Aug. 21, 1874; (4) (ieoffrey Doran Bird, Gentle- no, Ijorn Oct. 8, 1879 ; and Gertrude Minnie. Postal ad- "'"•—26 Harrington Gardens, South Kensington, London. n- GEORGE CHRISTOPHER MOLESWORTH !_ BIRD WOOD, Knight Commatider of ^irllVMnrtri '''"' •''^"f' Eminent Order of the Indian ! l*- vUlUUU Empire, Companion of the Most Exalted Order of tlie Star of India, Doctor of 1 'iiine. Doctor of Laws, Justice of the Peace for the totvn for the island of Bombay. Born December 8, 1832, V tlie eldest son of the late General Christopher Birdwood of the Indian .4rmy, and his wife Lydia Juliana, eldest daughter of the Reverend Joseph Taylor ; is Special Assistant in Revenue, Statistical, and Commerce Department of the India Office ; an Officer of the Erench Academy, and author of works and papers on Indian Art; was created Companion of the Most Exalted Order of the Star of India, li-jj. Knight Bachelor, 1881, and Knight Commander of the Most Eminent Order of the Indian Empire, 1887. Clubs — Savage, St. Stephen's, Northbrook. Armorial bearings as used, but for which no authority has been established at the College of Arms, are: Sable, five martlets in saltire ; and for the Crest, a martlet. Married, 1856, Frances .4nne, daughter of the late Edward Tolcher of the Royal Navy, of Harauood House, Plympton Saint Mary's, in the county of Devon ; and has Issue — (1) George B rod rick Birdwood, Es(/uire, born 1863 ; (2) Alan Roger Birdniood, Esquire ; (3) Francis Tra- vers Birdwood, Esquire; Mary Brodrick; and Ethel Travers. Postal address — 7 Apsley Terrace, Acton, London, W. HENRY BIRKBECK, Esquire, Justice of the Peace for the county of Norfolk, for which he served the office of High Sheriff in the year i860. Born February 10, 1821, being the eldest son of the late Henry Birkbeck of Keswick Old Hall, in the county of Norfolk, by Jane his first wife, daughter of Joseph Gurney. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Argent, a fesse chequy azure and or, cotised of the second, between three lions' heads erased gules, in the centre chief point a Ixjw paleways stringed proper ; and for his Crest, on a wreath of the colours, upon a rock a bow in p;ile, stringer! and intertwined with a hazel Ijranch all proper. .Married, firstly, October 25, 1849, Mary Anne, daughter of Anthony Hamond of Westacre. She died. May i, 1862; and he married secondly, Sep- tember 1871, Eiheldreda Isabella Browne, daughter of Martin William Browne I-Tolkcs, Esquire ; and has Issue by his first marriage — (i) Henry Birkbeck, Gentleman [to whom refer] ; (2) ICdward Lewis Birkbeck, Gentleman [to whom refer] ; Mary Anne [married, 1886, Samuel Gurney Buxton]; Alice Jane; and Katherine; and by his second marriage, {3) Martin Birkbeck, Gentleman, born Nov- emljer 10, 1873 ; {4) Geoffrey Birkbeck, Gentleman, born December 12, 1875 ; and Margaret. Estate and postal address—Sitokt: Hall, Stoke Holy Cross, Norwich. HENRY BIRKBECK, Gentleman. Junior. Born, May 12, 1853, being the eldest son of Henry Birkbeck, Esquire, of Stoke Hall [to whom refer], by his first wife Mary Anne, daughter of Anthony Hamond of Westacre. Armorial bearlngfs— He Ixars for Arms: Argent, a fesse chi-quy azure and or, cotised of the second, between three li(jns' heads erased gules, in the centre chief point a bow paleways, stringed proper ; and for his Crest, on a wreath of the colours, upon a rock a bow in pale, stringed and inter- twined with a hazel branch all proper. Married, February 24, 1881, Isaljella Caroline, daughter of Robert Elwes ; and lias Issue — (i) Henry Anthony Birkbeck, Gentleman, liorn October 29, 1885 ; (2) Gervase William Birkbeck, Gentle- man, horn April 20, 1886; and Gillian Mary. Postal address — Bixley, Norfolk. WILLIAM BIRKBECK, Esquire, Justice of the Peace for the county of Norfolk. Born August 3, 1832, being the third son of the late Henry Birkbeck of Keswick Old Hall, in the county of Norfolk, by Elizabeth Lucy his second wife, daughter of RolxTt Barclay. Clufi — Junior Carlton. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Argent, a fesse checjuy azure and or, cotised of the second, between three lions' heads erased gules, in the centre chief point a bow paleways stringed proper ; and for his Crest, on a wreath of the colours, upon a rock a bow in pale, stringed and intertwined with a hazel branch all pro]>er. Married, firstly, P'ebruary 16, 1858, Elizabeth Margaret, daughter of .'Mbemarle Cator. She died March 2, 1859; and he married, secondly, October 14, 1862, Susan Maria, daughter of Anthony Hamond of Westacre. By his first marriage he has Issue — One son, William John Birkbeck, Gentleman [to whom refer] ; and by his second, a daughter, Susan Elizabeth Antonia. Postal address — Thorpe High House, Norwich. WILLIAM JOHN BIRKBECK, Gentleman. Born February 13, 1859, being the only son of William Birkbeck, Esquire, of Thorpe High House [to whom refer]; by his first wife Elizabeth Margaret, daughter of Albemarle Cator. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms: Argent, a fesse The Editor undertakes that every entry not in italics is that of a genuinely armigerous person. 84 IBit TBis chequy azure and or, cotiscd of ihe second, between three lions' heiuls enised gules, in the centre chief point a bow pale- svays stringed proper ; and for his Crest, on a wreatli of the dblours. upon a rock a bow in pale, stringed and intertwined with a hazel branch all proper. Married, October. 4, 1883, Rose Catherine, daughter of Somerville Arthur Gurney of North Runcton Hall, Norfolk ; and has Issue — Benedict, born March 21, 1886. SHUGH ARTHUR niRLEY. Esq., J. P. for Cheshire, Capt. and Hon. Major Earl of Chester's Yeomanry Cavalry, H.A. (Oxon.). J^oni 1846, being the eldest son of the late Hugh liirley, Esq., of Moorland, J.l'. and D.L., and formerly M.P. for Manchester, by Mabella, dau. of Joseph Baxendale of Woodside, Middlesex. Armorial bearings — Sable, on a fesse engrailed between three boars' heads couped argent, a mascle IxHween two cross crosslets of the field. Mantling sable and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a demi-boar rampant sable, collared argent, the chain reHexed over the back or, sup- porting a branch of wild teazle proper, charged on the shoulder with a millrind argent. MottO — "Omni liber metii." Married, 1874, .\niy, eldest dau. of William H. Chichester of Grenofen, Devon ; and has, with other Issue, Hugh Ronald Chichester Birley, (Jentleman, /'. 1878. Seat — Woodside, Knutsford. HENRY LANGTON BIRLEY,' Gentleman, of Carr Hill, CO. Lancaster, Lord of the Manor of Kirkham. Born Aug. II, 1837, Ijeing the eldest son of the late 'l'homa.s Langton Birley, Esquire, J.l'. for Lanes, of Carr Hill, by his wife Anne, eldest dau. of the late John Piirley, Esq., of Wood iMid, Cumberland. Armorial bearings-^He bears for Arms : Sable, on a fesse engrailed between three boars' heads couped argent, a mascle lietween two cross crosslets of the field. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet be- fitting his degree, with a mantling salile and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a demi-boar sable, collared argent, ch.ain reHexed over the back or supporting a branch of wild tea/.le proper, and charged on the shoulder with a millrind arg. MottO — "Omni liljcr metu." .SV(;/ — Carr Hill, near Kirkham. § THOMAS RAMS A Y BISCOE, Esquire, Justice oj the Peace and Deputy-Lieutenant for the county IRtrtf flP of Inverness. Born 1850, being the eldest son XL iPvUv ,y Thomas Porter lionell liiscoe. Esquire, Jus- tice of the Peace and Deputy-Lieutenant for the county of Inverness, by Wilhelmine his wife, youngest daughter of Major Thomas Eraser, Justice of the Peace and Deputy-Lieutenant [formerly of the Royal Scots Regiment), of jVeioton, in the county of Inverness. IJvery — White, •with black facings. Armorial bearings as used, but to which no right has been established, and -which are really tin arms of the Brisco family , are: Argent, three greyhounds courant in pale sable ; and for the Crest, a greyhound con rant sable, seising a hare proper ; loith the MottO, ' 'Post virtutem curro." Married, 1879, Cecilia Laura, youngrr daughter of the late Adolfhus Mcetkerkc of Julians, in the county of Hertford (she died 1892) ; and has Issue — John J 'inccnt Meel- kerke Biscoe, born 1880; and Cecilia Benign a Mectkcrke. Estate and postal address — Newton, Kirkhill, Inverness. WILLIAM MORLAIS BIRT, Gentleman. Born 1874, being the only son of William Henry Birt and Fanny his wife, youngest daughter of James Shipwright. Livery — (Sreen, yellow collar. Armorial bearings — Party per chevron in- M is the Military Cockade. vected vert and or, two turbots in chief and in base a derai- leojiard guardant holding in the dexter paw a branch of oak fructed all proper. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling vert and or ; and for the Crest, on a wreath of the colours, a demi-leop.ird guar- dant gules, gutt(^e-d'eau, charged with two bars wavy or, supporting with the paws an anchor argent, cable sable, all between two branches of oak fructed proper. Motto—' ' Facta non verba." Postal address — 42 Park Lane, London, W. S WILLIAM EARLE BISCOE, Esquire, Justice of the Peace and Deputy-Lieutenant, High Sheriff in 1868. Born March 25, 1813, being tlie eldest son of the Reverend Thomas George Tyndale, Master of Arts, Rector of Holton, by his wife Mary Anne, eldest daughter of Timothy Hare Earle, Esquire, of Swallowfield Place, in the county of Berk- shire ; and assumed surname of Biscoe by Royal License, and the arms of Biscoe c|uarterly with those of Tyndale, in 1866, on succeeding to the Holton Estate. /,/?'(Vi'— Green and gold. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Quar- terly I and 4, paly of six or and vert, three greyhounds courant in pale ermine, each gorged with a collar gold (for Biscoe) ; 2 and 3 argent, on a fesse giiles, Ixitween three garbs sable, a martlet or (for Tyndale) ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, on a mount vert, in front of an oak-tree a greyhound courant proper, collared or, seizing a hare also proper ; with the Motto, " C oTitido non confunda." Married, October 2, 1850, Eliza Carey, elilest daughter of George Glas Sandenian of Hyde Park Gardens, London, M is the Naval Cockade. nd of Westfiekl, Mayling Island, in the county of Hamp- hire (>lie died May 20, 1891); and by her had Issue — (i) ^enl■y Staft'ord 'lyndale-Hi.scoL-, Gentleman, born October 1857 ; (2) Albert Sandi.-nian Tyndale-Biscoe, Gentleman, lorn Angus: 24, i8bi ; (3) Cecil Earle Tyndale-Hiscoe, Jentlenian, born February 9, 1863; (4) Edward Carey ■yndale-liiscoe, Cjentleman, born August 29, 1864 ; (5) lilian Dalhi-s Tyndale-Hiscoe, Gentleman, Ixjrn July 25, 867; (6) George William Tyndale-Biscoe, Gentleman, orn October 6, 1869; (7) Arthur Annesley Tyndale-Hiscoe, lentleinan, born May 29, 1872; and Frances F^lizabeth inne. Hsti'tc — llolton I'ark, in the county of Oxford. \istal addras — llolton Park, Oxford. ( HAkLl S JOSEPH BISHOP, Esquire. Justice of the i'eace. Horn August 28, 18^1, iK-ing the son fiRitffinil of (-^I'^irles Bishop, by his wife Ellen, rl;inL;li- liJjl^lJUfl ter of Joseph Richardson. Armorial bear- ings — He bears for Arms : Gules, an eagle's id erased ermine between four lozenges saltireways argent, ,.icli charged with a i)heon sable ; and for his Crest, upon a ireatli of tiie colours, an eagle's head erased f)er fesse rniine and or, charged with two lozenges paleways, and olding in the beak a pheon sable. Married, July 9, 1874. Kiui Jane, daughter of (Colonel David Gamble, Companion if the .Most Honourable Order of the Bath ; and has Issue — li) Charles (jamble Bishop, Gentleman, born March 10, I878 ; (2) (jeorge .Samuel Bishop, GentU.'inan, lx)rn May lo, H82 ; Margaret Helen; .Alice Josephine; and Constance. >/<;/«(/(i'«.f.f— Hillside, St. Helen's. I WILLIAM PETICR BLACKBURNE-MAZE, Gentle- man. Horn januarv 17, '!13Iackburnc=gj0afe tt^ '^ tl hue William Ireland Black- iiinie-Maze, l'-s(|uire, Justice of the Peace for the county I Kent, Honorary Lieutenant-Colonel ist West Kent sille Volunteers, by his wife ("harlotte iMnnia, only child ml heiress of the late; Peter Maze of Bristol. (Huh — unstitutiimal. /,/;'(7i' -( hoeolate, with red waistcoat and I iss buttons. Armorial bearings— He Ijears for Arms : .'Uiirterly i and 4, ermine on a Ijend engrailed l)ctwecn Aij eagles displayed azure, a bend or, charged with three ions passant pro|K!r (for Maze) ; 2 and 3 argent, ,a fesse jiebuly between three nndlets sable, in chief a crescent or diflVreiice (for Hlaekburne) ; and for his CrestS, i. i|Hin a wrtath of the colours, an eagle displayed erminois, li irged on the breast and on each of the wings with ( I iiu|uefoil gules (for Maze) ; 2. upon a wreath of the ■lours, on a moimt vert, a trumpet fesseways or, thereon ii cock gules, beaked, wattled, armed, and charged on the hreast with a cinquefoil gold (for Blackburne) ; with the Motto, "(iarde ta bien ainiL^e." Married, June 14, 1888, Evelyn Agnes Marian (d. 1897), dau. of late William Rathbone Duncan of Liverpool ; and has /.»«(.•— Cecil Ireland Blackburne-Maze, Gentleman, born June 3, 1889 ; Doris Evelyn ; and Marjorie Isabel. Postal address — Shaw House, Newbury, Berks. SROBERr IRELAND BLACKBURNE. Esquire, Lieut. -Col. Commanding 3rd Batt. South I^ancashire Regt. (Mil.), J. P. and D.L. for Lanes., Lord of the Manor of Hale. Bom Oct. 13, 1850, lx;ing the only son of Col. John Ireland Blackburne and Mary, eldest dau. of Sir Henry Bold Hogston. Bart., of Hogston Town, Preston, Lancashire. 67//Av— -Carlton , St. James's United Service. Livery — Dress: dark-blue, red waistcoat, silver braid, knee-breeches, silver buckles, black silk stockings; un- dress : dark-blue, red waistcoat, silver buttons. Armorial bearings— ,-\rgent, a fesse nebuly between three nmllets IGomp-iilleo-6UP sable. Mft"tHTig sable and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, upon a mount vert, a trumpet or, thereon a cock gules, Ijeaked, combed, wattled, spurred, and charged on the breast with a cinquefoil or. Motto—" ( 'onie ut ieo sue." Married, Feb. 5, 1885, Georgina Vernon, youngest dau. of Col. Sir Gustavus Hume ; and has Issue — (i) Gilbert Ireland Blackburne, Gentleman, b. June 14. 1887; (2) lohn Ireland Blackburne. Gentleman, *. Aug. 9, 1889 ; and Mary Ireland. /ij/n/«— Hale and Orford. Seat — Hale Hall, Liverpool. BLACKENHALL, quartered by GROSVENOR and TAUNTON. W MURRAY MACGREGOR BLACKER, Esq., J.P. and D.L. for co. Mayo. Horn 1824, being the youngest son of the late Lieut. -Col. Valentine Blacker, C. B. , Survevor-General of India, by Emma, dau. of Roljert The Editor undertakes that every entry not in italics is tbat of a genuinely armigerous person. 86 IBla laia Jolinson of Kim Grove, Lancaster. Armorial bearings — Argent, on a mount vert, a warrior in complete armour in the act of advancing towards the right, and brandishing in his dexter hand a battle-axe proper, from his shoulder a mantle flowing gules. Mantling vert and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a dexter armed arm em- Vwwed proper, the hand gauntleted and grasping a battle-a.xe pro()cr. Motto — "I'roDeoet Rege." A/arrifd, 1851, Frances Elizabeth, dau. of Rev. Samuel Blacker, LL. U. , Rector of MuUabrack, co. Armagh. Seat — Claremount, co. Mayo. HEXRY THOMAS GILLMAN DLAAUW. Bom ////)' 4, 1874, being the eldest son of Thomas St. Leger filaaiiw, Esq., J. P., and his ivife Fanny Alice, daughter of Charles John liigge. Club — Nc7i> Oxford and Cambridge. Livery — Blue, with red facings and gilt buttons, and red and yellow waistcoat. Armorial bearings as used, but 7ohich are not registered to him in the College of Arms, are — • Asure, a human foot couped above the ankle proper, on a canton or, an anchor erect and cabled. Crest — A demi- lion rampant proper. Motto — " Festina lente." Seat — Beechland, Ne^oick, Sussex. WILLIAM BLACKER, Esquire, J. P. and High Sheriff (1878) for CO. Kildare, Capt. 3rd Batt. R. Dublin Fusiliers. Born Sept. 29, 1853, being the eldest son of the late Thomas Samuel tJIacker, Esquire, of Castle Martin, co. Kildare, by Frances Mary Anne, liis wife, dau. of Thomas A. Forde of .Seaforde. Armorial bearings — Argent, on a mount vert, a warrior in complete armour in the act of advancing to- wards the right, and brandishing in his dexter hand a battle-a.\e all proper, from his shoulders a mantle flowing gules. Mantling vert and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a dexter arm in armour embowed proper, the hand gauntleted and grasping a battle-axe as in the arms. MottO—" Pro Deo et Rege." i1-/rt;v-?"t'(/, firstly, 1877, Hon. Mary Lawless {d. 1885), dau. of Rt. Hon. Edward, third Lord Cloncurry ; and had Issue-— 6. Clubs — Windhan\, Kildare .Street (Dublin). Livery — White coat, silver shouldiT-kiidts, crimson plush waistcoat and breeches. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Quarterly, 1. quarterly i. and iii. argent, a fret gules (for Blake) ; ii. and iii. or, a cross gules, in the dexter canton, a lion rampant sable (for De Burgh) ; 2. argent, a fret gules (for Blake) ; 3. per fesse argent and or, a lion rampant per fesse sable and gules, in chief two dexter hands couped of the last (for Daly) ; 4. sable, three lions passant m bend between two double cotises argent (for Browne) • 5 argent, two bars per pale indented azure and gules, in chief three ogresses ; 6. gules, a bend between six cross crosslets fitchde or (for Ormsby) ; and upon an escutcheon of pre- tence for and in right of his wife, quarterly i and 4, argent a cross raguly gules (for Laurence) ; 2 and 3 sable, a catherme-wheel between two crescents in chief and a trefoil in base or (for .Scott). Mantling' gules and argent ; and for his Crests, I. upon a wreath of the colours, a cat-a-mountain sejant guardant proper, collared and chained or, and above It on an cscroll, " Ung Roy, ung foy, ung loy;" 2. upon a wreath of the colours, a mountain cat passant guardant proper. Motto— " Virtus sola nobilitat." Married July y^; /868 Ho„ora Mabel Angela, only child and heir of Walter Blake Lawrence, Esquire, of Lisreaghan in the county of Galway, Captain 41st Regiment and Knight of Malta, by his vvife Olivia Mary, daughter of Sir Michael Dillon Bcllew, first Baronet, of Mount Bellew ; and by her (who died in 1873) has Issue-A daughter, Violette Olivia ^i/fl/^.f— MerlmPark; Merlinstown; BallyglassandCoolcon Postal address— V^hnAh^m Club, St. James's Square, S.W. ^ is the Military Cockade. §|OHN ARCHliR BLAKK-DALY, Esq., )P n, D.L., CO. Galway (High Sheriff 1866), late Lieut. -Co and Hon. Col. 4th Batt. Connaught Rangers. Jloni 181 being the son of the late Andrew William Blake, Esti J.I', and D. L. , of Furbough, co. Galway, by Maria Julj; youngest dau. of Malachy Daly of Raford ; and assume the name and arms of Daly by Royal License in under the will of his maternal grandfather. Annoris bearingrs— Per fesse argent and or, a lion rampant ix fesse sable and gules, in chief two dexter hands couped ; the wrist of the last, and impaling the arms of Nugen namely ermine, two bars gules. Mantling sable an argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath ol the colour; a greyhound courant sable, collared, in front of an oak tre proper, fructed gold. Married, 1864, Lady Anne Elizabet Charlotte, dau. of the Rt. Hon. Anthony Francis Nugeni 9th Earl of Westmeath ; and has, with other /.s.f//f— Den: .Andrew Malachy Blake-Daly, Gentleman, late Lieut. H Irish Regt. ; b. 1865; he assumed the name of Daly undf the will of his maternal grandfather. Seats— Kjiitixc Kiltulla, near Athenry; Furbough, Galway. §/OHN BLAKENEY, Esquire, J. P. and D.L., Hi'^' Sheriff 1873, late of the lyd R. W. Fusiliers. Bor Oct. 1826, being the eldest son of the late John //eiuy Blakeim Esq., of Abbe rt, J. P., High Sheriff in 1819, 'by his jsy Charlotte, j,rd dau. of SirKoss Mahon, \st Bart., of Cast L gar, CO. Galway [by Elizabeth his first wife, sister of u Marquess of Sligo]. Armorial bearings as used, hut jo which no authority has been established in Ulster's Offia are — "iable, a chevron ermine, betiiieen three leopards' faces ur Crest — Out of a ducal coronet or, an arm erect couped at th elbow, vested gules, cuffed argent, holding in the hand aswort proper, hilt and pommel gold. 1lloXX6—".lu.vilium meiiit ab alto." Married, \st, 1854, Frances [who died 1859), rfa« of James Hardiman Burke of St. Cleran's, and by her luu Issue — (1) John Theophilus Blakenev, Gentleman, b. Jau 31, 185s; (2) Robert Edward Blakeney , Gentleman ; .Anne Mary [m. Rez'. J. O. Coussmaker] \ and Fanny. He m 2.ndly, 1873, Joanna, 7vido7t< ofCroasdaile Molony of Kilncc randie and Granahan, co. Clare, and dau. of Heniy Martyi Blake of The Heath, co. Mayo, and IVindft'eld, co. Galway and by her has— (2,) Henry Edivard William Blakenev Gentleman; and Ethel Frances Charlotte. listate am postal ^AAvftss—.-lbbert, Castle Blakeney, co. Gahvay. §JOHN BLAKISTON- HOUSTON, Esq., J. P. fo and Vice-Lieut, of co. Down (High Sheriff i860), lati Capt. South Down Militia. Born 1829, being the eldes son of the late Richard Bayly Blakiston -Houston, by Marj Isabella, dau. of the late John Holmes Houston of Orange field and Roddens. Armorial bearings— (Quarterly 1 ant 4, or a chevron chequy sable and argent, between threi martlets of the second (for Houston) ; 2 and 3 argent, tw( bars and in chief three cocks gules, an annulet azure fot difference (for Blakiston). Mantling .sable and or ; and foi his Crests, i. upon a wreath of the colours, a sand-glasj proper ; 2. upon a wTeath of the colours, a cock statani gules, charged with an annulet or. Motto—" Do well and doubt not." Married, 1859, Marian, dau. of Richard .S. Streatfeild, Esq. (she died 1890) ; and has, with other Issin —Richard Blakiston- Houston, Esquire, late Capt. 5th Batt. R. Irish Rifles, b. 1864. 6Vrt/.f— Orangefield and Roddens, Belfast. §Major-Geneind sable, three plieons or, in the sinister bhief point a crescent gules. Mantling salile and argent, prest— Out of a ducal coronet or, a lion's head proper, Charged with a crescent gules; and for Motto, "Quo fata focant." Mariied, 1867, ICmily Charhjlte. dau. of Rev. Lvyndham ('arlyon Madden; and has with other Issue — Robert Wyndhani Humphrey Madden, Gentleman,/^. 1872. »)'«'i 1841, being the son of James Blyth of '•^^C''*) Chehnsford, and Caroline, daughter of Henry Gilbey of Bishop Stortford. Club — Devonshire. Armorial bearings — He bears for Anns : Azure, on a mount vert, a bull statant argent, ringed and ciiained or, on a chief arched of the fourth, a stag's head erased proper ^ is tlie Military Cockade. T5oti between two annulets gules. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling azure and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, in front of a mound vert tliereon a bull as in the arms, three roses gules. Motto — " Spero meliora." ALirried, 1865, Eliza (who died 1894), daughter of William Mooney of Clontaif, CO. Dublin ; and has Issue — Herbert William, Esquire, born 1868 ; James Audley, Esquire, born 1874 ; Rupert Alfred, Esc|uire, born 1877 ; Nora Beatrice [married, 1885, Col. Alan Gardner, J. P., D.L., of Newton Hall, Dunmow] ; Grace Loudenne ; Gladys Ellen ; Millicent Catherine. Seat — Blyth- wood, Stansted, Essex. Residence — 33 Portland Place, W. D.\ME VIOLET BOAG, commonly known as Lady Boag, daughter of John Stevens of Glasgow. '^tZrtrtjY Armorial bearings are, upon a lozenge: ■**► UHy Argent, on a chevron gules three cinquefoils pierced ermine, in cliief a civic crown vert be- tween two mullets azure, in base a stag's head erased holding in the mouth a trefoil slipped all proper. Married, 1834, Sir Robert Boag, Knight Bachelor, justice of the Peace, Mayor of Belfast 1876, who died 1877. Postal addresses — The Cres- cent, Belfast ; Violet Lodge, Groomsport, county Down. HENRY BODDINGTON, Esq., J. P. for Manchester, a Director of the Manchester Ship Canal Company. Born Nov. 7, 1849, Ijeing the second but eldest surviving son of the late Henry Boddington of The Cove, Silverdale, Carn- forth, by his wife Martha, dau. of William Slater of Bank House, Barton-on-Irwell. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Per chevron a/.ure and or, three lions rampant counterchanged, a chief of the second thereon a demi-lion issuant between two cross crosslets fitchee of the first. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling azure and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a demi-lion azure, gorged with a collar gemel, and holding in the dexter paw a cross crosslet fitch(?e or, resting the sinister on a lozenge also azure, charged with a cross crosslet fitcht?e or. Motto — " Vincit Veritas." ^Married, Dec. 5, 1878, Emily, dau. of David Butterworth of I-lccles, co. Lancaster ; and has Issue — Henry Pownall Boddington, Gentleman, b. July 6, 1881 ; Ruth Olive; and Marianne Gladys. Scat — Pownall Hall, Wilmslow, Cheshire. EVAN MARLETT BODDY, Gentleman, Felkno of the Royal College of Surgeons, son of the late '^Rri?1?lt1 William Barnard Boddy, Surgeon. Armorial iUUUU|/ bearings, as used upon his book-plate, are: Argent, on a fesse gules, three pelicans vulning themselves or, on a canton of the second two staves raguly of ^m is the Naval Cockade. the field, sunnounled by a ducal coronet of the third ; and for a wrest, a staff raguh gules erect, and enfiled with a ducal coronet or ; with the Motto, " Vi corporis et aiiinii." [The foregoing arms and crest were granted in the year 1589 to John Body, :i\\&s John Thumas of Hampshire, but Mr. Boddy has established and can establish nv descent from the before- tmntioned grantee, and, as he himself puts it when speaking ^if the arms, " hoiu or when obtained I am unable to say." The Editor like^oise is unable to say."] Postal address — Ishstcad h'ow, Birmingham. § HENRY BODEN, Esquire, Justice of the Peace and Deputy - Lieutenant for the county of 'IKnTlPtl ^^^''^y- Born February 13, 1836, being the iOUUvH eldest son of Henry Boden of the Friary, in the county of Derby by Anne his wife, daugh- ter of Joseph Smith of Lea Lodge, in tlie county of Kent. C\vihs— Junior Carlton, Junior Travellers', and Cavalry. hi\ery— Blue, with a scarlet collar. Armorial bearings as used, and as given in Burke's " Landed Ceniry," but Jor I 7ohich no authority has been established, are for Arms : Argent, a chei'ron sable, between three teasels proper ; and 'or a Crest, a swan with wings expanded proper ; with the 1 Motto, "Contra audentior ito." Upon his book-plate Mr. Boden impales quarterly 1 and 4, argent three weavers shuttles sable, tipped and furnished with quills of yarn, the threads pendent or ; 2 and 7, sable, a fesse engrailed erminois between two chevrons ermine. Married, May 8, 1866, .Mary Shuttleworth, daughter of E'dward Anthony Holden of Aston Hall, in the county of Derby ; and has Issue — (i) Henry Walter Degge Shuttlezcorth Boden, born February 26, 1867/ (2) Anthony Drummond Boden, born September 24, 1B72; (3) Reginald .Sam Boden, a twin with Anthony ; (4) John Boden, born November 8, 1883 ,• and Cherry Evelyn. Estates — The Friary, in the county of Derby ; ■ uid Chard House, in the county of Somerset. Postal address — The Friary, Derby. BODINGAM, (luartered by PAYNTER. Rkvkkicni) EDMUND BOGER, Honorary Canon of kochi'Ster Cathedral, Vicar of Chart, Sutton, Kent, M.A., ukI late Fellow of Exeter College, Oxon. Born 1822, being the eldest son of Richard Boger, lisquire, Capt. K.N., and Eliza, dau. of John Sf|uiro, R.N. I.ivciy — Dark green, faced with yellow. Armorial bearings Gules, on a chevron argent, lietween twi) cimjiiefoils in chief or and an escutcheon in base of the third, cluirged with a rose of the field, barbed and seeded proper, three pallets siible. Mantling gules and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, in front of a cubit arm erect proper, lidding a dibl)le in bend or, and a rose gules, leaved in bend sinister proper, a cin(|UefoiI or. Married, Jan. 15, 1850,111 Ihninster, .Suniersi-t, C'liarlotte (iilson, third daugh- ter of Reverend John .Allen, M.A., of Christ Church, 0.x- lord, Head Master of Ihninster (iraniniar School ; and has surviving Issue — (i) John Richard Boger, Gentleman, born May 18, 1853 ; (2) Francis Herliert Boger, Gentleman, Ijorn March 19, 1855 ; (3) Percival Sylvester Boger, Gentle- man, born Dec. 17, 1858 ; (4) William Henry Boger, Gentleman, born .Aug. i, 1862; Agnes Maude Mary; I aroliiie Anne ; and .Amy. J\istal addreis — The Viairagc, lliart Sutton, Slajjlehurst, Kent. n WALTER DEEBLE BOGER, Esquire, J. P. and W D.L., High Sheriff 1882, M.A., Barrister-ai-Law. AVi/v/ Feb. 15, 1832, being the eldest son of the late iJeeble Boger, Esq., J.I', and D. L. , 1 )e])Uty-Warden of the Stannaries, by his wife I'Yances, eldest dan. of Thomas Bewes of Beaumoiu, Devon, M.P. Armorial beaurings— Gules, on a chevron argent, Ijetween two eiiu|uefoils in chief or and an escutcheon in base of the la.st, charged with a rose of the field, barl>ed and seeded proper, tliree pallets sable; quartering Deeble and Wolsden. Mantling gules and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, in front of a cubit arm erect proper, holding a diblxT in bend or, and a rose gules leaved and slipped in bend sinister proper, a cinciuefoil also gold. Married, .August 1863, Amelia Harriet, youngest dau. of Thomas Holmes Bosworth of Westerham, Kent. Seat — Rotherwas, Hereford. ED I VARD FRA.XC/S BOGG/S-ROLFE. Born Dec. 12, 1873, being the eldest son of the late Francis Douglas Bosr^is-Rolfe, Esq., J.P.for co. Essex, by his zvife Charlotte Harriet, eldest dau. of Ala jor William Gabbett Beare of 2A Devonshire Place, and Holland House, Kingsgate. Livery — Buff, with black facings. Armorial bearings as used, but for which no authority has been officially established, are — Quarterly r and 4, argent three ravens proper [for Rolfe) ; 2 and 3 party per chevron gules and argent, three crescents counterchan^ed (for Boggis). Crests — i. a raven on a branch sprouting at the dexter end (for Rolfe) ; 2. t/u sail of a ship proper (for Boggis). Motto — "Avon ces." Residences — The Grange, VVormin^ord, R.S.O., Essex ; 69 67. George's Square, S. \V. H CARL FERDINAND HENR V BOLCKO W, S3 Esquire, Justice of the Peace and Deputy- '^^e\{f\xf\\Y\ Lieutenant for the North Riding of the iL^UltttUUI county of York. Eldest son of Frederick Theodor Bolckoiu, by his wife .Marie Sophie Frederike, nfe Omann. CXuh— Reform. Livery — Claret-colour, with light blue facings. Armorial bearings as used, and as quoted in Burke's " General .IrnnDy," but which are not upon record in the Heralds' College, are for Ajtus : Gules, on a fesse between eighteen acorns argent, a boar courant azure ; and for a Crest, a boar passant azure, in front of setrn acortis or, leaved and stalked proper ; with the Motto, " Suscipere et finire." Married, July 14, 1863, .\hirgaret, only daughter of William Chambers of Don caster ; and has Issue — (i) Henry William Ferdinand Bolckozv, Esquire \to whom refer~\ ; (2) Charles Frederick Henry Bolckmv, born December 2, 1874/ Harriet Maiy Wilhel- mine ; and Margaret Caroline Sophie. Estates — Marton, .Vewby, and Hambleton. Postal address — .Marton Hall, .Marton, R.S.O., Yorkshire. HENRY WnjJAM FERDINAND BOLCKUW, Esquire, Justice of the Peace for the North Ridinij of the county of York. Born August 22, 1865, being the elder son of Carl Ferdinand Henry Bolckmo, Esquire, of Marton Hall, in the county of York, Justice of the Peace and Deputy - Lieutenant for the North Riding of the said county [to whom refer], by his luife Margaret, only daughter of William Chambers of Doncaster. Armorial bearings as used, and as quoted in Burke's " General Arnii'/y," but which are not upon record in the Heralds' College, are for Arms: Gules, on a fesse betioeen eighteen acorns argent, a boar courant azure, in front of se-,m acorns or, leai'ed and stalked proper; with the Motto, "Suscipere et finire." Married, 1890, Bessie .1/., third daughter of Sir Raylton Dixon if Gunnergate Hall, Knight Bachelor. Postal address — West Moor, Marton, R.S.O.. Yorkshire. JOHN BORLASE BOLITHO, being the son of Thomas Simon Bolitho, Esquire, Vice-Warden of .Stannaries, J. P. and D.L. co. Cornwall, by Elizabeth his wife, dau. of Thomas Robino of Liskeard, co. Cornwall. Armorial bearings — Ermine, a plain chevron cotised t-ngrailed, lietween three lleurs-de-lis sable, five liezants. Mant- ling sable and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, in front of a fern-brake proper, a cubit arm erect, vested azure, charged with three bezants, cutf argent, in the hand proper, a Heur-de-lis sable. Motto, " Re Deu." .Married. Dec. 12. 1872, Elizabeth (who died 1876), dau. of J. M. Williams of Caerhayes ; and h:u> Issue — Horton, born 1873; and Evelyn, born •875- OTHO GLYNN BOLII HO, formerly Lieut.-Col. 3rd Dragoon Guards. Born 1844, l^eing the son of Thomas Simon Bolitho, Esquire, Vice- Warden of .Stannaries, J. P. and D.L. co. Cornwall, by Elizabeth his wife, daughter of TlKmias Robino of Liskeaid, co. Cornwall. Armorial bearings— Ermine, on a plain chevron cotised engrailed, between three fleurs-de-lis sable, five bezants. Mantling sable and argeiu ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, in front of a fern-brake proper, a cubit arm erect vested azure, charged with three lx;zants, cuff argent, in the hand proper a fleur-de-lis sable. Motto — " Re Deu." Married, 1st, 1878, Elizabeth Agnes (who died 1886), dau. and co-heiress of the late John McNeill of Ardna- cross, CO. Argyll ; 2nd, 1889, Mary Constance, second dau. of James Hope of Belmont, Midlothian ; and has Issue — Thomas Gerald Glynn, born 1890. Residence — Poltair, Cornwall. Tlie Editor undertakes tliat every entry not in italics is that of a genuinely armigerous person. 15o\ S THOMAS liI-:DFORD BOLITHO, Esquire, |.l'., l).l>. for Cornwall, High Sheriff 1884; J.I', for IX-von, M.P. for St. Ives Div. of ConiwiiU. Hor/i 1835, J)eing the only son of the late Edward liolitho of Trewidden, l)v his wife Nlarv, dau. of John W. Stcplu-ns of Heedferris, Devon. C/t/fi—Vmon. Armorial bearings i'.rniinc, on a plain chevron, cotised, eiuniiilcd, hc-lwei-n tliiee Heurs- de-iis .sable, five bezants. Mantling sable and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, in front of a fern-brake pioper, a cul)it arm erect, vested azure, charged with three be/ants, cut!" argent, in the hand proper a Heur-de-lis sable. Motto—" Re I)eu." Married, 1893, Frances Jane, dau. of Edward S. Cams- Wilson of Penniount, 'Ituro. Nesideines —Trewidden, near I'enzance ; Greenway, Brixhani, Devon ; Huldon House, near Exeter. § THOMAS ROBINS BOLITHO, Es(|uire, Justice of the Peace and Deputy-Lieutenant for the TKnitf'hn i^oiii'ty o*^ Cornwall. Born September 13, iii/UUi'lJU j8^o, being the eldest son of Thomas Simon Bolitho, Esquire, Vice - Warden of Stan- naries, Justice of the Peace and Deputy-Lieutenant for the county of Cornwall, by Elizabeth his wife, daughter of Thomas Robins of Liskeard, in the county of Corn- wall. a7>y betzveen three crosses patde fitcMe argent. Married, firstly, Novetnber 7, 1865, Anne Sarah, second daughter of Robert Bage of Naples, Surgeon ; secondly, November 13, 1872, Henrietta filackivood, third daughter of Vice- Admiral Mark John Currie; and has Issue— (i) Walter Floyd Bonham, born January 3, 1869; (2) Mark Edward Bonham, born January 8, 1880/ Elizabeth Lydia fiosa- bell [married ff. 1^. D. de la Pasture] ; Elvelyn Harriet Mary {^married the Reverend Gerald Sampson, and died ra is the Military Cockade. T5on|)am T5on 1888] ; Anita Constance Edith ; and Julia Claudia Augusta. Estate — Hramling House, Ickham, in the county of Kent. Postal address — British Consulate, Calais, France. § NATHANIEL BOND, Es(]uire, Justice of the Peace j and Deputy-Lieutenant for the comity of Dorset, second surviving son of the Reverend Nathaniel Bond, Clerk in Holy Orders, by Mary his wife, daughter of Jolm I lawkesworth of ' Forest, Queen's County, Ireland. Club — Carlton. Liveiy I -Black, with yellow facings and silver buttons. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms: Quarterly of six, i. sable, i a fesse or; 2. argent, on a chevron sable, three bezants; 3. j vert, an eagle displayed with two heads or ; 4. sable, three I lions rampant argent ; 5. azure, three fleurs-de-lis or, a chief of the last, thereon a demi-lion ramimnt issuant sable; 6. gules, nine billets, four, three and two, and in base a bezant. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling sable and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a wing sable, charged with a fesse or. Married, Noveinber 10, 1864, Selina Jane, commonly known as Lady Selina Jane (who died Decem- ber 17, 1891), hfth daughter of the Right Honourable John Scott, second ICarl of Eldon ; and has fssue —(1) John Wentworth Garneys Bond, Esquire, Justice of the Peace and Deputy-Lieutenant for the county of Dorset ; (2) Gerald Denis Bond, Esquire, Justice of the Peace for the county of Dorset ; (3) Rev. Raymond Aimed Bond, Clerk in Holy Orders; (4) Claud Nathaniel Bond, Gentle- man ; {5) Kenneth Duncombe Bond, Gentleman ; (6) Nigel de Mundevile Bond, (ientleman ; (7) Herbert Ivo de Kenton Bond, Gentleman ; (8) Walter de Grey Bond, Gentleman; Louisa Charlotte; Leonora Sophia; and Rachel Adela. Estates — Creech Grange and Holme, in the county of Dorset ; Sway and Arnwood, in the county of Southampton ; Cefncoed, in the county of Cardigan. Postal address — Creech Grange, Warehani, Dorset. S is the Naval Cockade. IBon The Reverend THOMAS GKORGR liONNR Y, Doctor of Science of the Universily of Cambridge, I'lKrtMMr-n Honorary Doctor of Laws of the Univer- ii? Onn t^ sity of Montreal, Rellow of the Royal Society, Honorary Canon of Manchester Cathedral, Professor of Geology at the University College, London. Horn ////)' 27, 1833, heiiig the eldest son of the Reverend Thomas 'lionnev. Master of Arts, by Rliza F.llen his wife, daughter of Edward Smith of Riigley, Staffordshire. Club —Athenaiim. Armorial bearings'— //i; bears for Arms: Ar^'vnt, on a bend azure, three Jlcurs-de-lis or; and for a Crest, a martlet ; with the MottO, " Ne quid nimis" ; but no riiiht whatsoei>er has been established to these. Postal address— 23 Denning Road, London, A\ W. S HENRY COSMO ORME BONSOR, Esquire, J. P.. D.L. , and County Alderman, M.P. for N.E. Surrey since 1885, one of H.M. Lieutenants for the City of London. Horn SejJt. 2, 1848, Ix^ing the eldest son of the late Joseph Honsor, bv his wife Eliza Uenne, dau. of Major Orme. Clubs— CdrUon, Arthur's, Turf, St. Stephen's. Armorial bearings — Per fesse azure and argent, a pale eounter- Lliansied, ihree lions' heads erased or, on a chief indented iriiiiiiois, three roses gules, barbed and seeded proper. Mantling azure and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, on a staff raguly fesseways or, a wolf passant sable, collared and chained also gold, resting the dexter fore-paw on a rose as in the arms. Married, firstly, April 18, 1872, Emily Gertrude, dau. of James Fellowes of Kingston, Dor- set ; and by her had Issue — (i) Malcolm Cosmo Honscr, Gentleman, b. 1878 ; (2) Reginald Bonsor, Gentleman, h. Aug. 9, 1879 ; (3) Robert Cecil Bonsor, Gentleman, b. Nov. 20, 1880; and (5) Arthur Charles Bonsor, (k-ntlcman, b. July 13, 1882. He m. secondly, March 3, i886, Mabel Grace, youngest dau. of James Brand of Sanderstcad Court, Croy- don. .S(V//— Kingswood Warren, Epsom, Surrey. Resi- dence—^?! Belgrave Square, S.W. Siu JOHN LANGDON BONYTHON, Knight Bache- lor (by Letters Patent 1898), Adelaide, Soutii Australia, President of the Council of the Soutli Ausiralian .School of Mines and Industries, Chairman oi the Adelaide School Board, and Chairman of the Council of the Ciovernment Agriculiural College. Horn October 15, 1848, U'ing the second son of George I>angdon Bonython, now of Adelaide, formerly of St. Columb Minor, Cornwall, by his wife Annie, dau. of James Fairliairn MacBain of Aberdeen. r/«/'— Austial (.Adelaidi'l. Armorial bearings— ,'\rgent, a TBot 93 chevron between three fleurs-de-lis sable. [These arms were granted to the Bonythons of Bonython, in Cornwall, prior to the general use of crests.] MottO — " In Deo sjx^s mea." Married, Dec. 24, 1870, Marie Louise Fredericka, dau. of Daniel Friedrieh lialthasar of Berlin ; and lias Issue — (i) (^live Hereward Bonython, Gentleman, b. July 31, 1872, (/. Feb. 21, 1873 ; (2) John Lavington Bonython, Esq., /'. .SepteinlKT 10, 1875; (3) Hugh 'I'revanion Bonython, Esq., b. July 9, 1879; (4) Arthur Fairbairn Bonython, Gentleman, /»'. June 18, d. Nov. 7, 1883; (s) Francis Godol- phin Bonython, Esq., b. Jan. 4, 1885; Mary Elsie; Edith Annie ; and Ada Langdon. Residence — Carclew, Adelaide. 3 JAMES SHELLEY BONTEIN, Esquire, Honorary Lieutenant Royal Naval Artillery Volun- ^KrtM^-ptM teers. Born November 26, 1859, being XLUllVvlll ti^g eldest child and only son of James Bontein, Esquire, Gentleman Usher to the (jueen, by his wife Katherine Cecilia, daughter of Adolphus Shelley, Esquire, son of Sir John Shelley, si.xth Baronet. Clubs — Turf, Marlborough. Livery — Red waistcoats, light drab coals, and silver buttons. Armorial bearings^ He bears for Arms : Argent, a bend gules between three buntine birds, two in chief and one in base proper. Crest — A (lemi-eagle issuing out of a ducal crown, both proper. Supporters— As representing .Ardoch, two lions rampant proper; with theMottO, "Copiose et opportune." Married, December 1889, Emilie Josephine, widow of Hans Sloane Stanley, ICsquire, Justice of the Peace, of Paultons, fiomsey, daughter of Francis Edwards of the Pickerage, in the county of Buckingham. Postal address — 12 Clarges Street, May- fair, London, W. BONTINE, quartered by EWING. CHARLES Wn.LIAM BONYNGE, eldest son of Thomas Bonynge of Ranelagh, co. Dublin. Armorial bearings — .\rgent, two bars gules, each charged with as many escallops or, on a chief indented azure, an annulet of the third. Mantling gules and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, an ostrich proper, charged with an escallop sable, and holding in the beak a key of tiie same. Motto—' ' Virtute decoratus. " Residence — 42 Princes Gates, London, S.W. M WILLIAM JOHN BORLASE-WARREN- VEN- ABLE.S-VERNON, Esquire, commonly known as the Honourable William John Borlase-Warren-Venables- Vernon. Horn 1834, Ijeing i5Otin0C ' CvLUltCCri- Honourable George John (Ilenat)le0^^etnon ^:;s- "^^1,^::^ Isalxilla Caroline, eldest tl.aughter of the late ("uthbert Ellison of Hepburn, in the county of Durham ; appointed Lieutenant Staffordshire Militia 1853 ; Deputy-Lieutenant of the county of Stafford 1858 ; assumed the additi(^nal names of Borlase- Warren by Royal J.,icense, 1856. Clubs — Travellers', Conserva- tive, Atliemvum, Wellington. Married, firstly, 1855, Agnes Lucy, who died i88i, third daughter of Sir John P. Boileau, first Baronet; secondly, 1884, Annie Georgiana, (laughter of Charles Eyre of Wei ford Park, Newbury; and by his first marriage lias Issue living — (i) Reginald William lijrlase- Warren- Venables- Vernon, Esquire, Iwrn 1856 [married, 1879, ICdith Georgiana, daughter of William .Smith Cowper Cooper of Toddington Park, Harlirigton, in the county of Betlford, and has issue living, Agnes .Via ; and Mabel Eveline] ; and by his second marriage, (2) Arnold Borlase- Warren- Venables- Vernon, Gentleman, born 1887; and Mary Anne Alice. Postal addresses — 34 Gros- venor Place, S.W. ; Monen, Mandal, Norway. ARTHUR HARDRI-:SS fiORRER, Gentleman. Born October 31, 1854, Ijeing the fourth son of the TRflffPt* Reverend Carey Hampton Borrer, Rector of iiTUltvi- Hurst Pierpoint, Treasurer of Chichester Cathedral and Rural Dean, in the county of Sns-ex [to whom refer], by I'llizabeth his wife, daughter of James Orr of Ilolywood House, in the county of Down. Armorial bearings He Ixars for Arms ; .Azure, a lion rampant erminois, holding in the dexter paw an auger or borer ])ro|)er, over all, on a chevron argent, three escut- cheons of the field, the centre one charged with a rose of the fourth, barbed and seeded of the third, and in chief a martlet upon a mullet for difference ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a buck's head erased proper, fretty argent, holding in the mouth an auger as in the arms. Married, Octoljer 27, 1881, Dorothea Caroline, second daughter of Maximilian Hammond Dalison, Esquire, of Hamptons Tunbridge, in the c(nmty of Kent [to whom refer] ; and has Issue— (x) Arthur Carey Hampton Borrer, Gentleman, born September 14, 1882; (2) Cliflbrd Dalison Borrer, Gentleman, born April 12, 1885 ; (3) John Maxi- The Editor tmdertakes that every entry not in italics is that of a genuinely armigerous person. n 94 T5ot TBO0 milian Borrer, Gentleman, born September 20, 1888. Pos/a/ address — 6 Durham Place, Chelsea, S.W. • Thk Rkvkrknp CAREY HAMPTON BORRER. Treasurer of Chichester Cathedral, Master of Arts, Kmal Dean, Proctor in Convocation. Born November 13, 1814, l)eing the only son of the late Nathaniel Borrer, Es<|uire, of Pakyns Manor, by Mary Anne his wife, daughter of Richard Weekes of Matts, Hurst PierpoiiU, Justice of the Peace, /.mvj— Blue and silver. Armorial bearings — He lx;ars for Anns : .\zure, a lion rampant erniinois, holding in his dexter paw an auger or borer jiroper, over all, on a chevron argent, three escutcheons of tiio Held, the centre one charged with a rose of the fourth, barbed and seeded of the third, a nuiUet for difference, and impaling the armsofOrr, namely gules, three piles in point argent, the centre pile charged with a trefoil slipped vert, on a chief or. a torteau between two cross crosslets fitch<5e of tlie field ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a buck's head erased proper, fretty argent, holding in the mouth an auger as in the arms ; with the Motto, " Deo cari nihilo carent." Canon Borrer also impales the arms of the See of Chichester as Treasurer of Chichester Cathedral, but the Editor has been unable to obtain any sufficiently authoritative precedent to warrant him in taking such a practice to be correct. Canon Borrer claims to quarter Hardress, Hering- wood, Lucy, FitzBarnard, Masters, Dumbrell, Lindfield, and Seagar, but the authority for these has not yet been estab- lished in the College of Arms. Married, August 17, 1837, Elizabeth, third daughter of James Orr of Holywood House, in the county of Down; and has Issue — -(i) Major Cary Hampton Borrer [to whom refer] ; (2) Captain Clifford For- tescue Borrer, deceased [married Christina Sophia, daughter and co-heir of Charles K. Freshfield, Member of Parliament, and has issue, Walter Charles Freshfield Clifford Borrer, Gentleman] ; (3) Reverend Charles Alexander Borrer [to whom refer] ; (4) Arthur Hardress Borrer, Gentleman [to whom refer] ; Jane Clifford [married William Egerton Hubbard, Esquire, Justice of the Peace] ; Elizabeth Catha- rine [married W. D. Freshfield] ; Isabella Emilv; Charlotte Augusta [married Reverend Frank Pnrnell, Rector of Oxted]; Mary Anne Alice ; Ida Frances; Helen Henrietta; Blanche Stewart [married Edward Broadwood]. Estates — Wick- ham, Hurst Pierpoint. Postal address — The Rectory, Hurst Pierpoint, Hussocks. § Major CARY HAMPTON BORRER, Justice of the Peace and Deputy-Lieutenant for the county of .Sussex, eldest son of Reverend Canon Borrer, Rector of Hurst Pierpoint, Treasurer of Chichester Cathedral and Rural Dean [to whom refer], by Elizabeth his wife, dau. of late James Orr of Holywood House, co. Down. Cli/l>s — Naval and Military, St. Stephen's. Livery — Dark blue, is the Military Cockade. silver buttons. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms: Azure, a lion rampant erminois, holding in his dexter paw an augt'r or borer projjer, over all, on a chevron argent, three escutcheons of the field, the centre one charged with a rose of the fourth, barbed and seeded of the third, in chief a label upon a mullet for difference. Crest — Upon a wreath of the colours, a buck's head erased proper, fretty argent, holding in the mouth an auger as in the arms. Married, June 22, 1871, Alice, only surviving child of the late John Eames Downe, Esquire. Estate and postal address — Hurst Pierpoint Grange, Hassocks, Sussex. Till. Rkvekknu CHARLES ALEXANDER BORRER, Clerk in Holy Orders, Rector of Horseheath, Linton, in the county of Cambridge, Bachelor of Arts of the University of Oxford. Borti December 4, 1843, being the third son of the Reverend Carey Hampton Borrer, Rector of Hurst Pierpoint, Treasurer of Chichester Cathedral and Rural Dean [to whom refer], and Elizabeth his wife, daugliter of James Orr of Holywood House, in the county of Down. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Azure, a lion rampant erminois, holding in the dexter paw an auger or borer proper, over all, on a chevron argent, three escut- cheons of the field, the centre one charged with a rose of the fourth, l)arbed and seeded of the third, and in chief a crescent upon a midlet for difference ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a buck's head erased proper, fretty argent, holding in the mouth an auger as in the arms. Married Dora, daughter of Thomas Gee of Beechwood, Hope Mansel. Postal address — Horseheath, Linton, Cam- bridgeshire. § WILLIAM BORRER, Esquire, Justice of the Peace and Deputy-Lieutenant for the county of Sussex, Master of Arts of the University of Cambridge. Born 1814, t)eing the eldest son of the late William Borrer of Piarrow Hill, Henfield, in the county of Sussex, by his wife I'.lizabeth, daughter of the late Nathaniel Hall of New Hall, Henfield, Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Azure, a lion rampant einiinois, holding in his dexter paw an auger or borer proper, over all, on a chevron argent, three escut- cheons of the field, the centre one charged with a rose of the fourth, barbed and seeded of the third ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a buck's head erased [)roper, fretty argent, holding in the mouth an auger as in the arms ; with the Motto, " Fide laboro." Married, 1840, Margaret, daughter of John Hanilyn Borrer ; and has, with other Issue — William Borrer, liscjuire. Justice of the Peace, born 1846 [married, 1883, Fanny Elizabeth, eldest daughter of the late William Piers Thomas, Esquire, and has, with other issue, William Hardres, born 1889]. Postal address — Brook Hill, Cowfold, Horsham. JOHN BORTHWICK, Esquire, Justice of the Peace for the counties of Midlothian and Berwick. Born 1825, being the eldest son of John Borthwick of Borthwick and Crookston, by his wife Ann, eldest daughter of Robert Dundas of Arniston, Lord Chief Baron of Scotland 1819. L'hib — Jimior Carlton. IJivry — Black and white. Armo- rial bearings — He ought to bear for Arms : Argent, a crescent Ijetween three cinquefoils sable, which are duly matriculated in Lyon Register as the arms of Borthwick of Crookston. But Mr. Bortlnoick has assumed and uses the aehievement of Baron Borthtvick, ivith his supporters, lohifh, needless to say, do not belong; to Mr. Borthwick. The achievement Mr. Borthwick claims is : Quarterly i and ^, quarterly i. and iiii. argent, three cinquefoils sable; ii. and Hi. argent, a cross engrailed between four cross crosslets Jitchde sable ; 2. quarterly i. and iiii. gules, three Jleurs-de-lis argent ; ii. and Hi. ermine, on a fessc sable, three crescents argent ; 3. quarterly i. and iiii. per pale argent and sable, a chapter adorned ivith four roses counter- changed ; ii. and Hi. purpure {f vert), three greyhounds caurant argent, two and one, on a chief of the last, three hunting-horns stringed. Crest — A blackamoor s head in profile couped. Supporters — On either side an angel proper. MottO — "Qui conduct t." Married, 1854, Eliza- beth Mason, eldest daughter of Vice -Admiral Pringle of Forwoodlee, in the county of Selkirk. Estates — Barony of Borthwick Castle, Crookston House, and Barnhouse. Postal addresses — Heriot, and Fountainiiall, Midlothian. BOSANQUET, see SMITH-BOSANQUET. ^m is the Naval Cockade. PERCIVAI. BOSANQUEr, Esquire, Justice of the Peace for the counties of Hertford >l2rt«yiS«rtttl>^ "'"' -^fidJlesex, and for Westminster. ia\)pan\\UK'l Horn Decemkr 30, 1831, bein^ the second son of Augustus Henry Bosan- Chanit>er of Commerce; Vice-Presi- dent London C"liaml)er of Commerce, /ioni July 12, 1830, iKMUg the third but only surviving son of the Rev. Thomas Boulton and his wife Rhoda, dau. of John Parker. C/uds — Royal Societies', Whitehall, /,/w/j— White (or drab) with red facings. Armorial bearings— Argent, on a bend gules, two leopards' faces of the field, a chief arched of the second, thereon two falcons close proper. Mantling gules and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, upon a holly-bush a falcon rising, holding in the dexter claw a bird-bolt in pale, head downwards, and in the beak a a sprig of holly all proper. MottO — "I will never c]uit." Mun-ied, April 19, 1855, at the British Embassy, Paris, to .Sophia Louisa, dau. of the late Thomas Cooper ; and has Jssitu — (i) Harold Edwin Boulton, Esq., M..\. Balliol Coll., Oxford, late Capt. 2nd Batt. Cameron Highlanders, b. Aug. 1859 [/«. , Jan. 26, 1889, .Adelaide Lucy, second dau. of Duncan Davidson of Tiilloch] ; (2) Oscar Evan Boulton, lCsc|., M.A. Balliol Coll., Oxford, Capt. Ayrshire Yeomanry, /'. May 29, 1866, [;//., June 2, 1894, Barbara Marion, fourth flau. of Maj.-tien. Wauchope, late Indian Army]; Cora Burt [/;/. the late Richard Cowper] ; Matel .Annie [w. St. Clair Kelburn MulhoUand Stobart, B.A. Oriel Coll., Oxford, of Mount Bagnall, co. Louth] ; Enid Alice [;«. Frederick Hugh Capron, B.A. University Coll., Oxford]; Eva Ger- trude; and Beatrice Amy [w. Sidney Galpin, B.A. New Coll., Oxford]. Estates — Copped Hall Estate, Tottcridge, Herts; and Hendon, Middlesex. Residence — ^ Copped Hall, Totteridge, Herts. Toiuh postal address— 6^ Cannon Street, London, E.G. §JOHN BOURNE, Esquire, J. P. and D.L. Bom 1815, Ijeing the third son of the late Charles Bourne, Mer- chant, by his wife Mary, dau. of William Edwardes of Lane Delph. Armorial bearings — .Arg^-nt, on a mount vert, and mk is the Military Cockade. in base barry wavy of four of the field and azure a castle triple-towered gules, two flaunches of the last, on a chief nebuly of the third, tlie sun in splendour, between two estoiles of the first. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, 011 a mount vert, a pegasus salient per fesse or and gules, charged on the body with two fountains proper, in the mouth a trefoil slipped vert. Motto — " Hnec omnia tran- seunt." Married, 1847, Ethel, dau. of John Mason of Lymington, co. Hants;- and has /ssi/e — (i) John Bourne, Esq., J. P., l>. 1850 [/;/., 1881, Helen Margaretta, dau. of Charles Wilson Faber, and has issue, two daus. , Gladys and Muriel] ; (2) Arthur Mason Bourne, Gentleman [w. the dau. of Greene, and has issue, Ralph Bourne, Gentle- man, t). Jan. 1894; John Bourne, Gentleman, b. Feb. 15, 1895]; and Ethel [;«. H. B. Dickenson]. Seat — Hilder- stoiie Hall, Stone, co. Stafford. H TiiF. Rkvekhnd GEORGE DRINKWATER W BOURNE, Justiceof the Peaceand Deputy- ■nt^ntlftir I^ieutenant for the county of Gloucester, iUUtlA'tlv' ^pj Honorary Canon of Gloucester. Bom August 1821, being the youngest son of the late Peter Bourne, Esquire, of Hackinsall, Justice of the Peace, by Margaret his wife, Lady of the Manor of Mag- hull, in the county of Lancaster, and only daughter of the late James Drinkwater of Liverpool. Club — Oxford and Cambridge. Livery — Dark blue with a red waistcoat. Armorial bearings are for Arms : Argent, a chevron sable, guttc^e-d'eau, between in chief two lions rampant and in base an heraldic tyger also rampant gules ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, an heraldic tyger sejant or, guttfe-de-sang, resting the dexter paw upon a cross patde gules; with the Motto, "Semper vigilans." Married, firstly, April 1847, Jane, only daughter of Francis Hole of Tiverton, in tlie county of Devon. She died September 22, 1854 ; and secondly, April 1857, Harriet ICliza, youngest daughter of the late John Moss of Otters- poole, and sister of the late Sir Thomas Edwards-Moss, Baronet. By his first marriage the above-mentioned Reverend George Drinkwater Bourne had Issue — Francis Hole Bourne, Esquire, late Captain 43rd Light Infantry, born 1850 and died 1880 ; and Margaret Hole, married, Jiuie 24, 187s, to the Reverend Francis lulward Broome- Witts ; and by his second marriage William Moss Bourne, Gentleman, who died an infant; Hannah Moss; and Louisa Moss. /s.fA//('.f^WestonSubedge, in 1 he county of Gloucester; and Nor Moss, in tlie county of Lancaster. Postal address — Weston Sutjedge, Broadway, Worcester- shire. § ROBERT BOURNE, Esquire, Just ire of the Peace for the counties of Worcester and Hereford, Deputy-Lieu- tenant for the former county, late Captain ^i,th Loot, Major and Honorary Lieutenant-Colonel I Vorcestershire I 'olun/eers, ^m is the Naval Cockade. 4 T50U TBoto 97 arn 1832, being the eldest son of the Reverend Robert Purr mrne of Don head, St. Andrnvs, in the county of Wilt- ire, Master of Arts, by his wife Eliza Jane, daughter of hn Johnston, Ksqiiire, of Dauwn Park, in the county of ent. Liver) — White and red. Armorial bearings as ed are: Argent, a chevron gules, between three lions mpant sable a chief ermine. The arms were confirmed in 134 to Giles Bourne of Wick, in the county of Worcester, om whose brother descent is claimed, but no pedigree of the milv has been established or recorded at the College of Arms nee that date. Married, 1857, Anna Eliza, daughter of imuel Baker of I.ypiatt Park, in the county of Gloucester ; id has Issue— (i) Robert Valentine Bourne, born 1858, died I76; (2) Gilbert Charles Bourne, born 1861 [tnarried, 1887, instance Margaret Graham, eldest daughter of Sir John roft. Baronet, of Dodington , in the county of Kent\ ; (3) Henry aland Murray Bourne, born 1874; Annie Beatrice ; Ruth 'ary ; Eaith Henrietta; Agatha Georgina ; Mildred instance; and Christabel. Estate — Much Cowarne, in e county of Hereford. Postal address — Cowarne Court, •dbury. FREDERICK W/L/JAM DEL A MORE BOUTH, Esquire, Justice of the Peace for the County X(\\\¥{\ Palatine of Lancaster. Born ^//^/«/ 13, 1835, jUUVy being the third son of John Bouth, by his wife Frances, daughter of William Firth. Ax- orlal bearings as used, but for which no authority has en established at tlu College of Arms, are Jor Arms : rgent, three boars' heads erect sable; and for the Ctw\i, a vt passant argent; with tlw Motto, "Quod ero spero." arried, October 18, 1864, Sarah, daughter of James ampson of .'i haw Clough, Rochdale; and has Issue — (i) rthur H. Delamore Bouth, born September 13, 1865 ; (2) eginald H. Myddleton Bouth, bom January 1867 ; (3) ustace F. Delamore Bouth, born April t, 1871 ; (4) Rollo Delamore Bouth, born September 1872. Estates — Flkstone 'anor and Pegglesworth, in the county of Gloucester. Pnsial Idress — Woodjields, I^igh, Lancashire. \HENRY BOWDEN-SMITH, Esquire, Justice of the ! Peace for the county of South- JRrt^HllOtl-S&ttltfh ampton. Bom 1834, beini^ the VV}WVK'H''<3 Ulliy secondson of the late Nathaniel Boivden-Smith, Esquire, Jus- :e of the Peace, by Emily Marv his wife, daui^hter of the te Richard Ripley. Q.\\xh— Windham. Livery— Black. rmorial bearings as used, but for which no ri^ht has been lablished, arc for Arms: Argent, a fesse indented azure Ujoeen three roses ; and for a Crest, a talbot statant ; with \e Motto, "Suaviter in modo, fortiter in re." Estate and )Stal address— /y/f7f,t Knoll, Brockenhurst, Hants. The Reverend ARTHUR JAMES BOW EN, Bachelor of Arts of the University of Cambridge, Justice BOtDCn "f '^^ ^'^'^^^f'^*'*!*^ county of Pembroke. Born T^8y^, being the second son of James Bmvcn, Esquire, of Troedyraur, Justice of the Peace id Deputy -Lieutenant for the counties of Cardigan, embroke, and Carmarthen, by his wife Dorothea, daugh- r of the Reverend D. Griffiihs, I'icar of Nevern, and of erttan, in the county of Pembroke, Justice of the Peace for ■e county of /'embroke. Uvqtv— Green, with gilt buttons. rmorial bearings as used,' and as quoted in Burke's \Landcd Gentry," but for which no authority has been Vablished at the College of Arms, are: Quarterly i and 4, hire a lion rampant or, between eight bezants ; 2. i;ules, a ^vron between two knots in chief, and a lion rampant in jlKo;-; 3 azure, a hawk proper. Crest—.-/ lion rampant j-, holding in the paws a knot as in the arms. MottO— lAudacesfortunajuvat." Married. 1862, Gertrude Maria, ttiighter of .Eneas Cannon, Doctor of .Medicine, of Chelten- um; and has Issue— (i) Eynor George Rice Lioue vert between four escallops sable; 2. argent, two barrulets dancett^e sable between four pellets ; 3. erminois, on a bend engrailed and plain cotised gules, three mascles or, and in chief an unicorn's head erased of the second ; and for liis Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a hoar passant argent, senile of escallops sable ; • with the Motto, " Fortis propositi tenax." Estate and •bostal address — Elmcrofts, Ripon. § JAMES BOWER BOWER, Esquire, Major 3rd Bat- talion Cheshire Regiment, formerly Lieutenant 51st King's Own Light Infantry. Born May 3, 1848, being the eldest son of the late Richard Marsh Marsh-Dunn, Esquire, Carlton Lodge, Teignmouth, Justice of the Peace for the county of Devon, by his wife Eliza Helen, second daughter of the late James Bower of Melcombe Regis, in the county of Dorset ; and assumed the name and arms of Bower by Royal License in accordance with the terms of his uncle's will. Club — East Devon and Teignmouth (Teignmouth). Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Sable, two tilting- fi is the Military Cockade. IBotoejs spears saltireways or, in chief three talbots' heads couped argent ; and for the Crest, on a wreath of the colours, in front of a talbot's head couped sable, gorged with a collar gemel or, a tilting-spear fesseways, head to the dexter also or. Married, January 22, 1881, Ada Emily Gwynne Fitz- gerald, eldest daughter of the late William James Fitzgerald Butler, Esquire ; and has Issue — James Gerald Marsh Bower, (jentleman, born April 21, 1886; Ada Patricia Fitzgemkl ; and Synolda Helen Adah. Postal address — Claremont, Teignmouth, Devon. RICHARD BO WES. Born August 20, 1859, being the eldest son of George Iknces, by his wife Eliza- beth, daughter of William Gordon. Armo- rial bearings as used and claimed vary bettveen : Ermine, three boi.os paleways in fesst gules. Crest — Six arro7vs in saltire enjiled until a ribbon ; and the same arms with the addition of a chief asure, thereon a sivan argent, holding in its beak a gem-ring or, a covered cup betrveen ttvo leapords' faces or. Crest — A demi-lcopard guardant gules, holding betiveen the pauis a bundle of arrmos or, barbed argent, and banded7i>ith a ribbon asure. Mottoes — " Jaculis nee arcu," and " Bonne et belle assez." But no authority for anything armorial has been established in the College of Arms. Married, August 16, 1892, Blanche, elder daughter of Monsieur Ernst Bujige ; and has Issue — Gladys Marguerite. Estate — Small property called Monkerid, situated at Croft-on- Tees, in the North Riding of the county of York, and land at Britnmcside, in the county oj Durham. Postal ?id.dvei&—Monkend, Croft-on-Tees, near Darlington. § EDWARD SALVIN BOWLBY, Esquire, M.A. (Can- tab), J. P. and D.L. for Hertford, and Ol^flVnTfltl Barrister-at-law (Inner Temple). Boruifiyi, JUU UI4U|^ being the eldest son of Edward Bowlby (late 4th King'sOwn Regiment), by his wife -Anna, daughter of Thomas Hodgson of Bowness and Newbiggin, in the county of Cumberland. Clubs — United University, Wellington, and Royal Y'acht Squadron (Cowes). Livery— Olive green and silver. Armorial bearings are : Per fesse nebuly sable and argent, a pale with three hinds' heads erased two and one, and as luany annulets one and two all eounterchanged ; and for a Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, three annulets interlaced one and two or, between two thorn branches proper; with the Motto, " Je ne change Cju'en mourant." .Married, firstly, 1861, Maria, youngest daughter of James Rimington of Broomhead Hall, in the county of York; and secondly, 1880, ICliza- beth, eldest daughter of Robert Vans Agnew of Barn- l)arroch and .Sheuchan, in the county of W'igtown ; and has, with other surviving Issue — (1) Arthur Salvin Bowlby, Gentleman; (2) Geoffrey Vaux Salvin Bowlby, Gentleman. Estates — Gilston Park, in the county of Hert- K is the Naval Cockade. Ford ; Knoyilart, in the county of Inverness. — Gilston Park, Harlow. Postal address Colonel ARTHUR MONTAGU BOWLES, second son of Captain C. O. lioroles of the lot/i IRrtVyiTl^tf Hussars, hv his wife Martina, daughter of iOUUIl*;'^ lyUiiain Leiuis Grant. C\\x\i— Naval and Military, Armorial bearings vsed are for Arms : Azure, three standing howles argent, and Issuing out of each a boar's head or; and for a Crest, a iemi-boar ar,ure, armed, iinguled, and bristled or, pierced 'hrough the chest with an arro^v of the last,, headed jrgent ; with the Motto, " Ut tibi sic alteri ;" but Colonel Do7oles has not established any right whatso- rver to these. Married, September 25, 1883, Ellen Dora, laughter of the Rez'erend Edward Golding, Clerk in Holy Orders. HENRY CARINGTON BOWLES BOWLES, Es- j™ quire, J. P. and D. L. for co. of Middlesex. Born |une 30, 1830, being tile only son of the late Edward Treacher, Gentleman, by his wife .Anne S;xrah, only dau. 5f the late Henry Carington Bowles, Gentleman, F.S.A., of Vlyddelton House; and assumed by Royal Licence, 1852, he surnam(! and arms of Bowles. Armorial bearing^— puarterly i and 4, |)er pale indented gules and azure, three bups, two and one argent, in each a boar's head erect or Ifor Bowles) ; 2 and 3 per chevron gules and azure, on a i-hevroti tx'tween three boars' heads couped argent, a cross Bory between two grasslioppers respecting each other vert [for Treacher). Mantling gules and argent. Crest- On R wreath of the colours, a demi-boar erect erminois, the sinister shoulder pierced with an arrow argent. Motto— • ' Ut tibi sic alteri." Married, Sept. 10, "1856, Cornelia, nau. of George Kingdom of Houlbowiine, Ireland ; and [las Ajv/c— (i| Henry Ferryman Bowles, Gentleman; and 2) Edward Augustus Itowles, (Jentlcman. 5(Y//~Myddel- ton House, Enfield. Postal address — Myddelton House, Waltham Cross, Herts. CHARLES EYRE BR ADS HAW BOWLES, Es- quire, Justice of the Peace for the county of Derby. Born August 17, 1848, being the eldest surviving son of the Reverend Charles Bradshatv Boivles of Abney Manor and Bradshaw Hall, in the county of Derby, Vicar of Woking, in the county of Surrey, by his second wife Maty Charlotte, second daughter of Vice-Admiral Sir George Eyre, Knight Commander of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, Knight Commander of the Most Distinguished Order of Saint Michael and Saint George. Livery — Blue and gold. Aimorlal bearings as used, but to which the aboi'e-men- tioned Charles Eyre Bradshaw Boivles, Esquire, does not appear to ha-c'e established any right, are : Azure, three standing bmvles or, in each a boar's head couped and erect. Crest — A demi-boar pierced with an arro-M [(/uarterings for Bradshatv, Galliard, Stafford, Vesey, and others are made u.^e of, but have not been established]. Married, August 8, 1878, Jane Charlotte, sole daughter o) John Charles Burton Borough of Chetwynd Park, in the county of Salop, and oj Hulland Hall, in the county of Derby ; and has Issue — (i) Humphry Charles Bradshaxv Boudes, born September 15, 1879 ; Dorothy Maty ; and Cicely Erances. Estates — Abney Manor; Bradshaw Hall, C'hapel-en-le-Erith ; and Eyatn, all in the county of Derby. Postal address — Abney Manor, viA Sheffield. HENRY FERRYMAN BOWLES, Esquire, J. P. for CO. of Middlesex, M. P. for the Enfield Division of Middle- sex, Major of the 7th Batt. Rifle Brigade (Prince Consort's Own), M.A. Camb. Born 1858, being the eldest son of Henry Carington Bowles, Esq., of Myddelton House, Waltham Cross, in co. Hertford, J. P. and D.L. , and Governor of the New River Company, by Cornelia his wife, dau. of the late George Kingdom. Clubs— C^x\\.ox\, Con- servative. I.ii'ciy- Blue, with gold buttons and narrow red cord. Armorial bearings — IVr pale indented gules and azure, three cups, two antl one argent, in each a boar's head erect or (for Bowles). Mantling gules and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a demi-toar erect erminois, the sinister shoulder pierced with an .arrow argent. Motto— "Ut tibi sic alteri." Married, 1889, UoUy, dau. of J. L. Broughton of 'I'unstall, co. Salop ; and has L^sue — Wilma Marv Garnault. Postal address—Forly Hall, Enfield. EDGAR ALFRED BOWRING. Esqr.Te, Companion of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath. Born May 26, 1826, iH'ing the fourth son of the late Sir John Bowring, Knight B.aclielor, Justice of the Peace and Deputy-Lieutenant, Doctor of I„aws and Fellow of the Royal .Society, Governor, Commander-in-Chief and Vice-Admiral of Ilong Kong, and Her Majesty's Minister Plenii)oteiitiary to China, who died Novernlx!r 23, 1872. Armorial bearings — He l>ears for Arms: fiules, three Eastern crowns chevronways \>c- tween two chevronels, the whole IxUween three lions ram- pant or. Upon the escutcheon, from which is pendent his i)adge as a Companion of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules and or ; and for a Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a demi-lion or, holding in the dexter paw an arrow in Ixsnd sinister, and in the sinister paw a lx)w paleways proper. A/arried, firstly. May 12, 1853, Sophia, daughter of 'lliomas Cubitt of Denbies, in the county of Surrey, who died Septeml)er 4, 1857 ; and secondly, Deceml)er 7, 1858, Ellen, daughter of Lewis Cubitt. By his first marriage the above-mentioned Edgar Alfred Bowring, ICsquire, has /ssue — (i) Edgar Francis Bowring, Gentleman, born August 15, 1854 ; and Margaret Sophia ; and by his second marriage, (2) Algernon Cunliffe Bowring, Gentleman, lx)rn Sejitemlicr 27, 1859; and (3) Victor Henry liowring, (ientleman, born March 26, 1867. Postal addresses — 30 Eaton Place, London, S.W. ; and 5 I^wes Crescent, Brighton. LEWIN BENTHAM BOWRING, Esquire, Companion of the Most Exalted Order of the .Star of India, Justice of the Peace for tlie county of Devon. Born July 15, 1824, being the third son of the late Sir John Bowring, Knight Bachelor, Justice of the Peace and Deputy-Lieutenant, Doctor of Laws and Fellow of the Royal Society, Governor, Commander-in- Chief and Vice-Admiral of Hong-Kong, and Her Majesty's Minister Plenipotentiary to China, who died November 23, The Editor undertakes that every entry not in italics is that of a genuinely armigerous person. 1130P TJ3ta 1872. CM— East India United Service. Armorial bear- ing's — lie V)t\'irs for Arms: Gules, three Kastern crowns chevroiiways lietWL'cn two chovronels, the whole between three lions'ramp.int or. Upon the escutcheon, from which is pendent his badjje as a Companion of the Most I'^xalted Order of the Star of India, is placed a iiehnet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules and or ; and for a Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a demi-lion or, holding j'n the dexter paw an arrow in bend sinister, and in the sinister paw a bow paleways ]5roper. Married, firstly, .August 13, 1857, Mary Laura, who died .April 17, 1866, daughter of .Admiral Sir John Talbot, Knight Grand Cross of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, commonly known as Ad- miral the Honourable Sir John Talbot, V)y his wife Juliana (or Julia), commonly known as the Honourable Juliana, daughter of the Right Honourable James Everard, ninth Baron .Arnndell of Wardour, a Count of the Holy Roman Empire; and secondly, July 31, 1867, Katherine, fourth daughter of Mr. Serjeant Edward Bellasis. By his first marriage the above-mentioned Lewin Bentham Bowring, Esquire, has Issue — (i) Charles Talbot Bowring, Gentleman, born December 15, 1862 ; and Mary lAicy, married H. J. Weld, and died March 7, 1893 ; and by his second marriage, (2) Edward Lewis Stanislas Bowring, Gentleman, born November 13, 1869, and died June 30, 1885 ; (3) Philip Francis Bosvring, Gentleman, born April 6, 1871 ; (4) John Bellasis Bowring, Gentleman, born November 10, 1872 ; (5) Vincent Lewin Bowring, Gentleman, born May 5, 1875; (6) Francis Stephen Bowring, Gentleman, born January 29, 1878; (7) Wilfrid Joseph Bowring, Gentleman, born March 31, 1879; (8) Ignatius William Bowring, Gentleman, born July 31, 1880; Edith Mary; and Clara Mary Aloysia. Postal address — Lavrockbere, Torquay. Dame ISABELLA BOYD, Widow, commonly known as Lady Boyd, daughter of John Lawson of TRnWil ^^''■""i"''', in the county of Peebles. Armorial ii, vY,v} bearings are, upon a lozenge : Azure, a fesse chequy argent and gules, between three mullets in chief, and an anchor in base of the second wreathed about with a cable proper. Married, April 28, 1853, Sir John Boyd, Knight Bachelor, Justice of the Peace and Deputy-Lieutenant, Lord-Lieutenant, and sometime Lord Provost of Edinburgh, who died 1893. Of the above marriage there was Issue— {1) John Boyd, Esquire [to whom refer] ; (2) William Boyd, Esquire, born November 25, 1861 ; (3) Allan Stuart Boyd, Esquire, and (4) Arthur Hamilton Boyd, Esquire, twins, born June 7, 1869 ; (5) Halbert Johnston Boyd, Esquire, born June 7, 1872 ; Isabella Lawson ; and Bertha Theodora. Estates — Ma.xpoffle and Whitrigg, both in the county of Ro.xburgh. Postal address — II Abercromby Place, Edinburgh. JOHN BOYD, Esquire. Born November 24, 1855, being the eldest son of the late Sir John Boyd, Knight Bachelor, Justice of the Peace and Deputy- Lieutenant, Lord Lieu- tenant, and sometime Lord Provost of Edinburgh, and his wife Isabella [to whom refer], daughter of John Lawson of Cairnmuir, in the county of Peebles. Armorial bear- ings—He bears for Arms: Azure, a fesse chequy argent and gules between three mullets in chief, and an anchor in base of the second, wreathed about with a cable proper. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling azure and argent ; and upon a wreath of his liveries is set for Crest, a dexter hand pointing upward with the thumb and two fingers proper ; and in an escroll over the same this Motto, "Confido." Postal address— II Abercromby Place, Edinburgh. WILLIAAI HENRY BOYD, Esquire, |.P. and D.L. ; assumed by Royal Licence, 1891, the name of Boyd. Born 1843, being the only son of William Henry Porter, Esq., by his wife Mary, eldest dau. of John Boyd, Esq., of Ballymacool. C///Af— Junior Carlton, Kildare Street Club (Dublin). Armorial bearings — Azure, a fesse chequy argent and gules, in chief a trefoil or. Mantling azure and argent. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a dexter hand couped at the wrist erect, pointing upwards with the thumb and first two fingers proper, the hand charged with a trefoil or. Motto— " Confido." Married, 1879, Char- lotte Agnes, dau. of Col. James Henry Dopping, ]. P. ; and has with other Issue— ]o\m Dopping Boyd, Gentle- man, b. 1886. Seat — Ballymacool, near Lctterkenny, co. Donegal. is the Military Cockade. BOYLE, quartered by CAVENDISH, HILL, and PAKENHAM. CHARLES CAVENDISH BOYLE, Esquire, Coin- panion of the Most Distinguished Order of Saint Michael and Saint (leorge. Born May 29, 1849, being the second son of the late Captain Cavendish Spencer Boyle, and his wife Rose Susan, daughter and co-heir of the late Lieutenant- Colonel Charles Carson Alexander ; was Magistrate, Corn ner, and Registrar - General of Dominica, 1880; Member of the Legislative Assembly, and Inspector of Gaols, 1880; Colonial Secretary and Registrar-General of Bermuda, 1882 ; Colonial Secretary of Gibraltar, 1888 ; Lieutenant-Governor and Government Secretary of British Guiana, 1893 ; and was created a Companion of the Most Distinguished Order of Saint Michael and Saint George, 1889. Club — Badmin- ton. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Per bend crenellte argent and gules. Pendent from the escutcheon is the badge of a Companion of the Most Distinguished Order of Saint Michael and Saint George ; and for the Crest, out of a ducal coronet or, a lion's head per pale crenellfe argent and gules; with the Motto, "God's providence is my in- heritance." Postal address — The Palace, Hampton Court, London, S.W. Sir COURTENAY EDMUND BOYLE, Knight Com mander of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, Master of Arts, Fellow of the Statistical Society. Born October 21, 1845, being the eldest son of the late Captain Cavendish Spencer Boyle, and his wife Rose Susan, daughter and coheir of the late Lieutenant-Colonel Charles Carson Alexander ; was Private Secretary to the Lord-Lieutenant of Ireland, 1868-1873, and 1882-1885 ; Local Government Inspector, 1873-1885 ; Assistant-Secretarv to the Local Government Board, 1885, 1886, and to the Board of Trade, 1886-1893 ; Permanent Secretary to the Board of Trade since 1893. C//<'3 J— Travellers', Brooks', Turf. Armorial bearings- He bears for Arms : Per bend crenellt-e argent and gules, all within the ribbon and pendent therefrom the badge of a Knight Commander of the Civil Division of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath ; and impaling upon a second escutcheon the arms of Campbell, namely : Quarterly, 1. or, a hart's head caboshed sable, attired gules (for Calder), 2. gyronny of eight or and sable (for Campbell), 3. argent, a lymphad, oars in action sable (l^or Lome), 4. party per fesse azure and gules, a cross or (for Lort). Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules and argent ; and for the Crest, out of a ducal coronet or, a lion's head per pale crenell^e argent and gules; with the Motto, "God's providence is my inheritance." Mar- ried, 1876, Muriel Sarah, commonly known as Lady Muriel Sarah, second daughter of the Right Honourable John Frederick Campbell, second Earl of Cawdor. Postal ad- dress — II Granville Place, London, W. BRABANT and LORRAINE, quartered by PERCY and BAGOT. Colonel JOHN PALMER BRABAZON, Companion of the Most Honourable Order of the '^RfflflJ^Yrtn l^'^t'i- Lt.-Col. and Col. Commanding iDVaUa^UU 4th Hussars, and A.D.C. to the Queen. fiorn 1843, being the younger but only surviving son of the late Major Hugh Brabazon Brabazon of Brabazon Park, by Ellen Ambrosia, youngest dau. of Sir William Henry Palmer, 3rd Bart. ; was created Companion of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, 1893. Club —Guards. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms: Quarterly i and 4, gules on a bend or three martlets sable, a fleur-de-lis argent, for difference (for Brabazon) ; 2 and 3 argent, guttiJe-de-poix, on a fesse sable three towers of the first (for Higgins). Upon the escutcheon, from which is pendent his badge as a Companion of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, on a mount vert, .a falcon rising, belled or, charged with a fleur-de-lis azure ; with the MottO, " Vota vita mea." THOMAS HAIGH BRADBURY, h:squire. Justice of the Peace for the West Riding of the county of York. Born 1834, being the eldest son of Uriah Bradbury of Mir- field, in the county of York, Member of I is the Naval Cockade. TBraDfturg ri IBva IBva ihe Royal d'ollege of Surgeons, by Anne liis wife, nc't: Haigh. Livery — Black and silver. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Argent, a chevron invected ermines, between llirti; escutclieons sable, each charged with a round buckle, lonj.ue pendent of the first ; and for the Crest, on 1 wreatli of the colours, in front of a denii wood-pigeon, wings displayed and elevated argent, each wing ch;irged with a round buckle tongue pendent sable, and holding in the beak a sprig of barberry, tiie trunk of a tree fesseways eradicated and sprouting to the dexter Ixjth proper ; with the Motto, " ^quitas actionem regula." Estate and postal /rf(//-«J— Bnidley, Huddersfield. CHARLES ARTHUR WILBRAHAM BRADDICK, Gentleman, only son of the late John Wil- lRt*flTl?1trfe braham Braddick, Gentleman. Livery — iOl-ttUUiva ]3.-irk green. Armorial bearing:s— He bears tor Arms : Or, on a chevron vert, between two lions' heads erased azure in chiet, and a fo.x ciu"rent in base proper, a stag's he:id caboshed between two wreaths of oak of the field ; and for Crest, on a w reath of the colours, a dapple-grey horse siatant, the dexter fore- foot resting upon an escutcheon vert, charged with a stag's head caboshed as in the arms. Postal address — Boughton Mount, near Maidstone. FRANK ADDISON BRACK, Esquire, J.I', for the co. of Stafford. Born .\\>x\\ 23, 1859, being the second but eldest surviving son of Henry Brace, Gentleman, of May- field, Walsall, by iiis wife liliza, dau. of John Russell of Wallington House, Bloxwich, co. Stafford. Clubs — Whites, Boodle's. Armorial bearings— Sable, a bend argent, between two dexter cubit arms in bend viated of the second, the hands proper. [Crest as used, but for which there is no authority, is an arm embirwed, vested in chain-mail anient, the hand grasping a scimitar proper, pommel and hill or.'\ Married, Nov. 23, 1887, Annie Isabel, ilaii. of Hickson Ferguson of The Knowe, in the borough of Ayr; and has Jssue — Henry Ferguson Brace, Gentleman,'*. Oct. 16, 1888; and Ediih Dorothy. Seat — Doveridge Hall, near Uttoxeter, co. Stafford- shire. ELLEN JANE BRACE, Spinster, second dau. of Henry Brace, Gentleman, of Mayfield, Walsall, co. Stafford, by his wile Eliza, dau. of John Russell of W'alling- ton House, Bloxwich, co. Stafford. Armorial bearings— Upon a lozenge : Sable, a bend argent, between two dexter cubit arms in lx;nd vested of the second, the hands proix;r. Residence — Mayfield, Walsall. The Honourable Sir EDWARD NICHOLAS COVENTRY BR ADDON, Knight '^f^t*rtT1^1rtM Commander of the Most Distinguished iU VaUUUU Order of Saint Michael and Saint George (so created 1891), Justice of the Peace for the Territory of Tasmania. Born June 11, 1829, being the second and only surviving son of Henry Braddon of Skisdon, in the county of Cornwall, by Frances, daughter of John White of Limerick ; sensed in the Indian Mutiny as a Volunteer ; was Inspector-General of Registration, and Secretary to the Financial and Chief Commissioners oj Oude ; was elected a Member oJ the Federal Council of Tasmania, 1888 ; Agent-General for Tasnmnia in England, 1888 1893. Club— .S'(jY«/ George's. Sir Edward has not established a right to any Armorial bearings, but uses the follorioing upon his seal for Arms : Quarterly oJ six, i and 6 sable, a bend engrailed argent ; 2. gules four mascles in cross . . . in chief a label of three points; 3. argent, three bars . . . 4. . . . on a pale ... 5. sable, a chevron between three anchors ; and for a Crest, a man's face affrontie be- tween huo arms in armour counter-emboxoed, the hands gauntleted : with the MottO, " Aut mors aut libertas." Burke's *' Landed Gentry" gives the arms: Sable, a bend fusilly argent : but the " General Armory" quotes the bend as engrailed. Burke's "Colonial Gentry" (/notes the arms as good, but prints the crest in italics. Married, firstly, October 25, 1857, Frances Georgina, daughter of William Palmer, landed proprietor, of Pumeah, in India; and secondly, October 16, 1876, Alice Harriet, daughter of W. C. Smith, Merchant, of London ; and has Issue — (i) Edward George Braddon, Esquire, bom December 27, i860; (2) Heniy Yule Braddon, Esi/uire, born April 14, 1863; Ethel Annie [married F. B. .MulvelT\ ; Amy Frances Georgina [married C. F. Knyvett^ ; Margaret [married M. Netlter- sole\\ and Alice Gertrude. Estates — Treglith and Tre- li'orgyn, in the Colony of Tasmania. Victoria Street, London, S. W. Postal address — 5 ROGER KINGDON BRADDON, Lord of the Manor of Downeckney. Born 1816, being the third son of the late John Braddon, Esquire, of Treglith, Justice of the I'eace and Deputy-Lieutenant, by Judith his wife, daughter of Richard Kingdon, Esquire, Justice of the Peace, of Hols- worthy, in the county of Devon. Armorial bearings as used, and as quoted in Burke's "Landed Genliy," but for which no authority has been established, are for Arms : Sable, a bend fusilly argent; with the MottO, "Aut mors aut libertas." Married, 1870, Elizabeth Motintjoy, daughter Tlie Editor undertakes that every entry not in italics is that of a genuinely armigerous person. T5ra IBxa of John I't-arsc of Treator, Fadstoii, in the county of Coni- ivall : ami has with other Issue— (i) J"^'" ^'in^Jon liraddon, born 1871 ; [■2) Roger I'earse liraddon ; and Jane Mountjoy. Bsiale and postaladdress— yrt-^Z/V//, Launceston. WILLIAM CLODE BRADDON, Esquire, Justice of the Peace for the county of Cormvall. Born 1814, being the eldest son of the late William Braddon, Esquire, Justice of the Peace, of Skisdon Ijidgc, in the county of Cornwall, by his wife Hannah Maria, daughter of J. Daniels. Armorial bearings, as quoted in Burke's "Landed Gentry," but for ivhich no authority has been established, are for Arms : Sable, a bend fusilly argent; with the J&QlXo, " Aut mors aut libertas." Married, 1840, Margaret Selina, daughter of Captain John Wogan Palton of the Bengal Army ; and has Issue — (i) William Clode Braddon, Esquire [to whom refer]; (2) Edward Henry Clode Braddon; and Mary Isabel. Postal address— /'"yz-e Street, Tiverton. M WILLIAM CLODE BRADDON, Junior, Esquire, W Justice of the Peace for the counties of Brecknock and Cornwall, late of the ji,th Regiment, Adjutant and Honorary Major of the 1st Brecknockshire Rifle Volunteers. Born 1841, being t/ie eldest son of William Clode Braddon, Esquire [to whom refer], by his wife Margaret Selina, daughter of Captain John Wogan Palton, Bengal Army.^ Armorial bearings, as quoted in Burke's ' ' Landed Gentry," but for which no authority has been established, are for Arms : Sable, a bend fusilly argent; -with the MottO, "Aut mors aut libertas." Married, 1866, Barbara Elizabeth Maria, daughter of William Hunter Little, Esquire, of Llanvair Grange, in the county of Monmouth ; and has issue. Postal address — Tiverton, Devonshire. JOHN BRADNEY, Esquire, Justice of the Peace for the county of Somerset, formerly a Lieutenant ^Krfllltll^tl '" '''^ ^'^''^ Regiment of Hussars. Born iOltlUllv^ December 21, 1841, being the youngest child and only son Jof the late Reverend John Hopkins Bradney, Clerk in Holy Orders, of Hurcot, in the county of Somerset, Rector of Charllon-Adam in that county. Master of Arts of the University of Cambridge, and a Justice of the Peace for the counties of Wiltshire and Somersetshire, by his third wife Mary, second daughter of Lieutenant-Colonel John Poland, Inspecting Field-Officer at Bristol. C///^— Carlton. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Or, a fesse raguly plain cotised between four crosses patfe fitch^e sable ; and for his Crest, on a wreath of the colours, a hawk close proper, belled, jessed and legged or, holding in its dexter foot a cross pat^e fitch(5e sable, and in its beak a trefoil vert ; with the Motto, " Mors gloria forti." Married, firstly, Mary Frances (who died November 2, 1867), daughter of the Reverend John William Routh, Clerk in Holy Orders, Rector of Tilehurst, in the county of Berkshire ; and secondly, Maud Barbara, fourth daughter of Edgar Disney of the Hyde, Essex ; and has had Issue — By his first marriage (i) John Spencer Bradney, Gentleman, born November 23, 1865; (2) Francis William Routh Bradney, Gentleman, born October 24, 1867 ; and by liis second marriage, (3) Edgar Joachim Bradney, Gentleman, born June 26, 1873; (4) George Preston Bradney, Gentle- man, born November 3, 1877 ; (5) William Gustave Bradney, Gentleman, born December 15, 1878, and died February 10, 1879 ; (6) Philij) Edwin Bradney, Gentleman, born November 12, 1880 ; (7) Arthur Basil Bradney, Gentleman, born August 25,1883; Maud Beatrix ; Ida; and Gwendolen Catherine. § JOSEPH ALFRED BRADNEY, Esquire, Justice of the Peace and Deputy-Lieutenant for the county of Mon- mouth, for which he served the office of High Siieriff in the year 1889, Justice of the Peace for the county of Radnor, Bachelor of Arts of the University of Cambridge, and Lieu- tenant-Colonel Commanding the 3rd Volunteer Battalion of tile South Wales Borderers. Born January 11, 1859, being the only son of the Reverend Joseph Christopher Bradney of Bradney, Clerk in Holy Orders, Master of Arts of the University of Cambridge, Rector of Greet, in the county of Salo]), by Sarah Decima his wife, dnughter of the Reverend D.avid Jones, Clerk in Holy Orders, Rector of Hope-Bagot, in the same county. Club — Boodle's. Livery — Dark blue, with brass buttons. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Or, a fesse raguly plain cotised between four crosses patee fitch^e sable, impaling the arms of Jenkins, namely, gules, a lion rampant within a bordure indented or, on a & is tlie Military Cockade. chief argent, three hearts of the first ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a hawk close proper, belied, jessed and legged or, holding in the beak a trefoil vert, and in the dexter claw a cross pat^e fitchee sable ; with the Motto, "Mors gloria forti." Married, October 24, 1883, Rosa, only child of Edward Jenkins, Esquire, of the Grove and Nant-y-groes, in the county of Radnor, Justice of the Peace and Deputy-Lieutenant [to whom refer] ; and has Issue — (i) John Harford Bradney, Gentleman, born August 16, 1886 ; (2) Edward Bradney, Gentleman, born June 20, 1889 ; (3) Walter Bradney, Gentleinan, born September 4, 1892; Margaretta; and Nest. Estates — Bradney, in tlie county of Somerset ; Taly-coed, in the county of Monmouth ; and Nant-y-groes, county Radnor. Seat — Taly-coed, near Monmouth. 15ratii8(treet Sir EDMUND SIMON BRADSTREET, sixtli Baronet. Born August 24, 1820, being the second son of the late Sir Simon Bradstrcet, by his tvife Clare Margaret, daughter of John Murpliy of Dublin. Creation — July 14, 1759. Armorial bearings as used, but which are not registered in Ulster s Office, are for Arms : Argent, a greyhound passant gules, on a chief sable, three crescents or. Motto — " Virtute et non vi." Married, January 1846, Emily Matilda Sophia, daughter of General V. de Gaja of I'au, France; and by her (who died in 1883) has Issue — Edward Bradstrcet, blsquire, horn 1856 [married, 1888, Fortunde, daughter of M. Flori Algiers, and has issue, Gerald Edmund Bradstrcet, Gentle- man, born 1891] ; Ann Matilda ; Geraldine ; and Sophia. EDMOND CORNWALL- BRADY- HARTSTONGE- WELD, Esquire, J. P. for co. Carlow ; assumed by Royal Licence, Aug. 15, 1898, the additional surnames and arms of Cornwall and Brady, in addition to and before those of Hartstonge-Weld. Born 1846, being the elder son of Lorenzo Weld Hartstonge of Rahinbawn, by his wife Eliza- beth Charlotte Letablere, eldest dau. of the late T. Litton of Dublin. Armorial bearings— (Quarterly i and 4, grand quarters, quarterly i. ami iiii. vert, a fesse nebuly ermine, be- tween two descents in chief argent, and in base a trefoil slipped or (for Weld) ; ii. and iii. per chevron invected or and sable, in chief three pellets, in base a stag trippant of the first (for Hartstonge) ; 2 and 3 grand quarters, quarterly i. and iiii. azure, a saltire engrailed or between four doves argent, on a chief gules, three dishes, each hoUling a boar's head couped all of the second (for Brady) ; ii. and iii. argent, a lion rampant gules, crow ned or, within a bordure engrailed sable, bezant(?e (lor Cornwall). Mantling \ert and argent. Crests — I. upon a wreath of the colours, a wyvern dis- played vert (for Weld) ; 2. on a wreath of the colours, a demi-savage proper, on his head a cap argent, holding in M is the Naval Cockade. IBva lis dexter Iiand a sword proper, hilted or, point downwards, ,nd in his sinister a battleaxe or, the hilt proper ; above on n escroU the motto, "Sub libertate quieteni " (for Harts- onge). Motto — " Veruni atque dccens. " A/drrieii, 1S82, ieorgiana Elizabeth, elder dau. of John Brady of Myshall. 'istaies—Ra.hinhawn, Kildavin, co. Carlow ; Bruffe Lodge, 'arkstone, Dorset. §' JOHN ARTHUR DRAGGE, Esguire, Justice of the Peace for the county of Dorset, late Captain IRrflftfTP in the i\th Dragoon Guards. "Born June 28, iDlu^^V 1835, ieing the eldest sun of the late Colonel Hrai^ge, by his wife Margaret, daughter of 'ames Goodeve Sparro^u of Gosfield, in the county if Essex. 'Mi— Army and Navy. Armorial bearlnfrs — CVz//a/« 3ragge writes: — "/ cannot describe armorial bearings, but hey will be found in book relating to such things ; t)ie en- lelope is sealed with crest." The said seal only sho^us "out fa ducal coronet a bull's head," but no tinctures are marked, 'n Burke's "Armory," which may, perhaps, be the book ■eferred to, this crest is ascribed to several coats-of-arms, so hat it is impossible to say what arms have been selected for tsaee by the family, or tuhether the arms so used have any 'egitimate existence as appertaining to any one of that sur- lame ; but the Editor is informed that no right to any armo- Hal bearings whatsoever has been establis/vd by Captain Sragge at the College of A rms. Estates — liurstock, and Sad- ''arrow, Chard, Somerset. 'ffl SAMUEL ARTHUR BRAIN, Esquire, Capt. 2nd 1 ^ Glamorgan Artillery Volunteers, Member of County ICouncil for Borough of Cardiff, youngest son of Samuel jBrain, late of The Lodge, Kingswood, co. Gloucester. jC/«*j— Constitutional, Sports', /./w/t— Light drab, claret facings. Armorial bearings- I'er pale argent and gules. mi a pale cotiscd, three leopards' heads couped all counter- changed. Mantling gules and argent. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a leopard's head couped argent, charged iBta 103 with a pale gules and encircled by a branch of oak vert. Motto — ' ' Ardua tendo." Married, April i8, 1872, Frances, dau. of John Thomas of Cardiff; and has Issue — Ethel Frances [m. Sidney Rice Sweet Escott of Brompton Ralph, Somers.] ; Gladice Mary; and Dora Florence. .^cat — Ro.xburgh, Fenarth, South Wales. WM. JERDONE BR.'MKENRIDGE, Esquire, J.P. for Somerset. Born 1817, being the son of the late George Weare Braikenridge of Brislington. Armorial bearings — ■Vert, a thistle stalked and leavedbetween three beehives or. Mantling vert and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a beehive or between two rose-branches proper. Motto — " Bello ac pace paratus." Clubs — Oxford and Cambridge. Residences — Claremont, Clevedon, and 16 Royal Crescent, Bath. BASIL BRAITHWAITE. Born February 11, 1845, being the second and 07ily survivini^ '^Rt*fltf"flVttS1tf'0 ^'^" if l^ciiie Braithwaite, by his wife iJJVaiViJUiaiV«> Louisa, daughter of the late John Masterman, for many years Member of Parliament for the City of London. Clubs — Conservative, National, City. Livery — Black. Armorial bearings as used, but for which no authority has been established at the College of Arms, are: Gules, on a. chevron argent three cross crosslets JitcMe sable; and for the Crest, a greyhound couchant argent, collared and lined gules ; with the MottO, '* In hoc signo vinces." Married, July 17, 1872, Rosamond Augusta, daughter of Augustus Williatn Gadesden of Ewe 1 1 Castle, in the county of Surrey. Estates — Hookjield, Epsom, in the county of Surrey ; Staveley Park and Birk Hagg, in the county of Westmorland. Postal address — Hookfield, Epsom. S ARTHUR GEORGE BRAND, Esquire, commonly known as the Honourable Arthur George TKfAfiri Brand, Justice of the Peace and Deputy-Lieu- iCIr UllU tenant for the county of Sussex, Memberof Par- liament for the Wisbech Division of the county of Cambridge. Born May 1, 1853, being the third son of the Right Honourable the first I'iscount Ham f den, by his wife Elisa, daughter of General Robert Ell ice. Clubs— /v'(/c//;«. Bachelors', Gar rick. Armorial bearings as used, but for which no authority has been established , are for Arms : Azure, tioo swords in saltire proper, all within a bordurc engrailed or. Ciest— Out of a ducal coronet, a tigers head affrontie. Uotto — " Pour bien desirer." Married, 1886. Edith, youngest daughter of the late Joseph Ingram, Esquire, Justice of the Peace, of Brooklands, in the county of Chester ; and has Issue — Henry Arthur Trevor Brand, Esquire, born 1890. Residences — Pelham House, Lewes ; Osborne House, I Visbech ; 50 Park Street, W. RALPH BRANTON-DAY, Esquire, Justice of the Peace for the county of Hertford. Born May 9, 1848, Ixjing the eldest son of Thomas Day Branton-Day, who assumed the name of Day in 1828 by Royal License, by his wife Helen Wilson, daughter of David Smith of Montrose. Club — Oriental. Livery — Black and buff. Armorial bearings— He lx;ars for Arms : Party per chevron erminois and sable, in chief two mullets pierced of tiie second, and in base a mullet pierced or, in the centre point a cross patt'e per chevron also of the second and gold ; and for his Crest, on a wreath of the colours, a mount vert, thereon two hands conjoined proper, cuffed argent, fixed to a pair of wings, the dexter erminois charged with a mullet pierced sable, and the sinister ermines charged with a mullet pierced argent ; with the Motto, "Surge dies est." /i^/^/ff- Micklefield Green and Great Sarratt Hall, in the county of Hert- ford. Postal -address — Great Sarratt Hall, Rickmansworth, Herts. M ALBERT BRASSEY, Esquire, Justice of the Peace for © the county of Oxford, late Lieutenant 14th ^Kfarfrfl^ll Hussars, Colonel Queen's Own Oxfordshire iCVXVii^iK^ Hussars, and formerly High Sheriff, Bache- lor of Arts of the University of Oxford, M.P. for North Oxon. Born February 22, 1844, being the fourth and youngest son of the late Thomas Brassey, Gentle- man, by his wife Maria Fanington, daughter of Joseph Harrison. Clubs — Carlton, Army and Navy, Naval and X^tanton^Dag The Editor undertakes that every entry not in italics is tbat of a genuinely armigerous person. I04 Tl3rc IBxz Military. Cavalry, Oxford and Cambridge, /.ivety— Brown and white. Armorial bearings Me hears for Arms: (Quarterly of four, i. quarterly per fesse iiideiited sable and (argent, m the first i|uarler a mallard of the second; 2. gules, in chief three mullets argent, and in base a dexter hand apaum^e, couped at the wrist of the last ; 3. sable, a chevron between three bulls' heads caboshed argent ; 4. argent, on a chevron gules, three trefoils slipped of the field, and impaling the arms Bingham, namely azure, a bend cotised between six crosses pat6e or. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling sable and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a mallard proper ; with the Motto, " Arduis sape metu nun- quam." Married, January 12, 1871, Matilda Maria Helena, commonly known as the Honourable Matilda Maria Helena, daughter of the Right Honourable John Charles Rotert Bingham, fourth Baron Clanmorris ; and has /!si/e — (i) Robert Bingham Brassey, Gentleman, born October 18, 1875 '• (2) Percy Frederic Brassey, Gentleman, born Decem- ber 10, 1876; (3) Ralph Albert Brassey, Gentleman, born October 2, 1883; Lilian Maude; Rose Zara Maria [w., 1896, Capt. Denis Daly] ; May Eleanor Annie ; Violet Catherine ; and Iris Hermione. Estates — Heythrop Park, in the county of Oxford ; Charlton Park, in the county of Gloucester. Postal addresses — Heythrop, Chipping Norton, Oxfordshire, and 29 Berkeley Square, S.W. Rev. HUMPHREY WILLIAM BRETHERTON, M.A. Camb. , Rector of Eccleston. Dorti July 6, 1857, being the eldest son of the late William Bretherton, Esq., J. P., Patron of the living of Eccleston, by his wife Margaret, only child of the late Richard Norris of I^ostock Brow. Armorial bearings — Sable, a cross raguly Hory argent, two tiaunches of the last, each charged with a stag's head caboshed of the first. Mantling sable and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a cross raguly flory sable, therefrom pendent by a riband gules a stag's head caboshed argent. Motto — ■" Per aspera ad dulcia crucia. " Married, June I, 1887, Edith Beata, only dau. of John Garden of Llandudno, late Capt. 20th Regt. ; and has Issue — (1) Humphrey Bretherton, Gentleman, h. i88g ; (2) William Bretherton, Gentleman, b. 1892 ; and (3) John Talbot Bretherton, Gentleman, b. 1894. Seat — Runshaw Hall, Chorley, co. Lancaster. Residence — Eccleston Rectory, near Chorley. NORRIS BRETHERTON, Escjuire, J. P. Lanes. Bom 1859, Ijeing the second son of the late William Bretherton, Esquire, J. P., of Runshaw Hall, Lanes, by his wife Mar- garet, only child of Richard Norris of Lostock Brow, Lanes. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Salile, a cross raguly liory argent, two Haunches of the last, each charged with a stag's head caboshed of the first. Upon the escut- cheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mant- ling sable and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a cross raguly fiory sable, therefrom pendent ^ is the Military Cockade. by a riband gules a stag's head caboshed argent; with tlie Motto, " Per asjiera ad dulcia crucis." Married, May 3, 1883, Anne Elizabeth, daughter and heiress of Williani Bashall, Esquire, J. P., of Naleby, Lanes, and Stow Maries, l':ssex ; and has /.m«c— Margaret ; Elsie ; and Dorothy. /j.f/rt/«— Lands in Leyland, Farington, Ulneswallon, Clay- ton-le- Woods, Nateby, and Tarnacre, Lanes; and lands in Stow Maries, Purleigh, and Cold-Norton, Essex. Postal addresses— Moss House, Farington, Preston, Lanes ; Nateby Lodge, Garstang; Great Hayes, Stow Maries, Maldon, Essex. ROBERT EDWARD BREDON, Esquire, M.-A. Uni- versity of Dublin ; servetl 1867 to 1873 as Assistant Surgeon 97th Regt., resigned (relative rank Captain), and joined Ini- ' jjerial Chinese Customs as Chief Secretary in the Inspec- torate General, and later served as Conunissioner of Customs at Hankow, Shanghai, Canton, and elsewhere, resigned 1897 ; is an officer of the Legion of Honour of France, Commander of the Order of St. Olaf of Norway, and Commander of the Order of the Double Dragon of China, Commissioner of Chinese Imperial Maritime Customs. Pom Feb. 4, 1846, being the eldest son of Alexander Bredon, late of Portadown, co. Armagh, M.I)., by Cathe- rine, dau. of Joseph Breadon, R.N. , of Montreal, Canada, Chtb—Jumor United Service. Armorial bearings— Gules, a lion rampant or, within a bordure invccted of the last, chaiged with ten passion-nails proper. Mantling gules and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a demi-lion rampant argent, holding in the dexter paw a cross pat(5e fitchee gules, the sinister paw resting on a pas- sion-nail or. Motto—" Vincit Veritas." Married, Sept. 3, 1879, Lily Virginia, younger dau. of Thomas Crane Banks of San Francisco, California, U.S.A. ; and has /sst/e—)nhel. Pstafes— Portadown, co. Armagh ; Drumshallon, co. Louth. Residences — Peking, China ; Portadown, co. Armagh. ALEXANDER MACAULAY BREDON, Gentleman. Porn July 14, 1849, being the second son of the late .Mexander Bredon, M.D., of Ballintaggart House, Portadown, co Armagh, by Catherine, dau. of Joseph Breadon, R.N., of [3 is tbe Naval Cockade. « IBvt IBti '05 ontreal, Canada. Armorial bearings— Gules, a lion mijant or, within a lx)rduie invccted of the last, charged nth ten passion-nails proper. Mantling gules and or. feat Upon a wreath of the ccjlours, a denii-lion rampant gent, holding in the dexter paw a cross pat6e titchiie lies, the siniiter paw resting on a passion-nail or. Motto ■" Vincit Veritas." Married, July 14, i88r, .-\nnie Isabella, dest dau. of Anthony Surtees of San Antonio, Texas, .S.A. ; and has lsiue—{\) Alexander Surtees Bredon, entleman, b. June 27, 1885 ; (2) Anthony Surtees Bredon, lentleman. b. July i, 1888; and Margaret Sarah. Estate >-Castletown Cooley, Carlingford, co. Louth. Postal ad- -«j— Scarborough, Yorkshire. MATTHEW BOYD BREDON, Esquire, Major 3rd :itt. Royal Irish Fusiliers, Deputy Commissioner of Cus- ms, China. Born January 25, 1855, being the third son ■ the late Alexander Bredon, M. D. , of Ballintaggart House, ortadown, co. Armagh, by Catherine, dau. of Joseph readon, R.N., of Montreal, Canada. Clubs — Grosvenor, inior Constitutional, R. Irish Yacht, R. .Alfred Yacht, Qunty (Armagh), l.tvery — Claret and yellow. Armorial jarings— (Jules, a lion rampant or, williin a Ixinlure in- ^iN^^m ccted of the last, charged with ten passion-nails prof)er. ' lantling gules and or. Crest — Uiwn a wreath of the Mours, a domi-lion rampant argent, holding in the dexter fiw a cross patiie fitchee gules, the sinister paw resting on [passion-nail or. Motto — "Vincit Veritas." Married, bpt. 10, 1898, Mary Kerron, last surviving dau. of the late fervais Kerron Birney of Tyrone House, Raihfarnham, co. Jublin. Estates and postal addresses — Ballintaggart House, brtadow n ; Dowih Lodge, Drogheda ; and 39 Ovington ijuare, S.W. BRETT, see ESHER. CHARLES HENRY BRETT, Gentleman, Clerk of the ::ace for County of the Town of Carrickfergus, son of c Rev. Wills ilill Brett, M..\. Armorial bearings- Argent, a fesse cotised sable. Mantling sable and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a falcon proper, jessed gules, belled and vervelled or. Motto — " Vilia contemnit aucupia." Residence — 9 Chichester Street, Belfast. COLONKL SiK WILFORD BRETT, Knight Commander of the Most Distinguished Order of Saint nRff^ff" ^I'chael and Saint George. Born 1824, being iUlvVl' (i^g 5Qf, Qj- jjjg jj^jg Reverend Joseph George Brett ; served as Military Secretary in North America, India, and at Malta, and as Civil Secretary in Nova Scotia, the Ionian Islands, and Malta ; created Knight Commander of the Most Distinguished Order of Saint Michael and Saint George, 1864. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Gules, within an orle of crosses Vxjttony fitch(5e or, a lion rampant of the last, holding in the dexter paw a fasces erect proper (for Brett). Upon the escutcheon, which is encircled by the riblxin of the Most Distinguished Order of Saint Michael and Saint George, and pendent therefrom his badge as a Knight Commander of that Order, is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules and or; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a lion passant gules, charged on the shoulder with a cross bottony fitch6e or, and holding in the dexter fore- paw a fasces proper; with the Motto, "Vicimus." Mar- ried, 1859, Mary Isabel (who died 1892), daughter of Thomas Stephen. Postal address — Moore Place, Esher, Surrey. WILLIAM BAILEY BRETT, Gentleman. Bom 1813, tjcing the eldest son of the late Alexander Brett of Dublin. Armorial bearing^ — .Argent, a fesse cotised sable. Mant- ling sable and argent ; and for his Crest, upon .a wreath of the colours, a falcon proper, jessed gules, belled and ver- velled or. Motto — "Vilia contemnit aucupia." Postal address — 58 Merrion Avenue, Blackrock, co. Dublin. VIVIAN BREW-MULHALLEN. Gentleman; assumed the name and arms of Mulhallen by Royal Licence, May 31, 1897. Armorial bearings — Quarterly i and 4, azure a stag's head erased or, between six escallops argent (for Mulhallen) ; 2. quarterly argent and or, a lion salient sable between four cross crosslets fitchee gules (for Brew) ; 3. per l)end gules and azure, a lion rampant argent, holding in the dexter fore-paw a trefoil or (for Wallace). Mantling iuure and or. Crests — i. on a wreath of the colours, an escallop or (for Mulhallen) ; 2. on a wreath of the colours, a lion rampant per fesse or and gules, charged on the briiist with a cross crosslet fitchee sable (for Brew). Motto — ' 'Always ready. " Residence — 6 Sidmanton Scjuare, Bray, co. Wicklow. ARTHUR liRE IV/.y. Ik)rn 1835, ieinx' the eldest son of Erancis Bnwin. Club — City of 'IRfOVtltft London. Armorial bearings as used, are iOivlUlll yi/r Arms : Quarterly or and azure, a cross moline counlerchanged ; and for a Crest, on a chapcau proper, a unicorn statant argent ; with the Motto, " Be fast ;" but no rit^ht to these has been estab- tislicd at the College of Arms. Marriefi, 1868, Maria Ljjuisa, daughter of the Reverend H. R. Julius of Wrecclesham, Surrey. Postal address — 6- A Austin Eriars, London. ELLEN ELIZA BRIDGE, Widow, eldest daughter of lulwartl Palmer of Wyke Regis, in the county IRfi^rtT "'^ Dorset, who died 1856, by his wife Eliza, iPVlU^V (laughter of Robert Bridge. Armorial bear- ings are, ujwn a lozenge: Or, a bend engrailed sable, charged with a chaplet of oak of the field, on a chief azure a bridge of three arches embattled, and at each end a tower pro])er. Married, 1852, John Edward Bridge, Esquire, of Piddletrenlhide, Justice of the Peace for the county of I )orset, who died 1888. Of the above marriage there was with other Issue — Charles Gawler Bridge, Gentle- man, born 1855 [married, 1884, Victoire, daughter of Monsieur Fouassiere]. Postal address — Piddletrenlhide Manor, near Dorchester. TiiK Rkvkkknd JOH.N KOBERI' ORLANDO BRIDGEMAN, coninionly known as the Reverend the Honourable John Robert Orlando Bridgeman, Justice of the Peace for the counties of .Stafl'ord and Salop. Born 1831, being the son of the Right Honourable George Augustus Frederick Henry Bridgeman, the second Earl of Bradford, by his first wife Georgiiia Elizabeth, only daughter of Sir Tbe Editor undertakes that every entry not in italics is tliat of a genuinely armigerous person. io6 IBxi IBti Thomas Moncriefl'e of MoncriefTe, Baronet ; graduated at Trinity (-'olleijf, Cam bridge; Master of Arts 1853; appointed Kiilt)!- of We.sion-under-Lyziard, 1859. t'///^— Carlton. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Sable, ten plates, four, tiiree, two and one, and on a chief argent, a lion passant ermines, and impaling tlie arms of Clive, namely. argent, on a fesse sable, three mullets or. Upon the escut- cheon is placed a helmet l)efitting his degree, with a mantling sable and argent ; and for his Crest, u[)on a wreath of the colours, a denii-lion rampant argent, holding between the paws a wreath of laurel proj^er. Married, 1862, Marianne Caroline, daughter of the late Venerable William Clive, Arch- deacon of Montgomery; and has Issue living — William Clive Bridgeman, Esciuire. Postal addresses — 89 Harley Street, W. ; Frognel, Torquay. JOSEPH RIDGWAY BRIDSON, Esquire, J. P. cos. Lanes, and Westmorland. Born April 10, 1831, being the fourth son of the late Thomas Ridgway Bridson, Esq., J. P., of Southport, Lanes., by his wife Sarah, dau. of Henry Matthews of Liverpool. Armorial bearings — Azure, gutt^e- d'eau, a bridge of four arches between two dolphins naiant embowed in chief and a sphere in base all proper. Mant- ling azure and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a demi-mariner in profile proper, vested and capped azure, collared argent, girdled or, grasping in the dexter hand an anchor erect of the last, and resting the sinister hand on a wreath of coral gules. Motto — " Tutis in undis. " Married, July i, 1857, Margaret, dau. of John Woodhouse of Bolton; and has Issue — (i) Arthur Paul Bridson, Esq., Capt. Westm. and Cumb. Yeomanry, h. 1859 [/«., 1889, Katherine, dau. of Matthew Benson Harrison, and has issue]; (2) Joseph Ridgway Bridson, Lieut. R.N.,(^. i86i[;«., 1896, Katherine Mary, dau. of J. Kenny of Halifax, N.S.]; Ethel; Constance Mary ; Mabel; and Marguerite Josephine. Residence — Bryerswood, Windermere, co. Westmorland. M.AjOK THOMAS RIDGWAY BRIDSON, J. P. Lanes., sometime Major Lanes. Fusiliers. Born 1823, being the eldest surviving son of the late Thomas Ridgway Bridson, Esq., J. P., of Southport, Lanes., by his wife Sarah, dau. of Henry Matthews of Liver[5ool. Armorial bearings — Azure, guttt'e-d'eau, a bridge of four arches between two dolphins naiant embowed in chief and a s|)here in base all proper. Mantling azure and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a demi-mariner in profile proper, vested and capped azure, collared argent, girdled or, grasping in the dexter hand an anchor erect of the last, and resting the sinister hand on a wreath of coral gules. Motto — "Tutis in undis." Married, firstly, 1848, Mary (died 1856), third dau. of Richard Smith of Poulton Manor House, Clieshire ; and secondly, 1859, Charlotte Mary (died 1886), second dau. of William Lowe. He has with other Issue, by both mar- riages—Harry Bridson, M.A. (O.xon.). Residences — Rock End, Torquay, Devon ; and Bridge House, Bolton, Lanes. JOHN HENRY BRIDGES, Esquire, J. P. for cos. of Surrey and Aberdeen, M.A. O.vford University. Born 1^ is the Military Cockade. March 26, 1852, being the only son of Rev. Canon Alex- ander Henry Bridges, Rector of Beddington, Surrey, by /lis wife Caroline Matilda, eldest dau. of Christopher Hodgson, Secretary to Queen Anne's Bounty (and grandson of Sir Henry Bridges). C\uhs— United University, Con- stitutional, Piccadilly, Primrose. Livery — Dress: white and silver; undress : drab, with silver band and buttons. Armorial bearings as u.sed, but to which ?io right has as yet been established, are — Argent, on a cross ermines a leopard's face or. Crest — An anchor in pale; and on a scroll the ViotXX), " Mihi acluni portus." Married, /««, \i 1879, Edith Isabella, youngest dau. of the late Henry Tritton, Banker, of Lombard Street, and of Beddington, Surrey ; and has Issue — (1) Alexander Henry Bridges, b. Nov. 27, 1879 ; (2) Heniy Dalrymplc Bridges, b. Jan. ly, 1861 ; (3) Edgar James Bridges, b. April 12, 1882 ; (4) Robert Francis Bridges, b. July 25, 1883 ; (5) John Victor Bridges, b. July 28, 1887; (6) Guy Hodgson Bridges, b. July 23, 1892; Rose Edith ; Violet Alary ; and Daisy Caroline. Estates— Beddington Park, Surrey; Langshott Manor, Horley, Surrey; Fcdderate, Aberdeenshire. Residence — Eviell Court, Surrey. ALLAN HEYWOOD BRIGHT, Gentleman. Bom May 24, 1862, Ix'ing the eldest son of the late Tl^rfftflt ^'^'^''y Arthur Bright, Esquire, of Ashlield, ix, KX^XjK near Liverpool, Justice of the Peace for the County Palatine of Lancaster, by his wife Mary Elizabeth, eldest daughter of Samuel Henry Thomp- son, Esquire, of Thingwall Hall, Liverpool, Justice of the Peace and Deputy-Lieutenant for the County Palatine of Lancaster. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms: Azure, a fesse wavy erminois, in chief three crescents argent. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling azure and or ; and for liis Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a crescent as in the arms, and be- tween the horns an estoile or. Married, June 10, 1885, Edith, youngest daughter of Alfred Turner, Justice of the Peace; andhas/j.fz/e; — Edith Honora. Residence — Liverpool. SMaJor-General D.t VID BRIGGS, late Bengal Staf Corps, Deputy-Lieutenant and Justice of the TRftrt'lTrt Peace for the countv of Fife. Born .April 20, -"> Viy yA> 1824, eldest son of 'the late Colonel John Fal- co?ier Briggs, Knight of the Hanoverian Guelphic Order, of Strathairly, by his wife Margaret, only S is the Naval Cockade. lughter of Colonel Patrick Walker, Madras Cavalry, of layton, in the county of Fife. Club — Ne^v (Edinburgh). rmorlal bearings as used are: Gules, three bars gemellc , on a canton sable a crescent of llie second; and fur his rest, on a zjreath of the colours, a pelican in her piety ; ith the Motto, "Sola virtus invicta." The arms were 'anted 1584 to the family of liriggs of Haughton, in the >unty of Salop, but no pedigree has been recorded shotoing hy connection 7vith the foregoing family , or any right to the Vms. Married, July 3, i860, Constance Isabella, only \iughter of James Kocheid of Inverleith, in the county of lid-Lothian. Estates — Strathairly and Lochty. Postal \dxcs&—Strathairly, Largo, Fife, N.D. BENJAMIN BRIGHT, Gentleman. Bom 1823, being le only son of the late Benjamin Heywood Bright, the ell-known book collector and Shakesperian critic, whose itiquarian correspondence with Joseph Hunter is pre- ;rved in the British Museum, by his wife Mary Ivlizaljeth, lu. of Rev. J. Rowe. Armorial bearings— Azure, a fesse avy erminois, in chief three crescents argent. Mantling sure and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a crescent 3 in the arms, between the horns an estoile or. MottO — Post tenebras, luceni." .Married, 1857, Frances Mary, au. of Fergus J. Graham, H.B. M. Consul at Bayonne, ranee; and has had /.a / f'yndall Bright, Lieut. 2nd Batt. Ritte Brigade. /'. 1 ; Ind Georgina Amy Blanche. Postal address— 12 (Queens jiate Gardens, London, S.W. I GEORGE BRIGHT, Esquire, J. P. for Somerset, a Judge h India. Horn 1826, being the fourth son of the late Robert pright, F:sci., J. p., of Bristol, and of .Abbot's Leigh, .Somer- letshire. High Sheriff of Bristol 1852. by Marianne Schinuuel- I'cnnick. Club — United Service. Livery — Drab, with green /aistcoat (dress), green plush breeches and silver lace. Ar- horlal bearings — Azure, a fesse wavy erminois, in chief firee crescents argent, impaling the arms of Raikes, namely rgent, a clievron engrailed pean Ix-tween three griflins' ieads erased sable, each charged with an ermine spot gules, aantling azure and or. Crest— Upon a wreath of the jolours, a eieseent as in the arms, and Ixjtween the horns |.n estoile or. MottO— " I'ost tenebras lucem." .Married, firstly, 1851, Eleanor Georgina ((/. 1852), dau. of Marcus M'Causland of Fruit Hill, co. Derry ; and by her had Issue f-(i) Robert Marcus Bright, b. 1852, d. 1868. He married fecondly, 1857, Tempe, dau. of Henry T. Raikes, Jutlge of High Court, Calcutta, and has issue— (2) Richard Prinsep pright, b. 1864, (/. 1865 ; (3) Trevor Percy Bright, b. 1869 ; J4) Ashley Rowland Bright, Lieut. 43rd Regt., b. Nov. !, 1870; Amy Constance [;;/., 1880, Hugli Percy Alleyne, Vho (/. 1884 ; and secondly. Rev. Gerald Victor Sampson] ; jithel F.mny; Grace Lilian; and Kathleen Julia. Postal midress—2S Victoria Square, Clifton, Bristol. I HEYWOOD BRIGHT, Ivsijuire, J. P. Lanes. Horn Oct. 50, 1836, being the second son of the late Samuel Bright, lisquiie, J. P., of Sandheys, Liverpool, by his wife Elizabeth anne, dau. of Hugh Jones of Larkhill, near Liverpool. Club — Reform. Armorial bearings— Azure, a fesse wavy erminois, in cliief three crescents argent. Mantling azure and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a crescent as in the arms, and Ijetween the horns an estoile or. Motto — " Post tenebras lucem." Married, 1884, Dorothea Amie, eldest dau. of Col. John Ireland Blackburne of Hale Hall, Lanes. ; and has Isst/e — Ursula Dorothea Elizabeth. Postal address — Sandheys, West Derby, Liverpool. Rev. JAMES FRANCK BRIGHT, D.D. (Oxon.), Hon. Fellow of Balliol College, Master of University College, Oxford, Lord of the Manor of Brockbury. Born May 29, 1832, being the third son of the late Richard Bright, M.D., F.R..S. , Physician at Guy's Hospital, by his wife Eliza, dau. of B. Follett, Esq., of Exeter, and sister of Sir W. W. Follett, .'\ttorney-General. Armorial bearings— Azure, a fesse wavy erminois, in chief three crescents argent. Mantling azure and or. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a crescent as in the arms, between the horns an estoile or. Motto — "Post tenebras lux." Married, 1864, Emmeline Theresa, dau. of Rev. E. D. Wickham ; and has Issue — Margaret Franck [»i. William Carr of Gomersal. Vorks.]; -Alice Clara Franck [;«. George F^rank Newbolt] , Emily Gertrude Franck ; and Evelyn Isabel Franck [m. Rev. Hubert Murray Burge]. Postal address — University College, Oxford, Genekal Sir ROBERT ONESIPHOROUS BRIGHT. G.C.B. (1894), K.C.B., C.B., Colonel Yorkshire Regiment. Born 1823, Ix'ing the second son of Robert Bright of Bristol, High Sheriff of Bristol 1852. by his wife Caroline, dau. of Thomas Tyndall of The Fort, Bristol. Clubs — United Service, .Army and Navy. Armorial bearingB — .Azure, a fesse wavy erminois, in chief liiree crescents argent. Crest — A crescent as in the arms, between the horns an estoile or. Motto — "Post tenebras, lucem." Married, 1856, Catherine, dau. of .Sir William Miles, first Bart., of Leigh Court, Somersetshire, and has issue. Postal address — Normandy Park, Guildford, co. .Surrey. TYNDALL BRIGHT. Born 1824, being the third son of the late Robert Bright of Bristol, and of .Abbot's Leigh, .Somerselsh., High Sheriff of BrisKjl 1852, by Marianne Schinmielpennick his wife. Armorial bearings — Azure, a fesse wavy erminois, in chief three crescents argiMU. Mant- ling azure and or. Crest — Upon a wreath of the colours, a crescent as in the arms, and between the horns an estoile or. Motto—" Post tenebras lucem. " Married, 1851 . Mary, dau. of W. Fletcher of Liverpool ; and has Issue — (i) Roljett Tyndall Bright, b. 1853, d. 1875; (2) William 'Tyndall Bright, b. 1855, d. 1858; (3) Arthur 'Tyndall Bright, Lieut. 90th Regt., killed in action in South Africa 1879; Caroline Mary [/«., 1892, Francis O'Shaughnessey Hielli Readel; and Emily Isal^el [;«., 1880, Henry Valentine Storey]. Postal address — Liverpool. ERNE;ST AUGUSTUS BRINE, Gentleman, C.E. Horn Nov. 20, 1856, Ijeing the eldest son of Thomas Charles Augustus Brine, (ientlenian, of Poole, Dorset, by his wife Mary Cocliram, dau. of William Adey of Poole. Armorial bearings — Argent, an eagle displayed sable, charged uilli an anchor or. on a chief embattled gules, a cross moline als(j gold. Mantling sable and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a lion rampant argent, semee of billets, and holding in the fore-|)aws a cross moline gules. Motto— " Con fido." iV/«rr/f(/. Aug. 15, 1890 ; and had /.f.v//t— I'ranccs Mary ; and Helen Louisa. Postal address — Poole, Dorset. Rev. GliORGE AUGUSTUS BRINE, M.A. Exeter College, Oxford. Born .Aug. 12, 1839, l)eing the only son of Vice-Admiral George Brine, R..\.. by his wife Caroline, dau. of .Michael Bush. Armorial bearings— .Argent, an eagle displayed sable, charged with an anchor or, on a chief embattled gules, a cross moline also gold. Mantling sable and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a lion rampant argent, semee of billets, and holding in the fore-paws a cross moline gules. MottO — ' ' Confido. " Postal address — Beechgrove, Honiton, Devon. Rev. ALGERNON LINDESAV BRINE, M.A. Oxon, Curate of Bearsted, Kent. Born .Aug. 22, 1864, being the fifth son of the Rev. James Gram Brine of Langley, Canter- bury, M..A. , B.D., late Fellow of St. John's Coll., Oxford, The Editor undertakes that every entry not in italics is that of a genuinely armigerous person. io8 IBxi OBn fornu-rly RecKir uf Lower Hardies, Kent, and Rural Dean of Canterbury, |)rcviously Rector of diardstock All Saints, «o. Dorset, by his wife Mary Amelia, only surviviiifj dau. and heiress of Rev. Edward l?ouverie I'usey, D.D. , Canon of Christ Church, Oxford. Armorial bearings— Argent, an eagle displayed sable, with an anchor or, on a chief cm- battled gules, a cross moline also gold. Mantling' sable and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a lion rampant argent, s^mee of billets, and holding in the fore- paws a cross moline gules. Motto — "Confido." Married, Dec. 29, 1897, Marian Fanny, eldest dau. of Brigade- Surgeon John Adcock, M.D., of Bath. Postal address — Bearsted, Kent. Rev. JAMES EDWARD BOUVERIE BRINE, M.A. Christ Church, Oxford. Born 1855, being the eldest son of Rev. James Gram Brine of St. George's Place, Canter- bury, M.A., B.D., Fellow of St. John's Coll., Oxford. Rural Dean of Canterbury, and formerly Rural Dean of Bridport, Dorset, and Rector of Lower Hardres, co. Kent, by his wife Mary Amelia, only surviving dau. and heiress of Rev. Edward Bouverie Pusey, D.D. , Canon of Christ Church, Oxford. Armorial bearings— Argent, an eagle displayed sable, with an anchor or, on a chief embattled gules, a cross moline also gold. Mantling sable and argent. Crest -On a wreath of the colours, a lion rampant argent, semfe of billets, and holding in the fore-paws a cross moline gules. Motto — ''Confido." Married, 'M%\.\y, Nov. 19, 1888, Margaret, dau. of Thomas Ekin, of New- market, Camlis. (she ts j^roper. Married, June, 1869, Florence I'rances Henrietta, younger ilaughter of the late Montagu John Tatham, 6 Colville Gardens, London. Estate — Brisbane. Postal address — L.args, Ayrshire, N.B. § ARTHUR HENRY DANIEL BRITTON, Esquire, Captain 3rd Battalion Royal Inniskilling ORriffnn ^'usillers. Bom October 19, 1875, being XDl.li-vUll the second and younger son of the late Henry William Hritlon of Caer Brito, Ashley Hill, Tbe Editor undertakes that every entry not in italics is tbat of a genuinely armigerous person. T6ri IBro Bristol, by his wife Hannah Canter, daughter and solo heiress of the late Benjamin Poole of Siininierliill House, St. (Jeorge's, near Hristol. Armorial bearings— He hears 'for Arms: Quarterly or and t,'uli's, two lions passant in chief and as many mullets of six points in base within a bordure engrailed all counterchanged, a crescent for differ- ence. Crest — Upon a wreath of the colours, a lion's gamb erect and erased azure, gutt^e-d'eau, between two mullets of six points also aziu-e ; with the Motto, " Salut a tous." Postal address — Verecroft, Clyde Road, Redland, Bristol. HANNAH CANTER BRITTON, Widow. Only child and sole heiress of the late Etenjamin Poole, Gentleman, of Summer Hill House, St. George's, near Bristol, by Esther his wife, daughter and co-heir of Isaac Canter, Gentleman, deceased. Livery— YixcV drab, with claret-coloured facings. § is the Military Cockade. Armorial bearings are, upon a lozenge— Quarterly or and gules, two lions passant in chief and as many nuillets of six points in base, within a bordure engrailed all counterchanged, and upon an escutcheon of pretence the arms of Poole and Canter quarterly, namely, quarterly i and 4, argent, on a pile sable, between four Heurs-de-lis two and two paleways in base of the second, a lion rampant of the first, holdinj; in tlie dexter fore-paw a fleur-de-lis or (for Poole) ; 2 and 3 azure, a pale or, three larks rising chevronways proper (for Canter). Married Henry William Britton of Caer Brito, Ashley Hill, in the City of Bristol, Gentleman, who died 1890. Of this marriage there is Issue — (i) Philip William Poole Carlyon-Britton, Esq. [to whom refer]; (2) Arthur Henry Daniel Britton, Esq. [to whom refer]. Postal addresi — Verecroft, Clyde Road, Redland, Bristol. §JOHN LLOYD BRINKLEY, Esq., J.P. and DL for CO. Sligo (High Sheriff 1885). Born 1852, being the eldest son of the late Richard Graves Brinkley of Fort- land, by Hester, only dau. of James Dodd Lloyd of Ardagh. Armorial bearings — Azme, a cross potent engrailed, in chief three estoiles or. Mantling azure and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, on and above a cross jjotent engrailed, an estoile all or. Motto — " Muta- biniur. " Married, i88o, Annie Constance Isabel Worthing- tor>, youngest dau. of the late Rowland E. Cooper ; and has, with other Issue — John Rowland Lloyd Brinkley, Gentleman, b. 1882. Seat — Fortland, Easky, county Sligo. CHARLES HAROLD BROADBENT, Esquire, J.P. for Cheshire. Born Alay 19, 1867, being the eldest son of Charles Broadbent, Esq., J. P., by his wife Constance, dau. of James Harvey of Liverpool. .Aj:inorial bearings as used, hut for which ?)o authority has been established , are — Per pale ermitie and azure, a fesse wavy gules. Crest — A pheon, the staff broken, with blood at the point all proper. MottO— "Quondam his viclmus armis." Postal address — The Hollies, Latchford, Warrington. H THOMAS PALFREY BROADMEAD, Esquire, J.P. © and D.L., High Sheriff 1882, and County Alderman, Barrister-at-Law. Born April 20, 1822, being the only son of the late Philip Broadinead, Esq., J.P. and D. L. , by his wife Elizabeth, dau. of Thomas Palfrey of Oake Manor. Armorial bearings— Argent, on a mount in base a stag lodged proper, on a chief azure, three acorns slipped or. Mantling azure and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a fret azure, thereon a stag's head erased, holding in the mouth an acorn slipped proper. Motto — "Semper fidelis." Married, Aug. 16, 1848, Harriet, only child of James Bucknell of Cork; and has Issue — (i) James Biick- nell Broadmead, Esq., J.P. , Barrister-at-Law, b. i849[;«., 1878, Angelina Isabella, yoimger dau. of Henry James Hoare, Esq., J.P. and D. L. , and has issue, Sybil Robinet, Eveline Mary, and Vera Gwendoline] ; (2) William Buck- nell Broadmead, Esq., J.P. for Somerset, B.A. Oxford,^. 1853 ; (3) Rev. Philip Palfrey Broadmead, Vicar of Bradford, Somerset, b. 1856 [ni., 1885, Edith, dau. of the late George Birch of St. Petersburg, and has issue, Harold Hamilton Broadmead, Gentleman, /'. Jan. 23, 1889, Edith Robinette, and Mary Hamilton] ; (4) Henry Broadmead, Esq., Capt. Essex Regt., b. Dec. 2, 1861 [m., Jan. 8, 1891, Edith Melvill, dau. of late Gen. Mainwaring, and has issue, Philip Main- waring Broadmead, Gentleman, b. 1893, and Cicely Main- waring] ; (5) Edward Broadmead, Gentleman, b. 1863, d. 1869 ; (6) Arthur Broadmead, Gentleman, b. 1868, d. 1880; Harriet Robinet; Elizabeth (,'oghlan [m., 1887, Capt. Cecil Leycester Becher, late 7th Dragoon Guards, and r/. 1895]; Constance; Ellen Jane; Alice, d. 1865; and Florence. Seats— Knmore Park, Bridgwater ; Olando, Milvertoii, co. Somerset. Lieut. -Coi,. EDWARD BROADRICK (ret.), R.A. Born Sept. 30, 1837, lieing the third son of the late George Broadrick, Esq., of Hamphall Stubbs and Ottrington Hall, by his wife Jane, dau. of Lieut. -Col. Sir Richard Fletcher, Bart. , R. E. Armorial bearings — Erminois, two bars wavy gules, on a chief azure, an estoile of the lirst between two spear-heads points ujjwards argent. Mantling gules and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a spear-head argent, consanguined and within a ehaplet of oak fructed all proper. Motto—" Decens ct honestum." Married Letitia, daughter of the late Major-General Stehelin, K is the Naval Cockade. .E. ; and lias Issue — Two sons, Edsvard Broadrick, entleman ; and Frederick Broadrick, Gentleman. Postal idress— Btoatitick GEOROE BROADRICK. Gentleman, Fellow of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, Member of Institution of Civil Engineers. Horn Oclolxjr 4, , Ijeing the eldest son of the late George Broadrick, Esquire, jstice of the I'eace and Deputy-Lieutenant, by his wife uie Mudge, daughter of Lieutenant-Colonel Sir Richard letcher. Baronet, of the Royal Engineers, killed at the siege r St. .Sebastian, 1813. Armorial bearing^ — He Ijcars for rms : I'jminois, two bars wavy gules, on ;i chief azure an itoile or l^etwcen two s|5ears' heads, the points upwards rgent. Crest — On a wreath of tlie colours, within a chajjlet r oak fructed proper, a spear's head argent, ensanguined Iso proper; with the Motto, " Deccns et honestum." larrkd, October 10, 1857, Eliza Harriet, daughter of the Lte Reverend Canon W. Hownlh, Rector of Whilton-cum- hurlston, in the county of Suffolk. Seat — Hamphall tubbs. Done-aster. Residence — Broughton House, Brough- 3n Road, Ipswich. BROCKHOLES, quartered by HORDERN. THOM.XS BROCKLEB.'XNK, Esquire, J. P. for the co. Chester. Horn July 26, 1841, lx.'ing the second son of e late Ralph Brocklel);uik, Esq., J.I', and D. L. for the of Lancashire, ;ind I'^liza Ann his wife, eldest dau. of ichard Moon of Liverpool. Clubs — Constitutional, Con- rvative. Livery — Blue, red facings. Armorial bearings — Azure, an escallop or lictween three brocks proper, on a chief engrailed or, a cock also proper between two escallojis pure; and impaling the arms of Royds, namely ermine, pn a cross engrailed between four lions rampant gules, a j;ilting-spear erect In^tween as many bezants. Mantling jizure and or. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, in front pf a mount vert, thereon a cock proper, three escallops Jesseways or. MottO — "God send grace." Married, [April 25, 1867, Mary Petrena, eldest daughter of Henry '■'.oyds, Esc|., J. p. for the co. of Lancashire; and has /sstie -(i) Rev. lohn Wilfrid Rovds Hrocklebank, B.A. Oxford, Clerk in Holy Orders, b. Aug. 23, 1869 ; (2) Ralph Eric Royds Brocklebank, Gentleman, h. Nov. 13, 1870 [///., .^pril 22, 1896, to Constance Alington, dau. of Rev. N. Royds, and has issue, Ralph Royds Brocklebank, b. June 21, 1897;] (3) Henry Cyril Royds Brocklebank, Gentleman, Lieut, in H.M.'s Navy, /). Jan. 22, 1874; (4) Richard Hugh Royds Brocklebank, Gentleman, b. Jan. 3, 1881 ; (5) Clement lidmund Royds Brocklebank, Gentleman, i^. Aug. 28, 1882; Mary Adeline, died May 2, 1881 ; Margaret Elsie Royds, d. Oct. 23, 1893. Seat— The Roscote, Heswall, Chester. RALPH BROCKLEBANK, Esquire, J. P. for co. of Chester (Sheriff 1896). Born 1840, Ix-ing the eldest son of the late Ralph Brocklebank, Esq., J. P. and D.L. for the CO. of Lancaster, and Eliza Ann his wife, eldest dau. of Richard Moon of Liverpool. C///(^— Windham. Livery — Blue, red facings. Armorial bearings— -Azure, an escallop or, between three brocks proper, on a chief engrailed or, a cock also proper Ijetween two escallops azure. Mantling azure and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, in front of a mount vert, thereon a cock proper, three escallops in fesse or. MottO — "God send grace." Seat — Haughton Hall, Tarporley, Cheshire. Postal address — 9 Faulkner Square, Liverpool. PETER POWNALL FiROCKLEHURST, Esquire, Justice of the Peace for the County '^Kt*rirfc{pfltft*tff' Palatine of Chester. liorti April iX^nUtUlt-UUV^V ,82i_ i-^ing the third son of John Brocklehurst, Esijuire, Memlwr of Parliament, of Hurdsfield House, who died 1870, by Mary his wife, youngest daughter of the late William Coare. Armorial bearings— He Iiears for Arms: Party per pale argent and sable, three chevronels engrailed between as many brocks all counterchanged ; and for the Crest, a brock sable, holding in the mouth a slip of oak fructed proper, in front of a mount vert, thereon two oak-trees also proper; with the MottO, "Veritas me dirigit." Postal address — Hurdsfield House, near Macclesfield. PHILIP LANCASTER BROCKLEHURST, Esquire, Justice of the Peace for the counties of Chester anel Stafford. Horn 1827, tx'ing the fourth son of the late John Brockle- hurst of Hurdsfield House, by Mary his wife, daughter of William Coare. Club — Magistrates'. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms: Party per pale argent and sable, three chesTonels engrailed lietween as many brocks counter- changed ; and for his Crest, a brock sable, holding in the mouth a slip of oak fructed projxir, in front of a mount vert, thereon two oak-trees proper; and the MottO, " Verit.as me dirigit." Married, 1884, Annie Lee, daughter of the late Samuel Dewhurst of Handforth, in the County Palatine of Chester; and has with other Issue — Philip I-ee Brockle- hurst, Gentleman, Ixirn 1887. Estates — Swythamley Park, -Staffordshire ; Beech Hall, Cheshire. Postal address — Swythamley Park, near Macclesfield, Staffordshire. H WILLIAM BROCKLEHURST, Esquire, Bachelor © of Arts of the University of O.xford, Justice of the Peace and a Memlxjr of the Council for the county of Chester, Captain and Honorary Major Chester Yeomanry. Born May 18, 1851, being the eldest son of William Coare Brocklehurst, Esc|uire, Justice of the Peace, late Member of Parliament for Macclesfield [to whom refer], and .Mary his wife, daughter of William \\V)rthington, Esquire, Justice of the Peace. Livery — Claret coat, red waistcoat, with gilt buttons. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms: Pet pale argent and sable, three chevronels engrailed Ijetwceii as many brocks counterchanged ; and for his Crest, a brock sable, holding in the mouth a slip of oak fructed proper, in front of a mount vert, thereon two oak-trees proper. Postal address — Butley Hall, Macclesfield. WILLIAM COARE BROCKLEHURST, Esquire, Justice of the Peace for the County Palatine of Chester. Born t'eliruary 9, 1818, being the eldest son of John Brocklehurst, Esquire, Justice of the Peace, of Hurdsfield House, in the county of Chester, many years Member of Parliament for Macclesfield, who died 1870, by Mary his wife, daughter of the late William Coare. Clubs — Reform, Union, /.n'm-- Claret coat, red waistcoat, gilt buttons. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Party per pale argent and sable, three chevronels engrailed between as many brocks counterchanged ; and for the Crest, a brock Tbe Editor undertakes tbat every entry not in italics is that of a genuinely armigerous person. IBtO IBtO sable, holdinR in the mouth a slip of oak fructed proper, in front of ;\ mount vert, thereon two oak-trees proper; with the Motto, "Veritas me dirigit." Married, May 24, 1841). Mary, voiinger daughter of William Worthington of The Mrook'hurst, in the county of Chester ; and has /ww— (i) William Hrocklehurst, lisciuire [to whom refer] ; (2) Arthur lohn I'ownall Hrocklehurst, Gentleman ; and Edith Maria. 'listates and postal addresses— )iu\.\ey Mall and Tytherington House, Macclesfield. HKh'NAA'D ED WARD BRODHURST, Esquire, Jus- tice of the Peace for the county of 'yXY<\t\\\\\Veit Somerset, Fellow of the Royal College of iiri.UUUlHX'v Surgeons. Is the secofid son of William Brodhurst of the Friary, Ne^uark, by the only daughter of Bernard Lucas. Clubs— Athenautn, Burlington Fine Arts. Armorial bearings as used, but for which no authority has been established at the College of Arms, are: Quarterly i and 4, azure eight staves raguly fretty or ; 2 and ^^ argent, on a chief gules three citiquefoils or; and on an escutcheon of pretence, quarterly i and 4 gules, a cherron ermine cotised or, between three escallops of the last ; 2. party per pale azure and gules, on a cross patonce or, four martlets sable; 3. argent, a can?ion fesse- wavs sable. Crests — i. a lion's head erased proper, gorged with a collar vairt'e azure and or ; 2. a fox's head erased sable. Motto — " Fortitcr et fldcliter." '^zxx'xcA, firstly, Elizabeth, only surviving child (of his first marriage) of Edmund Gilling Maynard, Esquire, of West House, Chester- field, Deputy-Lieutenant and Justice of the Peace ; secondly, Edith, only daughter of William Rathbone Greg ; and thirdly, Thomasinc Maiy, younger daughter of S. Woodcott Broione, Esquire, Justice of the J\-ace, So/nerset. Estates — Grange Court, Essex. FREDERICK BRODIE, Esquire, Justice of the Peace, formerly holding a commission in the Militia Artillery. Born July 19, 1823, being the sixth son of Alexander Brodie, Doctor of Divinity, of Eastbourne, in the county of Sussex, by his wife Anna, daughter of John Walto?i of Beanvood, in the county of Berkshire. Club — Jutiior Constitutional. Livery — White, tritnmed luith red. Armorial bearings as used are: Argent, a chevron gules bct'aveu three mullets azure. Crest — A cubit arm holding i?i the hand three arroaos. Motto — " Unite." These are the arms of Brodie oj that Ilk, but they have not been matriculated in Lyon Register by the above-mentioned. Married, March 17, 1858, Ada Blanche, daughter of Sir R. W. Garden, Baronet ; and has surviviTig Issue — (i) Charles Gordon Brodie, born i860; (2) Frederick Garden Brodie, born 1864 ; (3) William Alexander Brodie, bom 1873 ; and Ada Blanche. Estate and postal address — Fernhill Park, Wootton Bridge, Isle of Wight. ERNEST GEORGE BRODRIBB, Gentleman. Born July 22, 1856, being the third son of the late Hon. William Adams Brodribb, J. P., Member of the Legislative Council of New South Wales, by his wife Eliza Matilda, dau. of John Kennedy of Keswycke, Gunning, N.S.W. Armorial bearings — Per chevron gules and argent, in chief two swans ermine, beaked of the first, legged sable, in base a mount vert, therefrom springing three roses of the first, stalked and leaved proper. Mantling gules and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a mount vert, therefrom springing three roses gules, stalked and leaved proper, interlaced by as many mascles, also interlaced fesseways or. Motto — " Prudentia tutus." Postal address — Melbourne Club, Melbourne, Australia. Residence — FRANK CLAUDIUS BRODRIBB, Esquire, Justice ot the Peace. Livery — Claret colour, with white collar and cuffs, and silver buttons and hat-band. Armorial bear- ings — Party per chevron gules and argent, in chief two swans ermine, lieaked of the first, legged sable, and in base a mount vert, therefrom springing three roses gules, stalked and leaved proper ; and for a Crest, on a wreath of the colours, a mount vert, therefrom springing three roses gules, stalked and leaved proper, interlaced by as many mascles also interlaced fesseways or; with the Motto, " Prudentia tutus." Estates — " Wyallah," Toowoombah ; and " Kur- rowah," Darling Downs, Queensland. THERESA BRODRIBB, Widow, dau. of Dr. Casey of Brighton, Melbourne, by his wife , nde Gardener. Armorial bearings are, upon a lozenge : Party per chevron 14 is the Military Cockade. gules and argent, in chief two swans ermine, beaked of the first, legged sable, and in base a mount vert, therefrom springing three roses gules, stalked and leaved proper. Married Kenric Edward Brodribb, Esquire, Justice of the Peace, who died July 1889. Of the above marriage there is Issue — Violet, Marjorie, Olive, and Noel. Estate and postal address — " Cameley House," Melbourne. The Rkverend WILLIAM KENNEDY BRODRIBB, Bachelor of Arts, Clerk in Holy Orders' 'IRrnhl'lflh '^o™ Ot^tober 16, 1847, being the eldest iI.:^I.UUtlUU son of the Honourable William Adams Brodribb, Member of the Legislative Council of New South Wales, Fellow of the Royal Geo- graphical Society, by Eliza Matilda his wife, daughter of John Kennedy of Gunning, New South Wales. Livery Claret colour, with white collar and cuffs, and silver buttons and hat-band. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Party per chevron gules and argent, in chief two swans ermine, beaked of the first, leaged sajjle, and in base a mount vert, therefrom springing three roses gules, stalked and leaved proper ; and for a Crest, on a wreath of the colours, a mount vert, therefrom springing three roses gules, stalked and leaved proper, interlaced by as many mascles also interlaced fesseways or; wiih the Motto, " Prudentia tutus." Married, January 13, 1880, Anna Montgomery, daughter of the late Major Owen Richard Nathaniel Lloyd of ' Rockville," in the county of Ros common, Ireland ; and has Issue — Owen Adams Kennedy Brodribb, Gentleman, born May 18, 1881 ; and Eanswith Alice Kennedy. Postal address — Putley Rectory, Led- bury. HORACE BROKE, Esquire, J. P. Born Sept. 26, 1827, being the only son of the late Major-General Horatio George Broke, sometime .\. D.C. to the Queen, and Col. of the 88th Regt. , by his wife Frederica .Sophia, dau. of James Mure of Cecil Lodge. Herts. Club — United University. Armorial bearings— Or, a cross engrailed i)arty per pale sable and gules. Mantling sable and or. Crest— Onawreaih of the colours, a brock or badger passant proper. Married, first , May 8, i860, Charlotte, eldest dau. of Brampton Gurdon, M.P., of Letton Hall, Norfolk ; and by her, who d. Jan. 11, 1868, had Issue— [1) Horatio George Broke, M.A., Vicar of Holme, near Peterborough, b. Nov. 27, 1861 [;«., June i, 1893, Mary Cnmpl)ell, dau. of the late Henry Smith Adlington of Holme Hale Hall, Norfolk, and has issue]; (2) Harry Broke, Esq., Capt. R.E.. b. May 11, 1864; (3) Philip Broke, Gentleman, Assistant Master at Eton, /'. Jan. 3 is tbe Naval Cockade. « TBro IBtO "3 1867; unci Katharine Louisa. He ;//. secondly, April 1870, Georgina Marianne, eldest dau. of the late Sir chard Mayne, Chief Commissioner of the Metropolitan )lice ; and ty her has — Margaret Georgina. Postal ad- ess— G\Ailvr pale gules and sable, in the first Ind fourth (|uarters a lM)ar's head erased of the last ; and jar his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, in front of a fWord erect, the blade entwined by two ser[)ents res|X!cting ;ach other proper, a boar's head erased sabh; ; with the lotto, "i:st nee astu." Married, Octol)er 19, 1871, jJertrude l':iizabeth, daughter of Joshua In-jham of Blake lall, Mirfield, in the county of York ; and has /ssiif — Thomas Brooke, Gentleman, born Novemlier 16, 1875 ; |.nd Gertrude Elizalx^th. AV^/V^-z/fc— Northgate Mount, ionley, Yorks. , WILLIAM BROOKE, (ientleman, of York. Born January 20, 1839, lx>ing the third son of the late I'Mwnrd ^rooke. Gentleman, of Field House, Huddersfield, by his irst wife Martha, dau-jhter of lili Smith of Greeiiand, TBro 1^5 Halifax, in the county of York. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Argent, a cross nebuly per pale gules and sable, in tiie first and fourth quarters a boar's head erased of the last ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, in front of a sword erect, the blade entwined by two serpents respecting each other proper, a boar's head erased sable ; with the Motto, " Est nee astu. " Married, May 28, 1867, Jane, daughter of Henry Wood of Aberford ; and has had Issue — (i) Edward Brooke, Gentleman, born July 18, 1869 ; (2) Henry Brooke, Gentleman, born August 2, 1878 ; Fanny ; Amy Elizabeth ; Kate ; and Martha, died 1878. S ARTHUR MONT.\GU BROOKFIELD, Esquire, Justice of the Peace for the county of ^BtDOkfi^fri ^"^^^•''> formerly a Lieutenant 13th .*C VWUnU-vlU Hussars, CoIonelcommandingistCinque Ports Rifle Volunteers, Memlier of Par- liament for the Rye Division of the county of Sussex. 13orn March 18, 1853, being the son of the late Reverend W. H. Brookfield, Chaplain to Her Majesty, by his wife Jane Octavia, daughter of .Sir Charles Pllton, sixth Baronet, t'////'— Carlton. Livery — Green with yellow facings. Armorial bearings — He Ijears for Arms : Vert, a fesse wavy argent, on a bend between two garbs or, three mullets of six points sable. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling vert and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a cubit arm erect in aimonr proper, holding a sickle paleways also proper, and two ears of wheat in sallire stalked and bladed or; with the Motto, " Beware the reaping." Married, Oct. 11, 1877, Olive Harriet, daughter of the late James Murray Hamilton, Esquire, of New Abbey, North Britain, and Buflalo, United States of America; and has Jssi/e — (i) Edward Williams Hamilton Brooklield, (ientleman, R. N., b. June 24, 1880; (2) Eugene .Murray Brooklield, Gentleman, b. Aug. 26, 1885; Letitia Mary Virginia ; Violet Elizalieth ; Olive Agnes Margaret ; and Cornelia Constance. Postal address — Leasam, Rye, Sussex. BROOKS, see CLOSE-BROOKS. TBroofejBibanfe ED \ VARD CUT HERO IV BROOA'SH,! .\ A , Esquire, Justice of the Peace for the \ I V.t^ Riding of Yorkshire, Bachelor of Arts of the University of Cambridge, late Captain and Honorary Major Yorkshire ArtilUry. Born November 24, 1858, being the eldest son of Edward Brooksbank, Esquire, of Healaugh Manor, Tadcaster, and A'tnvton House, Whitby, Justice of the Peace, by his wife Lucy Mary, daughter of Edward York of Wighill Park, Tadcaster. Clubs — Oxford and Cambridge, Yorkshire. Livery — Li^ht blue coat, buff collar, silver buttons. Armorial bearings as used, and as quoted in Burke's " Lande{l Centry" (but no authority therefor, or descent from the grantee, has been established at the College of Arms by the abirve-mentioned E.dward Clitherotv Brooks- bank, Esquire), are for Ama : A sure, two bends loavy argent, within a border or. Crest — A stag's head couped proper, attired or, charged on the neck with two bars xvaiy azure. Married, .■ipril 9, 1885, Katharine Graham, daughter of Hugh Morris Lang, Esquire, of Broadmeado^vs, Justice of the Peace and Deputy-Lieutenant for the county of .Selkirk ; and has Issue — (i) Stamp Brooksbank, born January 16, 1887; (2) E.dward York Brooksbank, born December 17, 1888 ; and .Margaret (iraham. Postal address — Healhaui^h Old Hall, Tadcaster. WALTER LAMPLUGH BROOKSBANK, Esquire, Justice of the Peace for the county of Cumberland. Born November 4, 1850, being the son of James Brooksbank, Barrister-at-Law, by his wife .Marian n, nee Edmonds. C\\\h— Junior Carlton. Lhery— Blue. Armorial bearings as used, and as quoted in Burke's " Landed Gentry," are for Arms : Azure, two bars 7oavy argent, within a bordure or. Crest — A harts head couped proper, attired or, charged on the neck with two bars wavy azure. These insignia 7vere granted in the year 1703, but the descent of the family has not been established or recorded at the College of A rms. Married , 1877, to .Mary Anne .Madeline, second daughter of Erancis Greenwell of the county of Durham ; and has Issue — James Lamplugh Brooksbank, born 1888 ; Madeline Ethel (deceased) . Katharine Dorothy Aurora; Honor Elizabeth; Philippa Myrtle; and Una Frances Honora. Estates — Lamplugh Hall and Manor of Lamplugh. The Editor undertakes that every entry not in italics is that of a genuinely armigerous person. ii6 T13ro IBto EDVVAKD ALFRED BROOME, Esquire, F.R.G.S., J. P. CO. Worcester and for Kidderminster, late Lieut. Worcestershire hussars. Horn July 31, 1846, being the t^est son of the late Edward Richard Broome of I.lanelly, CO. Carmarthen, bv his wife Sarah Elizabeth, dan. of Jlenty Br in ton of Kidderminster. Armorial bearings as used, but for which no authority has been established, are— Vert, on a chevron ardent, three slips of broom proper. Marrieti, Oct. II, 1872, Charlotte Mary, dau. of the late John William Sparnno of, Beckminster Stafford ; and has Issue— (i) Edward Nevill Broome, b. Jan. 18, 1876; (2) Alan Richard Broome, b. 1879, d. 1880; Winifred; Sylvia Mary; Phyllis Ginevra. Postal address — Areley Court, Stoiirport, I Vorcester. WILLIAM SPOON ER B ROUGH, Esquire, Justice of the Peace and Member of the Council for the '?Krrttt(T?1 county of Stafford. Born November 14, iDlUUyU 1840.' "Livcry~yYrf//^ black and silver. Armorial bearings as tised, but for which no authority has been established in the College of Arms, are /"nr Arms : Argent, on a saltire sable, five swans of the first ; and fir the Crest, a swan's head and neck erased ; with the Motto, "Sincerity." Estates — Ball-Haye Estate, Einol- church, Kitto Bottom. I'ostal address— /.a'/-. JOHN LAMBERT BROUGHTON, Esquire, for- merly Capt. Staffordshire Militia. Born Jan. 19, 1831, l)eiiig the second son of the late Peter Broughton, Esq., J.I', and D. 1.. , by his wife .Anna Ogilvie, dau. of John Sniithwick. Armorial bearings Argent, two bars gules, on a canton of the second, a cross of the first, a cres- cent for difference, and impaling the arms of Adderley, argent, on a bend azure, three mascles of the field. Mantling gules and argent. Crest — Upon a wreath of the colours, a sea-dog's head couped gules, cared and finned argent. Married, Oct. 11, 1859, Anne Selina, youngest dau. of Ralph Adderley of Coton and Barlaston, co. Stafford ; and has issue — (i) Hubert John Broughton, Gentleman (who assumed the additional name of Adderley 1886), h. Aug. 16, i860; [w., 1886, Hon. P'lorence Margaret Handcock, second dau. of Richard, fourth I.,ord Castlemaine, and has issue]; (2) Ralph Broughton, Gentleman, Lieut. 9th Lancers, b. July 1863, d.s.p. July 17, 1885; Rosemond [;//., 1881, Delves Louis Broughton]; P2velyn Selina, [?«., 1890, I^ieut. Col. Charles Turnbull] ; Florence [;«. F. H. Bowles]; Eleanor; and Amy Marguerite. Seat — Tunstall Hall, Market Drayton, co. Salop. Residence — 37 Cornwall Gar- dens, S.W. H UBERT JOHN BROUGHTON-ADDERLEY. Gentle- man, late Lieutenant 4th Battalion Prince of Wales' North Staffordshire Regiment. Born i860, being the eldest son of John Ij. Broughton of Almington Hall, in the county of Stafford, by his wife Anne Selina, youngest daughter of the late Ralph Adderley of Coton Hall, and nej)liew of the late Ralph Thomas Adderley, Esquire, of Barlaston and Coton ; succeeded his brother 1885 ; assumed the name of Adderley by Royal License in 1886. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Argent, on a bend azure, three mascles of the field, and impaling the arms of Handcock, namely ermine, on a chief sable, a dexter hand between two cocks argent, armed, wattled, and jelloped gules. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling azure and argent ; and for his Crest, on a chapeau gules, turned up ermine, a stork argent. Married, 1886, the Hon. Florence Margaret, second daughter of the Right Honour- able Richard Handcock, fourth Baron Castlemaine ; and has, with other /.f.f/^t' — Peter Handcock Broughton- Adderley, Gentleman, born 1891. .^eats — Barlaston Hall, Stoke-on- Trent ; Coton Hall, Sudbury, in the county of Derby. Sir WILL/ AM BROCLV, claiming to be tenth Baronet, ofColstoun, in the county of Haddington. Born December 1848. Armorial bearings as used are for Arms : Gules, a chiruron between three Jlcurs-de-lis or. Crest — .4 lion ram- pant, holding in the dexter fore-paw a fleur-de-lis or. MottO — " Eloreat majestas." Married, April 12, 1871, Alice Jane, second daughter of William Peters of Petersvillc, Under Treasurer of New South Wales : and has Issue — (i) James Lionel Broun, horn 1875,- (2) William Arthur Broun, bom 1876 ; (3) Reginald Augustus Broun, born 1878; (4) Claud M'Biyde Broun, born 1882; (5) Sivift Broun, born 1885; Elizabeth Eleanor Maude; Alice M is the Military Cockade. Marion Blanche ; and Linda Isabella. Postal address— Tarula, Baraba, New South Wales. [Easter places this title in " Chaos."'\ §JOHN BROUN BROUN-MORISON, Esquire, Justice of the Peace and Deputy- 13roun=^ori0on Jd^^^^^A-^X^^ land, late Lieutenant 3rd Bat- talion Black Watch. Born January 22, 1840, being the only son of the late Reverend James Broun of Finderlie, by his wife Mary Neil, daughter of the late Reverend James Hay, Doctor of Divinity, ('tubs — Brooks's, Reform. Livery— White, with black facings. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Quarterly i and 4, argent a fesse sable between three Moors' heads couped proper, banded or (for Morison) ; 2 and 3 gules, a chevron Ijetween three fleurs-de-lis argent (for Broun). Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet be- fitting his degree, with a mantling gules, doubled argent; and for his Crests, on the dexter side, on a wreath of the liveries, three Moors' heads conjoined in one neck proper, Ijanded or, one looking upwards, the others to the dexter and sinister (for Morison) ; and on the sinister side, on a wreath of the liveries a lion rampant proper, holding in the dexter fore-paw a fleur-de-lis argent (for Brown) ; and in escrolls above the crests these Mottoes, ' ' Prudentia prrestet," " Floreat majestas." Married, Sept. 20, 1864, Eve Magda- lene [d. 1896), dau. of George Waugh of Queensborough Terrace, London; and has Issue — (i) Guy Edward Broun- Morison, Esquire, Justice of the Peace, born March 4, 1867; (2) Valentine Dudley Ogilvy Broun-Morison, Gentleman, born 1869 ; (3) Basil Broun-Morison, Gentleman, born 1875; (4) Henry de Annand Broun-Morison, Gentleman, born Febniary 19, 1885; Maud, died 1865; Muriel, died 1875; Gwendolen ; and Blanche Aimte. Estates — Murie, in the county of Perth ; Finderlie, in the county of Kinross. Postal address — Murie, Errol, N.B. The l.\te EDWARD MASH BROWELL, Esquire, J. P., late Secretary to the Board of Green Cloth {d. Feb. 2, 1898). Born Dec. 31, 1808, l)eing the fourth son of the late Henry Brovvell, by his wife Frances, dau. of Rev. Edward John Andrews Frith. Armorial bearings— .Azure, on a rock, in base proper an eagle with wings elevated argent, in chief a naval crown or between two estoiles also argent. Mantling azure and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a rock proper, thereon in front of an anchor cabled in bend sinister sable, an eagle rising also proper. MottO — " Virtutequamastutia." Married, first, Aug. 11, 1835, Eliza Caroline, dau. of Henry Hakewill ; and had Issue — (i) Edward Thomas Browell, Esq., Col. R.A. , h. March 16, i842[/«. , Oct. 12, 1869, Catherine Mary Amelia Helen, dau. of Rev. Edward Thrupp, Vicar of Feltham, and has issue, Langton William Browell, Gentleman, Lieut. R.N., b. Sept. 2, 1871 ; Henry Frith Browell, Gentleman, /'. Nov. 21, 1872; William Morris Browell, Gentleman, b. March 25, 1875; Frederick James Browell, Gentleman, /'. July 17, 1879; Helen Edith, and Catherine Margaret] ; Eliza Mary ; Rachel Frances [;;/., Nov. 17, 1868, Lieut. -Col. Morton Frederick Thrupp, and has two sons and two daughters]. Mr. Browell m. secondly, July 10, 1845, Charlotte, dau. of Jacob Hans Busk ; and by her has Issue — (2) Henry Herbert Browell, Gentleman, M.A., Barrister-at-Law, b. June 21, 1856 ; Char- lotte Busk [w. , Jan. 20, 1870, Alfred Brasher, who d. May 28, 1891] ; and Mary. .Stw/ -Feltham, Middlesex. § WILLIAM FAULKNOR BROWELL, Esquire, J. P. and D.L. Born Feb. 2, 1816, being the sixth son of Henry Browell, by his wife Frances, dau. of Rev. Edward John Andrews Frith. Armorial bearings— Azure, on a rock, in base proper an eagle .argent, in chief a naval crown or tetween two estoiles also argent. Mantling azure and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a rock proper, thereon in front of an anchor caljled in tend sinister sable, an eagle rising also proper. Motto — ' ' Virtute quam astutia." Married, Aug. 27, 1846, Louisa, dau. of William Cooper. 6V(7/— Claytons, Tunbridge Wells, co. Kent. Rkv. WILLIAM ROBERT BROWELL, Clerk in Holy Orders, Rector of Beaumont, Essex. Born -, being the only son of the late James Browell, Purser R.N. Armorial bearings — Azure, on a rock, in base proper an eagle with wings elevated argent, in chief a naval crown or between two estoiles also argent. Mantling azure and argent. S is the Naval Cockade. Crest — Onu wieatli of thu colours, a rock proper, therooii in front of an anchor cabled in Ix'nd sinister sable, an eagle rising also projjer. Motto — " Virtute quam astutia." Postal address — 'I'he Rectory, IJeauniont, Essex. BROWN, quartered by LEES. §ALEX.\NDER HARGRICWIiS THROWN. Esquire, Member of Parliament for the Wellington 1Rl*nVt1t1 iJivision of Slirojishire, Honorary Colonel iOvUUJIl ,st Lancashire Artillery Volunteers, and a Justice of the Peace for Lancashire; was Cornet sth Dragoon Guards, 1864 66. Horn April ir, 1844, being the third son of the late .Alexander Brown, Est|uire, of Beilby Grange, in the county of Yorkshire, by ."^arah his wife, daughter of the late James Brown of New N'ork. f////>j— Brooks's, Reform, Palatine. Armorial bearings- He bears for Arms : Gules, a chevron or between two bears' paws erased in chief argent, and in base four hands conjoined in saltire of the second, on a chief engrailed also or, an eagle displayed sable ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a bear's paw as in the arms issuant out of a wreath of oak, and holding a sinister hand all profwr ; with the Blotto, ' ' l'>st c(jnc(jrdia fratrum. " Married, 1876, Henrietta Agnes Terrell, hfth daughter of Charles R. Blandv of Madeira ; and has Issue — (1) (jordon Hargreaves |Brown, Gentleman, born 1880 ; (2) Walter Hargreaves JBrown, Gentleman, born 1881 ; .Agnes Sarah Hargreaves ; land Gladys I'^mily Hargreaves. Postal addresses — Druid's Cross, Wavertree, Liver(X)ol ; 12 Grosvenor Gardens, Lon- idon, S.W. i jH Rkv. DIXON DIXON BROWN, J.P. and D.L., I3 M.A. , formerly Rector of Howick. Porii Aug. 17, 1826, Ijeing the son of the late R. Brown of Streatham, Surrey. Armorial bearings— He Ije.irs for Arms: Per pale sable and gules, on a liend engrailed with jilain double cotises, lx;tween two escallops argent, three lions passant guardant of the tirst. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet bclilting his degree, with a mantling sable and argent; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, two escallops or, thereon resting an eagle displayed vert, in the Iwak a cross crosslet litchije gold. Motto — "Suivez raison." Married, July 5, i860, Georgiana Elizaljeth, dan. of Col. Ferrers Loftus ; and has Issue — (i) Dixon Loftus Dixon Brown, Esquire, tapt. 3rtl Batt. Norihunil)erland Fusiliers, I*. .May 13, 1861 ; (2) Lionel Dixon Brown, Gentle- man, #. I'eb. 14, 1865; (3) .Alfred Dixon Brown, Gentleman, b. June 22, 1867 ; Grace Maria ; Georgina Maud ; Ethel ; Marcia Constance Emmeline ; and Matel. Seat — Unthank Hall, Haltwhistle. Brigadier -Surgeon THOMAS EDWIN BURTON BRO \VN, Companion of the Most P.minent Order of the Indian Empire, Doctor of Medicine. Born February 8, 1833, being the son of 'Thomas Brown, and Mary his wife, daughter of Thomas Denny ; created Companion of the Most 'Eminent Order of the Indian Empire, 1891. Armorial I bearings as used, but for which no authoritv has turn Ustablislied, consist of a Crest, an eagle displayed ; with \the Motto, " Spectemur agendo." Married, 1862, Mav Caroline, daughter of Charles J. Ilr.olett of Buxton ; and Aflj Issue— (1) Frederick Heivlett Burton Broion, Master of Arts and Bachelor of Medicine of the University of Oxford, bont September 28, 1863 ; (2) Arthur Thomas Brmcn, Bachelor of Medicine of the University of London, and Fellffio of the Royal College of Surgeons, bom Januaiy 12, 1865; (3) Charles Dallas Bnnon, Bachelor of Arts of the University of Oxford, born .September 5, 1866 ; (4) Ceroid \ Burton Broken, born September 5, 1872; and Constance ^Mary. Postal address— 10 Queen Anne Terrace, Cam- I bt idge. § Sir WILLIAM RICHMOND BROWN, second Baro- net, of Astrop, in the county of Northampton, Deputy- 1 Lieutenant for the county of Northampton. Born January 1 16, 1840, lieing the son of'lhe late .Alexander Brown, Esquire, I by his wife and cousin Sarah Benedict, eldest child of James Brown of New York ; succeeded his grandfather as second Baronet March 3, 1864, under the creation of January 24, 1 1863. Cliib—MvXon. Armorial bearings -He l)ears for Arms : Gules, a chevron or, between two bears' paws erased in chief argent, and four hands conjoined in saltire of the second, in base, on a chief engrailed also or, an eagle dis- played sable. Upon the escutcheon, which is charged with his badge of Ulster as a Baronet, is placed a helmet Ijetittiiig his degree, with a mantling gules and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a lx;ar's paw erased argent, issuant out of a wreath of oak vert, holding a sinister hand proper. Motto—" Est concordia fratrum. " Married, May 28, 1862, Emily, second daughter of General William T. B. .Mountsteven, late 79th Regiment, and Staff-Officer of Pen- sioners, Liverpool ; and has Issue— {i) Melville Richmond Brown, ICsquire, Lieutenant 3rd Battalion Devonshire Regi- ment, Iwrn Octoljer 13, 1866; (2) Frederick Richmond Brown, Esquire, born January 28, i868 ; .Amy Woodford, died .Sep- temtjer 11, 1876; Ethel Richmond; Margaret Richmond; and Dora Richmond. Seat — Astrop Park, King's Sutton, Northamptonshire. JAMES MILLAR BROWN, B.L. (Edin.), .Solicitor Sujireme Court, Cape Colony, &c. Born Dec. 24, 1864, being the third son of the late Colin Brown of Rawdon, CO. York, by his wife Eliza, dau. of (jeorge Burgess ol Worcester. Clubs — Civil .Scrvicr (Cai)e Town), Buluwayo Club (Buluwayo). Armorial bearings— Parted per fesse or and gules, three Heurs-de-lis and in the fesse point a mullet, all counterchanged. Mantling gtiles doubled or ; and upon a wreath of his liveries is set fur Crest, a dcmi-lion rampant vert, holding in his dexter paw a Heur-de-lis gold ; with the Motto, " Floreat majestns." Postal address — The Buluwayo Club, Buluwayo, South .Africa. SiK WILLIAM ROGER BROWN, Knight Bachelor, Justice of the Peace for the county of Wiltshire, Lord of the Manor of Beckington. Born 1831, being the son of the late James Brown of Highfield, Hilperton ; dubbed Knight r5achelor, 1893. Armorial bearings -He bears for Arms : Per fesse argent and azure, a pale counterchanged, three bees volant, two and one, and as ir.any bales of wool, one The Editor undertakes that every entry not in italics is that of a genuinely armigerous person. ii8 115U0 15X0 anil two proper. Upon ilie escutcheon is phiced a helmet iielitting his degree, with a nianllin,!:; azure and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, in front of a aibit arm vested azure, cuff argent, tlie hand proper holding a kilance suspended gold, a mount vert, thereon a garb fesse- ways or. Married, 1857, Sarah, daughter of the late Samuel Elms Hrown of Trowbridge. Postal address — Highlield, Hilperton, Trowbridge, Wiltshire. GEORGE M.'VRION YORK BROWN-WESTHEAD. Gentleman. Burn July Brown - Westhead, Es- ipiire, of t'auldon House, in the county of Staffortlshire, Justice of the Peace, by Marian his wife, fourth daughter of George Fourdrinier. Armorial bearings— He l)ears for Arms : (^)uarterly, i. grand tjuarter (for Browh-Westhead), (juarterly i. and iv. argent, two barrulets dancett(5e sable, between three Saracens' heads eoupetl at the shoulders proper, wreathed round the temples of the first and second (for Westhead), ii. and iii. azure, on a fesse argent, Ijetwecn litree martlets in chief and the Roman fasces erect sur- mounting two swords in saltire, and encircled by a chaplet in base or, three chess-rooks sable (for Brown) ; 2. grand c|uarter, the same arms of Brown ; 3. grand quarter, the same arms of Westhead ; 4. grand quarter, ])arty per chev- ron or and azure, in chief a mullet of six points between two crosses |)atee of the last, and in base the front elevation of a chapel argent (for Chappell), the whole being charged with a crescent for difference ; and for his Crests, 1. on a wreath of the colours, within a fetterlock or, a Saracen's head couped proper, wreathed round the temples argent and sable (for Westhead) ; 2. on a wreath of the colours, a demi-eagle displayed with two heads azure, charged on the breast with the fasces, swords, and chaplet, as in the arms (for Brown) ; with the Motto, " Ora et labora. " Married, December 4, 1884, Alice Meigh, eldest daughter of Taylor Ashworth, Esquire, of Stoke-upon-'IVent, Justice of the Peace; and has Issjie — Gerald York Brown- Westhead, Gentleman, born July 23, 1890. Postal address— 'ih^W.on, Stoke-upon-Trent. GEORGE MONTAGU BROWN-WESTHEAD, Gentle- man, Bachelor of Arts and Master of Laws of the University of Cambridge. Burn February 21, 1859, being the only son of Marcus Brown- Westhead, Esquire [to whom refer], by Frances Mary his wife, eldest daughter of John Caton Thompson of Bazil Grange, West Derby. Armorial bear- ings — He bears for Arms : Quarterly, 1. grand quarter (Brown- Westhead), quarterly i. and iv. argent, two bar- rulets dancettde sable, between three Saracens' heads coujjed at the shoulders proper, wreathed round the temples of the first and second (for Westhead), ii. and iii. azure, on a fesse argent, between three martlets in chief, and the Roman fasces erect surmounting two swords in saltire, and encircled by a chaplet in base or, three chess-rooks sable (for Brown) ; 2. grand quarter, the same arms of Brow n ; 3. grand quarter, the same arms of Westhead ; 4. grand quarter, party i>er chevron or and azure, in chief a nmllet of six points between two crosses pat6e of the last, and in base the front elevation of a chapel argent (for Chapel 1) ; and for his Crests, i. on a wreath of the colours, within a fetterlock or, a Saracen's head couped proper, wreathed round the temples argent and sable (for Westhead), 2. on a wreath of the colours, a demi-eagle displayed with two heads azure, charged on the breast with the fasces, swords and chaplet as in the arms (for Brown); with the Motto, "Ora et Labora." Atar- /7f(/, April 30, 1888, Ada, daughter of John Pearson, Esquire, of (Jolborne Park, in the County Palatine of Lancaster ;and has Issue — A daughter, born February 14, 1889. FRANCES MARY BROWN - WESTHIiAD, eldest daughter of John Caton Thompson of Bazil Grange, West Derby, and widow of the late Marcus Brown-Westliead, Esquire, Major of the rst Manchester Rifle Volunteers, and formerly a Lieutenant in the Worcestershire Militia, l.ivery — Drab coat and vest, dark blue and silver fiicings, dark blue trousers. Armorial bearings are, upon a lozenge- Quarterly, 1. grand quarter (Brown-Westhead), quarterly i. and iv. argent, two barrulets dancettfe sable, between three Saracens' heads couped at the shoulders proper, wreathed M is the Military Cockade. round the temples of the first and second (for Westhead), ii. and iii. azure, on a fesse argent, between three martlets in 1 chief and the Roman fasces erect, surmounting two swords in saltire and encircled by a chaplet in base or, three chess- rooks sable (for Brown) ; 2. grand quarter, the same arms of Brown ; 3. grand (|uarter, the same arms of Westhead ; 4. grand cpiarter, party per chevron or and azure, in chief a mullet of six points between two crosses pat^c of the last, and in base the front elevation of a chapel argent (for Chappell), and impaling the arms of Thompson, namely or, a lion rampant between three swans' heads erased, all within a bordure invected azure, charged with four annulets or. Married, February 20, 1855 ; and has Issue — George Montagu Brown- Wcstliead, Gentleman [to whom refer]; and l'"rances Dora Adela. Estates — Lea Castle, Wolverley, in the county of Worcester ; RedclifTe, Newton-le-Willows, in the County Palatine of Lancaster; and Reit Spruit and Drie Fontein, Pietermaritzburg, Natal. Postal address — Lea Castle, near Kidderminster. BROWNE, see CAVE- BROWNE, DU MOULIN- BA'OiyjVP. BROWNE, quartered by BLAKE. BROWNE, quartered by MOS'l'YN. Sir BENJAMIN CHAPMAN BROWNE, Knight Bac/ielor, Doctor of Civil Law, Justice of the Peace for the comities of Gloucester and Northumberland, and for the city of Ne^ocastle-on-Tyne. Born 1839, hcini^ the third and youngest son of the late Colonel Benjamin Chapman Browne, late of the ^th Lancers, Justice of the Peace, of Slants Hill, in the county of Gloucester, and his wife Alary Anne Lloyd, daughter of Thomas J. Lloyd-Baker, Esquire, Justice of the Peace, of Hardwicke Court ; is a Member of the Institu- tion of Civil Engineers ; was Mayor of Ne^ocastle, 1885, 1886 ; and 7cias created a Knight Bachelor, 1887. Livery — Blue and gold. Armorial bearings as used, but for 7ohick no authority has been established, arc^Azure, a chevron ermine, between three Jleurs-de-lis or ; 7vith the Crest, a demi-lion rampant proper ; and the Motto, " Ne cede malts." Married, 1861, Annie, daughter of the late Robert Thomas Atkinson of High Cross House, Benwell, Newcastle-on-Tyne ; and has had Issue — (i) luhvard Gran- ville Bnnane, Esquire, Felhnu of Pembroke College, Cam- bridge, burn 1862 ; (2) Cecil Orde Browne, born and died 1865; (3) Benjamin Chapman Browne, Esquire, born 1876; (4) IVilliam Lloyd Browne, Esquire, born 1879 ; Evelyn Minnie; Helen Mary; Lucy Beatrice Annie, died 1873; Winifred Isabel ; and Maude Catherine, Postal nddress — Westacres, Neiucastle-on-Tyne. HAROLD CARLYON GORE BROWNE, Esquire, ALA., Barrister-at-Law of Lincoln's Inn, Chancellor of the Diocese of Winchester. Born June 11, 1844, being the eldest son of the Rt. Rev. Edward Harold Browne, Lord Bishop of Winchester, by his wife Elizabeth, dau. of the late Clement Carlyon, AI.D., J.P. Cornwall. Clubs — Athenccum, Savile. Armorial bearings as used, but which are not registered to this family in Ulster's Office, are— Sable, three lions passant in bend bet-iucen two double cotises argent, l^ostal address— 15 Kingsgate Terrace, Winchester. Genkral Sir JAMES FRANKFORT MANNERS BROWNE, Knight Commander of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath. Born 1823, being the eldest son of the late Very Reverend and Honourable I4enry Montague Browne, Dean of Lismore, Master of Arts, by his wife Catherine Penelope, commonly known as the Honourable Catherine Penelope, daughter of the Right Honourable Lodge Evans de Montmorency, first Viscount iMankfort de Montmorency ; entered the Royal Engineers 1842, became Colonel 1864, General 1888 (and retired same year), and Colonel-Com- mandant 1890; served in tiie Crimean Campaign; was Governor of the Royal Military Academy, Woolwich, 1880- 1887 ; created Companion of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, 1856, and advanced to the rank of Knight Com- mander, 1894. Armorial bearings — He Iwars for Arms: Sal)le, three lions passant in licnd, between two double cotises argent, a crescent for ditterence. Upon the escut- cheon, which is encircled by the ribbon, and from which is pendent his badge as a Knight Commander of the Most M is the Naval Cockade. -lonourable Order of the H;iili, is placed a helmet befil- ing his degree, with a mantling sable and argent ; and or his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, an eagle dis- mayed vert; with the Motto, "Suivez raison." Married, 1850, Mary (who died 1888), daughter of the late James ^unt of (Quebec; and has Issue — Annie Kathleen de ^lontniorency, and Agnes Montague. Pushtl address — 19 iioland Gardens, S.W. ROBERT JOHN BROWNE. Born April 7, 1832, aeing the eldest son of the late Roljert Browne, Esq. Ranger of Her Majesty's Curragh of Kildare for nearly ifty years), and of Harriet, second dau. of the late William >. Dempster of .Skibo t'astle, near Dornoch, Sutherland- ihire. CV///v— Kildare Street (Dublin) and Royal St. George /acht (Kingstown). A/w/y— Cluret. Armorial bearings — (juart<'ily i and 4, sable three lioncels passant in liend argent, armed and langucd gules, between two double cotises or ; 2 and 3 aigei\t, an eagle displayed with two heads sable. Mantling sable and argent. Crest— On a .wreath of the colours, ;in eagle displayed party per fesse vert and or. Motto — " Suivez raison." .l/(//-/-/r(/, Jan. 20, [1880, Edith, youngest f. 29, 1834, being the only son of John linnoue, Esi/nire, Justice of the Peace, and his ivij'e Cynihriana, dam^hter of II'. A/orris, of Llativilhangel, Pad nor. \ Avery ~ /hnk Id ne and red, with silver buttons and band. Armorial bearings as used, but for Tvhich no authority has been established at the College of Arms are— Quarterly i and 4, or a che-i'ron be- tween three mullets sable, 2 and 3 gulee, a fesse betioeen si.v losenges or. Crest—./ bull salient proper, collared and lined or. Mairied, June 21, 1865, .Adelaide Clarence younger daughter of Captain Clf.'eland of the Poval Navy ; and has Issue — (i) Anthony Cleveland Hrojvue, born January 9, 1871 ; (2) Clarence Cleveland Bro^vne, born April ■i,, 1873. Kstaie^ — Hall Court, Hertfordshire; Fosseii'ay Staffordshire. Postal address — Hall Court, Bromyard. The Reverena ROBER'I MELVIl.L CORE BRO WNE, Clerk in Holy Orders. Born 1852, being the fourth son of the Right Reverend Ediuard Harold Broaune, late I A)rd Bishop of Winchester, by his wife Elizabeth, daughter of Dr. Clement Carlyon. Aiinorlal bearings as used^ but for which no authority has been established, areforAimS : Sable, three lions passant in bend argent, between two double cotises of the same. Crest— ^// eagle displayed vert. MottO — ".Suivez raison." Married, 1883, Agnes Catharine, com- monly kncnon as the Honourable Agnes Catharine, eldest daughter of the Right Honourable l^rd Rullo; and has Issue— (i) Harold Rollo Gore Bnmme, born 1886 ; (2) Robert Rollo Gore Broiune, born 1888 ; (3) Uric Antony Rollo Gore Bnnune, born 1890; and Agnes Elizabeih Rollo Gore. Postal address — East Woodhay Rectory, Newbury. Gknkkal Sir CHARLES HENRY BROWNEOW, Knight Grand Cross of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath. Born December 12, 1831, lieing the son of the late Colonel (jeorge .\rthur Bruwnlow (brother of the first Baron Lurgan), by his wife Cornelia, daughter of Thomas P. Sandby, Deputy- Ranger of Windsor Great Park ; entered the Indian Army 1847, became Colonel 1869, and tJeneral 1889 ; served in the Punjaub War, 1848, 1849 ; in the Huzara Campaign, 1852, 1853 ; Nordi-West Frontier of India; very severely woundetl 1854 ; Bozdar Campaign, 1857; Eusofzai Expedition, 1858 ; in the China War, i860; Ainlx'yla Cam- paign, 1863; in the Huzara Mvpedition, 1868; and as Brigadier-General Commanding tlie Looshai h".xpedilion, 1871, 1872; was -Mde-de-Camp to Her Majesty the (Jneen, 1869-1881 ; and -Assistant Military Secretary for Indian .Affairs at the Horse Guards, 1879- 1889; was created C.B. 1864; was advanced to rank of K.C. B. 1872; and to (i.C.B. 1887. ( tubs- United .Service, .\rlluns, Welling- ton. Armorial bearings — He Ijears for Arms: Party per ^'''€^im> pale or and argent, an inescutcheon within an orle of martlets sable. Upon the escutcheon, which is encircled by the ribbon of tlie Order of the Bath, by a wreath of laurel, and by the collar and pendent therefrom the badge of a G.C. B. , is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling salile and or ; and for his Crest, upon a chapeau azure, turned up ermine, a greyhound gules, collared or; with the Motto, " Esse quam videri." .Married, 1890, Georgiana, eldest daughter of the late W. C. King of Warfield Hall, in the county of Berkshire. Postal address — Warfield Hall, Bracknell, Berkshire. The Editor undertakes that every entry not in italics is that of a genuinely armigerous person. I20 T5t0 CONOLLY WM. LECKY BKOWNE-LliCKY, Esq.; was High SheriH" cilv iiiul co. Loiuloiuleiry 1888, l)eing the youngest son of the hite Tlioniiis Kiclianlson browne. Esq.', D.E., of .Aughenlaine Castle, co. Tyrone, by Sarah, foiirtl) (laii. of Hervev lie Montnioiency of Castle Mones, CO. Kilkenny ; and ';issunieil the additional name and arms of Lecky by Royal License 1871, under the will of Conolly W. M'Causland Lecky, ICsci.. D.L., of London- derry, t ■///(*— Kildare Street, Dublin. Armorial bearings — C^)iiarlerly i and 4, argent on a chevron between three rost;s gules, a trefoil slipped or (for Lecky) ; 2 and 3 per chevron gules and azure, a mullet between three Heurs-de-lis or (for lirowne). Mantling gules and argent ; and for his Crests, 1. upon a wieatii of the colours, a boar's head erased proper, charged with a rose gules (for Lecky); 2. upon a wreath of the colours, a lion rampant or, restmg the forepaw on an escutcheon gules, charged with a tleur- de-lis gold (for Browne). Motto— "Were duni potes." Manicii, 1878, Annie Henrietta, eldest dau. of Charles Eccles, Esq., D.L., of Ecclesville, co. Tyrone; and has, with other Issm — Raymond S. C. de Montmorency Brown- Lecky, Gentleman, b. 1881. 6Va/— Eintimara, near Warren- point, CO. Down. EDWARD ARTHUR BROWNFIELD. Born 1855, teing the eldest son of the late William Brownfield, Esq., (.P. and D.L., of Chatterley House, by Ellen, dau. of Charles Etches of Derby ; .«. his brother 1889. Armorial bearings— ( Jules, a chevron engrailed argent, between two slags' heads erased in chief of the last, and a cross patee titclu'e in base or. Mantling gules and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a lion passant argent, siMiu-e of pheons gules, supporting witli the dexter paw a cross pat^ fichdeor. MottO — " Laborant nunien adest," Seat— Rock House, Barlaston, Staffordshire. BRUCE, quariered by HUSSEY. The Honoukablk Sir GAINSFORD BRUCE, Knight Bachelor (1892), a Judge of Her Majesty's High Court of Judicature (Queen's Bench Division), one of Her Majesty's Counsel Learned in the Law, Justice of the I'eace for the CO. of Durham. Horn 1834, being the eldest son of the Rev. J. Collingwood Bruce, Doctor of Laws, of Newcastle- upon-Tyne, Honorary Doctor of Civil Law of Duiham University. Clubs — Athen.Teum, Carlton. Armorial bear- ings — Or, a saltire cotised gules, on a chief of the last, a tleurs-de-lis between two demi-lions erased of the field. Mantling gules and or. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, in front of a torch erect, fired proper, a lion statant with tail extended or, charged on the body with two fieurs-de-lis fesseways gules; with the Motto, "Do well and doubt not." Married, 1868, Sophia, daughter of Francis Jackson of Chcrtsey. Postal address — Yewhurst, Bromley, Kent. Sir GEORGE BARCLAY BRUCE, Knight Bachelor. Born 1821, being the son of the late John Bruce of New- castle-on-Tyne ; was elected President of the Institution of Civil Engineers in 1887, and again in 1888, antl was dubbed Knight Bachelor in the latter year. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Or, a saltire cotised gules, on a chief of the last, a fleur-de-lis lietween two demi-lions erased of the field. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, in front of a torch erect, fired proper, a lion statant with tail extended or, charged on the body with two fleurs-de-lis fesseways gules ; with the Motto, " Be trew." Postal address — 64 Boundary Road, London, N.W. ROBERT BRUCE, Esquire, late Colonel, Companion of tile Most Honourable Order of the Bath, Justice of the Peace for the counties of London and Middlesex. Boru 1825, being the son of the late Sir James Robertson Bruce, second Baronet of Down Hill, in the coimty of Londonderry; was created Companion of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, 1885 ; has medals — Crimea, with clasp and Turkish medal ; Indian Mutiny, with two clasps. Clubs — Army and Navy, Royal St. George Yacht. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Or, on a saltire gules, a harp argent, a chief of the second, on a canton also argent, a li(jn rampant azure, impaling the arms of Burgoyne, namely gules, a chevron & is tbe Military Cockade. TBtp or, between three talljots argent, on a chief of tiie last, a many martlets azure. Below the escutcheon is pendent hi badge as a Companion of the Most Honourable Order the Bath ; and for his Crest, a lion passant azure, hoklin; in his de.xter paw a trefoil slipped proper ; with the Motto "Euinuis." Married, 1859, Mary Caroline, daughter oi Sir J. M. Burgoyne, ninth Baronet ; and has Issue- Lilian Amy. Postal address — 6 Warwick Square, Lon don, S.'W. SAMUEL BRUCE, Esquire, J. P. for co. Gloucester Born 1B38, being the youngest son of the late Sanuiel Bruct of Thorndale, co. Antrim, by Annette, dau. of the late JaiiiK Ferguson of White Park, co. .Antrim. ' 'lubs — Carlton, Union S.W. Armorial bearings— Or, a saltire and chief gules in the dexter chief point a nmllet argent, in base a cinque foil of the second, impaling the arms of Colthurst, argent on a fesse azure between three colts courant sable, as manyl trefoils slipped or. Mantling gules and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a horse's head coupedl argent, bridled gules, and charged on the neck with al cinquefoil as in the arms. Motto — "Do well, doubt not." Married, 1878, Julia, dau. of Sir George Conwayl Colthurst, sth Bart. ; and has, with other /«//<;— Georg«| James, b. 1880. Seat — Norton Hall, Campden, Gloucester-t shire. WILLLVM ROBERT BRUCE, B.A. 1855, M..\. 1878I (Dublin), Barrister-at-Law, is Master Queen's Bench Division \ of the High Court of Justice in Ireland. Born 1833, being! the eldest son of the late Samuel Bruce of Thorndale, co. I Antrim, by Annette, dau. of the late James Ferguson of White Park, co. Antrim. Clubs — Junior Carlton, University, | (Dublin), Ulster (Belfast). Armorial bearings— Or a saltire ■ and chief gules, in the dexter chief point a mullet argent, j in base a cinquefoil of the second. Mantling gules and I or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a horse's head coupcd argent, bridled gules, and charged on the neck with a cinc|uefoil as in the arms. Motto — " Do well, doubt not." Married, 1870, Florence Helen, dau. of George Alexander Osborne ; and ha^, with other Issik — Thomas Robert, b. 1885. Seat — Rockford, Blackrock, Dublin. BRUGES, see LUDLOW-BRUGES. Sir JOHN TOMLINSON BRUNNER, first Baronet, J. P. CO. Chester, M.P. for Northwich Division of Chester, 1885-86, 1887, 1892, and 1895. Born 1842, being the second son of the late Rev. John Brunner of Zurich. Clubs. — Arts, National Liberal, Reform. Armorial bearings- Gules, a fountain playing proper, charged on the basin with a rose gules, in chief two mullets of six points or. Mantling gules and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, in front of a wing erect gules, a fountain as in the arms. Motto — " Bibe si sapis." Married, ist, 1864 (who died 1874), Salome, daughter of James Davics of Liverpool; 2nd, 1875, Jane, daughter of the late Dr. Wyinan of Kettering; and has lssue^(i) John Fowler Leece Brunner, Esquire, b. May 24, 1865 ; (2) Roscoe Brunner, Esquire, b. 1871 ; Grace, Mabel Alicia, Hilda, Sybil, Maud Mary, and Ethel Jane. .S'on betzveen three chaplets, all argent ; and for the Crest, out of a ducal coronet or, a demi -ounce rampant argent. Motto — "Nee temere nee timidc." Postal address — 3 Lowndes Street, London, S. W. CHRISTOPHER REGINALD BUCKLE, Esquire Captain in the Royal Artillery. Born 1862, being the eldest son of the late Christopher Richard Buckle of Norton House, by Caroline Maria his wife, daughter of Abraham Parry Cumberbafch of Hellingly,in the county of Sussex. Armo- rial bearings as used, but for which no authority has been established at the College of Arms are: Sable, a chevron, between three chaplets argent; and for the Crest, out of a ducal coronet or, a demi-ounce argent ; with the MottO, "Nil temere tenia nil timide." Married, 1886, Elizabeth Braithwaite, daughter of Charles Colville Turner, Surgeon, of Bideford, in the county of Devon ; and has Issue — Christopher Galbraith Buckle, born 1888 ; Doris Eleu ; and Phyllis Norton. Estate and postal address — Norton House, Chichester. Admiral Sir CLAUDE HENRY MASON BUCKLE, K.C.B. Born 1803, being the son of the late Admiral Matthnv Buckle of Bath ; has medals — Burmah, 1824, Baltic, Crimea, Turkish, and fourth class Medjidie, 1854, 1855 ; was created C.B., 1856, and K.C.B. , 1875. Club— United Service. Married, 1847, Harriet Margaret {7vho died iSg^), eldest daughter of the late Thomas Deane Shute of Bramshaw Hill, New Forest, Hants, D. L. Postal address — 59 Rutland Gate, S. W. S CHARLES ALBAN BUCKLER, Esquire, created Surrey Herald Extraordinary by Royal Warrant, tear- ing date July 16, 1880; and by Bull, dated at the Magistral & is the Military Cockade. TBuc I'alace, Rome, June 11, 1885, His Eminence the Princt Grand Master and Council of the Order ^KltrfeTpt* '^'^ -'"'"^ '^'^ Jerusalem conferred upon bin .U^'UVmi^V a Donafs Cross of the first class. Born Septcmter 25, 1824, teing the eldest surviving son of John Chessell Buckler, Architect, ot Oxford (born December 8, 1793, died January 5, 1894), by Esther his wife, daughter of Thomas Fair, descended from Colonel Robert Phaire of Rostillon, in the county of Cork, born 1619, died 1682, by Elizabeth his wife, daughter of Sir Thomas Hertert of 'I'intern, in the county of Mon- mouth, Baronet, Groom of the Chamber to King Charles I. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Sable, on a fesse between three dragons' heads erased oi', langued gules, as many etoiles of eight points of the field. Crest — A dragon's head couped sable gorged with two gemels and gutte d'or [granted to Sir Walter Buckler of C'ausewey, in the county of Dorset, Knight, by Christopher Barker, Garter, 36 Henry VHP, A.I). 1544]. Postal address — 6 Hereford S(|uare, South Kensington, London, S. W. HENRY BURTON BUCKLEY, Esquire, Barrister-at- law, one of Her Majesty's Coimsel, learned in the law, M.A. Born Sept. 15, 1845, being the fourth son of the Reverend John Wall Buckley, M.A., and Elizabeth, his wife, daughter of Thomas Burton. Club — Oxford and Cambridge. Livery — Green. Armorialbearings— He tears for Amis: Azure,a chevron cottised between two stags' heads, caboshed in chief and a garb in base all or, on a chief engrailed ermine, a buckle between two crosses pati'e fitchee gules. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet tefitting his degree, with a mantling azure and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, upon a mount vert, a demi-stag at gaze gules, attired and gorged with a collar, a chain attached ret^exed over the back or, supporting a garb of the last. Motto — " To my utmost." Married, April 12, 1887, Bertha Margaretta, dau. of Charles lulward Jones; and has had 3 is tlie Naval Cockade. fl IBut TBuc 123 /ssue—{i) Bryan Burton Buckley, Gentleman, born May 24. 1890; (2) (3uy Burton Buckley, Gentleman, born June 21, 1892, and died July 9, 1892 ; Joyce Burton, Muriel I Burton, and Olive Burton. Postal addresses — 7 Melbury IKoad, Kensington, London, W. ; 18 Old Square, Lincoln's Inn, London, W.C. RICHARD EDWARD III.RIil-.RT LiUCKMiR, kite I of the Riiyal i\'aiy. lk)rn May g, 1847, I^RllfbuiM* "<^i>'K '^'^ tliird son of the Reverend John ;UUVall('t lUiikner, Master of Arts, formerly of tlie Rifle lirii^ade, by his loife Eliza, dauf^hter \of William /leniy (iardner of the Royal Artilleiy, eommonly ,kit(nv)i (IS the Honourable William Heniy (iardner. Armorial bearings as nsed are: (iules, a booh open or. \betwccii three bucks' heads erased ermine. Crest — ,-/ biiik couranterminois, infrontof a beech-tree, issuanifroma mount proper ; with the HottO, " E'ide surgimus ad spent." Theu- arms were granted to John [iuekner. Bishop of Chich' '< ' . and his brother, Admiral Charles limkner ; but no p, ■ has since been recorded or established at the College of A ■ n: Married, Chassie, daughter of John Follenus ; and has Issue — Amy. Postal address — 20 Russell .Street, Toronto, Canada. SWIIJJAM NEAR V FIERCE BVCKNER, Lieu- tenant in the Royal Na^y ; fourth son of the late \Rei'erend John liuckner. Master (if .iris, formerly of the I RiJIe Brigade, by his ~u Gardner of the Royal .Artillery, common Iv kntnon as the ! Honourable William Heniy Gardner. Armorial bear- . ings, as used, are for AnUB — Gules, a book open or, bctuccii j three bucks' heads erased ermine ; and for the Crest, a buck ' courant erminois in front of a beech-tree issuant from a \mount proper ; with ///(/Motto, "Fide surgimus ad spent." . These arms were granted to John Buckner, Bishop of Chi- I Chester, and his brother. Admiral Charles Buckner, but no pedigree of the family has since been recorded or established at the College of .Arms. Married, and has Issue — A son. Postal afidress— C('(7.r/ Guard, Fraserburgh, .Aberdeen shire. Sir CHARLES BUCKWORTH - HliRNE-SOAME, ninth Baronet, of Sheen, S^namr College of surgeons, X3 UUIIIV Edinburgh, Licentiate of the Society of Apothe- caries, Justice of the Peace and a menilwr of the Council for the county of Salop. Born May 29, 1830, being the son of Charles Buckworth-IIerne-Soanie, Esquire, by Hannah his wife, daughter of Richard Procter of Brecon. Creation — April I, 1697. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Quarterly i and 4, gules a chevron between three mallets or, a canton argent, for difference (for Soame) ; 2 and 3 sable, on a chevron between three cross crosslels fitchif'e argent, an ermine spot (for Buckworth). Upon the escut- cheon, which is charged with his badge of Ulster as a Baronet, is placed a helmet liefitting his degree, with a mantling gules and or ; and for his Crests, i. upon a wreath of the colours, a lure argent, garnished and lined or, thereon a hawk of the last, charged upon the breast with a cross crosslet for difference (for Soame) ; 2. upon a wreath of the colours, a man's head in a helmet, the Ijeaver up all pr()i>er (for Buckworth). Married, Marcii jg, 1855, Mary (who died Decemljer 24, 1893), daughter of Richard Fellows Procter, Estjuire, of Iron Bridge, Salop; and has Issue — (i) Richard Everard Buckworth - Heme - Soan:e, Esquire, born May 15, 1863, tlied, unmarried, 1884 ; (2) Charles Buckworth-Herne-Soame, Esipiire. fwrn .S<'ptenil.er 18, 1864 [to whom refer]; Mary Hannah (married, firstly, OctolxT 16, 1878, ,\rthiu- Marcy, of Wellington, Salop, who died 1883; and secondly, July 24, 1889, Reverend Richard Herl)ert Snaf)e, Vicar of Eskdale, Cunitx.'rland] ; and Evelyn [married, June 7, 1881, (Jeorge Day Harrison of Stone]. Postal address — Dawley, Shropshire. CHARLES BUCKWORTH-HERNE-.SOAME, Es- quire. Born September 18, 1864, l)eing the third but only surviving son of .Sir Charles Buckworth-Herne-Soame, nintii Baronet [to whom refer , by his wife Mary, daughter of Richard l-'ellows Procter of Ironbridge, .Salop. Armorial bearings — He Iwars for Arms : (^)uarterly i and 4, gules a chevron between three mallets or, and a canton argent for difference (for Soame), 2 and 3 sable, on a chevron between three cross crosslets titchce argent, an ermine spot (for Buckworth), and in chief a label of thtce points for differ- ence ; and for his Crests : i. upon a wreath of the colours, a lure argent, garnished and lined or, thereon a hawk of the last, charged upon the breast with a cross crosslet for difference (for .Soame), 2. upon a wreath of the colours, a man's head in a helmet, the beaver up all proper (for Buckworth). .Married, 1891, Mary, daughter of John l^dge of Dawley, and widow of Peter Burnett Pring, Doctor of The Editor undertakes that every entry not in italics is tbat of a genuinely armigerous person. 124 X^UD laui Medicine; and has /««<•— (i) Ricluiid Mverard Huckworlh- Herni-Soaiiic, Ksc|uiie ; (a) Charles Burnett Buckworlh- Herne-Soanie, Ijenllcman. Postal address — Dawley, Shropshire. §HARkY WILLIAM BUDDICOM, Esquire, J. P. cos. Flint and Monmimtli (I liKh StierifTfor former co. 1896), t'apt. I)enl)i),'lishirc Hussars. Hor/i 1859, being the second son of the late William Barhcr Buddicom, l''.s(|. , J. I'., by his wife M. try Jeanne, dau. ofC'apt. Joseph Robert Hownam, k.N. Armorial bearings— Argent, on a chevron Ix-tween two crosses pat(^e in chief and a demi-gryphon couped in base all gules, on a chief of the last, three escallops of the first. Mantling gules and argent. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, in front of a l)eacon fired proper, issuant from the Hames thereof a demi-lion gules, gorged with a collar geniel or, holding in the dexter paw a sword in bend sinister of the first, pommel and hilt or, a cross patte between two escallops of the last. Motto — '' Virtute et vigilantia." Married, 1892, Sophia, d.ui. of the late Charles Wriothesley Oigby ; and has Issue — (i) Walter IJigby Buddicom, Gentle- man, /'. 1894 ; and Venetia Digby. Seat — Penbedw, Molil, CO. Flint. Residence — Villa Capella, Bordighera, Italy. WILLL^M SQUIRE BUDDICOM, Esquire, J. P. Born Jan. 9, 1840, being the only son of the Rev. Robert Joseph Buddicom, Vicar of Morton, M.A. Brasenose Coll., Oxford, by his wife Sarah Sophia, dau. of Rev. William Ruflbrd. Club — (Jonstiluiional. Livery — Dark blue, red facings. Armorial bearings — .Argent, a chevron between two crosses pat(5e in chief and a denu-gryphon couped in base all gules, on a chief of the last, three escallops of the first. Mantling gules and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, in front of a beacon fired proper, issuant fiom the flames thereof a demi-lion gules, gorged with a collar gemel or, holding in the de.xter paw a sword in bend sinister of the first, pommel and hilt or, a cross pat^e between two escallops of the last. Motto— " Virtute et vigilantia." Married, Aug. 23, 1866, Elizabeth Haughton, dau. of Rev. Robert Hornby, M.A. , J. P., and grand-dau. of Sir William Feilden, Bart., M.P. , of Feniscowles ; and has Issjic — Robert Arthur Buddicom, />. Nov. 7, 1874 ; and Lilian Holland. Scat — Ticklerton Court, Church Stretton, Salop. JAMES SMITH BUDGETT. Born 1823, being the eldest son of the late Samuel Budgett of Bristol, by Ann, dau. of the late Thomas Smith of Midsomer Norton. Club — Conservative. Armorial bearings— Azure, on a cross invected or, between four water-bougets of the last, an escallop between as many horse-shoes of the first. Mant- ling azure and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, in front of two palmers' staves in saltire or, a water-lx)uget azure. Married, 1849, Mary Bolton, dau. of Thomas Farmer of Gunnersbury House, Middlesex ; and has, with other /«//<.'- Richard Samuel Budgett, />. 1851 [m. , 1878, Annie, dau. of Joseph Maitland Ware (she died 1888), and has, with other issue, Hubert Maitland Budgett, b. 1882]. Seat— ^toke Park, Guildford. The Revkrenij THOMAS MAINWARING BULKE- LEY BULKELEY-OWEN, TBumeIep^£Dtoen Stt'pea^c^'LPtf e^itof Salop. Born November 15, 1826, being the son of Thomas Bulkeley Bulkeley-Owen, and his wife Marianne, eldest daughter of the Reverend lr".dward Thelwall of Llanbedr Hall, in the county of Denbigh. Club — Grosvenor. Livery — Black and white. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms: Quarterly i and 4, argent a cross fieury engrailed sable between four Cornish choughs proper, and on a chief azure a Vjoar's head couped argent, langued gules (for Owen) ; 2 and 3 sable, a chevron between three bulls' heads calx)shed argent (for Bulkeley) ; and upon an escutcheon of pretence tlie arms of Ormsby- Gore, namely, quarterly i and 4, gules a fesse between three cross crosslets fitchte or (for Gore), 2 and 3 gules, a bend between six cross crosslets or (for Ormsby) ; and for his Crest, out of a ducal coronet or, a bull's head argent (for Bulkeley); with the Mottoes, " Eryr eryrod eryri," and "Nee temere nee timide." Married, August 24, 1880, Fanny Mary Katharine, conmionly known as the Honour- able Fanny Mary Katharine, daughter and heir of the Right Honourable John Ralph Ormsby-Gore, first Baron Harlech. Estates — Tedsmore Hall, and lands in West ^ is tbe Military Cockade. I'Vlion, Ruyton-of-the-lOleven-Towns, and Shrewsbury, all in the county of .Salop; and lands in Llanwrin and Darowen, in the comity of Montgomery. Postal address — Tedsmore Hall, Oswestry, Salop. JOHN BULLEN SYMES BULLEN, Esq., J. P. for Dorset, Colonel, late Lieut.-Coi. commanding 15th Hussars. Jiorn 1847, being the son of the late Wyatt Symes of Pounds- ford, Somerset, by Eliza Fitzherbert, dau. of W. F. Bullen ; assumed by Royal License in 1868 the name of Bullen, under the will of his great-uncle, John Bullen of Cliarmouth and Marshwood Manor (who died 1853). Clubs — .Xrmy and Navy, Arthur's, /.kv/j— Blue and siker. Armorial bear- ings — Ermine, on a chevron azure, between three bulls' heads erased sable, two swords proper, iiommels and hilts or, the points saltireways, encircled by a wreath of laun.-l gold. Mantling azure and argent ; and for his Crest, (Jut of a naval crown gold, the sails argent, a bull's head or, charged on the neck with an anchor sable, between two wings azure. Motto — " .A rege et victoria. " Married, 1st, 1884, Blanch Mary Townend, younger dau. of William Hall of .Syndale, Kent (she died 1886); 2iid, 1891, I'rances Mary, eldest dau. of Samuel Perry, Esq., J. P., D.L., of Woodrufte, co. Tipperary ; and has L<:sue — (i) John Symes Bullen, Gentleman, b, ; (2) Henry Fitzherbert Symes Bullen, Gentleman, /'. ; and Mary Frances. Seat — Catherston, Charmouth, Dorset. Vice-Admiral SiK ALEXANDER BULLER, Knight Conmiander of the Most Honourable Order TRflffpl* °'^ '^^ Bath, Justice of the Peace for the iUUllvV county of Devon, Born June 30, 1834, being the second son of the Reverend Richard Buller, Rector of Lanreath, in the county of Cornwall, and his wife Eliza, daughter of John Hornby of the Hook, Titchfield, in the county of Southampton ; has Crimea (1854, 1855) Tuedal with clasp, and Turkish medal; was created C. B. 1876, and K.C.B. 1896. Club — United -Service. Livery — Claret colour, red waistcoat. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Sable, on a cross quarter-pierced argent, four eagles displayed of the field, the escutcheon being surrounded by the ribbon and pendant his badge as a K.C.B. Mantling sable and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a Saracen's head affront(5e couped at the shoulders proper; with the Motto, " Aquila non capit muscas. " Married, 1870, Emily Mary, daughter of the late Henry Tritton of Beddington, in the county of Surrey ; and has Issue — (1) Henry Tritton Buller, Gentle- man, Lieut. R.N., born October 30, 1873; (2) Richard F^dward Buller, Gentleman, born J;uiuary 14, 1875 ; (3) F'rancis Alexander Waddilove Buller, Gentleman, born May 14, 1879; (4) Herbert Cecil Buller, Gentleman, born January 2, 1862; (5) Edward Maxwell Buller, Gentleman, born June 6, 1883; and Jane Elizabeth [niarried, June 28, 1892, Captain Charles Turner, of the 49th Royal Berkshire Regiment]. Postal addresses— Mr^e. Hall, Plympton, South Devon, and Belmore House, West Cowes, Isle of Wight, CHARLES FRANCIS BULLER, Esquire, late of the 2nd Life Guards. Born May 26, 1846, being the only son of the late Sir Arthur William Buller, a Judge in Calcutta, and his wife Anne Henrietta [to whom refer], daughter of Francis James Templer, Treasurer of Ceylon. Armorial bearings — He tears for Arms : Sable, on a cross quarter- pierced argent, four eagles displayed of the field, impaling the arms of Ridley, namely gules, on a chevron between three falcons argent, as many pellets ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a Saracen's head affrontife couped at the shoulders proper; with the Motto, "Aquila non capit muscas." Married, July 11, 1873, Louisa Katharine, eldest daughter of the late Major-General Charles William Ridley, Companion of the Most Honour- able Order of the Bath, formerly the wife of Captain Henry Bloomfield Kingscote. GEORGE FREDERICK BULLER, Esquire, Born July 4, 1822, being the third son of the late Sir Anthony Buller, Knight B.-ichelor, by his wife Isabella, daughter of the late Sir William Lemon, Baronet.. Club — Oxford and Cambridge. LJvery — Brown piped with red. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms: Sable, on a cross quarter- pierced argent, four eagles displayed of the field ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a Saracen's head aflfrontfe couped at the shoulders proper ; with the Motto, M is the Naval Cockade. I IBnl IBnl "5 "Aquila non capit niuscas." Married, August ii, 1859, Georgina, daughter of Ralph Forster, Jardenfield, in the county of Berwick. Estate and postal address — Pound, Yelverton, South Devon. Sir WALTER LA WRY DULLER, K.C.M.G., F.R.S., J. P. for the Colony of New Zealand, Darrister-at- Law{Inner Temple); crea'ted C.M.G. \&7S, and K.C.M.G. i886 ; Resident Magistrate and Native Commissioner 1862-95, served as a Volunteer in N.E. Sir George Grey's Staff at the storming of the Weraroa Pass 1865 ^re- ceived War Medal and mentioned in Despatches), New '/.ealand Commissioner at the Colonial and Indian Exhibi- tion (1886), served in the Executive Council, British Section, Paris Exhibition (1889), Governor representing New '/.ealand in Permanent Governing Body of Imperial Institute (1891- 1896), £»«f/yrt* ■'^'"s^ Honourable Order of the Bath. Born iOUllUl'l ,829, Ijeing the second son of the late William Earle Lytton Biilwer of Heydon, in the county of Norfolk, and limily his wife, youngest daughter of (Jeneial (iascoyne, formerly Member of I'aiiia- nient for Liverpool; Lieutenant-Governor of Guernsey from i88q 1804; was created Companion of the Most Honourable Onler of the Bath, 1859, and advanced to the rank of Knight Commander of the same Urder, 1886 ; has medals— Crimea, 1854, 1855, with two clasps, and Turkish medal ; Indian Mutiny, with clasp. C/«/^j— United Senice, Brooks's. A/'ir/j— Dark, with brass buttons. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Gules, on a chevron argent, U-tween three eaglets regardant or, as many cinquefoils sable. Upon the escutcheon, which is encircled by the ribbon and pendent therefrom the badge of a Knight Commander of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, is placed a helmet be- fitting his degree, with a mantling gules and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a horned wolf's head erased ermine, crined and armed or ; with the MottO, " Adversis major par secundis." Married, 1863, Isabella Anne (who died 1883), daughter of Sir John Jacob Buxton, second Baronet ; and has Issue — Hugh liarle Bulwer, Esquire. Iwrn February 9, 1867 ; Audrey Emily ; Isaljel Mary [married Capt. George Nugent of the Grenadier Guards] ; Maud lileanor ; and Winifred. Postal address — The Grange, Heydon, Norwich. .Sir HENRY ERNEST GASCOYNE BULWER, Knight CJrand Cross of the Most Distinguished Order of Saint Michael and Saint George. Born 1836, being the son of the late William Earle Lytton Bulwer of Heydon Hall and Wood Daling, in the county of Norfolk ; was created Companion of the Most Distinguished Order of Saint Michael and Saint George. 1864, advanced to the rank of Knight Conuuander of that Order. 1874, and to that of Knight (irand Cross, 1883. C////i.f— United University. .Mhennt-urn. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms: Gules, on a chevron argent, between three eaglets regardant or, as many cinquefoils .sable. Upon the escutcheon, which is encircled by the ribbon of the Most Distinguished Order of Saint .Mich.ael and Saint CJeorge. and by the collar and pendent therefrom the l)adge of a Knight Grand Cross of the said Order, is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a horned wolfs head erased ermine, crined and armed or; and for Supporters, on the dexter side an heraldic antelojie ermine, and on the sinister side a gnu proper, each charged on the shoulder with a hurt, thereon a fleur-de-lis or ; with the Motto, ' ' Adversis major par secundis." SCoi,. WILLIAM EARLE GASCOYNF. LYTTON BULWER, C.B., J. P. Born Jan. i, 1829, High Sheriff 1883, formerly Capt. in the Scots Guards ; served in the Crimea, and was severely wounded at the Battle of Alma ; late Col. Commanding 3rd Vol. Batt. of the Norfolk Regt. . and now Brigadier-Gen. Commanding Norfolk Vol. Biigaile. Bom Jan. 1, 1829, being the eldest son of William Earle Lytton Bulwer, Esq., J. P. and D.L. , Major West Norfolk Militia, by his wife limily, youngest dau. of Gen. Gascoyne, M. P. for Liverpool. Armorial bearings — Gules, on a chevron argent, between three eiiglcts re- gardant or, as many cinquefoils sable. Mantling gules and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a horned wolfs hciid erased ermine, crined and armed or. Motto — " Ad- versis major, par secundis." Married, July 5, 1855. Marian Dering. dau. and heir of William Wilson Lee-Warner of Qiielx'C House ; and has had Issue — ( i ) William Dering Earle ' Bulwer. Gentleman. />. .Aug. 19. 1856 ; (2) Edward Augustine TBur Earle Bulwer, Gentleman, b. Sept. 13, 1864, Lieut, ist Bait. Northamptonshire Regt. (48th); Sybil Dering, deceased; and Marian, deceasetl. Seats— Heydon Hall, Norwich; Quebec, E. Durham. S EDWARD KENRICK BUNBURY-TIGHE, Es- quire, Deputy-Lieutenant for the county of Kilkenny, late Lieutenant Grenadier Guards. Born August 24, 1862, being the second but eldest surviving son of Frederick Edward Bunbury - Tighe, Esquire, late Colonel County Kilkenny Militia, by his wife Kathleen, commonly known as Lady Kathleen, daughter of the Right Honourable the fourth Earl Bessborough. C///^j— Guards', Brooks's, Naval and Military, Bachelors', Kildare Street (Dublin). Armorial bearings- He bears for Arms : (^)uarterly i and 4, argent on a bend ^ is the Military Cockade. sable, three chessrooks of the field, in the sinister chief point a mullet gules (for Bunbury) ; 2 and 3 party per chevron embattled argent and sable, nine cross crosslets counter- changed, five in chief and four in base (for Tighe). Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling sable and argent ; and for his Crests, i. u|)on a wreath of the colours, two swords saltireways passing through the mouth of a leopard's face all proper (for Bun- bury) ; 2. upon a wreath of the colours, a wolfs head erased proper, gorged with a collar azure, charged with .a cross crosslet or, between two bezants; with the Motto, "Sum- mum ncc inetuam diem nee optem." Estates — Woodstock, in the county of Kilkenny ; also property in the counties of Carlow, Westmeath, Wexford, and Tipperary. Postal address — Estate Office, Inistioge. county Kilkenny. § AUGUSTUS EDWARD BURDON, Esquire, Justice of the Peace for the county of Northuml)er- IRlirrintl Ifind. Captain and Honorary Major Nor- XUUVUUll thumberland Hussars (Yeomanry), late of the 17th Lancers. Born September 11, 1851, Ijeing the only son of the late Colonel Augustus de Butts of the Royal Engineers, and of his wife Hannah Georgina Elizabeth, daughter of Admiral Inglefield. Com- panion of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, and a.ssumed the additional surname and arms of Burdon by Royal License in 1870. Cli/hs — .Saint George's, Northern Counties (Newcastle-upon-Tyne), and Conservative (New- castle-upon-Tyne). Livery — Dark blue, orange piping, orange and bine striped vest, silver buttons. Armorial bearings — He l)ears for Arms: Quartet ly i and 4, per fesse azure and or, a pale with three trumpets two and one, and as many cross crosslets all counterchanged (for Burdon), 2 and 3 gules, on a fesse engrailed b(>tween two .salmons naiant argent, a like salmon of the field (for De Butts) ; and for his Crests, i. upon a wreath of the colours, an eagle rising regardant or, each wing charged with a cross crosslet azure, holding in the dexter claw a ^1 is the Naval Cockade. TBun trumpet gold (for Burdon), 2. upon a wreath of the colours, upon three annulets inteilaced gules, a stork argent, beaked, legged and collared gules, holding in the beak a salmon proper (for De Butts); with the Motto, "Honor virtutis." Married, August 19, 1875, Alice Gertrude, daughter of the late Major Thomas Pakenham Vandeleur of licllefield, in the county of Limerick ; and has Issue — William Wharton Burdon, Gentleman, born October 13, 1889 ; Norah Wharton; and Georgina Wharton. Estates — Hartford, Wooperton, and Koseden, in the county of Northumber- land ; Prior Hall, in the county of Cumlierland. Postal address — Hartford House, Cramlington, NorthumVjerland. t^MES CLARK BUNTEN, Gentleman. Born January 23, 1838, Ijeing the second surviving son of tttif Oil Kolx-rt Bunten and Agnes his wife, daughter "***''^" of Robert Clark of Crossbill, in the county of Lanark. CVwAt- Junior Carlton, Con- servative, Hurlingham, Western (Glasgow). Livery — Dark blue, blue and yellow striped waistcoat, gilt buttons. Ax- ial bearings — Me tjears for Arms : Argent, a bend IBur 1 27 invected azure between two garbs proper, banded gules, on a chief of the last three bunting birds also proper. Above the escutcheon is placed a helmet l)efitting his degree, with a mantling a/ure, doubled argent ; and upon a wreath of his liveries is set for Crest, a demi-eagle dis- played projjer ; and in an escroll alxive this Motto, " Copiose et opportune." Married, June i, 1865, Jessie, datighter of Andrew Maclure, London ; anil has Issue — Jeanie [w. , I'Yank Lewis de Salis la l-eniere, late Capt. 15th Hussars, and has issue]. Rstatc — I)un-/\lastair. Postal address — Dun-Alastair, I'erthshire. BURDETT-COUTTS. see BARTLETT-BURDKl I- COU'IT.S. RICHARD BURDON-SANDERSON, Esquire, Justice of the Peace for the 15utDon=^anDer0on S^^i^/S'slS 1892-1893, Harrister-at- Law. Horn Dccenilier i, 1852, being the eldest son of Richard Burdon-Sanderson, Esquire, Justice of the I'eace .ind Deputy-Lieutenant, by his wife IsalK>lla Mitehelson, daughter of James Haldane. Clubs — O.xford and Cam- bridge, Northern Counties (Newcastle-on-Tyne). Livery — C'laret coloured coat and gilt buttons, crimson breeches. Ar- morial bearings — He Ix-ars for Arms : Paly of six or and azure, on a bend sable three annulets of the first, a canton gules, charged with a sword erect argent, pommel and hilt gold, surrounded with the collar of the Lord Mayor of the City of London pro|x>r, and for distinction, in the chief point a saltire humettee counterchanged of the field. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a wolfs head argent, er.ased gules, collared and chain rellexed Ix^hind the neck or, lietween a branch of palm and another of laurel, and for distinction, on the neck a saltire humettee gules. Motto— " Clarior ex obscuro." Married, January 18, 1893, Katharine Emily, daughter of Robert Henry Mitford ; and has Issue — (i) Richard Lionel Burdon-Sanderson, Gentleman, //. .April 22, 1894; (2) Guy Askew James Burdon-Sanderson, Gentleman, />. June 6, 1897. Estates— Oiierhurn Dene and Brunton, both in the county of Northumljerland. Postal addresses— 'Warisn House, Belford, Northumberland; Otter- burn Dene, Otterburn, R.S.O., Northumberland. YNYR HENRY BURGES, Esq., of Parkanaur, co. Tyrone, J. P. and D.L., High Sheriff 1869; late Col. Commanding 6th Brigade N.l. Div. R.A. iion/ Ian. 31, 1834, being the eldest son of the late John Ynyr Burges, Esq., of Parkanaur, co. Tyrone, and Thorpe Hall and East Ham, Essex, J. P. and D.L., High Sheriff co. Tyrone 1829, by his wife Lady Caroline, youngest dau. of the Rt. Hon. Nathaniel Clements, 2nd Earl of Leitrim, K.P. Armorial bearings— Quarterly i and 4, or a fesse chequy argent and azure, in chief two cross crosslets gules, and in base a covered cup of the last (for Burges) ; 2. paly of eight or and gules, all within a bordure of the first pellette (for Lloyd) ; 3. argent, a saltire sable on a chief gules, three cushions or (for Johnston); and impaling the arms of Boolle-Wilbraham, namely, quarterly i and 4, argent, three bendlets wavy azure (for Wilbraham) ; 2 and 3 gules, on a chevron engrailed between three combs argent, as many crosses patee of the field (for Bootle). Mantling azure and or ; and for his Crests, i. upon a wreath of the colours, a dove rising argent, beaked and membered gules, in its beak a palm branch proper (for liurges) ; 2. upon a wreath of the colours, a lion rampant gules, langued azure, in the dexter paw an annulet, enclosing a fleur-de-lis argent (for Lloyd). Motto— " Tace aut face." Married, Sept. 7, 1859, Edith, third dau. of the late Hon. Richard Bootle- Wilbraham (and sister of the present Earl of La- thom) ; and has Issue — (i) Ynyr Richard Patrick Burges, Gentleman, i. March 15, 1866 ; (2) John Ynyr Wilbraham Burges, Gentleman, fi. 1871 ; Edith Alice, Ethel Margaret, Myrtle Constance, and Irene Caroline. Seat — Parkanaur, Dungannon, co. Tyrone. K Thk Right Ho\. HERBERT COULSTON GARD- W NER, Baron Burghclere of Walden, co. Essex, D.L. for Middlesex. lioru 1846 ; educated at Harrow and Trin. Hall. Cambridge (B.A. 1868, M.A. 1872) ; is President of the Board of Agriculture; M.P. for Essex N., 1885-1895. Clubs- — Brooks's, White's, Turf, St. James's, Bachelors', Pratt's. Armorial bearings — Or, on a chevron gules, lie- Iween three griffins' heads erased azure, .an anchor erect with a piece of cable attached, between two lions counter- passant chevronways of the field, all within a bordure wavy .sable, and impaling the arms of Herbert, namely, per pale azure and gules, three lions rampant argent, a crescent for difference. Mantling gules and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a demi-griffin azure, collared and chained, and charged on the shoulder with a .saltire W'avy or, and holding between the claws an anchor as in the arms. Motto— " Valet anchora virtus. " Supporters— t)n either side a wyvern regardant vert, gorged with a collar flory counterflory or, and charged with an anchor as in the .arms. Married , 1890, Lady Winifred Anne Henrietta Christina, dau. of the 4th Earl of Carnarvon, and widow of Capt. the Hon. Alfred John ( Jeorge Byng ; and has Issue — Hon. Juliet Mary Evelyn Stanhope ; and Hon. Alethea Margaret Gwendolen Valentine. Seat — Debden Hall, .Saffron Walden. Town residence — 48 Charles Street, Berkeley Square, W. ARTHUR MEREDYTH BURKE, Esquire. Born , being the sixth surviving son of the late TKlIfltl? '^''^ John Bernard Burke, Knight Bachelor, iCWkiSX/ Companion of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, Ulster King of Arms, by his wife Barbara Frances, second daughter of James Macl^voy of Tobertynan, in the county of Meath. Armo- rial bearings — He bears for Arms : Or, a cross gules, in the first and fourth quarters a lion rampant sable. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet Ix-fitting his degree, with a mantling gules and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a cat-a-mountain sejant guardant proper, collared and chained or, and charged on the [breast with a cross gold ; with the MottO, " One king, one faith, one law. ' The Editor undertakes that every entry not in italics is that of a genuinely armigerous person. 128 IBnv TBur ASH WORTH PliTKR HURKE, Esquire, late Lieu- tenant Royal Irisli Rifles. Bom , lx;ing the third surviving son of the late Sir John Bernard Hurke, Knight ftichelor, Companion of the Most Honourable Order of the H;\th, Ulster King of Arms, In' his wife Harbara Frances, second daughter of lames MacMviiy of Tobertynan, in the county of Meath. Afmorialbearings— MelK-arsfor Arms : Or, a cross gules, in the first and fourth quarters a lion rampant sable. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet Ix'fitting his degree, with a mantling gules and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a cat-a-mountain st^jantguardant proper, collared and chained or, and charged on the breast with a cross gold; with the Motto, "One king, one faith, one law." CHARLES CARRINGTON BURKE, Gentleman, M.A. (Cantab.). Bom July 8, 1853, being the eighth son of the late James St. George Burke, Q.C. , of Auberies, Bulmer, CO. l^sse.x, by Anne Eliza his wife, dau. of John Grubbe, l'".squire, J. P., D. L. , of Ilorsendon House, co. Bucks. Armorial bearings— Or, a cross gules, in the first quarter a lion rampant sable. Mantling gules and or ; and for his Crest, upon ;i wreath of the colours, a cat-a-mountain sejant guardant proper, collared and chained or. MottO — " Ung roy, ung foy, ung loy." Married, December 7, 1882, Frances, dau. of Charles Greenstreet Addison, Barrister-at- Law (by Frances Octavia his wife, dau. of James Wolfe Murray, Lord Cringletie of Cringletie) ; and has Issue — Hugh St. George Melville Addison Burke, Gentleman, born June 15, 1884. Residence — Michenhall, Godalming. W EDWARD PLUNKETT BURKE, Esquire, Lieu- ® tenant King's Own Regiment. Bom , being the fourth surviving son of the late Sir John Bernard Burke, Knight Bachelor, Companion of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, Ulster King of Arms, by his wife Barbara Frances, second daughter of James MacEvoy of Tobertynan, in the county of Meath. Armorial bearings—He bears for Arms : Or, a cross gules, in the first and fourth quarters a lion rampant sable. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a cat-a-mountain sejant guardant [iroper, collared and chained or, and charged on the breast with a cross gold ; with the Motto, " One king, one faith, one law." FRANCLS EUSTACE BURKE, Esquire, J. P. for co. Bucks. Burn Nov. 8, 1848, being the si.xth son of the late James St. George Burke, Q.C, of Auberies, Bulmer, co. Essex, by Anne Eliza his wife, dau. of John Grubbe, F!sq. , J. P., D.L. , of Horsendon House, co. Bucks. Armorial bearings — Or, a cross gules, in the first and fourth quarters a lion rampant sable. Mantling gules and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a cat-a-mountain sejant guardant proper, collared and chained or, charged on the breast with a cross of the last. Motto — " Ung roy, ung foy, ung loy." Married, April 16, 1884, Mary Alice, dau. of Charles Greenstreet Addison, Barrister-at- Law (by his wife Frances Octavia, dau. of James Wolfe .Murray, Lord Cringletie of Cringletie) ; and has Issue— John Addison Burke, Gentleman, born June 23, 1885. Seat — Terriers, High Wycomtae, Bucks. HAROLD ARTHUR BURKE, Gentleman. Bom Jan. 28, 1852, lx;ing the seventh son of the late James St. George Burke, Q.C, of Auberies, Bulmer, co. Essex, by .'\nne Eli/a his wife, dau. of John Grubbe, Esquire, J. P., D. L. , of Horsendon House, co. Bucks. Armorial bearings —Or, a cross gules, in the first and fourth quarters a lion rampant sable. Mantling gules and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a cat-a-mountain sejant guardant proper, collared and chained or, charged on the breast with a cross of the last. Motto— "Ung roy, ung foy, ung loy." Married, Jan. 12, 1893, Beatrix Mary Clifford, dau. of Stephen Thomas Aveling, of the Restora- tion House, Rochester. Postal address — 7 Victoria Road, Kensington. S HENRY FARNHAM BURKE, Esquire, Somerset Herald of Arms, and Genealogist of the Most Illus- trious Order of Saint Patrick, Fellow of the Society of Antiquaries. Born June 12, 1859, V)eing the eldest son of the late Sir John Bernard Burke, Knight Bachelor, Companion of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, § is the Military Cockade. Ulster King of Arms, and Principal Herald of all Ireland, Registrar of the Most Illustrious Order of Saint Patrick, and Keeper of the State Papers of Ireland, Doctor of Laws, by his wife Barbara Frances, second daughter of James MacEvoy of Totertynan, in the county of Meath, by his wife Theresa, daughter and co-heiress of Sir Joshua Colles Meredyth, Baronet; was Rouge Croix Pursuivant of Arms, 1880-1887, Somerset Herald of Arms from 1887; appointed, 1889, Genealogist of the Most Illustrious Order of Saint Patrick ; Deputy Ulster King of Arms 1889-1892. Club — Garrick. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Or, a cross gules, in the first and fourth quarters a lion rampant sable. Upon the escutcheon, which is surrounded by his collar of .SS, and from which is pendent his badge of Saint Patrick, is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mant- ling gules and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a cat-a-mountain sejant guardant proper, cellared and chained or, and charged on the breast with a cross gold; with the Motto, "Ung roy, ung foy, ung loy." Married, April 23, 1885, Helena Mary Ray, only daughter of Henry Pollard Palmer, late of Oaklands, Eccles, in the county of Lancaster ; and has Issue — John Bernard Burke, Esquire, born November 6, 1892 ; Barbara Helen Mary. Postal address — Heralds' College, Queen Victoria Street, London, E.C §SiR HENRY GEORGE BURKE, fifth Baronet, of Marble Hill, in the county of Galway, Deputy-Lieu- tenant, High Sheriff 1883; late Lieutenant 4th Battalion Connaught Rangers. Born November 30, 1859, being the second son of the late Sir Thomas John Burke, third Baronet, Captain ist Royal Dragoons, by his wife Mary Frances, commonly known as Lady Mary Frances, second daughter of the Right Honourable Anthony Francis Nugent, ninth Earl of Westnieath ; and succeeded his brother as fifth Baronet, August 17, 1880, under the creation of December s, 1797. C//<(^—Kildare Street (Dublin). Armo- rial bearings — He bears for Arms — Erminois, a cross gules, in the first quarter a lion rampant sable. Upon the escutcheon, which is charged with liis badge of Ulster as a Baronet, is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules and or; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a cat-a-mountain sejant guardant proper, collared and chained or. Motto — " Ung roy, ung foy, ung loy." listate and postal address — W\\x\iV^ Hill, Loughrea, county Galway. JOHN EDWARD BURKE, Esquire, Athlone Puisui- vantof Arms. Bom , being the fifth surviving son of the late Sir John Bernard Burke, Knight Bachelor, Com- panion of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, Ulster King of Arms, by his wife BarVjara Frances, second daughter of James MacEvoy of Tobertynan, in the county of Meath. Arinorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Or, a cross gules, in the first and fourth quarters a lion ram]:ant sable. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a cat-a-mountain sejant guardant proper, collared and chained or, and charged on the breast with a cross gold; with the Motto, " One king, one faith, one law." Sir THEOBALD HUBERT BURKE, Baronet oj Crlinsk, in the county of Gahvay. Born March, 1883, Lieutenant-Colonel (retired) xSth Regiment ; succeeded his kinsman as thirteenth Baronet, July 21, 1884, under the creation of August 2, 1628. Club — Artny and Navy. Armorial bearings, as given in Burke's "Peerage," are for Arms ; Or, a cross ifules, in the first quarter a lion ratnpant sa/ile. Crest — Out of a ducal coronet or, a plume of Jive ostrich feathers argent. Motto — ' ' In hoc signo vinces. " ^Foster places this title in " Chaos."] ULICK JOHN BURKE, hlsquire. Bachelor of Arts of the University of Oxford, Justice of the Peace for the coun- ties of Essex and Southampton, late Captain Suffolk Yeo- manry Cavalry, Barrister-at-Law. Born July 29, 1843, being the fourth, but at present the second surviving son of the late James St. George Burke, Esquire, one of Her Majesty's Counsel Learned in the Law, of Auberies, Sud- bury, in the county of Suffolk, by his wife. Anne Eliza, dau. of John Grubbe, ]':squire. Justice of the Peace, of Horsendon House, in the county "of Buckingham. Clufi — White's. Livejy — Claret-coloured coat, with scarlet jiiping- &i is the Naval Cockade. IBut breeches, &c., and roIcI lace. Armorial bearings— Or, a cross gules, in the first and foiirtii quarters a lioii rampant sable. Mantling gules and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a cat-a-mountain proper, collared and chained or, charged on the breast with a IBm 129 cross ol the last. Motto — " Ung roy, ung foy, ung loy." Married, August 5, 1869, Edith Charlotte, youngest dau. of Nathaniel Harnardiston, Esquire, Justice of the Peace and Deputy-Lieutenant, of The Ryes, in the county of lisse.x ; and has Issue —VWck Roland Hurke, Clentleman, liorn January 23, 1872; Violet; Kathleen Laura; and Uorolhy. Estate — Broxhcad Warren, in the county of Southampton. Postal address — Broxhead Warren, Alton, Hants. WALTER ST. GEORGE RURKE, Esquire. Justice of the Peace for the counties of Essex and Suffolk, formerly Major and Honorary Lieut. -Col. Royal ICngineers (retired). Horn April 27, 1842, being the third but eldest surviving son of James .St. (Jeorge Hurke, JCsquire, of Aub»'ries, Essex, one of Her Majesty's Counsel Learned in the Law, by his wife Annie Eliza, daughter of John Grubbe, Esquire, Justice of the Peace and Deputy-Lieutenant, of Ilorsendon House, in the county of Buckingham. Cliili — Conservative. Z,/z'^rv— Claret, with scarlet piping. Armorial bearings — Or, a cross gules, in tlie first and fourth quarters a lion rampant sable. Mantling gules and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a cat-a-mountain sejant guardant proper, collared and chained or, charged on the breast with a cross gold. Motto—" Ung roy, ung foy, ung loy." Married, June 6, 1877, Mary Ann Amy Macrae, daughter of George Ferguson Cockburn ; and has Issue — (i) Redmond St. George Burke, Gentleman, born July 21, 1879 ; (2) Hul)ert Francis Burke, Gentleman, liorn October ;8, 1880; (3) Charles Dominick Burke, Gentleman, born flJanuary 24, 1882; (4) Harold French Burke, Gentleman, 1^ born February 28, 1883; (5) Edmund Plunkett Burke, f Gentleman, born June 13, 1885; (6) Michael L.awrence Burke, Gentleman, born June 5, 1888; Norah Rachel; Amy Evelyn ; Geraldine Margaret ; and Constance Audrey. Estate — Auberies, in the parish of Bulmer, in the county of Essex. Postal address — Auberies, Sudbury, Suffolk. , The A'ei.'erend E VEL VM HENR Y VILLEBOIS DVR- VlNAHY, Master of Arts of the Univernty of Oxford , formerly y^Rector of Biirroiigh-on-thc- Hill , Melton Mo^ohray. Born Janiiaty 7, 1848, bcin<; the younger and last sin-'iving son of the late Rez'erend Canon Gustavns Andreiu Burnahy, Master of Arts, of Middleham, Chaplain to His Royal High- ness the late Duke of Cambridge, of Somerby Hall, in 'the county of Leicester, by his wife Harriet, daughter of the late Henry Villcboisof Marhani. (Z\\xhs—Maison Doree ; County Club ( Ventnor, Isle of Wight). hivery—Dari green. Ar- morial bearings as used, and as given in Burkes "Landed Gentry," but for which no authority has been established in the College of Arms, are: Argent, two bars and a lion passant guardant in chief gules. Crest— ^ demi-man sable, in the dexter hand a branch of columbine Jlo7oers proper, round the neck a rope with end hangitig down on sinister side. Motto —"Pro Rege." Married, /rj^/)/. May 4, 1871, Winifred Constance, daughter of Vandeleur Crake, Esquire, of Hit^'h- lands. Saint Leonards -on -Sea, Justice of the Peace and Deputy-Lieutenant for the county of Sussex (she died May 27. 1873)/ and secondly, 1878, Margaret Catherine, commonly knoivn as the Honourable Margaret Catherine, daughter oj the Right Honourable John Cadwallader Erskine, fourth Baron Erskine which marriage was dissolved, 1886; and has Issue — One daughter by his second marriage, Kathleen Rielte Winifred Ruby. Postal address— Coz<«/j/ Club, Ventnor, Isle of Wight. CHARLES FREDERICK BURNARD, Gentleman, Justice of the Peace for the County TBliniiirll ^^o""*^"?;'! of Plymomh, for which town he >u^uviiUVU served the office of Mayor in the year 1882, Fellow of the Chemical Society. Born July 18, 1816. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Argent, three escallops in bend between two bendlets azure, in chief and in base a leopard's face jessant-de-lis of the last ; and for a Crest, on a wreath of the colours, on a rock proper an escallop argent, between the attires of a stag also proper; with the Motto, "Bear and forbear." Married, 1839, Jane Bice, daughter of William Evans, Shipowner and Merchant, of Fowey ; and has Lssuc — An only surviv- ing son, Robert Barnard, Gentleman [to whom refer]; P'anny Evans ; Mary Beatrice ; Alice ; and Katherine Bice. Postal address — Chatsworth Lodge, Conipton GifTord, Plymouth. ROBERT BURNARD, Gentleman, F.S.A., Justice 01 the Peace for the Borough of Plymoutli, only surviving son of Charles Frederick Burnard, Gentleman, Justice of the Peace, by his wife Jane Bice, daughter of William Evans. Clubs— Royal Societies', Eighty, National Liberal. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Argent, three escallops in bend between two bendlets azure, in chief and in base a leopard's face jessant-de-lis of the last, and differenced with his label as the eldest son ; and for a Crest, on a wreath of the colours, on a rock proper an escallop argent, between the attires of a stag also proper ; with the Motto, " Bear and forbear." Married, -April 6, 1871, Fanny Louise, eldest daughter of Samuel Henry Pearce of Paignton, in the county of Devon ; and has Issue— (i) The Editor undertakes that every entry not in italics is that of a genuinely armigerous person. J 3° T5ur I^iwrcna' Fri.-dritli Biirnard, Genttenmn, born July 27, 1874 ; (2) flmrlfs Kram-is Huinard, (u-ntlomaii, born April la, 1876; Olive Louise; and Oorolhy Ulanche. Postal address— -i Hillsborough, Plymouth. JOHN GEORGE BURNETT. Gentleman. Born March 30 1876, IwiuK the eldest son of the late George Burnett, Esquire, LL.D.. Advocate. Lyon King-at-Arms, by Alice, daughter of lohn Alexander Stuart of Carnock. Liven'— Green and silver. Armorial bearings— Quarterly i and 4, T6ut SHF.NRY IWlVAJiD BURNEY, Esquire, Justice of the Pence for the county of Bucking/iaw, 'IKttftlOM /.ieutenanf-Colotiel yd Battalioti Oxford iOUllltJ^ Light Infantiy. Born A/>ril g, 184s, fieing t/ie only son of the Reverend Heniy Burney, Clerk in Holy Orders, Rector of IVavendon, by his wife Sophia, daughter of Peter Richard Hoare, Esquire, of Luscombe Castle, in the county of Devon , who 7iere granted in the year 1807 to the Reverend Richard Allen Burner, Rector of Rimpton, in the county of Somerset, who is stated to be the grandfather of the above-mentioned Colonel Burney, but no pedigree shoioing the descent from the grantee has been established and recorded at the College of Arms. Married, May 25, 1872, Hortense Marie, elder daughter of Count Troili of Rome, by his wife Maria, elder daughter of Captain Richard Hoare, second son of Sir Henty Hugh Hoare, Baronet; and has Issue— r;?/v Henry Chethani Burney, Gentleman, born October 22, 1873. Estate and Postal address — Wavendon Tower, Blctchley, Bucks. BURNSHEAD, quartered by CUST. ISAAC WILLIAM BURNS-LINDOW, Gentleman, of Irton Hall, in the county of being the eldest son of the late Jonas Lindow Burns-Lindow, Esquire, of Irton Hall, in the county of Ciunberland, Justice of the Peace and De- puty-Lieutenant for the county of Cumlx-rland, and High .Sheriff 1877, formerly Captain Royal Cumberland Militia, who assumed the name and arms of Lindow by Royal License 1871, by his wife Mary [to whom refer], eldest daughter of Mark Hildesley Quayle, lisf|uire, of Crogga, Isle of Man, Her Majesty's Clerk of tlic Rolls of that island ; succeeded his father 1893. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms: lirmine, on a chevron dove-tailed between three sinister hands couped at the wrist gules, as many fountains. Upon the escutcheon is placed a hel- met befitting his degree, with a mantling gules and argent ; M is tbe Naval Cockade. T5ur TButr 131 and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a lion rampant gules, senite of buckles or, and holding Vjotween the paws a fountain. Motto— " Vi et virtute." Estate and postal address— Inon Hall, Holmrook, vlX Carnforth, Cumberland. MARY BURN.S-LIXDOW. Widow, daughter of the late Mark Hildesley Quayle, Esquire, of Crogga and of Bridge House, Castletown, Isle of Man, Her Majesty's Clerk of the Rolls and Justice of the Peace for that island, by his wife Mary Jane Hamilton, eldest daughter of James Spedding, ICsquire, of Summer Grove, in the county of Cumberland, Justice of the Peace and Deputy-Lieutenant, M.ijor in the Militia, late Captain Grenadier Guards. Ar- morial bearing^ are, upon a lozenge : Ermine, on a chevron dovetailed Ix-tween three sinister hands couped at the wrist gules, as many fountains, and impaling the arms of Quayle, namely argent, on a chevron sable, gutt6'-d'eau, lx;tween three quails proper, in the centre chief point a pellet, two swords points ujiwards of the first. Married, July 11, 1867, Jonas Lindow Hurns-Lindow, Esquire, of Irton House, in the county of Cumlx'rland, Justice of the Peace and Deputy- Lieutenant, and High Sheriff 1877, who assumed the arms and the additional surname of Lindow by Royal License 1871, and who died 1893. Of the above marriage there is Jssue — (1) Isaac William Burns-Lindow, (Jentleman [to whom refer]; (2) Samuel Lindf>w Burns-Lindow, Gentleman, born Octolx-r i, 1869; (3) Mark Hildesley Jonas Burns-Lindow, (ientleman, tjorn January 28, 1879; Mary Jane; Agnes Lintlow ; and Ruth l-ldith. Postal address — Irton Hall, Holmrook, viA Carnforth, Cumlxr- land. WILLIAM BURNYEAT, Esquire, J.P. for Cuml^erland (1894). Horn 1849, U'ing the son of William Burnyeat of Whitehaven. Armorial bearingfs— Per pale or and azure, on a chevron Ijetwcen three liears' heads couped, two quatre- foils .all counterchanged. Mantling azure and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, issuant from flames proper, a l)ear's head [jer pale or and azure, gorged with a collar flory counterflory counterchanged. Married S. Frances, daughter of Thomas Dalzell of Moresby, White- haven. Seal — Mill Grove, Moresby, Whitehaven. JAMES SALKELD BURRA, Esquire. J. P. for Kent. M.A. (O.xon.). Born 1838, being the youngest son of William Burra and Mary Catharine, dau. of John Butler of roses proper, a chief vert, fretty argent ; and for his Crest, on a wreath of the colours, in front of a griffin's head erased sable, seiui^e of annulets or, a fret of the last; with the Motto. "Pactum serva." Married, 1873. Eleanor Margaret, youngest dau. of Nicolas Toke of Godinton, Kent ; and has with other Issue — (1) William Pomfret Burra. Gentleman. /;. 1874; {2) John Salkeld Burra, Gentleman, b. 1876. Seat — Bockhanger. Asliford. Kent. ROBERT BURRA. Esquire. Justice of the Peace for the West Riding of the county of York. Born TRtlt*1*fl December 29, 1840, being the eldest son of ilJUWU Robert Burrra of Carshalton, in the county of Surrey, and of King's Meaburn, in the county of Westmorland, by his wife Agnes Ann. daughter of the late Thomas Fawcett, Esquire, of Gate, Sedljergh, in the county of York, Deputy-Lieutenant. Livery — Dark blue coat with brass buttons, and scarlet waistcoat. Axmorial Pomfret oi Tentcrden. Cluh—\5mov\. Armorial bearings — Ermine, a chevron engrailed sable', between three chaplets bearings — He bears for Arms : Ermine, a chevron en- grailed sable, between three chaplets of roses proper, a chief vert, fretty argent ; and for his Crest, on a wreath of the colours, in front of a griffin's head erased sable. seni6 of annulets or. a fret of the last ; with the Motto, " Persiste." Married, September 21. 1869. Clara, only daughter and co- heiress of the late John Abernethy Warburton ; and has /««<•— Robert Burra, Gentleman ; Agnes Phoebe ; Mary Cicely ; Dorothy Angela Elyetson ; and Margaret Elinor Isabel. Estates — The Gate, Dent, near Sedbergh. in the county of York ; The Meaburn, near Appleby, in the county of Westmorland. Postal address— Gale, Sedbergh, York- shire, R.S.O. Lieutenant-GeneralFREDEKICKWir.UAMTRAILL BURKOUGHS, Companioii of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, Justice of the Peace and Deputy-Lieu- tenant for the county of Orkney. Born February i, 1831. being the eldest son of the late General Frederick William Burroughs, by his wife Caroline, daughter of Captain Charles Adolphus Marie de Peyron of the j,rd Regiment Bengal Light Cavaliy ; was created Companion of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, 1873 ; has medals —Crimea, 1854. 1856. 7uith three clasps; Turkish .medal and fifth class Medjidie ; Indian Mutiny, 1857, 1858. with two clasps ; Eluzofzai Field Force, 1863, with clasp. Clubs — United Service, Royal Thames Yacht, Nno (Edinburgh), and Consetvative (Edinburgh). Armorial bearings as med, but for which no authority has been established, arc for Arms : Gules, the stump of a 'laurel-tree eradicated proper. Crest— v-1 lion passant proper ; with the Motto, " Audaces fortuna juvat." Married. 1870. Eliza D'Oyly, daughter of Colonel William Geddes, Companion of the Most Honour- TBurrougto The Editor undertakes that every entry not in italics is that of a genuinely armigerous person. W' iBm ahU Order of the Ihitli. Postal adihess— ThnimUuid House, A'orisav, Orkney- Till- Rkvkrknm) CHARLES BURROUGH, Master of Arts of the University of Cam- bridge (Jesus College), Rector of Eaton Bishop, in the county of Uerefortl. /lorfi December 12, 1846, being the onlv son of It)hn Hurrough, Commander in the Royal Navy, by Ann his wife, daugliter of James Wainwnght. Cluis — Junior Conservative (London), Herefordshire County (Hereford). /Jiny—Gvey, with green facings and silver buttons. Armorial hearings— He V)ears for Arms : Quar- 'IBurroug!) terly i and 4, argent, two chevronels between three chap- lets vert, the roses d'or (for Burrough, granted with the crest, 1586, to Thomas Burrough of Wickhambrook, Suffolk) ; 2 and 3 argent, a cross-bow pointed upwards between four moorcocks sable, beaked and membered gviles (for Highmore). Mantling gules doubled argent. Crest — ■ On a torse argent and vert, a griffon's head couped argent, beaked d'or, charged with two chevronels as in the arms; with the Motto, "Vive ut vivas." Mar- ried, June 8, 1871, Georgina, third daughter of George Long, Esquire, Justice of the Peace; and has Issue — (1) Rev. Charles James Burrough, born July 25, T872 [mar- ried, 1898, Lucy Mabel, daughter of William Wilson]; (2) Rev. John Burrough, h)orn September 5, 1873 ; (3) William George Burrough, Gentleman, born July 22, 1875; (4) Herbert Strong Burrough, Gentleman, born Deceml^r 13, 1876; (5) Francis Thomas Burrough, Gentle- man, born October 26, 1879 ; (6) Edmund Andrew I^ur- rough. Gentleman, born November 16, 1881 ; (7) Hubert Michael Burrough, Gentleman, born April 26, 1884 ; (8) Evan Gabriel Burrough, Gentleman, born September 21, 1885; (9) Harold Martin Burrough, Gentleman, born July 4, 1888; (10) Walter Raphael Burrough, Gentleman, born February 13, 1892 ; and Mary. Estates — Hanham Hall, in the county of Gloucester. Postal address — Eaton Bishop Rectory, Hereford. The Hon. SEPTIMUS BURT, M.L.A., G.C. Born Oet. 25, 1847, iein^ the seventh son of Sir Archibald Pavll Burt, Chief Justice of Western Australia, by his wife Louisa Emily, dau. of John Biyan, M.D., of St. Kitts, West Indies. Armorial bearings as used, but for which no authority has been established , are — Argent, on a chevron T6urt ^ is the Military Cockade. T13ut ^'ulcs, between three bugle-horns sable, stringed of the second, 'as many crosses crosskf /ilchi'c or. Crest— ^ bugle-horn as in the arms. MottO— " All for the better." Married, July 13, 1872, Louisa Fanny, third dan. of Gnstavus Edward Cockburn Hare of Kircullen, co. Gahvay, Ireland, and afterwards Goi'ernment Resident of Albany, W.A., by Anne Wright his wife; and has Issue— (i) Archibald Francis Gustavus Burt, b. March 22, 1875 ; (2) Frederick Julius Augustus Burt, h. Dec. 6, 1877 ; (3) Reginald George Edward Burt, b. Oct. 17, 1879 ; (4) (kojge Henty Burt, b. Dec. 18, 1883 ; (5) Francis Sinclair Burt, b. Feb. 15, 1886 ; (6) Theodore Charles Arthur Burt, b. Ju?ie 12, 1893 ; Annie Louisa; Laura Georgina; Hilda Maud; Olive Maud; and Olive Mina. Postal address — Strawberiy Hill, Perth, Western Australia. YL JOHN MOWLEM BURT. Gentleman. Born 1845, being the eldest son of George Burt, Esquire, of Swanage, in the county of Dorset, who died 1894, by Elizabeth his wife, daughter of John Hudson. Arnaorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Ar- gent, on a chevron cotised gules, between two bugle-horns in chief sable, garnished or, stringed of the second, and as many cross crosslets fitchfe and saltireways of the third, a bugle-horn stringed between two cross crosslets filchi^e of the fourth ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, in front of a rock proper, two cross crosslets fitchi^e saltire- ways or, therefrom pendent a bugle-horn sable, garnished or, stringed gules ; with the Motto, " Know thyself." Mar- ried, 1869, Marion, daughter of Robert Ker Aitchison. Postal addresses — Purbeck House, Swanage; 19 Grosvcnor Road, S.W. DAVID BURTCHAELL, Gentleman. Born Septem- ber 7, 1858, being the eldest son of 01^tfl«fT'hai>Tf t'lelate Henry Burtchaell, Gentleman, iljUlVtljtlVH of Coolroe, in the county of Kil- kenny, Ireland, by his second wife Emily, daughter of Joseph O'Brien. Armorial bearings- He bears for Arms : Quarterly i and 4, party per pale azure and gules, on a chevron between three cross crosslets or, three quatrefoils of the first (for Burtchaell), 2 and 3 or, on a mount in base vert, a stag trippant argent under an oak-tree proper (for Rothe) ; and for his Crest, on a mount vert, a lion rampant sable, supporting on the sinister side an oak-tree proper; with the Motto, "Quo fata vocant." Married, September 8, 1888, Jennie, youngest daughter of John Jackson of Talavera House, Templemore, in the county of Tipperary ; and has /j'.f«<'— David Henry Rothe Burtchaell, Gentleman, born August 10, 1890 ; and a daughter. Postal address — Port Fairy, Victoria. KATHERINE ELIZABETH BURTCHAELL, Widow, second daughter of William Russell Farmar, Esquire, of Bloomfield, in the county of Wexford, Justice of the Peace for that county, by his first wife Elizabeth, daughter of Richard Donovan of Ballymore. Armorial bearings — She bears for Arms, upon a lozenge : Quarterly i and 4, party per pale azure and gules, on a chevron between three cross crosslets or, three quatrefoils of the first (for Burtchaell), 2 and 3 or, on a mount in base vert, a stag trippant argent under an oak-tree proper (for Rothe), in the centre chief point a fleur-de-lis for difference. Married, November 20, 1866, the Reverend Somerset Brafield Burtchaell, Master of Arts of Trinity College, Dublin, who died at Jerusalem, June 6, 1878 ; and was the sixth son of the late David Burtchaell, Esquire, of Brandondale and Coolroe, in the county of Kilkenny, Justice of the Peace for the counties of Kilkenny and Carlow, Sovereign of Thomastown 1815-1821, and Portrieve of Gowran from 1815 until that Corporation was abolished in 1844. Of the above marriage there is surviving Issue — Two daughters and co-heiresses, Mary Elizabeth Constance ; and Kathleen Jane. Postal address — Rome. GEORGE DAMES BURTCHAELL, Gentleman, Master of Arts and Bachelor of Laws of Trinity College, Dublin, Barrister-at-Law of King's Inns, Dublin, Member of the Royal Irish Academy, and Fellow of the Royal Society of Antiquaries (Ireland). Born June 12, 1853, being the eldest son of the late Peter Burtchaell, Gentleman, Civil Engineer, County Surveyor of Carlow 1851-1860, and of the city and county of Kilkenny 1860-1894 [who was the second son of the late David Burtchaell, Esquire, of Brandondale and ^m is the Naval Cockade. TButr IBm ^33 Coolroe, in the county of Kilkenny, Justice of the Peace for the counties of Kilkenny and Carlow, Sovereign of Thoniastown 1815-1821, and I'ortrieve of Gowran from 1815 until that Corporation was alxjlished in 1844], by his wife Maria Isaljella [to whom refer], eldest dauf^hter of Lundy lidward Foot, Uarrister-at-Law. Armorial bear- -He bears for Arms : (.Quarterly i and 4, parly per pale azure and gules, on a chevron between three cross crosslets or, as many qualrefoils of the first (for Burtchaell) ; 2 and 3 or, on a mount in l>asc vert, f Laws of Trinity College, Dublin, Barrister-at-Law of King's Injis, Dublin, Member of the Royal Irish Academy, and Fellow of th(! Roval Society of Antiquaries (Ireland), born June 12, 1853 [to whom refer]; (2) David lidward Burtchaell, Gentleman, Bachelor of Arts and of Fngineering, of Trinity College, Dublin, born February 9, iSsg"; (3) Ciiarles Henry Burtchaell, Esquire, Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Medi- cine, and Bachelor of Surgery and of Obstetrics, all of Trinity C^ollcge, Dublin, and Surgeon-Captain ; Lelias Jane; Mary Isabella; and lilizabeth Emily. Postal address — 44 Morehampton Road, Dublin. RICHARD ROTHE BURTCHAELL, Esquire, Justice of the Peace for the counties of Kilkenny and Carlow. Horn July 28, 1834, being the seventh and youngest son of the late David Burtchaell, Esquire, of Brandondaleand Coolroe, in the county of Kilkenny, Justice of the Peace for the counties of Kilkenny and Carlow, Sovereign of Thomas- town 1815-1821, and Portrieve of Gowran froiu 1815 until tliat Corporation was abolished in 1844, by his wife Jane, youngest daughter of Gilmore Dames of Dublin. Livery— Dark blue with brass buttons. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms: Quarterly i and 4, party per pale azure and gules, on a chevron between tliree cross crosslets or, three quatrefoils of the first (for Burtchaell), 2 and 3 or, on a mount in base vert, a stag trippant argent under an oak- tree proper (for Rothe), differenced in the centre chief point by a rose ; and for his Crest, on a mount vert, a lion ram- pant sable, supporting on the sinister side an oak-tree proper ; with the Motto, "Quo fata vocant." Married, April 23, 1878, Sarah Caroline Margaret, only daughter of William Russell Farmar, Esquiie, of Bloomfield, in the county of Wexford, Justice of the Peace for the said county, by his second wife Henrietta, daughter of Henry Alcock, Esquire, of Wilton, in the county of Wexford, Justice of the Peace and Deputy- Lieutenant. Postal address — Brandondale, Graigiiamanagh, county Kilkenny, Ireland. BURTON, quartered by BEETHAM. BURTON, see LINGEN-BURTON. D.AVID F0WLF:R BURTON, Esc|uire, Justice of the Peace for the East Riding of tlie county of York, Barribter- at-Law. Born October 1857, being the eldest son of the late David Burton, Esquire, Justice of the Peace and Deputy- Lieutenant, by Fanny his wife, daughter of Frederick Cowper of Carlton Hall. Club — Yorkshire (York). Armorial bear- ings — He bears for Arms : (Quarterly i and 4, per fesse erminois and azure, two barrulets engrailed between three talbots' heads all counterehanged (for Burton), 2 and 3 vert, a chevron erminois between two cinquefoils pierced in chief and a stag trippant in base or, a bordure engrailed of the last (for Robinson) ; and for his Crests, i. upon a wreath of the colours, a mount vert, thereon upon a perch or, a parrot also vert, the dexter claw resting upon an escallop argent, and holding in the beak a cherry stalked proper (for Burton), 2. upon a wreath of the colours, a mount vert, thereon a stag regardant or, the dexter fore-foot resting on a cinquefoil ;is in the arms (for Robinson). Married, 1884, Mary S., eldest daughter of the late Reverend Robert Whittaker, Rector of Scorbrocum-Leconfield, in the county of York ; and has with other Issue — David Cecil Fowler Burton, Gentleman, born 1887. Estate and postal address — Cherry Burton, near Beverley. ED MONO ERANCIS BURTON, Esquire, General in the Indian Army. Born June 29, 1820, being the eldest son of the late Reverend Charles J antes Burton, Master of Arts, Clerk in Holy Orders, Vicar of l.ydd, and Chancellor of Carlisle, by Eliza his wife, daughter of the late William Boteler of Eastry, in the county of Kent. Livery — Blue and yelloii). Armorial bearings as used, but for which no authority has been established at the College of Arms, are: Quarterly i azure, semde-d'estoiles and a crescent argent, 2. azure, a fesse between three talbots' hi:ads erased or, 3. vairie or and gules, a bordure sable, charged with eight popinjays (for Curzon), 4. or, three mulletsgules [for Curteis), 5. azure, on a chei'ron argent, three Catherine wheels ^ules (for Cotton), 6. gules, a saltire engrailed argent between four inullets or (for Hardwicke), 7. or, three linnets vert (for Singer). Crests — i. on a mount vert, a beacon argent, flaming proper, 2. on a ducal coronet or, a wyvern azure, sealed argent, 3. out of a ducal coronet or, a cypress-tree proper; with the MottO, "Lux vitce." Married, August 17, 1857, Georgiana, fourth daughter of Edmund Singer Burton of Churchill House, in the county of Northampton ; and has Issue— (i) Charles William Westbrooke Burton, born June 28, 1858 ; (2) Edmund Boteler Burton, born April 22, 1861 ; (3) Henry Gerard Burton, born April 22, 1863; (4) Reginald George Burton, born July 8, 1864 ; (5) Eredcric Nuthall Burton, born July 18, 1866; (6) Richard Watkins Burton, born November 5, 1868 ; (7) Aubrey de Sausmarez Burton, born April 29, 1871 ; (8) Arthur Robert Burton, born October 15, 1872 ; (9) Geoffrey Burton, born December xj,, 1874; Clara Georgiana Mary; Constance Maria Ij)uisa ; and Josephine Emily. Postal address — Hambrook House, Charlton Kings, Gloucestershire. § General FOWLER BURTON, Companion of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, General in the The Editor undertakes that every entry not in itaUcs is that of a genuinely armigerous person. 134 IBuv iBm Army, Justice of ilie Peace for the couiily of Devon, /iorti iSaa. being the second son of the late David Burton, Esquire, of Cherry lUirton Hall. Beverley, by his wife Isabella, dau. of Ihomas Favell of Yarm ; entered the Army 1839; has medals— Crimea 1854, 1855, with clasp, Sanlinian and Turkish medals, and lifth class Medjidie, Iniiian Mutiny; promoted Brevet Licut.-Col. for service in the (ield ; created Companion of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath 1867 ; Col. Royal West Kent Regt. Oct. 1890. ('////i— United Service. /.it'cty—lAghi drab, with red facings. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Quarterly i and 4, party per fesse erminois and azure, two barrulets engrailed between three talbots' heads all countcrchanged (for iiurton), 2 and 3 vert, a chevron erminois between two cinquefoils pierced in chief, and a stag trippant in base or, a bordure engrailed of the last (for Robinson). Upon the escutcheon, from which is pendent his badge as a Companion of the Most Honour- able Order of the Bath, is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling azure and or ; and for his Crests, I. upon a wreath of the colours, a mount vert, thereon upon a perch or, a parrot also vert, the dexter claw resting upon an escallop argent, and holding in the teak a cherry stalked proper (for Burton) ; 2. upon a wreath of the colours, a mount vert, thereon a stag regardant or, the dexter forefoot resting on a cinquefoil as in the arms (for Robinson). Married, 1862, a daughter of the late John Banks Friend, E.squire, of Ripple Vale, in the county of Kent , and 30 Sussex Square, W.; and has Issue— {\) Cecil Fowler Burton, Esq., Capt. Royal Fusiliers, b. 1863, d. 1897; (2) Gerald Arthur Fowler Burton, Esq., Capt. 3rd Suffolk Regt. , b. Aug. 7, 1868; (3) Montague Richard Fowler Burton, Gentleman, b. Aug. 12, 1882; and Lilian Florence. Estates — Preston House, South Durham ; and in the town- ships of Preston, Hartburn, and Stockton, in the parish of Stockton-on-Tees. Postal address — Stoke Damerel, Devon- port. ROBERT FRANCIS BURTON, Esquire, J. P. for West Suffolk, formerly Lieut, loziid Fusiliers; served in Indian Mutiny, (medal and clasp for Lucknow). Born Sept. 15, 1840, beinj{ the fifth son of the late Edmund Singer Burton, Esq., J. P. for Northants, by his wife Anna Maria, dau. of Clarke VVatkins, Esq., J. P. for Northamptonshire, of Badby House, Northants. Livery — Blue, yellow -waist- ra is tbe Military Cockade. m coat, gilt buttons. Armorial bearings as used are — Azure, afesse betivecn three talbots heads erased or (with 31 quarter- ings). Crests — i. on a mount vert, a beacon argent, in- flamed proper ; 2. out of a ducal coronet, a cypress tree proper. Motto— " /.wt vitae." These arms are duly re- \liux UitggT^ corded in the College of Arms, but the latter part of the pedigree is not fully recorded to date, though the Editor believes the descent to be correct. Married, May 12, 1880, to Frederica Caroline, dau. of IVm. Angerstein, Esq., late M.P. for Greenwich, J. P., and D.L. ; and has Issue — Robert William Westbrook Burton, b. July 25, 1882. Seat — Brandon Hall, Suffolk. WILLIAM SCHOOLCROFT BURTON, Esquire, Justice of the Peace for the counties of Bedfordshire and Buckinghamshire, High Sheriff 1878. Born 1829, being the son of the late John Burton, Esquire, Justice of the Peace, of Roundhay Grove, in the county of York, by his wife Elizabeth, eldest daughter of the late Thomas Musgrave of Foggathorpe. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Per pale indented azure and sable, six fleurs- de-lis, three, two, and one, each within an annulet argent. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling azure and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, in front of two arms embowed in armour, the hands proper, holding a fleur-de-lis argent, six annulets interlaced fessewise, also argent. MottO — " Sans changer. " Married, 1855, Mary Judith, only daughter of James Shaw of Stubbing, in the county of York ; and has had, with other /w/zt— James .Schoolcroft Burton, Gentleman, born 1857, died 1881. Seat — Childrey Manor, Wantage. JOHN EDWARD BURTON - MACKENZIE, Es- quire, Lieutenant - Colonel late 91st Highlanders (Argyll and Sutherland), Deputy-Lieutenant and Justice of the Peace for the counties of Ross and Cromarty. Born February 8, 1835, Ijeing the second son of the late John Standfast Burton of the Honourable East India Company's T5urton= is the Naval Cockade. IBut TBu0 135 Service, by Mary Anna his wife, only daughter of David Morgan, and niece and heiress of Richard Toulmin North of Newton Hall and 'I'hurland Castle, in the county of Lancaster. C/ud — United Service. Lh'e>y—li\ue, with yellow facings. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Quarterly i and 4 grand quarters, azure, a stag's head caboshed or, l^etween the attires a mullet of the last (for Mackenzie) ; 2. grand quarter, counter-quartered i. and iiii. azure, three cinquefoils argent, ii. and iii. argent, three antique crowns gules, all within a bordure ermine (for Fraser of Inverallochy) ; 3. grand quarter, counter-quartered i. and iiii. azure, three garbs or, ii. and iii. quarterly, first and fourth argent, a pale sable ; second and third azure, a bend tietween six cross crosslets fitch(?e or (all for Erskine, Earl of Buchan), and upon an escutcheon of pretence for and in right of his wife, this same coat and qiiarterings of Mackenzie. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules, doubled argent ; and for his Crests, i. on the dexter, on a wreath of the liveries, a dexter arm em- bowed in chain mail, couped at the shoulder, holding a broad- sword in liend proper (for Mackenzie) ; 2. on the sinister, on a wreath of the liveries, a stag's head caboshed or, pierced with an arrow proper (for Fraser). Mottoes — Over the crests, "Fide parta fideaucta;" lielow the shield, " Dia's mo dhuthaich." Afarried, March 30, 1869, Isaliella Jane, eldest daughter and heiress of the late .Sir Evan Mackenzie, second Baronet of Kilcoy, in the county of Ross, Justice of the Peace and Deputy- Lieutenant ; and has Issue — (i) Evan North Burton - Mackenzie, Gentleman, tx)rn March 9, 1870 ; (2) Colin John Mackenzie Burton- Mackenzie, Gentleman, born Septemtier 14, 1871 ; (3) Edward Grove Burton-Mackenzie, Gentleman, torn August 7, 1876 ; and Isabella Alicia Eva. Estate — Kilcoy, in the county of Ross. Pustul addresses — Kilcoy Castle, Muir of Ord, Inverness ; Belmaduthy House, Munlochy, Rosshire. WILLIAM PENNEF.VniER ARTHUR FORBES I'HINEAS BURY, Gentleman. JSurii Sept. 26, 1868, being the only son of the late William I'hine;\s Bury of Carri- grenane. Little Island, co. Cork, fjy Harriet his wife, second dau. of Arthur Forlx;s of Newstone, co. Meath. Chilis — Junior Constitutional, Roy^il Cork Yacht, County (Cork). IJverv— D:\Tk green, yillmv facings, green and yellow btriped waistcoat. Armorial bearings— V'ert, a cross cross- a spear embrued proper. Motto — "Virtus sub cruce crescit." Seats — Curraghbridge, co. Limerick; Carrigre- nane. Little Island, co. Cork. JAMES ROBERT BARRY BURY-BARRY, Gentleman. /ioni Jan. 3, 1875, teing the son of the late Capt. Roliert Bury, of the 7th Dragoon (Juards, by Anne his wife ; s. his grand-uncle, the late St. Leger Barry, in 1888, when lie also assumed the additional name of Barry. Armorial bearings — Quarterly i and 4, harry of six argent and gules (for Barry) ; 2 and 3 vert, a cross crosslet or, in chief a crescent for differ- ence (for Bury). Mantling gules and argent ; and for his Crests, I. upon a wreath of the colours, out of a ca.stle ar- gent a wolfs head couped sable, langued gules (for Barry) ; 2. upon a wreath of the colours, a Iwar's head couped at the neck or, tusked argent, langued gules, transfixed through the neck by a spear proper, and charged with a crescent for difference gules (for Bury). Mottoes — Under the arms, " Boutez en avant ; " over the second crest, "Virtus sub cruce crescit." Seat — Ballyclough, Fermoy, co. Cork. WILLIAM BUSFEILD, Esquire, J. P. for West Riding CO. of York, Lieut.-Col., late Major 22nd Regt. Born Jan. 20, 1837, being the eldest son of the late Rev. William Bus- feild, M.A., of Upwood, Rector of Keighley, Viy his wife Sarah, dau. of Rev. Charles Frederick Bond of Margaret- ting, Esse.x. Club — Junior United Service. Armorial bearings — Argent, a chevron invected gules, guttee-d'cau. let or, on a canton argent, an ermine spot sable. Mantling vert and or. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a Ijoar's head or, couped at the shoulder, pierced at the neck with brtween three Heurs-de-lis vert, in the centre chief point a saltire couped of the second. Mantling gules and argent. Crest— Upon a wreath of the colours, a cubit arm in armour proper, charged with a saltire as in the arms, holding in the hand proi^er a fleur-de-lis within an annulet or. Motto— " Medio tutissimus ibis." Married, April 21, 1874, Louisa ICmily, youngest dau. of Johnson Atkinson Busfeild ; and has Issue— (i) William Busfeild, Gentleman, b. June 19, 1875 • (2) Johnson Atkinson Busfeild, Gentleman, b. Dee. 3, 1877 ; Dorothy ; and Emily Mary Victoria. Residence— 20 Carlton Road, Putney, S.W. SJOHN BUSFEILD, Esquire, Major (Retired List) late 79th (Queen's Own) Cameron Highlanders. Burn Nov. 18, 1839, being the second son of the Rev. Wm. Busfeild M..^., of Upwood, Binglev, Yorkshire, and of his wife Sarah, dau. of Rev. F. C. Bond, Margaretting, Essex. tV//*— Constitutional. Livery— Gram and red. Armorial bearings— Argent, a chevron invected gules, guttt'e-d eau, between three fleurs-de-lis vert, in the centre chief point a saltire couped of the second. MantUng gules and argent Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a cubit arm in ariuour proper, charged with a saltire as in the arms, holding in the hand also proper a Heur-de-lis within an annulet or. Married, March 23, 1871, Caroline, dau. Tbe Editor undertakes tbat every entry not in italics is that of a genuinely armigerous person. .36 'Bu0 OBut Residence — Laurc 1 Ran Ic , t>f the late J. A. Uusfeild. Ki|K)H. THOMAS BUSH, Gentleman, of Ihc Lawns, Alveston, in the county of Gloucester. Horn Oclolier 22, IKttttTl '*^'3' '"c'l'S t'"i oldest son of the late John Hush, iL It^lJ (Jcntlcnian, of Fifteen Acres, Hitton, in the county of Gloucester, by his wife Anne, only child of Joseph Gregory Harris of Hitton. Armorial bearing's — He bears for Arms: Quarterly i and 4, azure a wolf rampant argent, armed and langued gules, collared and chained (the chain passing over the front of tiie body in Ix-nd sinister) or, in chief three crosses jjatee fitchee fesse- ways of the second (for Bushe, alias Duyland, Kydwelly) ; 2. argent, on a fesse gules, l)etween three boars statant sable, armed and unguled or, a fleur-de-lis between two eagles displayed of the last (for Bushe) ; 3. argent, two lions passant sable (for Strange of Gloucester) ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a goat's head coupcd argent, the sinister horn azure, and the de.\ter purpure ; with the Motto, " Hope me encouragithe." Married, April 30, 1844, Frances, daughter of John Hrickdale Ward, of Upper Hayle, Alveston, in the county of Gloucester. § HENRY JEFFREYS BUSHBY, Esquire, Justice of the I'eacc for the county of Hertford, and Tl^ I Irtflhtl °"*^ '^^ '^^' Majesty's Lieutenants for the city IL W7>\)*Jlf of London. Born October 4, 1820, being the eldest son of H. Turner Bushby, Judge in the Madras Civil Service, by Lucy Anne his wife, daughter of Thomas Jeffreys. Club — Carlton. Livery — Blue and white. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Vair, on a chief gules, five passion crosses argent, impaling the arms of North, namely azure, a lion passant or, between three fleurs-de-lis argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, upon a mount vert, a stag's head erased proper, guttc'-e-de-sang, transfixed through the neck by an arrow Ixindways, point towards the dexter, also proper ; with the Motto, " I'ructu non foliis." Married, 1862, Frances, commonly known as Lady Frances, second daughter of the Right Honourable Francis North, sixth Earl of Guilford ; and has hsiie—(i) Henry North (irant Bushby, Gentleman, Barrister-at-Law, born 1863 ; (2) Dudley Charles Bushby, Gentleman, born 1864; Evelyn Frances; and Maud Alice. Estates— WonnXey Bury, in the county of Hertford ; Lagduft Lodge, in the county of Mayo. Postal address— Wormlcy Bury, Broxbourne. BUSHE, alias DAYLAND, quartered by BUSHE. ERASMUS BUSHE, Esquire, Justice of the Peace for the county of Wilts. Born October 31, 1853, being the ^ is the Military Cockade. only son of the late William Bushe, Justice of the Peace, and his wife Amelia, daughter of William TF^IIrtfll> Stancomb of Springfield House, Trowbridge. XL lipljt A/Vtvj— Blue and silver. Armorial bear- ings — He bears for Arms: Quarterly 1 and 4, a/tne a wolf ranipant argent, armed and langued gules, collared and chained or, in chief three crosses patt^e fitchC'c fesseways of the second (for Bushe, alias Duyland [Kydwelly]), 2. argent, on a fesse gules, between three boars statant sable, armed and unguled or, a fleur-de-lis between two eagles displayed of the last (for Buslie), 3. argent, two lions passant sable, armed and langued gules (for Sirange) ; and for his Crest, a goat's head couped argent, the dexter attire purpure, and the sinister azure ; with the Motto, " Hope me encouragithe." Married, August 9, 1876, to Ada, daughter of the late Reverend William Thomajj Huxham Eales, Bachelor of Arts, Clerk in Holy Orders, Vicar of Yealmpton, in the county of Devon. Postal address — The Manor House, Great Cheverell, Devizes. THOMAS TRSHMAKEK BUSK, Esquire, Justice of the Peace for the county of Middlesex and city of TKtfR'ft Westminster, Master of Arts of the University iiJWii'X of Cambridge. Born September t.-^, 18^2, being the eldest son of Edward Thomas Busk, E^sqnire, Justice of the Peace for the counties of Middlesex and Hertford, Barrister-at-Ixno, and his wife Susan, daughter of Thomas Benson Pease of Leeds. Livery — Claret, with red piping. Armorial bearings as used, but for zuhich no authority has been established at the College of Arms, are for Arms: Argent, three oak-trees two and o)ie, each issuing from a mount all proper ; and for the Crest, a stag at gazeproper ; with the Motto, " Suaviter sed fortiter." Married, April?,, 1885, Maiy, daughter of Nathaniel Brindley Acioorth, Esquire, of Northaxv, Justice of the Peace for the county of Hertford ; and has Issue — (i) Edivard Teshmaker Busk, born March 8, 1886 ; (2) Henry Gould Busk, born December 15, 1891 ; and Mary Agnes Dorothea. Estates — Fords Grove, Wurchmore Hill, in the county of Middlesex ; estates ?iear Ipswich, in the county of Siiffolk ; estates near Manningtree, in. the county of Essex. Postal address — Hermongers, Rudgwick, Sussex. JOHN GEORGE BUTCHER, Gentleman, Bachelor of Arts of the University of Cambridge, formerly Fellow of Trinity College, and Barrister-al-Law, Member of Parlia- ment for the city of York. Born November 15, 1852, being the son of the late Right Reverend Sanmel Butcher, Lord Bisho]j of Meath, by his wife Mary. Clubs — Carlton, Ox- ford and Cambridge. Armorial bearings — Vert, an ele- phant argent. Mantling vert and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a branch of a cotton tree fructed proper ; with the Motto, " Be steady." Postal addresses — 22 CoUingham Place, S.W. ; 6 New Scjuare, Lincoln's Inn, W.C. SAMUEL HENRY BUTCHER, Esq., I. P. for co. Kerry, LL.D., Litt.D., M.A. (Trin. Coll., Camb.), Pro- fessor of Greek in the University of Edinburgh. Born 1850, Ijeing the eldest son of the late Right Rev. Samuel Butcher, D.D., Lord Bishop of Meath, by Mary, dau. of John Leahy, Esq., of .Southhill, co. Kerry Club — Athen;vum. Armo- rial bearings — Vert, an elephant argent, impaling the arms of Trench, namely argent, a lion passant gules, between three fleurs-de-lis azure, on a chief of the last, a sun in splendour or. Mantling vert and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a branch of a cotton tree fructed pro- per. Motto — " Be steady." Married, 1876, Rose Julia, youngest dau. of the late Most Rev. Richard Chenevix Trench, D.D. , .'\rchbishop of Dublin. .SW/— Danesfort, Killarney, co. Kerry. Residence — 27 Palmerston I'lace, Edinburgh. CAPTAIN ANTOINE SLOET BUTLER, Companion of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath. Tf^lltl^l! ^^''^'" '^^3' being the third son of Sir Thomas it, UVlvV Butler, eighth Baronet, by his wife Frances, fourth daughter of John Graham Clarke of Fenham, near Newcastle-upon-Tyne, and Sutton, in the county of York; entered the Army 1842, and retired 1851 ; was Resident Magistrate in Ireland, 1853 1881 ; .Special Magistrate, 1881-1B83 ; Divisional Magistrate, 1883-1888 ; was created Companion of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, 1887. t7//(5i— United Service, Saint Stephens 3 is tbe Naval Cockade. IBnt TBut 137 Green. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms: Or, a chief indented aicurt-, a bordure indented ermine. Upon the escutcheon, from which is pendent his bad};e as a Companion of the Most Honourable Order of the Hath, is placed a helmet lx;titting his degree, with a mantling azure and or ; and for his Crest, out of a ducal coronet or, a plume of five ostrich feathers, therefrom a falcon rising argent ; with the Motto, "Comme je trouve." Married, firstly, 1854, Mary Matilda (who died 1862), eldest daughter of the late Reverend George Hamilton Le I'oer Beresford ; secondly, 1875, Ella, eldest daughter of the Reverend Jose Stevenson, Rector of Clonfeach, in the county of Tyrone, and widow of Arthur Beresford Cane ; and by his first marriage has Jssue — George Beresford liutler. Gentleman, born 1857; Frances Antoinette, married, December 10, 1878, to George Cosby Lendrum, Ksquire, Doctor of Law, of Magheracross ; and Laura Mary. Postal address— 12 St. James's Terrace, Clonskeath, county Dublin. SAMUEL BUTLER, Gentleman. Bor/t June 9, 1855, being the third but second surviving son of William Butler, Esq., J.l'., by his wife Ann, dau. of Henry Boani. Armorial bearings — Party per fesse azure and sable, three unicorns' heads in chevron, couped lx;tween as many covered cu|)s or, a crescent for difference. Mantling azure and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a unicorn salient or, holding in the mouth a rose gules, biu-bed, seeded, slipped, and leaved proper, and resting the sinister forefoot upon a covered cup azure. Motto — "Kac recte et nil time." Residence — Hvnbmy Hill, Westbury- on-Trym, near Bristol. WH^LIAM BUTLER, Esquire, J.P, Horn Feb. 28. 1819, l)eing the eldest son of Joseph Butler, by his wife .Sarali, daugliter of William Theobald. Armorial bear- ings— Party per fesse azure and sable, three uiiicurns' heads in chevron couped between as many covered cups or. Mantling azure and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a unicorn salient or, holding in the mouth a rose gules, barbed, seeded, slipped, and leaved proper, and rest- Joseph Shellard : and has Issue by first marriage — (1) William Butler, /;. March 16, 1840, d. Nov. 2, 1845 ; (2) William Henry Butler, Esq., J. P., 6. June 26, 1850; (3) Samuel Butler, Gentleman, d. Jan. 9, 1855 ; (4) Joseph Beaumont I5utler, Gentleman, b. Sept. 16, 1857 ; (5) Thomas Butler, Gentleman, 6. July 5, 1861 ; Mary Ann; Sarah Emtna ; Ellen ; and Ada Boam. Postal address — Clifton Grove, Clifton, Bristol. WILLIAM HENRY BUTLER, Esq., J.P. co. Glou- cester. Born June 26, 1850, being tlie third but eldest surviving son of William Butler, Esq., J. P., by his wife Ann, dau. of Henry Boam. Armorial bearings— Party per fesse azure and sable, three unicorns' heads in chevron, coufjed between as many covered cujis or. Mantling azure and or. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a unicoin salient or, holding in the mouth a rose gules, barlxid, seeded, slipped, and leaved proper, and resting the sinister fore-foot upon a covered cup azure. Motto — " Fac recte et nil time." /Residence— Sumn\erhi\\ House, St. George, Bristol. §JOHN ERDESWICK BUTLER-BOWDON, Esq., ' J.P. , CO. Lanes., Col. conmianding 3rd Batt. the East Lancashire Regiment. Bon/ Feb. 16, 1850, being the eldest son of the late John Butler Bovvdon, Esc|., J. P., D.L. [who s. to the Pleasington estate by the bequest of his cousin. ing the sinister forefoot upon a covered cup azure. Motto —"Fac recte et nil time." Married, ist wife, Ann daughter of Henry Boam ; 2ndly, Elizabeth, daughter of Mary Anne, only surviving child and heir of Richard Butler, Esq., of Pleasington Hall, and upon his acces- sion assumed by Sign Manual, dated Jan. 21, 1841, the additional name and arms of Butler], by his wife Amelia Catherine Frances, eldest dau. of G. T. Whitgreave, Esc|., of Moseley Court, co. Stafford, /.n'f/7— Blue and yellow. Armorial bearings — Quarterly i and 4, quarterly sable and or, in the fust ([uarter a lion passant ermine, langued gules (for Bovvdon); 2 and 3 azure, a chevron between Three covered cups or, in the centre chief point a cross crosslet of the last (for Butler) ; and impaling the arms of Pelre, namely gules, a bend or, between two escallops argent. Mantling sable and or ; and for his Crests, 1. upon a wreath of the colours, a heron's head erased proper, beaked and charged on the neck with three ermme spots (for Bowdon); 2. upon a wreath of the colours, a covered cup or, charged with an ermine spot sable (for Butler). Motto—" Vanus est honor." Married, 1st, Nov. 30 1876, Madeline Mary, youngest dau. of Edward Wright of Richmond, co. York (she died Oct. 12, 1877) ; 2nd, 1879, Hon. Monica Mary, youngest dau. of the Rt. Hon. William Bernard Petre, 12th Baron Petre; and has /,w«t'—(i) William Erdeswick Ignatius Butler- Bowdon, Gentleman, h. Jan. 16, 1880 • (2) Leonard Joseph Bruno Butler- Bowdon, Gentle- man,'*. Feb. 2, 1881; (3) Bernard Joseph Butler- Bowdon, THe Editor undertakes tHat every entry not in italics is that of a genuinely armigerous person. 138 TBut 13^1* Geiulenian, b. Oct. 30, 1896. d. May 11, 1897; Theiesii Mary Sophie ; Angela Mary Josephine ; Monica Mary Rose; CJladys Mary Klla ; Ursula Mary Cora; and Isabel Mary. iVrt/.f— Ple;isinglon Mall, Blackburn, co. Lancaster; Southgate House, Chesterfield. A'ti/V/tv/.c— The Gables, Winbourne Road, Bournemouth. n L.ANCELOr GKORGE BUTLER-BOWDON, Es- & quire, j.P. for Derbyshire, Capt. (and Hon. Major) 3rd Batt. N. Staftordshire Regt. Horn 1856, lx;ing the second son of the late John Butler- Bowdon, Esq., J. P. and 1). L., of I'leasington Hall, co. Lanca.ster, by .\nielia Cathe- rine Frances, dau. of the late George Thunias Wliitgrcavc, Es(i., of Moseley Court, co. StalVord. Armorial bearings — Quarterly i and 4, (juarlerly sable and or, in the liist t|uarler a lion jxissant ermine, langued gules (for Bowdon) ; 2 and 3 azure, a chevron lietween three covered cups or, in the centre chief point a cross crosslet of the last (for Butler) ; and impaling the arms of Clifton, namely sable, on a bend argent, three mullets gules. Mantling sible and or ; and for his Crests, t. upon a wreath of the colours, a heron's head erased proper, U-aked, and charged on the neck with three ermine spots sable (for Bowdon) ; 2. upon a wreath of the colours, a covered cup or, charged with an ermine spot sable (for Butler). Motto— "Vanus est honor." Mar- rifJ, 1879, the Hon. Ella Cecily Mary, dau. of Augustus W'ykeham Clifton, Esq., by his wife, the late Rt. Hon. the Baroness Grey de Ruthyn ; and has Issue — John Lancelot Wykeham Butler- Bowdon, Gentleman, /'. 1883. Seat — Barlbro' House, Chesterfield. CHARLES JAMES BUTLER-KEARNEY, Esquire, Lieutenant-Colonel late Royal Munster Fusiliers. Born 1857, being the eldest surviving son of the late William Butler of Drom, by his wife Catherine, only daughter of John Lloyd of Lisheen Castle, in the county of Tipperary ; assumed the additional surname and arms of Kearney, by Royal License, dated April 30, 1876, upon succeeding to a moiety of the estates of his cousin James Charles Kearney, Esquire. Club — Junior Army and Navy. Armorial bear- ings — He bears for Arms : Quarterly i and 4, argent three lions rampant gules, on a chief azure between two pheons or, a gauntleted hand in fesse of the last, holding a dagger of the first, pommel and hilt gold (for Kearney) ; 2 and 3 or, a chief indented azure, three escallops in- bend counter- changed (for Butler). Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules and argent ; and for his Crests, i. upon a wreath of the colours, a gauntleted hand in fesse or, holding a dagger argent, pommel and hilt gold (for Kearney) ; 2. out of a ducal coronet or, a plume of five ostrich feathers argent, issuant therefrom a demi-falcon also argent, with the motto over, "Timor Domini fons vita;" (for Butler); and below the arms the Motto, " .Sustine et abstine." Married, 1873, Georgina, daughter of the late Robert Clarke of Bansha ; and has /.M«f—(i) Theobald William Butler-Kearney, Gentle- man, born May 15, 1875 ; (2) Trench Frank Butler- Kearney, Gentleman, born December 20, 1877 ; (3) George Butler- Kearney, Gentleman, born December 15, i88i ; and Mary Violet. Estate and postal address — Drom, county Tipperary. BUTTS, DE, quartered by BURDON. SYDNEY CHARLES BUXTON, Gentleman, Member of Parliament for the I^oplar Division of the Tower Hamlets. Born October 25, 1853, being the second son of the late Charles Buxton, Esquire, Member of Parliament, of Fo.\ Warren, Cobham, in the county of Surrey, by Emily Mary, daughter of Sir Henry Holland, first Baronet ; was a Member of London School Board, 1876-1882 ; appointed Under Secretary of State for the Colonies, August 1892. Clubs— Reform, National Liberal, Cosmopolitan. Armorial bear- ings —He bears for Arms : Argent, a lion rampant, tail elevated, between two mullets in fesse sable ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a buck's head gules, attired or, gorged with a collar of the last, therefrom pendent an escutcheon argent, charged with an African's head proper ; with the Motto, "Do it with thy might." Married, 1882, Constance (who died 1892), daughter of Sir John Lubbock, fourth Baronet, Member of Parliament ; and has Issue — (i) Charles Sydney Buxton, Gentleman, born May 26, 1884; (2) Kenneth Sydney Buxton, Gentleman, born September 4] 1886 ; and I'hyllis .Sydney. Residences— iz, Eaton I'lace, S.W. ; Cromer, Norfolk. ^ is the Military Cockade. D.VMK MARY AUGUSTA BUXTON, Widow, com- monly known as Lady Buxton, daughter of the late Lieu- tenant-Colonel Johnstone. Armorial bearings are, upon a lozenge : Quarterly i and 4, argent a lion rampant, tail elevated and turned over the liead sable (for Buxton) ; 2 and 3 sable, two bars argent, on a canton of the last, a buck trippant of the first (also for Buxton), and upon an es- cutcheon of pretence the arms of Johnstone, namely argent, a saltire sable, in base a man's heart imperially crowned proper, on a chief gules, three cushions or. Married, 1865, Sir Robert Jacob Buxton, third Baronet, who died in 1888, when the title became extinct. Postal address — Shad- well Court, Thetford, Norfolk. ROBERT NICHOLL BY ASS, Esq., J. P. for cos. Oxford and Gloucester. Born 1834, being the elder son of the late Robert Blake Byass of Nevill Court, Tunbridge Wells. Armorial bearings— Argent, three wings tendways azure, in chief two escutcheons of the last, each charged with a fleur-de-lis of the first. Mantling azure and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, between two wings azure, a wing argent, charged with an escutcheon as in the arms. Motto—" By assiduity." Married, ist, 1857, Mary, second dau. of late Rev. William Hutchinson, Rector of Checkley (she died 1879); 2nd, 1884, Mary .'Xgnes, fourth dau. of the late James Dalglish ; and has, with other Issue — Rose Nicholl [;«., 1881, Robert Wm. Kennard]. Seat— Wyck Hill, Stow-on- Wold. SIDNEY HUTCHINSON BYASS, Esquire. J. P. for Glamorganshire. Bo?-n 1862, being the second son of Robert Nicholl Byass, Esq., J. P., by his first wife Mary, second dau. of late Rev. Wm. Hutchinson, Rector of Checkley. Armorial bearings — .Argent, three wings bend- ways azure, in chief two escutcheons of the last, each charged with a fleur-de-lis of the first. Mantling azure and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, bi'tween two wings azure, a wing argent, charged with an escutcheon as in the arms. Motto — "By assiduity." Married, 1891, Eveline, dau. of J. L. Stratton, Esq., of Turweston, Brackley. Seat — Craig .\von, Port Talb(jt, Glamorgan. H EDWARD BYROM, Esq., D.L., High Sheriff 1888. ® Born 1827, being the second son of Edward Vigor Fox, by his wife Anne, dau. of John Daintry, and in accor- dance with the will of Eleanora Atherton of Kersall Cell, he in 1871 assumed the name and arms of her mother's family. Armorial bearings— He lx;ars for Arms : Argent, a chevron lietween three hedgehogs sable, a canton azure for distinction, in the centre chief point a. cross crosslet of the last. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet l)efitting his degi"ee, with a mantling sable and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a hedgehog sable, charged for distinction with a cross crosslet argent. Motto — " Arm6 k tons points." Married, firstly, July 19, 1853, Katharine Mary, 3rd dau. of Thomas Coopland of Assenby, Yorkshire; and by her (who d. 1881) has Issue — Edward Clement Atherton Byrom, Gentleman, M..-\., Barrister-at- Law, b. Nov. 24, 1857 ; Esther Eleonora Mary ; Katharine M is tbe Naval Cockade. ^2t Cal 139 Florence Mary ; Eleanora Mabel. He m. andly, Oct. 10, 1882, Florence Maria, elder dau. and co-heir of the late Marmadukc Jerard Grimston, Esij., of Grimston Garth and Kilnwick, co. York ; and has further /.w//tf— Edward Luttrell Grimston FJyroni, Genileman ; and Rose Effie Jerardine. Seats — Culver, near E.xeter ; Kersall Cell, co. Lancaster; Grimston Garth, Hull. Reak-.Aijmikal JOHN BYTHESEA, Companion of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, 'yX\\^\\^eL(fi\ Companion of the Most Eminent Order iDJ^llJvpk'tl of the Indian Empire, on whom Her Majesty has conferred the Decoration of the Victoria Cross. Horn 1827, Ix'ing the son of the late Reverend George Bythesea, Rector of Freshford, in the county of .Somerset ; was created Companion of tlie Most Honourable Order of the Bath, 1877, .and Companion of the Most Eminent Order of the Indian limpirc, 1878; has medals — Baltic, 1855, and China, 1858 i860, with clasp. Club — United .Service. Armorial bearings — He lx;ars for Arms : Argent, on a chevron engrailed sable, between three crabs, the claws to the dexter gules, the Roman fasces erect, surmounting two swords in saltire, and encircled by a chaplet or. Upon the escutcheon, from which is pendent his badges as a Companion of the -Most Honourable Order of the Bath, and a Companion of the Most Eminent Order of the Indian Empire, and his Victoria Cross, is placed a helmet Ijelilting his degree, with a mantling sable and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, an eagle displayed ar- gent, charged on the breast with the Roman fasces erect, sur- mounting two swords in saltire, and encircled by a chaplet proper, and each wing charged with a cross crosslet fitch^e gules; with the Motto, " Mutare vel timere sperno." Married, 1874, l^linda, third daughter of the late Colonel George Nelson Prior. Postal address — 22 Ashburn Place, S.W. SAMUEL FRANCIS GLOSSOP BYTHESEA, Esq., J. P., formerly in the 31st Regt., Knight of the Order of the Hospital of St. John of Jerusalem in England. Bor7i July 30, 1822, teing the third son of Rev. George Bythesea, Patron and Rector of Freshford, by Mary his wife, dau. of the late Francis Glossop of Glossopdale, co. Derby. Ar- morial bearings — He bears for Arms : Argent, on a chevron engrailed sable, between three crabs the claws towards the dexter gules, the Roman fasces erect, surmounting two swords in saltire and encircled by a chaplet or. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling sable and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, an eagle displayed argent, on the breast the Roman fasces erect, surmounting two swords in saltire, and encircled by a chaplet proper, each wing charged with a cross crosslet fitch^-e gules. Motto — " Mutare vel timere sperno. Married, 1873, Mary Prideaux, Lady of Grace of the Order of the Hospital of St. John of Jerusalem in England, third dau. of Rev. J. Michell, and niece and co-heir of T. Prideau.x Ball, lisq., of Urker, Armagh. Seat — The Hill, Freshford. Kcsidcnie—2,(i Adelaide Crescent, Brighton. c CHARLES HAYDON WILKINSON CAFE, Esquire, Lieut.-Col. Royal Sussex Regiment; served in the Egyptian War. Horn .Aug. 31, 1851, lieing the eldest son of Lieut.- Col. Haydon Lloyd Cafe of Wcstgate-on-Sea, by his wife Harriet Emily, dau. of John William Wilkinson of Chi- chester. Armorial bearings— Quarterly gules and azure, a cross argent Injtween in the first and fourth cantons a sword, and in the second and third a Saracen's head of the last. Mantling gules and argent. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, in front of a sword proper, pommel and hilt or, on an escutcheon azure, a Saracen's head argent. Motto — "From Caf to Caf." Married, Sept. 28, 1875, I'anny, dau. of Rieh.ard Rugg of Brighton, Sussex ; and has Issue — William Richard Haydon Cafe, d. in infancy, 1880 ; Violet Isabel Harriett ; and Mary Cecilia. Residence — Gknkral WILLIAM MARTIN CAFE, V.C, of the Indian Army ; served in the Gwalior Campaign 1843, and was present at the Battle of Maharajpore ; in the Punjaub Campaign 1848-49, and was present at Sadoola|K)re, Chil- lianwallah, Goojerat, and in the pursuit to Peshawar; in the Indian Mutiny, and was present at the action of Meean- gunge, at the siege and capture of Lucknow, and the action of Rooyah, where he w;xs severely wounded, and gained the Victoria Cross for an act of bravery April 15, 1858 ; also served in the Sikkim Expedition in 1861. Born , being the third son of Henry Smith Cafe of Egremont Place, Worthing, by his wife Sarah, dau. of William Waine, formerly of Whitney, Oxford. Armorial bearings- Quarterly gules and azure, a cross argent, between in the tirst and fourth cantons a sword, and in the second and third a Saracen's head of the last. Mantling gules and argent. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, in front of a sword proper, ponunel and hilt or, on an escutcheon azure. a Saracen's head argent. Motto— "From Caf to Caf. " Residence — Wetherby Place, South Kensington. Sir VINCENT HENRY PENALVER CAIl.LARD, Knight Bachelor (1896). Born Oct. 23. 1856, being the eldest son of his Honour Judge Caillard, by his wife Emma Louisa, daughter of Vincent Reynolds. Club— 67. James's. Lively— Blclicven three pears fcinient, slipped or. Crest — A pegasus courant argent. 'K.oXXo—" Simili frondescit verga metallo." These arms recorded in College of Arms, but no pedigree or authority therefor has been established at tlie College for more than 200 years. Married, September 22, 1887, Isabel, only daughter of E. R. C. Sheldon of Brailes, in the county of Warwick, and widotv of Colonel Frederick Barnard Granville. Estates — Blatchborough House, Bradworthy, North Devon ; also the estates in North Devon of Pancras- Weeke, Tinacrf in Clawton, and of Weeke, Modbury, South Devon. Postal address — Tetcott, Holsiuorthy, Devon. EDMOND LEVESON CALVERLEY, Esq., Capt. 4th Batt. Essex Regt. Born June 7, 1864, being the third son of the late Edmund Calverley, Esq., of Oulton Hall, CO. York, J. P. and D.L. for West Riding, by his wife Isabella Mary, elder dau. of Sir John Thomas Selwin, sixth Baronet, of Down Hall, Essex. Armorial bearings — Sable, an inescutcheon within an orle of owls argent. Mantling sable and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a horned owl argent. Married, July 19, 1893, Sybil Maitland, eldest dau. of Osbert Salvin, F\R.S. , of Ilawksfold, Fernhurst, Sussex; and has Issue — Hugh Salvin Calverley, Gentleman, b. Aug. 30, 1894 ; and Amice Mary. Postal address — 18 Cheyne Gardens, S.W. HORACE WALTER CALVERLEY, Esquire, late Capt. 5th Dragoon Guards. Born Sept. 3, 1862, being the second son of the late Edmund Calverley, Esq., of Oulton Hall, co. York, J. P. and D.L. for West Riding, by his wife Isabella Mary, elder dau. of Sir John Thomas Selwin, sixth Baronet, of Down Hall, Essex. Armorial bearings- — Sable, an inescutcheon within an orle of owls argent, and impaling the arms of Henniker, namely or, on a chevron gules, between two crescents in chief and in base an escallop azure, three estoiles argent. Mantling sable and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a horned owl argent. Married, Jan. 6, i8gi, Louisa Mary, youngest dau. of Sir Brydges Henniker, Bart. Postal address — 38 South Eaton Place, S. W. §JOHN SELWIN CALVERLEY, Esquire, J. P. and D.L. for West Riding co. York, Barrister-at-Law. Born July 4, 1855, being the eldest son of the late Edmund Calverley, Esq., of Oulton Hall, co. York, J. P. and D.L. for West Riding, by his wife Isalx>lla Mary, elder dau. of Sir John Thomas Selwin, sixth Baronet, of Down Hall, Essex. Armorial bearings — Sable, an inescutcheon within an orle of owls argent, and impaling the arms of Disraeli, namely, per saltire gules and argent, a castle triple-towered, in chief of the last, two lions rampant in fesse sable, and an eagle displayed in base or. Mantling sable and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a horned owl argent. Married, April 24, 1888, Sybil Isabella, second dau. of the late Ralph Disraeli ; and has Issue — Sybil Horatia. Seat — Oulton Hall, Leeds. H TREVOR WHELER CALVERLEY- RUDSTON, 9 Esquire, J. P. for North Riding, J. P. and D.L. for E. Riding co. York., F.R. Hort. S., F.Z.S. (London). Born Dec. 30, 1851, being the only son of Rev. George Rudston-Read, M.A., Rector of Sutton-on-Derwent, E.R. CO. York, by his wife Teresa, eldest dau. of Rev. William Wheler. C////'.?— Junior Carlton, Yorkshire (York). Armorial bearings— Argent, three bulls' heads erased pean, each charged on the neck with a cross moline or. Mantling sable and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a bear's paw erect pean, grasping a cross moline erminois. Married, 1873, Annie, only dau. of the late Gilbert Wilkes, Esq., of Chadwick Manor, co. War- wick ; and has Issue — (i) William George Trevor Calverley- Rudston, Gentleman, /;. Feb. 4, 1874; (2) a son, b. and d. 1884; Annie Teresa; and Evelyn Maud. Seats— .W\sx- thorpe Hall, Pocklington, Yorks ; Ilayton, Yorks. JOHN JACKSON CALVERT, Gentleman, of Wood- lands, Carrickville, near Sydney, in the (rrnf^l^t*r Colony of New South Wales, Clerk of the vUaiUl^tv Parliaments of that colony. Born August 31, 1830, being the second son of the Very Reverend Thomas Calvert, Warden and Dean of Man- chester, Chaplain to His Majesty King William IV., by M is the Naval Cockade. Cam Cam 141 liis wife Juliana, daughter of Sir Charles Watson, Baronet, of Wraiting Hall, in the county of Cambridge. Armorial bearingB -He fx;ars for Arms: Quarterly i and 4, or six gouttes, three, two and one gules, within a bordure azure, charged with eight owls argent (for Calvert) ; 2 and 3 argent, on a fesse gules, l>etween two goats' heads couped azure, armed and crined or in chief, and a greyhound courant in base sable, three pheons gold (for Jackson). Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet Ijefitting his degree, with a mantling gules and or ; and for his Crests, r. upon a wreath of the colours, a mount vert, thereon an owl ermine, gorged with a collar azure, pendent there- from an inescutcheon sable, charged with three gouttes, two and one argent (for Calvert) ; 2. a goat's head azure, erased, arnu-d, and crined or, charged on the neck witii a pheon as in the arms (for Jackson). Married, 1869, Mary Murray, daughter of James Barker of Sydney ; and has Issue — (i) Thomas Andrew Copley Calvert, Gentle- man, l>orn Novemljcr 16, 1869 ; (2) Cecil Harnett Hamilton Calvert, Gentleman, born January 5, 1875 ; and Ethel Watson. Postal address — Woodlands, Marrickville, Sydney, N.S.W. JOHN CAMERON, Esquire, of South Bank Ironworks and Mciklehill House, Kirkintilloch, co. Dumlxirton, J.F. for CO., Provost of Kirkintilloch 1880-3, author of "The Parish of Campsie," and a history of " The Clan Cameron." Jiorii 1839, Ijeing the only son of the late John Cameron, Merchant, Lenno.\town,t'ampsie,by his wife Anne, daughter of Hugh koljiTtson, formerly of Liangarton, Glendochart, Killin. Armorial bearing^ — He lx;ars for Arms: (Jules, three bars or, in chief three niascles interlaced lietween two cinqucfoils and in base a saliire couped argent. Above the shield is placed a helmet liefitting his degree, with a mantling gules doubled or ; and upon a wreath of his liveries is set for Crest, an arm emtowed in armour, the hand grasping a sword i>roper; and in an escroU over the same this Motto, "Pro rege et patria." Married, June 10, 1868, lilizabeth Bell, eldest daughter of Thomas Purves ; and has Issue— (\) John Cameron, Gentleman, born 1869; (2) Thomas Purves Cameron, Gentleman, born 1873 ; Jane Paxton; Anne Robertson ; Janet Isaliella ; Elizabeth Purves; and Mary Charlotte. A'esidenre a/id f>os/a/ address— Me'Me- hiil House, Kirkintilloch, N.B. S DONALD CAMERON of Lochiel, Chief of Clan Cameron (designation "Lochiel"). Lord-Lieut, co. Inverness, J. P. for Bucks, and J. P. and D.L. co. Argyll; M. P. for CO. Inverness, formerly in the Diplomatic Service. lionr April 5, 1835, being the eldest son of Donald Cameron of Lochiel, by his wife Lady Vere Catherine Louisa Hobart, sister of the Rt. Hon. the fifth liarl' of Buckinghamshire. C/itds— Carlton, New (Edinburgh). Armorial bearings- Gules, two bars or, and impaling the arms of Montagu- Douglas-Scott, namely, quarterly, 1. the Royal Arms of King Charles II., namely, quarterly i and 4, France and England quarterly ; 2. Scotland ; 3. Ireland, debruised by a baton sinister argent; II. or, on a bend azure, a mullet of six points between two crescents of the field (for Scott) : HI. quarterly i and 4, argent a human heart gules, crowned with an imperial crown or, and on a chief azure three mullets of the field (for Douglas) ; 2 and 3 azure, a bend between six cross crosslets fitch(?e or (for Mar), the whole of this quarter within a bordure or, charged with the double tres- sure of Scotland gules ; IV. quarterly i and 4, argent three lozenges conjoined in fesse gules within a bordure sable (for Montagu) ; 2 and 3 or, an eagle displayed vert, beaked and memljered gules (for Monthermer). Mantling gules doubled argent. Crest — On a wreath of the liveries, a sheaf of five arrows proper, tied with a band gules. Motto — " Unite," and below the shield, " Pro rege et Patria." Supporters — Two savages with Lochaber axes all proper. Afiirried, Dec. 9, 1875, the Lady Margaret Elizabeth Nlon- tagu-Douglas-Scott, second daughter of the Most Noble Sir Walter Francis Montagu-Douglas-Scott, Duke of Buccleuch and (Juecnslxsrry, K.G. ; and has Issi/e — (i) Donald Walter Cameron, Gentleman, fi. Nov. 4, 1876; (2) Ewen Charles Cameron, Gentleman, />. Feb. 18, 1878; (3) Allan George Cameron, Gentleman, 6. July 27, 1880; and (4) .Archibald Cameron, Gentleman, />. Jan. 5, 1886. Seaf — Achnacarry, S[X'an Bridge, Inverness-shire. BERNARD EDWARD CAMMELL. Born 1850, being the second son of the late Charles Cammell, Esq., J. P., of Norton Hall, (S:c. , l)y Mary Anne, dau. of Thomas Rollason of Erdington, co. Warwick. Cl/tfi — Junior Carlton. Ar- morial bearings — SaV)le, on a chevron argent, cotised or, lietween three camels statant of the second, as many trefoils slipi)ed of the first. Mantling sable and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a camel's head erased argent, gorged with a collar gemel sable, holding in the mouth .a trefoil as in the arms. Motto — " Perse- verando." Married, 1878, Evelyn Jane, third dau. of Col. William Henry Charles Wellesley, late 7th Fusiliers ; and has surviving Issue — A dau. Heat — Folly Court, Woking- ham, Berks. CHARLES DAVID WILSON CAMMELL, Gentle- man, late of the i8th Hussars, Consul for /fTatntni^lT I'>'>eria at Shefiield. Born 1847, being Vi^ttlllllltU the eldest son of the late Charles Cam- mell, Esquire, Justice of the Peace for the West Riding of the county of York, of Norton Hall and Brookfield Manor, in the county of Derby, and of Ditcham Park, in the county of Southampton. C7ul> — Naval and Military, /./irrv- Dark grey with silver buttons. Armo- rial bearings— He Ixars for Arms: Sable, on a chevron argent, cotised c r, between three camels statant of the second, as many trefoils slipped of the first. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling sable and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a camel's head erased argent, gorged with a collar gemel sable, and holding in the mouth a trefoil as in the arms; with the MottO, " Persevcrando." Posfal address— Asbwicke Hall, Marshfield, Chippenham. GEORGE HENRY CAMMELL, Esq., J.P. co. Derby, B.A. (Cantab.). Born\i8s^, being the third son of the late Charles Cammell, Esq., I. P., of Brookfield and Norton, co. Derby, and of Ditcham'Park, Hants, by Mary Anne, dau. of Thomas Rollason of Erdington, co. Warwick. C/ufis— Union, Wellington. Armorial bearings — Sable, on a chevron argent, cotised or, between three camels statant of the second, as many trefoils slipped of the first, and impaling the arms of Haworth-Booth, namely, quarterly I and 4, argent three boars' heads erect and erased sable (for Booth) ; 2 and 3 azure, a bend between two stags' heads couped or (for Haworth). Mantling sable and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a camel's head erased argent, gorged with a collar gemel sable, holding in the mouth a trefoil as in the arms. Motto— " Persevcrando." Married, 1881, Edith Mildred Cordelia, eldest dau. of Col. B. B. Haworth-Booth of Rowlston Hall, The Editor undertakes that every entry not in itaUcs is that of a genuinely armigerous person. 142 Cam CO. York ; and lias /«//<•— Two daus. 5m /—Brook field Manor, Halhersage, Sheffield. C.^MOYS, quartered by BARTTKLOT. CAMPBELL, see ARGYLL, BREADALBANK, CAWDOR, CRAIGNISH. FLETCHEK-CAMrBEI.I., CAKDEN-CAMPIiKLL, MACIVER-CAMPBELL, and STRATHEDEN. ALBERT JOHNSTONE CAMPBELL. Born Dec. 7, 18154, Itcing the son of James C:ainpbell, late of 58 Lan- caster Gate, London, by his wife Rosalie, eldest dau. of the late ih.arles Beaufoy of Upton Gray, Hants. Armorial bearlngrs— Qtwrterly i and 4, gyronny of eight or and sable, within a bordure cheqiiy ermine and vert (for Campbell) ; 2 and 3, quarterly i. and iiii. gules, a fesse chequy argent and azure ; ii. and iii. or, a lion rampant gules debruised of a ribbon sable (for Lindsay). Mantling sable doubled or. Crest — Upon a wreath of his liveries, a dexter hand proper holding a spur or. Motto — "Remember." Married, July 1881, Gertrude, dau. of Thomas Stirling Begbie. Postal address— ly Cleveland Gardens, Hyde Park, London, W. M ALEXANDER JAMES HENRY CAMPBELL, Es- (cr quire, Justice of the Peace and Deputy-Lieutenant for the county of Argyll, ninteenth Captain of Dun- staffnage (a designation created about 1436, and heredi- tary in direct male descent). /iorn 1846, being the eldest son of John Alexander Campliell, Esquire, Major 7th Madras Cavalry, by his wife Annabella, eldest daughter of James Robertson. Clubs — Conservative (Edinburgh), Royal lliglihind Yacht (Oban). Livery — Blue and silver. Arinorial bearings — He tears for Arms: Quarterly, i. azure, a castle of three towers argent, masoned sable, & is the Military Cockade. Cam standing on a rock proper, doors and windows gules, on the top of the middle tower a cock, and on each of the others an eagle or ; 2. gyronny of eight or and sable ; 3. or, a fesse checjuy azure and argent ; 4. gules, a boar's head caboshcd or, between a crescent and spur-rowel in fesse azure. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules, doubled argent ; and on a wreath of the livery is set for Crest, an anchor in pale reversed azure. Supporters— On either side a unicorn argent, armed or, gorged with an antique crown, thereto affixed a chain of the last ; and in an escroll this Motto, "Vigilando." Married, January 4, 1888, Jane (of Inver- awe), youngest daughter of the late Alexander Campbell of Monzie; and has Issue— (i) Angus John Campbell, Gentleman, born 1888 ; (2) Neil Alexander Campbell, Gentleman, born 1890; Christina Elizabeth Annabella; and Mary Margaret. Ettate — Dunstaffnage. Postal ad- dress— Conne\, Argyllshire. § ARCHIBALD ARGYLL LOCKNELL CAMPBELL of Locknell, Esquire, J. P., D.L. for co. of Argyll. fiorn 1849, being the eldest son of the late Rev. Colin Campbell, Vicar of St. George, Wolverhampton, by his wife Henrietta, daughter of Henry N. Hovy, Consul at Bordeaux to H.M. the King of the Netherlands; succeeded his uncle in 1882. Armorial bearings— Quarterly i and 4, gyronny of eight or and sable (for Campbell) ; 2. argent, a boar's head couped azure (for Gordon) ; 3. argent, a lym- phad sable, her oars in action (for Lorn). Mantling gules doubled argent. Crest— On a wreath of the liveries, a dexter hand grasping a lance bendways all proper ; and in an escroll above this Motto, " Audaces Juvo." Married, June 26, 1877, Annie Constance, daughter of John Francis Fitzgerald, M.D., of Carrick-on-Suir, co. Tipperary, and widow of Richard Carr William Clement, M.D. , Staff Surgeon, R.N. ; and has Issue — (i) Archibald John Lock- nell Campbell, Gentleman, h. 1879 ; (2) Alexander Andrew Locknell Campbell, Gentleman ; and Augusta Annie Mary Flora. Seat — Locknell House, near Bonawe, N.B. Rev. ARCHIBALD EAN CAMPBELL, Clerk i?i Holy Orders, late Foundation Scholar of Clare College, Cam- bridge ; B.A. Senior Optime Mathematical Tripos 1880, M.A. 1883; Assistant Curate, Aberdare, Glamorga7i, 1881- 85 ; Rector of Castle Rising with Roydon, Norfolk, 1885-91 ; Vicar of All Souls (Hook Memorial), Leeds, from 1891. Born Ju?ie i, 1856, being the second but eldest surviving son of the late Colonel Walter Campbell of Skipness, by his wife Anna Henrietta, dau. of Colonel Robert Loring. Livery — Chocolate-yellow facings. Armorial bearings as used, hut which are not matriculated to him in Lyon Register, are for Arms— Gyrofiny of eight or and sable, within a bordure en- grailed of the first, charged with eight crescents of the second. Crest — On a wreath of his liveries, two oars in saltire proper. Motto — " Terra mare que fide." Married, 1885, Hon. Helen A?ina Brodrick, third dau. of Rt. Hon. 8th Viscount Midleton ; and has Issue — Walter Lome Campbell, Gentle- man, b. 1892, d. 1893; Irene Annette ; Elspeth Glencairn ; Marjorie Beaujolois. Postal address — All Souls Vicarage, Leeds. § COLIN GEORGE PELHAM CAMPBELL, Es- quire, of Stonefield, co. Argyll, D.L. for that co., Lieut. 2nd. Batt. Scots^Guards. Born May 31, 1872, being the second son of Colin George Campbell, Esq., of Stonefield, J. P. and D.L., and Convener of co. Argyll, by his wife Elisabeth, dau. of Gibbon Fitzgibbon, Esq., of Ballyseeda, Ireland. Armorial bearings as used, but which are not ma- triculated in Lyon Register, are — Quarterly i and a,, gyronny of eight or arid sable ; 2. argent, a lymphad sable, her oars in action ; 3. barry 7vazy of six gules and or, o?i a chief ermine, a boar's head couped. Crest — A boar's head couped, traiis- pierced by a swoi'd and a javelin in saltire. Motto — " Non obliviscar." Married, 1893, Lady Ileene F. C. Hastings, dau. of Rt. Hon. \2,th Earl of Huntingdon. Seat — Stone- Jield House, Tarbert, co. Argyll. §SiR ARCHIBALD SPENCER LINDSEY CAMP- BELL, Baronet, of Succoth, in the county of Dum- barton, Justice of the Peace and Deputy- Lieutenant for that county, Bachelor of Arts of the University of Oxford, an Advocate at the Scotch Bar. Born June 27, 1852, being the elder son of the late George Ramsay Campbell, Esquire, Honourable East India Company's .Service, by Lucy his K is the Naval Cockade. Cam wife, eldest daughter of Thomas Spencer Lindsey of Holly- mount, in the county of Mayo ; succeeded as fifth Raronet on the death of his cousin, Fehruarv 17, 1874. Clubs National, New (Edinburgh). Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Quarterly i and 4, gvronny of eight engrailed or and sable (for Campbell), 2 and 3 azure, a lion rampant argent, within a bordure countcr-compony of the second and first (for Wallace of Ellerslie). Upon the escutcheon, which is charged with his badge of Ulster as a Baronet, is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules doubled argent, and upon a wreath of his liveries is set for Crest, a camel's head couped proper; and for his Supporters, dexter, a lion rampant gwardant ; sinister, a savage wreathed about the temples and loins Cam 143 created Daron Campbellvon Laure?itzbv Rrtiest II.,Reignincr Duke of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha, by Dipluma bearing date at Gotha, November i, 1886, and granted pcrmissiuti' to use the title m this country by Royal License dated February 14, 1887, received into the Prussian nobility bv William II., Emperor of Germany, King of Prussia, by Royal Warrant bearing date at Berlin Janiiaiy 26, 1889. Armorial bearings as used, but which have'ncver been matriculated to him in Lyon Office, are the undifferenccd arms of Campbell of Craignish (of lohich familv, according to the pedigree in Burke's '•Peerage," Baron Campbell von Laurentz is only a cadet), namely, a shield gyronny of eight or and sable, suspended from the fnast of a lymphad also sable. MottO— " Fit via vi." Married, September 28, 1886, Sa)ah F.lisa- I all proper ; and in an escroll over his crest tliis Motto, " Lalwr omnia superat." Married, January 18, 1887, Harriett Katharine (iracc, fourth daughter of Colonel Arthur Reynell Pack, Companion of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, late of Avisford. in the county of Sussex ; and has Issue — George Hay Camptell, Esquire, born January 20, 1894; and Lucy Katharine Grace. Residence — 23 Moray Place, Eldinburgh. EDMUND KEMPT CAMPBELL, Baron Campbell von Laurentz, of the Duchy of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha, .Major n la suite of the Prussian Cuirassier Regiment von Seydlitz (.Magdeburg), No. 7, Equerry to His Royal Highness the Duke of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha, Military Cotnmander of the Orders of Christ of Portugal, of Cobu'rg-Gotha, and of the Rising Sun of Japan, Officer of the Order of Leopold of Belgium, Knight of the Iron Cross of Prussia , and of Orders of Russia, Austria, Bavaria, Saxony, Hesse, and Anhalt. Born July 8, 1848, being the younger son of the late Peter Laurentz Campbell, Lieutenant iqth and 21st Regiments, I by his wife Barbara Isabella, daughter of Alexander MaclMiy, Colonial Secretary of A'rtii South Wales, and Speaker of the first Legislative Assembly of that colony; beth, only daughter of James S. Budgett, Esquire, of Stoke Park, Guildford. Residences — Coburg, Germany ; Rose- mead, near Windsor. JAMES CAMPBELL, Gentleman. Born , being the eldest son of Dougall Campbell, Gentleman, of Craig- nish, by his wife Anna Maria, only dau. of the Rev. Jolin Roberts, Rector of Rathcore, co. Meath. Armorial bear- ings — Gyronny of eight or and sable, the shield in front of the mast of a galley, oars in action sable, flags flying. Mantling gules doubled argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a boar's head erased proper. Motto — " Fit via vi." Married, 1883, Agnes, second dau. of George Frederick White, of Porchester Gate, Hyde Park, London ; and has Issue — (i) Ronald Campljell, Gentleman, b. Sept. 5, 1884; (2) Ian Stuart Campbell, (lontleman, b. June 5, 1887. Residence — Ardnacreggan, Callendar, N.B. JAMES ARCHIBALD CAMPBELL of Barbreck, Esquire, J. P. for CO. Argyll; B.A. (Cantab.). Born 1854, being the second son of Admiral Colitt Yorke Campbell of Barbreck, by his wife Elizabeth, daughter of James Hyde of Apley, near Kydc. Livery — Brown 7iaret, daughter of the late A. Wauchope of Niddrie- Mershall, North Britain. Clubs — United Service, Army and A^avy, A\"!c< Club {Edinburgh). \As&cy—Bronm and yellow. Armorial bearings as used are: Quarterly, i. gyronny of eight or and sable {for Campbell) ; on a dexter canton or, a lion rampant gules, as descended in female line from Maclachlan of Maclachlan ; 2. argent, a lymphad {galley) sable, oars in action ; 3. or, a fesse chequy azure and argent {for Steiuart) ; 4. gyronny or and sable, on a dexter canton gules two bars or, as descended in female line from Sir Eiven Cameron of Lochiel. This coat roith the addition over the quarters, of a silver medal and s^old cross tendent from a ribbon with clasps, was the coat matriculated in Lyon Register by Sir Colin Campbell, Knight Com- mander of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, who appears to have been General Campbelfs uncle. General Campbell has no present legal right to the arms, but perhaps might be able to matriculate them. Crest— y^ boar's head erased. Kotto—" Nil Tibi." BSLage-Iio^-myrtle. Postal a.ddress— The Albany, Piccadilly, H. Captai.n WALTER DOUGLAS SOMERSET-CAMP- BELL, 79th Foot, Groom-in-Waiting to the Queen from Campben=T5annerman ^ is the Military Cockade. Cam 1880, Deputy-Ranger of Windsor Great Park from i Born , being tlie eldest and only surviving son of the late Waiter Frederick Campbell, Esquire, of Islay and of Woodhali, CO. Lanark, M.P..J.P., D.L. Clubs— Naval and Military, Travellers'. Armorial bearings — Gyronny of eight or and sable, within a bordure engrailed of the first, charged with eight cu^scents of the second, impaling the arms of Brodrick, namely argent, on a chief vert, two s|H-ar-heads of tiie field erect, and the points imljrued gule.-. Mantling gules doubled argent. Crest — On a wreath of his liveries, a griffin holding the sun between his claws pri- ])er. Supporters — Two lions lampant regartlant proper. Married, 1881, Marie Louise, daughter of J. Guild. Resi- dence — Holly Grove, Windsor Park. WILLIAM CAMPBELL of Sherrington, co. Ayr. Born June 27, 1855, l><-'ir>g the only son of Robert Campbell of Skerrington, Esq., J. P. and Advocate, by his wife Anne, only sun'ivi/ig di!u. of John Carr of Dunstan Hill, co. Durham. Armorial bearings as used, but which are not matriculated in Lyon Register to Mr. Campbell, are the arms of the original family of Campbell of Skerrington, from whom the above-mentioned Mr. William Campbell is only descended in the female line. They are — Quarterly, i, gyronny of eight or and sable ; 2. azure, three boars' heads erased argent, between a lance issuing out of the dexter base and a Lochaber axe issuing out of the sinister, both erect iti pale of the second; 4. gyronny of eight gules and ermine. Crest — A dexter hand and arm in armour holding a garland of laurels all pi-oper. Mottoes — Above the crest, " Campi fero prcemia belli;" under the arms, " Wisdom's beginning is God's fear." Married, 1880, Alice Mary, second dan. of the Hon. Lord I^'raser ; and has, with other Issue — William Osmund, b. 1881. Postal address — Ran- dolph Crescent, Edinburgh. W TnK Right Honoukablk HENRY CAMPBELL- BANNERMAN, a Member of Her Majesty's Most Honourable Privy Council, Doctor of Laws, Master of Arts of the University of Cambridge, Honorary Doctor of Laws of the University of Glasgow, Justice of the Peace and Deputy-Lieutenant for the county of Kent, and a Justice of the Peace for the county of Lanark. Born 1836, being the son of the late Sir James Campbell of Stracathro, in the county of Forfar, by his wife Janet, daughter of the late Henry Bannerman of Manchester ; Financial Secretary to War Office, 1871- 1874 ; in October 1872 assumed the additional surname of Bannerman ; Member of Parliament for Stirling District since 1868 ; is Secretary of State for W^ar. 67// Af— Reform, Brooks's, Athenaeum, O.xford and Cambridge, Devonshire' National Literal. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : (Quarterly i and 4, party per pale gules and sable, a banner displayed bendways argent, thereon a canton azure, charged with a saltire of tlie third (for Bannerman) ; 2 and 3, gyronny of eight or and sable, on a chief engrailed argent, a galley, her oars in action between two hunting- horns stringed all of the second (for Campbell). Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet tefitting his degree, with a mantling gules, doubled argent ; and for his Crests, on the dexter side, on a wreath of the liveries, a demi-man in armour proper (for Bannerman) ; and in an escroll over the same this Motto, " Patrias fidelis ; " on the sinister side, on a wreath of the liveries, a boar's head erased proper ; and in an escroll over the same this Motto, " Ne obliviscaris." &'rt^— Belmont Castle, Meigle, N.B. To7cin residence— 6 Grosvenor Place, S.W. §JOHN LIULF CAMPBELL-SWINTON. Esquire. Justice of the Peace of Camptell=^tninton ?^^^ri^.j:z^- Battalion King's Own Scottish Borderers, Member of the Royal Company of Ar- chers, the gueen's Body Guard for Scotland. Born March 3 1858, being the eldest son of the late Archibald Campl>eli Swinton of Kimmergliame, by his wife Georgina Caroline third daughter of the late Sir (Jeorge Sitwell, Baronet of Remshaw, in the county of Derby. V"////u— Carlton • New (Edinburgh) and Conservative (ICdinburgh). Livery— haret- colour, with red facings and silver buttons. Armorial bear- ings — He bears for Arms : (Quarterly i and 4, sable a Q is the Naval Cockade. Can Cap 145 chevron or, between three boars' heads erased argent, wiiliin a bordure engrailed ermine (for Swinlon) ; 2 and 3 counter- quartered, i. and iiii. gyronny of eight or and sable, each charged with a trefoil counterchanged, ii. anil iii. argent, a lyniphad sable (for Cam])bell), and on an escutcheon of pretence the arms of While, namely gules, a chevron vair, between three lions rampant or. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules and argent ; and upon a wreath of his liveries is set for Crest, a boar chained to an oak-tree fructed all proper ; with the Motto, " Jesp(5re." Married, June 6, 1893, Agnes Cecil, youngest daughter of the late George Towry White, Barrister- at-Law, Lincoln's Inn ; and has Issue — Margaret Anne Cecil. Jistate and postal address — Kimmerghame, Dunse, N.B. ARTHUR RICHARD CANNING. Born Sept. 27, 1841, being the only son of John Canning of liryn-y-ntor, Wiiolston, Hants, by his wife Charlotte, dau. of John Webb. Armorial beaxings as used, but for which no authority has been established, are — Argent, three Moors' heads in profile, couped at the neck proper, and wreathed about the t'mples of the first and azure. Crest — A demi-lion ram- pant argent, holding in the dexter paw a battle-axe proper. Motto — " A'(' cede mails sed contra." Married, April 26, 1870, Catherine, elder dau. of Charles Hoare of Cirencester, CO. Gloucester ; and has Issue — (i) Arthur Lionel Canning, b. Sept. 28, 1872 ; (2) Charles John Cannon, b. Sept. 5, 1874 ; Mabel Hoare [m., June I, 1893, Rev. Samuel Holmes of Rampisham, co. I>onet\ Residence- county of Derby, and assumed by Royal License in 1894 the additional surname and arms of Cantrell. Club— Carlton. Liveiy—Graen and gold. Armorial bearings ^He bears for Arms : Quarterly, first grand iiuarter, quarterly i and 4, vert two bars engrailed between two moles erect in chief, and in base a griffin's head erased all or (for Hubbersty) ; 2 and 3 argent, a pelican in her piety, in chief two roses, the whole wiihin as many flaunches all sable (for Cantrell) ; second grand quarter, Hubbersty ; third grand quarter, Cantrell ; fourth grand quarter, or, a pile azure, over all a chevron in\ected between two garbs in chief, and in base a mantlet of six points, all counter- changed (for Boultbee), impaling the arms of Jessop, or, two bars gules gutt(S d'or, between in chief a cross couped between two leopards' faces fesseways sable, and in base a lion rampant of the last. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling vert and or ; and for his Crests, i. upon a wreath of the colours, in front of a grifKn's head erased argent, charged with a fesse engrailed vert, a mole fesseways or (for Hubbersty) ; 2. upon a wreath of the colours, in front of a tower argent, a rock proper thereon, a boar passant sable armed or, charged on the body with two roses argent (for Cantrell) ; with the Mottoes, " Propositi tenax" over the Hubbersty crest, and ' Pectus fidele et apertum " over the Cantrell crest. Married, Dccemtor 5, 1876, Martha Lydia, younger daughter of the late William Jessop, Esquire, of Butterley Hall, in the county of Derby, in the C'onmiission of the Peace for the said county; and has Issue — (i) William § ALBERT CANTRELL CANTRELL- HUBBER- STY, Esquire, Lieutenant-Colonel corn- er a tltTl^lT- mandingand Honorary Colonel (1892) VO^allVVI^U' jst >jotts Volunteers (Robin Hood Ihttfif»i>f«fffM Rifles), late Major and honorary Lieu- lyUUUlPlJJl^ tenant-Colonel 3rd Rattalion (Militia) Derl)yshire Regiment. Justice of the Peace for the counties of Derby and Nottingham, Lord of the Manor of Roclaveston, and patron of Tollerton. Born June 6, 1843, being the younger son of the late Petar Hub- bersty of Wirksworth, in the county of Derby, by his wife Anne Augusta, daughter and sole heiress of the late Reverend William Cantrell, Master of Arts, of Alvaston Field, in the Philip Cantrell Cantrell- Hubbersty, Gentleman, Second Lieut. 15th Hussars, born October 24, 1877; (2) George Albert Jessop Cantrell-Hubbersty, Gentleman, born January 19, 1882 ; (3) Edward de Burgh Cantrell-Hubbersty, Gentle- man, born March 9, 1888; Augusta Margaret; and Mary Frances. 5^fl/— Tollerton Hall, Notts. ELOISE FANNY JODRELL, in her own right Countess Cape St. Vin- Cape ^t Oincent Stugai.'':i./ST843; the Reverend Henry Jod- rell. Rector of Gisleham [to whom refer]. The Editor undertakes that every entry not in itaUcs is that of a genuinely armigerous person. 146 Cap Cat Rev. CHARLES HENRY WARD CAPRON, B.A. (Camb.), formerly Rector of Stoke Doyle. Horn March i8a6, being the fifth son of the late tn-orge CajMon of Southwick Hall, by his wife Martha, thirtl tlau. of William Halliley of St. Neots. Armorial bearings Quarterly i and 4, per chevron gules and azure, on a chevron engrailed argent, lietwcen two lions combatant in chief erminois and a cross flory in Iwse or, three mullets salile (for Capron) ; 2 and 3 sable, on a chevron lictween three lozenges argent, each lozenge charged with an ermine spot, another chevron gules (Capron, ancient). Mantling gules and argent. CSrest — On a wreath of the colours, a cross flory or, in front of a demi-man affrontiV in armour proper, garnished gold, holding in the dexter hand an arrow point down- wards propt-r, the sinister hand resting on the cross. Motto — "Sub cruce salus. " Postal nddress — Westown Lodge, Worthing. P'REDERICK LUCAS CAPRON, Gentleman. Born Oct. 29, 1820, lieing the fourth son of the late George Capron of Southwick Hall, by his wife Martha, third dau. of William Halliley of St. Neots. Armorial bear- ings—Quarterly I and 4, pc-r chevron gules and azure, on a chevron engrailed argent, beween two lions combatant in chief erminois and a cross flory in base or, three mullets sable (for Capron) ; 2 and 3 sable, on a chevron between three lozenges argent, each lozenge charged with an ermine spot, another chevron gules (Capron, ancient). Mantling gules and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a cross flory or, in front of a demi-man affrontfe in armour proper, garnished gold, holding in the de.xter hand an arrow point downwards proper, the sinister hand resting on the cross. Motto — " Sub cruce salus." Postal address — 7 Savile Place, W. Rev. GEORGE HALLILEY CAPRON, Esquire, J. P., B.A. St. John's Coll., Camb., formerly Rector of Stoke Doyle. Borti Nov. 23, 1816, being the second son of the late George Capron of Southwck Hall, by his wife Martha, third dau. of William Halliley of St. Neots. Armorial bearings -Quarterly i and 4, per chevron gules and azure, on a chevron engrailed argent, between two lions combatant in chief erminois and a cross flory in base or, three mullets sable (for Capron) ; 2 and 3 sable, on a chevron between three lozen<;es charged with an ermine spot, another chevron gules (Capron, ancient). Mantling gules and argent. Crest — On a wTeath of the colours, a cross flory or, in front of a demi-man affrontfe in armour proper, garnished gold, hold- ing in the de.xter hand an arrow point downwards proper, the sinister hand resting on the cross. MottO — " Sub cruce salus." Married, 1855, Anna Henrietta, fifth dau. of John Smith, Oundle, co. Northampton ; and i)y her has Issue — (i) George Herbert Capron, Esq., J. P., B..'\. Trin. Coll., Camb., 1^. 1855 [///., Jan. 23, 1896, Edith Alice, dau. of Theo- dore Walker]; (2) Theodore Henry Shuckburgh Capron, Gentleman, B.A. Exeter Coll., Oxford, b. 1857, d. Mav 1892; (3) Frederick Hugh Capron, Gentleman. B.A. Univ. Coll., Oxon. [///., April 12, 1883, Enid Alice, third dau. of S. B. Boulton of Copped Hall] ; (4) Athol John Capron, Gentleman [;«., 1888, Catherine, second dau. of W. Dickin- son of Croydon]; (5) Walter Evelyn Capron, Gentleman, B.A. Trin. Coll., Camb., Barrister-at-Law \jn., 1894, Mary, third dau. of Rev. R. F. Whistler, Rector of Elton, Hunts]; Constance Henrietta; Martha, d. 1880; Bertha Georgina Pauline ; Bessie Louise ; Flora ; Vic- toire; and Grace. 5?^/'— Southwick Hall, Oundle, co. Northampton. THOMAS WILLIAM CAPRON, Gentleman. Bom Aug. 25, 1818, being the third son of the late George Ca^iron of .Southwick Hall, by his wife Martha, third dau. of William Halliley of St. Neots. co. Huntingdon. Armorial bearings— Quarterly i and 4, per chevron gules and azure, on a chevTon engrailed argent, Ijetween two lions combatant in chief erminois and a cross flory in base or, three mullets sable (for Capron) ; 2 and 3 sable, on a chevron between three lozenges argent, each lozenge charged with an ermine spot, another chevron gules (Capron, ancient). Mantling gules and argent. Crest- On a wreath of the colours, a cross flory or, in front of a demi-man in armour proper, garnished gold, holding in the dexter hand an arrow point downwards proper, the sinister hand resting on the cross. Motto— " Sub cruce salus." Married Mary Caroline, eldest dau. of William Fowler ^ is the Military Cockade. Jones of Ashhurst Park, Kent, and co-heir of Sir William Fowler, Bart. ; and has Issue — Claude Littleton Carpon, (jentleman, b. 1846, d.s.p. ; and Ethel Maud Mary. Postal address — The Temple, E.C. Sir JOHN CRAVEN CARDEN, fifth Baronet, of Templemore. in the county of Tipperary, Justice of the Peace for that county. High Sheriff 1882, formerly Lieu- tenant Queen's County Militia. Born January 30, 1854, l)cing the eldest son of the late Sir John Craven Carden, fourth Baronet, by his second wife Julia Isabella, only daugh- ter of Admiral Charles G. Robinson ; succeeded his father 1879, under the creation of August 31, 1787. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Argent, a mascle gules, between three pheons sable. Above the escutcheon, which is charged with his badge of Ulster as a Baronet, is placed a helmet Ixjfitting his degree, with a mantling argent and gules ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a pheon .sable. Married, February 10, 1891, Sybil, only surviving child of the late General Valentine Baker ; and has Issue — John Valentine Carden, Esquire, born Feb- ruary 6, 1892. Seat — Templemore Abbey, in the county of Tipperary. EDWARD CARLILE. Gentleman. Born 1819, being the eldest son of William Carlile. Merchant. London. Armorial bearings — Or. a cross flory gules, on a chief of the second, a saltire of the first. Mantling gules doubled or. Crest— On a wreath of the liveries, two dragons' heads addors(5e vert ; and on an escroll over the same the Motto. " Humilitate." Is Married and has Issite. Residence — Richmond Hill, Surrey. EDWARD HILDRED CARLILE of Helme Hall, Mel- tham, CO. York. Born 1852, being the son of Edward Carlile of Richmond Hill, Surrey. Armorial bearings— Or, a cross flory gules, on a chief engrailed of the second, a saltire of the first. Mantling gules doubled or. Crest — Upon a wreath of his liveries, two dragons' heads addorsde vert. Motto — "Humilitate." Postal address— W^Xm^^A^sW, Meltham, Yorks. § JAMES WILLIAM CARLILE, Esquire, J. P., D.L. Herts (High Sheriff 1882), J. P. Bucks. Born 1823. being the second son of the late William Carlile of Brixton. Club — Junior Carlton. Armorial bearings— Or, a cross flory gules, charged with a crescent of the field, on a chief of the second, a saltire of the first. Mantling gules douliled argent. Crest— On a wreath of the liveries, two dr.agons' heads addorsde vert. Motto — " Humilitate." Married, firstly, 1853, Mary [d. 1892), dau. of W. W. Whiteman of Glengarr, CO. Argyll; secondly, 1895, Elizat>eth, widow of Joseph Crossley of Broomfiel'd, Halifax ; and has Issue — (by first man iage), William Walter Carlile, Esquire, J. P., M. P. , b. 1862. Seats — Pousbourne Park, near Hertford ; Gayhurst House, Newport Pagnell, Bucks. § WILLIAM WALTER CARLILE, Esquire, J. P. and D.L., Bucks, M.P. for North Bucks since 1895. Born 1862, being the only son of James William Carlile, Esq., J. P., D.L. (High Sherift', Herts, 1882), by his first wife Mary, dau. of W. W. Whiteman of Glengarr, co. Argyll. Clubs — Carlton ; Junior Carlton. Boodle's. Ar- morial bearings^ — Or, a cross flory gules, charged with a crescent of the field, on a chief of the second, a saltire of the first, a label of three points for difference. Mantling gules doubled argent. Crest On a wreath of his liveries, two dragons' heads addorsde vert. Motto — " Humili- tate." Married, 1885, Blanche A., third dau. of Rev. E. Cadogan. Rector of Wicken, Northants. Residences — 10 Cadogan Gardens. S.W. ; Gayhurst, Newport Pagnell, Bucks. ALEXANDER KEITH CARLYON, Esquire, J. P. for Middx. , Barrister-at-Law. Born 1848, being the second son of the Rev. Philip Carlyon, M.A. Cantab., formerly Vicar of Wisbech St. Mary, Cambs. Club — Junior Carlton. Ar- morial bearings — Sable, a plate between three towers argent, each charged with a cross crosslet gules, on an escutcheon of pretence, these same arms of Carlyon. Mant- ling sable and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a demi-lion rampant gules, ducally crowned or, gorged with a collar argent, and holding between the paws a bezant. M is tbe Naval Cockade. Cat Motto— "Turris tutissima virtus." Married, 1873, Julia, dau. and co-heir of the late Major Thomas Tristram Spry Carlyon of Tregrehan, Cornwall, and Alperton Lodge, Middlesex. Residence— Monnl Park, Harrow- Middlesex. ' BETSY GREEN CARLYON, V\'idow, dau. of the late Isaac Squires of Woodhouse Eaves, Leicester, and widow of the late Charles Alfred Carlyon, Gentleman, B.A., of Kirby Muxloe, Leics. Armorial bearings are, upon a lozenge— Sable a plate Ijetween three towers, each charged with a cross crosslet gules. Postal address — ELLEN GERTRUDE CARLYON. dau. of the late Charles Alfred Carlyon, Gentleman, B.A. {C:antab.), of Kirby Muxloe, I^ics., and his wife Betsy Green, dau. of Isaac Sejuires of Woodhouse Eaves, Leicester. Armorial bearings are, upon a lozenge— Sable a plate between three towers, each charged with a cross crosslet gules. Postal address — H GEORGE RICHARD GWAVAS CARLYON, Es- S? quire, J. P. and U.L, for Cornwall, Barrister-at-Law. licrn May 16, 1855, teing the eldest son of the late Captain (ieorge Gwavas Carlyon, ist Regt. Foot, by his wife Mary Ann, dau. of Thomas Long. C7«A(— Arthur's, Bachelors''. Armorial bearings— Sable, a plate lietween threi- towers argent, each charged with a cross crosslet gules. Mantling sable and argent. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a demi-lion rampant gules, ducally crowned or, collared ar- gent, and holding Ijctween the paws a liezant. Motto— "Turris tutissima virtus." iVrt/— Tregrehan, Par Station, Cornwall. GERALD WIN.STANLEY CARLYON. Gentleman. Horn December 8, 1841;. being the second but eldest sur- viving son of the late Rev. Edward Carl von, B.A. (0.\on.), by his first wife Anne Helen, dau. of I'homas Harvey of Overross, co. Hereford. — Oriental. Armorial bear- InSTB— Sable, a plate between three towers argent, each Car 147 charged with a cross crosslet gules. Mantling sable and argent. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a demi-lion rampant gules, ducally crowned or, collared argent, holding between the paws a Ix-zant. Motto — "Turris tutissima virtus." Married, April 26, i88r, Laura Theresa, dau. of Reverend Llewellyn Lloyd Thomas, Rector of New- port, South Wales. Residence— Y\^f, Cedars, Lyndluirst, Hants. ' Reverend HENRY CHICHELE CARLYON, M.A. (Cantab.). Born Oct. 6, 1847, being the third but second survivmg son of the late Rev. Edward Carlyon. B.A. (Oxon.), by his first wife Anne Helen, dau. of Thomas Harvey of Overross, co. Hereford. Armorial bearings- Sable, a plate between three towers argent, each charged with a cross crosslet gules. Mantling sable and argent. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a demi-lion rampant gules, ducally crowned or, collared argent, holding between his paws a bezant. Motto— " Turris tutissima virtus." Postal address— Delhi, Punjab, India. THOMAS ALFRED CARLYON, Gentleman, late of Emmanuel Coll. Cantab. Born 1865, being the only son of the late Charles Alfred Carlyon, Gentleman, B.A., Can- tab., and his wife Betsy Green, dau. of Is.aac .Squires of Woodhouse Eaves, co. Leicester. Armorial bearings— S.able, a plate between three towers argent, each charged with a cross crosslet gules. Mantling sable and argent. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a demi-lion rampant gules, ducally crowned or, collared argent, holding between his paws a bezant. Motto — "Turris tutissima virtus." Married, April 17, 1888, Gertrude Elizabeth, dau. of George William Mitchell, by Eliza Lilian his wife. dau. of Rear- .Admiral Robert Sharpe of Portsea ; and has /ssi/e — Thomas Clement Winstanley Carlyon. Gentleman, li. November 2. 1890. Postal address — c/o Capt. Carlyon-Britton. Bitten House, Enfield, Middlesex. H PHILIP WILLIAM POOLE CARLYON - BRIT- IS? TON, Esquire, Solicitor of Supreme C'ourt of Judica- ture, Captain 3rd Batt. Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers, Fellow of the Society of Antiquaries, Justice of the Peace for the CO. of Middlesex. Born October 13, 1863. Ijeing the elder son of the late Henry William Britton of Caer Brito. Ashley Hill. Bristol, by his wife Hannah Canter, daughter and sole heiress of the late Benjamin Poole of Summerhill House. St. George's, near Bristol. He assumed by Royal Licence, dated April 29, 1897, the surname of Carlyon in addition to and before that of Britton, and the arms of that family The Editor undertakes that every entry not in italics is that of a genuinely armigerous person. 148 Car (luarlerly with the arms of Britton. Armorial beaxingB - guarlerly i ami 4. e|uart<'rly or and jji'les, two lions passant ill chief, and as many mullets of six points in base, withm a Iwrdurc engrailed all counterchanged (for Britton) ; 2 and 3 sable, a plate iK-lween three towers argent, each charged with across crosslet gules, and for distinction in the centre chief point a cross crosslet or (for Carlyon) ; and impaling the arms of Carlyon, namely sable, a plate between three lowers, eacii charged with a cross crosslet gules. Mantling gules and or. Crests— i. on a wreath of the colours, a lion's gamb erect and erased azure, guttde-d'eau, between two nmllets of six points also azure (for Britton) ; 2. on a wreath of the colours, a demi-lion rampant gules, ducally crowned or. collared argent, holding between the paws a lx:zant, and charged on the shoulder for distinction with a cross crosslet of tlie second (for Carlyon). Mottoes— " Salut k tous " (for Britton); " Turris tutissima virtus" (for Carlyon). [The arms and crest of Carlyon to tie l)orne without the marks of distinction by the issue of Capt. and Mrs. Carlyon-Britton.] Married, Sept. 8, 1886, Agnes Cassandra, elder daughter of the late Charles Alfred Carlyon, Gentleman, Bachelor of Arts of Emmanuel College, Cambridge, and grand-daughter of the late Rev. Thomas Stackhouse Carlyon, Master of Arts of Pembroke College, Cambridge, Rector of Glenfield, in the county of Leicester, and twenty-first in descent from King I'klward III. ; and has /w//t'—(i) Winstanley Carlyon- Britton, Gentleman, born July 25, 1887 ; (2) Henry Courtenay Carlyon-Britton, Gentleman, born January 21, 1891 ; (3) Raymond Carlyon Carlyon-Britton, Gentleman, born September 16, 1893 : and Ella Carlyon Poole. Estate— Hanham Court and the Manor of West Hanham, other- wise Hanham Abbotts, co. Glouc. Pasta/ addresses— t^i Lincoln's Inn Fields, London, W.C. ; Bitton House, Bycullah Park, Enfield, Middlesex. JAMES CARMICHAEL, Esquire, of Arthurstone, co. Perth, J. P. for Perthshire. Born (J^ii1'tnifhf^(f^ ^^46. being the eldest son of James ^O^UVUUvljai^'i Drummond Carmichael of Ailly-sur- Soniine, France, by his wife Helen, dau. of Robert Stewart (and nephew of the late Peter Carmichael of Arthurstone). <:'//,'/u— Junior Carlton , Scottish Conservative. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Or, a fesse wreathed azure and gules, between a crescent of the third in chief and a cinquefoil of the second in base. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, Car with a mantling azure doubled or ; and upon a wreath of his liveries is set for Crest, an arm in armour embowed, the iiand grasping a broken tilting-spear proper ; and in an escroll above, this MottO, " Toujours prest." Marned, 1874, Margaret, dau. of Alexander Geekie of Baldowrie, co. Forfar ; and has, with other Issue— ]a.mfis Louis Carmichael, Gentleman, b. 1875. Estates attd postal addresses— Anhnr- stone, Meigle, Perthshire. JOHN CARMICHAEL, Esq., J.P. for co. Cork. Born 1837, being the eldest son of the late Alexander M 'Ostrich, Esq., J. P., and nephew of the late John Carmichael, Esq., J.P., of Riverston House, co. Cork; and assumed the surname and arms of Carmichael, under the will of his uncle, by Royal License in 1868. Armorial bearings- Quarterly 1 and 4, argent a fesse wreathed azure and gules, between three crosses pat6e of the third (for Carmichael) ; 2 and 3 per fesse gules and azure, three fishes hauriant argent between eight cross crosslets fitchtJe of the third. Mantling azure and argent ; and for his Crests, i. out of a mural crown a dexter arm in armour, the hand holding a broken spear all proper, the arm charged with a cross pat(5e gules (for Carmichael) ; 2. out of a muial crown proper, an ostrich head azure, holding in the beak a horse-shoe or, and charged on the neck with a cross crosslet fitch^e of the last (for M'Ostrich). Motto — "Toujours pret." Married, 1866, Jane Josephine, dau. of William Maxwell Browne of Cork; and has, with other /jiKe — Reginald St. John Carmichael, Gentleman, /'. 1874. §Sir WINDHAM CHARLES JAMES CAR- MICH AEL-ANSTRUTHER of Carmichael House, in the county of Lanark, a Ba7-onet of Nova Scotia and of Great Britain, Heritable Caning the eighth, but now second, surviving son of the late Ralph Carr Ellison of Dunstan Hill, in the CO. of Durham, of Hedgely, Northumberland, Esq., and lilizalx>th his wife, dau. and co-heir of the late Major John Werge, 38th Regiment. C7/c/u— Northumberland and Northern Counties' Club. Armorial bearings— Gules, on a chevron argent, three estoiles sable, all within a bordure invected of the second ; and for the Crest, on a wreath of the colours, a stag's head couped argent, attired or, gorged with two bars gemel, and between as many annulets gules. MottO (over the crest)—" Por Dysserver." Postal address — HENRY CARR, Gentleman, a Lieutenant in the Wor- cestershire Regiment. Bom Sept. 2, 1872, being the eldest son of the late Ralph Edward Carr, Esq. , a Colonel in the Worcestershire Regiment, l)y his wife Anne Jane, dau. of the late H. A. Wedgewood of Woodfield, Pembrokeshire. Armorial bearings- -(iules, on a chevron argent, three estoiles sable, all within a bordure invected of the second. Mantling gules and argent ; and for the Crest, on a wreath of the colours, a stag's head couped argent, attired or, gorged with two bars gemels, and between as many annulets gules. MottO (over the crest) — " Por Dysserver." Postal address — Thk Rkv. henry BYNE CARR, Clerk in Holy Orders M.A. (Univ. Coll. Oxon.), lately and for fifty years Rector of Whickham, co. Durham, Rural Dean and Hon. Canon of Durham. Born Aug. 24, 1812, being the third son of the late John Carr, Esq., of Dunston Hill, co. Durham, High Sheriff of Northumberland 1813, J. P. and Chairman of M is the Naval Cockade. Car Car '51 Quarter Sessions for co. Durham, and J. P. and D.L for Norttmniljerland, by his wife Hannah, dau. of Henry Ellison of Hebburn, co. iJurhain. Armorial bearings— Gules, on a chevron argent, three estoiles sable, a Ixjrdure invected of the second. Mantling gules and argent. Crest- On a wreath of the colours, a stag's head couped argent, attired or, gorged with two bars gemels and between as many annulets gules. Motto— " I'or dysserver." Married, .Sept. 19, 1838, Eliza, second dau. of J. Ridley of Farkend, Northumtx:rland ; and has /y<:ue—(i) Henry John Carr, Rear-.Xdniiral, h. July 6, 1839 [/«., Jan. 8, 1873, Frances Jane, his cou.'in, dau. of John Carr; she d. April 15, 1882] ; (2) Rev. Charles Ridley Carr, Clerk in Holy Orders, M.A. (Oxon.), b. Nov. 14, 1840 |;«., 1886, Alice Agatha, eldest dau. of Trehawke Kekew ich of Peamore, E.xeter, and has issue, Julia Mary Ridley] ; (3) John Cuthl;eri Carr, b. Sept. 7, 1842, (/. 1889 ; (4) Frederick Ralph Carr, Gentle- man, d. April 8, 1844 ; (5) Arthur Douglass Carr, Gentle- man, /i. Feb. 13, 1846; (6) Edward William Carr, Gentle- man, b. Dec. 16, 1847; Eliza Ridley [vi., 1879, Edwin William Sandys, Esq., of Fulford House, York, late Major R. A. ] ; lilla Mary ; and Caroline Susan Alice [m, ,1894, Ernest Gedge, F.R. G.S.J. Postal address— Kxmo\x\.h, Devonshire. ©HENRY JOHN CARR. Esquire, Rear-Admiral in H.M. Fleet (1894), Admiral Superintendent of H.M. Dockyard, Dcvonport (1896). Born July 6, 1839, teing the eldest son of Rev. Henry Byne Carr, M.A. (Oxon.), and Hon. Canon of Durham [third son of John Carr of Dunston Hill, CO. Durham, and Hedgeley, co. Northumlxjrland], by his wife Eliza, dau. of John 'Ridley of Parkend, co. Northutnlx-rland. rVwAi -United .Service, Royal Naval, &c. Armorial bearings — Gules, on a chevron argent, three estoiles sable, all within a Ixardure invected of the second. Mantling gules and argent. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, ,1 stag's head couped argent, attired or, gorged witli ivvo liars gemels, and between as many annu- lets gules. Motto — " Por dysserver." Married Frances Jane (died 1882), eldest dau. of John Carr. Postal address — H.M. Dockyard, Devon piort. MARTI N RAYMOND CARR. Gentleman. Born July 9, 1877, being the fourth but second surviving son of the late Ralph Edward Carr, Esq., a Colonel in the Worcestershire Regt., by his wife ,-\nne Jane, dau. of the late H. .\. Wedgewood of Woodfield, I'embrokeshire. Armorial bearings — Gules, on a chevron argent, three estoiles sable, all within a bordure invected of the second. Mantling gules and argent ; and for the Crest, on a wreath of the colours, a stag's head couped argent, attired or, gorged with two bars gemels, and l)etween as many annulets gides. Motto (over thi; cresl)— ' ' Por Dysserver. " /'ostal address— RALPH CLEMENT CARR, Gentleman. Born Nov. 23, 1878, being the fifth but third surviving son of the late Ralph Edward Carr, Esq., a Colonel in the Worcestershire Regt., by his wife .Anne Jane, dau. of the late H. A. Wedgewood of Woodfield, Pembrokeshire. Armorial bearings — Gules, on a chevron, argent three estoiles salile, all wiiiiin a bordure invected of tlie second. Mantling gules and argent, and for the Crest, on a wreath of the colours, a stag's head couped argent, .attired or, gorged with two bars gemels, and Ixjtween as many annulets gules. Motto (over the crest) — ' ' F^or Dysserver. " Postal address — The Reverend THOMAS WILLIAM CARR, Clerk in Holy Orders, Rector of Harming, Kent. Born June 15, 1830, being the eldest son of the Reverend Thomas William Carr, Incumljcnt of Soulhlwrough, Kent, and Susan his wife, eldest daughter of the Rev. Richard Woodward, D. D. , Rector of (^lanwcjrth, co. Cork, and widow of the Rev. John Leveson Hamilton, Rector of Ellesborough, Bucks. Armorial Bearings— He bears for Arms: Gules, on a chevron cottised between three annulets argent, as many estoiles of six points sable ; and impaling the arms of Oakes, namely azure, on a chevron between three falcons btlled or, as many leojxird's faces proper. Upon the escut- cheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a stag's head erased proper, gorged with a collar gemelle, and the neck encircled with an annulet gules ; on the attires a riband also gules, passing through an annulet or. Motto — "Pour deservir." Married, February 9, 1858, Harriet (who died Feb. 21, 1889), seventh daughter of John Deacon of Mabledon, Kent; and secondly, |uly 2, 1891, Emily Mary Charlotte, third daughter of Richard Alontagu Oakes, Lt.-Col. ist Lifeguards [and widow of R. Whitfield Hewlett, M.D., by whom she had Issue— Etheldred M. Marguerite Hewlett] ; by his first marriage he has /rsne — {i) Thomas William Carr, Gentleman, B.A. O.xon, Ijorn Jan. 24, i86i ; (2) Robert Lancelot Carr, Gentleman, B.A. Cantab, born March 3, 1863 [md.. 1892, Evelyn Mary Holmes, and has issue] ; (3) .Alured John Deacon Carr, Gentleman, born 1866, died 1888'; (4) Frank Collett Carr, Gentleman, B..\. Oxon, born July 16, 1870; .Mary Joanna Sophia [;«. 1886, Major W. H. M. Fitzherbert of .Somersal Hall, Derbyshire]; Laura [/«., 1893, W^L. Wigan] ; and Margaret Lucy. Estates— hong Rede, Kent, and Eshott Heugh, Felton, Northumberland. Postal ad- dress — Long Rede, Barming, Maidstone, Kent. W/LLIAM CARR, Esquire, J. P. for Yorks, Norfolk, and Suffolk, M.A. Oxon. Born , being the only son oj William Carr of Gomersal and Sarah his wife, younger daughter of John Nuney of Whitelea, in Batley. Clubs — Constitutional, l^eds and County (Leeds). Livery — Dark blue, scarlet vest. Armorial bearings as used, but to which the right has not been established in the College of Arms, are for Arms : Gules, on a chevron argent, three mullets sable. Crest — A stag's head couped proper, charged on the neck with three bars or. Motto — "Ad sidera tollite vultus." Married, Sept. 15, iS^S, Emma, younger daughter of John Whitaker of Howley Hall, co. York; and has Issue — William Carr, M.A. Oxon., Barrister-at-Law [married .Margaret, eldest daughter of the Reti. J. F. Bright, D.D., Master of University Coll., Oxford] ; and Mary. Estates — Gomersal House and other properties in parishes of Detvs- bury and Mirfield, in co. York ; and Ditchingham Hall, Norfolk. Postal address — Ditchingham Hall, Ditching- ham, Norfolk. JOHN RALPH CARR-ELLISON, Esquire, J. P. for the counties of Durham and Northumberland (High Sheriff of the latter 1888), late Capt. 4th K. O. Regt., and served throughout the Crimean Campaign in the 33rd (Dulezants. Mantling azure and argent; and for his Crest, ufjon a wriMth of the colours, three horse-shoes or, thereon a unicorn's head erased sable. Afarried, 1871, Ada Lancaster, eldest dau. of the late Bentley Shaw, Esq., J. P. and D.L., of Woodfield House, CO. 'Vork. A'esidcnce— ^harrow Hurst, Sheffield. FREDERICK liLASSON CARRITT, Solicitor, eldest son of the late Frederick Carritt, Solicitor, (K iWfXfX' '^'' 1''^ fi>'''t "''/<-' F.lisa Mason, daughter of ^hich achii"alm-tree is.suant on the dexter all proper, a chief nebuly azure, thereon a pale argent, charged with two lions rampant comlwtant gules, between as many mullets of the first ; the escutcheon being surrounded by the riblxjn of the Most Distinguished Order of Saint Michael and Saint George, and pendent his badge as a Knight (Commander thereof. Upon the escutcheon is placed a heliuet Ijelitting his degree, with a mantling vert and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours upon the trunk of a tree fessewise eradicated and sprouting to the dexter a crowned crane pro|jer, resting the dexter leg on an escutcheon azure, cliarged with a lion's head erased argent. Motto— " Nemo me major nisi me justior." Married, 1874, Susan Laura (who died 1895), daughter of Lieutenant-Colonel Edward Hocker, Com- panion of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, R.M.L.L ; and has Issue— {\) Otho Gilbert Carter, Esquire, born October 26, 1882 ; (2) Humphrey Gilljert Carter, Esquire, born October 19, 1884 ; Lily Barbara; and Evelyn Laura. Postal addresses— 0,2, Charing Cross, London, S. W. ; Government House, Nassau, Bahamas. THOM.\S TUPPER CARTER-CAMPBELL, Esquire (formerly Thomas Tupper Carter), of Possil, co. Lanark, Col. (retired) Royal Engineers, J. P. for cos. of Lanark and Argyll. Born 1838, benig the third son of the late Admiral John Carter, R.N., and gr.andson of the late Thomas Carter of Castle Martin, co. Kildare. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms ; (Juartcrly i and 4, gyronny of eiglil or and sable, in chief a mullet counterclianged, all within a bordure indented azure, charged with eight buckles of the first (for Campbell of Possil) ; 2 and 3 argent, two lions rampant combatant sable (for Carter). Ujjon the escut- cheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mant- Img sable doubled or ; and upon a wreath of his liveries is set for Crest, a boar's head erect erased or, armed and langued azure. Motto- " Fac et spera. " Married, 19.6^, Emily Georgina, second dau. of the late General George Campbell, C.B., Royal (Bengal) Artillery (grandson of the late Sir James Campbell, Knight, of Inverneith, co. Argyll) ; she succeeded to the estate of Possil, co. Lanark, 1893, on the death of her cousin, Celestine Norman Lamont Camptell. Postal at/rfr^j— Fascadal, Ardrishaig, Argyll- shire, N.B. ^ ^^ MORDEN CARTHEW-YORSTOUN, Esquire, Justice of the Peace for the Cartf)eto-^gor0toun ^7x831 bdlT/th^ eldest son of the late General Morden Carthew, Companion of the Most Hon- ourable Order of the Bath, Madras Army, by his first wife Jemima Borland, daughter of John Ewart, Esquire, late of Mullock, in the county of Kirkcudbright ; served in Her Majesty's Indian Army 1848-1860 ; assumed the name and arms of Yorstoun in i860. Armorial bearings of Yorstoun : .\zure, a crescent between seven nmllets argent, on a chief or, three swords, two in saltire and one in fesse, between a dexter hand couped ap- paum^e and a heart all gules. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules, doubled argent ; and upon a wreath of his liveries is set for Crest, a tower proper; with the Motto, " Mens conscia recti." Married, 1854, Maynard Eliza Charlotte Rochfort, only daughter of the late General Sir Archibald Bogle ; and has, with oxhux Issue — Archibald Morden Carthew- Yorstoun, Esquire, Major the Black Watch, born 1855 [married, The Editor undertakes that every entry not in italics is that of a genuinely armigerous person. '56 Car Caj8f 1890, Madeleine Feilding, daugliter of the late R. W. Hillas, Ksquire, Deputy- Lieutenant, of Scavievv, in the county of iSligo, and Farm Hill, in the county of Dublin], /•'.v/ij/f.t and postal address— M^^X. Tinwald, Dumfries, N.B.; I r vino I louse, Canobie, N. B. Mr. Cartheic- Yorsloun bears, /•,.,' /:,,'» not as vet officially established , for the arms of Carthe^o: {J:i,:)lcrly I and ^, or a chevron sable between three murrs proper (for Cartheiv); 2. asure, a chevron between three escallops within a bordure engrailed or [for Colby) ; 3. anient, a fleur-de-lis gules (for Morden). Crest — A mnrr proper, ducally gorged or. KottO—" Bedoh fyr ha heb drok." Damk HORTENSE CARTIER, Widow, commonly known as Lady Carticr, daughter of Edward ilT AVficV R^yiiond Fabre of Montreal. Armorial ^(Itllvl' bearings are, upon a lozenge: Per fesse gules and or, a fesse of the last, in chief an ermine proper, and in base five pallets of the first. Married, 1846, Sir George Etienne Cartier, a well-known political leader and Premier in Canada, who was created a Baronet in 1868 and died in 1873, when his title became extinct. Postal address — Villa Eldorado, Route d'Antibes, Cannes, France. Sir HENRY EDMUND CARTWRIGHT, Knight Bachelor, Barrister-at-Law, Justice of rrrflt*HY1t*irt"flt' ''^^ Peace for the county of London- Vii^aVVUJllj^UV derry, High Sheriff 1844, Member of Royal Irish Academy. Born July 1822, being the eldest son of the late Major-General J. Cartwright of Marnham, in thecounty of Nottingham, Deputy-Lieutenant and Justice of the Peace; formerly Crown Commissioner of Turks Islands, and Special Justice of Bahamas. Clubs — Carlton, Union. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Erminois, on a fesse embattled gules between three bombs fired proper, a catherine-wheel between two escallops or. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a wolfs head erased per fesse em- battled or and gules, pierced through the neck with a spear argent, Ijetvveen two branches of laurel in orle proper ; with the Motto, "Defend the fold." Married, 1856, Mary, daughter of the late Harrison Watson, Esquire, Justice of the Peace, of Stanhope, in the county of Durham ; and has Issue — Ernest Henry Cartwright, Esquire, born June 1865. Estates — Magherafett Manor, in' co. London- derry. Postal address — i Courtfield Gardens, Kensington, S.W. The Honouiable Sir RICHARD JOHN CART- WRIGHT, Knight Commander of the Most Distinguished Order of Saint Michael and Saint George ; Member of the Dominion House of Commons. Born December 4, 1835, being the son of the Reverend R. D. Cartwright, Chaplain to the Forces of Kingston, Canada, by his wife Harriet, daughter of Conway Dobbs of Dublin ; created Knight Com- mander of the Most Distinguished Order of Saint Michael and Saint George, 1879. Armorial bearings as used, but for which no authority has been established, are for Arms : Ermine, a fesse between three fireballs sable, fired proper. Crest — A wolf's head erased or, pierced through the neck zvith the broken blade of a srvord argent. Motto — " Defend the fold." Married, 1859, Frances, eldest daughter oj Colonel Alexander Imwc of the Honourable East India Company's Service, and has issue. Postal address — Kitig Street, Kingston, Ontario, Canada, TiiK Rkverend WILLIAM CARUS WILSON, Clerk in Holy Orders, Bachelor of caru0-raii0on ^r^:;r;^=i°;ssii ham, late Rector of Lyndon, Oakham, in the county of Rutland. Born January 16, 1845, tjeing the eldest son of the late William Wilson Carus- Wilson, of Casterton Hall, Westmorland, bv his wife Mary Letabl«;re, daughter of the Right Honourahile Edward Litton, Member of Parliament, Master in Chancery, one of Her Majesty's Counsel Learned in the Law. Livery — Claret and blue. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Quarterly I and 4, argent three wolves' heads couped sable, each vulned on the neck proper, a crescent for difference (for Wilson) ; 2. azure, on a chevron engrailed or, between nine quatrcfoils argent, three mullets of five points gules is the Military Cocltade. (for Carus) ; 3. party per pale or and vert, on a chevron between three fleurs-de-lis as many cross crosslets, all counterchanged (for Shipphard). Crests— i. a crescent or, therefrom flames issuant proper (for Wilson) ; 2. a hawk rising sable, beaked, belled and collared or, from the collar an escutcheon pendent argent, charged with a wolf's head as in the arms (for Carus). MottO— " Non nobis solum." Married, firstly, September 30, 1869, Euphemia Barr6 Georgina (who died 1894), daughter of the late Arthur Kennedy Forbes of Newstone, in the county of Meath, Ire- land (a landowner) ; and secondly, 1895, Ada B., third dau. of Thomas Coggin ; and has with other Issue — Rev. Arthur Cecil Henry Carus- Wilson, B.A. (Oxon.), Clerk in Holy Orders, Assistant Curate of Ulceby, North Lincolnshire, born March 10, 1872 ; Percy Carus- Wilson, Gentleman, born October 16, 1873. Estate— "Lm^A at Casterton, in the county of Westmorland. Postal address — Faversham, Kent. M VALENTINE DUDLEY HENRY GARY- ELWES, Esquire, Justice of the rtTflfM (fPTVVUXt Peo.ce for the counties of Northamp- VCmi-l^'VitlUI VP fg,i^ Leicester, arid Lincoln, of which latter county lie is also a Deputy- Lieutenant, and for which he served the office of High Sheriff in the year 1873 ; Felloiv of the Society of Antiquaries. Born November 26, 1832, beingthe eldest surviving soti of the late Charles Caiy-Ehves, Esquire, Justice of the Peace for the counties of Lincoln and Northampton, and a Deputy- Lieutenant for the county of Lincoln, by Elinor his wife, eldest daughter of Rear-Admiral Peter Rye. Clubs — Carl- ton, Army and Navy, Travellers' . Livery — Drab coat with blue collar and cuffs and gold lace trimining, scarlet waist- coat li'ith gold lace edging, blue breeches, and white stockings. Armorial bearings as used, but to which no right has been established at the College of Arms, are: Quarterly i arid 4, or, a fesse azure, over all a bend gules ; 2. gules, a griffin segreant argent, supporting with its claios a flagstaff, tliereon a banner argent, charged with a double-headed eagle dis- played sable; 3. argent, on a bend sable, three roses of the field, on a cariton or, an anchor erect of the second, im- paling quarterly i and 4 asure, a cross fiory or, 2 and 3 gules, three roses argent, on a chief or, a heart of the field. Crests — X. five arrows, one in pale and four iri saltire, all points downwards interlaced with a serpent all proper ; 2. a S7van with wings elevated and endorsed proper. Mottoes — " Deo non fortuna," " In utroquefidelis." Married, firstly, April 28, 1856, Henrietta Catherine, second daughter of Charles Lane of Badgemore, in the county of O.vford (she died April 28, 1864) ; and secondly, November 30, 1865, Alice Geraldine, youngest daughter of the Revei-end Henry Ward of Killinchy, in the county of Down; and has Issue — (i) Gervase Henry Cajy-Elwes, Esquire, born November 15, 1866, Justice of the Peace and Deputy-Lieutenant for the county of Lincoln, and Honorary Attach^ to the Legation at Brussels [married, 1889, Winifrede Mary, corrirnorily knoivn as Lady Winifrede Mary Elizabeth Feilding, third daughter of the Right Honourable Rudolph William Basil Feilding, eighth Earl of Denbigh, and has issue, two sons'] ; (2) Dudley CharJes Cary-Elwes, bor-ri February 5, 1868; and Maud Elinor. Estates — Roxby, Wrawby, Bigby, and Br-igg, in the county of Lincoln ; Great Billing, in tite county 0/ Northampton. Postal address — Billing Hall, Noi-thampton. Hon. JAMES JOSEPH CASEY, C.M.G., elected M.L.A. i86r, but was unseated; represented Mandurang 1863-1879 ; has been a M.E.C. since 1868 ; appointed Min. of Justice 1868, and Solicitor-Gen. 1869 ; was Pres. of Board of Land and Works and Min. of Agriculture 1872-5 ; a Barrister of Victoria, N.S.W. , S. and W. Australia and Queensland, and a Knt. Officer of Legion of Honour and of Crown of Italy; formerly Prosecutor for H.M. ; has been Judge of County Court, Court of Mines, and Court of Insolvency, and Chm. of Gen. Sessions of Victoria since 1884 ; Acting Judge of Supreme Court 1885. Born December 25, 1831, being the eldest son of the late James Casey of Tromroe, co. Clare; cr. C.M.G. 1878. Clubs — Royal Yacht (London), Royal Yacht (Victoria), and Aus- tralian (Melbourne). Livery — Claret, and cream facings. Armorial bearings — Gules, a chevron between three eagles* heads erased argent, langued azure, on a canton or, a star of six points sable. Mantling gules and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a rock, thereon an eagle rousant regardant, holding in the teak a dagger bendways all proper, and charged on the breast with a star H is the Naval Cockade. of six points or; with the Motto, " Vigore et virtute." Married, June 14, 1858, Mary Theresa ((/. June 11, 1897), Cat 157 dau. of James Cahill, Member City Council, Bendigo. Residence — " Ibrickane," Acland Street, St. Kilda, Mel- bourne, Australia. § ARTHUR HERBERT CASS, Esquire, Colonel in the .•\riny, late Major loth Hussars ; served in the Crimea (medal and clasj)). Hont July ig, 1828, being the third son of the late Frederick Cass, Esq., J.l'. and D. L. , by his wife Martha, eldest dau. and eventual co-heiress of John Dell Potjcr of Ponders End, Middlesex. Clubs — United Service, .Army and Navy, Marlborough, Conservative. Armorial bearings — (Quarterly i and 4, per chevron or and ermine, on a chevron sable, between two eagles' heads erased gules in chief and a garb of the first in base, a harrow gold between two fountains (for Cass); 2 and 3 sable, a fcsse ermine, cotised argent, between three cinque- foils of the last, in the chief point a cross crosslet fitchde or (for Potter). Mantling sable and or. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, an eagle's head erased gules, charged on the neck vvilli a fountain, in the beak three ears of wheat or. Motto — " Ubique patriam reminisci." Postal address — United Service Club, Pall Mall, W. Rev. CHARLES WILLIAM CASS, Master of Arts of Emmanuel College, Cambridge. Born May 12, (t[ ittiti 1826, being the second son of the late Frederick kL^U^P Cass, lisquire, Justice of the Peace and Deputy- Lieutenant, of Little Grove, East Barnet, in the county of Hertford, by his wife Martha, eldest daughter of I John Dell Potter of Ponders End, in the coimty of Middle- Sex, by his wife Martha, )iLears for Arms : .Xzure, a castle triple- towered argent l^etween two fleurs-de-lis in chief and a Ijoar passant in Ifc-ise or, and impaling the arms of Maxwell, namely argent, on a saltirc sable, an annulet or, stoned azure, in base a crescent of the second, all within a bordure gules, charged with eight l)ezants. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet liefitting his degree, with a mantling nzm-c and argent; and for his Crest, upon a wre;ith of the colours, a casque, and in front thereof a tilting-spear fesseways all proper; with the Motto. " Spero meliora." Married, July 20, 1893, Maud Lucia Heron, daughter of Sir John Rolx-rt Heron-Maxwell, seventh Baronet. Postal address — Fairlawn, Kent. His Honour AUSTIN COOPER CHADWICK, County Judge for the county of WcUing- tfTfiariVYItrfc "^"' I^ocal Fudge of the High Court of NU^IJllUUllVa Justice. Revising Officer for .South Wel- lington, Barristcr-at-Law. Horn Ncvem- licr 18, 1842, Ix-ing the fourth son o John Craven Chadwick, Estpnre, of Guelph, Justice of the Peace, by his wife Louisn, daughter of Jonathan IVMl. C///^— Priory (Guelph, Canada). Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms: Party per pale tcnles and sable, within ,an orlc of eight martlets an in- iscutcheon argent, charged with a cross of the first, and in the first (juarter a crescent of the second ; and for the Crest, upon a wreati) of the colours, a martlet argent, bearing in Ills bill fesseways a white lily slipped, stemnied, and Ic.ivcd i)roper, borne fesseways, the flower to the sinister ; with tlie Mottoes, (above) " In candore decus," (below) "loujours pret." Married, December 19, 1867, Caroline < "hristie, daughter of Ralph Charles Nicholson ; and has Issue — Henry Austin Chadwick, Gentleman, torn April 15, 1883 ; and Caroline Gladys May. Postal address — Guelph, Canada. EDWARD MARION CHADWICK Esquire, Major (retired) in Active Militia, late Queen's Own Rifles, Bar- rist(T-al-Law, Member of Chapter of Cathedral of Toronto. Horn .September 22, 1840, being the third son of John Craven Chadwick Esquire, of Guelph, Justice of the Peace, by his wife Louisa, daughter of Jonathan Bell. Clubs — .Albany (Toronto, Canada), Royal Canadian Y.acht. Armoilai bearings — He bears fur Arms : Party per pale gules and sable, within an orle of eight martlets an inescutcheon argent, charged with a cross of the first, and in the first quarter a orescent of the second ; and for the Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a martlet argent, tearing in his bill a white lily slipped, stemmed and leaved proper, borne fesseways, the flower to the sinister; with the Mottoes, (above) "In candore decus," (below) " Toujours pret." Married, firstly, June 28, 1864, Ellen Byrne, daughter of James Beattie (she died February 10, 1865) ; secondly, February 20, 1868, Maria Martha, daughter of ;\loxander Fisher; and has Issue— [x] William Craven Vaux Chadwick, Esq., Capt. 36th Peel Battalion (.Active Militia of Canada), born December 6, 1868 ; (2) Edward Alister Eade Chadwick, Gentleman, born February 13, 1871 ; (3) George D'Arcy .\ustin Ch.adwick, Gentleman, born February 22, 1880; (4) Richard Ellard Cardcn Chadwick, Gentleman, born February 16, 1885 ; (5) Bryan Darner Seymour Chadwick, Gentleman, born June 24, 1888; Fanny Marion ; and Louisa .Mary Caroline. Postal address — Toronto, Canada. HARRY CHADWICK, Gentleman, B.A., S.C.L , Wor- cester Coll., Oxford, Barrister-at-Law of the Inner Temple. Born Oct. i, 1849, being the only son of Henry Strct- tell Chadwick, by Elizalx'th Pearce. <7//i^— Conservative. Livery— VinxV blue, brass buttons. Armorial bearings- He bears for Arms : Gules, an inescutcheon within an orle of martlets argent, all within a bordure engrailed or, charged with cross crosslets sable. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet Ijofiiting his degree, with a mantling gules and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, in front of two cross crosslets fitchde in saltire, the flower and stem of a white lily slipped proper. Motto — " In candore decus." Married, Dec. 2, 1875, Jane Lane, 2nd dau. of William Percival Boxall, Esq., of Ivories, co. Sussex, and Brighton; and has Issue — (i) Harry Elias Lane Chadwick, Gentleman, (^. Nov. 10, 1876; (2) t'ercival Strettell Chad- wick, Gentleman, b. Dec. 29, 1880; (3) Rupert Pemberton Chadwick, Gentleman, h. May 23, 1887. Seat — Chad Wyche, Bovey Tracey, co. Devon. H JAMES CHADWICK, Esq., J. P. for Lancashire, and ^ J. P. and D.L. for co. Stafford, High Sheriff 1885. Born July 15, 1824, being the son of the late Robert Chad- wick of High Bank, Prestwich, by his wife Elizabeth, dau. of John Kershaw of Rochdale. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Per pale azure and gules, an inescutcheon ermine within an orle of fleurs-de-lis and martlets alternately argent. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling azure and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, in front of a lily stalked and leaved proper, a martlet argent. Motto, " Deo fidens proficio." Married, .\pril 25, 1854, Laura Janet Emma third dau. of Charles Barnett, Esq., of Stratton Park, Bed- fordshire; and has had /.m?^*?— Charles Robert Chadwick, Gentleman, b. Jan. 17, 1855, d. unm., June 5, 1877. Seats — High Bank, Prestwich, Manchester ; Hints Hall, Tamworth, CO. .Stafford. Thk Reverend WILLIAM KYLE WESTWOOD CHAFY, Master of Arts and Doctor of Divinity /^t«rtf.M in the University of Oxford. Born 1841, ^iHJtll.|/ being the eldest son of the late William West- wood Chafy, Gentleman, sometime of Fcltwoll Tbe Editor undertakes that every entry not in italics is that of a genuinely armigerous person. I 62 Cfia Cfja Fnacc. in tlu- county of Norfolk, by his first wife Annette, second flaunhter of the Right Reverend Samiie Kyle, Doctor of Diviiiitv, Bishop of Cork, Cloyne, and Ross. <•/«/*- 1 uiiior(.\irlton. A/ivn'-Uark-blue coat and trousers with p;ile-bhu- stii|)e, white waistcoat, and silver buttons. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : I'arty per pale gules and azure, a griffin segreant argent, on a chief en- grailed ermine, three lozenges of the second, impaling in right of his wife tlie arms of Shirley, namely, paly of six or and aziu-e, a quarter ermine ; and for his Crest, on a wreath of the colours, upon a mount vert, between two branches of palm, a peacock in his pride all proper, with the Motto, "Fide et fiducia." Married, May 2, 1872, Mary Clara, second daughter of the late Evelyn Philip Shirley, Esquire, of Ettington, in the county of Warwick, Justice of the Peace and Deputy- Lieutenant for that county, and of Lough Pea, in the county of Monaghan, Ireland ; and has Issue — (i) Hugh Edmund Chafy, Gentleman, born May 17, 1876 ; (2) Ralph Evelyn Westwood Chafy, Gentleman, born March 28, 1884; Blanche Annunziata ; Gwendolen Mary ; Honor Annette ; and Ursula Kathleen Theodora, a twin with Honor. Estate — Rous Lench, in the county of Worcester ; and also property in the parishes of Shertiourne, Broadwinsor. and Haslebury Bryan, all in the county of Dorset ; and in the parishes of Trent, Win- canton, and Rimpton, in the county of Somerset. Postal address — Rous Lench Court, Rous Lench, Evesham. Dr. Chafy is entitled (though does not do so] to quarter the following arms for Westwood, viz., gules, a leopard's face jessant- de-lis or, between three mullets of six points of the last pierced of the field. DAVID MONTAGU ALEXANDER CHALMERS, Advocate in Aberdeen. Born Dec. 26, 1861, being the eldest son of James Chalmers, Esq., J. P. of Westburn, Aberdeen, by his wife Theresa Isabel, nie Brander. Clubs — Junior Constitutional, Caledonian, Royal Northern, Conser- vative (Aberdeen), Scottish Conservative (I'xlinburgh). Livery — Blue, with yellow corded edge. Armorial bearings-^ Argent, a demi-lion sable, armed and langued gules, issuing from a fesse azure, charged with a bear's head couped of the first, muzzled of the third, in base a fleur-de-lis also of the third, a bordure of the second. Mantling gules doubled argent ; and on a wreath of his liveries is set for Crest, a dove holding an olive branch in its beak proper ; and in an escroll above this Motto, " Spero." Postal ad- dresses — Westburn, near Aberdeen; 18 Golden Square, Aberdeen. ra Is tbe Military Cockade. SiK DAVID PATRICK CHALMERS, Knight Bache- lor, son of David Chalmers, Doctor of /iri-iaTtr>i>frf Medicine; dul)bed Knight Bachelor, (iHjaUllV'iP 1876. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms ; Argent, a demi-lion sable issuing out of a fesse gules, charged with two bells of the first, and in base a fleur-de-lis of the third. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules, doubled argent ; and upon a wreath of his liveries is set for Crest, an eagle rising regardant proper ; with the Motto, "Spero." Married, 1878, Janet Alice, daughter of James Lorimer, Professor of Public Law of the U ni versity of Edinburgh. Postal address— Georgetown, British Guiana. JAMES CHALMERS, Esquire, Justice of the Peace, eldest son of David Chalmers, Esquire, of Westburn, Justice of the Peace, by his wife Anna Lamb, wt% Camp- bell. CV«iJ— Conservative (Aberdeen). Livery — Blue, with white corded edge. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Argent, a demi-lion sable, armed and langued gules, issuing from a fesse azure, charged with a bear's head couped of the first, muzzled of the third, in base a fleur-de-lis also of the third, a bordure of the second. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules, doubled argent ; and on a wreath of his liveries is set for Crest, a dove holding an olive branch in its beak proper ; and in an escroll above this Motto, "Spero." Married, December 27, i860, Theresa Isabel Brander, widow of the Reverend William Elliott, Master of Arts, of Holy Trinity Church, Paddington ; and has Issue— (i) David Montague Alexander Chalmers, Gentleman, born December 26, 1861 ; (2) James Piercie Chalmers, Gentle- man, born September 6, 1866. Estate and postal address — Westburn, Aberdeen. § RICHARD GODOLPHIN WALMESLEY CHAL- ONER, Esquire, Justice of the Peace for (TTfiaTlltllM* ^'^'-^ county of Wiltshire, late Captain in Vl^lJUlUllV'l' the 3rd King's Own Hussars, Mayor and Hon. Lieut.-Col. ist Wilts Rifle Vols., M.P. for Westbury Div. of Wilts since 1895. Born October 13, 1856, being the second son of the late Richard Penruddocke Long, Esquire, of Rood Ashton and Wraxall, in the county of Wiltshire, Justice of the Peace and Deputy-Lieutenant for the said county, and Member of Parliament, by Charlotte Anna his wife, only surviving child of the Right Honourable the late William Wentworth Fitzwilliam Hume Dick of Humewood, in the county of Wicklow, a Member of Her Majesty's Most Honourable Privy Council in Ireland. In compliance with the provi- sions of the will of the late Admiral Chaloner of LonghuU, Guisborough, in the county of York, Companion of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, Captain Chaloner assumed by Royal License, in the year 1888, the sur- name and arms of Chaloner in lieu of his paternal ^# is the Naval Cockade. €6a Clja 163 name. C/uds — Na.va\ and Military, Carlton. Livery — Black and yellow, with gilt buttons and gold lace. Armorial bearings are : Sable, a chevron between tliree cherubim or ; and for a Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a denii-sca-wolf or. Married, 1882, Margaret Brockleshy] eldest daughter of the Reverend W. Brocklesby Davis! Vicar of Ramsbury, in the county of Wiltshire, by his wife .Margaret Jane, twin daughter of the late William Peel ; and has Issue — (i) Richard Godolphin Hume Chaloner,' Oentleman, born June 29, 1883; (2) Thomas Weston Peel Long Chaloner, Gentleman, born May 6, 1889; and Mar- garet Bruce Esme, CHAMBERLAIN, quartered by BROWNLOW. The Riifhi Hotwurahtc JOSEPH CHAMBERLAIN, a Member of Her Majesty's Most Honourable Privy Council, Doctor of Laws, EelUru.' of the Royal Sorietv, Member of Parliament for I he West Division of Hi i-mingham. Justice of the Peace for liirmini^ham. Born 1836, being the son of the late Joseph Chamberlain of Muor Green Hall, near Hi rmini;- ham, byhiswife Caroline, daughter of the laic Hcnrv llarben. Clubs — Athemrum, Deimnshire. Armorial bearings as used, but for luhich no authority has been established, are : Ciules, eight cinguefoils in orle or. Crest — Out of a mural coronet, a demi-lion holding a key; with the HottO, " Je tints ferme." Married, /friZ/K, 1861, Harriet {loh'o died 1863), daughter of the late Archibald Keurick ; secondly, 1868, Florence (ivho died 1875), daughter of Timothy Ken- rick ; and thirdly, 1888, Ma'iy, daughter of the Honourable W. C. Endicott, formerly Secretary for War, United States of America. Country residence— ///^A/iz/rj-, Moor Green, Birmingham. Town residence— 40 Prince's Gardens, S. IV. JOSEPH AUSTEN CHAMBERLAIN, Master of Arts of the University of Cambridge, Member of Parliament for the Eastern Division of Worcestershire. Born October 16, 1863, being the eldest son of the Right Honourable Joseph Chamber- lain, Member of Parliatnent, by his loife Harriet, daughter of the late Archibald Kcnrick-'of Bernno Court, Edgb'aston. L'.\nh—LJevonshire. Armorial bearings as used, but for 7ohich no authority has been established, are for Arms : Gules, eight ciiK/uefiils in orle or. Crest — Out of a mural coronet, a demi-lion holding a key. MottO — "/'" lit'us ferine." Postal addresses— 28 Highbury, Moor Green, Birmingham ; 40 Prince's Gardens, S.W. Sir NEVILLE BOWLES CHAMBERLAIN. Knight CJrand Cross of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, Knight Grand Commander of the Most Exalted Order of the Star of India. Born 1820, teing the second son of the late Sir Henry C"hamlx!rlain, first Baronet, by his second wife, the daughter of William lilorgan ; created Companion of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, 1857, advanced to the rank of Knight Conmiander of that Order, 1863, and to that of Knight (irand Cross, 1875 ; created Knight Com- mander of the Most Ivxalted Order of the Star of India, 1866, and adv.anced to the rank of Knight Gr.and Cross of that Order, 1873. Armorial bearings^He Umrs for Arms ; Gules, within an orle argent, charged with eight mullets azure, an armillary sphere or. Upon the escutcheon, which is surrounded by the ribbon of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, and by the collars and pendent therefrom the badges of a Knight Grand CVoss of that Order, and of a Knight Grand Commander of the Most Exalted Order of the Star of India, is placed a helmet liefitting his degree, with a mantling gules and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, an eagle displayed proper, the dexter claw resting on an armillary sphere or ; with the Motto, "Speset fides." Married, 1873, Charlotte Cuyler, daughter of Major-General Sir William Reid, Knight Grand Cross of the Most Distinguished Order of Saint Michael and Saint George, Knight Commander of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath. Postal address — Lordswood, near South- ampton. CHAMBERLAYNE, quartered by TAUNTON. CHARLES ROLAND CHAMBERS, Esquire, J. P. Born AW. i, 1863; being the eldest son of Charles Harcourf ('hambers, M.A., Barrister-at-Law, by his wife Lucebella, only dau. of Captain Marcus Theodore Hare, R.N. Armo- riai bearings as used, but for 7vhic.h no authority has been established, are for Arms — Gules, a chevron between three cinguefoils or. Crest— O// a mount vert, a bear passant proper, muzzled, from the muzzle a chain pendent, and re- flexed over the back gold. Vlotto—" En dieu est tout." Married, April 22, 1891, Mabel Ruby, second dau. of fohn Charles Worsley Montagu ; and has Issne—Charles Ferris Montagu Chambers, b. A/arch 27, 1892. Residence— Middlemount, Richmond, Cape Colony. GEORGE FREDERICK CHAMBERS, Gentleman, Ramster-at-Law, J. P. for East Bourne, Lieut, ist Sussex Engmeer Volunteers. Born Oct. 18, 1841, teing the onlv son of the Late Richard Chambers, Gentleman, "M.D., of Wimpole Street, London, by Cecilia, youngest dau. of the late Rev. Alex. Brodie, D.D., Vicar of East Bourne, 1810- 1828. Club— Carhon. Liveiy—lMwc, with white collar and cuffs and silver buttons. Armorial bearings—Argent, on I 5^y- it a mount in b.ase, a n(>gro cutting with a bill a sugar-cme all proper, on a chief aziue two pine-apples or, leaved and crowned of the last. Mantling azure and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, an arm in armour embowed proper, charged with a cross couped gules, holding in the hand proper a scimetar argent, hilt and pommel or. Motto — " Vi et virtute." Married, Sept. 12, 1867, Henrietta Cecilia, younger dau. of Rev. William Roljert Newbolt, Vicar of Somerton, .Somerset ; and has Issue — Julia Cecilia ; Julia Brodie; Constance l"2mily Brodie; Maud Henrietta Brodie ; and Alice Mary Brodie. Estate — Lelhen Grange, Sydenham, Kent. Residence — Northfield Grange, East Bourne. §SrK GEORGE HENRY CHAMBERS, Knight Bachelor, Deputy - Lieuten.ant for the (fThattxhCVd Tower Hamlets. Eldest son of Edward VU^ljaiUUtl^ Chamtes, l>y his wife Mary Ann, n<ok proper, garnished gold. Married, 1858, Dora Louisa, daughter of George Tyrrell of County Down ; and has lssue~[\) George Daniel Chamier, Esq., Major R.A., /'. Sept. 24, i860; (2) Arthur Tyrrell Chamier, Gentleman, Lieut. R.E.,i5. Nov. 28, 1871 ; Georgiana Grace [w. Col. J. Pennycuick, C.S.I., R.E.l; and Alice Geraldine [w. Major R. H. Mahon, R.A.J. Residence— 6j, Inverness Terrace, Hyde Park, W^ ^ Major Sir CLAUDE CHAMPION-DE CRES- PIGNY, fourth Baronet. Born April 20, 1847, being the eldest son of the late Sir Claude William Champion - de Crespigny, third Baronet, by his wife Mary, second daughterofSir JohnTyssen-Tyrell, Baronet ; and succeeded as fourth Baronet under the crea- tion of October 31, 1805, at the decease of his father, August II, 1868. Clubs — Nimrod, Sports. Livery — Blue, with silver buttons. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Quarterly i and 4, argent a lion rampant sable, armed and langued gules, in the dexter base a fer-de-moulin pierced of the second (for Champion-de Crespigny), 2 and 3 azure, three bars argent (for Vierville de Vierville). The escutcheon, which is M is the Naval Cockade. C})ampion=tie Ci'e^pigng Cba Cfta 165 charged with his badge of L'lhtcrasa Baronet, is surmounted by a helmet befitting his degree, tile mantling sable, hned with ;irgent ; and for iiis Crest, on a chapeau gules, turned up ermine, a cubit arm in armour holding in the hand a broad- sword proper; with the Motto, "Mens sibi conscia recti." 'Claims "Seize Quartiers." Married, September 19, 1872. Georgiana I.ouisii Margaret, second daughter of Roljert M'Kcrrell; and has /«//eing the eldest son of Joseph Charlesworth, Esq., J.l'. , of Lofthouse, by Susannah his wife, dau. of the late Rolxrt Demaire. Armorial bearings— I le Ijears for Arms : Ermine, a chevron azure, fretty or, l;elween in chief two eagles displayed sable and in base a mascle of the second. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling azure and argent ; and for his Crest, u[)on a wreath of the colours, a demi-eagle sable, wings elevated fretty or, in the Ijeak a niascle goUl. Motto — "Justitia et virtus." Married, Oct. 16, 1880, ICvelyn Gwenelin, dau. of Adam Eyton of I'las Llanerch-y-mor, co. Flint ; and has Issue- (i) Joseph Eyton Charlesworth, Gentleman, b. Aug. 16, 1881 ; (2) John Hul>ert Charlesworth, Gentleman, b. Feb. 28, 1883 ; {3) William Henry Charlesworth, Gentleman, b. Sept. 14, 1884. .iVa/— Lofthouse, Wakefield, co. York. SSiK WILLIAM THOMAS CHARLEY, Knight Bachelor, Deputy- Lieutenant for the City (TT fini*fPt) "^ London, one of Her Majesty's Counsel \1,\}\XV\\,}^ Learned in the Law, Doctor of Civil Law, Hon. Col. 3rd Vol. liatt. Royal Fusiliers (City of London Regt.), formerly Common Serjeant of London. Born 1833, Ijcing the youngest .son of the late \Iattliew Charley of Finaghy House, near lielfiist, by his wife Mary Anne, daughter of the late Walter Roberts of Collin House, near Lisburn ; dubbed Knight Bachelor, 1880. Clubs— (lTix\xo\\, Conservative. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Argent, on a chevron gules, lx.-tween three corn bluebottles slipped proper, a mullet or. U|jon the escutcheon is placed a helmet Ix'ritting his degree, with a mantling gules and argent ; and for his Crest, on a chapeau gules, turned up ermine, a hawk's head era.sed argent, charged with a cinquefoil of the first, holding in the lx;ak a corn bluebottle as in the arms ; with the Motto, "Justus esto el non metue." Married, 1890, Clara, daughter of F. (J. Harbord of Kirby I'ark, in the county of Cheshire ; and has Issue — Two daus. Postal address— (^ueen Anne's Mansions, St. James's Park, S.W. ; and Court Lodge, Hartfield Square, Eastbourne. H HUGH SPENCER CHARRINGTON, Esquire, 5? J. P. for Staffs., and Capt. Q.O.R. Staffs. Yeomanry Cavalry. Burn 1859, l)eing the eighth son of the late I'Mward Charrington, Est]., D. L. , by his wife Georgiana Trice Mary, dau. of J. 'T. Haumga'rtner of Island Hall, Godmanchester, Hunts. C///Af— Jimior Carlton, Cavalry. A/wrv— Black. Armorial bearings— (iulcs, a gryphon's head erased between two crosses palce in pale or, two Haunches vairfe azure of the second. Mantling gules anti or. Crest — Upon a wreath of the colours, a demi-gryphon, g(jrged with a collar gemelle, charged on the shoulder with two annulets interlaced and resting the sinister claw on a cross pat6e all or, and holding in the dexter claw a branch of thorn-tree proper. MottO — "Cassis tutissima virtus." Married, Oct. 8, 1886, Elinor Nhiry, dau. of the late Rt. Hon. Sir Richard Baggallay, P.C. , Lord Justice of Appeal; and has Issue — Hugh Evelyn Charrington, born 1887 ; Audrey Elinor; and Gwendoline Mary. Estate and postal address — Dove Cliff House, Burton-on-Trent. SPENCER CHARRINGTON, Esquire, Member of Parliament (Tower Hamlets, Mile /1rt?lsat*t«trifYl-rtM Fnd Division), entered Parliament ^yarringron n„,.. ,885. Bom May 24. 18.8, being the fifthsonofthe late Nicholas Charrington, by Harriet his wife, daughter of John Milward of Bromley, ^iiddlese.\•. Club — Conservative. Livery — Drab, with blue waistcoat. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Gules, agryphon's head erased between twocrosses patde in pale or, two Haunches vairee azure of the second. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a denii-gryphon, gorged with a collar gemelle, charged on tlie shoulder with' two annulets inter- laced and resting the sinister claw on a cross pat^e all or, and holding in the de.xter claw a branch of thorn-tree proper. MottO — " Cassis tutissima virtus." Married, Veh. 5, 1853, Alethe Charlotte Pauline, daughter of Rev. Johann Gerhard Calmeyer, Archdeacon of Hammerfest, Norway; and h;is Issue — (i) Spencer Calmeyer Charrington, Gentle- man, born Oct. 14, 1854; (2) Harold Charrington, Gentleman, born 1855, Lieut. R.N., killed on service in l'>gy|Jt 1882 ; (3) Francis Charrington, CJentleman, born November 17, 1858 ; (4) Edmund Knollys Charrington, Gentleman, born March 25, 1863; (5) Henry Charrington, Gentleman, Iwrn March 27, 1865 ; (6) Cyril Norman Charrington, Gentleman, born July 22, 1866, died Nov. 30, 1896; (7) Eric Charrington, Gentleman, Lieutenant R.N., born April 30, 1872; Alethe Marian [married Capt R. A. Montgomerie, C. B., R.N.]; and Katharine Henrietta Violet. Estates — Hunsdon House, Herts, .uid Temple Farm, Roydon, Essex. Postal address — Hunsdon House, Hunsdon, near Ware, Herts. JOHN PATRICrUS CH.AWORTH-MU.STERS, Es- quire, J. P. CO. Nottingham. Born i860, being the eldest son of the late John Chaworth-Musters, Esc|uire, of Anne.sley Park, Colwick Hall, and Wiverton Hall, J. P. and D. L. , High Sheriff 1864, by his wife C'aroline ,\nne, eldest dau. of Henry Sherbrooke of Oxton Hall, Notts; authorised by Royal Licence, Oct. 6, 1888, to assume the additional name and arms of Chaworth. Club — Carlton. Armorial bear- ings — Quarterly i and 4, argent, on a bend gules, a lion passant guardant or, within a bordure engrailed of the second (for Musters) ; 2 and 3 barry of ten argent and gules, three martlets two and one saVjIe, within a bordure engrailed ermines (for Chaworth). Mantling gules and argent ; and for his Crests, i. upon a wreath of the colours, a lion sejant guardant or, supporting with the fore paws a shield of the arms (for Musters) ; 2. upon a wreath of the colours, a tower argent, charged with a bendlet wavy gules, thereon a lion passant or, issuant from the battlements an ostrich feather sable between four others of the first (for Chaworth). Married, Mary Anne, dau. of George Sharpe ; and has, with four other sons and four daus., George Patricius Chaworth-Musters, Gentleman, b. 1888. Scats — Annesley Park, near Nottingham ; Wiverton Hall, near Bingham. The Editor undertakes that every entry not in italics is that of a genuinely armigerous person. 1 70 CIjc Clje ANNE CHARLOTll': fUEAl'E, Widow, comrnoiily known as till! rioiioiirable Anne Cliailottc (jrfirflllP *^ '"^''P^' daughter of the Right Honourable VXy I tlJJv' Join, Arhuthnott, eighth Viseount Arbiithnott. Armorial bearings, upon a lozenge, are : Argent, three ears of wlieat .slipped in fesse vert, impaling the arms of Arbuthnott, namely azure, a crescent between three nuillets argent. Married, July 22, 1S47, Alexander Cheape, Esquire, Justice of the Peace and Deputy-Lieu- tenant, of Lathockar, in the county of Fife. Of the above marriage there is Issue — James Cheape, Gentleman [to whom refer] ; Margaret, [married, 1874, John Edward Taylor Loveday of^Williamscote, in the county of O.xford, and has issue] ; Harrietle ; and Jean Anne. Postal address — Strath- tyruni, St. Andrews, Fife. S GEORGE CLERK CHEAPE, Esquire, Lieutenant- Colonel Fife Light Horse, Deputy- Lieutenant and Justice of the Peace for the county of Fife, late Captain of the nth Hussars. Born October 24, 1842, being the only son of the late Hugh Cheape of the Honourable East India Company's Medical Service. Clubs — Carlton, Cavalry, Wellington, New Club (Edinburgh). Livery — White, with green facings. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Argent, three ears of wheat slipped in fesse vert, and on an escutcheon of pretence in right of his wife the arms of Hemming, namely argent, on a chevron engrailed azure, between three lions' heads erased gules, an ostrich with wings endorsed of the first, holding in the beak a key between two pheons or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a garb or, banded vert ; with the Motto "Ditat virtus." Married, June 5, 1873, Maude Mary Hemming, daughter of Richard Hemming of Bentley Manor, m the county of Worcester, and Caerhim. North Wales ; and has Issue— [i) Hugh Annesley Cheape, Gentle- man ; (2) Ronald Hamilton Cheape, Gentleman, Lieut H.M.S. "Hawk"; (3) Leslie Saint Clair Cheape, Gentle- man ; Catherme Beatrice [w. C. Robert] ; Helen Margaret • and Maud. /;>/«/«— Wellfield, Strathmiglo, in the county of Fife; Carsaig and Terorain, Isle of Mull ; Bentley Manor Redditch. Postal arfrf/rw— Bentley Manor, Redditch. JAMES CHEAPE, Gentleman. Born 1853, being the only son of the late Alexander Cheape, Esquire, of Strath- tyrum, m the county of Fife, Deputy-Lieutenant and Justice of the Peace, and his wife Anne Cliarlotte, commonly known as the Honourable Anne Charlotte [to whom refer] • daughter of the Right Honourable lohn Arbuthnott eicrhtli Viscount Arbuthnott. Armorial bearings— He bears' f(;r Arms: Argent, three ears of wheat slipped in fesse vert • and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a garb or,' is the Military Cockade. banded vert ; with the MottO, " Ditat virtus. Postal address — Strathtyruni, St. Andrews, Fife. JEAN OGH.VY CHEAPE, Widow, commonly known as the Honourable Jean Ogilvy Cheape, daughter of the Right Honourable John Arbuthnott, eighth Viscount Arbuthnott. Armorial bearings, upon a lozenge, are : Argent, three ears of whtat slipped in fesse vert, impaling the arms of .\ibuthnott, namely azure, a crescent between three mullets argent. Married, July 29, 1830, James Cheape, Esquire, Commander in the Royal Navy, who died' without issue, 1841. Pos'al address — Carron Lodge, St. Andrews, N.B. GEORGE EDWARD CHECKLAND, Gentleman. Burti June 18, 1845, bfing the eldest ffTflOf bfanil surviving son of George Ciieckland of >C^lJli-tmaUU Hawks Wick, St. Albans, by his wife Mary Ann, eldest daughter of Thomas Crofts. /,/7'(?/T— Green. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Or, on a pile between two annulets in base gules, ten einqiiefoils, four, three, two and one of the field. Crest — 1 wo cubit arms erect proper, holding two annulets inter- laced sable, each arm charged with a cinquefoil gules. Motto — " Omne bonum dei donum." Married, October 15, 1873, Agnes Aked, second daughter of Samuel John Claye, Manor House, Long Eaton, in the county of Derby. Postal address — Thurnby Court, Leicestershire. WILLIAM CHECKLAND, Gentleman. Born June 10, 1852, being the second son of George Checkland of Hawk's Wick, by his wife Mary Anne, dau. of John Crofts of Not- tingham. Armorial bearings— Or, on a pile gules, between in base two annulets of the second, ten cinquefoils, four, three, two, and one of the first. Mantling gules and or. Crest — A sinister and a dext (6) Hugh Chetwode Chetwood-Aiken, Gentleman, born July 3, 1882. listale — The (ilen, in the county of Gloucester. Postal address — The Glen, Stoke Bishop, Gloucestershire. CHEIWYND. I'AUNTON. quartered by GROSVEiNOR and EMILY HANNAH CHETWYND, Widow, conmionly know as the Honourable Mrs. Charles Chetwynd, daughter of the lat<- W. H. Blaauw of Beechland, in the county of Sussex. Armorial bearings are, upon a lozenge : Azure, a chevron between three mullets or. Married, i860, Charles Cornwallis Chetwynd, Esquire, commonly known as the Honourable Charles Cornwallis Chetwynd, late Captain loth Foot, son of the Right Honourable the si.xth Viscount Chet- wynd, who died 1884. Of the above marriage there is Issue —The Reverend Charles Richard Blaauw Chetwynd, Master of Arts, Curate of Bracknell, born February 17, 1863, died March 28, 1891 ; Emily Mary Frances; Margaret Adelaide [married. June 5, 1890, Frank Bousfield Hudson] ; Louisa Charlotte ; Julia Alice ; Elizabeth, died October 19, 1892 ; and Katherine Philippa, Postal address— Cisshury, Ascot Heath. Pev. THOMAS KELLY CHEYNR, D.D. (Edin.), M.A. (Oxon.), Oriel Professor of Interpretation at Oxford, and Canon of Rochester. Born Sept. 18, 1841, beittg the younger but only surviving son of the late Rev. Charles Cheyne, ALA., by his wife Sarah Anne, dan. of Rev. Thomas Hartwell Home, B.D., Rector of the United Parish of St. Edmund, the King and Martyr, and St. Nicholas Aeons, in the City of London, Prebendary of St. Paufs. Armorial bearings as used—Chequv or arid azure, a f esse gules, fretty ermine, quartering vert', on an inescut- cheon argent, a stag's liead caboshed gules {for Chesham), and azure, a lion rampant between ten cross crosslets or (for Bruse). Mantling or and azure. Crest— O// a wreath of the colours, a bear's head erased gules, chained argent, ringed or. [ These arms were allowed at various Visitations, and a continuation of the pedigree has been submitted to the Editoi , & is the Military Cockade. but this continuation has not I'ccn registered at College.] Married Prances Elizabeth, dau. of the late Rev, Daniel Race Godfrey, M.A., Rector of Stoio Dedon, co. Norfolk. I'ostal addresses— -SV/z/A Elms, Oxford and Pre- cincts ; Rochester. ThkRi:vkki:nd EDWARD ARTHURCHICHESIER, Master of Arts of the University of Cambridge, Vicar of Dorking, in the county of Surrey, and Rural Dean. Born February 23, 1849, Ijeing the eldest son of the Reverend George Vaughan Chichester, Bachelor of Arts, by his wife Harriet Eleanor, daughter of Hugh Lyle of Knocktarna, in the county of Antrim. Clubs — Grosvenor, National Conservative. Livery — Dark blue, with silver buttons. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms: Chequy or and gules, a chief vair, impaling the arms of Cubitt, namely, chequy or and gules, on a pile argent, a lion's head erased sable ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a stork rising with a snake in its beak all proper ; and the Motto, " Invitum sequitur honos." Married, April 23, 1884, Mary Agnes, conmionly known as the Honourable Mary Agnes, second daughter of the Right Honourable George Cubitt, first liaroii Ashcombe ; and by her has Issue — (i) Arthur O'Neill Cubitt Chichester, Esquire, born July 14, 1889 ; (2) William George Cubitt Chichester, Gentleman, born July 20, 1892 ; Harriet Laura ; Mildred Mary. Postal address — The Vicarage, Dorking. ja WALTER GEORGE RALEIGH CHICHESTER- CONSTABLE, Esquire, Mapr 3rd Batt. Liverpool Regt. , J. P. for the N. R. of the CO. of York, and for the CO. Roscommon, High .Sheriff of the latter 1896. Born 1863, being the eldest surviving son of Charles Raleigh Chichester, Esquire, Lt.-Col. 97th Regt., J. P. and D.L. co. Cf)icijc0tet^ Con0tal)le Roscommon, by Mary, his wife, eldest dau. and co-heir of James Balfe, of Runnamoat, co. Roscommon (he assumed in 1895 the additional surname and arms of Constable on succeeding to the estates of his uncle, the late Sir Thomas Clifford-Constable, Hart). Club — I'iccadilly. Liverv — Chocolate and claret. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms: Quarterly of si.x, i. quarterly i. and iiii., barry of six or and azure, on a canton argent a teasle, slijjped and leaved proper (for Constable) ; ii. and iii. chequy or and gules, a chief vair (for Chichester) ; 2. the same arms of Chichester ; 3. gules, a bend vair between six cross-crosslets M Is the Naval Cockade. €U €ix 173 or ; 4. ermine, a fesse between three cinquefoils gules ; 5. or, a lion rampant gules ; 6. argent, a saltire engrailed lietween four mullets sable. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmit befitting his degree, with a mantling azure and or ; and for his Crests, i. upon a wreath of the colours, a dragon's head couped barry of six argent and gules, charged with nine lozenges or, three, three, and three (for Constable) ; 2. upon a wreath of the colours, a stork rising holding in the Ijeak a snake proper. Mottoes — " Surgit post nubila ph.tbus," " Ferme en foy." Married , Novemlier 29, 1888, Edith Florence Mjiry, third dau. of f. H. W. Smyth I'igott, Esquire, J. P., U. L. of Brockley •Jourt, Somerset, and has Issue — (i) Raleigh Charles Joseph Chichester-Constable, Gentleman, b. December 21, 1890; (2) Cecil Hugh Chichester-Constable, Gentleman, h. August 25, 1893; (3) Basil Henry Chichester-Constable, (ientleman, 5^. Iune4, 1897 ; Blanche Mary ; Violet Mary ; and Edith Mary. Estates— V>\xr\.on Constable, Hull; Wycliffe Hall, Dar- lington ; Scargill Lodge, Barnard Castle ; and Runnamoat, Roscommon. Postal address — Wycliffe Hall, Darlington. 3 GILBERT HELE CHILCOTT, Esquire, Major in the Volutiteer Forces. Born December 16, rtTfltlrritf" *^S?' ^>^in^ Z/"" eldest son of John Gilbert V^lJlltUll Chilcott, by his wife Elizabeth, daiii^hter of Thurston Collins. Armorial bearings as used are for Arms : Or, on a pile gules, between tioo lions rampant of the second, three garbs proper two and one. Crest — Tivo garbs in saltire. These arms confirmed and alhnoed 1634 to William Comyn, alias Chilcott of Ish- worth, in the county of Middlesex, but no connection ivith this family or right to the arms has been established at the College of Arms by tlie above-mentioned. Postal address — Truro. CHINNERY-HALDANE, see HALDANE. WALTER MORESBY CHINNERY. Esq.. J. P. for the CO. of Surrey. Horn Aug. 19, 1843, Ix'ing the fifth son of Jolm Fairfax George Chinnery, by his wife Eliza Anne, dau. of James Wyld. ( litbs—C.nrhon, Conser\'ative, Orleans, City of London, Bath, Coaching Club. Livery— DavV. green, yellow waistco.U. Armorial bearings— Azure, a chevron ermine between three lions ranii)nnt or, armed and langued gules, on a canton vert, a harp of the third. stringed argent. Mantling azure and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, on a globe or, an eagle rising proper, collared gold. Motto — "Nee temere nee timid." Married, firstly, Aug. 1871, Mary, dau. of Henry Dixon of Twickenham ; secondly, Jan. 1883, Alice Emily, dau. of James Wilson, formerly of Telpham and Billingshurst, Sussex; and has siu-viving Issue^i) Moresby Chinnery, Gentleman, b. Aug. 19, 1874; {2) Harry Brodrick Chinnery, Gentleman, b. Feb. 6, 1876 ; {3) Esme Fairfax Chinnery, Gentleman, b. March 28, 1886; (4) Ivan Ralph Desmond Chinnery, Gentleman, b. Jan. 28, 1894 ; Ethel ; and Mary. Seat — Hatchford, near Cobham, Surrey. S JAMES FORBES CHISHOLM CHISHOLM- BATTEN, Esquire, Ho- ci)i0ftoim^T5atten :;;;si^;;^,/;^;:^: versity of Oxford, Justice of the Peace for the county of Somerset. Born January 13, 1847,- being the eldest son of Edmund Chisholm-Batten, Ataster of Arts, Justice of Peace for the counties of Somerset and Inverness, by his wife Jemima, n(?e Chisholm, only daughter and, on the death of her two brothers, heiress of William Chisholm, " The Chisholm" of Erchless Castle, in the county of Inverness (who died 1817). Clubs — Athc- ntrum. United Service. Livery — Light blue, silver buttons. Armorial bearings as used, but for which no authority has been established in the College of Arms, are: Quarterly, 1. azure, a chevron ermine between three anchors proper, a crescent charged with a label for difference (for Batten) ; 2. argent, a toyvern, wings displayed, tail nowed gules (for Drake) ; 3. ermine, a bend engrailed gules (for Wallis) ; 4. argent, a saltire gules, on a chief of the last, three escallops of the first (for Copeland) ; 5. argent, a bend wavy sable (for Burton); 6. argent, a fleur-de-lis azure (for Plucknett); 7. gules, a boar's head erased or, langued azure (for Chisholn- of Erchless) ; %. azure, a sta^s head caboshed or, a border of the second charged 7vith ei^ht crescents of the first (for Mackenzie of Findon), and impaling the arms of Utermarck, namely, per fesse or and azure, in chief three rose-leaves on one stem, and in base a mullet of six points pierced of the first. Crests — I. the trunk of an oak couped at top %uith two branches all proper (for Batten) ; 2. a dexter hand grasping a dagger erect proper, on the point a boar's head couped gules (for Chisholm). Mottoes — Above the crest, " Feros ferio" (for Chisholm); under the shield , " Ten ax propositi persto" (for Batten). Married, August 9, 1883, Anne Douglas, wido7V of Captain W. B. Potter, and eldest daughter oj John de Havilland Utermarck, Bailiff of Guernsey (died 1884) ; and has Issue — (\) James Utermarck Chisholm-Batten, born Mav 29, 1884; (2) Hariy Copeland Chisholm-Batten, born October 1885, died 1886 ; (3) E'dmund Rodolphe Chisholm- Batten, horn May 1887; (4) John de Haviland Chisholm- Batten, born October 1889. Estate — Lands at Henlade, near Taunton, in the county of Somerset. Postal address — Thomfalcon, Taunton. CHOLMELEY, quartered by TEMPEST. AUGUSTUS LANGHAM CHRISTIE. Gentleman, Born August 8, 1857, being the eldest son of William Langham Christie, Esquire [to whom refer], Justice of the Peace for the county of Northampton, and Justice of the Peace and Deputy-Lieutenant for the county of Sussex, for- merly Captain Northamptonshire Militia, was Member of Parliament for Lewes 1874-1885, by his wife Agnes Hamilton, (laughter of the late Colonel Augustus Saltren Clevland of Tapeley Park. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Azure, a lamb passant, the dexter leg supporting in bend sinister a banner argent, the staff or, on a chief of the last a tower with two turrets between two gabions proper, in chief a label of three points for difference, and impaling the arms of Fellowes, namely azure, a fesse indented ermine between three lions' heads erased or, muraliy crowned argent. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling azure and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a brown bear passant, muzzled and the chain reflexed over the shoulders or, on the back a tezant, charged with a cross sable, the dexter paw resting on an escutcheon per pale of the last and gules. Married, February 15, 1882, Rosamond Alicia, commonly known as Lady Rosamond Alicia, third daughter of the Right Honourable Isaac Newton Fellowes, fifth Earl of Ct)ri0tie The Editor undertakes that every entry not in italics is tbat of a genuinely armigerous person. 171 €i)X Cfir Portsmouth ; and has Issue — John Cliristie, Gentleman, born December 14, 1882. Postal addresses — Tapeley Park, Instow, N. Devon ; 42 Great Cumberland Place, Lon- don, W. HKCTOR CHRISTIE, Esquire, J. P. for West Riding of county of York. Horn April 12, 1828, being the second but eldest surviving son of the late Lorenzo Christie, Gentle- man, of Edale, co. Derby, and Slackhousc, co. York, by his wife Ann, dau. of Isaac Hayk-y of Lenton Sands, Not- tinghamshire. ('////' — Reform. Armorial bearings — ^Or, a saltire wavy l)etvveen four mullets pierced sable. Mant- ling gules doubled argent. Crest — On a wreath of his liveries, a withered holly-branch sprouting out afresh proper ; and in an escroll over the same this Motto, ".Sic viresco." Married, Septembers, 1852. Mary Elizabeth {d. 1868), dau. of William Simpson of Singleton Brook, co. Lancashire; and has /.f.r//<'— William Lorenzo Christie, Esquire, J. P., /'. Deeeml>er 18, 1858; and Anne. Seats — Langcliffe Place, near Settle, co. York ; and Jervaul.K Abbey, Bedale, Yorks. S THOMAS CRAIG CHRISTIE, Esquire, of Bedlay and Petershill, Lanarkshire, J. P. and D. L. for Lanark- shire, and J. P. for the cos. of Dumbarton and Glasgow, a Commissioner of Supply and a Commissioner of Assessed Ta.xes and Projierty and Income Tax for Lanarkshire. Born Sept. 6, 1816, being the eldest son of James Ramsay Christie, sometime merchant in Glasgow, and his wife May, dau. and co-heiress of Thomas Craig, sometime of Nantwich, Cheshire, and latterly of Glasgow. Clubs — Western (Glasgow), United .Service (Edinburgh). Liveiy —Dark blue, with yellow or gold facings. Armorial hear- ings — Or, a saltire indented fjetween four mullets sable, on a chief of the last three crescents argent. Mantling gules and argent. Crest — On a wreath of his livcMies, a branch of holly leaved and fructed proper. Motto — " Sic viresco." Married, firstly, Feb. 15, 1853, Catherine Cameron of Bedlay and Petershill, daughter and heiress of James Campbell, Esquire, a Captain in the 94th liegt. , and J. P. for the co. of Lanark (she died Feb. 4, 1854); and secondly, Feb. 14, 1859, Anna Boiling, eldest dau. of John Cross Buchanan, Esquire, of Moss and Auchintoshan, Dumbartonshire, J. P. ; ^ is the Military Cockade. and has Isstie — (i) Walter Cross Buchanan Christie, Esquire, h. Dec. s, 1862, Writer to the Signet in Edinburgh, and a Conmiissioner of Su|)ply and a J. P. for Lanarkshire; (2) Bernard Ramsay Craig Christie, Gentleman, b. March 12, 1870, an M.B. and CM. of Edinburgh University; (.'athe rine C"ampbell ; Eveline May ; Anna Holeyn ; and Jean Wardrop. Estates — Bedlay, and Mollins, and Petershill, in the counties of Lanark and Glasgow. Postal address — Bedlay, "Chryston, Glasgow, Lanarkshire. M WILLIAM LANGHAM CHRISTIE, Esquire, of %^ (ilyndebourne, in the county of Sussex, Master of Arts, Justice of the Peace for the counties of Sussex and Northampton, and Deputy-Lieutenant for the county of Sussex, Member of Parliament for Lewes 1874-1885, late Captain Northamptonshire Militia. I',orn May 31, 1830, lieing the son of the late Langham Christie, Esciuire, of Preston Deanery, High Sheriff of the county of Northamp- ton 1852, by his wife Margaret Elizabeth, daughter of William Gosling of Hassobury Park, Bishop's Stortford, in the coiuity of Essex. Clubs — Carlton, Oxford and Cam- bridge, Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Azure, a lamb passant, the dexter leg supporting in bend sinister a banner argent, staff or, on a chief of the last a tower with two turrets between as many gabions proper, and upon an escutcheon of pretence the arms of Cleveland, namely azure, a hare salient or, collared gules, to the collar a bugle-horn pendent sable. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling azure and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a brown bear passant muzzled, the chain reflexed over the shoulder or, on the back a bezant charged with a cross sable, the dexter paw resting on an escutcheon per pale of the last and gules. Motto — " Integer vitne." Married, October 22, 1855, Agnes Hamilton, eldest daughter and co-heir of Colonel Augustus Cleveland of Tapeley Park, North Devon ; and has had Issue — (i) Augustus Langham Christie, Gentleman [to whom refer]; (2) Langham Charles Christie, Gentleman, born December 5, 1858, died October 7, 1879 ; (3) Archibald Christie, Gentleman, born October 31, 1859, died March 29, 1888; (4) Edward Christie, Gentleman, born January 5, 1864 [married, July 16, 1886, Ethel Mary, daughter of John Alison MacMahon] ; (5) Spencer Christie, Gentleman, born Fel)ruary 26, 1868, died December 27, 1889 ; (6) Henry Herbert Christie, Gentleman, born October 13, 1869 ; Agnes Chichester; Elizabeth, died may 18, 1894; and Mary [married Major Le Marchant, 1892]. Estate and postal address — Glyndebouree, Lewes, Sussex. Toivn House — 117 Eaton Square, S.W. CAin-AiN ALFRED CHARLES SETON CHRISTO- PHER, Seaforth Highlanders, served in Southern Afghan- istan, 1880 (Medal), and as A.D.C. to Governor of Bomha)', 1881-82, Recruiting Staff Officer N.W. District since 1892. Born March 20, 1856, being the 3rd Ixit 2nd surviving son of the Rev. Alfred Millard William Christopher of Down- end, CO. Gloucester, M.A., Hon. Canon of Christ Church, and Rector of St. Aldate's, Oxford, by his wife Maria Francis, 2nd dau. of Thomas Christopher. Armorial bear- ings — Per chevron wavy azure and erminois, a chart of Chesterfield's Inlet, between two estoiles in chief argent and on a mount in base vert a beaver passant proper. Mantling azure and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, two arms embowed, vested azure, the hands proper, supporting an anchor erect sable, cable argent. Motto — " Arteconservatus." Married, July 17, 1892, Melesina I'"thel Maud, youngest dau. of Philip Chenevix-Trench of Botley, DAN BY STEVENS CHRISTOPHER. Gentleman. Born Feb. 23, 1829, being the eldest son of the late John Danby Christopher, by his wife Elizabeth Henley Stevens, niece of Joseph Henley, Esq. , of Waterpery, co. Oxford. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Per chevron wavy azure and erminois, a chart of Chesterfield's Inlet, between two estoiles in chief argent, and on a mount in base vert, a beaver passant proper. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling azure and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, two arms embowed, vested az. , the hands ppr. sup- porting an anchor erect sa. , cable arg. Motto — "Arte conservatus." Married, 1866, Margaret, dau. of William Charles Kerr, Esq. , of the Haie, co. Gloucester, and grand- dau. of General James Kerr. She (/. at San Remo, Nov. 3, 1881, s.p. Postal address — 28 Argyll Street, London, W. H is the Naval Cockade. C&r Cla 175 lENRY CARMICHAEL CHRISTOPHER, Gentle- man. Born Jan. 31, 1845, being the only son of Wilmot Christopher, Esquire, Comm. Indian Army, by his wife Caroline, elder dau. and co-heir of Col. Simpson. Armorial bearings — Per chevron wavy azm-e and erminois, a chart of Chesterfield's Inlet, between two estoiles in chief argent and on a mount in base vert a beaver passant proper. Mantling azure and or. Great — Two arms embowed, vested azure, the hands proper, supporting an anchor erect sable, cableargent. MottO — " Arteconservatus." Married, July 30, 1868, Charlotte Louisa, 4th dau. of Major William Harpur, 80th Regt. ; and has Issue — Cosby Carmichael Christopher, Gentleman, b. Dec. 7, 1869. JOHN THOMAS CHRI.STOPHER, Gentleman. Fiorti 1830, Ix'ing the second son of the late John Danby Chris- to|)her, Gentleman, by his wife Elizalx;th Henley Stevens. Armorial bearings — Per chevron wavy azure and erminois, a chart of ('hesterlii-ld's Inlet, IxHween two estoiles in chief argent and on a mount in base vert a beaver passant proper. Mantling azure and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, two arms cnibowcd, vested azure, the hands proper, supporting an anchor erect sable, cable argent. Married, 1862, Helen, daugliter of Thomas Smith; and by erminois, a chart of Chesterfield's Inlet, between two estoiles in chief argent and on a mount in base vert a beaver passant proper. Mantling azure and or. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, two arms embowed vested azure, the hands proper, supporting an anchor erect sable, cable argent. Motto — "Arte conservatus." Sir GEORGE HA YTER CHUBB, Knight Bachelor (1885), Knight of Grace of the Order of the Hospital of St. John of Jem sale m in Etigland. Born 1848, being the second son of John Chuhb of Brixton Rise, S. W. Clubs — Carlton, Constitutional. Armorial bearings as used, but for which no authority has been established, are for Crest, a demi-lion rampant holding a bezant. Married, 1870, Sarah Vanner (Lady of Grace of the Order of the Hospital of St. John of Jerusalem in England), dau. of Charles Elarly, Est/., J. P. of Witney, Oxon. Seat — Netvlands, Chislehurst, Kent. §TiiF. Right Honourable JOHN GEORGE BARRY BINGHAM, Baron Clanmorris of rtrTfltltrirtffftf Newbrook, in the county of Mayo, VO^iaUUlUllrl^ in the Peerage of Ireland, Deputy- Lieutenant and J. P. for the cos. of Galway and Down, late Lieutenant Rifle Brigade, and '-'/r- #i''?^PM her (who d. Nov. 8, 1888) has Issue— {\) Freville Christopher, b. Sept. 7, 1866 ; (2) John Danby Christopher, 2nd Lieut. Derbyshire Regt., b. Nov. i, 1871 ; Mary Henley ; Helen Stanley ; and Alice, /^w/rf^w^— Estcourt Lodge, Watford. WILMOT CONWAY CHRISTOPHER, Gentleman. Born Feb. 27, i860, being the only son of the late Thom.-\s Borradaile Christopher, I^squire, Commander R.N., by his wife Selina, dau. of Major William Conway Harpur, 80th Regt. Armorial bearings — Per chevron wavy azure and Aide-de-Camp to the Lord-Lieutenant of Ireland, Born August 27, 1852, teing the eldest son of the fourth Baron, by iiis wife Sarah Selina, fourth daughter of Burton Persse of Moyode Castle, in the county of Galway. Creation — July 31, 1800. C///^— Carlton, Kildare Street (Dublin), County Galway, Ulster (Belfast), Ulster Yacht (Bangor). Ar- morial bearings— He bears for Arms : Azure, a bend cotised between six crosses patfc or, impaling the arms of Ward, namely azure, a cross patonce or. Above the escutcheon is placed the coronet of his rank, and thereupon a helmet be- The Editor undertakes that every entry not in italics is that of a genuinely armigerous person. 176 Cla Cla fitting his de^ee, witli a niantling azure and or ; and for his Crest, a rock, tlioreon an i-asle rising all jMoper. Suppor- ters— Two lions proper. Motto— "Spes nica Christus." A/arriit/, June 27, 1878, Matilda Catherine, only child of Rolx-rt li. Ward, Esquire, of Hangor Castle, in the county of Down ; and has /ssi/e—(i) Artliur Maurice Robert Bingham, Esquire, commonly known as the Honourable Arthur Maurice Robert Bingham, born June 22, 1879 ; (2) John Denis Yelverton Bingham, ICsquire, commonly known as the Honourable John Denis Yelverton Bingham, born August It, 1880; (3) Edward Barry Stewart Bingham, Esquire, commonly known as the Honoural)le Edward Barry Stewart Bingham, born July 26, 1881 ; (4) Hugh Terence de Burgh Bingham, Esquire, conuuonly known as the Honourable Hugh Terence de Burgh Bingham, born December 31, 1885; (5) Henry Derrick Thomas Bingham, Esquire, commonly known as the Honourable Henry Der- rick Thomas Bingham, born Octolwr 17, 1887; (6) George Roderick Bentinck Bingham, Esquire, commonly known as the Honour.-vble George Roderick Bentinck Bingham, born May 5, 1894 ; (7) Richard Gerald Ava Bingham, Esquire, commonly called the Honourable Richard Gerald Ava Bingham ; H.irriette lerne Maude, commonly known as the Honourable Haniette lerne Maude ; Emily Ina Flor- ence, commonly known as the Honourable Emily Ina Florence ; Eleanor Clare Alice, commonly known as the Honourable Eleanor Clare Alice. Seafs—Creg Clare, Ardrahan, in the county of Galway ; Newbrook, Bally- glass, in the county of Mayo ; Fonfield, in the county of Dublin. JOHN LEIGH CLARE, Gentleman. IJorn, June 29, T824, being the third son of William Clare of Liverpool, by his wife Elizabeth, daughterof Ralph Leigh of HindleyGreen, Lanes. Armorial bearings — Argent, a chevronel gules, between two others azure, on a chief dancetti?e of the last a goat's head erased between two crosses patonce or. Mant- ling azure and argent. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, upon a mill-rind fesseways or, a cock with wings expanded gules. Motto — "Vigilante." Married, March 5, 1850, Francisca Constancia de Carvalho, dau. of Thomaz Joz^ Duarte of Liverpool and Figueira da Foz, Portugal ; and has Issue — (i) John Francis Leigh Clare, Gentleman, b. Nov. 4, 1851 ; (2) Edward William Leigh Clare, Gentle- man, b. Oct. 28, 1855, (/. Oct. 28, 1884; Constance Leigh ; and Mabel Leigh. Residence — Hoylake, Birkenhead. OCTAVIUS LEIGH LEIGH-CLARE, B.A. (Cantab.), Barrister-at-Law, M. P. for Eccles Div. of Lanes. Bom July 6, 1841, being the son of William Clare of Hindley House, Walton Breck, Lanes., by Elizabeth, dau. of James Leigh of Hindley. Chibs — Carlton, New University, St. Stephen's. Armorial bearings — .\rgent, a chevronel gules, between two chevroncls azure, on a chief indented of the last, a goat's head erased between two crosses patonce or, and impaling the arms of Wigan, namely vair, on a pile or, a mount vert, thereon a mountain ash-tree proper. Mantling gules and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a fer-de-moline fesseways or, thereon a cock with wings expanded gules. Married, firstly, 1868, Harriet [d. 1885), dau. of William H\ison of Liverpool ; secondly, 1889, Jane Maria, dau. of James Wigan of Mortlake, Surrey. Residence — Hindley Cottage, East Sheen, Surrey. S FREDERICK CLARK, Esquire, Deputy-Lieutenant for the county of Hereford. Born March 4, 1837, rtTf J11*fc being the second son of Edward Clark, by his V^ltlVP. vvife Maria, daughter of Charles Sparkes of Harley Street, Cavendish Square, London, W, Clubs — Carlton, Boodle's. Livery — Black. Armorial bear- ings— He bears for Arms : Party per pale or and argent, on a lx;nd engrailed plain cotised gules between four pellets, a rose between two swans close of the second ; and for his Crest, on a wreath of the colours, upon the trunk of a tree eradicated and sprouting to the dexter, a lark rising proper, charged on the breast with a rose gules, and holding in the beak three ears of wheat slipped or. Married, 1870, Fanny Frederica, daughter of the Reverend Prebendary Hubert M'Laughlin, by Frederica his wife, commonly known as the Honourable Frederica, youngest child of Sir Edward Crofton, third Baronet, and sister of the Right Honourable Sir Edward Crofton, second Baron Crofton ; and has Issue — (i) Frederick Stewart Clark, Gentleman, born September 8, 1872 ; (2) Mervyn Hanbury Lowther Clark, Gentleman, ^ is tbe Military Cockade. born April 30, 1879 ; (3) St. George Rushout Clark, Gentle- man, born June 28, 1888; Kathleen Frederica; Augusta Ida Crofton ; and Dorothy Agnes Graham. Postal address — ^42-A Great Cumberland Place, London, W. § GORDON IVYA TT CLARK, Justice of the Peace and Deputy-Lieutenant for the county of Surrey, eldest sur- viving son of Mattlieiu Clark, by his ivife Catharine. Club — Union. Livery — Blue coat, scarlet waistcoat. Armorial bearings as used, but for which no authority has been estab- lished in the College of Arms, are for Arms : Ardent, on a bend gules bet^ueen three pellets, as ma?iy swans close argent, and on a sinister canton azure in base, a demi-ram dehruised by a baton in bend dexter, and in chief two fleurs-de-lis. Crest — A lark rising, holding iti the beak an ear of wheat proper. MottO — "Be advised." Married, June 29, 1852, Anna Maria, only daughter of Henry Welch of Brunswick Square, Brighton; and has with other Issue — (i) Henry Herbert Gordon Clark; (2) Captain Craufurd A. Gordon Clark, King's Royal Ri_fles ; (3) Charles Stanley Gordon Clark. Estate — Meekleh'am Hall, Dorking. Postal address — Meekleham Hall, Dorking. JAMES JACKSON CLARK, Esquire, late Major 9th Brigade, North Irish Dragoons, and Hon. Lieut.-Col., J. P. and D.L. for co. Londonderry (High Sheriff 1875). Born April 6, 1845, being the second son of James Johnston Clark, Esquire, Deputy-Lieutenant for the county of London- derry, by his wife Frances, daughter of Robert Hall, Esquire, Deputy-Lieutenant, of Merton Hall. Clnb — Kildare Street (Dublin). Livery — Claret colour, with red piping. Armo- rial bearings— He bears for Arms : Gules, three swords erect in ])ale proper, hilts and pommels or, a canton argent charged with a trefoil vert. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules and argent ; and for his Crest, out of a mural crown an arm embowed in armour, the hand holding a dagger all proper, charged with a trefoil vert. Motto — " Virtute et labore." Married, November 16, 1883, Mary Elizabeth Lenox-Con- yngham, eldest daughter of Sir William Lenox-Conyngham Springhill ; and has Issue — (i) James Jackson Clark, Gentle- man, born September 26, 1884 ; (2) Francis Hartley Hall Clark, Gentleman, born June 22, 1886; (3) Roland Arbuth- not Clark, Gentleman, born July 15, 1888 ; and Eleanor Laura. Estate — The Maghera Estate, in the county of Londonderry. Postal rtrt'rf/w.v— Largantogher, Maghera. §THOM,^S CLARK, Esq., J. P. and D.L. for Wilts, and a retired Major, Wilts R.V. Born 1819, being the eldest son of the late Thomas Clark, Esquire, of Bellefield, by Sarah, dau. of the late William Perkins of Trowbridge. Armorial bearings — Or, on a bend between two crosses moline gules, three swans argent. Mantling gules and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a swan argent, ducally gorged and with chain retlexed over the back or, charged on the wings with an estoile gules, and resting the dexter foot on a cross moline also gules. Mar- ried, 1876, Dorcas, dau. of Samuel I'earce. Seat — Belle- field, Trowbridge. M is the Naval Cockade. Cla Cla 177 )HN WILLIAM JAMKS CLARK - KENNEDYT Gentleman, /hirii 1875, being the eldest son of the late Alexander William Maxwell Clark- Kennedy, Esq., J. P. and D.L., of Knockgray, late Capt. Coldstream Guards, F.S.A., F.R.G.S., F.L.S., by his wife Hon. Lattice Lucy Hewitt, dau. of James, fourth Viscount Lifford. Clubs — Travellers', Guards'. Armorial bearings — Argent, a chevron gules, between threi; cross crosslcts titch^e sable, in chief a tleur-de-lis of the second ; and as an honourable augmentation (granted to .Sir .Alexander Clark-Kennedy in commemoration of his having, when in command of the centre squadron of the Royal Dragoons at the Battle of Waterloo, captured the eagle and colours of the 105th Regt. of Infantry with his own hand), on a canton ermine, the eagle and colours of the 105th Regt. and a swoid crossed proper, and above them the word " Waterloo." Mantling gules doubled argent. Crests — 1. on a wreath of the colours, a demi-man in the uniform of the Royal Dr-igoons, holding in his dexter hand a sword, and sinister a French eagle all jiropcr ; 2. on a wreath of the colours, a dolphin naiant proper. Hotto — " A vise la fin." Seat — Knockgray, Carshairn, co. Kirkcudbright, N.B. Ttnun house — 19 Eccles-ton Square, S.W, FRANK CLARKE, Gentleman. Horn August 20, 1855, being the second son of the late Thomas Clarke of The Elms, CO. Derby, by his wife Sarah ElizaUnh, only child of lidward Ranisbottom of Liverpool. Armorial bearings — (jules, a saltire engrailed erminois Ixjtween twf> lli'urs- de-lis in pale and as many horses' heads cou|)ed in fesse argent. Mantling gules and or ; antl ff)r his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, in front of a heraldic tiger's head erased sable, maned or, gorgefi with a collar gemel argent, two Heurs-di-lis also argent. Hotto — " Vincit t.\\\\ pastitur." Married Mary, daughter of Thomas Stockham of New- port, CO. Monmouth. Residence — S GEORGE J.XCKSON CLARKE, Esq., J. P. and I). L. for CO. Antrim. Horn , lieing the son of the late (ieorge Clarke, by Mary JacLson. Armorial beaxings — .Azure, on a l)end lietween two crosses patee titclu'-e or, a torteau between two trefoils slipjied vert. Mantling azure and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath '>f the colours, a Ixiar's head erased sable, tr^mslixed through the jaws with a broken spear proper. Motto—" Non egct jaculis." Married, 1827, I^Ilen, youngi'st dau. of the late Robert Mercer; and by her, who died 1886, has, with other surviving Issue — Rotx'rt Clarke, Es<|uire, Lieut. -Col., late of the 7th Dragoon Guards, /'. 1842 [;//., 1876, Sarah Louisa Cavendish, youngest dau. of .M.ajor Roger Palmer of Carrowniore, co. Mayo]. Seat — The Steeple, Antrim, Ireland. Lieut. Col. Sir GEORGE SYDENHAM CLARKE, K.C.M.G., I'.R.S., R.E. Born Julv 4, 1848. being the eldest son of Gen. Tredway Clarke, if the //.E./.C.S., by his wife Sarah, dau. of Humf^hrrv Sydtiiham. Clubs — Athenrtum, United Setviee. Armorial bearings as used, hut for which no authority has been established, are — Gules, a che^iron between three swans argent. Crest — .A demi-dragon issuant from Jlames all proper. Motto^" /« medio tutissimis." Married, June i, 1871, Caroline Emily, eldest dau. of Gen. Peregrine Henry L'ellirwes ; and has Issue — Constance l''iolet. Postal address — 24 Cheniston Gardens, Kensington. JOHN CREEMER CLARKE, Esq.. J. P. for Berkshire, and for Abingdon, Mayor of .Abingdon 1870, and M.P. for Abingdon 1874 to 1885. Liorn 1821, lieing the eldest son of the late Rolx-rt Clarke of .St. Giles's-in-the-Wood, Devon, by (jlraciana, dau. of the late John Creemer of Exlxjurne, Devon. C////'.f— Reform, 'Devonshire. Armorial bearings —Vert, on a l)end ermine, cotised or, Ix'twecii three crosses patf^e argent, as many swans of the third. Mantling vert and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, in front of a mount overgrown with clover, a Lark rising pro|x;r, charged on the bre;ist with a cross pat^e argent, and holding in the beak an ear of wheat or. Married, ist. 1845, .Anna Maria, dau. of John .Avis, Esq., of Minehead, Somerset (she died 1848); 2nd, 1849, Elizabeth, dau. of John Joyce, Esq., of Timberscombe, Somerset ; and has by the former, with other Issue — John Heber Clarke, Gentleman (of Fitzharris House, Abingdon), I. P. for Abingdon (Mayor 1884-85), b. 1846 [w., 1871, Elizabeth, dau. of Richard Badcock, and has issue]. Seat— Waste Court, Abingdon. § THOMAS CLARKE. Esquire, one of Her Majesty's Lieutenants for the City of London, Honorary Colonel 4th Volunteer Battalion Essex Regiment, Sheriff of London and Middlesex, 1885, 1886. Horn 1843, being the son of Henry Clarke of Holbeach, in the county of Lincoln. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Gules, a saltire invectcd plain cotised or, between three horses' heads couped one in chief and two in fesse erminois. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, in front of a horse's head couped erminois, a spur erect leathered gules; with the Motto, " Fortis in arduis. " .Married, xZ-j-^, daughter of John Charles M' Donald. Postal address— The Gables, Upper Hamilton Terrace, London. N.W. THOMAS CLARKE, Gentleman. Horn May s, Ijeing the eldest son of the late Thomas Clarke of The Elms, CO. Derby, by his wife Sarah Elizateth, only child of Edward Ramsbottom of Liverpool. Armorial bear- ings — Gules, a saltire engrailed erminois, between two fleurs-de-lis in pale and as many horses' heads couped in fesse argent, and impaling the arms of Disney, namely, quarterly i and 4, argent, on a fesse gules, three fleurs-de-lis or, on .a canton of the second a cross patC'e fitch<5e of the third (for Disney) ; 2 and 3 or, on a chevron engrailed be- tween three leopards' faces jessant-de-lis gules, as many bezants (for Cathrow). Mantling gules and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, in front of a heraldic tiger's head erased sable, maned or, gorged with a collar gemel argent, two fleurs-de-lis also argent. Motto — " Vincit tiui patitur." Married, May 10, 1876, Frederica Eliza, only daughter of Henry Cathrow- Disney ; and has, with other Issue — Thomas Henry Cathrow Clarke, Gentle- man, b. Nov. II, 1878. Seat — Mas.son House, Matlock, Bath. ALFRED CLAY, Gentleman, of Darley Hall, Matlock. Horn March 20, 1842, being the second son of ((^\^W the late Joseph Travis Clay. Gentleman, of 'il»'*'tl|^ Rastrick, in the county of York, by his wife Jane, eldest daugliicr of Isaac Whitwell of Kendal. Armorial bearings— He Ijears for Arms: Ar- gent, gutt<''e-de-poix, on a chevron engrailed between three trefoils slipped sable, a rose Iwtween two martlets argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, an annulet sable surmounted by a martlet argent, lx;tween two wings also argent, gutt(''e-de-poix, each wing charged with three trefoils or and two sable. Married, July 23, 1885, Harriett, daughter of Thomas Frederick Hutchinson of Groves, in the Isle of Man. ARTHUR TRAVIS CLAY. Gentleman, of Holly Bank, Rastrick, in the county of York. Horn September 6, 1845, Ix'ing the third son of the late Joseph Travis Clay, Gentle- man, of Rastrick, in the coimty of York, by his wife Jane, elrlest daughter of Isaac Whitwell of Kendal. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : .Argent, gutt^e-de-poix, on a chevron engrailed tjetween three trefoils slipped sable, a rose tetween two martlets argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, an annulet sable surmounted by a martlet argent, between two wings also argent gutt(^'e-de- poix, each wing charged with three trefoils one and two sable. Married, February 21, 1875, Edith Beaumont, daughter of B. H. Bates of Liverpool (she died .August 24, 1889); and has had lssiie—{\) Hugh Travis Clay. Gentle- man, born Aprillig, 1876 ; (2) Percival Travis Clay, Gentle- man, Ijorn May 6, 1881 ; (3) Wilfred Travis Clay, Gentleman, born June 25, 1882 ; (4) Guy Travis Clay, Gentleman, born and died January 18. 1885 ; and Marjorie Beaumont. S HENRY CLAY, Esquire. M.A., J.P. and D.L. Horn 1825. being the eldest son of the late Henry Clay, Esq. , J.P. for cos. Derby and Stafford, by his wife Elizabeth, second dau. of John Leigh. Armorial bearings— Argent, a chevron indented between three trefoils slipped, in the centre chief point a wing all sable. Mantling sable and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, in front of two wings argent, semi^e of trefoils slipped sable, a mount vert, and thereon two estoiles gules. Motto— " Clarior virtus honorius." Married, 1863, Mary Louisa, second dau. of Henry Boden of Ednaston, co. Derby; and has Issue— (\) The Editor undertakes that every entry not in italics is that of a genuinely armigerous person, M 178 Cla Cle Menry Hastings Clay, Esq.,Capt. Moninoutli Militia, J. P. and 1). 1^. for Nlonmouth, High Sheriff co. Monmouth 1895, t. 1864 [ill., Feb. 4, 1891, Mabel Millicent, second dau. of C'harles Henry Williams of Roath Court, Cardiff; and has issue — Henry Charles Hastings, Gentleman, b. 1895; and Mabel Edith Mary] ; (2) Charles Leigh Clay, Gentle- man, M.A. New College. Oxford, h. 1866 [w., Feb. 1897, Margaret, dau. of John Press of The Avenue, Clifton!; and Edith Louisa. Seat — Piercefield Park, Chepstow, CO. Monmouth. JOHN WM.LIAM CLAY, Esquire, F.S.A., of Rastrick, Justice of the Peace for the West Riding of the county of York. Horn F'ebruary 13, 1838, being the eldest son of the late Joseph Travis Clay of Rnstrick, in the county of York, by his wife Jane, eldest d.uighter of Isaac Whitwell of Kendal. Armorial bearings— He tears for Arms : Argent, gutt(5e-de-poix, on a chevron engrailed between three trefoils slipped sable, a rose between three martlets argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, an annnlet sable surmounted by a martlet argent, between two wings also argent, gutt(?e-de-poix, each wing charged with three trefoils one and two sable. Married, April 4, 1878, Alice Caroline, daughter of Henry Pilleau ; and has hsiie — (i) Lionel Pilleau Clay, Gentleman, born March 11, 1880 ; (2) Charles Travis Clay, Gentleman, born July 30, 1885. JAMES CLAYFIELD CLAYFIELD- IRELAND. Esquire, J. P. and D.L. and County Alderman for Somer- set, M.A. Cambridge, of Lincoln's Inn, Barrister-at-Law. Born March 14, 1835, being the eldest son of James Ireland Clayfield (who assumed by Royal Licence, in 1827, in com- pliance with an injunction contained in the will of his niaternal grandfather, the surname and arms of Ireland in addition to his patronymic and paternal arms), by his wife Letitia, dau. (and ultmiately, upon the death without issue in 1883 of her brother. Colonel James Priaulx, co- heiress) of Thomas Priaulx of Montville House, Guernsey. Armorial bearings— Quarterly, i. gules, three fleurs-de-lis argent, each charged with a gutt(5e-de-sang, on a chief • indented of the second, a lion passant of the field Ijctween two torteaux (for Ireland) ; 2 and 3 vert, giitt(5e d'or, three garbs ermine, banded gules (for Clayfield). iVrt/— Brisling- ton Hall, near Bristol. CLAYHII.LS OF INVEGROWRIE. Arms: Parted ways argent. Clapftilljef of 3[nt)ergotocie per bend sanguine and vert two greyhounds courant bend- ^ is the Military Cockade. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting the degree, with a mantling gules doubled ar- gent ; and upon a wreath of the liveries is set for Crest, an arm holding an imperial crown proper ; and in an escroll over the same, this Motto, " Corde et animo." Matriculated in Lyon Office prior to 1672. [Lieutenant Serge Clay/tills of the Lithuanian Regiment of Life Guards, Warsaio, is a cadet of this family , and sub- ject to a rematriculation in l^yon Office would be entitled to the foregoing arms with such difference as the Lyon King oj Arms might decide. However, he has not yet matriculated. I'he Russian branch of the family has been settled in that country since 1645, in the reign of'Czar Alicksieg Michailo- witch ; and this branch of the family now bears for Arms perfesse azure and argent, on a fesse of the last, two grey- hounds courant to the dexter sable, in chief a crescent between tivo mullets of six points or. Various modifications of these arms have been used, but the crest, a demi-greyhound sable collared or, has remained unaltered since at least 1525. A distinguished member of the Russian family is General Clayhills, presently Prefect of St. Petersburg.'\ GEORGE DAVID CLAYHILLS-HENDERSON, Es- quire, of Invergowrie, co. Forfar, Capt. R.N., D.L. and J. P. for CO. of Forfar. Born 1832, being the son of the late Geo. Dunbar Clayhills, late Capt. Hon. East India Co.'s Madras Army. CV/z/v— United Service, Naval and Military. Armorial bearings— Quarterly, i. parted per bend sanguine and vert, two greyhounds courant bendways argent (for Clayhills) ; 2. argent, a chief gules (for Menzies) ; 3. azure, three nmllets argent, in the centre a cross of the second, surmounted of a saltire gules (for Murray) ; 4. argent, three piles issuing from the dexter sable, on a chief ermine a crescent gules, between two mullets or, in a canton azure, on a chevTon between three mascles or, a boar's head erased of the field, in the middle chief a fleur-de-lis of the second (for Henderson, the canton denoting the descent from Kin- loch of Gourdie), and impaling the arms of Warren, namely argent, a fesse chequy or and azure, between three talbots passant proper. Mantling sanguine doubled argent ; and upon a wreath of his liveries is set for Crest, a hand holding an imperial crown proper. Motto— "Corde et animo." Married, 1867, Catherine Rose, dau. of Sir John Borlase Warren, fourth Bart. Postal rtrt'rt'/vw— Invergowrie House, near Dundee, N.B. FITZROY AUGUSTUS TALBOT CLAYTON. Es- quire. Lieutenant-C'olonel late Grenadier (JTTBWtnn f^^-T^rds, J.P. co. Berks. Born March 28, >U.«.u^VUll 1833, being the eldest son of the Reverend Augustus Clayton, by his wife Georgiana Elizabeth, daughter of the Very Reverend and commonly known as the Honourable Charles Talbot, Dean of Salis- bury. C////V— Carlton, Guards', Pratt's. Liveiy—YwW dress : white and orange, with blue and orange lace. Ar- morial bearing^s- He bears for Arms : Argent, a cross sable between four pellets, and impaling the arms of Taylour, namely ermine, on a chief gules, a fleur-de-lis between two boars' heads erect or. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling sable and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a leopard's gamb erased argent, holding a pellet. Married, April 4, 1872, Isabel, commonly known as Lady Isabel, third dau. of the Most Hon. the Marquess of Headfort ; and h.as hsue— (r) Harold Dudley Clayton, Gentleman, b. 1878; (2) Lionel Arthur Clayton, Gentleman, b. 1879 ; (3) Cecil Talbot Fr.aser Clayton, Gentleman, b, Aug. 12, 1880. Estate~Vyfie\d House, l^ostal add ress— ¥yf[ti\d House, Maidenhead, Berks. S RICHARD DIGBY CLEASBY. Esquire, B.A. (Can- tab.), Barrister-at-Law, J.P. and D.L., High Sheriff 1890. Born 1838, I)eing the eldest son of the late Sir Anthony Cleasby, one of the Barons of the Exchequer 1868 78, by his wife Lucy Susan, youngest dau. of Walter Fawkes of Farnley, sometime M. P. for co. York. Armorial bearings— Ermine, a lion passant in Ijend azure l)etween two bendlets gules, on a chief azure three lozenges or. Mantling azure and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a mount vert, thereon a demi-lion regardant argent, gorged with a collar azure, charged with three lozenges as in the arms, holding between the paws an 8 is the Naval Cockade. Cle escutcheon giTles , thereon a whelk argent. Motto — " Fide sed cui vide." Married, 1870, Edith Anne, third dau. of Ed. Arkwright of Hatton, co. Warwick. iVa/— Penoyre, Brecon. Residence — 9 Portman Square, W. § HARRY CLEGG. Esquire, Deputy-Lieutenant for the county of Anglesey, and High .Sheriff 1892, (fl*{g(Y(j 1893, Justice of the Peace for the counties of '^**'I3Z> Lancashire, Anglesey, and Carnarvonshire. Born January 18, 1842, being the second and dy surviving son of Kay C'legg of Oldham, in the county Cle 179 erect vested azure, the hand proper, grasping a chain there- trom suspended an escutcheon argent, charged with two estoiles in chief and a crescent in base gules (for Henderson) ; with the Mottoes, "Non sibi ; " "Virtus sola nobilitas." Married, firstly, 1859, Isabella, dau!,Thter of Captain Morphett, late 48th Foot; and secondly, 1874, Charlotte Edith, daughter of Captain Fletcher Fulton Compton Hayes only son of Commodore Sir John Hayes) ; and has Issue— (i) John Macleod Henderson-Cleland, Gentleman born 1862; (2) Fletcher Hayes Henderson-Cleland, Gentleman, born 187s ; (3) Walter Henderson-Cleland, Gentleman, born 1878. A.f /,//«■— Roke Manor and Tuckton House, both in the county of Hants. Postal address— IxxizVxon House, near Christchurch, Hants. S HENRY THEOPHn.US CLEMENTS, Esquire, Colonel late Commanding Leitrim Militia, Deputy- Lieutenant for the county of Cavan, Justice of the Peace for the counties of Cavan and Leitrim, was High Sheriff of Cavan, 1849, and of Leitrim 1872. Rom July 24, 1820, being the only son of Henry John Clements Colonel Leitnm Militia, Member of Parliament for the county of Leitrim, 1805-1818, Member of Parliament for the county of Cavan, 1840-1843, and his wife Lousia, daughter of James Stewart of Killymoon, in the county of Tyrone, Member of Parliament for the county of Tyrone, from 1768 1812. Clubs —Carlton, Sackville Street (Dublin), Kildare Street (Dublin). A/Wry— White, black collar and cuffs, red waistcoat and black breeches. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms of Lancashire, by his wife Mary Ann, daughter of Joseph Rowland of Oldham. Clubs— Mmon (Manchester), Albion (Oldham), l.iveiy — Claret coat piped red, scarlet waist- coat, silver buttons, buckskin breeches and top boots. Armorial bearings— He l)ears for Arms : Per pale nebuly gules and sable, a cross ciosslet crossed argent between four lozenges of the last, each charged with an .acorn slipped and le.aved, those on the de.xter of the first, and those on the sinister of the second ; and for the Crest, on a wreath of the colours, in front of a denii-lion per fesse nebuly argent and gules, holding in the dexter paw a cross crosslet crossed sable, three acorns erect and fesseways slipped and leaved proper. Motto -" In veritate triumplio." Married, firstly, .Sarah Maria, daughter of John Chad wick of Reddish, StockiJort, Justice of the Peace and Deputy-Lieutenant for the counties of Lancashire and Cheshire ; secondly, Rebecca, eldest daughter of Joseph Sills of Orsett ; and has Issue— (i) Alfred Rowland Clegg, Gentleman, lx)rn December 22, 1872; (2) Humphrey Nicliols Mavesin t'legg, (Jentleman, born August 28, 1882 ; (3) John H.arry Ha v Clegg, Gentle- man, born July 24, 1884; guenelda Mary [w. Charles J. \\illiainson of Liverpool] ; Edith Winifred; Dorothy Ver- non ; and Beatrice Marjery. Estates— V\a% Llanfair, in the county of Anglesey ; and Cow Hill, Oldham. Postal address — Plas Llanfair, Llanfair, P.G., Anglesey. JOHN WH.LIAM HENDERSON-CLELAND, Es- quire, Major-General (retired) Her Majesty's Indian Staff Corps. ^o/-« Decemlier 28, 1835. Club — Junior Army and Navy. Livery — Blue, with silver facings. Armorial bear- ings— He lx:ars for Arms : Quarterly i and 4, azure a hare salient argent, with a hunting-horn vert garnished gules hanging from his neck, a chief emliattled of the second (for Cleland) ; 2 and 3 ermine, three jiiles, two in chief and one in base gules, each charged with a crescent argent, on a chief of the second three estoiles of the third (for Henderson). Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules doubled argent ; and for his Crests, i. I upon the dexter side, upon a wreath of the liveries, a falcon standing upon a glove all proper (for Cleland) ; 2. and upon Argent, two bends wavy sable, on a chief gules, three tezants. Crest — Upon a wreath of the colours, a hawk close and belled proper; with the Motto, " Patriis Virtu- tibus." Married, December 3, 1868, Gertrude Caroline Lucy, daughter of the Reverend David Markham, Rector of Great Horkesley, in the county of Essex, and Canon of Windsor; and has Issue — (i) Henry John Beresford Clements, Gentleman, born October 22, 1869 [married, October 31, 1893, El^onore, younger daughter of William Wickham, Member of Parliament, of Binsted Wyck] ; (2) Alfred William Clements, Gentleman, born January 29, 1871, died February 3, 1876 ; (3) Roljert Markham Clements, Gentleman, born November 6, died December 13, 1876 ; (4) Marcus Louis Stewart Clements, Gentleman, born September 29, 1879 ; Gertrude Mary Catherine ; and Selina Margaret NIaud. Estates — Ashfiel Lodge, in the county of Cavan ; Lougli Rynn and Manorhamilton, in the county of Leitrim ; Maam and Derrypark, in the county of Galway ; and Killadoon, in the county of Kildare. Postal address — Ash- field Lodge, Cootehill, county Cavan. HENRY TOPHAM CLEMENTS, Esq., J. P., Capt. late 13th Light Dragoons, and 6th Inniskilling Dragoons. The Editor undertakes that every entry not in italics is that of a genuinely armigerous person. i8o Cle Cli Bom Dec. 15, 1830, being the fourth son of the Rev. James Crook Clements, B.A., Cambridge, by liis wife Mary, dan. and co-heir of George J ubb. Armorial bearings — I'er fesse indented argent and gules, three garbs, two and one counter- chanyed, all within a bordure sable, charged with ten cross crosslets of the fiist. Mantling gules and argent. Crest^ On a wreath of the colours, a lion passant argent, gutt6e-de- sang, collared and charged with two cross crosslets in fesse gules. Motto — " Nil sine Ueo." Married, firstly, Jan. 12, 1852, Caroline Sarah, dau. of Col. Lucius H. Smith, 6th IViigal L.I. ; and has Issue — (i) Edward Lucius 'I'ophaiu Clements, (lentleman, h. Aug. 30, 1866, (L June 7, i86g ; (2) Hubert Clements, Gentleman, b. Dec. 30, 1868 ; Caroline Mary; Eveline Sophia ; .and Alice Georgina. He married secondly, Nov. 30, 1887, .Sophia, dau. of Rev. Frederick Horrodaile, Prelx-ndary of Lincoln. Posfal address — Bel- mont, East Hothly, Sussex. Rkv. JACOB CLEMENTS, M. A., Sub-Dean and Canon Residentiary of Lincoln. Horn July 29, 1820, being the eldest son of the Rev. James Crook Clements of Lower Cla|)ton, Middlesex, by his wife Mary, dau. and co-heir of (ieorge Jubb. Armorial bearings — Per fesse indented argent and gules, three garbs, two and one counterchanged, all within a bordure sable, charged with ten cross crosslets of the first. Mantling gules and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a lion passant argent, guit(5e-de-sang, collared and ch.arged with two cross crosslets in fesse gules. Motto — "Nil sine Ueo." A/arr/'ed, Ma.y 2, 1820, Susana, eldest dau. of Rev. Edward Mansfield, Vicar of Bisley ; .and has /ss//e — (i) Rev. Edw.ard Mansfield Clements, Gentle- man, B.A., f>. Jan. 15, 1848 {»/., Sept. 1881, Katharine Eliz.abeth, dau. and co-heir of Willingham Franklin) ; (2) Francis I^eonard Clements, Gentleman, B.A. Cambs. , fi. June 9, 1850 ; (3) Horace Clements, Gentleman, fi. March 10, 1852, (/. Sept. 25, 1863 ; (4) Ralph Arthur Penrhyn, D.S.O. , Major and Brev. Lieut. -Col. .South Wales Borderers, fi. Feb. 9, 1855; (5) Erskine William Clements, Gentleman, fi. Feb. 8, 1857; d. July i, 1858; Hester Mary; Caroline Augusta; Mary; Constance Edith; and Helen Isabel. Posfal address — EDMUND PA YTON CLENCH. Born September 24, 1 85 1, beuig the eldest sott of Major E, Clench, Crrlmrfl ^y t'-l^^a Ms wife,n^& Payton. Club — Saint \l,v\'\\\,\} Stephen's. Armorial bearings as nsed, but for luhich no authority has been established, are for Arms : Gules, six annulets or, conjoined in pairs, tzno pairs in chief and one in base, a chief of the second ; and for a Crest, out of a Saxon coronet or, an ar7n erect couped at the clbmv, vested gules, cuffed argent, holding in hand proper a club vert, spiked of the first; with the Motto, " Tien le droit." In Burkes 'General Armory" these are quoted as appertaining to Clench of Harksted, in the county of Suffolk, but the motto is charged upon the rim of the coronet. Postal address— 16 Hanover Square, W. § EDMUND HUGH CLERK, Esquire, Justice of the Peace and Deputy-Lieutenant for the county of Somerset, Bachelor of Civil Law. Born 1819, being the seventh son of the late Major Thomas Clerk of Westholm, in the county of Somerset, by his wife Dorothy, fourth daughter of John Taylor of Tozonhead, in the county of Lancaster. Livery — Pale blue and gold. Armorial be'arings as used, but which have not been matriculated in Lyon Office, are for Arms: Or, a fesse chequy azure and argent, between two crescents gules and a boar's head sable, a bordure azure (for Clerk) ; on an escutcheoti of pretence or, a lion rampant proper between three mullets argent (for Taylor). Crests— i. an ALsculapius' ivand ; 2. a huntsman in green proper (for Clerk). Mottoes—' ' Amat Victoria curam," and ' ' Ereefor a blast." Married, 1855. Eliza Alicia, daughter of Colonel J. Bladen Taylor, Member of Parliament for Hythe ; and has Issue— Edith Dorothy. Estate and postal address— Burford, Shepton Mallet. ROBERT MILDMAY CLERK, Esquire, late Lieu- tenant-Colonel ^th Madras Pioneers (retired 1890), Justice of the Peace for the county of Soinerset. Born December 7, 1844, beitig the eldest son of Robert Clerk, Esquire, of Westholtne, in the county of Somerset, ond The Nook, Hobart, Tasmania, Sergeant-at-Arms to the Houses of ^ is tbe Military Cockade. Assembly, by his loife Agnes Bertha, daughter of the late John Edwards Cox of Laiinceston, 'J'asmnuia. Clul) — East India United Sen'ice. Li\ery — Dark blue, with vtllo7o piping. Armorial bearings as used are for Arms : Or, a fesse chequy azure and argent, between tzvo crescents in chiej gules and a hoar's head couped itt base sable, all within a bordure of the second azure, charged with a crescent or, and thereon a label of three points azure ; on an escut- cheon of pretence the arms and quarterings of Phipps of Leighton, namely, first and fourth grand quarters, sable a trefoil ermine, slipped loith an orle of eight mullets argent (for Phipps) ; second grand quarter, gules Jive fusils in bend ermine, the centre one charged with a leopards face or (for Hele) ; third grand quarter, qiiarterly i and 4, argent, a wolf proper ratlipant between three trefoils vert, tivo and one (for Leckonby of Great Eccleston) ; 2. azure, a lion rampant or (for Hothersall) ; 3. argent, on a bend azure, three garbs or (for Hesketh of Maines). Crests — i. a demi-huntsman winding his horn proper, over it this motto, " Eree for a blast " (for Clerk of Penicuik, Edinburgh) ; 2. afi rEscu- lapius' rod, entwined with a serpent proper, oi'er it this motto, "Sat cilo, si sat tuto" (for Clerk of Liston Shields, and Spittal); under the artns this 'ULatto, "Amat Victoria curam." The arms claimed for Clerk are of course origi- nally those of Clerk of Penicuik, and differenced by the bordure were matriculated in Lyon Office in 18 17 by the family of Clerk-Rattray, as the second quarter in their coat for Clerk of Liston Shields, hut they have never been matri- culated as a simple coat by the last-named family, nor have any ar?ns whatsoever been matriculated hv Colonel Mildmay Clerk. Married, September 16, 1879, Mary Jacintha, only su)-viving child of the late Colonel Richard Leckonby Phipps, Justice of the Peace and Deputy-Lieutenant for the county of Somerset; and has Issue — Robert Vere Clerk, born December 25, 1883 ; and Nora May. E.siMes— Charlton House, Shepton Mallet, and Wesiholme, Pilton, in the county of Somerset. Postal address — Charlton House, Shepton Mallet, Somerset. §Likuten.\nt-Gknkkai. Sir JAMES CLERK-RAT- TRAY, K.C.B. (1897), Justice flTf l>t*fe--TR Jlffrfill of the Peace and Deputy-Lieu- Vim^l-tt-iUaVVVa^ te„j^„t fg,. the county of Perth. Born October 31, 1832, being the elder son of the late Robert Clerk Rattray, Esquire, Justice of the Peace and Deputy- Lieutenant, of Cnaighill, Rattray, North Britain, by his wife Christina, daughter of James Richardson of Pitfour, and sister of Sir John S. Richardson of Pitfour, Bart. ; has medals — Crimea 1854, 1855, with clasp and Turkish medal ; Indian Mutiny 1857, 1858, with clasp ; was created Companion of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, 1871. C////w— Carlton, United Service. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Quarterly i and 4, azure three cross crosslets fitch(5e or (for Rattray), 2. or, a fesse chequy azure and argent Ix-tween two crescents in chief gules, and a boar's head couped in base sable, within a bordure of the second (for Clerk of Liston .Shields), 3. vert, a fesse dancettt'^c ermini- between a stag's head caboshed in chief and two escallops in base or (for Duff of Craigstoun). Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules doubled argent ; and for his Crests, on the dexter side, upon a wreath of his liveries a star or, and thereon a flaming heart proper ; anti in an escroll over the same this Motto, "Super sidera votum " (for Rattray); and upon the sinister side, on a wreath of the liveries, a demi- huntsman winding a horn proper, habited vert; and in an escroll over the same this Motto, "Free for a blast;" and for Supporters, on either side of the escutcheon, a serpent nowed vert. Postal address — Craighall, Rattray, N.B. CLIFFE, quartered by MALET. § ANTHONY LOFTUS CLIFFE, Esq., late Capt. 3rd Batt. R. Irish Regt. Born 1861, being the eldest son of the late Anthony John Cliffe, Esq., J. P.,' D.L., of Belle Vue, by Amy, second dau. of the late .Sir John Ilowley, Q.C., Serjeant-at-Law. Armorial bearings— Ermine, on a fesse between three wolves' heads erased sable, a trefoil Ijetween two mullets or. Mantling sable and argent ; and for his Crest, a wolf's head er.ased qu.arterly per pale indented or and gules. Motto — " In cruce glorior." Seat -Belle Vue, Wexford. S is the Naval Cockade. €U Clo i8i TORD, quartered Ijy CAVENDISH. lEDERICK CLIFFORD, Esc)uire. Q.C. /lo/n Ju»e 1828, Ijeing the sixth son of Jesse Clifford of Gillingham, Kent, by his wife Mary Ann, dau. of James I'eirce. Cutds — Whiti-liall. Ranelagli. IJvciy — Green with gold facings. Armorial bearings^Or, on a mount in base vert, a coffee tree proper within a ijordure engrailed compony sable and gules, charged with eight bezants. Mantling vert and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, in front of a tiemi-infant affrontf-e (representing the infant Hercules) grasping in each hand elevated a serpent entwined around the arm, and ecting each other, a serpent noued all proper. MottO IEC-^INE'LA®)P>E'fTOIl! — "Nee sine labore fructus." Married, Dec. 22, 1853, Caroline, dau. of Thomas Mason of Hull ; and has Isstie — (i) Arthur Frederick Clifforfl, Esq., b. Sept. 25, 1854, Capt. 4th West York Artilleiy ; (2) Philip Henry Clillord, Gentle- man, M..\. , Barrister-at-Law, Fellow of Christ's College, Cambridge, b. Feb. 16, 1856 (deceased) ; (3) FJev. Harry Cliflord, NI.A. , Clerk in Holy Orders, Vicar of Lindridge, Worcestershire, b. Feb. 6, 1859; (4) Charles Clifford, Esq., Major 4th West York Artillery, b. March 19, i860; (5) I'rank Clifford, Gentleman, b. June ig, 1862; (6) Edward (Clifford, Gentleman, b. Dec. 11, 1864; Ethel Caroline; and Maljel. Residence — 24 Collingham Gardens, South Kensington, S.W. AUGUSTUS WYKEHAM CLIFTON, Esquire, late Captain in the Rifle Brigade. Born 1829, being the fifth son of the late Thomas Clifton, Esquire, by his wife Hetty, daughter of Pellegrine Treves. Clubs — Army and Navy, Pratt's. Armorial bearings — He tears for Arms: Sable, on a bend argent, three nuillets gules. Upon the escut- cheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling sable and argent; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a dexter arm emlxjwed in armour holding a sword all proper; with the Motto, "Mortem aut triumphum." Married, Decemljer 11, 1855, t'l^ Right Honourable Bertha I^lgarde (who died 1887), in her own right Baroness Grey de Ruthyn (the abeyance being termi- nated in her favour in 1885), and second daughter and eventually co-heir of the Most Honourable the second Marquess of Hastings; and has Issue — (i) The Right Honourable Rawdon George Grey Clifton, Baron Grey de Ruthyn [to whom refer] ; (2) Cecil Talbot Clifton, Esquire, commonly known ifS the Honourable Cecil Talbot Clifton ; Ella Cicely Mary, conmionly known as the Honourable Ella Cicely Mary [married, 1879, Lancelot George Butler- Bo wdon. Esquire, Honorary Major 3rd North Staffordshire Regi- ment] ; and Lelgarde Harry Florence, commonly called the Honourable Lelgarde Harry Florence [///., 1895, Sir Alan Henry Bellingham, Bart., J.l^., D.L., M.A. , of lielling- ham Castle, co. Louth]. Postal address — Warton Hall, Lytham. SAMUEL DODD CLIPl'lNGDALE, Gentleman, M.D., F.R.C.S. fkirn 1853, being the eldest son of the late .Sanuirl Dodd ('lippingdale of Stamford Hill, Surgeon. Armorial bearings — Per chevron wavy argent and azure, in chief two anchors with caljles erect of the second, in base a sea-horse proper. Mantling azure and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a sea-horse pro|KT holding in its mouth a piece of coral gules, and supporting an anchor with cable erect or. Motto — " Sapi- eniia Domuserecta est." Postal address — 36 Holland Park Avenue, London, W. S MAXWELL CHARLES CLOSE, Esq., M.A., F.P. and D.L., High Sheriff 1854, M.P. co. Armagh 1857-1864, and 1874-1885. Horn June 25, 1827, Ijeing the eldest son of the late Maxwell Close, Esq., of Drum- Ixinagher, J. P. and I). L., High .Sheriff 1818, Col. in the Army, by his wife Anna Elizabeth, sister of Charles, ist Lord Lurgan. Armorial bearings — Azure, on a chevron argent, Ix^lween three nuillets or, a fetterlock sable between iw(j bugles proper, garnished of the third, stringed gules. Mantling azure and argent ; and for his Crest, out of an E,aslern crown or, a demi-lion rampant vert, holding a battle-a.Ne proper. Motto — " Fortis et fidelis." Married, Nov. 23, 1852, Callierine Deborah .Vgnes, dau. of Henry Samuel Close of Newtown Park, co. Dublin ; and has had /ssue — (i) Maxwell Archibald Close, lisq.. Major 13th Hussars, b. Oct. 5, 1853 \m., June 2, 1891, Lady Muriel Albany, eldest dau. of the Earl of Castlestuart, and has issue, Maxwell .Stuart Close, Gentleman, b. Fel). i, 1892]; (2) Henry Samuel Close, Gentleman, b. Nov. 12, 1863 [;«. , 1890, lidith Dorothy, third dau. of Capt. Henry Segrave, 12th Foot, of Kilty'mon, co. Wicklow] ; Edith, d. Aug. 1869 ; Emily Beatrice, Flora Lucy, Grace Wilmina, Mary Geraldine, Kate Violet, d. Dec. 30, 1889, and .-Mice Evelyn. Seat — Drumbanagher, near Newry. JOHN BROOKS CLOSE-BROOKS, Gentleman, Master of Arts of the University of Cam- firfntft^-IKrnnlitf bridge, /ioz-w June 9, 1850, being yil^WtiK" iOK\^\i\\» the second son of James Close of Manchester and Naples, and eldest son of his second wife Anne, second daughter of the late .Sanuiel Brooks, Banker, Manchester ; and assumed the addi- tional surname and arms of Brooks by Royal License dated February 14, 1889. Clubs — Oxford and Cambridge, Union (Manchester). Livery — Blue, witli white piping. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Quarterly i and 4, argent three bars wavy azure, a cross flory erminois, in chief a foun- tain proper (for Brooks) ; 2and 3 vert, on a chevron argent, Ix- tween in chief two bezants each charged with a cross pat(5e gules and in base a garb or, a falcon proper (for Close). Crests — I. upon a wreath of the colours, a demi-lion argent, charged on the shoulder with a fountain proper, holding in the paws a harpoon in bend sinister, also proper (for Brooks) ; 2. upon a wreath of the colours, a garb or, trans- fixed by a spear in fesse the head to the dexter proper (for Close): with the Motto, " Finem respice. " Married, luly 25, 1874, Emily, second daughter of the late Reve- rend John Brooks of Walton le Dale, in the county of Lancashire ; and has Issue-— {\) John Charles Close-Brooks, The Editor undertakes tbat every entry not in italics is tbat of a genuinely armlgerous person. i8: Clo €ot GeiUU-man. Iiine i8, 1876; (2) Aitlmi Brooks Close- Mrooks, Genlieman, born October 22, 1884; Annie Isatel ; liniily Catherine ; and Marjorie Beatrice. /is/aU's—Vroperty in W'lialley Range. Manchester; properly in Moston, Manciu'ster ; Closebrooks, Le Cap Autlbes Alpes Mari- tiines, France. Pos/a/ address — B'nl\es Hall, Chelford, Cheshire. WALTER OWEN CLOUGH, Gentleman, Member of Parliament for I'ortsniouth. Bom Septem- rfTfrttfrt-fl '"^''' iS> 1^46' Iwi'iS I't-" son of lohn Clough, V^lUlll^V Esquire, of Hurlderstield. C///Af— National Liberal, iMghty, ^'ity Liberal, Leeds County Liberal (Leeds). Armorial bearings— Azure, a fosse in- dented ermine t)et\veen two leojjards' faces jessant-de-lis in chief, and as many battle-axes saltireways in base. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet liefitting his degree, with a mantling azure and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, upon a mount vert, in front of a battle-axe erect sable, a leopard's face jessant- de-lis or; with the Motto, " Dum spiro spero." Married, 1871, Hannah, fifth daughter of George Marshall of Newark, tiesidence — Sutton Lodge, Enfield, in the county of Middlesex. CLUN, quartered by DU MOULIN-BROWNE and MOSTYN. HENRY ERASER JAMES COAPE-ARNOLD, Gentle- man, M.A. St. John's College, Cambridge (assumed by Royal Licence the name and arms of Arnold, 1898). Born Eeb. 27, 1846, being the eldest son of James Coape, by his wife Georgeana Arnold. Armorial bearings — Gules, a chevron engrailed argent, guttee-de-poix, cotised or, between three pheons of the fourth. Mantling gules and argent. Crest — -On a wreath of the colours, a clemi-tiger regardant sable, bezant^e, maned and tusked, and holding between his paws a pheon or. MottO — " Ut vivas vigila." Married, Jan. 8, 1873, Mary G(?nevieve, eldest dau. of Rev. Charles James Cummings, Rector of Cheadle, co. Chester ; and has Issue — (i) Cranfield Coe Henry Coape-Arnold, Gentleman, h. Dec. 7, 1873; (2) Eraser Charles Coape- Arnold, Gentleman, b. Feb. 24, 1875 ; (3) Wolvey George Coape-Arnold, Gentleman, h. Oct. 31, 1876; (4) Ralph Tresham Coape-Arnold, Gentleman, /^ Jan. 10, 1882; (5) Henry Astley Coape-Arnold, Gentleman, b. Aug. 14, 1885 ; (6) Raymond de Newburgh Coape-Arnold, Gentleman, /'. Aug. 31, 1891 ; Mary Georgeana Edith; Agnes Lovel ; Gundred Beauchamp ; Aliva Edmiston ; Avice Agnes Mary; Bertha De Warrenne. 6'y liis wife Elizateth, eldest daughter of the late Reverend James Yonge of I'uslinche, in the county of Devon ; created Companion of tlie most Honourable Order of the Hath, 1855, and advanced to the rank of Knight Connnaiider of that Order, 1876. Club — United Service. Armorial bearings — He Ixjars for Arms: Argent, on a chevron between three bugle-horns stringed sable, as many nmllets of the tirst, on a chief embattled gules, pendent from a riblxjn of the last, fimbriated azure, a representation of the gold cross and cUisps presented to the first Baron Colborne, between two mural crowns or. Upon the escutcheon, which is surrounded iiy the riblxan of the Most Honourable Order (jf the Bath, and pendent therefrom his badge as a Knight Commander of that Order, is placed a helmet lK.'fitting his degree, with a mantling sable and argent ; and for his Crest, out of a mural crown or, a reindeer's head argent, attired gold, lx;tween a branch of laurel on the dexter and a branch of palm on the sinister, both projier ; with the Motto, " Sperat infestis." Postal address — The .\lbany, W. Till-; Kkvf.rkn» FREDERIC CL.^RENCE COPLE- STONE COLBY, Clerk in Holy Orders, Asso- ffTrtThtl '^''^''^ °^ King's College, London. Horn ViLUlU^ Noveml)er 4, i368, being ihe third son of the late Reverend Edmund Reynolds Colby, Master of .\rts of the University of Oxford, by his wife Isaliella .Susan Jane, daughter of the late Reverend John Nicholas Palmer, Master of Arts of the University of Cambridge. Cliih—] unior Conservative. Armorial bearings — He Ijears for Arms : .Azure, two chevronels between tw(j escallops in chief, and as many Palmers' slaves siiltireways in base or, a crescent for difference. Upon the escutcheon is placed a lielmet Iwfitting his degree, with a mantling azure and or ; and for his Crest, on a wreath of the colours, between two palm-branches, a dexter arm embowed in armour, the hand in a gauntlet grasping a broken sword proper, suspended from the hand a Palmer's scrip or. Married, August 12, 1893, Beatrice Geraldine, fourth daughter of the late Reverend J. Hudson, Mixster of .Arts, sometime .Assistant .Master of .St. Paul's Sciiool, London. Postal address — 8 .Munster Parade, Eulliam Road, .S.VV. Thk Rkvkrknd FREDERIC THOMAS COLBY. Doctor of Divinity and Fellow of the Society of .Antifiuaries, eldest son of Captain 'I'homas Colby of the Ri>yal Navy [son and heir of 1 homas Colby of Great I'orringtnn, l}y Mary, daughter and co-heiress of Anthony CcspU-sione |, by Mary his wife, daughter of the Reverend John Palmer of Great Torrington, in the county of 1 )evon, PrelK-ndary of Lincoln Cathedral. Armorial bearings— He Ix-ars' for Arms: .Azure, two chevronels between two escallops in chief and as many Palmers' staves saltireways in base or; and for a Crest, on a wreath of the colours, between two palm- branches a dexter arm emlx)wed in armour, the hand in a gauntlet grasping a broken sword proper, and suspended from the hand a Palmer's scrip or ; with the Motto, " Non omnis frangar." Married, firstly, April 6, 1875, Theophila Margaret [d. July i, 1876), eldest daughter of the Rev. George Hadow, M.A., Rector ol Tidconibe Portion, Tiver- ton ; and secondly, August i, 1877, Louise Margaret Anne, eldest daughter of the Reverend George De Carteret Guille of St. George, in the Island of Guernsey. Postal address — 12 Hillsborough Terrace, llfraconibe. JAMES CECIL COLDHAM-FUSSELL, Gentleman, Born .Septemlx;r 7, 1844. Coltil)am=jTu00cU Sam^llircJS:^ Hall, Owslebury, in the county of Southampton, and his wife Sarah, only child of Moore of Ockham, near Ripley, in the comity of Surrey, and widow of John Wells of Farnham. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Sable, a fesse engiailed between four fusils or, on a chief of the last, three crosses Hory of the first. Crest — Upon a wreath of the colours, between two laurel Ijranches proper, a fusil or, charged with a cross flory sable; with the Motto, "AIA." Married, June 9, 1868, Eliza Harriet, eldest surviving daughter of William Wilkes; and has Issue — (i) Vernon Coldham- Fussell, Gentleman, born May 14, 1869; (2) Edgar Cold- ham-Fussell, Gentleman, born September 20, 1870; (3) James Coldluim-l-'ussell, Gentleman, born February 5, 1874 ; (4) Jervis Cokiham-Fussell, (Jentleman, born September 25, 1882; (5) Warwick Coldham-Fussell, Gentleman, born June 6, 1889; Nina; Lynette ; Coldham ; Gwendaline ; and Genista. Estates — The Glen, nearChatswood ; Hodnet, North .Sydney ; all in the colony of New South Wales. Postal address — Hodnet, Falcon Street, North Sydney, New- South Wales. ALFRED CLA YTON COLE, Lord of the Manors of Forncett, Dicklebur^h, Aslacton Parkes, hfc., co. Norfolk, of Combe, Berks, Barrister-at-Law, and a Director of the Bank of F.ngland. Born I^ec. 17, 1854, being the second son of the late William Hcnrv Cole of Pulhani, Norfolk, by his luife Jane, dan. of Alfred Brooks. Clubs — Atbenaum, St, James's. Armorial bearings as used, but for luhich no authority has been established, are for Arms — Argent, a chevron engrailed between three scorpions erect sable, on a chief azure, as many fleurs-de-lis of the first. Crest — ./ naked arm erect proper, holding a scorpion sable. MottO — "Fide et fiducia." Postal address — 64 Portland Place, London, W. BROWN LOW COLE, Gentleman. Born April 12, 1846, being the third son of the late William Cole Dicker, Gentleman, of Moreton Hampstead, in the county of Devon, Justice of the Peace, who assumed in 1833, by Royal License, the surnan)e of Cole in lieu of his patronymic, under the « ill of his uncle, John Cole of ICxeter, by his wife Eliza, daughter of HrowiiUnv Bonrdillon, by his wife Eliza, nde Cole. Ar- morial bearings — He bt^ars for Arms : Ermine, a IjuII passant U^tween four cincjuefoils in cross sable ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a bull's head couped sable, attired or, Ijetween two branches of oak fructed or; with the Motto, " Deum cole regem serva." Married, September 1883, Bridget Mary, widow of Perkins ; and has Issue — Cicely Helen Bourdillon. CHARLES FRANCIS COLE, Gentleman. Born October g, 1857, being the youngest son of the late John Cole Dicker, Gentleman, who assumed by Royal License in 1833 the surname of Cole in lieu of his patronymic, under the will of his uncle, John Cole of Exeter, by his wile Catherina, daughter ol Richard Preston. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Ermine, a bull passant between four cinquefoils in cross sable ; and for his Crest, uppn a wreath of the colours, a bull's head couped sable, attired or, between two branches of oak fructed or ; with the Motto, " Deum cole regem serva." The Reverend ED WARD MA ULE COLE. Born 1833, being the eldest son of the Reverend William Sibthorpe Cole, Master of Arts, by Mary his wife, daughter of the Reverend John Manic, Master of Arts, of Panbride, Panmure. Ar- morial bearings as used, but for which no authority has been established in the College of Arms, are : Argent, a bull passant gules, armed or, within a bordure sable bezantie. Married, 1862, Philadelphia, commonly kmnvn as Lady Phila- The Editor undertakes that every entry not in italics is that of a genuinely armigerous person. i86 Col Col delphia lirskim- [^granted preccdetice of an Earl's daughter, 1885, as if her mother had suaeeded as Countess of Mar in ker enon right), daughter of William James (ioodeve ; and has Issue — (i) Seymour Hamiltuu Maule Cole, born 1866 [married, 1892, I'.ilian May, daughter of Robert Kerr Kerr\; (2) Edward Wilmot Maule Cole, born 1868; (3) Maurice St. Michael Maule Cole, born 1872 ; (4) John Erancis Erskine Maule Cole, born 1877; Beatrice Madeline Erskine [married, 1884, Ileniy Tanner Ferguson}; Edith Margaret Elrskine ; Maiy Christian Janet Erskine; and Hilda Mary Frances Erskine. S FRANCIS BURTON OWEN COLE, Esq., J. P. and D.L. CO. Denbigh, late Capt. R.W. Fusiliers. Born 1838, licing the eltlest son of the late Owen Blayney Cole, Esq., J. P. and D. !>., of Brandmni, by Lady Frances, second dau. of the Rt. Hon. Henry Monck, late Earl of Rathdovvn («/.). C7«(^— Naval and Military. Armorial bearings— .Argent, a bull passant giiles, within a bordure sable, bezantte, a canton of the last, thereon a chief or, charged with three mullets pierced gules. Mantling gules and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a denii-gryphon segreant vert, grasping in its dexter claw an arrow jioint downwards or, feathered and barbed argent. Motto — " Deum cole Regeni serva." Married, 1st, 1872, Mary Georgina Jane, only dau. of George Fosbery Lyster, Esq. , of Gisburne House, Liverpool (she died 1881); 2nd, 1883, Maria Susan, only dau. of .A. C. Heyland, Esq., and widow of the Rev. Rol)ert .McClintock (brother of ist Lord Rath- donnell) ; and has by the former, witli other Issue — Mowbray Stanley Owen Cole, Gentleman, /'. 1883. i>«/— Brandrum, Monaghan, Llys-Mcirchion, Denbigh. JOHN COLE, Gentleman, Master of .\rts. Born October xo, 1844, being the second son of the late John Cole Dicker, Gentleman, who assumed by Royal License in 1833 the surname of Cole in lieu of his patronymic, under the will of liis uncle, John Cole of E.xeter, by iiis wife Catherina, daugiiter of Richard Preston. Armorial bear- ings — He laears for Arms : Ermine, a bull passant between four cinquefoils in cross sable; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a bull's head couped sable, attired or, between two branches of oak fructed or; with the Motto, "Deum cole regem serva." Married, August 11, 1874, Mary Ellen Oldfield, daughter of John Jope Rogers of Penrose, Helston ; and has Issue- — (i) Hugh Basil Cole, Gentleman, born Novemljer 8, 1875; (2) Arthur Frederick .Andrew Cole, Gentleman, born February 4, 1883; and Catherine Winifred. JOSHUA COLE, Gentleman, Conmiander in the f^oyal Navy. Born January 22, 1843, 'jeing the eldest son of the late John Cole Dicker, Gentleman, who assumed by Royal License in 1833 the surname of Cole in lieu of his patro- nymic, under the will of his uncle, John Cole of Exeter, by his wife Catherina, daughter of Richard Preston. Armo- rial bearings — He bears for Arms : Ermine, a bull passant Ixitween four einc|uefoils in cross sable ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a bull's head couped sable, attired or, between two branches of oak fructed or ; with the Motto, "Deum cole regem serva." Married, April 8, 1884, Lillian Elizabeth, fifth daughter of Patrick Joseph Gannon of Ballysheen Castle, county Kildare. RICHARD PRESTON COLE, Gentleman. Born August 29, 1847, being the third son of the late John Cole Dicker, Gentleman, who assumed by Royal License in 1833 (he surname of Cole in lieu of his patronymic, under the will of his uncle, John Cole of PZxeter, by his wife Catherina, daughter of Richard Preston. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Ermine, a bull passant between four cinque- foils in cross sable ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a bull's head couped sable, attired or, b{!tween two branches of oak fructed or; with the Motto, " Deum cole rei;em serva." Married, .April 25, 1883, Elizabeth, daughter of Henry Evans of Llangunllo, in the county of Radnor ; and has Issue — Charles Kenneth Preston Cole, Gentleman, born August 7, 1884. The Rkverend WILLIAM ALSTON COLE, Vicar of Lockinge, in the county of Berkshire. Born July 26, 1838, being the second son of the late William Cole Dicker, Gentleman, of Moreton Hampstead, in the county of Devon, Justice of the Peace, who assumed by Royal ^ is tbe Military Cockade. License in 1833 the surname of Cole in lieu of his patro- nymic, under the will of his uncle, John Cole of Exeter, by his wife Eliza, daughter of I5rownlow Bounlillon, by his wife Eliza, nie Cole. Armorial bearings : He bears for Arms : Ermine, a bull pnssant between four cinquefoils in cross sable ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a bull's head sable, attired or, between two branches of oak fructed or; with the Motto, "Deum cole regem servia." Married, DecemV^er 31, 1861, Emily Rosa, daughter of the Venerable George Barnes, Archdeacon of Barnstaple, Vicar of Sowton. STEPHEN WILLI.AM BUCHANAN COLERIDCiE, Esquire, commonly known as the Honourable Stephen William Buchanan Coleridge, Master of Arts of the Uni- versity of Cambridge, Private Secretary to the Lord Chief- Justice of England from 1883 to 1890, appointed Clerk of Assize on the South Wales Circuit in 1890, Barristcr-at- Law. Born May 31, 1854, being the second son of the Right Honourable Sir John Duke Coleridge, first Baron Coleridge, Lord Chief-Justice of England, by his first wife Jane Fortescue, daughter of the Reverend (leorge Turner Seymour of Farringdon, in the Isle of Wight. t7//(^i— Devonshire, and Hyde Park. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms: Argent, on a mount in base vert, an otter proper, on a chief gules a dove of the first, between two crosses patfe fitchije or ; and upon an escutcheon of pretence the arms of Lushington, namely, or, on a fesse wavy between three lions' heads erased vert, as many ermine spots of the field ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, on a mount vert, therefrom issuing ears of wheat proper, in front of a cross gules, an otter also proper; and with the Motto, " Qualis vita finis ita." Married, April 5, 1879, Geraldine lieatrice, daughter and co-heiress of the late Charles Manners Lushington of Norton Court, in the county of Kent, Member of Parliament ; and has Issue — (i) John Duke Coleridge, Es(|uire, born November 10, 1879 ; (2) Guy Lushington Coleridge, Gentleman, born March 15, 1884 ; (3) Paul Humphrey Coleridge, Gentleman, born Feb- ruary 17, 1884. Postal addresses — 7 Egerton Mansions, South Kensington, London, S.W. ; Room 474 Royal Courts of Justice, London, W.C. ; The P'ord, Greywell, Hamp- shire. S CHARLES HORSMAN COLES, Esquire, Col. Com- manding City of London Artillery. Born Aug. 17, 1851, being the eldest surviving son of the late Charles Augustus Coles of Midford House, near Bath, by his wife Mary Anne, dau. of Charles White of Barnesfield, co. Kent. Club — Conservative. Armorial bearings Gules, three bezants chevronways within two chevronels or, between three lions' heads erased erniinois. Mantling gules and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, upon a mount vert, a column erect entwined by a serpent holding in the mouth a branch of olive all proper. Motto — " Perseverez. " Married, May 21, 1879, his cousin, .Adeline Mary, dau. of George Coles of Elmfield, Streatham ; and has Issue — Con- stance Adeline. Postal address — Dunsford, Streatham, Surrey. EDWARD GEORGE COLES, Gentleman. Born Dec. 20, 1843, being the eldest son of the late George Coles, by his w ife Margaret, eldest surviving dau. of William Leaf. Ar- morial bearings — Gules, three bezants chevronw.'iys within two chevronels or, between three lions' heads erased erminois. Mantling gules and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, upon a mount vert, a colunm erect entwined by a serpent holding in the mouth a branch of olive all proper. Motto — " Perseverez." Married, May 28, 1870, Elizabeth Isabella, dau. of Edward Sidney Johnson ; and has Issue — (i) Edward Gerald Coles, Gentleman, b. June 21, 1871 ; (2) Douglas Coles, Gentleman, /'. Aug. 10, 1875 ; (3) Hugh Charles Coles, Gentleman, h. Dec. 16, 1877; Margaret Elizabeth [w. , July 11, 1894, Rev. Chapman Carey Andrew Taylor, B.. A.); Beatrice Edith ; and Mildred. Postal address — 'i'he Lodge, Streatham, co. Surrey. ERNEST HARRY COLES, Gentleman. Born Feb. 25, 1855, being the second son of the late George Coles of Elmfield, Streatham, Ijy his wife Margaret, eldest dau. of William Leaf. Armorial bearings—Gules, three liezants chevronways within two chevronels or, between three lions' heads erased erminois. Mantling gules and or. Crest — On a wreath of the coloitrs, upon a mount vert, a column @ is the Naval Cockade, Col Col 187 erect entwined by a scr|jeni holding in the mouth a brancli of olive all proper. Motto — " Perseverez. " Married, Ocl. 20, 1886, Adela Caroline, second dan. of James Heslop I'owell of Streathani ; and has Jssue — (i) Ernest James 4)cr5e|?ere2^ Coles, GentUnian, /'. Oct. 3, 1887; (2) Edgar Ralph Coles, Gentleman, fi. May 13, 1889 ; (3) (itiy Roger Coles, Gentle- man, /'. June 21 , 1894 ; Muriel ( iertrude ; and Adela Evelyn. J'os/ii/ atidrcss—Burnlwood, Caterham, .'^uney. HUGH THOMAS COLES, Ksqtiire, J.P„ M.A. Cambs. Ikirn Dec. 6, 1856, beinj^ the eldest surviving son of William Gale Coles, Esq., J.I', for Gloucester, by his wife .Mary Elizabeth, elder dan. of Robert Hennim; Pan: C\\ih— Constitutional. Armorial bearings as used, but for which no authority has been established, are--.lrgent, a bull gules, within a bordure sable, bezantt'e. Crest— Out of a ducal coronet or, a demi-dragon vert, holding an arrow of the first headed and feathered aigent. MottO— ' ' Nemo sibi nascitur." Married, Oct. 9, 1883, IVilhelmina Beatrice, second dau. of the I'ery Rev. Richard William Rundall, Dean of Chichester ; and has Issue— {1) James Hugh Coles, b. Au^. 13, 1884 ; {2) Geoffry William Coles, b. Aug. 16, 1887 ; (3) Denys Erancis Parr Coles, b. June 27, 1891 ; (4) Nicolas Robert Coles, b. Nov. 17, 1894 ; and Beatrice Mary. Seat — Begbrook, Erenchay, co. Gloucester. CHARLES KING COLHOUN, Esq., Major York and Lancaster Regt., only son of the late Charles King Colhoun, ICsc]., of Carric'kbaldvev, co. Donegal, Captain Royal Tyrone Fusiliers (Militia). Armorial bearings— Per pale argent and sable, asaltire between four mullets counter- changed. Mantling sable and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of tlie colours, a buck's head erased per pale vert and argent, charged with two mullets in pale counter- changed. Motto— " Viget sub Cruce." Postal address — Carrickbaldvey, co. Donegal. ARTHUR BEVAN COLLIER, Esquire, J. P., Major and Hon. Lieut.-Col. late 2nd Vol. Batt. Duke of Cornwall's L.L, V.D. Born 1832, being the fifth son of the late |ohn Collier, Es(|., J.P. and D.L., M.P. for Plymouth 1832 41, by his wife Emma, dau. of Robert Porrelt. Armorial bearings — Argent, on a chevron azure, between in chief two demi-unicorns courant and in base an elephant's head erased gules, three oak branches slipped, leaved, and fructed or. Mantling azure and argent. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a d<'mi-man afl'rontee proper, holding in the dexter hand an oak branch proper, fructed or, and resting the sinister hand on an escutcheon azure, charged wUh two keys saltireways or. Motto — " Persevere." Married VA\/:a (d. 1891), dau. of Elford Blaker; and has /j.?//ert i'Vancis Jenner, Esc|., D. L. , of Wenvoe Castle, Glamorgan- shire; and h:is Issue — Hugh Collier, Gentleman; Maud; and Rose. Postal address — County Court, Liverpool. §Ln:ur.-CoL. MORTIMER JOHN COLLIER, V.D. (retired) late 2nd (Prince of Wales') Vol. Batt. Devon Regt. Born 1825, being the third son of the late John Collier, Esq., J.P. and D.L., M.P. for Plymouth 1832 41, by his wife Emma, dau. of Robert Porrett, and brother of the first Baron Monkswell. Club — Roy;d Western Yacht. Livery — Green, with yellow facings. Annorial bearings- Argent, on a chevron azure, tetween in chief two demi- unicorns courant and in base an elei)h;mt's head erased gules, three oak branches slippeil, leaved, and fructed or. Mantling azure and argent. Crest — On a wreatli of the colours, a demi-man affront(:'e proper, holding in the dexter hand an oak branch slipped and leaved proper, fructed or, and resting the sinister hand on an escutcheon azure, charged with two keys saltireways or. Motto — " Per- severe." Married, firstly, Mary Elizalx'th, dau. of .Sir William .Snow Harris, F. R.S. ; and secondly, Sophia Lud- dington, dau. of J Whipple of Plymouth ; and by her had Issue — (i) Mortimer Calm.idy Collier, Gentleman; (2) Claude Bertram Collier, Gentleman ; Sibyl Ernestine ; and Imogene Mary. Residence — Fo.xhams, Horrabridge, S. Devon. WILLIAM FREDERICK COLLIER, Esquire, Justice of the Peace for the county of Devon. Born March 14, 1824, being the second son of John Collier, l'2squire, of Grimstone, Justice of the Peace and Deputy-Lieutenant for the county of Devon. Meml>er of Parliament 1832 1841, by his wife Emma, daughter of Robert Porrett. Club — National Liberal. Livery — White (drab) and blue. Ar- morial bearings— He iiears for Arms : Argent, on a chevron azure, between in chief two demi-unicorns current, and in base an elephant's head erased gules, three oak- branches slipped, leaved and fructed or. Upon the escut- cheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a demi-man affront£;e proper, holding in the dexter hand an oak-branch slipped and leaved proper, fructed or, and resting the sinister hand on an escutcheon azure, charged with two keys saltireways or. Married, March 7, 1854, Cycill Christiana, fourth daughter of Charles Biggs Calmady, Esquire, of Langdon Court, in the county of Devon, Justice of the Peace and Deputy- Lieutenant for that county; and has Issue — (i) Charles Calmady Calmady, Esquire, late Captain 3rd Battalion Royal Irish Fusiliers, born 1856 [married, 1884, Cecilia Sarah, The Editor underUkes that every entry not in italics is that of a genuinely armigerous person. i88 Col Col {UuiRhter of Shilston (iilniiuly Haiiilyii, of LtMwooil and I'aschof, in llu- county of Devon]; (2) Frederick Mortimer Collier, Cientlenian ['married, SeptomlK>r 22, 1892, Rosa, dauKl>ter of the Reverend Francis William I'eel, Master of Arts, Rector of MurylnvallisJ ; (3) George Huller Collier, Gentleman. Iwrn Septemljer 30, i860; and Bertha Cycill. ^•j/rt/*"— Woodtown, in the parish of Sampford Spiney, in the county of Devon. Postal address — Woodtown, Horra- bridge, S. Devon. Major-Geueral WILLIAM POLE COLLI NO WOOD, Companioti of the Most Distinguished (XT <\\\\\-\ct\we\e\'t\ Order of Saint Michael and Saint V^UIUIIBUJUUU ceorge, " Justice of the Peace for the county of Sussex. Born Nffnemher 3, 1829, deing the second sou of the late Henry John William Collin!>uH>od of [Alburn Toioer and Comhill House, in the county of Northumberland, bv his wife Frances Carnaby, daughter of the late Sir Carnaby Haggerston, liaronct , created Companion of the Most Distinguished Order of Saint Michael and Sainf Oeorge, 1880. Clubs — United Service, Primrose. Aimorial bearings as used, and as given in liurke's "Landed Gentry," but for which no authority has been established at the College of Arms by General Colin^^- 7t. Charles Shuckburgh of The Aloot, Do%vnton, Wilts. Armorial bearings as used, but for which no authority has been established, are for Arms : — .Azure, three torches or, fired proper. Crest— ^/ cubit arm erect, the hand holding a torch as in the arms. Married, firstly, Sept. 29, 1855, Catherine Anne Isaacson, niece and adopted dau. of the late Rei'. J. F. Isaacson, Rector of Freshwater, Isle of Wight ; and has Issue — Henrietta Louisa [m. John Martin of I'uruatanga, New Zealand, and d. May 14, 1888] ; Ade- laide Mary [m. Ernest Henry Godolphin Quicke\ ; Emily [ni. .Arthur Harris Wilson Smith, of Geraldine, Nno Zealand. He married secondly Erica F.lspeth, dau. of James Mackay of Drumduan, Nelson, New Zealand ; and had Issue— (i) John Ulric Collins, b. July 25, 1868; (2) Arthur Wranghan Collins, b. Jan. 11, 1878; (2) Hubert Shuckburgh Collins, b. Dec. 3, 1879 ; (4) Godfrey Blake Collins, b. Jan. 22. 1883 ; (5) Guy Slukeley Shuckburgh Collins, h. July 12, 1886; Erica Catherine; Ethclinda ; Grace Emily ; Geraldine ; and Hilda Rcay. Residences — Millwood, near Nelson, New Zealand ; and Mount Fyffe, Kaikoura, Marlboiough, New Z.ealand. JOHN STEPHEN COLLINS, Esq., J.P. co. Cork, Barrister-at-Law. Born March 14, 1834, being the eldest son of the late Steplien Collins, Esc|., of Merrion Sc|uare, Dublin, Banister-at-La\v, Q.C. , by his wife Francis, dau. of William Henii, Esq., Master in Chancery (l)y Susanna, sister of Sir Jonathan Lovett, Bart. , of Liscomlje]. Armorial bearings — .Urgent, two lions combatant proper, on a chief azure, a pelican of the first, vulning herself gules. Mantling azure and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a pelican as in the arms, gorged with a plain collar azure. MottO — " Dant vulnera vitani." /l/a/vvW, April 16, 1873, Henrietta-Cecil, dau. of Henry William Wray [and grand -dau. of John James Wray of Castle Wray, co. Donegal]; and has Issue — Lena Stephanie, and Olive Susan. Seat — Ardnalee, Carrigrohane, co. Cork. Thk Honouk.vblk Sik RICHARD HENN COLLINS, Knight Bachelor, Judge of the Queen's Bench, one of Her Majesty's Counsel Learned in the Law. Born 1842, being the son of Stephen Collins, one of Her Majesty's Counsel Learned in the Law, of the Irish Bar, Ijy his wife Frances, dau. of William Henn, Master in Chancery, Ireland ; Judge of the Queen's I^nch Division of the High Court, 1891 ; dubbed Knight Bachelor, 1891. Armorial bearings- Argent, two lions combatant proper, on a chief azure, a pelican of the first vulning herself gules. Mantling azure ^ is tbe Military Cockade. and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a ijclicim as in tiie arms, gorged with a plain collar azure. Motto — " Dant vulnera vitam." Married, 1868, Jane, dau. of the Very Reverend Ogle William Moore, Dean of Clogher. Postal address — 3 Bramham Gardens, S.W. §FALKINER SANDES COLLIS- SANDES, Esq., J.P. and D. L. for co. Kerry and High .Sheriff 1882, \S..\. of Trin. Coll., Dublin, and Barrisler-at-Law. Born 1844, being the son of the late Stephen Edward Collis, Esq., J.P. , of 'I'ieraclea, by Margaret, dau. of the late Thomas .Sandes, Esq., of Sallow Glen, co. Kerry, D.L. ; and assumed by Royal License the additional name and arms of Sandes in 1879, under the will of his uncle Maurice F. (}. Sandes. Clubs — Oriental, Kildare Street (Dublin). Armorial bearings — Quarterly i and 4, argent a fesse dancett(5e gules, between four cross crosslets fitchee, three in chief and one in base of the last (for Sandes) ; 2 and 3 argent, on a chevron engrailed between three lions' heads erased sable, live cinquefoils of the first (for Collis). Mant- ling gules and argent ; and for his Crests, i. upon a wreath of the colours, on a mount vert, a griffin segreant or, gorged with a collar Hory counterflory gules (for Sandes) ; 2. upon a wreath of the colours, on a rock, a sea-pie charged on the breast with a fountain and preying on a dolphin all proper. Motto — "Virtus fortun;t; victrix. " .Married, 1882, Louisa, dau. of the late Col. James Young, R.A. ; and has, with other Issue — Maurice James Collis- .Sandes, Gentleman, /'. 1886. Seat — Oak Park, Tralee, co. Kerry. § JEREMIAH COLMAN, Esquire, Justice of the Peace and Deputy-Lieutenant for the county of /TT j<»f IM jjM Surrey, for which he served the office of V^UlUmU High Sheriff in the year 1893. Born A'^xW 24, 1859, l)eing the only son of the late Jeremiah Colman of Carshalton Park, in the county of Surrey, by his wife Isabella Cocksedge, nie Button. Clubs — Reform, Devonshire, National Liberal, City Liberal. Livery — Blue coat with gold aigulettes, yellow waistcoat and breeches, pink stockings, brass buttons, three-cornered hat trinuiied with gold. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : .Xzure, on a pale rayonnt^c or, gutt(?e-de-larmes, Ix.-- tween two Heursde-lis of tiie second, a lion rampant Iwtween two annulets paleways gules ; and for the Crest, on a wreath of the colours, in front of two wings argent, each charged with an estoile azure, a rock proper, thereon a caltrap or ; with the Motto, "Sat cito, si sat bene." Married, February ^m is the Naval Cockade. Col Col 189 25, 1885, Mary, third daughter of James Short McMaster of Mitcham, in the county of Surrey ; and has Issue — Jeremiah fian, Gentleman, torn January i , 1886. l-'.slate and postal address — Gatton I'ark, Surrey. SJKRI'.MIAII JAMKS COLMAN, Ksciuire, Mcmlxr of I'arhanu-nt for Norwich from 1871 i8()5, Justice of the Peace and Depuly-Lieulenanl for the county "i N'mf. .Il<, Justice of the Peace for the county of Suffolk, and for Nor- wich ; was Sheriff of Norwich 1862, and Mayor 1867. Born June 14, 1830, being the son of the late James Cohnan of Stoke Holy Cross, Norwich, by his wife Mary, daughter of John Burlingham. t'/«Af— Reform, Cobden, Devonshire, City Liberal, National Liberal. Armorial bearings — He bears for Aims : Azure, on a pale rayonnc'-e or, gutt6e-de- I'armes, tetween two Heurs-de-lis of the second, a lion ram- pant between two annulets paleways gules, and impaling the arms of Cozens-Hardy, namely, quarterly i and 4, per chevron argent and or, in chief two boml)-shells fired, and in base an eagle's head erased proper (for Hardy) ; 2 and 3 per pale azure and gules, on a pile or, a lion rampant of the second, gutt(5e-d'eau, collared argent (for Cozens). Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet tefitting his degree, with a manting azure and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, in front of two wings argent, each charged with an estoile azure, a rock proper, thereon a caltrap or ; with the Motto, " Sat cito, si sat l^ene." Mar- ried, 1856, Caroline (died July 5, 1895), eldest daughter of William Hardy Cozens-Hardy, Esquire, of Letheringsett ; and has had Issue — (i) Russell James Colman, Cientleman, born 1861 [married, 1888, lidith Margaret, third daugliter of Richard Davies, Esquire, of Trelxjrth, in the county of Carnarvon, Lortl-Lieutenant of Anglesea, and has issue- Geoffrey Russell Rees Colman, Gentleman, born March 14, 1892 ; and Violet Rees] ; (2) Alan Cozens-Hardy Col- man, Gentleman, born Jan. 15, 1867 (died Feb. 7, 1897) ; l«iura Elizabeth [married James Stuart, M.P.]; Ethel Mary ; Helen Caroline ; and Florence Esther. Postal ad- dresses — Carrow House, Norwich; the Clyffe, Corton, Lowestoft; iielgrave Mansions, S.W. SFULWAR LEWIS GEORGE COLQUriT-CRA- VEN, Lieut. 4th Hatt. Gloucestershire Regt. Born 1873, Ijeing the eldest son of the late Fulwar John Goodwin Cokiuitt-Craven of Brockhanqjton, by Essie, dau. of Lewis L. Dillwyii, Ms(|., M.I'. , of Hendrefoilan, co. Glamorgan. Armoriai bearings — ,\rgent, a fessc between si.x cross crosslets fuchee gules. Mantling gules and argent ; and for his Crest, ujion a wreath of the colours, on a chapeau gules turned up ermine, a gryphon statant of the second, teaked or. Motto — " Virtus in actione consistit." SGEOR(iE FREDERICK. RUSSELL COLT, Esquire, late Captain 23rd Royal Welsh Fusiliers, Justice of the Peace ancl Depmy-Lieutenant ; is the second but eldest surviving son of John Hamilton Colt, Esquire, of Inveresk, Auldharne, and Gartsherrie, Justice of the Peace and Deputy-Lieutenant, by his wife Jane, daughter of George Cole Bainbridge of Gattonside, in the county of Rox- burgh. Clubs— HayaX and Military, Primrose, Hyde Park, New (Edinburgh), Conservative (Glasgow), Union (Glasgow). A/7'6'rv-Full dress: light drab coat, silver buttons, waistcoat' blue with white stripes, knee breeches of blue plush ; undress : dark blue. Armorial bearings- Argent, a stag's head erasi-d gules, and between the attires a pheon azure. Mantling gules doubled argent. Crest— A dexter naked arm embowed, holding in the hand an The Editor undertakes that every entry not in italics is that of a genuinely armigerous person. 190 Col Com arrow in l)cnci sinister proper. Motto — "Transfigam." Married, June 28, 1865, Julia Caroline, eldest dau. of the late Rev. tJoorgc lUitton of (jateburton and Knaith, in the CO. of Lincoln, J. P. ; and has /w//f— Ronald Sherwin Holden Stu.art Rae Colt, Esq., J. P., H.A. (Oxen.), Barrister-.at- Law, b. March 23, i86g. Estate — Gartsherrie. Postal (»(/ais for Anns : Argent, a fesse nebiily sable, between two esquires' helmet's proper, a chief gules, thereon a bt'acon fired of the third, t»etwecn two lions' heads erased of the first. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet Ix'fitling his degree, with a mantling sable and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, in front of a beacon fired, a lion couchant, supporting with the forepaw an esquire's helmet all proper; with the Motto, " Nisi Dominus." Married, and has /w/zf— One son. WALTER GEORGE COMPTON. Gentleman, eldest son of the late George Compton, by his wife Jane Alice, daughter of George Brooker. Armorial bearings— He twars for Arms: Argent, a fesse nebuly sable, between two esquires' helmets proper, a chief gules, thereon a beacon fired of the third, Ixitween two lions' heads erased of the first. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet Ix-fitting his degree, with a mantling sable and .argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, in front of a l)eacon fired, a lion couchant, supporting with the forep.aw an esquire's helmet .all proper ; with the Motto, " Nisi Dominus." Married, and has Issue— Ox\<: son. JOHN CONACHER, Esquire, Lieut.-Col. in the p:ngineer and Railway Volunteer Staff Corps, General Man.ager North British Railway. Born Sept. 22, 1845, being the eldest son of the late Charles Conacher, Merchant, Perth. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Or, on a fesse, between two l)oais' heads in chief and a cross couped in base gules, three tleurs-de-lis of the field. Upon the escutcheon is |)laced a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules doubled argent ; and ujion a wreath of his liveries is set for Crest, a falcon rising azure ; and in an escroll over the same this Motto, " Audaciter et velociter." Postal address — .Athole Lodge, Spylaw Road, Edinburgh. EDWARD CONDER, Esquire, J. P. co. Hereford. Born Novemlier 27, 1829, being the eldest son of rtTntlJlrr ''^'^ ^^'^ Richard Conder, by Alice his wife, kLUIiUvI' d.aughter and co-heiress of John Haygarth of Syke, in the county of York ; the said Richard Conder beinir the fourth son of the late Edward Conder of Terry Bank, in the county of Westmorland. Livery — Blue coat with silver buttons and black velvet collar. Armorialbearlngs— He bears for Arms: Argent, Wk is the Military Cockade. on a bend w.avy azure between two lymphads sable, sails furled, Hags flying and oars in motion, also sable, an anchor entwinetl with a cable or ; and for a Crest, on a wreath of the colours, in front of a lymphad as in the arms, an anchor fesseways, the tlukes to the dexter or ; with the Motto, " Je conduis." Married, September 9, 1856, to Susanna, elder daughter of Henry Kitton of Ringste.ad, in the county of Norfolk ; and has /.f.f«c— Edward Conder, Gentleman [to whom refer] ; and Alice Susanna [married, 1880, to R. C. Smith Carrmgton, of Worcester, Master of Arts]. Estates Terry Bank, in the county of Westmorland ; Newbold, in the county of Leicester; New Court, in the coimty of Hereford. Postal address— 'I'eny Bank, Kirby Lonsdale, Westmorland. ^EDW.ARD CONDER, Esquire, Junior, F.S.A., for- merly Capt. Volunteer Forces. /^or« January 7, 1861, being the only son of Edward Conder, Esquire, of Terry Bank |to whom refer], by his wife Susanna, elder daughter of Henry Kitton of Ringstead. C////' — Constitutional. Livery — Blue coat with silver buttons and black velvet collar, and a .scarlet waistcoat. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms: Arg(^nt, on abend wavy azure between two lymphads sable, sails furled, flags flying and oars in motion, also sable, an anchor entwined with a cable or; and for a Crest, on a wreath of tiie colours, in front of a lymphad as in the arms, an anchor fessewise, the flukes to the dexter or; with the Motto, "Je conduis." Married, .April 1887, Bertha Helen Louisa, elder daughter of the late Dering Williams of the Madras Civil Service ; and has /ssue — Edward Conder, Gentleman, born April 5, 1888. Postal address — The Conigree, Newrut, Gloucs. H L\MES HERCULES FITZWALTER HENRY ©CONNELLAN, Esq., J. P. and D.L. co. Kilkenny (High Sheriff 1890), formerly Hon. Lieut.-Col. sth Batt. R. Irish Regt., and late Capt. Hampshire Regt. Born 1849, being the eldest son of the late Peter Connellan, Esq., J. P. and D.L. , of Coolmore, by Anne Maria, second dau. of the Rev. Sir Hercules R. Langrishe, 3rd Bart. Clul> — Army and Navy. Livcrv — Dark blue with gilt buttons, red and black striped waistcoat. Armorial bearings— Per fesse azure and vert, a fesse or, between in chief a pelican argent, vulned gules, and in base a land tortoise ])assant of the third. Mantling azure and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, an owl perched on the stump of an oak tree proper. Mottoes—" Inter utrunK|ue" and (over the crest) " Tace et sape." Married, .April 5, 1881 Laura, dau. of Richard Ussher Roberts of Waterford ; and has Aw/f— Peter Martin Connellan, Gentleman, b. Feb. 19, 1882; and Marguerite Elizabeth. i't-rt^-Coolmore, Thomas- town, CO. Kilkenny. THOMAS CONOLLY. Born 1870, being the eldest son of the late Thomas ConoUy, Esq., of Castletown, J. P. and D.L. , and many years M.P. for co. Donegal, by Sarah Eliza, eldest dau. of Joseph Shaw, lisq., of Celbridge, co. Kildare. Armorial bearings — Argent, on a saltire en- grailed sable, five escallops of the field. MantUng sable and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the ct)lours, a dexter cubit arm vested azure, cuffed argent, the hand proper, grasping a chaplet or. Motto—" Fiat Dei voluntas. " .SVYZ/.9— Castletown, Celbridge ; Clift', Belleck, co. Donegal. § GERALD MARC ELL CONRAN, Esquire, J. P., Capt. Royal Cornwall Rangers Militia. Born March 31, 1851, being the fourth son of the late Capt. William Adam Conrau, J. P., by bis wife Robina Augusta, dau. of Robert Andreio of Harperhay, near Manchester. Armorial bearings as used, but for which no authority has been established, are — Vert, on a chevron argent, three martlets of the field, between as many hinds' heads erased of the second. Crest — -A hinds head erased argent. Motto — " /// deo spes 7nea." Married, April xc,, 1884, /a ne Frances, eldest dau. of the Rev. William Pollexfen Bastard: and has Issue — [i) John Marshall Conran, b. Sept. 17, 1886; (2) William Adam Bastard Conran, b. Sept. 28, 1887 ; and Frances Mary. Residence — Bradridge House, Diptford, co. Devon. HENRY ARTHUR LEWIS CONRA.W, Es<]., J.P. for Jamaica, late Lieut. Royal Cormvall Rangers Militia. Born Sept. 3, 1856, bein^ the third son of the late Capt. William Adam Conran, J. P., by his wife Robina Augusta, dau. of Robert Andreio of Haiperhay, near Manchester. Armorial bearings as used, butj'or which no authority has 3 is the Naval Cockade. Con '. estaHished, are— Vert, on a chevron argent, Ibree marl- lets of the field, between as many hinds' heads erased of the second. Crest—.-/ hind's head erased ardent. Motto—' ' //, deo spes mea." Married Elizabeth Alice, dau. of Charles William Steer of Hradfeld, St. Anne's co., Jamaica; and has Issue— /ithel Penelope. Residence— Ford Park, Plymouth. WILUAM ADAAf CONRAN, Esquire, J. P., late Lieut. 1st Stafford Militia. Bom Oct. 19, 1852, being (he eldest son of Capt. William Adam Conran, J. P., by his wife A'obina Augusta, dan. if Ruber t Andrew of Harper- hay, near Manchester. Armorial bearings as used, but for zvhich no authority had been established, are — Vert, on a chex'ron argent, three martlets of the field, between as 7nany hinds' heads erased of the second. Crest- ^4 hind's head erased argent. MottO — " /n deo spes mea.'" Married Agnes, luidim of William Xarcott Steivarl of Shaw Park, Jamaica; and has Issue — (i) William Douglas Bayne's Conran, b. Dec. 4, 1881 ; (2) Percy Drysdale Wogan Conran, b. 1885. Residence— Edinburgh Castle, St. Anne's CO., Jamaica. CONSTABLE, quartered by ASTLEY. M HERBERT CONSTABLE-MAXWELL-STUART. •"' Est|uire, Justice of the Con0table. ^j^artoeH^- X of .i^^cZ^l ^^rtllflff "'^ York, and Deputy- X>tun(,V Lieutenant for tlie co\inty of J'ecbles. Horn July 20, 1842, being the eldest son of the late Henry ( onst;ible-M;i.\well-Stuart, I''s(|uin\ commonly known as the H(;n(nirable Henry Constable- Maxwell-Stuart, Justice of the Peace, Deputy- Lieutenant, and his wife Juliana [to whom refer], daugliter of the late Peter Middleton of Storki-ld I'ark. Clubs Athen;eum, Bachelors'. Armorial bearings -Heliearsfor Arms: (Quarterly, 1. grand quarter, (piarterly i. or, a fesse chcfitty azure and argent, ii. azure, ihn-e garbs or, iii. sable, a mullet argent, iiii. argent, an orle gules, in cliief three martlets sable, lieaked of the second, nil within a bordure guli-s (for Stuart) ; 2. grand quarter, argent, a two- hearpe Hall, Spilsby]. A'.f/(7/cj — I^ynwode and Market Rasen, in the county of Lincoln. Postal address — Lynwode Manor, Market Rasen, Lincolnshire. CONYERS, Barony of, in the Peerage of England. Held successively by the families of Conyers and Darcey. At the decease of tlie eighth Baron (fourth Earl of Holderness), the Barony passed to his daughter Amelia, wife of the fifth Duke of Leeds. At the death of the seventh Duke of Leeds, the Barony passed to his nephew, Sackville George Lane-Fox, the twelfth and late Baron Conyers. At his death, August 24, 1888, the title fell into abeyance between hisdaughters, Marcia .Xmelia Mary, Coun- tess of Yarborough, and Violet Ida I'A'eline, (now) Countess of Powis, until the abeyance was terminated in favour of the former [to whom refer] by Her Majesty, June 8, 1892. The Editor undertakes that every entry not in italics is that of a genuinely armigerous person. N 194 Con Con ArmorisilbeariiigB used are as above — Quarterly, i. argent, a chevron lietwcen three foxes' heads erased gules (Kox); a. argent, a lion rampant gules, a Ixirdure sable, a canton azure, charged with a harp or (Lane); 3. quarterly ermine and azure, a cross or (Osborne) ; 4. azure, three cinquefoils inescntcheon gules, charged with a chevalier on horseback brandishing a spear argent. Supporters (appertaining to tlie Barony of Conyers) — Two lions azure. I'lie quarterings ortici.illy established in the College of Arms, however, are as follows [vide illustration) : i. F"ox ; 2. Lane ; 3. Farrell ; 4. between nine cross cro.sslets argent (Darcy) ; 5. azure, three bars gemelles and a chief or (Meynell) ; 6. azure, a maunch or (Conyers) ; 7. gules, on a saltire argent, a fleur-de-lis amre (Nevill) ; 8. quarterly i. and iiii. argent, an in- escutcheon sable, an escarbuncle or, ii. and iii. gules, six inescutcheons argent, three, two, and one, over all an & is the Military Cockade. Burke ; 5. Fitzgerald ; 6. Manning ; 7. Pitt ; 8. Cadbury ; 9. Savage; lo. Daniels; ii.Swinnorton ; 12. Becke; 13. Vernon; 14. Bostock ; 15. Venables; 16. Dutton ; 17. Thornton; 18. Minshull; 19. Allingtoii ; 20. Burghe ; 21. Argentine; 22. Tecon ; 23. Gardiner ; 24. Middleton ; 25. Cordell ; 26. Webb ; 27. Darcy ; 28. Langley ; 29. Harleston ; 30. M is tbe Naval Cockade. Coo Coo 19s Kytson ; 31. Kytson ; 32. Donnington ; 33. Pye ; 34. Pye ; 35. Parker ; 36. Lovel ; 37. Tichmersh ; 38. Burnell ; 39. Hol- land ; 40. Zouche; 41. Rohan; 42. Brittany; 43. Beurnes ; 44. Quincey ; 45. Bellomont ; 46. Melent ; 47. (Jwadyr ; 48. Fitzosborn ; 49. Yvery ; 50. Grantmesnil ; 51. Galloway ; 52. Morvile ; 53. Longespee ; 54. Rosemar ; 55. Riddes- ford ; 56. Deincourt ; 57. Grey ; 58. Fitzalan ; 59. Haget ; 60. Morley ; 6r. Marshall; 62. Marshall of Rye; 63. Aitkins ; 64. Hawkins ; 65. Bay ; 66. Wright ; 68. Osborne ; 69. Broughton ; 70. Broughton ; 71. Hewitt ; 72. Hyde ; 73. Godolphin ; 74. Rinsy ; 75. Godolphin ; 76. Killigrew ; •jj. Kemtebury ; 78. Arvenick ; 79. Boligh ; 80. Trenouth ; 81. Glinne; 82. Bonithon ; 83. Churchill; 84. Winston ; 85. Gwaith Voyd of Winston ; 86. Kariadoc ; 87. Beli Mawr; 88. Taithweil; 89. Inyr ; 90. Inyr; 91. Carlion ; 92. Cecil ; 93. Jenings ; 94. Jonings ; 95. Rowlet ; 96. Knoght ; 97. Darcy ; 98. D'Arcy ; 99. Bertram ; 100. Heron ; 10 1. Meynell ; 102. Tempest ; 103. Carew ; 104. Other ; 105. Windsor ; 106. Fitzstephen ; 107. Tuit ; 108. Hoo ; log. Andcrvill ; 110. St. Leger ; in. St. Maur; 112. Malmains; 113. Willes; 114. Engaine ; 115. Waterton ; 116. Bryan; 117. Conyers ; 118. St. Quintin ; 119. Rylc- ston ; 120. D'Arcy; 121. Nevill ; 122. Nevill ; 123. Nevill ; 124. Nevill ; 125. Buhner ; 126. Middleham ; 127. Brittany ; 128. Clavering; 129. Mcrlais ; 130. Faiiconbridge ; 131. Lancaster ; 132. Rokeby ; 133. Schomberg ; 134. Fox. ARTHUR COODE, Esquire, Justice of the Peace for the county of Cornwall. Born October 31, rtTnnrir '^43' f'^i"^ the second son of the late Thomas \ii,l^l^^^K' Codite, by his wife Susan Wreford, daugh- ter of the Re^'erend William /locker. Clubs — Constitutional, Royal Western Yacht (Plymouth). Ar- morial beaxlng^B as used are for knaB: Ari{ent, a cherron X'uli's, bet7i'een three cocks sable, armed, crested, and jelloped of the second. These arms were allinoed in the Visitation of Cornwall, 1620, but no pedigree of the family has been established or recorded in the College of Ai ms since that date. Married, July i, 1869, [.ouisa Catharina, daughter of tin- late William Matt, Esquire, Justice of the Peace and Deputy-Lieutenant for the county of Stafford ; and has Issue — Louisa Margaret. Instates — Besinvra. Afenna, Sy'c., in Laddocks : Pond-dhu House and lands, in St. Austell. Postal address — Trn>arthian, St. Austell. SED WARD COODE, Esquire, Justice of the Peace j or the counties of Cornwall and Dei'on , Deputy-Lieutenant for the county of Cornwall, for which he seived the Office oj High Sheriff in the year 1868. Born January 14, 1821, being the eldest son of the late Edward Coode of Moor Cottage, .St. Austell, in the county of Connoall (joho died i86e,), by his wife Maiy, daughter of Peter Clements, Esquire, of Treruir- nor, in the county of Cormoall. Armorial bearings as used are for himR: Quarterly i and 4, argent a cherron gules bettveen three cocks sable, armed, crested, and jelloped of the second (for Coode) ; 2 argent, f7t nianry, LL.H. and LL.M., Harrister-at-Law, Ijy his wife Amy Frances, dau. of Lieut. -Col. Koliert Gordon, .Adjutant- (ien. MadriLs Army. Armorial bearing^s — Quarterly, i. arjjent, on a Ijcnd engrailed iK'twccn two lions rampant gules, three crescents of the field, all within a hordure checjuy argent and azure (for Coo|jer) ; 2 and 3, c|uartered i. and iiii. , argent, on a chief gules, three lions' hrads erased of the first, all within a Iwrdure ermine (for Ritchie); ii. and iii., giiles a fesse ermine, and in chief a mullet of the last (for Craufurd) ; 4. argent, a chevron gules, surmounted of an- other ermine, kuwixt three laurel .slips vert, all within a hordure che(|uy as the former (for Couper or Cow|jer). Mantling gules and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of IIk- colours, on the dexter side, i^suaiit out of a wreath argent and gules, a dexter hand holding a garland of laiirel both jiroper ; and over the same the Motto. " Vir- tute ; " and on the sinister, ujjon a wreath argent and azure, an oak tree with a branch borne down by a weight, both projier ; and over the same the Motto, " kesurgo." Seat— Failford. 'I'arlxjlton, co. Ayr. ANNIE COOI'Iik-CHADWlCK, Widow.yoimgest dau. of the late John Langley of Knockanure, co. Tipperary. Armorial bearings are upon a lozenge : Quarterly i and 4, or, an inescutchi-nn gulejj, charged with a lily slip()ed and lejived proper, within an orlc of martlets sable (for Chad wick) ; 2 and 3, per pale indented argent and sjiblc, three bulls piussant counterchanged, a canton azure (for Cooper). .Married, 1886, William Cooper-Chad wick, ICsquiie, b. Nov. •4. iSS.S. Lt.-Col. rip])erary Militia, who died 1895, leaving A.w/f Frances Violet, and Kathleen Lilian. Seat—lia.\- linard, Tipperary. § WILLIAM C:OOPEK- COOPER, Esq. F..S.A., J.I'. and D.L., High .Sheriff 1867, 1868, liarrister-at- l.aw, late .Major llcds. Militia. Jloin \\in\ 10, 1810, being the eldest son of William Uodge Cooper-Cooper, Jisc)., .1.1'. and D.L., High Sheriff of Ik-dfordshire 1829, by his wife I'^lizalwlh, an Cooper of 'I'hroop, in the county VHjUjjVl.-j^t'aH of Southampton, by his wife, daughter of tlie late Richard Dean o( Littlodown House, in the sanie county; assumed the additional surname and arms of Dean by Royal License in the year 1888. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Quarterly 1 and 4, gules a lion couchant, and in base a crescent argent, on a chief nebuly of the last two crescents of the first (for Dean) ; 2 and 3 ermine, three barrulets wavy azure, as many annulets or. on a chief of the second, three Cop 199 acorns slipped of the third (for Cooper) ; and for his Crests. 1. upon a wreath of the colours, a demi-lion or, gorged, with a collar nebuly, holding in the dexter paw a crescent, and restmg the sinister paw on an increscent all gules (for Dean), 2. upon a wreath of the colours, in front of a cubit arm, holdmg in the hand a scroll entwined by a branch of oak all proper, an annulet or (for Cooper) ; with the Motto. " Fortis m arduis. " Postal address— L.\n\cdo\sn , Cliristchurch. M FRANCIS ROBERT COPE, Esq., D.L. for co. Sif Armagh. Born 1853, being the only son of the late Robert Wright Cope Cope, of Loughgall Manor, by Cecilia Phihppa, dau. of the late Francis Manley Shawe Taylor of Castle Taylor, co. Galway. 6'/«*.f— Junior Carlton ; St. (ieorge's Yacht Club (Kingstown, Dublin). Armorial bearings— Quarterly i and 4, argent, on a chevron azure, between three roses gules, stalked and leaved vert, as many Heurs-de-lis or, a nmllet of the second for difference (for Cope) ; 2 and 3 argent, three crescents in pale azure, be- tween two pellets (for Doolan). Mantling azure and argent ; and for his Crests, 1. upon a wreath of the colours, out of a fleur-de-lis or, charged with a mullet gules, a dragon's head of the second (for Cope) ; 2. upon a wreath of the colours, on a chapeau azure, turned up ermine, a crescent or, there- from issuant a trefoil slipped vert (for Doolan). Motto— "/Equo adeste animo." Seat — Manor House, Loughgall, xVrmagh. JOHN GARLAND COPE, eldest son of John Alexander Mainley Cope, Esq., J. P., of Drummilly, by Georgina Catherine, third dau. of the late Nathaniel Garland of Michaelstowe Hall, Essex. Armorial bearings — Quar- terly I and 4, argent, on a chevron azure, between three roses gules, stalked and leaved vert, as many fleurs-de-lis or, a mullet of the second for difference (for Cope) ; 2 and 3 argent, three crescents in pale azure, between two pellets in fesse (for Doolan). Mantling azure and argent ; and for his Crests, i. upon a wreath of the colours, out of a fleur- de-lis or, charged with a mullet gules, a dragon's head of the second (for Cope) ; 2. on a chapeau azure, turned up ermine, a crescent or, therefrom issuant a trefoil slipped vert (for Doolan). Motto— " .Equo adeste animo." Has one son, Ralph Jolm Obre Cope, Gentleman. 6'tYz/— Drum- milly, Loughgall, CO. Armagh. Residence — 14 Pembridge .Square, W. RICHARD PIRIE COPELAND. Esq.. J.P. co. .Stafford. Born 1841, Ijeing the youngest son of the late Alderman William Taylor ('opeland, M.P. , of Cliff Bank Lodge, CO. .Stafford, by .Sarah, dau. of John Yates of .Shelton, co. .Stafford. Armorial bearings— Or, two bars gules, in chief three trefoils slipped vert, on a l)cnd over all azure, as many boars' heads erased argent. Mantling gules and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a nag's head erased argent, charged on the neck with a trefoil vert between two holly branches fiucted proper. Motto — " Benigno numine." .Married, 1868, Emily Hen- rii'tta, second d.au. of the late Edmund Thomas Wedgwood Wood of Henley Hall, co. .Salop ; and has, with other Issue — William Fowler Mountford Copeland, Gentleman, B.A., b. 1872. Seat — Kibblestone Hall, near Stone, Staftbrdshire. M WILLIAM FOWLER MOUNTFORD COPE- W LAND, Esquire, J.P. for Middlesex, City of West- minster, Staffordshire, and Herefordsliire. D.L. for London. Born Nov. 4, 1828, being the eldest son of the late Alderman William Taylor Copeland, M.P. , Lord Mayor of London 1836, by his wife Sarah, dau. of John Yates of Shelton. 67«i^— Junior Carlton. Armorial bear- ings — Or, two bars gules, in chief three trefoils sli|)|ie(l vert, over all a bend azure, charged with three boars' heads erased argent. Mantling gules and or. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, between two branches of holly fructed proper, a nag's head argent, maned or, eiiargetl on the neck with a trefoil as in the arms. Motto — " Benigno numine." Married, Jan. g, 1850, Elizabeth Mary, dau. of John Lane, of Leyton Grange, Essex, and King's Bromley, Staffordshire. Seat — Quarry House, St. Leonards-on-Sea. COPLEY, see BEWICKE-COPLEY. RICHARD CHARLES COPLEN- LA.NGFORD, Esquire, J.P. for co. Limerick, a Member of the Limerick Board of Conservators {Fishing). Born 1853, being the^ eldest son of Richard Coplen-lMtigford, Esq. , J. P. , &c. , of The Editor undertakes that every entry not in italics is that of a genuinely armigerous person. Cop KiUosgriff Castk, ifc, by his toi/e, duit. and io-/ieiress ruitli her sister of Major Charles Cua^h, \2th Lancers, of Carrei^vrrv, eo. Clare, Major Clan Militia, also J. P. CO. Clare. C'lul) County (Limerick). Livery — lilue and White. Armorial bearings as used, hut for which no authority has been established in Ulster's office, are — Paly ofsi.x argent and gules, on a chief azure, a lion passant guardant or (for Laugford), quartering Creagh and Coplin. Seat — h'ilcosgcrijff Castle, Chanagolden, co. Limerick, Ireland. Hon. GEORGE SELTH COPFIN, Esquire, M.L.C., J. P. Horn April 8, 1819, being the only son of George Selth Coppin of Nonvich, co. Norfolk, by his -oij'e .Mrs. Elisabeth Jane Jackson of London. Armorial bearings as used, but for which no authority has been established, are — Per pale azure and gules, three boars' heads couped or. Crest — Out of a ducal coronet or, a demi-griffin azure, beaked and legged of the first. Motto — " Essequam videri." Married, firstly, 1885, Harriet Bray ; and had Issue — Polly Bishop; Blanche Brooke; and Amy Maud. He married secondly, 1861, Lucy Hilsden ; and has Issue — (i) George Selth Copfin, b. .Wov. 25, 1866; (2) Frederick Hilsden Coppin, h. April 6, 1869; Constance Ada L^ucy ; Georgina Harriet Dora; limma Edith; Lucy May; and Daisie Eva. Residences (town) — Pine Grove, Richmond Hill, near Melbourne ; (country) — The Anchorage, Sor- rento-on-the-Sea , Victoria. FREDERICK HUGH MACKENZIE CORBET, Gentleman, Memter of Executive Committee of the Ceylon Association in London, Honorary Executive Officer for Ceylon at the Imperial Institute, Memljcr of Gray's Inn. Born July 17, 1862, being the second son of Reginald John Corbel, Esquire, Justice of the Peace, of Ceylon, sometime a Member of the Legislative Council of that colony, by his wife Sophia Louisa Ottilia Whilhelminn, daughter and co-heir of Lieutenant - (Jeneral Adolphus Otho Baron von Barsse, a Major-General in the British Army, and widow of Baron I^rnest von Maltzan-Warten- Ijcrg-Penzlin. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Or, a raven sable. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet Ix-fitting his degree, with a mantling sable and or; and for his Crests, i. upon a wreath of the colours, an elepliant statant argent, tusked or, the trappings sable fimbriated gold, on his back a castle triple-towered of the last; with the motto, " Virlutis laus actio"; 2. upon a wreath of tiie colours, a sc|uirrel sejant cracking a nut all or; witli the motto, " Dum spiro sjjcro " ; and under the arms the Motto, " Deus pascit corvos." Married, May 8, 1893, Eila Louisa Mary, eldest daughter of Sir George William Robert Campbell, Knight Commander of the Most Distinguished Order of Saint Michael and Saint George, of 50 Cornwall (hardens, London, S.W.; and has Issue — (i) Reginald Vincent Campbell Corbet, Gentleman, born February 26, 1894; (2) George Frederick Francis Corbet, Gentleman, born May 20, 1896 ; and Constance Eila. Postal address — 27 Longridge Road, Earls Court, S.W. TiiK Revf:ki:ni) GEORGE WILLIAM CORBET, Bachelor of Arts of the University of Oxford. Rector of Upton Magna, and Honorary Canon of Lichfield Cathedral. Born 1824, being the youngest son of the Reverend John Dryden I'igott, many years Rector of I^dgmond, in the county of Sidop, by his wife Fanny, daughter of H. Bevan ; succeeded his brother in this property 1890, when he assumed by Royal License the surname and arms of Corbet in lieu of Pigott. Armorial bearings -He bears for Arms ; Or, two ravens in jjalc proper, a bordure engrailed gules, and for distinction in chief a cross crosslet also gules. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degiee, with a mantling sable and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreatli of the colours, on a mount vert an elephant statant argent, the trappings or and sable, on its back a tower triple- towered of the tliird, suspended therefrom by a riband gules an escutcheon of the above arms of Corl)et. Married, 1871, Ellen Maria Phoebe, daughter of the Rev- erend Percival S. Wilkinson, of Mount Oswald, in the county of Durham. Estate and postal rtr/rf/v.^— Sundorne Castle, Shrewsbury. S HENRY REGINALD CORBET, Esquire, J. P. for CO. of Salop (High Sheriff 1892), and J. P. and D.L. for CO. of Stafford. Bom 1832, teing the eldest son of Richard Corbet, Esq., J. P. and D.L., of Adderley Hall is tbe Military Cockade. Cor (who (/. 1877), by his wife Eleanor, dau. of the Rev Croxton Johnston, Rector of Wilmslow, Cheshire, an^ grandson of Sir Andrew Corbet, first Baronet. Clubs- Carlton. Boodle's, Wellington, Pratt's, /./tc/t- Canar coloured coat with black facings. Armorial bearings- Quarterly I and 30, or a raven sable (for Corbet) ; 2. 01 an escarbuncle sable (for Turrett) ; 3. azure, two lions pa; sanl in pale or (for Erdington) ; 4. gules, a lion rampant 01 within eight cross crosslets fitch(5e in orle or (for Hopton) 5. azure, a mermaid holding in her dexter hand a niirroi and in her sinister a comb all argent (for Guros) ; 6. vair argent and sable, a canton gules (for Stanton) ; 7. per ben azure and gules, a bend between two crescents or (ft Langljege) ; 8. I)arry of six sable and or, an inestcutcheo ermine, charged with tliree bars gules, a chief of the seconi thereon two pallets of the first (for Burley) ; 9. barry of si or and azure, a bend gules (for Penbruge) ; 10. or, thrc roses gules, barbed vert (for Young); 11. barry nebuly c PcusPasclt Qoroos i and vert (for Hawberke) ; 12. or, an eagle displayed ver debruised by a Ijend compony argent and gules (for Sibton 13. gules, three lucies haurient erect, between nine cro crosslets or (for Lucy) ; 14. azure, six lioneels ranipa: argent, within a bordure engrailed or (for Leybourne) ; i gules, two lions passant in pale argent, within a l>ordu engrailed or (for Strange) ; 16. quarterly or and gules, bend sabl(' (for Beauchamp) ; 17. argent, three chevront sable (for Archdeacon) ; 18. gules, three roach naiant arge; (for Roach) ; 19. argent, three bends sable (for Haccomlje 20. gules, a lion rampant within a bordure engrailed o debruised by a bend azure (for Talbot) ; 21. gules, a lie rampant within a bordure engrailed or (tor Talbot); 2 barry of six or and vert, each bar charged with tlir fleurs-de-lis counterchanged (for Mortimer); 23. gules, tv bars vair (for Say) ; 24. gules, ten bezants or, three, tw and one, a label of three points throughout azure (f Zouche) ; 25. gules, ten mascles, four, three, two, and 01 or (for Rohan) ; 26. ermine (for Britlanyl ; 27. azure, a lie rampant within eight billets in orle or (for Beaumes) ; 2 gules, a saltire or, surmounted by a cross engrailed ermii (for Prynce) ; 29. argent, on a bend between three raven two in chief and one in base, as many garbs or, and ir paling the arms of Grey-Egerton, namely, quarterly i ar M is the Naval Cockade. Cot Cot 1, argent a lion ram|;aiit gules, between three pheoiis sable Egertoii) ; 2 and 3 barry of six argent and azure, a itxd ol five points gules (for Grey). MaXLtling sable and or ; juid for his Crests, i. upon a wreath of tlie colours, an tlephant statant argent, tusked or, the trappings sable, pmbriated gold, on his back a tower triple-towered of the last ; and over it the motto, " Virtutis laus actio ;" 2. upon lia wreath of the colours, a squirrel sejant cracking a nut all Ijor; and over it the motto, " Dum spiro spero." Motto Nunder the arms) — " Ueus pascit corvos." Married, 1855, iLAnna Mary Elizal)eth, eldest dau. of Sir I'hilip de Maipas IjGrey-Kgerton, liart. , M.P. ; and has Issue — (i) Reginald ^orlwt, Esq. [to whom refer]; (2) Randulph John Corbet, jentlenian, b. Dec. 31, 1858 ; (3) Bertram Davenant Corbet, jentleman/ h. Nov. 4, I.869. Estates — Adderley, Stoke, i;hild's Ercall. Seat — .Vdderley Hall, Market Drayton. lEGIN.MJJ CORBET, Estjuire, Justice of the Peace J for the county of Saloj). Horn 1857, being the eldest (''of Henry Reginald Corlx-t, Esquire, Justice of the Peace Sind Deputy- Lieutenant, of Adderley Hall, by his wife Anna " lary l-^lizalx^th, elder daughter of Sir Philip de Malpns Ifcrey-l-'gerton, tenth Baronet; Cajjtain Salop Yeomanry, 111890,1891; llon(jr;iry Major, 1891. (7//Av— White's, Pratt's. 'Armorial bearings — He Invars fur Arms : Or, a raven proper, and impaling the arms of Russell, namely argent, a 'lion rampant gules, on a chief sable, three escallops of the i field. Upon the escutcheon is pi, iced a helmet befitting his I degree, with a Mantling sable and or; and for his Crests, 1. upon a wreath ol the cuiours, an elephant statant argent, tusked or, the trappings sable, fimbriated gold, on his back a castle tri]jie-towered tjf the last ; and over it the motto, " Virtutis laus actio ; " 2. upon a wreath of the colours, a squirrel sejant cracking a nut all or ; and over it the motto, "Dum spiro sjiero ; " and under the arms the Motto, " Deus pascit corvos." Married, April 23, 189J, Katharine, commonly known ;is the Honourable Katharine, daughter of the Kiglit Honourable Edward Southwell Russell, twenty- third Baron De ClilTord. Postal (irfrf/VM— Adderley Hall, Market Drayton. REGl NALD GEORGE CORBIH', Gentleman, Bachelor of Divinity, formerly Chancellor of the Diocese of Kandy. Horn January 8, 1857, being the eldest son of Reginald John Corliet, Esc|uire, Justice of the Peace of Ceylon, sometime a Member of the Legislative Council of that colony, by his wife Sophia Louisa Ottilia Wilhelniina, daughter and co-heir of Lieulenant-General .Adolphus Otto, Baron von Barsse, a Major-Gencral in the British Army, and widow ol Biiron Ernest von Maltzan-WarteiilK-rg-Penzlin. Armorial bear- ings—He Ijcars for Arms: Or, a raven sable. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet Ix-fitting his degree, with a Mantling sable and or ; and for his Crests, i. upon a wreath of the colours, an elephant statant argent, tusked or, the trappings sable, fimbriated gold, on his Ixick a tower triple^ towered of the last ; with the motto, " Virtutis laus actio ; " 2. upon a wreath of the colours, a squirrel sejant cracking a nut all or ; with the motto, "Dum spiro spero;" under the arms the Motto, " Deus pascit corvos." Postal address —27 Longridge Road, liarl's Court, S. W. §SiK WALTER ORLANDO CORBE T, fourth Baronet of Moreton, in the county of Salop. Deputy-Lieu- tenant, late Captain tloldstreani Guards. Born July 11, 1856, Iseing the son of tlie late Sir Vincent Rowland Corbet, third Baronet, by his wife Caroline Agnes, third daughter of Vice-.Vdmiral Charles Orlando Bridgeman, com^nonlv known as the Honourable Charles Orlando Bridgeman. Cm//w/— Oetol)er s. 1808. <■ 7// /i.f— Guards', Bachelors', Carlton, Pratt's. Armorial bearing— He bears for Arms: Or, a raven sable (for Corbet), with twenty- nine other ([uarterings. Upon the escutcheon, which is charged with his badge of Ulster as a Baronet, is placed a helmet Ix-fitting liis degree, with a Mantling sable and or ; and for his Crests, i. upon a wreath of the colours, an elephant statant argent, tusked or, the trappings sable, fimbriated gold, on his back a castle triple-towered of the last; and over the crest the motto, " Virtutis laus actio ; 2. upon a wreath of the colours, a sc|uirrel sejant *^r^cking a nut all or ; above it the motto. " Dum spiro spero." MottO —"Deus pascit corvos." Married, July 7, 1888, Caroline Douglas, onlv child of Captain James Stewart, formerly iith Hussars; and h.is Issue— (i) Vincent Stewart Corbet, Es- quire, born January 27, 1890; (2) Roland James Corljet, Esquire, born .August 19, 1892. Seat~.\c\.on Reyiiald Hall, Shrewsbury. /fesidenee—HL Eort, in the county of Eife. WILL/ AM JOSEPH CORBE T, M. P. for E. Wickloru Div. Born 1825, being the third son of the late Robert Corbet of Ballykaneen, Queen's Co., by Alice, dau. of John Mulhall of Clonaslie. Armorial bearings as used, but to ichich he has no right, are — Or, a raven sable. Crest — .in elephant and castle. MottO— ' ' Deus pascit conuis." Married. /irstly, 1865, Elizabeth (d. 1S71), dau. of Richard Jennings ; secondly, \^qo, Marie, dau. of David Eitzhenry. Residence — Spring Eartn, Delgany, co. Wick law. ARCHIBALD CAMERON CORBE IT, Esquire, Jus- tice of the Peace for the counties of Lanark and Warwick, Memljer of Parliament for the Tradeston Division of Glasgow. Born May 23, 1856, being the son of the late Thomas Corl)ett, by his wife Sarah, daughter of the late .Archi- bald Cameron. 67//^— Brooks's. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : .Argent, a key fesseways, warils downwards, betw'een two ravens sable. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, w ith a Mantling gules, doubled argent ; and upon a wreath of liis liveries is set for Crest, a branch of a tree proper ; thereon a raven sable, with the Motto, " Deus pascit corvos." Married, 1887, Alice Mary, only daughter of John Poison (>f C;istle Levan, by Greenock. North Britain. Postal address — 24 Hans Place, S.W. EDWARD CORBETT. Esquire. J. P. Born Feb. 7, 1843, being the eldest son of the late Edward Corbett, Esq., J. P. and D. L. , Lieut. -Col. Shropshire Militia, Lord of the Manor of Longnor, M.P. for the Southern Div. of the CO. of Salop 1868-1877, by his wife I'Llizabeth Ann i'eresa. dau. of Robert Scholl. Armorial bearings Or, two ravens in pale pro[)er, within a bordure engrailed gules, lx-zant(''e, and impaling the arms of Isham, namely gules, a fesse wavy, and in chief three piles also wavy argent. Mantling sable and or. Crest — Upon a wreath of the colours, a raven proper with a lioUy branch in its bill vert. Iructed gules. Married, July 12, 1871 ; Louisa Mary, eldest daiL of Sir Charles Edmund Isham, tenth Baronet, of Lamport Hall, in the co. of Northampton. Seal — Longnor, Shrevysbury. §JOHN CORBE rr, Es(|uiie, Justice of the Peace and ' Deputy-Lieutenant for the county of Merioneth, Justice of the Peace for the county of Worcester, Commissioner ^^ of the River Severn Navigation, and I'atron of three Liv- ings. Lord of the Manor of Impney. Born 1817, being the eldest son of Joseph Corbett of the county of Salop, by The Editor tmdertakes tbat every entry not in itaUcs is tbat of a genuinely armigerous person. Cor his wife Hannah. ('liil>s — Reform, Giesliam, National Union. Armorial bearings— He Ix-ars for Arms : Sable, on a pile erniinois, a ravt-n of the field, on a chief nebuly ermine, a gry|ilion sejant or. Upon the e.scntelieon is placed a helmet iH-tiiting his degree, with a Mantling sable and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of tlie colours, in front of a tower gules, an elephant argent, the trappings and saddle-cloth sable, charged with a raven or, and sup- porting with the trunk a tilting-spear erect proper ; with the Motto, " Deus pascit corvos." Married, April 1856, Anna I'lliza, daughter of John O'Meara ; and has Issue— yi) Roger lohn Corbett, Gentleman, born August 10, 1863 ; (2) Walter John Corbett, Gentleman, born January 25, 1867; Mary ICliza ; Anna Camille ; Kathleen Hannah ; and CUue. Estates — Inipney, in the county of Worcester; Ynys-y- Maengwyn, in the county of Merioneth. Postal addresses — Inipney, Droitwich ; 20 Hertford Street, Mayfair, W, UVEDALE CORBETT, Esquire, Justice of the Peace for the County Palatine of Chester, Master of Arts of the University of Oxford, Barrister-at-Law, late Inspector of the Local Government Board. Horn 1818, Ijeing the eldest ^,(^n of Uvedale Corljett, Esquire, Deputy-Lieutenant and Justice of the Peace for the county of Salop, and Judge of l"ounty Courts, Salop, by his wife Mary Ann Jane, only daughter of Joseph I^yon of Ashfield and Prenton, in the county of Chester. Club — United University. Livery — Claret, with scarlet facings and striped red and white waist- coat, black velvet Vjreeches, and drab bo.\-cloth overcoats. Armorial bearings— He Ijcars for Arms : Or, two ravens in p.ilc proper, with a border engrailed gules, bezant^e. Upon ilu: escutcheon is placed a helmet Ijetitting his degree, with a Mantling sable and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a raven proper, with a holly branch in its bill vert, fmcted gules; with the MottO, " Deus pascit corvos." Married, August 8, 1848, Mary, eldest daughter of John Fryer of the Wergs, county Staflbrd, first M. P. for Wolver- hampton ; and has Issue — (i) Reginald William Uvedale (.'orl^tt. Gentleman, late Lieutenant 52nd Light Infantry, born February 20, 1858 [married, 1889, Jeanie Gerard Red- fern, daughter o( the late Honourable Chandler J. Wells of Buffalo, New York] ; (2) Richard Cecil Corbett, Gentleman, born June 4, 1851, late Lieutenant Royal Horse Artillery [married, February 8, 1877, Susan Horalia, eldest daughter of Harvey Drummond of Iping, in the county of .Sussex ; and 7 Ennismore Gardens, London, and has two sons and two daughters]; (3) Uvedale Bennett Corljett, Esquire, Justice of the Peace for the County Palatine of Chester, late Royal N.avy, Ixjrn May 17, 1853 [married, August 8, 1877, Margaret Ashton, eldest daughter of Charles Andrew of CompstoU, in the county of Chester, and Coughton Court, in the county of Warwick, and has one son and four daughters; (4) Lionel Herbert Corbett, Gentleman, born January 8, 1857, died January 14, 1863 ; (5) Ednmnd Henry Corbett, Gentleman, born February 6, 1859, died January 6, 1862 ; (6) Lionel Edmund Henry Corbett, Gentleman, born January 31, 1863; and Alice Mary, died January 30, 1863. Estates — .Ashlield Hall Estate, in the parishes of Neston and Willaston, in the county of Chester ; and the Township of Prenton, in the same county. Postal address — Ashfield Hall, N'eston, Cheshire. H VINCENT CHARLES STUART WORTLEY ^f3 CORBETT, Esear or, headed argent. Motto — " .Audaces fortuna juvat. " Married, firstly, Oct. 18, 1859, .Alice Sophia Elizabeth, only dau. of Sir George Edward Pocock, Bart., of The Priory, Christ Church, Hampshire; and by her (who died 1878) has had Issue— [\) Dudley Sidney Ashworth Cosby, Esq., b. Jan. 12, 1862, Capt. 3rd Scottish Rifles, late Lieut. Rifle Brigade \m., April 30, 1895, Emily Mabel, only dau. and heir of Lieut. -Gen. James Gubbins, C. B. ; The Editor undertakes that every entry not in italics is tbat of a genuinely armigerous person. 204 Cot Coto and has issue, Irene Mable Alys]; (2) Sidney George Coventry Cosby, Gentleman, Lieut. Rifle Brigade, b. July 23, 1864, d. num. 1891; Edith Augusta Emily \m., Aug. 10, 1887, Major the Hon. Henry Edward Maxwell, Black Watch, brother of Lord Farnham] ; Mary Povvlet, [/«., May 17, 1893, William H. Persse, eldest son of Henry Persse of Glenarde, co. Galway, and has issue] ; Aline Islay; Lilian Alice; Violet Grace \jn., Jan. 11, 1894, Frederick Oliver Baron Ashfown, and has issue]. He married secondly, Jan. 22, 1885, Eliza, dau. of Rev. Capcl Molyneux, Vicar of St. Paul's, Onslow Square, and widow of Sir Charles Goring, ninth Bart., of Highden, Sussex. AVn/— Stradbally Hall, Queen's Co. COTTON, quartered by HUSSEY. S EDWARD THOMAS DAVENANT COTTON- JODRELL, Esquire, Justice of rfTntl-nn -IfnfirHf ^'^"^ Pcacefor the county Palatine Vil^OllUn-JIUUll^ll of Chester, Lieutenant-Colonel Commanding and Cheshire Vo- lunteers, Memlier of Parliament for the Winal Division of the county of Chester since December i, 1885. Born June 29, 1847, teing the only son of the late Right Reverend George Edward I^ynch Cotton, Bishop of Calcutta, by his wife Sophia Anne, daughter of the Reverend Henry Tom- kinson of Reaseheath, Nantwich, in the county of Chester ; and assumed by Royal License, 1890, the additional surname and arms of Jodrell. C///<^j-— Carlton, Junior United Ser- vice. A/t'tvj— Black and silver. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms: Quarterly i and 4, sable three buckles argent (for Jodrell) ; 2 and 3 azure, a chevron between three hanks of cotton argent (for Cotton). U|3on the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling sable and argent; and for his Crests, i. upon a wreath of the colours, a cock's head and neck couped or, the wings elevated argent, combed and wattled gules (for Jodrell) ; 2. upon a wreath of the colours, a falcon jiroper, belled or, holding in the dexter claw a belt azure, buckled of the second (for Cotton) ; with the Motto, " Vigilando." Mar- ried, April 24, 1878, Mary Rennell, daughter of William R. Coleridge, Esquire, of Salston, in the county of Devon ; and has surviving hxiie — Dorothy Lynch and Olive Harriet. Estates — Reaseheath and Yeardsley, Cheshire, and Shall- cross, Derbyshire. Postal address — Reaseheath Hall, Nant- wich. CHARLES COTTRELL-DORMER, Esquire, J. P., Capt. late 13th Hussars. Born May 21, i860, being the eldest son of the late Clement Upton Cottrell-Dormer, Esq., J. P. and D. L., by his wife Florence Anne, second dau. of Thomas Upton of Ingmire Hall, Westmorland. Armorial bearings — Quarterly i and 4, azure ten billets, four, three, two, and one or, a chief of the last, therefrom issuant a denn'-lion rampant sable (for Dormer) ; 2. argent, a tend nebuly, gutt^e-d'eau, Iwtween three escallops of the second (for Cottrell) ; 3. sable, a cross nioline argent (for Upton). Mantling azure and or. Crests— i. on a wreath of the colours, a fox statant argent (for Dormer) ; 2. on the dexter side, on a wreath of the colours, a talbot's head couped sable, gorged with a collar with chain affixed thereto, between two crosses pat^e paleways or, the collar charged with three escallops also sable (for Cottrell) ; 3. upon the sinister side, on a ducal coronet or, a horse passant sable, bridled, saddled, and accoutred also or (for Upton). Motto — "Semper paratus." Married, Aug. 7, 1889, Ursula, youngest dau. of Mr. and Lady Elizabeth Leslie- Melville-Cartright of Melville House, co. Fife ; and \\z.% Issue — (i) Clement Cottrell-Dormer. Gentleman, b. Feb. 6, 1891 ; (2) Charles Melville Cottrell-Dormer, Gentleman, b. 1892; (3) Thomas Cottrell-Dormer, Gentleman, b. 1894; Seat — Rousham and Middle Aston, Oxford. COULL, see FORSTER-COULL. HENRY JOHN WASTELL COULSON, Esquire, J. P., Barrister-at-Law. Born Nov. 13, 1848, toeing the eldest son of the late Gustavus Hamilton Coulson, Capt. R.N., J. P. and D.L., of Stonehouse, Cumberland, by his wife Anne Lindsay, only dau. of Rev. Henry Wastell of Newbrough and Wall Town, Northumberland. Armorial bearings — Quarterly i and 4, per pale argent and ermine on a bend sable, three fleur-de-lis or (for Coulson) ; 2 and 3 argent, a fesse between three garbs banded sable [for Blen- & is the Military Cockade. — On^^l khisopf). Mantling sable and argent. Crest wreath of the colours, between two spears, a pelican in her piety all 'proper. Motto— "Je mourrai pour ceux que j'aime." Married, July 14, 1875, Carolme Stewart, dau. of the late Henry Unwin of the Bengal C.S. ; and has Issue— Gustavus Hamilton Blenkinsopp Coulson, b. April i, 1879; Florence Lindsay; Isobel Forbes; and Inez Lisle. Seat — Lythecourt, Tiverton, Devon. The right of Mr. Coulson to the foregoing quartering for Blenkinsopp has not up to the present time been officially established or recorded in the College of Anns, but these artns of Blenkinsopp were recorded at the Visitations, and from the proofs supplied to him the Editor has personally no doubt that the use thereof by Mr. Coulson is correct. GEORGE COURTAULD, Esq., J. P. for Essex, and was M.P. for Maldon 1878-1885. Born 1830, being the eldest son of the late George Courtauld of Bocking, Essex (by Susanna, dau. of John Sewell of Halstead, Essex, and nephew of the late Samuel Courtauld of (iosfield Hall, Essex. Club — Reform. Armorial bearings — Per pale argent and or, a chevron between three trefoils in chief and a fleur-de-lis in base vert. Mantling \cri and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, in front of a fleur-de-lis argent, three mullets gules. Motto — " Tiens a la v^rit^." Married, ist, 1855, Mina, youngest d.au. of the late William Bromley of Clapton, Middlesex (she died 1859) ; 2nd, 1864, Susannah Elizabeth, elder dau. of the late .Samuel Webb Savill of Bocking, lissex (she died 1879); 3rd, 1888, Serena Elizalx;th, dau. of the late B. Sparrow of Gosfield Place ; and has, with other Issue — George Courtauld, Gentle- man, b. 1859. Seats — Cutiiedge, Gosfield, Halstead ; The Grove, Witham, Essex. lit. Hon. LEONARD HENRY COURTNEY, P.C, M.A. Cantab., M.P. for Bodmen Div. of Cormuall. Born 1832, being the eldest son of the late John Sampson Courtney of Alverton House, Penzance. £:iub3 — Reform, Athcncrum. Armorial bearings ^7^ used, but to which no right has been established, are — Or, three torteaux, in chief a label of three points argent. Crest— ^ dolphin embo7ced. Motto — " Ut tibertati serviamus." Married, 1883, Catherine, dau. of Richard Potter, Esq., J. P., of Stand ish House, Stonehouse, Gloucester. Residence — i^ Cheyne Walk, Chelsea, London, S.W. JAMES COWAN, Esquire, Justice of the Peace and a Memlx;r of the Council for the coimty of Renfrew, second H is the Naval Cockade. Coto son of Lachlan Cowan and his wife Ljlias, daughter of James Bruce. CVwi^j— Constilulional, Junior Constitutional, Conservative (Glasgow), Scottish Conservative (Edinburgh).' IJvtiy — Claret colour with white facings. Armorial bear- ings — He bears for Arms : Argent, a saltiie and a chief gules, the former charged with an escallop or. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet Ixifitting his degree, with a mantling gules, doubled argent ; and upon a wreath of his Cott) 205 liveries is set for Crest, i>sii:int out of a cloud a dexter hand prn|xT, holding a heart gules ; and in an escroll over the same this MottO, " Viri's el lidrs." lislnte and postal dd- divss — Koss Hall, CrcHjkston, Renfrewshire. S J.AMES WILLIAM ALSTON COWAN, Esquire, Capt. Highland Light Infantry. Armorial bearings —Argent, a saltire gules, on a clii<-f cngr,iil<-d of tin- sccdiid, a fleur-de-lis of the first. Mantling gules doubled ari^eut. Crest On a wreath of his liveries an escallop shell or. Motto " Sic iiur in altum." JOHN MARSHALL ((nVAN, \\A. (Camb.), M.B.. C. M. (Camb. ). Armorial bearings— Argent, a saltire gules, on a chief invected of the second, a fleur-de-lis of tlu- first. Mantling gules doubled argent. Crest -On a wreath of hi^, liveries, an escallop .shell or. MottO— " .Sic itur in altum." /'ostal address — I).\Mi-: C.EORGINA ICLIZABi: TH COWI'.LL, Widow, commonly known as Lady Cowell, only child of the late James Killeino, l'"s(|uire, Justice of tlic Pence and Dejuity- Lieutenani, of ( lifion ( asile and Crake Hall, in the county of York. Armorial bearings are, u|x)n a lozenge : l\rrnine, a hind tripi)ant gules. Married, 1868, Major-Ceneral thi? Right Honourable .Sir John Clayton Cowell, Knight Conj- inander of the Most Honourable Order of the Math (Civil Division), and one of Her Majesty's Most Honourable Privy Council ; and has with other /.w//f— Albert Victor John Cowell, ICsquire, born 1869. M ANDREW RICHARD COWELL, Esquire, Surgeon ^^ Bombay .Army (retired), Doctor of Medicine, /fpisVMrtTJ Bachelor of Medicine, M.aster in Surgery, \a^UUI(/|.( ^„,j \u.n,l)er of the Royal College of Physi- cians (Ireland). Horn January 20, 1840, Ix'ing the second son of tlie late George Clayton Cowell, Gentle- man, of Garrison, in the county of Fermanagh, by his wife Eliza Jane, only child of the Reverend Andrew Story Young, Bachelor of .Arts, of Garrison, in the same county. Livery — White coat, vest, and stockings, the coat trinmied with red collar and cuffs, red plush breeches, silver buttons. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : ICrmine, a hind trippant gules; and for his Crest, u|)on a wreath of the colours, .a lion passant guardanl gules, dueally crowned and plain collared or ; with the Motto, " Fortis et celer. " >^j/rt/<;-^Cullentra, in the county of Wexford. Postal address — Care of Messrs. Grindlay and Company, S5 I'ar- liament Street, London, S.W. ■ FRANK COWPER. Gentleman, Master of .Arts of the Universityof Oxford, late Lieutenant ist Ad. Batt. Bucking- ham Volunteers. Bom 1849, being the second son of Henry Coo|)er, Gentleman, of Forest Lodge, Shooter's Hill, in the county of Kent, by his wife Catherine Owm, daughter of .S. Lovegrove, and resumed the original spelling of Cowper by Deed-Poll. ^'///Av— Grosvenor, Royal Harwich Yacht. Armorial bearings — He Ijears for Arms: yyrgent, a sword fesseways |)ro|)er, l)etween three martlets gules, on a chief invected azure, four annulets or. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet l)efitting his degree, with a mantling gules and argent ; and for his Crest, ujjon a wreath of the colours, a lion's gamb erased or, charged with two annulets azure, transfixed by a sword as in the arms, and holding a cherry branch proper ; with the MottO, " Tuum est." Married, 1876, lulith Eliza, daughter of the Reverend Edward Cadogan, Master of Arts, Clerk in Holy Orders; and has hatl Issue — (i) Frank Cadogan Cowper, (ientleman, IxM-n 1877; (2) Lionel Cadogan Cow- |>i'r, Gentlrman, born 1880; (3) (ierald Cadogan Cowjjer, Gentleman, Iwrn 1883 ; (4) Henry i'',velyn Cadogan Cowper, (ientleman, born 1886, died 1887; Edith Alice Magdalen; Gl.adys Blanche Catherine ; Gwenllyan Sibylla Mary ; and Nesta I'-velyn Dorothea. Postal address — Grosvenor Club, Bond Street, W. M FREDERICK COWPER, Esq., J. P., D.L. Born © Feb. 15, 1822, l)eing the eldest son of the late Frederick Cowper, Esq., J. P. and D. L. , of Unthank and Carleton, by his wife Susan Lydia, elder dau. of the late Andrew John Nash of Hyde Hoase, Middlesex. I ivcrv — Blue, orange waistcoat, gilt buttons. Armorial bearings— He Ixsars for Arms : Azure, a chevron paly or and ermine, in chief an aimulet between two martlets argent, in base a c.aduceus of the second. Upon the escutcheon is i)laced a helmet Ixjfitting his degree, with a mantling azure and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a buffalo's head erased per fesse sable and or, armed of the last, charged in the neck with a cross crosslet counter- changed, in the mouth a slip of oak proper. Motto — " Industria et perseverantia." Married, 1855, Mary, only child of the late Thomas Rooke of West Hill, Wandsworth ; and has Issue — (i) Carleton Frederick Cowper, Gentleman, h. 1858 [;«., 1885, Ella Eliza, dau. of W. Middleton Moore, Esq., J. P., D. L. , of Grimeshill, Westmorland, and has a son, b. 1889] ; (2) Charles Henley Cowper, Gentleman ; Olive; Catherine Louisa ; May Adelaide ; and Mary Susan. Seat — Carleton Hall, Penrith, Cumberland. The Editor undertakes that every entry not in italics is tbat of a genuinely armi^erous person. 2o6 Cot) Cor FREDERICK CARLETON COWPER. Esq. J. P. for Cumberland. Bom 1858, teing the eldest son of V. Cowper, Esq., J. P., D.L., of Carleton Hall, Cuniber- lapd. Armorial bearings — Azure, a clievron paly or and ermine, in chief an annulet between two martlets argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a buffalo's head erased per fesse sable and or, armed of the last, charged on the neck with a cross crosslet counter- ch.-inged, in the mouth a slip of oak proper. Motto—" In- dustriaet perseverantia." Married, 1886, Ella E., only dau. ofW. Middleton Moore, Esq., J. P., D.L., of Grimeshill, Westmorland. 5fa/— Carleton Derick, Penrith, Cumber- land. THOMAS CHRISTOPHER COWPER-ESSEX, Gentle- man. Born December 25, 182.^, rfTrtSMllPr-fTPtfrtPr '^^'"S the eldest surviving son of V4j^UlUpVV->i'P?Jv'A' James Swainson Cowper-lissex, of Yewfield Castle, Hawkshead, in the County Palatine of Lancaster, and Oldfields, Acton, in the county of Middlesex, by Alice, daughter of William Wilson of Yealand, also in the County Palatine of Lancaster. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms: Quarterly i and 4, azure, within two chevronels or, a qiiatrefoil of the last, between two griffins' heads couped ermine, the whole between three eagles displayed of the second (for Essex), 2 and 3 or, two barrulets wavy azure between two horse-shoes in chief sable, and a lantern in base proper (for Cowper) ; and for his Crests, 1. on a wreath of the colours, on the capital of an Ionic column a grifiin's head couped sable, charged with two quatrefoils or (for Essex), 2. on a wreath of the colours, a cubit arm erect vested gules, the cuff argent, holding in the hand a lantern suspended from a staff proper (for Ojwper) ; with the Motto, " Conduce. " Married, July 22, 1862, Catherine Anne, daughter of Benjamin Hall of Grange-over-Sands and Newton-in-Cartmel ; and has Issue — (i) Thomas Cowper, Esq., Capt. 3rd Batt. Loyal North Lanes. Regt., born July I, 1863; (2) Henry .Swainson Cowper, Gentleman, F.S.A. , born June 17, 1865. Postal address — Yewfield, Oiitgate, Ambleside. ALFRED WILLIAM COX, Gentleman. Born 1861, being the fourth son of George Addison Cox of Inver- trossachs, Perthshire, by his wife Eliza, daughter of David Methven, Kirkcaldy. Club — Junior Athenaeum. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Or, a chevron azure be- tween two spur-revels in chief and a lion's head erased in base gules, langued of the second, within a bordure indented M is the Military Cockade. ting hi^^™ ermines. Upon the shield is placed a helmet laefitting degree, with a mantling azure doubled or ; and upon a wreath of his liveries is set for Crest, a dexter arm embowed issuing out of the sea, holding in the hand an .anchor in bend sinister, cabled proper ; and in an escroll above, this Motto, " PnKmium virtutis honos." Married, September 8, 1892, Helen, daughter of Major George Paris Salmon (late of the Bengal Artillery) of Willanslee, Perth ; and has Issue — Euan Hillhousc Methven Cox, Gentleman, born June 19, 1893. Postal address — Glendoick, Glencarse, Perthshire, EDWARD COX, Esquire, Justice of the Peace for the county of Forfar, and for the co. of the city of Dundee, Master of Arts of the University of Edinburgiu Born 1850, being the fourth son of the late James Cox, Esquire, of Cardean, and of Clement Park, Justice of the Peace and Deputy-Lieutenant for the co. of Forfar, and his wife Clementina, daughter of James Carmichael of Dundee. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Or, a chevron azure between two mullets pierced in chief, and a lion's head erased in liase gules, langued of the second. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules and argent ; and U])on a wreath of his liveries is set for Crest, a dexter arm embowed issuing out of the sea, holding in the hand an anchor in bend sinister cabled proper ; and in an escroll over the same this Motto, " Prnemium virtutis honor." Married, 1875, Ada Mary, daughter of John Johnson Stitt of Liverpool ; .and has Issue — (i) James Ernest Cox, Gentleman, born Sept. 12, 1876; (2) John Arthur Cox, Gentleman, born April 29, 1878; Hilda Mary; Irene Mildred; and Beatrice Emily. Estates and />os fa I address — Cardean, Meigle, N.B. Lieut. -Gi.N. Sir JOHN WILLIAM COX, K.C.B. Bom 1821, being the eldest son of the late C'ol. .Sir William Cox of Coolcliffe, co. Wexford; served with 13th L. 1. in Afghanistan 1840-1842 (two medals, .and specially men- tioned in despatches), in Crimean Campaign 1855 (medal with clas]), sth class Medjidie, and Turkish medal), and in Indian Mutiny 1857, 1858 (repeatedly mentioned in despatches, and med.al) ; created C. B. (Mil.) 1859, and K.C.B. 1896. C//c/'— Royal Albert Yacht. Armorial bear- ings — Or, three bars azure, in chief a trefoil slip|)ed vert, on a canton gules, a lion's head erased argent. Mantling azure and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a goat's head erased azure, armed or, holding in his mouth a trefoil slipped vert ; with the Motto, " Ficle et fortitudine." Married, 1850, Emma (who died 1887), dau. of Capt. C. Griffin, R.N. ; and has /.f.w/c— Capt. WilMam C. Cox, Somerset Light Infantry, /'. Feb. 1861 ; and fi\i' daus. Postal address — 26 South I'arade, Southsea. H is the Naval Cockade. Cor era 207 Col. WILT.IAM COX, late Lt.-Col. Somerset Regt. 9orn 1837, being the elder but only surviving son of the late Villiam Cox, Esq., J. P., of Hallynoe, by Elizabeth, dau. of the late John Ornisby Vandel(3ur of Maddenstown, co. Jvildare. Armorial bearings— Argent, three bars gules, on a canton azure, a lion's head erased or, and impaling the arms of Lowry-Corry, namely, quarterly 1 and 4, gules a saltire argent, in chief a rose of the last (for Corry) ; 2 and 3 sable, a cup argent, with a garland tjetween two laurel branches, all issuing therefrom proper (for Lowry). Mantling gules aiul argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, .nn anteloi)e's head erased sable, crined or, pierced through the neck with a broken spear proper. Motto— " I-ortiter et fideliter." Married, 1882, Mary Emma, dau. of the late Admiral Armar Lowry-Corry. jSea/ — Hallynoe, Ballingarry, Limerick. WILLIAM HENRY COX, Esquire, J.P. for Perthshire. /for// April 14, 1865, being the eldest son of William Cox, I "squire, Justice of the Peace, of Snaigow, in the county of I'erth, who dit^d September 7, 1894, by his wife Elizabeth, < laughter of Henry Boase, Doctor of Medicine, Fellow of the Royal Society, Fellow of the Ceological Society ((,'ornwall). C7//Ar— Junior Athemvum ; Conservative (Edin- burgh) ; Comity (Perth); Royal anrl Ancient Golf (Saint Andrews). Livery — Drab coat, blue collar and cuffs. ArmorlaJ bearings— He Ijears for Arms: Or, a chevron azure between two spur-revels in chief, and a lion's head erased in base gules, l.angued of the second within a bordure of the third, impaling the arms of Kinlfx:h of ( iourdic, namely azure, on a chevron between three mascles or, a boar's head erased of the field, a tleur-dc-lis in chief of the second. Above the shield is placed a helmet be- fitting his degree, with a mantling azure, doubled or ; and on a wre.-ilh of his liveries is set for Crest, a dexter arm embowed issuing out of the sea, holding in the hand an .anchor in bend sinister, cabled proper, and in .an escroll over the same this Motto, " Pra;niium virtiUis honos." Marric-d, June 6, 1893, Amy Verden (who died March 21, 1894), daughter of the late William Harrower Anderson, 13 Belgrave Crescent, Edinburgh; and has Jssite — Amy X'erden. He married secondly, April 28, 1896, Annie, daughter of the late David James Kinloch, I'^squire, Colonel R.A. , of Gourdie ; and has had issue — .\ son, who died in infancy. Estates — Snaigow, near Dunkeld, and Clunie, near Blairgowrie, both in the county of Perth. Postal address — Snaigow, Dunkeld, Perthshire. CLEMENT WILLIAM HARDY COZENS-HARDY, Escjuire, J.P. for the co. of Norfolk. Born Feb. 27, 1833, being the eldest son of William Hardy Cozcns-Hardy, l'"sq., of Letheringselt Hall, J. P., by his wife .Sarah, dau. of 'i'homas Theoliold, l*'s(|., of Norwich. Armorial bear-. ings—Quarterly i and 4, per chevron argent and or, in chief two bombshells fired, and in base an eagle's head erased proper (for Hardy) ; 2 and 3 per pale azure and gules, on a pile or, a lion ramp.ant of the secojid, gutt(5e- d'eau and collared argent (for Cozens). Mantling sable and argent. Crests— 1. upon a wreath of the colours, a dexter arm embowed proper, charged with a pellet between two chevronels or, and grasping an eagle's head fesse- ways also proper (for Hardy) ; 2. upon a wreath of the colours, a lion rampant or, guttfe-de-sang and fretty gules (for Cozens). Motto— " Fear one." Married, May 8, 1856, Helen Ferneley, dau. of T. C. Wrigley of Wood- field Lodge, Huddersfield ; and has with other Issue (a son and two daughters) —Arthur Wrigley Cozens-Hardy, Gentleman, h. 1858 \tn., 1882, Mary, only dau. of Sydney Evershed, fisq. , and has, with other issue, a son, b. 1886]. AVa/i— Letheringsett Hall and Cley Hall, Holt, Norfolk. HERBERT HARDY COZENS-HARDY, Esquire, Meml>er of Parliament for the rrrnTCnc(-l?\r»rritl Northern Division of Norfolk, yil,V}^y.\\^'\[Je instaad of that of Cookson, and to bear the arms of Crackanthorpe quarterly with tlu-ir own family arms. f7///'A—.\thena»um, Brooks's. Armorial bearings ~ He bears for Arms : (Quarterly i .and 4, or -x chevron between three mullets azure (for Crackanthorpe) ; 2 and 3 f)er pale or .and gules, two legs cou|>ed at the thigh in armour, between as many tilting-spears fesseways, one in chief and one in base .all counterclianged (ff)r Cookson). Upon the escutcheon is jil.aced a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling azure .and or ; and for his Crests, r. upon a wreath of the colours, a holly bush vert, fructed ppr. (for Cr.ackanthorpe) ; 2. upon a wreath of the colours, a demi-lion proper, collared vair, holding in the dexter paw a staff raguly gii., and resting the sinister paw on a mullet pierced also gu. (for Cookson).. Motto " Mihi res succerrere disco." Married, April 6, i860, Blanche Alethea Elizabeth, youngest dau. of the Rev. l'',arpcr. Mottoes — " Fides sufficit," abor'e ; " Honesle vivo," beneath. Married, June 1854, Matilda Justine, daughter oj Duncan Davidson of Tulloch : and has had Issue — (i) Charles Craigie-Halkett, Gentleman, horn 1857, died 1862; (2) Duncan Craigie-Halkett, Esquire, Captain y^th Regi- ment, bom 1858, died 1889 ; (3) Edward Craigie-Halkett, Gentleman, bom 1864, died 1865 ; Alice Ijiuisa {married, 1876, G. F. IV. Callander of A rdkinglas and CraigforthV, lUizabeth Diana [married, 1884, Major George Han'ey\\ Susan Sinclair; Ida [married, January 26, 1888, Cecil f'olvin of Felix Hall, in the county of /•'««]; Maude Alexandrina : Constance Mary; and Mabel. Seats — llarthill, in the county of Lanark ; Cramond, in the county ■f Edinburgh. [The arms oj Craigie are recorded, and the arms of Halfcet of PetJirvane are recorded, but Craigie-Halkett has lUTcr been put in record, as necessary under the terms of Deed of Settlement between Colonel Charles Halkett and Anne Craigie; and Colonel Craigie-Halkett should matri- culate in Lyon Register. '\ RONALD MA CLE AY LAURENT/. CAMPBELL. Baron Craignish, in the Duchy of Saxe- rir»«jitrt-nttf'h Cubur^ and Gotha, Captain (retired list) sLlal^lilfil) of the' Bombay Staff Corps. Worn Decem- ber 24, 1836] being the elder son of Peter tMurenis Campbell, Lieutenant Sgth and zzst Regiments, by his wife Barbara Isabella, daughter of Alexander Maci-eay, Colonial Secretary of Neiv South Wales, and Speaker of the first Legislative' Assembly of that Colony; created Baron Craii^n'ish by Ernest II. , Reigning Duke of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha, bv Diploma hearing date at Gotha September 11, 1882, and by Royal License, dated Januaiy 4, 1883, granted permission 'to use the title in this country. Armorial bear- ings as used, but which have never been matriculated to him in Lyon Office, are the undifferenced arms of Campbell of Craignish (rgcd with a collar gold, charged with three annulets gules. Motto — " Hodie felix eras ter." Married, Jan. 1897, Hilda, third dau. of the late Rev. M. F. F. Osborn of Fmbleton Vicarage, Nonhumlierland, Canon of New- castle (younger brother of the late Sir George Osborn, Bart. , of Chicksands Priory, Beds.). Estates — Craster, Beadnell, and Shoreswood (all in Northumterland). Seat — Craster Tower, Northumberland. GEORGE PERCIVAL CRAUFURD, Gentleman, heir niale of Craufurd of Ardmillan. Borti 1876, being the only son of George Moir Craufurd, Gentleman, of the H.E.I.C.S. (eldest son of Clifford Craufurd, H.E.I.C.S., ne.xt surviv- ing brother to leave issue of the Hon. James Craufurd of Ardmillan, a Lord of Session with the title of Lord Ard- millan, who died s.p.m.), by his wife Jane, dau. of William Freeman. Livery — Claret colour. Armorial bearings — Gules, on a fesse ermine between three mullets argent, two crescents interlaced of the field. Motto — "Durum patientia frango." Residence — Calgarry, Canada. CRAWFORD, quartered by BOYLE. ANDRE W JONES CRA WFORD, Esquire, J. P. Born Nov. 15, 1809, being the younger but only surviving son of i/w late Andrexu Crawford of Auburn, by his 7vife and cottsin Isabella, only child of Thomas Singleton of Fort Singleton ; and succeeded his brother 1881. Annorial bearings as used and as quoted in Burke's "Landed Gentry," but for which no authority has been established in Ulster s Office, are — Gules, a fesse ermine, between three mullets argent. Crest — A dexter arm in armour emboived , holding a dagger proper ; loith the Motto, " Sine labe nota." Married, 1859, Mary, dau. of IVilliam Macreary, which lady d. s.p. Estate and postal address — Fort Singletoti , Emyvale, co Monaghan. JAMES DUNDAS CRAWFORD, Gentleman. Bom November 1850, being the son of the late James Coutts Crawford, Esquire, of Wirawan, Wellington, New Zealand. Captain of the New Zealand Militia, and Member of the Legislative Council, by his first wife Sophia, daughter of Admiral Sir James Whitley Deans-Dundas, Knight Grand Cross of the Most Honourable of the Bath, of Barton Court, in the county of Berkshire, and .Ashton Hall, in the county of Flint. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Quar- terly T and 4, gTjles a fesse wavy ermine, between three mullets argent, pierced azure (for Crawford) ; 2 and 3 sable, a chevalier on horseback armed at all points cap-a-pie, brandishing a scymitar aloft argent, a bordure gules (for Nevay). Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules, doubled argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, an increscent chequy argent and azure ; with the Motto, " Fide et diligentia." ROBERT CRAWFORD, Esquire, Justice of the Pe.ace for the county of Donegal, and High" Sheriff for the said county for the year 1894, Bachelor of Arts, Dublin Univer- sity, 1852; Master of Arts, Dublin, and of Cambridge {ad eundem), 1869 ; Honorary Master in Engineering, Dublin University, 1883 ; Professor of Civil Engineering in the University of Dublin, 1882-1887; Member of the Institu- tion of Civil Engineers; Member of the Royal Irish Academy. Born June 2, 1831, being the third and youngest son of Samuel Crawford of Ballyshannon, by his wife Margaret, daughter of John Duncan of Granby Row, Dublin. Club —University (Dublin), /.mvj— Dark claret colour, with silver-plated buttons. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms ; Gules, a fesse ermine, between three crosses pat(?e argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, an ermine passant proper, charged on the shoulder with a trefoil slipped or ; with the Motto, "Sine labe nota." Mar- ried, firstly, December 9, 1856, Emily Sarah (who died 1870), daughter of James Crawford, Doctor of Medicine, of S is the Military Cockade. Montreal, Canada ; and secondly, June i, 1876, Anna, eiaest daughter of Thomas Troubridge .Stubbs of Ballyshannon (she died 1880); and by his first marriage has Issue — (i) James Samuel Crawford, Gentleman, born January 20, 1858 ; died December 6, 1858 ; (2) Robert Karl Crawford, (}entle- man, born September 27, 1859, late Scholar and Prizeman of Ennnanuel College, Cambridge, took a First Class in the Classical Tripos (Part I.) 1882 [;//., June 20, 1891, Dora Minnie Helen, dau. of Frederick Ott(5 of Canonbury, London ; and has issue, Robert Frederick Crawford, Gentle- man, born July 13, 1895]; (3) Ernest Caldwell Crawford, Gentleman, born January 26, 1861, late Scholar, First Honour and Prizeman, Trinity College, Dublin, and Gradu- ate in Classical Honours, Dublin .University (1885); (4) Duncan John Crawford, Gentleman, born August 24, 1862, died February 17, 1864 ; (5) the Reverend William Saunders Crawford, B. D. , born July 12, 1864, late Scholar, and P'irst Honour and Prizeman, Trinity College, Dublin; first of the First Class in Classics (Senior Moderator) and first gold medal at Degree E.\amination 1886; Vice-Chancellor's Prize- man, Greek Verse, 1888 ; Clerk in Holy Orders ; (6) Henry .■\rthur Crawford, Gentleman, Civil Engineer, born May 11, 1870 ; Alice Emily ; Emma Mary ; and by his second — (7) Thomas Troubridge Crawford, Gentleman, born Ajiril 19, 1877; (8) Alfred Cr.awford, Gentleman, born August i, 1878 ; (9) and (10) Edward Crawford, Gentleman, ancl Frederick Crawford, Gentleman, twins, born November 23, i88o. Estates — Stonewold, near Ballyshannon, in the county of Donegal ; Rahans Far, near Dunkineely, in the county of Donegal. Postal address— ':^\o\\ti\\o\(S., Ballyshannon, county Donegal. JAMES CRAWFURD, Esquire, J.P., B.A. Trinity Coll., Dublin, Barrister-at-Law of the Inner Temple, formerly in the Bengal Civil Service, Judge of Hooghlv 1891. Born Feb. 18, 1846, being the seconcl son of GcU^Vt4lU77il(4^ son of Captain .Alfred Crawshay of Dacy Park, Crickhowell, co. Brecon. Captam 17th Lancers, by his wife Jessy, daughter of M is tbe Naval Cockade. era €xi William Crawshay of Cyfartha Castle and Caversham Park, Oxford. C///6 — Abergavenny (Abergavenny). I.iverv — Blue coat, yellow and blue striped waistcoat. Armorial 'bearings — Argent, on a mount in base vert, a plough proper, on a chief azure a pale or, charged with the chemical sign of Mars 6 sable, between two lions' heads erased gold. Mantling vert and argent. Crest — On a mount vert, a dog standing near a heap of cannon-balls proper. Motto — " Perseverance." Married, September 29, 1881, Emily Howard, second daughter of John Cart- land of The Priory, King's Heath, co. Worcester; and has Issue— {\) Codrington Howard Rees Crawshay, Gentle- man, born Octol)er 29, 1882 ; (2) .Mfrecl William Fraser Crawshay, Gentleman, Iwrn Octolx'r 27, 1884 ; (3) Geofil'rey Cartland Hugh C'rawsliay, Gentleman, t)orn June 20, 1892. Estate and postal address — Lhanvair Grange, near Aber- gavenny, Monmouthshire. S TUDOR CRAWSHAY, Esquire, J. P. and D.L. for CO. of Glamorgan (High Sheriff 1887). Born Octoljer I, 1850, being the third son of the late Francis Crawshay of Hradbourn Hall, Sevenoaks, Kent, by his wife Laura, daughter of the late Richard Crawshay of Ottershaw Park, Surrey. Club — Junior Carlton. Livery — Green. Armo- rial bearings — Argent, on a mount in iKise vert, a plough proper, on a cliief azure a pale or, charged with the chemical sign of Mars i sable, between two lions' heads erased gold. Mantling vert and argent. Crest — On a mount vert, a dog standing over a heap of cannon-balls proper. Motto — " Perseveiance." Married, January 26, 1877, Maria Augusta Hester, daughter of Thomas Hester Ayres; and has Issue — (i) Owen Tudor Richard Crawshay, Gentle- man, born Jan. 17, 1887; (2) Mervyn Crawshay, Gentle- man, born May 4, 1888. Estates — Forest House, in South Wales ; Botley Manor Farm, in the county of Southampton. Postal address — Bomilston, near Cardiff. W Wn.LIAM THOMP.SON CRAWSHAY, Esq., J. P. €f and D.L. for cos. of (Jlamorgan and Brecknock, High .Sheriff, Brecknock, 1883. Horn April 15, 1847, being the eldest son of Robert Thom|)son Crawshay of Cyfarthfa and Tymawr, who d. 187^, by Rose Mary, dau. of William W. Yeates. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : .Argent, on a mount in base vert a plough proper, on a chief .azure a pale or, charged with the chemical sign of Mars (5 sable, iK'tween two lions' heads erased gold. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling vert and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, on a mount vi-rt a dog standing over a heap of cannon balls proper. MottO - " Perseverance." Married, October 4, 1870, Florentia Maria, eldest dau. of Col. E. R. Wood of Stouthall, CO. Glamorgan. Seats — Cyfarthfa Castle, Mer- thyr Tydvil ; and Caversham Park, Reading. CREADY, quartered by MALET. JOHN BAGWELL CRE.\GH. Born Aug. 31, 1828. being the son of the late .Arthur Gethin Creagh of Bally Andrew, by his wife and cousin Mary, only dau. and heir of James McGhce of Carrahane, co. Clare. Armorial bearings — .Argent, a chevron gules lietween three laurel branches vert, on a chief azure as many Ijczants, and impal- ing the arms of Wolseley, namely, argent a talbot passant gules, a mullet for difference. Mantling gules and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of colours, a horse's head erased argent, caparisoned gules, in the headstall of the bridle a laurel branch vert. Motto — " Virtute et numine. " Married, Feb. 23, 1854, Matilda Emily Victoria, eldest dau. of Major Garnet Wolseley, 25th Regt. (and sister of Field- Marshal Viscount Wolseley, K.P., G.C.B.); and has/.w7/f — (i) Arthur Gethin Creagh, l'"sq.. Brevet Lieut.-Col. R..A., A.D.C. to Gen. Lord Wolseley, b. Feb. 12, 1855; Erie Wolseley; Moriet Frances \m., 1884, Frederick John Eve- leigh, Lieut. Oxfordshire Light Infantry]. Seat — Hermi- tage, near Doneraile. WILLIAM BAR'WICK CREGOE-COLMORE. Born i860, being the eldest surviving son of the late Colmore Frind Cregoe-Colmore of Moor End, by his first wife Mary, dau. of the Rev. Edward Price Owen of Bettwys Hall, co. Montgomery. Clubs — Boodle's, Conservative. Armorial bearings — Per chevron gu'es and azure, nine billets, three, three, and throe argent, and three crescents, two and one argent. Mantling gules and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, out of a crescent or, a blacka- moor's head in profile, wreathed about the temples or and gules. 5^a/— Moor End, Charlton Kings, Chehenham. §WlLLIAMDILLWORTHCREWDSON,Esq.,J.P., D.L. for Westmorland (High Sheriff 1888). Born 1838, being the eldest son of the late G. B. Crewdson, by Eleanor his wife, dau. of George Fox of Perran Arworthal. Clubs — Junior Carlton, Westmorland Countv. Liveiv — Dark blue. Armorial bearings--Or, on a clievron azure Ijetween two estoiles in cliief and a tleur-de-lis in base sable, three foxes' heads erased of the first. Mantling azure and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a fox's head erased or, charged with an estoile and between two fleurs-de-lis azure. Motto -" Sapientia tutus." Married, Feb. I, 1866, Katherine, dau. of Thomas Davidson. Estate and postal address — Helme Lodge, Kendal. EDMUND WILLIAM CRIPPS, Esquire, Justice oj Die Peace for the county of Gloucester, late (JT rill Jlrt ^"y^^ ArtHlery. Born "il/rtv 13, 1843, beiiig NO^Vt^^A' the second son of the late 'William Cripps, Esquire, Member of Parliament fur Ciren- cester, 1841-1848, by Mary Anne his wife, eldest dansrhter of Benjamin Harrison, Esquire, of Chapham Common. Armorial bearing^s as used, and as given in Burke' s "Landed Cn'nt)y," but to which no right has been estabr lished in the Colhge of Arms, are: Or, on a chevron vert, five horse-shoes of the field. Crest — An ostrich head erased, ducally gorged, and holding in the beak a horse-shoe all proper. Married, September 2%, 1871, Ada, second daughter oj General R. P. Radcliffe, Royal Artillery ; and has Issue — (l) Frederick William Hereford Cripps, Kin^ s Roval Rifles, bom April 30, 1873 ; (2) F.gerton Tymeivell Cripps, born October 12»'^^TA'< and two daughters. Estate — Ampney Park, in the county of Gloucester. Postal address — Ampney Park, Cirencester, Gloucestershire. FREDERICK ARTHUR CRISP. Gentleman, F.S.A. Born June 27, 1851, being the eldest son of (TTfitf n I'rwlerick Augustus Crisp of the Hall, Plavford, \1,\,\7^^ Suffolk, and of Sarah his wife, dau. of' John Steedman of Walworth, Surrey. Armorial bearings — He Iwars for Arms : Party per pale argent and or, on a chevron invectcd and plain cotised sable, five horse- shoes of the second. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet Ix'fitting his degree, with a mantling sable and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, upon a rock proper, .a cameleopard statant sable, sem6e of annulets, and gorged with a collar, thereto affixed a chain refle.xed over the l)ack, and holding in the mouth a horse-shoe all or ; with the Motto, ' ' Dum tempus habemus operemur bonum. " Married, October 21, t88o, Gertrude, dau. of John South of Stutton ; and has /w/zc— Dorothy ; Margaret ; Ursula ; Katherine ; Cecily ; and Barbara. Postal address — Grove Park, Denmark Hill, London, S. E. GEORGE EDWIN CRISP, Gentleman. Born June 16, 1857, being the third and youngest son of Frederick Augustus Crisp of The Hall, Playford, Suffolk, and of Sarah his wife, dau. of John Steedman of Walworth, Surrey. Armorial bearingB — Party per pale argent and or, on a chevron invected and plain cotised sable, five horsc-.shoes of the second. Mantling sable and argent. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, upon a rock proper, a cameleopard statant sable, semfe of annulets, and gorged with a collar, thereto affixed a chain reflexed over the back, and holding in the mouth a horse-shoe all or. MottO — ' ' Dum tempus habemus operemur bonum." Postal address— The Hall, Playford, Suffolk. WILLIAM HENRY CRISP, Gentleman. Bo/n March 2, 1855, teing the .second .son of Frederick .Augustus Crisp of The Hall, Playford, Suffolk, and of .Sarah his v\ife, dau. of John .Steedman of Walworth, Surrey. Armorial bear- ings—Party per pale argent and or, on a chevron invected and plain cotised sable, five horse-shoes of the second. Mantling sable and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, upon a rock proper, a cameleopard statant sable, senile of annulets, and gorged with a collar, thereto affixed a chain reflexed over the back, and holding in the mouth a horse-shoe all or. Motto—" Dum tempus habemus opere- mur bonum." Married. Dec. 8, 1882, Charlotte lilizabeth, dau. of William Burehall Perrin of Compton Durville, South The Editor undertakes that every entry not in italics is that of a genuinely axmigerous person. €ri Pelherton, by I'"lizal)etli his wife, dau. of Jolin Francis Louch of Stonechester, Somerset ; and has /ssiti- — (i) Ilainld God- frey Crisp, Gentleman, b. May ii, 1885 ; (2) Reginald Ciisp, Gentleman, h. April 15, 1892 ; Muriel ; and a fourth child. Postal address — The Cedars, Great Dealings, Suffolk. CRISPEN, quartered by DE TRAFFORD. lOIIN CROKl':, Esquire. Bom November 23, iBii, being the fourth but only surviving son of Sir C([Y(\hP Alexander Croke, Knight Bachelor, by his wife Vi^lUnv Alice, «('«' Blake. <:7///'- -Junior Conservative. Livery — Brown, turned up with red. Armorial bearings -He Ix^ars for the Arms of Croke : Gules, a fesse between si.\ martlets argent. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting iiis degree, with a mantling gules and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, two swans' necks indorsed and interlaced, issuing out of a crescent all argent, and holding in their lieaks an annulet gules; with the Motto, " Virtutis amore." Afa?-ried, ]\i\y 16, 1884, Ida Frances, daughter of John R. Dickson, Esquire, Justice of the Peace. Estates — Studley Priory, in the county of O.xford ; and Marsh Gibbon, in the county of Buckingham. Postal address — Moreton House, Dorchester, Dorset. §JOHN GILBERT CROMPTON, Esquire, J. P. and D.L. for Derbyshire, High Sheriff 1873. Born 1819, being the eldest son of Ciilbert Crompton, Esq., J. P. and D. L. , by Deborah Catherine, dau. and co-heiress of the late Rev. George Bossley, Vicar of Chesterfield, and Rector of Clown, CO. Derby. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Vert, on a bend argent double-cotised ermine, be- tween two covered cups or, a lion passant gules, on a chief azure three pheons or. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet liefitting his degree, with a mantling vert and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a demi- horse rampant, vulned in the breast by an arrow or, shafted and feathered argent. Motto — " Love and loyalty." Mar- ried, ist, 1852, Millicent Ursula Mary, who d. 1859, dau. of Henry Smedley ; and had Issue — Isabel Emma [m. , 1876, C. E. Arkwright]; 2ndly, Sept. 21, 1865, Caroline Georgiana, only dau. of Fred. Chaplin of Tathwell Hall, co. Lincoln, and has issue — John Gilbert Frederick Crompton, Gentle- man, b. April 5, 1869 ; and Millicent Evelyn Cecilia Georgina. ^eat — Flower Lilies, Windley, Derbyshire. S CHARLES MONTAGU CROMPTON-ROBERTS, Esq., J. P. and D.L. for co. ofMonmou-th, High Sheriff 1897, and Capt. R. Monmouthshire, Royal Engineers, Militia. Cro Bon, July 22, 1865, being the second son of the late Charles Henry Crompton-Roberts, Esq., of Drybridge and 16 Bel- grave Square, by Mary, only dau. and heiress of the late S is the Military Cockade. Roger Crom]5ton of Breightmet and Kearslcy, Lancasl ( 'tubs — Conservative, Wellington. /,/<'t'/;)'— Blue. Armorial bearings — (Quarterly i and 4 grand C|uarters, f|uarterly i. and iiii. per bend dove-tailed gules and or, a lion ranijjant between in sinister chief and dexter base two jjheons all counterchanged (for Roberts) ; ii. and iii. per pale argent and azure, on a fesse wavy between three lions rampant, two lozenges all counterchanged (for Crompton), a crescent for difference ; 2 grand quarter, the .same arms of Roberts ; 3 grand quarter, the same arms of C!rompton. Mantling gules and or ; and for his Crests, \. upon a wreath of th(> colours, a demi-lion guardant per bend dove-tailed or and gules, holding in the dexter paw a sword erect also gules, and resting the sinister upon a pheon or (for Roberts) ; 2. upon a wreath of the colours, a talbot sejant or, pellett(?e, resting the dexter paw upon an escutcheon azure charged with a lozenge argent (for Crompton). Motto^ " God and my conscience." Married, May 26, 1896, Wini- fred Eyre, eldest dau. of Walpole Lloyd Greenwell of Marden Park, Surrey. Seat — Drybridge, Monmouth. London address — 52 Mount Street, W. Lshire.^^^l lorial ^M Crompton=iaotiert0 HENRY ROGER CROMPTON-ROBERTS, Esquire, Lieutenant Grenadier Guards. Born May 18, 1863, being the eldest son of the late Charles Henry Crompton-Roberts, Esquire, of Drybridge, by his wife Mary, only daughter and heir of Roger Crompton, Esquire, of Breightmet, in the county of Lancaster [and assumed by Royal License, dated August 3, 1861, the prefix surname, and arms of Crompton]. Club — Guards'. Armorial bearings — (Quarterly i and 4 grand quarters, quarterly i. and iiii. per bend dovetail gules and or, a lion rampant between, in the sinister chief and dexter base, two pheons all counterchanged (for Roberts) ; ii. and iii. per pale argent and azure, on a fesse wavy between three lions ram- pant two lozenges all counterchanged (for Crompton), 2 grand quarter, the same arms of Roberts ; 3 grand quarter, the same arms of Crompton. Mantling gules and or ; and for his Crests, i. upon a wreath of the colours, a demi-lion guardant per bend dovetail or and gules, holding in the dexter paw a sword erect also gules, and resting the sinister upon a pheon or (for Roberts) ; 2. upon a wreath of the colours, a talbot sejant or pellett^e, resting the dexter paw on an escutcheon azure, charged with a lozenge argent (for Crompton). MottO — " God and my conscience." Seats — Drybridge, in the county of Monmouth ; Field House, Clent, near Stourbridge, in the county of Worcester. Totvn resi- dence — 16 Belgrave Square, London, S.W. S CHARLES JAMES CROPPER, Esquire, J.P., D.L., B.A. (Cantab.). Born July 6, 1852, being the eldest son of James Cropper, Esq., J. P., D.L. , High Sheriff of Westmorland 1874, M.P. for Kendal 1880-85, by his wife Fanny Alison, dau. of the late John Wakefield of Sedgwick. Club — Brooks's. Armorial bearings— Or, two spears in saltire azure, on a chief dovetailed of the last, as many cropper pigeons of the first ; impaling the arms of Holland, namely, per pale argent and azure, semte-de-lis, a lion rampant guardant all counterchanged, the whole debruised by a bendlct engrailed gules. Mantling azure and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, upon a rock proper, in front of two spears in saltire azure, a cropper pigeon or. Motto— " Love all men, fear no man." Married, Aug. 3, 1876, Hon. Edith Emily Holland, eldest dau. of the Rt. Hon. the first Viscount Knutsford, Bart., G.C.M.G. ; and has Issue — James Winstanley Cropper, Gentleman, h. 1879 ; Eleanor Margaret ; Mary Frances ; Margaret Beatrice ; and Sibyl Edith. Residence — Tolson Hall, Kendal. EDGAR MARCH CROOKSHANK, Eujuire, J. P. for Sussex. Born Oct. 2, 1858, beiti^ the youngest son of the late Captain Chichester Crookshank, e,ist Regt., by his 7i.nfe Helen, dau. of George Bilton of Hobarfs Toion (and grandson of Col. Arthur Chichester Croolcshaii/;). Club — A'tw. Livery — Green and orange. Armorial bearings «.f used, but jvhich are not registered to the above-mentioned , are for Arms— Or, three bears' heads erased sable. Crest — A cubit arm in armour, holding in the hand a dagger all proper. Mottoes- " Conferre Gladio," " Le^e et ratione." Married, 1885, Harriet, onlv dau. of Thomas Colfo.x, E.u]., of Ra.x Bridport, J.P. for Dorset ; and has Issue — (i) Arthur Chichester Crookshank, b. 1889 ; (2) Godfrey Colfo.x Chichester ^ is the Naval Cockade. €ro Cro 21 ^fvSxsnattx^. 1890; Margaret iMuisa Chichester; Evelyn Helen Chichester ; and Rosalina Chichester, Estates — Saint Hill, East Crimstead, Sussex, and other property in the co. of Dorset. EDWARD WILLIAM CROPPER. Escjuirc, J.I>. co. Lancaster. Born July 7, 1833, being the third son ol the late John Cropper, Gentleman, of Dingle Bank, iiy liis wife .\nne, dan. of the late John WakefiL-ld f)f .Sedgwick, Kendal. Club — Lyceum (Liverpool). Armorial bearings — Or, two spears in saltire azure, on a chief dijvi-lailnl of tiie last, as many cropper iiigoons of the first; impaling \\\v. arms of Wright , namfl y sahlo, on achevron argent, tliree spears' heads gules, in chief two unicorns' heads erased argent, armed and maned or, in base, on a pile of the last, issuing from the chevron , a unicorn's head erased of the first. Mantling azure and or. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, upon a rock proper, in front of two spears in saltire azure, a croi)pcr pigeon or. Motto — " Love all men. fear no man." Mar- ried, .M.ay 30, 1861 , Frances, dau. of tiie late Ichabod Charles Wright, list]., M.A., of Mapperley Hall; and has Issue— Rev. James Cropper, H..'\. Camb.,/'. Maya, 1862 [w., .March 8, 1888. Ethel Frances, dau. of G. Percival Smith] ; (2) John Crojiper, Gentieman, Medical Missionary (M..\., M.H. Canib.), /'. Sept. 17, 1864 [/;/., Feb. 6. i8g5, Ann Ellen, dau. of T. ,\. Walker] ; (3) Rev. Charles Henry Edward Crojjpor, Gentleman, h. Jan. 25, i866[;//., .April 30, 1891, lithel Mary, dau. of Rev. Conrad Green] ; (4) Edward Nevill Cropper, /'. May 14, 1869, (/. in infancy; (5) Rev. Frederick William Cropper, M..\. Camb., b. Feb. i, 1871 ; Frances Mildred Theodosia; Mary Isabella ; Anne Wakefield ; Emily Mabel ; and Evelyn Wright. AVf/rftv/ff— Fearnhead, Great Crosby, near Liverpool. S JAMES CROPPER, Esquire, J. P., D. L. , High Sheriff 1874, M.P. for Kendal 1880-85. Horn Feb. 22. 1823. being the eldest son of the late John Cropper of Dingle Bank, by his wife .\niie, dau. of John Wakefield of Kendal. C///*— Brooks's. Armorial bearings Or, two spears in saltire azure, on a chief dovetailed of the last, as many cropper pigeons of the first. Mantling azure and or. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, upon a rock proper, in front of two spears in saltire azure, a cropper pigeon or. Motto — " Love all men, fear no man." Married, Nov. 25, 1845, Fanny Alison, dau. of the late John Wakefield of Sedg- wick ; and has Issue— { i ) Charles James Cropper. Esq. . J. P. . D.L., B.A. Camb.. b. July 6, 1852 [w., Aug. 3, 1876, Hon. Edith Emily Holland, eldest dau. of the Rt.'Hon. Henry, Viscount Knutsford,G.C.M.G.]; Frances Anne; and Mary Wakefield. Residence— YW^xgx^&n, Kendal, Westmorland. JOHN WAKEFIELD CROPPER, Gentleman. Born March 24, 1830, being the second son of John Cropper of Dingle Bank, by his wife Anne, dau. of John Wakefield of Kendal, Westmorland. Armorial bearings- Or, two spears in saltire azure, on a chief dovetailed of the last, as many cropper pigeons of the first. Mantling azure and or. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, upon a rock proper, in front of two spears in saltire azure, a cropper pigeon or. MottO— " Love all men, fear no man." Married, Aug. 23, 1853, Susannah Elizabeth Lydia, dau. of Rev. Thomas Arnold, 15. D., of Rugby. Residence— Dingle Bank, Liverpool. WILLIAM CROSFIELD, Member of Parliament for Lincoln, Justice of the Peace for Liverpool. (fTrnttftVfri ^^""'^ J""^ ^7' ^^38- ^ei"s; the son of the \^\, UPUI^IU i^^te William Cros/ield of Liverpool, by his wife Eliza, daughter of James Ryley Oj Liverpool. Clubs — Devonshire, National Liberal. Armorial bearings as given in Debrett's " House of Commons," but for ■which no authority has been established, are for Arms : I'ert, a saltire engrailed between four crosses bottony or. Crest — A lion rampant. MottO — " Virtus sub crucecrescit." Married, 1865, Fanny Elizabeth, dau. of Thos. Bulley Job, Merchant, Liverpool. Residence — Annesley, Aigburth, Liverpool. ALEXANDER CROSS, Member of Parliament for the Camlachie Division of Glasgow. Born Nov- ^rflflffif ember 4, 1846, being the eldest son of the Ni'VMffff iij^fg lyniitifii Cross of Glasgo7v, and of South iMdge, in the county of Ayr, by his wifeMarion, daughter of .Malcolm MacLaren of Clyde Street, Glasgo'ic: C\\xh--National Liberal. Armorial bearings as used, but for which no authority has been established, are for Arms : Argent, five cross crosskts in saltire gules. Crest- A griffin segreani sable. MottO — " Sub cruce copia." Married, 1874, Jessie Mackenzie, daughter of the late Sir Peter Coats of Paisley. Postal address — 14 Woodlands Terrace, Glasg02i>. 3 CARLTON CROSS, Esquire, Justice of the Peace for the Coimty Palatine of Lancaster, Master of .\rts of the •CE University of O.xford, Lieut. Lanes. Hussars Yeoni. Born August 30, 1859, being the eldest son of the late J. K. The Editor undertakes that every entry not in italics is that of a genuinely armigerous person. 214 Cto Cto Cross, Esquire, Justice of the Peace, formerly Member of Parliament, and Under Socretarv of State for India. Cluhs^ Boodle's, Nimrod. Livciy—CiiHin coat, with yellow and green striped vest. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Or, a cross molino vert, charged with three fleurs-de-lis in fesse of the field, a chief of the second, thereon a saltirc argent, between two fleurs-de-lis of the first. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helnu't betitting his degree, with a mantling vert and or ; and for liis Crest, upon a wreath of tiie colours, in front of a dragon's head couped gules, langued gold, collared argent, three fleurs-de-lis fesseways or ; with the Mottoes, " kx cruceflores "—"Truth is in my trust." Married, June 17, 1886, limily, third daugliter of R. H. Briscoe, Esquire, Justice of the Peace and Deputy-Lieutenant, of OldCaynton, in the county of Shropshire ; and has Issue — (i) John Kynas- ton Carlton Cross, Gentleman, born August 27, 1889; (2) Reginald Carlton Cross, Gentleman, born November 11, 1891 ; (3) Wilfrid Randall Carlton Cross, Gentleman, Ijorn .September 30, 1893. Estates — Crooke Hall, and Martin House, Whittle-le- Woods, all in the County Palatine of Lancaster. Postal address — Crooke Hall, Chorley, Lanca- shire. § THOMAS RICHARD CROSSE, Esquire, Honorary Colonel 3rd and 4th Battalions North Lanca- (X[ yfxtieip shire Regiment. Born September 29, 1829, WvUpsJ V being the eldest son of Thomas Bright Crosse, Esquire (formerly Ikin), by his wife Anne Mary, second daughter of Ricliard Crosse. Clubs — Carlton, University. Livery — White coat, scarlet waistcoat, scarlet plush breeches, white stockmgs. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Quarterly gules and or, in the first and fourth quarters a cross potent argent, and impaling the arms of Stewart, namely, quarterly i. or, a lion rampant within a double tressure flory and counter-fiory gules (for Scotland) ; 2. or, a fesse chequy azure and argent, in chief a label of tliree points gules (for Stuart) ; 3. argent, a saltire engrailed t)etween four roses gules (for Lennox) ; 4. or, a lion rampant gules (for Macduff). Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a stork proper, holding in its beak a cross potent fitchfe argent; with the Motto, "Sub cruce salus." Married, January 5, i860, Mary, commonly known as Lady Mary] eldest daughter of the Right Honourable the fourth Earl of Castlestuart ; and has /.vj/ze— Kathleen Mary ; and Ella Beatrice [married, November 28, 1888, John Ormerod Scarlet Thursby, Esquire, and has issue, one daughter]. Estates— Shaw Hill and Crosse Hall, both in the county of Lanca- ster. Postal addresses -Chorley, Lancashire ; 38 Grosvenor Gardens, S.W. HENRY ATHERTON CROSSFIELD, Gentleman. Born , bemg the younger son of Abraham Crossfield is tlie Military Cockade. 1 s wif^^^l of Stamford Hill, co. London, Solicitor, by his Miranda ICliza, dau. of William Griniwood King, M.D. Armorial bearings — .\zure, on a chief nebuly or, four crosses couped of the field. Mantling azure and or. Crest — On a wreatli of the colours, a talbot passant or, holding in the mouth a cross crosslet fitchte argent, and resting the dexter fore-leg on a cross couped as in the arms. Motto — " I^a croix ma foi." Postal address — Blenheim Mansions, Queen Anne's Gate, S.W. TALBOT KING CROSSFIELD, Esquire, J. P. for Suffolk, Barrister-at-Law (lyincoln's Inn). Born April 15, i86i, being the elder son of Abraham Crossfield of Stam- ford Hill, CO. London, Solicitor, by his wife Miranda Eliza, dau. of William Ckimwood King, M.D. Armorial bear- ings — Azure, on a chief nebuly or, four crosses couped of the field. Mantling azure and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a talbot passant or, holding in the mouth a cross crosslet fitchtSe azure, and resting the dexter fore-leg on a cross couped as in the arms. Motto — " La croix ma foi." Married, Sept. 15, 1892, Sarah Jane, dau. of William TuUet Howard ; and has Issue — Hilda Emmeline. Estate — Stanningfield, Suffolk. Postal address — Stanningfield, Bury St. Edmunds; 8 Stone Buildings, Lincoln's Inn, London. JAMES CORNISH CROSSING, Esquire, Justice of the Peace, only son of Thomas Crossing', Es- (JTvnCitiivtCl' l"^''^' of stoke Damarell, in the countv of ViJ^l, U9A) 11 ly Devon, Justice of the Peace for the county of Devon, by his uy 8, 1823, being the only child oj VO^UiVl^iP Herbert Barrett Curteis, Member of Par- lianient for Rye, by his wife Caroline Sarah, daughter of Robert Mascall of Plasmarsh Place, in the county of Sussex, and Ashford, in the county of Kent. Club — Marylebone Cricket. Livery — Dark blue coat and orange waistcoat, silver buttons. Armorial bearings as used are for Arms : Argent, a chevron sable between three bulls' heads caboshed gules. MottO — " Peortiter, suavitre," but no pedigree of this family has been established or recorded in the College of Arms for over two hundred years. Married, Ju?ie 15, 1848, Paulina, yotaigest daughter of the late Reverend Sir John Godfrey Thomas, Baronet, Vicar of Wartling and Bodiain, in the county of Sussex ; and has Issue — ^(i) Herbert Curteis, born April 14, 1849 ; (2) Robert Mascall Curteis, born October 12, 1857 ; (3) John Curteis, born April 21, 1864; Caroline; Paulina; Eliza Anne; Katliarine ; and Charlotte Elllen. Estates — Windmill-Hill and Herstmonceux, both in the county of Sussex. Postal address — Windmill-Hill Place, Hailsham, Sussex. The Reverend THOMAS SAMUEL CURTEIS, Clerk in Holy Orders, Rector of Sevenoaks, Master of Arts of the University of Cambridge, Felloru of the Society of Anti- quaries. Born June 19, 1848, being the only son of the Reverend Currie Thomas Curteis, by his wife Henrietta, daughter of Henry Buckley. Armorial bearings as used arc for Arms : Argent, a chevron sable between three bulls' heads caboshed gules, and quartering for Thwaights, argetit, a cross sable, fretty of the field. Crest — A unicorn passant between four trees proper. Motto — " Courtois sans bassesse." The Curtis arms were confirmed and allowed anno 1619, to William Curtis of Tenterden, but no connection with this family or right to the arms has been established at the College of Arms by the above-mentioned. Married, January 23, 1872, Emma, third daughter of the late Frederick Parbury ; and has Issue — (i) Cyril Samuel Sackville Curteis, born March 15, 1874 ; (2) Alban Thomas Buckley Curteis, born January 13, 1887 ; (3) Oswald John Curteis, born December 29, 1891 ; Mary Enuna ; Monica Kathleen ; and Enid Hen- rietta. Estates in East, Middle, and West Kent, and East Sussex. Postal address — The Rectory, Sevenoaks. GEORGE AUGUSTUS CURZON, Esquire. Born July 12, 1836, lx!ing the eldest son of Edward /fr|j*«Trt»> Cecil Curzon, commonly known as the Ni^Ul'^Ull Honourable Edward Cecil Curzon, and his wife Amelia Sophia Charlotte, daughter of James Daniel ; late Colonel in the Army, and Lieutenant- Colonel in the 2nd Life Guards; served with the Rifle Brigade in the Indian Mutiny at Cawnpore, and at the siege and capture of Lucknow. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Argent, on a bend sable, three popinjays or, collared gules; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a popinjay as in the arms ; with the Motto, " Let Curzon holde what Curzon helde." Married, firstly. May 7, 1867, Mary Florence, daughter of Morgan Treherne, Member of Parliament for Coventry (she died July 21, 1868) ; and secondly. May 15, 1873, Mary Louisa Anne i'Vances Josephine Martha, daughter of William Ince Anderton of Euxton Hall, in the county of Lancaster (she died Nov. 3, 1889) ; and by his second marriage has Issue — Mary Cecil. Estate and postal address — Hollywood, Bos- combe, Hampshire. Sir RALPH SMITH CUSACK, Knight Bachelor (so created 1873), M-A- Trin- Coll., Dub,, D.L. for Dublin, J. P. 3 iB the Naval Cockade. CU0 Cut 219 for COS. Dublin and Meath ; late Clerk of the Crown and Hanaper in Ireland, Barrister-at-Law. Born 1822, being the second son of the late James W. Cusack, M.D., of Abbeville House, CO. Dublin, by Eliza Frances his wife, eldest dau. of the late Joseph Bernard of Greenhills, King's Co. Clubs — Kildare Street (Dublin), Junior Carlton. Armorial bearings — Per pale or and azure, a fesse counterchanged. Mantling azure and or ; and for his Crest, ujjon a wreath of the colours, a mermaid sable, crinde or, holding in the de.xter hand a sword and in the sinister a sceptre proper. Married, 1850, Elizjiljcth, second dau. of the late Richard Barker of Sterling, co. Meath ; and had Issue — James William Cusack, Esq., b. 1851 \m., 1874, Miss Morrisson, and d. 1886, leaving issue, Ralph Cusack, Esq., b. 1876J. Estates — Furry Park, co. Dublin ; Cussington, co. Meath. Postal address — Furry Park, Raheny, Dublin. JOHN EDWIN CUSSANS uses upon a bookplate Armorial bearings as follows, namely, (fT UCi(ii\r\eth Caroline, daughter of the Right Honourable Edward Bligh, fifth Earl of Darnley. /W//6'— Lionel Henry Cust, lisciuire. Master of Arts, Fellow of the Society of Antiquaries, born January 25, 1859 [mar- ried, 1865, Hon. Sybil Lyttelton ; and has issue, George Arthur Cust, Esquire] ; Evelyn Georgiana [married, 1879, Arthur Lowther Pelham, Esciuire, commonly known a-i the Honourable Arthur Lowther Pelham] ; Caroline Emma ; and Beatrice Frances. Postal address— \i Eccleslon Square. ROBERT NEEDHAM CUST, Esquire, LL.D., Barrisler-at-Law, J. P. cos. Middlese.x and London. Born 1821, being the second but eldest surviving son of the late Rev. Canon the Hon. Henry Cockayne Cust, by his wife Lady Anna Maria, dau. of the Rt. Hon. Francis Needham, first Earl of Kilmorey. Armorial bearings — Ermine, on a chevron sable, three fountains jiroper, quartering Cust (ancient). Ransom, Pury, Woodcock, Bellingham, Burns- head, and Brownlow. Mantling sable and argent. Crest — -Upon a wreath of the colours, a lion's head erased sable, collared paly wavy of six argent and azure ; with the Motto, "Opera illius mea sunt." Married, ist, 1856, Maria Ade- laide, who d. 1864, dau. of the late Very Rev. the Hon. Henry Lewis Hobart; 2ndly, 1865, Emma, whorf. 1867, dau. of the Rev. Edward Carlyon, R. of Dibden ; srdly, 1868, Elizabeth Dewar, dau. of the late J. Mathews ; and has Issue — (By ist marriage) Robert Henry Hobart Cust, Gentleman, M.A. (Oxon.), b. 1861 ; Albinia Lucy [w., 188 1, George Edward Wherry, F.R.C.S., and has issue]; Maria Eleanor Vere ; and (by 3rd marriage) Anna Maria Elizabeth. Residence — 63 Elm Park Gardens, S.W. ROBERT THOMAS POWLETT CUT H BERT, Esquire, Major-General (retired) late ic,th rtfllf'flfiorf' ^^'^^- I^o''" Aprils, 1836, being the onh VO'UVlJUK'ir V jy„ of Colonel R. A. Cuthhert, by his wife Rosamond Maty Anne, daughter of the Reverend John Orde, Rector of Winslade, in the county of Hants. Clubs— /■//7«_y and Navy, Royal Southern Yacht {Southampton). Armorial bearings as used, but to which no right has been established in the College of Arms, are for Arms : Or, a fesse gules, in chief a snake glissant proper ; in base, a crescent of the second, impaling party per pale gules and azure, on a chief engrailed or, three ravens proper, each charged on breast with an ermine spot of the third (for Corbin). Crest — A dexter arm in armour, holding an arro7v proper. JHottO—" Eortiter." Married, December II, 1873, Genevieve Anson, daughter of M. A. B. Corbin, Esquire, of Guernsey ; and luis Issue- Robert Erederick Cuthbert, born May 5, 1876; Rosamond Genevidve ; and Elaine Cicely. Postal addresses — Rosedale, Westwood Park, Southampton. W ROBERT CUTLAR-FERGUSSON, Esquire, Justice 1^ of the Peace for the counties Cutlar^jrcrgu^gonii^PhriSoTtfieBa^^^^^^^^^^ of Craigdarroch and Orro- land. Captain Reserve of Officers, late .Scots Guards. Born July 26, 1855, being the eldest son of the late Robert Cullar- ^* Fergusson, Gentleman, by his wife Ella Fiances Catherine Alison [who married subsequently Lieutenant-General the Honourable Sir James Dormer, Knight Commander of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath], daughter of Sir Archi- bald Alison, Baronet. C////w -Guards', Travellers', Turf, Marlborough, Pratt's, New Club (Edinburgh). Armorial The Editor undertakes that every entry not in itaUcs is that of a genuinely armigerous person. D'al Dal bearing^s as registered in Lyon Office are for Arms : Arsfcnt, a lion ranipani argent, on a chief gules, a mullet Ijetween a cross crosslet titchtH' on the dexter, and a rose on the sini- ster of the field. U])on the escutcheon is placed a iielmet befitting iiis degree ; and upon a wrealli of his liveries is set for Crest, a dexter iiand grasping a broken spear in l)end. Motto — " Vi et arte." Captain Ciitlar-Fergusson quarters for Ciillar the above arms, namely azure, three dragons' heads erased argent. Crest — A dragon's head as in the arms, ho/ding in the month a thistle slipped and leaved proper, and uses tico lions for supporters ; but on inquiry at Lyon OJfice, Lyon King of Arms states that " the Cutlar arms are not on record either by themselves or quartered luith J''ergus- son. Nor can I find any old authority for them, though the Cutlars of Orroland 'nvrc no doubt an old family. " Married, February 5, 1889, Rose Ellen Grant (died March 18, 1890), daughter of tiie late John Grant Hodgson of Cabalva, in tlie county of Hereford ; and has Issue — Ella and Esm(5, twin daugiitcrs. Estates — Craigdarroch, Moniaive, in the county of Dumfries; and Orroland, Dundrennan, in the county of Kirkcudbright. I'ostal address — Craigdarroch, Moniaive, Dumfries, N. B. D § ARTHUR JAMES LOUIS FRANCIS D'ALHANI, Esquire, Solicitor of the Supreme Court, D'CKflfltIt ^"'' Captain in the and Volunteer Bat- nd saljle, three chess-rooks of the field ; 2 and 3 per pale gules and azure, a chevron ermine between three escallops argent. Upon the escut- cheon is placed a helmet Ijefitting his degree, with a mantling gules and argent; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a lion rampant guardant gules, gorged with a wreath of oak or, supporting a shiekl argent! thereon a thistle slipped projx'r. Motto — " Vincit qui patitur." Married, Jime 10. 1897, the Hon. Pauline Caroline M'Clintoek-Hunbury, youngest dan. of Rt. Hon. Baron Rathdonell. .SVv;/ — Lockerley Hall, Romsev Hants. ' ' Dal 221 HS'R WILLIAM OGILVY DALGLEISH, Baronet, 2^ Justice of the Teace for the counties of aJailllEiflifl ''''^^"' ''''''"^' ""^' Eorfar, and for the city i> *'*'^*-' ^nd county of Dundee, and a Depiitv- , ,^ Lieutenant for the two first counties, and a Member of tlie Council for the county of Perth. liorn 1832, bemg the eldest son of the late Captain James Ogilvy Dalgleish of the Royal Navy, of Woodbmne, Fife by Isabella his wife, only child of David Martin of Dundee. C////;.f— Carlton, New (Edinburgh). /./^'(V•^ -Dark green and gold. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms • Quarterly i and 4, argent a tree eradicated fesseways vert, between three pheons points downwards azure (for Dal- gleish); 2 and 3 quarterly, i. and iiii. argent, a lyon passant guardant gules (for Ogilvy), ii. and iii. or, three crescents gules (for Edmonstone), over all dividing the coats a cross engrailed sable (for Sinclair), all for Ogilvy of Boyne ; over all on an escutcheon of pretence in right of his wife the arms of Mollison, namely or, two cross crosslets fitchfe in chief and in base the attires of a hart affixed to the scalp gules, a chief chequy of the second and argent, in the fe.sse point a crescent sable for difference. Above the shield JAMES DALGLEISH, Esquire, Justice of the Peace and Deputy-Lieutenant, liorn April 22, 1836, being the eldest son of James Dalgleish, Esquire, of West- grange and Ardnamurchan, Justice of the Peace and Deputy- Lieutenant, by his wife Elizabeth Christian, daughter of Laurence Johnston of Sands. C/i/fis—'Sew (Edinburgh), Conservative (lulinburgh). /,/jrn'— Dark lilue with silver buttons. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms: Argent, an oak-treeeradicated fesseways proper, Ix-tween three pheons points upwards azure, and impaling the arms of Oliphant of Kinnedar, namely gules, three crescents argent within a bordure chequy of the second and first. Upon the escut- cheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mant- ling gules doubled argent ; and on a wreath of the liveries is set for Crest, the stump of an oak-tree sprouting out branches and leaves proper; witii the Motto, " Revirescam." Married, August 16, 1892, Mary Eliza, third daughter of Major Patrick Oliphant of Kinnedar ; and has Issue— James Patrick Dalgleish, Gentleman, born June 16, 1893. Estates — Westgrange and Balgownie, in the county of Fife. which is charged with his badge of Ulster as a Baronet, is placed a helmet befitting his degree, mantled vert doubled argent ; and upon a wreath of his liveries is .set for Crest the stump of an oak-tree sprouting out branches and leaves proper; and upon an escroll above the crest this Motto, " Revirescam" ; and for his Supporters, upon either side of the escutcheon a lion rampant or, charged upon the shoulder with a pheon point downwards, azure, such being personal to the above-mentioned William Ogilvy-Dalgleish. Married, i860, Elizabeth Frances, only child of Francis Molison, Esquire, of Errol. Estates — Errol-Park, in the county of Perth; Woodburne and Baltilly, in the county of Fife; Balgillo and Mayfield, in the county of Forfar; and Coulin, in the county of Ross. Postal address — Errol Park, Errol, Perthshire. WILLIAM DALGLISH-BELLASIS, Gentleman. Born June 23, 1853, h)eing the third son of the late Mr. Serjeant Edward Bellasis, Justice of the Peace for the counties of Middlesex and Westminster, by his wife Eliza Jane, only daughter of William Garnett of Quernmore Park, in the The Editor undertakes tbat every entry not in italics is that of a genuinely armigerous person. tDal County l':»l:itme ol i.aiicastcr, High ShcrifT. [By Royal Licence in 1896 lie and his second wife took the additional surname of Dalglish.] 6'////; -White's. Armorial bear- ings — Quarterly i and 4, argent a chevron between thrtc fleurs-de-lis azure, in chief a tent proper, lined gules (for Ilcllasis) ; 2 and 3 argent, a fesse embattled counter-em- battled and jjlain ct)ti.sed, l)etween three annulets gules (for Viall). Mantling azure and argent. Crest— U[)on a wreath of the colours, a mount vert, tliereon a lion couchant guardant azure, in front of a tent, as in the arms. Mottoes — "Bon est lx;l assez " ; " Loris non ureris." Married, ist, Jan. II, 1877, Mary, eldest daughter of the late Thomas Walmesley of Lilystone Hall, Essex (she died Oct. 28, 1888) ; 2nd, June t8, 1892, Marie Sojjhie Nicholson, 2nd dau. of tlie Mar(|uis de Guerry de Laurel of Ponriicherry, Kast Indies, and relict of James Campsie Dalglish of Campsie, N.B. , and of New South Wales; and has Issue — (i) C'yril Edward Hellasis, Gentleiuan, h. Jan. 28, d. Dec. 2, 1879 ; (2) John Henry Bellasis, Gentleman, b. Nov. 7, 1880; (3) William Joseph Bellasis, Gentleman, b. Dec. 17, 1884 ; (4) Richard Fauconberg Bellasis, Gentleman, /'. Sept. 23, 1886; (5) Philip Joseph Bellasis, (jentleman, /'. April 19, 1893; Mary Theresa; Monica Mary ; Mildred Mary ; Agnes Mary Helena ; and Victoria Louisa (the last by second wife). Postal address— ,\ Crom- well Place, London, S.W. S THOMAS YORKE DALLAS-YORKE, Esquire, J. P. and D.L., late a Capt. in the nth Hussars, served in the Crimean War, 1854 ; he assumed the addi- tional name and arms of Yorke by Royal Licence 1856, in compliance with the will of James Whiting Yorke on succeeding to his property. Born Feb. 25, 1826, being the eldest son of the late David Haliburton Dallas- Yorke, by his wife Mary Anne, dau. of James Whiting- York. Armorial bearings— Quarterly 1 and 4, per pale indented argent and or, a saltire between two mullets of si.\ points in fesse azure (for Yorke) ; 2 and 3 argent, a fesse between five mullets of five points, three in chief and two in base gules (for Dallas). Mantling azure and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, the battlements of a tower proper, therefrom issuant a dragon's head argent, charged with a mullet of six points azure. MottO — " Lux venit ab alto." Married, Sept. 30, 1862, Frances Perry, third dau. of William Graham of Burntshiels ; and has Issue — Hali- burton Francis, Gentleman, Lieut. loth Hussars, b. Nov. 27, 1875 ; and Winifred Anna [w. , June 11, 1889, the Most Noble William John Arthur Cavendish-Bentinck, sixth Duke of Portland, and has issue]. Seat — Walmsgate Hall, Louth, CO. Lincoln. 5MARRI0T ROBERT DALWAY, Esq., J. P. and D.L. CO. Antrim, J. P. for Carrickfergus (High Sheriff 1859), was M.P. for Carrickfergus 1868- 1880. Born 1832, l)eing the only son of the late Marriot Dalway, Esq., J. P., of Ifella Hill, by Euphemia, dau. of Thomas Henry. Ar- morial bearings — Argent, two lions in chief counter- [)assant and one in base all guardant gvdes, armed and langued azure. Mantling gules and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a demi-lion rampant gules, holding in the paws a staff erect proper, a banner therefrom flowing to the sinister argent, charged with a saltire of the first. MottO — " Esto quod audes." Married, 1859, Elizabeth, only child of the late Col. Andrew Arm- strong Barnes; and has, with other /.w«^— Marriot William Dalway, Esq., J. P. for co. Antrim, late Lieut. Antrim Militia, b. 1861. A'.v/«/('.f— Bella Hill and Belmont, co. Antrim. DALY, quartered by BLAKE. FREDERICK HENRY DALY, Esquire, M.D.,f.P. for London and Middlesex. Born March 24, 1842, being the third son of Frederick Daly, by his wife Matilda, dau. oj fokn Wilkinson. Livery — Dark blue. Crest as used, but for which no right has been established, is — A greyhound courant in front of a tree. MottO — " Deo et regi fidelis." Married, Sept. 26, 1867, Jane Elizabeth, dau. of Richard Beverley; and has Issue — (i) Frederick James Purcell Daly, b. Aug. 7, 1877; (2) Ashley Skippington Daly, b. July 12, 1882 ; Kathleen May ; Ethel Maud Clara ; Adelaide Mary; Nora Mabel; Gertrude Annie Emma; and E.7nily Constance. Postal address— 185 Amhurst Road, Hackney Downs, London, N.E. Dan % HENRY LUCIUS DAM PIER, Esquire, of the Most Eminent Order of the India) TrSstXXXWiPT ^"'/"''^- "i^ovn 1^2%, being the only son Oj ZL^tlUl|Jlvi f/,^ intg William Dampier, Esquire, some time of Her Majesty's Civil Service, Ben gal (iclio was youngest son of Sir Henry Dampier, a Judge Her Majesty's Court of Queen's Bench), by his wife Emma daughter of Colonel J. Martin Johnson of the Indian .trmv ('lub — Hampshire County { Winchester). Armorial bear ings as used, but for ivhich no authority has been cstabtishei in the College of Arms, are: Or, a lion rampant sable, 01 a chief gules a label of Jive points argent. Crest — . / dcmi lion rampant, crowned with a ducal coronet. Motto— " Dominus petra mea." Married, yrt;///rtrc 31, 1851, Char lotte Isabella Lindsay, eldest surviving daughter of the lat Francis Gouldsburg, sometime of Her Majesty s Civil Ser vice, Bengal; and has Issue — Francis Henry Dampier born No-oember 27, 1851, died 1876; Edith Emma, diet 1853; Amy Maigaret [married Alfred Augustus Wace, 0, Her Majesty's Indian Civil Service]; Ellen Maty [married firstly, Hugh Leonard Hubbard, zoho died 1887 ; secondly Charles Edward Fitzgerald Stanford of St. Aubvn's, Win Chester]; Emma Frances Sjnar>icd Netoton Spicerof Vernon British Columbia] ; and Isabella Grey, unmarried. Estati and postal address — Den stone, Winchester. The Honourable HENRY GARY DANGAR o Grantham, Sydney, Member of the Legis n^j>«jyrt«« lative Council of that colony. Born ]nne ^3, AL/dltV^ttv 1830, in New South Wales, being the seconc son of Henry Dangar, Esquire, Justice of the Peace for New South Wales, Member of the Legislative Council, by his wife Grace, daugliter of John Sibley. Anno rial bearings— He bears for Arms : Ermine, on a bend sablt is the Military Cockade. cotised engrailed gules, a ram's head erased or, between twc esquires' helmets proper. Upon the escutcheon is placed fi helmet tefitting his degree, with a mantling sable and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours upon a mount vert, a demi-man in armour atTront(?e proper, M is the Naval Cockade. Dan Dat 223 the helmet adorned with three feathers azure, holding in the right hand a broken tilting-spear also proper, and sup- porting with the left an escutcheon sable, charged with a rani's head erased or; with the Motto, " Traditus non victus." Married, 1865, Lucy Jane, daughter of Commander Lamb of the Royal Navy; and has Issii- ZL'aiUl^lj*^^ shire of Green Heys, "Chorlton, in the county of Lancaster, by his wife Mary, eldest daughter of George Braniston Rolx^rts of the I lonounible Fast I iiilian r()tn|)any's Service. C/iil>s — Wind- ham, I'rinuose, Kent Count) (Maidstone), Tonbridge Con- stitutional. Armorial bearings — I le bears for Arms : Gules, on a pile issuanl from the dexter canton argent, three leopards' faces of the iield, ciuartering IJukinfield, a crescent for difference. Mantling' gules and argent ; and for his Crest, on a wreath of the colours, issuant from clouds a dexter arm embowed in armour proper, the hand unmailed andgrasjiing a cross pointed and voided sable; with th(> Motto, " Durateet vincite." Married, Octobers, 1858, Eliza, only daughter of George Byng Paget of Sutton Bennington, in the county of Nottingham ; and has Issue— (i)VTcAmc Astley Darbish'ire, Gentleman, Barrister-at-Law, Inner Temple, M.A. Christ Church (Oxon.), born November 3, 1859 ; (2) Harry Vernon Darbishire, Gentleman, born August 2, 1864 ; and Eilie Gwendoline. Estate and postal address — Oakdene, Cowden, in the county of Kent. JAMES EDWARD DARBISHIRE, Gentleman. Born March 11, 1852, being the only son of James Mather Darbishire, Gentleman, by Jane, second dau. of John John- son of Chester. Club—'Ux. Stephen's. Armorial bearings — Quarterly i and 4, gules, on a pile issuant from the dexter canton argent, three leopards' faces of the field (for Darbishire) ; 2 and 3 argent, a cross pointed and voided sable (for Dukinfield). [The family are entitled to quarter the arms of other families appertaining to Dukinfield.] & is the Military Cockade. Mantling gules and argent. Crest — On a wreafl colours, issuant from clouds, a dexter arm in armour enibowed, the hand proper, grasping a cross pointed and voided sable. Motto — "Curate et vincite." Married, Aug. 6, 1879, Susan, third dau. of the late Samuel Swan of Manchester ; and has Issue — James Thurstan Dukinfield Darbishire, Gentleman, b. June 30, 1893: Lilian Mary; Norah Grace ; and Kathleen Muriel. Postal address — Dunowen, Thurleigh Road, Wandsworth Common, Surrey. ROBERT DUKINFIELD DARBISHIRE, Gentleman, B.A. Born Sept. 10, 1826, being the eldest son of the late Samuel Dukinfield Darbishire, Esquire, J. P. for Carnarvon- shire (High Sheriff 1855), of Pendyffryn, Conway, by his wife Mary, third da\i. of Robert Grierson Blackmore of Manchester. Armorial bearings — Quarterly i and 4, gules, on a pile issuant from the dexter canton argent, three leopards' faces of the field (for Darbishire) ; 2 and 3 argent, a cross [jointed and voided sable (for Dukinfield). Mant- ling gules and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, issuant from clouds, a dexter arm in armour embowed, hold- ing in the hand proper a cross pointed and voided sable. Married, Aug. 4, 1852, Harriet, dau. of Timothy Rhodes Cobb of Banbury, Oxford ; and has had Issue — Godfrey Darbishire, Gentleman, /'. 1853 (deceased, leaving issue). Postal address — Victoria Park, Manchester. SWILLIAMARTHURDARBISHIRE, Esq.,J.P. and D. L. for Carnarvonshire, B.A. Born Aug. 4, 1829, being the second son of the late Samuel Dukinfield Darbi- shire, Esquire, J. P. for Carnarvonshire (High Sheriff 1855), of Pendyffryn, Conway, by his wife Mary, third dau. of Robert Grierson Blackmore of Manchester. Club — Devonshire. Armorial bearings — Quarterly i and 4, gules, on a pile issuant from the dexter canton argent, three leopards' faces of the field (for Darbishire) ; 2 and 3 argent, a cross pointed and voided saljle (for Dukinfield). Mantling gules and argent. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, issuant from clouds, a dexter ;u-m in armour embowed, holding in S is the Naval Cockade. Dar Dar 225 the hand proper a cross pointed and voided sable. Married, April 28, 1864, Ellen, eldest dau. of Thomas Lombe Taylor of Starston, Harleston, Norfolk, iiarvon, N. Wales. Seat — F'enybryn, Car- § .ALFRED EDMUND WILLI.AM D.ARBY, Esquire. J.I', and D. L. for the county of Salop, ^^flrfltl '"'■""^f'y ^''P''>'" ^'""opshirc Yeomanry. Born ii^\XV\i\t^ .Septi-nil)er 7, 1850, being the only son of the lato Alfred Darby, ICsquire, of Coalbrookdale, in the county of Salop, and his wife Rebecca [to whom nfi-r], daughter of the late William Miller Christy of Woodbines, Knigston, in the county of Surrey. r/«Af -Bachelors', Oxford and Canibritlge. Armorial bearings— He bears Arms: Party per chevron embattled azure and erminois, three eagles displayed, each charged on the breast with an escallop all counterchanged ; impaling the arms of Arthur, namely or, on a chevron azure Ijctween two rests in chief gules and a kangaroo sejant in base proper, two swords chevronways also proper, ponmiels and hilts of the first ; on a chief of the third a horse courant argent. Mantling azure and or. Crest— Upon a wreath of the colours, in front of two cToss crosslets fitchfe in saltire sable, a demi-eagle displ.iyed erminois, the wings azure, charged on the breast with an escallop of the last. Motto—" Utcunc|ue placuerit Deo." Married, April 28, 1881, Frederica Louisa Juliana, only daughter of the late Sir Frederick Arthur, second Baronet, by his wife Elizabeth, commonly known as Lady l^lizabeth, fourth daughter of the Right Honour- able Thomas Rol)ert Hay, tenth Earl of Kinnoul ; and has /.f.f//t'— Maurice Alfred Alexander Darby, Gentleman, born May 6, 1894 ; Frances Muriel. Postal addresses— l-ittle Ness, Shrewsbury; 99 Eaton Place, S.W. JOHN HENRY DARBY, Esquire, J.P. for co. of Den- bigh, liorti Sept. 17, 1856, being the eldest son of William Henry Darby, Geiitleinari, of Brymbo, Wrexham. Club— Whitehall. Armorial bearings— Per chesTon embattled azure and erminois, three eagles displayed two and one, each charged on the breast with an escallop all counter- changed. Mantling azure and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, in front of two cross crosslets fitchi^e in saltire sable, a demi-eagle displayed couped erminois, the wings azure, charged on the breast with an escallop of the last. Motto — " Utcunque placuerit Deo." Married, July 4. 1884, Isabelle, dau. of William Littlcboy, J.P. ; and has /««<>— Gwendolen. Seat — Penygarth, near Wrexham. Thk Very Rev. JOHN LIONEL DARBY, Dean of Chester. Horn Nov. 20, 1831, being the third son of Rev. Christopher Darby, M.A., by his wife Mary, dau. of Alex- ander Boyle, ICsq. /,/7'tv-v— White, with yellow facings. Armorial bearings — Azure, on a chevron argent, Vwtween three garbs or, a naval coronet of the first between two anchors sable, pendent in the centre chief point from a riband of the second, fimbricated of the field, a representa- tion of the gold medal conferred upon Admiral Darby by coMiniaiid of his Majesty in commemoration of his gallant conduct at the battle of the Nile, &c. ; teneath the said medal the word " Nile" inscribed in gold letters upon the field. Mantling azure and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a garb or, banded with a naval crown azure, in front of an anchor placed in sinister bend sable. Motto — " Spero meliora." Married, May 4, 1871, Cecilia Cathe- rine, dau. of the Rev. Canon Hopwood (and Lady Ellinor Mary his wife, dau. of the Rt. Hon. Earl of Derby) ; and has /ssue — (i) Lionel Frank Christopher Darby, Gentleman, b. 1873; (2) Arthur John Lovett Darby, Gentleman, b. 1876; (3) Edward Henry d'Estcrre Darby, Gentleman, b. 1880; Mary Cecilia ; and Constance Ellinor Katherine. Property in counties Armagh and Antrim. Postal address — 'I'he Deanery, Chester. § JONATHAN CHARLES DARBY, Esq., J.P. and I ). L. for King's Co. , and J.P. for co. Tipperary. Born 1855, Ijeing the eldest son of the late Jonathan Darby, Esq., J. P., who died 1871 (by Caroline Curteis, dau. of John Graham of The Elms, Eastbourne), and grandson of the late William Henry Darliy of Leap Castle. (7//b — Kildare Street, Dublin. /,;,frv~Blue. Armorial bearings— ,\zure, on a che\Ton argent, l>etween three garbs or, a naval coronet of the first between two anchors sable, pendent in the centre chief from a riband of the second, fimbriated of the field, a representation of the gold medal conferred upon .'\dmiral Sir Henry D'Esterre Darby (by command of his Majesty, in commemoration of his gallant conduct at the Battle of the Nile, in command of H.M..S. " Bellerophon "), and beneath the medal the word " Nile " inscribed in gold letters upon the field. Mantling azure and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreatii of the colours, a garb or, banded with a naval crown azure, in front of an anchor placed in sinister bend sable. Motto — " .Spero meliora." Married, 1889, Mildred Henrietta, younger dau. of Richard Dill, M.D. Seat — Leap Castle, Roscrea, King's Co. MATILDA FRANCES DARBY, widow, eldest daughter and co-heir of the late Francis D.irhy of Sunniside, Coal- brookdale, in the county of Salop. Armorial bearings are, upon a lozenge : Party per chevron embattli-d azure and erminois, three eagles displayed each charged on the breast with an escallop all counterchanged, and upon an escut- cheon of pretence the same arms of Darby, namely, party per chevron embattled azure and erminois, three eagles dis- played each charged on the breast with an escallop all counterchanged. Married, 1839, Abraham Darby, Esquire, of .Stoke Court, in the county of Buckingham, a Justice of the Peace and Deputy-Lieutenant for the county of Buck- ingham (High .Sheriff 1853), and a Justice of the Peace for the county of Brecon, who died without issue, 1878. Postal address — Rl'.BI'ICCA DARBY, Widow, third daughter of the late William Miller ( hristy of Woodbines, Kingston-on-Thames, in the county of Surrey, by Ann his wife, daughter of John Fell. Armorial bearings are, upon a lozenge : Party per chevron embattled azure and erminois, three eagles displayed each charged on the breast with an escallop all counter- changed, impaling the arms of Christy, namely, or, on a saltire invected sable, between four mullets pierced azure, a saltire erniine. Married, 1848, .Mfred Darby, second son of the late Edmund Darby of Colebrookdale, in the county of Salop, who died in the year 1852. Of the above marriage there was Issue — Alfred Edmund William Darby, Esquire [to whom refer]; Alice Mary [married, June 7, 1871, to Francis Alexander Woliyche Whitmore of Dudmaston] ; and Alfreda Lucy [married, August 22, 1878, to Hillyer David Chapman of Kilhendre, near Oswestry]. Estate and [costal address— \d.zo\M., Little Ness, Shrewsbury. The Editor undertakes that every entry not in italics is that of a genuinely armigerous person. 226 Dac Dar RKIiKCCA SAKAH DAKHY, (lau-liti;iol tlie hue Riciiard Darby, Gentleman, of C^oiilbrookdalc, and Maria Sorion his wife. /.Kv/T— Dark blue. Armorial bearings are, u|)oii a lozenge : I'er chevron enibattled a/.un- and erniinois three eagles displayed, each charged upon tiie breast with an escallop all counterchanged. Postal address — Coalbrook- dale, Shropshire. S CHRISTOPHER WILLIAM DARBY-GRIFFITH, Esq., J. P., Capt. Gren. Gds., A.D.C. from 1888-92 to Gen. Lytlelton .Annesley, commanding in Scotland. Horn lune 17, 1858, Iwing the only son of the late Christopher barby-Griflith, Esq., of Padworth, J. P. and D.L.. M.P. for Devizes 1857 to 1868, by his wife Arabella Sarah, only dau. of Edward l''rancis Colston of Filkins Hall, co. Oxon., and Roundway Park, Wilts. C/ufis — (Guards', Wellington, Bachelors', St.' James', Jr. Carlton. Armorial bearings- He Ix-ars for Arms : Quarterly i and 4, gules a chevron be- tween three men's heads in profile argent, each charged on the neck with an ermine spot sable, the two in chief couped, that in base erased (for Griffith) ; 2 and 3 erminois, a chevron engrailed barry wavy argent and azure, between three garbs sable (for Darby). Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules and argent ; and for his Crests, i. upon a wreath of the colours, a stag's head eaboshed per pale gules and azure, attired or, between the attires an estoile of the last (for Griffith) ; 2. upon a wreath of the colours, a garb argent charged with an anchor erect sable (for Darby). Seat — Padworth House, Reading. D'ARCY, quartered by FLETCHER-VANE. JOHN DARELL-BLOUNT, Esq., J. P. and D.L. for CO. Oxford. Bor?i 1833, being the fourth but only surviv- ing son of the late Michael Henry Mary Blount, Esq., of Maple, Durham, J. P. and D.L. , High Sheriff in 1832, by his first wife Hon. Elizabeth Anne Mary, 4th dau. of tlie Rt. Hon. Rotert Edward Petre, loth Lord I'etre ; s. his brother, Charles John, 1881, and assumed the prefix surname and arms of Darell by Royal License 1882. Ar- morial bearings — He bears for Arms : Quarterly i and 4, barry nebuly of six or and sable (for Blount) ; 2 and 3 azure, a lion rampant or, ducally crowned argent, in the dextei' chief i^oint for difference a cross crosslet of the second (for Darell) ; and on an escutcheon of pretence the same arms of Darell without the difference. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling sable and or ; and for his Crests, i. upon a wreath of the colours, the sun in splendour, charged in the centre with an eye all proper (for lilount) ; 2. out of a ducal coronet or, a man's head in profile, couped at the shoulders and bearded proper, wreathed round the temples or and azure, on the head a cap also azure, fretty argent, tasselled gold and turned up ermine, for difference a cross crosslet azure (for Darell). Motto — " Lux tua vita mea." jV/arricd, ]une 13, 1881, Henrietta, only dau. of Edward Henry Darell, Esq., eldest son of Edward Darell, Esq., of Calehill ; and has Issue — Ethel Mary. Seafs — Maple Durham, near Read- ing, CO. Oxford ; and Calehill, Ashford, Kent. CHARLES JOHN DARLING, Esquire, one of Her Majesty's Counsel I^earned in the Laiv, •tP^flrTtnrr Member of ParUamentfor Oeptford. Born .kl^'UV Vlill^ ,8^g igi„_^ fjig gi^i^^t ^^,, ^,jrf,i^ i^jf^ Charles Darling of Langham Hall, in the county of Essex, by Francis his -wife, daughter of John Tizard. Clubs — Athena um, Carlton. Livery — Brown, with gilt buttons. Armorial bearings as used, hut ruhich a-h-e of no authority, are for Arms : Argent, a saltire [so Mr. Darling describes it; Debrett's "House of Commons" sho7VS it as a chevron], between three Jleshpots all sable ; and for a Crest, a hand holding a heart alt proper; -with the Motto, "Dei donian." Married, September 1885, Mary Caroline, eldest daughter of Major-General Wilberforce Harris Greathed, Companion of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath; and has Issue— John Clive Darlintr, Gentleman, born 1887; and Lucia Frances Alice. Postal address— 36 Grosvenor Road, Westminster, S. IV. The Rev. FREDERICK DARLING, M.A. (Oriel Coll., Oxon.). Born 1821, being the eldest son of the late Gen. Sir Ralph D.irling, G.C.H., by Elizabeth, dau. of the late Lieut.-Col. John Duniaresij. Armorial bearings — Per fesse crenell& azure and gules, in chief a lion passant argent, m is tbe Military Cockade. and in base two falchions in saltire, blades of the last, hilts and pommels or, on a canton ermine, a mural crown of the fourth, suspended therefrom by a riband gules, edged azure, the Corunna medal gold. Mantling azure and argent ; and for his Crest, out of a mural crown or, a dexter arm em- bowed in armour proper, sustaining an inescutcheon gules, thereon two falchions in saltire as in the arms, encircled by the ribbon and medal of Corunna. Motto — " Inspired, 1 aspired." Seat — The Ridge, Hartfield, Sussex. W DUNCAN DARROCH, Esq., J. P. and D.L. cos. ^ Renfrew and Ross. Born March 15, 1836, lx;ing the son of the late Duncan Darroch, Esq., of Gourock and Drums, Major in the Army, D. L. , J. P., by his wife Susan (who died Aug. 14, 1889), dau. of Charles .Stewart Parker of Fairlie, co. Ayr, West Indian Merchant. Armorial bearings — Argent, a three-masted ship under full sail in a sea all proper, between three oak trees eradicated and fructed of the last. Mantling gules doubled argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a demi-negro holding in his dexter hand a dagger proper. Motto — " lie watch- ful." Married, May 7, 1864, ,\nn, dau. of Samuel Philip Rickman of Tottenham, Middlesex; and has L<:sue — (i) Duncan Darroch, Gentleman, b. Feb. 9, 1868, Lieut. 2nd Batt. Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders; (2) .Masdair Ronald Darroch, Gentleman, b. April 22, 1880 ; Annie Marion [/«. , 1888, Hon. Gilbert James Duke Coleridge, third son of Lord Coleridge, and has issue] ; Caroline Effie ; and Helen Margaret. Seats — Gourock, Greenock, co. Renfrew ; and Torridon, Auchnasheen, co. Ross. SLiEUT.-Coi.. CHARLES WARING DARWIN, late 68th Durham Light Infantry, J. P. co. Durham. Born .Aug. 28, 1855, being the second surviving son of Francis Darwin of Elston Hall, in the county of Nottingham, and of Creskeld Hall, in the co. of York, D.L. and J. P. for the West Riding of that county, by his first wife Charlotte Maria Cooper, dau. of William Brown Darwin of Elston Hall. Club — Junior United Service. Liveiy — Purj^Ie coat, green collar and cuffs, green breeches and waistcoat. Armorial bearings — Quarterly i and 4, ermine a leopard's face jessant- de-Iis between two escallops, all within two bendlets gules (for Darwin) ; 2 and 3 per pale argent and azure, on a iK'nd nebuly, a lion passant guardant tjetween two acorns slipjjed all counterchanged (for Rhodes), impaling the arms of Wharton, namely, sable a maunch argent, a canton or. Mantling gules and argent. Crests-- 1. on a wreath of the ^m is the Naval Cockade. Dat Dat 227 colours, a demi-griffin sabk-, semiie of mascles or, resting tlic sinister claw upon a shield argent, charged with a leopard's face jessant-de-lis gules, and charged upon the shoulder (for distinction) with a cross pat(5e or (for Uarwin); 2. on a wreath of the colours, a cubit arm erect, vested lx;ndy of six argent and azure, cuffed gules, the hand holding in saltire an oak branch and vine branch, both fructed proper (for Rhodes). HottO — "Cave et aude." Married, 1894, Mary Dorothea, only child of Rt. Hon. John Lloyd Wharton of Branihani, Yorks., M.I'., U.L. ; and has Issue— [i) Charles Jolni Wharton Darwin, Gentleman, b. Dec. 12, 1894; (2) Krancis Wharton Darwin, Gentleman, b. July 13, 1896. Seal — Dryburn, ne;iT Durham. S FRANCIS DARWIN, Es<|uire, Justice of the Peace for the county of Nottingham, Justice of the Peace and D(;puty-Lieutenant for the West Riding of the county of York, Chairman of Quarter St^ssions, Master of Arts of the University of Cambridge. Ikmi 1825, bemg the fourth son of Captain William Rhodes, late 19th Light Dragoons, of Brunihopc, by his wife Ann, daughter and heiress of Christopher Smith of Bramhope ; and assumed the surname of Darwin in lieu of Rhodes, and the arms of Darwin quarterly with his own, by Royal License in the year 1850. Club — United University. AjWry— Pur|)lecoat, with green collar and cuffs, green breeches and waistcoat. Armorial bearings— He Ijears for Arms: (Juarterly i and 4, ermine a leopard's face jessant-de-lis between two escallops, all within two lx.'ndlets gules, and (for distinction) in chief a cross pat6e also gules (for Darwin) ; 2 and 3 per pale argent and azure, on a bend nebuly a lion jiassaiit guardaiil between two acorns slipped all countcrchanged (for Rhotles); and for his Crests, i. on a wreath of the colours, a denii- griffin sal)le sem6e of mascles or, resting the sinister claw upon an escutcheon argent, charged with a leopard's face jessant-de-lis gules, and charged upon the shoulder (for distinction) with a cross (latt'-e or (for Darwin) ; 2. on a wreath of the colours, a cubit arm erect vested bendy of six argent and azure, cuffed gules, the hand holding in sidtire an oak-branch and a vine-branch, both fructed pro|XT (for Rhodes). MottO— " Cave et aude." Married, firstly, July 25, 1849, Charlotte Maria Cooper Darwin, daughter (jf William Brown Darwin of Elston (she died June 22, 1885) ; and secondly, June 12, 1889, Georgina Huntley Duff, (laughter of the late Huntley George Duff of Muirtown Housei near Inverness; and has Issue — (i) Francis Alvey Rhodes Darwin, Gentleman, born August 19, 1851 ; (2) (jerard Lascelles Darwin, Gentleman, liorn November 25, 1852, and died January 9, 1888 ; (3) William Waring Dar- win, Gentleman, born May 30, 1854, and died June r, 1855 ; (4) Charles Waring Darwin, Gentleman, born .'\ugust 28, 1855 ; (5) Arthur William Darwin, Gentleman, born October 30, 1864; (6) Robert Henry Darwin, Gentleman, born June 19, 1875 ; Charlotte Elizabeth Anne, died Sep- tember 1868; Mary Eleanor, died 1890; and Caroline ICdith, died 1891. Estates — Elston, in the county of Notting- ham ; Creskeld, in the county of York. Postal address — Creskeld, Arthington, Leeds. FRANCIS ALVEY RHODIiS DARWIN, Gentleman, Master of Arts of the University of Cani- jp\}»l»YY»|M bridge, Barrister-at-Law, Clerk of the Peace ZL'UVUIlli and of the County Council for the West Riding of the county of York. Born August 19, 1851, l)cing the eldest son of l-Vancis Darwin of IClston Hall, in the county ol Nottingham, and of Creskeld Hall, in the county of York, Deputy- Lieutenant and Justice of the Peace for the West Riding of that county [l(j whom refer], by his tirst wife Charlotte Maria Cooper, daughter of William Brown Darwin of Elston Hall (she died June 22, 1885). Clubs — Oxford and Cambridge, Junior Carl- ton. Livery — Purple coat, green collar and cuffs, green breeches and waistcoat. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Quarterly i and 4, ermine a leopard's face jessant-de-lis between two escallops, all within two bend- lets gules, and (for distinction) in chief a cross pat& also gules (for Darwin) ; 2 and 3 per pale argent and azure, on a bend nebuly a lion passant guardant between two acorns slipped all countcrchanged (for Rhodes) ; and for his Crests, r. on a wreath of the colours, a demi-griffin sable semde of mascles or, resting the sinister claw upon a shield argent, charged with a leopard's face jessant-de-lis gules, and charged upon the shoulder (for distinction) with a cross pate6or (for Darwin) ; 2. on a wreath of the colours, a cubit arnj erect vested bendy of six argent and azure, cuffed gules, the hand holding in saltire an oak-branch and vine-branch, both fructed proper (for Rhodes). Motto — " Cave et aude." Married, December 2, 1886, Edith Mary, daughter of William Andrew Fairbairn of Hippington, Canterbury. Postal address — Hornby Hall, near Lan- cjister. GEORGE HOWARD DARWIN, F.R.S., Barrister-at- Law (Lincoln's Inn), Plumian Professor of Astronomy, and Fellow of 'J'rinity College, Cambridge. Born July 9, 1845, iK-ing the second son of the late Charles Roljert Darwin of Down, Kent, and Emma, dau. of Josiah Wedgwood of Maer Hall, Staffs. Club— AWxnxum. Armorial bear- ings—Argent, on a bend gules, cotised vert, lietwcen two mullets each within an annulet gules, three escallops or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, in front of a denii- grifiin segreant vert, holdingi between the claws an escallop or, three escallops fesseways argent. Married, July 22, 1884, Martha Haskins, daughter of Charles Meredith Du Pay of Philadelphia, U.S.A. ; and has Issue— {i) Charles (ialton Darwin, Gentleman, b. Dec. 19, 1887 ; (2) William Rotert Darwin, Gentleman, i^'\MiX.l\\}\MK liachehr, Honorary Doctor of Laws of the University of Cambridge. Born March 15, 1818, being the son of the late George Davenport of Oxford; dubbed Knight Bachelor, 1884 ; 'created Knight Commander of the Most Distinguished OrderofSaint Michael and Saint George, 1886. Aritnorial bearings as used, but, for 7i'hich no authority has been established in the College of Arms, are for Aims : Argent, a chevron between three cross crosslets /itchc'e sable. Crest- .^ felon's head couped proper, haltered or. Motto—" Tu ne cede malis." Married, 1842, Margaret Eraser, daughter of the late William Lennox Cleland of Calcutta. Postal address — Beaumont, near Adelaide, South Australia. Dat) 229 §JOHN WILLIAM HANDLEY DAVENPORT - HANDLEY, Esquire, Datienport^lpanDleg t S^'^crty^f'S. land. Justice of the Peace and Deputy-Lieutenant, High Sherift" 1882. Born October 19, 1851, being the only son of Lieutenant-Colonel William Davenport Davenport, Justice of the Peace and Deputy- Lieutenant, of Bramhall Hall, in the county of Chester, who died 1869, by his second wife Diana Elizabeth, second daughter of John Handley of Northgate House, Newrnark, in the county of Nottingham, and assumed the additional name and arms of Handley by Royal License in 1881, under the will of his maternal uncle, John Handley, Esquire, of Clipsham. Club — Windham. Livery (o Davenport) -Black with white facings; (of Handley)— drab and scarlet. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms: Quarterly 1 and 4, argent three mascles in fesse within two barrulets gules, all between three goats' passant sable, bearded, armed, and unguled or (for Handley) ; 2 and 3 argent, a chevron Ijetween three cross crosslets fitchee sable, a canton azure (for Davenport). Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules and argent ; and for his Crests, i. upon a wreath of the colours, a goat passant sable, bearded, unguled, and armed or, charged on the body with two mascles interlaced, and holding in the mouth a trefoil slipped argent (for Handley) ; 2. upon a wre.ath of the colours, a man's head in profile, couped at the shoulders proper, around the neck a rope or, and charged upon the neck with a cross crosslet sable ; with the Motto, " Audaces fortuna juvat." Married, firstly 1876, Fanny Consta.nce Mabel, youngest daughter of the late John Jervis Broadwood of I?uchan Hill, in the county of Sussex (which marriage was dissolved 1885) ; and has Issue — (i) John Davenport-Handley, Gentleman, born 1877; (2) Charles Davenport-Handley, Gentleman, born 1879; secondly, 1887, Eliza .AlU'n, daughter of the late Chief- Justice Harding, of Natal. Estate and postal address — Clipsham Hall, near Oakham. JOSHUA SYDNEY D.AVEY, Esquire, J. P. for the CO. of Cornwall. Born April 28, 1842, and is the younger but only surviving son of the late Stephen Davey, Esq., of Redruth, in the co. of Cornwall, J. P. and D. L. for that county, by Charlotte his wife, dau. of the Rev. William Horton. Club — Windham. Livery — Plain Oxford grey. Armorial bearings — .Argent, on a chevron azure, between two mullets i^ierced in chief and a lion passant in base gules, three cinquefoils or. Mantling azure and argent. The Editor undertakes that every entry not in italics is that of a genuinely armigerous person. 230 Dat) Dat) Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a mount vort, thereon an eagle rising with wings endorsed azure, charged upon the wing with a cinquefoil or, and supporting in the beak and in the dexter talon a flagstaff erect, terminating with a cross botoniie sable, and therefrom flotant to the sinister a forked |)ension gules; with the MottO— " K perseverantia honor." Maniecf, Aug. 2, 1871, Julia, eldest dau. of William Watt of Tickton Grange, in the co. of York ; and has Issue — Aimee Sidney Horton ; Davey ; and Alice Millicent. Kstate and postal address — Hochym, Cury- Cross-Lanes, R.S.O., Cornwall. DAVID, HUSSKY. Karl of HUNTINGDON, tjuartercd by EVAN EDGAR DAVID. Esquire, J.P., M.A.. of the Inner Temple, Barrister-at-Law, Iwing the eldest son of Evan Williams David, I">sq., J. P. for the co. of Glamorgan, by his wife .Mary Ann, dau. of Rowland Fothergill. Armorial bearings— .Xzure, on a plain tend cotised in- dented or, between two cjuatrefoils of the last, three boars' heads couped sable. Mantling azure and or. Crest— Upon a mount vert, between two quatrcfoils or, a dove holding in the fjeak a sprig of olive proper, and gorged with a collar gemel also or. MottO — " Ffyddlon hyd angau." Married, June i, 1887, Mabel Gwladys St. Mawr, third surviving dau. of John Whitlock Stradling- Carne of St. Donat's Castle, Bridgend, D.C. L. , D. L; and by her had Issue — Evan John Carne David, Gentleman, h. June 22, 1888. Seat — Fairwater House, Cardiff. Rkverend WILLIAM DAVID, M.A., Clerk in Holy Orders, Rector of St. Fagan's, Cardiff. Born , being the son of Armorial bearings — Azure on a plain, tend argent, cotised indented or, between two quatrefoils of the last, three boars' heads couped sable. Mantling azure and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, u|)on a mount vert, between two quatrefoils or, a dove holding in the fjeak a sprig of olive pro()er, and gorged with a collar gemel also or. Motto— " Ffyddlon hyd angau." Postal address— 'Au Fagan's Rectory, Cardiff. S DUNCAN DA VIDSON, Esquire, Justice of the Peace and Deputy-Lieutenant for the county of ?r)flV)t?lrtntl f^'incardine, and Justice of the Peace for 2L-'UUikipUII //,g county of Aberdeen, eldest son of Pat- rick Davidson, Esquire, Deputy-Lieute- nant and Justice of the Peace, Doctor of Laws, of Inchmarlo, by his wife Mary Anne, eldest daughter of William Leslie, ^ is the Military Cockade. Esquire, Deputy-Lieutenant and Justice of the Peace, oj Warthill. Livery — Blue, with white edging. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Azure, on a fesse between three pheons or, a stag coticluuit gules with ten tyres or. Crest— v4 youth from the middle holding in dexter hand a heart, all proper. MottO — " Sapienier sincere," " Wisely if sincerely." Those arms and crest (almost identical) were recorded in the Lyon Office for Davidson of Hallhree in 1758, but have not been matriculated by the aboz'c-mentioned Duncan Davidson, Esquire. Maxu&d, firs fly. Flora Frances, eldest daughter of Sir Francis Burdett , Baronet, of Foreinark ; and secondly , Ethel Harriet, eldest daughter of Colonel Charles Inge Thorpe Constantine, in the county of Stafford : and has Issue by his first marriage — Duncan Hamlyn Davidson, born 1878; Leo Davidson, born 1883; Clara; and Flora Marion ; and by his second marriage, Mai ; and Ethel Violet. Instates — Inchmarlo, in the county of Kincardine : and Dalhakie, in the county of Aberdeen. Postal address — Inchmarlo, Banchory, N.B. §HUGH D.A.VIDSON, Esquire, late Captain 2nd Batt. .Seaforth Highlanders, now Capt. and Hon. Major 3rd Batt. of the same Regt. , J. P. for cos. Inverness and Nairn, and D.L. for co. Nairn. Bor?i April 14, 1857, teing the only son of Hugh Grogan Davidson of Cantray, by his wife Caroline Charlotte, dau. of Lieut.-Col. Strat- foril Powell, Adjut.-Gen. of the Bombay Army (of the family of Clonshavoy). Club — Junior t'arllon. Livery — Blue cont, Valencia waistcoat, blue trousers, narrow red stripe, buff greatcoat and blue collar. Armorial bear- ings—Azure, on a fesse argent, Ijetween three pheons points riownwards or, a buck couchant gules, a l)ordure of the third. Mantling gules doubled' argent. Crest~On a wreath of his liveries, a dexter hand holding a man's heart all ()roper. MottO — " Sapienter si sincere." Married, Feb. I, 1890, Harriette King, dau. of the late Roderick Hugonin of Kinmylies, Inverness-shire, N.B. ; and has Issue —Edith May. Seat — Cantray, P'ort George Station, N.B. WILLIAM DAVIDSON, Gentleman. Born 1843. '^''"S the eldest son of Thomas Davidson of Muirhouse, LL.D., M is the Naval Cockade. Dat) Dat) 231 F.R.S., F.L.S., F.G.S.. by his wife Caroline Chtirlottc, da J. of Isaac Pittar. Club — Junior Carlton. Armorial bearings — Azure, on a che\Ton or, between two stars in chief and a pheon in base argent, a fleur-de-lis gules. WaTltli'ng gules doubled argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a pha-nix in names prof)er. Motto — " Viget in cinere virtus." Supporters — Two griffins projier. Mar- tifd, 1872, Charlotte, only child of John Wood ; and has Issue — (i) Randall George Davidson, Gentleman, b. 1874'; and Blanche Maud. Seat — Muirhouse, Davidson's Mains, M dlothian. '/ nil! ■ :: - : H.r M: to the J ., . . ., I'y Atarian his teije, daugkier uf iievrge I kvmtxi. Clul/s — Brooks's, Saint James's, Oxford and Cambridge. Armorial bearings tZ-f ; I ■" '-ire,on afes- '^'- -i---^'- „, ardent, a itai, Crestr — . ' '1/ pr,'/', r. Motto -iru-rr : . ■'!,■ P' ah.. Postal address — foreign Office, Dotoning Street, S. W. K of : Court of C*j. the Ward of i wl •-'- '■■■ ■--- a' V- leer--. /.'//. Hi.sho[)Sgale. Armorial bear: heads C' de-Iis ii: gf • ■he for of jeasant- and ar- r»on nd tr. -r. pomiucl and \x.'.\. or. Motto - >- ritd, 1867, L., d.ivighterof C. J. 1 r Issue — Horatio (iordon Davici ^... .. — ,.d- dresses — 21 Bishopsgale Street Without; Waieringbury Place, near Maidstone. 5 MATTHEW LEWIS VAUGHAX DA VIES, J. P.. D.T.. rr.rAi2an:,hir( {HLh S h.r i f iZ-; '-) . M.P. for Card T?ttc •■ "' •'■-■.' Married, i860. / eld. Esquire. Postal ai her. S WILLIAM REES MORGAN DA VIES. Esquire, Bachelor of Arts of the University of Cambridge, Member of Parliament, Justice cf the Peace and Deputy- Lieutmont for the county of Pembrtyke. and Justice of the or ' 'or /'. fy ;<.fl&y2i,.:.u::J^u^J,Ur^/ the late Thomas Morgan of Haverfordwest, and niece and co- heiress of William Rees, Esquire, Justice of the Peace and Deputy- Lieutenant, of Scaroeston. Armorial bearings as giifn in Dfbretf s "House of Commons," but fur vhich no (I . ' been established, are for Arms.- Argent, a /< in chief a label of three points. Crest — A ''^ ' crowned . MottO — " Y Bywyd dros y giiur." Residences — 17 Pall Mall, S.W. ; Scoveston, Milford Haven. Chambers — i Dr. Johnson's Buildings, Temple, E.C. K HERBERT DAVIES-EVANS, Esq., Lord-Lieu- W tenant of co. Cardigan, J. P. and D.L. co. Carmarthen (High .Sheriff 1870) late Lieut. -Col. Carmarthenshire R.\'., late Lieut. loth Hussars, and late R.N. Born 1842, being the only son of the late Delme Seymour Davies, Esq., of Penlan, co. Carmarthen, Capt. Fusilier Guards, by .\Iary .•\nne, dau. of the late Capt. Watkins Evans, R.I^. Ar- morial bearings — Quarterly 1 and 4, argent, on a pile vert, a chevron or Ijetween three six-;ir-heads of the first (for Evans) ; 2 and 3 or, on a pale between two eagles displayed vert, an eagle displayed of the field (for Davies). Mantling vert and argent ; and for his Crests, i. uf)on a wreath of the colours, a wolfs head argent, gutti'e-de-sang, gorged with a collar g»*meHp and erased gules (for Evans) ; 2. upon a ' ' ' ' ampant or, semee of crosses [1 :i a collar dantettiJe, with a ^ sable. Motto— "Fide et virtuic. " .Minted, iS-'j^. Moiy Eleanor Margaret Geral- dine, elder dau. of the late Uavid Jones, M.P. , of Pantglas, CO ( ■ ,,-„,irti>..n ; and has, wiili other /«//«.• — Herbert Davies- I )ian,^. 1870. Seat — High Mead, Llanybyther (I. .til Wales. SJOHN DAVIS. Esquire. Hon. Col, late Colonel Commanding the 3rd Battalion of the Queen's Royal West Surrey Regiment, F.S..A. Born December 4, 1834, Ix'ing the eldest son of John Griffin Davis of Claph.am, j,^. IT ,1 .:. 1 :- ..:.-. -<--;ghter of Richard Lyon of Rain- fcj ;ic of l^mcaster. Clubs — United .s. l.iirry — Black and gold. Armo- rial bearings lie be;iri fur Arms: Or, on a saliirc sable, between two galtraps in fesse 01 the last, a sword erect proper, pommel and hilt gold, between four lions' heads erased of the first ; and for the Crest, on a wreath of the colours, two swords saltireways proper, pommels and hilts his -Mjc M.:ril:.i Kcc^ {-u'l:^ dud i£;2;, iid^:: d^. The Editor undertakes that every entry not in italics is that of a genuinely armigerous person. 232 Dat3 Dag gold, thereon a lion's head erased sable, charged witli a galtrap or; with the Motto, " Ne tentes aut perfici." Married, August 13, 1863, Elizabeth, daughter of Samuel Curtis of Bingham, in the county of Nottingham, and widow of John Dewrance of Hanover Park, Peckham. Estate and />ostii/ (iitifress—\\'h\tmea.d, Tilford, Surrey. WILLIAM GOFF DAVIS-GOFF. Esq., J. P. cos. Waterford and Wexford, formerly High Sheriff of Water- ford city (1869), and co. Waterford 1892, M.A. (Hublin), formerly Cornet Dragooii Guards. Jiorti 1838, being' the eldest son of the late Sirangnian Davis-Goff, Esq., J. P., of Horeiown House, by Susan Ma.xwell, youngest dau. of the late Arthur L'ssher. C7//A Kildare Street, Dublin. Armorial bearings — (Juarterly i and 4, azure a chevron hetwet-n two lU-ur-de-lis in chief and a lion rampant in base or, a crescent for difl'erence (for Goff); 2 and 3 per pale gules and argent, a chevron l^etween three boars' heads coujied, counterchanged (for Davis). Mantling azure and or ; and for his Crest, a squirrel sejant argent. MottO — " Honestas optima politia." Married, 1866, Anna, dau. of Michael D. Hassard ; and has, with other /\sue — Herbert William Davis-Goff, Gentleman, B.A. Trin. Coll., Cam- bridge, ^. 1870. Seats — Glenville, Waterford; Horetown, CO. Wexford. ROBERT JOHN WILLIAM DAVISON, Gentleman, Bachelor of Arts of tlie University of Cambridge, Headmaster of llminster Grammar School. Bor// .August 20, 1B53, being the only son of the Reverend John Robert Davison, Vicar of Moseley, by his wife Elizabeth Jane, only daughter of the Reverend W. Villiers, Vicar of Bromsgrove, and Honorary Canon of Worcester Cathedral. Armorial bear- ings — He bears for Arms: Azure, a dove between three roses two and one argent, barbed and seeded vert, on a chief or, three crosses pated gules. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling azure and argent ; and for his Crest, on a wreath of the colours, a cross moline gules, entwined by a branch of olive or, thereon perched a dove ermine. Postal address — Grammar School, llminster. CHARLES WILLIAM WILLOCK DAWES, Gentle- man, M.A. Oxon. Born 1820, being the only son of the late Alexander Charles Willock, Lieut. R.A., by his wife Harriet Maria, only dau. of the late John Dawes ; and assumed the name of Dawes under the will of his maternal imcle by Royal Licence in the year 1870. C///6- — Union. Armorial bearings — Quarterly i and 4, sable, on a chevron tetween in chief two nmllets and in base an acorn slipped or, a mullet of the first between two acorns slipped vert (for Dawes) ; 2 and 3 argent, on a fesse gules, between in chief two eagles' heads erased of the last and in base a padlock sable, a martlet Ijetween two escallops of the first (for Willock). Mantling sable and or. Crests — i. on a wreath of the colours, upon a mount between two acorns slipped and leaved proper, an arm embovved, vested sable, cuff or, holding in the hand a sprig of myrtle proper (for Dawes) ; 2. on a wreath of the colours, an eagle's head erased gules, gorged with a collar gemel argent, susjjended from the beak a padlock sable (for Willock). Motto — " Fear not." Married, 1846, Maria, only dau. of Richard Gosling. Seat — Burton Hill, Petworth. S EDWARD ALFRED FINCH DA WSON, Esquire, Justice of the Peace for the coutity of Leicester, Lieu- tenant Rifle Brigade. Born May 25, 1865, being the eldest son of tlie late Edzoard Finch Dawson, Esquire, of Launde Abbey and VVhatton, in Die county of Leicester, Captain Inniskilling Dragoons, Justice of the Peace and Deputv- Lieutenant (High Sheriff 1867), by his wife Emily Sarah, eldest daught^:r of T. F. A. Burnaby of Bra/npton Manor House, in the county of Huntingdon. C\uhs~Naval and Military, hivery— Claret coat and blue waistcoat. Ar- morial bearings as used, but for which 710 authority has been established in the College of Arms, are: Quarterly! and 6, azure on a bend engrailed argent, three martlets; 2. ar- gent, on a chevron engrailed . ... on a chief sable, three 7nartlets ; 3. argent, two bars gules, and in chief three torteaux ; 4. sable, a lion rampant; 5. argent, a chevron between three griffins passant sable. Great— Upon a wreath of the colours, and issuing from clouds, a siyiister cubit arm vested, the hand apaumie ; with the Motto, " Manus hcec inimica tyrannis." ^si^iics— Launde and Whatton, in the & is the Military Cockade. county of Leicester. Postal addresses— /.«//;/(/(■ Abbey, and Newton Manor House, Leicester. S HENRY PHILIP DAWSON, Esquire, Lieutenant- Colonel late Royal Artillery. Born July 27, 1850, being the eldest son of Henry Dawson, Gentleman, Lieutenant 6th Dragoon Guards (Carabineers), by his wife Harriet I'anma, daughter of General Sir Philip Bainbrigge, Knight Commander of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath. Club — Junior United Service. Livery — Blue, silver buttons. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Azure, on a bend engrailed argent, three daws sable. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling azure and argent ; and for his Crest, on a wreath of the colours, a cat's head erased guardant argent, gorged with a mural crown or, in the mouth a rat fesseways pro|)er ; with the Motto, "Amor mens crucifixus." Married, November 16, 1886, Mary Louisa, daughter of the Reverend W. L. Bevan, Canon of St. David's, and Vicar of Hay ; and has L^sue — Henry Christopher Dawson, Gentleman, born October 12, 1889. Estates — Manor of Hartlington, in the parish of Burnsall, and land, tkc. , there, and in Langcliffe and Settle Parishes, all in Craven, in the county of York. Postal address — Hartlington Burnsall, Skipton-in-Craven. S WILLIAM CHRISTOPHER DAWSON, Esquire, J. P. for West Riding of CO. of Yorks, Lieut.-Col. and Hon. Col. 2nd W. Y. V. R. E., V.D., Lord of the Manor of . Born June 4, 1857, being the eldest son of the late Christopher Holdsworth Dawson, Esq., J. P., D. L. , of Royds Hall, by his wife Emma, nt'c Carter. Livciy — Dark blue and white facings. Armorial bearings — Ermine, Dgpr^ppfP^nttq three pallets engrailed gules, on a canton sable, a stag lodged argent. Mantling gules and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, on a mount vert, in front of a quiver paleways or, with arrows therein proper, a talbot statant sable, charged with two buckles gold. MottO — " Perseverando." Married, Aug. 23, 1882, Kate, fifth dau. of Thomas George Robinson ; and has Issue — (i) William Stopham Dawson, Gentleman, b. 1885; (2) John Vavasour Dawson, Gentleman, b. 1890; .and Kate. Seat— Weston- Askwith, Brompton-on-Swale. DAY, see BR ANTON -DAY. 3 is tbe Naval Cockade. C^ap Deb 233 The Honourable Sir JOHN CHARLES DA F, Knight Bachelor, a Judge of the High Court of Justice TP\c\\\ [Queen's Bench Division), one of Her Majesty's '^**\i Counsel Learned in the Law. Bom 1826, being the eldest son of the late Captain John Day (49/A Regiment), by his wife Emily, only daughter if Jan Casper Hartsinck. Club — Athenitum. Armorial bearings as given in " Debrett," but for ichich no authoritv has been established, are for Arms : Quarterly i and 4, argent a fesse between three martlets fesse-umys in chief, and a chev- ron in base azure ; 2 and 3 argent, three bars 7vavy azure, on a chief gules, a crescent or. Crests — 1. A martlet azure ; 2. a dcmi-lion double-queued gule^, supporting a staff ragulv or. MottO -" .-f soils ortu." Married, 1846, Henrietta (who died 1893), daughter of J. H. Broion. Resi (lence — 25 ColUngham Gardens, S.W. Chamljers — 641 Nova I Courts of Justice, W.C. WILLIAM HKNRY DAY, Gentleman. Born 1830. Ix'iiifj the only son of the late Thomas Day, formerly Assistant-Surgeon "The BufTs," M.D., M.R.C.P. London, ("onsulling Physician to the Samaritan Hospital for the Diseases of Women and Children. Club — Junior f.'arlton. Armorial bearings — ICmiine, on a pale gules, a horse-shoe or, a chief azuri', thereon a crescent between two suns in splendour of the third. Mantling gules and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, ujion a mount vert, a grey- ht11>-?P^I*flb<> Wexford, eldest son of the late 5L^«^aiHi--ZUaatti;- john Deane-Drakeof Stokestown. by his wife Emily Letitia, daughter of the late Thomas Watson of Lumclone, in the county of Carlow. /,/w/7— Dark blue and silver. Armorial bear- ings-He bears for Arms : Quarterly i and 4, sable a fesse wavy argent, Ijetween two stars of six points or (for Drake) ; 2 and 3 argent, on a chevron gules, Ijetween three Cornish choughs sable, beaked and legged gules, as many crosses pat(?e argent (for Deane). Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet Iwlitting his degree, with a mantling sable and argent ; and for his Crests, 1. on a wreath of the colours, a dexter arm emlwwed in armour grasping a pole-axe all proper (for Drake) ; 2. upon a wreath of the colours, a tortoise displayed proper (for Deane). Mottoes — "Sic Parvis Magna" (for Drake) ; " Fercndo non F'eriendo" (for Deane). Married, June 29, 1882, Dora Venables, only daughter of Richard Venables Kyrke, ICsquire, of Nant-y- Ffrith, Wrexham, in the county of Denbigh, Justice of the Peace for the county of Flint, High Sheriff in 1890; and has Issue — Cecil John Venables Deane-Drake, Gentleman, born March 30, 1887 ; and Emily Frances. /;'.t/rt/f.f— Stokes- town, New Ross, in the county of Wexford; Timolin, in the county of Kildare. Postal address — Stokestown House, .New Ross, Ireland. JAMES GRIFEITH DEAR DEN, Esq., J. P. for Lanes, and for the Liberty of Peterborough, Barrister-at- Law. Fiorn 1839, being the eldest son of the late James Dearden of Rochdale Manor, Lanes., by his wife Jane, eldest daughter of Rei<. William Griffith, ALA., Rector oj l.lanwrog, co. CarnaiX'on. Club — Carlton. Armorial bearings as used, but for which no right whatsoever has been established, are for tcrcoi: Argent, an inescutcheon within an orle of martlets sable. Crest — A stag bi4ffant regardant. Seats — Wytham Hall, Bourn, Lines. ; Rochdale Manor, Rochdale; Walcot Park, Northants. Sir GERALD RICHARD DEASE, Knight Bachelor 1897, Hon. Col. <\th Batt. Royal Irish Eusiliers, Chamberlain to H.E. the Lord-Lieutenant of Ireland. Born July 17, 1831, being the third son of Gerald Dease of Turbotston , Coole, CO. Westmeath, by his wife Elizabeth, dau. and co- heiress of Edmund O'Callaghan, Esq., of Kilgory, co. Clare. Clubs — Union, Kildare .Street [Dublin). Armorial bear- ings as used, but which are not recorded in Ulster s Office, are — Argent, a lion rampant gules. Crest — A lion ram- pant gules, holding bet^veen the pmes a sword in pale. Motto — " Tout jour pret." Married, Nov. 25, 1863, Emily, second dau. of Sir Robert Throckmorton, Bart., of Coughton Court, Warwickshire, and Buckland I'aringdon, Berks ; and has Issue — (i) William Gerald Dease, Esq., b. 1867; (2) Arthur Joseph Dease, Esq.,h. 1871 ; and Eveline Maty. Seat — Celbridge Abbey, Celbridge, co. Kildare. FRANK DEBENHAM, Gentleman. Armorial bear- ings — Per bend gules and sable, two bendlets indented The Editor undertakes that every entry not In itaUcs is that of a genuinely armigerous person. 234 Deb Dek Ixtvvfon as many crosci-nts each within nn annulet or. Mantling milf.s and or. Crest— On a wrcatii of the colours, a (leini-lion per pale indented sable and gules, holding in the dexter paw an arrow and a key in saltire, and resting the sinister on a crescent or. Postal a^rfrtw— Fitzjohn's Avenue, Hampstead, I^ondon, N.W. • DE BURGH, quartered by DU MOULIN-BROWNE. § ALBERT DE BURTON, Esquire, Justice of the Peace for the Parts of Holland, and for the Zr^P ^Ktirfrtll ''fif's of Kesteven, in the county of uJX' iCUlVUIl Lincoln, for which county ho is a Deputy-Lieutenant, late Lieutenant- (?olonel 4th Battalion of the Lincolnshire Regiment. Horn April 30, 1844, lieing the sixth and only surviving son and youngest child of the late Thomas Burton Burton, by Ills wife Mary Ann, daughter of Johnson oi \Vyb<'rion Hall, Boston ; and changed his surname from l'.mton to De Burton. Livciy — Claret colour. Armorial bearings — He be.irs for Arms: Argent, a bend wavy sable ; and for the Crest, on a wreath of the colours, a de.\ter arm enibowed in armour proper ; garnished or, the hand grasping a S|x;ar in fesse, the point towards the sinister, and two arrows in saltire, the phcons towards the dexter also proper; with the MottO, " .\b illustri pago." Married, 1875, Fanny Vickery, fifth daugliter of Francis Venn, Solicitor, London ; and has had Issue — A son, who died in the year 1878, at the age of nine months. Estate and postal address — Bucknn'nster Hall, Billingboro, Lin- colnshire. DE BUT IS, quartered by BURDON. B.\RON LOUIS CHARLES AUGUSTUS DE CETTO, J. P. for Surrey, formerly Lieut-Col. R.A. Born 1837, Ijeing the second son of the late Baron de Cetto of Hill Street, London, by ElizalK-th Catherine, dau. of the late Colonel BuiTowes of Dungan Castle, co. Meath. Clubs — Junior United .Service, Travellers', United Service. Armorial bear- ings — Argent, a fesse azure, charged with three fleurs-de-lis of the field, between in chief an eagle displayed sable, crowned and armed or, and in base a lion rampant gules, standing on a moimt vert and supporting a flagstaff, the flag therefrom flowing to the dexter of the second, bordered gold ; and impaling the arms of Montgomery, namely, quarterly i and 4, azure three fleurs de-lis or ; 2 and 3 gules, three annulets or, gemmed azure, on an escutcheon of pretence argent, a tilting-spear and sword in saltire proper, all within a bordure argent, charged with eight trefoils slipped ]jroper. Mantling azure and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a plume of five ostrich feathers alternately argent and azure, each charged with a nmllet counterchanged. Motto — " Altiora peto." Married, 1871, Evelyn Rose, dau. of Admiral Sir Alexander Montgomery, Bart. ; and has, with other Issue — Arthur Evelyn Melford de Cetto, Gentleman, b. 1876. Seat — Brook Lodge, Holmwood, near Dorking. DE CLARE, quartered by BARNEWALL. DE CRESPIGNY, see CHAMPION-DE CRESPIGNY. DE GENEVILLE, quartered by BARNEWALL. JOHN AUGUSTUS DE GREY, Esquire, commonly known as the Honourable John Augustus de Grey, Bache- lor of Arts of the University of Cambridge, Barrister- at-Law. Bor7i March 21, 1849, being the second son of late Right Honourable Thomas de Grey, fifth Baron Wal- singham, by his second wife Emily Elizaljeth Julia, com- monly known as the Honourable Emily Elizabeth Julia, eldest daughter of the Right Honourable John Thellus- son, second Baron Rendlesham. Clubs — Carlton ; Norfolk County. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Barry of six argent and azure, in chief three annulets gules; and for his Crest, a wyvern's head proper; with the Motto, " Excitari non hebescere." Married, April 24, 1883, Eliza- lx;th Henrietta, daughter of Patrick Grant (ofGlenmoriston), late of the Honourable E.ast India Company s Service ; and has Issue — George de Grey, Esquire, born 1884; Eliza- beth Helen ; Margaret Henrietta ; and Alice Mary. Postal addresses — Hill Street House, Hill Street, Knightsbridge, S.W., and 6 Crown Office Row, Temple, E.C. ^ is the Military Cockade. Sir JAMES DE HOGHTON, eleventh Baronet, of Hogliton Tower and Walton le I>ale, in the county of Lan- caster, Major late Lincolnshire Regiment. Born February 2, 1851, being the son of the eighth Baronet, by his second wife, Harriet Sarah, daughter of John Smith of Norwich; succeeded his half-brother 1893, under the creation of May 22, 161 1. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Sable, three bars argent, impaling the arms of Grove, namely ermine, on a chevron engrailed gules, three escallops, the centre one or, the other two argent. Upon the escutcheon, which is charged with his badge of Ulster as a Baronet, is placed a helmet befitting his degi-ee, with a mantling .sable and argent; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of tlie colours, a bull pas- sant argent, the ears, tip of the horns, mane, hoofs, and point of the tail sable. Motto — " Mai gr(5 le tort." Married, June 27, 1878, .Aime^e Jean, only daughter of John Grove, junior, of Feme; and has Issue — (i) Guy de Hoghton, Es(|uire, born May 12, 1879, died December 27, 1880 ; (2) Cuthbert de Hoghton, Esciuire, born August 27, 1880; (3) Vere de Hoghton, Esquire, born March 6, 1882; (4) Guy de Hogh- ton, lisquire, born November 21, 1886; Dorothy; Cicely; Joan ; and Barbara. Seat — Hoghton Tower, Preston, in the county of Lancashire. Sir POLYDORE DE KEYSER, Knight Bachelor. Born 1832, being the son of Constant ZT^O \X.CWtiCV ^^ Kevser of Termonde, Belgium, by 5L'V lat-^y tl. his ^vife Rosalie, daughter of M. Troch ; Lord Mavor of the City of London, 1887-1888; dubljed Knight Bachelor, 1888. Club~C\iy Lil^eral. Armorial bearings— He Vjears for Arms : Azure, a saltire chequy or and gules, a chief of the second, thereon a fasces erect proper, between two mallets sable. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling aziue and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a mallet sable, lx;tween two l)ranches of palm slipped vert; with the Motto, " Respice aspice jirospice." Married, 1862, Louise, daughter of W. Isidore Pierou of Brussels. Postal address — Chatham House, Grove Road, Clapham Park. CHARLES FERDINAND DE KIERZKOWSKl- STEUART, Gentleman. Born May 22, 1842, l)eing the only son of Ferdinand de Kierzkowski, an officer in the Prussian Army, by his wife Sealina, daughter and heiress of Robert Steuart, third son of [■ioljert Steuart of Ballechin, ^m is tbe Naval Cockade. De iRierfkotD0ki^ steuart Del Del 235 in the county of I'erth, and assumed the additional surname and arms of Steuart. Club — St. Stephen's. Livery — Drab, with scarlet piping, gilt buttons. Armorial bearings— He tears for Arm : Quarterly i and 4, quarterly i. and iiii. or, a lion rampant gules, armed and langued azure, within a double tressure flowered and counter-flowered of fleurs-de-lis of the second ; ii. and iii. or, a fesse chequy azure and argent, all within a bordure engrailed parted per pale argent and or (for Steuart) ; 2 and 3 (for de Kierzkowski). Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet Ijefitting his degree, with a mantling gules and or; and for his Crests, i. a lion's head erased gules, langued azure (for Steuart) ; 2. out of a ducal coronet or, three ostrich feathers, the centre one argent, the others azure (for de Kierzkowski). Married, May 4, 1867, ('onstance Adriana, .second daughter of Henry W. 'I'orrens ; and has I sane — Ferdinand Henry de Kierz- kowski-.Steuart, Gentleman, Lieutenant .Scots Guards, Iwrn Jiuie 8, 1868. Postal addresses— XAWi^cy House, King's l.angley, Herts; 7 Collingham Road, S.W. III'.XRV THOMAS DP. LA liliKE, Esquire, Com- panion of the Most Honourable Order ?r»l^ \i\ ^Rl^rr "/''''"' ^^'^"'- ^*"''" '^33. >»:i'iM tl'f ZL'I^ in ^ '^*'"^ second son of the late Captain T. de la Here, Royal Navy, of Kin- itcrsley, in the county of Hereford, by Harriet his wife, daiii;hter of I'homas Mann ; and was created Companion oj the \hist Honourable Order of the Rath, May 1889. Ar- morial bearing's as used, but for which no authority has been established at the College of Arms, are: Argent, a fesse betioeeii three crescents sable. Crest — Out of a ducal coronet or, fi-i>e ostrich feathers proper. Warrird, August 14, i860, Annie, daughter of the Reverend \V. L'irby ; and has Issue — (i) Ifeniy de la Here, Senior Clerk in the War Office, bom May -^i, 1861 ; (2) the Reverend William Saint John de la liere, Clerk in Holy Orders, born April 8, 1864; (3) Hugh Pleydell de la Here, Lieutenant Royal Scots Fusiliers, born June 21, 1867. I'ostal address — Dulwich ('ommon, S./i. W OANIIiL DE LA CHKKOI.S, Ksq.. J. P. and D.L. «j» CO. Down (High Sheriff 1863-1864), B.A. (Dublin), Harrister-at-Law. Horn 1825, l^eing the second son of tlic late .Saimiel Louis De l.a (Jherois, l)y Mary, dau. of John Roland. C7//i^— Ulster C'luli(l?elfast). Armorial bearings — Guilds, a chevron between three nniUets in chief, one and two or, and an anchor in l>ase argent. Mantling gules and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, an anclior erect azure. Motto — " Fac et sjiera. " Married, 1854, Kilen, dau. of George Leslie of Donaghndee (.she died 1801); and ha.s, with other /.w//t- — Daniel Louis De la Clierois, Esq., educated at Trin. Coll., Dublin, Major 3rd Batt. R. Irish Rifles, late Lieut. 4th Hussars, b. 1855. Seat — The Manor House, Donaghadee. DE LACY, quartered by MAHONY. \)\\ LA DENE, quartered by FLETCHER-VANE. SAMUEL DE LA CIII':R0I.S. Horn 182-, Ijeing the yoimger son of the late .Samuel Louis De la Cherois of Ballywilliam, by Mary, dau. of Joiin Rowland. Armorial bearings — Gules, a chevron between three mullets in chief, one and two or, and an anchor in base argent. Mantling gules and or; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of tlie colours, an anchor erect azure. Motto — " Fac et spera." Married, 1854, Catherine O'Donnel, only dau. of the Rev. William Young; and has Issue — Sanuiel George De la Cherois, b. 1856. Seat — Ballywilliam, near Donaghadee. FREDERICK ARMAND DE LA CHEROIS-CROM- MELIN, Esc|., J. P. CO. Down. Horn i86i, being the only surviving son of the late Samuel Arthur Hill De la Cherois- Crommelin, Esq., J. P. and D.L., of Carrowdore Castle, by Anna Maria, only dau. of John Graves Thomson. Armo- rial bearings — (^)uarterly i and 4, azure, on a chevron be- tween two martlets in chief respecting each other and one in base argent, a trefoil slipped vert (for Crommelin) ; 2 and 3 gules, a chevron Ijetweon three mullets in chief, one and two or, ami an anchor in base argent (for De la Cherois). Mantling azure and argent ; and for his Crests, i. out of a ducal coronet or, a swan rising proper (for Crommelin) ; 2. upon a wreath of the colours, an anchor azure. Motto — " Fac et spera." Married, 1891, Nina, youngest dau. of the late Rev. Calvert R. Jones of Heathfield, Swansea. Seat — Carrowdore Castle, Donaghadee. DE LA LEKE, quartered by FLETCHER-VANE. DELAMERE, quartered by DE TRAFFORD. S JAMES BOGLE DELAP, Esq., J. P. for Bucks, late Major R. Bucks Hussars, High .Sheriff co. Donegal 1874. Horn 1847, b f A lt*)nft* t-'^iiiity of Watcrford, Justice of the i^'t m li^'UJ;.!. Peace and Deputy-Lieutenant for that county. High .Sheriff 1879, and Mem- ber of Parliament therefor 1866- 1873, claiming to lie (and but for the attainder would appear to Ix'] Baron of Le Power and C'oroghmore, as male heir of the ixxly of Sir Richard Power [who was created a Baron, Septemlx-r 13 (27 Henry VI 11), with re'mainder to the male heir of his body— the title Ijeing attainted in the person of the ninth Baronl, created a Count of the Papal States, August 19, 1864 (with remainder to heir male), and a Knight of Saint John of Jerusalem (.Malta), but has no Royal License to bear these honours in tlie United Kingdom, formerly one of the Private Cham- Ijerlains to his Holiness the Pope. Born March 6, 184 1, The Editor undertakes that every entry not in italics is that of a genuinely armigerous person. '3^ Del Del iK'ing ihe eldest son of the late John I'ower, Esquire, Menibcr of Parliament, Justice of the Peace and Deputy- Lieutenant for the county of Waterford, by his wife Frances [wlio obtained, May 14, 1863, a Royal License for herself and her issue by her husband, then deceased, to revert to the original surname of De la Poer], youngest daughter of Sir John Power, first Baronet of Kilfane. Club — Kildare Street (Dublin). /./Vwt— White with black facings. Ar- morial bearings— He Ix^ars for Arms : Argent, a chief indented sable ; and impaling the arms of Monsell, namely argent, on a chevron Ix-tween three mullets sable, a trefoil slipped or. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting ills degree, with a mantling sable and argent; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a stag's head caboshed proper, attired or, and between the attires, a crucifix of the last ; with the Motto, " Per crucem ad coronam." Alar- ried, June r, 1881, Mary Olivia Augusta, commonly known as the Honourable Mary Olivia Augusta, only daughter of the Right Honourai)le William Monsell, first Lord Enily ; and has /■mue — (i) John William Rivallon de Poher De la Poer, Gentleman, born March 10, 1882; (2) Edmond .'Main Tr^meur de Poher De la Poer, Gentleman, born April 30, 1883 ; (3 William Stephen Arnold Trc^meur de Poher De la Poer, Gentleman, born November 8, 1885; Elinor Mary Tr^fine de Poher ; Ermyngarde Berthe Frances de Poher ; and Mary I'Yances Yseult de Poher. Seat — Gurteen la Poer, Kilsheelan, Clonmel, Ireland. To .ill and singular to whom these Presents shall come. I, Sir Arthur Edward Vicars, F.S.A., Ulster King of Arms and Principal Herald of all Ireland, Knight Attendant and Registrar of the Most Illustrious Order of Saint Patrick, do hereby certify and declare that the .-\rnis above depicted, that is to say — Argent a chief in- dented sable, do of right belong and appertain unto Edmond de Pciherde le Poer of Gurteen le Poer in the County of Waterford, Esquire, eleventh in male descent from Sir Richard Power, created by Patent the 13th of September 1535 Baron of le I^ower and Coroglimore, with remainder to the heirs male of his body for ever, as appears by the Pedigree duly registered in the Office of Arms in Ireland, In witness whereof I have subscribed these Presents and affixed hereunto my official seal this tenth day of February, in the sixtieth year of the reisn of our Sovereign Lady Victoria, by the Grace of God of the United Kingdom of (ireat Britain and Ireland Queen, Defender of the Faith and so forth, and in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and ninety-seven. {Sig^ned) Arthuk E. Vicars, Ulster. The Supporters of the Barons of Le Poer and Coroghmorc, namely, t^oo angels proper, vested ardent, crined and zvinged or, each holding in the exterior hand a sword erect proper, pommel and hilt or, are used, but their usage cannot be said to be of legal authority so long as the Barony remains under attainder. DE LA POLE, quartered by DUMOULIN-BROWN]':. HERBERT DE LA RUE, Esquire, Justice of the Peace for the county of Cambridge. Born ?np Til IRtlP ^^^^' '^'-'"g the fourth and youngest J^K. la Ji^Ut. go„ of j,^^ late Warren de la Ruefby Georgiana his wife, daughter of Thomas Bowles, Azwrj/— Black with brass biutons and a striped yellow waistcoat. Armorial bearings are for Arms : Or, three bars gules, each charged with as many estoiles of the first, m chief an increscent and a decrescent of the second ; and for a Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a brazier gules, fired, between two branches of laurel, issuant from the flames thereof a serpent nowed and erect proper ; with the Motto, "Cherche la verit(5." Married, F(;bruary 14 1885, Georgma Todd, third daughter of Robert Dickenson' Esquire, Justice of the Peace for the county of Durham ' and has /ww— Reginald Warren de la Rue. Gentleman' born January 15, i886. Ii.Uate and postal address— The Lodge, Six Mile Bottom, Newmarket. WARREN WILLIAM DE LA RUE, Esqtnre, Justice of the Peace for the counties of Cambridge and Suffolk eldest son of the late Warren de la Rue. C7«,5— White's' Armorial bearings are for Arms : Or, three bars gules, each charged wuh as many estoiles of the first, in chief an in- crescent and a decrescent of the second ; and for a Crest upon a wreath of the colours, a brazier gules, fired betweeii two branches of laurel, issuant from the flames thereof a serpent nowed and erect proper. Postal addresses— Tha Cottage, Chippenham, near Newmarket ; and 47 York Terrace, Regent's Park, London. N.W. ^ is the Military Cockade. Major ■ General ALFRED DE LISLE, late Colonel Koyal {late Bombay) Engineers, from rp\|> ¥[ trfTl> 'i^hich he retired with the honorary rank It^V ^iP((. of Major-General. Born at Stoke-New- ington, January 18, 1823. being the seventh son of Ferdinand De JJsle, by his wife Elizabeth, daughter of Abraham John Le Mesurier of the Beauchamps, Guernsey. Armorial bearings as used by the family fur some consider- able period in the Channel Islands, but for which no autho- rity has been established in the College of Arms, are for Arms : Or, on a f esse between two chevrons sable, a crescent of the field for difference ; and for the Crest, a demi-eagle dis- played proper ; with the MottO, " De insula." Estate and postal address— y/zc L^riory, Ipplepen, Newton Abbot. FRANCIS AUGUSTUS DELME-RADCLIFFE, Esq., J. P., Comm. R.N. (retired). Born June i, 1845, being the elder surviving son of Frederick Peter Delm^-Radcliffe of Hitchin Priory, by Emma, daughter of the late John Waddington of Langrish, Hants; s. his brother 1878. Clubs — Carlton, Naval and Military. Armorial bear- ings — He bears for Arms : Quarterly i and 4, argent a cross crosslet gules, between three bendlets engrailed sable, a label of three points throughout, on a canton of the third, a cross crosslet or (for Radcliffe) ; 2 and 3 or, an anchor in pale sable, between two lions passant gules (for Delm^). Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules and argent ; and for his Crests, I. upon a wreath of the colours, a bull's head sable, armed or, gorged with a ducal coronet, and holding in the mouth a cross crosslet fitchte gold (for Radcliffe) ; 2. upon a wreath of the colours, in front of an anchor sable, a lion passant gules (for Delmf^). Motto—" Caen, Crt^cy, Calais." Married, .\^x\\ 14, 1874, Georgy Melosina Mary Elizabeth, eldest dau. of Admiral Sir Charles Talbot, K.C.B. Seat— Hitchin Priory. Hitchin. co. Herts. § JAMES O'GRADY DELMEGE. Esq., B.A. (Trin. Coll., Dublin). J. P. cos. Clare and Limerick (High Sheriff 1893), D.L. for co. Limerick, the only surviving son of the late John Christopher Delmege, Esq.. J. P. for cos. Clare, Limerick, and Cork, High Sheriff of Limerick 1880, B.arrister-at-Law, of Castle Park [son of the late Christopher Delmege, ICsq., J. P.. of Castle Park, by Martha, dau. of the late John Royse Yielding], by his wife Katherine, dau. of the late James O'tirady, Esq.. of Raheen, co. Limerick (and niece of Standish, ist Vi.scount Guillamore). Clubs— Constitutional, Kildare St. (Dublin), County (Limerick), S is the Naval Cockade. D'em ^tn 237 County (Cork). Livery — Undress: dark blue, with white facings ; full dress : pale blue, with white facings. Armo- rial bearings — Per chevron argent and azure, in chief two tk'uri-de-lis gules, emerging from as many crescents of the second, and in base a fleur-de-lis of the first emerging from a crescent or, in the centre chief point a spear-head proper, gutti^e-de-sang, and upon an escutcheon of pretence the arms uf Cramer, namely, per fesse indented azure and or. in chief two fleurs-de-lis of the second, a canton ermine. Mantling azure and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a boar's head erect and erased per pale gules and sable, langued azure, armed or. Motto — " Inveniam aut faciem." Married, 1887, Caroline, dau. of Marmaduke C. Cramer, Esq., D.L. , of Rathniore, co. Cork, and has Issue — (1) Marmaduke Coghill Cramer Uelmege, Cjentleman, (^. 1889; (2) James O'Grady Delmege, Gentleman, b. 1891 ; (3) John Christopher Royce Delmege, Gentleman, b, 1893; and Caroline Marie. A'jAi/«— Castle Park, Rallygunan, Glensharold, Creaghville, Scart, and Ardgoule, all in CO. Limerick; Glenagross, Cappaniimore, Ballyfinan, in co. Clare ; and in jure uxoris, extensive properties in cos. Cork and Tipperary. Seat — Castle Park, Limerick. D'EMGAINK, quartered by BARNEWALL. Rkv. waller DE MONTMORENCY, M.A. (Cam- bridge), I. P., Canon and Chancellor of the Cathedral, Kil- kenny, Vicar of Kilsheelan. Born .Sept. 1841, teing the second son of John Pratt dc Montmorency, Esc|. , J. P. , D. L. , of Castle Morres, co. Kilkenny, by his wife Hon. Henrietta, dau. of the Rt. I Ion. Siandish 0'( jrady, 1st Viscount Guilla- more. Armorial bearings — .Argent, a cross gules between four eagles disi)lay<'d sable. Mantling gules and argent; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a p>eacock in his pride proper. Motto — " Dicu ayde." Married, Nov. 1872, Mary, dau. of Right Rev. James Thomas O'Brien, Bishop of Ossory and Ferns ; and has Issue — (i) John Pratt de .Montmorency, Gentleman, Lieut. R.N., b. Aug. 1873; 2)) Geoffrey P'itz-Harvey de Montmorency, Gentleman, b. .\ug. 1876. Seat — Castle Morres, Knocktopher, co. Kilkenny. The Reverend JOHN DENE, Bachelor of Arts of the University of Oxford, Rector of Norwood, 7^i>X\if '^'"^" 1845, and is the only son of the late Reve- ZL'l/llv iciid Arthur Dene of Honvood, by his -wife Frances Carew, daughter of John Were Clarke of Bridioell, in the county of Devon. lAvcry— Blue, with silver buttons. Armorial bearings as used, but to which HO right has been cstnl'lishcd , arc : Arf^ent, a lion rampant furpure. Married, y^/v 1871, Katharine I wysden, daughter of Walter llele .Molesworth ; and has %vilh other Issue— (1) Humphrey Dene, born Afarch 21, 1877; (2) Arthur Pollard Dene, a twin -with (3) Walter Molesworth Dene, born May 11, 1878; and /•'. Beatrice. V.sVAin—Honip Nicholas Dennys, formerly of Devon, by his wife Elizabeth Mmkay, Jan^hler of Michael Lascelles, Esquire, of Marsh (late, Richmond. CXwhi—Noyal Southern, Yacht (Southampton). Armorial bearings as used, but to which no ri^ht has been established at the College of Arms, are: Ermine, three battle-axes ,i;ules ; and for a Crest, a griffin's head. Married, August '7, 1845, Harriot Margaret, eldest daughter of Captain l.unus .-lugustus Vanrcnen of the Bengal Horse Artillery. Issue— (i) Henry Lascelles Dennys, born Eebruary 16, 1847, died 1880; (2) Donald Vanrenen Dennys, born April 21, 1850, died 1863; (3) Charles John Dennys, horn May 29, 1852; (4) Edward Augustus Dennys, born September 29, 1854 ; (5) George William Patrick Dennys, born April 28, 1857 ; (6) William Aiinesley Burton Dennys, born June 26, 1859; (7) Hector T ravers Dennys, born March 9, 1864 ; (8) .llexander Hariy Dennys, born August 1, 1865; and Harriot Woollastoii [married, June 20, 1B67, William A'amsay, Esquire]. Postal address — Sunnyside, Archer's Road, Southampton. FRANCIS DENT, Barrister-at-Law. Born Aug. 11, i860, being the second son of the late John Dent Dent, Ks(|uirc, of Kibston Hall, co. York, and Winterton, co. Lines., J. P. and D.L. for W. R. Yorks., M.P. 1852-74, B..\. (Cantab), Barrister-at-Law, by his wife Mary Hebden, dau. of John Woodall of St. Nicholas House, Scarborough. Armorial bearings— Quarterly i and 4, argent, on a bend between two cotises engrailed sable, three lozenges ermine (for Dent) ; 2 and 3 azure, three cranes argent, on a chief or, two roses gules (for Trickett), and impaling the arms of Buxton, namely argent, a lion rampant, tail elevated and turned over the head sal)le, between two mullets of the last. Mantling sable and argent. Crests — i. on a wreath of the colours, a demi-heraldic tiger sable, collared gemelle argent, resting the sinister paw on a lozenge ermine (for L)ent) ; 2. on a wreath of the colours, on a mount, a crane holding in the beak a rose slipped, and resting the dexter foot on a serpent nowed all proper (for Trickett). MottO — " Patientia et perseverantia. " Married, Nov. 21, 1888, Geraldine, eld. dau. of Edward North Buxton, Esq. ; and has Issue — (i) Geoffrey Dent, Gentleman, b. 1891 ; (2) Arthur Cyril Dent, Gentleman, /'. 1893 ; and Mary Con- stance. J'ostal address — i Harcourt Buildings, Temple, E.G. S HENRY FRANCIS DENT, Esquire, J. P. for the North and East Ridings of Yorkshire, Major late 3rd K.O. Hussars and 7th Dragoon Guards, Master of the Bedale Hounds, 1878-1884, and from 1896-1898. Born June 2, 1839, being the fourth .son of Joseph Dent, Esquire, of Ribston Hall, co. York, and Winterton, co. Lincoln, J. P., High Sheriff of co. York 1847, by his wife Martha, dau. of Joseph Birley. Clubs — Army and Navy, Yorkshire (York). Livery — Ciaret, with red piping. Armorial bear- ings — Quarterly i and 4, argent, on a bend between two cotises engrailed sable, three lozenges ermine (for Dent); 2 and 3 azure, three cranes argent, on a chief or, two roses gules (for Trickett). Mantling sable and argent. Crests — I. on a wreath of the colours, a demi-heraldic tiger sable, collared gemelle argent, resting the sinister paw on a lozenge ermine ; 2. on a wreath of the colours, on a mount, a crane holding in the beak a rose slipped, and resting the dexter foot on a serpent nowed all proper (for Trickett). Motto — " Patientia et perseverantia." A tarried, Dec. 20, 1870, Isabella, only child of the Rev. John To'ukyns, furmerly Captain ist Life Guards, by his wife Isabella, dau. of Richard Frederick Coore ; and has L'isue — (1) Bertie Coore Dent, Gentleman, b. 1872, Lieut. Leicestershire Regt. ; (2) Edmund Lechmere Dent, Gen- tleman, b. 1887; Ella Francis; Dorothy ; and Letitia {d. 1886). Seal — Menethorpe, Malton, Yorkshire. Major JOHN WILLIAM DENT, J. P. W. R. co. of York ; Major 4th Dragoon Guards, 1894-95 (retired). Born Aug. 18, 1857, being the eldest son of the late John Dent Dent, Esquire, of Ribston Hall, co. York, and Winterton, CO. Lines., J. P. and D.L. for W. R. Yorks., M.P. 1852 & is tbe Military Cockade. 1874, H..\. (Cantab.), Barrister-at-Law, by his wife Mary Hebden, dau. of John Woodall of St. Nicholas House, Searlxirough. Clubs- .\rmy and Navy, Oxford and Cam- bridge. Armorial bearings-Quarterly i and 4. argent, on a bend between two cotises engrailed .'-able, three lozenges ermine (for Dent) ; 2 and 3 azure, three cranes argent, on a chief or, two roses gules (for Trickett). Mantling sable aiul argent. Crests — 1. on a wreatliof the colours, a demi- heraldic tiger sable, collared gemelle argent, resting the sinister paw on a lozenge ermine (for Dent) ; 2. on a wreath of the colours, on a mount, a crane holding in the lx;ak a rose slipped, and resting the dexter foot on a serpent nowed all proper (for Trickett). MottO—" Patientia et perse- verantia." Seat — Ribston Hall, Wetherby. Rev. JOSEPH JONATHAN DENT, M.A., Clerk in Holy Orders, Vicar of Hunsingore, Wetherliy. Born July 8, 1829, being the second son of Joseph Dent, Esquire, Ribston Hall, co. York, and Winterton, co. Lincoln, J. P., High Sheriff of co. York 1847, by his wife Martha, dau. of Joseph Birley. Armorial bearings— Quarterly 1 and 4, argent, on a bend between two cotises engrailed sable, three lozenges ermine (for Dent) ; 2 and 3 azure, three cranes argent, on a chief or, two roses gules (for Trickett). Msintling sable and argent. Crests — i. on a wreath of the colours, a demi-heraldic tiger sable, collared gemelle argent, resting the sinister paw on a lozenge ermine (for Dent) ; 2. on a wreath of the colours, on a mount, a crane holding in the beak a rose slipped, and resting the dexter foot on a serpent nowed all proper (for 'I'rickett). Motto — " Patientia et perseverantia." Married, April 17, i860, Laura, youngest dau. of James W. Freshfield of The Wilderness, Reigate ; and has Issue — Three sons and one daughter. Postal address — The Vicarage, Hunsingore, Wetherby, Lines. WILLIAM DENT DENT, Esq., J. P. co. Lanes. Born March 13, 1832, beinglthe 3rd son of Joseph Dent, Esquire, Kibston Hall, co. S'ork, and Winterton, co. Lincoln, J. P., High Sheriff of CO. York 1847, by his wife Martha, dau. of Joseph Birley. Armorial bearings — Quarterly i and 4, argent, on a bend between two cotises engrailed sable, three lozenges ermine (for Dent) ; 2 and 3 azure, three cranes argent, on a chief or, two roses gules (for Trickett). Mantling sable and argent. Crests — i. on a wreath of the colours, a demi-heraldic tiger sable, collared gemelle argent, resting the sinister paw on a lozenge ermine (for Dent) ; 2. on a wreath of the colours, on a 3 is the Naval Cockade. Den Dct 239 mount, a crane holding in the Ijeak a rose slipped, and resting the dexter foot on a serpent nowed all proper (for Trickett). MottO — " I'atientiaet perseverantia." Married, firstly, Nov. 26, 1862, Mary I'erry, 3rd dau. of Capt. Mill, 26lh Kegt. ; and by her (who (/. 1875) had Issue — One son anerend John Whitty, Rector of Rathvilly, in the county of Carlow; and has Issue — .tnitesley St. George de Renzy, /iarrister-at-Law, born December 28, 1868 ; Mary [married A/ajor Arthur Cautley fiunny]; fiessie St. George [married Major A. R. Atari in, .Assistant Adjutant-General /'unjaub Frontier E'orce] ; fsa- bella Emily [married Serjeant-Major D. H. Chamur-/iel- gaum] ; and Jcanie St. George. Postal address— 18 Clyde Road, /Jublin. PAUL JULIUS DK REUTER, Baron dc Reuter of the Duchy of Saxe - Coburg - Gotha. jr>l? 11? I>llfor ^^""'^ July 21, 1816; created a Baron, IL't liVVUVvV Sei)teml)er 7, 1871 ; and received Her Majesty's Royal License to use the title in the United Kingdom, Noven'ilx-r 7, 1891. Armorial bearings— He lx;ars for Arms— .\zure, a terrestrial glolje between four flashes of lightning, one issuant from each corner all proper. Above the escutcheon is placed the coro- net of his rank, and thereupon a helmet Ixffitting his degree, with a mantling azure and or ; and for his Crest, a horse at full gallop, on his back a knight in complete armour argent, grasping in his dexter hand a lance in rest, and in his sinister a flash of lightning as in the arms. Supporters —On either side a lion proper ; with the Motto, " I'er mare per terras." Married, Octol)er 25, 1845, Ida Maria Lli/.a- Ixah Clementina, daughter of S. M. Magnus of Berlin, and has /w//f— (i) Baron Augustus lulius Clemens Herbert de Reuter, torn March 10, 1852 [married, January 5, 1876 ICdith, daughter of RolK'rt Campljell of Coomlx.- Wood, and has— Hutat Julius de Reuter, born Septemlx:r 6, 1878 ; and Olga Edith]; (2) Baron George Julius de Reuter, Ijorn March 11, 1863 [married, April 30, 1891, Maud, daughter of John Potter of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States of America, and has— a son. born 1894]; Alice Maria Theresa Caroline [married, firstly, June 25, 1872, Baron Max Arthur von Donop of Woebbel Detmold, who died August 1881 ; secondly, July 2, 1890, Captain John St. John Frederick son of General Edward Frederick, Companion of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, of Shawford House, Win- chester] ; and Clementina Maria [married, January 14, 1875, Gount Otto Steenbock, Minister Plenipotentiary of His Majesty the King of Sweden and Norway at Con- stantinople, and has issue]. Postal address — 18 Kensington Palace Gardens, London, W. Sir GEORGE WILLIAM DES VffiUX, Knight Commander of the Most Distinguished Order of Saint Michael and Saint George. /Sorn 1834, being the son of the late Reverend Henry Des-Voeux ; created Companion of the Most Distinguished Order of Saint Michael and Saint George, 1877, and advanced to the rank of Knight Com- mander of that Order, 1883. Clubs — Travellers', Brooks's, Turf. Armorial bearings -He bears for Arms : Gules, on a pale or, a squirrel sejant in chief and a Moor's head couped in Ijase proper, the escutcheon being surrounded by the ribbon of the Most Distinguished Order of Saint Michael and Saint George, and pendent his badge as a Knight Commander thereof, and impaling upon a second escutcheon the arms of Pender, namely gules, on a bend nebuly argent, between a terrestrial globe proper in chief and a fleur-de-lis of the second in base, two lions' heads erased of the field. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet Ijefitting his degree, with a mantling gules and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a squirrel sejant ijroper ; with the Motto, "' Altiora in votis." Mar- ried, 187s, Marion Denison, daughter of Sir John Pender, Knight Grand Cross of the Most Distinguished Order of Saint Michael and Saint George, Member of Parliament, of Middleton Hall, in the county of Linlithgow ; and has /««." Married, February 25, 1883, M(51aine I'uchot d'Ennery ; and has Issue— {\) Henri Roger Achilla Asheton de Tongc, Gentleman, born May 12, 1886; (2) Georges Ren(5 Patrice Asheton dc Tonge, Gentleman, born Septemtjcr 4, 1887; (3) Richard Denis Asheton de Tonge, Gentleman, Iwrn January 26, 1894; (4) Charles Ludovic Asheton de Tonge, Gentleman, born January 26, 1894 ; Marie Jeanne Emilienne ; and Edith Mdlanie. Estate and postal address — Chateau du Ragotin, Avranches, Manche. MSlK HUMPHREY FRANCIS DE TRAFFORD, ^ third Baronet, of Trafford Park, TT^i* ftr faf^fif'tl '" ^''^ county of Lancaster, Captain njK' VtH-ttUUlU Lancashire Hussar Yeomanry Cav- alry. Horn July 3, 1862, being the eldest son of Sir Humphrey de Trafford, second Baronet, by his wife Mary Annette, commonly known as Lady .Vhiry .Annette, eldest sister and co-heir of the Right Honourable Bertram Arthur Talbot, seventeenth Earl of Shrewsbury ; succeeded his father in 1886. Armo- riail Iseaxiug'S — He bears for Arms : Quarterly of twenty, I. argent, a griffin segreant gules (for Trafford) ; 2. ar- gent, two bears, and in chief two mullets pierced azure (for Venables) ; 3. argent, on a bend azure, three garbs proper (for Tritten) ; 4. quarterly gules and or, in the first quarter a lion passant argent (for Massey) ; 5. paly of six argent and gules, a chief vaire (for Whitney) ; 6. argent, on a bend gules, three escarbuncles sable (for Thornton) ; 7. vert, a cross engrailed ermine (for Kingsley) ; 8. or, a saltire sable (for HellesVjy) ; 9. azure, a chevron argent, between three garbs proper (for Hatton) ; 10. bendy barry gules and argent (for Crispen) ; 11. argent, a chevron gules, between three chaplets (for Ashton) ; 12. argent, three bars sable (for Legh) ; 13. gules, two lions passant guardant in pale argent (for De la Mere) ; 14. argent, on a chevron quarterly gules and sable, between three birds of the second as many bezants (for Kitchen); 15. argent, three garbs proper, banded or (for Aughton) ; 16. argent, a fesse saVjle, in chief three torteaux (for Mason); 17. argent on a child proper, wrapped in swaddling clothes gules, and banded or, an eagle sable (for Culcheth) ; 18. argent, a griffin segreant azure (for Culcheth) ; 19. argent, a griffin segreant sable ducally crowned or (for Risseley) ; 20. azure, a hind trippant argent (for Hindley), and impaling the arms of Franklin, namely azure, on a bend invected between two martlets or, a dolphin naiant between two lions' heads erased of the field. Upon the escutcheon, which is charged with his badge of Ulster as a Baronet, is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a thrasher proper, his hat and coat per pale argent and gules, his breeches and stockings of the third and second, holding in both hands a flail or, uplifted over a garb on the dexter side, and over the crest upon an escroll the Motto, " Now thus ; " and below the arms the Motto, "Gripe griffin" ("hold fast"). Married, August 9, 1886, Violet Alice Maude, daughter of Captain James Franklin, formerly 77th Regiment; and has Issue — (i) Humphrey Ednuind De Trafford, liscjuire, Vjorn November 30, 1891 ; (2) a son, born August 23, 1894; ^"d Violet Mary. Seat — 18 Arlington Street, London S.W. RICHARD DUPPA DE UPHAUGH, Gentleman. Born 1855, being the second son T^l> H'tlfiatirrfj o*^ ''"^ '■'''s Gladwln Turbutt, *UK^ ^^IJdUV^IJ Esquire, of Ogston, in the county of Derby, Justice of the Peace and Deputy-Lieutenant for that county, by his wife Ellen, youngest daughter of Baldwin Duppa of Hollingbourne House, and Malnwynes Hall, both in the county of Kent, and assumed by Royal License in the year 1888 the sur name of De Uphaugh in lieu of his patronymic, and the arms of Duppa quarterly with his own. Club—]nmQr Carlton. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms: Quarterly i and 4, gules a lion's paw couped in fesse between two chains or, a chief nebuly of the last, thereon two roses of the first, barbed and seeded proper (for Duppa), 2 and 3 party per fesse aztire and sable a trident fesseways « is the Military Cockade. or, between three turbots argent (for Turbutt) ; and for his Crests, I. on a wreath of the colours, in front of a dexter arm embowed in armour, the hand in a gauntlet proper grasping a lion's "fiaw in bend sinister couped, a rose between two annulets gules (for Duppa), 2. on a wreath of the colours a cubit arm erect proper charged with an anchor sable, encircled by an annulet, and holding in the hand in bend sinister a trident both or (for Turbutt). Married, July 7, 1890, Ethel, daughter of Major Ernest Bengough Ricketts of Hollingbourne Manor House, in the county of Kent; and has issue — (i) Richard George Duppa de Uphaugh, Gentleman, b. March 1895; (2) Baldwin Francis Edward de Uphangh, b. Jan. 1897. Estates — Hollingbourne House, and Malmaynes Hall, both in the county of Kent. Postal address — Hollingbourne, Maidstone. CHARLES FREDERIC DEVAS, Esq., B.A., J. P. for Kent. Born 1825, being the elder son of the late Thomas Devas of Dulwich Common, Surrey, by Louise Charlotte, dau. of C. F. Hennings. Armorial bearings — Argent, on a chevron between three boars sable, luaned and hoofed or, langued gules, a Ijee between two bulls' heads caboshed of the field. Mantling sable and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a lion rampant sable, collared or, langued gules, holding between the fore-paws a shield argent, charged with a spear-head in pale sable. Motto — " Virtute et opera." Married, 1848, Leonora, dau. of Henry Alexander ; and has, with other Issue — Horace George Devas, Gentleman, b. 1852; [w. , 1886, Edith Caroline, second dau. of the Hon. Henry W. Campbell, and has, with other issue, a son, b. 1888]. Scat — Pickhurst Manor, Bickenham. HORACE DEVAS, Esq., J. P. Born Dec. 28, 1826, being the second son of the late Thomas Devas, by his wife Louise Charlotte, daughter of C. F. Hennings. Club — Carlton. Armorial bearings — Argent, on a chevron between three boars sable, maned and hoofed or, langued gules, a bee between two bulls' heads caboshed of the field. Mantling sable and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a lion rampant sable, collared or, langued gules, holding between the fore-paws a shield argent, charged with a spear-head in pale sable. Motto — " Virtute et opera." Married, P^eb. 19, 1857, Anne Shuttleworth, dau. of late Edward Anthony Holden of Aston Hall, co. Derby, by Susan Drummond his wife ; and has Issue — Edward Thomas Holden Devas, Esq., J. P., b. March 29, 1859. Seat — Spondon Hall, Derby. HORACE GEORGE DEVAS, Gentleman. Born 1852, being the second son of Charles Frederic Devas, Esq., J. P., B.A. Oxford, by his wife Leonora, youngest dau. of Henry Alexander. Armorial bearings — Argent, on a chevron between three boars sable, maned and un- guled or, langued gules, a bee between two bulls' heads caboshed of the field. Mantling sable and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a lion raiujiant sable, collared or, langued gules, holding between the fore-paws a shield argent, charged with a spear-head in pale sable. Motto — " Virtute et opera." Married, Se|)t. 2, 1886, Edith Caroline, second dau. of Lieut:Col. the Hon. H. W. Campbell ; and has Issue — Geoffrey Charles Devas, Gentleman, b. Sept. 4, 1887. 5fd/— Hartfield, Hayes, Kent. THOMAS DEVAS, Gentleman. Born Sept. 27, 1813, being the second son of William Devas, by his wife Sarah, dau. of Robert Smith. Armorial bearings — .Argent, on a chevron between three boars passant sable, crined, tusked, .and hoofed or, a l)ee volant proper Ix-tween two bulls' heads caboshed of the field. Mantling sable and argent. Crest —On a wreath of the colours, ,a mount vert, thereon a lion rampant sable, collared or, holding between the paws an escutcheon argent, charged with a spear-head erect of the second. Motto — " Virtute et opera." Married, first. May 18, 1841, Harriet Elizaljeth, d.au. of Rev. William Charlton; and has Issue — (i) Horace William Devas, Gentleman, b. March 26, 1842, d. Dec. 13, 1863 ; (2) Rev. Arthur Charles Devas, Rector of St. Peter's, Devizes, M.A. Oxon, b. July 6, 1843 [;«., Sept. 21, 1869, Louisa Mary, dau. of James Trevor] ; (3) Thomas Ernest Devas, Gentleman, b. April 6, 1847 [;«., 1872, Gertrude, dau. of the Rev. Thomas GronowJ ; (4) Hubert Edwin Devas, Gentleman, b. June 24, 1853 \in., .April II, 1890, Edith Gertrude Barker]; (5) S is tbe Naval Cockade. 24: DeUi Deto Jocflyn Dcvas, Gentleman, h. June 28, 1859, d. unmarried, Sept. 1885; Helen kowena [w., 1867, Thomas C'onwayJ; Mary Harriet Gertrude [///., 1877, Roliert Lewin Hunter]; and IJertha Katherine. He ;//. secondly, May 19, T875, Kmily, dan. of Kdward Kough, J.I'., and widow of Gillx-rt Love, M.D. , of Wimbledon. Postal address — Mount Ararat, Wimbledon, Surrey. DK WAHULL, liaronv of, in the l^eera^e of F.ngland, claimed by J. C. CHKTWOOD- AIKEN, Esquire \to 'lohom refer]. THOM.VS R0BI':RT Dl'IWAR, Esquire. J. P. co. of Kent, Sheriff of the t'ity of London 1897 98. Horn 1864, being the lifih son of John Dewar of I'erih. dill's — Junior Carlton, Raleigh, Sports. Armorial bearings — Per saltire or and azure, a seax erect jiroper, surmounted by a saltire engrailed per saltire of the first and second, between two cinquefoils in fesse also of the tirst. Mantling azure and or. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, lx;tween two thistles leaved and slipped proper, a cock gules, armed and s|nnre(l argent, charged on the breast with a cinquefoil or. Motto —"Gloria I'atri." .SVaAf— Leonard Hank, Perth, N.H. ; Capel Lodge, Orlestone, Kent. CHARLES HENRY DE WINTON, Esquire, Justice of the Peace for the county of Breck- *r>P fTfrttntrttl '""■'*• ^^rn Febriiaiy, 1^2,6, beingthe IV^ CULAiniOn „„/v,„„„v/„.,„„, ij tl,, hue John Jeffreys de Win ton. Esquire, Justice of the Peace and Deputy-Lieutenant, of Prioiy Hill, Brecon, by his wife Emma Eliza, daujrhterof Captain Philipps, Royal Navy. Armorial bearings, «.t ^'/tw in Burke's " Landed Centry;' butfor7iihich no authority has been established at the College of Arms, are: Per pale or and argent, a iiyvern vert, between two spear-heads sable. Crests — i. a wyvern's head erased vert, gorged with a collar embattled and counter- embattled argent : 2. a demi-lion rampant issuing from a mural crown, holding in his paws a rose-branch and charged on the shoulder with a full-blu-wn rose, with the Motto, " Syn ar dy Hun." Married, 1892, Elizabeth Maiy, second daughter of Lieutenant-General Richard Thomas Glyn. Estate and postal aAAxe.s.%—Maesderwen, Brecknock. Sir FRANCIS WALTER DE WINTON, Knight Grand Cross of the Most Distinguished Order of Saint is the Military Cockade, Michael and Saint George, Companion oj the Most Honour- able Order of the Bath (Military Division). Born 1835, being the second son of the late Walter Wilkins (ivho assumed the name of de Winton), of Macsllwch Castle, in the county of Radnor, Member of Parliament for the county of Radnor, by Julia Cecilia his wife, second daughter of the Revcrened Richard John Collison, Rector of Gateshead, in the county of Durham ; appointed Controller and Treasurer of the Household to His Royal Highness the late Duke of Clarence, January 1892, and to His Royal Highness the Duke of York the same year; 'Honorary Doctor of Laws, Cambridge, Llonorary Doctor of Civil Law, Durham. ( 'lubs — \ 'iiilcil Sen'ice, Marlborough, and Pratt's. Armo- rial bearings, as quoted in Burke's " /^nded Gentry," but fir which no authority has been established at the College if Arms, are for Arms : Party per pale or and argent, a ivyvern vert, between two spear-heads sable. Crests — i. a wyvern's head erased vert, gorged with a collar emb, tilled and counter-embattled argent; 2. a demi-lion rampant issuing from a mural cnnon, holding in his patos a rose- branch and charged on the shoulder loith a full bhnon rose. Motto — "Syn ar dy Hun." Married Evelyn, daughter of Christopher Rcnvson of I^nnoxieni' s head erased vert, gorged with a collar, embattled and counter-embattled argent ; 2. a demi-lion rampant issuing 3 is the Nayal Cockade. Deto fnwi a mural t-nrnm. Iwlditig in his paws a rose -b rati c/i, and (har^rcd on the shoulder with a full-blown rose. Motto— " Syn ar dy Hun." Married, 1892, Hvlda Theresa Jane daughter of Lieutenant-Ceneral Frederick Marshall o'f Firoadwater, in the county of Surrey. Estate and iwsta! address — Maesllwch Castle, Glasbury. S GEORGE DE WORMS, second Baron dc Worms, an liercditary Haron of the Austrian ^r ^^Tlnrniflf '''"M^'r*- [tltlc home in ICngland by XL't UALlUmW ^joyai Licensedated 1874], of Milton Park, Egham, Justice of the Peace for the counties of Surrey, Middlesex, Sussex, and London Die 243 on either side a lion gold, collared and chained or, and pendent from the compartment a golden scroll, thereon the Motto m letters gules, " Vinctus non victus." Married April 18, i860, Louisa, only daughter of the late Baron de Samuel; and has hsue~[i) Baron Anthony Denis Maurice George de Worms, l;orn January 4, 1869; (2) f.nron Percy George de Worms, born November 3, 1873 • Henrietta Emmy Louisa Amelia. 6V«/— Milton Park, hgham, in the county of Surrey. Tu^iin residence— \^ Park Crescent, W. Marine residence— ■z^ Adelaide Crescent, Brighton. DICYNCOURT, see 'lENNYSON-U'EYNCOURT. Depnty-IJeiUenant for the Tower Hamlets, Knight Grand Commander of the Imperial and Royal Austrian Order of Francis Joseph. Horn February 16, 1829, lieing the .son of Solomon Benedict de Worms, first Baron de Worms, by his wife Henrietta, daughter of S. M. Samuel. C///i^j— Carlton, Conservative, Junior Carlton, Citv of London, Constitutional. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Quarterly i and 4, azure a key in bend, wards upwards or ; 2 and 3 or, an eagle displayed sable, over all an escutcheon gules, a dexter arm tesseways, couped at the wrist proper, the hand grasping three arrows, one in pale and two in saltire or, barlx;d and Highted argent. Upon the escutcheon is placed the coronet of his rank, and thereupon a helmet befitting his degree with a mantling gules and azure, lined or ; and for his Crest, out of a ducal coronet, five ostrich feathers or, gules, or, azure, and or. Supporters — On a bronze compartment, QUINTIN DICK DICK, Esq. of co. Wicklow, late a Capt. in the Derbyshire Yeomanry and Antrim Rifles, b. April 13, 1848, being the second surviving son of the Reverend Quintin Dick Hume, by his wife Anna, dau. of Benjamin Wills Richardson ; y. his uncle The Right Hon. W. W. F. Dick in 1892, under the will of that gentleman's maternal uncle, Quintin Dick, Esq., formerly M.I\ for Maiden, and by Royal License, dated November 1892, was authorised to take and use the surname and arms of Dick. Clubs — Carlton, Arthur's, Junior United Service, Bachelors', Kildare St. (Dul)lin). IJveiy — Green, with white facings. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Gules, a sword in pale point upwards proper, hiked and pomelled or, laetween two mullets in chief of the last. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling, gules, and argent ; and for his Crest, upon The Editor nndertaljes that every entry not in italics is that of a genuinely armigerous person. 244 Die Dil a wrealli of tlie colours, a leoparti sejant proper. Motto — " Semper fidclis." Estates — In cos. Wicklow, Carlovv, and Calway, Ireland. .SVrt/— Carintrila, co. Galwav. A\-si',h-fa>'ehisu'ife, youngest daughter of William Jones. CXnh— A theno'um. Armorial beanngs ,,.f used, but for which no aulhoritv ha^ /•ecu established at the College of Arms, are: Quarterly i and 4 azure three mullets argent, on a chief or, three pallets irnleV- 2 and 3 argent, on a chevron between three goats' head's erased sable, three escallops of the field. Crests-i a dexter cubit arm tn bend, holding in the hand a sword 'point i,1>. wards also in bend all proper; 2. a goat's head erased rt ^^ N Tiv ^"1'T r^""-" ^^arried. September 18, 1866. Harriet Elizabeth, elder daughter of John Barker ■ ".'I'J, ^f.^A^''^-^^) ^''"""- I^ickson\ born November 18 1867; (2) George Erederick Hayes Dickson, born Aueust 2^ 1873; Erances Amy; Mabel Jane, died April 26. 1878- <^nd Ida Harriett Marian. \L^iMc^-~ Blackbeck, Abbots „'f"Ji}' "".'i ^»ffKfield- Postal address-^^fo/. Reading, Haverthwaite, Ulverston. '^ JAMES DICKSON. Gentleman. Born , bein^ the second survivmg .son of Edward Dalzel Dickson, M.D.! ^ is the Military Cockade. M.R.C.P. (Lond.), Physician to H.M. Embassy at Con- stantinople, by his wife Louisa, youngest surviving dau. of the late Col. Hanmer Warrington, K.H. 4th Dragoon (iuards. Armorial bearings — Per pale azure and argent, two mullets in chief and an escallop in base counter changed, and on a chief engrailed or, three billets gules. Mantling azure doubled argent. Crest — On a wreath of the liveries, a dexter hand holding a sprig of everlasting pro|jer. Motto — " Dum vita spes." Residence — El Way- beeyeh, Cairo, Egypt. RAYNES WAITE DICKSON, GenUenian, of Arnside, Soulli Yarra, Melbourne, Victoria, I^resident of the Law Institute of Victoria. Born August 13, 1845, lx>ing the eldest son of James Dickson, by his wife Hannah i?erry, and grandson of William Dickson of Anfield Lodge, near Liverpool, by his wife Frances Rickets, daughter of Raynes Barrett W'aite of Jamaica. 67// /v— Oriental, Austr.-ilian (Melbourne). Armorial bearings He bears for Arms -. Vair, five nuillets, three and two, fesseways or, a chief of the last thereon Itetween two torteaux, a pale gules, charged with a bezant. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet bi'fitting his degree, with a mantling azure and argent ; and tor his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, in front of a boar's head erased argent, gutt^e-de-sang, nuizzled gules, a iK'zant between two mullets fesseways or ; with the Motto, " Fortes fortuna jurat." Married, firs'tly, Octot)er 20, 1870, lOlizalxnh (died 1889), daughter of William Kiddle of Somersetshire, England ; and by her has Issue — Raynes Waite Stanley Dickson, Gentleman, born November 11, 1871 ; secondly, Annie Mary, widow of the late Colonel Borthwick, and daughter of the Reverend S. Russell Davies, and by her lias. Maud. Postal address — Arnside, Domain Road, South Yarra, Melbourne, Victoria. Sir KENELM EDWARD DIGBY, K.C.B. (1898). Born September 9, 1836, being the eldest son of the late Reverend Hon. Kenelm Henry Digby, Bachelor of Arts of the University of Oxford, Honorary Canon of Norwich, Rural Dean, Rector of 'littleshall, ii'i the county of Norfolk, by Caroline his wife, daughter of ICdward Sheppard of Firgrove, in the county of Salop ; called to the Bar in Lincoln's Inn, 1865, and made a Bencher, 1891 ; appointed Judge of Circuit Nimilicr 19, l''ebruary 1892. C///i5— Athenaeum. Armorial bearing^— He beai's for Arms : Azure, a fleur-de-lis argent, im|3aling for Smut party per pale sable and azure, two chevronels engrailed between three cross crosslets fitclu'^e or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours an ostrich argent, holding in its beak a horse-shoe or; with tlie Motto," Deo non for- tuna." Married, August 30, 1870, Caroline, conunonly known as the Honourable Caroline, daughter of the Right Honourable lulward .Strutt, first Baron'^ Belper ; and has Issue — (i) Arthur Kenelm Digby, Esquire, born May 19. 1879; (2) Edward Aylmer Digby. Gentleman, born 1883; Emily; and Lettice. Postal address— Asion Hall, Derby. CONRAD ADDERLY DILLON. Esquire, conuuonly known as the Honourable Conrad Adderly 3!^iJInn ^^'"°"- ^^'""^ September 2, 1841^, being the M^titVli second son of the Right Honouraljle .Arthur Edmund Dillon, sixteenth Viscoimt Dillon, Ijy his wife Ellen, daughter of James Adderly. Livery— Black, with white caps and aprons. Armorial bearing^ — He bears for Arms: Quarterly i and 4, argent a lion passant between three crescents gules (for Dillon) ; 2 and 3 argent, a fesse between three crescents sable (for Lee), impaling the arms of Dashwood, namely argent, on a fesse double cotised gules, three grifBns' heads erased or; anil for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a demi-lion gules, holding Ijetween the paws an cstoile argent ; with the Motto, "Dum spiro spero." Married, August 27. 1872, ICllen Louisa, eldest daughter of Sir Henry William Dashwood, Baronet; and has Issue — (\) Arthur Henry Dillon, Esquire, born January 5, 1875; (2) Eric Fitzger.ild Dillon, Gentleman, born April 4, r88i ; Hilda iillen ; Margaret Sophia ; Evelina Victoria ; and Vere Mary. Els- lates — "En Espagne." Postal address — 53 Oakley Street, Chelsea. JOHN DILLON, Member of Parliament for the East Division of the county of Mavo. Born 1851, beiw.; the son of the late John Blake Dillon, by his wife Adelaide, daughter 3 iB tbe Naval Cockade. ^i\ Din 245 of the late William /•'rainis //nil of Dublin. Armorial bearings as f;ii'c>i in Debretfs " House of Commons," I'lit for wliiiii no authority has been established in Ulster's Offuc, are for Arms : Anient, a lion passant between three crescents i{i/les. Crest — .-/ demi-lion rampant i^ules, holding betiveen the paws a mullet or. Motto -" Dum spiro speru.'''' Residence — 2 North Great George's Street, Dublin. LUKE GI':RAL1) IJILLON. Gentleman, eldest son of the late Charli'S IJlake Dillon, (Jentleinan, of Springlawn, in the county of Koscoiiinion, by Maria his wife, daughter of the late John Ncilaii of Stone|)aik, in the county of Roscommon. Armorial bearings — lie be.ars for Arms : Argent, a lion passant between three crescents gules, a tnarllet for difference. Upon the eseutcheiju is placed a helmet Iwfitting his degree, with a mantling gules and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a demi-lion rampant gules holtling between the paws an esloile of eight points or; with the MottO, " Oum spiro spero." Postal address — .Seaham, county Durham. GknkualSik martin ANDREW DILLON, K.C.15., C.S.l. Horn 1826, Ijeing the son of the late Major .-\. J. Dillon of Lissane, co. Mayo ; served with distinction in the (■riniea, in India, and in Aljyssinia ; lateanA.D.C. to the tjueen, Mil. Sec. in India, and .\ssistant Mil. Sec. at the Horse Guards; conunanded a Division in Intlia. Clubs — United .Service, Marlborough. Armorial bearings —Argent, a lion passant between three crescents gules, a martlet for difference. Mantling gules and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of liie colours, a demi-lion rampant gules, holding between the paws an estoile wavy of eight points or ; with the Motto, " Dum spiro spero." Postal address — United .Service ("lub, London, .S.W. n. (■IIARLi:s LIOVSIION 1)1 LLWYN - VENABLES- LLlsWELYN, Esquire, Lieutenant Carmarthen Artillery, J. P. cos. Gla- morgan, lirecon, and Radnor. Horn June 29, 1870, being the second but only surviving son of Sir John Talbot Dillwyn- Llewelyn, Baronet, of Fenllergare and Ynis-y-gerwn, in the county of Glamorgan [to whom refer], by his wife Caroline Julia, eldest daughter of .Sir Michael Hicks-Beach, eighth Baronet; assumed by Royal License, dated June 27, 1893, the surname of Venables in addition to and before that of Dilltopn^Ocnat)le0= ILletoelpn Llewelyn and after tliat of Dillwyn, and llie additional arms of Venables quartered. Armorial bearings— Me bears for Arms: Quarterly i and 4, argent guttoi-de-poix, three chev- ronels gules, in base a lamb passant proiJer (for Llewelyn) ; 2. azure, two bars each cotised, between five mullets, three in chief and two in base all argent, and for difference a cross crosslet or (for Venaljles) ; 3. gules, on a chevron nebuly argent, five trefoils slipped of the first (for Dillwyn), and upon an escutcheon of pretence ths same arms of Venables without distinctions. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules and argent ; and for his Crests, i. upon a wreath of the colours, upon the trunk of a tree fesseways eradicated and sprouting, a lamtj passant proper supporting a staff or, therefrom flowing a banner gules, charged with three chev- ronels argent; 2. upon a wre.ith of the colours, a wyvern, wings expanded gules, each wing charged with a fesse argent, issuant from a weir-basket proper, the dexter claw resting on a nuillet azure, charged for difference as in the arms (for Venables) ; 3. upon a wreath of the colours, in front of a stag's head couped proper, three trefoils slipped vert (for Dillwyn). Motto — " Craignez honte." Married, .August 23, 1893, Katharine Minna, elder daughter and cob DoD 247 BONAMY DOBREE, Esq., a Member of the Com- mission of Lieutenancy for the City. Bom 1818, being, tlie eldest son of the hite Bonainy Oobrec, (jentle- man, antl Caroline his wife, daughter of John l>ocki\ Clubs — Travellers', Union. Armorial bearing's — (Juarterly, I. gules, a crescent per pale or and argent, between three trefoils slipped of the last (for Uobrc^-e) ; 2. ermine, two clievronels Itetween three sinister hands apaum(!'e, C(juped at the wrist gules (for Bonamy) ; 3. per pale a/.ure and gules, a wolf rampant or (for Hankey) ; 4. azure, on a fesse between three saltires couped or, as many lions' heads erased of the field, collared argent (for Gale). Mantling gules and or ; and for his CSrest, upon a wreath of the colours, a thistle slipped and leaved proper. Motto — " Spe vivitur. " Married, Nov. 26, 1840, Emma, dau. of Nathaniel .Snell Chauncy, Lord of the Manor of Little Memden, I lerts ; and has Issue — (i) Harry Hankey Dobree, (ientleman,/^. May 24, 1842 ; (2) Augustus Croft Dobree, Gentlemen (deceased) ; (3) RotM^rt Arthur Dobree, CJentleman (decea^d) ; (4) Bon- amy 1 )obree. Gentleman (deceased) ; Caroline Locke \m. I'ei-dinand Marshall Huth, Esc|., to whom refer] and Mary Augusta (///. Ahired de Vere Brooke, Col. R.E.]. Estate— Beauregard, (juernsey, Channel Islands. Residence — ^ (jueen'sGate I'lace, London, S. W. SAMUEL DOBREE, Esquire, Justice of the Peace for the county of Somerset, liiirn April 7, 1843, Zr^nflt*0^ being the third but eldest surviving son and il^'UUvl;^V iieir of the late Sanniel Dobr^'-e, Es(|uire, Jus- tice of the Peace for the counties of Susse.x and .Somerset, by his wife Jane Mary, third daughter and co- heiress of Carteret Priaulx, Magistrate, (jf ( jucrnsey. I ivery -Dark green coat, medium siripeil white and red waist- coat, drab breeches (coachman); black plush breeches and while stoekingN or black trousers (footman) ; brass buttons. Armorial bearings-t-I le l)ears for Arms : (Juxirterly, i. gules. and other Somerset. land. Postal address — The Priory, Wellington, ■ acrescent per pale or and argent between three trefoils slipped of the last (for Dobree) ; ■z. ermine, two chevronels between three sinister hands apauni(5e, couped at the wrist gules (for Bonamy) ; 3. per pale azure and gules, a wolf rampant or (for Hankey) ; 4. azure, on a fesse between three saltires couped or, as many lions' heads eraseil of the field, collared argent (for (Jale). ' Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet liefitting his degree, with a mantling gules and or ; and for ills Crest, upon" a wreath of the colours, a thistle slipped and leaved projier ; with the Motto, "Spe vivitur." Married, 1871, Marv Milford Tozer, second daughter of Stephen Franklin Bridge, Doctor of Medicine, late of Old Court, Wellington, in tlie county of Somerset ; and has sur- viving A.f//f—(i) Herbert Carteret Priaulx Dobree, Gende- man, l»rn 1875; (2) Franklin Bonamy Hankey Dobr(5e, Gentleman, born 1876; (3) Richard Harry Bonamy iMelvill Dobrfc, Gentleman, Ijorn 1877 ; Margaret Kalherine Carey. A'j/ato— The Priorv, \\'ellington, in the county of .Somerset, The Honourable Sir WILLIAM LAMBERT DOB- SON, Kni}^hl Bachelor, Chief - Justice of ^r^nflttfltl Tasmania 1885, Member of Executive aI^'UU^UII Council, June 6, 1861, Chancellor of Uni- versity of Tasmania. Born April 24, 1833, beini; the eldest son of John Dobson , j'ormerly of Gateshead , in the conn ty ofDurha in ,and la te of Hoha rt. Solicitor a nd Not a ry Public, by his loife Alary Ann, daui;hter of Matthew Atkin- son of Carr Hill, in the county of Durham ; dubbed Knight Bachelor, 1886. Clubs — National Consei-i'ative (London), Tasmanian (Hobart, Tasmania). Armorial bearings as used, but for which no authority has been established, are for Arms : Argent, a fesse nebuly betzvcen si.v Jleurs-de-lis sable. Crest — T700 bears paws in salti re proper. MottO used — ' ' Ut tibi sic alteri." Married, March 17, 1859, Fanny Louisa, second daughter of the late Venerable Archdeacon Broivne of Launceston, Tasmania, and formerly of Ballimioher, in the county of Cork, in the Peerage^of Ireland ; and has Issue — (i) J'rank Lambert Dobson, Esquire, born July 5, 1861, Barrister Middle Temple, died April 2.^, 1887, at Sydney; (2) William Percy Dobson, Esquire, born^ April 10, 1864; A/ay ; Ethel ; Kate Louise ; and Edith. Postal address — Hobart, 'Tasmania. WALTER PHELPS DODGE, Born June 13, 1869, being the son if David Stuart Dodge, by his JPNjsNjYP wife Ellen Ada, daughter of John Jay J'helps. *U'U Uy K' Clubs— y////w- Constitutional; Calumet ( Eifth Avenue, Neiu York, United .States of Amer- ica). U\ery~-Dark drab coat, loith black cuffs, collar and braid, and gilt buttons ; dark drab and black waistcoat, white melton breeches, boots. Armorial bearings as used are: Barry of six or and sable, on a pale gules, a woman's breast distilling; drops of milk proper. Crest — Upon a wreath of the colours, a dcmi sea-dog azure, collared, waned and finned or. MottO — " Leni perfruar otio." 'These arms are a genuine Elnglish coat, but no authority has been established in the College oj Arms by the aboi'e-mentioned William Phelps Dodge for their usage, nor any descent from the grantee. Married, July 21,' 1888, Ada Jiose, daughter oJ Alfred Godolhhin Cooke ; and has Issue — Stuart Phelps Dodge, born February 19, 1891 / and Pollen Ada Phelps. Estate and [)ostal address — Chinnock Manor, Simsbury, Connecticut, in the United States of America. R1CH.\RD BALL DOD.SON, Gentleman, only son of Richard Wliaicoat Dodson, by his wife 7p»fsh(ynn Harriett Siiles, only daughter of the late U^'UUA^UU Joseph H. Ball of Richmond Hall, Philadel- phia, in Pennsylvania, one of the United Slates of America. Armorial bearings are : Argent, a fesse ^^•^ nebuly gules, in chief a trefoil slipped of the last between two Heurs-de-lis sable, and in base a fleur-de-lis of the last The Editor undertakes that every entry not in italics is that of a genuinely amiigerous person. >48 DOD Don belwofii two trefoils slipjXHl of ihe secoiiii ; :iu(l for ;i Crest, a (iLMiii-lion argent, holding in the dexter paw a trefoil as in the arms, and resting the sinister paw on a tleur-de-lis sable ; with the Motto, "Credo." Postal address— \ Vicarage Gardens, Brighton, Sussex. DODWELL, quartered by BLAKE. DODWELL, quartered by BROWNE. CAPTAIN DANUBE HENRY DOM ERTY- WATER- HOUSE, formerly of 3rd Hussars, afterwards of the .Antrim Artillery Militia. Bom , being the son of the Right Hon. John Doherty, Lord Chief-Justice of Com- mon Pleas, Ireland, by Elizabeth Lucy his wife, dau. of the late J. W. Wall, P:sq., J. P. and D.L., of Coolnanuick Court, co. Waterford ; and assumed by Rt)yal License, 1872, the additional surname and arms of Waterhouse. Armorial bearings— Quarterly i and 4, or, on a i)ile engrailed sable, a fountain, and (for distinc- tion) in chief a cross crosslet gold (for Waterhouse) ; 2 and 3 argent, on a chevron engrailed between three trefoils slipped vert, a cross crosslet fitchC-e or (for Doherty) ; and upon an escutcheon of pretence the same arms of Water- house witliout the mark of distinction. Mantling sable and or ; and for his Crests, i. ujjon a wreath of the colours, in front of an eagle's leg erased at the thigh or, issuant there- from a wing in l)end sable, a fountain, and charged (for distinction) on the thigh with a cross crosslet sable (for Waterhouse) ; 2. upon a wreath of the colours, an arm in armour embowcd proper, charged with a cross crosslet litch(5e, the hand grasping a scimitar also proper. Motto — "Veritas vincit omnia." Married, 1872, Catharine Grace Waterhouse of Well Head, Halifax, co. York. Seat — Well Head, Halifax, co. York. Rkv. ROBERT WH.LIAM RADCLYFFE LOLLING, formerly Curate of St. .Agatha's Mission, Landport, I'ortsea, Hants. Bont Feb. 13, 1851, being the eldest son of the late Robert Holbeche Dolling, Esq., of Magheralin, J. P. Down and Monaghan, and J. P. and D.L. Londonderry, High Sheriff 1865, Barrister-at-Law, by his wife Eliza, third dau. of Josias du I're Alexander, J. P. (nephew of James, ist Earl of Caledon). Armorial bearings— Per fesse argent and azure, a fesse dancett(?e per fesse sable and of the first. Mantling azure and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a buck's head propei, attired or, gorged with two bars dancett(5e argent. Motto— " Spero." Seat — Eden- more, Magheralin, co. Down. AUSTIN J. DOLMAGE. Born July 1838, being the eldest surviving son of tlie late Julius Dolmage, Esq., of Rathkeale, by Belinda, dau. of .Samuel Leake of Riverlawn, CO. l^imerick ; formerly in the 87th R. Irish Fusiliers ; served also with the Italian Army, and is a Knight of .S.S. Maurice and Lazarre and of the Corona of Italy, ot Rathkeale, co. Limerick. Clubs — Union (S.W), United Service (Dublin). Armorial bearings — Per chevron argent and azure, in chief two crescents of the last, issuant therefrom as many Heurs- de-lis gules, and in base a crescent or, issuant therefrom a fleur-de-lis of the first, in the centie chief jwint a spear-head proper, gutt(5e -de-sang. Mantling azure and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a boar's head erased and erect per pale azure and gules, armed or. Motto — " Inveniam aut faciam." Married, Sept. 1864, Frances Millicent, only child of Capt. Goodricli Shedden of 8th Hussars; and has Issue — (1) John Shedden Dolmage, l>. i866; (2) Cecil Goodrich Julius Dolmage, b. 1870; (3) Francis -Alfred Emilio Dolmage, b. 1875. '!>^. 9, 1871 ; Mary Frances, a nun in Loreto Abbey, l)alkey, CO. Dublin; Fallen Anne, a nun in Loreto Abbey, Rathfarnham, co. Dublin ; Alice Honoria, (/. num., Jan. 3, 1890 ; and Jane. Address — Mount Kennelt House, Limerick. PATRICK .SARSFIELD DONNliLLAN, Gentleman, M.D. (Pennsylvania), L.R.C.l'.L 1887, L.R.C.S.I. 1883, Physician to St. Mary's Hospital and Lecturer on Materia Medica in the Medical College, Philadelphia, U.S..\., Life Governor Stanley Hosjiital, Liverpool, ICngland, 1887. [ioni Dec. i, 1861, being the second son of John Donnellan of Mount Kennett, Limerick, by his wife Margaret, eldest dau. of James Clampett, Gentleman, of Limerick. Clubs — University (I'hiladelphia). Armorial bearings— -Argent, an oak tree eradicated pro|xT, 011 the siiiistei side thereof a slave sable, tied gules, within a bordure vert, and impal- ing gules, a bend argent charged luitli six holly leaves in pairs, and colised or {for Ryan of Eaglesmere, Williamsport, Penn., U.S.A.). [The arms of Ryan are not registered.] Crest — On o\ved grasping a straight sword proper, hilt and pommel or, encircled with a pointed Irish crown of the hist. MottO— " Lamh liearg l^iren." Married, firstly, 1B71, .Xdeli/.a, second daughter of !•'. L. H. Dykes of Doveiil)y Hall, in the county of C'lunln'r- lanil (she died 1873). Postal addresses~yj Onslow (iardens, London, S. W. ; Felday, Dorking. Surrey. M klCHARI) DONOVAN, Jis./uire, J.J'., D.I... LI. .P. ^ (Camb.), High Sheriff CO. llV.iyivv/ 1888. Horn Aw. 25, 1858, beim; the eldest son of Richard Donovan, lisi/., late r'/ Pally more, J. P. , D. I., for co. 1 1 exford, bv his wife liliza- hcth .\gncs,dau. of Rev. Henry Wynne of .{rd Colm,co. Wexford. Livery — Dress: white, with scarlet facings ; undress: mutl'cny, piped lohite, red and white striped vest. Armorial bearings (;.( used, but which are not registered in I'hter's Office, are for ATVOS- .trgent. issuing from the sinister side, a dexter arm fesstioays, habited, holding in the hand an Irish skean erect, and entwined by a serpent. Crest — ( '// chapeau purpure, turned up ermine, a falcon rising. Supporters -/>ou THOMAS DOA'AM/V, Esquire, Justice of the Peace for the Cinque Ports dud for the liorough of JT^nrillJltl Sandwich. Bom December 9, 1827, and 3^ VV II lull /( iin, second and only su>~i'i7'ing son of James Dorman of Sandwich, l>y his 7vifc Charlotte, daughter of Thomas Young of Chcillock. At- morial bearing^ usca, hut which are of no authorifv, arc for Anns.' Azure, three leopards' faces argent ; and fir a Crest, 1/ lion's />aw holding a tilting-spcar ; with the MottO, " /// arduis viget virtus." Postal aiidress — Newgate House, Sandwich, Kent. CHARLES MONTAGU DOUGHTY. Born August 19, 1843, being the younger son of the Zr^flttftflf'tl A'e-oerend Charles Montagu Doughty of ZL^yi\.\\y)y,\> Tkeberton Hall, by his zvife Frederica, third daughter of the Kcivrend Frederick Hotham, commonly known as the Honourable and Rev- erend Frederick Hotham. Armorial bearings, as quoted in Ihirke's "Landed Gentiy," but to which tio right has been established or recorded at the Heralds' College, are for Arms : Argent, two bars betioeen as many mullets pierced sable; and for a Crest, a mullet as in the arms ; with the Motto, " Pal ma non sine pulvere." Married, October 9, 1886, Caroline .Amelia, daughter of General Sir Montagu M'Murdo, Knight Commander of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath. " Postal ackhvss — Ospcdalc/ti, Italy. W.Major CHESTER DOUGHTY, late Captain lyd t? Royal Welsh Fusiliers, Adjutant .^th Battalion (.Militia) Shropshire Regiment from 1868; Justice of the Peace and Deputy-Lieutenant for the county of Hereford ; is the youngest son of the late Frederic Goodwin Doughty, formerly of .}fartlesha7c> Hall, by Beatrice his ii'ife, daus;hter and co- heiress of Rear-Admiral Sir Charles Cunningham. Ar- morial Toeaxings, as quoted in Burke's "Landed Gentry," but for which no authority has been established, are for Arms: Argent, two bars betjocen as many mullets sable; and for a Crest, a mullet sable ; with the Motto, " Pal ma non sine pulvere." Postal address — Hampton Park, Here- ford. HENR Y MONTAGU DOUGHTY, Esquire, Justice oj the Peace for the county of Suffolk, Lord of the Manor of Theberton, and Barrister-at-Law. Born March 15, 1841, being the eldest son of the Reverend Charles Montagu Doughty of Theberton Hall, by his wife Frederica, third daughter of the Reverend Frederick Hotham, commonly kno7ieth ; Mary Alice ; Lucy Jane ; Edith Christian ; Katharine Margaret ; and Janet Maude. Seal — Salwarpe Rectory, Droitwich, co. Wor- cester, JOHN WILLIAM EDWARD JAMES DOUGLASS, Gentleman. Born Feb. 16, 1865, being the eldest son of John Sholto Douglas, by his wife Vanda, dau. of Baron Ernest de Poellnitz. Armorial bearings — Quarterly i and 4, argent a heart imperiallv crowned proper, on a chief azure, three nmllets of llie field ; 2. argent, three ])iles gules, on a chief of the last two mullets of tiie first ; 3. argent, tliree mascles sable, on a chii>f of tile last, as many lions passant guardant of tiie first. Mantling gules and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a de.xter hand issuing from clouds holding a sword erect proper. Motto (over the crest) — "God for us." Supporters ^ Two savages wreathed head and middle with a garland of oak leaves, each with a club in his exterior hand resting on his .shoulder proper. Postal address — P'engh Cottage, Invery, Banchory, N.B. 3S1K HENRY DOULTON, Knight Bachelor, Justice of the Peace, and one of Her Majesty's ?P)llllItflll I^'f^utenants for the City of London, Mem- **^ UWlvUll ijgr qC Cordwainers' and Turners' Com- panies, As.sociate of the Institute of Civil Engineers, Almoner of Saint Thomas' Hospital, and Vice- President of Society of Arts. Born 1820, being the son of John Doullon of Lambeth, and his wife Jane, daughter of James Dimcan ; and was created a KTiight Bachelor 1887. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Azure, on a pale invected or, between two goats' heads erasetl of the last, a lion rampant sable lietween two escallops gules. Upon the escutcheon is jjlaced a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling azure and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a demi-lion sable, Ixjlding in the dexter paw a cross crosslet or, and resting the sinister upon an escutcheon argent, charged with a vase proper ; with the Motto, " Le beau est le splendeUr de vrai." Married Sarah (who died 1888), daughter of James Lewis Kennaby ; and has Issue — Henry Lewis Doulton, ICs(|uirc, born 1853 ; .Sarah Lilian ; and Katharine Duncan. AV- sidences — Woolpits, Evvhurst, in the county of Surrey ; 10 Queen's Gate Gardens, London, S.W. ^^ is the Naval Cockade. Doto Dop 251 ARTHUN CHRISTOrHHK DOWDKSli /W counties of Worcester and Gloucester. St'UUIUtJJUJVH Horn 1846, bein^ the third and youngest son of the late William llou'desicell, Esquire, of Pull Court, Justice of the Peace and l)c[>!itv-lAeiitenant, by Amelia iMitia his -wife, youngest daiiyjiter of Robert Graham of Cossington House, in the county of Somerset. CIul)s — Junior Carlton, Constitutional. Armo- rial bearings as quoted in Burke's "Landed lien try," but for ;\'hich no authority has been established, are for Arms : Gr, II fcsse loaiy liettveen six billets sable. I'ostal address — Ripple Hall, Tewkesbury. The Reverend EDMUND RICHARD DGWDES- WEI.L, Clerk in Holy Orders, Master of Arts of the University of Oxford, l/icar of the parish of Bushley. Born January 14, 1845, being the second and eldest suner fesse nebuly sable and argent, a pale with three cross crosslets crossed two and one, and as many demi-men affiontde couped, each holding in both hands a club in tx^nd, one and two, all counter- changed. Married, 1846, Rev. R. Downes, M.A. (Oxon.), Vicar of Sundon, in co. of Bedford, who died 1857; and has with other /.v.r//t'— .\n elder son, Charles Villiers S. Downes, lCsc|. [to whom refer]. Postal address — 'Vhe Shrubbery, Aspley Guise, Bletchley. ' JOHN SHEEN DOWNES, Gentleman. Born )wn- 8, 1850, lieing the younger son i>i the late Rev. R. Downes, M.A. (Oxon.), Vicar of Sundon, in the co. of Bedford, by his wife Charlotte Julia E., dau. and co-heiress (with her sister Emma J. B., wife of H. Brandreth, Escjuire, of Houghton Hall, Beds , both deceased) of the late Lieut.-Col. C. Hervey Smith, 40th Foot, M..-\. (Oxon), of Aspley House, in the co. of Bedford, |. P. and D. L. for tluit county. Livery — Black, white facings. Armorial bearings Per pale sable and gules, a stag lodged argent, holding in the mouth an ear of wheat leaved and slipped or, iM'twocn four garbs saltireways of the third (for Downes). Mantling sable and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, u(}on two ears of wheat leaved and slipjied or, a lapwing with wings addorsed projx'r. MottO—" Soies content." Married, 1891, Mary, dau. of Dr. J. Bentley. Postal address— Nev/nnirkiH, Ontario, Canada. WILLIAM W ALLEY DOWNES. Born .May 28, i^2j, youngest, mmt second surviving son of John Dinvnes, bv his wife Elizabeth, daughter and heir of Thomas Walley oj Barretts-Pool, Cheshire. lAvcry— Black and white. Armorial bearings as used are for Arms: Sable, a stag lodged argent. These arms are a genuine coat, being duly recorded in the College of Arms to an old Cheshire family of Do^ones, but no pedigree establishing a descent therefrom, or a right to the arms, has been recorded in the College of Arms by the abime-menlioned William Walley Downes. Estates— Lord of the Manor of Barretts-Pool- Pulcroft or Poole, and other estates. Postal AiiArcss— Stoke Manor, Nantwich, Cheshire. DOYLEY, cpiartered by BAR r'I'l':LOr. The Editor undertakes that every entry not in italics is that of a genuinely armigerous person. Dop Dro nJI.L/AM D'OY/.V, Esquire, J ustiic of the Peace for the eoiiiities of Nottin^^ham and Sussex, liorn 1825, beiii,s; the sixth son of the Reverend George D'Oyly, Doctor of Divinity, by Maria Frances his wife, daughter of William Liruese of I'lielwynd, in the county of Salof. C'lub — East India United Set-oice. Armorial bearing's as used, with ten i/uarterings, are for Arms : Or, two hendlets azure, aud for Crest, on a wreath of the colours, a d^mi-dragon proper; with the Mottoes, " Omne solum forti patria," " Do no ylle, quoth D'oylle." These arms are those of ci veiy ancient family of the name, but no descent therefrom, or right to bear the coat, has been established by the above- named William D'Oyly, Esquire. Married, i^zfy, Emma Susan, daughter of the Rcnvrend Edward Pelleio, commonly kncnon as the Honourable and /Reverend Edward Pelleio ; and has Issue — (i) Ouy Pellew D'Oyly, born 1864 ; (2) Claude Pellexu D'Oyly, born 1866 ; Maude Helen ; Constance Frances; Eveline If reuse ; Mabel Emily ; Sybil Margaret ; and Cecily Joaue. Postal address — Chilton Polden, near Bridgwater, Somerset. S CHARLES MERVYN DOYNE, Esq., J.P. andD.L. CO. Wexford (High Sheriff 1873, ■''"^ ^o. Carlow 1875) M.A. Cantal). Horn 1839, l)einj; the eldest son of the late Robert Stephen Doyne, Esc|., J.P. and IJ. L. , of Wells, by .Sarah Emily, dau. of Joseph Pratt of Cabra Castle, co. Cavan. Clubs — Carlton, Kild^ire .Street (Dublin). Livery-- (Uress): while, with red facings; (undress): Oxford mix- ture, with red collar and waistcoat. Armorial bearings — Quarterly i and 4, gules a fesse dancettee between three escallops argent (for Doyne) ; 2 and 3 azure, an eagle displayed or (for O' Doyne), and impaling the arms of Wentworth - Fitzwilliam, namely, quarterly i and 4, lozengy argent and gules (for Fitzwilliam) ; 2 and 3 sable, a chevron l)etween three leopards' faces or (for Wentworth). Mantling gules and argent ; and for his Crests, i. upon a wreath of the colours, a demi-eagle rising proper ; 2. upon a wreath of the colours, a holly bush proper, in front thereof a lizard passant or. Motto— " Mul lac a boo." .Married, 1867, Lady Frances Mary, eldest dau. of the Right Hon. William Thomas Spencer Wentworth-Fitz- william, 6th Earl Fitzwilliam ; and h;is, with other Issue — Rol)ert Wentworth Doyne, Capt. 4th Batt. Oxon. Light Infantry, educated at Eton and Magdalene Coll., Cam- bridge, b. 1868. 6Vrt/.v "Wells, near Gorey ; and Kellis- town, CO. Carlow. DRAKE, quartered by BARNEWALL. DRAKE, see DEANE-DRAKE. DR.WTOX, see GRIMKEDRAY ION. DREWETT ORMONDE DREWETr, Es(|uire, J.I', for Durham, Barristei-at-Law, B.A. (Oxon.). Horn June I, 1838, Ijeing tlie only son of the late Thomas Droweit Brown, Barrister-at-Law (who assumed by Royal Licence, Sept. 6, 1867, the name and arms of Drewett only, for him- self and his issue), by his wife Isabella, eldest dau. of Sir William Claytor, first liart. Armorial bearings—.Argent, on a chevron nebuly, Ix'tween tlirce fleurs-de-lis gules, a rose of the field between two wreaths of palni proper. Mantling gules and argent. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, in front of two palm branches saltierways proper, a Heur-de-lis gules. Married, 1869, Catherine Mary, second dau. of Joseph Burrell. 6V(Zi'— Jarrow Hall, Jarrow-on- Tyne, co. Durham. Residence — Riding Mill, Northum- berland. JOHN LOULS EMIL DREYER, Esquire, M.A.. Ph.D. (Copenhagen), Director of .Armagh Observatory. Bom Feb. 13, 1852, being the son of His Excellency Lt.-General John Christopher l-rederick Dreyer of the Danish Army, Knight Grand Cross of the Order of the Dannebrog of Denmark, and of St. Stanislaus of Russia, Knight Com- mander ol the Swedish Order of the Sword, by his wife Ida, dau. of Christian Frederic Randrup, and was naturalised as a British subject 1885. Armorial bearings — Per fesse argent and gules, chaperonne azure, in chief a trefoil slipped atid inverterl vert, and in base three roundels, each charged with a quatrefoil argent. Mantling gules and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, an arm vambraced. the hand gaunlleted, grasping a trident IkmkI sinisterways argent, the shaft proper. MottO— " Uden .arbeide ingen lykke." Married, Nov. 11, 1875, Katherine Hannah, eldest dau. of John Tuihill, Escj., formerly of Kihnore, CO. Limerick; and has Issue— (i) John Tuthill Dreyer, ^ is the Military Cockade. Gentleman, Lieut. R.A., /'. Dec. 24, 1876; (2) Frederic Charles Dreyer, Gentleman, Lieut. R.N., b. Jan. 8, 1878; (3) George Villiers Drever, Gentleman, /'. Feb. 27, 1883; (4) Wilfrid Lloyd Dreyer, Gentleman, b. 1885, d. 1889; -Mice Beatrice ; and Margaret Ida, b. 1887, d. 1888. A'csidence— The Observatory, Armagh. Postal address — The Observatory, Armagh. Sir WILLIAM LEECE DRINKWATER, Knight Bachelor, Barrister-at-Law, Master ir^t*ttlliVl1rtf"4M* '^^ -^''^^ '^^ ''^^ University of Cam- ZLaiUKiUattV bridge, first Deemster in the Isle of Man. Born 1812, Ixjing the second son of John Drinkwater of Liverpool, and Moor Piatt, in the County Palatine of Lancaster, by his wife Eliza- beth, daughter of James Gaudy of Kendal, and nephew of Sir George Drinkwater, Knight Bachelor ; and was dul)lx?d Knight Bachelor in the year 1877. Armorial bearings "He bears for Arms : Per pale gules and azure, on a fesse wavy argent, Ijetween three garbs or, as many billets of the second. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet Ijcfitting his degree, with a mantling gules and argent ; and for his Crest, three ears of wheat, one in pale and two in saltire, entiled with a ducal coronet all or ; with the Motto, "Sapiens qui assiduus." Afarried, 1840, Elinor, daughter of Peter Bourne of Hackinsall Hall, in the county of Lancaster; and has had Issue — (i) George Drinkwater, Esquire, Master of Arts of the University of Cambridge, Barrister-at-Law, Crown Receiver, and a Justice of the Peace for the Isle of Man, born 1852 [married, 1880, Mary Wyse, granddaughter of Roddam J. Roddam of Roddam, and has, with other issue, William Roddam Drinkwater, Esquire, Iwrn 1881] ; (2) John Drinkwater- Lawe, Es(|uire, who assumed the additional surname and arms of Lawe by Royal Licen.se 1879, and died 1889. Estate aud postal address — Kirby, Douglas, Isle of Man. §riiK Right Honouk.\blk. PONSONBY WILLIAM MOORE, Earl of Drogheda, Viscount Moore of Drogheda, and Baron Moore of Mellefonby Arthur Moore, ICsquire, by his wife Augusta Sophia, daughter of the Hon. William Henry Gardner, Lieut. -Gen. R.A. Creations — Baron, July 20, 1616; Viscount, February 7, 1621 ; Earl (Irish honours). Clubs — Carlton, Conserva- tive. I.ivery — Blue with orange facings. Armorial bear- ing^s — He Ix-ars for Arms: Azure, on a chief indented or, three mullets pierced gules. Above the escutcheon is placed the coronet of his rank, and tliercupon a helmet befitting his 3 is the Naval Cockade. Dtu degree, with a mantling azure and or ; and for liis Crest, out of a ducal coronet or, a Moor's head proper, wreathed about the temples argent and azure. Supporters— Two greyhounds argent. Motto—" Fortis cadtre, cedere, non potest." Miuried, Octoljer i6, 1879, Anne Tower, daughter of George Moir, D(jctor of Laws, formerly Sheriff" of the county of Stirling ; and has /«//<— Henry Charles Ponsonby Moore, Esquire, commonly called Viscount Moore, born April 21, 1884 ; and Lady Beatrice Ponsonby Moore.' Seat "^XW 253 the Queen. Z^o,// March 2, 1856, Ix-ing the eldest son of the late John Murray Drumniond, Esquire, of Megginch, late Captam Grenadier Guards, by Frances his wife, fourth daugh- T^ °' .^^"eral Sir John Oswald, Knight Grand Cross of the u^'^L ""''•'^^'''^ *^'"''^'" "'' "^•-' ^ath- Knight Grand ( ross of the Most Distmguished Order of Saint Michael and .Saint (jeorge, of Dunnikier. C/«,i— Guards', /.nrn'— Grey coat with red and yellow lace round collar, and gilt buttons. Ar- morial bearings— He Ix-ars for Arms : Per fesse wavy or vA->_. ^^^ 4 y ^%i^^ ^' ■iM fj^'p^^ —Moore Abbey, in the county of Kildarc. Kesidenre — Monasterevan, co. Kildare. DRUMMOND, quartered bv CARINGTON and ELPHINSTONE. § MALCOLM DRUMMOND, Esquire, of Megginch, Captain Reserve of Officers, late Captain Grenadier Guards, Groom of ilie Privy Chamlier to Her Majesty the Queen, appointed 1893 Grooni-in-W'aiting in Ordinary to and gules, and impaling the arms of Amherst, namely, quarterly l and 4, !;ules three tilting-spears, two and one or, headed argent (for Amherst) ; 2. per saltire argent and or, in fesse two lions rampant gules, in chief and in ha.se a de.xter arm couped at the elbow, habited gules cuffed azure and hand proper, holding a cross crosslet fitchi^c erect also gules (for Daniel) ; 3. or, on a chevron azure between three marigolds slipped proper, two lions passant respecting each other or, within a bordure conipony argent and azure (for Tyssen). Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting The Editor undertakes that every entry not in italics is that of a genuinely armigerous person. 254 tDru Dtu his flefjrec, witli a mantling gules and or ; and upon a wreath of liis liveries is set for Crest, two arms proper, alc|uliandy, Dunning, co. § Major CHARLES WILLIAM DRURY, Major Canadian Artillery. Born ////)' 18, 1856, being the eldest son of Ward Chipman Driiry of St. John, by his ivij'e Charlotte Augusta, third dan. of IJeut.-Col. Hayne, R.A. Armorial bearings as used, but for which no authority has been eKtahlishcd, are — Argent, on a chief vert, two mullets pierced or. Crest — A greyhound courant proper. Motto- S is the Naval Cockade. " Non sine causa." Marriorl Mary Louisa, dau. of John A. Henderson, Q.C., D.C.L. Ke^xdence— Kingston , Ontario, Canada. WILLIAM DRURY NATHANIEL DRURY-LOWE Esq., J.l\ and U.L. (High Sheriff 1893). late Lieut, iitii Hussars. Horn July 13, 1828, being the eldest son of the late William Drury Holden of Denby and Locko aforesaid [who assiuiied on the death of his grandmother, Anne, wife of William Drury-Lowe, in the year 1849, the surname of Lowe, by Royal Sign-Manual dated July 19, 1853], J. P. and D.L. for CO. Derby, High Sheriff for the same 1854, Ijy his wife Hon. Caroline I'.sther, yoimgest dau. of the Right Hon. Naihaniel Curzon, 2nd Baron .Scarsdale ; assumed by Royal License, dated Aug. i6, 1 884, the surname and arms of 1 )rury, in addition to and Ix'fore that of Lowe. Annorial bearings — (^Miarteriy i and 4, azure a hart trippaiU argent (for l>o\ve) ; 2 and 3 argent, on a chief vert, two nuillets or, each charged with an annulet azure (for Drury), and impaling the arms of Ncedham, namely, argent a liend engrailed azure, l)etween two bucks' heads cabo.slied sable. Mantling azure and argent; and for his Crests, 1. upon a wreath of the colours, a wolf passant argent (for Lowe) ; 2. upon a wreath of the colours, a greyhound courant sable, gorged with a plain collar, and ch.arged with two mullets all or (for Drury). Married, Dec. 16, 1876, Lady Lucy, eldest rlau. of Francis Jack Needham, Ksf|., commonly callerl Viscount Newry, and sister of the present Rt. Hon. \l\\v\ of Kilmorey ; and has /.ii7/f (i) William Drury Drury-Lowe, (Jentlenian, b. Sept. 30, 1877 ; (2) John .Mfrefl h'.dwin Drury-Lowe, (lentle- maii, b. Dec. 6, 1881 ; (3) Lawrence Rol^ert Charles Drury- Lowe, Gentleman, b. Aug. 7, 1883; (4) lidward Nathaniel Drury-Lowe, '(Jentleman, b. Oct. 22, 1888; Lucy Ann; Dorothy Margaret ; and Grace. Seat — Locko Park, Derby. §(://Ah'/.F.S HENK V COPI.H Y DU CANE, F.squire, Deputy - Lieutenant for the county of ir\ft rfTanp Kssex. Ilorn May 25, 1864, being the U, W ^O^UIIt' elder son of the late Sir Charles Du Cane, Knight Commander of the Most Distin- guished Order of Saint Michael and Saint George, Ikuhelor of Arts of the University of Oxford , Justice of the Peace and l>cputy-/,ieutenant, by histcife iieorgiana Susan Copley, com- monly kmnon as the Honourable Ceorgiana Susan Copley \to whom refer], daughter and co-heiress of the Right Honourable the late Sir John Singleton Copley, liaron Lyndhurst of l.ynd- hiirsl, in the county of Southampton, Lord High-Chancellor iij I 'treat Itrilain. Clubs — (iuards, Bachelors'. Armorial bearings, «? t/uoted in liurkes "Landed Ccniry," are: .■Irgent, a lion rampant sable ducally crorivncd or, on a canton azure, a chevron of the third betiiu Cane, Esquire, born July 22, 1859 ; (3) Edmund Arthur Du Cane, Flsquire, born June 24, 1872; .-Mice .Mary; Mary Louisa; Eliza Dorothea ; Sabina Flora Georgia ; and Wynfreda Vera Agnes. Postal address — 40 Queen's Gate Gardens, South Kensington, London, S. IV. STEUART JAMES CHARLES DUCKETT, Esq., J. P. CO. Carlow (High Sheriff 1873), formerly Lieut. 13th Hu.ssars. Born 1847, being the eldest surviving .son of the late William Duckett, Esq., J. P., of Russelstown, by Harriet Isalxlla Anne, dau. of Lieut-Col. Charles ]''.dwarfl (Jordon, R.A. Club — Naval and Millitary. Armorial bearings Sable, on a saltire argent, a mullet of the field, and impaling the arms of I )ick- Lauder, namely, gules a griffin salient argent. Mantling sable and argent. Married, 1871, Catherine Seton, youngest dau. of Sir John Dick Lauder, 8th Bart. ; and has, with other Issue — John Steuart Duckett, Gentleman, b. 1876. Seat — Russelstown Park, Carlow. CHARLES EDWARD HENRY DUCKETT- STEUART, Esq., J.P. co. Carlow (High Sheriff 1879), Capt. 8th Batt. King's Royal Rifle Corps. Born 1850, Ijeing the second surviving son of the late William Duckett of Russelstown Park, co. Carlow, by Harriet Isaliella Anne, only dau. of the late Lieut-Col. Charles Edward Gordon, R..4. ; assumed the name and arms of Steuart, by Royal License, March 21, 1894. C///i5 — Raleigli. Armorial bearings — Quarterly i and 4, or a fesse chequy azure and argent, surmounted by a bend engrailed gules (for Steuart); 2 and 3 sable, on a saltire argent, a mullet of the field (for Duckett). Mantling azure and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a pelican in her piety argent, winged or, the nest and young proper. Motto — "Virescit vulnere virtus.'' Married, 1873, Anne, youngest dau. of the Hon. B. Seymour (Senator), of Port Hope, Canada ; and has, with other Issue — William Steuart, b. 1874. Seat — Rutland Lodge, Carlow. The Editor undertakes that every entry not in italics is that of a genuinely armigerous person. 256 Due Sir DYCE DUCKWORTH, Knight Bachelor, Knight of Grace of the Order of the Hospital tr\iir<}S«nfHl ofSaintJohnof lorusaleni in England, ZL'UIUUIUIVIJ Doctor of Medicine and Doctor of l^aws (/iti/idris cii Hsii) of the University of Edinburgh ; Doctor of Medicine (honoris causd) of the Royal University of Ireland; Fellow and Treasurer of the Royal College of Physicians, London, and Honorary Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians of Ireland; Honorary Physician to H.R.H. the Prince of Wales. Horn November 24, 1840, being the fourth and youngest son of the late Robinson Duckworth of Liverpool, by Elizalx:th Forbes his wife, daughter of the late William Nicol of Stonehaven, Doctor of Medicine (l)y his wife, Margaret l->yce), and was dubl)ed a Kniglit in the year 1886. ^ 7///'— Athena-um. A/rrn'— Royal blue and white. Armorial bearings— He liears' for Arms : Argent, on a clieviun engrailed azure. between two leopards' faces in chief and a garb in base sal)le, three crosses paK'e or, surmounted by a helmet belitling his degree, mantled azure doubled argent ; and for his Crest, on a wreath of the colours, upon a mount l)etween two palm-branches vert, a garb fesseways or, charged with two crosses patt^c in fesse, and surmounted by a duck sable ; with the Motto, " Perseverantia." Married, firstly, April 26, 1870, Aimie Alicia (who died i88g), daughter of Alex- ander Hopkins, and widow of John Smith of Bomb.ay .and Mickleham Hall, Surrey; and secondly, Ada limily, daughter of George Arthur Fuller of the Rookery, near Dorking ; and has had Issue — (i) Edward Dyce Duckworth, Esquire, born July 10, 1875 ; (2) Christian Leslie Dyce Duckworth, Esquire, lx)rn November ig, 1891 ; (3) Arthur Dyce Duckworth, Estjuire, born March 6, 1896; and two daughters, both deceased, namely, l'',lizabeth Dyce and Margaret Dyce. Postal address — 11 (irafton Street, Pic- cadilly. Thk Rkverend Canon RORINSON DUCKWORTH, Doctor of Divinity, Sul)-Dean and Canon of Westminster, (Chaplain in Ordinary to the (Jueen, Honorary Chaplain to His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales, Rural Dean of Saint Marylcbone, Vicar of Saint Mark's, Saint Marylebone ; Almoner and Chaplain of the Order of the Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem in England ; Proctor for the Chapter of Westminster in the Lower House of Convocation ; formerly Fellow and Tutor of Trinity College, Oxford, and Assistant- Master of Marlborough College ; Governor to His Royal Highness the late Prince Leo|x)l October 19, 1833, being the .second son of SJ^'U^UU1<> the late 'Ihonias Dugdale, Esquire, of Grifllti Lodge, Blackburn, Deputy-Lieu- tenant and Jiistici- of the Peace for the County Palatine of Lancaster, by his wife I':ii/.abelh, only daughter of the late Thomas Walmsley of Blackburn. 67//-^— Junior Carlton. AmvT— Dark blue. Armorial bearings— He bears for 2)ug 257 Arms : Ermine, a cross moline gules between four hurts. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, witli a mantling gules and argent ; and f(jr his Crest, on a wreath of the colours, a griffin's head and wings endorsed erminois, gorged with a collar gemelle azure, and charged on the neck with a cross as in the arms ; with the MottO, " Perseverando. " Married, June 17, 1875, Amy Agnes, daughter of the late Thomas Harrison of West Hill, Staley- bridge, Justice of the Peace for the Counties Palatine of Lancaster and Chester, Master of Arts of the University of Cambridge, Barrister-at-Law ; and has Issue— {\) .\dam Norman Dugdale, Gentleman, born July 8, 1877; (2) Thomas Gilbert Dugdale, Gentleman, born March 2, 1880; Hilda; Amy Bessie'; and Edith Muriel. Estates— iln^n, Blackburn ; Benthams, Livesey. Postal address— Gx\^n Lodge, Blackburn. § FRANK DUGDALE, Esquire, Hon. Major Warwick- shue Yeomanry Cav.alry. Born April 5, 1857, being the second son of the late James Dugdale, Escjuire, of Wroxall Abbey, Justice of the Peace and Deputy -Lieu- tenant for Warwickshire, by his wife Mary Louisa, daughter of John Plummer. C///Af— Marlborough, White's, Cavalry, Boodle's. Livery— V)mV. blue coat, red waistcoat. Armo- rial bearings— He bears for Arms : Ermine, a cross moline gules, between four hurts, impaling the arms ol Greville, namely sable, on a cross engrailed within a bordure also engrailed or, five pellets. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a griffin's head and wings endorsed erminois, gorged with a collar gemel azure, and charged on the neck with a cross as in the arms. MottO — " IVrsevernndo." Married, }{ily 20, 1895, Lady Eva (ireville, only daughter of the Rt. Hon. the fourtii Earl of Warwick, Lady-in-Waiting to H.R. H. the Duchess of York; and has Issue — Victoria Mary Enid .Vnne. Estate — Dovecot, near Liverpool. Residences — Snitterfield, Stratford-on-Avon ; 05 Mount Street, London, W. H JAMES BROUGHTON DUGDALE, Esquire, J. P. w and D. L. for the county of Warwick, and Captain and Honorary Major of the Warwickshire Yeomanry Cavalry. Born .September 19, 1855, l)eing the eldest son of James Dugdale, lisquire, of Wroxall, Justice of the Peace and Deputy-Lieutenant, who died 1876, by his wife Mary Louisa, daughter of John Plummer. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Ermine, a cross moline gules, between four hurts. Upon the escutclieon is placed a helmet he.- fitting his degree, with a mantling gules and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a griffin's head and wings endorsed erminois, gorged with a collar geme azure, and charged on the neck with a crossas in the arms. Married, 1878, Laura Jane, eldest daughter of J. T. Ark- wright, H.atton House, in the county of Warwick. Estate and postal address — Wroxall Abbey, near Warwick. §JOHN MARSHALL DUGDALE, Esquire, J. P. and D.L. for CO. of Montgomery (High Sheriff 1896), late Major of the Montgomeryshire Yeomanry Cavalry, Barrister- The Editor undertakes that every entry not in italics is that of a genuinely armigerous person. R 25'^ 3Dug Dui at-l^iw. Bont October 15, 1851 , being the eldest son of John Dugdale, lisquirc. late of Llwyn,.by his wife Margaret Rosetta, third daughter of C. L. Kingrose. 67///^— Oxford and Cambridge. Armorial beaxings— He bears for Arms : Ermine, a cross molino gules, between four hurls. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet U-litting his degree, with a mantling gules and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a griflfin's head and wings endorsed erminois, gorged with a collar gemel azure, and charged on the neck with a cross as in the arms. Married, 1876, IsalwUa, only daughter of James Hargreaves, Esquire, of F'endleton ; and has with other Issue— ]o)m\ Percy Dugdale, Oentleman, born 1879. Estate and postal address — Llwyn, Llanfyllin. MARY LOUISA DUGDALE, Widow, daughter of John Plummer of London. Armorial beariiigs are, upon a lozenge : Ermine, a cross nidliiu- gules, between four hurts. Married, 1850, James DugtUile, Ms<|uire, of Wroxall Abtey, in the county of Warwick, and of Dovecot, near Liverpool, Justice of the Peace for the county of Warwick, for which Gentleman, born 1874 ; and Margaret [married William Rich]. Estates — Cammachmore, in the county of Kincar- erved the office of High Sheriff in the year 1868. Of the above marriage there is Issue — (i) James Broughton Dugdale, l^scjuire [to whom refer] ; (2) Frank Dugdale, Gentleman [to whom refer] ; (3) Herbert Crowe Dugdale, Gentleman, born i860; Helen [married G. C. Sehwalx; of Broughton, in the county of Derby]; Constance Mary; Mary Louisa ; Alice Ida ; Amy Rosetta ; and Edith Christian. Postal address — Yewden Manor, Henley-on- Thames. DUGLAND, see BU.SHE. PETER DUGUID-M'COMBIE, Esquire, Justice of the Peace for the county of Duguiti'-^^Combie '^^^:;4ZSZ late .Simpson Duguid, Esquire, of Cammachmore, in the county of Kincardine, Justice of the Peace, by his wife Margaret, daughter of Thomas M'Combie, Esquire, of Easter Skene, in the county of Aberdeen, Justice of the Peace, .assumed the additional surname of M'Combie under the deed of settlement of the late William M 'Combie of Easter Skene and Lynturk. Cliil's — Orient.al ; Royal .Northern (Aberdeen). Liveiy — Blue, gilt buttons. Armorial bearings --He tears for Arms: Quar- terly 1 and 4, or ;i lion ranijiant gules, armed and langued azure, a chief of the second (for M'Combie) ; 2 and 3 azure, a fesse tetween three crosses jsatde argent, a bordtire parted per pale of the second and or (for Duguid) ; impaling argent a fesse wavy between three cross crosslets fitchiSe azure. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules, doubled argent ; and for his Crests, 1. upon a wreath of the liveries, a wild cat sejant profjer ; 2. upon a wreath of the liveries, a dove holding a laurel branch in her teak projier. Mottoes — "Touch not the cat but a glove ; " " Patientia et spe." Married, Septemter i, 1859, Jane, daughter of the late Henry .•\damson, shipowner in Aterdeen ; and has Issue— {\) Simpson Duguid, Gentle- man, tern 1863; (2) William M'Combie Duguid M'Combie, & is the Military Cockade. dine ; Easter Skene and Lynturk, in the county of Ater- deen. Postal address — Easter Skene, Aterdeen, N.B. WILLIAM HENRY DUIGNAN, Gentleman. Borji August 16, 1824, teing the only child of ^r^tltlYtlrtfl Henry Duignan of Wals.nll, by Ann his ZL/UlV^lltlll vvife, daughter of Samuel Barnett, also of Walsall. Armorial bearings are foi Arms : Argent, on a moimt in base vert, an oak-tree, the stem entwined with two serpents interwoven and respecting each other all proper ; and for a Crest, ujaon a wreath of the colours, an owl at gaze proper; with the MottO, " I listeria magistra vita;." Married, firstly, Esther, daughter of E. P. Jackson of Aldridge, of which marriage there was no issue; secondly, Mary, daughter of William Minors of Fisher\vick ; and thirdly, Decemter 2, 1868, Jenny, daughter of J. B. Petensen of Stockholm. Of the second marriage there is Issue — (i) Ernest Henry Duignan, Gentleman, born May 24, i860 (d. May i, 1895); (2) George Stubbs Duign.an, Gentleman, born February 4, 1865 ; and Florence Mary [/«. George Rose of Wednesbury (deceased)] ; and of the third marriage, (3) Carl Duignan, Gentleman, born Novemter 27, 1873; and (4) Oscar Duignan, Gentle- man, born July 6, 1875. Postal address — ^Gorway House, Walsall. ra is tbe Naval Cockade. Dum Dum 259 WINIFREDE MARY I)U MOULIN - BROWNE, Widow, eldest daugh- £)u ^oulin=T5rotonc LTTt^Sr'Sse! Lillington, co. War- wick, by Isabella his wife, daughter of the Reverend argent (for Browne), ii. and iii. erniinois, on a chevron engrailed between three lions' heads erased gules, a fleur- de-lis between two leopards' faces jessant-de-lis or (for Du Moulin) ; 2. erniinois, on a chevron engrailed between three lions' heads erased gules, a fleur-de-lis between two leopards' faces jessant-de-lis or (for Du Moulin) ; 3. sable. James Cumniing. Armorial bearings, borne upon a three hons passant m l^end beUveen ^wo be^d'e^s^rgent lozenge, are : Quarterly of twentv. i. quarterly i. and iiii. (for Browne ; 4. ^'^'^y fjf^' ^'J^^^Sd ireentT chief sablef three lions pas4nt in bend between two bendleis S- SI'l'^s. a l.on rampant or (for F.tzalan), 6. argent, a The Editor undertekes that every entry not in italics is that of a genuinely annigerous person. 26o Dum azure (for Chin); 7. clieqiiy or and azure (lor Warren); 8. salilf, a fret or (for Maltravers) ; 9. gules, a saltire argent, a label of ihrce points cliequy of the last and azure (for Neville) ; 10. argent, three fusils conjoined in fesse gules (for Montacute) ; 11. or, an eagle with two heads displayed vert (for Monthernier) ; 12. gules, three lions passant guardant or, within a bordure argent (for Edmund of Woodstock) ; 13. or, two bars gules, in chief three torteaux (for Wake) ; 14. or, a lion rampant gules (fur Meschines) ; 15. argent, a saltire engrailed gules (for Tiptoft) ; 16. gules, a cross en- grailed argent (for Ingoldsthorpe) ; 17. azure, a fesse between three leopards' faces or (for De la Pole) ; 18. argent, on a fesse dancett<5e sable, three bezants (for Ue Burgh) ; 19. argent, a moor-cock sable (for Moore) ; 20. quarterly i. and IV. sable, three lions passant in bend between two bendlets argent (for Browne), ii. and iii. erminois, on a chevron engrailed between three lions' heads erased gules, a fleur- de-lis between two leojiards' faces jessant-de-lis or (for Du Moulin). The Crests borne by the late ("harles Nicholas du Moulin-Browne, Gentleman, above mentioned, and to whicl), with the above-mentioned arms and quarterings, his sons are of course entitled, are: i. upon a wreatli of the colours, an eagle displayed vert (for Browne), 2. u|)on a wreath of the colours, a leojOTrd's face or, transfixed through the moiuh with two tilting-spears saltireways proper, and surmounted by a fleur-de-lis gules (for Du Moulin); with the Mottoes, " Suivez raison," "In te Domine speravi." Marrird, July 27, 1881, Charles Nicholas du Moulin-Browne, Gentleman, of Leamington, who died May 5, 1890. Of this marriage there is Issue — (i) Charles Anthony du Moulin- Browne, Gentleman, born, November 9, 1886; (2) Francis Stanislans du Moulin-Browne, Gentleman, born February 10, 1888;. (3) Joseph Henry du Moulin-Browne, born Marcli 23, 1890. J'os/a I address — Rusina, Leamington. S CHARLES Wn.LIAM DUNBAR-BULLER. Es- quire, J. P. and I^. L. co. Down, and D. L. for Norfolk (High Sheriff 1894). Horn Oct. 2, 1847, being the eldest surviving son of the Rev. William Buller of Pelynt and I^anreath, Cornwall, by Eleanor his wife, dau. of the Rev. W. Coney; took the additional surname and arms of Dunbar by Royal Licence in 1891. CV//<5j— Brooks's, .St. James's, United University, Ulster (lielfast), Devon and Exeter (Exeter). Livery— C\arcV, with red waistcoat, black trousers with red cord. Armorial bearings— Quarterly i ^ is the Military Cockade. Dun and 4, sable, on a cross quarter-pierced argent, foui^6a displayed of the field (for Buller) ; 2 and 3 jx-r pale or and argent, three cushions, two and one, within a dout)le tressure flowered and counterHowered gules, all within a bordure vair, and for distinction in the fesse point a cross crosslet of the third (for Dunbar) ; and upon an escutcheon of pre- tence these same arms of Dunbar without the cross crosslet. Mantling sable and argent. Crests — i. on a wreath of the colours, a .Saracen's head afFront(5e couped at the shoulders proper (for Buller) ; 2. on a wreath of the colours, a demi- lion rampant or, armed and charged on the shoulder for distinction with a cross crosslet gules, holding in the dexter paw a red rose proper, leaved and barbed vert (for Dunbar). Motto — " A(|uila non capit nuiscas." Married, 1890, Georgina Ann Elizabeth, dau. and heiress of the late George Dunbar, Esquire, J. P. and D. L. for co. Down. M.I', for Belfast, High Sherifl" for Devon and for Armagh (by H.arriet Isabella .Susan Delapoer, dau. of Lord George Beresford). Estates — Woburn, co. Down ; Cam a gart, co. Donegal ; Toft Monks, Norfolk, &c. Postal addresses — Woburn, co. Down ; and 38 Upper Grosvenor Street, London, S.W. Commaniii;r COLIN M.^CKENZIE DUNDAS, R.N., J. P. Clubs — United Service, New Club (Edini)urgh). Born Sept. 12, 1842, being the second son of George Dundas, by his wife Elizabeth, dau. of Colin Mackenzie. Armorial bearings — Argent, a lion rampant gules, hold- ing between the paws a human heart of the second, in the centre chief point a crescent azure. Mantling gules and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a dexter arm couped below the elbow, holding in the hand proper a mullet azure. Motto — "Essayez." A/arried, Jan. 2, 1882, Agnes, dau. of the late Samuel Wauchope, Esquire, C. B. ; and has /ss//e — (i) James Colin Dundas, Gentleman, /'. Jan. 4, 1883 ; (2) David John Wauchope Dundas, Gentleman, /'. Feb. 4, 1886. Postal address — Ochtertyre, Stirling, N. B. H WILLIAM HAMILTON DUNLOP, Esquire, of © Doonside, CO. Ayr, J.P., D. L. Por// 1844, ?r^!tnTnil **'"& 'he seventh son of the late Alexander a^ UllVUp Dunlop of Clol)er, CO. Dumbarton, by his wife Christian, daughter of Hamilton Douglas Boswell of Garrallan, CO. Ayr. Chii — Junior Carlton. Ar- morial bearings — He tears for Arms : Argent, a double- headed eagle displayed azure, beaked and membered sable, M is the Naval Cockade. Dun Dun 261 williin a bordure of the second, charged with three cinque- foils ermine. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet be- fitting his degree, with a mantling azure doubled argent; and upon a wreath of his liveries is set for Crest, a dexter cubit aim erect grasping a dagger all proper, the arm charged with a cinquL-foil ermine ; and in an escroU above, this Motto, " Merito." Married, 1875, Janette, dau. of Thomas M." Gernniell of Frankville, co. Ayr ; and has Issue— { i ) Alexander Hamilton Dunlop, Gentleman, and Lieut. 3rd IJatt. Royal Scots Fusiliers, b. 1876 ; (2) Thomas Charles Dunlop, Gentleman, b. 1878 ; (3) William James Frederick Dunlop, Gentleman, b. 1885 ; Anne Katlierine ; and Christian Muriel, d. 1892. Seats — Doonside, Ayr, N.B. ; The Lodge, Dalwhinnie, N.B. SlK WILLIAM DUNN, ist Raronet, J.P. for cos. Ren- frew and Suffolk, M.P. for I'aisley. Born Sept. 1833, being tiie son of the late John Dunn of Paisley, by his wife Isalx;lla, daughter of Tarlwrt Chambers, 'c/iibs — City Liberal, Devonshire, Reform. Armorial bearings— Azure, on a mount vert, the figure of Commerce seated proper^ vested argent, the dexter hand resting on an anchor erect or, and the sinister holding a caduceus also or, on a chief of the last an oak tree erect and eradicated proper, therefrom hanging a hunting-horn .sable, lx:tween on the dexter a thistle proper, and on the sinister a Heur-de-lis of the first. Mantling azure and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, in front of a cornucopia fesseways or, an arm erect proper, holding in bend sinister a key of the first. Motto — " Vigilansetaudax." il/rt/-/-/t'rf, 1859, Sarah P21izabeth, daughter of James Howse of Grahamstown, South Africa. Smt—'Yhc Retreat, Lakenheath, Brandon, Suffolk. Residence — 34 I'liillimore Gardens, Kensing- ton, W. WILLIAM ALLISON DUNN. Gentleman, Member of the Royal College of Surgeons. Horn SeiHem- 2Dlinn '^^*' ^' '^"*^' ''*-''"« ''"^ eldest son of the late AL^UIIII VVilliam .Mlison Dunn of Louth, in the county of Lincohi, by Eliza his wife, daughter of John Parker of the Manor Mouse, Ludlwrough. in the same county. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Azure, a wolf rampant ermine between two serpents jiowed in chief or, and a buckle in base of the last ; and for a Crest, on a wreath of the colours, in front of a bear's paw erect proper, grasping a serpent entwined around it, three buckles all or; with the Motto, "Facta non verba." Married, July 9, 1879, Jane, daughter of Thomas Clark of Carlisle ; and has Issue— (i) William Allison Dunn, Gentleman, born August 10, 1886 ; {2) Herbert Arthur Raisteck Dunn, Gentleman, born June 1,1894; and Annie Maud Emily. Postal address— 16 Horn Hill Terrace, Millom, viii Carn- forth. §Sir JOHN DUNNE, Knight Bachelor {1897), D.L. for the CO. of Cumberland, and Chief Constable for Cumberland and Westmorland. Born February 12, 1825, being the fourth son of the late William Dunne of Boley, Queen's Co., by Julia, dau. of Denis O' Kelly of Castleti^rwn, Queens Co. Armorial bearings as used, but to which he has not established his right in Ulsters Office, are for Arms —Quarterly i and 4, azure an eagle displayed or (for Dunne) ; 2 and 3 azure, a tower supported by two lions rampant argent (for O' Kelly). Crests— i. on a mount and in front of an oak-tree a lizard passant proper (for Dunne) ; 2. an enfield proper (for O' Kelly). W.OttoeB~" A/ullher a boo" ; " Turrisfortis mihi Deus." Married, 1868, a dau. of Dr. Barnes, J. P., of Bunker's Hill, Cumberland, and Tring Park and Brunstrux, Herts ; and has Issue— (i) I^'rancis Plunkett Neville Dunne, Esq., b. 1871 ; (2) Gerald Fitz- gerald Dunne, Esq. , b. 1875 ; and Henrietta Julia May. Estates— il/tlf l> Clerk in Holy Orders. Liorn August 30, 1844, j^'}y\Xr being the only son of the late John Neil Dyce of Castlebank, in the county of Lanark, Master of Arts of the University of Cambridge, Advocate, and Sheriff-Substitute for the said county of Lanark, formerly ot the Madras Cavalry, by his wife Elizabeth Hamilton, daughter of John Bowie, Writer to the Signet, Edinburgh. Armorial bearings — Party per chevron embattled or and gules, in base two battle-axes in saltire argent, on a chief wavy azure, a demi-lion rampant of the third, holding in the dexter paw a trident gold ; and for the Crest, on a wreath of the colours, a demi-tiger guardant proper, gorged with a mural crown gules, on the head an Eastern crown or, supporting in the paws a flag-staff thereon hoisted a OT is the Naval Cockade. Dpc Dpm 263 flag per bend embattled argent and vert, surmounted by a sword in Ix-nd sinister proper, pommel and hilt gold ; with tlie Motto, " Decide and dare." Married, June 21, 1876, Mary Isabella, daugluer f>f the Reverend Canon King, Vicar of Norliaiii-oii-'i'uecil. I\n ■''''"'' R'(f'"i( ^'f ^/"^ county of York, Fellow of VU^n^lt^ll the Royal Horticultural Society. Born 1848, being the third son of John Easten, by his wife Ann, daughter of Francis Philpott of Gunlhorpc l.odi;v, Oakham, in the county of Rutland. Club — Mugislmtes . U\'cry—Dark blue, zoith silver buttons. Armorial bear- ings as used, but for which no authority has been established, are : Party per chevron gules and or, three wyverns counter- changed. Crest — An oak-tree. Married, firstly, 1871, Eliza, daughter of IV. J. Lunn, Doctor of Medicine, if 7 Charlotte Street, Hull ; secondly, 1874, Mary, daughter if H. F. Bowker, Master of Arts, of Qucensborough Terrace, London, W. ; and has Issue — (i) Arthur Stanley Lunn Easten, born December 12, 1871 ; (2) Hen>y Paget Easten, born January 25, 1881 ; Violet Bowker; and Edith Mary. S is the Naval Cockade. (iBas €a0 2&5 EstnS'-A'i/oh-ij' /■(UM, l'itliiii};tuii, in the county of York. Postal address — Dunedin, Patrington, East Yorkshire. CHARLES EDMUND EASTWOOD, Gentleman, B.A. Maifdalene College, Cambridge. Born A|jril 19, 1863, Iwing the second but only surviving son of the late Rev. J. Eastwood, Vicar of Hope, Staffordshire, and liis wife Anne Elizabeth, eldest dau. of W. F. Dixon, Jisq., J. P. and D.L., of Page Hall, Sheffield, and Birley House, Sheffield. t7//i^— l^iccadilly. Armorial bearings— Per chevron gules and azure, two swans respecting each other in chief argent, Ix^aked and legged sable, and a rose in base of the third. Mantling gules and argent ; and for the Crest, on a wreath of the colours, issuant from a wreath of oak a well projier, theieon a swan argent, Ixjaked and legged sable. Postal address — Warkworth, Malvern Wells, Worcestershire. FREDERICK EASTWOOD, Gentleman, J. P. for the borough of Huddersfield. Born .Aug. 26, (fPsiO(fV»innri '^-ts. being the eldest son of Edmund VO^UffVUlUUU iiasiwood, by Sarah his wife, daughter of the Rev. Mi-njamin lioothrovd, D.D. f/wAv— Reform, Huddersfield Club ( 1 hiddersfield). 'l.ivery^ Black and white. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms: Sable, a chevron emlxiltled. coanler-enibattled argent, guttt'- de-sang,ljet\veen two swans close respeclingeachotherin chief and a swan rising in base argent, in the centre chief point, a battle-a.xe erect or. Upon the escutcheon is jilaced a helmet betitting his degree, with a mantlmg sjible and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, upon the battle- ments of a tower jiroper, a lion [wssant gules, guttc d'or supporting with the dexter fore-paw a battle-axe, erect also proper ; with the Motto, " Oriens sylva." Married, March 22, 1866, Mary Elizal^ih, only daughter of Joshua Nicholson of Leek, Staffordshire; and has lssue~(i) Harry Arnold E:istwood, Gentleman, born February 28, 1870; (2) .'\rthur Eastwood, born October i, 1871, died Novemljer 22, 1873; (3) Frederick Norman Eastwood, Gentleman, born October 20, 1877 ; and Carrie [;//., June it, 1896, Richard Sykes of Denver, U.S.A.]. /^i^j/a/ ^i>a7li?rf being the eldest siinrivini; son of the Vll;UUltttUt^X} Kn'ereiid William II. Edmeades, by his wife Sarah Mary Jane, eldest da/n;hter 0/ the late Captain Isache of the I'lunuii ruble East India Company's Sendee. Club — Junior United Sendee. Livery — Drab, and green facings. Armorial bearings as used are: Ermine, a fesse dancettc'e paly or and vert, bet^ueen two horses' heads erased in chief, and three arroics, one in pale surmounted by two in saltire, the pheons do7on- UHird, sable ; and for the Crest, upon a loreath of the colours, five arroros interlaced or, surmounted by a crescent sable. These arms 7oe re granted in the year by Ralph Bigland Clarenceux to , but no pedigree has been established and recorded at t/ie College of .Irms showing the right of General Edmeades to the arms. MaiTied, August 2, 1870, Mary Elizabeth, eldest daughter {died 1887) iif the late Reverend W. T. Callings, Seigneur of Sark, Channel Islands; and has Issue— (1) Henry Ed- meades, Gentleman, born Eebruaiy 8, 1875; (2) William Allaire Edmeades, Gentleman, born Januaiy 13, 1880 ; Mary Mildred ; Mabel ; Florence ; and Hilda Mar- garet. Estates — Nurstead Court, and Wrotham Place, in the county of Kent. Postal address — Nurstead Court Gravesend. WILLIAM EDMONDS, Esq., J. P. for Devonshire, and Lord of the Manor of Southleigh. Horn 1834, being the eldest son of the late William Edmonds of Liverpool, by Matilda Elvina, fourth dau. of the late 'I'homas Humphries of Dublin. Clubs — St. George's, Conservative (Liverpool). Armorial bearings — Per chevron nebuly argent and vert, in chief two Heurs-de-lis of the last, and in base a ship under sail pro[)er. Mantling vert and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a rock proper, thereon a Heur- de-lis vert, surmounted by a boar's head cou])ed or. Motto — "Absque labore nihil." Married, 1868, Mary Elizabeth, eldest dau. of the late Nicholas Gifford of Rathcoyle, co. Wicklow (she died 1877) ; and has, with other Issue — WilliamEdmonds, Barrister-at-law, b. 1871. Seat — Wis- comte Park, Colyton, Devon. & is the Military Cockade. aBDmonD]8itoune= CranjBftoun CHARLES JOSEPH EDMONDSTOUNE-Ch STOUN of Corehouse, in the county of Lanark. Born July 29, 1877, being the son of the late Charles Edivard Harris Edinondstuune-Cranstoun. Es- quire, of Corehouse, Justice of the Peace, by his loife Edith Mary, daughter of Charles Edioard Jerningham. Armorial bearings as used, but which have not been matriculated in Lyon J\'cgister, are for Arms: Quarterly i and ^, gules three cranes close proper ; 2 and 3 or, three crescents gules. Crest — A crane stalant, valuing itself proper. Seat — Corehouse, in the county of Lanark, North Britain. EDMUND OF WOODS'IOCK, quartered by DU MOULIN-BROWNE. EDNOWIAN BENDliW, quartered by MOSTYN. Likuti:n.\nt-Col. thk Rt. Hon. Sir FLEETWOOD ISHAM EDWARDS. Knight Com- /TCN^rsMN^ mander of the Most Honourable Order VO^UUIdVU^ of the Bath, P.C. (1895), Keeper of the ■Privy Purse, Extra Equerry to the Queen, Receiver-General of the Duchy of Lancaster. Hum 1842, being the son of Thomas Edwards, by his wife Hester M. P. , daughter of the Reverend William Wilson of Knowle Hall, in the county of Warwick ; created Companion of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, 1882, and advanced to the rank of Knight Commander of that Order, 1887. Clubs— United Service, Junior United Service. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Party per saltire ermine and ermines, a lion rampant or, a chief of the third, thereon a wolf's heail erased between two estoiles sable, the escutcheon Ijeing encircled by the ribbon of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, and pendent therefrom his badge as a Knight Commander of that Order. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling sable and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, issuant from a chaplet of roses gules, a lion's head erased per pale eiinines and ermine, gorged with a collar gemel or ; with the Motto, " Integritate." Married, firstly, 1870, Edith, daughter of the Reverend Allan Smith Masters ol Camer, in the county of Kent (she died 1873) ; secondly, 1880, Mary, daughter of the late Major J. R. Majendie, 92nd Highlanders. Postal addresses— i^t. James's Palace, S.W. HOWELL POWELL EDWARDS, Gentleman, M.A. 0.\on. Born August 17, 1854, being the eldest son of the late Rev. Canon H. Powell Edwards, of Llandevaud, Mon- mouthshire, by his wife Elizabeth, daughter of John Evans, M is the Naval Cockade. (2BtJto Esq., J. P., of Lovesgrove, Cardiganshire. C///^j~United University. Bath, and Sports. A w/^— Black, with gold or orange facings. Armorial bearings— Ho bears for Arms : Sable, a chevron vair, in base a spear-head or embrued proper^ on a chief of the third three spear-heads of the first, also imbrued proper. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling sable and argent ; and for his Crest, on a wreath of the colours, a dragon's head erased vert, gorged with a collar vair and charged with two quatrefoils in pale or, holding in the mouth a dexter hand coupcd at the wrist distilling drops of blood proper, between two spear-heads erect argent. Married, Scptemljer 8, 1881, Katherine Elizal«th, second daughter of 'I'homas Bonsall' Esq., J.I'., D. L., of Glaurheidol, Cardiganshire; and has /.WM— (1) Herl)ert Ivor Powell Edwards, Gentleman, born March 12, 188); (2) William Gerald Howdl Edwards, Gentleman, Ijorn January 6, 1891 ; (3) Thomas Awbrey Rice ICdwards, Gentleman, Ijorn April 25, 189.}; and Sybil Mary Elizaljeth. /•Is/ali's - Noviiigton Manor, in the co. of Sussex, and Maytham Hall, in tht? co. of Kent. Residence— \k Cleveland Square, Hyde Park, London, W. JOHN EDWARDS. Gentleman, of Trematon Mall, in the county of Cornwall. Horn June 12, 1835, l)eing the son of the late John lulwards, ICs{|uire, of Trematon Hall, in the coimty of Cornwall, by his wife Jane, daughter of John Bennett of Wearde, in the county of Cornwall. Armorial bearingslle Iwars for Arms : Per chevron azure and or. in chief a cross crosslet between two garlis, in base a garb between as many cro.ss crosslets counterchanged. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling azure and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a griffin's head erased [)er chevron or and azure lM!tween two ears of wheat gold. Married, Octolxjr 6, 1863, Eliza Howard, daughter of Joseph Yelloly Watson, Fellow of the Royal Geographical .Society, of the Grange, 'Ihorpe, in the county of ICssex ; and has I nue—{i) ]o\\y\ ICdwartIs,' Gentleman, born SeptemlxT 23, 1865; (2) Henry William' l-'.dwards, (ientleman, Ixjrn Deceml>er23, 1871 ; Eliza Mary ; and Edith Annie. .SVn/— Trematon Hall, near Saltash. lAMRS EDWIN.COI.E, Esquire, Jiistire of the Peace for the county of Lincoln, Fellino of dFriVttftl-frrnf^ '^'^ AVya/ Historical Society, and Vi^UUIiil-VO^Ult narns'ter-at-I.aw. IVjrn April 27, 1835, being the second sut-iiiving son of John Cole of Easthorpe^Court, in Wigtoft, in the county of Lincoln, by his wife Susannah, fourth daughter of Captain John lionrchier of the h'oyal Navy, LieutenantCmiernor of Crciinoich Hospital, and has assumed the name of Edwin- ('»/,■ ill liin of his patronymic. Club — Constitutional. Armorial bearingfs— J//-. Cole sends the folfmnng details OK the arms he claims, and adds a note thereto to' the effect that they are " authorised by vellum pedigree (penes Earl of Jin niski lien) certified by Segar, Carter, July 30, 1630,— \'isitations of Devon, Cornwall, 5r'c., Harleidn MSS.,De la I'ole's Collections, as summarised in ' The Cenealogv of the family of Cole,' by James Edwin-Cole, 1875 ; " but no pedigree has been recorded at the College of Arms by the above- mentioned James Edwin-Cole, nor has he es'tablished his right to any arms whatsoe^ier. Quarterly of seventeen— i. argent, a bull passant sable, armed or, within a bordure of llie second (for Cole) ; 2. chei/uy or and sable, on a bend gnles three escallops argent (for 'Lawrence) ; 3. argent, three bends gules (for liodrugan) ; 4. i/uarterly or and gules (for Mandeville) ; 5. argent, an eagle displayed sable, armed gules (for Scott) ; 6. argent, a lion rampant sable (for Stiipleton); 7. {Afr. Cole gives no details]; 8. argent, three chevrons sable (for Elrcedekne) ; 9. or, three keys gules (for Clavell (f Iximen); 10. sable, a sun or [for I^omen (de Liimine)]; 11. argent, a bend sable between two cotises azure (for d Anneys) ; 12. sable, two lions passant argent (for de A'oches) ; 13. sable, three roaches naiant proper (for de la Roche) ; 14. argent, three bends sable (for IJaccombe) ; 15. [Mr. Cole evidently has not satisfied even himself as to this, for he puts — f argent, a chex'ron between three lleurs- dr-lis sable (for Saint Aubyn of Pideheswell)] ; 16! [Mr. Lole gives no details'] ; 17. argent, a fesse sable, fretty or, between three lions rampant gules (for liuckland of Jhickland- in. the- Moor); and for a Crest, (/ demi-dragon vert, holding in the dexter paw [%\q\ an arnnu or, headed and feathered argent; with the MottO, " Deum cole Rei^em serva." Married, December 1880, Mary liarbara, daughter of the late Cent Huddleston of f. in coin. Solicitor. Estates — OBffe 269 Swineshead, Wigtoft, and Quadrin^, all in the county of Lincoln. Postal w\(kt.%%— Swineshead Hall, via Ho'ston, Lincolnshire. EDWYN, Lord of Tegaingle, quartered by MOSTYN. HALAN DE TATTON EGERTON. Esquire, com- ** monly known as the Honourable Alan dBlt^rtOtl ^^ Tatton Egerton, Member of Parliament 'w^£>vvvv*i for Knutsford Division of Cheshire. fiorn March 19, 1845. C/z/Af— Bachelors', Charlton, St. James's. Armorial bearings— He bears for Anns : Argent, a lion rampant gules between three pheons -sable. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules and argent ; and for his Crest, on a chapeau gules, turned up ermine, a lion ram- pant also gules, supporting an arrow palcways or, pheoned and flighted argent. Married, 1867, Anna Louisa, daughter of Simon Watson Tavlor, formerly Member of Parlia- ment for Devizes, of Erlestoke Park, Devizes; and has tssue living— Maurice Egerton, Esquire, born 1874. Ih^^tal addresses ~ 9 Seamore Place, Mayfair, W. ; 9 King's Garden's, Hove, Brighton ; The Cottage, Taplow, Maiden- head ; Rostherne Manor, Knutsford. CLAUDE EGERTON EGERTON-GREEN, Esquire, J. P. for Essex, M.A. (Oxon.). fiorn May 31, 1863, Ix-ing ihe eldest son of the late Henry ICgerton Green, Esquire of King's Ford, Essex, J.P., D.L., by his wife Caroline Frances, dau. ofGeorge Green of Harley Street; and assumed the additional name and arms of I'.gerton by Royal Licence 1887. Clubs— \^'\\\(\\\Am, Isthmian. Armorial bearings — (juarterly i and 4, per chevron argent and gules, in chief two sprigs of holly fructed proper, and in' base a stag trippant of the first, attired or (for Green) ; 2 and 3 argent, a lion rampant gules, Ijetween three pheons sable (for l':gerton). Mantling gules and argent. Crests— i. on a wreath of the colours, a stag's head argent, erased or, attired sable, gorged with a collar gemel gules, holding in the mouth a sprig of holly as in the arms (for Green)"; 2. on a cha|)eau gnles, turned up ermine, a lion rampant of the first, supporting an arrow in pale, the pheon downwards argent (for l':gerton). Married, June 6. 1887, Alice Helen, youngest dau. of Octavius Edward C'oope, Esquire, of Rochetts, Brentwood, Essex, J. P., D. L., M.P. ; and has /.«//<•— John William Egerton Egerton-Green, CJentleman, l)orn 1891 ; and Audrey Egerton. Postal address— ^mt Hill House, Colchester. AUGUSTUS EGERTON -WAR BURTON, Gentle- man. Porn March 26, 1850, ticing the fourth son of George Edward Egerton-Warlmrton, formerly 51st Regiment, by his wife Augusta, youngest d:ui. of the late Sir Richard Sjjencer, R.N. Armorial bearings— Quarterly i and 4, argent, a chevron lietween three cormorants sable (for War- burton) ; 2 and 3 argent, a lion rampant gules between three pheons sable (for Egerton). Mantling .sable and argent. Crests— t. on a wreath of the colours, a Sanicen's head affront(''e, couped at the shoulders proper, round the temples a wreath argent and gules, issuing thereform three ostrich feathers or (for Warburton) ; 2. on a wreath of the colours, three arrows, two in saltire and one in pale or, headed and feathered sable, bound with a ribbon gules (for Egerton). Married, 1880, Fanny, dau. of Edward Hester ; and has tssue — Two sons and four daughters. Residence — Bakerup, West Australia. Rkv. GEOFFREY EGERTON-WARBURTON, Rector of Warburton, Cheshire. Porn .*\pril 7, 1846, being the third but second surviving son of the late Ftev. James Francis ligerton-Warburton, by his wife Ann, second dau. of George Stone of Blisworth, co. Northampton. Armorial bearings —Quarterly i and 4, argent, a chevron between three cormorants sable (for Warburton) ; 2 and 3 argent, a lion rnmpant gules between three pheons sable (for Egerton). Mantling sable and argent. Crests — i. on a wreath of the colours, a Saracen's head affront(5e, couped at the shoulders proper, round the temples a wreath argent and gules, issuing therefrom three ostrich feathers or (for War- Ijurton); 2. on a wreath of the colours, three arrows, two in saltire and one in pale or, headed and feathered sable, bound with a ribbon gules (for Egerton). Afarried, 1878, Adela Georgina Victorine, widow of H. T. Kelsey. and The Editor undertakes that every entry not in itaUcs is that of a genuinely armigerous person. 270 :g:e <2Bgg daughter of B. G. Goode, Hnrristei-at-l-aw. Residoice— Wurburton Rectory, C'heshire. GKORGE EGERTON-WARBURTON, Gentleman. Born Feb. 24, 1844, being the second but eldest surviving son of the late Rev. James Francis Fgerton-Warburton, by his wife Ann, second dau. of George Stone of Blisworth, co. Northampton. Armorial bearings— Quarterly i and 4, argent, a chevron U;t\veen three cormorants sable (for Warburton) ; 2 and ^ argent, a lion rampant gules between three plieons sable (for I'-gerton). Mantling sable and argent. Crests— i. on a wreath of the colours, a .Saracen's head affrontL^e, coupcd at the shoulders proper, rouiui liie temples a wreath argent and gules, issuing therefrom three ostrich feathers or (lor Warburton) ; 2. on a wreath of the colours, three arrows, two in saltire and one in pale or, headed and feathered s.able, bound wit.h a riljbon gules (for Egerlon). Aforried, October 1886, Ruth, dau. of the late Hon. Arthur Lascelles. A'M/-*nrrtr Dorset. Born 1833, being va-Vlt'-^l^ailA. the eldest son of the late Reverend John Clemson F'gginton, Master of Arts, of Bilbrooke, in the county of .Stafford, by his wife ; assumed the name of Ernie by Royal License, August 6, 1887, on succeeding to the property of that extinct Baronetcy, and was authorised to bear the addition.al surnames and arms of Erie and Drax by another License, dated September 27 following. Cli/I's — .Army and Navy, Naval and Military. Armorial bearings— He Isears for Arms : Quarterly, i. chequy or and azure on a chief gules three ostrich feathers in plume i-ssuant of the first, and for difference a canton ermine (for Drax) ; 2. gules, three escallops argent, .a bordure engrailed of tlie last, and for difference a canton crniinois (for F>le) ; 3. argent, on a tend .sable three eagles displayed or, .and for tlifterence a canton ermine (for Ernie) ; 4. per fesse netmly azure and ermine, six eagles displayed, three and three, counter- changed (for Egginton) ; on an esciUcheon of [iretence the ^m is the Naval Cockade. '€gm arms of Drax, Erie, and Ernie, quarterly without such marks of difference. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling azure and or ; and for his Crests, i. upon a wreath of the colours a denii-dragon or, charged for difference on the shoulder with an escallop gules (for Drax) ; 2. upon a wreath of the colours, in front of a lion's head erased or. gorged with two ban-ulets sable, three escallops fesseways argent (for Erie) ; 3. upon a wreath of the colours, a man's head in profile couped at the shoulders proper, on the head a long cap barry of ten tasselled and tied or and sable, and charged on the neck for difference with a cross crosslet or (for I-lrnle) ; 4. upon a wreath of the colours, on a mount vert a talbot sejant ermine, holding in the mouth an eagle displayed sable (for ICgginton ). Motto— ' ' Mort en droit. " Married, 1871, Sarah Charlotte Elizabeth, only surviving child and heii of John Samuel Wanley Sawbridge-Erle-Drax, lisquire, €lg 271 Lord Lovel and Holland of Enmore, in the county of Somerset, in the Peerage of Great Britain ; Baron Arden of Arden, in the county of Warwick, in the Peerage of the United Kinedom ; and a Baronet of Ireland. Bunt June 4. 1856, being the eldest son of the late Charles lohn Perceval, and succeeded as eighth Earl on the death of his cousin, Sir Charles George Perceval, seventh Earl. Ora^/W/j— Baronet, Sept. 9, 1661 ; Baron, April 21, 171 1;; Viscount, Feb. 25, 1722; Earl, Nov. 6, 1733. I"sh honours— Baron (Great Britain), May 7, 1762; Barony of Arden (Ireland), May 23, 1770; of the United Kingdom, July 18, 1802. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : guarterly i and 4, argent, on a chief indented gules, tlirec crosses pate^'e of the field (for Perceval) ; 2 and 3 barry nebuly of six or and gules (for Lovcl of Tichmersh). Mantling gules and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a thistle erect, leaved proper. Supporters— Dexter Justice of the Peace, Deputy- Lieutenant, and Member of Parliament, by his wife Jane Frances, only daughter of Richard Erie - Drax - Grosvenor, Escjuire, and widow of Colonel Francis Augustus Plunkett Burton, Coldstream (Ju.ards, who died DecenitH>r 25, 1853 ; and by whom he has /.vvz/c — Ernie Elizabeth Louisa Maria Grosvenor [mar- ried, April 3, 1877, the Right Honourable the seventeenth Lord Dunsany, Memlier of Parliament for South Gloucester- shire (to whom refer)]. Seats — Charborough Park and Bere Regis, Wareham ; EUerton Abbey, Richmond, in the county of York ; Etchilhampton Manor and Maddington House, in the county of Wiltshire ; Swell Court, in the county of Somerset ; Cassar's Camp, Wimbledon. The Right Honourable Sir AUGUSTUS ARTHUR PERCEVAL, Earl of Egmont, Viscount Perceval of Kan- tiirk, Baron Perceval of Burton, and Baron .Arden of I.ohort Castle, in the county of Cork, in the Peerage of Ireland ; an antelope argent, attired and unguled or, ducally gorged and chained of the last ; sinister, a stag s.able, attired and iiiiguled or, ducally gorged and chained of the last, each hiiiding in tlw mouth a thistle proper. Motto — "Sub cruce Candida." Married, 1881, Kate, dau. of the late Warwick Howell of S. Carolina, U.S.A. Scat — Cowdray Park, Midhurst, in the county of Sussex. ELAND, quartered by TEMPEST. 1-:DC,AR JOHN ELGOOD, Esquire, Bachelor of Civil Law and Master of Arts of the University of /TCTfY|*inl1l Oxford, Barrister - at - Law, justice of the ^U^IV^UUU Peace for the county of Kent. ' Born May 26, 1850, being the then fourth (surviving) son of John Garrard Elgood, Lord of the Manor of Somersham, in the county of Huntingdon (who died April 19, 1879), and eldest son of .Anne, his second wife (died June 3, 1892), The Editor undertakes that every entry not in italics is that of a genuinely armigerous person. 172 mi ClI daughter of Jonathan Crawsliaw of Boroughbiidge, in the county of York. C/it/>—\Jn\lcd University. lAvcry — Bhie, blue and yellow waistcoat, gilt buttons. Armorial beax- ings— Me'lu-ars for Arms: Or, on a rock in base proper, a greyhound current sable, a chief azure, tliereon a key wards uijwards between two fers-de-niolinc erect of the first. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling sable and or ; and for his Crest, on a wreath of the colours, in front of a mount vert, thereon a greyhound curn'nt snl)lc, holding in the mouth a key in liend, wards upwards or, a pile of six pellets, one, two, and three; with the Motto," Tenax propositi. " Married, November 23, 1875, Margaret Cooper, daughter and co-heiress of Robert Milnes Wright of North ( oliingham, in the county of Nottingham ; and has Issue — Garrard Elgood, Gentleman, .Second Lieut. 3rd Batt. of the Queen's Own (Royal West Kent) Regt., born Sep- tember 4, 1879 ; and Mary. Estate — Grassington House, Grassington, near Skipton in CYaven, in the West Riding of the county of York. Postal address — The Manor House, Sidcup, Kent. § WILLIAM ELIOTT-LOCKHART, Esquire, of Cleg- horn, in tlie county of Lanark, OBUott^iLockDart ]:S::i:' T l^""^. burgh, and Selkirk, Deputy- Lieutenant for the counties of Lanark and Selkirk, educated at Harrow; late Captain 26th Cameronians and 74th Highlanders; was Oeputy-Assistant-Adjutant-General at Aldershot, 1863-1868. Born March 2, 1833, being the eldest son of the late Allan Eliott-Lockhart, Esquire, of Borth- wickbrae and Cleghorn, Justice of the Peace and Deputy- Lieutenant for the counties of Lanark and Roxburgh, and Lord-Lieutenant for the county of Selkirk, called to the Scotch Bar, 1824, Member of Parliament for the county of .Selkirk, 1 846-1 861. by his wife C'harlotte, fifth daughter of .Sir Robert Uundas, first Baronet of Dunira. Clubs — Carlton, S.W., New (Edinburgh). Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Quarterly i and 4, azure three boars' heads|erased argent, armed and langued gules ; 2 and 3 gules, on a bend engrailed or, a liaton azure, within a bordure of the second surmounted of another of the third, the last charged with four crescents and as many mullets argent and of the second alternately. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet be fitting his degree, with a mantling azure, doubled argent; and for his Crests, i. on the dexter side, upon a wreath of the liveries, a boar's head erased argent, armed and langued gules ; and in an escroll above, the Motto, ' ' Sine labe fides ; " 2. and upon the sinister side, a dexter hand erect, holding a & is tbe Military Cockade. horseman's lance bendways proper, headed argent ; and in an escroll over the same, the Motto, " Hoc majorum opus ; " and for his Supporters, two wild harts pro[5er. Married, April IT, 1866, Dorothea Helen, eldest daughter of .Sir Walter Elliot, Knight Commander of the Most Exalted Order of the Star of India, of Wolfelee [by Maria Dorothea, eldest dau. of Sir D.wid Hunter-Blair of Blairquhan] ; and has had Issue — (i) Allan Ashton Eliott-Lockhart, Esquire, Lieutenant Highland Light Infantry, born Eebruary 21, 1867 ; (2) Walter Blair Eliott-Lockhart, Esquire, Caj^tain Seaforth Highlanders, Ijorn March 3, 1870, died March 2, 1895 ■' (3) Norman I'^liott-Lockhart, Gentleman, born December 26, 1871, died April 3, 1872; Mary Charlotte. Seat — Cleghorn, Lanarkshire. § ARTHUR WARRE ELLES, Esquire, Captain King's Own Yorkshire Light Infantry. Born 1864, being the eldest son of the late Maj.-Gen. Sir William Kidston EUes, K.C.B., Chevalier 5th Class Erench Imperial Order Legion of Honour ; Lieut. -Gen. Commanding the Forces in Bengal, by his wife I'",li'anor Noble, dau. of the late George Warre. Armorial bearings— Parted per fesse or and azure, three es(|uires' helmets countercharged. Mantling azure doubled or ; and upon a wreath of his liveries is set for Crest, a gauntleted dexter hand grasjiing an asp jiroper, the hand charged with a cross crosslet fitchde gules ; and in an escroll above, this Motto, "Sperno." Married, 1893, Janet, dau. of Rev. J. G. Pearse of Exeter. Postal address — • AdmiralSirCHARLESGILBERTJOHNBRYDONE ELLIOT, commonly called the Honourable Sir Charles Gilbert John Brydone Elliot, Knight Commander of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath. Born December 12, 18 1 8, being a son of the Right Honourable the second Earl of Minto, by his wife Mary, daughter of Patrick Brydone ; created Companion of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath 1857, and advanced to the rank of Knight Conuuander of that Order 1881. tV/c/;- United Service. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : (Quarterly first and fomth grand quarters, quarterly i and 4 argent, a buglehorn sable, stringed and garnished gules, on a chief azure three mullets of the first (for Murray) ; 2 and 3 azure, a chevron argent between three fleurs-de-lis or (for Kynynmound) ; second and third grand quarters, gules on a bend engrailed or, a baton azure, within a bordure vair (for Elliot) ; over all a chief of augmentation argent, charged with a Moor's head couped in profile proper, being the arms of Corsica. The escutcheon Vjeing surmounted by the ribbon of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, and i^endent his badge as n is the Naval Cockade. €11 €U 273 a Knight Commander thereof, and impaling on a second escutcheon the arms of Liddell, namely argent, fretty gules, on a chief of the last, three leopards' faces or. Upon the escutcheons is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling sable and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, issuant from clouds a dexter arm embowed, throwing a dart all proper ; with the Motto, " Non eget arcu." Married, firstly, 1863, Louisa (who died 1870), daughter of Sir Edward Blackett, sixth Baro- net ; secondly, 1874, Lady Harriett Liddell, daughter of the first Earl of Ravensworth ; and has Issue (by first marriage) — Bertram Charles Elliot, Esquire, born 1867 ; (by second marriage)— Sybil Harriette; and Rachel Mira Horatia. Residence — Brydone, Bitterne, in the county of Southampton. M EDWARD HAY MACKENZIE ELLIOT, Esquire, © Captain South Lancashire Regiment (Prince of Wales' Volunteers). Born Novemlx?r 30, 1852, lieing the third but eldest surviving son of the late Sir Walter Elliot of Wolfelee, Knight Commander of the Most Exalted Order of the Star of India, by his wife Maria Dorothea, daughter of Sir David Hunter Blair, Baronet, of Blairquhan ; succeeded his brother, 1892. Armorial bearings — He Ijears for Arms : Gules, on a l)end invected or a (lute azure, in chief a lion passant guardant argent, imperially crowned proper. Upon the escutcheon is jjlaceil a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules, douliled argent ; and upon a wreath of his liveries is set for Crest, a ram proper, and in an escroll above the Motto, " Vellcra fertis oves." Seat — Wolfelee, Hawick, North Britain. Admir.M. Sir GEORGE ICLLIOT, Knight Commander of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath. Born 1813, being the eldest son of the late Admiral Sir George Elliot, commonly known as the Honourable Sir George Elliot, Knight Commander of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, by his wife Eliza Cecilia, youngest daughter of James Ness of Osgodvie, in the county of York ; created Knight Connnander of the Most Honouraljle Order of tlie Bath, 1877. ("'///(^--United Service. Armorial bearings -Mr bears for Arms : (jules, on a bend engrailed or, a baton azure, a bordure vair, a chief of augmentation argent, charged with a Moor's head couped in profile proper, being the arms of the Island of Corsica ; the escutcheon being surrounded by the ribl)on of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, ancl pendent his badge as a Knight Conunander thereof, and impaling upon a second escutcheon the arms of Wauchope, namely azure, two mullets in chief and a garb in base or. Upon the escutcheons is placed a helmet Ix'fitiing his degree, with a mantling gules and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a dexter arm em- bowed, issuant from clouds, throwing a dart all |)roper. Motto (over crest)— " Non eget arcu." Married, August I, 1842, Hersey Susan Sydney, who died December 11 1893, only daughter of Lieutenant-Colonel W'auchope ol Niddrie-Marischall, in the county of Midlothian; and has Issue — Cieorgc Edmund Lyons Elliot, Esquire, born April 5, 1849 ; Elizabeth [married, Eebruary 28, 1865, to her cousin tlie Right Honourable the ninth Earl of Nortitesk, who died .Se])tember 9, 1891]; Nina Helen [married, July ig, 1877, Captain Thomas Dacres Butler, late 52nd Light Infantry]; Hersey Eliza Cecilia [married, July 20, 1876, Gerald R. Maltby, Esquire, late Lieutenant Royal Navy] ; and Anna Maria Olivia [married, June 17, 1873, Charles Windham R. Keir]. Postal address — 6 Castletown road. West Kensington, S.W. TiiK Right Honouuabi.k Sik HENRY GEORGE ICLLIOT, a Member of Her Majesty's Most Honourable Privy Council, Knight (Jrand Cross of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath. Born 1817, being the second surviving son of the Right Honourable the second Earl of Minto, a Meml)er of Her Majesty's Most Honourable Privy Council, Knight (irand Cross of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, by his wife Mary, eldest daughter of Patrick Brydone. C///Af— Iravellcrs', Athenajum. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms: Quarterly i and 4, cpiarterly i. and iiii. , argent a bugle-horn sable, stringed and garnished gules, on a chief azure three mullets of the field (for Murray) ; ii. and iii. azure, a chevron argent, between three fleurs-de-lis or (for Kynynmound) ; 2 and 3 gules, on a bend engrailed or, a baton azure, a bordure vair (for Elliot) ; over all a chief of augmentation argent, charged with a Moor's head couped in profile proper, being the arms of the Island of Corsica ; the escutcheon being encircled by the ribbon of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, and by the collar and pendent therefrom the badge of a Knight Grand Cross of that Order, and impaling on a second escutcheon the arms of Antrobus, namely, lozengy or and azure, on a pale gules three estoiles of the first. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degi-ee, with a mantling sable and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, issuant from clouds a dexter arm embowed, throwing a dart all proper; and over it the Motto, "Non eget arcu." Married, 1847, Annie, daughter of Sir Edmund Antrobus, second Baronet ; and has Issue — Francis Edmund Hugh Elliot, Esquire, born 1851 [married, 1881, Henrietta Augusta Mary, daughter of the Right Honourable Sir Francis Clare Ford, a Member of Her Majesty's Most Honourable Privy Council, Knight Grand Cross of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, Knight Grand Cross of the Most Distinguished Order of Saint Michael and Saint George, Her Majesty's Ambassador at Constantinople, and has issue, Katharine ; Frances Clara ; and Dorothy] ; and Gertrude. Residence — 43 Wilton Crescent, S.W. JOHN ELLIOT of Binks, co. Roxburgh, Gentleman. Armorial bearings — Gules, on a bend indented on a flute of the first, within a bordure invected of the second. Mant- ling gules douliled or. Crest — On a wreath of his liveries, a demi-man in armour argent, holding in his dexter hand a pike proper. Motto — " Pro Deo Rege et Limite." Postal address — Binks, co. Roxburgh. WILLIAM CLAUDE ELLIOT, Esquire, Justice of the Peace. Born February 19, 1835, being the son of the late Robert Kerr Elliot, Esquire, of Harivood and Clifton Park, in the county of Roxburgh, Justice of the Peace and Deputy- Lieutenant, by his wije Mary Anne, daughter of Charles Claude Clifton of Tzvvniaur, in the county of Brecon. Club — Devonshire. Armorial bearings as used, but which have not been matriculated to him in Lyon Register, are for Arms : Oules, on a bend or a baton azure, a bordure of the second charged with six garbs of the third. Cres^— .4 gentleman in a watching posture, holding a pike in his hand proper. MottO — "Sic limina tuta." Married, July 3, 1876, Bertha Eliza, second daughter of William Charles Blackman of Southsea, in the county of Hamp- shire. Seat — Harwood, Bonchester Bridge, Hawick, North Britain. GEORGE HENRY BLOIS ELLIOTT, Esq. Bom 1854, I'cing the only son of the late George Henry Elliott of Farnlx)rough Park, by Ellen, dau. of the late William Palmer-Morewood of Alfreton (she died 1892). Armorial bearings — (,)uarterly i and 4, ermine a fesse azure, with two double cotises indented vert (for Elliott) ; 2 and 3 argent, a fleur-de-lis between three mullets within a bordure gules (for Glasse). Mantling azure and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of tiie colours, a mermaid holding a looking- glass and a comb in her hand proper (for Glasse). Seat — Farnborough Park, Hants. NICHOLAS GOSSELIN ELLIOTT, late Lt. 62nd Regt. Born 1835, being the eldest son of the late Thomas i'">lliott of Johnstown, co. Carlow, by Anne, dau. of Rev. Nicholas Gosseline of Tashinney, CO. Longford. Armorial bearings — Gules, on a bend engrailed between two trefoils slipped or, a baton azure. Mantling gules and or ; and for his Crest, a griffin sejant gules, holding in the beak a snake proper, and charged on the shoulder with a trefoil slipped or. Motto— " Occurrent nubes." Married, 1867, Anna, dau. of the late Capt. Sir Thomas Ross, R.N. ; and has, with other /.>f«f — Thomas Gosseline Elliott, /'. 1870. Seat — Lansdown Terrace, Cheltenham. ROBERT FRANCIS ELLIS, Esq., J. P. for co. Wick- low (High Sheriff 1868), High Sheriff of co. Monaghan 1867 (B.A. 1846, M.A. 1865, Dublin). Born 1822, being the eldest surviving son and heir of the late Henry Ellis of Mount Stewart, co. Dublin. Club — Kildare Street, Dublin. Ar- morial bearings — Gules, on a fesse argent, Ijetween three crescents or, as many escallops azure, on a canton of the third a garb vert, charged with two bezants paleways. Mantling gules and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a dolphin naiant embowed argent, charged with an escallop as in the arms. Motto — "Non The Editor undertakes that every entry not in italics is that of a genuinely armigerous person. 274 (B\\ sine jure." Afarn'ed Mary (who died 1883), dau. of James Hawkins of St. Fcnton's, co. Dublin ; and by her has, with ottier /ssuf—Vlenry Leslie Ellis, Lieut.-Col. R. Bucks Hussars, late Major Inniskilling Dragoons. Seat — Sea Park, Wicklow. 3 JOHN WILLIAM ELLISON-MACARTNEY. Esq., J. P. and DL. co. Tyrone, Magistrate co. Fermanagh, High Sheriff CO. Armagh 1870, M.P. co. Tyrone 1874-85, ll;\rri.ster-at-Law. Borfi 1818, being the only son of the late Rev. 'I'honias Ellison, by Catherine, second daughter of Arthur Chichester Macartney, Esq., of Murlough, co. Down ; and assumed by Royal License in 1859 the additional name and arms of Macartney ; .f. his uncle 1858. Clubs — Carlton, National, Kildare Street (Dublin). Armorial bearings— (Juarterly i and 4, or a buck trippant gules, a bordure of the Last (for Macartney) ; 2 and 3 gules, on a chevron between three eagles' heads argent, a trefoil slip|)ed vert (for P211ison. Mantling gules and or ; and for his Crests, i. upon a wreath of the colours, a cubit arm erect, the hand giasping a rose- bninch flowered all proper (for Macartney) ; 2. upon a wreath of the colours, a buck's head erased proper, charged on the neck with a trefoil slipped vert (for Ellison). Motto — " Spe gaudeo." Married, 1851, Elizabeth Phoebe, eldest surviv- ing dau. of the Rev. John Grey Porter ; and has, with other Issue — William Grey Ellison-Macartney, educated at Eton, B. A. of Exeter Coll. , O.xford ; Barrister of the Inner Temple ; has been M.P. for S. Antrim since 1885; late Lieut. R. Tyrone Fusiliers. Seat — Clogher Park, co. Tyrone. WILLIAM GREY ELLISON-MACARTNEY, Gentle- man, Barrister-at-Law, (2Blli0on^cpacattnep ^^^olAntlr^! vision, Bachelor of Arts of the University of Oxford. Born June 7, 1852, being the eldest son of John William Ellison-Macartney, Gentleman, Member of Parliament for the county of Tyrone 1874-1885, by his wife Elizabeth Phcwbe, daughter of the Reverend John Grey Porter of Bellisle, in the county of Fermanagh, and Kilskery Rectory, in the county of Tyrone ; has sat for South Antrim Division of the county of Antrim since December 1885. C/«*.y— Carlton, St. Stephen's, Ulster (Belfast), Kil- dare Street (Dublin). Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Quarterly i and 4, or a buck trippant gules, a bordure of the last (for Macartney) ; 2 and 3 gules, on a chevron between three eagles' heads erased argent, a trefoil slipped vert (for Ellison). Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules and or ; and for his Crests, i. upon a wreath of the colours, a cubit arm erect, the hand grasping a rose-branch flowered all proper (for Macartney); motto over, " Stimulat sed ornat ; " 2. upon a wreath of the colours, a buck's head erased proper, charged on the neck with a trefoil slipped vert (for Ellison) ; with this Motto, " .Spe gaudeo." JAMES ELMHIRST, Gentleman. Bom 1830, being the second son of William Elmhirst of JFTinfltVrtf Round Green .and Elmhirst, in the county Xi^^utijivpv of York. Armorialbearings-He bears for Arms : Barry wavy of six argent and sable, a canton paly wavy also of six of the same ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a mount vert, there- from issuant rays of the sun in front of a hurst of elm- trees proper; with the Motto, "In Domino confido." Married, 1865, Anne Hampden, daughter of the late H. J. Pye of Clifton Hall, in the county of Stafford, and has issue. Estate and postal flrfrfrwj— Thome, near Doncaster. The Reverknd ROBERT ELMHIRST, Clerk in Holv Orders, Vicar of Brearton, near Knaresborough, in the county of York, Lord of the Manor of Fulletby, in the county of Lincoln. Born 1835, b-.-ing the third and youngest son of the late William Elmhirst of Round Green and Elmhirst, in the county of York, and his wife .Anna Frances, second daughter of William Walker, Bachelor of Medicine, of Swinnow Park, Wetherby. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Barry wavy of six argent and sable, a canton paly wavy also of six of the same ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a mount vert, therefrom issuant rays of the sun in front of a hurst of elm-trees proper ; with the Motto, " In Domino confido." Married, January 11, 1865, Mary Makins (who died 1884), eldest daughter of the S is the Military Cockade. OBlt late James Robert Nicholson of Thornton, in the coutit^I Northumberland ; and has Issue— {\) Robert James Elm- hirst, Gentleman, born January 6, 1868; (2) Charles Bailey Elmhirst, Gentleman, born February 18, 1871 ; (3) William Elmhirst, Gentleman, born October 11, 1875; (4) Richard l-'lmhirst. Gentleman, born March 14, 1884 ; Frances Mary, died 1866 ; Harriet Elizabeth ; Mary Cicely ; Anna Frances ; Maud ; and Rosa. Estates — The Manor of Fulletby, Win- thorpe, Burgh, and East Halton, all in the county of Lincoln ; Farnham Lodge, in the county of York. Postal address — Farnham Lodge, near Knaresborough. The Reverend WILLL\M ELMHIRST, Clerk in Holy Orders, Master of Arts of the University of Oxford, Chajilain of Stainborough. Born January i, 1827, being the eldest son of the late William Elmhirst of Round Green, in the county of York, and his wife Anna Frances, second daughter of the late William Walker of Swinnow Park, in the county of York, and Everley Lodge, near Barnet. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Barry wavy of six argent and sable, a canton paly wavy also of six of the same ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a mount vert, therefrom issuant rays of tlie sun in front of a hurst of elm-trees proper; with the MottO, " In Domino con- fido." Married, .August 17, 1854, .Anne Elizabeth Pasmore, second daughter of William Barnard Heaton, Gentleman, Solicitor, of Gainsborough, in the county of Lincoln ; and has Issue — (i) The Reverend William Heaton Elmhirst, Clerk in Holy Orders, Curate of Laxton, in the county of York, Bachelor of Arts of the University of Cambridge, born November 23, 1856 [married, and has issue] ; (2) Charles Ernest Elmhirst, Genileman, Solicitor in York, born July 12, 1858; (3) Herbert John Elmhirst, Gentleman, of Round Green, born June 16, 1861 ; Fanny ; Mary Elizabeth [widow of the late Thomas .Alfred Mann of Round tireen, in the county of York] ; and Edith. A'.v/(z/('.s — Elmhirst, Ouslethwaite, Round Green, and Lewden, in Worsborough Dale, in the county of York, &'C. Postal address — Elmhirst, near Barnsley, Yorkshire. ELMLEY, Viscount, see BEAUCH.AMP. WEBB ELPHINSTONE ELPHlNSTONIvSTONE, Esquire, late Captain in €Ipl)in0ton0=^tone '^J.r^,!':;!,, £Z the eldest son of the Reverend David Smith Stone, Vicar of Walkhampton, in the county of Devon, by Isabella Ann his wife, eldest daughter of Captain Thomas Elphinstone of the Royal Navy, of Belain, near Plymouth, in the county of Devon, and assumed the additional surname of Elphinstone and the arms of Elphinstone quarterly with his own by Royal License in the year 1879. Clubs — Primrose, Royal Naval, Constitutional (Exeter), Masonic (Gandyos, Exeter). Livery — Blue, with gilt buttons. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Quarterly t and 4, party per pale or and azure, an eagle displayed with two heads between two Haunches each charged with an anchor erect all counter- changed (for Stone) ; 2 and 3 argent, guttfe-de-sang, on a chevron embattled sable, between three boars' heads erased gules, two swords proper, hilted and pommelled or (for Elphinstone). Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling azure and or ; and for his Crests, i. upon a wreath of the colours, in front of an anchor lying fesseways or, a swan's head and neck couped argent, beaked sable (for Stone) ; 2. out of a mural crown gules, a lady from the middle well attired proper holding in her de.xter hand a sword, and in her sinister a laurel branch, both also proper; with the Motto, "True to the end." Married, January 23, 1861, Lydia, daughter of Ralph Walters, Barrister-at-Law, Nevvcastle- on-Tyne ; and has Issue — Webb Smith Elphinstone-Stone, Gentleman, born November 21, 1868; Anna; Mary; Lydia ; Rosa ; Emma ; and Amelia. Estates— V\^*is\. Beer, Cheriton Bishop, Dunsford, Mid Devon; and 7 Brunswick Terrace, Exmouth, East Devon. Postal address — West Beer, Cheriton Bishop, Dunsford, Mid Devon. JANET ELRINGTON-BISSET, Widow, eldest daugh- ter of the Venerable Archdeacon M. G. Fenwick-Bisset, by his wife Jane Harriet, daughter of Maurice George Bisset of Lessendrum. Liveiy — Blue and silver. Armorial bear- ings are, upon a lozenge, for Arms : .Azure, a bend argent. 3 is the Naval Cockade. ^Married, August 28, 1849, Josepli P'avi6re Erlington Fs- quire, one of Her Majesty's Counsel Learned in the Law Doctor of Laws ; and has had Issue— [i) Charles Ehington-' Bisset, Gentleman, born September 20, 1850, died December 12, 1888; (2) Maurice Elrington-Bisset, Gentleman, born June 12, 1854 ; (3) Mordaunt Elrington-Bisset, Esquire (Captam), born December 8, 1859; and Isabella. RUatc and postal address— h,&ii(ir\tix\xm, Huntly, N.B. OBlp 275 a mantlmg gules and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, m front of a stag's head sable, attired and collared gemel or, three mascles interlaced fesseways or. Motto— "Dum spiro spero." A'wzV/ewce— Salt burn- by-the- Sea. •' The Most Honourable Sir JOHN HENRY LOFrUS, Marquess and Earl of Ely, in the county of PR.ENDSMOI TELQ,UE JE SUIS S THOMAS LIGHT ELWON, Esquire, Justice of the %^ Peace and Deputy-Lieutenant for the North dEftafltl f^'f^i'ig of 'he county of York, late Major 4th Si^lU4UI( Batt. Princess of Wales' own Yorks. Regt. Horn 1828, being the only son of the late Commodore Thomas Elwon (who died 1834), by his wife Elizabeth, daughter of Captain Light of Bombay. Clubs — Reform, Junior United Service, Union (S.W.). Armorial bearings — He Ijears for Arms : Or, on a chevron gules, between four martlets sable, three in chief and one in base, three mascles of the field, a bordure of the second. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with Wicklow, Viscount Loftus of Ely, and Baron Loftus of Loftus Hall, in the Peerage of Ireland, Baron Loftus of Long Loftus, in the Peerage of the United Kingdom, and a Baronet of Ireland. Boni March 6, 1851, Iseing the son of the Reverend Lord Adam Loftus, third son of the second Marcjuess, by his wife Margaret, daughter of Robert Fannin of Dublin ; succeeded his cousin April 3, 1889. Creations — • Baronet, December 2, 1780; Baron, June 28, 1785; Viscount, December 22, 1789 ; Earl, February 15, 1794 ; Marquess, December 29, 1800— Irish honours; Baron (United King- dom), January 19, 1801. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : .Sable, a chevron engrailed ermine, between three The Editor undertakes that every entry not in italics is that of a genuinely armigerous person. 276 €me trefoils slipped argent. Above the escutcheon, which is charged with his badge of Ulster as a Baronet, is placed the coronet of his rank, and thereupon a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling sable and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wroatli of the colours, a boar's head erased and erect argent. Supporters — Two eagles, wings invened, argent, beaked and legged or, each ciiarged on the breast with a trefoil slijjped vert. Mottoes — Under the arms, " Prends moi tel que je suis"; over the crest, "Loyal h niort." //('//' presumptive— W's'i brother. Lord George Herbert Loftus, born 1854 ; married, 1884, liniily Harriet, daughter of Major Arthur Vandeleur (she died 1886). Seats --Ely Lodge, in tiie county of Fermanagh ; Loftus Hall, in the county of Wexford. Tiiic Rkvereni) JOHN EMERIS of Southwood, V.car of Saint James's, in the county of Gloucester, (JFtTtPrtrf Master of Arts, late Rector of Upton Saint >ii^\\\%/K\ft Leonard's, in the county of Gloucester. Born April 12, 1816, being the eldest son of the late Reverend John Enieris of Southwood, Bachelor of Divinity, Rector of Little Slaughton, in the county of Bedford, and Incumbent of Alvingham, in the county of Lincoln, by his wife Elizabeth, only daughter of the Reverend John Grantham, Vicar of Cadney and Warthe, in the county of Lincoln. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Or, three bars wavy between two flaunches sable, on a chief of the last a bezant between two cinquefoils of the first ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, in front of a bear's head and neck couped sable, gorged with a collar gemel, three cinquefoils or; with the Motto, "Emeritus." Mar- ried, November 16, 1852, Anne Elizabeth, third daughter of James Helps of Saint Michael's Parish, in the county of Gloucester, by his wife Anne, daughter of the Reverend James Plucknett ; and has Issue — The Reverend William Charles Emeris of New College, Oxford, Master of Arts, born July 8, 1863 ; Elizabeth Anne ; Harriet Mary ; and Frances Rose. WILLIAM ROBERT EMERIS, Esquire, Master of Arts of the University of Oxford, Justice of the Peace for the county of Lincoln, Alderman of the County Council for that county. Fellow of the Society of Antiquaries. Born September 17, 1817, being the younger son of the late Reverend John Emeris, Bachelor of Divinity, Rector of Staughton Parva, in the county of Bedford, and Alvingham and Cockerington, in the county of Lincoln, by his wife Elizabeth, only daughter of the Reverend John Grantham of Ashby, Master of Arts, Vicar of Cadney and Waithe. Ar- morial bearings — He bears for Arms : Or, three bars wavy between two flaunches sable, on a chief of the last a bezant l)etween two cinquefoils of the first ; and for the Crest, on a wreath of the colours, in front of a boar's head and neck couped sable, gorged with a collar gemell, three cinquefoils or; with the Motto, " Emeritus." Married, June 20, 1850, Isabella Barbara, only daughter of the Reverend Robert Gordon of Scampton, Master of Arts. iT.f/rz/e?— Saltfleetby. Postal address— W&slg9.Xe, Louth, Lincolnshire. CHARLES ARTHUR EMERSON. Born March 6, 1857, being the third son of the late James Emerson of Easby Hall, in the county of York, by his wife Ann Dorothy, only child of Eleazer Biggins. Armorial bearings— Azure, on a bend raguly or, a hart between two annulets of the field, a bordure wavy of the second. Crest— A demi-lion guardant erased azure, holding between the paws a hawk's lure, and gorged with a plain collar or, debruised of a bendlet sinister wavy of the last. Motto— " Fideliter et honeste." Postal address — Deighton Manor, Northal- lerton. ELEAZER BIGGINS EMERSON, Esquire, ] P for North Ridmg of co. York, B.A. Cambs. Born 1848, bein<^ the second son of the late James Emerson of Ea.sby Half m the county of York, by his wife Ann Dorothy, only child of Eleazer Biggins. Armorial bearings— Azure, on a bend raguly or, a hurt between two annulets of the field a bordure wavy of the second. Crest— A demi-lion guardant erased azure, holding between the paws a hawk's lure and gorged with a plain collar or, debruised of a bendlet sinister wavy of the last. MottO— " Fideliter et honeste. " Married June 13, 1876, Mary, eldest dau. of J. M. M'Kean- and has A«/f— Ethel Mary Alice Maud ; and Constance' Ann ^ is the Military Cockade. (2Bme Dorothy. Postal address — Tollesby Hall, Marton, R.S. O. , Yorkshire. JOHN JAMES EMERSON, Esquire, J. P. for North Riding of co. York, LL.D. Cambs. , Barrister-at-Law, Lord of the Manors of Easby, Kirkby in Cleveland, and Tollesby. Born May 21, 1847, being the eldest son of the late James Emerson, Esq., J. P., of Easby Hall, in the county of York, by his wife Ann Dorothy, only child of Eleazer Biggins. Clubs — St. Stephen's, Yorkshire (York). lAvery — Claret colour piped with red, and silver buttons. Armorial bearings — Azure, on a bend raguly or, a hurt between two Kit) elite ret- annulets of the field, a bordure wavy of the second. Crest — A demi-lion guardant erased azure, holding between the paws a hawk's lure, and gorged with a plain collar or, debruised of a bendlet sinister wavy of the last. MottO — "Fideliter et honeste." Married, April 20, 1876, Frances Mary Eleanor, eldest dau. of Col. Melville Francis Evatt, Bengal Staff Corps ; and has Issue — James John Emerson, Gentleman, h. May 4, 1878. Estates — Easby, Kirby in Cleveland, and Tollesby; and possesses property in the parishes of Ayton, Stokesley, Hutton Rudby, Appleton, Ingleby Greenhow, Ingleby Cross, Carlton, Faceby, Broughton, Hawnby, &c. Seat — Easbv Hall, Great Ayton, R.S. O., Yorkshire. PETER HENRY EMERSON, Gentleman, M.B., B.A. (of Clare Coll., Camliridge), M.R.C.S. (Eng.). Born May 13, 1856, being the eldest son of Henry Ezekiel Emerson, of the La Palma listate, .Sagua-la-Grande, Cuba, by his wife Jane Harris, daughter ot William Billing, M.R.C.S., of Lostwithiel, Cornwall. Clubs — Authors', Royal Corin- thian Yacht. Armorial bearings— Per fesse neb'uly or and vert, on a bend invecled azure, gutt^e-d'eau, a battle-a.\e between two lions passant argent. Mantling vert and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, in front of a demi-lion vert, charged on the shoulder with two barrulets dancett^e m is the Naval Cockade. OBmm 277 or, and holding in the paws a battle-axe erect, a club fessewise entwined by a serpent also proper. Motto— " Audacter et hilare." Married, June 22, 1881, Edith Amy, daughter of the late Joseph Ainsworth of The Thorns' Bolton, Lanes.; and has Issue— {1) Leonard Ainsworth Emerson, Gentleman, l)orn May 12, 1882; (2) Half Hilling Emerson, Gentleman, born July 3, 1897; Sybil; Gladys; and Zoe Orchis. Pos/al aiitiress—'\'\w. Nook, Oulton Broad, Lowestoft. VVOLSELEY PARrRlDGE EMERTON, Master of Arts and Doctor of Civil Law of the d&ITlPl'tnn lJ"h'ersity of Oxford, Barrister-at-Law. >U.\\\^)>\^\\ of Oxford. Y^orn /ariuaty <), 1%S3, being the only sH)~fivin^ son of John William Empson, Esquire, of Yokejleet Hall, Justice of the Peace [to whom refer], by Marie his wife, daughter of John Henry Allen of the Rhydd, in the county of Worcester, Club — Consenmtive. Armorial bearings as used, hut for 7uhick no authority has been established in the Heralds' College, are for Arms : Azure, a chevron betiveen three crosses formde argent ; and for a Crest, a tent ardent, adorned or, lined azure, charged in the interior xvith a cross fortnc'e of the first ; with the Motto, " Corona tnea Christus." Married, 1890, Laura, eldest daughter of the late R. Micklethwait, Esquire, of Ardsley House, Barnsley, Justice of the Peace and Deputy- Lieutenant ; and has Issue — (i) John Empson, Gentleman, born Februaiy 22, 1891; {2) Arthur Empson, Gentleman, born 1892. Postal address — Yoke/leet Hall, near Howden, Yorkshire. ROBERT CORNELIUS EMPSON, Esquire, Justice of the Peace for tlie county of Lincoln and for the West Riding of the county of York. Born April 17, 1818, being the third son of James IJster, by Alice his wife, daughter of Robert Spofforth, and assumed in the year 1871 the surname of Empson, in lieu of his former surname of Lister. Livery — Blue, with silver lace, and red waistcoat. Armorial bear- ings as used, and as quoted iti' Burke's "Landed Gentry," but for 7vhich no authority ivhatsoever has been established, are for Arms : Quarterly i and 4, azure a chevron betiveen three crosses patc'e argent (for Empson) ; 2 and 3 ermine on a f esse sable, three mullets or [for Lister) ; aytd as Crests, a tent argent, adorned or, lined azure, charged in the interior with a cross formce of the first (for Empson) ; 2. a stag's head erased proper (for Lister) ; ivith the Motto, " Corona mea Christus." [llie "Landed Gentry" gives " ludele jusqu'd la fin."] Married, April 1842, Elizabeth Cornwell, daughter of Jarvis Empson; and has had Issue — James Empson, Gentleman \to whom refer]; Elizabeth; and Alice, now deceased. Estates — Ousefleet ; Addlitigfleet and Goole Hall. Postal address— The Hall, Ousefleet, Goole, Yorkshire. ENGLAND, borne on a canton of augmentation bv LANE. ^ Sir JOHN GARDNER DILLMAN ENGLEHEAR T, Knight Bachelor, Companion of the C!^t\tX\c\\CHVf ^^'"' Honourable Order of the Bath, Sl^n)^\K'\)K^%XKK Master of Arts of the University of Oxford, Barrister-at-Law. Born Februaiy 2, 1823, being the only son of John Cox Dillman Engleheart of East Acton, in the county of Middlesex, and then in the county of Surrey , by Afaty Barker his wife; was created a Companion of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, Afay 1884, and was dubbed Knight Bachelor in Mav 1892. Club — Athencrum. Livery — Dark blue. Armorial bearlng^s as used are for Arms: Party per fesse, the chief azure, an angel issuant winged and crowned or, holding in the dexter hand a sword anient, and the base gules, three bends dexter or. The helmet above the escutcheon is mantled on the dexter side azure and or, and on the sinister gules and or, and for a Crest, an angel proper, winged, and crowned or, and issuant from a ducal coronet of the last, holding in his dexter hand a siuord argent. These arms, which are of German origin, have never been proved or registered in Eng- land, nor has any pedigree been recorded. Married, August 18, 1859, Emily Lewis, third daughter of Major Willows of the Honourable East India Companv' s Service ; and has Issue— (i) Henry Lewis Dillman Engleheart, Esquire, born December 2, i860 ; (2) Clititon E?igleheart, Esquire, born May 31, 1863; (3) Victor Frederick Engleheart, Esquire, born March 4, 1867 ; and Evelyn Linzee. Estate at Kew. Postal address— 28 Curzon Street, Mayfair, London, W.C. PERCY JAMES ENGLISH, Gentleman, late Lieu- tenant West London Rifles. Born April (JFnnrltflffl ^4. 1866, being the only son of James Eng- ViUliyVWy ii3jj ^f Qo\erend THOMAS F.SPINF.I.L RSPIN, Doctor of DM nit y of the University of Oxford, Doctor dPcilltM "^ Civil Law of the University of Durham, VU^^piU Chancellor of the Diocese of Chester and of the Diocese of Liverpool, Rural Dean of Stanhope from 1888, Justice of the Peace for the county of Durham, Rector from 1885 of \Volsins;ham. Horn 1824, In-iu}^ the son of William F.spin of The Priory, Louth, in the county of Lincoln. Club — Grosvenor. Arinorial bearings as used, but for which no authority has been established, are : Gules, three mitres labelled or, being the arms of the See of Chester, impaling argent, three aspen leaves proper. Married, 1854, Eliza {who died 18:51), daughter of John Jessop of Healey House, in th£ county of York ; and has Issue — The Reverend Thomas Hen)y Espinell Compton Espin, Master of Arts of the University of Oxford, Fellow of the Royal Astronomical Society, Justice of the Peace for the county o Durham, Vicar of Towlaw. Postal address — The Rectory, Wolsingham, R.S.O., Durham. ESSE, quartered by MALET. ESSEX, see COWPER-ESSEX. ETTON, quartered by TEMPEST. § HENRY EUSTACE, Esq, J. P. and D.L., heir male, and recognised representative of the Viscounts Bal- tinglass (which title is now under attainder). Porn 1882, being the son of the late Henry Eustace Esq., of Corbally, Queen's Co., Lieut. -Gen. in the Army, by his wife Hen- rietta, dau. of Peter, Count Dalton of Grenanstown. Armo- rial bearings— Or, a saltire gules. Mantling gules and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a stag statant, between the horns a crucifi.x all proper. Motto — "Cur me persequeris." Married, Oct. 9, 1861, Albertine, widow of Count Foschi, and youngest dau. of the late Gen. Marquis Paulucci, Governor-General of Genoa, Knight of the Annunciata, &c. ; and has /ssi/e — Henrietta. Seat — Grenanstown, Nenagh, co. Tipperary. ARTHUR HENRY LYNE EVANS, Gentleman, of Haydock, in the county of Lancaster. Born (fFtlflnfif ^^4^' heing the only son of the late Josiah >U>'U(ltl9 Evans, Esquire, of the Heyes, in the county of Lancaster, Justice of the Peace, by his first wifeEmily, daughter of John Haigh of Halifax, in the county of York ; succeeded his uncle 1889. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Sable, three nags' heads erased argent, on a chief nebuly or, a pale gules, charged with an estoilc of the third between two estoiles of the fourth. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling sable and argent ; and for his Crest, u[3on a wreath of the colours, a nag's head erased argent, between two estoiles or. Motto—" A fynno Duw derfid. " Married, 1872, Mary Leche de Cawarden, daughter of the Reverend Harold H. Sherlock, Justice of the Peace, and has, with other, /,f.f;/c— Josiah Evans, Gentleman, born 1882. Seats— Haydock Grange, St. Helen's; Hurst House, Prescot, in the CO. of Lancaster ; Llanddoget Park, Llanrwst, in the co. of Denbigh; and Masnan House, in the co. of Carnarvon. Sir DAVID EVANS, Knight Commander of the Most Distinguished Order of Saint Michael and Saint George, Deputy-Lieutenant and Justice of the Peace for the county of Glamorgan, one of Her Majesty's Lieutenants for the City of London. Born 1849, being the son of Thomas Evans of Glanmuchudd, Llantrissant, in the county of Glamorgan, by his wife Anne, daughter of Treharne Tre- harne of Llantrissant ; created Knight Commander of the Most Distinguished Order of Saint Michael and Saint George, 1892. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms: Sable, a chevron nebuly between two fleurs-de-lis in chief and as many fasces in saltire in base argent. Upon the escutcheon, which is surrounded by the ribbon of the Most Distinguished Order of Saint Michael and Saint George, and pendent therefrom the badge of a Knight Commander of that Order, is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a M is the Military Cockade. mantling sable and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, upon the trunk of a tree coujied and eradicated and sprouting to the dexter, a boar's head erect and erased all projier ; with the MottO, " Trwy rhinwedd ac onestrwydd." Married, 1874, Emily Deborah, daughter of Laurence IJoakes. Postal addresses — Ewell (irove, Surrey ; 24 Watling Street, London. M.\joR DAVID WILLIAMS EVANS. Born February 9, 1833, being the second but only surviving son of the late William Evans of Glascoed, by his wife Ellen, daughter of John Williams. Club — Junior Constitutional. Livery — Claret colour, with white facings and silver buttons. Armo- rial bearings — He loears for Arms : Quarterly i and 4, gules a lion passant guardant between four crosses moline, three \\\ chief and one in base, all argent (for Evans), 2 and 3 sable, three mullets or, on a chief nebuly argent, as many lozenges azure (for Dorsett) ; and for the Crest, on a wreath of the colours, a lion guardant argent, charged on the body with two crosses moline azure, and resting the dexter fore- paw upon an escutcheon erminois. thereon a cross moline between four lozenges also azure ; with the Motto, ' ' Festina lente." Married, August 28, 1873, Mary, daughter of Wright Allen, Doctor of Medicine, of Arnold, in the county of Nottingham; and has Issue — (i) David Dorsett Evans, Gentleman, born October 2, 1874; (2) William Howard Dorsett Evans, Gentleman, born September 27, 1875 ; (3) Maurice Dorsett Evans, Gentleman, Acting Sub- I^ieut. R.N., born July 28, 1877 ; (4) Francis Allen Dorsett Evans, Gentle- man, born May 22, 1879 ; (5) Jeffrey Williams Dorsett Evans, Gentleman, born March 30, 1883 ; (6) Edward Llewelyn Dorsett Evans, Gentleman, born November 8, 1885 ; (7) Henry Worthington Dorsett Evans, Gentleman, born Feb- ruary 18, 1890 ; Ursula Mary Dorsett ; and Eleanor Sydney Dorsett. Estate and postal address — Glascoed, Llansant- ffraid, near Oswestry. § EDWARD ICVANS, Esq., J. P. and D. L. co. Denbigh (High Sheriff 1894-95). Born 1816, being the eldest surviving son of the late John Evans of Leamington, by Hannah, dau. of Thomas Bickerton of Woodcott, co. Salop. 6'///i^— National Liberal. Armorial bearings— Per pale argent and gules, a lion jiassant regardant gules, between two fleurs-de-lis in chief and in base a bundle of rods all counterchanged. Mantling gules and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a lion passant regardant argent, the body charged with three crosses moline gules, resting the dexter paw upon a bundle of rods banded also gules. MottO- " Liberta.s." Married, 1841, Margaret, second dau. of Robert Paterson, Esq., J. P., of Nunfield and Brocklehirst, co. Dumfries (she died 1890) ; and has, with other Issue — John James Evans, Esq., J. P. Seat — Bronvvylfa, near Wrexham. K is the Naval Cockade. OBtJa 281 EDWARD EVANS, lisq. Born 1846, being the second surviving son of Edward Evans, Esq., J. P., of Bronwylfa [to whom refer), by Margaret, second dau. of Robert Pater- son, Esq., J. P., of Nunfield and Brocklehirst. Club — National Liberal. Armorial bearings— Per pale argent and gules, a lion passant regardant gules, between two fleurs-de-lis in ciiief and in base a bundle of rods all counter- changed. Mantling gules and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a lion passant regardant argent, the lx)dy charged with three crosses nioline gules, resting the de.xter paw upon a Vjundle of rods banded also gules. Motto — " Liliertas." .l/ar/vert', 1869, Martha, dau. of William Nevctt of Shrewsbury and Marton ; and has, with other /w/zf — ICdward Nevett Evans, Gentleman, /'. 1875. Seal — Spital Old Hall, near Spital, Cheshire. ICDWARD WALLACE EVANS, Gentleman, of Whit- bourne Hall, in the county of Hereford. Bom May 22, 1847, being the son of the late Edward Bickerton Evans, Es(]uire, Justice of the Peace for the counties of Worcester and Hereford, and Deputy-Lieutenant for the latter county, by his wife Margaret, daughter of Peter Fleming of Wallace Grove, Glasgow. Club — Devonshire. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Per pale argent and gules, a lion passant regardant bi'tween two fleurs-de-lis in chief, and in ba.se a bundle of rods banded, all counterchanged. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a lion passant regardant argent, charged on the body with three crosses moiine gules, the de.xter paw resting on a bundle of rods banded also gules. Motto — " Libertas." Married, Noveniljer 13, 1872, Rhoda Frances, elder daughter of Arthur Herbert Cocks, lisquire, Companion of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath ; and has Issue — Edward Francis Herbert Evans, Gentleman, born Septemljer 12, 1873. Seat — Whitbourne Hall, in the county of Worcester. FRANKLEN GEORGE EVANS, Esquire, ].\\ cos. Glamorgan and Monmouth, F". R..\.S. , &C. BornOcX. 30, 1826, being the son of the late FMward Evans of Cardiff, by his wife Martha Elizabeth, dau. of Rev. Robert Peter, J. P., of Treviles, Cornwall, and Rector of Sully, co. Glamorgan. 67«i5— Constitutional. Armorial bearings — Azure, on a chevron invected or, between two Ijeavers statant in chief proper and a mullet in base of six points of the second, three crosses couped gules. Mantling azure and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, between two crosses as in the arms, a tower jsroper, thereon a flagstaff of the last with a pennant flying to the sinister gules, charged with two mullets of six points argent. Motto — "Nisi Dominus frustra." Married, first, June 20, i86i, Elizabeth (rf. 1878), only dau. of the late John Williams of Sher, co. Glamorgan ; and by her had Issue — (i) Pepyat Williams Evans, Gentleman, M.A. and B.C.L. , of Balliol Coll. Oxon., b. May 7, 1862; (2) Franklen Paine Evans, Gentle- man, M.A. and M. B. St. John's Coll., Cambridge, b. June 25, 1863 i^uho has assumed the additional surname of Franklen) [/«., July 30, 1898, Violet, dau. of George Wood]; (3) Trevor Halket Evans, Gentleman, M.A. and M. B. Cantab., b. March 8, 1866; Annie Blanche; Laura Gwyn ; and Clara Pepyat. Mr. Evans married secondly, Dec. 2, 1880, Mary Price {d. 1898), eldest dau. of the late Henry Lewis, Esq., J. P., D.L., of Greenmeadow, CO. Glamorgan. Seat — Llwynarthan, Castleton, near Cardiff. HARRIETT EVANS, Widow, third surviving daughter of Richard Webb, Esquire, Justice of the Peace and Deputy- Lieutenant, of Donnington Hall, in the county of Hereford. Armorial bearings are, upon a lozenge : Quarterly i and 4, per fesse nebuly argent and sable, three boars' heads in chief and one in base erased counterchanged (for Evans) ; 2 and 3 argent, two chevronels azure, in chief three griffins' passant of the last (for Finch). Married. November 16, 1852, as his second wife, the late Thomas Evans, Esquire, of Moreton Court, Justice of the Peace and Deputy-Lieu- tenant, who died May 4, 1872 ; and has had Issue — Thomas Percival Evans, Gentleman, born July 19, 1864; and died August 4, 1885. Seat — Moreton Court, near Hereford. §Sir JOHN EVANS, Knight Commander of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath [Civil Division), Deputy- Lieutenant and Justice of tlie Peace for the county of Hertford [for which county he served the office of High Sheriff in the year 1881), Honorary Doctor of Civil Law of the University of Oxford, Honorary Doctor of Science of the University of Cambridge, Honoraiy Doctor of Laws of the University of Dublin, a Trustee of the British Museum, and Treasurer of the Royal Society. Born 1823, being the eldest surviving son of the late Reverend Arthur Benoni Evans, Doctor of Divinity, by Anne his Tuife, daughter of Captain Thomas Dickinson, Royal Navy. He was created a Kniglit Commander of the Bath, 1892. Club — Athenaum. Armorial bearings as used, but for which no authority has been established at the Heralds' College, are for Arms : Anient, a chevron sable bet^oecn three elephants heads couped proper ; and for a Crest, an elephant's head as in the arms ; with the Motto, "/ desire to deserve." Married, 7?r.f//y, 1850, Harriet Ann, daughter of John Dickinson of Abbot's Hill, in the county of Hertford, Fellow of the Royal Society; secondly, 1859, Frances, daughter of Joseph Pltelps of Fun- chal, in the island of Madeira ; and thirdly, 1892, Maria Millington, daughter of Charles Crawford Lathbury of Wimbledon. Sir John has Issue— (i) Arthur John Evans, Esquire, born 1851 ; (2) l^wis Evans, Esquire, born 1853 ; (3) Philip Norman Evans, Esquire, born 1854 ,• Alice ; and Harriet Ann. Estate — Oivns property in the parish of Abbot's Langley. Postal address— A'ajA Mills, Hemel Hempstead. IWTRICK FLEMING EVANS, Esquire, Barrister-at- Law, LL. B. (1874), LL.M. (1877), Recorder of Newcastle- under-Lvme. Born Dec. 18, 1851, being the second son of the late Edward Bickerton Evans of Whitbourne Hall, Herefordshire, Esq.; D.L. co. Hereford; J. P. cos. Here- ford and Worcester {d. 1893), by Margaret, daughter of the late Peter Fleming of Glasgow. Club—New Oxford and Cambridge. Armorial bearings— Per pale argent and gules, a lion passant regardant between two fleurs-de- lis in chief and in base a bundle of rods banded, all counterchanged. Mantling; gules and argent. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a lion regardant argent, the body charged with three crosses moiine gules, and resting the dexter paw upon a bundle of rods banded also gules. The Editor undertakes that every entry not in italics is that of a genuinely axmigerous person. OBtja OBte Motto — " Libertas." Married, Aug. 19, 1879, Alice Emily, daughter of William Rutlierford Anciuni of St. Leonard's Court, Gloucestershire, Esq., J.l'. ; and !ias Issue — (i) Cuthbert P.-itrick Evans, Gentleman, b. June 25, 1880, d. May 31, 1897; {2) Arthur Geoffrey livans. Gentleman, b. Sep. 22, 1886; (3) Rupert Ancrum Evans, Gentleman, b. Nov. 6, 1891 ; Margaret Alice ; and Ruth Evangeline. Postal addresses — c,i\ Longridge Road, Earl's Court, S.W. ; 12 King's Bench Walk, Temple, E.C. S WILLIAM HERBERT EVANS, Esquire, Justice of the Peace and Deputy-Lieittciiaut for the county of Dorset, and Justice of the Peace for the county of Somerset, late Captain West Somerset Yeomanry Cavalry, Master of Arts of the University of Cambridge, Felloiv of the Royal Geographical Society. Born July 11, 1836, bcinq the eldest son of the late William Bertram Evans, bv his wife Jane, daughter of John Boyd, Esquire, Justice of the Peace and Deputy-Lieutenant, of Broadmeadoivs, in the county of Selkirk. Clubs — Brooks's and Saint James's. Livery— White coat with black facings, red waistcoat, black velvet breeclies, silver lace and buttons. Armorial bearings as used, and as quoted in Burke's " Landed Gentry," but for which no authority has been established at the College of Arms: i and 4 ardent, three boars' heads couped sable [for Evans) ; 2 and 3 azure, a cross patt'e erminois betzveen Jour fleurs-de-lis or [for Ward). Crests— i. a demi-lion ram- pant regardant or, with a boar's head couped sable between his paws, and2. a demi-grijfin or. Motto — "Libertas." Estates —Forde Abbey, Chard, in the county of Dorset; and Wimbledon Park House. Postal address — /-"t^n/e Abbey, Chard. § EDWARD EVANS-LLOYD, Esquire, Justice of the Peace for the County Palatine oj (JhtlRtlflf-^1 Tntlh Chester, and Justice of the Peace Visual W-li^lU^U and Deputy- Lieutenant for the county of Merioneth, for which county he served the office of High Sheriff in the year 1887, Honorary Colonel of the ist Cheshire and Carnanwnshire Artillery Volunteers. Born June 2, 1826, being the eldest surviving son of Edward Evans, by his wife Dorothy, ^ is tbe Military Cockade. eldest daughter of the Reverend Simon Lloyd of Plasyndre, Bala, in the county of Merioneth, and assumed the ad- ditional surname of Lloyd by Deed Poll, dated January I, 1876, on succeeding to the Plasyndre estate at the death of his cousin, James Bowen Lloyd. Clubs — Reform, Grosvenor (Chester). Livery — Dark green coat ivith a canary-coloured collar. Armorial bearings used are for Arms: Vert, three eagles displayed in fesse or; zuith the Motto, " E^tyr eryrod eyri." Of course, until they are granted to him in pursuance of a Royal License, Colonel Elvans-Lloyd can have no ri^ht to any Lloyd arms whatso- ever, but he has assumed the foregoing — -ivhich are, of course, those of Owen Gzvynnedd, King of North Wales — as being those of his mother's family, but as a matter of fact the Lloyds of Plasyntre had never established any legal right to them. Married, December 12, 1862, Agnes, daughter of Robert Broivne of 103 Gloucester Place, Portman Square, and formerly of Falkirk. Estates — Plasyndre and Moely- garnedd, in the county of Merioneth. Postal address — Moelygarnedd, Bala, North Wales {in winter, Stanley House, Chester). HENRY EVANS-LOMBE, Esq., J. P. for Norfolk and Suffolk, B.A. (Cantab.). Born 1819, being the eldest son of the late Rev. Henry Lombe, J. P., of Bylaugh Park, by Sophia, dau. of the late Thomas Cubitt of Honing Hall, Norfolk. Armorial bearings — Azure, two combs in fesse between a broken tilting-spear barways or, one piece in chief, the head towards the dexter, the other half in base, a canton argent. Mantling azure and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, two tilting-spears in saltire or, each having a small pennon gules. Motto — " Justitia; tenax." Married, 1849, Louisa, dau. of the late Thomas Browne Evans ; and has, with other Issue — Edward Henry Evans -Lombe, Esq., J. P. and D. L. , b. 1861 \in., 1886, Albinia Harriet, seconnd dau. of Alexander S. Leslie-Mel- ville, Esq.; and has Issue — Two daus. Seats — Bylaugh Park, East Dereham ; Melton Hall, Wymondham. EVELYN, quartered by FOLJAMBE. EVERARD. quartered by GREEN. CHARLES EDWARD EVERY- HALSTED, Es- quire, Justice of the Peace for the County Palatine of Lan- caster, Major 3rd Battalion King's Own Royal Lancaster Regiment. Born 1857, being the youngest and of his aBt)ecg=!pal0teti second marriage the only surviving son of tlie late Lieu- tenant-Colonel Evcry-Clayton of Rowley, Burnley, in the 3 is tbe Naval Cockade. CtDa county of Lancaster, Justice of the Peace and Deputy- Lieutenant, by his second wife EHza Halsted, daughter of the late R. Holgate ; and assumed the surname of Every- Halsted in lieu of his patronymic, and the arms of Halsted quarterly with those of Every, by Royal License in the year 1891. 67///^5— Conservative, Raleigh. Livery — Dark green. Annorial bearing's — He bears for Arms : Quarterly i and 4, gules an eagle disjjlayed ermine, beaked and membered or, a chief chequy of the last and azure (for Halsted) ; 2 and 3 erminois, two chcvronels azure between two others gules (for Every) ; and for his Crests, i. out of a mural crown chequy or and azure, a demi-eagle displayed ermine, beaked gold (for Halsted) ; 2. a demi-unicorn argent, gutt^e-de- sang and crined or (for Every). Afarried, March 15, 1892, Lucy Clare, second daughter of the late I^ieutenant-Colonel Dallas of Knill Court, in the county of Hereford ; and has /wKt— Evelyn Stella. Estate— Rowley, Burnley, in the county of Lancaster. Postal address— Ma\ns\.onti Court, Ledbury, Herefordrhire. MGknkral .Sir JOHN ALEXANDER EWART, %Sf K.C.B. (1887); h.as the French Legion of Honour! the Turkish Order of the Medjidic, and the Picamontese medal for valour; J. P. for the cos. of Dumfries and Staf- ford, and Col. of the Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders. He served throughout the siege of Sebiistopol, was present at the battles of Alma, Balaclava, and Inkerman, and at both assaults ; was engaged in the suppression of the Indian Mutiny in 1857; received two sword-cuts at the Relief of Lucknow, and lost an arm by a cannon-shot at Cawnpore; was Lieut.-Col. both in the 78th and 93rd Highlanders, and subsequently Col. of the 92nd Gordon Highlanders; was A.D.C. to the Queen from 1859 to 1872, and conunanded a division in India from 1877 to i88o. Horn June 11, 1821, lx;ing the third but eldest surviving son and heir male of Lieut. -Gen. John I-'rederick Ewart, C.B., by his wife Lavinia Isabella, eldest dau. of Rear-Admiral Sir ( :harles Brisbane, K.C. B. , of Brisbane, Ayrshire. Clubs —United Service, Conservative (Edinburgh). Livery— Higiiland, with kilt. Armorial bearings— Or, a sword in fosse surmounted by two others in saltire, points upward proper, hilled gules, in chief a heart, and in base a dexter hand erect, both of the last, the escutcheon l)eing sur- rounded by the ribbon and pendent the star of a K.C.B. (Mil.). Mantling gules and argent. Crest— On a wreath of the liveries, a dexter gauntlet fesseways, holding a sword erect, enliied with a heart distilling blood gules. Motto — "Abest timor." Married. Nov. 16, 1B58, Frances, eldest dau. and co-heiress of John Spencer Stone, Esq., of Calling- wood Hall, CO. .Stafford; and has had Lssiie—(i) John Spencer Ewart, Esq., Capt. Cameron Highlanders, h. March 22, 1861 [;;;., Dec. 26, 1891, Frances, dau. of Major Piatt of Dunallan, co. Stirling, and has issue, a dau., Marion Frances]; (2) Arthur VVartensleben Ewart, Esq., Com- mander R.N., (^. Dec. 23, 1862; (3) Walter Douglas Ewart, Esci., Capt. Cameron Highlanders, b. April 20, 1865 [;//., 1898, Effie, dau. of Christopher Moller of New York]; (4) Ronald Adrian Mackenzie Ewart, Esq., Lieut. Royal Highlanders, the Black Watch, b. Oct. 24, 1869; and Frances Lavinia, b. 1859, (/. Aug. 17, 1881. Kstales— Craigcleuch, Langholm, Dumfriesshire, Scotland. ROBERT EWING, Esquire, Justice of the Peace and Member of the Council for the county of Hertford. Born March 26, 1842, being the eldest son of the late Alex- ander Ewing, Esc|uire, Justice of the Peace, Captain Queen's Own Glasgow and Lower Ward of Lanarkshire Yeomanry Cavalry, by his wife Maria, daughter of Robert Macaulay, in the county of Antrim, Ireland. Clubs— Oriental, City of London, '.Magistrates', Western (Glasgow). AmvT— Blue and silver. Annorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Quarterly i and 4, argent a chevron embattled azure, ensigned with a banner gules, charged with a canton of the second thereon a saltire of the tirst all between two mullets in chief and the sun in his splendour in base of the third, a bordure of the second (for Ewing) ; 2 and 3 argent, a bend gules between three bunting birds proper (for Bontine). Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befit- ting his degree, with a mantling gules, doubled argent ; and issuing from a wreath of his liveries is set for Crest, a demi-lion rampant holding in the dexter fore-paw a mullet gules ; and in an escroll over the same this MottO, "Audaciter." Married, December 14, 1880, Elizabeth Agnew, daughter of John Macaulay, Esquire, Deputy- OBpt 283 Lieutenant, Justice of the Peace, of Red Hall, in the county of Antrim, Ireland; and has Issue— Un Alastair Ewing. Gent eman, born October 26, 1881. Estate— burton Grange. Cheshunt, in the county of Hertford. Postal address— Burton Grange, Cheshunt, Herts. FREDERICK JAMES EYRE, Gentleman. Bor>i Oct. 16, 1872, being the second son of the late Thomas Eyre, a retired army ofticer [natural son of Brigadier-GeneralThomas l-.yre, who was the third son of Richard ICyre, Esq., Member of the Irish House of Commons, and the nephew of John, Lord Eyre of Eyrecourt], of 33 Clarendon Road, St. Heliers, Jersey, and the only child by his second wife Elizabeth Mary, daughter of the late Reverend Tliomas Jarvis, of St. Hellers. Annorial bearings— Argent, on a chevron ( j^REG! 3^P£,piPATRlA 3E/1PER sable, three quatrefoils or, in chief a mullet gules (for ca- dency), and (for distinction) the whole within a bordure wavy vert. Mantling sable and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a leg in armour couped at the thigh proper, garnished and spurred gold, charged with a mullet as in the arms (for cadency), and debruised (for distinction) with a baton sinister sable. Motto — " I'ro Rege saspe, pro patria semper." Married, April 30, 1890, Mary King, dau. of Edward Robert Simpson of Imley Park, S. Australia; and has Issue — Marjorie Adelaide. Postal addresses — gS O'Connell Street, North Adelaide; Gower Street, North Adelaide, South Australia. WILLIAM GREGORY EYRE, eldest son of the late John Eyre, Esq., J. P., of Eyrecourt, by Eleanor, dau. of Hubert Butler Moore of Shannon View, co. Galvvay. Ar- morial bearings — .\rgent, on a chevron sable, three quatre- foils or. Mantling sable and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a leg in armour couped at the thigh proper, garnished and spurred or. Motto — " Pro The Editor undertakes that every entry not in italics is that of a genuinely armigerous person. 284 (B^t (!Bpt Rege sit'pe, pro pallia semper.' Ballinasluc. Seaf — I'2yrecourt Castle, Stanford Place, Evesham. P'aringdon, Herks ; Salford Hall, near CAROLINE ISABEL EYRES, Widow, daughter of Edward Sharp, of Gilstead Hall, IJingley, (tZf\t»c(i i" the county of York. Armorial bearings ViU^tvSJ ;^,-e^ upon a lozenge : tjuarterly i and 4, sable on a chevron nebulise, plain cotised, between three cinquefoils or, as many woolpacks proper (for Eyres) ; 2 and 3 per fesse argent and or, a fesse chequy gules, and of the first, in chief a lion rampant between two crosses pattt-e of the tliird (for Kettlewell). Married, October 20, 1880, Henry William Eyres of Dumbleton Hall, in the county of Gloucester, who died April 6, 188 1 ; leaving Issue — Caroline Mary Sybil. Seat — Dumbleton Hall, Evesham, in the county of Glou- cester. GEORGE BASIL EYSTON, Gentleman. Horn Jan. 26 1820, being the second son of the late Charles Eyston JOHN JOSEPH EYSTON. Esquire, J. P. Born March 15, 1867, being the second son of Charles John Eyston, Esq., J. P., by liis wife Agnes Mary, fifth dau. of Michael Henry Blount of Maple Durham, Oxon. Club — St. George's. Armorial bearings — Sable, three lions rampant or. Married, Oct. 15, 1890, Elizabeth, only dau. of George Dunn of Bath House, Newcastle-on-Tyne. Seat — Hendred House, Steventon, Berks. ADAM EYTON, Esquire, J. P. fur the eo. of Flint, Born 1824, being tlie only surviving son of John Prys F.yton, Esc]., J. P., of Llanerchymor, and Maria, only child of William Adams of Robuck, cu. Cava?i. Livery — Chocolate, and red waistcoat. Armorial bearings as used, but for of East Hendred Barks, J. P. and D.L. , and Maria Teresa, only surviving dau. of Thomas Peter Metcalfe. Club — Retorm. Livery — Brown. Armorial bearings — Sable, three lions rampant or, impaling tlie arms of Whitgreaves namely azure, on a cross quarterly pierced or, four chevron, gules, and as an honourable augmentaiion a chief argent, thereon a rose gules, irradiated gold, within a wreath of oak i^roper. Married, Feb. 27, 1851, Maria Theresa, third dau. of George Thomas Wiiitegreave, Esq., of Moseley Court, Staffordshire, J. P. and D.L. ; and has Issue — Francis Thomas Eyston, Gentleman, b. April 30, 1853 \in. Miss Vavasour, June 17, 1880, and d.s.p. Dec. 1888] ; Maria Constantia, d.s.p. Feb. 23, 1874 ; Mary Margaret [/«. Riciiard Stephen Watton Teevnn, and d. Alarch 13, 1888, leaving issue, two daughters). Seats — Tvhich no authority has as yet been officially proved or recorded, are for Arms — Ermine, a lion rampant gules. Crest — A demi-lion rampant, holding between the paivs a ducal coronet all or. Motto — " /'j/ nuzu fy ngueing the only son of the late Sir Peter Fairliairn, Knight Bachelor, by his wife Margaret, daughter Kennedy of Glasgow ; created Knight Bachelor by Patent, 1868. C/z/Af— United University, Reform, Marl- borough, Brooks's, and St. James's, /./rw)'— White coat with scarlet edgings and facings, scarlet waistcoat, scarlet phish knee-breeches, and claret colour overcoat with scarlet facings. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : .Argent, on a chevron between three boars' heads couped gules, as many bezants or, impaling the arms of Loraine, namely argent, five lozenges conjoined in pale azure, in the de.xter chief point an escutcheon of the last. Above the shield is placed a helmet befitting his degiee, with a mantling gules, doubled argent ; and upon a wreath of his liveries is set for Crest, a de.xter hand holding the worm of a lever screw in b^-nd all proper, and on an escroll over the same this Motto, " Ne cede arduis." Married, November 6, 1862, Clara Frederica, youngest daughter of the late Sir John Lambton Loraine, Baronet. Estates — Askham Grange, in the county of York ; Villa Trois Fontaines, Biarritz, in the Republic of France. Postal addresses — .■\skham Grange, York ; 47 Brook Street, S. W. HUGH CHARLES FAIRFAX-CHOLMELEY, Gentle- man. Born 1864, being jrairfar^Cfiolmelep 'j^^omafchTnes .SrLt Cholmeley, Esquire, Cap- tain Royal Navy, by his wife Rosalie .St. Quintin, daughter of Strickland of Sans Souci, Posilipo, Naples ; and assumed by Royal License, 1886, the additional surname o* Fairfax. Armorial bearings— Ha bears for Arms : Gules, two helmets in chief proper, garnished or, in base a garb of the last. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a denii-griffin segreant s\^ Hall, Bletchley. M Sir WILLIAM FARMER, Knight Bachelor, one of S» Her Majesty's Lieutenants for the City of London. Born 1832, being the son of the late Samuel Farmer of Moor Hall, in the county of Worcester, bv his wife Eliza- beth, daughter of Thomas White ; dubbed Knight Bachelor, 1891. Clubs — Constitutional. City Carlton. Livery — Dark The Editor undertakes tbat every entry not in italics is that of a genuinely armigerous person jrar jFat green. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Per chevron dovi-tailed g'.'.los and argent, in chief two lions' heads erased of llio last, and in base a salamander in flames proper, and impaling the arms of Perkins, namely erminois, an eagle displayed, in cliief an escallop between two fleurs- de-lis, and in base a fleur-de-lis between two escallops all azure. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet betitting his degree, with a mantling gules and argent ; and for the Crest, on a wreath of the colours, upon a mount vert, an antelope argent, sem^e of estoiles sable, armed and unguled or, resting the dexter forefoot upon a fountain proper ; with the Motto, "Agendo honeste." Married, January 26, 1864, Martha I'erkins, daughter of the late Thomas Perkins of Droitwich, in the county of Worcester ; and has /w/zf — William Alfred Farmer, Esquire, born January i, 1868; Martha Amy ; Alice Maud ; and Madeline. Postal address — Ascot Place, Berks. WILLIAM TANNER FARNCOMBE - TANNER. Born March i, i860, being the eldest son of William Farn- combe of Montpellier Villa, Worthing, by his wife Phili- delphia, dau. of William Tanner, Esq., J, P., D. L. , late of Patcham, Brighton, Sussex; assumed additional name and the arms of Tanner in 1881, by Royal Licence. Lively — Dark blue. Armorial bearings— Sable, three piles argent. two issuant from the chief and one from the base, each charged with a Moor's head in profile couped at the shoulder proper, wreathed about the temples of the second and gules. Mantling sable and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a Moor's head as in the arms, between two trefoils slipped vert. Seats — Fishers, Wakes Colne, Hal- stead ; More House, Wivelsfield, Burgess Hill, Sussex. Admiral Sir ARTHUR FARQUHAR, Knight Com- mander of the Most Honourable Order ffs11*rtf tflfll* oftheBath. /yo;'« 1815, being the only son jrCll'lJ[UUaV of Rear-Admiral Sir Arthur Farquhar, Knight Commander of the Most Honour- able Order of the Bath, Knight Commanderof the Hanoverian Guelphic Order, Knight Commander of the Sword of Sweden , by his wife Jane, daughter of James Murray of Campvere ; created Knight Commander of the Most Honourable Order oftheBath, 1886. Club — United Service. Livery — Claret colour. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arm's : Or, a lion rampant sable, supporting a sword erect proper, the blade encircled by a wreath of laurel also proper, between three sinister hands couped gules, a chief wavy azure, thereon out of waves of the sea a representation of a fortified town of the third, and above the word "Gluckstadt" in letters of gold, the escutcheon being surrounded by the ribbon of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, and pendent his badge as a Knight Commander. Upon the & is the Military Cockade. escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling sable and or ; and for his Crest, out of a naval crown or, a sword as in the arms, and a flag flowing to- wards the sinister in saltire azure, inscribed with the word "Acheron" in letters of gold, surmounted by a dexter hand issuant gules; with the Motto, " Sto cado fide et armis." Married, 1851, Ellen, daughter of Philip Rickman ; and has Issue — (i) Arthur Murray Farquhar, Esquire, Commander in the Royal Navy, born 1855; (2) Richard Bowles Farquhar, Esquire, Lieutenant in the Royal Navy, born 1859 ; (3) William Rickman Farquhar, Esquire, born i860; (4) Moubray Gore Farquhar, Esquire, born 1862 ; (s) Albert Farquhar, Esquire, born 1864 ; (6) Stuart St. John Farquhar, Esquire, born 1865 ; (7) Charles Gordon Darroch Farquhar, Esquire, born 1867 ; (8) James Brooke Farquhar, Esquire, born 1868 ; (9) Hobart Brooks Farquhar, Esquire, born 1874 ; Ellen Philippa ; Mary (deceased) ; Jane Gertrude ; Adeline ; and Alice. Estate and postal address — Drumnagesk, Aboyne, N.B. ANDREW FARQUHARSON, Esquire, of White- house, in the county of Aberdee?:, ^^V(\\\\\i\Vfit\Y\ J^i^^'^ce of the Peace ; younger but Jl UA lj[l4(J(lVA">ll( Qfiiy surviving son of the late Patrick Farquharson, Esqtdre, of Whitehouse, in the county of Aberdeen, fust ice of the Peace, by his wife Marjory, only daughter of William Stewart of Lessmurdie, in the county of Banff; succeeded his father, February 20, 1885. Armorial bearings as given in Burke's '''' Latided Gentry," but lohich are not matriculated in Lyon Register, are for Arms : Quarterly i and 4, or a lion ram- pant gules ; 2 and 3 argent, a fir-tree fructed, growing out of a inount in base proper, on a chief gules the Royal banner of Scotland displayed a canton of thefield, charged xvith a dagger also proper, point downwards. Crest — A demi-lion rain- pant, holding in the dexter paw a sword erect proper, pommel and hilt or. Mottoes (over the crest) — " Cam na Ciiimhne," " The cairn of remembrance ;" [under the arms) '' I force naefrien, I fear nae fae." Seat — Whitehouse, in the county of Aberdeen. GEORGE FARQUHARSON (formerly George Young Leslie) of Whitehouse, co. Aberdeen. Born 1846, second son of the late George Abercromby Young Leslie, 131)1 Laird of Kininnie, Banffshire, by his wife Barl)ara, dau. of S is the Naval Cockade. JTar JFat 289 eneral William Stewart, C.B., of Lesmurdie, Banffshire [and succeeded his cousin the late Andrew Farquharson in 1896, when he assumed by special licence the name and arms of I'arciuharson of Whitehouse. C'//c(i — Oriental Armorial bearings — Quarterly i and 4, argent a liori rampant gules ; 2 and 3 or, a fir tree growing out of a mount in Ixise proper, on a chief gules, the banner of Scotland displayed, a canton ermine, charged with a dagger projier point downwards. Mantling: giiles doubled argent ; and upon a wreath of his liveries is set for Crest a demi-lion rampant gules, holding in his dexter paw a sword erect proper, hilted and pommelled or; and in an escroll alxjve this Motto, " Fide et fortitudine ; " and below the shield, "I force nae frien ; I fear nae fae." Seat Whitehouse, co. Aberdeen. HF.NRY RICHARD FARQUHARSON, Member of Parliament for the Western Division of the coiintv of Dorset. Horn Afav 1857, beinir the son of the late Henry j'. Farquhar- son, by his wife Fanny Marcia, daus^httr of the Re-oerend J Ward of VVhippini^ham, Isle of lVi_^ht. Cluhs—Arthz/r's A/arlboro/zsrh, St. Stephen's, Kennel. Armorial bearings as j^i-r.'en in Debretfs " House of Commons," but to lohich he has no right, are for ktrOB : Quarterly i and 4, or a lion rampant gules ; 2 and 3 argent, a fig-tree fnic ted ^rmoim; out of a mount in base proper, on a chief gules the Royal banner of Scotland displayed a canton of the field, chaiged with a dagger also proper, point downwards. Crest— ^4 demi-lion rampant gules, holding in the dexter paw a s^uord erect proper, pommel and hilt or. Motto— " Fide et forti- tudine." .Married, 1878, Constance, daughter of fatnes John Farquharson of I.angton House, Blandford. Residence— F.astbury Park, Blandford. MARIA OGILVIF FARQUHARSON, Spinster, eldest daughter and heiress of the late Rr.ljert Francis Ogilvie i'arquharson of Haugliton, l)y his first wife Mary S., younger daughter of the late General Sir Alexander Leillii Knight Commander of the Most Honourable Order of the Hath, of Fn-i'fifld and Glenkindie, in the county of Aber- deen. Armorial bearings are, upon a lozenge : 'Quarterly, I. or, a lion rampant gules, armed and langued azure (for Fartiuharson) ; 2. and 3. azure, a bezant Ijetween three garbs or (for Gumming) ; 4. argent, a Scotch fir-tree growing out of a mount proper (also for Farquharson). ^Estate and postal address — Haughton, Alford, Aberdeenshire. The Very Rer: FREDERIC WIf.UAM FARRAR, late Fellinu of Trinity College, Cambridge, Master of Marl- borough College, Canon and Archdeacon of Westminster, Chaplain to the House of Commons (1890), D.D., F.R.S., Dean of Canterbury, Deputy-Clerk of the Closet to the Queen. Born 1831, being' the second son of Re-,'. C. J. Farrar, Vicar of Sidcup, and of Caroline, dau. oj C. Turner of Aylesbury. C\\ih—A thenrrum. Armorial bearingps as used, but for which no authority has been estab- lished, are fir Arms: .Irgent, on a bend engrailed sable, three horse-shoes of the field. Crest—,-/ horse-shoe betii'een t^vo wiuiis. Motto — " Ferre vaferme." These arms were con- firmed and granted in 1609 to John Farrer of Croxton, co. Lines., from whom Dean Farrar has established no descent. Married, Aug. i, i860, Lucy Maiy, youngest dau. of the late Frederick Carden, Esq., of the Indian Civil Sendee; and has Issue— (i) Dr. Reginald Anstruther Farrar, M.A., M.D., Vale House, Stamford,- (2) Rev. Eric Maurice Farrar, ALA., St. Thomas's Vicarage, Coventry; (3) Cyril Lytton Farrar (deceased) ; (4) Frederic Percival Farrar, P. ./. , /JoT'sse azure, three lozenges or ; 2 and 3 or, a lion rampant gules, ducally crowned azure, over all in chief a crescent for difference. The whole encircled by the ribbon of the Most Honourable Order of the Rath and the wreath of laurel, as is usual with Knights of the Military Division of the said Order, and impaling upon a second escutcheon the arms of Thynne, namely, quarterly i and 4, barry of ten or and 3 is tlie Naval Cockade. ifel JFel 291 (for Botteville) ; 2 and 3 argent, a lion rampant tail nowed and erect gules (for Tliynne). Above the escutcheon IS placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantlin" azure and or ; and for his Crests, on tlie dexter side on a wreath of the colours, a palm-tree with weights suspended to Its branches, all proper ; and on th.; sinister side, on a wreath of the colours, a nuthatch with a hazel-branch fructed, all proper; the whole achievement upon the Austrian eagle displayed sable, and surmounted by the can of his rank as a Count of the Holy Roman Empire • and for his Mottoes, " Crescit sub pondere virtus," " Vi'rtutis pr.Emmm honor." {The right to the second and third 1849, being the son of James Fellowes, Esq., of Kingston House, Dorset, J. P. and D.L., High Sheriff 1859, by his wife Gertrude Charlotte, daii. of Nathaniel Micklethwaite of laverham Hall, Norfolk. 67//^ - Oxford and Cambridge. Armorial bearings— Azure, a fesse dancettce ermine be- tween three lions' heads erased or, niurally crowned argent ; and impaling the arms of Walrond, namely argent, three bulls' heads caboshed sable, armed or. Mantling azure and argent ; and for his Crest upon a wreath of the colours, a lion's head erased and crowned as in the arms, charged with a fesse dancettce ermine. Motto — " Fatientia et per- severantia cum magnanimitate." Married, July 29, 1875, qiiarterings and to the Austrian eagle has not yet been form- ally established in the College of Anns, and the engraving was executed under the mistaken supposition that it u>as, though the Editor understands it is capable of proof ] Married, April 29, 1862, Louisa Isaliella Harriet, commonly known as Lady Louisa Isabella Harriet, only daughter of the Most Honour- able Henry I'rederick Thynne, third Marquess of Bath ; and has Issue — (1) Geoffrey Feilding, Esquire, born Septemter 21, 1866; (2) Percy Henry Feilding, Esquire, born December 23, 1867; Alice Augusta; Louisa Mary; Grace Darling; and Margaret .Agnes. Estate — West Hill, Fitchfield, in the county of Southampton. Postal address — 23 Prince's Gate, London, W. JAMES HERBERT FELLOWES, Esq., J. P., High Sheriff 1892, M..^. (Cambridge), Barrister-at-Law. Born Edith Isabel, dau. of -Sir John Walrond Walrond, ist Bart., of Bradtleld ; and has, with three daus. , a son, Henry .Arthur Fellowes, Gentleman, h. 1884. .S'tv;/— Kingston House, near Dorchester. Toivn residence— j,^ Pont Street, S.W. JAMES ISRAEL FELLOWS, E.squire, Justice of the Peace for the City and County of Saint John, fTpJf nVtltf '" '^^ Province of New Brunswick, Canada, J I l^((UUip Agent-General for New Brunswick in Groat Britain. Born July 30, 1828, only son of Israel Fellows, by Ann his wife, daughter of James Hall, Justice of the Peace. C////'.!— Junior Carlton, Roval London Yacht. Armorial bearings— He bears for Anns : Party per fesse or and azure, in chief two reindeers' lieads erased proper and in base, on the base thereof barry wavy of four argent, and of the second an ancient ship of three masts The Editor undertakes that every entry not in italics is that of a genuinely armigerous person. 2<): JTen JTen sails furled also jiroper. Upon the escutcheon is placed a hchnet befitting his degree, with a niaiUling azure and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, in front of a lion's head erased proper, crowned with a vallery coronet, and holding in the mouth the attire of a reindeer, three lozenges conjoined or; with th<- Motto, " l-'ac et spera." .\farriid, August 21, 1871, Jane Hamlin, daughter of James R. Crane of Saint John, New Brunswick ; and has Issue — Ernest Gadesden Fellows, Gentleman ; Mary Parte- low ; and Lorna. Estates — Glenera and other property in Saint John, New Brunswick ; and Saxon Hall, Palace Court, London. Residence — Saxon Hall, Palace Court, Bays water. Postal address — 56 Holborn Viaduct, E.G., London. Tele- graph addresses — Poquenox, London ; Fellows, London. FENTON, quartered by PRIC:KETT. J.AMES FENTON, Esquire, Fellow of the Society of Antiquaries, of Button Manor, Ribchester, frpnt"nt1 '" ''^^ county of Lancaster, Justice of the Jl vllVl^ll Peace for the counties of Lancaster and Gloucester (High Sheriff 1869), Master of Arts of the University of Cambridge, Barrister-at-Law, Lord of the Manors of Bailey, Dutton and Ribchester. Horn April i, 1818, being the elder son of the late James Fenton, Esquire, of Bamford Hall, Rochdale, Justice of the Peace for the County Palatine of Lancaster, by his wife Sarah, daughter of John Wood Haslehurst of Maccles- field. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Per pale argent and saljle, a cross dovetailed, in the first and fourth quarters a fleur-de-lis, and in the second and third a trefoil slipped all counterchanged. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet l^efitting his degree, with a mantling sable and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a Heur-de-lis sable, in front of two arrows in saltire or, barted and flighted argent. Motto— " Je suis prest." Married, April 23, 1843, Helen, eldest daughter of Thomas Greenall of Grappenhall Hall, in the county of Chester, and niece of Sir Gilbert Greenall, Member of Parliament ; and has Issue — (i) James Fenton, Gentleman, born June 12, 1845, died July 15, 1859 ; (2) Thomas Gilbert Fenton, Gentleman, born Decemljer 31, 1846, died January 1847 ; (3) Joseph James Fenton, Gentleman, died an infant ; (4) the Reverend All)ert Edward Fenton, Clerk in Holy Orders, born Janu- ary 18, 1852 [married, August 25, 1887, Mary Emilie Salis- bury, eldest daughter of the late Reverend .Augustus Conway, Rector of Todmorden, in the countv of "York, ^ is the Military Cockade. and has issue]; (5) Richard Kay Fenton, Gentleman, bom March 2, 1853 | married, April 19, 1894, Ella Mary, daughter of the late Rev. H. VVilliams, Vicar of Risca, co. Mon- mouth, and has issue]; (6) Henry Banning Fenton, (Jentle- man, born February 8, 1865 [married, and has issue] ; Sarah Helen [married the Reverend Edward Wigg-Gilbert, Vicar of Royton, Oldham, in the county of Lancaster, and has issue] ; Annie Isabella [married William Jones, Esquire, of lE-SVlSrPRESTM Glandenys, Lampeter, in the county of Cardigan, Justice of the Peace and Deputy-Lieutenant, High Sheriff i860. Justice of the Peace for the county of Carmarthen] ; Alma Mary [married, December 9, 1885, Jonathan P'ormby, Barrister- at-Law] ; Beatrice: Eliza [married, April 11, 1887, William Davy, Esquire, of Tracy Park, Bath, Master of Arts, Justice of the Peace, Barrister-at-Law] ; and Gertrude. Seats — I^utlon Manor, Longridge, Preston ; and Clegg Hall, Rochdale. M Sir MYLES EEIVTON, Knight Bachelor, Justice of ® the Peace, Lieutenant-Colonel Engineer and Railway Vohaiteer Staff Corps. Born September 5, 1830, being the second hut eldest surz'iving son of Myles Eenton, by his wife Elizabeth, daughter of Thomas Garnet. Club — Junior Carlton. Livery — Brtmni. Armorial bearings (Zf used, hut for which no authority has been established, a>v for Arms : Ermine, a cross voided hetiveen four Jlcurs-de-lis azure. Crest — Out of an Eastern coronet, an arm in armour holding a sroord, the arm charged with two fleurs-de-lis azure'. Motto — " I'irtute et fide vinco." Married, Sep- tember 8, 1883, Charlotte Jane, daughter of John Oakes, and 'loidirw of J. Collins. Estate and postal address — Ridge Green, South Nutfield, Surrey. JOHN NIGEL EDENSOR FENTON - LIVING- STONE, Esquire, Jus- tice of the Peace, late Lieutenant Royal High- landers, "The Black Watch," third but eldest surviving son of the late Thomas Livingstone Fenton- Livingstone, Esquire, of Westciuarter (who succeeded his grand-uncle 1853, and assimied the addi- tional surname of Livingstone), by his wife Cliristian Mar- ^1 is tbe Naval Cockade. jFenton^Lit)ingj0ftone JTet 293 JTentoick garet, only daughter and heiress of William Waddell, Esc|uire, Depuiy-Lieutcnant, of Easter Moffat, in the county of I ^a nark. Axmorlal bearings — He Ijears for Arms : Quarterly 1 and 4, argent, three cinquefoils gules, within a double tressure fiory and counterflory vert ; 2 and 3 sable, a bend tetween six billets or, all wiihin a bordure quanered or and gules. Upon the escutcheon is placed a hehnet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules doubled argent ; and upon a wreath of his liveries is set for Crest, a demi-savage, wreathed round the head and middle with laurel leaves, hold- ing in his dexter hand a baton erect, and in his sinister a serpent entwined round the arm all proper. Motto — " Si je puis." Married, February 15, 1892, Eliua, only daughter and heiress of Allan McDougall of Ardincaple, in the county of Argyll, by his wife Elizabeth Ann Penny, second daughter of Lord Kinloch, Judge of the Court of Session ; and has Issue — William Nigel Fenton-Livingstone, Gentleman, born January 12, 1893. Seats — Westquarter, near Falkirk ; and Bedlormie, in the county of Linlithgow. FENTOUN, Viscount, see MAR anij KELLY. ^^Vkc-Admira. WIIJ.IAM HENRY FEN WICK. Born July 31, 1827, being the sixth son of the Neverend Colling7vood Forster Fenivick, by Elisabeth his wife, daughter of Admiral Christie if Baberton. Livery — Claret colour coat and trousers, 7uaistcoat white and red striped, silver buttons. Armorial bearings as used, but for which no authority has been established in the College of Arms, are for Arms : Per fesse gules and argent, six martlets counter- changed. Crest — A Phanix on flames proper, gorged with a mural cro7vn. Mottoes — '^ Toujcfurs loyal," " Resur- gam," and " Vivit ut Tivat." Married, yfrj/Zy, October 6, 1850, Jane Donaldson, daughter of Captain R. .S. Tinklat , of the Royal Marines ; secondly, l-'ehruaty 9, 1891, Mary Anne, daughter of Colonel Godley, of the Honourable East India Company's Service ; and has Issue — William Fen- wick, born February 5, 1861 ; Rosa Eden Abinger Maclean ; Jane Phillipps-Wolley ; and Ij)uisa Langley Flux. Estate — Property in London. Festal addresses — 7 St. Albans Road ; I Kensington Palace, W. § GEORGE ARTHUR FERGUSON. Esquire, Justice of the Peace and Deputy-Li(mtenant. Horn March 17, 1836, being the son of the late .Admiral George Ferguson of Pitfour, by his wife Elizalxith Jane, commonly known as the Honourable I'.lizabeth Jane, daughter of the Right Honour- able Lord Langford. Armorial bearings — He tiears for Arms: .\zure, a buckle argent, between three boars' heads couped or, within a bordure of the second, and impaling the arms of Hood, namely azure, a fret argent, on a chief or, three crescents sable. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules, doubled argent ; and upon a wreath of his liveries is set for Crest, a crescent or, rising from a cloud proper. Motto — " Virtute." Mar- ried, February 7, i86i, Nina Maria, commonly known as the Honourable Nina Maria, Meml)er of the Royal Order of Victoria and .Mbert, Bedchamber Woman to the Queen, eldest daughter of the Right Honourable .Alexander Hood, first Viscount Bridport ; and has Issue — (i) .Arthur George Ferguson, Escjuire, Captain 2nd Battalion Rifle Brigade, born June 22, 1862; (2) Francis William Ferguson, Gentle- man, Ijorn July 29, 1863 ; (3) the Reverend Edwin .Augustus Ferguson, Curate of Shrivenham, in the county of Berkshire, born September 24, 1864 ; (4) Charles .Alexander Ferguson, Gentleman, born October 21, 1873 ; I'.dith Rosa ; and Mary Georgiana. Seat — Pitfour, near Mintlaw, North Britain. Town residence — 15 Granville Place, W. §WILLLAM FERGUSON, Esquire, D.L. and J. P. for the county of Al)erdeen, LL.D. (.Aberdeen Univ.). Born Dec. 21, 1823, being the third but eldest surviving son of James Ferguson of Kinmundy, and Emilia, dau. of Rev. Robert Chalmers. C/«*j - Scottish Conservative (Edinburgh), Royal Northern (Alx;rdeen), Conservative (Aberdeen), Unionist (.Aberdeen). Armorial bearings — -Azure, a buckle argent, Iwtwixt three boars' heads couped or, within a bordure embattled of the third. On a helmet l>;titting his degree. Mantled gules, and doubling argent ; and on a torse of his colours is set for his Crest, a ilexter hand issuing from a cloud gnisping a broken spear in bend proper. The MottO, in an escroll, " Arte et animo." Married, July 22, 1856, Eliza, dau. of Andrew Williamson of Ayr, N.B. ; and has Issue — (1) James Ferguson, Gentle- man, b. July 28, 1857 [w., March 25, 1885, Georgina Anne, dau. of Capt. John De Courcy -Agnew, R.N., and has issue, James Ferguson, Gentleman, b. Feb. 20, 1886; John De Courcy .Agnew Ferguson, Gentleman, b. March 2, 1887] ; (2) .Andrew Williamson Ferguson, Gentleman, b. Dec. 7, 1858, (/. Jan. I, 1864 ; and Agnes Adair. Estates — Kinmundy and Conach, Aberdeenshire. Postal address — Kinnmndy, Mintlaw, N.B. JOHN DANIEL FERGUSON-F.AWSITT, Esq., J. P. for E. Riding co. York, late Major York Militia. Born 1818, being the son of the late Rev. Daniel Ferguson, D.L., Patron of Walkington, by Margaret, only dau. and coheir of the late Thomas Booth of Killerby Hall and Warlaby, CO. York. Armorial bearings— Quarterly i and 4, or, a lion rampant pean debruised by a bendlet gobony argent and azure, between two bugle-horns stringed gules, and for distinction, in the centre chief point a cross crosslet azure (for Fawsitt) ; 2 and 3 azure, three buckles chevronways between as many boars' heads couped argent (for Ferguson) ; and upon an escutcheon of pretence the same arms of Fawsitt without the cross crosslet. Mantling sable and or ; and for his Crests, i. upon a wreath of the colours, a demi- lion pean supporting a pillar erect gules, thereon a bugle- horn or, stringed azure, the lion charged for distinction with a cross crosslet or (for F"awsitt) ; 2. upon a wreath of the colours, in front of a cubit arm proper, grasping a dagger erect also proper, pommel and hilt gold, a buckle argent ; over which the Motto, " Arte et marte ; " under the arms, " Doniinus providebit." Married, 1866, Anne Eliza, eldest daughter and co-heir of the late John Fawsitt of Hunsley, CO. York. 5fa/-^Walkington Hall, near Beverley. GEORGE JAMES FERGUSSON - BUCHANAN, Esquire, J. P. and D. L. , Capt. 3rd Batt. Scots Fusiliers, formerly .A. D.C. to the Government of Bombay [assumed 1890 the additional name of Buchanan on succeeding to .Auchentorlie]. Born April 27, 1862, being the only son of the late George Hermand Fergusson, by his second wife Georgina Grace, dau. of Archibald Buchanan of .Xuelien- torlie. Clubs — Windham, Wellington. Armorial bearings — Quarterly i and 4, or, a lion rampant sable, t>elween two otters' heads erased in chief proper and a cinquefoil in base of the second, within a double tressure flory counterHory of the last ; 2 and 3 azure, a buckle argent between three boars' heads couped or, within a bordure of the last. Crests — I. on a wreath of the liveries, a cubit arm erect proper, holding a sword also proper, hilled and pommelled or — Motto, " Dulcius ex asperis"; 2. on a wreath of the liveries, on a thistle leaved and flowered proper, a bee or^ Motto, " Ut prosim aliis." Married, Dec. 8, 1886, Grace, dau. of Claud H. Hamilton, J. P., of Barns, co. Dum- barton ; and has Issue — Noel Grace and .Avril Nora. Seat — Auchentorlie, Borling, N.B. SWILLI.AM FERRAND, Esquire, Justice of the Peace and Deputy-Lieutenant for the West Riding of the county of York, and a Justice of the Peace for Westmorland. Bom January 15, 1838, being the only surviving son of Johnson Atkinson Busfeild of Upwood, in the county of York, by his wife Mary F-lizalxith, daughter of John Priestley, Esquire, Captain 32nd Regiment ; and on be- coming the devisee of his paternal uncle, William Ferrand, late of St. Ives and Harden Grange (who died March 31, 1889), assumed by Royal License, March 18, 1890, the surname and arms of Ferrand, in lieu of Busfeild. Ar- morial bearings — He bears for Arms : .Argent, on a chief gules, two crosses flory vair, a cinquefoil azure, for diffe- rence, and impaling the arms of Orde-Powlett, namely sable, three swords in pile proper, pommels and hilts or, on a canton argent, an escutcheon of the field, charged with a salmon haurient proper. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a cubit arm vair, charged with a cinquefoil gules, in the hand a battle-axe proper. Motto ^ " Justus, propositi tenax." Married, firstly, April 19, 1865, Emily, youngest daughter of Alfred Harris, Esquire, of Oxton Hall, in the county of York, Justice of the Peace and Deputy- Lieutenant ; and by her (who died July 16, i38i) had Issue — (i) William Harris Ferrand, Es(|., J. P. W. R. co. York, late Lieutenant Yorkshire .Artillery Militia, born March 9, 1873 [married, June i, 1897, Constance, second daughter of The Editor undertakes tbat every entry not in italics is that of a genuinely armigerous person. 2i)4 jret jre Col. Hon. Augustus Murray Catlicartl ; (2) Guy Ferrand Kerrand. (lonllenian. born July 14, 1881 ; and ICnuly Mary [married, lune 15, 1887, Edward I'elly Wood- man], lit- married secondlv, September 26, 1883, Florence .Annie Letitia, eldest daughter of Amias Charles Orde- I'owlett, Esquire, conuiionly known as the Honourable Amias Charles Orde-Powlett of Thorney Hall, in the county of York ; and by her has — (3) Amias William Powlett lu-rrand, Gentleman, born April 7, 1887 ; (4) Stafford Hutert Ferrand, Gentleman, born March i, 1888 ; Florence Marjorie ; and Hermione Monica. Seafs — St. Ives ; Harden Grange, Bingley, in the county of York. S ALEXANDER WALTER FERRIER, Esquire, Lieutenant-Colonel Royal Artillery. Born irp1*t*tl^l* November 22, 1843, bein^ the third, bid only *'' '^VvivV survir-Carlton . Armorial bearings «t ,^'/Vears for Arms : Azure, on a chevron engrailed ermine, between three gryphons passant, with wings elevated or, a lion's head erased sable, between two magpies proper; and for a Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a gryphon segreant azure, bezantfe, the wings elevated or, holding between the paws an escocheon ermine, charged with a lion's head erased as in the arms; with the Motto, " Carpe diem." /tj/afe— Dollis Hill, Willesden. SSiK WILLIAM HAFFINGTON FINDLATER, Knight Bachelor (1897), J.P., D.L. co. Dublin,' M.P. CO. Monaghan 1880-85, President Incorporated Law Society of Ireland 1878. Born 1824, being the only son of the late William Findlater of Londonderry. Clubs — Devon- shire, Reform. Armorial bearings — Azure, a chevron between three estoiles in chief or, an eagle regardant, wings displayed in base proper. Crest — On a rock, an eagle re- gardant, wings displayed all proper, the heart and each wing charged with an estoile of the arms. MottO — "Sit inihi libertas." Married, firstly, Mary J., dau. of the late John Wolfe, Solicitor, Dublin ; and secondly, 1878, Marion, eld. dau. of the late Lt.-Col. Archibald Park, Bengal Army (and granddaii. of Mungo Park, the celebrated Afri- can traveller). Postal addresses — 22 Fitzwilliam Square, Dublin ; Fernside, Killinney, co. Dublin. JAMES FINDLAY of Easterhill, co. Lanark, Gentle- man. Born 1819, being the third and only surviving son of the late Rotert P'indlay, ICsquire, of Easterhill and Boturich, Justice of the Peace and Deputy-Lieutenant, by his wife Mary, eldest daughter of John Buchanan, Es(|uire, of Ardoch, in the county of Dumbarton, Vice- Lieutenant and Member of Parliament (1821-1826) for that county. ^ is the Military Cockade. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Argent, on a chevron between two roses in chief and a double-headed eagle displayed in base gules, two swords chevronways, [Joints downwards of the first, hilled and pommelled or. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules doubled argent ; and upon a wreath of the liveries is set for Crest, a boar passant argent. Motto—" Fortis in arduis." Married, firstly, 1851, Eleanor Sarah, third daughter of Sir Daniel Keyte Sandford, and sister of the Right Honourable the first Baron Sandford ; by whom he has Issue — Cecilia Mary Louisa [married, August 5, 1882, Walter Combermere Lee Floyd, Esquire, seventh son of Major-General Sir Henry Floyd, Baronet, and has issue]. He married secondly, I..ucy Anna de Car- donnel, second daughter of Colonel Greaves Elmsall of Woodlands, in the county of York ; by whom he has — Robert de Cardonnel Findlay, Gentleman, born April 26, 1868. Seat — Easterhill, Tollcross, in the county of Lanark. Residence — -Skellow Hall, Doncaster. § COLIN CAMPBELL FIN LA Y, Esquire, Justice oj the Peace and Deputy-Lieutenant , Master of iTttlf fltl ■^''^^ ^f if'^ University of Cambridge. Born Jfiiimj^ July J2, 1843, being the elder but only sur- viving son of the late Alexander Struthers Einlay, Esquire [fifth son of Kirkman Finlay, Member of Parliament for C,lasg07ii), Justice of the Peace and Deputy- Lieutenant, by his wife Marion, daughter of Colin Campbell of Colgraine, in the county of Dumbarton. Clubs — Union, New University. Armorial bearings as used, but which are Jiot matriculated to him in Lyon Register, are for Arms : Argent, on a chevron between three roses gules, ttuo sivords chei'ronways, points dcnomvards oJ the first, hilled or. Crest — A hand holding a dagger all proper. Motto — " /'// be wary." Seat — Castle Totvard, in the county of Argyll. SSiR ROBERT BANNATYNE FINLAY of Newton, CO. Nairn, Knight Bachelor, one of H.M. Counsel Learned in the Law, Solicitor-General, M.P. for Inverness Burghs, in Comn. of Peace, and D. L. co. Nairn. Born 1842, being the eldest son of William Findlay, F. R.C.P. , of St. Colme's, Trinity, near Edinburgh ; and was dubbed Knight Bachelor, 1895. Clubs — Brooks's, GaiTick. Ar- morial bearings — He bears for Arms : .Argent, on a chevron vert, between two roses in chief and a mullet in base gules, two swords points downwards of the held, hilted and pommelled or ; and impaling the arms of Innes, H is the Naval Cockade. Jfin jrir !99 namely argent, a chevron lietween three mullets azure. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling vert doubled argent ; and upon a wreath of his liveries is set for Crest, a hand holding a dagger proper; and in an escroll above, this Motto, " Fort is in arduis." Married, 1874, Mary, daughter of the late Cosmo Inncs, Advocate, of Edinburgh. Postal addresses — 31 Phillimroe Gardens, Kensington, W. ; Newton, Nairn, N.B. HENRY LESLIE FINNY, Gentleman, M.D., &c. Born , being the eldest son of the late Rev. Henry Maturin Finny, B.A., by his wife Agnes Amelia, dan. of the Rev. Edward Leslie, U.D. Armorial bearings— (^uar- Mantling azure and or. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a denii-lion rampant gules, gorged with an antic|ue Irisli crown, and holding in the dexter paw a fleam or. Motto — " Spes mea Deus." Postal address— VoiX-Ofaz^, Bombay. WILLIAM EVELYN ST. LAWRENCE FINNY, Doctor of Medicine, Bachelor of Medicine, rrinni) ^'''™''g'^ Magister, B.A.O., Licentiate in ■*" *•'•'" Midwifery. Bor>i September i, 1864, being the second son of the late Reverend Henry Maturin Finny of Gotham, in the county of Derby, Bachelor of Arts of the University of Dublin, by his wife Agnes Amelia (married, secondly, the Reverend George Nesbit Tredennick of Lisniore Cathedral, in the county of Water- ford), daughter of the Reverend Edward Leslie, Bachelor of Divinity. Clubs — Camera, Royal Societies'. I.ivery — Blue cloth with yellow facings and gilt buttons. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Quarterly i and 4, azure. terly i and 4, azure, on a chevron between two trefoils slipped in chief and a lion rampant in base or, three escal- lops gules (for Finny); 2 and 3 ermines, on a cress engrailed or, live nmllets vert (for Warner). Mantling azure and or. Crest- On a wreatli of the colours, a demi-lion rani- pant gules, gorged with an antique Irish crown, and hold- mg in the dexter paw a fleam or. Motto — "Spes mea Deus." Estate — Lei.xlip, Ireland. Postal address — Elles- mere Port, near Chester. PKOIKS.SOK JOHN MAGEE FINNY, M.D., F. (and Past Pres.) R.C.P. (Dublin). Born 1841, being the son of the late Rev. Thomas Henry Cotter Finny, B..-\., by his second wife Frances, dau. of the Most Rev. William Magee, D.D., Archbishop of Dublin. ('///Af— University, Junior Conservative. Armorial bearings Quarterly i and 4, azure, on a chevron between two trefoils slipped in chief and a lion rampant in base or, three escallops gules (for Finny) ; 2 and 3 ermines, on a cross engrailed or, five mullets vert (for Warner). Mantling azure and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a deiui-lion rampant gules, gorged with an antic|ue Irish crown, and holding in the dexter paw a fleam or. Motto— " Spes mea Deus." Mar- ried, July 24, 1873, .'Xgnes .\nne, dau. of William Watson, I'-sq., J. P.; and has Issue -(1) William Watson Finny, • ientleman, h. .\pril 22, 1876 ; (2) Cecil Edward Finny, Gentleman, b. July 30, 1877 ; (3) Arthur John Finny, Gentle- man, b. Oct. 29, 1884; (4) Charles Morgan Finny, Gentle- man, b. July 9, 1886; and three daughters. Postal address -36 Merrion Square, Dublin. THOMAS GEORGE ROECASTLE FINNY, Gentle- man, Commander Royal Indian Marine Service. Born •, l)eing the son of the late Rev. Thomas Henry Cotter I'inny, B..\., by his third wife Mary Louisa Morris. Armo- rial bearings — 0"-iitCTly i and 4, azure, on a chevron liclwoeu two trefoils slipped in chief and a lion rampant in base or, three escallops gules (for Finny) ; 2 and 3 ermines, on a cross engrailed or, five mullets vert (for Warner). on a chevron between two trefoils slipped in chief and a lion rampant in base or, three escallops gules ; 2 and 3 ermines, on a cross engrailed or, five mullets vert. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling azure and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a demi-lion rampant gules, gorged with an antique Irish crown and holding in tiie dexter paw a fleam or. Motto — "Spes mea Deus." Married, Oct. 19, 1898, Rosa, youngest dau. of the late William Clements. Postal address — Kenlis, Kingston Hill, Surrey. HUMPHREY BROOKE FIRMAN, Gentleman. Born 1858, being the eldest son of the late Hum- f^tt*m?lt1 phrey Brooke Firman, Viy his wife Anne Ji ll-Uian Louisa, daughter of Thomas Gibbon Fitz- gibbon of Ballyseeda, in the county of Lime- rick. Clubs — Boodles', Naval and Military. Armorial bearings — He tears for Arms : (Quarterly 1 and 4, argent on a che\ron sable, lietween three lions' heads erased gules, a sun in splendour between two anchors erect or (for Firman) ; 2 and 3 per pale or and gules, a cross engrailed counter- changed, in the centre point a crescent also counterchanged (for Brooke). Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet l)efitting his degree, with a mantling sable and argent ; and for his Crest, ujion a wreath of the colours, in front of two crosses crosslet filchce in saltire gules, a sun in splendour or. Motto — " P'irmus in Christo." Married, January 15, 1880, Florence Adelaide, only daughter of Vice- Admiral Sir Arthur Cumming, Knight C'ommander of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, of Foston Hall, in the county of Derby ; and has Issue — Humphrey Osbaldeston Brooke Firman, Gentleman, born 1886 ; Ivy ; and Gladys. Seat — Gateforth Hall, Selby, in the county of York. FREDERIC HAND FIRTH, Esq., J. P. for Devon. Born 1824, being the eldest son of the late Thomas Firth of Hartford Lodge, co. Chester, by his second wife Ann, dau. of the late Thomas Hand of Middlewich, co. Chester. The Editor undertakes tbat every entry not in italics is that of a genuinely armigerous person. 300 JFir jri0 Club — Constitutional. Armorial bearings —Azure, a chev- ron engrailed ermine, between two l)attl('-axes in chief and a j,'arl) in l)ase or. MantUng a/uie and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a mount vert, thereon a grilTm passant in front of a hurst of si.\ trees proper. Motto — " Ueus incrementum dedit." Married, 1st, 1846, Mary, eldest dau. of the late Joseph Mallaby (she died 1886); 2nd, 1888, Caroline, youngest dau. of the late Josepli Kirth ; and has, with other Issue — Frederic William Firth, Gentleman, b. 1849. Seat—VX^ce., Ashburton. MARK FIRTH, Gentleman. Born being the son of Armorial bearings — Or, on a pile gules, between two battle-axes erect sable, a lion rampant of the field. Mant- ling or and gules. Crest — Upon a wreath of the colours, on a mount vert, in front of a demilion rampant or, two battle-axes in saltire sable. Motto — "Deo non fortuna." Postal address — Oak Brook, Sheffield. SHARPLES FISHER, Esq., J. P. for Haverfordwest. Born 1845, being the third son of the late Edward Fisher of Spring Dale, by Jane, dau. of the late Dominick Gregg of Lisburn and Coleraine, Ireland. Club — Junior Carlton. Armorial bearings — Argent, on a chevron gules, three trefoils slipped of the field, in chief as many fleurs-di-lis of the second. Mantling gules and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, in front of a bulrush erect, a kingfisher proper, resting the dexter claw on a fleur-de-lis or. Motto— " Virtute et fide." Married, i^yj, Constance Madeline Ellen, dau. of the late Major Lindsay, 3rd Bengal Cavalry ; and has, with other Issue— 'EdwAvd Lindsay Fisher, Gentleman, /'. 1878. § EDWARD ROWE FISHER-ROWE, Esquire, Jus- tice of the Peace and Deputy-Lieu- (Tlttfll>t*--TR rtV^l? tenantfor the county ofSurrey, and Jl 173\)K^K ' UW^VUX, a Justice of the Peace for London, late Captain 4th Dragoon Guards, present at battles of Balaclava, Inkerman, Khernaya, and at the siege and capture of Sebastopol. Burn November 8, 1832, being the eldest son of Thomas Fisher, by his wife Ann Berry, daughter of Laurence Rowe of Rew Abbeywood and Culli- ford, in the county of Devon ; of Thorncombe, in the county of Surrey ; and of Ruckroft, in the county of Cumberland. Clubs — Army and Navy, Wellington. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : (Quarterly i and 4, party per pale sable and gules, three crosses patee in fesse or, between as many lambs passant proper, each supporting with the dexter fore- leg a pennon argent, charged witli the Cross of St. George (for Rowe) ; 2 and 3 ermine, on a fesse wavy vert, between three kingfishers, as many fountains proper, and impaling the arms of Liddell, namely argent, fretty gules, on a chief & is the Military Cockade. of the last three, leopards' faces or. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a manUing sable and or ; and for his Crests, i. upon a wreath of the colours, a lamb resting the dexter foreleg on a bee-hive jiroper, and charged on the body with a cross pattH' or (for Rowe) ; 2. upon a wreath of the colours, on a fountain be- tween six bullrushes, a kingfisher all proper (for Fisher) ; with the Motto, " Favente Deo." Married, firstly, No- vember 7, 1865, Edith Maria, daughter of Mayow Waynell .'\dams. Esquire, Justice of the Peace for the county of Kent ; secondly, 1874, Victoria Isabella, commonly known as Lady Victoria Isaliella, youngest daughter of the Right Honourable Sir Henry Thomas Liddell, first Earl of Ravens- worth. By first marriage he has Issue — (i) Laurence Rowe Fisher-Rowe, Gentleman, born 1866, Lieutenant Grenadier Guards; (2) Herbert Fisher Rowe, Gentleman, born 1870; and by his second marriage — (3) Seymour Fisher-Rowe, Gentleman, born 1876, in the Royal Navy ; (4) Guy Henry Fisher-Rowe, Gentleman, born 1877; (s) Conway Victor Fisher-Rowe, Gentleman, born 1881 ; (6) Leopold George Fisher-Rowe, Gentleman, born 1883; Eleanor Fredrica ; and Ethel Horatia. /J.v/rtfc— Thorncombe, near Guildford, in the county of Surrey. Postal address — Thorncombe, Guildford. JTi0f)ttiick HENRY FISH WICK, Esquire, Lieutenant- Colonel (retired) y-d Volunteer Battalion Lanca- shire Fusiliers, Justice of the Peace for the borough of Rochdale, Justice of the Peace for the county of Lancaster, Fellovj of the Society (/ Antiquaries. Born March 9, 1835, being the only sur- viving sou of Henry HalVnoell Fishwick, by his 7viJ'e Jane, daughter of Webster Fislnoick. C\\ih—the Arts (Man- chester). Armorial bearings as used, but for which no authority has been established in the College of Arms, are: Asure, three fishes or. Crest— .4 bulls head. Married Fallen, youngest daughter of William Henry Bullmore, Doctorof Medicine, Surgeon-Major Royal Cornwall Artillery Militia ; and has Issue — James Halliwell Fish-wick, born August 20, 1869; Henrietta ; Caroline; Jane ; and Florence Elizabeth. Estate — Property in Rochdale. Postal address — The Heights, Rochdale. § FREDERICK WILLIAM FISON, Esquire, D.L. and J. P. for W. R. Yorkshire, and M.P. for Don- caster Div. Born 1847, being the only son of William Fison, Esq., J. P., of Greenholm, and Fanny his wife, dau. of Jonas Whitaker of Greenholm. Clubs — Carlton, United University. Armorial bearings— Per fesse azure and er- is tbe Naval Cockade. jTm jTit 301 mine, in chief three battle-axes erect or, in base an heraldic tiger f)assant of the third. Mantling azure and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wTcatli of the colours, a demi- heraldic tiger rampant or, collared gules, holding between the paws an escutcheon argent, charged with a battle-axe sable. Motto — " Deo confide." Married, xii'j'z, Isabel, dau. of the late Joseph Crossley of Hroomfield, Halifax. Postal address - 64 Pont Street, London, S.W. WILLIAM FISON, Esq., J. P. for W. Riding of co. York. Horn 1820, being the third son of the late Thomas Fison of Barningham, Suffolk. Armorial bearing's — Per fesse azure and ermine, in chief three- battle-axes erect or, in base an heraldic tiger passant of the third. Mantling azure and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a demi-heraklic tiger rampant or, collared gules, holding between the paws an escutcheon argent, charged with a battle-ax(? sal)ie. Motto — " Deo confide." A/iirried, 1846, Fanny, dau. of Jonas Wliitaker of Greenholme (she died 1892) ; and has /ssi/c — Frederick William Fison, Esq., D. L. for the W. Riding, M.P. for Doncaster Division, fi. 1847. 6V(7/-- Greenholme, Burley-in-Wharfedale, Leeds. FREDERICK GEORGE FITCH, Gentleman. Bor/i Novcmlx-r 27, 1842, Iwing the .son of Frederick iTtfrfl ''"Ich, Fellow of the Royal Cieograjihical .Society, jr IvVlj by his wife Sarah Maria, daughter of lidward Fitch. C/i/fis — Royal Thames Yacht, City of London, Royal Societies', City Liberal, Rf)yal Southampton Yacht, Royal Hythe Yacht. Armorial bearings— I le lit-ars for Arms : Vert, on a chevron between three leopards' faces or, as many cross crosslets fitchde gules, in the centre chief point an ermine spot of the second ; and for the Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a leopard's face erminois pierced through the mouth with a sword broken in the middle argent, pommel and hilt or; with tiie Motto, " Facta non ver\>a." Married, August 11, 1870, Clara, daughter of George Portway, Justice of the I'eace ; and has /«//('— Dora; and Constance. Postal address — Pines, Enfield, Middlesex. FITCHETT, quartered by MALET. FITTEN, quartered by DE TRAFFORD. FITZALAN, quartered by DU MOULIN-BROWNE, MOS TYN, and HOWARD. Firz ELLIS, quartered by FLETCHER- VANE. Fl rZGERALD, quartered by BUTLER. Sir GERALD FITZGERALD, K.C.M.G. ; was Dep. Controller-Gen. of Mil. Expenditure 1864-66, Deputy Comji- troUer-Gen. of Intlia 1869, Accountant-Gen. Madras 1871, British Burmah 1872, and Deputy Comptroller-Gen. of India 1872-74 ; allowed to accept temporary service under Egyptian Govt. 1877, and was Director-Gen. of Public .\ccounts in Egypt 1879-85; since when he has been Accountant-Gen. of the Navy ; has ist Class Order of the Medjidie, 3rd Class Osmanieh, and Egyptian War medal and Ijronze star ; was creat<.'d C.M.G. i88o, and K.C.M.G. 1885. Born 1833, being the son of the late Francis Fitz- gerald. Club — Arthur's. Armorial bearings— Ermine, on a saltire gules, a mullet argent, pierced sable, the es- cutcheon being surrounded by the ribbon and pendent the badge of a K.C.M.G., and impaling on a second escutcheon the arms of Milnes, namely azure, a chevron between three windmill sails or. Mantling gules and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, on a mount proper, a boar passant or. Married, 1881, Hon. Amicia Henrietta, dau. of the Rt. Hon. Richard Monckton Milnes, first Baron Houghton ; and has Issue — (Jerald Milnes Fitz- Gerald, Esquire, born 1883. Resideine — 18 Cadogan Gardens, S.W. JAMES EDWARD FITZGERALD, Esquire, Com- f anion of the Most Distinguished Order of Saint Michael and Saint George, Justice of the Peace. Born 1818, being the son of the late Gerald Fitzgerald, of Queen's County ; loas created Companion of the Most Distinguished Order of Saint Michael and Saint George, 1870. Armorial bearings as used, but for which no authority has been established, are: Ermine, a saltire gules. Married, 1850, luinnv F.rskine, daughter of the late George Draper of London. Postal address — Clyde Cliff, Wellington, A'nu '/.ealand. ARTHUR VESEY FITZHERBERT, Gentleman. Lwm 1845, Iwing the third son of the late Thomas FitzHerbert Esq., J. P., D.L., by his wife Frances .Sidney, dau. of Hon. Rev. Arthur Vesey. Armorial bearings— Argent, a chief vairt^ or and gules, over all a lx?nd sable, charged with a crescent of the field. Crest — .\ dexter cubit arm erect, the hand clenched, armed and gauntleled all proper. Motto — " Ung je serviray." Married, 1873, l*>eline, dau. of Hugh Lyons Montgomery, Esq., J. P., D. L. , of Belhavel, CO. Leitrim ; and has with other Issue — Arthur Hugh Francis FitzHerbert, Gentleman, b. 1874. Postal address — Estancia Media Agua, Mercedes, Banda Oriental, South .America. H BASIL THOMAS FIIZ-H1-:RBERT, Esquire, Justice ® of the Peace and Deputy-Lieutenant |r|4-2',}V\o|*ftC'|*f' for the county of Stafford, Lord of ^\\\'^'\^\/\,\i\/\K ti^e Manors of Norbury and Swyn- nerton. Horn March 29, 1836, being the eldestson of the late Francis Fitz-Herliert, Gentleman, by Maria Teresa his wife, daughter of John Vincent Gan- dolphi of East Sheen, in the county of Surrey, and suc- ceeded to the estates on the death of his uncle, October 13, 1863. ('///(^—Travellers'. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Argent, a chief vaire or and gules, over all a bend sable ; and for the Crest, a dexter cubit arm in armour erect, the hand a])pearing clenched within the gauntlet, all proper; with the Motto, "Ung je serviray." Married, October 13, 1858, Emily Charlotte, elder daughter of Edward Stafford Jerningham, Esquire, by courtesy and commonly known as the Honourable Edward Stafford Jerningham. She died 1881 ; and he married, secondly, Emma Eliza, Baroness Stafford, daughter of Frederic S. Gerard of AspuU House, in ihe County Palatine of Lan- caster, and widow of the late Riglit Honourable Sir Henry Valentine Stafford- Jerningham, Baron Stafford. By his first marriage he has Issue — (i) PYancis Edward Fitz-Herbert, Gentleman [to whom refer] ; (2) Basil John Fitz-Herlaert, Gentleman, born August 28, 1861 ; (3) Edward Stafford Fitz- Herbert, Gentleman, born April 17, 1864; (4) Thomas Charles Fitz-Herbert, Gentleman; Beatrice Mary; Evelyn Mary ; .Mice Maud Walburga ; and Maud Mary Josephine. Estates — Norbury Manor, in the county of Derby ; and Swynnerton Park, in the county of Stafford. Postal address — Swynnerton Hall, Stone, Staffordshire. S FRANCIS EDWARD FITZ-HERBERT, Esquire, Justice of the Peace for the county of Stafford, Captain The Editor undertakes that every entry not in italics is that of a genuinely armigerous person. 302 JFit JFit and Honorary Major of the Staffordshire Yeomanry. Born August 28, i860, being the eldest son of Basil Thomas Fitz-Herliert, Esc|uire, of Norbury Manor and Swynnerton Park, Justice of the Peace and Deputy- Lieutenant for the county of Stafford, by his first wife l*"niily Charlotte, elder daugliter of Kdward StalTord Jerninghani, lisquire, by courtesy and commrnly known as the Ilonourable Edward StalTord Jerningham. Club — Marlborough. Armorial bearlngB — He liears for Arms: Argent, a chief vairee or and gules, over all a bend sal)le ; and for a Crest, a de.xter cubit arm in armour erect, the hand appearing clenched within the gauntlet ; with the Motto, " Ung je ser- viray." Postal address — .Swynnerton Hall, Stone, .Stafford- shire. HKNRY CORRY FITZHERBERT. Esquire, J.P. for CO. Monaghan and Queen's Co. Born May i, 1847, being the fourth son of the late Thomas FitzHcrliert, lisq., J.P. , D.L,, of Black Castle, Navan, co. Meath, by his wife Frances Sidney, dau. of Hon. Rev. Arthur Vesey. Armorial bearings— .Argent, a chief vair(5 or and gules, over all a bend sal)le, charged with a crescent of the field. Crest — A dexter cubit arm erect, the hand clenched, armed and gauntleted all proper. Motto — " Ung je serviray." Married, Jan. 19, 1876, Mary h'niily, d.au. of Col. Vnnsit- tart ; and has Issue — (i) .\rnold Vesey FitzHerbert, Gentle- man, h. 1878 ; (2) Edmund FitzHerbert ; (3) Cecil Fitz- Herbert ; Edith [m. Arthur Hall - Dare] ; Auleen ; and Isabel. Seat — MiUbrook, Abbey Leix, Queen's Co., Ire- land. JOHN KNIGHT FITZHERBERT, Esquire, Justice of tlie Peace for the county of Derby, Master of Arts of the University of Cambridge, Barrister-at-Law. Burn March 27, 1820, being the youngest son of the late Sir Henry I'itzherbert, third Baronet, by Agnes his wife, second daughter of the Reverend William Beresford. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms: Gules, three lions rampant or ; and for the Crest, a cubit arm in armour erect, tiie hand appearing clasped witliin the gauntlet all proper ; with the Motto, "Ung je serviray." Married, August 9, 1859, Arabella Penelope, third daughter of William White, Esquire, of Siirubs, in the county of Dublin ; and has Issue — (i) Henry Fitzherbert, Esquire, Captain in the Berk- shire Regiment, born 1862 ; (2) Godfrey Fitzheibert, Gentle- man, born 1864; Isabel, married, 1884, James Lowndes Randall ; Maud ; Rachel ; and Edith. Postal address — Twynhani, Bournemouth. SRICH-ARD RUXTON FITZHERBERT, Esquire, J.P. CO. Meath, and D.L. co. Monaghan, High Sheriff 1880. Born Sept. 13, 1841, being the eldest son of the late Thomas FitzHerljert, Esq., J.P. , D.L. , by his wife Frances Sidney, dau. of Hon. Rev. Arthur Vesey. Armorial bearings — Argent, a chief vair<5 or and gules, over all a bend sable, charged with a crescent of the field. Crest^A dexter cubit arm erect, the hand clenched, armed and gauntleted all proper. Motto — " Ung je serviray." Married, Oct. 3, 1865, Elizabeth (Lilly), eldest dau. of Hugh Lyons Montgomery, Esq., J.P. , D. L. , of Belhavel, co. Leitrim ; and has Issue — (i) Richard Ruxton Walter FitzHerbert, Esq., Capt. 4th Batt. Leinster Regt. , b. Sept. 9, 1866 \tn. Violet Caroline, dau. of James Moffat, Esq., D.L.]; (2) Bertram Richard Edward FitzHerbert, Gentleman, b. Jan. 12, 1870 ; and Gladys Lilian Ruxton. i'raAf— Black Castle, Navan, co. Meath; and Shantonagh, Castle Blayney, Ireland. SYDNEY ARTHUR FITZHERBERT, Gentleman. Born 1843, being the second son of the late Thomas FitzHerbert, Esq., J. P., D.L., by his wife Frances Sidney, dau. of Hon. Rev. Arthur Vesey. Armorial bearings- Argent, a chief vaird or and gules, over all a bend sable, charged with a crescent of the field. Crest — .\ dexter cubit arm erect, the hand clenciied, armed and gauntleted all proper. MottO — " Ung je serviray." Postal address— Estancia Media Agua, Mercedes, Banda Oriental, South America. S Major WALTER HEPBURN MELITAS FITZ- HERBER'I'. Born 1842, being the eldest son of the late Lieutenant-Colonel Richard Henry FitzHerbert of Somersal Herbert, in the county of Derby, Justice of the S is the Military Cockade. Peace for co. of Notts, by Ellen Margaret his wife, eldest daughter of James Hepburn of Tovil Place, in the county of Kent; served in the Jowaki Campaign 1877; Afghan War 1878, 1879. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Gules, three lions rampant or, langned azure, a crescent for diflerence ; and for a Crest, a cubit arm in armour erect, the hand appearing clasped within the gauntlet all proper ; with the Motto, " Plain living, high thinking." Married, 1886, Mary Joanna Sophia, daughter of the Reverend Thomas William Carr, Rector of Barming, Maidstone ; and has Issue — fi) Thomas Carr FitzHerbert, Gentleman, born 1887; (2) Nicholas Hepburn FitzHerbert, Gentleman, born 1888 ; and Harriet Marjorie. Postal address — The Hall, Somersal Herbert, Derby. CATHERINE FITZHERBERT - BROCKHOLES, Widow, daugh- jTitfj)ertert=T5rocfe!)OIe0 "^1^-^^ the County Pala- tine of Chester. Armorial bearings, borne upon a lozenge, are : Quarterly i and 4, argent a chevron between three brocks passant sable (for Brockholes), 2 and 3 argent, a chief vair(?e or and gules, over all a bend sable (for Fitz- herbert). Married, 1866, James Fitzherbert-Brockholes of Claughton, in the County Palatine of Lancaster, who died 1875. Postal address — Clifton Hall, Forton, Garstang, Lancashire. S WILLIAM JO.SEPH FITZHERBERT-BROCK- HOLES, Esquire, Justice of the Peace and Deputy- Lieutenant for the County Palatine of Lancaster. Born .May 29, 1851, being the second surviving son of the late Francis Fitzherbert, Gentleman, by Maria Teres;i his wife, daughter of John Vincent Ganriolfi of East Sheen, in the county of Surrey. Clubs — Junior Carlton, Wellington. Livery — Black coat and trousers, gilt buttons, and pale yellow waistcoat. Armorial bearings — He beats for Arms : Quarterly i and 4, argent a chevron between three brocks passant sable (for Brockholes), 2 and 3 argent, a chief vairee or and gules, over all a bend sable (for Fitzher- bert) ; and for his Crests, i. upon a wreath of the colours, a brock passant sable (for Brockholes), 2. upon a wreath of the colours, a de.xter cubit arm in armour erect, the hand appearing clenched within a gauntlet all proper (for Fitz- herbert). Married, firstly. May 9, 1876, Mary Ida, second daughter of Robert Berkeley of Spetchley Park, in the county of Worcester. .She died January 14, 1883 ; and he married, secondly, July i, T885, Blanche, second daughter of Major- General Sir Henry Clifford, Knight Connnander of the Most Distinguished Order of Saint Michael and Saint George, and Companion of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath (Military Division), upon whom Her Majesty has conferred the Decoration of the Victoria Cross. And has Issue — (i) Thomas Joseph Fitzherbert-Brockholes, Gentleman, born May 4, 1887 ; (2) John William Fitzherbert-Brockholes, Gentleman, born May 23, 1889 ; (3) Roger Huln-rt Fitz- herbert-Brockholes, Gentleman, born February 19, 1891 ; Mary Teresa ; Dorothy Mary Catharine ; W^inifred Mary and Audrey Mary. Estates — Claughton, Heaton, and Maynes, all in the county of Lancaster. Postal address — Claughton Hall, Garstang, Lancashire. FITZ LANGLEY, quartered by FLETCHER-VANE. ELIZABETH GERALDINE FITZ - MAURICE - DEANE-MORG.\N, Widow, iTtt"? Ortisi ttt*tr*> commonlv known as tlie Hon- ^\ IVY'XV)\X\X\>\\X' ourable Mrs. Robert Fitz- Grogtm - Morgan. Armorial beariug^s are, upon a lozenge : Quarterly i and 4, or a griffin segreant sable, in the dexter chief point a nudlet .azure (for Morgan) ; 2 and 3 argent, two bars gules (for Deane). Married, 1847, Robert Tilson Fitz - Maurice- Deane-Morgan, Esquire, commonly known as the Hon- ourable Robert Tilson Fitz-Maurice-Deane-Morgan (eldest son of the Right Honourable the third Baron Muskeiry), who assumed the name of Morgan, and died 1857. Of the above marriage there is /.ww— The Right Honourable Hamilton Matthew Tilson Fitz-Maurice-Deane-Morgan, fourth Baron Muskerry. ® is tbe Naval Cockade. JTit FITZ ROGER, quartered by BEETHAM. CECIL AUGUSTUS FITZROY, Esquire, of Ringstead. Hawkes Bay, New Zealand, Justice of the fTitXrntl I'™'-''-'- ^^^"'" January lo, 1844, being tlie jl iv^vw^ third son of ihe Reverend Frederick Thomas Wilhani Cuke Fitzroy, Rector of Great Ring- stead, in the county of Norfolk, l)y his wife Emilia Le Strange, eldest daughter of Henry Styleman of Snellisliam Hall, in the county of Norfolk. Armorial bearings — He Ix'ars for Arms : (juarterly i and 4, I'rance and England ; 2. Scotland ; 3. Ireland ; over ail a sinister Ixvton compony argent and azure, a crescent for diflerence. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet Ijefitting his degree, with a mantling azure and argent; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, on a chapeau gules, turned up ermine, a lion statant guardant or, crowned with a ducal coronet azure, and gorged with a collar counter-compony argent, and of the fourth; with the Motto, " Et decu's et pnMiuni recti." Married, February 21, 1878, Susannah, third daughter of William Beetham, Esquire, of Wellington,' New Zealand, Justice of the Peace; and has Issue— (\) Charles Cecil Southampton Fitzroy, Gentleman, torn March 24, 1884; (2) Frederick Waller Southampton Fitzroy, Gentleman, born July 3, 1885; Maud Mary Le Strange; and Louisa Gwendoline. Postal address — Ringstead, Hastings, Hawkes Bay, New Zealand. S FRANCIS HORATIO FITZROY, Esquire, Justice of the Peace and Deputy-Lieutenant for the county of Southampton. Horn June 6, 1823, Ix'ing the only son of Admiral Sir William FitzRoy, commonly known as Admiral Lord William l-"itzRoy, Knight ("ommander of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, by his wife Georgiana, daugliter of Thomas Raikes. <^ '/«/'— Travellers'. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : (^)uarterly i and 4, quarterly i. and iiii. azure, three fleurs-de-lis or (for France) ; ii. and iii. gul<-s, three lions passant gu.ardant in pale or (for England) ; 2. or, a lion rampant within a double tressure flory and coiMiter-Hory gules (for Scotland) ; 3. azure, a harp or, stringed argent (for Ireland) ; being the arms of His Majesty King Charles II., the whole debniised by a baton sinister compony of six pieces argent and azure ; mipaling the arms of Uuncomlx;, namely, party per chevron engrailed gules and argent, three talbots' heads erased counterchanged ; and for his Crest, on a chapeau gules, turned up ermine, a lion statant guardant or, ducally crowned azure, and gorged with a collar countercompony argent and of the fourth ; with the Motto, " Et decus et pretium recti." Married, November 27, 1849, Gertrude, commonly known as the Honourable Gertrude, second daughter of the Right Hon- ourable William Duncombe, .second Baron PY-versham ; and has Issue— (\) Almeric William FitzRoy, Esquire, lx)rn December 12, 1851 ; (2) Cyril Duncomte FitzRoy, Gentle- man, born May 21, 1861 ; Gertrude Louisa Georgiana [mar- ried Col. Lloyd Anstnither of Suflblk] ; Kathleen Horatia ; Helen Mary [married Charles Milne Newton] ; and Esmc'- [married Major Montagu ("urzon, commonly known as the Honourable Montagu Curzon, Rifle Brigade], Estate and postal address — Frogmore Park, Blackwater, Hamp- shire. SIDNEY FLAVEL, Esquire, Justice of the Peace and Alderman for the county of Warwick and for the borough of Leamington, and four times Mayor of that borough. Boni Octoljcr 24, 1846, Ijeing the eldest son of the late Sidney Flavel of Leamington, by his wife Elizabeth, second daughter of Alderman John .Smith of Coventry. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Argent, a maunch gules, bezaTiti^e, between three keys wards upwards, a chevron azure (a quartering for Sparke — " Vert, an eagle displayed ermine," is claimed, hut the Sparke descent is not yet re- corded in the College of Arms). Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling azure and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, two keys in saltire wards upwards azure, in front of flames of fire proper; with the Motto, " Tu Deus ale flammam." Married, Octol)er 5, 1876, Gertrude, third daughter of Henry Robinson of Boreham Woods, in the county of Hertford, by his wife Sophia, daughter of George Crosland of Crosland Hall, in the county of York; and has had Issue — (i) .Sidney Reginald Flavel, Gentleman, born June 27, 1879 ; (2) Gilbert Henry Flavel, Gentleman, Cadet H.M.S. " Worcester," born July 12, 1881 ; (3) Rupert Victor jrie 303 Flavel, Gentleman, born August 1886, died March 1887; (4) Percival William Flavel, Gentleman, born December 6, 1888 ; Dorothea Gertrude Elizalx;th (deceased) ; and Gladys Mary. Postal address — Leamington Spa. FLEMING, quartered by BARNEWALL and EL- PHINSTONE. H JOHN FLEMING, Esquire, J. P. for Devonshire and ® Middlesex and for Westminster, High Sheriff of Devon 1877, is a member of II.M.'s Body Guard for .Scotland (Royal Archers), M. P. for Devonjiort 1865, Lord of the Manor of Kilbury and of Blacktar, Widecomlie in the Moor, co. Devon. Born 1822, l)eing the second son of Alexander Fleming of Lethendy, co. Perth, by his wife Elizatieth, dau. of George Stevenson of Watersluck. Clubs — Carlton, Conservative, Junior Carlton. Armo- rial bearings — CJules, on a chevron argent, three fraises azure, and upon an escutcheon of pretence the arms of Blyth, namely argent, on a fesse indented between three crescents gules, as many garbs or. Mantling gules doubled argent ; and upon a wreath of his liveries is set for Crest, a goat's head erased proper, collared or ; and above, in an escroll, thisMottO, "Let the deed shaw." Married ,'iA'a.xc\\ 1,1859, Charlotte Mary, only child and heir of the late John Blytii of London ; and has Issue— {\) John Blyth Coham-Fleming, Esq., J. P., h. i860 [w., 1883, Eleanor Mary Bickford, dau. and heir of the late William Holland Bickford Cohani] ; (2) George M'Intosh Fleming, Gentleman, 1^. i862i;«., 1889, Evelyn, dau. of James Pattison (!urric of Sandown House, Esher] ; (3) Robert Alexander Douglas Fleming, Gentleman, of Colston House, Buckfastleigh ; Charlotte Mary ; Eveline [married]; and Agnes Maud. Postal addresses — Bigadon, Buckfastleigh, Devon ; 83 Portland Place. BERNARD A. FLETCHER, Esquire, Lieut. 5th. Vol. Batt. Argyll and SiUherland Highlanders 1890-94, Lieut. 2nd Batt. Queen's Own Cameron Highlanders Militia 1894-96, J. P. for Argyllshire. Horn March 29, 1870, being the eldest son of Bernard James Cuddon Fletcher, Esq., J. P., by his wife Harriet, only child of Angus Fletcher of Dunans, D. L. , J. P. Club — Piccadilly. Livery— dr^^w. and red. Armorial bearings — Sable, on a cross flory The Editor undertakes that every entry not in italics is that of a genuinely armigerous person. 304 jrie jrie argent, between in the dexter ctiief and sinister base points an escallop, and in the sinister chief and dexter base a (|uiv(r lull of arrows or, three crescents in jiale vert. Mantling gules doubled argent. Crest— On a wreath of the liveries, two arms drawing a bow all proper. Motto — " Recta pete." iVa/ - Uunans, Glendarnel, Argyllshire. GF.OKC.K HAMILTON FLETCHER, Gentleman. Jioni i860. Iieing the only son of the late George Hamilton Fletcher, l'"sq., J. P., of Harrows Hedges, .Surrey. Cliih — Reform. Armorial bearings- (Quarterly i and 4, azure three arrows in triangle barbs pointing to the centr,e or, on a chief argent, an anclior erect sable between two dolphins respecting each otlicr proper (for Fletcher) ; 2 and 3 or, a leo])ard's face Ijetwecn three dexter gloves gules (for Wansey). Mantling azure and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, in front of a fern-brake a centaur proper, wield- ing with the dexter hand a spear or. Married Constance, daughter of S. Herepalh of Westwood, St. Peter's, Kent. Seats — The Anchorage, near Christchurch ; Brook wood Paik, Alresford, Hants. § HENRY ARTHUR FLETCHER, Esquire, Lieu- tenant-Colonel of Her Majesty's Body Guard of the Honourable Corps of Gentleman-a.t-Artns. Born April 20, 1843, being the second son of Charles William I'letcher of the late Board of Control, by his ivife Mary Anne, n^e Graham. Clubs — United Service; Rail Mall, S.W. Livery — Black, with white collar. Armorial bearings as used, but for which no authority has been established at the College of Arms, are: Argent, a cross engrailed sable, betiveen four pellets, each charged icith a pheon. Crest — A horse's head coup^d. Motto — ■" Martis 7ton cupidinis." Married, Janua>y 12, 1881, Constance, daughter of Edward Headland of Portland Place, Londo7i, W. Postal address — 4 Albert Street, Loiver Gro.n-k broTtm and gold. Armorial bearings as used, but which have not been niatriculated in Lvon Office, are: Quarterly i and ^.gyronnv of eight or and sable; 2 and -^ argent, a lymphad, oars in action and sail furled, over all in the fesse point, a crescent for difference, drest — .4 boar's head CO uped proper. Motto — " Ne obliviscaris." Estates — lUk/uhau, in the county of Stirling. Postal aridress — Boquhan, Stirling. S GEORGE FEETCMER l-'LETCHER TWEMLOW, I'Lsq., D.L. for Staffordshire, H.A. (Cantab.). Born 1857, being the fourth son of Rev. Charles Smith Royds, J.R. , M.A., by his wife Mary Anne, eldest daughter of Francis Twemlow, Esq., J. P., b. L. , of Hetley Court, .Staffs. /,»V«7 —Brown and yellow. Armorial bearings— (.)uar- terly 1 and 4, in tlie first (|uarter i. and iiii. azure, two bars engrailed or, charged with three boars' heads couped erect, two and one sable (for Twemlow) ; ii. and iii. sable, a cross wavy erminois Ijetween four plates, each charged with an arrow in liendof the lirst (forFli'tcher); 2 and 3 ermine, a cross engrailiid gules, cliarged with four bezants and a tiltini;-spear or, between four lions rampant gules (for Royds). Mant- ling azure and or; and for his Crests, i. on a wreath of the colours, a |)arrociu<'t standing on the stump of a tree, a branch s|)routing theri'from proper (for Twemlow) ; 2. on the de.xter side, un a wreath of the colours, a plate charged with a pheon |)er pale ermine and sable, |X)int downwards (for Fletcher); 3. on the sinister side, on a wreath of the colours, a leopard sable, spotted and collared or, resting its paw on a pheon or (for Royds). Married, January 21, 1885, Emma Beatrice, second daughter of William Foster, Esq., J. P., U. 1 .. of Hornby Castle, I .anc.aster ; and has Issue — Thomas William Fletcher Twemlow, Gentleman, b. November 16, 1885. Postal address — Pitniaston, Worcester. M FRANCIS PATRICK FLETCHER-VANE, Esquire. ^ Fellow of the Royal Geographi- irfptrflPr-frJatlP '-'^^ Soci.-ty, captain Reserve jr VK^K\,\)K^l'\iX\X\\K^ Forces, and late Lieutenant Scots CJuards, heir presumptive to the Baronetcy of Vane of Hutton. Born October 16, 1861, l)eing the only son of the l.ate Frederick Henry Vane, lvs(|uire [to whom refer], by his wife Rosa Linda, daughter of John Moore, Esquire, Justice of the Peace for the county of Galway. Club — Boodles'. Livery — Blue, with gold facings. Ar- morial bearings — He be.ars for Arms: Quarterly of twenty, i and 20 or. three sinister gauntlets azure, a canton gules (for Vane of Hutton) ; 2. azure, three gauntlets or (for Vane of Hadlow Castle and Raby Castle) ; 3. argent, a chevron engrailed sable between three pellets (for De la Dene); 4. azure, a chief argent, over all a lion rampant crowned or (for Ue la Leke) ; 5. gules, a cross argent, in the first quarter an inescutcheon or, charged with three clievrons of the field (for De Saint Owen) ; 6. argent, a bend between six fleurs-de-lis (for l-'itz-Ellis) ; 7. quarterly i. and iiii. or, two pallets azure, ii. and iii. ermine, within ;t l)ordure azure (for I'ersall of Tudley) ; 8. or, a cross ingrailed gules (for Hawte of Bishopsbourne) ; 9. per pale Joules and .azure, over all a lion rampant ermine (for (?) Norwich of Norwich) ; to. sable, two bars or, a chief argent (for Froggenhall of Froggenhall) ; ir. argent, three cinque- loils gules (for D'Arcy) ; 12. argent, on a fesse cotised sable, a fesse ermine (for Harleston) ; 13. gules, a goat passant argent (for Bardvvell) ; 14. argent, a fesse sable, and in the dexter chief an annulet for difference (for Warton) ; 15. argent, a fesse between six oak-lea vesgules(forFitz-Langley); 16. argent, two battle-axes addorsed in saltire sable (for Maddison of Partney) ; 17. argent, on a chevron tetween jrio 305 three martlets sable, a mullet pierced of the field (for Marley of Unthanke Hall) ; 18. sable, a cross engrailed argent, between four plates, each charged with a pheon point upwards of the field (for Fletcher of Hutton) ; 19. as number two. the whole differenced by a crescent, im- paling the arms of Da Costa Ricci ; and for his Crests, I. upon a wreath of the colours, a dexter arm in armour embowed, holding in the hand a sword proper, hilt and pommel or; 2. upon a wreath of the colours, a gauntlet holding a dagger proper, hilt and pommel or; with the Motto, " Nee temere nee timide." Married, December 15. 1888, Donna Anna Da Costa Ricci. daughter of His Excellency Baron Da Costa Ricci. Postal address — La Branch(5rie, par Dinan, Brittany. §SiR HENRY RALPH FLETCHER-VANE. Baronet, of Hutton-in-the-I'orest, in the county of Cumljerland, Justice of the P<-ace and Deputy- Lieutenant for the cos. of Cumberland and Westmorland (High SherilY in the year 1856), Honorary-Colonel Westmorland and Cumber- land Yeomanry Cavalry. Born January 13, 1830, lieing the elder son of the late Sir Francis Fletcher- Vane, third Baronet, by Diana Olivia his wife, daughter of Charles George Beauclerk, P^squire, and succeeded as fourth Baronet at the decease of his father, Feliruary 15, 1842. Clubs — Carlton, Arthur's. Livery — Blue with gold facings. Armo- rial bearings — He bears for Arms: (,)uarterly of twenty, I and 20 or, three sinister gauntlets azure, a canton gules (fur Vane of Hutton); 2. azure, three gauntlets or (for Vane of Hadlow Castle antl Raby Castle); 3. argent, a chevron engrailed sable Ijetween three pellets (for De la Dene) ; 4. azure, a chief argent, over all a liou rampant, crowned or (for De la Leke) ; 5. gules, a cro.ss argent, in the first quarter an inc-cutchecjii or, charged with three chevrons of the field (for De Saint Owen) ; 6. argent, a bend between six Heurs-de-lis (for Fitz Ellis) ; 7. quarterly i. and iiii. or, two jjallets azure, ii. and iii. ermine, a bordure azure (for Persall of Tudely) ; 8. or, a cross engrailed gules (for Hawte of Bishopsbfuirne) ; 9. per pale gules andazure, over all a lion rampant ermine (for Norwich of Norwich) ; 10. sable, two bars or, a chief azure (fur Froggenhall of Froggenhall) ; 11. argent, three cinquefoils gules (for D'Arcy) ; 12. argent, on a fesse cotised sable, a fesse ermine (for Harleston) ; 13. gules, a goat passant argent (for B.ardwell) ; 14. argent, a fesse sable, and in the dexter chief an annulet for difference (for Warton) ; 15. argent, a fesse lietween six oak-leaves gules (for Fitz Langley) ; r6. argent, two battle-axes addorsed in saltire sable (for Maddi- son of P.artney); 17. argent, on a chevron l)etween three martlets sable, a nuiUet pierced of the field (for Marley of Unthanke Hall) ; 18. sable, a cross engrailed argent lietween four plates, each charged with a pheon point upwards of the field (for Fletcher of Hutton) ; 19. as number two, impaling the arms of Gladstone, namely, argent, a savage's head affrontee, gutt(''e de sang, wreathed about the temples with holly proper, within an orle flory gules, all within an orle of martlets sable. Upon the escutcheon, which is charged with his badge of U Ister as a Baronet, arc placed two helmets Ijefitling his degree, with a mantling .azure and or ; and for his Crests, i. upon a wreath of the colours, a dexter arm in armour embowed, holding in the hand a sword proper, hilt and pommel or, 2. upon a wreath of the colours, a dexter gamitlet holding a dagger in bend sinister proper, hilt and pommel or; with the Motto, " Nee temere nee timide." Married, April 12, 1871, Margaret, eldest surviving daughter of Thomas Stewart Gladstone of Capenoch, in the county of Dumfries. Seats — Hutton-in- the- Forest, Penrith, and .Scarness Cottage, Bassenthwaite. Thk Reverend WILLIAM FLORY, Clerk in Holy Orders. Born September 22, 1846, being the (TTrit*tl ''"'y ^"^ °'^ John Flory of Great Bealings, by his jr VUVl^ ^vif,. Eliza, only daughter of Frederick Loom of (Jnmdisburgh, in the coimty of .Suffolk. Livery — Light blue, with white facings and silver buttons. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Per pale argent and azure, five crescents chevronways between three fleurs- de-lis all counterchanged. impaling the arms of Ryland, namely argent, on a chevron invected between three martlets sable, a sheaf of rye or, between two escallops, each within an annulet of the last ; and for his Crest, on a wreath of the colours, between two saltires azure, a st.ag's head erased argent, gorged with a collar of the first, thereon three crescents of the second, between the attires a fleur-de-lis also Tbe Editor undertakes that every entry not in italics is that of a genuinely armigerous person. u SIR HENRY RALPH FLETCHER-VANE. jrio jrio 307 azurn; with the Motto, " Ut prosimus." Married, April 6, 187s, Susan imli Proctor, second daughter of Thonias Ryland, lisquire, of l''rdington and Moxhull Park, in the county of Wnrwiek, Justice of the Pe:ifc ; and has Issue — Mary Ryland. I'lislal address — kedland Lodge, Ixnini- ington. kOl'.I'.Rr IHOMAS KLOWliR, lisquire. commonly known as the Honourable Robert Thomas frffl^tlPr '■'"^^'■'- '"'"" -^pril I, 1836. Armorial jr (UVUK-t bearings He bears for Arms : Argent, two ehevronels between three ravens, each having an ermine siK)t in its l«Mk sable, and iM'twccn the ehevronels three pellets. Upon the escutcheon is placed a hi'lmet Ix^litting his degree, with a mantling sable and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a raven, having an ermine spot on its l)cak. Married, 1866, dertrude Sophia, daughter of the late Reverend .Sewell Hamilton of Bath ; and has Issue (i) Llowarch Robert Flower, ICs^iuire, born 1870; (2) Reginald Henry Flower, (Jentlenian, l)orn 1871 ; Frances Mary I niarried, 1893, Harry l'"rnest White]; Eva Constance (iertrude ; and ( Jertrutie. Residence — Knockatrina House, Durrow, Queen's County. Sir WILLIAM HRNRY FLOW F.R\ K.C.B.. F.A'.S., F.R.C.S., /'resident of Ihc Hrilish AssoiiaHuii 18S9, President of the '/jooloi^ieal Society since 1878, Director oj the Natural History Department since 1884 ; serred in the Crimea as Assistant ■Suri;eon to the 6yd A'e^'t. [inedaL with clasps, for Alma, hikerman, lialaclava, and Sebastopol, and Turkish medal). Horn A'c?'. 1831, heinji; the second son of F.dward Fordham Fltmvr of the Hill, Slratfurd-on- Avon, ii'arwickshire, by his wife Celiiia, dau. of John (1 reaves of /iarford, Wanoickshire. Armorial bearings ti'\\ Ottfl o*^ Aberdeen. Born August 6, jrUVUl.»-Jl.t.iiy 1847, being the eldest son of Admiral John Leith, by his wife Margaret, daughter of Alexander Forbes of Blackford, entered the Royal Navy i860, and retired as Lieutenant 1872. Clubs — St. James', Naval and Military, New (Edin- burgh), Royal Northern (Aberdeen), /./r'tv-)'— Black and yellow. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Quar- terly, hrst and fourth grand c|uarters or, a cross crosslet fitchee sable, between three crescents in chief, and as many fusils m base gules (for Leith) ; second grand quarter quarterly, i and 4 azure, on a chevron between three bears' heads eouped argent, muzzled gules, a man's heart proper, between two daggers of the first, pommelled or (for Forbes of Balfling) ; 2 azure, a fesse chequy argent, and of the first between three boars heads erased or, within a bordure indented of the second (for Gordon of Badenscoth); 3. argent, a fir- tree growing out of a mount in base vert, surmounted of a fi is tlie Military Cockade. sword in bend supporting on its point an imperial crown proper, in sinister chief and de.xter base, a lion's head erased azure (for Gregory) ; 3. grand quarter, parted per fesse azure and argent, in chief three bears' heads eouped of the second, muzzled gules, and in base as many unicorns' heads erased sable (for Forbes of Ballogie). Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling sable doubled or ; and for his Crests, i. ujjon the dexter side, upon a wreath of the liveries, a cross crosslet fitehiie sable ; and in an escroll above this Motto, " Trustie to the end" (for Leith); 2. upon the sinister side, upon a wreath of the liveries, a bear's head and neck eouped argent, muzzled azure ; and in an escroll above this Motto, " Spe expecto" (for Forbes). Married, October 19, 1871, Marie Louise, daughter of Derrick Algernon January of St. Louis, United States of America ; and has Issue — Percy Forbes-Leith, Gentleman, born March 12, 1881 ; lithel Louise [married, July 22, 1891, Captain Charles Rosdew Burn, Royal Dragoons, Aide-de-Camp to His Royal High- ness the Duke of Connaught, and has issue]. Seat — Fyvie Castle, Fyvie, in the county of Aberdeen. JOHN RA WLINSON I^ORD, Justice of the Peace for the city of Leeds. Born July 29, 1844, being the elder son of Robert Lawson Ford, by his zoife Hannah, eldest daughter of Thomas Benson Pease. Clubs — National Liberal, Leeds (Leeds). Livery — Drab coat, red plush breeches, waistcoat of red and white stripes. Armorial bearings as used, but for which no authority has been established in the College of Arms, are: Quarterly i and 4, per fesse or and ermine, a lion rampant azure (for Ford) ; 2. sable, three sioords in pale, the centre one points doaon- wards, the others point upivards, blades argent, hilts and bommels or, a chief indented of the last (for Rawlinson) ; 3. argent, a fesse sable, betiveen three escallops of the same (for Arthington). Marrjed, March 22, 1877, Helen Cor- delia, youngest daughter of John Coxhead. Estate — More- cambe Lodge, Yealand Conyers, North Lancashire. Postal address — Quarrydene, Weetwood, near Leeds. Right Honourable WILLIAM BRO WNLOW FORDF, Lieut. -Col. Royal South Doxun Militia from 1854 to 1881, Hon. Col. sth Royal Wilts Rijlcs from 1881, P.C. (Ireland) 1889. Born Nov. 5, 1823, being the second son of the Rev. ® is the Naval Cockade. JTot Jfor 311 William li. Forde, by his rvifc T/ieo. Helena, dan. of Thomas Douglas, (irace Hall, co. Down. Clubs^ — Carlton , Junior United Sen>iee, Kildare Street (Dublin), Ulster (liclfast). Livery — Dark blue, red collar and cuffs. Ar- morial bearings as used, but which are not registered in Ulster's Office, are— Azure, t7i'o Jlaunches or, charged with three roses in /esse, the centre rose gold, those on the ffaunchcs ^ules, between two martlets in pale of the second. Crest — A martlet or. Motto — " Incorruptajides, nuda(/ue I'eritas." Married, Oct. 1885, Adelaide Meade, dau. of Gen. the Hon. Robert Meade. Seat — Seaforth, co. Down. SED WARD SNO IV FORDHAM, Esquire, Justice of the Peace for the counties of Hertford and ■frrtrJlflfl IT! Cambridge, and Deputv-fJeulenant for the ^\ VlVilJiXlW county of Cambridge,' Barrister-at- Law, Master of A rts, and .Master of Laiimine, on a chevron indented gules a ehevronel or be- tween three bugle-horns vert, and as many cross crosslets fitchee, one in chief and two in base of the second, and impaling the arms of Grove, namely ermine, on a chevron engrailed gules three escallops, the centre one or, the others argent. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet Isefitting his degree, with a mantling gules and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a dexter arm embowed, vested gules, in the hand proper a lilting-spear also proper, suspended from the wrist a bugle-horn or. Motto — " Spec- temur agendo. " Married, August 4, 1874, Edith lileanor, second daughter of Sir Thomas Eraser Grove, the first Baronet, of Feme; and has Issue — (i) Edward Bayntun Grove Foster, Gentleman, born August 16, 1879; (2) Thomas Bayntun Grove Foster, Gentleman, born July 19, 1884 ; Evelyn Grace Mary ; Florence Constantia Cicely ; and Ruth Edith. Seat — Clevver Manor, Windsor, in the county of Berkshire. S HARRY SEYMOUR FOSTER, Esquire, Justice of the Peace and Deputy-Lieutenant for the county of Suffolk, and in the Commission of Lieutenancy for the City of London (Sheriff 1891), Member of Parliament for the Lowestoft Division of the county of Suffolk since 1892, 3 is the Naval Cockade. JTOS jTOjQf 313 Consul-General of Persia. Born April 29, 1855, being the second son of the late Samuel Green Foster of 6g 'I'ulse Hill, S.W., Liy his wife Georgiana Amelia, daughter of D. T. Egerton, Esquire, R.A. Clubs — Carlton, City Carlton, Scottish Conservative. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Argent, on a chevron invected gules, Ijetween two bugle-horns sable, stringed of the second in chief, and the attires of a stag affixed to the scalp in base of the third, two fasces chevron ways or. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet Ijefitting his degree, with a mantling gules and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, in front of a fasces erect, a stag trippant projjer, and pendent from the attires a bugle-horn stringed sable ; with the Motto, "Suaviter in niodo, fortiter in re." Married, June 6, 1878, Amy, second daughter of the late John Sparks of East- bourne ; and has Issue — (i) Claude Seymour Foster, Gentle- man, born 1880; (2) r3ertrani Egerton Foster, Gentleman, born 1881 ; (3) Harry Gordon Foster, Gentleman, born 1884 ; Madeline Violet ; Florence Muriel ; and Helen Louise. Postal address — 129 Ashley Gardens, Westminster, S.W. Hl'.NRY DURETT FOSTER, Esquire, J.I". Corn- wall. Burn July 24, 1850, being the seventh but fifth survi\ing son of the late Richard Foster, Esq., J.I'., of Castlt! I.,ostwithiel, Cornwall, by his wife Caroline, dau. of Thomas Robins of Liskeard. Armorial bearings— Per j)ale sable and gules, on a saltire ermine, a bugle- horn vert, stringed of the second, lietween four escallops of the fourth. Mantling sable and argent. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a horse's head coujjed azure, charged on the neck with three escallops in fesse within a collar gemel, and in the mouth an arrow in Ijend, point down- wards or. Married, Sept. 15, 1886, Louise Amelie Audr& de Lubersac, fifth dau. of Comte Charles Ernest de Lutersac ; and has Issue — Muriel Duretl ; and Joyce .-Xmiorel. Seat — Treledan, Ilodmin. JOSEPH FOSTI'lR, Gentleman, Hon. M.A. (Oxon). C/«Av— Royal Societies', .Savage. Armorial bearings - He bears for Arms : (Quarterly 1 and 4, gules on a chevron cotised argent, Ijetween three bugle-horns stringed or, an escallop between two fleurs-de-lis sable, a canton ermine thereon a cross couped or (for Foster) ; 2 and 3, sable, a goat's head erased argent, lx>tween tliree garbs or, a bordure of the last, charged with eight cross crosslets fitch^e gules (for Birket) ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a greyhound current argent, gorged with a wreath of hawthorn vert, holding in the mouth by the string gules a bugle-horn or; with the Motto " Per se vere." Postal address — 21 Boundary Road I'Mnchley Road, London, N.W. S LEWIS CHARLES FOSTER, Esquire, V.D., J. P. for Cornwall and Liskeard, Lt.-Col. and Hon. Col. 2 Vol. Batt. Duke of Cornwall's Lt. Inf. Born 1844, being the sixth but fourth surviving son of the late Richard Foster, Esq., J. P., of Castle Lostwithiel, Cornwall, by his wife Caroline, dau. of Thomas Robins of Liskeard. Armorial bearings— Per pale sable and gules, on a saltire ermine, a bugle-horn vert, stringed of the second, between four escallops of the fourth. Mantling sable and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a horse's head couped azure, maned, charged on tlie neck with three escallops in fesse within a collar gemel, and in the mouth an arrow in bend, point downwards, or. Married, Aug. 11, 1868, Frances Trevenen, eld. dau. of Rev. J. Penrose of Exmouth ; and \\a.4 JTos jTor M,itlit-so>i J-'o.Uer, born January 23, 1886. Kslatcs— yVjtv/ p rape rtv ill Ahkrshol ; A/oulton, in the loiiiity of IJiicoln. I'ostal addresses — Lindcrn House, Ahiershot ; Manor House, MoultoH, Lincolnshire. S WILLIAM HENRY FOSTICR, Esquire, Justice of the Peace and Depuly-Licutenant lor tiie county of Lancaster, for whicli he served tiie ollice of Hij^h Sheriff in 1891, and justice of the Peace and Deputy-Lieutenant for the West Riding of the county of York, late Honorary Colonel and Lieutenant-Colonel conunanding the West Yt)rk) Prince of Wales' Own) Yeomanry Cavalry, M.P. Lancaster Div. since 1895. Born November 15, 1848, Ix'ing the eldest son of the late William Foster, Esquire, Justice of the Peace and Deputy-Lieutenant for the county of Lancaster and the West Riding of the county of York, by his wife Emma Eliza, daughter of Swithin Anderton, Esquire, Justice of the Peace, of Bradford. Clubs — Carlton, St. Stephen's, Cavalry, &c. Livery — Blue coat, blue and red striped waistcoat, red piping, and silver buttons. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Party per chevron azure and ermine, a chevron paly of eight argent and gules, between a sun in spletidour and three bugle-horns stringed, two in chief and one in base all or. U|)on the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling azure and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a stag's head erased proper, attired and guttfe-d'or, pierced through the head with an arrow g(pld, feathered argent; with the Motto, " Justum per- ficito nihil timeto." Married, February 5, 1879, Henrietta, daughter of the Reverend Canon Warneford, Master of .Arts, of Warneford Place, in the county of Wiltshire ; and has Issue — (i) William John Foster, Gentleman, born Octol)er II, died October 13, 1879; (2) Henry Cyril Foster, Centlcman, born .April 14, 1893 ; Henrietta Marjory ; (jladys Edith ; and Hermione Lilian, fistates — Hornby Castle ; and Queensbury, in the West Riding of the county of York. Postal address — Hornby Castle, Lancaster. S JAMES FOSTER -VESEY- FITZGERALD, Esq., B.A. of Trin. Coll., Dublin, J. P. and D.L. for co. Clare (High Sheriff 1868), and J. P. for co. Galway. Dorn 1821, Ijeing the third son of the late John Leslie Foster, M.P. , Baron of the Irish E.xchequer, by Hon. Letitia, second dau. of the Right Hon. James FitzGerald, and Catherine (in her own right) Baroness FitzGerald and Vesey ; and assumed by Royal License the additional names and arms of Vesey and FitzGerald in i860, on the death of the Rt. Hon. Henry Vesey- FitzGerald, third Baron FitzGerald. Armorial bearings — (Quarterly i and 4, (juarterly i. and iiii. ermine, a saltire gules (for FitzGerald) ; ii. and iii. or, on a cross sal)le, a patriarchal cross of the field (for Vesey) ; 2 and 3 argent, a chevron vert, between three bugle-horns sable, stringed gules (for Foster) ; and impaling the arms of Mahon, namely, per fesse sable and argent, an ostrich counterchang(>d, in the beak a horseshoe or. Mantling gules and argent ; and for his Crests, i. on a ducal coronet or, a boar passant gules, charged with three annulets argent (for FitzGerald) ; 2. upon a wreath of the colours, a hand in armour holding a laurel branch proper (for Vesey) ; 3. upon a wreath of the colours, a stag trippant pro|5er (for Foster). Motto " Shanetaboo." Married, 1845, Henrietta Louisa, dau. of Sir Ross Mahon, ist I5art. ; and has, with other Issue — James Foster- Vesey-FitzGerald, Esq., B.A. of Trinity Coll., Dublin, Barrister-at-Law of Dublin, b. 1846. Seat - Myoriesk, co. Clare. JOHN VESEY FOSTER - VESEY -FIT/.GERALD, Esq., Q.C., (\',.\. Oxon.). Born 1848, being the eldest son of the late Wm. Leslie Foster Vesey FitzGerald, Esq., J. P., by Sarah Anne, only child of the late Henry Quilter. Club — AlheiKi'uni. A/i^t'/j-- Claret, with scarlet piping. Armorial bearings — (Quarterly i and 4, cjuarterly i. and iiii. ermine, a saltire gules (for FitzGerald) ; ii. and iii. or, on a cross sable, a patriarchal cross of the field (for Vesey) ; 2 and 3 argent, a chevron vert, between three bugle-horns sable, stringed gules (for Foster). Mantling gules and argent ; and for his Crests, 1. on a ducal coronet or, a l)oar passant gules, charged with three annulets argent (for Fitz- Gerald) ; 2. upon a wreath of the colours, a hand in armour holding a laurel branch projjer (for Vesey) ; 3. upon a wreath of the colours, a stag trippant proper (for Foster). Motto — " Shanet a boo." Married, 1891, .Annie (who d. 1896), daughter of the late John Ross of Quel)ec, Canada ; and has ^ is the Blilitary Cockade. Issue — Theodora I'rances. listates in cos. Kerry and Clare;! I'ostal address- ■z Pall Mall East, London, S.W. ; 6 Crowr Office Row, London, E.C. ROBERT HENRY FOWLER, Esquire, D.L., J. P. for the CO. of Meath, late Capt. 85th King's Light In- fantry. Born June 28, 1857, being the eldest son of Rolx>rt Fowler, Es<|., Barrister-at-Law, J. P. and D.L. for the CO. of Meath, by his wife Letitia Mabel. Clubs- Sackville Street (Dublin), Army and Navy. Armorial bearings— Quarterly i and 4, azure, on a chevron sable, Ixitween three lions passant guardant or, three crosses pat^e sable ; 2 and 3 ermine, on a canton gules, an owl argent. Mantling azure and argent ; and for his Crest, out of a ducal crest coronet or, a demi-horned owl, wings expanded proper. Motto — " Esto Pernox." Married, June 2, 1890, Mabel, dau. of St. Leger R. Glyn, Esq. ; and has Issue — (i) Robert St. Leger Fowler, Gentleman, /;. 1891 ; (2) George Glyn Fowler, b. Jan. 21, 1896. Estate — Manor of Moylough and Rahinston. Postal address — Rahinston, Enfield, co. Meatli, Ireland. FOX, borne upon an escutcheon of pretence by BACK- HOUSE. Sir CHARLES DOUGLAS EOX, Knight Bachelor, Justice of the Peace for the counties of Surrey and Loudon. Born 1840, being the son of the late Sir Charles Eox, by his wife Mary, daughter of Joseph Brookhouse of Derby ; du/Jied Knight Bachelor, 1886. Armorial bearings as used on his bookplate, but for which no authority whatsoever has been established, arc for Axvas: Quarterly 1 and j^, ermine, on a chevron azure, three foxes' heads erased or, on a canton of the second a garb ; 2 and ■^ argent, a human heart crowned proper, on a chief azure three mullets of the field. Crest — On a chapeau, a fo.x sejant. MottO — " Fa ire sans dire." Married, 1863, Mary, daughter of Francis Wright of Os- maston Manor, in the county of Derby. Postal addresses — Cooinbe Springs, Kingston-on-Thames ; 28 Victoria Street, Westminster, S. W. CHARLES EDWARD FOX, Gentleman, Master of Arts of the University of Cambridge, liarrister- fTnt* •'^t-I-'^w. Born 1837, being the eldest .son of the Jl UA' 1;^^. Charles J. Fox, Gentleman, Doctor of Medi- cine, of Brislington, in the county of Somerset. Clubs — .Athenieum, Oxford and Cambridge. Armorial bearings -He bears for Arms ; .Azure, on a bend engrailed ernune, plain cotised or, three foxes' heads erased gules, wiihin a bordure of the second, and impaling the arms of Cary, namely argent, on a bend sable, three roses of the field, barbed and seeded |)roper. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet Ixjfilting his degree, with a mantling azure and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a fox sejant gules, collared and chained or, supporting by his sinister paw a flagstaff, thereon a banner azure, semd- de-lis or. Motto — "Jay ma foi tenu a ma puissance." Married, 1877, Selina Catherine, commonly known as the Honourable Selina Catherine (raised to the rank of a Vis- count's daughter by Royal Warrant, 1886), daughter of Captain Byron Charles Ferdinand Plantagenet Cary, com- monly known as the Honourable Byron (.Charles Ferdinand ^m is the Naval Cockade. Sox Sox 315 Planta,^enct Gary, and sister of the Right Honourable the twelfth Viscount Falkland ; and has Issue— Agnes Selina ; Sorothy; and Catlierine Mary. Postal address — Clayton, Clifton Park, Bristol. CHARLES HICNRY FOX, Esquire, Justice of the Peace and Aklerir.an of the Council for the county of Somerset. Born March 17, 1835, beiii;,' the son of Charles Fox of VV'ellingt(jn, in the county of Somerset, by his wife Sarah, daughter of William Dillworth Oewdson of Helm Lodge, Kendal. Armorial beaxings— He liears for Arms : liruiine, on a chevron azure, ihree fo.xcs' heads erased or, within a Ijordure Hory of the second, and on a canton of the same, a drinking-cup of the third, surmounted by three Heurs-de- lis argent. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet Ix'titting his degree, with a mantling azure and argent ; and for his Crest, ujwn a wreath of the colours, a fo.x sejant or, collared Hory azure, the paw resting on a fleur-de-lis of the last; with the MottO, " Faire sans dire." Married, Octolwr 21, 1863, Caroline, second daughter of John Mellar Chapman of Brighton ; and has /.v.r//c—(i) Charles Leslie Fo.x, (ieiuleman [married, Sepleml)er 12, 1892, to Lilian, second daughter of tiie late Curriey Pea.se of Wt)od- side, Darlington] ; (2) Reginald Wilson Fox, (ientleman [married, November 18, 1891, to Mabel, third daughter of J. W. Pease of Pendower, Newcastle, and Nethergrange, Alnemouth]; and Caroline Hilda Macnaghten [married, .April 17, 1894, to Ernest I^egassieke Hancock of Casile Lodge, Wiveliscomlx', Somerset]. Postal address — Shutc- leigh, Wellington, Somerset. FRANCIS FOX, Esq., J. P. for co. Denbigh and for West Riding CO. of Yorks., M.I.C.F. Born 1844, beinglhe son of the late Sir Charles Fox, l>v his wife Mary, dan. oj Joseph Hrookhouse of Jhrl'v. Clubs- -.S7. Stephen's; A'.r- change (Liverpool). Armorial bearings as nsed, but for which no authority whatsoei'er has been established, are for Crest^O// a chapeau, a fo.v sejant. MottO — "Faire sans dire." Postal addresses — 28 / 'ictoria Street, London, S. W. ; Alyn Bank, The Downs, Wimbledon, Surrey. MARMADUKE FOX, Esc|uire, Justice of the IVace for the West Riding of the county of York. Armorial bear- ings ^He Ix-ars for Arms: Sable, on a pale between two greyhounds' heads erased argent, a mill-rind paleways of the field. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet iK'fitling his degree, with a mantling sable and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a mill-rind fes.seways sable, thereon a greyhound sejant argent ; with the Motto, " Virtute et numine." Married, 1892, Ethel Marshall, youngest daughter of J. Carter Jonas of the Grange, Great Shalford. Postal addresses — Royds House, Mirfield, York- shire ; Polbae, Wigtownshire, N.B. ROBERT FOX, Gentleman, of Grove Hill, in the county of Cornwall. Born July 31, 1845, being the eldest son of Rolx;rt Barclay Fo.x of Grove Hill, by his wife Jane Gurney, daughter of Jonathan Backhouse of Polam, Darlington. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Ermine, on a chevron azure, three foxes' heads erased or, a bordure Heu- relte, and over all a canton of the second, charged with a cup of the third, surmounted by three fleurs-de-lis argent. Crest— On a wreath of the colours a fox sejant or, collared fleurett<5 azure, its paw resting on a fleur-de-lis of the last. Motto—" Faire sans dire." Married, Octolx-r 3, 1867, Ellen Mary, daughter of Francis Bassett, Escpiire, |u.stice of the Peace, of the Heath, Lcighton, in the county of Bed- ford, and formerly Member of Parliament for that county; and has /««^ of St. Mary's, Ely, Minor Canon of Ely Cathedral, by his wife Emma, daughter of the late Robert Rushljrooke, and granddaughter of John Shar- nian. Doctor of Medicine, of ilellesdon, Norwich. Club— Isthmian. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : 14 iB the Military Cockade. Azure, on a pile invected or, between two c|uatrefoils in base of the last, as many fleurs-de-lis in pale of the first. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet Ix^fitting his degree, with a mantling azure and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a fleur-de-lis azure between two quatrefoils or; with the Motto, " Ut vita sic finis." Married, 1889, Mary Ethelind, younger daughter of Edward Kerrison Harvey, Esc|uire, of Grey Friars, Norwich (son of General Sir R. Harvey, Knight Commander of the Most Honour- able Order of the Bath) ; and has, with other Issue — Edward Mortimer Henry Sharman P'raney, Gentleman, born 1889. Postal addresses — Lowestoft, Suffolk; 36 Elm Park Gar- dens, S.W. § FREDERICK BACON FRANK, Esq., M.A. of Trin. Coll., Camb., J. P. and D.L. for the W. Riding of co. York (High Sheriff 1872). Born 1827, being the second son of the late Richard Bacon Frank of Campsall, by Caroline, dau. of the late .S. Curteis ; s. his grandfather 1834. Club — Travellers'. Armorial bearings — Per saltire azure and vert, on a saltire indented or, a falcon proper, belled gold ; and impaling the arms of Walker, namely gules, on a chevron betwei^n three cross crosslets argent, an anchor sable, on a chief of the second three stags' heads caboshed proper, and on a canton azure, a representation of the diamond decoration of a Pasha of the Ottoman Empire. Mantling azure and or ; and for his Crest, ui)on a wreath of the colours, a morion proper, thereon a falcon also proper, guttee-de-larnies, and belled or. Motto— " Esse quam videri." Married, 1854, Mary Anne, eldest dau. of Admiral Sir Baldwin Wake Walker, 1st Bart., K.C.B. Scats — Campsall Hall, Doncaster ; Earlham Hall, Norwich. THOMAS JOHN FRANKS, Esq., J. P. co. Limerick (Sheriff 1883). Iku-n 1831, being the eldest son of the late J. Franks of Ballyscaddane, co. Limerick. Club — Union. Armorial bearings — Vert, on a saltire or, a griffin's head erased gules, in the centre chief point a nmllet of the second. Mantling vert and or ; and for his Crest, out of a mural crown or, a griflin's head gules, lietween two wings erniinois, each charged with a mullet sable. Motto — "Sicvos non vobis. " Married, ist, Elizabeth Clara (who died 1878)' only dau. of G. M. Kettle of Dallicott House, Salojj ; 2nd, 1886, Eleanor A., youngest dau. of the late Rev. S. Marindin, of Chesterton, Salop, Seat — Ballyscaddane, Knocklong, co. Limerick. WI LLIAM WHlTMORh: FRANKS. Born 1868, teing the eldest son of the late Thomas Franks, Esq., J. P., of Carrig, by his cousin Eleanor Marion, only dau. of Johti Franks of Fiallyscaddane, co. Limerick. Armorial bear- ings — Vert, on a saltire or, a griflfin's head erased gules ; in the centre chief point a mullet of the second. Mantling vert and or ; and for his Crest, out of a nuiral crown or, a griffin's head gules, between two wings erniinois, each charged with a mullet sable. Motto — " .Sic vos non vobis." 6>rt/— Carrig Park, Mallow. FR.ASER, quartered by BURTON - MACKENZIE, GORDON-LENNOX, and El,PHlNSTONE. WILLIAM NATHANIEL ERASER, Esq., J. P. for CO. of Aljerdeen. Borti 1817, being the only surviving son of the late l-Vancis Eraser, of Findrack, by his wife, daughter of Charles Winchester. Club — Junior Carlton. Armorial bearings— He tears for Arms— Quarterly first and fourth grand quarters, azure three frases argent (for Fraser) ; second grand cjuarter counterquartered, i. azure, three boars' heads couped or, armed argent and langued gules ; 2. or, three lions' heads erased gules langued azure ; 3. or, three crescents within a double tressure flory counterflory gules; ^. azure, three frases argent all within a bordure nebuly gules (for Gordon of Inver- gordon) ; third grand cjuarter counterquartered 1 and 4 gules, a boar passant or (for Bainl of Auchmedden) ; 2. azure, a imicorn salient argent, armed, maned, and unguled or, within a bordure of the last, charged with eight half thistles proper, and as many half roses gules, stalked and leaved proper, conjoined paleways, teing the coat of augmenta- tion granted to the first Earl of Kinnoull ; 3. argent, three inescutcheons gules (for Hay). Upon tlie escutcheon is placed a helmet tefitting his degree, with a mantling gules, doubled argent ; and upon a wreath of his liveries is set for Crest, a stag's ht-ad erased pro|ier. Supporters — Two M is the Naval Cockade. JFra Jfte 3T7 stags proper. Motto — "I am ready." Married, 1846, Philadelphia Lambe, daughter of Hugh Veitch, Esquire, brother of Lieutenant-Colonel Henry Veitch of Eliock, in the county of Dumfries ; and has, with other Issue — Francis Fraser, Esquire, Honorary Major 3rd Battalion East Yorkshire Regiment, born 1855 [married, 1881, Flora Beatrice, only child of Captain J. M. Macdonald, 78th Regiment, of Caskieben]. Seats — Findrack, Rhinstock, and Tornaveen, in the county of Aberdeen. §C:HARLES FRASER-MACKINTOSH, Esquire, of Borlum, in the county of jrrai8fer-'Q^ackmto0l) lrr"/yl''ju,^:'T. 1828. l)eing the third but eldest surviving son of Alexander Fraser, by his wife Marjory, daughter of Captain Alexander Mackintosh, and sister of luieas Mackintosh, assumed by Royal License, the additional name and arms of Mackintosh, in accordance with the re(|uest of his said uncle, Eneas Mackintosh, of the Royal Navy. ^.7/^/'— Devonshire. Armorial bear- ings—He bears for Arms: Quarterly i and 4, per pale or and argent, a lion rampant between three dexter hands fesseways, couped at the wrists and clenched gules (for Mackintosh) ; 2 and 3, per chevron argent and azure, three escutcheons, each charged with a cintiuefoil all counterchanged (for Fraser). Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet Ijefitting his degree, with a mantling gules and or ; and for his Crests, i. upon a wreath of the colours, a cat proper, collared gules, resting the dexter paw upon an escutcheon or, charged with a dexter hand as in the arms (for Mackintosh) ; 2. upon a wreath of the colo\irs a stag's head erased argent, attired and collared gules, in the mouth a sprig of fern proper, and i)endent from the collar an escutcheon .azure, charged with a cinquefoil argent (for Fraser). Motto— " Onwards." yl/rt/vvW, July 12, 1876, Eveline May, only child of Richard David Holland, Esquire of Kilvean, in the county of Inverness, J. P. Scat — Drum- mond, in the county of Inverness, North Britain. Town house — 18 Pont Street, S.W. H EDWARD GRANT FRASER-TYTLER, Esquire, of Aldourie and Balnain, in the county of Inverness, Justice of the Peace and Deputy-Lieu- tenant for the county of Inver- ness, late Captain Highland Light Infantry (Militia). Born jFra0er=€:gtIer 1856, being the eldest surviving son of Charles Edward Fraser-Tytler, Esquire, Justice of the Peace of Sanquhar, .Aldourie, and Balnain, by his wife Harriet Jane, second daughter of the late Reverend John Pretynian. Clubs — Junior Carlton, Orleans. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Quarterly i. gules, a lion's head erased argent, between three crescents or, a bordure of the last (for Tytler) ; 2. erminois, on a fesse per fesse embattled gules and azure, three crescents argent (for Craig of Dalnair) ; 3. counter- quartered, i. and iiii. azure, a bend engrailed between three frases argent ; ii. and iii. gules, three antique crowns or, the whole within a bordure argent (for Fraser of Balnain) ; 4. gules, three antique crowns or, a border per pale of the last and azure (for Grant of Burdsyards). Upon the escut- cheon is placed a helmet liefitting his degree, with a mantling gules, doubled argent ; and for his Crests, i. the rays of the sun issuing from behind a cloud proper (for Tytler) ; 2. a stag's head er.ased proper (for Fraser). Motto — " Occultus non extinctus." Married, 1881, Edith Adriana, eldest daughter of the late Right Honourable Sir Charles J. Selwyn, Lord Justice of Appeal ; and has with other /ssue — Neil Fraser-Tytler, Gentleman, born 1889. Seat — Aldourie Castle, in the county of Inverness. JAMFLS WILLIAM FRASER-TYTLER, Esquire, Jus- tice of the Peace, Bachelor of Arts of the University of Oxford, lioru 1854, being the eldest son of the late James Stuart Fr.aser-Tytler, Esc|uirc, Doctor of Laws, by his wife Mary Elizalseth, only child of Alexander Blair, Esquire. C/ufi—New (Edinburgh). Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Quarterly i and 4, gules a lion's head erased argent, between three crescents or, a bordure of the last ; 2. erminois, on a fesse per fesse embattled gules and azure, three crescents argent; 3. quarterly i. and iiii., azure a l)cnd engrailed l)etween three frases argent ; ii. and iii. gules, three anti(|ue crowns or, the whole within a bordure ermine. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet tehtting his degree, with a mantling gules, doubled argent ; and upon a wreath of the liveries is set for Crest, the rays of the sun issuing from behind a cloud proper. Motto — "Occultus non ex- tinctus." Sent — Woodhouselee, Roslin, in the county of Edinburgh. S ALGERNON BERTRAM FREEMAN-MITFORD, Esquire, Companion of the JFteeman^Q^itfotD ^'J^'^J^^^T.ul Peace and Deputy-Lieute- nant for the county of f Jloucester, Meml)er of Parliament for .Slratford-on-Avon Division of Warwick, /iorn February 24, 1837, l)eing the third son of the late Henry Reveley Mitford, Esquire, of Exbury, in the county of Hampshire, and Newton Park, in the county of Northumberland, by his wife Georgiana Jemima, commonly known as Lady Georgiana Jemima, third daughter of the Right Honourable the fourth Earl of Ashbinnham. He succeeded to the estates of the late Earl of Redesdale on his death, and assumed in consequence, by Royal License, the names and arms of Freeman in addition to those of Mitford. Cluhs — Travellers', Carlton, Marllxjrough. Armorial bearings- He tears for Arms : Quarterly i and 4, argent a fesse between three moles sable (for Mitford) ; 2 and 3 azure, three fusils in fesse or, a canton ermine (for Freeman) ; and impaling the arms of Ogitvy, namely, argent, a lion passant guardant gules, crowned with an imperial crown and gorged with an open one, both proper. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling sable and argent ; and for his Crests, i. upon a wreath of the colours, two hands couped at the wrist proper, grasping a sword erect argent, the point and hilt or, the blade enfiled witli a boar's head erased sable (for Mitford) ; 2. upon a wreath of the colours, a demi-wolf argent, supporting be- tween the paws a fusil or, gorged with a collar dancett(ie gules (for Freeman). Motto — "God careth for us." Mar- ried, December 31, 1874, Clementine Gertrude Helen, com- monly known as Lady Clementine Gertrude Helen, second daughter of the Right Honourable the seventh Earl of Airlie, Knight of the Most Ancient and Most Noble Order of the Thistle; and has Issue — (i) Clement Bertram Ogilvy Freeman-Mitford, Gentleman, tjorn December 14, 1876 ; (2) David Bertram Ogilvy Freeman-Mitford, Gentleman, born March 13, 1878 ; (3) Bertram Thomas Carlyle Ogilvy Free- man-Mitford, Gentleman, born June 2, 1880 ; (4) John Power Bertram Ogilvy Freeman-Mitford, Gentleman, born January The Editor undertakes that every entry not in italics is that of a genuinely armigerous person. 3«S Jfre jrre 31, 1880; F'rances Georgiana ; Iris Elizabeth; and Joan. .SV(;/.f — Batsford Park, Moreioii in Marsh, in the county of CJIoucesier ; Hirdhope Craig, Redesdale, in the county of Northumberland. Thk Honouk.able Sir CHARLES WILLIAM FRE- MANTLE, Knight Commander of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, Justice of the Pe.ice for the counties of London, Middlesex, and Westminster, late Deputy-Master of the Mint. Horn 1834. lieing the son of the Right Honour- able 'I'honias Francis Fn-niantle, the tirst Baron Cottesloe, by his wife Louisa Elizabeth, eldest daughter of Field- Marshal Sir George Nugent, the first Baronet, Knight Grand Cross of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath; created Companion of the Most Honourable Order of the Baih, 1880, and advanced to th(' rank of Knight Com- mander of that Order, 1890. 67///'.?— Travellers', Wellingion. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms: Vert, three bars ciiniiH', surmounted by a li(jn rampant proper, nunally crowned argent, ancame a Lieutenant, 1887; (2) .Selwyn Howe Fremantle, Esquire, born 1869; (3) -Arthur William Fremantle, Escjuire, born 1870 ; (4) Alan Frederick Fremantle, Esquire, born 1877 ; (5) Alfred Ernest Alljert Fremantle, Esquire, torn 1884. Residence — 44 Lower Sloane Street, S.W. SAVAGE FRENCH FRENCH, Esquire, J. P. co. Cork. Born Jtine 25, 1840, being the only surviving son of Sampson Towgood Gwynne French, by his wife Phwbc Maria, dau. of S. Periy of Woodrooff-Claened. Club - County {Cork). Crest as used, but which is not recorded in Ulster's Office, is^A dolphin. Motto — " I'eritas." Married, April 29, 1869, second dau. uf the late George Gough of Rathronan House, Clonmel ; and has Issue — (i) Sampson Gough French, b. Jan. 23, 1870; (2) Hugh French, b. July 30, 1871 ; (3) Charles Netuenham French, b. July IS, 1875; {4) Wilfrid Franksland French, b. Noik 9, 1880; Mary Charlotte; Dorothy Marian ; and Marjorie Harriette. Seat — Cuskinny, Queenstown, co. Cork. ROBERT ABRAHAM BREWSTER FRENCH- BREWSTER, late Lieut. Drag. Gds., 1872-80, formerly ^ is the Military Cockade. M. P. Portarlington, 1883-85. Born 1851, toing the son of the late H. Sneyd French ; assimied additional name of Brewster by Royal I license in 1874. Clubs — Army and Navy, Carlton, Kildare Street (Dublin). Armorial bear- ings— (^)uarterly I and 4, azure, on a chevron engrailed ermine, Ijetween three estoiles argent, a trefoil slipped vert (for Brewster) ; 2 and 3 ermine, a chevron sable, a martlet for difference (for I'Yench). Mantling azure and argent ; and for his Crests, i. upon a wreath of the colours, a leopard's head erased azure, bezant(^e, in the mouth a trefoil slipped vert (for Brewster) ; 2. uj)on a wreath of the colours, a dolphin passant proper (for French). Motto — " Veritif'- soyez ma garde." Married, ist, 1876, Geraldine, daughter of the late Hy. Ritchie Cooper of Ballindallock, Stirling- shire ; 2nd, 1893, .'\nnie, daughter of the late George Hodge of Goodrington, Devon. Residence — 62 Merrion Sq\iare South, Dublin. JOHN TUDOR FRERE, Esquire, J. P. for the cos. of Norfolk and Suffolk, B.A. (Oxon.) 1866, Lord of the Manors of Gis.singhall in Roydon, Roydon Hall with Tufts, Edgefield Bacons, all in Norfolk, and Finningham Hall in Suffolk. Horn Jan. 12, 1843, being the eldest son of George Edward I'Yere of Roydon, Norfolk, and Finning- ham, Suffolk, F. R.S., by Isabt/lla his wife, dau. of William Tudor of Kelston Knoll, in the co. of Somerset. Clubs — New University, Norfolk (Norwich). Livery — Coat dark blue, piped with red, waistcoat red, trousers dark blue, with seam piped red ; for full dress : red plush breeches, overcoat dark blue, gilt buttons. Armorial bearings Or, two leopards' faces in pale gules, between as many fiaunches of the second (for Frere). Some oj the arms quartered Mr. I-rerc are as follows: Sable, three bugle- horns or, stringed asure (for Thurston); argent, t7vo chev- ronels azure within a bordure engrailed gules (for Tyrrell) ; argent, a chevron gules betiucen three crosses crosslet sable (for Smyth) ; azure, a chei'ron ermine between three crosses crosslet fitch/e argent (for Reynolds); ardent, a chn>ron gules between three I i on s^ paws erased proper, argent, on a fesse sable, three mascles of the field, betioeen as many mart- lets of the second (for Edwards) ; autre, a sioord bendways between two etoiles pierced or (for Hat ley) ; or, a chevron gules, three mullets of the first, between three elephants'' heads erased azure (for Hookham) ; azure, three stags' trippant or (for Greene) ; per fesse gules and argent, six martlets, thr-ee and three counterchanged (for Fcnwick) ; gules, a lion ram- pant, within a bor'dur-e indented or (for Tudor) ; and im- paling the arms of Win slow, namely argent, a bend of lozenges sable; and of Daubeney, namely gules, four fusils in fesse argent. Crest — Out if a ducal corvnet, an ante- lope's head argent, crined and armed or ; but only the right to the arms of Frere (to which there is no crest), has as yet Ijeen oflficialiy established. Mottoes — " Tradituin et antiquis servare," " Frere ayme Frere." Married, firstly, July 29, 1869, Constance, dau. of Fortes Winslow, M.D. , D.R. (Oxon.), F.R.C.S. ; and secondly, April 27, 1893, SI is the Naval Cockade. jTre jrul Asatlie Mary Gabrit-Ue, dan. of ihc Rev. Kdniund Thomas Daul>eney, B.A. (Oxon.), Rector of Market Wc^ston, Suffolk. Issue of first marriage — Winifred Winslow and Gwendolen Winslosv. Estates — Roydon, Norfolk ; Finning- ham, Suffolk. Seat — Koydon Hall, Diss. DOUGLAS WILLIAM FRESHFIELD, Gentleman, M.A. University College, Oxford, Barrister-at-Law. Born April 27, 1845, lx;ing the only son of the late Henry Ray Freshfield, I"2sq., ).\'., Memljer f)f the (Jourt of Lieutenancy for the City of London (High .Sheriff for .Sussex 1885), by his wife Jane (^uintin, dau. of the late William Crawford, M.I*., of I'ipbrcKjk, Dorking. Cluh — Athenaeum. Armorial bearings — I'er Ix-nd nebuly or and azure, two biiidli-ls betwiii-n six escallops all counterchanged. Mantling azure and or. Crest- On a wreath of the colours, a d<>mi-an£:cl proper, winged or, vested argent, the arms in chain-mail, holding a lanc<> in Ix-nd point downwards also proper, charged on the breast with a cross liotlony, and on the head a like cross gules. Motto — " Nobilifatis virtus non .slomma character." Marrii'd, Nov. 27, 1869, Augusta Charlotte, dau. of Hon. William Ritchie, formerly Advocate-( ieneral in liengal ; and has hafl Issue Henry Douglas Freshfield, Cientleman, h. Se|)t. 10, 1877, (/. i8c)i ; l*',li'anor (///. Arthur Ilerl)ert Clough] ; Janie NIagdalen ; Olivia ; and Katia. Seat — Kidbrooke Park, ICaMt (Jrinstcad, Sussex. Kesidenre - I Airlie Gardens, Campden Hill, W. THOMAS WEST FA I. INC, FRRSTON, J.l\ for the city iif Manihrstey. Born March J^, '837, being I iie fourth %on of the Nn\ Thomas Westfalitit; Freslon, Rector of Ihig- linpoorth and 1 1 'itcombe Magna, lUoucs. , by his wife Emily, dau. of John Mil/so/ Miscrdcn Hoiiw, Cloucs. Livery — Blue with red facings. Armorial bearings as used, but for which no authority has as yet been established in the College of Arms, arc for Arma—Asure, on a fesse or, three leopards' faces gules. Crest— .4 demi-greyhound sable, collared or. Mar- ried, 1862, Catharine Louisa, dau. of A'd: lleniy H'ybnm; dear of Strctton-on-Dunsmore, Wanvickshire ; and has Issue— (i) Henry Wyhrcno Ereston, b. 1867 [m., 1884, Caroline lanson, dau. of Samuel Lloyd of Earm, War- wickshire]; (2) /(;//// Brnostcr Ereston, b. 1882; Emily; Ethel [m., 1883, Kn<. C. B. Nash, Vicar of Walton, Nor- folk]; Agnes [m., 1896, /. H. Emvler, M.A., of Clifton College]; Dorothy. K&i\Ae.nc^ — Ragle's Nest, Frestwick, Lanes. FREDERICK GEORGE FRITH, Esq., Capt. late 74th Highlanders. Born May 30, 1839, being the eldest son of the late llenrv Frith, Gentleman, by Frances his wife, daughter of the late Richard Winter. C/«^j— Naval and Military, Junior Constitutional, East Kent County. Livery —\^'xcV. blue, yellow collar and waistcoat, black breeches. Armo- rial bearings — Sable, upon a chevron embattled or, be- tween three pole-axes argent, as many pellets. Mantling sable an^fgent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a demi-gryphon sable, supporting a pole-axe argent. Motto- " Frangas non flectes." Married, K'^xW 14, 1863, Ada Rachel, younger daughter of Robert Taylor Spooner Abraham of Crewkerne, Somerset ; and has Issue — George Marcus Irvine Frith, Gentleman, born Novemljer 30, 1874. Postal address — St. Augustine's, Canterbury. FROGGENHALL, quartered by FLETCHER- VANE. FRANCIS AYLMER FROST, Gentleman. Born 1889, Ix-ing the only child of the late Rev. Francis Aylmer Frost, by his wife Emma L., second daughter of the late Rev. J. Fuller Russell, B.C. L., Rector of Greenhithe, Kent. Armorial bearings — l'"rniin(>, three pelicans chevronways between two chevronels gules, the whole between threi; trefoils azure. Mantling gules and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, between two wings ermine, each charged with a trefoil azure, a mount vert, thereon a trefoil also azure. Motto — "E terra germino ad coelum expando." /vVy/VAv/fc— Meadowslea, Mold. The Right Honourable Sir EDWARD FRY, Knight Bachelor, a Member of Her Majesty's Most JJon- (Tftl ""'"^'^^' Frivy Council, formerly a lu>rd-Justice of J' *■ " .tppeal. Cluh— -A thenaum. Livery — Brincn and scarlet. Armorial bearings as used, but for which no authority hat Inrn established in the College of Arms, are: Cules, three horses courant in pale argent. Crest — .-f de.\ter arm embinoed in armour, holding in the hand a sword all proper ; with the MottO, " l.ibertas virtusquc." Married, 1859, Mariahella, daughter of John Hodgkin of Lincoln's Inn and Lnoes ; and has Issue — (i) Edward Fortsrnouth Eiy, Esquire, born i860; (2) Roger Eliot Fry, Esquire, born 1866 ; Mariabella ; Joan Mary ; Isabel; Agnes; Sara MarJoiy ; and Anna Ruth. Estates — Failand House and an estate adjoining, in the parish of Wraxall, in the county of Somerset. Postal address — Failand House, Failand, near Bristol. FRYI'., quarlered by WIIINYA TICS. Major-Ceneral JOHN FRYER, Companion of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath. Born June 27, 1838, being the eldest son of John Fryer of Wimborne Minster, in the county of Dorset, by his wife Mary, daughter of Christopher Hardin^e ; appointed to command Cork District, 1893; was created Companion of the .Most Honourable Order of the Bath, 1881. Clubs — Army and Navy, Cavalry, Hurling- ham, Matylebone Cricket. Armorial bearings as used, but for which no authority has been established in the College of Arms, are for Arms: Quarterly i and 4, sable on a chei>ron between three dolphins naiant argent, as many tmoers if the field ; 2 and 3 or, a chnars for Arms : Argent, three bars gules, on a canton of the second, a mullet or. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befit- ting his degree, with a mantling gules and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a horse pas- sant proper, charged on the shoulder with a mullet or ; with the Motto, " Fortiter et recte." Married, i860, Helen H., daughter of John Prosp^re Guivion, and granddaughter of Marshal Guivion of His Majesty the Emperor Napoleon's The Editor undertakes that every entry not in italics is that of a genuinely armigerous person. 320 JTuI JFul army; and has Issue — (i) Franklin Bland Fuller, Gentle- man, late Lieutenant Royal Artillery, lx)rn January i, 1863, died June 13, 1882; (2) Harnett John Fuller, Gentleman, Ixjrn Deceniher 14, 1866 [married, 1894, Augusta Hobart, second daughter of the late John Hurly, Esquire, Justice of the Peace, of Fenit, in tlie county of Kerry ; and has /.f.v//f -Frankhn Bland F'uUer, Gentleman, born November 2, 1897] : May Florence [married Gabriel Stokes, Gentle- Cliibs — Boodle's, Cavalry, Pratt's, Yorkshire. Livery — Claret colour with silver buttons. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Argent, a chevron between three otters' heads erased gules. Crest — Upon a wreath of the colours, a camel's head erased projjer ; with the Motto, " Lux in tenebris." Married, May 9, 1893, Mary Gace, only child and heiress of the late Robert Caldwell Clarke of Noblethorpe, near Barnsley ; and has Issue— -(i) ]ohn Robert Rankin Fullerton, Gentleman, d. 1894; (2) Charles Alan Clarke Fullerton, Gentleman, h. 1895. Estates — Thribergh, Denaby, Kilnhurst, Brinsworth, and {jure nxoris) Noblethorpe. Postal address — Thribergh Park, near Rotherham. EDMUND M'GILDOWNY HOPE FULION, Puisne Judge of the High Court of Bombay. Horn July 6, 1848, being the third but eldest surviving son of the late John Williamson Fulton, Esq., Barrister-.at-Lnw, M.A., J. P. cos. Antrim and Down. Armorial bearings— .Urgent, a lion rampant azure, debruised by a bend goljony ermine and gules. Mantling azure and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a cubit arm erect grasping a broken javelin, point to the sinister all proper. Motto — " Vi et virtute." Married, Nov. 25, 1879, Cornelia Emily, only dan. of the late Sir Michael Westropp, Chief-Justice of the High Court of Bombay ; and h.as had Issue — (i) John Henry Westropp Fulton, Gentleman, h. Oct. 2, 1880; (2) Lionel Edmund Fulton, Gentleman, b. and d. 1884; (3) Edmund James Fulton, Gentleman, h. Feb. 8, 1895; Bessie Maud; Evelyn Grace ; and Esme Mary. Residence — Bombay. §SiK FORREST FULTON, Knight Bachelor, Q.C., LL.B. (London), Common Serjeant of London, and a Judge of the Mayor's Court, formerly Senior Counsel to the Post Office and to the Treasury at the CeiUral Criminal Court, a Lieutenant for the City of London, M.P. for West Ham (North) 1886-1892. lioni July 12, 1846, being man, and has issue, three sons] ; Adela Bessie, died young ; and Evelyn Melicent. Postal addresses — Glashnacree, Ken- mare, county Kerry ; Brunswick Chambers, Dublin. FULLERTON, quartered by ELPHINSTONE. JOHN SKIPWITH HERBERT FULLERTON, Esquire, Justice of the Peace for the frilTfpl*frtt1 West Riding of the county of York. Jl Uilt'VVUII Bg^„ September 21, 1865, Ijeing the eldest son of the late Reverend Charles Garth Fullerton, Master of Arts, by his wife Catharine, eldest daughter of the late Reverend Arthur Robert Kenney, Master of Arts, Rector of Bourton, in the county of Warwick.' S is the Military Cockade. the youngest son of the late Lieut. -Col. Fulton, K.H., and Fanny Goodrich, fourth dau. of the late John Sympson 3 is tbe Naval Cockade. jrui JFp0 321 §q., J. P., D.L., F.S.A.. Barrister-at-Law, of Albury I'lace, Chcsluiin, Herts. C 7///;— Carlton. Armo- rial bearings— Argent, a lion rampant azure, ('ebruiscd by a l)en(l gobony ermine and gules. Mantling azure and argent. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a cubit arm f rect grasping a broken javelin, point to the sinister all projier. Motto— " Vi et virtute." Married, Aug. 12, 1875, Sophia Browne, eldest dau. of John B. Nichol- son ; and has Issiie~(i) Forrest Fulton, Esq., b. June 6, 1876; (2) Leonard Jessopp Fulton, Esq., />. Jan. 8, 1879; (3) Eustace Cecil Fulton, Esq., l>. Mav 17, 1880; (4) Grenville Richard Fulton, Esq., /;. Oct. 23,' 1883; and Clare Sophia Margaret Goodrich. Residences— -27 Queen's Gardens, Lancaster Gate, W. ; and The Cottnge, Shering- ham, Cromer. FRANCIS CROSSLEY FUl.TON, Esquire, J. P. Bon, 1836, being the sixth but second surviving son of the late Robert Bell Fulton, I-:sf|., Major Bengal Artillery, by his wife IClizabcth Jane, dau. of (ieorge Stephen.son of Hills- boro'. Armorial bearings—.Argent, a lion rampant azure, del)rui.S(rd by a i>end gobony ermine antl gules. Mantling azure and argent. Crest-On a wreath of the colours, a cul)it arni erect grasping a broken javelin, point to the sinister all prop-r. Motto— " Vi et virtute." Married, 1858, Fanny Fidela, dau. of E S. Hall of Sydney; and has /w/zf — liustace Henry Fulton, Gentleman, b. i86o[w., 1891, Jane, dau. of Charles Peacock of Hawke's Bay, and has issue, f-^ic Bronte Fulton, Gentleman, b. 1891; and Sylvia Fidela Uora] ; Alice [in. D. Reid, Barrister-at-Law, and has issue, three sons and a dau.] ; Lina Eliza [in. W. Tabutea of Hawke's Bay] ; Florence Dora ; Rosa Fidela, d. 1867 ; Iris Fidela [m. George King of Hawke's Bay, and has issue]. Residence - Hawke's Bay, New Zealand. HENRY FULTON, Gentleman, M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., L.S.A., M.D. (Brassels). Horn Dec. 25, 1871, being the only son of the late Joseph Fulton, L.R.C.S.L, by his wife Florence .Mary Walsh of Dublin. Armorial bearings — .\rgent, a lion rampant azure, debrui.sed by a bend gobony ermine and gules. Mantling azure and argent. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a cubit arm erect gr;isi)ing a broken javelin, point to the sinister all proper. Motto — "Vi et virtute." Married, Aug. 21, 1894, M.ary, second dau. of Capt. James Barton, late R.H.A., of Black- heath, formerly of Mauritius ; aiul has /«w— Joseph Henry Cladljwicksliire. Livery— Dark Green. Armorial bearings as used, but for which no authority has been established, are for Arms— Quarterly i and 4, gules a bend or, between six cross crosslets argent; 2 and 3 azure, three stags' heads caboshed argent. Crest — The trunk oj a tree erased at both ends in pale sable, entwined by t7vo serpents proper. MottO — " Nescit virtus otiari." Married, 1877, Caroline Octavia, youngest dau. of Joseph Martimer of Weymouth ; and has Issue— Dorothy ; Marjorie ; and Edith. Estate — Swilly, Devon. Postal addresses— AV/Av/ L/all, Biirton-on-Treut ; Ciwyl Annedd, Penmaenmawr. FUSSELL, see COLDHAM-FUSSELL. FUST, quartered by JENNER. FUST, see JENNER-FUS L §The Honouk.^hi.k SiK PHILIP OAKLEY FYSH, K.C.M.G. ; Treasurer in Sir I-".. Braddon's Ministry from April 14, 1894 ; one of the Members for North Hobart, elected May 2, 1894; was formerly M. L.C. for Hobart, elected June 15, 1866, retired i86g ; M.L.C. for Bucking- ham, elected Nov. 9, 1870, retired July 1873; M.H.A. for East Hobart, elected Aug. 8, 1873, re-elected June 14, 1877, retired Nov. 1878 ; M.L.C. for Buckingham, elected March The Editor undertakes that every entry not in italics is that of a genuinely armigerous person. X 322 (^atj 0al IS, 1884, re-elected April 7, 1887, and May 6, 1890 ; Treasurer in Mr. Kennerly's Ministry Aug. 4, 1873, to March 12, 1875, and without portfolio to July 20, 1876; Leader of the Opposition, July 14, 1877, to Aug. 9, 1877; I'remier without otlice, Aug. 9, 1877, to March 5, 1878 ; held portfolio without office in Mr. Gibbon's first Admini- stration, March 5, to Dec. 20, 1878 ; Treniier and Chief Secretary, March 29, 1887, to Aug. 17, 1892 ; Leader of the Opposition in Legislative Council from Aug. 17, 1892, to April 1894 ; is a Member of the Executive Council ; a Magistrate for the Territory ; President of the Central Board of Health ; Chairman of Metropolitan Drainage Board ; Major commanding the Tasmanian Volunteer RiHe Regiment, 1880 to 1884 ; was Alderman of Hobart, 1868 and 1869 ; was one of the delegates from Tasmania to the Federal Convention held in Sydney, March 1891 ; is one of the representatives of Tasmania in the Federal Council of Aus- tralasia; created Knight of the Order of St. Michael and St. George, Jan. i, 1896. Fifth .surviving son of John Fysh, once of King's I^ynn, Norfolk, and afterwards of Highbury, Middlesex, by his wife Charlotte, dau. of Samuel Kingston. 6'///*— Tasmanian. Armorial hearings — AEure, within two barrulets wavy argent, a fret or between as many bezants, the whole between three flying-fish proper, the escutcheon being surrounded by the ribbon and pendent his badge as a K.C.M.G. ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, and issuant from a wreath of red coral, a cubit arm vested azure, cuffed argent, holding in the hand a fiying-fish projier ; with the MottO, " Nitor in adversum." Married, Oct. 14, 1856, ICsther Kentish, elder dau. of William Willis, Manufacturer, Luton, Beds; and has Issin-. Nt'sideiice — Hobart, Tasmania. G MARSHALL GABBF/FT-MULHALLKN, Gentleman, who assumed tlie additional surname and arms of Mulhallen by Royal License in 1895. Armorial bearings— Quarterly I and 4, azure a stag's head erased or, between six escallops argent (for Mulhallen) ; 2 and 3 argent, a chevron bretessed between three boars' heads conped sable (for (iabbett) ; and upon an escutcheon of ]iretence these same arms of Mul- hallen. Mantling azure and or; and for his Crests, i. upon a wrealli f>f the colours, an escallop or (for Muliiallen) ; 2. upon a wreath of the colours, under an oak tree projjcr, a boar passant sable, armed, bristled, unguled, collared and chained or (for Gabbett). Mottoes — " Always ready ; " " Parcere subjectis et debellare superbos." Married, , Katherine Frances, second daugiiter of the late John Gorges Helv Mulhallen of Malcolmville, co. Carlow. Pi<.':tal address - § THOMAS G .4 IS FORD, Esq., of Olfnu^toii, Sussex, formerly Capl. 7<)t/i Highlanders, J.P. and D.L. for COS. Sussex and Wilts. Born Dec. 12, 1816, being the eldest son of the \'ery Rej:. Thomas Gaisford, D.D., of 1 ford. Dean of Christ Church, Oxford, by his first wife Helen Margaret, dau. of ReiK Archibald Douglas, Rector of Sahi. ^'""^ Pe^ce: for the county of Lancaster and K1./UUIU4V the borough of St. Helens. Honorary Colonel 2nd Battalion Prince of Wales' Volunteers (South Lancashire Regiment). Born February 3, 1823 g is the Military Cockade. being the son of the late Josias Christopher Gamble, by his wife Hannah, daughter of Henry Gower. Armorial bear- ings — He bears for Arms: Or, on a pile gules, between two trefoils slipped in base vert, a fleur-de-lis of the first, a chief ermine. Upon the escutcheon, which is charged with the badge of Ulster as a Baronet, and from which is pendent his badge as a Companion of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, on a mount between two trefoils slipped vert, a stork argent, holding in the beak a rose gules, stalked, leaved and slipped proper. Married, January 26, 1847, Elizabeth, daughter of Thomas Haddock of St. Helens ; and has Issue — (i) Josias Christopher Gamble, Esquire, Justice of the Peace for the county of Lancaster and the borough of St. Helens, born January 7, 8148 [married, June 5, 1873. Isaljella, daughter of George S. Sanderson, and has, David Gamble, Esquire ; Hugh Gamble, Gentleman ; Josias Christopher Norman Gamble, Gentleman ; John Arthur Gamble, Gentleman] ; (2) William Gamble, Esquire, Justice of the Peace for the borough of St. Helens, born August 16, 1852 [married, April 26, 1877, Eleanor Eliza, daughter of Alan Ker, and has, Dorothy Ethel] ; (3) David Gamble. Esquire, born June 9, 1856 [married, August 13, 1880. Josephine Henriette Dorner, and has, Conrad Dorner Gamble, Gentleman ; Victor Felix Gamble, Gentleman ; Lorentz Harry Gamble, Gentleman ; Josephine Henriette ; and Elizabeth] ; (4) George Gamble. Esquire, fjorn February 10, 1858 [married, March i, 1884, Mary Watts, and has, Charles Lancelot Gamble, Gentleman ; George Vivian Gamble, (ienileman ; and Eileen May] ; (S) the Reverend Arthur Gamble, born June 28, 1863) [married, August 6, 1891, Annie Isabel, daughter of Alan Ker] ; (6) Henry Gamble, Esquire, born August 29, 1868 [married, 1895, Ethel Brewis, and has issue]; Ann Jane [married, July 9, 1874, Charles Joseph Bishop] ; Elizabeth married, June 2, 1887, Austin Cooper Carr] ; Hannah]; Alice ; and Grace. Seat — Windlehurst, St. Helens, in the county of Lancaster. ^^ is the Naval Cockade. (^am (Sar 325 Tin: REViCKKNn JAMKS STEWART GAMMKLL, Justice of the Peace, Master of Arts. rt?Sji m tll^H I^'>i'>' 1826, being the eldest son of tlie late tO/nlltllllPll i;i,nes Gamniell, Ksqviire, of Ardiflery. Deputy-Lieutenant for the county of Aber- deen, by his wife Sydney, daughter of James Holmes of Bally mena, Ireland. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Argent, a chevron Ijetwecn three hearts in chief gules, joined and f ierced by a chain azure, in base a branch of laurel proper, and a sword of the third in saltire. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules, doubled argent ; and upon a wreath of the liveries is set for Crest, a pelican, wings displayed, pierced from behind with an arrow proper. Motto — " Moriens sed invictus." Married, 1866, .4nne, daughter of Henry Alcoek Bramley, Esquire, of Silcoates, in the county of York ; and has Issue — Sydney James Gammell, Gentleman, born 1867 [married, 1891, Alice Trench Stobart, and has a son] ; Elizabeth Marion ; and Alice Rosamond. Seats — Drumtochty Castle, Fordoun, in the county of Kincardine ; Countesswells, in the county of Aberdeen. S THOMAS CHARLES GANDOLFl - HORNYOLD, Esquire, Marquis Gandolfi of Genoa (.\ug. 14, 1529), and of Rome (March 29, 1895), Marc|uis of Montcrescente and of Melassi, in the Duchy of Mantua (Oct. 23, 1620), Count of Gazzclli and Chiosanica, in Liguria (June I, 1636), Knight Grand Cross of the Orders of St. Gregory the Great and of the Holy Sepulchre, Knight of the Sovereign Order of Malta, D.L. and J.l'. for the cos. of Worcester and Hereford, Lord of the Manor of Hanley Castle, Member of Royal Consulta Araldica of Italy, by appointment of King Humbert, 1895. Horn Dec. 22, 1846, being the eldest son of John V. Hornyold, Ksq. (in Italy, Maniuis Gandolfi), D.L. and J. P., Knt. Grand Cross of Noble Order of Christ, by his wife Charlotte, second dau. of the late Hon. Charles Langdale (formerly .Stourton), M.P., of Houghton Hall, Yorks (son of Rt. Hon. seven- teenth Lord Stourton), by his wife Hon. Charlotte (dau. of Rt. Hon. sixth Lord Clifford). C/w/y— Carlton, St. James's, /./irri'— Dark blue, silver and red plush breeches. Armorial bearings (as recorded in the C'oUege of Arms in England under the Royal Licence, Feb. 1859, to his father to assume the name and arms of Hornyold)— .\zure, on a bend embattled counter-embattled argent, a wolf passant (Dartien^CampbeU between two escallops sable. Mantling sable and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a dcmi-unicorn gules, armed, crined, and unguled or. Motto — " Fidem tene." Armorial bearings (as borne, and as recorded in Rome and Turin, the Marc|uis Gandolfi never having relinquished his Italian nationality) are — Quarterly i and 4, azure, on a bend embattled and counter-embattled argent, a wolf pas- sant between two escallops sable ; 2. argent, from a mount in base vert a poplar tree sujiported by two lions rampant proper, each crowned with the coronet of a Marcjuis ; 3. per fesse vert and gules, a lion rampant crowned argent, impal- ing or, on a mount a goat passant sable, with a bordure compony of the second and first. Crests — i. on a wreath of the colours, a demi-unicorn gules, crined and armed or ; 2. on a wreath of the colours, a denii-lion sable, holding in the dexter paw a dagger in pale proper. Supporters— 'Iwo lions rampant proper, crowned with Marquises" coronets, collared and crined or, and pendent from each of the collars an escutcheon, that on the dexter charged with the arms of the Papal See, and that on the sinister charged with the arms of His Holiness Pope Leo XIII. Mottoes — "Fidem tene," " Multa virum durando soccula vincit," "Quod vult, valde vult." Married, Feb. 19, 1878, Donna Maria Teresa Louisa, first dau. of the late Marshal Cabrera, Count de Morella, Marquis del Ter, Knt. Grand Cross of all the Royal and Military Orders of Spain by creation of King Don Alfonso XII. ; and has Issue— [\) .-Xlfonso Otho, Marquis (to whom by a Royal Decree Don Alfonso XII. was godfather, represented by the Spanish Minister in London), b. June 20, 1879; (2) Ralph Vincent Gandolfi- Hornyold, Count, /'. March 4, 1880; and Charlotte Mary, 5fr//x— Hlackmore Park, and Hanley Castle, Worcester; Villa Gandolfi, San Remo, Italy. Yl FRANCIS WILLIAM GARDEN -CAMPBELL, Esquire, Justice of the Peace and Deputy - Lieu- tenant, late Lieutenant Scots Guards, Colonel Commanding ist Banffshire Artillery Volunteers, and has the Volunteer Decoration. Born October 23, 1840, being the only son of Francis Garden Caviphcll, by his wife Gcorgina Anne, daughter of the late William P. Brigstocke of Bird- combe, in the county of Somerset. Clubs — Army and Navy, St. Stephen's. Livery — Dark blue, red waistcoat. Armo- rial bearing^ of Garden of Troup are: Or, a boar's head rnisfd saUr, armed gules. Crest— /i boar passant argent. Motto — " Vires animatvirtus." But as to arms Mr. Garden- Campbell lurites : "Lyon Office will supply. Am one of the fe70 commoners who have supporters." Upon application to Lvon Office, Lyon Kin^ of Arms writes as follows: — "Mr. Garden-Campbell of Troup, as representative of Peter Garden of Troup and Dalgetty, and of Katherine Balneaves of Gara- dour, would be entitled to quarter the arms of both these families. The descent, however, has never been officially proved in tlie Lvon Office, and no matriculation of the quar- tered arms has apparently ever been made. Neither of these families have supporters recorded for them ; the arms of Troup and Glcnlyon 7vere both registered circa 1672." Married, /an- uary 1863, Sara, youngest daughter of Denis Cavanagh of Queen's County, Ireland. Estates— 7'roup, in the county of Banff, North Britain. Postal addresses— y/v///, Banff, N.B.; 7 Beaufort Gardens, London, S. W. H ALAN COULSTOUN GARDNER, Esquire, late ® Colonel J^th Hussars and nth Hussars, Deputy- Lieutenant and Justice of the Peace for the county of Essex. Born No-c'ember 19, 1846, being the eldest son of the Right Honourable Alan Legge Gardner, third Baron Gardner, by his second wife {inarriage celebrated 1848) Julia Sarah Havfield, daughter of Edward Fortcscue. Clubs— 7"////, White's, Bachelors', St. James's. Livery— Da /-k blue, with white facings. Armorial bearings as used, but for tuhich no authority has been established, arc for Arms : Or, on a chevron gules, betaieen three griffins' heads erased azure, an anchor erect between t7vo lion's guardant, coutiter-passant chevrotiwavs of the feld. Crest — ^ demi-griffin azure, collared and lined, and supporting in the claws an anchor or. Supporters — 7?i:w griffins, ji'ings elevated azure, beaked, membercd and gorged with a naval coronet, each resting the interior hind -foot on an anchor with cable sable^ Motto—" V^alet anchora virtus." Married, April 29, 1885, Nora Beatrice, eldest daughter of James Blyth of Stanstead, Montfichet, and Portland Place, W.; and has The Editor undertakes that every entry not in italics is that of a genuinely armigerous person. 326 OBat (^ar Issue — Alan Henry Hillier Gardner, born March 13, 1886 ; Clarence Evelyn ; and Dorothy Nora. Estate — Newfon Hall, Dunmo7i>. Postal addresses — 4 Old Burlington Street, VV.; Ne^oton Hall, Dunmoiv, Essex. 5 THOMAS CHENEY GARFIT, Esquire. Justice of the Peace and Deputy-Lieutenant for the county ^J?SAt*ftf" '^^ I-incohi (High Sheriff 1897). Born 1847, ^wllH lieing the eldest son of the late Thomas Garfit, Esquire, of Boston, Justice of the Peace and Deputy-Lieutenant for the county of Lincoln, by his wife Elizabeth Boyd, only daughter of Thomas Broadbent of Grove House, Longsight, in the county of Lancaster. Cli/b — Xew University. Livery — Dark blue, red waistcoat. Ar- morial bearings— He bears for Arms : Sable, a bend nebuly argent, guttt?e-de-poix, between four goats, two and two, salient and bendwise of the second, armed or, and im- paling the arms of Noel, namely or, frctty gules, a canton ermine. Upon tiie escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling sable and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, between two bezants, the battlements of a tower or, issuant therefrom a goat's head argent, armed gold, gorged with a collar gemel sable. Motto — "Semper idem." Married, firstly, 1882, Mina Maria, second daughter of Andrew Murray of Edinburgh, who died 1883 ; secondly, 1886, Louisa Emily, younger daughter and co-heir of the Reverend Henry George de Bunsen, Rector of Donington, in the county of Salop ; and by her (who died 1887) has Issue — (i) Henry de Bunsen Cheney Garlit, Gentleman, born 1887. He married thirdly, December 3, 1891, Gertrude Arabella, daughter of Henry Lewis Noel, Esquire, commonly known as the Honourable Henry Lewis Noel; and by her has — (2) Thomas Noel Cheney Garfit, Gentleman, born 1892 ; Mary Elizabeth ; and Violet Emily. Seat — Kenwick Hill, Louth, in the county of Lincoln. S HENRY GARNETT, Esquire, Justice of the Peace and Deputy-Lieutenant. Born January 16, 1814, being the eldest son of the late Robert Garnett of Wyreside, in the county of Lancaster, by his wife Louisa Ann, daughter of William Walter Lyon, Doctor of Medicine, of Tam- worth. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Gules, a lion rampant argent, ducally crowned within a bordure dovetail or, on a canton of the last, a cross patee fitchc^c of the field. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet be- fitting his degree, with a mantling gules and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a demi-lion argent, gorged with a collar dovetail gules, between the paws an escutclieon or, charged with a cross pat6e fitch(?e also gules. Motto — " Fidus et audax." Married, April 11, 1839, Harriet, third daughter of Henry Potts; and by ha- (who died July 31, 1884) has had Issue — (i) Charles Henry Garnett, Esquire, Justice of the Peace, Vjorn May 30, 1842 ; (2) the Reverend Lionel Garnett, Bachelor of Arts of the University of Oxford, Rector of Christleton, in the county of Chester, born December 24, 1843 [married, January 1883, Amy Eliza, daughter of John Thompson of Boughton Hall, in the county of Chester, and has issue, two sons and a daughter] ; (3) Robert Garnett, Esquire, of The Ridding, Bentham, in the county of York, Justice of the Peace, born February 17, 1845 [married, September 14, 1880, Alice Catherine, daughter and heiress of Joseph Teale, Doctor of Medicine, of The Ridding, Bentham, in the county of York, and widow of Alfred Foster, and has issue, one son]; (4) Richard Lawrence Garnett, Gentleman, born June 12, 1846 ; (s) Frank Nasniytii Garnett, Genilcman, born November 8, 1848 [married, November i, 1888, Jeanne Caroline, third daughter of W. B. Buddicom of PeiiVjedw, in the county of Flint, and has issue, one son] ; (6) Stewart Garnett, Gentleman, born March 29, 1850 [married, Febru- ary 5, 1880, Caroline Sugden, only daughter of E. Armitage of The Rookery, Pendleton] ; (7) Gerald Garnett, Gentle- man, born December 22, 1853 ; (8) Sydney Garnett, Gentle- man, born September 4, 1855, ^^'ed August 9, 1874 '< (9) Sturges Alan Garnett, Gentleman, born April 4, 1857 ; Annie [married, Thomas Francis Rolt of Normanton Hall, in the county of Nottingham, and has issue] ; Louisa ; and Helen Lister [married, April it, 1883, Henry Brooke Rhodes of Barrock I'ark, Carlisle, and has issue]. Seat— Wyreside, near Lancaster. ROBERT GARNETT, Esquire, Justice of tlie Peace for the county of Lancashire and for tiu- West Riding of York- ^ is tbe Military Cockade. shire ; formerly Lieutenant 8th King's Regiment. Born February 1845, being the third son of Henry Garnett, Esquire, Justice of ihe Peace and Deputy-Lieutenant, of Wyreside, in the county of Lancaster, by his wife Harriet, daughter of Henry Potts of Chester. Club—\x\x\y and Navy. Livery — Dark blue, sc.ulet waistcoat, drab overcoat. Ar- morial bearings — He bears for Arms : (Jules, a lion ram- pant argent, ducally crowned, within a bordure dovetailed or, on a canton of tlie last a cross patte fitchee of the field. Upon the escutcheon is placed a iielmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a demi-lion argent, gorged with a collar dovetailed gules, holding between the paws an escut- cheon or, charged with a cross patte fitchee, also gules. Married, 1880, Alice Cathorine, only child of Joseph Teale of The Ridding, and formerly of Leeds ; and has Issve — Robert Evevard Garnett, Gentleman, born 1885. Postal address — The Ridding, Lower Beniham, Lancaster. § WILLIAM GARNETT, Esquire, Justice of the Peace and Deputy- Lieutenant, High Sheriff of Lanca- shire 1879. Born February 11, 1851, being the eldest son of the late William James Garnett, Esquire, Barrister-at- Law, M.P. 1857-63 for borough of Lancaster, by his wife Frances Anne, second daughter of the Reverend Henry Jeremy Hale of King's Walden, in the county of Hertford. C///i5— United University. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Gules, a lion rampant argent ducally crowned within a bordure nebuly or, on a canton of the last an eagle displayed with two heads sable. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a demi-lion argent gorged with a wreath of oak proper, holding between the paws an escutcheon gules charged with a bugle-horn or. MottO — " Diligentia et honore." Married, February 10, 1876, Bertha Fanny Elizabeth, elder daughter of the late Thomas Christopher Tatham of Weybridge, in the county of Surrey; and has Issiic — (i) William James Garnett, Gentleman, born July 19, 1878 ; (2) Noel Trevor Garnett, Gentleman, l)orn Decemlxr 30, 1887 ; Frances Annie Maud ; Hilda Christine ; and Phyllis. Seats — Quernmore Park, Lancaster; Bleasdale Tower, Garstang. The Rkverknd WILLIAM BISHTON GARNIiTT- BOTFIELD, of Decker Hill, (^arnett=T5otfielD W!^'J2 ^^\^, in the county of Chester, Master of Arts of the University of Oxford, Justice of the Peace for the counties of Salop and Montgomery. Born June 27, i8i6, being the only son of the Revertnd William Garnett- Botfield, of Haughton Hall, Rector of Church Tilston, by his wife Elizabeth Sophia, only daughter and heiress of John Bisliton of Kilsall. Armorial bearings- He bears for Arms : Quarterly i and 4. barry of tweh e per pale embattled or and azure, countercharged, on a canton sable a stag's attires affixed to the scalp or (for Bottield) ; 2 and 3 bendy of four gules and sable, a lion rampant argent, crowned or, a bordure indented of the Last (for Garnett). Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmt-t be- fitting his degree, with a mantling azure and or : and for his Crests, i. upon a wreath of the colours, on a rock a stag at gaze, holding in tiie moutii an arrow fesseways all proper (for Botfield) ; 2. upon a wreath of the colours, a demi-lion argent, crowned or, gorged with a plain collar vair, and holding between the paws a lozenge gules, charged with a bee gold (for Garnett). MottO — "The Lord will provide." Married, firstly, November 2, 1848, .Sarah, daughter of William Dutton of Halewood House, in the county of Lancaster ; and by her (wlio died February 18, 1867) has /.v.t«('— (i) William Egerion (iarnett-Botfield, Esquire, Justice of the Peace for the county of Salop, born August 16, 1849 [married, February 24. 1881, Eliz.ibeth Cluiow, only daughter of J. Howard-McLean of .-Xston Hall, in the county of .Salop, and has with other issue, William Mcl-ean Garnett-Botfield, Gentleman, born Decem- Ijer i88i] ; (2) Alfred Stanton Garnett-Boltield, Gentleman, Bachelor of Arts, born 1850 ; (3) Walter Dutton Garnett- Botfield, Esquire, Captain Royal Artillery, born 1854 ; (4) the Reverend Charles Ramsey Garnett-Botfield, Bachelor of Arts, born 1858; Lucy .Sophia [married, April 1880, Thomas New- man I'Vederick Bardwell of Bolton Hall, in tlie county of ra is the Naval Cockade. (^ar (Da0 327 York, and has issue] ; Grace Catharine ; and Annie Augusta. He married secondly, 1872, Emily, daughter of Alexander Wright, Esquire, of Guildford Lawn, Dover. Seats — Decker Hill, Shifnal ; Haughton Hall, in the county of Chester. GARNIER, seeCARPENTER-GARNIER. SiK ALFRED GARROD, Knight Bachelor, Doctor of Medicine, Fellow of the Royal Society. Bom CKi\VYt\X\ '^'9' l^t'ing the son of Robert Garrod of Ips- VjyaVVUU ^.jch ; dul.lx-d Knight Bachelor, 1887. Ar- morial bearing's— He bears for Arms : Or, gutt6e-de-poix, a cathueiis fcssiways proper between three boars' heads couped sable. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling sable and or; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, in front of a tilting-spcar erect proper, a boar sable resting the dexter leg on a quatrefoil or; with the Motto, " .AJtiora spero." Married, 1845, lilizabeth Anne (who died 1891), daughter of the late Henry Colchester of Ipswich. Postal address — 10 Harley Street, W. §JOHN RIBTON GARSTIN, Esquire, Fellow of the Society of .Antiquaries, Master of Arts of Trinity College, Dublin, and of the University of Oxford, and Bachelor of Laws and Bachelor of Divinity of the Univer- sity of Dublin, Justice of the Peace and Deputy-Lieutenant for the county of Louth (High Sheriff 1880), Justice of the Peace for the county of Dublin, Vice-President of the Royal Irish Academy (formerly Treasurer) and of the Royal Society of .Antiquaries, Ireland, a Visitor of the National Museum, Dublin, and Governor of .Armagh Library and Observatory, &c. Born 1836, t)eing the only surviving child of William Garstin of Dublin, by Anne his wife, eldest daughter of the late \V'illiam Walker of High Park, in thi* county of Dublin. Club- -University (Dublin). Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Argent, on a pale sable, a lucy's head couped or, in the dexter chief point a fleur-di--lis gules. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling sable and argent ; and for his Crest, out of a ducal coronet or, a dexter arm in armour embowed, holding in the hand a dagger all proper, the arm charged with a Heur-de-lis gules. Motto— " Gladio et virtute." Married, May 3, 1864, Mary Martha Toone, only daughter of Jaines A. Durham of Elm Lodge. Hanipton-n achievement, borro^os the Gascoigne coat from Lord Salisbury and the crest of .Milnes from his relative Lord Houghton, and folhno- ing the example of Lord Portsmouth, substitutes the Wallop arms for those of Fellowes.^ S GERALD MILNES GASKELL, Esq., J. P. and D.L. for VV. Riding, co. York, Major and Hon. Lt.-Col. 5th Royal Irish Fusiliers, late Lieut. 62nd and 94th Regts. Born 1844, being the young'-r son of the late James Milnes Gaskell, Esq., M.P., of Thornes House, co. York (by Mary, second dau. of the late Right Hon. Charles W. \Villianis-Wynn, M. P.). Club — Junior United Service. Armorial bearings — (,)uarterly i and 4, gules a saltire vair, between two annulets in pale, and as many lions passant in fe.sse or (for ale ermine and vert, counterchanged, a lion rampant gules between two Heurs-de-lis in chief and an annulet in base or. Mant- ling vert and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, an arm in bend sinister, entwined by a cable and sur- mounted by a rainbow, all proper. Motto — "Spes." Married, Dee. 31, 1873, Helen Nlary, only dau. of Rev. D. Melville, Canon of Worcester; and has /.u//c -Henry Melville Gaskell, Gentleman, b. .April 16, 1879; Amy; and Daphne, .'^eats — Kiddington Hall, Woodstock, Oxford- shire; and Beaumont Hall, Lanes. Town residence — 3 Marble Arch, W. The Editor undertakes that every entry not in italics is that of a genuinely armigerous person. ;.28 (^at COLONKL JOHN GATAC'RE, Companion of the Most Monouiable Order of llic Bath. Horn 1841, ShU^t^WV ''^''"g t'^^" second son of the late lidward VO^tllairli; Lloyd Gatacie, Esquire, of Gatacre, in tlie county of Sliropshire, Justice of tlie Peace, by his wife Jessie, second daughter of William Forbes of Callendar House, in the county of Stirling; created Conip.uiionoftheMost Honourable Order of the Bath, 1887. C//y<^ — Naval and Military. Armorial bearings— I V- bears for Arms : Quarterly, gules and erniine, in tlie second and third ciuarters three piles of the first, over all on a fesse aziue, five bezants. Below the escutcheon is pendent his badge :is a Companion of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath ; and for his Crest, ujwn a wreath of the colours, a raven proper; with the Motto, "Hie erani in dieruni scculis." Postal address — Kanipii, Central Provinces, India. Coi.ONKi. WILLI.\M FORBES GATACRE, C.B. (1896), D.S.O. (1889). Born 1843, being the third son of the late I'.dward Lloyd Gatacre, Esquire, of Gatacre, Justice of the Peace, by his wife Jessie, second daughter of William Forbes. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Quartei ly, gules and erniine, in the second and third quarters three piles of the first, over all on a fesse azure, five bezants. Below the escutcheonarependent hisbadgesasaC.B. andD.S.O. ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a raven proper ; with the Motto, " Hie eram in dierum seculis." Married, firstly, 1876, .-Mice Susan Louisa, third daughter of the Very Reverend Anthony La Touclie Kirwan, Doctor of Divinity, Dean of Limerick; and has Issue — (i) William Edward Gatacre, Gentleman, born January 23, 1878 ; (2) Thomas Edmund Gatacre, Gentleman, born November 5, 1880, d. 1881 ; (3) John Kirwan Gatacre, Gentleman, born Sep- tember 6, 1883. He married secondly, Nov. 10, 1895, Hon. Beatri.v Wickens, dau. of Rt. Hon. Lord Davey. Postal address — GEORGE GATEHOUSE, (ientleman. Horn 1835, being the son of Richard Covey Gatehouse. Armorial bear- ings — Per fesse azure and gules, in chief seven mullets, four and three argent, and in base, upon a mount vert, a gateway proper. Mantling azure and argent. Crest — Upon a wreath of the colours, in front of two keys saltire- ways azure, a portcullis or. Motto — " Qure seratasecura." Postal address — Bognor Lodge, Bognor. GATTY, see SCOTT-GATTY. Thk HoNOURABi.K STEPHEN HERBERT GATTY, third son of the Reverend Alfred Gatty, Doctor rlRiflffll ^^ Divinity, Vicar of Ecclesfield, in the county WiXlV.}/ of York, I^uisne Judge of Supreme Comt of Straits Settlements from 1892. Armorial bear- ings — He tears for Arms: Party per fesse sable and azure, in chief a demi-cat issuant guardant argent, and in base a shin-bone in bend, surmounted by another in bend sinister, between four fleurs-de-lis or. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling sable and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a fern brake and rising therefrom a cock-pheasant all proper. Motto— " Non cate sed eaute." Married, 1876, Alice G. (who died July 17, 1894), eldest daughter of the Reverend Canon Rawlinson. Postal address — Singapore. CHARLOTTE GRACE ICLIZABETH GAY, Widow, only daughter and heir of the late Christian Pedcrsen of Norway, Commander in H.M. Packet Service, and niece and heir of the late Barnet Barnetson Falck, Esquire, of Falmouth, Cornwall, Major in the PencJennis Volunteer Artillery. Livery — Blue, buff facings, silver buttons. Armorial bearings (of Gay) — Upon a lozenge ermine, on a pile between two escallops azure, a falcon belled or. Married, 1841, William Gay, Gentleman, Surveyor of the General Post-Office for South Scotland, who died 1868. Of this marriage there was /jj«t'— George Niels Falck Gay, Gentleman, born July 2, 1852, died unmarried, 1883 ; Emily Pedersen [w., 1876, Robert St. John Shaw, of H.M. Indian Civil Service (son of Major-(ieneral Shaw, R.A.), and died 1877] ; Susan Elizabeth ; Charlotte Catherine ; and Fanny Michell [;«., 1881, Maxwell Richard Peers Adams, Gentleman, Barrister-at-Law and Statistical Officer & is the Military Cockade. (^Ctl on Staff of Director-General of Telegraphs in India (second son of General H. A. Adams), and has issue]. Estates and residence — Rosvean, Falmouth, and Crill, Budock, near Falmouth, Cornwall. §SirWILLL'\MDUGUIDGEDDI':S, KnightBachelor M.A. (Aberd.), LL.D., D.Litt., D.L., Aber- /^?\l>^l^ll>rf deenshire. Principal and Vice-Chancellor of kU vUlH^P Aberdeen University from 1885. Porn 1828, being the son of John Geddes of Huntly, Aberdeenshire, and was dubbed Knight Bachelor 1892. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : .-\zure, three '")ia:i^ geds or luces naiant in pale or, on a chief ermine a book expanded of the second l>etween two Greek crosses of the first. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet Ixifitting his ^ is the Naval Cockade. (^el (Det 329 degree, with a mantling azure doubled or; and upon a wreath of his liveries is set for Crest, an owl proper holding in his beak a fleur-de-luce or, and in an escroU above, this motto, "Studendo"; and below the arms the Motto, " Luces inter cruces." Married, 1859, Rachel, only daughter of William While, Merchant, of Aberdeen. Postal address — Chanonry Lodge, Old Aberdeen. HENRY WILLINGHAM GELL, Gentleman. Born Oct. 15, 1856, being the third but second surviving son of John Phili]! Gell, by his wife Eleanor Isabella, only child and heir of Admiral Sir John Franklin, K.C.B. , Hon. D.C.L. Oxford. Armorial bearings — Party per bend argent and gules, a rose between two mullets of six points in bend counterchanged. Mantling gules and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a greyhound pean, about tlie neck a collar argent, and thereon a rose between two mullets of six points gules. Motto — " Vocatusobedivi." Married Edith Bradshaw ; and has Issue — Philip Victor Willingham, b. June 1897. Residence — Sir JAMES GELL, Knight Bachelor, Attorney-General for the Isle of Man, ex officio a Member of the (V\C\\ ^-'/f'-^/'^'"'^ '""' Executive Councils of the Island. VPI^li Born Jantiary 13, 1823, being the second son oj John Gell of K'ennaa, Isle of Man, by his wife Margaret, daughter of Gilbert M'Hutchin ; dubbed Knight Bachelor, 1877. C"hib — Constitutional. Livery — Blue coat, drab breeches. Armorial bearings as used, but for u. Isle of Man ; and has Issue— (i) John Gell, Esquire, born February i, 1852, died i8<)4 ; (2) James Stinoell (Jell, Esquire, bom April 20, 1855 \^iitarried\ ; (3) William Gell, Esquire, bom March 23, i8sy Royal License, Aug. 16, 1861, the additional surname of Gent, in pursuance of the will of his maternal uncle, George William Gent of Moyns Park, Essex. Clubs — Carlton, Army and Navy. Armorial bearings — Argent, a fesse azure, fretty or, in chief a lion rampant gules, ducally crowned of the third, between two tleurs-de-lis of the second, in base an anchor and two sugar- canes proper. Mantling azure and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, " Hope," represented by a ilemi-woman habited or, inantle purpure, flowing oyer left shoulder, in her right hand an anchor proper resting upon the wreath. Motto-" In spe spiro." Married, ]u\y 7, 1868, .\nnaljella Lucy, dau. of .\rthur Lyttleton Annesley, late of .Arley Castle, co. Stafford. .SV*/;"- Chippenham Park, Newmarket. Residence — 21 Lennox Gardens, S. W. GOODMAN GENTLEMAN, Esq., J. P. co. Keiry. Born May 12, 1818, being the son of the late Roliert Gentle- man of Ballyhorgan, by his wife Margaret, second dau. and co-heiress of .Major George Goodman of .Smith Park, co. Clare. Armorial bearings — Ermine, two eagles displayed, each with two heads in chief sable, and an esquire's helmet in base proi^er, a chief indented gules. Mantling sable and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a demi-eagle displayed with two heads sable, on each wing a trefoil or. Motto — "Truth, honour, and courtesy." Married, Feb. 17, 1841, his cousin Anne, second dau. of John Blakcny Kittson of Derry, co. Kerry ; and has Issue now surviving— (1) Robert George (jentleman. Gentleman, b. July 22, 1846 [m., 1873, Elizabeth, second daughter of Arthur Vincent of Shanagolden House, co. Limerick] ; (2) John Kittson Gentleman, M.D. , b. May 5, 1848; Maria [m., Henry Amyrald Owen of Foyle House, co. Kilkennyl ; Frances [;;/., Anthony Allen of Great Freffans, co. Meath] ; and Annie Clifford. A'«a/— Ballyhorgan, near Listowel. FREDERIC GERARD, Esquire, late Captain 23rd Royal Welsh Fusiliers; Justice of the Peace \i Broad .Street, and Shanghai. Club — Junior Con- stitutional. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Gules, a cubit arm erect grasping an arrow in Ijcnd sinister, point downwards, between four nmllets in cross or. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet Ijefitting his degree, with a mantling gules and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, issuant from a wreatli of cinquefoils vert, a stag's head or, coupes — Junior Carlton, New Uni- versity, Burlington Fine Arts. Ltfery—Uuff: coat with black collar and cuffs, black waistcoat and breeches. Armorial beariiigs-— He bears for Arms : Argent, three battle-axes mt 33^ erect sable, within a bordure nebuly of the last ; and inr his Crest, on a wreath ol the colours, in front of a rock, a de.xter arm embowcd in armour, the hand in aguantlet proper, bear- ing a battle-a.xe sable ; with the Motto, " Tena.x jiropositi." Married, )une 22, 1872, Janet Louisa, daughter of John Merivale, laie Registrar in Chancery. Issue — (1) George Abraham Gibbs, (.Gentleman, born July 6, 1873; (2) Antony Hubert Gibbs, Clentleman, born September 18, 1874; (3) William Gibbs, Gentleman, born November 20, 1877; (4) John livelyn Gibbs, Gentleman, born December 22, 1879; (s) Lustace Lyie Gibbs, Gentleman, born IVlarch 10, 1885; (6) Lancelot Merivale Gibbs, Gentleman, Ixjrn December 23, 1889 ; Albinia Rose ; Anstice Katharine ; and Janet Blanche. Estates — Tyntesfield, in the county of Somerset ; ('lyst Saint George, in the county o'f Devon ; .Alphingtoii, in the county of Devon. Postal rt(/(/;r.fj- Tyntesfield, near Bristol. JOSEPH ARTHUR GIHBS, Gentleman. B,>rii No- vember 25, 1867, being the t'ldest son of the late George Louis Monck Gibbs, (jentleman, by his wife Laura Beatrice, eldest daughter of Sir Arthur 1 lallam Elton, Baronet. Club — White's. Armorial bearings lie bears for Arms: Quarterly i and 4, argent three battle-axes within a bordure nebuly sable (for (iibl)s); 2 and 3 argent, two chevronels between three owls azure (for Hucks); and for his Crest, in front of a rock a dexter arm embowed in armour, the hand in a gauntlet proper, holding a battle-axe sable ; with the Motto, " Tenax propositi." Postal address — .Ablington Manor, Fairford, Gloucestershire. r/ie Ris^lit Honourable JOHN GEORGE GIBSON, a Member of Her Majesty's Most Honourable (^iflt^ntl ff'i'^y Council, one of Her Majesty's Counsel sXJlKff^'Jll Learned in the Law, Justice of the Peace, Master of Arts of Trinity College, Dublin, is a Judge of High Court of Justice {Queen's Bench Division). Born Februaiy 14, 1846, being the youngest son of the late William Gibson, Esquire, Justice of the Peace, of Rockforest, m the county of Tipperary, by his wife Louisa, daughter of J. Grant, Esquire. Clubs — Carlton, Atheiurum, University Dublin). Armorial bearings as used, but for which he has established no right, are for Arms : Gules, three ke\'s fesse- ways and in pale. Crest— ^ pelican in her pietv. ' MottO ~" Pandite ccelestes ported." Married, 1871, Anna, only daughter of the Rexierend John Hare of Tullvcorbet. Postal address— 38 Fitzwilliam Place, Dublin. JA.MES MILLER GIBSON-WATT, Lieut. 3rd Batt. South Wales Borderers. Born 1875, being the eldest son of the late James Watt Gibson-Watt <3f Doldowlod, bv Emnia Henrietta, dau. of the late Henry OReilly Hoey of Knuzden, Lancashire. Armorial bearings— Quarterly 1 and 4, barry of six or and azure, over all a club in bend sinister, surmounted by a caduceus .saltireways all proper (for Watt) ; 2 and 3 argent, on a fesse engrailed between two keys fesseways wards downvsards azure, a like key of the field (for Gibson). Mantling azure and or ; and for his Crest, i. upon a wreath of the colours, upon a fer-de-moline fesseways or, an elephant statant pro- per, charged on the body with a cross moline gold (for Watt) ; 2. upon a wreath of the colours, upon a key fesse- ways wards downwards azure, a pelican in her piety or, wings addorsed azure, semce of crescents argent. Mottoes — " Pandite coelestes portal, " " Ingenio et labore." Scat ~ Doldowlod, Rhayader, Radnorshire. JOHN GIBSONE, Esquire, Major (retired), late Captain 17th Lancers, J. P. for the cos. of Midlothian, Leicester, and Warwick. Born May 4, 1838, being the eldest son of General John Charles Hope Gibsone of Pentland, Mid- lothian, by Jane Louisa, only dau. of Hugh Saye Bringloe. Clubs-- New (Edinburgh), Tennis Court (Leamington). Armorial bearings— Gules, three keys fesseways in pale. wards ilowiiwards, or. Mantling gules doubled argent. Crest — On a wreath of his liveries, a pelican vulning herself and feeding her young proper. Supporters — Two angels with wings expanded jnopcr. Motto — " l^an- dite cilbeg Sir WALTER GILBEY, Baronet, of Elsenham Hall in the county of Essex, Justice of the Peac for that county, Lord of the Manors c Bishop's Stortford, Herts, and Colcheste Hall, in the county of Essex. Born May 2 1831, being the sixth son of Henry Gilbey, Gentleman of Bishop's Stortford, by his wife Elizabeth, second daughte of William Bailey, Gentleman, of Stansted Mountfitchet in the county of Essex. Clubs — Devonshire, City Liberal Livery— TiT'Ah and brown, gilt buttons. Armorial bear ings — He bears for Arms : Gules, a fesse nebuly or, ii chief a horse rampant between two estoiles and the lik in the base, all of the last. Upon the escutcheon, whicl is charged with his badge of Ulster as a Baronet, is place( a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules an( or ; and for his Crest, on a wreath of the colours, in fron of a tower proper, issuant from the liattlements thereo a dragon's head gules, a Heur-de-lis or, all between t\v( ostrich feathers argent. Married, November 3, 1858, Ellen fourth daughter of John Parish of Bishop's Stortford ; ant has Issue— {\) Henry Walter Gilbey, Esquire, J. P. (Essex (28 Seymour Street, Portland Square), born Ocloljer i, 1851 [married, January 29, 1884, Ella, daughter of J. C. Fowli" of Surbiton, in the county of Surrey, and has issue, Walte Ewart Gilbey, Gentleman, born June 10, 1886 ; Eric Gilbey Gentleman, born December 26, 1888] ; (2) Arthur Nochold Gilbey, Esquire (25 Cumlierland Terrace, Regent's Park) born April 6, 1861 [married, August 19, 1885, Beatrice second daughter of Henry Gold, Esquire, of Formosa, Cook ham, in the county of Berkshire, Justice of the Peace, an( has issue, Sebastian Walter Gilbey, Gentleman, born Ma; 6, 1893 ; Nina ; and Sylvia] ; (3) Tresham Gilliey, Esquire of The Grange, Bishop's Stortford, in the county of Ilert ford, born August 6, 1862 [married, April 29, 1886, Saral Ann, only child of John Barker of The Grange, Bishop': Stortford, Justice of the Peace] ; (4) Sebastian Gilbey Esquire, born November 29, 1863, died, unmarried, January S is the Naval Cockade. m 31, 1880 ; (s) Guy Gilbey, Rsquiic, born March 9. 1868 ; Maud Ellen [married, July 20, 1886, iJaniel Thomas Hine] ; Mabel Kate [married, July 3, 1889, Leonard Arthur Kout- ledge] ; Rose [marri^-d, April 28, 1891, Robert Stansfdd Barrow] ; and Ivniily Lucy. /isfa/ts—Thc Manor of Hisiiop's Stcrtfonl ; owns niiicli property and land in and around that town ; also in the parishes of Elsenham, Takeley, &c. ; and the Manor of Colchester Hall, in the county of Essex. Postal addresses— Ehcnham Hall, Essex; Post Town, Bishop's Stortford; Cambridge House, Regent's Park, London. N.W. PERCY CARLYLE GHXHR 1ST, Gentleman, Associate of the Royal School of Mines, Member of ^iTrfirtrtf ^'''- institute of Civil Engineers, Fellow of «a/l»VilVt;ov th,. i^oy,^i Society. Born Decemhwr 27, 1851, being the eldest son of the late Alexander Gilchrist, Barrister-at-Law, by his wife Anne, only daughter of the late John Parker Burrows. Clubs— Reform, Whitehall, Cleveland (Middlesbrough). I.ivay — Brown, with brass buttons. Armorial bearings— He ^\\ 333 bears for Arms : Gules, a bow stringed in tend or, between a bull's head erased in chief and a pheon in base, both argent ; and for the Crest, on a wreath of the colours, between the attires of a stag attached to the scalp or, a crescent argent, issuant therefrom an arrow paleways point downwards also or ; with the Motto, " Fideet fiducia." Married, December 22, 1877, Norah Augusta Maria, second daughter of the late Captain Louis Roper Fitzmaurice, Royal Navy ; and has Issue — Alexander Fitzmaurice Gil- christ, Gentleman, born September 10, 1878; and Eileen Fitzmaurice. Postal address — Frognal Bank, Finchley Road, Hampslead, London, N.W. § Major -Gknkkal GEORGE FREDERICK GIL- DEA, Companion of the Most Honourable tfntT?lrfl Order of the Bath, Justice of the Peace for the KUliUvCt county of Dumbarton. Born November 10, 1831, being the eldest son of the Very Reve- rend Provost Gildea, by his wife Esther, only daughter of Walter Green of Greenmound, Enniscorthy, in the county of Wexford ; was created Companion of the Most Honour- able Order of the Bath, 1886. cy///'.v— Army and Navy, Western (Glasgow). Livery — Primrose, with blue fac- ings. Armorial bearings-^He bears for Arms : Argent, on a mount vert a stag statant under an oak-tree proper, in the dexter chief point a cross crosslet fitch^e gules for difference. Upon the escutcheon, below which are sus- pended the badges of a Companion of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath and tiie Royal Red Cross, is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling vert and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a wolfs head erased proper, langued gules, charged on the neck with a cross crosslet fitchde as in the arms. Mottoes, " Re c merito"; " Vincit qui patitur." Married, firstly, 1863, Fanny , daughter of Major Gascovne of .Mackery, Ballinasloe ; secondly, ICIiza, Lady of the Order of the Royal Red Cross, eldest daughter of James Campbell, Deputy-Lieutenant and Justice of the Peace, TuUichewan Castle, Alexandria ; and has Issue \iy his first marriage— Lilley and Alliene ; and by his second marriage, George Frederick Campbell Gildea, Gentleman, born April 12, 1876. Postal address— Army and Navy Club. CHARLES FREDERICK GILL, Barrister-at-Law, Recorder of the City of Chichester. Born 1851, being the eldest son of Charges Gill. Clubs — Conser\'ative, Garrick, lieefsteak. Armorial bearings — Lozengy or and azure, a lion rampant guardant argent, on a canton salile, an ostrich feather passing through a scroll of the third. Mantling azure and or. Crest— Issuant from a mural crown or, a falcon wings expanded proper, holding in its beak an ostrich feather argent. MottO— " Re e merito." Married, 1878, Ada S. , youngest dau. of J. C. Fielding of firighton ; and has Issue— Fielding Gill, Gentleman, b. July 26, 1879 I and Elsie. Seat — Orion, Birchington, Thanet. DAVID GILL, Esquire, Doctor of Laws of the Uni- versities of Aberdeen and Edinburgh, Fellow of the ^*lf Royal Society, Justice of the Peace, Her Majesty's ^^^'■'- Astronomer Royal at the Cape of Good Ilope. Born June 12, 1843. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Lozengy argent and vert, on a chief gules, three martlets of the first. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling vert and argent ; and upon a wreath of his liveries is set for Crest, a demi- eagle rising proper. Motto — .Xbove the crest, " Sursum prorsusque ; " and below the shield, "In te Domine spes nostra." Married, July 7, 1870, Isobel Sarah, second daughter of John Black. 6V(z/— Blairythan, in the county of Aberdeen. § Sir ROBERT GILLESPIE, Knight Bachelor, Deputy- Lieutenant for the county of Lanark, Justice of the Peace for the counties of Middlesex, Sussex, and Lanark. Born October i^, 1818, being the eldest son of Robert Gillespie, by his wife Ami Agnes, daughter of William Kerr of Niagara, Canada; dubbed Knight Bachelor, i8gi. Clubs — Union, Union (Brighton). &xaoT\al bearings as used, but which have not been matriculated to him in Lyon Office, are: Azure, an ancient ship of three masts, sails furled and /lagged, in the centre chief a cross crosslet fitclUe , and in the sinister chief a cubit arm couped fesseways holding a dagger in pale, on a cantuti a pelican in her piety. Crest — A wild cat rampant guardant. Motto — "Qui, me tangit pwni- tebit." Married, yfrj'/Zj', 1842, Louisa Maria, daughter of Captain William Dowers, Royal Artillery ; secondly, Louisa Eliza, only daughter of E. English ; and has Issue — Robert William Gillespie, Esquire, born 1843. Y.sldiX.es— Spring Hill, Douglas, Lanark, North Britain. Postal address— 13 Lansdowne Place, Brighton. ROBERT WILLIAM GILLESPIE-STAINTON, Esq. Born 1843, being the son of Sir R. Gillespie, J. P., of Spring- hill, Douglas, Lanarkshire ; assumed name of Stainton 1873. Armorial bearings — Quarterly i and 4, azure a three- masted ship sails furled and flags flying, in chief a cross crosslet fitchde between a pelican in her piety and dexter arm fesseways couped below the elbow, the hand holding a dagger erect all proper (for Gillespie) ; 2 and 3 azure, on a chevron argent, between three boars' heads erased of the second, as many cinquefoils of the first (for Stainton). Mant- ling gules doubled argent ; and for his Crests, on the dexter side, on a wreath of the liveries, a wild cat salient proper ; and above, in an escroU, the MottO, " Qui me tanget pa?ni- tebii " (for Gillespie) ; and on the sinister side, upon a wreath of the liveries, a fox salient proper, collared or ; and above, in an escroU, the Motto, " Moderata manent " (for Stainton). Married, 1873, Josephine (who died 1894), only child of the late J. .Stainton of IMggarshiels, co. Lanark. Seat — Bittes- well House, Lutterworth, Leicestershire. The Editor undertakes that every entry not in italics is that of a genuinely armigerous person. 334 m m SJOHN SAUNDERS GILLIAT, Esq., D.L. for London, J. P. for Herts, M.P. for Clapham 1886 and Lancashire (Widnes Div.) 1892, M.A. (Oxon.). Born 1829, being the eldest son of the late John Kirton Gilliat of Fernhill, Berks, by Mary Ann, dau. of Robert Saunders of Remenhani Lodge, Herks. Armorial bearings— Or, on a fesse between four martlets, two and two, throe ears of wheat of the field. Mantling or and ; and for his Crest, upon a wreatli of the colours, on a mount vert, in front of a garb or, two fronds of fern in saltire proper. Married, i860, Louisa .-Vnn P'anny, youngest dau. of Matthew Babington of Rothley Temple, co. Leicester ; and has, with other Issue — John Baliington Gilliat, Gentleman, Lieut. Herts Yeo. Cav. , b. 1868. Seat — The Cedars, Chorleywood, Rickmansworth. Residence — 18 Prince's Gate, London, S.W. ADAM GILLIES GILLn':S-SMITH, F.R.S.E., Esq., J. P. for county of city of lulinburgh. Chairman of the North Berwick Parish Coimcil and of the North Ik-rwick Parish School lioard. I^orn Nov. 30, 1827, teing the third son of the Rev. Robert Smith, D.D., minister of Old Machar, Aberdeen, and Mary Curzon, daughter and co-heir of Lieut. -Colonel Thomas Molison of the Forfarshire Militia, representative of the Molisons of Lauchentullie. I'liibs — Royal Societies', New (lulinburghl Armorial bearings- Quarterly I and 4, or an eagle displayed gules, charged on the breast with a horseshoe of the field (for Smith) ; 2 and 3 or, two cross crosslets fitch^e in chief, and in base the attires of a hart affixed to the scalp gules, a chief chequy of the second and argent (for Molison), in the centre of the quarters a cat's head erased gules, for difference. Mantling gules doubled or; and upon a wreath of his liveries is set for Crest, an ostrich proper, holding in his beak a horse- shoe sable, and in an escroll above, " Visez juste." Mar- ried, June 4, 1868, Maria Margaret, eldest daughter of Captain Samuel Gooden Barrett of Barret Hall and Green- wood, Jamaica; and has Jssue~{\) Cecil Robert Gillies Gillies-Smith, Gentleman, Advocate, b. Sept. 12, 1870, d Nov. 7, 1896 ; (2) Adam Gillies Gilhes-Smith, Gentleman, b. 1876, d. 1885 ; Margaret Gillies ; Coventry Barrett Gillies ; and Adelaide Cathcart Gillies. Postal address — Agsacre, North Berwick, N.B. Sir CHARLES RACKHAM GILMAN, Knight Bachelor (iZ<)~), J. P. for the city of Norioich. Born Oct. 15, 1833, being the eldest son of the late Charles Suckling Oilman, by his 7oife Mary. Clubs — Constitutional, A'or- & is the Military Cockade. folk (A^otwich). Armorial bearings as used, but for which no authority has been established, are for Arms — .-Urgent, a man's leg couped at the thigh sable. Cxe^t— I ssu i ng from a cup oj maintenance gules, turned up ermine, a demi-lion rampant or. MottO — " Esperance." Married, /'t'i^. 11, 1858, Sophie Louisa, dau. of the late Thomas Storey; and has Issue — Charles Storey Gil/nan, Es,/., h. May 13, 1864; Sophie Maiy : and Ellen Lydia (deceased). Residence Stafford House, Eaton, Norwich. Sir JOHN GILMOUR, first Baronet, of Lundin and Montrave, co. Fife, and of South Walton, ,Mearns, co. Renfrew, J. P. and D.L. Fife, Lieut. -Col. Fife Light Horse V'^olunteers. Born July 24, 1845, being the eldest son of the late -Allan Gilmour of South Walton. Clubs — Carlton, Junior Carlton, Boodle's, New (Edinburgh). Armorial bearings— Argent, on a chevron between three trefoils slipped vert, as many hunting-horns of the first, the escutcheon being charged with his badge as ,a Baronet. Mantling vert doubled argent. Crest — Upon a wreath of his liveries, a tlexter hand fesseways couped, holding a writing-pen proper, and ( n an escroll over the .same this Motto, "Nil penna sed usus." Married, 1873, Henrietta, dau. of David Gilmour of Quebec ; and has Issue — (i) John Gilmour, Esq., Lieut. Fifeshire Lt. Horse Vol., h. May 27, 1876; (2) Harry Gilmour, Esq., /'. 1878; (3) Douglas Gilmour, Esq., b. 1889; Maud; ,ind Henrietta Walton. Seat — Montrave, Leven. Fifeshire. PETER VALENTINE GILPIN, Esq., J. P. for Bed- fordshire, late Lieut. 5th Lancers. Born 1858, being the only son of the late Peter Valentine Purcell, Esq., of Hal- verstowii, Capt. 13th Light Dragoons, by .Agnes Maria, eighth dau, of Sir John Heskt-th, Lethbridge, 3rd Bart, (she m. 2nd, 1866, Major St. John Le Marchant, R.H..^); •and assumed the surname and arms of Gilpin by Royal License in the year 1862. Club — Naval and Military. Ar- morial bearings — Or, a boar passant sable, in chief two roses gules, barbed and seeded proper, a canton azure for difference. Mantling sable and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, in front of three tiliing-spears points upwards, one in pale and two in saltire proper, as many mascles interlaced fesseways or. Married, 1883, Amy Mary Louisa, eldest dau. of the late Capt. Henry Meux- Smiih of Hocklifte ; and has, with other /j.f//t'— Valentine Purcell Gilpin, Gentleman, b. 1085. Seats — Hockliffe Grange, Leighton Buzzard ; Halverstown, Kilcullen, co. Kildare. S GEORGE THOMAS GILPIN -BROWN, Esquire, J. P. and D.L. for North Riding of co. York. High .Sheriff of Yorkshire 1893. Born 1848, being the eldest son of the late George Gilpin-Brown, Esq., J. P. and D.L. for the North Riding co. York, by his wife Louisa, dau. of the late Hon. Thomas Laurence Dundas (fourth son ot the Rt. Hon. first Baron Dundas). Armorial bearings— Gules, on a chevron ermine, between three lions' ganibs erased and erect argent, three escallops of the field, all within a bordure of the second, on a chief of the third, an eagle dis- played between two escallops sable. Mantling gules and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a lion's gamb erased argent, arnied and charged with a bar gemel gules, ihe paw holding two e.Tgles' wings conjoined sable. Motto — " Dictis factisque simple.x." Seats — Sedbery Park, Rich- mond, Yorkshire; .Scar House, .Xrkengarthdale, Richmond, Yorks. WILLIAM DUNDAS GILPIN - BROWN, Esquire, J. P. for parts of Kesteven, Lines., F.S.I. Born Nov. 17, 1851, being the second son of the late George Gilpin- Brown, Esq., J. P. and D.L. for the North Riding of co. York, by his wife Louisa, dau. of the late Hon. Thomas Laurence Dundas (fourth son of the Rt. Hon. first Baron Dundas). Armorial bearings — (iules, on a chevron ermine, between three lions' gand)s erased and erect argent, three escallops of the field, all within a bordure of the second, on a chief of the third, an eagle displayed between two escallops sable. Mantling gules and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a lion's gamb erased argent, armed, and charged with a bar gemel gules, the paw holding two eagles' wings conjoined sable. Motto — "Dictis factisque simplex.' Married, .Sept. 30, 1885, Ada Frances Meta Maule, dau. of Major-General Frank Horsley, late 3rd Madras Light Cavalry ; and has Issue — n is the Naval Cockade. (Sil Leslie (ieorge Gilpin-Brown, Gentleman, />. July 20, li ®i0 335 O'uib Oif lisQJif smm and Dorotliy Louisa. Kcsidetice — Arnold. Nottingham. JAMES GILROY, G.'ntleman, Bachelor of Medicine and Master of Surgery of the University of Glasgow. Doni May i, 1858, being the eldest son of (?niIl!flW J^™^^ Gilroy of Kirkton House, Neilston, KfUVU^ and Thurscraig, I'aisley, by Agnes Campbell his wife, daughter of Thomas Corbett, Es- quire, of Shawhill, Pollokshaws, in the county of Renfrew, Justice of the Peace for that county. IJveiy — Blue and white. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Argent, three dolphins haurient azure, finned gules. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling azure doubled argent ; and on a wreath of his liveries is set for Crest, a winged heart in flames proper, the wings or ; and in an escroll over the crest this Motto, "Ad finem fidelis." Married, April 1882, Elizabeth Jean (since deceased), eldest daughter of John liell of Minsca, in the county of Dumfries; and has had Issue — Isabella Stothar, (since deceased). Postal addresses — Waterbeck, Eccle- fechan ; 72 Summerhill Road, Birmingham ; Crossfiat House, Paisley. §1 Aeulenant-General Sir RF.GINALD GIPPS, KniglU Commander of the Most Honourable Order of t^illllf^ '''"■' •^'''^' Military Secretary to the Commaiider- Vi^lJJfip in-chief. Born 1831, being the only son of the late Sir George Gipps, Knight Commander of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, by his loife HTnabcth, daughter of General Ramsay, Royal Artil- lery. Clubs — Arthur's, United Service, Guard:< , Turf. \A\n\'—lilue. loith %iefitting his degree, with a mantling gules and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a swan's head and neck erased ermine, collared gules, Ijetween two palm branches vert. Motto — " Benigno numine." Seat — Worniington Grange, Stanton, Cheltenham. The Right Honourable HERBERT JOHN GLAD- STONE, Master of Arts of the University of O.xford, a Member of Her Majesty's Most Honourable Privy Council, Member of Parliament for the Western Division of Leeds, Under-Secretary of State for Home Depart tnent. Borii January 7, 1854, being the son of the Right Honourable William Ewart Gladstone, a Member of Her Majesty's Most Honoural>le Privy Council, Member of Parliament, by his wife Catherine, eldest daughter of Sir Stephen Richard Glynne, eighth Baronet. Clubs — Reform, National Liberal. Aiinorial bearings — He bears for Anus: Argent, a savage's head affront(5e, gutt{5e-de-sang, wreathed aboiit the temples with holly proper, within an orle fiory gules, all within an orle of martlets sable ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, and issuant from a wreath of holly proper, a demi-griffin sable, sup]»rting between the claws a sword enfiled by a wreath of oak all proper ; with the Motto, ' ' Fide et virtute." J^esidences—W-AWM-den Castle, in the county of Flint; 4 Cleveland Square, St. James's, S. W. ROBERT GLADSTONE, Esquire, Justice of the Peace for the county of Dumfries and for the city of Liverpool, July 17, 1833, being the eldest son of the late Thomas Steuart Gladstone of Capenoch, in the county of Dumfries, by his wife Elizabeth Field, daughter of the late Samuel Clark of Dumfries. Club — Palatine (Liverjiool). Livery — Black, with silver buttons ; waistcoat red, with narrow white stripes. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Argent, a savage's head afTront(''e, dropping blood, wreathed about the temples with liolly proper, within an orle Hory gules, all within an orle of eight martlets sable, impaling the same arms of Gl.idstone, namely argent, a savage's head affron- t(5e, dropping blood, wreathed about the temples with holly proper, within an orle flory gules, all within an orle of eight martlets sable ; and for his Crest, issuant from a wreath of holly proper, a demi-griffin sable, supporting between the claws a sword enfiled with a wreath of oak all proper ; with the Motto, "Fide et virtute." Married, February 16, i860, Mary Ellen, eldest daughter of the late Robertson Gladstone, I'^squire, of Court Hey, near Liverpool, Justice of the Peace for Liverpool, and for the County Palatine of Lancaster; and has Lssiie — (i) Arthur Steuart Glad- stone, Gentleman, born November 27, i860 ; (2) John .Steuart Gladstone, Gentleman, born August 13, 1862 ; (3) Robert Gladstone, Gentleman, Master of .Arts and Bachelor of Civil Law, of the University of Oxford, born May 6, 1866; (4) Ernest .Steuart Gladstone, Gentleman, born. July 6, 1867 ; Mary Ellen ; Catharine .Steuart ; Flora Steuart ; Edith Steuart ; Margaret Steuart ; Helen Steuart ; and Lilian Steuart. Estate and postal address — Woolton Vale, near Liverpool. The Revkue.nu. STEPHEN EDWARD GLADSTONE, Master of .Arts of the University of Oxford, Rector of Hawarden, in the county of Flint. Liorn April 4, 1844, being the second son (but eldest surviving) of the Right Honour- able William Ewart Gladstone, by his wife Catherine, daughter of Sir Stephen Richard Glynne, Baronet. LJvery — Dark cloth, with gilt buttons. Armorial bearings — He Ijears for Arms : Argent, a savage's head affrontte, drop- ping blood, wreathed about the temples with holly proper, within an orle flory gules, all within eight m.artlets in orle sable ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, issuant from a wreath of holly proper, a demi-griffin sable, supporting between the claws a sword enfiled with a wreath of oak all proper; with the Motto, "Fide et virtute." Married, 1885, Annie C. , daughter of Doctor Wilson of Liverpool; and lias Issue — (i) Albert Charles Gladstone, Gentleman, born 1886 ; (2) Charles Andrew Gladstone, Gentleman, born 1888; (3) Stephen Deiniol Gladstone, Gentleman, born 1891 ; and Catherine. Postal address— Hawarden Rectory, Chester. ARTHUR GLAZEBROOK, Gentleman, son of the late lulward Glazebrook of Liverpool, by <^Ts^TI>fl1*rtrtfe ^''^ second wife .\nne, daughter of Va^ia^l^UVUUa captain Henry Farrer of Scaleby Hall, Carlisle. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Ermine, an eagle displayed gules, beaked, legged, and holding in the beak a fleur-de-lis or, on a chief sable two bezants, each charged with a fleur-de-lis azure ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, in front of a bear's head erased or, muzzled azure, an eagle's leg erased at the thigh fesseways of the last. FREDERICK EDWARD DE TWENEBROKES GL.AZEBROOK, Gentleman. Born January i, 1859, being the youngest son of the late Henry Glazebrook of Liverpool, by Amelia his wife, daughter of i'homas Forbes Walniisley of Westminster. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms': Ermine, an eagle displayed gules, beaked, legged, and hold- ing in the beak a fleur-de-lis or, on a chief sa'ole two bezants, each charged with a fleur-de-lis azure ; and for his Crest, u|}on a wreath of the colours, in front of a bear's head erased or, muzzled azure, an eagle's leg erased at the thigh fesseways of the last. Married, October 21, 1889, Con- stance Farrer, daughter of Edward (ilazebrook; and has had issue — Frederick Newton Glazebrook, Gentleman, died an infant ; and a daughter. Honorary Trea.surer of University College, Liverpool, and Member of the Mersey Docks and Harbour Board. Born & is the Military Cockade. HENRY GEORGE I'WANBROOK GLAZEBROOK, Gentleman, Bachelor of Arts of the University of Oxford. Boru October 16, 1845, being the vounger son of the late 3 is the Naval Cockade. 0la 0\a 337 R(>verend James Kirkland Glazebrook, Clerk in Holy Orders, Master of Arts of the University of Oxford, and Vicar of Lower Darwen, in the county of Lancaster, by Mary his wife, daughter of John Hargrcaves of Hart Common, West- hoiiglitoii, in the County Palatine of Lancaster. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Ermine, an eagle displayed ;ules, beaked, legged, and holding in the beak a fleur-de-lis )i , on a chief sable two bezants, each charged with a fleur- de-lis azure ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, in front of a Ijear's head erased or, muzzled azure, an eagle's leg erased at the thigh fesseways of the last. Married Louisa Russel, only child of Russel Patey, Com- mander in the Royal Navy; and has Issue — (i) George Russel Glazebrook, Gentleman, born October 19, 1878; (2) Harold Patey Glazebrook, Gentleman, born December 30, 1885. J.-MVIES FRANCLS WALMISLEY GLAZEBROOK, Gentleman. Horn Septeml)er 23, 1855, being the eldest sur- viving son of the late Henry Glazebrook of Liverpool, by Amelia his wife, daughter of Thomas Forbes Walmisley of Westminster. Armorial bearing-s— He Ix-ars for Arms: Ermine, an eagle displayi-d gules, beaked, legged, and hold- ing in the beak a lleur-de-lis or, on a chief sable two bezants, each chargetl with a fleur-de-lis azure ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, in front of a bear's head erased or, muzzled azure, an eagle's leg erased at the thigh fesse- ways of the last. Married, March 25, 1890, Leila Mary, daughter of Alexander Geddes of Liverpool ; and has Issue — Francis Henry Glazebrook, Gentleman, born October 2, 1893 ; and a daughter. THK Rkvf.rknd JOHN KIRKLAND GLAZEBROOK, Clerk in Holy Orders, Master of Arts of the University of Oxford, Vicar of Melling, near I^iverpool. Born May 5,1817, being the sixth son of the late Thomas Kirkland Glaze- brook, lisquire, of Orford Lodge, Warrington, Captain in the Militia, Fellow of the Linnean Society, Ijy I'Llizabeth his wife, daughter of Thomas Twanbrook of Appleton, in the County Palatine of Chester. Armorial bearings— lie tears for Arms : Ermine, an eagle displayed gules, t)caked, legged, and holding in the Ijcak a fleur-de-lis or, on a chief sable two bezants, each charged with a fleur-de-lis azure ; and for liis Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, in front of a bear's head erased or, muzzled azure, an eagle's leg erased at the thigh fesseways of the last. Married Harriet Augusta, daughter of William Harter of Hope Hall, Eccles, Manchester (she died 1866). Of this marriage there is Issue — (i) Harter Kirkland Glazebrook, (Jenlleman ; (2) William Agustus (Jlazcbrook, Gentleman, died unmarried, August 15, 1888 ; (3) Charles Glazebrook, Gentleman, [married wA' Court] ; (4) Alfred Percy Glazebrook, Gentleman [mar- ried November 21, 1889, Alice Fanny, daughter of James A Eaton] ; (5) Hert)ert Ernest GIazel)rook, Gentleman [m.arried, October 31, 1893, Charlotte Mary I'^'clyn, daughter of Captain Alfred Eaton, of the Royal .\rtillery] ; (6) Walter Glazebrook, Gentleman. JOHN KNOWLES GLAZEBROOK, Gentleman. Born 1840, being tlie elder son of the late Reverend James Kirkland Glazebrook, Clerk in Holy Orders, Master of Arts of the University of Oxford, and Vicar of Over Darwen, in the county of Lancaster, by Mary his wife, daughter of John Hargreaves of Hart Common, Westhoughton, in the County Palatine of Lancaster. Armorial bearings — He tears for Arms : Ermine, an eagle displayed gules, teaked, legged, and holding in the beak a fleur-de-lis or, on a chief sable two tezants, each charged with a fleur-de-lis azure ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, in front of a bear's head erased or, muzzled azure, an eagle's leg erased at the thigh fesseways of the last. Married, April 3, 1873, Cecilia Anne Esther, daughter of Rotert Watson of the Riddings, Oswaldtwisle ; and has Issue — Philip Kirkland (xlazebrook, Gentleman, born June 24, 1880; and Cecilia Mary. Postal address — Lymm Hall, Cheshire. MICHAEL GEORGE GLAZEBROOK, Gentleman. Born May 28, 1819, teing the yoiuigest son of the late Thomas Kirkland Glazebrook of Orford Lodge, Warrington, Cap- tain in the Militia, and his wife Elizabeth, daughter of Thomas Twanbiook of Appleton, in the County Palatine of Chester. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Ermine, an eagle displayed gules, beaked, legged, and holding in the beak a fleur-de-lis or, on a chief sable two bezants, each cliarged with a fleur-de-lis azure ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, in front of a tear s head erased or, muzzled azure, an eagle's leg erased at the thigh fesseways of the last. Married, April 21, 1852, Margaret Elizabeth, daughter of Joseph Tapson of London ; and has Issue— (\) The Reverend Michael George Glazebrook, Master of Arts of the University of Oxford, Clerk in Holy Orders, and now Headmaster of Clifton School, born August 4, 1853 [married July 29, 1880, Ethel, daughter of Sir Benjamin Brodie, Baronet]; (2) Hugh de Twenebrokes Glazebrook, Gentleman, born March 30, 1855 [married, July 30, i8gr, Florence Singleton, daughter of Edward Wilson]; (3) Ar- thur James Cjiazebrook, Gentleman, tern August 28, 1861 [married, November 7, 1889, Lucy «t'f Maclauchlan of St. John's, New Brunswick] ; and two daughters. NICHOLAS SMITH GLAZEBROOK, Gentleman, Member of the Royal College of Surgeons (England). Born August 12, 1814, te'ing the sixth son who survived infancy of the late Thomas Kirkland Glazebrook, Esquire, of Orford Lodge, Warrington, in the county of Lancaster, Captain Warrington Local Militia, Fellow of the Linnean Society, by his wife Elizabeth, daughter of Thomas Twanbrook of Appleton, in the County Palatine of Chester. Livery — Dark blue coat and waistcoat, gilt buttons. Armorial bearings — He tears for Arms : Ermine, an eagle displayed gules, te-aked, legged, and holding in the beak a fleur-de-lis or, on a chief sable two tezants, each charged with a fleur-de-lis azure ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, in front of a bear's head erased or, muzzled azure, an eagle's leg erased at the thigh fessew ays of the last. Motto — ' ' Dimi spiro spero." Married, Septemter 21, 1853, Sarah Anne, daughter of Richard Tetley of Fremont, West Derby, Liverpool; and has Issue — (i) Richard Tetley Glazebrook, Gentleman, Master of Arts, and Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge, Fellow of the Royal Society, born September 18, i854[n)arried, June 28, 1883, Frances Gertrude, daughter of the late John William Atkinson of Saint John's, Ilkley, in the county of York, and has issue] ; (2) Francis Kirkland Glazebrook, Gentlepian, born June 9, 1857; (3) Nicholas Smith Glazebrook, Gentleman, born September 29, 1859 [married, September 15, 1891, Edith Mary, daughter of the late William Cleaver of West Derby, and has issue] ; (4) William Rimington Glazebrook, Gentleman, born July 19, 1864; (5) Hamilton Glazebrook, Gentleman, born July 24, 1867 ; Sarah l-^lizabeth [married, July i, 1885, the Reverend James Butterwick, Master of Arts of the University of Cam- bridge, Clerk in Holy Orders, and has issue] ; Mary Isabel [married, March 30, 1882, John Paul Rylands [to whom refer], Barrister-at-Law, and has issue] ; Frances Edith ; and .Annie. Postal address — Haymans Green, West Derby, Liverpool. THOMAS TWANBROOK GLAZEBROOK, Gentle- man. Born October i, 1843, being the second son of the late Thomas Twanbrook Glazebrook of New Brighton, in the County Palatine of Chester, by his wife Catharine, daughter of William Hall, Justice of the Peace, of Grappen- hall Hall, in the same county, and afterwards of Twembrooke House, Seaforth, in the County Palatine of Lancaster. Armorial bearings — He tears for Arms : Ermine, an eagle displayed gules, beaked, legged, and holding in the beak a fleur-de-lis or, on a chief sable two tezants, each charged with a fleur-de-lis azure ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, in front of a bear's head erased or, muzzled azure, an eagle's leg erased at the thigh fesseways of the last. Motto — " Dum spiro spero. " Postal address — Mont- pellier Crescent, New Brighton, county Chester. WILLIAM HALL GLAZEBROOK, Gentleman. Born 1846, being the youngest son of the late Thomas Twanbrook Glazebrook of New Brighton, in the county Palatine of Chester, by his wife Catherine, daughter of William Hall of Grappenhall Hall, in the same county and afterwards of Twembrooke House, Seaforth, in the County Palatine of Lancaster. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Ermine, an eagle displayed gules, beaked, legged, and holding in the beak a fleur-de-lis or, on a chief sable two l)ezants, each charged with a fleur-de-lis azure ; and for his The Editor undertakes that every entry not in italics is that of a genuinely armigerous person. 338 (3\t (Sip Crest, upon a wreath of the coloiirs, in front of a bear's head pra'-ed or, mizzled azMrc, nn eajjie's !»•?;; erasf^ at the thiL-: ' ' ■ • . ;" • ' r- lot: le oft! ... - ' . -'.n Berry of NVw biiglaon; ajiil liaj /jjT/t — William 'I wen- broke Glazebrook, born May i, 1877, Gentleman. Postal address — L i verpool. MOUTRAY GLEDSTANES, Esquire, lusticp of the ■ '■ ' . . nd (SlcD0tancj0f ham, King's County, by his wife Sophia, daughter of John Corry Moutray, E^niire. Deputy-I.if'iitc- nant, of Favour Royal, " ' ''' in, Ambrose Upton Gl' d the name and arms f.: r- nidge, by Royal Licei,.^t, ;a i'6-ji. Club — Kildiue Street (Dubhn). ArmorlalbeariligB— He tears for Arms: Quar- terly I and 4, per pale or and argent, within an orle of martlets sable, a savage's head couped, distilling drops of blood nnd wearing a bonnet composed of hny and holly lea^.' --r (for Gledstanes) ; 2 .: it, on a clif '1 between three bugle-1 1 gules, a tf' ■ , , 1 or (for Hornidge), ini; ^ :.._ arms of Versclioyie, namely argent, on a chevron ijetween three boars' heads enup^d gules, langued aznre, a cross pat<'-e or. Uf)on thf- ■ — ' is placed all' ' • ' .. ■■ > ,.,._ with a ni' and or; ar '::■- • n awreath'' : ~, ademi-gn:' ir proper, transiixing a savage's head coujicd distilling drops of blood and wearing a bonnet composed of bay and holly leaves as in the arms (for Gledstanes) ; 2. upon a wreath of the colours, out of park palings proper, a demi-huntsman affrontcJe, habited gules, belt and cap sable, winding a horn or, motto over, " Virtutis laus actio" (for Hornidge). Motto — Under the arms, "Fide et virtute." Married, January 15, 1874, Helen Catherine, daughter of John James Verschoyle, Esquire, of Tassagart, in the county of Dublin, Justice of the F'eace [by his wife Catherine Helen, daughter of the Reverend W. H. Foster, and g; ' ' ' ti-r of the Right Reverend W. Foster, Doctor of \) p of Clogher] ; and has, with other Issue — An • ^n Gledstanes, Gentleman, bom July 6, 1876. iVra/— I- ardross, Clogher. BIRKENHEAD GLEGG, formerly Lieut. 7th Fusiliers. Bom /an. 31, 1848, being the eldest son of the late Lieut. - Col. Edward Holt Clegg, late Rifle Bri^^ade, by his wife Mar- garet Maxwell, dau. of John A/ax^vell lujgan if J-'inirallon, N.B. Club — Piccadilly. Livery— 7?/«^. Aimorial beax- IngB as used, but to which no right has been officially estab- lished — Sable, two lions counter-passant in pale argent, for difference a crescent on a crescent (for Glegg of Backford). Crest — A hawk with wings displayed preying on a par- tridge all proper. Arms — Sable, three ganibs within a bordure argent (for Birkenhead of Backford). Crest — A goat salient atgent, attired or, resting his forefeet on a garb or. [But no right to either coal has as yet been officially established or recorded.'] Seat — Backford Hall, Chester. Sir THOMAS GLEN GLEN-COATS, first Baronet, of Ferguslie Park, in the county of Ren- (fof rtl-tfTnAfK frew, I^ieutenant-Colonel and Hono- VcL/ltll-»OUm;) rary Colonel commanding 2nd Ren- frewshire Volunteer Battalion (Princess Louise's Regiment) Argylc and Sutherland Highlanders. Born 1846, being the son of the late Thomas Coats, Flsquire, Justice of the Peace for the county of Renfrew, (who died 1883), by his wife Margaret, daughter of Thomas Glen of Thornhill, Johnstone; assumed the additional surname of Glen by Royal Licence, dated July 5. 1894. Creation — 1894. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Quarterly 1 and 4, or, a stag's head erased gules, between the attires a pheon azure, all between three mascles sable, a bordure engrailed of the last (for Coats) ; 2 and 3 ermine, three Cornish choughs sable, lieaked and membered gules (for Glen). Above the escutcheon, which is charged with his badge of Ulster as a Baronet, is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules and or; and for Crests, i. upon a wreath of his liveries an anchor in pale proper ; and in an escroll above the crest this Motto, " 1^ firm " (for Coats) ; & is the Blilitary Cockade. and 2. upon a wreath of the liveries, a Cornish chough as in the arms; and in an escroll above this motto, " Deus alit corsos." Married, 1876, Elise Agnes, daughter of Alex- ander Walker of Montreal, in the Dominion of Canada ; and has /jj«^ — (i)Th - ' * '^i' ' ' <" ' '' ;ire, born 1878; (2) Alexa re, born 1883; and Ma' / lal address — P'erguslie Park, Paiilcy, X.li. The Rev. JAMES GLENCROSS, M.A. (Ball. ColL. Oxon), J. P. for Cornwall. Born 1816, being the only son of the late William Glencross of Luxstowe, by Isabella, only dau. of R " rt. Armorial bear- ings — Per sJilt . n rnmj/ort or, hold- ing in the de:'.' ,_, _ , lonce of the last, in chief three chaplets of oak proper, fructed gold. Mantling azure and argent ; and for his Crest, uf)on a wreath of the coIo „-, I ..-J argent, charged on the body with a err resting the dexter forefoot upon a cha: -. Motto — " A cruce salus." Married, 1852, Alia .\rineucll, eldest dau. of the late Rev. George P. Norris of Roscradoc House, St. Cleer, Cornwall ; and has, with other Issue — George Poole Norris Glencross, Esq., J. P., b. 1855. Seat — Luxstowe, Liskeard. Rev. FREDERICK AUGUSTUS GLOVER, M.A., LL.B. and Mus. Bac. (Trin. Coll., Dublin), Rural Dean and Assistant Diocesan Inspector of Schools, J. P. for the parts of Lindsey. Born May 6, 1837, being the second son of Samuel Glover, by his wife Mary, dau. of John Walker. Armorial bearings as used, hut for which no authority has been establislied, are for Arms — Sable, a chevron ermine, between three crescents argent, all within a bordure. Crest — An eagle displayed argent, charged on the breast with three spots of erminites. MottO — " Nee tinus, nee :perus." Married, Jan. 12, 1893, Maty North, eldest dau. of William Morton of Alfred ; and has Issue (by a prei^ious marriage) — (i) Arthur Frederick Glover, b. Jan. 8, 1804; (2) Ernest Augustus Glcn'er, b. April t^, 1866; Clara; and Mary Ann (d. 1869). Residence — Witherne Rectory, Alford, Lines. Seat — .Mount Glover, co. Cork. London address — 15 High- bury Terrcue. Ge.veral Sir JULIUS RICHARD GLYN, Knight Commander of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath. Born 1824, being the son of the Reverend Tliomas Clayton Glyn, by his wife Jemima Julia, daughter of William m is tlie Naval Cockade. (©OD ©Of 339 Hammond of St. Alban's Court, in the county of Kent ; created Companion of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, 1859, and advanced to the rank of Knight Commander of that Order, 1886. Club— Army and Xavy. Armorial beariagB— He bears for Arms : Argent, a double-headed eagle displayed sable, guttde-d'or ; the escutcheon being surrounded by the ribbon of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, and pendent his badge as a Knight Commander thereof. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling sable and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, an eagle's head erased sable, gutt(?e-d'or, holding in the beak an escallop argent. Married, firstly, 1857, Adelaide (who died 1879), daughter of William Lea of Arelcy House, in the county of Worcester ; -econcly, 1890, Julia, daughter of the late General St. George Showers, Companion of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, and widow of Colonel Hamilton Maxwell ; and has A.7/« living (by first marriage) — Ada; Marion [married, 1889, Captain Wentworlh Odiarne Cavenagh, fiedfordshire Regiment, and an Instructor at Royal Military College, Sandhurst, and has issue] ; and Rachel [married, 1896, Bertram Cox]. A'«?V/«;«ir— Sherborne House, Sherborne, in the county of Dorset. § AMBROSE LETHBRIDGE GODDARD, Esquire, of The Lawn, Swindon, in the county of Wilt- (JonriflAfTl '^^"^' Justice of the Peace and' Deputy- Kl/UUUaVU Lieutenant. Bom n ' ,1819, being theeldestsonof.Vni rd. Esquire, of Swindon, by his wife Jessy Dorot! laughter of Sir Tlionias Fiuckler I^thbridge, Baruiut. CV«^— Carlton. IJ-'i-iy — Oxford mixture. Armorial bearings^He bears for Arms : Gules, a chevron vair between three crescents argent. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wTeath of the colours, a stag's head affront^e, couped at the neck gules, attired or. Married, August 14, 1847, Charlotte, eldest daughter of the late Edward Aysh- ford Sanford of Nynehead Court, in the county of Somerset ; and has Issue — (i) AmVjrose Ayshford Goddard, Gentleman, born May 7, 1848, died at Malta, May 1885 ; (2) FitzRoy Pleydell Goddard, Gentleman, born September 29, 1852 ; (3) I^dward Hesketh Goddard, Esquire, Captain Dorset Regiment, bom October 19, 1855 [married, April 1891. Gwendoline Loyd] ; {4) the Reverend Charles Frederick Goddard, Curate of Christ Church, Swindon, born Novem- ber 25, 1863 ; and Jessie Henrietta. Estates — Houses and property in the parishes of Swindon, W'roughton Rodbourne, and Aldbourne. Postal address — The Lawn, Swindon. § ARCHIBALD GODLEY, Esq., J.P. and D.L. for CO. Leitrim, and J.P. for co. Cavan, being the fourth son of the late John Godley, Esq., J.P. andD.L., of Killi- gar, by Catherine, dau. of the late Riglit Hon. Denis Daly of Dunsandle, co. Galway, C/«<^— Sackville Street (Dublin). Armorial bearings — Argent, three unicorns' heads erased sable, horned gules, two and one, and three trefoils slipped vert, one and two, and impaling the arms of Stapleton, namely, quarterly i and 4, argent a lion rampant sable (for Stapleton); 2 and 3 argent, two bars, and in chief three escallops azure (for Errington). Mantling sable and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a unicorn's head erased argent, horned gules, charged with three trefoils slipped vert. Motto — " Sans Dieu rien." Married, 1862, Jane Elizabeth, third dau. of the Hon. and Rev. Miles John Stapleton ; and has Issue — Anna Charlotte Adelaide. Seat — Killigar, Belturbet, co. Leitrim. SiK ARTHUR GODLEY, Knight Commander of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, Permanent Under Secretary of State for India, Member of the Governing Bodies of Rugby anrl Dulwich Colleges. Born 1847, being the son of John Robert Godley of Killigar, Belturtet, co. Leitrim, by Charlotte, dau. of C. W. (j. Wynne, M.P. ; created C. B. 1882, and advanced to the rank of Knight Commander 1893. Club — Athenneum. Armorial bearings ' — Argent, three unicorns' heads erased sable, horned gules, two and one, and three trefoils slipped vert, one and two, the escutcheon being surrounded by the ribbon of the Bath, and pendent the badge of a K.C. B. , and impaling on a second escutcheon the amis of James, namely gules, a dolphin embowed or. Mantling sable and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a unicorn's head erased argent, horned gules, charged with three trefoils slipped vert; with the Motto, " Sans Dieu rien." Married, 1871, the Hon. Sarah, dau. of the Right Hon. Walter Charles James, ist Baron Northbourne ; and has Issue ^W\x^\ John Godley, Esq., b. 1877; Helen Sarah [w., 1895, Henry Rice of Dane Court, and has issue] ; Eveline Charlotte ; and Katharine Euphemia. Postal addresses — 13 Ennismore Gardens, London, .S.W. ; Minley Lodge, Farnborough, Hants. AUGUSTUS FREDERICK GODSON, Esquire, Mas- ter of Arts of the University of Oxford, Jus- d?Snnentry. Residence — Westioood Park, Droitwich. Chambers — 2 Pump Court, TcmPh'. E.G. GERALD LIONEL JOSEPH GOFF, Esq., J.I', tor Hants, Major Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders. Born 1855, Ijeing the eldest surviving son of the late Joseph Goff, Esq., of Burton Grange, Herts, by Lady Adela, dau. of Thomas, 2nd Earl of Ranfurly, and grandson of the late Joseph Goff, Esq., of Hale Park. Club — Naval and Mili- tary. Armorial beajrlngs — Azure, a chevron between two fleurs-de-lis in chief and a lion rampant in base or. Mant- ling azure and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a squirrel sejant proper. Motto — " Fier sans tache." Seat — Hale Park, Salisbury. ROBERT GOFF, Esq. Born 1823, being the third son of the late Joseph Goff, Esq., of Hale Park, Hants, by Jane, dau. of the late Capt. Thomas .Stannus. tV/zi^— Arthur's. Armorial bearings — Azure, a chevron lietween two fleurs- de-lis in chief and a lion rampant in base or. Mantling azure and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a squirrel sejant proper. Motto — ' ' Fier sans tache." Married, 1859, Cameron, only child of the late Gen. de Lautour, C. B. , K.H. ; and has /w«c — Ewan Cameron Robert Goff, Gentleman, b. 1865 [m., 1892, Ellen Clara, youngest dau. of George .Sefton Constable of Sefton Place, Warning Camp, .Sussex]. Seat — Sunmiers Place, near Billingshurst, Sussex. The Editor undertakes that every entry not in italics is that of a genuinely armigerous person. 340 (^Of W THOMAS CLARENCE EDWARD GOFF, Esq., W Captain 3rd Bait. Royal Scots Regt. Born 1867, being the eldest son of the late Capt. Thomas William Goff of Carriglea, J. P. and D.L. for co. Roscommon (High Sheriff i8s8), and M.P. for the same county 1859, i860, by Dorothea!" dau. of the late Rev. Lord Au.t,'usius FitzClarence. f/„^f_Wellington, Whites. Armorial beariugs— Azure, on a clievron, between two Heurs-de-lis in chief and a denii- lion ramp.-int couped in base or, an annulet gules. Mant- ling azure and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a squirrel sejant proper, charged on the slioulder witli a fleur-de-lis or, and holding in its forepaws a nut also pro|«;r. MottO — " Honestas optima politia." Eslates — Carriglea, co. Dublin ; Oakport, co. Roscommon. Postal addresses — SZ Hans Road, London, S.W. ; Wellington Club. Sukhkon-Maiok HENRY ALEXANDER GOGARTY, M.D. (Dublin),' retired A.M.D., son of the late Andrew Gogarty, M.D. (St. Andrews), of Rio de Janeiro, and formerly of Dublin, by Hannah, daughter of Hayden. Armorial bearings— (Quarterly argent and vert, a cross- Hory between four fleams all counterchangcd. Mantling vert and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a talbot passant gules, its forepaw supported by a fleam or. MottO— " Fidelis." Postal rt^/fi'yr.v'.— Thwaite House, Canterbury. ARCHIBALD MURG.A.TROYD GOLDIE GOLDIE- SCOT, Gentleman, of Craigmuie, in ^n!Tltr-e&rnfl- ^'^'^ Stewartry of Kirl;cudbright. Va;UlUiL-X>'iUl-l Bom March 1863, being the son of the late Thomas Goldie Goldie-Scot of Craigmuie, by his wife and cousin Frances Elizabeth Lever Goldie. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Quarterly 1 and 4, or on a bend between two griffins' heads erased azure, a mullet between two crescents of the first (for Scot) ; 2 and 3 argent, a chevron gules, between three trefoils slipped vert (for Goldie), over all, on an escutcheon of pre- tence argent, two tends sable, the upper engrailed (for Lever). Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, witii a mantling gules, doubled argent ; and upon wreaths of his liveries are set for Crests, i. a stag trippant proper (for Scot) ; 2. a garb or (for Goldie). Mottoes— Over the crests, " Fideliter amo," and "Quid utilius." Married, 1885, his cousin Ellen Gertrude, fourth daughter of the Reverend Michael Henry Simpson, Vicar of Towlaw, in the county of Durham. Seat — Craigmuie, Moniaive, Thornhill, North Britain. Thk Honoukaule Sir JOHN TANKERVILLE GOLDNEY, Knight Bachelor, Chief-Justice of Trinidad. Porn 1846, being the third son of Sir Gabriel Goldney, Baronet, by his wife Mary Anne, daughter of Richard Haywood Alexander of Corsham, in the county of Wiltshire ; created Knight Bachelor, 1893. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Per pale gules and azure, on a bend en- grailed plain cotised argent, between two eagles displayed of the last, three garbs sable. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of tlie colours, in front of a garlj as in the arms, three cinquefoils or ; with the Motto, " Honor virtutis priemium." Married, February 9> 1875, Jane Macgregor, daughter of John Laird, Member of Parliament for Birkenhead. Postal address — Trinidad, West Indies. OSMOND ELIM D'AVIGDOR GOLDSMID, Gentle- man, B.A. , LL.B., Trinity Hall, Camte., Lord of the Manor of vSouthborough ; assumed the name and arms of Goldsmid by Royal Licence, May 1896, on succeeding the late Sir Julian Goldsmid, Bart. Born Aug. 9, 1877, being the only son of the late Elim Henry D'Avigdor, by his wife Henrietta, dau. of B. S. Jacobs. Clubs — Piccadilly, Ranelagh. Livery — Black, black and yellow striped waistcoat ; (dress) : fawn coat, blue plush breeches. Armorial bearings — Quarterly i and 4, persaltireerniinennd erminois, on a chief gules, a goldfinch proper between two roses or (forGoldsmid) ; 2 and 3 sable, a lion passant argent, holding in the dexter fore-paw an anchor erect or between two mullets of six points paleways of the last. Mantling gules and or. Crests — i. on a wreath of the colours, a denii-lion argent, supporting with the paws a bundle of twigs erect or, banded azure (for Goldsmid) ; 2. on a wreath of the colours, two demi- M is tbe Military Cockade. (^00 greyhounds respecting each other sable, supporting be- tween the paws a bezant charged with a demi-lion rampant and couped, holding in the dexter paw an anchor erect, both .sable. Seat — Somerhill, Tonbridge, Kent. GOLKAR, quartered by TEMPEST. GOMM, see CARR-GOMM. GOODEVE-ERSKINE, see MAR. §Gknkral WILLIAM WEST GOODFELLOW, Royal Engineers, Companion of the Most /J?Snn?lfi??TrtVYl Honourable Order of the Bath. Born W UUUl^-liUUJ June 2, 1833, being the eldest son of (ieneral William Barclay Goodfellow, Royal Engineers, by his wife Harriette Jane, daughter of Charles West, Doctor of Medicine ; was created a Com- panion of the Most Honourable Order of tlie Bath, 1868. C7/ci^— United Service. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Argent, a chevron gules, between two gabions in chief proper, and in base on a mount vert an elephant sable, a chief embattled azure, thereon on the dexter, pendent from a ribband of the second, a representation of the silver medal presented to Samuel CJoodfellow by the Honourable East India Company, in commemoration of his services at the taking of Seringapatam ; and on the sinister, pendent from a ribband also of the second, a representation of the gold medal presented to the .said .Samuel Goodfellow by the Grand Seignor, for his services in Egypt. Pendent from the escutcheon is his iiadge as a C'ompanion of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a demi-female figiu^e representing Temperance, vested argent, mantle azure, in the dexter hand a palm-branch, and in the sinister a bridle proper. Motto — "Temperance." Married, October 10, 1870, Claudine Caroline (who died 1875), daughter of General Charles B. Fuller, Royal Artillery ; and has Issue — Robert Charles Goodfellow, Gentleman, born May 16, 1875. Postal address — Belvoir, Torcjuay. S CHARLES EMANUEL GOODHART, Esq., J. P. and D.L. for Kent. Bonn 818, being the only surviv- ing son of the late Emanuel Goodhart, Esq., by Christiana, dau. of the late Peter Richard Burford, Esq., of Stratford, lissex. Armorial bearings Gules, a buck trippant argent, in chief two bees volant or, on a chief nebuly of the third a OT is tbe Naval Cockade. (^00 0or 341 cross of Lorraine of the field loetween two eagles displayed sable. Mantling gules and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a bee-hive or, between two bees within a rainbow terminating in clouds proper. Married, ist, 1846, Elizabeth, dau. of Capt. Thomas Settle of Gt. Yarmouth, Norfolk (she died 1879); 2nd, 1880, Agatha Margaret, dau. of the Rt. Hon. Sir James Caird, K.C. B. ; and has by the former, with other Issue — Emanuel Charles Goodhart, Gentleman, b. 1849. *^^<^' — Langley Park, Beckenham, Kent. SOMRKVILLE COODRIDGR, Ksquire, Captain in tlie Royal Navy. Armorial bearings d^rtflfll*?7lrt*l? 'if used are — Ardent, a /esse sable, in tO^UUUVlU^t' chief three cross crosslets fitchie of the second. These arms were confirmed and alloiued at the Visitation of Devon, in 1620 to Walter Goodrids^e of Totnes in that county, hut Captain Good- ridge has not established his right to tliem at the College of Arms. RICHARD HENRY GOODWIN-GLAUWIN, Esquire, Justice of the Peace for the the eldest son of the Reve- rend Henry John Goodwin of Hinchley Wood House, in the county of Derby, by his wife Frances Eleanora, daughter and heiress of the Reverend Richard 15urrow Turbutt, Bachelor of Arts, and assumed the additional name and the arms of Gladwin by Royal License, April 28, 1881. Armo- rial bearings— He bears for Arms : lirmine, a chief azure, over ail on a bend gules a sword argent, hilt and pommel or. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling azure and argent; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, on a mount proper a lion sejant argent, gutt(5e-de-sang, holding in the dexter paw a sword erect or. Seats — Hinchley Wood House, Ashbourne ; Stubbing Court, Chesterfield. GOOLD, borne VERSCHOYLE. on an escutcheon of pretence bv HUGH MACKAY GORDON, Esquire, of Abergeldie, in the county of Alx;rdeen, J. ['. for the counties of London, Kent, and Aberdeen. Horn September 24, 1826, Ijeing the eldest son of the late Adam tiordon, by his wife Susan, sixth daughter of the Reverend John Swete of Oxton House, in the county of Devon ; and succeeded his uncle in 1869. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : (Quarterly I. azure, three boars' heads couped or ; 2. or, three lions' heads erased gules ; 3. or, three crescents gules, within a double tressure Hory counterfiory of the second ; 4. azure, three cinquefoils argent, the whole within a bordure quarterly argent and gules. Upon the escutcheon is ])laced a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules, doubled argent ; and upon a wreath of his liveries is set for Crest, a deer- hound argent, collared gules. Motto — "God with us." Married, May 19, 1859, Susan Amelia, elder daughter of the late Charles Hewit Sams of Lee, in the county of Kent. Seat — Abergeldie Castle, Hallater, in the county of Aberdeen. Residence — The Courtyard, Eltham, in the county of Kent. /OS^ CLEMENT GORDON, Esquire, Justice of the Peace and Deputy-Lieutenant. Born 1838, being the fifth but second surviving son of Sir Charles Gordon of Drimnin, by his wife Helen, daughter of John Fletcher of Dunans, in the county if Argyll. Armorial bearings as used, but which have not been matriculated in Lyon O/fice, arc J'or Arms : Azure, a fessc chequy bctioeen three boars' heads, all within a bordure. Crest--^^ stag's head. MottO—" Bydand." Married, 1875, Mary Teresa, daughter of William Hoy of Stoke Prioiy, in the county of Suffolk; and has Issue — • Charles Augustine Gordon, born 1881 ; Helen Mary ; Monica Mary; Elisabeth Mary; and Clementina Mary. Estate and postal address — Drimnin, Argyllshire. ft ROBERT GORDON GORDON-GILMOUR, Esquire, w of Liberton and Craigmillar, (J5nrrinn-()5tfmn!ir '" ""^ county of Edinburgh, Vl^UlUUIl'^a^milUUl captain Grenadier Guards. Born February 27, 1857, being the eldest son of Henry Wolrigc Gordon of Hallhead ; and ixssunied the name of Gilmour on succeeding to the estate of Craigmillar by the death of his great-uncle Walter James Little Gilmour. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Quarterly, first and fourth grand quarters, quarterly I and 4, azure three writing pens paleways argent (for Gilmour) ; 2. sable, on a saltire argent a crescent gules (for Little) ; 3. gules, three boars' heads erased argent, issuing out of the dexter base a lance, and out of the sinister base a Lochaber axe both in pale and of the last (for Rankine of Orchardhead) ; second and third grand quarters, azure a fesse between three boars' heads couped or (for Gordon) ; and impaling the arms of Lygon, namely argent, two lions passant in pale, double-queued gules. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules, doubled argent ; and upon wreaths of his liveries are set for Crests, i. a dexter hand holding a scroll of paper within a garland of laurel proper ; 2. out of a crest coronet a stag's head affront^'e proper. Mottoes — " Nil penna sed usus;" "Bydand." Married, October 19, 1889, Susan, commonly called Lady Susan, second daughter of the Right Honourable Frederick Lygon, sixth Earl Beauchamp ; and has L^^sue — Two daughters. Seat — Inch House, Liber- ton, in the county of Midlothian. \^The supporters, "two haioks rising proper," quoted in Burke's " Landed Gentry," are tiot matriculated in Lyon Register, and are of no authority. \ S JAMES ALEXANDER GORDON -KING, Lieut. Scots Guards. Born April 18, 1B72, being the only son of the late Lieut. -Col. William Ross King, late 74th Highlanders, J. P. and D. L. , of Tertowie, Aberdeenshire, by his wife Lucan Gordon, dau. of the late Col. William Curaming-Skene-Gordon of Pitlurg and Parkhill, Aberdeen- shire. Clubs — Guards', Piccadilly. Lively — Blue, with silver buttons. Armorial bearings — Azure, on a fesse argent, between a lion's head erased of the last in chief and a water-bouget or in base, three round buckles gules. Mantling gules doubled argent. Crest — Out of a wreath of his liveries, a demi-lion rampant gules, crowned with an antique crown or. Seat — -Tertowie, Kinaldie, Aberdeen- shire. JOHN ARTHUR HOWARD GORGES, Esquire, Major S7th Regt. Bengal Army (retired), late Adjutant Roscommon Militia. Born Jan. 20, 1821, being the third but eldest surviving son of the Rev. John Howard Gorges, M.A., T.C.D. , Rector of Hollymount, in the c". of Mayo, by his wife Frances, dau. of Solomon Richards, Esq., of .Solsborough, in the co. of Wexford (High Sheriff 1793). Armorial bearings— Quarterly of eight, i and 8 lozengy or ami azure, a clicvron gules (for Gorges, modern) ; 2. argent, on a chief gules, three bezants (for Russell) ; 3. argent, a gurgcs azure (for Gorges, ancient) ; 4. or, five lozenges in fesse gules, each charged with an escallop of the field (for Newmarch) ; 5. gules, a lion rampant ermine (for Oldhall); 6. argent, a chevron sable, between three billets ermine (for linglowise) : 7. gules, three cinquefoils pierced ermine (for Hamilton); over all, on an escutcheon of pre- tence, azure, two lions rampant combatant argent, chained or, supporting a tower triple-towered of the second (for Keliy of lurrock). Crest — A greyhound's head couped proper, collared gules, bezant^e. Motto — " Prend nioi tel que je suis." Married, 1867, Mary, only dau., and [after her brothers' death, unmarried] only surviving child and heir of Williana Daniel Kelly, Esq., of Turrock and Castlepark, CO. Roscommon, D.L. ; and has /,r.t//). Marriea 1868, Wilhclmina, daughter of William Carslairs, Doctor c Medicine, Honourable East India Company's Service, c Cupar, in the county of Fife; and has Issue — (i) Patric! Barns Graham, Gentleman, born 1869 (deceased) ; (2) Allai Barns Graham, Gentleman, born 1874 ; (3) John Barn Graham, Gentleman, born 1877 ; (4) Gordon Barns Graham Gentleman, born 1885 (deceased) ; Jean Meldrum ; Marion Wilhelmina ; and Katherinc Isobel. Scats — Craigallian Milngavie, in the county of Stirling ; Lymekilns, East Kil bride, in the county of Lanark ; Kirkhill, Ayrshire, iS:c. JOHN ALFRED GRAHAM - WIGAN, Cientleman Born i860, being the son of Lewis D. Wigan, (ientlemai: of Oakwood, Maidstone, Kent ; assumed by Royal Licens in 1896 the additional surname and arms of Graham Armorial bearings— (^u.irterly i and 4, vair, on a pile 01 a mount, thereon a mountain ash-tree proper (for Wignn) 2 and 3 or, three piles wavy sable, the centre one chargei with a crescent of the field, within a double treasure flor and counterflory gules, on a chief engrailed sable, thre escallops of the field, a canton ermine for difference (fo Graham), and upon an escutcheon of pretence these sam arms of Graham without the canton. Mantling azure am or. Crests — i. on a wreath of the colours, on a moun vert, a mountain ash-tree under a rainbow proper (fo Wigan) ; 2. on a wreath of the colours, a flame of fin proper, charged with a cross crosslet sable, for ditfercnci M is the Naval Cockade. (^ra ®ta 345 (for Graham). Motto — " Recta sursum." Married, 1896, Ida Clementina, only child and heir of the late Frederick Graham-Lacon, Lieut. 17th Regiment, and granddaughter of John Edmund Lacon of Duntruue. Seats — Oakwood, Maidstone, Kent; Duntrune, Dundee, N.B. SSiK THOMAS GRAINGER -STEWART, Knight Bachelor, Doctor of Medi- (^tainger^^tetoart 'Z^^I'^g^^^^, Professor of the Practice of Physic in the University of Edinburgh, Deputy-Lieutenant for the city and county of Edinburgh. Armorial bearings He bears for Arms : Or, a fesse checjuy azure and argent, between two cross crosslets fitch(5e in chief, and a garb in base gules, banded of the first. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling azure ana or ; and upon a wreath of his liveries is set for Crest, two hands proper, grasping a man's heart or ; with the Motto, " Corde et manu." Postal address — Edinburgh. CiRANDMESNIL, quartered by BARNEWALL. COLONKL A. C. GRANT. Born , being the eldest son of the late F. M. Sir Patrick Grant, G.C. B., G.C.M.G. Armorial bearings — Gules three antique crowns or, a boidure of the second, charged with three wreaths of laurel vert. Mantling gules, doubled argent. Crest- Upon a wreath of his liveries, a burning mountain proper. Motto — "Stand fast." Postal address — United Service Club, S.W. SJOHN PETER GRAN T of Rothiemurchus, Esquire, Barrister-at-Law (Inner Temple), and Advocate (Scot- tish Bar), D. L. , J. P. for Inverness-shire and for Banffshire, Major ist Vol. Bait. Q.O.' Cameron Highlanders. Born Feb. 29, i860, being the eldest son of the late John Peter Grant of Rothiemurchus, Esq., D. L. , J. P. for Inverness- shire, by his wife Marion, dau. of Richard Rowe. Clubs — Brooks's, Isthmian, New (Edinburgh), Highland (Inveiiiess). Livery — Green, red facings and waistcoat. Armorial bearings — Quarterly i and 4, gules three anticjue crowns or ; 2. or, a fesse chequy azure and argent, between three wolves' heads couped sable ; 3. azure, a dexter hand vam- braced, grasping a sword erected in pale argent, liilted or, between three boars' heads couped of the third, langued gules, all within a borduje wavy or. Mantling gules doubled argent. Crest — On a wreath of tiie liveries, a hand and arm holding a broadsword proper. Mottoes — "Pro patria" and "In God is all my trust." Married, Sept. 27, 1882, Edith Mary Brewster, youngest dau. of Lieut. -Col. David Edward Macpherson of Belleville, Inver- ness-shire (which marriage was dis.solved July 18, 1896) ; and has Issue — John Peter Grant, Gentleman, b. June 24, 1885 ; and Juliet Marion. Seat— The Doune of Rothie- miu-chus, Aviemore, N.B. Postal address — Links Cottage, Banff, N.B. WILFRED DRYDEN GRANT-IVES, Esq., M.A., J. P. CO. Northampton. Born April 7, 1854, being the youngest son of the late William Grant of Lichborough, co. North- ampton, by Frances, dau. of Richard Pack of Floore House ; and assumed the name and arms of Ives by Royal License, Aug. 18, 1889. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : (Juarterly i and 4, or on a plain chevron with cotises engrailed sa. , between three blackamoors' heads in profile couped at the shoulders proper, five annulets of the first (for Ives) ; 2 and 3 gules, a fesse dancettee ermine, Vietween three antique crowns or (for Grant). Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling sable and or ; and for his Crests, i. upon a wreath of the colours, issuant from a rock proper, a blackamoor's head as in the arms, the temples and the neck each encircled by an annulet or (for Ives) ; 2. upon a wreath of the colours, a conical hill fired at the summit [irojjer, issuant therefrom a cross calvary or (for Grant). Motto — "Stand sure." Married, Nov. i, 1881, Fanny Louisa, youngest dau. of Rev. Thomas S. Millington of Woodhouse, Eaves, co. Leicester ; and has 1 ssue — Winifred Francis ; Lilian Mary ; Charlotte Elsie; Helen May; and Jane Millicent. Seat — Bradden House, Towcester. IT ALEXANDER WILLIAM THOROLD GRANT- W THOROLD, Esq., J. P. and D.L. for Lincolnshire (High Sheriff 1870), and J. P. for Northamptonshire. Born 1820, being the eldest son of the late Alexander Grant, by Helen, dau. of the Rev. William Thorold of Weelsby ; s. his uncle Richard Thorold, whose name he assumed by Royal License, 1864. Club — Conservative. Armorial bearings — Quarterly i and 4, per chevron sable and azure, three goats salient argent, a bordure engrailed of the last (for Thorold) ; 2 and 3 or, three escutcheons gules, each charged with an Eastern crown of the first (for Grant). Mantling sable and argent ; and for his Crests, i. upon a wreath of the colours, a buck argent, charged on the body with a quatrefoil vert, resting the dexter foot on an escut- cheon azure, thereon a martlet or (for Thorold) ; 2. upon a wreath of the colours, on a rock, a burning mountain sur- mounted by a rainbow all proper (for Grant). Married, 1863, Anna Hamilton, third dau. of the late Admiral .Sir James .Stirling; and has, with other issue — Richard Stirling Grant-Thorold, b. 1868, late Lieut. R. W. Fusiliers. Seal — Cosgrove Hall, near Stony Stratford. Town residence — 3 Grosvenor Gardens, London, .S.W. The Honoukaui.e Sir WILLIAM GRANTHAM, Knight Bachelor, a Judge of the High (^ffltltTlfl ni Court of Justice, Justice of the Peace VJ^l-anVljaiU f^^ j^g coimty of Sussex, Lord of the Manors of Camois Court, Balneth, and Twineham Benefield. Born October 23, 1835, being the younger son of the late George Grantham of Barconibe Place, near Lewes, by Sarah his wife, daughter of the Lite William Verrall of Southover, Lewes ; was educated at King's College, London ; was called to the Bar of the Inner Temple 1863, and appointed one of Her Majesty's Counsel Learned in the Law 1877, a Bencher 1878, and was formerly a Deputy-Chairman of Magistrates ; was a Member of Parliament for East Surrey 1874, 1885, and for Croydon 1885, 1886, when he became a Judge of the High Court of Justice. Clubs — Carlton, .\lhenreum. Livery — Blue with silver buttons. Armorial bearings— He l^ears for Arms : Ermine, a griffin segreant gules, holding between the claws an escutcheon or, charged with a cross crosslet sable, in chief two cross crosslets of the second ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a demi-griflin gules, charged on the body with two cross crosslets paleways or, and hold- ing Ixitween the claws km escutcheon also or, charged with a cross crosslet sable; with the Motto, " Comme Dieu grantit." Married, 1865, ICn\nia, eldest daughter of the late Richard Wilson of Chiddingley, Sussex, and Moles- worth House, Brighton; and has /w//t' — (i) William Wilson Grantham, Esquire; (2) Frederick William Grantham. Es- quire, and five daughters. Kstate — Barcombe Place. Postal addresses — Barcombe Place, Lewes; 100 Eaton Square, London, S.W. ; 657 Royal Courts of Justice, London, W.C. The Right Revekend CHARLES GR.AVES, Bishop of Limerick, Ardfert, and Aghadoe, Doctor of Divinity (Dublin) ; Honorary Doctor of Civil Law (Oxon), Fellow of the Royal .'society, formerly President of the Royal Irish Academy, Dean of the Chapel Royal, Dublin, Dean of Clonfert, Senior Fellow and Professor of Mathematics, Trinity College, Dublin. Born November 6, 1812, being the fourth son of Jolin Crosbie Graves, Barrister-at-Law, by his wife Helena, eldest daughter and co-heiress of Reverend Charles Perceval, Rector of Churchtown, in the county of Cork. Club — Athenseum. Livery — Blue. Ar- morial bearings — He bears for Arms : Party per pale gules and azure, an eagle displayed or, ducally crow ned, in the dexter chief point a cross patonce of the last (for Graves) ; 2 and 3 argent, on a chief indented gules, three crosses patce of the field (for Perceval). Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a demi-eagle displayed and erased or, encircled round the body below the wings with a ducal coronet gules, each wing charged with a cross patonce also gules ; with the Motto, " Aquila non capiat muscas." Married, 1840, Selina (who died 1873), eldest daughter of John Cheyne, Doctor of Medicine, Physician-General to Her Majesty's Forces in Ireland ; and has /.f.f«6'— (i) John Cheyne Graves, Gentleman, born 1841, died 1868; (2) Alfred Perceval Graves, Gentleman, Ixsrn 1846; (3) Arnold Felix Graves, Gentleman, born 1847 ; (4) Charles Larcom Graves, Gentle- man, born 1856; (5) Robert Windham Graves, Esq., C.M.G. , born 1858; Helena Cecilia, died 1886; Rosamond Selina ; Augusta Caroline ; and Ida Margaret. Postal address — The Palace, Henry Street, Limerick. The Editor undertakes that every entry not in italics is that of a genuinely armigerous person. 34^ end between two lions rampant sable, Married, 1869, as his third wife. General Sir Edward Harris Greathed, K.C.B. , D.C. L. (O.xon.), J. P., of Uddens, Dorset (who died Nov. 19, 1881) ; and has had Issue — Edward Wilberforce Osborn Greathed, Esquire, b. July 7, 1870 ((/. 1893), of Uddens, Dorset; Charlotte Elizabeth ; Georgina Laura ; and Dorothy Louisa. Postal address — 81 Queen's Gate, London, S.W. EDWARD ARCHER GREATHED, Gentleman. Born 1866, being the eldest son of the late Major-General William Wilberforce Harris Greathed, C.B., R.E. , and his wife Alice, only dau. of the Rev. A. Clive of Whitfield, co. Hereford. Armorial bearings — Argent, two barrulets plain between as many engrailed per pale azure and sable, and an orle of martlets gules; and imjialing the arms of Croft, namely, c|uarterly ])er fesse indented azure and argent, in the first quarter a lion passant guardant or. Mantling azure and argent. Crest — Upon a wreath of the coloin-s, out of bulrushes proper, a stag's head per pale engrailed argent and gules, attired or, in the mouth an arrow of the first. Motto — "Work with a will." Mar- ried, Jan. 21, 1891, Janet, eldest dau. of Sir Herbert George Deimian Croft, ninth Bart., of Lugwardine Court, Hereford- shire ; and has Issue — Bernard Wilberforce Greathed , Gentle- man, b. 1891. Residence — Armstrong Point, Winnipeg, Canada. K is the Naval Cockade. 0tZ (^te 347 EDWARD SEYMOUR GREAVES, Esquire, Justice of the Peace for the counties of Carnarvon rKrmVlPrt ^"'^' Warwick. I^om 1849, being the Vj^l.t'aU*;-^ second son of the late John Whitehead Greaves, Esquire, of Bericote House, in the county of Warwick, Justice of the Peace and Deputy- Lieutenant for that county, for which he served the office of High Sheriff in the year i860, by Ellen his wife, daughter of Gill Stednian of the Manor House, Pakenhani, in the county of Suffolk. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Argent, on a fesse engrailed azure between four pellets, three in chief and one in base, each charged with a lion's head erased or, a griffin passant, wings elevated between two escallops of the last. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling azure and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, an eagle displayed with two heads sable, resting each claw on a pellet, each charged with a lion's head as in the arms, and either wing charged with two escallops or ; with the Hotto, "Aquiia non captat muscas." Married, 1881, Rosamund Augliarad, daughter of Edward Lloyd of Tyn-y-Rhyl, in the county of Flint ; and has Issue — Edward Owain Greaves, Gentleman, born 1882. Postal addresses — Glen Etive, Argyllshire ; 35 Lennox Gardens, London, S.W. § FRANCIS EDWARD GREAVES, Es(|unc, Justice of the Pence for the county of Derby, Captain in the Derbyshire Rifle Volunteers. Born May 23, 1840, being the younger son of the late Henry Marwood Greaves, Esquire, of Hesley Hall, in the county of Nottingham, Bamier Cross, in tlie county of York, and Ford Hall, in the county of Derby, Justice of the Peace and Deputy-Lieutenant, by Mary Catharine Anne his wife, only child of the Reverend William Bagshawe of Banner Cro.ss and Ford Hall, Master of Arts of the University of O.xford. Livery — A light drab or cream-coloured cloth coat, lined crimson, the waistcoat of the last, the breeches li.glit drab or cream-coloured plush, the greatcoat drab, braided round the cape and cuft's with crimson cord, hats gold-laced. Armorial bearing's— He bears for Arms : Quarterly , gules and vert an eagle riis|)layed, holding in the beak a slip of oak or ; and for a Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, on a njount vert, a stag trippant or, holding in his nioutii a slip of oak of the first ; with the Motto, " Deo non fortuna." Married, December 11, 1872, Emma, second daughter of Thomas Storer Partington of Blackbrook, in the county of Derby ; and has Issue — (1) Henry Fo.xlowe Greaves, Gentleman, born March 1, 1875 ; (2) Edward Newton Bagshawe Greaves, Gentleman, born October 18, 1880 ; (3) Francis Gordon Hamilton Greaves, Gentleman, born May 8, 1885 ; Frances Mary ; Grace Emma; Catherine Jsaliel ; Constance Helen; and Edith Campl^ell. Estate — Dronfield, in the county of Derby. Postal address — 15 Powis Square, Brighton. GEORGE RICHARD CJREAVES, F^squire, Justice of the I'eacrt for the county of Buckingham. Horn March 8, 1845, being the only son of the late Henley George Greaves, Gentleman, of Elmsall Lodge, in the county of York, by Elizabeth Anne, second daughter of Richard Foun ayne Wilson of Milton Park and Ingmanthorpe, in the county of York, formerly Member of Parliament for that county. Livery — Dark blue coat, red and white striped waistcoat. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Quarterly, gules and vert an eagle displayed, holding in the beak a slip of oak fructed or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, on a mount vert, a stag trippant or, holding in the mouth a slip of oak of the first ; with the Motto, "In veritaie triumplio." Married, .August 23, 1883, Ellen Mary, daughter of Thomas Newham, Doctor of Medicine, of Winslow, in the county of Buckingham. Postal address — Winslow, Bucks. §JOHN ERNEST GREAVES, Esquire, Justice of the Peace and Deputy-Lieutenant for the county of Merio- neth, for which he served the office of High Sheriff in the year 1884, and Justice of the Peace for the county of Car- narvon, for which he served the office of High Sheriff in the year 1885, and Lord- Lieutenant of that county since the year 1886, Chairman of Quarter Sessions. Bor/i 1847, being the eldest son of the late John Whitehead Greaves, Esquire, of. Bericote House, in the county of Warwick, Ji^stice of the Peace and Deputy-Lieutenant for that county,* for which he served the office of High Sheriff in the year i860, by Ellen his wife, daughter of Gill Stedman of the Manor House, Pakenhani, in the county of .Suffolk. Clul) — Reform. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms: Argent, on a fesse engrailed azure iietween four pellets, three in chief and one in base, each charged with a lion's head erased or, a griffin passant, wings elevated, between two escallops of the last. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a )nantling azure and argent ; and for Tiis Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, an eagle displayed with two heads sable, resting each claw on a pt!llet, each charged with a lion's head as in the arms, and either wing charged with two escallops or; witli the MottO, "Aquiia non captat muscas." Married, 1875, Marianne, daughter of the late E. Rigby, Doctor of Medicine, of Berkeley .Square, London, W. ; and has Issue — ■ Dorothy. Postal addresses — Bron Eifion, Criccicth ; Glan Gwna, Carnarvon. § RICHARD METHUEN GREAVES, Esquire, Justice of the Peace and Deputy-Lieutenant for the counties of Carnarvon and Merionetli. Hon/ 1852, being the third son of the late John Whitehead Greaves, Esquire, of Bericote House, in the county of Warwick, Justice of the Peace and Deputy-Lieutenant for that county, for which he served the office of High Sheriff in the year i860, by I'^llen his wife, daughter of Gill Stedman of the Manor House, Pakenhani, in the county of Suffolk, ('lui — Junior Carlton. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Argent, on a fesse engrailed azin-e between four pellets, three in chief and one in base, each charged with a lion's head erased or, a griffin passant, wings elevated, between two escallops of the last. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling azure and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, an eagle displayed with two heads sable, resting each claw on a pellet, charged with a lion's head as in the arms, and either wing charged with two escallops or ; with the Motto, "Aquiia non captat muscas." Married, 1883, Constance Mary, second daughter of the late J. Dugdale of Wroxall Abbey, in the county of Warwick, Esquire, Justice of the Peace. Postal address— Wern, Tremadoc, R.S.O. , Carnarvonshire. The Editor undertakes that every entry not in italics is that of a genuinely armigerous person. 348 (i>xc (dre S WILLIAM nilNRY CRliAVES-BAGSHAWE. Ks- quire, J. P. unci D.L. (0reat)e0^T13ag0i3alDe "^J^l^^^^'^S^ lh)rn August 13, 1831, being the eldest son of the lute Henry Marwood tircaves, ICstiuire, of Hesley Hall, in the county of Nottingham, Banner Cross, in the county of York, and Ford Hall, in the county of Derby, Justice of the Peace and Deputy- Lieutenant, by Mary Catiiarine Anne his wife, only child of the Reverend William Bagshawe of Banner Cross and Ford Hall, Master of Arts of the University of Oxford; assumed tlie surname of Bagshawe in addition to and after that of Greaves, in the year 1853, and obtained Her Majesty's Royal License to contiiuie to use the name and to l)ear the arms of Bagshawe in addition to and quarterly with those of Greaves, in the year 1879. Cltdb — National. Livery — (Bagshawe) coats, green cloth lined with scarlet shalloon, collars and cuffs of scarlet cloth, brass buttons, waistcoats of green cloth, breeches of green or scarlet doiii or plush," hats gold laced ; (Greaves) coats of very light drab or cream-colour cloth lined with crimson, brass buttons, waistcoats of crimson cloth, breeches very light drab or cream-colour plush, hats gold-laced. Armorial bearings— He bears for Anus : Quarterly i and 4, or, a bugle-horn .sable stringed vert, between three roses gules (for Bagshawe), 2 and 3 c|uarlerly gules and vert, an eagle displayed holding in tlie beak a slip of oak or (for Greaves) ; and for his Crests, i. on a wreath of the colours, a dexter cubit arm erect proper, the hand holding a bugle-horn sable, stringed vert (for Bagshawe), 2. upon a wreath of the colours, on a mount vert, a stag trippant or, holding in his mouth a slip of oak of the first (for Greaves) ; with the Motto, " Forma flosfanm flatus." Married, September 24, 1856, Martha, daughter of Joseph Bowmer of Draycott, in the county of Derby, and of Lancayo House, in the county of Monmouth ; and has Issue — William Murray Caldwell Greaves - Bagshav\e, Esc|uire [to whom refer] ; Mary Catherine Murray [married, December 7, 1887, to Edward Renshaw of Larkhall, in the County Palatine of Chester, and has issue] ; and Frances Alice Devereux [married, July 14, 1886, to Ernest Carver of Westfield, Poynton, also in the County Palatine of Chester ; and has issue]. Estates— Banner Cross and Fulwood Hall, in the county of York ; Ford Hall, in the county of Derby. Postal address — Ford Hall, near Chapel-en-le-Frith, Derbyshire. WILLIAM MURRAY CALDWELL GRE.WES-BAG- SH,\WE, Esquire, Justice of the Peace for the county of Derby. Born October 19, 1864, being the only son of William Henry Greaves-Bagshawe, Esquire, Justice of the Peace for the county of Derby [to whom refer], by Martha his wife, second daughter of Joseph Bowmer of Lancayo House and Draycott. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Quarterly i and 4, or, a bugle-horn salile, stringed vert, between three roses gules (for Bagshawe), 2 and 3 quarterly gules and vert, an eagle displayed holding in the beak a slip of oak or (for Greaves), and over all a label of three points for difference ; .and for his Crests, i. upon a wreath of the colours, a dexter cubit arm erect proper, the hand holding a bugle-horn as in the arms (for Bagshawe), 2. upon a wreath of the colours, on a moiuit vert, a stag trippant or, holding in his mouth a slip of oak of the first (for Greaves) ; with the Motto, "Forma flos fama flatus." Married, firstly, August 23, 1888, Marie Louise (who died October 21, 1891), only child of John George Silkenstadt of Rose Bank, Didsbury, in the County Palatine of Chester ; and secondly, July 25, 1894, Lilian l-'iorence, daughter of Edward Madoc Jones of Glentworlh, Oswestry. Postal address — Ford Hall, near Chapel-en-le-Frith, Derbyshire. ALFRED GREEN, Gentleman. Horn April 18, 1838, being the second son of the late Richard Green l'fr\YPPY\ of l-ssendon, near Hertford (England), and of Vii/i'vt-ll Launceston, in the Colony of Tasmania, by his wife Hannah, daughter of Richard Jackson, Club — Launceston (Launceston, Tasmania). Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms: Argent, between two bendlets nebuly saVjie, a lion pas?ant between two crosses !ialt?e gules, the whole between as many escallops of the sr^cond, and in chief a crescent for difference; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, in front of a cubit arm erect proper, tiie hand grasping an anchor in bend sinister sable, a cross pat<5e between two escallops or ; with the & is tbe lililitary Cockade. Motto, "Je ferai bien." Married, November 30, 1B70, Rose, daughter of tJcorge William Barnard ; and has Issue — Alfred Lawrence Green, Gentleman, born October 7, 1875. Postal address — 51 George Street, Launceston, Tasmania. ARTHUR GREEN, Gentleman. Born July 30, 1842, being the third son of the late Richard Green of Es-sendon, near Hertford (England), and of Launceston, Tasmania, by his wife Hannah, daughter of Richard Jackson. Club — Launceston (Launceston, Tasmania). Armorial bearings — Argent, within two bemilcis nebuly sable, a lion passant between two crosses patde gules, the whole between as many escallops of the second, and in chief u mullet for difference ; Crest, on a wreath of the colours, in front of a cubit arm erect proper, the hand grasping an anchor ^m is the Naval Cockade. ^re (3tz M9 in tiend sinister sable, a cross pat^e Iwtwecn two escallops or; Motto, "Je feral bien." Married, April 15, 1876, Florence, daughter of Charles James Wecdon ; and has Isiue — (i) Richard Vyvyan Weedon Green, Gentleman, born February 27, 1877; (2) Eric Arthur Weedon Green, Gentleman, born December i, 1878 ; (3) Harold Weedon Greon, Gentleman, born August 13, 1880; (4) Lionel Hard- wicke Weedon CJreen, Gentleman, born Octolier 11, 1886; and Elsie Beryl Weedon. Postal address — " Winciarra," 22 High Street, Launceston, Tasmania. EDWIN JACKSON GREEN, Gentleman. Born Janu- ary 3, 1845, being the fourth and youngest son of the late Richard Green of ICs.sendcn, nenr Hertford (England), and of Launceston, 'rasinanii'. r////'— Austral (.Adelaide, South AiKstralia). Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Argent, between two bendlets nebuly sable, a lion passant betNveen two crosses pat(5e gules, the whole between as many escallops of the second, and in chief a martlet for difference ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, in front of a cubit arm ert.'ct proper, the hand grasping an anchor in Ix-ncl .sinister sable, a cross patte between two escallops or ; with the Motto, "Je forai bien." Married, Septemlx-r 9, 1880, Lucie, daughter of James M'Nicol; and has Issue — (i) Reginald Pcrcival Green, Gentleman, torn February 28, 1884 ; (2) .VIervyn Leslie Green, Gentleman, born August 6, 1892 ; Eflie Madeline; Lilian May; and Hilda Constance. Pos/iil address -2% Hu.xton Street, North Adelaide, South Australia. DA MR ELLEN GREEN, Widmv, commonly known as Lady Green, daughter of W. Carter of Troy, Jamaica. Married, 1859, Lieutenant-General Sir George Wade Guy Green, Knight Commander of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, who died 1891. I'ostal address — Sidney Ijidge, Cheltenham. H EVERARD GREEN, Gentleman. Rouge Dragon © Pursuivant of Arms, a Vice-President of the Society of Antiquaries of London. Born .Se|)tember 23, 1844, Ijeing the third and youngest son of Charles Green of Holdich House, in the parish of Spalding, in the county of Lincoln, by his wife Mary, fourth daughter and co-heir of Henry Everard of Spalding. Clubs — Reform, Burlington Fine Arts. /,/trry~Blue and yellow. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Quarterly i and 4, azure three bucks trip- pant or, on a chief of the last a Heur-de-lis between two annulets of the first (for Green); 2 and 3 argent, three bars wavy couped between as many estoiles all gules (for Everard) ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, in front of a buck's head couped or, between the attires an annulet azure, a fleur-de-lis and two annulets as in the arms. Motto — "Spiritu principali." Postal address — Heralds' College, London, E.G. FRANCES ELIZABETH GREEN, Spinster, daughter of the late Richard Green of Essendon, near Hertford, England, and of Launceston in the Colony of Tasmania, by Hannah his wife, daughter of Richard Jackson. Armorial bearings are for Arms: Upon a lozenge argent, lietvveen two bentllets nebuly sable, a lion passant between two crosses paK'e gules, the whole tetween as many escallops of the second. J'os/al address — 194 Clinitieri Street, Launceston, Tasmania. Rkv. JOHN HENRY GREEN, M.A., Rector of Knaptoft with Shear.sby, Mowsley, and Walton, co. Leicester, Chaplain to the late Sir Arthur Grey Hazelrigg, Bart. Born Nov. 23, 1839, lieing the eldest son of Rev. Arthur Youlden, M.A., by his wife ICiizabeth Peach, dau. of Charles Martin Dinham Green, Gentleman, by his wife Mary, dan. and heir of Robert Holdich, Esq., J. P. and D. L. Armorial bearings— Azure, three bucks trippant or, on a chief of tlie last, a fleur-de-lis between two aimu- lets of the field. Mantling azure and or. Crest— On a wreath of the coloms, in I'runl of a buck's head couped azure, a fleur-de-lis lx!lween two annulets, and a third annulet between the antlers or. MottO — " S|3irilu princi- pali." Married, Jan. 2, 1868, Catherine I'Llizalx-th, dan. of Rev. James Room Peake. M.A. ; and has Issue — Ethel Mary Katharine. Nesidence—T\\K; Rectory, Knaptoft. RICHARD (JREEN. Gentleman. Born March 5. 1836, being the eldest son of the late Ricliard Green of Essendon, near Hertford (England), and of Launceston, in the Colony of Tasmania, by his wife Hannah, daughter of Richard Jackson. Club — Launceston (Launceston, Tasmania). Armorial bearings— He Ixars fur Arms : Argent, Ixnwcen two iK-ndlets nebuly s;d>le, a lion passant Ijctwcen two cro.sses patci'' gules, the whnle between as many escallops of the second ; and for his Crest, on a wreath of tiie colours, in front of a cubit arm erect proper, the hand grasping an anclior in lx.'nd sinister sable, a cross pated between two escallops or ; with tlie MottO, " Je ferai bien." Postal add ress—i<)^C\m\ut:Te Street, Launceston, Tasmania. JK RICH.\KD S BURGEON GREEN, Esquire, Lieut. - €r Col. late Royal Berkshire and Duke of Wellington Regts., /.P. for Essex. Born April 2c,, 1843, being the fifth son of James Green of Wros and Ludham, Norfolk, by his Tte Editor undertakes tbat every entry not in italics is that of a genuinely armigerous person. 35° ^re (^re wife Sarah, dan. of A'it. Riilianl Spiiri^eoii, Kfcfor cf Malbaston, Norjolk. Chih- Xar'a/ a/id Afilitary. Livery — Dark blue. Armorial beaxings as used, hut for rc-n Feb. zi, 1853, being the second son of the Rev. Henry Greene (seventh son of Sir Jonas Greene). Armorial bear- ingS"-Per pale or and azure, three bucks trippant counter- changed. Mantling azure and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a dragon's head erased azure, gorgetl or ; and for Motto, " Nescia fallere vita." Married, April 23, 1885, Mary Dorothea Lucy, dau. and co-heiress of the Rev. Henry Roundell ; and has /ssuc — (i) Henry Roundell Greene, Gentleman, /'. April 23, 1886 ; (2) Godfrey George Roundell Greene, Gentleman, b. March 19, 1888. I'ostal address — 23 Pembroke Gardens, Kensington, W. § HENRY DAWSON GREENE, Esquire, J. P. cos. Westmorland and Lancashire, Capt. 2nd Vol. Batt. Border Regt. Born May 26, 1862, being the only son of the late Dawson Cornelius Greene, Esq., J. P. Lancashire, Westmorland, and W. Riding of Yorkshire, formerly Lieut.-Col. 43rd Light Infantry, by his wife Mary, second dau. of Sir Henry Russell, Bart., of Swallowfield, Berks. Clubs — Travellers', Wellington. Armorial bearings — Vert, on a fesse invected or, between in chief two pheons and in base a bugle-horn argent, stringeil gules, three fleurs-de-lis of the last. Mantling vert and or. Crest — A stag proper, gorged with a collar invected or, a shield suspended therefrom or, charged with a rose gules. Married, Oct. 11, 1894, Violet Frances Henrietta, second dau. of John Henry Francis Ley, D. L. , of Trehill, Devon ; and has Issue — Charles John Greene, Gentleman, b. Dec. 28, 1897 ; and Mary Sybil Grace. Seats — Slyne, near Lancaster; Whittington Hall, Kirkby Lonsdale. HJOHN JOSEPH GREENE, Esquire, Bachelor of ® Arts (Moderator in Natural Science) and Bachelor of Medicine of the University of Dublin, Surgeon-Lieutenant- Colonel Army Medical Staff. Born October 10, 1848, being the eldest son of the late John Greene of Dublin, by his wife Charlotte, only daughter of Samuel Perry of Manchester, and grandson of Godfrey Greene, formerly of Grcenmount, in the county of Kilkenny, and eldest representative of the family of Greene, of Greenville, formerly in county Kilkenny. Clubs — Junior Army and Navy, United Service (Simla, @ is the Naval Cockade. (^re (Btz 351 rnian United Service (Dul)lin). Livery — Green, with yellow facings and gilt buttons. Armorial bearings —He bears for iGms : Vert, three bucks trippant or, each gorged with a flucal coronet gules. Mantling vert and or. Crest — Issuant from a ducal coronet guU-s, a buck's head or; with the Motto, " Nee timeo. nee sperno." Estates — Drumgorey and Knockacoola, in the barony of Glanheiry, in the county of Waterford ; Scart, in the barony of Clan- william, in the county of Limerick. Postal address — 23 Herbert Place, Dublin. JOHN GREI'^NE, Gentleman, Rom 1851. being the third son of the late John Greene of Glcnville, by his wife Kninia, eldest daughter of the Reverend Richard Jones Hob.son, Archdeacon of Waterford. Livery (inxtn, with yellow facings and gilt buttons. Armorial bearings— He Ijeurs for iGrms : Vert, three bucks trippant or, each gorged with a ducal coronet gules. Mantling vert and or; and for his Crest, out of a ducal coronet gules, a buck's head or; with the Motto, "Nee timeo nee sp<'rno." Married, Octoljer 9, 1872, Julia Earner, daughter of General Rolx'rt .Sandeman ; and has /.tf//*"— (i) Reginald Hugh Greene, (ienlleman, born July 9, 1873; (2) Walter Massy Greene, Gentleman, born Novemlx;r 6, 1874 ; (3) Rolx;rt 'I'lujodore Greene, (ientleman, bom Uecemlxsr 4, 1882 ; (4) Joseph IJertram Greene, Gentleman, Ixjrn August 5, 1885; Theodora; Kathleen Amy, died January 29, i8aling these same arms of (Ireene. Mantling azure and or. Crest- On a wreath of the colours, a dragon's head erased azure, gorged or; and for Motto, " Nescia fallere vita." Married, 1873, Dorothy Jane, eldest dau. of George Greene, fourth son of Sir Jonas Greene; and has Issue — Alfred Hilton, b. Oct. 25, 1876. Postal address — Mount Temjile Rectory, Moate, Westmeath. Rev. JOSEPH GREENE, Clerk in Holy Orders. Horn Oct. 15, 1824, lieing the eldest son of the Rt. Hon. Richard Wilson Greene, second Haron of Her Majesty Court of ICxchequer in Ireland, by his wif<^ Klizabctli, third dau. of Thomas Wilson of Kulford, York. Armorial bear- ings Per pale or and azure, three bucks trippant counter- changed. Mantling azure and or. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a dragon's head erased azure, gorged or ; and for Motto, "Nescia fallere vita." Married, Oct. 28, 1848, Olivia Douglas, eldest dau. of Charles Douglas Johnstone of co. Leitrim ; and has Issue — (i) Richard Wilson Greene, Gentleman, b. and d. 1851 ; (2) Charles Douglas Greene, Gentleman, b. June 5, 1854; (3) Alan Douglas Greene, Gentleman, b. April 15, 1856; (4) Rev. Walter Leighton Greene, Clerk in Holy Orders, b. Dec. 24, i860 ; Elizal)eth Alice, d. 1851 ; Eveline Douglas ; and Emily Josephine, d. i860. Postal address — Roslrevor, Clifton, Gloucestershire. REGINALD LATIMER WELLINGTON GREENE, Gentleman, Justice of the Peace, Licentiate of the Royal College of Physicians, and Licentiate of the Royal College of .Surgeons, Edinburgh. Born December 18, 1852, Ix-ing the fifth son of the Reverend William Greene, Master of Arts, formerly Vicar of Antrim, by his wife Frances, daughter of Francis Whittle of Muckamore, in the county of Antrim, and grandson of Joseph Greene, Esquire, Justice of the Peace, formerly of Low Grange and Lakevicw, in the county of Kilkenny ; Mayor of Stratfordupon-.Avon, 1892-1894. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Vert, three bucks trippant or, gorged with a ducal coronet gules. Mantling vert and or ; and for his Crest, out of a ducal coronet gules, a buck's head or ; with the Motto, " Nee timeo nee sperno." Married, April 29, 1882, lithel Mauney, eldest daughter and heiress of Commander Richard Izod Downes ; and has Issue — Reginald Downes Latimer Greene, Gentleman, born Feb- ruary 6, 1883 ; and Beryl Latimer. Postal address — Tre- gara House, Stratford-upon-Avon. S RICHARD GREENE, Esquire, Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh, Surgeon- Captain in ist Volunteer Battalion Northamptonshire Regi- ment, Medical Superintendent of County Asylum, North- ampton. Born June 28, 1843, being the third and only surviving son of Joseph George Greene, by his wife Maria, daughter of William M'Kenzie of Glasgow, and Halifax, Nova Scotia, and grandson of Major Joseph Greene of Waterford. Club — .Albemarle. Livery — Green and yellow. Armorial bearings — He Ixars for Arms : \'ert, three bucks trippant or, gorged with a ducal coronet gules. Mantling vert and or. Crest — Issuant from a ducal coronet gules, a buck's 1 lead or. Motto— " Nee timeo nee sperno." Mar- ried, March 10, 1877, to Emma, daughter of James Rhodes of Bradford, and widow of Edward Dickin of Shipley ; and has Isstic — Cieorge W^atters Greene, Gentleman, born May 3, 1878 ; and .Mice Norah Gertrude. Postal addresses — The Shelleys, Lewes ; and the Nook, Oulton Broad, Lowestoft. RICHARD JONAS GREENE, Gentleman, M.A. Trinity College, Dublin, and Barrister-at-Law. Horn Ian. 24, 1826, being the .second son of the Rt. Hon. Richard Wilson Greene, second Baron of Her Majesty's Court of P2xchequer in Ireland, by his wife Elizabeth, third dau. of Thomas Wilson ol Fulford, York. Armorial bearings — Per pale or and azure, three bucks trippant eounterchanL;ed ; and impaling the arms of Plunket, namely sable, a bend Ixrtween a tower in the sinister chief and a portcullis in the dexter base all or. Mantling azure and or ; for Crest, on a wreath of the colours, a dragon's head erased azure, gorged or; and for Motto, "Nescia fallere vita." Mar- ried, July 27, 1852, Louisa Lelias, fourth dau. of the Hon. John Plunket (afterwards Rt. Hon. the third Baron Plunket); and has had Issue --(i) William (.'onynham Greene, Esq., C. B. (to whom refer); (2) Richard Wilson Greene, Gentleman, b. 1856, d. 1865 ; (3) Heyrick I'lunkct Greene, Gentleman, b. 1858, d. 1865; (4) Charles Kendal Greene, Es(|., Cajjtain in the "Buffs," b. June 18, 1862; (s) Harry Plunket Cireenc, Gentleman, b. June 24, 1865 ; (6) fJeoflrey Philip Greene, Gentleman, b. May 25, 1868; (7) lulgar Sinclair Bitton (Jreene, (ientleman, b. and d. 1879; Charlotte Solina [///., Sept. 3, 1879, Kendal Franks, M.D., d. 1883]; Elizabeth Alice, d. 1894; Louisa Sybil Verbena, d. 1879; and Louisa Zoe, d. 1876. Postal ad- dress — 49 St. Stephen's Green, Dublin. RICHARD MASSY GREENE, Gentleman, Chief Har- bour J'Lngineer in the Marine Department of the Imperial Maritime Chinese ("ustoms, 1869, 1870. Born January 10, 1843, l>^''nK l'i<" eldest son of John Greene, formerly of Glenville, by his wife Emma, daughter of Reverend Richard Jones Hobson, Archdeacon of Waterford, and grandson of Major William Greene, formerly of Janeville, in the county of Waterford. Armorial bearingfs— He Ix'ars for Anus : Vert, three bucks trippant or, gorged with a ducal coronet gules ; and for his Crest, out of a ducal coronet gules, a buck's head or; with the Motto, "Nee timeo nee sperno." Estates — Smithstown, Rathore, Cappagh, Brittas, and Coolehela, all in the county of Kilkenny, in Ireland. Postal address — The Avenue, 76 Fulham Road, London, S.W. RICHARD WILSON JONAS GREENE, Gentleman. Born Jan. 24, 1857, l>iing the third son of th(! Rev. Henry Greene (seventh son of Sir Jonas CJreene). Armorial bear- ings—Per i)ale or and azure, three bucks trippant counter- changed. Mantling azure and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a dragon's head erased azure, gorged or ; and for Motto, "Nescia fallere vita." Postal address — 6 LuUington Road, Anerley, S.E. THOMAS GREENE, Esq., J. P. co. Kildare, and High Sheriff 1895, LL.B. (Dublin). Burn 1843, being the only surviving son and heir of the late John Grenee of Millbrook and Hallahoise. Armorial bearings— Vert, three bucks trippant or, each gorged with a ducal coronet gules, in chief a crescent of the second for difference. Mantling vert and or ; and for his Crest, issuing from a ducal crest coronet gules, a buck's head or, charged with a crescent gules for difference. Motto — -"Nee timeo nee sperno." Seats — Millbrook and Hallahoise, CO. Kildare. The Editor undertakes that every entry not in italics is that of a genuinely armigerous person. 35^ (^re (^te THOMAS (JRI'IKNI-:, (Jentloman. /.■('/// Oct. 17, 1830, being the foiirtli son of tlie Rt. Hon. Richard Wilson Greene, second Haron of Her Majesty's Court of Kxcliequer in Ireland, hv his wife IClizahcth, third dan. of 'Ihonias Wilson of I'n'lford, York. Armorial bearings -IVr pah^ or and azure, tiiree hucks trippaiu counteiclianj^ed ; impal- ing the arms o( t'ogliill, namely ermine, a chevron between three cocks gules. Mantling azure and or. Crest — On a wreath of tlie colours, a dragon's head erased azure, gorged or ; and for MottO — " Nescia fallere vita." Married, May 15, 1856, Sylvia Marie, youngest dau. of Vice-Admiral Sir Josiah Coghill, Bart.; and has Issue— \\) Herbert Wilson Greene, Gentleman, /'. April 15, 1857; (2) Francis ]'>nest Greene, Gentleman, /'. June 23, 1859 [?;/., Aug. 22, i8q6, and has issue, Marjorie Pearl Christine]; (3) Richard Wilson Greene, Gentleman, h. 1861, d. 1867; IClizabeth Sylvia [y//., Dec. 19, 1885, Sydney Vernon Thornton, L'ieut. R.A.]; Sylvia Alice [;«., May 16, 1885, Capt. Cooper Penrose, R. E.]; Constance Aylmer; and Helen Rosanna. Postal address — Avontuore, Ballybrack, co. Dublin. TiikVkuyRicv. WILLI AM CONYNGHAM GREENE, Dean of Christ Churcli, Dublin. Horn Oct. 19, 1827, being the third son of the Rt. Hon. Richard Wilson Greene, second Baron of Her Majesty's Court of Exchequer in Ireland, by his wife Elizabeth, third dau. of Thomas Wilson of Fulford, York. Armorial bearings — Per pale or and azure, three bucks irippant counterchanged. Mantling azure and or ; for Crest, on a wreath of the coloius, a dragon's head erased azure, gorged or ; and for Motto, "Nescia fallere vita." Postal address — 49 St. Stephen's Green, Dublin. WILLIAM CONYNGHAM GREENE, Esq., C.B. Born Oct. 29, 1854, being the eldest son of Richard Jonas Greene [to whom refer], by his wife Louisa Lilias, fourth dau. of the Hon. John Plunket, afterwards Rt. Hon. 3rd Baron Plunket. Armorial bearings — Per pale or and azure, three bucks trippanl counterchanged, and impaling the arms of Stopford, namely azure, senile of crosses crosslet, three lozenges or ; and pendent below the escut- cheon his badge as a C. B. Mantling azure and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a dragon's head erased azure, gorged or; and for Motto, "Nescia fallere vita." Mar- tied, Oct. 2, 1884, Frances Lily, fifth dau. of the Right Hon. James George Henry, sth Earl of Courtown ; and has Issue — (i) Barrington Stopford Conyngham Greene, Gentleman, b. June 8, 1888; (2) Geoffrey Plunket Conyng- ham Greene, Gentleman, b. April 22, 1893 ! (s) Kathleen Conyngham ; (4) Norah Conyngham. Postal address — Pretoria, S. African Republic. WILLIAM HENRY MACKENZIE GREENE, Gentle- man. Horn March 11, 1851, being the eldest son of the Rev. Henry Greene (seventh son of Sir Jonas Greene). Armorial bearings - Per pale or and azure, three bucks trippaiu counterchanged. Mantling azure and or. Crest ■ — On a wreath of the colours, a dragon's head erased azure, gorged or; and for Motto, "Nescia fallere vita." /'ostal address— 6 Lullington Road, Anerley, S.E. CHRISTOPHE WILLIAM MOOR GREKNHILL, Rsquire, J. P. for Somerset, and Lord of the Ala nor 0/ Puridon. Born Au^^. 3, 1857, being the third son of the late Benjamin Cuff (ireenhill, Psert Phili[)s of The Park, Prcstwich. near Manchester. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : t^)uartcrly i and 4, argent a fir tree growing out of a mount in base vert, surmounted by a sword in Ijend projier, on a canton azure an antique crown or (for Greg) ; 2 atid 3 azure, on a pale engrailed, between two nmllets in chief or, and as many crescents in base argent, a lion rampant gules (for Lightbody). Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules, douliled argent ; and upon a wreath of his liveries is set for Crest. an arm emlwwed in armour, gr.osping a scimitar azure, ponunel and hill or. Mottoes — " I'"in doe, and spair not ; " and also " S'Rioghal mo dhream." Married, Novemlier 19. 1878. Louisa Russell, daughter of StillmanGair of Liver- pool. Seat — Coles Park. Buntingford. GREGOR. quartered by ENYS. AUGUSTUS CHARLES GREGORY. E squire. Com- panion of the Most Distinguished Order of Saint Michael and Saint George, Member of the Ixgislative Council and Justice of the Peace for the Colony of Queensland. Born August 1, 1 8 19, being the second, now eldest, survi^ntig son of Joshua Gregory, Lieutenant 78/// Regiment, by his 7vife /''ranees, co-lieiress of Charles Churchman, Esquire. In 1858 he conducted an expedition in search of Ijiichhardt. He held the office of Surveyor-General from 1859-1875. was created a Companion of the Most Distinguislicd Order oj The Editor undertakes that every entry not in italics is that of a genuinely armigerous person. Z 354 (^re ($re Sai/i/ Afitlmel and Saint George in 1875, and a Member oj the Legislative Council in 1882. Mr. Gres;ory entered the Civil Service of Western Australia in 1841, and 7C'as engaged in siiri'eys and explorations in that colony until 1854, /// which vear he 7vas appointed hy the Imperial Goi'ernment to conduct the exploration of Northern Australia, for 7i>hich work the Royal Geographical Society granted him their gold medal in 1858. C"liih — Queensland {Brisbane, Queensland). Armorial bearings as used are : Argent, a bend engrailed sable. Crest — Out of a ducal coronet, a bulfs head. 'J'hcsc are the arms of Kadclyffe, and no authority has been established for their usage. A claim is also made to the arms of Churchman as a quartering, namely argent, tivo bars, and in chief two pallets sable ; but the same remark applies to these. Postal address — " Rainworth," Brisbane, Queensland. S THOMAS WATSON GREIG, Esquire, Justice of the Pence for the coiuities of Perth and Ren- (SfsXPXti ^''*^^^'' Deputy- Lieutenant for the county of Perth, Vu/Lvl{5 Member of the Royal Company of Arciiers, has Jubilee medal. Born 1837, being the only son of Thomas Greig, Esquire, Justice of the Peace and Deputy- Lieutenant, by liis first wife Eleanor, daughter of James Watson of Dundee. Clubs — Jtmior Conservative, Con- servative (Edinlnugh), County (Pcrtli). Livery — Claret coloured coat, red waistcoat. Armorial toearings— He bears for Arms: Gules, a cross-moline or pierced of the field, between three dexter hands couped and erect argent. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet be- fitting his degree, with a mantling gules, douliled argent ; and upon a wreath of his liveries is set for Crest, a falcon rising proper, jessed, belled, and ducally gorged or. Motto (over the crest) — " Certum pete finem." Mar- ried, firstly, 1861, Margaret, second daugliter of Lord Neaves, a Lord of Session, Scotland ; and bv her (who died April r, 1874), has Issue — Thomas Greig, Esquire, Justice of the Peace for the county of Perth, Master of Arts of the University of Cambridge, Barrister -at- Law, born 1864; Elizabeth Margaret ; Eleanor Mary Anne ; and Caroline lsal>ella. He married secondly, 1876, Alice, daughter of the Reverend G. Mallory of Mobberley, in the county of Chester, and widow of James Walker. Seats — Glencarse ^ is tlie Military Cockade. House, Glencarse, Perth ; and Lassintullich, Kinloch Ran- noch, R.S.O. , Perthshire. .ALFRED G REN FELL, Her Brittanic Majesty's Acting Charge' d" Affairs and Actitig Consul-Gen- ityftf\\ ^''«A' and Her BHttanic Majesty's Vice- va^Vt^UH^U Consul at Afonte Video, Fello^u of the Royal Zoological Society, and sometime an officer in the Roval Navy. Born 1843, being the third son of Admiral John Pascoe Grenfell, by his wife Dolores, daughter of Antonio Masini of Florence, Italy. Club— Wellington. Livery — Full dress: light buff coats, ruby breeches ; undress: blue coats, red waistcoats, buff cuffs, collars, gold buttons. Armorial bearings as used, and as quoted in Burke's "Landed Genliy," but for which no authority has been established in the College of Arms, are for Arms: Gules, three organ-rests or. Crest — On a chapeau gules, turned vp ermine, a griffin passant or. Postal address — British Consulate-General, Monte Video. CHARLES SEYMOUR GRENFELL, Justice oj the Peace for the county of Buckingham. Born 1839, being the only suii'iving .wn of Riversdale W. Grenfell, F.squire, who died 1871, bv his wife Charlotte Adelaide, daughter of the late John Lettsom Elliott. CXwY, — Arthur s. Armorial bearings as given in Burke's "Landed Gentiy," but for which no authority has been established in the College of Arms, are for Arms: Gules, three organ-rests or. Crest-— On a chapeau gules, turned up ermine, a griffin passant or. Married, 1862, EU-Mbeth , fourth dajighter of the late William Graham of Tamraruer, in the county of Perth ; a?id has Issue — Riversdale Francis John Grenfell, late Lieutenant Coldstream Guards, born 1864 [married. 1888, Cecil lUanche, .second daughter of Henry Lubbock, and has a daughtei-] ; Mildred l'.oui.m ;' .Alice Lilian ; and Cicely Mary{married, 1897, Lord Charles Cavendish-Bentinclc]. Postal addresses — P.libank, Taplo^c, Buckinghamshire; Arthurs Club, S. W. ; 46 Potit Street, S. W. SMajor-General Sir FRANCIS WALLACE GREN- FELL, Knight Grand Cross of the Most Distinguished Order of Saint Michael and Saint George, Knight Com- mander of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, Hono- rarv Colonel ist Surrey Rifle Volunteers. Born 1841, being the son of the late P. St'. L. Grenfell ; created Companion of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, 1885, and advanced to the rank of Knight Commander of that Order, 1886, Knight Grand Cro.';s of the Most Distinguished Order of Saint Michael and Saint George, 1892. ' Armorial bearings, as given in Burke's Landed Gentry', but for which no authority 'has been established, are for Arins : Gules, three organ res'ts or. Crest — On a chapeau gules, turned up ermine, a gryphon passant or. Mnrried, 1887, Evelvn, daughter of General Robert Blue her Wood, Companion of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath. Postal address— 16 Stratford Place, London, W. PASCOE DU PR A GRENFELL. Born 1828, being the eldest son of Pascoe St. Leger Grenfell, E.^quire, Justice of the Peace and Deputv-Lieuienant, of Maes teg House {who died 1879), bv his fir.fi wife Katharine, daughter of the late James Du P'n' of 1 1 'ilton Park, in the county of Buckingham. Armorial bearings as given in Burke's "Lauded Gentiy," but for 7iale gules Ijetween two lions rampant in chief, and as many martlets in b;ise of the last, a cross fiory argent ; and for the Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a demi-woman affront(f-e proper, vested argent, supjjorting with the dexter hand a cioss cro.sslet erect of the last, and resting the sinister hand on an escutcheon also argent, charged with a rose gules, bartjed and seeded ()roper ; witli the MottO, "A fin." Married, June 3, 1863, Henrietta l^uisa Rose, daughter of William Hallowes Sherman, Merchant; and has had Issue — (i) Francis Charles Griffith, Gentleman, Ixjrn November 9, 1878; (2) Ralph Edwin Hotehkin Griffitii, Gentleman, iKjrn March 4, 1882; (3) William Rolx'rt Clavey Griffith, (ientlcman, born March 26. 1884; Dorothy Adela. died in infancy; Katherine Irene; Enid Mary, died in in- fancy; and Doris Elaine. /•' stales — Corsley and Crofton, both on the Nilgiri Hills. South India. IIERIJERT EDWARD GRIFFITH. (}entleman (and Anniger), Solicitor of the Supreme Court. Horn DecemlKT 30, 1861. being the .second and only surviving son of the lale Edward Clavey Griffith, by his wife Helen^Kny, widow of the late Thomas Heathcote Bayly, Barrister-at-Law, and youngest daughter of the late Stuart Donaldson of London. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Or, on a jjalc gules, l)etween two lions rampant in chief and as many martlets in base of the last, a cross Hory argent ; and for the Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a demi-woman affront(5e proper, vested argent, supporting with the dexter hand a cross crosslet fitchde erect of the last, and the sinister hand resting on an escutcheon also argent, charged with a rose gules, barbed and seeded proper; with the Motto, "A fin." Married, April 25, 1888, ICthel Georgina, second daughter of the late Reverend Henry ICastfield Bayly, Master of iXrts of the University of Oxford, Rector of I'id- dington, in the county of Somerset ; and has Jssite — Gladys Ethel Clavey ; Faith Gwendolen ; and Helen Beryl. Postal address — ii St. Bride's Avenue, Fleet Street, E.C. riiK RevkkicnL) GEORGE OCTAVIUS FLETCHER GRIFFITH. Clerk in Holy Orders. Bachelor of Arts of the University of Cambridge, Perpetual Curate of St. Barnabas. Beckenham. in the county of Kent, /lorn August 7, 1848, being the eighth son of the late Reverend John Wickham (Jriffith. Master of Arts. Rector of Bishop- strow and I'ertwood. in the county of Wiltshire, by his wife Maria Louisa, eldest daughter of the lale Reverend William Bayly, Doctor of Divinity, Vicar of llartpiiry, in the county of Gloucester. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Or, on a pale gules, between two lions rampant in chief and as many martlets in base of the last, a cross flory argent ; aniT for his Crest, ujjon a wreath of the colours, a demi-woman affrontc-e proper, vested argent, supporting with the dexter hand a cross crosslet fitcht5e erect of tl\e last, and the sinister hand resting on an escutcheon also argent, charged with a rose gules, b;u-bed and seeded proper; with the MottO. "A tin." Married, Novemb<.-r 20. 1879, Isabel Minna, daughter of the late Colonel Cuthbert Davidson. Companion of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath; and has Issue — (i) CuthlxTt John (jriffiih. Gentle-man. Irorn August 29. 1880; (2) George Hugh Griffith, Gentleman, born September 2, 1884 ; (3) Antony Wykeham Griffith, Gentleman, born June 23, 1894 ; Ellen Margaret Ethel ; and Mary Isabel. Postal address — St. Barnabas Viciirage. Beckenham, Kent. JOHN GRIFFITH, Magistrate co. Cardigan, formerly Assist. -Surg. 151I1 King's Hussars. Horn 1832, being the second son of the late Rev. Charles Griffith of Worthing, Sussex, by Mary, second dau. of the late Charles Marshall of Steyning. Sussex. Clud— Army and Navy. Armorial bearings — Quarterly i and 4. per chevron gules and argent, two chevronels counterchangeil between as many men's hcitds in profile, .armed in helmets, visors up proper, gar- nished or. in chief a lion rampant regardant sable in base; 2 and 3 c|uarlerly. vert and ermine, in the second and third quarters a trefoil slip|>ed proper, on a bend wavy argent, a cinf|ue(oil gules Ijetween two caltraps sable (for Sandham). Mantling gules and argent ; and for his Crest, u[)on a wreath of tne colours, a griffin regardant sable, wings ele- vated or, in the beak an arrow point downwards proper, the dexter claw resting ujjon a man's head in profile, armed in a helmet as in the amis. Motto-" Lc bon temps viendra." Married, 1857, Sarah Sophia, dau. of William Lewis Hen- ning of Frome Whitfield. Dorset ; and has. with other /ssue — John Walter, b. 1858. Seat — Park Tweed, near Newcastle Emlyn. RALPH THOMAS HOTCHKIN GRIFFITH. Esciuire, Companion of the Most Eminent Order of the Indian Empire. Master of .^rts of the University of Oxford (Boden Scholar 1849), late Director of Public Instruction for North- Wcst Provinces and Oudh (1879-1885). Fellosv of Calcutta University. ^Jiorn 1826. being the eldest son of Robert Clavey Griffith. Mjister of .Arts of the University of Oxford, Rector of Corsley and Fifefield Bavant, in the county of Wiltshire, by his wife Mary Elizabeth Adder- ley, daughter of Ralph Hotehkin. Esrjuire, of Upping- ham ; was created Companion of the Most Eminent Order of the Indian Empire, 1885. Clubs — North- West Provinces (Allahab.ad). .Agra (Agra). Livery — Purple, and trinmied with old gold. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Or, on a pale gules, between two lions rampant in chief and as many martlets in base of the last, a cross flory argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a demi-woman affrontte projier, vested argent, supporting Tbe Editor undertakes that every entry not in italics is that of a genuinely anuigerous person. 35« vi (&ti with tin- clcxtor hand a cross crosslct erect of the last, and resting the sinister hand on an escutcheon also argent, charged \\ ith a rose gules, barbed and seeded proper ; with the Motto, "A tin." J'ostal c^AZ/vw— Kotagiri, Nilgiris, Matiras. Thk Honoukabi.k Sir SAMUEL WALKlCk GKIF- FITH, Knight Grand Cross of the Most Distinguished Order of Saint Michael and Saint George, one of Her Majesty's Counsel Learned in the Law, formerly Attorney- General and sometime Premier and now Chief-Justice of the Colony of Queensland. Jioni June 21, 1845, being the second son of the late Reverend Edward Griflith, Congregationalist Minister, by his wife Mary, daughter of Peter Walker; was created K.C.M.G. 1886, and G.C.M.G. 1895. C///(^— Queensland (Brisbane). Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Ciules, on a pile or, be- tween two lions rampant of the last, a cross flory of the field. The escutcheon, which is encircled by the collar and ribbon of the Most Distinguished Order of Saint Michael and Saint George, is surmounted by a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules and or ; and for his Crest, on a wreath of the colours, a wyvern with wings endorsed proper, semi^e of trefoils or, the de.xter foot supporting an escutcheon of the last, charged with a cross flory as in the arms; with the Motto, " Esp(^'rance sans peur." Married, July s, 1870, Julia Janet, daughter of James Thomson of East Maitland, in the Colony of New South Wales, Com- missioner for Crown Lands; and has /.«//t*f(TfTrf High .Sheriff in the year 1894. Horn .August wViyyXJ 31,1835. Armorial bearings— He l)ears for Arms : Gull's, upon a pale between two fea- thers argent, two featliers of the tield. Upon the escutcheon head couped chequy argent and sable, encircled by an annulet or. Married, ist, 1873, Charlotte, dau. of John Neve of Wolverhampton (she died 1884) ; 2nd, 1886, Mary, eldest dau. of Hugh Stott of Levvisham (she died 1889) ; 3rd, 1890, Mary Beatrice, second dau. of the Rev. John Simon Boldero, Vicar of Amblecote, co. Stafford ; and has Issue — (i) John William Boldero Grigson, Gentle- man, b. 1893; (2) Kenneth Walton Grigson, Gentleman, b. 1895; (3) Wilfred Vernon Grigson, Gentleman, b. 1896. Estates — Manors of Howards, Harveys, and Pages, Norfolk. Residence — Pelynt Vicarage, Duloe, R.S.O. , Cornwall. THEODORE DR.-W ION GRIMKE - DRAYTON, E^tjuire, Justiceof the Peace /1S'i«tin?n< n^t*s»»i^rtM f"'' the County Palatine of CDrimRe-aJtagrOn Lancaster. Born Novem- ber i6, 18^3, being theeldest surviving son of Theodore Drayton Grimk6, Doctor of Medicine, of Prestwick, in the County Palatine of Lancaster, by Emm.a his wife, daughter of Richard Evans, and assumed by Royal License the additional surname and arms of Drayton in the year 1891. Livery — White and red, under- coat green. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : is placed a helmet iK-titting his degree, with a mantling gules and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the cnloiirs, in front of two feathers crossed saliireways gules, a sword in pale, entiled with a leopard's face proper ; with ilu Motto, " .Secundo euro." Postal address — Mountfields, Loughborough. TiiK Rkv. WILLIAM SHUCKP'ORTH GRKiSON, Clerk in Holy Orders, M.A. of Christ's Coll., Cambridge, Vicar of Pelynt. Born 1845, being the eldest son of the late Rev. William Grigson, M..\., sometime Rector of Whinburgh, Norfolk, by Margaret, dau. of James Hales of Norwich. Armorial bearings— (niles, two bars ermine, each charged with as many crosses pati'e rttchee at the foot, in chief three annulets argent. Mantling gules and argent ; and for his Crest, ujion a wreath of the colours, a griffin's Quarterly i and 4, argent a cross engrailed and voided gules, in the centre point a quatrefoil of the last, on a chief •azure, gultde d'eau, a jiegasus salient of the first, winged or, lietween two ravens argent (for Drayton); 2 and 3 vert, a lion rampant holding; between the paws a cinquefoil or, between threi- palnielto-ireeseradicaieti (^ro lietli kicluirilsDii, only icvnse in 1851. C7i/fi — Windham. Armorial bearings— (^)uarU'rly i and 4, azure a chevron ongraiK'd iMininc hitwcon Ihrco muliots in chief and a saltire coupi'd in base ar.i;cMl (for (Irhiiwood) ; 2 and 3 or, on a clievron gnles, lietween linee wolves' heads erased sable, as many oval b\iekles of the first. Mantling azure and argent ; and for his Crests, i. upon a wreath of the colours, a denii- wolf rampant, collared, holiling l)etween the paws a saltire ; 2. upon a wreath of the colours, a lion's gamb erased and erect sable, chargi^il with a cross crosslet argent, and holding in the paw a buckle or. Motto — " Anxilio divino." A/i!r- rivd. 1851. Zoe, youngest daughter of the late Charles 1 lerlx-rt ; and has, with other Issue — GeoftVey Grimwoofl Cirimwood, l-^sc)., Lieut. -Col. King's Royal Rifle Corps, 6. 1852 [///., 1878, .Mice, dau. of James John Fari|uliarson, Esq., of l.,angton House, Dorset, and has, witii otiier issue, Jeflery iJrimwood Grimwood, Gentleman, /'. 1879]. Residetice — 29 linnismore Gardens, S. W. FRANCIS UE LA GARUE GR1S.S1':lL. (Jeiitleman, sometime Capt. 9th Lancers and nth Hussars, and Royal Gloucestershire Hussars. Horn Aug. 25. 1842, being tiie seventh son of the late Thomas Grissell, Esq., of Norbury Park, CO. Surrey, F.S.A., J. P., and High Sheriff 1854-55, by Eliza his second wife, dau. of John Marklew, and widow of John Sheen of W'allingford, Berks. Club — Army and Navy. Armorial bearings— Or, two barrulets dan- cettt^e gules, between as many greyhounds courant sable. Mantling gules and or. Crest — Ujion a wreath of the colours, a greyhound's head erased sable, round the neck a double chain or, pendent therefrom an escutcheon gold charged with a bugle-iiorn sable. Motto — "Press forward." Postal address — Army and Navy Club, S.W. ILARTWELL DE LA GARDE GRISSELL, Gentle- man, Fellow of the Society of Antiquaries, (JortrtrtrTf I-ondon, Master of Arts of the University of Vj^VWPVH Oxford, Chamberlain to His Holiness Pope Pius IX. (1869-78), and to His Holiness Pope Leo XIII. since 1878. Born Decemlx-r 14, 1839, being the second surviving son of the late Thomas Grissell, of John Sheen, of W'allingford, in the county of lierk- shire. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms: Or, two barrulets danoettiV gules, between as many grey- hounds courant sable. Mantling gules and or ; an(l for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a greyhound's head erased sable, round the neck a double chain or, pen- dent therefrom an escutcheon gold, charged with a bugle- horn stringed sable; with the Motto, "Press forward." Postal address — Brasenose College, Oxford. THOMAS DE LA GARDE GRISSELL, Esquire, Justice of the Peace for the county of Surrey, Bachelor of .\its of the University of Cambridge. Horn 1852, being the eldest son of the late Thomas De la (iarde Grissell, by his wife Eliza Millicent, daughter of Edward Leatlies of Normanstone, in the county of Suffolk. Armorial bear- ings — He bears for Arms : Or, two barrulets dancettee gules, between as many greyhounds comant sable. Mantling gules and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a greyhound's head erased sable, round the neck a double chain or, pendent therefrom an escutcheon gold, charged with a bugle horn stringed sable; with the Motto, "Press for- ward." Married, 1877, Frances Adelaide (who died 1888), second daughter of Tliomas Salwey Beale of Heath House, in the county of Salop ; and has with other /ssue — A son, born 1878. Estate and postal address — Norbury Park, Dorking. GRIZZLEHURST, quartered by HORDERN. § GEORGE WILLI AM GROSVENOR, Esquire, Justice of the Peace and Deputy-Lieutenant for the county of Worcester (High Sheriff 1896). Horn June 5, 1846, being the Esquire, of N(jrf)ury Park, in the county of Surrey F S A Justice of the Peace and High Sheriff (1854- 55), 'by Eliza his second wife, daughter of John Marklew, and widow ^ is the Military Cockade. only survivingson of William Grosvenor, l^squire, of Kidder- minster, Justice of the Peace, by Mary his wife, daughter John Giles of Ashwood Lodge, Kingswinford, in the county of Stafford. C////'— Junior Carlton. I.izvry—Dnvk green coat, orange waistcoat, white breeches. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Erminois, a garb argent, surmounting four javelins, one in pale, one in fesse, and two in saltire proper, on a chief vert, a shuttle erect furnished or, between two wool-packs of the second ; and for his Crest, on a wreath of the colours, a garb erminois surmounting three battle-axes, one in pale and two in saltire proper; with the Motto, "Virtus non stemnia." Married, June 2, 1875, Emily Anne, elder daughter of Herbert Mountford Holmes of 'Derby; and has Issue— {\) George Herbert Grosvenor, Gentleman, born January 20, 1880; (2) John Ernest Grosvenor, Gentleman, born Noveni- M is the Naval Cockade. (^ro (^ro 361 l)er I, 1887. Stourbiitige. Rsfa/i' and postal address- Broome House, KANDOLl'H LHA GKO.SVICNOk, CleiulL-nuin. Bachelor of Arts of the University cjf Cambridge, Senior Representative of the family of Grosvenor formerly of Dray- ton, in the county of Salop, and of Hungersheatli, in the county of Staflbrd. liont July 29, 1867, l)eing the eldest son of George Fox Giosvenor, Doctor of Medicine, by his wife Eliza Frances, eldest daughter of 1 hoinas Lea of London. Armorial bearings -He bears for Arms: CJuarterly of tighteen, 1 and 18 azure, a garb or, a cres- cent for diffeniicc (for Grosvencjr) ; 2. azure, a garb or (for (jrosvenor, ancient) ; 3. azure, a band or (for Gros- venor, original) ; 4. argent, two chevrons gules, on a canton of the second, a cross crosslet (itch(?e or (for Molxirley) ; 5. azure, a stag lodged argent (for Uownes) ; 6. sable, a cross patonce argent (for I'ulford) ; 7. azure, three pheasants or (for Fesant) ; 8. argent, a cross patc^'e dory sable, on a canton gules, a wolfs head erased of the field (for I'ershall) ; 9. argent, a cross patonce flory charged with an escutcheon sable (for I'ershall, ancient) ; 10. veit, two lions passant or (for Knighton); 11. azure, frettv argent, a fesse gules (for Caverswell) ; 12. azure, a chevron lietween three mullets or (for Clielwynd); 13. gule->, three pheons argent (for Malp:is) ; 14. gules, a scythe argent, within a Ixirdure of the secon ingham. Master of Arts, late Archdeacon 01 Vl/VUUUV Pietermaritzburg, Natal. Born May 3, 1830, being the seventh son of the l.tte John Grubbe, Esquire, of Horsenden, Justice of the Peace and Deputy-Lieutenant for the county of Buckingham, by his M is the Military Cockade. wife Sar.ih Anne, daughter of William Henry Carrington, Rector of Holy Trinity, Exeter, and Vicar of Sidbury. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Quarterly i ;md 4, ermine on a chief embattled gules, three roses or (for Grubbe) ; 2 and 3 argent, two bendlets engrailed sable, surmounted by a label of three points gules (for Radcliffe) ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a griffin's head erased party per pale argent and gules, charged with a rose counterchanged. Married, November 26, 1861, Alice, youngest daughter of Colin Mackenzie of Portmore, in the comity of Peebles ; and has Issue — Sarah Louisa ; and Constance Anne. CHARLES WALTER GRUBBE, Gentleman. Born March 31, 1858, being the son of the late William Henry Grubbe, Gentleman, of the Madras Artillery, by his second wife Maria, fide M'Geagh. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Quarterly i and 4, ermine on a chief embattled gules, three roses or (for Grubbe) ; 2 and 3 argent, two bendlets engrailed sable, surmounted by a label of three points gules (for Radcliffe) ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a griffin's head erased party per pale argent and gules, charged with a rose counter- changed. FRANCIS WILLIAM GRUBBE, Gentleman, of Shellow and Berners Roding, in the county of E.'^sex. Born December 28, 1849, being the third son of John Eustace Grubbe, Esquire, Barrister-at-Lavv of the Inner Temple, Master of Arts, Justice of the Peace for the county of Suffolk and the borough of Southwold, by his wife (ulia Catharine, daughter of the Reverend George William Hall, Doctor of Divinity, Master of Pembroke College, Oxford, and Prebendary of Gloucester Cathedral. Armorial bear- ings — He bears for Arms : Quarterly i and 4, ermine on a chief embattled gules, three roses or (for Grubbe), 2 and 3 argent, two bendlets engrailed sable, surmounted by a label of three points gul6s (for Radcliffe) ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a griffin's head erased party per pale argent and gules, charged with a rose counter- changed. Married, April 29, 1886, Laura Sophia, daughter of Thomas Owen Wethered of Seymour Court, and Rem- nantz. Great Marlow, in the county of Buckingham. Postal address — Shellow, Ongar, Essex. JOHN EUSTACE GRUBBE, Esquire, Justice of the Peace for the county of Suffolk and for the Borough of Southwold. Born June 14, 1815, being the second son of John Grubb, Esquire, of Horsendon House, Justice of the Peace and Deputy - Lieutenant for the county of Buckingham, by his wife Sarah Anne, daughter of Reve- rend William Henry Carrington, Rector of Trinity, Exe- ter. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Quarterly I and 4, ermine on a chief embattled gules, three roses or (for Grubbe) ; 2 and 3 argent, two bendlets engrailed saljle, surmounted by a label of three points gules (for Radcliffe). Crest — A griffin's head erased party per pale argent and gules, charged with a rose counterchanged. Motto — " Factis dictisque merere. " Married, March 25. 1845, Julia Catharine, daughter of Reverend George William Hall, Doctor of Divinity, Master of Pembroke College, Oxford, and Canon of Gloucester; and has Issue — (i) Eustace Edward Grubbe, Escjuire ; (2) Walter John Grubbe, Gentleman, of the Inner Temple, Barrister ; (3) Francis William Grubbe, Gentleman ; (4) Artliur Robert Grubbe, Gentleman ; (5) George Cliarlcs Grubbe, Gentleman ; (6) Laurence Carrington Grubbe, Esquire, Captain (retired) ist Bedfordshire Regiment ; (7) Hubert Henry Grubbe, Gentleman; (8) Edmund Alexander (jruhbe. Esquire, Captain 88th Connauglit Rangers ; (9) the Reverend Reginald Hall Grubbe, Clerk in Holy Orders ; Julia Harriet ; and Constance Mary. Postal address — South- wold, Suffolk. ROBERT WILLIAM GRUBBE, Gentleman, of Peter- borough, Canada. Born April 27, 1844, being the second son of the late William Henry Grubbe, Gentleman, of the Madras Artillery, by his first wife Eliza, daughter of Anthony Conwell of The Ilernntagc, Dimgannon, in the county of Tyrone. Armorial bearings — He bears for H is the Naval Cockade. (^ni (Bixi ?6'? Arms : Quarterly i and 4, ermine on a chief embattled ijule.s, three roses or (for Griibb), 2 and 3 argent, two bend- lets iMigrailed sable, surmounted by a label of three points gules (for Radcliffe) ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a griffin's head erased parly per pale argent and gules, ciiarged with a rose counterchanged. Miirried, Jime II, 1868, Ada Louisa Haselwood, daughter of W. H. Wrighton of the West Indies; and has Issue — (i) Eustace Haselwood (Jrubbe, Gentleman, born January 23, 1876 ; (2) Henry Haviland Grubbe, Gentleman, born September 3, ARTHUR (ECH. COI'K JP:NKINS0N GUINNESS, Gentleman. Horn 1841, Ix'ing the eldest son of the jate Richard Sanmel fjuinness, Esq., M.P. , by his wife Katharine i''r;inces, dau. of Sir Charles Jenkinson, loth Hart. Armorial bearings— Qtmrterly i and 4, per saltire gules and azure, a lion ramjjant or, on a chief ermine, a de.xter hand couped of the first (for Guinness) ; 2 and 3 a/.ure, on a fesse wavy argent, a cross patt^e gules, in chief two estoiles or (for Jenkinson). Mantling; or and gules. Crest — On a wreatii of the colours, a boar passant, (|uar- terly or and gules. Motto "Spesmeain Deo." Married, firstly, 1862, Marion Jane (who ui (^Ul Liniieai) Society, I'Vllow of llu; Cii-ological Socuiy, by wife Marjiarel Anna Maria |to whom rcfcrj, tlaugliter of the Reverend Daniel Henry Lee -Warner of Walsing- hani Ablx-y, in the county of Norfolk ; and succeeded as liflh Baronet at the decease of iiis father in the year 1887. CV///^,s— Brooks's, Wellington. /./Vr/j— White coal with dark-blue facings, the latter eil.i,'>d with gold lace; red waistcoat, blue phish breeches. Armorial bearings- He bears for Arms : Uules, seven lozenges conjoined, three, three and one vair, on a canton or, a mullet of six ])oints pierced sable, impaling the arms of Coopc, namely or, on a chevron cotised a/.ure, Ix'tween two roses gules, slipped and leaved proper, in chief and a fleur-de-lis of the third in base a rose argent, slipped and leaved pro|xT, between two Coopc, Esquire, Deputy - Lieutenant, Member of Parlia- ment, of Kochetts, Brentwood; and has /.w/zt-— (i) Anselm William Edward Guise, Esquire, born September 18, 1888 ; (2) Henry George Christopher Guise, Esquire, born May 16, 1893; and Diana Vernon Constance. Estates — El- more Court, near Gloucester ; Lassington, near Gloucester ; Kochetts, Brentwood, in the county of Esse.x. Postal ad- dress— VAmove Court, Gloucester. S ALAN STEPNEY GULSTON, Esquire, /.P. and D.I.. for CO. of Carmarthen, High S/ieri//'(i^<)S)< Capt. in Royal Carmarthen Artillery Militia, 1866, to March 8, 1881 ;' and assumed the name of Stepney by Deed Poll 1886 ; eldest son of Alan James Gnlston, Esquire, late Capt. 47/A fleurs-de-lis also argent. Upon the escutcheon, which is charged with his badge of Ulster as a Baronet, is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules and argent, out of a ducal coronet or, a swan rising proper, collared and chained gold, charged with a lozenge as in the arms ; and for his Supporters, which were granted by fioyal Warrant dated January 12, 1863, to General Sir John W. Guise, Baronet, Knight Grand Cross of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, and the heirs male of his body, to whom the dignity of a Baronet shall descend under the patent of creation ; on the dexter side, a swan with wings endorsed argent, crusily and langued gules, beaked and membered sable, collared and chained or"; and on the sinister side a bear sable, billety and collared and chained or, langued and armed gules; with the Motto, "Quo honestior eo tutior." Married, August 23, 1887, Ada Caroline, second daughter of the late Octavius Edward fi is the Military Cockade. Pegt., J. P. and D.L. for co. Carmarthen, of Denoydd and Dirleton, in the co. Carmarthen {who d. Aug. 8, 1886), by his wife Augusta Catherine, dan. and co-heir of Robert Givcen, Esq., Captain \oth Royal Hussars, of Cahill and Cooldaragh, near Coleraine, co. Antrim, Ireland. Livery — Dress : white coat, scarlet breeches, luhite and scarlet in lines for waistcoat, silver buttons, 7vhite stockings and shoes ; undress: blue (dark) coat (lined scarlet), white and scarlet in lines for ivaistcoat, scarlet breeches, sih'er buttons, black stockings and shoes. Armorial bearings as used are— Argent, tivo bars tiebuly gules, over all a bend sable charged with three plates. Crest — An ostrich 2ving of five feathers alternately argent and gules, over all a bend sable charged with three plates. Motto (over crest) — "Crescent sub pondere virtus." Married, March 18, 1886, Ague, Margaret Anderson, eldest suiviving dau. and co-heir oj the late William Hedlcy Anderson of Chester Holmes ^m is the Naval Cockade. (^um (DUt 365 Quebec, and Marston Lodge, Chclleitham (and of Jane iVheatlev his wife, dau. and eventual heir of Matthew Whealley of Shieldjield, Nc7vcastle-on-T\nc). Seat — Dcr- ivydd, IJandebie, A'.S.O., Carmarthenshire. OUMBLIiTON, quartered by TEMPICST. §CORNWALLIS ROBERT DUCAREL GUN - CUNINGHAME. Es- (Dun^CuningJjame ;^i;^;: ,t'r ciy"^ Wicklow, and High Sheriff, 1886, Captain and Honorary Major Wicklow Anilk-ry, Lord of tlie Manor, of Mount Kennedy. Horn 1857, being tiu- only son of the late Colonel Rolx-rt G. A. H. Gun-Cuninghanie, Justice of the Peace ;uid Deputy- Limitenant, of Mount Kennedy, in the county of Wicklow, by his wife lsal)elia, only daughter of the Right Reverend Lord Robert Tottenhant, Bishop (jf (logher, son of the first Marquess of Ely. /.i-,rn — Dark blue, crimson waist- coat, silver buttons. Armoiial hearings He l)cars for Arms: Quarterly i and 4, argent, a shake-fork sable, bi'tween three roses gules, barbi;d and seeded vert (for Cuninghame); 2 and 3 azure, a chevron ermine, lx;tween three cannon barrels fesseways or (for Gun). Crest, on a wreatn of the colours, a stump of an oak-tree fructed with a single acorn proper, surmounted with a scroll inscribed " Tandem." Motto — "Over fork over." A/arried, 1886, 1 satx-lla, youngest (laughter of Richard Wingfield ; and has /.t.f/«'— Dorothy Mary; May; and Winifred. Estates — Mount Keimedy and Coolawinna, in the county of Wicklow. Postal ad- dress — Mount Kennedy, NewtownmoiuUkennedy, county Wicklow. ROBERT THORNHAGH GURDON, Esquire, M..A., j.l'., and D.L. co. Norfolk; M.P. for South Norfolk. 1880-85 ; for Mid-Norfolk, 1885 92 ; Cliairman of (Quarter Sessions, Chairman of County Council, Col. 41)1 Vol. Batt. Norfolk Regt. Horn June 18, 1829, licing the eldest son of the late Brampton Gurdon, Esq., J. P., D. L. , and M.P. for West Norfolk, High Sheriff of Norfolk 1855, by his wife Henrietta Susannah, eldest dau. of Nicholas, Lord Colborne. r////'5— Brooks's, United University. Armo- rial bearings— Sable, three leopards' faces jessant-de-lis ')r. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a goat climbing up a rock all proper. Motto — " In arduis viget virtus." Married, firstly, Sept. 4, 1862, Hairiott Ellin, fifth dau. of .Sir William Miles, Bart., of Leigh Court (she d. April 7, 1864) ; he married secondly, July 27, 1874, Emily Frances, dau. of Rev. Robert Boothby Heathcote of Friday Hill, Esse.x ; and has Issue — (i) Bertram Robert Gurdon, Gentle- man, b. May 20 and d. June 27, 1875 ; (2) Bertram FVancis Gurdon, Gentleman, b. June 13, 1877 ; Amy Harriott [/«.. Aug. 19, 1884, Lionel Charles Drummond, eldest son of Walter Drummond, who d.s.p. March 4, 1891 ; she married secondly, April 17, 1895, Capt. Alfred Ridley, late 4th Regt., and A.D.C. to the Lord-Lieutenant of Ireland, son of the late Nicholas Ridley of Hollington, Berks]; and Muriel Charlotte. .SV^/f— Letton, Thetford, Norfolk; Grundisburgh Hall and Brantham Court, Suffolk. Town residence— $ Portman Square. HENRY EDMUND GURNEY. Born Sept. 25, 1821, being the third son of Samuel Gurney, Ham House, Upton, Essex, and his wife Elizabeth, dau. of James Sheppard, of t/te same place. Armorial bearings as used, but for which no authority has been established, are for Arms — Argent, a cross engrailed gules. Crest — On a chapeau gules, turned up ermine, a gurnard fish in pale head dmonwards proper. Married, Dec. 14, 1847, Jane, dau. of Henry liirkbeck of Kesiuick Old Hall, Norfolk ; and has Issue — Henry Gurney, b. Nov. 16, 1850; Elizabeth Lucy; Margaret Jane; Emma Georgina ; Riclienda Juliet; Maty Marguerite; Marian; and Harriette lj)uisa. Postal address — Nat- wood, Reigate. JOHN HENRY GURNEY, Lisguire, J. P. Norfolk [Sheriff 1894), E./..S. liorn 1848, beint; the eldest son of J. H. Gurney of Northrepps, Norfolk, M.P., J. P. (d. 1890). Club— .'////<•««-/////. Armorial bearingB ^.r used, but for which no authority has been established, are for Arms — Argent, a cross engrailed gules. Grmt—On a chapeau gulet, turned up ermine, a gurnard fish in pale head do^onwards proper. Married, 1876, Margaret Jane, second dan. of Henry Edmund Gurney, D.L. Postal address — Kesivick Hall, Nonvich. JOHN NIGEL GURNEY. Born 1874, being the eldest son of John Gurney of Sproioston Hall, Norfolk, J. P. (d. 1887. ) C\\iiii.— Marlborough, liachelors' . Armorial bearings as used, but for which no authority has been established, arc for Arms — Argent, a cross engrailed gules. Crest — On a chafieau gules, turned up ermine, a gurnard fish in pale head do^vnwards proper. Postal address — Sprowston Hall Norwich. H RICH A RD HA Nli UR Y JOSEPH G URNE Y, D.L., W J. P. Norfolk (Sheriff 1896), E.S.A., E./..S. Bom March 17, 1855, being the younger son of the late John Henry Gurney of Northrepps Hall, Norfolk, M.P., J. P. CMul) — Norfofk County (Noiii'ich). Livery — White, with red facings. Armorial bearing^ as used, but for which no authority has been established, are for Arms — Ardent, a cross engrailed gules. Crest — On a chapeau gules, turned vp ermine, a gurnard fish in pale head dcncnwards proper. Badge — ,-/ wrestling collar or. Married, 1881 , Sarah Evelyn, dau. of the late Sir Edioard Buxton, second Hart. ; and has Issue — (i) Quint in Edioard Gurney, b. 1883; (2) Christopher Richard Gurney, b. 1884; Rachel; Richenda Evelyn; and Gladys Catherine. Seat — Northrepps Hall, Norwich. SOMERVILLE ARTHUR GURNEY, V.D., Maj. and Hon. Lieut.-Col. 3rd VoL liattn. Norfolk Regt., 1887 88, D.L. , J. P. .Norfolk, Mayor of Lynn 1896-97. Born 1835, being the youngest son of the late Daniel Gurney, by a dau. of sixteenth Earl of Errol. Club — White's. Ar- morial bearings as used, but for which no authority has been c'^tabiislicd, are for Arms — Argent, a cross engrailed gules. Crests — i. on a chapeau gules, turned up ermine, a gurnard fish in pale head doiuinoards proper ; 2. a ivrestling collar or. Married, 1857, Katherine, fifth dau. of late Anthony Hamond of Westacre, Norfolk. Postal address — Nor-th Runcton Hall, King's Lynn. DAVID CHARLES GUTHRIE, Esquire, Justice of the Peace and Memlier of Parliament for (JniltfirtP South Northampton. Horn July 25, 1861, Vl/Ulljvlv being the eldest son of the late James Alexander Guthrie. Esquire, of Craigie, Justice of the Pears for Arms : Ermim', a chevron lozengy gules and azine, between three bees volant in chief proper, and a cross crosslet in base of the third. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, in front of a l)eehive proper, ciiarged with a cross crosslet or, a fernbrake also proper ; with the Motto, "In recto glorior." Postal address — 10 .Abbey Road, St. John's Wood, N.W. M is the Naval Cockade. (^toa ©ag 367 S JOSHUA REYNOLDS GASCOIGNE GWATKIN. Esquire, of the Manor House, Potterne, Master of Arts of the University of Cambridge, Justice of the Peace for tlie county of Wiltsiiire, Captain Royal Wiltshire Yeo- manry. Born March 24, 1855, heing the third but eldest surviving son of the late John Reynolds Gwatkin of Non- such House, Chippenham, in the county of Wiltshire, and Menhay, in the county of Cornwall, by his wife lunma Amelia, daughter of Lieutenant-General William Broome Salmon, of the Honourable East India Company's Service. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms: Erminois, a mullet of si.x points azure, lietween two bees volant \t\(i\wx in chief, and a like liee between two mullets of six jioints azurostal address — The Manor House, Potterne. JOHN WILLIAMS GVVVWIi-HUGHES, Esquire, J. I', and D.L., High SAerif 1888. Mr. Gwynne-Hughes represents the families of Williams of Curngafr, Gwynne of Taliaris, Jones of Tregib, Llovd of /forest, fiiidd of Aber- glasney, and Garnons of Panddu, and holds the estates of Panddu, Tregih, Eforest, and Corngafr ; but the Hughes' property of Penvmaes passed, by the marriage of an heire^i. to the h'hees family of Killymitltlhiyd. Horn .W, i8s8, being the eldest son of John 1 1 illiams Morgan G Hughes, Esq., J. P. and D.L., ('apt. \-\lh Light Ih by his iK'ife Mary, dau. of William Lewis of Llanelly. Armorial bearings as quoted in Burke' s " Landed Gentry " are — Gules, a lion rampant or, in a true love-knot argent, betxveen four fleurs-de-lis, the stalks converging towards the centre of the second. Crests — i. a talbot passant [for Hughes); 2. a goat passant (for Williams); 3. a ra^'en proper [for Gwynne). [These arms of Hughes, with the ancient pedigree of the family, are to be found in the Golden Grove A-fSS., but no right to the arms nor any modern pedigree has been officially established or recorded in the College of Arms, nor has any Royal Licence been obtained for the assumption of the additional name of Gitynne.] Married, AW'. 18, 1880, Emily Beatrice, youngest dau. of George Henfrey of Villa Botti, .Sarzana, Italy : and has Issue — Victoria Gladys Elizabeth. Scat — Tregib, Llandilo, eo. Carmarthen. Dame JANE PR YCE G YLL, Widiw, commonly knoum as Lady Gyll, daughter and co-heiress of Sir John ((f\\\{\ Pinhorne, Knight Bachelor, of Nini^uood Park, *^K" Isle of Wight. Married, //V.t/'/v, //. W. Thomason of Peachfield, Worcester ; and secondly, 1847. .Sir Robert Gyll, who died 1880. Postal address — Mailing Abbey, I Vest Mailing, Kent. Sir CAS/M/R STAN/SLA US GZOWSKI, Knight Commander of the Most Distinguished rfPSTflVtItf bt Order of Saint Michael and Saint George. VO^ J U iU*) tt I Born 1 8 1 3 , being the son of Casim ir Sta n is- laus Gzaioski, an Officer in the Russian Army, by his wife the Countess Helen Paceioich ; created Knight Commander of the Most Distins^uished Order of Saint Michael and Saint George, 1890. Married, 1839, .Maria, daughter of Beebe, Doctor of Medicine. Postal address — The Hall, Toronto, Canada. H Majok-Gkn. SIMPSON HACKETT, late of Moor Park, King's Co., J. P. King's Co. and Tippi-rary, Major-Gen. late Royal Sussex Regt. Born June 15, 1831, lx;ing the son of the late Thomas Ilackett, Esq., of Moor I'ark, King's Co., and Riverstown, co. Tip(3crary, J. P. and D.I,., High Sheriff of the King's ( 'o. 1844, by his wife Jane Bernard, youngest dau. of Bernard Shaw of Monkstown Castle, co. Cork. C///(i — United Service, S.W. Armorial bearings ^He bears for Arms: Sable, three piles pointing to tlic base argent, the centre one charged with a trefoil slipped vert, on a chief gules a. lion p.assant guardant or. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet Ijefitting his degree, with a mantling sable and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a demi-j)anther argent, spotted azure, collared gules, charged on the shoulder with a trefoil slipped vert, and holding in the dexter paw a branch of the last. Motto— " Virlute et fidelitate. " ALirried, July 17, 1858, Edith Mary, youngest dau. of Major-Gen. Bredin, R..\. Seats — Moor Park, Parsonstown ; Riverstown, Tipperary. Residence - .\\\ex House, Worthing. ALFRED GEORGE HADEN-BEST, Gentleman, is the only son of the late Benjamin ft^fltlPn-IRprtf" '^"'i ^y '^'^ ^^'f^^ Emillne, only JJi'llUvIl- XL v-PV daughter .and eventually sole-heiress of the Reverend George Barrs of Rowley Regis, and on succeeding to the estates assumed by Royal License, in the year 1879, the name of Haden in addition to and before that of Best, wiiii the arms of Best and Haden quarterly. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Quarterly i and 4, or, on a chevron between two martlets in chief and a pheon in base gules, three boars' heads couped of the first (for Best) ; 2 and 3 sable, on a pile between two mullets of six points in ba.'se argent, a human leg couped .at tlie thigh azure (for Haden) ; and for his Crests, i. upon a wreath of the colours, in front of a rock prop;r, thereon a pheon azure, a boar's head couped or (for Best), 2. upon a wreath of the colours, in front of a cubit arm in armour, the hand grasping an arrow in bend sinister, a morian all proper (for Haden). Estates — Haden Hill, in the county of Stafford ; Dilchford, Blackdowns, and Charringworth, in the county of Gloucester; and the Compton Estate, near Kinver, in the counties of Staflbrd and ^MJ^ t^j^HQjQi ^m Salop, shire. Postal address— UAdcn Hill, Old Hill. Stafford- S DAVID HENRY MAGGIE, Esquire, D.L. and J. P. force. Durham. Born 1850, bein^ the eldest sunnving son of the late David Maggie of Gateshead-on- Tyne, by his wife Elizabeth, dau. of the late Wm. Herring of South Sunderland. Clubs — Constitutional, Union, Sunderland [Sunderland). Livery — Dark blue. Crest as used, but for which no authority has been estab- Tbe Editor undertakes that every entry not in italics is tbat of a genuinely armigerous person. 368 mi mi lished, is a dexter arm in armour, emhoived, holding in the gauntlet a scimitar. MottO — " Semper paratus." Manied, 1875, Susan Riliot, eldest dan. of the late George Blenkinsop of Simonside, co. Shields; and has Issue — frnpfiipavatu; (i) Henry Norman Haggle, b. 1877; (2) William Hairgie, b. 1879 ; (3) David Aubrey Haggle, b. 1881 ; (4) Kenneth Haggle, b. 1883 ; and Dora. Seats — Seafortk, Sunderland ; Melbourne Hall, Pocklington. Yorkshire. 3 ALEXANDER PRICE HAIG of Blairhill, Esquire, late Lieut. 5tli Dragoon Guards, D. L. for Kinross- shire. Born Nov. 27, 1863, being the eldest son of the late James Richard Haig, Esq., of Blairhill, Perthshire ; Coldon, Kinross-shire; and Highfields Park, D.L. , J. P., by his wife Jane, dau. of James Thomson. Clubs — Army and Navy, New (Edinburgh). A?W;j— Blue, white facings and piping, silver buttons. Armorial bearings— Azure, a saltirc between two mullets in chief and base, and a decrescent and increscent in fesse argent, a bordure or. Mantling azure doubled argent. Crest~A rock proper ; and in an escroll over the same this Motto, " Tyde what may." Married, Aug. i, 188=;, Jessie Louisa, second dau. ' of George Armstrong of The Elms, Gosforth, Northumber- land ; and has Issue — James Leslie Haig, Gentleman, b. Dec. 3, 1886 ; and Eileen Alexandra. Seats — Blairhill, Perthshire; Coldon, Kinross-shire. Postal address— \S\wx- hill, Rumbling Bridge, N.B. ALEXANDER RITCHIE HAIG, Gentleman, heir male and senior representative of the family of Haig of Bemersyde. Born Dec. 20, 1844, being the third but eldest surviving son of Alexander Ritchie Haig, Gentleman, and Ann Marr, dau. of Robert M'Kewn Haig, M.D. , South Carolina, U.S.A. Armorial bearings— Azure, a .saltire between two mullets m chief and Ijase, and a de- crescent and increscent in fesse argent. Mantling gules doubled argent. Married Elizabeth Witsell of SoiUh Carolina; and has Issue — (i) Alexander Ritchie Haig, Gentleman, h. 1878; (2) Lawence Witsell Haig, Gentle- man, b. 1880; (3) Roliert M'Kewn Haig, (ientleman, b. 1882; (4) Richard Lining Haig, Gentleman, b. 1886; fi is the Military Cockade. and Ann Elizal)eth. Postal address — C/o Miss Haig 30 Meeting Street, Charleston, South Carolina, U.S.A. SLiKUTEN.\NT-CoLONi.;i. ARTHUR BALFOUR HAIG, Companion of the Most Distinguished Order of S.iint Michael and Saint George, J. P. for the CO. of Berwick, E.xtra Equerry to H.R.H. Duke of Saxe- Coburg and (Jotha. Boi-n 1840, being the son of Robert Haig of Fane Valley, Dundalk, by his wife Magdalene, dau. of David Murray of Whitehouse ; was created Com- panion of the Most Distinguished Order of Saint Michael and Saint George 1878. 67///^- Marlborough. Armorial bearings — Azure, a saltire between two mullets in chief and base, and a decrescent and an increscent in the flanks argent, a bordure engrailed party per pale or and argent, charged with three hedgehogs sable, and impaling the arms of Harris, namely vert, on a chevron embattled erminois, Iwtween three hedgehogs or, as many bombs fired proper, on a chief a representation of part of the wall and ditch and one of the sallyports of Seringapatam, the drawbridge let down, and the Union flag of Great Britain hoisted above the flag of Tippoo Sultan, and pendent below the escutcheon his badge as a C.M.G. Mantling azure doubled argent ; and upon a wreath of his liveries is set for Crest, a rock proper ; and in an escroll over the same this Motto, " Tyde what may." " Tyde what may lx;tyde, Haig shall be Haig of Bemersyde." Married, 1874, the Hon. Frances Charlotte Harris, dau. of the Rt. Hon. Sir George Francis Roljert Harris, third Baron Harris; and has Issue — (i) Guy Haig, Gentleman, b. 1876; {2) Ivo Ernest Haig, Gentleman, /'. 1885, and (/. 1886 ; Nigel Esmc?, b. 1887 ; Dorothy Barbara ; and Cicely Phoebe. Seat — Bemersyde, St. lioswells, N.B. Toivn residence — 64 Onslow Gardens, S.W. GEORGE AUGUSTUS HAIG, Esquire, J. P. Radnor- shire (High Sheriff 1864), one of the Lords of the Manor of Gollon. Born June 13, 1820, being the eighth son fo the late Robert Haig of Roebuck, co. Dublin, i)y his wife Caroline Mary, sixth dau. of Sir William Wolseley, Bart., of Wolseley, co. Stafford. Livery — Azure blue, and silver. S is the Naval Cockade. ©at mi Armorial bearings — Azure, a saltire bewcen two mullets in chief and base, and a decrescent and increscent in fesse argent, a bordure invected or, charged with three talbots' heads erased, alternately with as many crescents gules. Mantlng azure and argent ; and upon a wTeath of his liveries is set for Crest, a rock profier; and in an cscroU over the same this Motto, " 'I'yde what may." A/urn'ed, July 28, 1848, Anne liliza, second dau. of Capt. Michael Edwin Fell, by his wife Janet Callander, dau. of James Haig of Blairhill, Perthshire; and has /ssue — (i) Charles Edwin Haig, Esq., M.A. lixeter Coll., Oxford, Barristcr- at-Law of the Inner Temple, J. P. co. Radnor, 6. June 14, 1849 \m., April 18, 1871, Janet Stein, second dau. of John Haig, Esq., of Cameron House, Fifeshire, J. P., and has issue, Roland Charles, i6th Lancers, fi. 1873 '• ^"'^ Rachel Dorothy VVoLseley] ; (2) Alexander William Haig, Gentle- man, M..\. Caius Coll., Cambridge, i. Aug. 12, 1855; (3) Kodolf Wolseley Haig, Gentleman, i. March 11, i860, (/. March 7, 1876; (4) Cecil Henry Haig, Gentleman, Caius Coll., Cambridge, fi. March 16, 1862; (5) ICdric Wolseley Haig, (jentlenian, M.i\. and LL.M. Cambridge, fi. Feb. 20, 1865 [m.. May 20, 1894, Helen Isabella, dau. of Lieut. -Col. G. M. Cardew, late 67th Regt.] ; Janet Augusta [m., 1874, CJeorge I*"enwick Boyd of Moorhousc, co Dur- ham]; I'kiith Caroline [m., Jan. 9, 1886, James Arthur Henry Jame.son of Montrose, co. Dublin, and has issue]; Rose HeUm[m., 1880, John Howard Thomas of Yscyborwen, near Ab(>rdare, Glamorganshire, and has issue] ; Sybil Margaret [m., 1882, David Alfred Thomas, M.P. , of Yscyborwen, Aljerdare, and has issue] ; and Charlotte Wolseley. Sea/ — Pen-Ithon, Radnorshire, via Newtown, Montgomeryshire. GEORGE HENRY CATON HAIGH, Esquire. J. P. CO. of Lincoln. Born Sept. 4, i860, being the eldest son of the late George Henry Haigh, Esq., 0/ Gainsby Hall, J. P. and D.L., by his wife Emma Jane Adelaide, youngest dau. of Sir Robert Way Hartv, first Hart. Armorial bearings as used, and as given in liurke s " Landed Gentry," but to ivhich he has no right, are for Arms — Azure, a saltire cantoned with a star in chief and in base, and with two crescents addorsed in the flanks argent. Crisst — A rock proper. Mottoes— " i'o/a virtus invicta," " Tyde what may." Seats — Gainsby Hall, near Great Grimsby ; Abcris, I^enryhn-den-draeth, Merionethshire. FiKt.D-MAKSiiAi.LSiK FREDERICK PAUL HAINES, Knight Grand Cross of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, Knight Grand Commander of the Most I'^xalted Order of the Star of India, Companion of the Most Eminent Order of the Indian Empire. Born 1819, being the son of the late Gregory Haines, Esq., C.B., of Dublin, Com- missary-General of the I-'orces, by his wife Harriet, dau. of John Eldridge of Kirdford, .Sussex; createl(«»«^ iK-ing the eldest son of the late Robert \VJtX\\i\X\\K H;iidane of Cloan Den, by his wife Jane, daughter of the late John Makgill of Kem- back. Livery — Black and white. Armorial bearings^ He bears for Arms : Quarterly i and 4, argent a saltire engrailed sable (for Haldane) ; 2 argent, a saltire be- tween four roses gules (for Lennox) ; 3 or, a bend chequy sable and argent (for Menteith) ; in the centre of the quarters a crescent sable for difference. Above the shield is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules, doubled argent ; and on a wreath of his liveries is set for Crest, an eagle's head erased or ; and in an escroU over the tame the Motto, " Suffer." Mar- ried, July 22, 1868, Sara Jean, only ciiild of the late John Reid of Bellevliet, Cape of Good Hope; and has Issue — Robert John Alwynne Haldane, Gentleman, Lieu- tenant 71st Highland Light Infantry, born May 12, 1871 ; and Jane Constance. Postal address — St. Catherine's, Fortrose, N. B. Tbe Editor undertakes that every entry not in italics is that of a genuinely axmigerous person. 2 A 37° JDal m\ The Riciit Rkvkrknd JAMES ROBERT ALEXAN- DER CHINNERY-HALDANE, Doctor of Divinity, Bishop of Argyll and the Isles. Born August 14, 1842, Ix'ing the only son of Alexander Ilaldane of the Inner Temple, Barrister-at-Law, by I'"niina his wife, daughter of Joseph llardcastle. Anrioiial bearings— He Ix-ars for Arms : Quarterly i and 4, argent a saltirc engrailed sable (for Maldane) ; 2. argent, a sallire l)etvvecn four roses gules (for Lennox) ; 3. or, a bend chequy sable and argent (for Menteith) ; and on an escutcheon of pre- ncc timide" (for Chinnery) ; and for his Supporters, on either side an eagle proper. Afcrrried, August 1864, Anna Elizal)eth Frances Margaretta Chinnery, only child of the late Reverend Sir Nicholas Chinnery, Baronet, of Flinttield, county Cork; and has Issue— (i) James Brodrick Chinnery-Haldano, Gentleman, born July 1868, M..'\. (Ch. Ch., Oxon.) ; Patrick Vernon Chinnery-Hal- dane. Gentleman, born February 1870 ; and Agnes Eliza- l)eth, died 1866. Postal address — Ballachulish, Scot- land. tence the arms of Chinnery, rtamely azure, a chevTon ermine, tetween three lions rampant or, on a canton vert a harp of the third, stringed argent. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules, doubled argent ; and for his Crests, i. on the dexter side, on a wreath of the liveries, an eagle's head erased or, and in an escroll above the Motto, "Suffer" (for Haldane) ; 2. on the sinister side, ujran a wreath of the hveries, on a globe or, an eagle rising proper, collared of the first, and in an escroll over the Motto, " Nee temere is the Military Cockade. HEW ADAM DALRYMPLE HAMH^TOX HAL- DANE-DUNCAN- MERCER- HENDER- SON, Esquire, com- monly known as the Honourable Hew Adam Dalrymple Hamilton Haldane-Duncan-Mercer-Henderson. Born 1820, being the son of the Riglit Honourable the first Earl of Camperdown. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Quarterly, i. per ^m is the Naval Cockade. ipainanc ^ 2Duncan= ^ercer -- ipcnDctjOfon r^ai pale dancettiSe or and sable, on a chief argent a crescent azure, between two ermine spots (for Henderson) ; 2. or, on a fesse gules, Ijetween three crosses pat^e in chief of the second and a Mar of six points in base azure, three bezants, all within a bordure of the third (for Mercer) ; 3. gules, in chief two roses argent, and in base a hunting-horn of the second stringed azure, and as augmentation, in the centre chief point a naval crown, pendent therefrom a representation of the gold medal given for the Battle of Campcrdown (being two female figures representing Victory alighting on the prow of an antique galley and crowning Britannia), and under- neath in gold letters the word " Camperdown ; " 4. quarterly i. and iiii. argent, a saltire engrailed sable (for Haldanc) ; ii. argent, a saltire lietwcen four roses gules (for Lennox) ; iii. or, a bend chequy sable and argent (for Menteith), in the centre a crescent azure for difference ; and upon an escutcheon of pretence for and in right of his wife, the arms of Mercer- Henderson, namely, c|uarterly i and 4, l^al 371 Issue — Georgina Wilhelmina [married, 1888, the Right Honourable the seventh Earl of Buckinghamshire (to whom refer)]. Residences — F"ordell, Inverkeithing, in the county of Fife ; i Wilton Terrace, Belgrave Square, S.W. The Rt. Hon. Sir CHARLES LiNDLEY Wood, VIS- COUNT HALIFAX of Monk Bretton. in fhflflfflt* ''^^ West Riding of the county of York, in Ib/nillU^ the Peerage of the United Kingdom, and a Baronet, Master of Arts. Born June 7, 1839, being the son of the Rt. Hon. the first Viscount Halifax, by his wife Lady Mary, daughter of the Rt. Hon. the second liarl Grey, K.G. ; formerly Captain ist West Riding of York Yeomanry Cavalry ; succeeded his father in 1885. Creations — Baronet, January 22, 1784 ; Viscount, February 21, 1866. Armorial bearings — Azure, three naked savages, ambulant, in fosse [iroper, in the dexter hand of each a shield lenaerson as at>ove ; 2 and 3, Mercer as above. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules, doubled argent ; and for his Crests, I. on a wreath of the liveries, a cubit arm proper, the hand holding an estoile or, and surmounted by a crescent azure (for Henderson) ; 2. on a wreath of the liveries, the head and neck of a heron erased holding in its lieak an eel seizing the neck of the former, all proper (for Mercer) ; 3. on a wreath of the colours, on waves of the sea a dismasted ship proper (for Duncan) ; 4. on a wreath of the liveries, an eagles head erased or (for Haldane) ; with the Mottoes, "Sola virtus nobilitat, I'he grit poul," " Disce pati," "Suffer." Married, 1866, Edith Isabella (who, on succeeding under the will of her brother to his London and Fifeshire estates in 1882, was privileged by Royal License to use the surnames of Mercer- Henderson only), daughter of the late General Mercer-Henderson, Companion of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, of Fordell, North Britain ; and has argent, charged with a cross gules ; in the sinister, a club resting on the shoulder also proper, on a canton ermine, three lozenges conjoined in ff;sse sable, and upon an escut- cheon of pretence the arms of Courtenay, namely, quarterly I and 4, or three torteaux surmounted by a label of three f>oints azure (for Courtenay) ; 2 and 3 or, a lion rampant azure (for Redvers). Above the escutcheon, which is charged with his badge of Ulster as a Baronet, is placed the coronet of his rank, and thereupon a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling azure and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a savage as in the arms, the shield sable, charged with a griffin's head erased argent. Supporters — On either side a griffin sable, gorged with a collar, and pendent therefrom a portcullis or. Motto — "I like my choice." Married, April 22, 1869, Lady Agnes Elizaljeth, only daughter of the Rt. Hon. William Reginald Courtenay, twelfth Earl of Devon ; and has Issue — (i) Hon. Charles Reginald Lindley Wood, born July 17, 1870, died September 6, 1890 ; (2) Hon. The Editor undertakes that every entry not in italics is tliat of a genuinely armigerous person. 372 m\ mi Francis Hugh Lindley Wood, born Septemlier 21, 1873, died March 17, 1889 ; (3) Hon. Henry Paul Lindley Wood, horn January 25, 1879, died June 6, 1886 ; (4) Hon. Edward Krederick Lindley Wood, born April 16, 1881 ; Hon. .Mexandra Mary l-^lizabeth (to whom the Prin- cess of Wales stood sponsor) ; and Hon. Mary Agnes. /fesiifeni-es—^g Eaton Square, London, S.W. ; liickleton Hall, Doncaster ; Garrowby, Stamford Bridge, in the county of York. THOM.^S PROSSER HALE, Esq., J.P. Bor/i, Oct. 13, 1848, being the second but eldest surviving son of Joseph Eaton Hale, by his wife Forester, second dau. of the Rev. Thomas Prosser, Rector of Dorstone, co. Hereford. C/ui — West Suffolk (Bury St. Edmunds). Livery — Drab breeches, dark blue waistcoat, drab coat edged blue, silver buttons. Armorial bearings^Argent, on a chevron en- grailed betweiMi throe t'scutclieons azure, each charged with a cin(]uofoil of the tiekl, three towers of the last. Mantling azure and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, upon a rock, a tower proper, surmounted by a sun in splendour or, and resting upon the battlements a scaling- ladder in IxMid sable. Motto — " Turris fortis mihi Deus." Married, July 9, 1885, ]'".llen Isabel, eldest dau. of Thomas Mingage Golding, Solicitor, of Walsham-le-Willows, Suf- folk ; and has Issue — Isabel Forrester, Eileen Finetta Prosser, May Cicerly I'Vances, and Violet Constance. Estates — Somerton Hall and Hawkedon Hall, co. Suffolk ; Brook Hall, Foxearth, co. Essex. Postal address — Somerton Hall, Bury St. Edmimds, Suffolk. JOHN HALES -TOOKE, Esq., J.P. co. Norfolk, M.R.C.S.E. Born Sept-. 26, 1820, being the son of James Hales of Norwich ; assumed by Royal License additional name of Tooke, 1892. Armorial bearings— Per chevron sable and argent, in the centre point a cross pat^e counter- changed between in chief two gryphons' heads erased of the second, collared gules, and in base a gryphon's head erased of the first, collared or. Mantling sable and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a gryphon's head erased sable, charged on the neck with two bendlets argent, holding in the beak a sword in pale point upwards argent, pommel and hilt or. Married, Sept. 16, 1846, Sarah, only child of John Clark of Holt, Norfolk, and has surviv- ing Issue— (\) John Baseley Tooke Hales- Tooke, Gentle- man, B.A. (Cam.), b. Dec. 9, 1849 [;«., 1888, Elizabeth Blanche Mary, third dau. of Rev. William Bagnall-Oakley, of Newlands, co. Gloucester, and has issue] ; (2) Robert Turner Hales- I'ooke, Gentleman, M.D.(Aberdeen Honours), M.R.C.S., L.S.A ,'b. Sept. i, 1853 [w., 1889, Alice Mary, third dau. of Henry Ward of Rodbaston, co. Stafford, and has issue]. 5^(7/j— Copdock and Washbrook, co. Suffolk. SiK CHARLES HALL, Knight Commander of the Most Distinguished Order of Saint Michael and Saint George, one of Her Majesty's Counsel Learned in the Law, Recorder of London, Master of Arts of the Uni- versity of Cambridge, and Member of Parliament for the Holborn Divisiop of Finsbury. Born August 3, 1843, being the son of the late Vice-Chancellor the Honourable Sir Charles Hall of Farnham Chase, Slough, by his wife Sarah, daughter of Francis Duval of Exeter ; created Knight Commander of the Most Distinguished Order of Saint MiclKicl and Saint George, 1889. C////'.r— White's, Garrick, Marlborough, Carlton, St. Stephen's. Armorial bearings— He Ijears for Arms: Sable, on a chevron be- tween three dexter hands couped and erect, each within an annulet argent, a wreath of laurel vert, between two roses barbed and seeded proper, the escutcheon being sur- rounded by the ribbon, and pendent therefrom the badge of a Knight Commander of the Most Distinguished Order of Saint Michael and Saint George. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling sable and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a tilting-spear erect, surmounted by a sword and a laurel branch saltirewise all proper ; with the Motto, " Aut pax aut bellum." Postal addresses— i Mount Street, London, W. ; Recorder's Chambers, Guildhall, London. FREDERICK CHARLES NORTHCOTE HALL, Gentleman, Lieut. R.N. (retired). Born Oct. 23, 1843, being the eldest son of the Rev. Charles Ran ken Hall, by his wife Harriett, dau. of John Baker of Woodlands. is the Military Cockade. Armorial bearings — Per pale argent and or, on a chevron between tlirce talbots' heads erased sable, murally gorged or, as many hawks' lures argent, lined and ringed or. Mantling sable and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a palm branch in bend sinister vert, in front of a griffin's liead erased or, charged with a gemel gules, holding in the beak a hawk's lure as in the arms. Motto — " Ni"-ddaw-da-o-hir-arofyn." Married, Dec. 29, 1870, Henrietta Somerset, dau. of James Orchard Halliwell- Phillipps of Hollingbury Copse, Brighton. Residence — Rev. HERBERT HALL, M.A., Rector of Glemsford, CO. Suffolk. Born July 11, 1845, lieing the second son of the Rev. Charles Rankcn Hall of Staplegrove, by his wife Harriett, dau. of John Baker of Woodlands. Armorial bearings — Per pale argent and or, on a chevron between three talbots' heads erased sable, murally gorged or, as many hawks' lures argent, lined and ringed or. Mantling sable and argent. Crest-— On a wreath of the colours, a palm branch in bend sinister vert, in front of a griffin's head (erased or, charged with a geniel gules, holding in the beak a hawk's lure as in the arms. Motto — " Turpiter desperatur." Postal address — The Rectory, Glemsford, co. Suffolk. LEWIS DUVAL HALL, Esquire, J.P. and D.L. (High Sheriff 1885). Born July 13, 1842, being the eldest son of the late Sir Charles Hall, Vice-Chancellor of the High Court of Justice, a learned and able lawyer, by his wife Sarah, dau. of Francis Duval of Exeter. Clubs — Turf, Marlborough, Garrick. Armorial bearings— Sable, on a chevron between three dexter hands couped and erect, each within an annulet argent, a wreath of laurel vert, between two roses barbed and seeded proper. Mantling sable and argent. Crest On a wreath of the colours, a tilting-spear erect, surmounted by a sword and a laurel branch saltireways all proper. Motto— "Aut pax aut bellum." Married, July i, 1869, Mary Kate, younger dau. of the late Charles Meeking of Richings Park ; and has Issue — (1) Charles Spencer Hall, Gentleman, /'. March 18, 1870; (2) Lewis Duval Hall, Gentleman, /'. March 18, 1875 ; (3) Geoffrey Duval Hall, Gentleman, b. March 6, 1877 ; and Mary Kate Duval. 5(?a/— Farnham Chase, near Slough, Bucks. Town residence — 15 Grosvenor Place, S.W. TiiK Honourable Sir JOHN HALL, Knight Com- mander of the Most Distinguished Order of Saint Michael and Saint George, of Hororata, Canterbury, in the Colony of New Zealand, has been a Member of the House of Repre- sentatives, and a Member of the Legislative Council. Born December 18, 1824, being the son of George Hall of Kingston- upon-HuU, by his first wife Grace, daughter of Thomas Williamson; Colonial Secretary, 1856 ; Postmaster-General," 1866-1869; Colonial Secretary, 1872, 1873 ; Premier of New Zealand, 1879-1882, when he retired ; created Knight Com- mander of the Most Distinguished Order of Saint Michael and Saint George, 1882. C///Af— Christchurch (Ch. Ch., N.Z.), St. George's. Armorial bearings — He tears for Arms : Argent, on a chevron sable, between two talbots' heads erased in chief of the last, and on a mount a tree-fern in base proper, a mullet of six points within an annulet or. Upon the escutcheon, which is encircled by the ribbon and pendent therefrom the badge of a Knight Commander of the Most Distinguished Order of Saint Michael and Saint George, is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling sable and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, two fronds of fern proper, therefrom issuant a talbot's head erased sable, gutt(?e-d'or, gorged with a collar gemel or. Married, 1861, Rose Anne, daughter of William Dryden of Kingston-upon-Hull ; and has Issue — (i) Godfrey Dryden Hall, Gentleman, born and died January 1862; (2) Wilfred Hall, Esquire, born January 15, 1864 ; (3) John Dryden Hall, Esquire, born September TO, 1865 ; Godfrey Hall, Esquire, born December 14, 1868 ; Mildred ; and Mary, d. 1888. Postal address— WoxoxMa, Canterbury, New Zealand. JOHN HALL, Gentleman. Born November 18, 1834, being the eldest son of the late John Hall, Esquire, of Mersey Bank House, Heaton Norris, and of Manchester, J.P. for Lanes, and for the borough of Stockport, by his wife Elizabeth, only child and heiress of James Byfield of Great Budworth, Cheshire, and of Manchester. Armorial 8 is the Naval Cockade. \m mi bearings — He bears fur Arms: Sable, on a chevron betwton three dexter hanils cou|x'd and erect, each within an annulet argent, a wreath of laurel vert, between two roses barbed and seeded proper. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet Ix^filting his degree, with a mantling sable and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours. lenry Hall, Gentleman, born February 23, 1853 ; (3) John Alexander Lindesay Hall, Gentleman, born l)ecemlx;r 5, 1855 ; (4) Richard Augustus Hall, Gentleman, born October I, 1858; (5) Charles William Hall, Gentleman, born January lilting-spear erect, surmimiued by a sword and a laurel branch saltireways all proper; with the Motto, ".Xul pax aut Ijellum." Miirried, February 13. 1866, Kate, daughtc of Nicholas Heald of Bowdon, Cheshire ; and has Issue — (i) John Hall, Gentleman, Ixjrn March 27, 1870; (2) Ernest Byfield Hall, Gentleman, born November 23, 1877; Katha- rine Mary ; Edith Uylield ; Constance Marsden ; and Mar- garet Elizabeth. J'os/ul inidrfss — The Grange, Hale, Altrincham. I'ERCY CRAV1:N hall. Gentleman, M.A. (Cantab.). Horn June 9, 1859, lx;ing the eldest son of the Rev. 'i'homas Hepworth Hall, by his wife Elizalxjth, daughter of William Craven of Halifax, Yorkshire, /./'t't-n'— dark blue, with silver buttons. Armorial bearing^— He bears f<}r Arms: Argent, on a Ixjnd raguly sable between tsvo lions rampant of the last, a talboi's head er;u>ed Ivtween two cross cross- lets fitchde or. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling s;ible and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a griffin's head erased argent, gorged with a wreath of cinquefoils gules, and supporting a cross crosslet fitchee paleways or, Ijetween two wings gules, each charged with a fesse also or. Married, Septeml;er 30, 1891, Catherine Marion, daughter of Thomas Reddish Bower of Southport ; and has Issue — Rita Marion, and Irene Madeline. Estate — Purstone Hall, I'ontefract. Postal address — The Nook, Gateacre, Liverpool. TiiK Rkvkrkni) RICHARD AUGUSTUS HALL. Clerk in Holy Orders, Master of Arts of Trinity College, Dublin, late Incumbent of (^uivvy Parish, Diocese of Kilniore. Horn September 5, 1823, being the eldest son of the late Perry Hall of TuUy House, in the county of Mona- ghan, by his wife Elizabeth, younger daughter of John Jackson of Lismacshela, in the county of Fermanagh. Livery — Light drab coat and vest, with black collar and cuffs, black trousers, silver buttons and hatband. Ar- morial bearings — He bears for Arms : Argent, on a Lhcvron engrailed, between three talbots' heads erased sable, as many trefoils slipped or. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet Isehtting his degree, with a mantling sable and argent ; and for his Crest, on a wreath of the colours, a bear's head couped and muzzled proper, charged with a trefoil as in the arms; with the MottO, " Remember and forget not." Married, December 11, 1849, Mary, eldest daughter of the late Thomas Gibson Henry, Esquire, of Mourne Abbey, Kilrecl, in the county of Down, Justice of the Peace and Grand Juror for both the counties of Down and Armagh; and has Issue~(i) James Campbell Hall, Gentleman, born October 23, 1851 ; (2) Thomas Gibson 28, 1864. Estates — House and suburban (jropcrty in the town and neighbourhood of Monaghan, anil country property in Drumsnatt parish, adjoining parish of Monaghan, all situated in the barony of Monaghan, in the county of Monaghan. Postal address — Tully House, Monaghan. H WILLIAM HALL, Gentleman, Lieut. 4th Batt. Princess Louise's Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders. Horn December 11, 1872, Ijeing the only son of the late Peter Hall, wlio resided at Cami>beltowri, .Argyllshire, by Agnes his wife, daughter of Henry Coals Ilastie. C////'j— I'icc.idilly, Cale- donian United Service (Edinburgh). Armorial bearings- He bears for Arms: Parted per chevron gules and argent, three storks' heads erased and countercharged. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules doubled argent ; and upon a wreath of his The Editor undertakes that every entry not in italics is that of a, genuinely armigerous person. 174 IDal It)am liveries is set for Crest, a liuniing-horn proper, garnislicd and stringed gules ; and in an escroU over the same this Motto, "Forward." Postal address— 6 Drunisheugh Gar- dens, Edinburgh. Thk Reverenp WILLIAM JOHN HALL, Master of Arts, Rector of St. Clement's, ICastcheap, and Minor Canon of St. I'aiil s t.'atliedral. Jiorii 1830, being the eldest son of the Reverend William John Hall, Master of Arts, Vicar of 'roltenham, London, North (1851 1861), and Minor Canon of St. Paul's, and I'riesI in Ordinary to Her Majesty the Oueen, bv his wife .Anne, daughter of Herliert JefiVeys. C/k*— United University. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Vert, on a chevron engrailed argent between three cross crosslets or, as many crescents sable. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet Ijcfitting his degree, with a mantling vert and argent ; and for his Crest, on a wreath of the colours, upon a staft" raguly fcsseways sable, a dove holding in the beak a passion-nail proper ; with the Motto, " Non sine numine." Married, 1865, Isabella Frances, daughter of Thomas Cooper of Stone Castle, in the county of Kent; and has Issue — iVrthur Gwynne Jeffreys Hall, Bachelor of Arts, Gentleman ; Kthel Frances ; Evelyn Beatrice ; and Nora Geraldine. f'ostal addresses — I^recon House, Eltham ; and 29 Martin's Lane, Cannon Street, London, E.G. of Daniel Weight, Estiuirc, Justice of the Peace, of Cliiigre, Stinchcombe, in the county of Gloucester. Armorial bear- iE)al^Dare ROBERT WESTLEY HALL-DARE, Esquire, J. P. for cos. of Carlow and We.xford, D. L. CO. Wexford. Born October 14, 1866, being the eldest son of the late Robert Westley Hall-Dare, Esquire, of Nevv- lownbarry House, in the county of Wexford, by his wife Caroline Susan Henrietta, second daughter of Henry Newton of Mount Leinster I.odge, in the county of Carlow. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Quarterly 1 and 4, azure a lion rampant argent, V>et\veen three lozenges or, each charged with an increscent gules, in chief a cross crosslet gold (for Dare) ; 2 and 3 sable, on a chevron engrailed between three battle-axes erect or, as many eagles displayed of the field (for Hall). Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling azure and argent : and for his Crests, i. upon a wreath of the colours, a demi-lion rampant azure, bezantfe, charged on the shoulder with a cross crosslet or, and holding be- tween the paws a lozenge charged with an increscent as in the arms (for Dare) ; 2. upon a wreath of the colours, a horse's head couped sable, semiSe of rhullets or, armed proper, bridled argent, on the head two ostrich feathers of the first and third, and holding in the mouth a battle- a.xe or (for Hall). Motto— " Loyaut6 sans tache." Mar- ried, April 6, 1896, Helen, second dau. of the late John Taylor Gordon of Nethermuir, co. Aberdeen ; and has /ijMC— Audrey. Seats — Newtownbarry House, Newtown- barry, in the county of Wexford ; Theydon Bois, Epping, in the county of Essex. RICHARD HALL-SAY, Esq., J. P. for cos. of Norfolk and Berks (High Sheriff 1864) Born 1827, being the eldest son of the late Richard Hall, by Harriet, dau. of Robert Say of Downham, Norfolk ; and assumed the name of Say by Royal License under the will of his uncle. Club-- Reform. Armorial bearings— (Quarterly i and 4, chevronny of six azure and gules, two Haunches ermine (for Say) ; 2 and 3 sable, two feathers chevronways argent, within two chevronels or, between talbots' heads erased of the second (for Hall). Mantling aziu-e and argent ; and for his Crests, I. upon a wreath of the colours, a stag's head erased argent, guttfe-de-larmes, holding in the mouth a cinquefoil slipped vert (for Say) ; 2. upon a wreath of the colours, a talbot's head erased sable, charged with four bezants in cross, hold- ing in the mouth a feather argent. Motto—" Fare et age. " Married, 1858, Ellen, only child of the late Edward Evans of Boveney,; and has, with other /j.r«<*?— Geoffrey Norman Edward Hall-Say, Gentleman, b. 1864, educated at Clifton. Postal address — 69 Finchley Road, S.W. The Reverend ARTHUR WASHINGTON COR- NELIUS HALLEN, Master of Arts of the JbafiCn ^"'^'ersity of Cambridge, Fellow of the So- 4>yMitv(( ciety of Antiquaries (Scotland), Clerk in Holy Orders. Born March 25, 1834, being the only son of the Reverend Washington Hallen, Clerk in Holy Orders, by his second wife Elizabeth, second daughter is the Military Cockade. ings — He bears for Arms : Gules, a lion rampant or, crowned, armed, and langued azure, charged on the shoulder with a hammer of the last for difference. Upon the escut- cheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mant- ling gules and or ; and for his Crest, a demi-lion rampant or, crowned, armed, and langued, and charged on the shoulder with a hammer azure, between two antique wings sable; with the Motto, "Sine Deo nil. " Married, 1862, Catherine, third daughter of William Hatton ; and has Issue — An only child, Arthur Erskine Herbert Cornelius Hallen, Gentleman, Doctor of Medicine of the University of Edinburgh, born 1866 [married, 1887, Agnes, daughter of William Henry, and of which marriage there is issue, Arthur Cornelius Hallen, Gentleman, born 1889; Catherine Cornelia; and Mirabel]. Postal address — The Parsonage, Alloa, N.B. HALSTED, see EVERY-HALS lED. Colonel RICHARD HEBDEN O'GRADY HALY, C.B. (Mil.) (1896), D.S.O. (1889). Born 1841, Jl^SiTvi l>eing the eldest son of the late General Sir lli/UlJ^ William O'Grady-Haly, K..C. B. ; created D.S.O., 1889. tVrt/'— United Service. Armorial bear- ings — Vert, three bars wavy argent, in chief a mullet pierced or. Mantling vert and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a mermaid holding in her dexter hand a comb, and in her sinister a mirror all proper. Motto, "Sapiens dominabitur astris. " Married, 1865, Geraldine Mary, dau. of the late MajorGeneral Charles Gostling, R.A. Postal addresses — Belfast ; White- gates, Frimley, Surrey. M EVERARD ALEXANDER HAMBRO, Esquire, J.P. ™ for COS. Kent and Surrey, and D.L. for co. Dorset and for the City of London, a Director of the Bank of England. Born April 11, 1842, being the third son of the late Charles Joseph Pheophilus, Esq., J.P. and D.L. CO. Dorset, Lord of the Manors and Patron of Winter- bourne Strickland and Milton Abbas, Capt. Dorset Yeo- manry, M.P. for Weymouth 1868-1874, by his wife Susan S is the Naval Cockade. iDam ©am 375 Amelia, dau. of the Ven. and Hon. Henry Reginald Yorke. Archdeacon and Canon of Ely, brother of Charles Fhilip, fourth tlarl of Hardwicke. Club — Trav-ellers'. Armorial bearings — Azure, a che\Ton between three annulets in chief and a lion p;issant in base or. MantllTig azure and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a falcon billed and wings elevated or, sem^ of annulets, and resting the dexter {:law on a crescent or. MottO — ' ' In Deo. " Married, Oct. 2j, 1886, Gertrude Mar)', dau. of the late Henry Stuart of Montford. Isle of Bute: and has Issue — (i) Charles Eric Hambro, Gcnt!eman, *. Sept. 20, 1872 \m., July 17, 1894. Sybil .M -lley Smith] ; (2) Harold Ev. Ian. 20, 1876; (3) .\ngus W. 1. b. July 8, 1883 ; (4) Olaf Hainbru, Cnriiticiuaii, b. Oct. 20, 1886; and Violet Mary. 5«a/— Hayes Place. Hayes, Bromley, Kent. HENRY CHARLES HAMBRO, Genii. man. Rom Dec. 21, 1869, being the eldest son of Perc 'f)ro, by his wife Grace, dau. of Major H. \ne. Armorial bearings — .\2ure, annulets in chief and a lion pa a^ure and or. Crest — On a w i ''." ' ' " I or, sfniet-- • crescent or. •'■ rset. ^'-•" . _. ., . i:iree , a f.ilcon t Linnulets, and rest- Motto— "In Deo." SD.^CRE MERVYN ARCHDALL HAMILTON. Esquire, J.P. and D.L. c "' - " ■' -'^criff 1864). Bom Oct 13, 1837, ihe late James Hamilton, Esq., of ' ' ^h Sheriff 1830, by his wife l\i; dau. of Col. Blair of Blair. Street (Dublin* Armorial tit-.J-^- between thrc cTrnine, f n a ca; .iny holly Itjaves . t. Crest — '^•!t iue- foils cl-. -ne- trated • .er, frame .M:: : is." Married, 1S73, Heica, dau. oi \V.. ron of the .\ustrian Empire ; and has iies Hamilton, Gentleman, b. 1879; *».■ ^ line \m.. 1893. Charles Slingsby Chaplin]; Isn ne ; Agnes Elizabeth; Edith; and Louisa. i< .^sa. Monaghan. Colonel HENkV I'.l. \("KBURNE H will TON, late Commanding : i Hussars. ■ the 6th Dragoon Guar . rs), M..\. :rch (Oxon.). Born 1841. \r-\u\i me eldest son oi trie laie Rev. Henry Hamilton, M..\. . of Devonshire Place, London, pres-iously an officer in the 8sih Light Infantry, and Rector of Thomastown. c an escroll, "In te Do! >: ■ ,' Postal address — 23 ! ... SJOHN HAMILTON. Esquire, of Sundrum. in the county of .\yr, Tu-t ct- .f ihe Peace and Deputy- LieutenanL Borr ~ ■eing the eldest son of the late J' ;m, by his wife Christian, eldest il.i..^...-. • . w; •l^I 1 -ui.das of Dundas. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms: Gules, three fleurs-de-lis in fesse or, between as many cinquefoils argent. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules, doubled argent ; and upon Tbe Editor undertakes that every entry not in italics is that of a gentiinely armigerous person. 376 l^am l^am a wreath of his liveries is set for Crest, an oak-tree fructed, penetrated transversely in the main stem by a frame-saw proper. Motto — "Through." Married, May 7, 1845, Katliarine Barbara, eldest daughter of the late William Stobart of Picklrcc, in the county of Durliani ; and has Issue — (1) John Hamilton, Gentleman, died young; (2) John Claude (■ampbell Hamilton, Esquire, Justice of tlie Peace, born February 17, 1854 [married, April lo, 1877, Marion Armstrong, daugiiter of the Reverend Edward Charles Evans, Rector of Downhain, in tlie county of Essex, and has issue]; (3) Lewis Boswell Innian llaniilton. Gentleman, born February 13, 1858 [married, December 22, 1885, Leila, daughter of P. S. Melvill, Esquire, Com- panion of the Most Exalted Order of the Star of India, and has, James Melvill Hamilton, Gentleman, born Novemlxjr 4, i886 ; and Mary Cliristian Dundas]. Scat — Sundrum, in the county of Ayr, North Britain. JOHN HAMILTON, Gentleman. Born Oct. 15, 1850, being the eldest son of the late Rev. John Hamilton, Vicar of Lynsted, Kent, by his wife Augusta Hariet, dau. of Sir Henry Hawley, Bart., of Leybourne Grange, Kent. Club — Junior Carlton. Livery — Black, crimson facings, and crimson waistcoat. Armorial bearings — Gules, a spur- rowel of six points or, between three cinquefoils argent, all within a bordure engrailed erminois ; and impaling the arms of Crutchley, namely argent, a chevron gules, cotised azure, between three torteaux, each encircled by two branches of oak pro|)er. Above the shield is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a Mantling gules doubled argent ; and on a wreath of his liveries is set for Crest, an oak tree issuing from a ducal coronet, having a saw across it all proper, the last having the word "Through" upon the iron part of it as Motto. Married, July 24, 1883, Helen. dau. of Gen. Charles Crutchley of Sunninghill Park', Ascot ; and has lssne~[\) John Hamilton, Gentleman, b. June 5] 1884; (2) Charles Eliott-HamiUon, Gentleman, /;. Feb. 27] 1888 ; (3) George Frederick Hamilton, Gentleman, b. March 30, 1890 ; Julia Helen ; and Margaret Euphemia. Residence — Sunningdale House, Silver Hill, St. Leonards-on-Sea. M is the Military Cockade. JOHN ANDREW CHARLES HAMILTON. Gentle- man. Born May 1876, being the only son of the late John Hamilton Jennings Hamilton, Esquire, of Howden, Tiverton, and Fermanagh, Justice of the Peace, by his wife Augusta Catherine, .second daughter of the Reverend W. T. Kevin Davics of Croft Castle, in the county of Hereford. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Quarterly i and 4, per chevron argent and gules, three cinquefoils within a bordure nebuly all counterchanged (for Hamilton) ; 2 and 3, quarterly argent and gules, in the first quarter a cross crosslet of the second (for Crosse). U|)on the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules and argent ; and for his Crests, I. upon a wreath of the colours, on a mount vert, between two wings argent, an oak tree, penetrated trans- versely by a frame-saw proper (for Hamilton) ; 2. upon a wreath of the colours, a cross pat6e fitch^e gules, be- tween two wings argent, each charged with a cross crosslet of the first (for Crosse). Mottoes — "Through" (for Hamilton); "Se inserit astris" (for Crosse). Seat — Howden, Tiverton. SIDNEY GRAVES HAMILTON, Esquire, Justice of the Peace for the county of Gloucester, Fellow of Hertford College, Oxford. Born 1855, being the son of Maxwell Hamilton of Dublin, Esq., by his wife Mary John, dau. of John Graves of Mickleton, in the county of Gloucester. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Gules, three cinquefoils pierced ermine, on a canton argent, a lym- phad with sails furled sable ; and for his Crest, issuing from a ducal coronet gules, an oak-tree proper, the trunk traversed by a frame-saw also proper, dependent from the branches, on the sinister side, a shield gules, thereon a cross crosslet or; with the Motto, "Through." Estate — Kiftsgate Court, or Mickleton Manor Estate, in the county of Gloucester. Postal addresses— YJdX&^TsXe. Court, Campden , Gloucestershire ; or Hertford College, Oxford. SUSAN ELIZA HAMILTON, Widow, daughter of Charles Bowman of Ipswich. Armorial bearings are, upon a lozenge : Quarterly i and 4, per chevron argent and gules, three cinquefoils within a bordure nebuly all counterchanged (for Hamilton) ; 2 and 3, quarterly argent and gules, in the first quarter a cross crosslet of the second. Married, John Hamilton, Esquire, of Tynecourt House, Justice of the Peace (who died 1880) and has had Issue — John Hamilton Jennings Hamilton, Esquire, of Howden, Tiverton, and of Fermanagh, Justice of the Peace, born March 26, 1848 [married, July 17, 1875, Augusta Catherine, second daughter of the Reverend W. T. Kevill Davies of Croft Castle, in the county of Hereford, and died 1887, leaving, John Andrew Charles Hamilton, Gentleman, born May 1876 ; and Augusta Corisande Susan] ; Mary [mnr- ried, firstly, December 4, 1874, Walter Glyn Lavvrell, Esquire, Captain 4th Hussars, who died 1880 ; secondly, Henry B. Kingscote, Esquire, Major Royal Artillery] ; and Susan [married, November i, 1880, the Right Honourable the third Earl of Malmesbury]. Seats — Tynecourt, Bridge- water ; and Howden, Tiverton. Colonel SHEFFIELD HAMILTON-GRACE, for- merly Major 68th Foot, J. P. for co. Sussex. Borri May 1835, being the only son of the late Sheffield Grace, Esq., K. H., LL.D., of Knole House, by Harriet Georgiana, last sur- viving dau. of Lieut.-Gen. Sir John Hamilton, first Bart., of Woodbrook, co. Tyrone ; and assumed the additional surname and arms of Hamilton by Royal License in 1880. Club — United Service. Armorial bearings — Quarterly i and 4, gules a lion rampant per fesse aigent and or, a crescent for difference (for Grace) ; 2 and 3, quarterly i. and iiii. gules, three cinquefoils ermine, ii. and iii. argent, a lyniphad sails furled sable, in the fesse point a crescent of the last, and as an honourable augmentation a chief argent, thereupon on a mount vert inscribed "Alba de Tormes" in letters of gold, a castle with the wall on either side broken, and from the battlements the flag of Spain tlying proper (for Hamilton of Woodbrooke). Mantling gules and ar- gent ; and for his Crests, i. upon a wreath of the colours, a demi-lion rampant argent, with the Motto over, "En grace affic? " ; 2. of honourable augmentation, upon a wreath of the colours, a mount vert, thereon a castle as in the arms, and in an escroU above the words, " Alba de Tormes" (for Hamilton) ; 3. upon a wreath of the colours, an oak tree proper, charged with a crescent sable, a frame-saw through M is the Naval Cockade. l^am foam 377 tlie trunk fesscways, also proper ; and above the Motto, "I'hrough." Motto (be-low the arms) — "Concordant nomine facta." Marrit-it, 1875, Anne, only dau. of the late Joseph Smyth-Windham, of Wawne, co. York; and has Issue — Raymond Hamilton-Grace, Gentleman, b. 1881 ; and Har- riet Kathleen, i'tw/.v- Knole House, Frant, near Tunbridge Wells ; Woodbrook, Tyrone, Oniagh, Ireland. HAMILTON NOEL HAMILTON-HOARE. Gentle- man, Member of Hoare's Bank. Born Feb. 20, 1B36. being the eldest son of the Rev. William Henry Hoare of Oakfield, Crawley, co. Sussex, M.A. Camb. , formerly Fi^llow of St. John's College in that University, by Araminta Anne his wife, 3rd dau. of the late Lieut. -Gen. Sir John Hamilton, Bart., of Woodbrook, co. Tyrone, Governor of Duncannon Fort, Colonel of the 69th Regt. of Foot, and Hon. Knt. Comin. of the Royal Portuguese Military Order of the Tower and Sword [and sister of the late Lieut. -Col. Sir James John Hamilton, Bart., upon whose death s.fi., Jan. 12, 1876, Mr. Hanulton-Hoare, in right of his mother, became one of his co- heirs and representatives] ; assumed by Royal License. 1884, the surname and arms of Hamilton in addition to and before that of Hoare. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Quarterly i and 4, sable an eagle displayed with two heads argent, charged on the breast with an ermine spot, within a bordure engrailed of the second (for Hoare) ; 2 and 3, quarterly i. and iiii., gules three cinquefoils erm. ; ii. and iii., argent a lymphad, sails furled sable, in the fesse point a crescent of the last, together with the following honourable augmentation : a chief argent, thereon, ujion a mount vert, inscribed " Allja de Tormes" in letters gold, a castle with the wall on either side broken, and from the battlements the flag of Spain flying ppr. (for Hamilton). Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling .sable and argent; and for his Crests, i. upon a wreath of the colours, an eagle's head erased argent, charged with an ermine spot (for Hoare) ; 2. out of a ducal coronet or, an oak tree ppr. , charged with a crescent sable, a frame- saw through the stem fesseways also ppr. (for Hamilton) ; 3. as an honourable augmentation, upon a wreath of the colours, a mount vert, thereon a castle as in the arms. Seat — Oakfield Lodge, Three Bridges, co. Sussex. Town residence — 121 Sloane Street, S.W. JAMES GIBSON HAMILTON- STARKE, Esquire, M.A. , F.S.A., Barrister-at- i^amilton^^tarkc J;irge tf ja^n^-tlL.Tusuc: of the Peace for the counties of Dumfries and Kirkcudbright. Horn February 9, 1837, being the eldest son of the late James Starke, Es(|uirc, of Troqueer Holm, by his wife John Hamilton, daughter and heir of Major James Gibson [eldest son of Jaiiie> (Jibson, Uocior of Medicine, l-Ldinburgh, by Jean his wife, daughter and eventually sole heir of Major Thomas Hamilton of the Royal Irish Dragoons]. He assumed the additional surname of Hamilton as lineal representative, through his mother, of the ancient family of Hamilton of Olivestob, in the county of Hadtlington. Armorial bearings — He Ixars for Arms: Quarterly i anil 4 azure', a chevron argent between a bull's head erased and two acorns m chief and in ba-se a key fess- ways, wards downwards or (for Starke) ; 2 and 3 gules, a martlet between three cinc|uefoils argent, a lx)rdure em- battled or (for Hamilton). Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet Vxifitting his degree, with a mantling gules, doubled argent ; and for his Crests, i. a de.xier hand proper, grij)- ping by the lug and the horn a bulls head downwards erased or, distilling drops of blood proper (motto, over — "Fortiorum fortia facta," for Starke); an antelope's head proper, gorged and attired gules, and over it in an escroll this Motto, " Invia virtuti pervia" (for Hamilton); and below the shield, " Au.xilio Dei." Married, .April 15, 1863, Amelia, daughter of the Reverend Richard Rowland Bloxam, Master of Arts, Rector of Harlaston, in the county of Stafl'ord, and grand-daughter of Licutenant- Gcneral Thomas Goldie of Golilielea, in the county of Kirkcudbright. iVllvge oj Arms, are for Arms — I'er pale or and azure, three dcmi- lions passant guardant counterc hanged. Crest — A rvolf's head erased per pale indented or and azure. Married, Oct. 16, 1889, Ellen Clare, eldest dau. of Rev. Richard Folliott Scott. Residence — The Vinery, Bury St. Edmunds, Suffolk. WSir CHARLES FREDERIC HAMOND, Knii^ht €r Bachelor (1896), Member of Parliament \(\i\w\e\X^f\ /'"' Navcastle- upon - Tyne, Justice of the \yj\\ll\\M\v Peace and Deputy-Lieutenant, Barrister- at-Law. Born A'oi>ember 8, 1817, being the son of Frederick George Hamond, Esquire, Justice of the Peace, of Blackheath, in the county of Kent, by his wife Elizabeth. Armorial bearings as given in Debretts " House of Commons," but for which no authority has been established, are for Arms: Quarterly 1 and 4, per pale gules and azuie, three demi-lions passant guardant ; 2. azure, three roses argent; 3. argent, on a bend sinister sable, between tivo cotises, the outer edges engrailed also The Editor undertakes that every entry not in italics Is that of a genuinely armigerous person. 37S ipam 5)an sable, three mullets of the field. Crest- -i wolf's head erased quarterly or and azure, surmounted fiv some wonderful kind of a coronet. Motto—" Industria honore et perseverantia." Residence — 20 Lorain Place, Newcastle-ufton-Tyne. OSBERT KliNN LEIGH HAMPDEN, Gentleman, Second Lieutenant 3rd Halt. Oxfordsh. Lt. Inf. Born May 7, 1877, being the eldest son of the late Reverend ' Prebendary Edward Renn Hampden, by his wife Catherine Emma, dautjhter of tlie Reverend Prebendary Edward Burden Hawkshaw of Weston-under-Penyard, in the county of Hereford (and grandson of the Right Reverend Renn Dickson Hampden, Doctor of Divinity, Lord Bishop of Hereford). Armorial bearings -He bears for Arms: Ar- gent, a saltire double-parted and fretty, between four eagles displayed azure. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling azure and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, upon a mount vert, a talbot ermine, gorged with a collar gemel, and resting the dexter foot upon a cross pat(5e azure. MottO—" Ves- tigia nulla retrorsum." Postal address — Ewelrae Old Mansion, Wallingford, Oxon. H ANBURY, quartered by SPARROW. 3 JOHN CAPEL HANBURY, Esquire, Justice of the Peace and Deputy- Lieutenant, Honorary Colonel 3rd Battalion South Wales Borderers. Born May 14, 1853, being the only son of the late Capel Hanbury Leigh, Escfuire, of Pont-y-Pool Park, by his second wife Emma Elizabeth, fourth daughter of the late Thomas Bates Rous of Courtyrala, in the county of Glamorgan ; resumed the surname of Hanbury only by Royal License, 1864. Ar- morial bearings— He bears for Arms : Quarterly i and 4, or a bend engrailed vert, plain cotised sable (for Hanbury) ; 2 and 3 gules, a cross engrailed argent, in the first quarter a lozenge of the second (for Leigh). Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling vert and or; and for his Crests, i. upon a wreath of the colours, out of a nmral crown sable, a demi-lion rampant or, holding in the paws a battle-axe also sable, helved gold (for Hanbury) ; 2. upon a wreath of the colours, a unicorn's head erased argent, armed and crined or (for Leigh). Motto — " Nee prece nee pretio." Mar /-led, Janu- ary 8, 1885, Louisa Charlotte, second surviving daughter of Colonel Edward Hungerford Eagar. Seat — Pont-y-Pool Park, in the county of Monmouth. S ROBERT WILLIAM HANBUR Y, Esquire, Member of Parliament for Preston, Justice of the Peace and Deputy-Lieutenant for the counties of Stafford, Wanuick, and Derby, and Honorary Colonel ^th Lancashire Artillery Volunteers. Born February 24, 1845, being the son of the late Robert Hanbury of Bolehall House, Tannmrth, by Mary Anne, daughter of the late Major Bamford of Wilnecote Hall, in the county of Warwick. Club — Carlton. Al- mOTial'bearmgB as given in Debretfs " House of Commons," but for 'tvhich no authority has been established, are for Arms : Or, on a bend engrailed gules, plain cotised sable, three bezants. Crest — Out of a mural coronet, a demi-lion holding in the dexter paw a battle-axe. Motto — "Nee prece nee pretio." Maxn^A, firstly , 1869, Ismena Tindal {who died 1871), daughter of Thomas Morgan Gepp of Maynetrees, Chelmsford ; secondly, 1884, Ellen, only child of the late Colonel Knott Hamilton. Seats — Ilatn Hall, Dove- dale, in the covnty of Stafford ; Bolehall House, Tannuorth. Town residence — Sidney Lodge, Wimbledon, S. W. ALFRED JOHN HANCOCKS, Esquire, formetly Capt. 1st Worcestershire Rifle Volunteers. Born 1828, being the only son of the late John Hancocks, by his wife Elizabeth, dau. of the late John White of Astley, co. Worcester. Armorial bearings— Per chevron azure and gules, in chief a garb between, two cocks respecting each other, in base a lion rampant or. Mantling azure and or. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, on a mount vert, a cock gules holding with its dexter claw an ear of wheat or. Motto — " Redeem time." Married, 1851, his cousin, Caroline Louisa, second dau. and co-heiress of the late .Samuel Hancocks of Wood- field House; and has Issue— {\) Alfred Ernest Collingwood Hancocks, Gentleman, d. 1856; (2) William Hancocks, Gentleman, b. 1857 [w., 1885, Edith, dau. of Edward Paris of Claughton, Cheshire]; Caroline Louisa, d. 1866; Con- stance Ellen ; Georgina Isabel ; Arethusa Grace ; and S is the Military Cockade. Adeline Ariadne. Seats — Woodfield House, Wolverley, near Kidderminster ; Blakeshall House, Kidderminster. ANNESLEY JOHN HANCOCKS, Esquire, Capt. R. Inniskilling Fusiliers. Born Sept. 13, 1864, being the only son of the late Arthur Annesley Hancocks, Gentleman, by his wife Gertrude Elizabeth, dau. of the late Rev. John William Donaldson, D.D., Fellow of Trin. Coll., Cam- bridge. Armorial bearings — Per chevron azure and gules, in chief a garb between two cocks respecting each other, in base a lion rampant or. Mantling azure and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, on a mount vert, a cock gules holding with its dexter claw an ear of wheat or. Motto — " Redeem time." Married, 1893, Mary Beatrice, dau. of E. Renaud of Oldswinford, Stourbridge. Seat — Broomy Hill, CO. Hereford. § AUGUSTUS TALBOT HANCOCKS, Esquire, J. P. and D. L. , late Major Worcestershire Militia. Born 1838, being the fourth son of John Hancocks, by his wife Elizabeth, dau. of the late John White of Astley, co. Worcester. Armorial bearings — Per chevron azure and gules, in chief a garb between two cocks respecting each other, and in base a lion rampant or. Mantling azure and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, on a mount vert, a cock gules holding with its dexter claw an ear of wheat or. Motto — "Redeem time." Married, 1888, Edith, dau. of the late Surgeon-Major Joseph Salter Rimington, Bombay Army ; and has Issue — Noel William Talbot Hancocks, Gentleman, b. Dec. 1889 ; Augustus Cameron Hancocks, Gentleman, b. July 1892; and Heather Belle. Seat — Wolverley Court, Kidderminster. WILLIAM FREDERICK HANCOCKS, Esquire, Capt. 85th King's Light Infantry, second son of John Hancocks, by his wife Elizabeth, dau. of the late John White of Astley. Armorial bearings — Per chevron azure and gules, in chief a garb between two cocks respecting each other, in base a lion rampant or. Mantling azure and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, on a mount vert, a cock gules holding with its dexter claw an ear of wheat or. Motto — "Redeem time." Married Edith Clara, dau. of John Rawlins of Llewesog Hall, co. Den- bigh ; and has Issue — (i) John Hancocks, Gentleman, b. 1865; (2) Harry Frederick Hancocks, Gentleman, b. 1866; Edith Mabel ; and Alice Fanny Maritza. GEORGE HAND, Esquire, Sheriff of the City of London 1894-1895. Armorial bearings— He JI^AtlJl l^s^rs for Arms: Azure, on a chevron between IJi'ClllU two dexter hands couped at the wrist in chief, and a snafile-bit in base all or, a like hand between two bosses sable, and impaling the arms of Payne, namely argent, on a bend gules, between a rose also gules, stalked, leaved, and slipped in chief proper, and a mari- gold stalked, leaved, and slipped in base also proper, five cinquefoils of the first. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling azure and or ; and for his Crest, ujjon a wreath of the colours, in front of a cubit arm holding a marigold, leaved and slipped proper, an escutcheon gules, charged with a golden fleece ; with the Motto, " Perseverantia. " HANDLEY, see DAVENPORT-HANDLEY. SPHELIPS BROOKE HANHAM, Esquire, Major Royal Artillery. Born March 27, 1858, being the second son of the late Captain John Hanham, by his wife Amy Ursula, daughter of Alexander Copland. Club — Junior Army and Navy. Liveiy ■ — Brown, with yellow waistcoat. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Quarterly or and gules, on a bend sable, three crosses pat6e fitchfe of the first. Crest— A griffin's head erased or, beaked sable. Mottoes — " Lex reipublicas vita," " Pro aris et focis," "Esse quam videri." Married, September 9, 1884, Gertrude Frances, eldest daughter of the late Colonel P. L. C. Paget, of the Scots Guards ; and has Issue — (i) Richard John Phelips Hanham, Gentleman, born June 5, 1885, died August 23, 1890; (2) Esmond Henry Paget Hanham, Gentleman, born March 12, 1887; (3) Patrick John Hanham, Gentleman, born October 16, 1893. Postal address — Care of Messrs. Cox & Co. , Charing Cross. 8 iB the Naval Cockade. ©an I^at 379 (HANKEY, quartered l)y 1)UBK1-:E. ROBERT CHATFIKLD HANKINSON, Esquire, justice of the Peace for the county of Hants. Born April 3, 182.1, being the only son of the Venerable Archdeacon Hankiiison, by his wife Susannah Mary Anne, daughter of the Reverend Roljert Chatfield, Doctor of Laws, Vicar of Chatter is, in the county of (Cambridge. Clubs — St. George's, Royal Southern Yacht (.S(juthainpton), Castle Yacht (.South- ampton). Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms: Or, on a saltire between two saltires couped in pale sable, an eagle displayed between four cinquefoils of the field. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling sable and or ; and for his Crest, on a wreath of the colours, an eagle displayed sable, charged on each wing with a cinqucfoil, and re-ling each claw on a saltire coupedallor: with theMottO, " Propositi tena.x." Married, September 18, 1851, Louisa .\nne, daughter of Joseph Scott, Esquire, Justice of the Peace, Ueputy-Lieutenant, of Colney Hall, Norwich; and has had Issuc^x) Robert Scott Han- kinson, Gentleman, born March 20, 1857; (2) Kyrle Chat- field Hankinson, Gentleman, born Septemlx.-r 17, 1866; (3) Ernest Edwards Hankinson, Gentleman, born December 3, 1869 ; and ten daughters, of whom live are living. Estate and postal address — Red l.odge, Basset, near Southampton ; Dunholme, Manor Road, Bournemouth. GEORGE HANNA V, Esquire, of Kingsmuir, co. Fife, J. P., late Lieut. -Col. Fife Militia Artillery ; claims the dormant Baronetcy of Hannay of Mochrum. Born May 9, 1824, being the eldest son of the late George Francis Hannay of Kingsmuir, by his wife Robina, only child and heiress of Robert Cuningham of Pittarthie {whose father, Capt. Cun- ningham, R..\., claimed the Earldom 0/ Glencairn). Ar- morial bearings as used, but which are not matriculated to the above-mentioned Col. George Hannay, are for Arms — Argent, three roebucks' heads couped azure, collared or, with a bell pendent from each collar gules. Crest — A cross crosslet fitclUe issuing out of a crescent sable. Motto — " Cresco et spero." Seats — Kingsmuir, Pittenween, A\B. ; Dalgairn, Cupar, Fife, N.B. S JAMES LENNOX HANNA Y, Esquire, Metropolitan Police Magistrate, M.A. Cambridge, Barrister-at-Law, and J. P. and D.L. Stewartry of Kirkcudbright. Born Sep- tember '20, 1826, being the eldest son of John Hannay, Writer to the Signet, and his wife Eliza S., dau. of Capt. James Kennedy. Club — United University. Livery — Light blue, silver facing. Armorial bearings as used are the arms of Hannay of Mochrum, ivhich are not matriculated, and do not belong to the above-mentioned . They are — Argent, three roebucks' heads asure, collared or, with a bell pendent gules. Married, June 16, 1853, Ann Elizabeth, eldest dau. of James Ponsford of 24 Kensington Palace Gardens, London, IV. ; and has Issue — (1) John Patrick Kennedy Hannay, b. March 19, 1847, d. March 20, 1895 ; (2) James Henry Hannay, b. August 15, 1861 ; Marion Maxwell ; and Janet Hester Mary. Postal addresses — Lincluden, Shawhead, Dumfries; and 113 St. George's Square, S. IV. Hon. JAMES CHITTY HANNEN. B.A. (Oxon.). Barrister-at-Law, Registrar of Probate and Divorce Division from 1886. Born 1852, being the eldest son of the late Rt. Hon. James Hannen, Baron Hannen of Burdock, Sussex, a Lord of .\ppeal (Life Peer) under the Judicial Appellate Act, by his wife ,\Iary Elizabeth, second dau. of Nicholas W'insland. Armorial bearings — Sable, a demi-lion between three portcullises or, wiihm a bordure of the last. Mantling sable and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a demi- lion sable, gorged with a collar, and therefrom pendent from a chain an escutcheon or, cliarged with a portcullis sable. Motto—" His truth sliall !« thy shield." Married, 1876, Lucy, youngest dau. of the late C. Schaeffer of Coblentz. Postal address — 207 Gloucester Terrace. SiK HENRY HARBEN, Knight Bachelor. Born August 24, 1823, being the eldest son of the late H^flt'flOn Heqrv Harben, fjy .Sarah his wife, daughter l^nVUt-H of the late lienjamin Andrade. Clubs— ^\.. Stephen's, Constitutional. Livery — Blue, with gilt buttons. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Azure, a saltire parted and frelly between two spear-heads in pale, and as many spurs with leathers in fesse or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreatli of the colours, a cubit arm in armour, the hand in a gauntlet proper, holding a spur leathered or, between two roses gules, leaved and slipped also proper ; with the Motto, " Summis viribus. " Married, firstly, August i, 1846, Anne, daughter of James Tbe Editor undertakes that every entry not in italics is tbat of a genuinely armigerous person. 3So IDar Such ; and secondly, Mary I., daughter of Tliomas Bulhiian Cole, of Nolting Hill. Of the first marriage there is Issue— Henrv Amlrade Harboii, Esquire, born August 12, 1849 ; and Mary Woodsate. Eslates artj postal addresses— VJaxu- hani Lodge, near Horsham; and Seaford Lodge, Hamp- stead. HAKCOUR i', (juartercd by HORDKRN. S THOMAS WALTICR HAROIXG, I'-scjuire, Justice of the Peace for the West Riding of the county of York, Col. (ret.) of 1st West York Artillery Volunteers. Jiorn Jan. 22, 1843, being the only son of Thomas Riciiards Harding, Lsquire, Justice of the Peace and Deputy- Lieutenant for the county of Cambridge, by his wife Sarah Anne, daughter of Samuel t'ocker of Hathersage. Clitl> — Lwds Club (Leeds). A/trn-— Blue, silver buttons. Armorial bear- ings—He bears' for Arms : Argent, on a fesse nebuly azure, Ijetween two bees volant proper, three martlets or. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling azure and argent ; and for his Crest, on a wreath of the colours, on a rock proper in front of a tilting- spear erect or, a porcupine also proper ; with the Motto, " Per ardua surgo." Married, May 19, 1869, Annie Ileycock, second daughter of Ambrose Edmund Butler, of Kepstorn, Kirkstall, Leeds; and has Issue — Walter Ambrose Heath Harding, Gentleman, born April i, 1870. Estate and postal address— The Abbey House, Kirkstall, Leeds. WILLIAM DERISLEY HARDING. Born 1816, being the eldest son of the Reverend Derisley Harding, Vicar of Barton, in the county of Cambridge. Armorial bearings as used, but for which no authority has been established are: A chevron between three fleurs-de-lis. Crest — A demi-lion rampant, holding between the paws a cross pat4«>|l« tan campaign, 1848, 1849, and medal and clasp JJi'Cmj^ for Indian Mutiny. Born March4, 1824, being the eldest son of Colonel Edmund Hardy, Bom- bay Artillery, by his wife tirace, daughter of Whaley Armi- tage, lisquire, J.P. for co. Hereford, Barrister - at - Law. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Azure, on a fesse invected argent, in chief an escallop or, between two lions erased of the second, and in base a lion's head of the last, between two escallops of the third, three magpies proper ; and impaling the arms of C'hetwood-Aiken, namely, quarterly I and 4, or, a chevron sable, between two cocks respectant in chief gules, and a hunting-horn in base vert, garnished and stringed of the third (for Aiken) ; 2 and, 3 quarterly argent and gules, four crosses pat^e counterchanged (for Chetwood). Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling azure and argent ; and for his Crest, on a wreath of the colours, in front of a lion's head azure, gorged with a collar invected argent, thereon three magpies proper, an escallop between two quatrefoils fesseways or. Motto — "Fear One." Married, Aug. 26, 1851, Grace Maxwell, third daughter of Peter Freeland Aiken, Advocate, Banker, ^ is tbe Military Cockade. IDar of Bristol, by his wife Constantia Elizabeth (only child of John Chetwood, Esq., Capt. 33rd Regt. ), who in 1885 was granted a Royal License to bear the additional surname and arms of Chetwood in consideration of her father, Capt. John Chetwood, being the heir and representative of Sir Richard Chetwood, the claimant of the ancient Barony of De Wahull, in the reign of James I.); and has Issue — (i) Edmund Arthur Hardy, born 1853, died 1879; (2) Charles Chetwode Hardy, C.E., born Nov. 17, 1864; (3) Francis Armitage Hardy, M.A., born June 7, i866; (4) Rev. Henry F.rnest Hardy, B.A., Clerk in Holy Orders, born Jan. 7, 1869; (S) George Cecil Hardy, Lieutenant R.N., born June 14, 1873 ; Helen Constance ; Grace Amy (died 1874) ; and Mary Gertrude. Residence — i Oakfield Road, Clifton, Bristol. H LAURENCE HARDY, Esquire, Member of Parha- ^ ment for Ashford Division of South Kent, J.P. for the W. Riding of the co. of York, and J.P. and D.L. for co. of Kent, Bachelor of Arts and Master of Arts of the Univer- sity of Oxford. Born April 14, 1854, being the fourth son of Sir John Hardy, first Baronet, by his wife Laura, daughter of William' Holbech of Farnborough, Ban- bury. Clubs— QaxXf.on, Oxford and Cambridge. Livery —Brown and yellow. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms: Argent, on a bend invected, plain coti.sed gules, three catherine-wheels or, on a chief of the second, as many leopards' faces of the third ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a de.xter arm embowed in armour proper, garnished or, charged with two catherine-wheels gules, entwined by a branch oak vert, and grasping a dragon's head erased proper. MottO — " Arme de foi hardi." Married, December 2, 1886, Evelyn Emily, eldest daughter of Gathorne Wood of Thedden Grange, Alton, in the county of Hampshire. Postal addresses — 42 Lowndes Square, S.W. ; Sandling Park, Hythe. CHARLES JOHN HARE, M.D., Cantab. (Gonville and Caius Coll.), F.R.C.P. , formerly Profes.sor of Clinical Medi- cine in University Coll. , London, Consulting Physician (late Physician) to University College Hospital, Hon. Fellow and Fellow and e.x-President of several learned societies. Born 1818, being the only son of the late Samuel Hare of Leeds, by Mary Anne, dau. of John Eadon of Brightmore M is tbe Naval Cockade. !E)ar JE)ar 381 House, Sheffield. Armorial bearings— Or, eight arrows interlaced saltireways and banded gules, on a chief sable, three niiillets argent, a canton of the last, thereon a gate of the third, the whole within a bordure ermine. Mantling' gules and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreatli of the colours, a demi-lion argent, semcf'e of mullets gules, sup- porting a flagstaff proper, therefrom flowing to the sinister a pennon gules, charged with a mullet argent. Motto — " By watchfulness, by steadfastness." Married, 1863, Catherine, youngest dau. of Edward-Westhcad of Croston Tower, co. Chester ; and has, with other Issue — Harcourt Yates Hare, educated at Harrow, M.A. and LL. B. (ist ducal coronet or. MottO — " Non videri sed esse." Mar- ried, December 3,1891, Lady Florence Mary Constance, dau. of the Right Honourable Sir Charles Marsham, Earl of tBY STEADFASTNESS;! Class Honours) of Caius Coll., Cambridge, b. 1865 \tn. Grace, younger dau. of the late Charles I-",lam, M.D. , F.R.C.P.]. Aj/fl/w— Wareside, Herts: Hcathfield, Etch- ingham and Huxted, Sussex, and Turweston, Bucks. Residence — Berkeley House, 15 Manchester Square, Lon- don, W. §SiR GEORGE RALPH LEIGH HARE, third Baronet. Deputy- Lieutenant and Justice of the Peace for the county of Norfolk, late Lieutenant 2nd Life Guards. Bom March 16, 1866, being the eldest son of the late Captain Sir Thomas Hare, second Baronet ; and succeeded as third Baronet, under the creation of the United Kingdom, tlated 1818, at the decease of his father, Novemter 14. 1880. tVwfo— Bachelors', Windham. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Gules, two bars and a ciiiof indented or, impaling the arms of Marsham, namely argent, a lion pas- sant in bend gules, between two bendlets azure. Upon the escutcheon, whicli is charged with his badge of Ulster as a Baronet, is placed a helmet tjefitting his degree, with a mantling gules and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a demi-lion rampant argent, gorged with a Romney ; and has Issue— Grace Constance Leigh ; Mary Leigh; and Marjorie Florence Rhoda Leigh. Estates — Gressenhall House, in the county of Norfolk ; Cadhay, in the county of Devon, /"o.t/a/rtrfj/rf.w— Gressenhall House, East Dereham, Norfolk. ROBERT EDWARD STUART HARINGTON- STUART, lisquire. Jus- ipacington^^tuart rL^^Z^ SE of the Council for the county of Lanark, Elonorary Colonel, late Captain Rifle Brigade, eldest son of Robert Harington, Esquire, late Captain 12th Lancers, by his wife Charlotte, third daughter The Editor undertakes that every entry not in italics is that of a genuinely armigerous person. 382 mt JDar d and co-heiress of the late Andrew Stuart of Castlemilk and Torrance, in the county of Lanark. Assumed the surname of Stuart in 1879, on succeeding to the estate of Torrance on the death of liis maternal aiuU, Miss Christian Anne Stuart. C/uds — Carlton, Army and Navy, New (Edinburgh), Scottish Conservative (Edinburgh), Western (Glasgow), Conservative (Glasgow). Liven' — Oxford grey or dark blue, with brass mountings. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Quarterly i and 4, or a bend t;uli"s, surmounted of a fesse chequy azure and argent, in the middle chief point a crescent gules (for Stuart) ; 2 and 3 sable, a fret argent (for Haring ton), UTipaling the arms of Arundell, namely sable, six hirondelles, three, two and one argent ; and for his Crests, I. a dexter hand holding a sword all proper (for Stewart) and in an escroU over the same this motto, " Avant " ; 2. a lion's head erased or, gorged with a thong gules, buckled or, the end pendent (for Harington) ; with the Motto, " Nodo firmo." Married, April 28, 1863, Louisa Alice, daughter of the late Robert Arthur Arimdcll, Esquire, com- monly known as the Honourable Robert Arthur Arundell. Estate — Torrance, East Kilbride, in the county of Lanark. Postal address — Torrance, East Kilbride, N.B. JOHN HARKER, Esquire. M.D., J.P. Lanes. Born May 9, 1834, lieing the second but only surviving son of James Harker. Club — County (Lancaster). Armorial bearings — Argent, a serpent nowed proper between two bugle-horns in pale stringed sable, two flaimches vair6 or and gules. Crest — Upon a wreath of the colours, a dexter arm embowed vested per [lale sable and gules, charged with two escallops or, the cuff argent, holding in the hand proper a bugle-horn stringed sable. Motto — " .-\udio et juvo." Married, Aug. 14, 1866, Lucy, dau. of the late David Dawson, Esq., of Aldclift'e Hall, near Lancaster, J. I*. Lanes. Postal address — Hazel Grove, near Cam forth. HARL]':STON, quartered by FLETCHER- VANE. § THOMAS EDWARDS HARMAN, Esquire, Major in the Army. Born April 15, 1842, being the only son of Samuel Thomas Harman, by his wife Mary Anne, daughter of John Lloyd Edwards of Cammoline Park, in the county of Wexford. Cliih — Junior Army and Navy. Livery — Blue and silver. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Sable, a chevron between six rams counter passant, two and two argent, armed and unguled or. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling sable and argent ; and for his Crest, out of a ducal coronet or, a sinister arm erect, vested azure, cuffed argent, the hand proper, grasping a rose-branch stalked and leaved vert, bearing two roses, one gules, the other argent, seeded of the first. Motto — " Dieu defend le droit." Afarried, January 15, 1885, Mary Edith, daughter of Richard Clayton- Brown-Clayton, Esquire, of Adlington Hall, Lanes., and Carrigbyrne, Wexford, Justice of the Peace and Deputy- Lieutenant for the counties of Wexford and Kilkenny ; and has hsite — Thomas Clayton Harman, born October i886 ; and Katherine Olga Dorothy. Estates — Carrig- byrne and Palace, in the county of Wexford ; Ballycaron, in the county of Kilkenny. Postal address — Carrigbyrne, Wexford. FREDERIC WILLIAM HARMER, Gentleman, Jus- tice of the Peace, Fellow of the Geological Society, Mayor of Norwich 1887-1888. Born April 24, 1835, being the eldest son of Thomas Harmer of Norwich, by his wife Emily, second daughter of William Youngman, also of Norwich. Club — Royal Societies'. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms: Quarterly, per fesse nebuly or and sable, on a bend vaire, between in the second and third quarters a rose argent, barbed, seeded, leaved, and slipped proper, three lozenges of the first. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling sable and or ; and for his Crest, on a wreath of the colours, in front of a dexter arm embowed, vested sable, cuffed argent, the hand proper holding three roses gules, each barbed, seeded, leaved, and slipped also proper, three lozenges conjoined fesseways or; with the Motto, "Esse quam videri." Married, January 18, i860, Mary, third daughter of Adam Lyon of Downham, in the county of Cambridge; and has Issue — (i) John Alexander Harmer, Gentleman, born October 27, i860; (2) Sidney Frederic & is tbe Military Cockade. Harmer, Gentleman, born March 9, 1862 ; (3) Thomas Bertrand Harmer, Gentleman, born November 15, 1867 ; (4) William Douglas Harmer, 25. 1873 ; antl Edith Mary. Eaton, in the county of Norfolk. House, Cringleford, Norfolk. Gentleman, born August Estates — Cringleford, and Postal address — Oakland ALFRED 1L'\RRIS, Esq., J.P. for Westmorland (High Sheriff 1885) and for W. Riding of co. York. Born 1826, being the fourth son of the late Edward Harris of London, by Isabella, dau. of the late John Tindall of Knapton Hall, CO. York. Club — .\thena-um. Armorial bearings— Azure, on a chevron ermine, between three hedgehogs or, as many wheatstalks bhided vert, in the centre chief a faggot of the third banded of the fourth. Mantling azure and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, in front of a demi-pelican displayed argent, collared gemel azure, and charged on the breast with three gouttes-de-sang, a faggot fesseways proper, banded vert. Ahirried, ist, 1849, Harriet, dau. of Joseph Tylor of London ; 2nd, 1868, Anne, dau. of Edward Meryon, M.D. , of London ; and has by the former, with other Issue — Edward Harris, Gentleman, b. 1852. Seat — Lunefield, Kirkby Lonsdale. CHARLES EDWARD HARRIS, Esquire, of Tylney Hall, Winchfield, Justice of the Peace for the county of Southampton, Barrister- at- Law. Born March 28, 1843, being the only son of the late Charles Harris of Fulford Grange, in the county of York, by his wife Elizabeth, daughter of John Dixon, in the same county. Club — United University. Livery — Blue. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Azure, on a chevron ermine, between three hedgehogs and in the centre chief point a bundle of reeds erect or, banded vert, three ears of wheat slipped of the last. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling azure and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, in Iront of a demi- pelican rising argent, vulning herself, charged on the neck with three guttes-de-sang, and gorged with a collar gemel azure, a l)undle of reeds fesseways proper, banded vert. Married, February 3, 1870, Jessie, daughter of Henry St. John, Esquire, Justice of the Peace, of West Court, Finchampstead, in the county of Berkshire; and has L^sue — (i) Charles Edward St. John Harris, Gentleman, Lieu- tenant i6th Lancers, born November 10, 1873 ; (2) Wilfrid Harris, Gentleman, born June 25, 1878 ; (3) Ray- mond Jocelyn Harris, Gentleman, born May 9, 1884 ; Helen Carleton [married, April 21, 1892, her cousin Owen Harris, Captain 33rd Regiment] ; Winifred Rose ; and Jessie Margaret. Estates — Tylney Hall, Winchfield, in the county of Southampton ; West Court, Finchampstead, in the county of Berkshire ; Pikeley, Allerton, in the county of York. Sir GEORGE DAVID HARRIS, Knt. (cr. 1888). Born 1827, being the son of David Nicholas Harris, Esq., of Laleham, Middlesex. Cubs — Conservative, Gresham. Ar- morial bearings— Sable, on a fesse wavy between three sea- dogs courant or, as many Cornish choughs proper. Mant- ling sable and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, in front of a rock proper, a demi-seadog or, gorged with a collar gemel sable, and grasping a Cornish chough also proper. Motto — " True and fast." Married, 1854, Eliza Margaret, dau. of Hon. Henry Adderley. Re- sidence — 32 Inverness Terrace, W. HERBERT JAMES HARRIS, Esquire, Justice of the Peace. Born January 8, i860, being the eldest son of the late Charles Harris ot Calne, in the county of Wiltshire, who died 1872, Armorial bearings— He Vjears for Arms : Per fesse azure and sable, three crescents in fesse between as many hedgehogs passant argent. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling azure and argent : and for his Crest, tipon a wreath of the colours, a demi-pegasus wings addorsed ermine, gutt(5e-de- poix, holding in the mouth two ears of barley also or, and resting the sinister leg on an increscent gules. Motto — " Ubique patriam reminisci." Married, firstly, June 19, 1884, Annie, second daughter of Walter S. Chapman of Hadley, in the county of Hertford, and by her (who died 1885) has Issue — Annie Kathleen. He married, secondly, November 9, 1892, Mabel, daughter of the late William Henry of S is tbe Naval Cockade. ©at l^at 383 Iton ; and by her has /ssia-—{i) Leshe Herbert Hoey Harris, Gentleman ; (2) D'Arcy Francis Herbert Harris, tween the paws a wreath of oak proper, three mascles interlaced also azure; with the Motto, "Pro Rege et patria. " Married, July 26, 1866, Althea Nona, daugh- ter of the Reverend Charles Hensley Maberly, Master of Arts, Vicar of Owslebury, in the county of South- Gentleman ; and Evelyn Mabel. Seat — Bowden Hill House, Chipi^enhani. FREDERIC JAMES HARRISON, Esquire. J. P. cos. Chester and Stafford, High Slicriflf Cheshire 1894. Horn Feb. 27, 1853, iK'ing the eldest son of Jatni'S Harrison, by his wife Jani-, dau. of Joseph Heath. Armorial bearings — Vert, on a pile nebuly, Ix'twccn two phenns jioints down- wards in base argent, a lion rampant of the field. Mant- ling vert and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, in front of park pali's, a hare proper resting the fore-paw on a garb fesseways and to the dexter or. Motto — " Vigilantia." Married, July 20, 1880, Emily Margaret, dau. of the late RolHirt lirown Watson of Sudworth, New Brighton, Cheshire; and has Issue — Jane Ellen Leslie; Ellen Emily ; Rosamond Mary ; and Frederica Heath. Scats — Maer Hall, Newcastle, Staffordshire; Hare Apple- tree, Qiernmore, co. Lancaster ; Wallasey, Cheshire. GILBERT HENRY WORDSWORTH HARRISON, Gentleman, late Lieut. 104th Bengal Fusiliers. Boin April 25, 1853, being the eldest son of the late Wordsworth Harrison. Esq., J, P., by his wife Charlotte l-'mily, dau. of the Rev. Thomas H:irtl<'tt, Vicar of Burton Latimer, North- ani|)ton. Armorial bearings — .^zure, three piles, two in the chief and one in the base azure, each charged with a demi-lion couped of the field. Mantling .azure and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a demi-lion argent, resting the sinister fore-paw on .a clarion or, on the shoulder three hurts, two and one, each charged with a cross pati'v also argent. Motto — " Vincit qui [mtitur." Afarried, 1884, Helen Florence, dau. of Charles Coverley of Oporto ; and has /5.f//6'— Matthew Charles Coverley Harrison, Gentle- man, b. April 10, 1885 ; and Maud Laura Coverley. Seal — Manx View, Seascale, Cumberland. JAMES HARRISON, Esquire, Justice of the Peace for the counties of Lancashire and Westmorland, Master of Arts of the University of Cambridge, Barrister-at-Law. Born August 18, 1836, being the eldest son of the late James Harrison, Esquire, Justice of the Peace for the county of Lancashire, by his wife Harriette, daughter of Richard K.ay. Club — Junior Conservative. /./I'f/T- Blue coat, blue and yellow striped waistcoat, drab breeches. Armorial bearings He tears for Arms : .\zure, three mascles chevronways or, tjetween as many dcmi-lions ram- pant erased erminois ; and for a Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, in front of a demi-lion rampant erased or, gorged with a collar gemelle azure, and holding be- ampton ; and has /ss7ie—(x) James Kay Malx-rly Har- rison, Gentleman, born March 29, 1869; (2) Charles Newton ^faberly Harrison, Gentleman, born April 29, 1872 ; Mary Althea Mal)erly ; and Edith I'Vances Malx?rly. Estate — Nether House, Long Sleddalc, in the parish of Kendal. Postal address — Newby Bridge, Ulverston. SJOHN HARRISON, Esquire, J. P. .and D. L. , High .Sheriff 1883-84. Jiorn March 20, 1819, being the eldest son of John Harrison, Esq., J. P. and D.L., High .Sheriff 1833, by his wife Elizabeth, only surviving dau. and heiress of lulmund I'-vans of Yeldersley House, co. Derby. Armorial bearings — I'er pale nebuly azure and sable, three demi-lions couped, each holding between the paws a cross crosslet fitchde or. Mantling azure and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, upon a mount vert, a demi-lion couped or, semte of lozenges azure, holding lx;twecn the paws a chaplet of roses propwr. Asa/- Snelston Hall, .•\shbourne, co. Derby. S Sir RICHARD HARRISON, Knight Commander of the Most Honourable Order of the Hath, Companion of the Most Distinguished Order of Saint Michael and Saint George, formerly Commander-in-Chief Western District, Born May 26, 1837, beini; the second son of the Reverend li. J. Harrison, Rector of Beaumont, in the county of Essex, by Emily his wife, daughter of Richard Hall, of Copped Hall, Totteridge, in the county of Hertford : was created a Companion of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath (Military Division), in the year 1879, and advanced to the rank of Knight Commander of that Order in 1889 ; was created a Companion of the Most Distinguished Order of Saint Michael and Saint George in 1882, and received the third class of the Turkish Order of the Osmanieh in the same year. Chihs—L'nifed Service, Arthur's. Livery — Blue coat, red waistcoat, silver buttons. Armorial bearings as used are — Or, on a cross azure, five phcons of the field. Crest — An arm vested azure, purified or, cuffed argent, holding in the hand a broken dart proper, pheoned gold. These were granted September 10, 1616, to William Harrison of Aldclijfe, with whose family Sir Richard Harrison has not established any connection. Sir Richard s pedigrre is duly proved and recorded at the College of Arms from William Harrison of Kirkham, in the County Pala- tine of Lancaster, living in the year 1573, but no right to any arms has been established. Married, December 8, 1870, Amy Mary Sophia, daughter of Lieutenant-Colonel John The Editor undertakes tbat every entry not in italics is that of a genuinely armigerous person. 384 Dat ^ar Doyle O'Brien; and has Issue — Arthur Patrick Bird Harrison, Esquire, born January i6, 1874, Lieutenant Rifle Brigade; Maiy Alice F.d^^cumbe: Violet Seymour; and Evelyn Mar^ueiite. Resicience— //(ZwA'v /////, Black- water, in the county of Hampshire. Estate and postal address— ^(iw/^ Hill, Blackwater, Hampshire. HENRY BROADLEY HARRISON - BROADLEY, Esquire, J. I', for East Riding, Lord of the Manors of Elloiiglito'n-ciim-Brougli, the I'rebendary of the Prebend of North Nevvbald, the Prebend of Hustlnvaite in North Newliald, and of a moiety of the Manor of Sutton in Holderness, and Patron of the Livings of Welton, EUouglUon, Sutton, and (alternatively) of Rempton ; assumed the additional names and arms of Broadley by Royal Licence, May i, 1896, pursuant to the will of his uncle. Col. W. H. Harrison- Broadley of Welton. Born March 12, 1853, being the eldest son of the late Lieut.-Gen. B. Harrison. Armorial bearings—Quarterly i and 4, or, a chevron checiuy ermine and gules, between three crosses patde fitchte at the foot sable (for Broadley) ; 2 and 3 azure, a bend vair, argent, and gules, between three demi- lines erased or (for Harrison). Mantling gules and or. Crests — I. on a wreath of the colours, within a chaplet of roses gules, a cross pat(5e fitch(5e at the foot sable (for Broadley) ; 2. on a wreath of the colours, a detni-lion or, charged with a bend vair as in the arms, supporting with the sinister paw a shield argent, thereon two branches of laurel saltireways vert (for Harrison). MottO — " Nihil viget simile." Married, July 30, 1878, Belle, only dau. of John William Tracy of Pennsylvania, U.S.A. ; and has Issue — John Harrison-Broadley, Gentleman, h. Dec. 17, 1880; Julia; Leola; and Louisa. Seats — Welton House, Brough, East Yorks ; Tickton Grange, near Beverley ; Hon Gate, Beverley, Yorks. S ARTHUR FITZROY HART, Esquire, Companion of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath JT%A1*f (^^^9)' '^"'^ Knight of the fourth class of the Jf/tlH Order of the Osmknieh (1882), Assistant Adjutant- General and Chief Staff Officer Belfast District. Born May 4, 1844, being the fourth but eldest sur- viving son of the late Lieutenant-General Henry George Hart, by his wife Frances Alicia, daughter of the Rev- erend Holt Okes, Doctor of Divinity. Club — Jimior United Service. Armorial hearings— He bears for Arms : Sable, a chevron or, between two stags' heads caboshed in chief of the last, and three swords, one in pale sur- mounted by two in saltire points downwards in base proper, pommels and hilts gold, and impaling the arms of Synnot, namely argent, three swans in pale sable, ducally gorged or, on a canton gules, a sword in pale proper ; and pendent below the escutcheon his badge as a Companion of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling sable and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a stag's head between two antlers all proper. Motto — " Celer atf|ue fidelis. " Married, December 22, 1868, Mary Susanna, daughter of the late Mark Seton Synnot, ICsquire, of Ballymoyer, in the county of Armagh, Justice of the Peace and Deputy-Lieutenant for the county of Armagh ; and has Issue— [i] Arthur Henry Seton Hart, Gentleman, born July 19, 1870; (2) Ronald Victor Okes Hart, Gentleman, boin July 24, 1879; Beatrice May; and Horatia Annette Blanche. Postal address — Headquarters, Belfast. HORATIO HOLT HART, Esquire, Major. Bom August 9, 1850, being the sixth but third surviving son of the late Lieutenant-General Henry George Hart, by his wife Frances Alicia, daugliter of the Reverend Holt Okes, Doctor of Divinity. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Sable, a chevron or, Ijetween two stags' heads caboshed in chief of the last, and three swords one in pale, surmounted by two in saltire points downwards in base proper, pommels and hilts gold, a crescent for difference. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling sable and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a stag's head tetween two antlers all proper; with the Motto, "Celer atque fidelis." Married, August 8, 1872, Emily Aline, daughter of James George Clements of Redcliffe Square ; and has /.w?/c— William Cecil Hart, Gentleman ; Laurence George Hart, Gentle- man, twins, born August 16, 1877. M is the Military Cockade. REGINALD CLARE HART, Esquire, Colonel, upon whom Her Majesty has confeiTcd the Decoration of the Victoria Cross. Born June 11, 1848, being the fifth but second surviving son of the late Lieutenant-General Henry George Hart, by his wife Frances Alicia, daughter of the Reverend Holt Okes, Doctor of Divinity. Armorial bear- ings — I le bears for Arms : Sable, a chevron or, between two stags' heads caboshed in chief of the last, and three swords one in pale surmounted by two in saltire points downwards in base jjroper, pommels and hilts gold, a crescent for difference, and impaling the arms of Synnot, namely argent, three swans in pale sable, ducally gorged or, on a canton gules, a sword in pale proper ; and pendent below the escutcheon his Victoria Cross. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling sable and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a stag's head between two antlers all proper ; with the Motto, " Celer atque fidelis." Married, August 6, 1872, Charlotte Augusta, daughter of Mark Seton Synnot, Esquire, of Ballymoyer, in the county of Armagh, Justice of the Peace and Deputy-Lieutenant for the county of Armagh ; and has Issue — (i) Harold Charles Hart, Gentleman, born March 30, 1874 ; (2) Henry Hart, Gentleman, born March 30, 1874, died same day (twin with Harold Charles) ; (3) Henry Francis Hart, Gentleman, born June 7, died August 16, 1876; (4) Reginald Seton Hart, Gentleman, born June 27, 1882; (5) Norman Synnot Hart, Gentleman, born March 24, 1888 ; Annie Rosabel Clare ; and Sylvia Agnes Alicia. Postal address — Ballymoyer, Newtown Hamilton, Ireland. § HENRY VAUGHAN HART-DAVIS, Esquire, Justice of the Peace for the county of irVvrt*»f ,n^}»V»|rf Kent, late Captain in the Royal *yj*^^*''j^^^vVl9 Engineers, and Major 2,rd Volunteer Battalion the Queen's Royal West Surrey Regiment. Born April 3, 1849, beino the second son of the late R. Vaughan Davis, Commissioner of Audit at Somerset House, by his zvife Anne Charlotte, third da ughter of the late Major Robert Bates of the Royal A rtillety. Clubs — Army and Navy, City of London. lAscry— Dark blue -with silver buttons and a drab overcoat, .^armorial bearings as used, but for which no authority has been established, ai-e for Arms : Gules, a chevron between three boars' heads couped argent {colours reversed upon book- plate), and upon an escutcheon of pretence for the arms of Whittingham, party per pale ermine arid erminois {book- plate has it quarterly ermine and erminois), a fesse vert {book-plate has itpurpure), over all a lion rampant or, gutti'e- de-sang ; and for a Gtq&X,, a faivn lodged; with the iHoXtO, '''' Dum spiro spero." Married, March 20, 1873, Annie Clementina, only child and heiress of the late Charles Whit- tingham of the Madras Civil Sennce ; and has Issue — (i) Charles Henry Hart-Davis, born October 10, 1874 ; (2) Richard Vaughan Hart-Davis, born May i, 1878 ; Margaret Annie Arabin ; and Audrey Elinor Arabin. Postal address — Court Hayes, Limpsjield, Surrey. § JAMES FRANCIS HATFEILD HARTER, Esquire, J. P. and D.L. for Beds., and J. P. for Bucks, High Sheriff co. Beds. 1885, Major and Hon. Col. Royal Bucks Hussars. Born March 15, 1854, being the eldest son of the late Rev. George Gardener Harter of Cranfield Court, Bletchley, Beds., J. P., by his wife Elizabeth Jessie, dau. of the Rev. James Beard, M. A. dV/zi^j- Carlton, Turf. Armorial bearings — Argent, a lion rampant double-queued between three mullets of six points azure, pierced of the field. Mantling azure and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a stag springing from a fern-brake proper, gorged with a collar azure. Motto — '''Deo omnia." Married, April 22, 1887, Violet, elder dau. of the late Douglas Loftus, Grenadier Guards ; and has /wwe^Audrey Violet Hatfeild. .Seat — Cranfield Court, Bletchley, co. Bedford. WALTER GEORGE HATFEILD HARTER, Esquire, J. P. Born 1855, being the second son of the late Rev. George Gardener Harter of Cranfield Court, Newport Pag- nell, CO. Beds., J. P., by his wife Elizabeth Jessie, dau. of the Rev. James Beard, M.A. Armorial bearings— Argent, a lion rampant double-queued between three mullets of six points azure, pierced of the field. Mantling azure and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a stag spring- ing from a fern-brake proper, gorged with a collar azure. Motto — "Deo omnia." Seat — The Bury, Kempston, co. Bedford. M is tbe Naval Cockade. J^at ^at 3^5 ALl'RED HARTILL, Gentleman. Bur/i Oct. 19, 1849, teinj^ the third son of the late Kandle Hartill of Willenhall, by his wife Eliza, dau. of the late William 'I'honias of Walsall. Armorial bearings— Argent, on a mount in base vert, a hart lodged and regardant gules, a chief of the last, thereon an arrow in pale point downwards between two hearts of the first. Mantling gules and argent ; and for the Crest, on a wreath of the colours, upon a mount vert, a hart lodged and regardant gules, holding in the mouth an arrow in bend sinister argent, and resting the dexter fore- leg on a heart also gules. Motto—" Uiligentes Ueus ipse juvat." Po'ital address — Walsall. FRliDFIRICK WILLIAM HARTILL, Gentleman. Born .\ug. 29, 1875, being the only surviving son ot the late William Henry Hartill, Ls(|., J. P. co. Stafford, by his wife Louisa Elizabeth, dau. of James Tiiilesley of Summer- ford House, Willenhall. Armorial bearings— .\rgent, on a mount in base vert, a hart lodged and regardant gules, a chief of the last, thereon an arrow in pale point down- wards between two hearts of the first. Maintling gules and argent ; and for the Crest, on a wreath of the colours, upon a mount vert, a hart lodged and regardant gules, holding in the mouth an arrow in bend sinister argent, and resting the dexter fore-leg on a heart also gules. MottO — "Uili- gentes Deus ipse juvat." Postal address — Lonsdale House, Willenhall. JOHN THO.VIAS HAR'lILL, lOsquire, J.I', for co. Stafford, M.R.C.S. (Eng.), L.R.C.P. (Lond.), President of Staffordshire Branch of British Medical Association 1885 86. Horn Dec. 8, 1847, Ijeing the second son of the late Randle Hartill of Willenhall, by his wife I'",liz.i, ilau. of the late William Thomas of Walsall. Armorial bear- ings- -Argent, on a mount in base vert, a hart lodged and regardant gules, a chief of the last, thereon an arrow in pale point tlownwards Vietween two hearts of the first. Mantling gules and argent ; and for tlu- Crest, on a wrtaili of the colours, upon a mount vert, a hart lodged and regardant gules, holding in the mouth an arrow in bend sinister argent, and resting the dexter fore-leg on a heart also gules. Motto — " Diligentes Ueus ipse juvat." Married, March 4, 1876, luuily, .second dau. of the late James Tildesley of .Sunmierford House, Willenhall; and has Issue— [i) Edgar Hartill, Gentleman, b. June 28, 1878; ">ydney Hartill, Gentleman, b. March 26, 1882 ; (3) Vivian Hartill, Gentleman, /'. and d. M;iy 24, 1883 ; (4) Walter Hartill, Gentleman, b. Sept. 2, 1886; (5) Percy Hartill, Gentleman, b. Feb. 10, 1892 ; Gertrmle ; Ellen ; and Fanny (died in infancy). Postal address — Manor House, Willenhall. CHARLES ALBERT HARTLEY, Gentleman. Born Jan. 18, 1851, being the third son of the late John Hartley, Esq. , of Wheaton- Aston, U. L., J. P. , High Sheriff co. Staff. 1870, by his wife Emma, second surviving dau. of G. B. Thorneycroft oi Hadley Park, Salop, and Wheaton-Aston, CO. Staffs. Armorial bearings — Ermine, on a cross en- grailed gules, four quatrefoils or, in the first and fourth qu.arters a martlet sable, impaling the arms of Lascelles, namely sable, a cross patonce within a bordure or. Mant- ling gules and argent. Crest- On a wreath of the colours, on a mount vert, a martlet sable, in the Ijeak a cross pat^e titch(5e or. MottO — ".Sub hoc signo vinces." Married, Sept. 28, 1886, Mary Emmeline, second dau. of tlie late Colin .Minton Campbell of Woodseat, co. Stafford, some- time M. P. for North Staffs. ; and has Issue. Sir CHARLES AUGUSTUS HARTLEY, Ktiight Commander of the Most Distinguished Order \\\i\Y\'\p\\ 'j/^ '*"""' Michael and Saint George, Member \J\X\,\,\Xr^ ^ij-f/ie Institution of Civil Engineers, Felloiu of the Royal Society, Edinburgh ; an Officer oj the Medjidie, and Commander of the Star of Rouviaitia ; Engineer-in-Chitf to European Commission for the Naviga- tion of the Danube since 1856. Born 1825, being the son of the late W. A. Hartley of Darlington, by his wife Lillias, daughter of the late Andreio 'Tod, Esquire, Justic* of the Peace, of Bo' ness, Scotland ; dubbed Knight Bachelor, 1862 ; created Knight Commander of the Most Distinguished Order of Saint Michael and Saint George, 1884. Armorial bear- ings as used, but for which no authority has been esltiblished, are for Aims: Argent, on a cross gules, pierced of the Jield, four cinquefoils or, in the second and third quarters a martlet sable. Crest — A martlet sable, holding in the beak a cross crosslet fitchie or ; with ///<' Hotto, " Vive ut vivas." Postal address — 26 Pall Mall, London, S. \V. S GEORGE THOMPSON HARTLEY, Esquire, of Wheaton-Aston Hall, Justice t)f the Peace and Deputy- Lieutenant for the county of Stafford, and Justice of the Peace for the county of Salop, lati- Cornel Queen's Own Staffordshire Yeomanry Cavalry. Born January 11, 1844, iR'ing the eldest son of John Hartley, Escjuire, of Wheaton- .■\ston, Uc|juty-I-ieutenant for the county of Stafford, justice of the Peace for the counties of Salop and Stafford, and High Sheriff of the latter county, 1870, by his wife Emma, second surviving daughter of G. B. Thorneycroft, Esc|uire, Justice of the Peace, of Hadley Park, in the county of Sidop, and Wheaton-Aston, in the county of Stafford. A/;'(v;r -Clarei colour, red and white striped waistcoat. Armorial bearings — He liears for Arms: Ermine, on a cross engrailed gules, four quatrefoils or, in the first and fourth quarters a martlet sable. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, uf)on a mount vert .a martlet sable, in the beak a cross patee fitch(^'e or. Motto — " Sub hoc signo vinces." Married— ]\\v\\'r\(\f\t\ Society of Antiquaries. Born May 2, llJttplvUIUUU 1840, being the second son of the late Reverend Frederick Fitcherbert Hasle- wood, Master of Arts, by his wife Charlotte Elizabeth, eldest daughter of George Dering, Esi/uire, of Barham Court, in the counlv of Kent, and granddaughter of Sir Ed^vard Dering, sixth Jlnronet, of Surrenden Dering, in the same county. Armorial beanngrB (7 J «jt'rfd/-ood, born June 1, 1879 ; (5) George Robert Hasleivood, horn March 3, 1881 ; Alice Cordelia [married, Alay 26, 1894, William Charles Fisk, and has issue] \ Chttrlotte F.lizabeth ; and Eveline luinny. I'ostal address — .S7. Matthinv's Rectory, Ipswich. fev. FREDERICK GEORGE HASLEIVOOD, LI..D. < amhridge. Born March 19, 1835, being the eldest son of the late Rev. Frederick FttzIIerbert Ilasknoood, M.A., by his wife Charlotte Elizabeth, eldest dau. of George Dering, Esq., of liarham Court, Rent, and granddau. if Sir Edward Dering, sixth Haronet, of Surrenden Dering. in the same county. Livery — Dark blue. Armorial bearing^s as used are for Anns — Argent, on a chevron gules, be- tween three orvls sable, as many lozenges ermine, and on a chief azure, a like number of hazel branches or; and for the Crest, on a loreath of the colours, a squirrel sejant azure, collared or, and charged with three bezants in pale, holding a hazel branch proper, fructed aho or; with the Motto, "Quod me mihi reddit amicum." [The foregoing arms and crest were granted by Christopher liarker. Garter King of Arms, temp. Henry VUI., to Edmund Haslervood of Maidwell, but no connection with the grantee has been esta/d/shed.] Married, May 27, 1869, Louisa, second dau. of Andrew John William Lyon (a descendant of Patrick Lyon, 1st Lord Glamis, died 1459); and has Issue — (1) Charles George Dering Hasle-uwod, b. May 1, 1870; (2) Frederick William Waraker Hasleivood, b. Dec. 9, 1871, d. March 10, 1887 ; (3) Christopher Francis Beevor Hasle- wood, b. Feb. 9, 1873; (4) Noel Alfred FitzIIerbert Hasle- wood, b. Dec. 26, 1881 ; (5) Arthur Ethelbert Lyon Hasleioood, b. June 21, 1883; Laura Elisabeth; Alary Charlotte. Festal address — Chislet Vicarage, Cattter- bury. HASTINGS, quartered by LONGUEVILLE. §Geni;ral Wm. SPARKES HATCH, R.A., formerly Inspector-General of Ordnance, Bombay, 1878 81. />'.';•// 1826, being the son of Oliver Hatch of Cartmel. Ar- morial bearing's — Chequy or and vert, a Ijend ermine, on a cliief t-mbattled gules, two denii-lions passant of the first. Mantling vert and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, issuant from flames a demi-leopard holding in the dexter paw a grenade fired all proper. Married, 1883, Mary, only daughter of the late P. C. \Veldon of Ballinasloe, CO. Cialway. Residence — 4 Denmark Terrace, Brighton. HATCHE, quartered by MALET. JOHN RANDALL HATFEILD, Gentleman. Born Sept. 21. 1873, iM-ing the son of John Hatfeild, Es{|., J. P., by his wile Mariana Frances, dau. of Mons. Adolphe Davide. Armorial bearings— (Quarterly i and 4. ermine, on a chevron engi-ailed sable, three cinquefoils or (for Hat- feild) ; 2 and 3 ix;r fesse indented argent and sable, a pale counterchanged, three goats' heads erased, two and one azure, and as many crosses patee fitch(!'c, one and two of the first (for Gossip). Mantling sable and argent. Crests — I. on a wreath of the colours, a de.xtcr cubit arm vested sable, cufled argent, the hand proper holding a cinquefoil slippt'd or (for Hatfeild) ; 2. on a wreath of the colours, two goats' heads erased addorsed, the dexter azure, the .sinister argent (for Ciossip). Motto — " Pax." Seats — Thorp Arch Hall, Tadcaster ; and Skellow Grange, Doncaster. CHARLES EDWARD GREY HATHERELL, Es- quire, J. P. Horn Dec. 26, 1858, Ix-ing the only son of the late I>ieut.-Col. J:imes Abraham Hatherell, J. P., Major and Hon. l,ieut.-{J I0ea 391 irst Baronet. Livery — White, with facings. Armorial bearingps — He hears for Arms : Quar- terly I and 4, azure throe fraise.s argent (for I'raser) ; 2 and 3 gules, three bars ermine (for Gifford) ; over all, in an escut- cheon of pretence argent, three escutclieons gules, in the centre a key fesseways, pointing to the right, wards down- ward.s sal)le, for difference (for May), and pendent from the escutcheon by an orange-lawny riljbon his badge as a Baronet of Nova Scotia. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules, doubled argent ; and upon a wreath of liis liveries is set ff)r Crest, a goat's head erased argent, horned or. MottO — "Spare nought." Married, firstly, 1852, Ann Charlotte, daughter of Dr. J. White. 17th Light Dragoons, anil widow of Lieu- tenant-Colonel William Charles Lewis Bird, Honourable East India Company's Service, which lady xlied July 24, 1888; and secondly, January 24, 1889, Julia, widow of William Jolmson of Applel)y, Heir presumplii'e — His nephew, William Henry, born 1867. 6Va/— Ingoldsby, Tangley Park, Ham|)ton. [Foster places this title in " Chaos," hut Sir Hector's rii^hl has been proved and admitted in Lyon Office.'\ H ADAM HAY-GORDON, Esquire, of Avochie, in the w county of Aberdeen, Justice of the ff^AM-ifonfrirttl l^eace and Deputy - Lieutenant for 11^ a ^ - VX/ U V U U a the county of Banff, Master of Arts of the University of Oxford. Horn June 3, 1846, being the eldest son of tiie late Adam Hay- Gordon, Esquire, of Avochie, and Mayeil, and .Ardmeallie, by his wife Anne M'Kerrell, eldest daughter of James Brown of Edinburgh. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Quarterly, i and 4 grand i|uarters, azure on a chevron between three boais' heads couped or, a hand grasping a sheaf of arrows proper (for Gordon) ; 2 and 3 grand quarters, counterquartered, i. and iiii. argent, three inescutcheons gules ; ii. and iii. azure, three cinquefoils argent, over all a crescent gules, all within a bordure of the last (for Hay). Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet tetitting his degree, with a mantling gules, doubled argent ; and upon wreaths of the liveries are set for Crest, a stag's ^ap Iwithin two branches of laurel conjoined at the top all proper (for Gordon) ; and a goat trippant proijer (for Hay). Motto — " Byde together" (for Gordon); "Spare nought " (for Hay). Married, January 21, 1873, Helen Fran- ces, daughter of Francis Anstruther Elphinstone Dalrymple, Esquire. Seat — Mayen House, Hunlly, North Britain. Jl WILLIAM DRUMMOND OGILVY HAY-NEW- TON, Esquire, Justice of the Peace 'If^r^nfnn and Deputy-Lieutenant. Born }an- 'Jl^vUllUll uaryi2, 1832, teing the eldest son of the late John Stuart Hay-Newton, Esquire, of Newton Hall, byhis wife Margaret Eliza, youngest daughter of William Fairlie. Cluds — Carlton, Army and Navy. Armorial bearings— He tears for Arms : Quarterly I and 4, countertjuartered i. and iiii. azure, three cinquefoils argent ; 2 and 3 gules, three bars ermine, en surtout an escutcheon argent, charged with three shields gules, in the centre a mullet of the last for difference (for Hay) ; ii. and iii. grand quarters vert, a lion rampant or, on a chief of the last three roses gules (for Newton). Upon the escut- cheon is placed a helmet Ijefitting his degree, with a mant- ling gules, doubled argent ; and upon a wreath of his liveries is set for Crest, a demi-lion rampant or, brandishing a scimitar proper, hiked and pommelled gold. Supporters — Two lions guardant gules, armed and langued azure, collareil or. Motto — "Pro patria." Married, August 10, 1871, Adeline Charlotte, eldest daughter of Lieutenant-Colonel RoU-rt (iordon; and has L<:siie — (1) George Hay-Newton, (Jentleman, born August 5, 1872; (2) .Stuart Hay-Newton, ( lentleman, Ixirn March 28, 1876 ; and Albreda Julia. Seat — Newton Hall, in the county of Haddington. CHARLES ARTHUR HEAD, Esquire, Justice of the Peace for the county of Durham, and for the lt)Pfltl ^^'"''^' Riding of the county of York. Born l^KtXV 1838, being the son of Jeremiah Head of Ipsivich, in the county of Suffolk, who died 1866, by his wife Mary, daughter of the late Thomas Howard. CIuIj — Consenuitive. Livery — Light drab with black facings. Ar- morial XieariagB as used ore for Head : Argent, a chevron i-rmiiwi between three unicorns' heads couped sable, with 'rings for Ho7uard, lirotherton, Warren, Mowbray, . and Taber, &'c., and impaling for the arms of Long, , I rusily and a lion rampant argent, quartered with ii.urc, a cross argent, for the arms of iJe Lande. Crest — A unicorns head couped ermines. Motto — "Study quiet." lint no right to the arms of Head or I^ng, or to any of the quarte rings, has been established in the College of Arms. Married, 1875, Justina Charlotte, daughter of I'eter liar- tholomcio Long, Solicitor, of Ipswich, and widow of Thomas Green of Athlington ; and has with other Issue — Arthur Falkland Ho^oard Head, born 1879. Postal address — //,/;•/- burn Hall, Stockton-on Tees. RO/iERT HEADLEY. Born Dec. 19. 1041, r.-uig the eldest son of the late Robert Headley of Earith, Hunts, and Susan, eld. dau, of the late Christopher Porter of Southery, Norf. Armorial bearing^ as used, and as recorded at the I'isita/inii 'S ^^'^ second son of the late Ethoard llJtaiU Heard of Ballintubber, in the co. Cork, by his wife Jane, daughter of Thomas Scott of Glenbcmier, in t/ic county of Waterford. Club — Junior United Set-oice. l^'wery— Eight grey. Armorial bearings as used, butforzvhich no authority has beeji established in Ulster s Offi(e, are J'or Arms : Argent, a chevron gules, betiveen three water -bougets sable. Crest — A demi-goat salient, proper, ducally gorged or. MottO — "Toujours fidili." Married, 1862, Kate, dau. of Hon. William Bradley of Lindesay, in the Colony of Neto South Wales, Member of the Legislative Council of that colony ; and has Issue — (1) Edward Severin Heard, Escjuire, Captain ^th Fusiliers, horn 1863 \inarried, 1893, Ina, only daughter of Major- General Beauchamp W. B. MagrathY, (2) Francis William Heard, Lieutenant i,th King's Own Regiment, born 1866, died 1889 ; (3) Hugh Lindsay Fatrick Heard, Lieutenant Royal Navy, born 1869 ; (4) William Beauchamp Heard, torn 1877; and Kate Ethel. Estatf — Rossdohan, county Kerry. Postal address — Rossdohan, Tahilla, county Kerry. , CHARLES RICHARD MONT ORGUEIL HEARN, Esquire, Justice of the Peace for the counties Ijxpa-MM of Monaghan and Tyrone. Born October 24, \ijK\X\,\\ 1850, tx;ing the second son of the late Major Robert Thomas Hearn, 76111 Regiment, by his wife Amelia Maria, daughter of Captain Henry Wilson, 37th Regiment. Club — Fermanagh (Enniskillen). Livery — Claret coat and vest, black trousers, silver buttons. Ar- morial bearings — He bears for Arms : Per pale gules and azure, a che\Ton between three lierons argent. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, witli a mantling gules and argent; and for his Crest, on a wreath of the colours, on a mount vert, a heron as in the arms ; with fi is the Military Cockade. the Motto, " Ardua petit ardea." Married, June 3, 1875, Ellen, only child and heiress of James Thornley ; and has Issue — Charles Robert Tliornley Hearn, Gentleman, Ixirn September 13, 1886; Marguerite; and Amy. Estates — Tem[)li!new, in the county of Donegal, and part of Flintfield estate, in the county of Cork. Postal address — Templenew, Belleek, co. Fermanagh. ARTHUR HOWARD HEATH, Esquire, J. P. Born May 29, 1856, being the third son of the late Robert Heath of Biddulph C^range, co. Stafford, J. P. and D. L. , High Sheriff 1884, M. P. for Stoke-on-Trent 1874 80, by his wife Anne, dau. of James Beach of Tunstall. Armorial bear- ings — Argent, a tower gules, between three heath-cocks jMoper. Mantling gules and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, upon the battlements of a tower gules, a iitalh-cock jiroper, resting the dexter claw uptv) a pheon sable. Motto — " Industri;t pra;mium." Married, 1884, Alice, dau. of Rev. Herbert Richard Peel of Thornton Hall, CO. Bucks. i>"<;a/— -Madeley Manor, Newcastle, co. Stafford. S JAMES HEATH, I'lsquire,' Hon. Major Staffordshire Yeomanry Cavalry, J. P. co. Stafford, and M.P. for N.W. Staffordshire since 1892. Born 1852, being the second son of the late Robert Heath of Biddulph Granges CO. Stafford, J.I', and D.L., High Sheriff 1884, M.P. "for Stokeon-Trent 1874-80, by his wife Anne, dau. of Jame, Beach of Tunstall. Armorial bearings— Argent, a tower gules, between three heath-cocks proper. Mantling gules and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, upon the battlements of a tower gules, a heath-cock proper, resting the dexter claw on a pheon sable. Motto — " Industriix; prcemium." Married, 1881, Euphemia, dau. of Philip Vanderbylt of Cape Colony. Seat— CXixyxow Hall, ci' Stafford. ROBERT HEATH, Esquire, J.P. Born Jan. 16, 1851, being the eldest son of the late Robert Heath of Biddulph Grange, co. Stafford, J.P. and D. L., High Sheriff 1884, M.P. for Sioke-on-Trent 1874-80, by his wife Anne, dau. of James Beach of Tunstall. Armorial bearings .'\rgent, a tower gules, between three heath-cocks pro[)er. Mantling gules and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, upon the battlements of a tower gules, a heath-cock pro|X!r, resting the dexter claw on a pheon sable. Motto — " Industriae prcemium. " .Married, 1875, Laura, youngest dau? of Frederick Fielder of WHiitefield House, co. Chester ; and has L^sue — (i) Rotert William Heath, Gentleman, b. F"eb. 9, 1876; (2) Frederick Stanley Heath, Gentleman, b. Vch. 20, i88i ; Alice Mabel ; Lnura ; and Mary. Seats — Biddulph Grange, Congleton ; Greenway Bank, Stoke-on- Trent. CHARLES GEORGE HEATHCOTE, Esquire, late Captain and Honorary Major 5th YK A<»4-t«(>fsf-|^ Fusiliers, Lieutenant-Colonel and Hon- i^K'\\Vl)KV\>K^ orary Colonel late ist Volunteer Battalion Hampshire Regiment, Justice of the Peace for the county of Southampton. Born October i, 1843, being the fourth son of the Right Honourable Sir William Heathcote, fifth Baronet, by his second wife Selina, daughter of E. J. Shirley, Esquire, of Ettington Park. Club — Naval and Military. Armorial bearings — He hears for Arms : Ermine, three poniels, each charged with a cross or. Crest— On a mural crown azure, between two wings displayed ermine, a poineis as in the arms. Motto — " Deus prosperat jnstos." Married, May 15. 1884, Lucy Lyttelton Vachell, daughter of R. T. Vachell of Coptfold Hall, in the county of Essex. /.w//f— George Malcolm Heathcote, Gentleman, born September 25, 1891 ; Maud Lyttelton ; Sybil .Annesley ; Jeiinetta .Selina ; I'"rances Gwendolin ; and Lucy Helena. Postal address — Peverell, Hursley, Winchester. WILLIAM CHARLES HEATOxN - ARMSTRONG, F^sqniie, Lord of the It)eaton=arm0tt:ong "i^:^ °coumr'' '" Justice of the Peace for that county, Fellow of the Royal Astronomical Society. Born September i, 1853, being the second but only sur- viving son of the late John Heaton-Armstrong, Gentleman, Lord of the Manor of Roscrea, l)y liis wife Jos>^phine M is the Naval Cockade. ibea JDem 393 Thercsp, voungest daughter of Franz Mayr of Leoben ; and is the sixth in legitimate lineal male descent from Captain William Armstrong, by his wife Alice, daughter of Sir Thomas Deane of tiie county of Sufiolk, and is nineteenth in descent " per distaff " from King Edward tlie First, and foiirtc-'enlh from King James the Second of Scotland. Cl/ibs — Union, Constituiioiial. A/Vtv-/— Light drab co.at, and gilt btitt' ns. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Quar- terly 1 and 4, gules three dexter arms vambr.iced anil einbowed argent, the hands closed proper (for Arm- strong) ; 2 and 3 vert, a lion rampant argent (for lleaion) ; and for his Crests, i. a dexier arm vambraced and em- bowed dexter proper, and a hand grasping an armed leg couped at the thigh and bleeding also proper (for Arm- strong) ; 2. a lion ducally crowned, plain collared and chained all proper (for Meaton) ; with ihe MottO, " Vi e-t armis." .\fiin-ied:\i Veldes, Austria, Septemlx.-r 7, 1885, the liaronc's Bi'itha Maximiliana, only surviving daughter of the fourth Hnron Zois-Edelstein of .Schloss Egg, Carnolia, Austria ; and has Issue — (i) William Duncan Francis 1 leaton-Armstrong, Gentleman, liorn at Veldes, Austria, Septemlter 29, 1886; (2) lohn Dunamace Heiiton-Armstrong, Gentleman, born in Middlesex, February 21, 1888; and IJertha Gracie. Estate — Roserea, Ireland. Postal m/i/resses—y) Portland I'lace, London, W. ; and Roserea, Ireland. r/ie kei'ereiid HUDSON GROSRTT HEAVEN, Master of Arts of the University of Oxford, \(\^i\V\^r\ Lord of the Manor of I.uiidy. V>ox\\ March llJt-aUI^U 1826, bein» the eldest son of William Hudson Heaven of Ltindy Island, by his wife Ceeilia Jane Grosett, daughter of Kear-Admira'l Walter Grosett. Club — Junior Consen'Otive. Li\ery — li right green with yellow piping, yclhno waistcoat, black plush breeches, gilt buttons. Armorial bearings as used, but for ivhich no authority has been established at the College of Arms, are: Quarterly i and 4, azure crusily /itc/u'e and three boars' heads couped close proper {for Heaven) ; 2 and 3 quarterly, 1. and an. azure, three mullets in fesse argent betiveen an acorn in chief proper, and in base three bezants {for Grosett) ; li. and Hi. argent, on a bend azure, three acorns proper {for Muirhead). Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a boar's head as in the arms. The folhnuing crest is also made use of, namely: U/>on a wreath of the colours, tico cubit arms tssuimrfrom the wreath atui grasping a t7oo-handcd siuord in pale all proper ; with the MottO, " Pro patria auxilio Deo." Estate — Lundy Island. Postal address — Lundy Island, Instoxv, R.S.O., North Devon. HEBDEN, quartered by TEMPEST. GUST.WUS HELSHAM, Esquire, Justice of the Peace for the county of Norfolk, Lord of the Manor of Fitton. Horn July 23, 1840, being the third son of Richard Edward Helsham, Royal Navy, by his wife Emily Tyllier, daughter of John Hlunt of Dorset Square, London, W. Clubs — Junior Carlton, Wyndham. Armorial bearing^ — He bears for Arms: Argent, on a chevron engrailed between three leo- pards' faces gules, a crescent or. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet Ijefitting his degree, with a mantling gules and argent ; and for his Crest, on a wreath of the colours, an esquire's helmet proper, charged with a crescent gules ; with the Motto, " Cassis tutissinius virtus." Married, Nov- emljer 30, 1851, Jane, daughter of Thomas Hungerford of Rose Bank, in the county of Cork ; and has had Issue — (1) Evelyn Hungerford Helsham, Gentleman, born Novemt>er 13, 1864 (deceased); (2) Somerville Helsham, Gentleman, Iwrn November 10, 1866; and Emily Blunt [married — M'Causland]. Estate and postal address— 'iu Mary's Hall, King's Lynn, Norfolk. Coi.oNKi. HENRY III:LSHAM HELSHAM-JONES, Col. (retd. list), late Lieut.- l.DCl0UaiTl= J OnC0 i^.jng theelde'st son of Richard Jones, Member of the Royal College of Surgeons, of Woodbridge, in the county of Suffolk, by his wife IClizalx-th, daughter and eventual heiress of Henry Helsham. Surgeon, of Stoke Ferry, in the county of Norfolk, and a.ssumed the additional sur- name of Helsham by Deed-Poll 1888, antl was authorised by Royal Licence to continue the u.se thereof 1891. Club — United .Service. IJveiy — Drab, with black facings. Ar- morial bearing?^ — He bears for Arms : Argent, a chevron ermines lietween three ravens sable, on a chief engrailed of the second a heart or (for Jones) ; and for his Crest, ui>on a wreath of the colours, on a heart or, a raven sable, gorged with a collar gemel argent (for Jones). Married, firstly, August 7. 1867, liliza Jane, eldest daughter of Robert Hesketh (she died July 25, 1870) ; and secondly, Septemlx;r 20, 1888, Mary Littledale, only daughter of Frederick (jrei-nw ermine, a lion statant guardant azure, cro7vned and gorged with a ducal coronet or. Married, June 4, 1873, Gertrude Mason, dau. of Robert Mason, Esq., of Aigburth, near Liverpool ; and has ]ssue— Lilian Mary Stace; Mabel Gertrude [m., Oct. 27, 1897, E. G. Godfrey- Faussett, Royal /Engineers''; and Muriel Rosalie. Postal addresses — 33 Emperor's Gate, London, S. W. ; King's House, Jamaica. GEORGE HENDERSON, Esquire, Colonel ist Volun- teer Battalion the Queen's Own Royal VVest Kent Regiment, and upon whom the Volunteer Decoration has been con- ferred. Fellow of the Royal Astronomical Society, Member of the Royal Asiatic Society, Fellow of the Society of Anti- quaries, Scotland. Born December 16, 1845, being the eldest son of the late George Henderson of Heverswood, East India Merchant in London, by his wife Katharine, eldest daughter of David Stewart of St. Ninian's, in the county of Stirling. Clubs—Si. Stephen's, Constitutional, Royal Societies. Armorial bearings are : Gules, three piles issuing from the sinister or, a chief embattled ermine. Upon the escutcheon is ])laced a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules douliled or ; and upon a wreath of the liveries is set fcjr Crest, a cubit arm erect |)roper, holding in the liand a star of eight points wavy & is the Military Cockade. argenti ensigned with a crescent of the last. Motto — " Sola virtus iioljilitat." il/(/;vvV(/, October 30, 1878, Helen Blake, only daughter of Tiiomas Hunter of Edinburgh ; and has Issue — Helen Katharine ; and Agnes Grindlay. Estate and postal address — Heverswood, Sevenoaks. § KENNETH GREGG HENDERSON, Esquire, Colonel in the Army, Companion of the Most Honour- able Order of the Bath. Born Noi'ember 27, 1836, being the third son if Charles Cooper Henderson of Halliford, in the county of Middlesex, by his wife Charlotte, daughter of Charles By. Clubs — United Sei-uice, Naval and Military, Livery — C an aiy -coloured coats and 7i>aistcoats, purple breeches and cuffs and collars. Armorial bearings as used, but which have not been matriculated in Lyon Office, arc : Quarterly i and j^, gules three piles issuing from the sinister side of the shield argent, on a chief ermine, a crescent azure ; 2 and 3 argent, three { f) cats passant guardant in pale saHe. Crest — A de.xter hand erect, couped below the wrist, holding a mullet of six points surmounted bv a crescent. Motto — " .Sola virtus nobilitat." Married, Ahiy 31, 1865, Corinne, daughter of the Honourable Henry Staines ; and has Issue — Eleanor. Postal address — 38 Queen's Gate Terrace, S. IV. RICHARD HENDERSON, Gentleman. Born , being the son of John Henderson, late of Glasgow. Ar- morial bearings — He bears for Arms : Argent, three piles issuing from the sinister sable, on a chief indented azure, two olive branches wreathed surrounding one in pale be- tween two crescents of the first. Upon the escutcheon is jilaced a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling sable doubled argent ; and upon a wreath of his liveries is set for Crest, a lion rampant argent, armed and langued gules, supporting in his forepaws a trident paleways also argent ; and in an escroll over the .same this Motto, " Pace et bello paratus." Postal address — Bedston Road, Birkenhead. ROBERT EVELYN HENDERSON, Gentleman. Born December 19, 1880, being the eldest son of the late Robert Henderson, Cientlenian, of Sedgwick Park, Sussex (who died 1895), by his wife Emma Caroline, second daughter of the late Jonathan Hargreaves of Cuffnells, Hants. Armo- S is the Naval Cockade. ^en I^en 395 rial teaiiiigs— He bears for Arms : Gules, three piles issu- ing from the sinister or, a chief engrailed ermine. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules doubled argent ; and upon a wreath of his liveries is set for Crest, a cubit arm erect proper, holding in the hand a star of eight points wavy argent. Motto — "Sola virtus nobilitat." Estate and postal address — Sedg- wick Park, Sussex. §SiK WILLIAM HENDERSON, Knight Bachelor, Deputy-Lieutenant and Justice of the Peace for the county of Aberdeen, Lord Provost of the city of Aber- deen, 1886- 1889, LL.D. of the University of Aberdeen. Born April 10, 1826, being the eldest son of the late James Henderson of Aberdour and Rattray, by his wife Helen, daughter of William 'I'homson ; and was dubbed a Knight Bachelor in the year 1893. Clubs — National Liberal, Royal Northern (Aberdeen), Scottish Liberal (Edinburgh). Lively — Blue and gold. Armorial bear- ings — He bears for Arms : Azure, three piles or, in base a tower triple-towered argent, masoned sjxble, doors and windows gules, on a chief ermine a crescent of the first, between two stars of six points of the third. Above the shield is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling azure, doubled or ; and on a wreath of his liveries is set for Crest, a cubit arm proper, the hand holding a star of six points ensigned with a crescent argent ; and in an escroll over the same, this Motto, "Sola virtus nobilitat." Married, February 17, 1852, Jane Boyd, eldest daughter of George Thompson of Pitmedden and Rannieshill. in the county of Aberdeen, sometime Member of Parliametit for the city of Aberdeen, and has hsue—Y'we. sons and five daughters. Postal address — Devanha House, Aberdeen. HANS HENDRICK HENDRICK-AYLMER, Esquire, Justice of the Peace, Barrister-al-La\v, High Sheriff co. Kildare 1894. Born 1856, being the second son of Michael Avlmer, Esquire, Justice of the Peace for the county of Kildare (who died 1855), by his wife Charlotte, daughter of the late Hans Hendrick, Esquire, of Kerdiffstown ; assumed the additional surname and arms of Hendrick by Royal License in 1889. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Quarterly i and 4, argent a cross sable between four Cornish choughs proper (for Aylmer) ; 2 and 3 azure, three leopards' faces or (for Hendrick). Upon the escut- cheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mant- ling sable and argent ; and for his Crests, 1. out of a ducal coronet or, a chough rising proper (for Ayliuer) ; 2. out of a ducal coronet or, a crescent gules (for Hendrick). Motto — "Hallelujah." Married, May 1886, Florence, daughter of Alexander Edwards of Ballyhire, in the county of \X'exford ; and has Issue — (i) Charles Percy Hendrick- .\ylmer. Gentleman, born 1887 ; (2) Gerald Hans Aylmer Hendrick-Aylmer, Gentleman, born 1897; Muriel Charlotte; and Violet Lucy. Estate and postal address— ¥ici:d\fi&to\in, near Naas, county Kildare ; Tully, co. Kildare. § JOSEPH JOHN HENLEY, Esq., C.B., J.P. and D.L., late ist Royal Dragoons, late General Inspector Local Government Board, was Private Secretary to his father when President of the Board of Trade, and has Ijeen a member of the Boundary and other Commissions. Burn Dec. 29, 1821, being the eldest son of the Inte Right Hon. Joseph Warner Henley of Waterpery, D.C.L., M.A., J.P. and D.L., M.P. for co. Oxford 1841 to 1885, and President of the Board of Trade from March to Dec. 1852, and from March 1858 to Feb. 1859, by his wife Georgiana, dau. of John Fane, Esq., of Wormsley, Oxon. (by Lady Elizabeth his wife, dau. of the Earl of Macclesfield). Club — Carlton, S. W. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Azure, a lion rampant argent, supporting a rudder or, on a chief of the second an anchor sable l>;tween two trefoils proper. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling azure and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, an eagle, wings displayed or, hold- ing in the claw an anchor and cable sable, and in the beak a trefoil proper. Motto — " Perseverando." Married, Oct. 2, 1849, Agnes Walwyn, dau. of Theodore Walrond of Calder Park, CO. Lanark; and has Issue — Josei)h Arthur Henley, Gentleman, b. Jan. 7, 1856 [///. Jan. 9, 1877, Kate Isabella, dau. of Col. Graves]; Georgiana Caroline [w. 1871, Philip James Digby Wykeham]; Emily Augusta [?u. 1876, Ellis Frederick Dudgeon] ; and Agnes. Seat — Waterperry House, Oxon. S MITCHELL HENRY, Esq., D.L. for Middlesex, and J.P. CO. Galway (High Sheriff 1888-89), for Middlesex and Westminster, formerly M.P. for Galway 1871-85, for Glasgow (Blackfriars Division) 1885-86. Born 1826, being the son of the late Alexander Henry, M.P. , of Wootllands, Crunipsall, near Manchester, by Elizalieth, dau. of Oliver Brush of Willow Brook, co. Down. Armo- rial bearings — Per pale indented argent and gules, on tlie dexter side a rose of the second, a chief azure, charged with a lion p.ossant of the first. Mantling gules and argent ; and for his Crest, out of a ducal coronet piroper, a demi- lion rampant argent, holding between the paws a ducal coronet also or. MottO — " Vincit Veritas." Married, 18^0, Margaret, dau. of George Vaughan, Esq., of Ouilly House, CO. Down ; and by her, who died 1874, has, with other Issue — ^John Lewis Vaughan Henry, Esq., late Capt. R. Scots Greys, b. 1852 [/«. 1880, Edith Maud, eldest dau. of William Rolx;rt .'\nckelill, Esq., and widow of Thomas Knox, Esq., son of the Primate of Ireland]. Seat — Kylemore Castle, Galway. Residence — Slratheden House, Knightsbridge, S.W. S ROBERT POOLL HFINRY- B.ATTEN- POOLL, Esq., D.L. , J.P. for cos. Wilts and Somerset, late Captain N. Somerset Yeomanry Cavalry, High Sheriff for CO. Somerset 1896-97. Born 1850, being the only son of the late Joseph Langford of Timsbury, by Anne Pooll, dau. of the late William Britton of Corrnwall. bv his wife Rhoda Charlton, third daughter (jf the Reverend Harry I*':irr Yeatni.in of Stock Ibmse, in the county of Dorset. Armorial bearings — He iK-nrs for Arms: Or, a tower triple-towered ixitween three battle-axes sable, impaling the arms of Parker, namely sable, a buck's he.ad calxjshcd Ijelween two (launches argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of tlie colours, on a tower sable a demi-lion rampant or, holding in tlie dexter paw a battle-axe of the first. Married, A[)ril 29, 1886, Anne Hyde, eldest daughter of Sir William Parker, Baronet, of Melford Hall, in the county of .Suffolk, by his w ife Sophia Mary, eldest daughter of Nathaniel Clarke Barnardiston of The Ryes, Sudbury ; and h.as Issue — Rhoda Marjorie ; Sybil Mary ; Margaret ; and Amy. CHARLES HAWKINS HEXT. Gentleman. Horn Deceml)er 22, 1851, being the third son of the late Thomas Hext, Esquire, of Trenarren, Justice of the Peace and Deputy- Lieutenant for the county of ("oniwall, by his wife Rhoda Charlton, third daughter of the Reverend Harry Farr Yeatman of Stock House, in the county of Dorset. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Or, a tower triple-towered U'tween three battle-axes sable ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, on a tower sable a demi-lion rampant or, holding in the dexter paw a battle- axe of the first. Married, April 16, 1891, Alice, second daughter of George Petherick of St. Austell. EDWARD STANIFORTH HEXT, Gentleman. Horn January 27, 1849, being the second son of the late Reverend John Hawkins Hext, Master of Arts, Vicar of Kingsteignton, in the county of Devon, by his wife Susanna Catherine, youngest daughter of the Reverend John Lane Kitson, Vicar of Ashburton and Staverton, by his wife Georgiana, youngest daughter of Doctor William Buller, Bishop of Exeter. Armorial bearings — He Ix-ars for Arms : Or, a tower triijle-toweii'd Ix'tween three battle-axes sable ; and The Editor undertakes that every entry not in italics is that of a genuinely armigerous person. 508 ^er for his Crest, upon a wrealli of the colours, on a tower sable a ik-mi-lion rampant or, holding in the dexter paw a battle-axe of the first. Married, January 20, 1880, Ellen Constance, daughter of William Frederick Foster of I'ud- dington Mall, in the coimty of Cheshire ; and has Issue — (i) Charles Wilfred Hext, lx)rn November 14, 1880; (2) Edward Hewlett Hext, born January 29, 1887 ; and Edith Katharine. § Captain FRANCIS MARWOOD HEXT. Born January 14, i860, being the fourth son of the late Thomas Hext, Esquire, of Trenarren, Justice of the Peace anil Deputy- Lieutenant for the county of Cornwall, l)y his wife Rhoda Charlton, tliird daughter of the Reverend Harry Farr Yeatman of Slock House, in the county of Dorset. Armorial bearing's- He l^ears for Arms: Or, a tower triple-lowered between tiiree battle-axes sable ; and for his Crest, ujjon a wreath of the colours, on a tower sable a demi-lion rampant or, holding in the dexter paw a battle-axe of the first. GEORGE HAWKINS HEXT, Gentleman. Borii April 7, 1854, being the third son of the late Reverend John Hawkins Hext, Master of Arts, Vicar of Kingsteignton, in the county of Devon, by his wife Susanna Catherine, youngest daughter of the Reverend John Lane Kitson, Vicar of Ash- burton and Staverton, by his wife Georgiana, youngest daughter of Doctor William Buller, Bishop of ICxeter. Armorial bearings— He tears for Arms: Or, a tower triple-towered between three battle-axes sable ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, on a tower sable a demi-lion rampant or, holding in the dexter paw a battle-axe of the first. Married, l-ebruary 5, 1879, Claire, daughter of Edward Mosely Perkins of Hirtley Hall, in the county of Durham ; and has Issue — (i) John lidward Hext, Gentle- man, born at Newton Abbott, Decemljer 21, 1879; (2) George Trevor Barkley Hext, Gentleman, born April 23, ij)ep — He bears for Arms : Or, a tower triple-towered between three battle-axes sable ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, on a tower sable a demi-lion rampant or, holding in the dexter paw a battle-axe of the first. THOM.AS JAMES KITSON HEXT, Gentleman. Born July II, 1859, being the youngest son of the late Reverend John Hawkins Hext, Master of Arts, Vicar of Kinjjsteignton, in the county of Devon, by his wife Susanna Catherine, youngest daughter of the Reverend Jolm Lane Kitson, Vicar of Ashbmlon and Staverton, by his wife Georgiana, •yoimgest daught<'r of Doctor William Buller, Bishop of Exeter. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Or, a tower triple-t(3wereil between three battte-axes sable ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, on a tower sable a demi-lion rampant or, holdm;,' in the df,-xter paw a battle-axe of the first. WALTER REGINALD HEXT. Gentleman. Born July II, 1859, being the fourth son of the late Reverend John Hawkins Hext, Master of Arts, Vicar of Kingsteignton, in the county of Devon, by his wife Susanna Catherine, youngest daughter of the Reverend John I^ane Kitson, Vicar of Ashbnrton and Staverton, by his wife Georgiana, youngest daughter of Doctor W'illiam Buller, Bishop of Exeter. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Or, a tower triple-towered between three battle-axes sable ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, on a tower sable a demi-lion ratnpant or, holding in the dexter paw a battle-axe of the first. HENRY HEYWOOD, Esquire, J. P. for the county of Monmouth. Born 1842, being the eldest ff^lMl^llrtnTl son of the late lames Heywood of Work- ll^Hi-^lUUUU sop, by his wife, Mary Agnes Brookfield. Armorial bearings—He bears for Arms : Party per pale or and argent, on a chevron sable, between in chief, on the dexter side a key of the last, and on the sinister S Major HENRY YEATMAN HEXT. Born May 22, 1849, being the second son of the late Thomas Hext, Es(iuire, of Trenarren, Justice of the Peace and Deputy- Lieutenant for the county of Cornwall, by his wife Rhoda Charlton, third daughter of the Reverend Harry Farr Ye.at- nian of .Stock House, in the county of Dorset. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Or, a tower triple-towered between three battle-axes sable ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, on a tower sable a demi-lion rampant or, holding in the dexter paw a battle-axe of the first. JOHN HEXT, Esquire, Royal Navy, Companion of the Most Eminent Order of the Indian Eniiiire. Born October 14, 1842, being the eldest son of the late Reverend John Hawkins Hext, Master of Arts, Vicar of Kingsteignton, in the county of Devon, by his wife Susanna Catherine, yoimgest daughter of the late Reverend John Lane Kitson, Vicar of Ashburton and Staverton, by his wife Georgiana, youngest daughter of Doctor William Buller, Bishop of lixeter. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Or, a tower triple-towered between three battle-axes sable ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, on a tower sable a demi-lion rampant or, holding in the dexter paw a battle-axe of the first. Married, November 5, 1874, Lilian Mary, only child of David William Mitchell. SAMUEL HENRY HEXT, Gentleman. Born Septem- ber 9, 1807, being the second son of the late Colonel John Hext of Trenarren, Justici? of the Peace and Deputy- Lieutenant for the county of Cornwall, by his wife Elizabeth, daughter of Thomas Staniforth of Darnall, in the county of York. Armorial bearings—He bears for Arms : Or, a tower triple-towered between three battle-axes sable ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, on a tower sable a demi-lion rampant or, holding in the dexter paw a battle-axe of the first. SEYMOUR WOLCOTT HEXT. Born September 25, 1863, being the fifth .son of the late Thomas Hext, Esquire, of Trenarren, Justice of the Peace and Deputy-Lieutenant for the county of Cornwall, by his wife Rhoda Clharlton, third daughter of the Reverend Harry Farr Yeatman of Stock House, in the county of Dorset. Armorial bearings fi is the Military Cockade. an oak-tree eradicated proper, and in base a bull's head cabossed also sable, five bezants. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degi-ce, with a mantling sable and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, upon the stump of an oak-tree sprouting to the sinister, a falcon with wings displayed sal)le, each wing charged with a bezant, and supporting with the dexter leg a key or, the M is the Naval Cockade. ©ep JDep 199 key resting upon the wreath ; with the Motto — ' ' Virtus invicta." Married, Alice Mary, elder dau. of the late William Jones of Tavistock, Devon, and has had lasiie — (i) H. Cuthbert Heywood, horn 1875, died 1883; (2) Francis J. C. Heywood, Gentleman, txjrn June 4, 1877; (3) Basil Riversdale Heywood, horn 1879, died 1890; Edith Mary Gwendolen, and Pauline Herminegild. Estates — Witla Court, St. Mellons, Monmouthshire. Postal address — Witla Court, via Cardiff. THOMAS HEYWOOD, Esquire, J. P. and D.L. co. ■Hereford, J. P. co. Worcester, Hon. Col. ist Herefordshire RiHe Vol. ReRl. Born Sept. 28, 1826, Ix-iiig the eldest son of the lale Thomas Heywood, Escj., of Hope End, co. Hereford, J. P. and D. L. , High Sheriff 1840, by his wife Mary Elizabeth, dau. of John Barton of Swinton, co. Lancaster. Armorial beaiing^s— .Argent, three torteau.x in bend between two Ixndii'ts gules, on a canton of the last, a cross patc'-e or. Mantling' gules and argent. CreBt —On a wreath of the colours, on a mount vert, lh<' trunk of a trei; with two branches sprouting therefrom and entwined by ivy, thereon a falcon with wings displayed proper. Motto —" Alte volo." Married, firstly, Aug. 16, 1853, Mary Emily, dau. of the Most Rev. Marcus G. Beresford, D.D. , Archi)ishop of Armagh; and has Issue — Henry (le la Poer Beresford, Capt. Royal Gloucestershire Hussars Yeomanry Cavalry, b. Jan. 23, 1851; [w. , June i^, 1882. Minnie Florence Newton, dau. of Newton John Lane of Elmhurst Hall, Lichfield, and widow of Cecil Marke Inilford, Barrister-at-l^awj; Constance Mary [m., Dec. 7, 1882, Alfred J. Butler, M.A. , Fellow of Brasenose, Coll., Oxford] ; Emily Frances. He married secondly, April 10, 1862. .Sojjhie Grace, eldest dau. of Stephen St. George of Headford Ca.stle, co. Galway ; and has Issue — lilen Mabel (w., .Sept. II, 1884, Arthur'Cartwright, M.A., H.M. I.S.J. Seat — Hatley St. George, Malvern. S RICHARD HEYWOOD HEYWOOD-JONES, Es- quire, liachelor of Arts, Jus- .Major Yorkshire Dragoons Yeomanry ("avalry. Bom July 28, 1853, being the only son of the late Richard Heywood Jones, Esquire, of Bads- worth Hall, Vjy his wife Margaret, only daughter of John Harrison of Ambleside; and assumed by Royal License, January 22, 189 1, the name of Heywood, in addition to and before that of Jones, dill's — Carlton, Boodle's. ArmoriAl bearings — He l>ears for Anns : Quarterly i and 15, cjuarterly i. and iiii. vair a lion rampant or, tetween two roses in fesse argent and an annulet of the second in base (for Jones) ; ii. and iii. argent, three torteaux in bend between two bendlets gules, on a canton of the last a cross patte or (for Heywood) ; 2. the arms of Jones as in the foregoing ; 3. gules, a fesse dancettfe ermine between six cross crosslets fitchi5e argent (for Longue- ville) ; 4. or, a niaunch gules (for Hastings); 5. sable, a fesse argent between three cinquefoils or (for Hunt); 6. azure, an eagle displayed argent, debruised by a bendlei gules (for Wolferton) ; 7. or, on a chief gules, two dexter hands ajjaumee argent, couped at the wrist (for Manfelin) ; 8. gules, three roach naint in pale argent (for Roach) ; 9. per pale dancettde argent and sable (for Bermingham, new) ; 10. argent, a bend lozengy or (for liermingham, old); II. Quarterly gules and or, in the first quarter a cross patonce argent (for Middleton); 12. vert, three lions ramjjant argent (for Wardwick) ; 13. sable, three covered cups argent (for .Strivelin) ; 14. the arms of Heywood. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling azure and argent ; and for his Crests, i. upon a wreath of the colours, in front of a tallxjt's head cou|)ed sable, collared v,aire, two roses .argent, stalked and leaved projier (for Jones) ; 2. upon a wreath of the colours, on a mount vert the trunk of a tree with two branches sprouting therefrom and entwined by ivy, thereon a falcon with wings expanded proper (for Heywood). Motto — "Till then thus." Married, July 17, 1888, Caroline Mar- garet, daughter of Francis J. Johnston of Dunsdale, Wester- ham ; .and has Issue — M.argaret Heywcxjd ; Violet Mary; Olive Elizaljeth ; and Caroline Earle. Seat — Badsworth Hall, near Pontefract. S ARTHUR PEMBERTON HEYWOOD - LONS- DALE, Esquire, Justice rDcptoooti^ion.0Daie f^s^:;:^^^:^ of .Salop, Justice of the Peace for the county of I'lint, Bachelor of Arts of the Univer- sity of Oxford, Barrister-at-Law. Born January 9, 1835, Ix^ing the second but eldest surviving son of the late Reverend Henry Gylby Lonsdale, Vicar of Lichfield, by his wife Anna Maria, daughter of John Peniterton Heywood of Wake- field, and assumed by Royal License, dated December 14, 1877, the additional name and arms of Heywood. <'hil-n T<\CW\X\f\X'f\\ lune 20, 1837. Clubs — Army and Navy, li>»Vj/UiMl.ViJ Wellington, &c. I.ivety—mua. Armo- rial bearings — He bears for Arms: Ermine, two barrulets wavy azure, between three bats sable. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet Ix^fitting his degree, with a mantling azure and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a WTeath of the colours, a crescent azure, issuant therefrom fire proper, between two bats' wings sable ; with the Motto, The Editor undertakes that every entry not in italics is that of a genuinely armigerous person. 400 lj)ep uc " Nil diniidium est." Married, May 2, 1861, J. C. Savage ; and has Issue— 'Vv/o sons and two daughters. Estates — Henlniry Hill, VVestbury-on-'rrym, Bristol; and property at Bacup, in the county of Lancashire. Postal address — 96 Lancaster Gate, Hyde Park, London. LAWRENCE HEYVVORTH, Esquire, Justice of the Peace for the county of Monmouth, Hon. Col. and late Lieut. -Col. commanding 3rd (Mil.) Battalion Welsh Regi- ment. Born Feb. 15, 1831, being the youngest son of Lawrence Heyworth, Esquire, of Yewtree, in the county of Lancaster, Member of Parliament for Derby 1848-1857, Justice of the Pence for the county of Lancaster, who died 1872, by his wife Elizabeth, daughter of liie late John Aked. Clubs — Junior United Service, Junior Carlton, Constitu- tional, Primrose, University (Edinburgh). Livery — Blue, buff facings. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Ermine, two barrulets wavy azure, between three bats sable ; and for his Crest, upon a wreatli of the colours, a crescent azure, issuant therefrom flames of fire proper between two bats' wings sable; with the Motto, "Nil diniidium est." Married, August 18, 1864, Rosina Kate, only surviving child of the late John Baskervillc Mortimer, Lieutenant 34th ^ is tbe Military Cockade. Madras Light Infantry ; and has Issue — Heyworth Potter Lawrence Heyworth, Gentleman, born November 20, 1877 ; Lawrencina Rose ; Winifred Dagmar \m. Roland Ken- nard] ; Hildegarde Elfrida; Thyra Halgarda ; Eanswith Elstrith ; and Beatrice Hestritha Gundreda. Estates — • F'alstre Court Manor, in the county of Kent, Whiteheld Barton, Marwood, near Barnstaple, Devon. A'esidence ~ Chaldacre Hall, Bury St. Edmunds, Suffolk. § Sir ALFRED HICKMAN, Knight Bachelor, Member of Parliament for the county of Wolver- ^^PNtrbtTl Jin li=impton. Justice of the Peace ami Deputy- ll^itnlllClll [Jeutenant forthecounty of Stafford. Born July 3, 1830, being the youngest son of George Rushbury Hickman, by his wife Mary, daughter of Itenjamin Haden, Old Hall, Tipton ; was duljlxd a Knight Bachelor, 1891. Clubs — Carlton, St. .Stephen's, Constitutional, Orleans. Livery — Brown. Armorial bear- ingrs — -He bears for Arms : Party per saliire sable and or, two leopards' faces jessant-de-lis in pale, and as many fleurs-de-lis in fesse, all counterchanged. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling sable, doubled or; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a phoenix issuing out of flames, trans- fi.ved through the mouth by a tihing-spear paleways proper, each wing charged with two annulets erect and interlaced or ; with the Motto, " Igne et ferro." Married, 1850, Lucy Owen, daughter of William Smith of Portsea ; and has Issue — (i) Alfred William Hickman. Esquire, born March 10, 1851 ; (2) Thomas Edgecumbe Hickman, Esquire, upon whom Her Majesty has conferred the Distinguished Service Order [to whom refer] ; (3) Edward Hickman, Esquire ; (4) Victor Emanuel Hickman, Esquire; (5) John Owen Hickman, Esquire ; Louisa ; Lucy ; Margaret ; .Sarah ; May ; and Lilian. Estates — Wightwick, near Wolverhampton ; Stock- ingford and Ansley, in the county of Warwick ; and Adderbury, in the county of Oxford. Postal addresses — Wightwick, Wolverhampton ; 22 Kensington Palace Gardens, London. FRANCIS WILLIAM HICKMAN, Esq., J. P. for co. Clare (High Sheriff 1884) ; assumed the name and arms of Hickman by Royal License on the death of Colonel Henry Hickman, 1872. Born 1857, being the eldest son of the late Francis Gore, lisq., J. P., by his first wife I'^llen Louisa, dau. of the late George Stutldert of Clouderlaw, CO. Clare. Armorial bearings — I'er pale indented argent and azure, in the dexter chief a trefoil slipped vert. Mant- ling azure and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a talbot .sejant argent, collared and chained g\iles, charged on the shoulder with a trefoil sliijped vert. Motto — " Per tot discriminarerum." Married, 1878, Eliza- beth, dau. of Pierce O'Brien, Esq., J. P., of Durra, co. Clare; and has Issue — Francis (iore Hickman, Gentleman, b. 1879. Seats — Kilinore, Knock, co. Clare ; Tyredagh Castle, Tulla, co. Clare. § Captain THOMAS EDGECUMBE HICKMAN, Companion of the Distinguished .Service Onier. Horn 1859, being the son of Sir Alfred Hickman, MemVier of Parliament for Wolverhampton (Western Division), by his wife Lucy Owen, only daughter of William Smith ; was created Companion of the Distingiiishefl Service Order, 18S9. Club — Naval and Military. Armorial bearings- He bears for Arms: Party per sahire sable and or, ts\ii leopards' faces jessant-de-lis in jiale and as many Heiir-de-lis in fesse all counterchanged ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a phtrnix rising out of flames trans- fixed through the mouth by a tilting-spear paleways proper, each wing charged with two annulets erect and interlaced or; with the Motto, " Igne et ferro." § STANLEY EDWARD HICKS, Esquire, Justice of the Peace and Deputy-Lieutenant, Barri.ster-at-Law (Inner Temple). Born January 13, 1843. being the eldest son of the late I'Mward Simpson, Member of Parliament (who assumed by Royal License, 1835, the smname and arms of Hicks on succeeding to the estate), by his wife Gr.ace, eldest daughter of .Stanley Pipe Wolferstan of Stat- fold, in the county of Stafford. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : (Quarterly i and 4 gules, a fesse between three fleurs-de-lis or (for Hicks) ; 2 and 3, per bend sinister or and .sable a lion rampant counterclianged, holding be- tween the ].i.aws a gauntlet azure (for .Simpson). Upon the W is the Naval Cockade. ©ic m 40 T escutcheon is placed a helmet l)efitting his degree, with a mantling gules and or ; and for his Crests, i. upon a wreath of the colours, a buck's bead couped or, gorged with a chaplet of roses leaved vert (for Hicks) ; 2. upon a wreath of the colours, an ounce's head proper erased and ducally crowned gul— United Service, County (Cork). Armorial bearings — (jules, a cross indented Ixilween in chief two leopards' faces or, and in base as many swords erect pro|Ter, pommelled and hilled gold, all within a bordure of the second, and pendent lielow tlie escutcheon his badge as a C. B. Mantling gules and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the ccjlours, in front of two Danish battle-axes in saltire, a leopard's face, holding in the mouth a scimitar fesseways all proper. Motto — "Crux mea lux niea." Married, ist, 1848, Catherine, dau. of William Hawkins (siiedied 1880); and, 1883, Oliva Maria, dau. and coheiress of the late Francis Drew, Esq., J. P. and D. L. , of Mocollop Castle, and widow of James Barry, Flsq. , D. L. , of Bally- clough (she died 1884). Seat — Mocollop Castle, Lismore. CO. Waterford. §Likutknant-Genkral Sik JAMES HILLS- JOHNES, Knight Grand Cross ft^lffOl'TrtfltlPtf "'^ ''"^ Most Honour.able Order of iyjl.i\79'J^\ytl)n\,» the Bath (Military Division), upon whom Her Majesty has conferred the Decoration of the Victoria Cross, late Royal IV-ngal Artillery, Honorary Colonel of the Carmarthen Artillery (Militia), Justice of the Peace, Deputy- Lieutenant, and a Memter of the Council for the county of Carmarthen, for which he served the office of High Sheriff in the year 1886. Born August 20, 1833, being the second son of the late James Hills of Nichindepur, in the jirovince of Bengal, by his wife Charlotte Mary, dau. of the late Signor Angelo Savi of Moisgunge, also in the aforesaid province ; he assumed by Royal License the surname of Johnes, in addition to and after his patronymic, and the arms of Johnes quarterly with his own, in the year 1883, in com- pliance with the will of the late John Johnes, Esquire, of Dolaucothy, Justice of the Peace and Chairman of Quarter Sessions for the county of Carmarthen, Recorder of Car- marthen ; entered the Bengal Artillery in 1853 as second Lieutenant ; promoted to first Lieutenant 1857, Captain 1862, Brevet-Major 1864, Major 1872, Brevet-Lieutenant- Colonel 1868, Lieutenant-Colonel 1878, Brevet-Colonel 1876, Major-General 1879, Lieutcnant-Gencral 1883 ; served in suppression of the Indian Mutinv, i8s7, 1858, 'including siege and capture of Delhi, and capture of Lucknow, &c. ; several times mentioned in despatches, and upon whom Her Majesty has conferred the Decoration of the Victoria Cross ; commanded the eight-inch mortars in Abyssinian campaign, and was present at capture of Magdala ; served also in the Looshai Expedition, 1871, 1872, and in the Afghan War, 1878, as Assistant-Adjutant-General, Major- General in command of a Division, .and as Military Governor of Kabul, 1879, 1880; and received the thanks of Parlia- ment; .Assistant-Adjutant-General Lahore Division, 1875; retired on a pension and extra annuity, 1888; was created Companion of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath in the year 1872, and raised successively to the rank of Knight Commander in 1880, and Knight Grand Cross in 1893 of the said Most Honourable Order. Clubs — United Service, Junior Constitutional. Livety — Black and white. Armorial bearings — He tears for Arms: (Juarterly i and 4, argent a chevron between three ravens sable, all within a bordure engrailed gules, charged with ten bezants, and for dis- tinction in the centre chief point a cross crosslet gules (for Johnes) ; 2 and 3 argent, a cross couped azure, between four escutcheons of the last, each charged with a crescent of the first, on a chief embattled of the second two swords in saltire projjer, pommels and hilts or (for Hills). The whole encircled with the ribljon of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, within the collar of a Knight Grand Cross of the said Order, and bearing upon a second shield of his arms an escutcheon of pretence of the arms of Johnes, namely argent, a chevron lx;tween three ravens sable, all within a bordure engrailed gules, charged with ten Iiezants, and upon the escutcheons is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling sable and argent ; and for his Crests, 1. upon a wreath of the colours, on two hallierds in saltire, the staves gules, headed or, a raven as in the .arms, and for distinction charged upon the breast with a cross crosslet gold (for Johnes) ; 2. upon a wreath of the colours, on a mount vert, a broken tilting-spe.ar erect proper, and in front thereof a horse current argent, guttd- de-sang, holding in the mouth the other part of the spear also proper (for Hills); with the Mottoes, " Dcus pascit corvos," " In ca-lo confidcnnis." Married, Septemt)er 16, 1882, Elizalx'th, youngest daughter of the kite John Johnes, l''s(|uire, above mentioned. Estate and postal address — Dolaucothy, Llanwrda, R..S.O., Carmarthen- shire. S RALPH TICHBORNE HINCKES, Esquire. D.L. for CO. Hereford. Born Jan. 28, 1875, Ix-ing the only son of Rev. George Horatio Davenport of Foxley, co. Hereford, by his wife Sophia Diana, dau. of Rev. Vere Dashwood of .Stanford Hall, Notts, by his first wife Caroline, dau. of Philip Hamond of Westacre, Norfolk. Mr. R. T. H inches assumed the name of Hinckes by Royal Licence 1895. Club — New Oxford and Cambridge. Armorial bearings — Quarterly i and 4, gules a lion rampant ermine, a bezant between two plates in chief and the like in base within Haunches argent, each charged with two tortcaux (for Hinckes) ; 2 and 3 argent, a chcvTon pean l>etween four cross crosslets fitch<5e, three in chief and one in base sable (for Davenport). Mantling gules and argent. Crests — i. on a wreath of the colours, a lion's gamb erased argent, in front thereof tliree annulets interlaced and fesseways gules (for Hinckes) ; 2. on a wreath of the colours, a man's head in profile, couped at the shoulders, about the neck a halter proper, on the breast two cross crosslets fitchte in saltire or (for Davenport). Motto— " Mors janua vitit." Seat — The Wood House, Tettenhall, co. Stafford. HINDLEY, quartered by DE TRAFFORD. § HENRY HIPPISLEY, Esquire, Justice of the Peace and Deputy-Lieutenant, High Sheriff of ft'MtltlttflPD ^'^'^ county of Berkshire 1840. Born \l) \^\^\7i\X,}^ March 6. 1808, being the younger son of the late Reverend Henry Hippisley of Lamborne Place, in the county of Berkshire, by his wife Anne, daughter of Lock RoUinson of Chadlington, in the county of Oxford. Club — Conservative. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Sable, three mullets pierced in benil between two bendlets or. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling sable and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a hind's head erased proper, gorged with a collar The Editor undertakes tbat every entry not in italics is that of a genuinely annigerous person. 404 ©ip r^ot) sable, charged witli tliree mullets pierced or. Married, firstly, February 9, 1839, Elizabeth Agnes, daughter and heiress of the Reverend John Nels'on, Doctor of Divinity, l*rebendary of Heytesbury, in the county of Wiltshire ; and by her (who died 1849) had Isaue—^i) Rear-Admiral Henry Nelson Hipi)isley, Royal Navy, Justice of the Peace for the county of Berkshire, born Octolwir 15, 1839 ; Cathe- rine ; Agnes [married J. Gurney Hawes, who died, leaving issue]; Kleanor Anne; Beatrix [married, October 10, 1871, Charles Gore Edwards, Esquire]. He married secondly, May 8, 1851, I'.lizaijeth Mary, elder daughter and co-heiress of the Right Honourable Laurence .Sulivan ; and by her (who died 1886) has — (2) Laurence Temple Hippisley, Gentleman, Ixjrn March 28, 1844, died May 29, 1892 ; (3) William Henry Hippisley, Es(|uire, of .Sparshot House, Wantage, in the county of Berkshire, Major Scots Greys, Justice of the Peace for the county of Berkshire, born December i, 1855 [married, September 16, 1886, Florence, fourth daughter of the late Captain Hargreaves of Aborfield Hall, Reading, and has issue]; Emily Sulivan [married, August 19, 1873, the Right Honourable the Earl of Carn- warth, and died May 7, 1889, leaving issue] ; and Gertrude Charlotte Elizabeth [married, January 21, 1888, Templer Lethbridge Down of Down House, Lewisham, and has issue]. Seat — Lambourne House, Hungerford. JOHN HIPPISLEY, Esquire, Fellow of the Royal Society, Justice of the Peace and Deputy-Lieutenant. Born October 29, 1804, being the eldest son of the late Reverend Henry Hippisley, Master of Arts, of Lambourne Place and Sparsholt House, by his wife Anne, third daughter and co-heiress of Lock Rollinson of Chadlington, in the county of Oxford. Armorial beaxings— He bears for Arms : Sable, three mullets pierced in bend between two bendlets or. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet be- fitting his degree, with a mantling sable and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a hind's head erased proper, gorged with a collar sable, charged with three mullets pierced or. Married, firstly. May 19, 1830, Anne Elizabeth, third daughter of the Reverend Thomas Clare, Rector of St. Andrews ; and by her had Issue — (i) John Hippisley, Esquire, Justice of the Peace, born March 13, 1833 [married, 1863, Christine Ellen Lydia, eldest daughter and heiress of John Christian Bood(S, Esquire, of L\icknam, in the county of Wiltshire, and died 1885, leaving issue, Richard John Bayntun Hippisley, Esquire, Justice of the Peace, born 1865 ; and Ivy Mary Clare] ; (2) S is the Military Cockade. Henry Edward Hippisley, Esquire, Justice of the Peace, born September 3, 1838 [married, September 6, 1871, Florence, daughter of S. Leveson, and has issue]; (3) Clare Robert Hippisley, Gentleman, born July 2, 1842; Anne Catherine [married, 1862, the Reverend Henry .Stiles Savory, Rector of Cameley, and has issue] ; and Charlotte Mary [married, 1863, the Reverend William Meade, Rector of Binegar, in the countyof Somerset, and died 1888, leaving issue]. He married secondly, Avigust i, 1843, (jeorgiana, second daughter of the Reverend John Dol|5hin, Rector of Wakes Colne and Pedmarsh, in the county of Essex, and by her has — (4) Frederic Thomas Hippisley, Gentleman, born April 28, 1847; (s) Richard Lionel Hippisley, Esq., Major Royal Engineers, born July 2, 1853 [married, November 4, 1885, Violet Honoria, daughter of Major-General J. H. Smyth, Companion of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, of Frimhurst, in the county of Surrey] ; Martha Sibyl ; and Georgiana. Seat — Ston Easton, near Bath, in the county of Somerset. Residence — 57 Pulteney Street, Bath. REGINALD HIRST, Gentleman, norn 1865, being the second son of Thomas Hirst of Willow Bank, Hudders- field, by his wife Jane, daughter of John Sykes of Lindley, Huddersfield. Clubs — Devonshire, Huddersfield (Hudders- field). Livery — Chocolate, with yellow facings and gilt buttons. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Per pale gules and sable, a sun in splendour or, between three fountains proper. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a demi-man aftVontc^e proper, holding in the dexter hand a bugle-horn stringed or, and supporting with the sinister hand an escut- cheon sable, charged with a sun as in the arms ; with the Motto, " Non mutat fortuna genus." Postal address — 8 York Place, Huddersfield. HENRY HOBHOUSE, Esquire, Member of Parlinment for the Eastern Division of the county of Somerset since November 28, 1885, Justice of the Peace and a County Councillor (Bruton ami Castle Cary Division) for the county of Somerset, and an Ecclesiastical Commissioner. Bof-ti 1854, bemg the only son of the late Henry Hobhouse of Hadspen House, in the county of Somerset, by his wife Charlotte Etruria, commonly called the Honourable Char- lotte Etruria, daughter of the Right Honourable the first Baron Talbot de Malahide. 67///'— Reform. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Party per pale azure and gules, three crescents two and one argent, issuant therefrom as many estoiles radiated or ; and for his Crest, out of a nmral crown per pale azure and gules, a crescent and estoile ^m is the Naval Cockade. mb mb 405 as in the arms. Married, 1880, Margaret Heywortli, riaugluer of Richard Potter, Barrister-at-Law, Lincoln's Inn, ]88o. Residence — Hadspen House, Castle Gary, in the county of Somerset. CHARLOTTE AUGU.STA HOBART- HAMPDEN, commonly known as Lady Charlotte Augusta Hobart- Ham|)den, fourth daughter of the Right Honourable .Augus- tus I'Ldward the sixth It^arl of Buckinghamshire. Armorial bearings are, u[)<>n a lozenge : Quarterly i and 4, argent a saltire gules, lx;t\veen four eagles dis|)layed azure (for Hamp- den) ; 2 and 3 sable, an estoile of eight rays or, Ix-tween two flaunches ermine (for Hobart). Postal address-^ Hamp- den Lodge, Sidmouth. CHARLES DICNNIS HOBLYN, Centleman. Horn Novemljcr 15, 1846, being the second son JP^rtflftin of the late Reverend Richard Dennis Hoblvn, liJUUl^Il Master of Arts, by his wife Fanny Eliza Raikes, daughter of tlic Reverend W. A. Armstrong of I IksIuiiu. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : .Xziiri-. a fcssi- or, between two Haunches ermine ; and fi;r his Crest, upon .1 wreath of the colours, a tower proper; with the MottO, " Delectant domi non iin|)ediimt foris." Married, July 18, 1872, Eliza Emily, daughter of lletiry Taylor; and has Issue — (i) ReginaUl .Armstrong Hoblyii, Gentleman, born Septeml>er 6, 1875; (2) Charles William Thornton lloblyn, (Jentleman, born March 29, '^^5; {3) Harry Beverly Hoblyn, Gentleman, born Sep- tember 18, 1888; Beatrice Mary Dennis; Lizzie Evelyn; Gertrude Florence ; Dora Dennis ; and Phyllis Sher- wood. FREDERIC SUN THIES MOBLYN, (ientleman. Horn January 22, 1864, being the fourth son of the late Reverend Ricliard Dennis Hoblyn, Master of Arts, by his wife Fatmy Eliza Raikes, daughter of the Reverend W. .\. Armstrong of Chesinint. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Azure, a fesse or, between twt) Haunches ermine ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a tower proper ; with the Motto, " Delectant domi non impediunt foris." JAMMS BLALCH PHILIP HOBLYN, Gentleman. Born Decemlier 16, 181 1, Ixjing the third son of the late Reverend Richard Hoblyn, Rector of .All Saints, St. Bololph's, and St. Lawrence, Colchester, by his wife Klary Ann, daughter of Major James Blalch of Colchester. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : .Azure, a fesse or, between two Haunches ermine ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a tower proper ; with the Motto, " Delectant domi non impediunt foris." RICHARD ARMSTRONG HOBLYN, Gentleman, of Her Majesty's Civil Service. Born August 9, 1845, being the eldest son of the late Reverend Richard Dennis Hoblyn, Master of Arts, by his wife, Fanny Eliza Raikes, daughter of the Reverend W. A. .Armstrong of Cheshunt. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : .Azure, a fesse or, between two Haunches ermine; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a tower proper, with the MottO, " Delectant domi non impediunt foris." WILLIAM ERNEST PAGET HOBLYN, Esquire, late Capt. in 4th Batt. Royal Fusiliers, Commissioner of 'Taxes for Cornwall. Born , being the only son of William Paget Hoblyn, Esq., M..A., and J. P. (for Corn- wall), by his wife Jane, dau. of G. .A. -Scluiliz, Commander R.N. Livery — Blue and gold. Armorial bearings— Azure, a fesse or, between tsvo Haunches ermine. Mantling azure and argent. Motto — "Delectant domi non impediunt foris." Postal address — The Fir Hill, St. Columb, Corn- wall. WILLIAM PAGET HOBLYN, Esquire, M.A. (Queen's Coll. Oxford), J. P. and Commissioner of 'Taxes for Corn- wall, Lord of the Manors of Colan and Denzell, &c. Born 1813, being the only son of the late Rev. William Malet Hoblyn, Rector of Clip.-ham, Rutland, by his wife Laura Frances, third dau. of John Paget of Newberry House and Cranmore Hall, .Somerset, and grandson of late Rev. Robert Hoblyn, M.A., of Nanswhyden, Cornwall. Livery — Blue and gold. Armorial bearings— .Azure, a fesse or, l>etweeii two Haunches ermine. Mantling azure and argent. Motto — " Delectant domi non ini|)eduuit foris." Married, 1855, Jane, dau of E. A. .Schuliz, Commander R.N. ; and luis Issue — .An only son, William lirnest Paget Hoblyn, Esq., late Capt. 4th Batt. Royal Fusiliers [to whom refer] ; Wil- helmina Jane ; Zoe Elizabeth [w. Charles W. P. Allen, Commander R.N., retired]; and Laura Frances Mary. Postal address— The Fir Hill, Colan, near St. Columb, Cornwall. JOHN FALSHAW HOBSON. Gentleman, Associate MenilxT of the Institute of Civil Engineers. Born June 29, 1841, being the eldest son of Peter Hobson of Castle Lodge, Knaresborough, co. York, by his wife The Editor undertakes tbat every entry not in italics is tbat of a genuinely armigerous person. 4o6 JDoa mr} Elizabeth, 5th dau. of tlie late William Kalsliaw of Leeds, co-heir of his maternal uncle. Sir James Falshaw, Bart. C/u6 — Constitutional. Armorial bearings — Per pale azure and sable, two hobbies close in chief projier, and a sun in splendour in base or. Mantling azure and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a cubit arm erect proper, holding a rose argent, barbed, seeded, and slipped of the first, and two lilies in saltire of the second. Motto — "Vive ut vivas." Matried, Jan. 31, 1872, Emma, third dau. of the late Joseph Cook of The Grove, Houghton-lc-Spring, CO. Durham ; and h;is Issue— ~(\) William Falshaw Hobson, Gentleman, b. Feb. 13, 1878; (2) Richard Hobson, Gentle- man, b. Sept. 21, 1879 (deceased); (3) James Falshaw Hobson, Gentleman, b. Feb. 3, 1882; (4) Nevill Hobson, Gentleman (deceased) ; (5) Stanley Hobson, Gentle- man, b. July 6, 1888. Postal address — South Bailey, Durham. GEORGE ANDREW HOBSON, Gentleman, Member of the Institution of Civil Engineers, London. Born March 29, 1854, being the second son of Peter Hobson of Castle Lodge, Knaresborough, co. York, by his wife Elizabeth, fifth daughter of the late William Falshaw of Leeds, and nephew and coheir of the late Sir James I'alshaw, Bart. Club — Constitutional, /./t't'/j— Blue. Armorial bearings— Per pale azure and sable, two hobbies close in chief projier, and a sun in splendour in base or, a crescent for difference. Maintling azure and or ; and for the Crest, on a wreath of the colours, a cubit arm erect proper, holding a rose argent, barbed, seeded, and slipped of the first, and two lilies in saltire of the second, stalked, leaved, and slipped also proper. Motto — "Vive ut vivas." Married Annie Jean, only dau. of the late Thomas Addyman of Belmont, morial bearings — He bears for Arms : Argent, on a chevron invected azure between three hurts, as many cinquefoils or, a chief vairi'c of the second and last. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantUng azure Knaresborough, co. York ; antl has Issue — Doiothea Fal- shaw. Residence — Coverdale Lodge, Richmond, Surrey. RICHARD HOBSON, Esquire, J. P. for the county palatine of Chester. Born 1836, being the eldest son of Richard Powdrell Hobson of Manchester, and Ann, his wife, daughter of Thomas Peet, also of Manchester. Club — Conservative. Livery — Brown with yellow facings. Ar- & is the Military Cockade. }£)ot)0Dn and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a panther's head affront^e and erased, with flames issuant from the mouth and ears, transfixed by an arrow fessewise, barbed and flighted, the pheon to the sinister argent, gorged with a collar counter compony or and azure ; with the Motto — " Fortitudine Deo." Married, April 22, 1868, Mary Eleanor, daughter and co-heiress of John Chadwick, Esquire, J. P., D. L. , and has Issue — (i) Gerald Walton Hobson, Qpntleman, Lieutenant 12th Royal Lancers, born 1873 ; (2) Richard Leigh Clare Hobson, Gentleman, born 1876; (3) Geoflrey Dudley Hobson, Gentleman, born 1882 ; (4) Alwyn Chadwyk Hobson, Gentleman, born 1892; Elinor Gertrude, and Christine Mary. Estate — Green Hall, Wilmslow, Cheshire. Postal address — The Marfords, Bromborough, Cheshire. I^otige EDWARD GROSE HODGE, Gentleman, fourth son of the late Thomas Hodge of Augarrack, Corn- wall, by his wife Eleanor, daughter of Samuel Gro.se of St. Gwinear, Cornwall. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms: Party per fesse argent and azure, a pale counterchanged, three crescents, two and one of the second, and as many open books, one and two proper, bound and clasped or ; and for a Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a talbot's head couped argent, semcie of estoiles azure, holding in the mouth an oak-branch slipped and fructed ])roper, with the Motto, " Savoir pouvoir." Married, October 20, 1852, Elizabeth Giddy Grose, daughter of William Browne of St. Austell, Cornwall: and has Issue— (\) The Reverend Edward Cjrose Hodge, Clerk in Holy Orders, born January 15, 1855 ; (2) Thomas Hodge, Gentleman, born September 6, i860; (3) Harold Hodge, Gentleman, Barrister-at-Law, born August 18, 1862; Elizabeth Amelia ; and Edith. Postal address — 9 Highbury Place, London, N. CHARLES MAXFIELD HODSOLL. Lord of the Manor of Loose, Kent. Born Nov. 15, 1843, beiui; the only son of James Hackett Hodsoll oj Loose Court, Lord oj the Manor of Loose, and Susanna, dau. of John. Spencer of IVrothatn, Kent. Livery — Blue, and silver facings. Armo- rial bearings as used, but to which the right has not as yet 8 is the Naval Cockade. Jt)og: r^ol 407 been officially recorded in the College of Arms, are for Anns — Azure, afesse utavy between three stone fountains argent. Mantling' azure and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a fountain argent. MottO — " Alaintien le droit." (I7fllR5ien-L€ DR015 Married, Oct. 12, 1869, Ccorgiana Mary, elder dau. of (ieori;i- Ken net Pollock, and granddau. of Sir David Pollock ; and lias Issue— (i) Charles Wilfred Pollock Hodsoll, b. AVt'. 29, 1873; (2) George licrtram Pollock Hodsoll, b. June 18, '875; (3) Harold Edroard Pollock Hodsoll, b. April 30, 1877; (4) Arthur Maxfield Pollock Hodsoll, b. Dec. 18, 1880; /////(/ Henrietta: Ccorgiana Katharine ; and l.diira Caroline Ethel. Scat — Loose Court, near Maidstone, Kent. THOMAS ALEXANDER HOG. Esquire, of New- liston, ill the county of Linlithgow, Justice JKrt/j- of the Peace anil Deputy - Lieutenant. Born *y^v January 14, 1835, being the only son of the late James Maitland Hog, Esc|uire, of New- lisloii, Justice of the Peace and De|3Uty-Lieutenant, by his wife Helen, fourth daughter of tlie late Sir Alexander Charles Maitland Gibson, Baronet, of Clifton Hall. Ar- morial bearings— He bears for Arms : Argent, three boars' heads erased a/ure, armed or. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules, doubled argent ; and upon a wreath of his liveries is set for Crest, an oak tree proper. Supporters— Two boars projwr. Motto— "Dat gloria vires." Married, June 28, 1859, Harriet, second daughter of Stcuart U. Hare of Calderhall, in the county of Midlothian; and has Issue— (\) James Maitland Hog, (Jentleman, Ixirn August 23, 1861, died July 6, 1877; (2) -Steuart Havley Hog, Gentleman, torn September n, 1864 [married', 1892, Jemima Christian, daughter of Ralph Dundas] ; (3) Thomas Alexander liederick Hog, Gentlen)an, l)orn July 6, 1866; (4) Alan VN'elwood Hog, Gentleman, born July 28, 1868 ; Mary Wehvood ; and Helen. .SVa/— Newliston, near Kirkliston, in the county of Linlithgow. Sir FRED1:rICK RUSSELL HOGG, Knight Com- mander of the Most Eminent Order of the Indian Empire. Companion of the Most Exalted Order of the Star of India. Horn 1836, lx;ing the fifth son of the Right Honourable Sir James Weir Hogg, first Baronet, a Menilwr of Her Majesty's Most Honourable Privy Council, Memlx-r of Parliament; w.as created Companion of the Most Exalted Order of the Star of India, 1887, and a Knight Conmiander of the Most Eminent Order of the Indian Empire, 1888. Clubs— Travellers', Oriental. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Argent, three boars' heads erased azure, between two riaunches of the second, each charged with a crescent of the field. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet Ix'fitting his degree, with a mantling azure and argent; and for his Crest, out of an Eastern coronet argent, an oak-tree fructed proper, and pendent therefrom an escut- cheon azure, charged with a dexter arm emlx)Wed in armour, the hand grasping an arrow also proper ; with the Motto, " Dat gloria vires." Married, firstly, 1857, Emily (which marriage was dissolved 1873), daughter of General ICckford; secondly, 1885, Harriett Venn, daughter of the late William .Stejjhens Dicken ; and has Issue by first marriage — (i) Frederick Stapleton Dickey Hogg, lisquire, lx)rn 1859 ; (2) Charles John Hogg, Esquire, born 1861 ; and Margaret Eleanor [married, 1889, Major Stewart Douglas Gordon, Indian Staff Corps, 19th IJengal Lancers] ; by second marriage — (3) I'2smond Popham Hogg, Es(iuire, born 1886 ; (4) Bertram Bruce Hogg, Esquire, born 1889. Residence — Portarl i ngton , Bournemouth. SiK STUART SAUNDERS HOGG, Knight Bachelor. Horn 1833, Ix-ing the fifth snn of the Right Honourable Sir lames Weir Hogg, first B.aronet, by his wife Mary, second daughter of .Samuel Swinton of Swinton, in the county of lierwick; dubU-d Knight Bachelor, 1875, by His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales, at Calcutta. Aiinorial bear- ings—He Ix-ars for Arms : Argent, three Ixiars' heads erased azure, Ijelween two Haunches of the serond. i»ach charged with a crescent of the field. Upon tli : n is placed a helmet iK'fitting his degree, with azure and argent; and for his Crest, out of an 1 ■ ^iiet argent, an oak-tree fructed proper, and pendent therefrom an escut- cheon azure, charged with a dexter arm emlx>wed in armour, the hand gras()ing an arrow also proper ; with the Motto, " Dat gloria vires." Married, 18O0, Selina, eldest daughter of Sir T. lirskine Perry; and has Issue— [\) Stuart James Hogg, Esquire, Ixtrn 1865 [married, 1890, Margaret Alict;. daughter of Andrew .Muirof 42 Holland Park, W., and has, Alison Mary] ; (2) Alan Frederick Hogg, Esquire, born 1868 ; Evelyn Louisa [married, 1880, Hugh Gurncy Barclay of Colney Hall, in the county of Norwich] ; and Lucy Lsalxfl [married, 1890, Captain John Charles Arthington Walker, 19th Hussars]. A'f.ivV/tv/tr- 14 Southwell Gardens, S.W. EDWARD CHARLES SHUITLEWORTH HOL- DEN, Esi|., Lieut. Derbyshire Yeo. Cav. Horn 1865, being the only son of the late Charles Slnillleworlh Holden, Esc|., J. P. (by Juliana livans, dau. of the la'e F.dward BfMirchier Harlopp, M.P. , of Dalby Hall, co. Leicester), and grand- son of the late Edward Anthony Holden of Aston Hall. Armorial bearings^(^)uarierly i and 4, sable a fes.se en- grailed erminois or, Ijetween two chevrons ermine (for Holden); 2 and 3 argent, three weavers' shuttles sable, to|)pcd and furnished with (piills of yarn, the threads pen- dent or (for .Shuttlewort!)). Mantling sable antl or; and For his Crests, i. upon a wre;ith of the colours, upon a mount vert a moorcock rising sable, winged or (for Holden) ; 2. upon a wreath of the colours, a cubit arm in armour projjer, grasping in the gauntlet a shuttle as in the arms (for Shuttle- worth). Seat — Aston Hall, Derby. EDWARD IHOMAS HOLDEN, Esquire, J.P. for the CO. ofStaflbrd, M.P. Walsall 1891 92. Horn 1831, beingthe eldest son of the late Edward Holden of Walsall, by his wife lilizabeth, dau. of the late Sanmel Mason. Livery — Coat green, yellow and green striped waistcoat. Armorial bearings — Vert, a fesse engrailed erminois, between in chief a bugle-horn stringed lx:tween two pheons erect, and in base a like pheon between two bugle-horns stringed all or. Mantling \ert and or. Crest — On a wreatii of the colours, a cubit arm vested sable, charged with a pile erminois, the hand proper, holding a bugle-horn as in the arms, between two pheons erect or. Motto — " Holden." Married, 1854, Caroline, eldest dau. of Robert Glass of The Editor undertakes tbat every entry not in italics is that of a genuinely armigerous person. 4oS m\ mi Edinburgh; :iih1 has h;nl /ss//t- — (i) lulvvatd Holden, Genlleman, /'. 1855 [;;/. K. K., dan. of Cliarles Sheldon, and died without male issue]; (2) Robert Henry Holden, Esq. [to whom refer], /'. 1856 ; Charlotte Elizabeth ; Caro- line Mary [/«. S. B. Dickinson] ; and Emily Clara Holden [/«. C. A. Loxton]. Residence — Glenelg, Great Barr, near Walsall, Staffs. The Rkv. JOHN SHUTTLEWORTH HOLDEN, M. A. (Cantab.), Rector of Lackford. Born 1847, being the fourth son of the late Edward Anthony Holden of Aston Hall, CO. Derby, by Susan Drumnnond, dau. of George Moore of Appleby Hall, co. Leicester. Armorial bearings — Quarterly i and 4, sable a fesse engrailed erminois or Ijctween two chevrons ermine (for Holden) ; 2 and 3 argent, three weavers' shuttles sable, topped and furnished with quills of yarn," the threads pendent or (or Shuttleworth). Mantling sable and or ; and for his Crests, i. upon a wreath of the colours, upon a mount vert a moorcock rising sable, winged or (for Holden) ; 2. upon a wreath of the colours, a cubit arm in armour proper, grasping in the gauntlet a shuttle as in the arms (for Shuttleworth). Mar- ried, 1877, Alice, dau. of the late Bulkley John Mackworth- Praed of Owsden Hall, Suffolk; and has, with other Issue — Cecil James Shuttleworth Holden, Gentleman, h. 1878. Seat — Lackford Manor, Bury St. Edmunds. ROBERT HENRY HOLDEN, Esquire, J. P. for the co. of Stafford. Born^Oct. 19, 1856, being the second but only surviving son of Edward Thomas Holden of Glenelg, Great Barr, J. P., and M.P. for Walsall 1891-92, by his wife Caroline, dau. of the late Robert Glass of Edinburgh. Livery — Dark green coat, scarlet waistcoat. Armorial beariiigs — Vert, a fesse engrailed erminois, between two pheons erect, and in base a like phcon between two bugle- horns stringed all or; and impaling the arms of Stone, namely vert, on a fesse raguly argent, between two doves in chief and a rose in base of the last, barbed and seeded [jropei', a cross couped sable. Mantling vert and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a cubit arm vested sable, charged with a pile erminois, the hand proper, hold- ing a bugle-horn as in the arms, between two pheons erect ^ is the Military Cockade. or. Motto—" Holden." Married, 1889, Ethel Mary, dau. of Sir Benjamm Stone, Knight Bachelor, M.P. for East Birmingham, of I'jdington, Warwickshire; and has /ss//e — Robert lulward Holden, Cientleman, fi. Aug. 4, 1895; Margaret Elfriila; and Kathleen Mary. Sea/ — Walsall, Staffs. S OSCAR WILLIAM HOLDEN - HAMBROUGH, Esquire, J. P. and D.L., High Sheriff 1856; and assumed the additional name and arms of Holden by Royal Licence 1864. Born Sept. 1825, being the second son of the late Albert John Hambrough, Esq., J. P. and D.L., F. L.S. , &e. , by his wife Charlotte Jane, youngest dau. of the late John Fleming, M. P. , of Stoneham Park. Armorial bearings — Quarterly i and 4, argent, semfe of cross cross- lets azure, and guttte-de-sang, a tower sable (for Ham- brough) ; 2 and 3 sable, on a fesse between two chevrons erminois, two covered cups azure (for Holden). Mantling azure and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, on a mount vert, a horse courant argent, powdered with cross crosslets azure and gutt6e-de-sang. Mottoes (over the crest) — "Foresight," and under the arms, " Honestum utili pras fer." Married, Dec. 1859, Hon. Caroline Mary Hood, only dau. of Samuel, third Viscount Hood. Seat — Pipewell Hall, Kettering, co. Northampton. §SiK lOHN CHARLES HOLDER, first Baronet (1898), D. L. for CO. of Worcester, and J. P. for that county and for the city of Birmingham. Born Dec. 10, 1838, being the only son of Henry Holder of Malvern, Worcestershire, by his wife Maria. Clubs — Constitutional, Conservative (Birmingham), Union (Birmingham). Livery —Blue with buff facings. Armorial bearings— Per pale dancettfe or and gules, three ehcvronels ermine, in chief two trefoils counterchanged. Mantling gules and or ; and for the Crest, on a wreath of the colours, upon the battlements of a tower per pale or and argent, charged with a cross couped gules, a lion sejant per pale dancettfe azure and gules, resting the dexter fore-]3aw on an anchor argent. Married, Aug. 27, 1872, Geraldine .Augusta Baynton, dau. of John Williams Knipe ; and has Issue — (i) Henry Charles Holder, Esq., b. May i, 1874; (2) John Alexander Holder, Esq., b. Aug. 21, 1878; (3) Alfred Ernest Holder, Esq., b. Nov. 22, 1879; (4) Norman Francis Holder, Esq., h. Aug. 15, 1884; Geraldine Mabel; Flora Constance ; ICdith Mary ; Kathleen Isabel ; Isabella Dorothea; and Gladys Evelyn Austin. Seat — Pitmaston, Moor Green, Birmingham. ^m is tbe Naval Cockade. i^ol ©ol 409 SiK EDWARD ALAN HOLDICH, K.C.B. (cr. 1875). Gen. and Col. Lanes. Fusiliers, formerly of 80th and 20lh Regts. Burn 1822, being the eldest son of the late Kt-v. Thomas Holdicli of Maidwell, co. Northampton, by Mliza Laura his wife. Clubs — Army and Navy. Alinorial bearings — Or, on a chevron sable, cotised gules, three marllots of the field, a chief vair, the escutcheon being sur- rounded by a ribbon, and pendent his badge as a K.C.B. Mant'ingr sable and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a martlet sable in front of a cross patee fitchee lietwecn two branches of palm or. Married. 1880, Emily Hallward, dau. of the late Rev. Crosbie Morgi-11 and widow of (n-orge (ioodwin Buckston. Kesidetice — ig On- slow .S(]uare, London, S. W. § HENRY VANE FORESTER HOLDICH -HUN- (JERFORD, Esq., J. P. and D. L. co. Northampton (High Sheriff 1880). Itom 1852, fxiiiig the eldest son of tlie late Henry Hungerford Holdich-Hungerford, Esq., D. L. of Dingley I'arlc. co. Northanipton, by Honoria, dau. of the lateMajor Fon^ster. C////^j' - Bo(j- Lieutenant). Born March 19, 1855, being the second son (twin with eldest) of the Right Honourable the first Baron Knutsford, KnightCommanderof the Most Distinguished Order of Saint Michael and Saint George, by his wife Elizal)eth, daughter of Nathaniel Hibbcrt, and assumed the additional name and arms of Hibbert by Royal Licence 1876. Cluh \\'liite's. Livery — Black, with silv'er buttons. Armorial bearing^ — He bears for Arms : Quarterly i and 4, ermine on a bend nebuly sable, three crescents argent, in the sinister chief point a cross botton^e fitchde of the second (for Hibbert) ; 2 and 3 per pale argent and azure. sem6e-de-lis, a lion ram- pant guardant, counterchanged, debruised by a l>endlct en- grailed gules (for Holland). U]jon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling sable and argent ; and for his Crests, 1. upon a wreath of the colours, in front of a de.xter cubit arm erect proper, vested azure, cuff ermine, holding in the hand a crescent argent, a demi- catherine-wheel also argent (for Hibbert) ; 2. out of a crown vallery or, a demi-lion guardant per bend argent and azure, charged with a bendlet engrailed, counterchanged, and holding in the dexter paw a fleur-de-lis argent (for I lolland). Married, November 5, 1884, I'^llen, eldest daughter of Sir Wilfrid Lawson, 2nd Baronet, of Bravton, Carlisle ; and has The Editor undertakes tbat every entry not in italics is that of a genuinely armlgerous person. 410 ©ol IDom Issue— (i) Thurstan HoUand-Hibbert, Esquire, born June 19, 1888 ; (2) Wilfrid Holhind-Hibbert, Gentleman, born January 4, 1893 ; and lilsie. Estates — Mimden, Watford, in the county of Hertford ; Langtoft, Market Deeping, in the county of Lincoln. Postal address — Munden, Watford. ANTHONY MAY CAPRON HOLLIST, Gentleman. Born July 19, 1873, being the eldest son of Lieut. -Col. Edward Onunaney Hollisi, J.l*. [to whom refer], by his wife Ellen Lydia, tlaii. of Nathan Wetherell of I'ashley, Sussex. Armorial bearings — Sable, on a liend betsveen a greyhound courant bendvvays in chief and a dolphin hauriant in base argent, three torteau.x, on a chief of the second, three sprigs of strawberry fructed projier. Mantling sable and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, between two sprigs of strawberry as in the arms, a dexter arm embowed in armour, the hand within a gauntlet holding a sprig of holly all proper. Mottoes — " Currendo" ; and " Gardez le Capron." EDWARD OMMANNEY HOLLIST, Esquire, J. P., Lieut. -Col. late R.A. Born July 9, 1838, being the eldest son of Hasler Hollist, Esq., J. P. and D. L. , by his wife Francis Georgiana, eldest dau. of Sir Francis Molyneux Ommanney. 67///;— Constitutional. Armorial bearings — Sable, on a bend between a greyhoimd courant bendways in chief and a dolphin hauriant in base argent, three torteaux, on a chief of the second, three sprigs of straw- berry fructed proper. Mantling sable and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, between two sprigs of straw- berry as in the arms, a dexter arm embowed in armour, the hand within a guantlet holding a sprig of holly all proper. Mottoes — "Currendo," and over the crest, "Gardez le Capron." Married, June 29, 1865, Ellen Lydia, dau. of Nathan Wetherell of Pashley, Sussex; and has Issue — (i) ^ is tbe Military Cockade. Anthony May Capron Hollist, Gentleman, b. July 19, 1873; (2) Gerald Wetherell Capron Hollist, Gentleman, b. July 16, 1877 ; May Capron ; Lilian Capron [/«. Herbert C. Barnes j. Seat — Lodsworth, near Petworth, Susse.x. HENRY CALTHROP HOLLWAY - CALTHROP. Esq., J. P. for Norfolk, late Lieut. 3rd Norfolk R.V. Born 1856, being the only son of the late James Hollway, Esq., D.L., of Stanhoe, by his first wife Mary Esther, only child of the late John Calthrop of Stanhoe Hall ; assumed the additional name and arms of Calthrop by Royal License in 1878, under the will of his maternal grandfather. Clubs —Brooks's, Wellington. Armorial bearings— Chequy or and azure, on a fesse nebuly ermine, between two cotises of the last, a rose gules between two caltraps (for Calthrop) ; 2 and 3 gules, on a fesse, between in chief three crescents and in base another all or, three pallets sable (for Hollway). Mantling azure and or : and for his Crests, i. upon a wreath of the colours, in front of a boar's head couped at the neck azure, collared gemel and or, three annulets inter- laced gold (for Calthorp) ; 2. upon a wreath of the colours, a goat's head couped argent, semte of crescents, and hold- ing in the mouth two trefoils slipped all gules. Motto — " Quferere verum." Married, 1879, Wilhelmina, dau. of David Ralston. Seat — Stanhoe Hall, near King's Lynn. HOLT, quartered by HORDERN. WILLIAM BURY HOMAN-MULOCK, Esq., J.P. King's Co. (High Sheriff 1895) and Westmeath, late H.M. I.C.S. (Bombay). Born April 19, 1841, being the sixth son of the late Thomas Homan-Mulock, Esq., of Bellair [who assumed by Royal License, March 3, 1843, the name and arms ot Homan-Mulock], High Sheriff 1849, by his wife Frances Sophia, eldest daughter of John Berry of Cloneen. Clubs — Ivxst India United Service, Nimrod, Kildarc Street (Dublin). Armorial bearings— (Quarterly I and 4, azure a cross moline quarter-|)ierced, in the dexter chief a fetterlock argent (for Mulock) ; 2 and 3 vert, on a chevron argent, lietween three pheons points duwnwards or, as many trefoils slipped proper (for Homan). Mant- ling azure and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a lion passant azure, in the dexter paw a cross crosslet fitchfe gules. Motto — " In hoc signo vinces." Residence — Bellair, Ballycumber, King's Co. ALFRED HOMER AY. Born Aug. 6, 1857, being the eldest son of Jeston Ilontfray, by liis wife Catherine Sophia, M is the Naval Cockade. IDom l£)00 4" n6e Bulkeley Price. Armorial bearings as used, but to which I he ri^ht has not been ojfuially established or recorded, are fur Arms — Gules, a cross boloniiv ermine. Crest — yln Dulnerat'ur-ndnMcitup Quarterly, ermine and vert, over nil a bend or, charged with a stag in full speed proper, between two mullets of the second. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling vert doubled argent ; and upon a wreath of his liveries is set for Crest, a denii- archer clothed and accoutred, holding a bow and arrow in full draught proper; with the Motto, " Olim sic erat." Married, April 24, 1854, C'ochrina, eldest daughter of William Walker, colliery owner; and has Issue — (i) Robert Kaeburn Hood, Gentleman, born June 20, 1856; (2) William Walker Hood, Gentleman, born September 6, 1857; (3) James Archibald Hood, (ienileman, lx)rn August 2, 1859; (4) Archibald Hood, Gentleman, born May 4, 1861 ; and I'^liza Agnes Walker [married Walter Rayner Shirley, and has issue]. Postal address — Cardiff. otter proper wounded in the shoulder by a spear. Mottoes — " Vubteratur non vincitur" ; " I' homine vrai ainie son pays." Married, Dec. 6, 1882, Laura Eliuibeth, dau. oj John Lidstone Holberton ; and has Issue- — (i) Jeston Homfray, b. Dec. 12, 1885 ; (2) Reginald Horn/ray, b. Sept. 20, 1891 ; (3) Kenyan Homjray, b. Jan. 2, 1896 ; Kathleen ; and Millicent. Residence — Hales Owen, Wor- cestershire. Captain JOHN GLYNNIi RICHARDS HOMFRAY, Esijuire, J. P., late Captain \st Life Guards. Born June 13, 1861, being the eldest son of the late John Richards Homfray, Esq., B.A. (Ch. Ch., Oxon), J. P., and D.L., by his wife Mary Elizabeth, eldest surviving dau. of Sir Glynne Earle Welby Gregory, Bart., of Denton Hall, co. Lincoln. Armorial bearings as used, hut for which no authority has been officially established or recorded, are for Arms — Quarterly, i. gules, a cross botonny ermine; 2. quarterly argent and sable ; 3. sable, four pales ermine; 4. argent, three bar^ geinclles sable. Crest — -•/// otter proper, wounded in the shoulder with a spear. Motto — " V'ulncr- atur non vincitur. " Seat — Penllyn Castle, Cowbridge, co. Glamorgan. ARCHIBALD HOOD, Esquire, Justice of the Peace for the county of Glamorgan and boroiigli of JKrtrth Cardifl', Deputy-Chairman of the Barry Railway. \^\^V\t ij^„.„ j^ji^g ^ 1823, being the eldest son of the late RoVjert Hood, colliery owner, by his wife Ann, n^e Raeburn. C///(^.t— Constitutional, Conservative (Edinburgh). Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms: SCoi.. Wm. WRIGH T HOOLE, J. P. for Gloucester, shire and W. R. Yorks., formerly Lieut-Col. and Hon- Col. P.W.O. Yorkshire Regt. (1889-1893), being the eldest son of H. H. E. Hoole, ICsq.. J. P., E.S.A., of Ravcnfield Park, ^■orks. Club — Junior United .Service. Armorial bearings — Per fesse or and gules, on a pale two roses all countorchanged, and on an escutcheon of pnrtence the arms of Williams, namely or, on a fesse engrailed, iK'tween three bulls' heads cafx)shed sable, two bezants. Mantling gules and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, an eagle displayed per fesse or and gules, each wing charged with a rose counterchanged, surmounted by a rainl>ow proper. Motto — " Spes mea Deus. " .l/rtr/vfi?, 1868, Mary C. E. (who died 1869), only dau. of the late Rev. Canon Geo. Williams, Rector of Winchingford, co. Worcester, and Mugmoor House, Gloucester. Seat — Chavenage House, Tetbury, Gloucester. JAMES HOOLE, Esquire, Major and Hon. Lieut.-Col. 3rd Batt. P.W.O. Yorkshire Regt., Captain Reserve of Officers, J. P. co. of Oxford. Born 1850, being the second and only surviving son of the late Francis Hoole of Ivlge- field, Bradfield, Yorks, and Moorlodge, Sheflield, by his wife .Martha, dau. of James Hoole of London. Armorial bearings — Barry of si.\ or and gules, in bend as many roses ccninterchanged. Mantling gules and or. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, an eagle displayed gules, each wing charged with two roses, and transti.xed tiirough the mouth with a tilling-spear paleways or. Motto — " Flectas non franges." Married, 1882. Klary Violet, only dau. of Rev. Richard Hickman, Rural Dean and Rector of Fiirdingbury, Warwickshire, and Old Swinford, Worcestershire ; and has The Editor undertakes tbat every entry not in italics is that of a genuinely armigerous person. 412 Jt)00 IJ)op Issue— (i) Francis W'illinm Hoole, Gentleman, b. May 9, 1883; (2) Lionel Rokehy HudIc, (itntleinan, b. Feb. 25, 1895 ; Ethel Josephine ; and Margaret Alice Mary. Seat — The Manor House, Headingtoa, Oxford. S ERNEST TEE AH IIOOLEY, Esquire, J. P. and D.L. for Derbyshire, &'(-., only son of Terah IHflrtf I>tl Hooky of Rislcy Lodf;e, near Derby, bv his tiJUUlv^ u,ife, Eliza Peach of fhrumplon, A'otts. Clubs — Carlton, Badminton, Koyal Southern ,Koyal Southampton , Royal Cinqi/e Ports, and Royal Hanvich Yacht Clubs. Livery — Green. Armorial bearings — as used, but rvhich are of no authority, are for Arms .■ Azure, a bend be- tween three mullets, two and one or. Crest, on a mount, an oak-tree fructed proper. MottO — "En Dieuest mafoy." Mar- ried, A/arch 15, 1881, Annie Maria, dau. of Franklin Win- law ; and has Issue — (i) Terah Franklin Hooley, born June 13, 1882/ (2) Ernest Terah Hooley , born November 18, 1892; Eliza Maty Evelyn ; Grace Annie Mildred; Violet h-ene Constance : Dorothy W inlaw ; and Marjorie Idonia. Estates — Risley Hall, Derbyshire; Woodthorpe Grange, Nottinghamshire ; Pap70orth Halt, Cambridgeshire ; Amner Hall, Norfolk ; Peivsey and ll'ylie Valley Estates, Wilt- shire ; and Bendy sh Hall Estate, Essex. Postal address — Risley Hall, Derbyshire. EDMUND HUNTLY HOOPER, Captain 3rd Bat- tnlion Warwickshire Regiment, Bachelor of ll^flfltirt* ^"^'^ '^^ ^^^ University of Oxford, Justice of IfJUUJJvl- the Peace for the county of Hants. Born January 31, 1845, being the eldest son of the late Reverend Webster Frederick Henry Hooper, Clerk in Holy Orders, Master of Arts of the Univer.-ity of Dublin, Incumbent of Withingtun, in the county of Lancaster, by his wife Mary, daughter of Ednumd Wright of Maulfieth Hall, near Manchester. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Argent, fretly gules, a castle sable, and impaling & is tbe Military Cockade. the arms of Stuart, namely, quarterly i. or, a lion rampant within a double tressure fiory and counterflory gules (for Scotland) ; 2. or, a fesse checjuy azure and argent, in chief a label of three points gules (for Stuart) ; 3. argent, a saltire engrailed between four roses gules (for Lennox) ; 4. or, a lion ranijjant gules (for Macdutf), all within a bordure compony azure and argent. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helinet Ijefitling his degree, with a mantling gules and argent ; and for iiis Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, in front of a lion's head erased sable, a fret argent ; with the Motto, "Garde bien." Married, January i6, 1867, Alice Maud, commonly known as Lady Alice Mauil, daugliter of the Right Honourable Charles Knox .Stuart, fourth Earl of Castlestuart ; and has Issue — (i) Stuart Himtly Hooper, Gentleman, Lieutenant Royal .Artillery, horn December 20, 1867 ; (2) Gerald Huntly Hooper, Gentleman, born October 23, 1873 ; and Sybil Maud Marie. ARTHUR HOPE. Born September 26, 1853, being the third son of Thomas Arthur Hope of 14 Airlie Gardens, Canipden Hill, London, formerly of Stanton, Bebington, in the county of Cheshire, by his wife Emily Herd Jones. Ar- morial bearings as used are for Aima : Azure, on a chevron or, between three bezants, a laurel leaf slipped vert. Crest — A broken globe surmounted by a rainbow issuing from clouds. Motto — "At spes non fracta." Married, Julv 25, 1882, Francis Emily, eldest daughter of Charles G. Tripp of Orari Gorge, Canterbury, New '/.ealand. Justice of the Peace, Barrister-at-Law ; and has Issue — (i) Heniy Norman Hope, born October 24, 1883; (2) O^ven .\Iorby Hope, born November 16, 1886 ; (3) Selwyti Peter Hope, born February 11, 1888; Edith Mary ; and Roma. Instates — Richmond Station, Jekapo Ferry, Mackenzie Country; Three Springs, Fairlie, Kaurumei ; Timam and Rokonui, Woodbuiy. Postal address — Woodburv, Canter- bury, New Zealand. J.AMES FITZ.VLAN HOPE, Esquire, of Heron's Ghyll, Uckfield, .Sussex, J. P. forE. Sussex. Born December 11, 1870, being the only son of tlie late James Robert Hope Scott of Abbotsford, Esquire, by his wife the Lady Victoria Ale.\an- ilrina, eldest daughter of the Most Noble Sir Henry Gran- ville Fitzalan Howard, fourteenth Duke of Norfolk, K.G. Clubs — White's, Carlton. Livery — Blue, with gilt buttons. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Az. , on a chevron or, bHween three bezants, a bay-leaf slipped vert, a bordure ermine for difference. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet lielilting his degree, with a mantling azure doubled or; and upon a wreath of his liveries is set for Crest, a broken globe surmounted of a rainbow j'roper ; and in a scroll above, this Motto, ".At sjies infracta." Married, Noveinl>er 15, 1892, Mabel Ellen, second daughter of I'Vancis Riddell, Esquire, J. P., of Cheeseburn Grange, Northumt>erland. Estates — Heron's Ghyll, Buxted, Sussex ; Halliburke, co. .Mayo, Ireland. Postal address — Heron's Ghyll, Uckfield, Sussex. SJOHN HOPE, Esquire, Captain in the Royal Navy (retired). Justice of the Peace and Deputy-Lieutenant. Born January 30, 1843, being the eldest son of tin- Honourable Charles Hope' (3rd son of Rt. Hon. the 4th Earl of Hope- toun), by his wile Isabella Helen, commonly known as Ladv Isabella Helen, eldest daughter of the Right Hmiour- able'Thomas Douglas, fifth Earl of Selkirk, Clubs—Sa\A\ and Military, New Club (Edinburgh). Livery- Blue, with gilt buttons, black and yellow striped waistcoat. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Quarterly i and 4, azure on a chevron or between three bezants, a bay-leaf slipped vert, a mullet of the second in chief for difference (for Hope) ; 2 and 3 (for Douglas) ; counterciuartered i. argent, a man's heart imperially crowned proper, on a chief azure, three mullets of the field ; 2. quarterly i. azure, a lion rampant argent, crowned or ; ii. or, a lion rainpant gules, surmounted of a ribbon sable ; iii. argent, three piles gules ; iiii. or, a fesse chequy azure and argent, surmounted of a bend .sable, charged with three buckles of the first ; 3. quarterly i. and iiii. gules, three cinquefoils ermine ; ii. and iii. argent, a lymphad, sails furled sable, flagged gules ; 4. gules, a lion rampant argent, armed and langued azure, within a bordure of the second, charged with ten roses of the first, barbed vert. Upon the escutclieon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling azure and or ; and for his Crests, I. upon a wreath of the liveries, a broken globe ^m is the Naval Cockade. J^or 413 surmouiite^o^^ainbow proper, and in nn escroU above the Motto, "At spes infracta" (for Hope); 2. on a cap of maintinance, a salamander in flames proper, and in an escroll above the Motto, "Jamais arriere" (for Douglas). Married. August 13. 1872, Rebecca Marion, second daughter of the late Peter Bhiclnd ragulv or, charged with three escallops gules. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet Ix'fitting his degree, with a mantling vert and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, on a mount vert, a saltire raguly gules, surmounted by an escallop argent; with the Motto, " .Sper.irem." Residence — North- wick Lodge, 2 St. John's Wood Road, N. W. Chambers — I Essex Court, Temple, E.C. HERBERT L. C. HORDERN, Esquire, Justice of the Peace for the county of Kent. Born \\yflvTy0t*n J'TK'^iT 25, iS'^:;, being the fourth son rjUVUttll ,,f j|,e R,.veretKl James Hordern, Clerk in Holy Orders, Bachelor of Arts of the Lfniversiiy of Oxford, Justice of the Peace for the County Palatine of I.,ancastcr, by Mary Owen his wife, daughter of the Reverend John Radclifte, Clerk in Holy Orders. Master of Arts of the University of Oxford, Rector of Limehouse, and Vicar of Dodington and Teynliam, in the county of Kent. Club — Junior Carlton. Livery — Dark blue. Armorial bearings— He boars for Arms: Quarterly of thirty-five. i. party per pale argent and azure two bars, and in chief three mullets, within a bordure engrailed all counterehanged (for Hordern) ; 2. •argent, two liendlets engrailed sable, a canton gules (for Radcliffe) ; 3. ermine, three bars vert, a canton gules (for Fazakerley) ; 4. gules, a cross engrailed between four lozenges argent, each charged with an ermine spot (for Leigh) ; 5. argent, on a bend engrailed sable, three fleurs-de-lis of the field (for Holt); 6. argent, three boars passant, each holding in its mouth a bone all sable (for Grizzlehiirst) ; 7. or, a chevron sable, between three towers triple-towered gules (for Sompter) ; 8. or, a chevron be- tween ten cross crosslcts, six and four gules (for Brock- holes) ; 9. vairde, argent and sable, a bend gules (for Manchester); 10. argent, three water boiigets-giiles (for Rons); ii. gules, three Catherine - wheels argent (for Esfjec) ; 12. azure, a catherine-whcel or (for Trusbut) ; 13. azure, a cross pat6e or, and in chief a label of five points throughout argent (for Trusbut) ; 14. argent, a fesse dancelt^e gules, between three water-bougets sable (for Trusbut) ; 15. gules, two bars or (for Harcourl) ; 16. quarterly gules and vairfe or and vert, over all a bend argent (for Peverel) ; 17. or, two chevronels within a bordure gules (for Albini) ; 18. gules, an eagle displayed within a bordure argent (for Tfmi) ; 19. ermine, a fesse danceltc^e gules (for Asheldam) ; 20. ermine, on a chief indented azure, three lions rampant or (for Orkesley) ; 21. argent, two chevronels gules, in chief a lalx'l of three points throughout azure (for ) ; 22. sable, a cross patonce or (for .\braham) ; 23. gules, a fesse or, between three shovellers proper (for Herle) ; 24. gules, three es- callops and a lx)rdure engrailed argent (for Herle) ; 25. vert, five birds argent (for Arvas) ; 26. party per pale argent and gules, three towers triple-towered counter- changed (for Prideaux) ; 27. argent, a cross patonce be- tween four mullets sable (for Salter) ; 28. cheqiiy argent, a sable, a fesse, vair6e of the first and gules (for Folkeroy) ; 29. argent, a lion rampant gules, collared or (for .-\shen- don) ; 30. azure, a bend or, surmounted in chief of a label of three points gules (for Carminow) ; 31. argent, The Editor undertakes that every entry not in italics is that of a genuinely armigerous person. 414 r}3or mv on a fesse sable, three chevronds paleways, points to the dexter of the field (for Trenoiith) ; 32. giiies, a lion ram- pant regardant argent, within eight acorns in orle or (for Chenduit) ; 33. sable, a chevron ermine, between three in Holy Orders, Master of Arts of the University of Oxford, born September 28, 1868 ; (4) Gwyn Venables Hordern, Gentleman, of thf- 6oth Rifles, born June 27, 1870; and Isoliiie Emily. Estates — Throwley House, near pairs of wings in lure and inverted argent (for Nanfant) ; 34. sable, a chevron between three wolves' heads erased argent (for Wolvedon) ; 35. argent, a chevron between three squirrels sejant gules (for Tresurthien). Crest, on a wreath of the colours, a wyvern or, pierced through the neck by an arrow fesseways point to the sinister proper, and resting the dexter claw upon an escutcheon gules, charged with a child's head couped at the neck also proper. Motto— " Nabbap hig hordern ac God fett." Married, September 13, 1859, I""mily Maria, daughter of Thomas Henry Maudslay of Hanstead Park, in the county of Surrey ; and has Issue — (i) Lionel Herbert Hordern, Gentleman, Lieutenant Royal Navy (retired), born April 20, 1861 ; (2) Radcliffe Hordern, Gentleman, born June 30, 1862 ; (3) The Reverend Hugh Maudslay Hordern, Clerk ^ is the Military Cockade. Faversham, in the county of Kent. Postal address — Throwley House, Faversham. MARGARET ANNE and MARY ALICE HORNBY, of Ribby Hall, co. Lancaster, the daus. of the late Hugh Hornby of Ribby Hall ; s. their brother the late Hugh Hilton Hornby of Ribby Hall, in 1877. Armorial bear- ings are, upon a lozenge : Argent, a chevron vert, in base a bugle-horn stringed sa. , on a chief of the second two bugle-horns of the field. Seat — Ribby Hall, co. Lan- caster. SiK WINDHAM HORNBY, Knight Commander of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, Deputy-Lieutenant and Justice of the Peace for the counties of Lancaster and B is tbe Naval Cockade. 5)or S)Ot 415 Middli;sex. Born 1812, Ijcing the son of the Reverend Geoffrey Hornby, Rector of Bury, in the county of Lanca- shire, by his wife (Jeorg^iana, commonly known as the Hon- ourable (jeorgiana, daughter of the Right Honourabl(> John Hyng, tiftli Viscount Torrington. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Or, two chevronels between three bugle-horns, the mouths to the dexter sable, on a chief of the last three eagles' legs erased of the first, the escutcheon being surrounded by the riblxjn of the Most Honourable Order of the Hath, and pendent therefrom his badge as a Knight Commander of that Order. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet lx?fitting his degree, with a mantling sable and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a bugle-horn as in the arms, stringed, and within the string a pheon gules. Married, firstly, January 17, 1849, Augusta (who died 1893), fourth daughter of the late .Sir VV. I'ratt Call, Haronet, and widow of Charles Dacres Paterson ; and secondly, 1897, Catherine, widow of Captain Howard. Postal address — 6 Roland Houses, S. W. WALTER RADCLIFFE HORNCASTLE, Gentleman, Meml)er of the Court of Common Council of the City of London for tlie Ward of Cordwainer, I'isroiitit of the Kingdom of Portugal, Ktiit^ht Military Commander of the Seniian Order of Takoziui, Knight Militaiy Commander of the Order of the Concepcion of Our l.ady of I 'ilia I'icosa of Portugal, out has as yet received no Royal Licence to accept these decorations or the title. Born Feb. 9, 1850, Ix-ing the third son of Charles Horncastle and his wife Julia Augusta, dau. of Charles Burge. Club — Sports', Ciuildliall. Livery —Dark green with scarlet facings. Armorial bearings-^ of Croydon, by his wife Ann, dan. of Samuel Smith. Clubs — National Liberal, City Liberal. Livery — Green. Ar- morial bearings as used, but for which no authority has Argent, on a bend indented sable, lietween two bugle-horns of the last, stringed vert, a tower in l)end of the field. Mantling sable and argent. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, upon a rock proper, the l>attlenients of a tower sable, surmounted by a bugle -horn or, stringed vert. Motto -"Audaces fortuna juvat." Married, March 19, 1878, Henrietta, dau. of Richard Beckford Govey ; and has /.«//,.■ Clyde Radcliffe Horncastle, Gentleman, b. Nov. i, 1880; Violet; and Gabrielle. Postal addresses Taymouth House, Hackney Downs ; Rosemead, Waltham Abbey. FREDERICK JOHN HORN I MAN, M.P. for the Penryn and Falmouth Division, Fellow of the Royal Geographical, Zoological, and Linncean Societies. Born Oct. 8, 1835, being the second son of the late John Horniman been established, iire — / 'crt, a lion passant or, betnoeen three annulets argent. Crest — A lion couchant guardant or, under a palm tree proper. \ These arms, which 7oere con- firmed in 1630, are the arms of the family of Herman oj .Middlelon-Stoney, co. Oxford , from which family Mr. F. J, Horniman is not descended. Mr. Horniman impales "or, three wake-knots sable," as the arms of F.mslie, but no right to these arms has been proved.^ Itotto — " Esperance en Dieu." Married, /fr.v//)', i860, Rebekah (d. 1894), dau. 0/ John F.mslie of Dalston, Middlesex ; secondly, Minnie Louisa, dau. of George \V. Bennett of Charlton, Kent; and has Issue — Emslie John Horniman, b. 1864/ Annie Eliza- beth Frederica ; and Minnifred. Residences — Falmouth House, 20 Hyde Park Terrace, W. ; Coombe Cliff, Croydon ; Surrey Mansion, Brighton. I \ ILL/ A M HORNS B 1 ", Esquire, J. P. for Lincolnshire (High Sheriff \%^&), Lord of the Manor of Buncell. Bom 1838, being the third son of the late Richard Hornsby of Grantham. Crest as tised, but for which no authority has been officially established — A bear's head. Motto^ "Rebus Augustis Fertis." Married, i860, Anne F.theldreda, dau. of John Tomlinson, Esq., of North Kelsey. Seats — Elsham House, Grantham, and Buncell Park, I^uth, Lines. JOHN VINCENT HORNYOLD, Esc|uire, Lord of the Manor of Hanley Castle, co. Worcester, and first Lord of the twelve Manors comprised in Malvern Chase (confirmed by .Act of Parliament 1807), J. P. and D. L. (High Sheriff 1869). Mr. Hornyold is Marquis and Count Gandolfi of the Genoese Republic (creation 1529), and Marquis of Montcrescente and Melazzi of the Duchy of Mantua, Count of Gazelli and Chiosanica in Liguria, all of which titles he has renounced in favour of his eldest son. He was created by Pope Gregory XVI. a Knight of the first class of the Noble Order of Christ. Born .Aug. 18, 1818, Ix'ing the only son of late John Vincent Gandolfi (Marc|uis (Jandotfi and Count of Gazelli), by his wife Theresa, dau. of Thomas Hornyold of Blackniore Park. Club — Brooks's. Armorial The Editor undertakes tbat every entry not in italics is that of a genuinely armigerous person. 4i6 5)or fE)OS bearings (as recorded in the College of Arms in England iimier tin- Royal Licence, Feh. 1859, to him to assume the name ami amis of Hornyold)— Azure, on a bend embattled connter-embnttled argent, a wolf passant between two escallops sable, and impaling the arms of Langdale, namely sable, a chevron between three estoiles argent. [A'(>/('— These arms were confirmed to John Hornyold, Auditor of the Exchec|uer and Governor of Calais, by Thomas Benholt, Clarenceux King of Arms, at the First Visitation of co. Worcester, 1536.] Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a demi-unicorn gules, armed, crined, and un- guled or. Motto— " Fidem tene." Married, Jan. 19, 1846, Charlotte Mary, second dau. of Hon. Charles Lang- dale of Houghton Hall, co. York, third son of the seven- . teenth Lord Stourton, by his first wife Hon. Charlotte Mary Clifford; and has Issue — (i) Thomas Charles Gandolfi (Marquis Gandolfi), J. P. and D. L. co. Worcester and Hereford [to whom refer], h. Dec. 22, 1846 ; (2) Rev. Vincent Joseph Hornyold, in Holy Orders of the Catholic Church ; (3) .Alfred Joseph Hornyold, a Knight of the Order of Malta, b. 1850 \in., 1886, Alice, youngest dau. of Mons. Jules de la Chere of Paris, and niece of Viscount Llandaff, and has issue, Henry .Albert Hornyold, b. 1889 ; and Dorothy]; (4) Joseph Hornyold, d. Feb. 9, 1859; Mary |w., Nov. 28, 1871, Huliert Tichlxjrne Hibbert, and has issue] ; Charlotte Mary ; and Gertrude Mary (both Religious). Seats — BlacUmore Park, co. Worcester; Elm- stead Hall, Essex. EDG WORTH HOR ROCKS, Esquire, J. P. co. Kent, .Major in the Highland Borderers, formerly Lieut, ist Royal'Lanark Militia. Fiorn June 3, 1829, Ijeing the eldest son of Peter Horrocks of Preston, Lanes. Armorial bear- ings—Or, a fret azure, on a chief of the second, a bee volant between two shuttles erect of the field. Mantling azure and or. Crest— On a wreath, upon a rock an eagle rising proper, from the beak an ascocheon pendent gules, charged with a hank of cotton. Motto— " Industria et spe." Married, June 24, 1869, Elizabeth Mary, only dau. and heir of Henry Westcar of Burwood Cottage, Surrey ; and has /jj«f— Clara Elizabeth [w., July i, 1893, Frederick Beverley Morgan, second son of the late Edward Morgan of Hungershaw Park, Tunbridge Wells, and has issue]. iV«/— Mascells, Brencliley, Kent. SJOHN HENRY HORTON, Esq., J.P. and D.L., Lord of the Manor of Middleton. Born [une 18, 1842, being the only son of the late John Henry Kolle of Park House, Upper Tooting, Surrey," by Mary his wife ; and as- sumed by Royal License, 1869, the'surnanie of Horton only, ^ is the Military Cockade. in compliance with the will of his grand-aunt. Miss Mary Ann Horton, of The Holt, upon his inheriting her estates. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Per fesse azure and sable, a stag's head caboshed in base argent, in chief three roses of the last. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling azure and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, in front of three tilting-spears, one erect and two in saltire or, a dolphin naiant argent. Motto — " Perseverantia palniam obtinebit. " Married, Oct. 13, 1874, Carolme, dau. of the late Edward Frith of West Hill, Wimbledon, Surrey; and has Issue — VV'illiam Robert Horton, Gentleman, b. 1889; Amy Mary ; Helen Caroline ; and Maud Alice. Seats — The Holt, Middleton Cheney, co. Northampton ; Mascalls, Brentwood, Essex. HENRY WILLIAM HOSKINS, Justice of the Peace or the counties of Somerset and Dorset, formerly Lieutenant xst Somerset Militia. Born July 28, 1821, being the eldest son of the late Reverend Henry Hoskins of North Per rot Manor, in the county of Somerset, and his udfe Maty, daughter of the Reverend William Phelips of Montacute House, in the county of Somerset. Club — Oxjord and Cambridge. Livery — Dark blue coat, scarlet -waistcoat, gilt buttons. Armorial bearings as used are for Arms: Per pale azure and gules, a chevron between three lions rampant or. Crest — A cock's head erased or, pclletti'e, combed and wattled gules. Motto — " Finem respice." The arms [but not the crest) are genuine, but no authority for them has been established in the College of Arms by the above- mentioned. Married, August 23, 1851, Jane Blanche Somerville, eldest daughter of the late John Moore Paget of Cranmore Hall ami Newberry House, in the county of Somerset; Clipsham Hall, in the county of Rutland ; and Old Fallings Hall, in the county oj Stafford ; and has Issue — (i) Henry William Paget Hoskins, born February 5, 1853; (2) Arthur Phelips Hoskins, horn May 5, 1856 [tnarried, July 26, 1888, Charlotte Lydia, daughter of the late George Messeny of Mont Cantel,Jersey'\; Maty Blanche [tnarried, September 12, 1878, Sir Williain Wedderburn, Baronet, of Meredith, in the county of Gloucester, and InvereskLodge, near Musselburgh, North Britaitt\ Estates — North Pcrrot, and lands in the parishes of Creivket^ie, Hardington , Haselbury, and Misterton, in the coutity of Somerset ; and Corscotiibe, Halstock, and South Perrot, in the county of Dorset. Postal address — North Perrot Manor, Crewkerne, Somerset. Major-General DIXON EDWARD HOSTE, Com- panion of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath. Born 1827, being the son of the late Colonel Sir George Charles Hoste, Companion of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, Royal Engineers; was created Companion of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, iS^^s. Axmorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Azure, a bull's head calxjshed argent, winged and armed or, in chief a naval crown, pendent there- from by a ribbon a representation of the gold medal given by the Prince Regent to the first Baronet for his distinguished conduct on March 13, 1811, subscribed " Lissa,"' and pen- dent below the escutcheon his badge as a Companion of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath ; and for his Crests, I. of honourable augmentation, out of a naval crown or, the rim encircled by a branch of laurel proper, a dexter arm embowed, vested in naval uniform, grasping a flagstaff flowing therefrom a flag inscribed " Cattaro " ; 2. two wings addorsed or ; with the Mottoes, " Fortitudine," " Fas est et ab hoste doceri," " His coeliim petimus." Married, firstly, 1854, Jane (who died 1855), daugliter of the Reverend Jeremiah Burroughes of Lingwood Lodge, in the county of .\orfolk ; and by whom he had a son, Dixon Arthur Hoste, Gentleman, born December 25, 1854; secondly, .August 4, 1857, Mary, daughter of Joseph Scott, Esquire, of Colney Hall, in the county of N')rfolk ; and has had Issue — (i) Wilham Hoste, Gentleman, Bachelor of Arts of the Uni- versity ot Cambridge ; (2) Dixon Edward Hoste, Gentle- man, a Missionary in China, formerly Lieutenant Royal -Artillery ; (3) Theodore Hamilton Hoste, Gentleman, a Missionary in the Congo, formerly Lieutenant Royal Navy ; (4) James Derrick Hoste, Gentleman (deceased) ; (5) Rev. Charles Dixon Hoste, Clerk in Holy Orders, Bachelor of Arts of the University of Cambridge; (6) Francis George Hoste, Gentleman ; (7) George Hoste, Gentleman ; Cecilia Mary [married, 1881, James Wilfred Stirling, Esquire, Royal Horse Artillery] ; Jane [married, February 17, 1886, Ernest ^m is tbe Naval Cockade. mt E)oto 417 A. G. Tippinge, Royal Horse Artillery]; Mary [mame 1894, Charles E. Welldon of Alton, Ceylon]; and Florence Cecilia. Postal address — 23 Sussex Square, Brighton. JOHN TURNER HOTBLACK, Gentleman. Born March 15, 1848, being the eldest son of the late John Hot- black, Escj., of IVIountergate Street, Norwich, and Rockland, St. Mary, Norfolk, a Justice of the Peace for the co. of Norfolk, and also for the co. of the city of Norwich, Mayor of Norwich 1884-85, by his wife Mary, dau. of John Turner of Lenningham Hall, Mulbarton, Norfolk. Armorial bearings— Gules, a dolphin naiant argent, a chief nebuiy of the last, thereon three mill-rinds of the first. Mantling gules and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a mill-rind fesseways gules, thereon a dolphin naiant argctit. Married, Aug. 9, 1877, Laura Elizal)eth, dau. of Jacob Finch of Swaffham, Norfolk; and has Issue — (1) John Hotblack, Gentleman, h. April 21, 1885 ; (2) .Man Hotblack, Gentleman,*. Aug. 3, i88g; (3) Hugh Hotblack, Gentle- man, /'. June 25, 1891 ; Laura Mary ; Maud; Kate; and Dora. Estates — The Normans, Rockland, near Mary ; Ken- ninghani Hall, Mulbarton; The Avenue, East Dereham; Sharps Hall, Horsford ; all in the co. of Norfolk. Postal address — 45 Newmarket Road, Norwich. HAMH.TON ANDREW HOTSON, Esquire, Manager British Linen Co. Bank, Edinburgh, J. P. for fl^rtfrtrttl ^^^ county of the city of I'^dinburgh. fioni liJvmvW April 23, 1844, being the fifth and young- est son of John Hotson, Writer, (Jlasgow, and Maria his wife, daughter of John Buttery, Ironmaster, Calderbank. Cluhs — Devonshire, University (Edinl)urgh), Western (Glasgow). Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Or, on a pale gules, endorsed azure, a cinquefoil pierced ermine Ixitwecn two martlets of the first. Alwve the shield is placed a iielmet lR»fitting his degree, with a mantling guK's di)ublcd or; and upon a wreath of his liveries is set for Crest, a dove proper, the de.xter claw resting upon a bezant; and in an escroll over the same this Motto, " In fide robur." Married, June 21, 1876, Margaret Elliot, daughter of Andrew Ritchie, Edinburgh ; and has Issue — John iMnest Buttery Hotson, Gentleman, torn March 17, 1877 ; Jessie Evelyn Ramsay ; and Constance Margaret. Postal address — 4 Rothesay Terrace, Edinburgh. WILLIAM REGINALD HOUISON-CRAUFURD, Esquire, I.ieut.-Col. late 91.?/ If i_!^h landers, J. P. Jar Ayr- shire. Born /''(•/'. 8, 1849, being the eldest son of I.ieut.-Col. J. A'. Ilouison-Craufurd of Craufurdland, D.L. and J. P. lyrshire, by his wife Mary Dundas, dau. oj John Hamilton, Esq., of Sundrum, Ayrshire. Clubs — United Service, New (Edinburgh). Armorial bearings as used, but which have not been matriculated to Mr. Houison- Craufurd in Lyon Office, are — Arms : Quarterly i and 4. gules a fesse ermine (for Craufurd) ; 2 a7id 3 argent, a heart proper, on a chief azure, three fleurs-de-lis or (for Houison). Crests — A marble pillar supporting a man's heart proper (for Craufurd) ; a dexter hand couped apaumc'e proper (for Houison). Mottoes — "Slant innixa Deo" (for Craufurd); " Sursum corda" (for Houison). Married, June 8, 1886, Emily Maud, dau. of Major-Gen. Charles Fairfax Hassard, C.Ii., late Royal F./igineers. Seats — Craufurdland Castle, Kilmarnock, and Braehead, Cramond Bridge, Midlothian. JAMES HAMILTON HOULDSWORTH, Esquire, of Coltness and Lanark, J. P., also of Farnsfield, co. Notts, and of Glencruitten, Oban, co. Argyll, and Castlebank, Lanark. Born Aug. 11, 1867, being the second but eldest surviving son of the late James Houldsworth, Esq., of Coltness, J. P. and D.L. co. Lanark, by his wife Katherine Jane, dau. of Rev. H. W. M'Gratli, Canon of Manchester. Armorial bearings — Ermine, the trunk of a Xxtx. in bend raguly eradicated at the base proper, between three fo.\cs' heads erased gules. Mantling gules doubled argent ; and upon a wreath of his liveries is set for Crest, a stag's head erased gules, attired and collared or, tiie attires banded with a hank of cotton argent. Motto — " l-'lecti non frangi." Married, Oct. 1891, Albinia Mary, eldest dau. of Rev. J. Filmer .Sulivan ; and has Issue — (i) James Filmer Hamilton Houldsworth, Gentleman, b. .Aug. 29, 1892; (2) Henry Walter Houldsworth, Gentleman, h. Jan. 28, 1896. Seats — Coltness, Wishaw, N.B. ; Castlebank, Lanark, N.B.; P'arnsfield Hall, Southwell, Notts. Town residence — 36 Queen's Gate, S. W. HOWARD, quartered by ELLIS. ALFRED JOHN HOWARD, Gentleman. Born Octol)er 14, 1848, being the fourth son of Frederick fP^nVtlflrfl J"''" Howard, ICstpiire, of C'ompton Place, IL/UUJCIIU i„ t|,e county of Sussex, Justice of the Peace for that county, by his wife Fanny, com- monly known as I^dy Fanny, daugliter of William Caven- dish, Esquire, by his wife Louisa, commonly known as Lady Louisa, daughter of the Riglit Honourable Cornelius O'Callaghan, first Lord Lismore. Armorisd bearings He Ix'ars for Arms: Quarterly of six, i. gules, on a bend between six crosses crosslet fitcht^e argent, an tsculclieon or, charged with a demi-lion rampant pierced through the mouth with an arrow, within a double tressure fiory counterflory gules (for Howard) ; 2. gules, three lions passant guardant in pale or, and in chief a lalwl of three points argent (for Brotherton) ; 3. cheqiiy or and azure (for Warren) ; 4. gules, a lion rampant argent (for Mowbray) ; 5. gules, tliree es- callops argent, two and one (for Dacre) ; 6. karry of six argeiH and azure, three ehaplets of roses gules (for Grey- stokc) ; and for his Crest, on a cha[X!au gules, turned up ermine, a lion statant guardant, the tail extended or, ducally gorg(;d argent, a mullet sable for difference; with the Motto, " Volo non valeo." SMajok FREDERICK COMPTON HOWARD. Born January 23, 1847, Ixiing the third son of Frederick John Howard, Esquire, of Compton Place, in the coimty of Sussex, Justice of the Peace for that county, by his wife Fanny, commonly known as Lady Fanny, daughter of William Cavendish, Esquire, by his wife Louisa, commonly known as Lady Louisa, daughter of the Riglit Honcnirable Cornelius O'Callaghan, first Lord Lismore. Armorial bearings- He bears for Arms : Quarterly of six, i. gules, on a liend lietwe-in six crosses crosslet fitchde argent, an escutcheon or, charged with a demi-lion rampant pierced through the mouth with an arrow, within a double tressure tlory counter- flory gules (for Howard) ; 2. gules, three lions passant guardant in pale or, and in chief a label of three points argent (for Brotherton); 3. checjuy or and azure (for Warren); 4. gules, a lion rampant argent (for Mowbr.ay) ; 5. gules, three escallops argent, two and one (for Dacre) ; 6. b.arry of six argent and azure, three ehaplets of roses gules (for Greystoke) ; and for his Crest, on a chapeau gules, turned up ermine, a lion statant guardant, the tail extended or, ducally gorged argent, a mullet sable for The Editor undertakes that every entry not in italics is that of a genuinely armigerous person. 2 D nS JE)oto IpOttt difference; with (he Motto, " Volo non valco." Married, February 29, 1876, Ann Augusta, younger daushter of Thomas Hitchcock of Weelce ; and lias Issue — (i) kiciiard Fitzroy Howard, Gentleman, born May 14, 1879; (2) a son, born and died July 15, 1881 ; Margaret Louisa Mary, died an infant ; livelyn Fanny Louisa ; Helen Emma Edith ; and Dorothy Ann. FREDERICK JOHN HOWARD, Esquire, of Compton Place, in the county of Sussex, Justice of the Peace for the county of Sussex. Borji March 1, 1814, being the eldest son of the late Major the Honourable Frederick Howard, loth Hussars (who was killed .at the battle of Waterloo), by his wife Frances Susan, only daughter of William Henry Lambton of Lambton, in the county of Durham, by his wife Annie Barbara Frances, commonly known as Lady Anne Barbara Frances, daughter of the flight Honour- able George Bussey Villiers, fourth Earl of Jersey. Ar- morial bearings — He bears for Arms : Quarterly of six, I. Gules, on a lx!nd between six crosses crosslet fitchi^e argent, an escutcheon or, charged with a demi-lion rampant pierced through the mouth with an arrow, within a double tressure flory covmterflory gules (for Howard) ; 2. gules, three lions passant guardant in pale or, and in chief a label of three points argent (for Brotherton) ; 3. chequy or and azure (for Warren) ; 4. gules, a lion rampant argent (for Mowbray) ; 5. gules, three escallops argent, two and one (for Dacre) ; 6. Barry of six argent and azure, three chaplets of roses gules (for Greystoke) ; and impaling the arms of Cavendish, namely sable, three buck's heads caboshed argent ; and for his Crest, on a chapeau gules, turned up ermine, a lion statant guardant, the tail extended or, ducally gorged argent, a mullet sable for difference ; with the Motto— " Volo non valeo." Married, July i, 1837, Fanny, commonly known as Lady Fanny, daughter of William Cavendish, Esquire, by his wife Louisa, com- monly known as Lady Louisa, daughter of the Right Hon- ourable Cornelius O'Callaghan, first Lord Lismore, and has had Issue — (i) William Frederick Howard, Gentleman, born June 26, 1838; (2) George Francis Howard, Gentle- man, born April 28, 1840; (3) Major Frederick Compton Howard, born January 23, 1847 [to whom refer] ; (4) Alfred Jol'.n Howard, Gentleman, born October 14, 1848 [to whom refer]; (5) Gerald Richard Howard, Gentleman, born November 7, 1853 [to whom refer]; Louisa Blanche [married, March 22, 1842, Cecil George Savile Foljambe of Cockglolie, in the county of Nottingham ; died October 14, 1871]; Margaret Fanny [married, February i, 1877, the Honourable Frederick John William Ponsonby] ; and Edith Susan Louisa. GERALD RICHARD HOWARD, Gentleman. Born November 7, 1853, being the fifth and youngest son of Frederick John Howard, Esquire, of Compton Place, in the county of Sussex, Justice of the Peace for that county, by his wife Fanny, commonly known as Lady Fanny, daughter of William Cavendish, Esquire, by his wife Louisa, commonly known as Lady Louisa, daughter of the Right Honourable Cornelius, first Lord Lismore. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms: Quarterly of six, i. gules, on a bend between six crosses crosslet fitchfe argent, an escutcheon or, charged with a demi-lion rampant pierced through the mouth with an arrow, within a double tressure flory counterflory gules (for Howard) ; 2. gules, three lions passant guardant in pale or, and in chief a label of three points argent (for Brotherton) ; 3. chequy or and azure (for Warren) ; 4. gules, a lion rampant argent (for Mowbray); 5. gules, three escallops argent, two and one (for Dacre) ; 6. barry of six argent and azure, three chaplets of roses gules (for Greystoke) ; and for his Crest, on a chapeau gules, turned up ermine, a lion statant guardant, the tail extended or, ducally gorged argent, a mullet sable for difference; with the Motto, " Volo non valeo." Married, Ada, nie Curtis, of Lincoln ; and has Issue — (i) Rupert Howard ; (2) Alfred Howard, born December 1887 ; (3) Bertram Marcus Howard, born September 1890 ; Geraldine ; and Ethel. HENRY CHARLES HOWARD, Esquire, Justice of the Peace and Deputy- Lieutenant for the counties of Cumberland and Westmorland (High Sheriff 1879), and Chairman of Cumberland County Council (Councillor for Greystoke Division), Member of Parliament for Middle or Penrith Division of Cumberland, 1885-1886. Born Sei> ^ is tbe Military Cockade. tember 17, 1850, being the son of the late Henry Howard, Esquire, Memlxsr of Parliament, by his wife Charlotte Caroline Georgiana, daughter of Henry Lawes Long. Club — Travellers'. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms: Quarterly, i. gules, abend between six cross cross- lets fitch(5e argent, on the bend an escutcheon or charged with a demi-lion pierced through the mouth with an arrow, within a tressnre flory counterflory all gules (for Howard) ; 2. England, with a label of tiiree points for difference (for Thomas of Brotherton) ; 3. chequy or and azure (for Warren) ; 4. gules, a lion rampant argent (for Mowbray), and impaling the arms of McDonald, namely, quarterly i. or, a lion rampant gules ; 2. or, a dexter arm issuant from the sinister fesse point out of a cloud proper, in the hand a cross crosslet fitch(5e erect azure ; 3. argent, a lymphad, sails furled sable; 4. per fesse azure and vert, a dolphin naiant in fesse proper. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules and argent ; and for his Crests, i. out of a ducal coronet or, a pair of wings gules, each charged with a bend between six cross crosslets fitch^e argent ; 2. on a chapeau gules, turned up ermine, a lion statant guardant or, ducally gorged argent. Married, June 6, 1878, Mabel Harriet, commonly known as Lady Mabel Harriet, daughter of the fourth Earl of Antrim ; and has Issue — Bernard Hemy Esm6 Howard, Esquire, born 1880 ; and Joan Mabel. Residence — Greystoke Castle, Penrith. Sir HENRY FRANCIS HOWARD, Knight Grand Cross of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath. Born i8og, being the son of Henry Howard of Corby Castle, in the county of Cumberland, by his second wife, the second daughter of Sir Richard Neave, Baronet ; created Com- panion of the Most Honouralile Order of the Bath, 1863, advanced to the rank of Knight Commander of that Order in the same year, and to that of Knight Grand Cross of the same Order, 1872. Cluh — -Travellers'. Armorial bearings — He tears for Arms : Quarterly of six, r. gules, on a bend between six crosses crosslet fitchfe argent, an escutcheon or, charged with a demi-lion rampant pierced through the mouth with an arrow, within a double tressiu'c flory and counterflory gules (for Howard) ; 2. gules, three lions passant guardant in pale or, and in chief a label of three points argent (for Brotherton) ; 3. chequy or and azure (for Warren) ; 4. gules, a lion rampant argent (for Mowbray) ; 5. gules, three escallops argent, two and one (for Dacre) ; 6. barry of six argent and azure, three chaplets of roses gules (for Greystoke). Upon the escutcheon, which is encircled by the ribbon of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, and by the collar and pendent therefrom the badge of a Knight Grand Cross of that Order, is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules and argent ; and for his Crest, on a chapeau gules, turned up ermine, a lion statant guardant tail extended or, ducally crowned and charged upon the neck with a lal)el of three points argent, with the Motto, "Sola virtus invicta." Married, \xi\\'j, Decemlier 23, 1830, Sevilla, fourth d.aughter of the Right Honourable David Mont.agu Erskine, Lord Erskine; and by her (who died March 12, 1835), had two daughters, Isabella, a Dominican nun at Stone ; and Adela, a Benedictine nun at St. Scholastica's Priory, Atherstone. He married secondly, August 30, 1841, Marie Ernestine, Baroness von der Schulenburgh , fourth daughter of the late Baron Wilhelm Leopold von der Schulenburgh, of Priemern, Prussia; and has Issue — (r) Henry Howard, Esquire, Companion of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, Second Secretary Diplomatic Service, born August II, 1843 [married, October 2, 1867, Cecilia, daughter of George W. Riggs of Washington, United States, and has — George Howard, Esquire, born 1869 ; Henry Mowbr.ay Howard, Gentleman, born 1873; Maria Ernestine; Janet Madeline Cecilia ; and Alice Lowrason] ; (2) Francis Howard, Esc|uire, Captain Rifle Brigade, born March 26, 1848; Sevilla Catherine, died 1846; Catherine Mary [mar- ried Ernest, Count von Rechl)erg] ; and Mary Louisa [married, Ludwig, Baron von Aretin]. Postal address — Travellers' Club, London, S.W. JAMES HAROLD HOWARD, Esquire, Justice of the Peace. Born 1858, being the eldest son of the late James Howard, Esquire, of Clapham P.ark, in the county of Bedford, Member of Parliament, by his wife Mahala Wendon, daughter of P. Thompson of Brook House, Great Bentley, in the county of Essex. Armorial bear- M is the Naval Cockade. JDoto ©oto 419 ingtl— He bears for Arms: Gules, on a chevron, between two garbs in chief and a tower in base or, an eagle dis- played sable. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, in front of an eagle displayed sable, holding in the beak an ear of wheat slipped or, a tower of the last. MottO- " Progress with prudence." Married, 1890, Mary, eldest daughter of Addison Potter, Esquire, Companion of the Most Hon- ourable Order of the Bath of Heaton Hall, Newcastle-on- Tyne ; and has Issue — Addison James Howard, Gentleman, born 1^193. Seat — The Grange, Kempstone, in the county of Bedford. § JOSEPH JACKSON HOWARD, Esquire, Maltravers Herald of Arms Extraordinary, Doctor of Laws, Fellow of the ."society of Antiquaries. Born 1827, Ix-ing the only son of P. Howard of Woodside, in the county of Cheshire, by his wife Jane Hayston, daughter of R. Prince of Mount Vernon Priory. Armorial bearings -He l)ears for Arms : Gules, on a Ijend or, between a fret couped in chief and a cross crosslet in base, Ixath of tlie last, three annulets vert, the e.scutcheon Ijeing surmounted by his collar of SS. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a lion rampant projjer, charged on the body with two aimulets in pale vert, holding Ix'tween the paws a fret, as in the arms, and resting the de.xter hind paw on two S's as linked in a herald's collar argent ; with the Motto, " Credo Chrisli cruce." Married, 1862, ICIten Clara, daughter of J. West. Postal addresses — Mayfield, Orchard Road, Blackheath, Kent ; Heralds' College, E.C. PHI UP JOHN CANNING HOWARD. Esquire, Jus- tice of the Peace for the counties of Cumljerland, Gloucester, Warwick, and Worcester. Born March 14, 1853, l)eing the only son of the late Philip Henry Howard, Esquire, of Corby Castle, Justice of the Peace, Deputy-Lieutenant, and Fellow of the Society of Antiquaries, by his wife Eliza Minto (of Foxcote, in the county of Warwick), eldest daughter of Major John ('anning, Honourable East India Comjjany's .Service, and niece of Francis Canning, Estjuire, of Foxcote, in the county of Warwick. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Quarterly of six, i. gules, on a Ix-nd between six crosses crosslet fitchi^e argent, an i-scutclicon or, charged with a di-mi-lion rampant pierced through the moutii with an arrow, within a double tressure llory counter- flory gules (for Howard); 2. gtiles, three lions passant guardant in pale or, and in chief a lalx;l of three points argent (for Thomas of Brotherton) ; 3. chcciuy or and azure (for Warren); 4. gules, a lion rampant .argent (for Mow- bray) ; 5. gules, three escallops argent, two and one (for Dacre) ; 6. l)arry of six argent and azure, three chaplets of roses gules (for Greystoke) ; impaling the arms of Con- stable-Maxwell, namely, Cjuarterly, i. argent, an eagle displayed with two heads i■^\^\e., lx>aked and mcmlx-red gules, on his breast an escutcheon of the first charged with a saltire of the second, and surcharged with an urcheon or (for Maxwell) ; 2. quarterly i. and iiii. or, a saltire sable ; ii. and iii. argent, three urcheons sable (for Herries) ; 3. quarterly gules and vair, a bend or (for Constable) ; 4. azure, on a l)end cotised argent, three billets sable (for Haggerston); in the centre of the quarters a crescent sable. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet Ix-fitting his degree, with a mantling gules and argent ; and for his Crest, on a chapeau gules, turned up ermine, a lion statant guardant, the tail cxtendtnl or, ducally crowned argent, gorged with a lalx-l of three ijoints of tiie last. Motto — "Sola virtus invicta." Mariied, February 4, 1875, Alice Clare, youngest daughter of Peter Constable-Maxwell, Esquire (by Helen Mary his wife, daughter of John Peter Bnino Bowdon of Southgate, in the county of Derby); and has /j-.f//<^— Ursula Mary. Seats — Corby Castle, in the county of Cumberland, and Foxcote, near Shipston-on-Stour. Sir RICHARD NICHOLAS HOWARD, Knight Bachelor, Justice of the Peace. Born 1831, t«ing the only son of the late Nicholas Howard of Shaldon, in the county of Devon, by his wife Ann, daughter of William Sanders, also of Shaldon ; was Mayor of \\\>vmouth and Melcomlx? Regis, 1870, 1881-1884, ^nrl 1886, when he was dubbed a Knight Bachelor. C7//(«j— National Lilx-ral, Koval Thames Yacht, New Thames Yacht. /./VtVT— Dark blue with red trinmiings, brass liuttons, red waistcoat. Armorial bear- Ingrs— He hears for Arms: Per bend gules and sable, within two bendlets three quatrefoils, the whole between six crosses patonce fitchte all or; and for hisCrest, upon a wreath of the colours, a demi-wolf or, gorged with a collar gemel and charged on the Ixsdy with two quatrefoils sable, holding lx;tween the paws an escutcheon gules, charged with a cross patonce fitch^e or; with the Motto, " i-'ides et animus." Postal address — Greenhill House, Weymouth, Dorset. ROBERT HOWARD, Esquire, Master of Arts. Justice of the Peace for the counties of Flint and Chester, High Sheriff 1861, Lord of the Manors of Shocklach, Horton, Cuddington, and Wigland. Born July 14, 1827, Ix'ing the second but eklest surviving son of the late John Howard of Brereton Hall, in the county of Chester, by his wife Eliza- Ix'lh, elih'st da\ighter of Aaron Clulow of M.acclesfield. f 7///' - Reform, /./rvvi'— Claret, with white facings. Ar- morial bearings — He l)ears for Arms: (Jules, on a l)end indented argent, Ixitween six cross crosslets fitch6r or, three escallops azure. Upon the escutcheon is jjlaced a helmet Ix-litting his degree, with a mantling gules and argent ; and for liis Crest, u])on a wreath of the colours, out of a lion's face affrontf^e or, a cross crosslet fitcht'e gules, Iw- tween two wings of the last, each charged with a bend indented argent. Motto — " Virtus sine metu. ' Married, May 26, 1852, Lucy Annaliella, only daughter of the Venerable I&iac Wood of Newton, Archdeacon of Chester ; and has Issue — (i) John Howard, Gentleman, Master of Arts cf the University of Cambridge, born June 3, 1853 ; (2) Rolxirt Moreton Howard, (jcntleman, Ixirn Febru.ary 21. 1855, died January 29, 1881 ; (3) Nugent Howard, Gentle- man, Iwrn March 23, 1858; Mary; and Elizateth. Seat — Broughton Hall, Malpas, in the county of Chester. ROBERT EDWARD HOWARD. Born 1864. being the eldest son of the late Edward Carrington Howard, Esq.. J. P., of Brinnington, by his first wife Margaret, dau. of k(il)ert Gill of Knotty Cross, near Liverpool. Armorial bearings — Barry of six or and azure, on a bend ermine, between two crosses bottony fitchde gules, a lion couchant or, charged on the shoulder with an estoile also gules. Mantling azure and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, in front of a cross bottony fitchfe gules, a lion couchant or, charged on the shoulder with an estoile also gules. Motto — ^" Per fidem onmia." Estate — Brin- nington, Cheshire. Residence — Poynton Birches, near Stockport. The Editor undertakes that every entry not in italics is that of a genuinely armigerous person. 420 IDoto !t)un EMILY ALFREDA JULIA HOWARD - BURY, Widow, commonly known as I^ady Emily Alfreda Julia Howard- Bury, of Charleville Forest, King's Co., being the second dau. of Charles, 3rd l£arl of Charleville {exf.). Armorial bearings are, upon a lozenge : Quarterly i and 4, vert a cross crosslet or, a canton argent for difference (for Bury) ; 2 and 3 gules, on a bend, laetween six cross crosslets fitchde argent, an escutcheon or, charged with a denii-lion rampant, pierced through the mouth by an arrow, within a double tressure flory counterHory of the first, a crescent sable for difference (for Howard) ; and upon an escutcheon of pretence the same arms of Bury, namely vert, a cross crosslet or. Married, i88i, Kenneth Howard- Bury, Esq. (eldest son of the Hon. James Kenneth Howard), a J.i'. and D.L. for King's Co. (High Sheriff 1884), and a Capt. R.A. (ret.), who assumed the additional name of Bury, by Royal License, in 1881, and died 1885, leaving, with a dau., Charles Kenneth Howard-Bury, Esq., b. 1883. Re- sidence — Charleville Forest, Tullamore. HOWARD HENRY HOWARD- VYSE, Esquire, J. P. and D.L. (High Sheriff for Northampton 1887). Boi-n March 7, 1858, being the only son of the late Richard Henry Richard Howard- Vyse, Esq., J.F. (High Sheriff of Bucks 1867), Col. in the Army, formerly of the Royal Horse Guards, M.P. for South Northamptonshire 1846-57, and for Windsor 1863-65, by his wife Hon. Julia Agnes, third dau. of Rt. Hon. William, Lord Hylton. Clubs — Turf, White's, Naval and Military. Armorial bearings — Quarterly i and 4, argent, a buck's head caboshed sable, between the attires a cross of the last (for Vyse) ; 2 and 3 gules, on a bend between six cross crosslets fitch^e argent an escutcheon or, charged with a demi-lion pierced through the mouth with an arrow, within a double tressure flory counterflory gules, a mullet sable charged with a crescent or, for difference (for Howard). Crest — On a chapeau gules, turned up ermine, a lion statant guardant, the tail extended or, ducally crowned and chargccl on the neck with a label of three points argent, a mullet sable charged with a crescent or, for difference (for Howard). Motto — " Virtutis mille scuta." Mafried, July 6, 1882, Mabel Diana, dau. of Rev. Granville Sykes Howard-Vyse, Rector of Boughton ; and has Issue — (i) Richard Glanville Hylton Howard-Vyse, Gentleman, b. June 27, 1883; (2) George Cecil Howard- Vyse, Gentleman, b. Nov. 20, 1884; and Lilly Eleanor, d. Feb. 8, 1897. Seats — Stoke Place, Slough ; Frist on, Saxmunden, Suffolk ; Boughton Park, Northampton. § General Sir ARTHUR HOWLETT, K.C.B. Born 1819, being the son of the late Rev. J. H. Hewlett, M.A., Rector of Foston, co. Leicester; in the Indian Mutiny 1857-1859, Q.-M.-G. Madras Army 1871- 1876, Gen. I.S.C, on U.S. list 1889. Armorial bearings — SaV)le, on a chevron embattled counter-embattled ermine, between three owls' heads erased argent, an Eastern crown gules, between two swords chevronways proper, the es- cutcheon Iwing surrounded by the ribbon of the Order of the Bath, and pendent lielow his badge as a K.C.B. Mantling sable and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a cross crosslet sable between two branches of laurel proper. Motto — "Fide et vigilantia." Married, 1844, Mary, dau. of the late E. Presgrave, H.E.I.C.S. Residence — Clifton Lodge, Upper Beulah Hill, Upper Norwood, S. E. § HENRY MONTAGUE HOZIER. Esquire, Lieu- tenant-Colonel and Honorary Colonel com- ll^f1?tn* 'ii'Tifli'i.e; Royal Arsenal Artillery Volunteers, ItlUjlvl- formerly Honorary Lieutenant-Colonel in Her Majesty's Army, third son of James Campbell Hozier, Esquire, Justice of the Peace and Deputy-Lieu- tenant of Mauldslie Castle and Newlands, in the county of Lanark, l)y his wife Catherine Margaret, second daughter of Sir William Feilden, Baronet, of F'eniscowles, in the county of T^ancashire. Clubs — Turf, Cavalry, Pratt's, Junior United Service, Beefsteak, New (Edinburgh). Livery — Dark blue, with red facings. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Vair, on a chevron gules, three Ixjzants, a chiel gyronny of eight or and sable, impaling the arms of Ogilvy, namely argent, a lion passant guardant gules, crowned with an imperial crown and gorged with an open one, both proper. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules, doubled argent ; and on a wreath of his liveries is set for Crest, a bloodhound sejant proper ; M is the Military Cockade. and in an escroll over the same this Motto, "Aye ready." Married, September 28, 1878, Henrietta Blanche, com- monly known as Lady Henrietta Blanche, daughter of the Right Honourable David Graham Drummond Ogilvy, seventh Earl of Airlie. Estate — Stonehouse, in the county of Lanark. Postal address — 87 Wimpole Street, Lon- don, W. HUBBERSTY. see CANTRELL-IIUBBERSTY. HUCKS, quartered by GIBBS. LiEUT.-CoL. GEORGE CROFT HUDDLE.STON, late 13th Hussars. Born 1837, being the eldest son of the late Rev. George James Huddleston, J. P., of Upvvell Hall, by Anne, dau. ofthelate Wni. Lee, ICsq., D. L., of Upwell. Club — United Service. Armorial bearings— Ermine, a fret gules, in chief a lion passant guardant sable. Mantling gules and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, two arms, dexter and sinister, emljowed, vested ermine, cuffed gules, the hands supporting a dexter gauntlet erect proper, encircled by a chaplet of roses gules. Married, 1865, Emily Henrietta, only dau. of the late Right Hon. Wm. Massey, M.P. Seat — Llwynderw, Welshpool. § GEORGE BICKERSTETH HUDSON, Esquire. M.P. for North Herts, J. P. and D.L. co. of Hertford. Born March i6, 1845, being tlie younger son of Rev. Thomas Dawson Hudson of Frogmorc Hall, Hants, by his wife Isabella Mary, dau. of Rev. Woolley Leigh Bennett, Rector of Water Stratford, Bucks. Clubs — Carlton, New Uni- versity. Livery — Dark blue, yelhnv and blue striped waist- coat. Armorial bearings as 7ised, but for which no Fide cili VIDE- authority has been officially established, arc for Arms- — Gules, on a fcsse bettvccn three bonis' heads erased argent, as many lions rampant sable. Crest — A lion rampant holding between the paws a boar's head erased all proper. Motto — "Fide cui vide." A'arried, April 16, 1885, l.ucv W is the Naval Cockade. iDuti IDUD 421 Rebecca, eldest dau. of l/ie late George Ley of Cobourq, Ontario; and has Issue — (i) William Ley Hudson, b. 1887; (2) Robert Ixy Hudson, b. 1894; Grace Isobel ; Lucy Margaret; Constance Audley ; Annie Lev; and Edytli Maud. Estates — Froginore, Astin, Herts; Great Munden, Ware, Herts. Seat — Frogmore Hall, Hertford ; 15 Gloucester Square, W. JAMES HUDSON, Esq., J.F. Surrey, High Sherift 1890. Born March 4, 1832, being the eldest son of the late Aiiilioiiy Hudson, I'^scj., by his wife Agnes Saunderson. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Per chevron iielnil) ur and vert, in chief three martlets in fessc, and in base an escallo]}, all counterclianged. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting liis degree, with a mantling vert and 01 ; and fur his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, tw(} escallops in fesse sa. , thereon a martlet or. MottO — " Animo non astutia." Married, l''eb. 15, 1854, Eliza Anna, dau. of James Watkins of London ; and has Issue — (i) James Hudson, Gentleman, b. Feb. 9, 1857 [;«. June 16, 1886, Kate, dau. of Samuel Smith of St. Albans]; (2) I'Vedeiie Hudson, Gentleman, b. Feb. 14, 1865; (3) John Stallord Hudson, Geiuleman, b. July 3, 1874 ; ICliza Agnes \m. 1882, Richard Fletcher lieaumont of \\'erks Farm, NutfK-ld, Surrey!; Agnes [w. 1880, Charles Edward Lewis of Norwood, Surrey] ; I'lorence [/«. 1883, Frank Gritfith of Norwood, Surrey] ; Isabel [;«. 1883, Arthur William Groser of Crouch End, Middlesex]; Lilian [;/;., June 26, 1890, William James, son of W. Young of Beckenham, Kent]; Helen; and Eugenie. Seat — Capenor, Nulfield, .Surrey. JOHN THOMAS HUDSON. Born 1850, being the eldest son of Richard Garde Hudson, Esquire, Justice of the Peace, of liallycoe, Dungarvan, by his wife Mary, daughter of I'hineas Hunt of liayvietv, Dungan'un. Club — County ( Waterford). Armorial bearings as used, but which are not recorded in Ulster's 0//icc, are for Arms: Gules, on a fesse betioeen three boars' heads cou/>cd iirgcnt, as many lions rampant gules. Crest — A lion rampant, holding betioeen the paws a boar's head couped all proper ; xuith the MottO, " Certari et 7'iei." Married, \in>ember 5, 1885, Theresa May, third daughter of Francis Gee, late Captain 17th Regiment ; and has niilh other Issue — Richard John Har- rington Hudson, born .May 1889. Estates — Lands in liarony of Decies Without Drum, and county of Waterford. I'ostal address — Glen Beg, Dungaii'an. ki;.\R-AuMiKAi. JOSEPH SAMUEL HUDSON; served in Hurmese Campaign 1851-53, Baltic 1854, Black Sea and Sea of Azoff 1854-56 (Knight of Legion of Honour, and lias tifth class of Medjidie), China 1857 i860. Born Oct. 17, 1834, Ix'ing the secontl son of Capt. John Hudson, K.N., by his wife ICmily Keith. Livery — Blue. Armorial bearings — Or, three falchions barways in pale sable, on a chief [H-'r pale gules and azure, a cross moline l)etween two cross crosslets titch(5e argent. Mantling sable and or. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a falcon with wings displayed proper, lieaked, niemlx?red, and t«lled or, collared azure, reposing the dexter claw on an escutcheon gules, charged with a cross crosslet fitch(?e argent. Married, July 29, 1869, Mary Caroline Thornhill, widow, dau. of Gen. Charles l-'rederica Havelock ; and has Issue — Joseph Hudson, Geiuleman, b. -April 1, 1876; and Emily. Resi- dence — Hythe, .Southam))ton. WILLIAM HEBARD HUDSON, Esquire, Master of Arts of the University of Oxford, Barrister-at-Law, and fornierly a Judge and Justice of tiie Peace in the Presidency of Bengal. Born July 27, 1838, beini,' the fifth son of the late John Corrie Hudson, formerly Chief Clerk of the Legacy Duly Office, Somerset House, by his wife limily, uaugliter of James Heljard oi Ewell, in the county of Surrey. Mr. Hudson claims decent from the family of Kirkpatrick of Clnseburn, Dumfries, through his great-grandmother Mary, daughter of Thomas Kirkpatrick of Knock, born 1677. Clubs- ]vin\oT Carlton, Grosvenor (and all the Clubs in the North-West Provinces, Inilia). Livery — Black and gold. Armorial bearings — He hears for Arms : Party per chevron sable and or, in chief a garb of the last, and in base an estoile of the first ; and for the Crest, on a wreath of the colours, a cock holding in the beak an acorn leiived and slipped, and between two ears of wheat all proper. Alar- ried, June i, 1865, Rosaline Walter, daughter of John Guy, Surgeon, of Golden Square, London. Postal addresses — c/o Messrs. Grindlay &. Company. 55 Parliament Street, ^uD0on^l^mai)an Westminster; c/o Messrs. Grindlay, Groom & Company, Bombay ; or Common Room, Lincoln's ]nn. aSiK EDWARD HUDSON HUDSON-KINAHAN. second Baronet, of CJlcn- villc, in the county of Cork, Lieutenant 21st Hussars (18871896). /lorn No\ctn- lier 3, 1865, Ijeing the son of Sir Edward Hudson- Kinahan, first Baronet, by his wife Emily Isalx;lla, daughter of the Reverend Daniel Dickinson, Doctor of Divinity. Creation —September 26, 1887. Club.— Junior Carlton, Cavalry. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms: (Quarterly 1 and 4, per bend azure and gules, on a cross couped argent, a fleur-de-lis sable (for Kinahan) ; 2 and 3 per pale gules and s.ablc, on a fesse or, l)etween three Ixjars' heads couped argent, as many lions rampant of the second (for Hudson). Upon the escutcheon, which is charged with his badge of Ulster as a Baronet, is placed a helmet liefitting his degree, with a mantling azure and argtMit ; and for his Crests, i. upon a wreath of the colours, a demi-lion rampant sable, holding in his paws a liattle- axe proper, and charged on the shoulder with a cross, cou(M;d or (for Kinahan) ; 2. upon a wreath of the colours, a lion rampant gules, charged with a cross couped or, and holding between the i)aws a lx)ar's head of the arms (for Hudson). Supporters- On either side a lion per fesse, that on the dexter sable and gules, and on the sinister gules and sable, each sem(5e of trefoils slipped, plain collared, and charged on the shoulder with a tower all or. MottO— " Deo fidens persistas." Heir presumptive — His brother, Robert Henry Hudson-Kinahan, Esquire, born 1872. Seat — Glen- ville .'\rdnagechy, Fermoy, in the county of Cork. D.\ME I:MILY ISABELLA HUDSON-KINAHAN. Widow, conunonly known as Lady Hudson-Kinahan, daugh- ter of the Reverend Daniel Dickinson, Doctor of Divinity. Armorial bearings are, upon a lozenge : Quarterly i and 4, per bend gules and azure, on a cross couped argent a fleur- de-lis sable (for Kinahan) ; 2 .and 3 per pale gules and sable, on a fesse or, between three boars' heads couped argeru, as many lions raiupant of the second (for Hudson). Sup- porters — On either side a lion, that on the dexter per fesse sable and gules, and that on the sinister fesse gules and sable, each sem^e of trefoils slipped or, collared and charged on the shoulder with a castle of the last. Married, 1863, Tbe Editor undertakes that every entry not in Italics is tbat of a genuinely anuigerous person. 422 ms ^ug Sir lulward Hudson-Kinahfin, first Baronet, Deputy-! ,icu- tcnaiit and Justice of the Peace, who die(J 1892. Of tlie al)ovc marriage there is /.v.«//t' — (1) Sir Kdvvard Hudson- Kinahan, second Baronet [to whom refer] ; (2) Robert Henry Hudson - Kinahan, lCs(|uire, born September 13, 1872; (3) Daniel Dickinson Hudson- Kinahan, Esquire, born September 26, 1877 ; (4) George Frederick Hudson- Kinahan, Esquire, born August 9, 1879 ; (5) Cecil Barton ting his degree, with a mantling sable and or; and for his Crest, u]M)n a wreath of the colours, a griffin's head erased gules, holding in the beak a fleur-de-lis or ; with the Motto, " Verus amor patrire." Marriedy firstly, 1864, the eldest daughter of tiie late W. Kraiitler (she died i868) ; secondly, 1871, Theodosia, eldest daugliter of Edward James of Swan- land Park, in tlie county of Northumberland. Postal address — Barnton House, Rosslare, Wexford. Hudson-Kinahan, Esquire, born June 14, 1883; Margaretta Emily, died June 12, 1873 ; Charlotte Hudson ; Grace Elizabeth; Emily Margaretta; Gertrude Isabella Margaret; Ellen Louisa Maria ; and Eileen Julia. Postal addresses — Glenville Ardnageeliy, Fermoy, county Cork ; Wyckham, Dundrum, county Dublin. § EDWIN HUGHES, Esquire, Member of Parliament for Woolwich, Honorary Colonel 2nd Kent Artillery Volunteers. Born May 27, 1832, being the son of Mr. William Hughes of Woolwich Arsenal. Clubs — Carlton, Constitutional. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Azure, within two chevronels or, between two mullets in chief and a horse rampant in base argent, three bezants and two fleurs-de-lis of the second alternately. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet V)efitting his degree, with a mantling azure and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, two horse-shoes in fesse azure, thereon a stag's head erased or; with the Motto, " Faber quisque fortunae sure." Married, firstly, 1853, Eleanor (who died 1872), daughter of John Smith of Woolwich Arsenal ; secondly, 1873, Mary Ann (who died 1888), widow of James Moore; thirdly, 1889, his cousin Mary Adele Elliott, daughter of the late George Miller Gibbs. Kesideiue — Oaklands, Plumstead Common. Offices — 32 Green's End, Woolwich ; Effingham House, Arundel Street, Strand, W.C. §Cai'TAin Sik FREDERICK HUGHES, Knight Bachelor, Deputy-Lieutenant and Justice of the Peace for the county of Wexford. Born 1814, being the only sur- viving son of the late Robert Hughes of Ely House, in the county of Wexford, by his wife, the daughter of Major Sparkes of Croshue, in the county of Wexford; knighted by patent for his services in 1858; High Sheriff for the county of Wexford, i88g. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Or, on a chevron sable, between three griffins' heads erased gules, a fleur-de-lis between two mullets of the field. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befit- fi is the Military Cockade. § GEORGE PRINGLE HUGHIiS, Esquire, Justice of the Peace, Deputy-Lieutenant, Fellow of the Royal Geographical Society, High Sheriff for the county of North- umberland 1890-1891. Born 1833, being the eldest son of George Hughes Hughes, I'.squire, Justice of the Peace, by his wife Margaret, daughter of W. A. Dunn. Clubs— Northumberland, Northern Counties. Livery — Green witii light yellow facings. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Per bend azure and gules, on a bend indented between two demi-lions coiiped argent, a rose of the second between two fleurs-de-lis of the first. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling azure and argent ; and for liis Crest, on a wreath of the colours, on a mount vert between two wings azure, a stork argent, bealvcd and legged gules. Estate and postal address — Middleton Hall, Wooler, Northumberland. §HUGH ROBERT HUGHES, Esquire, Lord-Lieu- tenant of Flintshire, J. P. and D. L. Denbighshire (High Sheriff of Anglesey 1855). Born June 11, 1827, being the eldest son of Hugh Robert Hughes, by his second wife Anne, dau. of Thomas Lance of Wavertree, co. Lancaster. Armorial bearings— (niles, two lions passant and a rose in chief argent. Mantling gules and argent. Crest — Out of a coronet or, a demi-lion rampant argent, holding between the paws a rose gules, slipped vert. Motto — " Heb Dduw hcb ddim, Duw a digon." Married, April 18, 1853, Lady Florentia Emily, second dau. of Henry Thomas, first Earl of Ravensworth ; and has Issue — (i) Hugh Seymour Bulkeley Lewis Hughes, Gentleman, b. 1862 [w., Oct. 22, 1885, Mary Stewart, eldest dau. of James Stewart Hodgson of Lythehill, Haslemere, and has issue, Eveline Mary] ; (2) Henry Bodvel Lewis Hughes, an Officer in the 14th Hussars, b. Dec. 24, 1864 ; Elizabeth Bromwen [;«. , Aug. 19, 1881, St. John Carlton, and has issue, two daus. and a son] ; Hon. Mary Florentia [ap- pointed a Maid of Honour to Her Majesty the Queen, July 10, 1891] ; Frances Anne ; Eleanor, d. an infant, 1858 ; Horatia Maria Susanna; and Anne Gwendolen [w. , April S is the Naval Cockade. ms m^ 423 I, 1892, Major-Gen. Edward William Wynne of Coed Coch (late of the Grenadier Guards), and has issue, a son. She married secondly, Feb. 5, 1896, the lion. Laurence .Man lirodrick, second son of William, eighth Viscount Middleton, and has issue, a daughter]. Scafs — Kinmel I'ark, .'Mjergele ; Glanywern, Denbigh. §MK;H.M':L JAMES HUGHICS, Esciuire, Capl. in llcr Majesty's Reserve of Officers, late Capt. 2nd Esq., J. P., of Sherdley Hall, Lancaster, and of his wife EUinor Mary, only dau. of Admiral Campbell of Ard- patrick, Argyllshire. Cluds — Marlborough, Boodle's, Portland. Liveiy — Dress: white coat, red waistcoat and breeches ; undress : coat and overalls dark grey, black buttons, red waistcoat, drab greatcoat with red collar. Armorial bearings — Gules, two lions passant in pale, and in chief a rose argent, in the de.xter chief point a mullet for difference. Mantling gules and argent. Crest —Out of a coronet or, a demi-lion rampant argent, hold- ing in the paws a rose gules, slipped vert. Motto — " Heb Dduw heb ddini, Duw a digon." Married, Aug. 18, 1896, Edith Mary, youngest dau. of the late Col. Brewster Macpherson of Belleville, Inverness-shire, N.B. iVfl/j— Sherdley Hall, St. Helen's, Lancashire; Penketh Hall, near Warrington. S JOSEPH WILLIAM HUGHES, Esquire, Major- Gen., retired through illness in 1885 as full Col. of the 2nd Batt. Dorset Regiment (late S4th), in which regiment he had served since 1854. Born 1837, lx;ing the second son of George Hughes Hughes, Esq., J. P., by his wife Margaret, dau. of W. A. Dunn. Livery— G\-. for Oxford (who assumed the name of Hughes in lieu of Hewitt by Royal License in 1821;) by Maria, youngest dau. of Richard V. Field of Brixton Rise. Surrey. Clnhs—CxXy Carlton, Constitutional. Ar- morial bearings- Argent, on a pile engrailed azure, between two escallops in fesse gules, a lion rampant of the field. Mantling azure and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, in front of a staff raguly fesseways proper, and thereon a lion couchant azure, holding between the paws an escallop as in the arms, a tilting-spear erect or Motto— "Semper Vigilans." Married, 1845, Ellen, dau of Joseph Oldham of Stamford Hill, Middlesex ; and by her .who died 1885, has, with other surviving /.mw— Montagu Edward Hughes-Hughes, Esq., J.P. for London, b i8s% Residence— The. Quadrant, Highbury, London, N. HULL, quartered by MALET. M is the Military Cockade. IDum HOLLAND HULLEY, Gentleman. A'.^/// 1834, l«ing the eldest son of Jasper llulley of I'lie One fl^lllfrW '^'^"^^'' ••iiii'iow, in the County Palatine of VJUWX^}^ Chester, by his wife Maria, daughter of I'hilip Holland of Hordern, Rainow. Club~-\\xmoT Constitutional. Livery — Green, with yellow facings. Ar- morial bearings — He bears for Arms : Sable, three piles or, two issuant from the chief and one from the base, each charged with a iiillock vert, with 47 quarterings (for Arderne, Glanville, Sackvilie, Oreby, Montalt, D'Albini, St. Hilary,' Kevelioc, Gernon, Meschines, Lupus, Lujjus, Algar, Wet- tenhall, Wettenhall, Leigh of Baguley, Venables, Leigh of Westhall, De Lega, Swinehead, Baguley, Corona, Donne, Kingsley, Sylvester, Thornton, Kingsley, Sylvester, Hellesby', Hatton, Fitz Ivor, Crispin, Leigh, De Lega, Alperam, Donne' Kingsley, Sylvester, Thornton, Kingsley, Sylvester, Hellesby' Hatton, Fitz Ivor, Crispin, and Weaver). Upon the escut- cheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling sable and or ; and for liis Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a demi-cat-a-mountain regardant argent, holding between the paws an escocheon or, charged with a hillock vert. Motto — "One House, one Faith. " Estate— 'V\\g One House, Rainow, Cheshire. Postal address— 'Vhe Elms, Seisdon, near Wolverhampton. § ARTHUR CHARLES HUMPHREYS-OWEN, Es- quire, Justice of the I'eace, mmmm-'^mn S;SL;;^s;:Scr cil, and Deputy Chairman of Quarter Sessions for the countv of Montgomery, Justice of the Peace for the county of IVIerioneth,' and Barrister- at-Law, Meniber of Parliament for the county of Mont- gomery. Born November 9, 1836, being the son of the late Erskine Humphreys, Barrister-at-Law, of Lincoln's Inn, by his wife Eliza, daughter of Edward Johnes, Doctor of Medicine, of Lower Garthmyl ; assumed bv Roval License the name and arms of Owen in 1876, in compli- ance with a settlement of the Glansevern estate made by Mrs. Anne Warburton Owen. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms: Sable, a tilting-spear erect or, the head proper, imbrued gules, between three scaling-ladders argent, on a chief ermine, a fort triple-towered of the third. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet tefitting his degree, with a mantling sable and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath M is the Naval Cockade. rt)um fE)un 425 of the colours, a wolf salient proper, supporting a scaling- ladder argent. Motto — " Toraf cyn plygaf." Married, lanuary 26, 1874, Maria, eldest daughter of the late James kussell, Escjuire, one of Her Majesty's Council Learned in the Law ; and has Issue — Arthur Erskine Owen Huniphrcys- Owen, Gentleman, born June 16, 1876; Eleanor Frances; Alice; and Diana. Seat — Glansevern, Berriew, in the county of Montgomery. ALFRED I'AGET HUMI'HKY, Hscjuire, J.I', for Canibs. , County .Alderman Cambs. , formerly Lieut. -Col. Commanding 4th Vol. Batt. (Cambridge University) the Suffolk Regt. , M..A. Trinity Coll., Cambs. Horn June 20, 1850, being the only son of the late Sir George Muiray Humphry, Knight Bachelor, F.R.S. , by his wife Mary, dau. of the late Daniel Rolxnt M'Nab of Epping Place, Epping, Essex. <"////' -.Xthenajum. Livery — Black, silver buttons. Armorial bearlng^s — .Argent, on a cross bot- tony, Ixtween in the first and foiulh quarters a talbot's head erased gules, a rose of the lirst barlied and seeded proper, betwet-n four escallops also of the lirst. Mantling gules and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, in front of a rock, thereon a falcon close pro|)er, belled and jessed oi", holding in the beak a key argent, four escallops also or. Motto— " Persiste." Married, firstly, March 14, 1876, I'.lizabeth, dau. of the late Thonuis Boycott, M.D. , of 46 Moritagu .Scpiare, W. He married secondly, Sepl. 1, 1887, Clara Edyth, dau. of the late Charles Miuchison, M.D. , F.R.S. , of 79 Wimpole Street, W. ; and has Issue by his first marriage — (i) Martin George Humphry, Esc|., /'. Feb. 27, 1877; (2) Stewart Humphry, Gentleman, /'. May 12, 1879; (3) William Boycott Humphry, Gentleman, /'. March 7, 1886; and Bertha' M'Xab ; .second marriage — (4) Alexander Murchison Humphry, Gentleman, h. Sept. 1-7, 1888; and MaryBickersteth. Seat — Foxton House, Royston, Cambs. Wn.LLAM HUMPHRYS, Gentleman. Born 1883, being the only son of the late William Humphrys, lisq., J. P. CO. Cavan, late Lieut. R.N., by his wife Alice, dau. of James Stannard, Esq., J. P., of Brisketstown, co. Wex- ford. Armorial bearings— Gules, a lion rampant, and above his head a ducal coronet or, on a canton argent, a trefoil slipped proper. Mantling gules and or. Crest- Out of a ducal coronet, an eagle with wings endorsed or, armed and membered gules, in the dexter claw a broken spear-head of the first. Motto—" Optima sperando spiro. " Seat — Ballyhaise House, C"avan. Residence — 5 De Vesci Terrace, Kingstown, Dublin. HUNT, quartered by LONGUEVILLE. ANDREW ALEXANDER HUNTER, Gentleman. Bursar of Cheltenham College. Born \C\\\X\\PY •'^"Rust 7, 1855, being the eldest son of ^J*^**^^^' NLajor-General Andrew Hunter of the Bengal Staff Corps, by his wife Caroline Cherry, daughter of Lieutenant-Colonel Nuttall Greene, Esquire, Justice of the Peace and Deputy- Lieutenant, of Kil- manahan Castle, in the county of Waterford, Ireland. Clubs Junior C'onstitutional, New (Cheltenham). Armo- rial bearings— He bears for Arms : Argent, on a chevron ruure, between three hunting-horns vert, garnished and stringed gules, a crescent of the first. Above the shield is placed a helmet Ix^fitting his degree, with a mantling gules, doubled argent ; and on a wreath of his liveries is set for Crest, a stag's head calwshed or ; and in an escroll over the same this Motto, " Vigilantia, robur, voluptas." Postal address — The College, Cheltenham. W CHARLES HUNTER. Esquire, P\R.S. (Edin.), © F..S.A. (Scot.), D.L., J. P., High Sheriff Anglesey (1890), County Alderman, late Major Militia, Lieut.-Col. and Hon. Col. (retired) 2nd Vol. Batt. R.W. Fusiliers, Knight of the Order of the I lospilal of .St. John of Jerusalem in England. Born July 27, 1844, being the only issue of the mariiage of the late James Hunter, Esq., Capt. on the Staff, formerly 42nd Royal Highlanders, late of Seaside, Glen- carse, Perthshire, by his wife Jane, dau. of the late Hugh Gordon, Esq., D. L., J. P., H.M.I.C.S., of Carrenbanno and Manar, .Aberdeenshire. Club — Junior United Service. Ar- morial bearings — Vert, three greyhounds courant at full speed in pale argent, collared gules, within a bordure or, on a chief engrailed of the second a fleur-de-lis azure between two bugles of the field, stringed and veruled of the third. Mantling vert and argent. Crest — Upon a wreath of the liveries, a greyhound's head and neck couped argent, collared gules. Motto — " Dum spiro spero." Married, July 19, 1876, Sarah Elizabeth (of Plas Coch and Brynddn, Lady of the Manor of Cemaes), dau. and heiress of William Bulkeley Hughes, ]"2sq., of Plas Coch and Brynddn, D. L., J. P. for Anglesey, Carnarvonshire, High Sheriff, for forty years M.P. Carnarvon Dist. Boroughs, Lord of the Manor of Cemaes ; and has Issue — William Bulkeley Hughes Hunter, Gentle- The Editor undertakes that every entry not in italics is that of a genuinely armigerous person. 426 IDun fpun man, 3rd Vol. Halt. K. Welsli Fus., /'. April 20, i88o; lliiiUer, ICsciuiro, born May 20, 1877. Estate and postal Elizabeth Gordon ; Anna Love ; Ethel Love ; and Ethel Marjory. Seat—V\as, Coch, LlanfairpwU, Anglesey. SSiR WILLIAM WILSON HUNTER, Knight Com- mander of the Most Exalted Order of the Star of India, and Companion of the Most Eminent Order of the Indian Empire, Knight of the Order of the Hosjiital of St. John of Jerusalem in England, Justice of the Peace and Deputy-Lieutenant for the county of Berkshire, Justice of the Peace for the county of Oxford, Master of Arts of the University of Oxford, Honorary Doctor of Laws of the University of Cambridge, Honorary Doctor of Laws of the University of Glasgow. Born 1840, being the son of the late A. Galloway Hunter of Denholm, by his wife Isatjella, daughter of William Wilson; author of "The Indian Empire," and many valuable works on India; was created a Companion of the Most Imminent Order of the Indian Empire in the year 1878, and a Companion of the Most Exalted Order of the Star of India in 1884, being advanced to the rank of a Knight Commander of the last-mentioned Order in the year 1887. Club — Athenreum. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms: Parted per fesse wavy or and azure, in chief two hunting-horns vert, stringed and garnished gules, and in base an anchor argent. Upon the escutcheon, which is encircled by the ribbon of the Most Exalted Order of the Star of India, and pendent therefrom the badges of a Knight Commander of the said Order and a Companion of the Most Himinent Order of the Star of India, is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules doubled argent ; and issuing from a wreath of his liveries is set for Crest, a dexter and a sinister arm shooting an arrow from a bow all proper ; and in an escroll over the same this Motto, " Far and sure." Married, 1863, Jessie, daughter of the Reverend Thomas Murray, Master of Arts, Doctor of Laws, Justice of the Peace; and has Issue — (i) William Chevers Ilunter, Es(|uire, Lieut. 52nd Oxfordshire Light Infantry, born July 15, 1870; (2) Campbell Murray fi is the Military Cockade. address — Oaken Holt, Cumnor, Berkshire, by Oxford. Towji residence — 12B Piccadilly. JAMES EWING HUNTER, M. B. , CM. Born Oct. 2, 1862, being the only son of David Hunter of Cathcart, Lanark, M is the Naval Cockade I^un f^m 427 by his wife Jane Jardine, dau. of Peter Iwing. Clubs— University (Glasgow), Conservative (Helensburgh). Ar- morial bearings— Per fesse invectcd vert and gulos, in chief two hunting-horns or, garnished gules, stringed gold, in base th(! sun in his splendour of the third. Mantling vert doubled or. Crest— On a wreath of his liveries, a falcon rising proper. Motto- "Swift and sure." Postal address — Duncairn, Helensburgh, co. Dumbarton. Livery — Dark green with gilt buttons, green and white striped waistcoat. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Quarterly, i. argent, a chevron gules, between three bugles vert, viroled and stringed of the second (for Hunter) ; 2. argent, on a chevron gules, between three cross crosslets fitch(5e sable, a fleur-de-lis or, all within a double tressure florv counter-flory of the second (for Kennedy of Culzean) ; 3. argent, on a saltire sable, eight mascles of the field, and The Rkverknd Sir D.^VID HUNTER-BL.MK, fifth Baronet, of Dunskey, in the co. of Wigtown, M.A. in the University of Oxford, a Monk and Priest of the Benedictine Order. Born Se|3t. 30, 1853, being the son of the late Sir Edward Hunter-BIair, fourth Baronet, by his wife Elizabeth, dau. of (ieorge Wauchope, brother of William Wauchope of Niddrie. Creation — June 27, 1786. in chief a star gules (for Blair) ; 4. argent, a shake-fork sable, and in chief a rose gules, surmounted by a mullet of the field (for Cunninghanie of Brownhill), over all in the centre an escutcheon argent, charged with a sinister liand couped and apaunite gules for the title of Baronet. Mantling guks doubled argent ; and upon a wreath of his liveries is set for CreSt, a stag's head caboshed proper. Snp- Tbe Editor undertakes tlxat every entry not in Italics is that of a genuinely armigerous person. 428 • lOun porters — Doxlcr, ;i dog of chase salient argent; sinister, an antelope springing pro|jer, gorged with an open crown and a chain hanging "thereat or. MottO— " Vigilantia, robur, voluptas." Heir piesiiml>tk>c — His brother lulward Hiniter- Ulair, Esq., of Hlairciulum, Connnander K.N., b. March 1858 [w. , Inly 6, 1886, Cecilia Dora. dau. of Sir William James Karrer of Sanilhursl Lodge, in the co. of Berks, and has issue, James Hunter-Blair, Gentleman, b. May 7, 1889 ; and (Jaspard Patrick Hunter-Hiair, Gentleman]. £j/a/'£f— Dunskey, in the co. of Wigtown. Postal address — The Abbey, Fort Augustus, N.B. J5.LiEUTKNANT-Coi.ONKi. GOULD READ HUNTER- WICSl'ON ■ of Hunterston, Justice of the I'eace and Deputy - Lieutenant for the county of Ayr, and Fellow of the Society of Antiquaries. Born 1823, being the second rbuntet=Me0ton !^un cscut-^^J hunting-horns vert, stringed gules, and for distinction cross crosslet of the last (for Hunter) ; and upon an cheon of pretence, in right of his wife, the arms of Hunter, namely or, three hunting-horns vert, stringed gules. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet Ijefitting liis degree, with a mantling sable and or; and for his Crests, I. upon a wreath of the colours, an eagle rising regardant sable, charged on the breast and on each wing with a crescent or (for Weston) ; 2. upon a wreath rt Hunter of Hunterston, in the county of Ayr; and has Issue— {\) Aylmer Gould Hunter- Weston, Esquire, Captain and Brevet-Major in the Royal Engineers, born 1864; (2) Reginald Hugh Hunter- Weston, Gentleman, late Lieutenant Seaforth Highlanders, born 1869. Estate and postal address — Hunterston, West Kilbride, Ayrshire. HUNTINGDON, Earl of, quartered by HUSSEY. ©FRANCIS HUNTSMAN. Esquire, J.P. for Notts. Born 1852, being the eldest son of the late Benjamin Huntsman, Esq., J.P. , of Attercliff, co. York, l)y Anna Maria, dau. of the late Major-General Fitz-Maurice. Club — Carlton. Livery — Blue. Armorial bearings -- Gules, three escutcheons argent, each charged with a bugle-horn sable, garnished or, and stringed of the field. Mantling S is tlie Naval Cockade. Ibur Ibut 429 t)utlp gules and nrg^ent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a mount vert, thereon a fern-brake in front of two spears in saltire proper, therefrom pendent a bugle-horn garnished and stringed as in the arms. Motto — " Esto vigilans." Married, 1891, Mary Joan, second dau. of Thomas F. C. Vernon-Weniworth of W'entworth Castle ; and has Issue — Benjamin Canning Huntsman, Gentleman, b. 1895; and Joan Alice. Heat — West Retford Hall, Ret- ford. HURLE, see COOKE-HURLE. JOHN CHARLES DENIS HURLY, Esquire. Justice of tlie Peace for the county of Kerry. Horn 1862, Ix-ing the only son of John Hurly, ICs- quire. Justice of the Peace for the county of Kerry, by his wife Elizabeth Augusta, daugli- tcr of C". Grant of Kinchindy, and widow of Captain Dundas Boyd. Club — .St. James's. Livery — Dark blue coats, red waistcoats, Ijrass buttons, drab greatcoats, with red collars and cuffs. Armorial bearing^ — He tx^ars for Arms : Azui^e, on a fesse txjtween three cross crosslcts or, a de.xter hand couped Ix-twcen two mullets gules. Upon tlic escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling azure and or ; and for his Crests, I. out of an antic|ue Irish crown or, a naked arm embowcd proper, holding a cross crosslet gold ; with the Motto, " Dextra cruce vincit ; " 2. upon a wreath of the colours, a naked arm embowed, holding a sword wavy all proper; with the Motto, "Dextra vincit cor." Estates — Fenit, Aglish, Kilshenane, Kilfeighney, Clash, &c. Postal address — Fenit House, Fenit, 'IValee, Ireland. JOHN CONWAY HURLY, Esq., J. P. for co. Kerry. Born 1862, lieing the eldest son of the late Rolwrt Conway Hurly, Esq., J. P., of Bridge House, co. Kerry, by Ins second wife Annie, dau. of the late William Comins of Witheridge, Devon (she m. 2ndly, 1873, the Rev. John Ross, M. A. , Vicar of Caynham, co. Salop. Armorial toear- ingB — Azure, on a fesse l)etween three crosses crosslit nr, a dexter iiand couped lx!tween two mullets gules. Mantling azure and or ; and for his Crest, out of an anticjue Irish crown or, a naked arm cmljowed proper, holding a cross crosslet gold. MottO — " Dextra cruce vincit." Married, 1891, Maud Isabel, dau. of Rev. (ieorge William Grogan, M.A., Rector of Witiiington, Lancashire. Seat — Glcnduffe, Tralee. JO.SEPH STANCLIFFE HURST, Esquire. J. P. for W. and N. Ridings of co. of York, .and for the Liberty of Ripon, Born , Iwing the son of Armorial bearing's — (^hiarterly per pale indented gules and sable, a sun in splendour or, in the first and second quarters a dragon's head erased of the last. Mantling gules and or. Crest — Upon a wn-ath of the colours, a dr.agon with wings elevated or, seiuf^e of crescents saljlo, resting the dexter claw upon an escutcheon of the last charged with a sun in splen- dour as in the arms. Motto — " Lux tua vita mea." Postal address — Copt Hewick Hall, Ripon. § ALBERT FREDERIC HURT. Esquire, Deputy- Lieutenant and Justice of the Peace for the l||\i|t«|- county of Derby, retired Major and Honorary i^V\\,\f Lieutenant - Colonel 3rd Battalion Derbyshire Militia Regiment, late Lieutenant in the Royal Navy. Born March 7, 1835, being the third son of Francis Hurt, Gentleman, by his wife Cecilia Emely, daughter of Richard Norman, Vjy his wife Elizabeth Isaljella, com- monly known .as Lady Elizabeth Isaljella. Clubs — Army and Navy, Junior Carlton. Livery — Dark green coat, black trousers, striped green and white waistcoat. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Quarterly i and 4, sable a fesse lx:twecn three cinqucfoils or (for Hurt) ; 2 and 3 gules, a wolf passant argent (for Lowe). Upon the es- cutcheon is placed a helmet Ix-fitting his degree, with a mantling gules, doubled argent ; and for his C^est, "on a torse gold and sable, .a harte |)assant in his projx-r couller. horned, membryed and hutte in the hanclie with an arrow gold, fethyred argent" [I'ide Flower's grant. Septemlx;r 4. 1565]; with the Motto. "Mane pra;dam vesperi spolium." Married, April 24, 1862, Alice, third daughter of Frederick Peter Delm<5-RadclifTe of Ilitchin Priory, Hitchin, in the county of Hertford ; and has fssue—(\) Francis Cecil Albert Hurt, Gentleman, born March 11, 1878; (2) .Seymour Frederic Auckland Albert Hurt, Gentleman, l)orn Octoljer 18, 1879; (3) Henry Albert Le Fowne Hurt, Gentleman, born Scptcmlier 5, 1881 ; (4) Ralph Anthony Lowe Ponsonby Hurt, Gentleman, lx)rn April i. 1885; and Grace Emma Julia. Estates- -A\dcTWi\s\i-y, in the county of Derby ; Castern, in the county of Stafford. Postal address — .Alderw;\sley. Matlock. lDutt=^itUiclI WILLIAM WILLOUGHBY GEORGE HURT-.SIT- WEI..L, ICsquire, Justice of the Peace for the county of Salop ( High Sheriff 1855) and for the county of Hereford. Born Octolx-r 2, 1827, lx>ing the only son of Francis Hurt-Sitwell, (Jentleman, by his wife Harriet, daughter of Sir Joseph Hoare, Baronet. A/tvvT— Dark green, with brass buttons, green and yellow striped waistcoat, yellow plush breeches. Armorial bear- ing — He l«ars for Arms : B.arry of eight or and vert, three lions rampant sable. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling vert and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a demi-lion erased sable, holding an escutcheon per pale or and vert. Afar- ried, firstly, 1853, Harriet, only daughter of William Henry The Editor undertakes that every entry not in italics is that of a genuinely armigerous person. 43° 5)U0 Harford of Barleywood, in the county of Somerset ; secondly, 1858, Eliza Harriet, only daughter of R. Hurton I'hillips'on ; and has Issue — (i) Willoughby Harford Hurt-Sitwell, Gentleman, born May 18, 1855; (2) Francis Hurt-Sitwell, Gentleman, horn January 14, i860; and IClinor Harriet. A".vA//<'.r— Ferney Hall listate, and Uuck- nell Instate. I\)slal address— V\x\\<.'y Hall, Craven Arms, Shropshire, m^ S THOMAS HUSSEY, Esquire, late Colonel ist Somer- set Light Infantry Militia, Justice of the Peace and Deputy-Lieutenant for the county of Dorset. Born Nov- ember 19, 1814, being the eldest son of John Hussey, by his wife Anne, daughter of William Daniel of Lyme, in the county of Dorset. 67/c/»— Carlton. Livery — White, with crimson facings. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Quarterly of twenty-five, namely, i. barry of six ermine and S NARCISSUS EDWARD HUSON, Esq., J. P. and D.L. CO. We.xford, late Lieut.-Col. 3rd Halt. R. Irish Regt. Born 1834, Iieing the only son of the late Charles Huson, Esq., of Wexford, Capt. 45th Regt., by Sarah, second dau. of the late Thomas Markham of The Abbey, Kinsale, co. Cork. Armorial bearings— Argent, a heart gules, on a chief engrailed azure, a Heur-de-lis of the first. Mantling gules and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a harp azure, stringed or. MottO — " Sursum corda." Married, 1865, Emily Elfrida, second dau. of John Nunn, Esq., J. P., of Silverspring, co. Wexford. Seat — Springfield, Wexford. HENRIETTA SARAH HUSSEY, commonly knoum as the Honourahle Henrietta Sarali Hi/ssev, daughter of tlic Baroness Windsor. Married, 1853, Edward Hussey, & is the Military Cockade. lE)U00ep gules, on a canton of the second a cross patonce argent (for Hussey) ; 2. azure, a pale lozengy or, between two tlaimches of the last (for Daniel) ; 3. azure, an eagle displayed argent (for Cotton, otherwise Redvvare) ; 4. argent, a bend saKe between three pellets (for Cotton, ancient) ; 5. azure, an eagle displayed argent ; 6. sable, three swords, two and one paleways proper, pommels and hilts or (for Waldcchef) ; 7. or, six eagles displayed sable, a canton ermine (for Basing) ; 8. argent, three falcons gules, belled or (for Fal- coner) ; 9. sable, three owls or (for Thurcaston) ; 10. azure, two bars argent (for Venables) ; 11. or, a fesse azure (for Vernon) ; 12. sable, a fesse dancettte between three mullets argent (for Wesenham) ; 13. azure, a saltire and chief 01 (for Bruce of Connington) ; 14. or, a saltire and chief gules (for Bruce of Annandale) ; 15. or, three piles in point issuing from the chief gules (for David, Earl of Huntingdon) ; 16. or, a lion rampant within a double tressure flory and counter- M is the Naval Cockade. \^m It)Ut 431 flory gules (for Scotland) ; 17. azure, a cross flory between four martlets or (for the Saxon kings of lingland) ; 18. azure, a lion rampant argent, a chief gules (for Waltheof, Earl of Northumberland); ig. gules, a saltire argent (for Aldred, Earl of Northumberland) ; 20. azure, six garbs, three, two and one or (for Kevelioc, Earl of Chester) ; 21. gules, a lion rampant argent (for Gernons, Earl of Chester) ; 22. or, a lion rampant gules (for Meschines, Earl of Chester) ; 23. azure, a wolfs head erased argent (for Lupus, Earl of Chester) ; 24. sable, a double-headed eagle displayed or (for Algar, liarl of I^'icester) ; 25. or, a chevron between three leopards' faces gules (for Harvey). Upon the escut- cheon is placed a helmet l)cfitting his degree, with a mantling gules and argent ; and for his Crest, u|)on a wreath of the colours, a boot sable, sjjurrerl or, turned over ermine, sur- mounted by a heart pro|)er, supported by two arms embowed in armour, the hands gauntleted also proper ; with the Motto, "Cor immobylc." /^.iVrt/t-.f— Impropriate Rectory of Oewkerne, in the county of Somerset ; Manor Farm of Mosterton, and Bredy and Graston Farms, all in the county of Dorset. I'ostal address — Highcliffe, Lympstone, Devon. I{3U00ej?=jrreke AMBROSE DENIS IIUSSEY - FREKE. Esciuire. Master of Arts, J. P. and D. L. CO. Wilts. /^(v-« January 13, 1836, l)eing the eldest .son of Amlirose Husscy, ICsquire, of The Hall, Salisbury, in the county of Wiltshire, Memljer of Parliament for Salislniry, by his wife Barbara .Micia, daughter of Daniel Eyre of The Close, Salisbury [and grandson of James Hussey of Salisbury]; assumed, Septemlwr i, 1863, by Royal License, the additional surname and arms of Freke. Armorial bear- ings — He bears for Arms ; Quarterly i and 4, sable two bars, and in chief three mullets or, and f(jr (lisiinction a canton of the last (for Freke) ; 2 and 3 barry of six ernune and gules per pale counterchangcd, on a canton of the second, a cross patonce argent (for Hussey), and upon an escutcheon of pretence the same arms of Freke without tiie marks of distinction. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling sable and or ; and for his CrestS, i. upon a wreath of the colours, a bull's head coujied sable, collared and chained or, ch.arged for ilistinction with a cross crosslet goUl (for Freke) ; 2. upon a wreath of the colours, a boot .sable, spurred or, and turned over ermine, surmounted by a heart proper, supported by two arms embowed in armour, hands gaimt- leted al.so proper (for Hussey). Mdrricd, Octolnr 9, 1862, Florence Mary Spencer, only child and heiress of the late Colonel Freke, Companion of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, of Hannington Hall; and has Issue — (i) Ambrose Raufe Eyre Hussey-Frcke, Esq., J. P. co. Wilts, born January 27, 1865 [married, 1890, Agnes, youngest daughter of the late James Hussey of The Close, Salisbury] ; (2) l)enis James Hussey-Freke, Gentleman, l)orn October 25, 1866; (3) iMederick Hussey-Freke, Gentleman, born 1875; (4) Percy lidward Hussey-Freke, (Jentleman, born 1877; (s) Ambrose Eyre Hussey-Freke, Cienlleman, born 1880; (6) Bertrand Hussey- BYeke, (Jentleman, Iwrn 1881; (7) Eric John Hussey-Freke, Gentleman, born 1883; Florence Barbara ; Ruth Katharine Margaret ; Monica Mary (Jeorg- ina ; Alicia Gertrude Louisa ; Florence Beatrice, died May I, 1873; Constance Mary; and Dorothy. Seals — Ilan- ningtcMi Hall, H igh worth ; and The Hall, Salisbury, l)oth in the county of Wiltshire. M RICHARD HUSSEY-HUSSEY, Esq.. J.P. and D.L. W for Hunts (High Sherifl' 1878). /?<>/-« 1815, being the son of the late Vice-.\dmir,al Sir Richard Husscy- Husscy, K.C.B., G.C.M.Ci., of Wood Walton, Hunts, by Enmia, dau. of William Hobson of Markfield. Club — Oxford and C'am- bridge. Armorial bearings— Quarterly, per a cross of pearls or and gules, in the first and fourth quarters a cross azure, in the second and third three lions passant guardant two and one gold, in the centre chief point, as an honourable aug- mentation, a plate charged with the turban of an Omrah of the Mogul Empire proper. Mantling gules and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a hind trippant proper, gorged with a ducal coronet and chained or. Kesi- dciices — 29 Brunswick Terrace, Brighton; and Upwood, Hunts. WALTER HUSSEY-WALSH, Esquire, Justice of the Peace. Bom 1827, being the sixth but eldest surviving son of John Hussey- Walsh, Esquire, Justice of the Peace and Deputy-Lieutenant, of Kilduffe, King's County, and Cranagh and Mulhussey, in the county of Roscommon, by his wife Maria, daughter of Michael Henley of La Maniha, in CO. Dublin. Livery — Dark blue, with red binding. Armo- rial bearings — Quarterly i and 4, argent, a chevron gules between three broad-arrow heads, points upwards sable (for Walsh) ; 2 and 3 barry of six ermine and gules, on a canton of the last a cross or, a crescent for difference (for Hussey). Mantling gules and argent. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a swan pierced through the back and lireast with a dart all proper. Motto — " Transfixus sed non mortiuis." Married, i860, Ellen, eldest daughter of Valentine O'Brien O'Connor, Esquire, of Rockfield, in the county of Dublin, and of Ballykisteen, in the county of Tipperary, Deputy- Lieutenant ; and has Issue — (i) Valentine John Hussey- Walsh, Barrister, born February 17, 1862; (2) William Hussey- Walsh, Esquire, Captain Cheshire Regiment, born 1863 [married, 1891, Mary, daughter of the Reverend Everard Evered] ; (3) Walter Patrick Hussey- Walsh, Lieu- tenant lA'icestershire Regiment, Her Britannic Majesty's Vice-Con.sul at Port Beira, born 1866; Marie; and Eileen. Estales — Cranagh and Mulhussey, in the county of Ros- common. Postal address — 81 Onslow Gardens, London, S.W. FREDERICK WILLIAM HUTCHINSON HUT- CHINSON, MA., B.C. (Cantab.). Born 1868, being the oiilv son of the late S. Summers Hutchinson of licechy Park, CO. Carhnv (a younger son of John Hutchinson of Timoney Park, CO. Tipperary), by dau. of Rev. Charles Collins oj Milstead Rectory, Kent, Club — Royal Societies'. Crest as used, but which is not re^stered in Ulster's Office, is — A cockatrice, combed, wattled, wings expanded, issuant from a coronet. t&aXXo—" Eortiter gerit crucem." Married, 1891, Cicorgina Aurora Fanny, eldest dau. of Col. Sir J. Ijrwis, Bart., of Chelston, Devon ; and has Issue — Aurora Margaret. Instates — Landed property in cos. Carlow, Wexford, and Dublin. Postal addresses— /i/wA- lauds Avenue, Cambridge ; lieechy Park, Rathvilly, co. Carknv. JOHN HEAP HUTCHIN.SON, Gentleman. Bom Aug^l'^t 19, 1833, l)eing the eldest surviving son of the late Reverend William Hutchinson, M.astcr of Arts, Rural Dean of Uttoxeter, and Rector of Checkley, in the county of The Editor undertakes that every entry not in italics is that of a genuinely armigerous person. 432 IDut Stafford, by his wife Sarnh, daughter of Edward Mitchell, Esq., of Castle Strange, in the county of Roscommon. /,/"zr;T— Drab. Armorial bearlngrs— He bears for Arms : Quarterly iizure and gules, a lion ramjiant erminois within four cross crosslets argent, and four bezants alternately in orle ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a Saracen's head aftVonte5e, couped at the shoulders proper, wreathed about the temples argent and azure, and charged ujjon the breast with a cross pat^e sable, between a branch of laurel on the dexter and a branch of oak fructed on the sinister, also proper; with the Motto, " Persever- ando." Married, October 27, 1869, Fanny Elise, daughter of George Peplow Forwood of I^iverpool ; and has Issue — (i) W'illiam Hutchinson, Gentleman, born February 27, 1872; (2) John Losh Hutchinson, Gentlem.an, born November 4, 1874; (3) T^ancelot Hutchinson, Gentleman, born July 22, 1879; (4) Percivale Hutchinson, Gentleman, born August 15, 1883 ; (5) Ambrose Hutchinson, Gentle- man, born August 17, 1885; Elaine ( and Coral. Postal address — North Highfield, Rockferry, Cheshire. JOHN RICHARD HUTCHINSON, Esquire, Justice of the Peace for the County Palatine of Lancaster. Born November 22, 1839, being the eldest son of the late William Hutchinson, Esquire, Justice of the Peace for the County Palatine of Lancaster, by his wife Elizal)eth, daughter of Richard Greaves Hodgson of Ashfield, Manchester. Livery — Drab. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Quarterly azure and gules, a lion rampant erminois within four cross crosslets .argent, and as many bezants alternately in orle; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a Saracen's head affronti^e, couped at tlie shoulders proper, wreathed about the temples argent and azure, and charged upon the breast with a cross pat^e sable, between a branch of laurel on the dexter side and a branch of oak fructed on the sinister, both also proper; with the Motto, " Per- severando." Married, September 11, 1882, ICniily, eldest daughter of the late Captain Hudson, Royal Navy, of Flixton, in the county of Suffolk. Postal address — The Hirsel, Leamington, Warwickshire. § WILLIAM ARTHUR HUTCHINSON, Esquire, J. P. for the Isle of Man, Captain of the Parish of M is the Military Cockade. r^ut Marown, Isle of Man. Born May 11, 1853, being the eldest son of the late Thomas Frederick Hutchinson of The Groves, Isle or Man, by his wife Elizabeth, dau. of tlie late Thomas Drury of .Snugborough, Isle of Man. Club — junior Con- stitutional. Livery — Dark blue. Armorial bearings — Quarterly azure and gules, a lion ramp.ant erminois within four cross crosslets argent and four tezants alternately in orle. Mantling azure and or ; and for the Crest, on a wreath of the colours, a Saracen's head cou[)ed at the shoulders proper, wreathed about the temples argent and azure, charged on the loreast with .a cross pali'^e sable be- tween a branch of laurel on the dexter and a l>ranch of oak fructed on the sinister also proper. Married, Oct. 12, 1882, Margaret, second dau. of Robert Paterson of Rock I''crry, Cheshire, J. P. for the Porough of Birkenhead, and Mayor of Birkenhead 1883 and 1884; and has Issue — Four daughters, Elsie ; Mona Margaret ; Florence ; and Nancy. Estates — The Groves, and Snugl)orough, Isle of Man. Postal address — The Groves, near Douglas, Isle of Man. M WILLIAM PEISLEY HUTCHINSON-LLOYD- @ VAUGHAN, Esq., J. P. and D.L. (High Sheriff 1874). Born April 28, 1844, being the only child of the late Samuel Dawson Hutchinson, Esq., J. P., of Mount Heaton, by Mary, only child and heir of the late John Lloyd of Parsonstown [and of Martha, sister of William Peisley Vaughan, ICsq., of Golden Grove, whose name Mr. Hut- chinson assumed by Royal License, as well as that of his father-in-law]. Cliihs — University, Sackville Street (Dublin). Armorial bearings — (Quarterly of nine, i. quarterly, i. sable, a chevron between three boys' heads couped at the shoulders argent, crined or, round tiie neck of each a snake entwined proper (for Vaughan) ; ii. paly of eight argent and gules, a border or, pellett(f'e (for Lloyd of f iloster) ; iii. ermine, a lion rampant azure, ducally crowned argent (for Medhop) ; iiii. cpiarterly gules and azure, crusily htch(^e or, a lion rampant argent (for Hutchinson) ; 2. quarterly gules and azure, crusily fitchfe or, a lion rampant argent (for Hutchinson) ; 3. paly of eight argent and gules (for Lloyd of Bodidris) ; 4. gules, a lion rampant argent (for Grono ap Sevan); 5. per bend sinister ermine and ermines, a lion rampant or (for Trevor) ; 6. ermine, a lion ram])ant azure, ducally crowned .nrgent (for Medho|)) ; 7. vert, a saltire or, 3 is the Naval Cockade. rDut mt 43: an annulet of the last for difference (for Le Hunte) ; 8. sable, a chevron argent, between three boys' heads couped at the shoulders, round the neck of each a snake entwined, all proper (for X'aughan) ; 9. gules, a lion rampant or, ducally crowned of the last, in the dexter chief point a cross crosslet argent ; and impaling the arms of Darby, namely azure, on a chevron argent, between three garbs or, a naval coronet of the first lx;tween two anchors sable, pendent in the centre chief l)y a riband of the second fimljriated of the held a representation of the gold medal conferred upon Admiral Sir H. D'Ksterre Uarby. Mantling sable and argent; and for his Crests, i. upon a wreath of the colours, a boy's head couped at the shoulders, crined or, round the neck a snake entwined proper (for Vaughan) ; 2. u|)on a wreath of the colours, a lion rampant argent, holding in the dexter fore-paw a snake jjroper (for Lloyd) ; 3. on a ducal coronet or, a cfickatrice, wings .iddorsed, proper (for Hutchin- son). Motto- " Innocentia infantis, sapientia serpentis." Mairied, Aug. 5, 1869, l'-!i/.al)eth Henrietta, dau. of 'VVilliam Henry Darby of Leaj) Castle, King's Co. Seal — Golden Grove, Roscrea, King's Co. § JAMES rHOM.AS HUTCHISON, E.squire, Justice 01 the F'eace for the counties of Midlothian ff^ttir fitltrtti ^'"^' Kinross, Brigadier-(jeneral of the \\J\X\V\J\T9V\\ Royal Company of Archers, the Queen's Hody Guard for Scotland. Horn 1839, being the second son of Thomas Hutchison, Esq., J.I'., of Carlowric, in the county of Linlithgow, by his wife Jane, daugliter of Robert Wylie. Clubs — Junior (Constitutional, Caledonian United Service (l^dinburgh), and .Scottish Con- servative ( Edinburgh). Livery — Blue and silver. Armorial toearings — He bears for Arms : Argent, three arrows points downwards, meeting in base proper, surmounted of a fesse azure, charged with a fox courant also proper, a bordure also azure. Upon the escutcheon is jilaced a helmet tefit- ting his degree, with a mantling gules, doubled .nrgent ; and upon a wreath of his liveries is set for Crest, a stag's head erased proper, attired or; with the Motto, " Scientia laborisque memor." Married, 1879, Isabella Harriman, elder daughter of the late Reverend Edward Burch Field, J. P., D L., of Moreland, in the county of Kinross, and Thorncott!, in the county of Bedford. Estates — Moreland and Hardiston, both in the county of Kinross. Kesi- dences — 12 Douglas Crescent, Edinburgh; and Moreland, Kinross, N.B. §JOHN WILLIAM HUTCHISON, Esquire, D.L. and J. P. for Kirkcudbrightshire. Born June 25, 1 852, bein}; the third son of the late Graham Hutchison of Craig- ton, by his wife Annette Mary, dau. of the late Archibald Craufuird, W.S., Edinburgh. il\\\\yi—\\'yndhant. Con- servative, A'ew (Edinburgh). Livery — Lhirk blue, with dark blue Hush breeches for dress. Axmorlal bearings as used are those Oj Hutchison of Rockend, [granted to the uncle of Mr. J. W. Hutchison'] but they have not been matriculated for the above-mentioned Mr. IV. A. Hutchi- son : Arms — Argent, a fesse azure, over all three arrows in point, points to the base counterchanged, between a boar's head erased close in chief sable, and two escallops in base ermines. VLaJOX^Ving gules doubled argent. Crest— A sta^s head erased gules, attired or. MottO — ".Memor esto." Married, Oct. 24, 1877, Agnes, second dau. of the late James M'Kie, Esq.,of [ial^aly, M.P.for Kirkcudbrightshire, J. I', and D.L. for that county ; and has Issue — James Laurie M'Kie Hutchison, b. July 19, 1879; Nina Annette Mary; and Margueretta Aggie Eileen. Seats — Laurieston Hall, Castle Douglas, N.B. ; and Edins^hame, Dalbeattie, N.B. THOMAS HUTCHI.SON, being the son of the late Thomas Hutchison of Carlowrie, by Jane, youngest dau. of Robert Wyllie, l'2sq., of Rosebank, co. I'erth. Armorial The Editor undertakes that every entry not in italics is that of a genuinely armigerous person. 2 E 434 IDut !^ut bearings — Argent, three arrows points downwards meeting in base proper, surmounted of a fesse azure charged with a fox courant also proper. Mantling gules doubled argent ; and upon a wreath of iiis liveries is set for Crest, a stag's head erased proper, collared or. Motto —" Scientitc, laborisque memor. " Married ]ea.n'K, eldest dau. of Walter Wylie, Esq., of Rosebank ; and has, with other Issue — Thomas Walter Hutchison, Gentleman, b. 1886. Seat— Carlowrie, Kirkliston, N.Fl ALEXANDER HUTH, Esquire. Bom December 23, 1838, being the eldest son of Charles Frederick ff^lltfl ^"^"h. Esquire, of Oakhurst, in the county of l^j/Mvy Kent [and to whom refer], by his wife F'ranccs Caroline, daughter of Sir Chapman Marshall, Lord Mayor of the City of London in the year 1839. Armorial bearings— He i)ears for Arms : Argent, two chev- ronels gules, in chief a human heart of the last, and in base a hat sable with an ostrich feather proper ; and for a Crest, three sprigs of oak erect proper, each bearing an acorn or. Married, August 19, 1870, Gesnalda Margherita Maria, daughter of Signor Milani of Rome; and has Issue — (i) Lancelot Arthur Huth, Gentleman, born September 5, 1875 ; (2) Galahad John Huth, Gentleman, born 1883 ; Enid Agnes ; Vivian Josephine Maria ; and Elaine. ALFRED HENRY HUTH, Gentleman. Bon, January 14, 1850, being the second son of the late Henry Huth, Esquire, Deputy-Lieutenant of Wykehurst, in the county of Sussex, by his wife Augusta Louisa Sophia, daughter of Frederick von Westenholz. Clubs — Athenreum, Roxburghe. Livery — White coat with red facings, red and white striped waistcoat, red breeches, white stockings. Armorial bear- ings — He bears for Arms : Argent, two chevronels gules, in chief a human heart of the last and in base a hat sable with an ostrich feather proper, impaling the same arms of Huth, namely argent, two chevronels gules, in chief a human heart of the last and in base a hat sable with an ostrich feather proper ; and for a Crest, on a wreath of the colours, three sprigs of oak erect proper, each bearing an acorn or ; with the Motto, " Animus non res." Married, January i6, 1872, Octavia, daughter of Charles Frederick Huth, Esquire [to whom refer]. Postal address— ^o\ney House, Ennis- more Gardens, I^ondon, S.W. S EDWARD HUTH, Esquire, J. P. and D.L for the co. of Sussex (High Sheriff 1896-97), and Master of Arts of the University of Oxford. Born January 8, 1847, being the eldest son of the late Henry Huth, Esquire, Deputy- Lieutenant, of Wykehurst, in the county of Sussex, by his wife Augusta Louisa Sophia, daughter of Frederick von & is the Military Cockade. Westenholz. Clubs — New University, Union, and Garrick. Livery — Plain black coat and trousers, red waistcoat, drab greatcoat, silver buttons. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Argent, two chevronels gules, in chief a human heart of the last, and in base a hat sable with an ostrich feather proper ; and for a Crest, on a wreath of the colours, three sprigs of oak erect proper, each bearing an acorn or ; with the Motto, "Animus non res." Married, February 29, 1876, lidithWiihelmina, fourth daughter of the late Reverend Frederick Anthony Staiisfeld Marsliall, Vicar of Great Easton, in the county of Leicester; and has Issue — (i) Geoffrey Edward Huth, Gentleman, born August 6, 1878; (2) Austin Henry Huth, Gentleman, born OctoVjer 13, 1881 ; Helen Beatrix ; and Rosalind Mary. Estate and postal address — Wykehurst Park, Hay ward's Heath, Sussex. Town residence — 48 Eaton Square, S.W. § FERDINAND MARSHALL HU'l'H, p:squire, D.L. and High Sheriff for the county of London 1894. Bor» August iQ, 1840, being the second son of Charles Frederick Huth, Esquire, of Oakhurst, in the county of Kent [and to whom refer], by his wife Frances Caroline, daughter of Sir Chapman Marshall, Lorri Mayor of the City of London in the year 1839. Clubs — .St. James's, Union, Royal Yacht Squad- ron (Cowes). Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Argent, two chevronels gules, in chief a human heart of the last, and in base a hat safjle with an ostrich feather proper ; and for a Crest, three sprigs of oak erect proper, each bear- ing an acorn or. Married, November 2, 1865, Caroline Locke, eldest dauijhter of Bonamy Dobree ; and has Issue — Harry Alexander Huth, born 1867; Evelyn Caroline Locke ; and Constance Mary. Postal addresses — 44 Gros- venor Street, Lonrion, W. ; and Eaglehurst, Fawley, South- ampton. FREDERICK HENRY HUTH, Gentleman. Born February 22, 1844, loeing the third son of Charles Frederick Huth, Esquire, of Oakhurst, in the county of Kent (and to whom refer), by his wife Frances Caroline, daughter of Sir Chapman Marshall, Lord Mayor of the City of London in the year 1839. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Argent, two chevronels gules, in chief a human heart of the last, and in base a hat sable with an ostrich feather proper ; and for a Crest, three sprigs of oak erect proper, each bearing an acorn or. Married, October 7, 1865, Manuela Caroline, daughter of Augustus Herman Kinderman ; and has Issue — Philip Stansfeld Huth, Gentleman, born October 10, 1870 ; four other sons and six daughters. Seat — Oakhurst, Tunbridge Wells. LOUIS HUTH, Esquire, who served the oflice of High Sheriff for the county of Sussex in the year 1878. Born 1821, being the fifth son of Frederick Huth, Knight of the Hanoverian Guelphic Order, by his wife Manuela Philippa, daughter of Don Antonio Mayfren. Clubs — Union, St. James's. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Argent, two chevronels gules, in chief a human heart of the last, and in base a hat sable with an ostrich feather proper ; and* for a Crest, three sprigs of oak erect proper, each bearing an acorn or. Married, April 11, 1855, Helen Rose, fourth daughter of Thomas Ogilvy of Corrimony, in the county of Inverness. F.state and postal address — Passingworth Manor, Waldron, Sussex. PERCIVAL HUTH, Gentleman. Bom Octolx-r 30, 1851, being the fourth son of Charles Frederick Hiuh, Esquire, of Oakhurst, in the county of Kent (and to whom refer), by his wife Frances Caroline, daughter of Sir Chap- man Marshall, I^ord M.ayor of the City of London in the year 1839. Armorial bearings-He bears for Arms: Argent, two chevronels gules, in chief a human heart of the last, and in base a hat salile with an ostrich feather proper ; and for a Crest, three sprigs of oak erect proper, each bearing an acorn or. Married, January 11, 1876, Marian, daughter of the Reverend George W. Dodd ; and has Issue — Two sons and three daughters. ARTHUR WOLLASTON HUTTON, Clerk in Holy Orders, M.A. of Exeter Coll., Oxon. , Rector of Sprid- lington,- Lincoln, 1873-76. Born Sept. 5, 1848, being the fourth surviving son of the late Rev. Henry Frederick Hutton, M.A. , J. P., Rector of Spridlington, Lincoln, by his wife Louisa, eldest dau. of Rev. Henry John Wollaston, 8 is the Naval Cockade. 1 ©ut iJ)Ut 435 4ector ot Scotter, Ij'ncolnshire. Club — National Liberal. Armorial bearings— Or, on a fesse sable, surmounted by a pale invected of the last, pierced of the field, three stags' heads cafjoshed countcrchanged. Mantling sable and or. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, in front of a fern-brake proper, a stag's head caboshed or. Motto — •" Post tenebras The Rn^ercnd CHARLES FREDERICK HUTTON, Clerk in Holy Orders, Master of Arts. Born ]i\||4-4-|NM • •, being the eldest son of the Reverend \\JW\\yi\\ Ji'rancis Pierfoint Burton Norman Hutton, by his wife Charlotte An ft, daughter oj William Keal, Doctor of Medicine. Livery — Chocolate, spero lucem." Married, April 2, 1884, Edith Isalx?l Frances, youngest dau. of John Bowernian ; and has had Issue — ^Beatrice WolListon (deceased) ; Mary Beatrice (de- ceased) ; Laura Frances ; Edith Margaret ; Louisa Jose- |5hine; Dorothy Woll.aston. Postal address — 52 O.xford Road, Chiswick. ivith narroiv yellanv and black striped vest. Armorial bearings as used, but for 7ohich no authority has been eslr.blished, are for Arms : Or, three annulets ( i gules). Crest — A crescent. Motto — " Christus mea spes." Estate — Scart, in the county of Limerick. Postal address — School House, Pocklington , York. The Editor undertakes that every entry not in italics is that of a genuinely armigerous person. 43^> IDut I^ut CHARLES WOLLASTON HUTTON, Esquirt;, I;itc Capt. 59th Foot. Born Oct. 23, 1839, being the tliird surviving son of llie late Rev. Henry Frederick Hutton, M.A. , J. P.. Rector of Spridlington, Lincoln, by his wife Louisa, eldest dau. of Rev. Henry John Wollaston, Rector of Scotter, Lincolnshire. Club — Constitutional. Armorial bearings — Or, on a fesse sable, surmounted by a pale invected of the last, pierced of the field, three stags' heads caboshcd counterchanged. Mantling' sable and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, in front of a fern-brake jiroper, a stag's head caboshed or. Motto — " Post tenebras spero luceni." Married, Aug. 30, 1870, Sophia Isabella Mary, only dau. of Andrew Russell Stritch of Castlebar ; and has Issue — (i) Walter Charles Stritch Hutton, Gentleman, h. 1871 ; (2) Charles Edward Hutton, Gentleman, /'. 1872; (3) Henry Andrew Hutton, Gentleman, b. 1873; (4) Ralph Wollaston Hutton, Gentleman, b. 1878; (5) Geoffrey Stritch Mutton, Gentleman, b. 1889 ; and Violet Aileen. Postal address — 73 Broniham Road, Bedford. EDMUND BACON HUTTON, Esquire, Colonel Royal Dragoons, formerly A. D.C. to H. E. Earl Spencer, Lord-fjieutenant of Ireland. Born June 21, 1840, being the second surviving son of the late William Hutton of Gate Burton, Esq., J. P. and D. L. co. of Lincoln (High Sheriff 1832), by his wife Jane, dau. of Nicholas Bacon, Esq. (son of Sir Edmund Bacon, Bart.). Club^Army and Navy. Armorial bearings — Or, on a fesse sable, surmounted by a pale invected pierced of the field, three stags' heads caboshed all counterchanged, and upon an escutcheon of pretence the arms of Bury, namely, quarterly i and 4, vert, a cross crosslet or (for Bury) ; 2 and 3 azure, on a chief indented or, three mullets pierced gules (for Moore). Mantling sable and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, in front of a fern-brake proper, a buck's head caboshed or. Motto — "Post tenebras spero lucem." Married, June 5, 1873, Lady Katherine A. Beaujolois Bury, eldest dau. of the Rt. Hon. Charles William George Bury, third Earl of Charle- ville (extinct) ; and has Issue — Edgar William Hutton, Gentleman ; Kathleen Charlotte ; "and Dorothy Norah. Seat — Blidworth Dale, Nottingham. FREDERICK WOLLASTON HUTTON, Esquire, F. R.S., F.G.S., late Capt. 23rd R.W. F'usiliers ; present at relief of Lucknow. Born Nov. 16, 1836, being the second son of the late Rev. Henry Frederick Hutton, M.A., J. P., Rector of Spridlington, Lincoln, and Rural Dean, bv his wife Louisa, eldest dau. of Rev. Henry John Wollaston, Rector of Scotter, Lincolnshire. Armorial bearings— Or, on a fesse sable, surmounted Ijy a pale invected of the last, pierced of the field, three stags' heads caboshed counterchanged. Mantling sable and or. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, in front of a fern-brake proper, a stag's head caboshed or. Motto — "Post tenebras spero lucem." Married, 1863, Annie, dau. of William Montgomerie, M.D. ; and has Issue— {\)Gi\\h&x\. Montgomerie Hutton, Esq., Capt. R.E., b. 1865; (2) Hugh Montgomerie Hutton, Gentleman, b. 1870; (3) Vernon Montgomerie Hutton, Gentleman, iJ. 1877; Alice Montgomerie \jn., 1891, John Charles Nattle Grigg of Longbeach, Canterbury, N.Z.]; Mabel Mont- gomerie \m., 1888, Maitland Gordon Rich of Wairuna, Ashburton, N.Z.]; and Ethel Montgomerie {m., 1895, Lancelot Lane of Eastcott, Waikari, N. Z. ]. Postal address — Christchurch, New Zealand. @ is the Military Cockade. § GEORGE HOLDEN HUTTON, Esquire, Lieut.- Col. late Royal Welsh Fusiliers ; served in Ashanti War, 1874; J. P. and D.L. for Lincolnshire. Born Nov. i, 1845, being the elder son of the late Rev. George Thomas Hutton, Rector of Gate Burton and Rural Dean, by his wife Caroline, dau. of Robert Holden of Nuttall Temple, Notts. Club — Naval and Military. Armorial bearings — Or, on a fesse sable, surmounted by a pale invected of the last, pierced of the field, three stags' heads caboshed counterchanged, impaling the arms of Brooke, namely or, a cross engrailed per pale gules and sable, a a crescent for difference. Mantling sable and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, in front of a fern-brake proper, a stag's head caboshed or. Motto — " Post tenebras spero lucem." Married, June 9, 1883, Eva Henrietta, dau. of Francis Brooke of Summerton, and widow of Capt. Hon. Cornwallis Maude ; and has Issue — George Frederick Hutton, Gentleman, b. April 5, 1884. Seat — Thorney Hall, Newark. § GEORGE MORLAND HUTTON, Esquire, C.B.; served in Crimea with 46th foot; Lieut. -Col. (and Hon. Col.) ist Lincolnshire Artillery Vol. , D.L. and J. P. for Lincolnshire (High Sheriff 1884). Born Dec. 3. 1834, being the second but eldest surviving son of the late William Hutton, Esq., J. P., D.L., of Gate Burton, Lin- colnshire, by his wife Jane, dau. of Nicholas Bacon (second son of Sir Edmund fdacon, Bart.). Club — Carlton. Armorial bearings — Or, on a fesse sable, surmounted by a pale invected of the last, pierced of the field, three stags' heads caboshed counterchanged, impaling the arms of Arkwright, namely argent, on a mount vert, a cotton tree fructed proper, on a chief azure, between two bezants, an escutcheon of the field charged with a bee volant proper, and pendent below the escutcheon his badge as a C. B. Married, Aug. 30, 1870, Eustacie Emma Millicent, only child of Eustace Arkwright; and has /.wv/i'— Charles Eustace Hutton, Gentleman, /;. Nov. 17, 1873 [/«., 1897, Dorothy, youngest dau. of John Ingle] ; Syl>il Constance [ot., 1891, Rt. Hon. Lord Auckland]; and Evelyn Lucia Millicent. Seat — Gate Burton, Lincolnshire. n is the Naval Cockade. IDut m 437 Rkv. HKNkY WOLLASION HUTTON, Clerk in Holy Orders, I'rcbendary and I'riest Vicar of Lincoln Cathedral, J. P. Jiorn Nov. 6, 1835, being the eldest son of Rev. Henry Frederick Hutton, M.A. , J. I'., Rector of Spridlinsjton, Lincoln, by his wife Louisa, eldest dau. of Rev. Henry John Wollaston, Rector of Scotter, Lincoln- shire. Armorial bearings — Or, on a fessc sable, sur- mounted by a pale invected of the last, pierced of the field, three .stags' heads caboshed counterchanged. Mantling' sable and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, in front of a fern-brake [jroper, a stag's head calxjshed or. Motto — "Post tenebras spero luceni." Married, April 12, i860, Frances Annie, eldest dau. of John Bronihcad of Lincoln and Reepham, Lincolnshire ; and has hsue — Francis Henry Hutton, Esq., J. P., b. May 9, 1875; and Isobcl. Estate — Spridlington, Lincoln. Postal address — Vicars' Court, Lincoln. JOHN HUTTON HUTTON. Gentleman, of Houghton Hall, CO. Durham (as.sumed by Royal Licence, dated Feb. 26, 1861. the surname and arms of Hutton. under the will of his mother's coasin once removed, the Rev. John Hutton of Houghton and Tenterden.) Born Sept. 6. 1812. l)eing the eldest son of John Hill, Esq., of Hath, by his wife Mary Garraway, dau. and heiress of George Bulman, Esq., of Gateshead, co. Durham. Armorial bearings — Gules, on a fcsse between three cushions .irgent, fringed and tasselled or, as many (leurs-de-lis of the liehi. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, on a cushion gules placed lozenge- ways an open book, the edges gilt, with the words " Odor vitre " iiLscrilied. Motto— " Spiritus gladius." Married, Jan. 12, 1846, Charlotte, tlau. of the Rev. lidward Player of Bath; and has had Issm — (1) Hutt. 1883; (4) Wilfred ■Rawdon Ingham, (Gentleman, /'. 1887; (5) Lancelot Gordon Ingham, Gentleman, b. 1889; Louisa Gerald i ne ; and Gertrude Katherine. Seat — Sugwas Court, Eaton Bishop, CO. Hereford. H WILLIAM RAYMOND INCJLIS, Esquire, (.'apt. W Norfolk Regt. Borti May 22, 1862, bi-ing the son of William Inglis, C.B., Lieut.-Gen. in the Army (Hon. Gen.), formerly of 57th and 9th Regts. , J. P. and D. !>. co. Candiridge, by his wife Mary, dau. of Hector William Bower Monro of I-'dniondsham, Dorset. Club — Army and Navy. Armorial bearings — Azure, a lion rampant within a bordure argent, on a chief or, three mullets of the first, on a canton gules, the Peninsular gold cross and riband propter. Mantling azure and argent. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a demi-lion rampant argent. Motto — " Nobilis est ira leonis." Married, .April 27, 1B86, ICthel Heniinna, only dau. of Major-(jen. T. K. Di.xon, late 39th Regt. ; anil has Issue — (i) Alexander Raymond Inghs, Gentleman, b. April 25. 1887; (2) Thomas Archil>ald Inglis, Gentleman, b. Jan. 6, 1890; Ethel Mary; and Irene Margaret. Seat — The Lee, co. Essex. INGOLDSTHORPE, quailered by DU MOU LIN- BROWNE. INGRAM, see MEYNELI^INGRAM. ERNliST STOBART INMAN, (Jentleman. Horn March 31, J852, being the eldest son of William Inman, by his wife Anne Brewis, dau. of William Stobart. Club — Conservative ( Liverpool). Armorial bearings— Vain^ argent and vert, on a clievron cotised or, tline rciscs gules, Ijarlied, seeded, and slipped proper. Mantling vert and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a wyvern vert, winged fretty or, gorged with a plain collar, with lino refle.xed over the body gold, in the mouth a rose siipijed as in the arms. Motto- "In domino confido." Married, Oct. 24, 1889, Rose, only dau. of the late Edward Foster of London ; and has Issue— (i) Leslie Ernest Innian, Gentleman, b. Nov. 16, 1890; (2) Willian\ Foster Inman, Gentleman, /;. Feb. 24, 1892; (3) Joiin Hamilton Inman, Gentleman, b. Feb. 20, (/. July 6, 1893 ; (4) Douglas Stobart Inman, Gentleman (twin brother of John Hamilton), b. Vch. 21, 1893. Seat — Leftwich House, Northwich, Cheshire. ALEXANDER HERO WALD INNES. Born Septem- ber 10, 1872, being the eldest son of the late *?['ntirrt Alexander Innes, by his first wife Helen Evthan, Jl I U Ii-;? d;//)' child of the Reverend S. I V. King, 'Rector of Saxliugham, in the county of Norfolk. Ar- morial bearings as used, and as gi7>en in Burke's " Landed Gentry," but %ohich have nut been recorded in Lyon Office, are for ArmS: Argent, three stars azure, within a bordure compony of the first and second. Crest — A branch of palm slipped proper. MottO — " Ornatur radix fronde." Postal address — Raemoir House, by Banchory. ANN KATHERINE INNES, Widow, eldest daughter of the late General Sir Alexander Leith, Knight Com- mander of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, of Frcc- Jield, in the county oj Aberdeen. Lis'ery — Blue. Armorial bearings as used are, upon a lozenge: Argent, three stars azure, ivithin a bordure company of the first and second ; but these arms have not been recorded in Lyon Kegi ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ 1 ■ ''fM ^ 1 and 4, argent a crescent between three mullets azure, a Ixardure chequy of the second and first (for Innes) ; 2 and 3 or, a fesse ermine, Iwtween three griffins' heads erased vert. Crests -I. on the dexter side a brancli of palm proper; 2. a dexter cubit arm in armour erect, holding in the hand a spear point downwards all proper. Mottoes — "Ornatur radix fronde," " Per tela per hostes." Married, July 6, 1892, Margaret Anne, second daughter of Archer Irvine Fortescue of Kingcausie, in the county of Kincardine, and .Swanbister, in the county of Orkney ; and has Issue — Thomas Innes, Esquire, born August 26, 1893; and Helen Christian. Estates — Learney and Cullerly, lx)th in the county of Aberdeen, and conveyed to him by his father in 1892. Postal address — Learney, Torphins, Aberdeen. Tbe Editor undertakes that every entry not in italics is tbat of a genuinely armigerous person. 440 3]nn SThe Rcveniui W I I.I.I AM DISNEY INNF.S, Dcfijiiy-Lieuienant and Justice of the Peace for the county of Kincardine, liorn October 17, 1851, heiu}; tlie second son of the late Alexander Innes, F.squire, of Raemoir, Canvie, and Dunnottat', Deputy-I.ieutenant and Justice of the Peace, by his wife Ann Katlierine \to whom refer], daughter of General Sir Ale.vander Leith, Knight Com- mander of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, of Free- tic Id, in the county of Aberdeen. Liwry—Flue. Armorial bearing^ as used, and as given in lUirke's " Landed Gentry," are for Aima: .Irge'nt, three stars azure, -within a bordurc company of the first and second. Crest — A branch of palm slipped proper. ' MottO— " Ornatur radix fronde ; " hut these arms have not been recorded in Lyon Register. Married, December 12, 1877, Helen Amy, daughter of James liurnett Burnett, Esquire, of Monboddo ; and has Issue — .-llexander Innes, born March 20, 1B92. listate — Co7vie, in the county of Kincardine. Postal address — Cowie House, Stonehaven, N.B. S ARTHUR CHARLES INNES-CROSS, Esquire, J.P. and D. L. for co. Down, and formerly M.P. for the borough of Ncwry (1865-68). Born Nov. 1834, being the only .son of Arthur Innes, Esq., J. P. and D. L. , by his wife Mary Jervis, dau. of Admiral Wolseley ; and assumed the additional surname of Cross by Royal Licence in 1888. Clubs — Carlton, Sackville (Duljlin). Livery — Blue and yellow (full dress), white and blue. Armorial bearings- Quarterly I and 4, quarterly gules and or, in the first and fourth quarters a cross potent argent, in the .second and third quarters a rose of the first, seeded of the second, barbed vert, a canton of the third for distinction (for Cross) ; 2 and 3 argent, three estoiles azure, a bordure engrailed of the last, charged alternately with eight bezants and as many trefoils or (for Innes) ; and on an escutcheon of liretence the same arms without the canton. Mantling' gules and or. Crests — i. a stork proper, holding in the beak a cross potent fitchde argent, and resting the de.xtcr claw on a rose gules, seeded or, barbed vert, charged on the body with a cross pat6e azure for distinction (for Cross); 2. an estoile azure (for Innes). Mottoes (under the arms) — " Certavi ct vici " ; over the second crest, "Be traistc." Married, firstly, 1858, Louisa Letitia Henrietta, dau. of the late James Brabazon of Morington House ; and secondly, Sept. 21, 1887, Sarah Jane Beauchanip, only dau. of the late Col. William Cross, J. P., D.L. , of Dartan ; and has Issue— Atihw Charles Wolseley Innes-Cross, Gentle- man, b. i888 ; and Marian Dorothea. Seats — Dromanline, CO. Down; Dartan, co. Armagh. FREDERICK GEORGE INNES- LI LLINGSTON, Esquire, Lieut. R.N. (retired), and late Hon. Major Artillery Militia. Born June 15, 1849, being the only son of the late Isaac William Innes-Lillingston, by his wife Katherine Innes, only dau. of Hugh Lindsay, and great- niece and sole heiress of Sir Hugh Innes of Balmacara House. Club — United Service. Armorial bearings — Per pale argent and or, a bugle-horn sable, garnished gold, stringed gules, between three crescents ofthe third, each charged with an ermine spot of the first. Mantling sable and argent. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a demi-wyvern issuant, tail nowed sable, wings expanded and elevated or, charged with an ermine spot of the first, on the breast two annulets conjoined in pale gold. Married, Oct. 3, 1871, Frances Elizabeth, third dau. of William O'Brien ; and had Issue— (1) Frederick Frances Innes Innes- Lillingston, Gentleman, b. June i, 1877; (2) Hugh William Innes Innes-Lillingston, Gentleman, b. Aug. 16, 1878; (3) Jack Linsay Innes Innes-Lillingston, Gentleman, b. Aug. 6, 1882; (4) Arthur Donat Innes Innes-Lillingston, Gentle- man, b. Sept. 23, 1886 ; Kathrine Margaretta Innes ; Constance Sibyl Innes ; Mary ICmilie Innes ; Dorothy F^velyn Innes; and Hilda Frances Innes. Seat—livHn Court, Torquay. JAMES HARVEY INSOLE, Esq., J. P. for co. Gla- morgan, Lord of the Manors of Luxborough and Withiel Florey. being the eldest son of the late George Insole, Esq., of Cardiff. Armorial bearings— Azure, a griffin ])assant, in chief three leopards' faces jessant-de-lis or. Mantling azure and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a griffin passant or, charged on the body with two pheons and resting the dexter claw on a leopard's face jessant-de-lis azure. Has been twice married, his & is the Military Cockade. second wife being Marian, widow of Dr. .S. O. Carey, F. R.G.S. I. By his first marriage he has, with other Issue— James Walter Insole, Esq.. J. P., /;. 1845. Scats — K\y Court, Llandaff; Chargot Lodge, Luxborough, near Dun- ster, Somer.set ; Tyfru, Glamorganshire. JAMES WALTER INSOLE, Esq., J. P. for Glamorgan- shire. Born 1845, l)eing the eldest son of James Harvey Insole, Esq., J. P., of Ely Court anil Tyfru, (Glamorganshire. Club — Junior Carlton. Armorial bearings - Azure, a grifiin passant and in chief three leopards' faces or. Mantling azure and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a griffin passant or, charged on the body with two pheons, and resting the dexter claw upon a leopard's face jessant-de-lis azure, Married, 1867, Lillie, youngest dau. of the late George. Eagle of Dublin. Resi- dence — Pencisley. Llandafl', Cardiff. EDWARD IRBY, Gentleman, of Bolivia, Tenterfield, county C'live, in the Colony of New South Wales. TfflT) ^^'^'" ^^^y i4i 1821, being the fourth son of the Jl^^" Reverend i'aul .Vnthony Irby, Rector of Cottes- brooke, in the county of Northampton, by his first wife Patience .Anne, (laughter of .Sir W. de Cresisigny. Bar- onet. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Argent, fretty sable, on a canton gules, a chaplet or. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet liefitting his degree, with a mantling sable and argent ; and for his Crest, uj^on a wreath of the colours, a Saracen's head in profile proper, wreathed about the temples argent and sable ; with the Motto, " Honor fidelitatis pr;emium." Married, July 10, 1850, Mary, second daughter of Archibald Windeyer of Kinross, in the Colony of New South Wales; and has Issue — (i) Edward de Crespigny Irby, Gentleman [married, and has issue] ; (2) Frederick William Irl)y, Gentleman ; (3) Charles Augustus Irby, Gentleman ; (4) Roland John Irby, Gentleman. Postal address — Bolivia, Tenterfield, county Clive, New South Wales. ALEXANDER FORBES IRVINE, Gentleman, of Drum, in the county of Aberdeen. Born TiY\\\Y\P August 17, 1881, being the eldest son of the JjlUlllv i;^te Francis Hugh Forbes Irvine, Esquire, of Drum, Justice of the Peace, Master of Arts of the University of Oxford, Barrister-at-Law, by his wife Mary Agnes, only child of John Ramsay of Barra and Stra- loch, in the county of Aberdeen. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Argent, three small sheaves or bundles of holly two and one each consisting of as many leaves slipped vert, banded gules. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet laefitting his degree, with a mantling gules doubled argent; and upon a wreath of his liveries is set for Crest, a shenf of nine holly leaves vert ; and for liis Supporters, two savages wreathed about the head and middle with holly, each carry- ing in their hands a baton all proper ; with the Motto, " Sub sole sub umbra virens." Seat — Drum Castle, Drum- oak, in the coimty of Aberdeen. MARY AGNES IRVINE. Widow, only child of John Ramsay, Esquire, of Barra [to whom refer]. Armorial bearings are, upon a lozenge: .Argent, three small sheaves or bundles of holly, two and one, each consisting of as many leaves slipped vert, and impaling the arms of Rams;iy of Barra, namely quarterly i and 4 argent, an eagle dis- played sable, surmounted of a fesse of the field, charged with three stars of six points wavy azure 2 and 3 argent, three stars of six points wavy azure, in the centre chief a mullet gules, within a bordure chec|uy invected of the second and first. Married, November 18, 1880, Francis Hugh Forbes Irvine, Esquire, of Drum, in the county of Aberdeen, Justice of the Peace, Master of Arts of the University of O.xford, who died July 1894; and has Issue — (i) .Mexander Forbes Irvine, Gentleman [to whom refer]. (2) Quentin Hugh Innes Irvine, Gentleman. Scat — Straloch, Aber- deen. Postal address — Drum Castle, Drumoak, .Aberdeen- shire. SJOHN GERARD IRVINE, Esquire, late Colonel Commanding yd Battalion Royal Inniskilling Fusi- liers, Deputy-Lieutenant for the county of Ferinanagh, Justice of the Peace for the counties of Fermanagh and Tyrone. Born 1823, being the eldest surviving son of the late Joint Irvine, Esquire, Major /^th Battalion Royal Inniskilling S is the Naval Cockade. Fusiliers, Deputy-lAeiitenant and Justice of the Peace, by his wife Saraii, daughter of the late Thomas Tou'ers of fh/shy Park, in the county of fipperary. Livery — Drab coat fucd and piped with red, j^reen vest, drab breeches. Armorial beai1Il£rB 'IS used, but for which no right has been established in Ulster's Office by Colonel Irvine, arc for Arms : Argent, a fesse gules between three holly-leaves vert. Crest — Issuing from a cloud a cubit arm in armour fessetvays, holding in the hand a thistle slipped and leaved all proper. MottO — " Dum mentor ipse mei." Married, i86o, Elizabeth, daughter of the late IVilliam Daniell, Esquire, of Uallymackney, Justice of the Peace for the county of Monaghan ; and has Issue — (i) John Gerard Christopher Irvine, Esquire, Major ■yd Battalion Royal Inni shilling fusiliers, born 1864 [in. , 1886, Georgina Emma Matilda, dau. of the late Capt. Menyn Archdaleof Castle Archdale, M.P. , and has Issue] ; (2) William Peregrine Daniell I r^nne, horn 1869 ; (3) Arthur Lancelot Carleton Irvine, born 1870; (4) Charles Edruard Stannus Irvine, born 1873 ; (5) Geoffrey George Vaugham Irvine, born 1874 ; Mary Elizabeth Geraldine \jnarried, 1892, Frederick V. Maude\ ; Carrie Sarah Sophia ; Kathleen Margaret Matilda ; and Elsie Beatrice Blanch. Estates — Killadeas, Ederney, and Lack. Postal address — Killadeas, county Fermanagh. ROI5EKT IRVINE, Esq., J.P. co. Durham. Armorial bearings — Or, 011 a chevron azure, Iwtvvcen three sheaves of holly each consisting of three leaves vert, banded gules, an anchor erect with cable of the first between two dolphins embowed i)roper. Mantling azure and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wieath of the colours, in front of two anchors saltireways with cables or, a dolphin embowed projjcr. Residence — Orchard House, Clarence Road, West Hartle- pool. § WILLIAM JOHN IRVINE, Esquire, Lieutenant- Colonel ■20th Hussars. Uorn September 22, 1848, being I the only son of General W. Irvine, by his wife Eliza, daughter if J. Crump of Carland, in the county of Tyrone. j Clubs — Junior Ihiited Service, Cavalry. Livery — Blue. Armorial bearings as used, but which have not been matri- culated in Lyon Register by the above-mentioned Colonel Irvine, are argent, three holly-leaves vert. Crest—/'/ dexter arm in armour embvioed, holding a branch of holly. Sup- porters — On either side a savage, holding over his exterior shoulder a club all proper. EsiMcs— St. Catherine s Park, Leixlip, in the county of KiUlare ; Carland, Dungannun , in the county of Tyrone. Postal address — St. Catherine's Park, Leixlip, county Kildare. Sir GEORGE IRWIN, Knight Bachelor, Justice of the Peace for the West Riding of the county of 'ilrVnin ^"■'k. "ind for Leeds. Born January 22, 1832, JIVUlill ijejnjr the only son of the late Acheson Irwin of Clonaveel House, in the county of Fer- managh, by his wife Anna, diughter of John Martin of Summer Hill, in the county of Dublin ; dubbed Knight Baciielor, Decemlier 2, 1892. A/Trrv— Blue. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms: Argent, a mural crown gules, between three holly leaves proper. Upon the escut- cheon is placed a helmet Ijefilting his degree, with a mantling gules, doubled argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a mailed arm fesseways holding in the hand a thistle and aholly leaf all proper, and charged on the arm with a crescent gules ; with the Motto, " Nemo me impune lacessit." Married, November 21, 1861, Flora Adelaide, eldest daughter of Captain 'I'homas Jacob Smith, late 33rd Regiment; and has Issue— {\) Acheson Irwin, Esquire, born September 7, 1863 ; (2) George Montgomery Irwin, Gentleman, born January 12, 1865. drowned Sep- tember 13, 189T ; (3) Edward Irwin, Esquire, born March 7, 1867 ; (4) William Hawkins Irwin, Esquire, born January 16, 1869. /t.r/a/t'— Freehold property in Leeds. Postal a^/(//-«jr— Cumberland Lodge, Headingley, Leeds. JOHN ARTHUR IRWIN, Esquire, of Derrygore, in the county of Fermanagh, Justice of the Peace, High Sheriff 1888. Born January i, 1854, being the second but eldest survivmg son of the late lidward Irwin, Esquire, of Derry- gore, Justice of tile Peace for that county. High Sheriff 1862, by his wife H;tnnah, daughter of Thomas Baynes of Leeds. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Argent, a mural crown gules between three holly leaves proper. Upon tiie 310m 441 escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules, doubled argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a mailed arm fesseways, holding in the hand a thistle and a holly leaf all proper, and charged on the arms with a crescent gules. Motto — "Nemo me impune lacessit." i'ea/— Derrygore, Enniskillen. § THOMAS ANGELO IRWIN, Esquire, Justice of the Peace and Deputy-Lieutenant for the county of Cumberland, High .Sheriff 1897, late Royal Scots Regiment, and now Hon. Col. 2nd Middlesex Vol. Art. ; served in .Ashanti Campaign 1873-74. Born April 10, 1845, being the eldest son of the late Lieutenant Thomas Somerville Irwin of the Honourable East India Company's Service (Bengal Engineers), by his wife Caroline Burke, daughter of the late Colonel John Angelo, also of the Honourable East India Company's Service (3rd Bengal Cavalry). Clubs — .•\rmy and Navy, County (Carlisle). I.ivciy — Olive green cloth coat and trousers, brass or gilt buttons, olive green and yellow striped vest. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : (Quarterly i. per pale or and argent, three annulets in fesse l)etween as many holly leaves slipped and pendent vert (for Irwin) ; 2. or, a green parrot proper, in the sinister chief a cross crosslet fitch(5e sable (for .Senhouse) ; 3. argent, on a chevron Ijetween three lions' heads erased gules, as many battle-axes of the field (for Tiffin) ; 4. gules, a fesse ermine Ijetween three boars' heads couped argent (for Towcrson) ; and impaling the arms of Strutt, namely, per pale sable and azure, two chevronels engrailed between three cross crosslets fitch^e or (for Strutt). Upon the es- cutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling vert and argent ; and for his Crest, on a wreath of the colours, upon a mount between two holly leaves vert, a dove argent, holding in the beak an olive branch proper, and an ear of wheat or; with the Motto, "Hand ullis l.iljentia ventis." Married, April 22, 1879, I^ucy Frances, younger daughter of George Henry .Snutt, Esquire, of Bridgehill, Belper, in the county of Derby, Deputy-Lieu- tenant ; and has Issue — (i) Thomas Strutt Irwin, Gentleman, born February 2, 1881 ; (2) Cuthlx;rt Strutt Irwin, Gentle- man, born June 29, 1885; (3) Reginald Strutt Irwin, Gentleman, born October 3, 1886; (4) Henry Strutt Irwin, Gentleman, born June i, 1890; Caroline Agnes; Mary Eleanor ; Winifred Lucy ; and Jane Katharine. Estates— Lynchow, near Carlisle, and Solport, near Longtown, both in the county of Cumberland. Postal address — Lynehow, Carlisle. Raihoay Stations — Lyneside, N.B. R. ; and Floriston, Cal. Ry. ISLES, Bishop of Argyll and the, see .ARGYLL .\NO THii ISLES. JAMES HAINSWORTH ISM.AY, Gentleman. Born March 4, 1867, and is the second son of 'TTfViYiia'n Thomas Henry Isniay, Esquire, of Dawpool, Jl^lllCl^ in the county of Chester, Justice of the Peace and Deputy-Lieutenant for that county [and to whom refer], by his wife Margaret, daughter of the late Tbe Editor imdertakes that every entry not in italics is that of a genuinely armigerous person. 30111 3lac Luke liniic, .slii|H>\viU'r, of l,ivi'r|K)C)l. ( liii' — Reform. Armorial bearings— He Ijchis for Arms : Azure, a chevron in chief, ;i cross patee between two bezants, and in base a cross patee fitcht^e all or, and impaling the arms of Sey- mour, namely, quarterly i and 4, or on a pile gules, be- tween six fleurs-de-lis azure, three lions passant guardant in pale or ; 2 and 3 gules, two wings conjoined in lure or ; and for a Crest, on a wreath of the colours, an escjuire's helmet |)roper, in front tliereof a cross pat(?e fitcht^e or ; with tlie Motto, " He mindful." Married, November 10, 1892, Margaret .Mice, commonly known as Lady Margaret Alice, daughter of the Most Honourable Hugh De Grey Seymour, sixth Marquess of Hertford. Postal address — Caldy Manor, West Kirkby, Cheshire. § THOMAS HENRY ISMAY, Esquire, Justice of the Peace and Deputy-Lieutenant for the county of Chester, (High Sheriff 1892), and Justice of the Peace for the county of Lancaster. Horn January 7, 1837, and is the eldest son of the late Joseph Ismay, shipbuilder and shipowner, of Maryport, in the county of Cumber- land, by his wife Mary, daughter of the late John Sealby of Tallentire, in the same county. Club — Reform. Livery — Chocolate with canary colour facings. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Azure, a chevron in chief a cross i^atiie between two l)czants, and in base a cross pat(ie fitchee all or; and for a Crest, on a wreath of the colours, an es(]uire's lielmet proper, in front thereof a cross pat(5e fitchde or; with the MottO, "Be mindful." Married, April 7, 1859, Margaret, daughter of the late Luke Bruce, shipowner, of Liverpool ; and has Issue — (i) Joseph Bruce Ismay, Gentleman, born December 12, 1862 [married, 1888, Julia Florence, daughter of George R. Schieffelin of New York, in the United States of America, and has issue, a son, born February 18, 1894] ; (2) James Hainsworth Ismay, Gentleman, born March 4, 1867 [to whom refer] ; (3) Charles Bower Ismay, Gentleman, born January 24, 1874 ; Ethel Sealby [married, 1896, Geoffrey Drage, M.P. for Derby]; Ada; Dora; and Charlotte. Estate and postal address — Dawpool, Thurstaston, Birken- head. ITCHINGHAM, quartered by CHICHESTER. H WILLIAM JACKS, lisiji/ire, D.L. for the co. of ^S Stirling, and J. P. for the to. of Lanark, and the to. of the City of Gtasgoiv. Born March 18, 1841, being the second son of Richard jacks ami Margaret Lamb. Clubs — Reform, Nino {Glasgow), Liberal (Glas^tnv). Livery — Dark green. Crest as used, but for which no titithority has been established, is — On a mount, a collie-dog. Motto — " Trcu und fest." Married, Oct. 23, 1878, Matilda Ferguson, dan. of John Siic'en, Manufacturer, Glasgoio. I'ostal address — Crosslet, Dumbarton. CLEMENT NUGENT JACKSON, Gentleman, of Hertford College, Oxford, Proctor of that University. Born April 2, 1846, being the third son of the late Lieu- tenant-General George Jackson (jf the Bengal Stafl' Corps, and his wife Phillis Sf)phia, oncaster, by his wife Margaret Caroline, dau. of Hugh Parker, Esq., of Wood- thorix- Hall, near .Sheffield, J. P. and D. L. for the W. R. of I lie Lo. of York. Armorial bearingB— He Ijears for Arms : I'arty |)er pale gules and azure, on a fesse ermine cotised argent, between three shovellers of the last, a cross crosslet l«tween two annulets of the first ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath f)f the colours, a demi-griffm gules, collared and chain retlexcd over the back or, holding in the dexter claw a shoveller's head erased argent ; with the MottO, "Strenue I't honeste." Postal address— iJoncaster. EDWIN JACKSON, Esquire, formerly Capt. 1st Vol. Halt. Border Regt., only son of the late Isaac Jackson of Broom, (iosforth, Ciimberland, by his wife Jam', dauf^liter of Daniel Burns of Kilmare, co. Down. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms: .Azure, three pheons |x)inis down- Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, in front of a mount vert, thereon a horse courant argent, three caltraps or. Motto — " Celer et audax." Married, July 19, 1882. Martha, youngest daughter of the late J. C. Robinson of Elterwater Hall, Ambleside, Westmorland ; and has Issue — (i) Leslie John Broomhill Jackson, born and died 1883 ; (2) Edwin Harley Jackson, (jentlcman, born June 27, 1888 ; Rotha Mary Hannah Margaret ; Minnie Greeba Victoria ; and Dorothy Melba. Estates — Broom, Gosforth, and Hawthorns, Keswick, both in Cumljerland. Postal address — Hawthorns, Keswick, Cumberland. FRANCIS ARTHUR JACKSON, Gentleman, Member of the Polynesian Society, Life Menilier of the British Astronomical Association, anri a Life Fellow of the Imperial Institute. Horn October 19, 1837, l>eing the eldest son of the Rev. Francis Arthur Jackson, Master of .Arts of the University of Cambridge, Vicar of Riccall, in the county of York, wards in fesse or, l^etween as many eagles' heads erased ermine. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling azure and or ; and for his by Charlotte his wife, youngest daughter of Colonel John Kirke of Markham Hall and Retford, in the county of Nottinghani, Justice of the Peace and I^ord of the Manor of Markham, and Colonel of the Sherwood Rangers, Not- tingham Yeomanry Cavalry, formerly Captain 24th Light Dragoons, by his first wife Anne Mervyn, eldest daughter of .Sir William Richardson, Baronet, of Castle Hill and Augher Castle, in the county of Tyrone. [Mr. Francis Arthur Jackson and all the other descendants of his paternal grandmother, Henriett.a Priscilla, nt'e Bower, inherit through her a legitimate Royal Descent from King Edward HI., through his son Lionel (of .Antwerp) Duke of Clarence, K.G.] /,/etween as many. eagles' heads erased, all countercharged, impaled with the arms of Baxter, namely ermine, on a chevron engrailed between three mullets gules, as many garbs or ; and for his Crest, on a wreath of the colours, upon the trunk of a tree eradicated and sprouting to the dexter, a horse current argent, guttt''e-de-poix, charged on the body with a pale gules, thereon a cinquefoil also argent; with the Motto — "Jam.ais arriere." Married, .September 1882, Emily .Margaret, daughter of the late Edward Baxter of Kincaldrum, in the county of Forfar, and Gilston, in the county of F'ife ; and has /.w//t'— Annie Con- stance; and Dorothy Jean. Estates — Swordale, in the county of Ross ; Ix)w Farm, Upwell, in the county of Norfolk. Postal address — Swordale, Evanton, Ross-shire. WILLIAM JACKSON, Esquire, Justice of the Peace for the county of Chester. Born November 19, 1832, l)eing the second son of Sir William Jackson, Baronet, by Dame Elizabeth, daughter of Thomas Hughes, Lieutenant late 2nd Lancashire .Militia. Club — City Liberal. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Azure, a fesse between two goats' heads couped in chief and a fleur-de-lis in base argent, two Haunches of the last ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, on a ragged staff sable a goat's head couped argent, semte of trefoils vert; with the Motto, " Fortiter, Fidelitur, Feliciter." Married, 1861, Therese Isabel, daughter of Edward Howard of Liverpool ; and has Issue — WiUiam Jackson, Gentleman, V>.h. (Cambs.), born 1870; and several daughters [of whom Maud Isabel married, 1889, John Glynn of The Hut, Hoylake, in the county of Cheshire; The Editor imdertakes that every entry not in italics is that of a genuinely armigerous person. 446 3iac 3Iac Elizabeth married, 1893. Edgar Leicester Billson of The l.odge, Hoylake, Cheshire ; and Miriam Hcrniine mar- ried, 1895, Harold Stanley Inman]. Postal address — Forest Road, Birkenhead. WILLIAM HENRY JACKSON, Esquire, a Justice of the Peace for the Colony of (Queensland. Bom Februar\' 19, t835, being the eldest son of the late Henry Jackson of Marnaharin, in the counties of Monaghan and Dublin, Ireland, by his wife Mary Anne, daughter of William White of Drumgavney, in the county of Monaghan, Ireland. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Harry of ten argent and azure, a lion rampant gules holding between the paws an eagle's head erased or, two Haunches sable, each charged with a mullet of six [joints of the fourth ; and for the Crest, on a wreath of the colours, in front of a ^ is the Military Cockade. mount vert, a mullet of six points or, thereon an eagle close proper ; with the Motto, " Confide recte agens. " Married, April 24, 1872, Jane Eleanor, only daughter of the late Daniel Steed of Belfiist, Ireland ; and has Issue— {\) Willjam Thomas Isles Jackson, Gentleman, born March 21, 1874; (2) Lewis Henry Jackson, Gentleman, born April 30, 1880; and Maude Isabel. Postal address — Laurel Lodge, Toowong, near Brisbane, Queensland. The Right Honoukabi.e WILLIAM LAWIES JACK- SON, a Member of Her Majesty's Most Honourable Privy Council, Justice of the Peace for Leeds and for the West Riding of the county of York, Member of Parliament for the Northern Division of Leeds. Born 1840. being the son of tlie late William Jackson, formerly of Leeds. Clubs— Carlton, Athenceum. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms: Party per chevron gules and or, in chief two suns in splendour of the last, and in base three annulets, one and two interlaced of the first. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a horse or, holding in the mouth an ear of wheat slipped vert, resting the dexter foreleg on three annulets as in the arms; with the Motto, " Essayez." Married, i860, Grace, daughter of George Tempest. Residences — AUerton Hall, Chapel Allerton, near Leeds ; 27 Cadogan Square, S.W. WILLIAM HIGGINS JACOB, fourth son of Vickers Jacob, a Lieutenant i?i the Honourable East India Com- pany's Service, by his wife Anne, daughter of William Watson , a Major in the same Sci-oice. Clubs — Constitutional and Junior Constitutional. Armorial bearings as used, but for which no authority has been established at the College of Arms, are : Argent, a chevron gules, betne\on^\re, Notting- hamshire (Nottingham). Livery— T)Ark blue, with gilt buttons. Armorial bearings— I'arty per fesse dancett6e 3Iag:o=Ccela\J3nj) argent and sable, in chief a cross of eight points gules, between two roses of the last, barlx"d and seeded jiropcr, and in base two wings conjoined in lure, and elevated or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a stag argent, charged upon the l)ody with two roses gules, barbed and seeded proper, resting the de.vler forefoot on a cross as in the arms; with the Motto, "Opera Ixjna effulgent." Postal address— \iiil)owed erminois, as many crosses crosslet gules. Mant- ling sable and argent. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, 1 1 mffalo passant gules, armed proper, the dexter forefoot r '^ling on an escutcheon argent, charged with a pheon :il)le. Motto — " Deo semper confide." Married, .April 9, i;io4, ]';ilen, eldest dau. of Captain William Dent, R.N., "I Shorttlatt Tower; and has Issue— (1) William Bernard I lines, Esq., Capt. 2nd Bengal Lancers, b. Feb. 1865 •I'., 1887, Elizabeth, eldest dau. of the late William Minto; and has issue— Bernard Seton James, Gentleman, [889 ; Geoffrey Minto James, Gentleman, h. 1892] ; j) George Thomas Brooksbank James, Gentleman, b. Feb. ~ 1867; (3) Arthur Hedley James, Gentleman, Lieut. K.X.R., b. July II, 1868; (4) Frederick Seton James, ^ (.entleman, b. April 8, 1870; and Mary Amelia. Seat— Jar 449 Otterburn Tower, Otterburn. Terrace, W. Residence — 37 Gloucester S WILLIAM DODGE JAMES, Esquire, Justice of the Peace and Deputy-Lieutenant. Born 1854, being the youngest son of the late Daniel James of Beaconsfield. Woolton, in the county of Lancaster, by his wife Sophia, daughter of George Hitchcock of New York. Club — Turf. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Or, on a chevron between two ostriches in chief and a dolphin naiant in base sable, a billet of the first ; and impaling the arms of Forbes of Newe, namely, quarterly i and 4 azure, three bears' heads couped argent, muzzled gules (for Forbes) ; 2 and 3 azure, three fraises argent (for Fraser). Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling sable and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, upon the battlements of a tower or, an osirich sable, holding in the Iwak a billet also or. Motto — "J'aime h jamais." Married, March 5, 1889, Evelyn I^lizabeth, eldest daughter of Sir Charles John Forl>es, Baronet, of Newe ; and has Issue — Helen Millicent ; and Alexandra Maud. Seat — West Dean Park, Chichester. Town house — 14 Great Stanhope Street, W. MAURICE EYRE FRANCIS BELLINGHAM JAMESON, Gentleman. Horn May 9, 1888, only child of the late James Francis Jameson, Esq. J. P., Ca[)t. and Hon. Major 4th liatt. Connaught Rangers, and formerly Lieut. 98th F'oot and 7th Dragoon Guards (eldest son of Rev. John Jameson of Windfield, by his wife Isabella Anne, dau. of the late Gen. Sir Harry David Jones, G.C.B.) by his wife Helen Maud, eldest dau. of the late William Jameson of Montrose, co. Dublin. Livery — Dark blue, scarlet waistcoat, facings dark blue velvet. Armorial bearings — Azure, a saltire or, cantoned in chief and flanks by Roman galleys proper, and a bugle-horn in base of the second. Mantling azure and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a Roman galley proper, the sail gules, charged with a lion passant guardant or; and for Motto, "Sine metu." Seat — Windfield, Menlagh, co. Galway. D.WID JARDINE JARDINE, Esquire, of Jardinc Hall, Lockerbie, Applegarth, Tinwald, and Torthorwald, CO. Dumfries, and of Lauriston, co. Roxburgh, M.A. , J. P., F.R.G.S. , Barrister-at-Law. Born 1847, being the only son of the late James Jardine of Dryfeholm, Tinwald, Tor- thorwald, and Jardine Hall, all in co. Dumfries. Armorial bearings — Parted per pale argent and or, a saltire gules, on a chief of the third, three mullets of the first. Mantling The Editor undertakes that every entry not in italics is that of a genuinely armigerous person. 2 F 45° 3ar Rules doubled argent ; and upon a wreath of the colours is set for Crest, a spur rowel gules. MottO— "Cave adsum." Married, 1886, Mary Angela, dau. of Sir Charles T. Bright. Postal addresses— \t) I'ark Lane, London, W. ; Applegarth and Jardine Hall ; and Corrie Lodge, Lockerbie, N.B. KOBERr HERBERT HEATH JARY, Esquire, J.l\ for the COS. of Lancaster, Bedford, Leicester, and Norfolk, Major late 12th Lancers. Born 1830, being the second so.i of William Heath Jary, Esq.. J. P. and D.L., by his wife Sarah, dau of Kobcrt I'ostle. Clubs— Army and Navy, United Service. Armorial bearings— (Jules, on a pile ermine, between two lions rampant respecting each other or, three roses, two and one of tlie field. Mantling gules ami argent. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, out of clouds two arms embowed in armour proper, the hands also proper, supporting a rose gules. Motto — "Mens conscia recti." Married, 1862, Julia Mary, only dau. and heiress of David Bromilow of Bitteswell Hall, co. Leicester. .SV.»/.f— Burlington House, and South Walsham, Norwich ; Bitteswell Hall, Lutterworth, co. Leicester. § Deputy liispector-Cencral JOSEPH JER, Companiou of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, upon Tt0C "'"f"'"^ ^'^'' ^lajesty has conferred the Decoration oj J|vv the Victoria Cross, son of the late Christopher Preston Jee oj Hartshill, in the county of Warrvick, by his 7oife Elizabeth, daughter of John Eden ; Member of the Royal College of Surgeons, England, 1841 ; served in x^th Hussars many years ; exchanged Jroni "jZth Highlanders (n07O Seaforth Highlanders) to Royal Dragoons, 1864 ; and became Deputy Inspector-General of Army Hospitals (half-pay), 1868; received the Victoria Cross, 1857; and was created a Companion of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, 1858. Clubs — Army and Navy, Hurling- hani. Livery — Dark blue, lined with yellow serge. Ar- morial bearings as used, but for which no authority has been established in the College of Arms, are for Arms : Gules, a sword in bend proper. Crest — A dexter cubit arm erect holding in the gauntlet a sitwrd ; 2vith the Motto, " In fortitudo mea." Married, 1880, Norah Caro- line, daughter of the late Charles Riley, Barrister-at-Law , of Queensboro' Terrace, Hyde Park. Postal address — Queeniborough Hall, Leicester. § THOMAS WILLIAM JEFFCOCK, Esquire, justice of the Peace and D.L. for the West Riding of York- shire, late Major Yorkshire Dragoons (Yeomanry Cavalry). Born Dec. 18, 1839, being the only son of the late Thomas Dunn Jeffcock of Woodside, Sheffield. Clubs — Junior Carlton, Cavalry. Livery — Blue with brass buttons. Ar- morial bearings— He bears for Arms : Sable, three pick- axes or, on a chief argent, a cross patde gules between two ravens of the first. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling sable and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, in front of a mount of coal, therefrom issuant a de.xter arm embowed, grasping a coal-pick all proper, a cross pat^e argent; with the Motto, " Persevere." Married, Decem- ber 1892, Hannah Maria, daughter of the late Makin Durham of Thorne, Doncaster, and widow of Frederick Vickers of Dykes Hall, Sheffield. Postal address — ^hue House, Ecclesfield, Sheffield. JEFFREYS, quartered by PRATT. EDWARD JOSEPH JEKYLL, Esquire, late Capt. 64th Regiment, J. P. for the co. of Bedford. Born Aug. 18, 1839, being the eldest son of Edward Joseph Hill I'ekyll, Esq.. of Wargrave Hill, Berks, Capt. Grenadier Guards, by Julia, dau. of Charles Hammersley. Liveiy—T)z.\V blue (for black) coat with gold facings; black and yellow striped waistcoat. Armorial bearings— Ouarterly, i. or, a fesse between three hinds trippant sable (for Jekyll) ; 2. lozengy sable and argent, a chief per fesse indented or and azure (for Stocker) ; 3. gules, a pair of wings inverted and conjoined argent (for Barnhouse) ; 4. argent, three boar's heads couped, between nine cross crosslets fitch(5e gules (for Brittrixton). Mantling sable and or. Crest- On a wreath of the colours, a nag's head couped argent, maned and bridled sable, studded and tasscUed or. Motto—" In Deo confido." Married, Sept. 23, 1870, Theresa Frances Hen- rietta, dau. of Willielm Julius August Heinrich Baron von & is the Military Cockade. 3leb Biel of Zierow Mecklenburg-Schwerin ; and has Issue— (1) Millicent [m., Oct. 7, 1896, Erich Baron von Maltzahn] ; (2) Grace (d. Nov. 2, 1885). Seat— H\gha.m Bury, near Ampthill, Bedfordshire. H HERBERT JEKYLL, Esquire, Companion of the ® Most Distinguished Order of Saint Michael '?frfetl!T ^"'' ^^'11' George, Colonel Royal Engineers. j|vll[^U Born November 22, 1846, teing the fourth and second surviving son of the late Edward Joseph Hill Jekyll of Wargrave Hill, in the county of Berkshire, formerly Captain Grenadier Guards, by his wife Julia, daughter of the late Charles Hammersley of 25 Park Cres- cent, London ; entered Royal Engineers 1866, became Captain 1878, Major 1886, Lieutenant-Colonel 1892, and Colonel 1896, served in Ash.-intee War, 1873-1874; was Private Secretary to the Earl of Carnarvon when Secretary of State for Colonies, 1876-1878; Secretary to Colonial De- fence Committee, 1878, 1879, and to Royal Commission on the Defence of British Possessions and Commerce Abroad, 1879 -1882 ; specially employed at War Office and at Singa- pore, 1 883- 1885 ; Secretary to Colonial Defence Committee, 1885 ; Private Secretary to the Viceroy of Ireland (Earl Carnarvon), 1885, 1886 ; Secretary to Royal Commission on Melbourne Centenary Exhibition, 1888, 1889; appointed PrivateSecretarytothe Viceroy of Ireland (Baron Houghton), 1892; Secretary to Royal Commission on Paris International Exhibition of 1900 in 1897 ; and was created a Companion of the Most Distinguished Order of Saint Michael and Saint George, 1885. Clubs — Athenanmi, Burlington Fine Arts', Cosmopolitan. Livery— \i\a.ck coat, great-coat and trousers, black and yellow striped waistcoat, with brass buttons. Armorial bearings He bears for Arms : (Quar- terly, I. 01-, a fesse between three hinds trippant sable; 2. lozengy argent and sable, a chief per fesse dancettc'^e or and azure ; 3. gules, two wings inverted and conjoined in leure argent, and in chief a crescent for difference ; 4. argent, crusily fitchee sable, three boars' heads erased gules ; and upon an escutcheon of pretence for and in right of his wife, the arms of Gra'nam, namely or, on a chief in- vected ermine, three escallops of the field. Pendent l)elow the escutcheon is his badge as a Comjjanion of the Most Distinguished Order of Saint Michael and -Saint (Jeorge; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a horse's 8 is the Naval Cockade. 3Iel head cou| jed argent, bridled and studded ; with the MottO, " In Deo confido." Married, December 29, i88r, Agnt-s Lowndes, sixth and youngest daughter of ihe late William Graham, lisquire, of 35 {}rosvenor Place, London. Deputy- Lieutenant, formerly Member of Parliament for Cilasgow ; and has /w/ye— Francis Waller Jekyll, Gentleman, \)ox\\ November 20, 1882 ; Barlwira ; and Pamela Margaret. Postal addresses — 3 Green .Street, Park Lane ; and Mim- stcad House, Godalming. ARTHUR RICHARD JELF, Flsciuire. Q.C., M.A. Ch. Ch., Oxon. Jiorn 1837, being the second son of the late Rev. R. W. Jelf, D.D., Canon of Ch. Ch., Oxon. formerly I'rin. of King's CdH. , London. C////^— Athcna-um. Armorial bearings — Chevron engrailed azure and ermine, in chief two doves argent, be:)ked and legged gules, in Iwse three cinquefoils two and one of the last. Mantling azure and argent. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a stork with wings elevated argent, lieaked and legged gules, in the beak a trefoil slipped vert, and on the breast a cross pat(?e of the second, the dexter claw resting on a fleur-de-lis or. Married, 1867. Jane, youngest dau. of late W'illiam Clark King, M.A., Vicar of Norham, Northimiterland. Kesi- dence~Onk House, Carlton Road, Putney Hill, S.W. CANON JELF. Horn , l>eing the eldest son of the late Rev. R. W. Jelf, D. D. , Canon of Ch. Ch. , Oxford, formerly Prin. of Kings Coll. , London. Armorial bearings — Chevron engrailed argent and ermine, in chief two doves argent, beaked and legged gules, in base three cinquefoils two and one of the last. Mantling azure and argent. I Crest— On a wre;\th of the colours, a stork with wings ; elevated argent, beaked and legged gules, in the beak a trefoil slipped vert, and on the breast a cross pat — Junior Consti- tutional. I.ivety — Dark blue coat, red waistcoat. Ar- morial bearing's -He bears for Arms : Azure, two swords in chevron argent, hilted and iionimelled or, between three covered cups of the last (for Jenner) ; 2. or, a fesse between three fireballs azure, the latter issuant flames gules (for Poe) ; 3. argent, on a chevron between tliree woodbills sable, as many mullets pierced of the field (for Fust); 4. azure, a chevron between three lozenges or (for Hyde) ; andfor his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, two swords in saltire argent, hilted and pommelled or, supporting a covered cup of ^& is the Naval Cockade. Jenner 3fen 3len 453 the last. Motto — "In pretium pcrsevers." Married, 1881, Elizabeth Gcorgiana, only daughter of the Reverend Richard Prichard of Ne\vlx)ld, Shi]).ston-on-.Stour, and Collcnna, in the county of Glamorgan. Estate — Alfo.xton Park, in the county of Somerset. Postal address — Alfoxton Park, Bridg- water, Somerset. HENRY JENNER, Gentleman, F.S.A., Assistant Librarian in the British Museum (appointed 1870), eldest and only surviving son of the Right Reverend Henry Las- celles Jenner, formerly Bishop of Dunedin, New Zealand [to whom refer], and his wife Mary Isabel, eldest daughter of the late Captain William Finlaison, Royal Navy, sometime Governor of the Island of Ascension. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : (Quarterly, i. azure, two swords in chevron argent, hiked and pommelled or, between three covered cups of the last (for Jenner) ; 2. or, a fesse between three fireballs azure, the latter issuant flames gules (for Poe) ; 3. argent, on a chevron between three woodbills sable, three mullets pierced of the field (for Fust) ; 4. azure, a chevron between three lozenges or (for Hyde) ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, two swords in saltire argent, liilted and pommelled or, sup[)orting a covered cup of the last; with the Motto, " \ Deo Re,\, a Rege le.K." Married, July 12, 1877, Kitty Lee, daughter of the late William John Rawlings of Downes, Hayle, in the county of Cornwall ; and has Issue — Cecily Katharine Ysolt. Postal address — The Olil House, Bushey Heath, Herts. IHK Right Rkykkend Bi.siior HENRY LASCELLES JENNER, Doctor of Divinity of the University of Cam- bridge, Vicar of Preston-next- Wingham, in the county of Kent, first Bishop of Dunedin, in the Colony of New Zealand (1866-1870), and Bishop of the Galilean Catholic Church, Paris (1883-1891). Horn 1820, being the eighth son of th(! late Right Honourable .Sir Herl)crt Jenner-Fnst, Doctor of Laws, Dean of Arches, Judge of the Prerogative Court of Canterbury, .Master of Trinity Hall and a Memi)er of the Privy Council, by his wife Iilizal>eth, daughter of Major- General Francis Lascelles. Club — Junior Conservative. Armorial bearing^- He bears for Arms: (Quarterly, i. azure, two swords in chevron argent, hiked and pommelled or, between three covered cups of the last (for Jenner) ; 2. or, a fesse between three firei)alls azure, the latter issuant flames gules (for Poe) ; 3. argent, on a chevron between three woodbills saljle, tliree mullets pierced of the field (for Fust) ; 4. azure, a chevron between three lozenges or (for Hyde), the escutcheon being surmounted by the mitre of a Bishop. Married, .August 11, 1847, Mary lsal>i-l, eldest daughter of the late Captain William I'inlaison of the Royal Navy, sometime tiovernor of the Island of Ascension ; and has, with other Issue — An only surviving son, Henry Jenner, Gentleman [to whom refer]. Residence — PreSton Vicarage, Dover. HUGH JENNI':R, l':squire. Justice of the Peace for the county of Glamorgan, and J\isiice of the Peace and Deputy- Lieutenant for the county of Hereford. Boni July 18, 1831. ■ being the only surviving son of the late Robert Francis Jenner, Esquire, of Wenvoe Castle, Justice of the Peace and Deputy-Lieutenant, and High SherilT in the year 1828, by his wife and cousin Elizabeth Lascelles, eldest daughter of the Right Honourable the late Sir Herbert Jenner F"ust, Doctor of Laws, Dean of Arches, Judge ot the Prerogative Court of Canterbury, Master of Trinity and a Member of the Privy Council, by his wife Elizabeth, daughter of Major General Francis Lascelles. Club Constitutional. Ar- morial bearings— He bears for Arms : Quarterly, i. azure, two swords in chevron argent, hiked and pommelled or, i between three covered cups of the last (for Jenner) ; 2. or, a fesse between three fireballs azure, the latter issuant flames gules (for Poe) ; 3. argent, on a chevron between three woodbills sable, as many mullets pierced of the field (for Fust) ; 4. azure, a chevron between three lozenges or (for Hyde) ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, two swords in saltire argent, hiked and pommelled or, supporting a covered cup of ilie last. Estate and postal j address—Venn Wood, near Hereford. I LAURA FRANCES JENNER, Widow, youngest (daughter of the Reverend VVilliam Birch, Rector of l^aston iGrey, in the county of Wiltshire. Armorial bearings are, upon a lozenge: (Quarterly, 1. azure, two swords in chevron argent, hiked and pommelled or, between three covered cups of the last (for Jenner) ; 2. or, a fesse between three fireballs azure, the latter issuant flames gules (for Poe) ; 3. argent, on a chevron between three woodbills sable, three mullets pierced of the field (for Fust) ; 4. azure, a chevron between three lozenges or (for Hyde). Married, August 28, 1873, Robert Francis Lascelles Jenner, Esquire, Justice of the Peace and Deputy-Lieutenant, of Wenvoe Castle, who died without issue, May 8, 1883. Estate and postal address — Wenvoe Castle, Cardiff. Sir WILLIAM JENNER, first Baronet, of Harley Street, Cavendish Square, in the parish of Marylebone, in the county of Middlesex, Kniglit Grand Cross of the Most Honotirable Order of the Bath, Doctor of Medicine, Doctor of Civil Law, Doctor of Laws, Fellow of the Royal Society, Physician in Ordinary to the Queen. Horn January 30, 1815, being the son of John Jenner, by Elizabeth his wife. .Sir William was created a Baronet, February 25, 1868 ; made Knight Commander of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath in 1872, and made a Knight Grand Cross of that Order, 1889. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Per chevron .izure and or, in chief two estoiles of the last, and in base a serpent nowed proper, all within a bordure engrailed ermine. Upon the escutcheon, which is charged with his badge of Ulster as a Baronet, is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling azure and or. Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, on a mount vert, a lamp with three branches aryent, suspended by three chains or, filed proper. MottO — " Fide et labore." Married, July 30, 1858, Adela Lucy Leman, second daughter of Stephen Adey of Gloucester Place, Portman Square; and has Issue — (i) Walter Kentish William Jenner, Esquire, Captain and Adjutant 9th Lancers, born Octolier 12, i86o; (2) Albert Victor Jenner, Esquire (upon whom Her Majesty has conferred the Distinguished Service Order), ist Battalic/n Rifle Brigade, born December 19, 1862; (3) Arthur Charles William Jenner, Esquire, Bache- lor of Arts of the University of Oxford, Barrister, born February 27, 1864 ; (4) Louis Leopold Charles Albert Jenner, Esquire, Bachelor of Arts of the University of Oxford, born December 2, 1865; (5) Leopold Christian Duncan Jenner, Esquire, Lieutenant King's Royal Rifle Corps, born October 24, i86g ; and Lucy .Adela. Seat — (Jreenwood, Durley, Bishops Waltiiam, in the county of Hants. HERBERT JENNER-FUST, Esquire, Justice of the Peace for the county of Gloucester, 'i^OVXYMyv iTtltff" l^octor of Laws of the University J|t'illH:'t-jrU^V of Cambridge, Lord of the Manor and P.atron of Hill, Barrister-at- Law. Born February 23, 1806, being the eldest son of the late Right Honourable .Sir Herbert Jenner-Fust, Doctor of Laws, Dean of Arches, Judge of the Prerogative Court of Canterbury, Master of Trinity Hall, and a Member of the Privy Council, by his wife Elizabeth, daughter of Major- tJeneral Francis Lascelles. /./j'tr/j— Mulberry-coloured coat, crimson facings, crimson and white striped waistcoat, silver buttons and lace, black velvet breeches, wiiite stockings. Armorial bearingB — He bears for Arms : Quarterly, i. azure, two swords in chevron argent, hilled and pommelled or, between three covered cups of the last (for Jenner) ; 2. or, a fesse tjetween three fireballs azure, the latter issuant flames gules (for Poe) ; 3. argent, on a chevron between three woodbills sal)le, three mullets pierced of the field (for Fust) ; 4. azure, a chevron between three lozenges or (for Hyde), a crescent for difference ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, two swords in saltire argent, hiked and pommelled or, supporting a covered cup of the last ; with tlie Motto, " Terrena per vices sunt aliena." Married, October 20, 1835, Maria Eleonora, third daughter of (Jeorge Norntan of Bromley Common, in the county of Kent ; and has Issue — Herbert Jenner-P'ust, Esquire, Junior [to whom refer]; Henrietta Maria [married, October 12, 1875, 'he Reverend W'illiam Unett Coates, Master of Arts, Vicar of Hill, and formerly Rector of Rockhampton, in the county of Gloucester] ; and Maria Eleonora. Estate and postal address — Hill Court, Falfield, R.S.O. , Gloucestershire. HERBERT JENNER-FUST, Esquire, Junior, M.A., Justice of the Peace for the county of Gloucester, and one the General Inspectors of the Local Government Board. Born August 14, 1841, being the eldest son of Herbert Jenner- Fust, Enquire, Justice of the Peace for the county of Glou- Tlie Editor undertakes tbat every entry not in italics is that of a genuinely annlgerous person. 454 3len 3le0 cestcr, Doctor of Laws of tin- University of Cambridge, Lord of tlie Manor and Patron of Hill, Barrisler-ai-La\v [to whom refer], by his wife Maria Eleonora, third daufjhter of George Norman, Esfjuire, of Hromley Common, in the county of Kent, Justice of the Peace for that county. Lively — Mulberry -coloured coat, crimson facings, crimson and white striped waistcoat, silver buttons and lace, black velvet breeches, wliite stockings. Armorial 'bearings— He bears for Arms : Quarterly, i. azure, two swcjids in chevron argent, hilted and jiommelled or, between three covered cups of the last (for Jenner); 2. or, a fesse between three fireballs azure, the latter issuanl flames gules (for Poe) ; 3. argent, on a chevron between three woodbills sable three mullets pierced of the field (for Fust) ; 4. azure, a chevron between three lozenges or (for Hyde), a crescent for diffe- rence ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, two swords in saltire argent, hilted and pommelled or, sui>porting a covered cup of the last ; with the Motto, " Terrena per vices sunt aliena." Married, February 6, 1873, Flora Maclaine, second daughter of the late Major Gillian Maclaine Ross; and has Issue— (i) Herbert Jenner- l-'ust, Kstiuire, born January 24, 1875 ; (2) fJenton Jenner- Fiist, Gentleman, born January 20, 1880; and Philippa. /'os/al atidress — Weslbourne, Lancaster. JENNINGS, quartered by LINGARD-MONK. Sir HUBERT EDWARD HENRY JERNINGHAM, Knight Commander of the Most Dis- Tl^ftllUlTflJim ti'igiiishedOriler of Saint Michael and JlvlUllll^ljUUl Saint George, Governor and Com- mander-in-Chief of Trinidad and Tobago. Jiorn October 18, 1841, being the eldest son of wife Emma Mary Wynn, daughter of the late Evan Wynn Roberts of Grove House, in the county of Surrey ; created Knight Commander of the Most Distinguished Order of Saint Michael and .Saint George, 1893. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Quarterly i and 4, argent, three lozenge-shaped arming-buckles gules (for jerningham); 2 and 3 or, a chevron gules (for Stafford); the escutcheon Ijeing encircled liy the ribbon of the Most Distinguished Order of Saint Michael and Saint George, and pendent his b.adge as a Knight Commander thereof. Upon the escut- cheon is placed a helmet Ijetitting his degree, with a mantling gules and argent ; and for his Crest, out of a ducal coronet or, a demi-falcon with wings ilisplayed proper. Married, December 3, 1874, Annie, widow of Charles Mather of Long- ridge, and daughter of Edward Liddell of Penton Park, in the county of Northumberland. Postal addresses — Govern- ment House, Trinidad ; Longridge Towers, Berwick. EDWARD JESSOP, Gentleman. Bom , being the third son of the late William Jessop, Esq., of Butterley Hall, CO. Derby, by his wife Elizabeth Lydi:i, dau. of the Rev. Eijnuuid Robinson of Tliorp Green, co. York. Armo- rial bearings— Or, two bars gules, gutt6-d or, in chief a cross couped of the second between two leopards' faces sable, and in base a lion rampant of the last. Mantling gules and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a cocka- trice's head couped proper, charged with two bars argent, holding in the beak a trefoil slipped vert, between two wings of the tirst, each charged with a cross couped of the second. Motto—" Pa.x et amor." JOHN DE BURGH JE.SSOP, Gentleman. Born Aug. 28, 1885, being the only son of the late William de Burgh Jessop, Esq., J. P., formerly Major 3rd Batt. Derbyshire Regt., by his wife Judith, second dau. of Sir John Gay Newton .Alleyne, third Baronet. Liverv — Blue. Armorial bearings— Or, two bars gules, guttd-d'or, in chief a cross Charles William Edward Jerningham, Esquire, of Pains- wick, in the county of (jloucester, Barrister-at-1-aw, by his m is the Military Cockade. couped of the second between two leopards' faces sable, and in base a lion rampant of the last. Mantling gules and or. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a cockatrice's head couped proper, charged with two bars argent, hold- ing in the beak a trefoil .slipped vert, between two wings ol the first, each charged with a cross couped of the second. Motto — " Pax- et amor." Seat — Overton Hall, Ashover, near Chesterfield. JUDITH JES.SOP, Widow of the late William de Burgh Jessop, Esquire, J. P. for the co. of Derby, sometime Major 3rd Batt. Derbyshire Regt. [who was /'. Oct. 7, 1852, lieing the eldest son of the late William Jessop of Butterley Hall, in the co. of Derby, by his wife l^lizabeth Lydia, dau. of the M is the Naval Cockade. 3m JoD 455 Rev. Edmund Roliinson of 'lliorp Green, in the co. of York]. /.tvery — Blue. Armorial bearings are, upon a lozenge — Or, two bars gules, gutt^'-d'or, in chief a cross couped of the second between two leopards' faces sable, and in base a lion rampant of the last ; and impaling the arms of Alleyne, namely, per chevron gules and ermine, in chief two lions' heads Crased or. Mrs. Jesso|) is the second dau. of Sir John Gay Newton Alleyne, third Baronet. Married, Sept. 8, i88o; and of her marriage there is h%ue — John de Burgh Jessop, Gentleman, b. Aug. 1885; Mal>el .Alleyne; Dorothy Babington ; and Eva FitzHerbert. Estate and postal address — Overton Hall, Ashover, Chesterfield. EVAN BROWELL JEUNE, Esquire, Justice of the Peace for the county of Devon. Born February 'Tfptltl^ 5, 1852, being the youngest son of the late JlvUllv Kighi Reverend Francis Jcune, Lord Bishop of Peterborough, by his wife Margaret I)yne, only child of Henry Symons of Axbridge, in the county of Somerset. Livery — Dark blue coat, crimson vest. Armo- rial bearings He bears for Arms : .Sable, a stag trippant between four estoiles argent : and for his Crest, upon a wreath (jf thi; colours, lx?twei;n the attires of a stag affixed to the scjilp, an estoile all argent ; with the HottO, " P'aire sans dire. " Married, firstly, February 21, 1878, Caroline Mary, eltlest daughter of P. Lawless of Booubyjan, Queens- land ; secondly, Ada .Medland, eldest daugliter of Rolxirt Lock-Rr>;, Enquire, Justice of the Peace, oi The Manor House, I.ynmouth ; and has Issue -\\) Rol)ert Dyne Jeune, Gentleman, Ixjrn Febniary 29, 1892; (2) Hugo .St. Helier Jeune, born Jan. 7, 1894 ; and Caroline Margaret Noel. Estates— Xj^nXan Manor and East Lynmouth, in the county of Devon. Postal address — The Manor House, Lynmouth, Barnstaple. Thk Right Ho,souk.\hle Sir FRANCIS HENRY JEUNE. K.C.B., a Mcmlxr of Her Majesty's Most Honourable Privy Council. President ProV)atc Divorce and Admiralty Division of the High Court, Judge Advocate- General. Born March 17, 1843, being the eldest son of the Right Reverend Francis Jeune, Lord Bishop of Peter- liijiough, by his wife Margaret Dyne, only child of Henry ^. nions of Axbridge, in the county of Somerset. Clubs — \:':Hn;eum, Carlton, United Service. Livety — Black, insoii waistcoat, gilt buttons. Armorial bearings He ■ us for Arms : .Sable, a stag trippant lj<.-tween four estoiles HE RIGHT HON; -^iJ«J^ SIR FRANCIS HENRY J EUNE.K CB. it^ent, impaling the arms of Stewart-Mackenzie, namely, i.irterly i and 4, azure a stag's head caboshed or (for ■ lackenzie) ; 2 and 3 or, a double tressure flory counter- TV of the last (for Stewart). Upon the escutcheon is ' iced a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling sable '1(1 argent ; and for his Crest, upon a v. reath of the colours, between the attires of a stag affixed to the scalp, an estoile all argent; with the Motto, " Faire sans dire." Married, August 16, 1881, .Susan Mary Elizaljeth, eldest daughter of Keith Stewart-Mackenzie, Estjuire, of Seaforth, great grand- daughter of the last Baron Mackenzie of Seaforth, descendant of the Earls of Seaforth, in the Peerages of Scotland and Ireland ; and has /ww^— Christian Francis Seaforth Jeune, Esquire, born August 10, 1882. Estate — Arlington Manor, in the county of Berkshire. Postal addresses~hx\\n^on Manor, Newbury, Berks ; 79 Harley Street. ARTHUR JOHN J EWERS, Felly 1610. Horace Eure was the eldest son of Sir Francis Eure of Heyford Warren, in the county of Oxjord, who died May 1, 1621. William Eure, the second son, died unmarried. The third son was Sir Sampson Eure of Gateley Park, in the county of Here- ford, Member of Parliament for Leominster, Attorney- General in Wales to Charles /. He married Martha, daughter of Anthony Cage of Longstcnv, in the county of Cambridge, and had issue, a son, John Eure of Gateley Park, who married Susan, daughter and co-heir of .Sir John Tracy of Stanhow, in the county of Norfolk. He died intestate, and administration was granted to his widonu. Of this marriage there is said to have been issue, a son, Thomas, who changed his name to Jewers. A Thomas Eure, said to be identical with the aboi^e Thomas, married, July 21, 1695, Dinah Wells, and had issue, William and Thomas. The latter died young. William is stated to be identical with 1 1 illiam Jewers, the great-;;rand/at/ier of the above-mentioned Arthur John Jewers. Armorial bearings claimed as Lord Eure — Arms : Quarterly of sixteen, i. quarterly or and gules, on a bend sable three escallop shells argent (for Eure) ; 2. gules, five lozenges conjoined in pale or (for Fitz Nigel, Barons Halton. and Constables of Chester) ; 3. or, a chief azure (for De Lisours) ; 4. or, a lion rampant purpure (for Laci, Barons ot Pontefract) ; 5. gules, a cross within a bordure engrailed of the last (for De Essex, Barons oJ Raleigh) ; 6. gules , a fesse ermine between two chevrons or (for Fitz Walter) ; 7. azure, two lions passant argent between nine estoiles or (for De Caynets or Cheney) ; 8. or, an orle azure (for Ber- tram of Mitford) ; 9. barry of six or and azure, on a canton gules a cross flory argent (for A ton. Baron and /j>rd Vesci) ; 10. or, a cross sable (for De I'esci, Barons De I'esci) ; ii. quarterly or and gules, a bordure voire (for Fitzjohn) ; 12. vert, three lions rampant argent, crowned, collared, and chained or (for Tyson) ; 13. quarterly gules and or, in the first quarter a mullet argent, a ' ' ' i for De I'ere); 14. or, an escallop shell in chicj ■ n tivo bendlets gules, a crescent of the second in . j jrrence (for Sir John Tracy, second son of the fir., t Viscount Tracy); 15. sable, a chevron argent between three crescents or (for De la Spine) ; 16. argent, on a chevron sable, bctiveen three ogresses, as many roses of the first (jor Baldington). Crests — I. t7vo lions' gambs couped and emboshed, supporting an escallop shell all or (for Eure, ancient) ; 2. a cat-a-mountain statant, ?uarterly or and azure, armed, langued, and ears gules granted to the first Lord Eure). SuppOTtaiB—Two cats- a-mountain, the dexter quarterly or and azure, the sinister quarterly azure and or, both armed, langued, and eared gules. Motto — " Vince malum bono." The Reverend HENRY JODRELL, Clerk in Holy Orders, Master of Arts of the University of Oxford, Rector of Gisleham, in the county of .Suffolk. Born January 28, 1817. being the second son of the late Edward Jodrell, Gentleman, by his wife Mary, fifth daughter of William Lowndes-Stone of Brightwell Park, in the county of Oxford, by his wife l-^lizaVieih, daughter of Richard Garth Tbe Editor undertakes that every entry not in italics is that of a genuinely armigerous person. 45j lOii 3loD of Mordeii, in the county of Surrey. Armorial bear- ings — He bears for Arms : Ermines, a trtfuil sli|)|«'cl or, between three buckles argent. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet iK'titting his degree, with a mantling sable and or; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a demi-cock with wings erected or, comlxjd and wattled gules, and issuant from a chaplet of roses of the last, barbed and seeded or; with the Motto, " Non sibi sed ijatriae natus." // arms were established to the Countess he would be entitled to bear them, for and in right of his wife, upon an escutcheon of pretence sur- vwuntcd by the coronet of her rank. Burke and Debrett both assign her Arms : Quarterly i and 4, argent a saltire engrailed beticeen four ivses gules ; 2 and 3 or, a bend asure, charged with a mullet between two crescents of the first, within a double tressure flory counter/lory of the second ; but these are the undifferenced arms of Lord Napier of Ettrick, which have never been matriculated in Lyon Register to the present Countess or to her father. Married, October 19, 1843, Eloise Fanny, in her own right second Countess Cape St. Vincent, in the Kingdom of Portugal, daughter of the late Sir Charles Napier, Knight Com- mander of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, Count Cape St. Vincent, m the Kingdom of Portugal, and a Grandee of the First Class ; and has Issue — Heloise Napier [married, 1870, Colonel David John Dickson Satfbrd, formerly Queen's Own Royal West Kent Regiment] ; Fanny [married, 1879, Henry Hope] ; Mary Campl)ell [married, 1881, the Reverend Philip Sherlock Gooeh] ; Celia Cator [married, 1872, the Reverend Lewis Richard Charles Bagot] ; and Madeleine Jane [married, 1879, Arthur Keane Tharp], Residences — Gisleham Rectory, Lowestoft ; Merchiston Hall, in the county of Hamp- shire. JOHNES, see HILLS-JOHNES. S FREDERICK PONSONBY JOHNSON, Esquire, J. P., late Capt. in the Cumberland and Westmor- land Yeomanry Cavalry, Lord of rhe Manor of Walton. Born June 5, 1843, b(Mng the eldest son of George John Johnson, Esq., by his wife Frederica, second dau. of Sir Frederick Hankey, Knight Grand Cross of the Most Dis- tinguished Order of Saint Michael and Saint George. Livery — Dark blue and yellow ; and for full dress : yellow plush breeches. Club — New University. Armorial bear- ings — Argent, a saltire sable charged with five bezants, on a chief gules, an Eastern crown between two woolpacks or. Mantling sable and argent ; and for his Crest, on a wreath of tlie colours, an estoile within a spur erect, between two wings elevated or. Motto — " Nunquam non paratus." Seat and postal address — Castlesteads, Bramp- ton, Cumberland. Sir GEORGE JOHNSON, Knight Bachelor, Doctor of Medicine, Fellow of the Royal Society, Physician Extra- ordinary to Her Majesty the Queen. Born November 1818, being the eldest son of George Johnson of Goud- hurst, in the county of Kent, by his wife Mary, daughter of William Corke of Edenbridge, in the county of Kent. Club — Athenaeum. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Quarterly per fesse nebuly or and sable, on a bend gules, between an eagle risuig in the second quarter, and in the third a lotus flower, leaved and slipped, a serpent nowed, all proper. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling sable and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, issuatit from clouds a serpent nowcd, holding in the mouth a poppy-head slipped proper, thereon an eagle rising also proper, charged on the breast and each wing with a cross crosslet gules ; with the Motto, " In lucem aspiro." Married, 1850, Charlotte Elizabeth (who died i860), youngest daughter of William White (Lieutenant) of .Salisbury ; and has Issue — (1) George Stillingfleet Johnson, Esquire, born 1851 ; (2) Charles Plumptre Johnson, Esquire, born 1853 ; (3) Edward Middleton Johnson, ICsquire, liorn 1859; Margaret Eliza- beth; and Mary Beatrice. Postal address — 11 Savile Row, W. GEORGE RANDALL JOHNSON, Esq., M.A. (Can- tab.), Barrister-at-Law, Member of the Legislative Council of New Zealand. Born 1833, being the eldest surviving son of the late Rev. Richard Johnson, J. P., of Stalham, Rector of Lavenham, Suffolk, by Mary .'\nn, dau. of & is tbe Military Cockade. the late George Cubitt, lvs<|., J. P. and D.L. , of Catfield Hall, Norfolk. Armorial bearings — Gules, on a saltire ermine, five crosses moline sable, a chief of the second charged with three mullets of the third, and impaling the arms of Russell, namely gules, two swords saltireways proper between as many cinc|uefoils in |)ale argent, on a chief of the last two bombshells fired projjer. Mantling gules and argent ; and for his Crest, u|)on a wreath of the colours, a lion rampant erminois holding in the dexter paw a mullet as in the arms, and resting the dexter fool on a cross moline gules. Married, 1873, Lucy, dau. of Lieut.- Col. Andrew Hamilton Russell ; and has, with other Issue — Randall Johnson, Gentleman,/'. 1880. A'.f/a/tf.f— Stalham and Tunstead, Norfolk. Residences — Wellington, New Zealand ; United University Club, S.W. JAMES JOHNSON, Gentleman. Born March 23, 1850, being the only surviving son of the late James Johnson of Higherfield, West Derby, Liverpool, by his wife Mary, younger daughter of l'"rancis .Shaw of Knowbley. Armo- tial bearings— He bears for Arms : Argent, a saltire in- vected pean between two wings erect in fesse sable, on a chief of the last, a lozenge between two woolpacks or ; and for his Crest, in front of two tiliing-spears in saltire proper, a spur or, the whole between two wings aiso proper ; with the Motto, "Servabo fidem." Married, October 7, 1880, Anne, third daughter of John Crisp of Knowsley, near Liverpool ; and has Issue — Mary Elizabeth ; and Alice Mildred. JOHN THEWLIS JOHNSON, Esquire, Justice of the Peace for the county of Derby. Boni March 22, 1836, being the eldest son of Thomas Filder Johnson of Kosebank, Pendleton, by his wife Hannah, daughter of Abraham Thewlis of Huddersfield. Clubs — Reform, Union (Man- chester), County (Derby), Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Or, three pheons in I'esse azure, within two flanches of the last, each charged with a pheon of the first, and impaling the arms of Higgins, namely, per fesse vert and argent, a pale counterchanged, three cranes' heads erased two and one of the second, and as many lobster claws erased one and two sable. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling azure and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of tlie colours, in front of a dexter arm enibowed in armour proper, the hand grasping a javelin in bend sinister, pheoned or, and enfiled with a chaplet of roses gules, two branches of oak in saltire vert; with the Motto, " Virius patientia Veritas." Married, firstly, 1865, Amelia, daughter of John Higgins of Cheetham Hill ; and has Issue — -(i) Hubert Alfred Johnson, Gentle- man, born July 10, 1866 ; (2) Ernest Johnson, Gentleman, born July 20, 1870; (3) Lionel Arthur Thewlis Johnson, Gentleman, born March 11, 1874; Amy Kathleen. He married secondly, 1883, Anne, daughter of James Higgins of Turvey, in the county of Bedford ; and by her has — (4) James Gerald Thewlis Johnson, Gentleman, born July 29, 1886; (5) Humphrey John Thewlis Johnson, Gentleman, born November 10, 1890. Postal addresses — Broughton House, Manchester; Oak Hurst, Aldervvasley, Derbyshire. JOHN WILLIAM DENNE JOHNSON, Esq., J.P. for COS. Kent and Lincoln and for W. Riding of the co. of York, formerly Lieut. 3rd Hussars. Born 1845, being the eldest son of the late Rev. John Denne Hilton, by Elizabeth Frances, only sister of Robert Popplewell Steer Johnson of Temple Belwood ; and assumed the surname and arms of Johnson by Royal License in 1871. Clubs — Carlton, Army and Navy. Armorial bearings— Quarterly i and 4, argent a lion passant gules, on a chief vert three acorns leaved and slipped or (for Johnson) ; 2 and 3 ermine, two bars azure, in chief an annulet between two saltircs of the last (for Hilton). Mantling gules and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, upon a mount vert a wolf passant sable, holding in the mouth a l)ranch of woodbine proper (for Johnson) ; 2. upon a wreath of the colours, a man's head affrontt-e between two bulrushes proper (for Hilton). Mar- ried, 1872, Louisa Catherine, youngest dau. of the late Thomas Coutts Loch ; and has, with other Issue — Alan Hilton Johnson, Gentleman, b. 1876. Scats — Temjile Bel- wood, Doncaster ; Sarre Court, Weslgate-on-Sea. OSWALD CARNEGY JOHNSON, Gentleman, B.A., Oxon, Barrister-at-Law. Born Aug. 15, 1867, being tli'- only child of the late Rev. Frederick Pigot Johnson, M..\.. ^m is tbe Naval Cockade. 3101) aol) 457 Oxon [5th son of Sir H. A. Johnson of Bath, 2nd Bart.], by his wife Matilda Ehzabeth, youngest daughter of James Carnegy-Arhuthnott, of BahiMuioon and Findowric, Forfar- shire, N.B. Armorial beaxings— -He bears for Arms: Quarterly- i and 4 per pale sable and azure on a saltire argent between tliree lowers or, fired proper, one in chief and two in fesse, and two tilting-spears saltirewise in base of the third hvc cocks of the first (for Johnson), 2 and 3 argent a fesse azure lx;lwecn six man lets sable, three and three (for Walsh), a crescent gules for dif- ercncc. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befit- ting his degree, with a mantling sable ;ind argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a tower argent, thereon a cock proper, with the Mottoes (al)ove the Crest) "Vicisti et vivimus," and (Iwlow the shield) " Nuncjuam non paratus." Married, July 12, 1892, Margaret Ward, third daughter of the late Rev. Edmond Thomas Butler, M.A. , Cantab., of Trotton St. George, Sussex. Postal address — 35 Gunterstone Road, West Kensington. VIVIAN ABliOTT JOHNSON. Born October 16, 1861, being the third son of Oliver Johnson, late of Hay House, Earls Colne, in the county af Essex, by his wife Emily Brise, daughter of the Kez'erend Edward IVilliam Matthew, I 'icar of Coggeshall, in the county of Essex. Armorial bearing^ as used, but for which no authority has been established in the College of Arms, are: Quarterly I and .^, per bend argent and sable, three trefoils slipped and counterchanged, charged 7iiith a mullet (distinction of third son) ; 2 and 3 azure, three lions rampant argent, on a chief of the second as many cross crosslets sable. Crest — An ibex sejant ermine, ducally gorged, crined, and tufted or, attired argent. Motto — " Semper viridis." Estates — Hay House, Earls Colne ; Stanzoav, Copford (Skingley property), near Colchester : Pent low Hall, in the county of Essex ; Clare and Cavendish, in the county of Suffolk {Matthew pro- perty). Postal address — 6 Norfolk Street, Sheffield, York- shire. H ANDREW lOHNSTON. Esquire. J. P., D.L. (High Is Sheriff 1880), formerly .M.P. for South Essex. Horn 1835, being the eldest son of the late Andrew Johnston, M.P. for St. Andrews Borough, by his wife Priscilla, eldest dau. of Sir T. Fowcll Buxton, first Bart., M.P. Club — City Liberal. Armorial bearings — Argent, a saltire sable, on a chief gules, three cushions or, a Ijordure wavy vert, charged with three bezants. Mantling gules doubled argent. Crest — On a wreath of the liveries, a winged spur cr. Motto — " Assiduitate." Married, Sept. 14, 1858, Charlotte Anne, eldest liau. of the Rev. George Trevelyan, M..\. , Rector of Maiden, Surrey. Seat — Forest Lodge, Woodford Green. § GEORGE HAMILTON JOHNSTON, Esquire, late Major East Yorkshire Regiment, Bache- '?fnflt1rtt'fll1 '"'' °'^ •'^'"'^ ^^ Trinity College, Dublin. JIUlJll^VUU jjorn 1847, Iwing the eldest son of the Reverend Richard Johnston of Kilmore, in the county of Armagh [to whom refer], by his first wife Augusta Sophia, daughter and heir of the Reverend George Hamilton, Master of Arts (she died i860). Clubs — Army and Navy, Kildare Street (Dublin). Armorial bearings- He bears for Arms : Quarterly i and 4, argent a saltire sable, l^tween in chief a trefoil slipped vert and in base a heart ensigned with an imperial crown proper, a chief gules, thereon three cushions or (for Johnston); 2. azure, six lions rampant, three, two and one argent, armed and langued gules, a canton ermine, charged wuh a bull's scalp proper (for Cheney); 3. c|uarterly gules and argent, in the first and foiu-th quarters three cincjuefoiis pierced ermine, and a canton of tiie .second ch.irgeer 12, 1853; (5) John Keegan Johnston, Gentleman, V>orn Septemlier 19, 1855 ; (6) George Harvey Johnston, Gentleman, born October J3, i860; Helen Jane [married, 1877, Reverend F. B. Shepherd, Master of Arts]; Margaret Isafjella (married, 1877, V. J. Tobin] ; and Rossie Marr. Postal address — 9 Claremont Crescent, Edinburgh. \VI I.T.I AM JOHNSTON, Member uf I'urliamcnt for Hie South Division of Belfast, Harrister-at-lM7o, Master of hts of Trinity College, Dublin. Horn February ■21, 1829, irin); tin: eldest son of the late John lirett Johnston of lially- '■.ilbej^, in the county of Dortvn, by Thomasina Anne lirunetle, ,l,ni!;hter of the late Thomas Scott, Ksquire. Armorial bearing's as used, but lohich are not registered in Ulster s (>/licf, lire for Axms : .-irxent, a saltire sable, on a chiej gules three cushions or ; and for his Crest, a spur, rinoel ufnt'ards, h-hveen two wings or. Married, firstly, 1853, flarriet, daughter of Robert Allen, Esquire : secondly, 1861, .Armi- iiclla Frances, daughter of the Reverend Thomas Dreiv, Ihictor of Divinity : thirdly, 1863, Ceorgiana Barbara, Yi'iinger daughter of Sir John Hay, sa-enth liaronet, oj /'ark, in the county of IVigtoivn ; and has, witk other Issue — Lervis Audley Marsh Johnston, Bachelor of Arts I'f Trinity College, Dublin, born 1865. Postal ad- 'hesses — Ballykilbeg, County Daicn. M ROBERT HATHORN JOHNSTON -STEWART, w Esquire, Justice of the 3]o!)n0ton=^tetoart Te^Tnl^'iiiT.'^^mS; 2, 1824, lieing the eldest son of the late .Stair Hathorn-.Stcwart, Esquire, of Physgill, \>y his first wife Margaret, only daughter of James Johnston cif Straiton, in the county of Linlithgow, by his wife Mary liaillie, daughter of Lord Polkemmet, one of the Lords of Session ; succeeded in 1865, at the death of his uncle, huiies Johnston of Straiton, to his entailed estates in the lounties of Midlothian and Linlithgow, and in consequence issunied the additional surname of Johnston. He was an "Iticer in the 93rd Hii,'hlan(lers, and Ca|)tain in ihe i3ih 1 ight 1 )ragoons. Armorial bearings— He Iwars for Anns : Ur, a fessc chequy azure and argent, surmounted of a lx»nd engrailed gules, in the sinister chief point a buckle of the fourth, all within a double treasure flory counterflory also of the fourth. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet be- fitting his degree, with a mantling gules, doubled argent; and upon a wreath of his liveries is set for Crest, a demi-lion rampant holding in the de.xter paw a buckle or. Motto — "Suffibulatus majores secjuor." Married, firstly, August 1851, I'^leanor Louisa, youngest daughter of Archibald Doug- las of Glenfinart ; and has Issue — (i) Stair Hathorn Johnston- Stewart, Esquire, Captain 20th Hussars, born June 2, 1852 [married, July 12, 1883, Helen Constance, third daughter of Sir Edward Hunter-Hlair, fourth Baronet]; and Ellen Douglas [married, April 15, 1873, James Francis Dalrymple Hay, Esquire, eldest son of the Right Honourable Sir John Dalrymple Hay, third Baronet, Knight Commander of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, and has issue]. He married secondly, April 24, 1856, AnneMurray, second daugh- ter of Sir William Maxwell, si.xth Barcnet, of Monreith, by his wife Helenora, youngest daughter of Sir Michael Shaw- Stewart, fifth Baronet," of Greenock and Blackball, and has — (2) Rol)ert Johnston-Stewart, Gentlenian, Lieutenant Royal Navy, born May 20, 1858 ; (3) William Maxwell Johnston-Stewart, Gentleman, Lieutenant Royal Marines, born December 16, 1865; (4) James Johnston - Stewart, Gentleman, second Lieutenant Argyll and Sutherland High- landers, born 1871 ; (5) Herlsert Eustace Johnston-Stewart, Gentleman, born July 15, 1880; Mary [married, Octolx;r 6, 1887, G. R. V. Hume, Esquire, Captain Seaforth High- landers, eldest son of Sir Gustavus Hume] ; Nora ; Annie ; Margaret [married H. Broadhurst] ; Blanche [married Arthur Broadhurst, Esquire, Captain 14th Hussars]; Con- stance Alice; .'\gnes Catherine; and Edith. .SVaA- - Glas- serton and Physgill, Whithorn, in the county of Wig- town ; Champfieurie, in the county of I^inlithgow, North Britain. EDWIN JAMES JOHNSTONE. Born Oct. 5, 1872, being the second son of James Johnstone. Club — Junior Carlton. Livery — Blue. Armorial bearings as used, but for which no authority has been established, are for Anas — Argent, a saltire sable, in base a man's heart regally crowned all. proper, on a chief gules, three cushions or. Married, Jan. 11, 1894, Marion Ada, dau. of Richard Yeo ; and has Issue — Catherine Marjory .■Imelia ; and Winifred May. Seal — Rougham Hall, Bury St. Edmunds, Suffolk. JOHN HEY WOOD JOHNSTONE. Esquire, Justice of the Peace for the county of Sussex, Member of Parlia- ment for the Horsham Division of the county of Sussex, Bachelor of Arts of the University of Cambridge, Barrister- at-lMW. Born .May 18, 1850, beini; the only surviving son of the late Reverend George Dempster Johnstone, Rector of Creed, in the county of Cornwall, by his luife Mary Anne [who died 1890), daughter of John Hawkins, Esquire, oJ Bignor Park, in the county of Sussex. Clubs — Carlton, Athe- ncrum. United University. Armorial bearings as given in Debrett's " House of Commons," but ^ohich have not been matriculated to him in Lyon Office, are for Arms : Argent, a saltire sable, and in base a heart gules imperially crorvned proper, on a chief of the third three cushions or. Crest- A spur, rotoel upwards, between two wings or. Married, 1878, Josephine, daughter of the late J. J. Wells of Bickley, in the county of Kent. Postal address — Bignor Park, Pulborough, Sussex. §MONT.AGUE GEORGE JOHNSTONE, Esquire, Lieut. -Col. late Royal Scots Greys. Born March 21, 1848, being the second son of the late Gen. Montague Cliolmeley Johnstone, by his wife Louisa Leonora, dau. of Lieut.-Gen. Sir Henry Somerset, K.C.B. , K. H. Club — Naval and Military. Livery — Light drab, crimson facings, silver buttons ; (dress) : white coat, crimson breeches. Ar- morial bearings — Argent, on a saltire sable, between an annulet in chief of the second and a man s heart gules, ensigned with an imperial crown in base or, a portcullis of the last, on a chief of the third, three cushions of the Tbe Editor undertakes tbat every entry not in italics is tbat of a genuinely armigerous person. 460 Jon 3lon fourtli. Mantling: sable doubled argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of his liveries, a spur with wings or, leathered gules ; and in an escroU over the same this Motto, " Nun- quani non paratus." Married, July 10, 1880, Agnes Stans- feld, widow of the late Capt. Rolx>rt Johnston Stansfekl of 1 2th and 38th Rcgts. and J. P. Yorkshire, and dan. of the late losepii Harrison, Esq., of Galligreaves Hall, Lanes., &c.,'j.r., D.L. ; and has /.r.f//c— (i) Montague Josejjh Charles Somerset Johnstone, Gentleman, /'. June 16, 1882; (2) Reginald FitzRoy Lewis Johnstone, Gentleman, b. June 3, 1884 ; and Violet Agnes Charlotte Mary. Residence— Craig-Sanquhar, Cupar-Fife, N.B. JONES, VILLE. quartered by SOMERS and LONGUE- JONES, see ATHERLEY - JONKS, HELSHAM- JONES, and HEYWOOD-JONES. The Revkrend CHARLES WILLIAM JONES, Clerk in Holy Orders, Master of Arts of the '7fni1P<^ University of'Canibridge, Vicar of Pakenhain, J|UllvA) in the eounty of Suffolk, and Rural Dean. Bom April 8, 1825, being the second son of the Reverend Charles Jones, Clerk in Holy Orders, Master of Arts of the University of Cambridge, Vicar of Pakenhani, in the county of Suffolk, by his wife Mary, only daughter of Thomas Quayle, Esquire, of Bartoninere, in the county of SufTolk, Justice of the Peace, Bencher of the Middle Temple. Club — New Oxford and Cambridge. Livery — White, with black cuffs and collar. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Quarterly i and 4, argent a chevron ermines between three ravens sable, on a chief engrailed of the second a heart or (for Jones) ; 2 and 3 argent, on a chevron sable, gultte-d'eau, between three quails proper, in the centre chief point a pellet, two swords points upwards of the first (for Quayle), over all a crescent for difference ; and for his Crest, on a wreath of the colours, on a heart or, a raven sable, gorged with a collar gemel argent; with the Motto, " Deus pascit corvos." Married, January 11, 1853, Barbara Rose, second dauglitcr of Robert Weale, Assistant Commissioner of Poor Laws ; and has had Issue — (i) Sir William Hol- lingworth Quayle Jones, Knight Bachelor, Master of Arts of the University of Cambridge, sometime Chief-Justice of Sierra Leone, Barrister-at-Law [to whom refer] ; (2) Morey Quayle Jones, Esquire, Barrister-at-Law, Major Royal Warwickshire Regiment, born 1855 [married, February 14, 1888, Isabel Dashwood, and has issue, Phyllis] ; (3) Edward Quayle Jones, Gentleman, born 1859, and died 1875 ; (4) Harford Quayle Jones, Gentleman, born i86i, and died an infant ; and Winifred Quayle [married, 1883, Edward Ripley Dalton, Barrister-at-Law]. Postal address — Paken- ham Vicarage, Bury St. Edmund's. § FREDERICK ARTHUR GERWYN JONES, Es- quire, J. P. and D.L. (High Sheriff 1887). Borti Jan. 17, 1857, being the second son of Davirl |ones, l^sq., J. P. and D. L. , M. P. for CO. Carmarthen 1851- 1868 ( Higii Sheriff 1845), by his wife Margaret Charlotte, eldest dau. of Sir George Campbell of Edenwood, co. Fife, and niece of Lord Campbell, Lord Chief-Justice. Clubs — Carlton, White's, Bachelors', Royal Yacht Squadron. Armorial bearings — Argent, on a mount vert, a representation of a Pembroke- shire ox slatant proper, a chief gules, thereon a falcon argent, belled, between two stags' heads erased or. Mant- ling vert and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, on a mount vert, a representation of a Penibrokesiiire ox's head in profile proper, bezant^e. Motto — "Da ei ffydd. " Seats — Pantglas, Golden Grove, Carmarthenshire ; Blaenos, Llandovery; Gladenys, Lampeter, R.S.O. , co. Cardigan. §The Reverend HARRY JONES, Clerk in Holy Orders, Master of Arts of the University of Cambridge, Prebendary of St. Paul's, Rector of .St. Vedast, Foster Lane, Chaplain in Ordinary to the Queen, 1888, Honorary Chaplain 1st London Volunteer Artillery, and upon whom the Volunteer Decoration has been conferred. Born Decem- ber 8, 1823, being the eldest son of the Reverend Charles Jones, Clerk in Holy Orders, Master of Arts of the Uni- versity of Cambridge, Vicar of Pakenham, in the county of Suffolk, by his wife Mary, daughter of Thomas Quayle, Esquire, of Bartonniere, in the county of Suffolk, Justice M is tbe Military Cockade. of the Peace, Bencher of the Middle Temple. Club — New University. A/?»fn'--White, with black cuffs and collar. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : (Quarterly i and 4, argent a chevron ermines between three ravens sable, on a chief engrailed of the second a heart or (for Jones); 2 and 3 argent, on a chevron sable, gutt^e-d'eau, between three quails proper, in the centre chief point a pellet, two swords points upwards of the first (for Quayle), impaling the arms of Philipps, namely argent, a Ifon rampant sable, ducally gorged and chained or ; and for his Crest, on a wreath of the colours, upon a heart or, a raven sable, gorged with a collar gemel argent. Motto — " Deus pascit corvos." Married, January 4, 1848, Emily I'onblanque, daughter of the late Reverend Sir James Evans Philipps, Baronet, Mastei of Arts of the University of Oxford, Vicar of Osmington, and Rural Dean. Postal address — 8 York Gate, Regent's Park, London ; Barlonmere, Bury St. Edmunds. Admirai, Sir LEWIS TOBIAS JONES, Knight Grand Cross of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath. Born 1797, being the second son of the late Captain Lewis Tobias Jones of Ardnaglas, in the county of Sligo ; is Governor of Greenwich Hospital ; created Companion of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, 1854, advanced to the rank of Knight Conmiander of that Order, 1861, and to that of Knight (Jrand Cross, 1873. Club — United Ser- vice. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Party per bend sinister ermine and ermines, a lion rampant or, armed and langucd gules, a bordure engrailed of the third, the escutcheon being surrounded by the ribbon of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, and by the collar and pendent therefrom the badge of a Knight Grand Cross of that Order. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling .sable and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a lion couchant or, armed and langued gules, and charged on the shoulder with a trefoil slipped vert ; with the Motto— " Periculum ex alus facito. " Postal address — Rugby House, Southsea. MORRIS PATERSON JONES, Gentleman, Justice of the Peace for the city of Liverpool, Solicitor, Member of the City Council. Born November 28, 1847, being the eldest son of the late Morris Charles Jones, lOsquire, Justice of the Peace for Montgomeryshire, Fellow of the Society of M is the Naval Cockade. 3on 3100 461 Antiquarios, of Gungrog, Welshpool, by his wife Elizabeth, eldest daughter of the late Robert Paterson, justice of the Peace, of Nunficld, in the county of Dumfries. Clubs— Athenaiuin (Liverpool), Conservative (Liverpool). Armorial bearings ^He bears for Arms : Sable, a fasces fesseways or, between three nags' heads erased argent. Upon the es- cutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling sable and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a fasces fesseways or, surmounted by a nag's head erased argent; with the Motto. "Justus ac tenax propositi." Married, March 4, 1874, Clara, eldest daughter of the late John Vernon of Tushingham, in the county of Cheshire (she died Septemlwr 16, 1884) ; and has Issue— Morris Vernon Jones, born September 16, 1884; Mabel Vernon ; Cladys ; and Irene Meta. Estates — Gungrog and Fynnant, in the county of Montgomery. Postal address — 20 Abercromby Square, Liverpool. MSiR WILLIAM HOLLINGWORTH QUAYLE © JONES, Knight Bachelor (Letters Patent, 1892), Capt. West Suffolk Militia, afterwards 3rd Halt. Suffold Regt., Barrister- at- Law. liortt Feb. 6, 1854, being the eldest son of the Reverend Cliarles William Jones, Vicar of Pakenham, and Rural Dean [to whom refer], by his wife Barbara Rose, daughter of Robert Wcalc, first I'oor Law Commissioner; was created Knight Bachelor, 1892. Clubs— Haw Univer- sity, VV'liiiton Park. Livery — White, with black facings. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Quarterly i and 4, argent a chevron ermines between three ravens sable, on a chief engrailed of the second a heart or (for Jones) ; 2 and 3 argent, on a chevron sable, gutt(5e-d'eau, between three quails proper, in tlie centre chief point a pellet, two swords points upwards of the first (for Quayle) ; and for his Crest, on a wreath of the colours, upon a heart or, a raven sah)le, gorged with a collar gemel argent ; with the Motto, " Deus pascit corvos." Married, 1893, Claire May, daughter of Edmond Berdoe- Wilkinson, second surviving son of Colonel Berdoe-Wilkinson, R. E. , and then of Westlands, Chiswick. Postal addresses — 14 Royal Avenue, Chelsea, S.W. ; Pakenham, Bury St. Edmunds. § WILSON CARSTAIRS JONES, Esq., J.P. andD.L. for Flintshire (High Sheriff 189s). Horn 1857, being the eldest son of the late John Carstairs Jones, Esq., of Hartsheath, by his second wife Elizabeth Jane, dau. of the Rev. William Currie of Boughton Hall, Cheshire. Club — Constitutional. Livery — Dark green coat and waistcoat, yellow piping, black trousers with yellow stripe (for full dress yellow plush breeches). Armorial bearings — Gules, on a chevron or, between three escutcheons argent, each charged with a boar's head eouped of the first, an arrow paleways proper. Mantling gules and or ; and for his Crest, ujjon a wreath of the colours, upon a mount vert a boar's head couped gules, in front of an arrow paleways proper. Motto — " Heb nevol nerth nidd sicr saeth. " Married, 1881, Maude, youngest dau. of Clement Sweten- ham of Somerford Booths, co. Chester. Seats — Harts- heath, Flintshire; Gelligynan, Denbighshire; and The Old Hall, Chester. THOMAS JOHN JONES-WILLIAMS, Esq., J.P. for Worcestershire. Hum 1850, being the son of the late John Jones of Aberystwith, co. Cardigan, by a dau. of F. Williams ; and assumed by Royal License the additional surname and the arms of Williams 1871. Club — Windham. Armorial bearings — Gyronny of eight ermine and ermines, a lion lampant or, guttee-de-sang, and for distinction a canton of the third. Mantling sable and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, between two spears erect proper, a talbot passant per pale ermine and erminois, charged for distinction upon the shoulder with a cross crosslet sable. Married, 1875, Frances, dau. of A. C. Hooper of Claines, co. Worcester, and has issue. Seat — Laughern Hill, Wichenford, near Worcester. 3[o0epi)^221atkin THOMAS MORGAN JOSEPH-WATKIN, Gentle- man, Portcullis Pursuivant of Arms, Barrister-at-Law, Bache- lor of Arts of the University of Cambridge ; reassumed by Royal Licence, dated August 13, 1894, the paternal surname of Watkin. Horn April 13, 1856, being the second son of Thomas Joseph, Esquire, late of Tydraw Treherl)ert and the Buttrills Merthyr Dovan, both in the county of Gla- morgan, Justice of the Peace of the said county (deceased), by his wife Louisa, daughter of the late David Davis of Blaengwawr, .\berdare, also in the said coimty, formerly David Jeffreys, t'/z/i*— Badminton. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : ,-\rgent, on a saltire indented ermines, Ix'tW'cen four spear-heads sable, a spear-head of the first, all within a bordure engrailed also sable. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet Ixjfitting his degree, with a mantling sable and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, in front of three sjiears, one in pale and two in saltire sable, a wolTs head proper, couped, and charged on the neck with a fesse ermine. Motto — " Ofner na ofno angau." I^ostal address — College of Arms, London. CLEMENT JOSLIN, Gentleman. Horn 1842, being the third son of the late Henry Joslin of Hoppey Hall, Upminster, Esse.v, by his wife Priscilla, dau. of John Mason of Suffolk. Armorial bearings— Per chevron azure and or, two Heurs-de-lis in chief of the last, and in base a circular wreath sable antl of the first, with four hawks' bells con- joined thereto proper. Mantling azure ami or. Crest — Upon a wreath of the colours, between two hawks' bells, a rock thereon a falcon's leg erased at the thigh and belled, all proper. Motto — " Faire mon devoir." Married, , Isabella, dau. of Rev. John Davies ; and has with other Issue — Clement Davies Joslin, Gentleman. Postal address — High House, Purfleet. § HENRY JOSLIN, Esquire, J.P. and D.L. for Essex, High Sheriff 1895-96, Alderman of the Essex County Council. Horn Feb. 26, 1839, being the eldest son of the late Henry Joslin of Hoppey Hall, Upminster, Essex, by his wife Priscilla, dau. of John Mason of Suffolk. Livety— Dark blue coat, blue and gold striped waistcoat, gilt buttons. Armorial bearings— Per chevron azure and or, two rteurs-de-lis in chief of the last, and in base a circular wreath sable and of the first, with four hawks' bells con- joined thereto proper. Mantling azure and or. Crest — Upon a wreath of the colours, between two hawks' bells, a rock thereon a falcon's leg erased at the thigh and belled, all proper. Motto — " Faire mon devoir. " Married, Jan. S, 1865, Rebecca Mary (who d. 1873), dau. of the late Tbe Editor undertakes that every entry not in italics is that of a genuinely armigerous person. 462 3108 31UD ICdward Cliles of Clapham Common, Surrey, and widow of the Rev. George Clayton. Estates — Gaynes Park and Hoppey Mall, and other property. Postal address— Ga.ynes Park, Upminstcr, Essex. W.ALTER JOSLIN, Gentleman. Born 1840, being the second son. of the late Henry Joslin of Hoppey Hall, Upniinster. Essex, by his wife Priscilla, dau. of John Mason of Suflolk. Amorial bearings- Per ciievron azure and or, two tieurs-de-lis in chief of tlie last, and in base a circular wreath sable and or jjroper. Mantling azure and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, between two hawks' bells, a rock thereon a falcon's leg erased at the thigh and belled all proper. Motto—" Faire mon devoir." Married, 1873, Mary l-Iliza, dau. of Frederick Shorland Gervis ; and has, with other Issue — Henry Walter Joslin, Gentleman, b. 1875. Postal address — The Hunts, Up- minster. FREDERICK JOHN JOSSELYN, Esquire, Lieu- tenant-Colonel late g6th Regiment, Chief Ti<\CiCiC\Wt\ Constable for the county of Bedford. Born J|vPPvl|/U December 4, 1840, being the second son of John Josselyn, Esquire, Justice of the Peace and Deputy-Lteutenant, by his wife Mary Ann Sarah, daughter of the Reverend Henry Bishop, Master of Arts. Club — Army and Navy. Armorial bearings as used, hut for which no authority has been established by Col. E. J. Josselyn at the College of Arms, are : Quarterly of eight, I. azure, a circular zvreath argent and sable, with four hawks' bells in quadrature or (for Jocelin) ; 2. argent, a demi-lion sable, ducally croioned or (for Jocelin) ; 3. azure, a fesse or (for Chastechin) ; 4. gules, a griffin sejant within a bordure engrailed or (for Battayle) ; 5. gules, an inescutcheon argent, within an orle of martlets or (for Enfield) ; 6. gules, on a saltire engrailed or. Jive bezants, a chief ermine (for Hvde) ; 7. argent, three escutcheons, two and one gules (for Patermere) ; 8. gules, three chevrons argent (for Baude) ; and for his Crest, on a wreath of the colours, a falcon's leg erased at the thigh proper, belled or; ivith the Motto, " Eaire mon devoir." Married, Eebruaty 16, 1876, Helen, daughter of John Pos- ford Osborne of Ardleigh Park and Colchester, in the county of Essex. Postal addresses — Ban stead, Bedford ; County Constabulary Office, Bedford. W EDWARD JOYNSON, Esquire, Major 3rd Battalion ^ South Lancashire Regiment (Militia). Born *?fnt1t1rtnt1 September 6, 1847, being the fourth son of Jl^C. " the late Thomas Joynson of Longview, Liscard, in the County Palatine of Chester, by his first wife Isabella, daughter of Samuel Mead of Liverpool. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Azure, an eagle's head erased or, between four roses saltire- ways argent ; and for his Crest, upon a WTeath of the colours, upon a mount vert, an eagle with two heads displayed azure, sem^e of roses argent ; with the Motto, "Ad honorem industria ducit." Married, February 28, 1882, Family, daughter of Joseph Bright of Prince's Park, Liverpool; and has Issue — (i) Cyril Joynson, Gentleman, born March 18, 1883 ; (2) Kenneth Bright, Joynson, Gentle- man, born March 4, 1884 ; (3) Lawrence Bright Jojmson, (jentleman, born August 24, 1889. Postal address — The Firs, Kenilworth, Warwickshire. EDWARD WALTER JOYNSON, Esquire, Justice of the Peace for the County Palatine of Chester and for the city of Manchester, liorn December 21, 184 1, being the third son of William Joynson, by his wife Ann, daughter of Richard Hampson. Armorial bearings as used are: . . . three peacocks' heads. . . . Crest — A tower, and out of the battlements thereof an arm in armour etnbowed holding a dagger. Married Mary Dorothea Elizabeth Hart, third daughter of the late R. Vaughan Davis, Esquire, late Com- missioner of Audit, Somerset House; and has Issue — (1) William Joynson ; (■z) Ralph Joynson ; and Mary Dorothea. Postal address — Ashjield Sale, Cheshire. FRANCIS JOYNSON, Gentleman, formerly Lieutenant 4th Royal Lancashire Militia. Born March 1, 1853, being the youngest son of the late Thomas Joynson of Longview, Liscard, in the County Palatine of Chester, and Isabella his first wife, daughter of Samuel Mead of Liverpool. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : .Xzure, an' eagle's head & is the Military Cockade. erased or, between four roses saltireways argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, upon a mount vert, an eagle with two heads displayed azure, sem(5e of ro.ses argent; with the Motto, "Ad honorem industria ducit." Married, April 10, 1878, Margaretta Ogle, daughter of John Bell Irving of White Hill, Lockerbie, in the county of Dumfries. Postal address — Wyseby, Ecclefechan, Dumfries. TERTIUS JOYNSON, Esquire, Justice of the Peace for the County Palatine of Chester. Bo?-n May i, 1843, being the third son of the late Thomas Joynson of Longview, Liscard, in the County Palatine of Chester, and Isaliella his first wife, daughter of Samuel Mead of Liverpool. Ar- morial bearings — He Vjears for Arms: Azure, an eagle's head erased or, between four roses saltireways argent, im-' paling the arms of Glazebrook, namely ermine, an eagle displayed gules, beaked, legged, and holding in the beak a fleur-de-lis or, on a chief sable, two bezants each charged with a fleur-de-lis azure ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, upon a mount vert, an eagle with two heads displayed azure, sem(5e of roses argent ; with the Motto, "Ad honorem industria ducit." Married, April 19, i866, Catherine Hall, daughter of Thomas Twanljrook Glaze- brook of New Brighton ; and has Issue — (i) Harold Mead Joynson, Gentleman and Surgeon, born February 23, 1867; (2) Reginald Joynson, Gentleman, born December 12, 1871 ; (3) Alfred Tertius Joynson, Gentleman, born Junei 25. 1873; (4) Norman Alead Joynson, Gentleman, bom] June I, 1878; (s) Arthur Glazebrook Joynson, Gentleman^ born December 12, 1882; Edith May; Catherine Hall a Ada Williamina Twanbrook ; Frances Muriel ; and Dorothy Kirkland. Postal address — Longview, Liscard, Cheshire. § WILLIAM JOYNSON, Esquire, Lieutenant-Colone 3rd Battalion South Lancashire Regiment (Militia).] Born July 23, 1841, being the second son of the lat^ Thomas Joynson of Longview, Liscard, in the County Palatine of Chester, and Isabella his first wife, daughter of Samuel Mead of Liverpool. Armorial bearings— Hel bears for Arms : Azure, an eagle's head erased or, between! four roses saltireways argent ; and for his Crest, upon a| wreath of the coloiirs, upon a mount vert, an eagle withj two heads displayed azure, sem(Se of roses argent ; with the Motto, "Ad honorem industria ducit." Married, July 7,! 1881, Mary Elizabeth, daughter of Carlos Chamberlin of Manchester, formerly of Vermont, Massachusetts, in th^ United States of America. Postal address — The ManoQ House, Tachbrook Mallory, Leamington. ALFRED LANE JOYNT. B.A. (Trin. Col., Dub.)J youngest son of the late William Lane Joynt, Esq., J. P., J D. L. , Crown and Treasury Solicitor for Ireland, and his wife Jane, second dau. of the late John Russell of Limerick,; Armorial bearings — Azure, an eagle's head erased, be-] tween three saltires couped argent. Mantling azure and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours^] issuant out of a chaplet of oak wreaths vert, two eagles'J heads conjoined, the dexter gules, the sinister azure. Mot ^" Nee degenero." Married, 1896, Nora, elder dau. Colonel Edward Cattell ; and has Issue — Nora Daffodil^i Residence — 62 Upper Mount Street, Dublin. The Reverend HENRY RUSSELL lOYNT, M.A.J (T.C.D.), Clerk in Holy Orders, Vicar of Sydling St. Nicholas, Dorsetshire, second son of the late Williaml Lane Joynt, Esq., J. P. for cos. Clare and Dublin, D.L. for] Dublin (Lord Mayor 1867) and Mayor of Limerick i862,J Crown and Treasury Solicitor for Ireland, by his wifel Jane, second dau. of the late John Russell of Limerick..! Armorial bearings — Azure, an eagle's head erased, tetweenj three saltires couped argent. Mantling azure and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, issuant out! of a chaplet of oak wreaths vert, two eagles' heads conjoined,] the dexter gules, the sinister azure. Motto — " Nee degen-i ero. " Seat — The Grange Abbey, Raheny, co. Dublin., Residence — The Vicarage, Sydling, Dorset. FRANCIS SAVILE HARRY JUDD, Esquire, Justic of the Peace for the county of Essex, Bachelor of Arts of the University of Cambridge. Born Septeml>er 6, 1855.'] lieing the fifth and only surviving son of John Phillipps Judd, ( Esquire, Justice of the Peace and Deputy- Lieutenant, of I M is the Naval Cockade. man Eea 463 Kickling, in the county of Essex, by his wife Frances Anna, ilaughter of Harry Scott, late Her Majesty's Consul at Bordeaux. Club — White's. Livery — Dark blue, canary waistcoat. Armorial bearings— He bears for ArmB: Azure, a chevron paly of eight ermine and vert between three garbs or, each charged with a fleur-de-lis of the third. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet V«fitting his degree, with a mantling azure and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a griffin's head erased per chevron or and vert, charged with three fleurs-de-lis counterchanged, in the beak an ear of wheat gold; with the MottO, " Et mea messis erit." Married, October 29, i88g, the Right Honourable Ellen Georgiana, Baroness St. John of Bletsoe (widow of the Right Honourable the fifteenth Baron St. John of Bletsoe, and daughter of Edward Nassau Senior, Esquire, Poor Law Commissioner of Ireland) ; she died December 26, 1890. .6'.f/rt/<^— -Rickling, in the county of Essex. Postal address — Rickling. Bishop's Stortford. K WH.EIAM FRANCIS DE VISMES KANE, Esquire, Master of Arts and Justice of the Peace, High Sheriff for the county of Monaghan 1865. Horn 1840, being the second and only surviving son of Joseph Kane of Harold's Cross, in the county of Dublin, and Withycomlxs Grange, Exmouth, in the county of Devon, by his wife Eliza Jane, only d.aughter of Colonel the Count de Vismes of the Coldstream Guards, sometime of Exmouth. in the county I of Devon. Club — University (Dublin). Livery — Coat, red with yellow trimmings. Armorial bearings — He Ijears for Arms: Gules, three .salmons haurinu argi-nt, in centre i chief point an estoile or. Upon the escutcheon is placed i a helmet ^fitting his degree, with a mantling gules and I argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a naked arm embowed proper, charged with an estoile gules, ( holding a sword also proper. Married, 1862, Amelia .Maria : Jane, daughter of the Reverend Charles James Hamilton, Master of Arts, sometime IncumlxMit of Kimljerworth, 111 ar .Sheflield ; and has Issue — Joseph George Auriol Kane, Gentleman, M.D. , born 1865 \in., 1891, .Adeline, dau. of I the late Thomas Morres Hamilton-Jones of Moneyglass, i CO. Down], d.s.p. 1896 ; and Rose Emmeline Margaret. /■'.\l(ttes — Drumreaske, near Monaghan, and an estate in the I'.arony of Trough, in the county of Monaghan, and free- holds in the county and city of Dublin. Postal address — 1 )rumreaske House, Monaghan. Sir WH.LLiM WOLLASTON k'ARSLAKE, Knight Bachelor (1895), one of Her Majesty's J i]^at*itTil{}^ Counsel Learned in the Law, and Con- , iO'm^fUmXKr (roller of legacy and Succession Duties. ; Born June 10, 1834, being the eldest son ' 0/ the Reverend William Heberdett Karslake of Mesh au, in ' the county of De~oon, Prebendaiy of Exeter Cathedral, by his I wife Ahiry Burgess, only child of John Burgess Karslake, Solicitor, of South Molton, in the county of Devon. Club , — Union. Armorial bearings as used, but for which no authority has been estublis/ied at the Collei;e if Arms, are : Ari^ent, a bulfs head erased sable. Motto — " Nosce te ip- sitm." Married, April 6, 1867, Madeline, second daughter of William A' utter-Bay ley of Cotford House, Sidbuty, in III,- county of Devon, and luidcnv of Robert Dalglish Grant of Xuttall Hall, in the county oj Lancashire. Estates — Farms in George Nympton (otherwise Nyncot St. George), ' Warkleigh, Bishop's Nympton, South Molton, North Molton, \ and Creacombe, in the county of Devon. Postal address — i 8 Curzon Street, Mayfair, London, W. \ Thf. Honourable HENRY EDWARD KATER of I Mount Broughton, Moss Vale, New South \ IftflfPr ^'^''^^' Justice of the Peace, Member of the VlUVvV Legislative Council for that colony, Memlx^r of I the Licensing Court. /?<»;■« September 20, 184 1, being the eldest son of Henry Herman Kater of Calcula, ni ar Orange, New South Wales, Justice of the I^eace, by his wife Eliza Charlotte, daughter of Major Edward Darvall. Armorial bearings— He Ix-ars for Arms : Quarterly i and ' 4, azure on a bend engrailed or, between two fleurs-de-lis argent an eagle with two heads displayed sable (for Kater) ; . 2. gules, a chevron vairy or and azure, between three roses ' argent (tor Reeve) ; 3. gules, a leg in armour couped at the I thigh between two spears erect points upwards. Upon the , escutcheon is placed a helmet Ix-fitiing his degree, with a mantling azure and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a cat rampant guardant proper, between two elephants' trunks or; with the Motto, "Nil mortalibus ar- duum." Ahirried, February 8, 1870, Mary Ehza, daughter of William Forsier of Brush P'arm, New .South Wales ; and has Issue — (i) Henry Herman Kater, Gentleman, born October 31, 1870; Norman William Kater, Gentlemani born November 18, 1874. Postal address — Mount Brough- ton, Moss Vale, New South Wales. ALEXANDER KAY, Esquire, of Cornhill, in the county of Lanark, Justice of the Peace for that county, TttflW "^"^ "^^ '''*^ ''^'^' ^^•'-■■''^"t^*''" ''^^y. Merchant in Glas- '^**E gow. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Or, a fesse gules, between two tortenux in chief, and a griffin's head erased vert in base. Upon the escut- cheon is placed a helmet Ixjfitting his degree, with a mant- ling gules, doubled .argent ; and upon a wreath of his liveries is set for Crest, a griffin's head erased vert, holding in the beak a key or ; and in an escroll over the same this Motto, " In Deo solo spes mea." Married, and has issue. Estate and postal address — Cornhill, Biggar, N. B. Thk Right Honoukabi.e Sir EDWARD EBENEZER KAY, Knight Bachelor, Lord-Justice of Appeal, a Member of Her .Majesty's Most Honourable Privy Council, Justice of the Peace for the county of Norfolk. Born July 2, 1822, being the son of the late Robert Kay of Bury, in the county of Lancashire, and brother of Sir James Kay-Shuttleworth, first Baronet. Clubs — Oxford and Cambridge, Athenaeum. Armorial bearings^ He bears for Arms: Argent, three ermine spots Ix'tween two bendlets sable, the whole between as many crescents azure ; and for his Crest, on a crescent or, a goldfinch proper. Married, 1850, Mary Valence (who died 1889), daughter of the late Reverend W. French, Doctor of Divinity, M.aster of Jesus College, Cambridge, and Canon of Ely ; and has Issue — Eva Mary Valence, and Marion Annie Catherine. Seat — Thorpe Abbotts, Scole, in the county of Norfolk. ToT.i>n residence — 37 Hyde Park Gardens, W. Chambers — 357 Royal Courts of Justice, W. C. THOMAS KAY, Esq., J. P., Chemist to the Queen. Armorial bearings — Per pale gules and or, two Ijendlets dovetailed, between a key the wards upwards and to the dexter in chief and a mascle in base all counterchanged. Mantling gules and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, an eagle's head argent, erased gules, holding in the Ijeak a key in bend the w.ards downwards azure, within a chain in arch or; with the Motto — " Clavis feliciiatis labor." Issue — Harold Kay, Gentleman; Alice Hilda; and Helena Winifred Victoria. Estates — Hazlehead, Marple, and Yew Tree, Torkington, both in Cheshire; Nab Top, Throstle Grove, Wood Farm, and Gladwin's Park, Ashover, Derbyshire. Postal address — Moorfield, Stockport. JOHN ROBERT KEALY, Esquire, late Surgeon-Major and .Acting Brigade - Surgeon 3rd Volunteer lltPflftl J^'"^"^""" (Duke of Connaught's Hampshire UM^ull^ Regiment), Doctor of Medicine of the Univer- sity of St. Andrews, Member of the Royal College of Surgeons, England, Associate of King's Col- lege, London, upon whom the Volunteer Decoration has been conferred. Born September 8, 1830, at Ipswich, in the county of Suffolk, being the eldest son of John Caley (afterwards Kealy), a Particular Baptist Minister, by his wife Sarah, daughter of William Goodwin of The Mount, Ipswich, in the county of .Suftolk. Liveiy — Claret coat. The Editor undertakes that every entry not in italics is that of a genuinely armigerous person. 464 H^ca mt with gilt buttons, gold band round hat. Armorial toear- ings— He bears fe, Forton, Alverstoke ; and has /ssue~{i) John William Gregory Kealy, Gentle- man, MemV)er of the Royal College of Surgeons, Licentiate of the Royal College of' Physicians, born April 11, 1858; (2) the Reverend Arthur Graham Kealy, Master of Arts of the University of Oxford, Chaplain Royal Navy, born November 14, 1861 ; (3) Charles Gonvil Kealy, Gentle- man, Master of Arts of the University of Cambridge, born July 2, 1867; (4) Edward Herbert Kealy, Gentleman, B.A. (Oxford), I.C.S., born June 7, 1873; (s) Percival Hope Kealy, Gentleman, Lieut. R.E. , born June 6, 1878. Estate and postal address — Ashley House, Alverstoke, Hampshire. FRANCIS BURTON KEANE, Esq. Born 1844, being the only surviving son of the late Francis Nathaniel Keane of Hermitage, by Hannah Maria, dau. of Sir Christopher Marett of Limerick. Armorial bearings — Quarterly gules and or, in the first and fourth quarters a salmon naiant argent, in the second and third a tree vert. Mantling gules and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreatii of the colours, a wild cat rampant guardant proper, gorged with an antique Irish crown or, charged on the shoulder with a trefoil vert. Motto — " Felis demulcta mitis." Married, 1871, Mary, dau. of Wm. G. Gubbins, Esq., J. P., of Castle Troy, co. Limerick, and widow of David Bomford, Esq. ; and has, with other Issue — Francis Thomas Keane, Gentleman, b. 1872. Seat — Hermitage, Clare, Ireland. Colonel LEOPOLD GEORGE FREDERICK KEANE, Companion of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath (Civil). Born 1818, being the second son of Sir Richard Keane, second Baronet, by his wife Eliza, daughter of Richard Sparrow of Oaklands, and widow of Samuel Pen- rose of Waterford ; created Companion of the Most Hon- ourable Order of the Bath, 1881. Armorial bearings — He Ijears for Arms : Gules, three salmon naiant in pale argent. Upon the escutcheon, from which is pendent his tjadge as a Companion of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a cat-a-mountain sejant proper, sup- & is the Military Cockade. porting in his dexter paw a banner of the Union of Great Britain. Motto — " Felis demulcta mitis." Mani^d,i^^^, Charlotte French, daughter of the Venerable and Reverend Dr. Henry Cotton, late Archdeacon of Cashel ; and has /j.f««— Frederick Henry Keane, Esquire, born 1857. Postal address — Tivoli, Cappoquin, county Waterford. MARCUS KEANE, Esq., J. P. co. Clare. Born 1854, being the second son of the late Marcus Keane, Esq., J. P., of Beech Park, by Louisa Isabella, dau. of Nicholas West- by. Armorial bearings — Quarterly gules and or, in the first and fourth quarters a salmon naiant argent, in the second and third quarters a tree vert. Mantling gules and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a wild cat rampant guardant proper, gorged with an antique Irish crown or, and charged on the shoulder with a trefoil vert. Motto — "Felis demulcta mitis." Seat's — Beech Park, Ennis ; Doon Bahlin, Carrigaholt. JOSEPH ANDRP:W KEATES, Esquire, of Bishop's Nympton, in the county of Devon. Born De- Tl^l^Aff^rt cember 14, 1833, being the youngest but only lAvCtlvP surviving son of the late William Keates, Es- quire, of Greenfield, in the county of Flint, Justice of the Peace, High Sheriff 1874, by his wife Susan Penrose, eldest daughter of Joseph Andrew of Redruth, in the county of Cornwall. Clubs — Junior Carlton, Royal Torbay Yacht. Armorial bearings — He l)ears for Arms : Argent, on a pale sable, three cats-a-mountain of the field, on a canton of the second a cake of copper proper. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling sable and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of tlie colours, a tiger proper, charged with three bezants fesseways resting the dexter paw upon an escutcheon sable, thereon a cake of copper proper. Motto — " Esto memor." Married, April 26, i860, Eliza- beth, second daughter of F^dnuind Brock Lyon of Neston, in the county of Chester ; and has Issue — (i) lulmund Lyon Keates, Gentleiuan, Barrister (Inner Temple), born 1861 ; (2) William Keates, Esquire, Captain Suffolk Regiment, born June 7, 1862 ; (3) the Reverend Herbert Andrew Keates of New College, Oxford ; (4) John Keates, Gentle- man ; Florence Mary [married, Noveiuber 20, 1890, Sir Henry Beyer Robertson of Pal6, in the county of Merioneth] ; and Elizabeth. Scats — Bishop's Nympton, in the county of Devon ; and Dunstone, Torquay, Devon. EDWARD WELLS KEEGAN, Esquire, J.P. (High Sheriff 1892 of the co. of the Town of Carrickfergus). Born March 4, 1850, laeing the eldest son of the late Peter Keegan, Esq., J.P. , by his wife Elizabeth, eldest dau. of the late James (^uin of Omagh, CO. Tyrone. Club — Ulster Reform (Belfast). Livery — Frock coat and vest, blue refine, with crimson stripe at side of trousers. Armorial bearings — M is the Naval Cockade. mt I^el 465 Gules, a lion salient, crowned, and holding in the dexter paw a crescent all or, a chief nebuly of the last. Mantling gules and or. Crest-— On a wreath of the colours, a dexter hand holding a sheaf of five arrows all proper, charged on th(^ wrist with a harp or, stringed argent. Motto — " Niin- qiiam non paratus." Married, firstly, April 25, 1877, Kate Mary, eldest dau. of George F. Rougham, Nf. D. , Inspector I^ocal Government Board, Ireland (she d. 1893). He married secondly, Aug. 18, 1897, Stella Julia Mary, dau. of George T£. Browne, Ksq., J. P., D. L. , of Browns- town, Ballinrolx.*, co. Mayo, and M.P. for same co. 1870-80; and has /««<• by his first marriage — (i) Kdward Keegan, h. Dec. 30, 1879, d. Feb. 16, 1880; (2) fleorge Alexander Keegan. Gentleman, b. Feb. 22, 1884; (3) ("harlcs Aloysius Marie Keegan, Gentleman, b. May 17, 1885; (4) Herl)ert Leo Keegan, Gentleman, b. Feb. 3, 1888; Lilian Mary; and Kathleen Mary ICvelyne. f-'states — Burriseleigh, co. Tipiwrary ; and in Belfast. Postal address — Clonavar, .Strandtown, co. Down. FREDERIC JOHN KEELING, Gentleman. Bom April 12, 1826, being the only child of the Ikl^PfintT '■^''' '■■''^'''^■'ic P.age Keeling, Solicitor, of i^vvlilllj Colchester, by his wife Sarah, daughter of William Harper. Livery- -V\a.\n black. Armorial bearing^ He bears for Arms : Ermine, a scaling-ladder in bend sable, over all a lion rampant or. holding between the paws an escutcheon argent, charged with a cross pat^e fitchde gules; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, in front of a demi-lion rampant or, holding between the paws an escutcheon gules, charged with a cross pat^e fitch^e argent, a scaling-ladder fesse- ways sable; with the Motto, " Honneur sans reproche." Married, .April 9, 1885, Alice May Mildred, daughter of the late George Chapman, Solicitor, of Lincoln's Inn Fields; and has Issue— (x) Frederic Hillersdon Keeling, Gentleman, born March 28, 1886 ; (2) Guy William Keeling, Gentleman, born April i, 1890. Postal address — St. Mary's Terrace, Colchester. HENRY PEACH KEIGHLY-PEACH, Esq.,of Idlicote House, CO. Warwick, J. P., late Capt. in the Royal Horso Guards Blue ; assumed the name and arms of Peach in addi- tion to his patronymic of Keighly, in accordance with the will of his late great-uncle, Sanmel Peach of Idlicote Ihjuse. Pom .March 22, 1834, l>eing the son of the late Henry Peach Keighly, Esq., Major 3rd Rcgt. Madras Light Cavalry, and Judge-Advocate-General of the Madras Army, by his wife EmtnaSpicer, third daughter of the Rev. William Godfrev Huet. Club — Army and Navy. Armorial bearings Quarterly i and 4, gules Ijetwecn two chevrons argent, three martlets of the second (for Peach); 2 and 3, per bend en- grailed sable and argent, a fesse charged with two mullets all counterchanged (for Keighly). Mantling' gules and argent ; and for his Crests, i. upon a wreath of the colours, a demi-lion rampant per fesse ermine and gules, crowned or (for Peach) ; 2. upon a wreath of the colours, a griflin's head sable, langued gules, charged with three mullets all counterchanged (for Keighly). Motto (for Peach)— " Quic- quid dignum saniente bonoque est." Married, Aug. 5, 1862, Lucy Isabella, second daughter of William Selby Ix)wndes of Whaddon Hall, Bucks; and has Issue — (i) Henry Keighly-Peach, (jentloman, b. June 19, 1864 ; (2) Charles William Kcighly-Peach, Gentleman, b. .Sept. 23, 1865 ; Isabella Emma Maria ; Lucy C!hristiana ; and Florence Jessie. Seats — Idlicote House, Shipston-on-.Stour ; Alderminster Lodge, .Stratford-on-Avon. S ARTHUR DILLON DENIS KELLY, Esquire, Maj. 34th Regt. , claiming to be "The O'Kelly," as head of the eldest surviving branch descended from William Boy O'Kelly, 2 1 St O'Kelly and Lord of Jath- Maine. Porn Dec. 5, 1853, being the eldest .son of the late Gen. .Sir Richard Denis Keliy, by his wife Ellen, dau. of Sir W. Dillon, fourth Baronet. Armorial bearings— Azure, a tower triple- towered, supported by two lions rampant argent, as many chains descending from the battlements between their legs or ; and impaling the arms of SkefTmg- ton, namely, quarterly i and 4, argent thre«" bulls' heads erased sable ; 2 and 3 azure, a chevron lx:lwpcn three chaplets or. MantUng azure and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, an cnfield vert. Motto— " Turris fortis mihi Dcus." Married, .April 17, 1895, Henrietta, youngest dau. of the Hon. Chichester Thomas Skeflington. Estate and postal address — Mucklow, Ballyforan, Ballina- sloe, CO. Galway. FR.\NCIS HUME KELLY, Esq., J. P. for co. West- meath, late Capt. and Hon. .Major 9th Bait. Rifle Brigade, B.A. (Oxon.). Porn 1840, being the eldest son of the late Rol>ert Hume Kelly, Esq., J. P., of Glencara, High Sheriff of CO. Westmeath 1867, by Isabella Olivia, dau. of the late Oliver Isdell of Conlanstown, co. Westmeath. Club — Kildare Street (Dublin). Armorial bearings— Azure, two lions rampant combatant argent, chained or, supporting a tower with three turrets of the second, in the centre chief point a mullet of the third. Mantling aziu-e and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, an enfield vert, charged on the shoulder with a mullet as in the arms. Motto — "Turris fortis mihi Deus." Married, 1876, Gertrude ,\nnie, only child of G. C. M. Murdoch ; and has, with other /ssue — Francis Vandeleur Hume Kelly, Gentleman, b. 1877. Seat — Glencara, Mullingar. EDWARD FESTUS KELLY. Gentleman, Master of the New Forest Deerhounds. Born Jan. 28, 1854, being the eldest son of Edward Robert Kelly, Gentleman, and Harriet his wife, dau. of Anderson Radford. Clubs — Nimrod, Isthmian, New. Livery — Blue, with red waist- coat. Armorial bearings — Azure, a tower triple-towered argent, supported by two lions rampant argent, chained or. Mantling azure and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the Tlie Editor undertakes tliat every entry not in italics is tbat of a genuinely armigerous person. Ed colours, an i-nfi.-Ul passmt v.-rt. MottO- " lUrris fortis mihi l).-us." MarrU.i, Aujjust 28. 1879. lonsl.incc. third diiu Ml M:.ioi Horatio i:donl)orouKli ; and has Issue— Edward Denis Festus Kelly, Gentleman, born Jan. 3, 1881. Seat — Northerwood Park, Lyndhurst, Hants. To7un resi- dence — 15 Palace Court, London, W. WILLI AM FRF. KM AN KELI^Y, Esquire, Com- panion of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, Colonel in the Army, Deputy Register-General in Ireland. Born Sept. 25, 1847, being the eldest son of the late William Robert Kelly and Augusta Anne, dau. of the late Robert Child of Russell Square, London. Livery — Very dark grey, with gilt buttons. Armorial bearing's as used, but to which no right has been established in Ulster's Office, are for Arms — Gules, on a mount or rock proper, a tinver argent, supported by two lions rampant or. Crest — On a ducal coronet or, a greyhound courant argent. MottO — " Turris fortis nichi Deus." Married, July 11, 1889, Mary Russell, second dau. of the late Champion Rus.<:etl, Esq., D.L., /.P., of Slubbers, Romford, Essex. Postal address — The Royal Hospital, Dublin. S EDWARD HARRINGTON PURVIS KELSO, Esquire, of Kelsoland and Great Horkeslev, in \X&\tir\ '^^ county of Essex, Justice of the Peace anil De- JAvlW puty-Lieutenant of the comity of Essex, Cotn- mander Royal Navy (retired). Born March 21, 1842, being the eldest son of the late Edward John Francis Kelso, Esquire, by his wife Lcctitia Philippa, onlv child o) Harrington Putvis of Deccles, in the county of Suffolk, and Purvis Hall, in the county of Essex. Clubs— ^rwv and Navy, Carlton. Armorial bearings as given in Burke's " Landed Gentry," but which are not matriculated in Lyon Register, are for Arms : Sable, a fesse engrailed between three garbs or. CreBt— A garb or. laotto—" Otium cum dignitate." Married, April 14, 1887, Agnes MaHon, only daughter and heiress of Richard Hodgson Gallwey. Seat Horkesley Park, Colchester, in the county of Essex. Resi- dence — 26 Hyde I'ark Square, W. GENERAt, Sir ARNOLD BURROWES KEMBALL K.C.B. (Mil., 1878), K.C.S.L (1869); was created C.B* 1858; served in first Afghan War 1838-39 (medal) in Persian Expedition, 1857 (mentioned in despatches, medal with clasps, C.B.), and in 'lurko- Russian War as British laem Military Attache at Headquarters of Turkish Army, 1876- 1877; was Assistant Resident in Persian Gulf 1842 and Resident 1852, Acting Consul-Gen. at Bagdad and Political Agent in lurkish Arabia in 1847 and 1849-51, Consul- Gen, at Bagdad and I'olitical Agent there, 1855. Bon 1820, being the .second son of Vero Clarke Kemball, Esq., Surg'eon-Cjeneral Indian Medical Department, late Senior Member Medical Board, Bombay, by his wife Marianne, dau. of Maj.-Gen. John Shaw. Clubs — United Service, Athenajum. Armorial bearings — Gules, on a cross in- vected or, an oak - tree eradicated proper between four leopards' faces azure, in tiie first and fourth quarters a sword erect, and in the second and third a fasces alsc erect argent, the escutcheon being surrounded iiy the ribbon of the Order of the Bath, and pendent the badges of n K.C.B. (Mil.) and a K. C.S.I. Mantling gules and or; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, in from of a rock proper a fasces fesseways also proper, thereor a goat salient sable; with the Motto — "Nulla nisi ardua virtus." Married, 1868, Anna Fanny, third dau. of A. N, Shaw of New Hall, N.B. Residence — 62 Lowndes Square S.W. CHARLES GURDON KEMBALL, Esquire, Indiar Civil Service, 1850-1885, Barrister-at-Law, Puisne Judge o High Court, Bombay, 1870-1885, J. P. co. Norfolk. Bort, September 27, 1829, being the sixth son of Vero Clarke Kemball, Esquire, Surgeon-General Indian Medical Depart ment, late Senior Member Medical Board, Bombay, by hii wife Marianne, daughter of Major-General John Shaw Club — h\:we.wx\m\. Armorial bearings — He bears fo Arms: Gules, on a cross invected or, an oak-tree eradicatec ^ is the Military Cockade. proper, between four leopards' faces aziue, in the first ani fourth quarters a sword erect, and in the second and third ; fasces also erect argent. Ujjon the escutcheon is placed helmet befitting his degree ; and for his Crest, upon wreath of the colours, in front of a rock proper, a fasce fesseways also proper ; thereon a goat salient sable, wit the Motto, "Nulla nisi ardua virtus." Married, Octol)« 30, 1856, Grace C, second daughter of General H. Bloi @ is the Naval Cockade. mm Turner, Royal ICngineers ; and has /ssrie—(i) Henry V. R, Kemball, C.R, Executive Kngineer, P.W.D., Bombay] Gentleman, born October 31, 1858 ; (2) Charles Arnold Kemball, Esq., Capt. I.S.C, born June 27, i860; (3) Alick Gurdon Kemball, Gentleman, Lieut. I.S.C, 23rd Funjaub Pioneers, born October 16, 1869; Rose Frances [married Sir F. Fortes Adam, Companion of the Most Eminent Order of the Indian Empire] ; Elmira Caroline ; and Lilian Grace. Pos/a/ address — Mettingham Castle, Buneav Suffolk. Major-Gi:ner.\l JOHN SHAW KEAHLVLL, J. P. for Kent. Born 1822, Ixjing the third son of Vero Clarke Kemball, Esq., Surgeon-General Indian Medical Depart- ment, late Senior Member .Medical Hoard, Bombay, by his wife Marianne, dau. of Maj.-(k-ii. John Shaw. Club— United Service. Armorial bearings— Gules, on a cross invected or, an oak-tree eradicated proper between four leopards' faces azure, in the first and fourth quarters a sword erect, and in the second and third a fasces also erect argent. Mantling' gules and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the c(jlours, in front of a rock proper, a fasces fesscways also proper, thereon a goat salient sable; with the Motto, "Nulla nisi ardua virtus." Married, 1857, Dora M., dau. of Capt. Henry .\dams, Bombay Nat. Inf. '; and has Issue. Seat — Fairseat, Wrotham, Sevenoaks. H HAL.S\VELL MILBORNE KEMEYS - TYNTE. %^ Esquire, Justice of the Peace \^CYnpr)eing the eldest son of the late Charles John KemeVs-Tynte, E:squire, of Halswell and Cefn Mably, by his first wife ElizaV)eth, daughter and co-heir of 'liiomas Swinnerton, Esquire, of Butterton Hall, in the county of Stafford. Clu/>s — ('arlion, Windham. Armorial bearings— He Ixiars for Arms: Quarterly, i. counler-ciuanered i. and iiii. gules, a lion couchant tetween six crosses crosslet argent (for Tynte) ; ii. and iii. vert, on a chevron argent, three plieons sable (for Kemeys) ; 2. .azure, three bars wavy argent, over all a Ixmd gules (for Halswell) ; 3. sable, a maunch argent, on a border or, an orle of lions' gainbs er.ased in saltire gules (for Wharton); 4. azure, a wolfs head era.sed argent (for Lupus, Earl of Chester). Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet Ijefitting his degree, with a mantling gules and argent ; and for his Crests, i. upon a wreath of the colours, on a mount vert, a unicorn .azure .sejant, armed, crined, and unguled or (for Kemeys) ; 2. issuant from a ducal coronet a demi-giiffin or (for Halswell). Mottoes— "Duw-dy-ras" (for Kemeys); " Tynctus cruore Saraceno" (for Tynte). Married, 1875, Rosabellc Clare, eldest d.aughter of Theobald Walsh, Esquire, of Tyrrelston, in the county of Kildare; and has Issue— {\) Charles Theodore Halswell Kemeys-Tynte, Gentleman, Utrn Septeml)cr 18, 1876; (2) Eustace Kemeys-Tynte, Gentleman, Iwrn April lo, 1878; Mary Arabella Swinnerton. .V^wA— Halswell House, Goat- hurst, Bridgwater, in the county of Somerset ; Cefn Mably, Cardiff, in the county of Glamorgan ; Burleigh Hall, in the county of Leicester. Captain WILLIAM KEMP, J. P. Sussex. Born 1835, being the son of Nathaniel Kenij), (ientleman, of Oving- dean, Sussex. Armorial bearings — Gules, three g.arbs within a bordure engrailed or, charged with eight hurts. Mantling gules and or. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, upon a mount vert, [a falcon with wings elevated, feeding on a garb or, and charged on the breast with a hurt. Married, 1861, M A , dau. of .\dmiral M.arsh, R.N. Postal address — Lyminster House, near Arundel. JOHN COLE KEMSLEY, Gentleman. Born being the eldest son of John Nicholas ll^PtHftfrn Kemslev, by Elizabeth Kathleen, his wife, VlVlUXllt;.^ daughter of Patrick Waterman Cole. •^K't-rv- Chocolate and gold. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Or, on a mount in base vert, a man in armour holding over his dexter shoulder a battle-.axe, head downwards proper, a chief arched per pale sable and gules, thereon two lions p.assant counter-passant argent. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling vert and or : and for his Crest, upon a wreath men 467 of the colours, on a mount vert, a demi-zebra proper, gorged with a collar gemel or, resting the sinister fore-leg on an Esquire's helmet also proper. Married, April 23, 1883, Elizabeth Jopling, daughter of John Robert Brickon. SPAUL ALOYSIUS KENNA, Esq., Captain 21st Hussars, eldest son of the late James Kenna of Larch Hill. co. Meath, and Oakfield, Liverpool, by Julia his wife, daughter of Patrick Kearney of Ethelstown, co. Meath. Armorial bearings— .Xzure, on a chief engrailed or, three garbs of the field, banded .argent. Mantling azure and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, on a mount vert, a ruined castle in flames proper. Motto — "Age quod agis." Postal address — 21st Regt. Hussars, Madras. THOMAS J0SI:PH KENNA, Gentleman, second son of the late James Kenna of Larch Hill, co. Me.ath, and Oakfield, Liverpool, by Julia his wife, dau. of Patrick Kearney of Ethelstown, co. Meath. Armorial bearings- Azure, on a chief engrailed or, three garbs of the field, banded argent, a. crescent for difference. Mantling azure and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, on a mount vert, a ruined castle in flames proper. Motto — " Age quod agis." ADAM STEINMETZ KENNARD, Esquire. J.P. Hants (Sherift' 1885). Born 1833, being the son of the late J. P. Kennard of Hordle Clifte, Hants. Club— Carlton. Armorial bearings — Per chevron gules and azure, a chevron engrailed argent between two keys in chief, the wards ilownwards or, and a sword erect in base proper. Mantling gules and argent. Crest — Upon a wreath of the colours, a dexter cubit arm in armour proper, charged with a buckle gules, grasping in the hand a key or in bend, and .a broken sword in bend sinister proper. Motto—" At spes non fracta." Married, 1883, Alice Jane, eldest dau. of H. Lomax Gaskell of Kiddington Hall, Oxon. Seat — Crawley Court, Winchester. Sir COLERIDGE ARTHUR FITZROY KENNARD, first Baronet. Born May 12, 1885, being fit l^ntlSlt*Tl '''*^ ^"^^ "'^ Hugh Coleridge Kennard, Lieu- UM;/niiavU tenant Gren.adier Guards, who died 1886, by his wife Helen, daughter of James Wyllie of Eilenroe, Antibes, France ; was created a Baronet Tbe Editor undertafe:es that every entry not in italics is tbat of a genuinely armigerous person. 468 f^zn men February 6, 1891, in recognition of the public services of his jjrandfather, who was created a Baronet 1890, but died before the Patent had passed the seals. Armorial bear- ings He Ix^ars for Arms: I'er chevron jjules and azure, a cnevron enfjrailed argent, between two keys in chief, the wards downwards or, and a sword erect in base ])roper. Upon the esculelieon, which is charged with his badge of Ulster as a Baronet, is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a cubit arm erect in armour proper, charged with a buckle gules, grasping in the hand a key or, in Iwnd, and a broken sword in liend sinister proper. Hotto — "At spes non fracta." Residences— t,^ Hans Place, London ; Fernhill, Southampton. Colonel EDMUND HEGAN KENNARD. V.D., F.R.G.S.. B.A. (Oxon.), C.apt. late 8th Hussars, A.D.C. to Viceroy of Ireland (Abercorn) 1867-68, Col. Command- ing istli Middlesex Vol. 1870-85 (Hon. Col. of the corps from 1885), M.P. (C.) Beverley 1868-69, Lymington 1874-85. Born 1835, being the son of the late J. P. Kennard of Hordle Cliffe, Hants, by dau. of Sir John Chapman. Clubs — Carlton, St. James's, Naval and Military. Armo- rial bearing's — Per chevron gules and azure, a chevron engrailed argent between two keys in chief, the wards downwards or, and a sword erect in base proper. Mant- ling gules and argent. Crest — Upon a wreatli of the colours, a dexter cubit arm in armour proper, charged with a buckle gules, grasping in the hand a key or in bend, and a broken sword in bend sinister proper. Motto — " At spes non fracta." Married, 1868, Agnes, dau. and co-heir of Joseph Hegan, Dawpool. Postal address — 3 Chesterfield Gardens, Mayfair, W. EDWARD KENNARD, Esquire, D.L., J. P. Mon- mouthshire (Sheriff 1876), J. P. for Northants. Bo)-?i 1842, being the youngest son of R. W. Kennard of Gatcombe, Isle of Wight, M.P. Clitb — Junior Carlton. Armorial bearings — Per chevron gules and azure, a chevron engrailed argent between two keys in chief, the wnrds downwards or, and a sword erect in base proper. Mantling gules and argent. Crest — Upon a wreath of the colours, a dexter cubit arm in armour proper, charged witli a buckle gules, grasping in the hand a key or in bend, and a broken sword in bend sinister proper. Motto — "At spes non fracta." Married, 1870, Mary, eldest dau. of S. Laing, Esq., J. P., D. L., ex-M. P. Postal address — Junior Carlton Club. Dame ELLEN GEORGIANA KENNARD, Widow, commonly known as Lady Kennard, daughter of Captain J. W. Rowe, Honourable East India Company's Service, Armorial bearings are, upon a lozenge : Per chevron gules and azure, a chevron engrailed argent, between in chief two keys wards downwards or, and in base a sword erect proper, pommel and hilt or. Married, 1858, Coleridge John Ken- nard, Esquire, of Fernhill, Southampton, Justice of the Peace and Deputy- Lieutenant, and Member of F'arliament Is tbe Military Cockade. for Salisbury, 1882-1885, who died 1890, before his Patent of Baronetcy passed the seals (see above), upon which the same title and precedence was granted to his widow as if he had survived. Of the above marriage there is Isstw — Hugh Coleridge Downing Kennard, Esquire, Lieutenant Grenadier Guards, born May 15, 1859 [married, September 7, 1883, Helen, only daughter of James Wyllie of Eilanroe, France, and died April 9, 1886, on his pas- sage to Australia, leaving an only child, Sir Coleridge Arthur Fitzroy Kennard, first Baronet (to whom refer)]; and Meredith Sophia Frances [married, November 6, 1890, Captain Henry Seymour Rawlinson, Coldstream Guards, eldest son of Major-General Sir Henry Creswicke Rawlinson, Baronet, Knight Grand Cross of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath]. Postal address — 39 Upper Grosvenor Street, London ; Boyton Lodge, Esher. § HENRY MARTYN KENNARD, Esquire, J. P. for the COS. of Monmouth and Glamorgan, and D. L. for Monmouthshire. Born 1833, being the fith son of the late Robert Kennard, Esq., J. P., D. L. , late M.P. for Newport, Isle of Wight, by iiis wife Mary Anne, dau. of Thomas Challis, M.P. for Finsbury. Clubs — Carlton, Bootle's. Livery — Dark blue. Armorial bearings — Per chevron gules and azure, a chevron engrailed argent between two keys in chief, the wards downwards or, and a sword erect in base proper. Mantling gules and argent. Crest — Upon a wreath of the colours, a dexter cubit arm in armour proper, charged with a buckle gules, grasping in the hand a key or in bend, and a broken sword in bend sinister proper. Motto — "At spes non fracta." Married, 1858, Katharine Anne, ttdc Thomas, of Ystrad Mynach, Glamorganshire ; and has Jsstie — Martyn Thomas Kennard, Gentleman, b. 1859 ; and Mary Elese [w. Arthur M. Leatham of Misarden Park, Glamorganshire]. Residences— FaXkW]^, Stirlingshire ; 63 Lowndes Square, London, S.W. HENRY STEINMETZ KENNARD, Gentleman. Born 1843, being the only surviving son of the late Stephen P. Kennard, Esq., D.L., J. P. Club—]uniOY Carlton. Armorial bearings — Per chevron gules and azure, a chevron engrailed argent between two keys in chief, the wards downwards or, and a sword erect in base proper. Mantling gules and argent. Crest— Upon a wreath of the colours, a dexter cubit arm in armour proper, charged with a buckle gules, grasping in the hand a key or in bend, 3 Is the Naval Cockade. men l^en 469 and a broken sword in bend sinister proper. Motto — " At si)es non fracta." Married, 1868, Frances C. C , younger diu. of late Chas. Sterling of the Manor House, Stanmore. Seat — Shopwyke House, Oving, near Chichester. H ROBERT WILLI.Wl KKNNARD, Esquire, D.L., W J.l'. MonnioutJKshire (Sheriff 1888), one of H.M. Lieutenants for the City of London. Born 1857, being tile son of H. J. Kcniiard, Esq., J. P. Club — Junior Carlton. Armorial bearings— Per chevron gules and azure, a chi-vron c-ngrailed argent, between two keys in chief, the wards downwards or, and a sword erect in base proper. Mantling gules and argent. Crest— Upon a wreath of the colours, a dexter cubit arm in armour proper, charged with a buckle gules, grasping in the hand a key or in bend, and a broken sword in bend sinister proper. Motto— "At spes non fracta." Married, 1881, Rose N., dau. of R. N. Byass of Daylesford, Worcestershire. Seat — Lhvyndu Court, Abergavenny. JOHN KENNEDY. Esquire, Justice of the Peace and C^ommissioner of Supply for the county of Ayr. Born August 22, 1816, being the eldest son of the late John Kennedy, Esquire, of Underwooil, by his wife Margaret, third daughter of Neil Snodgrass, Es()uire, of Cunninghamhead and Auch- lodmont, in the county of Ayr, Justice of the Peace. Ar- morial bearings -He bears for Arms: Argent, on a chevron gules between three cross crosslets fitch(5c, sable, a mullet pierced between two lions counter passant or. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules, doubled argent ; and upon a wreath of his liveries is set fur Crest, a dolphin hauriant proper. Motto — " Vincit vim virtus." Married, .\ugust 5, 1851, Margaret, fourth daughter of the late Fartjuhar Macrae of Macrae and Inverinate, in the county of Ross; and has Issue — (i) John Kennedy, Esquire, Justice of the Peace and Deputy-Lieutenant, Master of Arts, born Septemlx;r 12, 1852 [married, January 4, 1884, Jessie, daughter of Alexander Reid, Esquire, and has, John Kennedy, (Gentle- man, born December 27, 1886 ; Nigel Kennedy, (ientleman, born May 30, 1888]; (2) Neil James Kennedy, Ui;ntleman (now Cochran- Patrick, to whom refer). Bachelor of Arts of the University of Cambridge, Bachelor of Civil Law of the University of Edinburgh, Justice of the Peace for the county of Dumbarton, born August 18, 1866; Char- lotte ; Justin Henrietta [married, April 17, 1884, Colonel Alan John Colquhoun, C. B., Deputy- Lieutenant, Edin- burgh .Artillery, and has issue] ; Elizalieth Theodora [married, June 14, 1887, J. W. McKerrell Brown, and has issue] ; and Adelaide Emily. Seat — Uuderwood House, by Kilmarnock, N. B. ROLAND FERGUSSONE KENNEDY, Esijuire. Born 1859, l)eing the eldest son of the late Hew Kergussone Kennedy, Esc|uire, of Bennane and Finnarts (twenty-third in descent from Duncan de Carrick), Justice of the Peace and Deputy-Lieutenant, Captain 96th Regiment, by his wife Mariane, second daughter of John Bell of Enterkine, in the county of Ayr. Armorial bearings — He Ixnirs for Arms ; C!uarterly 1 and 4, aigeiu, a chevron gules, tx.'iween three crosslets fitchiV- sable (for Kennedy) ; 2 and 3 azure, three tleurs-de-lis or (for France). Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantUng gules, iloubled argent ; and upon a wreath of his liveries is set for Crest, a tleur-de-lis or, issuing out of two oak leaves proper. Supporters— Dexter, a lady attired in the costume of the sixteenth century ; sinister, a wyvern both proper. Motto — " Fuiinus." Married, NovemlK'r28, 1888, Flora Glencairn, eldest daughter of Charles G, Shaw, Solicitor, Ayr ; and has Issue — (i) Charles Fergussone Kennedy, Gentleman, Ijorn Deeemter II, 1889; (2) David Hew Kennedy, Gentleman, born July 11, 1891 ; and Muriel Flora. 6V(2/i— Bennane, Ballantre, and Finnarts, Glaiapp, in the county of Ayr. ROBERT JOHN KENNEDY, Esquire, Companion oj the Most Distinguished Order of Saint Michael and Saint George, Justice of t lie Peace for the county of Doivn, Master of Arts of the University of Oxford, Her Majesty's Chaise d" Affaires to the Prince of Montenegro. Born December 24, 1851, being the son of Robert Ste^vart Kennedy, Esquire, Deputy-Lieutenant , of Cultra, in the county of Down, by his wife Catherine, daughter of Edward Michael Ward of Bangor Castle ; created Companion of the Most Distin- guished Order of Saint Michael and Saint George, 1887. Clubs — St. James's, Travellers' , Ulster, Royal Ulster Yacht. Livery — Claret colour, scarlet waistcoat and brass buttons. Armorial bearing^s as used, but which are not registered in Ulster's Office, are — Argent, a chevron gules, between three cross crosslets Jitchie, all ivithin a double tressure fiory and counterjlory. Crest — A dolphin naiant. MottO — " Avise la Jin." Married, 1883, Bertha Jane Ward, com- monly knffiun as the Honourable Bertha Jane Ward, daughter of the Right Honourable Henty William Crosbie, fifth Viscount Bangor ; and has Issue — Mary Grace Enid ; Bertha Catherine Maud; Matilda Kathleen; and Lucy Emily Harriette. Postal addresses — British Legation, Cettingi, Montenegro ; Cultra, Holywood , county Down ; 4 Onslow Crescent, S. W. S AUGUSTUS JOHN WILLIAM HENRY KEN- NEDY-ERSKINE, Justice EenneDp^OBCiefkine ^[.f ^::;^^i:^. Born 1866, Iieing the only son of the late William Henry Kennedy-Erskine, Es(|uire, of Dun, by his wife Catherine, only surviving child of John Jones of Henllys, in the county of Carmarthen ; .succeeded his father 1870. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Quarterly i and 4, grand quarters quarterly, i. and iiii. argent, a pale sable, ii. and iii. gules, a sword in pale argent, pommel and hilt or (for Erskine) ; 2 and 3, argent a chevron gules Ijctween three cross crosslets fitch6e sable, all within the royal double tressure, flory counlerfiory of the second (for Kennedy). Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules, doubled argent ; and for his Crests, upon a wreath of the liveries, a griffin's he.id erased gules, charged with a nmllet ermine, holding in the beak a sword bendways point upwards proper (for Erskine) ; and upon a wreath of his liveries, a dolphin naiant proper (for Kennedy). Seat — Dun House, Montrose, N.B. HENRY STACY SKIPTON KENNEDY-SKIPTON, Gentleman, M.A., third son of the late Henry Skipton ; assumed the name of Kennedy-.'^kipton as his principal and last surname, and the arms of Skipton and Kennedy quarterly, by Royal License, April 27, 1896. Armorial bearings — Quarterly i and 4, argent an anchor sable (for Skipton) ; 2 and 3 argent, a chevron gules Ix-tween three cross crosslets fitchde sable (for Kennedy). Mantling sable and argent ; and for his Crests, r. upon a wreath of the colours, an arm vambraced, holding a dagger proper (for Skipton) ; 2. upon a wreath of the colours, a dolphin proper, and alxjvc it the Motto, "Avise la fine" (for Kennedy); and below the arms, "Pro patria" (for Skipton). Postal address — Sir VINCENT HUNTER BARRINGTON KEN- NET T - B A R R 1 NG - Eennett = TBarrington 'l^!'i^t^t^. Master of Laws, and Wrangler of the University of Cambridge, Government nominated Member of Metropolitan Asylums Board, and Deputy - Chairman of St. John Ambulance Association. Born 1844, being the son of the late Captain Vincent Frederick Kennett, of the Manor House, Dorchester, by his wife Aratella Henrietta, daughter of the late Sir Jonah Barrington, whose name and arms he assumed in 1878, by Royal License under his mother's will; dubbed Knight Bachelor, 1886. Clubs — .Kthenieum, Oxford and Cambridge. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Quarterly i and 4, argent three chevronels gules, in chief a label of as many points azure (for Barrington); 2 and 3 quarterly or and gules, in the second and third quarters an escutcheon of the first, charged with an esquire's helmet proper (for Kennett) ; and impaling the arms of Sandeman, namely argent, the emblem of truth, a naked woman standing on a terrestrial globe issuing oat of the base, in her dexter hand an open book ; in her sinister, which is elevated above her head, a branch of palm, and on her breast the sun in his splendour all proper, and a veil across her m'lddle of the first, within a bordui-e gules, charged with three fleurs- de-lis of the first. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules and argent ; and for his Crests, i. upon a wreath of the colours, a hermit's head in profile, couped below the shoulders proper, vested paly of six gules and or, his cowl thrown Tbe Editor iindertakes that every entry not in italics is tbat of a genuinely armigerous person. 47° lacn Eer back (for liarririRloii) ; 2. upon a wreath of tlie colours, between two brandies of palm, a dexter arm embowed in armour proper, garnished or, eharged with an cstoile gules, holding in the hand a helmet as in the arms (for Kenneit). A/urritif, 1878, Alicia (leorgette, daughter of the late (leorge CJlas Sandeman, ICsquirc, of Westfield, Hayling Island, and Hyde I'ark Gardens. Postal addresses — ^'7 Albert Mall Mansions, W. ; Manor House, Dorchester, Oxford. M.\jc)K ARTHUR HERB1':RT KENNEY, Companion of the Most Distinguished Order of Saint Michael and Saint Cieorge. Uoni 1855, being the son of the late Captain Edward Herbert Kennev, Royal Navy; created CM. G., 1893. Ctiih—]\\\\\ox United Service. Armorial bearings —Per pale or and azure, a tleur-de-lis between three crescents counterchanged. Mantling azure and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a demi-arm, sleeved gules, with a white ruffe, holding in the hand a roll of parchment proper. JOHN KENNEY-HERBERT, Esquire, Justice of the Peace. Born February 15, mcnnep^JDerbert ?r•J5^K^ne^^Hel!rt! Gentleman (succeeded to the Herbert estates on the death of his uncle, the Reverend Ed- ward Herl)ert-Kenney, in 1842, in accordance with the provi- sions of the will of his maternal grand-uncle, John Herbert of Castle Island, whereupon he assumed by Royal License the additional name and arms of Herbert), by his wife Jane, daughter of Daniel Humphreys of Broonifield, in the county of Cork. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Quarterly i and 4, per pale argent and sable, three lions rampant, two and one counterchanged (for Herbert of Castle Island) ; 2 and 3. per pale or and azure a fleur-de- lis between three crescents counterchanged (for Kenney). Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling sable and argent ; and for his Crests, i. upon a wreath of the colours, a bundle of twelve arrows in saltire or, headed and feathered argent, belted gules, and buckled of the last (for Herbert) ; 2. upon a wreath of the colours, a de.vter cubit arm erect vested gules, cuffed argent, the hand grasping a paper scroll proper (for Kenney). Motto— " Ungje servirai." Married, November 16, 1874, Harriett Mary, daughter of Thomas M. Gren of Aghadoe, near Youghal, in the county of Cork. Seat — Knocknagore, in the county of Kerry. JAMES WILLIAM KENYON, Gentleman, Joint Lord of the Manor of Shelley. Born August 13, i860, being the eldest son of the late John Walter Kenyon, and Sarah his wife, daughter of the late William Carter. t7//i^— Nimrod. 1^ is the Military Cockade. Z,n'^n'— Grey or black and gold. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arins : Sable, on a chevron invected or, between two crosses patonce in chief argent and a lion sejeant in base of the second, a woolpack of the first; and for the Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a lion sejant |iroper, holding in the mouth a cross patonce argent, and resting the de.Kter forepaw on a woolpack sable ; with the Motto, "Si diligens honorabilis. " Estates — Dogley, Kirk Burton, and Shelley. Postal («rfV '^^PXWWCX' Lieutenant for the county of Ber- irtt^V-Xyt-^mt-l wick, Justice of the Peace for the counties of Suffolk, (Cambridge, and Dorset. Born 1832, being the eldest son of the late James 8 is the Naval Cockade. Eet l^er 471 Clay, Member of Parliament for Hull, by his wife Eliza Camilla, daughter of Joseph Allen Woolrych of Weobly, in the county of Hereford, and assumed the additional surnames and arms of Ker-Seymer by Royal License, 1864. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Quarterly 1 and 4, or two wings conjoined in lure gules, on a chief azure, three martlets argent (for Seynier) ; 2 quarterly, i. and iiii. vert, on a chevron argent, three mullets gules, in base a unicorn's head erased of the second ; ii. and iii. azure, three crosses moline argent, all within a bordure of the last (for Ker) ; 3 argent, a chevron engrailed paly sable and or, between three trefoils slipped of the second (for Clay) antl upon an escutcheon of pretence the same arms of Ker- Seymer, quarterly. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting liis degree, with a mantling gules and or ; and for his Crests, i. a chapeau gules turned up ermine, winged or ; 2. upon a wreath of the colours, a unicorn's head erased argent, gorged with a collar azure, thereon three crosses moline also argent (for Ker) ; 3. upon a wreath of the colours, two wings displayed argent, each charged with a chevron engrailed, between three trefoils slipped sable (for Clay). MottO — " Uulce pro patria periculum." Married, April 21, 1864, (Jertrude, only surviving daughter and heir of Henry Ker-Seymer, Esquire, of llanford, in the county of Dorset, Justice of the Peace aiicl Deputy- Lieutenant, High Sheriff 1842, Doctor of Civil Laws, and Member of P.iriiament for the county from 1846 to 1864, by his wife Isabella Helen, youngest daughter of William Webber of Bintieid Lodge, in the county of 15erkshire ; and has Issue— [i) lively n Clay- Ker-Seymer, Gentleman, born February 26, 1865; (2) Horace Vera Clay- Ker-Seymer, Gentleman, born Sepiember 19, 1866 ; VN'inifred ; and Violet. .SVrt/— Hanford, near Hlandford, in the county of Dorset. § ROBERT MALCOLM KERR, Esquire. LL.D. (Glas- gow), Barrister-at-Law, J. P. for cos. of Dumljarton, Middlesex, antl London, D. L. for Middlesex, Comr. of Lieut, for City of London, Judge of the City of London < 'iiurt, and one of the Corns, of the Central Cnminal Court. Horn June 5, 1821, Ix-ing the eldest surviving son of John Kerr, Conmiissary of Hamilton and Campsic. in the Arch- bishopric of CiUisgow, by Elizabeth, only dau. of Alexander Malcolm, Mercluint in CJlasgow. Cliih — Athcna;um. Ar- moiial bearings -(Quarterly i and 4, gules, on a chevron cotised argent, three mullets of the Hrst (for Kerr) ; 2 and 3 argent, on a saltire a/ure, U'tween four l«jars' heads er.'ised gules, five mullets of the first, a canton of the third, guttc- d'eau, thereon a lion rampant double-cjueued of the field (for Malcolm). Mantling gules doubled argent. Crest— U|x)ii a wreath of his liveries, a mullet argent ; and on an escroU above this Motto, " Praise (Jod." MarrieJ, Aug. 2, 1848, Maria S. L. , fourth dau. of late tlharles Knight, Publisher in London; and has /.ov/r- (1) Kenneth Malcolm ICliot Kerr, (Ii-iulemaii, Lieut. c)6th Regt., /». July 18, 1849, n a wreath of the colours, in front of a greyhound's head couped argent, gorged with a collar gemel sable, a crescent gules (for Walker) ; 2. upon a wreath of the colours, in front of two spears in saltire proper, a galtrap or (for Tlie Editor undertakes tbat every entry not in italics is that of a genuinely armigerous person. 472 met ma Kerrich). MottO — " Faire sans dire." Married, 1864, Isalxjlla, eldest dau. of G. keid of London ; and has, with other /.f.rw— I'^dward Henry Walker, Gentleman, b. Dec. 1864. iViz/— Newker House, Chester-le-Street, Durham. ROBliRT KERSEY, Gentleman. Born , being the son of Armorial bearings— .ArRcnt. on a iiile between two roses Xiik-s, barbed and seoiled proper, a boar's head couped of the ticld. Mantling gules and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, upon a mount vert, between two branches of cinquefoils, a boar's head as in the arms. Motto — " Peractus conamine." Postal address — Hurst Lodge, High Road, Lee, Kent. §Wn.LIAM KESWICK, Esquire, of Eastwick Park, Leatherhead, co. Surrey, and Beech Grove, co. Dum- fries, I. P. and High Sheriff co. Surrey, Lord of the Manor of Bookham, Leatherhead. Born 1834, being the son of the late Thomas Kissock of Richibuck, Canada, and Beech Grove, Dumfriesshire. Club — Devonshire. Armorial bear- ings — Sable, a saltire argent and a chief invected of the second, the latter charged with a rose gules between two thistles slipped and leaved proper. Mantling sable doubled argent. Crest — Upon a wreath of his liveries, between two wings argent, an arm vested azure, cuffed of the first, the hand holding a thistle proper. MottO — " Ubique." Married, 1870, Amelia S. {d. 1883), only dau. of the late J. A. Dubeux. Postal address — Eastwick Park, Great Bookham, Leatherhead. RUPERT EDWARD COOKE KETTLE, Esquire, Barrister-at-Law , Bachelor of Arts of the Uni- il^l^fffl? versity of Oxford. Born December 26, 1854, l£\vtllv being the eldest son of His Honour the late Sir Rupert Kettle, by his wife Mary, only child of Edward Cooke of Wolverhampton. Club's — Reform. Livery — Blue, with brass buttons. Armorial bearings- He bears for Arms : Azure, a beehive within two branches of palm slipped in saltire all or, impaling the arms of Hickman, namely, party per saltire sable and or, two leopards' faces jessant-de-lis in pale, and as many fleurs- de-lis in fesse, all counterchanged. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling azure and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, in front of a dexter cubit arm vested azure, cuffed argent, the hand proper, holding a balance suspended or, a port- cullis also argent; with the Motto, "Qui tel." Married Katherine Josephine, daughter of Sir Alfred Hickman, Knight Bachelor, Member of Parliament. Postal address — I Essex Court, Temple, E.C. WILLIAM WILDMAN KETTLEWELL, Esquire, Justice of the Peace, Master of Arts of f|*l>ff'I|>Wi(>ll the University of Oxford. i?or« June 4, iCVI^^i.Vll^'Ull/ll 1844, being the only son of the late William Wildman Kettlewell, by his wife Ellen Cattley. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms ; ^ is tlie Military Cockade. Or, three bulls' heads caboshed in bend, between two bend- lets invected sable, a cross pat(5e in the sinister chief point, also sable. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet be- fitting his degree, with a mantling sable and or; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, in front of a demi- buU sable, gorged with a collar and line reflexed over the back, holding between the legs a cinquefoil, three crosses pat(5e fesseways all or. Married, October 7, 1875, Florence Balfour, youngest daughter of Wybrants Olphert, Esquire, Deputy-Lieutenant of Ballyconnell House, Falcarragh, in the county of Donegal; and has Issue — (\) Henry Wild- man Kettlewell, Gentleman, born July 20, 1876 ; (2) William Robert Wildman Kettlewell, Gentleman, born September 4, 1877; (3) Edward Wildman Kettlewell, Gentleman, born September 29, 1879. iVa/— Harptree Court, East Harptree, in the county of Somerset. ROBERT WILLIAM KETTON, Esquire, J. P. for CO. of Norfolk. Born 1856, beiuj^ the son of the late J. Ketton of E'elbrigge. Armorial bearings as used, butforxvhich no authority has been established, are for hlToa : Argent, three leopards' faces sable. ClBSt — Out of a ducal crest coronet, a ^riffi?is head between tivo ostrich feathers. Seat— Eelbrigge Hall, Norwich. KEVELIOC, EARL OF CHESTER, quartered by HUSSEY. KEYSER, see DE KEYSER. CHARLES EDWARD KEYSER, Esquire, Master of Arts of the University of Cambridge, Felloiv 3|[> «\\ti^x "f ^^^^ Society of Antiquaries, Justice of the lJ\v|/flv4- Peace for the cos. of Hertford and Berkshire {High SheriJfiSgS). Born September 10, 1847, being the only son of Charles Keyser [died 1892) of the Warren House, Stanmore, by his wife Margaret, younger daughter of the late Ed^vard Blore, Doctor of Civil Larv, E'ellow of the Royal Society, Fellow of the Society of Anti- quaries, b'c. Clubs — Carlton, United University, Junior Cotistitutional. Livery — Dark blue coat, red waistcoat. Armorial bearings as used are those gi-anted in 1771 to a family of Norden, ftamely : Argent, on a mount vert, a palm-tree of the last, thereon pendant a shield azure, charged with three mullets of the first, pierced of the third, on a chief of the last a sun proper, between two wings or, each adorned with a diamond. Crest — A hand holding a carbuncle emitting rays; with the MottO, " Praindentia tutamur." Married, November 29, 1871 , Mary Emma, youngest daughter of the late Thomas Bagnall, Esquire, Justice of the Peace, of Newberries Park, near Watford ; and has Issue — Charles Norman Keyser, born September 3, 1885 ; Dorothy Margaret ; Muriel Agnes ; and Sybil Violet. Estates — The Warren House, Stanmore, in the comity of Middlesex ; Aldermaston Court, Reading, in the county of Berkshire. Postal address — Aldermaston Court, Reading. ARCHIBALD WILLIAM LYLE KIDD, Gentleman, Born January 18, 1871. being the only son of }|>*)<|>l Archibald Napier Kidd, Doctor of Medicine, IIMUU Bachelor of Arts of the University of Dublin, by his wife Laura Isabella, daughter of Andrew Lyle. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Argent, a tree eradicated vert, pendent from the branches a bugle- horn or, stringed gules, on a chief engrailed azure a rose between two mullets of the field ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, an increscent argent, charged with a rose gules ; with the Motto, " Don^-e impleat orbem." KIERZKOWSKI-STEUART, KOWSK I-STEU AR T. see DE KIERZ- ERNEST FULLER KILPIN, Esquire, Clerk of the House of Assembly of the Cape of Good Hope, flitltlltl ^^'■^ ^ Justice of the Peace for the Colony. ■*'^*^^r'^^'- Born May 5, 1854, being the only son of the late Reverend S. W. Kilpin of Reading, by his wife Elizabeth Ann, daughter of William Coles Fuller. Club — Civil Service (Caj^e Town). Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Per fesse argent and or, three crescents fesseways azure, between two oak-trees eradicated in pale proper. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling azure and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colouis, in front of an oak ^m is the Naval Cockade. mm Wn 473 proper, charged with a phcon or, a mount vert, thereon a saltireazure; with the Motto, " Firmus in firmis." Married, Octolier 23, 1880, Augusta, daughter of G. W. I'ilkington of Cape Town ; and has Issue — (i) Ernest Tyrell Kilpin, Conservatis'e, St. Stephen's. Savile, Alpine, Royal Temple Yacht, Royal Yorkshire Yacht, Royai Thames Yacht, Royal London Yacht. Livery — Blue, with blue and white striped vest and siK'er buttons. Armorial bearing^ Quarterly argent and azure, in the second and third quarters a quatrefoil of the first, over all a bend barry of six of the second, charged with a quatrefoil also of the first and gules, the escutcheon tx;ing surrounded by the ribbon and' badge of a K.C.I.Ii. Mantling azure and argent ; and for his Crest, on a wreath of the colours, a lion rampant or, gorged with a collar gemel azure, and holding in the dexter forepaw a trefoil slipped vert. Gentleman, born December 7. i88t ; (2) Cecil Fuller Kilpin, Gentleman, bom Octolxjr 3, 1884 ; (3) Ralph I'ilkington Kilpin, Gentleman, Ixirn Octol)er 10, 1887; (4) Denis I'ilkington Kilpin, (jentleman, Ixjrn June 17, 1893. Postal address — Linfortl, Kenilworth, near Cape Town. HF.NKY KlMliER, Member of Parliament for Wands- worth. Born July 13, 1834, bein^; the son of fltttuhci* the late Joseph Kimber of Canonbury. Clubs lAllUUtV —Carlton, City Carlton, St. Stephen's, Con- stitutional. Armorial bearings as ^i^iven in Dehrett's "House of Commons," but for the use ofu'hich no authority has been officially established in the College of Arms, are for Arms : Argent, three Cornish choughs pivper. Crest — A bulfs head caboshed. Motto — " P' ran gas non flectes." Married, September a,, i860, APary Adelaide, daughter of the late General Charles Dixon, Royal Engineers, of Rectory Grozie, Clapham, S. 11'. Residence — Lansdorivne l^ge. West Hill, Putney Heath, S. W. Offices— 79 l^mbard Street, E. C. ELIZ.ABETH KING, eldest daughter and co-heir of the late John Richard King, Esc|uire, J. P. Hants (High Sherifl', 1858), late Capt. and Hants Ritles, and his wife l-"lizabeth Selby, eldest dau. of Robert Walmisley (and gnuiddau. and co-heir of Robert Selby of The Hyde. Armorial bear- ings are, upon a lozenge — Per fesse nebuly azure and sable, a lion rampant argent, ducally gorged, between in chief two cross crosslets and in base an escallop or. Estate — The Hyde, co. Middlesex. Residence — 224 Ladbroke Grove. SSiR HENRY SEYMOUR KING, K.C.I. E. (created Companion of the Indian Empire, 1887, and Knight Commander, 1892), F. R.G.S. , M.A. (Oxford), Member of Her Majesty's Commission of Lieutenancy for the City of London, M.P. for the Central Division of Hull since 1885. I Born Jan. 4, 1852, being the eldest son of Henry Samuel I^ing, Esq., J. P. for Essex, of the Manor House, Chigwell, ^d his wife Ellen, dau. of John Blakeway. Clubs — Carlton, I Motto — " Floreo in ungue leonis." Married, Oct. 21, 1875, Julia Mary, dau. of the Rev. John Jenkins, D.D. , LL.D., of Montreal, l^ostal address — 25 Cornwall Gardens, South Kensington, S.W. H WILLIAM EDWARD KING-KING, Esquire, Jus- \3 tice of the Peace and Deputy-Lieutenant for the county of Hereford. Born June 14, 1842, being the second son of the late James King- King, E.squire, Justice of the Peace, Deputy- Lieutenant, .Master of Arts, Member of Parliament for the county of Hereford, 1852 1868, by his wife Mary Cochrane, daughter of Kenneth Mackenzie. Clubs — Junior Carlton, Wellington. I.ivety — Dark blue, with orange collar, cuffs, and waistcoat, dark blue plush breeches. Armorial bearings— Me Ijears for Arms : Quarterly, argent and azure, on a bend compony of tiie second and gules, between in the second and third quarters two estoiles of six points pierced or, three cinquefoils of the last, and im- paling the arms of Lowry-Corry, namely, t|uarterly i and 4, gules a saltire argent, in chief a rose of the last (for Corry) ; 2 and 3 sable, a cup argent, with a garland tx-tween two laurel branches all issuing therefrom prop)cr (for Lowry). Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling azure and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a lion rampant bendy or and azure, supporting two branches composed of as many roses gules and three cincjuefoils vert, slipped and leaved of the last ; with the Motto, "Floreo in ungue leonis." Married, April 6, 1876, Lady P'lorence Elizabeth, daughter of the Right Honourable .\rmar Lowry-Corry, third Earl of Bel- Oiore ; and has Issue — Eustace King-King, Gentleman, The Editor undertakes that every entry not in italics is that of a genuinely armigerous person. 474 Ein born August 14, 1880; Alice Marion; and Blanche Mary Cochrane. Estate and postal address — Staunton Court, Staunton-on -Arrow, Herefordshire. SThf Jii!;ht Honourable JOHN HAY A THOLE MACDONALD, Lord justia-Clerk of Scotland, and I^ird President of the Second Division of the Court of Session, a Member of Her Majesty's Most Honourable Priiy Council, Companion of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, a Brigadier-General and Adjutant-General of H.M. Noyal Bodyguard for Scotland, Brigadier-General commanding the Eorth Brigade (has I 'olunteer Decoration), one of Her Majesty's Counsel Learned in the Law, Doctor of Laws of the University of Edinburgh, E.R.S.E., M.LE.E., D.f^., J. P. Born December 27, 1836, beinq the son of the late ALittheio Norman Macdonald-Hume of Ninezvells, Writer to the Signet, by his wife Grace, daughter of Sir John Hay, fifth Baronet, of Smitkfield ; sworn a Member of Her Majesty's Most Honourable Privy Council, 1885 ; ^vas created Companion of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, 1886. CXnhs -Constitutional and Royal Societies', N'ezv {Edinburgh), University (Edinburgh). Armorial bearings as used, but which have not been matriculated to his Lordship, are: Quarterly 1. argent a lion ram- pant gules ; 2. or, a dexter cubit arm in armour fesseways couped beknv the elboio, holding itt the hand a cross crosslet fitchc'e erect gules ; 3. or, a lymphad sable ; 4. vert, a fish naiant argent. Crest — A dexter cubit arm in armour fesse- ways couped beUno the elbow, holding in the hand proper a cross crosslet fitcht'e erect gules. MottO — "Per mare per terras." Married, 1864, Adelaide Jeanette, daughter oj Major Doran of Ely House, in the county of Wexford ; and has Issue — (i) Norman Dora?i Macdonald, born 1865; (2) John Doran Macdonald, born 1866 ; (3) Ranald Hume Macdonald, born 1868. Postal address — 15 Ahercromby Place, Edinburgh. KINGSLEY, quartered by BE TRAFFORD. ANDREW DE PORTAL KINGSMILL, Gentleman. Born 188 1, being the only son of the late William Howley Kingsmill, Esq., M.A., J. P., High Sheriff 1875, by his wife Constance Mary, eldest dau. of Wyndham S. Portal. Armorial bearings — .Argent, sem^e of cross cross- lets fitchee sable, a chevron ermines between three fers-de- moline pierced of the second, a cliief of the third, all within a bordure wavy azure. Mantling sable and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a cubit arm vested argent, charged with a fjendlet azure, cuff ermines, the hand proper grasping a fer-de-nioline as in tl)e arms. Motto — " Do well, doubt not." Seat — Sydmonton Court, Newbury. S JULIAN CLAUD DE KENNE BRUCE KINGS- MILL, Gentleman, Lieutenant Royal H^ttKTrttntff ^^o''ss Artillery. I3orn May 11, 1866, •^i^mys'inill being the son of the late Thoma.s Nugent Kingsmill (formerly Kenney) [nephew of the ninth Earl of Westnieath], by his wife Isabel Augusta Bruce, daughter and sole heir of Colonel Sir John Kingsmill, Knight Bachelor, Justice of the Peace of Hermitage Park, Commander of the Battle Axe Guards of the Castle of Dubin. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms: Quar- terly I and 4, argent sem6e of cross crosslets fitchee sable, a chevron ermines between three fers de nioline pierced of the second, a chief of the third (for Kingsmill) ; 2 and 3, per pale or and azure, a fleur-de-lis between three crescents all counterchanged, a crescent for difference (for Kenney). Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet be- fitting his degree, with a mantling sable and argent ; and for his Crests, i. upon a wreath of the colours, a cubit arm erect, vested argent, cuffed ermines, in tlie hand proper a fer de moline as in the arms (for Kingsmill) ; 2. out of an Earl's coronet or, a cubit arm erect, vested gules, cuffed argent, the hand grasping a roll of parchment proper, the ami charged with a crescent argent for difference (for Kenney). Motto— " Do well, doubt nought." Married, 1893, Emily Lydia, eldest daughter of the late James Marsland. Seat — Hermitage Park, Lucan, in the county of Dublin. H THOMAS LAURENCE KINGTON-OLIPHANT, w Esquire, Deputy - Lieu- Emgton=€)Iipl)ant S! ^rt^SX 1831, being the eldest son. of Thomas Kington of Wraxall, in the county oJ Somerset, & is the Military Cockade. by his wife Margaret, daughter oJ Laurence OliphaK^^^j— Gash, in the county of Perth. Clubs — Atlunaum, Con- servative (Edinburgh). Livery — Drab, with scarlet facings and gold. Armorial bearings as used are the arms of Oliphant of Gash, 7vhich loere registered circa 1672 : Gules, three crescents argent, two and one, and in the middle f esse point another crescent or, for difference. Crest — A falcon perched proper. MottO — "A tout pouvair ;" but the above- mentioned Thomas Laurence Kington-Oliphant is only de- scended maternally Jrom the Oliphant family, and has not matriculated any arms, ?tor established any for Kington. Married, 1856, Trances Dorothy, daughter of Henry Tebb oJ Boston. Estate — Gash, in the county of Perth. Postal address — Gask, A uchterarder. CHARLES YOUNG KINLOCH, Gentleman. Born 1863, being the eldest son of the late David James Kinloch, Esquire, Colonel R.A. , tjy his wife Katherine Mary, daughter of Henry Young, Esquire, Justice of the Peace, Chief Secretary at Bombay. Club — County (Perth). Livery — Blue, with yellow facings. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms: .Azure, on a chevron between three mascles or, a boar's head erased of the field, a fleur-de-lis in chief of the second. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules doubled argent ; and upon a wreath of his liveries is set for Crest, an eagle soaring aloft proper ; and in an escroll above this Motto, "Yet higher." Estate and postal address— Gomdie, Dun- keld, Perthshire. TiiK Rt. Hon. ALEXANDER SMITH KINNEAR, Baron Kinnear of Spurness, in the county of Orkney, in the lY'erage of tlie United Kingdom, one of the Senators of the College of Justice, LL. D. , Q.C. , Dean of the Faculty of -Advocates, 1881-82, a Lord of Session (as Lord Kinnear) since 1882, and was raised to the Peerage 1897. Born 1833, being the son of the late John (iardiner Kinnear of Glasgow. Clubs — .Athen;eum, New (Edinr.), University (Edinr.). Armorial bearings — Sable, on a bend or thiee martlets vert within a bordure engniiled of the second. Mantling sable doubled ermine; and upon a wreath of his liveries is set for Crest, an anclior proj^er, cabled or. Motto — " Spem fortuna alit." Supporters— On either side a seagull stand- ing on a fasces proper. Postal address — 2 Moray Place, Edinburgh. M is the Naval Cockade. mir l^it 475 FRANCES ELIZABETH KIRK, Spinster, daughter of the late William Kilvington Kirk, Gentleman, fl^fffe hy liis wife Frances, daughter of Thomas W'aistall. *"*^** Axmorial bearings are, upcjn a lozenge : Gules, a chevron dovetailed ermine, on a chief or, three dragons' heads erased of the first. Postal address — Norton Green, Stockton-on-Tees. GEORGE EDMONDSIONE KIRK, ICsq.. J.P. for CO. Antrim, High Sheriff 1892, High .Sheriff of Carrick- fergus 1883, formerly Capt. Antrim Artillery Militia. Horn 1858, iK'ing the eldest son of the late Very Rev. George Bull, D.D. , Dean of Connor, by Anne, dau. of Peter Kirk, Es(|., ].V. and D. L. , of Thorntield (who was M.I', for Carrick- fergus, 1835-41) ; and assumed the name and arms of Kirk by Royal License in 1882. Clubs — Junior United .Service, Ulster (Belfast), Kildare St. (Dublin). Armorial bearings — Gules, a crosier or, and a sword ()ro|ier, pommelled and hiked gf)ld, in saltire within a Ixjrdure indented argent, on a chief of the second, a thistle Ixitween two trefoils slipjicd also proper. Mantling gules and or ; and for his Crest, uj)on a wreath of the colours, a crosier and sword in saltire as in the arms, enfiled by a garland of thistle and trefoils pro|;er. Motto — "Optimum cjuod i)rinuim." Mairifd, firstly, 1887, Ethel Margaret, dau. of James .Searight of Lancaster Gate, London (she d.s.p. 1890). He married secondly, 1893, Agnes Beatrice, only dau. of Sir George Carlyon Hughes Armstrong, first Baronet ; and has Issue — Eileen Beatrice. AVa/— Thornfield, Carrickfergus. THOMAS LASCELLES KIRK, Gentleman, third son of the late William Kilvington Kirk, (Jentleinan, by his wife P'rances, daughter of Thomas Waistall. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Gules, a chevron dove- tailed ermine on a chief or, three dragons' heads erased of the first. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules and argent ; and for his Crest, on a wreath of the colours, out of the battlements of a tower, a demi-dragon or, charged on the shoulder with a trefoil slipped gules, holding in the claws a flag-staff' in t)end sinister, therefrom flowing a pennon also or ; with the Motto, "For kirk and king." Postal address— Norlon Green, .Stockton-on-'Tees. WILLIAM KIRK, Esquire, Justice of the Peace for the county of Durham, eldest son of the late William Kilving- ton Kirk, Gentleman, by his wife Frances, daughter of 'Thomas Waistall. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Gules, a chevron dovetailed ermine, on a chief or, three dragons' heads erased of the first. Upon the escut- cheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mant- ling gules and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, out of the battlements of a tower, a demi- dragon or, charged on the shoulder with a trefoil slipped gules, holding in the claws a flag-staff" in bend sinister, therefrom flowing a pennon also or ; with the MottO, " For kirk and king." Married, firstly, June 1870, Mary Hannah, dau. of George Blakeloch ; and secondly, Elizalieth Barrett, dau. of George Lockwood ; and has Issue (by his first mar- riage) — (i) William Brown Kirk, (Gentleman, h. June 1871 ; Florence Mary \m., 1893, Charles Henry Vane-'Tempest, Esq. (to whom refer)]; and Olive [///., 1895, John Reay] ; and (by his second marriage) — (2) George Lascelles Kirk, (ientleman, h. Sept. 1887 ; and Ivy. Postal address — Norton, Stocklon-on-'Tees. WILLIAM TKENCH K I RKI'AIRICK, Ls./uire, J.P. for CO. Kildare, of the Inner Temple, liarrister-at- Laxv. Born Aug. 1, 1857, being the eldest son of the late R. Kirkpalrick, Esq,, J. P., of Donacomper, by his wife Kiiiherine Louisa, dau. of the late Thomas Trench of Millicent, co. Kildare. Clubs — Constitutional, Kildare Street {Dublin). Livery— A/eing the second son of the late James Kitson, of Elmel Hall, Leeds, by his wife Ann, daughter of John Newton of Leeds; was created a Baronet August 28, 1886. Armorial bearings— He lx;ars for Arms:. Or, on a pale azure, a pike haurient of the first, a chief of the second, thereon an annulet between two mill-rinds erect of the field. Upon the escutcheon, which is charged with his badge of Ulster as a Baronet, is pl.iced a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling azure and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, issuant from park pales proper, a demi-unicorn argent, g irgt-d with an annulet azure. Motto — " Palmam qui meruit ferat." Married, firstly, September 20, i860, Emily Christiana, daughter of Joseph Cliff of Wortley, Justice of the Peace ; and by her (who died 1873) has Issue— (\) Albert Ernest Kitson, Esquire, born October 7, 1863 [married, January 23, 1890, Florence, elder daughter of Edward Schunck of Gledhow Wood, in the county of York, and has issue, Margaret Emily, and a daughter] ; (2) James Clifford Kitson, Esquire, born December 6, 1864 ; (3) Edward Christian Kitson, Esquire, born September 30, 1873 ; Emily ; and Alice Hilda. He married secondly, June r, 1881, Mary Laura, daughter of Edward Fisher .Smith, of the Priory, Dudley, Justice of the Peace, and by her has — (4) Roland Dudley Kitson, ICsquire, born July 19, 1882 ; and Olive Mary. Seat- Gledhow Hall, Leeds. JOHN MATHEW KNAPP, Esquire, J.P. for co. of Bucks, M.A. (Magd. Coll.) Oxford. Born April 3, 1868, being the eldest son of Mathew G. S. Knapp, Esq., J.P. for Bucks and Northants, D.L. for Bucks, and of his wife Catherine, dau. of Lieut, and Brevet-Capt. R. R. Bruce, Bengal Horse Artillery, t'///;^— Boodle's. Livety — Black, yellow facings. Armorial bearings— Per pale or and sable, a lion passant counlerchanged, holding in the dexter forepaw a broken sword in bend sinister, blade downwards proper, pommel and hilt gold, on a chief dancetttSe per pale M is tbe Naval Cockade. I^na ^m 477 of the second and of the first, three esquires' helmets of the third, garnished gold. Mantling sable and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, upon a laurel branch vert, an arm einbowed in armour proper, garnished gold, grasping a broken sword as in the anus, and charged with two frets. one above and one below the elbow sable. Motto — " In bello aut in pace." Postal addresses — Linford Hall, Wolverton, Bucks; 35A St. James's Street, S.W. AUGUSTUS LEMPRIERE KNAPTON KNAPTON. Esquire, Commander R.N. Born July 14, 1854, being the only son of the late Rev. Augustus James Brine, J. P. for Hants (who assumed by Royal Licence, dated July 30. i860, the name of Knajilon in lieu of that of Brine), by his wife Helen, second dau. of Philip RaVml Lempriere, Seigneur of Rozel, Jersey. Armorial bearings — Ciules, a chevron dnncett(?e ermine, l)etween tiirec chaplets or. Mantling gules and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the coloius, a garland gules, floreated or, alwut a lance argent. Motto — " Pretium victoribus coronre." MorrieJ, ]An. 17, 1893, Gwendoline, eldest dau. of Commander Frederick William Bayly Jones, R. N. ; and has Issue — (1) Odber Augustus Knapton, Gentleman, b. Nov. i, 1893; (2) Anthony Graham Lempriere Knapton, Gentleman, b. April 25, 1898. Residence — Boldre Hill, Hants. SSiR HENRY EDMUND KNIGHT, Knight Bachelor, Justice of the Peace for the county of Middlesex, is on the I lieutenancy of the City. Horn 1833, being the son of the late John William Knight of St. .Mlxins ; dubtaed Knight Bache- lor, 1883. Armorial bearings— He liears for Arms : Or, three bendlets azure, on a chief gules, a wreath of oak be- tween two spurs of the first. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling azure and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, on a Roman fasces lying fesseways a spur leathered, rowel up, all or, Ix^tween two wings displayed gules, each charged with a wreath of oak as in the arms : with the MottO, " Virtute et labore. " Has l)een twice married, /'oft a I address — Stain Hill Park, Hampton ; 41 Hill .Street, May- fair, W. , London. S HENRY WILLIAM KNIGHT-ERSKINE, Esquire, Justice of the Peace and De- T^ntrrTlf-fff rrtbtni? puty-Lieutenant for the county ]I\llll^lJl'VU;i^Kllll^ of Aberdeen. Born 1858, be- ing the only son of Colonel Henry Knight- Erskine of Pitiodrie, Justice of the Peace and Deputy-Lieutenant, by his wife Mary Ann, eldest daughter and co-heir of George Moir of Denmore (by his wife Mary, daughter of Sir William Bruce, Baronet, of .Stcnhouse). Clubs -Travellers', United Service. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : (^)tiarterly, t. argent, on a pale sable three fleurs-de-lis or (for lirskine) ; 2. or, three piles in point gules (for the lordship of Brechin) ; 3. argent, three pallets gules, on a canton azure, a spur the rowel downwards or (for Knight) ; 4. argent, three negroes' heads couped proper, banded of the field (for Moir). Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules, doubled argent ; and upon a wreath of his liveries is set for Crest, ademi-lion rampant gules, arm<'d and langued azure, holding in the dexter paw a thistle proper, and in the sinister a fleur-de-lis azure. Supporters— Two naked boys projier, wreathed about tlic middle with scarfs azure. Mottoes over the crest)— "Je pense pluis ; " (below the shield)— " Fisus et fidus et regia duxit." AVa/— Pittodrie, near Pit- caple, in the county of Aberdeen. Town house— ■i^ Eccleston Square, S.W. KNIGHTON, quartered by GROSVENOR and TAUNTON. M LEES KNOWLES. Esquire, Deputy-Lieutenant for \S the County Palatine of Lancaster, Memljer of Parliament for .Salford, Barrister-at-Law, Master of Arts and Master of L.iws of the University of C^ambridgc, .Second Church I -liiii-s Commissioner since iS'iS. Horn February 16, 1857, Ihmii'^' the eldest son of John Knowlcs, Esr|uire, Justice of the Pe.-ice and Deputy- Lieutenant (High .SheritT 1892), of Westwood, F'endlebury, by his wife Elizaljeth, d.aughter of the late James I>ees, Esriuire, of Green Bank, Oldham. r////*j—t'arlton. Junior Carlton, Union (Manchester) Con- servative (Manchester). Armorial bearingsMe bears for Arms ; Gules, on a chevron cottised lx-tweeii two crescents m chief and a cro.ss crosslet in base argent, three roses of the field. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet Ijefitting his degree, with a mantling gules and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, in front of a ram's head couped argent, attired or, three roses gules; with the Motto, " Xec diu nee frustra." A'esidenre — West- wood, Pendlebury. Liuimbers — 4 New Stiiuire, Lincoln's Inn, W.C. ROBERT KNOWLES, Gentleman. Born 1856, being the eldest son of the late Andrew Knowles, Esquire, Justice of the Peace, of Swinton, Old Hall (the head of the family). Armorial bearings— He tears for Arms: Gules, on a The Editor undertakes that every entry not in italics is that of a genuinely armigerous person. 478 mno m chevron cotised between in cliief two crescents and in base a cross crosslet argent, three roses of the field, and impaling the arms of Newall, namely, quarterly i and 4, party per pale gules and azure, three covered cups, two and one, within an orlc or ; 2. or, on a chief per palt! gules and sable, three Uvanls (for Kyrslwugh); 3. vert, a lion rampant or. semiH! of caltraps sable. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreatii of the colours, in'front of a ram's head coujjcd argent, armed or, three roses gules; with the Motto, "Nee diu nee frustra." Atarrkd, 1883, Hannah Kenton, second daughter of the late Henry Newall. Esquire, justice of the I'eace, of Hare Hill, in the county of Lancaster; and has /.f.9««'— Andrew Knowles, (lentleman, h. I-'eb. 17. 1897. A'.fte/w— Hawk- shaw ; Kdnaston Lodge. Poxta/ (/rW/vw— Ednaston Lodge, Derby. EDMOND FRANCIS VF.SEY KNOX, Gentleman, Master of Arts of the University of O.vford, lltnni* ^'e'n'jer of Parliament for the West Cavan li\llUA' Division, Barrister-al-Law. Born January 23, 1865, Ixiing the ekk'St son of the late Vesey l"'dn)ond Kno.\, Esc|uire, of Shininagh, in the county of Down, by Margaret Clarissa, daughter of the late Reverend James Perkins Garrett of Kilgaron, in the county of Carlow ; elected Fellow of All Souls' ,"^1886, has sat for West Cavan Division of the county of Cavan since March 26, 1890. C///Af— National Lil)eral, Eigiity. Armorial bearings- He bears for Arms: (Julos, a falcon volant or, within an orle engrailed wavy, on the outer edge argent. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet Ijetitung his degree, with a mantling gules and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours a perch, thereon a falcon close, all proper. Motto — " Moveo et proficior." Married, 1891, Annie l^lizabeth, daughter of the late William Llyod of Great Frampton, Llantwith Major, in the county of Glamorgan ; and has /.m//6'— John Vesey Knox, Gentleman, born 1892. Postal addresses — Shimnagh House, Newcastle, county Down ; 15 Bryanston Mansions, York Street, Maryle- bone, London, W. ; 6 Pump Court, Temple, E.C. Genkrai. THOMAS EDMOND KNOX, Companion of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath. Born 1820, being the son of the late Admiral Edmond Sexton Pery Knox, commonly known as Admiral the Honourable Edmond Sexton Pery Knox, by his wife Jane, daughter of William Hope-Vere; created Companion of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, 1861. Club — United Service. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Gules, a falcon volant or, within an orle wavy on the outer and engrailed on the inner edge argent. Upon the escutcheon, from which is pendent his badge as a Companion of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a falcon close, standing on a perch proper. Married, 1846, Lucy Diana, who died 1888, daughter of the Venerable William Wray Maunscll, Archdeacon ot Limerick; and has /««t' living — (i) William George Knox, Esquire, Companion of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath [to whom refer] ; (2) Frederick Charles Northland Keane Knox, Esquire, born 1857, formerly Lieutenant 85th Foot ; served in Zulu War, 1879 ; Alice Elizabeth [mar- ried, 1878, the Reverend Wairene James Blake, Vicar of Easton, Norwich], Postal address — 41 Great Cumberland Place, W. LiEUTENANT-CoLONKL WH.LIAM GEORGE KNOX, Companion of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, Lieutenant-Colonel Royal Artillery, served in Abyssinia (1867-68), Ashantee (1873-74), Afghanistan (1878-79), and South Africa (1879-80) campaigns, and present at several engagements in the Russo-Turkish war. Bom 1847, being the son of General Thomas I'^dmond Knox, Com- panion of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath [to whom refer], by his wife Lucy Diana, daughter of the Venerable William Wray Maunsell, Arciideacon of Limerick ; created Companion of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, 1889. C'///i^j— United Service, Naval and Military. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Gules, a falcon volant or, within an orle wavy on the outer and engrailed on the inner edge argent. Upon the escutcheon, from which is pendent his badge as a Companion of the Most & is the Military Cockade. Honourable Order of the Bath, is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a falcon close, standing on a perch projjer. Married, 1889, Alice, daughter of Robert Dundas of Arniston. S Lieut. -Coi,. JOHN HERVr<:Y KNOX-BROWN, J. P. and D.L. co. Tyrone (High Sheriff 1887), Lieut.- Col. N. Irish Div. R.A., late Capt. 12th Hussars, formerly A.D.C. to Lord-Lieut, of Ireland. Born 1843, Ijeing the eldest son of the late Thomas Richardson Browne, Esq., J. P. and D. L., of Aughentaine Castle, by Sarah, fourth dau. of the late Hervcy de Montmorency of Castlemorres, CO. Kilkenny. Clitb—KWdarii Street, Dublin. Armorial bearings — Quarterly i and 4, ermine a chevron azure, be- tween two fleurs-de-lis in chief and acinquefoil in base sable (for Browne) ; 2 and 3 gules, within a bordure engrailed a falcon, with wings expanded or, charged on the breast with a pheon sable, on a canton of the second, a fesse chcquy argent and azure (for Knox), and upon an escutcheon of pretence the arms of Knox-Gore, namely, quarterly i and 4, gules a fesse between three cross crosslets fitchte or, within a bordure argent (for Gore) ; 2 and 3 gules, a falcon rising or, within an orle waved on the outer and engrailed on the inner edge, a crescent for difference (for Knox). Mantling azure and argent ; and for his Crests, i. upon a wreath of the colours, an eagle displayed with two heads vert, charged on each wing with a fleur-de-lis or (for Browne) ; 2. upon a wreath of the colours, a falcon on a perch charged on the breast with a pheon sable (for Knox) ; and on an escroU above this MottO, "Moveo ct proficio ; " and below the arms, "Suivez raison." Married, 1867, Louisa Eliza- beth, third dau. of Sir Arthur Knox-Gore, ist Bart, (ext.), of Belleek Manor, co. Mayo; and has Issue — Thomas Arthur Hervey Knox-Browne, Gentleman, Lieut. 6th Brig. N. Irish Div. R. A., h. 1870. Seat — Aughentaine Castle, Fivemiletown, co. Tyrone. DAVID HOPE KYD, Gentleman, of Inner Temple, London, Barrister-at-Law, M.A., LL.D. (Camb.), M.L.S.B. (Westminster). Born Dec. 29, 1862, being the eldest son of David Kyd of Rosendaiil, Brought y- Ferry, N.B. , by his wife Georgiana Charlotte Woolfryes, only dau. of late John Woolfryes of Salisbury. Club — St. Stephen's. Armorial bearings — Argent, a fir-tree eradicated proper, on a chief azure, between two roses a hunting-horn stringed or, gar- nished vert. Mantling azure doubled argent. Crest— On a wreath of his liveries, a hunting-horn as in the arms. Motto — "Quam non torrct hyenis." Married, Aug. 11, 1896, Mary Gertrude, second dau. of the late Francis Hobson Appach, Esq., J. P., of Elcot Place, Kintbury, Berks. Postal addresses — 23 Prince's Gardens, London, S.W. ; and 10 King's Bench Walk, Temple, E.C. JOHN NORMANSELL KYD of Rosendaiil, Broughty- Ferry, co. Forfar. Born , being the son of David Kyd of Rosendael, co. Forfar. Armorial bearings— .Argent, a fir-tree er.adicated proper, on a chief engrailed azure, between two roses a hunting-horn stringed or, garnished vert. Mant- ling azure doubled argent. Crest — Upon a wreath of his liveries, a hunting-horn as in the arms. Motto — " Quam non torret hyems." Postal address— RoscnAa.c\, Broughty- Ferry, co. P'orfar. SThe HoNOURAm.E WILLIAM MACKINTOSH, Lord Kyllachy, one of the Senators of the il^ tiff 51 f fill College of Justice, and one of Her Majesty's lA^llUVlJI^ Counsel Learned in the Law, a Deputy- Lieutenant for the counties of Inverness and Edinburgh. Born April 9, 1842, being the eldest son of the late William Mackintosh, Esquire, J. P., of Inshes House, in the county of Inverness, by his wife Mary, daughter of James Walker, Merchant, Glasgow; appointed a Lord of Session and Justiciary, with title of Lord Kyllachy, April 1889. Clubs — Brooks's, New (Edin- burgh), Highland (Inverness). Livery — Drab and red. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Quarterly, i. or, a lion rampant gules ; 2. or, a dexter hand couped fesseways holding a dagger in pale gules ; 3. or, a lymphad, oars in saltire sable, flagged gules ; 4. azure, a salmon naiant argent. Above the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules, doubled argent ; and upon a wreath of his liveries is set for Crest, a cat- ^m is the Naval Cockade, J^pn i^pt 479 a-mountain salit-nt proper, charged on the breast witli a crescent gules ; and in an escroll over the same this Motto, *' Touch not the call butt a glove." Married, March 31, 1869, Jane, daughter of the late David Stevenson, Esq., ].V., C.E., of Edinburgh; and has Issiie-~(i) William l-'.ncas Mackintosh, (Jentleman, born March 21, 1870; (2) David Evan Mackintosh, Gentleman, born Fel>ruary 11, 1877 ; (3) Alastair Hugh Mackintosh, Gentleman, Itorn June 19, 1880; and Elizabeth Georgina. /<:.v/rt/e— Kyllachy, in the county of Inverness. Postal addresses — 6 Randolph Crescent, Edinburgh ; Kyllachy, Tomatin, Inverness. THK Rkvkrkni) WALTER CHARLHIS EDWARD KYNA.S TON, Master of .Arts of the Uni- fl^MMSlrff-flM versitv of Dublin, Justice of the Peace for Inl^IlaplUll the co'unly of Salop. Horn June 22, 1830, lioing the second tint eldest surviving son of the late Rol)ert Owen, Esquire, ( "olonel in the Army, by his wife (Jharlotte, daughter of Michael Stephen Joseph MacCarthy, Paymaster-General at the Cape of Good Hope ; and assumed by Royal License, Jan. 2, 1868, the name and arms of Kynaston only, on succeeding to the Hardwick estates, in .accordance with the will of his cousin, Mrs. l^vi-lyn .Sutton. <'.V///'— Junior Carlton. Armorial bear- ings— He bears for Arms : ICrmine, a chevron gules, in the dexter chief a canton of the second, for difference. L'pon the escutcheon is placed a helmet Ix-Htting his degree, with a mantling gules and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, the sun in splendour, surmounted of a dexter arm in armour, embowed, holding in the hand a sword all proper, and in an escrol above the crest this word, " Bloreheath. " MottO— " Deus est nobis sol et ensis." Married, October 10, i860, Frances Harriett, daughter of Bedell Stanford of C'arn, in the county of Cavan ; and has Issue — Walter Roger Owen Kynaston, Gentleman. iKirn March i, 1874; Amy Frances Owen [married, July 11, 1893, her cousin, the Reverend Loftus Meade Owen] : Maud t.'harlotie Owen ; and Marian .Annette Owen. .SVrt/— Hardwick, near EUesmere, in the county ol Salop. KYNNAIRD, Viscount, see NEWBURGH. THOMAS KYNNERSLEY, Esquire, Justice of the Peace for the county of Salop. Horn \XwX\VXCYti\cW ^83°' ^fi'^R 'he eldest son of the late la^llllt-iPlt-^ Robert (Jardn.r (formerly Panting) by Jane Eliza his wife, daughter and heir of the late .Anthony Kynnersley of Leighton. l^s<|uire, I )epuiy- Lieutenaiit and Justice of the Peace [and niece and heir of the late Thomas Kynnersley, Esquire, also Justice of the I'eace and Deputy-Lieutenant, of Leighton Hall], and assumed the surname and arms of Kynnersley in lieu of Gardner by Royal License in \\\v. year 1887. Mr. Kynnersley also represents the families of Panting, Gardner, and Leighton. Clubs — Hoodie's, University. Livety — Blue, with white collar and culfs, blue and white striped waistcoat, silver buttons. Armorial bearings He tears for Arms : Azure, crnsily .nrid a lion rampant argent, quartering the arms of CJardner, Kynnersley, Leighton, and others ; and impaling the arms of Hill, namely ermine, on a fesse sable, a castle iriple- ttirretted argent ; an John Labouchere of Hroome Hall, in the county of Surrey, by his wife Mary, (lauEjhter of the late James Du Pr6 of Wilton Park, Beaconslieid. Clubs — Reform, St. James's, National Literal. Armorial bearings— He beais tor Arms : Quarterly ermine and azure, in the second and third quarters a cross patonce or. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling azure and argent, and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a stork argent, holding in its beak a lotus flower; with the Motto, " Pass i bus citis sed Eequis." Married, 1868, Harriet, daughter of William Hodson. Residences — 5 Old Palace Yard, S.W. ; Pope's Villa, Twickenham. Rev. ROBERT S. DE COURCY LAFFAN, Clerk in Holy Orders, M.A. (Oxon.) ; Principal of Cheltenham Col- lege. Bom 1853, Ixiing the son of the late Lieut.-Gen. Sir Robert Michae"^! Laffan, K.C.M.G., M.P. for St. Ives, and sometime Governor of Bermuda, by his wife Emma, dau. of the late William Norsworthy. Armorial bearings— Or, a lion rampniU sable, holding in his dexter forepaw a fleur-de-lis azure. Mantling sable and or. Crest — Out of a ducal coronet or, an eagle displayed semte-de-lis or. Motto — "Vincit omnia Veritas." Married, Sept. i, 1883, Bertha Jane, dau. of the late Frederick Grundy of the Manor House, Mottram-in-Longerdale, Cheshire, and widow of tlie late Surgeon-Gen. A. Leith Adams, M.D. , U^.D. , ist Batt. "Cheshire" Regt. Postal address — The College, Cheltenham. ALFRED LAFONE, Esquire, M.P. for Bermondsey Division of Southwark, Justice of the Peace. Iff dfi^tii^ Born February 13, 1821, being the eldest son ILalUllv of the late Samuel Lafone, by his wife Sarah, daughter of Francis Hurry of Yarmouth. C///3— Carlton. Armorial bearings— Azure, within two chevronels or, two lions passant counter-passant of the last. is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling azure and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a lion sable, charged on the body with a Heur-de-lis argent, gorged with a collar nebuly and ducally crowned or, resting the dexter forepaw on a mullet as in the arms. Motto — " Fidus ut olim." Married, April 22, 1852, Jane, daughter of William Boutcher of Grately, in the county of South- ampton ; and by her (who died April 9, 1885) has had Issue — (i) Alfred William Lafone, Gentleman, born January 9, 1853 [married, NLay 26, 1876, Harriet, second daughter ot the Reverend James Lawrence, and has, Claude Alexander Lafone, Gentleman, Lieut. 3rd Batt. Devonshire Regt, ; Harold Carlisle Lafone, Gentleman] ; (2) Harold Lafone, Gentleman, born September 25, 1857 ; (3) Maurice Lafone, Gentleman, born March 24, 1859, died September 18, 1886; (4) William Boutcher Lafone, Esquire, Captain Devonshire Regiment, born December 14, i860 ; (5) Albert Sumner Lafone, Gentleman, Lieut. R.N., born October 14, 1863; (6) Herbert .Arthur Lafone, Esq., Capt. 3rd Dragoon Guards, born June 18, 1865, died 1897 ; (7) Edgar Morti- more Lafone, Esq., Capt. 4th Hussars, Vjorn July 5, 1867; Mary Elizabeth [married Arnold Hills, Esq., Deputy- Lieutenant, of Monkhams]; and Jane [married William Ainslie]. Seat — Hanworth Park, Hanworth, in the county of Middlesex. S ANDREW LAIDLAY, Esquire, Justice of the Peace and Deputy-Lieutenant for the county of Hadding- supporting a fleur-de-lis argent, the whole between three mullets argent, pierced of the field. Upon the escutcheon ^ is the Military Cockade. ton, Master of Arts and Bachelor of Civil Law of the University of Oxford, Barrister-at-Law. Born March 13, M is the Naval Cockade. Lai lam 1845, being the eldest son of the late John Watson Laidlay of Seacliff, in the county of Had- rr {)t^lTAt1 dington, by his wife Helen Johnstone, ILalitmy daughter of William Hope of Dudding- stonc, in the county of Midlothian. Clttd — Oxford and ('anil)ridge. I.ivery — Black and yellow. Armorial bearings — He lx;ars for Arms : Sable, a crescent or, between three bezants. Above the shield is placed a helmet liefitting his degree, with a mantling sable, doubled or ; and on a wreath of his liveries is set for Crest, a dexter hand issuing from a heart holding a scimitar all proper; and on an escroll over the same this Motto, "Fides probata coronat." Married, January 12, 1882, Theophila Klizabeth, daughter of the Reverend Charles lidgar Turner of Egg Buckland Vicarage, in the county of Devon ; and has Issue — Theophila ; and Nigel. Estate and postal address — Seacliff, North Berwick, Had- dingtonshire. S JAMES LAING, Esquire, Justice of the Peace and Deputy -Lieutenant. Born January 11, 1823, vr (>tv||Y being the only son of the late Philip Laing, ILUUIU Esquire, of Deptford House, in the county of Durliam, by his wife Anne. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Per pale argent and sable, two wolves' heads erased, on a chief nebuly a wolfs head cr.ased all counlerchanged. Upon the escutcheon is placed .a helmet lx;fitting his degree, with a mantling sable and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, In front of a demi-catherine-wheel sable, a dove holding in the beak two sprigs of olive slipped proper. Married, firstly, 1847, Mary, fourth daughter of Henry Tanner; and by her has Issue — (i) Philip Henry Laing, Gentleman, born 1849; and Mary [married, 1873, Edward Featherston- iiaiigh]. He married .secondly, 18515, Theresa Talbot, ciglith daughter of the late Thomas j'eacock; and by her lias, (2) Arthur Laing, Gentleman, born 1856 (marrii-d, 1882, Jean A., niece of the Reverend Willi.im .Scott Moncrieff of Fossaway, in the county of Perth, and h.os, Colin Mon- crieff Laing, Gentleman]; (3) James Laing, Gentleman, born 1858 [married, 1886, Emily Cecilia, daughter of Thomas Elliot Harrison of Whitburn, Sunderland, and has issu(!] ; (4) George T^aing, Gentleman, born 1866 [married, 1890, Annie Mulholland, third daughter of the Reverend Henry .Stobart of Wykehani Rise, 'rolteridgi>] ; (r) Hugh Laing, Gentleman, born 1871 ; (6) Bryan Lamg, (ienlle- man, born 1875; .Annie, died in infancy; Florence Tall)ot [married, 1882, M.ajor .Mwyn B. V. Paget, 68lh Light Infantry I ; Theresa Talbot ; Mal)el '["alliot ; Maud T.alliot ; •Sopliia Tiilbot (married, July 28, 1891, Perciv.al Charles du .Sautoy leather of Northumberland Estate, Ceylon] ; Margaret Dunbar [married, June 189:, Alfred Siokes, l''sf|uire, C'nplain Royal Horse .Artillery] ; I'.leanor .Sli-pney ; and Louisa Harcourt. .SVv7/.f — Thornhill, Sundi-rland ; and Etal Manor, Cornhill, in the county of Northumber- land. ROBERT GOULD LAKES, Esquire, J. P. for Corn- nmll. Born Jan. 7, 1813 (youngest son). Postal addn-ss — Trmarrick, St. Austell. Sir FRANCIS HENRY LAKING, Kin-nt n.uiu-lor (1B93), M.D., M. R.C.I'. (London), Suri^eon Apothecarv to H.M. the Queen and H.R.II. the Prinee of Wales. Born /an. 9, 1847, fieing the only son of Eraneis Henry l.akinj^, by his wife Louisa Jane, dau. of Thomas Wilkinson of Nottingham. Club — Thatched House. Livery — Dark blue and red. Armorial bearings as used, but for which no authority has turn e^liihlisltcd , for Crest — // hand holding a palm leaf. MottO — " Palniam i]ui meruit ferat." Married, 1874, Emma Anne, dau. of Joseph .Mansell ; and has I.ssue — I'luv Francis l.akint;, Esq., b. Oct. 21, 1875. Residences — li founts, Marlmo, Bucks; 62 Pall Mall. S. W. §FRANCLS WILLLAM GUSTAVUS LAMBART. Esquire, Major and Hon. Lieut. Col. 5th Batt.alion Leinster Regiment (Royal Mealh Militia), Secretary to the Most lllu.strious Order of St. Patrick, and formerly Chamber- lain to H.I'', the Duke of Marlborough, when Lord-Lieut, of Ireland. Born March 25, 1848, teing the eldest son of Gustavus William Lambart, Esquire, Justice of the Peace and Deputy-LicvUenant, by his wife Lady Frances Caroline, tlauf;liter of the Most Honourable the second Marquess of Conyngham. Clubs — St. James's, Piccadilly, Kildare Street (Dublin), Royal St. George's Yacht (Kingstown). Livery — Brown. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Gules, three narcissi, pierced argent, a crescent for difference. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules and argent ; and for iiis Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, on a mount vert, a centaur i)er pale proper and argent, drawing his bow gules, the arrow or ; with the Motto, " Ut quo cunque paratus." Estates — Beau Pare and Barnewallstown, both in the county of Meath ; Kilbeggan, in the county of Westmeath. Seats — Beau Pare, Ireland ; Kilbeggan, co. Westmeath. LAMBERT, sec BENCE-LAMBERT. ARTHUR OLIVER LAMBERT, Gentleman. Sort, 1854, being the fifth son of Hon. Oliver William Matthew, third son of seventh Earl of Cavan. Armorial bearings — Gules, three narcissus flowers argent. Mantling gules and .argent. Crest — Upon a wreath of the colours, a mount vert, thereon a curtain per pale proper and argent. Motto — " Ut quo crinqui paratus." Married, Nov. 27, 1879, Annie I.,ouisa, dau. of .Augustus Hillier, Esq. ; and has hsue — Ford Augustus Oliver Lambert, Gentleman, b. June 30, 1880 ; Norah Katlileen ; Alice Mary ; Helen Barcl.ay ; and Blanche Maud. Residence — East London, .South Africa. S FREDERICK ARTHUR HEYGATE LAMBERT, Esq., J. P. for the co. of .Surrey, Knight of the Order of the Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem in England, Major Midfllesex Yeomanry (Duke of Cambridge's Hussars), Captain Reserve of Officers, Fellow of the Society of Anti- quaries. Born 1857, lx!ing the eldest son of Frederick Lam- IxTt of Garratts Hall. Bnnstend, l>y Iiis wife Caroline Emma, youngest dan ■ ■ ■ •• I "sfi., of Porters (iraiige, in il 1 nf the late Sir John William I i \ , St. .Ste|)hen's. /./irn'— Blue aiul hiU.i. Anuorial bearings — Gules, three narcissuses argent, and a canton or. Mantling gules and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, on a mount vert, a centaur passant regardant, the human part proper, and the hind part ermine, girt with a laurel wreath vert, holding a bow and arrow gules. MottO — "Optima qureque honcsta." Married, May 27, 1884, Agnes Helen, second dau. of the Rev. Robert Higgens, M..\., Rural Dean and Vicar of Wareside, co. Hertford; The Editor undertakes that every entry not in italics is that of a genuinely armigerous person. H 482 lam and has /«//<•— Mary Cecilia; and Joyce Ethel Julia. Estate and postal arfrf/rw— Fairlawn House, near Epsom. S HENRY PATRICK LAMBERT. Esq. of Carnagh. CO. Wexford, J.T. and D.L., High Sheriff co. Wex- ford T864, and CO. Anglesey 1868. Horn Dec. 2, 1B36, being the son of the late I lenrv Lanilicrt, F:sq. , of Carnagh, J. P. and D.L., M.P. for co. Wexford, by his wife Cathe- rine, youngest dau. of William Talbot of Castle Talbot [and sister of Maria Theresa, Countess of John, i6th Earl of Shrewsbury]. Armorial bearings— Quarterly i and 4, vert, a lamb argent ; 2 and 3 ermine, an eagle displayed gules. Mantling veit and argent ; and for his Crest, ujjon a wreath of the colours, a sagittary per pale gules and argent, eliarged with a trefoil vert, the bow and arrow or. Motto — '• Deus providebit." Married, Sept. 23, 1863, Elizalwth, eldest dau. of the late Thomas Williams of Tan- y-Craig. Anglesey ; and by her (who died Sept. 12, 1893) has /w7/e— George Henry Lambert, Esq., late Capt. Royal Anglesea Engineer Militia, b. Aug. 8, 1866 ; and Gwendoline Elizabeth Moneda. iVa/— Tan-y-Craig, Anglesey. MAJOR JOSEPH ALEXANDER LAMBERT. Born 1855, Ijeing the eldest son of the late Alexander Clendinning Lambert, 'Esq., of Brook Hill, J. P. and D.L., by Emma Mary, dau. of Guy Lennox Prendergast, M.P. Clith— Naval and Military. Armorial bearings— Gules, a cross crosslet or, between three cinquefoils pierced argent. Mant- ling gules and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a centaur proper, charged on the shoulder with a cross crosslet or. Motto — " Ut quocunque paratus." Married, 1887, Grace Susan, dau. of William Dashwood Fane of Kullwck Hall, Grantham, Lincolnshire ; and has, with other Issue — Alexander Fane Lambert, Gentleman, b. 1887. Seat— Bi-ook Hill, Claremorris, co. Mayo. Postal address— ShorncW^Q Camp, Kent. Major-General ARTHUR LAMBTON, Companion of the Most Honouraljle Order of the Bath. Born 1836, being the son of the late W. H. Lambton, by his wife Henrietta, second daughter of Cuthbert Ellison of Hep- burn, Member of Parliament ; created Companion of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, 1885. Club— Guards'. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Sable, a fesse between three lambs passant argent. Pendent below the escutcheon is his badge as a Companion of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a ram's head caboshed argent, armed sable. S JAMES LAMONT, Esquire, Deputy-Lieutenant and Justice of the Peace for the counties of Bute and Argyll. Born 1828, being the only son of Alexander Lamont , Esquire, Justice of the Peace, by his wife Jane, daughter of Alexander Chrystie of Balchrystie, in the county of Fife. Armorial bearings as given in Burke's " Landed Gentry," but %vhich have not been matriculated in Lyon Register, are for Arms : Azure, a lion rampant argent. Crest — A naked hand couped holding a dagger erect proper. Motto — ' ' Ne parcas nee spernas." Married, March 10, 1868, Adelaide Eliza, elder daughter of Sir George William Denys, Baronet, of Draycott, in the county of York ; and has Issue — (i) Norman Lamont, Gentlemaji, born 1869 ; (2) Alexander Latnont, Gentleman, born 1872; and Augusta. Seat — Ktiockdcnv, Tmvard, in the coinity of Argyll. Town residence — 4 Queen Street, Mayfair, W, HENRY LAMONT, Esquire, Justice of the Peace for the county of Kerry, and Commissioner of ^ 5ltY!rtfl1' ^"Pply for Ayrshire. Z^orw October 21, 1844, iLaillUllV being the eldest son of the late James La- mont, Merchant and Shipowner, of Glas- gow, by Eliza his wife, daughter of the late Henry Stephens of Ballymullen, in the county of Kerry. Clubs — County (Ayr), and Dumfries and Gallow^ay Club. Livery — Blue and silver. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Parted per pale azure and argent, a lion rampant counterchanged, on a chief or, a lymphad sable, oars in action, Haggeii gules (for Lamont), and impaling the arms of Curie, namely argent, a chevron vert between two spur-revels in chief and a (leur-de-lis in base gules; above the shield is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules, doubled & is the Military Cockade. Lam argent; and thereon, upon a wreath of his liveries, is set for Crest, a dexter hand proper holding a fleur-de-lis gules ; and in an escroll above the crest this Motto, " Ne parcas nee spernas." Married, July 28, 1875, Jane, younger daughter of the late Robert Curie, Gentleman, of 12 Crown Gardens and Whiteinch, Glasgow ; and has Iss7ie (i) Henry Charles Lamont, Gentlem.an, born August 2, 1876, Lieut. "Queen's Own" Lanarkshire Yeo. Cav. ; (2) Gerald Barclay Lamont, Gentleman, born October 20, 1879 ; Ada Curie ; Dora Chearnley ; and Frances Jane Curie. Estates — Bunnow, in the county of Kerry ; Greelaw and Blair, in the county of .'\yr ; Gribton, in the county of Dumfries. Seat—Gx'\\Ao\\, Dumfries, N.B. §JOHN HENRY L.\MONT, Esq. of Lamont, co. Argyll, J. P. and D.L., and Commissioner of Supply for CO. Argyll, Major 9th Lancers. Born March 10, 1854, being the son of the late Archibald James Lamont, Esq., of Lamont, J. P. and D.L., formerly an officer in the army, by his wife Harriet, dau. of Col. Alexander Campbell of Possil. Armorial bearings— -Azure, a lion rampant argent. Mantling gules doubled argent ; and upon a wreath of his liveries is set for Crest, an open hand couped proper. Motto— "Ne parcas nee spernas." Residence — Westward Ho, Bideford. H. CHARLES EDWARD LAMPLUGH, Esquire, Justice of the Peace and Deputy-Lieu- tenant for the county of Middlesex, and Justice of the Peace for the county of London, Lord of the Manor of Sutton, Fellow of the Roval Geogiaphical Society. Born April 8, 1838. Clubs — 'A\. Stephen's, City of London, Magistrates"'. Livery — '&\'A.ck. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Argent, four cinquefoils in cross gules, on a chief of the last, a cross fiory between two goats' heads couped of the first ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, in front of a cubit arm erect, encircled about the wrist with a wreath of oak and holding in the hand a sword proper, hilt and pommel or, an escutcheon argent, charged with a goat's head couped sable ; with the Mottoes, Q is the Naval Cockade. lamplug!) Ham Han 483 over the crest, "Through;" under the arms, " Providen- tia Dei stabiliuntur familias," Married Elizabeth Anne, younger daughter of the late William Bagshawe of London. Postal fit/dress— Cily of London Club, Old Broad Street, li.C. Rkv. DAVID LAMPLUGH, M.A.. Clerk in Holy Orders, Vicar of Yalding. Horn , being the son of Armorial bearlng^s— Sable, on a pile nebuly lictween two riivs or, l);ul)e(l and strded vert, a cross llory of the field. Mantling sable and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours. n ront of a goat's head couped argent, armed or, gorged with a collar nebuly sable, two roses gules, barbed and seeded proper. MottO — " Providentia Dei stabiliuntur fainili;v." Postal address — The Vicarage, Yalding, near Maidstone, Kent. LANCASTER, quartered by SOMERS. LANCASTER HERALD, see BELLASIS. DAVID GUILD LANDALE, Esq., J. P. Surrey. Born June II, 1842, being the third son of the TLflHtlflfP *^ David Landale, Merchant in Kirkcaldy, .U^UIIUulv j,y }^i:^,y his wife, daughter of William Russell, Manufacturer in the same town. C///*— Oriental. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Parted per pale or and azure, an orle indented on the inner side, in chief a mullet all counterchanged. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules, doubled argent ; and upon a wreath of his liveries is set for Crest, a dexter arm embowed holding up two br.inches of laurel in orle proper ; and in an escroll above, this Motto, " Pax aut defensio." Married, April 30, 1879, Agnes Katherine, only daughter of George Henderson of Heverswood, Brasted, in the county of Kent ; and has /ssue — (i) Henderson Russell Landale, Gentleman, born February 21, 1880; (2) David Eustace Landale, Gentleman, born November 3, 1886; Ruth Mary .Sinclair ; and Kathe- rine Maud Agnes. Estate and postal addnss Limpsfield Grange, Limpsfield, Surrey. The l.\tk Colonki. CECIL NEWTON LAM., ( om- panion of the Most Distinguished Order of .Saint ¥| ctvyp Michael and Saint George, J. P. for the county li^Ullv of .Shropshire, late Colonel ist Staflordshire Militia, late Her Majesty's Resident of the Island of Cephalonia. Porn May 27, 1833, being the son of John Newton Lane, Esquire, of King's Bromley Manor, Lichfield, by his wife Agnes, commonly called the Honour- .able .Agnes, daughter of the Right Honourable the second Baron Bagot ; created Com[)anion of the Most Distinguished Order of .Saint Michael and Saint George, 1864. Aiinorial bearings — He l)ears for Arms: I'arty per fesse or and azure, a chc\Ton gules, Iwtween three mullets coiinter- clianged a canton of the arms of England, namely gules, tluee lions passant guardant in pale or ; and impaling the arms of Bertie, namely, quarterly i and 4, argent three battering-rams barways in pale proper, headed and gar- nished azure (for Bertie) ; 2 and 3 sable, a shattered castle triple-turretted argent (for Willoughby) ; and below the escutcheon is pendent his badge a.s a Companion of the Most Distinguished Order of Saint Michael and Sain (Jeorge. Upon th' 11 is pl.tced a helmet befitting his degree, with a i; :re and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of til' strawberry-roan horse salient, couped at the flanks, bridled sable, bitted and garnished or, supporting IxHween the feet an imperial crown prof»er ; with the Motto, "Garde le Roy." Married, Decemlx-r 12, 1876, .Xdela Mary, d.aughter of the Reverend Frederic Bertie, commonly called the Honourable Frederic Bertie (by his wife Georgiana Anne Emily, commonly called Lady (Jeorgiana Anne Emily, d.aughter of the Right Honourable the Countess of Antrim) ; and has Issue — (i) Newton Frederic Seymour Lane, Gentleman, Ixirn April 15, 1879 ; (2) Percy Ernald Lane, Gentleman, l)orn January 15, i83i ; and Georgiana Agnes Jane. Postal address — Whiston Hall, Albrighton, Wolverhampton. S CHARLES PELHAM LANE, Esquire, Justice of the Peace for the counties of Worcester and Warwick, and for the former county a Deputy-Lieutenant, an Alderman of the County Council, Master of Arts of the University of Oxford. Porn September 25, 1851, l>eing the only son of the late Thomas Lane, Esquire, Justice of the Peace and Deputy-Lieutenant, by his wife Anne Perry, daughter of Charles .Shaw. Clubs — New University, Camden, Worces- tershire (Worcester). Livery — Black coat, cerise waistcoat, gold buttons, drab overcoat, cerise collar and cuffs. Ar- morial bearingB — He bears for Arms : Party per pale azure and gules, four crescents in fesse or, between three saltires of the last ; and for his Crest, on a wreath of the colours, two griffins' heads couped and addorsed, the dexter azure and the sinister gules, in front thereof a crescent between two saltires fesseways argent; with the MottO, " Tenax et fidelis." Married, February 22, 1877, Catharine George Ann, daughter of George Webster Napier; and has Issue — (i) Thomas Reginald Pelham Lane, Gentleman, born May 23, 1878; (2) Charles Cyril Pelham Lane, fJentleman, born .August 19, 1879 ! (s) Arthur Geoffrey Napier Lane, The Editor undertakes that every entry not in italics is tliat of a genuinely armigerous person. 484 Lan ILan Gentleman, born June 30, 1883; and Dorothy Evelyn. £s/ii/es^Mounds[ey Hall, and other property in the coun- proper; with the Motto, " (i.irdc le Roy." Marriea firstly, Octoljcr 9, 1862, Mary Isat3ella, eldest daughter of Richard Ficnnes Wykehani Martin (who died March 29, 1881) ; secondly, February 16, 1885, Amelia Klizabeth, eldest daughter of the Reverend Augustus Asgill Colvile, Rector of iTENAXETfFIDELlS ties of Worcester and Warwick. Postal achircss — Moundsley Hall, King's Norton, Worcestershire. HKNRY CHARLES LANE, Esquire, J.l>., formerly Lieut, in and Life Guards. Boni Feb. 10, 1832, being the only son of Henry Thomas Lane, by his wife Jane Rachel, fifth dau. of Charles Lambert. Cli/l'.': — Arthur's. Army and Navy. Armorial bearings — Per sallire azure and gules, in chief two saltires coupcd, and another in base argent, in each Hank a mullet or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, two gryphon's heads erased, addorsed, or, in the l)eak of each a si)rig of laurel proper. Motto — " Loyal j\isqu a la mort." Married, July 26, i860, K.atharine, fourth dau. of the Rev. Anthony Lewis Lambert, Rector of Chilbolton, Hants. Seat — Middleton, Hassocks, co. Sussex. S HENRY MURRAY LANE, Esquire, Chester Herald of Arms. Born March 3, 1833, Ix-ing th(! fifth son of the late Reverend Charles Lane, Master of Arts of the University of 0.\ford, Rector of Wrothani, Rural Dean of Shoreham, in the county of Kent, and Honorary Canon of Canterbury CatlKtdral, &c. ; by his wife Frances Catherine (who died October 26, 1875), second daughter of the Right Reverend Daniel .Sandford, Doctor of Divinity, Bisiiop of Edinburgh ; was Bluemantle Pursuivant of Arms, 1849, 1864 ; Chester Herald from 1864 ; was Secretary to Garter Mission to the Court of St. Petersburg, 1867; Registrar of Her Majesty's College of Arms, 1880, 1889. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Party per fesse or and azure, a chevror gules between three mullets counterchanged of the field, a canton of the arms of England, namely gules, three lions passant guardant in pale or, the escutcheon lieing surrounded by his collar of SS. Upon the escutcheon in placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling azure and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a strawberry-roan horse salient, couped at the flanks, bridled sable, bitted and garnished or, supporting between the feet an imperial crown Mk is the Military Cockade. Livermerc, in the county of Suffolk. By his first marriage he has Issue — Gerald Stratford Murray Lane, Gentleman, born December 6, 1863. Postal address — Heralds' College, London, E.C. JOHN HENRY HERVEY VINCENT LANE, Es- quire, of King's Broml(-'y Manor, in the county of Stafford, Justice of the Peace for the county of Stafford. Born October 3, 1867, Ijcing the eldest son of the late John Henry Bagol Lane, Esquire, of King's Bromley Manor, of the 3rd King's Own .Stafford Rifies, and Lieutenant-Colonel Coldstream Gu.ards, Master of Arts, Justice of tiie Peace for the counties of Berkshire and Stafford, by his wife .Susan Anne, daughter and co-h(>ir of Henry William Vincent of Lily Hill, in the county of Berkshire, and Bradwell Cirove, in liie county of O.xford. Clubs — Wellington, White's, Travellers'. Livery — Dark l)lue and orange. Armorial bearings— (Quarterly of 35, I and 35, per fesse or and azure, a chevron gules l)e- tween three mullets counterchanged of the field, on a canton gules three lions passant guardant in pale or ; 2. the same without the augmentation ; 3. or, a chevron gules between three mullets azure (for Lane, ancient) ; 4. argent, a lion rampant ermines (for Dc la Hyde) ; 5. sable, si.x plates, three, two, and one, on a canton argent, a lion rampant gules (for De la Hyde Sych) ; 6. argent, two bars and a canton gules (for Partrich) ; 7. gules, a sneyd argent (for Prayers) ; 8. argent, three bugle-horns sable, stringed vert (for Wyrley) ; 9. argent, a chevron engrailed, between three bugle-horns sable (for Wyrley) ; 10. or, a chevron gules, between three lions rampant azure (for Wyrley) ; 11. gules, six fieurs-de-lis, three, two, and one .argent (for Wyrley) ; 12. sable, two lions passant in p.ale argent, dueally crowned or, holding in the de.xter paw a fleur-de-lis azure (for Heronville) ; 13. argent, 3 is the Naval Cockade. Ian Ian 485 a bt-nd azure, between a rose in chief and a fleur-de-lis in base gules (for Overton) ; 14. sable, a fesse between three bheklrakes argent (for Sheldon) ; 15. argent, on a Ijend Ixitvveen two lions rampant sable, a wyvurn of the field (for kuding) ; 16. argent, on a bend sable, three lions' heads couped of the field, ducally crowned or (for Wroth); 17. sable, a cross crosslet argent (for Durants) ; 18. gules, a chevron between three lions' ganibs ermine (for Wrotham) ; 19. azure, two bars dancettt^e or (for Stonard) ; 20. azure, on a chevron engrailed argent, Ijctween three lions passant guardant or, as many crosses patde sable (for Fowler) ; 21. per pale sable and argent, an eagle displayed with two iieads counterclianged, ducally gorged or (for Lovedale) ; 22. ermine, on a cmton gules, an owl argent (for 13arton) ; 23. barry of six gules and argent, on a chief or a lion passant guardant, azure (for linglefield) ; 24. argent, a chevron between three martlets salile (for Clarke); 25. argent, three wolves erased, two and one gules, a bordure azure, charged with eight towers or (for Rycott) ; 26. vair(5, argent, and gull's (for Garnon) ; 27. or, six billets, three, two, and one gulei (for Colvile) ; 28. azure, two bars argent, a bend chequy or and gules (for Lee) ; 29. vert, three goats salient artjent, armed or (for Trollop) ; 30. quarterly azure and gules, three sinister hands apaunu'^e argent (for Leveson); 31. argent, two bendlets wavy sable, Ix'tween as many wolves' heads erased gules, a bordure of the last (for Clements) ; 32. argent, on a chevron gules, between three cinquefoils azure, as many l)ezants (for Hampton) ; 33. vert, a chevron argent, lietween three cocks or (fur W'hadcock); 34. gules, a lion rampant double-queued ermine (for Stokes). Ufxjn the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling azure and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a strawberry-roan horse salient, couped at the Hanks, bridled sable, bitted and garnished or, supporting between the feet an imperial crown proper. Motto — ' ' Garde le Roy." Seafs — King's Bromley Manor, near Lichfield, in the county of Stafford, and Lily Hill, Bracknell, in the county of Berkshire. § GEORGE L.\NE-FOX, Esquire, justice of the Peace and Deputy - Lieutenant for the II ntir-iTflt* ^^"-'S' Riding of the county of York, iLUllK^'Jl VXf Deputy - Lieutenant for the county of Leitrim. Born November 13, 1816, being the only son of the late George Lane - Eox, Es- c|uire, of Bramham Park, by his wife Georgiana Hen- rietta, only daughter of Edward Pery Buckley, Esquire, of Minestead Lodge, in the county of Hampshire. Ar- morial bearings— He l^ars for Arms : Argent, a chevron between three foxes' heads erased gules (for Fox) ; witli very many cjuarterings. Marriai, Novemlx-r 17, 1837, Katherine Mary, youngest daughter of John Stein, formerly Member of Parliament for Bletchingley ; and by her (who died 1873) has /ssiie — (i) George Sackville Frederick Lane-Fox, Escjuire, Justice of tlie Peace, born November 9, 1838 [marrie*''C Registrar of the Hiyh Court of Justice. Born June 21, 1857, being the only child M is the Military Cockade. iLan of the late Robert Francis Langley, Gentleman, "Solicitor, Registrar of the Cardiff County Court, District Registrar of the High Court of Justice, by his wife Rosa l>ydia, daughter of Jolm Arthur Price of Bromley, in the county of Kent. Livery— ys'XvXn, with green facings. Armo- rial bearings — He bears for Arms : Paly of si.\ argent and vert, on a canton gules a pheon or. Upon the escut- cheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mant- ling vert and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a pheon or, between two sprigs of laurel vert, fructed proper; with the Motto, " Fidens non confidens. " Married, June 13, 1883, Edith Joana, daughter of Daniel Rees of Sully House, in the county of Glamorgan ; and has Issue — Alfred .Arnold Langley, Gentleman, born May 12, 1884. Postal address — Golding, Petcrston-super-Ely. Sir GEORGE COLT LANGLEY, Knight Commander of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath. Born Novem- ber 8, 1810, being the eldest surviving son of the late John Langley, Esquire, Surgeon and Paymaster, by his wife Annabella, second daughter of John Claringbold of Rolling Court, in the county of Kent, Deputy-Adjutant-General, 1862-1867 ; created Companion of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, 1869, and advanced to the rank of Knight Commander of that Order, 1881. Armorial bear- ings — He bears for Arms : Paly of six argent and vert, on a canton gules, a pheon or, the escutcheon being encircled by the ribbon of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, and pendent his badge as a Knight Com- mander. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet be- fitting his degree, with a mantling vert and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a pheon or, between two sprigs of laurel vert, fructed proper ; with the Motto, "Fidens non confidens." Married, firstly, January 8, 1842, Frances Louisa (who died June 13, 1846), daughter of Francis Halliday, Royal Navy, of Ham Lodge, in the county of Surrey ; secondly, November 28, 1848, Maria Catherine (who died November 25, 1887), daughter of John Penrice of Witton, in the county of Norfolk; and has had Issue — (i) Lionel Langley, Escjuire, Major Royal Engineers, born May 9, 1850, died April 18, 1890; (2) George Langley, Gentleman, born December 21, 1852, died January 10, 1853 ; (3) John Penrice Langley, Esquire, S is the Naval Cockade. Ian Ian 487 ("apt. Royal Artillery, born April 17, i860 ; Emma Catherine [married, January 25, 1893, Ignatius O'Callaghan] ; and Mary Georgina. Postal address — St. Helen's, Southsea. S HENRY LANGLEY, Esq., J.P. and D.L. co. Tippe- rary, late and Life Guards. ISoni 1820, Ijcing the eldest surviving son of the late Major Henry Langley of Brittas (asile, hy Maria, dau. of the late Henry I'enton, M.I'., of I'ciilonviil.-, Middlesex. f ////':* — Travellers". Pall Mall. Armorial bearings— Quarterly i and 4, argent a fessc saljji', charged with a crescent or, in chief three hurts (for Langley); 2 and 3 gules, a lion rampant per fesse argent and or (for Grace). Mantling sable and argent; and for his Crest, upon a wn-atli of the colours, a cockatrice, wings addorsed sable, comljed, wattled, and spurred gules, ch.irgcd on the breast with a crescent or. MottO — "Fide sed cui vide." Married, 1845, Harriet Maria, only child of James Hradshaw, M. P. ; and has, with other Issue — Gerald Charles Langley, Esq.,Capt. R.N.,/5. 1848. /:'j/a/t"J near Thurles, i''ethard, and Ardfinnan, co. Tipperary. Residence — 31 (Ju(;en's (}ate Terrace, S. W. LANGLOIS, quartered by LEFROY. JOHN LAWRENCE LANGMAN, Gentleman. Born June 24, 1846, being the fifth son of Joseph Langnian of LT NGN METVE Plymouth and London, by his wife Eleanor James, dau. of Jolm IvUwrence of .Aberdeen. Club — Devonshire. Livery — I'lack and white. Armorial bearings — .Argent, on a pile engrailed sable, a water-l)ouget of tlie first between two Haunches of the second, each charged with a water-bouget also of the first. Mantling sable and argent ; and for the Crest, on a wreath of the colours, in front of a mount vert, thereon a jiortcullis with chains sable, three water-bougets fesseways of the last. Motto — "Justus esto et non metuc. " Married, September 17, 1868, Mary Hannah, dau. of James Marks of London ; and has Issue — .Archie Lawrence Lang- man, Gentleman, b. Sept. 2, 1872, Lieut. Middlese.x Yeo- manry Cavalry (Cavalry Club). Residences — Stanhope Terrace, Hyde Park, London ; The Deanery, Great Marlow, Bucks. JOSEPH LANGMAN, Gentleman. Horn April 3, 1839, being the second son of Joseph Langman of Plymouth and London, by his wife Eleanor James, dau. of John Lawrence of .Al^rdeen. Armorial bearings — Argent, on a pile engrailed sable, a \vatrr-b(juget of the first between two Haunches of the second, each ch.arged with a water-touget also of the first. Mantling sable and argent. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, in front of a mount vert, thereon a [xirtcuUis with chains sable, three water-bougets fesseways of the last. Motto — " Justus esto et non metue." Married, July 17, i860, Rebekah, dau. of Robert Wheeler ; and has Issue — Reljekah Eleanor Lawrence. PHILH' LAWRENCE LANGMAN, Gentleman. liurn June 8, 1848, being the si.vth son of Joseph Langman of Plymouth and London ; by his wife l'',leanf)r James, dau. of John Lawrence of Aberdeen. Armorial bearings — Argent, on a pile engrailed .sable, a water-lx)uget of the first jjelwcen two Haunches of the second, each charged with a water- bouget also of the first. Mantling sable and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, in front of a mount vert thereon a portcullis with chains sable, three water-lwugets fesseways of the last. Motto— " Justus esto et non meluc." /V!/(// (/(/(//rw— 24 Oakford Road, N.W. WILLLAM LANGMAN, Gentleman. Horn May 9, 1837, being the eldest son of Jose])h Langman of Plymouth and London, by his wife ICleanor James, dau. of John Lawrence of Aberdeen. Armorial bearings— Argent, on a pile engrailed sable, a water-lxjugct of the first between two flaunches of the second, each charged with a water- bouget also of the first. Mantling sable and argent. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, in front of a mount vert, thereon a portcullis with chains sable, three water- bougets fesseways of the last. MottO—" Justus esto et non^uetue." Married, March 5, 1877, Ada Mary, dau. of lames Marks ; and has Issue— \i) Ernest Joseph Langni-ui, Gentleman, b. Feb. 1880; (2) William James Langman, Gentleman, b. Aug. 13, 1881 ; (3) Philip John Lang- man, Gentleman, b. Dec. 7, 1882; (4) Arthur Harold Langman, Gentleman, b. Oct. 30, 1887; Gertrude Eleanor Winifred Rhoda ; Rowena Mary Ada ; Mary Elsie Dorothy ; and Hilda Margaret. LANGRIDGE, quartered by LOWDELL. STEPHEN MARTIN LANIGAN-OKEEFFE, Esq., J.P. for CO. Tipperary and King's Co., B.A. (Dublin) Bar- The Editor undertakes that every entry not in italics is tbat of a genuinely armigerous person. 488 iian Las risli"i-ai-L;iw ; assumi.'il name and anus ol t)'Kci'tre, in plate of those of Lani.i,'an, liy Royal Lkvusf, July 13, 1895, Horn 1839, lieiiig tin- elik-sl sou of ilii- lalf Joiin Laiiigan, lisq.. M.i'., of (.jli-nai;uilf, by l-'iancos, duu. of llic lati- Charles O'Keefle. Armorial bearings— Quarterly, 1. azure, a lion rainpanl arjiciit ; 2. s,'ulcs, a knight in armour, on horseback at full speed, projjer, the horse argent; 3. or, a |xMeock in his priile jjroix^r ; 4. vert, three lizards in jialeor. Mantling azure and argent ; and for his Crest, u|)on an aniii|iie crown a gryi>hon segreanl or, holding in the dexti-r cl.iwasword erect argent, poninielledgold. MottO — " Forit et lideli nihil dillicile." Married, 1870, Madeline Maria, si-cond dau. of John Ilobbs I'eart of Ardtona, co. Dublin ; and h;u>, with other Issue — John, b. 1871. 6Vrt/— Glenagyle, ■l\)oniavara, Nenagh. Residence — Delville, Gasnevin, co. Dublin. lli:RHKkT OWEN LANYON, p:scjuire. Born Aug. 4, 1850, being the fiftli but third surviving son of the late Sir Charles Lanyon, Knight Bachelor, J.I'., D.I.. co. Antrim (High Sherifi), formerly M.I', for the city of Belfast, by his wife l'"lizal>etl; 1 lelen, dau. of Jacob Owen. Armorial bear- ings (iules, on waves of the sea azure, a castle of two lowers, on the battlements thereof a falcon rising all proper, on a chief or, a pallet between two gyrons of the field. Mant- ling gules and or. Crest — On a wreath of tiie colours, on a mount vert, a falcon rising proper, lielled and jessed or. Motto— "Vive ut vivas." Married, June 19, 1873, Amelia Iliml ; and lias/.sj//t' — (i) Charles James Lanyon, Gentleman, /'. March 6, 1875 ; (2) Herbert Marsden Lanyon, Gentleman, /'. Aug. 14, 1876 (drowned in ILM.S. "Victoria"); (3) William Nlortimer Lanyon, (jcntleman, b. June 10, 1880. Residence — 3 Castleton Terrace, Belfast. SJOHN LANYON, Estjuire, J. P. co. Antrim, M.lnst.C.E. Horn h\>x\\ 21, 1839, being the eldest son of the late Sir Charles Lanyon, Knight Bachelor, J.l'. , D.L. CO. Antrim (High Sheriff)', formerly M.P. for the city of Belfast, by his wife Elizabeth Helen, dau. of Jacob Owen. Clubs — ]\xx\\or Conservative, Ulster (Belfast). Livery — Claret, with crimson facings and silver buttons. Armorial bearings— Gules, on waves of the sea azure, a castle of two towers, on the battlements thereof a falcon rising all proper, M is the Military Cockade. on a chiel or, a pallet between t\>o gyrons of Mantling gules and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, on a mount vert, a falcon rising proper, belled and jessed or. Motto " Vive ut vivas." Married, Octotjer 28, 1863, Hannah, dau. of Edward Hyde; and has had Issue — John Edward Hyde Lanyon, Esc|uire, b. Nov. 13, 1867, d. April 13, 1887; liuuna Hyde; and JClizabeth Hyde. Residence — Lisbreeii, FortwiUiam I'ark, Belfast. LOULS MORTIMER LANYON, Esquire. Born .Sept. 29, 1846, Ijcing the fourth but second surviving son of the late Sir Charles Lanyon, Knight Bachelor, J. P., D.L. co. Antrim (High Sherifi), formerly M.P. for the city of Belfast, by his wife IClizabeth Helen, dau. of Jacob Owen. Armorial bearings — (Jules, on waves of the sea azure, a castle of two towers, on the battlements thereof a falcon rising all proper, on a chief (jr, a pallet between two gyrons of the field. Mantling gules and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, on a mount vert, a falcon rising proper, belled and jessed or. Motto — "Vive ut vivas." Married, May 29, 1879, l^aura, dau. of the late Charles Valentine Phillips, H.IC.LC.S. ; and has Issue — (1) Charlie Valentine Lanyon, Gentleman, b. Maivh 28, 1880; (2) Owen Mortimer l^anyon. Gentleman, b. Sept. 13, 1882; (3) Louis Frank Lanyon, Gentleman, b. May 26, 188^. Residence — Dundrum, co. Dublin. CUTIIBERT LARKING, Esquire, Justice of the Peace for the county of Hertjord, Colonel (retired), X\ fl1*fett1lY ""'^ Gentleman Usher of the Privy ILattVlU^ Chamber to Her Majesty, Equerry to His Royal Hi^^hness the Duke uf Coiinaui:^ht, and was made Bey by the late Khedive of Egypt in 1884. Born Eebruary 28, 1842, being the eldest son of the late John Wing field Larking, by his wife Donna Elizabetta Maria Tebaldi, daughter of Man/uese Tebaldi of Terrara, Italy. Clubs — Brooks's, St. James's, Bachelors', Pratfs. \A\^:vy--Green coat and trousers, bufftoaistcoat. Armorial bearings as used, but for which no authority has been established at the College of Arms, are for Arms : Ermine, three leopards' faces ; and for the Crest, a lark rising, holding in the beak a sprig of leaves. Married, June 2, 1864, Adela Mill ia. Hare, commonly kiioion as the Lady Adela Maria JIare, daughter oj the late the Right Honour- able William, second Earl of Li sto^vel. Knight of the Most Illustrious Order of Saint Patrick; and has Issue — (i) Reginald Nesbitt Wingficld Larking, Lieutenant Scots Guards, born December 5, 1868 ; (2) Lambert Cecil Larkiui;, born Aui^ust 6, 1871 ; (3) Dennis Augustus Hugo Larking, Lieutenant Royal Na'ay, born Januaiy 20, 1876; (4) Arthur Patrick Albert Larking, born April 10, 1881 ; and Miriam Eleanor Rosina, Estate — Layston Lodge, Buntingford, in the county of Hertford. I'ostal atldress — Layston Lodge, Buntingford. Tin: Ri(;nT Ho.noukahi.k Sir FRANK CAVENDISH LASCI'M-LES, Knight Grand Cross of the Most Distin- guished Order of Saint Michael and Saint George, a Member of Her Majesty's Most Honourable Privy Council. Born 1841, being the fifth son of the late Right Honoural)le William .Saunders Sebright Lascelles, Memljer of Parlia- ment, by his wife Caroline Georgiana, commonly known as Lady Caroline Georgiana, eldest daughter of the Right Honourable George Howard, the si.Kth Earl of Carlisle; created Knight Grand Cross of the Most Distinguished Order of Saint Michael and Saint George, 1892. Clubs — St. James's, Wellington. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Sable, a cross palonce w ithin a bordure or, the escutcheon being surroimded by the ribbon and the collar and ))endent therefrom the badge (if a Knight Grand (joss of the Most Distinguished Order of Saint Michael and Saint (jeorge, and impaling upon a second escutcheon the arms of Olliffe, namely argent, a chevron engrailed vert, between three olive branches slipped and fructed proper. Ujjon the escutcheon is placed a helmet belitting his degree, with a mantling sable and or ; and for his Crest, uj^on a wreath of the colours, a bear's head ermine, muzzled gules, Inickled, collared, rimmed, and studded or; with the Motto, "In solo Deo salus." Married, 1867, Mary Emma, daughter of the late Sir Joseph Francis Olliffe, Doctor of Medicine ; and has Issue living— (i) William Frank Lascelles, Es- cjuire, Lieutenant ist Battalion Scots Guards, born 1868 ; Gerald Claude Lascelles, Esquire, born 1869 ; and Florence Caroline. 3 is tlie Naval Cockade. Lat Lato 489 'HAM, C|ii;irlercd by MUKRAV. 'IHOM, quaitervd by lliMPES T. LAURENCE, borne on an escutcheon of pretence by HLAKE-DE BURGH. €jii:DWARD DOWNES LAW, Esquire, Commander '' in the Royal Navy. lioni May 9, 1841, Ijeing Iff aVn tlii^ eldest son of Henry Spencer Law, Esquire, ■*^^^*' connnonly known as the Honourable Henry .Sjjencer l^aw, by his wife Dorothea Anne, daugii- ler of Colonel John Staunton Rochfort of Clogrenane, in the county of Carlow. Clitbs — 'rnivcllers'. Naval and Mili- tary, Wellinj^ton, Alpine. Armorial bearings— He Ijears r(jr Arms : Ermine, on a bend engrailed IxUween two cocks ,t,'ules, three nuillets pierced or. Upon the escutcheon is pl;iced a helmet Ijctitting his degree, with a mantling gules and argent ; and for his Crest, a cock gules, gorged with a chain rellexed over the back, and charged on the breast with a mitre or; with the Motto, " Composilum jus f;is(|ue animi." Estate— (l,\\^-xry W'illingham, in the county of Lin- coln. Postal address — 65 George Street, I'orlman Square, W. M.ajok-Gknkkal FRANCIS TOWRY ADEANE LAW, Companion of the Most Honourable Order of the I'.ath. Hum 1835, being the eldest son of the late William Towry Law, ICsquire, commonly known as the Honourable William Towry Law, by his first wife Augusta Champagne, connn(jnly known as the Honourable Augusta Champagne daughter of the Right Honourable Thomas North Graves, second Maron Graves, by his wife Mary, commonly known as Lady Mary, daughter of tiie Right Ilonourable Henry Paget, first ICarl of Uxbridge; created Companion of the Most Honourable Ordii of the Math, 1879. C///*— United Service. Armorial bearings 1 le U-ars for Anna : Ermine, on a l)end engiailed, Irjtween two cocks gu' uillels pierced or. Upon the escutcheon, from . dent his badge as a Companion of the Most Ih 1 irder of the liath, is placed a helmet befitting iiis degicc, with a mantling gules and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a cock gules, charged on the breast with a mitre pendent from a chain round the neck or. WILLIAM THOMAS LAW, Gentleman, Doctor of Medicine of the University of Edinburgh, Eellow of the iW^" Royal College of Surgeons of England. Born September 13, 1845, being the elder and only surviving son of Henry Compton Law of Allington, by his wife Elizabeth, second daughter of the Reverend John Taylor of Wadhani College, in the University of Oxford, Vicar of Llanhartney, in the county of Carmarthen, Rector of Willand, and sometime Chaplain in Ordinary to Her Majesty Queen Caroline. Club — University ( I'2dinl)urgh ). Livery — Brown coat, scarlet collar and culls, gilt buttons, waistcoat .of yellow and red stripes. Armorial bearings— He Ijears for Arms : Parted per lx;nd or and ermine, a cock gules, and on a shield of pretence the arms of Price (of .S|}ring Grove, Baronets), namely gules, a lion rampant argent. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules, doubled argent ; and upon a wreath of his liveries is set for Crest, a cock as in the arms. Motto — "Lex ratio summa." Married, October 22, 1879, Georgiana Charlotte Elizabeth, second daughter and eventual co-heir of Edwin Plumer Price, Esquire, one of Her Majesty's Counsel Learned in the Law (His Honour Judge Price), Recorder of York, County Court Judge for VVesl Norfolk, and a Bencher of the Inner Temple, by his first wife Lucy, daughter and co-heir of John Harrison, Esfiuire, son of Rolx!rt Harrison, Es()uire, of Benningholme Hall and Ruis- Ihorpe, in the county of York, and Ripley Court, in the countyof .Surrey ; and has /w//f— Alan Rokeby Law, Gentle- man, ljsseways erased at the thigh, the claw to the sinister azure, a falcon Ijelled or, legged gules, twined round the body and neck with a hawk's lure sable; with the Motto, " Fide et constantiii." Married, 1870, Emily, daughter of tl'-e late T. Davies of Regent's Park. Postal address — Castlenau, (.'hurch Road, Barnes, Surrey. Thp; Rk.vf.rk.nd FREDERICK GEORGE LEE, Student of Civil Law of the University of Oxford, Doctor of Divinity, and formerly Fellow of the Society of Antiquaries. Bunt January 6, 1832, being the eldest son of the Reverend I'Vederick Lee, Master of Arts of the University of Oxford. Rector of Easington, in the county of Oxford, and Vicar of Stantonbury, in the county of Buckingham, by his wife Mary, only child of Mr. George Ellys of Ayleslniry. Club — Union (Oxford). Livery — White or grey cloth, with black cuffs, collar, and trimmings. Armorial bearingslle rs for Arms : Argent, on a fesse coiipcd lietwecn three Married, August 8, 1888, Rose Mary, elder daughter of Robert Cyril Wallace, sometime Secretary to the Earl crescents sable, as many hawks' hires or ; and fur his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, upon an eagle's leg fesseways erased at the thigh, the claws to the sinister azure, a falcon belled or, legged gules, twined round the body and neck bv a hawk's lure sable ; with the Motto, " Fide ct constantiA.'' Married, June 9, 1859, Elvira Louisa (who died Sept. 1. 1890), fourth and youngest tlaughter of the Reverend Joseph Duncan Ostrehan, Bachelor of Arts of the University of Oxford, Vicar of Creech St. Michael, in the county of Somerset; and h;is /.««<;— (i) Frederick Reginald Benedict Duncan Lee, Gentleman, M.A., Oxon. 1891, born July 2, 1861 ; (2) Gordon Ambrose de Lisle F^ce, Gentleman, Blue- mantle Pursuivant of Arms [to whom refer]; (3) Leonard Miles Henry Lee, Gentleman, born February 24, 1867; and Mary Louisa Gwendoline. Postal address— M\ Saints' Vicarage, Lamlx"!!), London, S. E. § GORDON AMBROSE DE LISLE LEE. Gentleman. Bluem.antle Pursuivant of Arms. //«/-// July 11, 1863, being the second son of the Reverend Frederick George Lee, Doctor of Divinity, Vicar of All Saints'. Lambeth [to whom refer], by his wife Elvira Louisa, youngest daughter of the Reverend Joseph Duncan Ostrehan, sometime Vicar cjf Creech .St. Michael, in the county of Somerset. Armorial l)earings — He bears for Arms : Argent, on a fesse coujieil between three crescents sable, as many hawks' lures or, impaling the arms of Wallace, namely gules, sem(5e-de-lys or, a lion rampant argent, within a bordure compony azure and of the third. Crest — Upon an eagle's leg fesseways erased at the thigh, the claw to the sinister aziire, a falcon belled or, legged gules, twined round the body and neck a hawk's lure sable. MottO— "F"ide et constantia." Marshal of England ; and has fssite — Mary Flora. Postal addresses — Heralds' College, London, E.G. ; Selwood LcKlge, Elm Pl.ice, South Kensington. HF.NRY LEE, Esquire, J. P., M.P. for Soiit/miiiptoii, 1880-85. Born A'lW. 29, 1817, being the second son of Lee Lee of Chi^rley, ro. Mnrirhester. by his wife Anne, dan. oj /om ,' ' ' , lo. Lancaster. Armorlal beai K :■ ////.■ ;■/>/// has nut hii-n ofji. ; /'/•AnnB — Azure, two bars erviiiioii, i>vcr ,Ul ,1 btiiU totnilt:r-compony of the second and gules. Crest — .-/ bear passant aigent, muzzled, collared and chained or. MottO — " Patiturqui vincit," Married, 1846, Hannah, dau. of John Dracnf ; and has Is.sue — Harold Lee, b. 1851. Seat — Sedgby Park, co. Lancaster. H HE. WRY HERfiEA'T LEE, Ey his wife Catherine Frances, fifth daughter O/ James Tschiidi iiroadwood of Lyiie House, in the county of Surrey. Club— United Service. Armorial bearings as used are for Arms : Argent, on a chevron engrailed het^occn three leopards' faces sable, a crescent or for difference. Crest — Out of a ducal coronet or, a leopard's face sable. Motto — " Fort iter sed suaviter." \The arms were confirmed October 25, 1583, by William Floiver, Norroy, to Thomas Ixe of the City of London. In the pedigree in the " Landed Gentry," the pedigree of the family is set forth, and though the said Thomas Lee is slated to be an ancestor, the con- nection is not sho^cln\ Married, September 16, 1873, Constance Maiy {-who died 1890), eldest daughter of the late George Lyall of Headly Park, Epsom. Estate and postal address — The Mount, Dinas Poxvis, Cardiff. LENNOX BERTRAM LEE, Esquire. Born 1864, being the only son of the late Sir Joseph Cocksey Lee, by his unce, daughter of Patrick Keith, of London and .Algiers; and has Issue — (i) Thomas Evans Keith Lees, Gentleman, born 1886; (2) Jolin Victor I'^Uiott Lees, Gentleman, borniB87; (3) Ber- nard Percy Turnbull Lees, Gentleman, born 1891 ; Florence Mary Bernarda ; Gracia Katharine Hope ; and Eleanor Juliet Anne. Estate and postal address — .South Lytchett .Vlanor, Poole, Donset. ERIC BROWN LEES, Gentleman, noni April 14, 1878, being the eldest .son of the late lulward Brown Lees, Esc|., J. P. for the co. of Lancaster and for W. R. , co. York, J. P. and D. L. for Westmorland, Lieut.-Col. 22nd Lancashire Rifle Vohmteers, by his wife Dorothy, dau. of John Livesey. Livery — Blue, with red and white striped waistcoat. Armorial bearings- — Quarterly i and 4, argent, two bars raguly between three cross crosslets fitchde in chief and a falcon belled in base all gules (for Lees) ; 2. argent, on a bend invected with plain double cotises sable, guti(?e-d'eau, three eagles, each with two heads displayed ermine (for Brown) ; 3. gules, on a tend, in- vected erminois lietween two bezants, three martlets azure, all within a bordure ermine (for Collins) ; and for a Crest, ^ is the Military Cockade. " Fide scd cui vide." Lonsdale. Seat — Thurland C"astle, Kirkby FRANCIS GERALD LEES, Esq., J. P. for K. Riding of the CO. of York, late Lieut-Col. 3rd Batt. W. Yorkshire Regt. , formerly Lieut. 25th i'oot. Born 1842, being the son of the late George Lees, Esq., J. P., of VVernctli Lodge, Lancashire, by Maria, dau. of Henry Parry. Clubs — Junior United Service, Union. Armorial bearings — Per iesse or and gules a fesse dovetailed per fesse embattled between two falcon's belled in chief and a lion ranijjant in base all counterchanged. Mantling gules and or ; .and for his Crest, a lion rampant gules, sujiporting a Hag of the arms, the staff entwined by a wreath of oak fructed proper, Motto — " In dubiis rectus." Married, 1867, Sophia Char- lotte, dau. of A. J. Maxham ; and has, with other Issae — Edward Gerald Lees, Gentleman, /'. 1870. Seat — Werneth Lodge, Lanes. JAMES ARTHUR LEES, Esquire, Justice of the Peace for the counties of Lancaster and Stafford, Bachelor of Arts of the College of Oxford, Barrister-at-Law. Bom July 14, 1852, being the eldest son of James Lees, Esquire, of Clarks- field and Alkrington Hall, Justice of the Peace for the county of Lancaster, by his wife I'^llen, daughter of Thomas C'ardwell of Lytham, in the county of Lancaster. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms: Argent, two bars raguly between three cross crosslets fitch(?e in chief, and a. falcon belled in base, all gules. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degi'ee, with a m.antling gules and argent ; and for his Crest, on a wreath of the colours, a mount, thereon amidst wheat a mower, in his hands a scythe in the attitude of mowing, all proper; with the Motto, " I'",in doe and spare nought." Married Lucy Jane, second daugliter of the Reverend Charles John Martyn, then Rector of Long Melfonl, in the county of Suffolk, and now of Daglingworth, in the county of Glou- cester, Chaplain in Ordinary to Her Majesty the (^)ueen ; and lias /.r.?//t' — .Mfred Robin Martyn Lees, Gentleman, born Octolier 9, 1884; and (irace Elinor. Seat — Alkrington Hall, Middleton, in the county of Lancashire. JOSEPH CROMPTON LEES, Esquire, Lieutenant- Colonel 6th Volunteer Batt. Manchester Regiment, Jus- tice of the Peace for the county of Lancashire and Borough of Oldh.am. Bo?vi January 15, 1844, being the eldest son of Joseph Lees, Esquire, Justice of the Peace, by his wife Sarah .Xnn, daughter of James Milne. Cliil' — New Uni- ^^ is the Naval Cockade. Lee leg 497 versity. /./t'c/t — Dark blue, silver buttons. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Argent, two bars raguly between three cross crosslets fitch(*e in chief, and a falcon belled in base all gules. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules .and argent ; and for his Crest, on a wreath of the colours, a mount, thereon amidst wheat a mower, in his hands a scythe in the attitude of mowing, all proper ; with the Motto, " Ein doe and spare nought." Married, November 23, 1892, Kmma Margretta, daughter of James Grieves ; and has Issue — Charles Joseph Denis I^^es, Gentleman, born Oct. 13, 1896. Estate — Clarksfield, in the county of Lancaster. Postal address — Newtown Manor, Sligo. JAMES HENRY LEES-MILNE, Esq.. J. P. co. of Lancaster. Born Decetnter 4, 1847, If C0Ci'Oi^i\t\C l-ieing the second son of the late Joseph iL'K,Kr>'VV:)n\\K, Lees, Esquire, of Lower Clarksfield, Oldham, by his wife Sarah Anne, only daughter of James Milne of Park House ; and assumed for himself and issue the additional surname and arms of Milni; by Royal License, dated .May 31, 1890, on suc- ceeding to the property of Abram C'rompton Milne of Crompton Hall and Park House, who died March 27, 1890. Clubs — Conservative (Manchester), Clarendon (Manchester), Albion (Oldham). iL/ir/T— Dark blue, with white collar and silver buttons. Armorial bearings — He Ijears for Arms : Quarterly i and 4, ermiiiois on a pale invected sable, a millrind erect between two lions passant argent (for Milne) ; 2 and 3 argent, two bars raguly between three cross crosslets fitchte in chief and a falcon belled in base all gules (for Lees). Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling sable and or ; and for his Crests, i. upon a wreath of the colours, in front of five palm trees proper a lamb couchant argent, holding in the mouth a trefoil slipped or. and siip- pr>rting with the dexter forefoot a flagstaff in l)cnd sinister proper, therefrom flowing a banner argent charged with a cross crosslet gules (for Milne) ; 2. upon a wreath of the colours, a mount, thereon amidst wheat a mower in his hands his scythe in the attitude of mowing, all proper (for Lees) ; with tlie Motto, " Prudenter qui sedulo." Married, April 25, 1877, Mary Emma, second daughter of Alexander Nesbitt, Esquire, of liyfeld House, Barnes, in the county of Surrey; and has Issue— [\) Alec Milne Lees-Milne, Gentle- man, born February 18, 1878 ; (2) George Crompton I^es- Milne, Gentleman, born April 21, 1880. Seats — Crompton Hall and Park House, Shaw, near Oldham. LEESON, see MILLTOWN. MARKHAM RICHARD LEE.SON - MARSHALL. Esq., J. P., High Sheriff 1890, B..'\. (Oxon.), Barrister-at- Law. Born Di-c. 24, 1859, being the only son of the late Richard John I.,eeson-Marshall, Esq., J.P., of Callinafercy House, by Zeena, eldest dau. of the Ven. Ambrose Power, Archdeacon of Lismore. Armorial bearingrs— (,)uarterly I and 4, barry of six argent and sable, on a canton ermine an escutcheon of the second charged with a trefoil slipped or, a crescent gules for difference (for Marshall); 2. gules, a chief nebuly argent, the rays of the sun issuing therefrom or (f(ir Lecson) ; 3. or, on a chief azure, a demi-Iion argent, holding between the paws a harp of the first (for Markhajn). Mantling sable and argent; and for his Crests, i. upon a wreath of the colours, a dcmi-man in armour affronti'-e proper, holding in the dexter hand a b;\ton sable, tipped or. charged on the breast with a rose gules, girded with a sash also gules, a crescent .as in the arms for difference (for Marshall) ; 2. upon a wreath of the colours, a demi-lion rampant gules, holding in the paws a sun or, partially eclipsed l)y clouds proper (for Leeson) ; 3. upon a wreath of the colours, a winged lion sejant guardant argent, wings addorsed, holding between the forepaws a harp or, the head encircled by a plain glory of the last (for Markham). Married, Aug. 9, 1890, Mabe'l Edith, eldest dau. of Sir John Fermor Godfrey, Bart. ; and by her (who died Mav 2, 1892) has /j.fw— Mary. 5ea/— Callinafercy House, Kil- lorglin. CO. Kerry. § STANLEY HUGHES LE FLEMING. Esq.. J. P. and D.L. for Westmorland (High .Sheriff 1878), D.L. for Cumlx-rland, J. P. for Lanes, and Capt. and Hon Major Westmorland and Cumberland Yeomanrv Cavalrv. Born 1855, being the elder son of the late Major-Gen. George Cumberland Hughes le Fleming, J. P. and D.L., of Rydal, by his second wife Anne Jane, youngest dau. of Major Alexander Rennick, Bengal Army. Clubs — Carlton, Wind- ham, Orleans. Livery — Dark blue. Armorial bear- ings — Quarterly i and 4. gules a fret argent (for Le Fleming) ; 2 and 3 quarterly or and argent, a lion rampant azure Ix^tween three fountains proper (for Hughes). Mant- ling gules and argent ; and for his Crests, i. upon a wreath of the colours, a serpent nowed, holding in the mouth a wreath of olives and vine leaves all proper (for Le Fleming) ; 2. upon a wreath of the colours, a lion couchant, resting the dexter paw on a fountain (for Hughes). MottO — "Pax, copia. sapientia." Married, Oct. 20. 1896. Cecily, eldest dau. of Col. and the Hon. Mrs. Marlon of Capernwray, Lanes. Seat — Rydal Hall, Ambleside. ANTHONY O'GRADY LEFROY. Esq., Companion of the Most Distinguished Order of Saint Michael and .Saint George. Born 1818, being the son of the late Rev. Henry l.efroy, Vicar of Santry, Dublin ; was created C.NLG. 1888. Armorial bearings— (Quarterly 1 and 4, vert fretty argent, on .a chief of the second a hood or cap (allusive to the badge assumed by the party opposed to the Duke of Alva) between two wyverns gules (for Lefroy) ; 2 and 3 azure, a chevron or, iK-tween three crescents argent, on a chief gules, three mulk'ts of the third, a martlet for difference (for Langlois). Mantling vert and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a demi-wyvern gules, gorged with a collar dancettiJe argent, fretty vert. MottO — " Mutare sjDerno." Married, 1852. Mary. dau. of the late Colonel Bruce, Commander of Troops in Western Australia. Postal address— PcTlh, Western Australia. STHOM.^S LANGLOIS HUGH LEFROY, Esquire, Justice of the Peace and Deputy- Lieutenant for the county of Longford. High Sheriff in the year 1892. Master of Arts of the University of Dublin. Barrisler-at-Law. Bom 1836, tjeing the eldest son of Judge 1 homas Lefroy of C.irrig-glas Manor (who died 1891). by his wife Elizabeth, commonly known as the Honourable Elizaljeth, youngest daughter of tiie Right Honourable Hugh Massy, third Lord Massy. Clubs— Ht. Stephen's, Constitutional, Kildare Street (Dublin). Armorial bearinga— He bears for Arms : Quar- terly I and 4, vert, fretty argent, on a chief of the second a hood or cap (allusive to the Ijadge assumed by the party opposed to the Duke of Alva), between two wyverns gules (for Lefroy) ; 2 and 3 azure, a chevron or, between three crescents argent, on a chief gules, three mullets of the third (for Langlois). Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling vert and argent ; and for his Crest, a dcmi-wyvern gules, gorged with a collar dancettcic argent, fretty vert. Motto—" Mutare sperno." Seat — Carrig-glas Manor, near Longford. The Rkverf.nd AUGUSTUS GEORGE LEGGE. Clerk in Holy Orders, Master of .Arts, late Vicar of |I f,ffff(> -North Elmham, in the co. of Norfolk, Lord of *^vjjyt several Manors in the county of Southampton. Born January 20, 1835, being the second but eldest surviving son of the Reverend Henry Legge, Rector of East Lavant, in the county of Sussex, owner of the Marcland and Maple-Durham, and Bramdean estates, by his wife Elizabeth Louisa, daughter of Admiral .Stair Douglas. Z./J'^/T— Blue, with silver buttons, and silver lace round hat. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Azure, a buck's head cal>oslu-d argent. Upon the escut- cheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling azure and argent ; and for his Crest, out of a ducal coronet or. a plume of five ostrich feathers alternately argent and azure; with the MottO. " Gaudet tcntamine virtu.s." Married, .'\ugust 26, 1864, .Mice Mary ((/. 1885), daughter of John Greenwood, Esquire, one of Her Majesty's Counsel Learned in the Law, of Broadhanger, in the county of Hampshire, and late Solicitor to the Treasury ; and has Issue — (i) Walter Douglas Legge, Gentleman, l)oni October 31, 1865; (2) John Greenwood Legge, Gentleman, born December 7, 1871 ; Honora Alice Charlotte ; Florence Lucy ; Beatrice Louisa ; Frances Mary ; and .-Mice Georgina. Estates — Marcland ; Maple-Durham ; Bramdean. Postal address— Bramdean House, Alresford. LEGH, quartered by DE TRAFFORD. The Editor undertakes that every entry not in itaiics is that of a genuinely armigeroua person. 498 Leg Lei ARTHUR MASTER TON ROBERTSON Ei:(iH. second son of William John Ronny, ICsq. of Danevak-. CO. Kirkcudbright, ].l'.. D.L., by his wife Julia Isabella, older dau. of Arthur John Robertson, ?:sq., of lushes, co Inverness J. P., D.L., and tojjether with his wife assumed the name and arms of Legh by Roy;il Licence dated Aug 9 1897. /./7'f'/i'— Black and scarlet facings. Armorial bearings Azure, two bars argent, over all a bend compony gules and or, a canton of the second (for difference), impaling quarterly i and 4, azure, two bars argent, over all a bend compony gules (for Legh) ; 2 and 3 azure, a chevron between three hanks of cotton argent (for Cotton). Mant- ling azure and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a unicorn's head couped argent, armed and crined or, on the neck a cross patonce gules. Married Caroline Mary Florence, eldest dau. of Frederick Henry Cotton (eldest son of Rev. H. Stapleton Cotton) of Dalbury, co. Derby, and grand-dau. of the late Charles Richard Fianastre Legh, Esq., of Adlington Hall, D.L. , J. P. ; and has Issue — Cynthia Combermere. Seat — Adlington Hall, Maccles- field, CO. Chester. The Right Reverend FRANCIS HENRY THICK- NESSE, Bishop Suffragan of Leicester, YT otfr^c^fPt* Master of Arts of the University of Oxford, ILvltvpvvl Doctor of Divinity. Born May 14, 1829, being the second son of the Reverend William Edward Coldwell, Master of Arts, Prebendary of Lichfield and Rector of Stafford, by his wife Mary, daughter of E. Norman ; and assumed by Royal License, in 1859, the surname and arms of 'Thicknesse only ; he was consecrated Bishop Suffragan of l^eicester, 1888. Club — United Uni- versity. Armorial bearing^ — He bears for the arms of Thicknesse: Argent, a chevron sable fretty or, in chief the blade of a scythe azure, a canton of the second, the escutcheon being surmounted by his mitre. Married, firstly, July 3, 1854, Anne, only surviving child and heir of Ralph Anthony Thicknesse, Esquire, of Beech Hill, in the county of Lancaster, Member of l^arliament for Wigan ; and by her (who died 1886) has Issue— ij) Ralph Thicknesse, B.A., born September 25, 1856 [married, 1889, Lily, daughter of Robert William Haynes]; (2) the Reverend Francis Nor- ^ is tbe Military Cockade. f AbingwW^^^" man Thicknesse, Bachelor of Arts, Rector of Northants, born August 9, 1858 ; (3) Philip Coldwell Thick- nesse, V)orn January 28, i860 [married, April 28, 1891, Daisy Oakley, daughter of the late Dean of Manchester] ; (4) Raymond ICdward 'Thicknesse, born October 17, 1867 [manied, January 3, 1B89, Helen, daughter of Samuel Botterill of Cookshire, Canada] ; (5) John Audley 'Thick- nesse, born November 8, 1869 [married, Sept. 27, 1897, Phyllis Margaret, daughter of the late Henry Woodcock of Hayward's Heath] ; Frances Annette Eleanor ; and Katherine TMith Mary Isabel. He married secondly, August 28, 1888, Agnes Beatrice Julia, fourth daughter of the Reverend Marsham Argles, Dean of Peterborough and Rector of Barnack, in the county of Northampton. i¥«/- d?^«f«— Precincts, Peterborough. LEIGH, quartered by HORDERN. ROGER L?:iGH, Esq., Lord of the Manor of Orrell, in CO. Lancaster, J. P. Kent and Lancashire, M.P. for Rochester 1880 to 1885. Dorv April 27, 1840, being the adopted son of the late Sir Robert Holt Leigh, Bart., of Hindley Hall. He s. to the estates in 1868, under the will of Sir R. Holt Leigh, Bart., at ihe death of Thomas, Lord Kingstown (who had a life interest in them). Armorial bearings— Gules, a cross engrailed argent, between four lozenges ermine, for distinction a canton or. Mantling gules and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a demi-lion gules, holding between the paws a lozenge argent, charged with a rose gules, and charged on the shoulder for distinction with a cross patde or. Married, ist. May 29, 1861, Elizabeth Jane (who died July 30, 1894), eldest daughter of 'Thomas Eden Blackwell, 9ist Royal Argyllshire Highlanders, and granddau. of Gen. Blackwell, C. B. ; and by her had Issue — Margaret Caroline ; Amabel Frances Louisa, deceased ; Marv Etheldreda ; and Emma Lindsay. He married secondly, 1885, Agatha Elizabeth, only dau. of the late Alfred Shaw. 6Va/j— Hindley Hall, Wigan ; Barham Court, Maidstone. Eesidence — jo Courtfield Gardens, S.W. SSl'ANLEY LEIGHTON, Esquire, Member of Parlia- ment for the Western Division of the county of Salop, Barrister-at-Law, Fellow of the Society of Antiquaries, Justice of the Peace and Deputy-Lieutenant for the county of Shropshire, and a Justice of the Peace for the county of Montgomery. Born October 13, 1837, being the son of the late Sir Baldwin Leighton, seventh Baronet, by his wife Mary, daughter and heiress of 'Thomas Netherton Parker, Esquire, of Sweeney Hall, in the county of Salop. Clubs — Carlton, Athenieum, Oxford and Cambridge, Burlington. Armorial bearings He bears for Arms: Quarterly per fesse indented or and gules ; and for his Crest, a wyvern with wings expanded sable. MottO — " Dread shame.' Married, 1873, Jessie Marie, dau. and co-heir of Henry Bertie Watkin Williams- Wynn, Esquire, of Nanty-Meiched, in the county of Montgomery ; and has Issue— V,&n\e. Ed- ward Parker Leighton, Gentleman, ist Royal Dragoons; and Rachel Frances Marion. Residence Sweeney Hall, Oswestry. JOHN LEITH-ROSS, Esquire, Justice of the Peace. Born 1809, being the eldest son of JI t>ii\\ in rttftf the l^te Jol^" Leilh-Ross, Esquire, ILKiVV)' l£K\J7m of Arnage, Writer to the Signet. Deputy-Lieutenant, by his wife Eliza- beth, daughter of William Young, of Theddocksley, Pro- vost of Aberdeen, co-heir of her maternal uncle, Alexander Anderson of Bourtie, in the county of Aberdeen. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Quarterly i and 4, or three water-bougets sable, a bordure of the second ; 2 and 3 quarterly, i. and iiii. or, a cross crosslet fitchy of ci[i;ht argent and gules, over all a bend sable (for /iourton) ; 17. argent, a chevron gules, between three garbs vert (for Jiosco) ; 18. azure, on a chief argent, a demi-lion couped gules (for Demiband): 19. argent] three chevrons sable (for .Arch- deacon); 20. gules, a cross ffeury or, charged roundels sable (for Latimer); 21. gules, a . wings erect argent (for Le Brent) ; 22. three /. in pale argent, over all a label of three points .luble (for Giffard) ; 23. argent, a fesse between three cinquefoils gules (for Poutrell) ; 24. argent, a fesse betiveen three wolves' heads erased sable, a crescent for difference (for Seale) ; 25. three escallops or, a mullet for difference (for Dumaresq) ; 26. sable, three dolphins embo7oed argent (for De liagot) ; 27. three trefoils slipped sable (for Payn); 28. ermines, a cross-bimi drawn, charged with an arrow all argent (for I.an'alesticr) ; 29. three escallops, a mullet for difference. Supporters — Two knis^hts fully armed and visors raised proper. Estate — Pelham, near Alton, in the county of Hampshire. Postal address — Pelham, Alton, Hampshire. 3 GEORGE COSBY LENDRUM, Esq.. J. P., D.L., CO. Fermanagh, High Sheriff 1875, J. P. co. Tyrone, High Sheriff 1882. Porn April 22, 1846, being the eldest son of James 1-endrum, Esq,, of Magheracro-ss, J. P. and D. L. for COS. Fermanagh and Tyrone, High Sheriff co. Fermanagh 1835, and co. Tyrone 1837, B.-A. (Cantab.) 1830 (Trin. Coll.), by his wife .Anne, eldest dau. of Samuel Vesey of Derrabard. Armorial bearing^s— Gules, three garbs or, on a chief argent, as many woolpacks sable. Mantling gules and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, on a mount vert, a dove holding an olive branch in its beak all proper. Motto — "Lapaix." Mar- ried, Dec. 10, 1878, Antoinette FVances, eldest dau. of Antoine Sloet Butler, Esq., C.B., late Capt. 7th Dragoon Guards ; and has Issue— (\) James Butler Lendrum, Gentle- man, b. Sept. 14, 1880; (2) George Dalur Lendrum, Gentle- man, b. Aug. 5, 1882; (3) Marcus Beresford Lendrum, Gentleman, b. Oct. 11, 1883; (4) Alan Cane Lendium, Gentleman, (5. July 11, 1885; and Anne. Seat — Maghera- cross (the ancient name restored), Ballinamallard, co. Fermanagh. LENNOX, quartered by VERSCHOYLE, CHIN- NERY-HALDANE, STUART, and STUART- RICH- ARDSON. SJOHN MAITLAND LENNOX, Esquire, Captain, and Her Majesty's Inspector of Prisons. CLmtint* ^^'"" J^'y ^^ '^33- l"'ing the fourth son of ML/KflllXV^ (j^g Right Honourable George Lennox, com- monly known as Lord George Lennox, by Louisa his wife, daughter of Captain John Rodney, com- monly known as the Honourable John Rodney, of the Royal Navy. 67//^— Army and Navy. Armorial bear- ings— He bears for Arms : Quarterly i and 4, Franco and England quarterly; 2. Scotland ; 3. Ireland, being the arms of His Majesty King Charles II., all within a bordure compony argent and gules, charged with eight roses of the last, barbed and seeded proper. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet t)efitting his degree, with a mantling gules and argent ; and for his Crest, on a chapeau gules, turned up ermine, a lion guardant or, ducally crowned gules, and gorged with a collar comporiy of fpur pieces argent and gules, charged with two roses of the last ; with the Motto - " En la rose je fleurie." Postal address — 49 Lupus Street, Pimlico, S.W. S SUSSEX WILLIAM LENNOX, Esquire, and Lieu- tenant-General. Horn January 2, 1831, being the second son of .Sussex Lenno.x, Esquire, commonly known as Lord Sussex I>ennox, by his wife Mary Margaret, com- monly known as llie Honourable Mary Margaret, daughter of the Right Honourable V'alentine Broune Lawless, second Baron Cloncury. Armorial bearings — He Ix-ars for Arms : Quarterly i and 4, quarterly France and F'.ngland ; 2. Scotland ; 3. Ireland, Iieing the arms of His M.ijesty King Charles II., all within a bordure compony argent and gules, charged with eight roses of the second, barljed and .seeded proper. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules and argent ; and for his Crest, on a chapeau gules, turned up ermine, a lion guar- dant or, ducally crowned gules, and gorged with a collar compony of four pieces argent and gules, charged with two roses of the last ; with the Motto, " V.n la rose je lleurie." Married, October 15, 1867, Eleanor Jane, daughter of W. H. Peters of Harefield, near Lyinpstone, in the county of Devon. Postal address — 23 Elm Park Gardens, London. S.W. J. NUGENT LENTAIGNE, Esq.. J.P. for co. Dublin. Barrister-at-Law, Clerk of the Crown and Hanaper, and Permanent Secretary to Lord Chancellor of Ireland. Horn 1847, Ix'ing the eldest son of the late the Right Honour- alile .Sir John Lentaigne, C. B. , I '.("., D. L. Club — Stephen's Green (Dul)lin). Armorial bearings— Quarterly I and 4, or, on a che\Ton azure, tetween three martlets sable, a fleur-de-lis of the field, a chief of the second charged with three nmllets argent (for Lentaigne) ; 2. argent, two lions rampant combatant supporting a sinister hand couped at the wrist gules, in chief three estoiles of the Fist, in base in waves of the sea a salmon naiant all proper (for O'Neill); 3. sable, a bend and in chief a tower argent (for I'lunkett). Crest — A dove with wings addorsed proper, holding in its bill a fleur-de-lis or. and charged on the breast with a mullet azure; on an escroll above it, " Pro fide rege et patria pugno." Motto — " Dieu Ayde." Seat — Tallaght, CO. Dublin. ALFRED JOHN ADOLPHUS LEPPER, Gentleman, second son of Robert Stewart Lepper, late of Frankfield House, Belfast, co. Antrim. Armorial bearing^ — Gules, on a saltire ermine, between in chief a spur erect and leathered or. in fesse two leopards' faces of the last, and in base a crane argent, an annulet of the first. Mantling gules and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, out of a crown vallery or, a demi-leopard guardant proper, holding between the paws a rose gules, barbed and seeded also proper. Motto — " Ducente Deo." Residence — The Barn. co. Antrim. The Editor undertakes tliat every entry not in italics is that of a genuinely armigerous person. Let Leiei JAMES HENRY EERMriTE, Esquire, Justice of the Peace for the county of Middlesex. Horn V, pt*f|1tff^ September 21, 1822, being tlie eldest son of IL'tllliHlt' the late James Lermittc, of Eriern Barnet and Einchley, in the county of Middlesex, by his wife lOlizabeth Stainforth, daughter of John Rhodes of Cromwell Hall, Einchley. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Vert, a string of nine beads or chevron- wise between three cinquefoils argent, in the centre a garb or. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling vert and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a hermit habited in russet, resting the de.vter hand on a staff proper, holding in the sinister hand a cross patde from the wrist a rosary or. Motto — "Dieu le veut." Married, firstly, September 4, leaiham Hall, Yorks ; and has Issue — Stuyvesant Henry LeRoy-I.eivis, b. 1895; Ysolt ; and Armorel. Residences 1856, Harriett Deborah, daughter of the late Isaac Sutton Cooper, Esquire, of Park Hall, Einchley, in the county of Middlesex, who died February 26, 1874 ; and secondly, November 5, 1874, Susannah, daughter of the late Thomas Gordon Littlevvood, Esquire, of Lincoln's Inn, in the county of Middlesex ; and has Issue by his first marriage— (i) Henry James Lermitte, Esquire, Captain Royal Scots Fusiliers, formerly Lieutenant 5th Dragoon Guards, born September 11, 1858 [married, January 26, 1892, Susan Ismay, only child of William Henry West, Esquire, Justice of the Peace of Farmley, in the county of Wexford] ; (2) Arthur Cooper Lermitte, Gentleman, born January' 27, 1863. died September 22. 1864 ; (3) Sidney Herbert Ler- mitte, Gentleman, born May 9, died November 13, 1864 ; (4) Ernest Edwin Lermitte, Gentleman, born July 29,' 1865; (s) Horace Augustus Lermitte, Gentleman, born December 5, 1867; (6) Claude Sutton Lermitte, Gentle- man, born December 22, 1869 ; (7) Hugh Douglas Ler- mitte, Gentleman, born October 22, 1872; Mary l'21izabeth [married, October 22, 1881, AUeyne Alfred Hoxall, and has issue]; and Harriett Louisa [married, February 6, 1889, Thomas Field Dunscombbridge, Esquire, Major Royal Marine Light Infantry. .SV^/— Knightons, Finchley. Residence — 119 Marine Parade, Brighton. SHERMAN LEROY-LEWIS, Esquire, B.A. [Cam- bridge, 1882), /./>., D.L. CO. of Southampton, Major Hampshire Yeomanry. Born i860, being the second son of General Robert LeRoy, by his wife Atnelia, dau. of W. D. Lewis (and has assumed the additional surname of Le^vis). Clubs — White' s, Brookes''s, Cavalry. Livery — Black red collar and cuffs, red waistcoat. Armorial' bearings as used, but which are not recorded in the College of Arms in England, are— Argent, a bend gules. Crest — Out of a coronet or, a cross crossed patie and filched gules, between two wings argent, each charged with a bend gules. Supporters are also used, viz. on either side a man vested in gules and argent, each holding in his exterior hand a banner of the arms. Married, 1888, Kathleen Teresa Turner, dau. of Arthur Henry Turner Nnucomen of Kirk- ^ is the Military Cockade. .,♦'• f^ — Westbury House, Petersfield, Hants; 31 Hill Street, Berkeley Square, IV. FRANK HARWOOD LESCHER, Gentleman. Born July 25, 1842, being the eldest son of the late Joseph Sidney Lescher, by his wife Sarah, only daughter of William Har- wood of Bristol. Armorial bearings— Or, a cross gules, on a chief azure a stork .irgent, beaked and legged of the second. Mantling gules and or. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, in front of a bugle-horn sable, a dexter arm embowed in armour proper, garnished or, entwined by a serpent, the hand grasping a dagger fessewavs, the point to the dexter all proper. Motto — " Singulariter in spe." Married, Oct. 16, 1873, Mary O'Conor Graham, dau. of Patrick Grehan, Esq., J. P., of Mount Plunket, co. Roscommon, by Frances his wife, dau. of John Pitchford of Stratford, Essex ; and has Issue— (1] Thomas Edward Lescher, Gentleman, b. June 12, 1877 ; (2) Frank Graham Lescher, Gentleman, b. May 19, 1888 ; Mary Carraela Anne ; and Marcedes Adela. Residence — Oak Lodge, Hamp- stead. HERMAN JOSEPH LESCHER, Gentleman, Fellow of the Institute of Chartered Accountants, H ptiC^^^Y ^'^'l"^^' °*^ t'l*^ Chemical Society, Fellow of Ml^X^TiKlJKl, the Statistical Society. Born August 17, 1849, being the third and youngest son of Joseph Sidney Lescher, by his wife Sarah, ni'e Harwood. Clubs — Union, Wellington, City Carlton. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Or, a cross gules, on a chief azure, a stork argent, beaked and legged of the second. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, in front of a bugle-horn sable, a dexter arm embowed in armour proper, garnished or, entwined by a serpent, the hand grasping a dagger fesseways, the point towards the dexter also proper, pommel and hilt or. Motto — "Singulariter in spe." Married, July 30, 1887, Mary Agnes, daughter of Robert Wilson, Master of Arts ; and has Issue — Robert Joseph Lescher, Gentleman, born .August 18, 1888. Postal addresses — 32 Eaton Place, S.W. ; 6 Clements Lane, Lombard Street, E.C. S JOSEPH FRANCIS LESCHER, Esq.. J. P. and D.L. COS. Essex, London, Middlesex, and West- minster, High Sheriff 1885-86. Born .Aug. 6, 1842. being the eldest son of the late Joseph Samuel Lescher, Esq., of Boyles Court, J, P., D. L., and High Sheriff 1862, by his M is the Naval Cockade. 1Le0 Leflf 501 wife Martha, dau. of John Hoy of Stoke Lower House, Surtolk. CV//*— Reform. Armorial bearing-s— Or, a cross gules, on a chief azure, a stork argent, beaked and legged of the second. Mantling' gules and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, in front of a bugle-horn sable, a dexter arm embowed in armour proper, garnished or, en- twined by a serpent, the hand grasping a dagger fesseways, the point towards the dexter also proper, pommel and hilt or. MottO^" Singulariter in spa." Married, May 7, 1875, Mira Charlotte, only child of Capt. Wm. Hankey, 9th Lancers, by Charlotte Cecile his wife, dau. of the Marquis d'listampes; and has Issue — Mira Monica lieata ; and Vironica Phelomena. Seat — Boyles Court, near Brentwood, Lssex. §ARCH1B.\LIJ YOUNGL LESLIE, Esquire, Justice of the Peace and Deputy- I..ieutenant for the li ^^\\V county of Banff, late Lieutenant-Colonel Com- llr-v^Uv nianding ist liattalion the Cameron High- landers. Born .April 19, 1843, eldest son of the late George Abercromby Leslie. Esquire, thir- teenth Laird of Kininvie, Justice of the Peace and Deputy-Lieutenant. 67//^j— United Service, New (Edin- burgh). fJvery — Blue, faced with yellow. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms: Argent, on a fesse azure, bearlng^B — Argent, on a fesse between two cross crosslets fitch^e azure, three buckles or, a crescent gules for differ- ence ; and impaling the arms of Barclay, namely azure, a chevron between three crosses pati^e or. Mantling azure and argent. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a griffin's three buckles or, withm a bordure indented of the second. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his de- gree, with a mantling gules, doubled argent ; and upon a wreath of his liveries is set for Crest, a griffin proper, holding in the dexter talon a buckle or; and in an escroll above this the Motto, " Qure juncta firnia." Married, June 1868, .Mice (died 1895), daughter of Colonel Cautley ; and has Issue— (i) George Stewart Leslie, Gentleman, born 1872; (2) Archibald Stewart Leslie, Gentleman, M.A. (Oxon.), born 1873 ; (3) Walter Stewart Leslie, Gentleman, Lieutenant Royal \V. Kent Regt. , torn 1876 ; (4) Norman Stewart Leslie, Gentleman, born 1877 ; (5) Francis Stewart Leslie, Gentleman, born 1879 ; and Dorothy. Estates — Kininvie, TuUich, and Lesmurdie, in the county of Banff. Postal address — Kininvie, Dufftown, Scotland. SJOHN LESLIE, Esquire, formerly Lieut, .stli Fusi- liers and Capt. Donegal Militia. Born May 31, 1839, being the only son of the late Francis Charles Leslie (formerly Beers) of Ballyward, co. Down, and Kincraigie, CO. Donegal (who assumed by Royal Licence, 1850, the surname and arms of Leslie in lieu ol his patronymic), by his wife Hanna'i Theodosia, dau. of Lieut. -Col. Charle:^ Thompson of the 27th Regiment. Livery — Blue, with silver lace ; and for dress : blue plush breeches. Armorial head couped proper, charged with a cross crosslel fitchte azure. Motto — " Firma s|3e." Married, Feb. 11, 1862, Hiirriet Anne, third dau. of Sir David William Barclay, Bart. ; and has Issue — May Florence de Rune [//;., Aug. 9, i888, Lieut. -Col. Frank Robert Lowth, Lincolnshire Regt., and has issue]. iV<;/— Ballyward Lodge, Casilewellan, CO. Down. S ROBERT CHARLES LESLIE, Esquire. Justice of the Peace and Deputy- Lieutenant. Born November 30, 1828, Ijeing the eldest son of .Arthur French of Frenchpark, by his wife Emily Eleanora Wilhelmina, sole surviving child The Editor undertakes that every entry not in italics is that of a gentiinely armigerous person. 502 Le0 l'aB0trange=^alone and heiress of Charles Albert Leslie of Ballybay, under whose will his above-mentioned jjrandson assumed by Royal License the name and arms of Leslie only. (7///^— Carlton. Anvri'— White, with lif,'lu l)lue facings. Armorial beax- ingfs— He Ix-ars for Arms : t^Hiartorly i and 4, argent on a bend azure, three buckles or (for Leslie) ; 2 and 3 or, a lion rampant gules, debruised by a ril)bon sable (for Aber- nethy). Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling azure and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, an angel affront^e proper. Motto— " CJrip fast." .lAz/vvVi/, January 6, 1867, Charlotte I'hilippa Marv, daughter of Captain Edward Kelso of Kelsoland, and'Horkesley Park ; and has Issue— (i) Theodore Barrington Norman Leslie, Gentleman, born February 2, 1878 ; (2) John Henry Edward Leslie, Gentle- man, born August 11, 1880; and Mabel Edith. Estates— Kilclief. in the county of Down ; Ballybay, in the county of Monaghan. Postal addresses— MaWyhv^, Ireland; 22 Cornwall Gardens, S.W. Thk Rkvkrkni) SAVILE RICHARD WILLIAM LESIRANGE - MA- LONE, Clerk in Holy Orders, Rector of Dal- ton-Holme, sometime N'icar-Choral of .Armagh Cathedral, and Chaplain to the Primate of Ireland, a Minor Canon of Worcester Cathedral, 18811885, eldest son of Edmund L'Estrange of 'I'ynte Lodge, in the county of Leitrim, by his wife Harriet Susan Beresford, commonly known as Lady Harriet Susan Beres- ford, daughter of the late Frederick Lumley-Savile, Esquire, of Tickhill Castle, in the county of York, and sister of the Right Honourable the ninth Earl of Scarborough. Liveiy — Scarlet and white or cream. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Quarterly i and 4, gules two lions passant in pale argent (for L'Estrange); 2 and 3 vert, a lion ram- pant between three mullets argent (for Malone), and impal- ing the arms of Foljambe, namely sable, a bend between six escallops or; with tiie Motto, " Memento mei." Married, October 10, 1876, his cousin Frances Mary, sister of the Right Honourable Baron Hawkesbury, and daughter of George Savile Foljambe, Esquire, Justice of the I'eace and Deputy-Lieutenant, by his wife Selina Charlotte, commonly known as Lady Selina Charlotte, and otherwise as Vis- countess Milton, second daughter and co-heir of the Right Honourable Sir Charles Cecil Cope, third and last Earl of Liverpool, Knight Grand Cross of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, and widow of William Charles Wentworth - Fitzwilliam, Esquire, commonly known as Viscount Milton; and has Issue — (i) Edmund George Savile L'Estrange - Malone, Gentleman, born June 19, 1878; (2) Cecil John L'Estrange - Malone, Gentleman, born September 7, 1890; Dorothy Elizabeth; Selina Constance ; and Mary Sibell. Estate — Litter Estate, King's County, Ireland. Postal address — Dalton Holme Rectory, Hull. Sir ROPER LETH BRIDGE, Knight Commander of the Most Eminent Order of the Indian Isnipire, Master of Arts of the University of Oxford, formerly Member of Parliament for North Kensington, Justice of the Peace for the county of Kent, Lord of the Manor of E.xbourne, Devon. Born December 23, 1840, being the son of the late E. Lethbridge of Ste. Adresse, France ; educated at Plymouth and Mannamead College, of which he is a Governor ; also at E.xeter College, Oxford (Scholar and Graduate in classical and mathematical honours), B.A. 1863, M.A. 1866 ; created a Companion of the Most Eminent Order of the Indian Empire, 1878, and advanced to the rank of Knight Commander of that Order, 1890, having lieen created Knight Bachelor by Patent in 1885. C/«*- Carlton. Armorial bearings He bears for Arms : Azure, over water a bridge of three arches embattled pro[)er, on a chief argent, an eagle displayed sable, between two roses gules, barljedand seeded proper, the escutcheon being surrounded by the ribbon of the Most Eminent Order of the Indian Empire, and pendent his badge as a Knight Commander. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet liefitting his degree, with a mantling azure and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, in front of a demi-tower proper, issuant therefrom a demi-eagle dis- played sable, each wing charged with a rose argent, a lotus- flower leaved and slipped proper. Motto— " Spes mea in Deo." Married, firstly, 1865, Eliza [d. 1895), dau. of the & is the Military Cockade. let late W. Finlay. He married secondly (1897), Emma, widow of the late Frederick Burbridge, and youngest dau. of the late John Neave. Seat — Exbourne Manor, Devon. Postal address — 21 Cornwall Terrace, Regent's Park, N.W. SSiK WROTH ACLAND LETHBRIDGE, fourth Baronet, of Sandhill Park, in the county of Somerset, Deputy-Lieutenant for the county of Somerset. Boru Janu- ary 2, 1831, being the eldest surviving son of Sir John Leth- bridge, the third Baronet, by his wife Julia, second daughter of Sir Henry Hugh Hoare, Baronet ; succeeded his father 1873, under the creation of June 15, 1804. Armorial bear- ings — He bears for Arms : Argent, over water proper, a bridge of five arches embattled, on the centre arch a turret gules, in chief an eagle displayed sable, charged with a bezant. Upon the escutcheon, which is charged with his badge of Ulster as a Baronet, is ])laced a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, issuant from an em- battled arch gules, a demi-eagle displayed sable, the wings erminois, charged on the breast with a leopard's face or. Mottoes — "Spes mea in Deo;" and above the crest, "Truth." Married, October 29, 1861, Ann Williams, second daughter of Thomas Benyon of Thorp Arch, in tlie county of York; and by her (who died February 11, 1882) had Issue — (i) W^roth Periani Christopher Leth- bridge, Esquire, Lieutenant Grenadier Guards, born De- cember 19, 1863 [married, October 22, 1892, Alianore, youngest daughter of Edward Sacheverell Chandos-Pole of Radbourne Hall, in the county of Derby] ; (2) l''rn' st Astley I'klmund Lethbridge, Esquire, Captain Oxford- shire Light Infantry, born December 26, 1864 ; (3) Thomas Buckler Valentine Lethbridge, I'>squire, late Lieutenant Somersetshire Light Infantry, born February 14, 1866 ; (4) ^m is the Naval Cockade. Let Hugh Francis H.'skotli Lcililjridge, ]:sc|uire, late LieutenanT .Somersetshire Light Infantry, born October 25, 1867; (5) John Acland Musgrave Lethbridge, Esquire, born February Let) 28, 1869 ; (6) Alan Bourchier Lethbridge, ICsquire, l>orn January 21, 1878; and Dorothea Anne. He married secondly, May 4. 1889, Gertrude ICIizabeth, daughter of the Reverend Charles Theodore Mayo, Vicar of St. Andrew's, Hillingdon, which lady died April 14, 1890. /fesii/e/ice — SandhiU Park, Taunton, in the county of Somerset. § WROTH PKRIAM CHRIS lOI'HKR LLIH- BRIUGE, Lsciuire, Lieut. 3rd Halt. Yorkshire Regt. (Princess of Wnli-s' Own), iransferred Feb. 1885, ist liatt. Leicestershire Regt. , and again transferred, Nov. 1885, to Grenadier (Juards, ajipointt'd (apt. Jan. 1898. B,ir>i Dec. 19, 1803, bein;^ the oldest son of Sir Wroth .\cland Leth- bridge, fourth Baronet, of Sandhill Park, Taunton, by his wife .Anne Williams, dau. of Thomas Benyon of (Meclhow House, Leeds. C/t/fis — Guards', Bachelors', Artliur's. Livery — Dark olive green. Armorial bearuigs— .Argent, over water proper a bridge of five arches embattled, on the centre arch a turret gules, in chief an eagle displayed sable, charged with a bezant, and impaling the arms of Chandos- Piile, namely, cuiarlerly i and 4, argent a chevron l^lween three crescents gules ; 2 and 3 argent, a pile gules. Mantling gules and argent. Crest — Upon a wreath of the colours, issuant from an embattled arch gules, a demi- eagle displayed sable, the wings erminois, charged on the breast with a leopard's face or. Mottoes — " Spes mea in Deo," and above the crest, "Truth." Married, Oct. 22, 1892, Alianore, youngest dau. of the late Sacheverell Chandos-Pole of Radbourne Hall, Derby, by Lady Anna Stanhope, dau. of Rt. Hon. the fifth Earl of Harrington ; and has Issue — Torfrida Alianore. iVa/— Sandhill Park, Taunton, Somerset. LEVER, quartered by ASSHETON. ARTHUR FRANCIS GRESHAM LEVE.SON- GOWER, Gentleman, Master lLet)e0On-(^OtDer Hu^?'r.'?''f secretary in ^^ *^ H.B.M. Diplomatic Service, Acting Secretary of H.B.M.'s 1-egation in Athens, a Knight of justice of the Order of 'l^^Hosp'fal of St. John of Jerusalem in England, F.S.A., KR B.S /jfo/-« April 25, 1851, being the younger son of the late William Leveson-(iower, Esquire, of I itsey Place, in the county of Surrey, sometime High Slieriff of that county (1839), by his wife Emily Josephine Eliza, third daughter of wv,- '^"''"'^ Hastings Doyle, Baronet. Cli,bs~'^\.. James's, Whites. Live>y—V>x^h. with scarlet collar and waistcoat, both trimm-d with black lace, black knee breeches. Ar- morial bearings He bears for Arms : Quarterly i and 4, barry of eight argent and gules, a cross patonce sable (for Gower) ; 2 and 3, three laurel leaves erect or (for Leveson) ; and for his Crests, i. upon a wreath of the colours, a wolf passant argent, collared and lined or (for Gower; 2. a goat's liead erased ermine, attired or (for Leveson); with the Mottoes. " Fran gas non flectes " (for Gower); " Defende le droit" (for Leveson); "Fiat voluntas tua " ( for Gresham). Married, August 4, i88i , Caroline Frederica, third daughter of George .Savile Foljamlje of Oslx'rton Hall, in the county of Nottingham, and Aldwarke Hall, in the county of York, by his secoiul wife Selina Charlotte, Vis- countess Milton, second daughter of the Right Honourable Charles Cecil Cope, the third and last ICarl of Liverpool, Knight Grand Cross of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath; and has Issue — (i) William George Gresham Leveson-Gower, Gentleman, born March 12, 1883 ; (2) Osbert Charles Gresham Leveson - Gower, Gentleman, born November 3, 1888 ; Emily Selina Augusta Gresham ; and Victoria Sibell Ermyntrude Gresham (to whom the Empress Frederick of Germany stood sponsor in person). Reddences — 4 Susse.\ Place, Regent's Park, London, N.W. ; British Legation, Athens. H R0B1':RT THOMAS KENNEDY LEVIiTT, Esq.. W J. P. and D. L. for Staffs., and formerlv Capt. 2nd Stafl's! Militia and Lieut.-Col. 2nd Vol. Batt. N. Staffs. Regt. Horn .April 29. 1831. being tiie second son of the late John Levett of Wichnor Park, by Sophia Eliza. Eliza, dau. of the late Hon. Robert Kennedy (and niece of .Archibald, ist Marquis of Ailsa). Club — Conservative. Armorial bearings — .Argent, a lion rampant between three The Editor undertakes that every entry not in italics is that of a genuinely armigerous person. 504 Let) leto crosses crosslet fitch^e sable, a bordure engrailed azure, charged with four crosses crosslet titchde and four fleurs- de-lis alternately or. Mantling sable and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath ol the colours, a denii-lion argent, ducally crowned or, gorged with a collar azure, holding in the dexter paw a cross crosslet iitch(5e sable, the sinister paw resting on an escutciieon of the third, charged with a fleur-de-lis gold. Married, May 2, i860, Margaret Catherine, only surviving dan. of the late Thomas Levett Prinsep of Croxall Hall, co. Stafford ; and has, with other Issue — Rev. Thomas I'rinsep Levett, b. 1862. Seal — Pack- ington Hall, Lichfield. THEOPHILUS BASIL PERCY LEVETT, Esq., J. P. for Staflbrdshire, late Lieut. Coldstream Guards. Born Dec. II, 185^, Ijcing the eldest son of Colonel Theophilus John Levett, J. P., U.L., V.D., of Wychnor Park, Staflbrd- shire, by his wife Lady Jane Lissey Harriet, dau. of the Rt. Hon. William Hasil Percy Eeilding, 7th Earl of Den- bigli. tV///;— Carlton. ArmorialbearingB— Argent, a lion rampant between three cross crosslets fitchiSe sable, a bordure engrailed azure, charged witli four cross crosslets and as many fleurs-de-hs alternately or, and impaling the arms of Ashley-Cooper, namely, quarterly i and 4, argent three bulls passant sable ; 2 and 3 gules, a bend engrailed between six lions rampant or. Mantling sable and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a denii-lion argent, ducally crowned or, gorged with a collar azure, in the dexter pau a cross crosslet fitchC'e sable, the sinister paw resting on an escutcheon of the third, charged with a fleur-de-lis gold. Married, 1884, Lady Margaret Emily, eldest dau. of the late Right Hon. Sir Anthony Ashley-Cooper, 8th Earl of Shaftesbury, K.G. Postal address — Wychnor, Burton-on-Trent S THEOPHILUS JOHN LEVETT, Esq.. J.P. and D.L.. M.P., for Lichfield 1880 to 1885, formerly Capt. ist Life Guards, Lieut.-Col. Commanding 2nd Batt. Staffordshire Volunteers, and Lieut.-Col. Q.O. Staffordshire Yeomanry. Born Dec. 11, 1829; being the eldest son of the late John Levett of Wychnor, by Sophia Eliza, dau. of the late Hon. Robert Kennedy. Club — Carlton. Armorial bearings — Argent, a lion rampant between three cross crosslets fitchde sable, a bordure engrailed azure, charged with four cross crosslets fitch«--ing the jrd son of J(jhn ILt/Uli-lJUJaiVt' Lewthwaite of BroadKato. in the aforesaid county. Armorial bear- ias^B — Ermine, a cross Hory azure, fretty or. Mantling azure and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a garb or, bound by a serpent nowed proper, holding in the mouth a cross crosslet fitch^e gules ; with the MottO, " Virtus ad a-thera tendens." Postal address — Littlcbank, Settle, Yorkshire. § WILLIAM LEW THWAITE, Esquire, Justice of the Peace and Ueputy-Lieutenant for the co. of Cumber- land, Bachelor of .Arts of the University of Cambridge. Born 1853, being the eldest son of the late William Lewthwaite, Esquire, of Broadgate, in the county of Cumberland, Justice of the Peace for that county, by Mary his wife, daughter of William Challinor of Leek, in the county of Stafforrl. Livery — IJark blue. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Ermine, a cross Hory a/.ure, fretty or ; and for the Crest, a garb or, bound by a serpent nowed proper, holding in the mouth a cross crosslet fitchte gules ; with the Motto, "Virtus ad lethera tendens. Married, August 16. 1882, Helena Jane, daughter of Charles Challinor of Basford Hall, Stoke-upon-Trent ; and has Issue — (i) William Lew- thwaite, Gentleman, born June 20, 1883 ; (2) Charles Gilfrid counties of Cumberland and Lancashire. Broadgate, Millom, Cumberland. Postal address- FR.ANCIS LEY, Esquire, Justice of the Peace for the county of Derby, and Lord of the Manor of ¥1 ^n ICpperstone. Horn 1846, being the only son of the ^*'" late George Ley of Burton-on-Trent. Armorial bearingB are for Arms : Argent, a bend lozengy gules, between two broken tilting-spears erect of the last ; and for a Crest, on a wreath of the colours, in front of a cubit arm in armour holding in the hand a broken tilting- spear in Ijend sinister proper, four lozenges conjoined fesse- ways gules ; with the Motto, "Post mortem spero vitam." Married, firstly, 1870, Georgina, daughter of the late George VV'illis of Aislaby Hall, in the county of York ; and secondly, 1888, .Alison Catherine, daughter of the late John Jobson of Spondon, in the county of Derby, Justice of the Peace ; and by his first marriage has Issue — Henry Gordon Ley, Gentleman, born March 12, 1874; Agnes Willis; and Ethel. Estate and postal address — Epperslone Manor, Nottingham. CHRISTOPHER JOHN LEYLAND, Esquire, Justice of the Peace, formerly Sul>Lieutenant Royal Navy. Born September 19, 1849, l^ing the eldest son of the late John Naylor, Esquire, of Leighton Hall, in the county of .Mont- gomery, Justice of the Peace and Deputy-Lieutenant, High Sheriff 1853, by his wife Georgiana, fourth daughter of John Edwards, Esquire, of Ness Strange, in the county of .Salop ; assumed, 1891, the name and arms of Leyland in lieu of Naylor. Clubs — Travellers', Northumberland. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms: Ermine, on a fesse en- grailed sable, between nine ears of barley, three, three, and three vert, banded or, in chief and three like ears in base, a lion passant of the last between two escallops argent, and impaling the arms of Cayley, namely, quar- terly argent and sable, on a bend gules, three mullets of the first. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet Ijefitting his degree, with a mantling sable and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wieilh of the colours, a mount vert, thereon an escallop argent, surmounted by a demi- eagle erminois, wings endorsed azure bezant^e, in the mouth three ears of barley as in the arms ; with the Motto, " Fidus et audax." Married, firstly, October 22, 1874, Everilda Elizabeth, eldest daughter of the late Ralph Creyke, Esquire, of Rawclifte, in the county of York ; and by her (who died 1890), has had Issue — Hilda Georgina and Tlie Editor undertakes that every entry not in Italics is that of a genuinely armigerous person. LiD Lin Elhelreda Louisa (died 1889). He married secondly, March 1, 1892, Helen Dora, eldest daughter of Uigby Cayley, ICsquire (second son of Sir Oigby Cayley, Baronet) ; and by her has— CMiristopher Uigby Leyland, (Jeiitlonian, born Decemlier 24, 1892; Dorothy; Joan; and Angela. Seats — Haggerston Castle, Beal, and Kidlandlce, in the county of Northumberland. JOHN LIDDKLL, Esquire, Justice of the Peace for the county of Northumberland, /ior/t March 29, ¥| tUTlrlf 1852. being the second son of John Lidd-,-11, ILlUUtll by his wife Susanna Mitcalfe, daughter of Cuthbert Smith Fenwick. tV/c/v- Raleigh, Nortliern Counties (Newcastle-on-Tyne). Armorial bear- ings — He bears for Arms : Argent, fietty gules, two flanches or, on a chief of the second an estoile between two leopards' heads erased and affrontt-e of the third. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, two hands clasped proper sur- mounted by a cross-crosslet gules, between two wings or ; with the Motto, " Constaiis et Fidelis." Married, January 19, 1887, Emily Catherine, second daughter of the late Major Henry A. Berry, 26th Cameronians ; and has Issue — (1) John Aidan Liddell, Gentleman, born August 3, 1888; (2) Cuthbert Henry Liddell, Gentleman, born August 13, 1892 ; (3) Lancelot Charles Liddell, Gentleman, born May 17, 1894 ; Dorothy Mary ; and Mary Monica. Seat — Prudhoe Hall, Northumberland. GEORGE LIDWILL, Esq., of Dromard, co. Tijjperary, J. P., late Captain 19th Regt. Borti 1828, being the only son of the late Frederick Lidwill, Esq., J.l'. , of Dromard, by Christina, dau. of the late William Hutcliinson, Esci., of Timoney, co. Tipperary. Club — Junior United Service. Armorial bearings — Argentfretty gules, on a chief engrailed azure, a leopard passant guaniant between two fleurs-de-lis or. Mantling gules and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the ccjlours, a demi-lion rampant sable, crowned with an Irish crown or, and ciiarged on the shoulder with a fleur-de-lis as in the arms. Motto — "Vis unita fortior." Married, firstly, Oct. 14, 1863, Editii Wheatley, dau. of Henry Adams of Kensington ; Ijy whom (who died March ^ is tbe Military Cockade. 22, 1877) he had Issue — (i) George John Frederick Lidwill, Gentleman, b. Oct. 29, 1869, Lieut. 19th Princess of Wales' Own Hussars; (2) Robert Lidwill, Gentleman, b. Ajsril 15, 1871, Capt. 3rd Batt. R. 1. Fus. ; Eleanor {m., 1883, Major- Gen. Watt, late 64th Regt.]; and Edith Margaret. He m. secondly, 1882, Mary, dau. of late John Newall, Esq., of P\airfield, Addiscombe. Seat — Dromard, Templemore, co. Tipperary. ROBERT ATKINS LIDWILL of Clonmore, co. Tip- perary, and Rosemount, Australia, late Lieut. R. Limerick Fusiliers (Militia). Born April 24, 1840, being the son of Robert Atkins Lidwill, Esq., of Clonmore and Cormacks- town, J. F. , by his ~vife Isabella, dau. of Christopher Dehnege, Esq., J.F. and D.L., of Castle Fark, co. Clare, and Mount Ileniy, co. Limerick. Armorial bearings as used, and as quoted in Burke's "Landed Gentty," but for u'hich no authority has been established in Ulster's Office, are the arms of Liddell, a family from whom he does ?iot appear to descend. Aims— Argent, fretty gules, on a chief of the second three leopards' faces or. Crest — A lion rampant sable, crowned with an Irish crown or. Mottoes — " Vis unita fortior" ; " Malo mori quam fauiari." Married, Jan. 27, 1866, Mary Jane Coiuen, dau. of William Florance of Richmond, M.D., by his wife Elise, dau. of Count Louis Massena, one of the private Physicians of Napoleon I. ; and has Issue — Mark Cowley Lidwill, b. April 7, 1878 ; and Matilda Florance. Residences — Clonmore, Kilmanogue, co. Tipperary ; Rose- mount, Australia ; 3 Stafford Terrace, Fhillimore Gardens, Kensington, W. GEORGE ENGLEBERIS LIEBENROOD, Esq., formerly Captain Northamptonshire Regt. Born 1847, being the eldest son of the late Captain Liebenrood of Prospect Hill, by Elizabeth, dau. of Lemuel Cambridge of Richmond, Canada. Armorial bearings — Argent, three bendlets sable, on a chief gules, a demi-stag issuant of the first, a canton for difference. Mantling sable and argent ; and for his Crest, out of an Eastern crown gules, the crown charged with a cross crosslet or, for difference, two unicorns' horns argent, wreathed vert. Seat — Prospect Hill Park, Reading. WILLIAM GEORGE LILLINGSTON, Esquire, Capt. Royal Irish Rifles (half-pay) (discontinued the name of Johnson by Deed Poll only, dated Dec. 21, 1894). Bo7n April 5, 1864, being the only son and heir of the late George William Lillingston -Johnson, Esq., J. P. (who assumed by Royal Licence, dated March 27, 1859, the surname and arms of Johnson, pursuant to the will of the Rev. Nathaniel Palmer Johnson), by his wife Charlotte Augusta, dau. of the Rev. W. I oovey Hopkins, M.A. , Rector of Nuffield. Clubs — .\rniy and Navy, Lincolnshire County (Lincoln). Armorial bearings— Argent, two chev- ronels between as many griffins' heads erased in chief, and a palmer's scrip in base gules. Mantling gules and argent. Crest— Upon a wreath of the colours, a griffin's head erased per fesse argent and gules, holding in the beak a palmer s scrip of the last. Seat — Ulverscroft, in the CO. of Leicester. The Right Honourable Sir NATHANIEL LIND- LEY, Knight Bachelor, a Member of Her H ttlTlf^Y) Majesty's Most Honourable Privy Council, ILlllUlvjf Doctor of Laws, one of Her Majesty's Coun- sel Learned in the Law. Born 1828, being the only son of the late Dr. John Lindley, Professor of Botany at University College, London ; dubbed Knight Bachelor, 1875 '< appointed a Member of Her Majesty's Most Honourable Privy Council, 1881. Club — Athen;eum. Armorial bearings -He bears for Arms: Argent, on a chief nebuly azure, a c|uatrefoil between two grifirins' heads erased of tlie first. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling azure and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, in front of a pelican in her ])iety proper, charged on the breast with a pheon gules, three quatrefoils fesseways or ; with the MottO, "Sis fortis." Married, 1858, Sarah Katharine, daughter of the late Edward John Teale of Leeds, and has issue. Fostal addresses — East Carleton, Norwich; 19 Craven Hill Gardens, W. LINDSAY, quartered by BOYLlv S is tbe Naval Cockade. Un Un 507 Rev. THOMAS LINDSAY, Clerk in Holy Orders, eldest son of Joseph Lindsay, late of Finnoe Park, co. of Limerick. Armorial bearings — Gules, a fesse cheqiiy arp;ent and azuri/, between three fusils in chief and one in base or. Mantling ijules and argent. Ctest — On a wreath of the colours, an ostrich proper holding in the beak a key or, the cle.\ter leg supported by a fusil gules. Motto— " Endure Fourt." Rcsideme — 116 St. James's Road. Clayton. § WILLI AM ALEXANDER LINDS.W, I':squire, Jus- tice of the Peace and Deputy- Lieutenant for the county of Devon, Master of Arts of the University of Cambridge, Fellow of the Society of Aniitjuaries, Windsor Herald of Arms, Barrister-at-Law, one of Her Majesty's Counsel Learned in the Law. Burn June 8, 1846, being the eldest son of the late Colin Lindsay, Esquire, commonly called the Honourable Colin Lindsay (who died 1892), by his wife Frances, commonly called Lady Frances [to whom refer], eldest surviving daughter and co-heir of the lale Right Honourable Sir William Forward Howard, fourth Earl of Wicklow, Knight of the Most Illustrious Order of .Saint Patrick ; was a Royal Commissioner to encjuire into Corrupt Practices, 1880; was Portcullis Pursuivant of Arms from 1882 to 1894, since when he has been Windsor Herald. Clnhs — Athenaeum, Carlton, VN'ellington. Ar- morial bearings He l)ears for Arms : (Quarterly i and 4, gules a fessc cliequy argent and azure (for Lindsay) ; 2. or, a lion rampant gules debruised of a ribl>on sable (for .Aliernethy) ; 3. quarterly i. and iiii., gules a bend l)etween si.t cross crosslets fitcht'^e argent (for Howard); ii. and iii. argent, a lion ram[)ant gules (for Forward), the escutcheon txnng surrounded by his collar of SS, and impaling upon a second escutcheon the arms of Hamilton-Gordon, namely quarterly i and 4, azure, three l)oars' heads cou|K-d within a double tressure charged with ro.ses and thistles alternately or (for Gordon); 2 and 3, quarterly i. and iiii., gules three cinquefoils pierced ermine ; ii. and iii. argent, a lymphad with sails furled and oars sable, these last quarters within a bordurc of the last (for Hamilton). Upon the escut- cheons is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules, doubled argent ; and for his Crest, out of an antique ducal coronet, a swan's neck and wings proper; with the Motto, " ICndure fort." Married, May 7, 1870, Harriet, commonly called Lady Harriet, second daughter of the Right Honourable Sir George John James Hamilton-Gordon, fifth Earl of Aberdeen; and has Issue — (i) James Howard Lindsay, Esquire, l>orn .April 29, 1871, Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Laws; (2) Michael William Howard Lindsay, CJentleman, of the Seafortli Highlanders, born .August 7, 1872 ; (3) Francis Howard Lindsay, Gentle- man, born March 9, 1876; (4) John (.'olin Howard I^indsay, Gentleman, Midshipman Royal Navy, Ixirn December 27, ^^7T< (51 David Howard Lindsay, Gentleman, lx)rn June 4, 1882 ; Mary Haddo ; and Margaret Louisa. Residences — 17 Cromwell Road, S.W. ; Deer Park, Honiton, in the county of Devon. Postal address — College of Arms, E.C. SJOHN LINDSAY LINDSAY-SMITH, Lieut. loth Bengal Infantry, fiorn , being the eldest sur\'iv- ing son of the late Major-General John Smith of 51st Regt. Bengal Army, by his wife Edith Helen, / argent ; and upon a wreath of his liveries is set for Crest, a dexter hand couped holding a sword in pale, sustaining a wreath of laurel all proper ; and in an escroll above, this Motto, " Mente manuque pra;sto." Postal address— Curry- Rivel, Somerset. ERNEST KNIGHTLEY LITTLE Esquire, J. P. Born Oct. i860, being the only son of George Arthur Knightley Hownian (who assumed the name and arms of Little by Royal Licence 1878), by his wife Augusta, dau. of Henry Shepherd Pearson of Spinfield, Berks. Club — Junior Carlton. Armorial bearings— Azure, a cinquefoil between fourestoiles in cross or. Mantling azure and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a boar sable, armed, tusked, and nianed or, ciiarged on the body with two estoiles fesseways of the last. Motto — ' ' Sua gratia parvis." Married, Dec. 1882, Georgiana, youngest dau. of ttie late Capt. Mildmay Clerk of Spratton Hall, Northampton; and has had Issue — (i) George Jerningham Knightley Little, Gentleman, b. July 1886; (2) Arthur Erne.st Mikimay Little, Gentleman, b. April 1888, d. Nov. 1888 ; (3) Noel Ernest Little, Gentleman, /;. Dec. 1892; Isabel Augusta; B is tbe Naval Cockade. tit lit 509 and Flora Georgiana. .SVrt/ — Newbold Pacey Hall, Warwick. FLETCHER CASTELL HUNGERFORD LITTLE- DALE, Esquire, late Captain in the 29th fl itticfiaiC ("°^^ Worcestershire) Regiment. Burn 11/lVtlV'UCllv January 20, 1846, being the son of Arthur Littledale, Gentleman, of the Honour- able East India Company's .Service, by his wife Henrietta Catherine, only daughter of George Ewan Law. Clubs— White's, Naval and Military, Royal London Yacht. Li7'ery —Blue coat, yellow waistcoat. Armorial beaxings — He bears for Arms : Argent, a lion passant gules, on a chief azure, three cross crosslets of the field. Upon the escut- cheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mant- ling gules and argent; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a demi-lion gules, gorged with a collar gimel, and holding in the dexter paw a cross crosslet argent; with the Motto, "Crux mihi dux." Married, June 25, 1878, Emily Fanny Stopford (d. 1896), eldest dau. of General Edward Stopford Claremont, Companion of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath. /;.v/rt/c— Cookham End, in the county of Berkshire. Postal address — 2 Bryan- ston Place, London, W. Thk Rkvkkkni) GODFREY ARM\'TAGE LITTLE- D.^LE, Clerk in Holy Orders, Master of Arts of the University of Oxford, Vicar of Chipping Norton. Horn September 15, 1854, being the second son of Henry Anthony Littledale, Esquire, by his wife Mary Elizabeth, eldest daughter of John Armytage, I-',squirc, of Kirklees Hall, in the county of York. Armorial toearinga— He bears for Arms : Argent, a lion passant gules, on a chiei azure, three cross crosslets of the field ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a dcmi-lion gules, gorged with a collar gemel, and holding in the dexter f>aw a cross crosslet argent ; with the Motto, " Fac et spera." Married, firstly, August 10, 1886, .Alice Henrietta (who died December 12, 1892), second daughter of Marmaduke Wyvill of Constable Burton, in the county of York; and secondly, Eleanor Mary Anne, eldest dau. of Arthur Harvey Thursby of Culverlands, near Reading ; and has Issue (by first mar- riage)- .Anthony Godfrey Littledale, Gentleman, born May 13, 1888 ; and Dorothy Laura ; and by his second marriage, I'.laine Mary. Postal address— Thf Vicarage, Chipping Norton. e HENRY WILLIAM ASSHEION LITTLEDALE, Commander in the Royal Navy. Born September 16, [846, being the eldest son of the late Henry Anthony Little- dale, Esquire, of Bolton Mail, in the county of York, Ju.stice of the Peace and Deputy-Lieutenant, by his wife Mary Elizabeth, eldest daughter of John Armytage, Esquire, of Kirklees Park, in the county of York. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Argent, a lion passant gules, on a chief azure, three cross crosslets of the field ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a demi-lion gules, gorged with a collar gemel, and holding in the dexter paw a cross crosslet argent; with the Motto, "Fac et spera." Married, April 29, 1879, Catherine, eldest surviving daughter of Lieutenant-General Henry Wray, Companion of the Most Distinguished Order of Saint Michael and .Saint George ; and has Issue — Henry Ambrose Pudsay Littledale, Gentleman, born .August 31, i88i ; Mary Dorothy; and Winifred, M R.ALPH PUDSAY LITTLEDALE, Major Royal W Engineers. Born February 17, 1856, being the third son of the late Henry Anthony Littledale, Esquire, of Bolton Hall, in the county of York, Justice of the Peace and Deputy-Lieutenant, by his wife Mary Elizabeth, eldest daughter of John .Armytage, Esquire, eldest son of Sir George .Armytage, Bart., of Kirklees Park, in the county of York. Club — Naval and Military. Ar- morial bearings— He bears for Arms: Argent, a lion passant gules, on a chief azure, three cross crosslets of the field ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a demi-lion gules, gorged with a collar gemel, antl holding in the dexter paw a cross crosslet .argent ; with the Motto, "Fac et spera." Married, April 18, 1891, Mary Olivia Georgina, eldest daughter of Lieutenant-Colonel Charles Lennox Tredcroft of Glen Ancrum, Guildford ; and has Issue -Koiien Littledale, (jentlenian, born Jan. 27, 1895; and Olivia Mary Edith. Postal address -Eastbank, Lenzie, N.B. WILLOUGHBY .ASTON LITTLEDALE, Gentleman, Master of Arts of the University of Oxford. Born August 31, 1857, being the fourth son of the late Henry Anthony Littledale, l'.sc|uire, of Bolton Hall, in the county of York, Justice of the Peace and Deputy-Lieutenant, by his wife Mary l-"lizabcth, eldest daughter of John Armytage, h'squire, of Kirklees Park, in the county of York. Armorial ■bearingB He bears for Arms: Argent, a lion passant gules, on a chief azure, three cross crosslets of the field, impaling the arms of Thursby, namely argent, a chevron between three lions rami^ant sable ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a demi-lion gules, gorged with a collar gemel, and holding in the dexter paw a cross crosslet argent; with the Motto, "Fac el spera." Married, Feb- ruary 19, 1889, Violet, elder daughter of Sir John Hardy Thursby, Baronet, of Ormerod House, in the County Palatine of Lancaster; and has /jj^^ -Eleanor Violet. S ALEXANDER LIITLEJOHN of Invercharron- Ardgay, Ross and Cromarty, J. P., D. L. for co. Ross- Born 1845, lieing the son of the late William Littlejohn, Esq., of Alierdeen, J. P. Armorial bearings— Quarterly 1 and 4, azure, on a fesse engrailed with plain c(jtises argent, between three bugle-horns stringed or, a bow unstrung fesse- ways proper, a bordure wavy of the second (for Littlejohn) ; 2 and 3 erminois, two bendlets sable, between an eagle's head erased in chief and a reindeer's head also erased in base, both proper (for Bentley) ; and im|)aling the arms of Bruce, namely or, a saliire colised gules, on a chief of the last, a fleur-de-lis between two demi-lions erased of the field. Mantling azure doubled argent. Crest- Upon a wreath of his liveries, three arrows, one in pale and two in saltire points downwards proper. Motto — " Virtute tuta- raen." Married, 1869, Mary, dau. of Sir George Barclay Bruce, Knight Bachelor. Seat — Invercharron, Ardgay, N.B. Town residence — i Pembroke Gardens. WILLIAM LITTLEJOHN, Esquire, J. P. Bom , being the son of James Littlejohn of .Aberdeen. Armorial bearings -Azure, on a fesse engrailed with plain cotises argent, between three bugle-horns stringed or, a bow un- strung fesseways proper. Mantling azure and argent ; and upon a wreath of his liveries is set for Crest, upon a mount vert, three arrows, one in pale and two in saltire, the points downwards or, barbed and flighted proper, banded argent, therefrom pendent a bugle-horn or. Motto — " In virtute tutamen." Postal address — Camphill, Peterculter, Co. .Aberdeen. The Editor undertakes that every entry not in italics is that of a genuinely armigerous person. 5IO Lit Rkv. WILLIAM DOUGLAS LmLEJOHN, Clerk in Holy Onlcrs, Vicar of Sytlenliam, co. Oxford, B.A. (Camb.). fUmi , lieing tlic son of I'etcr I^ittlejolin of Stoke Dainord, co. Devon. Armorial bearings Azure, on a fesse engrailed with plain cotises articnt, between three biijjif-horns strin.i;ed or, a bow unstrung fosseways proper. Mantling azure and argent ; and upon a wreath of his liveries is set for Crest, upon a mount vert three arrows, one in pale and two in saltirc the points downwards or, barbed and flighted proper, banded argent, therefrom pen- dent a bugle -horn or. Motto "In virtute lutamen." Postal adiirt'ss — Tile Vicarage, Sydenham, Oxford. liDing^ton = ^actionalD W KANALi:) [OHN MACDONALD LIVINGSTON- ■ MACDONALD, Esquire, Captain 3rd Battalion Seaforth High- landers, J. P. CO. Inverness. Born July 5, 1863, being the elder son of the late Ronald Livingston of Drimsynie, in the county of Argyll, by his wife Agnes Johanna. daughter of Captain Ninian Jeffrey, Ross-shire Local Militia. r///i* Junior United .Service. Liveiy — Claret colour and silver. Armorial bearings He' bears for Arms : Quarterly, first and fourth grand quarters counter- quartered, I. argent, a lion rampant gules ; 2. or, a hand in armour, holding a cross crosslet fitch^e gules ;' 3. or, a galley, sails furled sable ; 4. vert, a salmont naian't iii fesse proper, all within a bordure parted per pale or and azure (for Macdonald) ; second and third grand quarters or, three cinquefoils gules (for Livingston). Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules, doubled argent ; and upon a wreath of his liveries is set for Crest, a hand in armour proper, holding a cross crosslet fitchde azure. Motto—" Per mare per terras. " Estate and postal address— Y\oA\gwny House, Staffin, Skye. ^Tfrr: Right Honour.\ble JOHN ALLAN ROLLS, first Baron Llangattock, of The Hendre, in the county of Mon- mouth, Justice of the Peace and Deputy- Lieutenant for that county, for which he served the office of High Sheriff in the year 1875, Fellow of the .Society of Antiquaries, Colonel ist Monmouth Volunteer .Artillery, late Captain Royal Glouce- stershire Hussars. Born February 19, 1837, being the only son of John Etherington Welch Rolls, Esquire, Justice of 'V,? , .'^^.^"'^ Deputy -Lieutenant, of The Hendre, by Elizabeth Mary, daughter of Walter Long of Preshavv House, by his wife Mary, commonly known as Lady Mary, daughter of the Right Honourable the seventh Earl of Northesk. C///^.f ~ Carlton, Junior Carlton, Arthur's Marylebone, Royal Yacht Squadron, Constitution.,], Junior Constitutional. Livety-lyMk green, with narrow red cord M is the Military Cockade. Llangattocfe lie binding, aiguillettes on left shoulder, green plush breeches. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms: Quarterly 1 and 4, or on a fesse dancett(5e with plain cotises between three billets sable, each charged with a lion rampant of the field, as many bezants (for Rolls); 2. gules, an eagle displayed, barry of six erminois and azure (for Coy.sh) ; 3. argent, a saltire between two leopards' faces in pale, and as many cross crosslets in fesse sable (for Barnet). Above the escut- cheon is placed the coronet of his rank, and thereupon a helmet befitting his degi-ee, with a mantling sable and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, out of a wreath of oak a dexter cubit arm vested or, cuff sable, the arm charged with a fesse dancettf^e double cotised of the second, charged with three bezants, in the hand proper a roll of parchment argent. Supporters —De.xter, a lion rampant proper, gorged with a chain or, iiendent therefrom an escutcheon argent, charged with a rock gules ; sinister, a leopard proper, gorged with a chain or, pendent therefrom an escutcheon also or, thereon .an ancient galley with sails furled sable, flagged gules, sea proper. Motto — " Celeritas et Veritas." Married, October 20, 1868, Georgiana Marcia, youngest daughter of Sir Charles Fitzroy Maclean, Baronet, of Morvaren ; and has Issue — (i) John Maclean Rolls, Esquire, commonly known as the Honourable John Mac- lean Rolls, born April 25, 1870 ; (2) Henry Allen Rolls, Esquire, commonly known as the Honourable Henry Allen Rolls, born August 5, 1871 ; (3) Charles Stewart Rolls, Esquire, commonly known as the Honourable Charles Stewart Rolls, born August 27, 1877 ; and F^leanor Georgiana, commonly known as the Honourable Eleanor Georgiana. Estate — The Hendre, Croft-y-bwla. Postal addresses — The Hendre, Monmouth ; South Lodge, Rut- land Gate, London, S.W. ROBERT WILLIAM LLEWELLYN, Esquire, J. P. Glamorganshire, late Capt. Glamorganshire Militia, for- merly in 1st Dragoons. Born May 25, 1848, ieing the son of William Llewellyn, Esq., of Court Colman, J. P., D.L. for Glamorgan, by his icife Eleanor Emma, dau. of Rev. Robert Knight of Tythegston Court, jiear Bridgend. Club — Travellers' . Livery — Dark blue, red ivaistcoat (and for full dress red breeches). Armorial bearings as used are— Gules, three chevronelles argent [these are recorded to a family of the name in the Heralds' College, but the descent is not proved or recorded], impaling for the arms of Blandy, erminois, three urns sable, therefrotn fames of fi re [but these also are not established at the College of Arm's]. Crest— .-i paschal lamb, bearing a banner of St. George. Motto— "dwell An^au na Chyioildd." Married, Noik ■2-2. 1882, Harriet Annie, dau. of William Blandy of Kingston Bag- peius, Berks; and has'lss,ne—{i) William Herbert Clvdeovn IJeiuellyn, b. Nov. i, 1883; (2) Griffith Robert Poyriitz 8 is the Naval Cockade. Llo Llo 511 Lleifelfyn, h. Feb. 26, 1886; (3) Given Knight LInoelhn, b. Junt 6. 1888. d. Dec. 31, 1891 ; (4) John Blandy LleiveUvn, b. June 21, 1890; (5) Robert Godfrey /.Utvellyn, b. .I/rt»''i3, 1893 ; Dorothy Mary ; and Eleanor Caroline. Residence — Baglan Cottage, Britton I-erry. LLOYD, quartered by PRYCE. CHARLES HENRY LLOYD, Gentleman. Born Aug. 6. 1847, being the second but eldest surviving son of the late John Ellis Lloyd, by his wife Eleanor, dau. of CHARLES WESTALL LLOYD, Esq., J. P. Born March 31, 1834, being the fourth son of the late William Lloyd of Parteen Manor House, Kilquane, co. Clare, by his wife Jane Fitzgerald, younger dau. and co-heir of Charles Henry Fitzgerald de Beaumont. Armorial bearings- Quarterly, I. sable, three nags' heads erased argent ; 2. quarterly i. and iiii. sable, three nags' heads erased argent ; ii. and iii. argent, a castle triple-towered sable, port overt, chained tranversc or ; 3. per pale or and gules, two lions rampant addorsed counterchanged ; 4. sable, three nags' heads erased argent ; 5. azure, three ducal crowns in pale THI-: RIGHT HONOUR.VBI.K LORD LL.\NG.\TTOCK. John Sothern of The Priory, Liverpool. Armorial bear- ings — .Azure, on a chevron or, between tliree spear-heads argent, a lorteau between two bulls' heads caboshed sable. Mantling azure and or. Crest — On a wre^ith of the colours, a lion rampant argent, guttee-de-sang, surmounting two spears in saltire proper. Motto—" Instanter perfectus. " Married, Dec. 16, 1897, Gwen I'^llen. second dau. of Owen Owen of Llwynhudol. 5c,i/— Trail wyn, Chevilo, R.S.O., Carnarvonshire. or, and 351 other quarterings (vide H. C. Lloyd, Esq.) Mantling sable and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a nag's head erased argent. Motto — " Fide nediffide." Married, March 31, 1869, Anne, dau. of John Karkeek Kirkham of Oxley, Victoria, Australia ; and has Issue— (1) Charles Kirkham Lloyd, Gentleman, b. July 16, 1870; (2) Harry Herbert de Heaumont Lloyd, Gentleman, b. Dec. 31, 1873; (3) Arthur Le.'ilie Lloyd, Gentleman, b. April 15, 1875 ; (4) Ernest Winser Lloyd, The Editor undertakes that every entry not in italics is that of a genuinely armigerous person. 512 llo iLlo Gentleman, b. November 4, 1876; (5) Reginald John Lloyd, Gentleman, 1*. March 31, i88r ; and Ethel Louise. Postal address — Tarramia, Bobinawarrah, Oxleyshire, Victoria, Australia. S EDWARD OWEN VAUGHAN LLOYD, Esquire, J. P. for CO. of Denbigh, J. P. and D.L. for co. of Merionethshire, and M.A. (Balliol Coll., Oxford), High Sheriff for Merioneth (1891-92, 1897-98), of Denbighshire (1896-97). Born Aug. 20, 1857, being the eldest son of Edivard Lloyd, Esq., of Rhagatt, and Mary Eliza, third dau. of John Madocles, Esq. , ofGlanywern, Denbighshire. Clubs — Junior Carlton, Constitutional. Lively — Dark broivn, with silver buttons, dark blue collars, cuffs, &'c. Armorial bearings as used, but to which the right has not as yet been officially established or recorded, are — i. per bend sinister ermine and ermines, a lion rampant or, a bordure gtdes (for Adda Ap A-ior of Lys Trevor) ; 2. azure, a lion rampant proper or, and argent a bordure of the third, charged ■with eight annulets sable [for Lluddocaf Ap Caradoc, Prince of Gloucester and Hereford, Lord Erging and Ewias) ; 3. argent, on a fesse embattled gules between six Cornish choughs proper, three palm branches of the field (for Morrall of Plas lolyn ; 4. argent, a chevron between three boars' heads couped gules, tusked or, and langued gules {for Iddon Ap Rhys Sais) Lord of Dudlyston). Crest— ^ unicorn s head issuing frotn a ducal coronet argent, armed and maned or. Seats — Rhagatt, Corwen, and Berth, Ruthin, North Wales. FRANCIS THOMAS LLOYD, Esquire, Companion of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, Colonel Royal Artillery. Born July 28, 1838, bein^ the second son of E. J. Lloyd, Esquire, one of Her Majesty s Counsel Learned in the Laiu, by his ivife, daughter of Edward Clarke ; entered Royal Artillery 1857, became Captain 1870, Major 1877, Lieutenant - Colonel 1884, and Colonel 1888; served in Egyptian Expedition 1882, in Command of Royal Artillery in Soudan Expedition 1884, and as Deputy - Assistant- Adjutant-General and Assistant- Adjutant-General in Nile Expedition, 1884-1885; was Chief instructor at School of Gunnery 1889-1892, since Tvhen he has commanded Royal Artillery, South-Eastern District ; and was created a Com- panion of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, 1885. Club — Junior United Service. Livery — Dark blue. Armo- rial bearings as used, but to rvhich no right has been established by the College of Arms, are for Arms: Party per fesse argent and sable, a lion rampant . . . a canton azure. Crest — A lion's head couped. Married, firstly, January 5, 1864, Louisa, daughter of Harman Visgar ; Si is the Military Cockade. and by her has Issue — (i) Maurice B. Lloyd, born December 19, 1865 ; (2) William Francis Lloyd, born February 14, i86g ; (3) Francis E. Buymaun Lloyd, born January 2, 1872 / Margaret Louise ; and Mary Isabel. He married secondly, October 8, 1885, Penelope Rosalind, daughter of E. Burgess, and widvw of Archibald Douglas ; and by her has — Penelope. Postal address — The Castle, Dover. FREDERICK BIANCHI LLOYD, Gentleman. Born December 31, 1832, being the third son of the late William Lloyd of Partecn Manor House, Kilquane, co. Clare, by his wife Jane Fitzgerald, younger dau. and co-heir of Charles Henry Fitzgerald de Beaumont. Armorial bearings- Quarterly, I. sable, three nags' heads erased argent ; 2. quarterly i. and iiii. sable, three nags' heads erased argent ; ii. and iii. argent, a castle triple-towered sable, port overt, chained transverse or ; 3. per pale or and gules, two lions rampant addorsed counterchanged ; 4. sable, three nags' heads erased argent ; 5. azure, three ducal crowns in pale or, and 318 other quarterings. Mantling sable and ar- gent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a nag's head erased argent. Motto — "Fide ne diffide." Married, Sept. 13, 1871, Jane, dau. of John Kent, Esq., of Brangie, Oxley Plains, Victoria, Australia, J. P.; and has had Issue — (i) Zealand Fleetwood Lloyd, Gentleman, b. and d. 1872 ; (2) Brochwel Frederic!: de Bonlers Lloyd, Gentleman, 1^. April 22, 1873 ; (3) John Fermor Charles Lloyd, 1^. 1881 andrf. 1882; (4) William Vaughan Broughton Lloyd, Gentleman, b. Jan. 18, 1883; Violet Jane Gwenllian ; and Maud Minnie Middleton. Postal address — Oakland, California, U.S.A. §GUY LLOYD, Esquire, J. P. and D.L. co. Roscom- mon, High Sheriff for that co. 1867, and for co. Leitrim 1869. Born April 13, 1833, being the eldest son of the late Guy Lloyd, Esq., of Croghan, J. P. and D.L., by his wife Susanna Martha, dau. of John Stephenson Cann of Wramgolingham, Norfolk. Clubs — National, Sackville Street (Dublin). Livery — Blue and silver. Armorial bearings as used, but which are not regis- tered in Ulster's Office, are — Azure, a chevron argent, a chief ermine. Married, Oct. 31, 1865, Elizabeth, dau. of Sir Gilbert King, Bart., of Charlestoxvn, co. Roscommon ; and has had Issue — Elizabeth, b. and d. in 1885. Estates in the COS. of Roscommon and Leitrim. Seat — Croghan House, CO. Roscommon. HENRY CRAMPrON LLOYD, Esquire, heir male of a Knight Banneret of Agincourt, Joint Lord of the Manor of Stockton in Chirbury, in the co. of Salop. Born Jan. 23, 1831, being the second son of the late William Lloyd, Esq., of Parteen Manor, co. Clare, and of Charles Street, Langham Place, London, by his wife Jane, youngest dau. and co-heir of Charles Henry Fitzgerald de Beaumont {t'migri' noble). Club — Junior Constitutional. Livery — (Undress) : black, with white facings, and silver Viraid and buttons, yellow and red striped waistcoat, and black trousers with silver braid stripes ; (full dress) : blue plush breeches, silver buttons, gold garters, and white stockings. Ar- morial bearings — Quarterly of 356, viz.: i. Lloyd of Stockton : Sable, three nag's heads erased argent ; 2. Sir Griffith Vaughan, Knight Banneret of Agincourt : Quar- terly I and 4, sable, three nag's heads erased argent ; 2 and 3 argent, a "castle" triple-towered sable, port overt chained transverse or (Sir John Oldcastle, Lord Cob- ^m is the Naval Cockade. 4 ifflStiilF*' ,%'. i pi*'";,! "*i-^ i ■- -T itiiri*^' 1^1 f 5M Llo ham); 3. Griffith ap Beli, de la Garth, Lord of Guilsficld Per pale or and gules, two lions rampant addorsed counter- changed ; 4. Brochwel YsgithroR, King of Powys and Earl of Chester (ob. anno 617) : Sable, three nag's heads erased argent ; 5. lieli Mawr, or Bclinus the Great, King of Britain : Azure, three ducal crowns in pale or ; 6. Sir Aron ap Rhys, Knight of the Sepulchre : Argent, a lion rampant qardant gules ; 7. Sir Aron ap Rhys, Knight of the Sepulchre: Argent, a lion rampant sable, ducally gorged with chain reflexed over the back or ; 8. Hledrey, Lord of Cilsant (ob. anno 11 19): Argent, three bull's heads caboshed sable, horned or ; 9. Cadivor Vawr, Lord of Blaenkych, Cilsant, and Dived (ob. anno 1084) : .-Nrgent, a lion rampant gardant sable ; 10. Seisyllt, from I'ilius, King of Dived : Azure, a wolf rampant argent ; 11. Meiric, King of Dived : Azure, a chevron between three cocks argent, armed, crested, and wattled or ; 12. Meredydd, of Dived : Sable, a boar statant argent, armed and bristled or, between six fleurs-de-lis, three in chief and three in base of the second ; 13. Llwch Llawen 'Vawr, Peer of Wales : Azure, a boar argent, armed, bristled, collared, and chained or, to a tree of the second ; 14. Griffith ap Cydrych, Lord of Gwinvai : Sable, a lion rampant argent; 15. Gwaethvoed, I'riiice of Gwent and Cardigan, anil Lord of Gwinvai (killed anno 1057) : Or, a lion rampant regardant sable ; 16. Gwrydyr, Prince of Powys and Cardigan : .Azure, three ducal crowns or ; 17. Beli Mawr, or Belinus the Great, King of Britain : Azure, three ducal crowns or ; 18. Edwin ap Teithwallt, Prince of Cardigan : Sable, a lion rampant argent ; 19. Cunedda WIedig, King of North Wales (ob. anno 389) : Sable, three roses argent, barbed and seeded proper ; 20. I'adarn Peisrudd : Sable, three spears erect in fes.se argent ; 21. Beli Mawr, King of Britain : Azure, three ducal crowns or ; 22. Morfydd verch Inyr, King of Gwent: Per pale, or and azure, a lion ram- pant argent, supporting a tree eradicated proper ; 23. Inyr, King of Gwent : Per pale, azure and sable, three fleurs- de-lis or ; 24. Cadwalader, last King of the Britons (ob. anno 688) : Azure, a cross pal^e fitch^e or; 25. Cadwallon, King of the Britons : Or, on a pale azure, three ducal crowns of the first, all within a bordnre sable, thereon six annulets, three, two, and one of the field ; 26. Cunedda WIedig, King of North Wales (ob. anno 389) : As No. 19 ; 27. Padarn Peisrudd: As No. 20; 28. Sir Howell, Knight, Lord of Caerlleon : Gules, three towers triple-towered argent ; 29. Owen Wan, Lord of Caerlleon and Mac- hynlheth : Sable, a plate between three towers triple- towered argent; 30. Howel Dha, or " The Good," King of all Wales (ob. anno 948) : Gules, a lion rampant within a bordure indented or ; 31. Cadell, Prince of South Wales (ob. anno 907) : Argent, three lions passant regardant in pale gules ; 32. Roderic Mawr, or " The Great," King of all Wales (slain in battle in 877) : Or, a lion passant gardant gules ; 33. Mervyn Prych, King of the Cambro Britons and Earl of Anglesey (slain 843) : Argent, on three fusils con- joined in fesse gules, three eagles displayed or ; 34. Coel Godebog, King of Britain : Azure, a cro.ss couped engrailed between four ducal crowns or ; 35. Beli Mawr, King of Britain : As No. 5 ; 36. Cadell ap Brochwel ap Eliseg, King of Powys : Sable, three nag's heads erased argent ; 37. Beli Mawr, King of Britain : As No. 5 ; 38. Conan Tyndaethwy, King of the Cambro Britons (ob. anno 818) : Azure, a cross pat^e fitchde between four ducal crowns or ; 39. Idwal 'Ywrch, King of the Cambro Britons (ob. anno 720) : Azure, a cross patde fitclie^e, between four martlets or ; 40. Cadwalader, last King of the Britons (ob. anno 688) : .As No. 24 ; 41. Cadwallon, King of the Britons : As No. 25 ; 42. Cunedda WIedig, King of North Wales (ob. anno 389) : As No. 19 ; 43. Padarn Peisrudd : As No. 20 ; 44. Cunedda WIedig, King of North Wales : As No. 19 ; 45. Padarn Peisrudd : As No. 20 ; 46. Mervyn, Prince of Powys (slain anno 900) : Quarterly gules and or, four lions passant gardant counterchanged ; 47 to 58. As Nos. 32 to 43 ; 59. Beli Mawr, King of Britain : As No. 5 ; 60 to 62. As Nos. 19 to 21 ; 63. Rees Griig, Lord of Llanymdhyfri (ob. anno 1233): Argent, a lion rampant sable, crowned gules; 64. Rhys, Prince of South Wales (ob. anno 1196): Quarterly i and 4, argent, a lion rampant sable, crowned or ; 2 and 3, sable, a pomegranate leaved and slipped or, seeded gules ; 65. Rees ap Tudor, Prince of Wales (slain anno 1089) : Gules, a lion rampant or; 66. Rees ap Tudor, Prince of Wales (slain anno 1089) : Argent, a lion rampant sable, crowned or ; 67. Tudor the Great, Prince of Wales (slain in battle anno 992) : Argent, three lions passant regardant in pale is the Military Cockade. LIO gules ; 68 to 81. As Nos. 30 to 43 ; 82 to 85. As. Nos. 59 to 62 ; 86 to 102. As Nos. 46 to 62 ; 103. Alio ap Rywallon of Trevnant in Powys : Or, three lion's heads erased gules, within a bordure engrailed azure ; T04. lestyn ap Gwrgant, Prince of Glamorgan (ob. anno 1091): Gules, three chev- ronels argent; 105. Llowdden, Lord of Uwch Aeron : Gules, a griffin segreant or ; 106. Uchtred, Prince of Engle- field, and one of the fifteen Peers (ob. anno mo) : Argent, a cross fleurett^ engrailed sable, between four Cornish choughs proper, on a chief azure a bo.ir's head couped of the first, tusked or; 107. Edwin ap Grono, Prince of Englefield (slain anno 1073) : Argent, a cross fleurettd engrailed sable, between four Cornish choughs proper ; 108 to 142. As Nos. 68 to 102 ; 143. Griffith Broughton, Lord of Broughton : Sable, a chevron between three owls argent ; 144. Madoc, de la Home (temp. Ed. L) : Sable, three owls argent ; 145. Winsbury, de Winsbury : Or, a fesse chequy of the field and gules, a chief indented azure ; 146. Ednowain ap Bradwen, one of the fifteen Tribes of North Wales: Gules, three snakes nowed argent ; 147. Marchudd, one of the fifteen Peers of North Wales (ob. anno 840) : Gules, a Saracen's head erased proper, wreathed about the temples argent and azure ; 148. Cadrod Calchevynydd, Earl of Northampton and Lord of Dunstable : Azure, a lion rampant argent ; 149. Cynwydd, Earl of Northampton and Lord of Dunstable : 'Vert, a chevron between three mullets or ; 150. Coel Godebog, King of Britain : As No. 34 ; 151. Riryd, alias Pothan Vlaidd : Argent, on a bend vert, three wolf's heads erased of the field ; 152. Riryd Vlaidd, Lord of Penllyn, one of the fifteen Peers (ob. anno 1 108): Vert, a chevron between three wolf's heads erased argent; 153. Rhys ap Gwerystan ; Sable, three roses argent, barbed and seeded proper ; 154. Padarn Peisrudd : As No. 20; 155. Beli Mawr, or Belinus the Great, King of Britain : As No. 5; 156. Gwrgen, Lord of Bryne : Argent, three greyhounds courant in pale .sable, collared or; 157. Cynvyn Hirdreff, Lord of Nevyn : Azure, three ducal crowns or; 158. Blaidd Rudd, Lord of Gest : Azure, a wolf passant argent ; 159. Sir Alexander Middlcton, of Middleton : Gules, on a bend or, three lions passant gardant sable ; 160. De Boulers, I^ord of Marrington : Argent, two Cornish choughs in pale proper ; 161. Baldwyn, S is the Naval Cockade. Uo Hoc 515 Lord of Diddlesbury : Per pale, argent and sable, a lion rampant counterchanged ; 162. Lloyd, of Stockton and Bedstone : As No. i ; 163 to 206. As Nos. 2 to 4^ ; 207. Beli Mawr, or Belinus the Great, King of Britain : As No. 5; 208 to 322. As Nos. 46 to 160; 323. Baldwyn, Lord of Diddlesbury : As No. 161 ; and many others — in all 356 quarterings. Mantling sable and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a nag's head erased argent. Motto — ' ' Fide ne diffide. " Esta/e— Stockton Manor, in Chirbury, in the co. of Salop. [The present representative (Mr. Henry Crampton Lloyd) of this ancient line of Lloyd, of Leighton, Nantcribba, &c., CO. Montgomery, and of Marrington, Marton, and .Stockton, CO. Salop (a family of twenty centuries), is 67th in descent, in an unbroken mai.k line, from Belinus the Great (f$eli Mawr), King of Britain, as shown by the Records fully registered down to the present time in Her Majesty's College of Arras. — See Norfolk, xvi. 45, Coll. Arms.] SAAfPSON SAMUEL I.LO YD, Esquire, Justice of the Peace for the county of Wanoick. Born Notieniber 10, 1820, being the eldest son of the lute lieorge liraithwaite Lloyd, Esquire, of The Earm, Sparkbrook, by his wife Mary, daughter of John P. Deannan, also of Sparkbrook ; Member of Parliament for Plymouth, 1874-1880, and for South IVanoickylu/v, 1884-1881;. Clubs — Car/ton, St. Stephen's. Armorial bearings as quoted in Burke's ^'/.anded Gentry," hut to -which no right has been estab- lished, are for Arms : Quarterly i and 4, sable a he-goat passant argent; 2 and 3 argent (sic), three cocks argent, armed, combed, and wattled or. Crest .'/ he-goat salient argent, armed or. MottO "Esto vigilans." Married, firstly, 1844, Emma, daughter of Samuel Reeve (f Leighton liuzzcird, in the county of Bedford ; and secondly, 1865, Marie W'ilhelmine Sophie Christiane, daughter of Hi% Excellency Lieutcnant-General \V. E. Menckhoff of the Prussian Army; and has by his first marriage, 7vith other Issue — Sampson Samuel Lloyd, Esquire, of Birdbrook House, in the county of IVanvick, Justice of the Peace for that county, born 1846 [married, 1868, Jane Emilia, daughter of Thomas Llmnl of The Prioty, in the county of \Varud at the neck proper, wreathed alxiut the temples argent and sable (for Lloyd). Upon the escutcheon, from which is pendent his bad«(e as a Companion of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling sable and argent. Crests — i. upon a wreath of the colours, on a mount vert, a lion rampant or ; 2. upon a wreath of the colours, a Saracen's head as in the arms; 3. upon a wreath of the colours, a stag trippant proper, attired or, charged on the shoulder with an escutcheon of the second, thereon a chevron of the first, between three men's heads in profile, couped at the neck also proper. Married, 1891, Emily, daughter of the Reverend Cjeorge Earle-Welby. SThe Right Hon. Sir HP:NRY BROUGHAM I>OCH, Fiaron Loch of Drylaw, co. Midlothian. G.C.B., G.C.M.G., High Commissioner in South Africa 1889-1895. Born 1827, being the son of James Loch, M.P. , of Drylaw, in the county of Midlothian, by his wife Anne, dau. of Patrick Orr of Bridgeton, N.B. ; created Companion of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, 1861 ; advanced to the rank of Knight Com mander, 1880, and to that of Knight Grand Cross, 1892 ; created G.C.M.G., 1887; and raised to the Peerage, 189-;. Clubs — Athenaeum, Travellers', Marlborough. Armorial bearings — Or, a saltire engrailed sable, b-twecn in fesse two swans in water proper, all within a bordure vert. The escutcheon is surrounded by the ribbon of the Bath, and by the collar and pendent therefrom the b.idges of a G.C. B. and a G.C.M.G. Mantling sable doubled or; and upon a wreath of his liveries is set for Crest, a swan devouring a perch proper ; and in an escroll above, this Motto, " Assidui- tatenondesidia." Supporters — On the dexter side a Tartar, and on the sinister side a Zulu, both proper. Married, 1862, Elizabeth, dan. of the Honourable Edward Ernest The Editor undertakes that every entry not In italics is that of a genuinely armigerous person. 5^6 loc loD Villiers; nnd lias /«»/<•— Hon. Kdward Douglas Loch, Lieut, ist Batt. (Jreiiadier Guards, l>. April 4, 1873 ; Hon. Edith Klizabeth ; and Hon. Kvelyn. Postal address—^ Elm Park Gardens, London, S.W. S RICHARD GOORD EDWAL LOCKE, Esquire, J. P. for CO. Kent, formerly Lieut. Royal East Kent Mounted Rififs, Capt. yd Queen's Own West Kent Regt. Born April ■2, 1864, being the eldest son of the late Frederick Locke, Esq., J. P. and D.L. (assumed the name of Locke in lieu of Luck in 1875, under the will of his maternal great- aunt), bv his wife Harriott Elisabeth, dau. and heir of Richard Coord of Hartlip, Kent. Armorial beaxings as used, but for which no authority has been established, are for Arms — Quarterly i and 4 ermine, five mascles con- joined in fesse bettveen three greyhounds' heads erased sable ; 2 and 3 per fesse azure and or, a pale and three falcons two and one, wings addorsed and belled, holding in the beak a padlock all counterchanged. Crest—// pelican, wings elei,uri" "'^ '''"^ Vm&X. Yorkshire Regiment. U^UUI^^iaU i{^„.„ December 23, 1841, being the eldest son of the late George Dixon Longstafl', Doctor of Medicine, by Maria his wife, eldest daughter of the late Henry Blundell, Justice of the I'eace. Clubs — Reform, Junior Athen;vum, Royal Yorkshire Yacht. Livery — Claret coloured. Armorial bearings He bears for Arms: (Quarterly argent and sable, on a bend indented gules, between two pheons of the first a quarter-staff or ; and for a Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, two arms embowed vested sable, semee-de-lis, and cuffed argent, the hands proper, grasping a quarter-staff fesseways or ; with the Motto, "Vigilate." .Married, April 17, 1873, Mary Lydia, second daughter of the late Thomas William Sawyer, I^ieu- tenant Royal Naval Reserve; and has had Issue — (i) lorn George Longstaff, (Jentleman, born January 15, 1875 ; (2) Cedric Llewellyn Longstaff, Gentleman, born February 17, 1876; (3) Frederick Victor Longstaff, Gentleman, born June 15, 1879; (4) Gilbert Conrad Longstaff, (Jentleman, born .August 2, 1884 ; Edith Mary Longstaff (n or, and on a chief azure three mullets of the field (for Douglas) ; ii. and Hi. azure, a bend between six cross crosslets fitchie or (for Mar), the 7vhole of this quarter ^ is the Slilitary Cockade. Victoria Alexandrina, commonly kncnvn as I^ady J'ictoria Alexandrina, eldest daughter of' Walter Francis,fifth Duke of Buccleuch, Knight of the Most Noble Order of the Garter ; and has had Issue— (i) Walter William Schomberg Kerr, Esquire, commonly called Earl of Ancram, Caplain yd Battalion Royal Scots (Lothian Regiment), Aide-de-Camp to Governor of New South Wales,^ born March 29, 1867, died unmarried, June 1892 ; (2) Schomberg Heniy Mark Kerr, Esquire, commonly called the Honourable Schomberg Henry Mark Kerr, born August 4, 1869, died September 1870 ; (3) Robert Schomberg Kerr, E'squire, commonly called E^arl of Ancram, born March 22, 1874 ; Lady Cecil Victoria @ is the Naval Cockade. Lot) Loto 521 Constance [tnarried, June 4, 1889, the Honourable John Douglas Scott Montagu, Member of Parliament, eldest son of Lord Montagu of Beaulieu, and has issue] ; Ladv Mar- garet Isabel; Lady Mary; luuiy Helen Victoria Lilian; Lady Victoria A lexandrina Alberta (for whom the Queen is sponsor); and Isobel Alice Adelaide, commonly kno^on as the Honourable Isobel Alice Adelaide. Rc-sidL-nces — 39 Grosvenor Square, Ijtndon, (('. ; Xewbattle Abbey, near Dalkeith, in the county of Edinburgh ; Dlickling Hall, Aylsham, in the county of Norfolk ; Monteviot, Jedburgh, North Britain. TiiK Right Honourablk RALPH GORDON NOEL MILHANKl'2, second Earl of Lovelace, Viscount Ockham, and Haron King of Ockham, in the county of Surrey, in the I'eerage of the United Kingdom, ninth Baron Ockliani of Ockham, in the I'eerage of (jreat Britain, and eleventh Baron VV'entworth of Nettlested, in the county of Sufl'olk, in the Peerage of England; a Deputy- Lieutenant. Horn July 2, 1839, being the second but eldest surviving son of the Right Honourable tlie first I'^arl of Lovelace, by his first wife Augusta Ada, commonly called the Honour- able Augusta Ada, only child of the Right Honourable the sixth Baron Byron, and assumed by Royal License, dated November 6, 1861, the surname of Milbanke, in lieu of King-Noel, and the arms of Milbanke and King(|uarterly. He succeeded his brother in the Barony of U'cnlworth Scpteml^er i, 1862, and his father in the other honours 1893. Clubs — Athen.fum; Brooks's. Creations — Baron Went- worih, by Writ of Summons, December 2, 1529; Baron Ockham, May 25, 1725; Earl of Lovelace, Viscount 1 ick- liam, and Baron King, June 30, 1838. Armorial bear- ings : He l>ears for Anna— (Quarterly i and 4, gules a Ijctid ermine, on a canton or, a lion's head erased of the first (for Milbanke) ; 2 and 3 sable, three spears' heads erect argent, iinbrueil proper, on a chief or, three ])olf-axes azure (for King) ; and impaling the arms of Stuart-Worlley, namely, quarterly 1 and 4, argent, on a bend lietween si.x martlets gules, three Ixizants ; a canton or, charged with a fesse cliec|uy azure and argent, within a double tressure fiory counterfiory gulos (for Wortley) ; or, a fesse checjuy azure and argent, within a double tressurc fiory cotmterflory gules (for Stuart). Above tiie escutcheon is jjiaced the coronet of Ills rank, and thereupon a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules and argent ; and for his Crests, i. upon a wreath of the colours, a lion's head coujjed gules, charged with a bend ermine (for Milbanke); 2. upon a wreath of the colours, a dexter arm couped, vested azure, cufi" sable, the arm cliarged with three ermine spots in fesse or, in the hand a truncheon sable, headed argent (for King) ; and for his Supporters, two miistiffs regard.mt proper, collared gules ; with t!ie Motto, " Pensez a bien." Married, firstly, .August 25, i86g, Fanny, third daughter of the Reverend George Pleriot of I'ellow Hill-;, in the county of lierwick. Vicar of St. Anne's, Newcastle-upon-Tyne ; and by her (wlio died July 13, 1878) has a daughter, Ada Mary, conunonly called Lady Ada Mary ; secondly, December 30, 18S0, Mary Caroline, eldest daughter of the Right Honourable James Stuart Wortley. Seatt — Horsley Towers, Lcatherheail, and Ockham Park, Ripley, in the county of Surrey ; Ashley fombe, Porlock, in the county of Somerset ; and Ben Damph Eorest, Auchnasheen, in the county of Ross, N.B. Town residence — 9 St. George's Place, S. W. S Captain PETER AUDLEY DAVID ARTHUR LOVELL, J. P. and D.L. for Wiltshire, J. P. for Mont- gomeryshire, and Capt. Coldstream Guards. Horn 1857, being the only son of the late Peter Audley Lovell, Esq., D. L., of Cole I'ark, formerly of the 7tli Dragoon (juards, by Mary Jane, .second dau. of the late David Pugh, Esq., M.P., of Llaiierchydol. Clubs — .Arthur's, Guards', White's, Bachelors'. Armorial bearings (,)uarterly i and 4, ar- gent, on a chevron azure, Ix-tween throe squirrels sejant gules, each cracking a nut proper, a garb or, all Vietween two Haunches of the second (for Lovell) ; 2 and 3 or, a lion passant guaniant sable, holding in the dexter forepaw a Heur-de-lis gules, a fleur-de-lis in base also sable, and on a chief of the last two fieurs-de-lis of the first. Mantling azure and argent ; and for his Crests, i. upon a wreath of the colours, a garb fesseways or, thereon a squirrel sejant gules cracking a nut proper (for Lovell) ; 2. upon a wreath of the colours, on a rock proper, a lion passant guardant sable sem^'e-de-lis, and holding in the dexter paw a Heur-de-lis or (for Pugh). Motto — " I'ropoiiti tenax." .Married, 1890, Rosalind Ida, third dau. of F. F". Lovell, late ist Life Guards. Seats — Cole Park, Malniesbury; Llanerchydol, Welshpool, Montgomery. ROBER TJONA THAN ARDEN LO VE TT, Esquire, thirty-second viak representative 0/ the Loi'ett family, also representative of the O'. Mores, Princes of lj:ix, the De Turvilles, Lords of Helmdon, and the Percivah, Lords of Coreville, and entitled to quarter the arms of these illus- trious families. Born Noi: 4, 1851, being the eldest son of the late Rev. Robert Lovett, Rector of Caundle Bishop, Dorset and Vicar of Wootton, by his first wife Frances, dau. and heir of William .ihhuin Soames of Langdon Hills, Esse.x. Armorial bearings as used are— Argent, three wolves passant in pale sable. Crest — A wolf passant proper. \The arms are originally recorded in due form, but the descent of the present representative and his con- sequent right to these arms has not yet been officially proi'ed or recorded in the College of Arms.] Married, March 22, 1892, Elizabeth Emily Helza, only child of Marescoe Lloyd Frederick, R.N. Residence — The Grange, Aylesbury, S WILLIAM MALCOLM LOW, Esquire, of Clatto, CO. Fife, J. P. and D.L. for co. , late Bengal Civil Service (received special thanks of Her Majesty for services in the field during the Indian Mutiny), and sometime M. P. for Grantham. Born 1835, being the eldest son of the late General Sir John Low, G.C.S.I., K.C.B., of Clatto, by his wife Augusta, daughter of the late John Talbot Shakespear. 67«^^— Carlton, Union, New (Edinburgh). Armorial bear- ings — He bears for Arms : Gules, two wolves passant ar- gent ; and impaling the arms of Feilding, namely argent, on a fesse azure, three lozenges or. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules doubled argent ; and on a wreath of his liveries is set for Crest, out of a mural crown, a dexter cubit arm vambraced, the hand grasping a scimitar proper ; and in an escroll above, this Motto, " Fortitudine et fide." .Married , 1872, Lady Ida Tbe Editor undertakes tbat every entry not in italics is that of a genuinely armigerous person. 522 Loto Matilda Alice, dau. of the Rt. Hon. William Keilding, 7tli Earl of Denbigh; and has Issue — Ida Mary Irsulu, and Hilda Lucy Adelaide. Postal addresses — Clatto, Cupar Fife, N.B. ; 22 Roland Gardens, S.W. ILototieU EDWARD LOWDELL, Gentleman, Member of the Royal College of Surgeons (England), 1845, and Licentiate of the Society of Apothe- caries (London), 1846. Boiii December 16, 1823, being the second and only surviving son of the late Joseph Lowdell, Surgeon, of Southwark, in the county of Surrey (who died 1834), by Susanna his wife, only daughter of the late Thomas Wood of Black- friars. Armorial bearingfS He bears for Arms : (Quarterly 1 and 4, party per pale indented sable and gules, three bugle-horns stringed two and one argent, on a chief of the third a lion passant of the second between two escallops of the first (for Lowdell) ; 2 and 3 ermine, on a pile gules a lion rampant or, a chief azure, thereon a dragon reversed, the head towards the sinister gold (for Langridge) ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours and issuant from a bugle-horn or, a demi-lion sable, holding Vjetween the paws an escallop also or ; with the Motto, " Nemini obesse sed omnibus prodesse." Married, 1885, Elizabeth, daughter of Thomas Downes of Wakefield, and w'idow of John D'Urban of Kensington Gardens Square. Postal address —18 Randolph Road, Maida Hill, W. EDWARD LOHET LOWDELL, Gentleman, late Lieu- tenant Royal Navy. Born September 19, 1858, being the elder surviving son of the late Joseph Langridge Lowdell, Member of the Royal College of Surgeons (England), and Licentiate of the Society of Apothecaries (London), of Brighton and Morebath, North Devon, by his first wife Hersilie Dieudonn^, daughter of the late Jean Hubert Lohet of Liege, in the Kingdom of Belgium. Clubs — Junior Army and Navy, Royal United Service Institution (Whitehall), New (Brighton). Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Quarterly 1 and 4, party per pale in- dented sable and gules, three bugle-horns stringed two and one argent, on a chief of the third a lion passant of the second between two escallops of the first (for Lowdell) ; 2 and 3 ermine, on a pile gules a lion rampant or, a chief azure, thereon a dragon reversed, the head towards the sinister gold (for Langridge) ; and for his Crest, upon a & is the Military Cockade. Loto wreath of the colours and issuant from a bugle-horn or, a demi-lion sable, holding between the paws an escallop or ; with the Motto, "Nemini obesse sed omnibus prodesse." Married, March 30, 1893, Annie Gwenllian daughter of Daniel Morgan of Cwmgigfran, Talley, in the county of Carmarthen, and Furnival's Inn, London. Postal address — Junior Army and Navy Club. S HUBERT HENRY LOWDELL, Gentleman, Lieu- tenant Royal Guernsey Artillery (Channel Islands Militia), Member of the Society of Apothecaries, London. fiorti August 3, 1853, being the second surviving son of the late Joseph Langridge Lowdell, Member of the Royal Col- lege of Surgeons (England), and Member and Licentiate of the Society of Apothecaries (London), of Brighton and More- bath, North Devon (who died 1B89), by his first wife Hersilie Dieudonn^ (who died 1887), daughter of the late Jean Hubert Lohet of Liege, in the Kingdom of Belgium. Clubs — Gros- venor (London), Royal United Service Institution (White- hall). Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms: Quarterly i and 4, party per pale indented sable and gules, three bugle- horns stringed two and one argent, on a chief of the third a lion passant of the second between two escallops of the first (for Lowdell) ; 2 and 3 ermine, on a pile gules a lion rampant or, a chief azure, thereon a dragon reversed, the head towards the sinister gold (for Langridge) ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours and issuant from a bugle-horn or, a demi-lion sable, holding between the paws an escallop also or ; with the MottO, " Nemini obesse sed omnibus prodesse." Postal address — Baldwin's Hill, Surrey, near East Grinstead. S SYDNEY POOLE LOWDELL. Esquire, Surgeon Lieutenant-Colonel Royal Sark Artillery (Channel Islands Militia), Member of the Royal College of Sur- geons (England), Licentiate of the Royal Society of Apothe- caries (London). Born March 5, 1831, being the younger surviving son of the late George Lowdell, Doctor of Medicine, of Lingfield, in the county of Surrey. Clubs — Constitutional, Westminster, S.W.; Grosvenor, New Bond Street, W. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Quarterly i and 4, party per pale indented sable and gules, three bugle-horns stringed two and one argent, on a chief of the third a lion passant of the second between two escallops of the first (for Lowdell) ; 2 and 3 ermine, on a pile gules a lion rampant or, a chief azure, thereon 8 is the Naval Cockade. Lott) LotD 523 a dragon reversed, the head towards the sinister gold (for Langridge) ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours and issuant from a bugle-horn or, a dcmi-lion sable, holding between the paws an escallop also or; with the Motto, " Nemini obesse sed omnibus prodesse." Married. Aug. 23, 1866, Henrietta, second daughter of Mr. John Hochee of Nortons, Lingfield, in the county of Surrey. Estate and postal address — Baldwins', Lingfield, Surrey, near East Grinstead. § THOMAS ARTHUR HILL LOWE. Esquire, late Captain 24II' Cutnberland Regiment of Foot ; Captain ■2^1 h Ciloucestershire Regiment, a Justice of the Peace for Ih'vcn county. Born April 29, 1845, bei)ig the eldest son of the Re-L'crend George Loxoe, Bachelor of Arts, Vicar of [•/>- Ottery, in the county of Devon, by his -wife Louisa, daughter of 'Thomas Crookenden of Rushford Lodge, in the county of Norfolk. lAvery— /flue and buff. Armorial bearings as used, but for which no authority has been established in the College of Anns are: Quarterly i and 4 or, on a bend cotised sable, three wolves' heads erased of the field (for Lo7oe) ; 2 and 3 ermine, on a fesse sable a castle triple- tvivered argent (for Hill), with other quarterings. Crest — A demi-grifpn segreant or. MottO — " Spero meliura." Married, /an. 18, 1890, Emily Elizabeth, dau. of S. G. Robison, R.N. Postal address — M'arborough Mount, near Babbicombe, Devon. H HOWARD CHADDOCK LOWNDES. lisquire. © Master of Arts of the University of Cam- \. nVntlTl^tf bridge, Justice of the Peace and Deputy- ILUUIIlUt^ Lieutenant for Wiltshire (High Sheriff 1874), and Justice of the Peace for • the County Palatine of Lancaster. Horn December 6, 1833, Ix'ing the eldest son of Edward Cliaddock Gorst, (who assumed by Royal License the surname of Lowndes in lieu of tjorst in 1853), by his wife Elizalieth, daughter of John Douthwaite Nesham. Clubs — Carlton, Oxford and Cambridge, United University. Livety — Dark blue, silver buttons. Armorial beartngs — He bears for Arms : Quarterly i and 4, argi-iii, fret ly azure, on a canton gules a lion's head erased or (for Lowndes) ; 2 and 3 ermine, on a |)ile per pale sable and azure, three pheons or (for Gorst). Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling azure and argent ; and for his Crests, 1. upon a wreath of the colours, a lion's head erased or, gorged with a laurel wreath vert (for Lowndes); 2. upon a wreath of the colours, a pheon or, the shaft entwineel with a serpent proper (for Gorst). MottO — "Quod adest gralum." Estates — Palterlon Hall, in the county of Derby ; Castle Combe, Wiltshire. Postal address — Castle Comix", Chippenham. SHI:NRY WILLIAM LOWRY-CORRY, Esquire, commonly knf)wn as the Honour- H rtVvtt>t1'rrrriff 11 ai)le I lenrv William Lowrv-Corry, IL^UUIl^'VO^Utlj^ Lieutenant-Colonel. Porn 1845, being the son of the Right Honourable Armar Lowry - Cowry, the third Earl of Belmore, by his wife Emily I^ouise, youngest daughter of William Shepherd of Bradbourne, in the county of Kent. Clubs Carlton, Guards'. Armorial bearings- He bears for Arms : Quarterly i and 4, gules a saltire argent, in chief a rose of the last (for Corry) ; 2 and 3 sable, a cup argent, with a garland between two laurel branches, all issuing therefrom proper (for Lowry), impaling the arms of Wood, namely azure, three savages ambulant in fesse proper, in the de.xter hand of each a shield argent, charged with a cross gules, and in their sinister hands a club resting on their shoulder also proper, on a canton ermine three lozenges, conjoined in fesse sable. Upon the escutheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules and argent ; and for his Crests, i. upon a wreath of the colours, a cock projier, charged with a crescent gules (for Corry) ; 2. upon a wreath of the colours, a garland be- tween two laurel branches of the same all proper (for Lowry). Married, 1876, Blanche Edith, conmionly known as the Honourable Blanche Edith, daughter of tlie Righ Honourable the first Viscount Halifa.\ ; and has Issue — (i) Henry Charles Lowry-Corry, Esquire, born February 20, 1887 ; (2) Frederick Richard Henry Lowry-Corry, Gentleman, born May 13, 1890; Emily Mary; and Alice Frances Louisa. Postal address — Edwardstone Hall, Bo.x- ford, Suffolk. WDARZILLAI LOWSLEY, Esquire, Lieutenant- w Colonel Royal Engineers. Born September il flVtlrtft^tl ^9' ^^4°' ^^'"el the fourth son of the late JivUVUPlv^ /fiJ Lowsley of Hampstead Norris, in the county of Berkshire, by his -wife Ruth, daughter of William Robinson Blewberrv of the same county. hivery—Blaci with gold facings. Armorial bearings as used, but for which no authority has been established at the College of Arms, are for Arms : Or, a Jesse between two chevrons sable, the one in chief between three crescents gules. Crest— O// a chapeau gules, turned up ermine, a millstone argent, with mill-rind or. MottO— " An I may." Married, January 28. 1873, Adu Mansfield, elder dausihter oj John Henty Pollard ; and has Issue— (i) Inglis de Lisle Pollard- Lows'ley, born November Z, 1875; (2) Herbert de Lisle Pollard- Lowsley, born April 20, 1877 ; and Grace de Lisle. Postal address — Hampstead Norris, near Newbury, Berkshire. LIONEL DEWE LOWSLEY. Born May 12. 1866, being the eldest son of the late Luke iMwsley, Esquire, of Hampstead Norreys, in the county of Berkshire, by his wife Mary Maria, younger daughter of William Dewe of Wyld Court, in the county oJ Berkshire. Armorial bearings as given in Burke's "Landed Gentry," but for 7vhich no authority has been established in the College of Arms, are for Arms : Or, a fesse between two chevrons sable, the one in chief accompanied of three crescents, two and one gules. Crest — On a chapeau gules, turned up ermine, a millstone argent, with millrind or. MottO — " An I may." Seat — Hampstead Norreys, near Ne^vbury. S JAMES WILLIAM LOWTHER, Esquire, Master of Laws of the University of Cambridge, J. P. and Deputy-Lieutenant for the county of Cumberland, Barrister- at-Law, Member of Parliament. Horn April i, 185^, Ix'ing the eldest son of William Lowther. Esquire, commonly known as the Honourable William Lowther, by his wife Alice Charlotte, commonly known as the Honourable Alice C'harlotte, daughter of the Right Honourable Baron Wensleydale. Clttb — Carlton. Livery — Blue coat with black velvet collar and silver buttons, yellow waistcoat and breeches. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Or, six annulets, three, two and one sable. Upon the escut- cheon is placed a hchnet befitting his degree, with a mantling sable and or ; and for his Crest, a dragon passant argent; with the Motto, " Magistratus indicat virum." .Married, March i, 1886, Mary Frances, daughter of the Right Honourable .■\lexandcr James Beresford Beresford- Hope ; and has Issue — (i) Christopher William Lowther, Esquire, born January 18, 1887 ; (2) Arthur James Beresford Lowther, Gentleman, lx)rn Octolx-r 28, 1888; and Mildred. Postal address — 16 Wilton Crescent, London. WILLIAM LOWTHER, Esquire, commonly known as the Honourable William Lowther, Member of Parliament, brother of the Right Honourable the third E.irl of Lonsdale. Horn 1821, being the third son of Henry Cecil Lowther, Esquire, commonly known as the Honourable Henry Cecil Lowther, by his wife Lucy Eleanor, commonly known as Lady Lucy Eleanor, daughter of the Right Honourable the fifth Earl of Harborough ; was raised to the rank of an ICarl's son by Royal Warrant, 1872. Clubs C'arlton, Consti- tutional, St. Stephen's, Travellers'. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Or, six annulets, three, two and one sable. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet Iiefitting his degree, with a mantling sable and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a dragon passant argent. .Married, 1853, Charlotte Alice, commonly known as the Honourable Charlotte Alice, daughter of the Right Honour- able Lord Wensleydale (extinct) ; and has Issue — (i) James William Lowther, Esquire, born .^pril i, 1855 j married, March i, 1886, Mary Frances, daughter of the Right Honourable Alexander James Beresford Hope, a Member of Her Majesty's Most Honourable Privy Council, of Deep- dene, in the county of Surrey, and has issue, Christopher William Lowther, Esquire, born January 18, 1887; .Arthur James Beresford Lowther, Gentleman, born October 28, t888; and Mildred] ; (2) (Jerard Augustus Lowther, (Gentle- man, Second Secretary of Her Majesty's Diplomatic Service, born February 16, 1858 ; (3) Harold .Arthur Lowther, Gentleman, born July 23, 1864 ; (4) Henry Cecil Lowther, Gentleman, Lieutenant Scots Guards, born January 27, 1869; Mary Eleanor Rose ; Mildred Alice, died September 8, 1876; and Mabel Cecil. Postal addresses~\M\\\.\\er The Editor undertakes that every entry not in italics is that of a genuinely armigerous person. 524 iloto Luc Lodge, Kensington Gore, S.W. ; High House, Campsea Ashe, VVickham Market. JANHlS WILLIAM FREDKRICK LOWTHORPE, Gentleman. Horn Nov. 16, 1830, being the eldest son of the laic James Lowlhorpe and Milliccnt, liau. of RiclKud 'I'onge, and granilson ol late James Loutlioipc of Wi'lton Hall, CO. York. t7//<>— Cons.Mvati\f. Armorial bearings —Gules, six lioncels rampant, three, two, and one argent, between two flaunches of the last, a chief invected or, there- on two cinquefoils of the first. Mantling gules and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, upon a lion's ganib erased fesseways, a wyvern with wings elevated proper, charged with a trefoil or. MottO — " Fortior leone fides." Married, Oct. 3, 1855, Elizateth Lucy (who d. Aug. 15, 1888), dau. of the late Thomas Raikes of Welton Hou.se ; and has Issue — (i) William Frederick Raikes Lowthorpe, Gentleman, b. Oct. 19, 1857, d. May 10, 1864; (2) Charles Evelyn St. Quintin Lowthorpe, Gentleman, b. Sept. 17, i860; (3) Ernest Frederick Lowthorpe, Esq., Capt. 3rd Batt. York and Lancashire Regt. , b. June 13, 1865 \jn., June 10, 1890, ICdith Gertrude, dau. of late Rt. Hon. Henry Cecil Raikes of Llwynegrin, D. L. , M.F.]; Charlotte Lizzie, d. Aug. 10, 1856 ; and Beatrice Maud. Postal address — 14 Bryanston Street, Portman Square, W. SMajor-General CHARLES EDWARD LUARD, oj the Royal Engineers. Born October 13, 1839, 3n ttaff^ beinji,' the second son of Major Robert Liiard of -'^^'•^^ t/ie Royal Artillery, by his rvife Ma/y, eldest daughter of Colonel Richard Elmhirst, of West Ashby, in the county of Lincoln. Club — Naval and Military. Armorial bearings as used, whick are stated to be of Huguenot origin, but for which no authority has been established at the College of Arms, are for Arms: .Sable, a chevron between three lions rampant argent ; and for the Crest, a de mi-lion rampant, holding between thepaivs a mitllet ; with ///t'MottO, " I'rospice." Married, July i, 1875, Caroline Mary, youngest daughter of the late Thomas Hartley of Giltfoot, in the ^ is tbe Military Cockade. F.lnthirsi county 0/ Cumberland ; and has Issue- (1) Charles F.l l.uard, born August 5, 1876; (2) Eric Dalbiac Luard, born April 16, 1878 Postal address -Ighthatn Knoll, Sevenoaks, Kent. CHARLES D-AVIS LUCAS, Es(|uire, Rear-Admiral, and upon whom Her Majesty has conferred the Decoration of the Victoria Cross (June 21, 1854). Born 1834, being the fourth son of Davis Lucas, by his wife, a daughter of Captain Hill. t7//(^— Army and Navy. Armorial bearings Argent. a fesse between six annulets gules. Mantling gules and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a denii-griffin argent, beaked and membered or ; with the Motto, "Stat religione parentum. " Married, 1879, Frances Russell, only child of Admiral Sir William Hutcheon Hall, Knight Commander of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, and grand-daughter of the Right Honourable the si.xth Vis- count Torrington ; and has L<:sue — Hilare Caroline Mathe- son ; I'rances Byng ; and Caroline Louisa Byng. Postal address — 48 Philliniore Gardens, Kensington, W. Rev. JOHN PO.VSONBY LUCA.S, M.A. Balliol Coll. Oxford, Rector of Rhossili and Rural Dean of West Gmcer. Born Oct. 30, 1823, being the second son of the late Henry Lucas, Esq., of Uplands, co. Glamorgan, J. P. (High Sherijf 1842), by his first ivife Caroline, dau. and co-heiress of Ponsonby Tottenham of Clifton, M. P. for New Ross, co. Wexford, nephew of the Karl of Ely, and cousin-gcrman of the first Marquis. Armorial bearings as used, but for which no authority has been established, are for Arms — ■ Ardent, a fesse between six annulets gules. Crest — A wyvern gules. Married, Nin\ 10, 1857, Hannah Rebecca Dolbeare, dau. of the late Rct.'. T. R. .Mathe^vs, B.A. ; and has Issue — (i) Charles Gardner Tottenham Lucas, b. Jan. 16, 1859; (2) Loftus Tottenham Lucas, b. Dec. 3, 1866; (3) Ponsonby Tottenham Lucas, b. Sept. 17, 1869 ; (4) Henry I^ftus Lucas, b. June 3, 1874, d. an infant ; Caro- M is tbe Naval Cockade. Luc Luc 525 line Tottenham ; Maria Louisa I^fltis, d. Aug. 12, 1865'; and Flora Leigh Tottenham. Residence — Rhosnli Rectory, Swansea. JOSEPH LUCAS, Gentleman. Born Nov. 12, 1850, being the only son of Joseph Lucas, by his wife Julia, (lau. of William Lennard of Ilford, Elssex. Club — National Liberal. Livery — Green, and gold facings. Armorial beaxingB — Per chevron vert and or, in chief a crescent ermine, laetween two lucies hauriant of the second, and in base a catherine-wheel of the first. Mantling' vert and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, in front of three caltraps or, on a mount vert, a fox passant in front of M.P. ; and has Aj;/^— (i) Richard Saville Clement Lucas, Gentleman, b. July 27, 1896; (2) Charles Leslie Clement three oak trees proper. HottO — " Respice finem." Mar- ried, Jan. 25, 1870, Annie Elizabeth, dau. of John Atkinson, Chapel Allerton, Leeds; and has Issue — (1) Joseph Lucas, Gentleman, b. Nov. 2, 1870 \tn., 1895, I •' ' '■■; of George Adams]; (2) William Wrathal Liu iin, b. Dec. II. 1871 ; (3) Lascelles Atkinson I iile- man, b. July 7, 1873; (4) Frcdric Viiliers Luc.i---, Gentle- man, b. Jan. 25, 1875; (5) Lennard Wainwright Lucas, Gentleman, b. May 14, 1879; (6) Vernon Ruskin Lucas, (icntleman, b. May 20, 1886 ; .^nnie Julia ; Mabel Evelyn ; Florence Hilda; and Lylian May. Seal — Foxhunt Manor. Waldron, Sussex. S RICHARD CLEMENT LUCAS. Esquire, Bachelor of Surgery, Bachelor of Medicine, and Gold Medallist of the University of London. Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons of England, Surgeon to Guy's Hospital and Lecturer on Anatomy in the Medicil .School, Consulting Surgeon to the Evelina Hospital for Children, Hon. Cor- responding Memlx?r of the -Societt? de Chirurgie of Paris, Fellow of the Royal Medical .and Chirurgic.al Society of London. Surgeon-Major of 4th Vol. Batt. (the (Jueen's) Royal West Surrey Regt. (retired). Born April 16, 1846, being the third son of the late William Lucas of Oaklands House. West Lavington, Sussex, by Elizabeth, only dau. of the late Thomas Lillywhite of Compton. Sussex. Club — Junior Conservative. Livery — Dark blue, red waistcoat. Armorial bearing^s — Per fesse ermine and argent, a fesse per fesse a/ure and gules, between three annulets in chief of the last and in Ktsc two lions combatant of the third. Mantling' gules and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a dragon's head couped at the neck gules, issuant from two annulets or, and holding in the mouth a torch fired proper. Motto— " Fortiset Fidelis.' Married, Sept. 17, 1895, Kathleen Emma, younger dau. of the late Surgeon-Gener.il .Saville Marriott Pelly, C.B., F.R.C.S., InsiJector-General of Hospitals for the Presidency of Bom- bay, and niece ofthe late Sir Lewis Pelly, K.C. B , K.C.S. I., ^■'^//^ :\.1S Lucas, Gentleman, b. Dec. 23, 1897. Seat — Oaklands House. West l^avington, Sussex. Postal address — 50 Wim- |x>le .Street, London, W. LUCY, quartered by PERCY and BAGOT. LUCY, see RAMSAY-FAIRFAX-LUCY. EDMUND BERKELEY LUCY. Born 1842. being the only surviving brother of the late Henry .Spencer Lucy, I'^scj. , of Charlecotc P.irk, co. Warwick. Armorial bear- in£f8 -Gules, seniec of crosses crosslet, three lucies haurieiit argi-nt. Mantl-rr •■■' ' it; and for his Crest, out of a du' : s head erect argent, gutti'-e-de-fM:ii >ct sable, billett^e or. Motto — " liy truth ir.i! .lii^'iic . Married, 1869, Mar- g.irei Laura Mnli;ra\e. d.ui. of the late NS'illiam Standish Standish of IJu.xbury Park, Lancashire, and Cocken Hall, Durham ; .and has, with other Issue — Reginald Standish Lucy, h. 1880. .SVij/— Holly Lodge, Wellesbourne, War- wick. WILLIAM CHARLES LUCY, Esquire, J. P. for co. of Gloucester. Born 1822, Ix'ing the eldest son of the late C. Lucy of Stratford-on-.\von. Armorial bearings — Ermine, on a pile between two pike hauriant in base gules, a [) ke also hauriant l)etween tnrec cross crosslels argent. Mantling gules and argenf. Crest On n wreath of the colours, upon a mount \' " ■^, issuant from a wreath of oak pi ^ barry of six argent and gules. .1/ ('/■ 1896). dau. of T. Sowdon of Woolliope, co. Hereford; and has, with other Issue — William ('harles Lucy, jun. [to whom refer]. Postal address — 11 Campden Hill Square, London. W. WILLIAM CHARLF:S LUCY, Esquire, Junior, J.P. for CO. of Gloucester. Born 1848, being the eldest son of William Charles Lucy, Esq., J.P. , by his wife Elizabeth, dau. of Thomas Sowdon. Armorial bearings — Ermine, on a pile between two pike hauriant in base gules, a pike .also hauriant between three cross crosslcts argent. Mant- ling gules and argent ; and for the Crest —On a wreath of the colours, upon a mount vert, a tear's head gules issuant from a wreath of oak proper, Ixjtwecn two wings barry of six argent and gules. Married, 1875, .Agnes, dau. of Thomas Severne ; and has Issue — (i) .Arthur Sydney Lucy, The Editor undertakes that every entry not in italics is that of a gentiinely armigeroiis person. 526 LuD Hum Gentleman ; (2) Geoffrey Seymour Lucy, Gentleman ; livelyn Mary ; and Muriel Edith. Postal address — Palace Yard, Gloucester. ICDWIN LUDLOW, Gentleman; assumed the name and arms of Ludlow by Royal Licence. Armorial bear- ings — Arijent, a clievron between three martens' heads sable. Mantling sable and argent. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a demi-manen couped sable. IIHNRY HUNGERFORD LUDLOW-BRUGES, Es- quire, of Seend, in the county and a Justice of the Peace for the county of Wiltshire, a male descendant of the family of Ludlow of Hill Deverell, whose pedigree is proved and recorded since 1400. Born June 10, 1847, being the fourth son of the late William Heald Ludlow-Bruges, Es- quire, of Seend, Justice of the Peace, Deputy-Lieutenant, Member of Parliament for Devizes [who assumed the name and arms of Bruges by Royal License, in addition to that of Ludlow, in 1835, on succeeding to the landed estates of Thomas Bruges, Esquire, of Seend, (ustice of the Peace], by his second wife Agnes, daughter of Thomas Penruddocke, Esquire, of Compton Park, Salisbury, Cap- tain 3rd Foot Guards. Club — Magistrates'. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Quarterly of six, i and 6 quarterly i. and iiii. argent, a cross ermines quarterly pierced of the field, in th<' centre point a leopard's face sable (for Bruges) ; ii. and iii. argent, a chevron between three mar- tens' heads erased sable (for Ludlow) ; 2. argent, a chevron between three martens' heads erased sable (for Ludlow) ; 3. gules, in front of an oak tree eradicated or, a greyhound statant argent, gorged with a collar sable, studded of the spcond (for Rymer) ; 4. sable, a stag's head caboshed argent, between the attires or, a cross of the last, pierced above the nostrils by an arrow in fesse point to the sinistor, also gold, feathered of the second, the nostrils dropping blood proper, @ is the Military Cockade. (for Bulstrode) ; 5. argent, two bars azure, between ten martlets, four, three, and three gules (for Moore). Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling sable and argent ; and for his Crests, i. upon a wreath of the colours, an anchor erect sable, charged with a saltire or, entwined by the cable proper (for Bruges) ; 2. upon a wreath of the colours, a demi-niarten couped sable (for Ludlow) ; with the Mottoes, " Mihi coelum portus " (for Bruges), " Omne solum forti patria" (for Ludlow). Postal addresses— Seend, Melksham ; St. John's College, Oxford. THOMAS ARTHUR LUDLOW-HEWITT, Esq., J.P. CO. Cork, B.A. (Oxon.). Born 1850, being the only son of the late Rev. Arthur Rainey Ludlow, by Annette, dau. of Thomas Wall Hewitt of Clancoole, whose name he has assumed by Royal License. Livery — Blue, with yellow facings. Armorial bearings — Argent, two chevronels in- dented gules between three owls proper. Mantling gules and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, the trunk of a tree fesseways eradicated proper, therefrom rising a falcon belled or, fretty gules, in the beak an acorn slipped also proper. Married, 1882, Edith Annie, dau. of A. R. Hudson, Esq. ; and has with other Issue — Alfred Arthur Thomas Ludlow-Hewitt, b. 1884. Seat — Clancoole, near Bandon. Rev. JAMES LUKIN, B.A. (Oxon.), Clerk in Holy Orders, Rector of Hinton Martel, co. Dorset. Born Nov. 5, 1827, being the eldest son of the late James William Lukin, Esq., J.P. , by his second wife Joanna Bryan, eldest dau. of Thomas Byrdall Hugo of Great Canford, co. Dorset. Armorial bearings — Argent, a lion rampant gules, de- bruised by a bend gobonny or and azure. Motto — " In- spice." Married, Feb. 5, 1856, Maria, dau. of Robert Sharp ; and has, with other Issue — Lionel William Lukin, Gentle- man, of Cape Town, South Africa, b. March 25, 1858. Postal address — The Rectory, Hinton Martel, Dorset. JAMES LUMB, Esquire, J.P. and D.L. for Cumber- land, and High Sheriff 1880. Fourth son of William Lumb, Esq., J.P. , D. L. , of Brigham Hall, Cumberland, by his wife Harriet, dau. of William Wilkin, M.D. , of Appleby (and Priscilla, dau. of William Preston of Warcoj) Hall, West.). Club — Conservative. Livery — Undress: black; dress : yellow with blue facings. Armorial bearings — Or, three escutcheons sable, each charged with a nudlet ^ is the Naval Cockade. lum lur 527 pierced of the first, a martlet for difference. Mantling or and sable. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a blacka- moor's head in profile couped at the shoulders proper, wreathed about the temples or and sable, and cliarged on the neck with a mullet of six points gold, within a wreath in arch or and sable. Married, Jime 16, 1858, Juliana Georgina (died 1869), eldest dau. of Jose|)h Harrison of Linethwaite, Cumlx^rland ; and has had /w«^ — (i) George Fitzmaurice Lumb, Gentleman, b. 1862, d. \^T2.; (2) Edward James Machell Lumb, Gentleman, late Lieut. 2nd Lifi; Guards, b. 1863; (3) Rev. Loftus Gerald William Lumb, ('lerk in Holy Orders, b. 1867; Constance Harriet [•Ilizabelh \jn. Robert Jefferson, Esq., J.P,]; Maria Claudine, d, in infancy ; Helen Juliana \tn. Major A. Lumb, 13th Foot, Somersetshire Light Infantry]; and Georgina, d. in infancy. Estates — Homewood and Brig- ham Hall. Postal address — Homewood, Whitehaven. S JAMES LUMSDEN, Esquire, of Arden, in the county of Dumbartonshire, Justice of the Peace .and Ueputy- Li<'utenant. Horn 1851, being the only son of the late Sir James Lumsden, Knight Bachelor, of Arden. by his wife Elizal:)eth, daughter of James Pinkerton, Merchant, of Glas- gow. Club — Conservative. Armorial bearings — He licars for Arms : .Azure, a chevron or, between two wolves' heads erased in chief argent, and an escallop in base of the last. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling azure and .nrgont ; and upon a wreath of his liveries is set for Crest, a hand grasping a dagger in bend sinister, all proper. Motto — " Dei dono sum quod sum." Married, 1882, Sus:m Campbell, daughter of Robert Dimcanson McKenzie of Caldarvan, in the county of Dumbarton ; and has Issue — James Robert Lumsden, ICs(|uire, born 1884 ; and Sus;m Elizabeth Campbell. Seal Arden, Alexandria, Dumbartonshire. General Sir PETER STARK LUMSDEX, G.C.B., C.S./., D.L. and J.P. for cos. Aberdeen and Banff; served in N. IV. Frontier Campaigns 1851-54, on special Military .Mission to Candahar 1857-58, in Central India Campaign 18^7-58, and China at capture of Taku forts i860, with lihootan Field Force 1865, D.Q.M.C. Bengal 1864-68, Q..\f.G. 1868-73, ■deling Resident at Hyderabad 1873, Adjut.-Gen. 1874-79, Chief of the Staff in India 1879, A.D.C. to the Queen 1870 81, British Commander for demarcation of N. W. Boundary of Afghanistan 1884-85, Member of Council of India from 1883-93. Born .VV?'. 9, 1829, bein^ the fourth son of Col. Thomas Lumsden, C.B., of the Bengal Artillery, and oj Belhelin lAidge, Aberdeen- shire, by his wife Hay, dau. of John Burnet of Elrich in same county. Club — United Serrice. Armorial bearings as used, but which are not matriculated to Sir I'eter in I.yon Register, are for Arms — Asure, a buckle, between in chief two -wolves' heads couped and in base an escallop or. Crest — A dexter arm embo^ved, holding a sword. Motto — " Dei dono sum quod sum." Married, 1862, Mary Margaret, dau. of J. Marriott. Seat — Buchromb, Dufftofivn, N.B. EDWARD LUND, Gentleman. Born July 10, 1851, being the eldest son of Edward Lund, F. R.C.S. , by his wife Charlotte, dau. of Daniel Nathaniel Webster. Armo- rial bearings -Per chevron or and gules, in chief two lions passant, and in base a demi-pegasus couped all counter- changed. Mantling gules and or. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a demi-|X!gasus coujx'd or, the wings charged with five horse-shoes, two, one, and two, and resting the sinister leg on a lion's head erased gtiles. MottO — " God's my Guide." Married, Sept. 17, 1884, .\gnes Alice, dau. of Henry Alfred l'"aton Jowett of Sawloy, Derby ; and has Issue — (i) Edward Kingstone Lund, Gentleman, b. June 12, 1885; (2) Wilfrid Herbert Lund, Gentleman, b. May 19, 1886; Agnes Dorothy ; Ethel Frances; and Adelaide Marion, d. an infant, March 15, 1895. Residence — 28 Highfield Road, Stretford, Lanaashire. HERBERT LUND, Gentleman, .M.A. and M.B., B.C. Cainb. , F. R.C.S. Born May 14, 1858, being the second son of tldward Lund, F. R.'CS. , by his wife Charlotte, dau. of Daniel Nathaniel Webster. Armorial bearings — Per chevron or and gules, in chief two lions jiassant, and in base a demi-pegasus couped all connterchanged. Mantling gules and or. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a demi-pegasus couped or, the wings charged with five horse-shoes, two, one, and two, and resting the sinister leg on a lion's head erased gules. Motto— " God's my Guide." Married, June 30, 1892, Mary Crockatt, dau. of Thomas Ballantine of Greenock, and of Lochgoil- head, co. Argyll ; and has /w//t'~Herbert Keith Ballantine Lund, Gentleman, b. May 29, 1896; and Margaret Ballan- tine. Residence — Sandywood, Pendleton, Manchester. LUNENBURG, quartered by Dukes of CAMBRIDGE and CUMBERLAND and by FITZCLARENCE. LUPUS, Earl of Chester, quartered by HU.SSEY. Sir GODFREY LUSHINGTON, Knight Commander of the Most Honourable Order of the ¥1 lltfflttllTf'rtll Bath, Under-Secretary of State for li^UPlJtll^VUll the Home Office 1885-1895. Born 1832, Ix^ing the son of the Right Honourable Stephen Lushington, Judge of the High Court of Admiralty, by his wife .Sarah Grace, daughter of r. W. Carr of Frognal, Hampstead ; created Com- panion of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, 1887, and advanced to the rank of Knight Commander of that Order, 1892. Armorial bearings — He Ix-ars for Arms : Or, on a fesse wavy lH>twecn three lions' heads erased vert, as many ermine spots of the field. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling vert and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a lion's head erased vert, charged with three ermine spots or, ducally gorged argent. Married, 1865, Beatrice Anne Shore, daughter of S. Smith of Emblcy, in the county of Hants. Postal address —34 Old (^)ueen Street, 'Westminster; Stokke, Great FJedwyn, Hungerford, Wilts. His Honour Judp.f, VERNON LUSHINGTON, one of Her Majesty's Counsel Learned in the Law. Born 1832, teing the fourth son of the late Right Honourable .Stephen Lushington, a Member of Her Majesty's Most Honourable Privy Council, by his wife Sarah, daughter of the late Thom.as William Carr of Frognal. Hampstead. Club — Athenaum. Armorial bearings He bears for Arms : Or, on a fesse wavy between three lions' heads erased vert, as many ermine spots of the field ; and for his Crest, a lion's head cra.sed vert, charged with three ermine spots or, and ducally gorged argent. Married, February 28, 1865, Jane (who died 1884), third daughter of Francis Mowatt ; and has /«//£'— Katharine; Margaret; and Susan. Postal ad- dresses— jfy Kensington Square, W. ; Pyports, Cobham, Surrey. WILLIAM HENRY LUTLEY, Gentleman, .second son of the late John Barneby Lutley, M.P. for Droitwich, and afterw.ards for co. Worcester, by his wife Su.san, eldest dau. of John Henry Elwes of Colesljourne, co. Gloucester. Ar- morial bearings — Quarterly i and 4, sable, a lion [jassant gu;ird;iiu between three escallops argent ; 2 and 3 quarterly orand azure, four lions rampant connterchanged. Mantling sable and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a lion couchant guardant sable. Motto — " Virtute non vi." .S'('. Sept. 23, 1882 ; (2) Thomas Lyell, Gentleman, 1^. Dec. 4, 1883 ; (3) Robert Lyell, Gentle- man, fi. Jan. 23, 1887 ; (4) David Collier Lyell, Gentleman, i. Oct. 31, 1893 ; Marjory Helen ; and Jean. He w. secondly, Ethel Elizabeth, dau. of Robert Legal, W.S., late of Esk- park, Musselburgh. A'esidence— Gardyne Castle, co. Forfar. D.\ME HARRIET LYNCH-BLOSSE, commonly called Lady Harriet Lvnch-P>losse, daughter of the Most Honour- able the second Marquess of Sligo. Armorial bearings are, upon a lozenge : Azure, a chevron between three trefoils slipped or (being the arms of Lynch, there Ijeing none recorded in Ulster's Office for Blosse), and impaling the arms of Browne, namely, saVjle three lions passant in bend between two double cottises argent. Married, March 31, 1853, Sir Robert Lynch-Blosse, tenth Baronet, of Castle Carra, in the county of Mayo, who died 1893 ; and has hsue — (i) Sir Henry Lynch-Blosse, eleventh Baronet [to whom refer]; (2) Robert Lynch- P>losse, Esquire, Captain and Adjutant King's Own Borderers, born February 14, 1861 ; (3) William Conyngham Lynch-Blosse, Esquire, born February 15;, 1864 : died November 19, 1870 ; (3) Francis Lynch-Blosse. Lieutenant Highland Light Infantry, born November 27, 1868 ; Harriet [married, November 6, 1883, Henry Arthur Robinson] ; and Mary [married, March 8, 1892, Robert Nicholas Hardinge, Escjuire, commonly called the Honour- able Robert Nicholas Hardinge]. Residence — Athavallie, Balla, in the county of Mayo. Sir HENRY LYNCH-BLOSSE, eleventh Baronet, of Castle Carra, in the county of Mayo. Born April 21, 1857, being the eldest son of the late Sir Robert Lynch-Blosse, ^ is the Military Cockade. tenth Baronet, by his wife Harriet, commonly called Lady Harriet, daughter of the Most Honourable the second Mar(|uess of Sligo ; and succeeded his father 1893, imder tlie creation of luiic 8, 1622. Club — Kildare Street (Dublin). Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Azure, a chevron between three trefoils slipped or, the escutcheon being charged with his badge of Ulster as a Baronet (being the arms of Lynch, there being no crest and no arms of Blosse recorded in Ulster's Office). Seat — Athavallie, Balla, in the county of Mayo. CHARLES RUSHWORTH LYNCH-STAUNTON. Born 1854, being the eldest ¥T vt*^^*^^ (CX'frtftMfrt'M son of the late Marcus Staun- iLpnCt)=^taUntOn to„ Lynch-Staunton of Cly- dagh, by his wife Horatia .•Xnne, daughter of Charles Powlett Rush worth. Com- missioner of Inland Revenue. Club — Union. Armorial bearings — Quarterly 1 and 4, argent, two chevronels sable (for .Staunton) ; 2 and 3 azure, a chevron between three trefoils slipped or (for Lynch). Mantling sable and argent ; and for his Crests, i. upon a wreath of the colours, upon a mount vert, a fox statant proper (for Staunton) ; 2. upon a wreath of the colours, a lynx passant proper, charged with a mullet gules (for Lynch). Motto — "En Dieu ma foy." Seat — Clydagh, Headford, Tuam, in the county of Galw ay. Rev. JOHN LYNES, M.A. Camb., formerly Vicar of Buckland, Monachonmi, Devon, and Melchbourne, Beds. Born March 6, 1821, being the eldest son of the late Thomas Lynes, by his wife Frances, dau. of the Rev. George Boulton, Rector of Oxendon, co. Northampton. Armorial bearings — .'Xrgent, on a bend azure, between two lions rampant gules, a fleur-de-lis between two griffins' heads erased or. Mantling azure and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, in front of a fleur-de-lis argent, a lion rampant gules. Motto — " Foi, roi, droit." Married, Nov. 17, 1853, Mary Campion, dau. of Booth Hodgetts ; and has Issue — (i) John Lynes, Gentleman, b. Jan. 21, 1863; (2) Thomas Lynes, Gentle- man, b. Jan. 4, 1865; (3) Booth Hodgetts Lynes, Gentle- man, h. April 23, 1867; and Frances Mary \in., Sept. 8, 1884, Col. William Brooks ButlinJ. Residence — Sandesfort House, Wyke Regis, Dorset. S SAMUEL PARR LYNES, Esquire, Colonel R.A. Born June 29, 1838, being the eldest son of the late Rev. John Lynes, LL.B., F.S.A., J. P. co. Worcester, and Incumbent of Hatton, co. Warwick, by his wife Caroline Sobieski, eldest dau. and co-heiress (with her youngest sister. Lady Marshall) of John Wynne of Garthmeilo, co. Den- bigh. Armorial bearings — On a bend iizure, between two lions rain]);int gules, a fleur-de-lis between two gryphon's heads erased or. Mantling azure and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, in front of a fleur-de-lis argent, a lion rampant gules. MottO — "Foi, roi, droit." LYON CLERK, see MITCHELL. LYON KING OF ARMS, see BALFOUR PAUL. K ^RF,.\R-AnMiR.M,SiK ALGERNON M'LENN,\N LYONS, Knight Commander of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, Justice of the Peace and Deputy - Lieutenant for the county of Glamorgan, C'ommander in Chief at Devonport since 1893. Born 1833, being the son of Lieutenant - General Humphrey Lyons, by his first wife Eliza, daughter of Henry Bennett of Fir Grove, Liver- pool ; created Knight Commander of the Most Honourable Order of tlie Bath, 1889. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Sable, a chevron ermine, between three sea-lions sejant guardant argent ; the escutcheon being surrounded by the ribbon of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, and pendent his badge as a Knight Commander. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling sable and argent ; and for his Crest, on a chapeau gules, turned up ermine, a sea-lion's head erased argent, gorged with a naval crown azure. Married, 1879, Louisa Jane, eldest davighter of Thomas Penrice of Kil- vrough, in the county of Glamorgan. Postal address — Kilvrough, county Glamorgan. JAMES BRISTOW LYONS, Gentleman. Born October 14, 1853, being the fourth son of the late William Thomas Bristow Lyons, l'"squire. Justice of the Peace and Deputy- ^m is the Naval Cockade. iL^on0 Lpo Lpo 529 Lieutenant of Old Park and Brookhill, in the county of Antrim, by his wife Julia Maria, third daughter of Captain James Jones of Mount Kdward, in the county of Sligo. Lh'ery— Blue and white. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms: Argent, a hon rampant azure. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling azure and argent ; and for his Crest,- upon a wreath of the colours, a demi-lion rampant, holding in the de.xter paw a fleur-de-lis argent ; with the Motto, " In te Domine speravi." Married, October 8, 1885, Marguerite Julia, daughter of Jules Festu-Villiaumey of Calvados, in Normandy; and has fssm'—(\) William Barry Lyons, Gentleman, born July ii, 1887; {2) James Henry Lyons, Gentleman, born February 28, 1889. JULIA MARIA LYONS, Widow, third daughter of Captain James Jones of .Mount ICdward, in the county of Sligo, by Eliza his wife, daughter of John Johnstone of Knappagh, in the county of .Armagh [by Margaret llalton of Clonard, his wife]. Livery — Blue and white. Armorial bearings are, upon a lozenge: Argent, a lion rampant azure. Married, February 10, 1840, VVilliam Thomas Bristow Lyons, I"",squire, Justice of the Peace and Deputy-Lieutenant, of Old Park and Brookhill, in the county of Antrim (who died June 4, 1887). Of the above marriage there is Issue — (1) William Henry Holmes Lyons, Fsquire [to whom refer] ; (2) Robert Colvill Jones Lyons, Gentleman [to whom refer] ; (3) Henry Kenneth Thomas Lyons, Gentleman, born June 6, 1850; (4) James Bristow Lyons, Gentleman, [to whom refer]; (5) Clarence Edward Lyons, Gentle- man, lx)rn February 10, 1856 (deceased); Eliza [married, March 1865, Rotert Cunningham Thomson, Esquire, of Castleton, Belfast, Justice of the Peace for the county of ,\ntrim, formerly Captain 2nd Cjueen's Own Regiment (he died Octotjcr 1884) ] ; Julia Maria (deceased) ; Dorinda .■\iuia Henrietta ; Edith .Arabella Louisa Florence [mar- ried, 1877, Lieutenant- Colonel Henry \{artin Moorsom, Rifle Brigade] ; Constance Adela Hastings [married, firstly, 1871, John Robert Colvill Lowry, fourth son of James Corry Lowry, Esquire, one of Her Majesty's Counsel Learned in the Law ; and secondly, John Bath .Mlanson of Bryn .Seiant, in the county of Carnarvon, eldest son of Thomas Allanson of Tals Kyddy St. Columb, in the county of Cornwall] ; and Julie Marie Louise. Estates-^ Old Park, Jordanstown, Carnance ; Clonard, Brookhill (and projKTly in Belfast and Dublin). Postal address — Brookhill, Lisburn, county .Xnlrim. ROBIiRT COLVILL JONI'.S LYONS, Gentleman, formerly an Officer 43rd Light Infantry (has New Zealand Peace and Deputy-Lieutenant, of Old Park and Brookhill, in the county of Antrim, by his wife Julia Maria [to whom refer], daughter of Captain James Jones of Mount Edward, in the county of Sligo. /,/zrn'— ^Light blue and white. Armorial bearings He bears for Arms: .\rgent, a lion rampant azure. Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a demi-lion ram- pant, liolding in his de.xter paw a fleur-de-lis argent. MottO — "In te Domine speravi. " Married, December 8, 1869, Helen Caroline, second daughter of John Le Mottle of Le Vauquiddor, Guernsey, Judge of the Royal Court ; and has Issue — (i) Edward Colvill Lyons, Gentleman, born January 9, 1873; (2) Guy Cary Lyons, Gentleman, born October 16, 1875; and Muriel. Lieulenant-General THOMAS CASEY LYONS, Com- panion of the Most Hotiourable Order of the Bath, Gm'ernor and Commander-in-Chief Bermuda. Born 1829, being the son of the late J. D. Lyons, Deputy-Lieutenant : 7vas created Companion of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, 1877. Club — United Seivice. Married, 1863, daughter oj George Young of Apley Towers, Hyde. Postal addresses— Gmiernnient House, Bermuda ; 46 Lmver Sloane Street, S. W. WILLIAM HENRY LYONS. Esq., J. P. co. Cork and City (High Sheriff i868), and for Co. Limerick (High Sheriff 1874). Bom 1825, being the eldest son of the late Sir William Lyons, Knt., who was Mayor of Cork 1848-1849 and High Sherifl' 1856, by Harriet, dau, of Spencer Dyer, Esq., of Garras, co. Cork. Clul' — Royal Cork Yacht ({,)ueenstown). Armorial bearings— .\rgent, a royal crown pro[)er, lietween two licjiis passani guardant in chief saVile, and in Ixise an ancient ship of tlnee masts of the second, between two flowers gules. Mantling sable and argent ; anfl for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a demi-lion Me. Motto— "Viriute et fldelitate." Married, il.iu. of Richard Walter .Agar of Ballycasheen ; //('-William Heiirv Lvons, l".s(|., hitc ('apt. Limeiick Art. Mil., b. 186-. WILLIAM HENRY HOL.MES LYONS, Esquire, Justice of the Peace for the county of .Antrim. Born July Medal). Born Octoiier 26, 1844, being the second son of the late William Thomas Bristow Lyons, Esquire, Justice of the 31, 1843, being the eldest son of the late William Thomas Bristow Lyons, Escjuire, Justice of the Peace and Deputy- The Editor undertakes that every entry not in italics is that of a genuinely armigerous person. 2 L 53° Ips Lieutenant, of Old Park and Brookhill, in the county of Antrim, and his wife Julia Maria [to whom refer], daughter of Captain James Jones of Mount Edward, in the county of Sligo. <7///>.f— Constitutional, Ulster (Belfast). Livery— Light blue and white. Armorial bearings He bears for Anns : .\rgent, a lion rampant azure ; and for his Crest, a demi-lion rampant, holding in his dexter paw a fleur-de-lis argent ; with the Motto, "In te Doniine speravi. " Married, January 5, 1888, Mary ICliza (Lily), eldest daughter of George kvans'of GortmeiTon House, Dungannon, in the county of Tyrone; and has /j.r//e?~\V'illiam Holmes St. John Lyons, Gentleman, born December 28, 1888 ; Vera Patricia Mabel ; Evylyn Sara Evans ; and Lily l^ileen. Postal address — Brookhill, Lisburn. m LORENZO GEORGE LYSONS, Esquire, Major 2nd ® Volunteer Battalion Gloucestershire Regiment. Born August 6, 1839 ; succeeded his father, 1877. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : (iules, a chief nebul(5e argent, issuant therefrom the rays of the sun proper. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules and argent. MottO — "Valebit." Alar- ried, October 1862, Victoria, daughter of General Sir William Richards, Knight Commander of the Most Hon- ourable Order of the Bath ; and by her has had Issue — (i) William Lorenzo George Lysons, Gentleman, born July, 1863; (2) Daniel George Lysons, Gentleman, died 6@ac 1867; (3) Arthur Charles Fothringham Lysons, Gentle- man, born 1868; (4) George Lorenzo Lysons, Gentleman, died 1870 ; (5) Samuel Victor Davies Lysons, Gentleman, born 1874; (6) Clement Francis Lysons, Gentleman, died 1871;; Ethel Tereso, died 1875; Mabel Susan Frances; (iwendoline Catherine ; Victoria Georgiana, died 1874 ; and Marguerite Henrietta. Residence — 10 Gratton Road, W. Kensington, W. § CHARLES BYBIE LYSTER, Esquire, Major in the Huff's (retired). Born May 20, 1852, being the second son of Frederic Torrens Lyster, Esq., late Lieut. -Col. com- manding the 2ist Royal North British Fusiliers, by his wife lillen. dau. of ICdward Lake. Club — Junior Army and Navy. Lively — French grey, collar and cuffs salmon colour. Armorial bearings — Quarterly i and 4, ermine, on a fesse sable, three nudlets or (for Lyster) ; 2 and 3 azure, a chevron argent between three mullets gules, in the dexter and sinister chief points a bird-bolt in pale or (for Bolton). Motto — " Retinens vestigia fam;Te." Married, October 13, 1885, Alice, only child of Dr. James Bindloss of Prestwich, near Manchester; and has had L<:sue — (i) Anthony St. George Lyster, Gentleman, b. March 13, 1888; (2) Lumley Fitz- gerald Lyster, Gentleman, b. Oct. 21, i8go; (3) Harry Stratford Gore Lyster, Gentleman, b. July 29, 1894 [d. Feb. 18, 1895); Sybil; and Rosanumd. Postal address — Waye, .^sh burton, Devon. M LiKUT.-CoL. THOMAS STANNARD MAC ADAM, Lieut. -Col. (retired) late 3rd Batt. York and Lancaster Regt. , J. P. COS. Clare, Limerick, and Susse.v. Born 1827, being the eldest son of the late Capt. Philip MacAdam of Blackwater House, by his wife Elizabeth, third dau. of John Lannigan Stannard, Esq., J. P., of The Grange, co. Kil- kenny. tV«/5— United Service. Armorial bearings — Vert, a cross calvary, in the dexter chief a nmllet, and in the sinister a crescent, all or. Mantling vert and or; and for his Crest, on a wreath of the colours, on a mount vert, a cock proper, holding in the bill a cross as in the arms ; with the Motto, " Inhocsignovinces." Married, ist, 1855, Eliza- beth Chivers, dau. of the late John Seddon Bower, Esq. , J. P. , of Broxholme House, York ; and by her (who died 1856) has Issue— (i) Philip Bower MacAdam, Esq., /;. 1856, Capt. Iilast Lancashire Regt. (sgth) ; 2nd, 1858, Ellen lane, only daughter of the late William D'Arcy Preston, Esq., Capt. R.N., J. P., of Borde Hill House, Sussex, and by her has had, with two sons who died young, (2) Frank Robert Preston MacAdam, Esq., C^apt. Prince of Wales' Own West Yorkshire (late 14th) Regt., b. 1859, d. July 22, 1893; (3) Walter MacAdam, Esq., Capt. R.E., b. 1865; Charlotte Honor; and Grace Elizabeth [w. , 1893, Col. Edward Hart Dyke, late R.A.]. listate and postal address— 'BXa.ckwa.ier House (co. Clare), near Limerick. CHARLES SOMERVILLE MACALESTER, Esquire, of Loup and Kennox, Justice of the Q(^HtH\PKitCV Peace and Deputy-Lieutenant, Chief ^aV^iX^ryiKV of the Clan Alester, Lieutenant-Colonel (retired). Born March ;8, 1830, being the eldest son of the late Charles Somerville M 'Alester of Kennox, by his wife Mary Adeline Brabazon, only child of Edward Lyon of Dublin. C///*— Junior United Service, New (Edinburgh). Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms: Or, an eagle displayed gules, armed sable, sur- mounted on the breast of a galley of the first, a border of the third, charged with three cross crosslets fitch^e argent. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules, doubled argent ; and upon a wreath of his liveries is set for Crest, a dexter arm in armour erect,' . the hand holding a dagger in pale all proper; motto over " Fortiter." Supporters—Dexter, a bear pierced in the back with an arrow ; sinister, an eagle all proper. Motto— " Per mare per terras." -l/arr/c,/, 1867, WilliaminaPollok, youngest ^ is tbe Military Cockade. daughter of William PoUok Morris of Craig, in the county of Ayr; and by her (who died 1872) had Issue — (i) Charles Godfrey Somerville Macalester, Esquire, Captain 3rd Battalion Royal Scots Fusiliers, Barrister-at-Law of the Inner Temple, Bachelor of Arts of Baliol College, Oxford, born 1868 ; (2) William Henry Somerville Macalester, Gentle- man, second Lieutenant King's Own Scottish Borderers, born May 5, 1871 ; Janet; Mary; and Violet. Seats — Kennox House, Stewarton ; Dunkskaig House, in the county of Ayr. DONAI^D MACAL/STER, Esquire, J. P. for Cam- bridgeshire, M.A., M.D., B.Sr.. F.R.C.P. Born May 17, 1854, being the eldest son of Donald MacAlister of Tarbert, Canty re, N.B., and his wife Euphemia, dau. oj Donald Kennedy of Boiciiiore, Islav. Clubs — Atheuirum , National Liberal, I'liioii [Cambridge], County Liberal (Cambridge). Armorial bearings as used, but which are not niarticulated in Lvon Register, are — Or, upon an eagle displayed gules, a lymphad of the first, all within a bordure sable, charged with six cross crosslets Jitch^e argent. Crest — An arm in armour fesseways proper, holding a cross crosslet fitcMe gules. Motto — "Per mare per terras." Married, March 19, 1895, Edith Florence Bovle, eldest dau. of Alexander MacAlister, M.D., LL.D., Sc.D., F.R.S., L'rofessor in the Unii'ersity of Cambridge, Senator bv Roval Appointment of the Royal University of Ireland. Resi- dence — Barrmore, Cambridge. JAMES JOHNSTONE MACANDREW, Esquire, Justice of the J^eace for the county of Devon. Born 1837, being the third son of the late Robert MacAndreis.' of Isle- worth House, in the county of Middlesex, by his wife Eliza, daughter of James MacAndrnv of Elgin, North Britain. \A\v:xy -Dark green cloth, with silver buttons. Armorial bearings as used are for Arms : Sable, an eagle displayed or, in his dexter talon a dagger proper, 7oithin a bordure argent charged with six mullets gules. Crest— ./ galley, oars erected in saltire sable, and flags gules ; icith the Motto, " Fort una juvat." These arms were granted in 1785 to William Mac.indrerv, grandfather of the above- mentioned James Johnstone MacAndrnv, to whom, hinoei'er [as the third son of his father), thev have not yet been matriculated. Married, December 9, 1862, Barbara, only daughter of John .Miller, Esquire, IXntor of .Medicine, of ^m is the Naval Cocka,de, ^ac Q^ac 531 Rothesay, Isle of Bute, Justice of the Peace for the county of Bute. Estates — Lukesland and Stanford, in the county oj De^xm. Postal adilress - Lukaland, Ivy Bridge, South De'oon, WILLIAM MAC AN DREW, Esquire, Justice of the Peace for the county of Essex. Born 1828, being the third son of the late William Duncan Mac Andrew, Merchant, of I.ii'erpool, by his wije Anne, daughter of Isaac Forsyth of Elgin, North Britain. C\uhs — Reform, City Liberal. Armorial bearings as used are : Sable, an eagle displayed or, in his Jcxtcr talon a dagger proper, within a bordure argent, charged toith six stars gules. Aboz'e the shield is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules, doubled argent ; on a wreath of his liveries is set for Crest, a ^alky, her oars erected in saltire sable, and /lags gules ; and in an escroll above the crest this Motto, " Port una juvat." These arms were recorded in Lyon Office, September 13, 1785, by " William MacAndre^v, Esquire, of Thames Street, London," but they have not been yet matriculated to the aboi'e-mentioned William Mac An ! !' hr. Mar- ried, /?/-.t//i', October ij. 1855, .lAz/T /\' . //'<•(/ 1873, daughter of the late William .Matthc:. pa, Peru : and secondly, January g, 1877, .Mariana Helen, daughter of the late Re~verend Charles Edward Birch, Rector of II 'iston, in the county of Suffolk, and relict oj the late George Gataker of Mildenhall, in the county of Suffolk. By his first marriage he had Issue (i) Isaac Forsyth Mac.Atidreno, horn July 31, i860; (2) William Duncan .Mac.Andreiv, born June i, 1863 ; (3) .Arthur E.dward MacAndreio, born July 4, 1864 ; Rachel Constance ; Manuela Christina Mercedes; Katha- rine; Rosita ; Eleanor ; and Mary. Estate — " Westwood," in the parishes of Great Horkesley and Little Horkesley, in the county of Essex. Postal address — I V'estwood House, near Colchester. S ALEXANDER M'ARTHUR, Esquire, J. P. for Surrey, D. L. for London, M.P. for Leicester 1874-92, ami for some years Member of the Legislative Council of New South Wales. Born March 10. 1814, being the third son of the late Rev. John M'.Xrthur, by his wife Sarah, duu. of William Findlay of Marghacotton, CO. Tyrone. Clubs — Reform, Devonshire, National Liberal. Armorial bearings — IVr chevron nebuly azure and or, two Eastern crowns in chief and a cross moline in base, all counterchanged. Mantling azure and or. Crest — ^On a wreath of the colours, in front of a greyhound couchant sidile, collared and line reflexed over the back argent, a billet erect or, the whole between two branches of laurel vert, fructed proper. Motto — " Fide et opera." Mairied, .•\ug. 19, 1853, Maria Bowden, dau. of "the late Rev, William B. Boyce of The Glebe, Sydney, New South Wales; and has Issue — (i) William Alexander M '.Arthur, Esq., one of H.M.'s Lieutenants for the City of London, M.P. for St. Austell Div. of Cornwall since 1887, Junior Lord of the Treasury since 1892, b. April 14, 1857 \tn., Aug. 12, 1890, Florence Cremer, eldest dau. of John Cremer Clarke of Wayste Court, and has issue, two daus.] ; (2) John Percival M'.Arthur, Esq., D.L. for London, b. July 25, 1858 [w. , Sept. 25, 1884, Lilly, dau. of Addison]; (3) Allen Gordon M'Arthur, Gentleman, Bar- nst.r-ai-i.aw , /■. I an. 12, 1862 [/»., Sept. 26, 1890, Maud, dau. of Samuel Finly of Montreal]; (4) James Harry Stewart M'.Arlhur, tientlcman, Barrister-at-Law, b. March 10, 1863; (5) (Jeorge \< . .M'.Xrthur, Gentleman, /'. Dea 20, 1864; (6) Ebenezer Jenkings M'Arthur, Gentleman, b. July 27, 1872; (7) Alexander M'Arthur, Gentleman, b. Nov. 10, 1873, d. young; Lilian, d. Jan. 1862; Marian [w. G. F. Holman]; Sarah Maria \tn. John Southall, Barrister-at-Law]. To-wn residence — 79 Holland Park, London, W. ALLEN GORDON M'ARTHUR, Barrister-at-Law. Born Jan. 12, 1862, being the third son of Alexander M '.Arthur, Esq., J. P. for Surrey, D.L. for London, M.P. for Leicester 1874-92, by his wife Maria Bowden, dau. of the late Rev. William B. Boyce of The Glebe, Sydney, New .South Wales. Armorial bearings - 1 'or chevron nebuly azure and or, two I'a.stern crowns in chief and a cross moline in base all counterchanged. Mantling azure and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, in front of a greyhound couchant sable, collared and line reflexed over the back argent, a billet erect or, the whole between two branches of laurel vert, fructed proper. Motto — " r'ide et opera." Mairied, .Sept. 26, 1890, Maud, dau. of Sanuiel Finly of Montreal. Residence — JOHN PERCIVAL M'ARTHUR. Esquire, D.L. for London. Born July 25, 1858, being the second son of Alexander M'Arthur, Esq., J. P. for Surrey, D.L. for London, by his wife Maria Bowden, dau. of the late Rev. William B. Boyce of The Glebe, Sydney, New South Tbe Editor undertakes that every entry not in italics is that of a genuinely armigerous person. 532 a3ac Q^ac Wales. Armorial bearings — IVr clievron nehuly azure and or, two ICastoin crowns in chief and a cross inoline in l)ase all counicrclianged. Mantling azure and or. Crest — On a wreatli of the colours, in front of a greyhound couchant sable, collared and line reflexed over the back argent, a billet erect or, the whole tietween two branches of laurel vert, fructed proper. MottO — "Fide et opera." Married, Sept. 25, 1884, Lilly, dau. of .Adison. Residence — WILLIAM ALKX.ANDER .M'ARTHUR, Esquire, one of H.M.'s l^ieutenants for the City of London, M.P. for St. Austell Division of Cornwall since 1887, Junior Lord of the Treasury 1892-95. Born .Vpril 14, 1857, being the eldest son of Alexander M 'Arthur, Esq., J.F. for Surrey, I). L. for London, M.P. for Leicester, by his wife Maria Bowden, dau. of the late Rev. William B. Boyce of The (Jlebe, Sydney, New South Wales. Armorial bearings — i'er chevron ncbuly azure and or, two l'2astern crowns in ciiief and a cross nioline in base all counterchanged. Mantling azure and or. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, in front of a greyhound couchant sable, collared and line rcHexed over the back argent, a billet erect or, the whole between two branches of laurel vert, fructeci proper. Motto — "Fide et opera." Married, Aug. 12, 1890, Florence Cremer, third dau. of John Cremer Clarke of Waystc Court ; and has Issne—Tvio daus. Residence — 4 Third Avenue, Hove. MACARTNEY, see ELLISON-MACARTNEY. CARTHANACH GEORGE MACARTNEY, Esq., J. P. CO. Antrim. Born 1869, V)eing the only son of the late George Travers Macartney of Lissanoure, by Henrietta Frances, third dau. of Robert Smyth of Gaybrook, co. West- meath. Cliih — Sackville .Street, Dublin. Armorial bear- ings—Or, a buck trippant gules, attired argent, a bordure of the second, and impaling the arms of Macartney-Filgate, namely azure, two bars argent, between six mullets, three, two, and one or. Mantling guies and or; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a cubit arm erect, the hand grasping a rose branch in flower, all proper. Motto — "Mens conscia recti." Married, 1890, Margaret Try- phena Mabel, eldest dau. of Townley Macartney-Filgate, Esq., of Lowtherstone, co. Dublin ; and has /w«c— Dervock George Auchinlcck Macartney, Gentleman, /'. 1891. Seat — Lissanoure Castle, co. Antrim. I.iEUT. -Colonel MAXWELL JAMES MACART- NEY, Royal Engineers (retired), eldest son of Maxwell Macartney, late of Rosebrook, co. Armagh. Armorial bearings— Or, a buck trippant gules, attired and unguled argent, a bordure of the second, charged with eight roses of the third. Mantling gules and or. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a cubit arm vested and cuffed bendy gules and or, the hand bare holding a rose branch proper. Motto— " Mens conscia recti." Postal address — 3 Tor Gardens, Campden Hill. TOWNLEY PATTEN HUME MACARTNEY - F.ILGATE, Esq., J. P. for co. Dublin and co. Louth, late Capt. 18th Hussars and Scots Greys, and Mil. Sec. to the Governor of Bombay. Born 1841, being the youngest son of the late George Hume Macartney, Esq., T-P. and D.L. , of Lissanoure, by Ellen, only dau. of the" late Townley Patten Filgate, Esq., of Lowtherstone, whose name he assumed in 1862. C///*j— Carlton, Kildare Street, Dublin. Armorial bearings— .\zure, two bars argent, between six mullets, three, two, and one or. Mantling azure and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a griffin sejant salient argent, pierced through the breast with a broken spear or, holding the point in its" beak. Married, 1862, Tryphena Elizabeth, eldest dau. of the late Right Hon. Sir W. .Seymour FitzGerald ; and has, with other Issue — William Townley George Seymour Macartney- Filgate, Esq., J. P. for CO. Dublin, /;. 1864. .SVrt/— Lowther- stone, Balbriggan, Dublin. JAMES McAUSLANE, Gentleman. Born 1854, being the eldest son of the Reverend Alex- ander McAuslane, Doctor of Divinitv, by his wife Margaret, daughter of James Smith. C///(if— National Con- SCTvative, City Carlton. Liverv- mack and yellow Ar- ^cauieflane morial bearings -He bears for Arms : Or, a lion rampant sable, a chief chequy azure and argent. Above the shield is |)laced a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling sable, doubled or ; and on a w reath of his liveries is set for Crest, ^^ a dexter hand charged with a bezant holding up a ducjil coronet within two laurel branches disposed orleways all proper ; and in an escroll over the same this Motto, " Aud- aces Juvo." Married, March 8, 1879, Victoria Albertina, daughter of Andrew Lyons, Knight Commander of the Hanoverian Guelphic Order, of Patras ; and has Issne — James Stuart Colquhoun McAuslane, Gentleman, born January 3, i88g ; Margaret Ethel ; Gladys Victoria ; Edith Jessica ; and Alesta Alexandra. Postal address — Strathen- drick, Bexley, Kent. JOHN BURNS MACBRAYNE, Esquire, Justice of the Peace for thecounties of Argyll, Dum- fHflj^rTF^ffltltll? barton, and Lanark, and for the City i^U\,UJ\,\X^nK^ of Glasgow, Fellow of the Imperial Institute. Born July 15, 1813, being the eldest surviving son of David MacBravne, Gentleman, of ra is the Military Cockade. Glasgow, by his wife Elizabeth, daughter of the Reverend John Burns, Doctor of Divinity, of Barony Parish, Glasgow. ^ra is the Naval Cockade. Q^ac 6iac •^3 luos — Koyai obcietics', Western (Glasgow). Armfi beaxingB — He bears for Arms : Quarterly i and 4, gules two lions passant guardant, parted per pale or and argent ; 2 and 3 quarterly, i. and iiii. argent, a dexter hand fesseways proper, holding a cross crosslet fitch(5e azure ; ii. and iii. argent, a tower embattled gules (for MacXaughton). Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules, doubled argent ; and for his Crest, out of a ducal coronet, a dexter arm grasping a sword all proper ; and in an escroll above the HottO, " Fortis ceu leo fidus." Married, 1850, Magdalene, daughter of William Liddell, Ksq. , Capt. of the first Regt. of Volunteers in Glasgow ; and has Jssue—An only surviving son, David MacBrayne, Ksquire, of Ballimore, Strachur, in the county of Argyll, Justice of the Peace for the counties of Argyll and Dum- barton, born July 7, 1851 ; and Elizabeth Liddell. Estate — (jlenbranter, in the county of Argyll. Postal address — Glenbranter, Strachur, Argyllshire. Sir /■•RANC/S XA VI ER EREDERICK MACCAHE, Knight Bachelor, M.R. C.S. , F.R. C.P. I. , ^'c. Born 1833, bt'ing the oiilv surviving sou of William Bernard Mai'Cabe. Armorial bearing as used, hut which are not registered ill Ulster's Ojfice, are — I'ert, a (esse umiy between three fiih naiant argent. Crest — A deini-griffin. HottO — " Aul vincere aut mori." Married, 1863, Margaret, eldest dau. of John No^vlan of Killiny, co, Kilkenny. Re.iidence — Belleville, Donnybtook, Dublin. HARDY BERTRAM McCALL, Gentleman, Fellow of the Society of Antiquaries, Scotland. Born fJBfCTTflTf l^ecemlx-T i. 1859, Ijeing the second son of Viyi-ViKIll John McCall of Walthamstow, in the county of Essex, by his wife Agnes, daughter and hi,'ir of Robert Allan, Surgeon, Professor of Surgery at Ivlinburgh Univer^ity, Fellow of the Royal .'society, Fellow of the Society of Anti(|uaries, &c. I Avery Blue coat, with silver buttons, black trousers. Armorial bearings—He b<;ars for Arms: .Azure, a pheon argent, on a chief of the last two spur-rowels gules, within a bordure ermine. On a helmet befitting his ilegree, mantietl gules, doubled argent, a griffin's head Ix-twixt two wings |irop<'r ; and in an escroll over the same this MottO, " Dulce periculuni." Married, September 12, 1882, V'ida Mary (who died March 16, 1894), second daughter of James .Anderson of London ; and has Issue ThomAf, Hardy McCall, Gentleman, Ixsrn February 24, 1894; and Vida M.iry. He married secondly, Maud ICleanor, elder dau. of the late Charles Macnally of Greno- side, and of .MIerton Hou.se, Durham. Postal address— Charlesfield, Mid-Calder. N.B. S HENRY M'CALL, I•^iquire. of Daldovvie, co. Lanark, J. P. and D.L. Born 1818, being the eldest son of James M'Call, Es(|., J. P. and D. L. , by his wife Anna Catharina L De Wet, dau. of llenricus Fehrszen of thir Cape of Good Hope. Armorial bearings— Guies, two arrows saltireways, points upwards argent, surmounted by a fesse chequy of the second and sable, between three buckles also of the second, all within a Vxirdure engrailed or. Crest —On a wreath of the colours, a leg in armour couped at the calf proper, and spurred or. Motto — "Dulce periculum.' Seat — Daldowie, Broomhouse, N.B, laughter of Major-General John Miller, late of the 13th H ussars, who died Noveml^er 29, 1889 ; he married secondly, July 5, 1897, Winifred, daughter of General Sir Henry de Bathe, Bart., of Woodend, Chichester. Seats — Cheveley HARRY LESLIE BLUNDIiLL McCALMONT. I'-squire, Meml)er of Parliament for § flKflrffr J^f tnrttit" '"^^^ Canibs. , Justice of the Peace iJlib/VVO^dllUUlU .j„j1 Ueputy-Lieutenant, .\Lajor 4lh Battalion Royal Warwickshire Regi- ment ; educated at Eton, and served in the 6th Royal Regi- ment and in the Scots Guards. Bom May 30, 1861. being the eldest son of the late Hugh Barklie 'Blundell McCal- mont, Barrister-at-Law of Lincoln's Inn, by his wife I-^liih Florence, daughter of Martin Blackmore of Rosenheim Bonchurch, Isle of Wight. C////^.f— Carlton, Guards', Marl- borough, Turf, United St-rvice, Army and Navy. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Gules, a cross vair, between four rteurs-de-lis or, and impaling the arms of de Bathe, namely gules, a cross between four lions rampant argent. Upon the escutcheon is placed ;i helmet Ijefitting his degree, with a mantling gules and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a griffin's head erased proper, charged with a fleur-de-lis or. Motto — "Nil desperan- dum." Married, firstly, December 9, 1885, .Amy Hyacinth, Park, Newmarket, in the county of Cambridge ; Bishop's Wood, near Ross, in the county of Hereford. Town resi- dence — II St. James's Square, S.W. NL\jor-Genkrai. HUGH McCALMONT, Companion of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath (.Vlilitary Division), so created 1885, M.P. for .Antrim. Born Fel> ruary 9, 1845, being the eldest son of the late James .McCalmont, Esquire, Justice of the Peace, of .Abbeylands, in the county of .Antrim, by his wife limily, daughter of the late James Martin, I-^scjuire, Deputy- Lieutenant, of Ross, in the county of Galway ; was created Companion of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, 1885. Clubs — .Arniy and Navy, Cavalry, Carlton, Kildare Street (Dublin), Ulster, Royal .St. George Yacht (Kingstown). Livery — Blue, with blue and white striped vest. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Gules, a cross vair, between four Heurs- de-lis or, and impaling the arms of Bingham, namely azure, a bend cotised between six crosses pat(5e or, and pendent below the escutcheon his badge as a Companion of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a griffin's head erased proper charged with a fleur- de-lis as in the arms ; with the Motto, " Nil desperandum." Married, 1885, Rose Elizabeth, commonly known as the Honourable Rose Elizabeth, daughter of the Right Honour- Tile Editor imdertakes tbat every entry not in italics is that of a genuinely armigerous person. 534 ^ac 90ac able John Charles Robert Bingham, the fourth Baron Clan- nionis; and hus/ssue — Dermot Hugh Bingham McCalmont, Gentleman, born 1887. lands, county Antrim. Estate and postal address — Abbey- JAMES MARTIN McCALMONT, Esquire, late Captain 8th King's Royal Irish Hussars and Denbighshire Hussars, Aide-de-Camp to the Duke of Marlborough, Knight of the Most Noble Order of the Garter, and Earl Cowper, Knight of the Most Noble Order of the Garter, when Viceroys of Ireland, 1877-1882 ; Member of Parliament for East Antrim since 1885. Born May 23, 1847, baing the second son of the late James McCalmont, Esquire, Justice of the Peace (Antrim Rifles), of Abbey Lands, in the county of Antrim, by his wife Emily, daughter of the late James Martin, Esquire, Deputy- Lieutenant, of Ross, in the county of is the Militaxy Cockade. Galway. Cluhs — Carlton, Pratt's, Prince's, Kildare Street (Dublin), Ulster (Belfast). Livery — Blue, with white and blue striped vest. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Gules, a cross vair between four tieurs-dc-lis or. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules and argent; and for his Crest, a griffin's head erased proper, charged with a fleur-de-lis as in the arms; with the Motto, "Nil desperandum." Married, October 1880, Mary, youngest daughter of Colonel Romen of Bryncemlyn, Dolgelly, North Wales ; and has Issue— Fiobert Alexander Chaine McCalmont, Gentleman, born August 27, 1881 ; and Margaret. Postal address — Holy- wood House, Belfast. Siu WILLIAM M'CAMMOND, Kt. Bachelor, J. P. for Belfast, Lord Mayor of Belfast 1894-95 and 1895-96. Born 1831, being the eldest son of James M'Cammond of Ballyduff, co. Antrim ; and was knighted in 1895. Livery — Dark blue. Armorial bearings — Or, a fesse vair between three sea-horses proper. Mantling azure and or ; and for iiis Crest, out of a mural crown, a lion's head gules, charged on the neck with a bell argent. Motto — "Justus ac tenax." Married, firstly, 1853, Margaret M. (who died 1895), eldest daughter of the late William Carson of Carryduff, co. Down ; he married secondly, 1897, Annie, dau. of the late Rev. William Rossborough of Glasgow, and widow of the late John Kelso of Glasgow ; and has Issue — (i) James Napier M'Cammond, Esq., b. Feb. 21, 1856; (2) William Alfred M'Cammond, Esq., b. Aug. 30, 1871 ; (3) Walter Edwin M'Cammond, Esq., Capt. 4th Batt. R. Irish Rifles, b. July 31, 1874; and Elizabeth M'Cammond. Postal address — Walton, Fortwilliam Park, Belfast, Ireland. JUSTIN M'CARTHY, Member oj Parliament for the North Longford Division of the county of Lon^ord, Born November 22, 1830, buing the son of Michael Francis MCarthy of Cork, by his zvife Ellen. Clubs — Junior Travellers', National Liberal. Armorial bearings As given in Debrett's '^ House of Commons," but for which nn H is the Naval Cockade. Q^ac a^ac 535 9ri/v has been established in Ulster s Office, are for Arms : Or, a stag frippatit gules. Crest — A dexter arm in armour emboiwd, holding in the hand a lizard all proper. HottO — " Forti et fideli nihil difficile." Married, 1855, Charlotte [who died 1879), daughter of W. G. Allmau of Bandon. Postal address— 73 Eaton Terrace, London, S. W. ffi CONOLLY THOMAS McCAUSLAND, Esq., J. P. W and D.T.., High Sheriff 1866, late Capt. Derry Militia. li()rn May 1828, lx;ing the eldest son of the late Marcus M'Causlaiid, Esq., of Fruit Hill, U.L. co. Derry, by his wife Marianne, dau. of Thomas Tyndall of The Fort, near Bristol. Club— C&rhon. Armorial beaxings Or, a boar's head erased between three boars passant axure; and im- paling the arms of St. John, namely argent, on a chief gules, two mullets or. Mantling azure and or ; and for his Crest, U|)on a wreath of tiie colours, a boar's head erased a/ure, tusked or, langucd gules, and charged with a crescent of the second. Motto — "Virtus sola nobilitat." Married, June 8, 1867, Hon. I^aura, .second dau. of the Right Hon. St. .\ndrew Beauchamp St. John, 14th Baron St. John of Bletsoe : and has Issue — (i) Maurice Marcus McCausland, Gentleman, b. April 9, 1872 ; (2) Patrick McCausland, Gentleman, b. June 18, 1874 (Leinstcr Regt. ) ; (3) Edmund Thomas William McCausland, Gentleman,/^. 1883; Eleanor Marianne Katherine ; Lucia; Geraldinc ; Julia Sydney; Lettice Theodosia ; and Emily Octavia. 5ra/— Drenagh (formerly Fruit Hill), Eimavady, co. Londonderry. CH.XRLES EDWARD McCLLNTOCK, Esquire, Major and Honorary Lieutenant - Colonel CM>feing the second son of Henry McClintock, Gentleman, formerly of the 3rd Dragoon Guards, by his wife Elizalx;th Melesina, daugh- ter of the Venerable Archdeacon Fleury of Waterford ; dubbed Knight Bachelor, i860 ; created Knight Com- mander of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, 1891. ^,7/c/i — United Service. Livery — Red and white. Ar- morial bearings — He bears for Arms : Party per pale gules and azure, a chevron ermine, between three escallops argent, the escutcheon being surrounded by the ribbon of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, and pendent his badge as a Knight Commander thereof. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet Ix'fitting his degree, with a mantling gules and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a lion passant [jropcr ; with the Motto, "Virtute et labore." Married, October 12, 1870, Annette Elizabeth, second daughter of Robert Foster Dunlop of Monasterboice House, in the county of Louth, by his wife Anna lillizabeth, commonly known as the Honourable .Anna IClizalx-th, daughter of the Right Honourable Vis- count Ferrard, by his wife, the Honour.able Viscountess M;issereene ; and has Issue— (i) Henry Foster McClintock, Esquire, Ixirn August 11, 1871 ; (2) John William Leopold McClintock, Estjuire, Ijorn July26, 1874; (3) Robert Single- ton McClintock, Esc|uire, lx)m July 26, 1876; Anna liliza- beth ; and Elizabeth Florence Mary. Postal address — 8 .Xtherstone Terrace, London, S.W. SJOHN KNO.X M'CLINTOCK, Esquire, Captain 4th Royal Enniskilling Fusiliers, Justice of the Peace and Deputy-Lieutenant for the county of Tyrone, High Sheriff i8gi. Horn P'ebruary 8, 1864, Ijeing the eldest surviving son of the late Colonel George Perry NPClintock, Com- mander 4th Royal Enniskilling Fusiliers, Justice of the Peace and Deputy-Lieutenant for the county of Tyrone, by his wife Emily Harriett, daughter of the Reverend Samuel Alexander of Germon, co. Tyrone. Clubs — Nimrod, Kildare St. (Dublin). Livery — Full dress : claret with white facings. The Editor undertakes that every entry not in italics is tbat of a genuinely armigerous person. 536 Q^ac ^ac red vest, white breeches ; undress : claret witli white facings, vest alternate stripes of red and blue on white, trousers black with red stripes. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Party per pale giilos and az\ire, a chevron ermine between three escallops, that in the dexter chief or, in the sinister argent, and in base per pale of the fourth and last. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules and argent; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a lion passant argent ; with the Motto, " Virtute et labore." Marrieii, April 27, 1893, .Amy Harrietta, eldest daughter and heir of the late John Stewart Kccles, Esquire, Deputy-Lieutenant, of IJcclesville, in the county of Tyrone. Es/ntet — Ssskinore, and Ecclesville, in tlie county of Tyrone. Postal address — Seskinore, Omagh, Tyrone. MICHAEL M'CRE.\GH-THORNHn^L, Esquire, Jus- tice of the Peace, son Qp'Crcagfj^Cftotntm t^^^ SSgS: Knight Commander of the Hanoverian Guelphic Order, Companion of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, by his wife Frances Elizabeth, daughter of Captain Christopher Wilson of the 22nd Regiment ; obtained by Royal License in the year 1882 permission to take, in addition, the name and to quarter the arms of Thornhill, on the succession of his wife to the Stanton-in-Peak estate, by the death of her brother, Henry Francis Hurlock, formerly of the 87th Regiment, who 'died 1881. Armorial bearings — He bears for Anns : Gules, two bars gemelles argent, in chief a cross crosslet for distinction ; on a chief of the second a mascle sable, quartering or, on a fesse embattled between in chief three estoiles, and in base a lion rampant gules, a sword pro|ier, point to dexter, pommelled and hilled of the first. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting liis degree, witli a mantling gules and argent ; and for his Crests, I. upon a wreath of the colours, on a mount a thorn tree proper, charged on the stem with a mascle or, and with a cross crosslet sable on the branches (for Thornhill) ; 2. upon a wreath of the colours, a demi-lion rampant gules, collared gemelle, and charged on the shoulder with two estoiles or, holding between the paws a bezant, thereon two mascles interleaved sable ; (motto over — " Mors ante dede- cora") (for M'Creagh). Motto — " Amantes ardua dumos." Married, 1875, Eva Helen Emma, daughter of F. S. Hurlock, Esquire, Justice of the Peace of Brighton, and Emma his wife, daughter of Henry Bache Thornhill of Montagu Place, London, Royal Horse Guards Blue; and has Issue — Michael Christopher M'Creagh-Thornhill, Es- quire, born 1877 ; and Flora Helen Frances. Seat — Stanton-in-Peak, near Bakewell, in the county of Derby. Town residence — 31 Eccleston Square, S.W. FFRENCH FITZGERALD McDERMOT, Esquire, late Captain 4th Brigade South Irish rj|a|«rP\(^t»fr»(«lf Division Royal Artillery. Born May V^Kii^K^lXUlM 26, 1848, being the second son of the late William French Macdermot, styled The Macdermot Roe, of the Princess Charlotte's Own Regiment, by his wife Maria Easter, daughter of Richard White of White Hall, in the county of Dublin. Livery — Blue, with red facings. Armorial bearings- He bears for Arms : Argent, on a chevron gules between three boars' heads erased azure, armed or, as many cross crosslets of the last, a crescent for difference. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a demi-lion rampant sable, holding a sceptre or ; with the Motto, " Honor pro- bataque virtus." Married, firstly, July 26, 1884, Marian (who died 1885), daughter of Robert Reid ; and has Issue— M.a.naxi. He married secondly, June 1891, Agnes Kathleen, daughter of Bernard Daly, Esquire, Justice of the Peace (High SherilT 1871) of Hazlebrook, in the county of Dublin, and has. Daphne de Mamuel. Postal address — 8 Esplanade Terrace, Bray, in the county of Wicklow. The Right Honourable HUGH HYACINTH O'RORKE MACDERMOT, of Coolavin, commonly called The MacDermot, Prince of Coolavin, a Member of Her Majesty's Most Honourable Privy Council in Ire- land, and one of Her Majesty's Counsel Learned in the & is the Military Cockade. Law, Attorney-General for Ireland 1892-95, a Justice of the Peace and Deputy-Lieutenant, Chief of his name. Born July I, 1834, being the son of the late Charles Joseph MacDermot, by his wife Arabella Mary, only child of Hyacinth O'Rorke of the family of O'Rorke of Breffny. Clubs — Reform, United Service, Hibernian United Service. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms-. Argent, three boars [jassant azure, armed, bristled and unguled or. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling azure and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a boar's head erased azure. Motto — " Honore et virtute." Married, firstly, December 1861, Mary, daughter of Edward Howley, Esquire, of Belleek Castle; and has Issue — (i) Charles Edward MacDermot, Gentleman, Bachelor of Arts of Trinity College, Dublin, Barrister-at-Law, late Lieutenant 8th Brigade North Irish Division Royal Artillery, born December 29, 1862 [married, October 1894, Caroline Mary, daughter of John Whyle, Esquire, Justice of the Peace and Deputy-Lieutenant, of Loughbrickland, in the county of Down] ; (2) Hugh ATacDermot, Gentleman ; (3) Roderick MacDermot, Gentleman. He married, secondly, March 25, 1872, Henrietta Maria, daughter of Henry Blake ; and by her has, (4) Henry Blake MacDermot, Gentleman ; (5) Percy MacDermot, Gentleman ; (6) Bernard MacDermot, Gentleman ; (7) Dermot MacDermot, Gentleman ; (8) Francis MacDermot, Gentleman. Seat — Coolavin and Clogher, Monasler-Aden, in the comity of Sligo. Toum residence — 10 FitzWilliam Place, Dublin. HENRY THOM.\S McDERMOTT, Gentleman, a Member of the Honourable Artillery ^nraprr^i^HfVii^f-f- Company. /y<;/-« November 21, 1828, ^^^*^^y'****f\iV being the only son of Henry Thomas McDermott of London, by his wife Emma, third daughter of Thomas Place of London, for- merly of the Royal Navy. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Party per pale chevron argent and or, on a chevron gules, between in chief three boars' heads erased at the neck and in base a cross crosslet azure, three trefoils slipped of the second ; and for his Crest, on a wreath of the colours, a demi-lion rampant or, holding between the paws a boar's head erased as in the arms ; with the Motto, " Honor virtutis prsemium." Married, June 3, 1854, Lydia, second daughter of William Watkins of London ; and has Issue — Frank McDermott, Gentleman, born April 20, 1855 ; and Helen Lydia. Postal addrets — Trinity House, Gensing Gardens, St. Leonard's-on-Sea, Sussex. M is the Naval Cockade. Q^ac opac 537 lOMAS CHARLES MACDERMOTT, Esquire, Jus- tice of the I'eace for the counties of Sligo and Roscommon (High Sheriff 1875), styled The MacDermotl-Roe, but the right to this title is not recorded in Ulster's Office. Horn 1847, being the eldest son of Captain William Mac- Dermott, styled the MacDermott-Roe of Alderford (who died 1856), by his wife Maria Estera, daughter of Richard White of White Hall, in the county of Dublin. Livery — lilue with red facings. ArmoriaJ beaxings— He bears for Arms : Argent, on a chevron gules, between three boars' heads erased azure, armed or, as many cross crosslcts of the last. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet be- fitting his degree, with a mantling gules and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, argent and azure, a demy lion rampant saMe, holding a sceptre or ; with the Motto, "Honor probataque virtus." Estate — Alderford, in the county of Roscommon. Postal address — 3 Esplanade Terrace, Bray, Ireland. .VIACDONALD, quartered by BOSVHJ.E. MACDONALU, see LIVINGSTONE-M.VCUONALU. AUMIKAI, SiK REGINALD JOHN MACDONALD, Knight Commander of the .Most Honourable Order of the Hath (1887), Knight Conmiander of the Most Exalted Order of the Star of India (1877), Chief of Clanranald. Horn 1820, Ijeing the only son of the late Reginald V,<- " ' ' ' !, chief of Clanranald, by his wife Caiolim', (.< Lady Caroline, seconddaughler of the Rii^i second I'^arl of .Mount Edgecumlie. Armorial bearings— He tears for Arms : (Quarterly i. argent, a lion rani]):int gules; 2. or, a dexter hand couped fessewaya liolding a cross cross- let filchde, in pale gules ; 3. or, a galley, oars in saltire sable, in the base nudy vert, a salmon naiant argent ; 4. argent, an oak tree vert, surmounted of an eagle liisplayed or ; the escutcheon being surrounded by the ribl)on of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, and pendent his badges as a Knight Commander of that Order and of the Most E.\- alted Order of the Star of India ; and impaling on a second escutcheon the arms of Vernon, namely, quarterly i and 4 c|uarterly i. and iiii. argent, a fret sable (for Vernon); ii. and iii. or, on a fesse azure, three garbs of the lield (for Vernon of Haslington) ; 2 and 3 azure, two bars argent (for Venablcs). Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befit- ting his degree, with a mantling gules, doubled argent ; antl upon a wreath of his liveries is set for Crest, a triple-towered castle argent, masoned sable, and issuing from the centre tower a de.vter .irm in armour enibowfd l ^word all proper; and for Supporters, on eitl' 1 hav- ing two arrows pierced through his bodx , . ; with the Mottoes (above the crest), " My hope is constant ir. tliee," and (under the arms) " Dhandeon co heiragha." Married, 1855, Adelaide, commonly known as the Honour- able Adelaide, daughter of the Right Honourable the fifth Baron Vernon. Postal address — i.\ Ovington S(|uare, S.W. SCoi.oxKi, WILLIAM MACDONALD COLQU- HOUN-FARgUHARSON-MACDONALD. Justice of the Peace and Deputy- Lieutenant for the counties of Eorfar and Perth, Justice of the Peace for the county of Susse.v, Colonel conunanding 2nil Perthshire Highland kille Volunteers. Horn .May 26, 1822, lx:ing the eldest son of the late James Alexander Karc|uharson of Oakley, in the county of Fife, by his wife Ret)ecca, daughter and co-heir of Sir George Colquhoun, Baronet, of Tully Colquhoun ; and assumed by Royal License, the name and arms of Macdonald in addition to his patronymic of Colquhoun- Farc|uharson, in 1841. Clubs — t,'arlton. National, Athe- naeum. Armorial bearings — He l)ears for Arms : Quar- ti-rly I and 4 argent, a lion rampant gules ; 2. or, a de.vter arm in armour couped in feste proper, the hand holding a cross-crosslet fitch^e gules; or, a lymphad, oars and sail sable, flags flying gules ; 4. vert, a salmon naiant proper, all within a bordure azure charged with two mascles in chief argent and a boar's head erased in base or. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules, doubled argent ; and upon a wreath of his liveries is set for Crest, a demi-lion gules, holding in his dexter paw a hand proper. Motto — " Per mare, per terras." A/arried, firstly, June 26, 1849, Clara Anne Jane, commonly known as "the Honourable Clara .Anne jane (who died December 16, 1883), second daughter of the Right Honourable the first Lord Lurgan by liis wife Jane, daughter of Roderick McNeill, Chief of Fiarra ; and has /sszte — (i) Montagu William Macdonald Colquhoun-Farqubarson-Macdonald, Esquire, Justice of the Peace, born January 15, 1851 ; (2) Charles Brownlow Col- quhoun-Farquharson-Macdonald, Gentleman, Lieutenant Royal Navy, born November 15, 1855, killed January 9, 1887; (3) Harry Colquhoun Farc|uharson Colquhoun-Far- quharson-Macdonald, Gentleman, Captain Seaforth High- landers, born February 6, 1858 ; (4) Francis Roderick Colquhoun-Farquharson-Macdonald, Gentleman, born No- vemijer 14, 1871 ; Emily Jane [married, September 23, 1883, Sewallis Evelyn .Shirley, Esquire, of Ettington and Lough Fea] ; and Alice Clara Mary. He married, secondly, 1886, .Amelia Anne, third daughter of Charles Maynard, and widow of Major-General Patrick Robertson-Ross, Com- panion of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, of Glen- moidart, in the county of Inverness. Seats— The Craig, Montrose, county Angus ; St. Martin's Abbey, Perth ; Band- eran House and Glenshee Lodge, Blairgowrie, Perthshire. WILLIAM KID MACDONALD, Esquire, Justice of the Peace for the county of Forfar. Boni 1838, being the eldest son of John Macdonald, Esquire, Justice of the Peace for the county of Forfar, by his wife Ann, only daughter of William Kid, I'scjuire, Justice of the Peace for the county of Forfar. Armorial bearings— Party per bend indented or and ermine, a double-headed eagle dis- played proper, beaked and membered gules, surmounted of a galley sable flagged of the third, and in the sinister chief point a pine-tree eradicated proper. Bilantllng sable doubled or ; and upon a wreath of his liveries is set for Crest, a raven proper on a rock azure ; Motto, " Nee tempore nee fato." Estate — Ballintuim, in the county of Perth. Postal address — Windmill House, Arbroath, N. B. WILLIAM RAE MACDON.VLD, Gentleman, Carrick Pursuivant of Arms (1898). Born December 25, 1843, being the only son of William Rae Macdonald of Mont .Albion, Surinam, South .America, and his wife Isabella, daughter of Frederick Johnston, Banker in Edinburgh. Tbe Editor undertakes tliat every entry not in italics is that of a genuinely armigerous person. 538 ^ac Qiac Armorial bearings— Me Ixmi-s for Arms : (,)ii;ii tcrly iirgcut and or, in the first c|uarter a lion rampant Ki''"^'^. armed and langiied azure; in the second a dextei- liand proper, couped fessvvays, holding a cross crosslet titchee gules ; in the third a lymphad, sails furled, and oars in saltire sable; in the fourth a salmon naiant proper; over all, on a fesse of the third, a cushion of the second. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules, doubled argent. Crest — A dexter hand holding a dirk erect proper. Motto — " Nee tempore nee fato." Married, September 9, 1880, Annie Smith, daughter of Frederick Johnston. Postal address — 1 Forres Street, Edinburgh. .^NEAS RANALD WESTROl' MACDONELL, Chief of Glengarry. Boni 1847, being the dlffl fl rTl n t1 off ""'^ ^'^'^ '^^ *'^'' '^'"^ /I'^neas Ranald V^tXK\}\M\K'i\ Ma'cdonell, of the Madras Civil Ser- vice, by his wife Emma, daughter of General Briggs, Honourable East India Company's Ser- vice. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Or, an eagle displayed gules surmounted by a lymphad sable, sails furled and rigged proper, in the dexter chief a dexter hand couped in fesse of the second, in the sinister a cross crosslet filchde of the third. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mant- ling gules, doubled argent ; and upon a wreath of his liveries is set for Crest, a raven proper perched on a rock azure. Supporters — Two bears, each having an arrow pierced through the body all proper. Mottoes — Over the crest, " Cragan an Fhithich ; " " Fer mare, per terras." Residence — 32 Elm Park Road, Chelsea, S.W. ARTHUR ANTHONY MACDONELL, Gentleman, Master of Arts of the University of Oxford, Taylorian Teacher of German, and Deputy-l'rofessor of Sanskrit in the University of Oxford. Born May 11, 1855, being the elder son of Colonel Alexander Anthony Macdonell (l^ochgarry), and Margaret Jane his wife, eldest daughter of Lachlan Maclean of Rum. Cli/i> — National Liberal. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Or, an eagle displayed gules, surmounted of a lymphad sable, her sails furled up and rigging proper, in the dexter chief point a dexter hand couped in fesse of the second, and in the sinister a cross crosslet fitchtJe azure, all within a bordure engrailed of the last. Above the shield is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules, doubled argent ; and on a wreath of his liveries if set for a Crest, a raven proper perching on a rock gules ; and in an escroll over the same this Motto, " Craigan an Fhithich" (Rock of the Raven), and in another escroll below the shield this motto, "Per ffi4 is the Military Cockade. marc, ])er terras." Married, December 11, 1890, Mary Louise, youngest daughter of William Lowson, l^squire. Justice of the Peace, of Balthayock, in the county of Perth ; and has Issue — .Alasdair Sonierled Macdonell, Gentleman, born Decemter 10, 1893; Flora Lindsay; and Mona Isobel. Postal address — " Lochgarry," Banbury Road, Oxford. S ENEAS RONALD NL'XCDONliLL, Esquire, Advo- cate, Justice of the Peace, Deputy- Lieutenant, and County Councillor of the coinUy of Inverness, and Justice of the Peace for the county of Edinburgh. Jiorri October 26, 182 1, being the son of Colonel Donald Macdonell, Honourable East India Company's Service, by his wife Ann Isabella. 67«(5— University (EdinVmrgh). Armorial bearings — Per chevron or and vert, in dexter chief a dexter hand lessev\ays couped at the wrist gules, in sinister chief a cross crosslet fitchi-e of the third, and in base a two-headed eagle, with wings displayed of the first, surmounted by a galley also of the first, sails furled and rigged sable. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules iloubled argent ; and upon a wreath of his liveries is set for Crest a raven perching on a rock proper. Mottoes — Over the crest, " Faicilleach," and below, "Per mare, per terras. " Mar- ried, September 13, 1859, Catherine, only surviving child of the late James Sidgreaves, of Inglewhite Hall, in die county of Lancaster, and by her (who died 1888) has Issue — (i) Ronald Talbot Macdonell, Gentleman, Lieut. 2nd Batt. Queen's Own Cameron Highlanders, born 1861, died 1892; (2) James Sidgreaves Macdonell, Gentleman , born November 3 is the Naval Cockade. Q^ac Q^ac 539 70; (3) Alaster Young Crynan Macdonell, Gentleman, born January 27, 1872 ; Catherine Mary [married Brevet- Major Hugh Frederick Lyons-Montgomery, of the Indian Staff Corps]. Seat — Morar, Arisaig, in the county of Inver- ness. MACDONNliLL, see ARMSIRONG - MACUOX- NELL. JAMES McDOUALL, Esquire, of Logan, in the county of Wigtown, Justice of the Peace and n|Q(.Jp\|««»|rtfl Deputy-Lieutenant. Horn March 19, V^*''i^'v\\ai\ 1840, being the only son of. the late James McUouall, Esquire, of Logan, Justice of the Peace and Deputy Lieutenant. Colonel of the 2nd Life Guards, by his wife Jane, daughter of William Barnet, of Apeton. Club — ^ Carlton. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : .Azure, a lion rampant argent, crowned with an anticjue crown or ; and im- jjaling the arms of Buchan- Hepburn, namely quarterly j: and 4 gules, on a chevron argent, a rose between two lions rampant of the first (for Hefjburn) ; 2 and 3 argent, three lions' heads erased gules (for Buchan). Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet l^efitting his degree, with a mantling gules, doubled argent ; and upon a wreath of his liveries is set for Crest, a tyger's head er;u>ed, crowned with an imperial crown, with a lion's paw issuing from a cloud, grasping the crown from the tyger's head ; and for Supporters, two lions rampant crowned witli antique crowns proper, standing on a compartment in which is this word "Victoria;" and in an escroll above the crest is this Motto, " Usurpari noli." Married, Septeml)er 16, 1869, .Agnes, eldest daughter of Sir Thomas Buchan Hep- burn, Baronet, of Smeaton Hepburn, and has Issue — (i) Andrew Kenneth McDouall, Gentleman, born August 6, 1870; (2) Nigel Douglas McDouall, Gentleman, born Feb- ruary 4, 1872; and Helen Ethel. Seats — Logan, near Stranraer; Genoch Dunragit, N.B. STEWART MACDOUGAl.L of Lu/iga. Esquire, Major late <)yd Highlanders, J. P. CO. Argyll. Born 1854, being tlie second son of John Macdougall of l.unga, by his loife Richmond, dan, of Donald Stewart, l-'.ui., nf l.iiskin- tyre, co. Ross. Clubs — Naval and Military, W'ellini^ion , White's, A'ew {Edinburgh). Armorial bearings its used, but which have not been matriculated in Lyon Register, are — Quarterly i and ^, asure a lion rampant argent ; 2 and 3 or, a lymphad sable with a Jlamc of fire proper issuing from the topmast. Crest^y^/w arm in armour embossed proper, holding a cross-crosslet fitctu'e erect asure. Motto — " I'in- cere vel mori." Manned, 1885, Wilhelmina, second dau. and co-heiress of the late George William Liddell of Sutton and Keldy Castle, Yorkshire ; and has Issue — Ian Mac- dougall, b. 1887; Helen Margaret; Dorothy; Mary; and Sheila. Seats — Lunga and Daill, Ardfern, Argyll. S HENRY MACDOWALL, Esquire, Justice of the Peace and Deputy- Lieutenant, Cap- CUfftflfrin^Tlrtfl tain Renfrewshire Militia. Zfi^rw March (4^aVUUlUail 13^ 1845, being the eldest son of the late Henry NIacDowall, Esquire, of Garthland, by his wife Isabella Fergus, youngest daughter of James Dennistoun of Golfliill. Clubs — Conservative, New (Edinburgh). Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Azure, a lion rampant collared and crowned or. Upon the escutcheon is placed a iielmct befitting his degree, with a mantling gules doubled argent ; and upon a wreath of his liveries is set for Crest, a lion's paw erased holding a dagger erect all proper. Mottoes — Above the crest, " Fort is in arduis;" under the shield, " Vincere vel mori." Married, February 4, 1885, Eleanora Louisa, youngest daughter of Sir William Ma.vwell, si.vth Baronet of Monreith. Seat — Garthland, and Carruth, in the county of Renfrew, N.B. MACDUFF, quartered by DUFF, STUART, .STUART- RICHARDSON, and VERSCHOYLE. ALEXANDER MACDUFF, Esquire, Justice of the Peace. Born July 29, 1849, being the son fitBSICtltlflf °*^ .Alexander Macduff of Bonhard, by his Vi^nVUUU' ^yjfg Mary, daughter of Francis Brown of Jordanhill. Clubs — Junior Carlton, New Edinburgh). Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Paly of six ermine and or, a lion rampant gules, armed and langued azure. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules and argent ; and upon a wreath of his liveries is set for Crest, a dcmi-lion gules, liolding in the dexter paw a dagger proper ; and in an escroll above this MottO, " Deus Juvat." Married, May 16, 1883, Edith Alexandrine, daughter of John Shiell of .Smithfield, in the county of Forfar ; and has Issue — .Alexander MacdufT, Gentleman, born July 6, 1884 ; Ursula Edith ; and Mary Elizabeth Frances. Estate and postal address — Bonhard, Perthshire. EDWARD FRANCIS MACEVOY, Esq., of Tober- tynan, co. Meath ; Mount Hazel, co. Galway ; and P'rank- ford, CO. Longford, J. P., M. P. co. Meath 1855 to 1874, formerly Lieut, in the 6th Dragoon Guards (Carabineers). Horn Sept. 5. 1826. being the eldest son of the late James MacEvoy of Tobcrtynan, co. .Meath, and Frankford, co. Longford, by his wife Theresa, youngest dau. and coheir of Sir Joshua CoUes Meredyth, Bart, [by Maria liis wife, duu. and heir of Laurence Coyne Nugent]. Armorial bearings —Per fesse azure and per pale or and erniiae, a fesse gules, issuant therefrom a dcmi-lion argent, in the dexter base a dexter liand cou[)ed at the wrist of the fourth. Mantling azure and or ; and for Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a cubit arm erect, vested gules, cuffed erminois, in the hand a sword proper. MottO — "Bear and forbear." Married, Oct. 24, 1850, Eliza, dau. and heiress of Andrew Browne, Esq., of Mount Hazel, co. Galway [son of Nicholas Browne, Esq.,. of Mount Hazel, by Eleanor his wife (afterwards Vis- countess Strangford), youngest daughter of Sir Thomas Burke, ist Bart.]; and has an only dau., Pauline [/«., Dec. 1, 1883, George, 4th Due de Stacpoole, and has issue]. Seats — Totertynan, near Enfield, co. Meath; and Mount Hazel, Glantane, co. Galway. JOSHUA JAMES MACEVOY-NETTERVILLE, Esq., J. P. for CO. Kildare. Horn 1829, being the second son of James MacEvoy, Esq., J. P., of Tobertynan, co. Meath, who died 1834, by Teresii .Maria, dau. of Sir Joshua Colles Meredyth, 8th Bart. Armorial bearings— (Quarterly i and 4, argent a cross gules, fretly or, in the first quarter a lozenge of the second, for difference (for Netterville) ; 2 and 3 per fesse azure and per pale or and ermine, a fesse gules, issuant therefrom a demi-lion argent, in the dexter base a dexter hand couped at the wrist of the fourth (for MacEvoy), and ' upon an escutcheon of pretence the same arms of Netter- ville. Mantling gules and argent; aud for his Crests, i. upon a wreath of the colours, a demi-lion rampant guardant gules, Ijezant^e, and charged with a lozenge or for difference (for Netterville) ; 2. upon a wreath of the colours, a cubit arm erect, vested gules, cufled erminois, holding in the hand a sword proper (for MacEvoy). MottO — " CiTJci dum spiro spero. " .Manned , i860, the Hon. Mary Reddis Bridget Ellen, dau. of the Rt. Hon. James, 7th Viscount Netterville (ext), whose name and arms he assumed by Royal License; and has seven daughters. Postal address —Villa Rita, Biarritz. Sir DONALD HORNE MACFARLANE, Knight Bachelor, Born 1830, being the Ctftflf fVlffjItIC youngest son of the late Allan Macfar- sA^tXVrKXXKllXlXX, i^ng^ Esquire, Justice of Peace for the countv of Caithness, by Margaret his ivije, daughter oj the late Major James Home of .Stirkoke, in the county of Caithness ; and was created Knight Bachelor of the United Kingdom by Letters Patent, 1894. Clubs — Reform, Oriental, National Liberal, Royal Thames Yacht. Armorial bearings as used, aud as illustrated in Debretfs ' ' House of Commons ," but luhich have not been matriculated to him in Lyon Office, or granted at the College of Arms, are : .4rgent, a saltire engrailed betroeen four roses gules. Crest — .-i demi-savage wreathed about the temples and 7vaist with leaves, holding in his dexter hand three arro7vs, and point- ing with his sinister to a crown resting upon the wreath all proper. Supporters — On either side a Highlander holding in his dexter hand a bow unstrung and an arnno all proper ; and upon an escroll aboi'e this Motto, " Lochs loy," and on a compartment belo^v the arms, " This I'll defend." Married, firstly, 1857, Mary Isabella, who died 1887, daughter of the late Henry R. liagshawe. Esquire, one of Her Majesty's Counsel Learned in the Law; secondly, 1888, Fanny, daughter of the late James Robson of Ponte- fract. Xbe Editor imdertakes that every entry not in italics is tliat of a genuinely armigerous person. 540 Sj^ac Q^ac WILLIAM ALEXANDER MACFARLANE-GRIEVE (formerly Wm. Alex. Coniyn Macfarlane), M.A. , of Eden- hall, CO. Roxburgh, and Impinglon Hall, co. Cambridge. Armorial bearings — Quarterly i and 4, argent a saltirc invected between four roses gulos ; 2 and 3 gules, on a fessc between three fetterlocks or, a mullet azure. Mantling gules doubled argent ; and upon a wreath of his liveries is set for Crests, i. on the dexter side, a denii-savage wreathed about the middle with laurel, grasping in his dexter hand a sheaf of arrows, and pointing with his sinister to an imperial crown or; and in an escroll above, this Motto, "This I'll defend," 2. on the sinister siile, a dexter arm in armour embowed, the hand grasping a dagger point downwards, hilled and pommpUed or, and in an escroll above, this Motto, " Hoc seeurior." Seats — lidenhall, co. Roxburgh, and Impington Hall, co. Cambridge. Toivii residence— II Queen's Gate Terrace, S.W. JOHN WILLIAM MACFIE of Dreghorn, Esquire, Justice of the Peace for the county of Mid- lothian. Born December i, 1844, being the eldest son of Robert Andrew Mactie, Esquire, of Dreghorn and Colinton, in the county of Midlothian, Justice of the Peace, Fellow of the Royal Society (Edinburgh), sometime Member of Parliament for Leith Burghs, by his wife Caroline Eliza, eldest daughter of John Easton, Doctor of Medicine, of Comance Hill, in the county of Dumfries, and of the 15th Hussars. Club — University (Edinburgh). /./I'en'-Blue, with gilt buttons. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Parted per fesse nebuly azure and or, in chief a sword argent point down- wards, hilled and pommelled of the second, and in base a lymphad sable under sail of the third. Hags and pennons Hying gules. -Above the shield is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules, doubled argent ; and on a wreath of his liveries is set for Crest, a denii-lion rampant proper ; and on an escroll over the same this Motto, " Pro Rege." Married, June 7, 1867, Helen (uiKlec. Armorial bearings— Pariccl per pale azure and ermine, three lions passant counterchanged. Mant- ling azure doubled argent ; and upon a wreath of his is s<'t for Crest, a horse's head erased argent. and spair not," " Srioghal mo dhreani. " Heir presumptive — His brother, Alexander Ronald Macgregor, Esquire, born Motto— " Honore et industria." Married, 1866, Jemima, youngest dau. of the late James Anderson Hughes of Uroughty Kerry, and formerly of Wallaroo, South Australia. Residences — Arnhall, Dundee; and Kelly Castle, Arbroath. DONALD MACGREGOR, Esquire, Licentiate of the Royal College of Physicians, Justice of the Peace for the county of Inverness, Member of Parliament for that county. Morn April 20, 1839, being the son of the late Robert Mac- Gregor, Esquire, if Rannorh, Xorth lirititin, by his wife Margaret, daughter of Doiiuld .Miii-(',ri:;i>r, l-U^/uire. Club — National Liberal. Armorial bearing's (/> ^'/rr« in Debretfs "House of Commons," but for which he has established no authority, are: Argent, a tree eradicated in bend sinister, surmounted by a i^cord in bend dexter, in the dexter chief an antique craivn. Crest -. / lion's head erased, cr&ivned with an antique cro^cn. Mottoes — "Srioghal mo dhream," "E'en do and spare nought." Married 1887, Harriette, Edmund Reddin of Albury House, Postal address — Glenart, Wev- daughter of the late Clapham Rise, S. (C bridge. I^SiR MALCOLM MACGREGOR of Macgregor, in \^ the county of Perth, fifth Baronet, Chief of Macgregor, Lieutenant Royal Navy. Born August 3, 1873, being the son of Sir Malcolm Macgregor, the fourth Baronet, by his wife Helen Laura, commonly known as Lady Helen Laura, daughter of the Right Honourable Hugh Seymour McDonnell, ninth Earl of Antrim ; succeeded his father 1879, under the creation of July 3, 1795. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms: .Urgent, an oak-tree eradicated in bend sinister proper, surmounted of a sword in bend of the last, supporting on its point in de.vter canton an anti(|ue crown gules. Upon the escutcheon, which is charged with his badge of Ulster as a Baronet, is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules doubled argent ; and upon a wreath of his liveries is set for Crest, a lion's head crowned with an antique crown proper. Sup- porters — Dexter, a unicorn argent, crowned, horned or; sinister, a deer proper, lined azure. Mottoes — " E'en do June ao, J878. Seat — Edinchip, Loch Earn Head, in the county of Perth. COG HI. AN M CLEAN McHARDY. Esquire, Justice of the Peace for the county of Berkshire, Q^e\'\i\X'X\W Captain in the Middlesex Yeomanry V^VVJ a I U|/ Cavalry, 1869 to 1877, Director of Naval Stores at the Admiralty 1869 1889. Born June 22, 1838, being the second but eldest survivitig son of Admiral J. B. B. Mc Hardy, by his wife Horatia, daughter of Admiral Pasco, who was Elag Lieutenant to Lord Nelson on board the "I'ictoty" at the Battle of Trafalgar. Clubs — Devonshire, Hurlingham. GaUcry. Livery — Blue cloth with silver buttons. Armorial bearingB as used for over 200 years, but which have not been matriculated in Lyon Office to the abcn'e- mentioned Captain Mc Hardy , are : Gules, a dexter hand fesseivays, coupcd at the wrist, holding in the hand a dagger point do^vnwards all proper, and in chief two spur-re-i'els or. Crest — an arm in armour em- boioed, holding in the hand a scymitar all proper, with the Motto, " Tout hardi." Married, July 28, 1864, Amelia, daughter of the Reverend John Byde of Ware Park, in the county of Hertford ; and has Issue — Beatrice Spencer Bvde, died July 26, 1869 ; Maud Clementine Cater [m. Donald, eldest son of Hinton Steioart of Strath^arrie, Perthshire^ ; and Lilian Amy Byde. Postal address — 1 Grenville Place, Cromwell Road, London, S. If. HENRY VESSEY MACHIN, Esquire, Justice of the Peace for the county of Nottingham, Master of Arts of the University of Cambridge. Born March ii, 1859, being the second but eldest surviving son of John Vessey Machin of (iateford Hill, near Worksop, by his wife Delia, daughter of the late J. Kiero Watson. Livery — Green, with gilt buttons, dress waistcoat, green and white stripes. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : I^rmine.a fesse vair, cotised azure, lietween three pelicans' heads erased vulning them- Tbe Editor undertakes that every entry not in italics is that of a genuinely armigerous person. 542 €0ac Qiac selves gnles. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befit- ting his degree, with a mantling azure and argent ; and for his Crest, on a wreath of the colours, upon a mount vert and m front of rays ol the sun proper, a pelican's head gules; with the Motto, " Auxilium alj alto." Esfatc — Pro- perty in Gateford, lying in the parishes of Worksop and Carlton in Lindrick. Postal address — Gateford Hill, near Worksop. MACINTOSH, see Lord KYLLACHY. CHARLES MACIVER, Gentleman, third son of the late Charles Maclver, Gentleman, of fllrtliflf "TftlPI* t:alderstone, by his wife Mary Ann, vl!7lH-J|Uvl. youngest daughter of Daniel Morrison of Lewis. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Quarterly or and gules, on a bend sable gutt^e- d'eau between two lymphads, with sails furled and flags flying of the first, an arm couped at the wrist, holding a dagger bendwise proper, the pommel and hilt gold ; and for the Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, an escutcheon gules, charged with a boar's head couped or ; with the Motto— " Nunquam obliviscar." Married, 1874, Sarah Harriette, elder daughter of the late \. R. Graves of Liverpool; and has Issue — (i) Robert Graves Maclver, Gentleman; (2) Charles Iver Maclver, Gentleman; (3) John Maclver, Gentleman ; and Harriette. DAVID MACIVER, Gentleman, formerly Member of Parliament for Birkenhead. lioi-ti 1840, being the eldest son of the late Charles Maclver, Gentleman, of Calderstone, by his wife Mary Anne, youngest daughter of Daniel Morri- son of Lewis. Clubs — Carlton, Conservative, St. Stephens'. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Quarterly or and gules, on a bend sable guttee-deau, between two lymphads with sails furled and flags flying of the first, an arm couped at the wrist, holding a dagger bendwise proper, the pommel and hilt gold ; and for the Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, an escutcheon gules, charged with a boar's head couped or; with the MottO, "Nunquam obliviscar." Married, firstly, Annie, daughter of Robert Rankine (she died 1869) ; and secondly, Edith I'21eanor, daughter of .'Vndrew Tucker Squarey, Solicitor. By his first mairiage he has Issue — (i) Charles Maclver, Gentleman ; (2) Robert Rankin Maclver, Gentleman ; and by his second marriage (3) David Maclver, Gentleman ; (4) Andrew Tucker Squarey Maclver, Gentleman ; (5) Edward Squarey Mac- lver, Gentleman : Annie ; Margaret ; Editli I'lleanor ; Ruth ; and Dorothy. Postal addresses — Woodslee, Bromborough, Birkenhead ; Wanlass How, Ambleside. HENRY MACIVER, Gentleman, fourth son of the late Charles Maclver, Gentleman, of Calderstone, by his wife Mary .Ann, youngest daughter of Daniel Morrison of Lewis. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Quarterly or and gules, on a bead sable, guttde-deau, between two lymphads with sails furled and flags flying of the first, an arm couped S is the Military Cockade, at the wrist, holding a dagger bendwise proper, the pommel and hilt gold ; and for the Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, an escutcheon gules, charged with a boar's head couped or ; with the Motto, " Nunquam obliviscar." Mar- ried, 1881, Amelia Constance Maud MacKenzie, elder daughter of Kenneth Dowie of Liverpool ; and has Issue — Harry Ion Maclver, Gentleman ; and Bessie Maud. Sir lewis M'IVER, Baronet (1896), of Sarisbury, co. Southampton, and Knight Bachelor, M. P. for Western Division of Edinburgh since 1895, Barrister-at-Law, Hon. Col. E.C.V. Artillery. Born March 6, 1846, being the eldest son of the late John M'lver, formerly Secretary of the Presidency Bank, Madras. Clubs — Brooks's, St. James's, East India United Service, New, Ranelagh, Hurlingham, Caledonian, Union (Brighton). Armorial bearings- Quarterly or and gules, a l)en(i azure, a bordure invected ermine ; and impaling the arms of Montefiore, namely argent, a cedar-tree between two mounts of flowers proper, on a chief azure, a dagger erect proper, pommel and hilt or, between two nuillets of six points or. Mantling gules doubled or ; and upon a wreath of his liveries is .set for Crest, a boar's heacl couped or ; and in an escroll over the same, this Motto, " Nunquam obliviscar." Married, 1885, Charlotte Rosalind, second dau. of Nathaniel Montefiore of Coldeast, Hants ; and has Issue — Marjoric Barabel Ruth ; and Nathalie Esther. Residences — 25 Upper Brook .Street, London, W. ; Sarisbury, Southampton ; 27 Palmeira Square, Brighton. Coi.ONKL AYLMER MACIVER-CAMPBELL of Ask- nish, Col. Indian Staff Corps (retired list). Born Jan. 19, 1837, being the third son of the Reverend Charles Pasley Vivian of Ilatton Hall, in the county of Northampton, by his wife Grace Anna, daughter of General Aylmer of Walworth Castle, in the county of Durham ; .assumed the surname and arms of MacIver-CanipbcU by Royal License at the decease of his fatherin-law, 1883. 6'///!^ "Junior Constitutional. I.iveiy — Brown with yellow facings. Armorial bearings He bears for Arms: Quarterly I and 4 grand quarters, counterquartered i. and iiii. gyronny of eight or and sable ; ii. argent, a dexter hand couped in fesse, gTeing the second but eldest surviving son of the late George Falconer Mackenzie of AUangrange (who was, in 1829, served male heir of his ancestor, the Honourable Simon Mackenzie of Lochslinn, and heir male in general to Simon's father Kenneth, first I^ord Mackenzie of Kintail, as also Colin, first Earl of Seaforth), by his wife Isabella Reid, daughter of James Fowler of Raddery and I'airburn, in the county of Ross, and the (Jrange, Jamaica. Armorial bearings — He Ijears for Arms: (Quarterly i and 4, azure, a stag's head caboshed or, 2 and 3 azure, a falcon displayed argent, charged on the breast with a heart gules, between three mullets of the second. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling azure and or ; and upon a wreath of his liverie- is set for Crest, a mouniain in flames proper. Supporters — Two savages wreathed about the head :ind middle with laurel, each holding in his exterior hand a baton erect, with fire issuing out of the top of it, their hair also inflamed all proper. Mottoes — Over the crest, " Luceo non uro," and below the arms, "Vive ut vivas." Seat — Allanbank House, by Munlochy, N.B. JOHN ROBERT MACKENZIE, Major- General. Born 1822, being the eldest sun'ivingson of John Mackenzie, by his wife Mary Charlotte, only daughter of Robert Pierson of Batmadies, in the county of Forfar. Livery — Blue, with yelhno facings, blue and yellow waistcoat, diagonal stripes. Armorial bearings (z J (///t^/frf a;'d .■ Quarterly i and .^, azure a buck's head embossed or; 2 and 3 azure, three frasiers argent, over all in the centre of the shield a 7oolfs head erased or. Above the shield is placed a helmet befitting his dignity, with a mantling gules, the doubling argent ; and on a 7vreath of his liveries is set for his Crest, a dexter hand holding a garland of laurel proper ; and in a scroll above the crest this TAott^, " I'irtute et labore." These arms were matriculated in 1789 to Alexander Mackenzie, grandfather to the above-tnentioned General Mackenzie, but in their undifferenced state, of course, only appertain to the heir male of the said Alexander Mackenzie, and General Mackenzie, has not had them matriculated in Lyon Register. Married 1 85 1, Amelia Robertson, daughter of James Wilson of Inverness; and has surviving Issue- (1) John William Sutherland Mackenzie, born 1855; {2) James Wilson Alex- ander .Mackenzie, born 1867 ; Maiy Charlotte Pierson ; Elizabeth Mary Cumming ; and Ella Eraser Magdalene. Postal address — Portmore iMdge, Cheltenham. S RODERICK .MACKEN/.IE, Esquire, Major-Gen., late Royal .Artillery (Knight of the legion of Honour, Fifth Class of the .Medji'die) 1855, J. P. and D.L. for Aber- deenshire. Born June 4, 1830. being the eldest surviving son of Major Forbes .Mackenzie and his wife Catherine Nicolson. Clubs — Carlton, I 'nited .Scn'icc, Turf, Welling- ton, New (Edinburgh^. Armorial bearings as used are — Azure, a ' • ' ' ' 'J or, between the attires a dirk pointing . J of the second. Crest — Two hands gra i ^word in bend proper. MottO — " Semper Jidclii." [Jhcse are the .Arms of Mackenzie of Hilton. Major-Gen. Mackenzie is a cadet of Glack, who are cadets of Hilton, and, such being the case, the .'inns need to be rematriculated\ Married, /// 1878, Caroline Sophia, dau. of J. .•/. Beaumont ; and has \&s\w- -Florence .Mary. Seat—Foveran House, Aberdeenshire. Town residence- 14 Charles .Street, Berkeley .Square. II'. THO.MAS MACKENZIE. Esquire, J. P. for Banffshire, of Uailuaine House, Carron, Strathspey, co. Banff. Born March 18, 1848, being the eldest surviving son of William Mackenzie, Esquire, of Dailuaine, and Jane his wife. The Editor ujidertiikes that every entry not in italics is that of a genuinely armigerous person. 544 a3ac daughter of William Thomson of Knockando. Club — Iiinior Constitutional. A;-'crv— Blue and gold. Armorial bearing^s — He bears for Arms : Azure, a stag's head caboshed between the attires, an antique crown or. Above the shield is placed a helmet l»fitting his degree, with a mantling azure doubled or; and \\\)0\\ a wreath of his liveries is set for Crest, a dexter arm embowed, the hand grasping a garland of laurel proper : and in an tscroU over the same this Motto, " Virtute et valore," and below the shield '■ Lucco non uro." Married, October 30, 1877, limily, daughter of Edwin Holt, ICsquire, of Rosehill, Worcester- shire. Estate — Dailuaine, in the county of Banff. Postal (;(/(/;r.r.f— Dailuaine House, Carron, Strathspey, N.B. SWILLlANf DALZIEL MACKENZIE, Esquire, Barrister-at-law, Hon. Lt.-Col. Queen's Own Oxford- shire Hussars. Deputy-T-ieutenant for the county of Inver- ness. Rom March 31, 1840, being the eldest son of Edward Mackenzie, Esquire, of Newbie and Fawley Court, Justice of the Peace and Deputy - Lieutenant for the county of Oxford, by his wife Mary, eldest daughter of William Dalziel. Chtbs — Carlton, Windham, Cavalry, Xcw (Edinburgh). Livery — Dark blue and white. Ar- morial bearings — He bears for Arms : Or, a cross parted and freliy azure, between in the first and fourth quarters a stag's head caboshed of the last, and in the second and third quarters a mountain in flames proper. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet bffitting his degree, with a mantling azure and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of tlie colours, a stag's head caboshed azure, within the attires a cross couped or, the wiiole between two stags' horns gold, with the MottO, ".Always faithful." Married, December i, 1863, Mary .Anna, eldest daughter of Henry Baskerville, Esquire, Justice of the Peace and Deputy-Lieutenant, Crowsley Park, in the county of Oxford, and WooUey, in the county of Wiltshire ; and has Issue — (i) W'illiam Roderick Dalziel Mackenzie, Gentleman, born SeptemV>er 2, 1864 (married) ; (2) Edward Baskerville Mac- kenzie, Gentleman, born December 11, 1874; Mary Gwen- doline 'married Duncan Davidson of Tulloch] ; Isla Jessie [married Harry Officer Blackwood] ; Aimt5e Dorothea ; and Kathleen Helen. Estates— Fs.\\\ey Court, in the counties of Buckingham and Oxford ; 'I'hetford Manor, in the counties of Norfolk and Suffolk ; Newbie, in the county of Dumfries ; Farr, in the county of Inverness; and Brae, in the county of Ross. Postal address — 35 Park Street, W. ARUNDELL MACKENZIE -.ASHTON, Gentleman. Born 1854, being the son of the late Fitz-Arundell Mackenzie, late H.B. M.'s Consul at Geneva; by Royal Licence took the surname and arms of Ashton on succeed- ing to his cousin's estates in 1878. Club — Union. Armo- ^ is tbe Military Cockade, Q^ac rial bearings— Quarterly i and 4, sable, on a pile between two crescents argent, a mullet pierced of the field (for Ashton) ; 2 and 3 per fesse argent and azure, a buck's head caboshed and counterchanged, in the dexter chief a holly leaf projier (for Mackenzie). Mantling sable and argent. Crests — i. on a wreath of tiie colours, on a mount \ert, a mower proper, vested paly argent and sable, in the act of whetting his scythe also proper (for Ashton) ; 2. on a wreath of the colours, a buck's head as in the arms (for Mackenzie). Married, 1879, Mary E., only dau. of Robert Taffen, M.D., of Wigton, Cmnberland. Seat— Howden Court, Tiverton. §Rfv. IOHN' MACKENZIE-GIBSON (formerly Rev. JohnGibson),M.A.,V.D., Highlanders, sometime Minister of the parish of Avoch in co. Ross, J. P. cos. Ross and Cromarty. Horn Aug. 24, 1835, being the eldest son of the late Rev. James Gibson, D.D., Minister of the parish of -Avoch, by Anne Isabella his wife, dau. of Thos. Mackenzie of Strathgarve, Ross-shire, and sister of Major-General Alex- ander Mackenzie, C.B. C'//^/'.* — University (Edinburgh), Highland (Inverness). Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Gules, three keys wards downwards fesseways in pale or, on a chief of the last a stag's head caboshed azure. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules doubled or ; and upon a wreath of his liveries is set for Crest, a pelican in her piety in a nest proper ; and in an escroll over the same this MottO, " Coelestes pandite portae." Married, October 9, 1889, Elizabeth, second dau. of late Alexander Watson Wemyss, M. D. , of Denbrae , Fife. Postal address — 22 Regent Terrace, Edinburgh. SR0B1-:RT mure McKERRELL. Esquire, Justice of the Peace for the county of Ayr, fflftrTl^rt*1*P(i ^■^■' Hon. Col. and Lieut. -Col. com- Vl^V*C\vllvll inanding ist Volunteer Battalion Royal Scots Fusiliers. Boru .September 27, 1846, being the eldest son of the late Robert McKerrell, by his wife Emily Pauline, daughter of the late Lieutenant- General William Staveley, Companion of the Most Honour- able Order of the Bath. Club Carlton. Livery- Dark blue, with silver braid. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : -Azure, on a fesse or, three lozenges gules, M is the Naval Cockade, apac Q^ac 545 within a bordure engrailed argent. Above the shield is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules doubled argent ; and upon a wreath of his liveries is set for Crest, a Roman soldier on his march, with standard and utensils all proper ; and upon an escroll above the same this Motto, " Uulcis pro patria labor." Afanieil, December 4, 1889, Lucinda Margaret, younger daughter of James Winter Brittain of Gifl'ord's Hall, in the county cf Suffolk; and has /.t.twr (i) Rolwrt James Mure McKerrell, Gentleman, torn August 17, 1890; (2) Martin Mungo Nlure McKerrell, GeiuK-nian, born July 19, 1895 ; Lucinda Pauline Rose lidilh Mure ; and ^Iargaret Agnes Mure. Estate and postal address — Hillhou.se, Dun- donald, Ayrshire. Tmvn residence — 42 Roland Gardens, South Kensington. LiEiTT.-Coi.. WILLIAM M'KERRELL- BROWN (formerly Liout.-Col. Wm. Brown), late Royal Artillery. Armorial bearings — (Quarterly i and 4, azure a chevron between three tleurs-de-lis or, a crescent gnles in fcsse point for difference (for Brown) ; 2 and 3 azure, on a fesse or, three lozenges gules, a bordure engrailed argent (for M' Kerrell), in the centre of the quartering a martlet counter- changed for tlifference. Mantling' ;izurc doubled or ; and upon a wreath of his liveries is set for Crest, a demi-lion or, armed and langued gules, holding in his de.xter paw a fleur- de-lis of the first ; and in an escroll above, this Motto, " Floreat majestas." Colonel EDWARD ALEXANDER MACKIE, Es- quire, J. P., late Hon. Col. 1st Vol. Batt. West Riding Regt. (V.D. ). Horn 1834, being the third son of Robert Jefferson Mackie, by his wife Barbara. Club — National Liberal. Armorial bearings Paly of si.v or and gules, on a bend engrailed azure a narcissus lietween two nuillets of six points of the first. Mantling gules and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, in front of a cubit arm gp-asping a sword all proper, a narcissus between two mullets as in the arms. Motto — " Disce et labora." Afar- ried, Sept. 14, 1865, Emma Gertrude, dau. of R. D. Dunn of Manor House, Heath, Wakefield ; and has Issue — Four sons and five daus. Seat — Kirkthorpe, Scarborough. SJOHN GLADSTONE MACKIE, Esquire, Justice of the Peace and Deputy-Lieutenant. Born July 20, 1854, Ijeing the second but eldest surviving son of the late I vie Slackie of .-Vuchencairn, by hi', wife Agnes, daughter of John Gladstone of Castle Douglas. Club — Union. Armorial bearings — He bears for Anns : Argent, on a chevron, l^elween a lion passant azure, in chief and a raven in base of the second, a tower of the first. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules, doubled argent ; and upon a wreath of his liveries is set for Crest, a hand holding a dagger proper. Motto — " Lahore." Married, March i, 1882, Eliza Nina, daughter of the late James McKie, formerly Member of Parliament, of Bargaly. Seats — .Auchencairn and Netherlaw, Castle Douglas, in the county of Kirkcud- bright. WILLIAM ALEXANDER MACKINNON, Esquire. Justice of the Peace and Deputy-Lieutenant for the county of Kent, and Justice of the Peace for the counties of Middlesex and Hampshire, Master of Arts of the Uni- versity of Cambridge, Fellow of the Royal Society. Born Octoljer 4, 1813, l)eing the eldest son of the late William Alexander Mackinnon, Esquire, of Mackinnon, by his wife Emma, daughter and sole heir of Jose()h Budwonh Palmer of Rush House, in the county of fJublin, and Palmcrstown, in the county of Mayo. Aimorial bearings — He bears for Arms: Quarterly 1. vert, a boar's head erased, holding in the mouth a shank bone of a deer proper (for Mackinnon) ; 2. azure, a castle triple-towered and embattled argent, masoned sable, windows and port- cullis gules (for Macleod) ; 3. or, a galley, her oars saltire- ways sable ; 4. argent, a dexter hand couped fesseways proper, holding a cross crosslct fitch^-e sal>le (for Mac- donald). Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet be- fitting his degree, with a mantling gules, doubled argent ; and upon a wreath of his liveries is set for Crest, a boar's head erased, holding in the mouth the shank bone of a deer proper ; and for his Supporters, on the dexter side a lion, and on the sinister a leopard both proper ; and in an escroll above the Motto, " Audentes fortuna juvat." Married, April 27, 1846, Margaret Sophia, daughter of Francis Willes, by his wife Caroline, daughter of Sir Thom;is Whichcote, Baronet ; and has Issue — ( 1 ) Francis Alexander Mackinnon, Esquire, Justice of the Peace, born 1848 [married, April 19, 1888, Emily IsaV)el, commonly known as the Honourable Emily Isabel, eldest daughter of the Right Honourable the first Baron Hood of Avalon, Knight Grand Cross of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, and has issue] ; (2) William Henry Mackinnon, Esquire, Colonel in the army, bom December 15, 1582 [mar- ried Madeleine Frances, daughter of Villiers La Touche Hatton, Esquire, of Clonard, late Lieutenant - Colonel fJrenadier Guards]. Seats — Acryse Park, near Folkestone ; Belvedere, near Broadstairs. Town house — 4 Hyde Park Place, W. ALFRED DONALD MACKINTOSH, of that Ilk, Chief of the Clan £packinto0lj of tftat 3ilb o/rpeaietd Deputy- Lieuten- ant. Born June 24, 1851, being the second but eldest surviving son of the late Alexander Mackintosh, of Mac- kintosh, by his second wife Charlotte, fifth daughter of Alexander MacI->eod of Dalvcy. Clubs — Carlton, Naval and Military. Armorial bearing^ — He bears for Arms : (Quarterly i. or, a lion rampant gules; 2. argent, a dexter hand fesseways, couped at the wrist and holding a man's heart gules ; 3. azure, a boar's head coui)ed or ; 4. or, a lymphad, oars in saltire salile. Upon the escutcheon is ]}laced a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules, doubled argent ; and upon a wreath of his liveries is set for Crest, a cat-a-mountain salient proper. Sup- porters — Two wild cats proper. Motto — " Touch not the cat, but a glove." Married, 1880, Ella, only child and heiress of Edward Priest Richards, Esquire, of Plas Newydd, in the county of Glamorgan ; and has had Issue — Angus Alexander Mackintosh, Gentleman, born August 6, 1885; and Violet Charlotte, died April 1883. Seats— Moy Hall and Dunachton, in the county of Inverness ; The Editor undertakes tbat every entry not in italics is that of a genuinely armigerous person. 2 M 546 Q^ac Cottrell, in the county of Cardiff. Tmon house — 8 Hill Street, Berkeley Square. GEORGE GORDON MACKINTOSH, Esquire, J. P. for Inverness-shire, Herefordshire, and Middlesex, late of Iieni;al Civil Serrite. Horn Aug. 12, 1812, being the second son of l\ illiam Mackintosh of Balnespick, co. Inverness, and Emilia Collinia, dau. of William Chis/iolm, M.D., Pro- vost of Inverness. Club — Oriental. Armorial bearings a^ac ^ackirDp WILLIAM AUGUSTUS SCOTT MACKIRDY, Esquire, D. L. for co. of Lanark (for- merly William Augustus Scott), of Birk- wood, CO. Lanark. Born July 29, 1842, being the elder son of Andrew Scott, Glas- gow, by Susan his wife, dau. of John McKirdy of Birkwood. Club — Conservative (Glasgow). Livery — Dark green with silver buttons. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Parted per fesse argent and sable, in chief a martlet of the '€:y MACLACHLAN OK THAT U.K. as used, but which are not matriculated in Lyon Register to him, are— Quarterly, i. or, a lion rampant gules ; 2. atgent, a dexter hand fesseways coupcd at the wrist, and holding a man s heart gules ; 3. azure, a boar's head couped or ; 4. or, a lymphad, oars in saltire, sable. Crest — A cat-a-mountain salient guardant proper. Motto — " Touch not the cat but a glove." Married, Oct. 21, 1846, Jane, dau. of T. G. Gardi- ner, late Bombay Civil Service. Postal address — Richmond House, King Street, Twickenham . ^ is the Military Cockade. second, and in base a fir-tree growing out of a mount sur- mounted of a sword bendways de.xter, supporting on its point an antique crown or. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting liis degree, with a mantling sable doubled argent ; and on a wreath of his liveries is set for Crest, a demi- wyvern displayed ppr. Motto— "Dieu et mon pays." Married, June 10, 1880, Lucy, dau. of Edmund Bell, of Rothesay ; and has /j.w/e—(i) Elliott Mackirdy Scott Mac- kirdy, Gentleman, born March 9, 1881 ; (2) Charles David S is the Naval Cockade. Q^ac Q^ac 547 tt Mackirdy, Gentleman, born September 25, 1893 ; aa Mary ; Susan Katharine ; and Lucy Augusta. Estate and postal address — Birkwood, Lesmahagow, co. Lanark, N.B. JOHN \[.\(LA(HLAN of Mnclachlan, Esquire. Justice of the Peace for a^aclacfilan of tftat 31Ife S^i.-'wr^o} the Queen's Body- guard for Scotland. Porn 1859, Ix^ing the second son of George Maclachlan o( Maclachlan, Rsciuire, by Mary his wife, daughter of John Thow. r///i^.i— Sports, New (Edinburgh), University (Edinburgh). Armorial bearing^s — He bears for Arms: Four coats quarterly, 1. or, a lion rampant gules ; 2. argent, a dexter hand couped fesseways, holding a cross pati^e jjaieways gules ; 3. or, a galley, her oars in saltire sable, placed in the sea proper ; 4. argent, in the base undtk; vert a salmon naiant proper. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules and argent ; and upon a wreath of his liveries is set for Crest, a castle situated upon a rock all proper ; and for his Supporters, on either side of the escutcheon, a roebuck proper. Motto — " Kortis et fidus." Estate — Maclachlan or Strathlachlan. Postal addresses — Castle Lachlan, Strachur, North Britain; 12 Abercromby Place, Edinburgh. SSiR ANDREW DOUGLAS MACLAGAN, Knight Bachelor, Doctor of Medicine and fllfBflffflfTfltl Doctor of Laws, Dcputv-Lieutcnant for V4i/UViU^UU the county of Edinburgh, Brigade-Sur- geon-Lieutenant-Colonel Forth Volun- teer Infantry Brigade, upon whom the Volunteer Decoration has been conferred. Born April 17, 1812, being the eldest son of David Maclagan, Doctor of Medicine, Physician to the Forces. Surgeon to the Queen in Scotland, by his wife Jane, daughter of Philip Whiteside. Doctor of Medi- cine, of Ayr; dubbed Knight Bachelor. i886. Club— University (Edinburgh). Znrn' — Green, with black facings. Armorial bearings— He' bears for Arms : Argent, two chevronels saljle wiiliin a bordure vert, charged with three martlets or. Upon the escutcheon is i^laceda helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules, doubled argent ; and upon a wreath of his liveries is set for Crest, a beaver passant. Motto — " Principiis obsta." Martied, Tulv 19. 1836, Elizabeth Allan (died 1885), daughter of Andrew Thomson. Merchant, of Glasgow ; and has Issue — (i) David P'hilip Maclagan, Esquire, Doctor of Medicine, Royal Navy, born June 8, 1837, died June 27, i860; (2) Robert Craig Maclagan, Esquire, Doctor of Medicine, Hon. Col. Sth Volunteer Battalion the Royal Scots, upon whom the Volunteer Decoration has been conferred. Justice of the Peace, born March 6, 1839 ; and Jane Helen (deceased). Postal address — 28 Heriot Row, Edinburgh. S [MURDOCH GILLIAN) MACLA/NE OF LOCH- BUIE, Justice of the Peace and Deputy- (TlftAf f rtlf>l> Lieutenant for the county of Argyll, Chief VV)W\,\iX\\\\, gj the Clan, late in H.M. 6th or Cara- binier Kegt. of Dragoon Guards. Born September i, 1845, being the eldest son of the late {Donald) Maclaine of Lochbuie, by his wife Emilie Guillumena, second daughter of Anthony Vincent. Clubs — Junior Carlton, A'c-ui Club (Edinburgh). Livery — Dark blue and yellow. Armorial bearings as used, but which are not recorded in Lyon Office, are, for Arms : Quarterly, i. argent, a lion rampant gules ; 2. azure, a torver argent; 3. or, a dexter arm couped belojv the elhaio fesseways and habited, holding in the hand a cross crosslet fitchfe ; 4. or, a lymphad the base 7'ert, therein a Jish naiant. Crest — In front of a branch of laurel and cvpress in saltire a Ijjchaber axe erect all proper. Supporters — 7t.'(' .?<■(;/>. Motto — " Vincere vel mori." Manied, 1869, K'atherine Marian, youngest daughter oj Salis Schwabe of Glyngarth, Bangor, North Wales ; and has Issue — (i) Kenneth Douglas Lome Mac- laine, born January 24, 1880 ; (2) Ronald Gillian Maclaine, born January 25, 1883 ; Kathleen Emilie [married James Somerville of Sorn Castle, in the county of Ayr] ; Mabel Julia [married Charles Maclean, <)yd Highlanders']; and Edith Jane. Estates — Lochbuie (40,000 acres), Isle of Mull, in the county of Argyll. Postal address — Lochbuie, Isle of Mull. SAMUEL M'LARDY. Gentleman. Born , being the son of Armorial bearing's — Or. a galley, oars in action, sails furled sable, Hagged gules, surmounted of an eagle dis- played proper, Vieaked and membered of the third, in the dexter chief point an estoile. and in the sinister chief point a dexter hand couped of the last. Mantling sable doubled or. Crest — On a wreath of his liveries, a dexter hand couped prof)er, holding a cross crosslet iitch(5e and erect or. Motto — " In te fido." Residence — Landridge, Higher Crumpsal. Manchester. Sir ANDREW MACLEAN. Knight Bachelor (1887), J. P. for Lanarkshire. Born 1828, being the son of the late The Editor undertakes that every entry not in italics is tbat of a genuinely armigerous person. 548 Q^ac Q^ac Andrew Maclean of Paisley. Armorial bearings — Argent, on a fesse gules, two claymores sallireways, points ujnvards, wreatlieti at the point of intersection with a garland of laurel btnwoen a rock, perched thereon a raven transfixed with a dart all proper in chief, and a galley sable Magged of the second in base. Mantling gules and argent ; and upon a wreath of his liveries is set for Crest, a hand holding a battle-axe Iwtween two branches of laurel proper. Motto — " Vulneratus sed fortunatus." Married, 1852, Helen H., dau. of the late William Murdoch of Glasgow. Postal addresses — Viewlield House, Halshagray, Partick, Glasgow; Otterbourne Villa, Blairmore, N.B. M NORMAN MAGNUS MACLEOD of that Hk. twenty- © third Chief, J. P. and D.L., late Capt. 74th High- landers, Companion of the Most Distinguished Order of Saint Michael and Saint George. Born July 27, 1839, being the eldest son of the late Norman Macleod of that Ilk, by his wife Louisa Barbara, commonly known as the Honourable Louisa Barbara, only dau. of the thirteenth and sister of the fourteenth Barons St. John of Bletsoe. Armorial bearings— Azure, a castle triple-towered and embattled argent, masoned sable, windows and porch gules, and impaling the arms of Isham, namely gules, a fesse wavy and in chief three piles also wavy argent. Mantling gules doubled argent ; and upon a wreath of his liveriee is set for Crest, a bull's head caboshed sable between two flags gules, staves of the first. Supporters — Two lions regardant gules, each holding a dagger proper. Motto — " Murus aheneus esto " ; and for a Device the words, " Hold fast." Married, April 27, 1881, Kmily Caroline, dau. of Sir Charles Isham, Bart. ; and has Issue — Emily Pauline ; and Margaret Louise. Seat — Dunvegan Castle, IsleofSkye, N.B. Rev. RODERICK CHARLES MACLEOD, J. P. Hunts, M.A. (Cambridge). Born April 18, 1852, being the third son of Macleod of Macleod (died 1891;), bv his wife the Hon. L. R. St. John, only dau. of Rt. Hon.' the \^ih Lord St. John of Bletvae. Club — Oxford and Cambridge. Armorial bearings as used are the Anns of Macleod of that Ilk as recorded in the Lion Office — Azure, a castle triple-towered and embattled a rgent. Crest — A bull's head caboshed between two flags. [As a younger son he ought to matriculate and have his marks of cadency officially assigned.] Married, Feb. I, 1885, Katharine Ij)uisa, second dau. of Rev. W. J elf of Caerdeon , Dolgelly ; and has Issue— /a« Breac Macleod, b. Sept. 4, 1893; Brenda Katharine ; and Eila St. John. Postal address — Mitford Vicarage, Morpeth. RODERICK. WILLOUGHBY MACLEOD, Esquire, late Captain Queen's Own Cameron Highlanders. Born May 29, 1858, being the eldest son of the late Robert Bruce /Eneas Macleod, Esquire, of Invergordon Castle, by his wife Ellen Augusta, daughter of .Sir John Pollard Willoughby, Baronet. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms ; Quarterly i. or, a mountain azure inflamed gules ; 2. gules, the three legs of Man proper, conjoined in the centre at the upper end of the thigh, flexed in triangle, the spurs or ; 3. or, a lymphad sable, flags gules ; 4. azure, a castle triple - towered and embattled argent, masoned sable, windows and portcullis gules. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules doubled argent ; and upon a wreath of his liveries is set for Crest, the sun in splendour proper. Mottoes — Above the crest, " Lois gimagus soilleirighim ;" below the arms, " Quocunque jeceris stabit." Married, 1897, Alice O. , second daughter of Edward Darell, and granddaughter of late Reverend Sir W. Lionel Darell, 4th Baronet. Seats — Invergordon Castle, in the county of Ross. Reverend JOHN MACLULICH (formerly Smith), Clerk in Holy Orders ; resumed the surname of MacLtilich by Royal Licence 1895. Born Feb. 18, 1846, being the only son of Archibald Smith, M.D. , of Ardencaple, co. Argyll, by his wife Dora, dau. of Col. Joseph Peers, J. P., D. L. , of Plasnewydd, Denbyshire [and grandson of Patrick Smith of Acurach, Argyllshire, and his wife Isabella Campbell (who was the great granddau. of Duncan Stewart of Appin, lineally descended from Walter, first Lord High Steward of Scotland), and great grandson of John MacLulich of Glenorchy, who took the name of Smith after the Jacobite rebellion of 1745, when the clans were disbanded]. It is stated in Brown's Historical and Genealogical Tree of the &k is tbe Military Cockade. Royal Family of Scotland, published in Edinburgh in 1792 that of I^ulach (grandson of Macljelh) killed at Stratlibolgie are descended the clan of MacLulich, a branch of which took the name of Smith in consequence of a blacksmith concealing a Macl>ulich who was flying from the persecu- tion of Stewart Black Knight of Lome. Club — National. Armorial bearings — Azure, a wyvern regardant or, trans- fixed by a sword in bend sinister point upwards proper, hiked and pommelled of the second. Mantling azure doubled or ; .and upon a wreath of his liveries is set for Crest, a demi-man affronts proper, banded round the temples azure and or, holding in the hands a bar of iron fessways also proper ; and above, in an escroll, a Motto (in Gaelic characters), " Caraid 'san aire " (a friend in need). Married, July 13, 1871, Marion Lydia, dau. of Rev. James Mecredy, D.D. ; and has /.fj//(? — (r) John Peers MacLulich, Gentleman,/;. April 17, 1872; (2) James Mecredy MacLulich, Gentleman, /;. Aug. 14, 1874; (3) Archibald MacLulich MacLulich, Gentleman, b. Oct. 26, 1B76; I4) Donald Alex- ander MacLulich, Gentleman, b. Dec. 22, 1878 ; (5) Duncan Herbert Smith, b. March 14, d. July 16, 1881 ; Marion Lydia [d. 1889); Dora Caroline; Eveleen ; Clara Irene; Alice Maud May ; and Aimee Muriel. Postal address — The Rectory, Tuam, Ireland. HUGH MITCHELL MACNAMARA MACMAHON- CREAGH, Capt. and Hon. Major 7th Brig. South Irish Division R.A. ; assumed by Royal License the additional name and arms of Creagh in 1885. Armorial bearings — Argent, a chevron gules, between three laurel branches vert, a cross crosslet sable for distinction, on a chief azure, three bezants. Mantling vert and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a horse's head erased argent, caparisoned gules, in the headstall of the bridle a laurel branch vert, and charged on the neck for distinction with a cross crosslet sable. Motto — " Virtute et numine." Mar- ried, Sept. 4, 1884, Olivia, sister of Richard Creagh of Dangan ; and has Issue — A son, b. 1885. i'tv/Z^Dangan, Kilkishen, Dangan Cross, co. Clare. WALTER MACMILLAN-SCOTT, Esquire, Justice of the Peace. Born 1848, 9iacmillan=^cott "^^ r "of 'uL^'S Thomas Macmillan - Scott, Esquire, of Wauch ope and Pinnacle Hill, by his wife Katha- rine Jane, daughter of Browne Roliert, Esquire, of Ravens- bourne Park, in the county of Kent, formerly of the Bengal Army, and High Sheriff of Calcutta. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Quarterly i and 4 or, on a bend azure, a mullet between two crescents of the first, a bordure com- pony of the second and first (for Scott) ; 2 and 3 per pale or and argent, a lion rampant sable, in chief three mullets azure (for Macmillan). Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules doubled M is the Kaval Cockade. Q^ac ^ac 549 lent; and for his Crests, i. a stag's head erased gules (for Scott) ; 2. a dexter and sinister hand issuing from the wreath brandishing a two-handed sword all proper (for Macmillan). Mottoes -( over the crests) — " Miseris suc- curro ; " (under the arms), " Ardenter amo." Married, 1876, Antonietta, eldest daughter of Theodore Henry Dury ol Bonsall, in the county of Derby ; and has Issue — Thomas Alexander Frederick Macmillan -Scott, Gentleman, bom 1881 ; Cecile Margaret. Siats — Wauchope and Pinnacle Hill. Kelso, N. B. ARTHUR MACMURROGH - MURI'HY, Esq., of Monamolin, co. Wexford ("The O'Morchoe," Chief of his sept, and representative of the Teigherna or Lord of Hy Felimy). Born Jan. 4, 1835, l>eing the only son of Arthur MacMurrogh-Murphy of Oulartleigh (O'Morchoe, Chief of his sept), by his second wife Retjecca, dau. of the Rev. John Bagwell Creagh of Bally Andrew, co. Cork, Rector (jf Rincurran, and Vicar of Carrig, co. Cork. Armorial bear- ings — .Argent, a hawthorne tree eradicated vert, frucled gules, on a chief of the last, a lion passant guardant or. Married, Nov. 19, 1863, Susan Elizabeth, dau. of Thomas Bradley, M.I)., of Kells Grange, co. Kilkenny, by his wife Sophia, dau. of Robert Wolfe of Tentore, (Jueen's Co. ; and has had Issue — (t) Rev. Thomas .Arthur MacMurrogli- O'Morchoe (resumed ancient name by deed poll 1895), M.,\. Trin. Coll. Dublin, /'. March 22, 1865 [w. , April 8, 1891. Anne, dau. of John George Gibbon, Esc|., LL. D. , of Kilten- nell, CO. V\'exl(3ril, and has, with other issue, Arthur Donel MacMurrogh-O'Morchoe, Gentleman, h. June 3, 1892); (2) .Arthur MacMurrogh-O'.Morchoe, tJentleman, b. Sept. 22, 1866; (3) William MacMurrogh-O'Morchoe, Gentleman, b. July 12, 1868 ; Sophia Rebecca [/«. , Aug. 28, 1888, Francis Richard Wolfe, eldest son of the Rev. Prebendary R. R. Wolte, M.A. , of Leighton, co. Devon, and Lord of the Manor of Islington] ; Gertrude Susan (deceased) ; Edith MacMurrogh ; and Mary Augusta MacMurrogh. Seat — Monamolin, co. Wexford. Residence — Kerryniount, Fox- rock, CO. Dublin. S FRANCIS NOTTIDGE MACNAMARA, Esquire, M.D. , Surgeon-Major Indian Army (retired). Born -April II, 1831, being the fifth son of the late Daniel Macna- mara, Surgeon R.N., by his wif(' Frances, dau. of George Fennell, Secretary to the Admiralty. Armorial beaxings — Gules, a lion rampant argent, in ciiicf two s]x;ar-licads or (a crescent argent for difference). Mantling' guh's and argent. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a naked arm holding; a scimitar all proper. Motto — " Firmitas in coelo." Mar- ried, May 3, 1853, Amy, third dau. of Frederick Dawes Danvers, Clerk of the Council of the Duchy of Lancaster ; and has /.r.f//t'— (i) Rev. Henry Danvers Macnamara, M.A. Magdalen Coll., Oxford, Minor Canon of St. Paul's 1884-93, Rector of St. James's, Garlickhithe w ith St. Michael, CJueen- hithe, and Holy Trinity the Less, London, Hon. Minor Canon St. Paul's 1893, Priest in Ordinary to the Queen 1895 [/"•• .'a"- 9' 1879, .Alice, dau. of Charles Fanshawe Glanville, and has issue, Rofjert Danvers Macnamara, (ientlenian, b. Sept. 9, 1881 ; Michael P'rancis Macnamara, (ientleman, b. Aug. 27, 1884; Arthur Macnamara, Gentle- man, b. Sept. 18, 1887 ; and Elsie] ; (2) Eric Danvers Mac- namara, Gentleman, B.A. St. Peter's Coll., Camb. , b. May 25, 1870. Residence — GEORGE HOUSEMAN MACNAMARA, Gentleman. M. R.C.S., L.A.C. Born ]u\y 26, 1825, being the second son of the late Daniel Macnamara, Surgeon R.N. , by his wife Frances, dau. of (ieorge Fennell, Secretary to the Admiralty. Armorial bearings— Gules, a lion rampant argent, in chief two six-ar-heads or, a crescent argent for difference. Mantling gules and argent. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a naked arm holding a scimitar all proper. Motto — " Firmitas in coelo." Married, firstly, .Sept. 6, 1851, Louisa Eliza, dau. of Edward Winckworth of Cowley Hall, Hillingdon ; and has Issue — (i) Charles Carroll Macnamara. Gentleman. B.A. Oriel Coll.. Oxford. Barrister-at-Law. b. Oct. 5. 1857, d. unm., .April 19, 1883; (2) Hiigii Winckworth. Surgeon R.N., 1^. July 8, 1859 {m., Dec. 8. 1887. Charlotte Maria, dau. of William George Ward of Nottingham, and has issue, Hugh Charles Mac- namara, Gentleman, b. Oct. 12, 1888 ; and Hugh John Macnamara, Gentleman, b. March 15, 1890]; Edith Louisa [m., June i, 1882, Henry George Baily, son of the Rev. Henry Cjeorge Baily of Swindon, co. Wilts, and has issuel ; and Nora Millicent. He married secondly, Aug. 24. 1887, Susanna Ellen, dau. of Francis Fowler Figg, and grand-dau. of Archibald Campbell, eleventh Laird of Lochnell ; and by her has— (3) George Locknell Mac- namara, Gentleman, b. Aug. 8. 1888. Residence — NOTTIDGE CHARLES M.ACNAMARA. Esquire. Surgeon-Major (retired) Indian Army. Vice-President of the Royal College of Surgeons 1893 and 1896. Born Oct. 14, 1832, l)eing the sixth son of the late Daniel Macnamara, Esq., R. N.. of Douras. Burren, co. Clare, by his wife Frances, dau. of George Fennell, .Secretary to the Ad- miralty. CV«^— Athena-um. Armorial bearings— Gules, a lion rampant argent, in chief two six-ar-heads or. a cres- cent argent for difference. Mantling gules and argent. Motto— " F"irinitas in coelo." Married, March 6, 1865, Maria Louisa, second and youngest dau. of Vincent Henry Bayley. Judge of the Hijh Court. Calcutta; and has Issue— (\) Charles Carroll Macnnmara, Gentleman, Lieut. Royal Irish Rifles, b. May 23, 1875 ; (2) Patrick Guy Mac- namara. Gentleman, b. Jan. 11, 1886; Nora [m., Feb. 1, 1888 (as his second wife), .Montagu Lubbock, M.D. , son of Sir John William Lubbock, third Bart. I ; Adeline Louisa [//;., July 22, 1893, Capt. Rouse. R. H.A.]; Oona [w. at Calcutta, Nov. 21, 1890, Bertram Standen, of the Bengal Civil Service]; Sheila; Maive [;«. , Feb. 19, 1898. F. C. Goodenough]; and Dorothy. Residence — 13 Gros- venor Street, London, W. S HECTOR MACNEAL, Esquire, Captain jgth Queen's Own Cameron Highlanders, De- CTmssmos)! puty-Lieutenant and Justice of the Peace X^iXKWK'XXX for the county of Argyll. Born 1822, being the eldest son of George Macneal of The Editor undertakes that every entry not in italics is tbat of a genuinely armigerous person. 55° a3ac 99ac Ugadak, by his wife Mary Eliza, daughter of Captain Loring, Royal Navy. Clubs — Neio (Lo/idon), Ntnv and Caledonian United Service [Edinburgh). Livery — Blue coat 'li'ith red edging, waistcoat red and blue, breeches red. Armorial bearings w.f used, but which have not been niuti icu- lated in Lvoii Offnc to the Ugadale family , are for krms: Quarterly i and 4, azure a lion rampant argent ; 2. argent, a sinister hand couped fesseways in chie^, and in base wavy azure, a salmon naiant of the first ; 3. or, a galley, her oars in saltire gules, on a chief of the last three mullets of the first. Crest — A dexter hand holding a dagger point upwards, all proper. Motto — " Vincere vel tnori." Mar- ried, 1862, Constance Glencairn, daughter of Colonel Camp- bell of Skipness, in the county of Argyll ; and has Issue — (i) Hector Macneal, Esquire, Capt. Gordon Highlanders and a Justice of the Peace for the county of Argyll, born 1862 [m. , 1894, Edith Helena, dau. of Capt. Robertson, Hazlewood, Torquay ; and has Issue — Torquil Duncan F. Macneal ; and Sheila Glencairn\; (2) Walter Loring Mac- neal, bor?i 1864, died 1883, unmarried ; (3) George Glen- cairn Macneal, born 1874 ; (4) John Campbell Macneal, born 1880; and Maty Henrietta. Estates — Ugadale and Losset. Postal address — Losset Park, Campbeltown, Argyll- shire, Scotland. Surgeon-Major JAMES GLAUSSEN MACNEECE, son of Rev. James MacNeece, Clerk in Holy Orders, M.A. University of Dublin, late Rector of Parish of Clonfeacle, in the Diocese of Armagh. Armorial bearings — Per chevron azure and sable, on a chevron argent, between three eagles rising proper, as many cross crosslets of the second. Crest — On a 'wreath of the colours, an eagle rising proper, charged on the breast with a cross crosslet sable. Motto — " Fiducia non astutia." & is tbe Military Cockade. Surgeon -Major THOMAS FREDERICK MAC- NEF.CE, younger son of Rev. James MacNeece, Clerk in Holy Orders, M.A. University of Dublin, late Rector of Parish of Clonfeacle, in the Diocese of Armagh. Armo- rial bearings — Per chevron azure and sable, on a chevron argent, Ijotween three eagles rising proper, as many cross crosslets of the second (a crescent for cadency). Crest — On a wreath of the colours, an eagle rising jjroper, chargea on the breast with a cross crosslet sable. Motto — " Fiducid non astutia." § Colonel lAMES GRAHAM ROBERT DOUGLAS MACNlilLL, C.B. Born Feb. 11, 1842, entered Madras Army 1859, became Capt. 1873, Major 1879, Lieut. -Col. 1885, Col. 1889, served on Staff Intelligence Department, Simla, 1880-82, as D.A.Q.M.G. 1882-85, D.A.-'X. and Q.M.G., Burmese E.xpedition, 1885-86, D.A.Q.M.G., Madras, 1886-87, A.A.G., Mandalay, 1889-90, served in the third Burmese War, severely wounded at the action of Minhla, received the thanks of Gen. Sir Harry Prendergast, V.C., K.C.B., for services in the field. Clubs ■ — United Service, Junior United Service. Livery — Blue coat, white facings, silver buttons, blue trousers, blue and white striped waistcoat ; for dress : white breeches and stockings. Armorial bearings— Quarterly i and 4 grand quarters, counterquartered i. and iiii., azure, a lion rampant argent ; ii. argent, a sinister hand couped fesseways in chief gules, and in base waved azure, therein a salmon naiant of the first; iii. or, a galley, her oars in saltire gules, on a chief of the second three mullets of the field, in the centre of the quarters a mullet sable for difference (for MacNeill) ; 2 and 3 grand quarters, counter-quartered, i. vair, a chief chequy or and gules ; ii. azure, three barnacles in pale or, M is the Naval Cockade. Qiac apac 551 chief ermine a demi-lion rampant issuant gules ; iii. or, a lion rampant purpure ; iiii. or, a lion rampant double- queued sable (for Fleming, Lord Slane) ; and impaling the arms of Somcrs, namely, party per fesse vert and sable, a fesse daneettt^e ermine, cotiscd argent, between a wolfs head erased in chief and an escallop in base of the fourth, and pendent below the escutcheon his badge as a C.B. Mantling azure and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the liveries a dexter arm vambraced holding a sword all proper. Motto — " Vincere aut mori." Married, Oct. 8, 1892, Eliza- Ijeth Kose, dau. of Thomas Somers of Mendip Lodge, .Somerset. .Vra/— Kirkdale, Creetown, X.B. the sea, and issuant therefrom a rock proper. Crest — A rock proper. MottO — "Per virtutem sciamque." Postal addresses — 14 lilackliall Street, Dublin ; 12 Halsey Street, S. W. JOHN ALL.\N M.ACONOCHIE-WELWOOD, Es- quire, J. P. for cos. Edinburgh, Fife, and Ro.xburgh. Born 1848, being the second but eldest surviving son of the late Robert Blair Maconochie of Gattonside, co. Roxburgh, by his wife Charlotte Joanna, dau. of John Tod of Kirkhill ; succeeded his paternal uncle Alan A. Maconochie- Welwood, Esq., JT\, D.L., who died 1885. Clubs— C&vXion, New JOHN GORDON SVV/J'T MACNEILL, Esquire, Member of Parliament for the South Division of the county of Donegal, one of Her Majesty's Counsel Learned in the j^aw. Master of Arts of the University of Oxjord, Barrister- at-Law. Born 1849, being the only son of the late Kei'erend John Gordon Swift MarXeill, Master of Arts, Cliaplain of the Richmond Bridetcell, Dublin, by his wife Susan Colpoys, daughter of the late Reverend H. Twecdv, Master of Arts. Club — National Liberal. Armorial bearings as given in Debrett's "House of Commons," but which are not registered in Ulster's Office, are for Arms : Quarterly, I. or, a lion rampant; 2. or, a cubit arm Jesseways, couped at the elbow, holding in the hand a cross crosslet fitchie erect; 3. argent, a lymphad ; 4. argent, in base waves of Club (Edinburgh). Z./trry— Blue. Armorial bearings— Quarterly i and 4, argent an oak tree growing out of a well in base jjroper (for Welwood of Garvock) ; 2 and 3 azure, in chief three dexter hands, each grasping a bunch of arrows argent, and in base an Imperial crown or, a chief gyronny of eight of the last and sable (for Maconochie of Meadow- bank). Mantling gules doubled argent. Crests— i. dexter, on a wreath of his liveries, the trunk of an oak sprouting out branches proper ; Motto over, " Reviresco " ; 2. sinister, a demi-Highlandman holding in his right hand a bunch of arrows all proper above an Imijerial crown or, to which he is pointing with his left ; Motto over, " Nitimuret munitur." Supporters — Two Highlandmen attired proper, each hold- ing in his exterior hand a bow and arrow with a quiver on The Editor undertakes tbat every entry not in italics is that of a genuinely armigerous person. 552 6^ac Q^ac tlieir backs. Married, April 28, 1892, Winifred Louisa, third dau. of the lati- Edgar Drummond of Cadland, Hants, and tlio late Hon. Mrs. Drummond. Estates — Meadow- bank, Midlotliian ; Garvock, Fife. Seats — Meadowbank House, Kirknevvton, Midlothain, N.B. ; Pitliver House, Dumfermline, N.B. SEWEN HENRY DAVIDSON MACPHERSON of Cluny Macpherson, in the county of Inverness, Chief of by his wife Sarah Justina, youngest dau. of Henry Davidson of TuUoch Castle, co. of Ross ; succeeded his brother, Col. Duncan Macpherson, C.B., in 1886. Clubs — Army and Navy, Junior Carlton, Caledonian, New (Edinburgh). Highland (Inverness). Livery — Dress: blue coat with red pijiing, red waistcoat, red jjlush breeches and white stock- ings ; undress : blue coat and waistcoat, and trousers with red piping. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Per fesse or and azure, a lymphad of the first, with her sails furled, the Macphersons and Clan Chattan, Justice of the Peace and Deputy-Lieutenant. Colonel late 93rd Highlanders, Brigadier commanding Highland Volunteer Brigade. Born January 22, 1836, being the second but eldest surviving son of the late Ewen Macpherson, Esquire, Companion of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, of Cluny Macpherson, & is the Military Cockade. oars in action, mast and tackling all proper, flags Hying gules, in the dexter chief point a hand couped grasping a dagger point upwards gules, in the sinister chief a cross crosslet fitch^e of the last. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules doubled argent ; and upon a wreath of his liveries is set for Crest, a H is tlie Naval Cockade. apac Qpac 553 cat sejant proper. Supporters — Two Higlhanders in short tartan jackets and hose, with steel hehnets on their heads, thighs bare, their shirts tied between them, and round targets on their arms. Motto — "Touch not the cat hot a glove." Married, June lo, 1897, Mary, eldest dau. of the late Rev. Cyril Stacey of Southani-de-la-Bere, Gloucester- shire. Seat — Cluny Castle, Kingussie, in the county of In- verness. SLACHLAN MACPHERSON, Esquire, Lieutenant- Colonel {retired). Justice of the Peace and Deputy- Lieutenaftt. Born 1835, being the second son of the late Major Evan Macpherson of Glentruim (Madras Army), by his wife Helen, daughter of the late George Birrell, Esquire. Clubs — United Serrice, Junior Constitutional, Conservative (Edinburgh), Royal and Ancient Golf (St. Andretvs). Livery — Dark blue and white. Armorial bearings as used are the same as Macpherson of Cluny, minus the supporters, but they have not been matriculated to the above-mentioned Colonel Macpherson. They are: Per fesse or and azure, a lytnphad of the first loith her sails furled, oars in action, and mast and tackling all proper, lags flying gules, in the dexter chief point a hand couped grasping a dagger point upwards gules, in the sinister chief a cross crosslet fitchie of the last. Crest ---/ cat sejant proper. MottO — " Touch not the cat but a gloi-e." Married, 1867, Catharine Louisa, daughter of O. G. Miller of Ratho, in the county of Midlothian ; and has Issue — (i) Evan Gordon Macpherson, born 1868 ; (2) Duncan James Macpher- son, born 1869 ; (3) Lachlan Oliver Norman Macpherson, born 1872; (i^ Robert Ian Macpherson, born 1877. Estate — Glentruim, in the county of Inverness. Postal address — fCingussie, Inverness-shire. M DUNCAN M.ACRAE, Esq. , of Karnes Castle, co. Bute, J. P. and D. L. for co. (of the Conchra branch of the Macraes of Kintail), b<-ing the fifth but second surviving son of Colin Macrae, Major 75th Highlanders. ArmoriSLl bearing^s — .Xrgent, a fesse azure between two mullets in chief, a lion rampant in base gules, a crescent of the second for dirterence. Mantling' azure doubled argent ; and upon a wreath of his liveries is sri fur Crest, a mailed arm embowed, the hand grasping a Turkish scymitar proper ; and in an escroll alxive, this MottO, " Fortiludine " ; and below shield, " Nee euro nee careo." Seat — Kames Castle, co. Bute. JOHN MAC KAE-GILSTRAP, Esquire, of Ballimore, CO. Argyll, andof Northgate, Newark-on-Trent, co. .Notting- ham, M.-ijor (retired) late Black Watch (Royal Highlanders) (formerly John MacRae), Member of the Royal Company of Archers, the (Jueens Bodyguard for Scotland; assumed the additional surname and arms of Gilstrap by Royal Licence under the will of the late Sir William Gilstrap, Bart., of Fornham Park, Suflolk, and Newark-on-Trent. Born Dec. 30, 1861, being the second son of Duncan MacRae of Kames Castle (head of the "Conchra" branch of the MacRaesof Kintail), Isle of Bute, H.E.I.C.S., by his wife Grace, dau. of Donald Stewart. Clubs — Naval and Military, New (Edinburgh). Livery — Blue, with blue and white waistcoat, silver buttons. Armorial bearings — Quarterly i and 4 (Gilstrap), argent a chevron engrailed vert between in chief two escutcheons gules, each charged with a galtrap of the field, and in base a talbot's head erased of the third, and for distinction, in the centre chief |K)int a cross crosslet gules; 2 and 3 (MacRae) argent, a fesse azure between two mullets in chief and a lion ram- pant in base gules, in chief point a crescent of the second for difference ; and upon an escutcheon of pretence these same arms of Gilstrap without the cross crosslet. Mantling vert and argent. Crests — i. on a wreath of the colours, upon a rock, a cubit arm erect in armour all jiroper grasping an escutcheon gules, charged with a galtrap argent for dis- tinction, the arm charged with a cross crosslet gules (for Gilstrap) ; 2. on a wreath of his liveries, an arm in armour emljowed, holding a scimitar proiier ; and over the ciest the Mottoes, " Candide secure ' (for MacRae); " Forti- lildine " (for Macrae); under the shield, "Nee euro nee care." Married, March 4, 1889, Isal>ella Mary, second dau. of the late George Gilstrap of Winthorpe, Newark- on-Trent ; and has Issue — John Duncan George MacRae, Gentleman ; .Margaret Helen ; Janet Isatiel ; Ella Mary ; ICIizalx'th Barbara Catherine ; and Flora Sybil. Seats— liallimore. Otter Ferry, N.B. ; Northgate, Newark-on- Trent. DAVID MACRITCHIE, Gentleman. Commissioner of Supply for the county of Perth. Born Clfls^rl!? ttrfltf» April 16, 1851, being the fourth son ^Wl-AiMUyit rjf William Dawson MacRitchie, Surgeon, of the Honourable East India Com|)any's Medical Staff, St. Helena, 1821-1836, by his wife Elizaljeih Elder, third daughter of John MacRitchie of Craigton, in the county of Perth, and Denork, in the county of Fife. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Or, a lion rampant gules, lx.'iween two mullets in chief vert and a crescent in base of the second, a Ixirdure of the third. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules, doubled argent ; and upon a wreath of his liveries is set for Crest, a cat sejant rampant sable ; with the Motto, " Prenez garde." Estate — Easier Logic, in the county of Perth. Postal address — Easter Logic, Blairgowrie, Perthshire. VALENTINE EMANUEL PATRICK MACSWINEY, Chamberlain to His Holiness Pope Leo XIII., B. (5s L. (Paris and Toulouse). Born , being the only son of Valentine MacSwiney, formerly of co. Cork, by Emma, Countess Konarski, dau. of Alexander, Count Konarski, Knight of the Military Order, " Virtuti Militari," of Poland. Armorial bearings Per pale azure and gules, two Iwars rampant combatant iK?an, on a chief or, ;ls many battle- axes in saltire blades upwards proper. Mantling azure and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a demi- gryphon segreant, holding in the dexter claw a lizard proper, and charged on the bre;ist with a Heur-de-lis azure. Motto — " Malo mori quam foedari." GEORGE JOSEPH BROOKE M'VEAGH, Esq., J. P., High Sheriff 1891. Born Jan. 8, i866, being the son of the late Ferdinand M'Veagh, Es(|. , of Drewston, High Sheriff 1875, B..A. Trin. Coll. Dublin, by his wife Maria, dau. of Thomas Rotheram of Triermore, co. Mcath. Armorial bearings — lirmine, a lion passant gunrdaiit or, on a chief azure, a crescent Vjet\\een two roses or. Mantling azure and argent : and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, an arm embowed in armour, in the hand a spear all proper. Motto — "Per ardua." Married, Oct. 24, 1889, Grace Alice Maude, dau. of Lieut. -Gen. Charles Annesley Benson of Ormonde House, Zion Hill, Bath ; and has Issue — Ferdinand Annesley M'Veagh, Gentleman, b. Sept. 19, i8go ; Marjorie Grace ; and Muriel Kathleen Mabel. Seat — Drewstown, co. Meath. ROBERT BLAKE M'VITTIE, Gentleman, youngest surviving son of the late Elliott M'Vittie. Armorial bear- ing^ — .Argent, on a chevron engrailed gules, between in chief The Editor undertakes tbat every entry not in italics is that of a genuinely armigerous person. 554 Q^ati ^as two thistles and in base a tretoil slipped all proper, a fret or. Mantling gules and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the eoloiirs, a cat-a-niountain passant guardaiit, resting the forepaw on an escutcheon of the arms. Motto — " Virtue is honour." Postal address — 43 Harcourt Street, Dublin. TnK Right Honourahi.k DODGSON HAMILTON MADDEN, a Member of Her Majesty's Most Honourable Privy Council, Doctor of Laws, a Judge of the Supreme Court of Judicature in Ireland (Queen's Bench Division), Vice-Chancellor Univ. of Dublin. Born 1840, being the only son of the Reverend H. Hamilton Madden, by his wife Isaljella, daughter of H. J. Monck Mason, Doctor of Laws. Clitbs — Carlton, University, Kildare Street (Dublin). Ar- morial bearings — He bears for Arms : Sable, a falcon preying on a duck's back argent, on a chief beaked and membered or, on a chief of the last a cross bottony gules. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling sable and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a falcon with wings expanded argent, beaked and membered or, holding in his beak a cross bottony gules; with the Motto, " Fortior qui se vincit." Married, first, 1868, Minnie [d. 1895), eldest dau. of Lewis Moore, Esquire, Deputy-Lieutenant, of Cremorgan, Queen's County ; secondly, Jessie Isabelle, dau. of Richard Warburton, Esq., of Garryhinch, King's County. Postal address — Nutley, Booterstown, county Dublin. FREDERIC WILLIAM MADDEN, Esquire. Born April 9, 1839, being the eldest son of the late Sir Frederic Madden, Knight of the Hanoverian Guelphic Order, Fellow of the Royal Society, one of the Gentlemen of the Privy Chamber to their Majesties King William IV. and Queen Victoria, Assistant - Keeper and Keeper of the Department of Manuscripts, British Museum, for nearly forty years, by his wife Emily Sarah, second daughter of William Robinson, Esquire, Doctor of Laws, F'ellow of the Society of Antiquaries, of Tottenham, Deputy-Lieutenant for the county of Middlesex. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Sable, a falcon or, belled gules, ])reying on a mallard argent, on a chief indented of the second a cross bottony of the third. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling sable and or ; and for his Crest, out of a ducal coronet gules, a falcon rising or, holding in the beak a cross bottony as in arms ; with the Motto, " Propria virtute auda.x-." Married, Sep- tember 12, i860, lilizabeth Sarah (Bessie), third daughter of John Rannie, Esquire, of Portsmouth (died August 22, 1893); and has Issue — (i) Frederick Henry Madden, Esquire, born August 21, 1864; (2) William John Madden, Gentleman, born January 9, 1866 ; Emma Edith [married Frederick Cholmondeley Dering Amesbury, Lieutenant Indian Staff Corps] ; and Anna Clarissa. Postal address — 13 Grand Parade, Brighton, Surrey. SJOHN MADDEN, Esquire, J. P. and D.L., Ensign and Lieutenant in 41st Regt. from 1840-43, and has medal for Afghan Campaign. Born Nov. 30, i8ig, being the second son of Charles Dudley Madden, by his wife Harriet, dau. of the Rev. S. Bagster. Livery — Dress: white, with scarlet facings and breeches; undress: cream and scarlet. Armorial bearings — Sable, a falcon preying on a mallard's back argent, on a chief or, a cross bottony gules. Mantling sable and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a falcon wings expanded argent, membered or, holding in his talon a cross bottony gules. Married, firstly, Clara Elizabeth, second dau. of Rev. J. Spencer Knox ; secondly, her sister, Isabella Louisa Georgina, third dau. of Rev. J. Spencer Knox ; and has Issue, by his first marriage — (i) Charles Dudley Madden, Gentleman, b. March 26, 185 1 ; (2) Waller Wilmot Madden, Gentleman, b. Oct. 14, 1853 [m., 1886, Eleanor, dau. of F. Bischoff] ; (3) John Beresford Madden, Gentleman, b. Aug. 12, 1855; Clara Kathleen; Isabella Christina; and Alice Wilmot [;«., 1886, Capt. Butler Giveen, late loth Hussars]. Estates — Roslea Manor and Agnafin. Postal address^RosX&a. Manor, Clones. JOHN MADDEN, Esq., J. P. for cos. Cavan and Leit- rim (High Sheriff of co. Fermanagh 1859, of co. Monaghan 1863, and on roll for co. Leitrim 1868-1870), J. P. and D. L. for CO. Fermanagh and a J. P. for co. Monaghan. Born 1836, being the eldest son of the late John Madden, Esq., J. P. and D. L. , of Hilton Park, and of Manor Waterhouse & is the Military Cockade. (Col. of the Monaghan Militia), by his wife Sydney Anne, second dau. of Admiral William Wolseley of Rostrevor, co. Down. 6'/«* — Junior Carlton. Armorial bearings — Quarterly i and 4, sable a falcon preying on a duck's back argent, on a chief, a cross bottony gules (for Madden) ; 2 and 3 or, a pile engrailed sable (for Waterhouse), and im- paling the arms of Clements, namely argent, two bends wavy sable, on a chief gules, three • bezants. Mantling sable and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a falcon with wings expanded argent, holding in its beak a cross bottony gules. Motto — "Fortior qui se vincet. " Married, 1864, Lady Caroline, dau. of Rev. Hon. Francis Nathaniel Clements, and sister of the Right Hon. Robert Clements, 4th Earl of Leitrim ; and has, with other Issue — John Clements Waterhouse Madden, Gentleman, b. 1870. Estates — Hilton Park, co. Monaghan ; Manor Waterhouse, CO. Fermanagh. Postal address — Hilton Park, Clones, CO. Monaghan. The Hon. Su< JOHN MADDEN, Knight Bachelor (1893), B.A., LL.D. (Melbourne), Barrister-at-Law ; repre- sented W. Bourke in Victorian Legislative Assembly 1874, and Sandridge 1875-1882; was Minister of Justice, Victoria 1874 and 1876; Chancellor of Melbourne University since 1897, and was Vice-Chancellor from 1888, having previously been Warden thereof, 1876-1881 ; appointed Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Victoria, 1893 ; administered Government, Jan. to May 1893, and March to Nov. 1895, and since March 1898. Born 1844, being the son of John Madden. Club — Melbourne (Melbourne, Victoria). Ar- morial bearings — Per pale sable and gules, a falcon prey- ing on a duck argent, on a chief or, a cross bottony between two trefoils slipped gules. Mantling sable and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a falcon, wings expanded argent, charged on the breast with a trefoil slipped sable, and holding in the dexter claw a cross bottony of the last. Motto — " Propria virtute audax." Married, 1872, Gertrude Frances, dau. of Francis John Sidney Stephen. Residences — Cloyne, Ciiapel Street, St. Kilda, Victoria; Yamala, Frankston, Victoria. MADDISON, quartered by FLETCHER- VANE. § HENRY COLE MAGENIS, Esquire, Major-General (retired), late R. H.A. , D. L. and LP. for co. .Antrim (High Sheriff 1887). Born Sept. 10, 1838, being the third son of Henry Arthur Magenis, late Commanding 87th Royal Irish Fusiliers, by his wife Elise Joseph Ursula, dau. of M. J. Damain, de Kerostan, Brittany. Clubs — ^United and Junior United Service Cavalry and Turf, United Service (Dublin), Ulster (Belfast). Livery — Green and white. Armorial bearings^Vert, a lion ramjiant or, on a chief argent, a dexter hand couped gules. Mantling vert and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a boar passant proper. Motto — " Sola salus servire Deo." Estates in cos. Antrim and Down. Seat — Finvoy Lodge, Ballymoney, co. Antrim. S HENRY MARSH SEPTIMUS MAG RATH, Esquire, Colonel Indian Staff Corps. Born C7tBs5iTt*Af"ll March 31, 1841, beim; the seventh son of V^iX^liXlX) Andrew Nicholson Magrath, late Director- General Madras Medical Department, by his wife Caroline Maria, second daui^hter of Bishop Smyth. Club — Junior Conservative. Armorial bearings as used, but which are not recorded in Ulster s Office, are — Quarterly, I. anient, three lions passant in pale gules ; 2. or, a dexter cubit arm fesseivays, couped, holding in the hand proper a cross pat^eftchee in pale azure; 3. or, a dexter cubit arm fesseivays, couped, holding in the hand a battle-axe in pale, all proper ; 4. argent, a heraldic antelope trippant. Crest — A71 arm as in the third quarter of the arms. MottO — "Salus in virtute." Married, November 21, 1863, Ellen Margaret, eldest daughter of Henry Augustus Dillon ; and has Issue — Henry Augustus Frederick Magrath, born October 20, 1867; Eleanor Mary [married John George Jameson^,; and Maud Margaret. Postal address — cjo H. S. King cf Co., 45 Pall Mall, S. W. JOHN RICHARD MAGRATH, Esquire, Colonel Royal (Madras) Artillery [retired full pay). Born August 5, 1827, being the eldest son of John Magrath of the Bengal Medical Service (a prisoner with Lady Sale in the first Afghan War), of Bawn James, in the county of Kilkenny, by his wife Georgina, eldest daughter of James Butler of B is tbe Naval Cockade. Q^af) 9^a6 555 the county of Carlo^u. Club — Constitutional. Armorial bearings as used, but tvhic/i are not recorded in Ulster s Office, are for Arms : Quarterly, l. argent, three lions passant in pale gules ; 2. or, a dexter cubit arm /esseivays, couped, holding in the hand all proper a cross patie JitclUe in pale azure ; 3. gules, a dexter cubit arm fesseways, couped, holding in the hand a battle-axe in pale, all proper ; 4. argent, an heraldic antelope trippant. Crest— ^« arm as in the second quarter of the arms. Motto — " Salus in fide." Estate — Murhill, near Bradford-on-Avon , in the county of Wiltshire. Postal address — Bann-aboo, near Wexford, Ireland. m MATTHIAS AIDAN MAHER. Esq., J. P. and U.L., @ High Sheriff 1878. Born May 5, 1846, being the eldest son of the late John Maher, Esq., of Ballinkeele, j.P. and D.L., High Sheriff 1853, and M.P. co. We.xfordi by his wife Louisa Catherine, dau. of George Bourke (;' Kelly, Esq., of Acton House, Middlesex. Armorial bearings — Azure, two iions rampant combatant or, supporting a sword ill pale proper, in base two crescents of the second. Mant- ling azure and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of ilie colours, on a mount vert, a hawk rising, belled and hooded proper, on each wing a crescent or. Motto — " In periculis audax." Seat — BaUinkeele, near Enniscorthy, co. \Ve.\ford. MAHON, Viscount, see STANHOPE. Fleet-Surgeon ED WARD ELPHINSTONE MAHON, Companion of the Most Honourable Order of dftrtflfin ^^'^ Bath. Horn 1851, being the son of the vl^UlJUII /Reverend George William Mahon, Master of Arts, Honourable East India Company s Service, formerly Garrison Chaplain at Fort St. George, Madras ; created Companion of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, 1892. 3 THOMAS GEORGE STACFOOLE MAHON, Esquire, Justice of the Peace and Deputy-Lieutenant for the county of Clare, High Sheriff 1880, Bachelor of Arts of the Utiiversity of O.xford, Barrister-at-Law. Born July II, 1848, being the only son of Charles Mahon, Esquire, Justice of the Peace for the county of Clare, by his wife Jiinc, daughter of the Very Reverend William Ileniy Stiv ; Doctor of Divinity, Dean of Kilfenora, of Cragbn, the county of Clare. Clubs — Nno University, Kii.uui. Street [Dublin), County Chnc [F.nnis). Livery — Black coats, plain buttons. Armorial bearings as used, but which are not recorded in Ulster's Office, are : Asure, a lion ram- pant or. Crest — A dexter arm in armour embou| 1848, being the eldest son of the late Stuart (4^U(ViailU Cairns Maitland of Compstone and Dun- drennan, by his wife Margaret Shippen, daughter of Dominick Lynch. Club — Conservative. Ar- morial bearings— He bears for Arms : (Quarterly i and 4, or a lion rampant couped at all the joints, within a bordure embattled gules (for Maitland); 2 and 3 argent, the ruins of an old abbey on a piece of ground all ]3roper, as pro- prietfjr of the Barony of Dundrennan, on which stands the Abbey of Dundrennan. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet Ijefitting his degree, with a mantling gules doubled argent ; and upon a wreath of his liveries is set for Crest, a demi-monk vested in grey, holding in his dexter hand a crucifix argent, and in his sini.ster a rosary proper. MottO ^"Esse quam videri." Married, October 17, 1872, Ellinor Frances, daughter of the late Thomas Gray Scott ; and has Issue — (i) Stuart Cairns Maitland, Gentleman, born Octo- ber 19, 1873; (2) Claud Archibald .Scott Maitland, Gentle- man, born November 12, 1874 ; (3) Graham McDowell Maitland, Gentleman, born .May 20, 1879; Ellinor Isabel; and Geraldine Veronica. Scats — Dundrennan and Comp- stone, in the Stewartry of Kirkcudbright. §Coi.()NKi. WILLIAM THOMAS MAKINS, Esquire, V.D., J. P. for cos. of Oxford and Essex, D.L. for Essex, one of H.M.'s Lieutenants for the City of London, M. P. forS.W. Essex 1874-92, Hon. Col. ist Essex Artillery, Eastern Div. R.A. Vol. Brigade, M.A. Trin. Coll., Camb., Barrister-at-Law, Deputy Chairman G.E. Railway, and Governor of the Gas Light and Coke Company. Born March i6, 1840, being the eldest son of Charles Makins, by M is the Naval Cockade. opal opal 557 his wife Frances, dau. of Thoujas Kirkby of Leeds. Clubs — Carlton, Wellington, Royal 'I'hanies Yacht. Armorial bearings — Argent, on a fesse embattled counter-embattied gules, between in chief two falcons proper, belled or, and in base a lion's face of the second, an annulet or between two bezants. Mantling gules anil argent. Crest^On a wreath of the colours, a dexter arm embowed in armour proper, encircled by an annulet or, and holding a flagstaff there- from flowing a banner argent, charged with a lion's face gules. Motto — " In luniine luce." Married, ]\\\\ ■^, \Z6i, Klizabeth, second dau. of Lightly Simpson ; and has Issue — (i) William Henry Makins, Gentleman, 13th Hussars, b. Dec. 6, 1863 [m. Mary Agnes, only dau. of Sir Charles Lawrence Young, Bart., of North Dean, Bucks, and d. Dec. I, 1889]; (2) Basil Thomas Makins, Esq., J.I'., late Lieut. Royal Bucks Hussars, b. Sept. 6, 1868 ; (3) Paul Augustine Makins, B.A., Gentleman, b. 1870; (4) Oscar Matthew Makins, Gentleman, Lieut. R.N.,^. 1872; Mary Elizabeth [///., 1890, Capt. J. E. Clauson, R. E. ); .Agatha Caroline; Veronica Luce [w., April 14, 1896, Allan Edward Bachelor of Hill Wootton, Warwick]; and Audrey Catharine. Seat — Rotht-rford Court, Henley-on-Thnmes. Town resi- dence — I Lowther Gardens, Princes Gate, S.W. JAMES WILLIAM MALCOLM, Esq., J. P. for Norfolk, late Capt. Royal Pembroke Artillery Militia. Born March 29, 1862, l^eing the eldest son of the late James Malcolm, by .Adeline his wife, dau. of Capt. James Atl\e, 521111 Light Infantry. rV/z/^i— Itoodle's, Orleans. Armorial bearings IS for Arms: Or, .1 viliire azure between four QEIDONQ SVn QVOD SVri heads couped gules, a Ixirdure indented of the third ; and impaling the arms of Sandeman, namely argent, the emblem of 'truth, a naked woman standing on a terrestrial globe issuing out of the base, in her dexter hand an open book, in her .sinister which is elevated above her head a branch of palm, and on her breast the sun in splendour all proper, and a veil across her middle of the first within a bordure gules, charged with three fleurs-de-lis also of the first. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling azure doubled or ; and upon a wreath of his liveries is set for Crest, a pyramid encircled with a laurel wreath ppr. ; and in an escroU above ihe same this motto, " Ardua tendo ; " and below the arms the Motto, " Dei donosuni quod sum." Married, 1885, Evelyn Alberta, daughter of Albert Sandt-man, Esquire ; and has Issue — Michael Albert James Malcolm, Gentleman b. 1898. Residence — Hoveton Hall, Norwich. Sir JAMES MALCOLM, Baronet, of Balheadie and Grange, in the county of Fife, Justice of the Peace. Born April II, 1823, being the son of James Malcolm, by his wife Helen, daughter of James Duncan of Abernethy, in the county of Perth ; succeeded his cousin as eighth Baronet December 24, 1865. Creation — (Niwa Scotia) July 25, 1665. Armorial bearings, as given in the various Peer- ages, are fur Arma : Or, a siiltire azure, betruecn three stags' heads couped gules. Crest — A pyramid encircled by a laurel wreath proper. MottO — "Ardua tendo." yHeir presumptive — His kinsman, James William Malcolm, Esq., Justice of the Peace for the county of Norfolk ; born 1862 ; married, 1885, Evelyn .Alberta, daughter of Albert Sande- man.] Residence — Balljeadie, Twickenham Park, London, S.W. HENRY CHARLES MALDEN, Esquire, Master of Arts of the University of Cambridge, 1853, and Major ist I'olunfeer Battalion Royal Sussex Regiment. Born Febru- ary 29, 1829, being the eldest son of Lieutenant C. R. .Maiden of the Royal Xavy, by his wife Frances, daughter of the ReT.'erend \V. H. Cole. Club — Ne%v (Brighton). Armorial bearing^s as used, but for which no authority has been established in the College of Arms, are for kTCOa: Azure, a frette argent, on a chief of the second three lozenge- shaped buckles sable. Crest — A dexter hand apauviie proper; with the Motto, " .Miseris opem fero." Married, firstly, 1855, Euphemia .Margaret, daughter of the Reve- rend Thomas Scott (she died 1862) ," and secondly, 1865, Catharine, daughter of John Eldad Walters, formerly of Piercefield, in the county of Monmouth ; and by his first marriage has Issue — (i) Charles Scott Maiden, born 1858,- (2) Heniy .Melville Scott Maiden, born 1862 ,• Emily Scott ; and Rose Scott; and by his second marriage — (3) John Walter Srott .Maiden,' born 1883,- Winifred Walters .Scott; and liffie Walters Scott. Estates — Windlesham House Estate, Brighton ; Batheaston, Cro7.vborough. Postal addresses — Windlesham House, Brighton; Batheaston, Crawborough. TiiK RiniiT Hon. Sih EDWARD BALDWIN MALET, Knight Grand Cross of the Most Honourable /vQj^l^f- Order of the Bath, Knight Grand Cross of the (llyttlvl Most Distinguished Order of Saint Michael and Saint George, a Member of Her Majesty's Most Honourable Privy Council. Born Octolier 10, 1837, being the second son of Sir Alexander Malet, second Baronet, K.C. B. , by his wife Marianne Dora, daughter of John Spalding of The Holme and Shirmers, in the county of Kirkcudbright; created C. B. 1871, advanced to the rank of K.C.B. 1881, and to that of G.C.B. 1885; G.C.M.G. 1885 ; appointed a Member of Her Majesty's Most Honourable Privy Council, 1885. Clubs — Travellers', Bachelors', St. James's, Garrick. Livery — Dress: white coats, red waistcoats, and breeches with silver braid ; undress : black, with red waistcoats and silver braid. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Quarterly of fiftet-n, r and 15 azure, three escallops or (for Malet); 2. gules, a lion rampant or, debruiscd by a bend ermine (for Fitchett) ; 3. argent, a chevron sable between three lions dormant guardant gules (for Hull); 4. argent, three cinquefoils and a canton azure (for Cliffe) ; 5. bendy of six argent and gules, within a bordure sable bezantt« only son of Frances Jemima, commonly known ^iii'**^ as Lady Frances Jemima (sister of the Right Honourable the twenty-fifth Earl of Mar), and William James Goodeve of Clifton ; assumed the name of Erskine in 1866, on the death of his uncle, the Right Honourable John Francis Miller, twenty-fifth Earl of Mar ; succeeded his uncle June 19, 1866, as twenty-sixth Earl. Creation — Before 1014 ; allowed precedence 1404 on the documents available and produced at the Decreet of Ranking of 1606. Clubs — Carlton, .Scottish. Livery — Black, with white collar and cuffs. Armorial bearingB — He bears for Arms : Quarterly t and 4, azure a bend be- wreath of the colours, a squirrel sejant or, holding in the dexter paw a sprig of five maple leaves slipped proper, and resting the sinister on an escutcheon azure, charged with a bee volant or; with the MottO, " Vi et prudentia." Married, 1874, Emily Harriet, daughter of Moses Merry- weather ; and has surviving Issve — One daughter. Postal addresses — Childwickbury, St. Albans; Clarence House, Regent's Park, N.W. MAR, quartered by DOUGLAS, ERSKINE, MON- TAGU-DOUGLAS-SCOTT, SINCLAIR-ERSKINE. TnK Right Honourablk JOHN FRANCIS ERSKINE GOODEVE-ERSKINE, Earl of Mar. and Lord Garioch, Master of Arts of the Universities of tween six cross crosslets fitch^e or (for Mar) ; 2 and 3 argent, a pale sable (for Erskine). Above the escutcheon is placed the coronet of his rank, and thereupon a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules, doubled ermine ; and upon a wreath of his liveries is set for Crest, a dexter hand proper, holding a cuthtss argent, hiked and |)ommelled or. Supporters- Two griffins argent, armed, beaked, and winged or. Motto - " Je pense plus." Married, September 12, 1866, Alice Mary .Sinclair, daughter of the late John Hamilton of Hilston Park, in the county of Monmouth ; and has Issue — John Francis Hamilton Sinclair Cunliffe Brooks Forbes Goodeve - Erskine, Esquire, commonly known as Lord Garioch, born February 25, 1868. Seat — Sunnington Rise, Bourne- mouth. The Editor undertakes that every entry not in italics is that of a genuinely armigerous person. 2 N 562 Q^ar STiiK Right Honour Arti.K. WALTER JOHN FRANCIS I':RSKIN1':, Earl of Mar and Kellie, twelfth Earl of Mar and fourteenth Earl of KoUie and seventeenth Lord Erskine, Viscount Fentoun, Bargn Dirle- ton, Premier Viscount of Scotland, and a Representative Peer for Scotland, formerly Lieut, ist Batt. Scots Guards, Hon. Lieut. -Col. 7th Vol. Batt. Princess Louise's Arygll and Sutherland Highlanders. Born August 29, 1865, being the eldest son of the Right Honouraljle the eleventh Karl of Mar and Kellie, by his wife Mary Anne, daughter of William Forbes of Medw yn ; succeeded his father t888. Creations -V^W[\ of Mar, July 29, 1565; Earl of Kellie, March 12, 1619; Viscount Fentoun, March 18, Q^at pommelled or ; and on an escroll over the same this motto, " Je pense plus" (for lirskine) ; and upon the sinister side, a demi-lion rampant guardant gules, armed argent, and on an escroll over the same this motto, " Decori decus addit avito " (for Kellie). Supporters — Two griffins gules, armed, beaked, and winged or; underneath this Motto, " Unione fortior." Married, July 14, 1892, Violet, commonly known as Lady Violet, daughter of the Right Honourable Anthony Ashley-Cooper, eighth Earl of Shaftesbury ; and had Issue — John Francis Ashley I'>skine, Esquire, commonly called Lord Erskine, born April 26, 1895 ; Elync Violet, conmionly known as Lady Elyne Violet, died August 2, 1893. Estates — Alloa, Forest and Ferryton ; and Kellie Castle 1606 ; Baron Erskine, 1429 (and Alloa, 1489) ; Baron Dirleton, 1603. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Quarterly i and 4, argent, a pale sable (for Erskine) ; 2 and 3 azure, a bend between si,\ cross crosslets fitch6e or (for Mar). Over all, on an escutcheon gules, the Imperial crown of Scotland proper, within a double tressure Hory counterflory or, ensigned with an Earl's coronet (for the Earldom of Kellie), impaling the arms of Ashley-Cooper, namely argent, three bulls passant sable, armed and unguled or (for Ashley) ; 2 and 3 gules, a bend engrailed between six lions rampant or (for Cooper). Above the escutcheon is placed the coronet of his rank, and there- upon a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling sable doubled ermine ; and upon wreaths of the proper liveries are set the two following Crests, upon the dexter side a dexter hand holding a skene in pale argent, hiked and M is the Military Cockade. in the county of F'ife and the " Lordship of Stiring." Seat — Alloa House, in the county of Clackmannan. The Right HoNOURAnLE ELISE ERSKINE. Widow, Countess of Mar and Kellie, C7lftrtl» ^Wtx \XtfW\(f daughter of Colonel Youngson VV)iX\r aUU lai^lUIP of Bowscar, in the county of Cumberland. Armorial bear- ings are, upon a lozenge, which is surmounted by the coronet of her rank ; Quarterly i and 4, gules the imperial crown of Scotland proper, within a double tressure flory counterflory or, a coat of augmentation (for the liarldom of Kellie) ; 2. argent, a pale .sable (for luskine) ; 3. azure, a bend between six cross crosslets fitch(5e or (for the Earl- dom of Mar). Supporters — Two griflins gules, armed, beaked, and winged or. Married, 1834, the Right Hon- S is the Naval Cockade. apar Qpar 563 ourable Walter Henry Erskine, Earl of Mar and Kellie, who died 1872. Of the above marriage there is Issue — (i) The Right Honourable Walter Henry Erskine, eleventh Earl of Mar and Kellie ; (2) Augustus William Erskine, commonly known as the Honourable Augustus William Erskine, lately an Officer in 17th Lancers, born 1841 [married, 1871, Harriet Susannah, daughter of William Forbes of Medwyn, and by her (who died February 23, 1884) had issue, Henry Walter Coningsby Erskine, Esquire, born May 11, 1872; Walter Augustus Erskine, Gentleman, born July 22, 1880; William Forbes Erskine, Gentleman, born February 21 and died I-Vbruary 22, 1884 ; ICvclyn Mary Elise ; Agnes Helen ; and Dorothy Christian] ; (3) Charles Herbert Stewart Erskine, commonly known as tiie Honouraijle Charles Herbert Stewart ICrskine, Major 3rd Bat. the I'rincess Louise's iVrgyll and Sutherland Highlanders, born 1853. Postal address — 14 Queen's Gate Gardens, S. W. Thk Right Honourabi.f. MARY ANNE ERSKINE, Widow, Countess- Dowager of Mar and Kfllic, daughter of William Forbes of Medwyn. Armorial beaxing^s are, upon a lozenge, which is surmounted by the coronet of iier rank : Quarterly i and 4, gules the imperial crown f>f Scotland jjroper, within a double tressurc Hory counter- Hory or, a coat of augmentation (for the Earldom of Kellie) ; 2. argent, a pale sable (for Erskine) ; 3. azure, a bend between six cross crosslcts fitchi'-e or (for the I'larldom of Mar). Supporters- Two griffins gules, armed, beaked, and winged or. Married, 1863, the Right Honourable Walter Henry Erskine, Earl of Mar and Kellie, who died 1888. Of the above marriage there is Issue — (i) The Right Honourable Walter John Francis lirskine, twelfth Earl of Mar and Kellie; (2) William .Augustus I'orlK-s ICrskine, Esquire, commonly known as the Honourable William Augustus Forlxjs Erskine, born Octolx'r 30, 1871 ; (3) Ale.\an(!er Penrose Forbes l'>skine, ICsquire, commonly known as the Honourable Alexander l'enro.se ForU-s I'.rskine, born August 13, 1881 ; Elync Mary, commonly known as Lady ICIyne Mary, died 1891 ; Constance Elise, commonly known as Lady Constance IClise ; Mary, com- monly known as Lady Mary, died 1873; I^ouisa Frances, commonly kiKjwn as Lady Louisa l-'rances ; Frances ICIisa- beth, conmionly known as Lady Frances Elisalx:th ; and .Alice Maud .M;iry, commonly known as Lady Alice Maud Mary. Postal address ~\(i Lowndes Scjuare, London, S.W. M ALFRED ROBERT MARGARY. Esquire, Colonel w C'ommanding Sussex Artillery. Horn June 25, 1853, being th(! eldest son of Major Margary, Justice of the Peace, late 54ih and 26tli Regiments, by his wife Georgiana, eldest (laughter of the late T. G. Adams. Clubs — Junior United .Service, Garrick. Livery — Blue and silver. Armorial bearings — He liears lor Arms : Party per fesse azure anti argent, a |)ale counterchangcd, three daisies slipped, two and one, of the second. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling azure and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, upon a mount vert, an arm in bend proper, holding a daisy slipped argent; with the Motto, " Cherche qui n'a." Married, June 7, 1893, Elizabeth Walker, daughier of Donald Larnach. Postal address — JOHN MARK, Esquire, Justice of the Peace for the County Palatine of Lancaster and for the city r>a(^|«y* of Manchester, and .Mayor of that city in the WS/aVI* years 1889-1891. Born December 16, 1832, being the fourth son of the late Joseph Mark of Bowscale, in the county of Cumberland, by his wife Hannah, daughter of Joseph Wilson of (Jreysouthen in the sanie county. C///^— Conservative (Manchester). /./rvn'-Blue, with yellow facings and gilt buttons. Armorial bearings- He bears for Arms : Azure, on a rock in base proper a lion of Saint Mark sejant with wings addorsed or, resting the dexter paw upon an escutcheon of the last charged with a bee volant of the second, on a chief also or, a terrestrial globe also jiroper between two saltires couped gules ; upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet liefitting his degree, with a mantling azure and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a lion as in the arms, sem6e of bees volant proper, and resting the dexter paw upon a rose gules ; with the Motto, " Manu et corde." Married, Septeml5er4, 1861, Emily Mary, daughter of Robert Lewis Jones of Chester, and has Issue — lithel Louisa [married April 15, 1884, Frederick William Lee of Manchester, and has issue] ; Maud Constance [married Robert Frederic Lee of Gran- tham]; and Florence [married, January 29, 1891, Robert Arthur Lord Hutchinson of Rochdale]. Estate — Greystoke, and other house pro[ierty and land at Did.sbnry, in the comity of Lancaster. Postal rt(/(//w.rf.t — Cireystoke, Ditlsbury, Manchester ; and Cefn Mawr Hall, near Mold, North Wales. MARKHAM, quartered by .\1ALF:L a^atfejam CUNlSTOrHF.R ALEXANDIiR MARKHAM, Esquire, Eelloio of the Society of Anti- quaries and of the Royal Meteorological Society, Deputy-Clerk of the Peace and of the County Council for the county of Northampton, Captain ^th liattalion Northamptonshire Regiment. Born June 12, 1859, hein^^ the only son of Henry Philip Afarkham, Clerk of the Peace \to whom refer], by his wife Edith, daui^'hter of Lieutenant Alexander, yjth Re^^iment. Club — National Consennitive. Livery — Li};ht blue. Armorial bearings as quoted and as used, but to which no rii,'ht has been established at the College of Arms, are for Arms : Azure, on a chief or, a demi-lion rampant issuant gules ; and for the Crest, a lion of Saint Mark sejant rampant ^uardant with wings endorsed, holding a pair of horse-hames, the tail between his legs turning up or [shown as " sejant guardant, and resting dexter paw on a pair," 5fe- &"(., in an engraving sent to the Editor]. Mar- ried, August 12, 1891, Amy, daughter of the Reverend T. C. B. Cornwell, formerly Rector of Scahhvell, in the county oj Northampton ; and has Issue — Charles Cornwell Markham. Estate — Land in the parish of Pitsford, in the last iiamed county. Postal address — 4 .S7. George's l^lace, Northampton. Sir CLEMENTS ROBERT MARKHAM, Knight Commander of the Bath (Civil). Born July 20, 1830, being the second but eldest surviving wn of the Rev. David. E. Markham, Canon of Windsor (who was son of IVilliam Markham, Esq., D.L., J. P., of Bacca Hall, co. York, and grandson of the Archbishop of York, by his wife Catharine, dau. of Sir IVilliam Milner, Bart., of Nunappleton, co. York, by his wife Selina, dau. of the Right Hon. Theophilus Clement of Ashf eld Lodge, CO. Cavan. Clubs — Athenceiim, Royal Societies.' Livery — Blue coat, red waistcoat, blue breeches; undress: striped waistcoat. Armorial bearings as used are recorded in the College of Arms, but the ri^ht thereto has not as yet been officially established or recorded. Tbe Editor undertakes that every entry not in italics is that of a genuinely armigerous person. 5^4 Q^ar Q^at Arms — Azure, on a chief or, a denii-lion rampant issi/ant gulfs. Crest—./ winged lion of St. Mark guardant, the forc-paio resting on a pair of horse-hames, a glory round the head [arms of Chichester— chequy or and gules, achiefvair in an escutcheon of pretence). Married, April 23, 1857, Minna, dau. and co-heir of the Rev. James Hamilton Chichester, Rector of Arlington, co. Devon, brother of Sir Horace Chichester, Bart., and son of Col. John Palmer Chichester of Arlington Court, co. Devon ; and has Issue — Mary Louisa. Residence — 21 Eccleston Square, London, S. W. W HENRY PHILIP MARK HAM, Esquire, Defuty- SSf Lieutenant fur the county of Northampton, Clerk of the Peace and of the County Council for the county of Northampton. Born August 5, 1816, being the second son of the late Charles Markham, Clerk of the Peace for the county of Northampton {who died 1846), bv his wife Eliza Mary, daughter of John Packharness of St. Ami's, in the island of famaica. Livery — Light blue. Armo- rial bearings as quoted and as used, but to ■which no right has been established at the College of Arms, are for Arms : Azure, on a chief or, a demi-lion rampant issuant gules; and for his Crest, a lion of St. Mark sejant ram- pant gitardant nnth wings endorsed, holding a pair of horse- hames, the tail between his legs turning up or [sho7vn as " sejant guardant, and resting dexter paw on a pair," b'c. &'c., in an engraving sent to 'the Editor]. Married, Decem- ber 6, 1855, at Matlock, in the county of Derbv, Edith, daughter of Lieutenant Alexander, zjth Regiment; and has Issue— Christopher Alexander Markham, Esquire \to rvhom refer]. Ks\i\Xe—Sedgebrooke, and land in the parish of Pitsford, in the county of Northampton. Postal address — Sedgebrooke, Northampton. HARRY HANANEL MARKS, Esquire, M.P. for the Tower Hamlets (St. George's Div.), J. P. for the co. of Kent, Member of the London County Council for East Maryle- bone 1889-1892, and for St. George's East 1895-1898. Born April 10, 1855, being the fifth son of the Rev. Professor David W. Marks of University College, by Cecilia Sara, dau. of the late Moseley Woolfe of Liverpool. Club— Carlton. Livery— T>s.rV. green coat, yellow striped waist- |ra is the Military Cockade. coat. Armorial bearings— Vert, a lion rampant between four battle-axes, a bordurc nebuly or. Mantling vert and or. Crest - On a wreath of the colours, between two annulets or, a dexter arm embowed in armour, the hand in a gauntlet grasping a battle-axe proper, and round the riswt a chaplet of cinquefoils vert. Motto — " Aut inveniam viam aut faciam." Alarried, Nov. 5, 1884, Annie Estelle, dau. of William Benjamin of Montreal, Canada; and has Issue — Harry Cecil Marks, Gentleman, b. Sept. 9, 1885 ; and Ruth Cecil Marks. Seat — Callis Court, St. Peter's, Thanet. Postal address — 6 Cavendish Square, W. CHARLES BRINSLEY MARLAY - ROCHFORT, Esquire, J. P., D.L. co. Westmeath (High Sheriff, 1853). [j [CAtidcr*c!at-viribu$*aU£] [] Born 1838, being the son of the late Lieut.-Col. George Marlay, C. B. ; and assumed the additional surname and is the Naval Cockade. Q^at apat 565 US of Rochfort by Royal Licence, Nov. 30, 1867. Clubs — White's, Carlton, Travellers'. Armorial bearings — Quarterly i and 4, azure a lion rampant argent, armed and langiied gules (for Rochfort) ; 2 and 3 barry of eight or and gules, on a Ijordurc azure eight martlets of the first (for Marlay). Mantling' azure and argent. Crests— i. on a wreath of the colours, a robin redbreast proper (for Roch- fort) ; 2. on a wreath of the colours, an eagle displayed proper; and above it on an escroll, " Nulli praida sunius. " Motto — " Candor dat viribus alas." Seats — Belvedere, co. Westrneath, and Bawn, co. Louth; St. Katherine's Lodge, Regent Bark, N.W. HThk Most Nohi.k CHARLES RICH.XRl) JOHN ® SPENCER-CHURCHH.L, Duke of Mailborough, Churchill, May 14, 1685; Earlof Marlborough, April g, 1689 ; Duke, December 14, 1702. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Quarterly i and 4, sable a lion rampant argent, on a canton of the last a cross gules (for Churchill) ; 2 and 3 quarterly argent and gules, in the second and third (|uarters a fret or, over all, on a bend sable, three escallops of the first (for Spencer), and, as an honourable augmentation, in chief an escutcheon argent, charged with the cross of St. George gules, and thereon an escutcheon of the arms of France, namely azure, three fleurs-de-lis or, the whole arms borne upon an imperial eagle, as a Prince of the Holy Roman Empire, surmounted by his Princely coronet. .Above the escutcheon is placed the coronet of his rank, and thereupon a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling sable and argent ; and for his Crests, i. upon Marquess of Blandford, Earl of Sunderland, l''arl of Marl- l)orough, Baron Spencer of Wormleighton, and Baron Churchill of Sandridge, all in the Peerage of England, Prince of the Holy Roman Empire, Prince of Mindelheim, in Suabia, Lieutenant Oxfordshire (Queen's Own) Hussars. Born November 13, 1871, being the son of the eighth Duke, by his first wife Alberta Frances .Anne, commonly called Lady .-Mbertlia Frances .Aiuie Hamilton, daughter of the Most Noble the first Duke of .-\bcrcorn. Knight of the Most Noble Order of the Carter [vide Blandford, Marchioness) ; succeeded his father in 1892. Creations — Baron Spencer, July 21, 1603; Earl of Sunderland, June 8, 1643; Baron a wreath of the colours, a lion couchant guardant argent, supporting with the dexter paw a banner gules, charged with a dexter hand apaumde of the first, staff or (for Churchill) ; 2. out of a ducal coronet or, a griffin's head between two wings expanded argent, gorged with a bar gemelle, and armed gules (for .Spencer). Supporters — Two wyverns gules. Motto— " Fiel pero desdichado." Married, 1895, Consuelo, daughter of William Kissam Vanderbilt of New York ; and has Issue — John Albert Edward William Spencer-Churchill, Esquire, commonly called Marquess of Blandford. i'M/— Blenheim Palace, Woodstock, in the county of Oxford. Tbe Editor undertakes that every entry not in italics is that of a genuinely annigerous person. 566 Q^at ^ar MAKI.1':Y, iiuarleicil by FLIiTCHKR-VANI':. GKORGE JOHSON MARPLES, Gentleman. Barrister- at-Law (Inner Temple). Born July 27, CUfftAftlTcllt i^45> l><2'"g till- eldest son of the late ^aipitff George Marples. late of Brinkcliflc Tower, Ecclesall, West Riding county York, by his wife Eleanor Johanna Willinian, daughter of Robert Jobson of Lilburn, near Wooler, in the county of Nor- thumberland. Club — Junior Carlton. Armorial bear- ing^ — He bears for Arms : Quarterly per fesse nebuly sabl(> and ermine, in the first and fourth (|uarters a griffin segrcant or. Upon the escutcheon is placed a liehnet befitting his degree, with a mantling sable and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a griffin segreant or, resting the sinister claw on a cross crosslet fitch6e sable Ix'tween two wings of the latter. Motto — " Tenax justitiiB." Seat — Thornbridge Hall, near Bake- well, CO. Derby. HENRY CHRISTOPHER MARRIOTT, Esquire, Major (retired) late Prince of Wales' Volunteers (82nd Regl.). Doni March 14, 1826, being the fourth son of the late Thomas Marriott, Lieut. -Gen. in the H.E.I.C.S. (Army), by his wife .Anne, third dau. of Sir John Beckett, Bart. , of Mcanwood, CO. Cork. Club — Carlton. Armorial bearings — Barry of six or and sable, on a pale invccted ermine, a sword erect proper, ponnnel and hilt of the first, between two martlets azure. Mantling sable and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, in front of a rock proper, thereon a talbot sable, guttde-d'or, collared add chained, reflexed over the back or, resting the dexter fore- leg on a bezant charged with a martlet azure, a staff raguly fesseways vert. Motto — " Virtute et fide." Married, April 18, 1849, Rosamond, dau. of Rev. Frederick Hamilton Carrington, and grand-dau. of Rev. James Carrington, Rector of Topsh.nm, Prebendary of Exeter Cathedral ; and has had Issue — (i) Henry Beckett Marriott, Gentleman, b. Aug. 19, 1851, d. Oct. II, 1863; (2) Thomas Frederic Marriott, Gentleman, /•. Aug. i, 1854, d. Nov. 14, 1855; (3) Richard Charles Edward Marriott, Gentleman, Lieut. Duke of Cornwall's Light Infantry (32nd Regt.), b. May 5, 1863, d. April 7, 1897; Harriott Julia Catherine [«/. , July 3, 1895, Owen Lowry Wynne, son of late Richard Beavot Wynne of The Hermitage, co. Sligo] ; Louisa [/«., Jan. 20, 1876, Edmund Fletcher Bosanquet, and has issue] ; Mary Edith; Marion Frances Florence Carrington [/«. ,Sept. 14, 1876, Rev. Henry Bickerstcth Ottley, Vicar of Eastbourne, son of Rev. Lawrence Ottley, Rector of Richmond, Canon of Ripon Cathedral] ; Rosamond Frederica [/«., Sept. 25, 1890, Rev. Lewis Randolph Marriott- Leir, Rector of Charlton - Musgrove, Somerset, and has issue]. Seat — Avonbank, Pershore, co. Worcester. HUMPHREY RICHARD GEORGE MARRIOTT, Esquire, J. P. Doni May 23, r83i, being the eldest and only surviving son of the late Richard Marriott of Abbots Hall, Shalford, Essex, by his wife Sophia Lucy, youngest dau. of EUys Anderson Stephens of Bower Hall, Steeple Bumpstead, Essex. Armorial bearings— Barry of six or and sable, on a canton gules, a mascle argent. Mantling sable and or. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a demi- talbot argent, with a collar and thereto a leash affixed passing between the legs and reflexed over the back azure, supporting a shield gules charged with a mascle argent. Motto — "Mens conscia recti." Married, Jan. 7, 1864, Edith Alice Smyth, youngest dau. of Thomas White, Esc|., J. P., late of Manor House, Wethersfield, Essex; and has /j.r//t1 °^ '^'"'^ '^^ ''''^ University of Cambridge. ^aiA>U(^U /j^„.„ July 2g^ 18^1 _ being the eldest son of the late Canon John Howard Marsden (of tlic Grey Friar's, Colchester), Baclielor of Divinity, Fellow of the Royal Society of Literature and of the Society of Antiquaries, Professor of Archaeology at Cambridge, by Caroline his wife, eldest daughter of I'rebendary W. Moore of S[)alding, in the county of Lincoln, Doctor of Divinity (l)y Elizaljeth his wife, only dau. of the Rev. Maurice Johnson, D.D., of Ayscoughfee Hall, co. Lincoln). CIh6 —Naval and Military. iGmorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Gules, on a bend Ijetween a unicorns heail eriiscd argent in chief and a key fesseways wards downwards, surmounted by a trefoil slipped paleways in base or, three coots sable, and on a canton ermine, an anchor of the fourth ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, in front of an anchor in pale sable, a unicorn's head erased argent, guttee-de-sang, ducally gorged azure, in the mouth a trefoil slip|X!d vert ; with the Motto, " Marsdentalia tutatur." Married, Septeniber 21, 1873, Katharine, daughter of H. Rigby Murray, Esc|uire, Justice of the Peace for the county of Kirkcudbright, of Parton, North Britain ; and has /ssite — (\) William John Murray Marsden, Gentleman, born July 9, 1874; (2) Wilfred .Mexander Marsden, Gentleman, born May 16, 1878 ; and Audrey Katharine. Estate ami postal address— CiiAax Court, F"arnliam, Surrey. EDWARD CHISENHALE - MARSH, Gentleman, Barrister-at-Law, LL.B. Horn June 22, 1865, IxMng the second son of Thomas Coxhead Chisenhale Marsh, and Eliza Ann Chisenhale, dau. of John Chisenhale Chiseniiale of Arley Hall, Lanes. 6'////^— Piccadilly. Armorial bear- ings — Sable, a horse's head erased between two pheons in pale argent, two Haunches of the last, each ciiarged with a cross crosslet fitch6e gules. Mantling sable and argent. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, in front of a cross crosslet fitcli(5e gules, a griflin argent, resting the dexter claw on a pheon in bend and erect sable. Motto — "In hoc sign o vinces." Postal address — 128 Piccadilly, W. JEREMY TAYLOR MARSH, Esq., Lieut. -Col. R.E. Born May 14, 1841, Ix-ing the eldest son of the late Francis Marsh, l^st|., J. P., of Springmount, Queen's Co., by his wife .\nna Maria, youngest dau. of Arthur Maxwell of Dublin. Armorial bearings — Quarterly i and 4, gules a horse's head couped or, between two trefoils slipped in chief and a fleur-de-lis in base argent (for Marsh); 2 and 3 ermine, a bishop's mitre azure, on a chief indented gules, three escal- lops argent (for Taylor). Mantling gules and or ; and for his Crest, upon a WTeath of the colours, a griffin's head couped azure, gorged with a ducal coronet or, holding in the beak a rose argent, seeded gold, slipped, leaved, and barbed vert ; with the Motto, " Nolo servile capistrum." Married, Sept. 15, 1864, Rachel Gertrude, only child of Charles Ferdinand Smyth of Endsleigh, co. Surrrey ; and has Issue — (i) Francis Charles Marsh, Esq., Capt. Queen's Own W. Kent Regt. , b. Sept. 20, 1866; (2) James Reynolds Maxwell Marsh, Gentleman, b. March 5, 1868 ; (3) Jeremy Taylor Marsh, Gentleman, b. Dec. 16, 1871; (4) Diglsy Cecil Marsh, Gentle- man, .'\ug. 16, 1877; (5) Roland Henry Marsh, Gentleman, b. March 25, 1879; (6) Gilbert Howe Maxwell Marsh, Gentleman, b. July 30, 1882; Evelyn Caroline Gertrude; Emily Frances ; and Gertrude Clifford. Estate and postal address — Sprijigmount, near Mountrath, Queen's Co., Ireland. WILLIAM SWAINE CHISENHALE -MARSH, Es- quire, J. P. CO. Essex. Born Sept. 7, 1857, Ix-ing the eldest son of Thomas Coxhead Chisenhale Marsh, and Eiza Ann Chisenhale, dau. of John Chisenhale Chisenhale of Arley Hall, Lanes. Clubs — Athenai-um, Garrick. Livery — Black, white [jijjings, red and white striped waistcoat. Armorial bearings — .Sable, a horse's head enised between two pheons in pale argent, two flaunches of the last, each charged with a cross crosslet fitchi5e gules. Mantling sable and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, in front of a cross- crosslet fitch^e gules, a griffin argent, resting the dexter claw on a pheon in bend and erect sable. MottO — " In hoc signo vinces." Married, Oct. 11, 1881, Esther Eleanora Mary, eldest dau. of Edward Byrom of Culver, co. Devon, and KersalCell, CO. Lanes.; andhas/w«f — Atherton Harold Chisenhale-Marsh, Gentleman ; Katherine Mary Esba ; and Dorothy Eleanora. Seal — Gaynes Park, Epping. MARSHAL, quartered by BARNEWALL. MARSHALL, quartered by CANNING. S GEORGE WILLIAM MARSHALL, Esquire, Justice of the Peace for the county of Hereford, Doctor of Laws of the University of Cambridge, P'ellow of the Society of .Anticjuaries, Rouge Croix Pursuivant of Arms, Barrister- at-Law. Born April 19, 1839, l)eing the only son of the late George Marshall of Ward End House, in the county of Warwick, by his second wife Eliza Ilenshaw, daughter of John Comberbach of Langley Hall, in the county of .Salop. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms: Barry OHBQH of six ermine and azure, a horse-shoe or between three bezants ; upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling azure and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a bezant charged with a horse-shoe azure, between two wings barry of six ermine and azure; with the Motto, " Vi niartiali." Mar- ried, September 26, 1867, Alice Ruth, daughter of the The Editor undertakes that every entry not in italics is that of a genuinely armigerous person. 568 Q^ar ^ar Revctfiid Ambrose William Hall, Master of Arts, some- time Rector of Uebden, in the county of Essex ; and has /s.uH'~ (i) George Marshall, Gentleman, born September 4, 1869 [married, June 22, 181/8, Constance Marian, dau. of George Baldwin]; (2) Isaac Marshall, Gentleman, Bachelor of Arts and Barrister-at-Law, born November 4, 1870 ; and Alice [married Joseph Percy Thoniasin Foster]. Estate and /tvA// aiA/zrw— Sarnesficld Court, Weobley, K.S.O. MARK BKLL MARSHALL, Esquire, J. P. for Glou- cestershire, Member of County Council for Stroud Division Born March 17, 1853, being the eldest son of the late Roger ^L^rshall of Marlborough House, Heaton Mersey, Lanes., and Elsdon House, Wortley, Yorks., and formerly of Rochester, Northumberland, by Rebecca his wife, daughter of the late Captain Mark Bell, R.N., of Bonner's House, Monkwearmouth, Durham, a Captain in the Trans- port Dept. during the Peninsular War. Club — Junior Conservative. Livery — Chocolate, with scarlet braid and brass buttons. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Or, on a bend nebuly, between four passion nails two and two sable, three horse shoes of the hrst, a chief azure thereon three horses' heads erased argent. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree with a mantling sable and or : and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, two arrows in saltire or, flighted azure, surmounted by a passion nail in fesse proper, tied with a riband gules, pendent therefrom an escocheon of the last charged with a horse-shoe of the first. Motto, " Vi niartiali, Deo adjuvante." Married, April 26, 1882, Florence Annie, daughter of the late Henry Adam Holloway of The Hill, Stroud, Gloucestershire, and niece of the late George Holloway, Esquire, J. P., of Farm Hill, Stroud, M. P. for Mid-Gloucester 1886-1892, and has Issue — Mark Henry Marshall, Gentleman, born Dec. 27, 1883 : and Florence Gladys. Postal address — Northfield, The Uplands, Stroud, Gloucestershire. Estates — Lawrence- and and Bourne, Gloucestershire. THOMAS BINGHAM MARSHALL, Gentleman. Born Aug. 6, 1872, being the eldest son of the late Thomas Alex- ander Marshall of Doughty Street, Mecklenburgh Square Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Or, on a pale indented gules, between two horse's heads erased of the last, three plates, each charged with a horse-shoe sable. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules and or : and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a demi-man affrontiSe in armour proper, holding in the dexter hand a flag-staff also proper, there- S is the Military Cockade. from flowing to the sinister a banner or, charged with a horse's head as in the arms, and resting the sinister hand on a horse-shoe, also as in the arms. Motto—" Causa justa." Postal address—^ Sussex St., Warwick Square, London S.W. GEORGE MARSH AM, Esquire, J. P. and D.L. Kent, D.L. CO. Leitrim (High Sheriff thereof 1878). Born April lo, 1849, being the eldest son of Rev. George Frederick John Marsham [fifth son of Hon. and Rev. John Marsham, D.D. , Canon of Windsor, Prebendary of Richester and Wells, and grandson of Robert, second Earl of Romney], by his wife Elizabeth Marcia, third dau. of Walter Jones of Ballinaniore, co. Leitrim. t7?.»*~Carlton. Armorial bearings — Argent, a lion jmssant in bend gules between two bendlets azure. Mantling gules and argent. Crest —On a wreath of the colours, a lion's head erased gules. Motto— "Non sibi sed patrite." Seats — Hayle Place, Maidstone, Kent. H ROBERT MARSHAM - TOWNSHEND, Esquire, © commonly known Q^ar0l)am=Coton0l)enD :f,e RobenTa" sham -Townshend, Master of Arts of the University of Oxford, Fellow of the Society of Antiquaries, Fellow of the Geological Society, Justice of the Peace for the counties of Kent and London, Deputy-Lieutenant for tiic former. Born Novem- ber 15, 1834, lieing the son of the Right Honourable the second Earl of Romney, by his wife Mary Elizabeth, com- monly known as the Honourable Mary Elizal)eth, daughter of the Right Honourable the second Viscount Sydney, and widow of George James Cholmondeley, Esquire, and on the death of Emily Caroline, Countess Sydney, March 9, 1893, he received the Royal License to take the additional name and to quarter the arms of Town- shend, in accordance with the provisions made in the will of his maternal uncle, John Robert, Earl Sydney, Knight Grand Cross of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath. C////).f— Athenreum ; Carlton. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Quarterly 1 and 4, azure, a chevron ermine between three escallops argent (for Townshend) ; 2 and 3 argent, a lion passant in bend gules between two bendlets azure (for Marsham). Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling azure S is the Naval Cockade. a^ar a^ar 569 argent; and for his Crests, i. upon a wreath of the colours, a stag statant proper (for Townshend) ; 2. upon a wreath of the colours, a lion's head erased gules (for Marshani). Motto — " Droit et avant. " Married, April 5, 1877, Clara Catherine, second daughter of the late Reverend George BarbiT I'aley, Bachelor of Divinity, of Langcliffe, in the county of York, and Rector ol l-'reckenhatn, in the county of Suffolk, and has/ww— (i) Hugh Sydney Marsham- Townshcnd, Ksquire, bom February 9, 1878; (2) Ferdinand Marshani-Townshend, Gentleman, lx)rn April 17, 1880. Seats— Yro^wA\ , Fools Cray, in the county of Kent ; Malson House, in tiie county of Gloucester. Tmcn residence — 5 Chesterfield Street, May fair, W. His Honour Sir ALFRED GEORGE MARTEN, Knight Bachelor (i8g6), Judge of County Courts, Circuit No. 37; Justice of the I'cace for Bedfordsliire, Berkshire, Buckingiianishire, Hertfordshire, Middlesex, Oxfordshire, and Windsor; Barrister-at-Law of the Inner Temple (ist Class Certificate of Honour), Jan. 26, 1857, Queen's Counsel and Bencher 1874, Treasurer 1893; educated at St. John's College, Cambridge, bracketed first in the Civil Law Classes 1854-55, 19th Wrangler and Bachelor of Arts 1856, Master of Arts 1859, Fellow 1865, LL.M. 1874, LL.D. 1879, Examiner for Law Tripos 1865, Member of the Council of Legal Education iif the Four Inns of Court since 1874, and Chairman of the Board of Studies of the Council since 1896 ; was sometime Chairman of the Joint Committee of the Four Inns of Court on the Duties, Interests, and Discipline of the Bar, and a Member of the General Council of die Bar ; contested Nottingham in 1865 and Cambridge in 1880, and was Member of Parliament for Cambridge (Conservative) for the six years 1874-80; in the House of Commons was Chairman of the Select Committee on the Bill for "The Parliamentary and Municipal Registration Act, 1878," and introduced tlie Bills for " The Settled Estates Act, 1877," "The Debtors Act, 1878," and "The Public Health (Inter- ments) Act, 1879." Bom Nov. 9, 1829, being the third son of the late Robert Giles Marten of Plaistow, Essex, by his wife Eliza, dau. of John VV'armington, also of Plaistow. Clubs — Carlton, Oxford and Cambridge, New University, /.nvrr— White, with red facings. Armorial bearings— Argent, giitt(l*e-de-poix, an eagle displayed gules, between five mullets, two in chief, as many in fesse, and one in base sable. Mantling gules and argent ; and for the Crest, on a wreath of the colours, in front of a griffin segreant per fesse argent giitiec-de-poix and or, winged of the last, a fasces fesseways proper. Motto — " Spes super sidera." Married, Dec. 28, 1869, Patricia Barrington, eldest dau. of the late Capt. Vincent Frederick Kennett of the Manor House, Dorchester-on-Thame, Oxon. (by his wife Arabella, dau. of Sir Jonah Barrington); and has Issue — (i) Alfred Amberson Barrington Marten, Esq.,/'. Dec. 8, 1870; edu- cated at ICton and Trinity College, Cambridge, B.A. 1892 (Honours First Class), Law Tripos and LL. B. 1893; M.A. and LL.M. 1897; Barrister-at-Law of the Inner Temple (Studentship), Nov, 18, 1895 ; (2) Clarence Henry Kennett Marten, Esq., h. Oct. 28, 1872; educated at Eton and Baliiol College, Oxford, Honours 1st Class History and B.A. 1895, Assistant Master (History) Eton College since Sept. 1896; Isabel Caroline Patricia; Amy Corisande Arabella; and .Alice Frances Ida. Postal address — 21 Prince of Wales Terrace, Kensington, London, W. ELLISON THOMAS CHARLES NEWTON MAR- TEN, Esquire, late Captain Madras Lijrht Cf(SkC\Vtcr\ Cavalry, and formerly of the 43'v/ Light In- vIJ7ai.l('U Jan try, new an Officer in the Egyptian Police Eorce. Born January 15, 1854, being the second son 0/ the late Colonel Thomas Wright Marten 0/ the 7th Rttyal Eusiliers, by his wife Julia Mary, eldest daughter of the late Henry John Wharton (one of the claimants to the attainted Duiedom and Barony of' Wharton). Club — Turf {Cairo, Egypt). Armorial bearings <;.f used, but for which no authority has been established, tire for Arms : Argent, a foil sable, on a chief indented gules, three escallops or. MottO — " Aquitaine." Postal address — The Turf Club, Cairo, Egypt. WILLIAM HENRY RUSSELL ELLIOTT MAR- TEN, late of Her Majesty's Staff. Born September 14, 1 851 , being the eldest son of the late 'Thomas Wright Marten, Colonel "jth Royal Eusiliers, by his wife Julia Mary, daughter of Hen ly John Philip Wharton (one of the claimants to the attainted Dukedom and Barony of Wharton). Armorial bearings as used, but for which no authority has been es- tablished, are for Arms: Argent, a foil sable, on a chief indented gules, three escallops or. Motto — " Aguitaine." Married ,yi'>j7/t', December iZ, 1875, Annie Marian, daughter of the late Edward Paton-Symonds ; secondly , June 18, 1881, Charlotte Janet, daughter of Edward John Eellingham ; and has Issue by his first marriage — T%oo daughters, namely, Maud Eva Julia ; attd Elliott Ellison Le Mathou ; and by his second marriage — Winchelsea Marten, born December 4, 1890; and si.v daughters, namely, Gladys\Mary, Violet Alice, Beatrice Russell, Madeline Winchelsea, Sybil I'ane Hotham, and Cecily Wharton. Postal address — 14 Queen's Grove Road, Chingford , Essex. Sir THEODORE MARTIN, Knight Commander of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath (Civil Division), Knight Commander of the Royal Victorian Order (1896), Doctor of Laws of the University of Edinburgh, Justice of Peace for the coimty of Denbigh. Born September 16, The Editor undertakes tliat every entry not in italics is that of a genuinely armigerous person. 57° a^at ^at i8i6, being the only son of llie kite James Miirtin, Solicitor, lulinburgli, by his wife Mary, >ii!c Reid ; elected Rector of the University of St. Andrews, 1880; was created C.B. 187s, and advanced to the rank of K.C.H. 1880. t7«*j — Athenieiini, Garrick. Armorial toeaxlngs— He bears for Arms : Parted per pale sable and s^ules, a chevron between two crescents in chief and a stag's head erased in base argent. Upon the escutcheon, which is encircled by the ribbon of the Bath, and pendent therefrom his badge as a K.C. B. (Civil) is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules doubled argent ; and upon a wreath of his liveries is set for Crest, a lion rampant sable, armed and langued gules, holding in his dexter forepaw a crescent argent ; and in an escroll over the same this Motto, " .Spero." Married, August 21, 1851, Helena Saville [d. 1898), daughter of John Saville Faucit (known upon the stage as " Helen Faucit"). Estates — Bryntisilio, near Llangollen; Glyn, in the county of Denbigh. Postal address — 31 Onslow Square, Brompton, S. W. Sir WILLIAM FANSHAWE MARTIN, fourth Baro- net, of Lockynge, in the county of Berkshire, Knight Grand Cross of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, Admiral Royal Navy, and Rear-Admiral of the United Kingdom. Born December 5, 1801, being the eldest son of the late .Admiral Sir Thomas Byam Martin, Knight Grand Cross of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, by his wife, the daughter of Captain Robert Fanshawe, Royal Navy, Resi- dent Commissioner of Plymouth Dockyard ; succeeded his cousin as fourth Baronet, December 4, 1863, under the crea- tion of July 28, 1791. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Gules, on a chevron between three crescents argent, an anchor erect, with a piece of cable proper. Upon the escutcheon, which is charged with his badge of Ulster as a Baronet, is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules, doubled argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a dexter hand brandishing a falchion proper, pommel and hilt or. Motto — " Anxilium ab alto." Married, firstly, 1826, the Honourable Anne, daughter of William Draper, first Lord Wynford ; and by her (who died in 1836) had Issue — (i) Thomas Byam Martin, Esquire, born 1828, died 1847; (2) William Best Martin, Esquire, born 1830, died unmarried ; Catherine ; and Anne. He married secondly, May2i, 1838, .Sophia Elizabeth, daughter ra is the Military Cockade. of Richaril Hurt of Wirksworth, in the county of Derby ; and by tier (who died November 12, 1874) has- (4) Richard Byam Martin, Esquire, born 1841 [married, July 20, 1869, Catherine, only child of the late Captain Knipe, isth Dragoon Guards, and has two daughters] ; Sophia ; Caro- line ; Grace; Harriet; and Georgiana. Seat — Upton Gray, Odiham, in the county of Hants. Major-Genekal WILLIAM GEORGE MARTIN, J. P., Major-Gen. late Royal Horse Artillery. Born Aug. 5, 1835, being the eldest son of the late Richard Bartholomew Martin, Lieut. 5th Dragoon Guards, by his wife Juliana, dau. of John Donovan Verner, Lieut. 55th Foot. Club — Junior United Service. Armorial bearings— Argent, two bars gules, a canton azure, thereon an anchor erect, the shaft encircled by a naval crown or. Mantling gules and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, upon the stump of a tree eradicated proper, surmounted by an anchor in bend sinister or, a martin cat sejant supporting between the fore-paws a mirror, also proper, and gorged with a naval crown, therefrom a chain reflexed over the back gold. Motto — "Sans tache." Married, May 19, 1863, Margaret, second dau. of William Strahan of Sidmouth ; and has Issue — Beatrix Maria. Seat — Hemingstone, Ips- wich, Suffolk. €iartin=€DmunDi8f WILLIAM MICHAEL MARTIN - EDMUNDS, Esquire, Deputy - /. ieu ten- ant for the county of York. Born May 8, 1847, being the second son of William Den- fiett Martin, Esquire, of Worsbrough, Justice of the Peace and Deputy-Lieutenant, by his zvife Augusta Marcia, only daughter of the Reverend John Chalonero Ne^vton Kynie. Club — National Liberal. Livery — Dark blue and yellotv {Ed- munds) ; red and -luhite (Martin). Armorial bearings as used, butforzvhich no authority has been established in the Col- . lege of Arms, are : Quarterly 1 and 4, per chevron crenelUe or and sable, three Jleurs-de-lis counterchanged [for Edmunds) ; 2 and 3 argent, two bars gules (for Martin). Crest (of Martin) — An ape admiring himself in a looking-glass proper. Motto — "Sans tache." Married, August 3, 1870, Emily Erances Tichborne, youngest daughter of Captain Washington Hibbertof Bilton Grange, in the county of IVarrvick, by his wife Julia M. AL, daughter of Sir Henry Tichhortie, Baronet, and widozu of Colonel Tallat ; and has Issue — Cecilia Elizabeth Mary Agnes ; Magdalen Marv Josephine; Mir- rial Mary Augusta (deceased); and Olyve Mary Evelyn. Estate — Worsbrough, in the county of York. Postal address — Worsbrough, Barnsley, York. DAVID MARTINEAU, Esquire, J. P. for the co. of London. Born June 12, 1827, being the eldest son oj George Martineau, by his ruife Sarah, youngest dau. of Martin Greenlurw, M.D. Clubs — National Liberal, City M is the Naval Cockade. apat apar 571 [Abend. Armorial bearings as used, bulwhiih are not yet registered in the College of Arms in England, are — Harry of six or and gules, per fesse counterchanged, on a /esse of the second three roses argent, and impaling the arms of Scott. Crest—./ martlet or. VLottO—" Mar te nobilior pallas." Married, 1855, Sarah Emma, eldest dau. of Robert Scott, Esq., of Stourbridge, J. P. for Staffordshire, Worcestershire, and Wanuickshire, at one time M.P. for Walsall; and has Issue — (i) Walter Martineua, b. 1859; (2) Sydney Martineau, b. 1865 ; (3) Howard Martineau, b. 1864 ; (4) ImuIs Martineau. b. i866, d. 1895 ; Margaret ; Elisa ; Lucy ; and Sarah Madeleine. Landed estates — Hertjordshirc, Wanuickshire, and Shropshire. Postal addresses — 4 South Road, Clapham J'ark, S. W. : Ayres End, Harpendon, Herts. RICHARD LINNINGTON MARTYN - LINNING- TON, Gentleman. liorri Q^artgn=iLinnington ^rX'^^ '^- ard Martyn of Bridge House, Broadcleft, in the county of Devon, by his mar- riage with I%lizalH;th KUen, daughter of W. liodcn, Shrub- lands, Ringmore, in the county of Devon, and widow of William Tapley Langlcy of Grendons, Ti-ignmouth ; and assumed the surname of Linnington by Royal Lieonse in the year i88g. Club- Isthmian. Armorial bearings - He bears for Arms ; Argent, two bars raguly lx:tween five leopards' faces, two, one and two, all gules. Crest— Upon a wreath of the colours, in front of a rock proper, a leopard's face gules, surmounted by an estoile or. Married, July 27, 1892,' Jenny, third daughter of William Littell Tizard of Dorchester; and has Issue — .\dolplnis Littell Martyn- Linnington, Gentleman, born June 14, 1893. Postal addiess -- Woodbridge, Suffolk. SiK JA.MlvS DAVID MARWICK, Knight Bachelor, Doctor of Laws of the University of (^AfVtttrfc Glasgow, Justice of the Peace for the VVj\\\,\Xy\\,XK county of Lanark and for the county of the ciiy of Glasgow, Town Clerk of Glas- gow. Horn July 15, 1826, Iwing the eldest son of William Marwick, Merchant, of Kirkwall, by his wife Margaret, daughter of James (jarioch, Merchant, also of Kirkwall; admitted Procurator, 1852 ; Solicitor, 1858 ; aiipointed Town Clerk of Ldinburgh, i860, and of Glasgow, 1873; and dubbed Knight Bachelor, 1888. C///-/;.f— Royal Society (Ldiul)urgli), Western (Glasgow), Union (St. Andrews). Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Parted i>er fesse argent and azure, a saltire wavy counterchanged between a castle triple-towered sable, masoned argent, thereon a red- breast proper in chief, and an otter's liead erased of the first in base. Above the shield is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules doubled argent ; and on a wreath of his liveries is set for Crest, a boar passant azure ; and in an escroll over the same this Motto, " Firmus et fidelis." Married, July 9, 1855, Jane, third daughter of James Black Watt, Solicitor, of Edinburgh ; and has Issue — (i) David William Marwick, Esquire, Master of Arts, Bachelor of Laws, and Writer to the Signet, born July 4, i860; (2) James Marwick, Escjuire, Chartered Accountant, born January 18, 1862 ; Catherine Christian Barrie [manied the Reverend Dugald Butk-r, Master of Arts, Minister of the parish of Abernethy, in the county of Perth] ; Euphemia Georgina ; Wilhelmina Margaret; Jane Watt [married John Burnet, A. R.S.A., Architect, Glasgow]; Alice Maud Mary ; and Mary Isabella. Postal address — 19 Woodside Terrace, Glasgow. WILLIAM FRANCIS MARWOOD of Little Busby Hall, CO. York, Gentleman, B.A. Canib. , Lord and Chief Bailiff of Langburgh Wapentake ; succeeded his eldest brother, George Frederic Marwood, who died May 23, 1898, unmarried. Born Feb. i, 1863, being the second son of George Marwood of Little Busby, co. York, Esq., J. P. and D. L. for the North Riding co. York, Lord and Chief Bailiff of Langburgh Wapentake (by inheritance under a grant from King John to Peter de Brus), by his wife Frances, dau. of the Rev. Frederic Peel, M.A., Prebendary of Lin- coln, and Rector of Willingham, co. Lincoln, first cousin of the eminent statesman, the Rt. Hon. Sir Robert Peel, 2nd Bart., Prime Minister 1834 35 and 1841 46. Mr. Marwood is head of the family of Metcalfe of the Porch House, North- allerton, a younger Inanch of the ancient family of Met- calfe of Nappa Hall in Wensloydale, co. York, 'i'he eldest son of the Rev. Thomas Metcalfe of the Porch House, Northallerton, took the surname and arms of Marwood by Act of Parliament, 5 George III., 1765, under the will of his cousin, grand-daughter and heiress of Sir Hemy Mar- wood of Little Busby, liironet (see Metcalfe). Armorial bearings- Gules, a chevron ermine, between three goats' heads erased argent. Mantling gules and argent. Crest -On a wreath of the colours, on a mount vert, a ram couohant argent, horned and hoofed or. Seats — Busby Hall, Carlton in Cleveland ; and the Porch House, North- allerton, Yorkshire. a^arVoooti=€lton Thk Revkkkni) ALFRED MARWOOD-ELTON. Clerk in Holy Orders, Bachelor of Arts of the University of 0.\- ford. Born 1836, being the fourth son of the late Henry Edward Elton of Winford House, near Bristol, in the county of Somerset, by his wife Sarah Frances, daugliter of James Lewis Clutterbuck, of Newark Park, in the county of Glou- cester, and assumed the additional name and arms of Marwood by Royal License in 1885, imder the will of his cousin, .Sir Edward Marwood-Elton, first Baronet (extinct). The Editor undertakes that every entry not in italics is that of a genuinely armigerous person. 572 Q^a0 a^at on inheriting his estates. Livery — Deep claret, faced and pijied with scarlet. Atmorial bearings— He bears for Arms: Quarterly i and 4, ])aly of si.\ or and yules on a l>end sable a ciuatrofoil between two nniilets of the lirst (for iLllon) ; 2 and 3 gules, on a chevron invected or between two goats' heads erased in chief and a rani's head erased in base ermine and horned or, a S])rig of oak slipped proper (for Marwood). Upon the escutcheon is jjlaced a helmet l)efitting his degree, with a mantling gules and or ; and for liis Crests, i. u|)on a wreath of the colours, a dexter arm embowed in armour pr(jper, garnished or, charged with two estoils gules adorned with a scarf about the wrist tied vert, the hand in a gauntlet, holding a falchion proper pommel and hilt or (for Elton) ; 2. upon a wreath of the colours, on a mount vert, in front of a branch of oak erect proper, a ram couchant ermine, horned or ; with the Motto, " Artibus et armis." Married, 1865, Jane Frances, daughter of the late Reverend Augustus B. Handley, Rector of Fisherton, in the county of Wiltshire. Estates — Widworthy ; Cook- shayes ; Sutton, in the county of Devon. Postal address Widworthy Court, near Honiton, Devon. MASON, quartered by DE TRAFFORD. S ROBERT HARVEY MASON, Esq., J. P. and D.L. for CO. Norfolk, High Sheriff 1885, M.A. of Trin. Coll., Cantab., being the eldest son of the late Robert Blake-Humfrey of Wro.xham House, by his wife Charlotte, youngest dau. of the late Lieut. -Col. Harvey of Thorpe Lodge, Norfolk. Cli/b — New University. Armorial bear- ings—Quarterly I and 4, argent, on a fesse cotised azure, two a]mulets of the first, in chief as many lions' heads couped of the second (for Mason) ; 2 and 3 quarterly, i. and iiii. gules, a lion rampant, and above the head a ducal coronet or, a canton of the last for distinction (for Humfrey) ; ii. and iii. argent, a chevron between three garljs sable, a bordure of the last, charged with eight tieurs-de-lis of the first (for Blake) ; and impaling the arms of Upcher, namely argent, on a chevron azure, between three foxes' heads erased gules, as many pe^irs slipped or. Mantling azure and argent ; and for his Crests, i. upon a wreath of the colours, a lion's head couped azure, iiolding in the mouth an antler in bend or, between two wings argent, each charged with an annulet also azure (for Mason)- 2. on a ducal coronet, an eagle, wings elevated, holding in the dexter claw a sceptre all or ; and charged on the breast for distinc- tion with a cross crosslet gules (for Humfrey) ; 3. upon a wreath of the colours, on a morion a martlet proj^er (for Blake). Married, 1873, Jane Charlotte, eldest dau. of the Rev. Arthur W. Upcher ; and has with other /j.f//f— Alwyne Mason, Gentleman, b. 1875. Seats — Necton Hall, Swaff- ham, Norfolk ; Wroxhani House, Norwich. ^ is the Military Cockade. MASSEY. see CLARINA. MASSEY, quartered by DE TRAFFORD. § WILLIAM FREDERICK BARTON MASSEY- MAIN WARING, ^a00ep^^aintoaring grrksThrHoi^ ourable William Fre- derick Barton Massey-Mainwaring, Deputy-Lieutenant for the county of Lincoln, M.I', for Central Finsbury since 1895. Born 1845, being the son of the Right Honour- able Eyre Massey, third 15aron Clariiia, by his wife Susan Elizabeth, youngest daughter of Hugh Barton of .Straffan, in the county of Kildare, and assumed the additional sur- name and arms of Mainwaring by Royal Licence, 1874. Clubs — Carlton, Junior Carlton, Constitutional, Junior Con- stitutional, Burlington Fine Arts'. Armorial bearings- He bears for Arms : Quarterly i and 4, argent two bars gules (for Mainwaring), and for distinction a canton gules ; 2 and 3 argent, on a clievron between three lozenges sable, a lion passant or, and in the centre chief pomt an annulet sable for difference, and for and in right of his wife, upon an escutcheon of pretence the arms of Mainwaring, namely argent, two bars gules. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules and argent ; and for his Crests, 1. upon a wreath of the colours, an ass's head erased proper, haltered argent, charged on the neck for distinction with a cross crosslet or (for Main- waring) ; 2. out of a ducal coronet or, a bull's head gules, armed sable, charged with an annulet or (for distinction). Married, October 3, 1872, Isabella Ann, only child of the late Charles Benjamin Lee-Mainwaring of the Old Palace, Richmond, in the county of Surrey, and widow of Major- General Egerton Charles William Miles Milman ; and has Issue — Eyre Charles Massey-Mainw aring. Esquire, born October 27, 1874, died April 3, 1879 ; and Ada Isabella Charlotte. Postal address— 2,0 Grosvenor Place, S.W. §JOHN GEORGE BERESFORD MASSY-BERES- FORD, Esquire, J. P. for ^ai8f0g=T5ete0fotD "^t^HI^^^t^- managh, late Lieutenant Lanarkshire Yeomanry Cavalry. Born February 7, 1856, being the eldest and only surviving son of the late Very Rev. John Maunsell Massy-Beresford, Dean of Kilmore, by his wife Emily Sarah, daughter of the Reverend Isaac Beresford. Clubs — Constitutional, New (Edinburgh). Armorial bear- ings — He bears for Arms : Quarterly 1 and 4, argent erusily fitchee three fleurs-de-lis within a bordure en- grailed sable, a canton erminois (for Beresford) ; 2 and 3 argent, on a chevron between three lozenges sable, a lion passant or, a martlet for difference (for Massy), and im- paling the arms of Mulholland, namely azure, a stag's head erased argent, between three escallops or. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling sable and argent ; and for his Crests, i. upon a wreath of the colours, a dragon's head erased azure, charged with a crescent or, and pierced through the neck with a broken spear, the point thrust through the upper jaw gold, on an escroll above the motto, "Nil nisi cruce" (for Beresford); 2. out of a ducal coronet or, a bull's head gules, armed sable, charged with a martlet gold (for Massy). Motto — " Pro liberlate patria." Mar- ried, November 22, 1892, the Honourable Alice Elizabeth, youngest daughter of the Right Honourable the first Baron Dunleath ; and has Issue — (i) Tristram Hugh Massy- Beresford, Gentleman, b. April 10, 1896; (2) John Clarina Massy-Beresford, Gentleman, b. July 29, 1897 ; and Monica Emily. Estates— M?ich\c Hill, Lamancha, N. B. ; Barna and Kilscanlon, in the county of Limerick; Ballyslatteen, in the county of Tipperary ; St. Hubert's, in the county of Fermanagh. Postal addresses — St. Hubert's, Belturbet, Ireland; Macbie Hill, Lamancha, N.B. §SiR KENNETH JAMES MATHESON, second Baronet, of Lochalsh, in the county of Ross, Justice of the Peace and Deputy- Lieutenant for that coutUy and for the county of Cromarty, and Justice of the Peace for the county of Inverness. Born May 12, 1854, being the son of Sir Alexander Matheson, the first Baronet, Member of Parliament, by his second wife Lavinia Mary, commonly called the Honourable Lavinia Mary, sister of the Right M is the Naval Cockade. Qpat 6iau 573 Honourable the eighth Baron Beaumont ; succeeded his father in 1886, under the creation of May 15, 1882. Clubs— (I'arlton, Bachelors', St. James's. Liver\'—^\\'\\\\.e^ (or drab) I crimson facings and silver buttons. Armorial bearings e bears for Arms : Argent, three dexter hands couped two and one gules, within a lx>rdure of the second. Upon the escutcheon, which is charged with his Vjadge of Ulster as a Baronet, is placed a helmet lx!titting his degree, with a mantling gules, (loublcd argent ; and upon a. wreath of his liveries is set for Crest, a de.xter hand holding a scimitar in fesse, all proper. MottO— " Fac et spera." Heir presumptive - His half-brother, Alexander Perceval Matheson, ICscjuire, born 1861 ; married, 1884, Kleanor, daughter of the late Reverend Kyrle Ernie Aubrey Money of Much Marcle, in the county of Hereford. Seafs — .Ardoss Castle, Alness, North liritain ; Attadale House, and Dun- craig, Strome Ferry, North Britain. The Rererend Wl I.I.I AM ARSOI.D MATHEWS, Clerk ill Holy Onters, Rector of Bassiiii^ham, Honorary Canon of Carlisle and Rural Dean. Born September 11, 1839, being the eldest son of William Matheios, Esquire, Doctor of Medicine, fustice of the Peace, by his wife Jane, il(n<,i;hlci of J. G. Arnold, Doctor of Medicine. Armorial bearings as used are for Arms ; (rules, three chcvronels or. Crest ./ cross or, on escallop shell gules, behoeen two u'ings. VLa\i\Xi — " .'Ki/uam sei-i'are mcntem :" but these have not been matriculated in Lyon Office. Married, August 11, i866, Caroline Sara Georgena, daughter of William Henry Stuart of Lennoxville, Canada; and has Issue — (i) Stuart William Mathe^os ; (2) Charles Arnold Erank Alathcc's ; (3) Thomas Graham Mathe^os ; (4) Edward .-imherst Mathaos : (5) I'aul Mathe^os ; Margaret Helen ; Gertrude Laura ; Katharine Mary ; and Caroline Dorothea. Postal address — Bassin^ham Rectory, Lincoln. The RKVF.RKNn BENJAMIN MATURIN. M.A. Trin. Coll., Dublin, Vicar and Rural Dean of Lymington, H.ants. Horn 1815, being the fourth son of the Reverend Henry Maturin, Fellow Trin. Coll., Dublin, by his wife l'"lizabetli, daughter of John Johnston of Belvidere, Dublin. Armorial bearings — Argent, a chevron Ix-iween two mart- lets in chief gules, anti a mount in base proper. Mantling gules and argent ; and for his Crest, on a wreath of the colours, a hor.se in full speed argent ; with the Motto, "Minatur." Married, firstly, June 3, 1840, Anna, only dau. of John Johnston of Belfast ; and has Issue — (i) Henry Maturin, Gentleman, b, 1842 [;//., i868, Elizabeth, dau. of Robert Davy of Ringwood, Hants]; secondly, June 1855, Adelaide, dau. of Ralph Allen Daniell of Lymington ; and has Issue by second marriage — (2) Benjamin Allen Maturin, Gentleman [;«., Dec. 7, 1885, Elise, dau. of Col. Malcom- son] ; (3) Charles Maturin, Cientleman ; Elsie Malcomson ; Adelaide Maud [in., 1883, Henry Fiennes Speed]; Laura Susan [w. William Hall of Enniskillen] ; and Frances Elizabeth. Postal address — Vicarage, Lymington, Hants. DANIEL BAIRD MATURIN-BAIRD, late Lieut. R. Tyrone Fusiliers, bemg the eldest son of the late Charles Maturm, by his wife Jane, dau. of Daniel Baird of Newtown Stewart ; and assumed the name and arms of Baird by Royal License on inheriting this proi)erty, and was Lieut. R. Tyrone Fusiliers. Armorial bearings — Quarterly i and 4, per fesse or and gules, a twar |)assant proper between two crescents in chief of thr second and a dagger in base of the first (for Bnird) ; 2 and 3 argent, a chevron between two martlets in chief gules, and a moimt in base projx-r (for Maturin). Mantling gules and or; and for his Crests, I. upon a wreath of the colours, a'boar's head erased proper, l>etween two branches of shamrock vert (for Baird) ; 2. upon a wreath of the colours, a a horse in full speed argent (for Maturin). Motto — "Vietvirtute." Seat — Newtown Stewart, CO. Tyrone. CHARLES HENRY MAUDE, Esquire, late Captain in Her Majesty's Indian Army. Born August PifftfltlTiP ^'' '^3°" t*^'"g t''c second son of Francis vl^ClUUv Maude, Esquire, commonly known as the Honourable Francis Maude, by his wife Frances, d.iughter of .X. H. Brooking. Club- Si. Stephen's. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Quarterly i and 4, azure a lion rampant argent (for Maude) ; 2 and 3 argent, three bars gemelles sable, and overall a lion rampant gules, charged on the shoulder with a cross crosslel fitchte or ; and impaling the arms of Hanbury-Tracy, namely, quarterly i and 4, or an escallop in the centre chief point sable, lie- tween two liendlets gules (for Tracy) ; 2 and 3 or, a bend engrailed vert, cotised sable (for Hanbury). Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling azure and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a lion's gamb erased gules, holding an acorn or, slipped vert. Married, 1859, Georgiana Henrietta iMnma, conwuonly known as the Honourable Georgiana Henrietta Emma, second daughter of the Right Honour- able the second Baron S'.ideley : and has Issue — (i) Cyril Francis M.aude, Gentleman (of 33 Brompton Crescent, 5. W.), l)orn 1862 [married, 1888, Winifred Emery, and has i.ssue living, Margery Kathleen, and Pamela Cynthia]; (2) Ernest Henry Maude, Gentleman, l>orn 1863 [married, 1889, Maud, daughter of Francis Dennis Bnllcn, and has issue living, Robert Henry Ernest Maude, Gentleman, born 1890]; (3) Hubert Cornwallis Maude, Gentleman, liorn 1865; (4) Alwyn Ji'.lian Maude, Gentleman, born 1867 ; (5) Maurice Douglas Maude, Gentleman, Iwrn 1868 [married, 1893, Mal)el, daughter of J. Torpy of New Soiuh Wales, and has issue, Lilian Isabelle] ; (6) Ralph Walter Maude, Gentleman, born 1873; and Lilian Selina. Residence — 90 P2lm Park Gardens, S.W. Coi.oNEi. FRANCIS CORNWALLIS MAUDE, Com- panion of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, late of the Royal Artillery, upon whom Her Majesty has conferred the Decoration of the Victoria Cross. Born 1828, being the eldest son of the late Captain Francis Maude, commonly known as the Honourable I-'rancis Maude, Royal Navy, by his wife; Frances, daughter of A. H. Brooking of St. John's, NewfouiKllanrl ; created Companion of the Most Honourable Order of the B.aih, 1858. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Quarterly i and 4, azure a lion rampant argent ; 2 and 3 argent, three bars gemelles sable, and over all a lion rampant gules, charged on the shoulder with a cross cros-let filchfe or. Upon the escut- cheon, from which is pendent his badge as a C'ompanion of the Most Honourah)le Order of the Bath and his Decoration of the Victoria Cross, is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling azure and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a lion's gamb erased gules, holding an oak-branch vert, fructed or. Married, i860, Paulina Susanna, daughter of the Honourable Paul Ivy Sterling, Acting Chief-Justice of Ceylon ; and has /.w//^living — Francis Sterling de Montalt Maude, Gentleman, born 1867 ; Ionia Isabella; Georgiana Ivy ; and Mabel Matilda. General Sir FREDERICK FRANCIS MAUDE, Knight Grand Cross of the Most Honourable Order of the The Editor undertakes that every entry not in italics is that of a genuinely armigerous person. 574 Q3au Q^ato Ball), on whom Her Majesty has conferred the Decoration of tlie \Mctoria Cross. Born 1821, being the fourth son of the late Reverend the Honourable John Charles Maude, by his wife Mary, eldest daughter of William Ceely 'IVevilian of Middlelney, in the county of Somerset; created Companion of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, 1857, advanced to the rank of Knight Commander of the same Order, 1879, and 10 that of Knight CJrand Cross, 1886. Armorial bear- ings — He bears for Arms : Quarterly i and 4, azure a lion rampant argent ; 2 and 3 argent, three bars gemelles sable, over all a lion rampant gules, charged on the shoulder with a cross crosslet fitchte or ; the escutcheon being surrounded by the ribbon and collar of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, and pendent his badge as a Knight Grand Cross thereof and his Victoria Cross. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling azure and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a lion's gamb erased gules, holding an oak branch vert, fructed or. Married, 1853, Catherine Mary, daughter of the Very Reverend Sir G. Bisshopp, Baronet (she died 1892). Postal address — 16 Eccleston Square, S.W. ROBIORT HENRY MAUDE, Esquire, Lieutenant- Colonel late 7th Royal Fusiliers. Bi.yrji June 24, 1842, being the second but eldest surviving son of the Very Reverend Robert William Maude, commonly known as the Very Reverend the Honourable Rol)ert William Maude, Dean of Clogher, by his wife Martha, commonly known as the Honourable Martha, sister of the Right Honourable the late Baron Diuialley, and daughter of F. A. Prittie, Esquire, commonly known as the Honourable F. A. Prittie ; heir presumptive to Viscounty of Hawarden. Club — Army and Navy. I.ivciy — Dark green, red waistcoat, silver buttons. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms: Quarterly i and 4, azure a lion rampant argent; 2 and 3 argent, three bars gemelles sable, over all a lion rampant gules. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling azure and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a lion's gamb erased gules, holding an oak-branch slipped proper, acorned or ; with the Motto, " Virtute securus. " Married, December 15, 1881, Caroline A. M. , eldest daughter of Major Arthur Ogle ; and has Issue — Robert Cornwallis Maude, Esquire, born September 6, 1890. Estate — Palmerston, in the county of Dublin. Postal address — White Hill Chase, Greatham, West Liss, Hants. General Sir FREDERICK RICHARD MAUNSELL, K.C.B. Roni 1828, teing the son of the late Rev. D. H. Maunsell of Balbriggan, by Louisa, dau. of John Richard- son of Mount Panther, co. Down; was created C.B. 1873, and advanced to rank of K.C.B. in 1897. Clubs — United Service, East India United Service, Primrose. Armorial bearings — Argent, a chevron between three maunches sable, the escutcheon surrounded by the ribbon of the Bath and pendent below his badge as a K.C.B. Married, 1862, Maria Alexandrine (who d. 1883), dau. of Don Manuel Velez of New Granada. Postal address — The Grove, Boltons, S.W. RICHARD MARK SYNNOT MAUNSELL, Esquire, J. P. cos. Kildare (High Sheriff 1890-92) and Clare, late Capt. ist. (Royal) Dragoons. Bo>-n Oct. 22, 1843, being the eldest son of the late George Wood Maunsell, Esq., of Oakly Park, co. Kildare, and of Ashford, co. Limerick, J. P., and D.L., High Sheriff co. Kildare 1885, M.A., Barrister-at-Law, by his wife Maria, eldest surviving dau. and co-heir of Mark Synnot of Monasteroris House, King's Co., and Grove House, Clapham, Surrey. Clubs — Army and Navy, Kildare Street (Dublin), and County (Limerick). Armorial bearings — Argent, a chevron between three maunches sable. Married, ist, Marie Lucy, eldest dau. of Ale.xander Copland of Wingfield, Berks (which lady d.s.p. Jan. II, 1875); 2ndly, Feb. 26, 1877, Mary Eliza {d. 1892), dau. and heiress of the late Samuel Caswell, Esq., J. P., of Blackwater, co. Clare ; and has Issue — Richard John Cas- well Maunsell, Gentleman, /;. May 2, 1878; and Marie Norah ; 3rdly, Feb. 6, 1894, Georgina Mackenzie, second dau. of the late Capt. Joseph Richard Middleton, H.E.I.C.S. Seats— OakXy Park, Celbridge, co. Kildare; and Black- water, CO. Clare. Major-General THOMAS MAUNSELL, C.B. Bart? Sept. ID, 1822, being the second .son of the late George M is the Military Cockade. Meares Maunsell, Esq., J. P., of Bally William, Rathkeale, CO. Limerick, by his wife Catherine, dau. of Thomas Lloyd of Beechmount, co. Limerick, M.P. ; was created C.B. 1875. Club— Army and Navy. Armorial bearings— Argent, a chevron between three maunches sable ; and pendent below the escutcheon his badge as a C. B. Married, Feb. 21 , 1865, Amy Louisa Elizabeth, dau. of Col. Burrowes, K. H., of Bourton Court, in co. of Somerset ; and has Issue — (i) George Edward Scarlett Maunsell, Gentleman, b. Jan. 12, 1871 ; (2) Philip Mountstuart Aitchison Maunsell, Gentleman, b. June 29, 1874 ; Louisa Amy Catherine Augusta ; and Cicely Marion Grace. Postal address — The Cottage, Burghclere, Newbury, Hants. FREDERICK LEYLAND MAWDESLEY. Born August 20, 1849, being the eldest son of Frederick Ley-- land Mawdesley, Esq., J. P. East Riding Yorks, of Delwood Croft, York, by his wife Anne Maria, dau. of Joshua Roberts of En7iiscorthy, Ireland. Livery — Black, silver buttons. Armorial bearings as used arc for Arras [fflo^-lcglm-rc^ityl — Sable, a. chevron bet^vecn three pickaxes argent. Crest — An eagle displayed sable. Motto — " Mos legem regit." ^Recorded at Sir William Dugdale's Visitation in \66^ for Mawdesley of Maivdesley, co. Lancaster, fro}n whom descent is claimed, but the pedigree is not yet established or officially recorded.^ Postal address — Delwood Croft, York. JAMES PLATT MAWDSLEY, Gentleman. Born November 28, 1825, being the only son C7lfts^SY1^ltff I>t1 of James Mawdsley, by his wife Ellen, Vi^HwVftlK'lf daughter of Peter Piatt of Liverpool. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms: Sable, two chevronels argent between as many hammers in chief and a fleur-de-lis in base of the last ; and for his Crest, on a wreath of the colours, an eagle displayed sable, semee of annidets argent, and holding in the l)cak a hammer as in the arms; with the MottO, " Fidelis ad urnam." Married, September 5, 1849, Ellen, daughter of John Currey, Merchant, of Liverpool; and has Issue— {\) James Mawdsley, Gentleman, born 1854 [married, 1880, Lucy Anne, fourth daughter of Nicholas Duckworth of Mosley ^^ is the Naval Cockade. Q^ar Qiap 575 Hill] ; (2) Robert Cargey Mawdsley, Gentleman, born 1859; (3) Thomas Ryder Mawdsley, Gentleman, born 1862 ; (4) William Currey Leyland Mawdsley, Gentleman, born 1863 ; Ciirrey [married, 1873, Henry WainwTJght of Grove near Liverpool]; f-'llen [married, 1874, Alfred I>)l)oll of Liverpool]; Harriet Catherine Ross; and Mary Currey. /•'.r/rt/c — Property in Liverpool and Ueechwood, Aigburth. Postal address — 30 I'"alkner Scpiare, I>ive.r|JOol. S JAMES MAXTONR-GRAHAM, Esquire, Justice of the. Peace and Deputv- 9iaji:tone=:(&tal)am \^^ ^'To^^ofMre late Anthony Maxtone, liy his wife Alcxina, daughter of John (ira-me of Eskl)ank, and sister of Robert Grnham of Halgowan, in tiie county of Perth. Armorial bearings— He l)ears for ArmB : Quarterly I and 4, or a clievron gules, lietween three cross crosslets litch(''e azure (for Maxtone) ; 2 and 3 or, three piles sable, within a double tressure tlory counterflory gules, on a chief of the second, a rose Ix'twecn two escallops of the tirst (for Graham). Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degiee, with a mantling gules, doubled argent; and for his Crests, i. upon a wreath of the liveries, a Ix-e proper (for Maxtone) ; 2. upon a wreath of the liveries, a dove proper (for Graham). Mottoes — " Providus esto," and " Candide ut secure." Married, July 30, 1851, Care line Mary Anne, daughter of George Ivdward Russell, Honourable East India Company's Service ; and has Issue — (1) Anthony George Maxtone-Graham, Gentleman, born March 28, 1854; (2) Rol^ert Graham Maxtone-Graham, Gentleman, Ixirn February i, 1856; (3) James Maxtone- (Jraham, Gentleman, born Octol)er 19, 1863 [married, September 5, 1893, Margaret Ethel, second daughter of the late Philip Kington Blair Oliphant of .Xrdblair, in the county of Perth] ; Alexina Mary ; Margaret Gr;vme ; Caro- line Leonora; Elizalieth Christina ; and Marjory Georgina Ramsay. Seats — Cultoquhey, Crieff ; Battleby, Redgorton, in the county of Perth. MAXWELL, quartered by BOYLE. MAXWELL, see EARN HAM and CONSTABLE- MAXWELL-STUART. Sir WILLIAM EDWARD MAXWELL, Esq., Knight Commander of the Most Distinguished Order of Saint Micliael and Saint George, Governor and Commander- in-Chief of the Gold Coast Colony. Born 1846, l^eing the son of Sir Peter Benson Maxwell; created C.M.G. 1885, and K. C.M.G. 189. C///* — Conservative. Armorial bearings — Argent, an eagle with two heads displayed sable, beaked and membered gules, surmounted of a shield of the first, charged with a saltire of the second, thereon a hedgehog or, the escutcheon being surrounded by the riblxin of the order, and pendent below his badge as a K. C.M.G. Mantling sable and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a mount thereon a holly bush and a stag loipon a wreath of the colours, a st.ag trippant or, gorged with a collar invected argent, fimbriated sable; with the Motto, " Manus justa nardus." Married, firstly, June 14, 1843, Elizabeth Jane, eldest daughter of George Hatton Wilkinson, Esquire, Deputy- Lieutenant, of Har])crly Park, in the county of Durham (she died 1872); secondly, 1873, Edith Harriet, eldest daugliter of the Reverend Henry Richard Ridley. By his first mar- riage he has Issue— (1) .Anthony ChajMcs Hilton Maynard, Gentleman, born June 7, i860 [married, 1890, Annie Evelyn, eldest daughter of the Reverend H. A. Milton, M.aster of .Sherburne Hospital] ; and by his second marri.age, (2) Henry l'",asterby Maynard, Gentleman, l)orn July 9, 1876. Estate — .Skiningrove, in the county of York. I'ostal address — Newton Hall, Durham. EDMUND ANTHONY JEFFERSON MAYNARD. Esquire, Justice of the Peace for the county of Derby, Lord of the Manor of Nether Padley. Born 1861, being the only son of the late Edmund Gilling Maynard, Esquire, Justice The Editor undertakes that every entry not in italics is that of a genuinely armigerous person. 576 ^ap Q^ea of the Peace and Deputy-Lieutenant, of Chesterfickl, by his second wife Ann, eldest daiitjluer of John Jell of Dover, in the county of Kent. /./Vv/t Light drah, with dark green collar ami cuffs. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Quarterly i and 4, argent on a chevron vert, between three sinister hands couped at the wTist gules, five ermine spots or (for Maynard) ; 2 and 3, harry of six erniinois and gules, on .a chief azure three catherine-wheels or (for Lax) ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a stag trippant or, gorged with a collar invected argent, fimbriated sable ; with the Motto, " Manus justa nardus." Married, April 2, 1887, Margaret Blanche, elder daughter of R. S. Wilmot- Sitvvell of Stainsby House, Snialley, in the county of Derby ; and lias had Issue — (i) Anthony Lax Maynard, Gentleman, born 1889; (2) Richard Sacheverell Maynard, Gentleman, born October 9, 1892, died January 14, 1893 ; (3) Jolm Wil- mot Maynard, Gentleman, born June 8, 1896 ; Dorothy Margaret ; and Winifred May. Estates — Nether Padley and at Chesterfield, both in the county of Derby. Postal address — Egginton Hall, Burton-on-Trent. OTWAY MAYNE, Esquire, late Major 2nd Norfolk Regt., Chief Constable of co. of Bucks. Burn 1855, being the only son of the late Major Henry Otway Mayne of " Mayne's Horse," by his wife Mary Ewer Turner, younger dau. of the late Jacob Turner, B.C.S. Club — Naval and Military. Lively — Dark navy blue. Armorial bearings — Argent, a chevron gules, voided of the field, between two pheons in chief sable and a fleur-de-lis in base azure, all within a bordure wa\ y of the last. Mantling gules doubled argent. Crest — On a wreath of his liveries, a dexter hand issuing from the torse holding a plain cross gules ; and in an escroll above this Motto, " Virtuti fortuna comes." Married, Jan. 1894, Helena E. , younger dau. of the Venble. H. R. Nevill, Archdeacon of Norfolk, and Canon of Norwich Cathedral. Residence — Walton Lodge, Aylesbury. MAZE, see BLACKBURNE-MAZE. JOHN PERCY MEADE, Esquire, D.L. for co. Down, J. P. Norfolk and Suffolk. Born May 17, 1847, being the eldest son of John Meade, Esq., late 43rd Light Infantry, by his wife Elvira, second dau. of Robert Ibbetson. & is the Military Cockade. Clubs — Army and Navy, Carlton. Armorial bearings — Quarterly i and 4 grand quarters, gules, a chevron ermine between three trefoils slipped argent (for Meade) ; 2 and 3 grand quarters, ciuarterly i. and iiii. azure, three pewits argent (for Magill) ; ii. and iii. per chevron argent and vert, three hinds trippant proper (for Hawkins), a crescent for difference ; im|)aling the arms of Johnson-Walsh, namely, quarterly i and 4, .argent a fesse gules, between six martlets sable ; 2 and 3 sable, on a .saltire argent, between three towers in chief and flanks or, in flames proper, and in base two tilting-spears in saltire also proper, five cocks gules. Mantling gules and argent. Crest— An eagle displayed with two heads sable. Motto — "Toujours Pr(?t " (or "Prest"). Married, Jan. 2, 1894, Helena Frances, dau. of Sir Allen Johnson-Walsh. Ban., of Bally- kilcavan, Queen's Co. ; and has Issue — (i) John Windham Meade, Gentleman, b. Nov. 28, 1894; (2) Robert Percy Meade, Gentleman, /'. May 15, 1896. Seats — E;irsham Hall, Norfolk ; Burrenwood, co. Down. Sir ROBERT HENRY MEADE, commonly called the Honourable Sir Robert Henry Meade, Knight Commander of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, Master of Arts of the University of Oxford. Born 1835, being the second son of the Right Honourable Richard Charles Francis Christian Me^de, third Earl of Clanwilliam, Knight Grand Cross of the Hanoverian Guelphic Order, Doctor of Civil Law, by his wife Elizabeth Herbert, commonly known as Lady Elizabeth Herbert, daughter of the Right Honourable Geori^e Augustus Herbert, eleventh Earl of Pembroke ; Permanent Under-Secretary of State for the Colonies ; appointed Registrar of the Most Distinguished Order of Saint Michael and Saint George, 1877 ; and created a Companion of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, 1885, and advanced to the rank of a Knight Commander of that Order, 1894. Clubs — Burlington, Travellers'. Ar- morial bearings — He beais for Arms : Azure, a chevron ermine between three trefoils slipped argent. Upon the escutcheon, which is encircled by the ribbon and from which is pendent his badge as a Knight Commander o the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, is placed a helmet befitting his degiee, with a mantling azure and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, an eagle with two heads displayed sable, armed or. Married, firstly, 1865, Mary, commonly called Lady Mary (who died 1866), daughter of the Right Honourable Henry Lascelles, third Earl of Harewood ; secondly, 1 880, Caro- line Georgiana (who died 1881), daughter of the late Charles William Grenfell, Member of Parliament ; .and by his first m.arriage has Issue living — Mary Elizabeth Bl.anche ; and by his second marriage —Charles Francis Meade, Esquire, born 1881. Postal addresses — Englemere, Ascot, Staines; 8 Hereford Gardens, W. HENRY HERBERT MEADE -KING. Gentleman, Solicitor, M.A. (Pembroke Coll.) Oxford. Born Feb. 16, 1837, being the fourth son of the late Richard King Meade- King, Esq., of Walford, Somerset, J. P. and D.L. for Somerset, by his wife Catherine, second dau. and co-heir of William Oliver of Hope Corner, Taunton. Ar- morial bearings — Quarterly i and 4, argent a lion rampant, between three cross crosslets, two and one, sable, and as many escallops, one and two, gules (for King) ; 2 and 3 gules, on a chevron argent, between three leopards' faces or, two arrows in saltire azure, barbed and flighted proper, between two bows chevronways of the fourth, stringed of the field (for Meade). Mantling sable .and argent. Crests — i. on a wreath of the colours, on a mount vert, an arm in bend dexter, couped at the elbow, the hand sujiporting a tiiting-spear erect, the head broken, the arm surmounting a branch of oak in l)end sinister, fructed, all proper (for King) ; 2. on a wreath of the colours, a demi-griffin azure, wings ermine, holding in the dexter claw a fleur-de-lis or (ifor Meade). Motto — '•' Cadenti porrigo dextram." Married, April 30, 1864, Caroline Amelia Carr, dau. of John Carr Clark of ICIlinthorpe, Yorks. ; and has Issue — (i) Herbert Edward Meade-King, Gentleman, b. June 5, 1865; (2) Ceorge Cyril Meade- King, Gentleman, b. Sept. 19, 1869 ; and Lilian. Postal address — Redland, Bristol. HENRY WARREN MEADE-KING, Esquire, J. P. Born April 1817, being the 3rd son of the late Richard Meade-King, Esq., of North Petherton, Somerset, J. P., ^m is tbe Naval Cockade. e§ta 8^ea 577 !., and F^igh Sheriff 1846, by his wife Elizabclla, only dan. of John Warren, M.D. , of Taunton. Armorial bearings — Quarterly i and 4, argent a lion rampant, be- tween three cross crosslets, two and one, sable, and as many escallops, one and two, gules (for King) ; 2 and 3 gules, on a chevron argent, between three leopards' faces or, two arrows in saltire azure, barbed and flighted proper, bitween two bows chevronways of the fourth, stringed of the field (for Meade). Mantling sable and argent. Crests — I. on a wreath of the colours, on a mount vert, an arm in bend dexter, couped at tiie elbow, the hand sujiporting a tilting-spear erect, the head broken, the arm surmounting a branch of oak in bend sinister, fructed, all proper (for King) ; 2. on a wreath of the colours, a demi-griffin azure, wings ermine, holding in the dexter claw a fleur-de-lis or (for Meade). Motto — "Cadenti porrigo de.\tram." A/ar- ricd, Sept. 28, 1847, Mary Ann, dau. of Joseph Higgin of Manchester, and has issue. Postal address — Sandfield Park, West Derby, Liverpool. Rev. FREDERICK MEADE-KING. M.A. O.xon.. Clerk in Holy Orders, Vicar of Stoke Coiircy, co. Somerset, J. P. for tliat county, and R.l). Born Nov. 21, 1835, lieing the 3rd son of the late Richard King Meade-King, Esq., of W'alford, .Somerset, J. P. and D.I,, for .Somerset, by his wife Catherine, .second dau. and cu-heir ot William Oliver ?pe ( orner, Taunt' m. Armorlal beaxings— (Juarterly I and 4, argent a lion rampant, between three cross crosslets, two and one, sable, and as many escallops, one and two, gules (for King) ; 2 and 3 gules, on a chevron argent, Ix;- tween three leopards' faces or, two arrows in saltire azure, barted and flighted proper, lietween two Vx)ws che\Tonways of the fourth, stringed of the field (for Meade). Mantling sable and argent. Crests — i. on a wreath of the colours, on a mount vert, an arm in bend de.xtcr, couped at the elbow, the hand supporting a tilting-spear erect, the head broken, the arm surmounting a branch of oak in bend sinister, fructed, all proper (for King) ; 2. on a wreath of the colours, a demi-griffin azure, wings ermine, holding in the dexter claw a fleur-de-lis or (for Meade). MottO — " Cadenti porrigo dextram." Married, 1866, Jessie Louisa, eldest dau. of J. C. Warren ; and has Issue— Yowx daughters. Postal address — The Vicarage, .Stoke Courcy, Somerset. WALTER MEADE- KING, Esquire, J.P. for co. .Somerset, M..\. Oxon. Born .April 1842, being the fifth son of the late Richard King Meade-King, Esq., of Wal- ford, .Somerset, J.P. and D.L. for Somerset, by his wife Catherine, second dau. and co-iieir of William Oliver of Hope Corner, Taunton. Club — Junior Conservative. Ar- morial bearings -Quarterly 1 and 4, argent a lion ram- pant, between three cross crosslets, two and one, sable, and as many escallops, one and two, gules (for King) : 2 and 3 gules, on a chevron argent, between three leopards' faces or, two arrows in saltire azure, bart)ed and flighted proper, between two bows chevronways of the fourth, stringed of the field (for Me;ide). Mantling sable and argent. Crests — i. on a wreath of the colours, on a mount vert, an arm in liend dexier, couped at the ellx)w, the hand supporting a tilting-sijear erect, the head broken, the arm surmounting a branch of oak in l)end sinister, fructed, all proper (for King) ; 2. on a wreath of the colours, a demi- griffin azure, wings ermine, holding in the dexter claw a fleur-de-lis or (for Meade). MottO — "Cadenti porrigo dextram." Married, 1866, Louisa {d. 1895), dau. of late H. Liddon of Taunton ; and has with other Issue — Richard Liddon Meade-King, fJentleman, M.D. Postal address — Baring Crescent, E.xeter. § WILLIAM OLIVER MEADE -KING, Esquire. Justice of the Peace, late Major and ClftfJlTlP llttniY Honcjrary Lieutenant-Colonel 3rd 5^y7taUt = JJMliy Hattalion Somersetshire Light In- fantry. Born March 17, 1833, l)eing the second but eldest surviving son of the late Richard King Meade-King. Esquire, of Walford, by his wife Catherine, second daughter and co-heir of William Oliver of Hope Corner, near Taunton. Armorial bearings— He Ix^ars for Arms: Quarterly i and 4, argent a lion rampant between three cross crosslets, two and one sable, and as many escal- lops, one and two gules (for King) ; 2 and 3 gules, on a clievron argent, l)etween three leopards' faces or, two arrows in saltire azure, bartxjd and flighted pro|)er, b tween two bows chevronways of the fourth stringed of the field (for Meade). Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling sable and argent ; and for his Crests, I. upon a wreath of the colours, a mount vert, thereon an arm in lx;nd dexter, coiqjed at the ell)ow, the hand supporting a tilting-spear erect the head ijrokcn, the arm surmounting a branch of oak fructed in bend sinister all pro))er (for King) ; 2. upon a wreath of the colours, a demi-griffin .azure, wings elevated ermine, in the dexter claw a fleur-de-lis or (for Meade). Motto — " Cadenti porrigo dextram." Married, June 18, 1857, Mary Mus- grave, daughter of William lieadon, ICstiuirc, ofOttcrhead, near Honilon, in the county of Devon, Justice of the Peace ; and has Issue — William Oliver livelyn Meade- King, (Jentle- m.an, born Decemln-r 14, 1858; and a daughter. Residence — Walford, near Taunton, in the county of .Somerset. Rkv. WILLIAM THOMAS PEARCE MEADE-KING, M. A. , Clerk in Holy Orders, Rector of Monksilver, Somerset. Born Nov. 24, 18:4, being the fifth son of the late Richard Meade- King, Esq., of North Petherton, Somerset, J. P., D. L. , .and High .Sheriff 1846, by his wife IClizabcth, only dau. of John Warren, M.D., of Taunton. Armorial bear- ings—Quarterly I and 4, argent a lion rampant l>etween three cross crosslets, two and one, sable, and as many escallops, one and two, gules (for King); 2 and 3 gules, on a chevron argent, between three leopards' faces or, two arrows in saltire azure, barbed and flighted proper, between two Ixjws chevronways of the fourth, stringed of the field (for Meade). ManUing sable .and argent. Crests — I. on a wreath of the colours, on a mount vert, an arm in bend dexter, couped at the elbow, the hand supporting a tilting-spear erect, the head broken, the arm surmoimting a branch of oak in bend sinister, fructed, all proper (for King) ; 2. on a wreath of the colours, a demi-griffin azure, wings ermine, holding in the dexter claw a fleur-de-lis or (for Meade). Motto — "Cadenti porrigo dextram." Mar- ried, April 14, 1852, Ellen Catherine, dau. of Isaac Lovell. Postal address — The Rectory, Monksilver, Somerset. EDMUND GUSTAVUS BLOOMFIELD MEADE- WALDO, Gentleman. Born Feb. 8, 1855, being the only The Editor undertakes that every entry not in italics is that of a genuinely armigerous person. 2 O 57^ a^ea mtl son of the late Etliimnd Waldo Meade-Waldo, Esq., J. P., late ist Life (niaids, by his first wife Harriette Ellen, dau. of Henry Owen i5echer of Aughadown, co. Cork. Armo- rial bearingB — Quarterly i and 4, or, a bend azure be- tween three leopards' faces gules (for Waldo) ; 2 and 3 per pale sable and ermine, a chevron between three trefoils slip|)ed, an eagle's head erased in the chief point all counterchanged (fur Meade). Mantling' azure and or. Crests — I. on a wreath of the colours, a griffin's head sable, erased ermine, gorged with an Eastern crown argent, hold- in its beak two trefoils slipped of the last (for Waldo) ; 2. on a wreath of the colours, a double-headed eagle dis- played or, charged on the breast with a quatrefoil sable, resting its claws on two shields of the second, each charged with a trefoil sli])ped argent (for Meade). Married, March 2, 1880, Ada Coralie, dau. of the Right Hon. Sir Richard Baggallay, Lord-Justice of Appeal ; and has Issue — (i) Ednnind Richard Meade-Waldo, Gentleman, b. Feb. 17, 1881 ; (2) Geoffrey Meade- Waldo, Gentleman, b. Jan. 8, 1884 ; Florence Coralie ; and Harriette Dorothy. Seat— Stone Wall Park, co. Kent. Sir GEORGE SAMUEL MEASOM, Knight Bachelor, Justice of the Peace for the counties of Kent Q(fKCfX(i<\X\\ "^"^ Middlesex, and for the Cinque Ports. Vj^ t a^ U I U Born 1 8 1 8 , beitig the son of Dan iel Measom , by his -wife Mary, nee Coventiy ; dubbed Knight Bachelor, 1891. Armorial bearings as used, but for7(>hich no authority has been established, are for Arms: A sure, on a f esse betiveen three (f) heads, as many escallops. Crest — A falcoti belled. Motto — " Vive ut vivas." Mar- ried, firstly, 1839, Sarah, daughter of James Hillman ; secondly, 1867, Charlotte, daughter of George Simpson, of Old Palace, Richmond, in the county of Surrey. Postal addresses — St. Margarets, near Twickenhatn ; Arkknv House, Ramsgate. MEDLEY, quartered by FOLJAMBE. S CHARLES MEEKING. Esquire, J. P. co. Bucks, High Sheriff 1887, Major and Hon. Lieut.-Col. (late 3rd Batt. Oxfordshire Light Infantry), Barrister-at-Law, M.A. Trin. Coll., Cantab. Born Sept. 9, 1839, being the only son of the late Charles Meeking of Richings Park, Armorial bearings— Or, on a chevron azure, between in chief two sprigs of laurel proper and in base a lion rampant regardant gules, a dove of the field between two bezants, impaling the arms of Tower, namely sable, a tower or, charged with a pheon of the field within a t)0rdure of the second, charged with ten cross crosslets also of the field. Mantling azure and or; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the ccjlours, on a mount vert, charged with thiee bezants, a dove between two laurel branches or. Motto — "Sola Veritas invicta." Married, May 27, 1S63, Adelaide Caro- line, fourth dau. of the late Christopher Tower of Hunts- more Park, Bucks, and Weald Hall, Essex (by his wife Lady Sophia Frances Cust, eldest dau. of John, ist h^arl Brownlow) ; and has Issue — (i) Bertram Charles Christopher Spencer Meeking, Gentleman, Capt. loth Royal Hussars, b. Mnrch 24, 1864 [w., July 22, 1893, Violet Charlotte, eldest dau. of John Fletcher of Saltoim, N.B.]; (2) Hume Francis Meeking, Gentleman, b. Sept. 13, 1874 ; (3) Kennetli Charles Edward Meeking, Gentleman, b. April 9, 1880; Adelaide Maud Sophia ; and Mildred Charlotte (died un- married. May 15, 1892). Seat — Richings Park, Colnbrook, Bucks. Town residence— -^x Belgrave Square, London. WILLIAM MELLOR MEIGH, Esq., J. P. co. Staffs. Born 1841, being the only son of the late William Mellor Meigh, Esq., J. P., of Ash Hall, by his wife l''liza, dau. of the late Samuel Goodman. Armorial bearings — Gules, on a cross engrailed between four boars' heads erased argent, three blackbirds in fesse proper, and three crosses pati^e fitch(5e at the foot azure. Mantling gules and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a lion ram- pant or, holding in the dexter paw a cross patde as in the arms, the sinister paw resting on an anchor proper, pendent therefrom by a chain or, an escutcheon gules, charged with a boar's head erased argent. Motto — " Benigno numine." Married, 1866, Anita Maria, dau. of Joseph Peake, Esq. , of Newcastle, co. Stafford ; and has with other Issue — William Alfred Meigh, Gentleman, b. 1867. iVrt/— Ash Hall, Bucknall, Stoke-on-Trent. JOSEPH WILLIAM MELLES, Esquire, Justice of the f^eace for the cos. of Essex and Argyll, flWl^Ifl^tf Master of Arts of the University of Edin- V^\^\\X/J> burgh, late Captain ist Hertfordshire Volun- teer Battalion (Bedfordshire Regiment), eldest son of the late William Melles, Esquire, Justice of the > 'fe' :./ A {lb ^ by his wife Charlotte Spencer (deceased), eldest dau. of the late Rev. John Charles Williamson, Rector of Sherrington, Bucks. Clubs — Oxford and Cambridge University Wel- lington, Royal Thames Yacht, Royal Victoria Yacht. is the Military Cockade. Peace, by his wife Margaret Coulter, daughter of Richard Meikle. Clubs— ]nn\oT t"arlton. Constitutional, Grosvenor, University (i'xlinburgh). I.ivety — Dark green, with silver buttons. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Vert, ^h is tbe Naval Cockade. q^el Open paie Detween two cinquefoils argent, a fir-tree eradi- cated proper. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules doubled argent ; and upon a wreath of his liveries is set for Crest, a fir-tree erect and eradicated proper; and in an escroll over the same this MottO, " Usque fidelis." Married, March 22, 1882, Mary, third daughter of Andrew Roddick ; and has Issue — (i) William Eugine Melles, Gentleman, born January 17, 1883; (2) Gordon Krank Melles, Gentleman, born September 3, 1885 ; Margaret Mary ; and Doris Gr.acie Fraser. Estates — Sewardstone Lodge, Sewardstone, in the county of Essex ; Gruline, Arcs, Isle of Mull, in the county of Argyll. Postal address — Sewardstone Lodge, Seward- stone, Chingford, Essex. ALFRED MELLOR, V.sq.. J. P. for cos. Devon and Somerset, late of the 8th (the King's) Regt. of I-"oot. lioni May 18, 1842, being the fourth son of the late Right Hon. .Sir John Mellor, I'.C, Q.C., by his wife I'llizatjeth Cooke, only dau. of William Moseley of I'eckhatn Rye, Surrey. Cluh — Junior United Service. Armorial bearings — Per fesse dancettde salile and argent, three mascles fesseways in chief of the last, and as many ring-ousels also fesseways in base proper. Mantling sable and argent ; and for his Crest, ujwn a wreath of the colours, in front of a bull's head erased argent, between the horns a mascle sable, three mascles fesseways of the last. MottO — ' ' Ad meliora. " Married, firstly. Sept 4, Ellen (who died 1880), dau. of C;harles Paget, Esq., J. I*., D. L. ; and by her has Issue — Six daus. He married secondly, Emma Seddon, dau. ot John Jones, F.A..S.L., of Gloucester, and has issue — Philip .Seddon Mellor, Gentleman, f>. Oct. 24, 1882. Residence — 68 Redcliffe Gardens, S.W. JAMES ROBERT MELLOR. Esq., LL.M., Queen's Coroner and Attorney, and Master of the Crown Oflice, Royal Courts of Justice, Master of the Supreme Court, and (Jueen's Coroner. Darn May 4, 1839, being the third son of the late Right Hon. Sir John Mellor, P.C. , Q.C. , by his wife I'"lizaheth Cooke, only dau. of William Moseley of Pcckham Rye, Surrey. Club — New University. Armorial bearings — Per fesse dancettC-e sable and argent, three- mascles fesseways in chief of the last, and as many ring- ousels also fesseways in ba^c pniper. Mantling sable Mud argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreatli of the colours, in front of a bull's head erased argent, Ijetween the horns a mascle sable, three mascles fesseways of the last. Motto — "Ad meliora." Married, Oct. 29, 1868, Anne Jane, eliiest dau. of 'I'homas Shaw of Everton, Lanes; and has, with other Issue — James Gilliert Shaw Mellor, Biirrister-at-Law, B.A., LL. B (Cantab.), b. Mar. 29, 1872. Residence— \6 Craven Hill Gardens, I.,ondon, W. SThk Right Honourable JOHN WIl^LIAM MEL- LOR, P.C, Q.C, M.P., Barrister- at -Law Inner Temple i860, a Q.C", 1875, and a Bencher 1877; is a J. P., a D. I>. , and Dep. Chm. of Quarter .Sessions for Somerset, a J. P. for Devon, and Hon. Member of New York State Bar Asso. ; was Judge Advocate-Gen. P'eb. to July 1886; Chm. of Committee of Ways and Means and Dep. S|3eaker of House of Commons 1893 to 1895. Horn July 26, 1835, being the eldest son of the late Right Hon. Sir John .Mellor, P.C, of Kingsdowne, Kent, by his wife Elizalieth Cook, dau. of William Moseley of Pecicham Rye, Surrey. Club — Brooks's. A/w/j'— Claret. Armorial bearlngs^Per fesse dancett(5e sable and argent, three mascles f'.-sseways in chief of the last, and as many ring-ousels also fesseways in base proper. Mantling sable and argent ; and for his Crest, in front of a bull's head erased argent, between the horns a mascle sable, three mascles fesseways of the last. Married, Dec. 27, i86o, Caroline dau. of Charles Paget, Esq., M.P. , D. L., J. P., of Ruddington Grange, Notts ; and has Issue — (1) John Paget Mellor, Gentleman [;//. Mabel, dau. of G. S. Pearce-Serocold] ; (2) Godfrey W. Paget .Mellor, Gentle- man [ill. Norah, dau. of Sir Francis B. .Alston, K.C M.G.]; (3) Wilfred Paget Mellor, Gentleman ; (4) Claud Paget Mellor, Gentleman ; (5) Sydney Paget Mellor, Gentleman ; Ellen Matel ; and Geraldinc Elizabeth [»/., 1896, W. H. Goschen]. Estates — Culmhead, Somerset ; Burnworthy, Devon. Postal addresses — Culmhead, Taimton ; 68 -St. George's Square, London, S.W. WILLIAM MOSELEY MELLOR, Esq., J. P. for Co. Palatine of Chester. Born July 25, 1836, being the second son of the late Rt. Hon. Sir John Mellor, P.C, Q.C, by his wife Elizabeth Cooke, only dau. of William Moseley of Peckham Rye, Surrey. Armorial bearings — Per fesse dancett(5c sable and argent, three mascles fesseways in chief of the last, and as many ring-ousels also fessewavs in base proper. Mantling sable and argent; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, in front of a bull's head erased argent, tjetween the horns a mascle sable, three mascles fesseways of the last. Motto— " /Xd meliora." Married, April 10, 1867, Jane (who died 1894), dau. of John Fenton, Esq., of Crimbie Hall, Lanes, M.P., J. P. ; and has, with other Issue — William Mo.seley Fenton Mellor, Gentleman, b. Feb. 4, 1868 [;//., April 29, 1806, Emily PVances Maxwell, second dau. of Col. Jeremy Taylor Marsh, R. E., and has issue, William Maxwell Mellor, Gentleman, b. Jan. 20, 1897]. Seat — Lingdale, Claughton, Chester. MELVILLE, quartered by BOYLE. MELVILLE, see BALFOUR-MELVILLE. MENTEITH, quartered by CHINNERY-HALDANE. A. J. P. MENZIES, M.A., Advocate, claiming to be representative of Menzics of Shian and Glenquich, Perth- shire, son of the late John Mensics, Esq., J. P., of lianavie Hotel. Armorial bearings as used (rci^istered in Lyon Office circa 1672 by James Menzies of Shien, but no proof of descent made) are — Argent, a chief gules, a bordure chequy azure and of the first. Crest — // book expanded proper. MottO — " Spero." Residence— 6 dreat ICing St., Edinburgh. SSiR ROBERT MENZIES, seventh Baronet of that ilk, in the county of Perth, the twenty-fourth chief of Clan Menzies, Deputy-Lieutenant and Justice of the Peace, Lieutenant-Colonel 5th Volunteer Battalion lilack Watch (has Volunteer Decoration). Born September 26, 1817, being the .son of .Sir Neil Menzies, the sixth Baronet, by hi-; second wife, the eldest daughter of the Honourable Fletcher Norton, Baron of the Exchequer in .Scotland ; succeeded his father in T844, under the creation of Sep- temljer 2, 1665. Armorial bearings -He Ijears for Arms : Argent, a chief gules. Upon the escutcheon, from which is pendent by an orange-tawny ribbon his badge as a Baronet of Nova Scotia, is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules doubled argent; and upon a wreath of his liveries is set for Crest, a Saracen's head erased in profile, wreathed round the head proper. Sup- porters — 'Two savages, wreathed round the head and loins with leaves all proper. Motto — " Vil God I zai. " Married, June 10, 1846, Annie Balcarres, sixth daughter of Major James Stewart-.Alston of Urrard ; and by her (who died April 29, 1878) has Issue — (i) Neil James Menzies, Esquire, late Captain Scots Guards, born March 5, 1855 ; (2) Robert Fletcher Menzies, Esquire, born November 3, 1863, died November 26, 1872 ; Caroline Marie Stuart [married, 1878, Tbe Editor undertakes tbat every entry not in italics is that of a genuinely armigerous person. 58o ^en AthoU MacgFogor, Esquire, brother of Sir Malcolm Mac- grcgor, Baronet]; and l£gidia Charlotte. Scats — Castle Menzies, Rannoch Lodge, Foss House, and Farleyer, near Aljerfeldy, in the county of Perth. S WILLIAM GEORGE STEUART MENZIES, Es- quire, of Culdares, in the county of Perth, Justice of the Peace and Deputy-Lieutenant for the county of Banff. /ior/! .September 28, 1858, lieing the only son of the late Ronald Stcuart Menzies of Culdares and Cardney, by his wife Marjory Alexandrina, daughter of William Grant MacDowall of Arndilly. Armorial bearings— He l)ears for Arms: Argent, a sword in pale proper, hilled and pommelled or, a chief gules. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules doubled argent ; and upon a wreath of his liveries is set for Crest, a demi-lion, holding in the dexter paw a baton proper. MottO—" Forte m "fors juvat." A/ar- ried, January 30, 1883, Constance Anne Ellen, d.aughter of Thomas Owen Wcthercd of Si^ymour Court, Marlow, is the Military Cockade. Q^es in the county of Buckingham; and has Issue — KonaU Menzies, (jentleman, born .Xpril 8, 1884. Seat — Arndilly, Craig-EUachie, North Britain. WILLIAM JAMES BRRADALBANE STE WART MEN/.IRS, Esq., J. P. and D.L. co. Perth, Major yd Halt. (Militia) and late Lieut. Gordon Highlanders. Born 1862, heitig the eldest son of the late John Stewart Menzies, Esq. , J.P.,of Chesthill, by his wife Hon. Catherine Thiirlo^v Eraser, daii. of the Hon. William Eraser, and sister Rt. Hon. Alexander Eraser, ijth Lord Saltoitn. Armorial bearings as used, but which are not matriculated in Lvov Register, are — Ermine, on a chiej gitles, a rose. Crest — A rose slipped and leaved. Seat — Chesthill House, Aberfeldy, N.n. MEREDYTH, quartered by SOMERVILLE. MEREDYTH, Baron, see ATHLUMNEY. S WILLIAM HUMPHREYS MERVYN-ARCH- DALL, Esquire, of Castle Archdall, co. Fermanagh, B.A. 0.\on., J. P., D.L. co. Fermanagh (High Sheriff 1845), J. P. CO. Tyrone (High Sheriff 1861), sometime M P. co. Fermanagh. Horn 18 13, being the second but eldest sur- viving son of the late Edward Archdall of Riversdale, co. Fermanagh ; and assumed by Royal Licence, July 31, 1896, the surname of Mervyn--\rchdall, and the arms of Archdall quarterly with those of Mervyn and Montgomery. Club— Carlton. Armorial bearings— Quarterly i and 4, azure a chevron ermine, tetween three talbots passant or (for Archdall) ; 2. or, a chevron sable (for Mervyn) ; 3. quarterly i. and iiii. azure, three Heurs-de-lis or ; ii. and iii. gules, three gem rings gold, the whole within a bordure or, charged with a tressure fiory gules, in the centre point an inescutcheon argent, charged with a tilting-spear and a sword saltireways, points upwards proper (for Montgomery). Mantling azure and argent. Crest — Out of a ducal crest coronet or, an heraldic tiger's head argent, maned, tufted, and armed sable. Motto — "Data fata secuta." Married, firsdy, Emily Mary (d. 1892), dau. of the late Rev. the Hon. J. C. Maude ; secondly, Matilda, dau. of the late William Alley of Artane, co. Dublin. iVa/— Castle Archdale, Irvinestown, CO. Fermanagh. MESCHINES, Earl of Chester, quartered by HUSSEY. MESCHINES, quartered by DU MOULIN-BROWN. S ARTHUR MESHAM, Esquire, Justice of the Peace for the counties of Denbigh and Flint, for C]*ftl>tfftAtt1 ^^''I'ch latter county he is also a Deputy- vl^vpljtllll Lieutenant, and served the office of High Sheriff in the year 1881, Bachelor of Arts of the University of Oxford, Honorary Colonel of the Den- bighshire Yeomanry, late Captain ist Dragoons. Bom H is the Naval Cockade. a^et mv 581 1837', licing the eldest son of the late Reverend Arthur Mennett Meshani, by his wife Moncrieffe, daughter of the late William I'aterson of Cunnocjuhie, in the county of Kite. l7/ti — Army and Navy. Liveiy — Dark blue and orange. Armorial bearings -He bears for Arms: Party per pale or and azure, two stags trippant in pale between two estoiles of eight points in fesse all counterchanged ; and for his Crest, on a wreath of the colours, a lion statant guardant proper, charged on the body with an estoile of eight points, and resting the de.xter fore-paw on the attires of a stag or; with the Motto — "Duty." Married, 1861, Elizabeth ICmmeline, second daughter of the late Major J. O. Burridge of Barton Fields, Canterbury, formerly of niih Ivancers ; and has had Issue — Arthur Rennet Meshani, Ivs(|uire, Captain ist Dragoons, born 1864, died 1891 (having married in 1887, and of which marriage there is issue, one (laughter, Ixirn in 1888); and a tlaugliter, Margaret limme- line, Ixjrn and died 1877. Kstiiles — I'ontryffydd and liwloe Mall, in the county of Flint; I'las Bennet, in the county of Denbigh ; and Urciisby and Frankby, in the county of Cheshire. Postal address — Ponlryffyd'd, 'I'refnant, R.S.O. , .Vorth Wales. MF rCALFl-:, (luartered by AMES. JOHN HFNRY MFTCALFF, Gentleman. Horn Aug. 2j, 1830, lx;ing the only son of Captain John Metcalfe, H.F. I.C..S. ((/. 1833), and his second wife Keturah, dau. of George Yarnold of Worcester, widow of the Rev. John Jeffreys, only surviving grandson and representative of the Rev. Francis Metcalfe, M.A. Cambridge (Trinity College), Rector of Kirkbride, Cumljerland, and Patron of the living. Armorial bearings — .Argent, three calves passant salile, a canton gules. Of the family of Metcalfe of North-.'Mlerton, CO. York (a cadet branch of Metcalfe of Nappa Hall in Wensleydale), seated at the Porch House, North-AUerton, from the time of Queen Elizabeth (1584), and at Busby Hall in Cleveland, co. York, since 1764. (Sec Marwood). Postal address — Easing\vold, Yorkshire. SYDNEY MEYMOTT, Gentleman. Bom July 6, i860, being the second but only surviving son of Charles Mey- niott, Gentleman, M.R.C.S. and L.A.C, of London and Sydney, Nevv South Wales, by his wife Sarah Elizabeth, daughter of John Keenc. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Or, three demi-lions ramjjant couped in bend azure, each charged with a mullet argent. Upon the escut- cheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling azure and or ; and for his Crest, three mullets in fesse gules, in front of a de.xter arm embowed in armour proper, the hantl, all proper, gnisping a chaplet of laurel or. Motto — " lie just and fear not." Postal address — Bank House, Broadway, Ealing, London, W. EMILY CHARLOTTE MEYNELL INGRAM, Widow, conmionly known as the Honourable Emily Charlotte Meynell - Ingram, eldest daughter of the Right Honourable .Sir Charles Wood, Viscount Halifa.\, and Baronet, by iiis wife Mary, commonly known as Lady Mary, daughter of the Right Honouralile Sir Charles Grey, second Earl Grey, Knight of the Most Noble Order of the Garter. Armorial bearings, upon a lozenge, are : Quarterly i and Q^egnell Jngtam 4, ermine on a fesse gules, three escallops or (for Ingram) ; 2 and 3 vairre ;u-gent and sabU^ (fetween three sinister gauntlets argent. Upon the escutcheon, from which is pendent his badge as a Companion of the Most Honcnirablc Order of the Bath, is placed a helmet betitting his degree with a mantling azure and or; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a hart lodged per pale ermine and ermines, attired and unguled or, charged with two hurts. Married, 1871, Susan Augusta Charter, daughter of the late Roljcrt Hanbury of Bolehall, in the county of .Stafford ; and h:is Issue living— Lilian Mary Hart; NIargarita Harriet Hart ; Violet Eveline Hart ; Rosalind Louisa Hart ; l'",g- lantine Olive Hart; and Daphne Ellen Dianora Hart. Postal address — Speaker's Court, Palace of Westminster, S.W. Likutkn.ant-Gknf.rai- GEORGE BRYAN MILMAN, (.'ompanion of the Most Honourable Order of tiie Bath. Horn 1822, being the third but eldest surviving son of Lieutenant- General Francis Miles Milman, by his wife Maria Marg.i- retta, daughter of Sir Charles Gould-Morgan, first Baronet ; created Companion of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, 1875. Club- Army and Navy. Armorial bearings - He bears' for Arms : .Azure, a serpent nowed or, lxnw(?en three sinister gauntlets open argent. Upon the escutcheon, from which is pendent his badge as a C'ompanion of tin- Most Honourable Order of the Bath, is placeQ|IVy«<>4>N Worcester, third son of Henrv Mihvard, V^ 1 1 Ul a t U /ate of Redditch , in the coun ty of \ Vorcester, by his wife Catherine, eldest daughter of John Gosling of Richmond. Clubs — Consen'ative, Constitu- tional, County ( Worcester), Hunt ( Worcester], Conservative (Birmingham), Union (Birmingham). Livery — Claret, with red collar, cuffs, and pipings. Armorial beaiing^S as used, but for which no authority has been established in the College of Arms, are: Ermine, on a fesse gules, three annulets argent. Crest— .4 lion s gamb erased, holding a sceptre. Motto — "Nee timide nee temere." Married, January 23, 1863, Harriet, eldest daughter of Edward Bickerton White- head of Brishnall, in the county of Worcester; and has Issue— (i) Edward Bickerton Milward ; (2) Geoffrey Lionel Milward; (■^) John Henry Milward ; (i,) Harding E.lienne Milward ; (5) Robert Spencer Milward ; Theodora [mar- ried Charles Fairfax Crorivdge\ ; Beatrice Harriet \_married ttie Reverend James E. H. Blake] ; Isabel; Rose; and Grace. Estate — Linthurst, in the county of Worcester. Postal address — Linthurst House, near Bromsgrove. S GEORGE JOHN MINCHIN. Esq.. J.P. andD.L., High Sheriff for that co. 1870, and J.P. for co. Tip- peraryand Limerick, B.A. 1867, M..'\. (Dublin) 187^. Born .April 28, 1845, being the eldest son of John Minchin, Esq., of Busherstown, J. P., an officer 48th Regt. , by his wife Anne. dau. of Roljert Hall of Innismore Hall, co. Ferma- nagh. C/«*—Kilciare Street, Dublin. Armorial bearlng^S — Ermine, a chevron cotised gules, between tlircf t1eur.s- de-lis azure. Mantling gules and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a naked arm emljowed, couped at the shoulder proper, in the hand a baton or. Motto — " Regarde ;\ la mort." .Married, June 15, 1876, lulith Margaret, eldest dau. and coheiress of Benjamin Bunbury Erend of Boskell, co. Limerick [and grandniece of Field-Marshal the Rt. Hon. Hugh Gough, first Viscount Gough]. Seat — Busherstown, Dunkerrin, Roscrea. WILLIAM MINET, Gentleman, Barrister-at-Law. Born September 13, 1851, Ix-ing the only son of the late James Lewis Minet of Sussex .Square, Hyde Park, by his wife Eli7.abeth, second daughter of William IgguUlen. Clubs — Union, United University, Armorial bearings— He l)ears for Arms: Argent, in base a boat on the ocean, therein passengers and rowers proper, three ermine s|)ots in fesse, and on a chief or, an oak-tree on a mount vert. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling vert and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a wing elevated argent, charged with three barrulets gules; with the Motto, "(Quantum est in rebus inane." .Married, firstly, Se|jt. 26, 1882, Alice, daugh- ter of .Sir John Evans, Knight Commander of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath (she died March 13, 1887) ; secondly, July 10, 1889, Mary, daughter of Joseph Rayner, Esquire, Justice of the Peace, of Brighouse, in the county of York ; and has Issue by his first wife — Susan. Postal address — P'ountain Court, London, E.C. Rkverend FRANCIS ALLEN MINNITT of Trinity College, Cambridge, Clerk in Holy Orders, M.A. of the said University, eldest son and heir of Rev. Robert .\linnitt, Clerk in Holy Orders, late Vicar of Christ Church, Healey, in CO. Lancaster, M..^. of University of Dublin. Armo- rial bearings— Qiinrterly i and 4, gules three helmets proper, garnished or ; 2 and 3 argent, issuant from the dexter and sinister respectively, two dexter cubit arms, each grasping a dagger erect all proper, in chief a lion rampant sable, and in base three trefoils slipped gules. Mantling gules and argent. Crests — i. on a wreath of the colours, a helmet as in the arms; 2. out of a ducal coronet or, a demi-lion rampant sable. Motto (aV)ove the second crest) — " Gearr. Angus dogh Aboo." Motto — " Virtute et armis. " Postal address — Trinity College, Cambridge. The Editor undertakes tbat every entry not in italics is that of a genuinely armigerous person. 586 apit mit MIRFIKLI), quartered by TEMPEST. ARTHUR CHARLES MITCHELL, Esquire, J.I*, for the COS. of Wilts and Gloucs., late Capt. 4tli Batt. Glouees- tershire Regt. Born |uly 12, 1847, being the youngest son of Francis Henry Mitchell, bv his wife I'Vances Elizabeth, daughter of Janies lohnsione. 67///' - Union (London, S.W). Lively - Claret coat, canary colour waistcoat, black trousers. Armorial bearingB He bears for Arms : Sable, on a chevron raguly jjlain cotised or between four escallops, two in chief and as many in base argent, a wool-pack proper ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, m front of a garb or, charged with an escallop sable, two tliistles leaved and slipped in saltire proper. Married, firstly, 1872, Laura Harriet, fifth daughter of Sir Michael Hicks Hicks-Beach, eightii Baronet, of Willianistnp Park, in the county of Gloucester (she died 1874; secondly, 1888, Constance Lucy, fourth daughter of John Henry Elvves of Colesborne, in the county of Gloucester ; and has Issue — (1) Francis Arthur Mitchell, Gentleman, born 1888; (2) David Johnstone Mitchell, Gentleman, born 1890; (3) John Henry Mitchell, Gentleman, born 1893; and Ethel Laura Postal address— High Grove, Titbury, Gloucestershire. CHARLIES MITCHELL, Gentleman. Armorial bear- ings are : Sable, on a bend wavy or, between two mascles of the last, as many mascles of the field ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, and issuing out of flames of fire, a phcjenix rising proper, senile of mascles sable, and holding in the beak an acorn slipped and leaved also proper; with the MottO, " Spernit humum." Postal address— J esmond Towers, Newcastle-upon-'Tyne. EDWARD CHARLES MITCHELL, Gentleman. Born 1842, l>eing the third but second surviving son of Joseph Theophilus Mitchell, East India Merchant in London, bv his wife Isabella, daughter of the late Captain lames Young of Lee, in the County of Kent, one of the Elder Brethren of the 'Trinity House. Armorial bearings- He bears for Arms : Sable, a fesse invected between an an- nulet and two mascles in chief, and a mascle between two annulets in base or, within a bordure chequy of the last and first, and for distinction charged upon the fesse with a crescent of the field ; and impaling the arms of Craufurd of Baidland and Ardmillan, namely gu!es, on a fesse ermine, between three mullets argent, two crescents interlaced of the field ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a mascle sable, interlaced with three e.irs of barley slipped or; with the Motto, "Sapiens qui assiduus." Married, January 21, 1884, Edith Caroline Sophia, widow of John H. Irvine, and second daughter of Thomas Craufurd, thircj son of Archibald Clifford Blackwell Cr'aufurd of Baidland, & is the Military Cockade. now of Ardmillan. J'ostal address — C/o Messrs. Henry S. King, 65 Cornhill, London, EC. S FRANK JOHNSTONE MITCHELL, Esquire, Justice of the Peace and Deputy-Lieutenant for the county of Monmouth, High Sheriff 1868. Born September 14, 1824, being the eldest son of Francis Henry Mitchell of 12 Upper Wimpole Street, by his wife FVanccs I'^Uzabeth, second daughter of James Johnstone. Liveiy—il\'axc\. coat, primrose waistcoat, black plush, white stockings. Armo- rial bearings— He bears for Arms : Sable, on a chevron raguly plain cottised or, between four escallops, two in chief and as many in base argent, a wool-pack proper, and impaling the arms of Rolls, namely argent, on a fesse dancette^ with plain cottises sable, between three billets of the last, each chargexl with a lion rampant or, as many bezants. Crest — U]5on a wreath of the colours, in front of a garb or, charged w iih an escallop sable, two thistles leaved and slipped in saltire proper; with the Motto, "A Deo F'asces." Married, January 19, i860, Elizabeth Har- court, eldest daughter of John Etherington Welch Rolls, Esquire, Justice of the'Peace and Deputy- Lieutenant, of The Hendre, in the county of Monmouth ; and has Issue — Gwiadys Elizabeth [married, January 3 1,1894, Major William Frederick Cleeve, Royal Artillery] ; and Hilda Alary [mar- ried, August 25, 1891, to the Reverend Charles William Tyler]. Estate and postal addresi — Llanfrechfa Grange, Caerleon, Newport, MonmoOth. ISABELLA BOYD MITCHELL, Spinster, only sur- viving daughter of the late Joseph Theophilus Mitchell, East India Merchant in London, by his wife Isabella, daughter of the late Captain James Young of Lee, in the county of Kent, one of the Folder Brethren of the 'Trinity House. Armorial bearings are, upon a lozenge : Sable, a fesse invect<'d between an annulet ahd two mascles in chief, and a mascle between two annulets in base or, within a bor- dure chequy of the last and first. Postal address — Wolfei ton Rectory, King's Lynn, Norfolk. The late Sir JAMES WILLIAM MITCHELL of Westshore, Ba>"t. [to whom refer] ; was served heir June 5, 1895, by the Sheriff of Chancery, Scotland, of Sir John Mitchell of Westshore, third Baronet, who d.s.p. December 5, 1783 ; as descended from John, or John Charles Mitchell, seventh 8 is the Naval Cockade. 0^itcf)ell ^it q^it 587 but. third surviving son of Sir John Mitchell of West- shore ; created a Uaronel of Great Britain June ig, 1724. The said John or John Charles Mitchell was baptized at Tingwall, in Zetland, February 26, 1709, and was living in the parish of St. James's, Westminster, in 1746; living in the parish of St. Ann, Soho, where his son Edward Charles Mitchell was born, in 1749 ; at Great Tew, 1750 to 1770 ; afterwards at South Weston and Tetsworth, all in the county of Oxford, in which latter place he died Novemljer 25, 1790 ; leaving issue, several sons and daughters, as recorded in 1878, in the Mitchell Pedigree in the Heralds' College, London. Francis Mitchell, si.xth but second sur- viving son of Sir John Mitchell of Westshore, first Baronet, was also of the parish of St. James's, Westminster, and died unmarried, will dated 1742, proved 1753, Probate Court, Chancery. Sir John Mitchell, third Baronet, eldest son of Sir Andrew, second Baronet, died in the parish of St. James's, Westminster, December 5, 1783, and was there buiied, aged forty-nine; he was sometime a Lieutenant in the .Scots Greys, and married his cousin Elizabetli, daughter of Jolm Bruce Stewart of Symbister, in Zetland, by whom he had no issue. Arms recorded in the Lyon kegister, c. 1672, by John Mitchell "descended of the familie of Bandreth " (Bandeath) of Berrie and We-stshore, in Zetland, in right of his wife Jean, heiress of Andrew Umphray of lieirie : Sable, a fesse between three mascles or, a bordure checjuy of the second and first. Crest — Three ears of barley conjoined in the stalk proper. Motto — "Sapiens qui assiduus." This John Mitchell was father of Sir John, first Baronet, of Westshore, who married Margaret Murray of the family of Pennyland, in the county of Caithness, and son and heir of Mr. John Mitchell, Master of Arts, ap- pointed Archdeacon of Zetland by King Charles I., Novem- ber 21, 1629, and Margaret l''orrester his wife, of the family of (Jueenshaugh, in the county of Stirling; which Mr. John Mitchell was the son of James Mitchell of Bandeath, also in the county of Stirling, who was dead in the year 1629 (see Reg. Sec. Sig. , volume 102, folio 118, 1630-1631), and Grizel Colville his wife, of the family of Cleish, in the county of Kinross. Sir JAMES WILLIAM MITCHELL of Westshore, Baronet, Rothesay Herald and Lyon Clerk; was served heir June 5, 1895, by the Sheriff of Chancery, Scotland, of Sir John Mitchell of Westshore, third Barohet, who ii.s./>. 1783. Born 1836, being the eldest son of Joseph Theophilus Mitchell, East India Merchant in London, by his wife Isabella, daughter of the late Captain James Young of Lee, in the county of Kent, one of the Elder Brethren of. the Trinity House; sometime a Lieutenant in the 42nd High- landers (Black Watch), and in the 17th Regiment of Foot; was created Rothesay Herald, March 12, 1879 ; was Lyon Clerk-Depute and Deputy- Keeper of the Records,. 1886- 1890; was appointed Lyon Clerk and Keeper of the Re- cords by Royal Warrant, dated March 4, 1890. Armorial bearings (as recorded in Lyon Office, Edinburgh) (see above) — Sable, a fesse between three mascles or, a bor- dure chequy of the second and first, on a canton the badge of Ulster as a Baronet.' Mantling gules doubled argent ; and U])on a wreath of the liveries, for Crest, three ears of barley conjoined in the stalk jiroper. Armorial bear- ings (as recorded in the Heralds' College, London) (see below)— Sable, a, fesse invected between an annulet and two mascles in chief, and a mascle between two annulets in base or, within a bordure chequy of the last and first, (and around the escutcheon is placed his collar of SS, and pendent by a blue riband edged with white is his badge as a Herald of Scotland. Upon another escut- cheon, charged with his arms as the foregoing, he bears) u]3on an escutcheon of pretence in right of his wife, the arms of Sykes, namely argent, on a chevron nebuly gules, between three fountains, as many eagles rising proper ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a mascle sable, inter- laced with three ears of barley slipped or ; with the Motto, "Sapiens qui assiduus." Married, April 8, 1874, Annie Tilburn, elder daughter and co-heiress of Thomas Sykes, Tutor, in Ackworth, in the county of York ; and has Issue— (i) h:dward Charles Halliburton Mitchell, Esquire, born June 2, 1876, died April 12, 1888 ; (2) Hugh Sykes Mitchell, Esquire, torn Novemter i, 1880; (3) John Halliburton Mitchell, Gentleman, born July 19, 1890; Isabel Beatrix, died March 24, 1895 ; and Edith Mary. AV.f/V/tv/re— Audley, in the parish of Sidmouth, in the county of Devon. Postal addresses— Lyon Office, Edinburgh ; Fernielaw, Colinton, N. B. ( T/iis title was not assumed. ) Thk Rkvekend JOHN FRANCIS MITCHELL. Clerk in Holy Orders, sometime Rector of Wolferton, in the jcO. of Norfolk. Chaplain in Ordinary to Her Majesty the Queen, Honorary Chaplain to His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales, and Honorary Chaplain to the Right Honourable the Earl of Kinnoul ; Bachelor of Arts of the University of Cambridge. Born June 3, 1845, being the fourth but third surviving son of the late Joseph FheophUus Mitchell, East India Merchant in London, by his wife The Editor undertakes that every entry not in italics is that of a genuinely axmigerous person. 588 a^it a^oi Isabella, daushu-r of the late Captain James Young of Lee in the county of Kent, one of the Klder lirethren of Trinity House. Arinorlal bearings— He hears for Anns : Sable, a fesse invected between an annulet and two mascles in chief, and a mascle between two annulets in Iwsc or, within a border chcquv of the last and first, a mullet for difference ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a mascle sable, interlaced with three ears of barley slipped or; with the Motto, "Sapiens qui assiduus." Postal address — RICHARD BLUNT MITCHELL, Esquire, Justice oj the Peace for New South Wales and Victoria, Australia, and for the county of Peebles, Scotland. Born September 13, 1840, being the sixth and youngest, and now the sole surviving son of the late Colonel Sir Thomas Livingston Mitchell, Knight, Doctor of Civil Laiv, bv his wi/e Mary Thomson, daughter of General Richard Blunt, Colonel of the 66th Foot. C\\xhs— Conservative (Edinburgh), Northern [Edinburgh), Australasian (Edinburgh). \A\iiry—Dark blue, silver buttons. Armorial bearings as used, but which have not been matriculated to the above-mentioned Richard Blunt Mitchell, are the arms of Afitchell of Mitchell, namely : Sable, a fesse between three mascles or, in chief a dagger erected point upwards proper, loithitt a bordure argent, charged with eight cinquefoils gules. Crest — A hand hold- ing a writing-pen proper, MottO — " Favento Deo supero." Postal address — 45 Albany Street, Edinburgh. Rkv. WILLIAM MITCHELL-CARRUTHERS, M.A. (Cantab.), Rector of Holbrook, Ipswich. Born Sept. 12, 1853, being the elder son of the late Major-General W. St. Leger Mitchell, by his wife Margaret, dau. of Patrick Agnew of Larne, Co. Antrim, Ireland, and assumed in 1873 the surname of his paternal grandmother nt'e Car- ruthers of Holmains, Dumfriess-shire. Armorial bear- ings — Quarterly i and 4, gules two chevronels engrailed between three fleurs-de-lis or (for Carruthers) ; 2 and 3 sable, a fes.se counter-embattled argent, between three mascles or (for Mitchell). Mantling gules doubled argent. Crests^i. on the dexter side, on a wreath of the liveries, a cherub's head proper; Motto, " Promptus et fidelis " (for Carruthers) ; 2. on the sinister side, on a wreath of the liveries, St. Michael in armour holding a spear in his dexter hand, the face, neck, arms, and legs bare, all proper, the wings argent, and hair auburn; Motto, " Vir- tute cresco" (for Mitchell). Married, Oct. 3, 1878, Antonia, youngest dau. of the late Rev. A. A. Holden of Nuttall Teniple, Notts ; and has Issue — (i) Alexander Douglas Mitchell-Carruthers, Gentleman, 1^. Oct. 4, 1882; (2) Malcolm William Mitchell-Carruthers, Gentleman, b. Sept. 21, 1884 ; (3) Nigel Laurie Mitchell-Carruthers, ^ is tbe Military Cockade. (ientleman, b. Nov. 12, 1888; (4) John Krskine Mitchell- Carruthers, Gentleman, b. Jan. 15, 1891 ; Margaret Antonia ; Emma Mary ; andWinifrid. Postal address — The Rectory, Holbrook, Ipswich. ALEXANDER HAROLD MITCHELL-INNES, Esq., Lieut. Northumberland Artill. Mil. 1889-1894, J. P. for Berwickshire. Born 1870, being the eldest son of the late Capt. W. Mitchell- 1 nnes, 13th Hussars. Armorial bear- ings — Quarterly 1 and 4, argent three mullets of six points within a bordure gules, charged with eight bezants (for I nnes) ; 2 and 3 sable, on a fesse between three mascles or, three mullets gules. Mantling gules doubled argent ; and for his Crests, on the dexter side, on a wreath of the live- ries, an increscent proper (for Innes) ; and on the sinister side, on a wreath of the liveries, a hand holding a garland of laurel all proper (for Mitchell). Mottoes — "Je recois pour donner," " Deo favente." Seat — Whitehall, Chirn- side, N.B. MITTON, quartered by WOODD. MOBERLEY, quartered by GROSVENOR and TAUN- TON. ROBERT MAXWELL MOLFAT, M.D. and CM. University of St. Andrews, ex-Member of Oldham School Board. ISorn Aug. 13, 1843, being the third but eldest surviving son of Alexander Logan Moffat of Sundayicell, Dumfriesshire, M.D. and J. P. and C.S. for the county, by his wife Susan Maxivell, dau. of James Johnstone, Surgeon , Saughtree. Livery — Black with xvhite facings. Armorial bearings as used, but which have not been matriculated in Lyon Register, are — Sable, a saltire and chief argent. Married, firstly, Feb. 14, 1870, Christina, 7i>ido-w of William Heniy Graham, and dau. of Alexander Johnstone of Dickson House, Moffat. He married secondly, Sept. 21, 1887, Mary Ellen, dau. of Nathan Meanock, Gravelhole, near Royton ; and has Issue by first marrias;e — (i) Robert Alexander Marmaduke Moffat, b. April 7, 1872; (2) Albert Edward William Moffat, b. April 12, 1876; Edith Margaret; Adelaid Christina, tiuin with her sister; and Winifred. By second marriage — (3) Alex- ander L^ogan Nathan Moffat, b. Nov. 24, 1889 ; (4) John Moffat, b. Jan. 6, 1893 ; and Maiy. Residence— St. Mark's House, Jersey. S GEORGE MOIR-BYRES, Esquire, of Tonley, Aber- deen.shire, J. P. and D. L. for co. of Aberdeen, and J. P. for Westmorland. Born April 23, 1839, being the eldest son of Patrick Moir-Byres of Tonley, by Maria, @ is the Naval Cockade. Q^ol 0^01 589 daughter of John White of Q)ucbec. Club — Royal Northern (Aberdeen). Armorial bearings— Azure, a chevron argent, between three martlets volant or. Mantling^ gules ami argent. Crest — On a wreath of his liveries, a cock regardant proper. Motto (over crest) — " Marte duo Tutus." Married, August 1866, Sophia Matilda, eldest dau. of late Andrew Hume Bulteel of Liverpool; and has Issue — (i) Patrick Moir-Byres, (Scots' fireys), b. October 10, 1869; (2) George Bulteel Moir- Byres, Gentleman, b. Septemljer 28, 1870 ; (3) Edward Byres Moir-Byres, Gentleman, b. June 30, 1873; (4) Douglas Moir-Byres, Gentleman, h. January 31, 1875; (5) James Sandilands Moir-Byres, Gentleman, b. July 28, 1881. Seats — Tonley,Whitehouse, Alx:rdeenshire ; and The Craig, Windermere. His Honour HICKMAN MOLESWORTH, Judge of till' Court of Insolvency, Victoria, Australia. Born Feb- ruary 23, 1842, being the eldest son of .Sir Robert Moles- worth, Knight, late of Edlington, Melbourne, Victoria, by his wife Henrietta, daughter of the Reverend Joseph England Johnson. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Gules, an escutcheon vair, between eight cross crosslets in orle or. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet Ijcfitting his degree, with a mantling gules and argent ; and for his Crest, upon .a wreath of the colours, a dexter arm in armour, embowed jiroper, holding a cross crosslet or; with the MottO, " Vincit amor patriaj." Married, firstly, 1868, I'^liza Emily, daughter of William Rutledge, 1 Esquire, of Farnham Park, Warnambool, Victoria, Justice i of the Peace, Meml>er of the legislative Assembly ; and secondly, 1882, Alice Henrietta, daughter of Doctor Ffloyd Minter Peck of .Sale, Gippsland, Victoria. By his first marriage he has Issue — (i) Rotx;rt Arthur Molesworth, (lentloman, liorn July 6, 1871 ; (2) William Farnham Molesworth, Gentleman, born March 7, 1874; Enid Jose- phine ; and Emily Maud. By his second marriage he has — Elaine Eynettc, and another. ROBERT ARTHUR MOLESWORTH, Esquire. Born A|)ril 15, 1843, being the second son of the late Sir Robert Molesworth, Knight, late of Edlington, Mellx)urne, Vic- toria, by his wife Henrietta, daughter of the Reverend Josc|)h ICngland Johnson. Armorisil bearings — He be.vrs r/«'. Born 1843, being the son of the late Kedo Molloy of Comolare, A'injf's County, and Drummond Lodge, U'estmeath, by Maria Theresa, daughter of the late James Tracy Lynam. Club — National Liberal. Armorial bearings as given in Debretfs " House of Commons," but lohieh are not recorded in Ulster's Office, are for Anaa: Argent, a lion rampant sable, between three trefQils slipped gules. Crest — A greyhound courant under a itre. MottO — " Gearaigh agus dogh buiadh." MOLYNEUX, quartered by BARNEWALL and AB- NEY-HASTINGS. MOLYNEUX, Viscount, see SEFTON. ALICE MAUD MARY MOLYNEUX, Spinster, daughter of the late Reverend Bryan Cilftrtf'tlMOttf V^'ill'i^'ii Molyneux, Clerk in Holv VpiMfJUK'UX, Orders, of Moor Hall, Ludlow, in tin- county of Salop, by his wife Louisa Martina, daughter of William Dodgson of Ulverston, in the county of Lancaster. Armorial bearing^ are, upon a lozenge : Azure, a cross moline or, on a canton argent an ass's head erased sable. BESSIE HOCKENHULL MOLYNEUX, Spinster, daughter of the late Reverend Bryan William Molyneux, Clerk in Holy Orders, of Moor Hall, Ludlow, \n the county of Salop, Bachelor of Arts of the University of Oxford, by his wife Louisa Martina, daughter of William Dodgson of Ulverston, in the county of Lancaster. Ar- morial bearings are, upon a lozenge ; Azure, a cross moline or, on a canton argent an ass's head erased sable. TiiK Rkvkrend BRYAN WILLIAM HOCKEN- HULL MOLYNEUX, Clerk in Holy Orders, Master of Arts, Doctor of Civil Law, F.S.A., of Ludlow, in the county of Salop, formerly Cur.ate in Charge of Onibury, in the s.ime county. Born April 9, 1852, being the only son of the late Reverend Bryan William Molyneux, Clerk in Holy Orders, of Moor Hall, Ludlow, in the county of Salop, by his wife Louisa Martina, daughter of William Dotflr bole, in the county of Kinross, a Baronet V^\y\\\,\.\'V\\ of Njoyj^ Scotia, and a Baronet of the United Kingdom, a Member of Her Majesty's Most Honourable Privy Council, Doctor of Laws, Deputy - Lieutenant for the counties of Edinburgh and Kinross. Born November 29, 1811, being the second son of the late Sir James Wellwood-Moncreiff, ninth Baronet, of Tulliebole, in the county of Kinross, by his wife, the daughter of Captain George Robinson, Royal Navy; suc- ceeded his brother to the ancient Baronetcy of his family, November 3, 1883. Creations — Baronets, April 22, 1626, and May 23, 1871 ; Baron, January 9, 1874. Armorial bear- ings — He bears for Arms : Quarterly i and 4, argent a lion ^ is the Military Cockade. rampant gules, armed and langucd azure, a chief ermine ; 2 and 3 argent, an oak-tree growing out of a well in base both proper. Above the escutcheon, which is charged with his badge of Ulster as a Baronet of the United Kingdom, and from which is pendent by an orange-tawny ribbon his badge as a Baronet of Nova Scotia, is placed the coronet of his rank, and thereupon a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules, doubled ermine ; and upon a wreath of the liveries is .set for Crest, a demi-lion rampant gules, armed and langued azure. Supporters — On either side a man in armour, holding in the exterior liand a spear resting on Iiis shoulder all proper, the breastplate charged with a crescent gules. Motto — " Sur esperance. " Married, September 12, 1834, Isal)ella, only daughter of Robert Bell, Sheriff of the counties of Berwick and Haddington ; and by her (who died December 19, 1881) h.ad Issue — (i) Henry James Aloncreiff, l'',squire, commonly known as Lord Well- wood, Bachelor of Laws, Judge of Court of Session, Scotland, born April 24, 1840 [married, firstly, April 3, 1866, Susan Wilhelmina (who died October 29, 1869), third daughter of Sir W. H. Dick-Cunningham, Baronet ; and secondly, March 26, 1873, Millicent Julia, eldest daughter of Colonel Fryer of Moulton Paddocks, Newmarket ; she died January 6, 1881] ; (2) the Reverend Robert Chichester Moncreiff, commonly known as the Reverend the Honourable Robert Chichester Moncreiff, Vicar of Tanworth, in the county of Worcester, born August 24, 1843 [mamed, January 4, 1871, Florence Kate, third daughter of Colonel Richard Henry FitzHerbert of Somersal Herbert, and has, James Arthur FitzHerbert Moncreiff, Esquire, born 1872; Daisy Isabel; Lilian Maiy Susan; and Gladys Nora May]; (3) James William Moncreiff, Esquire, commonly known as the Honourable James William Moncreiff, born September 16, 1845 [married, March 19, 1872, Mary Lillias, eldest B Is tbe Naval Cockade. opon Q^on 591 ter of George Mitchell (nnes of Hangour, and has issue, James Frederick MoncreiR", Esquire, Lorn 1873 ; George Moncreiff, Gentleman, bom 1874 ; Henry WcUwood Moncreiff, (Gentleman, horn 1875 ; Edwin Roberts Moncreiff, Gentleman, born 1878; and William Francis Moncreiff, Gentleman, born 1882] ; {4) Fredeiick Charles Moncreiff, Es- quire, commonly known as the Honourable Frederick Charles Moncreiff, Barrister, born October 15, 1847 [married, Mary Ann, daughter of Charles Seymour Brook]; (5) Francis Jeffrey Moncreiff, Esquire, conmionly known as the Hon- ourable Francis Jeffrey Moncreiff, born August 27, 1849 [married, firstly, August 2, T871, Frances Ramsay, eldest daughter of James Hamilton I.awson, and by her (who died January 8, 1875) has, James Hamilton Moncreiff, l'2squire, born 1872 ; and Frederick Charles Moncreiff, (jiMitleman, born 1873, died 1877 ; he married secondly, Oc-tober 29, 1880, Mildred, fourth daughter of Lieutenant- Colonel R. H. FitzHerbert of Somersal Herbert, in the county of Derby, and has, Richard Henry FitzHerbert Moncreiff, Gentleman, born March 10, 1882 ; Francis Bercs- ford Moncreiff, Gentleman, born June 18, 1883 ; Adrian Wellwood Moncreiff, Gentleman, born 1885 ; Norman Halliday Moncreiff, Gentleman, Ixjrn Septemlx-r ig, 1886]; Elcanora Jane Ross, commonly known as the Honourable I'lleanora Jane Ross [manied, Decemlier 3, 1873, Patrick Blair] ; Marianne I'lliza, conmionly known as the Honour- able Marianne Eliza [married, April 6, 1877, the Rii;lit Honourable John Blair Balfour, a Member of Her Majesty's Most Honourable Privy Council, one of Her Majesty's Counsel Learned in the Law, Doctor of Laws, Member'of Parliament for the counties of Clackmannan and Kinross, and has issue]. Seats — 15 CJreat Stuart Street, Edinburgh ; 'lulliebole Castle, in the county of Kinross. §SiR ROBERT DRUMMOND MONCREIFFE. eighth Baronet, of Moncreiffe, in the coimty of Perth, Deputy- Lieutenant, Lieutenant - Colonel 4tli Volunteer Battalion Black Watch. Horn Novemlxrr 3, 1856, b<;ing the son of the seventh Baronet, by his wife Louisa, con»- /r^^ monly known as Lady Louisa, daughter of the Right Hon- ourat)lc 'Ihomas Robert Hay, the tenth Earl of Kinnoull ; succeeded his father in 187Q, under the creation of Novcml)er 30, 1685. Armorial beaxings— He lx;ars for Arms : .Argent, a lion rampant between two nnillets gules, a chief ermine. Upon the escutcheon, from which is pendent by an orange- tawny ribbon his badge as a Baronet of Nova Scotia, is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules, doubled argent ; and upon a wreath of his liveries is set for Crest, a demi-lion rampant gules ; and upon an escroU over the same this Motto, " .Sur esperance." Married, .April 6, 1880, Evelyn Eliza Vjeth, eldest daughter of Colonel Charles Rowley Hay, commonly known as the Honourable Charles Rowlev Hay, and niece of the Earl of Kinnoull. Heir pre- sumptive — His nephew, John Robert Guy Moncreiffe, (jentleman, born 1884. Residence — Moncreiffe House, Bridge of Earn, in the county of I'erth. 60oncriefF Colonel Sir ALEXANDER MONCRIEFF of Cul- fargie. Knight Commander of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath (Civil Divi- sion), Justice of the Peace for the coimty ol Perth, Fellow of the Royal Society. Horn April 17, 1829, being the eldest son of Matthew Moncrieff of Culfargie, Captain Madras Cavalry, by his wife Isalx-lla, daughter of Archibald Campbell ; was created Companion of the Most Honourable Order of tlie Bath, 1880, and advanced to the rank of Knight Commander of that Order, 1891. t7//^_r— .\th<'nreum, (jnitod Service. Liverv — Red and wliiie. Armorial bearings— He tears for Arms : .Argent, a lion rampant gules, .armed and langiied azure, a chief ermine, all within a bordure engrailed of the third, charged with si.\ stars or. U])on the escutcheon, which is encircled by the ribbon of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, and .pendent therefrom his badge as a Knight Commander of that Order, is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules, doubled argent ; and upon a wreath of his liveries is set for Crest, a lion's head erased gules; and in an escroU over the same this Motto, "Es- perance." Married, 1875, Harriet Mary, only daughter o James Wilson Rimington Wilson of Broomhead Hall, in the county of York ; and has Issue— {\) Malcolm Matthew Moncrieff, Esquire, Lieut. 6th Dragoon Guards, l)orn January 8, 1876 ; (2) Gerard Alexander Moncrieff, Esquire, born August 23, 1878 ; (3) Alaric Rimington Moncrieff, Esquire, "born March 21, 1880; (4) Roger Murray Mon- crieff, Esquire, born November 28, 1885 ; (5) Duncan Campbell Moncrieff, Esquire, born September 25, 1890 ; Maud Isobel ; and May Gladys. Estates — Barnhill and Tlie Editor undertakes that every entry not in italics is that of a genuinely armigerous person. 592 00on Q^on Bandirran, in tlie county of Perth, and I'itarlhic, in the county of Fife. Postal address — Bandirran House, Perth. CLARA MARIA MONEY-COUTTS. Widow, fourth dau. and co-heir of the late Sir Francis Burdelt, fifth Baronet ; assumed by Royal Licence the additional sur- name and arnis of Coutts, 1880. Armorial bearings are, on a lozenge — Quarterly i and 4, argent a slag's head eraseil gules, Ix-twcen the attires a pheon azure, all within a bordure embattled of the last, charged with four buckles or (for Coutts) ; 2 and 3 or, on a pile azure, ten bezants, four, three, t«o, and one (for Money); and on an escut- cheon of pretence the arms of Burdelt, namely azure, two bars or, each charged with three martlets gules. Married, 1850, as his second wife, the Rev. James Drummond Money (who (/. 1875); '^"'1 '>*s /.?,?//<>— Francis Burdett Thomas Money-Coutts, Esq., J. P. Scat — Stodham Park, Liss, Hants. FRANCIS BURDETT THOMAS MONEY-COUTTS, Es(|uire, M.A., LL.M. (Cantab.), J. P. co. Surrey, Barristur- at-Law. Horn 1852, being the only son of tlie late Rev. James Drummond Money of Stodiiani Park, Hants, by his second wife Clara Maria, fourth dau. of the late Sir Francis Burdett, fifth Baronet, and (with his mother) assumed the additional smiiame and arms of Coutts, 1880. C/K/i ~ Whites. Armorial toearingB — Quarterly T and 4, argent a stag's head erased gules, between the attires a pheon azure, all within a bordure embattled of the last, charged with four buckles or (for Coutts) ; 2 and 3 or, on a pile azure, ten bezants, four, three, two, and one (for Money). Mantling gules and argent. Crests — i. on a wreath of the coloiu's, a Saracen from the middle shooting an arrow from a bow, all proper (for Coutts) ; 2. on a wreath of the colours, a bezant between two wings azure, each semde-de-lis or (for Money). Motto — "Esse quam videri." Married, 1875, Edith Ellen, dau. of Charles Churchill, Esq., J. P. .Surrey (High Sheriff 1876), of Wey- bridge Park ; and has Issue — Hugh Burdett Money-Coutts, Gentleman, b. 1876; Clara Burdett; Eleanora Burdett; Joan Burdett ; and Margaret Burdett. Postal address — 26 Walsingham House, Piccadilly, London, W. §AUDLEY WALTER WASHBOURNE MONEY- KYRLE, Esquire, J. P. and D.L. C7lfPlflt11>tl-f}tri1*Il> '^°'" ^^^ '^'^- '^^ Hereford, and J. P. WI7UUt.|/-IA^VH^ CO. Herts, formerly Major 2nd Batt. Yorks. Regt. , Lt.-Col. late 32nd. Regt. Horn September 12, 1846, being the eldest surviving son of the late John Ernie Money- Kyrle, Esq., J. P. and Deputy- Lieutenant, by his wife Harriet Louisa, eldest daughter of William H. Sutton, late of Hertingfordbury, in the county of Hertford. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Quarterly i and 4, vert a chevron between three fieurs-de-lis or (for Kyrle) ; 2 and 3 chcquy argent and gules, on a chief sable, three eagles displayed or (for Money). Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling vert and or ; and for his Crests, I. upon a wreath of the colours, on a mount vert a hedgehog or (for Kyrle) ; 2. upon a wreath of the colours, an eagle's head sable, erased argent, collared gemelle, holding in the beak a fleur-de-lis or (for Money). Motto — "Nil moror ictus." Married, September 22, 1887, Florence Cecilia, eldest daughter of Horace Smith-Bosanquet, Esquire, of Broxbornebury, Broxborne, in the county of Hertford ; and has had Issue— (\) Ernie John Audley Money- Kyrle, Gentle- man, born April 30, 1893, died 1897; (2) Roger Ernie Money-Kyrle, Gentleman, born January 31, 1898 ; Margaret Vincentia ; and Joan Alice. Seats — Homme House, Dymock, Glo\icester ; and Whetham, Calne, Wilts. Pesi- deiice — Broxbourne, Herts. MONK, see LINGARD-MONK. S DAVID MONRO, Esquire, Captain (H.P.) Madras Staff Corps, Her Majesty's Inspector of Constabulary for Scotland, D.L. and J. P. for the counties of Poss and Cromarty. Born 1839, being the fourth but eldest sur- viving son of the late David Monro, Esq., of Allan, co. Poss, J. P., D.L., by his 7vife Elizabeth, only child of William Bennet. Club— A'^i' (Edinburgh). Livery — Claret colour. Armorial bearings as used, but which are not matriculated to him, are — Or, an eagle's head erased gules. Crest — An eagle perching proper. MottO ^ is the Military Cockade. — "Dread God." Seat — Allan House, Fearn, Poss-shire, N.B. §HECTOP MONPO, Esquire, Justice of the Peace and Deputy-Lieutenant for the county of Dorset, Q(fk(\X\Y(\ f">"^'^'/'i''/' h^ seti'ed the office of High Sheriff vl^UlllU if, the year x^jo, formerly Captain in ^yth Pegiment. Born October 4, 1827, being the eldest son of Hector William Ihnuer Monro, Esquire, of Edmondshatn, in the county of Dorset, and of Ewell Castle in the county of Surrey, by his wife Henrietta Lewina, daughter of Le^vis Dymoke Grosvenor Tregonwell of Ander- son and Cranborne Lodge, in the county of Dorset, oj Ashington, in the county of Somerset, and of Bournemouth. Clubs — Army and Navy, Bournemouth {Bournemouth). Armorial bearings as used are for Arms : Or, an eagles head erased gules, holding in its beak a laurel sprig proper. Crest — A?i eagle displayed proper. Motto — " Non In- feriora." These are the arms of Monro of Bearcrofts recorded in Lyon Office 1672, but which have not been matriculated to the above-mentioned Captain Monro. Married, July 4. 1854, Adah Sebastienne, youngest daughter of the late Sebastian Smith, 18 Hyde Pari Terrace, London; and has Issue — (i) Hector Edmond Monro, Esquire, Justice of the Peace for the county of Dorset, born August 30, 1855 {manied, 1883, Geraldine, daughter of the late P. Lort, of Nead Hall, in the county of Lancaster, Member of Parlia- tnentfor Clitheroe, and has a son. Hector Richard Monro, born May 1885, and two daughters\ ; (2) Tregonwell Monro, boi n August 25, 1867 ; and Adah Mary. Estates — Edmond- sham, in the county of Dorset; Tregomvell, Bournemouth, Postal address — Edmondsham, Cranborne, Salisbury. The Right Honour abt.e Sir EDMUND JOHN MONSON, G.C.B. (1896), G.C.M.G. (1892), a Member of Her Majesty's Most Honourable Privy Council, Master of Arts of the University of Oxford. Born 1834, being the fourth son of the Right Honourable William John Monson, sixth Lord Monson, by his wife Eliza, youngest daughter of Edmund Larken ; created C.B. 1877: K.C.M.G. 1886; appointed a Member of Her Majesty's Most Honourable Privy Council, 1893. Clubs — Brooks's, Reform, St. James's. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Or, two chev- ronels gules. Upon the escutcheon, which is surrounded by the ribbons and by the collar of the Bath, pendent there- from the badges of a G.C.B. and a (i.C. M.G., is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a lion ram- pant proper, sujiporting a column or ; with the Motto, " Prest pour mon pais." Married, 1881, Eleanor Catherine Mary, daughter of the late Major Munro, Her Majesty's Consul-General at Monte Video ; and has Issue — ( i ) Maxwell William Edmund John Monson, Esquire, born 1882; (2) Edmund St. John Debonnaire John Monson, Esquire, born 1883 ; (3) George Louis Esm6 John Monson, Esquire, born 1888. Residence — The Embassy, Paris. MONTACUTE, quartered by DU MOULIN - BROWNE and MOSTYN. MONTAGU, see MANCHESTER and SANDWICH. MONTAGU, Baron, see MANCHESTER. Ge.ner.\l HORACE WILLIAM MONTAGU, Com- panion of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath. Born 1823, being the second son of the late Reverend George Montagu, by his wife Emily, daughter of the Venerable William Yonge, Archdeacon of Norwich ; created Com- panion of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, 1869. Club—XJnhed Service. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Quarterly i and 4, argent three lozenges conjoined in fesse gules, within a bordure sable (for Montagu) ; 2 and 3 or, an eagle displayed vert, beaked and membered gules (for Monthermer). Upon the escutcheon, from which is pendent his badge as a Companion of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a griffin's head couped at the neck or, between two wings sable, gorged with a plain collar argent, charged with three lozenges gules. Married, 1859, Catherine Frances, daughter of the late General Poole Vallency England; and has Issue living— (i) lidward Montagu, Esquire, Captain ist Battalion Suffolk Regiment, M is the Naval Cockade. Qion Qion 593 born 1861 ; (2) William Montagu, Gentleman, born 1867; (3) Drogo Montagu, Gentleman, born 1870; Mary; Alice [married, 1892, the Reverend Archibald Downes Downes- Shaw of 20 The Avenue, Kew Gardens, and has issue living, a daughter] ; Madeline ; and Lena. Postal address — Lexden Road, Colchester. ^ontagu=%)tuart= FRA.NCIS JOHN' MONTAGU -STUART- WORT- LEY, Esquire, Comman- der (ret.) Royal Navy, J. P. and D.L. for the West Riding of the county of York. Born June 9, 1856, being the elf lest son of the Honourable Francis Dudley Montagu-Stuart- Wort- ley, by his wife Maria Elizalxjth, eldest daughter of William Bennet-Martin of Worsborough Hall, Barnsley, Club — Naval and Mihtary. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Quarterly i and 4, argent on a bend between six martlets gules, three bezants, a canton charged with the arms of Stuart, being those of the second ciuarter (for Wortley) ; 2. or, a fesse chcc|uy azure and argent, within a double tressure flory and counterflory gules (for Stuart) ; 3. argent, three fusils conjoined in fesse sable, within a bordure gules (for Montagu). Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules and argent ; and for his Crests, 1. upon a wreath of the colours, an eagle's leg erased or, issuant therefrom three ostrich feathers proper, charged with a fesse chequy azure and argent (for Wortley) ; i. ujion a wreath of the colours, a demi-lion gules, and in an escroU above this Motto, " Nobilis ira " (for Stuart); 3. U]3on a wreath of the colours, a griffin's head couped or, with wings elevated sable (for Montagu). MottO— " Avito virct honore." Married, August 17, 1886, F£llen, second daughter of General Sir Thomas Lionel Gallwey, Knight Commander of the Most distinguished Order of Saint Michael and Saint (jeorge ; and has had hsue~{\) George P'rancis Dudley Monlagu-Stuart- Wortley, Esquire, born May 25, 1889, died 1894; (2) Archilald Ralph Montagu- Stuart- Wortley, Gentleman, born April 17, 1892; Mary Violet ; Ellen Rachel ; and Joan Margaret. Residence — Hanks Hall, Barnsley. Q3ontagu=^tuart'- (Haortlcp=a3acfeenjie Major EDWARD JAMES MONTAGU -STUART- WORTLEY - MAC- KICNZIE, Companion of the Most Distin- guished Order of Saint .Michael and .Saint (leorgo, Major King's Royal Rifle Corps, and Brigadier-Major at Malta. Horn 1857, being the second son of the late Honourable Francis Dudley Montagu-Stuart- Wortley, by his wife Maria Eliza- beth, daughter of William Bennet Martin of Worsborough Hall, Bjirnsley ; created Companion of the Most Distin- guished Order of Saint Michael and Saint George, 1886. Clubs — Naval and Military, White's. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms: Quarterly, i. azure, a stag's head caboshed, within two branches of laurel or (for Mackenzie) ; 2. argent, on a bend, lietween six martlets gules, three bezants, a canton of the arms of Stuart, namely or, a fesse chequy aziu'e and argent, within a double tressure flory counterflory gules (for Wortley) ; 3. or, a fesse chequy azure and argent, within a double tressure flory counter- flory gules (for Stuart); 4. argent, three fusils conjoined in fesse gules, within a bordure sable (for Montagu). Upon the escutcheon, from which is pendent his badge as a Com- panion of the Most Distinguished Order of Saint Michael and Saint George, is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling azure and or ; and for his Crests, i. upon a wreath of the colours, an eagle, wings displayed and inverted, rising from a rock all proper; 2. upon a wreath of the colours, an eagle's leg erased or, issuant therefrom three ostrich feathers proper, charged on the thigh with a fesse chequy azure and argent ; 3. upon a wreath of the colours, a lion rampant gules, and in an escroll over the same this Motto, " Nobilis Ira; " 4. upon a wreath of the colours, a griffin's head couped or, wings endorsed and beak sable. Married, 1891, Violet, daughter of the late James Alexander Guthrie of Craigie, Dundee ; and has Issue — Nicholas Rothesay Montagu-Stewart-Wortley-Mac- kenzie, Esquire, born 1892 ; and Louise Violet Beatrice. Postal addresses — Malta ; Highcliffe Castle, Hants. MONTEITH, the Scottish Earldom oj , is claimed by Mrs. BARCLAY ALLARDICE. MONTGOMERIE, Baron, see EGLINTON. Au.MiK.M. JOHN EGLINTON MONTGOMERIE, Companion of the Most Honour- Ptflnnf fTnttlPftO ^^^ order of the Bath, Justice of ^\>\\\,\^\^\\\X,\,IX, the Peace for the county of A>t. Born December 23, 1825, being the second son of the late William Eglinton Montgomerie, lisquire, by his wife Susan Eraser, daughter of John Ander- son of London ; created Companion of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, 1875. Clubs— \J\\\\.^A Service, Army and Navy. EiTery—Bluc and yellow. Armorial bearings —He bears for Arms: Quarterly i and 4, c|uarterlv i. and iiii. azure, three fleurs-de-lis or ; ii. and iii. gules, three annulets or, genmied azure, all within a bordure or, charged with the Royal tressure of .Scotland azure ; 2 and 3 quarterly, i. and iiii. azure, three fleurs-de-lis or ; ii. and iii. gules, three annulets or, stoned azure, placed paleways, in the centre a two-handed sword proper, hiked and pommelled or. Crest — A female figure representing Hope, proper, attired azure, holding in her dexter hand an anchor or, and in her smister by the hair a human head proper. HottO — " Gardez bien." Postal address — Annick Lodge, Dreghorn, Ayrshire. SAMUEL HYNMAN MONTGOMERIE, Esquire, J. P. for Lincolnshire, late Major 3rd Batt. Lincolnshire Regt. Bom 1856, being the second son of the late Henry Hynman Allenby. Esquire, J.I'., of Kenwick Hall, Lincoln- shire, by his wife Eliza, daughter of Tital Bourne of Alford, FJncolnshire, and assumed the surname of Montgomerie and the arms quarterly by Royal License. Clubs — Boodles', Royal Yacht Squadron (Cowes). I.ivrry — Dark l)lue, with blue and yellow facings. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : (Quarterly i and 4, quarterly i. and iiii. azure, three fleurs-de-lis or, ii. and iii. gules, three annulets or, stoned azure, all within a bordure or, charged with a double tressure flory and counterflory gules, a canton ermine for difterence (for Montgomerie) ; 2 and 3 argent, on a chevron engrailed azure, between three horses' heads erased gules, as many crescents argent, a bordure of the second (for .\llenby), and upon an escutcheon of pretence the arms of Montgomerie, Earls of Eglinton and Winton, namely, quarterly i and 4, quarterly i. and iiii. azure, three fleurs- de-lis or, ii. and iii. gules, three annulets or, stoned azure, all within a bordure or, charged with a double tressure flory and counterflory gules; 2 and 3, quarterly i. and iiii. azure, The Editor undertakes that eveiy entry not in italics is that of a genuinely armigerous person. 2 P 594 Q^on 0^00 three fleurs-de-lis or, ii. and iii. gules, three annulets or, stoned azure, over all a sword in pale point upwards proper. Upon the escutcheon is jjiaccd a holmot belilling liis degree, with a mantling azure and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a female figure (representing Hope) proper, vested azure, holding in the dexter hand an anchor or, and in her sinister by the hair a human head also proper, charged upon the breast with a cross crosslet for diflerence. Motto—" Garde bien." Married, 1885, Lady Sophia Con- stance Montgomerie, eldest daughter and heiress of the Rt. Hon. the i4ih Karl of ICglinton and Winton ; and has Issue —Sophia ICgidia (iwendolen, Eleanor Theresa, and Adelaide Constance. ^Estates — Garnsgate Hall Estates, Long Sutton, Lincolnshire and Cambridgeshire ; Aucham Castle, Ayr- shire ; Montgomerie Estates, Ayrshire and Lanarkshire. Postal addresses— Co^ihoTwc, Fawley, Southampton ; and Aucham Castle, Kilmarnock. N.B. JAMES BROWN MONTGOMERIE -FLEMING, Gentleman, of Kelvinside, Glasgow, Solicitor in Glasgow. Born 1840, being the youngest son of John Park Fleming, Writer, of Kelvinside, and only child by his marriage with p:iisabeth Tennent, youngest dau. of John Tennent of Wellpark, in the co. of Lanark. On June 17, 1898, the Lyon King of Arms matriculated his arms of new (as under) upon his becoming sole owner of the estate of Kelvinside and assuming the surname of his cousins the Misses Eleanor and Elizabeth Montgomerie from whom he got a large part of the estate. Chibs—]ur\\or Carlton, Constitutional, Western (Glasgow), Conservative (Glasgow), Junior Con- servative (Glasgow), Imperial Union (Glasgow), Blythswood .Square (Glasgow), Scottish Conservative (Edinburgh). Ar- morial bearings — He bears for Arms : Gules, on a chevron between a decrescent and an increscent in chief and a boar's head erased in base or, three fleurs-de-lys azure. Above the shield is a helmet befitting his degree, with a Mantling gules doubled or ; and upon a wreath of his liveries is set for Crest, a goat's head erased argent, armed or ; and in an escroll over the same this Motto, " Let the deed shaw." Married, Aug. 7, 1872, Jane Robertson, dau. of William Prichard, M.D., Partick ; and has Issue ^James Brown Montgomerie-Fleming, Junior, Gentleman, b. March 8, 1884 ; Elisabeth Tennent ; Jane Prichard ; Margaret Mary ; and Eleanor Elizabeth Montgomerie. Estate — Kelvinside, in the parish of Govan and Barony & is the Military Cockade. parish of Glasgow. Postal address — Kelvinside House, Glasgow. Gknkral GEORGE SAMU1':L MONTGOMERY, Companion of the Most Exalted Order of the Star of India, J. P. CO. Donegal. Born 1820, lx;ing the son of the late Capt. Thomas Montgomery, R.N. ; was created C.S.I. 1869. C///<6— East India United Service. Armorial bear- ings — Quarterly of nine, i. gules, two spears in saltire, between three fleurs-de-lis in chief, and as many annulets in ba.se or, stoned azure (for Montgomery) ; 2. argent, a bull passant sable, armed and vmguled or, within a bordure of the second bezant(''e, on a sinister canton per pale gules and azure, a harp of the third, stringed of the first (for Cole) ; 3. quarterly i. and iiii. azure, three fleur-de-lis or, ii. and iii. gules, three annulets or, gemmed azure, all within a bordure gold, charged with a douljle tressure flory counterflory gules, on a surcoat of the last a sword and lance saltireways proper, in chief a mullet or (for Mont- gomery of Mount Alexander) ; 4. azure, three sceptres or, on a canton gules a dove and olive branch proper (for Tip- ping) ; 5. argent, a fesse, and in chief three lozenges sable ; 6. vair, a chief or, a mullet gules for difference (for Tich- borne) ; 7. or, three eagles displayed gules, within a bordure azure, bezantf?e ; 8. azure, three bars dancett(5e or (for Love- day) ; 9. sable, three escallops in pale argent (for Bysse). MantlJJig gules and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a dexter arm in armour embowed, the hand grasping a broken spear all proper. Motto — " Honneur sans repos." Married, 1854, Letitia, dan. of the Rev. Charles Gayer. Postal address — Fort Royal, Rathmullan, CO. Donegal. §HUGH DE FELLENBERG MONTGOMERY, Esquire, Deputy-Lieutenant of the county of Tyrone, Justice of the Peace for the counties of Tyrone and Fer- managh, Lord of the Manor of Blessingboui~ne, in the counties of Tyrone and Fermanagh. Born 1844, being the only son of Hugh Ralph Severin Montgomery of Blessingbourne, by his wife Maria Phillipina, youngest daughter of Philip Emanuel de Fellenberg of Hofwyl, Berne, Switzerland, sometime Landamman of the Republic of Berne. Clubs — Travellers' , Alpine, University (Dublin), Tyrone County (Omagli), Fermanagh County (Enniskillen). Livery — Dark blue and canary, plated buttons with crest. Armorial bearings as used, but for 7vhich no authority has been established in Ulster s Office, are for Arms : Quarterly i and 4, azure three fleurs-de-lis or; 2 and 3 gules, three annulets or, gemmed azure. Crest — Out of a cap of main- tenance, an armed hand holding a srvord alTproper. Motto — " Honneur sans repos." Married, March 24, 1870, Mary Sophia Juliana, youngest daughter of the Reverend and commonly known as ike Honourable John Charles Maude, Clerk in Holy Orders, Master of Arts, Rector of Ennis- killen ; and has Issue — (1) Hugh Maude de Fellenberg Mont- gomery, Lieutenant Royal Artillery, born December 5, 1870 [married, 1894, Mary, second dau. of the late Edmund Langton and Mrs. Massingberd of Gunby, and has issue, Hugh Edmund Langton Montgomeiy, born 1895 ; and Mary]; (2) Archibald Armar Montgomery, Lieutenant Royal Artillery, born December 6, 1871 [married, 1896, Diana, third dau. of the late Edmund Langton and Mrs. Massingberd of Gunby] ; (3) Geoffrey Cornwallis Mont- gomery, bor?i June 17, 1874 ; (4) Francis Trevilian Mont- gomeiy, born July 14, 1875, died March 4, 1887 ; (5) Charles Hubert Montgomery, born August 24, 1876 ; (6) Maurice William de Fellenberg Montgomeiy , born September 22, 1878, died November 12, 1878; (7) Walter Ashley Mont- gomery, born May 4, 1882 ; (8) Ralph Noel Vernon Mont- gomery, born April 26, 1884 ; and Mary Milliccnt, born 1873, died 1874. Estates — Blessingbourne and Drumcrotv, in the counties of Tyrone and Fermanagh. Postal address — Blessingbourne, Fivemileto^vn. MONTHERMER, quartered by DU MOULIN - BROWNE, MONTAGU, and MONTAGU-DOUGLAS- SCOTT. MOORE, quartered by ADLAM and DU MOULIN- BROWNE. MOORE, see DROGHEDAand TUNNARD-MOORE. MOORE, Baron, see DROGHEDA. TO is the Naval Cockade. 9^00 ^00 595 MOORE, Viscount, see DROGHEDA. S ARTHUR JOHN MOORE, Esquire. Justice of the Peace and Deputy- Lieutenant. Born Sep- dftrirtf(> temVjcr 15, 1849. Armorial 'bearings — He V^^UUl-v hears for Arms : Azure, on a chief engrailed or, a rose gules, barbed and seeded proper, lietween two mullets pierced of the third, and impaling the arms of Clifford, namely, chequy or and aziire, a fesse gules. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling azure and or ; and for his Crest, out of a mural crown proper, a Moor's head also proper, wreathed about the temples argent and azure, and charged in the neck with a rose gules, barbed vert. MottO — " Fortis cadere cedere non potest." Married, 1887, Mary Lucy Clifford, daughter of Sir Charles Clifford, Baronet, of Hatherton Hall, in the county of Stafford ; and has l!.sue—{\) Arthur Joseph Clifford Moore, Gentleman, born July 1878; (2) Charles Joseph Henry O'Hara Moore, Gentleman, born November 1880; and Edith Mary. Seat% — Mooresfort, and Aherlow Castle, lianshee, in the county of Tipperary. Residence — 19 Grafton Street, W. The Honourabi.k CHARLES MOORE of Moore Court, Springwood, Rlue Mountains, in the Colony of New South Wales, Memlx-r of the Legislative Council. Born August 29, 1820, Ix'ing the son of James Moore of Bally- macarne, in the county of Cavan, Ireland, by his wife Catharine, n6e Rogers, of Belturljet. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Azure, a cross crosslet or, on a canton argent, a kangaroo sejant proper. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling azure and or; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, out of a mural crown gules, a Moor's head in profile, couped at the shoulders proper, wreathed round the temples or and azure, and charged on the neck with a cross crosslet gold ; with the Motto, " Perscverando ct cavendo." Married, August 2, 1883, Annie Hill, eldest daughter of A. C. Mont- gomery of Ryde, Isle of Wight, Barrisler-at-Law. Postal address — Moore Court, Springwootl, Blue Mountains, New South Wales. S CHARLES THOMAS JOHN MOORE, Esquire, Companion 0/ the Most Honourable Order 0/ the Bath, Colonel Commanding ^th Lincoln Regiment, Chairman of Holland Quarter Sessions and of County Council, Eelltno of the Society of Antii/uaries, Justice of the I'eace and Deputv- Lieutenantfrom 1850. Born May 17, 1827, being the only son of the Reverend Charles Moore, Rector of Wyberton and Justice of the Peace, by his tvife Elizabeth Anna, daughter and eventual heiress of Thomas Tunnard, Esquire, Deputy- Lieutenant and Justice of the Peace, of Erampton Hall ; and was created a Companion of the Most Honourable Order of the Lialh, 1887. Livery — Claret, 7oith red facings, vest and breeches. Arinorial bearings as used, but for which no authority has been established in the College of Arms, are: Quarterly, i. argent, a chei>ron engrailed sable, between three moorcocks proper ; 2. argent, on a chevron between three uni- corns' heads erased sable, as many bezants; 3. or, three //.■/.> rampant gules; 4. azure, a chevron between three i/r/.,- griffins or ; 5. sable, on a fesse cotised or, between three en i,-^ courant argent, as many escallops of the field ; 6. vert, three escutcheons argent, each charged with a bordure engrailed or. Crest — A Moor's head affrontt'e proper, wreathed >vund the temples, a jeivel pendent in the ear argent. MottO — " Disce mori mundo." Married, July 18, 1849, Frances Alary Vassall, daughter of Hen ly Richard Roe, Eniuh,, Justice of the Peace and Deputy • Lieutenant, of Ci. Hall, in the county of De-t'on ; and has Issue — (1) '!!}• ' ■ Coney Tunnard Moore, Esquire, Bachelor of Arts, Bar- rister-at-Law and Justice of the Peace, bom December 29, 1854 ; (2) Charles Edward Ttinnard Moore, Esquire, Bache- lor of Arts and Justice of the Peace, born April 16, 1856 ; Anna Elisabeth; Constance Fanny; and Margaret de Cresacre. Estates in Erampton and other parishes in the county of Lincoln. Postal address — Erampton Hall, near Boston, S GEORGE JOHN .MOORE, Esquire, Justice of the Peace and Deputy-Lieutenant for the county of Leicester, Master of Arts of the University of Oxford. Born December 19, 1842, being the eldest son of George Moore , by hiswife Isabel Clara, daughter of the Rei'erend Charles Holden of Aston, in the county of Derby. Clubs — Carlton, Wellington, Pratt' s. \J\\iix>j— Claret colour, with gilt buttons. Armorial bear- ings as used are for Arms : Ermine, three greyhounds courant in pale sable, collared gules, on a canton of the third, a lion of England passant guardant or ; and for his Crest, 7/pon a wreath of the colours, a moorcock sable, gutti'c- dor, the beak, comb, wattles, and legs gules, the wings ex- panded, holding in the beak a branch of heath proper ; with the Motto, " Aw/ civium ardor." These arms are recorded in the College, but the pedigree of the family has not been established for some time. Married, October 6, 1874, Ijyuisa, daughter of the late Samuel Trehawke Kekeioich of Pea- more, Exeter, in the county of De-don ; and has Issue — (i) Charles f-ouis George Moore, born March 3, 1876 ; (2) Gerald Henry Moore, bom May 16, 1877 ; (3) I^ancelot Geoffrey Moore, born February 5, 1886 ; and Elsie Louise. Estate— Appleby, in the county of f-eicester. Postal address — Appleby, Atherstone. SJOHN CARRICK MOORE, Esquire, Justice of the Peace and Deputy-Lieutenant, Barrister-at-Law, Fel- low of the Roy:d Society. Born February 12, 1805, being the eldest son of the late James Carrick Moore, Esquire, of Corswall, by his wife Harriet, only daughter of John Hen- derson. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Argent, on a fesse engrailed azure, three mullets of the field, in chief a sphin.x proper, all within a bordure engrailed gules. Upon theescutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling azure and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, the head of a Saracen in profile proper, couped at the neck, the turban argent, the cap vert. Motto — " Duris non frangor." Married, .Xpril 12, 1835, Caroline, daughter of John Bradley of Colborne Hill, in the county of Stafford, by whom (who died December 27, 1876) he had /.u//^— John Graham Moore, Gentleman, Lieutenant Royal Horse Guards, born Septemlwr 25, 1845 [married, Februarys, 1872, Florence Mary, eldest daughter of William S. Wills Sandford of Compton Castle, in the county of Somerset, and died 1890]; and Mary. Seats — Corswall, Stranraer, in the county of Wigton, N.B. ; Brook Farm, Cobham, in the county of Sunev : and Monkton, in the county of Wilts. WILLIAM MOORE. Esqwne, J.j-., Ml)., High Sheriff CO. Antrim 1890, was President of the King and (Jueen's Coll. of Physicians, Ireland, 1883-1884, late "King's" Professor of Medicine. Trin. Coll., Dublin, appointed Phy- .'-ician-in-Ordinary to the Queen in Ireland, 1885. Born Nov. 13, 1826, l«ing the eldest son of the late Alexander Moore of Rosnnshane, M.D. , by his wife Mary, dau. of Rev. B. Mitchell, Armorial bearings— Azure, on a chief engrailed or, an annulet between two nmllels gules. Mant- ling azure and or. Crest — Out of a ducal coronet proi)er, charged with an annulet gules, a Moor's head in profile, also proper, the temples encircled with a wreath argent and azure. MottO— " Forlis cadere cedere non potest." Married, Sept. 3, 1863, .Sydney Blanche, dau. of Captain Abraham Fuller of Woodfield, Kint;'s Co. ; and has with other Issue — William Moore, Gentleman, B.A., T.C.D. , called to the Irish Bar, Nov. 1887 [w., Sept. 15, 1888, Helen Gertrude, fourth dau. of Joseph Wilson of Cloninore, CO. Dublin, and has issue, William Samson Moore, Gentle- man, b. April 17, 1891 ; Joseph Roger Moore, Gentleman, b. March 25, 1895 ; and Nina Mary Adelaide]. Seat — Moore Lodge, Ballymoney, co. Antrim. Residence — 67 Fitzwilliam Square, N. Dublin. S JOSEPH HALL MOORE. Esq., J. P. for Derbyshire. Lieut. -Col. Commanding (and Hon. Col.) 3rd Batt. (.VIil.) Derbyshire Regt. Born , being the third son of the late\\'illiam Cameron Moore, Esq., J. P., ofBamford, Derby- shire, by his wife Eliza Louisa, eldest dau. of Joseph Hall, Solicitor, of Castleton. co. Derby. Armorial bearings — Azure, a swan argent, wings elevated or, a bordure nebuly of the last, on a chief of the second a lion passant of the first, between two flowers of the cotton-tree slijjped proper. Mantling azure and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a swan argent, wings elevated, barry of six or and azure, holding in the Ijeak a flower of the cotton-tree as in the arms. Motto — " Mores hoc mutati." Residence— CzsX\^\.ovi, Derbyshire, via Sheffield. S STEPHEN MOORE, Esquire, Justice of the Peace and Deputy-Lieutenant for the county of Tipperary. The Editor undertakes that every entry not in italics is that of a gentiinely armigerous person. 59^ e§oo a^or Born Aiii^itst 23, 1836, being the eldest son of Stephen Charles Moore, F.squire, Justice of the Peace and Deputy-Lieutenant , by his wife Anna, daughter and heir of Colonel Kingsmill Pennefather of Nero Park, in the county of Tipperary ; served in the 63^1/ /Regiment {Captain) 1854-1867, through Crimean War, Member of Parliament for the county of Tipperary, 1875. Clubs — Carlton, Kildare Street (Dublin). Livery — Dark blue coat and silver buttons, blue and white striped vest, drab greatcoat, with silver buttons. Armorial bearing's as used, but for which no authority has been esta- blished in Ulster's Office, are for Arms: Quarterly i and 4, sable a yinan close argent, membered or, within a bordure engrailed of the second (for Moore) ; 2. quarterly i. and iiii. , argent a cross tnoline sable ; ii. and Hi. gules, a fesse chequy argent and azure {for Colville and findesay); ■^. gules, a chief or, over all a bend ermine (for Pennefather). On an escutcheon of pretence, quarterly of four, i and ^ gules, a chevron vair betiveen three eagles displayed or (for Wilmer); 2. per fesse indented argent and sable, on a pale, a cross pat^e fitchi'e between two goats' heads erased in chief and a goat's head erased in base, between ttvo crosses pat^e fitchie, all countercharged (for Gossip) ; 3. argeiit, on a bend gules, cotised sable, three wings in line of the first (for Wing field). Crest — A goshawk on a coney. Motto — " Vis unita fortior." Married, firstly, October i, 1867, Anna Maria, daughter and heiress of Wilmer Wilmer of Thotpe Arch Hall, in the county of York; secondly, July 11, 1888, Martha Maiy, daughter of John Morgan of Brampton Park, in the county of Huntingdon ; and has Issue — (i) Randall Kingsmill Moore, born February 12, 1873 ; (2) Stephen Thomas Moore, born February 7, 1881; Anna Eleanor Isabel; Geraldine Elena ; Mary Augusta ; and Stephanie Hilda Grace. Estate— TVj^ Barne, i?i the county of Tipperary. Postal address — fiarne, Clonmel. Sir THOMAS O'CONNOR MOORE, elez>enth Baronet, of Ross Carbery, in the county of Cork. Born 1843, being the son of Sir Richard Emanuel Moore, tenth Baronet, by his wife Mary Ann, daughter of A. Ryan O'Connor oj Kilgobbin House, in the county of Cork ; succeeded his father in 1882, under the creation of June 29, i68i.' Armorial bearings as given in the Peerages, but "which are not recorded in Ulster's Office, are for Arms : Asure, o?i a chief indented or, three tnullets gules. Upon the escutcheon, which is charged with his badge of Ulster as a Baronet, is placed a helmet befitting his degree, 7uifh a mantling asure and or ; and for his Crest, out of a ducal coronet a Moor's head in profile all proper. Motto — " Fortis cadere cedere non notcst." Heir unkninvn, but there are believed to be living male descendants of Charles, son of the ninth Baronet, who died in the United States. LiKUT.-CoL. JOHN ARTHUR HENRY MOORE- BRABAZON, Hon. Lieut.-Col. in the Army, late Major Bengal Staff Corps. Born 1828, Vxiing the eldest son of the late Major John Arthur Moore, by Sophia, dau. of Col. Yates; s. his uncle, the Rev. W. J. Moore- Brabazon, 1866; and assumed the additional name and arms of Brabazon liy Royal License, dnted March 13, 1868. Club — United Ser- vice. Armorial bearings — gules, on a bend or, three martlets sable. Mantling gides and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, on a mount vert, a falcon rising, belled or. Motto—" Vota vita mea." Married, 1879, Emma Sophia, eldest dau. of Alfred Richards ; and has, with other Issue — William Lockhart Chanibre Moore- Brabazon, Gentleman, b. 1880. Seats — Tara Hall, co. Meath ; Tallyallen, co. Louth. Toion residence — 43 C)nslow Square, S.W. MORDAKE, quartered by MALET. JOHN MORESBY. Esquire, Admiral Royal Navy. Born March 1830, being the youngest son i^rit*C>ftfin of the late Admiral of the Fleet, Sir Fairfa.\ (il^UVt^PUj/ Moresby, Knight Grand Cross of the Mo.st Honourable Order of the Bath, Doctor of Civil Law, by his wife Eliza Louisa, daughter of John Williams, Esquire, of Bakewell, Derbyshire. C/«*— United Service. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Sable, a cross parted and fretty between in dexter chief an anchor erect and in the sinister base a cinquefoil or. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling sable and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, an heraldic antelope rampant gules, navally ■1 iupportuig ^^1 gorged, and with chain reflexed over the back or, support! a tilting-spear erect sable; with the Motto, " Je le feray durant ma vie." Married, April 7, 1859, Jane W. , daughter of Philip Scott, Esquire, Justice of the Peace, of Hill House, in the county of Cork ; and has Issue — Walter H. Moresby, Gentleman, Barrister-at-Law, born November 1861 ; and five daughters. Estates — The Glen, Co. Cork, Blackbeck ; Fareham, Hants. Postal address — Black Beck, Fareham, Hants. e^oreton^Q^acDonalD is the Military Cockade. JOIiN RONALD MORETON - MACDONALD, Es- quire, of Largie, in the county of Argyll. Born May 25, 1873, being the only son of the late Charles Moreton-Macdonald of Largie, by his wife l'21izah)eth Hume, daughter of .'\rchibald Campbell of Glendaruel. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : (Quarterly, i. or, a lion rampant gules ; 2. or, a dexter hand issuing from the sinister proper, holding a cross crosslet fitchee gules ; 3. argent, a lymphad, sails furled and oars in saliire sable ; 4. vert, a salmon naiant in fesse proper. Upon the escut- cheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules, doubled aigent ; and upon a wreath of his liveries is set for Crest, a dexter arm from the shoulder, holding a dagger in pale proper. Mottoes — Over the crest, " Semper jjugnare paratus ; " below the shield, " Pro patria." Seat — Largie Castle, Tayinloan. ROWLAND MORE WOOD. Born May i, 1824, being the son of George Morewood of CmK<\\'t>\w<\(\t\ Thornbridge, tiear Ashford, in the lll^Ull^UIUUU county of Derby, by his wife Helen Pierpoint, daughter of John Barron of .Snarcsbrook, in the county of Middlesex. Armorial bear- ings as used are for Arms : / 'ert, an oak-tree argent, acorncd or. Crest — A dexter and sinister arm, armed proper, supporting a chaplet of oak branches vert, acorned or. These arms were granted in 1678 to John Moreivood of Alfreton, in the county of Derby, High Sheriff' of that county, and to the other descendants of his grandfather, fohn Morewood, and descent is claimed from a John Morewood, uncle of the grantee, but no right to the arms has been established at the College of Arms by the aboi'e- mentioned Rcnvland Momvood, though this would not seem TO is the Naval Cockade. apor Qior 597 to be a difficult matter. Quarterings are claimed for Barron and Bagshaw, to which the same remarks apply. Postal nMress—PittsJield, /\'eu> Vori; United States of America. S ARTHUR JOHN MORGAN, Esquire, commonly known as the Honourable Arthur John flfflnffffltl Morgan, Dt'puty-Lieutenant for the county \^\f\.\l^SX\\ of Monniouth. Born 1840, being the son of the Right Honourable Sir Charles Morgan Robinson Morgan, first Raron Tredegar, by his wife Rosamund, only daughter of Godfrey Basil Mundy. CVrt^t— Arthur's, Carlton. Armorial bearings He Ixars for Arms: Quarterly 1 and 4 or, a i^ritlin h.cL;icant sal)li- (for Morgan) ; 2 and 3 or, on a chcvrun Ix'twcun ihri't- roses azure, as many thistles slipped of the field (for Gould). Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet Ix'fitling his degree, with a mantling sable and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wnath of the colours, a reindeer's head couped or. Postal addresses — 39 I'ortman Square, W. ; Tredegar I'ark, Newport, Monmouth. CHRISTOPHER HIRD MORGAN, Esq.. J. P. for Pembrokeshire. Born 1857, being the eldest son of the late Howard Spear Morgan, Esq. , J. P. , D. L. , of Tegfynydd, Car- marthenshire, by liis first wife y\nnie. dau. of' H. Lloyd. Armorial bearings— (iules, on a pile argent, between two stags' heads coujied of the last, a dexter arm in armour einbowed, holding in the hand a tilting-spear all proper. Mantling gules and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a stags head couped argent, collared gules, holding in the mouth a tilting-spear bondways projxrr. Motto — " I'ortitudine ct pnulentia." Married, 1883, Isa- bella Celina Elizabeth, dau. of Philip Thomas Hlyth. Seat — Tegfynydd, Llanfalteg (R.S.O. ), Carmarthenshire. CHARLES MOJiGAN-RICHARDSON. Born Sept. II, 1857, being the second son of the Rev. Canon Richardson of Norshop, Flintshire, by his 7vife Jane, dan. of David Evans of Treffgame Hall, Pembrokeshire, Armorial bearings as used, but for which no authority has been established, are for Arms — Or, a fesse sable between three chapletsvert. MottO — " Virtute acquistur honos." Married, March 18, 1895, Evelyn Beatrice, dau. of Sir Henry Brownrigg, Bart.; and has Issne— Charles Lethbridge Ernest Richardson, b. Feb. 28, 1888 ; Evelyn Gwenlli'an Ci-cely ; and May Rita Constance. Seat — Noyaddivilym, near Cardigan. Rkvkkend HANMER MORGAN - STRATFORD, Rector of Alhan, Cowbridge, co. Glamorgan, M.A. Ox- ford ; assumed by Royal Licence, dated Oct. 27, 1887, the additional name and arms of Stratford. Born May 19, 1821, being the second son of the late Rev. Hugh Hanmer Morgan of Swindon, co. Gloucester, B.D., Chancellor and Canon Residentiary of Hereford Cathedral, by his wife Helen Mary Beale. Armorial bearings— Barry of ten ar- gent and azure, a lion rampant gules. Mantling azure and argtnt. Crest- On a wreath of the colours, a dexter arm embowed vested argent, the hand grasping a falchion proper, pommel and hilt or. Married, Feb. 12, 1851, Mary, dau. of the Rev. William Rayer, M.,A., of Holcombe Court, CO. Devon, Rector of Tiverton ; and has had Issue — Hugh Hanmer Rayer Morgan-Stratford Gentleman, /'. Feb. 24, a^oriartg 1856, d. unm. June 9, 1888 ; Helen Jane ICssylt [;//., Oct. 17, 1877, Rev. William Richard Jenkins of Caercady House, CO. Glamorgan, M.A. Oxford, and has issue] ; Catherine Frances, d. Feb. 8, 1858 ; M.ary Anne Frances Winston ; and Frances Elizalieth. .S'tv//j— Swindon Manor, Glouces- ter; and Lubenham Hall, co. Northampton. HEXRY AUCUSrUS MORI ARTY, Esquire, Captain Royal Xavy (retired). Companion of the Most Honourable Order of the Hath (Civil Division). Born May 19, 1815, being the second and only surviving son of James Moriarty, retired Commander Royal Navy, by his wife Catherine, nte Webb; created Companion of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, 1866. Armorial bearings as claimed, but which are not recorded in Ulster s Office, are for Arms: Per Jesse, in chiej a gnfftn's head issuant, and in base a garb. Crest — A dexter arm in armour embowed, holding a dagger. MottO — ' ' Scandit sub- lima virtus." MarrxcA, firstly July yi, 1852, Lavinia Char- lotte died 1874, daughter of William Page I-'oster, an Officer in Portsmouth Dockyard; and secondly, 1875, Harriet Eliza beth, died 1892, dau. of Robert Avent of St. Budeaux, Devon ; and has Issue — (i) The Rei'crend James Moriarty, now Chaplain and Naval Instructor, born August 20, 1858 ; (2) Henty Augustus Moriarty, born December 28, i860, drowned September 11, 1877; Lavinia Ellen ; and Ellen Elizabeth. Postal address — 35 Manor Park, Lee, Kent, London, S.E. FRANCIS MORICE, Gentleman, of Springfield, co. Clare, Secretary to Grand Jury co. Clare. Born 1827, being the son of the late h'rancis Morice of Springfield, co. Clare, an officer in the Clare Regt. of Militia, by his wife .Maria, dau. of Capt. William Spaight of Corbally. Ar- morial bearings as used, but which are not recorded in Ulster's Office, are for AxxsiS — Azure, on a fesse or, between three boys' heads couped at the shoulder affrontie, each en- The Editor undertakes that every entiy not in italics is that of a genuinely armigerous person. 598 Q^Ot Q^or inroned round the neck with a snake proper, a cock gules, beaked and legged or, betiveen two pheons of the third. Crest — A cock gules, beaked, combed, and wattled or, en- vironed round tlie neck 7i>ith a snake proper. Motto — " Dum spiro spero." Mairied, Dec. 30, 1884, Annie, eldest dau. of Richard Daxvsun, Esq., of Bunratty, co. Clare ; and has Issue — Francis William Morice, b. April 8, 1887. Seat — Springfield, Si.v Mile Bridge, co. Clare. JOHN WILLIAM MORKILL, Esq., J. P. for West Riding co. York, M.A. (Oriel, Oxon.). Born May 3, 1861, being the only son of the late John Morkill of Killingbeck, near Leeds, by his wife Mary, only dau. of the late William Greenwood of Leeds. Livery — Blue, with silver buttons, blue and white waistcoat, drab overcoat. Armorial bear- ings — Vair, a pale nebuly sable between four martlets. two in chief and as many in base or, impaling the arms of Hobson, viz. per pale azure and sable, two hobbies close in chief proper, and a sun in splendour in base or. Mantling sable and or. Crest — Upon a wreath of the colours (or and sable), a martlet or between two lilies argent, stalked, leaved, and slipped proper. Motto — " Be true." Married, March i, 1889, Hannah Shaw, youngest dau. of Peter Hobson, sometime of Castle Lodge, Knaresborongh, Yorks, and niece of Sir James Falshaw, Bart., of 14 Bel- grave Crescent, Edinburgh; and has Issue — (i) Alan Greenwood Morkill, Gentleman, b. April 21, 1890; (2) Ronald Falshaw Morkill, Gentleman, b. Nov. 22, 1891 ; (3) Hugh Bernard Morkill, Gentleman, b. Oct. i, 1896; and Francis Helena. Seat — Austhorpe Lodge, near Leeds. Tme Right Honourable ARNOLD MORLEY, a Member of Her Majesty's Most Honourable Privy Council, Postmaster-General 1892-1895, Member of Parliament for the East Division of the county of Nottingham 1880-189,, Master of Arts of the University of Cambridge, Barrister- at-Law, son of the late Samuel Morley, Member of Parlia- ment, of Hall Place, Tonbridge, by his wife Rebekah Maria, daughter of the late Samuel Hope, Banker, of Liverpool. Clubs — Reform, Brooks's, National Liberal, Athenreum. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Argent, a leo- pard's face jessant-de-lis sable, between three griffins' heads erased gules. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet be- fitting his degree, with a mantling sable and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a demi-griffin argent, the wings elevated ermine, holding between the claws a leopard's face jessant-de-lis as in the arms ; with the Motto, " Tenax propositi." Postal address — 7 Stratton Street, Piccadilly. W. § GEORGE HERBERT MORRELL, Esquire, Master of Arts of the University of Oxford, Justice of the Peace and Deputy-Lieutenant for the county of Oxford, High & is the Military Cockade. Sheriff 1885, Justice of the Peace for the county of Berkshire, Lieut.-Col. commanding, and Hon. Col. ist Vol. Batt. (Oxford University) Oxfordshire Light Infantry, V.D. , M.A. , B.C. L. (Oxon), Barrister-at-Law. Born Feljruary 20, 1845, bLMng the eldest son of the lare Reverend George Kidd Morrell, D.C.L., Vicar of Moulsford, Berks, by his wife Anna Letitia, daughter of David Powell of Lough ton, Essex. Clubs — Carlton, Junior Carlton, New University. Livery — Dark blue with black velvet collar, and blue and yellow striped waistcoat. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Or, a bend invected gules, between in chief a sprig of three roses gules, leaved and slipped proper, and in base a cross crosslet of the last. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules and or; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a demi-lion rampant guardant per pale argent and sable, holding in the dexter paw a stalk of three roses gules, seeded or, barbed and stalked vert, resting the sinister paw on a cross crosslet gules. Motto — "Bono animo esto." Married, February 4, 1874, Emily Alicia, only daughter and heir of James Morrell, Esquire, of Headington Hill ; and has L'tsue — (i) James Herbert Morrell, Gentleman, born July 9, 1882; (2) George Mark Morrell, Gentleman, born October 4, 1884. i>aA— Headington Hill Hall, in the county of Oxford ; Streatley House, in the county of Berk- shire. FREDERICK LAUJ^CELOT HAMILTON MOR- RICE, Esquire, Ju<:tice of the Peace for the C!lftrtt*i*tPI> counties of Norfolk and Suffolk, Barrister X^y^y.WKK' (f„„er Temple). Born Fehruaty 5, 1855. being the eldest son of the late Frederick Francis James Morrice, by his ivife Georgiana Ellizabeth, daughter of the Reverend L. R. Bnnun of Fenstanton, in the county of Huntingdon, and Rector of Kilsall, in the county of Suffolk. Clubs — Arthurs, Junior Carlton. Livery — Claret colour, with yello^v facings. Armorial bearings M is the Naval Cockade. Qpor opot 599 used, and as quoted in Burke's " General Armoiy," but for -which no authority has been established at the College of Arms, are : Quarterly , i. gules, a lion rainpant regardant or {for Morrice) ; 2. per bend sinister ermine and ermines, a lion rampant or (for Tudor Trevor) ; 3. argent, three boars' heads couped sable (for Cadw^an) ; 4. gules, an escutcheon within an orle of martlets argent (for Chadwick). Crest — Upon a wreaUi of the colours, on a rest, a falcon proper, beaked and belled or. Estates — Northbourne , in the county of Kent, and property in the counties of Sussex, Clare, and Limerick, Postal address — Redenham Park, Andover, Hants. S GEORGE BYNG MORRIS, Fisquire, Deputy-Lieu- tenant and Justice of the Peace. Born March 25, i8i6, being the second son of the late Sir John Morris, second Baronet, by his wife Lucy Juliana, commonly known as the Honourable Lucy Juliana, daughter of the Right Honourable John Byiig, fifth Viscount Torrington. Ar- Drial beaxings — He bears for Arms : Sable, on a saltire his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, an heraldic ante- lope sejant argent, gutt^e-de-sang, resting the dexter foot engi-ailed ermine, a bezant, charged with a cross couped gules, and in chief for difference a crescent; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a lion rampant or, charged witli a cross couped gules, within a chain in the form of an arch, gold; with the Motto, " Scuto fidei." Married, October 23, 1852, Emily Matilda, daughter of Charles Henry Smith of Derwen Vaur, Swansea, and Tenby; and has Issue— (\) Robert Townsend Morris, Gentleman, born July 9, 1853 ; (2) Charles Smith Morris, Gentleman, born December 12, 1854 [;«., 1888, Maud Mary, dau. of the late Rev. (Jeorge -Alston, Rector of Studland, Dorset]; (3) George Lockwood Morris, Gentleman, born January 29, 1859 [w. , 1889, Wilhelmina, dau. of T. Cory] ; (4) Musgrave Morris, Gentleman, born November 18, 1864 [;;/., 1892, Edith Marion, dau. of K. Lockhart] ; (5) Thomas Byng Morris, Gentleman, born July 24, 1866; (6) Frank Hall Morris, Gentleman, born July 16, 1869 ; Edith Charlotte [/«. , 1887, Francis Montngu Lloyd, Esq.]; Lucy Emily \jn., 1887, Capt. H. S. Goodlake] ; Fanny Matilda [w., 1882, Harry Bathurst Christie]; and Rose Herbert. Postal address — Dany-graig, Porthcawl, R.S.O. , Glamor- ganshire. §THOM.\S HENRY MORRIS, Esq., J. P. for West Riding of co. of York, and Capt. and Hon. Major late 2nd W. York. (P.W.O. ) Yeo. Cav. Born 1848, being the eldest son of the late William Morris, Esq., J. P. and D.L. , of The Lodge, Halifax, by Barbara Elizabeth, younger d.iu. of the late Thomas Johnson, of Wakefield, co. York. Club-~\Jn\on. Live)y~B\we, with gilt buttons. Armorial bearings— Per saltire gules and sable, guttfe-d'eau, a lion passant argent between four scaling-ladders, two in pale and two in fesse or. Mantling gules and argent ; and for on a scaling-ladder or. Motto -" Res non verba quoeso." Residence— Thz Lodge, near Halifa.x. Sir GEORGE WILLIAM MORRISON, Knight Bachelor. liorn 1850, being the son of the Oi^twvi tit\n late Reiierend George T. Morrison; dubbed VVJ\MKXji\)\\ Knight Bachelor,'iS8s. Armorial bear- ings, as used upon his notepaper, and for which no authority has been established, are peculiar. They consist of an escutcheon, and thereupon, upon a wreath a man's head couped helo^o the shoulders and vested, wreathed about the temples. Above the escutcheon is another wreath, and thereupon a knighfs helmet ; with the Motto, " Pretio prudentia prcestat." Married, 1881, Anne Sophia, daughter of George Tatham, Justice of the Peace, of Springfield Mount, Leeds. Postal addresses — Stanleigh, Headingley, near Leeds ; St. Clair, Greencroft Gardens, Hampstead, N. \V. : I Paper Buildings, Temple, E.C. y\LFRED HERBERT MORSE, Esquire, sometime Capt. 96th Regt. Born April 30, 1841, being fltftni*tfP '^'^ third son of the late George Morse, Es- vl^UvAJv quire, of Catton Park, near Norwich, Justice of the Peace for the county of Norfolk, by his wife Rebecca Frances, daughter of William Herbert. Club — Army and Navy. Livery — White, with black facings and silver buttons. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Party per pale argent and sable, two chev- ronels between three mullets all counterchanged, impaling the arms of Gooch, namely, party per pale argent and sable, a chevron lietween three talbots counterchanged, on a chief gules, as many leopards' faces or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a demi-man in complete armour proper, garnished or, his helmet sur- mounted by a plume of three ostrich feathers azure, on his breast a cross-belt sable, and in his dexter hand a halberd proper; with the Motto, "Deo non armis fido." Married, May 22, 1866, Diana Anne, second daughter of the late Sir Edward Sherlock Gooch, Baronet, sometime Member of Parliament for the Eastern Division of Suffolk, by his wife Harriet, third daughter of James Hope-Vereof Craigie, in the county of Linlithgow ; and has Issue — Edward Morse, Esq., Capt. 4th Batt. Middlesex Militia, born June 28, 1869; Harriet Frances; Rose Diana; and Edith. Postal address — Copdock, Ipswich. The Editor undertakes that every entry not in italics is tbat of a genuinely armigerous person. 6oo Q^or Q^os Thk Rkvf.ren'D UKRBHRT GliORfJK MORSK, educitod at Eton ami at rriiiily College, Cambridge, Master of Arts of tlie University of Cambridge, Rector of the parish of Littleham, in the county of Devon. Horn 1839, being the second son of the late tJeorge Morse, Esquire, of Catton I'ark, near Norwich, Justice of the I'cace for the county of Norfolk, by his wife Rebecca Frances, daughter of William Herljert. Club — United University. Livery— White, with black facings and silver buttons. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Party per pale argent and sable, two chevroncls between three mullets all counter- changed ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a demi-man in complete armour proper, garnished or, his helmet surmounted by a plume of three ostrich feathers azure, on his breast a cross-belt sable, and in his dexter hand a halberd proper; with the Motto, " Deo non armis fido." Estate — Docton, in the parish of Hartland, in the county of Devon. Postal address — Littleham Rectory, Bideford, North Devon. FREDERIC AUGUSTUS MORSE-BOYCOTT,Gentle- man. /?yr« December 22, 1849, PlftrtfOfO-^Kntirnff- being the only child of the UIJDCSP' iDOpCOU late John Hall Morse-Boycott, Gentleman, of Sennowe and Sennovveville, by his wife Matilda, daughter of Thomas Alger. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Quarterly 1 and 4, paly of six or and gules, on a chief engrailed ermme three fire-balls proper (for Boycott); 2 and 3 per pale argent and sable, two chevronels between three mullets pierced, all counterchanged (for Morse). Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules and or ; and for his Crests, i. issuing from a mural crown argent, a dexter arm vambraced, the fist clenched proper, from the little finger pendent by a thong gules, an escutcheon, also argent, charged with a fire-ball, as in the arms (for Boycott) ; 2. upon a wreath of the colours, a demi-man in complete armour proper, garnished or, his helmet surmounted by a plume of three ostrich feathers azure, on his breast a saltire sable, in the dexter hand a halbert proper (for Morse). Motto—" Deo non armis fido." Married, February 19, 1879, Octavia Mary, fifth daughter of the late Matthew John Anketell, Esquire, of Anketell Grove, Justice of the Peace and Deputy-Lieutenant for the county of Monaghan ; and has Issue— {\) Clarence Havershani Morse- Boycott, Gentleman, ^ is the Military Cockade. born December 9, 1879 ; (2) John Haversham Mors( Boycott, Gentleman, born August 7, 1882 ; (3) Guy Haver: ham Morse-Boycott, Cientleman, born July 9, i88g (4) Desmond Lionel Morse- Boycott, Gentleman, bor December 10, 1892 ; Hilda Mary Anketell ; and Doroth Frances Cynthia. Seats — Sennowe, Great Ryburgh, in tli county of Norfolk ; Sennoweville, Bushey, in the county ( Hertford. CHARLES MORTLMEK, Esquire, Justice of the Pea, for London, and for the county of Stirrei (Tlflflff IMK^I* Born April 19, 1837, being the eldest so VVpvUmiKl, of Charles Smith Mortimer of Wigmo; Holmivood, in the county of Surrey, I /lis wife Harriet, daughter of John Puller of Croydon, i the county of Surrey. Clubs — ConsenHitive, Magistrata Livery — Dark blue coat, brass buttons, yellorv and blue stripi waistcoat. Armorial bearings as used, but for which t authority has been established in the College of Arms, a; for Arms : Harry of six or and azure, on a chief of the Jir t'Mo pallets between two base esquires of the second, ot'er a (in inescutcheon ermine, charged loith a lion passant gule Crest— yi stag's head caboshed proper. MottO— " Virtu tu. avorum crmulus." Married, September 3, 1867, Elizabei Prentis, daughter and heiress of Beriah Drew, Esquir Justice of the Peace and Lord of the Manor of Leigha. Court, Streatham ; and has Issue — (i) Charles Hem Mortimer, born January 4, 1870 ; (2) Leonard Mortime, born Pebruary 5, 1871 ; (3) Ernest Mortimer, born Man 13, 1876 ; (4) Reginald Mortimer, born August 25, 1877 (5) Sidney Mortimer {twin with Reginald) ; Evelyn ; an Elsie. Estates — IVigmore Holmwood, and Woodfteh Streatham, both in the county of Surrey. Postal address- WoodJield, Streatham, Surrey, S. IV. SSiK PYERS WILLIAM MOSTYN, ninth Barone of Talacre, in the county of Flint, Justice of the Peac and Deputy - Lieutenant for the county of Flint, Hig Sheriff 1893. Born August 14, 1846, being the son 1 Sir Pyers Mostyn, eighth Baronet, by his wife Hon. Frana Georgiana, daughter of the Rt. Hon. the fourteenth Bare Lovat ; succeeded his father in 1882, under the creation ( April 28, 1670. Club — Wellington. Armorial bearing — Quarterly of thirty-seven, i. party per bend sinisti ermine and sable, a lion rampant or (for Mostyn) ; ; azure, a lion rampant per fesse or and argent, withi a bordure of the last ; 3. ermine, a lion rampant azure 4. gules, three chevroncls argent (for Jestyn ap Gwrgant] 5. sable, three nags' heads erased argent ; 6. argent, chevron between three ravens sable, each holding in tl beak an ermine spot (for Llowarch ap Brau) ; 7. argen a cross engrailed flory between four Cornish choughs sab (for Edwyn, Lord of Tegaingle) ; 8. gules, a chevron argen between three men's heads, each in a helmet proper ; 1 ermine, a lion rampant sable ; 10. gules, a lion rampai within a bordure engrailed or; 11. azure, an eagle di: played or ; 12. quarterly gules and or, in the first an fourth quarters a lion passant of the second ; 13. azun a lion passant argent ; 14. gules, a chevron argent, bi tween three plates ; 15. gules, a chevron argent, and chii ermine ; 16. argent, a chevron between three boars' head couped sable (for Ednowian Bendew) ; 17. vert, a lio rampant argent ; 18. vert, three eagles displayed in fes; or (for Owen Gwynnedd) ; 19. gules, three lions passar in pale argent (for Griffith ap Cynan) ; 20. gules, a chevro ermine, between three old men's heads couped at th neck proper; 21. argent, three pallets wavy gules; 2: azure, a stag lodged argent (for Downs) ; 23. argen six mullets, three, two and one gules ; 24. sable, thre bars and in chief as many annulets argent ; 25. sabh three bars or (for Selby) ; 26. per fesse gules and argeni six martlets, three and three counterchanged, in the centr chief point an annulet for difference (for Fenwick) ; 2; sable, three lions passant in bend between two doubl cotises argent, in the sinister chief a mullet for diffei ence (for Browne) ; 28. gules, a lion rampant or, in th centre chief point a mullet for difference (for Fitzalan) 29. barry of eight or and gules (for Fitzalan) ; 30. sable a fret or (for Maltravers) ; 31. argent, a chief azur (for Clun) ; 32. gules, a saltire argent, in chief a label c three points chequy of the last and azure (for Neville) 33. argent, three fusils conjoined in fesse gules (for Monta cute) ; 34. argent, an eagle displayed vert ; 35. argent on a fesse the arms of France and England quarterly S is the Naval Cockade. 6o2 QpOS Q^Ot within a bordure conipony of the first and azure (for Plantagenet) ; 36. per pale azure and gules, three lions rampant argent ; 37. argent, a fesse and a canton gules, and impaling the arms of Perry, namely argent, on a pile vert, three pears, slipped and leaved, two and one or. The escutcheon is charged with his badge of Ulster as a Baronet. Mantling sable and argent ; Crests, i. upon a wreath of the colours, on a mount vert, a lion rampant or ; 2. upon a wreath of the colours, a trefoil slipped vert; with the Motto, " Morte leonis vita." Married, November 4, 1880, Anna Maria, fifth daughter of Thomas A. Perry, Esquire, Justice of the Peace, Deputy-Lieutenant, and High Sheriff (1883), of Bilham House, in the county of Warwick; and has /.fj-;/^ — Helen Mary Winifrid ; Clemen- tina Mary ; and Agnes Margaret Mary. Seat — Talacre, Holywell, in the county of Flint. W TONMAN MOSLEY, Esquire, Deputy-Lieutenant for Kr the county of Stafford, Barrister-at-Law, Chairman of Derbyshire Quarter Sessions. Bom 1850, being the second son of the late Sir Tonman Mosley, third Baronet, by his wife Catherine, daughter of the Reverend John Wood. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Quar- st[i^/io vuires.'^ Married, Ju/ie 1889, Evelym Mary, third dan. of the late Burton Archer-Burton of lVood/a;ids, terly 1 and 4, sable a chevron between three battle-axes argent ; 2 and 3 or, a fesse between three eagles dis- played sable, impaling the arms of Eglinton, namely, quarterly i and 4, quarterly i. and iiii. azure, three fleurs- de-lis or ; ii. and iii. gules, three annulets or, gemmed azure, all within a bordure or, charged with the Royal tressure of Scotland azure (for Montgomerie, Earl of Eglinton) ; 2 and 3, quarterly i. and iiii. azure, three fleurs- de-lis or (for Montgomerie) ; ii. and iii. gules, a two-handed sword in pale proper, hilled and pommelled or, between three annulets or, stoned azure (for Eglinton). Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules and argent ; and for his Crest, an eagle displayed ermine. Married, February 22, 1881, Hilda Rose, commonly known as Lady Hilda Rose, youngest daughter of the Right Honourable the thirteenth Earl of Eglinton; and has /ss7/e — (i) Nicholas Mosley, Gentle- man, born July 28, 1882 ; (2) Edward Hugh Mosley, Gentleman, born July 16, 1884 ; (3) Hildred Mosley, Gentle- man, born June 8, 1887 : and Sybil Hildegarde. Postal address — Bangor's Park, Bucks. /ON.V SNOIV MOSS. Born Se/>t 8, 1859, ieing the eldest son of Richard Moss, formerly M. P. for Winchester, and Mary Jeffreys, dau. of the late John Wright Snow. Clubs — Junior Carlton, Hampshire County Club, Win- chester. Livery — Blue, red waistcoat. Armorial bearings as used, but for which no authority has been officialh established, are for Arms — Ermine, a cross patde sable, charged with a rose. Crest — Out of a mural coronet a griffin's head, charged with a cross pat^e. Motto — " In hoc Mk is tbe Military Cockade. Havant, Hants. Seats— ll'intershi II Hall, Bishops Wal- tham, Hants ; Deane House, Sfarsholl, Hants. ANDREW RICHARD MOTION, Esquire, Justice of the Peace for Essex. Born May 13, 1857, being the eldest son of Richard William Motion, by his wife Mary Anne, daughter of John Gilbert .Smith. Club — Union. Livery — Green. Armorial bearings — He l>ears for ^h is tlie Naval Cockade. spot apoto 603 Arms : Gules, on a pale argent, between two lions rampant of the last, a lion rampant of the first, a chief or, thereon a badger statant proper between two roses of the field, barbed and seeded, also proper. Upon the escut- cheon is placed a helmet Vjefitting his degree, with a mant- ling gules and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a millrind fesseways or, thereon a badger as in the arms; with the Motto, " Suscipere et finire." Mar- ried, August 3t, 1882, Jessie Louisa, daughter of Henry Stephenson Homewood ; and has Issue — Andrew Kenneth Motion, Gentleman, born December 17, 1894 ; Jessie Dorothy ; Marjorie Belle ; Kathleen Mary ; Phyllis Maud ; and Janet Homewood. Seats — Faulkbourne Hall, Esse.x ; Upton House, Banbury. JOHN STANLEY MOTT, Esq., J. P. for Norfolk, late Major Prince of Wales' Own Norfolk Militia Artillery. Born 1838, Ijcing the eldest son of the late John Thomas Mott, Es(|., J. P. and D. L., of Barninghani, by Caroline, third dan. of the late William Sloane-Stanley. Armorial bear- ings — Sable, a crescent argent. Mantling sabk- and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, an estoile of eight points argent. Motto — " Spectemur agendo." Married, 1867, Cordelia Euphemia, third dau. of Sir Nor- man Macdonaltl-Lockhard, third Bart.; and by her (who died 1872) has /fj«e — Theresa Caroline. iVa/ - Barningham Hall, Norwich. SJOHN JAMES MOUBRAY. Esquire, of Naemoor, CO. Perth, and West Cambus, co. Clackmannan, J. P. and D.L. co. Kinross, Hon. Fellow St. John's Coll., Oxford. Born 1857, being the only son of Robert Mou- bray of Cambus, Clackmannan. Armorial bearings — Parted per pale gules and a/.uie, a lion rampant between three roses argent. Mantling gules tloubled argent. Crest — On a wreath of his liveries, a demi-lion rampant, holding in his dexter paw a rose argent ; and in an escroU over the same this MottO, " Audentes fortuna juvat." Seat — Nae- moor, Perthshire, N.B. MOULIN, DU, see DU MOULIN-BROWNE. § GEORGE WILLIAM MOUNSEY- HEYSHAM, Esq., J. P. and D.L. for Cumberland, High Sheriff 1893, Barrister-at-Law, being the eldest surviving son of the late George Gill Mounsey of Castletown, by Isabella, second dau. of the late Dr. Heysham ; s. his brother 1881. C///(5 — Oxford and Cambridge. Armorial bearings — Chequy or and gules, a chief of the first, thereon between two estoiles sable, a pale also sable, charged with a mullet gold. Mantling gules and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a demi-griffin gules, collared and chained or, holding in the dexter claw a flagstaff in bend proper, therefrom flowing to the sinister a pennon azure, and resting the sinister claw on a mullet sable. Motto — "Semper paratus." Married, 1861, Agnes, dau. of Isaac S. Cof)e ; and has, with other Issue — George Arthur Mounsey- Heysham, Gentleman, b. 1862. Seat — Castletown, Carlisle. Town residence — 15 Stanhope Gardens, S.W. FREDERICK GEORGE MOUNTFORD, Gentleman. Born , being the son of Armorial bearings— Azure, two chevronels between in chief as many ostrich feathers erect and in base a fleur-de- lis argent. Mantling azure and argent. Crest— Upon a wrtath of the colours, in front of two ostrich feathers in saltire argent, a fleur-de-lis azure. MottO — "Quod Deus vult volo." Postal address— zx Gloucester Terrace, Hyde Park, London, W. §' The Right HoNOUR.MiMc CHARLES BOTOLPH JOSEPH STOUR- anti^tourton TON, twenty - fourth Baron Mowbray, twenty • fifth Baron Segrave, and twenty-first Baron Stourton of Stourton, CO. Wilts., in the Peerage of England, senior co-heir to the Baronies of Howard, Braose of Gower, Greystock, I'errers of Wemme, Talbot, Strange of Blackmere, Furni- val and Giftard of Brimmesfield, and a co-heir to the Baronies of Kerdestan, Verdon, and Fitz Payne, late Lieutenant 3rd Battalion East Yorkshire Regiment (Militia), Deputy-Lieutenant for the West Riding of the county of York. ' Born May 23, 1867, being the eldest son of the Right Honourable the twenty-third Baron Mowbray and twenty- fourth Baron Segrave, and twentieth Baron Stourton, by his wife Mary Margaret, only child and heir of the late Matthew Elias Corbally, Esq., Memlier of Parlia- ment, of Corbalton Hall, in the county of Meath, by his wife, the Honourable Matilda, daughter of the Right Honourable the twelfth Viscount Gormanstown ; succeeded his father in 1893. Creations— ^a.ron Mowbray, June 28, 1283 ; Baron Segrave, June 28, 1283 ; Baron Stourton, May 13, 1448. Clubs — White's, Yorkshire. Livery— ¥w\\ dress : w-hite coat, black collar, and pockets edged with gold braid, gilt aiguillettes, with badge ; white waistcoat, gilt buttons, black velvet breeches edged with gold braid, and buckle ; white stockings. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Quarterly of six, i. sable, a bend or, between six fountains proper (for Stourton) ; 2. gules, on a bend between six cross crosslets argent, an escutcheon or. The Editor undertakes that every entry not in italics is tliat of a genuinely armigerous person. 6o4 a^oto charged with a demi-lion rampant, pierced through the mouth by an arrow witliin a double tressurc Hory counter- fiory of the first (for Howard); 3. gules, a lion rampant argent (for Mowbray) ; 4. sable, a lion rampant argent, ducally crowned or (for Segrave) ; 5. gules, three lions passant guardant in pale or, a label of three points argent (for Flantagenet — Thomas of Brotherton) ; 6. gules, a lion rampant or, a border engrailed of the last (for Talbot) ; ajnd upon an escutcheon of pretence the arms of Hagger- ston, namely azure, on a bend cotised argent, three billets sable. Above the escutcheon is placed the coronet of his Q^ui ourable William Marmaduke Stourton, born Aug. 21, 189s; and The Hon. Winifred Mary. Estates — AUerton Park, Knaresborough, and Rothwell Haigh, near Leeds, both in the West Riding of the county of York ; and Bonham House, Stourton, in the county of Somerset. Seat — .-Mlerton Park, Knaresborough, Yorkshire. SiK WILLIAM MUIR, K.C.S.I., LL.D., D.C.L., Ph.D., Principal of the University of Edinburgh, late President of the R. Asiatic Society, and a member of the Indian Council; formerly Lieut. -Governor of the N.W. rank, and thereupon a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling sable and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a demi-greyfriar hal)ited in russet proper, girt or, holding in the dexter hand a scourge of five knotted lashes gold. Supporters — Dexter, a lion argent, ducally crowned or ; sinister, a sea-dog sable, scaled and finned or. Motto — "Loyal je serai durant ma vie;" and for his Badge, a sledge. Married, July 26, 1893, Mary, only child of the late Thoni.vs Angus Constable, Esquire (paternally Haggerston), of the Manor House, Otley, in the county of York ; and has Issue — The Hon- & is the Military Cockade. Provinces, and foreign Secretary and Finance Minister to the Government of India. Born 1819, being the son of the late William Muir of Kilmarnock, by his wife Helen, daughter of John Macfie. Clt4b — University (Edinburgh). Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Or, on a fesse engrailed azure, within a bordure also engrailed ermine, three mullets of the field. Upon the escutcheon, which is encircled by the ribbon of the Order of the Star of India, and pendent therefrom the badge of a Knight Commander, is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling azure doubled or ; and upon a w reath of his liveries is '■^ is tbe Naval Cockade. Q^ul Q^ul 605 set for Crest, a Saracfn's head affront^e, couped at tlie shoulders, and wreathed about the temples with laurel laives proper. Motto — " Duris non frangor." Married, Feb. 8, 1840, Elizabeth Huntly, daughter of James Wemyss, Esq. , B.C.S. (son of Hon. James Wemyss, by his wife Lady Betty, dau. of the Rt. Hon. the i6th Earl of Sutherland) ; and has /ssue — (i) William James Muir, Esq., formerly Col. I.S.C., b. 1840; (2) John Fairlie Muir, Esc]., h. 1845 [»?., 1876, Edith, dau. of the late Sir George VV'ingate, K.C.S. I., and has issue] ; (3) Archibald Mungo Muir, Esq., Lieut. -Col. LS.C. , b. 1847 [/«. and has issue]; (4) Charles yss Muir, Esq., C. I.E. , b. 1850 [/«., 1883, Alice, dau. Burke, Esq., J. P., of Orange, N.S.W.; and has Issue — (i) James Patrick Burke Lane Mullins, Gentlemen, b. Oct. 20> 1894 ; (2) George Oswyn Lane Mullins, Gentleman, b. May r4, 1896; (3) Owen Burke Lane Mullins, Gentleman, b. of Horace Abel Cockerell, ICsq., C.S. L, and has issue]; (5) James Thomason Muir, Esq., h. 1856; Caroline Char- lotte [m., 1859, W. H. Lowe, B.S.C.]; Elizabeth Huntly [m. , 1872, Col. George Frederick Leycester Marshall, C. 1. 1*2. , K. E.] ; Agnes Jean [/«., 1883, George .Andreas Berry, M. B, , F. R.C.S.]; Jean Mary [m., 1893, Col. Andrew Gilbert Wauchope, C.B., C.M.G.l; and Helen Mary (/«., 1885, Robert George ArbulhnotJ. Postal address— Hea-n Park House, Edinburgh. GEORGE LANE MULLINS, Gentleman, Master of Arts and Doctor of Medicine of the Uni- flftlfffttKi vcrsities of Dublin and Sydney, Hon. vt<7UlUll^ Surgeon-Lieut. New South Wales Medical Staff Corps. • lioni Aug. 24, 1862, being the second surviving son of the late James Mullins, Esquire, Justice of the Peace for the Colony of New South Wales, by his wife Elizabeth, daughter of John Lane. Club — Australian (Sydney). Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms: Azure, on a cross moline or, a S.iracen's head atTront^e and erased proper, wreathed round the temples argent and gules, in the first and fourth quarter a griffon passant of the second ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, in front of a cross moline or, a Saracen's head affront^e couped at the shoulder proper, wreathed as in the arms; with the Motto, " Ne cede malis." Mar- ried, April 28, 1891, Mary Ellen, dau. of the late Patrick Feb. 24, 1898. Estate — " Murong," Waverley, nearSydncy. Residence— 'i<)2, Elizabeth St., Hyde I'ark, Sydney, N.S.W. JOHN FRANCIS LANE MULLINS, Esquire, Master of Arts and Fellow of St. John's College, within the Uni- versity of Sydney, Capt. Irish Rifles (5th Union Regt.). liarn June 12, 1857, Ix^ng the eldest soTi of the late James Mullins, Esquire, Justice of the Peace for the Colony of New South Wales, by his wife Elizabeth, daughter of John Lane. C///i^— Australian (Sydney). Armorial bearings The Editor undertakes that every entry not in italics is that of a genuinely armigerous person. 6o6 £dn\ Q^un ^-He bears for Arms : Azure, on a cross moline or, a Saracen's head aft'ront(5o and erased proper, wreathed round the temples argent and gules, in the first and fourtli quarters a griffon passant of the second ; and for his Crest, in front of a cross moline or, a Saracen's head affront^e couped at the shoulder proper, wreathed as in the arms ; with the Motto, "Ne cede nialis." Married, April 14, 1885, Jane, daughter of John Hughes, Esquire, Justice of the Peace, of " Kincoppal," Sydney ; and has /.f.f//T2.. They have not been matriculated to the abffve- mentioned Charles To7vnshend Murdoch. Married, January 2, 1862, Sophia, daughter of IVilliam Speke of Jordans, Hminster : and has had Issue — Charles Edward Gambier Murdoch, born May 12, 1865, died 1894 ; Maud Georgina [married to IV. IVilkie of Ormiston]; Evelyn Sophia, died 1890; Lilian; Violet [married A. Y. I.eth bridge]; and Helen Gladys. Estates — Buckhurst, Wokingham. Postal addresses — i Pall Mall East; 12 Cadogan Gardens; Buckhurst, Wokingham. WILLIAM MURE, Gentleman. Born January 17, 1870, being the only son of the late William Mure, Esquire, of Caldwell, by his wife Constance Elizabeth, commonly known as the Honourable Constance Elizabeth, youngest daughter of the Riglu Honourable George Wyndham, first Lord Lecon field ; succeeded his father 1880. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Argent, on a fesse azure, three nmllets of the field, within a bordure engrailed gules. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules doubled argent ; and upon a wreath of his liveries is set for Crest, a Saracen's head proper. Motto — " Duris non frangor. ' Seat — Caldwell, by Glas- gow, N.B. WILLIAM BRUDENELL MURPHY, Esq., J.P. Bom 1857, being the only son of tlie late William Murphy, Esq., of Kilbrew, co. Meath, by his wife Anna Helen, dau. of Maurice Blake of Balliiiafad, co. Mayo. Armorial bearings — Per pale argent and gules, on a fesse engrailed, l)ei«cfn four lions rampant, two garbs, all countercharged. Mantling gules and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, on a mount vert, a lion rampant gules, bezantde, holding in the fore-paws a garb or. Motto — " Fortis et hospitalis." Married, 1878, his cousin, .Mary Antoinette, dau. of Captain Maurice Lynch Blake, of Ballinafad, co. Mayo ; and has Issue — ( i ) Reginald Francis Brudenell Murphy, Cientleman ; (2) Vere .Anthony Evelyn Brudenell Murphy, Gentleman ; and FencUa Mary Brudenell. Seat — Mount Merrion, Stillorgan, co. Duljlin. ANTHONY GEORGE MURRAY, Esquire, J.P. co. Perth, .Member of the Royal Company of Archers. Born Sept. 29, 1830, being the eldest son of Anthony Murray of Dolleire, by his wife Georgina, dau. of Sir J'atrick Murray of Ochtertyre, Baronet of N.S., near Crieff, Perthshire. Club — University {Edinburgh). Livery — Blue, silver buttons. Armorial bearings as used, but which are not matriculated in J. yon Register, are for Arms — Azure, a saltire between three mullets argent, a double tressureffory counter/lory. Crest — Two hands clasped fesse^cays issuing from clouds.. MottO — " Eides servata." Married, Dec. 10, 1885, Mary A^'nes, dau. of Major Hugh Lindsay Christie ; and has Issue — Anthony Hugh Murray, b. April 28, 1888. i^eat— Dolleire, Crieff, N.B. CHARLES EDWARD ROBERTSON MURRAY, Esquire, of Drunieevin, Mittagong, N.S.W., M.A., Barrister- at-Law, aDistrict Court Judge of the Metropolitan, Suburban, and Hunter District of N.S.W. Born Aug. i, 1842, being The Editor undertakes that every entry not in italics is that of a genuinely armigerous person. 6oS 99ur Q^ur the only son of Charles Knight Murray of Lincolns' Inn, Barrister-at-Law (tween two passion-nails in base azure, a stag's head caboshed argent ; 2 and 3 argent, a fesse raguly gules, be- tween two lozenges sable, as many flaunches of the second. Mantling azure and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a greyhound sejant argent, resting the dexter paw on a pa.ssion-nail azure, and holding in the mouth a trefoil slipped vert. Motto — " Celer et certus." Married, October i6, 1889, Elizabeth Maria, dau. of Edwin Alldridge of Westwood, Edgbaston ; and has /w//t'— Edward Cart- wright Persehouse Nayler, Gentleman, b. June 5, 1894. Postal address — Beechwood, Beech Lanes, near Birming- ham. Sir HERBERT SCARISBRICK NAYLOR-LEY- LAND, ist Baronet, formerly M.P. 1892-95, Capt. and Life Guards. Born January 24, 1864, being the only son of the late Col. Tom Naylor-Leyland of Nantclwyd, Den- bighshire, by his wife Mary, only dau. of the late Charles Scarisbrick of Scarisbr ck and Wrightington, Lancashire. Clubs — Army and Navy, Bachelors', Marlborough, Tuif. The Editor undertakes that every entry not in italics is that of a genuinely armigerous person. 6l2 Bta if3eto Armorial bearings— Quaiteiiy i and 4, ermine, on a fesse engraileil sable, between nine ears of barley, three, three, and three vert, banded or in chief, and three like ears in base, a lion passant of the last between two escallops argent (for Leyland) ; 2 and 3 per pale or and argent, a pale sable fretty of the tirst between two lions rampant of the third (for Naylor), the escutcheon charged with the badge of Ulster as a IJaronet. Mantling sable and argent ; and for his Crests, i. a mount vert, thereon an escallop argent, in front of a denii-eagle erniinois, wings endorsed azure, Ix'zanlc'e, in tlie beak three ears of barley as in the arms (for LeylantI) ; 2. a lion sable, on tlie body two sallires or, resting the dexter forepaw on an escutcheon charged in the arms of Naylor, on the shoulder a cross couped or (for Naylor). Motto — " Fidus et audax." Married, 1889, Jeanie Willson, dau. of William Sclah Chamberlain of Cleveland, Ohio, U.S.A. ; and has Issue — (i) Albert Edward Herbert Naylor- Leyland, Esq., /'. Dec. 6, 1890; (2) George Vyvyan Naylor- Leyland, Esq., h. 1892. Seats — Lexden Park, Colchester ; Nantclwyd Hall, Denbighshire. Resi- dence — Hyde Park House, Albert Gate, W. S ARTHUR THOMAS DIGBY NEAVE, Esquire, late Capt. 1st Batt. .South Wales Borderers, late Capt. and Hon. Major 4th Batt. .South Wales Borderers, J. P. for Essex. Born May 24, 1859, being the third son of the LUe Sheffield Ncave, Esq., Governor of the Bank of England, by his wife Henrica, driu. of David Richard Morier (Minister to Switzerland for Her Majesty). Club — Army and Navy. Livery — Chocolate, with red piping. Armorial bearings — Argent, on a cross sable, five fleurs-de-lis or. Mantling sable and argent. Crest- Out of a ducal coronet or, a lily stalked and leaved vert, flowered and seeded or. Motto — "Sola proba quaj honesta." il/rtr/vW, July 17, 1883, Harriet, dau. of the late P. C. Ralli, Esq. Seat — Hutton Hall, Brentwood, Essex. NESBITT, quartered by VERSCHOYLE. NEVILLE, quartered by DU MOULIN- BROWNE and MOSTYN. MILO VICTOR NEVILLE-BAGOT, Gentleman. Born 1880, being the only son of the late Thomas Edward Lloyd Neville- Bagot, Gentleman, of Ballymoe and Aughrane, in the county of Galway, l)y his wife Ellen, dauglrter of Francis Meaglier of Rallindeiry, in the county of Tipperary. Armo- rial bearings^He bears for Arms : Quarterly i and 4, two chevronels azure, in the dexter chief point a trefoil slipped vert (for Bagot) ; 2 and 3 argent, on a bend dancett(5e sable, between two plain cotises azure, each charged with three bezants, as many fleurs-de-lis of the field (for Cuffe). Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling azure and argent ; and for his Crest, issuing from a ducal coronet or, a goat's head ermines, horned of the first. Motto — " Antiquum obtinens." Seats — Bally- moe ; Aughrane Castle, Ballygar ; both in the county of Galway. Captain ERNEST NEVILLE-ROLFE, Companion of the Most Honourable Order of the f^l>Vltff l> - lRnffl> ^^'^- ^"''" '^47. being the son of A^AK,\^VV\\,' i^y^WX/ the late Charles F. Neville-Rolfe, Esquire, Justice of the Peace, of Heacham Hall, in the county of Norfolk ; was created Companion of the Most Honourable Order of the Hath, 1884. Club — United Service. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Quarterly i and 4, gyronny of eight or and azure, on a chief sable, three annulets at gent (for Rolfe) ; 2 and 3 gules, five fusils conjoined in fesse or, each charged with an ermine spot sable, a bordure nebuly argent (for Neville), and pendent below the escutcheon his badge as a Companion of thi- Most Honourable Order of the Bath ; and for his Crests, i. upon a wreath of the colours, a mount vert, thereon issuant out of a crescent gules a rose argent, slipped vert (for Rolfe) ; 2. upon a wreath of the colours, a lion's head erased argent, fretty gules (for Neville) ; with the Motto, " Cresco crescendo." Married, 1885, Janet, daughter of the late James Brand of Bedford Hill House, Balham, in the county of Surrey. Postal address — 167 Victoria Street, London, S.W. EUSTACE NEVILLE-ROLFE, Esquire, Justice of the Peace for the county of Norfolk, Bachelor of Arts of the & is the Military Cockade. University of Cambridge. Born 1845, being the eldest son of the late Charles Fawcett Neville-Rolfe, Justice of the Peace, of Heacham, by his wife Martha Holt, eldest daughter of William Chapman, Esquire. Armorial bear- ings — He bears for Arms: Quarterly i and 4, gyronny of eight or and azure, on a chief sable, three annulets argent (for Rolfe) ; 2 and 3 gules, five fusils conjoined in fesse or, each charged with an ermine spot sal>le, all within a bordure nebuly argent (for Neville). Upon the escut- cheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling azure and or ; and for his Crests, i. upon a wreath of the colours, a mount vert, thereon issuant out of a crescent gules a rose argent, slipped vert (for Rolfe) ; 2. upon a wreath of the colours, a lion's head erased argent, fretty gules (for Neville) ; with the Motto, " Cresco crescendo." Married, 1867, Emily Auber Frances, youngest daughter of the late Robert Thornhill, Esquire; and has had Issne — .Amy ; Ivy, died at Naples, April 1892; and Dorothy. £state and />osta/ address — Hea.chan\ Hall, King's Lynn. § HENRY GERARD FENTON NEWALL, Esquire, Major, late 3rd Batt. Lane. Fusiliers, J. P. vr^^CMjsll CO. of Bute. Born January 28, 1853, being JI^VlUuU the eldest son of the late Henry Newall, Esquire, Justice of the Peace, of Hare Hill, Littleborough, by his wife Maria, daughter of John Fenton, Esquire, ofCrimble Hall, Rochdale, Member of Parliament, Justice of the Peace. Clubs — J\mior Carlton, Ayr County, Royal Northern Yacht. Armorial bearings— Quarterly i and 4, party per pale gules and azure, three covered cups within an orle or (for Newall); 2. or, on a chief per pale gules and sable, lliree bezants ; 3. vert, a lion rampant argent. Mantling gules and or. Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a Saracen's head afifrontde proper, wreathed round the temples or and gules, suspended from the mouth by a ribbon of the last an escutcheon paly, indented of four also or and gules; with the MottO, " Non recedam." Married, June i, 1876, Barliara, only daughter of the late Henry Gibb of Eilyer, Australia; and has had Issue — Ruby Mary ; Eilecne Barbara ; and Heather Stuart Fenton (n a wreath of the colours, a swallow rising projier. MottO — "Lux mea Christus." Married, June s, 1883, Margaret Greene, daughter of the Reverend Mary Haughton [m., June 13, 1895, the Rt. Hon. Wallace Cochrane-Baillie, second Baron Lamington, K.C.M.G.]. Residences — Mauldslie Castle, Carluke, N. P.. ; i6Grosvenor Place, London, S.W. HENRY ASHBURNHAM TOLL NEWMAN, Gentle- man, late 40th Foot. Burn September 27, 1847, being the eldest son of the late Henry Wenman Newman, Es- quire, of Thornlmry Park, by liis wife Frances Margaret, eldest daughter of the Reverend John Joseph Goodenough, Doctor of Divinity, Rector of Broughton Pogis, in the county of 0.\ford. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Quarterly sable and argent, in the first and fourth quarters, three mullets of the second, in the centre an inescutcheon gules, charged with a portcullis imperially crowned or, being an augnientation granted by Charles H. to Colonel Newman for his loyalty at the battle of & is the Military Cockade. Walter McGilvray, Doctor of Divinity, of Aberdeen ; and has had Issue — Ashburnham Walter Goodenough Newman, Gentleman, born May 5, 1884, died March 19, 1888; and Margaret Elizabeth. Seat — Thornbury Park, near Bristol. Residence — 5 Malvern Place, Cheltenham. JOHN ROBERT BRAMSTON NEWMAN, Esquire, J.P. CO. Cork (High Sheriff co. Cork 1898), B.A. Cantab., Lord of the Manor of Newberry. Born 1871, being the eldest son of the late lohn Adam Richard Newman, Esq., J. P., D.L., B.A., High Sheriff 1874. by his wife I'Jizabeth Matilda, second dau. of Col. Bramslon-Smith, J. P., D.L., of Pencraig, Llensefin, Anglesea. Clubs — Isthmian, Rildare Street (Dublin). Livery— C\wcc\., and red facings. Armorial bearings — Argent, a chief azure, a chevron between three demi-lions passant gules, impaling the arms of Plunket. Mantling gules and argent. Crest — An eagle's head erased M is the Naval Cockade, I5cto jQetb 615 azure, charged with a scollop or. Motto — " Fidelitatis vis Magna." Married, 1895, Hon. Olive Anne (who d. 1896), second dau. of his Grace the Most Rev. Lord Plunket, D.D. , Archbishop of Dublin. Estates — Uromorc House, New- berry Manor, co. Cork. Seat — Droniore House, Mellow. Sir GEORGE NEWNES, ist Baronet, J, P. for Devon, foMiuTlv M.I'. Ii>i- Cambridgeshire, E., 1885-95. Horn National Liberal. Armorial bearings — Per fesse or and azure, a pale counterchanged, in chief a demi-otter couped between two boars' heads couped, and in base a boars' head couped between two denii-otters couped, all counter- changed. Mantling' azure and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a demi-otter sable, holding in its mouth a roll of paper argent, and resting the sinister paw on a boar's head couped or. Motto — " Festina prudenter." Married, 1875, PrisciUa Jenny, dau. of the late Rev. James Hillyard of Leicester; and has Issue — Frank Hillyard Newncs, Esq., b. Sept. 28, 1876. Seats — HoUerday Hill, Lynton, N. Devon; Hesketh House, Torquay. Residence — Wildcroft, Putney Heath, S.W. ANDREW WILLOUGHBY NEWTON, Esq., J. P., M.A. , Barrister-at-Law. Horn Jan. 14, 1849, being the eldest son of Courtenay Newton, Esq., of Killymeal House, CO. Tyrone, J. P., by his wife Anne, dau. of Richard Howard of Mitcham, SuiTey. Club — St. Stephen's. Armorial bearings— .Argent, in chief two lions' gambs erased sable, each gra.sping a key proper, and in ba.se a lion rampant gules, charged on the breast with a cross patce of the first. Mantling sable and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a martlet sable, charged on the breast with a cross pat(?e argent. Motto — Faveat fortuna." Married, Aug. 15, 1872, Blanclie, eldest dau. of John Howard ofSampford Peverell, co. Devon; by whom he had Issue — (i) Courtenay Howard Newton, Gentleman, (^. May 15, 1874; (2) Willoughby John Newton, (/. an infant; (3) .\ndrew Winstanley Newton, Gentleman, b. Sept. 12, 1879; and Annie .Adelaide. Residence — H PHILIP JOCELYN NEWTON, Esq., J.P. and D.L. •O for CO. Carlow (High Sheriff 1840). Born .being I Ik- only son of the late Walter Newton of Dunleckney, by .\nne, dau. of the Hon. George Jocelyn (and niece of 2nd i:;irl of Roden). C/«*—Kildare Street (Dublin). Armorial bearings — Azure, two ostrich feathers in saltirc between three boars' heads erased argent, tusked or, in the centre chiof point a cross crosslet of the last. Mantling azure ■ 1' . . Crest, out of a ducal coronet or, a I ■ ostrich rcathiTs argent, the neck <; -li'tazure. Motto — "Propatrid." Muriud, lai, 0841, llciU'ietta Maria, dau. of John Kennedy of Cultra; 2nd, 1851, Emily, dau. of Sir Daniel Toler Os- borne, nth Bart, (she died 18 — ) ; and has surviving Issue — Four daughters. Seat — Dunleckney Manor, Bagenalstown, CHARLES FREDERIC NEWTON-DEAKIN, Gentle- man, Master of .Arts. Barrister-at-Law, fifth son of the late Coldiirl James Henry Deakin, Esqnin- nl Moseley March 31, 1851, being the son of the late Rev. Thomas Mold Newnes of Matlock, Derbyshire. Ciubs — Devonshire, Hall, Cheshire, and Werrington Park, Devon, Justice of the Peace, sometime Member of Parliament for Launceston, by The Editor undertakes that every entry not in italics is that of a genuinely armigerous person. 6i6 3i5ia jl5ic his wife Maitlia, ilaiigliter of tlie laU- Joliu Nowtoii of High Leigh, in the county of Cheshire, ur.d assumed by Royal License in 1887 the additional .surname of Newton. Club —Royal Thames Yacht. Armorial bearing's— lie bears for Arms: (iules, a lion i)assaiit, between tuo others ram- pant or, within two Haunelies argent, each charged with a mullet pierced sable, impaling the arms of Cheetham, namely argent, guttiH'-de-sang, a cross parted and fretty sable, be- tween in the first and fourtii quarters a griflin segreant, in the second a tleam, and in tiie thiril a cross potent, all of the second ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a tle.xter arm emhowed proper, holding in the hand a battle- axe in benil sinister argent, pendent from the wrist by a riband an escutcheon argent, charged with a lion rampant sable, holding between the paws a cross patte litch^e gules. Motto — " Stryke, Dakyns, the Devil's in ye hempe." Mar- ricd, August II, 1887, Alice Mary, eldest daughter of Joshua Milne L'heelham, Lsciuire, Member of Parlianient, Justice of the Peace, of liyford Park, in the county of Gloucester ; and has /w/zf— Charles Humphrey Newton-Deakin, Gentle- man, born July 12, 1892 ; and I''rederica Mary. Estate — 'I'enant-in-common for life of the Moseley Hall Estate, Cheadle, in the county of Cheshire. Postal address— Royal ■j'hames Yacht Club, 7 Albemarle Street, W. JOSEPH BALDWIN NIAS, Esquire, Doctor of Medi- cine of the University of Oxford. Bom December 13, 1856, being the eldest son of the late Admiral Sir Joseph Nias, Knight Commander of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, by his wife Caroline Isabella, daughter of John Laing. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Party per pale gules and a/.ure, a naval crown, and issuant there- from a Hag or, inscribed with the word "China" in letters sable, between four Cornish choughs argent, beaked and memb<;red of the first. Above the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules and or ; and for the Crest, on a wreath of the colours, an anchor fesseways, with cable sable, thereon a Cornish chough pro]}er, gorged with a collar engrailed or ; with the Motto, "Juvante Deo." Married, Jan. 8, 1896, Frances Miriam Claire, second dau. of Capt. Edmund Marmaduke Dayrell ; and has /ssue — Felicity 1>' ranees Ysobel. Postal address — 5 Rosary Gardens, South Kensington, S. W. ARTHUR EDWARD NIDLETT, Esquire, B.A., J. P. Born March 24, 1852, being the son of the Rev. Edward Henry Niblett, B.A., Rector of Redmarley, Wor- cester, by his wife Alarv Anne Stewart, dan. of James Law established, are for Axms — Quarterly, i. azure, on a chevron between three eagles rising or, as many bars gemel gules (for Niblett) ; 2. paly of six argent and sable, three eagles dis- played counterchaiiged [for Whitcombe); 3. argent, a fesse bel7ivcn three cinquefoils sable (for Mavesyn) ; 4. quarterly gules and ermine, in the first and fourth quarters a goat's /wad erased proper (for Morton). Married, Dec. 5, 1883, Grace Ursula Cotgrave, second dau. of General William R. Fanner; and has Issue — Aline Mildred; Dora; Winifred ; and Gladys. Residence — Ecclesjield, Ash field, Middlesex. Ri^.VEKEND JAMES NIBLOCK- STUART, Bachelor of Arts, Clergyman of ihe Established Church of Scotland, Benefice First Charge of the Collegiate Church, parish of Montrose, N. B. Born April 14, 1844, being the eldest son of James Niblock of Corneglar, in the co. of Monaghan, by his wife Mary, only child of John Stuart of Edneneane, in the co. of Monaghan, Ireland; assumed the arms and the additional name of Stuart on succeeding to the estate of his maternal grandfather in 1882. Armorial bearings Ste7imrt oj Jamacia. Cluh—Bath Club (Bath). Armorial bearings as used, but far which no authority has been ojiciallv & is the Military Cockade. — Or, a fesse chect|uy azure and argent, between three trefoils slipped vert. Above the shield is a helmet befitting his degree, with a Mantling gules doubled argent ; and issuing from a wreath of his liveries is set for Crest, a demi-lion gules, armed and langued azure, holding in his dexter paw a trefoil slipped vert ; in an escroU over the same this Motto, "Facta non verba." Married, June it, 1869, Lizzie Smith, second dau. of Joseph Gray of Rock- field, Monaghan; and has Issue — (i) William Johnston Smith Niblock-Stuart, Gentleman, b. Aug. 9, 1871 ; (2) James Stuart Niblock-Stuart, Gentleman, b. March 6, 1878 ; (3) Joseph Gray Niblock-Stuart, Gentleman, /;. Aug. 22, 1881 ; (4) John Herbert Niblock-Stuart, Gentleman, h. Feb. 25, 1884; Elizabeth Marion; Caroline Louise; and Julia Evellyn. Residence — The Manse, Montrose, Scotland. ILTID NICHOLL, Esquire, Justice of the Peace for the county of Hertford, Bachelor of Arts of the fT^tpflflff Universitv of Oxford. Born May 10, 1837, JUltilUU i,gi„i, the' eldest son of the late Henry Iltid Nicholl, Doctor of Civil Law, by his 7vife Mary Anne, second daughter of Henry Hoyle Oddie. Club — Union. Armorial bearings as used, but for which no authority has been established at the College of Arms, are: Quarterly i and 4, sable three pheons or ; 2 and 3 or, on a clievron between three bulls' heads caboshed gules, a Cornish H is the Naval Cockade. Jl3ic JI3iC 617 chough -with 7uings expanded proper. MottO — " Nil falsi ai/deat." Married, April 15, 1868, Amy Isabella, eldest daughter 0/ Henry Hoyle Oddie of Colney House, St. Albans, in the county of Hertford ; and has Issue — (i) Hugh Utid Nic/wll, Lieutenant 1st Battalion Bedfordshire Regiment, born February 21, 1870; (2) Francis lltid Nicholl, Under- graduate of Clare College, Cambridge, born August 2, 1874, died 1895; Fthel Amy; Margaret Caroline; and Joan Mary. Estate — Houndswood, near St. Albans, in the county of Hertford. Postal address — 32 Ijincaster Gate, Hyde Park, London, W. ILTYD BOND NICHOLL, Esquire, Justice of the Peace for the counties of Monmouth and Glamorgan. Born June 28, 1862, being the eldest son of the late George Whit lock Nicholl of The Ham, by his wife Maiy Ijjuisa, youngest daughter and co-heir of the late William Nicholl of A'yde, Isle of Wight, Doctor of Medicine. Clubs — National, (iros- vetior. Livery — Black, with silver buttons. Armorial bearings as used, but for tvhich no authority has been established at the College of Arms, are : Sable, three pheons argent. Crest — On the battlements of a tower, a Cornish chough with wings expanded proper; with the MottO, " Duw a digon." Estate — The Ham, in the county of Glamorgan. Postal address — The Ham, Cowbridge, South Wales. JOHN BRUCE NICHOLS, (Jentleman, M.A. of St. John's College, Oxford. Born 1848, lx;ing the only son of the late John Gough Nichols, Gentleman, K.S.A., by Lucy, dau. and co-heir of the late Frederick Lewis, Comm. K.N. Clubs — Allx'niarle, Atheniuum. Livery — Dark blue. Ar- morial bearings— Azure, on a fesse humcttt'e between thiec lions' heads erased or, two eagles rising of the tield. Mantling azure and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a lion's head erased azure, gorged with a collar gemel or, between two wings paly of six or and azure. Motto— " Labor ipse voluptas." Married, ist, 1874, Frances Eliza, dau. of Henry Morgan of Norwich ; 2nd, 1885, Emily, dau. of Clement J. Hawkins of Cheltenham ; and has Issue— (i) John Cradock Morgan Nichols, Gentle- man, b. 1876; (2) Charles Tyssen Nichols, Gentleman, b. 1879 ; Lucy Catherine ; Margery Alice ; Evelyn Frances ; and Cicely Maud. Seat — Holmwood Park, Dorking. NICHOLSON, quartered by SHAW. LOTHIAN DEMAIN NICHOLSON, Gentleman. Born October 8, 1858, l)eing the second son of William Norris Nicholson, Esquire, Master of Arts of the University of Cambridge, Barrister-at-lvaw, Master in Lunacy, by his wife Emily, daughter of James Stock Daniel. Clubs — Devonshire, Queen's. Livety — Blue cloth, canary-coloured facings. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Per pale dovetailed azure and gules, two bars argent, guttlizalx;th Graham, dau. of tin- Very Rev. Peter Colin Campbell, D.D., Princi- pal of .Mxrdeen University. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms ; Gyronny of eight argent and azure, an eagle displayed erminois, on a chief wavy ermine a trident or surmounting in saltire a flagstaff proper, thereon hoisted a pennon gules, both passing through a chaplet of laurel vert, impaling the arms of Campbell, namely, quarterly 1 and 4, quarterly i. and iiii. gyronny of eight or and sable ; ii. argent, a dexter hand couped in fesse grasping a dagger in pale all proper ; iii. argc-nt, a galley with oars in action sable ; 2 and 3 quarterly or and gules, over all a bend sable, charged with three cross crosslets litch(?e argent. Crest — Out of a naval crown or. a demi-eagle sable, wings ele- vated erminois, each charged with a cross couped gules. Motto—" Patria cara carior fides." [.Addition to crest granted to Captain John Toup Nicholas, Companion of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, and to his descendants, October 18, 1816, the word " Pilot " inscribeil on the rim of the naval crown, in commemoration of distinguished services on the east and west coast of Calabria in the sloop " Pilot" in 1810, 1811, and 1812, and for an action in the said sloop with the French ship "La Legere," June 17, 1815.] Married, June 1894, Ramsay, n^e Mackay ; and has Issue — John Toup Nicolas,^. 1895. Postal address — Tibii Waihola, Otago, N.Z. Sir ARTHUR THOMAS BENNETT ROBERT NICOLSON, tenth Baronet of that Ilk and Lasswade, Justice of the Peace for Victoria. Born 1842, being the son of Sir Arthur Bolt Nicolson, ninth Baronet, by his wife Margaret, daughter of the late Reverend George The Editor imdertakes that every entry not in italics is that of a gentiinely armigerous person. 6i8 I5is Bi^ Bisselt of Ediiv, in the county of Aberdeen. Club— A'rtc (Cheltenham). Creation— /«/v '2, 1629. Armorial bearings. as matnculiited in Lyon Ne^ister, 1826, /'/// w itiioiit t/ie style of" Ihironet," are for Arms : Or, three falcons' heads erased gules. Crest — . / demi-lion or, armed and langued gules. Supporters — T-ioo eagles or, armed gules. MottO— ' ' Genero- sitate. " Married, July 14, iHi, Annie, eldest daughterof John Rutherford of /irun'tsfield Place, Edinburgh, and formerly Ricrht Honourable Thomas Howard, sixteenth Earl of Suffolk. Clubs — 'I'ravellers' and Brooks's (London), New (Edinburgh). Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Quarterly 1 and 4, argent a lion passant guar- dant gules, gorged with an open crown and crowned with a closi> imperial one or (for Ogilvy) ; 2 and 3 argent, an eagle displayed sable, beaked and niembered gules (for Ramsay) ; in chief of the quartered coat a crescent oj Illillazva, Australia; and has Issue — (i) Arthur John Frederick IVilliam Nicolson, Esquire, born June 8, 1882 ; (2) Harald Stanley Nicolson , Esquire, born October ■zi, 1883; (3) Lionel Hutheiford Nicolson, Esquire, born 1887 ; and Annie Vera Violet. Residence — Brough Lodge, Fetlar, Shetland. \^Foster places this title in " Chaos."] S HENRY 'I'HOMAS NISBET-HAMIEION-OGIL- VY, Esquire, Deputy- Lieutenant and Justice of the Peace for the county of Haddington, and Jus- tice of the Peace for the county of Lincoln. Born May 3, 1837, being the second son (but the eldest by his second marriage) of the late Sir John Ogilvy of Inverquharity (ninth Baronet), by his second wife Jane Elizabeth, com- monly known as Lady Jane Elizabeth, daughter of the & is tbe Military Cockade gules for difference ; over all, on an escutcheon of pretence, quarterly i and 4, gules a sword paleways argent, hiked and pommelled or, between three cinquefoils of the second (for Hamilton); 2. argent, on a chevron gules, between three boars' heads erased sable, armed and langued of the second, as many cinquefoils of the first, the chevron being en- signed on tlie top with a thistle projier (for Nisbet) ; 3. argent, a lion rampant gules within a bordure ermine (for Dundas) ; above the shield a helmet, with a mantling gules, doubled argent ; and on wreaths of the proper liveries are set the three following Crests, namely, on the dexter side a demi-lion rampant gules, armed and langued azure, anii in an escroll over the same this motto, "Forward" (for Ogilvy) ; in the centre a horse's head and neck couped argent, bridled gules, and in an escroll over the same this motto, " Ryde through" (for Hamilton); and on the sinister side, a dexter hand issuing out of a cloud and holding a balance all proper, and in an escroll over the same this motto, " Discite justitiam " (for Nisbet). Upon a 3 is tbe Naval Cockade. , Bit Box 6ig "compart mem DeTbw the shield, entwined with an escf inscribed with this motto, "Teriena Fericula Sperno," are placed for Supporters, two white horses proper, bridled gules. Married, September 1 1 , i888, Mary Georgiana Con- stince C. Nisbet Hamilton of Belhaven, Dirleton, Pencait- land, Bloxholm, and Alford. only daughter of the late Right Honourable R. C. Nisbet Hamilton {nd Dundas), by his wife Mary, commonly known as Lady Mary C. Nisbet Hamilton, daughter of the Right Honourable the se\-enth F'^arl of Elgin. Estates — Belhaven, Dirleton, and Pencait- land, in the county of East Lothian ; Blo.xliolm, Well, and Alford, in the county of Lincoln. Postal addresses — Biel Prestonkirk, Archerfield, Drem, and Winton Castle, Pen- caitland, East Lothian, Scotland ; Bloxholm Hall, Lincoln. WILLIAM NIVEN, Esquire, J. P. for Berks, E.S.A., Lord of the Manor of Carswell, Berks. Born Nov. 1846, heirij^ the third son of David Graham Niven of Perth, N.B., and Mary Baylis of Stoulton , Worcestershire. Club — Savile. Livery — Blue and \vhite. Armorial bearings— yl/r. Niven informs the Editor that he claims the arms of " Niven oj Shetland (Lyon Het^nster)," but no such arms are recorded. Married, Auj;. 1876, Helen, only child of Edward Bous- tead ; and has Issue — An only child, William Edward (iraham Niven, b. June 24, 1877. Instate — Manor and Estate of Carsivell, in the parish of Buckland. Postal address — Cars%oell, Earingdon, Berks. JOSEPH HORACE NOBLE, Gentleman, Master of Arts, of the University of Oxford. Born .Sept. 7, 1855, being the only son of Joseph Alfred Noble, Gentleman, of Kortis Green, Hornsey, in the county of Middlesex, and Selby House, Ham, in the county of Surrey, by his wife Emily, daughter of John Palgrave. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms: Ermine, two chevronels gules, between three leopards' faces jessant-de-lys sable ; and for his Crest, on a wreath of the colours, a leopard passant regardant sable, senile of annulets or, holding in the dexter forepaw a battle-axe erect proper; with the MottO, " Loyautd n'a peur." Married, September 26, 1885, Sarah, elder surviving daughter of Thomas Sturgess of Penshurst Park House, Tunbridge, in the county of Kent ; and has Issue — Archibald Francis Noble, Gentleman, born July 4, 1886 ; and Elizabeth Mary. Residence — Selby House, Ham, Surrey. SHIRLEY NEWCOMBE NOBLE. Born June 7, 1865, being the eldest son of William Henry Noble of Glass- drummond, co. Fermanagh, Major-Gen. Royal .Artillery, by his wife Emily, eldest dau. of Frederick Marriott of Taun- ton, Somersetshire (by his wife Mary Anne, only dau. and heiress of Francis Gibbons of Wellingborough). Armorial bearings— Vert, on a fesse or, between three leopards' faces argent, a fleur-de-lis between two annulets sable. Mantling vert and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a dove argent, holding in her beak a ring or. zure. Motto — " Mortem quam deilecus." Seat — Glassdrummond, co. Fermanagh. His Honour ARTHUR BAPTIST NOEL, Judge of the Northern District Court of Queensland, of Brisljanc. Born December 16, 1855, being the eldest son of His Honour Wriothesley Baptist Nod of Melbourne, Judge of the Court of Insolvency and Land Tax Commissioner, by his wife Margaret, daughter of John Mackenzie of Tain, Scotland, Queensland. Armorial bearings He bears for Arms: Or, fretty gules, a canton ermine. Upon the es- cutcheon is placed a helmet Isefitting his degree, with a mantling gules and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a buck at gaze argent, attired or ; with the Motto, "Tout bien ou rien." Married, September 25, 1879, Henriett.a .\ugusta Macdonald, daughter of Henry O'Hara; and has />■?;/r l^iited Service. Armorial beailng^s — He lx\ars fur Arms: Per pale azure and gules, a maunch ermine, on a chief engrailed or, a lion passant sable. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling azure and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a tiger's head erased or, charged with a trefoil vert, and iiolding in the mouth a broken spear proper; with the Motto, " Frangas non flectcs." Married, 1880, Cecilia Lafayette, daughter of James Kennedy of Tlie Limes, in the county of Down, and widow of William Thomas Cavendish of Thornton Hall, in the county of Buck- ingham, and Crakemarsh Hall, in the county of Stafford; and has /jj//c— Fdlicie. Residence — 51 Queen's Gate, S.W. NOTT, see PYKE-NO IT. FREDERICK RICHARD HARDING NOTT, Gentle- man. Born 1864, being the only .son of the late Rev. Richard Nott, M..A., of Gorwell House, Devon, by -Annie .\rnold, dau. of John Caddy of Bowden, Devon. Armorial bearings — Quarterly i and 4, gules, on a bend engrailed or, l>etween four leopards' faces two and two argent, an estoile of eight points between two martlets of the field (for Nott); 2 and 3 or, three martlets in bend lietween two bendlets, all between two crosses patt^e azure (for Harding). Mantling gules and or ; and for his Crests, I. upon a wreath of the colours, two mascles fesseways interlaced or, thereon a martlet gules, ducally gorged gold, in the beak a sprig of laurel proper (for Nott) ; 2. upon a wreath of the colours, on a rock a Cornish chough proper, collared or, resting the dexter claw on a cross pat^e .also or Tbe Editor undertakes that every entry not in italics is that of a genuinely armigerous person. 622 Jf30tti 1130? (for Harding). Motto— " Pax vobiscum." Married, Dec. 12, 1895, Lelia lilizabelh, youngest dau. of the late Charles Ellis of Oak Villa, Meldreth, Cambs.; and has Issue — Florence Annie. Seat — Tordown, Swinbridge, Barnstaple. 3 ROBERT MICHAEL NOWELL-USTICKE, Es- quire, Justice of the Peace, Cap- fl^flStlt^ff 'Utffff fc-1? t^'" tJornwall and Devon Miners JUUUIt-ll'^Ur^lli.UI^ Artillery (West Division), Royal Artillery. Born October 20, 1859, being the eldest son of the late Stephen Usticke Novvell-Usticke, Esc|uire, of W'oodlane, by his wife Lucy \i. Marianne, second daughter of the Reverend Robert .Stapylton Bree, Vicar of Tintagel, in the county of Corn- wall. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Quarterly T and 4, counter-c|uartered i. and iiii. gules, on a bend embattled counter-embattled, Ijetween two plain cotises or, three eagles displayed of the field (for Usticke) ; ii. and iii. per fesse argent and sable, a fesse engrailed & is tbe Military Cockade. counterchanged between a sword in chief, point upwards, and another in base, point downwards proper (for Nowcll) ; 2 and 3 per bend_ sinister dovetail or and sable, six martlets within a bordure, all counterchanged (for Beauchant). Upon an escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degi-ee, with a mantling gules and or ; and for his Crests, i. upon a wreath of the colours, a demi-eagle displayed gules, gorged with a plain collar and pendent therefrom an escutcheon or, charged with a water-bouget sable (for Usticke) ; 2. upon a wreath of the colours, a dexter arm embowed in armour, grasping a sword proper, between the antlers of a stag sable (for Nowell) ; 3. upon a wreath of the colours, on a mount vert, in front of rays of the sun proper, a martlet sable, holding in its beak an acorn slipped, also proper (for Beauchant). Motto — "Semper paratus." Married, June 22, 1887, Janet, eldest daughter of the Right Reverend Herbert Bree, Doctor of Divinity, Bishop of Rarbadoes ; and has Issue — Robert Stapylton Nowell-Usticke, Gentleman, born March 2, 1892. Seat — Polsue Philleigh, near Grampound Road, in the county of Cornw'all. Reverend FREDERICK ROBERT HALS EY HER- BERT NO YES, D.D. Born Nov. 29, 1839, bein^ the fifth son of Thomas Herbert Noycs, bv his 7oife Mary Elizabeth, dan. of Joseph Ha/scy of ('treat (hiddesden Place, Herts. Club — Grosvenor. Armorial bearings as used, but to which the right has not as yet been officially proved and recorded {but vide Susse.v Archcsological Collections, Vol. IX. p. 342) are — Quarterly, i. azure, three cross crosslets in bend argent (for Noyes) [these arms were registered at the Visitation of Cornivall, 1620, to the family of Noye of Pendrea in that county'] ; 2. argent, three ogresses (for Clarke) ; 3. sable, a griffin passant or (for Brice); 4. argent, a lion rampant qzieue-fourchde sable, armed gules (for Neioton) ; 5 argent, a chevron between three crost crosslets fitchce sable ( for Davenport) ; 6. argent, a cross engrailed azute, charged with three garbs or, a crescent for difference (for Milton); 7. argent, a bend sable, charged with three eagles displayed of the field (for Erneley) ; 8. per pale azure and gules, three lions ravipant argent, a mullet for difference ( for Herbert). Crest — on a chapeau, a dozie with an olive branch. MottO — " Nuncia pads oliva."' Married, May 7, 1878, Emilv Mary, dan. of Rev. Thomas Percnml Rogers, late Rector of Batheaston, Somerset; and has Issue — Talbot Ronald Arthur Herbert Noyes, b. Jan. 17, 1886 ; Mary Dorothea 3 is the Naval Cockade. I3un ©afe 623 rbert ; Sybil K'atherine Herbert ; and Hilda Mary Her- bert. Residence — The Rectory, Loii^ Crichel, St. Giles', Salisbury. SThe Rk.verenu SAMUEL NUNN, Master of Arts, Clerk in Holy Orders, late Scholar and Exhibitioner of St. John's College (Cambridge), Rector of Lawton, in the county of Cheshire ; Acting Regimental Chaplain ist Vol. Batt. North Staffordshire. Horn Septemlier 14, 1835, being the si.vth son of the late Reverend William Nunn, Master of Arts, Clerk in Holy Orders, Incumbent of St. Clement's, Manchester, by his wife Elizaljeth, eldest daughter of Phili|) Vaughan of Kidwelly, in the county of Carmarthen. /.iTrrv — Blue, with gilt buttons and yellow facing.s. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Azure, a saltire or, between a Vjoy's head affrontde, coupcd at the shoulders, aroiuid his neck a serpent in chief proper, two garbs in fesse .ind a lion's gamb in base of the .second. Upon the escutchoju is placed a helmet Ixifilting his degree, with a mantling azure and or ; and for his CSrest, upon a wreath of the colours, in front of a saltire azure, a bull's head erased or; with the Motto, "Justi sicut astra lucebunt." Married, October 8, 1863, Eliza, second daughter of William Williamson, Es- quire, Justice of the Peace, of Heaton Norris, in the county of Lancashire ; and has had /sst/e — (1) Harry Nunn, ( ientle- man, B.A. (Cantab.), and .Solicitor, born April 5, 1865; (2) William Percy Vaughan Nunn, Gentleman, born May 2r, 1867, deceased. Postal address — The Rectory, Lawton, Stoke-on- Trent. SJOHN GARDINER NUTTING, Esquire (High Sheriff co. Dublin 1895-96), D. L. of city and co. of Dublin, J. P. CO. Dublin, /iorn 1852, toeing the second son of John Nutting of Bellevue, Redlands, Bristol, and Eliza, dau. of Peter Bull. Clubs— >>t. Stephen's (Westminster), Sackville Street (Dublin). Livery — Green, red facings. Armorial bearings — Chevronny of six gules and vert, three gryphons segreant or, on a cliicf of the last as many nut- branches slipped [jroper. Mantling gules and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, ,a demi-gryphon segreant enclosed Ijetween two nut-branches proper. Motto — "Mors patior macula." Married, 1879, Mary Stansmore, dau. of Restel R. Bevis of Manor Hill, Cheshire; and has Issue — (i) Harold St.ansmore Nutting, Gentleman, b. Aug. 14, 1882 ; (2) Godfrey Stansmore Nutting, Gentleman, b. April 13, 1884 ; (3) Arthur Ronald .Stansmore Nutting, Gentleman, b. March 3, 1888; Dorothy .Stansmore ; and Mary Stansmore. Seat — .St. Helen's, Booterstown, co. Dublin. o HENRY EVELYN OAKELEY, Esquire, Chief In- spector of Training Colleges. Bom 1B33, being the third son of the late Very Reverend Sir Herbert Oakeley, Dean and Rector of Bocking, Preljendary of .St. Paul's Cathedral, byhiswifcVthoU Keturah, daughter of the Reverend Charles Murray- Aynsley, commonly known as Lord Charles Murray- Aynsley ; formerly Fellow of and Lecturer at Jesus College, Cambridge. C/«i^ - Athennsum. Armorial bearing^s— He bears for Arms : Argent, on a fesse bt'twcen three crescents gules, as many fleurs-de-lis or. Upon the escut- cheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules and argent; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a dexter arm embowed in armour proper, charged with two fleurs-de-lis or, each in a crescent gules, the hand holding a scimitar also proper. Married, 1862, Caroline Howley Turner, daughter of William Hallows Belli, late of EJengal Civil Service ; and has Issue — Alice Keturah [married, 1890, Arthur Godfrey Roby, Barrister-at-Law] ; Hilda Diana; Caroline Atholl ; and Marion Adela. Postal address — 97 Warwick Road, Earl's Court. S.W. Sir HERBERT STANLEY OAKELEY, Knight Bachelor, Master of Arts, and Doctor of Music of Oxford, The Editor undertakes that every entry not in italics is tbat of a genuinely armigerous person. 624 SDak Dublin, Si. Aiulrevvs, C'anterhury, and Adelaide, Doctor of (."ivil r.aw (Toronto), aiul Doetor of i.aws (Aberdeen and Edinburgh), Emeritus I'rofessor of Music at Edinburgh University, Composer of Music to Her Majesty in Scotland. Member of Philharmonic Societies of Bologna, Rome, and London. Bom July 22, 1830, being the second son of Sir Herbert Oakelev, third Baronet, by his wife Atholl Murray, daughter of the Right Honourable Charles Murray-Aynsley, commonly known as Lord Charles Murray-Aynsley, youngest son of the Most Noble John Murray, third Duke of .AUioll. /./■vvT- Dark blue coat, black trousers with red stripe. Armorial beaxings— He bears for Arms: Argent, on a fesse between three crescents gules, as many mullets or. Upon tile escutcheon is placed a helmet betitting his de- gree, with a mantling gules and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a dexter arm em- bowed in armour proper, charged with two fleurs-de-lis or, each in a crescent gules, holding in the hand a scimitar also proper; with the MottO, " Paterni nominis patri- monium." Postal address— 2^ Marine Parade, Dover. AUGUSTUS HENRY OAKES, Gentleman, Librarian and Keeper of the Papers at the Foreign Office. Borii Nov. 2, 1839, being the third but eldest surviving son of Lieut. -Col. Richard Montague Oakes, 22nd Light Dragoons and ist Life Guards, by Sophia Charlotte, dau. of Edward Fletcher of Lime Grove, Putney, 125 Park Street, Grosvenor Squnre, and of Broadstairs. Armorial bearings— Azure, on a chevron, between three falcons belled or, as many leopards' faces proper. Mantling azure and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a demi-leopard proper, gorged with an Eastern coronet or, in the de.xter paw a slip of oak of the first, acorn gold. Motto — " Esse quam videri." Married, July 25, 1871, to Jane Alice, second daughter of William Henry Cane, M.D., Surgeon R. Elthorne Militia; and has Issue — Charles Seton Cosby Oakes, Gentleman, b. Sept. 18, 1882; Augusta Sophia Alice [;«., 1893, Lieut. Charles Osborn, Springfield, Submarine Miners, R.E.]; and Katharine Edith Fletcher. Residence — Tangleland, near East Grinstead. RICHARD FRANCLS OAKES, Esquire, Colonel (retired) late Royal Engineers (Madras), now head of his family. Born July 27, 1831, being the second but eldest surviving son of Thomas George Oakes of the Madras Civil Service, late first Judge of the Suddar Court at Madras (second but eldest surviving .son of Thomas Oakes of the parish of Marylebone, late Member of the Council of the Government at Fort St. George, Madras, East Indies, by his wife Elizabeth Anne, dau. of Lieut. -Gen. S is the Military Cockade. €)'t)r Sir Henry Montague Cosby), by his wife Clara Sophia, fifth dau. of Philip Frederick Muntz and sister of the late George Frederick Muntz, M.P. , of Umberslade, Warwick- shire. /./7'e/v— Blue. Armorial bearings— Azure, on a chevron, between three falcons belled or, as many leopards' faces proper. Mantling azure and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a demi-leopard proper, gorged with an Eastern coronet or, in the dexter paw a slip of oak of the first, acorned gold. MottO — "Esse quam videri." Married, Dec. 9, 1873, Emma Jane, youngest dau. of the late Rev. Thomas John Trevenen, M.A., Vicar of St. Ewe, near St. Austell, Cornwall ; and has Issue— (z) Richard Oakes, Gentleman, h. March 12, 1B76; (2) Thomas Tre- venen Oakes, Gentleman, b. Aug. 13, 1880 ; (3) Francis Edward Oakes, Gentleman,;^. Feb. 27, 1886; (Hara; and Helen Constance. Postal address — Springhead, Sandhurst Road, Tunbridge Wells, Kent. Sir JOHN TERENCE NI COLLS O'BRIEN, Knight Commander of Saint Michael and Saint George (1887), Lieut. -Col. (retired) late Government of Heligoland and Newfoundland. Born 1830, being the eldest son of the late Major-Gen. Terence O'Brien, Commander of the Eorces in Ceylon, and for some time Attorney Governor, by his wife Catherine, dan. of the late R. Collins, H.E.I.C.S. Clubs — United Sei-vice, St. George's. Livery — Dark blue, with white piping round the collar, and silver buttons. Armorial bearings as used, but for lohich no authority has been established in Ulster's Office by Str Terence, are — Gules, three lions passant guardant in pale per pale or and argent. Crest — // dexter arm embowed, vested gules, brandishing a s'ioord proper, pommel and hilt or. Married, firstly, 1853, Philippa Leeds (who d. in 1867), youngest dau.' of the late Capt. IV. Eastgate, H.E.LC.S. He married secondly, 1880, Victoria, dau. of the late IV. O. Temple (formerly 18th R.I. Regt., and eldest brother of the Archbishop of Canterbury), widow of the late J. Fenn of Wormsley, and M.P. for Oxfordshire; and has Issue by first marriage — (i) Terence Hugh Galhnnay O'Brien, Esq. , in the Canadian Civil Service, was for some time in the Royal Navy, b. Sept. i, 1855 (d. in 1891); (2) Edward Donough John O'Brien, Esq., Major i^th Hussars, b. Aug. 19, 1858; (3) Charles Richard Mackay O'Brien, Esq., Capt. East Lane. Regt., b. Dec. 13, 1859. Postal address — 88 Eccleston Square, S. W. n is tbe Naval Cockade. £)'ca C>gg 625 .ALLAGHAN - WESTROPP. i:sfmire, Justice of the €)'Canagf)an=rac0tropp"i;:.^Turi.?hSs (retired), Captain the Clare Artillery. Born February 18, 1864, being the only son of Captain John O'Callaglian, Justice of the Peace, of Maryfort, in the county of {,'Iare, by his wife Mary Johnson, eldest daughter of John Westropp, Ksquire, of Attyflin, in the county of Limerick. Clubs — Army and Navy, Kildare Street (Dublin), Clare ( ). Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Quarterly i and 4, sable a lion rampant per fesse argent and or, ducally crowned of the last (for Westropp) ; 2 and 3 argent, in base a moimt vert, on dexter side a hurst of oak trees, therefrom issuing a wolf passant towards the sinister all proper (for O'Callaghan). Crests — t. out of an antique crown gules an eagle's head sable (for Westropp) ; 2. a naked arm embowed, holding a sword bendways entwined with a snake proper (for O'Callaghan). Mottoes— Over second crest, " Mdus et audax;" under the arms, " Je me tourne vers I'occident." £'.f/fl/'«— Coolreagh, Ballyhannon, Dromellihy, and Lacken, in the county of Clare. Postal address — Coolreagh, Bodyke, county Clare. FREDERIC LOCKE O'CARROLL, Esquire, Dar- rister-at-I.aiv, Justice of the Peace for the (fn'tfTj^fffllf f'U'itv of Dublin. norn//i//?/(/rf 27, 1843, iV >Cl^avlUll ifei,,^ the only son of Frederic Francis (Y Carroll, by hiswife Catherine, daui^hter of Joseph MacCarthy. Livery — lilue and yelloii'. Armorial bearings as used, but for which no authority is recorded in Ulster's Office, are for Arms : Quarterly i and 4, argent a sword erect in pale proper supported by two lions counter- rampant gules [for O' Carroll) ; 2. per fesse azure and or, a pale counterchangcd, three falcons rising, two and one of the second, each holding a fetterlock in the beak sable (for iMcke) ; 3. chcquy or and azure, on a canton argent, a lion rampant gules (for Warren). Crest — On the stump of an oak tree, a falcon rising proper. Motto — ' ' In fide et in belh fortis.' Married, April 29, 1874, Margaret, daughter of William Thomson of Clare flail; and has Issue — (i) Frederic Francis O' Carroll, born April 13, 1876; (2) John MarCarthy O' Carroll, born August 28, 1877; (3) William Thomas O' Carroll , born December 4, 1881 ; (4) Oscar Francis O' Carroll, born A fay 2^, 1888; (5) Walter Corvtac fMcke O' Carroll, born September 14, 1893 ; Annie Kathleen Afarie, died July 11, 1880; Margaret Mary I-'rances ; and Kathleen Eily. Estate — Athgoe Park, in the county of f)uHin. Postal address — Athi,'i>e Park, ffaslehatch, county Kildare. ARTflUR O'CONNOR, Member of Parliament for the East f)onegal fiivision. Born 1844, (ir\'/fr(SM*«|^«» beini; the son of the late William Si/ VO^UIUlUt O'Connor, Doctor of Medicine, of Dingle, in the coiintv of Kerry, and 30 Upper hfontagu .Street, W. Armorial bearings as given in Debretfs " House of Commons," but which are not registered in Ulster's Office, are for Arms: I'ert, a lion rampant or, cnnoned ivith an antique cnncn. Crest — .4 dexter arm in armour embinced, holding in the hand a s7vord. Married fillen, eldest daughter of William Connolly. Postal ad- dresses — \-j Roivan Road, West Kensington Park, funidon, 1 1 '. ,• s Essex Court, Temple, E. C. The Right Hon. Sir NICHOLAS RODERICK O'CONOR, Knight Grand Cross of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, Knight (>rand Cross of the Most Dis- tinguished Order of Saint Michael and Saint George, P.C., Ambassador at Constantinople. fSorn 1844, being the son of the late Patrick H. O'Conor of Dundermott, co. Roscommon ; was created C. B. 1886, and Knight Commander 1895, C.M.G. 1886. Clubs — Travellers', St. James's. Armoiial bearings — Argent, an oak tree eradicated proper, supported by two lions rampant combatant sable, in chief an ancient Irish crown or, and in base three lizards passant to the sinister bar ways vert, the escutcheon being surrounded by the ribbon of the Bath, and the collars and pendent the badges of a G. C. B. and of a ( i. C. M. G. Mantling vert and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreatii argent and vert, out of an Irish crown as in the arms, an arm embowed in armour, the hand grasping a sword all proper. Married, 1887, Minna Margaret, dau. of the late James Robert Hope- scott. Postal addresses — British Embassy, Constantinople ; Dundermott, co. Roscommon. H TiiK Right Honourabi.e CHARLES OWEN ^ O'CONOR, The O'Conor Don, C^^(Kt\r%t\V ZrNrtM o*^ Belanagare and Clonalis, in JXJ ^a^UIlUl ZL'Ull the county of Roscommon, a Member of Her Majesty's Most Honourable Privy Counil, Justice of the Peace and Deputy- Lieutenant, High Sheriff 1884, Justice of the Peace for the county of Sligo, High Sheriff 1863, Member of Parlia- ment for that county 1860-1880. fiorn May 7, 1838, being the elder son of the late Denis O'Conor Don, of Belanagare and Clonalis, Member of Parliament for the county of Roscommon, by his wife Mary, daughter of Major Maurice Blake of Tower Hill, in the county of Mayo. C'/«*.f— Reform, Athenreum. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Argent, an oak tree eradicated proper. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befit- ting his degree, with a mantling vert and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a. wreath of the colours, an arm embowed vambraced, holding a short sword entwined with a snake all proper. Afarried, firstly, April 21, 1868, Georgina Mary, daughter of Thomas Aloysius Perry, ICsquire, of Bitham House, in the county of Warwick ; and by her (who died .August 1872), has had fssue — (i) Denis Charles O'Conor, Gentleman, iKirn i86g ; (2) Owen Felim O'Conor, Gentleman, born 1870 ; (3) Charles Hugh O'Conor, Gentle- man, l)orn 1872; (4) Roderick O'C'onor, Gentleman, born 1872, died 1878. He married secondly, 1879, Ellen, daughter of John Lewis More O'P'errall, Esquire, of Lissard, in the county of Longford. Scats — Belanagare, French Park, and Clonalis, Castlerea, in the county of Roscommon. O'DOGHERTY, quartered by BROWNLOW. H MORGAN WILLIAM ODONOVAN. Esquire, w "The 0'Donf)van," Chieftain of Ancient Irish sept of Clan Cathal, B.A. Magdalen College, Oxford. J. P. and D. L. co. of Cork (High Sheriff 1892), Major 3rd Batt. Royal Munster Fusiliers, fiorn Feb. 11, 1861, Ijeing the only son of the late Henry Winthrop O'Donovan, "The O'Donovan," by his wife Amelia, dau. of De Courcy O'Grady of Killballyowen. Club — New Oxford and Cam- bridge. fJvery — Silver anil blue. Armorial bearings — Argent, a dexter arm from the sinister cuuped, vested ijules, cuffed of the first, the hand grasping a sword in pale, the blade entwined with a serpent descending all proper. Crest— On a wreath, gules and argent, a falcon, wings displayed and elevated or. MottO — "Adjuvante Deo in Hostes." Married, July 9. 1892, Mary lileanor, dau. of Rev. John Yarker Barton. M.A., Chaplain to the Forces; and has Issue — (i) Morgan John Winthrop O'Donovan, Gentleman, b. May 2, 1893 ; (2) Miles Henry O'Donovan. Gentleman, b. June 26. 1895; (3) Victor Trige O'Donovan. (Jentleman, b. June 20, 1897 ; and Eleanor Melian Frances. Seat — Liss .Ard. .Skibljercen, co. Cork. [" The O'fJonovan " uses supporters: dexter, a lion guard- ant ; sinister, a griffin gules, and substitutes a chapeau for his toreath. There is no le^al authority for either practice."] CHARLES RICHARD JOHN O'FARRELL, Bom Sept. 22, 1875, Ijeing the son of Charles Carroll, Esq., J. P. for CO. GaUvay (nephinv of the late Charles Farrcll, M.D., of Dalyston, who died 1855), by his wife Kate Mary, only daughter of the late J. W. MacLoghlin of Ballyglass ; assumed the name of O'Farrcll in 1855, on succeeding to this proi>erty. Armorial bearings — Per fesse or and vert, a lion rampant counterchanged, on a canton gules, an Irish harp of the first. Mantling vert and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, on an E:istern crown or, a greyhound courant per pale argent and sable, gorged with a collar, therefrom a broken chain, both gules. Seat — Daly- ston, near Loughrea, co. Gal way. OFFALEY, Earl of, see LEINSTER. §SiR WILLIAM ANDERSON OGG, Knight Bachelor. Justice of the Peace and Deputy-Lieutenant for /ttVjYjY the City of London, and Justice of the Peace for ^ll^BB the county of Surrey, was Sheriff of London and Middlesex 1881-1882, formerly Captain London Rifle Brigade. Born 1823, being the youngest son The Editor undertakes that every entry not in italics is that of a genuinely axmigerous person. 2 R 626 €)gi of Rol)crt Ogg, Esquire, of Arbroatli, in the county of Forfar (who died 1867), by his wife Christian, second daughter of the late Jolin Mackie, Esquire, of Leven, North Britain ; dublied Knight Baciielor, 1882. Clubs —National Liberal. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : A saltire Ijetween two towers triple-towered, one in chief and the other in base, and as many stags' heads couped in fesse all or. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helntet befitting his degree, with a mantling azure and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, within two arms couped at the shoulders erect and cmbowed, vested azure, cuffed or, holding lH:!tween the hands a thistle proper, a wreath of oak leaves vert; with the Motto, " Fugiendo vincimus." Married, 1851, Anne Anderson (who died February i, 1895), eldest daughter of AndrewSmitli, Esquire, of Arbroath. He married secondly Hannah, daughter of William Brown of Mount Barker, Adelaide, South Aus- tralia. Postal address — Oakfield, Dulwich, S. E. S ROBERT ALEXANDER OGILBY, r<:sq., J.P. and D.L., High Sheriff 1887, late Capt. 4th. Regt. Born 1850, being the son of the late Robert Leslie Ogilby, Esq., D. L., of Ardnargle, Vjy his wife Elizateth Matilda, dau. of Major William Henry Rainey, H.E.LC.S. Cliths — Junior United Service, Athenaeum. Armorial bearings — Argent, a lion passant guardant gules, between two crescents, one in chief and the other in base azure. Mantling gules and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a lion rampant gules, supporting a tilting-spear entwined with a string of trefoils proper. Married, 1875, Helen Sarah, dau. of Rev. George Honiford Wheeler, MA., Rector of Ballysax, co. Kildare. 56'a/j— Ardnargle and Pellipar House, CO. Londonderry. OGILVIE-GRANT, see SEAFIELD. OGILVY-DALGLEISH, see DALGLEISH. JOHN HENRY OGLANDER, Esq.. J. P., Hants, Bar- rister-at-Law. Horn 1847, being the second surviving son of William Anthony Glynn and Ann, dau. of F. Goodall; and assumed the name and arms of Oglander by Royal License 1894. C/i/lrs—New University; Royal Victoria M is tbe Military Cockade. D'fia Yacht, /.ivcry— Dark blue. Armorial bearings— Azure, a stork between three cross crosslets fitch^e or, and upon an escutcheon of pretence the arms of Somerset, namely, quar- terly France and England, naniely, i and 4 azure, three fleurs-de-lis or (for France); 2 and 3 gules, three lions ])assant guardant or (for England), within a bordure compony argent and azure. Mantling azure and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a boar's head fesse- ways couped, embrued and langiied gules. Marrifd, Flor- ence Catherine, younger dau. and coheir of Arthur Edward Somerset, Esq. ; and has had Issue — Denys Arthur Glynn, h. and d. 1883 ; and Florence Joan Gertrude. Estates — Nun- well (comprising manors of E. and W. Nunwell, Wliitetield, Sandham, Hardingshute, and Park) and Fairy Hill, all in the Isle of Wight. Postal address — Nunwell, Brading, Isle of Wight. § ALEXANDER MH.NE OGSTON. Esquire, J.P. and D.L. for the co. of Kincardine. Born Feb. 21, 1836, being the eldest son of the late Alexander Ogston of Ardoe, by his wife Elliott, dau. of James Lawrence of Aberdeen. 67//iJ— Northern (Aberdeen). Armorial bearings— Argent, three mascles sable, on a chief of the second two lions pas- sant of the first, armed and langued gules. Above the shield is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a Mant- ling gules doubled argent ; and on a wreath of his liveries is set for Crest, a lion as in the arms ; and in an escroll over the same this Motto, " Vi et animo." Married, April 16, 1872, Katherine Anne Mitchell, dau. of Charles Moray Hill Rennie of Aberdeen ; and has Issue — (il Alexander Gordon Ogston, Gentleman, b. June 8, 1875 ; (2) Charles Ogston, Gentleman, Lieut. Gordon Highlanders, b. Sept. 14, 1877; (3) James Norman Ogston, Gentleman, h. Feb. 15, 1881; Katherine Emily [w. Capt. A. O. Norman, Gordon High- landers] ; and Elliot Mabel. Estates in co. of Kincardine ; Ardoe, and Heathcot. Postal address— Ardoe House, near Aberdeen. JOSEPH SYLEVESTER O'HALLORAN, Gentleman, of Carlisle Place, Victoria Street, (ir>'fF\affrtt*sm London, formerly of Adelaide, South 111/ VjaiWiall Australia, Secretary to the Royal Colonial Institute, Northumberland Avenue, London. Bom. March 28, 1842, being the second son of Captain William Littlejohn O'Halloran of the 38th Regiment of Foot, of Adelaide, late Auditor-General ^m is the Naval Cockade. flD'fta mi 627 south Australia, by his wife Ehza Minton, daughter of John Montague Smyth of Cork. Armorial bearings — He Ijcars for Arms : Quarterly i and 4, azure a castle of two towers with a curtain wall and portal approach- nient by three steps argent standing on a mount vert, on which is inscribed the word " Hurrehurpore " gold, in chief a sword and an Indian sabre in saltire proper, pommels and hilts or, surmounted by an P2astern crown of the last (for O'Halloran); 2 and 3 gules, a horse passant argent, on grass proper, caparisoned azure, bridled and saddled or, on a chief of the second, three mullets pierced of the third (for O'Halloran, ancient), over all a cross of pearls proper. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling azure and argent ; and for his Crests, i. for augmentation, out of an Eastern crown or, an arm in armour proper, garnished gold, the hand in a gauntlet also proper grasping a flagstaff, there- from flowing a standard azure, charged with a monkey statant also or, motto over, " Purswarrie ; " 2. upon a wreath of the colours, a lizard passant or, motto over, "Clan Fergail a-boo ; " with the Motto, " Lothim agus marbhaim" (I wound and I kill). Married, August 17, 1886, Alice Mary, daughter of the late Henry Simpson of Ridge Park, Adelaide. Postal address — Carlisle Place, Victoria Street, London, S.W. § CHARLES WILLIAM O'HARA, Esq., J. P. and n.L. CO. Sligo, M.P. for that co. 1859 to 1865, High Sheriff 1849. Horn Oct. 30, 1817, being the second and only surviving son of the late Arthur Brooke Cooper of Cooper's Hill, by his wife Jane Frances, dau. of Charles O'Hara, M.F'. , of Annaghmore ; and .assumed by Royal License Nov. 27, t86o, the surname of O'Hara, in compliance with the testamentary injunction of his uncle, Charles King O'Hara of .Annaghmore. Armorial bearings -Quarterly I and 4, vert, on a pnli; radiant or, a lion rampant sable (for O'Hara); 2 and 3 gules, on a bond tx'tween six lions ram- pant or, a crescent sable (for Coo|jer). Mantling vert and or ; and for his Crests, i. upon a wreath of the colours, a demi-lion rampant ermine, holding between the paws a chaplet of oak-leaves proper (for O'Hara) ; 2. upon |IV(^l)^ the High Court of Judicature, Allahabad, MUX\f\XK'\V} India. Born 1828, being the eldest son of Henry Swann Oldfield and Letitia, daughter of Colonel Richard .Scott. Club—\\.a.f,\. India United .Ser- vice. Z,«r'etwcen two Catherine wheels sable, three crosses patee htch<5e argent. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules and or, and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a demi- eagle displayed argent, wings semdc of crosses patc^e litchcf'e gules, in front thereof a demi-Catherinc wheel sable. Motto — "In Deo tutamen." .Married, March 16, 1854, Maria S. (who died 1885), daughter of Major Frederick Angelo, and has surviving Issue — (i) Henry Elliott Oldfield, Esquire, Major R.A., born July 14, 1858, [married, 1894, Grace, only child of Roliert Willis] ; (2) Christopher George Oldfield, Esquire, Capt., R.A., born Feb. 28, 1863, [m., 1887, Margaret, daughter of J. Le Bailly, and has issue] ; and Maude Maynard [m., 1897, Col. P. D. Jeffreys, C. B.]. Resi- dence — Shrubshill House, Sunningdale, Berks. OLIPHANT, quartered by MURRAY. Coi.ONKL LAURENCE JAMES OLIPHANT, of Condie and Newton, in the county of (fnfttlflfltl't' Ps""'!'- Born December 1846, being the ZlL'li^lJulll' son of the late Laurence Oliphant, Esquire, of Condie, by his third wife Marianne, eldest daughter of James Stuart Oli phan t of Rossie. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Gules, three crescents argent within a bordure counter-compony of the second and first ; and impaling the arms of Gerard, namely, argent, a saltire gules. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules doubled The Editor undertakes that every entry not in italics is that of a genuinely armigerous person. 628 mi ©'ma ©lipfiant^jTetguson argoiU ; antl upon a wreatli of his liveries is set for Crest, A falcon volant proper. MottO— " Altiora peto." Married, November 19, 1878, Mary Monica, cpmmoiily known as the Honourable Mary Monica, daughter of the Right Hon- ourable the first Lord Gerard ; and lias Issue — (1) Laurence Henry Oliphant, Gentleman, born November 22, 1879 ; (2) Francis Oliphant, Gentleman, born 1883 ; and Helen. Seat — Condie House, in the county of Perth. Kesideuce — 42 Lowndes Square, S.W. THOMAS TRUMAN OLHMIANT, ICsquire. Justice of the Peace for the counties of Fife and Pertii. Born July 2, 1839, being the second but only surviving son of the late Robert Oliphant, by his wife Susan Mary IClizabeth, only ciiild of Thomas Tod, Judge of the Commissary Court in Scotland. Clubs — New (ICdinbiirgh), Royal and Ancient (St. Andrews). Armorial bearings— He bears for Anns- Gules, a star of six points wavy between three crescents argent. Upon the escntcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules doubled argent ; and upon a wreath of his liveries is set for Crest, an eagle rising and regardant proper. Supporters — On the dexter an elephant, and on the sinister a lion, both proper. Motto— ". Altiora peto." Married, February 23, 1870, Georgina Elisabeth, daughter of the Reverend Joseph Mansfield, Rector of Blandford St. Mary's, in the county of Dorset ; and has Issue — (i) Stuart Oliphant, Gentleman, born June 12, 1872 ; (2) Nigel Oliphant, Gentleman, born December 19, 1874; (3) David Oliphant, Gentleman, born July 10, 1876; (4) John Ninian Oliphant, Gentleman, born May 7, 1887 ; Margaret Emily ; Honora Beatrix ; Esther Helen ; and Ruth Mary, died January i, i886. Residence — Queen Mary's, St. Andrews, North Britain. H GEORGE HENRY HEWITT OLIPHANT - FERGUSON, Esquire. Justice of the Peace and Deputy-Lieutenant, Bar- rister-at-Law. Born^xine. 6, 1817, being the only son of the late George Henry Hewitt Oliphant, Esquire, of Broadfield House, by his wife Sarah, daughter of Robert Ferguson of Harker ; and assumed, by Royal License, the name and arms of Oliphant-Ferguson, on succeeding in i860 to a portion of the property of his uncle, Richard Ferguson of Harker. Club — Athena;um. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Quarterly i and 4 gules, an elephant's head couped, between three crescents or (for Oli- phant) ; 2 and 3, per chevron dovetailed or and azure, three boars' heads couped counterchanged within a bordure argent charged with si.\ buckles ; and impaling the arms of Labouchere, namely, quarterly ermine and azure, in the second and third quarters a cross paton6e or. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules and or ; and for his Crests, i. upon a wreath of the colours, an elephant statanl sem(5e of cres- cents, holding in the trunk a fer-de-moline or (for Oliphant) ; 2. upon a wreath of the colours, a demi-lion rampant per chevron or and azure, the dexter paw holding a thistle, and the .sinister resting on a bull's head couped azure (for Ferguson). Married, October i, 1867, Cecilia, fourth daughter of the late John Labouchere of Broomhall, Dorking [brother of the late Lord Taunton] ; and by her has Issue — Mary Beatrice. Seats — Broadfield House, Southwaile Station, Carlisle ; Burgh and Harker, in the county of Cumberland. Major-Genkral JOHN RYDER OLIVER, C.M.G. Born 1834, being the eldest son of the late John Dudley Oliver, Esq., J. P., of Cherrymount, now Tigroney, in CO. Wicklow, by his first wife Mary Susanna, fourth dau. of Valentine Green of Normanton-le-Heath, Leics. ; created C.M.G. 1889. Club — Army and Navy. Armorial bearings — Or, a chevron sable between two pellets in chief and in base a salmon naiant gules, and pendent below the escut- cheon his badge as a C.M.G. Married, ist, .'\pril 19, 1864, Georgina Frances, dau. of G. M. Hanison of Stanground, Hunts; and by her (who d. Nov. 9, 1874) had Issue — (i) John Charles Arthur Oliver, Gentleman, b. April 22, 1871, d. Feb. 4, 1875. He /«. 2ndly, June 30, 1880, Mary, dau. of W. G. Hinds, Esq., of Kingston, Canada, and has by her (2) Cecil Ryder Oliver, Gentleman, b. Feb. 11, 1887; (3) Charles Aldworth Oliver, Gentleman, b. Sept. 10, 1889 ; and Mary Beatrice Lucy. Postal address — 25 Gwendwr Road, West Kensington, W. & is the fililitary Cockade. VEKE LANG FORD OLIVER. Born May 8, 1861, being the elder son of Charles iMngford Oliver (late a Lieutenant in the yii Fusiliers), by Amy his wife, second daughter of the late Rei'erend Arthur F'ane of Boyton Mcinor, in the county^of Wilts. Livery — Black, with scarlet collar and cuffs edged with white, scarlet waistcoat, drab greatcoat icith scarlet collar and cuffs. Armorial bearings used, but not recorded at the CollcQe of Arms, arc for Arms : Ermine, on a chief sable, three lions rampant argent, armed and langued gules. Married, June 17, 1885, Cella Sabina, only child of the late Sir George Martin Holloioay, Knight Bachelor; and has Issue — (i) Richard iMng ford Ofn'er, born Aug. 21, 1886; (2) I'ere Fane Martin Oliver, born March 7, 1888 ; (3) Cuthbert Hanson Oliver, born July 14, 1890 ; (4) Guy Marriott Oliver, born Notr Club, Folkstone. JOSEPH EDWARD O'NEILL-POWER, Esquire. Justice oj' the Peace and Deputy- i ^'?r^rt(f-l[^n^r>r ^-'eutenant for the county oJ ZL/ JUI^lll'l^UUItl Waterford, Justice of the Peace for the county of Kilkenny, Hii^h Sheriff oJ II ate/ford 1873. Born 1841, deing the third son of N. O' S'ei II- Power, by his wife Jane, second daughter of Alexander Sherlock, Esquire, of Killaspy, Justice of the Peace for the county of Kilkenny. Livery — Drab and blue facings (dress), blue plush breeches. Armo- rial bearings as used, but for which no authority has been established in Ulster's Office, are : For Crest, upon an Earfs conmet, a stag's head caboshed, and between the attires a crucifix. Motto — "Per crucem ad coronam." Married, firstly, November 27, 1869, Elisabeth Antonia, youngest daughter of the late Sir John Ennis, Baronet ; and by her (who died October 20, 1879) has Issue — (t) John Joseph O' Neill-Poiver, born July 9, 1879 ; and Anna Maria Gabriel. He married secondly, October 8, i%&\, _ Mar- guerite, youngest daughter of David Henry, and by her has, (2) Alexander Harold O' Neill-Power, horn December 9, 1882, died March 9, 1887 ; and Violet Marguerite. Estates — Power Hall, Snowhill, and Neivtown House, Tramore. Postal address — Poioer Hall, Snowhill, Waterford, Ireland. Sir CHARLES OPPENHEIMER, Knight Bachelor. Born 1836 ; appointed unpaid G![\WWtfY>\\C\Yt\CY Consul at Frankfort for the Pro- TiJ]^^K\\\}K\\\\K\, vince of Hesse-Nassau, and the Grand Duchy of Hesse, i88o ; Consul-General for that district .ind the Grand Duchy of Baden, 1882; dubbed Knight Bachelor, 1892. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Quarterly gules and azure, a cross invected l>;tween a lion rampant regardant, support- ing a flag-staff therefrom flowing to the dexter a banner in the first and fourth quarters, and an anchor erect in the second and third all or. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet Ixifitting his degree, with a mantling gules and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, two branches of oak in saltire vert, fructed or, in front of a flag- staff in Ijend jiroper, therefrom flowing a banner gules, sur- mounting a trident in bend sinister also proix;r. Postal address — British Consulate-General, Frankfon-on-Main. H, Thk Right Ho.noukabi.e GEOFFREY DOMIN- SDranmore anU 1i3totonc ICK AUGU.SrUS FRED- ERICK BROWNE -GUTH- RIE, Baron Oranmore of Carra Browne Castle, in the county of the town of Galway, and Baron Browne of Castle Mc- Garrett, in the county of Mayo, in the Peerage of Ireland, rORTlTERETFlDELITEK a Representative Peer, Deputy-Lieutenant for the counties of Ayr and Mayo. Born June 8, 1819, being the only son of the Right Honourable Dominick Browne, first Baron Oranmore and Browne, a Member of Her Majesty's Most Honourable Privy Council, by his wife Catherine Tbe Editor undertakes tbat every entry not in italics is that of a genuinely armigerous person. 630 ©tc €)0to Anne Isaliolla, i-lder daughter and co-heir ol I lenry NhmcK^ of 'I'owre, in the county of Westnicath (hy his wife ICliza- Iwtli Araniinta, commonly called Lady IClizabeth Arariiinta, daughter of the Right Honourable the second Karl of AiTan) ; and assumed for himself in consequence of his marriage, and in compliance with the deed of entail, the s\irname and arms of Guthrie. Creation May 4, 1836. C'li4l>s-Cwv\\.on, National, Kildare Street (Dublin). Livery -Blue, with red waistcoat and gilt buttons. Armorial bearings He bears for Arms: CJuarterly i and 4, (juar- terly i. and iiii. or, a lion ramixmt gules, armed and langued azure, surmounted of a fesse argent, charged with a mount between two edock leaves vert ; ii. and iii. azure, three garbs or (for Guthrie of The Mount) ; 2 and 3 argent, an eagle displayed with two heads sable, langued gules (for Browne). Ujion the escutcheon is placed the coronet of his rank, and thereupon a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules, doubled ermine ; and upon a wreath of his liveries is set for Crest, a dexter hand erect, holding a sword in bend all proper, and in an escroll ab(3ve this motto, "Sto pro veritate ; " and for his Supporters, on the dexter side, a knight in chain armour, f>elted azure, garnished or, holding in his right hand a battle-axe chained proper, charged on the blade with a cross patte or, on his left an ancient pointed shield gules, charged with two lioncels or, and sup]jorted by a bantl from the right shoulder gules, studded and garnished or ; and on the sinister side, a knight also in chain armour, with a surcoat of blue silk, belted gules, leaning his left hand on an ancient two- handed sword thereon a shield argent, charged with an eagle dis])layed with two heads sable, langued gules. Motto -" Fortiter ct fideliter." Married, December 31, 1859, Christina, only surviving child and heir of the late Alexander Guthrie of The Mount, Kilmarnock, and Hourtrie Hill, Irvine; and by her (who died May i, 1887), has had Issue — Geoft'rey Henry Browne, Esquire, conmionly called the Honourable Geoffrey Henry Browne, Deputy-Lieu- tenant for the county of Mayo, Master of Arts, late Lieutenant 4th Battalion Royal Scots Fusiliers, born January 6, 1861 ; Mary Christina, commonly called the Honourable Mary Christina [married, February 25, 1890, Maurice des Gray, and has issue] ; and Kathleen Harriet, commonly called the Honourable Kathleen Harriet, who died July 6, 1881. Estate and postal address — Castle McGarrett, Claremorris, county Mayo. ORCHARD, quartered by SOMERS. MYLES GEORGE O'REILLY ("THE O'REILLY"), Esq., late Capt. North Cork Rifles, J. P. co. Leitrim. Bor7i Oct. 30, 1829, lieing the eldest son of the late Myles John O'Reilly, Esq., D. L. , of The Heath House, by his wife Elizabeth Anne, elder dau. of the Hon. and Rev. George de la Poer Beresford [son of William, isl I^ord Decies, Archbishop of Tuam, by Elizabeth FitzGibbon his wife, sister of Lord Chancellor Clare]. Armorial bearings — Quarterly i and 4, vert a dexter hand coujjed at the wrist proper, dropping blood, supported by two lions rampant or. Mantling vert and or ; and for his' Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, an oak tree eradicated, the trunk entwined by a snake ascending proper. Married, 1858, l^lizabeth (who died 1881), dau. of George Brunskill of The Lodge, Turnham Green; and by her had Issue— {\) Myles John O'Reilly, Gentleman, h. Jan. 23, i86o ; (2) Edmund .Adal- bert O'Reilly, Gentleman, b. Dec. 5, 1879; Melanie Geor- gina ; Gwendoline Beresford \m. , 1887, Stanley Mundey] ; BrunOhault Mildred Elizabeth [w. , 1890, Dr. Sidney Harvey] ; Guinevere Hilda ; and Elizabeth Beresford. ALFRED HAMILTON ORMSBY-HAMILTON, Es- quire, Barrister-at-Law, and B.A. of University of Dublin ; assumed name of Hamilton by Royal Licence, dated Nov. 19, 1892. Armorial bearing's— g'uarterly 1 and 4, gules, three cinquefoils ermine, antl in the centre chief point a fasces erect proper (for Hamilton of Hampton) ; 2 and 3 gules, a bend between six cross crosslets or, the bend charged (for cadency) with a mullet azure, and thereon a crescent argent (for Ormsby). Mantling gules and argent. Crests —I. out of a ducal coronet of five leaves or, charged on the band with three torteaux fesseways, a mount vert, thereon an oak tree penetrated transversely in the main stem by a frame-saw proper, the frame or (for Hamilton of Hampton) ; 2. a dexter arm enibowed in armour proper, purfled or, tiie hand argent, holding a man's leg also in ^ is the Military Cockade. armour, coupcd above the knee also argent (for Ormsby). Mottoes (over the crest of Hamilton) — "Through"; and (over the crest of Ormsby), "F'ortis qui prudens" ; (under the arms, for Hamilton), "Sola nobilita virtus." Seat — Cabinterley House, co. Dublin. RICHARD HUGH MILLERD ORPEN, Esq., of ArdtuUy, co. Kerry, M.A. I^orn Nov. 7, 1829, being the eldest surviving son of the late Sir Richard John Theodore Orpen, Knight Bachelor, of Ardtullv, by ICltzaljeth, dau. of the late Rev. Richard Stack, D.D. ' Armorial bearings— Quarterly i and 4, per pale azure and or, a lion rampant counterchanged, in the dexter chief point a cross crosslet of the second (for Orj^en) ; 2 and 3 ermine, a fesse azure, be- tween three wolves' heads erased sable (for Millerd). Mant- ling azure and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a demi-lion rampant or, charged on the shoulder with a cross crosslet sable. Motto — "Veritas viiicit." Married, Jan. 5, 1871, Amy Noble, eldest dau. of Thomas Horwood of St. Anne's Road, Stamford Hill, London ; and has Issue — (i) Richard Hugh Horwood Orpen, Esq., b. Sept. 22, 1873 ; (2) Raymond William Orpen, (Jentleman, b. Nov. 29, 1875 ; Amy Eliza, Constance Marion, Nora l'2dith, Olive Mabel, Mary Winifred, and Ida Grace Victoria. Seat — Ardtully, Kenmare, co. Kerry. CHARLES LINDvSAY ORR-EWING, Esquire, for- merly Capt. 3rd Batt. Princess Louise' Argyll and Sutherland Highrs. , J. P. for Dumbartonshire, M. P. for Ayr Di-strict. Born Sept. 8, i860, being the 5th and youngest son of the late Sir Arch. Orr-Ewing, first Bart., of Ballikilrain, co. Stirling, by his wife Elizabeth Lindsay, only chilil of James Reid, Esquire, J. P., of Caldercruix. Clubs — Carlton, Bachelors', New (Edinburgh). Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Argent, a chevron endmttled gules, ensigned with a banner of the second, charged with a canton azure thereon a saltire of the first, all Ix-tween two mullets in chief and the sun in his splendour in base of the second, a bordure indented also of the second, charged with three martlets of the first for difference. Upon the escutcheon is jilaced a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules doubled argent ; and upon a wreath of his liveries is set for Crest, a demi-lion rampant gules, armed and langued az. , holding in his dexter paw a mullet also gules. Motto— " Audaciter." Married, 1888, Beatrix Mary Leslie (which marriage was dissolved 1894), daughter of Walter James Hore-Ruthven, Esquire, claiming as 8th Baron Ruthven ; and has surviving Issue — Ian Leslie Orr-Ewing, Gentleman, born 1893; and Janet Beatrix. Postal addresses — Newark Castle, Ayr, N.B. ; 4 Balfour Place, Park Lane, W. NICHOLAS RICHARD POWER O'SHEE, Esq., J. P. and D.L. co. Waterford (High Sheriff 1861). Bom 1821, being the second but only surviving son of the late Richard Power O'Shee of Gardeiimorris and Sheestown, by his wife Margaret, dau. of Nicholas Power of Snowhill, co. Kilkenny; j. his brother 1859. Armorial bearings — Quarterly i and 8, per bend indented azure and or, two fleurs-de-lis counterchanged (for Odaneus Shee) ; 2. gules, three swords per fesse argent, hilled or, the centre sword pointing to the dexter side (for William Shee) ; 3. sable, three ]3heons argent (for John Shee) ; 4. gules, two swords in saltire argent, point down, surmounted by a third in pale, point up, hilted or (for Edmond Shee); 5. argent, a chevron ermine, between three broad-arrow heads sable (for Archer) ; 6. per pale indented or and gules (for Berminghani) ; 7. ar- gent, three bars gules, over all a bend sable (for de la Hide) ; and impaling the arms of Anson, namely argent, three bendlets engrailed gules, in the sinister chief a crescent for difference. Mantling gules doubled silver ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a swan rousant sable. Motto— " Vincit Veritas." Married, .April 18, 1865, Lady Gwendoline, youngest dau. of the Rt. Hon. Thomas William Anson, ist Earl of Lichfield; and has Issue— {\) Richard Alfred Poer O'Shee, (Gentleman, /'. 1867; (2) John Poer O'Shee, Gentleman, /'. 1899; (3) George I ver Poer O'Shee, Gentleman, b. 1873; Gwendolen, and Aline Angela. Seats — Gardenmorris, Kill, Peltown, and Sheestown, near Kil- kenny, OSSULSTON, Baron, see TANKERVILLE. SJOHN OSWALD, E.squire, J. P. and D.L. for co. of Fife. Born June 12, 1856, being the eldest son of M is the Naval Cockade. ©sto ©tto 631 late James Townscnd Oswald, by his wife liUen Octavia, dau. of 1'. [. Miles of l^igli Court, Bristol. C///^— Bachelors'. Armorial beaxinga— Azure, ane savage proper wreathed with bay leaves, and lx;aring in the sinister ane batton erected on his shoulder vert, and in the dexter a cross-staff pointing to a star placed in the dexter chief or. Mantling gules doubled argent ; with this Motto, " Monslrant astra viani." Seat — Dunnikier, Kirkcaldy, N.B. S RICHARD ALKXANDKR OSWALD. Esquire. De- puty-Lieutenant of the Stewartry of Kirk- (ir)c;VtlAltl '^"'""'ight. Born June 6. 1841. lieing the Zl/pUlalU eldest son of the late George Oswald of Auchincruive and of Cavens, by his first wife Lydia Margaret, daughter of Frederick Honian of Arden- left hand proper, and [jointing with his right to a blazing star in the dexter chief point or, within an uric of fleurs-de- lis argent. Mantling azure doubleil argent ; and upon a wreath of his liveries is set for Crest, a lion rampant parted per fesse argent and azure, holding in his dexter paw a star wavy of six rays or ; and in an escroll over the same this Motto, " Floreat majestas." Postal address — Manchester Regt. . Aldershot. OITLICY, quartered by FOLJAMBE. Damk ELIZA PRICE OTWAY, Widow, commonly known as Lady Otway, daughter and co-heiress of John Campbell of Burnham Grove, in the county of Buckingham. Married, March 28, 1868, Admiral Sir George Graham Otway, second Baronet, who died without issue, August 22, wood, in the county of Kildare. Armorial bearings — He hears for Arms : .Azure, a naked man, wreathed about the middle with bay leaves, having a cjuiver of arrows by his side, liearing a lx)w in his left hand, all proper, and point- ing with his right to a coniet, in the dexter chief point or, a border engrailed of the last. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules, doubled argent ; and upon a wreath of his liveries is set for Crest, a dexter hand issuing out of a cloud and point- ing to a star of eight rays profx^r. Motto — "Sequamur." Miirried, Novemtx-r 25, 1868, Maud, daughter of James Smith-Barry of Marbury Hall and Fota Island, in the county of Cork. Seats — .\uchincruive, near Ayr, in the county of Ayr; and Cavens, Kirklx;an, in the county of Kircudbright. CHARLES ROBERT OSWALD-BROWN (formerly CHARLES ROBERT BROWN), Esq., Major in H.M. Manchester Regt. Born , teing the son of the late James Brown of Orangefield ; and has assumed the addi- tional surname of Oswald. Armorial bearings — Azure, a sa\age wreathed about the head and middle with bay leaves, having a quiver of arrows by his side, bearing a bow in his Armorial bearings arc, ujwn a lozenge : Argent, a pile sal)le, a chevron comUerchanged, and as an honourable augmentation, on a chief azure, an anchor erect encircled by a wreath of laurel or. between on the dexter a demi-Neptune proper, issuant out of a naval crown gold, and on the sinister a mermaid also proper. Postal address — Rouge Bouillon, Jersey. J5, WILLIAM CLIFFORD-BERMINGHAM OTWAY- RUTHVE.V. Esquire. Jus- tice of the Peace and De- puty - Lieutenant for the county of l^itrim. and Jasfice of the Peace for the counties of Galway anfl Ti|)perary. Born July 14. 1840, being the only son of the late 'Ihomas Ber- mingham 'Irolter, by his wife Rosabelle Maria Frances, youngest daughter of Major William .Stirling St. Clair of Emma Vale, in the county of Wicklow. and assumed, by Royal License. 1861;, the surname and arms of Ruthvcn only, and in 1887 the additional name of Otway. Armorial bear- ingB — He bears for Arms : Paly of .six argent and gules, a canton erminois. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules and argent ; and ©ttoap^Eutijtjen Tbe Editor undertakes that every entry not in italics is that of a genuinely armigerous person. 632 ©ut ©toe for l)i.s Crest, up(jn a wreath of the colours, a f;:oat's head erased argent, attired or, cliarged with a mullet gules. Motto— Over the crest, " Deed Shaw." Married, October 12, 1865, I'Vanccs Margaret, only daughter and heir of Vice-Acimiral Rol)ert Jocelyn Otway of Castle Otway, Deputy-Lieutenant for the county of Tipjierary ; and has Issue — (i) Robert Mervyn Beniiinghain Otway-Ruthven, Gentleman, Lieute- nant Royal Artillery, born August 2, 1867 ; (2) Thomas Ormonde Bcrminghnm Otway-Ruthven, Gentleman, born February 12, 1872.; (3) Mervyn Henry Hermingham Otway- Ruthven, Gentleman, born September 18, 1877; Annette Rosal)elle Bermingham ; Marguerite Frances Berming- ham, died Septcmlier 25, 1870 ; Rosabelle Frances Eliza- beth Hermingham; Kdith Mary Bermingham; and Cecil Harriet Iteatrice Bermingham. Seats — Invernisk, in the county of Gal way ; Castle Otway, I'emplemore, in the county of Tipperary ; Lisgillock, in the county of Leitrim ; Charleville Cottage, Enniskerry, in the county of Wicklow ; and Mount Campbell, in the county of Leitrim. SJOHN HEWLEYOUTHWAITE, Gentleman, Lieut. 2nd Batt. Gordon Highlanders. Born Oct. 16, 1872, being the eldest son of the late Francis John Outhwaite, Esq., Major and Lieut. -Col. 4th Highland Light Infantry, of Craigforth, Earlsferry, Fife, by his wife Mary Caroline, eldest dau. of John James Harrison, Esq., of Devonshire House, Harrogate, and Sinderby, in the co. of York, J.l'.and 1). L. Livery — Grey, and red waistcoat. Armo- rial bearings — He bears fcr Arms: argent, two barrulets Colonel HENRY AIMi. OUl'RY, Companion of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath. Born dT^tlVlftl i8i3i ^^t^^S ^^^ second son of Peter Aimi Ouvry HL/UUl^ of East Acton, in the county of Middlesex, by his ivife Sarah Amelia, daughter of John Delamain ; created Companion of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, 1858. C\\xh— A theme urn. Armorial bearings as used, but for which no authority has as yet been established in the College of Arms, are for Arms : {)uarierly i and 4, argent a lion rampatit sable, armed, langued, socked, and ducally croriuned gules {for the arms of Ouvry) ; 2 and 3 bany of six per pale or and azure, on a chief a pale between tivo esquires all counterchanged, over all an inescutcheon argent (for the arms of ) ; impaling for the arms of Delamain, or, three crosses cotiped gules, two and one. drest — A lion rampaiit as in the arms. MottO — " Tria juncta in nno." Married, 1854, Matilda //. , daughter of Colonel John Delamain , Companion of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath , of the Indian Army. Postal address — The Salterns, Lymington, Hampshire. OWEN GWYNNEDD. quartered by MOSTYN. DAVID CHARLES LLOYD OWEN, Gentleman, Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons, Consulting Surgeon to the Children's Hospital, and Senior Surgeon to the Eye Hospital in Birmingham. Born Septemljer 5, 1843, being the eldest son of the Reverend David Owen, by his wife Sophia, only daughter and heir of Charles Lloyd Jefleries of Darenth, in the county of Kent. Club — Union (Birmingham). Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Argent, a cross tlory engrailed sable, between nebuly sable, between in chief and in base the attires of a stag affi.xed to the scalp, between two fleurs-de-lis gules. Mantling sable and argent. Crest — Upon a wreath of the colours, on a mount vert, a stag lodged regardant proper, charged on the body with two fleurs-de-lis in fesse gules, and a like fleur-de-lis resting upon the head between the attires, and holding in the mouth two ears of wheat or; with the Motto, "Deo et patria." Estates — Bardford Moor, in the co. of York ; Lord of the Manor of South- owram, in the same county ; Craigforth, Earlsferry, in the CO. of Fife. 6Vrt/— Craigforth, Earlsferry, Elie, Fife. four Cornish choughs proper, on a chief indented azure, an annulet of the tield. Crest— Out of an antique crown a Cornish chough rising proper, holding in the beak an annulet as in the arms ; with the Motto, " Omnia mutantur nil interiit." Married, February 24, i868, Anna, daughter of John Greene, Surgeon, of St. George's, in tlu; county of Salop; and has Issue — Lilian Emilie [married George William David Bowen Lloyd of Brunant, in the county of Carmarthen, and of the 23rd Royal Welsh Fusiliers] ; and Blanche Anna [married Herbert Brend Winterbotham, Esq., J. P.]. Postal address — Clermort, Woodbournc Road, Edgbaston. ^ is the Military Cockade. is the Naval Cockade. pac Pag (>zz m DENIS K0I5I:R'I- PACK-BERESFORD, Esquire. © Justice of the Peace and De- pack^T5ere0fbrti ^Sr;:i^";.SfJJ^ox! ford. Horn March 23, 1864, beiiiji the eldest son of Denis William Pack, Es(|uire (who assumed the name and arms of lieresford), Captain Royal Horse Artillery, Justice of the Peace and Deputy- Lieutenant, by his wife Annette Caroline, only daughter of R. Clayton Urowne of Brownes Hill, in the county of Carlow. C/u/>s — White's, Kildare Street (Dublin). Lh'cry Light drab cloth, with silver buttons, black and silver lace on collar and cuffs, silver band on hat. Armorial bearings— He be;irs for Arms: (Quarterly 1 and 4, argent crusily fitchi^e thn-e fleurs-de-lis sable, within a bordun; wavy pean (for lieresford) ; 2 and 3 c|uarterly sable and erminois, in the first ijuarter a sword in bend sinister argent, |>ommel and hilt or, encircled by a wreath of the last ; in the fourth a cini|uefoil of the third, pendent from a crimson riblwn bordered blue, in the centre chief a representation of the golden cross and clasps jircscnted to Major-General Sir Denis Pack, Knight Commander of the Most Honourable Ortler'of the Batli, by His Majesty (jeorge HI., in testi- mony of his royal a|jproIjation of the signal valour dis- played by the said Major-General Pack in divers actions with the enemy in the Peninsula of Spain. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling sable and argent ; and for Ins Crests, i. issuant from a mural crown or, a dragon's head per fessc wavy argent and gules, the lower part of the neck transfixed by a broken spear, in the mouth the remaining part of the sfx-ar the point upwards or (for Beresford) ; 2. a mural crown argent issuing therefrom a lion's head gules, gorged with a wreath or (for Pack). MottO — " Nil nisi cruce." Married, y\ugust 11, 1891, Alice Harriet ('romie, only daughter of James Aclieson Lyle, Esquire, Justice of the Peace, of Portstewart and Glandore, in the county of Derry, and Kilrea, in the county of Antrim. Estate in the county of Carlow, in- lierited from I'ield-Marshal Lord Beresford. Postal address — Fenagh House, Bagnalstown. Thk Right Honourabi.k Sik AUGUSTUS BERKE- LI'2Y PAGET, Knight Grand Cross of the Most Honour- ;d)lf Order of the Bath, a Memlier of Her Majesty's Most Honourable Privy Council, /lorn 1823, being the second son of the Right Honourable Sir Arthur Paget, Knight Cjrand Cross of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, (who died 1840), by his wife Augusta, conuuonly known as Lady Augusta, daughter of the Right Honourable John Fane, tenth Earl of Westmorland ; created Companion of the Most Honoural)le Order of the Bath, 1863, advanced to the rank of Knight Commander of tliat Order in the same year, and to that of Knight (Jrand Cross, 1883 ; appointed a Member of Her Majesty's Most Honourable Pri\y Council, 1876. C/«^— Travellers'. Armorial bear- ings — He bears for Arms: Sable, on a cross engrailed between four eagles displayed argent, five lions passant guardant of the field. Upon the escutcheon, which is sur- rounded by the ribbon and collar and i)endent therefrom the badge of a Knight Grand Cross of that Order, is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling sable and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a demi-heraldic tiger sable, maned, ducally gorged and tufted argent. Married, i860, the Countess Walpurga I'2hren- garde Helena, daughter of Count of the Empire de Hohen- thal ; and has /-fjv/f living— (i) Victor Frederick William Augustus Paget, Esquire, Captain Royal Artillery, born i86i ; (2) Ralph S|)encer Paget, Esquire, Third Secretary in Diplomatic Service, born 1864 ; Alberta Victoria Sarah Caroline [married, 1883, the Right Honourable the four- teenth Baron Windsor]. Admiral the Right Honoukabi.e Sir CLARENCE EDWARD PAGET, Knight Grand Cross of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, a Member of Her Majesty's Most Honourable Privy Council, commonly called Lord Clarence Edward Paget. Born 1811, being the son of the Most Hon. Henry William Paget, first Marc|uess of Anglesey, by his second wife Lady Charlotte, daughter of the Right Hon. William Cadogan, first Earl of Cadogan ; created C. B. , 1856, advanced to rank of K.C B. , 1869, and to (j.C. B. , 1886; appointed a Memter of Her Majesty's Most Honourable Privy Council, 1866. Club — Reform. Armorial bearing^s — He bears for Arms: Sable, on a cross engrailed between four eagles displayed argent, five lions passant guardant of the field. The escut- cheon is encircled by the riljbon and by the collar, and pendent therefrom his Ijadge as a Knight Grand Cross of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath ; and impaling upon a .second escutcheon the arms of Otway, namely argent, a pile sable, over all a chevron counterchanged, and as an honourable augmentation, on a chief azure, an anchor erect encircled by a wreath of laurel or, Ix'tween on the de.xter a demi-Neptune jiroper issuant from a naval crown gold, and on the sinister a mermaid proper. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling sable and argent; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a demi-heraldic tiger sable, maned, ducally gorged and tufted argent. Married, 1852, Martha .Stuart, daughter of Admiral Sir Rotert Waller Otway, Knight Grand (Jross of the Most I lonourable Order of the Bath, first Baronet; and has Issue — Filzroy Richard Clarence Paget, listjuire, formerly Lieutenant Grenadier (iuards, lx>rn 1853; .Mma Martha [married, 1890, Henry Aldenburg lientinck] ; and Emily Olivia Georgiana. Resi- dence — 7 Cromwell Gardens, S.W. HOWARD FRANCIS PAGET, Esquire. Horn i\\n\\ 22, 18158. l)eing the only son and youngest child of the Reverend Francis Edward Paget, Rector of Elford, by his wifi} I''anny, daughter of the Reverend William Chester. Armorial bearing^— He bears for Arms : Sable, on a cross engrailed between four eagles displayed argent, five lions passant guardant of the field. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling sable and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a demi-heraldic tiger sable, maned, tufted, and ducally gorged argent. Married, May 15, 1884, Alice Catharine Jeffcock, eldest daughter of the late Rev. John Thomas Jeffcock, Rector of Wolverhampton, Prebend of Lichfield; and has Issue — (i) Francis I'.dward Howard Paget, Esquire, lx)rn June 4, 1886; (2) Salisbury Howard Paget, Gentleman, born March 7, 1889; (3) John Howard Paget, Gentleman, Ijtjrn September 20, 1890, died July 7, 1894; (4) Lewis Michael Howard Paget, CJentlcman, born Oct. 19, 1895; (5) George Howard Paget, Gentleman, born Feb. 4. 1897 ; Mary Fr.ances Howard ; Fanny Dtjsiree I loward ; and Hilda lieatricc Howard. listate—'VUti IClford Estate, near Tam worth, in the county of Stafford. Postal address— YXioxA, Tamworth. 5 JOSEPH PAGET, Esquire, Justice of the Peace for the counties of Derby and Nottingham, and a Deptity- lAeutenant for the county of Nottinghavt. Born Noi'ember 2, 1825, being the eldest son of Charles Paget, Esquire, Justice of the Peace and Deputy-Lieutenant, by his wife Eliza, daughter of William Paget; Hi^^h Sheriff for the county of Derby, 1892, late Captain 1st Derby Militia. Club — Union. Livery — Dark blue and silver. Armorial bearings as used, and as given in Burke' s " Landed Gentry," are /'or Arms : Argent, a cross sable, fretiy of the first, in the first and J'ourth quarters an escallop of the second. Crest — A lion rampant sable, collared or, restini; his sinister paw upon an antique shield argent, charged with an escallop sable. These arms were granted in 1845 ^^ Thomas Paget of Humberstone, in the county of Leicester. The above- mentioned Captain Paget is undoubtedly a relative of this family, but, as far as the Editor can ascertain, does not appear to come within t/ie limits of the Patent. Married, June 2, 1858, Helen Elisabeth, eldest sunnving daughter of the late Canon Abney, Rural Dean of Derby; and has Issue — Ehie Maud Abney [married, April 1880, Hubert Tbe Editor undertakes that every entry not in italics is that of a genuinely armigerous person. 634 Paff pafe Courtney Hodson, Esquire, and has issue], I"3states — A'ud- din^toti, tiear Nottingham ; Stuffynwood, near Mansfield ; ■v€y Ahnalls, near Lichfield. Hall, Mansfield, Notts. Postal address — Stuffynwood THOMAS GUY FREDERICK PAGET, Gentleman. Born July 29, 1886, being the eldest son of the late Thomas Guy Paget, Esquire, Justice of the Peace for the county of Leicester, by his wife Frances Edith Nugent, daughter of the late Thomas Nugent Vaughan. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Argent, a cross sable, fretty of the first, in the first and fourth quarters an escallop of tlu; second. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling sable and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a lion rampant sable, collared or, resting the sinister forepaw on an antique escutcheon argent, charged with an escallop sable ; with the Motto, " Esp6re et pers^v(5re." Estates and postal addresses — Humberstone, Leicester; Ibstock, Leicester- shire. WILLIAM HENRY PAGET, Esquire, Major-General (Retired List) Her Majesty's Indian Army. Born March 13, 1829, being the eldest son of Captain William Paget, commonly known as Lord William Paget, by his wife Fanny, daughter of General the liaron de Rothenburg. Club — Junior United Service. Livery — Hlue, with yellow waistcoat, blue and yellow braid. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Sable, on a cross engrailed between four eagles dis|jlayed argent, five lions passant guardant of the field. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet be- fitting his degree, with a mantling sable and argent; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a demi- heraldic tiger sable, nianed, ducally gorged and tufted sable; with the Motto, "Per il suo contrario." Married, June 25, 1878, Rosalind Margaret, daughter of the late Peter Northall Laurie of Pax-Hill Park, in the county of Susse.\ ; and has Issue — Bertha Frances. Po'ttal address — 129 Victoria Street, London. WILLIAM SMITH PAGET-TOMLINSON, Esquire M.R.C.S. (Eng.), M.D. (Lond.), M.R.C.P. (Lond.), J.P. CO. Westmorland (High Sheriff 1897, in which year he re- ceived the Jubilee Medal). Born Nov. 19, 1848, Ijeing the youngest son of Thomas Paget of Forton, near Lancaster, by Anne, youngest dau. of Henry Smith of Forton ; and assumed the additional surname and arms of Tomlinson by Royal Licence, Feb. 7, 1890, on succeeding to the estates of Elizabeth Tomlinson of Kirkby Lonsdale. Livery — Dark blue, with red piping. Armorial bearings — Quarterly 1 and 4, per pale nebuly argent and vert, a tilting-spear fesseways between two greyhounds current counterchanged, a chief azure, thereon a greyhound current of the first (for Tomlin- son) ; 2 and 3 quarterly sable and azure, on a cross or be- tween four eagles displayed argent, a cross engrailed of the first, thereon an heraldic tiger's head erased between four ^ is the Military Cockade. lions passant of the third. Mantling vert and argent. Crests — I. on a wreath of the colours, a man wreathed about the waist with oak, supporting in the dexter hand a tilting- spear, and resting the sinister hand upon an escutcheon per pale nebuly argent and vert, charged with a greyhound current counterchanged (for Tomlinson) ; 2. on a wreath of the colours, between two wings gules, a demi-heraldic tiger sable, holding in the mouth a lion's gamb or (for Paget). Motto — "Vincit Veritas." Married, Aug. 12, 1874, Mar- garet ElizalxHh, second dau. of J. Llewellyn Price of Stein- dish, Lancashire; and has Issue — (i) Thomas Rothwell Paget-Tomlinson, Gentleman, B.A. Trinity Hall, Canib. , b. May 12, 1875; (2) William Guy Paget-Tomlinson, Gentle- man, b. July I, 1877; (3) Edward Edmondson Paget- Tomlinson, Gentleman, /'. April 26, 1882 ; and Alice Mabel. Estates in Westmorland, L.ancashire, and Yorkshire. Postal address — The Biggins, Kirkby Lonsdale. § HENRY PAKENHAM-MAHON, Esq., D.L. co. Roscommon, late Capt. Scots Guards, High Sheriff 1895. Born July 13, 1851, being the only son of the late Henry Sandford Pakenham-Mahon, Esq. , of Strokestown House, CO. Roscommon, J.P. and D. L. , High Sheriff 1850, [eldest son of Hon. and Very Rev. Henry Pakenham, Dean of St. Patrick's, Dublin (sth son of second Baron Longford), by his wife Eliza Catherine, sister and co-heir of Henry, second Baron Mount Sandford (ext.), through whom he succeeded to the Mount Sandford estates in cos. W'estmeath and Roscommon], formerly in the Sth Hussars (who as- sumed by Royal License the additional surname and arms of Mahon)], by his wife Grace Catherine of Strokestown House, CO. Roscommon [only dau. and heir of Major Denis Mahon (who s. to the estate of Maurice, last Lord Hartland, in 1845), by his wife Henrietta, eldest dau. of Rt. Rev. Henry Bathurst, Bishop of Norwich]. Clubs — Carlton, Guards', Kildare St. (Dublin). Armorial bearings— Quarterly, i and 8 grand quarters, quarterly i. antl iiii. or, a lion rampant azure, armed and langued gules (for Mahon) ; ii. and iii. quarterly or and gules, in first C|uarter an eagle displayed vert (for Pakenham) ; 2. Paken- ham, as in grand quarters ; 3. per chevron or and ermine, in chief two boars' heads erased sable (for Mountsandford) ; 4. argent, on a bend indented sable, cotised azure, three fleurs-de-lis of the field, each cotise charged with three bezants (for Cuff) ; 5. ermine, a griffin segreant azure (for Aungier) ; 6. per Ijend crenelle argent and gules (for Boyle) ; 7. Mahon, as in grand quarters ; and impaling the arms of Burrard, namely azure, a lion passant between two estoiles in chief M is the Naval Cockade. pal Pal 635 ana^^ros^rosslet fitcli(5e in base argent, on a chief or, two lions rampant resijecting each other, supporting a sini- ster hand couped gules. Mantling azure and or ; and for his Crests, r. upon a wreath of the colours, an heraldic tiger statant, holding in the dexter i)aw a broken tilting-lance all proper (for Mahon); 2. out of a mural crown or, a demi- eagle displayed gules (for Pakenham). Motto— " (Jloria virtutis umbra." Married, Jan. 13, 1890, May, only dau. of Lieut.-Col. Sidney Ikirrard, late Grenadier Guards (second son of Sir George Hurrard, fourtii IJart. ); and has Issue — Olive. Residences— 2S •'''• George's Road, London, S.W. ; and Strokestown, co. Roscommon, Ireland. FRANCIS TURNER PALGRAVE, Esquire, Master of Arts of the University of Oxford, Honorary Doctor of Laws of the University of Edinburgh, late Professor of Poetry in the University of O.xford, and sometime Fellow of Exeter College. Born September 28, 1824, being the eldest son of Sir Francis Palgrave, Knight of the Hanoverian Guelphic Order, late Defiuty- Keeper of the Rolls, by his wife Elizaljeth, second daughter of Uawson Turner, Fellow of the Royal Society, Fellow of the I^innean Society, lS:c. , of (Jreat Yarmouth. tV//* — Athenaum. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms: Per pale azure and gules, a lion rampant argent, on a canton or, an cscarbuncle of the second, and impaling the arms of Gaskell, namely, quarterly i and 4, gules a saltire vair, between two annulets in pale and as many lions passant in fesse or (for Gaskell) ; 2 and 3 azure, a chevron between three windmill-sails or (for Milnes). Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling azure and argent ; and fetsve<'n three crescents in chief and a lion passant in base argent, two tiliing-spears clievronways proper. Upon the escutcheon, which is charged with his badge of Ulster as a Baronet, is placed a helmet In-fitting his degree, with a mantling sal)le and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, in front of a tilting-spear erect proper, a wyvern or, resting the dexter foot on a crescent argent. Motto — " Par sit fortuna labori." Married, firstly, July 29, 1846, Jane, daughter of Ebenezcr Robson of New- ca-stle ; and by her (who died .'\pril 6, 1865) has Issue — (i) George Robson J'almer, Esquire, born January 5, T849 ; (2) Charles Palmer, Es(|uire, born March 23, 1850; (3) Alfred Molyneux Palmer, lisquire. Justice of the Peace, born June 3, 1853 [married, March 31, 1884, Edith Ellen, daughter of Fredi-rick George Younge of London, and has issue, Frederick Charles Palmer, Gentleman. Ixjrn Decemter 3, 1884 ; Phyllis Adela ; and Evelyn May]. He married secondly, July 4, 1867, A\igusta Nlary, daughter of Alfred Lambert of Paris, and by her (who died Ueceml«;r 2, 1875) has— (4) Claude Bowes Palmer, Ivsquire, born March 29, t868 ; (5) Lionel Hugo Palmer, Ivsquire, late Lieutenant 3rd Battalion West Yorkshire Regiment, born October 22, 1870. He married thirdly, P'ebruary 17, 1877, Gertrude, d.aughter of James Montgomery, Escjuire, Justice of the Peace and Deputy-Lieutenant of t'ranford, in the county of Middlesex, and by her has — (6) Godfrey Mark Palmer, l'2squire, born August 4, 1878 ; and Hilda Gertrude Montgomery. Resi- dences — 51 Grosvenor Square, W. ; Grinkle Park, Loftus-in- Cleveland, in the county of York ; Newcastle-on-Tyne. § EDWARD GEOFFREY BROADLEY PALMER, Esquire, late Major 3rd Battalion Leicestershire Regi- ment, Masterof Arts ofthe University of Cambridge, Justice of the Peace for the comity of Leicester. Born June 14, 1864, being the only son of Colonel Frederick Palmer of Withcote Hall, in the county of I^eicester, Justice of the Peace and Deputy-Lieutenant, late Captain 36th and 27th Regiments, Colonel Commanding Prince Albert's Own Leicestershire Yeomanry Cavalry [to whom refer]. Club — Junior Carlton. Livery — Dark green, waistcoat of narrow stripes of canary and dark green. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Sable, a chevron or, between three crescents argent. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling sable and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a wyvern or, armed and langued gules ; with the Motto, " Par sit fortuna labori." Married, January 8, 1891, Sibyl) Caroline, daughter of the late Captain .Smith- Neill, late Royal Artillery, of Barnweill and Swindrige Muir, in the county of Ayr ; and has Issue — Geoffrey Frederick Neil Palmer, Gentleman, born Septemter 20, 1893; and Sibyll Alice Bridget. Postal address — Burrough, Melton Mowbray. S FREDERICK PALMER, Esquire, Deputy-Lieutenant and Justice of the Peace for the county of Leicester, Justice of the Peace for the county of Rutland, Retired Colonel, High Sheriff of the county of Leicester 1865. formerly Capt. 27th Regt. Born July 15, 1825, being the The Editor undertakes that every entry not in italics is tliat of a genuinely £trmigerous person. 636 pal par eldest suiviviii}; son of the Reverend Henry I'alnier, by his wife Klizalxnh, daiigluer of the Reverend Samuel Heyrick, Rector of Brampton Ash, in the county of Nor- tliatnpton. ("/«/'— Conservative. lAvery — Orcen coat, yellow and l)hKU striped waistcoat, and jjilt buttons. Armorial bearings -He bears for Arms : Sable, a chevron or, U^lween three crescents argent, and inijxiiing the arms of Harrison, namely azure, a bend vairc^e argent and gules, between tlirec demi-lions rampant or. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet Ix-litting his degree, with a mantling sable and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of tlie colours, a wyvern or, armed and langued gules ; with the Mottoes, "Par sit fortuna labori," "Pour a|)rendre obleis ne puis." Married, November 14, 1850, Mary, only daughter of W. H. Harrison, of Ripon, and only sister of the late William Harrison Broadley, late Member of Parliament for the East Riding of the county of York, of Welton House, near Hull ; and hxis Issue — Edward Geoffrey Hroadley Palmer, Esquire, Justice of the Peace for the county of Leicester, and late Major 3rd Leicestershire Regi- ment, M.A., born June 14, 1864 [married Sibyl Caroline Smith Neill, anil has issue, Geoffrey Frederick Neil Palmer, Gentleman : and a daughter] ; Mary Sophia ; Hester Alice [married C. H. Vane Holder] ; and Emily Heyrick. Estate — Withcote, in the county of Leicester. Postal addresses — Withcote Hall, Oakham, Rutland; 30 Beaufort Gardens, S.VV. GEORGE WILLIAM PALMER, Esquire, Justice of the Peace for the Borough of Reading and for the county of Berkshire, Memljer of Parliament for Reading since 1892, and Mayor 1888-1889. Born May 23, 1851, being the eldest son of (Jeorge Palmer, Member of Parliament for Reading 1878 1885. Cliil's — Reform, National Liberal, Devonshire. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Per saltire azure and gules two palmers' slaves in saltire, between four escal- lops or. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling azure and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, upon a mount vert in front of a palm-tree proper, three escallops fessevvays or ; with the Motto, "Per crucem ad palmam." Married, 1879, Eleanor, eldest daughter of the late Henry Barrett of Sur- biton, in the county of Surrey. Postal addresses — Elmhurst, Reading ; 36 Queen Anne's Gate, London, S. W. § JAMES DAMPIER PALMER, Esquire, Member of Parliament for Gravesend, Honorary Colonel ist Kent Artillery Volunteers, Justice of the Peace for the county of Kent and for West Ham. Born September 6, 1851, being the eldest son of the late William Palmer of Bury House, Romford, in the county of Essex, by his wife Jane Michell, daughter of the Reverend John Trestrail of Chevelah, in the county of Cornwall. Clubs — Carlton, JuniorCarlt on. Z./wrv— Dark blue. Armorial bearings— He liears for Arms : Barry wavy of twelve jjer pale or and azure counter- changed, on a bend cotised gules, between two escallops ermine three wyverns' heads couped argent, each holding in the mouth an eagle's leg erased of the first. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling azure and or; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, upon the trunk of a tree, eradicated and fesseways proper, a wyvern wings elevated barry wavy of twelve or and azure, semt^e of escallops ermine, holding in the mouth an eagle's leg as in the arms ; with the Motto, " Ubi amor ibi fides." Married, 1874, Isabella Elizabeth Curteis, eldest daughter of the late William Curteis Whelan, Barrister-at-Law, of Heronden Hall, Tenterden ; and has Issue — Vivian Trestrail Dampier Palmer, Gentleman, Lieutenant 3rd Battalion of the East Kent Regiment (The Buffs), born December 29, 1876 ; and Maude Isabel Dam- pier. Estate — Heronden Hall, Tenterden, in the county of Kent. Postal address — Heronden Hall, Tenterden, Kent. SJOHN IRWIN PALMER, Esquire, Member of the Royal College of Surgeons, Surgeon Captain 3rd Middlesex Volunteer Artillery. Bor?i 1852, being the eldest son of John Palmer of Eliot Place, Blackheath, in the county of Kent, by his wife Harriet Elizabeth, only daughter of James Adams. Armorial besirings — He lx>ars for Arms : Argent, on a chevron embattled counter-embattled cotised plain, t)etween three palmers' staves all sable, as many scrips of the first, buckled and tasselled or. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling sable and argent ; and for his Crest, upon ^ is the Military Cockade. a wreath of the colours, on a dexter luailed arm embowed, grasping a palm branch and a palmer's stiift' in saltire all projjer, an escallop or. Married, 1890, Alice Scott, only daughter of C!harles Wild of Suffolk Lodge, Hampton Wick, in the county of Middlesex. Postal address — 42 Queen .\nne Street, Cavendish Square, London, W. CHARLES ROWLAND PALMER - MOREWOOD, Esquire, Justice of the palmer^Q^oretnooti S^S^d^w^Rnd Deputy- Lieutenant for the county of Warwick (High .Sheriff 1880). Boni ]wvi j, 1843, being the eldest son of the late Charles Rowland Palmer- Morewood, Esquire, of Alfreton Hall and Ladbroke, by his wife Georgina, commonly known as the Honourable Geor- gina, second daughter of the Right Honourable the seventh Lord Byron. C////'— Junior Carlton. Armorial bearings- He Ijears for Arms : Quarterly i and 4, vert ati oak tree coujjc at the base argent, fructed or, and in canton a trefoil of the second (for Morewood) ; 2 and 3 argent, on two bars sable three trefoils of the first, in chief a greyhound courant of the second, collared or, and impaling the arms of Hervey, namely gules, on a bend argent, three trefoils slipped proper. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling vert and argent ; and for his Crests, i. upon a wreath of the colours, two arms embowed armed proper, each charged with a trefoil gules, supporting a chaplet of oak branches vert, fructed or (for Morewood); 2. upon a wreath of the colours, on a mount vert, a grey- hound sejant sable, collared or, and charged with a trefoil argent (for Palmer). Married, July 17, 1873, Patience Mary, daughter of the Right Reverend Arthur Charles Hervey, commonly known as the Right Reverend Lord Arthur Charles Hervey, Lord Bishop of Bath and Wells ; and has Issue — (i) Rowland Charles Arthur Palmer-More- wood Gentleman, born January 9, 1879 '< (2) Anthony Constantine Palmer- Morewood, Gentleman, born August 31, 1888, and died January 15, 1889; and Clara Winifred Sarah. Seats — Alfreton Park, Alfreton, in the coimty of Derby ; Ladbroke Hall, Southam, in the county of War- wick. 'J'o'ivn house — 66 Queen's Gate, S.W. FREDERICK A C PALMER-SAMBORNE. Born — — •, being the only surviving son of the late Rev. Richard Lane Palmer, M.A. , J. P., Vicar of Ashreigney, co. Devon, by his wife Ellen, ilau. of Thomas Ferguson of Belfast. Armorial bearings — Argent, a chevron sable be- tween three mullets gules, pierced or. Mantling sable and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a nuillet as in the arms. Motto — " Memor et fidelis." Married, , Constance, dau. and heiress of the late Capt. Anstey, 20th Regt. Postal address — Rosemoor, Torrington. SAMBORNE STUKELY PALMER-SAMBORNE, Esquire, J. P. for Somerset. Born Feb. 20, 1827, being the eldest son of the late .Samborne Stukely Palmer-Samliorne, Esq., J. P. Somerset, by his wife Lucy Penelope, dau. of Rev. Richard Lane, J. P. Devon, of Coftlcet House, and of Bradley, Devon. Armorial bearings— Argent, a chev- ron sable between three mullets gules, pierced or. Mantling sable and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a mullet gules, pierced or. Motto — "Memor et fidelis." Married, June 14, i860, Lucy, dau. of Francis Baring Short ; and has Issue — John Stukely Palmer-Samborne, Esq., J. P., b. May 24, 1861 ; Evelyn Margaret; Hilda Baring ; and Ruth Mawdley. Seat — Timsbury House, near 15ath. PANMURE, Baron, see DALHOUSIE. CHARLES WOODBYNE PARISH, Esquire. Born June 5, 1848, being the seventh son of the It'JAI'trtfl ^^'"^ ^'"^ Woodbine Parish, Knight Com- j|J'Cll.lJ)y mander of the Hanoverian Guelphic Order, Fellow of the Royal Society, by his wife Louisa Ann, daughter of John Hubbard of Stratford Grove, in the county of Essex, and sister of the Right Honourable John Gellibrand Hubbard, first Baron Adding- ton. 67//i5— Athena;um. /./w/j— Blue. Armorial bear- ings — He bears for Arms : Argent, on a chevron sable between ten cross crosslets, six in chief and four in base of the last, a cross crosslet fitch^e of the first, a chief azure issuant therefrom a sun in splendour, impaling the arms S is tbe Naval Cockade. par par 637 Is, namely, quarterly i and 4, argent on a chief azure, an imperial crown or, a thistle in base vert, flowi;red gules, as an honourable augmentation (for St. John); 2 and 3, quarterly i. and iiii. argent, a bend azure (for Sandilands) ; ii. argent, a human heart proper, imperially crowned gules, on a chief azure, three mullets of tlic field (for Douglas) ; iii. argent, a shake-fork sable (for Cunningham) ; and for his Crest, uix)n a wreath of H.M.'s Diplomatic Service, by his first wife Amelia Jane, dau. of Leonard Beecher Morse of St. Pierre, Monmouth- shire. 67//i^— Oriental. /Jvefy—h\ack and white. Ar- morial bearings — Argent, on a chevron sable, between ten cross crosslets, six in chief and four in base of the last, a cross crossiet fitch^e of the first, a chief azure, issuant therefrom a sun in splendour proper. Mantling' sable and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, on a rock colours, on a rock proper, a cross crossiet sabl<- ; with the Motto, "Justum et tenacem." Married, firstly, July 16, 1879, Francis Montgomerie, daughter of Vicc-.\dmiral Boyle (who died January 1889); secondly, February 7, 1891, Helen Jane, commonly known as the Honourable Helen Jane, daughter of the Reverend John Sandil.mds, commonly called the Reverend the Honourable John Sandi- lands, Rector of C'oston, and sister of the Right Honourable James Walter Sandilands, twelfth Baron 'I'orphichen ; and by his first marriage has Issue — (i) Walter \Voodbine Parish, Gentleman, born December 3, 1880; (2) Francis Woodbine Parish, Gentleman, Ixirn May 20, 1884; and Marjorie Agnes Woodbine ; and by his second niarri;ige has — (3) Charles Douglas Woodbine Parish, Gentleman, bom November 25, 1891 ; and Ho])e Mary Woodbine. Postal address — l<>nnismore Gardens, S.W. FRANK PARISH, Esquire, many years in H.M.'s Consular Service, from which he retired on a pension in the year 1873; entered H.M.'s Service in 1840, acting as assistant to the Commissioners appointed to settle the Sulphur Claims in Naples, following which he was ap- pointed Secretary to his father, who, as joint-Plenipotentiary with Mr. Temple, British Minister, negotiated and con- cluded a Reciprocity Treaty. In 1843 was appointed first assistant on China Consular Establishments, formed on conclusion of first war with China ; served at Amoy, Ningpo-Foochow, Shanghai, and Canton ; was subse- quently transferred to the Consulate at Buenos Aires, where owing to the death of the Hon. Capt. Gore, H.M.'s Charge d'Affiures, and an interruption of Diplomatic relations, was appointed as acting Consul-General and sole Repre- sentative of British Interests till the year 1864, when he was appointed Consul-General and Slave Commissioner at Havana, but declined the appointment and remained at Buenos Aires as Hon. Consul, with the representation of the Buenos Aires Great Southern Railway until tlie year 1873, when he retired from H.M.'s Service, continuing to act as a Director, and for the last twenty-eight years Chairman of that Company, and of several other important Railway Companies in Argentina. Born 1824, being the third son of the late Sir Woodbine Parish, K.C.H., of pro[«r, a cross crossiet sal)le ; with the Motto, "Justum et tenacem." Married, 1855, Margarita, dau. of John Miller of Buenos Aires, and his wife Dolores Balbastro (grand-daughter of the Viceroy of .Sjiain) ; and has Issue — (i) Frank Parish, F-sq. ; (2) Woodbine Parish, Gentleman; and Lola [»/. David A. Shennan]. Residence — 5 Gloucester Square, London, W. PHILIP SAMUEL PARK, Gentleman. Born April 13, 1865, being the only son of William Philip Park, Esquire, T f f Justice of the Peace for the County Palatine of Lancaster, and for the Borough of Preston, by his wife Kathleen The Editor undertakes that every entry not in italics is that of a genuinely armigerous person. 638 par pat IsalH'Ua Waller, dauRhtor of Coloni-1 Chapman of the county of Kildare. Armorial bearings— He bears for Anns : Or, a fesse invected che<|uy azure and argent, tetween three stags' heads caboshed' in chief and one in base gules. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling azure and or; and for his Crest, on a wreath of the colours, u|)on a mount vert, a stag's head caboshed gules, between two marigolds sli|)ped proper ; with the Motto, " Providentia me conmiitto." Married, firstly, June 10, 1888, Annie Isatella Eugdnie, daughter of the Reverend F. Eugene Perrin ; and secondly, September T4, 1892, Sarah Ellen, daughter of John Henry Park ; and has l.isiie — Isoliel Eug(f'nie Chapman. J'ostal address — The Oaks, Penwortham, I'reston, Lancashire. PARKER, quartered by WHIN YATES. ANTHONY PARKER, Esq., of Castle Lough, co. Tipperary, High Sheriff 1876, J. P. cos. Tipperary and Clare. Born Dec. 21, 1844, being the son of the late Rev. Standish Grady Parker of Castle Lough, by his wife Mar- garet, dau. of Rev. Rolx;rt Gabbett, D.D., of Castle Lake, CO. c:iare. Armorial bearings — Sable, a stag's head ca- boshed between two launches argent, in the centre chief point a mullet or. Mantling sable and argent; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a stag salient proper, charged with a mullet as in the arms. Motto — " Fideli certa merces." Married, July 18, 1B67, Anna Christiana, dau. of the late John Dawson Hutchinson of Timoney Park, Roscrea, co. Tipperary ; and by her (who died Oct. 18, 1871) has had Issue — Standish Grady John Parker-Hutchinson, 'Gentleman, of Timoney Park, co. Tip- perary, b. Jan. 9, 1870 (assumed the surname of Hutchinson in addition to and after that of Parker on attaining his majority) ; Anna Christina, d. Aug. 12, 1871 ; and Elizabeth Margaret. Seat—Ca.s\\e Lough, Killaloe. EDWARD MILWARD SEEDE PARKER. Born December ig, 1846, being the second son of lt^A1*fcl>1* Joseph Parker of Uptoji Cheyney Manor, Jir ttlKvV Bitton, in the county of Gloucester, by his wife Louisa Jane, daughter and sole heiress of Benjamin Mihvard of Keynsham, in the county of Somerset, Solicitor and Master Extraordinary iti Chancety. Armorial bearings as claimed and used, but for which no authority whatsoever has been established at the College of Arms, are fur Arms : Quarterly of six, i and 6 argent, three bucks trippant proper, a chief azure, and a crescent for difference (for Parker) ; 2. argent, a chevron sable betn'cen three bears' heads, couped of the last, muzzled or (Jor Seede) ; 3. per pale gules and azure, a lion rampant argent [for Rosewell) ; 4. ertnine, on a fesse gules, three plates argent (for Milward) ; 5. or, six fleurs-de-lis, three, two and one azure, a chief indented argent (for Paston), impaling the arms of Denoting, namely argent, a hollv eradicated proper, o/i a chief engrailed azure, a lion passant betioeen tivo trefoils slipped or ; and for his Crest, a buck's head, holding in the mouth an acorn leaved all proper. MottO — " Fidelis amicis." Married, June 17, 1874, Mary, daughter of Thomas Do%vling of Chew Magna, in the county of Somerset, Member of the Royal College of Surgeons, London, Licentiate of the Society of Apothecaries ; and has Issue — Reginald Mihvard Jason Parker, born June 26, 1883 ; Maty Roseioell Mihvard ; and Mabel Perrott Paston (deceased). Estates — An estate in the parish of Keynsham, in the county of Somerset ; also a share (in fee) in an estate in Upton Cheyney, Bitton, in the county of Gloucester. Postal address — Welford House, Keynsham, Somersetshire. FRANCIS PARKER, Esq., J. P. for Westmorland. Born Dec. 9, 1824, being the fourth and youngest surviving son of the late Christopher Parker, Esq., of Petterill Green and Old Town, Cumberland, J. P. and D. L. for Cumber- land, High Sheriff 1830, by his second wife Margaret, dau. of Robert Jefferson, Esq., of Stonerai.se, Cimiber- land. Livery — Dark blue, drab facings, brass buttons. Armorial bearings— Azure, two bars gemelles argent, between three bucks' heads erased or, all between two {launches of the last, a martlet for difference. Mantling azure and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a cubit arm vested vert, cuffed argent, holding in the hand the attire of a stag, and a bow and arrow saltireways all proper. Married, June i, 1869, Mary fi is the Military Cockade. IClliott, younger dau. of the late Henry Hick of Stokesley, Yorkshire ; and ha.t /.w//t'— Francis Henry Mervyn Parker, Gentleman, B.A. (O.xon.) of the Inner Temple, /-. Jan. 4, 1873. Estate and postal address— ?XQTavagXo\\, Penrith. GEORGE PARKER, Esquire, Admiral (Retired List). Barn September 1, 1827, iK-ing the second son of the late Admiral of the Fleet, Sir William Parker, Baronet, Knight Grand Cross of the Most Honourable Order of the liath, by his wife Frances Anne, daughter of Sir Theophilus Biddulph, Baronet. Club — United Service. Livery — Green and scarlet, with gold lace on hat. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Gules, a chevron between three leopards' faces or. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a leopard's head erased and affrontde or, ducally gorged gules; with the Motto, "Sub libertate quietum." Married, April 25, 1857, Anne Eliza- beth [d. 189s), daughter of W. Mackworth Praed, Esquire, Barrister-at-'Law, and Judge of the County Courts; and has /.«//(?— (i) William Frederic Parker, Esquire, Captain Rifle Brigade, born August i, i860 [married, 1885, Helinor (d. 189s), daughter of Colonel Fitzroy Stephen, ComiJanion of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath] ; (2) Mack- worth Praed Parker, Gentleman, born September 23, 1865 [married, 1893, SyVjil, daughter of Colonel Garrett of Bishop's Court] ; Mary Francis Susan ; and Evelyn Annie [married, 1887, William Corvton of Pentillie Castle, in the county of Cornwall]. Estates — Delamore, in Cornwood, in the county of Devon ; Water Stratford, in the county of Buckingham. Postal address — Delamore, Ivybridge, Devon. § THOMAS HOl-ME PARKER, Esq., J. P. and D.L. for Cumterland, and High Sheriff 1873, late Major Westmorland and Cumberland Yeomanry Cavalry. Born 1842, lieing the oldest son of the late Robert Holme Parker of Petterill Green, Cumberland, by Elizabeth, eldest dau. of John Richardson of Nunvvick Hall, Cumberland. Club— Junior Carlton. Armorial bearings — Azure, two bars gemelles argent, between three bucks' heads erased or, all between two Haunches of the last. Mantling azure and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a cubit arm vested vert, cuffed argent, holding in the hand the 3 is tbe Naval Cockade. par par 639 attire of a stag, and a l>ow and arrow saltireways all proper. Married, 1864, Emma Mary (who died 1895), dau. of the Rev. James Butler, D.C.L. ; and has, with other surviving Issue — Cyril Robert Holme Parker, Gentleman, h. 1869. S Lieut. -Col. WILLIAM PARKER, J.P. and D.L., Lieut. -Col. (retired) Royal South Lincoln Militia. Born March 24, 1824, being the eldest son of the late William Parker, Esq., of Hanthorpe House, J.P. and D.L. , High Sheriff 1864, by his wife Ann, dau. of John Bullivant of London. Armorial bearings - Per fesse gules and argent, a pale counterchanged, a chevron crminois between three leopards' faces or. Mantling' gules and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, between two oak branches proper, a leopard's face or, over which a mullet of six points. Motto — " Auctor pretiosa facit." Mariied, June 13, 1855, Augusta Millet Harriot, second dau. of the late Lieut. -Col. C. W. .Short, Coldstream Guards ; and has had Jssue~-(i) George Marcus Parker, Gentleman, Barrister-at-Law of the Inner Temple, b. March 14, 1856, d. 1895 [m., 1883, Evelyn Westfaling, youngest dau. of Hugh .Seymour Tremenheere, Esq., C. B. , and has issue]; (2) Charles William Parker, Gentleman, b. July 31, 1857, d. Aug. 10, 1880; (3) Arthur Gordon Barwell Parker, Gentle- man, b. May 30, 1859 ; d. unm. Aug. 29, 1887 ; (4) Frederick James Parker, Gentleman, b. April 6, 1861 ; (5) Geoffrey Augustus Mayow Parker, Gentleman, b. Nov. 26, 1868 ; (6) Waltt'r Talbot Parker, Gentleman, b. May 1879; Flora Millicent, [in., 1891, Charles Tunnard Wickhani of Twy- ford, Winchester]; and Katharine Mary. Seat — Han- thorpe House, Bourne, Lincolnshire. STANDLSH GRADY JOHN PARKER-HUTCHIN- SON Gentleman ; assumed name of Hutchinson by Royal Licence, April 25, 1891. Horn 1870, being the only son of Anthony Parker, Esq., of ("astle Lough, co. Clare, by his wife Anna Christina, dau. of John Dawson Hutchin- son of Timoney Park, co. Tipperary. Armorial bearings —Quarterly i and 4, quarterly gules and azure, crusily ht, a lion rampant argent (for Hutcliinson) ; 2 and 3 saljle, a stag's head caboshed between two fiaunchcs argent, in the centre chief jjoint a mullet or (for Parker). Mantling gules and or. CrestS — i. out of a duc.ii coronet or, .1 cockatrice, wings endorsed proper (for Hutchin.son) ; 2. on a wreath of the colours, a stag salient projx'r, charged with a mullet as in the arms (for Parker). MottO — " Fideli certa merces." Seats — Timoney Park, near Roscrea, Tipper.iry ; Cardtown, Montrath, Queen's Co. ; Castle Lough, Killaloe, co. Clare. an eagle displayed sah)le, holding in each claw a cross patfe fitch^e or, and charged on each wing with a billet also Parfee0^TBuc|)anan JOHN BERNARD PARKES-BUCHANAN. Gentle- man, Heir-male of Buch- anan of Ardoch, Heir-of- line of Buchanan of Iliert, elder brother and Co-heir of the great Master George Buchanan, Kec()cr Privy Seal of .Scotland (1571-1578), scholar and historian. Horn June 10, 1869, l)eing the only son of the late Thomas John Buchanan of Ardoch, Lieut. S2nd Light Infantry, by his wife Janet D'ARx;dhyl, eldest daughter of Lieutenant- Colonel John Money Carter, ist Royal Scots [by his wife, a dau. of the 8th Lord I'^libank]; and assumed the addi- tional surname of Parkes in 1869. C/iib — Union. Livery — Blue and gold. Armorial bearings— He l)e.irs for Arms : Or, a lion rampant sable, in dexter forepaw a dagger proper, within the Royal tressure of the second, all within a bordure invecked gules. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet liefitting his degree, with a mantling gules doubled argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of his liveries, two hands grasping a two-handed sword proper. Mottoes — " Clariora sequor," "Prosecute or perish." Married, April 21, 1896, Hilda, dau. of Colonel Richmond Irvine Crawford, CLE. , Indian .Staff Corps ; and has Issue — Maurice John Parkes- Buchanan, b. Mar. 6, 1897. Postal address — Union Club, S.W. JOHN S. PARKIN, Gentleman. Bam , being the son of the Rev. John Parkin of Halton Vic.irage, Hastings, and Seaton, in the co. of Cumberland, by his wife Eliza- beth, dau. of Thomas Sharp. Armorial bearings — .\rgent, an eagle displayed sable, charged on the breast with a cross pat<5e fitcht'^e or, two Haunches of the second, each charged with as many billets palew.iys of the third. Mant- ling sable and .irgent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours. or. Motto — " Honesta audax." Postal address — 11 New Square, Lincoln's Inn, London, W.C. THOMAS PARKIN, lisquire, J.P. for Sussex, Master of .Xrts for the University of ("ambridge, ll^f^rlifn ''"-'^-O.S. Born l-'ebniary 3, 1845, being the J^ntnlll second son of the Reverenil John Parkin of Halton Vicarage, Hastings, and Seaton, in the county of ("umberland, by Emilia Elizabeth his wife. daughter of Thomas .Sharp. Clubs — New O.vford and Cambridge ; East .Sussex (St. Leonards-on-.Sea) ; and Lewes The Editor undertakes that every entry not in italics is that of a genuinely armigerous person. 640 par Par anil County (Sussex). Armorial bearings He bears for Arms : Argent, an eagle liisplayed sable, charged on the breast with a cross patt^e titeht'e or, two flaunches of the second, each charged with as many billets pateways of the third. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling sable and argent ; and for a Crest, on a wreath of the colours, an eagle displayed sable, holding in e.ich claw a cross patiS; fitch^e or, and charged on each wing with a billet also or ; with the Motto, " Hon- esta auda.\." Estates — The Tarns, Holme St. Cuthbert, in the county of Cumlx;rland. Postii/ ndtwecn two crescents in chief gules and afieur-de-lis in base or. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules doubled argent ; and upon a wreath of his liveries is set for Crest, between two doves' wings expanded proper, a cubit arm erect also projjer, charged on the palm with a passion cross gules ; and in an escroll above, this Tile Editor tmdertakes that every entry not in italics is that of a genuinely armigerous person. 2 s 642 pat Pap Motto, " Do riclit and fiar nocht.'" Married, 1858, Margaret, second daugliter of the late Alexander Ferrier, Esquire, of Hloomhill, in the county of Dumbarton, and has issue. Postal address — 33 George Square, Edinburgh. JOHN PATRICK. Esquire, Justice of the Peace for the county of Antrim. Born March 28, 1844, IPJAfrff It being the only son of John Patrick, Esquire, I^CtlVlVli Justice of the Peace, by his wife Grace, daughter of William Gihon, Esquire, Justice of the Peace, of Hallvmcna. 67//Av— Ulster (Belfast), Sack- ville Strcol (Dublin). Livery — Blue coat, drab breeches. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Argent, a saltire engrailed sable, Unween in chief a thistle and in base a trefoil slipped, both proper, on a chief of the second three roses of the first. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling sable and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a dexter hand erect proper, charged with a saltire sable, grasping a dagger also erect proper ; with the MottO, " Ora et lalxara." Married, November 6, 1869, Augusta Mary, youngest daughter of John Davison of Raceview, Broughshane, in the county of Antrim; and has Issue — (i) John Patrick, Gentleman, born October 31, 1871 ; (2) James Alexander Patrick, Gentleman, Ixjrn June 21, 1876; (3) Norman Colum i^atrick. Gentleman, born August 13, 1878 ; (4) Mal- colm William Patrick, Gentleman, born August 15, 1882 ; Augusta Mary Grace (deceased) ; Gertrude Emily ; and Grace Kathleen. Estates — Dunminning, Corkey (Middle), Eagry, Capecastle, all in the county of Antrim, and part of North March, in the county of Louth. Postal address — Gledheather, Glarryford, county Antrim. patton^lBetJune Genf.r.M. WALTER DOUGLAS PHH.LIPPS PATTON-BETHUNE, Colonel Highland Light Infantry. Born July i, 1821, l>cing the eldest son of the late Thomas Patton of Bishop's Hall and Stoke Court, in the county of .Somerset, by his wife Matilda, only daughter of the Reverend Richard Winsloe, Rector of Ruishton, in the county of .Somerset, and Forlierry, in the county of Cornw.all ; assumed the additional surname and arms of Bethune by Royal License, August 30, 1882. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Quarterly i and 4, quarterly i. and iiii. azure, a fesse chequy or and gules, between three lozenges of the second ; ii. and iii. argent, on a chevron sable, an otter's head erased of the first (for Bethune) ; 2 and 3 azure, gutt(5e-d'eau, a s\\ord argent, hiked or, between four crescents saltireways argent (for Patton). Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling azure and or ; and for his Crests, i. upon a WTcath of the colours, a demi-otter issuant argent, motto over, "Debonnaire" (for Bethune); 2. on two swords .saltireways proper, pommelled and hiked or, a falcon rising argent, gutt(5e - de - larmes (for Patton). Motto — " Virtute adepta." Married, .April 23, 1855, Julia, only daughter of Sir Howard Elphinstone, Baronet ; and has had Issue — (1) Walter Denman Elphinstone Patton, Gentle- man, born April 19, 1859, died June 2, 1861 ; (2) Herbert Bethime Patton-Bethune, Esquire, Captain 3rd Hussars, born .May 30, 1B60 ; (3) Douglas Elphinstone Bethune Patton-Bethune, Gentleman, Lieutenant 3rd Battalion Rifle Brigade, born August 17, 1867 ; Julia Elphinstone, died 1856 ; and Anne Florence Louisa Mary Bethune. Scat — Bishop's Hall House, Taunton. PAUL, see BALFOUR PAUL. HERBERT WOODFIELD PAUL, Barrisicr-at-Law, Bachelor of Arts of the University of Oxford, Member of Parliament for the South Division of Ediiiburi^h since 1892. Born January 16, 1853, being the eldest son of the Rcc'erend George Woodfield Paul, Ficar of Finedon, in the county of Northampton, by his wife Jessie Philippa, daughter of the late Herbert Macticorth, Esquire, Lieutenant Royal Navv. C\\\h^Reform. Armorial bearings ^.f used, but for which no authority has been established, (uv for Arms : Argent, on a fesse azure, three cross crosslcts or. Crest — A leopard's head or, erased gules. Motto — " Veritas prcn'alebit." Mar- ried, 1883, Elinor, daughter of the late William Ritchie, Esquire, Member of Council of Governor-General of India. Postal address — 46 Cheyne Walk, S. W. ^ is the Military Cockade. WILLIAM BOND PAUL, Gentleman. Born February 17, 1817, teing the eldest son of Thomas Paul, Esquire, of Langport, in the county of Somerset, by his wife Juliet, daughter of William Bond. Livery — All black, trimmed with gold lace, gilt buttons. Armorial bearings— He lx;ars for Arms : l'>niine, a chevron azure, surmounted by another or, thereon three hurts, on a chief sable, as many cross crosslets of the third. Crest — Upon a wreath of the colours, a demi-griffin regardant or, gorged with a collar gemmel, and holding Ix'tween the claws a cross crosslet azure, the wings addorsed of the last, semde of cross cross- lets also or. Motto — "Per cnicem coelum." Married, May I, 1849, Harriet Duncan, eldest daughter of Edw'ard Pierce, formerly resident at New Park, near Axminster, in the county of Devon ; and has Issue — Four sons and four daughters. Estate — Land in parishes of High Ham and Huish Episcopi, in the coimty of Somerset. Postal address — Wearne Wyche, Langport, Somersetshire. THOMAS BUDDS P.WNE, Esquire, Justice of the Peace. Bo>'n April 19, 18 19, being the son of John Payne of Gillown Lodge, in the county of Kildare, by his wife Mary. Armorial beanngs — He bears for Arms : Gules, on a fesse engrailed between two lions passant argent, a clover plant with three leaves, and eradicated txjtween two trefoils slipped vert. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a lion's gamb erect and erased argent, holding fesscways a broken tilting-spear gules, pendent therefrom at the sinister end a wreath of sham- rocks vert; with the Motto, " Malo niori quam foed.iri." Married, July 3, 1855, Rosa Mary, eldest daughter of the late Curtis Hemphill ; and has Issue — (i) Frederick William Payne, Gentleman ; (2) Thomas Henry Payne, Gentleman ; (3) Arthur Ernest Tyndall Payne, Gentleman ; Mary Elizabeth Jane [married James Littlejohn Ogilvy] ; and Sarah Emily Frances. Estate and postal address — ^Iaritimc, South Yarra, Mellwurne, Victoria. EMILY PAYNTER, Spinster, F.I. Inst., Dame of Grand Council of the Primrose League, lt^flTltlf't>t* youngest daughter of the late William jftt^lll-vv Paynter, Esquire, of Belgrave Scjuare, and of Camborne House, Richmond, Surrey, J. P. for cos. of Middlesex and Surrey, and D. L. for the latter county. Livery — Blue, with white facings, and piped with crimson. Armorial bearings are, upon a lozenge : Quarterly, i. azure, three blocks argent, each charged with an annidet sable (for Paynter) ; 2. azure, three faggots argent (for Antron) ; 3. argent, three tends gules (for ^h is the Naval Cockade. pap pap 643 Bodrugan) ; 4. argent, two chevronels nebuly gules, between three sheaves of as many arrows sable, banded of the second A k. i rEE lllllli iii'i ' r .S„ L N ^1 (for Best). Postal address— \o Queensberry Place, South Kensington, I>ondon, S.W. Reverend FRANCIS PAYNTER, Clerk in HolyOrders. M.A. Canib. , late Rector of Stoke next Ciuildford, Surrey. Horn Jan. 24, 1836, lieing the only son of the late Rev. Samuel Payntcr, by his wife Eliza, only dau. of Samuel Payntcr, Gentleman, of Richmond. r////> — National. Livi'ry — Dark blue, with red facings. Armorial bearing^ —(Quarterly 1 and 4, azure, three blocks argciit. on cacli of thcni an annulet sable (for I'aynter) ; 2. azun-, three faggots urgent (for Antron) ; 3. argent, three bends gules (for Bodmgan). Crest— Upon a wreath of the colours, three broken broad-arrows gold , kn it with a lace gules (for Paynter). Motto — " Carpe diem." Married Julia, second dau. of William Porter, Esq., of Hembury Fort, Honiton, J. P. and D. L. for the co. of Devon; and has Issue — (i) Rev. Francis Samuel Paynter, Clerk in Holy Orders, //. March 18, 1866, Rector of Springfield, Chelmsford [w. Isabelle, youngest dau. of Rev. T. C. Cane, Rector of Tattingstonc, Suffolk]; (2) Walter Paynter, Gentleman, h. June 25, 1871 ; Eliza \jn. H. P. Treeby, Esquire, Major East Surrey Regt.]; and Evelyn Mary. Residence — Stoke Hill, Guildford. GEORGE PAYNTER, Esquire, Justice of the Peace for the county of Leicester. Born June 14, 1831, being the third son of William Paynter, Esquire, of Belgrave Square, and of Camborne House, Richmond, in the county of Surrey, Justice of the Peace for the counties of Middlesex and Surrey, and Deputy-Lieutenant for the latter county, by his wife Anne Berdmore, only daughter and sole heir of Thomas Best of HoUin House, Leek, in the county of Stafford ; appointed Lieutenant ist King's Dragoon Guards, June 10, 1850; Captain, November 12, 1852 ; Major, April 30, 1858 ; on Retired List, with per- mission to retain rank, Deceml^er 1871. Clubs — United .Service, Army and Navy, Wellington. Livery — -Blue, white facings, crimson piping, silver buttons and hat-bands. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Quarterly i. .azure three blocks argent, on each of them an annulet sable (for Paynter) ; 2. azure, three faggots argent (for Antron); 3. argent, three l)ends gules (for Bodrugan) ; 4. argent, two chevronels nebuly gules, Ijetween three sheaves of as many arrows sable, banded of the second (for Best). Mantlilig gules and argent. Crest — Upon a wreath of the colours, three broken broad arrows gold, knit with a lace gules (for Paynter). Motto — " Car|3e diem." Married, June 19, 1879, Frances Maria Jani-tta (who died May 1884), only daughter of Amdius Wentworth Ik-auclerk, Esquire, commonly known as Lord Amelius Wentworth Beauclerk, fifih son of the Most Noble William Beauclerk, eighth Duke of .St. Albans; and has Issue — George Camborne lieauclerk P.aynter, Gentleman, only son, born August 2, 1880; Janetta De Vcre ; and Frances May. Estates — Hollin House, Lane Delph, and Gate House, Leek, in the county of Stafford ; and liaton Grange, in the county of Leicester. Postal addresses — 21 Belgrave Square, S.W. ; Eaton Grange, Grantham. HENRY GROSVENOR PAYNTER, Esquire, late of the Bengal Civil .Service, son of the late William Paynter, Estjuire, of Belgrave Square and of Camlx)rne House, Richmontl, Surrey, J. P. for cos. of Middlesex and .Surrey, •and D.L. for the latter county. I.ivciy — Blue and white. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Quarterly, i. azure, three blocks argent, each charged with an annulet sable (for Paynter) ; 2. azure, three faggots argent (for Antron); 3. argent, three bends gules (for Bodrugan); 4. argent, two chevronels nebuly gules, lietween three shea\es of as many arrows sable, banded of the second (for Best). Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befit- The Editor undertakes that every entry not in italics is tbat of a genuinely armigerous person. 644 Pea ting his degree, with a mnntlintj Rules nnfl argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, three broken broad-arrows gold, knit with a lace gules. Motto — " Carpc Diem." Married, October 15, 1863, Emily, youngest daughter of John Hopkins, Lord of the Manor of 'l"id- m.arsh, of Tidmarsh House, Reading ; and lias Issue — Agnes; and Edith. Postal address — 118 Ebury Street, I^ondon, S.W. MARK BEAUCHAMP PEACOCK, Gentleman, Bar- ristcr-at-Law. Born 1834, being the only son of the late Mark Reauchamp Peacock of Springfield Place, by Antonina Eliza, dau. of the late Anthony P.arkin of Ashurst Lodge, is the Military Cockade. pea Kent. Armorial bearings— Per fesse or and azuie, a pale, three e.agles displayed, one in chief and two in base, and three roundels, two in chief and one in base, each charged with a cross crosslet all counterchanged. Mantling azure and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a mount vert, thereon an eagle displayed erniinois, holding in the lieak a cross crosslet fitch(5e gules, the dexter claw supporting a hurt charged with a cross crosslet or. Married, 1857, Ellen, eldest dau. of Frederick Besley ; and has, with other Issue — Mark Beauchamp Peacock, Gentle- man, /'. i85o, Barrister-at-Law (Lincoln's Inn). Residences — Springfield Place, Chelmsford ; Belgrave House, Marine Parade, Brighton. SiK ICDWARD ROBERT PEARCE- EDGCUMBE, Knight- Bachelor, )ustice peatCe^OBtlgCUmfje ^^menantforthJSfy of Dorset, High Sheriff for the county of Cornwall 1896, Doctor of Laws in the Uni- versity of Cambridge, Rarrister-at-Law, formerly Official Examiner to the High Court of Justice, County Councillor for Dorset. Born March 13, 1851, being the only son of the late Edward Pearce, Esq., Justice of the Peace for Dorset, of Somerleigh Court, by his wife, Clara Jane yoimgest daughter of the Rev. Canon Palmer, of Great Torrington, in the county of Devon, and took by Royal License the surname of Edgcumbe in addition to and after that of Pearce. C////' — Reform. Livery — white, turned up with red, waistcoat white and red stripes. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms: Argent, on a rock a boar statant in front of an oak tree proper, fructed or, two Hanches gules on a chief of the last, a (|uatern foil between two fleurs-de-lys of the first. And upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, witli a mantling gules and argent ; and for his Crest, on a wreath of the colours, a demi-boar supporting between the legs a javelin erect, proper, and gorged witli a collar, therefrom suspended a bugle-horn stringed, both or. SJiir Robert Edgcumbe descends through Grace (daughter and eventual heiress) from Roger Edgcumbe of Tresmerc and Laneast, Cornwall (fourteenth in descent from John de Edgcumbe of Edgcumbe), who bore for his arms, of which there is no record in the Heralds' College, Arg. an oak eradicated, crossed at the trunk by a hoar statant, both ppr., and for his crest a boar statant ppr., quartering Strode, Courtenay, and Redvers\. Married, firstly, August 9, 1884, Clara Jane Constance, younge.st daughter of John Charles Conybeare of St. Leonard's Grange, Ingatestone, In the ^1 is the Naval Cockade. pea Pea M5 county of Essex (she died September ii, 1888); secondly, -August 6, 1891, Frances, younger daughter of Admiral Fitzgerald Algernon Charles Foley, commonly known as Admiral the Honourable I'itzgerald Algernon Charles Foley, of Fackham, Fordingbridge ; and has Issue — (i) Edward Humphrey I'earce-Edgcumbe, born June 19, 1885 ; {2) John Aubrey Pearce-Edgcumbe, born Septemljer 21, 1886; (3) Oliver Pearce-Edgcumbe, born May 16, 1892. Estates — The Manor of Reperry, in the county of Cornwall. Postal address — Sandye Place, Sandy. CHARLES PEARCE-SEROCOLD, Gentleman. Born August 28, 1827, being the lt^(>At*ri>'SM?rnrnfri second but eldest surviving l^t-aiVt^'Xyt-lUVUlU so„ of the late Reverend Ed- ward Serocold Pearce-Sero- cold of Cherryhinton (who assumed by Royal License, July 30, 1842, theadditional surname andarmsofSerocold), by his first wife Georgiana Elizabeth, daughter of George Smith. Annorial beaxings — He bears for Arms ; (^)uarterly i and 4, ])er chevron argent and sable, in chief two fleurs-de-lis azure, and a castle in base or (for Serocold) ; 2 and 3 per chevron argent and or, in chief two Cornish choughs jjroper, in base three roses gules growing out of a mount vert (for Pearce). Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling sable and argent ; and for his Crests, i. upon a wreatli of the colours, a castle or, with a fleur-de-lis issuing from the battlements azure (for .Ser(jcold) ; 2. upon a wreatli of the colours, in front of a rose gules, a Cornish chough projier (for Pearce). Married, 1859, Marie, daughter of Colonel George St. Leger Gren- fell ; and has Issue— (i) Oswald Pearcc-Serocold, Gentle- man, born July 24, 1865 ; (2) Eric Pearce-Serocold, Esquire, Lieutenant King's Royal Rifles, born July 18, 1870 ; (3) ('liarles Pearce-Serocold, Gentleman, born 1872; (4) Claud Pearce -Serocold, Gentleman, born 1875; Minna; Lucy I married IC. Cameron (jallon of Shelsley Grange, in the county of Worcester]; Margaret; Caroline; Dorothy; and Ruth. Residence— '\-A\y\o\i Hill, Maidenhead. pearce )f Medicine, Gknkkai. GEORGE GODFREY PEARSE, Com- panion of the Most Honourable Order of the Hath, Colonel Commandant Royal Horse .\rtillery. Born January 4, 1827, being the second son of the late George Pearse, Doctor Honorary Physician to Her Majesty the (Jueen, by his wife Anne S;irah, only daughter of Janies McCullocli of Straljane ; was created Companion of the .Most Honourable Order of the Hath, 1881. C///^ -United Service, /./rrrc— (Jreen and gold. Armorial bearings— lie bears for Arms: Vert, a lx;nd nebuly plain cotised or, a canton ermine, thereon a trefoil of the field. Uelow the shield is pendent his badge as a Companion of the Most Ilonourable Order of the Bath, and upon ihe escut- cheon is placed a helmet Ix-fitting his degree, with a mantling vert and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a fern-brake, thereon a pelican in her piety, the wings elevated |)roper, charged on the breast with a trefoil vert ; with the MottO, " Nihil amanti durum." Married, May 6, 1879, Louisa Hester, youngest daughter of the Reverend John Steward, Vicar of Great Kimble, in the county of Buckingham; and has had /«//<.'- Godfrey IVarse, Gentleman, born October 28, 1881 ; and Zoii Dorothy, (lied February 2, 1894. /^(;.f/(// (V(/(//f,u— 4 Norfolk Square, Hyde Park, W. Ri:v. ARTHUR CHARLES PEARSON, M.A., Mag- dalene College, Cantab., Clerk in Holy Orders, Rector of Ringsfield, Suffolk, and late Senior Chaplain H.M. Bengal Ecel. Establishment. Born June i. 1846, Ijeing the younger son of the late John Peaison, Gentleman, of South Wingfield, co. Derby, and his wife Georgiana Louisa, youngest dau. of Charles Dashwood. Armorial bearings — Argent, on a pile azure, a rose of the first, barbed and seeded proper, between three arrows pcjints downwards or, barbed and flighted argent. Mantling azure and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, an eagle's wing sable, sem(5e-de-lis or, pierced by an arrow embrued in bend, point upwards, and vulned proper. Motto — " Ne tentes, aut perfice." Married, April 22, 1885, Katherine Adele Madeline {d. 1891), dau. of the Rev. PVed. Montagu Arnold, late Rector of Rings- field, CO. Suffolk, and has Issue — AdCIe Madeline. Postal address — Ringsfield, Beccles, Suffolk. The Honourahi.k CHARLES HENRY PEARSON, Master of .Arts, of Edowie, Williamsroad, Toorak, Victoria, Minister of Public Instruction. Born in London, Septem- ber 7, 1830, being the fourth son of the Reverend John Norman Pearson of Bower Hall, Bumpstead Steeple, in the county of Essex, Incumbent of Holy Trinity, 'I'unbridge Wells, l)y his wife Harriet, daughter of Richard Puller of London. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Per fesse dovetail gules and azure, three suns in splendour gold, on a bordure dovetail or, four hurts. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a demi-lion rampant gules, charged on the neck with three bezants between a double gemelle or, in the dexter paw a shield azure, charged with a sun in splendour gold; with the Motto, "Sol et scutum Deus." Married, December 10, 1872, at Gawler, South Australia, Edith Lucilla, daughter of Philip Butler of Teckford Abbey, in the county of Buckingham ; and has Issue — Edith Gertrude Hilda ; Evelyn Mary Muriel ; and Maud Oriel Reada. Seat — Haverhill, near Melrose, South Australia. Postal address — Edowie, Williamsroad, Toorak, Victoria. EDWARD PEARSON, Gentleman. Born Nov. 12, 1836, being the second son of the late Benjamin Pearson, by his wife Charlotte Fllizabelh, fifth dau. of Mark Giljcrne of Wanslead, Essex. Armorial bearings — Per fesse dove- tailed gules and azure, three! suns in splendoui' or, on a bor- dure also dovetailed gold foiu' hurts. Mantling gules and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a demi-lion ram- pant gules, charged on the neck with three bezants between a double gemel or, holding in the dexter forepaw an escut- cheon azure, thereon a sun as in the arms. Motto—" Sol et scutum deus." Married, July 31, 1873, ICIlen Clare, dau. of William Miller of Millerfield House, Edinburgh ; and has /.t.fwt'— h-dward William Pearson, Gentleman, b. March 12, 1878; and Helen Margaret. Seat — Wilmslow, Cheshire. EDWIN JAMES PEARSON. Esquire, J. P. for co. of Hertford. Burn Feb. 13, 1842, Ijcing the eldest son of the late Sir Edwin Pearson, Knight Bachelor, by his wife Hon. Alicia Anne, dau. of Rt. lion, fourth Viscount Lifford. Club — Athenajuni. Armorial bearing^s- Per fesse dove- tailed gules and azure, three suns in splendour or, on a bordure also dovetailed of the last, four hurls. Mantling gules and or. Crest — On a wreath of the coloius, a demi- lion rampant gules, charged on the neck with three bezants, between a double gemelle or, holding in the dexter fore- paw a sun as in the arms. Motto — "Sol et scutum Deus. The Editor undertakes tliat every entry not in italics is that of a genuinely armigerous person. 646 pea pea AAirrii-i/, Jan. 7, 1868, Kniily Margaret, ihui. of late Richard Valpy, Esq., J.l'. , of Chainpnuss Triny ; and haa /ssue — Malx.-l Annie; and Irene Margaret. Seat — Millticld, Berk- hanipstead. GKORGE PEARSON, (ientleman. Jioni Oct. 28, 1835. lieing the elder son of the late Benjamin Pearson of South- side, Cheshire, by his wife Charlotte Elizaljeth, lifth dau. of Mark Oiberne of VV'anstead, I'-ssex. C////^.v— National Liberal (S.W'. ), Reform (Manchester). Armoriail bear- IngB — Per fesse dovetailed gules and azure, three suns in splendour or, on a hordure also dovetailed gold four hurts. Mantling gules and or. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a demi-lion rampant gules, charged on the neck with three l>czants between .a double geniel or, holding in the dexter forepaw an escutcheon azure, thereon a sun as in the arms. Motto — "Sol et scutum deus." Attirried, Sept. 25, 1894, Catherine Elizabeth, second dau. of the late Rev. Richard Hill, Rector of Tinisbiiry, co. Somerset, and Fellow of Balliol Coll., OxoTi ; and has Issi/e — Charlotte Renee. Seat — Southside, Wilmslow, Cheshire. GEORCJE PEARSON, Gentleman. Bom January 16, 1845, Ijeing the eldest son of George Pearson of Brierley Hill, in the county of Stafford, by his wife Mirah, daughter of George Holcroft of Niederbronn, Alsace, now in the Empire of Germany. C7itl> — Junior Constitutional. Livery —Olive green. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Or, on a pile azure, Ixitween two passion nails, in base of the last a sun in splendour of the field ; and for the Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, upon a mount vert, in fiont of two passion nails in saltire azure, a seax erect proper, pommel and hilt or ; with the Motto, " Perduret probitas." Married, May 20, 1882, Amelia Matilda, daughter of William Farrow of Wells, in the county of Somerset. -Postal arf(if/-c'w— Bannerleigh, Clifton, Bristol. S HENRY PEARSON, Esquir.-, Major and Hon. Lieut.- Col. 3rd Batt. Derbyshire Regt., M.A. Magdalene Coll., Camb. Born Oct. 16, 1844, being the eldest son of the late John Pearson, Gentleman, of South Wingfield, co. Derby, by his wife Georgiana Louisa, youngest daii. of Charles Dashwood. Armorial bearings— Argent, on a pile azure, a rose of the first, barbed and seeded proper, between three arrows points downwards or, barlxjd and flighted argent. Mantling azure and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, an eagle's wing sable, ^ is the Military Cockade. sem(5e-de-lis or, pierced by an arrow embrued in bend, point upwards, and vulned proper. Motto — " Ne tentes, aut perfice." Married, Feb. 20, 1895, Charlotte Elizabeth, dau. of the late Wni. Spragge, Supt. of Indian Affairs, Ottawa, Canada. Kesidtnce — Wingfield House, South Wingfield, co. Derby. HUGH PEARCE PEARSON, Esquire, Substantive Colonel in the Army, Adjutant-General Madras Army, and Local Brigadier-General, Companion of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath. Born March 4, 1839, being the eldest son of Major Hugh Pearson, Her Majesty's \i^th Regiment, by his wife Jane Augusta, daughter of Miles Atkinson. Armorial bearings as used, but for which no authority has been established in the College of Arms, are: Party per ''esse crenellt'e gules and azure, three suns, tzuo and one or. Married, February 7, 1865, Ellen Fanny, third daughter of Robert Mosely Thomas if Calcutta, and of Aberkerry, in the county of Carmarthen {she died September Z'^, 1892) ; and has Issue — (i) Hugh Frederic Archie Pearson, born June 19, 1869; (2) Aylmer Cavendish Pearson, born August S, 1876; (3) Frank Stanley I'earson, born June 13, 1879; (4) Charles Henry Campbell Pearson, born January b, 1884 ; (5) Harry Sim Ibbetson Pearson, born June 16, 1888 ; Eva Ellen Adela \inarricd\ ; Emily Bryce [tnarried] ; and Edith Mary. Postal address — Rotacamund, Madras, East Indies {till June 1895). Tiuc HoNOUKAKi.K WILLIAM PEARSON of Kilmany Park, Sale, Tanjil County, and of Craigellachie, St. Kilda, both in the Colony of Victoria, Justice of the Peace and Member of the Legislative Council. Born in Scotland, Septemljer 20, 1818, being the eldest son of Hugh Pearson, Commander in the Royal Navy, by his wife Helen, daughter of Thomas Littlejohn of Stirling, Scotland. Clubs — Melbourne, Australian (botii in Melbourne). Ar- morial bearings — He bears for Arms : Argent, two daggers azure, the pommels divided in chief and the points enjoined, piercing a man's heart in base proper, in the honour point a cinquefoil sable. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet be- fitting his degree, with a mantling gules, doubled argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a tower proper ; with the Motto, "Rather die than disloyal." Married ni Sale, August 4, 1859, Eliza Laura, daughter of H. I. Travers, formerly of the Honourable East India Company's Service ; and has had Issue — (i) Hugh Pearson, Gentleman, born June i860, died Novemljer 1874 ; (2) Henry Travers Pearson, Gentleman, born July 1861, died March 1880; (3) William Pearson, Gentleman [to whom refer] ; (4) John Benward Pearson, Gentleman, \K>vn December 9, 1866 ; (5) Alexander Buchanan Pearson, Gentleman, born September 13, 1869 ; Helen; and Laura Margaret. Postal addresses — Kilmany Park, Sale, Tanjil County ; Craigellachie, East St. Kilda, IjoUi in Victoria. WILLIAM PEARSON, Gentleman. Born June 25, 1864, being the third but eldest surviving son of the Honour- able William Pearson of Kilmany Park, Sale, Tanjil County, and Craigellachie, St. Kilda, both in the Colony of Victoria, Justice of the Peace and Memlxir of tlie Legislative Council, by his wife Eliza Laura, daughter of H. I. Travers, formerly of the Honourable East India Company's Service. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Argent, two daggers azure, the pommels divided in chief and the points enjoined, piercing a man's heart in base proper, in the honour point a cinquefoil sable. Ui^on the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules, doubled argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a tower proper ; with the MottO, ' ' Rather die than disloyal." The Rkveuicnd WILLIAM CARTER PEARSON. Clerk in Holy Orders, Vicar of Henley, in the county of Suffolk. Born Feb. 11, 1859, being the eldest son of the late Rev. Henry Pearson, Vicar of Henley, by his wife .Adelaide Catherine, youngest dau. of the late John Carter, Esc|., J. P., D. L. , of North wold, Norfolk. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Argent, on a pile azure, a rose of the field barbed and seeded proper, between three arrows points downwards or, barbed and flighted, also argent. Ujwn the escutcheon is placed a helmet Ijefitting his degree, with a mantling azure and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, an eagle's wing sable, seme-e-de-lis or, pierced by an arrow @ is the Naval Cockade. Ipea Pec 647 in bend, point upwards, and vulncd proper ; with llie Motto, " Ne tenies aut pertice." /fi/a/t'— Property in the Parish of Soutii Wingtield, in the county of Derby. Postal address — Henley Vicarage, Ipswich, Suffolk. ARTHUR PEASE, J. P. for the co. of Durham and for the N. Riding of the co. of York, Alderman J[Op?ltfP ^""^ Chairman of the County Council of Dur- j^vtlJJv ham, .Alderman for the borough of Darlington, M.P. for Darlington. Horn September 12, 1837, l)eing the fourth son of Joseph Pease, by his wife Emma, daughter of Joseph Gurney of Lakenham Grove Norwich. Club — Reform. Livery — Brown coat with silver buttons, striped black and white waistcoat. Armo- rial bearings — He bears for Arms : Party per fesse azure and gules, a fesse nebuly ermine Ijetween two lambs passant in chief argent, and in base, upon a mount proper, a dove rising argent, holding in the Ijeak a pea-stalk, the blossom and pods also proper. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling azure and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, ujion the cajjital of an Ionic column, a dove rising holding in the beak a pea-stalk as in the arms, all proper; with the Motto, " I'ax t-t spes." Married, April 14, 1864, .Mary Lecky, daughter of ICbenezer Pike of Hesslxjrough ; anil has had Issue— (^i) .Arthur Francis Pe;ise, Gentleman, born March 11, 1866; (2) Herbert Pike Pease, Gentleman, boin May 7, 1867; (3) Claud Edward Pease, Gentleman, born Novenilx-r 27, 1874 ; .Alice Mary ; Rose Elizabeth (deceased); Winifred Pike; and ICvelyn Ada. Estate — Hunnersknoll, Darlington. Residences — Cliff House, Marske-by-the-Sea, 2 Princes' (jardcns, S.W. S FRANCIS RICHARD PEASE. Esciuire, Justice of the Peace and Deputy- Lieutenant for the East Riding of the county of York. Horn May 25, 1848, Ijcing (lie third son of the late Joseph Walker Pease, ICsquire, of Hesslewood, Justice of the Peace and Deputy-Lieu- len.mt for the East Riding of the county of York, for- merly Member of Parliament for Hull, by his wife Barbara and argent, an eagle displayed counterchanged. Upon tlie escutcheon is placed a helmet Ix-lilting his degree, with a mantling vert and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, an eagle's head erased, holding in the beak a slip of pea-haulni proper; with the Motto, " Confide recte agens." Married, December 1885, Isalx;! Mary, daughter of Captain William Cole- Hamilton of Beltrini, in the county of Tyrone ; and has Issue — (i) Francis Claud Pease, Gentleman, born Novemlxfr 7, 1886; (2) William Geoflrey Pease, Gentleman, born January 8, 1888; and Isabel Cath- erine. Postal address — Hesslewood, Hull. § HENRY FELL PEASE, Esquire, Member of Parlia- ment for Cleveland Division of the North Riding of the county of York, 1885, 1886, 1892, Justice of the Peace for the county of Durham, Justice of the Peace and Deputy- Lieutenant for the North Riding of the county of York, Mayor (;f Darlington, 1874, 1875. Born .April 28, 1838, Ijeing the eldest son of Henry Pease, Estjuire, of Pierremont, Darlington, and Stanhojx; Castle, in the county of Durham, Justice of the Peace and Member of Parliament for South Durham, 1857-1865, by his wife .Anna, daughter of Richard Fell of Belmont, Uxbridge. Club — Reform. Livery — Claret colour coat with strijied waistcoat, light brown over- coats. Armorial bearing^s — He bears for Arms : Party per fesse azure and gules, a fesse nebuly ermine between two lambs pass;int in chief argent, and in base, upon a moimt proper, a dove rising argent, holding in the beak a i)ea-stalk, the blossom and pod also projx-r. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet Ix^litling his degree, with a mantling azure and argent ; and for his Crest, on a wreath of the colours, upon the capital of an Ionic ccjiunm, a dove rising holding in the txak a |x'a-stalk as in the arms, all jjroper ; with the Motto, " Pax et spes." Married, May 15, 1862, lilizalx-th, eldest daughter of John Beaumont Pease of North Lodge, Darlington; and has Issue — (i) Norman Henry Peast", Gentleman, Ixjrii June 10, 1866, died May i, 1879; (2) Waller Fell Pease, Gentleman, born March 16, 1874; (3) Algernon Henry Pease, Gentleman, born May 19, 1882; and Anna Louisa. Estates — Land and Houses in Brinkburn, Darlington. Postal address — Brinkburn, Darlington. Callierine, eldest daughter of the late Henry Palmer of Withcote Hall, in the county of l^icester, and brother of the late Sir John Palmer, seventh Baronet, of Carlton, in the county of Northampton. Clubs — Conservative, Yorkshire (York). Livery — Light drab, red waistcoat, black velvet breeches. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Vert, a chevron between three bucks trippant or, in tiie middle chief point a bezant, on a chief per fesse gules JOHN WILLIAM PEASE, Escjuire, Doctor of Civil Law, Justice of the Peace. Horn August 13, 1836, Ijeing the second but eldest surviving son of the late John Beau- mont Pease of North Lodge, Darlington, by his wife Sarah, daughter of the late Sanmel l'"ossick of Pennsbury, in the county of Midtllesex. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms ; Per fesse azure and gules, a fesse nebuly ermine, between two lambs passant in chief argent, and in base u|X)n a mount proper, a dove rising argent, holding in the lx;ak a (X'a-stalk, the blossom and pods also proper. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, witli a mantling azure and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, upon the capital of an Ionic c(jlunm a dove rising, holding in the beak a pea-stalk as in the arms all pro|x;r. MottO — "Pax et spes." Married, Sep- tember i860, Helen Maria, daughter of Alfred Fox of Falmouth, in the county of Cornwall; and has Issue — (i) Howard Pease, Gentleman, born July 12, 1863 [married, 1887, Margaret, daughter of Canon Kynaston of Durham, and has, Valentine]; (2) John William Beaumont Pease, Gentleman, born July 4, 1869; Sarah Helen; Florence; and Sophia Mabel. Seats — Pendower, Newcastle-upon- Tyne ; Nether Grange, Alnmoulh. HERVEYCHARLES PIi;CHELL(fornierlyDe Pechels), Gentleman, great-grandson of Lieut. -Col. Sir Paul Pecliell, Bart., and direct lineal descendant of Pierre de Pechels, ennobled by King Henri II. of France, by a patent still existing, creating him Baron de la Boyssonade, the ancient family chateau, near Montauban, dated April 8, 1547. Born Aug. 19, 1841, Ix-ing the fourth son of the Rev. Horace Robert Pechell, P'ellow of All Souls', Chancellor of Brecon, Rector of Bix, and the Lady Caroline Mary Kerr, third dau. of Admiral Lord Mark Kerr (son of fifth Marquis of Lothian) and Charlotte M'Donnell, who became after her sister's death Countess of Antrim in her own right. Clubs — Travellers', St. James's, Junior Carlton. Livery — Black and gold. Armorial bearings — Gules, a lion rampant or, on a chief of the second, three laurels slipped proper, and on an escutcheon of pretence the arms of Shelley, namely sable, a fesse engrailed between three Tbe Editor undertakes tliat every entry not in italics is tbat of a genuinely armigerous person. 648 pec wliclk-slu'lls or. Crest Oil a wreaili of the colours, a lark |)io|)iT, cliargi'd with two ilems-ilc-lis or. Married Hlandu- Uenrietta"^ Johnos (ewis of Gwinfe. Residence — St. Mary's Cottage, Winder- mere. §i:i)MUND P1':EL, Est|., J.P. for cos. Denbigh. Salop, Montgomery ( H igh Sheriff 1868), and Flint ( High Sheriff 1870), and D. L. for f-'lint. Horn 1826, b^-ing the eldest son of the late Rev. Charles Wicksted l*lthelston of Wicksted Hall, by .'\nne, dau. of the late Robert I'eel, Es<|., of Wal- liiigton Hall ; and assumed by Royal Licen.se the iiann' and inns of Peel in 1857. c'////^— Arthur's. Armorial bear- ings Quarterly 1 and 4, argent three sheaves of as many arrows proper, banded gules, on a chief azure, a Ixie volant or (for Peel) ; 2 and 3 azure, on a pile between two cross cros.slets in base argent, an eagle displayed purpure (for Ethelston). Mantling ax ure and argent; and for his Crests, I. upon a wreath of the colours, a deini-lion ram- |jant argent, gorged with a collar azure, chargeil with three be/aiits holding between the paws a shuttle or (lor Peel) ; 2. upon a wreath of the colours, a ram's head couijcd sable, cliarged with three cross crosslets or (for Ethelston. MottO — " Industria." Married, 1st, 1855, Anna .Maria, dau. of Sir John H. Lethbridge. 3rd Bart, (she died i860) ; 2nd, 1866, Henrietta Margaret, eldest dau. of Sir Hugh Williams, 3rd Ban. (she died 1885); and has, with other J.ssue — Hugh Edmund Ethelston Peel, l'2sc|., J.P., late Lieut. 3rd 'Batt. .Shropshire L. 1., b. 1871 [;;/., 1892, Gladys, dau. of Cajn. C. G. H. Rowley Conwy of Bodrhyddan, Flints., J.P. , D.L.]. Seats — Bryn-y-Pys, Rhuabon ; Wallington Hall, Downham Market. §riiK Right Honuuk.vbmc Sik FREDERICK PICEL, Knight Commander of the Most Distinguished Order of .Saint Alichael and .Saint George, a Member of Her Majesty's Most Honourable Privy Council, Deputy-Lieu- tenant for the county of Warwick. Born 1823, bemg the second son of the late Sir Robert Peel, second Baronet, by his wife, youngest daughter of General Sir John Floyd ; ai)poinled a Member of Her Majesty's Most Honourable Privy Council, 1867; created Knight Commander of the Most Distinguished Order of Saint Michael and .Saint George, 1869. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Argent, three sheaves of as many arrows proper, banded gules, on a chief azure, a bee volant or; the escutcheon Ijeing surrounded by the ribbon, and pendent therefrom the badge of a Knight Commander of Saint Michael and Saint George, and impaling upon a second escutcheon the arms of Pleydell-Bouverie, namely, quarterly i and 4, [jarty per fesse or and argent, a double-headed eagle displayed sable, on the breast an escutcheon gules, charged with a bend vair (for Bouverie) ; 2 and 3 argent, a bend gules, gutt^e-d'eau, between two ravens sable, a chief checjuy or and of the last (for Pleydell). Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet Ix^fitting his degree, with a mantling gules and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a demi-lion rampant argent, gorged with a collar azure, charged with three bezants, and hold- ing lx:tween the paws a shuttle or ; with the Motto, "Industria." Married, firstly, 1857, Elizabeth Emily, who died 1865, daughter of John Shelley of Avinglon House, in the county of Huntingdon ; secondly, 1879, Janet, daughter of the late Philip Pleydell-Bouverie, Es- cjuire. Residences — Hampton-in-Arden, in the county of Warwick; 32 Chesham Place, S.W. MAXWELL RICHARD WILLIAM PEERS-ADAMS, Gentleman, Menilx,>r of the Hon- ll»1C(*l*ft-C?Tla tnc ourable Society of the Middle Ik^tVl.^'-aUalU.b iVniijle, Barrisler-at-Law. Born January 15, 1849, Iwing the eldest surviving son of General Henry Augustus Ailanis, by his wife J. Charlotte, daughter of John .Andrew Ralx5 of Raljc Castle, near Amsterdam, Hollanil. ('////'Cale- donian United Service (Edinburgh). Armorial bear- ings—He bears for Arms: Gules, a heart between three cross crosslets fitchee or. Upon the escutcheon is placetl a helmet Ixjfitting his degree, with a mantling gules and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, on a mount vert, a cross crosslet fitchee or, charged with a bleeding heart gules. Motto — " In cruce salus." Married, January 3, 1881, Fanny Michell, daughter of William Gay, Her Majesty's Civil Service, (jf Falmouth and Cheltenham ; and has Issue — Frances Charlotte Gay Peers. Postal address— cjo Henry S. King & Co., 45 Pall Mall, .S.W. Col,. EDWARD STRELLEY PEGGE-BURNELL, J.P. for Notts, late Col. Coldstream Guards. Born 1835, l>eing the eldest son of the late Edwaril Valentine Pegge- Burnell, Esi|.,J.P. and D. L. , of Winkburn Hall, by Harriet, second tlau. of the late Hugh Parker of Woodthorpe, co. York. 6/«*j— Guards', Carlton. Armorial bearings— Q)uarterly i and 4, per fesse indented or and argent, a lion rampant sable, a bordure gules, charged with eight plates (for Burnell) ; 2 and 3 argi lU, a chevron between three wedges .sable (for Pegge). Mantling sable and or ; and for his (^ests — I. upon a wreath of the cohjurs, a lion's gamb erect and erased sable, in the paw a bunch (jf violets proper (for Burnell); 2. upon a wreath of the colours, the sun rising in splendour, the rays alternately sable, or, and argent (for Pegge). Motto — " Carilas fructum habet." Seals — Winkburn Hall, Southwell ; Bcauchief Abbey, Sheffield. GliORGE THOMAS PEIRSE-DUNCOMBE, ICsquire, formerly Capt. nth Hussars, Lieut, and Capt. Coldstream Guards, /iorn June 14, 1825, being the second son of the late .Slingsby Dunconilje, Estjuire, Capt. 1st Fo. Auj;. as. '872 ; AraUlla Slingsby, (/. uiii/i. Jan. 1891; I'^lizalK-tli Slingsby; Edilh Slingsby; Ethel Slingsby, iL young, Oct. 10! 1862 ; Ruth Slingsby [///.. May 5, 1892, Capt. Richard Nigel Gresley, and has issue]; Mildred Slingsby; and Winifred Slingsby. Seal — Winthorpe Hall, Newark. Tmvn resideme—zs Queen's Gate, S.W. CH.ARLES DAVIS PKMBKRTON, (Gentleman. Horn St'pteniber 29, 1814, being the youngest son of Thonuis Petnberton of the Island of St. Christopher, West Indies, by his wife Frances Ashington, dau. of Captain William Seaton, Honourable E. I.C.S. Club — Conservative (St. James's Street, S.V\'.). Armorial bearings— Per pale vert and argent, on a chevron between three buckets iis many pallets, each charged with a cross crosslet all counter- changed. Mantling vert and argent. Crest — ^On a wri;ath of the colours, in front of a cross crosslet fitchee argent, a dragon's head couped vert, collared and chained of the first. Motto — " Dum anima spes est." iMarrkd, \\ig. 12, 1846, Jane (who died March 18, 1888), youngest dau. of Captain John Blanshard ; and has Issue — (i) Charles Seaton I'em- berton. Gentleman, ^. Dec. 5, 1849; (2) Busick Edmonds Pemberton, Gentleman, h. May 26, 1851 ; (3) Cyril Warner Lee Peniljerton, Gentleman, /'. June 18, 1852 ; (4) Seymour Blanshard Peniljerton, Gentleman, Lieut. 2nd West India Regiment, b. Feb. 8, 1856 ; d. Oct. 9, 1881 ; (5) Ernest St. Clair Penilx^rton, Esq., Major Royal Engineers, b. June 3, 1857; (6) Seaton Blanshard Pemberton, Gentle- man, b. Nov. 17, 1858 ; (7) Horace Claude Pemberton, Gentleman, b. Jan. 21, i860; (8) Willoughby Arthur Pem- berton, Gentleman, b. March 25, 1862; Edith Jane [/«., Jan. n, 1877, Francis J. W. Gordon]; .Adela Christina; Leila Camilla [/«. , Sept. 4, 1883, Edward J. H. Synge] ; Eugenie Alice Wentworth [m., April 5, 1883, Edmond Tyrel de Poi.x] ; Beatrice Julia ; and Evelyn Dora, J^esi- dence — 11 Second Avenue, Hove, Sussex. HENRY WILLIAMS PEMBERTON, Esq., J. P.. D.L., CO. Cambridge, Barrister-at-Law, M.A. Bom 1819, being the second son of the Rev. Edward Hodgson, by Charlotte his wife, dau. of Francis Pemberton of Trumpington ; by Royal License, dated Oct. 1855, the Queen was pleased to grant to this gentleman and his wife, Francis Maria Sophia, license and authority that they should, in compliance with a proviso contained in the last will of the said Francis Charles James Pemlxirton, Esq., of Trumpington, take and use the surname and arms of Pemberton only. Armorial bearings — Argent, a chevron between three buckets sable. Mantling sable and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a boar's head erased sable. Motto — "Audi is the Military Cockade. alteram jjarteni." Married, 1855, Frances Maria Sophia, only child and heir of Francis Charles James Pemlierton of Trumpington, and widow of William Hunily Can\l)ell, lisq., Capt. 20lh Regt. Seat — Trumpington, near Cambridge. JOHN STAPYLTON GREY PEMBERTON, Es- ijuire, J. P., M.A., Barrister-at-Law, sometime Felloru of All Souls', Oxford. Born Dec. 23, i860, being the eldest surviving so// of Richard Laurence Pemberton, Esq., D.L. and J. P. CO. Durham, High Sheriff {i%6\), by his first wife Jane Emma, second dau. of Rev. A [art in Stapylton, Rector of Barlborough, Chesterfield. Clubs — Wellington, Con- stitutional. Armorial bearings as used are as folknvs, but although the pedigree of Mr. J. S. Pemberton is duly registered in the College of Arms, he does not appear to have thereby established any right to these arms, which -were allmoed at the Visitation of Durham, 1666, to Pemberton of Aslaby. The Arms are — Quarterly, i. argent, a chevron ermines betiveen three griffins' heads couped sable; 2. gules, OH a mount, a hind lodged all proper ; 3. gules, a lion rampant tvithin a bordure engrailed argent ; 4. or, three garbs gules; 5. vert, a lion rampant within a bordure engrailed argent; 6. harry of six argent and azure, on a bend gules a bezant ; 7. azure, in base three chevronels inter- laced and a chief or ; 8. vair, a fesse gules ; 9. sable, on a bend argent, three lozenges azure, each charged with a sun in splendour or; lo. sable, three birds rising; 11. gules, a chevron argent, bettoeen three eagks heads' erased or; 12. barry wavy of six azure and argent, on a chief or, a lymphad between two boars' heads respecting each other couped closed sable; 13. gules, a?t 070I or; 14. azure, a cross between tioenty billets argent; 15. argent, a fesse between six lions' heads erased gules ; 16. or, a chevron indented gules between three eagles' heads erased sable. Crest — A griffin's head, couped proper, gorged toith a ducal coronet. Married,7»j//v, June II, 1890, Janet Maud, second dau. of Col. F. H. Marshall of Ha rtj'oxd, Cheshire, and Btyn-y-Coed, Bangor; secondly, April 22, 1895, Nira, younger dau. of Hercules Grey Ross, late Bengal Civil Service ; and has Issue, by first marriage — Richard Laurence Stapylton Pemberton, b. April 10, 1891 ,• by his second marriage — Nira Pene- lope. Seats — Dainbridge Holme, Sunderland; Belmont, Durham. S RICHARD LAURENCE PEMBERTON, Esquire, D.L. and J. P. co. Durham, High Sheriff (1861). Born Oct. 12, 1831, being the only son of Richard Pemberton, Esq., D.L. and J, P., by his wife Ellen, dau. of Capt. Robert Jump, R.N. Clubs — Carlton, II i/idham. Livery — White, faced black. Armorial bearings as used are as follows, but although tlie pedigree oj Mr. R. L. Pemberton is duly registered in the College of Arms, he does not appear to ^ is the Naval Cockade. pen pen 651 have thereby esliiblis/icd any ris^ht to these arms, li'hich -loerc allmved at the Visitation of Durham, 1666, to Pemberton of Aslaby. The Arms are — Quarterly, i. argent, a chevron ermines bet^oeen three griffins' heads couped sable ; 2. gules, on a mount, a kind lodged all proper ; 3. gules, a lion rampant within a bordure engrailed argent; 4. or, three garbs gules ; 5. vert, a lion rampant within a bordure engrailed argent; 6. barry of six ardent and azure, on a bend gules, a bezant ; 7. azure, in base three chevronels interlaced and a chief or ; 8. vair, a f esse gules ; 9. sable, on a bend argent, three lozenges azure, each charged with a sun in splendour or ; 10. sable, three birds rising ; 11. gules, a chevron argent betiveen three eagles' heads erased or; 12. barry wavy of six azure and argent, on a chief or, a lymphad between two boars' heads respecting each other, couped closed sable; 1^. gules, an owl or; 14. azure, a cross between txventy billets argent; 15. argent, a fesse between six lions' heads erased gules ; 16. or, a chevron indented gules, between three eagles' heads erased sable. Crest — A griffin's head couped proper, gorged with a ducal coronet. Wxcx\itA, firstly, Nov. 16, 1854, Jane Emma Stapylton, second dau. of Rev. Martin Stapylton, Rector of Harlborough, Derby ; secondly, .Ipril 30, 1867, Elizabeth Jane, elder dau. of Rev. James Watson .State Donnison of Mendham, flarleston, Norfolk; and has IssiU', by first marriage— {i) Edward Stole Pem- berton, b. Aug. i6, 1855, d. same day; (2) Richard Laurence Pemberton, h. July 25, 1856, d. April 16, 1858,- (3) John Stapylton drey Pemberton, b. Dec. 25, i860 \to -lohom refer']; (4) Robert llylton Pemberton, b. July 17, 1864; Ellen [m., 1883, Col. Emilius Clayton, R.A., and has issue]; Mary Laurence ; lAiura J'enelope ; James Emma Stapylton [ni., Sept. 12, 1894, Edmund Robert Durnford of Eagoo, Bengal, and has issue\\ by second marriage— (^) Uertram Roper Stole Pemberton, b. Jan. 20, 1868 ; (t>) .Michael IVatson .Stole Pemberton, b. June 15, 1876; (7) Gerard Weddrington Stole Pemberton, b. March 9, 1878; Isabel; and Margaret. V.'iWW.M^— The Barnes and Plain, liishopicearmouth, Sunderland ; The .Manor of Cold llcfelden and Hawthorn, with lands in Murton, &'c. ; also royalties in Carmarthenshire and Llanelly. Seat — Haw- thorn Tower, Seaham Harbour. HUGH FENFOI.D, Ks(|uire. Justice of llie Peace for tlic county of Sussex, Master of Arts of tlie University of (aniljridge. Born 1834, lieing the eldest son of the late Ivlward (Ireenlield Tenfold, iis(iuire, Deputy-Lieutenant, of kuslington, formerly Captain Sussex Militia, by liis wife Sarah, eldest daughter and co-heir of the late CJharles Mar- shall of Steyning, in the county of Sussex. Club —Oxford and Cambridge. Armorial bearings— He bears for Anns : .Azure, a chevron or, surmounted by another couped sable, between three woocl- pigeons proper, each chargetl on the breast with a pellet. Upon the escutcheon is placeil a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling azure and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, out of park pales alternately argent and sable, charged with three escallojjs in fesse or, a pine-tree fructed proper. Estate and postal address — Rustington, Worthing. ROBIikT I'F.NFOLD, Esc|uire, formerly Captiun isth Hussars. Born Octol)er i, 1835, being the second son of the late Edward Greenfield I'enfold, lvsc|uire, Deputy- Lieutenant, Capt. Sussex Militia, by his wife Sarah, eldest daughter and co-heir of Charles Marshall. tV//i^— Junior United Service. Armorial bearings— He Ixiars for Arms : Azure, a chevron or, surmounted by another couped sable, between three wood-pigeons proper, each charged on the breast with a pellet. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling azure and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, out of park pnles alternately argent and sable, charged with three escallops in fesse or, a pine-tree fructed proper. Estate and postal address — Roundwyck, Petworth, Sussex. ALFRED RICHARD PENNEFATHER, Esquire, C.fJ. (Civil) 1895. Born March 10, 1845, j[^VllUvV(lltlVl' father. Gentleman (second son of the Right Honourable Richard Penne- father, Baron of Court of lixchequer), by his wife Eliza- beth Jemima, daughter of Edward de Moleyns, Esc|uire, commonly known as the Honourable Edward de Moleyns. Clubs — Union, Royal St. George's Yacht. A/jv/t- Blue, yellow trimmings. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms: Per fesse or and gules, a IxMul ermine. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a lion sejant argent, the dexter paw resting on an oval shield of the arms. MottO — " I abide my time." Married, May 9, 1867, T. C. Savory. Postal address — Little Walsham Hall, Chelmsford. Captain CHARLES EDWARD DE FONBLANQUE F'ENNEFATHER, Governor of the Island of St. Helena. Born.]\x\\ii 23, 1848, being the elder son of the late Kingsmill Pennefather, Esquire, Major Limerick Militia, by his second wife Jane Catherine Patriea, eldest daughter of Thomas de Grenier de Fonblancjue, Knight of the Ilanoverian Guelphic Order, formerly Her Majesty's Consul-tieneral and Charge d'Affaires in Servia (and granddaughter of Sir Jonah Harrington, Knight Bachelor, Judge of the Admiralty in Ireland). /./I'lvj Drab coal, red plush breeches, and Ijrass buttons. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Per fesse or and gules, a bend ermine. U|)on the escut- cheon is ]jlaced a helmet betitting his degree, with a mantling gules and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a lion sejant argent, sustaining an oval shield of the arms; with the Mottoes, "I abyde my lynie," and " Vivite fortes." DE FONBLANQUE PENNEFAIHER, Gentleman. Born 1856, being the y Sheriff \^6\, Barrister-at-Larv, for- merly Captain in Prince of Wales Own Royal Rej^i men t Yeomanry Cavalry ( Wiltshire), Major Wiltshire Rifle Volunteers. Mom September -ip, 1828, being the eldest son. of Charles Penruddocke, Barrisler-at-Law, by his wife Juliana iMitia, eldest dau^^kter of Captain Thomas Penruddocke, 3^/ Guards (Scotch Fusiliers). Clubs — National, Union. Livery — Full dress: azure blue-grey, silver lace, profusely trimmed, silver buttons, red plush breeches, silver knee-buckles, striped waistcoat; oidinarv: Oxford mixture, silver buttons and striped waistcoat, Ox- ford mixture trousers, red stripe side. Armorial bearings as used are: Gules, a bend raguly argent. Crest — A demi-dragon sans wings vert, betxveen hvo eagles' 7ciings expanded or. No pedigree of the family or right to the arms has been established at the College of Arms for more than two hundred years. Married, 1853, Flora Henrietta, second daughter of Walter L^ong, Esquire, Member of I\irliament, of Rood Ashfon, in the county of Wiltshire ; and has Issue — Charles Penruddocke, born 1858 {inarried Anne Elizabeth, daughter of the Reverend William Speke, Sheldoncourt, in the county of Devon, and has, Charles Penruddocke, born M is the Military Cockade. 1893; Flora EJizabeth ; Agnes Flora; Latitia Blanche; Constance Henrietta Lowther; Amy Elizabeth a Court; and Sybil Katherine]. Estates — Compton Chambalayne, Basin- stock, and Eyfleld, in the county of Wiltshire ; B ration St. Maurs, Clapton, in the county of Somerset. Postal address — Compton Park, Salisbury, Wiltshire. JOHN FRANCIS PENYSTON, Esq., of Cornwall Manor, co. Oxford, J. P. Born May 29, 1827, being the son of the late Rev. John Anthony Partridge, Rector of Malpas, CO. Chester, by his wife Louisa Isabella, youngest dau. of Thomas Tyrwhitt Drake of Shardiloes, Bucks ; assumed the name of Penyston by Royal License in 1873, in lieu of his patronymic, Partridge. Club — Conservative. Armorial bearings— Argent, three Cornish choughs proper, and for distinction, in the centre chief point, a cross crosslet gules. Mantling sal)le and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a gryphon statanl sable, charged for distinction with a cross crosslet argent. Motto — "Virtus invicta vigit." Married, July 20, 1858, Catherine Mary, dau. of the Rev. Thomas John Blofeld of Hoveton House, Norfolk. Seat — Cornwell Manor, Chipping Norton. PEPDIE, quartered by HOME and HKPWORTH- SCOTT. § DANIEL HENRY THEOPHILUS PEPLOE, Esq., J. P. and D. L. for Herefordshire. Born 1861, being the eldest son of the late Daniel Peploe, Esq., of Garnstone Castle, by Eliza Debonnaire Theophila, dau. of Sir Thomas Theophilus Metcalfe, 4th Bart. Armorial bearings — Quarterly i and 4, azure, on a chevron embattled counter- embattled argent, between three bugle-iiorns stringed or, a mitre with labels of the field, on a canton ermine a crosier or and a sword in saltire gules, the former surmounted by the latter (for Peploe) ; 2 and 3 or, a cross paly sable and azure, in the first and fourth (|uarters an eagle dis])layed of the second (for Webb). Mantling azure and argent ; and for his Crests — i. out of a ducal coronet or, a reindeer's head gules, attired gold, charged on the neck with a human eye shedding tears proper (for Peploe) ; 2. u])on a wreath of the colours, an eagle displayed sable, sem6e-de-lis or, hold- ing in the beak a trefoil vert. Married, 1890, Sydney Catherine, eldest dau. of Spencer Chapman, and has a son, b. 1891. Seats — Garnstone Castle, Hereford ; King's Pyon, Weobley. § CHARLES PEPPER, Esq., M.A. of Trin. Coll., Cambridge, J. P. and D. L. for co. Meath (High Sherilf 1887), and Hon. Col. and Lieut. -Col. commanding 5th Batt. Leinster (Royal Meath) Regt. Born 1845, being the eldest surviving son of the late Col. Charles Pepper, by Matilda Mary, dau. of Arthur St. George, Esq., and Lady Harriet .St. George ; s. his brother in 1884. Club— Carlton. Armorial bearings Gules, on a chevron argent, between three demi-lions rampant or, as m.iny grains of pepper jjroper, and in chief a trefoil slipped of the second. Mantling gules and or : and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a demi-lion rampant or. Motto — " Semper erectus." Seat — Ballygarth Castle, Julianstown, Drogheda. Sir WESTBY BROOK PERCICVAL, K.C.M.G. (1894), Barrister-at-Law (Middle Temple); Member for Christ- church, N.Z. , in House of Representatives 1887-91 ; Chair- man of Committees, House of Representatives, N.Z., 1891 ; Agent-General for New Zealand 1891-96; Agent-General for Tasmania since 1896; Member of Royal Conunission for Chicago Exhibition ; Meml)er of Royal Commi-ssion for Paris Exhibition 1900 ; Representative for New Zealand and Tasmania in Governing Body of Imperial Institute. Born May 11, 1854, lx;ing the only son of the late Westby Hawksh.iw Perceval, late of Knightsbrook, in the co. of Meath, Ireland, by his wife .Sarah Brook Bailey, youngest dau. of John Bailey of Little Oakley, in the co. of Es.sex, M.D. (,'/«/«— City of London, St. George's. Armorial bearings — Quarterly 1 and 4, sable a horse passant argent, the fore-leg attached to the hind-leg on the near side by a fetterlock gules (Perceval) ; 2. safjle, a chevron ermine between three mullets argent (Perceval) ; 3. argent, a chevron gules, on a canton of the last, a spur, leathered, rowel downwards or. Crest — .\ horse as in the arms. Motto — "Per se valens. " Married, May 11, 1880, Jessie Mary, youngest dau. of Hon. John Johnson, M.I^.C. , of Willinglon, New Zealand; and has Issue — (i) Francis K is the Naval Cockade. pet pet 653 Testby rerceval, Esq . , J . P. , b. Jan. 21, 1882 ; (2) Alan John Wostby Perceval, Ksq., ^. Jan. 18, 1884; (3) Christopher Peter WcEtby Perceval, Esq., b. June 11, 1890; Eileen .Mary Josephine ; and Mary Margaret Agnes. Postal ad- (ire:ses — 5 Victoria Street, London, S.W. ; St. Brindons, Wimbledon, Surrey. § ROBERT PERCEVAL-MAXWELL, Esq., J. P. for Waterford (High Sheriff 1864), J. P. and D.L. for co. Down (High Sheriff 1841), was Major R.N. Down Rifles, rj.A. (Oxon.). Horn June 24, 1813, being the eldest son of the Rev. William Perceval, by Anne, eldest dau. of the late Jiihii Waring Maxwell of Finnebrogne. Clubs — Carlton, Union, Sackville Street (Dublin), Ulster (lielfast). Livery — (dress) white with black facings; (undress) drab with bl.ack facings. Armorial bearings (Juarierly i and 4. argent, a saltire sable, on a chief of the last, three pallets ol the first (for Maxwell) ; 2 and 3 argent, on a chief inden^ed gules, three crosses pati?e of the first (for Perceval) ; and upon an escutcheon of pretence the arms of Moore, namely, (|narlerly i and 4 s.ible, a swan argent, membercd and beaked or, within a Iwrdure engrailed of the second (for Moore) ; 2 and 3, quarterly i. and iiii. .argent a cross patt^e concave gules ; ii. sable, a fesse chequy or and vert (for Colvill) ; iii. vert, a Heur-de-lis argent, a mullet on a crescent for difference (for Foulks). Mantling sable and argent ; and for his Crest, >ipon a wreath of the colours, a stag's head erased proper (for Maxwell). Motto—" Je suis pret." Married, Sept. ig, 1839, Helena Anne, only ouisa ; Isabel Maria ; Anna Caroline ; and Alicia Catherine. Estates — Groomsport House, Bangor, co. Down ; Finncbrogue, Downpatrick ; Bellewstown, co. Meath ; Moore Hill, co. Waterford ; and Fermoy, co. Meath. Residence — Finnebrogue, Down- patrick. PERCY, quartered by BAGOT and MURRAY. PERCY, see LOVAINE and NORTHUMBERLAND. JAMFiS PERKINS, Gentleman, a Memt)cr of the ('orporation of the City of London, and Fellow of the Royal fi<'ogra|)hical Society. Horn July 22, 1830, being the third son of Jonathan Perkins of Wiltshire, by his wife ICIizabcth Ann, tide Bowles, of Somersetshire [niece of Admiral Howies], f"///*— Constitutional. I.ivery— Grey. Armorial bearings — He lx;ars for Arms: Per fcsse gules and argent, a pale lietween two unicorns' heads erased in chief and as many tleurs-de-lis in base, the pale charged with a cross crosslet fitch(5e in chief and an anchor erect in Imse all counter- changed ; and for his Crest, on a wreath of the colours, in front of a ship's rudder fesseways a dexter arm in armour proper, charged with two anchors, the one aliove and the other below the elljow or, the hand holding a battle-axe also or; with the Motto, "In Deo confido." /'ostal address — Iterkeley House, 69 Kensington Park Ro.ad, S.E. WILLIAM LUMLEY PI':RRIER, Esq. Horn 1870. I)eing the eldest son of the late William Lumley Perrier. I'",sq., J.P., of Maryborough House, co. Cork, by his wife .Maria Frances, dau. of William Clarke, l'"sq., of Farran, co. Cork, and great-grandson of the late Sir .Anthony I'errierof C^arrigmore, co. Cork. Armorial bearings— Argent, a lion r.ampant gules, debniised by a bend i>r, on a chief azure, a lion's head cou|)ed of the first. Mantling gules and argent ; and for his Crest, issiiant frf)ni a French ducal coronet or, a lion's head proper. MottO — "("onsilio ct vi." Seat — Ballinurc House, Blackrock, co. Cork. M CHARLES WILLIAM DYSON PERRINS, Esquire, «» J.P.,F.R.A..S.,formerlyCapt.4th Batt. Highland Light Infantry, Memlx-r of the Order of St. John of Jerusalem. Born May 25, 1864, being the only son of the late James Dyson Perrins, Esquire, J. P., High Sheriff 1885, by his wife Frances Sarah, eldest dau. of James Perrins of Cheltenham, The Editor undertakes that every entry not in italics is that of a genuinely armigerous person. 654 per Club — Conservative. I.ivcrv Dnik l)luc coat, rod and blue waistcoat. Armorial beaxlngs — Gules, tiiree piles two in chief and one in base or, each charged with a pomegranate slipped proper, on a chief ermine three leopards' faces of the first. Mantling' gules and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a denii-talbot gorged with a collar ncbuly gules, charged on the shoulder with two annulets interlaced fessewise of the last, hokling between the paws a pomegranate as in the arms. Motto — " Perenne sub sole nihil." Married, Oct. i6, 1889, Catherine Chris- tina, dan. of A. A. Gregory of Inverness; and has Issue — (i) James .\llan Dyson Ferrins, Gentleman, h. Nov. 20, 1890; (2) Charles Francis Dyson Perrins, Gentleman, b. March 23, 1892 ; and Margaret Susan. Seats — Davenham, Malvern ; Ardross Castle, Ross-shire. LIONEL FREDERICK PERRY, Esquire, late Col. Royal Artillery, lias third class Medijee. Born Oct. 18, 1840, being the sou oj John Periy, Esq., J. P., of Claremonf, Cliftoti, by his wife Mary Elizabeth, dau. of T. Cook, Clubs — Naval and Militaiy, Royal Southern Yacht, Royal Albert Yacht. Livery — Dark blue. Crest as used, but to ■which no right has been established, is a hinds head erased f roper, gorged with a ducal coronet or, and holding in the mouth a fear-tree branch vert, fructed or. Seat — Hound House, Hound, Sovthampton. STHOMAS ALOYSIUS PERRY, Esquire, Justice of the Peace and Deputy-Lieutenant. Born June 12, 1820, being the .son of the late Thomas Perry, Ity his wife Mary Ann Budd. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Argent, on a pile vert three jjcars stalked and leaved or. Upon the escutcheon is |jlaced a helmet tefitting liis degree, with a mantling vert and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a griffin sejant, wings elev.ated or, the wings fretty vert, and resting the dexter claw upon a mascle or. MottO — " Recte agens confido." Married, Septemter 22, 1840, Helen, only daughter of William Knight of Houghton, in the county of j^ancaster ; and by her (who died 1875) has had Issue— {^) Joseph Knight S is the Military Cockade. pet Perry, Gentleman, died 1846; (2) William Stanislaus Ferry, Gentleman, died 1847 ; Mary [married, January 1870, Roger Joseph Moslyn, Esquire, youngest son of Sir lidward Mostyn, seventh Baronet, of Talacre, and died 1884] ; Helen, died 1874; (ieorgina Mary [married, April 21, 1868, the Right Honourable the O'Conor Don, and died 1872] ; Agnes Mary [married, April 21, 1868, Wilfrid Francis Tempest, Esquire, of Ackworlh Grange, in the county of York, and died 1885] ; Anna Maria [married, November 1880, Sir Pyers William Mostyn, ninth Baronet, of Talacre]; and Pauline Marie Therese. Postal address — Bitham House, Avon Dassett, Leamington. WALTER COPLAND PERRY, Gentleman, Barrister- at-Law. Horn July 24, 1814, being the second son of Lsaac Perry of Roxwell, near Chelmsford, in the county of Essex, by Elizabeth his wife, daughter of John Dawson Copland of Wychingham Hall, in the county of Norfolk. Clubs — Athena,'um, St. James's. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Quarterly gules ami or, on a bend invected argent, Ijetween in the second and third quarters two sprigs of oak fructed vert, three lions passant sable ; and for the Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, in front of a hind's head couped or, holding in the mouth a sprig of oak, with two acorns vert, three caltraps fesseways gules ; with the Motto, " Hold fast." Married, firstly, June 23, 1841, Hep- zibah Elizabeth, second daughter of Samuel .Shaen, Esquire, Barrister-at-Law, and Justice of the Peace for the county of Essex, of Crix, Hatfield-Peveril, in the coiuity of ICsscx (she died November 29, 1880) ; and secondly, November 12, i88g, Evelyn iMiuiia, only daughter of Robert Stopford of 45 Hyde Park Square, London, W. ; and has Issue by his first marriage— (i) P'rank Walter .Shaen Perry, Esquire, late Capt. 88th Connaught Rangers, born May 31, 1842 ; (2) Ottley I>ane Perry, I'^squire, Major, Fellow of the Society of Anticpiaries, and Justice of the Peace, of Bolton, born Feb. I, 1845; (3) Harold Arthur Perry, Gentleman, Iwrn August 21, 1850; (4) C'harles Copland Perry, Cientleman, torn December 27, 1853 ; (5) Arnold Henry Perry, Gentle- man, born July 17, 1855 ; and Kate Bradstreet (widow of George Blyth) ; and by his second marriage has — (6) Evelyn Walter Copland Perry, Gentleman, born December 4, 1890. Postal address — 5 Manchester Square, London, W. CHARLES WILBRAHAM FERRYMAN, Esq., J. P. CO. of Southampton, I^ord of the Manor of Ardlcy (Oxon.), and I'atron of that Advowson. Born Aug. 9, i860. Liveiy — Blue, and white striped waistco.at. Armorial bearings — Parted per j^ale ermine and .azure, two bars indented, each chnrgi'd with three pears slijiped all co\interchnnged. Mantling azure and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the 3 is the Naval Cockade. per Fet 655 colours, a wolfs head ermine, erased gules, charged with a fesse indented azure, surmounted by two pear branches, leaved, fructed, and slipped in saltirc proper. Motto — " Per ardua stabilis. " Married, ]\\\y 12, 1884; and has /ssiic — (i) Percy St. Clair Wilbraham Perryman, (jenllenian, h. June 22, 1885; (2) Cecil Rudolph Krnest Wilbraham Perryman, Gentl(>man, l>. Dec. 4, 1887; (3) Herbert Alan I'Vjrlescue Wilbraham Perryman, fientlcinan, I'. June 13, 1890; and Marjorie Winifred ICvelyn Wilbraham, h. Jan. 14, 1893. Scat — Bifrons, l-"arn borough, in the en. of Southampton. PERSALL, quartered by l"l,KTCHER-VANE. PERSHALL, TAUNTON. quartered by GROSVENOR and EDMOND HENRY COCKAYNE PERY-KNOX- GORE, Esquire, J. P. for co. Mayo (High Sheriff 1880) (and assumed by Royal Licence, 1891, the additional surnames of Kno.\-Gorc). Horn 1827, being the eldest son of the Hon. lidmond Sexton Pery, by Elizabeth Charlotte, tenth dau. of the late Hon. William Cockayne. Armorial bearings — Quarterly, I and 4 grand (|uarters (for Kno.x- (iorc), quarterly i. and iiii. gules, a fesse Ix^tween three cross crosslets litchiSe or, all within a bordure argent (for Gore) ; 2 and 3 gules, a falcon resting within an orle waved on the outer side and engrailed on the inner argent, a crescent for difference (for Knox) ; 2 and 3 grand f|uarters, quarterly i. and iiii., quarterly gules and or, on a bend argent, three lions p.assant sable (for Pery) ; ii. and iii. per chevron engrailed or and salile, three pellets in chief and in base a stag passant of the first (for Hart- stonge). Mantling' gules and or. Crests — i. on a wreath of the colours, a wolf rampant or (for Gore) ; 2. on a wreath of the colours, a falcon close perched on a rest pro]ior (for Knox) ; 3. on a wreath of the colours, a hind's head erased proper (for Pery). Married, i860, Sarah Jane, dau. of the late .Sir Francis Arthur Knox-Gore, first I'aronet ; and has with oilier Issue — Edmond .\rthur Pery- Knox-Gore, Cientleman, /'. 1861. Seats — The Bury House, Cotlingham, Rockingham ; Coolcronan, Ballina, eo. Mayo. HENRY GODOLPHIN PF.TER-HOLBYN, Gentle- man, lioi-n June 17, 1869, being the third but eldest surviving son of John Harris Peter-Holbyn, by his wife Emily, fourth dau. of the late Rev. John Kingdon, Rector of Michaelstown, Cornwall. Livery — Blue, with gold buttons. Armorial bearings— Quarterly i and 4, azure a fesse or, two Haunches ermine (for Holbyn) ; 2 and 3 gules, on a bend or, between tu o escallop shells argent, a Cornish chough proper, between two cinquefoils argent (for Peter). Mantling azure and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the coloius, two lions' heads erased and addorsed, the dexter azure, collared or, the sinister or, collared argent (for Peter). Motto — "Sans Dieu rien." Seat — Colquite, Washaway, R.S.O. , Cornwall. §SiR HENRY PETO, second Baronet. D.L. co. Dorset (High Sheriff 1897), Qarrister-at-Law, M.A. It*)?!"!! (^^"i-)' f*-^- (Lond.). Horn August 10, 1840, \I^X/\\} ixjing the son of Sir Samuel Morton Peto, first Baronet, by his wife Mary, daughter of Thomas de la Garde Grissell of Stockwell Common, in the county of SiH'rey. Creation — February 22, 1855. Clubs — Reform, New L'nivorsity, Royal Dorset Yacht, Dorset County. Ar- morial bearings— He liears for Arms : Bairy of six per pale indented or and gules, two annulets in fesse all coun- terchanged. Upon the escutcheon, which is charged with his badge of Ulster as a Baronet, is placed a helmet Ijefitting his degree, with a mantling gules and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, on a rock proper, a sinister wing or, charged with three annulets in chevron gules. ^P^^^ !IB^^ ^m ^^m ^ m ^^m ^ m ^^S^ ^^ 11 R^3^x^ //vyi 'i'^3 ^^^%y lw| fij |*HENK\ Wm Wi rPETO'l Motto — "Ad finem fidclis." Married, July 16, 1874, Mary, yoimger daughter of the Reverend Thomas Fuller, Rector of .St. Peter's, Eaton Square. } lei r presumptive — His half-brotlier, Morton Kelsall Peto, Esquire, born 1845; married, 1884, Olivia Gcorgiana Elizateth, daughter of the Hon. Francis Maude. Seat — Chedington Court, Crew- kerne. Sir GEORGE GLYNN PETRE, Knight Commander of the Most Distinguished Order of Saint Michael and Saint George, Companion of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath. Horn \%'2'2, lieing the son of Henry William Petre, Esquire, by his wife Elizabeth Anne, daughter of Edmund John Glynn of Glynn, iiodmin ; created Companion of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, t886; and Knight Commander of the Most Distinguished Order of Saint Michael and Saint George, 1890. Clut^s — Arthur's, Travellers', St. James's. knaianaX bearings— He bears for Arms : Gules, a bend or, between two escallops argent. Upon the escutcheon, which is encircled by the riblwn of The Editor undertakes that every entry not in italics is that of a genuinely armigerous person. f,5f. pet im the Most Distinguislicd Order of Saint Michael and Saint George, from whicli is pendent his badges as a Knight Commander of that Order and a Companion of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, two lions' heads erased and endorsed, the dexter or, collared azure, and the sinister azure, collared or; with the Motto, "Sans Dieu rien." Married, 1858, Emma Katharine, daughter of Major Ralph H. Sneyd; and has hsne living— (i) George Ernest Augustus Henry Petre, Esquire, born i86o ; (2) Henry Cecil Petre, Esquire, Captain 2nd Battalion Rifle Brigade (Prince Consort's Own), born 1861 ; (3) Algernon Henry Edward Petre, Esquire, Diplomatic Service, born 1863, (/. 189s ; (4) Alfred William Ralph Petre, Esquire, liorn t866; (s) Herbert Arthur Petre, Esquire, born t868 ; (6) Charles Bernard Pctre^ Esquire, Lieutenant 3rd Battalion King's Royal Rifles, born 1870; (7) Walter Reginald Glynn Petre, Esquire, Lieut. Royal Navy, born 1873. Residence — Hatchwood House, Winchfield, in the county of Hamp- shire. ROBERT JOHN PETTIWARD, Esq., M.A., J.P. (High Sheriff 1867-68), late Major West Suffolk Militia. Born 1819, teing the only son of Robert Russell of Bath, by I'r.ances his wife, dau. of Rev. Henry Eyre of Landford, Wilts ; and assumed by Royal License, Jan. 22, 1856, the surname and arms of Pettiward in compliance with the tes- tamentary injunction of Roger Pettiward of Great Fin- borough, deceased. Armorial bearings— Argent, a cross raguly sable, charged with five 6toiles of the first. Mant- luigr saljle and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreatli of the colours, a cross as in the arms. Married, 1855, Lady Frances Catherine Nelson (who died 1877), dau. of Thomas, 2nd liarl Nelson ; and by her has Issne—^'me daughters. Seat — Finborough Hall, Stowmarket, Suffolk. PEVER, quartered by TAUNTON. PEVEREL, quartered by HORDERN. General FRANCIS PEYTON, Companion of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath. Born May 27, 1823, being the third son of the Reverend Algernon Peyton, Rector of Doddington, by his wife Isabella Anne, daughter of Thomas Hussey of Galtrim, Ireland; created Companion of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, 1881. Cliil' — United Service. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms: Sal)le, a cross engrailed or, in the first quarter a mullet argent. Upon the escutcheon, from which is pendent his badge as a Companion of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling safjle and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a griffin sejant or. Married, 1864, Louisa, daughter of the late Colonel G. W. Moseley, Companion of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath. Gknerai. .Sir ROBERT PHAYRE, Knight Grand Cross of the Most Honoural)le Order of the Bath. Born 1820, being the third son of Richard Phayre, H.E.I.C.S., by his wife Maria, dau. of James Ridgway of 169 Piccadilly ; created C.B. , 1868, and advanced to the rank of Knight Commander, 1881, and to Knight Grand Cross, 1894. Ar- morial bearings — Gules, a cross moline argent, surmounted of a IkmkI azure, in the sinister chief point an Eastern crown or, all within a bordure of the last, the escutcheon being encircled with the ribbon and collar and pendent therefrom the star of a G. C. B. Mantling gules and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a dove proper, gorged with an Eastern crown or, holding in the beak an olive branch vert. MottO — " Virtute tutus." Married, 1846, Diana Bunbury, dau. of the late Arnold Thompson, formerly of the 8 ist Regt. Postal address — 64 St. George's Square. WILLIAM PHELPS, Esquire, J.P. for Gloucestershire, B.A. Trin. Hall (Cantab), Barrister-at-law, lf*l¥loTtltf Inner Temple. Born 1845, being the third IP'lJtlJ^I** son of .the late Henry John Clifford (and grandson of Henry Clifford Clifford of Frampton Court), by his wife, Marianne, daughter of the Rev. James Phelps,, and assumed the name and arms of Phelps by Royal License in lieu of Clifford, on succeeding & is the Military Cockade. his maternal uncle, John Phelps, in 1891. Livoy — Dark blue coat, yellow and black striped waistcoat. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Per pale or and argent, semtie of cross crosslets fitchd'e gules, a wolf salient azure : and impaling the arms of Massy, namely, argent, on a chevron between three lozenges sable, a lion passant or. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling azure and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a wolfs head azure, langued and erased gules, collared or, thereon a martlet sable. Motto — " Frangas non fiectas." Man-ied, December 30, 1875, Ger- trude, daughter of Edward Taylor Massy, Esquire, J.P. of Cottesmore, Pembrokeshire; and has lssne — (-i) Arthur William Phelps, Gentleman, born May 5, 1878; Rollo Walter Phelps, Gentleman, born September 18, 1886; and Alice Gertrude Clifford. /t'.f/rt/e.f — Rangeworth Manor; Chestal, Dursley ; Scarr, Newent ; &c. , &c. Postal address — Chestal, Dursley, Gloucestershire. §JOHN CAPEL PHILIPS, Esquire, Justice of the Peace and Deputy- Lieutenant for the county ll*)fltftt1rt "'^ Stafford. Born October 9, 183T, being I^IJIUJJ^ the only son of the late John Burton Philips of The Ile.ath House, and of Nevvlands, in the county of Gloucester, by his wife Joanna Free- man, daughter of Capel Cure of Blake Hall, in the county of Essex. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Per pale azure and sable, within an orle of fleurs-de- lis argent, a lion rampant erminois, ducally crowned, and holding between the paws a mascle or, .a canton ermine. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet l)efil- ting his degree, with a mantling azure and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a demi-lion rampant erminois, collared sable, ducally crowned or, holding between the paws a Hcur-de-lis argent, within a mascle or. Motto— " Simplex munditiis." Married, July 14, 1857, Fanny Esther, commonly known as the Honour- .al)le Fanny Esther, second daughter of the Right Honour- able the fifth Viscount Ashbrook ; and by lier (who died May 21, 1881) has had Jssnc — (i) Burton Henry Philips, Esquire, Captain Royal Welsh Fusiliers, born October 1, 1858 ; (2) John Augustus Philips, Gentleman, born January I, 1861 ; (3) Montague Capel Philips, Gentleman, born August 30, 1875, died June 2, 1881 ; Frances Margaret ^m is the Naval Cockade. mi mt 657 i, 1885, Ernest Cure] ; and Bertha Mary. Seat — 1»e Heath House, Tean, in the county of Stafford. CHARLES DAVID PHJLIPPS. Esquire, J. P. for CO. of Miinmoiith and for the borough of Newport. Born Dec. 26, 1845, being the elder son of Charles Philifps, by hit icife Miiiy Ann, dau. of David Davies. Livery — Undress: drab coat, breeches, and leggings; dress: black coat. Armorial bearingB as used, but for which the authority has not as yet been officially established or recorded, are — Argent, a lion rampant, collared and lined. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, on a garb fesseways a cock proper. MottO — " Ducit amor patritr." Married Clara Grace, dau. of Edward Daniel ; and has Issue — (i) Charles Godfrey Philipps, b. June g, 1874 ; (2) Reginald Arthur Philipps,b. April 19, 1876; (3) Charles David Philipps, li. .Sept. q, 1877; (4) John Convers Philipps, h. Oct. 20, 1879; (s) Alfred /esse Philipps, h. Eeb. 18, 1890; (6) Halter Chi:rles Philipps, h. Eeb. 28, 1893; Marion Grace; Rose; and Clara Emily. .Seat — " The Gaer," Newport, Mon- mouthshire. Sir AUGU.STUS PHILLIMORE, K.C.B.. .■\dmiral K.N., J.I', and D.L.. and a County Alderman for Hants, Commander-in-Chief at Davenport 1884 87, K.C. B. (Mil.) 1887. Born 1822, Ixnnsj the sixth son of Joseph Fhilli- niore, Esq., I^.C.L. , J. P., Advocate to the .Admiralty, Re(;ius Professor of Civil I>a\v in the University of O.vford, Chancellor of the Dioceses of O.xford, Worcester, and Bristol, and M.P. for St. Mawes and Yarmouth, by his wife Elizalieth, dau. of Rev. Walter Bagot, Rector of Blithfield and Leigh, co. Stafford, and brother of William, first Lorton, Birmingham ; and has Issue — rhoma.s Harry Meredith Phillips - Conn, {ientleman, b. ^■■' 28. 1881 ; Mabel Constance; and Violet Frances. ind poears for Arms ! c_tnarterly I and 4, sable a lion rampant " . ollar vain', erminois and azun;, (for Treby) : 2 and 3 or, a lion 1 and chain refle.xed over the kick of • veen the paws an escutcheon guli- head erased argent (for Phillipps). I , ■ - ,.;. ..c.., ,1 ,,l.iced a helmet befitting his degree, with a nLtnllmg sable and argent ; and ffir hi" Crests, i. npfin a wreath of the colours, a n ; ' in the arms (for I rcliy) ; 2. a lion jiassant, tail I'xtenik-' , ■ le-paw upon an escutcheon argent, tli.ufjed with a chevron aLo .sable (for Phillipps); with the Mottoes, " Renovato nomine," " Cc m ' - ' ■■ " ' ' -- 1S48, Helen (who died I >re. Esquire, of Frede- I M Adjutant-(jeneral of ( ulwiii.il .\hliu.i, .mil loiiiurlv tapLun in 104111 Regiment of Foot; and h.is Issue livin'.; — (i) Thomas John I'hillipp.s- Treby, Gentleman, born April 27, 1849; (2) Edward Moubray Phillipps-Treby, Gentleman; (3) Paul George Shore Phillipps-'I'reby, Gentleman ; l^ura Pomery ; Sara Caroline Marion Treby ; Helen ; and Mary. Estate and piysla I address — Goodamoor, Plympton, Devon. CHARLES NICHOLAS PAUL PHIPPS, Esquire, J. P. ntd nf.. High Sheriff 1888, M.P. for Westbury \ i' Yeomanry. Born N07). 4, 1845, :rles Paul Phipps, Esq., J. P. and /■ 7-:,, M.P. for II estbury j86g~74, by hii wife I'.mma Mary, dau. of M. licnson if /.iTcrpool, C\\lhs— Arthur's, St. James's. Armorial bearings as used, but for which no authority has been established, are for Arms — Sable, a trefoil slipped, between eight mullets argent. Crest — A lion s gamb couped erect sable, holding a mullet argent. Married, Oct. 13, 1874, Clare Emily, dau. of Sir Erederick Herivy liathurst. Hart., of Clarendon Park, Wilts; and has Issue— Charlrs Dathurst Hele Phipps, b. Eeb. 8, 1880 ; Evelyn Cecilia ; Alice A/ary ; Gladys Rose ; Norah Jcuintha ; Clare Dorothy ; Violet and Victoria. Seat — Chalcot, Wilts. Rkv. EDWARD PICKARD-CAMBRIDGE, Rector of W.armwell-cum-Poxwell. Born Nov. 1821, being the third son of the Rev. George Pickard, Rector of Bloxworth and Winterbourne, J. P. (who assumed by Royal Licence in 1848 the .additional surname and arms of Cambridge, in accordance with the will of his relative Charles Owen Cambridge), by his wjfe Frances Amelia, second dau. of Martin Whish, Chairman of Excise in England. Armorial The Editor undertakes that every entry not in italics is that of a genuinely armigerous person. 2 T 658 Wit Pte beaxing's — Quarterly i and 4, or, on a jiile gules, iK-tween six trefoils slipix-d suble, a cross crosslet of the field (for Cambridge) ; 2 and 3 gyronny of eight azure and argent, within a bordure ermine, on a canton gules a fieur-de-lis or (for I'ickard). Mantling gules and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a grilTm's head erased sable, sem(5e of trefoils, in the mouth a cross bottony tltchCe or (for Cambridge) ; 2. on a wreath of the colours, a lion sejant argent, charged on the shoulder with an ermine spot, and gorged with a collar gemelles sable, supporting with the dexter fore-paw an escutcheon gules, charged with a fleur- de-lis within a bordure or (for Pickard). Motto — " Esse quam videri." Afarricd, firstly, Harriet Caroline (deceased), dau. of Capt. George Foot, R.A. ; and lias /.w/zc surviving — (i) George Trenchard Pickard-Cambridge, Gentleman, b. Jan. 7, 1857 ; (2) Edward Duroure Pickard-Cambridge, Gentleman, />. July 22, 1858 ; (3) Edmund Winn Pickard- Cambridge, Gentleman, b. Dec. 8, 1859 ; (4) Rev. I'rederick Octavius Pickard-Cambridge, b. liec. 19, i860 ; (5) Francis Arthur Pickard-Cambridge, Gentleman, b. Oct. 10, 1868 ; Caroline Eliza ; Alice Mary ; Mary ; Ada ; and Catherine Tyssen. The Rev. E. Pickard is married a second time. Postal address — The Rectory, Warmwell-cuin-Po.xwell, Dorchester, Dorset. SJOCELYN PICKARD-CAMBRIDGE, Esq., J.P. for Dorset, Col. in the Indian Army. Bor?i Oct. 15. 1827, fourth son of the Rev. George Pickard-Cambridge of Bloxworth House (who assumed the name of Cambridge, 1848), by Frances Amelia, dau. of the late Martin Whish. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : (;)uarterly 1 and 4, or, on a pile gules between six trefoils slipped sable, a cross crosslet of the field (for Cambridge) ; 2 and 3 gyronny of eight azure and argent, within a bordure ermine, on a canton gules a fleur-de-lis or (for Pickard). Upon the escutcheon is jjlaced a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules and or; and for his Crests, i. upon a wreath of the colours, a griflin's head erased sable, senile of trefoils, in the mouth a cross botony fitchde or (for Cam- bridge) ; 2. upon a wreath of the colours, a lion sejant argent, charged on the shoulder with an ermine spot, and gorged with a collar gemelles sable, supporting with the dexter fore-paw an escutcheon gules, charged with a fleur- de-lis within a bordure or (for Pickard). Motto — "Esse quam videri." Married, firstly, Sept. 12, 1853, Adeline Harriett, dau. of Capt. Lumsdaine, and grand-dau. of Gen. Richards, Bengal Army ; and by her (who d. April 9, 1891) has one dau. — Mary Ellen Adeline [;//. 1880, Frederick George Alexander Lane]; and, secondly, Anna Mary Lys. Seats — Bloxworth House, Wareham. Rev. OCTAVIUS PICKARD-CAMBRIDGE, Rector of Bloxworth and Winterbourne Tomson. Born Nov. 3, 1828, being the fifth son of the Rev. George Pickard, J.P. (who assumed by Royal Licence in 1848 the additional name and arms of Cambridge, in compliance with the will of his relative Charles Owen Cambridge), by his wife Frances Amelia, second dau. of Martin Whish, Chairman of Excise in England. Armorial bearings— Quarterly I and 4, or, on a pile gules, lietween six trefoils slipped sable, a cross crosslet of the field (for Cambridge) ; 2 and 3 gyronny of eight azure and argent, within a bordure ermine, on a canton gules a fleur-de-lis or (for Pickard). Mantling gules and or. Crests — i. on a wreath of the colours, a griffin's head erased sable, semi'-e of trefoils, in the mouth a cross bottony fitch(^e or (for Cambridge) ; 2. on a wreath of the colours, a lion sejant, charged on the shoulder with an ermine spot, and gorged with a collar gemelles sable, supporting with the dexter fore-paw an es- cutcheon gules, charged with a fleur-de-lis within a bordure or (for Pickard). MottO— " Esse quam videri." Married, April 19, 1866, Rose, dau. of the late Rev. James Lloyd Wallace of Sevenoaks, Kent; and has Issue — (i) Rev. Robert Jocelyn, M.A. (Oxon. ), Curate of Upper St. Leonard's, Sussex, b. May 10, 1867 ; (2) John Trenchard Pickard-Cambridge, Gentleman, b. April 22, d. May i, 1869; (3) Arthur Wallace Pickard-Cambridge, Gentleman! M.A., Fellow and Tutor of Baliol Coll. (Oxford), b. Jan. 20, 1873; (4) Charles Owen Pickard-Cambridge, Gentleman, B.A. Balliol Coll. (0.von.), b. Nov. 9, 1874; (s) Alfred Edward Lloyd Pickard-Cambridge, Gentleman, b. Nov. 14, 1876; (6) William Adair Pickard-Cambridge, Gentle- man, b. Dec. 14, 1879. A'esidence — Bloxworth Rectory, Wareham. is the Military Cockade. BF.NJAMIN PICKERINC;, Gentleman. Born February 28, 1835, being the eldest son of the late ![♦)? Pbl>1*tt1lT Ri''ij^niin Pickering of Bellefield, Sutton, I^IVKI^IIU^ by his wife Sarah, daughter of William Johnson of Gainsborough, Livery — Dark blue, with silver buttons and crimson waistcoats. Ar- morial bearings- He liears for Arms: Argent, gutt('-e-de- poix, a lion rampant azure, between two flaunches of the last, each charged with a tear's paw erect and erased argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, in front of a bear's paw erect and erased argent, encircled with a wreath of oak vert, a demi-catherine-wheel azure; with the Motto, " Je garde bien." Married, August 1, 1872, .Sarah, daugh- ter of Thomas Garton of Kingston-upon-Hull. Estates — Bellefield and Sutton House, both in the parish of Sutton, and Boreas Vale, Paull, all in the East Riding of the county of York. Postfil <7rt'(/m-.f— Bellefield, Sutton.' Hull. HARRY PICKERSGILL-CUNLIFFE, Esq.. J.P. for E. Riding of the county of York and for Essex. Born July 5, 1858, being the eldest surviving son of John Cunliffe Pickersgili-Cunliffe, by Helen Mutton, daughter of the Very Reverend Thomas Dale, I )eaii of Rochester. Club — Junior Carlton. Livery— V>Mk blue, black and white waistcoat, silver buttons. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Quarterly i and 4, sable three conies courant argent (for Cunliffe) ; 2 and 3 argent, three eagles with wings elevated sable, on a chief gules, three fountains ])roper (for Pickers- gill). Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling sable and argent ; and for his Crests, I. upon a wreath of the colours, a greyhound sejant argent, collared sable, and charged on the shoulder with a pellet (for Cunliffe) ; 2. upon a wreath of the colours, on a rock proper, an eagle as in the arms, bezantc^e, and holding in the beak a cross crosslet fitch^e or (for Pickersgill) ; with the Motto, "Fideliter. " Married, November 4, 1880, Arlette Isobel, daughter of the late Charles William Reynolds, J.P. , of Ffamslade, Bracknell, Berks; and has /.f.f«(.' — Jolin Reynolds Pickersgili-Cunliffe, Gentleman, born May 16, 1895 ; Jill Helen and Saffron linid. Estates— C\viS- terford Park, Essex; and Addingham, Yorkshire. Postal address — Chesterford Park, Saffron Walden, Essex. HENRY PIGE-LESCHALLAS. Born 1833, being the son of the late Mr. H. Pig^ ; assumed the name of Leschallas H is the Naval Cockade. Pig Pit 659 i^i8747uf)der the will of his cousin, John Leschallas of Pace Green, Tottenham, Middlesex. Armorial bearings — Per iK-nd gules and sable, two hearts conjoined or. Mantling gules and or ; and for his Crest, ii|3on a wreath of tlie colours, on a mount vert, a column or, thereon flames of fire proper, and entwined by a vine branch also proper. Married, 1874, Alice Beaumont, dau. of C. B. Rogers of Kcw, Surrey; and has, with other Issue — John l'ig(?- Leschalhis, b. 1875. Seats — Highams, Bagshot ; Bos- castle, N. Cornwall. IfcOT, cjuartercd by AS.SHETON. UK Rev. P:VER.SFIU:LD BOTRY PIGOTT, Clerk in Holy Orders, Rector of lillisfield. Ilcni .May 2, 1848, being the .second son of the Rev. Siireeve Botry Pigott, i)y his wife Eliza MacMahon, youngest dau. of Sir Francis Wilder of Binfield Manor, in the co. of Berks, Knight Commander of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath. Livery — Black and (jrange. Armorial bearings — I'cr fesse ermine antl sable, three pickaxes counterclianged. Mantling sable and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a greyliound stat.int per pale sable and ermine. Motto— " Laborc et virtute." Married, July 14, 1874, 1 [ilda, youngest dau. of James C^ampbell, Esq. , of Hampton Court ilouse, in the- co. of Middlesex, and Cawley Priory, Chichester; and has /.ff//t'— (i) Ch(!twynd Botry PigotI, Gentleman,/'. 1879; (2) Uayrell liotry Pigott, Gentleman, h. 1879; (3) Lancelot Botry i'igott. Gentleman, b. 1888; Christabel ; Ivy; Hilda; Stella; and liileen. Estate — VVidmoor, in the co. of Hampshire. Postal address— Widmoor, liasingstoke. FREDERICK WILLIAM PIGOTT, Esquire. J. P. co. .Sussex. Born 1831, U-itig the youngest son of the late Paynton Pigott Stainsby-Conant of Archer Lodge, Hants, and Banbury, co. Oxford, who assumed by Royal Licence the additional surnames and arms of Stainsby-Conant 1836, by his wife Mary Lucy, third dau. of Richard Drosse Gough, of Scnildern, co. Oxford. Armorial bearings- Per fesse ermine and sable, three pickaxes counterehanj^i-d, and impaling the arms of Drinkwater, namely, pi-r pale gules and azure, on a fesse wavy argent, iKtween three garbs or, as many billets of the second. Mantling sable and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a gicyhoimd statant per pale sable and (>rmine. Motto- " Laliorc et virtute." Married, 1871, l^linor Bourne, third dau. of .Sir William Lecce Drinkwater, H.M.'s first Deemster of the Isle of Man; and by her (who Major Richard James Pike, 12th Regiment. Jus- Ir^****' tice of the Peace, of Glendarary (who dii'd 1891), by his wife Mary Emily, second daiigliler of the late Charles Todd-Naylor, Esquire. Armorial bear- ings—He bears for Arms: Per pale or and argent, on a chevron azure, between three trefoils slipped vert, an escallop of the second. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet iK-fitting his degree, with a mantling azure and or; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, an arm emlwwed in armour, gauntleted, grasping a broken pike all proper, and charged with an escallo]) azure. Motto — " Vrai a la fin." .SVvz/- Glendarary, .Achill .Sound, West- port, in the county of Mayo. HENRY MUI.OCK PILKINGTON, Esquire, J. P., Q.C.,U..D. Trin. Coll. Dublin, M. A. Cambridge. Born Sept. 24, 1813, being the son of the lale Henry Pilkin^ton, Est/., J. P., of Tore, by his wife Barbara, fif I li dim. of Rev. John l.ang. Rector of Randalstown , co. Antrim. Armorial bearings as used, but which are not recorded in Ulster's Office, are /tir ATma—.lrgcnt, a cross potence gules, voided of the field. Crest — A mincer with his scythe in front habited as follows : a high-croivned hat with flap, the crown parly per pale, flap the same, counterchanged ; coat buttoned to the middle, with his scythe in bend proper, habited through quar- terly and counterchanged argent and gules. Mottoes " I'ilkyngton Puiledinone—'ftu: master nunvs the nteadinos," over the crest, " A'oiv thus! no^o thus I" Married, May 12, 1855, Wilhelmina Charity , eldest dau. of John M'Donnell, M.t)., late a Commissioner Local Government Board ; and has Issue— (l) Heniy Lionel Pilkington, Esq., Capt. zxst Hussars, h. May 22, 1857; (2) Alexander John M'Donnell Pilkington, (ieiitleman, b. .May 17, 1863 [m., 1887, Dorothy, adopted dau. of George /,. Craik] ; (3) George Lawrence Pilkington, Gentleman, P. A. Cambridge, h. June 4, 1865; (4) Robert Rivington Pilkington, Gentleman, B.A. Cam- bridge, Barristcr-at-Law, b. Eeb. 8, 1870 ; Charity Mary ; Emily Georgina Catherine ; Katherine Anne tsabel [m., 1892, A^i'. William J. Kittson, Rector of Drumcourath\ .Seat — Tore, Tvrrels Pass, co. IVestmeath. PIPE, quartered by SLAUGHTER. FRANCIS STAFFORD PIPE-WOLFERSTAN, Esq., of Statfold, CO. StaffortI, J. P. Born Oct. 14, 1826, being the son of the late .Stanley Pipe-Wolferstan, IOs(|., of .Stat- fold, J. P. and D. L., by his wife F^lizalieth, eldest dau. of Swynfen Jervis of Kensington. Armorial bearings — Quarterly 1 and 4, sable a fesse wavy l>elween three wolvi-s' heads erased or (for \\^)ferstan) ; 2 and 3 azure, two organ- |)ipes in chevron fjetween ten crosses crosslet or (for Pipe). Mantling sable and or ; and for his Crest, i. ujxin a wreath of the c<-)lours, a wolf under a tree all pro|)er (for Wolfer- stan) ; 2. upon a wreath f)f the colours, a leopard's head erased or (for Pipe). Motto — "Que sera sera." Married, July 31, 1859, .Sarah Maria Hill, fifth dau. of William Hallows Belli, H.E.I.C.S. ; and has /ssue~(i) Egerton .Stanley Pipe-Wolferstan, Esq., Capt. S. Stafts. Regt., b. July 23, 1861 ; (2) .Alfred Hercy Pipe-Wolferstan, Gentle- man, b. March 3, 1863; (3) Horace Nliddlemore Pipe-Wol- ferstan, Gentleman, b. Nov. 26, 1864 ; (4) Littleton Edward Pipe-Wolferstan, (icntleman, b. Aug. 8, 1866 ; (5) Charles .Almeric Pipe-Wolferstan, Gentleman, fi. -Aug. 29, i86g; {d. 1897); (6) Humphrey Frank Pipe-Wolferstan, Gentleman, Lieut. K.O.S.B., b. March 12, 1874; Ethel Henrietta; Eveline Grace ; Marion Isabel ; ;m(l l^leanor May. Seat — Statfold, near Tamworth. The Right Honourable WILLIAM JAMES PIRRIE of Ormiston, Belfast, in the co. Down, one of Her Majesty's The Editor undertakes that every entry not in italics is that of a genuinely armigerous person. 66o Pit Ptt Most Honourable Privy Council in In^laiul, High Sheriff CO. Down (and co. Antrim 1898), 1-ord Mayor of the city of l^'lfast (1896 and 1897). J.l*. for the city of Belfast and for cos. Antrim and Down. Born 1847, being the only son of the late James Alexander Firrie, Ivsq., of Little Clande- boye, CO. Down (who d. 1849), by his wife liliza (who d. 1893), dau. of y\le.\ander Montgoniery, I'^-sq., of Dundesart, CO. .Antrim. r////'.t— Reform, Kildare .St. (Dublin), Ulster (Belfa.st). Armorial bearings — .Argent, a saltire gules, tetvveen in chief and in base a bugle-horn stringed sal)le, and in fessc two sea-horses respecting one another proper. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a falcon's head erased per saltire argent and gules. Motto — ' ' Deeds, not words." Married, 1879, Margaret Montgomery, dau. of John Car- lisle, Esq., M.A., of the Royal Belfast Academical In.sti- tution. Seat — Ormiston, near Belfast, co. Down. London address — Grand Hotel. SCoi.ONKi, DUNCAN G. PITCEHiR, Indian Staff Corps. C//^/'— United Service. Armorial bearings — Per chevron ermine and aziu'e, in chief two slips of oak vert, fructed proper, in base a state barge floating in water of the last. Mantling azure and argent. Crest —On a wreath of the colours, a griffin's head couped, gorged with a wreath of oak jjroper between two wings each charged with a roundell. Motto — " iVrseverentia et labore. " Postal address — Gwalior, Central India. THOMAS HENRY PITT, Esquire, Colonel {late) Royal Artilk)!!, J.P. for Kasl and West Kent. Born /'rn June 19, 1824, being the second son of the late William I'ixley, an Elder Brother of the Trinity House, by his wife Charlotte, dau. of fiofjert Ellis. tV//*— Conservative. Armorial bearings - Azure, a fesse engrailed or, gutti^'-dc-larmes, between two daggers points downwards in chief and a cross crosslet fitchec in base or. Mantling azure and or. Crest -On a wreath of the colours, in front of a cross crosslet fitchee or, a morion projier Ijetw'een two wings azure, each charged with a dagger as in the arms. MottO--" Per vias rectas." Married, May 20, 1856, Margaret, dau. of James Aikin, Esquire, J.P. ; and has Issue — (i) Stewart Aikin Pixley, Gentleman, b. May 3, 1857 [w., Oct. 8, 1884, Harriette Hindle, dau. of Edward Hewitt] ; (2) Arthur Dunbar Pix- ley, lisquire, /'. Nov. 7, 1859, Captain late King's Royal Rities, now Major 5th Matt. King's Royal Rifles (Hunting- don Militia), served in South African war 1881, Transvaal Campaign (battles of Laing's Nek and Ingogo, where he was severely wounded ; (3) James Aikin Pixley, Gentleman. LL. B. Cambridge, Barrister-at-Law, l>. Aug. 31, i863[w., Oct. 22. 1891, Beatrice Ada, dau. of John Higson, Esquire, J.P. , of Oakmere Hall, Cheshire]; ,\nnie [w. . July 22, 1886, John Cameron Graham, I'Isquire, J. P., of IJalle- wan, Stirlingshire]; and Margaret. kesidcncc~2.\ Leinster Gardens, W. PLANTAGENET, otherwise BROTHERTON, tiuar- tercd by HOWARD. PLANTAGENET, ciuiytcrcd by MOSTYN. S FREDERICK PLATT, Esquire, Justice of the Peace for the North Riding of the county of York. JRJIrt*-*- and for the county of Nottingham, for which I^IUVV |„. served the oflice of High Sheriff in the year 1888, Deputy-Lieutenant for the county of Here- ford. Captain and Honor;u-y Major of the Duke of Lan- caster's Own Yeomanry Cavalry. Born .April 27, 1849. being the third son of the late John Piatt. Esquire, of Bryn- y-ncuadd. in the county of Carnarvon, and of Werneth Park, in the County Palatine of Lancaster. Justice of the Peace and Deputy-Lieutenant, and Mend)er of Parliament for Oldham, by his wife Alice, daughter of the late Samuel Radcliff of Oldham. Club -Grafton. /./jYvn' — Blue, with yellow waistcoat. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Sable, seniee of plates, a fret couped or. between four roses in cross argent ; and for ;i Crest, upon a wreath of the The. Editor undertakes that every entry not in italics is that of a genuinely armigerous person. 662 im Pla colours, in front of a ilonii-lion proper, sointe of plates, holdinj,' Iwtwcfii the paws a rose arfjent, an escallop or; with tiie Motto, " Virtute et lalx)re." Marricii, July 29, 1874, Florence Kli/.a, younsjer daujjluer of the late Fred- erick Bedwell of ICast Moulsey, in the county of Surrey; and has /.o7/(^— (i) Alfjernon John l'"redcrick I'latt, (jenlle- nian, born June 11, 1875; (-) ^-t^cil Sherman I'latt, Gentle- man, born August i, 1877; anil Brenda Jeannette. Esta/es — Harnby Manor and Upper Ureinton, in the county of Hereford. Postal address — Barnby Manor, Newark. M HENRY PLATT, Ks(iuire, Justice of the Peace and © Deputy- Lieutenant for tiie couiuy of Carnarvon, for which county he served the office of Higk Sheriff in the year 1877, performing the same office for the county of Anglesey in the year 1880, Colonel 4th Battalion Royal Welsh Fusiliers, and was the first Mayor of Bangor in the year 1883. Horn Decemlx-r 26, 1842, being the eldest son of the late John Piatt, Esquire, of Bryn-y-neuadd, in the county of Carnarvon, and of VVerneth Park, in the County Palatine of Lancaster, Justice of the Peace and Deputy- Lieutenant, and Memlwr of Parliament for Oldliam, by his wife Alice, daughter of the late Sanuiel Radcliffe of Oldham. Club— ]\xmox Carlton. Livery — Dark blue, blue and white striped waistcoat, silver buttons. Armorial bearings— He lx.'ars for Arms : Sable, semt^e of plates, a fret couped or, #3^# between four roses in cross argent ; and for a Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, in front of a demi-lion proper, semee of plates, holding tetween the paws a rose argent, an escallop or; with the Motto, " Virtute et labore." Married, Jan- uary 22, 1868, Eleanor, daughter of the late R. Sykes, Esquire, Justice of the Peace and Deputy-Lieutenant, of I'.dgeley, Stockport ; and has had Issue — (1) Henry |ohn Heylyn Piatt, Gentleman, late Lieutenant in the 12th Royal Lancers, born July 1869 and died 1893 ; (2) Eric James Walter Piatt, Gentleman, Lieutenant 4th Battalion Royal Welsh P'usiliers, born November 15, 1871 ; Nesta Mary ; and Gladys Violet Eleanor. Estates — Gorddinog, Llanfair- fechan ; and Plas Llechylched, in the county of Anglesey. Postal a(/(//-tf.H— Gorddinog, Llanfairfechan. S JAMES EDWARD PLATT, Esquire, Justice of the Peace for the County Palatine of Chester, late Captain and Honorary Major Duke of L.mcaster's Own Yeomanry Cavalry. Burn 1856, being the sixth son of the late John Piatt, Esquire, of Bryn-y-neuadd, in the county of Carnarvon, and of Werneth Park, in the County Palatine of Lancaster, Justice of the Peace and Deputy-l^ieutenant, and Memlx-r of Parliament for Oldham, by his wife .Mice, daughter of the late Samuel Radcliff of Oldham. Clubs — Reform, Cavalry, Bad- minton. Armorial bearings —He bears for Arms : Sable, semee of plates, a fret coujied or, between four roses in cross & is tlie Military Cockade. argent ; and for a Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, in front of a demi-lion proper, semee of plates, holding be- tween the paws a rose argent, an escallop or ; with the Motto, "Virtute et labore." Postal rt(/—}umor Carlton. Armorial bearings -He bears for Arms: .S:ible, semfie of plates, a fret couped or, between four roses in cross argent ; and fi>r a Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, in front of ademi- lion proper, sem^e of plates, holding Ijetween the paws a rose argent, an escallop or; with the Motto, " Virlute et labore." Married, 1879, Agnes E. , second daughter of Lieutenant-Colonel Rolxjrts of Renny, in the county of Cork. Postal add/-ess— 2)^ Pont Street, l-ondon, S.W. SAMUEL RADCLIFFE PLATT, Esquire, Justice of the Peace and Deputy-Lieutenant for the County Palatine of Lan- caster, lior/i 1844, Ijeing the second son of the late John Plait, Esquire, of Bryn-y-neuadd, in the county of Carnar- von, and Werneth Park, in the County Palatine of Lancaster, Justice of the Peace and De])Uty-Lieulenanl, and MemlKT of Parliament for Oldham, by his wife Alice, fliughter of the late Samuel Ratlcliff of Oldham. Armorial bearings —He Ijears for Arms : Sable, senit'e of jjlates, a fret couped or, between four roses in cross argent ; and for a Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, in front of a demi-lion proper, senn'-e of plates, holding between the paws a rose argent, an escallop or; with the Motto, " Virtuteet labore." Mar- ried, 1884, Helen M., fourth ilaughterof Lieutenant-Colonel Roberts of Renny, in the county of Cork. Estate a/id postal address— VJerncih Park, Oldham. § SYDNEY PLATT, Escjuire, Justice of the F'eace for the county of Carnarvon, for which county he served the office of High Sheriff in the year 1888, late Captain in the Denbighshire Yeuarterly i and 4, per fe!,se vert and argent, a pale counlerchanged, three cranes' heads erased of the second, and as many loijsters' claws erased sable (for Higgins) ; 2 and 3 per fesse dancett(?e argent and gules, a pale counlerchanged, three irels, one and two of the first, and for distinction a canton of the second (for Plait) ; and for his Crests, i. a griffins head erased or, gorged with a collar sable, charged with a lozenge argent, Ijetween two plates, in the Ijeak a lolister's claw erased gules (for Higgins) ; 2. a demi-wolf gules, sein(^-e of plates, armed and langued azure, holding in the dexter paw a wreath argent and gules, and chargeil ale eounterchanged, three cranes' heads erased of the second, and as many lobsters' claws erased sable (for Higgins) ; 2 and 3 party [X'r fesse dancett(?e argent and gules, a pale eounterchanged, three frets, one and two of the first, and for distinction a canton of the seconil (for Piatt), and im- paling the arms of Higgins, namely, party per fesse vert and argent, a pale eounterchanged, three cranes' heads erased of the second, and as many lobsters' claws erased sable ; and for his Crests, i. upon a wreath of the colours, a griffin's head erased (jr, gorged with a collar sable, charged with a lozenge argent between two plates, holding in the beak a lobster's elasv erased gules (for Higgins) ; 2. upon a wreath of the colours, a demi-wolf gules, semee of plates, armed and langued azure, holding in the dexter paw a wreath argent and gules, and charged upon the shoulder with a cross crosslet or (for Piatt) ; with the Motto, "Labitur et labetur." Married, February 21, 1887, Fanny, eldest surviving daughter of the late John Higgins of Manchester, and Mary Jane, his wife, eldest daughter of John Hind of Belfast. Postal address — St. Aubyn, Kingston Hill, Surrey. WALTER PLATT-HIGGINS, Gentleman. Born June 10, i860, being the second son of the late George Higgins, Estjuire, Justice of the l^eace. High Sheriff of Anglesea in the year 1865, by his second wife Frances Mary, daughter of Thomas Moult of Manchester, anil assumed the additional surname of Piatt and the arms of Piatt quarterly witli his own by Royal License in the year 1889. Armoilal bear- ings— He bears for Arms : Quarterly i and 4, per fesse vert and argent, a pale eounterchanged, three cranes' heads erased of the second, and as many lobsters' claws erased sable (for Higgins) ; 2 and 3 per fesse dancettC'e argent and gules, a pale eounterchanged, tliree frets, one and two of the first, and for distinction a canton of the second (for Piatt) ; and for his Crests, i. a griffin's head erased or, gorged with a collar sable, chargeil with a lozenge argent fjetween two plates, in the beak a lobster's claw erased gules (for Higgins) ; 2. a demi-wolf gules, .senate of plates, armed and langued azure, holding in the dexter paw a wreath argent and gules, and charged on the shoulder with a cross crosslet or (for Piatt) ; with the Motto, " Labitur et labetur.'' Sir PATRICK PLAY FAIR, Knight Bachelor (1897), Companion of the Most Eminent Order of the Indian Limpire (1896). Born Dee. 19, 1852, being the eldest son of the late Patrick Playfair of Ardmillan, Ayrshire, by his ivife Georgiana, dan. of John Mnir of Glasgo-w. Clubs — Wellington, Oriental, Bengal. Crest as used, but for lohich no authority has been established, is a tree. Motto — " Firniitas in calo." Seat — Ardmillan, Oin'an, Ayr- shire. Tmk Rkvekicni) WILLIAM CHARLES PLENDER- LICATH, Clerk in Holy Orders If^fPtlhrrlmfh ^^55. Master of Arts of 'the Uni- JpitnUtlltal-U versity of Oxford, Justice of the Peace for the county of Wiltshire. Born 1831, being the only son of Lieutenant - Colonel Charles Plendcrleath, Comi)anion of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, by his wife Hannah Winslow, eldest daughter of John Benjamin de PaTba. Club Constitu- tional, /./t'c/j— Green and gold. Armorial bearings- He Ix^ars for Arms: Vert, a chevron IxUween two trefoils in chief and a tleur-de-lis in base argent (for Plendcrleath). Crest -A hand holding a writ or paper almost rolled all proper. Motto" Prompte et consulto." Married, 1856, Margaret lilizabeth Jane, daughter of the Venerable Arch- deacon Brathwaite of St. Christopher's, in the West Indies; and has Issue - C\audc W'illiam Manners Plendcrleath, (Jentleman, Commander Royal Navy, born 1863 ; Margaret I'^dith de Pai'ba ; Maud Mary le Feuvre [married George Bayntun Starky of liromham, in the county of Wiltshire]; and Marion Irene Gourlay. Postal el Saxby of Roears for Arms : Per chevron llory couiUerHory argent and sable, In-tween four martlets fesseways, in chiif ol the last, and a lion rampant in base of the lirst ; and for his Crest, ujion a wreath of the colours, in front of a demi-lion gules, gorged with a collar tkiry counterflcjry argent, and holding Ixjtween the paws a garb of the last, surmounted by a martlet sable, the trunk of a tree fesseways eradicated and sprouting proper ; with the Motto, " Loyal." Maiiied, .Xjiril 15, 1858, Sarah, daughter of John Thomas and Eanny Sophia Billet of Twickenham ; and has /.»-.?/«• — Martin Luther Plumer. Gentlennm, born January I, 1876; Ellen; Alice; Anna; Jessie; and Ruth. JOHN B.AGWILL PLUMICR. Gentleman, of .\llerton Tolnes. Horn March 7, 1830, Ijeing the only son of the late John Plumer of London, by his wife Frances, daughter of Richard and Hannah Scjper of Tolnes, in the county of Devon. Armorial bearings- He Ijears for Arms: Per chevron tlory counterllory argent and sable, Ix-tween four martlets fes.seways in chief of the last and a lion rampant in base of the first; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, in front of a demi-lion gules, gorged with a collar Hory eountertlory argent, and holding l>etween the paws a garb of the last, surmounted by a martlet sable, the trunk of a tree fesseways eradicated and sprouting proper ; with the Motto, "Loyal." Married, February 6, 1875, Jessie Thomson, daughter of Thomas and Margaret Ballan- tyne of Paisley, North Britain. WILLIAM PLUMER, Gentleman, of Hoboken, New Jersey. Born August 9, 1832, Ixjing the fourth son of the late Charles Plumer of Brighton, by his wife Susanna Catherine, dauglUer of ( liarles and Isal^el Saxby of Rod- well. Armorial bearings— He U-ars for Arms: Per chevron flory eountertlory argent and sable, Ix-tween four martlets fesseways in chief of the last and a lion rampant in base of the first ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, in front of a demi-lion gules, gorged with a collar flory counterflory argent, and holding between the paws a garb of the last, surmounted by a martlet sable, the trunk of a tree fesseways eradicated and sprouting proper ; with the Motto, " Loyal." Married, February 12, i868, Esther, daughter of Joseph Butcher of Witham, in the county of Essex ; and has Issue — Catherine Grace. Sir FRANCIS RICHARD PLUNKETT, commonly known as the Honourable Sir Francis Richard Plunkett, Knight CJrand Cross of the Most Distinguished Order of .Saint Michael and Saint George, Minister at Brussels since 1893. Born l-"el)ruary 3, 1835, being the son of the Right Honourable the ninth liarl of Fingall, by his wife Louisa Emilia, only daughter of Elias Corlxilly of Corbalton Hall, in the county of Meath ; created Knight Grand Cro.ss of the Most Distinguished Order of Saint Michael and Saint George, 1894. Clubs — Travellers', .St. James's. Armorial bearings— lie bears for Arms: Sable, a bend and in the sinisti-r chief a tower triple-turreted argent. Upon the escutcheon, which is encircled by the riblxin and collar and pendent therefrom the kidge of a Knight Grand Cross of the Most l)istinguished Order of .Saint Michael and .Saint George, is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling .sable and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a horse pas.sant argent; with the Motto, " Festina lente. " Married, 1870, May Tevis, daughter of Charles Wain Morgan of Phila- delphia, United .States of America; and has Issue living — Norah Isalx-I [married, 1891, Count .August Fersen (Jyldenstolpe, of Sweden]; and Helen Mary. Postal address— Br'Mhh Ix-gation, Brussels. JOHN DUKE PODE. Esq., J. P. co. of Devon, some- time I'ellow of New Coll., Oxford, M..\., Barrister-at-Law. Born Nov. 6, 1832, Ix-ing the eldest son of the late Thomas Juli.'in Pode of Plympton Earle, by Anne Duke his wife, youngest dau. of the late Rev. Duke Yonge, Vicar of (^orn- wood, Devon; s. his uncle 1864. A/tr/T- Dark blue, red facings. Armorial bearings— Azure, on a chevron or, l)etween two eagles displayed in chief argent and a lion's head erased of the second in base, three estoiles gules. Mantling azure and or ; and for his Crest, ujxjn a wreath ol the colours, issuant from clouds \ni>\K.:v, a demi-eagle azure, collared or, wings elevated argent, on the breast and each wing an esloile counterchanged. Motto — " Altior.a sec|uinmr." Married, Aug. 30, i860, -Augusta Boevey, youngest ilau. of Rev. Charles Crawley, Incumbent of Flax- ley, and .-ifterwards Vicar of H.irtpury, co. Gloucester ; and has had Issue— {\) Ernest Duke Yonge Pode, Gentleman, B.A. Keble Coll.. Oxford, L.R.C.P., M.R.CS., B.A., b. Aug. 2, 1862, drowned in wreck of the s.s. " Bokhara," 1892; (2) Cyril Augustin Pode, (jentleman, b. A|iril 29, 186A, M.A. Worcester Coll., Oxford; (3) Arthur Crawley Pode, (Jentleman, B.A. Worcester Coll., Oxford, b. July 4, 1870; and Beatrice Catharina. .S't">rll '^'"' ^'"' i'"""ly of NDifolk; has Crimean ly'UllUlU a,ni -lurkish medals for 1854 and 1855. and clasp for Sevastopol ; has C'liina medal with two clasps for Canton (1857) and Taku Forts (i860), and has Silver Medal Royal Humane Society with thanks on vellum. Horn April 21, 1833, beiiitj the second but only sur- viving son of the late lulwin Pollard, CJentleman, of Theresa I'lace, Gloucester, sometime Sheriff for the county of that city, by I'^liza his wife, daughter of Henry Hughes of Tewkesbury, in the county of Gloucester. 67«^.f— United Service (London), Norfolk (Norwich). Livery —UigYiX blue with white patch on collar having white twist crossing it, white and blue waistcoat, blue trousers with white piping. Armorial bearings— He bears for Anus : Azure, a chevron ermine lietween two crosses fleury in chief and a sea-lion's head erased in base or, impal- ing the arms of Hawkins- Whitshed, namely, quarterly 1 and 4, ]3arty per pale indented argent and vert, three demi-lions rampant, those in chief respectively gules and or, and the one in base party per pale indented of the third and fourth (for Whitshed) ; 2 and 3 party per chev- ron argent and vert, three hinds trippant (for Hawkins). Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling azure and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a stag trippant proper, holding in the mouth two wheat ears or, gorged with a collar and therefrom pendent a cross fleury of the last; with the Motto, " Fortiter Deo juvante." Married, November 18, 1862, Renira (who died August 30, 1894), daughter of the late Sir St. Vincent Keene Hawkins- Whitshed, Baronet (by his wife Elizabeth, commonly called the Honourable Elizabeth, daughter of the Right Honour- able Baron Erskine) ; and has Issue -\\) James Hawkins- Whitshed Pollard, Esq., Captain Royal Scots Fusiliers (has medal and clasp for Burmah E.xpedition 1887, clasp for Chin-Lushai Expedition, 1889-1890, clasp for Waziristan Expedition, 1894-95, medal and clasp for Chitral ICxpedition, 1894-95), born May 13, 1866 ; (2) .-Xrlhur l'>skine St. Vincent Pollard, Gentleman, Lieutenant Border Regiment, born July 30, 1869 ; Renira Elizabeth ; Lucy Clara ; Sevilla Florence ; Evelyn Hyacinthe ; and Grace Emily. Estate and postal address — Haynford Hall, Norwich. FRANCLS EDWARD ROMULUS POLLARD- URQUHART, Esquire, J. P. and D.L., Lieut.-Col. R.A. & is the Military Cockade. Born Sept. 8, 1848, being the second but eldest surviving son of the late William Pollard, Esq.. M.A., J.P. and D.L., High .Sherifl' 1840, M.P. co. Westmeath from 1852-57, and 1859-71, by his wife Mary Isabella, only dau. and heir of William Urquhart of Craigston Castle, co. .\berdeen ; assumed by Royal Licence the additional surname and arms of Urtjuhart. Clubs — United Service, Boodle's, Junior Carlton. Armorial bearings— Quarterly 1 and 4, or, three boars' heads erasetl gules, armed and langued azure, a mullet of the last for difference (for Urquhart) ; 2. argent, a chevron Ix-tween three escallops azure (for Pol- lard); 3. argent, three hemp-brakes sable (for Hampson). Mantling gules and or. Crests — i. on a wreath of the colours, a demi-otter rampant proper, crowned with an antique crown or, collared or, charged with three crescents gules (for Urquhart) ; 2. on a wreath of the colours, a stag trippant argent, horned or (for Pollard) ; 3. on a wreath of the colours, out of a mural coronet argent, a greyhound's head sable, collared gules, charged with three plates. Motto— "Will well." Married, Nov. 28, 1888, Louisa Henrietta, second dau. of late G. W. Duff of Hatton Castle, CO. Aberdeen. Seats — Castle Pollard, co. Westmeath, Craigston Castle, Turriff, N.B. Thk HoNOURAHi.E SiR CHARLES EDWARD POL- LOCK, Knight Bachelor, one of Her Ma- It^rtfirtfl* jesty's Counsel Learned in the Law, a Baron l^UllUvK of the Court of Exchequer, 1873 1875, since when he has been a Judge of the High Court of Justice (Oueen's Bench Division). Born 1823, being the fourth son of the Right Honourable Sir Frederick Pollock, first Baronet, by his wife Frances, daughter of F. Rivers. 6'/«i^ — Athenaeum. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Azure, three fleurs-de-lis w ithin a bordure engrailed or, on a canton ermine, a portcullis of the second. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his de- gree, with a mantling azure and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a boar passant quarterly or and vert, pierced by an arrow proper ; with the MottO (over the crest), " Audacter et strenue." Married, firstly, Sep- tember I, 1848, Nicola Sophia, second daughter of the Reverend Henry Herljert ; and by her (who died November 16, 1855) has Issue — (i) The Reverend Herbert Charles Pollock, Master of Arts, Canon of Rochester, born May 1, 1852 [married, October 18, 1883, Flora Grace, daughter of John Turner of Oakl.ands, Wimbledon I'ark, and has issue, Nora ; and Nicola] ; and Fanny [married, February 2, 1870, Thomas William Bischoff, and died January 8, 1878]. He married secondly, May 25, 1858, Georgina, second daughter of the late Honourable George William Archibald, Master of the Rolls in Nova Scotia; and by her (who died 18(34! has (2) Charles Stewart Pollock, Esquire, Master of Arts of the University of Cambridge, born April 5, 1864, died March 14, 1890 ; and Joanna de Morlot. He married thirdly, 1865, Amy, daughter of Hassard Hume Dodgson ; and has (3) George Hume Pollock, Esc|uire, born 1870 ; (4) Robert Pollock, Esquire, born 1874 ; (5) Hassard Hume Pollock, Esquire, born March 16, 1876; Isabel Amy ; Helen; Kate [married, June 10, 1893, Samuel Bostock] ; Ethel Caroline; Margaret Homera ; and Gertrude Menella. Residence — The Croft, Putney, in the county of Surrey. Chambers — 364 Royal Courts of Justice, W.C. Sir FREDERICK RICHARD POLLOCK, Knight Commander of the Most Exalted Order of the Star of India, Justice of the Peace for the county of Middlesex. Born 1827, being the son of the Right Honourable Sir Frederick Pollock, first Baronet, Lord Chief Baron of the Exchequer, by his first wife Frances, daughter of H. Rivers of Spring Gardens ; created Companion of the Most Exalted Order of the Star of India, 1866, and advanced to the rank of Knight Commander of that Order, 1873. Club — Athenaum. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Azure, three fleurs-de-lis within a bordure engrailed or, on a canton ermine, a portcullis of the second. Upon the escutcheon, which is surrounded by the ribbon and ])endent therefrom the badge of a Knight Commander of the Most Exalted Order of the Star of India, is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling azure and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a boar passant - f|uarterly or and vert, pierced by an arrow proper; with the Motto, over the crest, ".Audacter et strenue." Married, 1856, Adriana, daughter of Sir Nicholas Harris Nicolas, Knight Grand Cross of the Most Distinguished Order of 3 is the Naval Cockade. Pol pon 667 Saint Michael and Saint George ; and has Issue living — (i) Digiiton Nicolas Pollock, Esquire, Barrisler-at-Law, born 1864 ; (2) Adrian Donald Wilde Pollock, I'lsquire, born 1867 [married, March 17, 1894, Norali, third daughter of William C. Gully, liscjuire, one of Her Majesty's Counsel Learned in the Law] ; (3) Lesley Richard Lumsden Pollock, Esquire, born 1869; (4) Percy Napier Pollock, lisquire, born 1875 ; Grace Mary Nicohis [married, 1876, Edmund Child Haynes, Solicitor]; and Mabel Homera. Residciue — 12 Cambridge Square, Hyde Park, W. Gi:ORGE DAVID POLLOCK, Esquire, Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons in England, Surgeon in Ordinary to His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales, Consulting Surgeon to St. George's Hospital. Born Octol>cr 18, 1817, being the second son of late Field-Marshal Sir George PolU)ck, "of the Khybcr Pass," Baronet, Knight Grand Cross of the Most Honourable Order of the liath, Knight Grand Commander of the Most Exalted Order of the Star of India, Constable of the Tower, by his first wife Fanny, daughter of John Barclay of Tain, in the county of Ross. Club — .Athenx'um. Armorial bearingB— He bears for Arms: Azure, three Heurs-de-lis within a bordure embattled or, and for an honourable augmentation in respect of the late IJaronet's distinguisiied services in the -Afghan War, on a chief of the second an ICastern crown gules, su]jerscrilK.-d " Kliyber," and on a canton ermine three cannons fesseways in ]jale sable. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet belitting his degree, with a mantling azure and or ; and for his Crests, i. of honourable augmentation, upon a wreath of the colours, a li Oxford and ( ambridge. I.ivcry — Blue and yellow. Armorial bearings He Ix'ars for Arms : Azure, three tleurs-de-lis within a bordure engraileil or, on a canton ermine, a portcullis of the se-cond. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet Ix'fitting his degree, with a mantling azure and or ; and for his cSrest, upon a wreath of the colours, a boar passant ciuarlerly ur and vert, pierced by an arrow proper; with the Motto over the crest, " Aud.icter et strenue." Married, 1884, Mary Viner, only child of Captain Frederick C.irl Playne, 1st Battalion Rifle Brigade (eldest son of William Playne, lisquire. Justice of the Peace, of Avening Court and Longfords), w ho succeeded her grandfather in 1884, and is now Lady of the Manors of Avening and Piinbury. Of the alwve marriage there is Issue —(\) Frederick Rolx-rt Pollock, Gentlem.an, born October 24, 1885; (2) Martin Viner Pollock, Gentleman, born May 15, 1888. ^.v^z/c— Avening. Postal addresses— .Avening Court, Avening, Gloucestershire ; 74 Queen's Gate, S.W. W^ALTER HERRIES POLLOCK, Esquire, M.aster of Arts of the University of Cambridge, Barrister-at-Law. Bor/i February 21, 1850, being the second son of the late Sir William Frederick Pollock, second Baronet, Queen's Remembr.ancer and Senior Master of the Supreme Court of Judicature, by his wife Juliet, daughter of the Reverend Henry Creed, Vic.ir of Corse. Clubs — .Athen:\.'um, .Savile. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : .Azure, three fleurs-de-lis within a bordure engrailed or, on a canton ermine, a portcullis of the second. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling azure and or ; and for liis Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a boar passant i|uarterly or and vert, pierced by an arrow proper ; with the Motto over the crest, " Audacter et strenue." Married, January 11, 1876, Emma Jane, daughter of Colonel Pipon, Seigneur cle Noirmont, Jersey; and has Issue — Guy Cameron Pollock, Gentleman, born November 6, 1876. Postal addresses ^C\\a.\iion I.,odge, .Alton, Hants ; 13 Old Square, Lincoln's Inn, W.C. JOHN ARTHUR POMEROY, Esquire, J. P. for cos. Tyrone, Fermanagh, and Donegal. lioni July 26, 1839, being the eldest son of the Hon. and Rev. Arthur F'omeroy (who was the second son of Rt. Hon. John, fourth Viscount Harberton), by his wife Frances Letitia, dau. of the Hon. and Rt. Rev. William Kno.\, D.D. , Bishop of London- derry. ^ '///*— Royal St. George's Yacht (Kingstown). Aimorial bearings — Or, a lion rampant gules, armed and langued az^lr^•, liolding between the fore-paws an ajjple proper. Mantling gules anock-na-crieve, by .Xdelaide Mary, dau. of the late Rev. John Grey Porter of Clogher and Kilskeery, CO. 'Tyrone. Clubs — Kildare .Street (Dublin), l.ivery — dark blue, orange and blue -striped waistcoat. Armo- rial bearings — Sable, three bells argent, a canton of the last, charged with a portcullis proper. Mantling sable and argent ; and Uyc his Crest, u[)on .a wreath of the colours, a portcullis proper, therefiom pendent by a chain or, an escutcheon of the arms. Motto — " Et fide et virlute." Married, 1884, Josephine, elder dau. of late Lieut. -Col. Jesse Lloyd of Ballyleck ; and has Issue — (i) John Grey Montgomery Porter, Gentleman, born 1894; (Joralie Ade- laide Mervyn ; and Audley Josephine Ellen. .SV,//- James- town, Ballinamallard, co. I'crmanagh. SiK WILLIAM mCNRY PORTi:k, second l;:in.n,( (1889). M.A. (Dublin Univ.), Barr. King's Inn, Dublin; formerly Capt. 3rd. Batt. Roy. Irish Regt., is Capt. i6th Middlesex (London Irish) Rifie Vol. Horn .Aug. 23, 1862, lieing the son of Sir George Hornidge Porter, first Baronet, M.D.. by his wife Julia, I^ady Porter, dau. of Is.aac Bond of Flimby, Cumberland. Clubs — Junior ('arlton, Dublin The Editor undertakes that every entry not in italics is that of a genuinely armigerous person. lyo pot poto University(Dul)lin), Royal St. George Yacln. Livery — Green with red piping and silver buttons. Armorial bearings — Salile, on a fesse or, between three chinch bells ;irgi'nt, a trefoil slip]ied proper, l)etween two annulets gules, the escut- cheon being charged with his l)adge of Ulster ;is a Baronet. Mantling sable and or. Crest--Un a wreath of the colours, in front of two cross crosslets fitch^'c saltireways or, a cherub proper. Motto — "Fear God, honour the King." Estate — Blackball, co. Wexford. Residence — 3 Merrion Square North, Uubhn. PORTMAN, quartered by SOMERS. S SEYMOUR BERKELEY PORTMAN-D.ALTON, Esquire, J. P., D.L. Born Jan. 12, 1838, being the second son of the late Wyndham Berkeley I'ortnian, and nephew of ICdward, first Viscount Portman ; assumed by Royal IJconce in 1887 the additional surname of Dalton. Armorial bearings- Quarterly i and 4, azure, senile ol cross crosslets, a lion rampant argent, a chief barry nebuly of four of the last and sable, and (for distinction) a canton pean (for Dalton) ; 2 and 3 or, a Heur-de-lis azure (for Portman) ; and upon an escutcheon of pretence these same arms of Dalton without the canton. Mantling azure and or. Crests — i. on a wreath of the colours, a dragon's head with wings displayed vert, the outside of the wings or, gorged with a collar nebuly of the last, and charged with a cross pat^e argent for difference ; 2. upon a wreath ot the colours, a talbot sejant or. Married, June 2, 1880, Georgiana Isabella, eldest sister and heir of the late John Dalton of Sleningford Park. Seats — Sleningford, near Ripon ; Fillingham Castle, Lincoln. Toum residence — 18 Eccleston Square, S.W. AR THUR DA VI D RIPLE Y POTT, Captain ^d Bait. King's Own Scottish Borderers, and J. P. co. oj lt*)nf"f* Selkirk. Born September 25, 1862, l>eing the \yv\\ eldest son of the late General David Pott, Com- panion of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, by his wife Mary Ann, daughter of the late Colonel Edward Ripley of Neioton , Dumfries, N.B. Club — East India United Se?i>ice. Armorial bearings as used, but which have not been matriculated in Lyon Office, are : Barry of six azure and or, over all a bend of the last. Crest — A leopard sejant, collared and lined. MottO — "Vive ut vivas." Married, September 30, 1886, Annie Emilia, second dau. of the late James Scott Elliot, of Ncu>ton, Dumfries. Estates — Borthivickshiels ; Whitslade; Todrig. Postal address — Borthwickshiels , Hawick, North Britain. POTTER, quartered by CASS. S THOMAS BAYLEY POTTER, Esquire, Memljer of Parliament for Rochdale, Deputy- Lieutenant and Justice of the Peace for the County Pala- tine of Lancaster, and a Justice of the Peace for the city of Manchester. Born November 29, 1817, being the son of the late Sir Thomas Potter, Knight Bachelor, of Buile Hill, Manchester, by his wife Esther, daughter of Thoni.as B.ayley of Booth Hall, Manchester. Clubs — Reform, National Liberal, Cobden, Hurlingham. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms: Sable, on a fesse ermine, between in chief two cinquefoils pierced or, and in base a knight's helmet proper, a terres- trial globe also proper, between two garbs of the third. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling sable and argent ; and for his Crest, on a mount vert, a sea-horse erect proper, gorged with a collar gemel sable, and supporting a rudder or ; with the Motto, " Virtuti fortuni comes." Married, firstly, 1846, Mary (who died 1885), daughter of Samuel Ashton of Gee Cross, Hyde ; secondly, 1887, Helena, daughter of the late John Hicks of Bodmin, in the county of Cornwall. Residence — 31 Courtfield Gardens, S.W. Chambers — Reform Club Chambers, 105 Pall Mall, S.W. ELIZABETH POTTS of Hoole Hall, co. Chester, only surviving child and heir of William Wardell, lisq., J. P., of Abnotsfield, near Chester. Armorial bearings are, on a lozenge — Azure, two bars or, over all a bend of the second, and on an escutcheon of pretence the arms of Wardell, namely argent, a chevron between three boars' heads couped sable, on a chief vert, three bezants. Married, Oct. 12, 1854, the late Arthur Potts, Esq., J. P., of Hoole Hall, co. & is the Military Cockade. Chester (who died 1888). second surviving son of the late Henry Potts of Glenravon, co. Flint ; and h;is Issue — An only surviving child, Edith ; who assumed by Royal Licence July potter 5, 1888, the addition name of Wardell [w., Jan. 21, 1889, Rev. Oswald Prior Yerburgh (to whom refer), who there- upon assumed by Royal Licence the additional name ,nnd arms of Wardell]. Seat — Hoole Hall, co. Chester. S CHARLES WATSON POWELL. Esquire, Justice of the Peace for the county of Kent, Master of Arts of the University of Oxford, Commissioner of Income Tax, Freeman of the Mercers' Livery Company, Quartermaster ist Volunteer Battalion Queen's Own Royal West Kent Regiment. Born November 26, 1852, being the eldest son of Charles Powell, Esquire, Master of Arts, Justice of the Peace, of Speldhurst, in the county of Kent, by his wife ICmily Ann, daughter of James I'"yrc Watson, I'^squire, Justice of the Peace and Deputy-Lieutenant, of Fittonglev Grange, in the county of Warwick. Clubs — L'nion, Tunbridge W'ells (Tunbridge Wells), //ivvr— Claret coat, red waistcoat, silver facings. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms: Per fesse or and argent, a lion rampant guardant gules Ixjtween two tilting-spears erect proper. Upon the escut- cheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gides and or ; and for his Crest, on a wreath of the colours, a lion passant or, in the paw a broken tilting- si)ear proper, pendent therefrom by a rib and gules, an escutcheon resting on the wreath sable, charged with a pheon or; with the Motto, " Ar nyd yw Pvvyll pyd yw." Married, August 22, 1888, Elizateth Constance, claughter of Colonel Heber Drury ; and has Issue— (i) Charles Baden Drury Powell, Gentleman, born September 15, 1889 ; (2) Gerald Frederick Watson Powell, Gentleman, born April 24, 1891. Estate and postal addre.':s—iipe\dhurs,t, Tunbridge Wells. Lieut. -Coi,. HENRY CLARINGBOULD POWELL, formerly in the loth Regt. , and Staff Ofllicer at Newcastle- on-Tyne, J. P. for co. Cork. Born 1806, being the second son of the late Major Edward Powell of Banlahan, by liileanor, dau. of the late James B. Buchanan, li!sq. Armo- rial bearings — Or. two chevronels between three lions' M is the Naval Cockade. Poto POU) 671 g^ambs erased gules, in the centre chief point a trefoil slipped vert. Mantliiig' gules and or ; and for his Crest, out of a du(5il coronet or, ademi-griffin vert, charged on the shoulder with a trefoil slipped gold. HottO — " lidrych i fvnw." Aft.' tried, 1836, Mary Ann, dau. of Lieut. Gen. Thomas Hutchesson. R..\. ; and has, with other /«//octor of Medicine of the University of London, Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians. Born Seplemfjer 25, 1842, being the second but only surviving son of the late Scolt Powell, Esquire, Captain 23rd Royal Welsh Fusiliers, by his wife Eliza, daughter of Richard Meeke, Livery — Claret. Armorial bearings -He fjears for Arms: t^uar- r terly i and 4, gules a lion rampant within a bordure engrailed or (teing the arms of Rhys ap Tewder Mawr, Prince of South Wales), a mullet within an annulet for difference (for Powell); 2. gules, a bend Ijetween six lions' heads erased argent (for Skull) ; 3. argent, a lion rampant double queued purpure, crowned or (for FoUiott). Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a lion's head erased argent, gorged with a collar flory gules : with the MottO, " Anima in amicis una." Married, October 30, 1873, Juliet, second daughter of Sir John Bennett, Knight Bachelor ; and has /.f.f//<' — (i) Douglas Powell, Esq., born July 8, 1874; (2) Charles Folliott Bora- daile Powell, Esq., born Decenil;er 19, 1879; (3) .Scott Powell, Esq., born April 10, 1885; Dorothy Juliet; and Evelyn Sydney. Postal address — 62 Wimpole .Street, S.W. TiiK RiVKKKNn SAMUEL HOPPER POWELL, Clerk in Holy Orders. Born .March 4, 1805, l)eing the third son of Sanuiel Powell of Brandlesotne Hall, in the County Palatine of Lancaster, by his wife Frances, eldest daughter of Henry Richmond of Bath. Ctuli—\Jn\on. Livery — Dark blue with red facings, and reil waistcoat. Armorial bearingfs— ^He bears for Arms : C)uarterly i and 4, gules a lion rampant within a bordure engrailed or. a mullet within an annulet for difference (for Powell) ; 2. gules, a bend be- tween six lion's heads erased argent (for Skull) ; 3. argent, a lion rampant double queued purpure, crowned or (for Folliott). Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet Ijefitting his degree, with a mantling gules and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a lion's head erased argent, gorged with a collar flory gules; with the Motto, ".■\nima in amicis una." Married, October 11, 1832, Louisa Burnaby, daughter of Pitt Burnaby Greene, Esquire, Captain Roy.^f Navy; and has had /ssite—(\) Samuel Hopper Pnw ■■ ' i m, late 57th Regiment, born Sep- lemlier 21, 1 ■!. 1865, Frederick, daughter of Richard M:ii . ^1; (2) Cottrell Burnaby Powell, Gentleman, Conimauder Royal Navy, born January 21, 1830. died January 1877; (3) Thomas Henry Woodcock I'""" 'l-'tleman, bfim June 20. 1843. died i8^8; (4) \^ iitt Powell. Gentleman. Ixini .Septendier 16, 1 i, Decemlier 13. 1876. Mary .Mbinia. daughter of H'jiiis Wyndham Phillips]; .Amelia, died 1857; Mary, died 1854; and .Anna Catherine [married. 1870. Orford Somerville Cameron. Commander Royal Navy]. Estates — Sharow, near Rijx>n ; Sherburn. in the county of Durham. Postal address — Sharow Lodge, RifKJn, Yorkshire. HENRY POWER, Gentleman. M.D. (I^nd.), F.R.C.S. (Eng. ). Vice-President, 1886. Consulting Ophthalmic .Sur- geon to .St. Bartholomew's Hospital, London. Born , Ix'ing the only .son of John Francis Power, Lt.-Col. in the British Foreign legion (Commandant at .Shorncliflfe), by his wife Hannah, daughter of Henry Simpson of Mcadowlield, Whlthv. Ynrks. t"/w/*— Athenrr-rim. Armorial bearings — H Arms: .\\.2 md tl : 'lis azure. .. the e- placed all _ ^ . til a mantling azure and argent ; and fur I111 Crest, iiperary (High .Sheriff 1857), Captain ist Dragoon Guards, by his wife Mary Frances, daughter of George Ryan, Esquire, of Inch House, Deputy- Lieutenant for the county of Tipjierary. Armorial bear- ings — He bears for Arms: (^)uarterly i and 4, or a lion rampant guardant gules (for Lalor) ; 2. argent, a chief in- dented sable ; 3. argent, on a chief gules three escallops of the first (for Power). Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules and or ; and for his Crests, i. upon a wreath of the colours, an arm emliowed vested gules, cuffed vert, the hand proper grasping a short sword also proper (for Lalor) ; 2. upon a wreath of the colours, a stag's head afiVontfe or, lietween the horns a crucifix proper (for Power). Mottoes — " Fortis et fidelis ; " " Per crucem ad coronam." Scat — Long Orchard, Temple- more, in the county of Tipperary. potoerjefcoutt TiiK Ri(;iiT H()Noui<.\BLK. Sir MERVYN EDWARD WINGFHiLD, Viscount Powers- court of Powerscourt, in the county of Wicklow, and Haron Wingfield of Wingfield, in the county of Wex- ford, in the Peerage of Ireland, Haron Powerscourt of Powerscourt, in the county of Wicklow, in the Peerage of the United Kingdom, Knight of the Most Illustrious Order of Saint Patrick, a Re|)reseiUative Peer, Deputy-Lieutenant. Horn October 13, 1836, being the son of the Right Honour- able Richard Wingfield, sixth Viscount Powerscourt, by his wife Elizabeth Frances Charlotte, conmionly called Lady l',lizabi-th Frances Charlotte, eldest daughter of the Right Honourable Roliert Jocelyn, third Earl of Roden (whore- married, 1846, the fourth Marquess of Londonderry) ; suc- ceeded hi.s father in 1844. Creations — February 4, 1743 ; Haron of the United Kingdom, June 27, 1885. Cluhs — • Brooks's, Marlborough. /./rrrv— firecn coat with silver buttons, drab waistcoat. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms: Argent, on a Iwnd gules, three pairs of wings conjoined in lure of the field. The escutcheon is surrounded by the riblx)n of the Most Illustrious Order of Saint Patrick, and by the collar and pendent therefrom the badge of that Order; and impaling upon a second escutcheon the arms of Coke, namely, per pale gules and azure, three eagles dis- Ijlayed argent. Above the escutcheons is placed the coronet of his rank, and thereupon a helmet Ixifitling his degree, with a mantling gules and argent ; and for his Crest, upon wreath of the colours, a demi-eagle rising, wings ex[)anded argent, looking at the .sun in its glory. Supporters— Two pegasi argent, winged, maned, and hoofed or. Motto — " Fid61it6 est de Dieu." Married, April 26, 1864, Julia, conmionly known as Lady Julia, eldest daughter of the Right Honourable Thomas William Coke, the second and present I'.arl of Leicester; and has Issue — (i) Mervyn Richard Wingfield, E.squire, commonly known as the Hon- ourable Mervyn Richard Wingfield, born July 16, 1880 ; M is the Military Cockade. (2) Maurice Anthony Wingfield, Esc|uire, commonly known as the Honourable Maurice Anthony Wingfield, born June 21, 1883 ; Olive Elizal)eth, conmionly known as the Honour- able Olive I'^lizabeth ; Clare Meriel, conunonly known as the Honourable Clare Meriel; and Lilah Katherine Julia, commonly known as the Honourable Lilah Katherine Julia. Estates — Powerscourt, in the county of Wicklow ; the Manor of Wingfield, in the county of Wexford. J^esidences— 6c, Brook Street, London, W. ; Powerscourt Castle, Enniskerry, in the county of Wicklow. SJOHN FISH POWNALL, Esquire, Justice of the Peace and Deputy - Lieutenant for the coimty of Middlesex, Justice of the Peace for the County of London, Master of Arts of Trinity College, Cambridge, Barrister- at-Law. Porn May 13, 1817, being the eldest son of the late John George Henry Pownall, Esquire, Justice of the Peace, Deputy-Lieutenant, by his wife Amelia Sophia, daughter and ultimately heiress of William Waterhouse. Cluti — Oxford and Cambridge University. Armorial bear- ings—He bears for Arms: Or, a lion rampant sable, charged on the shoulder with a cross pat(?e of the first, a chief wavy azure, thereon a dolphin embowed of the field between two crescents argent. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling sable and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a lion's gamb sable, erased and charged with two roses in pale argent, in the paw a key and chain entwined about the gamb affixed thereto in tend sinister, the wards downwards or; with the Motto, "Grace me guide." Married, firstly, Charlotte .Sarah (who died 1877), eldest daughter of the Reverend Thomas Harrison, Vicar of Womenswold, in the county of Kent ; secondly, April, 1879, Charlotte Eliza (who died 1887), only daughter of Benjamin Harrison, Esquire, of Blackheath, late Bengal Civil Service; and has Issue — (i) Henry Harrison Pownall, I'^squire, J. P. for the counties of Middlesex and l^ondon, Ma.ster of Arts, Trin. Coll., Cambridge, Barrister-at-La\v, born August 22, 1853 ; (2) the Reverend ICdward Waterhouse Pownall, Master of Arts of Pembroke Coll., Cambridge, Clerk in Holy Orders, Vicar of St. John's, Broad Court, Drury Lane, London, born May 23, 1855 ; Amelia Jemima; and Agnes Matilda. J\nta I address — 63 Russell Square, London, W.C. R CECIL DU PRE PENTON POWNEY, Esq.,Capt. *«# and Hon. Major 3rd Hatt. Hants Regt., J. P. (Hants), F. R.(j..S. and-F.Z.S. , Lieut. Grenadier Guards 1884-1894. Born 1862, being the only son of the late Edward I'enton Powney, I'^sq. , Madras Civil Service, Judge of the Supreme Court of Madras, by Madelina Louisa his wife, ilau. of the Rev. George Porchcr of Oakwood Hall, Sussex. Clubs — Carlton, Guards', Bachelors'. Livery — Dark blue, with light blue facing.s. Armorial bearings— Sable, a fesse cotiscd and coupcd l)etween five mascles, four in chief and one in base all argent. Mantling sable and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, in front of a demi-eagle tlisplayed sable, holding in the beak a mascle argent, three mascles interl.aced fesseways also argent. Married, June i, 1895, I'lthel Mary, eldest dau. of Col. Knatchlnill of Andover, late 95th Regt. ; and has Issue — Beryl Wyndliam. /i.fA/A'.v— Fylield House, Andover ; Milden Hall, Sudbury, Suffolk. Postal addresses — Fyfield House, Andover ; 15 Bolton Street, Mayfair, London, W. § HARRY LEYCESTER POWYS-KECK, Esquire, Justice of the Peace and Deputy- K^nVnntf-^Htrrb I^iemenant, High Sheriff 1871. j[^UUI^^'X[M^(,H /;,;^.„ October 16, 1841, being the eldest son of the late Major Littel- ton Powys-Keck, commonly known as Major the Honour- able Henry Littleton Powys-Keck [who assumed Viy Royal License the name and arms of Keck, in addition to that of Powys, February 16, 1861, as successor of his uncle by marriage, George Anthony Legh Keck, Esciuire, of Staugh- ton Grange], by his first wife Margarette Matilda, second daughter of John J. Bancho. r////w -Carlton, National. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : tjuarterly t and 4, sable a bend ermine, between two cotises fiory counterflory or, and for distinction a canton of the last (for Keck) ; 2 and 3 or, a lion's gamb erased in bend dexter between two cross crosslets fitch(?e in bend sinister gules (for Powys). Ujjon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling sable and argent ; and K is the Naval Cockade. poto pop 67; for his Crests, r. out of a mural crown gules a maiden's head ermine, purlled or, her hair dishevelled and flotant of the same, adorned with a chaplet vert, and garnished with roses proper (for Keck) ; 2, upon a wreath of the colours, a lion's gamlj erased and erect gules, grasping a tleur- bendwrivs or ^for I'owvsl. Mottoes — " l'2n iJicu est in bend ijetween two crosses crosslet fitch(?c gules. Mant- ling gules and or. Crest —On a wreath of the colours, a lion's gamb era.sed and erect gules, holding a sceptre or. ■Seat — Hardwick House, Oxfordshire. POYNTZ, quartered by SPENCER. ) VISCOUNT HOWKKSCOLTRT, K.I', niafoy;" " Parta tueri. " .^/arr/Vrf, August 6, 1891, Agnes Cecil, fourth daughter of the late Cecil Gordon, Esquire, commonly known as Lord Cecil Gordon, and widow of James Milward. Seat — Staughton Grange, in the county of Leicester. Heshte/ne—'lhe Knoll, Kingston Hill, in the county of Surrey. REGINALD CECIL LYBBE POWYS-LYIJHE, Gentle- man, being the son of the late William Reginald Lybbe Powys-Lybbe, by his wife Christian Cecilia, youngest dau. of the late James C. Haywood of Dosthill House, co. Stafford. Armorial bearings— Or, a lions gamb erased CHARLES POYNTZ -STEWART, Esquire, J. P., and M.A. of Trin. Coll., Cambridge, only child oj Philip Steiuart, Judge, frr., E.I.C.S., by his wife Matilda, dau. of IV. Dawson of St. Ixonards Hill, Berks ; Settle, co. Yorks ; and Manchester Square, London. Club — Oxford and Cambridge. Livery — Blue coat, yellow breeches. Ar- morial bearings — Quarterly i and 4, quarterly i. and an. or, a fesse chequy azure and argent, surmounted of a lion rampant gules; 2 and 3 azure, three garbs or, all within a bordure argent, charged with three wolves' heads gules; ii. and Hi. quarterly i and 4, or, a fesse chequy azure and argent, and in chief three mullets ; 2 and 3 a The Editor undertakes tbat every entry not in italics is tbat of a genuinely armigerous person. 2 u 674 pop Pra lymphad, oars in action saHf. Great— Ow a u'reatb of the colours, a man's head proper. MottO — " Nei'et unpre- pared." [The arms in the first grand quarter were re- matriculated in 1879 by Mr. Charles Ste^vart, M.P. (nmv represented by his son), uncle of Mr. Poynlz-Steivart. The latter, ho^ve-.ier, has not yet rematriculated, which as a cadet he should do.] Married. I-'eb. i, 1882, Caroline Eliza- beth, only sumiving child of Col. Hindley Wilkinson ; and has Issue— /Robert Niel Poyntz-Steioart, b. April 23, 1884. Seal—Chesfield Park [Stei'enage], co. Herts. ARTHUR HORATIO POYSKR, Gentleman, M.A. Ch. Ch. , Oxford, Barrister-at-Law of the Inner Temple. Born Jan. 21, 1849, being the second son of the late Charles Peyser of Summer Hill, Gwersyllt, Denbigh, by his second wife Emma. dan. of ICdward Jenkins of Ellesmere, Shrop- shire. Armorial bearings -Azure, a fesse erminois be- tween in chief a lion jjassant to the dexter argent, crowned or, and in base a like lion to the sinister. Mantling azure and or. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a stag's head erased gules, armed or, holding in the mouth a twig slipped vert, and charged on the neck with a crown vallery, also gold. Married. June 6, 1872, Alice, dau. of William Whytehead of Clifton, Yorks. ; and has Issue — Arthur Hampden Ronald Wastell Poyser, Gentleman, b. Sept. 30, 1884 ; Alice lanthe ; Ina Frances ; Irene Grace ; Eleanor Jessie, d. in infancy, April 9, 1878 ; and Gladys Isabella. Residence — Sydenham, Kent. PRAERS, quartered by GROSVENOR. PRAERS, quartered by TAUNTON. THOMAS HERBERT PRATER. C\uh — Baths. Livery — DarH ^reen. Armorial bearings as used, but for which no authority has been officially established, are for Arms — Sable, three wolves' heads erased argent, on a chief or, a lion passant of the first. Crest — A pegasus courant sable, ducally gorged or. Motto — "Labor otnnia vincit." Residence — The Grange, Farnborough, Banbury. ^ is the Military Cockade. PRA TT, see CAMDEN. BICKERTON PRATT, Esquire, formerly a Commis sioned Officer in Volunteer Artillery. Born September 13 1840, being the eldest surviving son of the late Edward Richard Pratt, formerly of Roughton, in the county of Salop, Yeoman, by his wife Sojjhia, daughter of Thomas Spencer of Bilston, in the county of Stafford. Livery — Claret colour, with white facings. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Gules, on a pile argent, between two mullets of six points in base or, an elephant's head couped proper. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degi-ee, with a mantling gules and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, in front of two javelins in saltire, an elephant's head couped proper, holding in the trunk a mullet of six points or ; with the Motto, " Aut fas aut mors." Married, September 16, 1875, Evelina Maria, daughter of William Adams, Fellow of the Geological Society; and has Issue — (i) Bickerton Pratt, Gentleman, born May 4, 1880 ; (2) Bernard William Harries Pratt, Gentleman, born July 27, 1881 ; (3) Edward Spencer Pratt, Gentleman, born December 5, 1882 ; Mary Sophia Anne ; Evelina Joanna ; Agnes Margery ; and Dorothy Victoria. Estate — Common, Cefnllwyn, in the county of Monmouth. Postal address — Roughton, Carleon, Monmouth. EDWARD ROGER MURRAY PRATT. Esq., of Ryston Hall, co. Norfolk, J. P., B.A. Trin. Coll., Camb., Col. (retired) Norfolk Artillery. Born Dec. 3, 1847, being the eldest son of the late Rev. Jermyn Pratt of Ryston, by his wife Mary Louisa, fourth dau. of George Murray, Bishop of Rochester [grandson of John, 3rd Duke of Atholl]. Club — Brooks'. Armorial bearings — Argent, on a chevron sable, between two ogresses, each charged with a martlet of tlie first in chief and an ogress in Vjase, charged with a trefoil slipped argent, three mascles or ; and impaling the arms of Mul- holland, namely azure, a stag's head erased argent, between three escallops or. Mantling sable and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, between a branch of oak and another of pine, each fructed or, a wolfs head per pale argent and sable, langiied and erased gules, gorged with a collar charged with three roundels all counterchanged. Motto—" Rident florentia prata." Married, July 12, 1881, the Hon. Louisa Frances, second dau. of the Right Hon. John Mulholland, ist Baron Dunleath of Ballywalter Park, CO. Down ; and has Issue — (i) Edward Roger Pratt, Gentle- man, b. June 2, 1882 ; (2) Jermyn Harold Pratt, Gentleman, b. July 12, 1883 ; (3) Lionel Henry Pratt, Gentleman, b. Dec. 17, 1889 ; Dorothy Louisa ; and Ursula Frances. Seat — Ryston Hall, near Downham, Norfolk. JOSEPH PRATT, Esq., J. P. and D.L. co. Mayo (High Sheriff 1874), and J. P. co. Cavan (High Sheriff 1894). Born 1843, being the only son of the late Mervyn Pratt, Esq., of Cabra Castle and Enniscoe, by Madaline Eglantine, only dau. and heir of the late Col. Jackson of Enniscoe. Armo- rial bearings -Quarterly i and 6, argent, on a chevron sal)le, between three ogresses each charged with a martlet of the first, three mascles of the field (for Pratt) ; 2. or, an adder curling and erected on its tail sable (for Coach) ; 3. argent, on a chevron sable, between three hawks' heads erased azure, as many trefoils slijiped or (for Jackson) ; 4. argent, on a bend indented sable, between two cottises azure, each charged with three bezants, as many fleurs-de- lis of the field (for Cuff) ; 5. ermine, a griffin segreant azure, arm^d or (for Aungier). Mantling sable and argent; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a lion's head erased gules, pierced through the back of the neck with a broken spear proper. Motto — " Virtute et armis." Married, 1870, Madeline Charlotte, only dau. of James Hamilton, Esq. , of Cornacassa, Monaghan ; and has, with other Issue — Mervyn, b. 1873. Seats — Cabra Castle, King's Court, co. Cavan ; Enniscoe, Cross- molina, co. Mayo. WALTER CAULFEILD PRATT, Esq., J. P. and D.L. for Bucks, Hon. Col. 3rd Batt. Oxfordshire Regt., formerly Capt. 67th Regt. Born 1820, being the fourth son of the late Col. Joseph Pratt of Cabra, co. Cavan, by Jemima Roberta, only dau. and heir of Sir James .Stratford Tynto. ist Bart. (^.f/.). Club — Army and Navy. Armorial bear- ings — Quarterly i and 4, argent, on a chevron sable, betwecTi three ogresses each charged with a martlet of the first, n is the Naval Cockade. IPta pre 675 three mascles of the field (for Pratt) ; 2 and 3 or, an adder curling and erected on its tail sable (for Coach) ; and im- paling the arms of Irhy, namely argent, fretty sable, on a canton gules, a chaplet or. MantUng sab'e and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreatli of the colours, a lion's head erased gules, pierced through the back of the neck with a broken spear proper. Motto — " Virtute et armis." Married, 1852, the Hon. Catherine Cecilia, sixth dau. of George, 3rd Lord Boston ; and had, with other Issue — Douglas Walter Joseph Caulfeild, *. 1853, d. 1888. Seat— Oving House, Aylesbury. PRAYERS, quartered by GKOSVIiNOK. PRAYERS, quartered by TAUNTON. JOHN GEORGE PRENTICE, Gentleman. Born Octol)er 16, 1851, being the only son of lt*)f PttHf P Thomas Augustus Prentice, Gentleman J[^i vl IVllv [tQ whom referl, by his wife Mary, daughter of John Johnson of Holbeach, I^ord of the Manor of Fleet Fitzwalier, in the county of Lincoln. Ar- morial bearings— He l)ears for Arms: Party per chevron engrailed or and azure, three greyhounds courant counter- changed, in the centre chief point a trefoil slipped vert ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a denii- greyhound rampant or, collared, ringed and lined sable, charged on the shoulder with a trefoil slipped vert ; with the Motto, "Nee timeo nee sperno." Married, May 24, 1879, Agnes Sophia, younger daughter of Christian Hermann Rohde; and has Issue— (i) Thomas Alfred I'rentice, Gentleman, born June 24, 1883 ; (2) George Stukeley Prentice, Gentleman, liorn April 8, 1886; (3) Arthur Augustus Prentice, Gentleman, lx)rn July 5, 1887; (4) Oscar Prentice, Gentleman (twin with Arthur Augustus) ; Hilda ; Agnes Maud, died February 7, 1882 ; and Rose. Postal address — Oxton, Cheshire. THOM.VS AUGUSTUS PRENTICE, Gentleman. Horn March 8, 1815, being the only son of (Jeorge Prentice, by his wife Eliza Jane, eldest daughter of the Reverend Archibald Kidd, Master of Arts, Rector of Jonesliorough, in the county of .Armagh. I.ivery—XWvn- coat, silver buttons, black and yellow striped wai.stcoat, with silver buttons, Oxford grey breeches, top boots, silver band round hat. Armorial bearings — He Viears for Arms: Party per chevron engrailed or and azure, three greyhounds courant counter- changed, in ihc centre chief point a trefoil slipped vert ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a demi-grey- hound rampant or, collared, ringed, and lined sable, charged on the shoulder with a trefoil slipped vert. Motto— " Nee timeo nee sperno." Married, Uecemlx?r 8, 1847, Mary, second and only surviving daughter of John Johnson of Holbeach, Lord of the Manor of Fleet Filzwalter, in the county of Lincoln ; anil has /.t.fwf— John George Prentice, Gentleman, bom October 16, 1851 [to whom refer]; Mary Georgina, died i866; Elizalieih Catherine; Frances Augusta; and Susan Alexandra. Pos/a/ address—Armagh. CHANI.HS WAKKE PRESCOT, Esquire, Master of Arts of the University of Oxford, Justice of ll*^t*l>*^f fif" '''"' fi^"'' /'»' 'I"" fountv of Hereford. Born j^C'lvPtUV !\.f,jy 25, 1838, beiii^^ the second son of the late Reverend Charles h'enrick Prescot, Master of Arts, Rector of Stockport from 1820- 1875, by his wife Emma Octnvia, daus^hter of the Reirrend Charles IVarre, formerly Jlctrof Hillmorton, near Rugby. Club — Oriental. Armoilal bearings as used, but for which no authority has been established at the College of Arms, are: Sable, a chevron between three orols argent, (^est — A cubit arm vested, holding in the hand a hand beacon proper; with the Motto, "^^ Diligentia et vigilantia." Married, October 20, 1885, Mary, daughter, of the late Thomas Simmons of Liverpool, Merchant ; and has Issue — (i) Cynria Puleston Prescot, born October 3, 1886 ; (2) Rupert Warre Keir Prescot, born December 13, 1888; Jane Violet; and Eleanor Wvnn. Postal address — Kind's Pvon House, Webbley. SAMUEL ASHTON PRETOR, Esq., J.P. for Dorset, formerly Capt. 9th Lancers. Horn 1835, being the eldest son of the late Samuel Pretor, Esq., J. P., of Sherborne House, Dorset, by Frances Dowding of Salisbury. Armo- rial bearlng^s — Gules, on a saltire argent, between four bezants, two fasces in saltire proper. Mantling gules and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a dexter arm fesseways, couped, habited, and charged with two roundles holding in the hand a fasces. Motto — " .-Xmor patria;." Married, 1877, Ellen, dau. of the late Joseph Godman of Park Hatch, Godalming, Surrey. Seat — Belfield House, near Weymouth. FREDERICK WAKE PRETOR-PINNEY. Esquire, Justice of the Peace. Born May 20, 1834, being the eldest son of the late Charles Pinney, Mayor of Bristol, Gentleman, of Camp House, Clifton, by his wife Frances Mary, fourth daughter of James Charles Still of East Knoyle, in the county of Wiltshire ; assumed the additional surname and arms of Pretor by Royal Lici-nse, .August 22, 1877. Armorial bearings — He liears for Arms : Quarterly i and Pretor^Pinnep 4, gules, three crescents or, issuing from each a cross crosslet fitchte argent (for Pinney) ; 2 and 3 or, an eagle displayed with two heads vert, beaked and membered gules, standing on a fasces proper, and holding in each beak a trefoil slipped of the second, and impaling the arms of Smith, namely or, a chevron cotiscd Iwtwecn three demi-giiffins, the two in chief respecting each other sable. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet Ix-fitling his degree, with a mantling gules and or ; and for his Crests, i. upon a wreath of the colours, an arm in armour emlxiwed the part alxive the elbow in fesse proper, the hand holding a cross crosslet fitchde argent (for Pinney) ; 2. upon a WTeath of the colours, a demi - eagle couped or, wings endorsed sable, semde of trefoils slipped of the first, and holding in the beak a trefoil slipped vert (for Pretor). Motto— "Amor patrire." Married, March 3, 1863, Lucy, fifth daughter of Abel Smith, Esquire, Member of Parliament, of Woodhall Park, in the county of Hertford; and has Issue — (i) C'harles Frederick Pretor-Pinney, Esquire, Captain Rifle Brigade, born June 9, 1864; (2) Robert W.ake Pretor-Pinney, Gen- tleman, born October 7, 1867 ; Frances Mary ; Hester Lucy; and Alice Susan. Seat — The Grange, Somerton, Taunton. LEWIS DE TEISSIER PREVOST, Esquire, Colonel in the Army (retired), Barrister-at-Law, Fellow of the The Editor undertakes that every entry not in italics is that of a genuinely armigerous person. 676 Pri Pti Geological Society, graduated at the Royal Staff College 1867. Horn October i, 1844, being the eldest son of Lewis deTeis sier Prevost, Captain in the Royal Navy, by his wife l'"lizabet h, daughter of Samuel Mandy of Bracca Castle, intliecou niy of \\'estnieatli, Ireland. Club— Constitutional. Armorial bearinga— He bears for Anns: Azure, a dexter arm in fesse issuing from a cloud in the sinister fesse point, the hand grasping a sword erect proper, in chief two mullets argent. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling azure and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a demi-lion rampant azure, charged on the shoulder with a mural crown or, the sinister paw grasping a sword erect as in the arms. Motto — "J'ai bien servi." Married, October 15, 1868, Annie Mason, second daughter of the late Andrew iJow, and of the late Mary Brydie of Montreal, Dominion of Canada, and co-heiress of her uncle, the late William Dow of Montreal ; and has /w//^— William Prevost, Gentleman, Lieutenant 14th King's Hussars, born November 6, 1870 ; and Alice Gertrude. Postal address — Elfords, Hawkliurst, Kent. PRICE, borne on an escutcheon of pretence by LAW'. PRICE, see CARRITT. MARY and AMY PRICE, Spinsters, daughters and co-heiresses of the late John Blount Price, Esq., of Islington, in the co. of Middlesex, J. P. for that coutify, and also for London and for Westminster [ivho d. Sept. 16, 1889), and Sarah Caroline Short, his wife (-udio d. July 13, 1865), dau. and co-heiress of the late Edivard Geotge' Short, Esq!, of Newnham Hall, in tlie co. of Northampton. Livery— Dark drab, with black collar and cujfs and gilt buttons. Armorial bearings as used, but for which no authority has been officially established at the College of Arms, are, on a lozenge— Quarterly, i. or, a lion nlmpant regardant sable (for Price); 2. sable, three scaling-ladders" argent, between the upper tioo a spear-head of the last, point embrued proper, on a chief gules, a totoer triple-towered of the second (for Lloyd) ; 3. barry nebuly of six or and sable (for Blount) ; 4. gules, a griffin segreant or, a chief ermine (for Short). Estate— .fi'sc/i has, 7oith Mrs. Carritt, a life interest in an entailed estate which is now built on and let at Islington. Postal address — 8 llighbinv Hill, London, N. 3 EDWARD AUGUSTUS UVEDALE PRICE. Es- quire, Major 4th Battalion East Surrey Regiment. is the Military Cockade. ' Born October 18, 1854, being the second son of the late George Uvedale Price, General Bombay Staff Corps, by his w ife Elizabeth Palmer, daughter of James Price, Lieutenant 24th Foot, and great-grandson of the late Sir Charles l^rice. Baronet, of Spring Grove, Richmond, in the county of Surrey. Club — Royal Thames Yacht. Livoy — Silk hat, bound with silver cord and laced, l)road silver band ; coat, mulberry-coloured cloth, edged with red piping, silver buttons, crest ; waistcoat mulberry, silver buttons, crest ; trousers black, red piping down the sides ; full dress : red plush knee-breeches, white silk stockings, black shoes, silver buckles, and silver shoulder-knots and cords on the coats. Armorial hearing's — He tears for Arms : Quar- terly of two hundred and twenty-two (vide illustration), i. gules, a lion rampant argent ; 2. argent, a rose gules ; 3. or, a lion rampant gules ; 4. sable, a chevron between three goats' heads erased or, over all in chief a cres- cent argent ; 5. azure, a lion passant guardant or ; 6. or, a griffin segreant, within a bordure gules ; 7. or, a griffin segreant gules ; 8. gules, a Saracen's face affront(5e proper, wreathed about the temples argent and azure ; 9. azure, a lion rampant argent ; 10. vert, a chevron between three mullets or; 11. azure, three Sa.xon crowns in pale or; 12. vert, a cross moline or ; 13. gules, a chevron argent, three men's heads in helmets and in profile, the vizors up proper ; 14. gules, a chevron argent, between three boys' heads in profile, couped at the neck proper; 15. as number eight ; 16. as number nine ; 17. as number ten ; 18. as number eleven ; 19. sable, a lion rampant or ; 20. ermine, a lion rampant sable ; 21. party per bend ermine and ermines, a lion rampant or ; 22. azure, a lion rampant or, within a bordure argent ; 23. azure, a lion rampant or, within a bordure argent, pellettfe (?) ; 24. sable, a chevron between three spear-heads argent, imbrued gules; 25. sable, three roses argent; 26. sable, three spears paleways in fesse ; 27. as numters eleven and eighteen ; 28. gules, three lions passant guardant in pale argent ; 29, or, a lion passant guardant gules ; 30. argent, three lozenges conjoined in fesse gules, each charged with an eagle dis- played or; 31. as numbers eleven, eighteen, 'and twenty- seven ; 32. azure, a cross pat III \i^ \i^ I. '•i^S :^ eing the eldest son of Lewis Richard Price of Marrington Hall and Brompton Hall, by Eliza, 2nd dau. of the late John James Turner, Esq., J. P. and D. L. , of Pentreheylin, Mont- gomei yshire. Clubs — Naval and Military. Livery — Claret with red facings and collar, brass buttons. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms: (Quarterly i and 4, gules. on a bend argent, a lion passant between two estoiles sable, in chief a lion's head erased of the second, ducally crowned or (for Davies) ; 2 and 3 quarterly nebuly gules and ermine, in the ist and 4th quarters a lion rampant regardant ar- gent, gorged with a collar sable, and in the 2nd and 3rd C|uarters an escallop between three boars' heads erased of the last (for Price). Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet Pti 679 befitting his degree, with a mantling gules and argent ; and for his Crests, i. upon a wreath of the colours, upon a mount vert, between two antlers or, a lion's head erased argent, ducally crowned gules and charged with an estoile sable (for Davies) ; 2. upon a wreath of the colours, a demi-Iion erminois, holding between the paws an escallop sable and transfixed through the mouth by a tilting-spear paleways proper (for Price). Motto — " Dum spiro spero." Married, November 11, 1891, Ethel, eldest dau. of C. E. Charlesworth of .Skellow, Doncaster ; and has hsue — Charles Stafford Price-Davies, Gentleman, b. 1892. Estates — Mar- rington Hall, Chirbury, .Salop; Trafaelgwyn, Radnorshire; and Brompton Hall, .Montgomeryshire. Postal address — Maninglon Hall, Chirbury, Salop. The Revkrend THOMAS WILLIAM PRICKETT, Clerk in Holy Orders, Master of Arts of the lf*)t*irbpft University of Cambridge, and Fellow of the j[{v't(l'nvVl- Society of Antiquaries. Born .November 30, 1822, being the third but only surviving son of the late Marmaduke Thomas Prickett (born October 23. 1774. 'I'ld died August 23, 1861) of Hull and Boreas Hill, near Iledon, in the East Riding of the county of York, by his wife Ana-stasia, eldest daughter of the Reverend John Armitstead of Cranage Hall, in the County F'alatine of Chester, by his first wife Catherine, younger daughter and co- heir of John Fentonof Betley Court, in thecounty of .Stafford, which John Fenton was the son of Thomas Fenton, Estjuire, Barrister-al-Law and Recorder of Newcastle-under-Lyme, and grandson of John Fenton of Fenton Park and New- castle, in the county of Stafford, and brother of Elijah Fenton the poet. The above-mentioned Reverend Thomas William Prickett is sixth in descent from Marmaduke Prickett of .Allertiiorpe, Armiger, whose son George Prickett, Serjeant-at-Law and Bencher of Gray's Inn, and grandson Marmaduke Prickett, Barrister-at-Law, were successively Recorders of York, 1688-1714. Club — United University. Armorial bearings— He l)ears for Arms: (Quarterly i and 4, or on a cross quarter-pierced azure, four mascles of the field (for Prickett); 2 and 3 ermine, a cross voided sable, l)etween four Heurs-de-lis azure, on a canton the arms of .'\rmitstead, namely or, a chevon embattled counter-em- batUed sable, Ixitween three pheons points downwards azure, all within two Haunches gules, each charged with a tilting- spe.-ir in pale, point upwards of the field, headed argent (for Fenton). .\farried, February 4, 1863, Anne, daughter of Humphrey Sandwith, Doctor of Medicine, Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians, of Hull, who died 1874, and who was the grandson of Humphrey Sandwith of Newton Grange, Oswaldkirk, in the North Riding of the county of York; and has Issue— [i] The Reverend Marmaduke Alan Prickett, Master of Arts of the University of Oxford, Clerk in Holy Orders; (2) Francis Fenton Prickett, Gentleman. Estate— T\\e Manor House, Burton Pidsea, and other farms at Bromfieet and Paull, in the East Riding of the county of York. Postaladdress—y.a.\.\a.nd.,'''Te\\r\yion Road, Worthing. From a pedigree of the family contained in the Dodsworth MSS. in the Bodleian Library, it appears that Newton Grange was acquired lem^. Henry VIII. by George Sandwith through The Editor imdertakes tbat every entry not in italics is that of a genuinely armigerous person. 6So Pti mi his nmrriiii^e with the heiress of the Priestman family. Roger Dods^vorth, the antiquary, was maternal great-grand- son of the above George Sand7vith. The arms attributed to the Sandwiih family are: Azure, a /leur-de-lis argent, a chief indented or. These are impaled by the abo7'e-?nentioiied Reverend Thomas William Frickett, but no authority for them has been established at the College of Arms by his wife's im media te fa m ily. PRIDEAUX, quartered by HORDERN. H CHARLES GLYNN PRIDEAUX-BRUNE, Esquire, w J.I', and D. L. co. Cornwall. fi^lWKaWK' iVlXXlXK elder son of the late Charles Prideau.x-Brune, Esi|uire, of Pridcaux Place, in the co. of Cornwall, and of Plumber, in the county of Dorset, High Shei iff of Cornwall 1834, by his wife Frances Mary, second daughter and co-heir of Edmund John Glynn of Glynn, in the county of Cornwall. Armorial bearings— Me bears for Arms : Quarterly i and 4, azure, a cross cerceic' or (for Prune) ; 2 and 3 argent, a chevron sable, in chief a label of tliree points gules, a mullet for difference (for Prideau.x) ; and impaling the arms of Carew, namely or, three lions passant in pale sable. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling azure and or ; and for iiis Crests, i. upon a wreath of the colours, a goat passant per pale indented argent and sable, armed and unguled or, pendent from a collar gules, a shield thereon the arms of Prune (for Prune) ; 2. upon a wreath of the colours, an old man's head in pro- file, couped at the shoulders proper, hair and beard or, on the head a chapeau gules (for Prideau.x) ; with the Motto, "I'oujours prct." Married, July 21, 1846, Ellen Jane, commonly known as the Honourable Ellen [ane, second daughter of the Right Honourable Robert Shapland Carew, first Lord Carew ; and has /ssue~(i) Charles Robert Prideaux-Brune, Esquire [to whom refer] ; (2) the Reverend Edward Shapland Prideaux-Brune, Rector of Rowner, in the county of Hampshire, born June 14, 1853 [married, lulv 14, 1885, Sophia, eldest daughter of William Grant of Monck- ton House, Anglesey, near Gosport, and has, Humphrey Prideaux-Brune, Gentleman, born November 6, 1885; Hugh Prideaux - Prune, Gentleman, born August 14, 1890 ; Lancelot Prideaux-Brune, Gentleman, born 1894 ; and Cheston Isolda] ; (3) Francis Ernest Prideaux-Brune, Gentleman, born February 5, 1863, accidentally drowned at Walnut Springs, Texas, United States of America, May 27, 1885 ; Ellen Frances ; Gertrude Rose ; Mary Katherine ; Beatrice May ; Isolda Blanche ; Mildred Maria [married, April 17, 1890, Captain Hervey Alexander, loth Royal Hussars, and has issue], ^^a^— Prideaux Place, Padstow, in the county of Cornwall. Town House — 10 Grosvenor Gardens, S.W. CHARLES ROBERT PRIDEAUX-BRUNE, lisquire. Justice of the Peace for the cos. of Hertford and Cornwall, late Lieutenant-Colonel Rifle Brigade, now Commanding 4th Battalion West Yorkshire Regiment. Born October 10, 1848, being the eldest son of Charles Glynn Prideaux-Brune, Esquire [to whom refer], of Prideaux Place, in the county of Cornwall, Justice of the Peace and Deputy-Lieutenant, by his wife Ellen Jane, commonly known as the Honourable Ellen Jane, daughter of the Right Honourable Robert Shapland Carew, first Baron Carew. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : (^)uarterly i and 4, azure a cross cerceld or (for Brune) ; 2 and 3 argent, a chevron sable, in chief a label of three points gules, a mullet for difference (for Prideaux) ; over all a label of three points for difference, and impaling the arms of Knatchbull-Hugessen, namely quarterly i and 4, argent, on a mount an oak-tree proper, supported by two boars sable (for Hugessen) ; 2 and 3 azure, three cross crosslets fitch^-e between two bendlets or (for KnatchbuU). Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling azure and or ; and for his Crests, i. upon a wreath of the colours, a goat passant per pale indented argent and sable, armed and unguled or, pendent from a collar gules a shield, thereon the arms of Brune (for Brune) ; 2. upon a wreath of thr colours, an old man's head in profile couped at the shoulders proper, hair and beard or, on the head a chapeau gules (for Prideaux) ; with the Motto, " Toujours pret." Married, October 17, 1883, Katharine Cecilia, commonly known as the Honourable Katharine Cecilia, eldest daughter of the Right Honourable Mi is the Military Cockade. EdwMrd Hugessen Knatchbull-Hugessen, first Lord Bra- bourne; and has Issue— (i) Fulke KnatchbuU Prideaux- Brune, Gentleman, born May 20, 1887; (2) Denys Edward Prideaux-Brune, Gentleman, born June 18, 1891 ; Eva Katharine ; Winifred Annie ; and Sybil Isolda. Postal address — The Grange, Welwyn. SBOUVERIE FRANCIS PRIMROSE, Esquire, com- monly known as the Honourable Bouverie 1(*^fttY»t«rtiyi> Francis Primrose, Companion of the ik^lUIUU^V Most Honourable Order of the Bath, Deputy - Lieutenant for the county of Edinburgh, General Royal Oompany of Archers. Born 1813, being the second son of the late Right Honourable Archibald John Prinu-ose, the fourth ICarl of Rosebery, by his first wife Harriet, second daughter of the Honourable Bartholomew Bouverie; created Companion of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, 1876. C'/«fc— Brooks's, Oxford and Cambridge, United Service, New (Edinburgh). Armorial bearings- He bears for Arms : Quarterly i and 4, vert three primroses within a double tressure tlory counter- flory or ; 2 and 3 argent, a lion rampant double queued sable. Upon the escutcheon, from which is pendent his badge as a Companion of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, is placed a lielmet befitting his degree, with a mantling vert and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a demi-lion gules, holding in the dexter paw a primrose or. Married, 1838, Frederica Sophia Anson, commonly known as the Honourable Frederica Sophia Anson (who died 1867); and has Issue living — (i) Francis Archibald Primrose, Esquire (of Carrington, Too- woomba, (Queensland), torn 1843 [married, 1872, Jane, daughter ot George King of Sydney, New South Wales, and has issue living, .•\rchibald Bouverie Primrose, Esquire, born 1881; Frederica Jane; Dorothy; Louisa Wilhel- mina ; lilvelyn ; Constance Margaret ; and Gwendolen Gertrude Maude] ; (2) Henry William Primrose, Escjuire, Companion of the Most Exalted Order of the Star of India [to whom refer] ; (3) Gilbert Edward Primrose, Gentleman, bom 1848 [married, 1893, Jessie Catherine, daughter of the lafe Lieutenant Costelloe of Lackeen Castle, Birr, Ireland] ; (4) George Anson Primrose, Gentleman, Captain Royal Navy, born 1849 [married, 1889, Mary Cecilia, daughter of Thomas E. Kenny of Halifax, Nova Scotia, and has issue living, Marjorie Frances ; and Adela Blanche Margaret] ; (5) iidward Neil Primrose, Gentleman, born 1854; Alice Jane [married, firstly, 1868, George Mercer Henderson of Fordell, in the county of Fife, who died 1881 ; secondly, 1887, John Bellingham] ; ?>ederica Mary ; and Charlotte Henrietta [married, 1878, Carleton Tufnell, a retired Commander Royal Navy, who died 1893]. Postal address— 22 Moray Place, Edinburgh. HENRY WILLIAM PRIMROSE, Esquire, C.B. (1895) and C.S.I. (1885). Born 1846, being the second son of Bouverie Francis Primrose, Esquire, commonly called the Honourable Bouverie Francis Primrose, Companion of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath [to whom refer], by his w ife the Honourable Frederica Sophia Anson. C/«*— Brooks'. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Quarterly i and 4, vert three primroses within a double tressure flory counter- flory or (for Primrose) ; 2 and 3 argent, a lion rampant, double queued saljle (for Cressy). Upon the escutcheon, from which is pendent his badge as a Companion of the Most Exalted Order of the Star of India, is placed a helmet be- fitting his degree, with a mantling vert and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a demi-lion gules, holding in the dexter paw a primrose or. Married, 1888, Helen^Mary, daughter of the late Gilbert McMicking of Miltonise, in the county of Wigton ; and has Issue living — Archibald Henry Reginald Primrose, Gentleman. Postal address — Brooks' Club, S.W. ALEXANDER PRINGLE, Esquire, Master of -Vts, Justice of the Peace and Deputy-Lieu- ll*)l*itirTll> tenant. Advocate. Born March 13, 1837, J[iv'Hliyiv heing the only son of the late Alexander Pringle, Esquire, of Whytbank and Yair, by his wife Agnes Joanna, second daughter and heir-propor- tioner of Sir William Dick, Baronet, of Prestonfield. Ar- morial bearings— He bears for Arms : Argent, on a saltire engrailed sable, five escallops or. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree with a mantling gules, doubled argent ; and upon a wreath of the liveries, is set H is tlie Naval Cockade. mi pro 68i 3rest, a man's heart proper winged or. Supporters — Two pilgrims, habited proper. Motto — " Sursum." Married, Marcli 22, 1870, Mary Arbuthnot, daughter of Robert Keith Pringle of The Grove, Darleydale, in the county of Derby. iV^/— Yair, by Selkirk. ALEX.VNDER I'RINGLE, Gentleman. Born Oct. 27, 1850, being tlie eldest son of the late Robert Keith I'ringle, Esq., late Bombay Civil Service, Chief Secretary to the Government of Bombay, and Commissioner in Sind, J. P. for the CO. of Derby, J.I', and D.L. for the co. of Selkirk, formerly Convener of the co. of Selkirk, by his wife Mary Jane, dau. of the late General Moore of the Bombay Army, late Military Auditor-General. Armorial bearings — .Argent, on a saltirc engrailed s.-ilile, live escallops or. Mantling sable and argent. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a man's heart proper ; with the Motto, " Sur sum. " J'os/ii I adt/ress— Junior United Service Club. M JAMES THOMAS I'RINGLE, Esquire, Justice of © the I'eace for the counties of Roxburgh and Selkirk, Deputy-Lieutenant for the county of St^lkirk, Commander Royal Navy (retired). />'y/v/ Keb. 29, 1832, being the eldest son of the late Vice-.Admiral James I'ringle of Tor- woodlee, by his wife Mary I'Vaser. C/ufi — Constitutional. 1 Avery — Blue and white. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Argent, on a saltire engrailed azure, live escallops argent. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet Ijefitting his degree, with a mantling gules, doubled argent ; and upon a wreath of his liveries is set for Crest, a serpent nowed proper ; and in an escroU above this MottO, " Nosce te ipsum.' Married, 1862, Ann I'arminter, only child of the late Colonel Black, 53rd Regiment ; and has had Issue — (i) John Lewis I'ringle, (jentleman, born 1868, died young; (2) James Lewis I'ringle, (ientlenian, M..\. (Oxon), born 1869 ; (3) George Macgregor I'ringle, Gentleman, born 1871, died 1874; (4) Lionel (Jraham I'ringle, (ientlenian, born 1880; Elizaijeth Ann ; Lillian Erskine ; Adelaide Jane ; Helena Florence ; and Mary Simcoe Violet. Seat — Tor- woodlee, Galashiels, in the county of Selkirk. Residence —4 First Avenue, Brighton. HENRY WALLIS I'RIOR-WANDESFORD, Gentle- man. Born , Ix-ing thi- second sun of the late Rev. John Prior of Mount Dillon, co. Dublin, by his wife Sarah, only surviving tlaughter of the Hon. Charles Harward Butler Clarke Southwell Wandesford of Castlecomen, co. Kil- kenny, and of Kirklington, Yorkshire. Armorial bearings — Quarterly i anil 4, or a lion ram|)ant double-(|ueued azure, armed and langued gules (for W'andesforde) ; 2 and 3 vert, on a U-nd ermine, three chevroncls gules (for Prior). Mantling azure and or ; and for his Crest, i. upon a wreath of the colours, a church proper, I he spire azure (for W'andcs- forde) ; 2. upon a wre.ith of the colours an esloile vert (for Prior). Mottoes— " Tout pour I'Eglise " (for W'andesforde). " Quis audeat luci aggredi " (for Prior). Estates and postal addresses — Crossogne House, co. Tipperary ; Lechlade Manor, co. Gloucester. H RICHARD HENRY Wandesforde, Gentleman, born Oct. 23, 1897. Estates — Castlecomer, co. Kilkenny; Kirklington, Hipswell, and prior=COantJe0foctic PRIOR - WANDESFORDE, Esc|uire, J. P. and D.L. CO. Kilkenny, B.A. (Camb.). Horn Sep- tember 15, 1870, Ijeing the eldest son of the late Charles Butler Prior, lisquire. Justice of the Peace, by his wife Dora, daughter of Richard Phillips, Esquire, ofGaile,in the county of 'lipperary. Justice of tlie Peace and Deputy-Lieutenant ; and assumed by Royal License the additional surname and arms of Wandesforde, 1894. (_"!ub — Kiklare -St. (Dut)lin). /./jyvt — Blue and yellow. Armorial bearings— He bears for Anns: Quarterly 1 and 2 or, a lion rampant double queued azure, armed .and lan- gued gules (for Wandesforde) ; 2 and 3 vert, on a bend ermine three chevronels gules (for Prior). Upon the escut- cheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling azure and or ; and for his Crests, 1. upon a wreath of the colours, a church proper, the spire azure (for Wandesforde) ; 2. upon a wreath of the colours, an estoile vert (for Prior). Mottoes — " Tout pour I'Eglise " (for Wandesforde) ; " Quis audeat luci aggredi" (for Prior). Married, March 1896, Florence Jackson von Schwartz Pryor, dau. of the late Rev. Ferdinand Pryor of Halifax, Nova Scotia; and has Issue — (i) Christopher Butler Prior- Wandesford. Gentleman, born Dec. 15, 1896; (2) Richard Ferdinand Charles Prior- Hudswell, Yorks. Seats — Castlecomer, in the county of Kilkenny ; The Hall, Kirklington, in the county of York. WILLIAM RICHARD PROIiERT, late Captain in the Honourable East India Company's Ser- l[*)t*flfin*f 'i-'ii'e. Born May 31, 1815, being the second \k/ kvxM^kK, but eldest suri>ivinf; son of I'homas Probe rt of Newport House, in tlie county of Essex, by his wife Anne, eldest daujfhter of Thomas Carumrdine of Earls- colne Priory, in the county if Essex, and Thinghill Court, Withington, in the county of Hereford. Livery — Dark blue, with gilt buttons. Armorial bearings as used, but for which no authority has been established, are for AXVOS: Per pale azure and sable, three Jleurs-de-lis or. Crest — .-/ Cornish chough proper within a closed fetterlock or. Married, firstly. May 1850, Elizabeth, eldest daughter of Heniy Archer of View I^dge, near Walden, in the county of Essex ; and secondly, June 18, 1863, Maria Lucinda Hunt, eldest daughter of Thomas Swetenham of Skibbereen, in the county of Cork ; and has Issue — (i) Charles Moule Vcrdon Prober t, born April i, 1855; (2) William Geoffrey Probert, born May i, 1864; (3) Arthur Gerard Probert, bom June 12, 1865; (4) Claude Harold Probert, born Octo- ber I, 1869 ; (5) Cyril Gerald Probert, born January 27, 1871 ; and Nora Kathleen. Postal address — The Ij)dge, Ltnton, Cambridgeshire. PROBY, see CARYSFORT. PROBY, Baron, see CARYSFOR T. General Sir DIGHTON MACNAGHTEN PROP YN, Knight Commander of the Alost Honour- lf*1l*rthtlt1 '^^^'^ Order of the Bath, Knight Commander JPlUUj/ll of the Most Exalted Order of the Star of India, upon whom Her Majesty has conferred the Decoration of the Victoria Cross, Controller and Trea- surer of the Household to His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales, and Member of the Council for the Duchy of Corn- luall. Born 1833, being the son of Captain George Probyn, by his wife Alicia, daughter of .Sir Erancis Workman Macnaghten , first Baronet ; created Companion of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, 1858, and advanced to the rank of Knight Commander of that Order, 1887 ; created Knight Commander of the Most Exalted Order of the Star of India, i?y6. Clubs — Marlborough, United .Service, Ar- morial bearings as used, but for which no authority has Tbe Editor undertakes that every entry not in italics is tbat of a genuinely armigerous person. 68: pto ptp been establhhcd, are those of Lord Caiysfort, namely: Er- mine, on a /esse gules, a lion passant or. Crest — An ostrich's head erased proper, ducally gorged, and holding in the beak a key or. Motto — " Mantis h(cc inimica tyrranis." Mar- ried, 1872, Letitia, daughter of Thomas R. Thellusson, Esquire. Postal address — i Buckingham Gate, S. W. EDWIN PRODGERS, Esq., M.A., J.P. Born August 15, 1833, being the eldest son of the late Rev. Edwin Prodgers, Rector of Ayot St. Peter. Herts, by Caroline his wife, dau. and co-heiress of John Blades of Brockwell Hall. Armorial beaxings— Quarterly i and 4, per pale gules and azure, throe lions rampant, two and one argent, between three crosses patce titchi^e in the foot, one and two erminois (for Prodgers) ; 2 and 3 azure, two swords in saltire argent, pommels and hilts or, .surmounted of the Rom.an fasces paleways ot the last, the axe headed of the second, inter- laced with a double chain collar gold, on a chief ermine, a bee volant between two star-pagodas proper (for Blades). Mantling gules and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, in front of a cross calvary or, a wyvern with wings endorsed vert, in the mouth a sinister hand couped at the wrist gules, gorged with a collar and line reflexed over the back or, the dexter claw d Pgvoucn)cnt-5an5borne5( ] resting on a cross pat(5e of the last. MottO — " Devoue- ment sans bornes." Married, June 1864, Elizabeth Ellen, eldest dau. of Henry E. Surtees, Esq., M. P. , of Red- worth House, CO. Durham, and Dane End, Herts ; and has Issue — Elizabeth Caroline Sjn., May 1887, Baron John Roissard de Bellet, Charg6 d' Affaires for the Republic of St. Marin, and has issue]; Edwina Georgina Frances [;«., June 1889, Ren^, youngest son of Mons. Adolphe Japy de Beaucourt, and has issue]. Residence — Green End House, Ware, Herts. Ptpce EDWARD STISTED MOSTYN PRYCE, Esquire, Justice of the Peace for the counties of Salop and Montgomery, Master of Arts of the University of Oxford. Born April 8, 1851, being the eldest son of the late Lieutenant- Colonel T. E. H. Pryce, late of the 2nd Queen's Royal Regiment, by his wife Eliza, daughter of Francis Burton loth Lancers, of 10 Norfolk Street, P.ark Lane. Club— Conservative. Livery — Lincoln green coat and trousers with scarlet piping, brass buttons, red waistcoat, gold & is the Military Cockade. band round the hat. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms: Quarterly, i. argent, a lion passant sable be- tween three fleurs-de-lis gules (for Pryce) ; 2. argent, on a bend sable between two crescents gules, three annulets or (for David ap Griffith ap Rys) ; 3. sable, three nags' heads erased argent (for David Lloyd ap Griffith ap Ririd of Gunley) ; 4. argent, three boars' heads couped sable, tusked or (for Evan ap Rhys ap Hugh of Rhiwhirieth) ; impaling the arms of Beauclerk, namely, quarterly i and 4, quarterly i. and iiii. azure, three fleurs-de-lis or (for France) ; ii. and iii. gules, three lions passant guardant in pale or (for England) ; 2. or, a lion rampant within a double tressure flory and countertlory gules (for Scotland) ; 3. azure, a harp or, stringed argent (for Ireland), being the arms of His Majesty King Charles H. ; over all a sinister baton gules, charged with three roses argent, barbed and seeded proper, the whole differenced by a martlet ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a demi-lion rampant sable, holding between the paws a fleur-de-lis as in the arms ; with the Motto, " In Deo confidemus omnes." Married, August 7, 1877, Henrietta Mary, daughter of Charles W. Beauclerk, Esquire, Deputy - I^ieutenant, of Winchfield House, in the county of Southampton, and grand-daughter of the Rt. Hon. Lord Frederick Beauclerc (son of the fifth and brother of eighth Dukes of St. Albans) ; and has Issue — Hugh Beauclerk Mostyn Pryce, Gentleman, born October i, 1881 ; Sybil V(5ra Elise ; Ismay Nesta ; Olga Georgina Meddefys. Estates — The Gunley Estates, in the counties of Salop and Montgomery. Postal addresses — Gunley Hall, Chirbury, Shropshire ; Bodorgan House, Bournemouth. prpce=3lones EDWARD PRYCE -JONES, Esquire, M.P. for Montgomery Boroughs since 1895 ; raised 5th Vol. Batt. South Wales Borderers, tecoming its first Com- manding Officer 1897 ; Chairman Newtown Local Board of Health 1893-95, County Covm- cillor and Justice of Peace for county of Montgomery, Governor of University Colleges of Bangor and .4berybt- with, Member of University Court of Wales, Master of Arts of the University of Cambridge, Barrister-al-Law, Captain Montgomery Yeomanry Cavalry, retired Hon. Major 1895. Born 1861, being the eldest son of Sir Pryce Pryce-Joncs, Kt. Bachelor, Member of Parliament, 1886-87 ^"tl 1892 95. High Sheriff 1891, of Dolerw, in the county of Montgomery, by his wife Eleanor, daughter of Edward Rowley Morris of Newtown. Clubs — Oxford and Cambridge, Carlton, St. Stephen's, Ranelagh. Z,/7vn'— Dark blue coat, scarlet waistcoat, silver buttons. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Gules, on a pale argent, between two cops of yarn a shuttle erect all proper, on a chief of the second, a cross flory sable between two Cornish choughs of the fi is the Naval Cockade. Prp pur 683 last. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a shuttle fesseways ])roper, thereon a goat statant argent, gorged with a collar flory countcrflory gules. Married, 1886, Beatrice, second d:iui;hter of the late Herbert Hardie of O.vford House, in the county of Chester; and has, with other Issue — Pryce Victor Pryoe-Jones, Esquire, born 1887 ; and Irene Beatrice Postal address — Caerhowel, Montgomeryshire. Sir pryce PRYCE-JONES, Knight Bachelor, Memlier of Parliament for the jMontgomery District, Justice of the Peace for the county of Montgomery (High Sheriff 1891). lioni 1834, being the son of the late William Jones, Solicitor, of Newtown, North Wales; dubbed Knight Hiichelor, 1887. Clubs — Carlton, St. Stephen's. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Uules, on a pale argent, between two cops of yarn a shuttle erect all proper, on a chief of the second, a cross flory sable between two Cornish choughs of the last. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a shuttle fesseways proper, thereon a goat statant argent, gorged with a collar flory counterflory gules. Married, 1859, Eleanor, daughter of Edward Rowley Morris of Newtown; and has, with other Issue — l-ldward Pryce- Jones, Esquire [to whom refer]. Postal address — Dolerw, Nowtown, North Wales. PULFORD, quartered by GROSVENOR. PULFORD, quartered by TAUNTON. Sir ROBERT PULL.AR, Knight Bachelor (1895), J. P. for Perthshire, F.R.S. E., and one of the Proprietors of the well-known Dyeworks at Perth. Born 1828, being the son of the late J. Pullar. Clubs — National Liberal, Scottish Lilieral (l'2— Consti- tutional. Armorial bearings as used are: Argent, a boar passant gules, armed and bristled or, on a chief azure, three plates. Crest — A hand couped above the wrist, erected. Tbe Editor undertakes that every entry not In italics Is tbat of a genuinely armigerous person. 684 put ppfe lioldius; a siivrd pietred through the jaw of a black boar's head, vulned, and distilling drops of blood all proper, the sleeve asiire, turned up argent. These arms were confirmed by William Hawkins, Ulster King of Arms, August 24, 1715, but no pedigree has been recorded in Ulsters Office establishing his descent from grantee. Married, December 15, 1868, Alice Fannv, daughter of Captain Leighton Kcn- nett ; and has Issue— (i) /(/A// J\vntz Purcell, born May i, 1876 ; (2) Hubert Kennett Purcell, born December 10, 1884 ; Ethel Alice; Marina Florence; Violet Arabella; and Lily Kose. Postal addresses— 18 lilessington Road, Black- heath, Kent ; Somerset House, London. GERALD PURCELL-FITZGERALD, Gentl.man, of Tlie Island, in the county PurccIl^JritHCtalD ^[^rS^r^JS and only surviving son of the late Maurice Noel Ryder l^urcell-FitzGerald of Boulge Hall, in the county of SutTolk, by his wife Annie, daughter of James Laurie. Armorial bearings He bears for Arms : Quarterly i and 4, argent a sallire gules, a mullet on a crescent for difference (for FitzCierald) ; 2 and 3 argent, a saltire between four boars' heads couped sable (for I'urccll). Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules and argent ; and for his Crests, i. uijon a wreath of the colours, a monkey proper, environed about the middle and chained or, a mullet on a crescent for difference (for P'itzGerald) ; 2. upon a wreath of llie colours, a cubit arm liolding a sword proper, ponunelled and hiked or, pierced through the jaw of a boar's head couped sable, vulned and distilling drops of blood, the sleeve a/.ure, turned up argent (for Purcell) ; and over the first crest, on an escroU, tiiis Motto, " Crom a boo." Scats — Little Island, in the county of Waterford ; Boulge Hall, Woodbridge, in the county of .Suffolk ; .Seaford Lodge, in the county of Sussex ; Pendleton, in the county of Lancashire. ^Vice-Admiral JOHN CHILD PURVIS, F,R.G.S. ^^ Born Oct. 2, 1832, being the second son of the Rev. lingham. Armorial bearings as used are the arms of Purvis, and have not been matriculated to Admiral Purvis ; they are — Azure, on a fcsse argent, between three masclcs or, as many cinquefoils of the field. Crest — The sun in splendour rising from the clouds all proper ; over it the Motto — " Clarior e tenebris." Postal address — 16 Hanover Square, London, W. PURY, quartered by CUST. HENRY LAVALLIN PUXLEY, Esq., M.A., J.P. co. Cork, High Sheriff 1865, and High Sheriff co. Carmarthen 1864. Born Ajiril 4, 1834, being the second son of the late John Lavallin Puxley, Esq., of Dunboy Castle, by his wife Fanny Rosa Maria, dau. of .Simon White, Esq., of Glen- gariff Castle, co. Coik (and niece of first Earl of Bantry). Armorial bearings— Quarterly i and 4, gules, on a bend cotised argent, five lozenges conjoined of the first, in the sinister chief point an annulet or (for Puxley) ; 2 and 3 argent, a fleur-de-lis sable, a chief engrailed azure (for Lavallin). Mantling gules and argent ; and for his Crest, u|)on a wreath of the colours, an arm in armour embowed proper, charged witii a lozenge between two annulets in pale gules, the hand grasping a dagger also proper. Motto — " Loyal en tout." Married, ist, June 4, 1857, Katherine Ellen, dau. of Rev. William Waller of Castletown, co. Limerick, and by her (who died 1872) has Issue — (i) John Lavallin Puxley, Gentle- man, /'. Dec. 21, 1859 ; (2) Edward Lavallin Puxley, Gentle- man, b. June 10, 1861 ; (3) Henry Ednuind Lavallin Puxley, Gentleman, b. Feb. 14, 1866; (4) William Waller Lavallin Puxley, Gentleman, b. Feb. 17, 1867; (5) Herbert Hardress Lavallin Puxley, Gentleman, b. May 26, 1868 ; Maria Francis [/;/., 1884, Robert O'Brien Studdert, Esq., J. P.], Katherine Rosa, and Elizabeth Jane ; 2nd, Dec. 9, 1875, Adeline, youngest dau. of (Jen. Charles W. Nepean (grand-niece of the late Sir Evan Nepean, ist Bart.), and widow of Col. William Fergusson Hutchinson. Scats — Dunboy Castle, Castleton, Berehaven, and Llangan, St. Clears, co. Car- marthen. EDWARD PYKE, Gentleman, Justice of the Peace, eldest son of the late Joseph Pyke, Gentleman, l[*)T)fcr Justice of the Peace, of Winckley Square, J^^Kv Preston, in the County Palatine of Lancaster. Armorial bearings He bears for Arms : Party per saltire sable and or, two trefoils in pale, and in fesse as A'. /•". Putves, by his wife Elizabeth Helen, dau. oj the Rev. T. Baker. Clubs — United Service, Grosvenor, Hur g» is the Military Cockade. many talbots' heads erased counterclianged ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, in front of a fountain a pike-fish fesseways proper; with the Motto, " Deo favente progredior." Residence— Merion Bank, Southport, Lanes. JOSEPH PYKE, Gentleman. Born March 3, 1824, being the fourth son of Lewis Eleazer Pyke, by liis wife Charlotte, daughter of .Abraham Wolff, Doctor of Medicine. K is the Naval Cockade. Ppk Ppm 685 i — Grosvenor, Golfers', St. James's, (jallery. Livery — Dark blue. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Azure, on a pile invected argent, l)et\\een two pikes haurieiit in base proper, a lion rampant of the first. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling azure and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a demi-wolf proper, holding in the de.vter paw a torch erect or, fired proper, and resting the sinister paw on a quatrefoil also or; with the Motto, "Id volo Deo volente." Married, January 16, 1850, Sara, second daughter of Simon Magnus of Chatham, in the county of Kent; and has Issue— (i) Lionel Edward I'yke, Esquire, one of Her Majesty's Counsel I>earned in the I.,aw [md. Mary Rachel, elder dau. of the late Horatio Lucas, and grand-daughter of the late Sir Isaac Lyon Goldsmid, Bart.] ; (2) William Marcus I'yke, Gentleman, Solicitor (md. Annie Maud, youngest dau. of Frederick Davis of 24 Park Crescent, W.]; (3) Tom Joseph I'yke, Gentleman [md. Hettie, elder dau. of Lewis Lewis of Brighton] ; (4) I^izarus Simon Magnus I'yke, M.l.E.E.. A.M.I.C.E.. F.C.S., I''. R.I., Cientleman [md. Mildred Emma, eldest dau. of lulward Lucas, and niece of Sir David Salomons, Bart.]; (S) Rol)ert Bond Pykc, Gentleman; (6) Manuel CastelloPyke, Gentleman; Charlotte; and Cordelia [md. Lewis Avigdor- Birnstingl, of the Stock Exchange]. Estate Beacon Lodge, Luton, in the county of Kent. Postal address — Devonshire Place House, Regent's Park, London, N.W. LIONEL EDWARD PYKE, fisqiiire, (J.C. B.A., LL. B. Born 1854, being the second son of Jo-eph Pyke, Gentleman, by his wife Sara. dau. of Simon Magnus of Chatham. Armorial bearing^S — .\zure, on a pile invected argent, tetwccii two pikes hauriant in base proper, a lion rampant of the first. Mantling azure and argCTit ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a demi-wolf proper, holding in the dexter paw a torch or, fired proper, and resting the sinister paw on a quatrefoil also or ; with the Motto, "Id volo Deo volente." Residences — 2 Corn- wall Gardens, S.W. ; 3 Paper Buildings, Temple, E.C. JOHN NOTT PYKE-NOTT. Esquire, Bachelor of Arts of the University of Oxford, Lord of the Manor of Parra- combe, in the county of Devon. Born 1841, being the eldest and only surviving son of the late Reverend John Pyke, Master of Arts of the University of Oxford, Justice of the Peace for the county of Devon, Rector, Lord of the Manor, and Patron of Parracomb, by Elizabeth his second wife, daughter of John Nott, Esquire, Justice of the Peace, of Bydown, Swimbridge, in the county of Devon (and in her issue heiress of that family); assumed by Royal License the additional surname and arms of Nott in the year 1863. /./-rrj'— Claret. Armorial bearings — He Ijears for Arms : Quarterly i and 4, gules on a bend engrailed or, between four leopards' laces, two and two argent, an estoile of eight points between two martlets of the field (for Nott) ; 2 and 3, quarterly or and gules, on a chevron barry wavy of four argent and azure, Ijetween two trefoils in chief anil another in base counterchanged, a pike naiant proper (for Pyke). Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules and or ; and for his Crests, i. upon a wreath of the colours, two mascles fesseways, interlaced or, thereon a martlet gules, ducally gorged gold, in the beak a sprig of laurel proper (for Nott) ; 2. upon a wreath of the colours, on a mount vert, .1 deiiii-pil

^^ Oxford, late Rector of Trimley St. Martin, XiiMlliXfflK' in the county of Suffolk. Born December 5, 1847, being the fifth, but fourth and youngest surviving son of the late Mark Hildesley Quayle, Esquire, of Crogga, and of Bridge House, Castletown, in the Isle of Man, Her Majesty's Clerk of the Rolls, Justice of the Peace, and sometime Deputy-Governor of the Island, by his wife Mary Jane Hamilton, eldest daughter of James Spedding, Esquire, of Summer Grove, in the county of Cumberland, Justice of the Peace and Deputy-Lieutenant, Major in the Militia, and late Captain in the Grenadier Guards. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Argent, on a chevron sable, gutt(5e-d'eau between three quails proper, in the centre chief point a pellet, two swords points upwards of the first. Upon the escutcheon is placed a lielmet befitting his degree, with a mantling sable and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, upon a mount vert, a quail as in the arms between two bulrushes proper; with the Motto, " Qualis ero spero." Postal address — Junior Constitutional Club. EMILY QUAYLE, third daughter of the late Mark Hildesley Quayle, Esquire, of Crogga, and of Bridge House, Castletown, in the Isle of Man, Her Majesty's Clerk of the Rolls, Justice of the Peace, and sometime Deputy-Governor of the Island, by his wife Mary Jane Hamilton, eldest daughter of James Spedding, Esquire, of Summer Grove, in the county of Cumberland, Justice of the Peace and Deputy-Lieutenant, Major in the Militia, and late Captain in the Grenadier Guards. Armorial bearings are, upon a lozenge: Argent, on a chevron sable, gullc'^e-d'eau, Ijetween three quails proper, in the centre chief point a pellet, two swords points upwards of the first. Postal address — Bridge House, Castletown, Isle of Man. GEORGE HARRINGTON QUAYLE, Gentleman, Advocate of the Isle of Man, Member of the House of Keys. Born June 30, 1845, being the fourth, but third surviving son of the late Mark Hildesley {,)uayle. Esquire, of Crogga, and of Bridge House, Castletown, in the Isle of Man, Her Majesty's Clerk of the Rolls, Justice of the Peace, and sometime Deputy-Governor of the Island, by his wife Mary Jane Hamilton, eldest daughter of James Spedding, Esquire, & is the Military Cockade. of Summer Grove, in the county of Cumberland, Justice of the Peace and Deputy-Lieutenant, Major in the Militia, and late Captain in the Grenadier Guards. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Argent, on a chevron sable, gutt(''e- d'eau, between three quails proper, in the centre chief point a pellet, two swords points upwards of the first. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling sable and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, upon a mount vert, a quail as in the arms between two bulrushes proper ; with the Motto, " Qualis ero spero." Postal address — Bridge House, Castle- town, Isle of Man. JOHN QUAYLE, Esquire, a Member of the Houae of Keys in the Isle of Man, and Justice of the Peace for the Island. Born September 9, 1840, being the eldest son of the late Mark Hildersley Quayle of Crogga, in the parish of Kirk Santon, in the Isle of Man, Clerk of the Rolls, a Magistrate, and Memlier of the Legislative and Executive Council of that island, and Deputy-Governor, by his wife Mary Jane Hamilton, eldest daughter of James Spedding, Esquire, of Summergrove, in the county of Cumberland, Justice of the Peace and Deputy-Lieutenant, Major in the Militia, and Captain in the Grenadier Guards. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Argent, on a chevron sable, gutt^e-d'eau, between three quails proper, in the centre chief point a pellet, two swords points upwards of the first. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling sable and argent ; and for Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, upon a movmt vert, a quail as in the arms, between two bulrushes oroper ; with the Motto, " Qualis^ero spero." Married, August 25, 1864, Emily Catherine, eldest daughter of Edward Moore Gawne of Kentraugh, Speaker of the House of Keys. Estate and postal address— Crogga., Port Soderic, Isle of Man. MARK HILDESLEY QUAYLE, Gentleman, Solicitor, Master of Arts of tiie University of Cambridge. Born May 7, 1842, being the second son of the late Mark Hildesley Quayle, Esquire, of Croyga, and of Bridge House, Castletown, in the Isle of Man, Her Majesty's Clerk of the Rolls, Justice of the Peace, and sometime Deputy-Governor of the Island, by his wife Mary Jane Hamilton, eldest daughter of James Spedding, Esquire, of Summer Grove, in the county of Cumberland, Justice of the Peace and Deputy-Lieutenant, Major in the Militia, and late Captain in the Grenadier Guards. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Argent, on a chevron sable, guttde-d'eau, between three c|uails proper, in the centre chief point a pellet, two swords points upwards of the first. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet Iwfitting his degree, with a mantling sable and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, upon a mount vert, a quail as in the arms between two h)ulrus'hes proper ; with the Motto, " Q)ualis ero spero." Postal addresses — Queen .Xnne's Mansions, .S. VV. ; Talbot House, Arundel Street, W.C. MARY AGNES (JUAYLE, Widow, daughter of James Lorimer. Armorial bearings are, upon a lozenge : Argent, on a chevron sable, gutt(?e-d'eau, Ijetween three quails proper, in the centre chief point a pellet, two swords points upwards of the first. Married, firstly, William Outram ; secondly, February 19, 1879, James Spedding Quayle, Es- quire, Captain Royal Artillery, who died without issue, September 2, 1882. SARAH KATHARINE QUAYLE, second daughter of the late Mark Hildesley Quayle, Esquire, of Crogga, and of Bridge House, Castletown, in the Isle of Man, Her Majesty's Clerk of the Rolls, Justice of the Peace, and sometime Deputy-Governor of the Island, by his wife Mary Jane Hamilton, eldest daughter of James Spedding, lisquire, of Summer Grove, in the county of Cumberland, Justice of the Peace and Deputy-Lieutenant, Major in the Militia, and late Captain in the Grenadier Guards. Armorial bearings are, upon a lozenge : Argent, on a chevron sable, gutt^e-d'eau, between three quails proper, in the M is the Naval Cockade. etui Eai 687 centre chief point a pellet, two swords points upwards of the first. Postal address- — Bridge House, Castletown, Isle of Man. Sir WILLI.AM CUTHBERT QUILTER, Baronet (1897), Justice of the Peace for the county dT>|||f4-^«« of Suffolk, Member of Parliament for the ZlLAUllVVl .Sudbury Division of the county of .Suffolk. Horn January 29, 1841, being the eldest son of the late William Quiltcr of 28 Norfolk Street, Park Lane, • W. , by his wife Elizabeth Harriet, daughetr of Thomas Cuthbert. Clubs — Raleigh, National Liberal. Armorial bearings — Argent, on a bend invected gules, between three Cornish choughs proper, two cross crosslets of the first, the escutcheon being charged with his badge of Ulster as a Baronet. Mantling gules and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, in front of an arm vambraced proper, the hand grasping a battle-axe in bend sinister sable, the head argent, the wrist entwined by a wreath of the third and second, a Cornish chough proper. Motto — " Plutot mourir que changer." Married, 1867, Mary, daughter of the late John Wheeley Bevington of Brunswick Terrace, Brighton. Residences — Hintlesham Hall, Ipswich Bawdsey ; Manor, Woodbridge ; 74 South Audley Street, W. QUIN, WYNDHAM-, see DUNRAVEN. R CHDALE, quartered by TEMPEST. DCLIFFE, quartered byGRUBBEandHORDERN. Sir DAVID RADCLIFPTi, Knight Bachelor, Justice of the Peaceand Alderman of the city of Li ver- IRnflrilffp pool, and Mayor 1884-1886. /yo/-n January il^UUtllUv 8 1834, Iseing the son of the late .Amos Radcliffe of AIniondbury, in the county of York, by his wife Olive, daughter of Benjamin Jepson of Lindley, in the county of York ; dubl)ed Knight Bachelor, 1886. Club — Conservative (Liverpool). Armorial bear- ings — He bears for Arms: Gules, a bond cntirailed or, gutt(5e-de-sang, Ix;tween four roses two and two saltircways argent, stalked, leaved and slipped proper. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet l)efitting his degree, with a mantling gules and or ; and for his Crest, out of the battle- ments of a tower proper, a bull's head sable, armed and gorged with a collar gf^niel or, holding in the mouth a rose gules, stalked, leaved and slipped proper. Married, i8'X), Mary Eli/.alx'th, daughter of George Clark of Wootton W'awin, in the county of Warwick ; and has with other Issue — Frederick Morton Radclifi'e, Esc|uire, born 1861 [married, 1885, Maggie, third daughter of Alfred Horsfall]. /Vi7fl/ff(/(/r«.r— Thurstaston Hall, Cheshire. ALEXANDER WILLIAM RADFORD- NORCOP, Esquire. /Vcrn 1835, Ix-ing iaaDfOttJ^Jl^OrCOP ^f^exlSr WmiaL Radf^di Norcop of Betton Hall, in the county of Salop, by his wife Mary Ben-esford. Armo- rial bearings— He bears for Arms: (Quarterly i and 4, sahk' ihrcc ostrich feathers chevronways, between two chevroncls, the whole between three boars' heads erased or (for Norcop) ; 2 and 3 argent, a fesse engrailed azure fretty or, between two chevrons vaire (for Radford). Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling sable and or; and for his Crests, i. upon a wreath of the colours, upon a mount vert, a boar's hi-ad erased sable, in front of two ostrich feathers or (for Norcop) ; 2. upon a wreath of the colours, a fret or, thereon a partridge proper (for Radford). MottO — " Possunt quia posse videntur." Seat — Betton Hall, near Market Drayton. Till. Rkvkkknd THOMAS STAMFORD RAFFLES, heir male and representative of Sir Thomas It? jN-flffrtjv Stamford RafHes, Lieutenant-Governor of iX\aiUt-.9 Java, Master of Arts of the University of Cambridge, Rector of Langham, in the county of Esse.x. Born July 11, 1853, being the eldest son of the late Thomas Stamford RafHes, Esquire, of Liverpool, Barrister -at- Law, by his wife Maria, elder sui-\ i\ ing daughter of Edward Cearns, junior, of Liverpool. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Ermine, an eagle with two heads displayed gules, charged on the breast with an Eastern crown or, a chief vert, thereon a cross crosslet fitch^e of the third. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules and argent ; and for his Crest, out of an Eastern crown or, a griffin's head purpure, beaked and gorged with a collar gemelle or, a cross crosslet in the mouth. Motto — " In cruce triumphans." Married, November 6, 1884, Cecil Helen, second daughter of Colonel Lovett of Belmont, in the county of Salop; and has Issue — (i) .Stamford Cecil RafHes, Gentleman, born .August 2, 1885 ; (2) Reginald Lovett Stamford RafHes, Gentleman, born December 7, 1888. AVj/Vfez/c^— Langham Rectory, Col- chester. RAGLAND, quartered by SOMERS. ARTHUR HAMILTON RAIKES, Gentleman, M.A. (Oxon.), Headmaster Old College, Windermere. Born Feb 22, 1858, being the second son of the late Rev. Fred- erick Thornton Raikes, Incumbent of Milnthorpc, by his second wife Harriet, d.iu. nf James .Stubbs, .Solicitor, of Lincoln's Inn. Armorial bearings — Argent, a chevron engrailed pcan, between three griffins' heads erased sable, each charged with an ermine spot gules. Mantling sable and argent. Crest — U|X)n a wreath of the colours, a griffin's head as in the arms. Married, April 15, 1886, Minnie .Aubrey, dau. of late Edward Wise, a Judge of Supreme Court, Sydney N.S.W. ; and has Issue — Marcus Hamilton Raikes, Gentleman, b. Sept. 19, 1889. Postal address— 0\d College, Windi-rmere. ARTHUR .STEWART RAIKES, Gentleman, Sec. to H.M. Ivegation at Rio de Janeiro froni 1896. Born June 18. 1856, being the fifth son of the late Henry Raikes, Ksc\., of Llwynegrin, P'lints., High .Sheriff 1851, M..A. (Cantab.) and Barrister-at-Law, by Lucy ("h.-irlottc his wife, youngest dau. of Ven. Francis Wraiigham, 1''. R..S. , Archdeacon of East Riding of York. Armorial bearings— .Argent, a chev- ron engrailed pean Ijetween three griffins' heads ernscd sable, each charged with an ermine spot gules. Mantling sable and argent. Crest — Upon a wreath of the colours, a griffin's head as in the arms. Motto — " Futuri cautus." Postal address Rk) de Janeiro. M.\jok-Gi:nkkai. CHARLES LOWIS RAIKES, Indian S.C. (retd. ). Born July 20, 1837, IxMng the third but eldest surviving son of the late Henry Thomas Raikes, Esq., a Judge of the High Court of Judicature, Calcutta, and his wife Temi)e Sophia, dau. of Geo. Udny, Member of the Supreme Council of India. C///i^— United Service. Armo- rial bearings .Ardent, a chevron engrailed pcan Ixitween three griffins' heads erased sable, each charged with an er- mine spot gules. Mantling sable and .irgent. Crest — Upon a wreath of the colours, a griffin's head as in the arms. Motto— " Honestum prefcrre utili." Married, ]u\y i8, 1893, Maude Caroline, dau. of Henry Day Fowler, Esq., Dep. Surgeon-Gen. ; and has Issue — Eric Udny Raikes, Gentleman, b. Jan. 13, 1895. Postal address — Olivet, Bridge Road, Torquay. FRANCIS WILLIAM RAIKES, Esquire, Q.C., LL.D., M.A. (Cantab.), Judge of County Courts, formerly an officer in the R.N. Born Feb. 2, 1842, being the The Editor undertakes that every entry not in italics is that of a genuinely armigerous person. 688 Eai Hai second son of the late Henry Raikes, Ksq., of Llwyncgj-in, Flints., High Sheriff 1851, M.A. (Cantab.), and Harristcr- at-Law, by his wife Lucy Charlotte, youngest dau. of Ven. Francis Wranghani, F. R.S., Archdeacon of K. Riding co. of York. Ch/fi — Junior Carlton. Armorial bearings- Argent, a chevron engrailed pean between three griffins' heads erased sable, each charged with an ermine spot gules. Mantling sable and argent. Crest — Upon a wreath of the Guards, and R. Bucks Hussars, J.I'. Bucks, Northants, and Carmarthens, and sister of the late Maj. Morgan- colours, a griffin's head as in the arms. Motto — " Hon- estum praeferre utili." Married, Aug. 15, 1878, Diana Mary Howard, elder dau. of the late H. H. Barber, 17111 Lancers ; and has Issue — Francis Howard Raikes, Gentle- man, Lieut. King's R. Rifles, born July 4, 1879. Postal addresses — The Leat House, Malton, Yorks. ; 7 King's Bench Walk, Temple, E.C. ; and Beomands, Chertsey. Lieut. -CoL. FREDERICK DUNCAN RAIKES, Companion of the Most Eminent Order of the Indian Empire, served as Civil and Political Officer in Upper Burniah 1885-87, Lieut. -Col. I.S.C. from 1894, Commis- sioner in Burmah 1897. Borri Oct. i, 1849, being the fourth son of the late Charles Raikes, Esq., C.S.I., Judge of the Sudder Court at Agra, and Commissioner of Lahore, J. P. Wilts and Sussex, by his second wife Justina Davidson, dau. of William Alves of Enham House, Hants. Club — Naval and Military. Armorial bearings — Argent, a chevron engrailed pean between three griffins' heads erased .saljle, each charged with an ermine spot gules, and pendent below the escutcheon his badge as CLE. Mantling sable and argent. Crest - Upon a wreath of the colours, a griffin's head as in the arms. Motto . Postal address —Naval and Militnry Club, London, W. S GEORGE ALFRED RAIKES, Esquire, F.S.A., Lieut. -Col. and Vice-Pres. Hon. Artillery Company, late 3rd Batt. York and Lane. Regt. Born May 13, 1850, being the eldest son of the late Robert Raikes, E.squire, of Eastdale Welton, Yorks., J. P., D. L. , afterwards of Hamp- slead, and sometime of Hull, by his second wife Catherine, only dau. of Michael Han of Belmont, co. Waterford. Club Junior C(jnstiuitional. Livery — Dark blue and silver. Armorial bearings — .Xrgent, a chevron engrailed pean between three griffins' heads erased sable, each charged v\ith an ermine spot gules; and impaling the arms of Morgan, namely, paly of si.x argent and or, a lion rampant regardant sable, charged on the shoulder with a cross crosslet of the second between four quatrefoils saltireways of the third. Mantling sable and argent. Crest -Upon a wreath of the colours, a griffin's head as in the arms. Motto — " Hones- tum prreferre utili." Married, .Sejit. 3, 1895, Caroline Georgina Elizabeth Anna, only dau. of Col. George Manners Morgan of Biddlesden Park, Bucks, late 4th Dragoon & is the Military Cockade. Grenville of Stowe and Biddlesden. Postal address — Kel- field, 13 Carlton Road, Ealing, London, W. § HENRY ST. JOHN DIGBY RAIKES, Esquire, J. P., D.L. Flints., B.A. (Cantab.), Barrister-at-Law. Bom 1863, being the eldest son of the late Rt. Hon. Henry Cecil Raikes, P.C. , M.P. , J. P., D.L. , Postmaster-General 1886- 91, by his wife Charlotte Blanche, fourth dau. of Charles Blayney Trevor-Roper of Plas Teg, Flints. Club — Carlton. Livery — Dark blue. Armorial bearings — Argent, a chev- ron engrailed pean between three griffins' heads erased sable, each charged with an ermine spot gules. Mantling sable and argent. Crest — Upon a wreath of the colours, a griffin's head as in the arms. Motto — " Futuri cautus.' Ahirried, July 25, 1889, Annie Lucinda, dau. of Gen. Dan Mackinnon, i6th Lancers, and granddau. of 4th Baron Dimsdale. Heat — Llwynegrin Hall, Mold; Makeney Lodge, Derby. Town residence — 13 Lower Belgrave Street, London, S.W. S ROBERT RAIKES, Esquire, J. P. and D.L. Breck- nockshire (High Sheriff 1851) and O.xfordshire, M.A. (0-\on.). Bo?-n Oct. 18, 1818, being the eldest son of the late Thomas Raikes, Esq., J. P., of Welton House, York- shire, by his first wife Elizabeth, dau. and heiress of Thomas Armstrong of Castle Armstrong, King's Co. Club — New University. Armorial bearings — Argent, a chevron en- grailed pean between three griffins' heads era.'^ed sable, each charged with an ermine spot gules. Mantling .sable and argent. Crest — Upon a wreath of the colours, a griffin's head as in the arms. MottO — " Honestuni pra-ferre utili." Married, June 23, 1841, Frances, dau. of Sir William Elias Taunton, a Judge of King's Bench ; and has Issue — Robert Taunton Raikes, Esq., J. P. [to whom refer]; and Fanny. Estate — Treberfydd, Brecon. A'esidenee — Oriel House, Witney, 0.\on. SGener.M, R0BI-:R T NAPIER RAlKi;S, General in the Army, served in Gwalior Campaign at Punniar 1843, and in Burmah 1852, Indian Mutiny 1857. Born 1813, being the second son of the late Rev. Robert Na[)icr Raikes, M.A. (Oxon.), Rector of Hellesdon with Drayton, Norfolk (cousin of Thomas Raikes, Governor of tiie I5ank of England), by his wife Caroline, dau. of Wry Rev. John Probyn, Dean of Llandaff. Armorial bearings .\rgent, a chevron engrailed pean between three gritfins' heads erased sable, each charged with an ermine spot gules. Mantling sable and argent. Crest — Upon a wreath of the M is the Naval Cockade. mat mai 689 irs, a griffin's fiead as in the arms. Married, Sept. 25, 1854, Harriet, dau. of Maj. Beckett, Bengal Army ; and •has Issue — (i) Robert Haig Napier Raikes, Gentleman, b. Ajjril 2, 1861 ; (2) Herbert Xv^illiani Napier Raikes, Gentle- m.in, b. June i, 1865; (3) Reginald Uurie Napier Raikes, Gentleman, b. Jan. 28, 1874; (4) Cyril Probyn Napier Raikes, Gentleman, b. Nov. 12, 1875; Mabel; and Ethel Florence. Postal address — Stamford Lodge, Watford. ROBERT TAUNTON NAPIER RAIKES, Esquire, J. P. Brecknockshire, M.A. (Oxon.). Borti April 15, 1843, being the only son of Robert Raikes, Esq., of Treberfydd, Brecon, and Oriel House, Witney, J. P., D. L. , M.A. [to whom refer], by his wife Frances, dau. of Sir William Elias Taunton, a Judge of King's Bench. Club — New Univer- sity. Armorial bearings —Argent, a chevron engrailed peiin between three griffins' heads erased sable, each charged with an ermine s])ot gules. Mantling; sable and argent. Crest— Upon a wreath of the colours, a griffin's head as in the arms. Married, firstly, August 20, 1868, Sophia Jane ((/. 1872) ; by whom he has Issue — (i) Frederick Monro Raikes, Gentleman, B.A. , b. April i, 1872. He married secondly, Jan. 2, 1868, Rosa Margaret, fourth dau. of H. W. Cripps, Esq., Q.C, and has further issue— (2) Cuthbert Taunton Raikes, Gentleman, b. Nov. lo, 1878; (3) Lawrence Taunton Raikes, fientleman, b. May 9, 1882; (4) Geoffrey Taunton Raikes, Gentleman, h. April 7, 1884 ; (s) Robert Henry Taunton Raikes, Gentleman, b. Aug. 23, 1885; (6) Wilfrie- mentioned Col. R. IV. Rainsford-Hannay, are Arms — Argent, three roebucks' heads couped azure, collared or, a bell pendent from each collar gules. Crest — A cross crosslet fitchie issuing out of a crescent sable. Motto — " Per ardua ad alta." Married, Dec. 30, 1874, Helen Jane, dau. of John Brancker of Liverpool; and has Issue — (i) Frederick Rainsford-Hannay, b. .-ipril 28, 1878 ; (2) John Rainsford-Hannay, b. Sept. 4, 1879; (3) Archibald Gordon Rainsford-Hannay, b. Nov. 9, 1882 ; (4) Ramsay Rainsford-Hannay , b. April 29, 1884 ; (5) Donald Rainsford-Hannay, b. Oct. 16, 1885; Mary; and Rhoda. Seat — Kirkdale, Creetown, Kirkcudbright- shire, N.B. n ARTHUR JOHN RAIT, Esquire, Companion of the 'Cf Most Honourable Order of the Bath, Lieutenant- IRfltf" Colonel (retired) Royal Artillery, Justice of the lAttlv Peace and Deputy-Lieutenant for the county of Fotfar. Born May 17, 1839, being the eldest son of the late James Rait of Anniston, late Captain i^th Hussars and Lieutenant-Colonel ist Lancers British Auxi- liary Legion in Spain, and Knight of St. Ferdinand, by his wij'e Clementina Drummond, commonly kno^vn as Lady Clementina Drummond, daughter of the Right Honourable David Ogilvy, sixth Earl of Airlie. Clubs — Junior United Service, New (Edinburgh). Armorial bearings as used, but which have not been matriculated to the abo-c'e-mentioned Colonel Rait, are for Arms : Or, on a cross engrailed sable, a hunting-horn stringed gold. Crest — An anchor in pale azure. MottO — " Spero meliora." Married, August 1877, Kathleen Georgina, daughter of Captain Walter Arbuth- nott, commonly known as the Honourable Captain Walter The Editor undertakes that every entry not in italics is that of a genuinely armigerous person. 2 X 690 Eai Arbuthnott ; and has Issue — Walter Garnet Rait, born Niwember 16, 1878 ; and Eileen Anna Arbuthnott. Estate — Annislon, in the county of Forfar. Postal address — Anniston, Arbroath, N.B. ERNEST ROBERT RAITT. Born October 27, 1831, being the fifth but only sun'iving son of Lieii- JO <%!♦•♦• tenant-Colonel George Edward Raitt, by his tvife JlXtlVl' Frances Jane, daughter of William Jolliffe, Member of Parliament for Petersfield. Clubs — National Conservative, Constitutional. Livery — Yellow coat, black waistcoat, breeclies, and stockings. Armorial bearing^s as used are for Arms: Or, on a cross engrailed sable, a hunting-horn of the first stringed gules. Crest — An anchor proper, cnsigned on the top with a crescent gules. Motto — " Esto perpetua." The arms, but with a different motto, are those matriculated in Lyon Register as the arms of Rait of Pitforthie, and have not been matriculated to the above-7nentioned Ernest Robert Raitt. Married, firstly, Cliarlotte Emma, daughter of Captain J. Ellis of the jpth Regiment ; secondly, Aimette de la Touraine, daughter of T. Curtis, Esquire, son of Sir William Curtis, first Baronet; and by his first wife has Issue — (i) Major George Dalhousie Churchall Raitt, Royal Marine Artillery, born November 7, 1854 ; (2) Captain Herbert Aveling Raitt, 2nd North Staffordshire or 80th Regiment, bom August 23, 1858 ; (3) Captain Francis Jolliffe Raitt, Royal Marine hifantry, born May 28, i860 ; (4) Lieutenant Arthur Douglas Raitt, 2nd Queen's Royal Regiment, born Januaiy 10, 1869 ; a7id Emma Frances Elizabeth. Postal address — Broughtons, near Newnham, Gloucestershire. SPANDELI RALLI, Esquire, J. P. for Surrey and co. of London, D. L. co. Dorset, M. P. for Bridport 1875-80, for Wallingford 1880-85. ^o^'i May 28, 1845, being the eldest son of the late Thomas Stephen Ralli of London, by his wife Mary, dau. of Pandeli Argenti of Marseilles. Clubs — Athenpeum, Brooks's, St. James's, Bachelors', and White's. Armorial bearings— Azure, a lion rampant argent, senile of lozenges of the field, in chief a crescent between two roses couped of the second. Mantling azure and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a lion rampant argent, senile of lozenges, and holding between the paws a cross couped azure. Seat — Alderbrook, Cranleigh, Guildford. ALEXANDER GERARD RALSTON, B.A. and Belmore Medallist 1881, M.A. 1883; was called to the Bar 1884, and was acting District Court Judge i?i Sydney, Feb- ruary and March 1894. He zvas a member of the Royal Commission for the consolidation of the Statute Laws of the Colony 1893. Born Nov. 10, i860, bei?ig the eldest son of the late Alexander James Rah ton of Falconshaw, Ash field, near Sydney, by his wife Edith Windeyer, dau. of' John Thotnpson, Deputy-Surveyor-General of Neio South Wales. Armorial bearings as used, but for which no authority has been officially established, are for Arms — Argent, on a bend azure, three acorns in seed or. Crest— 0« a wreath of the colours, a falcon, proper with bells at its feet. Motto — " Fide et marte." Married, Dec. 19, 1884, his second cousin, Mary Emily, second dau. of the Hon. Sir William Charles Windeyer, Knt., senior Puisne Judge of the Supreme Court of New South Wales; and has Issue — (i) Alexander Windeyer Ralston, b. Nov. 27, 1885 ; (2) Richard Afalbon Ralston, b. May 2, 1887; (3) Edward Bolton Ralston, b. Sept. 2, 1889 ; and Mary Elizabeth. Residence — Rathgacl, Ashfield, near Sydney. ABEL JOHN RAM, Esq., Barrister-at-Law and Bencher of the Inner Temple, Recorder of Hanley, Staffs., M.A. Oxon. Botn September 21, 1842, teing the second son of the late Rev. Abel John Ram of Clonatin, co. We.xford, Rector of Rolleston, Burton-on-Trent, co. Stafford, Hon. Canon of Rochester Cathedral, by his wife Lady Jane, dau. of the Rt. Hon. Jaines George Stopf(jrd, 3rd Earl of Courtown, K.P. (by Lady Mary Montague Scott his wife, eldest dau. of the Most Noble the 3rd Duke of Buccleuch, K.G. ). Club — Oxford and Cambridge. Armorial bear- ings — Azure, a chevron ermine between three rams' heads erased argent, armed or, and imijaling the arms of O'Brien, namely gules, three lions passant guardant in pale, per jxale or and argent. Mantling azure and argent; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a ram's head erased argent armed or, charged with a chevron azure. Motto — " Ouod tibi vis fieri fac alteri." Married, April 23, 1874, f§ is the Military Cockade. Earn Hon. Mary Grace, third dau. of the Rt. Hon. Lucius O'Brien, 13th Baron Inchiquin; and has Issue — (i) Abel Ram, Gentleman, /;. and d. Oct. 12, 1875 ; (2) Lucius Abel John Granville Ram, Gentleman, b. June 24, 1885; Ellen Augusta ; and Irene Mary Montagu. Postal addresses — 31 Ivaton Sc|uare, London, S.W.; 3 Paper Buildings, Temple, London, E.C. Rev. EDWARD DIGBY STOPFORD RAM, B.A. (Oxon.) Domestic Chajjlain to Bishop of Newcastle. Born Dec. 29, 1868, being the eldest son of the late Rev. George Stopford Ram, M.,\. (Oxford), of Clonattin, Vicar of St. Peter's, Bournemouth, by his wife Hon. Charlotte Anne, dau. of the Rt. Hon. Lucius O'Brien, 13th Baron Inchiquin. Armorial bearings — Azure, a chevron ermine, between tliree rams' heads erased argent, armed or. Mantling azure and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a ram's head erased argent, armed or, charged with a chevron azure. MottO — "Quod tibi vis fieri fac alteri." Married, 1896, Mabel, dau. of the Rev. W. H. Castleman of Wimborne, Dorset, and Rector of Nuneham Courtenay, Oxford ; and has Issue — Mabel Char- lotte and Eileen Isabel (twins). .S>a/— Clonattin, Gorey, CO. Wexford. Town residence — 59 Courtfield Gardens, S.W. Rev. ROBERT DIGBY RAM, M.A. Cambridge, Vicar of Hampton, Middlesex. Born January 24, 1844, being the third son of the late Rev. Abel John Ram of Clonattin, Rector of Rolleston, Burton-on-Trent, co. Stafford, Hon. Canon of Rochester Cathedral, by his wife Lady Jane, dau. of the Rt. Hon. James George Stopford, 3rd Earl of Cour- town, K.P. (by Lady Mary Montagu Scott his wife, eldest dau. of the Most Noble the 3rd Duke of Buccleuch, K.G.). Club — Oxford and Cambridge Universities. Aimorial bearings — Azure, a chevron ermine between three rams' heads erased argent, armed or, and impaling the arms of Anson, namely argent, three bendlets engrailed, in the sinister chief point a crescent gules. Mantling azure and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a ram's head erased argent, armed or, charged with a chevron azure. Motto— "Quod tibi vis fieri fac alteri." Married, Sept. 13, 1877, Mary, only dau. cf George Edward Anson, Esq., C.B., Keeper of the Privy Purse to the Queen (by Hon. Georgiana Mary Harbord his wife, dau. of Rt. Hon. 3rd Lord Suftield, Bedchamber Woman to the Queen), and granddau. of Very Rev. Frederick Anson, D.D. , Dean of Chester (brother of ist Viscount Anson) ; and has Issue— (i) George Edward Ram, Gentleman, b. April 25, 1879 '< (2) Frederic Montagu Anson Ram, Gentleman, /'. Aug. 30, 1885 ; and Emily Jane. Postal address— The Vicarage, Hampton, Middlesex. § STEPHEN RAM, Esquire, Deputy-Lieutenant for the county of Wexford, Lord of the Manor of Ber- mondsey. Born April 15, 1818, teing the only son of Abel Ram of Ramsfort, by his wife Eleanor Sarah, sole heir of Jerome William Knapp. 6'////'— Carlton. Lively— HXvlc, with white facings. Armorial bearings- He bears for Arms : Azure, a chevron ermine, between three rams' heads erased argent. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling azure and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a ram's head erased argent, charged with a chevron azure ; with the Motto, "Quod tibi vis fieri fac alteri." Married, August 7, 1839, Mary Christian, second daughter of James Archi- bald Caramayor; and has had Issue— (1) Stephen James Ram, Esquire, Capt. Scots Fusilier Guards, born 1840 (deceased) ; (2) Edmond Arthur Ram, Gentleman, born 1841 (deceased) ; (3) Abel Humphrey Ram, Gentleman, born 1843; (4) Arlhiu- Archibald Ram, Gentleman, born 1852; Mary Eleanor ; Adela Jane I5enedicta Mary ; Elizabeth Augustine Agnes ; and Frances Mary. Estates— R3.msion, Gorey, in the county of Wexford ; Manor of Bermondsey, London. Postal address— ig Egerton Gardens, London, S.W. RAMSAY, quartered by NISBET - HAMILTON - OGILVY. RAMSAY, see DALHOUSIE. GEORGE D.A.LHOUSIE RAMSAY, Esquire, Com- panion of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath (1882). H is the Naval Cockade. Ham iRam 691 Born 1828, being the eighth son of Sir Alexander Ramsay, second Baronet, by his second wife Elizabeth, dau. of the Ri. Hon. the ist Baron I'anmure, and sister of the Rt. Hon. Vox Maule Ramsay, eleventh Karl of Dalhousie, K.T. , G. C. B. ; was Director of Army Clothing, War Department, 1863-1893 ; created Companion of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, 1882. Cli/bs — Travellers', Arthur's. Livery — (Dress) white coat, black and white striped waist- coat, black breeches and stockings, and silver buttons ; (undress) black coat. Armorial bearing^— He bears for Arms : Argent, an eagle displayed sable, beaked and niemljered gules, charged on the breixst witii a rose of the tield, barbed and seeded proper. Upon the escutcheon, from which is pendent his txitige as a Companion of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, is placed a helmet belitting liis degree, with a mantling sable and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a demi-eagle displayed sable. MottO — "Aspiro." Married, 1864, Eleanor Julia Charteris, daughter of John Crawfurd, F. R.S. ; and has had Issue — .Mexander Panmure Oswald Ramsay, Gentleman, Barrisier-at-Law (Inner Temple), born 1867, (/. 1897; and l':iizatx!th Edith [iii., 1894, Rev. Bari( n Vaughan Mills]. Postal address— -j Manson I'lace, South Kensington, S.W. Sir JAMES HENRY RAMSAY, tenth Baronet, of Bamff, in the county of Perth, Deputy-Lieutenant, Master of Arts, Barrister-af-Law. Born 1832, being the son of Sir George Ramsay, ninth Baronet, by his wife Emily Eugenia, daughter of the late Captain Henry Lennon ; succeeded his father in 1871, under the creation {of Noan '^'^''s- ^"''^ J""^ ^°' ^^55- ''eing the il\aU(PUUUJ^UU sa.rah Colbeck, his wife, late of Bridgen Place, Kent. C////w — Ne\y Athenaeum, Royal Albert Yacht (Southsea). I.ive>y—V,\wc and silver. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms: Per fesse \vavy sable and azure, guttt'e d'or, a quadrangular castle with four towers argent, on a chief or three raven's heads erased of the first. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befit- ting his degree, with a mantling sable and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, issuant from an annulet or, a raven's head erased sable, guttle d'or, holding in the beak an annulet gold ; with the Motto — " Laus virtutis actio." Married, 1840, Ellen Frances, daughter and co-heir of John Naylor Wright, Esq. of Litherland, Lanes., J. P. for that county ; and has Issue— (\) Reverend C. W. Rawson, Vicar of Brathay, Westmorland, 1842 ; (2) Rear-Admiral Harry Holdsworth Rawson, C.B., born 1843; (3) Com- mander Wyatt Rawson, fatally wounded at Tel el Kebir, Egypt, born 1854 ; P'rances Emily [md. Dudley Raikes De Clair]; Evelyn [married Sir Francis de Winton, G.C.M.G., K.C. B. , Comptroller to H. R. H. the Duke of York] ; Blanche [married Ernest E. Molyneux Royds] ; and Ella [married Col. Mackenzie of Ramslade, Berks]. Postal address — Fern Bank, Petersfield, Hants. t Admiral Sik HARRY HOLDSWORTH RAWSON. K.C.B. (1897), R.N., Commander-in-Chief on the South African Station. Born Nov. 5, 1843, being the second son of the late Christopher Rawson, Esq., J. P. co. iRap Surrey, late Capt. and District Paymaster of Lower Canada, by his wife Ellen Frances, dau. of John Naylor Wright of Liverpool and Beaumaris. Armorial bearings— I'er fesse wavy sable and azure, guttee-d'or, a quadrangular castle § is the Military Cockade. with four towers argent, on a chief or three ravens' heads erased of the first, the escutcheon being surrounded by the ribbon of the Bath, and pendent therefrom his badge as a K.C.B. Mantling sable and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, issuant from an annulet or, a raven's head erased sal)le, gutt(?e-d'or, holding in the beak an annulet gold. Motto — " Laus virtutis actio." Married, Oct. 19, 1871, Florence Alice Stewart, dau. of John Ralph Shaw of Arrowe Park, Cheshire; and has had Issue— [i) Harry Hugh Rawson, Gentleman, b. Jan. 18, d. July 21, 1875 ; {2) Henry Christo[)her Shaw Rawson, Gentleman, b. Felj. 21, 1876; (3) Hugh Wyatt Hay Rawson, Gentle- man, b. Sep:. II, 1887; Alice Evelyn; and Muriel Edith Florence ((/. 1882). Postal address — United Service Club. JOHN WILLIAM RAWSON-ACKROYD, Gentleman, B.A. (Cantab.). Born 1854, being the eldest son of John Rawson of Bradford, co. York, by his wife Elizabeth, dau. of William Ackroyd of Dean Grange ; assumed the name of Ackroyd on inheriting this property in 1875. Armorial bearings — Quarterly i and 4, ermine a chevron between four stags' heads erased, three in chief and one in base gules (for Ackroyd) ; 2 and 3 per ])ale azure and sable, a quad- rangular castle with four towers argent, between three annu- lets or (for Rawson). Mantling gules and argent ; and for his Crests, i. upon a wreath of the colours, in front of two tilting-spears saliireways proper, the battlements of a tower argent, thereon a stag's head erased gules (for Ackroyd) ; 2. upon a wreath of the colours, in front of an eagle's head erased sable, holding in the beak an aninilet or, three annu- lets interlaced fesscways gold. Mottoes (above the crests) — "Satis quod sufficit ; " (below the arms) — " In veritate victoria." Seat — Dean Grange, near Kimbolton. JOHN RAYNER, Gentleman, Doctor of Medicine, formerly Assistant-Surgeon 4th Middlesex Horse Artillery. Born May 2, 1819, Iseing the second but eldest surviving son of Thomas Rayner. Livery — Black. Armorial bear- ings — He bears for Arms : Azure, on a chevron or, Ijetween three demi-lions rampant of the last, five cross crosslets of B is the Naval Cockade. laea men 697 9 • first. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a maotling azure and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, in front of a demi-lion ram- pant or, holding in the dexter paw a cross crosslet azure, a serpent nowed proper ; with the Motto, " Facta non verba." Marfied, firstly, June 15, 1844, Emily (who died 1866), daughter of Thomas Gould ; secondly, July 2, 1869, Frances Sarah (who died 1870), only child of Captain Coles, Hon- ourable East India Company's Service ; and thirdly, July 3, 1872, Emma Katharine, daughter of the Reverend VVilliam Hyde, Master of Arts, Rector of St. Mary Donyett, in tlie county of .Somerset. By his first matriage has Issue — John Alexander Kayner, Gentleman, B.A. , Lond. , born August 9, 1845, and four daughters ; and by his third marriage three daughters. Estates — Freehold and leasehold house-property ir\ London. Postal address — Swaledale House, Highbury Quadrant, London, N. Rev. CHARLES DARI5Y RIOADI':. Clerk in Holy Orders, late Rector of Stow-Bedon, Norfolk, J. P. Middle- sex, /iorn March 16, 1820, being the third son of the laie John Reade, H.E.I.C.S., of Holbrook, Suflolk ; by his wife, a dau. of the late Gen. Gowdie, Commander-in-Chief of Madras Forces in 18 10. Chih — Constitutional. I.ivety rreen. Armorial bearingB — quarterly i and 4, argent a saltire vair6, azure, and or, between four Cornish choughs proper (for Reade); 2 and 3 erminois, on a chevron em- battled gules, three estoiles or, all within a bordure engrailed sable (for Revell). Mantling sable and argent. Crest, on a wreath of the colours, a mount vert, thereon between two reeds proper a Cornish cliough wings elevated also proper. Motto — " Cedant arma togre." Married, first, 1847, Elizabeth Laurence, dau. of late John Aitken, H.E.I.C.S., of Carshalton Park, Surrey; and secondly, 1895, Maud, youngest dau. of George Higinbotham, late Chief-Justice of Victoria ; and has Issue — (i) Arthur Revell Reade, Esq., Capt. Welsh Regt., b. Dec. 4, 1855; (2) Edward Revell Reade, Esq., Capt. East Lancashire Regt., b. July 20, 1862 ; and (3) Charles Revell Reade, Gentleman, b. March 19, 1897. Postal address — 83 Holland Road,- Kensington, W. S JAMES COLQUHOUN REVELL READE, Esquire, B.A. Christ Church, Oxon. , Barrister-at-Law of tlie Middle Temple, J. P. for cos. Suffolk and Glamorgan, Lieut. -Col. Commanding 3rd Batt. Welsh Regt. 1886-96, late Capt. Suffolk Yeomanry, and formerly Lieut. i4lh Hussars. Born May 13, 1840, being the eldest son of the late John Page Reade, Esq., J. P. and D.L. (High Sheriff" 1865), B.A. Exeter Coll., Oxford, by his first wife Helen, dau. of Sir James Colquhoun, Bart., of Colquhoun and Luss. C/«/w— Brooks's, New University. Armorial bear- ings — Quarterly i and 4, argent, a saltire vaireS azure and or, between four Cornish choughs proper (for Reade) ; 2 and 3 erminois, on a chevron embattled gules, three estoiles or, all within a bordure engrailed sable (for Revell). Mantling azure and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a mount vert, thereon between two reeds proper a Cornish chough, wings elevated, also proper. Motto — "Cedant arma togas." Afarried. Feb. 4, 1891, Florence Sophia, eldest dau. of M. Hardy Voss of De Montfort House, Surrey ; and has Issue — Margaret Colquhoun. Seat — Crowe Hall, Stutton, Suffolk. Town residence — 57 Cromwell Road, S.W. S WILLIAM BE ALES REDFERN, Esquire, J. P. and D.I.., Cambridge. Born 1840, being the only son of Daniel Redfern. Club — Savage. Armorial bear- ings as used, but fur which no authority has been established, are for Arms — Or, six martlets gules, three and three. Crest — -'} silver birch-tree proper. Motto — " Alagna est Veritas." Seat — Inveruglas House, Cambridge. The Rii(ht Honourable CHRISTOPHER TALBOT REDI.NGTON, Justice of the Peace i IQ {>>|tt1iTf'nn '""' Deputy-Lieutenant for the county of iI\tUUl^ VUU Gahuay, and a Member of Her Majesty' s Most Honourable Privy Council for Ireland. Born September 30, 1847, being the eldest son of Sir Thomas N. Redington, Knight Commander of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, &'c., .wmetime Under- Secretary for Ireland, by his wife Anne Eliza May, eldest daughter of John H. Talbot of Castle Talbot, in the county of We.xford. Club — Athencrum. Armorial bearings as used, but which are not registered in i'hti-r's (Whc, are: Argent, a chez'ron, between two demi-lions rampant in chief and a mullet in base gules, quartering Burke, namely or, a cross gules, in the first quarter a lion rampant sable ; Dowell, namely argent, a lion rampant sable luithiti a bordure engrailed gules ; and Talbot, gules, a lion rampant within a bordure or. Crest — A lion rampant gules. Motto — " Pro rege sirpe pro patria semper." Estate — Kilcornan, in the county of Galway. Postal address — Kilcornan, Oramore, Ireland. REDLYNCH, Baron of, see HXHESTER. REDM.\N, quartered by BUTLER. JOHN EDWARD REDMOND, Barrister-at-Law, Member of Parliament for Waterford TfJl>fltt1rttlJl '"''''• Born September \, xZ^d,- being the -U^vUlllUllU gi;iest son of the late William Archer Redmond, Esquire, by his wife Mary, eldest daughter of the late Major R. H. Hoey of Hoeyfield , in the county of Wicklcno. Clttb — Union ( Wexford). Armo- rial bearings as given in Debretfs "House of Commons" but which are not recorded in Ulster s Office, are for Arms : Gules, a castle betiveen thi-ee wool-packs. Crest— .^4 beacon fired. Married, 1883, Johanna, you7igest daughter of the late James Dalton of Orange, in the Colony of New South Wales, Postal address — 15 Upper Fitzwilliam Street, Dublin. ] I ILLIAM HOE V KEARNE V REDMOND, Member of Parliament for the East Clare Division of the county of Clare. Born April 13, 1861, being the second son of the late , William .Archer Redmond, by his wife Mary, eldest daughter of the late Major R. H. Hoey of Hoeyfield, in the county of Wicklojv. C\uh— Catholic (Dublin)' Armorial bearings as ^iven in Debretfs " House of Comtnons," but which are not recorded in Ulster s Office, are for Arms : Gules, a castle between three wool-packs argent. Crest— ^ beacon fired. Tbe Editor undertakes that every entry not in italics is tlxat of a genuinely armigerous person. 698 BeD Eee Married, 1886, Eleanor Mary, eldest daughter of James Dalton of Sydney, in the Colony of Neia South Wales. Postal address — Gresham Hotel, Dublin. RED WARE, quartered by HUSSEY. Sir EDWARD JAMES REED, Knight Commander of the Most Honourable Order of the Batli, Fellow of the Royal Society, Justice of the Peace for the county of tjlaiiiorgan, and Member of Parliament for Cardiff. Born Septemlier 20, 1830, being the son of John Reed of Sheerness, by his wife Elizabeth, daughter of J. Arney ; was created Companion of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, 1868, and advanced to the rank of Knight Commander of that Order, 1880. Club — National Liberal. Armorial bearings — He Vjears for Arms: Within two pallets azure, a lleur-de-lis of the last between two roses in pale giiles, barbed and seeded proper, all between two eagles displayed sable, the escutcheon being encircled by tiie ribbon of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, and pendent his badge as a Knight Commander. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling azure and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a demi-man in profile, looking to the sinister, supporting in his dexter hand a hammer resting on an anvil, and holding in the sinister hand an iron ship, all proper; with the Motto, "Jucundi acti labores." Married, 1851, Rosetta, eldest daughter of the late Nathaniel Barnaby of Sheerness. Residence — 112 Cromwell Road, S.W. Offices — Broadway Chambers, Westminster, S.W. WILLIAM REES-MOGG, Gentleman, of Cholwell House, Somerset. Born April 29, 1815, being the younger son of the late Rev. John Rees-Mogg of Trowbridge, Wilts, by his wife Mary, only child and heir of William Wool- dridge. Armorial toearings — Quarterly i and 4, argent, on a fesse pean, between three ermine spots, each sur- mounted by a crescent gules, a cock or (for Mogg) ; 2 and 3 gules, a chevron engrailed erminois, between three swans argent, wings elevated or (for Rees). Mantling sable and argent ; and for his Crests, i. upon a wreath of the colours, between two spear-heads erect sable, a cock proper (for Mogg) ; 2. upon a wreath of the colours, a swan argent, wings elevated or, holding in the beak a water-lily slipped proper (for Rees). MottO — " Cura pii Diis sunt. " Married, July 13, 1847, Ann, dau. and eventually heir of William Coxeter James, Esq., of Timsbury, Somerset, J. P. and D.L. for that co. ; and by her (who died Jan. 23, 1892) has Issue — (i) William Wooldridge Rees-Mogg, Gentleman, b. Nov. 21, 1848, [;«., 1884, Emily Walcott, third dau. of Rev. Henry Stiles Savory, Rector of Camely, Somerset, and has issue]; (2) Rev. Henry James Rees-Mogg, b. March 31, 1851 [;«., 1877, Charlotte Elizabeth Sarah, eldest dau. of the late Henry Newton of Mount Leinster, co. Carlow, and widow of Thomas John Mitchell, Esq., Captain King's Dragoon Guards, and has issue] ; (3) Leyson Rees-Mogg, Gentleman, b. Jan. 29, 1855 \tn., 1889, Mary Swete Ad- monition, second dau. of Walter Coplestone Radcliffe of Warleigh, Devon, and has issue]; (5) Charles Baker Coxeter Rees-Mogg, Gentleman, b. Nov. 27, 1857, d. Aug. 5, 1888; Anna Maria Elizabeth ; Catharine ; and Mary Ann. Seat — Cholwell House, Temple Cloud, Bristol. Lieutenant-Colonel ELLIS PHILIP FOX REEVE, late Coldstream Guards, J. P. for Kesteven Div. co. Lin- coln. Born Nov. 1838, being the eldest son of the late Ellis Reeve, by his wife Charlotte Frances, dau. of William Wainwright. Clubs — Carlton, United Service. Armorial bearings — Quarterly i and 4, gules, a chevron engrailed vairfe or and azure, cotised argent, between three roses of the last, barbed and seeded proper ; 2 and 3 per bend or and argent, two bendlets ermines. Mantling gules and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a horse's head erased per fesse nebuly argent and gules, charged on the neck with two mullets in pale counterchanged. Motto — " Revera pro Regina." Married, 1864, Hon. Fanny Dundas [d. 1892), sister of the Rt. Hon. fifth Viscount Melville; and has Issue — Violet Edith \jn. H. R. F. Framp- ton] ; Lihan Constance ; Rosaline Emma ; and Iris Ismay Charlotte. Postal address — Carlton Club, S.W. H, JOHN SHERARD REEVE, Esquire, Lieutenant @ Grenadier Guards, J. P. for Kesteven, Lincolnshire. ^ is the Military Cockade. Born April 3, 1872, being the only child of the late John Reeve, Esq., Lieut. -Col. late Grenadier Guards, J. P., by his wife the Hon. Edith Anne, dau. of the late Rev. the Hon. Charles Dundas (sister of the present Viscount Melville). Clubs — Guards', Bachelors'. Livery — -Drab, with green waistcoat, brass buttons. Armorial bearings- Quarterly I and 4, gules, a chevron engrailed vaircSe or and azure, cotised argent, between three roses of the last, barbed and seeded proper ; 2 and 3 per bend or and argent, two bendlets ermines. Mantling gules and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a horse's head erased per fesse nebuly argent and gules, charged on the neck with two mullets in pale counterchanged. Motto — " Revera pro Regina." Seat — Leadenham House, Lincoln. MNEVILL HENRY REEVE-KING, Esquire, J.P. 9 for CO. Lincoln, formerly Capt. 4Sth Regt. Born Dec. 28, 1839, being the younger son of Ellis Reeve, by his wife Charlotte Frances, dau. of William Wainewright ; assumed the additional surname and arms of King by Royal Licence in 1896. Clubs — Army and Navy, Junior United Service. Armorial bearings— Quarterly i and 4, sable, on a chevron engrailed argent, three escallops of the field (for King) ; 2 and 3 gules, a chevron engrailed vain^e or and azure, cotised argent, between three roses of the last, barbed and seeded proper (for Reeve). Crests — i. on a wreath of the colours, a talbot's head couped sable, collared or (for King) ; 2. on a wreath of the colours, a horse's head erased per fesse nebuly argent and gules, charged on the neck with two mullets in pale counterchanged (for Reeve). Motto — " Virtuti fortuna cedit." Seat— The Hall, Ashby- de-la-Launde, Lincoln. § SIMMS REEVES, Esquire, D.L. and J.P. for the cd. of Norfolk, J.P. for the co. of the city of Noiwich, Sheriff of the co. of Norfolk, Recorder of Great Yarmouth. Born Feb. 24, 1826, being the eldest son of Joseph Newman Reeve, by his 7vife Mary, dau. of Law Simms of Bran caster, Norfolk. Clubs — Piccadilly, Norfolk County (Norwich). Livery — Dress: clai-et-colonred coat, with gold lace, or brown or yellow facings, waistcoat same, yellow breeches and stockings, gilt buttons, garters, buckles ; undress : claret- coloured coat and overcoat, with yclknv collar, cuff's, and vest claret or striped red. Armorial bearings as used, but M is the Naval Cockade. Eei Eej 699 'which no authority has been established in the College of Anns, are — Gules, a chevron vair^e or and azure, between three roses argent. Crest — A dragon s head erased proper, collared or. 'HLotXo—" Animum rege." Married, Oct. 31, 1854, Anne, dau. of Willia7n Bro7vne of Thorpe Hamlet, Norwich. Seat — lirancaster, Norfolk; Brancaster Hall, Kind's Lynn, Norfolk. The Rkverend OSWALD JOSEPH REICHP^L, Clerk in Holy Orders, Bachelor of Civil Law and IRl^irflPl ^^fister of Arts, Fellow of the Society of JiAvltlJvl Antiquaries. Born February 2, 1840, being the eUier son of the Reverend Samuel Rudolph Reichel, by his second wife Matilda, youngest daughter of Joseph Hiirlock of Oxted, in the county of Surrey. Armo- rial bearings— He bears for Arms : Party per fesse sable and or, a lion rampant, double-ciueued, and holding between the paws a sickle, all counterchanged ; and for his Crest, out of a ducal coronet, ademi-lion rampant, riouble-c|ueued , holding in the paws a sickle all or. Married, May 25, 1887, Julia Maria Harriet Louisa, daughter of Frederick Ashenden, late of Hrighton. Estates — Newton House, Drevvsteignton ; A' la Ronde House, Withycombe, Raleigh, both in tiie county of Devon. Postal address — A' la Ronde, Lympston, Devon. §SiR GEORGE REID, LL.D. (Aberdeen Univ.), A.R.S.A. 1870, and R.S.A. 1877; is Pre?, of Roy. Scottish Acad., and a D. L. for City and Co. of City of Ivlinlnui^h. Born 1841, lx*ing the son of the late George kiid of Aberdeen ; and was dubbed Knight Bachelor 1891. Armorial bearings — Gules, a stag's head erased, within an orle of eight cinquefoils argent. Mantling gules doubled argent ; and upon a wreath of his liveries is set for Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a demi-ostrich argent, holding in the beak a sprig of laurel proper; and in an escroU above, this Motto, " Labor ipse voluptas." Married, 1882, Mar- garet, dau. of the late Thomas Best of Aberdeen. Resi- dences — 22 Royal Terrace, Edinburgh ; St. Luke's, Aber- deen. Sir JAMES REID, a Baronet of the United Kingdom (1897), Knight Commander of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath (Civil Division) 1895, M.D., LL.D.. M.A., and Master in .Surgery, all of the University of Aberdeen, Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians of London, and Fellow of the Royal Medico-Chirurgical Society of London, Physi- cian in Ordinary and Resident Physician to Her Majesty the Queen. Born Oct. 23, 1849, being the eldest son of the late James Reid, M.D. , of Ellon, Aberdeenshire, by Beatrice his wife, dau. of the late John Peter of Canterland, Kincardineshire. Lively — Dark blue with gold facings. Armorial bearings —Azure, a stag's head erased or, be- tween two torches inflamed prop>er. Above the escutcheon, which is charged with his badge of Ulster as a baronet and encircled by the ribbon of the Order of the Bath and pendent therefrom his Ixidgc .as a K.C. B. (Civil), is placed a helmet befittinv; his degree, with a Man'Uing azure doubled or, and upon a wreath of his liveries is set for Crest, a pelican in her nest feeding her young proper, and in an escroU above the same this Motto, " Nihil anianti durum." Postal addresses — Windsor Castle, Berks; The Chestnuts, Ellon, Aberdeenshire. Tin: Revi:ki;\u JOHN EDWARD REID-CUDDON, Clerk in Holy Orders, Rector of ^Rot^I-^^^tI^l^lrtt1 Ashow, m thecounty of Warwick, it\t'lU->a.UUUUIl Master of Arts of the University of O.vford, only son of the late Reverend John Reid, Master of .Arts, of Tregony-Pomeroy, Rector of St. James's, Tregony, and Vicar of Cuby, in the county of Cornwall, by his wife Fanny, eldest daughter of William George Porter of the Manor House, Fletton, in the county of Huntingdon ; and assumed by Royal License in the year 1893 the additional surname and arms of Cuddon, as being the representative of the ancient .Suffolk family of Cuddon of Shaddingfield Hall. Armorial bear- ings — He bears for Arms : (Quarterly i and 4, argent a chevron gules, on a chief azure, three bezants (for Cuddon) ; 2 and 3 argent, an eagle displayed sable, charged on each wing with a tower or, and between four saltires couped in cross gules (for Reid) ; and for his Crests, i. upon a wreath of the colours, a dexter arm in armour embowed, the hand supporting a crossbow in pale, all proper, with an arrow therein ready to fly gules (for Cuddon) ; 2. upon a wreath The Editor undertakes that every entry not in italics is that of a genuinely armigerous person. yoo men Een of the colours, between four roses gules, two on either side, a tower argent (for Reid) ; with the Motto, " Fortiter et suaviter." Postal address - Kenilworth, Warwickshire. -The Rectory, Ashow, near SSiR JOSEPH RENALS, ist Baronet, a Member of the Commission of Lieutenancy and Justice of the Peace for the city of London, and an Alderman of that city, High Sheriff 1892--3, and Lord Mayor 1894-5, Hon. Col. 4th Vol. Batn. Roy. W. Surrey Regt. Born 1843, being the son of William Renals of Nottingham, by his wife Elizabeth, dau. of Joshua Burton of Nottingham. Club — Reform. Armorial bearings — Per pale gules and sable, on a fesse nebuly argent, Ix'twcen in chief two lozenges and in base as mnny fleurs-de-hs or, a fasces fesseways proper. Mantling gules and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, on a rock a fox regardant supporting with its dexter foot a fasces erect pro|)er, and charged on the shoulder with a lozenge or. Motto — " Cavcndo tutus." Married, 1870, Marie, dau. of Alfred Wilson of Notting- ham ; and has Issue— (\) James Herbert, Esq., b. 1870; (2) John Burton, Esq., b. 1872; {3) Alfred William, Esq., b. 1877. Postal address — 108 Fore Street, E.C. FRANCIS SHUTTLEWORTH RENDALL, formerly Lieut. Derbyshire Yeo. Cav. Born 1852, being the youngest son of the late Edward Anthony Holden, Esq., J. P. and D.L., of Aston Hall, co. Derby, by Susan Drummond, only dau. of the late George Moore, Esq., of Appleby Hall, co. Leicester, and of Bentley, co. Warwick ; assumed his present name and arms by Royal License on his marriage, when his wife inherited the estate of the late Charles E. Rendall. Armorial bearings —Quarterly i and 4, gules, on a cross cotised flory or, a horse-shoe between four mullets pierced of the first, and (for distinction) a cross crosslet in canton of the second (for Rendall) ; 2 and 3 sable, a fesse engrailed erminois, between two chevrons ermine (for Holden). Mantling gules and or ; and for his Crests, i. upon a wreath of the colours, an antelope's head couped or, gorged with a collar gemel, holding in the mouth a horse- shoe, and charged (for distinction) with a cross crosslet all gules (for Rendall) ; 2. upon a wreath of the colours, on a mount vert, a heathcock rising sable, winged or. Married, 1^77, Rachel Frances, dau. of John Pinckney of Great Durnford, Wilts ; and has Issue — A dau. Seat — Brigmer- ston House, near Amesbury. SiK ALEXANDER MEADOWS RENDEL, Knight Commander of the Most Eminent Order of 11?I>tl!lPT ^'^"^ Indian Empire, Master- of Arts. Born UAvllUvl 1829, being the son of James Meadows Rendel, Fellow of the Royal Society, by his wife Katharine Jane, daughter of W. J. Harris of Ply- ^ is the Military Cockade. mouth ; created Knight Commander of the Most Eminent Order of the Indian Empire, 1887. Clubs — Athenaium, Garrick, National Liberal. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Per fesse nebuly sable and argent, a pale, three demi-lions erased, two and one, and as many slaves raguly, one and two, all counterchanged ; the escutcheon being surrounded by the ribbon of the Most Eminent Order of the Indian Empire, and pendent his badge as a Knight Commander. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet be- fitting his degree, with a mantling sable and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, in front of a rock proper, a staff raguly fesseways vert, thereon a wolf passant azure, collared argent, supporting with the dexter foreleg a flagstaff proper, therefrom flowing a banner sable, charged with a demi-lion as in the arms ; with the Motto, " Lahore et consilio." Married, 1853, daughter of Captain W. Robson, Royal Navy, Governor of New Zealand. Postal addresses — 44 Lancaster Gate, W. ; 8 Great George Street, Westminster. The Right Honourable STUART RENDEL, Baron Rendel of Hatchlands, in the county of Surrey, in the Peerage of the United Kingdom, Member of Parliament for the county of Montgomery 1880- 1894, Master of Arts of the University of Oxford. Born July 2, 1834, being the third son of the late James Meadows Rendel, Fellow of the Royal Society. Creation — March 30, 1894. Clubs — Athenseum, Garrick. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Per fesse nebuly sable and argent a pale, three demi-lions erased two and one, and as many staves raguly one and two all counterchanged. .Above the escutcheon is placed the coronet of his rank, and thereiqjon a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling sable and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, in front of a rock proper, a staff raguly fesseways vert, K is the Naval Cockade. Een iaia 701 thereon a wolf passant azure, collared argent, supporting with the dexter foreleg a flagstaff proper therefrom flowing a banner saljle, charged witii a demi-lion as in the arms. Supporters^-On either side a wolf azure, collared argent, on the shoulder a plate charged with a demi-lion erased sable and holding in the mouth a staff raguly also argent. Motto — " Labore et consilio." Married, 1857, Ellen, daughter of William Egerton Hubbard of Leonardslee, Horsham, brother of first Baron Addington. Country residence — Hatchlands, in the county of Surrey. Tmvn residence — i Carlton Gardens, S.W. first, between three escutcheons azure, each charged with a cross crosslet also or. Mantling gules and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, in front of a cross crosslet fitch^e or, a talbot passant sable, langued gules, with the Een0l)atD n CHARLES DINE RENSHA \V, Esquire, Justice of Sl«? the Peace and Deputy-lJeutenattt for the county of Renfreiv, Member of Parlia- ment for the U'est Division thereof. Born December 9, 1848, being the third son of the late Thomas Charles Renshaw, Esquire, one of Her Alajesty's Counsel learned in the Law, of Sandrocks, in the county of Sussex, by his wife Elizabeth, daughter of George Blaker of Patcham, in the county of Sussex. Clubs — Carlton, Garrick, Western [Glasgow) Armorial bear- ings as given in Debrett's "House of Commons," but for which no authority has been established, are for Arms : I'er pale and per chevron or and azure, three martlets all counierchanged. Crest — A griffin's head erased. Married, 1872, Mary, daughter of A. P. Stoddart of Droadfield, in ttu county of Renfrew. Residences — Barochan, Houston, North Britain ; Ganiocks, Greenock, North Britain. JAMES ALEXANDER RENTOUL, Doctor of Laws, Member of Parliament for East Do7on 10 p|^f-|^tt( Division of the county of Dorivn , Barrister-at- i^K'X I I'UUl Jmw. Born , being the eldest son of the late Reverend Alexander Rcntoul, Doctor of Divinity, Doctor of Medicine, of Manor Cunnin' in the county of Donegal, by his wife Ermindit, daughter of the late James Chittick, also of Manor Cum: ham. Clubs — Carlton, Conservative ( Woolwich). Armo- rial bearing's as used, but which are not recorded in Ulster's Office, are for Arms : Argent, three eagles dis- played gules. Crest — A tree. Motto — "Pacta non verba." Married, 1882, Plorence Isabella, youngest daughter oj David W. Young of The Cedars, Clapham, London, S. W. Postal addresses — loA Great Queen Street, Westminster, London, S. IV. REWSE, sec SMITH-REWSE. REYNARDSON, see BIRCH-REYNARDSON. ARTHUR DENIS HENRY HEBER REYNELL- I'.XCK, Es(|uire, J. P. for NorthamiJton, late Lieut, in Northampton and Rutland .Militia. Born Oct. 22, i860, being the only son of the late .Arthur Joiin Reynell-Pack, Est]., J. P., Lieut. -Col. 7th Fusiliers, C. B. , and Knight of the Legion of Honour, by his wife Frederica Katherine, second dau. of Col. the Hon. Henry Holy Hutchinson of Weston, Towcester, co. Northampton. Clubs — Boodle's, Royal Yacht Squadron. Armorial bearings — Quar- terly, sable and crminois ; in the ist (|uartcr a sword in bend sinister argent, pommel and hilt or, encircled by a \\ leaih of tiie last ; in the 4th, a cinquefoil of the third. Pendent from a crimson ribbon, Ixirdered blue, in the centre chief, a representation of the golden cross and clasps presented to Major-Gen. Pack by ILM. George HI., in testimony of his royal approbation of the signal valour dis- played by the said Major-Gen. Pack in divers actions with the enemy in the Peninsula of Spain. Mantling sable and or. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a nuiral crown argent, issuing therefrom a lion's head gules, gorged with a wreath or. Motto— " Fidus confido." Married, March 8, 1894, Florence, widow of Sir Henry Wri.xon-Beecher, Bart., of Castle Hyde and Ballygiblin, co. Cork, and dau. of the late J. Walker of The Priory, Bath. 6Va/ — Netherton House, Newton Abbot, S. Devon. REYNOLDS, quartered by MORETON. ALFRED JAMES REYNOLDS, Esq., J. P. for the cos. of London, Hertford, and Middlesex. Born Oct. 23, 1850, being the fifth son of William and Emlyn Bedlake Reynolds of Highgate. 67// *j— Junior Carlton, and Bath. ArmoriaJ bearings — Or, a rose gules, barbed vert seeded of the dexter paw resting on a rose of the first. Motto—" (Juod varum tulum." Married, August 24, 1876, ICmily Mar- garet, eldest dau. of Alexander Boyd, Esq., J. P. for the CO. of Waterford ; and has Issue — (i) .•\lfred Howard Rey- nolds, Gentleman, b. Nov. 16, 1877; (2) Alan Boyd Rey- nolds, Gentleman, b. March 12, 1879; (3) Gerald Nairne Reynolds, Gentleman, b. Nov. 10, 1881 ; (4) (iuy Franklyn Reynolds, Gentleman, b. Jan. 19, 1886; and Margaret Emlyn. Residence — Digswell, Welwyn, Herts. WALTER REYNOLDS, Esquire, J. P. for Middlesex and London. Born 1846, being the third son of William Reynt)lds of Highgate and his wife Emlyn Bedlake. Armorial bearings— Or, a rose gules, barbed vert, seeded of the first, between three escutcheons azure, each charged with a cross crosslet or. Mantling gules and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, in front of a cross crosslet litch<5e and erect or, a talbot passant sable, langued gules, the dexter foreleg resting on a rose of the first. Motto — " (^iiod verum tutuni." Married, 1869, Kate, third dau. of William Red- ford Harris, Esq., J. P., of Windsor. Residence — 9 The Grove, Highgate, London, N. S LEWIS JOHN ROBERTS RIALL, Esq., D.L., High Sheriff 1889, J. P. cos. Dublin and Wicklow, late Capt. 15th Regt. Born Jan. 15, 1838, being the eldest son of the late Phineas Riall, Esq., of Old Conna Hill, J. P. and D.L. for Dublin, and J. P. for Wicklow, High .Sheriff for CO. Dublin 1863, by his wife Mary .-\nne, dau. of John Roe of Rockwell, co. Tipperary. Armorial bearings — Quarterly i and 4, argent, on a bend engrailed azure, be- tween an eagle displayed in chief and an escallop in base g^les, a pile issuing from the dexter of tlie first (for Riall) ; 2 and 3 ermine, a mullet gules between three crows close sable, each holding in its Ijeak an ear of wheat proper (for Roberts). Mantling azure and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a lion's head erased or, Tbe Editor undertakes that every entry not in italics is that of a genuinely armigerous person. 702 Eia Bic charged with an escallop giiles, in the mouth a trefoil vert. Motto — " Duw au fendith yw fy ngvvenwth." Married, Feb. i6, 1871, Elizabeth Sophia, eldest dau. of Capt. David Reatty of Healthtield, co. Wexford ; and has /3.f//c— Olive Mary ; Violet Maud ; and Elizabeth Rose. Seat—0\A Conna Hill, Bray. S WILLIAM ARTHUR RIALL, Esq., J. P. and D.L. Burn April 20, 1850, beinjt the only son of the late Samuell Riall, Esq., of Annerville, J. P.. by his wife Maria, widow of Thomas Quin of Rodmoiidstown, and only dau. of George Baker of Cahir. Armorial bearings— Argent, on a bend engrailed azure, tetween an eagle displayed in chief and an escallop in base gules, a pile issuing from the dexter of the first. Mantling azure and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a lion's head erased or, charged witii an escallop gules, holding in the mouth a trefoil vert. Motto — " Re alta modestas." 6>rt/— Anner- ville, Clonmel. RICH, quartered by EDWARDES. EDWARD HARRINSON RICHARDS, Esquire, Puisne Judge of the Supreme Court of IQtffiafTltf ^'■'s ^o'f^l Coast Colony, formerly Lieut. ilAltiin^vP 2nd Middlesex (Edmonton) Royal Rifle Militia, now 7lh Batt. King's Royal Rifles, Barrister-at-Law. Horn June 19, 1850, younger surviving son of John Richards, Fellow of the Society of Antiquaries, by his wife Fanny, daughter of John May. Club — Junior Athenitura. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Ermine, a chevron engrailed with plain cotises azure, and in the base a lion rampant of the second, gorged with a collar of oak-leaves or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, upon a fleur-de-lis argent, a lion rampant azure, gorged with a collar of oak-leaves, as in the arms : with the Motto, " Honore et amore." Postal address — Axim, West Coast of Africa. Gen. SOLOMON RICHARDS, J. P. for co. Wexford, and a General Bengal Staff Corps. Born 1817, being the eldest son of the late Rev. Solomon Richards of Solsborough, by Elizabeth, eldest dau. of the late Thomas Bermingham & is the Military Cockade. Daly Henry Sewell (senior coheir to the Barony of Athenry). Clufis — E. I. United Service, St. George's Yacht (Kings- town). Armorial bearings — Sable, a chevron between three fleurs-de-lis argent. Mantling sable and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a griffin's head erased argent. Motto — " Honore et amore." Seat — Sols- borough, Enniscorthy. WALTER GUYON RICHARDS, Gentleman, Bachelor of Arts of the University of Cambridge. Armorial bear- ings — He bears for Arms : Ermine, a chevron engrailed with plain cotises azure, and in base a lion rampant of the second, gorged with a wreath of oak-leaves or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, upon a flevu"- de-lis argent, a lion rampant azure, gorged with a wreath of oak-leaves, as in the arms; with the Motto, "Honore et amore." Postal address — Christ's College, Cambridge. The Reverend WALTER JOHN BRUCE RICH- ARDS, Doctor of Divinity, Fellow of the Royal Astro- nomical Society and of the Society of Antiquaries, a Priest in Holy Orders of the Roman Catholic Church. Born February 15, 1835, being the second but eldest surviving son of John Richards, Fellow of the Society of Antiquaries, by his wife Fanny, daughter of John May. Armorial bear- ings—He bears for Arms : Ermine, a chevron engrailed with plain cotises azure, and in the base a lion rampant of the second, collared with a wreath of oak-leaves or. Crest — Upon a wreath of the colours, upon a fleur-de-lis argent, a lion rampant azure, collared with oak-leaves, as in the arms. Motto — " Honore et amore." Postal address — St. Mary's, Westmorland Road, Bayswater. ALEXANDER AIRTH RICHARDSON, Esq., J. P. for CO. Antrim. Born 1836, being the second son of Jonathan Richardson, Esq., J. P., of Lambeg House, co. Antrim, by Margaret, dau. of Alexander Airth of Craigs, co. Dumfries. Armorial bearings— Argent, on a fesse engrailed per saltire azure and gules, Ijetween in chief a bull's head couped of the third and in base a galley proper, four escal- lops, two in fesse and two in pale or. Mantling azure and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a lion rampant argent, armed and langued gules, holding between the paws a laurel garland proper. Motto — " Vir- tute acquiritur honos. " Married, 1863, Susan, dau. of Richard Grubb, Esq., J. P., of Cahir Abbey, co. Tipperary ; and has, with other Issue — Alexander Monteith Airth Richardson, Gentleman, h. 1865. Seats — Aberdelghy, Lam- beg, Lisburn, co. Antrim ; Buncrana Castle, co. Donegal. CHARLES TRUSTED RICHARDSON, E.squire, of Monkton Lodge, in the co. of Durham, J. P. Born April 21, 1853, being the eldest son of the late William Henry Richardson, Esq., J. P. and County Alderman for the co. of Durham, by his wife Lucy Smart, dau. of Thomas Trusted of Ross, in the co. of Hereford. Armorial bearings- Sable, gutt^e-d'eau, a pale ermine, charged with a lion's head erased ermines, on a chief indented argent, two anchors saltireways sable, between two lions' heads erased ermines. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree. Mantling sable and argent. Crest— Upon a wreath of the colours, upon the battlements of a tower or, in front of an anchor in bend sinister sable, a lion's head erased ermines. Motto — " Polius ingenio quam vi." Afar- ried, April 8, 1892, Elizabeth Stuart Richter. Residence— Monkton Lodge, Durham. ELIZABETH HELEN RICHARDSON, Spinster, only daughter of John Richardson of Ravensfell and Bromley House, in the county of Kent, by his wife Elizabeth, fourth daughter of William Ridley of Felstead, in the county of Essex, and sixth in descent from Christopher Richardson of Lascelles Hall, Rector of Kirkheaton, both in the county of York, Master of Arts of the University of Cambridge. Armorial bearings are, upon a lozenge : Sable, two hawks belled or, on a chief indented ermine, a pale ermines and three lions' heads erased counterchanged. Postal address — Ravensfell, Bromley, Kent. HARRY LEO SIDNEY RICHARDSON, Gentleman, Master of Laws, Bachelor of Arts of the University of Cambridge. Born February 24, 1862, being the fourth but only surviving son of Albert Joseph Richardson, by his wife Mary, second dau. of John Whitcher. Liveiy — Brown. 3 is the Naval Cockade. Eic 703 Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Gules, three piles argent, two issuant from the ciiief and one in the base, each charged with a cross raguly of the first, on a chief of the second three lions' heads erased ermines. Upon the escut- cheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a dexter arm embowed in armour proper, encircled by an annulet or, the hand holding a sword erect, also proper, transfixing a lion's head as in the arms ; with the Motto, "Virtute acquiritur honos." Married, April 13, 1895, Mary, only daughter of the late Joseph Crimble. Postal address — Warham Road, South Croydon. JOHN RICHARDSON, Esq., J.P. for co. Antrim. Born 1833, Ijeing the eldest son of Jonath.an Richardson, Ksq. , J.l*. , of Lambeg, by .Margaret, dau. and heir of Alexander Airth of Craigs, co. Dumfries. Armorial bear- ings — Argent, on a fesse engrailed per saltire azure and gules, between in chief a bull's head couped of the third and in base a galley proper, four escallops, two in fesse and two in pale or. Mantling azure and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a lion rampant argent, armed and langued gules, holding between the paws a laurel garland pro]jer. MottO — " Virtute acquiritur honos." Married, 1862, ICmily Margaret, only dau. of the late Rev. George M. Black of Stranniillis, co. Antrim ; and has Issue — Robert Airth Richardson, Gentleman,/^. i864[/«., 1888, Elizabeth Evelyn, eldest dau. of John D. Barbour, lisq., of Hilden, D. L. co. Antrim]. Seat — Lambeg, Lisburn. S JOSEPH RICHARDSON, Justice of the Peace for the North Riding of the county of York, Justice of the Peace and Deputy- Lieutenant for the county of Durham, Justice of the Peace and an .Alderman of .Stockton-on-Tees, .Member of Parliament for the South-East Divison of Durham, horn January 15, 1830, lx;ing thesonof the late Caleb Richardson of West Lodge, Sunderland. Ijy his wife Mary, daughter of John Driver of Leeds. Clubs — Reform, National Liljeral. Armo- rial bearings — He bears for Arms : .Sable, guttte-d'eau, a pale ermine charged with a lion's head erased ermines, on a chief indented argent, two anchors in .saltire sable, Ijetween as many lions' heads erased also ermines. Upon the escut- cheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling sable and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of tlie colours, upon the battlements of a tower or, in front of an anchor in bend sinister sable, a lion's head erased ermines ; with the Motto, " Potius ingenio quam vi." Married, firstly, 1856, Anne , Master of Arts of the University of Cambridge, and Eello^u of the Society of Antiquaries, liorn Alarch 7, 1845, being the second son of the late Jonathan Rigg, Esquire, Justice of the Peace and Deputy-Lieutenant, of I Vrotham Hill Park, in the county of Kent, by his wife Maiy Darling, only daughter of William Thomas Goad of Hackbridge /louse, Carshalton, in the county of Surrey. Club — .\'im' University. Livery — Dark blue and red. Armorial bearing^ as used are for Arms : I'ert, a salti re engrailed or, bet-ween a mullet in chief tioo garbs in the flanks, and three roses in base argent, all ivithin a bordure of the second, charged with eight creuents of the third; and for his Crest, a cock proper; with the Motto, " I'irtute et labore." This achiei'emeut is ahnost identical with that of Rig of Rigsland, hut no connection wltatsoei'er has been established with this familv. Married, ////(' 21, 1880, Dora, youngest daughter of the late William Chappell, Eelhno of the Society of Antiquaries. Instate and postal address — W'allhurst Manor, CoT.ifold, Horsham. sn?.SON SAGAR RIGG, Gentleman. Armorial bear- ings — He bears for Arms: Argent, giitt(5e-de- ]0||Y|V poix, on a chevron lx;tween two hearts in chief *i»H)|5 gules and a rose in base of the last, three annulets or. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet Ix-- fitiing his degree, with a mantling gules and argent; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a heart gules, surmounted !)y a rose or, all within a chain in arch of the last ; with the Motto, " Virtutc et labore." Postal address — Motley 13ank, Bowdon, Cheshire. WHJJAM ROBINSON RIGG, Gentleman. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms: Argent, guttt?e-de-poi.\, on a chevron between two hearts in chief gules .and a rose in base of the last, three annulets or. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules and argent ; and for his Crest, u|)on a wre.ath of the colovu-s, a heart gules, surmounted by a rose or, all within a chain in arch of the last; with the MottO, " Virtute et labore." Postal address — Turton Towers, Turton, Lancashire. S HAMLET RILEY. Esquire, J. P. and D.L. for Cum- berland. Born Jan. 29, 1851, being the third but second surviving son of the late James Riley of Brearley House, Vorks. , and his wife S.arah, dau. of John Cro^sley of Hebden Bridge. Club ~}un\ov Carlton. Armoriaj bearings — Or, on a chevron between in chief two crosses pat(5e fitch(5e azure and in base, oiv waves of the sea, a shij) in full sail proper, three bees volant of the field ; and im- paling the arms of Lewthwaite, namely ermjne, a cross flory azure, fretty or. Mantling azure and or. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a dragon's head couped sable, bezant^i^asVji^ Ritchie, by his wife Jane [to whom refer], d.aughter of James Sanderson of the county of Peebles. A/i'tvj— Green, with m imi is the Naval Cockade. Eit iaof) 707 yellow facings. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Vert, a chevron engrailed between two lions' heads erased in chief or, and a ram's head caboshed in base proper, horned of the second. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling vert doubled or ; and on a wreath of his liveries is set for Crest, a cul>it arm and hand proper, holding a cross fleury or ; and in an escroll over the same this Motto, "Ostendo non ostento." Estate — Blyth, New Zealand. Postal address — 14 Sussex Gardens, Hyde Park, London, W. JANE RITCIHE, Widow, daughter of James Sanderson of the county of Peebles. Livery — Green, with yellow facings. Armorial bearings are, upon a lo/.enge : Vert, a chevron engrailed between two lions' heads erased in chief or. and a ram's head cabo.shed in base proper, horned of th(! second. Married, June 26, 1857, Simon Ritchie, who di(!d Septemlxjr 4, iSSe. Of the above marriage there is Issue — (i) James Ritchie, Esquire [to whom refer]; (2) Hugo Ritchie, died unmarried ; (3) Arthur Ritchie, Gentle- man, Lieutenant ist Pattalion of the Cameronians (Scottish Rifles), born December 13, 1868; (4) Blyth Ritchie, Gentle- man, 3rd Battalion Royal Irish Rifles; Mary Agnes ; Lily; and Alice. Estate — Woodhouse, Victoria, .Australia. Postal address — 14 Sus.sex Gardens, Hyde Park, London, W. ROBERT BLACKWOOD RITCHH-:, Gentleman, of Blackwood, Pensinirst, Victoria, eldest son of the late Daniel Ritchie of Blackwood. Armorial bearings -He bi'ars for Arms : Vert, a chevron invccted, Ijctwcen two lions' heads er.ased in chief or, and a ram's head caboshed in base proper, horned of the second. Upon the escut- cheon is |)laced a helmet Ijefitling his degree, with a mantling vert and or ; and iijxjn a wreath of his liveries is set for Crest, a cubit arm and hand projier, holding a cross fleury or; with the MottO, "Ostendo non ostento." Postal address — Blackwood, Penshurst, Victoria. GHAKLl'-.S ROBERT RIVINGTON, Esquire. Justice of the Peace and Deputy- Lieutenant Tl? tVltfliYf"rtt1 for the county of We^stmorland. Horn IX\lUllll5lUll Decemlx'r 7,' 1846, being the fifth son of Charles Rivington of London, by his wife I'^mily, daughter of William Chadwell Mylne of Great pierced by a sword paleways point downwards proper, pommel and hilt or, in chief two falcons close proper, belled gold ; and for his Crest, on a crown vallery or, a mount vert, thereon a falcon close as in the arms, holding in the beak a hawk's lure reflexed over the back azure ; with the Motto, " Deum timete et Regem favete." Married, firstly, August 12, 1869, Fanny .-\nne (who died 1875), daughter of Duncan Campbell of .Adpar, in thecounty of Cardigan; and secondly, October 12, 1881, Amy, daughter of William Chippindale of Dulwich, in the county of Surrey; and has Issue — (i) RoV)ert Campbell Rivington, Gentleman, born July 11, 1870; (2) Gerald Chippindale Rivington, Gentleman, born Decemter 13, 1893; (3) John Mylne Rivington, Gentle- man, born March 24, 1897; and Florence Mary Hill. Estates at Appleliy and Warcoji, in the county of West- morland ; and Nliddleton-in-Teesdale, in the county of Durham. Postal address — Castlebank, Appleby, West- morland. ROBERTS, see ATKIN-ROBERTS. GRIFFITH WILLIAMS ROBERTS, Gentleman, M.D. Bom Aug.q, 1841, being theeldestsonof the late Hugh Roberts, [the son of William Roberts, Lieut. R.N. (the natural son of H.R.H. William, Duke of Cuml>erland, by the Hon. Anne Williams, Maid of Honour to (^ueen Caroline, and only daughter of Sir Griflith Williams, Bart, of Marl, co. (,'arnar- von)], by his second wife, Esther, youngest daughter of the late John Davies. Livery — Claret with yellow collar and cuffs, gilt buttons, and gold hat-l)and. Armorial bear- ings — He bears for Arms : Gules, a chevron crminois, in Amwell, in the county of Hertford. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Argent, a boar's head couped sable, chief an anchor erect or between two mens' heads in profile, couped at the neck proper, crined of the third, and in liase a like man's head between two anchors erect also or. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet Ijefitting his degree, with a mantling gules and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, in front of a Saracen's head affront^e erased at the neck proper, wreathed about tiie temples or and gules live annulets interlaced fessewise, of the last. Motto — " Nee temere nee timide." Married, September 23, 1864, to Ellen Retecca, only child of Sanniel .Sharpe ; and has had Issue— (\) Lincoln Williams Roberts, Iwrn June 26, died July 3, 1865; (2) Lincoln Wil- liams Roberts, Gentleman, M.A. Cantab., born October 14, 1866; (3) Hugh Sharpe Williams Roberts, Gentleman, born The Editor undertakes that every entry not in italics is that of a genuinely armigerous person. 70S IRofa laob February 5, 1869; PurcoU Horatia l.oigh, born March 25, diwl Sept. 39, 187!;; ami hvno lantlu- Williams, t'ostitl adJnss — Vale St. , Denbigh. Cor 31, JOHX DOPRAe ANDERSON ROPER TS, laU ,-.*/.... f-... .; i.,:n^^ (rttiirtl on half-f'ay), and 'r .S7/^'t' Ar/i/Un'. Horn .\fov A'i'v.i/ 11 fA/tV7< l.«/>/ {J'iymoutii). Livery — Armorial bearlngrs (V»-Af. Married. /hIv 26, i888, Hyacinth Frtr ' ' ' • ■ •■ ■ ■ ^/_ A'i/lt'an, Re. ■■'/. ICstate— 7*/r.' - v.://. Postal addivss — J'lithiii, Attioiiy, uecr Dt-voii(>o»i. /(' \ ^ , Pachelor of Ar:- of the Peace for ... ...,-..,. . i'.irliament for the county. Horn .-///^w.f/ 8. 1863, fieir Roberts, bv his icife Catharine Ti. t. ,.■.■.•.';.■/;/<•'• of the late K\",crcnd John fli,^ Armorial bearings as ^^ivcn in /V/' rnmons,'' but for which no authority has been esiabiished, are for Arms: Party fer fesse sab/e and ar^Hl. a lion ramf>ant countercho.m^ed. Crest — A lioi: * ■■' ■' in the arms. MottO — " Dum spiro sfetv." Re^ v'l^cenalt, Aberise/e, North Wales; West Pir. ■/. JOHN RUU.XKnS KORKRTS, F.sq., J. P. for co. NU-.ith. Porn 1838, IxMnt; the okU-st son of tlie lato 'I'honias Lewis Rolierts, l'".sq., J. 1^. , of nornistown, by Anna Matilda, eldest dan. of Rolx>rt Richards. Armorial bearings— \ert, on a chevron, lietween three ea!;les displayed with two heads or, an estoile si^bte. Mantling vert and or ; and for l\is Crest, upon a wreath of the colonrs, an eagle's head couped or, cliargeil with an estoile sable. Motto — " Ku ner a folant." A/arried, 1863. Matiiilde Harbara Eliza, eldest dau. of the late Capt. Richard N'ucent Everard of Randles- town : and has, with other /ssnc — Thomas Herl)ert Rol)erts, (lentleman, b. 1870. Seat — Dormstown Castle, Navan, co. Meath. MARGARET GRACE ROPERTS, rommonly tnmm as the Honourable Afar^aret Grace Roberts, daughter of the fourth Panm Rii<»/// 1821. Iwing the eldest son of the late Etlward Roberts of Weston, co. Watorford; created C. B. 18S7. r/«(^ — Kildare Street (Dublinl Armorial bearings— .\zure, three estoiles or, on a chief wavy of the second an ICastern crown gules, and impaling the arms of Forster, namely sable, a chevron ermine, l)etween tiuee pheons argent. Mantling azure and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a lion rampant or, armed and lang\ied gides, charged on the shoulder with an l':aslern crown of the last, and holding in the dexter paw a sword, tlie blade wavy argent, hilt and pommelgoUi. Motto — '" Virtnteet valore." Married, 18.17, limily Isabella, dau. of Sir Cieorge Forster, 2nd Baronet. Postal address — 6 Clyde Road, Dublin. Wff/.fAAf HENRY ROPERTS, Esquire, late IJeu- tenant-Colonel West Kent Yeomanry, Justice of the Peace for the county of Kent, only son of Ca/>tain W. H. Roberts of the Roval Engineers, by his wife Ann, daughter of \ I illiam Lee. C\\\h—l'nited Sen'ice. Livery — Plue. Armorial bearings as used are those confirmed to Sir Thomas Roberts of Glasscnbun', in the county of Kent, in the year 1619, but no descent or right to the arms has been established in the College of Arr/ts. They are: Quarterly i and 4, asure on n chevron argent, three mullets sable; a. anient, a cross moline gules,' in the dexter chief and sinister base a crescent of the last, over all on a bend azure, three bezants; 3. azure, 7oithin palings or, a mount vert, thereon a stag lodged anient. Crest— .7// eagle displayed, gorged with a wreath of ivy. VLottO— " Eide Deo." Married, January 1870, Edith, youngest daughter of T. Jerdun ; and has Issue— (i ) 1 1 illiam L, H. Roberts, Lieutenant Royal Dragoons, born Januaty IS. 1871; (a) T. H. Roberts', born January ai, 1877; (3) E. R. Roberts, born hfarch 28, 1881 ; M. H. ; and M. S. Estate — flolborough, in the county of Kent. Postal address — f/olborough Court, Rochester. WlLLl.'VM RORERT ROBERTS, l^squire, J. P. co. of Pembroke, Barrister-at-Law. /iorn 1856, being the eldest surviving son of ti>e late Tliom.as Roberts, Esq., J.i\ antl D.L. for CO. Pembroke, bv jane, dau. of tlie lite John Ralph. ('///(^—Constitutional. Armorial bearings— !•>- minois, a lion rampant guardant gules, in chief two squ.are castles towered and domed proper, all within a bordure indented of the second. Mantling gules and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of tlie colours, a lion ramiwnt guardant gules, gorged with a collar engrailed gold, holding in the dexter paw a dagger proper, and resting the sinister forepaw upon a shield or, charged with a bull's iiead calx)shed, between three mullets of six points gules. Resi- dence — Hamilton House, Milford Haven. ROBERTSON, VILLE. borne in pretence by L(.>NGUE- ROBERTSON, sec STEW.XR T-ROBER TSON. .\L.\SD.\1R STl'.W.-XRT ROBERTSON, C.entlcman, of Struan, in the county of Perth, styled ?13 rtfirff-rfrtn "Struan Roliertson,"' Cajitain .Argyll i.'\UUl I l.UUil .,^,,,1 Bute .Artillery. Porn Noveml)er 6, 1863, being the eldest and only surviving son of the late .Alexander Ctillwrt Robertson (Struan Robert- son) of Stiuan, by his wife Charlotte Wilhelmina HolVman. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms: Cules, three wolves' heads erased argent, armed and langued azure, lying on a compartment under the arms, a wild man chained. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet l)etitting his degree, with a mantling gules doubled argent ; and upon a wreath of his liveries is set for Crest, a dexter arm and hand erect, holding an im|x>rial crown all proper. Sup- porters are used and ijuoted in Purkc's "Landed Gentry," namely dexter, a serpent; sinister, a dtrve ; the heads 0/ each encircled xoith rays, but they are of no authority and 0} ^ is the Naval Cockade. Eot) Eob 709 dern assumption. MottO — " Virlutis gl<^ria inerce«7 A'csidcnces — iJarracks, Kannoch, North Britain; Oakdenc, Worthing. HERIiJikT ROIiJikTSON, lisquire. A/./'. South llaikney, J.J'. Jur cu. lAjndun and co. Carlirw. liorn \l>ril 26, 1849, beinj( the sun of Thomas Storm liuberlson, M.I)., /•'./'{. C..S., by hii wife Maria Imuisu, dau. at Robert Manning;. eaX—/Juntington Castle, Clonegal, cu. Carlow, Ireland. Postal addre&s — The (Cedars, South Hackney, London, N.E. I \\I1>, I' \I l.'f( STiiK Ki'.iii 1 M;\NI" sideiit of thf: Rolx-rtson), ' \>.\.. i';i ■ City of Kdir , Hon. LI. in chief and a ban; thereon n canton :: Mantling liv.-rii- C; • ' with an ■ : also i>ro|jcr ; and in ati cscioii gloria merces." Married, 187. dr- ■ • ' ^•- ^: ■ - - ' ■ I lire. (UNNKk- \ and I're- ' '■• of Lord r the .•aA for for nngrs 1 5cd ■ nt, .'rlotto, ' ' Virtutis a .Mary Lucy, .if/'Tficcnshire, Seat Residence — 19 Drum- ii[)on a wreath of the colours, on a rock proper, a wolf /aiii|)ant or, collared, with line reflexed over the l«ck azure, su|j|/<;rting an arrow a.s in the arms als^rial crown projx*r (for Robertson ). Motto —" Virt'itis Married, xiM' '.' ' 1 of Dali ' ij Luxford, ' / Ifudc Aiiiie, Hiid Audrey Marion. .V«ft//j — lligiiam llouij<;, kol»ertsbridge, Sussex ; and Croiscrag, kannoch, I'erlh- shire. ' '' ' \' A 1. 1), liu/uire, iJorn Aug. 6, 1 1 sun -Mac dona Id, ■ ijf Margarita, dau. I hnii'idart, Lieut. -Cut. ii'.al, but which have DAVID ROliliRTSON "" Admiral in Her Majesty's 1 1 1817, being the sixth son of I ■ lis,/., Lieut. -Col. Ciyl,„i Rijli , /■,■ In of Alexander .MatdonatU af Kinli 71st Regt. Armorial bearings «. never been matriculated, are — Quarterly 1 and 4, gules three crescents interlaced or, bet-ween as nuiny -wolves' heads erased argent, a bordure of /' ' ' ' ' - '' r-ight mullets; 2 and -^ quarterly, i. ules, a. nr, n dexter hand coufi 1 1 ross ' ' nr, a lympl, able, and aiant in rn Nov. .. Uant- ith of the 1 ./I I tl»e breast oh claw upon a ROBINSON, quartered by BURTON. E ROBERT I'URDON KOPFRTSON - GLASGOW, w lOscjuire, • J. P. , Li' . ots Fusiliers. Horn July 22. the late koljert Bruce Robe;; „ , , ... .).\.., by his wife Deborah Louisa iiiion tjcorge Purdon of Tin'Tana, CO. '^'larp. I.iiiery — H!n' l:. Armorial bearingfs— ,\: out of a mil lietwecn a rn ter argent, tl .,■. Upon the e.scutch'-' i;ree, with a Man t lin g j^.., , . „..„ ^ ,,. , .,,.„, .x wreath of his liveries is set for a Crest, a dcnii-n>gro, holding in the dexter hand a 'v^nr-cnne' all projx.-r. MottO— " Parcere subjectis." i' ' ij. 9, 1897, Muriel liarljara, dau. of the Rev. I .Wilson. Postal address— }Aon\.- greenan, Irvii. . N.B. JOHN STEWART ODIARNE RORERTSON-LUX- FORI), Esq.. J. P. cos. P ■ .Hw. Horn Feb. 13, 1851, Ije; ]-,\>n Odiariie Luxford, Esq., o: ...,, an officer Royal Dragoons, by Jjis Rolx.rt Wallas, Ev|., of Madeira ; License in t?/, . • ' ' pursuant to t F^sf)., of .Stru (Edinburgh). Armorial bearings— (,>u;iri on a pile azure, between two arrows fxjints downwards in l>a^se of the last, three Ix^ars' lieads couped of the field (for : .iixford) ; 2 and 3 gules, three wolves' heads erased or (for .:obertson) ; Mantling azure and or; and for his Crests, 1. ^,.. .linic dau. of by Royal ■ -on, on, .New y I ai,d 4, or. ARTHUR Ml'SrHAMP ROHrNSr)N, G.-ntViiian, <{/, ai.V/ oi . rms . VcTt, August a6, ! man, born J Gentleman, erine Mary ; House, Oxt<-.., ■arch ;:., Kath- es — Lome BROOKE ROBINSON. M.P.for the borough of Dud lev since 1886, formerly an Officer in the Worcestershire Yeo- manry Cavalry. Born Sept. »r, 1836, being the eldest son of William / ' ' ' " ' ' " rriet, dau. uf John JoJ. . Club— Carlton. L and black striped waistcotit. Armorial bearings n. u.ed, but for which no authority has been established, are — Argent, three bends gules, in the centre a sun or, and upon an escutcheon of pretence quarterly, 1 and 4 gules, on a chevron argent, pellettie, between three lions' heads erased or, four barrulets Tbe Editor undertakes that every entry not in italics is tliat of a genuinely armigerous person. 710 Eob of the field {for Col lis); 2 and 3 azure, upon a serpent nowed vert, a dove, witi^^s expanded argent, beaked and leiis;ed gules, a chief embattled erminois, thereon pendent from the centre chief point by a riband of the fourth, fim- briated of the field, a representation of the medal presented to Sir John Whale by Her Maiesly's command for his services in action with the enemy in the Netherlands in the year 1815, subscribed" Waterloo" in letters sable, betiueen two mot) Sir FRED BRICK LACY ROBINSON, K.C.B., Deputy-Chairman of Board of Inland Revenue. Born Oct. 27, 1840, being the youngest son of Rev. Isaacs Banks Robinson, M.A. Trin. Coll., Cambridge, of Long Mclford, Suffolk, bv his wife Jane Susan, dau. of the Rcc: B. B. Tyer of k'edington and Wrathing in Suffolk. Armorial bearings as used, but for lohich no authority has been offi- cially established, are for AxTOS— Argent, a chevron ermines, horses' heads erased oj the last, bridled or (for Whale). Married, March 10, 1870, Eugenia Frederica Louisa, only dau. and heiress of George Richmond Collis of Stourton Castle, Worcestershire, and grat/ddau. and co-heiress of Major Sir John Whale, ist Life Guards. Residences — Barford House, Wanoicks/iire ; 40 Eaton Square. Majok-Gkntkkal CHARLES WALKER ROBINSON, Companion of the Most Honourable lt?rtfltt1rtl*in Order of the Bath, i^w// 1836, being the JAUUill^UU fourth son of Sir John Beverley Robin- son, first Baronet, Companion of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, of Toronto, by his wife Enmia, daughter of Charles Walker ; created Com- panion of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, 1887. Club— Army and Navy. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Per chevron vert and azure, on a clievron nebuly between three stags trippant or, a unicorn's head couped Ijetween two cinquefoils of the first, impaling the arms of .Alison, namely azure, a bear's head argent, nuizzled gules, in chief two tieurs-de-lis or, and in base a fir-tree eradicated of the last. Upon the escutcheon, from wiiich is pendent his badge as a Companion of the Most Honour- able Order rjf the Bath, is placed a helmet befitting his degree, v\ith a mantling vert and or; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a stag trippant or, sem6e of lozenges azure, resting the dexter fore-foot on a mill- rind sable. Married, 1884, Margaret Frances, daughter of General Sir Archibald Alison, Knight Grand Cross of the Most Honourable Order of tiie Bath, second Baronet ; and has Issi/e living — Joan Emma Beverley and Dorothy Margaret. Postal address — Lieutenant-Governor's House, Royal Hospital, Chelsea. & is tbe Military Cockade. between three roebucks trippant proper, on a canton a tinocr sable. Crest— .-f stag's head proper. W.OttO-~" Adsit Deus confido." Married, y«/v 24, 1Q67, Julia Elizabeth, dan. of George Hollins, Esq., of Edgbaston, near Birmingham ; and'has Issue— Janet Emily; Mildred Sophia ; and Amian Mary [m. Henry Simpson]. Postal address — Board 0/ Inland Revenue, Somerset House, London. KOSSUTH ROBINSON, Esquire, J. P. for the co. oJ Gloucester. Born Oct. 8, 1851, being the second son of the late Elisha Smith Robinson, Esq., J. P., of Sneyd Park, Gloucestershire, and of the late Elizabeth Frank, dau. of Richard Frank Ring of Bristol. Club— Liberal {Bristol). l^ivery — Black coat and -waistcoat, brown overcoat, brass buttons. Armorial bearings as used, but for which no authority has been established, are for Arms — I'ert, on a chevron argent, between three bucks trippant or, as many cinquefoils. Crest — A buck trippant. MottO — " Idfacito summa ope." Married, June 14, 1887, Mary Selina, niece and adopted dau. of the late Sir Charles Wathen, J. P., of Bristol ; and has Issue— (i) Arnold Wathen Robinson, b. Dec. 17, 1888 ; (2) Cliford Kossuth Robinson, b. Dec. 27, 1889; (3) Gilbert Cresceus Robinson, b. March 12, 1891 ; 3 is the Naval Cockade. Eot) iaoe 711 {4) Eihi'ard Colsdun Robinson, b, Nov. 13, 1893 ; (5) Geoffrey Watlien Robinson, b. Aus;. 19, 1895. Estates — " Wishing- pool," CO. oj Gloucester, Redland, Bristol. Residence — 3 Oakland Road, .\RTHUR GODFREY ROBY, Bachelor of Arts of the Uni-c'crsily of Cambridge, Barrister -at -Law. IRnflD ''"'^" September 7, 1862, being the eldest son of liVUU^ Jig,i,y J^,/,„ j,;^ii,y \^to whom re/er], by his late 7oife Mdiy Ann .Matilda, elder daughter of Peter .llh-rt Ermen. Armorial bearings as nsed and as quoted in the Roby family history, but to which no right has been established in the College of Arms, are fur Arms: Azure, (I chevron or, between three stags trippant proper ; and fur the Crest, a stag's head couped proper. Married, 1890, Alice Keturah, eldest daughter of H. E. Oakeley, Esquire, Her "Majesty's Senior Inspector of Training Colleges, and niece of Sir Charles Oakeley, Baronet. Postal address — The Limes, Didsbury, HENRY JOHN ROBY, Justice of the Peace for the city of .Manchester, Master of Arts and Honorary Doctor of l.aios of the University of Cambridge, Honorary Doctor of Laics of the University of Edinburgh, Honoraiy Eellow of St. John's College, Cambridge, formerly Member of Parliament for the Eccles Division of S. E. Lancashire. Born August 12, 1830, being the only son of the late Henry Wood, Solicitor at Tamworth, by his wife Elizabeth, only child of John Elisha Robins of Golden Square, London. Club — Oxford and Cam- bridge. Armorial bearings as used and as quoted in the Roby family history, but to lohich no right has been established in the College of Arms, are for Arms': Azure, a chevron or, bet%oeen three stags trippant proper ; and for the Crest, a stag's head couped proper. Married at Dawlish, August 13, 1861, Mary Ann Matilda (who died August 11, 1889), elder daughter of the late Peter Albert Ermen; and has Issue — (i) Arthur Godfrey Roby [to whom refer"\ ; (2) Frank Henry Roby, born December (), 1863 ; {2) John Bahhvin Roby, born March 17. 1865 ; and Mary Temple [married, 1892, John A". King, High Master of the Manchester Grammar School]. Postal address — Members' Mansions, S, IV. ROCHE, quartered by LONGUEVILLE. EDWARD RODGER, Gentleman. Born i860, Ijeinj; the second surviving son of the late James ItJ ciTllTOI* RodE;er,by his wife Jane, daughter of Thomas **'*"^'^15'^*' Rushton. C 7// /'—Western (Glasgow). Ar- morial bearings— He bears for Arms : .Sable, a stag's head erased argent, holding in his mouth a nuillet 1)1, within a bordure [)arty per pale of tiie last and ermine, charged with three escallops of the first. Above the sliichl is placed a helmet lx;fitting his degree, with a mantling sable doubled argent ; and upon a wreath of his liveries is set for Crest, on a mount a stag courant between two laurel branches, all jjroper ; .nnd in an eseroll over the same this Motto, " Nos noslraque Deo." Postal address — I Clairmont Gardens, Glasgow, W. Likutkn.VNT-Genkkai. GEORGE HRYDGE.S ROD- NEY, Companion of the Most Honourable TRnritlPII Order of the Batli. Born 1820, being tin- ilMJUllV'^ eldest son of Captain John Rodney, com- monly known as Captain the Honourabli: John Rodney, Royal Navy, Member of Parliament, by his third wife Antoinette, daughter of Anthony Pierre Revne ; created Comjianion of the Most Honourable Ordir of the Bath, 1877. Club — Army and Navy. Armorial bearings— lie Ijears for Arms: Or, three eagles disjjiaycd, wings inverted jiurpure, impaling the arms of Bcreslord, namely, quarterly i and 4, argent semc'c of cross crosslets fitchde, three fleurs-de-lis and a bordure engrailed, all sable; 2 and 3 argent, a chief indented sable. Upon the escutcheon, from which is pendent his badge as a Com panion of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling purpure and or ; and for his Crest, on a ducal coronet or, an eagle, wings displayed and inverted purpure. Married, 1856, Isabella. Elizabeth, daughter of the late (General Mar- cus Beresford. Postaladdress — 41 Elvaston Place, .S. W. S Deputy-Surgeon-General SAMUEL BLACK ROE, Companion of the Most Honourable Order of the TRnr Bath, J. P. CO. Cavan. liorn September 11, 1830, ■**^"*' being the eldest son of George Roe of Ballyconnell, in the county of Cavan, by Eliza his wife, only daughter of Major Samuel Noble, of the Honourable East India Company's Service ; created Companion of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, 1881. Clubs — Naval and The Editor undertakes that every entry not in italics is that of a genuinely armigerous person. 712 Boo: Eol Military, Dublin United Service. I J very — French grey coat, crimson uhiistcoat and breeches, silver biitlons and hat-band, ■ivhite greatcoat lifith black piping. Armorial bearings as used are for Arms: Argent, nine bees volant transversed about a beehive sable, on a canton gules, a rose of the first. Crest — On a helme and wreath of his colours ci demy-lion rampant ermyn, armed and"* langned, holding bebtvi-vt his paws a creassant gnles. These arms were confirmed October 25, 1647, to Captain Richard Roe by William Roberts, i'lster Ring, but no pedigree or right to the arms has since been established. Estate' and postal address — Ballyconnell House, Ballyconnell, county Cavan. ROGER, F1TZ-. quartered by BEETHAM. The RicvEKKND GEORGE EDMUND ROGERS, Clerk in Holy Orders. Born June 19, 1847, being the eldest son of the late George Rogers of Forty Hill, near Enfield, in the county of Middlesex, by his wife Helen Pier- point, daughter of George Morevvood of Thornbridge, near Ashford, in the county of Derby, and grandson and heir male of the late John' Rogers of Underbill Grange, Earls Sterndale, in the county of Derby, by his wife Hannah, daughter of Thomas Burnett of Onecote Hall, in the county of Stafford. Livery — Blue, with silver facing;, piping, and buttons. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Azure, on a chevron or, between three stags trippant argent and in the centre chief point a fleur-de-lis of the second, a bugle- horn sable, garnished gold, stringed vert, between two branches of oak chevronways, fructed and slipped proper ; and for his Crest, on a wreath of the colours, a stag's head erased proper, and stispended from the neck by a ribbon vert, a bugle-horn as in the arms, the whole within two branches of oak fructed proper. Motto — " Nos nostraque Deo." Married, February 22, 1886, Rosa Marie, third daughter of the Reverend Charles Compton Domvile of Nettleton Rectory, in the county of Wiltshire. Postal address — Kedleston Rectory, Derby. JOHN HENRY ROGERS, Esquire, Justice of the Peace for the county of Carmarthen. Born March i, 1849, being the younger son of the late George Rogers of Forty Hill, near Enfield, in the county of Middlese.x, by his wife Helen Pierpoint, daughter of George Morewood of Thorn- & is the Military Cockade. bridge, near Ashford, in the county of Derby. Livery — Blue, with silver facings, piping, and buttons. Armorial bearings are for Arms : .■\zure, on a chevron or, between three stags trippant azure, and in the centre chief point a fleur-de-lis of the second, a bugle-horn .sable, garnished gold, stringed vert, between two branches of oak chevron- ways, fructed and slipped proper ; and for his Crest, on a wreath of the colours, a stag's head erased proper, and suspended from the neck by a ribbon vert a bugle-horn as in the arras, the whole within two branches of oak fructed proper ; with the Motto, " Nos nostraque Deo." Married Mary, eldest daughter of Rowland M'Laren, Esquire, of Kilfig, Justice of the Peace for the county of Carmarthen ; and has Issidc — John Rowland Morewood Rogers, Gentle- man ; Grace Helen Morewood ; and Dorothy Bagshawe. Postal address — Glyncoed, near Llanelly, Carmarthen. ROGUS, quartered by SOMERS. JOHN ROHDE, Gentleman, late of the Madras Civil Service (retired). Bor?t March 31, 1812, being the eldest surviving son of Major Rohde ot Oakley, Bromley, Kent, and his wife Sarah, who was a dau. of Joseph Cotton, Deputy-Master of the Trinity House, Chairman of the East India Dock Company and the Copper Company, Director of the London Assurance and of the Hon. East India Company. Armorial bearings — -.Urgent, on a chevron embattled azure, between two falcons rising in chief proper, belled or, and an anchor erect in base sable, the cable of the third, an escallop of the field be- tween two bezants. Mantling azure and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, an eagle displayed per pale or and purpure, charged on the breast with a cross ]iat(5e. Married, firstly, Sophia Catharine (d. Sept. 15, 1846), dau. of P. J. Truter, M.D. , Civil Commissioner, of Wor- cester, Cape Colony. He married secondly, Patience, dau. of Richard Haughton of Addiscombe, Surrey ; and has had Issue — (i) William Cotton Rohde, Gentleman, /;. May 22, 1841 [w. , 1879, Sarah Ismena, dau. of Dr. Benson, M.D., of Dublin, and has issue, four daus.]; (2) John Rohde, Gentleman, /'. June 12, 1844 [;«. , 1880, Isabel Sinclair, dau. of Hugh Crawford, and has issue, one son and one dau.] ; (3) Haughton George Rohde, Gentleman, /'. June 30, 1849, d. in Ceylon, 1850 ; (4) Richard Rohde, Gentleman, b. Oct. 14, 1850, d. i860; (5) Robert Turner Rohde, Gentleman, b. Nov. 20, 1851 [;«., April 14, 1887, Frances Olivis, dau. of Coventry Mark Woodhouse, and has issue, three sons and two daus.]. Residence — 4 Castle Hill Avenue, Folkestone. ROLFE, see NEVILLE-ROLFE. ED WARD FRANCIS BOGGIS-ROLFE. Born Dec. 12, 1873, being the eldest son of the late Francis Douglas Boggis-Rolfe, Esquire, J. P., Barrister-at-Law, formerly Capt. West Essex Militia, by his ivife Charlotte Harriot, dau. of the late Major William Gabbett Bcare of Holland House, Kingsgate, Isle of Thatiet, Kent. Armorial bearings as used, but for which no authority has been officially established, are for arms — Quarterly i a?id 4, argent, three ravens close sable; 2 and ■^ per chevron gules and argent, three crescents counterchanged. Crests — ^i. on a staff couped and raguly lying fessezvays and sprouting at the dexter end vert, a raven close sable ; 2. a sailof a ship proper. Motto — " Avancez." Residences — The Grange, Wormingford, Essex ; and 69 St. George's Square, London, S. W. §MARK GEORGE KERR ROLLE, Esquire, com- monly known as the Honouralale Mark George Tf?rtfft> Kerr Rolle, Deputy-Lieutenant and Justice of ilVUllv the Peace for the county of Devon, High Sheriff 1864. Born 1835, being the son of the Right Honourable the nineteenth Baron Clinton,; assumed the name of Rolle 1852. Club -^CarUon. Married, i860, Gertrude Jane, commonly known as Lady Gertrude Jane, fifth daughter of the Right Honourable the nineteenth Earl of Morton ; and has Isst/e — Gertrude Emily [married, 1889, Hugh Henry John Williams-Drunmiond] ; and Mary Frances [married, 1894, .Arthur Scott Browne, late i6th I^ancers]. Residences — Bicton, near Budleigh Salterton ; Stevenstone, near Torrington. Sir JOHN FOWKE LANCELOT ROLLESTON, Knight Bachelor (1897). Born 1848, being the eldest son of M is the Naval Cockade. Eol iaos 713 tie licv. WilliaDi Lancelot Rolleston, Vicar of Scraptoft and Great Dalby, Leics,, by kis wife Alary Sophia, eldest dan. of the late Sir Frederick Gustaviis Foioke, Hart. , of LiAoes/iy Hall, near I^icester. Clubs — Carlton and Junior Carlton. Livery — White with red facinj(s. Armorial bearings as used are — Quarterly, 1. argent, a cinqucfoil azure, on a chief gules, a lion passant guardant or ; 2. or, on a bend gules, cotised sable, three pairs of ivings in leure argent ; 3. azure, a bend cotised between six crosses patie or; 4. paly of six argent and a sure; and impaling gules, on a chevron argent, three talhots passant or. The arms of Kolleston are duly recorded in the Visitations of the cos. of Derby and Leicester, but the descent of Sir John Rolleston front the I^icestershire family is not officially recorded. Crest — A griffin's head. MOttO — " Ainsi et peul-estre meilleur." Married,y?rj/, Katherine, dau. of Charles Adshead ; second, Elisa, dau. if George Morant of Farnborough, Farnborough Park, Hants. Residence — Glen Farm Grange, Ixicester. Gknkrai, KOBKRT ROLLO, commonly known as General thu Honourable Robert Rollo, Companion of the Most Honourable Order (jf the Hath, third son of the Right Honourable John, eighth Baron Rollo. by his wife Agnes, daughter of William (ircig of Kdinburgh ; was Assistant- Adjutant-General in Canada, i855;-i858, and Military Secre- tary to Commandi.-r-iii-Chicf in Canada, 1858 1865. Club — United Service. Armorial bearings — He l>ears for Arms : Or, a clievron between three boars' heads erased azure, impaling the arms of Ferguson-Davie, namely, quarterly i and 4, argent a chevron sable, Ixitwecn three mullets pierced guilds ; 2 and 3 azure, three cinquefoils or, on a chief of the last a lion passant gules. Upon tiie escutcheon, from which is ]) indent his badge as a Companion of the Most Honour- able Order of the Hath, is jilaced a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling azure and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a stag's head couped proper. .Married, 1851, Harriet Anne, eldest daughter of General Sir Henry Rolx;rt Kerguson-lJavie, first Haronet. Postal address — Strathcarn, Bournemouth. JOHN WILLIAM ROLT. Esquire. J. P. co. Gloucester. late Captain Gloucestersliire Yeomanry Cavalry. [torn Jan. 12, i860, being the son of the late John Roll of Ozle- worth, CO. Gloucester, by his wi.'e Sarah, eldest dau. of John Osborne, (J.C. t'///i^.t— Boodle's, Pratt's, Orleans. Armorial bearings— .Argent, on a pile azure, three dolphins einboweil two and one or. Mantling azure and argent. Crest- On a wi.eatli of the colours, a stork, in the Ix-ak a bulrush, and resting the dexter claw on a fountain all proper. Motto — "Be and not seem." Married, Nov. i, 1882, Constance Emily, eldest dau. of the late Sir Charles Henry Johiies Cuyler, Bart. Scat — Ozleworth Park, Wooton- under-Edge, co. Gloucester. Ricv. JAMES CUSACK RONEY-DOUGAL. B.A. .St. John's Coll., Camb. , Vicar of Castle Donington. Horn July 22, 1852, being the eldest son of Lieut. -Col. Richard Roney, Major to the ist Jaeger Corps (British German Legion) for service in the Crimea ; he assumed by Royal Licence in 1871 the name and arms of Dougal, by his wife Rose Anne Uougal, second dau. of John iJougal of Ratho, Midlothian, and Halnageith, Morayshire, J. P. and D.L. Armorial bearings .Argent, a mountain vert, on a chief gules, a cross moline of the field, l>etween two lozenges vair, and (for distinction) a cross crosslet or. Mantling vert and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a bull's head caboshed proper, charged (for dis- tinction) with a cross crosslet or. Motto — "Stand fast." .Married, July 15, 1884, Juliana Lucy, dau. of the late Rev. George William Sanford, Rector of Weddington. Postal address — Castle Donington, Derby. ROOS, quartered by HORDERN. JAMl'S RORIl-:, Gentleman, Doctor of Medicine of the University of Edinburgh. Horn April 4, 1838, being the second son of James Rorio of Arbroath, by his wife Julia Grant, dau. of Patrick Cochran of Arbroath. Armo- rial bearings — .Argent, on a chevron between three de,\ter hands couped fesseways gules, each holding a cross crosslet fitch(5e azure, a crescent of the tirst for difference. Above the shield is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a Mantling gules doubled argent ; and upon a wreath of his liveries is set for Crest, a galley, oars in action sable, flagged gules ; and in an escrol over the same this Motto, " Terra marique." Married, August 26, 1872, Margaret, dau. of Thomas Handyside Baxter of Dundee ; and has had Issue — (i) James Baxter Rorie, b. .August 18, 1873, d. June 28, 1876; (2) Thomas Handyside Baxter Rorie, Gentleman, C.A., b. March 24, 1875 ; (3) George Arthur Rorie, Gentle- man, M.B., Ch.M., /'. .Aug. 2, 1876; (4) Reginald Rorie, Gentleman, /'. April 2, 1879. Residence — Westgreen House, by Dundee, N.B. S J.AMES ROSE, Esquire, Lord-Lieutenant of the county of Nairn. Horn March 21, 1820, l)eing the fourth but eldest surviving son (and the eldest by his second marriage) of the late Hugh Rose Kilravock, Vice-Lieutenant of the Tlie Editor undertakes that every entry not in italics is that of a genuinely armigerous person. 7'4 Hoi0f iaa0 county of Nairn, and Colonel of the Nairnshire Militia, by his secduil wife Callii-rine, daughter of Mackintosh of Farr. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Or, a boar's head couped gules, between three water - bougets azure. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his de- gree, with a mantling gules doubled argent ; and upon a wreath of his liveries is set for Crest, a harp azure; and in an escroU above this Motto, "Constant and true." Married, January 15, 1850, Anna Maria, daughter of Lieutenant- General George Twenilow, Royal Artillery, l)y his wife Anna Maria D'Oyly ; and by her (who died' May 13, 1867) liad Issue — (i) Hugh Rose, lCsc|uire, Captain 42nd Regi- ment, Black Watch (Royal Highlanders), born August 10, 1863; (2) John Rose, Gentleman, Lieutenant 98th (2nd Battalion North Staflbrdshire) Regiment, born January II, 1866 ; Catherine Isaloella Ellen [married the Reverend Arthur Frederick Pope of The Furlong, Tring] ; and Eliza- beth Margaret. Seat — Kilravock Castle, in the county of Nairn. WILLIAM ROSE, Gentleman. Born Nov. 25, 1848, being the second son of the late William Rose of Carnsdale House, Barnstone, Cheshire, and of Manchester, by his wife I'"sther, dau. of T. Marsden of Manclioster. Clubs — Royal London Yacht Club, Conservative (Manchester). Armorial beaiings — Per pale firgent and gules, three roses in fesse between two lions rampant in pale, all counter- changed. Mantling gules and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a lion rampant sable, gorged with a collar vair, holding between the fore-paws a lyre or, and resting the de.xter hind-leg on a rose argent. Motto — "Armat spina rosas." Married, June 23, 1875, Helen Maria, second dau. of the late John Blake of 'I'uttington Hall, Norfolk; and has Issue — Two daus. , Leslie and Dorothy Muriel Bateman. Seat — Ballbrook House, With- ington, Lancashire. WILLIAM MOLYNEUX ROSE, Esquire, J. P., Patron of Whiltoii, CO. Northampton, latt; Lieut. 32nd Light In- fantry. Born 1842, being the eldest son of tlie late William George Rose, Esq., J. P., an Officer in the 60th RiHes, by his wife Charlotie, dau. of Edward Filackburne, Chief- Justice of the Mauritius. Club — Arthur's. Armorial bear- ings — Quarterly i and 4, argent, on a chevron azure, be- tween three roses gules, a water-bouget, between two mullets of si.x points pierced of the field (for Rose) ; 2 and 3 vert, a fesse erniinois, between two pheons points up- wards in chief, and a bugle-horn in base argent (for Holden). Mantling azure and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a de.xter cubit arm vested saV)le, tlie hand ])roper, holding a cross crosslet fitch^e or, from the wrist a pile ermine, the arm charged with a bugle-horn stringed or. Motto — " Et teneo et teneor." Married, 1872, Violet, dau. of David Stewart Ker of Montalto, co. Down. Scat— Wolston Grange, near Rugby. S THOMAS GILZEAN ROSE-INNES of Netherdale, CO. Banff, Advocate, J. P., D.L. for co. Banff. Borti 1831, lieingthe son of the late James Ro.^e-Innes. Armo- rial bearings— Quarterly i and 4, or, a boar's head coupei gules between three water-bougets .^^able, a bordurc azure, charged with three garbs and as many boars' heads couped alternately of the field ; 2 and 3 argent, three mullets azure wiihin a bdrdure chequy of the second and first. Mantling gules and or; and for his Crests, i. de.xter, on a wreath of his liveries, a branch of ]ialm slipped proper; Motto, " Or- natur radix fronde ; " 2. on a wreath of his liveries, a rose gules, stalked and leaved proper; Motto, "Armat spina rosas." Married, 1853, Grace L., second dau. of the late W. J. Phraser of Ladhope, co. Roxburgh. /i'.(/(?/f— Nether- dale, CO. Banff. A'eside>ice—K\wi\\a.n, Murrayfield, Mid- lothian. ROSEHILL, Baron, see NORTHESK. ROSHER, borne on an escutcheon of pretence by MILROY. ^ ROSS, quartered by BOYLE, ERASER, DALRYMPLE and BAILLIE. COLIN GEORGE ROSS, Esquire. Justice of the Peace far the County Palatine of Lancaster, Fellotv of the Royal Geographical Society. Born 1839, being the third son of the M is tbe Military Cockade. late Captain Horatio Ross of Rofsie. Clubs — Carlton, High- land. Armorial bearings as used, but which have not been matriculated, are : Or, a chevron between three water-bougets. Crest — A hawk' s head erased proper ; with /At' Motto, " Think on." Married, firstly, 1861, Christian [who died 1892), daughter of Charles P. Henderson of Whittington Hall, in the county of Lancashire ; secondly, 1893, Amy, daughter of the Reiierend J. Ibbetson, Rector of Edioyns Stmve, in the county of Nottingham. By his first marriage he has Issue — (i) Charles Henderson Ross, born 1864; (2) Colin George Ross, born 1866 ; (3) Horatio Hamilton Ross, born 1869 ; Justine Henriette [inarried H. Porter, ist Royal Dragoons, of Birlinghani Hall, in the county of Worcester] ; Anna Louisa ; and Amy [married Captain Neville, Cheshire Regiment']. Estate — Gruinards, Ardgay, in the county of Ross. Postal address— Z^aw^ of England, Newcastle-on- Tyne. Surgeon-General JAMES TYRELL CARTER ROSS, Companion of the Most Eminent Order of the Indian Em- pire. Born April 5, 1823, being the only son of James Tyrell Ross, by his wife Charlotte, daughter of James Win- bolt, Solicitor ; entered Bengal Medical Department 1845, and retired as Surgeon-General, 1877 ; created Companion of the Most Eminent Order of the Indian Empire, 1878. Clubs — Royal Victoria Yaclit. Armorial bearings as used, but which have not been matriculated in Lyon Office by the above-mentioned General Ross, are: Or, a chevron chequy azure and argent, between three water-bougets. Crest — A hawk' s head erased proper. MottO — " Think on." Married, May 23, 1857, Sarah, daughter of the late Thomas Wadham, Esquire, of Erenchay House, in the county of Gloucester, Deputy-Lieutenant ; and has Issue — (i) William Tyrell Ross, born October 31, 1859, died young ; (2) Guy Carter Ross, born September 12, 1861, died young ; (3) Tyrell Carter Ross, born July i, 1863 ; (4) Walter Tyrell Ross, born April yt., 1867; Elizabeth Sarah; Edith Charlotte ; Mabel Dorothy ; and Mary Geraldine. Postal address — The Grove, St. John's Park, Ryde, Isle of Wight. The Rez'crend GEORGE HARRISON ROSS-LE WIN, ALA., Clerk in Holy Orders, Vicar iROj8f0'iLetoin f ^^-'^/^/^'^'f ■/^'"'- ^;7^' 'f^'y- ^t^v/^t,f .aki.'v^v**^ ham, Rural Dean of Lanchester, in the Diocese of Durham, Surro- gate for the Diocese of Durham. Born December 18, 1846, being the second but eldest surviving son of the Reverend George Ross-Lewin, Master of Arts, Justice of the Peace, of Ross Hill, in the county of Clare, by his wife Grace, daugliter of Hen/y Sargint of Casthiieiv, Cahir, in the county of Tipperary. Armorial bearings as used, but which are not recorded in Ulster's Office, are for Arms : Quarterly i and 4, gules three 7iali]ed argent and or, in chief issuant a dexter arm embowed vested gules, the cufi" azure, encircled by a wreath of laurel, the liaiul gras|)ing a (lagstaff broken in bend, sinister there- from tlowing the colours of the United States of America proper, in base the arms of Ross of Ross-Trevor, namely or, a chevron embattled couiUcr-embattled between three water- bougets sable, on a canton of the third jiendent from a riliand a representation of llie cross presented by command of His Majesty to the late Major-( General Ross-of- Bladen s- burg, in testimony of his Royal approbation of his services ; with tlie Motto, " Bladensburg," and impaling the arms of l''i)sier-.Skeflington, namely quarterly i and 4 argent, three bulls' heads erased sable, armed or (for Skeflington) ; 2 and 3 azure, a chevron Iwtween three chaplets or (for Clot- worlhy), and pendent below the escutcheon his badge as a Ccmpanion of the Most Honourable Order of the li;ith. UpdU tiie escutcheon is placed a helmet betitling his degree, with a mantling sal)le and or ; and for a Crest, of honour- able augmentation, out of a mural crown or, a dexter arm gras|)ing the colours as in the arms ; in addition to the cresi of the family of Ross of Ross-Trevor, namely his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, an arqi vanibraced and eni- I lowed, the hand grasping a dagger all projjcr. Married, January 6, 1870, Blanche Amelia, commonly known as the Honourable Filanche Amelia, yoimgest daughter of the Right Honourable the tenth Viscount Massereene and l'"errar(l. Seat — Ross-Trevor House, Ross-Trevor, county Down. SIMP.SON ROSTRON, Esquire, Justice of the FV-ace for the county of .Surrey, Barrister -at - )0 |^^f-M|«f^ Law (of the Middle Temple), /if/7/1833, ■U\U?)l-l.UIl being the only son of Laurence Rostron of Acres House, Fidenfield, in the County Palatine of I^ancaster, and Bowdon, in the (Jounty I'ala- tine of Chester (who died 1854), by his wife Mary, eldest surviving daughter of James Simpson, Esquire, of Foxhill Bank, in the County Palatine of Lancaster, and of Branches I'ark, in the county of Suffolk, Justice of the J'eace. Club — Windham. Livery — l^Iue, with gill buttons: blue and yellow striped waistcoat. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms: Azure, a tower triple-towered argent, within an orle of crescents or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a cubit arm vested azure, the cuff argent, charged with a saltire or, holding in the hand two branches of red- thorn proper; with the Motto, ".Semper vigilans." Mar- ried, 1868, Christina Jane, only daughter of the late William Riley of the Outwoods, in the county of Warwick ; and has Issue — (i) Laurence William Simpson Rostron, Gentleman, Jew (Jollege, Oxford, B.A. and B.C. 1^. , and of Lin- coln's Inn, Barr^ster-at-l>aw, born 1872 ; (2) Herlx-rt James Cecil Rostron, Gentleman, of the Northumberland Fusiliers, born 1875 ; (3) Philip Simpson Rostron, Gentleman, born 1878; Christina Mary .Simpson; Beatrix Marg.aret ; Mil- dred Filizalx'th ; Dorothy FCatharine; and Margery Alice. Postal addresses — Riverside, Fieddington, Surrey ; i Hare Court, Temple, F^ondon, E.C. ROTHE, quartered by BURTCHAELL. GEORGE WALTER CHARLES ROFHE, Fisq., Col. (reliredl Roval Artilhrv. l.P. c<.i. 'of Oxford. Horn \lav 10, 1841, being the eldest and only son of the late Rev. Richard Jephson Rothe, B.A. , Rector of Macloneigh, co. Cork, by The Editor undertakes tliat every entry not in italics is that of a genuinely armigerous person. 7i6 Eot Eou his wife Harriet, daii. of Lieut. -General Charles 'riirncr. CV///"— Naval and Military. Armorial bearings— Or, on a mount in base vert, a stat; tri|)p;uu ari,'ont, under an oak-tree of the second. Majltling vert and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, on a mount vert, a stag lodged argent, attired or; with the Motto, "Solo salus servire Deo." Estate of 600 acres in CoUitrini, Bawngarne, near Skibbereen, co. Cork. Postal address— Neithrop House, Banbury, Oxen. ROTHESAY HERALD, see MITCHELL. ROUGE CROIX PURSUIVANT, see MARSHALL. ROUGE DRAGON PURSUIVANT, see GREEN. FRANCIS RICHARD ROUND, Esquire, C.M.G. (1887), M.A. (Oxon.), Clerk in the Colonial Office since 1869. Born Jan. 22, 1845, being the second son of late Rev. James Thomas Round, Bachelor of Divinity, Rector of All Saints, Colchester, Rural Dean and Honorary Pre- bendary of St. Paul's, by his wife Louisa, dau. of the Rev. George Francis Barlow, Rector of Burgh, in the co. of Suffolk. 6V«/5— United University. Armorial bearings- Argent, on a chevron cotised sable, three pallets or, each charged with an annulet of tiie second ; and impaling the arms of Tufnell, namely azure, on a fesse between three feathers erected argent, as many martlets sable, and pendent below the escutcheon his badge as a C.M.G. Mantling sable and argent. Crest — Upon a wreath of the colours, a lion couchant argent, charged on the body with three annulets interlaced sable, holding in the mouth a sword in bend point downwards proper, pommel and hilt or. Motto — "Esse quam videri." Married, April 21, 1881, Frances Emily, dau. of J. Jolliffe Tufnell, Esquire, of Langleys, Essex ; and has with other/.M//ton, and of Wallop Hall, in the county of Salop ; and has Issue — (i) Charles Andrew Rouse-Boughton-Knight, Esquire, Justice of the Peace and Deputy-Lieutenant for the county of Hereford, late Lieutenant Scots Guards, born November 17, 1859; (2) Andrew Greville Rouse-Boughton-Knight, Gentleman, born February 13, 1869 [married, September 2, 1891, Isabel Harriet, daughter of A. C. Heber Percy of Hodnet, in the county of Shropshire]; (3) Ednnmd Meysey Rouse-Boughton-Knight, Gentleman, born April 17, 1875 ; Anna Lily Frances fmarried, November 7, 1888, W. G. Peareth, Esquire, of Thorpe Mandeville, in the county of Northampton] ; Katharine Emily ; Mary Georgiana ; and Florence. Seats — Downton Castle, near Ludlow ; Wormes- ley Grange, near Hereford. JOliy CHRISTOPHER LAIN ROUTH, claiming to he descended from an old knightly family in the vn i^ttf'fl ""^'^ line, and in the female line from at least UVUllvU two noble families, namely, the Everinghams and Suiillingtons ; and, moreover, claiming, as he does, jure matris the ancient Peerage of Swillington, created by Writs of Summons of 1295 and 0^1326-1327 to 1332 ; and therefore descendible to heirs general, considers that he ought certainly to have letters addressed to him even by official persons with the designation of " Esquire" follow- ing his name, if not as of right, then at least out of courtesy — bi4t ' ' Gentleman " would almost do as well. Born November 9, 1856, being the only son of the late Reverend John Oswald Routh, Master of Arts, Clerk in Holy Orders, by his wife Agnes, only daughter and sole heir of the late Christopher Routh ofCayle. Clubs — A'ew Travellers' , Leyburn Market, (I^yburn, Yorkshire). Livery — Blue coat and waistcoat, buckskin breeches, drab topcoat, silver-plated buttons. Armo- rial bearings as used and claimed, but for which no authority has been established in the College of Arms, are: Quarterly of six, i. argent, a chevron sable between three lions' heads erased gules (for Routh); 2. gules, a lion rampant vair cnnvned or (for Everingham) ; 3. argent, a chevron sable between three elephants' heads erased gules (for Routh) ; 4. argent, a chevron azure, and in chief a label of five points throughout gules (for Swillington) ; 5. argent, on a mount vert, a lion passant gules in front of a tree proper (for Perroxve) ; 6. gules, three falcons, two and one or (for Atherton). Crests — i. out of a mural coronet gules, a talbot's head argent ; 2. a lion's head erased or; 3. an elephant's head erased sable. Hotto — " Ruda non rudis." Married, April 27, 1892, Blanche Plantagenet, only daughter of General George Henty De Straboljie Nei'ill Plantagenet-Harrison, a General in the Armies of Mexico in 1843, '" sez'eral South American Armies, in one of which he was raised to the rank of Marshal, and in the Danish Army durinir the Schleswig-Holstein War of 1848, and later in that year (1848) Lieutenant-General in the Army of the then German Confederation. Estates — Divers lands, fr'r. , at or near Gayle, Appersett, Burtersetl, and Hawes, in Upper Wensleydale, in the county of York; lands, &r'c., situate in Widdale, in Mossdale, in Upper Sjoaledale, and in Dentdale, in the county of York; and some lands, &r'c., at and near I.an^ham, near Holt, in the county of Norfolk. Total acreage, a little over 1600 acres, and total rental £1072 « year. Residence — IVoods Hall, Aysgertt, in the county of York. Town adilress — New Travellers' Club, 97 Piccadilly, London, W. ROWE, quartered by HH.L. ROWE. see FISHER-ROWE. S WILLIAM BO WEN ROWLANDS, Esquire, Bencher of Gray's Inn, Recorder of Srvansea, one of Her Majesty's Counsel learned in the Law, Master of Arts of the University of Oxford, Justice of the Peace and Deputy-Lieutenant for the county of Cardigan, Justice of the Peace for the county of Pembroke and for Haverford- west, Member of Parliament for the county of Cardigan from 1886 to 1895. Born 1838, being the eldest son of the late Thomas Rirwlands, Esquire, Justice of the Peace, of Glenover, in the county of Pembroke, by his wife Anne, daughter of John lUnoen of Dygoed, in the county of Pem- broke. Armorial bearings as given in Debrett's "House of Commons," but for which no authority has been estab- lished, are for Arms : Quarterly i and 4, or a lion rampant azure; 2 and 3 azure, a lion rampant or, within eight bezants in orlc. Crest — A fleur-de-lis gules entwined by a snake proper. MottO — " Recte faciendo securus." Married, 1864, Adeline Wogan, only daughter of J. D. Bnnvn of Kensington House, Haverfordwest ; and has with other Issue—Ernest Bnnvn Bo7vcn RmL- mine, on a cross engrailed Ijetween four lions rampant gules, a tilting-spear erect or, and four bezants; and for the Crest, on a wreaih of the colours, a leopard sejant sable, bi'zantfe, gorged with a collar argent, the de.vter forepaw resting on a pheon or ; with the Motto, " Semper paratus." Married, February 21, 1882, AnnetteNora Jane, dauLjhter of Thomas Litlledalc of Highfield. Estate and posttil address — Greenhill, near Rochdale. The Rkvkkf.n[> FRANCIS TWEMLOW ROYDS, Clerk in Holy Orders, Justice of the Peace for the county of Lanc:\stcr. Horn March 20, 1863, ht;ing the eldest son of the Reverend Charles Twomlow Royds, Rector of Heys- ham [to whom refer], by liis wife Louisa, daughter of William Hudson of ( )u.secliff, in the county of York. Armorial bearings -He Ijcars for Arms: Ermine, on a cross en- grailed between four lions rampant gules, a tilting-spear erect or, and four bezants; and for the Crest, on a wreaih of tlie colours, a leopard sejant .sable, l^ezantiJe, gorged with a collar argent, the dexter forepaw resting on a pheon or ; with the Motto, " Semper paratus." Afarried, June 7, 1894, Katharine Howard, fifth daughter of F. W. Grafton of Heysham Hall, Lancashire, sometime Memlierof Parlia- ment for North-East Lancashire. Postal address — 7 .Ade- laide Road, Leamington. JOHN MACDONALI) ROYSE, Esq., J. P. cos. Dublin, Kildare, and Wicklow. Horn 1840, Ijeing the eldest son of Thomas Henry Rf)yse of .Vantenan. Club — Kildare Street (Dublin). Armorial bearings -Per saltire or and argent, a giillfin segreant azure, in chief a rose gules. iR'tween two trefoils pro|x;r, all within a bordure vert, and impaling the arms of .\Ionck, namely gules, a chevron between three lions' heads erased argent. Mantling azure and or; and for his Crest, u|X3n a wreath of the colours, n demi-lion ram|)aiU, barry argent and gules. Married, 1875, the Hon. IClizabeili Louise .Mary, dau. of the Rt. Hon. Charles Monek, 4th Viscount Monck, and has issue. Estate — Naiitenan, co. Limerick, and Brannoxtown, co. Kildare. Residence — Thornton, Dunlavin, co. Kildare. r/R.XRY STODDARD KUGGI.ES (flaimi„,i; «,-,<„, from the ancient Suffolk family), son of IR IllTlTll^rf //t'wn' Hond Ruggles of Rutland, I'ermont, *iVUyyitX> „„,/ 'lioston, Massachusetts, in the I'niled States of America. Armorial bearings (/ V used, hut fur which no authority has been established in the College of Arms, are: Argent, a chevron bettoeen three roses gules. Crest — A to7oer or, in /fames proper, pierced I'V four arnrws in saltire. Hottoes — "Struggle," " A'ec sorte nee fat o." Postal address — Wakeleld, Massachusetts, U.S.A. Colonel SAMUEL BRISE RUGGI.ES-nRlSE, Com- panion of the Most Honourable ll\Uyyit-^- iCUWi/ the Peace and Deputy -Lieu- tenant for the county of Essex, and Justice of the Peace for the county of Suffolk. Born 1825, being the son of the late John Ruggles-Brise of Spain's Halt, in the county of Essex ; created Companion of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, 1881. Club — Carlton. Armorial bearings as given in Burke's " General Armory," but 'ivhich do not appear to have been established in the College of Arms, are : Quarterly 1 atid 4, party per chevron engrailed gules and argent, three roses counterchangcd (for Ruggtes) ; 2 and 3 lozengy gules and argent, ivithin a bordure sable, fleury of eight quatrefoils , a cross of the second (for Brise). Upon the escutcheon, from zohich is pendent his badge as a Companion of the Most Honour- able Order of the Bath, is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules and aigent ; and for his Crests, I. a tower or, transfixed with four darts in saltire and inflamed proper (for Rugt^les) ; 2. an alligator ram- pant proper (for Brise); 7inth the MottO, "Struggle." Marrieii, 1847, Marianne Weyland , daughter of Sir Echvard Boiuyer-Smijth, tenth Baronet. Postal address — Spain's Hail, Fitchingfield, Braintree. ALGEMAN ST. GEORGE WILLIAM RUSHOUT RUSHOUT, Esquire. Born February IRllrtfinill" ^°' '^■'^3' ''"-■'"S 'he third son of the late *^^^"l''^^*' Sir Charles Rushout, second Baronet, by his wife Cecilia Olivia Geraldine, daughter of the Right Honourable Thomas Foley, third Lord Foley. t7//(^.f— Arthur's, Pratt's, Turf Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Quarterly i and 4, sable two lions passant guardant uitliin a bordure engrailed or (for Rushout); 2 and 3 or, a leopard's face azure, encircled by a wreath of laurel, Ijetween two cockerels in pale proper two fiaimches gules (for Cockerell). Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet Iwfitting his degree, with a mantling sable and or ; and for his Crests, t. upon a wreath of the colours, a lion passant guardant or (for Rushout) ; 2. upon a wreath of the colours, within a crescent argent, a tiger's face proper, crowned with an Eastern crown or (for Cockerell). Married, 1884, Clara Essex (d. 1896), daughter of W. Selby Lowndes of Whaddon Hall, in the county of Bucking- ham, and widow of T. Wright of Hill Top, Bolton. Postal address — Burton House, Moreton-in-Marsh. ANDREW HAMILTON RUSSELL, Esquire, Justice of the Peace for New Zealand, late Lieutenant-Colonel 58th Regiment. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms: ' iulcs, two swords sallireways j)roper, l)etween as many cin(|u<'foils in ])ale argent, on a chief of the last two bomb shells, fired proper. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, upon a mount vert, an antelope lodged proper, gorged with a collar gemel or, supporting a lance proper, therefrom flowing a pennon arL,'ars for Arms : Argent, a lion rampant gules, on a chief sable, three escallops of the field. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with .a mantling gules and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a goat statant argent, armed or; with the Motto, "Che sara sara." Postal address— \% Wilton Street, S.W. Major-Gener.m. JOHN CECIL RUSSELL, served in Ashanti War 1874. Kaffir War 1878 79, Zulu War 1879, Extra Equerry to the Prince of Wales from 1878. Born 1839, being the son of the late .\. J. Ru.ssell, W.S. , of Edinburgh. Clubs — Marlborough, Anuy and Navy. Ar- morial bearings — .Argent, a chevron between three powits sable, a bordure gules, impaling the arms of Thornhill, namely gules, two bars gemelles and a chief argent. Mant- ling gules doubled argent. Crest — On a wreath of his liveries, a fount.ain proper. Motto — " Agitatione purgatus." Married, 1869, Hester F. , dau. of the Rev. C. Thornhill of Milsdown, Castle Bellingham. Seat — Bramford Hrdl, Ipswich. The Editor undertakes that every entry not in italics is that of a genuinely armigerous person. 720 Eus RICHARD HAROLD RUSSELL, Gentleman, B.A. Caml)., Harristcr-at-Law. Horn 1869, licing the only son of the late Rev. Ricliatd Norris Russell, Clerk in Holy Orders, sometime Rector of Ifeichhampton, co. Bucks, M.A. Canib., J.P. forces. Buckingham and Northampton, Hon. Canon of Christ Church, O.xford, hy his wife Lady Mary I'crceval, only dau. of the Rev. and Hon. C'harles George Perceval, M.A., Rector of Calverton, co. Bucking- h.ini, and sister of the Karl of l\s;mont. C///^— Oxford and Cambridge. Armorial bearings— Per pale argent and or, a lion rampant gules, charged on the shoulder with a Heur- de-lis of the second, on a chief sable a castle between two escallops of the first. Mantling gules and argent. Crest —On a wreath of the colours, a goat passant holding in the mouth a trefoil slipped all jjroper. Motto—" (he sara sara." /jV^/f— The Grange, in the parish of Chalfont St. Peter, in the co. of Buckingham. Postal addresses — The Grange, Chalfont St. Peter, Bucks ; and i Garden Court, Temple, E.C. HERBERT A[^THUR RUSSELL-PAVIER, Gentle- man. Born June 2, 1872, being the eldest son of the late William Adev Russell- Pavier, Esq., of Hammerwich, co. Stafford, and' Newlands, Heaton Moor, co. Lancaster, Major i6th Lancashire R.V. , by his wife Mary Ellen, dau. of Joseph Sale of Litchurch Lodge, Derby. Armorial bearings — Quarterly i and 4, sable three fusils in fesse or, be- tween two flaunches of the last, each charged with a mallet of the first, a chief chequy of the second and gules (for Pavier) ; 2 and 3 argent, a fesse dancettes? ermine, between three crosses crosslets fitchte in chief and two in base sable (for Russell). Mantling sable and or ; and for his Crests, i. upon a wreath of the colours, two arms emljowed proper, vested above the elbow argent, that on the dexter holding a chisel, and that on the sinister a mallet, also proper, (for Pavier) ; 2. upon a wreath of the colours, in front of two palm branches saltireways vert, a fret or, thereon a martlet sable (for Russell). Motto — "Quo fata vocant." § JOSEPH RUSTON, Esquire, J.P. and D.L. co. Lincoln. Born Feb. 12, 1835, being the son of Robert Ruston of Chatteris, by his wife Margaret Seward. Armorial bearings — Or, a linn passant sable, guttee-d'eau, on a chief indented gules, an escallop between two leopards' faces argent. Mantling sable and or. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, in front of a lion rampant ermine, holding between the paws an escallop gules, a leopard's face be- tween two roses of the last, barbed vert, seeded or. Motto — "Have patience and endure." Married, March 15, 1859, Jane, dau. of William Brown of Sheffield ; and has Issue — (i) Joseph Ruston, Gentleman, b. Aug. i, 1869; (2) William Ruston, Gentleman, b. Nov. i, 1874; Lucy Brown ; Marion ; Ethel ; Eva Jane ; and Margaret Elsie. Seat — Monks Manor, Lincoln. Tow?i residence — 5 St. George's Place, Hyde Park, W. JOSEPH SEWARD RUSTON, Gentleman. Born .Aug. I. 1869, being the eldest son of the late Joseph Ruston, by his wife Jane, dau. of William Brown of Sheffield. Armorial bearings — Or, a lion passant sable, gutt^-d'eau, on a chief indented gules, an escallop between two leopards' faces argent. Mantling sable and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, in front of a lion rampant ermine, holding lietween the paws an escallop gules, a leopard's face Vjetween two roses of the last, barljed vert, seeded or. Motto — "Have patience and endure." Seat — Monks Manor, Lincoln. ANDREW RUTHERFURD, Esquire, Sheriff of the Lothians and Peebles, only son of ^Tlttfft(M*f!!l*^l ^''•'ijo'' James Hunter Rutherfurd 1X\UVIJative (Edinburgh). Livery — Blue coat, with silver buttons, striped red and yellmo uuiistcoat. Armorial bear- ings as nsed are : Argent, an orle gules, surmounted in chief ofthi-ee martlets sable. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet be/itting his degree, with a mantling gules, doubled argent ; and itpon a loreatk of his liveries is set for Crest, a inartlet ; and in an escroll over the same this Motto, " Nee sort nee fato." These arms were recorded in 1672 by John Rutheiford of Egerston, but no pedigree has since been established in Lyon Office. Married, April 2g, 1891, Nancy, daughter oj Gideon Pott of Dodd, in the county of Ro.vburgh ; and has Issue — William Alexander Oliver Rutherfurd, born July 13, 1892. Estate and postal address — Edgerston, Jedburgh, N.B. HENRY RUTSON, Esquire, B.A. (Cantab.), J.P. for North Riding of York. Born July 29, 1831, being the third son of the late William Rutson, Esq., J.P. and D.L. for Newby Wiske, by his wife Charlotte \Iary, dau. of William Ewart of Mosley Hill, Liverpool. C////'— United University. Armorial bearings— Per fesse indented or and salde, three bulls' heads couped eounterchanged, the two in chief each charged with a bezant, and that in ba.se with a pellet. Mantling sable and or. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a griffin's head couped per bend sable and or, and entwined by a serpent proper. MottO — " Spectemur agendo." Estate — Warlaby (Jrange, North- allerton. Postal address — The Hall, Newby Wiske, Northallerton. JOHN RUTSON, Esquire, B.A. (Cantab.), J.P. for North Riding, co. York. Born 1829, being the eldest surviving son of the late William Rutson, Esq., J.P. and D.L. for Newby Wiske, by his wife Charlotte Mary, dau. of William liwart of Mosley Hill, Liverpool. Club— H is the Naval Cockade. Kut KgD 721 United University. Armorial bearings — Per fcsse in- dented or and sable, three hulls' heads couped counter- changed, the two in chief each charged with a bezant, and that in base with a pellet. Mantling sable and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a gritTin's head couped per bend sable and or, and entwined by a serpent proper. Motto — " .Specteniur agendo." Postal addresses — Newby Wiske, Northallerton ; Nunnington Hall, York. DAVID KNOX RUTTLEDGE, Esquire. J. P. Born June 29, 1866, being the eldest son of the late David Rutt- ledge, Esq., J. P. for Galway, Hon. Major Connaught Rangers, by his wife Sarah Knox, second dau. of the Rev. Edward Leet of Otranto, Kingstown. Armorial bearings — Argent, a stag trippant proper, on a chief engrailed azure, three estoiles or. Mantling azure and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, an oak-tree proper, pendent from a dexter branch thereof by a riband azure, an escutcheon or. Motto — " Verax atque probus." Mar- ried, June 30, 1891, Hon. Meta Handcock, fourth dau. of Lord Castlemaine. Seats — Barbersfort, and Cahergal House, Tuanj, co. Galway. § ROBERT RUTTLEDGE, Esq., J.P. and D.L. (High Sheriff 1864), late Lieut.-Col. Conimanding South Mayo Militia. Born 1823, being the eldest son of the late Rev. I'rancis Ruttledge of Bloonifield, by Margaret, dau. of the late Col. Henry Bruen of Oak Park, co. Carlow. Ar- morial bearings — Argent, a stag trippant proper, on a chief engrailed azure, three estoiles or. Mantling azure and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, an oak tree proper, pendent from a dexter branch thereof by a riband azure, an escutcheon or. Motto — "Verax attjue probus." Married, P'eb. 1850, Katherine, dau. of Peter Low (by Louisa his wife, dau. of .Sir Richard Butler, 7th Bart., of Ballintemple) ; and by her (who died Jime, 1856), had /w«c — (i) Thomas Henry Bruen Ruttledge, Gentleman, h. Sept. 7, 1852 [/«., 1883, Florence Rose, dau. of John Trant of Dovea, co. Tipperary, and has issue] ; Margaret Harriet [;«., 1877, W. H. Field, Capt. 8th Hussars]; and Louisa Katherine. Seat — Bloomfield, Hollymount.co.Mayo. ROBERT FAIR RU irLElKJE-FAIR, Esq., J.P. co. Mayo (High Sherifi" 1882), late Ca|)t. and Hon. Major 3rd Batt. Connaught Rangers. Born 1852, being the son of the late Thomas Ruttledge, Esq., J.P. and D. L. , of Cornfield, by Jane, only dau. and heiress of Robert Fair, Esq., of Bushfield, co. Mayo (who assumed by Letters Patent, in 1857, the additional name and arms of Fair). Armorial bearings — Quarterly i and 4, gules, on a saltire argent, Ix'tween four fleurs-de-lis or, a crescent azure (for Fair) ; 2 and 3 argent, a stag trippant proper, on a chief engrailed azure, three estoiles wavy or (for Ruttledge). Mantling gules and argent; and for his Crests, i. upon a wreath of the colours, on a mount, a dove holding in its beak an olive branch all proper, and charged on the breast with a trefoil or (for Fair) ; 2. upon a wreath of the colours, an oak tree proper, pendent from a dexter branch thereof by a riband azure, an escutcheon or (for Ruttledge). MottO — "Verax atque probus." Seat — Cornfield, HoUymount, co. Mayo. MELVILLE AMADEUS HENRY DOUGLAS MEDDLE BRUCE DE LA CAILLEMOTTE DE MASSUE-DE RUVIGNY, claimin!;to be ninth Manpiis de Ruvigny and Rainciml, Count de la Caillemotte and d Aially,in the Kingdom of Erance, Knight of the Royal and Distinguished Order of Charles II L of Spain. Born April 26, 1868, being the eldest son of the late Charles Henry Theo- dore Bruce de Massue dc Ruvigncs, claiming to be de jure eighth Marquis de Ruvigny and Raineval, by his second wife Margaret Melville, daughter of George Moodie of Cocklaw and Dunbog House, in the county of Eife. Armorial bear- ings — {Quarterly of eight, i. argent, a fesse gules, and in chief five martlets sable, on a canton or, a battleaxe of the third ; 2. azure, a hunting-horn stringed or (modern) ; 3. argent, three massues gules (ancient) (for de A/assue) ; 4. gules, two branches of laurel in orle or, a chief chequy argent and azure (for if A illy) ; 5. or, on a cross sable, five escallops argent (for Raineval) ; 6. argent, three mullets gules (for Mailly) ; 7. azure, a spur-royal upwards or, in base three mountains argent ; 8. sable, a saltire en- grailed argent, an inesctitcheon or, chargedwith a cross gules. Crests — I. a demi-savage crozvned and girt with laurel, holding with both hands a club all proper ; 2. out of a ducal coronet or, a dexter arm in armour embo^ved proper, garnished of the first, holding a sword in bend sinister also proper, pommel and hilt also or. Supporters — On either side of the escutcheon, a lion or. Motto (under the arms) — " .4imer sans crainte." The right to the foregoing arms and titles has not yet been established or recorded in the Colle^eof Arms in Etigland. Married, August 30, 1893, Rose Amalia Cabezos, daughter of Poncrazio Garni nara of Genoa and of Tumaco in South America; and has Issue — Gabriel Henry Philip Valerun-d' Ailly de Ma^^sue de Ruvigny, commonly called Count de la Caillemotte, b. Oct. 22, 1896 ; and Rachel Melville Madeleine Margaret Moyra Erances Helen. Postal address — 20 Ruvigny Gardens, Putney, London, S. W. CHARLES HARCOURT VERNON RUXTON. Gentleman. Born June 6, 1870, being the second son of the late William Ruxton, Esq., J.P. and Vice-Lieut, for co. Louth (High Sheriff 1848), and J.P. co. Cavan, by his wife Caroline Diana, younger dau. and co-heir of Charles Vernon. Armorial beariagB — (Quarterly i and 4, argent three bulls' heads erased sable, armed or ; 2 and 3 argent, a chief vair^e or and gules, over all a bend sable, charged with a crescent of the field for difference (for Fitzhertert). Mantling sable and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a bull's head erased sable, armed or. Motto — "Jam jam." Mar- ried, 1894, Laura Daly, dau. of Rev. Canon Cocking of Brighton. Postal address — Noonchera, Gylhat, India. § JULIAN HENRY HAY RUXTON, Esquire, late Capt. 15th Foot. Bom 1844, being the son of the late John Henry Hay Ruxton, Esq., D.L. and Chief Con- stable for co. of Kent, formerly Lieut. King's Own Regt., and Capt. Kent Artillery Militia, by his wife Isabella Sarah (who died 1894), eldest dau. of William Hooper, Esq., of .\Ic-ri(in House, co. Hereford. Club — Army and Navy. Armorial bearings — Argent, a crescent lietween three bulls' heads erased sable, armed or. Mantling sable and argent. Crest — Ujjon a wreath of the colours, a bull's head erased sable, armed or, charged wiih a crescent of the second. Man led, 1880, Selina Mal;elle, dau. of Rev. Robert Martin of Anstey Pastures, co. Leicester. Seat — Broad Oak, Brenchley, Staplehiirst. DUDLEY HENRY RYDER, Esquire, Justice of the Peace, late Captain and Hertfordshire Rifle 1Rt)?1l>1* Volunteers. Born February 7, 1830, being llV/^Uvl the eldest son of the Honourable Granville Dudley Ryder (second son of first Earl of Harrowby), by his wife Georgiana Augusta, commonly known as Lady Georgiana Augusta, third daughter of the Most Noble Henry Charles Somerset, sixth Duke of Beaufort. Club — National. Livery — White coat, scarlet waistcoat, black velvet breeches, drab greatcoats, silver buttons. Armorial bearings — He lx_>ars for Arms : Azure, three crescents or, each charged with an ermine spot sable, and imjjaling the arms of Calcraft, namely, per fesse argent and ermine, three lions passant guardant in pale sable, within a border wavy azure. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling azure and or; and for his Crest, out of a mural coronet or, a dragon's head argent, charged on the neck with an ermine spot sable. Motto — " Ut crescent lucent." Married, De- cember I, 1857, Georgiana Emily, daughter of John Hales Calcraft, Escjuire, Justice of the Peace and Deputy-Lieuten- ant, of Kenipstone, Corfe Castle ; and has Issue — (i) Dudley Granville Richard Fiyder, Esquire, Major 3rd Battalion King's Royal Rifle Corps, born 1858 [married, 1889, Ada Carr, daughter of Major-General John Plumptre Carr Glyn] ; (2) Cyril John Ryder, Esquire, late Captain 4th Battalion King's Royal Rifle Corps, born 1863 [married, 1897, Lady Isobel Douglas-Hamilton, sister of the Duke of Hamilton] ; (3) William Henry Ryder, Gentleman, formerly a Midship- man Royal Navy, born 1865 [married, 1888, Catherine Mabel, daughter of the late Reverend Augustus Sutton] ; (4) Charles Edward Henry Ryder, Gentleman, born 1868 ; (5) Cosmo Alan Cuthbert Ryder, Gentleman, born 1870; (6) John Claud Dudley Ryder, Gentleman, born 1873 ; Katharine Susan ; Evelyn Geoigiana ; and Caroline Katha- rine [married, 1891, Robert Armitage]. Estate — Westbrook Hay, in the county of Hertford. Postal address — West- brook Hay, Hemel Hempstead. GEORGE LISLE RYDER, Companion of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, Principal Clerk in the Trea- The Editor undertakes tbat every entry not in italics is tbat of a genuinely armigerous person. 3 Z 722 kbo api sury. Horn December 29, 1837, being tlie second son of the lale George Dudley Ryder, by his wife Sophia Lucy, daughter of the Reverend Jolin Sai-gent, Rector of Wool Lavington ; created Companion of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, 1889. Armorial bearings He Uars for Arms : Azure, three crescents or, each cliarged with an ermine spot sable. Upon the escutcheon, from which is pendent his badge as a Companion of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling azure and or ; and for his Crest, out of a mural coronet or, a dragon's head argent, charged on the neck with an ermine spot sable. Married, 1882, Edith, daughter of the Reverend Henry Dudley Ryder. Postal address — 16 Palace Gardens Terrace, Kensington, W. HUGH CUTHBERT DUDLEY RYDER, Esquire, Commander Royal Navy (retired). Justice of the Peace for the county of Hertford. Born February 10, 1843, being the eldest surviving son of Frederick Dudley Ryder, Esquire, commonly known as the Honourable Frederick Dudley Ryder, by his wife Mari.in Charlotte ICmily, only daughter of Thomas Cockayne. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Azure, three crescents or, each charged with an ermine spot sable. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling azure and or ; and for his Crest, out of a mural coronet or, a dragon's head argent, charged on the neck with an ermine spot sable; with the Motto, " Servata fides cineri." Married, February 17, 1887, Ada Julia, only daughter of Sir Iroby Cantley, Knight Commander of the Most Distinguished Order of Saint Michael and Saint George. Estate— \ck\&- ford Manor. Postal address — Ickleford House, Hitchin. RYE, quartered by TEMPEST. RYLAND, see SMITH-RYLAND. HOWARD PROCTOR RYLAND, Esquire, Justice of the Peace for the county of Warwick, and for the city of Birmingham. Borjt July 14, 1851, being the third but Warwick [to whom refer], by his wife Mary, daughter of Thomas Proctor of Birmingham. Club — Constitutional. Livery — Light buff, with black facings and gilt buttons. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Argent, on a chevron invected between three martlets sable, a sheaf of rye or, between two escallops, each within an annulet of the last ; and for the Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a demi-lion sable, charged with a chevron argent, thereon a sheaf of rye or, between two escallops of the first, holding between the paws an escutcheon also argent, charged with a martlet as in the arms; with the Motto, " Avorum honori." Married, February 9, 187b, Agnes Adeline, daughter of Sir Frederick Howard, Knight Bachelor, of Bedford, J. P. and D. L. for the county of Bedford; and has Issue — Thomas Howard Ryland, Gentleman, born December 11, 1876 ; Millicent Mary ; and Gwyneth Howard. Estates — Mo.vhull and Wishaw, in the county of Warwick. Postal address — MoxhuU Park, Erdington. JOHN WH.LL\M RYLAND, Esq. J.P. co. of War- wick, F.S.A. Born April 23, 1856, being the second son of John Llewellyn Ryland, by his wife Mary Ann, daughter and co-heiress of William Poke of Waterford. Livery — Light buff, with black facings and gilt buttons. Armo- rial bearings — He bears for Arms : Argent, on a chevron second survivi^ng son of Thomas Ryland, Esquire, of The Redlands, Erdmgton, Justice of the Peace for the county of ^ is the Military Cocltade. invected between three martlets .sable, a sheaf of rye or, between two escallops, each within an annulet of the last, with a crescent for difference ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a demi-lion sable, charged with a chevron argent , thereon a sheaf of rye between two escallo|5s of the first, holding between the paws an escut- cheon also argent, charged with a martlet as in the arms ; with the Motto, " Avorum honori." Married, September 20, 1883, Jane, daughter of the late Charles Madeiey, ]*'sq., of Solihull, J.P. for co. of Warwick; and has Issue — Llewellyn Madeiey Ryland, Gentleman, born Septemter 6, 1885 ; and Janet Llewellyn. Postal address — Rowing- ton, near Warwick. SIDNEY PROCTOR RYLAND, Gentleman and Solici- tor. Born February 6, 1853, being the third surviving son of Thomas Ryland, Esquire, of The Redlands and Moxhull, in the county of Warwick, Justice of the Peace for that county. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Argent, on a chevron invected between three martlets sal>le, a sheaf of rye or, between two escallops, each within an annulet of the last ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a demi-lion sable, charged with a chevron argent, thereon a sheaf of rye between two escallops of the first, holding M is the Naval Cockade. Kpl IRSl paws ah escutcheon also ars,'ont, charged with a martlet as in the arms; witli the Motto, " Avoruni honori." Married, March 29, 1882, Ann Whitfield, daughter of Thomas Gladstone of Edgbaston, Esquire, Justice of the I'eace and Deputy-Lieutenant for the coimty of Kirkcud- bright ; and has Isauc — Dorothy Helen. Postal address — Cheltenham. THOMAS F'iYLAND, l^squire, Justice of the Peace for the county of Warwick, Lord of the Manors of Wishaw and Moxhull. Born November 21, 1818, being the eldest son of Thomas Ryland of Aston, in the county of Warwick, by his wife Mary, daughter of Robert Llewellyn of Well- ington, in the county of Salop. 67;/Af -Constitutional, Magistrates', Union (Birmingham). Livery — Light buflf, with black facings and gilt buttons. Armorial bearings — He Viears for Arins : Argent, on a chevron invected between three martlets sable, a sheaf of rye or, between two escallops, each within an annulet of the last ; and for the Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a demi-lion sable, charged with a chevron argent, thereon a sheaf of rye between two escallops of the first, holding between the paws an escutcheon also argent, charged with a martlet as in the arms ; with the Motto, "Avoruni honori." Married, July 28, 1841, Mary, daughter of Thomas I'roctor of Birmingham ; and has had tssue — (i) Thomas Proctor Ryland, Gentleman, born .April 16, 1842, died 1873 ; (2) Walter I'roctor Ryland, Gentle- man, l)orn January 30, 1850; (3) Howard Proctor Ryland, Gentleman, born July 14, 1851 [to whom refer]; (4) Sidney Proctor Ryland, Gentleman, born February 6, 1853; (5) Henry Proctor Ryland, Gentleman, born January 26, 1857 ; Alice Mary ; Susannah Proctor ; Jane Llewellyn, died 1875 ; Emma Louisa; Mary Proctor; and Laura Proctor. Es- tates — Erdington, Wishaw, and Moxhull Hall, all in the county of Warwick. Postal address — The Redlands, Erd- ington, near Birmingham. I:NR1QU1':TA AUGUSTINA RYLANDS, of Longford Hall, Widow, daughter of Stephen Cattley 115 vifcmlljtf Tennant, late of Liverpool and of Havanna, llV^iailU^ Cuba,inthe West Indies. Armorial bear- ings are, upon a lozenge : Azure, a cross jjatonce or, on a chief of the last, an open book jjropcr. and impaling the arms of Tennant, namely, argent, gutt(5- de-poix, two bars invected per pale sable and gules, each bar charged with three bezants. Married, 1875, as his second wife, John Rylands, Esquire, Justice of the Peace for the County Palatine of Lancaster, late of Longford Hall, who died i888. Postal addresses— \.on^{o\<:\ Hall, Stretfcjrd, Manchester; 67 Queen's Gate, S.W. ; Longford House, near Ryde. JOHN PAUL RYLANDS, Gentleman, Barrister-at-Law, Fellow of the Society of Antiquaries. Born March 10, 1846, being the elder son of Thomas Glazebrook Rylands of Highfields, Thelwall, in the county of Chester [to whom refer], by his first »vife, Jane Chapman, daughter of William Ragg. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Quarterly I and 4, per fesse danceltee or and gules ; 2 and 3 ermine ; over all on a fesse azure a griffin passant regardant between two fleurs-de-lis of the first, impaling the arms of Glazebrook, namely ermine, an eagle displayed gules, beaked, legged, and holding in the beak a fleur-de-lis or, on a chief sable two bezants, each charged with a fleur-de-lis azure ; and for iiis Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a demi-lion azure, charged on the shoulder with a bezant, thereon a fleur-de- lis also azure, and supporting a flagstaff entwined with a branch of oak proper, flowing therefrom a banner gules, chargeel, second daughter of Nicholas Smith Glazebrook of Haynmns Green, West Derby, in the county of Lancaster, Meml)er of the Royal College of Surgeons, England [to whom refer]; and h:is Issue— (\) Ralph Pa\il Kirkland Rylands, Gentleman, Vjorn .April 21, 1883; (2) Geoffrey tilazebrook Rylands, (ienlleman, born June 12, 1885; Isjiliel Dorothy Blanche ; and Margery Gertrude. Postal address — Heather Lea, Charlesville, Birkenhead. THOMAS GLAZEBROOK RYLANDS, Gentleman, Justice of the Peace for the borough of Warrington, Fellow of the Society of Antiquaries, Fellow of the Royal Astro- nomical Society, Fellow of the Linnean Society, Fellow of the Royal Geological Society, Mayor of Warrington 1858. 1859. Born May 24, 1818, tjeing the seventh son of John Rylands of Bewsey House, Warrington, in the county of Lancaster, by his second wife, Martha, daugh- ter of the Reverend James Glazebrook, Clerk in Holy Orders, Vicar of Belton, in the county of Leicester, and Incumbent of St. James's Church, Warrington. Club — Warrington (Warrington). Livery — Drab coats, with blue collars and cuffs, scarlet waistcoat, silver buttons, silver band round hat. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Quarterly 1 and 4, j)cr fesse dancettte or and gules ; 2 and 3 ermine, over all on a fesse azure a griffin passant regardant between two fleurs-de-lis of the first. Crest — A demi-lion azure, charged on the shoulder with a bezant, thereon a fleur-de-lis also azure, and supporting a flagstaff entwined with a branch of oak proper, flowing therefrom a banner gules, charged with a lion pas.sant and fringed gold. Motto — " Dum spiro spero." Married, first. May 24, 1845, Jane Chapman, daughter of William Ragg of .\shby- de-la-Zouch, in the county of Leicester (she died October 23, 1856) ; and secondly, February 2, i860, Elizabeth, daughter of Richard Watson Marshal Dewhurst of Kenyon The Editor undertakes tbat every entry not in italics is tbat of a genuinely armigerous person. 724 m ©ag: House, in llic county of Lancaster. By his first marriage he has /ssne—(\) John Paul Kylands, Gentleman [to whom refer] ; (2) William Harry Rylands, Gentleman [to whom refer]; and by his second marriage (3) Thomas Glazebrook Rylands, horn January i, 1801 ; died October 4, 1863; Rachel Uorotherf [married, January u), 1895, Cjeorge Percival Mason] ; and Martha Glazebrook. Estate atid postal address — Highfields, Thelwall, near Warrington. WILLIAM HARRY RYLANDS, Gentleman, Fellow of the SocitHy of Antiquaries, and a Member of the Masons' Company. Born December 20, 1847, being the second son of Thomas Cilazebrook Rylands of Highfields, Thelwall, in the county of Chester [to whom refer], by his wife Jane Chapman, daughter of William Ragg of Ashby- de-la-Zouch, in the county of Leicester. Armorial bear- ings — He bears for Anns : Quarterly i and 4, per fesse dancett^e or and gules; 2 and 3 ermine, over all a fesse azure thereon a griffin passant regardant, between two tleurs-de-lis of the first, antl impaling the arms of Meymott, namely or, three demi-lions rampant in bend azure, each eliarged on the shoulder with a mullet argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a demi-lion azure, on the shoulder a bezant charged with a fleur-de-lis also azure, supporting a flagstaff entwined by a liranch of oak jiroper, therefrom flowing to tiie sinister a banner gules, (ringed and charged with a lion passant or. Motto — " Dum spiro spero." Married, first, July 29, 1885, Annie Blanche, fourtii daughter of the late Leopold Charles Martin of Her Majesty's Civil Service, London (she died August 14, 1886) ; and has Issue — Isabel Blanche Glazebrook. He married secondly, Oct. 20, 1896, Alice Mary, second dau. of the late Charles Meymott, M.R.C.S., of Sydney, N.S.W. Postal address — South Bank Lodge, i Campden Hill Place, London, W. JAMES FLEETWOOD RYND, Esq., Barrister-at- Law, B.A. (I'rin. Coll., Dublin), late Hon. Col. 8th Batt. Rifle Brigade (Leitrim Militia). Borit 1834, being the only son of the late Rotert Fleetwood Rynd, Esq., J. P., of Ryndville, by Maria, dau. of the late Thomas L. Dames of Greenhills, King's Co. Armorial bearings— Ermine, on a cross gules, a cross crosslet fitch^e or, the sinister chief quarter argent, charged with two mullets in fesse azure, in the centre chief point a crescent of the third. Mantling gules and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a demi-lion rampant gules, holding in the paws a cross crosslet fitehfe or, and charged on the shoulder with a crescent as in the arms. Motto — " Fide et fortitudine." 5>rt/— Ryndville, Enfield, co. Meath. ROBERT FLEETWOOD WILLIAM RYND, Esq., J. P. CO. Kildare, late Hon. Major Kildare Rifle Militia, formerly Capt. 22nd Foot. Born 1842, being the eldest son of the late Chri.stopher Rynd, Esq., D. L., of Mount Arm- strong, CO. Kildare, Ijy Helena Maria, only surviving child and heir of the late Peter Wolfe of Blackball, co. Kildare. Armorial bearings — Ermine, on a cross gules, a cross crosslet fitchee or, the sinister cliief quarter argent, charged with two nuiilets in fesse azure, in the centre chief point a crescent of the third. Mantling gules and argent ; and for liis Crest, ujjon a \\reath of tlie colours, a demi-lion ram- pant gules, iiolding in the paws a cross crosslet fitch(5e or, and charged on the shoulder with a crescent as in the arms. Motto — " Fide et fortudine." Married, 1892, Hatty, eldest dau. of the late H. A. Cowper of Trudder, Newtown Mount Kennedy, co. Wicklow. Seat — Blackball, Naas, co- Kildare. RYSH WORTH, quartered by TEMPEST. S EDGAR BROOKSBANK SAGAR- MU.SGRAVE, Gentleman. /?(;;-« Mareli 11, Musgrave, Esquire | to whom refer], by his wife Clara Kate, only daughter of Robert Collinson Brooksbank of Sydenham Hill, in the county of Kent. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Quar- terly I and 4, argent on a pile party per pale azure and gules, si.x annulets, three, two and one or (for Musgrave) ; 2 and 3 party per bend or and azure, a cross moline counter- changed, a chief paly of six of the first and gules (for Sagar), impaling in right of his wife the arms of Grantham, namely, ermine, a, griflin segreant gules, holding between the claws an escutcheon or, charged with a cross crosslet sable, in chief two cross crosslets of the second ; and for his Crests, i. upon a wreath of the colours, two arms embowed proper, holding an annulet or, encircling a tiliing-spear erect also proper (for Musgrave) ; 2. on a wreath of the colours, upon a rock proper, an eagle re- & is the Military Cockade. gardant or, each wing charged with three bendlets gules, resting the dexter claw upon a cross moline azure (for Sagar); with the Motto, " Valde et sa])ienter." Mar- ried, September 21, 1892, Constance Mary, daughter of the Honourable Sir William Grantham, Judge of the High Court of Justice, of Barcombe Place, Lewes, in the county of Sussex. JOHN MUSGRAVE SAGAR-MUSGRAVE, Esquire, Justice of the Peace for the West Riding of the county of York, and for the city of Leeds, Lord of the Manors of Round- liay, Seacroft, and .Shadwell, late Cajitain 2nd West York- shire Yeomanry Cavalry. Borti July 15, 1835, being the only son of the late Richard Hartley Sagar of Bramley, Leeds, by his wife Margaret, daughter of John Musgrave, also of Bramley, Leeds ; and assumed the surname and arms of Musgrave in addition to his own by Royal License in the year 1863. Clubs — Carlton, Junior Carlton. Livery — Dark blue coat, crimson waistcoat, silver buttons. Armo- rial bearings — He liears for Arms : Quarterly i and 4, . 3 ^ the Naval Cockade. ^ai ^ai 725 argenRi^^iI^)arly per pale azure and gules, six annu- lets, three, two and one or (for Musgrave) ; 2 and 3 party l)er bend or and azure, a cross moline countcrchanged, a chief paly of six of the first and gules (for Sagar) ; and for his Crests, i. upon a wreath of the colours, two arms em- bowed proper, iiolding an annulet or, encircling a tilting- spear erect also proper (for Musgrave) ; 2. on a wreath of the colours, upon a rock proper, an eagle regardant or, eacli wing charged with three l)endlets gules, resting the dexter claw upon a cross moline azure (for Sagar) ; with the Motto, " Valde et sapienter." Married, August 23, i86<}, ( 'lara Kate, only daughter of RoVx^rt CoUinson Brooks- bank of Sydenham Hill, in the county of Kent; 9' '856, being the second son of the ^»V» Vli;iPUl.y«^ l,^te William Whitmore St. George, (ientlcman, of Birkenhead, by his wife Mary Ann, daughter of David Cram. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Argent, a chief azure, over all a lion rampant gules, duc.iUy crowned or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a demi-lion rampant gules, ducally crowned or, armed and langued azure ; with the Motto, " Firmilas in coclo." ARCHIBALD ST. GEORGE, Gentleman, of Camma, in the county of Roscommon. Born June 5, 1813, being the second son of the late Lieutenant-Colonel John St. ieorge, by his wile l''rances, youngest daughter of Archibald (■aiiipbcll. Doctor of Medicine, of Stafford. Armorial bearings — He l>ears for Arms : Argent, a chief azure, over all a lion rampant gules, ducally crowned or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a demi-lion rampant gules, ducally crowned or, armed and langued azure ; with the Motto, " Kirmitas in coelo." Married, December 22, 1862, his cousin Katherine, second daughter of Archibald .St. George of Dublin ; and has had Issue — Frances Millicent, who died January 25, 1890. ARCHIBALD HENRY ST. GliORGE, Gentleman. Born October 2, 1859, being the third and youngest son of the late George St. George, Gentleman, of Hemmingford Terrace, Birkenhead, by his wife Annie Ciibson, daughter of Richard Bryans, Esquire, of Parklield, in the county of Chester, Justice of the I'eace. Armorial bearings— He I)ears for Arms : Argent, .1 chief azure, over all a lion rampant gules, ducally crowned or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a demi-lion rampant gules, ducally crowned or, armed and langued azure ; with the Motto, " Firmitas in coelo." ARTHUR BALDWIN .ST. GEORGE, Gentleman. Born July 30, 1858, being the second son of the late George St. (ieorge. Gentleman, of Hemmingford Terrace, Birken- head, by his wife Annie Gibson, daughter of Richard Bryans, Es(|uiie, of Parkficld, in the county of Chester, Justice of the Peace. Armorial bearings -He bears for Arms : Argent, a chief azure, over all a lion rampant gules, ducally crowned or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a demi-lion rampant gules, ducally crowned or, armed and langued azure; witli the Motto, " I''irmitas in coelo." SCai'TAIN BALDWIN JOHN ST. GEORGE, of the 4th Dragoon Gu.ards. Jiorn February 16, 1862, being the only son of the late General Sir John St. George, Commandant Royal Artillery, Knight Grand Cross of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, by his wife Elizaljeth Marianne, daughter of 'I'honias Evans, Es<|uire, Justice of the Peace, of Lyminsler, in the county of Sussex, by his wife Margaret, lu'e Harris. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : .\rgent, a chief azure, over all a lion rampant gules, ducally crowned or; and for liis Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a demi-lion rampant gules, ducally crowned or, armed and langued azure; with the Motto, "Firmitas in cuelo." CHARLES HENRY ST. GEORGE, Gentleman. Born .April 8, i860, being the fifth and youngest son of the laic William Whitmore St. George, {Gentleman, of Birkenhead, by his wife Mary Ann, daughter of David Cram. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Argent, a chief azure, over all a lion rampant gules, ducally crowned or; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a demi-lion rampant gules, ducally crowned or, armed and langued azure; with the Motto, " Firmitas in ccelo." GEORGE EDWARD ST. GEORGE. Gentleman. Born July 17, 1857, being the eldest son of the late George .St. George, (jentleman, of Hemmingford Terrace, Birken- head, by his wife Annie Gibson, daughter of Richard Bryans, Esquire, of Parkficld, in the county of Chester. Justice of the Peace. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Argent, a chief azure, over all a lion rampant gules, ducally crowned or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a demi-lion rampant gul(!s, ducally crowned or, armed and langued azure; with the Motto, " l'"irmitas in coelo." GEORGE HERBERT ST. GEORGE, Gentleman. Born April 8, i860, being the fourth son of the late William Whitmore St. Gcorgi!, Gentleman, of Birkenhead, by his wife Mary Ann, daughter of David Cram. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Argent, a chief azure, over all a lion rampant gules, ducally crowned or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a demi-lion rampant gules, ducally crowned or, armed and langued azure ; with the Motto. " Firmitas in coelo." HOWARD ST. GEORGE, Gentleman. Born April 6, 1858, being the third son of the late William Whitmore St. The Editor undertakes that every entry not in italics is that of a genuinely armigerous person. 726 ^ai ^al George, Gentleman, of Rirkenhead, by liis wife Mary Ann, daughter of David Cram. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Argent, a chief azure, over all a lion rampant gules, diically crowned or ; and for his Crest, t:pon a wreath of the colours, a demi-lion rampant gules, ducally crowned or, armed and langued azure; with the Motto, " Firmitas in cceIo." The Revkreni) HOWARD ST. GKORGE, Vicar of Billinge, M.A. (Dublin), J. P. co. Lanes., Hon. Canon of Liverpool. Born January 13, 1819, being the fifth and youngest son of the late Lieutenant-Colonel John St. George, by his wife Frances, youngest daughter of Archiliald Campbell, Doctor of Medicine, of Stafford. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Argent, a chief azure, over all a lion rampant gules, ducally crowned or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a demi-lion rampant gules, ducally crowned or, armed and langiied azure, with the Motto, "Firmitas in coelo." Married, ]\v\q. 22, 1864, Emilia, daughter of Andrew Comber of Stand House, in the county of Lancaster ; and has had Issue — Howard Comber St. George, Gentleman, born September 25, 1866, d. 1893; and Frances Emilia. ST.- JOHN, quartered by SANDILANDS. FREDERIC ROBERT ST. JOHN, Esquire, Her Majesty's Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipoten- tiary in Switzerland. Born , being the fourth son of Ferdinand St. John, Esquire, commonly known as the Honourable P'erdinand St. John, by his wife Selina Char- lotte, daughter of Maurice Bagnal St. Leger Keating. Clubs — 'I'ravellers", St. James's. Armorial bearings—He bears for Arms : Argent, on a chief gules, two mullets or. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befittmg his degree, with a mantling gules and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreatii of the colours, a mount vert, thereon a falcon rising or, ducally gorged gules. Married, 1882, Isabella, daughter of Captain James Fitzmaurice, com- monly known as Captain the Honourable James Fitz- maurice, Royal Navy; and has Issue — (i) Oliver St. John, Gentleman, horn i886; (2) Roland St. John, Gentleman, bom 1888 ; Terence Alexander St. John, Gentleman, born 1896; Violet; Dorothy; and Natalie. Postal address— Foreign Office ; and British Legation, Berne. The Reverend HARRIS FLEMING ST. JOHN, Clerk in Holy Orders, Master of Arts of the University of Cambridge, Chaplain of Chapel of Dinmore Manor since 1878. Born 1833, being the only son of Fleming St. John, Esquire, Justice of the Peace, of Dinmore Manor, in the county of Hereford, by his wife Mary, youngest daughter of John Freemah of Gaines, in the same county. Livery — Drab, with gilt buttons. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Argent, on a chief gules, two mullets pierced or. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, on a mount vert, a falcon rising or, belled of the last, ducally gorged gules ; with the Motto, " Data fata secutus." Married, 1878, Gertrude Margaret, second surviving daughter of Cliarles Edward Ward of Clifton ; and has Issue — (i) Oliver Stukeley Fleming .St. John, Gentleman, born 1881 ; (2) St. Andrew Fleming St. John, Gentleman, born 1887 ; (3) Pleming St. John, Gentle- man, born 1891 ; (4) Charles Edward Fleming .St. John, Gentleman, born 1893; Mary Fleming; Maud Fleming; and Gertrude Fleming. Estate — Dinmore Manor, in the county of Hereford. Postal address — Dinmore Manor, near Leominster. CHARLES BEAGUE ST. JOHN-MILDMAY, Esquire, Justice of the Peace for %t Jofin^a^iltimag "S:.:^^^^ lery and Royal Horse Artillery. Born January 13, 1861, being the eldest surviv- ing son of Arthur George St. John-Mildmay, Esquire, Justice of the Peace, by his wife Charlotte Mary, daughter of Charles Heard Beague of Hollam, Dulverton. Clu/is — Naval and Military, Cavalry. Livery — Blue and white. Armorial bearings are really : Argent, three lions ram- pant azure. Crest— A lion rampant azure. Motto— "Alia & is the Military Cockade. ta hara." But CajJtain Mildmay bears: Quarterly i and 4, Mildmay as above; 2 and 3 argent, on a chief gules, two mullets or (for St. John). Crests, i. Mildmay as above ; 2. on a mount vert, a falcon rising or, belled of the last, and ducally gorged gules (for St. John). According to Foster the Royal License in 1790 to Sir Henry St. John, B.irt., was to bear the name and arms of Mildmay only, and Captain Mildmay most certainly cannot be entitled to the supporters on his seal (engraved in the early part of the century), namely, de.xter a grey-hound, and sinister a falcon rising, each ducally gorged and lined. Married, .\ugust 22, 1892, Evelyn Augusta, daughter of Captain Edmond Henry St. John-Mildmay, late 5th Radetzky's Hussars, in the Austrian Imperial Service, Equerry to His Royal Highness the Duke of Cambridge. Postal address — Hollam, Dulverton, Somerset. WYNDHAM PAULET ST. JOHN-MILDMAY, Esquire, Justice of the Peace for the county of Somerset, late Captain Rifle Brigade and North Somerset Yeomanry. Born January 1855, being the eldest son of Arundell St. John-Mildmay, Esquire, Justice of the Peace, of Hazlegrove, in the county of Somerset, by his wife Harriet Louisa, daughter of the Honourable and Very Reverend George Neville Grenvilje, Dean of Windsor. Clubs — White's, Naval and Military, Bibury, &c. A/iwt— Blue and silver. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Argent, three lions rampant azure, impaling the arms of Hamilton- Russell, namely, quarterly i and 4, argent between two chevronels a cinquefoil, all between three cross crosslets fitch(''e sable (for Russell) ; 2 and 3 gule.';, three cinquefoils pierced ermine (for Hamilton). Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling azure and argent ; and for his Crest, a lion rampant guardant azure; with the Motto, "Alia ta hara." Married, July 27, 1889, Alice Katharine, commonly known as the Hon- ourable .'Mice Katharine, eldest daughter of the Right Honourable the eighth Viscount Boyne. Postal address — Hazlegrove, Sparkford, Bath. MARIA BUTLER (n^e ST. PAUL), a Countess of the Holy Roman Empire, only child and sole heir of the late Sir Horace St. Paul, Bart., Count of the Holy Roman Empire, formerly M. P. for East Worcestershire, by his wife Jane, dau. of George Annett Grey, Esq., J. P. and D.L., of Milfield, Northumberland. Armorial bearings (of St. Paul) are as follows, upon a lozenge — Quarterly i and 6, argent an eagle displayed sable ; 2 and 5 divided in tierce into three compartments, i. azure, three lions rampant or, ii. azure, a lion rampant argent, iii. gules, on a cross argent, nine billets sable ; 3 and 4 per pale or and saVjle, a bend engrailed counterchanged, and over all, on an inescutcheon argent, a lion rampant, double-queued gules, ducally crowned or. Supporters — On either side a lion regardant argent, langued gules, each supporting between the paws a tilting-spear or ; from the dexter, a flag or, charged with an eagle displayed sable ; from the sinister, a flag argent, with fringe or, thereon a lion rampant, doulile-qui'ued gules, and ducally crowned gold. Married, Jan. 19, 1893, George Grey Butler, lisq. , M.A. Trin. Coll., Bamb. , J. P. co. Northumberland (son of late Canon George Butler, D. D. ); and has Issue — Horace George St. Paul Butler; and Hetha Grey St. Paul. .S't-rtZ-Ewart Park, Wooler, Northumberland. ST. VINCENT, see CAPE ST. VINCENT. RICHARD SALE. Born Mareli 17, 1856, being the eldest son of the late Richard Sale, by his wife Maty, daughter of the Reverend Alexander Poole. C\uh~Derby- shire. Livery — Claret edged 7c>ith red, red tvaistcoat. Ar- morial bearings as used, but for which no authority has been established, are for Aims: Anient, on a bend engrailed sable, three fleurs-de-lis of the field. Crest — A pheon' s head sable. Motto — " I'irtute nan astutia." 'J'he arms tvere confirmed in 1662 to John Sale of Shardlon, in the county of Derby, but no descent has been proved. Married, April 20, 1881, Mary Ale.xina, daughter of Ale.vandcr Gordon, Esquire, of Ashludie, in the county of Forfar, Justice of the Peace for that county; and has Issue — Richard Sale, born June 21, 1889; Mary Lindsay; and Dorothy Alexina. Estate — Barrow-on- Trent. Postal address — Barroiv-on - Trent, near Derby. M is tbe Naval Cockade. ^al %al 727 ROWLEY SALKSALK-HILL, Ksquire, Companion of the Most Honourable Order of the Hath, QSA(l>-rt^tff (general (Uneni[)loyed Supernumerarv Xa^aiV-liiJlU List) Her Majesty's Indian Army, /ior'n November 6, 1839, Ijeing the second son of Captain Rowley John Hill, Honourable East India Company's Service, by his wife Caroline Catherine, daughter of Major-General Sir Robert Sale, Knight Grand Cross of the Most Honourable Order of the Hath ; created Com- panion of the Most Honourable Order of the Hath, 1881. i7/i/>.< — East India United S-rvice, Radnor (Folkestone). Armorial bearings -He bears for Arms : Sable, a chevron erminois, Ijetween three leopards' faces erminois. Helow Admiral Ninvell ; created Companion of the Most Hon our- al'le Order of the Bath, 1876, and advanced to the rank of Knight Commander of that Order, 1887. Club — United Service. Livery — Black. Armorial bearings ax used, but for 7ohich no authority has been established, are for Arms : .Sable, three salmon haurient or. Crest — A mailed arm issuing from a cloud and grasping a scitnitar. MottO — " Vita priore frui." Married, Januaiy 11, 1866, Emily Augusta, daughter of Erasmus Saunders of IVestbrook Upwey, in the county of Dorset ; and has Issue — Geoffrey .Wowell Salmon, Esquire, born No^iember 26, 1871 ; and Eleanor Ninvell. listate and postal address — Curdridi^e Grange, near Botley, Hants. THK COUNTESS ST. I'AIL. tlie escutcheon is pendent his badge as a Companion of tlie Most Honourable Order of the Hath ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a talbot's head couped sable, guttee-d'eau, collared gules, studded and ringed or; witli the Motto, " Ne tentes aut perfice." Married, Marcii 20, 1873, his cousin Caroline Sophia, daughter of Lieutenant Colonel Robert Henry Sale ; and has Issue — Alan Rowley Sale Sale-Hill, Gentleman, born Decemter 8, 1877 ; Lena Maud ; Effie Caroline ; and Ella Florentia. Postal address — Kynnersley House, Earls Avenue, Folkestone. Admiral Sir NO WELL SALMON, Knight Com- mander of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, on whom Her Majesty has conferred the Decoration of the Victoria Cross. Born 1835, being the second son of the Re7>erend H. Salmon, Rector of Swarraton , in the county of Hampshire, by his wife Emily Charlotte, daughter of Vice- § THOMAS SALT, Es(|uin-, Deputy-Lieutenant and Justice of the Peace for the county of Stafford, formerly MemtxT of Parliament for many years. Born May 12, 1830, Ix-ing the only son of Thomas Salt, by his wife Harriet Letitia, daughter of the Reverend John Hayes Petit. Clubs — Carlton, United University, St. Stephen's, Staffordshire (Stafford), County Conservative (Stafford). Livery — Pale drab. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Argent, a chevron ronipu Ix'tvvcen three mullets in chief and a lion rampant in base sal)le; and for his Crest, on a wreath of the colours, three annulets interlaced sable, thereon a dove holding in the beak an olive-branch proper, and charged on the neck' with a chevron also sable; with the Motto, " In sale salus." Married, July 24, 1861, Helen Mary, youngest daughter of John Laviscourt Anderdon of Chislehurst, in the county of Kent; and has Lssue — (i) Thomas Anderdon Salt, Esquire, Captain nth Hussars, The Editor undertakes that every entry not in italics is that of a genuinely armigerous person. 728 ^al born January 8, 1863; {2) Herbert Edward Salt, Gentleman, born l)ecenil>er 20, 1870; (3) George Edmund Stevenson Salt, Gentleman, born February 19, 1873 ; (4) Reginald John Salt, Gentleman, born March 2, 1874 ; (s) William Maiming Salt, Gentleman, born April 22, 1876; (6) Waller I'etit Salt, CJentleman, born October 5, 1878; (7) Harold Francis Salt, Gentleman, born December 30, 1879 ; Laura Helen; Mary Louisa; and Helen Frances. Estates — Weeping Cross, Standon, Hiana, all in the county of • *• Stafford; and Yeading, in the county of Middlesex. Postal aMress — Weeping Cross, Stafford. SALTER, quartered by HORUERN. SAMUEL JAMES AUGUSTUS SALTER, Fello-iv of the Royal Society, Fellow of Kiii^s College, *^ait"PI* Tendon. Born August 10, 1825, being the "S)Ull-vV third son of Thomas Salter, Esquire, Justice of the Peace, Felloiv of the Royal College of Surgeons, by his wife Eliza, daughter of Thomas Bell of Poole, in the county of Dorset. Club — Athenceum. Livery — Plain brotvn. Armorial bearings as used are for krcas, : Gules, ten billets, four, three, ticaand one, a bord are engrailed. argent, charged with eight hurts. Crest — An eagle' s head- gules, charged with six billets or. MottOes — "Fide ac diffide," " Spero meliora." The arms are recorded in the College of Arms, but Mr. Salter has not yet established his right to them at the College. Married, October 7, 1874, Fanny, fourth daughter of Edward Haycock, Esquire, Justice of the Peace, of the Prioty, Shornsbury. Estate and postal address — Basingfield, near Basingstoke, Hants. SALTERFORD, Baron, see COURTOWN. § PHILIP SALTMARSHE, Esquire, Justice of the Peace and Deputy-Lieutenant for fevflTt"tnai*tffll? ^'^^ "^-asi Riding of the county of ^0'aUUiaiA)IJI> York. Born March 9, 1825, being the eldest son of Philip Saltmarshe, Esquire, late of Saltmarshe, Justice of the Peace and Deputy- Lieutenant for the East Riding of the county of York, by his wife Harriet, daughter of RoVjert Denison of Kilnwich Percy. Clubs — Carlton, Army and Navy. Livery — Fawn. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Argent, crusily, and three cinquefoils gules. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a rudder or; with the Motto, "Ad astra virtus." Married, May 12, 1852, Blanche, youngest daughter of Robert Denison of Waplington Manor, by his wife Charlotte, daughter of Colonel Hotham of Bishop Burton ; and by her (who died April 21, 1880) had Issue — (i) Philip Saltmarshe, & is the Military Cockade. ^al Esquire [to whom refer]; (2) Arthur Harry Saltmarshe, Gentleman, 90th Regiment, born March 21, 1855, killed in action by the Zulus in 1878 ; (3) Cecil Saltmarshe, Gentle- m.an, born May 12, 1856, died August 23, 1856; {4) Robert Edwyn Saltmarshe, Gentleman, born November 10, 1857 ; (5) Ernest Saltmarshe, Gentleman, born November 22, 1859; (6) Hugh Saltmarshe, Gentleman, born July 31, 1861 ; (7) Lionel Saltmarshe, Gentleman, born April 19, 1863; (8) Harold Saltmarshe, Gentleman, born September 28, 1866 ; (9) Humphrey Arthur Saltmarshe, Gentleman, born Sep- tember 16, 1868; and Blanche Violet, died 1880. He married secondly, Harriet, daughter of Captain Hotham of the Royal Engineers. Estates — Saltmarshe, including Lord- ships of Saltmarshe, Laeton, Balkholme, Linton, &c., in the East Riding of the county of York. Postal address — Saltmarshe, Howden, Yorkshire. M PHILH' SALTMARSHE, Esquire, Junior, Justice of @ the Peace for the East Riding of the county of York, Major Royal Artillery. Born June 9, 1S53, being the eldest son of Philip Saltmarshe, Esquire, now of Saltmarshe [to whom refer], by his wife Blanche, daughter of Robert Denison of Kilnwich Percy. C///i^— Carlton. Livery— Fawn. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Argent, crusily, and three cinquefoils gules, in chief a label of three points for difference. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules .and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a rudder or; with the Motto, "Ad astra virtus." Married, September 5, 1883, Ethel Murray, daughter of C. Murray Adamson of North Jesmond, Newcastle-on-Tyne ; and has /j.r«e— Blanche Violet ; Ivy Oswald ; and Myrtle. Major-Genkkal FREDERIC OCTAVIUS SALUS- BURY, Companion of the Most QSflf tttffltirM Honourable Order of the Bath. Born '^aUWllUi|/ 1821:;, being the son of the late Sir John Salusbury of Brynbella, in the county of Flint, by his wife Harriet Maria, second daughter of Edward Pcmberton ; created Companion of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, 1864. Club— \Jmied Service. Armorial bearings — He tears for Arms : Gules, a lion rampant argent, ducally crowned or, Ix'tween three crescents of the last a canton ermine ; and for his Crest, a demi-lion rampant argent, collared gules, ducally crowned, holding in the dexter paw a crescent also gules ; with the Motto, " Sat est prostrasseleoni." Postal address— ig Waterloo Crescent, Dover. Rev. GEORGE AUGUSTUS SALUSBURY, Rector of Westburv, Shrewsbury, LL.B. Camb., Rector of West- bury, Salop. Boi-n June 16, 1822, being the son of the late Sir John Salusbury Piozzi- Salusbury, Knight Bachelor, of Brynbella, co. Flint, by his wife Harriet Maria, second dau. of Edward Pemberton of Ryton Grove, Salop. Armorial bearings—Gules, a lion rampant argent, ducally M is the Naval Cockade. %>al ^am 729 crowned or, between three crescents of the last a canton ermine. Mantling gules and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of tlie colours, a denii-lion rampant couped arg{;nt, collared gules, ducally crowned, holding in the dexter paw a crescent also gules. MottO — ■" Sat est pros- trasse leoni." Married, April 15, 1852, Fanny, third dau. of Luke T. Crossley of Olive Mount, near Liverpool ; and has Issue — (i) Edward Pemberton Saluslmry, Esq., Capt. and Hon. Major 3rd Batt. Shropshire Light Infantry, b. Nov. 2, 1854 [w., Jan. 2, 1884, Julia Melville, eldest dau. of James White Smith of Kathali, Bengal]; (2) Frederic Hamilton Salushury, Gentleman, h. .-Xpril 15, 1856. Seat — Brynbella, near St. Asaph, co. P'lint. Residence — West- bury Rectory, near Shrewsbury. EDWARD THEODORE SALVESEN. Gentleman. Born July 20, 1857, being the third son of Salve Christian Frederick .Salvesen of Mayfield House, Trinity, Midlothian. Club — University (Edinburgh). Armorial bearings — Or, Athennsum. Armorial bearings— Argent, on a chief sable, two mullets or. Mantling sable and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a dragon vert, wings elevated. on a fesse vert, between two esquires' helmets in chief and a water-bouget in base gules, two battle-axes in saltire of the first, and impaling the arms of Trayner, namely azure, on a fesse between two esquires' helmets plumed in chief and a fraise in base argent, a saltire sable. Mantling vert doubled or; and upon a wreath of the liveries is set for Crest, a dragon ship vert, mast and tackling proper, flagged gules. Motto — " Juveni portum." Married, ]v^s lo, 1886. Isabella Georgina Maxwell Trayner, eldest dau. of the Hon. Lord Trayner, one of the Senators of the College of Justice; and has Issue — (i) Ernest Trayner Salvesen, Gentleman, b. June 23, 1889 ; (2) Edward Maxwell Salve- sen, Gentleman, b. Aug. 30, 1891 ; (3) Frederick Malcolm Ross Salvesen, Gentleman, b. Nov. 26, 1896; Dorothy; and Eleanor Amalie. Postal address — 40 Drumsheugh Gardens, Edinburgh. OSBERT SALVIN, Gentleman, Fellow of the Royal Society. Born Feb. 25, 1835, being the third but only surviving son of Anthony Salvin, F.S..\., of Hawksfold, co. Sussex, by his wife Anne Andrews, dau. of Rev. William Nesfield, Rector of Brancepeth, co. Durham. Club — endorsed prajx-r. Motto — " Je ne change (ju'en niourant." Married, May 24, 1865, ("aroline Octavia, sixth dau. of William Whitaker Maitland of Loughton Hall and Wood- ford Hall, CO. Essex; and has Issue — Sybil M.aitland [w., July 19, 1893, Edniond Leveson Calverley, third son of I'xlniund Calverley, Esq., of Oulton Hall, Leeds]; Heloise; and Viola. Seat — Hawksfold, Fernhurst, Sussex. S EDWARD SAMPSON, Esquire. Master of Arts Jaslicc of the Peace and Dejnity-Lieu- gK<«v|ltlCST1fl icnant. Horn May 12, 1810, Ijeing the X3^aiU^.9UII only son of the late Edward Sampson, Esquire, of Henbury, by his wife Joanna, youngest daughter of (ieorge l)aul)eny. Senior Alderman of the city of Bristol. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Per lx:nd or and gules, a cross Hory lietween two escallops in bend dexter, and as many billets in bend sinister, all counterchanged. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a fret or, thereon a wyvern's head erased gules, collared and sem^e of billets or. MottO — " Pejus letho flagitium." Married, September 12, 1839, Belinda (who died 1881), fourth daughter of Benjamin Way, Esquire, of Denham Place, in the county of Buckingham, and niece of Sir John .Smyth, fourth Baronet of Ashton Court, in the county of Somerset. Seal — Henbury, Bristol. Ai.DKKM.XN MARCUS SAMUEL, Sheriff of the City of London for the year 1894-1895, Lord of ^S^fltTltlPf ^'^*^ Manor of Mole. Born 1853, being the X3HlllU('l .second son of Marcus Samuel of 18 Upper Bedford Place. Club— C\\.y Carlton, Kent County. Armorial-bearings— He bears for Arms : Gules, a chevron between two lions' heads, enised in chief or, and as many battle-axes saltireways in base of the last, encircled by a wreath of oak vert, banded and fructed of the second. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet be- fitting his degree, with a mantling gules and or; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a dexter arm em- bowed proper, charged with two fleurs-de-lis gold, grasp- ing a battie-a.xe proper, suspended therefrom by a chain an escutcheon or, thereon a shell also proper ; with the Motto, "Facta non verba." Married, 1881, Fanny Eliza- beth, daughter of the late B. Benjamin of Stranraer House, in the county of Middlesex ; and has Issue— (\) Walter Horace Samuel, Gentleman, b. March 13, 1882 ; (2) Gerald The Eftfnt1 '^•P- ^^^ Banbury, F.R.S., J. P. 'O'CllUUIPl^Ull Born Nov. 22, 1820, being the son of the late Samutl Henry Samuelson of Liverpool, by his wife Sarah, «(fe Hertz. Armorial phoenix in tiames proper. Upon the escutcheon, which is charged with his badge of Ulster as a Baronet, is placed a hehnet befitting his degree, with a mantling sable and or; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a phoenix in flames holding in the be;ik a torch fired proper, each wing charged with a scroll argent. Motto — " Post tenebras lux." Married, firstly, July 20, 1844, Caroline, daughter of Henry Blundell ; and by her (who died April 16, 1886) has Issue — (i) Henry Bernhard Samuelson, Es(|., born September 30, 1845 [to whom refer] ; (2) Francis Arthur lidward Samuelson, Esq., b. Feb. 26, 1861 [w., April 24, 1888, Fanny Isabel, elder dau.of William Merritt Wright of St. John, New Brunswick, and has issue, Francis Henry Bernhard Samuelson, Gentleman, h. Feb. 22, 1890; Gertrude ICvelyn Frances ; and Phyllis Mary] ; (3) Godfrey Blundell Samuelson, Esquire, b. Jime 3, 1863 [;;/., Sep. 22, 1887, Annie, third dau. of the Rev.W. Brocklesby D.avis, M.A., and has issue, Bernard Godfrey Samuelson, Gentle- man, b. Oct. 17, 1888 ; Guy Weston Samuelson, Gentle- man, /'. Dec. 15, 1890] ; (4) Herbert Walter Samuelson, Esq., /'. Jan. 23, 1865 ; Caroline [;«. , May 19, 1875, J. R. P. Goodden of Over Compton, and has issue] ; Camilla \in., Jan. 2, 1883, Commander A. S. Phillpotts, Royal Navy] ; Florence Adelaide, d. Oct. 14, 1881 ; and Alice Gertrude [w. , Oct. 8, 1890, Captain Henry Penneli Tate, Royal Marines]. He married, secondly, April 6, 1889, Lelia Mathilda, daughter of the late Chevalier Leon Serena, and widow of William Denny of Dumbarton. Residences — 56 Prince's Gate, London, S.W. ; Bodicote Grange, Banbury. W HENRY BERNHARD SAMUELSON, Esquire, ^ J. P. cos. of Somerset and Devon, Capt. (retired) 3rd Batt. Gloucestershire Regt. , M.P. Cheltenham 1868-74, Frome 1876-85. Born Sept. 30, 1845, being the eldest son of Rt. Hon. Sir Bernhard Samuelsou, first Bart., P.C. , F. R.S. , by his wife Caroline, dau. of Henry Blundell, Esq., J. P. Clubs — Reform, Wellington. Livery — Black and gold. Armorial bearings — Sable, three piles wavy, bearings — Sable, three piles wavy, two issuant from the chief and one from the base or, each charged with a & is the Military Cockade. two issu.mt from the chief and one from the base or, each charged with a phoenix in flames. Mantling sable and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a phoenix in flames, holding in the beak a torch fired proper, each wing charged with a scroll argent. Motto — "Post tene- bras lux." Married, July 7, 1874, Emily Maria, widow H is the Naval Cockade. ^an @)an 731 of Arthur Faulet Hutler, Esq., and eldest dau. of John (Joodden, Esq., J. P., IJ.L., of Over and Nether Compton, Dorset and Martoch, Somerset. Residences — Wynford, Maidenhead ; Villa la Montagne, Beaulieu, A.M., France. JOHN DR YSDALH SANDARS, Esquire, Master of Arts of the University of Cainhridi^e, Jus- Q^iXYx^CiYti ''"^'' "f '^'^ Peace for Parts of Lindsey, in tO!\XI\\>\\\,79 f/,g county of Lincoln, liarrister-at-I.aw [Inner Temple), late Captain yd Battalion Lincoln Regiment. Born TJecemberxi,, i860, hein^ the eldest sunert- son of Kiltearn, co. Ross. Armorial bearings — -Azure, on a fosse between tiiree gartw or, a wreatli of 0:1k vert, between two estoiles gules. Mantling a/.ure and or ; and tor his Crest, u|X)n a wri'ath of the colours, a reindeer's iiead erased per fes.se argent and or, attired or, gorged with a wreath of oak, and in the mouth an ear of wheat vert. Motto — " Virtutis gloria nierces." Married, ist, May 4, 1832, Margaret Roscoe, granddau. of the celebrated William Roscoe of Liverpool (she dieil 1852), and 2ndly, Xov. 13, 1855, Elizabeth Charlotte, dau. of Martin Willian)s of Bryngwyn, co. Montgomery; by whom he has Issue — (i) Sanuiel Sandbach, Esc]., J.l*. for cos. Carnarvon and Den- bigh, M.A., b. Sept. 16, i856[/n., Feb. 25,1892, Katherine Frances, second dau. of the late James T4. Pease of West- wood, Beverley]; (2) Henry Martin Sandbach, I"2sq., Major R.A., b. June 2, 1858. Seat — Hafodunos, near Aljergelc, CO. Denbigh. SAMUI:L sandbach. Esquire, Licut.-Col. Comm. 3rd Batt. Royal Welsh Fusiliers, J. P. for cos. Carnarvon and Denbigh, M..\. //(;/■// Sept. 16, i8s6, l)eing the eldest son of Ihe late Henry Robertson Sandbach, ICsc|uire, J. P. and D. L. (High SherifT 1854) for co. Carnarvon, by his second wife Elizabeth Charlotte, dau. of Martin Williams of Bryngwyn, co. Montgomery. CV«d— Carlton. Armo- rial bearings — Azure, on a fessc between three garbs or. a wreath of oak vert between two estoiles gules. Mantling azure and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a rein- deer's head erased per fcsse argent and or, attired or, gorged with a wreath of oak, and in the mouth an car of wheat vert. Motto — "Virtutis gloria merces." Married, I'eb. 25, 1892, Katherine Frances, second dau. of the late James R. Pease of West wood, Beverley. Seat — Hafodunos, near Abergele, co. Denbigh. Residence — Higgenslield, Malpas, Cheshire. ALBERT GEORGE SANDEMAN, Esquire, one of Her Majesty's Lieutenants for the &srtt1^1l>^Y1rtl1 ^-''y '^^ London, late Major 12th XS^CUlUt lUail Middlesex Rifle Volunteers, andserved the office of High Sheriff for the county of Surrey in the year 1872, Director and Governor of the Bank of England 1895-7. Born 1833, being the eldest son of the lAte Cjeorge Glas Sandeman, Merchant, of London, and of Westfield, Hayling Island, by his wife Eliza, daughter of Albert Forster of Guernsey. Clubs — Onion, Carlton, and Wellington. Armorial bearings — He Ijears for Arms : Argent, the emblem of Truth, a naked woman stand- ing on a ten'esirial globe issuing out of the base, in her dexter hand an open book, in her sinister, which is elevated above her head, a branch of palm, and on her breast the sun in his splendour all proper, and a veil across her middle of the first within a bordure gules, charged with three fleurs- de-lis also of the first. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules and argent ; and upon a wreath of his liveries is set for Crest, a rock proper; and in an escroll over the same this Motto, "Stat Veritas," and under the arms, "Olim cruore nunc candore. " Married, 1856, Maria Carlola I'erpetua, daughter of the late Viscount Moncorvo, Portuguese Ambassador ; and has Issue — Walter Albert Sandeman, Gentleman, born 1858 [married, 1882, Constance, eldest daughter of the late Henry Fenwick, Member of Parliament, and has, with other issue, Christopher Albert Walter Sandeman, Gentle- man, born 1882; (2) Ernest Allx'rt Sandeman, Gentleman, b. Feb. 2b, i860; Helen Marian ; Evelyn Alberta [w. , James William Malcolm, Esq., J. P., of Hoveton Hall, Norwich]; and Violet Mary \m., William Hargreaves Leese, Esq., eldest son of Sir Joseph Leese, M.P.J. Seat — Presdales, Ware, Herts. S GEORGE GLAS SANDEMAN. Esquire, Lieutenant- Colonel Royal Highlanders. Born August 16, 1839, being the third son of George Glas S.andeman of Westfield, Hayling Island, by his wife Eliza, daughter of Albert Forster of Guernsey. Clubs — Windham, New (ICdin- burgh). /,/t'tvT— White, with French blue facings. Ar- morial bearings — He bears for Arms : Argent, the emblem of Truth, a naked woman standing on a terrestrial globe issuing out of the base, in her dexter hand an open book, in her sinister, which is elevated above her head, a branch of palm, on her breast the sun in his splendour all proper, and a veil across her middle of the first, within a bordure invected gules, charged with three fleurs-de-lis also of the first, and as many plates alternately. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules, doubled argent ; and upon a wreath of his liveries is set for Crest, a rock proper. Mottoes — Over the crest, "Stat Veritas;" under the shield, "Olim cruore nunc candore." Married, April 28, 1881, Amelia, daughter of Captain Thomas Fraser Sandeman of Stodham, Peters- field, in the county of Hampshire, Justice of the Peace, and late of 42nd (Black Watch) and 73rd; and has Issue — Tlie Editor undertal:es that every entry not in italics is that of a. genuinely armigerous person. 732 ^an @)an George Ameliiis Crawsliay Sandenian, Gentleman, born April 18, 1883. /;>/(//«— Fonab, in the county of I'ertii ; Clarence and Perth Villas, Hayling Island. Postal address — 34 Grosvenor^^Gardens, London, S.W. SJOHN GLAS SANDEMAN, Esquire, F.S.A., late Lieutenant-Colonel Commanding Essex Yeomanry Cavalry, formerly a Captain in the Royal Dragoons, in wliich regiment he served during the whole of the Crimean ^ is the Military Cockade. campaign, 1854-1861, medal and clasps for Balaklava, Inkerman, and Sebastopol, Jubilee medal, and Diamond Jubilee clasp, now Sub-Officer in Her Majesty's Royal Body Guard of the Honourable Corps of Gentlemen-at- Arms, and an Honorary Lieutenant in the Royal Naval Reserve. Horn August 18, 1836, teing the second son of George Glas Sandenian, Gentleman, of Westfield, Hayling Island, by his wife Elizabeth, daughter of Albert Forster of Guernsey. Clubs — United .Service, Army and Navy, Junior United Service, Cavalry, Boodle's, Beefsteak, Union (Brighton), Liverpool Racquet (Liverpool), Royal St. George Yacht (Kingstown). Armorial bearing's — He bears for Arms : Argent, the emblem of Truth, a naked woman standing on a terrestrial globe, issuing out of the base in her dexter hand an open book, in her sinister, which is elevated above her head, a branch of palm, on her breast the sun in his splendour all proper, and a veil across her middle of the first, within a bordure engrailed gules, charged with three fleurs-de-lis, and as many trefoils alternately also of the first. Upon the escut- cheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules doubled argent ; and upon a wreath of his liveries is set for Crest, a rock proper ; and in an escroll over the same this MottO, " Stat Veritas," and under the arms, "Olim cruore nunc candore." Married, August 26, 1862, at Hayling, Eliza Victoire Cormick, eldest daughter of Captain Heiu'y Lynch of Galway ;md Leigh Park, Havant ; and has Issue — (i) Victor Staunton Sandenian, Esq., Cap- tain and Adjutant 17th Lancers, born May i, 1866 ; (2) Henry George Glas Sandenian, Gentleman, Flag-Lieutenant Royal Navy, born June 18, 1868 ; Ella Victoire Glas ; Florence Maud Lynch-Staunton [married Lt.-Col. Howard Fairtlough of Hurtmoor Holt, God.ilming] ; and Ina Kathleen. Estate — Whin-Hurst, Hayling Island. Postal addresses — Whin- Hurst, Hayling Island ; 24 Cambridge Square, London, W. WILLIAM BARCLAY SANDEMAN, Gentleman. Born Jan. 31, 1833, being the son of the late Maj.-Gen. Robert Turnbull Sandeman, by his wife Jane, tlau. of William Barclay. Club — Junior Carlton. Livery — Blue and white. Armorial bearings — Argent, the emblem of Truth, a naked woman standing on a terrestrial globe issuing out of the base, in her dexter hand an open book, in her sinister, which is elevated above her head, a palm-branch, on her breast the sun in his splendour, all proper, and a veil around her middle of the field, a bordure indented azure, charged with four crosses patfe, and as many mullets alternately or. Mantling azure doubled argent ; and upon a wreath of his liveries is set for .1 Crest, a rock proper. Motto — "Stat Veritas." Married, Sept. II, 1857, Mary, third dau. of George Bax Holmes of Pleystowe ; and has Issue — Mary Burns. Seat— \i&rn- brook, Horsham, Sussex. ROBERT MASSEY DAWSON SANDERS, Esq., J. P. Born May ig, 1862, being the son of the late Thomas Sanders, Esq., of Sanders Park, co. Cork, LL.D., Barrister- at-Law, J. P. COS. Cork and Limerick, by his wife Mary Charlotte, dau. of Richard Duckworth Dunn, Esq., Capt. Queen's Bays, of Surbiton, Surrey. Armorial bearings- Argent, a chevron gules Ijetween three elephants' heads erased sable, on a cliief azure a sword erect proper, pom- mel and hilt or, within two tezants. Mantling gules and argent ; and for his Crest, out of a mural crown, an elephant's head projier, charged with a bezant. Motto — " Nil conscire sibi nulla pallescerc culpa." Seat — Sanders Park, Charleville, co. Cork. SANDERSON, see BURDON-SANDERSON. S SAMUEL SANDERSON, Esq., J. P. and D.L. co. Cavan, High Sheriff 1876. Born 1834, being the third son of the late Samuel Winter of Agher, co. Meath, by Lucy, second dau. of the late James Sanderson of Clover Hill ; and assumed the name and arms of Sanderson by Royal License 1873. Clubs — Arthur's, .Sackville .Street (Dublin). Armorial bearings— Quarterly i and 4, argent three bends azure, the centre one charged with a crescent between two estoiles or (for Sanderson) ; 2 and 3 chequy or and azure, on a fesse argent, a crescent gules (for Winter). Mantling azure and argent ; and for his Crests, i. upon a wreath of the colours, on a mount vert, an estoile or (for Sanderson) ; 2. upon a wreath of the colours, a martlet or, charged with a crescent gules (for Winter). MottO — " Tou- ^^ is the Naval Cockade. ^an ^m 733 jours profice." Married, i860, Anne, dau. of the l.atelohn Armytage Nicholson of Balratli, co. Meath. Seat — Clover Hill. Rclturbet. Sir THOMAS HENRY SANDERSON, Knight Comwander of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, and of the Most Distinguished Order of Saint Michael and Saint George, Assistant Under-Secretary of State for Eorcign Affairs since 1889. Born January 11, 1841, being the eldest surviving son of Richard Sanderson, sometime Member of Parliament for Colchester, by his tvife ( 'harlot te Matilda, commonly known as the Honourable Charlotte A/atilda, daugliter of the Right Honourable the first Viscount Canter- bury, Knight Grand Cross of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath ; created Companion of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, 1880, Knight Commander, 1894, and Knight Commander of the Most Distinguished Order oj Saint Michael and Saint George, 1887. Clubs — Travellers' , St. James's. Livery — Undress : dark blue, loilh silver buttons and light blue loaistcoat. Armorial bearing^ as used, but for which no authority has been established, are for Arms : Paly of six argent and azure, a bend sable, chargedwith three annulets or. Crest i^as used) — A wolf's head proper. Postal addresses — Eoreign Office, London, S. W. ; 65 VVimpole Street, London, IV, JOHN SANDES, Esquire, of Greenville, co. Kerry, J. P. CO. Kerry, Capt. in 4th Batt. R. Munsler Fusiliers, Barrister-at-Law. Born Sept. 25, 1868, Iwing the second and only surviving son of the Late George .Sandes of Green- vilUr, Es(|uire, J. P. (High Sheriff 1887-88), hy his wife Anna, dau. of Capt. Charles John Whyte, 95lh Kegt. , of Loughbrickland, co. Down. Clubs — St. (Jeorge's, United Service (Dublin), County (Tralee). Armorial bearingps — Argent, a fesse dancctti'e between four cross cross'.ets fitch(^e, three in chief and one in base gules. Mant- ling gules and argent. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, on a mount vert, a griffin segreant or, collared fleuretlc^'e gules. Motto — " Virtus fortunre victrix." Married, AprW 30, 1896, Maud Tudor, dau. of Richard Sale, Esq., J. P., of The Manor House, Barrow-on- Trent, co. Derby ; and has Lsue — Gladys Maud. Seat — Greenville, Listowcl, co. Kerry. HUMPHREY SANDFORI), Esquire, Justice of the Peace for the county of Salop and for the Borough of .Shrewsbury, Barrister-at-Law (Middle Temple), and Patron of two livings (I^aton-under-Heywood, and Edgton, in the county of Salop). Born Oct. 27, 181 1, being ihe eldest son of the third Humphrey Sandford and Frances his wife, only child and heiress of the Rev. George Holland, Rector of Hanwood in the co. of Salop. Club — Shrop- shire (Shrewsbury). Livery — Light drab coat, yellow and black striped waistcoat, Ijrass buttons. Armorial bear- ings- Per chevron sable and ermine, in chief two boars heads couped close or. Mantling sable and argent. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a boar's head couped close or. MottO — " Nee tenicre nee timide." Married, .Si-pt. 16, 1852, Anne Taylor, fifth dau. of Joseph Armilage, l'',s(|., of Milnsbridge House, Hudderstield, Justice of the Peace and Deputy-Lieutenant for the West Riding of the CO. of York; and has Issue — (i) Humphrey Sandford, Gentleman, b. May 20, 1856; (2) Follioll Sandford, Gentleman, b. .Aug. 3, 1859; (3) Richard Sandford, Gentle- man, b. Aug. I, 1863; Frances Holland; Annette Arniine ; Ada Rossall ; and Margaret Plowden. Seats— 'V\\c Isle of Rossall, Shrewsbury ; Edgton, Bishops Castle. SPHHJP HENRY SAND/LANDS, Esquire, Hon- orary Major-General (retired) late Royal Artillery. Born July 12, 1835, being the eldest son of Licut.-Gen. Philips Sandilands, Royal Artillery, and Caroline A., dau. of William 'Thompson Corbett of Elsham, Lincolnshire. Clubs — National, Scottish Conseivative (Edinburgh). Ar- morial bearings as used are — Quarterly i and 4, argent a bend embattled gules ; 2 and 3 argent, a human heart regally croioned proper, on a chief azure, three mullets of the jfield. Crest — Between the horns of a crescent, a mullet. Motto — " Justi ut sidera fulgent." \l'hese are the arms recorded in Lyon Register for Sandilands of Craibstone, but they have not been tnatriculated to General Sandilands.^ Married, Jan. 2, 1862, l^uisa Scott, dau. of William Stevenson ; and has Issue — (1) Philip Orde Sandilands, Esq., Capt. Army Ser- vice Corps, b. Oct. 2, 1862; (2) Llenry George Sandilands, Esq., Capt. Royal Artilleiy, b. June i, 1864; (3) Gordon Sandilands, late Lieut. Royal Scots, b. July 28, 1865 ; Mary ; The Editor undertakes that every entry not in italics is that of a genuinely armigerous person. 734 ^m %au Dlatiche Amelic; Edith Caroline; Margaret Gcraldinc ; and Alice Elisabeth. Post.il address — National Club. S THOMAS MYLICS SANDYS, Esquire, Lieut. -Col. Conidt. ::srd Batt. Loyal North Laiieashire Regt. (retired with Hon. rank of Colonel), formerly ("apt. 7th Royal Fusiliers (20 years' service), M.l'. for the Bootle Div. of Lancashire since 1885, and D. L. for co. Lancaster. Horn May 12, 1837, Ix'ing the only son of Capt. Thomas Sandys, R.N., subsecjuently H.E.LC.S., by his wife Frances, dau. of Capt. Thomas Sanders, H.E.LC.S. Clubs — Naval and Military, Carlton, Wellington, United Service. Livery — Undress : drab with scarlet cuffs and collar ; full dress : coat and waistcoat drab, breeches scark;t jjIusIi. Armorial bearings — Or, a fesse danccttde between three cross cross- lets fitchee gules. Mantling gules and or. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a griffin segreant per fesse or and gules. Seat — Graythwaite Hall, Ulverston, Lancashire. Major MATTHEW HENRY SANKEY, late R.E. Born 1853, Ijeing the eldest son of the late Lieut. -Gen. William Sankey, C. B. , of Bawnmore, by Hannah Maria, third dau. of the late John Roe of Rockwell, co. Tipperary. Armorial bearings — Argent, on a bend sable, three salmon of the field. Mantling sable and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a cubit arm vested salile, holding in the hand a fish proper. Motto — " San eta clavis ccrli fides." Married, 1876, Elizabeth, dau. of Major- Gen. Edward Lawes Fym. MATTHEW VILLIERS ELRINGTON SANKEY, Gentleman, formerly Lieut. P.W.O. Regt. , late Lieut. Sth Dragoon Guards. Horn 1846, being the only son of the late Capt. Jacob Hiram Sankey, R.N., J. P., of Cool- more, by Melita Anne, only dau. of the late Capt. G. W. Rowan Hamilton, R.N., of Killyleagh, co. Down. Armo- rial bearings — Argent, on a bend sable, three salmon of the field. Mantling sable and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a cubit arm vested sable, cuffed argent, holding in the hand a fish proper. Motto — & is the Military Cockade. " Sancta tlavis coeli fides." Seat — Coolmore, Fethard, 'I'ipperary. Sir RICHARD 1I11':RAM .SANKEY, Knight Com- mander of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, Chairman of Hoard of Works, Ireland, Fellow of Madras University. Horn 1829, being the son of Matthew Sankey, J. P., of Bawnmore, co. Cork, by his wife Eleanor, dau. of Colonel O'Hara, J. P., of O'Harabrook, Ballymoney, co. Antrim; created C.B. 1879, and advanced to the rank of Knight Commander 1892. Armorial bearings — Argent, on a bend sable, three salmon of the field, the escutcheon being encircled with the ribbon of the Bath, and pendent therefrom his badge as a K.C. B. Mantling sable and argent; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a cubit arm vested sable, cuffed argent, holding in the hand a salmon of the field. Motto — "Sancta clavis coeli fides." Married, ist, 1858, .Sophie Mary, dau. of W. H. Benson, I.C.S. (she died 1882) ; 2nd, 1890, Henrietta, dau. of Pierce Creagh, Esq., J. P., of Mount Elva, co. Clare, and widow of Edward Browne, Esq., J. P., of Cosloe, co. Galway. Postal address — 68 Merrion Square, Dublin. JAMES SANT, Esquire, a Member of the Royal Academy, Principal Painter in Ordinary to Her gKj>««f- Majesty the Queen, a Corresponding Member T3'C*Ul' of the Royal Academy Raffaelle in Urbino. Born 1820, being the second but eldest surviving son of the late William Sant of Duppa's Hill, Croydon, by his wife Sarah Sherwood, ni'e Baker. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Sable, on a chevron cotised or, between three roses argent, barlx:d and seeded proper, as many escallops of the field. Crest — Upon a wreath of the colours, a demi-lion rampant gules, gorged with a collar vair, holding in the mouth a rose argent, barbed, slipped and seeded proper, and holding between the paws an escallop or; with the Motto, "Si sit sanctus felix." Married, 1852, Eliza, daughter of Doctor R. M. M. Thomson, Staff-Surgeon, Bengal Presidency; and has Issue — (i) James William Sant, Gentleman, in the Diplo- matic Service, Attach^ to the British Legation at Stockholm (deceased) ; (2) Mowbray Lees Sant, Esquire, Captain 5th Fusiliers ; Mary Edith ; Lilla Maria ; Sarah Fanny C-'on- stance ; Ada Grace ; and Hilda Julia Frances. Postal address — 43 Lancaster Gate, Hyde Park. Admiral THOMAS SAUMAREZ, Companion of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath. Born 1828, being the son of the late Admiral Richard Saumarez ; created Companion of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, 1873. Club— Army and Navy. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Argent, on a chevron gules, between three leopards' faces sable, as many castles triple-turreted or. H is the Naval Cockade. ^au ^at) 735 Pendent lx;lo\v the escutcheon is Iiis badge as a Companion of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a falcon displayed proi)er ; with the Motto, " Fidelis et generosus." Married, firstly, 1854, a daughter of S. R. Block of Greenhill, Birnet, who died i866; secondly, 1868, 1-^lcanor, daughter of B. Scott Riley of Liverpool ; and has Issue — A daugliter. Postal address — The Firs, Jersey. §Major-Gknkral WILLIAM BOYD SAUNUERS- KNOX-GORE, late R.A., J.P. for Devon, and D.L. for Mayo (High Sheriff 1895). Armorial bearings- Quarterly I and 4, gules a fesse between three cross crosslets fitch(^e or, all within a bordure argent (for Gore) ; 2 and 3 grand quarters, quarterly i. and iiii. gules, a falcon rising or, within an orle waved on the outer side and engrailed on the inner argent, a crescent for difference (for Knox) ; ii. and iii. sable, on a chevron engrailed ermine, a crescent azure between three bulls' heads caboshed argent (for Saunders). Crests — i. on a wreath of the colours, a wolf rampant or (for Gore) ; 2. on a wreath of the colours, a falcon close perched on a rest proper (for Knox) ; 3. out of a mural crown proper, a bull's head gules, charged with a crescent or (for Saunders). MottO — " In hoc signo vinces." Married, 1854, Matilda, eldest dau. of Sir Francis Arthur Knox-Gore, first Bart., of Belkek ; and has Issue — William Arthur Gore Saunders- Knox-Gore, Esq., late Major R.A., on the roll for High Sheriff CO. Mayo 1900, h. 1854 \in., 1887, Maria Beecher, dau. of John Simpson Prince, Esq., and has issue, William Arthur Cecil .Saunders- Knox-Gore, b. 1888]. Seat — Belleek Manor, Ballina, Mayo. Residence — Ardmore, Torquay. ROBERT DE BEDICK SAUNDERSON, Gentleman, M.A. (Dublin University, Member of the Senate), Fellow of Royal Society of Antiquaries, descended from Robert de Biddic, who flourished in the time of the Empress Maud, 1 140. Horn June 23, 1863, being the eldest son of William James Saunderson, by his wife Ivlargaret, youngest dau. of the Rev. Thos. Johnston. Armorial bearings— Paly of six and per fesse counterchanged argent and azure, on a bend sable, three bezants. Mantling azure and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a talbot passant sable, charged with a bezant. Motto — ■' ' Je suis veillant a plaire." Married, Oct. 7, 1890, Frances Anna, younger dau. of Thomas Nicholson Jonesof Belle Vue, New Ross; and has Issue — Robert de Bedick Saunderson, Gentleman, b Sept. 21, 1891. Residence — Priory House, New Ross, Ireland. S EDWARD JAMES SAUNDERSON, Esquire, Member of Parliament for Armagh Sfc A t f t1 ll PYCiC\X\ ( North Division ) , Justice of the Peace 'O'CtUl (U VVffUl I and Deputy-Lieutenant for the county of Cavan. Born October i, 1837, being the son of the late Colonel Alexander Saunderson of Castle Saunderwn, in the county of Cavan, by his wife Sarah Juliana, commonly known as the Honourable Sarah Juliana, daughter of the Right Honourable the sixth Huron Farnham. Club — Carlton [S. W.). Armorial bearings as given in Deb ret t' s "House of Commons," but for 7i.y his wife Eleanora Elizal)eth, second dau. of Sir Bourchier Wray, 6th Bart., of Tawstock House, Barnstaple, North Devon. Club — National. Armorial bearings — Argent, on a bend sable, cotised gules, three o\\ Is of the first, all within a bordure of the third. Mantling sable and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, an eagle rising per bend sinister or and sable, holding in the beak a fleur-de-lis azure. Motto — "Nil conscire sibi." Married, Sept. 1852, Sophia Stewart, only dau. of Thomas Dykes of Oatlands, co. Lanark; and has Issue — (i) Walter .Stewart .Stewart-Savile, Esq., Capt. late "The BufTs," b. July 1855 [;«., 1885, Mildred, dau. of Capt. Campljell, R.F2. ,and has issue, two daus.]; (2) Robert Dykes Stewart .Stew.art-Savile. Esq., b. Jan. 1863, went to New Zealand in 1888 as .A.D.C. to Earl Onslow, Governor-General ; Marion Louisa \in., June I, 1886, Lodovic Edward Bligh, only son of Hon. and Rev. Edward Vesey Bligh of Fatherwell Hall, Kent, and Tbe Editor undertakes that every entry not in italics is that of a genuinely armigerous person. 736 @)at) ^ato has issue]; Eleanor Sophia [///., June 27, 1882, Robert Janiiesoii, anil has issue] ; Adelaide Margaret ; and Alice Stewart Maud. 6'frt/— Hollanden Park, Hildenborough, Tonbridge, Kent. S WILLIAM SAV'ILl':, Esquire, Deputy-Lieutenant for the county of Cardigan, late Captain 9th (Juecn's Royal Lancers. lioni October 8, 1841, being the only surviving son of Henry Ale.xander Savile, commonly known as the Honour- able Henry Alexander Savile, second son of the Right Hon- ourable the third Earl of Mexborough, by his wife Cathe- rine, third daughter of Kingsmill Pennefather of New Park, in the county of Tij^perary. C////>s — Travellers', Army and Navy, Cavalry. Armorial bearings — Argent, on a bend sable, three owls of the field. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling sable and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, an owl as in the arms ; with the Motto, " Be fast." Afarried, June 12, 1865, Emily, daughter of Captain Delind Seymour Davies of Highmead, in the county of Cardigan ; and has /ssite — John Herbert Drax Savile, Esq., Capt. in the Rifle Brigade ; and Beatrice Anne Louisa. Estate — St. Johnstown, in the county of Tipperary. Postal address — 2o.\ St. James's Place, London, S.W. S CHARLES ALFRED ON LEY SAVILL-ONLEY, Esquire, Justice of the Peace ^NrtV»tT! a^nlow ^"|>f«<>M{< August 6, 1856, being the eldest son of John "tS'l'lJCimt Mackellar Skeene Grieve Schank of Barton House, Dawlish [who was the third son of Admiral John Wight, by his wife Margaret, only daughter of Admiral John Schank, Fellow of the Royal Society, of Barton House], and assumed by Royal License, dated June 10, 1843, the .surname and arms of Schank only, instead of Wight, in compliance with the will of his maternal grandfather. Admiral Schank. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Gules, on a fesse between a cinquefoil in chief and a falcon's leg erased, jessed, and belled, in base argent, a hawk's lure of the field ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, an eagle rising proper ; with the Motto, " Spero. " Married, January 11, 1886, Ada Chevely, youngest daughter of the Reverend Henry Charles Deshon, late Vicar of Teignmouth. Postal address — Teignmouth, Devon. General Sir GEORGE AUGU.STUS SCHOMBERG, K.C.B. (Military) 1896 (C.B. 1867), served on the Coast of Africa 1844-46, in Baltic 1855, commanded R.M.A. in China 1857-59, was Commandant R. E. Marine Artillery, 1867-70, D.A.G. of R.M. 1872-75, retired list 1886. Born Oct. 5, 1821, being the youngest son of the late Admiral Alexander Wilmot Schomberg, by his wife Anne, dau. of Admiral Richard Smith of Poulton, Cheshire (and nephew of the late Capt. Sir Charles Marsh Schomberg, K.C.H., C.B., R.N.) C/«^— United Service. Armorial bearings & is tbe Military Cockade. — Gules, in chief four escarbuncles or, in base two chev- ronels of the last, and charged with seven mullets azure, between twelve escutcheons, six, four, and two, and a lamb passant in l)ase argent, the escutcheon tieing surrounded by the ribbon and star of a K. C. B. Mantling gules and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, out of a naval crown or, the sails argent, a demi-lion gorged with a wreath of laurel proper, supporting a flagstaff, thereon hoisted a pennon gules, charged with an anchor or. Married, 1853, Mary, dau. of Charles Wright of St. Clare, Southsea, Hants. Postal address — United Service Club, Pall Mall, London, W. SCONE, Baron, see MANSFIELD. SCOTLAND, quartered by the PRINCE of WALES, and the DUKES of CONNAUGHT, ALBANY. YORK, CAMBRIDGE. CUMBERLAND, RICHMOND .and GORDON, GRAFTON. ST. ALBANS, BUCCLEUCH. and CLEVIiLAND, and by BEAUCLERK, HUSSEY, POWLETT, STUART. STUART - RICHARDSON, VERSCHOYLE. PHIPPS, FITZCLARENCE, FITZ ROY, and GORDON-LENNOX. Sir COLLEY HARM AN SCOTLAND, Knight Bachelor. Born 1818, being the son oj Q^rf\¥\t\Y\t\ the late Thomas Scotland, Registrar of the "^tUVinUU Island of Antigua ; dubbed Knight Bache- lor, 1861. Club — Windham. Armorial bearings as used, but for which no authority has been estab- lished, are for Arms : Argent, a chevron azure between three lions' heads couped gules. Crest — A lion's head erased proper; with the Motto, " Hon ore et 7'eritate." Married, 1854, Sarali Anne {n'ho died 1859), daughter of the late fohti Joseph B\grave. Postal address — 44 Queen's (latr Gardens, S. W. " SCOTT, quarterly with LAURENCE, borne on an escutcheon of pretence by ORMSBY BLAKE. ^m is the Naval Cockade. @)C0 ^co 739 DRAUCHAMP HENRY JOHN SCOTT, Esquii-e, Justice of the Peace for the county of Warwick, Qbf nf"t" f'}''»'e>'ly Captain in the Scots Guards. Born XS'i'UVV December 28, 1847, being the eldest son of Colonel Charles Grantham Scott, commonly knotvn as the Honourable Charles Grantham Scott, by his wife Prances Maria, daughter of Ralph William Grey of Backworth, in the county of Northumberland. Club — Junior Carlton. Armoriai bearings as given in the Peerages, but which are of no authority, are for Arms : Or, on a bend azure, an estoile hct-ween two crescents ardent. Crest — A buck trippant proper. Married, March 31, 1875, Lucy, daughter of Anthony Willson of Raunceby Hall, in the county oj Lincoln ; and has Issue — Rupert Charles Scott, Esquire, born Nm'ember 10, 1877. Estate and postal address — Eathorpe Hall, Leamington. Sir CHARLES STEWART SCOTT, K.C.M.G. 1896, (^.B. (Civil) 1886, Envoy and Minister Plenipotentiary to Denmark since 1893. Horn 1838, being the third son of the late Major Thomas Scott, J. P., D. L. , of Willsboroiigh, co. Londonderry, by liis second wife Katharine Elizabeth, eldest dau. of Rev. Thomas Richardson. Clubs — Travel- lers', St. James'.s. Armorial bearings— Or, on a bend azure, a mullet l)et\veen two crescents of the field, within a bordure engrailed pean, a mullet for difi'crence. The es- cutcheon is surrounded with the ribbon and pendent there- from the badge of a K.C.M.G. and a C.B. Mantling azure and or. Crest On a wreath of the colours, an escal- lop shell sable, charged with a trefoil or. Motto- -" I'erge." Married, 1875, Christian Crawfurd, dau. of the late James MacKnight. W.S. , of Edinburgh; and has Issue — Charles Edward Stewart Scott, Esq. ; Vera Ellen ; .Mice Maud ; Margaret .-\imee ; Marie Christian ; and fiileen Agnes. Postal address — The British Legation, Copenhagen. DONALD ALBERT SCOTT, Armiger. Born June 17, 1856, being the third son of Robert Bagge Scott of Norwich, by his wife Emily Mary, daughter and heiress of Robert Tallent of Rushmere, in the county of Suffolk, by his wife Harriet Sophia Tallent, granddaughter of Eliza- beth Rous. Club — Junior C^onservative. Armorial bear- ings — He bears for Arms: Party per pale argent and pean, a saltire nebuly Ijetween two cinqueloils in pale, and as many annulets in fesse all counterchanged ; and for a Crest, on a wreath of the colours, in front of a wing or, semde of bay leaves proper, a crescent pean ; with the Motto, " Tace aut face." Postal address — Hingham, Norfolk. Mr. Scott /f descended from the ancient family of Ba^e of Shipdham , in the county of Norfolk, and maternally from the noble family of R 014 s of Bennington and Worling- 7L'orth, in the county of Suffolk, and in addition to other known families, from the family 0/ Nuthall of Spexhall Hall, in the last named county, recorded in the Heralds' Visitation of Suffolk in 1664 as of thefamily of Sir Thomas Nuthall out of Cheshire. Purther, Mr. Scott claims to be descended from Walter le Scot of Dunwich, in the co. of Suffolk, whose family (of Scottish origin) ivere of importance and o7vned much property about there in the fotirteenth cen- tu)y. Members of the Bagge family ivere also at Dunwich at the same time, and, like the Scots, were Bailiffs and M.P.'s of that place. S Colonel Sir FRANCIS CUNNINGHAM SCOTT, Knight Commander of the Most Distinguished Order of Saint Michael and Saint George, Companion of the Most Honourable Orrler of the Hath, Colonel (retired). Justice of the Peace for the counties of Midlothian and Suffolk. Born 1834, tjeing the eldest son of the late Carteret George Scott, Esquire, of Malleny, by his second wife Emily, daughter of Admiral Francis Holmes Coffin, Royal N'avy. Clubs — United Service, Army and Navy. Armorial bearings — He l)ears for Arms : Or, on a bend azure, a star between two crescents of the first (for Scott of Buccleuch), and for difference, in base an arrow bendways proper, feathered and barbed argent, the escutcheon being surrounded by the ribbon of the Most Distinguished Order of Saint Michael and Saint George, and pendent his badges as a Knight ("ommander thereof, and as a Companion of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath. Crest— A stag lodged l)ro|)er. Motto — " An\o probos." Married. 1859, Mary ( )livia, eldest daughter of the late Reverend lidward Ward, Master of Arts, Rector of East Clandon, in the county of Surrey; and has Issue — Carteret Cunningham Scott, Esquire, Ixjrn 1862 ; Florence Emily Cunningham ; and Ethel Mfiry Cumiingham. Seats — Malleny House, Balerno, in the county of Midlothian ; and Hramford Hall, Ipswich, in the county of Suffolk. Residence — Accra, Gold Coast. JAMICS ROBERT SCOTT, Gentleman. Born Oct. 31. 1864, being the only son of the late John Charles Addyes Scott, Esq., of Great Barr, co. Stafford, and of Ratlinghope and Norbury, co. Salop, M.A. , J. P. cos. Stafford and Salop, and Fellow of Univ. Coll., London, by his wife Mahlah [now of Great Barr. co. Stafford, and Ratlinghope and Norbury, co. Salop', dau. of Jesse Homer of Birfield Cot- tage, CO. Worcester. Armorial bearings -Argent, on a mount of bulrushes in base proper, a l)ull pa-sant sable, a ehief pean, billettee or. Mantling vert and argent. Crest -On a wreath of the colours, upon a mount of bnlrushes, a stag couchant proper, the dexter foreleg resting on a billet or. Motto — " Nunquam libertas gratior. " .Married. 'Hov. 8, 1890, Kate, dau. of Charles Castelli of West Hill, Putney; and has Lisi4e — Reginald Addves Scott, Gentleman, b. ( ct. 2, 1891 ; and Dorothy Catherine. Residence — 6 Cambridge Gate, Regent's Park, London, N.W. SJOHN HENRY FRANCIS KINNAIRD SCOTT, Esquire, of Gala, in the county of Selkirk, Justice of the Peace for the counties of Selkirk and Roxburgh, Depuiy- J^ieutenant for the county of .Selkirk. Bor?i May 10, 1859, being the eldest son of the late Hugh Scott, Esquire, of Gala, by his wife Elizabeth Isabella, eldest daughter and heir of Captain Charles Kinnaird Johnstone Gordon, Knight of the Order of the Lion and Sun. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Quarterly i and 4 or, on a Vx-nd azure, a star of six jjoints between two crescents of the field, in the sinister chief point a rose gules, stalked and leaved vert (for Scott) ; 2 and 3 argent, on a saltire engrailed sable, five escallops or (for Pringle of Galashiels). Upon the escut- cheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules doubled argent ; and upon a wreath of his liveries is set for Crest, a lady richly attired, holding in the dexter hand a rose proper. Mottoes — " Prudenter amo; " The Editor undertakes that every entry not in italics is that of a genuinely armigerous person. 74° ^CO under the shield, "Sursum." Sea/— G^la. House, Gala- shiels, in the county of Selkirk. MAHLAH SCOTT, Widow, dau. of Jesse Homer of Birfield Cottage, co. Worcester, and widow of the late John Charles Addves Scott, lisq., of Great Barr, co. Stafford, and of Ratli'nghoiw and Norbury, co. Salop, M.A. and J. P. for cos. Stafford and Salop. Armorial bearings, on "a lozenge— Argent, on a mount of bulrushes in base ])roper a bull passant sable, a chief pean, billettcJe or. Married 1863- and has /ssiie- An only son, )ames Rolx;rt Scott [to whom refer]. 5m/ — The Red House, Great Barr, co. Stafford. Ke.<:idences — T\\e M.anor House, Ratlinghope ; 6 Cambridge Gate, Regent's Park, N.W. SYDNEY LOUISA SCOTT. Widow, of Betton Strange, only surviving daughter of the late George Jonathan Scott, Esquire, Justice of the Peace, of Betton Strange, by his wife Augusta Frances, youngest daughter of William Wynne ol Pcniarth, in the county of Merioneth. Armorial bearings are, upon a lozenge : Gules, three piles invecled argent, two issuant from the chief and one from the base, each charged with a catherine-wheel of the first. Married, February 25, 1868, William Edington Stuart, Esquire, late Major i5th^Hussars, who died 1887; and she assumed by Royal License, iSqi, the name and arms of Scott. Of the above marriage there is /,«//.ff\*-i- i>Qrt«ri«ti>flF Distinniis/ied Order of Saint ^COtt'Sj^OnCtieU .,/,v;„;^,/ and Saint George, Companion of the Most Exalted Order of the Star of India, Colonel (Retired List) Royal Engineers. Born August 3, 1836, being the sixth son of Robert Scott-Moncrieff of Eossaway, in the county of Perth, by his wife Susan, daughter of Alexander Pringle of IVhyt- bank ; created Companion of the Most Exalted Order of the Star of India, 1878; and Knight Commander of the Most Distinguished Order of Saint Michael and Saint George, 1887. Clubs — AthencEum, East India Utiited Service. Armorial bearings as used, but which are not matriculated to him in Lvon Register, areforArtOS: Quarterly i and ^, argent a pfieon azure, between three lions' heads erased gules ( for Scott) ; 2 and 3 argent, a lion rampant gules, a chief ermine within a bordure engrailed azure (fur Moncrieff). Crest — Three stalks of wheat grooving out of the ground proper. Motto — "hide spes." Married, /f/-.f//v, No^'ember 3, i860, Lucv, daughter of John .Sturge, Esquire (she died 1874) ; secondly, September 13, 1879, Xiargarct, daughter of Edmund Sturge, Esquire (she died 1885) ; thirdly, Decem- ber jp, 1890, Dora, daughter of Arthur Albrights, Esquire; and has Issue — Colin Campbell Scott-Moncrieff, Esquire, born September r6, 1883; Lucy; and Margaret. Postal address — 11 Cheyne Walk, Chelsea. § CHARLES HENRY SCOTT-PLUMMER, Esquire, D.L. and J. P. for Selkirkshire, and Convem r of the county. Born 1859, being the eldest son of Charles Scott- Plummer of Middlestead and Sunderland Hall, and Sophia, dau. of Joseph Gofl" of Hale Park, Hants. Club -.Army and Navy. Livery — Dark blue, with silver buttons. Ar- morial bearings — Azure, on a chevron between three lions' heads erased or, gutti?e-de-?ang, as many martlets of the field (for Plumnier of Middlestead) ; gules, on a chevron argent, three stars of the first, in base a stag's head erased (for Ker of Sunderland Hall) ; or, on a bend azure, a star of six points between two crescents of the field, and in the sinister chief point a rose gules, stalked and barbed vert, surmounted by an annulet. Crest (of Plummer) A lion issuing argent, holding a twig of palm in his dexter paw ; Motto— " Consulto et audacter." Crest (of Scott of WoU) —A stag trippant, armed with ten tynes proper ; Motto- " Pacem amo." [These arms are .separately on record in Lyon Register, but they have never been marshalled or re-matriculated, as they really should be, by Mr. Scott- Plummer.] Scat — Middlestead and Sunderlnntl Hall. Selkirk. S SIMON CONYERS SCROPE, Esquire, C.aptain York- shire .Artillery (Militia), and claims the ancient I'larldom of Wiltes (created 1397). Born October 16, 1857, being the eldest son of Simon Thomas Scrope, Esquire, of Danby Hall, by his wife Emily Jane, third daughter of Robert Berkeley, Esquire, of Spetchley, in the county of Worcester. Livery— XiAxV. blue with silver buttons. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Azure, a bend or, with very many illustrious quarterings. Upon the escutcheon is jjlaced a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling azure and or ; and for his Crest, out of a ducal coronet or, a plume of ostrich feathers proper; with the Mottoes, " Devant si je Wh is tbe Naval Cockade. %cx ^tt 741 puis;" " Kn espoir je vive attendant grace." Estates — Uanby, in the county of Yorkshire; Cockerington, in the county of Lincoln. Postal address — Danby-on-Yore, Bedale, Yorks. §HEKR } ' SCR YMGEO UN- \ \ 'RDDERB URN. Es- quire, Here- ^crpmgeout^raeDDertiurn ilfandard Bearer of Scotland, Deputy-Lieuteitaiit and Justice of the Peace for the county of Eife, and Justice of the Peace for the county of Eorfar, formerly Captain in the ijth and ^2nd Regiments. Born April 18, 1840, being the eldest son of the late Erederick Eewis Sciymgeour-li'edderburn, Es- quire, Justice of the Peace and Deputy-Lieutenant, by his loife Helen, commonly kncnvn as the Honourable Helen, fourth daughter of the Right Honourable John Arbuthnott, eighth Viscount Arbuthnott. Clubs — Magistrates' , New (Edinburgh). Livery — Drab, with crimson facings and silver lace. Aimoiial bearings as used, but which have not teen matriculated in Lyon Ojftce, are for JUVOS: Quar- terly I and 4, gules a lion rampant or, armed and langued azure, holding in the dexter paw a scimitar argent (for Scrymgeour) ; 2 and 3 argent, a chei'ron between three roses gules, barbed and seeded proper (for Wedderbum). Crests — On the dexter side, a lion's gamb holding a scimitar all proper, with the MottO, "Dissipate" (for Sciymgeour) ; on the sinister side, an eagle's head erased proper, with the Motto, " .\0H degener" (for Wedderburn). Supporters— On either side a greyhound, collared and lined. Married, March 31, 1869, Juliana, youngest daughter of Thomas Ilraddell of (.'oolmelagh, in the county of Wexford ; and has Issue — (i) Henry .Scrymgeour- Wedderburn, born June 28, 1872; (2) Erederick Letuis Sciymgeour- Wedderburn, born June 27, 1874 ; (3) Charles Kenneth Scrymgeour- Wedder- burn, born May 29, 1887; a son, born Noi'ember 22, 1894; Helen Margaret; Maty Turner; Anne (irisel ; Katherine Elspeth ; Juliet; and Maud Kathleen. Estates — Wedder- burn and Kingennie, in the county of Eorfar ; Btrkhill, in 'he county of Eife. Postal a.dAr&is—Birkhill, Cupar, Eife, EREDERICK WILLL4M SCUDAMORE Esquire, Major, 1st Batt. Suffolk Regt. Only ^^rttJlrttllrtfC ■''■"' of Erederick Scudamore, of Manor '3C371.UUUUIUII' House, Maidstone, by Erances .Mary his wij'e, daughter of (A Jemmett oj Ishford, Kent. Club — Naval and Military. Livery — I la ret, with yellffio facings. Armorial bearing's — as used, : re a genuine Scudamore coat, but .Major Scudamore has not titbiislied his right to use them. Lhey are, hxVOS: (iules, •iircc stirrups leathered and buckled or. Crest, out of a ducal coronet or, a bear's gamb erect sable, armed j,'///rM. Motto — Scuto amoris divine. Escutcheon of Pretence used for Venables — .Asure, tivo bars, and in chief as many mullets argent. Married, Oct. 5, 1885, Eleanor Caroline, only daughter of the late Thomas I 'enable. Esquire, of Aston, Llerts, late Major &yd Regiment ; and has Issue — (i) Thomas Venables Scudamore, born 1889; (2) John Venables Scudamore, born 1892 ; WiniJ'red Heathcote ; and Elizabeth May. Postal address — clo Suffolk Regiment, .Alder shot. ^cuUp VINCENT SCULLY, Esquire, Bachelor of Arts of the University of Oxford. Born August i, 1846, being the eldest son of the late Vincent Scully, Esquire, of Mantle Hill, in the county of Tipperary, one of Her Majesty's Counsel Learned in the Law, by his wife Susanna, daughter of John Grogan of Harcourt Street, Dublin, Barrister-at-Law, and sister of Sir Edward (jrogan, Baronet, Member of l^arliament for the city of Dublin, 1841-1864. Club — Ox- ford and Cambridge. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Vert, a cross botonni? twtween two mullets in chief and a Heur-de-lis in base or. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling vert and or ; and for his Crest, out of a mural crown ]>roper, a phifnix, also proper, charged on the breast with a cross botonncj or. Motto — "Sine labe resurgens." Married, firstly, November 21, 1871, Emma Eliza Mary Clare, daughter of Pierse Marcus Barron, Esquire, of Belmont Park, Deputy-Lieutenant for the county of Waterford ; and by her (who died April 7, 1890) has had Issue — (i) Vincent Bernard Scully, Cjentleman, born September i, 1872, died November 10, following ; (2) Denys Vincent Arthur Scully, Gentleman, born September 6, 1873; (3) Vincent Marcus Barron .Scully, Gentleman, born July 2, 1881 ; Katherine Juliet Mary ; Manuella Beatrice Mary ; and Louise Frances. He married secondly, July 22, 1897, Amy, youngest dau. of the late John Nettervilje Barron, formerly of the sgth Regt. Seat — Mantle Hill House, Golden, near Cashei, in the county of Tipperary. WILLIA.M R/X SEAGO, Esquire, Solicitor, f P. co. of Suffolk, and County Councillor, Born 181 1. Armorial bearings as used, but for which no authority has been established, are — .izure, on a chief argent, three stags' heads couped gules. Crest — .-/ stag's head couped per pale gules and sable. MottO — " Sine tremore." Married, 1837, jI/wj Hook of Yarmouth ; and has Issue — Erank Seago, Solicitor, b. July 27, 1847 [m. .Mary iMck Wollaston of Ipswich, and has issue, two sons and two daus.'\ ; and Sarah Hook Seago. Se-Al—Oulton Hall, Oulton, Suffolk. SEAHAM, Viscount, see LONDONDERRY. LEWIS BOYD SEBASTIAN, Gentleman, B.C.L., M.A. (0.>con ), Barrister-at-Law. Born 1857, being the only son of Lewis Sebastian of Balham, by his wife Helen Sarah, dau. of Jonathan Noad of Rodd, co. .Somerset. C/«*— Oxford and Cambridge. Armorial bearings— Per chevron invected ermine and azure, in chief an eagle's wing sable between two dexter hands couped at the wrist point- ing upwards, with the thumb and two fingers proper, and in base a demi-cat-a-mountain guardant of the last. Mant- The Editor undertakes that every entry not in italics is that of a genuinely armigerous person. 742 ^CC ^et Ung: azure ami arfjeiit ; and for liis Crest, u|jon a wreath of till! tx)lours, a ilenii-cal-a-niouiUain guardanl propir, hoUl- ini; ill the ilexter (law an eagle's vvinj; sable, and resting the sinister paw on a dexter hand as in tlie arms. Married, Aug. 19, 1879, Harriet Maria, elder dau. of Hengl Reinhold Lennartson of Noruni, W'erniland, Sweden; and has Issue — (i) Lewis Krancis Theodore Sebastian, Gentleman, h. Aug. 4. 1882 (ii. 1898); (2) Gerald Noel Boyd Sebastian, Gentleman, b. Dec. 24, 188?; (3) Skinner Raymond Sebas- tian, CJentleman, b. Oct. 30. 1886; (4) Brian Leonard GeotTrey Sebastian, Gentleman, /'. Feb. 7, 1891 ; (5) I':rroll Graham Sebastian, Gentleman, b. Aug. 2, 1892; and Hilda Louise. Postal add resses^22 Kensington Court, W. ; 13 New Square, Lincoln's Inn, London, W.C. Sir THOMAS LAWRENCE SECCOMBE, Knight Grand Commander of the Most Eminent S^rrrnniflP Order of the Indian Empire, Knight 'Q/lttUlUUl' Commander of the Most Exalted Order of the Star of India, Companion of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath (Civil Division). Born 1812, being the only son of John Seccombe, by his wife Ann, daughterof Lawrence Lee; created C.B. 1869, K. C.S.I. 1877, andG.C.I.E. 1892; was Financial Secretary of State for India in Council, 18^9-1879, and .Assistant Under-Secretary of State for India, 1872101881. C////'— St. Stephen's. Armorialbear- ings He bears for Arms ; Argent, on a fesse gules, between three lions rampant sable, a lotus-flower slipped and leaved proper, in the centre chief point an Eastern crown of the second, a bordure invected of the third. Upon the escutcheon, which is surrounded by the ribbon of the Order of the Indian Empire, and by the collar and pendent therefrom the star of a G.C.I. E., of a K.C.S.I., and the badge of a C.B. (Civ. Div. ), is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a lion rampant sable between two elephants' proboscides proper; with the Motto, " Paratus et fidelis." Married, 1833, Louisa, daughter of Hugh Pollett (she died 1884) ; and has had Issue — (i) John Thomas Seccombe, Esquire, b. 1834, d. 1895 ; (2) William Thorne Seccombe, is the Military Cockade. b. 1837,(1'. 1849; (3) Artliur Seccombe, b. 1839, d. 1854; (4) Henry Lawrence Seccombe, Esquire, b. 1841 ; (5) Edward Hepburne Seccombe, Esquire, /'. 1843; and Blanche Ann. Postal address — Sheridan, Newton Abbot. SELBS\ quartered by MOSTYN. His Honour Sir WILLIAM LUCIUS SELFE, Knt. Bachelor (1897), Judge of County Courts, J. P. for Kent, Chairman of E. Kent Qr. Sessions. Born /une 11, 1845, being the third son of Henry James Selfe Selfe, Esq., Metropolitan Police Magistrate, by Anna Maria, eldest dau. of the Ven. William Spooner, Archdeacon of Coren try. Club— Windham. Livery —Broton. Armorial bearings as used, but for which no authority has been established, are — Or, a fesse dancettte gules, betiuecii three martlets. CreBt- Out of a ducal coronet, a detni-gtiffin segreant. Motto — " Constantiam servare." Married, Aug. 10, 1876, Ellen, second dau. of Henry Sanford Bicknell, Esq., J. P., of Cavendish House, Clapham Common. Postal address — 48 Montagu Square, 1 1 '. SERJEANT, quartered by BARNEWALL. SETON, quartered by GORDON-LENNOX. SETON, Baron, see EGLIN TON. H ALEXANDER DAVID SETON of Mounie, Esquire, ^ Captain and Honorary Major Forfar and Kin- drtntl '-"ardineshire Artillery Militia. Born October \o. vvUll 25, 1854, being the eldest son and only sur- viving child of Major George Seton, late 93rd Highlanders, by his wife Anne Lucy Wake, daughter of Baldwin Wake ; and succeeded to the estate of Mounie at the decease of his uncle, 1894. Club—]un\oT United Ser- vice. Livery — Claret coat with scarlet piping, and scarlet waistcoat. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Quarterly i and 4, or three crescents, and in the fesse point a man's heart distilling drops of blood, within a Royal double tressure flowered and counterfiowered of fleurs-de- lis gules (for Seton) ; 2 and 3 argent, issuing out of a bar wavy sable, a demi-otter of the la^t crowned with an antique crown or (for MeldruTii). .Above the shield is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gule^ doubled argent ; and issuing from a wreath of the liveries, or and gules, is set for Crest, a demi-man in armour, bear- ing up in his dexter hand the Royal banner of Scotland, namely gules, on a canton azure, a saltire argent bendways and displayed all proper, scarf over dexter shoulder, plume and waistbelt argent ; and in an escroU over the same this Motto, " Sustento sanguine signa." Married, February 12, 1879, Emily Isabel, second daughter of Alfred Turner, I'^squire, Justice of the Peace, at that time of Deysbrook Hall, West Derby, near Liverpool; and has Issue — (1) -Alexander Charles Seton, born July 27, 1882 ; (2) George William Seymour Seton, born April 3, 1885 ; (3) Henry Winton Seton, born August i, 1887 ; Jean Isabel ; and Mary Lucy Ogilvy. Scat— 'SXonme, Old ^ieldrum, co. Aberdeen. Postal address — 36 Buckingham Terrace, Edinburgh. S GEORGE SETON, Advocate, Master of Arts of th, University of O.xford, Eello'iC' of the Royal Society oj Engineers, E'ellow of the Scottish Antiquarian Society, .Author of " Seton' s Law and Practice of Heraldiy in Scot- land," and claiming to be an Esquire by descent as represent- ing a minor Scottish Batvn. Born June 25, 1822, being the only son of George Seton, Commander Honourable East India Company's Seii'ice, by his wife .Margaret, second daughter of James Hunter of Seaside, in the county of Perth, and claiming to represent the family of Seton of Cariston, in the county of Fife, and to be heir of line of Ma/y Seton, one of the "four Maries." Club — Scottish Conscii-iitivc (Edin- burgh). Livery— yw/(?7f and red. Armorial beaxings ^n used, but which have never been matriculated in Lyon Register, are for Arms : Or, three crescents within a double tressure Jhnoe red and counterflmoered gules, in the centre an otter's head sable. Crest — On a ducal coronet or, a dragon vert, spouting Jire proper, charged with a star argent. Motto — " Hazard set fordward.'' Married, September 20, 1849, Sarah Elisabeth, second daui^hter of James Hunter of Thurston, in the county of Haddington ; and has Issue — ^k is tbe Naval Cockade. ^et ^t)a 743 George Setort, born February 13, 1852; Elisabeth Lindsay [married IV. Livingstone Watson \to luhom re/er] of Ayton, in the county 0/ Perth\, Margaret Montgomerie [married t^yoyan D. O. Wurth (she died September 25, and Alary Stuart. Postal address — 13 Old Caven- dish Street, London, IV. ; Ayton House, Abernethy , Perth- shire, N.li. H/i.XkV SHTO.X-h'AUA', .Member of Parliament for St. Helens, Hart ister-at-Law, Master Sbrf"fin - Itt a ri* "^ Arts of the I 'niversilv of O.xford. Xa V V U M ' la a V t ^0^ Pcbrua ry ^, 1 853 . 'being the son of the late Ceorge Berkeley Seton- h'arr, of the Indian Civil Seri'ice, by his xvife Eleanor, daui^hler of Heniy Usborne of Branches Park, in the county of Suffolk. Clubs — Carlton, Ne%o University. Armorial bearings as used, and as if noted in Burke's '■Landed ('•entry," and as illustrated in Debretfs "House of Com- mons," are for Anns : (Juarterly i and 4, gules on a chevron argent, three mullets of the first, in base a stag's head erased of the second {for A'arr) ; 2 and 3 or, an ea^le displayed sable, charged on the breast with an antique crown proper, between three crescents asure, within a double tressure Jloiy counteiflory gules (for Seton). Crests— i. out of an antique cnnvn a de.xter hand erect holding a dagger all proper; Motto ojw, " Avant sans peur" (for A'arr) ; 2. on a ducal coronet or, a wyvern proper; MottO in'er, "Hazard et for- ward" (for Seton) ; but neither these nor any other armorial bearings have been matriculated in Lyon Office to Mr. Seton- A'arr. Married, /rnr/Zv, November 11, 1880, Edith Elisa (who died 1884), daughter of William Pilkington, E.squire, of Roby Hall, IJveipool, Justice of the /Wee; and has Issue — (i) Ceorge Bernard Seton-A'arr, born September 12, 1881 ; (2) .\falcolm Henry Seton-A'arr, born October 21, 1882. He married secondly, 1886, Jane, daughter of W. Thorburn, Esquire, of x'z Buckingham Terrace, Edinburgh. ^eAX.—Kippilaw, St. Boswells, in the county of Ro.vburgh. Town residence— II Queens Gardens, Hyde Park, W. CHARLES DliRICK SEYMOUR, Esquire. Born August 26, 1863, being the only surviving son of the late Vice-Admiral George Henry Seymour, Companion of the Most Honourable Order of the 15ath, Memljer of Parlia- ment, by his wife Sophia, daughter and co-heir of the late D. Hoste, Gentleman, of Marwick. Club—\\'\\\\.e's. kt- morial bearings — He bears for Arms : Quarterly i and 4, or on a pile gules, between six tleurs-de-lis azure, three lions of England passant guardani or; 2 and 3 gules, two wings conjoined in lure or. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules and or ; and for his Crest, out of a ducal coronet or, a phoenix proper; with the MottO, "Fide et amore." Estate— Xiar- wick, in the county of Norfolk. Postal address — Barwick House, King's Lynn, Norfolk. SRear-Admikal EDWARD HOBART SEYMOUR, Companion of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath. Born 1840, being the son of the late Reverend Richard Seymour, by his wife Frances, daughter of Charles .Smith of Suttons, in the county of lissex ; created Companion of the Most Honourable Order of the F>ath, 1887. Clubs — United Service, Wellington. Armorial bearings— He bears for Aims : Azure, a pair of wings conjoined in lure, surmounted of a naval crown or, on a canton argent, an anchor sable. Upon the escutcheon, from which is pendent his badge as a Companion of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, is placed a helmet l>efitting his degree, with a mantling azure and or ; and for his Crest, on a naval crown or, two brands in saltire, inflamed at the ends proper, thereon an eagle rising, also proper, looking at the sun or. SHAEN. quartered by BINGHAM. JOHN CAMPBELL SHAIRP, Esquire, Justice of the Peace, Bachelor of .Arts of the University of ^?L ^fintf 11 Oxford, Sheriff-Substitute for the county of ^O-IJt^^iP Argyle at Inverary. Born June 1858, lx:ing the younger but only surviving son of the late John Campliell Shairp, Principal of the United College of St. Salvator and St. Leonard, in the University of St. Andrews, LL. D. , formerly Professor of Poetry in the Uni- versity of Oxford, Professor of Humanity in the University of St. .Andrews, by his wife Eliza, eldest daughter of Alexander Henry Douglas, Esquire, younger brother of the Most Hon- ourable the fifth M.ircnicss of Qiieensljerry. Club — New (Edinburgh). Armorial bearings He bears for Arms: Argent, on a feste a/.urc, Ix'tween two cross crosslets fitch^e sable in chief and a dexter hand couiied holding a sword in pale proper in base, three mullets of the first ; and impaling the arms of Erskine of Cambo, namely, quarterly I and 4, gules an imijerial crown within the Royal tressure of Scotland or ; 2 and 3 argent, a pale sable, the whole within a bordure wavy ermine. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet l)etitting his degree, with a mantling gules doubled argent ; and upon a wreath of his liveries is set for Crest, a steel helmet in profile, with a plumage of feathers proper. Motto -"Vivit post funera virtus." .Married, 1890, Caroline Harriet, third daughter of Sir Thomas Erskine, Baronet, of Cambo, in the county of Fife ; and has Issue — (i) Norman Shairp, (Jentleman, b. March 19, 1891 ; (2) John Walter Shairp, Genlli-man, b. Oct. 12, i8f,4 ; and Christian Helen. .SVa/— Houstoun House, Up- hall, in the county of Linlithgow, North Britain. His Honour CHARLES LISTER SHAND, a Judge of the County Courts, Justice of the Peace for the county of Lancaster, appointed Joint Judge of Circuit 1889. Born December 2, 1846, being the only son of Alexander Shand of Warmsworth, Doncaster, by his wife Afaty Anne, daughter of James faster of Ousefleet, Grange, and Hurst Prioiy, in the county of York. Chibs — Junior ('arlton. Conservative (Liverpool). Armorial bearings as used, and as given in Debretfs " Judicial Bench," are for Arms : Asure, a boards head couped within a bordure argent, on a chief of the last three mullets of the field. Crest— --f do^r holding in its beak an olive-branch. Married, 1892, Isabel Eleanor iMuisa, eldest daughter of the Reverend John Richardson , I 'icar of Knows- ley. Postal address — Streatlam, Woolton, near Liverpool. JAMES SHANKS, Gentleman. Armorial bearings— .Azure, on a fesse between in chief two lurijs and in base a hawks leg erased, jessed, and belled argent, three cinquefoils gules. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, on a mural crown proper, an eagle rising argent, each wing charged with a trefoil slipped gules. MottO — " .Spero." Postal address — 79 Merrion Square, Dublin. ALFRED SHANN, Gentleman. Born July i, 1850, being the fourth son of the late George fibflfltltl Shann, Gentleman, of York, Doctor of XS/IJCIIIU Medicine, by his wife Jane, daughter of the Reverend VV'illiam Gray, Vicar of Brafferton, and Canon of Ripon. Armorial bearings— He bears for The Editor undertakes that every entry not in italics is that of a genuinely armigerous person. 744 ^l)a %!)a Arms . \'air, on a pile or, throe escutclioons azure, each charged wilh an annulet of the second; and for his Crest, upon a wrealii of the colours, in front of an annulet gold, a hand erect holdiiii; a dagger all proper; with the MottO, " Fidel Iter." CHARLES SllANiN, Ksqmre, J.l'. tor West Riding of CO. York. Born May 31, t8io, l)eing the youngest son of the late Thomas Shann, Gentleman, of Tadcaster, by his wife Honor, daughter of John Kendal ol Hatfield, in the county of York^ by his wife Honor, daughter of John Raper, sometime Town Clerk of York. Armorial bear- ings — He bears for Arms : Vair, on a pile or, three es- cutcheons azure, each charged with an annulet of the second ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the coloius, in front of an annulet god, a hand erect holding a dagger all proper ; with the Motto, " Fideliter." Postal address — Tadcaster, Yorks. Vair, on a pile or, three escutcheons azure, each charged with an annulet of the second ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, in front of an annulet gold, a hand erect holding a dagger all proper; with the Motto, " Fideliter." HENRY CHARLES SHANN, Gentleman. Born February 21, 1852, being the fifth son of the late George Shann, Gentleman, of York, Doctor of Medicine, by his wife Jane, daughter of the Reven-nd William Gray, Vicar of Brafferton, and Canon of Ripon. Armorial bearings- He bears for Arms : Vair, on a pile or, three escutcheons azure, each charged with an annulet of the second ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, in front of an annulet gold, a hand erect holding a dagger all proper ; with the Motto, "Fideliter." Married, July 23, 1885, Caroline Mary, daughter of W. H. Flower, Esquire, Com- panion of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath ; and has Issue— {\) Edward Warington Shann, Gentleman, born September 6, 1886 ; (2) Gerald Davenant Shann, Gentleman, born December 23, 1888. § ROBERT GORDON SHARMAN - CRAWFORD, Esquire, M.A. , formerly Capt. 16th Lancers, and pre- viously served in the isth Hussars, now Major 311! Batt. Royal Irish Rifles (North Down Militia), J. P. and D.L. for CO. Down (High Sheriff 1895) Vice-Commodore Royal Ulster Yacht Club. " Born Sept. 10, 1833. being tlie third son of the late Arthur Johnston .Sharman-Crawford of Crawfords- burn and Rademon, co. Down, and of Stalleen, co. Meatb, by his wife Louisa Alicia, dau. of William Crawford of Lakelands, co. Cork. Armorial bearings — Quarterly i ( [Duruip patlgptia fraiiflo J 3 FREDERICK SHANN, Gentleman. Born April 22, 1849, being the third son of the late George Shann, Gentle- man, of York, Doctor of Medicine, by his wife Jane, daughter of the Reverend William Gray, Vicar of Brafler- ton, and Canon of Ripon. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Vair, on a pile or, three escutcheons azure, each charged with an annulet of the second ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, in front of an annulet gold, a hand erect holding a dagger all proper ; with the Motto, " F'ideliter." GEORGE SHANN, Gentleman. Born July 22, 1846, being the eldest son of the late George Shann, Gentleman, of York, Doctor of Medicine, by his wife Jane, daughter of the Reverend William Gray, Vicar of Brafferton, and Canon of Ripon. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : S is tlie Military Cockade. and 4, gules, on a fesse ermine, between three mullets argent, two crescents mterlaced or (for Crawford) ; 2. or, a dove rising, holding in the beak a laurel sprig proper (for Shar- man); 3. gules, a lion rampant argent. Mantling gules and argent. Crests — 1. on a wreath of the coloius, a swan close proper ; 2. on a wreath of the colours, a dove as in the arms. Motto — " Durum patieniia frango." Married, Sept. 12, 1882, Annie Helen, eldest dau. of Ernest Arbouin of Beckworth, Lindfield, co. Sussex ; and has Issue— Terence Sharman-Crawford, Gentleman, b. Aug. 31, 1892 ; and Helen. Seats — Crawfordsburn and Rademon, co. Down ; Stalleen, co. Meath. JOHN HENRY SHARP, Esquire, J. P. for East Sussex. liorn Am:;. 23, 1831, being the second son of S is the Naval Cockade. %l)a ma 745 James Carter Sharp, by his wife Marianne, dau, of John Stones. Club — Hox'e (Hove). Armorial bearings as used, hut for which no authority has been fffu iailv established, are JorAxvOR — Argent, a f esse azure, between t2i'o misses crosslet fitehi'e in chief sable and a mullet in base gules. Crest — a mantling giiles and argent; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, in front of a wolfs head erased per pale sable and or, gorged with a collar vair, three roses . /// ea/^/e's head erased azure, ducally gorged or, holding in his beak a pheon argent. [The arms are those registered in Lvon Office for James Sharp, Archbishop of St: Andren's 1661 ; the crest belongs to a different family of the same name.] Married, Oct. 14, 1858, Elizabeth, dau. of Thomas dudgeon Dodson of Lancaster : and has Issue — (i) Henry Walter Sharp, b. Aug. 23, 1859; (2) Basil Carter Sharp, \\ March 20, 1862; (2,) James Carter Sharp, b. June 23, 1864; (4) Sidney Edward I^slie Sharp, b. July 4, 1867. Residence — 21 Palmeira Square, Hove, Susse.i: II1:NRY HlkCH SHARPK, Gentleman, Harrister-at- Law. /{orn March 22, 1855, lieing the ,Ok, >■».-> «♦«%[> second son of William Henry Sharpe Sharpe, X3 IJCHjJt^ ICstiuiro, Justice of the I'eace for the county of CumlK-rland, Captain in the Army, Lieu- tenant isl Royal Regiment, Adjutant and Captain Royal Cnnibcrland Militia, by his wife Hannah Ida, liftli daughter of Kdward Kennedy of Haniis and Coolnaniona, &c. , in the county of I'ipperary, Ireland. Club — Conservative. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms: Argent, three rose, fesseways gules, leaved, barlwd, and seeded proper, tetween as many eagles' lieads erased sable, a nmllet for difference. Ufx^n the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, in front of a wolfs head erased per pale sable and or, gorged with a collar vair, three roses fesseways, as in the arms. Motto — " Knowledge is power." Postal address — 2 Albert Street, Lower Grosvenor Place, S.W. JAMES BIRCH SHARPE, Esquire, Major in the Royal Engineers. Born June 11, 1852, being the only son of James Birch Sharpe, Major in the 20th Regiment, by his wife Maria Augusta [to whom refer], daughter of John Luke Harton. Club — Junior United Service. I.ivery Black and red, with silver buttons. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Argent, three roses fesseways gules, leaved, biirbed, and seeded proper, between as many eagles' heads erased sable, a crescent for difference. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with fesseways, as in the arms. Motto — " Knowledge is power." Residence — Glenturf, Camberlcy, in the county of Surrey. Postal address — Glenturf, Camberley, Surrey. JAMES WH.LIAM SHARPE, Gentleman. Born .\pril 1, 1852, Ix-'ing the eldest son of William Henry Sharpe Sharpe, Esquire, Justice of the Peace for Western Cumterland, Captain in thi; Army, Lieutenant 1st Royal Regiment, Adjutant anil Captain Royal CumlK-rland Militia, by hisuifc Ihinnali Ida, fifth daughter of lul ward Keimedyof Hantis and ( Dulnatnona, in thecouiuy of Tipperary, Ireland. Armorial bearings— He Ijears for Arms: Argent, three roses fesseways gules, leaved, barlaed, and seeded proper, betxveen as many eagles' heads erased sable, a mullet for difference. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet be- litting his degree, w ith a mantling gules and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, in front of a wolfs head erased ])er pale sable and or, gorged with a collar vair, three roses fesseways, as in the arms. Motto — " Knowledge is power." Married, December 22, 1881, Catherine Edith, second daughter of the Reverend Walter Kelly, Master of Arts, Vicar of Preston-cum-Hove, in the county of Sussex ; and has Issue — William Henry Sharpe Sharpe, Gentleman, born January 10, 1885; and Ellin Mary Caryll Sharpe. Postal address — WoodroftV, Port- arlington Road, Bournemouth. MARIA AUGUS TA SHARPE, Widow, second daughter of John Luke Harton, by liis wife Maria Ursula, eldest daughter of Edward Kennedy of Bantisand Coolnaniona, in the county of I'ipperary, Ireland. Armoricil bearings are, upon a lozenge : Argent, three roses fesseways gules, leaved, barbed, and seeded proper, between as many eagles' lieads erased sable, a crescent for difference. Married, March 1841, James Birch Sliarpe, Esquire, Major 20th Regiment; and lias Isuie — James Birch Sharpe, Esquire, Major Royal Engineers, born June 11, 1852 [to wiiom reler] ; and Maria Thomasine. Postal address — Glenturf, Camberley, Surrev. Tbe Editor undertak«s tbat every entry not in italics is that of a genuinely armigerous person. 746 ^i)a ^f)a Revkrenu THOMAS WETHERHEAD SHARPE, C.B. , M.A. Trill. Coll., t'limb. , and l''ellow of Christ's Coll. 1852-59, Senior Chief Inspector of Schools. Born Oct. 22, 1829, being the fifth son of Rev. John Sharpe, D.D. , Prebendary of York, Rural Dean and Vicar of Doncaster, and of Brodsworth, Yorks. , sometime of Sydney, Sussex Coll., Cambridge, by his wife Sarah, liau. of .Mderman James Falconer of Doncaster. Armorial bear- ings — Per fesse or and azure, a pheon point downwards between eight annulets, all counterchanged. Mantling azure and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, in front of an eagle's head erased or, the neck encircled with four plain collars azure, a pheon point downwards of the last. Married, June i, 1858, Maria, dau. of Robert Helme of Walthamstow, Essex ; and has Issue — Arthur Roljert Sharpe, Gentleman, b. March 11. 1859 [/«., April 26, 1892, Kate, eldest dau. of Rev. CJordon Salmon, Vicar of Ship- ton, Yorks.; Edith; Helen, d. young, July 12, 1875; Nina Marian ; and May. Seat — Beddington, Surrey. THOMASIN ELIZABETH SHARPE, Spinster, only daughter of James Birch Sharpe of Windlesham, in the county of Surrey, and of Hoxton, in the county of Middle- sex, Esquire, Justice of the Peace for tiie county of Buck- ingham, by his second wife Thomasin, daughter of Doctor Patrick Kelly, Doctor of Laws. ArmoriaJ bearings are, upon a lozenge: Argent, three roses fesseways gules, leaved, barbed, and seeded proper, between as many eagles' heads erased sable. S Sir EYRE MASSEY SHA \V, Knight Commander of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, Deputy-Lieu- tenant for the county of Middlesex. Born January 17, 1828, being the third son of the late Bernard Robert Shaw, Esquire, Justice of the Peace, of Monksto7tm Castle, iti the county of Cork, by his first wife Rebecca, daughter of E. H. Reeves of Castle Kelvin, in the county of Cork ; created Companion of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath in the year 1879, and advanced to the rank of Knight Commander of that Order, 1879. Clubs^67. James's, Carlton, Marlborough, Pratt's, Anglais (Paris). Armorial bearings as used, but tor which no authority has been established in Ulster s Office, are for Arms : Or, on a chevron engrailed between three eagles displayed sable, as many trefoils slipped of the field. Crest — Upon a rureath of the colours, a hind's head and neck sable, pierced by an arrcnv proper ; ^oith the MottO, " Te ipsum nosce." Married, Januaiy 27, 1855, Anna, daughter of Murto Dove of Lisbon and Algaii'e ; and has Issue — (i) Eyre Massey Shaw, Esquire, born December 12, 1855; (2) Bernard Vidal Shaw, Esquire, born October 21, 1857 ; (3) Robert Clarina Shaw, Esquire, born December 14, i860 ; (4) Cecil O'Brien Shaw, Esquire, born September 9, 1862; Anna; and Maud Zarita de Gattinara. Postal address — 48 Rutland Gate, London, S. II'. WILLIAM OTHO NICHOLSON SHAW, Esquire, Retired Major in Earl of Chester's Yeomanry Cavalry, Justice of the Peace for the County Palatine of Chester, Bachelor of Arts. Born May 22, 1846, being the second son of John Ralph Shaw, Esquire (formerly Nicholson, who assumed the name of Shaw by Royal License dated January 22, 1837, and arms of Shaw quarterly with those of Nichol- son), High Sheriff for the county of Chester 1864, Justice of the Peace, by his wife Fanny Harriet, fourth daughter of the Reverend William Cruttenden Cruttenden, Master of Arts. Clubs — Carlton, Junior Carlton, Travellers', Constitution;)!, Royal Dart Yacht, Royal Mersey Yacht. Liveiy — Blue coat, silver lace, blue and white striped waistcoat. Armo- rial bearings — He bears for Arms : Quarterly i and 4, argent two chevronels between three lozenges ermines (for Shaw) ; 2 and 3 azure, two bars ermine, in chief three suns proper (for Nicholson) ; and for his Crests, i. upon a wreath of Ihe colours, a dove bendy sinister of six argent and sable, holding in the beak an olive branch proper, the dexter leg resting on a lozenge as in the arms (for Shaw) ; 2. out of a ducal coronet gules, a lion's head ermine (for Nicholson) ; with the Motto, " Per castra ad astra." Mar- ried, February 17, 1887, Marie Odette, eldest daughter of Thomas Henry Exshaw of Bordeaux, by his wife Valentine EgW Panon Desbassaigns de Richemont, daughter of the Baron, de Richemont ; and has Issue — Henry Otho Nicholson Shaw, Gentleman, born July 7, 1889 ; John Ralph Nichol- son Shaw, Gentleman, born May 18, 1894; Fanny Egl6, died August 31, 1888 ; and Corinne Odette Egl6. Estates — Arrowe Hall, Woodchurch, near Birkenhead, and Sand Hey, Hoylake, both in the county of Chester ; 35 Queen's Gate, Kensington, London, S.W. Hall, Woodchurch, Birkenhead. Postal add/ess — Arrowe ^ is tbe Military Cockade. THOMAS BRADNEY SHAW-HELLIER, Esq., J. P. COS. Middlesex, Stafford, and Worcester, Col. 4th R. Irish Dragoon Guards, and Commandant R. Military School of Music (Hounslow). Born 1836, being the only son of the late Thomas Shaw- 1 lellier of the Wodehouse. Club — Windham. Armorial bearings — Quarterly i and 4, azure a chevron argent, guttee-de-sang, between three mullets or (for Hellier) ; 2 and 3 or, a chevron invected |)ean between three eagles displayed sable (for Shaw). Mantling azure and argent ; and for his Crests, i. upon a wreath of the colours, a cock argent, guttc^e-de-sang, combed and wattled gules (for Hellier) ; 2. upon a wreath of the colours, a hind's head quarterly argent and or, pierced through the neck with an arrow, headed azure, the feather broken and dropping argent (for Shaw). Seat — The Wodehouse, Wombourne, Wol verham pton . Rev. ROBERT JAMES SHAW-HAMILTON, Clerk in Holy Orders, D.D. , Rector of Tynan, co. Armagh, Chancellor of Armagh Cathedral, and Rural Dean ; as- sumed name and arms of Hamilton by Royal Licence, dated March 3, 1889. Born July 11, 1840, being the eldest son of the Rev. Matthew James Shaw, B.A. , formerly Vicar of Kilmactraney, co. Sligo, by his second wife Lucinda, dau. of Robert King Duke of New Park, co. Sligo. Lively — Blue with gold facings. Armorial bear- ings — Quarterly i and 4, per saltire gules and azure, a galley, sails furled and oars in action or, between three cinqiiefoils pierced argent (for Hamilton) ; 2 and 3 azure, three covered cups or, on a chief ermine, as many crosses pat^e gules (for Shaw). Crests — i. on a wreath of the colours, in front of two battle-axes in saltire, an oak tree fiucted all pr(>|)er, the trunk transfixed with a frame-saw or (for Hamilton) ; 2. on a wreath of the colours, a pelican in her piety proper, charged with a covered cup gules (for .Shaw). Mottoes — For the first crest, "Through"; over the second crest, " I die for those 1 love." .Married, Feb. 6, 1873, Mary Jane Hamilton, dau. of RoV)ert Coape Hardy of Armagh ; and has Issue — (i) Warham Jeinuiett Shaw- Hamilton, Gentleman, b. Jan. 20, 1874; (2) Robert Cope H is tbe Naval Cockade. ^f)a ^l)a 747 Hardy Shaw-Hamilton, Gentleman, b. Sept. 7, 1877; and Isabella Hardy [/«., 1896, Benjamin Banks Ferrar, M.U.]. Residences — The Rectory, Tynan, co. Armagh ; 5 C'liarle- mont Place, Armagh ; Green Hill, Killiney, co. Dubhn. H JOHN SHAW-KEN NliDY. Esquire, J.P, and D.L. © for the county of Ayrshire, late 42nd Regt. Light Inf. Ikuii Juno 10, 1826, being the eldest son of the late General Sir James Shaw-Kennedy, K.C.B. , Col. 471I1 Kegt. Clubs — Army and Navy, Ayr ( ounty (•\yr|, .New (i'",dinburgh). /./'.tvj— Red and silver. Armorial bearings -.Argent, a chevron gules, between two cross crosslels liuhoe in ciiief and a boar's head in base sable. Mantling gules doubled argent. Crest On a wreath of his liveriis, a palm-branch proper. Motto (on an escroll above) — " Malini e>se pmbus quam halx'ri. " Married, firstly, 1B48, ICleanor Cireen, dau. of J. Green Wilkinson ; and secondly, 1875, Louisa A., eld. dau. of late J. W. Ogle of Beckenham, Kent; and by his first marriage has Issue — (1) James Frederick Shaw- Kennedy, Gentleman, b. 1848; (2) Henry John Shaw- Kennedy, Cientleman, b. 1850; (3) Vernon Primrose Shaw- Kennedy, Gentleman, b. 1855 ; (4) Frederick Uavid Charles Shaw-Kennedy, Gentleman, b. 1858; Mary; and Eleanor. Seat — Kirkniichael, Maybole, N. B. Ttnvu residence — I South Eaton Place, S. W. §SiR MICHAEL ROBERT SHAW -STEWART, seventh Baronet, of Greenock and Blackhall, in the CO. of Renfrew, Lord- Lieutenant of that county. Honorary Colonel ist Volunteer Battalion Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders. Born November 26, 1826, lx.'ing the son of the si.xth Baronet, by his wife, the only daughter and heir of Robert Farquliar of Newark, in the county of Renfrew ; succeeded his father in 1836. Armorial bear- ings — He bears for Arms : (^)uarterly i and 4, or a fesse chetiuy azure and argent, over all a lion rampant gules (for Stewart of Blackhall) ; 2 and 3 azure, three covered cups or (for Shaw of Greenock), and impaling the arms of Grosvenor, namely azure, a garb or. Upon the escutcheon, from which is pendent by an orange- tawny ribbon his badge as a Baronet of Nova Scotia, is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a m^^ntiing gules doubled argent ; and upon wreaths of his liveries are set for Crests, i. a lion's head erased gules, armed and langued azure ; 2. a demi-savage wreathed about the head and middle with laurel, and holding a club over his shoulder proijer. Supporters— On the dexter a lion rampant gules, armed and langued azure, gorged with a collar chequy argent and azure ; and on the sinister, a savage wreathed round the head and middle with laurel leaves, and holding a club over his shoulder all proper. Mottoes (over the crests)— " Spero meliora," and " I mean well." Married, December 28, 1852, Octavia, commonly known as Lady Octavia, sixth daughter of the Most Hon- ourable Sir Richard Grosvenor, second Marquess of West- minster, Knight of the Most Noble Order of the Garter ; and has had Issue — (i) Michael Hugh Shaw-Stewart, Es- c|uire, of Carnock, in the county of Stirling, Member of Parliament for the East Division of the county of Renfrew, I Jeputy- Lieutenant for that county, born July 11, 1854 ; mar- ried, November 14, 1883, .Alice Emma, commonly known as Lady .Alice Emma, daughtt-r of the Most Honourable the Marcjuess of Bath] ; (2) the Reverend Charles Robert Shaw-Stewart, Master of Arts, born July 9, 1856 1 married, January 2, 1890, Ida Fannie Caroline, third daughter of H. W. Alfken of Oldenburg, and has issue, Una Mary; and Katharine ; (3) Walter Richard Shaw Stewart, Es- t|uire, born June 27, 1861 1 married, October 24, 1891, Mary lieatrice Sydney, daugiuer of Sydney Leveson Lane, and has issue, Walter Guy Shaw - Stewart, Gentleman, born .August 10, 1892; Niel Shaw -Stewart, Gentleman, born July 1894]; (4) -Archibald \\'illiam Shaw-Stewart, Esquire, born July 6, 1865; (5) Houston Michael .Shaw -Stewart, Esquire, second Lieutenant 17th Lancers, born October 3, 1871 ; Evelyn Margaret, died an infant, February i, 1859; Elisa Mary, died May 3, 1875 ; Helen [married, September 28, 1880, Charles William Sydney Pierrepont, Esquire, The Editor undertakes that every entry not in italics is that of a genuinely armigerous person. 748 %ia ^\)t commonly called Viscount Newark] ; ami Agnes Caroline. A'esidences — ii Grosvenor Place, London, S.W. ; Ard- gowan, Greenock ; Fonlhill Abbey, in the county of Wiltshire. ERNEST BENTLEY SHAW-YATES. hor„ 1870, being the eldest son of the late Robert l^-nlley Shaw- Yates, Esq., of Oakwood lirange, by Elizalieth Ellen, only child of James Yates of Oakwood Hall, and grands(jn of the late lientley Shaw of Woodlield. Armorial bearings—Argent, on a chevron engrailed erminois, lietween two goats' heads erased in chief argent and a goal in base of the last, three pellets. Mantling azure and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, upon a mount vert, a goat's head erased argent, armed or, charged on the neck with a pellet, and surmounting two branches of oak in saltire proper, fructed or. GEORGE SHEDDEN, Esquire, Justice of the Peace for the county of Southampton, Lord ^i\fll?t1?l0t1 "'^ ^^^ Lordship of Pauler's Pury. Bom XyijK'ViViK'W October 27, i»s6, being the eldest son of Roscow Cole Shedden, by his wife Charlotte Joanna, daughter of James Kitchett Burrell. Clubs — Royal Victoria Yacht (Rydc). Livoj- — Blue and silver. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Azure, on a chevron between three griffins' heads erased argent, as many cross crosslets fitchee gules, on a chief of the second an escallop shell of the first, between two cinc|ue- foils of the third. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules doubled argent; and on a wreath of his liveries is set for Crest, a hermit proper, couped l>elow the shoulders, vested russet, his hood pendent at the back; with the Motto, " Fidem meam observabo." Married, October 7, 1880, Alice Sarah, daughter of Caleb Hammond Gater ; and has Issue— [\) Roscow George Shedden, Gentleman, born May 13, 1882 ; (2) Edward Claud Shedden, Gentleman, born January 12, 1885 ; (3) Graham Percival Shedden, Gentleman, born July 27, 1886 ; Alice Katherine Beatrix ; Constance Evelyn ; and Mary Eleanor Goodrich. /tVrt/t'.f— Spring Hill, East Cowes, Isle of Wight; Pauler's Pury Park, in the county of Northampton ; Hardmead, in the county of Bucking- ham. Postal address — Somerville, St. (ohn's Park, Ryde, Isle of Wight. Rev. THOMAS SHEEPSHANKS, M.A., of Arthing- ton Hall, CO. York, Lord of tiie Manor and Patron of the living of Arthington. Born March 24, 1819, being the son of the late William Sheepshanks of Arthington, near Otley, CO. York, by his wife Sarah, dau. of Lucas Nicholson of Leeds. Club — National. Armorial bearings— Azure, a chevron erminois, between in chief three roses and in base a sheep passant argent. Mantling azure and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, on a mount vert, a sheep passant argent. Motto—" Perseverando." Married, first, Aug. 16, 1849, Margaret, third dau. of Nathaniel Milner of Wragby, co. York ; and by her (who died July 21, 1880) has Issue~\N'\\\\2im Sheepshanks, Esq., M.A. 'I'rin. Coll. Cam., J. P. and County Councillor, Barrister-at-Law of the Inner Temple, h. Jan. 26. 1851 [/«. , Oct. 12, 1876, Emily Florence, elder dau. of Rev. Henry G. S. Blunt, Rector of St. Andrew's, Holborn, and has issue | ; Catherine Sarah Eleanor, d. Sep. 4, 1855. He m. secondly, Dec. 14, 1882, Julia Maria Anne, elder dau. of Andrew Grieve, Esq. , W.S., and J. P., of Edinburgh; and by her has— Richard Hasell Sheepshanks, Gentleman, b. Feb. 19, 1885 ; Charles JohnHarcourt Sheepshanks, Gentleman, *. March 31, 1886; Dorothy Agnes, b. March 15, 1888. 5t'a^j— Arthington Hall, Leeds ; Park Place, Harrogate ; and Stokelake House, Chudleigh, Devon. Postal address — Harrogate. MATTHEW SHICFFIELD-CASSAN, Esq., B.A. Trin. Coll., Dublin, and J. P. for Queen's Co. (High Sheriff 1843). Born i8i2, being the eldest son of the late Stephen Sheffield- Cassan of Ashfield, co. Dublin, and of SheOield House, by Anne Elizabeth, dau. of Edward Lawrenson of Caponellan, Queen's Co. Armorial bearings — Argent, three oaks eradicated two and one vert. Mantling vert and argent ; and for his Crest, out of an earl's coronet proper, a boar's head and neck erased or, langued gules. Motto — " Juvant arva parentum." Married, 1843; and has, with other /w««— Francis Seymour Stuart Sheffield-Cassan, b. 1848. Seat — .Sheffield House, Maryborough. & is the Military Cockade. WATSON SHENNAN, Gentleman. lioru Jan. 29, 1837, being the sixth son of the late Robert Shinnan of Lairdlaugh, by his wife Catherine, dau. of James M'Millan. Armorial bearings — Parted per bend vert and or, in the sinister chief a ram's head caboslied argent, armed of the second, and in de.xter base a lion rampant sable. Mantling vert and or. Crest — On a wreath of his liveries, on a de.xter gauntlet or, a falcon close perched proper. Motto (over the crest) — " Virtute duce." Married, June 17, 1885, Grace, dau. of Rev. William Burnett, Minister of Half Morton, co. Duiufries ; and has Issue — (i) Watson Douglas Shennan, Gentleman, b. June 30, 1887; (2) Launcelot Stuart Burnet Shennan, Gentleman, b. Oct. 12, 1891 ; ami Grace Burnet. Residence — Conical Hills, Otago, New Zealand. JL FREDERICK SMITH SHENSTONE, Esquire, %? Justice of the Peace and Deputy-Lieu- ^&fll^t1(tf'nt1l> tenant for the coutUies of Stafford and -XSXyKfW^KXynX, Sussex, and Justice of the Peace for the county of Worcester, Honoraiy Major Queen's O^on Worcestershire Hussars, Barrister-at-Law , High Sheriff of Sussex 1886. Club — Oxford and Cam- bridge. Livery — Dark blue with red and white edging. Armorial bearings as used, but for which no authority has been established in the College of Anns, are for Arms : Gules, a bend engrailed argent, between two salamanders in /lames proper, a crescent J'or difference. Crest- 0« a rock proper, a chamois charged with a crescent ; with tlie Motto, "Per saxa per ignes." Married, Februarv 6, 1873, Augusta Emma Grace, daughter of Hamblcy Knapp, Esquire, late Captain <^th Fusiliers ; and has Issue — Adela Caroline. Estate — Sutton Hall, in the county of Sussex. Postal address — Sutton Hall, Barcombe, Lewes. OSBORNE SHEPPARD, Esquire. f.P. for the co. of Glamorgan. Born Jan. 7, 1841, being the second son of Philip Sheppard, Esq., J.P. for co. of Somerset, by Mary his wife, only dau. of Osborne Markham by his first wife Lady Mary, dau. of the Most Hon. Thomas Cecil, Marquess oj Bath, K.G. Armorial bearings as used (but for the u.^e ,'<; ■ivhich Mr. Osborne Sheppard has not officially established any authority), are for Axras^Ermine, on a chief sable, thrci- pole-a.xes argent, quartering Worth {of Buckington, Wilts), H is the Naval Cockade. %!)e mi 749 argot f, a cross raguly, couped sable ; Webb (of Rodborou^h, CO. Gloster), or, a cross quarterly, counterchanged gules and sable, in the first quarter an eagle displayed of the last ; Coxe [of Oddington, co. Gloster), sable, a chevron argent between three harts' antlers ; Freame (of Lyppiatt), argent, a chevron sable, in chief a bar engrailed ^nles. Crest — On a tnount ziert, a stag courant regardant. MottO — " AW' celeri necforti.''' Married, Sept. 25, 1867, Josephine Afarie, youngest dau. of John Grey of Hastings House, Calcutta ; and has with other Issue — An eldest son, Osborne Dymuck Sheppard, b. 1868. Residence — Glyn Clydach, Neath. THEOPHILUS SHEPSTONP:, Esquire. Companion of the Most Distinguished Order of Saint Michael and Saint Georj^e. Horn 1843, being the son of the late Sir Theophilus Shepstone, Knight Commander of the Most Distinguished Order of Saint Michael and Saint George ; was created Com- panion of the Most Distinguished Order of Saint Michael and Saint George, 1880. C/«*.f — Verulam, Victoria (Pieter- maritzhurg), Natal (Durban). Armorial beaxings— He bears for Arms : Argent, on a fessc vert, a lir>n coiuhant or, a chief azure, tliereon an anchor erect with caljle of the third, between two assegais in saltire proper ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a demi- eagle displayed argent, gorged with a wreath of oak vert, in front of two assegais in saltire proper. Married, 1867, Helen Louisa Maiide, daughter of CJeneral Sir J. J. Hisset, Knight Com- mander of the Most Distinguished Order of Saint Michael and Saint (ieorge. Companion of the Most Honourable Order of the Batli. Postal address — Pietcrmaritzburg, Natal. ; The Right Honourable EDWARD LENOX DUTTON, Baron Sherborne of Sherborne, in the county the son of the Right Honourable the third Baron Sher- borne, by his first wife Elizabeth, commonly called Lady Elizabeth Howard, daughter of the Right Honourable the sixteenth Earl of Suffolk ; succeeded his father in 1883, under the creation of May 20, 1784. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Quarterly argent and gules, in the second and third quarters a fret or, a crescent sable for difference. Alxjve the escutcheon is placed the coronet of his rank, and thereupon a helmet l)efitting his degree, with a mantling gules and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a plume of five ostrich feathers argent, azure, or, vert and purpure ; and for Supporters, on eitlier side of the escutcheon a wolf argent, gorged with a collar azure, charged with three garbs or. Motto — " Ser- vabo fidem." Married, July 5, 1894, Emily Theresa, daughter of the late Baron de Stern. Heir presumptive — His brother, the Reverend Frederick George Dutton, commonly known as the Reverend the Honourable Frederick George Dutton, Master of Arts, Vicar of Bilniry, born 1843. Residences — 9 St. James's Square, •S.W. ; Sherlwrne House, near Northleach, in the county of Gloucester. and Loskearin, Elizabetli Mary of Gloucester, Bachelor of Arts, Justice of the Peace for the county of Gloucester. Bom April 23, 1831, being WRIGHT SHERLOCK, E'-quire, Lieutenant-Colonel (retired) late 18th Regiment. Born Sep- tember 8, 1838, being the eldest son of the late (jeorge .Sherlock of Carrigduve and Barradaw, in the county of Cork, in the county of Waterford, by his wife daugliter of Tliomas Perrott, Esquire, Justice of the Peace, of Upland, Fermoy, in the county of Cork. Clidb — Army and Navy. Livety — .Azure blue with white facings, silver buttons. Armorial bearings — Ho bears for Arms : Per pale argent and azure, two tleurs-de- lis counterchanged, on a canton gules a pelican proper. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling azure and argent ; and for his Crest, ui)on a wreath of the colours, a pelican in her piety proper, charged on the breast with a fleur-de-lis azure. Motto — " Prest pour mon pais." Married, October 17, 1874, l'"llcn Edith Lloyd, daughter of John Stratford Collins, Issquire, Justice of the Peace and Deputy-Lieutenant, of W'ythall, Walford, in the county of Hereford (she died May 16, 1892); and has lssuc^(i) George Wright Strat- ford Sherlock, Gentlemen, born February 16, 1877; (2) John Kyrle Perrott Sherlock, Gentleman, born Decem- l)cr 26, 1887; I'-leanor Edith Lloyd; Elizabeth Mary Kyrle ; Amy Annie Patten Collins ; Hester Stratford Pole ; and Ellen Collins. Estate — Barradaw, in the county of Cork. Postal address — Army and Navy Club, Pall Mall, S.W. SHIPPARD, quartered by CARUS-WILSON. Str SIDNEY GODOLPHIN AI.EX.ANDER SHIP- PARD, K.C.M.G. (1887). C.M.F. (1886). D.C.L. Oxford (1878), M.A. and B.C.L. (1864), B.A. (1863), Barrister \lnnii Pemple, Jan. 26, 1867), Attorney-General Griqua- land West, and M. E.G.. 1873-77; Acting- Recorder of the High Court of Griqualand 1877, Judge of the Supreme Court of the Cape of Good Hope 1880-85, British Commis- hiner on the Anglo-German Commission on West Coast /aims 1884-85, Administrator, Chief Magistrate, and r I evident of the Land Co7nmission of British Bechuanaland, Ihputv High Commissioner and President Coinmissioner / ,, huaiinland Protectorate and the Kalahari 1885-95, / A' G S., Member of the I'ictoria Institute. &'c., eldest son of Capt. ll'm. Henri' Shippard, H.M. zgth Regt., by his wife Elizabeth Lydia, eldest dau. of Captain Joseph Peters, H.M. i2gth Regt., and grandson of Rear- Admiral Alexander Shippard, by his wife Jane, eldest dau. of .Admiral Sir John Knight, K.C.B., of Jordan ston, Perth- shire. Clubs — Union, Garrick, Civil Service (Capctorvn). Armorial bearings as used were confirmed in 1634 at the I 'isitation of the co. of Oxford to William Shippard of Rolbright, in that county, but no descent or right to the arms has been officially established or recorded by Sir Sidney ; the Arms are— Azure, on a chevron between three fleurs-de-lis argent, as many itoiles (of six points) gules. Crest— .4 ram tiassant argent, armed or, between two laurel branches vert. Motto — " Vi et virtute.'" MartKA, firstly, Jan. 19, 1864, .Maria Susanna, second dau. of Sir Andries Stocken- strom of Maasstrom, Cape of Good Hope ; secondly, Rosalind, youngest dau. of Wm. Ayshford Sanford, Esq., J. P., D.L., Tie Editor undertakes that every entry not in italics is that of a genuinely armigerous person. 75' ^J)i ^6r of Nynehead Court; and has Issue hy Jirst marriage— (i) Courtenay Chaworth Shippard, Esq., B.A. of Ch. Ch., Oxford', and of the Inner Temple, Barrhter-at-Law [m. Ethel, only daii. of Henry lioscaiuen Wright, Esq., and has issue, Courtenay Noct VValkinshaw, b. Dec. 1889, and Vivien]; Etta Andrietta St. Auhyn \in. Major Acidly Vaughan Goslitig\ ; by second marriage — (2) San- ford William Shippard, Esq., b. Sept. 6, 1895; (3) Henry Chichester Shippard, Esq., b. Eeh. i, 1897. Residence — 15 West Hatkin Street, Belgrave Square, London, S. W. §SEWALLIS EVELYN SHIRLEY, Esquire, Justice of the Peace for the county of Warwick, ^S^fltt*((^t1 ^"'^ Justice of the Peace and Ueputy- X3-iJHlv^ Lieutenant for the county of Monaghan. Born July 15, 1844, being the eldest son of the late Evelyn Philip Shirley, Esquire, of Ettington Park, Doctor of Laws of the University of Dublin, by his wife Mary Clara Elizabeth, daughter of Sir Edmund Hunger- ford Lechniere, second Baronet. Clubs — Junior Carlton, National. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Paly of six or and azure, a quaiter ermine. Upon the escut- cheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling azure and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, the head of a .Saracen cou|)ed at the neck proper, wreathed about the temples or and azure. Badges — I. a horse-shoe argent (for Ferrars) ; 2. a Bourchier knot or (for Bourchier). Mottoes — " Honor virtutis priumiuni," and " Loyal suisje." ./1/(Z/-Ww 751 rell, Royal Navy; succeeded his fatlier in 1877. Crea- tions — Earl of Shrewsbury (English), May 20, 1442; Earl of Waterford (Irish), July 17, 1446; Baron Talbot, December 5, 1733 ; Earl Talbot and Viscount Ingestre, July 3, 1784. Clubs — Carlton, Marlborough. Livery — Black with gold lace. Armorial beaxings— He bears for Arms : Quarterly 1 and 4, gules a lion rampant within a bordure engrailed or (for Talbot) ; 2 and 3 azure, a chevron 1882, Ellen Mary, daughter of Charles Rowland Palmer- Morewood, Esquire, of Ladbroke Hall, in the county of Warwick, and Alfreton Hall, in the county of Derby; and has Issue — Charles John Chetwynd Talbot, Esquire, com- monly known as Viscoimt Ingestre, born September 8, 1882 ; Nellie Viola Castalia Florence, commonly known as the Honourable Nellie Viola Castalia Florence. Estates in Ingestre, Ti.xall, Alton, Albrighton, Little Budworth, Dela- between three mullets or (for Chetwynd), and impaling the arms of Palmer-Morewood, namely, f|uarterly i and 4, vert a tree eradicated argent, in the de.xter chief point a trefoil of the last (for Morewood) ; 2 and 3 argent, tv\o bars sable, the upper charged with two and the lower with one trefoil slipped of the field, in chief a greyhound courant of the second, collared or ; and in pale behind the escutcheon is placed the white wand appertaining to the office of Great Seneschal of Ireland. Above the escutcheon is placed the coronet of his rank, and thereupon a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules and or ; and for his Crests, i. on a chapeau gules, turned up ermine, a lion statant, tail extended or (for Talbot) ; 2. upon a wreath of the colours, a goat's liead erased argent, attired or (for Chetwynd). Supporters—On either side of the escutcheon a talbot argent. Motto — " Prest d'accomplir. " Married, mere, Dunham, Mickle Trafford and district, Grafton Manor, Upton Warren, Huddington, Oxton, &'c. 5^(j A— Ingestre Hall, in the county of Stafford ; Alton Towers, Stoke-on- Trent. SHUCKBURGH, quartered by FOLJAMBE. HENRY JAMES SHUCKBURGH, Esquire, formerly Major 2nd Battalion Norfolk Regi- ment. Born February 25, 1855, being the eldest son of the late Colonel Henry Adolphus Shuck- burgh, by his second wife Catharine Dorothy, eldest daughter of Daniel J. Cloete, Higii Sheriff of Cape Town, in the Colony of the Cape of Good Hope. Armorial bear- ings—He bears for Anns : Sable, a chevron beiween three ^fiuckbutgf) The Editor undertakes that every entry not in italics is that of a genuinely armigerous person. IS- ^ftu %\XS mullets ;irgoiU ; and for iiis Crest, a i)lackaiii<)<)r couped at the waist jiroper, liolding in liis dexter liand a dart or ; with tlic Motto, " lla'c nianus oh jjairiam." Married, November 25, 1886, Dame Ida Florence (ieraldine Shiick- Inirgli, commonly known as Lady Shucklnirgh [to whom refer], daughter of the Reverend I'Vederiek W. Robertson, and widow of the late Sir George Tliomas Francis Shuck- hurgh, nintli Raronet. Postal address — Shuckburgh, near Daventry. RICHARD HKNRY SHUCKBURGH. Esquire, of Bourton Hall and Bilton Manor, in the county of Warwick, Justice of the I'eace. Born 1837, IxMUg the second son of Richard Wood of Rugby, in the county of Warwick, by his wife Flizabeth, daughter of Samuel Blencowe of Marston, St. Lawrence, in the county of Northampton, and sister of the Reverend Charles Blencowe Shuckburgh of Bourton Hall, and assumed the name of Shuckliurgh by Royal License in 1876, under the will of his maternal uncle, the Reverend Charles Blencowe Shuckburgh, on succeeding to tlie estate of Bourton. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Sable, a chevron indented or, between three mullets pierced argent, a border of the .'econd. Upon the escut- cheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling sable and or : and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a demi-Moor jaroper, wreathed about the temples or and sable, habited argent, semt^e of mullets pierced, also sable, and holding in the dexier hand an arrow, point downwards proper. Motto — " Vigilate et orate." Married, 1866, Ellen Clara, daughter of Archibald Webb of Trafalgar Lodge, Chelsea ; and has /ssi^e — (i) Charles James Shuckburgh, Gentleman, torn 1867 [married, December 1892, Blanche Cobham, second daughter of John Bell Chirnside of Clifton Hall, rl|4-f^ Bath, Knight of the Legion of Honour, Deputy- TeyXjWVX, Lieutenant and Justice of the Peace for the counties of Sussex and Hants. Born 1816, being the eldest son of Thomas Deane Shute of Fern Hill, Isle of Wight, and of Burton and Bramshaiv Hill, in the county of Southampton , for which he sen'ed the office of High Sheriff in 1821, by his wife Charlotte, daughter of Lieutenant-General Cameron of Nea House, in the county of Hampshire ; created Companion of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, 1869, and adi'anced to the rank of Knight Commander of that Order, i88g{j]/ilita>y Division}. Clubs — United Sendee, Carlton, Orleans {Brighton), and the Club (Bournemouth). Livery — Black and yellow. Armo- rial bearings as used, but for which no authority has been established at the College of Arms, are: Quarterly i and \, partv per chevron sable and ardent, in chief t7i'o eagles dis- played argent ; 2 and 3, party per pale azure and gules, three lions rampant argent. Crest — A griffin sejant, the neck transfixed ruith a spear. MottO — 'Ictus ?ion victus." Married, 1838, Rhoda, daughter of tie Reverend Henry Tumour Doivler, Vicar of Aldeburgh, in the county of Suffolk ; and has Issue — (i) Heniy Gwynne Deane Shute, Esquire, Captain Coldstream Guards, born December 4, i860 ; (2) Cameron Dinsdale Deane Shute, -^rd Battalion the Queen's Regiment, born April 7, 1868 ; (3) Neville Dc Horsey Deane Shute, born June i, 1875;, and died January 18, 1891 ; Florence Helena ; Charlotte Isabel Augusta [mar- ried A. P. CazenoT'e]; Constance Somerville ; and Alice Elena Rhoda. Postal addresses — 12 Brunswick Place, Brighton; {during autumn months), Dinsdale, Bourneinouth. STEPHEN SHUTE, eldest son of the late George Shute of Shute and of Bourne, Devon, by his wife Joanna, dau. 0/ the late Roger Welsford of Ct-editon, Devon, hivery— Black and gold. Armorial bearings as used, but to which no right has been established, arc for Aims — Per chevro?/ sable and or, in chief tivo eagles di flayed of the last. Crest — A griffin sejant or, pierced in the breast with a broken spear gules. Mottoes — " Ictus nonvictus" — ■" Veritesanspeur." Married Georgina, youngest dau. of the late Rev. George Bent, M.A., Rector of Jacobstcnvn and Highbray, and Vicar of Sandford near Crediton,aU in Dei>onshire ; and has Issue — (i) George Bent Shute ; (2) Arthur Shute ; (3) Stephen Oxenhame Shute. Estates — Shute and Bourne, both iti the county of Devon. §CONlNGSBY CHARLES SIBTHORP, Esq.. M.A., J.P. and D.L., High Sheriff for Lincoln 1877. Born Oct. 27, 1846, being the eldest son of the late Gcrvaise Tottenham Waldo-Sibthorp, Esq., J.P. and D.L., M.P. for Lincoln, Major of the Royal South Lincoln Militia, by his wife Louisa, third dau. of Robert Cracroft (afterwards .\mcotts) of Hackthorn, co. Lincoln ; s. his father Oct 13, 1861. Club — Oriental. Armorial bearings— Quarterly i and 4, ar- gent two bars gules, a bordure sable (for Sibthorp) ; 2 and 3 or, a bend azure between three leopards' faces gules (for Wnldo). Mantling gules ami argent ; and for his Crests, I. upon a wreatli of the colours, a demi-lion erased argent, collared, and holding in the dexter paw a fleur-de- lis sable (for Sibthorp) ; 2. upon a wreath of the colours, a demi-leopard guardant proper, debruised with two bendlets azure (for Waldo). Motto— "Nil consciresibi." Married, Feb. 8, 1876, Mary Georgiana, eldest dau. of Rev. Robert Sutton and Charlotte his wife (sister and heir of Sir John Nelthorpe, 8th Bart., of Seawby, co. Lincoln). Seats — Canwick Hall and .Sudbrooke Holme, Lincoln. §TOM HARROP SIDEBOTTOM, Esq., J.P. for cos. Chester and Derby, and D.L. for the latter co., M.P. for Stalybridge and Dukinfield from 1874 to 1880, and since 1885 to the present time. Born April 16, 1826, Ijeing the eldest son of the late William Sidebottom of Etherow House, by his wife Agnes, dau. of Jonah Harrop of Bards- S is the Naval Cockade. %iti %>m 753 ley House, co. Lancaster. C/uds — Carlton ; Junior Carlton ; Constitutional. Armorial bearing — Or, on a chevron engrailed sable, between three bugle-horns of the last, stringed gules, as many bees volant of the first. Mantling; sable and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, upon a mount vert, a talbot regardant sable, gorged with a collar vair, resting the de.xter forefoot on an escut- cheon argent, charged with a biis;le-hom sable. Motto — "Labor ipse voluptas. " Married, June 23, 1886, Edith Eliza, eldest dau. of the late James Murgatroyd of Warley, Didsbury. Seats — Etherow House, Hollingworth, Cheshire ; and Balnacoil, Brora, Sutherland, N.B. H WILLIAM SIDEBOTTOM. Esquire, J.P. for Cheshire. Derbyshire, and Glossop ( Niayor 1873-74), Lieut.-Col. 4th Vol. Bat t. Cheshire Regt., and M.P. lor High Peak Uiv. of Derbyshire from 1885, being the third son of the late William Sidebottom, by his wife Agnes, dau. of Jonah Harrop of Bardsley House, co. Lancaster. Armorlcd bearings— Or, on a che\Ton engrailed sable, belwc'in three bugle-horns of the last, stringed gules, as many bees volant of the first. Mantling sable and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, upon a mount vert, a talbot reg.irdant sable, gorged with a collar vair, resting the dexter fore-foot on an escutcheon argent, charged with a bugle-horn sable. Motto — " Labor ipse volup- tas." Seat — Harewood Lodge, Mottlam-in-Longdendale, Cheshire. ROBERT STANDISH SIEVIER, Gentleman. Dortt May 30, i860, Ijeing the only son of Roljert Moore Sievier, by his wife Alicia \Iaria, dau. of Henry Stephen Sutton, late of The Manor House, F'yfi<'ld, Hants. Livery — Black, rod, and yellow. Armorial bearings — Party per pale or and sable, a fleur-de-lis between two mullets of six points in fe^se, and in base two ostrich feathers saltireways, all counterchanged, and impaling the arms of Brudenell- Hnice, namely, qu.arterly i and 4, or a saltire and .a chief gules, on a canton argent, a lion rampant azure (for Bruce) ; 2 and 3 argent, a chevron gules, three morions azure (for Brudenell). MatitHtigr sable and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, on a rock proper, a mullet of six points gules between two ostrich feathers argent. Motto — " Ne cede malis." Married, Sept. 22, 1892, Lady Mabel Emily Louisa Brudenell- Bruce (Patent of precedence as dau. of a marquess, 1887), dau. of the late John Brudenell-Bruce, Esq., and sister of the late Most Hon. Marquess of Ailesbury ; and has /w«m %kt Gunn, Member of Parliament, of I^aimceston, Tasmania. By his (irst wife he has /.«//\0 %mi 757 placed a helmet befiltinj; his dfjjree, with a mantling sable and or; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a dragon sable, seni(''t; of annulets or, and resting the dexter claw on a bezant; with tiie Motto, " Bethon ilur." .\farried, June 25, 1881, Helen Sopliia, youngest daughter of John Robert lioyson, Ivscjuire, late Solicitor-General for Madras, by his wife Matilda Margaret, daughter and co- heiress of General IJlair-Adam ; and has Issue — Arthur John Henry Sloggett, Gentleman, born May 4, 1882; Minnie Margaret Helen ; and D(^rothy Cartnynow. Postal address — 'I'remabyn, Paignton, Devon. The Revkrknd CHARLIiS SE.OGGEIT, Rector of Chiddingfokl, in the county of Surrey, Master of Arts of the University of Cambridge, lx;ing the eldest son of the late J. Slcjggeit, Purser, R.N., of 'Ihe Mansion, Saltash, by his wife Sarah Anne, daughter of the late Mdward B. Lee of Digby, Nova Scotia. Armorial bearing's -He bears for Anus : Or, on a lx;nd sable between two pellets a Ijezant, all within a bordure of the second, charged with annulets of the field and tjt;zants alternately, on a canton argent, gutl(je- de-poix, a dragon passant sable. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet Unfitting his degree, with a mantling sable and or; and for liis Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a dragon sable, sem(5e of annulets or, and resting the dexter claw on a bezant; with the Motto, " Bethon dur." Married, March 8, 1855, Mary, ilaughter of /Kneas Cannon, Doctor of Medicine, of Cheltenham ; and has /ssue — Henry Maxwell Sloggett, lCs(|uire, born July 21, 1858, .Surgeon- .Major Army Medical Staff; Mary Isalx-l Roquier [married John Henry Miles]; .Mice Kmma [married the Reverend T. S. (.'ooperj; and Editha. Postal address — Cliiddingfold, Surrey. SWH.LIAM HENRY SLOGGETT, E.squire, In- spector-General of Hos[)itals and Fleets, Royal Navy. Horn August 30, 1820, being the son of the late J. Sloggett, ICs(|uire (Royal Navy), of The Mansion, Saltash, in the cwmty of Cornwall, by his wife Sarah Anne, eldest daughter and co-heiress of Edward B. Lee of Digby, Nova .Scotia (stated to \ya the senior male repre- sentative of the family of Lee of l..ee and Darnhall, in the county of Cheshire). I.ivery — Blue. Armorial bear- ings—He bears for Arms; Or, on a bend sable between two pellets, a bezant within a bordure of the second, charged wiih annulets of the field and bezants alternately, on a canton argent, guttt5e-de-poix, a dragon passant s.ible. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befit- ting his degree, with a mantling sable and or; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a dragon sable, semde ot annulets or, and resting the dexter claw on a Ijczant ; with the Motto, "Bethon dur." Married, June 22, 1848, Elizabeth Clark (died November 30, 1892), eldest daughter of Thomas Crossing, Estjuire, of Stoke Damarell, in the county of Devon, and J-ustice of the Peace for that county, by his wife Christiana, daughter of RoVjert Clark, Estjuire, of Devoni)ort ; and has Issue — (i) Henry Charles Sloggett, Gentleman, Sub-Lieutenant Royal Navy (retired), born January 15, 1852; (2) Arthur Thomas .Sloggett, Esquire, .Surgeon-Major Army Medical Staff, born Noveml)er 24, 1857 [to whom refer] ; Christiana Mary [married Malcolm McNeile, Esquire, Captain Royal Navy]. Estate and postal address — Tremabyn, Paignton, in the county of Devon. FA'ANC/S GA'AV SMAPT, Master of Arts, Bachelor of Medicine, Fellow of the Linnean Society, Felloxv of the Poyal Geojrraphical Society, and Fellozu of the Society of Antii/uaries. Born Januaty 25, 1844, being the eldest son of John Cass Smart, Doctor of Medicine, of Combe Hay Mitnor, Bath, by his wife Mabel Elderliy, daughter of Francis Gray. Club — Constitutional. Livery — Dark blue, 'n'itli narroiv ivhite cord dozon the trousers. Armorial bear- ings as used are for Arms : Argent, a chevron between three pheons sable. Crest — A demi-eagle with icings dis- pliiyed, holding in t'ls I'cak a thistle slipped and leaved. Motto — ■" Esse quam videri." These arms were confirmed May 13, 7 James I., to Roudand Smart of London, but no pedigree has been recorded, or right thereto been established by the abin'e-mentioned Francis drey Smart. Miu^rietl, januaiy 12, 1886, Marion Pender, luidinu of Thomas Jones- Gibh, and daughter of the late F^dward Duncanson of Glasgozv. Postal address — Bredbury, Tunbridge Wells. HUGH HOU.STON SMH.EY, Esquire. Armorial bearings— Per Ijcnd azure and or, a lion rampant ermine, beiui-en three pheons counterchanged. MaJltling azure and or. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a lions gamb era^i-d, holding by a shaft a ])heon point downwards or. Motto — " Industria virtus et fortitude." Seat — Drunialis, Larne, co. Antrim. SMITH, otherwise CARING TON, see CARRING TON. SMITH, quartered by VERNON. TiiK Ven. BENJAMIN FREDERICK SMITH, M.A. Trin. Coll. Camfj. , Archdeacon of Maidstone, and Canon of Canterbury Cathedral. Born Oct. 5, 1819, l)eing the eldest son of Benjamin Smith of Great Lodge, in the parish of Tunbridge. and of Blackheath Park, in the parish of (Jharlton, both in co. Kent, by his wife Susan, dau. of .\pslcy Pellatt of The Friars, in the ])arish of Lewes, ro. Sussex. Club — Constitutional. Armorial bearings — • Ju.arterly or and gules, a fret between three lleurs-de-lis, all counterchanged. Mantling gules and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, issuing out of a fret gules, a fleur- ile-lis or. Motto— " Dabit <|ui dedit." Married, Oct. 8, 1846, Harriet Anne, only dnu. of Thomas Ward of Moreton .Morrell, co. Warwick, J. P. for that co., and has issue Residence — Precincts, Canterbury. SiK CECIL CLEMENT! SMITH, Knight Grand Cross of the Most Distinguished Order of .Saint Michael .ind .Saint George, Master of .-\rts of the University of Cambridge. Born 1840, being the fifth son of the Reverend J. Smith, late Rector of Buckhiu-st Hill, in the county of Essex, by his wife Cecilia Susannah, daughter of Muzio Clementi ; was created Companion of the Most Distinguished Order of Saint Michael and .Saint George, 1880, advanced to the rank of Knii;ht Commander of that Order, 1886, and to that of Knight (irand Cross, 1892. C/«*^— National, Sports. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Piu-ty per fesse azure and gules, a fesse flory counterfiory argent, between three mullets in chief or, and a rock, thereon a dove in base proper. Upon the escutcheon, which is encircled by the ribbon of the Most Distinguished Order of Saint Michael and Saint George, and by his collar and pendent therefrom his badge as a Knight Grand Cross of that Order, is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling azure and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, in front of a lion's head erased argent, gorged with a collar flory counterfiory azure, on the head a crown vallery or, three mullets fesseways or ; with the MottO, " Perseverando." The Editor undertakes that every entry not in italics is that of a genuinely armigerous person. 758 ^mi ^mi Married, June i, 1869, Teresa, ilaugluer of llie late Arlluir Newcomen of Kiiklcalhani Hall, Retlcar ; and has /ssiie — (i) Arthur Clcnienti Smith, I'",.s(|uire ; (2) Hubert Clement! Smith, Esquire; (3) liustace Clenienti Smith, ICsquire ; Beatrice Ck-nienti [w., 1896, Lieut. Douglas Urownrigg, R.N. I,; Edith Clenienti; Cecilia Teresa Clementi ; and Katherine Alice Clenienti. Postal address — The Garden House, Whcathampstead. SSiK CLARENCE SMITH, Knight Bachelor, one of Her Majesty's Lieutenants for the City of London, J.F. for CO. of Kent, M.P. for E. Div. of Kingston-upon- HuU. Horn June 16, 1849, l)eing the son of the late Reverend Gervase Smith, Doctor of Divinity, Clubs — Reform, Devonshire, National Liberal, City Liberal. Armo- rial bearings He bears fur Arms : Sable, a dexter arm embowed and couped at the shoulder proper, holding in the hand a lamp suspended by three chains or, between two ivy leaves in pale also or, on a chief of the last three mullets of six points gules. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet Ix-titting his degree, with a mantling sable and or; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, two pick- axes in saltire sable, thereon an eagle wings expanded or, each wing charged with a mullet of six points gules ; with the Motto, "Qucerendo." Married, 1875, Mary, daughter of William Webster of Highbury, N. Postal address — Falcon Wood, Shooters Hill, Kent. SiK EDWIN THOMAS SMITH, Knight Commander of the Most Distinguished Order of Saint Michael and Saint George, Member of Parliament, Justice of the Peace, of the Acacias, Marryatville, Adelaide, late Mayor of Adelaide. Porn April 6, 1831, being the son of the late Edwin Smith of Walsall, in the county of Stafford ; created Knight Com- mander of the Most Distinguished Order of Saint Michael and Saint George, 1888. t'/wZ'j— Adelaide, Austral. Ar- morial bearings — He bears for Arms ; Per pale gules and azure, on a clievron nebuly counter-nebuly or, between two bezants in chief, and a cross crosslet fitchee in base of the third, a pellet Ijetween two cross crosslets fitch(5e of the second. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wieath of the colours, a goat's head couped argent, gorged with a collar geniellt;e azure, and between two bezants ; with the Motto, " Duni spiro spero." Married, firstly, 1857, Florence, daughter of Robert Stock of Clifton (she died 1862) ; secondly, i86g, Elizalxith, daughter of Edward Spicer of Adelaide. Postal address — The Acacias, Marryat- ville, Adelaide, South Australia. ERNEST OCTAVIUS SMITH. Esquire, J. P. for New -South Wales, being the fifth son of the late Rev. John Jennings Smith, M.A. (Cambs. ), first Incumbent of St. Paul's, Paterson, New South Wales, by his wife AnneTim- berlake. Armorial bearings — Quarterly sable and argent, a cross parted and fretty, counterchanged, between in the first and fourth ciuarters three martlets one and two or, and in the second and third a lion rampant gules. Mantling sable and argent. Crest — ^On a wreath of the colours, in front of a demi-lion gules, charged on the shoulder with a passion cross, two trefoils in saltire slipped or. Motto — " Mens conscia recti." Residence — Sydney, New South Wales. FRANCIS PATRICK SMITH, Gentleman. Porn July 21, 1835, being the third son of the late William Smith, E.squire, of Barnes Hall, in the county of York, by his wife Mary Anne, only surviving daughter and heiress of the Reverend Alexander McKenzie, Master of Arts, of Finegand in Glenshee. Livery — Dark green with scarlet piping, the collar trimmed with red and white lace, scarlet waistcoat. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms: Erminois, a chevron gules, on a chief engrailed of the last a rose argent, barbed and seeded projjcr, between two martlets or, quarter- ing Green and McKenzie, a crescent for difference, and impaling the arms of Gatty, namely, party per fesse sable and azure, in chief a demi-cat issuant guardant argent, and in base a shin bone in bend, surmounted by another in bend sinister between four fleurs-de-lis or. Upon the escutcheon, is placed a helmit tefitting his degree, with a mantling gules and or ; and for his Crest, issuant from a chaplet of roses argent, a rock proper, thereon a martlet rising or, holding in the beak a rose as in the arms, leaved and slipped proper. Motto — "Suaviter sed fortiter." Married, May 14, 1868, & is tbe Military Cockade. Margaret Scott, eldest daughter of the Reverend .Alfred Gatty, Doctor of Divinity, Vicar of Ecclesfield, in the county of York, and .Sul>Deiin of York ; and has Issue — (1) William McKenzie .Smith, Gentlemen, born April 27, i86g, Lieu- tenant Yorkshire Dragoons ("Queen's Own") Yeomanry Cavalry ; (2) Francis Scott Smith, Gentleman, born Septem- ber 8, 1870 [;//., January 27, 1898, Beatrice Maud, youngest daughter of Rev. E. L. Walsh of Richmond, Surrey]; (3) Stephen Alexander Smith, Gentleman, born September 12, 1872; (4) Philip Gatty Smith, Gentleman, B.A. Oxon., born January 27, 1875 ; (5) Leonard Kirke Smith, Gentle- man, second Lieut. " Royal Scots" Regt., born January 24, 1877 ; (6) Godfrey Scott Smith, Gentleman, born July 14, 1878 ; (7) David Thurstan Smith, Gentleman, born December 8, 1879; (8) Gilbert Kirke Smith, Gentle- man, born June 20, 1881 ; (9) George McKenzie Smith, Gentleman, born May 26, 1883. Seat — Barnes Hall, near Sheffield. Reverend FREDERICK JOHN SMITH, F.R.S., M.A. Trin. Coll., Oxford, University Lecturer in Applied Mathematics at Oxford. Bom Aprils, 1848, being the son of the late Rev. Frederick Jeremiah Smith. M..-1. Palliol Coll., Oxford, Vicar of St. John's, Pishops Hull, formerly Perpetual Curate of Holy Trinity, Taunton, 1842-69, by his %uife Annie Turner, only dau. of John Glover of A rmi- tage, CO. Stafford. Club — Savile. Armorial bearings as used, but for ivhich no authority has been officially estab- lished, are for arms— Gules, tivo bars ivavy ermine, on a chief or a demi-lion rampant issuant sable, armed and langued gules. Crest — An ostrich, holding in the beak a horse-shoe proper. Motto — " Duriora virtus." Married, Aug. 19, 1874, Annie Eyton, second dau. of T. Taylor oj Weston-super-Mare ; and has Issue — (i) Eustace John Smith, ■2.tid Lieut. Kent Artillery, b. June 9, 1876 ; (2) Frederick Hugh Smith, b. June 18, i88i. Postal address — 28 Nor- ham Gardens, O.xford. GORDON SMITH, Gentleman, M.R.C.S. of England. Porn Jan. 11, 1829, being the second son of the late Samuel Montgomery Smith, by his wife Georgina, dau. of Richard Neale of P^ristol. Armorial bearings— Azure, a saltire parted and freity between four martlets argent. Mantling azure and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, in front of a mount vert a serpent nowed thereon an owl all proper. Motto — " Coenobio salvus." Married, June 12, 1855, Henrietta Alice, dau. of John Gutsole of Dover ; and \\7\s,Issue — (i) Samuel Gordon Smith, Gentleman, M.R.C.S., b. June 20, 1858; (2) Anderson Francis Smith, M.R.C.P. and M.R.C.S., Edinburgh, b. Dec. 14, 1859; Eleanor Landewarneck [/«., Sept. 21, 1882, Rev. Alfred Longman Wilson of Southgate, Middlesex, and has issue] ; Henriette Jesse Georgina. Residence— KvSnxnonA Road, Barnsbury, Middlesex. HENRY FLESHER SMITH, Esquire, Justice of the Peace for the Colonies of New South Wales and Queens- land. Born August 18, 1838, being the fifth son of the late John Smith of the Manor House, Quinton, and Green's Park, in the county of Northampton, by his wife Sarah Ann, daughter of Thomas Hill. Club — Union (.Sydney, New South Wales). Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Gules, a chevron cotised between three cinquefoils ermine, all within a bordure engrailed argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, in front of a talbot's head couped gules, a cinquefoil couped ermine, between two trefoils slipped vert. Married, January 18, 1877, Sophia Susannah, second daughter of Edward Charles Close of Morpeth, in the Colony of New South Wales ; and has /jj«('— Thomas Close Smith, Gentleman, born June 19, 1878. Estate and postal address — Kyogle, Casino, New South Wales. § JAMES PARKER SMITH, Esquire, Fellow of Win- chester College, sometime a Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge, Barrister-at-Law, Justice of the Peace, Deputy- Lieutenant for the CO. of the City of Glasgow, County Councillor for the county of Renfrew, Justice of the Peace for the county of Lanark, M.P. for Lanarkshire (Partick Div.) since 1890. Porn .August 30, 1854, being the eldest son of the late .Archibald Smith, Fellow of the Royal Society, of Jordanhill, in the county of Renfrew, by his wife Susan Emma, daughter of the late Sir James Parker, Vice- Chancellor, of Temple Rothley, in the county of Leicester. M is the Naval Cockade. %\x\i ^mi 759 Ciuds — Reform, Western (Glasgow). Armorial bearlng^s — Hf bears for Arms : Gules, a chevron ermine lx:tween two crescents in chief and a garb in base or, all within a bordure engrailed of the last. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet Jjefitting his degree, with a mantling gules doubled argent ; and upon a wreath of his liveries is set for Crest, an eagle's head erased proper, gorged with a ducal coronet or ; and in an escroU over the same this Motto, "Macte." Married, 1882, his cousin, Mary Louisa, daughter of William Hamilton ; and h;is Issue — Archibald Colin Hamilton Smith, Gentleman, born October 1883; and Wilmot Babington Smith, born July 1885. Estate and postal address — Jordanhill, Glasgow. TiiK Rkvkkkni) JOHN WH.LIAM SMITH, Master of Arts of the University of Cambridge, of Ryhope, in the county of Durham, Justice of the I'eace for the county of Durham and North Riding of the county of York. iJom September 4, 181 1, Ijeing the third son of the late William Grey of Norton, by his wife Joanna, daughter and heir of William Scurticld ; and assumed by Royal License, dated Septemter 2, 1833, the surname and arms of .Smith only, in lieu of those of Grey. Armorial bearings— He Ijears for Arms: Argent, on a bend gules, lx:tween two unicorns' lieads erased azure, armed, maned, and crined or, three crosses crosslet of the last. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, on a mount vert, a stork, wings elevated argent, charged on the breast and on either wing w^ith a cross crosslet gules, in the beak asnakc proper. Motto — " Tenax et fidelis." Married, July 18, 1839, Maria, fourth daughter of Lieutenant-Colonel Thomas Robinson Grey of Norton ; and has had Issue — (i) William Grey Smith, Gentleman, Ixarn June 14, 1840, died young; (2) John William Grey Smith, Gentleman, torn December 2, 1841, died young; (3) William Anthony Grey .Smith, Esquire, Major 2nd Battalion East Surrey (70th) Regiment, born February 19, 1849, died unmarried, April 12, 1886. at Mentone ; (4) Frederic John Grey Smith, Gentleman, Ijorn October 21, 1853, died an infant ; \L-iria Grey [married, February 8, 1866, Cuthbert Greenwood Johnson, Esquire, of Oakwood, Croft, in the county of Durham, Justice of the Peace]; Joanna Grey [married, October 6, 1887, Francis R. P. Kane, Esquire, Major (70th) East Surrey Regiment] ; Fanny Grey, died December 6, 1874 ; and Anne Grey, died Decemljer 24, 1863. Residence — Dinsdale Rectory, Dar- lington. SAMUEL MONTGOMERY CHARLES ALFRED ANDERSON SMITH, Gentleman, F.R.C.S. Born June 15, 1825, l)eing the elder son of the late Samuel Mont- gomery Smith, by his wife Georgina, dau. of Richard Neale of Bristol. Armorial bearings— (Quarterly i and 6, azure, .t saltire parted and fretty between four martlets argent (for Smith of Kilburn) ; 2. gules, on a chevron or, l)e- tween three bezants as many crosses pat(?e fitch^e sable, in the centre chief point a martlet or (for cadency) (for .Smith ofWithcote); 3. sable, a lion passant argent (for Le Talor) ; 4. or, a lion rampant guardant gules, collared argent (for Beniclere) ; 5. argi-nt, a chevron gules Ijetween three eagles displayed sable (for Sely). Mantling azure and argent. Crests — I. on a wreath of the colours, in front of a mount a serpent nowed, thereon an owl all proper (for Smith of Kilburn) ; 2. on a wreath of the colours, a cubit arm erect vested per pale or and azure, cuffed argent, tlie hand proper holding a griffin's head erased of tlie second, beaked gold, and charged on the neck (for cadency), with a martlet of the last. Motto — " Ca;-nol)io salvus." Married, April 8, 1858, Jessie, youngest dau. of Henry Kendall of New- market, CO. Cambridge, and sister and co-heir of Walter Norton Kendall of Newmarket. Postal addresses — Paradise House, Kilburn ; 76 Richmond Road, Barnsbury, London. THO\L.\S HAWKINS SMITH, Esquire, of Gordon Brook, Grafton, New South Wales, Justice of the Peace. Horn April 11, 1S29, at (Juinton, in the county of North- ampton, Ijcing the second son of John Smith of the Manor House, Quinton, in the county of Northampton, by his wife Sarah Ann, daughter of Thomas Hill of Tiffield, in the county of Northampton. Armorial bearings — He l>ears for Arms: Gules, a chevron cotised between three cintjuefoils ermine, all within a Ixsrdure cTigrailed argent. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet Ixjfitting his degree, with a mantling gules and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, in front of a talbot's head couped gules, a cinquefoil ermine, between two trefoils slipjx'd vert. Married, January 7, 1862, Emily Blanche, second daughter of Frederick John Rotteery of .Sydney, New South Wales. Postal address — Gordon Brook, Grafton, New South Wales. 5 WILLIAM SMITH. Esquire, Lieut. -Col. 3rd Vol. Batt. Black Watch, V.D.. J. P. co Forfar, and for CO. of city of Dundee. Horn March 1884, being the eldest son of the late David .Smith of Dundee, and his wife Isolxd, dau. of Gabriel Ramsay. Club — Scottish Conserva- tive. Armorial bearings— .Argent, a bend azure, between three horse-shoes interlaced sable in chief and an eagle displayed of the third in base, beaked and membered gule. Mantling azure doubled argent. Crest — Upon a wreath of the liveries, a fleur-de-lis argent, interlaced with The Editor undertakes that every entry not in italics is that of a genuinely armigerous person. 760 %mi %>mi a horse-shoe sable ; and on an escroll over same tliis Motto, "Ready and tit." Married, June 1866, Susan Roberls, only surviving dau. of John Cable ; and has Issue — (1) Alexander Duncan Smith, Gentleman, Member of the Faculty of Advocates \ih. 1898, Helen (jordon FuUerton] ; (2) John Smith, /'. and d. 1870; (3) John Cable Smith, /'. and (/. 1871 ; (4) David Ramsay Smith, h. 1876, d. 1877 ; (5) Harry Rebel Smith, Gentleman, 3rd V. B. R.H. fi. Nov. 1877 ; (6) William Ramsay Smith, Gentleman, 3rd Vol. Hatt. R.H.,i^. Oct. 1S80; (7) Sydney Watson Smith, Gentle- man, i. Jan. 1882; (8) Charles John Smith, Gentleman, />. Nov. 1884; (9) James Stewart Richardson Smith, Gentleman, i. July i88g ; (10) Kenneth Roberts Smith, Gentleman, 6. 1891 ; Isabella Butchart ; .Susan ; Wilhemina Ramsay ; Victoria Ramsay; Elizabeth ; and Marion. Jiesi- deuce — Binn Cottage, Dundee. WILLIAM MACADAM SMITH, Esquire, J. P. for CO. Somerset 1896. Born Oct. 2, i860, being the third son of James Smith of Benvue, near Glasgow, by his wife Ann Wells, dau. of Robert Brown, Edinburgh. Clubs — County (Taunton), New (Glasgow). Livery — Dark green and gold. Armorial bearings— Azure, in chief a drinking-cup and in base a chess-rook or, on a chief engrailed of the last, a chess-rook of the first. Mantling azure and or. Crest— On a wreatii of the colours, in front of a dolphin hauriant or, three chess-rooks azure. Motto — "Generosity with Justice." Married, Sept. 5, 1883, Helena Jane, dau. of Richard Greenshields Ross, J. P., of Ravens- leigh, near Glasgow; and has Issue — Robina Metta ; Dorothy Wells ; and Ida Jean. 6Va<— Abbotsfield, Wivelis- combe, Somerset. § WILLIAM FREDERICK DANVERS SMITH, Es- quire, commonly known as the Honourable William Frederick Danvers Smith, Bachelor of Arts of the University of Oxford, Member of Parliament for the Strand Divison, Deputy-Lieutenant for the county of Devon. Borii August 12, 1868, being the eldest son of the late Right Honourable William Henry Smith, a Member of Her Majesty's Most & is tlie Military Cockade. Honourable Privy Council, by his wife the Right Honour- able Emily Smith (Viscountess Hambleden in her own right), daughter of the late Frederick Dawes Danvers, and widow of B. A. Leach. C/«*j— Carlton, Wellington. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Argent, on a chevron azure, lietwcen three oak leaves vert, each charged with an acorn or, as many leopards' faces jessant-de-lis of the field ; and impaling the arms of Gore, namely gules, a fesse between three cross crosslets fitch^e or. Upon the escutcheon is l)laced a helmet Ijefitting his degree, with a mantling azvire and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a cubit arm erect, habited azure, cuffed, and charged with three mascles in chevron argent, holding in the hand jjroper three branches of oak vert, fructed or; with the Motto, " Deo non fortuna fretus." Married, July 1894, Esther Caroline Georgina, commonly known as Lady Esther Caro- line Georgina, daughter of the Right Honourable Sir Arthur Saunder William Charles Fox Gore, fifth Earl of Arran. Postal address — 3 Grosvenor Place, S.W. SIR WILLIAM SYDNEY WINWOOD SMITH, fourth Baronet, of Eardiston, in the county of Worcester. Born April I, 1879, being the son of Christopher Sydney Winwood Smith, Esquire, son of the third Baronet, by his wife Caroline, daughter of W. Holland, of Fitzroy, Queensland ; succeeded his grandfather in 1893, under the creation of September 23, 1809. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Sable, a cross flory or, on a chief engrailed ermine, a demi-lion issuant between two cross crosslets gules. Upon the escutcheon, which is charged with his badge of Ulster as a Baronet, is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling sable and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a greyhound couchant saljle, collared and line rettexed over the back or, the body charged with a cross crosslet of the last, the dexter paw resting upon a cross flory as in the arms. Heir presumptive — His uncle, Charles Edward Win- wood Smith, Esquire, born 1853. Residence — The Right Hon. ARTHUR HUGH SMITH-BARRY, M.P. CO. Cork 1867 to 1874, elected M. P. for S. Hunts 1886; J. P. and D.L. for co. Cork, High Sheriff 1886 ; J. P. and D. L. for co. Hunts, High Sheriff co. Chester 1883. Born 1843, being the eldest son of the late James Hugh Smith-Barry, Esq., of Fota and Marbury, High Sheriff co. Chester 1846, by his wife Eliza, eldest dau. of Shallcross Jacson of Newton Bank, co. Chester (who married secondly, Jan. 26, 1871, George, 2nd Lord de Tabley). Armorial bearings— Quarterly i and 4, argent three bars gemelle gules (for Barry) ; 2 and 3, quarterly i. and iiii. gules, on a chevron or, between three bezants, as many crosses pat6e fitchiJe sable; ii. and iii. azure, a fesse argent, between three porcupines or. Mant- ling gules and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a castle argent, and issuant from the battlements a wolfs head sable. Motto — ' ' Boutez en avant." Married, firstly, Aug. 17, 1B68, Lady Mary Francis, third dau. of the Right Hon. Sir Edwin Richard Wyndhani-Quin, 3rd Earl of Dunraven and Mountearl, K.P. ; and by her (who died Sept. 11, 1884) had Issue— James Hugh Smith-Barry, Gentleman, b. 1870, d. 1871 ; and Geraldine. He married secondly, Feb. 28, 1889, Eliza- beth, widow of Arthur Post, and dau. of Gen. Wadsworth of Geneseo, U.S.A., Military Governor of Washington during the Civil War ; and has Issue — Dorothy Elizabeth. Residences — Fota Island, Queenstown, co. Cork ; Marbury Hall, Northwich, Cheshire ; 20 Hill Street, Berkeley Square, London, W. JAMES HUGH SMITH- BARRY, Gentleman, second son of the late James Hugh Smith- Barry, Esq., of Fota and Marbury, by his wife Eliza, eldest dau. of Shallcross Jack- son of Newton Bank, Chester. Armorial bearings — Quarterly i and 4, argent three bars gemelles gules (for Barry) ; 2 and 3, quart .rly i. and iiii. gules, on a chevron or, between three bezants, as many crosses pati^e fitchee sable ; ii. and iii. azure, a fesse argent between three porcupines or^ over all a crescent for difference ; and impaling the arms of Cole, namely argent, a bull passant sable, armed and hooped or, within a bordure of the second, charged with eight bezants, on a sinister canton per pale gules and azure, a harp or, stringed argent. Mantling gules and argent : and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a castle argent, issuant from the battlements thereof a wolfs head sable. Motto — " Boutez en avant." Married, 1874, Lady H is tbe Naval Cockade. ^mi %mi 761 Charlotte Cole, dau. of the Right Hon. the 3rcl Earl of limiis- killi!!! ; and has /«Vl1ft'i> t'""""^ son of the late Henry XyimVU-ll\t-UJ^t- Gilbert Smith, sometime of Fairlight, Manly Beech, near Sydney, by his second wife Anne Margaret, second daughter M is the Naval Cockade. ^mi %mi 763 of the Reverend John Tliornas, Master of Arts; and assumed the additional surname of Rewse and the arms of that family quarterly with his own by Royal License in the year 1889. Armorial bearings— lie bears for Arms : Quar- terly I and 4, sable a fesse dancett(?e ermine, between three crescents or (for Rewse); 2 and 3 gules, a clievron cotised between three cinquefoils ermine, all within a bordure engrailed argent (for Smith) ; and for his Crests, i. upon a wreath of the colours, a demi-lion rampant ermine, hold- ing in its paws a branch of laurel slipped vert (for Rewse) ; 2. upon a wreath of the colours, in front of a talbot's head couped gules, a cinquefoil ermine, between two trefoils slipped vert (for Smith). TiiK Rkvekknd gilbert FLESHER SMITH- REWSE, Master of Arts of the University of Cambridge, Clerk in Holy Orders, Rector of St. Margaret's, Harleston, Member of the East Suffolk County Council. Born July 15, 1861, being the second son of the late Henry Gilbert Smith of Kairlight, Manly Beech, in the Colony of New South Wales, and Brighton, in the county of Sussex, some- time Memljer of the Legislative Assembly and afterwards of the Legislative Council of the Colony of New South Wales, by his second wife Anne Margaret, daughter of the Reverend John Thonuis, Muster of Arts. Livery Black, grey, and gold. Armorial bearings — He Ijears for Arms : (Quarterly i anil 4, sable a fess'- dancelt(:e ermine, Ijetween three crescents or (lor Rewse) ; 2 and 3 gules, a chevron cotised between three cinquefoils ermine, all within a bor- dure engrailed argent (for Smith); and for his Crests, i. on a wreath of the colours, a demi-lion ermine, holding in the |)aws a branch of laurel slipjied vert (for Rewse) ; 2. on a wreath of the colours, in front of a talbot's head couped gules, a cinquefoil ermine, Ixjtweeti two trefoils slipped vert (for Smith). Married, August 4, 1886, Augusta, daughter of the Reverend Rose Fuller Whistler, Rector of Elton, in the county of Huntingdon; and has Issue — Henry Gilbert Smilh-Rewse, Gentleman, born August 7, 1887; and Osyth Mary. Estate — Land at Manly, in the Colony of New South Wales. Postal address — St. .Margaret's Rectory, Harleston, Norfolk. HENRY STINTON SMITH -REWSE. Gentleman. Horn Novemlx!r 3, 1857, l)eing the eldest son of the late Henry Gilbert Smith, sometime of l-'airlight, Manly Beech, of that family quarterly with his own, by Royal License, in the year 1889. f/«^— Conservative. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Quarterly i and 4, sable a fesse dancett^e ermine, tetween three crescents or (for Rewse) ; 2 and 3 gules, a chevron cotised Isetween three cinquefoils ermine, all within a bordure engrailed argent (for Smith) ; and for his Crests, I. upon a wreath of the colours, a demi-lion rampant ermine, holding in its paws a branch of laurel slipped vert (for Rewse) ; 2. upon a wreath of the colours, in front of a talbot's head couped gules, a cinquefoil ermine between two trefoils slipped vert (for Smith). Married, March 16, 1878, Julia Grieve, second daughter of Edward Collingwood of Hyde Cliffe, Blackheath, in the county of Kent ; and has /.«//£— Ethel Helen ,'\nnie. /I'.fAr/f.f— Manly and Wollon- gong, Sydney, in the Colony of New South Wales. Postal address — 18 Southwell Gardens, South Kensington, London, S.W. ^mitJ)^Eplanti CHARLES ALSTON SMITH-RYLAND, Esquire, J.I*, for CO. of Warwick (High Sheriff 1894). Horn August 14, 1859, tjcing the only son of the late Henry .Smith, lisquire, Jus- tice of the Peace, of Birmingham and Leamington, by his wife Maria Louisa, daughter of the late J. I'hipson of Edgbaston, and assumed by Royal License the additional surname and arms of Ryland. Club — Junior Carlton. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms ; Quarterly i and near Sydney, by his second wife Anne Margaret, second daughter of the Reverend John Thomas, Master of Arts ; and assumed the additional surname of Rewse and the arms 4, azure on a cross nebuly ermine, between four garbs of rye or, a rose gules (for Rylands) ; 2 and 3 party per fesse or and sable, three ravens two and one, and as many snltires couped one and two, all counterchanged (for Smith) ; and for his Crests, i. issuing from a mount vert, a dexter ;u-m embowed in armour proper, garnished or, the hand also proper, holding a rose gules, slippjed and leaved of the first, and three ears of rye gold (for Ryland) ; 2. a taltwt piLSsant or, resting the dexter forepaw upon an escutcheon sable, charged with a saltire couped also or, and holding in the mouth an acorn slipped and leaved proper (for Smith) ; with the Motto, "Not the last." Married, October 13, 1887, Edith, eldest daughter of W. F. Richards of Folke- stone ; and has Issue — Henry Dennis Sniith-Ryland, Gentle- man, bom September 13, 1891 ; Adria Noel; and Evelyn Mary. Estates — Sherlx)ume and Harford, in the county of Warwick; Stratford-on-Avon, Harbury ; and in Birming- Tlie Editor undertakes tliat every entry not in italics is that of a genxiinely armigerous person. 764 ^mp %m^ ham ami Nortlilicld, in tin- county of Wurccsler. J'ostal rZ(/er (for Kyn- nersley) ; 2. a lion passant guardant sable (for Sneyd). Motto — " Nee opprimere, nee opprimi." .Married, 1883, Margaret Geraldine, daughter of the Reverend \\. Abud, Rural Dean and Vicar of Uttoxeter ; and has Issue— C\c- ment Cierald Sneyd- Kynnersley, Oentleman, l)orn March 23, 1888. .SV(/At— Loxley Park, and Mighfields, near Ut- toxeter, in the county of Stafford. Rr.rrend ARTHUR BARON SOLE, Priest in Holy Orders, RcctorofSt. Thomas', Winchester, .M.A. (Cantab.). Born June 5, 1855, being the younger son of /he late William Sole, F.R.C.S., Graduate oj' the University of Paris, by Anne his wife, dau. of Samuel Anslo^v of Donnerville, co. Salop. Armorial bearings as used, but to which the right has not as yet been officially established or recorded in the College of Arms, are for Arms — Argent, a chevron gules between three soles ha u riant proper, icithin a bordure en- grailed sable. Crest— (?// a wreath of the colours, out of a mural cro7cn or, a demi-lion rampant sable. MottO — "Semper eadeni." Married, June 1891, Edith Mary, daughter of Frederick John Butler, M.D., of Winchester ; and has Issue — Basil John Sole, b. Dec. 4, 1894; Joan Maty ; and Elizabeth Aland. Postal address — .S7. Thomas' Rectoiy, Winchester. EDWARD THOMAS SOLLY-FLOOD, Esq., J. P. co. Wexford, and represents through his grandmother Frances, dau. of Sir Frederick Flood, M.P. , the ancient family of Flood. Born 1827, Ijeing the eldest son of the late Frederick Solly-Flood, F2sq., J. P., Q.C. , of Slaney Lodge, who assumed the name of F^lood 1820, by Mary, only dau. of the late r('/// — Ballynaslaney, Kyle, co. Wexford. Major-Gknkrai. FREDERICK RIC:HARD .SOLLY- FLOOD, Com|)anion of the .Most Honf)urable Order of the Hath. Born 1829, Iwing the son of Frederick Solly-Flood., ICst]., J. P., of Slaney Lodge, Kyle. co. Wexford; was created C. H. 1877. Club— .\rmy and Navy. Armorial bearings — Quarterly i and 4, vert a chevron Ix-tween three wolves' heads erased argent (for Flood) ; 2 and 3 argent, a chevron gules between three sole fishes hauriant proper, within a Iwrdure engrailed sable (for .Solly). Mantling vert and argent; and for his Crest, ujion a wreath of the colours, a wolf s head er.ased argent. Motto — "Vis unita fortior." Married, 1863, Constance Eliza, dau. of the late William Edward F'rcre, Esq., C.M.G., J.P., of Bitton, near Bath. JOHN THOMAS .SOLTAU. Esq., J.P. for Devon, late Capt. S. Devon Militia. Born 1834, lx;ing the second son of George William Soltau of Little ICfforrl, by his first wife Frances (iotldard, second dau. of the late Rev. T. Culme of Tothill, Devon. Armorial bearings— Per U-nd sinister azure and argent, on the dexter side three ears of wheat on one stalk or, and on the sinister side three fleurs-de-lis one and two of the first. Mantling azure and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a demi-lion argent, within two branches of roses projjer. Motto — " Miseris succerere disco." Married, i860, Florence (who d. 1894), dau. of the late Erving Clark of Efford Manor, and widow of Sir Wm. Norris Young, 5th Hart. ; and has had Issue — (i) John Frederick, b. 1863, Lieut. 1st Hatt. R. Herksh. Regt., killed in action at "Ginnis," Upper Egypt, 1888; (2) George William, b. 1865; Henry Vincent, h. 1868; and four daughters. .SVr?/- -Little EfTord, near Plymouth. § GEORGE WILLIAM CULME SOLTAU-SYMONS, Esquire, Justice of the Peace 1813, l^ing the eldest son of (Jeorge Williain Soltau, Es(|uire, Deputy-Lieutenant, of Little I'-flbrd, who died 1884, by his wife Frances, daughter of the late Reverend Thomas Culnie of Tothill, in the county of Devon ; he assumed by Royal License, 1845, the addi- tional name and arms of .Synions, after his great-uncle. Armorial bearings — He fjears for Arms : Quarterly i and 4, party per fesse dancett^e gules and argent, a pale counter- changed and three trefoils, one and two slipp>ed of the first (for Symons) ; 2 and 3 per fjcnd sinister azure and argent, on the dexter side, three ears of wheat on one stalk or, and on the sinister side three fleurs-de-lis one and two of the first (for Soltau). Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet fjefitting his degree, with a mantling gules and argent ; and The Editor undertakes that every entry not in italics is that of a genuinely armigerous person. 766 ^Ol ^om for his Crests, i. upon ;i wreath of the colours, upon a mount vert, in front of a saltirc gules, an ermine holding in the mouth a fern-branch proper (for Symons) ; 2, a demi-lion argent, within two branches of roses proper (for Soltau) ; with the Motto, "Simplex munditus." Married, firstly, 1859, Adele Isabella, conunonly known as the Honourable RENJAMIN EDWARD SOMERS, Esquire, Master of Arts of the University of Oxford, Barrister- jC^rttvtni^g at-Law (Lincoln's Inn), Justice of the Peace ^I'Ulllvl-^ for the county of Somerset. Burn Novem- \-ier 20, 1 85 1, being the only son of Thomas Someis of Mendip Lodge, Barrister-at-Law, by his wife Adele Isabella, second daughter of the Right Honourable Thomas Graves, third Baron Graves (she died 1869) ; secondly, 1865, Mary Elizabeth, daughter of Lieutenant- Colonel Frederick W. Todd, and widow of St. John Co- ventry ; he has, with other Issue — George Algernon James Soltau - Symons, Esquire, Lieutenant King's Royal Rifle Corps, born 1867. Estates and postal addresses — Little Eflford, and Chaddlewood, Plymouth. & is the Military Cockade. Elizabeth, daughter of Edward Williams of Honeycombe, in the county of Cornwall. 6'////'— United University. Livery — Green coat with black and white striped waistcoat, silver buttons. Armorial bearings— He tears for Arms : Quarterly of fifteen, i and 15, jiarty i)er fesse vert and sable, a fesse dancettOe ermine, cotised argent, between a wolfs head erased in chief, and an escallop in base of the fourth ; 2. vert, gutt(5e-d'eau, three chevronels between as many S is the Naval Cockade. ^om ^om 767 heads erased ermine ; 3. or, a chevron between three eagles displayed vert ; 4. azure, three bendlets within a lx)rdure argent ; 5. argent, a chevron sable, in chief a label of three points gules ; 6. argent, a chevron between in cliief two crosses patee, and in base a saltire sable ; 7. argent, three moor-cocks sable ; 8. or, on a chevron gules, three martlets argent ; 9. azure, two bars between eight martlets, three, two and three or ; 10. azure, a chevron between three chess-rooks or; 11. argent, two bars gules, on a canton of the last, a lion passant guardant or ; 12. or, a fleur-de-lis azure ; 13. azure, a chevron argent, between three pears or ; 14. argent, a chevron engrailed between three roses gules, seeded or. Above the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a lambrequin vert and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a laurel-tree suspiMided therefrom a cuirass with tasses proper, on either side of the tree an escallop or, and in front thereof a tilting- spear fesseways also proper; with the Motto, " Prodesse quam conspici." Married, January 23, 1879, Agnes Eliza- l>!th, youngest daughter of the Reverend John F^reeks Atkinson, Master of Arts, Rector of Kingston, and Incum- lient of Cowes, Isle of Wight ; and has hsve — John Somers, Gentleman, born May 20, 1884 ; and Mary Agnes Elizabeth. lislale — Mendip Lodge, in the county of Somerset. Postal address — Mendip Lodge, Langford, R.S.O. East Somerset. SOMERSET HERALD, see BURKE. SOMERSET, sec BEAUFORT and RAGLAN. §CoLONici, ALFRED PLANTAGENET FREDER- ICK CHARLES SOMERSET, Com- ^Xt<(y<7f- paninn of the Most Honourable Order of '^UiUtC^tV the Hath, Justice of the Peace and De- piUy-Licutenant for Westminster and the counties of Middlesex and Essex, Honorary Colonel 7th Battalion Rifle Brigade (Prince Consort's Own). Horn 1829, being the eldest son of the late Colonel John Thomas Henry .Somerset, commonly known as Colonel Lord John Thomas Henry Somerset, by his wife Catherine Annesley, commonly known as Lady Catherine Annesley, daughter of the Right Honourable the first Earl of Mountmorris ; created C{)mi)anion of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, 1892. C 7///;— Army and Navy. Armorial bearings — He liears for Arms : Quarterly 1 and 4, azure three lleurs- de-lis (for France) ; 2 and 3 gules, three lions passant guardant in pale or (for England) ; within a bordure com- poiiy argent and azure, impaling the arms of Pechell, namely gules, a lion rampant or, on a chief of the second three laurel branches proper. Upon the escutcheon, from which is pendent his liadge as a Companion of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, is placed a helmet Ijefitting his degree, with a mantling azure and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a portcullis or, nailed azure, the chains gold. Married, 1857, Adelaide Harriet, daughter of Vice-Admiral Sir CJeorge Brook-Pechell, Mem- ber of Parliament, fourth Baronet ; and has Issue livings Gwendolin Adelaide Katherine Georgiana Matilda [married, 1887, Arthur William Fitzroy Somerset, Esquire]. Postal address — Enfield Court, Middlesex. The Rkverend WILLIAM SOMERSET, Clerk in Holy Orders, Bachelor of Laws of the University of Camb. , Rector of Woolastone, in the county of Gloucester, and Chaplain to his Grace the Duke of Beaufort, Knight of the Most Noble Order of the (iarter. Born October 3, 1822, being the second son of the late Prebendary William Somerset, commonly knosvn as Lord William Somerset, by his wife Elizabeth, daughter of Sir Thomas Molyneux, Baro- net, of Castledillon, in the county of Armagh. Armorial bearings — He Ijears for Arms : Quarterly i and 4, France ; 2 and 3 England, all within a bordure compony argent and azure. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet Ixifitting his degree, with a mantling azure and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a portcullis or, nailed azure ; with the Motto, " Mutare vel timere sperno." Married, firstly, August 2, 1842, Helen, only daughter of Captain James Donald ; and by her (who died May 6, 1849) has had Issue — (i) William George Henry Somerset, Gentle- man, born April 29, 1849, died October 16, 1882 ; Anne Helen Elizabeth [married, September 18, 1867, John Colin Campbell of Glendaruel, in the county of Argyll, and died August 4, 1868]; and Frances Cornelia. He married secondly. September 24, 1850, Georgiana Amelia {d. 1896), dau. of Major-General W. L. Darling ; and by her has had— (2) the Reverend Fitzroy George Henry Somerset, born August 9, 1852 [married, 1880, Julia Hannah, daughter of Hugh Munro, and died April 7, 1889]; (3) John Plantagenet Edward Arthur Henry Somerset, Gentleman, born August 22, 1853, died March 30, 1878 ; (4) Raglan Tuberville Henry Somer- set, Gentleman, born April 20, 1859 [married, 1884, Eliza- beth Horatia Anne, daughter of the Reverend Horatio Nelson Ward, Rector of Radstock, and has issue, Raglan Horatio Somerset, Gentleman, born 1885; and Lily Horatia]; (5) Charles Edward Henry Somerset, Gentleman, born May 15, 1862 ; Georgiana Laura Alma Henrietta Elizabeth [married, December 15, 1875, Edwin Henty] ; Rose Ida Geraldine, died March 13, 1893 ; Edith Amelia Caroline I^ila ; and Mary Adelaide Helen Elizabeth [married, Feb- ruary 25, 1893, Tyler Pleydell Carter]. Postal address — Woolastone, Lydney, Gloucestershire. S JAMES SOMERVELL, Esquire, of Hamilton's Farm and Sorn, J. P. and D.L. for Ayrshire, and J. P. for Lanarkshire, late Major and Hon. Lieut.-Col. Ayrshire (Earl of Carrick's Own) Yeomanry Cavalry, M.P. Ayr Burghs 1890 92, Barrister-at-Law (Inner Temple). Porn Sept. 19, 1845, Ijeing the eldest son of the late Graham Somervell, Esq., of Hamilton's Farm and .Sorn, D.L. and Convener of co. Ayr, by his wife Henrietta Jane, dau. of William Stirling. C/«(^j— Conservative, New (Edin- burgh), Conservative (Glasgow). Livery — Dress : blue, with yellow facings and breeches ; undress : blue. Armo- rial bearings — Azure, seven cross crosslets fitch^-<.', three, one, two, and one, accompanied with three mullets or, all within a Ixjrdure engrailed argent. Mantling gules doubled argent. Crest — Upon a wreath of his liveries, an anchor in pale, the stock, ring, and cable all proper ; and in an escroU above the same this Motto, " Hold fast." Married, Jan. 21, 1892, Kathleen Emilie, eldest dau. of Maclaine of Lochbuie ; and has Issue — (1) James Somervell, Gentleman, b. May 20, 1893, d. August r, 1894; (2) James Graham Henry Somervell, Gentleman, b. August 13, 1894; Agnes Marion ; and Elizabeth Julia. Estates — Hamilton's Farm, Lanarkshire; Sorn, Dalgain, and HoU, Ayrshire. Seat — Sorn Castle, Ayrshire. ARTHUR FOWNES SOMERVILLE, Esquire, Justice of the Peace, Bachelor of Laws of the S^fltt1(^rVltff(> University of Cambridge, Barrister-at- 'OUUlttUlUi; i^aw. Porn April 23, 1850, teing the eldest son of the late Janies Curtis Somerville, Esquire, of Dinder House. Master of Arts, by his wife Emily Periam, eldest daughter of Sir Alexander Hood, second Baronet, Meml>er of Parliament. Clixb — Oxford and Cambridge. Armorial bearings — (Quarterly i and 4, azure three mullets between seven cross crosslets fitch^e or, three, one, two, one (for Somerville) ; 2 and 3 azure, in chief two eagles displayed, and in base a mullet argent (for Fownes). Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling azure and or; and for his Crests, i. upon a wreath of the colours, a wyvern with raised wings vert, langued gules, standing on a wheel erect argent (for Somer- ville) ; 2. upon a wreath of the colours, a stump of an oak tree erased at top, with a branch on each side sprouting, all proper (for Fownes.) Motto — "Fear God in life." Married, August 4, 1880, Ellen, daughter of W. Stanley Sharland, of New Norfolk, Tasmania; and has Issue — (i) Harold Fownes Somerville, Gentleman, born May 25, 1881 ; (2) James Fownes Somerville, Gentleman, Midshipman R.N., born July 17, 1882; and Marjorie Fownes. Seat — Dinder House, Wells, in the county of Somerset. The l.vte THOMAS HENRY SOMERVILLE, Esquire (d. 1898), J.P. and D.L. (High Sheriff 1888), late Lieut.-Col. 3rd Buffs. Porn October 29, 1824, being the only son of the late Thomas Somerville, Esq., J.P. and D.L. (High Sheriff 1863), by his wife Henrietta Augusta, eldest dau. of Col. Richard Boyle Townsend of Castle Townsend. Armorial bearings — Azure, three mullets or, two and one, between seven cross crosslets fitch(?e argent, three, one, two, and one, on a canton of the second, a trefoil vert. Mantling azure and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a dragon vert, charged with a trefoil or, spouting out fire, and standing on a wheel or. Motto — "Fear God in life." Married, June 29, 1857, Adelaide Eliza, tenth dau. of Admiral Sir Josiah Coghill, third The Editor undertakes tbat every entry not in italics is that of a genuinely armigerous person. 768 ^om %pa Baronet, Viy his wife Anna Maria, dan. of Chief-Justice Bushe ; anil has Issue — (i) Thomas Cameron Fitzgerald Sonierville, Esq., Major King's Own Royal Lancaster Regt. , />. March 30, i860 ; (2) Jocelyn Josiali Coghill Sonier- ville, (ientieman, b. 1862; d. 1864; (3) Henry Boyle Town- shend Sonierville, Gentleman, Lieut. R.N., h. September 1863 [lit., April 7, 1896, Helen Mabel, youngest dau. of the late Sir George Wigram Allen, K.C.M.G., of Toxteth, Sydney, N.S.W. , and has issue, Raymond Thomas Sonier- ville, Gentleman, b. March 1897] ; (4) Aylmer Coghill Sonierville, Gentleman, b. Sept. 18(35 [///., 1888, Emmeline Sophia, dau. of Daniel Sykes of Oaklands, co. Gloucester, and has issue, Desmond Henry Sykes Sonierville, Gentle- man, /'. Aug. 6, i88g, and Gillian Margaret Hope] ; (5) John Arthur Coghill Somerville, Gentleman, Lieut. 5th Fusiliers, b. March 1872 ; (6) Hugh Gaultier Coghill Sonierville, (lentlenian, Lieut. R.N., /^. July 1873 ; Edith AnnaCEnone ; and Elizabeth Hildegarde Augusta [w. , July 11, 1893, Egerton Bushe Coghill, eldest surviving son of Sir John Jocelyn Coghill, Bart., and has issue]. Seat — Drishane, Skibbereen, co. Cork. SOMPTER, quartered by HORDERN. WILLIAM GARLAND SOPER, Esquire, J. P. and County Councillor co. Surrey, B.A. of London University. Born 1837, being the son of the late Wm. Soper of Ply- mouth. Armorial beaxuigs — Per pale or and gules, on a saltire between sixteen billets, a trefoil slipped all counter- changed ; and impaling the arms of Davis, namely argent, a. lion rampant regardant pean between four mullets of six points in cross azure. Mantling gules and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a demi-lion per pale or and gules, holding in the mouth a trefoil slipped, vert and supporting a torch erect fired proper. Married, i860, Maria, dau. of George Davis of Cheshunt, Herts. Scat — Harestone, Caterham. S Admiral Sir EDWARD SOUTHWELL SOTHE- BY, Knight Commander of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath. Born May 14, 1813, being the second son of Admiral Thomas Sotheby, by his wife Lady Mary Anne, dau. oftheRt. Hon. the fourth Earl of Mayo. Armorial bearings as used, but to which no right has been officially proved or recorded, are for Arms — Argent, on a fesse vert, between three cross crosslets sable, as many talbots passant of the field. Crest — A demi-talbot azure, eared argent. Motto — " Ou bien, 011 rien." Married, /2/7/f 24, 1864, Lticy Elizabeth, dau. of Henry John Adeane of Babraham, Cam- bridge ; and has Issue — (i) William Edward Southwell Sotheby, Esq., b. Dec. 18, 1865 ; (2) Herbert George Sotheby, b. Nov. 9, 1871 ; (3) Alfred Frederick Sotheby, b. Nov. 22, 1875. Residence — 26 Green Street, Park Lane, W. §The Right Honourable Sir JAMES CARNEGIE, Earl of Southesk, Baron Carnegie of (^t\\\\\\oti{i Kinnaird and Leuchars, in the Peerage ^trUUVUt-^a ^f Scotland, and Baron Balinhard of Farnell, in the county of Forfar, in the Peerage of the United Kingdom, and a Baronet of Nova Scotia, Knight of the Most Ancient and Most Noble Order of the Thistle, D.L. for co. Forfar, Hon. Doctor of Laws. Born November 16, 1827, being the son of the late Sir James Carnegie, fifth Bart., by his wife Charlotte, the daughter of the Reverend Daniel Lysons of Hempsted Court, CO. Gloucester; succeeded his father as sixth Baro- net, January 30, 1849, and was restored to the Peerage, with the original precedence, by reversal of Act of Attainder, 185s ; vvas formerly Lord- Lieutenant of Kincardineshire. Creations — Baron, April 14, 1616; Earl, June 22, 1633; Baronet, February 20, 1663 ; Baron of the United Kingdom, December 7, 1869. C7«iJj —Travellers', Carlton. Livery — Dark blue and silver. Armorial bearings— He bears' for Arms : Argent, an eagle displayed azure, armed, beaked, and membered gules, on its breast an antique covered cup or ; the escutcheon being surrounded by the ribbon and by the collar, and pendent therefrom the badge of the Most Ancient and Most Noble Order of the Thistle, and by an orange-tawny ribbon his badge as a Baronet of Nova Scotia. Above the escutcheon is placed the coronet of his rank, and thereupon a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules doubled ermine ; and upon a wreath of his liveries is set for Crest, a thunderbolt proper, winged or ; and in an & is the Military Cockade. eseroll above, the Motto, " Dred God." Supporters— Two talbots argent, collared gules. Married, firstly, June 19, 1849, Lady Catherine Hamilton, second daughter of the Right Honourable the first Earl of Gainsborough ; and by her (who died March 9, 1855) has Issue — (1) Charles Noel Carnegie, Esq., commonly called Lord Carnegie, D.L. co. Forfar, b. March 20, 1854 [«/., August i, 1891, Ethel Mary Elizabeth, only child of Sir Alexander Bannerman, ninth Bart., and has, the Hon. Charles Alexander Carnegie, b. Sept. 23, 1893; a son, b. Dec. 22, 1894; and the Hon. Katherine Ethel] ; Lady Arabella Charlotte | m. , Feb. 7, 1878, Samuel Henry Romilly, Esq., and has issue]; Lady Constance Mary [w. , Nov. 9, 1876, the Rt. Hon. the ninth Earl of Elgin] ; and Lady Beatrice Cecilia Diana [in. , July 28, 1874, the Reverend H. Holmes Stewart, Rector of Brington, and has issue]. He married secondly, Nov. 29, i860. Lady Susan Catherine Mary, dau. of the Rt. Hon. the sixth Earl of Dunmore, and has — (2) the Hon. Lancelot Douglas Carnegie, Third Secretary Diplomatic Service, h. Dec. 26, 1861 [tn., Jan. 2, 1890, Marion Alice de Gournay, dau. of Henry Ford Barclay of Monkhams, Essex, and has, Mariota Susan}; (3) Hon. Robert Francis Carnegie, Lieut. Gordon Highlanders, b. May 6, 1869; (4) Hon. David Wynford Carnegie, /' March 23, 1871 ; Lady Dora Susan [in., 1894, Ernst von Rodakowski of the first Austrian Lancers] ; Lady Elizabeth Erica ; Lady Helena Mariota ; and Lady Katha- rine Agnes Blanche [m., Aug. 5, 1890, Courtenay C. E. Morgan, Esq., and has issue]. Estates — Southesk and Old Montrose, in the county of Forfar. 5^^/— Kinnaird Castle, Brechin, in the county of Forfar. The Right Reverend HUYSHE WOLCOTT YEATMAN, Bishop of Southwark, fi^Mltlf'flVMfll'fe Suffragan for the Diocese of Roches- "5tyUUl.ljUJai.li jgr. Master of Arts of the University of Cambridge, Doctor of Divinity. Born February 2, 1845, being the son of Harry P'arr Yeatman, Esquire, Justice of the Peace and Deputy-Lieutenant, of Mansion House, in the county of Dorset ; consecrated Bishop-.Suffragan of Southwark (for Diocese of Rochester) 1891. f////'— Athenasum. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Party per pale argent and sable, on a fesse dovetailed counter - dovetailed or, between two gates in chief and a goat's head erased in base eounterchanged, three boars' heads erased gules, impaling the arms of Legge, namely azure, a stag's head caboshed argent, the escutcheon being surmounted by his mytre. Married, 1875, Barbara Caroline, commonly known as Lady Barbara Caroline, sixth daughter of the Right Honourable William Legge, fourth Earl of Dartmouth ; and has Issue — • (i) William Huyshe Yeatman, Gentleman, born 1878 ; (2) Lewys Legge Yeatman, Gentleman, born 1879; and Barbara Margaret. Residences — Dartmouth House, Black- heath Hill, S.E. ; Shroton, Blandford. § GEORGE CAMPBELL SPAIGHT, Esquire. Colonel Commanding Limerick City Artillery. Born Octo- ber 9, 1831, being the third son of Francis Spaight, Derry Castle, by his wife Agnes Campbell, daughter of James Duff Paterson. Clubs — Hibernian United Service (Dublin), Limerick County. Livery —Ughi drab, with silver buttons and hatband. Armorial bearings-He bears for Arms : Argent, on a fesse sable, three pheons of the field. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling sable and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a jay proper. MottO — " Vi et virtute." Married, August 12, 1863, Louisa Dorina, daughter of the Cevalier Pierre Beretta, President of Trilnmals, Corfu ; and has Issue — Francis Boutta Spaight, Gentleman, born May 28, 1864 ; Louisa Dorina ; and Caro- line Mabel. Estate — Derry Castle, Killaloe, Burgess. Postal address — Derry Castle, Killaloe, county Clare. § WILLIAM FITZHENRY SPAIGHT, Colonel R.E.. J. P. CO. Cork. Born 1842, being the eldest son of the late Heni-y Spaight. Armorial bearings— Argent, on a fesse .sable, three pheons of the field. Majitling sable and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a jay proper. Motto — " Vi et virtute." Married, firstly, 1868, Ellen (d. 1870), second dau. of Thomas Crowe, l'"sq. , D.L. CO. Clare ; and secondly, 1878, Lucy, only child of the late John Limrick, Esq., J. P., of Union Hall, co. Cork; and has with other Issue — Thomas Spaight, Gentleman. Resi- dence — Union Hall, Leap, co. Cork. ^m is the Naval Cockade. ^pa ^pa 769 SYDNEY THOMAS SPALDING. Born 1858, being the eldest son of the late Samuel Spalding, Esq., F.S.A. , J. P. for Kent, by Sarah Daviss, only dau. of the late George Stanton. C7«^— Authors'. Armorial bearings— Or, on a cross azure, quarterly pierced of the field, four cross crosslets of the first, in the first and second quarters a thistle, leaved and slipped proper. Mantling' azure and or ; and for his Crest, u[)on a wreath of the colours, between two thistles as in the arms, an cscochcon azure, charged with a cross crosslet or. Motto — " Hinc mihi salus." Married, Peace for the counties of Stafford and Salop, and Deputy- Lieutenant for the county of Salop, by his wife Emma Ruth, daughter of William Ingham Gratrix of Hope View, Eccles, near Manchester, by his wife Ruth, 7u'e Hodgson. Armo- rial bearings— He bears for Arms: Quarterly i and 4, per fesse azure and argent, in chief three roses of the last, ixirbed and seeded proper, and in base an arrow in pale proper (for Sparrow) ; 2 and 3 or, on a bend engrailed vert, l)etween two cotises sable, three bezants (for Hanbury) ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, upon the 1882, Annie Caroline, youngest dau. of the late Garlies AUinson; and has, with other Issue — Sydney Leonard .Spald- ing, b. 1886. Seat — Avenue House, South Darenth, Kent. ALAN BERTRAM HANBURY SPARROW, Gentle- man, Bachelor of Arts of the University SfcnnrrnVYI of Oxford. 7^;-// February 23, 1863, being XS'pnVVUUJ ti^g fourth and youngest son of Arthur Sparrow, Escjuire, of Preen Manor, in the county of Salop, and Tenby, in South Wales, Justice of the THK EARL OK SOUTHESK. lattlements of a tower proper, a unicorn's head argent, armed and crined or, sem(5e of pheons azure ; with the Motto, " In Deo solo salus est." Married, May 26, 1891, Christina Annie Margaret, eldest daughter of Major-General Charles Jocelyn Cecil Sillery, by his wife Christina, daugh- ter of Archilxald Smith of Hobart Town ; and has Issue — (i) Arthur Alan Hanbury .Sparrow, Gcntlem.an, born April I, 1892; (2) Brian Hanbury Sparrow, (jentleman, born Oct. 7, 1896 ; and Ruth Margaret Sillery. Scat — Tetten- hall Hall, Wolverhampton. The Editor undertakes tliat every entry not in italics is that of a genuinely annigerous person. 3C 770 ^pa ^pe § ARTHUR SPARROW, Esquire, of Preen Manor, in the county of Salop, and Tenby, in South Wales, Justice of the Peace for the counties of Stafford and Salop, and Deputy-Lieutenant for the county of Salop, for which county he served the oflke of High Sheriff in 1886, Fellow of the Society of Antiquaries ; succeeded his father in his estates at Church Preen, Eaton-under- Haywood and Rushbury, in the county of Salop. Born Novemljer 28, 1826, being the second son of the late William Hanbury Sparrow, Esquire, of Penn, in the county of Stafford, Justice of the Peace and I)e])uty-Lieutenant for that county, by his second wife Sarah Higgs^ daughter of William Turton of Gornall, in the county of "Stafford. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms: Quarterly i and 4, per fessc azure and argent, in chief three roses of the last, barbed and seeded proper, and in base an arrow in pale proper (for Sparrow) ; 2 and 3 or, on a tend engrailed vert, between two plain cotises sable, three bezants (for Hanbury). Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet liefuting his degree, with a mantling azure and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, upon the battlements of a tower proper a unicorn's head argent, armed and crined or, semt^e of pheons azure ; with the Motto, "In Deo solo salus est." Married, FeVjruary 4, 1851, Emma Ruth, daughter of William Ingham Gratrix of Hope View, Eccles, near Manchester, by his wife Ruth, daughter of William Hodgson of Wigton ; and has had Issue — (i) Arthur Gratri.x Sparrow, Gentleman, born December 22, 1851, died January 25, 1852 ; (2) Arthur William Han- bury Sparrow, Gentleman, born April 8, 1856, died October 30, 1878 ; (3) Cecil Blair Sparrow, Gentleman, of Somerton Court, in the county of Somerset, Barrister-at-Law, born June 18, 1859 [married, April 15, 1890, Cara Mary, daughter of Charles Evan Thomas of Gnoll, Neath, and has issue] ; (4) Alan Bertram Hanbury Sparrow, Gentleman, of Tettenhall, in the county of Stafford, born February 23, 1863 [married. May 26, 1891, Christina Annie Margaret, daughter of Major-General Charles Joscelyn Cecil Sillery, late 12th (Suffolk) Regiment, and has issue] ; Edith ; Amy [married, E. Lennox Peel, and has issue] ; and Ruth. Seats— Vvee-w Manor, in the county of Salop ; Nyth Aderyn, Tenby, South Wales. CECIL BLAIR SPARROW, Gentleman, of the Inner Temple, Barrister-at-Law, Bachelor of Arts of the Uni- versity of Oxford. Borti June 18, 1859, being the third son of Arthur Sparrow, Esquire, of Preen Manor, in the county of Salop, and Tenfjy, in South Wales, Justice of the Peace for the counties of Stafford and Salop, and Deputy-Lieutenant for the county of Salop, by his wife Emma, daughter of William Ingham Gratrix of Hope View, Eccles, near Manchester, by his wife Ruth, nt'e Hodgson. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Quarterly i and 4, per fesse azure and argent, in chief three roses of the last, barbed and seeded proper, and in base an arrow in pale proper (for Sparrow) ; 2 and 3 or, on a bend eng^'ailed vert, between two cotises sable, three bezants (for Hanbury) ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, upon the battlements of a tower proper, a unicorn's head argent, armed and crined or, semt'e of pheons azure ; with the Motto, " In Deo solo salus est." Married, April 15, 1890, Cara Mary, daughter of Charles Evan-Thomas of Gnoll, in the county of Meath, by his wife Caroline, daughter of Henry Shepherd Pearson ; and has Issue — ■ Arthur Sparrow, Gentleman, born December 20, 1892 ; Cara Cecil Audrey. FREDERICK HENRY SPARROW, Gentleman. Born January 6, 1863, being the second son of the late Frederick Turton Sparrow of Habberley Hall, in the county of Salop, by his wife Elizabeth, daughter of Henry Crane of Graiseley, in the county of Stafford. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : (Quarterly i and 4, per fesse azure and argent, in chief three roses of the last, barbed and seeded proper, and in Ijase an arrow in pale proper (for Sparrow) ; 2 and 3 or, on a bend engrailed vert, between two plain cotises salsle, three bezants (for Hanbury) ; and for his Crest, upon the battlements of a tower proper, a unicorn's head argent, armed and crined or, semfe of pheons azure ; with the Motto, " In Deo solo salus est." Married, October 30, 1872, Elizabeth, only daughter of Sidney Flavel of Leaming- ton ; and has Issue— [i] Frederick William Sidney Sparrow, Gentleman, born August 13, 1873; (2) William Henry Sparrow, Gentleman, born May 31, 1876; (3) Charles Sparrow, Gentleman, born October 24, 1877; (4) Stuart & is the Military Cockade. Flavel Sparrow, Gentleman, born September 6, 1880; (5) Arthur John Sparrow, Gentleman, born May 12, 1887 ; (6) Frank Sparrow, Gentleman, born August 12, 1889; and Ethel Elizabeth. JAMES WYNDHAM HARRINGTON PERCY SPEDDING, Gentleman. Born April 18, 1849, being the elder son of the late James Dykes Spedding, Esq., Capt. Westmorland Militia, by his wife Emily, youngest dau. of the late Hon. William Frederick Wyndham, and grand-dau. of Charles, second Earl of Egremont. Armorial bearings — Gules, on a fesse engrailed, between three acorns slipped or, a mural crown between two roses of the field. Mant- ling gules and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, out of a mural crown or, a dexter arm embovved in armour, the right hand grasping a scimitar, and the arm charged with three acorns, one and two, and entwined by a brancli of oak, all proper. Motto — " Utile dulci." Seat — Summer- grove, near Whitehaven. HANNIBAL SPEER, Gentleman. Borti 1826, being the eldest son of the late Hanibal Sandys of Brompton, by Cecilia, dau. of the late William Speer of Weston ; suc- ceeded his aunt, 1870, and assumed by Royal License the name and arms of Speer. Armorial bearings^Quarterly I and 4, or a chevron azure, surmounted by another vaird argent and gules, between three trefoils slipped vert (for Speer) ; 2 and 3 erminois, on a fesse dancettf5e per pale gules and azure, between three cross crosslets fitchi^'e of the second, as many escallops or (for Sandys). Mantling azure and or ; and for his Crests — i. upon a wreath of the colours, a garb per fesse or and argent, banded vert, a spear erect issuing from the centre proper (for Speer) ; 2. upon a wreath of the colours, a griffin segreant per fesse erminois and azure, holding between the claws a cross crosslet fitchde as in the arms. Postal addresses — The Manor House, Thames Ditton ; 26 The Grove, Boltons, S. W. § ALEXANDER ARCHIBALD SPEIRS, Esquire, Justice of the Peace, Deputy- Lieutenant, ©lUriffi Captain 4th Battalion Argyle and Suther- TyJ^lvlVP land Highlanders. Borti (posthumous) June 3, 1869, being the only son of the late Archibald Alexander Speirs, Esquire, of Elderslie, Captain Scots Fusilier Guards, by Anne his wife, commonly known as Lady Anne, eldest daughter of the Right Honouralile Jacob Pleydell-Bouverie, fourth Earl of Radnor. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Azure, a ship in full sail argent, flags gules, between three bezants. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules doubled argent ; and upon a wreath of his liveries is set for Crest, an arm in armour embowed, wield- ing a lance all proper. Motto — " Salvet me Deus." Seats ■ — Elderslie House, in the county of Renfrew ; Houston House, in the county of Renfrew. ANNE SPEIRS, Widow, commonly known as Lady Anne Speirs, daughter of the Right Honouraljle the fourth Earl of Radnor. Armorial bearings are, upon a lozenge : Azure, a ship in full sail argent, flags gules, between three be- zants, and impaling the arms of Pleydell-Bouverie, namely, quarterly i and 4, per fesse or and argent, a double-headed eagle displayed sable, on the breast an escutcheon gules, charged with a bend vair (for Bouverie) ; 2 and 3 argent, a bend gules, gutt(5e-d'eau, between two ravens sable, a chief chequy or and of the last (for Pleydell). Married, 1867, Archibald Alexander Speirs, Esquire, of Elderslie, in the county of Renfrew, who died 1868, leaving an only son, Alexander Archibald Speirs, Esquire [to whom refer]. Postal addresses — 4 Hill Street, W. ; Houston House, Ren- frewshire. § WILLIAM SPEKE, Esquire, of Jordans, in the county of Somerset, Justice of the Peace for ^9?> tirfer *'^^'- '^"""t)'' ^"'^ fo*" th^ county of Wiltshire, ^j/jJvltv and Deputy-Lieutenant. Born September 20, 1825, being the eldest son of the late William Speke, Esquire, of Jordans, Justice of the Peace and Deputy- Lieutenant, by his wife Georgina Elizabeth, daughter of William Hanning of Dillington House, near llminster, and the elder brother of the late John Hanning Speke, Esquire, the celebrated African explorer. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Argent, two bars azure, over all an eagle displayed with two heads gules, and as an honourable aug- M is the Naval Cockade. ^pe %pt 771 mentation (granted by Royal License, dated July 26, 1867, to commemorate the discoveries of the said John Manning Spnly ' nown as Lady Elizatx-th Wilhelmina, third daughter of the Right Honourable Thomas Willi.am Coke, first Earl of eicester. Armorial bearing's — He bears for Arms : Quar- terly I and 4, quarterly ermine and gules (for Stanhope) ; 2 and 3 azure, a fesse ermine, l^tween six sea-mews' he.ads erased proper (for Spencer). Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet Ijefitting his degree, with a mantling gules and argent ; and for his Crests, i. upon a wreath of the colours, a tower azure, with a demi-lion rampant issuing from the battlements or, ducally crowned gules, holding l«Hween his paws a grenade fired proper (for Stanhope) ; 2. u])on a wreath of the colours, a sea-mew proper (for S|)encer), Mottoes — " A Deo et rege " (for Stanhope), " Dieu defend le droit" (for Spencer). Married, January 17, 1856, liliza- beth Julia, daughter of Sir John Jacob Buxton, Baronet, of Shadwell Court, in the county of Norfolk ; and by her (who died SeptemlxT 30, 1880) has Issue — (i) John Mon- tague Spencer-Stanhope, Gentleman, born December 31, i860 [married, April 15, 1890, Ida Mary, second daughter of Sir Lionel Pilkington, Baronet] ; (2) Walter Spencer- Stanhope, Gentleman, born November 17, 1861 ; (3) Edward Collingwood Spencer-.Stanhope, Gentleman, l)orn March 2, 1863 ; (4) Hugh Rotiert Spencer-Stanhope, CJentleman, torn April 21, 1864, died January 6, 1865; (5) Philip Bertie Spencer-Stanhope, Gentleman, born Deceml^er 17, 1868; Mary Gertrude Elizalieth ; Cecily Winifred ; Margaret Isaljel ; Alice Mildred [married, March 31, 1891, Charles A. Fellowes of Shotesham, in the county of Norfolk, and died August 10, 1892] ; Winifred Julia ; and Mary, died Feb- ruary 7, 1875. Seats — Cannon Hall, near Barnsley ; Hors- forth Hall, in the county of York. Vk.m. Archdeacon ANDREW NATHANIEL WAD- HAM SPENS (Archdeacon of Lahore). Armorial bear- ings — Quarterly i and 4, or a lion rampant gules, within a bordure of the last, charged with eight roses argent, in tlie dexter chief point a heart consigned with an Imperial crown, both proper, for difference ; 2 and 3 gyronny of eight or and sable, the whole within a bordure or, for difference. The Editor undertakes that every entry not in italics is that of a genuinely armigerous person. 772 ^pe ^po Mantling giiles doubled or. Crest— Upon a wreath of his hveries, a hart's head erased proper. Motto — "Si Deus quis contra." Postal address — Lahore. JOHN ALEXANDKR SPENS, Gentleman, Writer. Born July ii, 1847, being the third surviving QStlOntf ^"" °^ ''•^'^ ^^'^ William Spens, Actuary, TOJJvUJJ Glasgow, by his wife Janet Hill, daughter of Walter Cook, W.S. , Edinburgli. Clubs — Western (Glasgow), University (Edinburgh), County (Stir- ling). Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : (Quarterly i anci 4, or, a lion rampant gules within a bordure of the last, charged with eight roses argent, in dexter chief point a heart ensigned with an imperial crown both jsroper ; 2 and 3, gyronny of eight or and sable, the whole within a bor- dure invected, parted [)er ])ale azure and ermine. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degiec, with a mantling gules doubled or; and upon a wreath of his liveries is set for Crest, a hart's head erased proper ; and in an eseroU over the same this MottO, "Si Deus quis contra." Married, July 20, 1881, Soiihie Nicol, daughter of Hugh Baird ; and has Issue — William Spens, Gentleman, born May 31, 1882; (2) Hugh Baird Spens, Gentleman, born January i, 1885; (3) John Ivan Spens, Gentle- man, born February 22, 1890; (4) Thomas Patrick Spens, Gentleman, born July 10, 1894. Postal addresses — 14 Woodside Crescent, Glasgow ; Kippendavie Lodge, Dun- blane, Perthshire. NATHANHiLSPENS, Gentleman. Born April 22, 1850, teing the fifth son of William Spens, Actuary, Glasgow, by his wife Janet Hill, daughter of Walter Cook, W..S. , Edin- burgh. Clubs — Junior Carlton, Coimty (Stirling), Western (Glasgow). Armorial bearings — He tears for Arms: (Quarterly i and 4, or, a lion ramjiant gules, within a bor- dure of the last, charged witli eight roses argent, in tlic dexter chief point a heart ensigned with an imperial crown both proper ; 2 and 3, gyronny of eight or and sable, the whole within a bordure invected, parted per fesse azure and ermine. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules doubled or ; and upon a wreath of his liveries is set for Crest, a hart's iicad erased proper; and in an escroll over the same this Motto, "Si & is the Military Cockade. Deus quis contra." Married, July 26, 1882, Emily Jessie, daughter of William Connal of Solsgirth ; and has Issue — (i) William Patrick Spens, Gentleman, born August 9, 1885; (2) Robert Francis Connal Spens, Gentleman, born Oct. Ti, 1890; Emily Jessie Campbell; Janet Dorothy; and Mary Helen. Postal address— i^, Qucensgate Terrace, London, S.W. Sir PETER SPOKES, Knight Bachelor (1872) J. P. for the borough of Reading, and some- fetinfelXS '^'"^^ Mayor (1869-1871). Bom 1830, being XyjJua.V.j) the elder son of the late Peter Spokes of Wallingford, in the county of Berkshire, by his wife Mary, daughter of the late John Hunt of Cholsey. Club— C'Ay Liberal. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Azure, on a pile, between two fasces erect or, three catherine-wheels gules. Upon the escut- cheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mant- ling azure and or; and for his Crest, a fasces in pale, lietween two ostrich feathers; with the Motto, "Fiat juslitia ruat cerium." Married, 1852, Relxcca Sarah, dau. of the late William John Silverthorne of Brighton ; and has with other Issue— (\) Peter Sydney Spokes, Esquire, Member of the Royal College of Surgeons ; (2) Arthur Hewett Spokes, Esquire, Recorder of Reading, Rarrister- at-Law, born 1854 ; and a fourth son, Russell Spokes, Escjuire [to whom refer]. Postal address — 25 Chester Terrace, London, N.W.. RU.SSELL SPOKES, Esquire, Member of liie London County Council. Born October 12, 1865, being the fourth son of' Sir Peter Spokes, Knight Bachelor and Justice of the I'eace [to whom refer], by his wife Rebecca, daughter of the late John William Silverthorne. Clubs— C\U Liljeral, National Liberal. Armorial bearings — He i)ears fori Arms: Azure, on a pile between luo fa^^ges creel or, three] catherine-wheels, two and one gules, in chief a martlet fori difference. Upon tlie escutcheon is placed a helmet befit-l ting his degree, with a mantling azure and or ; and for hisj Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a fasces erect l)etween two ostrich feathers; with the MottO, " Fiat justitia mat S is the Naval Cockade. ^pt ^pr 773 coelum." Married, February 17, 1887, lane Kliza, only daughter of the late John Corner of Whitby, in the county of York; and has /««f— lohn Corner Spokes. Gentleman, born January 2 1, 1890; Margery; and Jeanie Russell. Postal (/ougel all or; with the MottO, "Sine Deo frustra." Estate and postal rt(/(//-f«— Drachenfels, West Derby, Lan- cashire. HI:RMAN HP:NkY SPRINGMANN, Gentleman, fourth son of the late Eniil Springinann of Drachenfels, West Derby, in the County P.alatine of Lancaster. Armo- rial bearings— He liears for Arms : Azure, a demi-man aflVontee couped proper, habited in a vest, holding in the dexter hand a roll of paper between three water-bougets all or ; and for the Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a demi- man aflront(^'e pro|)er, habited in a vest, holding in the dexter hand a roll of paper, and resting the sinister arm on a water- bougetallor; with the Motto,"" Sine Deo frustra." Postal rtf/i/z-fii— Drachenfels, West Derby, Lancashire. JOHN HENRY SPRINGMANN, Gentleman, second son of the late Emil Springmann of Drachenfels, West Derby, in the County Palatine of Lancaster. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Azure, a demi-man aflVontde couped proper, habited in a vest, holding in the dexter hand a roll of paper between three water-bougets all or, and impaling the arms of RafHes, namely ermine, an eagle with two heads displayed gules, charged on the breast with an Eastern crown or, a chief vert, thereon a cross crosslet fitchfe of the third. Upon the escut- cheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling azure and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a demi-man alTroiUfe propiM", habited in a vest, holding in the dexter hand a roll of paper, and resting the sinister arm on a water-bouget all or ; with the Motto, "Sine Deo frustra." Married, Deceml)er 17, 1885, Beatrice Helena, third daughter of William Winter Rafilles, (lentleman, of Liverpool; and h^s Issue — John Blanchard Springmann, Gentleman ; and three daughters. Postal address — Beverley, Sefton Park, near Liverpool. PAUL SPRINCJMANN, Gentleman, Master of Arts, tiiinl son of the late Emil .Springmaim of Drachenfels, VW-st Derby, in the County Palatine of Lancaster. Armorial bearings— He Ijcars for Arms : Azure, a demi-man atlrontee couped proper, habited in a vest, holding in the dexter hand a roll of paper, between three water-bougets all or. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling azure and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a demi-man affrontee proper, habited in a vest, holding in the dexter hand a roll of pajier, and resting the sinister arm on a water-bouget all or; with the Motto, "Sine Deo frustra." Postal address — Drachenfels, West Derby, Lancashire. §JOHN SPROT, Es(|uire, J. P. and D.L. for co. Roxburgh, Lieulenant-Gencral in the .Army. ^S^llfnt" '''"'" March 12, 1830, being the eldest son of ■»a-l.«vyv M,.„.]^ sprot of Riddcll, by his wife Elizaljelh, da\ighter of John Shewell. Cluh — Consti- tutiun;d. New ( ICdliiburgh), .Sussex (Eastlraurne). [Avery— Daik invisible blue, with silver buttons. Armorial bear- ings—He bears for Arms: Parted per fesse gules and f^^ azure, three salmon haurient in fesse, each with a ring in his mouth or, and in base a boar's head erased of the last. Crest — On a wreath of his liveries, a heron projier ; with the Motto, " Parce qu'il me plait." Mar- ried, firstly, October 19, 1869. CJeorgina Mary, daughter of H. E. Surtees of Redworth Hall ; secondly, January 5, 1878, Cecilia Elizabeth, daughter of W. B. Doveton of Corston ; thirdly. November 24, 1886, Charlotte Gertrude, daughter of W. T. Cole of Boss Casile ; and has Issue — (i) John Mark Francis Sprot, Gentleman, bom November 12, 1881 ; (2) Alexander William Ramsay Sprot, Gentleman, born January 5. 1883 ; (3) Cecile Walter George Doveton Sprot, Gentleman, born June 8, 1884 ; (4) Edward Walter Hearle Sprot. Gentleman ; (5) Jack Hugh .Stewart Sprot, Gentleman ; Agatha Elizabeth Margaretta ; Cecilia Mary Dorothea ; and Gertrude Gladys Violet. Estates — Riddell, The Editor undertakes that every entry not in italics is that of a genuinely armigerous person. 774 %9X %m in the comily of Roxlnirgh; Upperton House, lOastbouine, in the county of Sussex. J'os/al ai/(in-sses—Rk\cM\, Lillies- leaf, N.H.; Upperton House, Eastbourne ; Railway Stations, Hassendean, St. Boswells, and Belses. GEORGE HENRY SPRULES, Esquire. Born Aug. 23, 1836, being the eldest son of John Sprules of 12 Victoria Road, Kensington, by his wife Keziah, dau. of Thomas Broomhani. /,/w;j— Dark red, with white facings. Armorial bearings— Gules, a chevron chequy argent and azure, ensigned witli a Heur-de-lis of the second, between two i>ahner's scrijis in chief and a lion rampant in base or. Mantling gules and argent ; and upon a wreath of his liveries is set for his Crest, a hunting-horn vert, garnished whifli no at(t/uirily has been officially estahUslud, are — Or, a pale between two lions' heads erased in chief sable. Crest— A cross crosslet or. MottO — ' ' Pro cruce audax. ' ' Married , EX-LIBRIS SPRVLES 8Jta %ta 777 tiger's face proper betweien two mullets of tlio firsT Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet helitting his degree, with a mantling azure and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a talbot's head proper, collared and lined or, in the mouth a martlet sable. Motto—" Et vi et virtute." Married, L)ecemlK.'r i, 1869, Margaret I'^lizaljeth, daughter of Tliomas Wayne, Escj., late of Glan- dare, Aljerdare, in the county of Glamorgan ; J. P. for that CO. and for co. of Carmarthen ; and has Issue— \w only child, Rowena IClizabeth Dorothy. Estates — Maghraleave, Lisburn, in the county of Antrim. Postal address — Maghra- leave, Lisburn, Ireland. § EDWIN WILFRID STANYFORTH. Esquire, Capt. Yorkshire Hussars Yeomanry Cavalry since 1894, J. P. I'or CO. York (by Royal Licence, dated Dec. 7, 1887, he and his issue were authorised to take the surname of Stanyfurth instead of, and in substitution of, that of Green- wood, and to bear the arms of .Stanyforth, in accordance with the will of his grcal-uncle, the Rev. Thomas Stany- forth). }ioru]\\nii 28, 1861, being the son of John Green- wood, iisti., of Swarcliffe Hall, co. York, M.F., J.I'., and D. L. , by Louisa Elizalx-lh his wife, eldest riau. of Nathaniel Clark Harnardiston of The Ryes, co. Suffolk. Armorial beaxings — iMniinois, on a fesse wavy gules, three lions nunpaiil argent. Mantling gules and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, on a mount vert, a lion sejant ermine, gorged with a collar azure, thereon three plates. Motto— "Suivez raison." Married, March 12, 1888, Mary ICvclyn, only child and heir of Admiral Thomas Harnardiston ; arid Ikls Issue — Ronald 'J homas .Stanyforth, (jentleman, b. May 30, 1892; and Madge. .SVrt/— Kirk Hanmierton Hall, co. York. D.\MK MARY ANNE ELIZABI':!!! .STAPLES, Widow, commonly known as Lady Staples, S^tfinlrS ''•^""'"'-''' "f Henry Gillett of Hampstead. 'O'VttjJlvJJ Armorial bearing^ are, upon a lozenge: Argent, a chevron engrailed azure, guttee- d'eau, i)etween three escutcheons sable, each charged with a stajjle of the first. Married, 1859, Sir John Staples, Knight ('oinniander of the Most Distinguished Order of Saint Michael and Saint George, who died in 1888. Postal address— ij Avenue Road, N.W. FRI'.DERICK JOHN STAPLES- HROWNE, l-:s(|., J. P., Harrister-at-Law. Horn Nov. i, 1844, being the only son of the late Richard I homas Staples-Browne of Launton, O.von, by Ann, dau. of the late Robert Hretlle Hale. Ar- morial bearings — Quarterly i and 4, sable, a bend en- grailed ermine, on a chief argent an escallop gules, between two torteau.v (for Staples) ; 2 and 3 ermine, on a bend azure, Detween two fleurs-de-lis gules, three leopards' heads jessant-dc-lis (jr (for Browne). Mantling azure and argent ; and for his Crests, i. upon a wreath of the colours, an eagle displayed sable, wings fretty, resting each claw on a mullet or (for .Staples) ; 2. out of a crown vallery argent, a lion's head aflVonttJe gules, seni(ie-de-lis, and ducally crowned or (for Browne). MottO — "Sans Dieu rien." Married, April 25, 1867, .Mary Jane, only dau. of Charles Edward Molineux, Esq., J.l'. , of Oakley House. Penkridge, co. Stafford ; and has Issue — Richard Charles .Staples-Browne, Gentleman, /;. June 29, 1881 ; and Mary l''rederica. Seat — Brashheld House, Bicester ; and the Elm.s, Bamplon, Ox- fordshire, FREDERICK ANNESLEY STAPLETON - BRE- THERTON, Esquire, J.P. and D.L. Lanes., and J.P. Hants; assvmied by Royal Licence, dated June 23, 1884, the additional surname of Stapleton, in compliance with a clause in the will of Mary Stapleton-Bretherlon (Marchesa Staple- ton-Bretherton), widow, firstly, of William Gerard, and secondly, of Hon. Gilbert Stapleton (brother of Miles Thomas, Loid Beaumont), rmd only dau. and heiress of Bartholomew Bretherton of Rainhill. Club — Windham. Armorial bearings — Per chevron indented sable and argent, in chief two lions passant and in base a cross r.aguly flury counterchangd, and impaling the .-irms of Petre, namely gules, a bend or, between two escallops argent. Mantling: sable and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, in front of a demi-imicorn argent, a portcullis sable. Married, Sept. 14, i86g, Hon. Isabella Mary, .second dau. of Rt. Hon. William Bernard, twelfth Lord Petre; and has Issue— {\) Frederick Bartholomew Joseph Stapleton- Bretherton, CJentleman, Lieut. Lancashire Ilussars Yeomanry Cavalry, (5. Feb. 5, i873[w. , .Xug. 29, 1894, Bertha Mary, third dau. of the Hon. Albert Stourton] ; (2) Robert Charles Lucius Stapleton- Bretherton, Gentleman, b. Aug. 31, 1875; (3) Edmund Josei)hSta|)Ieton-Bretherton, Gentle- man, /'. Dec. 19, 1881; Mary Isabella; Evelyn Mary; .'\gnes Mary ; Edith Mary ; Winihed Mary ; and Ethel Mary. .SV(//.y— Heathlield House, Fareham, Hants ; The Hall, Rainhill, Lanes. HENRY CHARLTON .STAUNTON, Gentleman. Horn August 6, i868,l3eing the eldcstson S^f'SlllUf'rtn '^'^ ''"-■ l'^'*^ Reverend Francis .Staunton of XyVUUllVUU Staunton Hall, Master of Arts, Patron and Rector of Staunton - cum - I'law- bonjugh, by his wife Lucy Ada, only daughter of the Reve- rend Henry Spelnian Marriott, Master of Arts, Rector of Felsham, in the county of Suffolk. Armorial bear- ing^ — He Isears for Arms: Argent, two chevrons sable, with a cjuatrefoil on a canton azure for distinction. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling sable and argent ; and for his Crest, a fox passant proper. Seat — Staunton Hall, near Nottingham. ROSEBERRY MARY .STAVIiLEY, elder daughter (and co-heir with her sister Martha Charlotte, wife of Ryder) of Thomas Kitchingham .Staveley, by his wife Anne Elizal^th, daughter of Michael Andrew Burmester, Doctor of Medicine, Surgeon to the Forces. Armorial bearing^s are, upon a lozenge: Per pale eniliatiled gules and argent, on a chevron engrailed between three mascles, two bucks' heads all counterchanged. Estates — Stainley, and Old Sleningford Hall, near Ripon, in the county of York. ARCHIBALD ST.WERT, Esc|uire, of Hoscote, co. Selkirk, J.P. co. Selkirk and co. Roxburgh. Born Jan. i, 1828, being the second but eldest surviving son of the late William Stavert of Breck, co. Lanes., and Marion his wife, dau. of Archibald Park, co. liast Lothian. Livery — Buff, blue facings. Armorial bearings — Argent, on a fesse azure, between three falcons' heads erased saljle, a star of six points between two crescents or. Mantling azure doubled argent. Crest — Upon a wreath of the liveries, a hand grasping a club proper ; and in an escroU above the crest this Motto, ".Stat Veritas." Married, April 9, 1857, Rosina, dau. of William Hope (a cadet of the family of Hope of Craighall) ; and has Issue — (1) Rev. William James Stavert, Clerk in Holy Orders, of New College, Oxford, M..'\., Chaplain to the Earl of Craven, Rector of Burnsall, Yorks, b. Jan. 25, 1858; (2) Thomas Hope Stavert, Esq., Tie Editor undertakes that every entry not in italics is that of a genuinely armigerous person. 778 ^tC ^te Major Lcinslcr Regiment, b. July 7, 1859; (3) Herbert John Brownill Staverl, (lentleiiKin, /'. May 26, 1861 ; (4) Rev. Areliil)alil Arthur Stavert, Clerk in Holy Orders, of Univ. Coll. Durham, B.A., Priest in charge of Priory Church of Queensferry, co. Linlithgow, b. Aug. 29, 1864; (5) Francis Edward Vose Stavert, Gentleman, b. Aug. 16, 1870; and Mary Elizabeth. Estates — Hoscote, co. Selkirk ; l^hilogar and Cunzicrton, co. Roxburgh. Postal addresses — 34 Palnierston Place, Edinburgh ; Hoscote, Hawick, Scotland. JOHN JAMES STEEL, M.B., Ch.B. (Melbourne), L.R.C.P., L.R.C.S. (Edin.), Surgeon in N.S.W. Naval of the Rev. Robert Steel, M.A., Ph.D., D.D., of St. .Stephen's Church, Sydney, and Mary his wife, dau. of John Allardyce of Tullochlx^g, Huntly, Aberdeenshire. Armo- rial bearings — Or, on a bend sable, between two furisoiis azure, a book expanded argent. Mantling sable doubled or ; and upon a wreath of his liveries is set for Crest, a lion's head erased gules ; and in an escroll above this Motto, "Ferro non furto." Married, Oct. 7, 1878, Frances Mary, dau. of John Murdoch of Inverness. Seat — 3 Lyons Terrace, Hyde Park, Sydney, N.S.W. § WILLIAM STRANG STEEL, Esquire, Deputy-Lieu- tenant and Justice of the Peace for the county OKf-f^pl of Selkirk. Born October 6, 1832, being the ^iJl-VVl second son of John Steel, Merchant in Glasgow, by his wife Grace, daughter of James Strang of Westhouse, East Kilbride, in the county of Lanark. Clubs — Reform, Oriental. Livery — Claret colour, with red facings. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Argent, Brigade, of 3 Lyons Terrace, Hyde Park, Sydney, New South Wales. Born Aug. 31, 1854, being the eldest son ^ is tbe Military Cockade. a bend chequy sable and ermine, between two lions' heads erased gules, on a chief azure, two billets or, a crescent of the first for difference. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules, douliled argent ; and upon a wreath of his liveries is set for Crest, a lion's head erased gules ; and in an escroll over the same this Motto, " Prudentia et animis." Married, October 25, 1881 ; and has Issue — Samuel Strang Steel, Gentleman, born August i, 1882; and Grace Niven Strang. Estate and postal address — Philiphaugh, Selkirk. The Honourable Sir JAMES GEORGE LEIC STEERE, Knight Bachelor, of Perth and 4- 1> !>«««> of Jayes, Blackwood, in Western Australia, 'SSyVvli.H' Speaker of the Legislative Assembly of that Colony, and Member of the Federal Council of Australasia. Born July 4, 1830, being the third son of Lee Steere, Esquire, of Jayes, Ockley, Dorking, in the county of Surrey, Justice of the Peace and Dejauty- Lieutenant for that county, and Justice of the Peace for the county of Sussex, by his wife Anne, daughter of James Keiro Watson of Hesslemount, in the county of York, and of Ockley, in the county of Surrey, England ; knighted by Letters Patent, dated June 20, 1888. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Per pale sable and gules, tliree lions passant argent. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling sable and argent ; and for his Crest, out of a mural crown per pale gules and sable a lion's jamb erect argent ; with the Motto, " Tu ne cede nialis." Married, June 16, 1859, at Hanip- H is tlie Naval Cockade. ^te ^te 779 stead, in the county of Middlesex, England, Catherine Anne, only daughter of Luke Leake of I'ertli, in Western Australia; and has Issue — (i) John Edward Lee Steere, Esquire, born February 2, 1863 ; (2) Charles James Lee Steere, Esquire, born June 9, 1868 ; (3) Hubert Arthur Lee Steere, Esquire, born June 4, 1872 ; (4) Wilfred Lee Steere, Esquire, born July 26, 1878; Edith Anne I^^; Louisa Kate Lee [married, 1892, Frederick Charles Faulkner] ; Marion Rose Lee [married, September 21, 1887, Alexander Paterson Turnbull] ; Alice Maude Lee; Mabel Constance Lee; Bertha Mary Lee; and Amy Florence Lee [married, 1896, William Elger]. Postal addresses — ^Elderslie, St. George's Terrace, Perth ; Western Australia. ALEXANDER STEPHEN, Esquire, M.LN.A., J.P. for CO. of Lanark and co. of City of Glas- fibf'l^tlfllMI sow. Born April 25, 1832, being the third XyVtJJiJK^U son of Ale.xander Stephen, Shipbuilder, Dundee, by his wife Elspet, dau. of Andrew Murray, Farmer, of Langhaven, in the county of Aljerdeen. Livery — Claret colour, with silver buttons. Armorial bear- ings — He bears for Arms : Argent, on a chevron azure, lx;tween two crescents in chief and a dexter hand couped in base gules, three mullets of the first. Above the shield is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules doubled argent ; and on a wreath of his liveries is set for Crest, a ship under sail proper ; and in an escroll over the same this MottO, " Vi et arte." Married, June 25, 1857, Mary, daughter of James Templeton, Manufac- turer in Glasgow; and has Issue— (1) Alexander Ed- ward Stephen, Gentleman, born July 21, 1861 ; (2) Frederic John Stejjhen, Gentleman, M.A., M.LN.A., torn Aug. 6, 1863 ; (3) Bernard Stephen, Gentleman, lx)rn Dec. 26, 1868 ; Mary Stuart; Maud ; and Elspeth Murray. Estate — Kelly, in the counties of Renfrew and Ayr. Postal address — Kelly, Wemyss Bay. CECIL BEDFORD STEPHEN, Gentleman, sixth son of the Honourable Sir Alfred Stephen, Knight Grand Cross of the Most Distinguished Order of Saint Michael and Saint George, Companion of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, Lieulcnant-Goz'etnor of Neiv South Wales. Armorial bearing's as given in Burke's " Colonial Gentry," but for 7ohiih no authority has been established in Lyon Office, are for Arms : Argent, on. a chei'ron betiuecn tioo crescents in chief and a dexter hand couped at the wrist and erect in base gules, two tnullets of the first. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules and argent; and for his CreSt, upon a wreath of the colours, an eagle displayed with two heads sable, beaked and legged or; with the Motto, " Virtus ubique." Married Alice, n<5c Tooth, and has issue. EDWARD MILNER STEPHEN, Esquire, fourth son of the Honourable Sir Alfred Stephen, Knight Grand Cross of the Most Distinguished Order of Saint Michael and Saint George, Companion of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, Lieutcnant-Goz'ernor of New South Wales. Armorial bearings as given in Burke' s " Colonial Gentry," but for jc/iich no authority has been established in Lyon Office, are for Arms: Argent, on a cliez'ron between t7vo crescents in chief and a dexter hand couped at the wrist and erect in base gules, tioo mullets of the first ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, an eagle displayed with two heads sable, beaked and tested or; with the MottO, " I'irtus ubique." Married Florence, n^e Smith, and has issue. ERNEST PARISH STEPHEN, Gentleman, eighth son of the Honourable Sir Alfred Stephen, Knight Grand Cross of the Most Distinguished Order of Saint Michael and Saint George, Companion of the Most Hotiourable Order of the Bath, Lieutenani-Governor of Nao South Wales, by his second wife Eleanor, daughter of the Reverend William Bedford, Doctor of Divinity. ' Armorial bearings as given in Burke's "Colonial Gent/y," but for -which no authority has been established in Lyon Office, are for Arms : Argent, on a chevron between two crescents in chief and a dexter hand couped at the lorist and erect in base gules, tivo mullets of the first ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, an eagle displayed with two heads sable, beaked and legged or, with the Hotto, " Virtus ubique." Mar- ried Mary, nde Taylor, and has issue. The Honourable SEPTIMUS ALFRED STEPHEN, Member of the Legislative Council of Ne7u South Wales. Born Alay 8, 1842, being the seventh son of the Honourable Sir Alfred Stephen, Knight Grand Cross of the Most Dis- tinguished Order of .Saint Michael and Saint George, Com- panion of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, Lieutenant Governor of Ne7v South Wales, by his second wife Eleanor, daughter of the Reverend William Bedford, Doctor of Divinity. Armorial bearings as given in Burke's ' ' Landed Gentfy," but for which no authority has been established in Lyon Office, are for Arms: Argent, on a chevron between two crescents in chief and a dexter hand couped at the wrist and erect in base gules, txm mullets of the first. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a 7vreath of the colours, an eagle displayed with two heads sable, beaked and legged or; with the Motto, " Virtus ubique." Married, 1864, I-ucy, daughter of Robert Camp- bell, sometime Colonial Treasurer of Ne-M South Wales ; and has Issue — (i) Robert Campbell Stephen, of the i^th Hussars, born 1867 ; (2) Colin Campbell Stephen, born 1872 ; (3) Menyn Campbell Stephen, born 1876; (4) Noel Camp- bell Stephen, born 1878; (5) Humfrey Campbell Stephen, born 1882; Fanny Ethel Campbell [tnarried Charles Robert Delasalle'\ ; and Annie Sophia Campbell. PEMBROKE SCOTT STEPHENS, Esquire, one of Her Majesty's Counsel Learned in the Law, Bencher of Lincoln s Inn. Born 1834, being the only son of the late Edtvard Bell Stephens of Madrid, and Harcourt Lodge, in the county of Dublin, by his wife Eleanor Jessy, eldest daughter of the late Captain William Scott of Dublin. C\uhi— Carlton, Whitehall, A'ildare Street (Dublin). Livery — Dark blue, toith silver buttons. Armorial bearings as used, but for which no authority has as yet been recorded in Ulster's Office, are for Arms : Gules, on a bend or, three chaplets of the first. CTeet— A cock gules. KottO—"Vigi- lans et audax." Married, Feb. 8, 1898, Pauline Elisabeth, dau. of Walter Mallaby Townsend, of Wellington Road, Regent's Park, N. W. Postal address — 30 Cumberland Terrace, Regent's Park, London, N. W. Sir AUGUSTUS FREDERICK WILLIAM KEl'PEL STEPHENSON, K.C.B.. Q.C, M.A. (Caius Coll., Cambs.'), Recorder of Bedford, Barrister-at-law, Lincoln's Inn, 1852, Solicitor to Treasury 1876-94, late Director of Public Prosecutions, and late H.M. Procurator-General, 1877-94. Born Oct. 18, 1827, being the eldest son of the late Henry Frederick Stephenson, late M. P. for Westbury, and Commissioner of Inland Revenue, LL. B. Cambridge, Barrister-at-Law, Falcon Herald lixtraordinary, by his wife Mary, third dau. of William Charles, Rt. Hon. fourth Earl of Albemarle. Armorial bearings — Vert, a chevron l^e- tween in chief two roses and in base a lion sejant guardant all argent, on a canton of the last, a canton azure, thereon the letter "A" or, within a ring of the last, jemmed proper. Mantling vert and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a falcon with wings expanded argent, beaked and legged or, within a herald's collar of S.S proper. Married, Dec. 6, 1864, F^glantine, dau. of the Rt. Hon. Edward Pleydell-Bouverie ; and has Issue — (i) Guy Stephenson, Gentleman, b. Nov. 5, 1865 ; (2) Frederick W. Stephenson, Cienlleman, b. 1872 ; (3) Pleydell Keppel Stephenson, Gentleman, b. 1883; Janie, d. Aug. 1870; Rachel Janie ; and Katharine Janie. Residence — 46 Ennismore Gardens, S.W. GEORGE ROBERT STEPHENSON, Esquire, Past President of the Institution of Civil Engineers, Lieut. - Colonel of the Engineers' Volunteer Staff Corps (retired). Born October 20, 1819, being the only son of Robert .Stephenson, Engineer, of Newcastle-on-Tyne, and his wife Ann. Club — Royal Yacht Squadron. Armorial bearings — Argent, a chevron between two fleurs-de-lis in chief and a cross flory in base gules, a chief azure, thereon three mullets of the first ; and for the Crest, on a wreath of the colours, between two fleurs-de-lis argent, a cubit arm vested azure, cuffed, also argent, the hand holding a roll of paper proper. Motto — ' ' Fidus in Arcanies. " Married, firstly, Jane, dau. of Thomas Brown of Whickham, Northumberland; and secondly, Sarah Isabella, dau. of John Harrison of Swalwell, Northum- berland ; and has Issue — (i) Rolxirt Stephenson, Gentle- man, b. June 1848; (2) Geortre Stephenson, Gentleman, The Editor undertakes that every entry not in italics is tbat of a genuinely armigerous person. 7 So %)te ^te b. May 1, 1852; (3) Ilenry Slephenson, GenUenian, /'. Feb. 13, 1855; (4) 'I'homas St. Lawrence Stephenson, Geivtlenian, b. Sept. 12, 1859; Isabel; and Jane. Postal address — 17 Victoria Street, Westminster. SiK HI:nRY STIil'HENSON, Knight Bachelor, Justice of tile I'eace for the W'est Riding of the county of Yorl< and for the city of ShelTield, Fellow of the Koyal Imperial Institute, an Alderman of the city of Sheffield. Bom December 2, 1826, being the only surviving son of the late John Stephenson of Sheffield, bv his wife Elizabeth, daughter of John Kirk of Sheffield ; dubbed Knight Bachelor, 1887. Cltib—'Vhc Sheffield (Sheffiield). Livery- Dark red (claret) coat, wilii scarlet vest, gilt buttons. Armorial bearings- He lx;ars for Arms : Vair, on a pale between twi) ijallels gules, three leopards' faces or, two Haunches of the second. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling azure and argent ; and for the Crest, on a wreath of the colours, a rock thereon a falcon's head erased proper, gorgeil with a collar vair, pendent therefrom an escutcheon vert, charged with two arrows saltireways, points downwaids or. Married, June ig, 1862, linima, second daughter of the late Thomas James Parker of ICndcliffe Crescent, Sheffield, Solicitor ; and has hsiic — (i) John I'arker Stephenson, Gentleman, born 1863, died 1875 ; (2) Henry Kenyon Stephenson, Esquire, Major 4th West Yorkshire Volunteer Artillery, born August 16, 1865 [w., Jan. 10, 1894, Frances, eld. dau. of Major Blake Myln- hurst, Shefiield] ; Catherine Mary [w. , Jan. 6, 1891, George Ernest Branson, Esquire, Solicitor, Major ist Volunteer Bat- talion (Hallamshire Rifles) York and Lancaster Regiment, Vice-Consul for United States America]; and Emma [///., 1895, John Rodgers, Esq., Major ist Vol. Batt. (Hallam- shire Ritles) York and Lancashire Regiment]. Estates — The Glen, Sheffield (Residence and adjoining property). Postal address — The Glen, Sheffield. ViCK-A))MiKAi, HENRY FREDERICK STEPHEN- SON, R.N., C.B. ; served in the Crimea 1854-55, '" ''^c China Expedition 1857, Indian Mutiny Campaign 1857-58, Capt. of Royal Yacht "Victoria and Albert" 1870 73, and of the "Discovery" in the Arctic Expedition 1875-76, Egyptian Campaign 1882, Naval A.D.C. to H.M. 1888-90, and Equerry to H.R.H. the Prince of Wales 1878-93, since when he has been an Extra Equerry. Born June 7, 1842, being the third son of the late Henry Frederick Stephenson, late M.P. for Westbury, and Commissioner of Inland Revenue, LL. B. Cambridge, Barrister - at - law. Falcon Herald Extraordinary, by his wife Mary, third dau. of Rt. Hon. William Charles, fourth Earl of Albemarle. Clubs — United Service, Marlborough. Armorial bear- ings — Vert, a chevron between in chief two roses, and in base a lion sejant guardant all argent, on a canton of the last, a canton azure, thereon the letter "A" or, within a ring of the last, jemmed proper. Mantling vert and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a falcon with wings expanded argent, beaked and legged or, within a heralds collar of SS proper. Postal address — United Service Club. S SHIRLEY ARTHUR STEPHENSON -FETHER- STONHAUGH, Esq., Major 3rd Batt. Worcs. Regt. and Capt. Reserve of Officers, J. P. co. of Worcester. Born March 8, 1861, being the youngest son of the late Rev. Nash .Stephenson, Vicar of Bromyard (by Eleanor Jane, dau. of the Rev. John Hext Bushnell), and heir of the late Joseph F'etherstonhaugh, Esq., of Hopton Court, whose name and arms he assumed by Royal License in 1882. Club — Junior United Service. Armorial bearings — (Quar- terly I and 4, gules two chevronels engrailed between three feathers, within a bordure also engrailed argent, in the centre chief point (for distinction) a cross crosslet of the last (for Fetherstonhaugh) ; 2 and 3 gules, on a bend nebuly erminois, between six ears of wheat, three and three, one in pale and two in saltire, banded or, three leopards' faces of the first (for Stephenson). Mantling gules and argent ; and for his Crests, i. upon a wreath of the colours, an heraldic antelope's head erased gules, surmounted by two feathers in saltire argent, charged on the neck (for distinc- tion) with a cross crosslet or (for Fetherston); 2. upon a wreath of the colours, in front of a garb or, a cornucopia fesseways proper (for Stephenson). MottO — " Ne vile velis." Married, 1886, Christina Stanley, youngest dau. of the late Col. Stanley Clarke, 21st Hussars ; and has Issue — & is tlie Military Cockade. Alexander John Stephenson-Fetherstonhaugh, Gentleman ; I'^leanor Marjorie ; and Ethel MurielT Seat — Ho])ton Court, Worcester. Toion residence — 14 Warwick Scjuare, S.W. Thk RicvKiUvNi) FRANCIS STERRY, Master of Arts of the University of Oxford, Rector of Poltimore. Born November 20, 1834, being the second but eldest surviving son of Wasey Sterry, Solicitor, of Eastbury Hall, Barking, and Upminster, in the county of Essex, by his wife Frances, daughter of Thomas Tourle, Esquire, of Landport, near Lewes, High Sheriff for the county of .Sussex in 1809. Lively — Claret with gilt buttons. Armorial bearings — He Ijears for Arms : h^rmine, a lion ram])anl purpure, holding between the paws an annulet sable, in chief a jjheon vert, between two estoiles gules, and in base an estoile of the last, between as many pheons vert. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling purpure and argent ; and for his Crest, in front of a dexter arm em- bowed in armour, garnished gold, encircled above the elbow with an annulet or, the hand gras|)ing a seax also proper, ponmiel and hilt also or, an estoile Ix-tween two pheons of the last; with the Motto, " Pro Rege et Patria." Married, May 19, 1864, Augusta F'.mily, daughter of Hastings Nath- aniel Mitklleton, Esquire, of Bradforil Peverell, in the county of Dorset, High Sheriff of that county in 1857; and has Issue — (i) Wasey Sterry, Gentleman, Master of Arts of the University of Oxford, Barrister-at-Law, born July 26, 1866 ; (2) Francis Middleton Sterry, Gentleman, born January 9, 1882 ; Emily Frances ; Ethel; Maude Augusta ; Mary Georgina; Rachel; Hester; Dorothy ; and Agnes Nona. Estates — Eastbury Hall, with other lands in Barking, and lands in Dagenham, in the county of Essex. Postal address — Poltimore Rectory, Exeter. STEUART, see DE KIERZKOWSKI-STEUART. SJOHN STEUART, Esquire, Justice of the Peace and I)e])Uty-Lieutenant. Born July 26, 1837, ^fefniAf f" ''>2''''K ^'i*^ eldest son of the late John Skinner, XS'lvUtlll- \jy i)is ^ife Mary Gavin Elizabeth Steuart, and assumed the jjresent surname on suc- ceeding to the estate, in compliance with the will of his maternal grandfather, Mr. Hope Steuart. Club — Brooks's : Armorial bearings -He bears for Arms : Quarterly 1 and 4, or, a lion rampant gules, armed and langued azure, within a double tressure flory counterflory of the second ; 2 and 3 or, a fesse checjuy azure and argent, all within a bordure engrailed per pale or and argent, and impaling the arms of De Hochepied-Larpent, namely, quarterly i and 4, gules a saltire or, between four plates each charged with a hurt, on a chief ermine, a fleur-de-lis azure (for Larpent); 2 and 3 per pale argent and azure, on the dexter a chevron gules between three crescents sable, and on the sinister a dexter hand expanded issuant in bend, and benbath it a pair of manacles, the chain broken proper (for de Hochepied). Motto — "Semper fidelis." Married, November 12, 1862, Caroline Anna, eldest daughter of Sir Albert de Hochepied- Larpent, second Baronet, of Roehampton ; and has Issue — (i) John Malcolm Steuart Steuart, Esquire, Justice of the Peace, Lieutenant Rifle Brigade, born September 5, 1863 ; (2) Francis Gerald Steuart, Gentleman, born December 24, 1864; (3) Robert Ilenry Joseph Steuart, Gentleman, born April 13, 1874 ; (4) Bernard Charles Albert Steuart, Gentle- man, born September 7, 1875 ; (5) Patrick Hope Steuart, Gentleman, born September 8, 1877, died February 12 1883 ; (6) Ronald Morley Steuart, Gentleman, born Sep- tember 14, 1880; Gertrude Katherine Mary Angela [married, June 3, 1890, Captain John Fane Charles Hamilton, South Staffordshire Regiment] ; and Veronica Mary Isabel. Seat— Ballechin, Ballinluig, in the county of Perth. § WALTER THOMAS JAMES SCRYMSCOURl' STICUART - FO ©teuatt=jFotf)r(n8f)am 'IS^S "l^L in the county of Forfar, Justice of the Peace for that county and for the county of Perth, Lieutenant Scots Guards. Horn Decem- ber 7, 1862, being the only son of the late Thomas Frederick Scrymscoure Fothringhani of Pourie, by his wife Charlotte, commonly known as Lady Charlotte, sister of the Right Honourable the Earl of Southesk ; and succeeded Sir Douglas Stewart in the estates of Grandtully H is the Naval Cockade. ^te ^te 781 and Murthly, in the county of Perth, 1890, when he assumed tlie name of Steuart. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : (Quarterly, 1. ermine, three bars gules (for Fothring- ham) ; 2. gules, emborclured a lion rampant or, with a scyniitar in his dexter paw proper (for Scrymscoure) ; 3. argent, a lion passant guardant gules, crowned or, in the middle chief a crescent, within a bordure of the second (for Ogilvy) ; 4. quarterly i. and iiii. or, a fesse chequy azure and argent, ii. and iii. argent, a galley, oars in action sable, the fourth grand cjuarter within a bordure azure, charged with eight buckles or (for Steuart). Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules doubled argent; and for his Crests, i, on the dexter side, on a wreath of his liveries, a grifi'm scgreant proper (for Fothringham) ; 2. on the sinister side, on a wreath of liis liveries, a lion's gamb erased, holding a scymitar proper (for Scrymscoure). Supporters — Two savages wreatlied about the middle proper; with the Mottoes, "lie it fast," " Dissipate." Seti/s — Fothringham, in the county of Forfar, N. 15. ; Grandtully Castle, Aberfcldy, and Murthly Castle, in the county of Perth. HUGH STEVEN, Esquire, Westmount, Kelvinside, (ilasgow. Justice of the Peace for the county SfcfrVlPtI ^^ "^''^ '^'^y °^ Glasgow, and for the county 'OtvUvll of Ayr. Bom 1829, l>eing the sixth son of the late John Steven, Merchant, in the parish of Inch, in the county of Wigtown, by his wife Margaret, daughter of John MacDowall, in the county of Wigtown. Cliihs — National Liberal, Lilieral (Edinburgh), Lilxial ((ilasgow), and New (Glasgow), Livery — Hrown. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Gules, three chevronels braced, and in chief a hammer between two stars argent, the centre chevronel charged with a fleur-de-lis of the field, and impaling the arms of Kay, namely or, a fesse gules Ixjtwecn two tortcaux in chief, and a griffin's head erased vert in base. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules douljled argent ; and upon a wreath of his liveries is set for Crest, a demi-wyvern displayed proper, and in an escroll over the same this Motto, " I'crro non ense." Married, September 8, 1870, Jessie, daughter of Alexander Kay of Cornhill, in the county of Lanark ; and has Issue — (i) John Steven, Gentleman, born 1871 ; (2) Alexander Kay Steven, Gentle- man, born 1876; and Jane Kay. Postal address— G\7^sgo\/. § JAMES STEVENSON, Esquire (formerly James .Stevenson Hamilton), of Braidwood, co. Lanark, Colonel Commanding gth Lanark Rifle Volunteers, late Capt. i2th Royal Lancers, A.D.C. to Her Majesty the Queen, J. P. for Lanarkshire, V.D. Born 1838, Ijeing the eldest son of Nathaniel Stevenson, Esq., of Braidwood, J. P. for Lanarkshire, by Margaret Jane his wife, daughter of Thomas Rennie Scott, Esq., J. P. and I). L. for Lanarkshire. Club— Army and Navy. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Argent, a chevron between three fleurs-de-lis gules, on a chief sable, three mullets of the field. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules doubled argent ; and upon a wreath of his liveries is set for Crest, a dexter hand issuing from a cloud and holding a wreath of laurel all proper ; and in an escroll over the same this Motto, " Caelum non solum." Married, firstly, 1866, Eliza Hamilton of Fairholni [who succeeded her uncle, John Hamilton, Esq., of Fairholm, J. P., I). L. , and who died 1875 1, daughter of James Hamil- ton ; and secondly, July 2, 1879, Frances, daugliter of Frederick Richards Leyland of Woolton Hall, Lanes. He has Issue — (i) James Stevenson Hamilton, Gentleman, iiorn Oct. 2, 1867 [to whom refer] ; (2) Olmar Charles John Stevenson Hamilton, Gentleman, born Sept. 15, 1875; (3) Francis Herbert Leyland Stevenson, Gentleman, born Feb- ruary 29, 1880; and Eliza Margaret Grace. Estate and postal address — Braidwood, Lanarkshire, N.B. JAMES COCHRAN STEVENSON, Esquire, Member of Parliament for South Shields, Justice f^^i>Vt i>yt tif\Y\ fjf the Peace for the county of Durham 's^VtUtU^UU and for South Shields, Chairman of the Tyne Commissioners. Borti October 9, 1825, Ijeing the eldest son of the late James Stevenson, Merchant, of Glasgow, by his wife Jane .Stewart, daughter of the late Alexander Shannan, l^scjuire. Merchant, of Greenock. Club — Reform. Armorial bearings — Heliears for Arms: .Argent, a chevron i)ctweon three fleurs-de-lis gules, on a chief sable three mullets or. Upon the escut- cheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mant- ling gules doubled argent ; and upon a wreatii of his liveries is set for Crest, a dexter hand holding a wreath of laurel proper ; and in an escroll over the same this Motto, " .Sic curre ut comprendas." Married, 1855, Elisa Ramsay, daughter of the late Reverend James Anderson, Doctor of Divinity, of Morpeth. Postal address — 33 Devonshire Place, W, JOHN J.AMES STEVENSON, Gentleman, third son of James Stevenson. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Argent, a chevron between three fleurs-de-lis gules, on a chief invected sable three mullets or. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet Ijefitting his degree, with a mantling gules doubled argent ; .and upon a wreath of his liveries is set for Crest, a dexter hand holding a wreath of laurel proper ; with the MottO, " Sic curre ut comprendas." J'ustal address — 4 Porchester Gardens, London, W. ^ JAMES STEVENSON-ILAMILTON, Esquire, J.P. and D.L. co. Lanark, Capt. 6th Inniskiliing Dragoons. Born Oc- tober 2, 1867, Ixjing the eldest son of James Stevenson, E.squire, of Braidwootl, by his wife Eliza, the heiress of Fairholm, eldest daughter of James Hamilton (third son of Charles Hamilton), and suc- ceeded his mother as iieir of entail on attaining his majority in 1888. Clubs — Army and Navy, New (Edinburgh). /,/<'tvT— Red and silver. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms: Quarterly i and 4, gules a mullet argent, lietween three cinquefoils ermine within a bordure of the last (for Hamilton) ; 2 and 3 argent, a chevron between three fleurs- de-lis gules, on a chief sable, three mullets of the field (for Stevenson). Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet be- fitting his degree, with a mantling gules doubled argent ; and upon wreaths of his liveries are set for Crests, i. a hawk rising proper, belled or, holding in the dexter foot a sword also proper, hiked and pommelled or (for Hamilton) ; 2. a dexter hand issuing from a cloud and hold- ing a wreath of laurel all proper (for Stevenson). Mottoes — "Thankful" (for Hamilton), " Coelum non solum " (for Stevenson). Seat — Fairholm, Larkhall ; and Kirkton, Car- luke, N.B. RICHARD OLIVER FRANCIS STEWARD, Es- quire, Colonel in the Artny (retired). Born December 18, 1823, being the eldest son of Lieutenant-Colonel Richard ^tet)en0on4i)amilton The Editor undertakes that every entry not in italics is that of a genuinely armigerous person. 782 ^te ^te Augustus Tucker Staoarct, by /lis wife Louisa Henrietta, daughter of Eihvard Morgan of Golden (irine, in the county of Mint. C\\\h— United Service. Armorial bearings ant, holding in his dexter paw a buckle or. Motto (over the crest) — " Suffibulatus majores scquor." Married. July 26, 1866, Marianne Susanna, only child of John Orde Ommanney ; and has had Issue — (i) A son, born Mar. 10 and died Mar. 13, 1868 ; (2) John I""rances Mark Stewart, Esquire, born June 21, 1869, died 1870; (3) John Mark Stewart, Esquire, born May 23, 1875, died 1878; (4) Edward Orde Stewart, Esquire, born January 31, 1883; Janet Gertrude ; Sarah Blanche ; Frances Emily ; Susanna Mary ; and Margaret Anna. Seats — Southwick, Dumfries, N.B. ; Ardwell, Wigtonshire, N. B. ; and Knockishee, The Editor undertakes tbat every entry not in italics is that of a genuinely armigerous person. 784 ^te ^to Glenluce, N.H. Town residence— \ Whitehall Gmtiens, London, S.W. Lieutenant - General Sir RICHARD CAMPBELL STEWART. Born Aug. 5, 1836, being the second son of Lieul.-Gen. Thomas Stewart, Indian Army, by his wife Jane Christina, eldest dau. of D. Campbell of C'lendernel, Argyll- shire. Clubs— United'Scn'/cf, \e7o (Edinburgh). Livery— Darl: blue, and red. Armorial bearings as used, but 7ohich are not matriculated to Sir Richard in Lyon Office, arc— Or, n fesse chequy asure and argent, a double tressure flory and counter/loiy'. Crest — A demi-lion rampant gules. Motto —" Fi'iimus." [These are the undiffcrcnccd Royal Stncart arms with the Royal Tressure.] Married, Jan. 4, 1870, Mona Gou^h, dau. of Col, E. Haines, by his wife the Hon. Mrs. Haines ; and has Issue— Archibald Campbell Stc-wart, 'Esq. , b. Dec. 27, 1872 ; and three daus. Postal address— West Learmouth, Cornhill-on-Tweed, Northumberland. 3 JAMES STEWART-ROBERTSON, Esquire, J.P. CO. Perth, Hon. Major 1856, being the only son of James Stewart- Robertson, Esquire, Deputy-Lieutenant and Justice of the Peace, of Edradynate, in the county of Perth, by his wife Mary Lane, daughter of Robert Cunning- hame of Balanorris, Isle of Man. C/«(5— New (Edinburgh). Livery— '&M&, bordered with yellow. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms: Quarterly, first grand quarter, counterquartered i and 4, or a fesse chequy azure and argent, in chief a label of three points gules ; 2 and 3 azure, three garbs or (for Stewart) ; second and third grand quarters gules, three wolves' heads erased argent, in chief a crescent of the second for difference (for Robertson) ; third grand quarter, a shake-fork sable, between three roses gules (for Cunninghame). Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules and argent. Crests— On the de.xter side a griffin passant proper ; with the Motto, "Never unprepared" (for Stewart); on the sinister side an arm erect, the hand holding an imperial crown proper; with the motto, " Virtute gloria merces " (for Robertson). Married, Sept. ii, 1880, Janet Beatrice, dau. of Thomas William Murray Allan, Esq., D.L. , J.P. , of Glenfeochan, Argyllshire; and has Issue — YioroXhy Campbell. Estates — Edradynate, Cluny, Lick, Dunie, and Glenquay, all in the county of Perth. Postal address — Colquhalzie, Macharry, Perthshire. JOHN PAKENHAM STILWELL, Gentleman. Born November 4, 1832, being the elder son of &(ftf^f*ff John Gilliam Stilwell, Esquire, of Bregsells, ^'lllUJvll if, ti^(j parish of Capel, in the county of Surrey, Justice of the Peace for the county of Middlesex,, and for the city of Westminster, by his wife Ellen Mary, eldest daughter of John Tingcombe of Hartley, in the county of Devon. Club — St. Stephen's. Livery — White with green facings, brass buttons. Armorial bear- ings—He bears for Arms : Argent, a bend nebuly azure, f)etween three escocheons of the last, each charged with an escallop of the first. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling azure and argent ; and for his Crest, on a wreath of the colours, upon water, a swan proper, holding in the beak an anchor or; with the Motto, " Hold fast." Married, February 21, i860, Georgina Elizalieth, only child of William Stevens, Esquire, of Hilfield, in the parish of Yateley, in the county of Hampshire, Justice of the Peace for the county of Berk- shire; and has Issue — (1) Geoffrey Holt Stilwell, Esquire, Captain ist Volunteer Battalion Hampshire Regiment, born July 4, 1865 [married. May 17, 1893, Elizabeth Grant, daughter of Charles Grant Tindal of Fir Grove, Eversley, and has issue] ; (2) John Bernard Lethljridge Stilwell, Gentle- man, Lieutenant 1st Volunteer Battalion Hampshire Regi- ment, born Septemljer 30, 1873 ; (3) William Byron Stilwell, Gentleman, born April 2, 1880; Norah Georgina; Alice Elizabeth ; Ethel Mary ; and Beatrice Ellen. Estates — Bregsells, in the parish of Capel, in the county of Surrey ; Hilfield, in the parish of Yateley, in the county of South- ampton. Postal address — Hilfield, Yateley, IMackwatcr, Hants. ARCHIBALD STIRLING, Esquire, Lieut. 1st Batt. Scots Guards. Born Sept. 14, 1867, being the second son of Sir « is the Military Cockade. William Stirling-Maxwell, ninth Bart. C\uhs— Guards , Carlton, Travellers'. Armorial bearings as used are the arms of Stirling of Keir, namely — Argent, on a hand asure, three buckles or, but these are ttot matriculated to Mr. Stir- ling, 7vhd is not descended from the family in the male line. Seats — Keir, Dumblane, Perthshire ; Cawder, Lanarkshire. Town residence — 64 South Audley Street, London, W. PATRICK STIRLING, Gentleman. Born November 13, 1846, being the eldest son of the late John Stirling of Kippendavie and Kippenross, by his wife Catherine Mary, only child of the Reverend John Wellings ; succeeded his father, John .Stirling, in 1882. He served formerly in the 92nd (Gordon) Highlanders, Lieutenant-Colonel 4th Volun- teer Battalion Royal Highlanders, Justice of the Peace for counties of Perth and Stirling. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Argent, on a bend sable three buckles of the first, in chief a crescent of the second. Upon the escut- cheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules doubled argent ; and upon a wreath of his liveries is set for Crest, a Moor's head sable, banded about the temples argent. Motto — "Gang forward." Married, September 1876, Margaret Mary, eldest daughter of Rear-Admiral John Leith; and has Issue — (i) John Alexander Stirling, Gentleman, born September 20, 1881 ; (2) Patrick Douglas Stirling, Gentleman, born October 10, 1886. Seat — Kippen- ross, near Dunblane. Sir henry EDWARD STOKES, Knight Commander of the Most Exalted Order of the Star of India. Born 1841, being the son of Henry Stokes of Tralee ; created C.S.I. 1889, and advanced to the rank of Knight Conmiander 1892. Armorial bearings — Gules, a demi-lion double-queued argent, a bordure sable entoyre of bezants, the escutcheon being surrounded w ith the ribbon and pendent the badge of a K. C.S.I. Mantling gules and argent; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a forestaff in pale proper. Married, firstly, 1865, Janet, dau. of William Stokes, Doctor of Medicine, Doctor of Civil Law of the University of Dublin (she died 1870) ; secondly, 1872, Helena Amy, dau. of Surgeon-General Samuel Currie, Companion of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, Doctor of Medicine. WHITLEY STOKES, Esq., Companion of the Most Exalted Order of the Star of India, Companion of the Most Eminent Order of the Indian Empire, Doctor of Civil Law, Doctor of Laws. Born 1830, Ijeing the son of the late Doctor William Stokes of Dublin ; created C.S.I. 1877, and CLE. 1879. Armorial bearings — Gules, a demi-lion double-queued argent, a bordure sable entoyre of bezants, the badges of a C.S.I, and CLE. pendent liclow the escut- cheon. Mantling gules and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a forestaff in pale proper. Married, firstly, 1865, Mary, dau. of the late Colonel Bazely of the Bengal' Artillery ; secondly, Ehzabeth, dau. of the late William Temple. Postal address — 15 Grenville Place, Cromwell Road, S.W. Sir WILLIAM STOKES, Knight Bachelor. Born 1839, being the son of the late William Stokes, Doctor of Medicine, Regius Professor of Medicine in the University of Dublin, and Physician in Ordinary to the Queen, by his wife Mary, dau. of James 15iaek of Glasgow ; dubbed Knight Bachelor 1886. Armorial bearings— Gules, a demi-lion double-queued argent, a bordure sable entoyre of bezants. Mantling gules and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a forestaff in pale proper. Married, 1869, Elizabeth, eldest dau. of John Lewis Moore, D. D., Vice-Provost Trinity College, Dublin. Residence— ^ Mer- rion Square, Dulilin. STONE, see WARRY-STONE and ELPHINSTONF- STONE. EDWARD HERBERT STONE, Gentleman. Born , being the son of the late Robert N. Stone, Esq., J.l'., of 21 Grosvenor Place, Bath [only son of Robert Stone, Esq., J. P., of Effra Hall, Surrey, and grandson of John Stone, Esq., I. P., of Bradbury Manor, Wilts], by his wife Ceilia, dau. "of Thomas Gullet Smith, Esq. Armorial bearings— Gules, a chevron ermine between three lo/engos ^m is the Naval Cockade. ^to ^to 785 or, each charged with an ermine spot sable. Mantling gules and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a horse courant sable, bridled, crined, and hoofed or. Motto — " Quid merui meum est." § FRANCIS GLEADOWE STONE, Esq., Major Royal Artillery, Deputy Assistant-Adjutant-General. Born 1857, being the third son of the late Robert N. Stone, Esq. , J. P., of 21 Grosvenor Place, Bath [only son of Robert Stone, Esq., J. P., of Effra Hall, .Surrey, and grandson of John Stone, Esq., J. P., of Badbury Manor, Wilts], by his wife Cecilia, dau. of Thomas Gullet Smith, Esq. Club — United Service. Livery — Dark blue and silver. Armorial bear- ings-Gules, a chevron ermine between three lozenges or, each charged with an ermine spot saljle. Mantling gules and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a horse courant sable, bridled, crined, and hoofed or. Motto — "Quid merui meum est." Married, Dec. 31, 1884, Celine Euj)hemia, youngest dau. of Pieter Lawrence Graham CIoet(5 of Great Westerford, Cape of Good Hope; and has Issue — Robert Graham William Hawkins Stone, Gentleman, h. Jan. 16, 1890. Postal address — United Service Club, Pall Mall, S.W. JOHN STONE, Gentleman, late Lieut, the 8th (The King's) Regt. Bom 1825, being the younger son of the late Bayntun Stone, Esq., of Badbury, Wilts, Lieut.-Col. S8th Foot, by Ann, only dau. of John Stone, Esq., of Bad- bury Manor, and Lower Upham, Wilts. Armorial bear- ings — Gules, a chevron ermine between three lozenges or. each charged with an ermine spot sable. Mantling gules and argent ; and for his, Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a horse courant sable, bridled, crined, and hoofed or. Motto — " Quid merui meum est." Married, 1861, Sophia Blanche, dau. of Capt. Edmund Palmer, C. B. , R.N. Seat — The Lodge, Leusden, Ashburton, Devonshire. Sir JOHN BExNJAMIN STONE, Knight Bachelor, Justice of the Peace, Fellow of the Linnean ^.4-Af4A Society, the Geological Society, of the Royal ^O'VUllv Astronomical Society, and of the Royal Geo- graphical Society. Born 1838, being the second son of Benjamin Stone of Aston Manor, by his wife Rebecca, daughter of Richard Matthews of Cookley. Armorial bear- ings — He bears for Arms : Vert, on a fesse raguly argent, between two doves in chief and a rose in base of the last, barbed and seeded proper, a cross couped sable. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling vert and argent ; and for his Crest, on a wreath of the colours, an eagle, with wings elevated and addorsed proper, charged on the wings with a cross as in the arms, The Editor undertakes that every entry not ia italics is that of a genuinely armigerous person. 3D 786 ^tO supporting with the dexter claw a wing also proper rrUd, June 5, 1867. Jane, daughter of Peter Parker of hersdale. in the county of York; and has Issue— (i) and A tarried, Lothersdale. ... ...^ ^„„.... — . , Barron Wilfrid Stone, Esquire, liorn August 10. 1869; (2) Norman Benjamin Stone, Esquire, born October 13, 1871 ; (3) Oscar Harold Stone, Esquire, born December 7, 1872; (4) Roland Parker Stone, Esquire, bom June 18, 1876; Ethel Mary ; and Dora Christine. Estates \n Birnungham, Erdington, Northfield, and West Bromwich. Postal ad- dress—The Grange, Erdington, Warwickshire. ROBERT SIDNEY STONE, Gentleman. Barrister-at- Law, late of H. M. Colonial Civil Service. Bom Nov. 20, i84i,beingthe eldest son of the late Robert N. Stone, Esquire, J. P., of 21 Grosvenor Place. Bath [only son of Robert Stone, Esq., J. P., of Effra Hall. Surrey, and grandson of John Stone, Esq., J. P., of Badbiu-y Manor, Wilts], by his wife Cecilia, daughter of Thomas Gullet Smith, Esquire. Clubs — Junior Carlton ; Bath and County (Bath) ; Royal Albert Yacht (Southsea). Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Gules, a chevron ermine between tliree lozenges or, each charged with an ermine spot sable. Uf)on the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules and argent : and for his Crest, ujxjn a wreath of the colours, a horse coiu^ant sable, bridled, crined, and hoofed or. Motto — " Quid merui meum est." Postal addresses — 2 Ryder Street, St. James's, London, S.W. ; Junior Carlton Club, Pall Mall, S.W. Rkvere.sd F. SHIRLEY STONEY. B..\. Oxon, Bom , being the son of Rev. R. B. Stoney, M.A. , of Alfreton. Armorial bearings — Or, on a bend cotised azure, thrt-e escallops of the held. Mantling azure and or. Crest — On a wTcath of the colours, out of a miual crown proper, a demi-lion or, holding between the paws a spur erect argent, winged gules. MottO — " Nunquam non paratus." Postal address-^EaXon Square, S.W. FRANC SADLEIR STONEY, Esquire, J. P., late Lieut. - Col. R.A. Bom Feb. 17, 1834, being the youngest son of the late Rev. Ralph Stoney, M..A., of Terry'glass and Bally- nockane, by his wife Abigail, dau. of Thomas Sadleir of Castletown, co. Tipperary, brother of Dr. Sadleir, Provost « is tbe Military Cockade. of Trin. Coll., Dublin. Armorial bearings— Or, on a bend cotised azure, three escallops of the field. Mantling azure and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, out of a mural crown proper, a demi-lion or, holding between the paws a spur erect argent, winged gules. Motto — "Nun- quam non paratus." Married, firstly, July 31, 1867, Catherine J.ine, dau. of Robert Lawe. Banker, of Preston, CO. Lancaster; and had /j^.fw— Kathleen Sadleir [ot., Jan. 7, 1890, Lieut. J. Hamilton Allen, R.N., only son of Col. Allen of Errol Park, co. Perth, and great grandson of the first Earl of Camperdown]. He married secondly, June II, 1872, Emma Sophia Christina, elder dau. of Christopher Mercer Durrant, Esq.. M.D., J. P. co. Suffolk, and relict of Capt. Mavnard, 20th Regt. ; and has Issue— {i) Ralph Durrant Sadleir Stoney. Gentleman, Lieut. Royal Irish Fusiliers, f. -April 8, 1873 ; (2) Franc Aubrey S.tdleir Stoney, Gentleman, B.A. Trin. Coll.. Dublin, i. May 23, 1875 : (3) Leigh Sadleir Stoney, Gentleman, 6. April 19, 1878 ; (4) George, d. in infancy ; Emma Geraldine ; Mary Moor- house ; and Ruth, d. in infancy. iVn/j— Little Heaih, Kent ; The Downs. Delgany, co. Wicklow. FR.ANCIS GOOLD .STONEY, Gentleman. Bom .\pril 1837. being the third son of the late John George Stoney, Esq., J. P., bv his wife Anna Henrietta, only dau. of Thomas Waller, Esq., J. P., of Finoe House, Borrisokane. Armorial bearings— Or, on a bend cotised azure, three escallops of the tield. Mantling azure and or. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, out of a mural crown proper, a demi-lion or, holding between the paws a spur erect argent, winged gules. Motto — "Nunquam non paratus." Mar- ried, Aug. 10, 1865, .Annie Elizabeth, only dau. of .Alex- ander Duncan, C.R. ; and has Issue— Edward Duncan Stoney, Gentleman, fi. July 31, 1868. Postal address— Ipswich. lOHNSTONE THOMAS STONEY. Esquire, J. P. Born July 28, 1849, being the son of the late James Johii- stone Stonev, Esq., of Emell Castle, Cloughjordan. King's Co., J. P.. JvI.A., by his wife Elizabeth, dau. of Rev. W. Minchin of Greenhills. co. Tipperary. Armorial bear- ings — Or, on a bend cotised azure, three escallops of the field. Mantling azure and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, out of a mural crown proper, a demi-lion or, holding between the paws a spur erect argent, winged gtiles. Motto — "Nunquam non paratus." Married, firsdy, Dec. S, 1872, Rebecca, only dau. of Edward C. Minchin of Canterbury, New Zealand; and by her (who . June 17, 1884 ; 14) Edward Bowes Stoney, Gentleman, d. March 30, 1886 ; and four daus. iVa/— Emell Castle, King's Co. PERCY BUTLER STONEY, Gentleman, third son of James Butler Stoney of Ross-y-Vera, in the «:Xf-nri(ni county of Mavo, by his wife Mary Frances, ^ VUUtl^ daughter of James Elwood, Esquire, Justice of the Peace, of Knockadoo, Boyle, in the county of Roscommon. Livery— Blue and yellow. Armo- rial bearings— He bears for Arms : Or, on a bend cotised .azure, three escallops of the field. Upon the escutcheon is pLiced a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling azure and or ; and for his Crest, out of a mural crown proper, a demi-lion or. holding between the paws a spur erect argent, winged gules; with the Mottoes — "Nunquam non para- tus," " Audax." Married, April 18, 1872, Mary, daughter of Thomas Briggs, Honourable East India Company's Ser- vice ; and has Issue— (i) Elkin Percy Stoney, Gentleman, born January 3, 1880 ; (2) Malcolm Percy .Stoney, Gentle- man, born January 31, 1883; Mary Jessie; .Annie Frances ; Fanny Sophia ; and Leonora. Estate — Rylstone, in the county of Lancashire. Postal address — Millom, Cumber- land. Revere.nd R.ALPH SADLEIR STONEY. B.D.. Vicar of Ribby-cum-Wrea. co. Lancaster. Born March 3 is the Naval Cockade. ^to ^tt 787 27, 1830, being the third son of the late Rev. Ralph Stoney, M.A, , of Terryglass and Ballynockane, by his wife Abigail, dau. of 'rhomas Sadleir of Castletown, CO. Tipperary, eldest brother of Dr. Sadleir, Provost of Trin. Coll., Dublin. Armorial bearings — Or, on a bend cotised azure, three escallops of the field. Mant- ling' azure and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, out of a mural crown proper, a demi-lion or, holding between the paws a spur erect argent, winged gules. Motto — " Nuncjuam non paratus." Married, first, 1859, Eliza, eldest dau. of John Drinkwater of Liverpool (brother to Sir George Drinkwater), and sister of Sir William Drink- water ; and had Issue — Eliza and Selina, both d. young. He married secondly, July 22, 1870, Sibilla Frances, second dau. of Rev. William T. Homan, Rector of Modreeny ; and has Issue — (i) Rev. Ralph Sadleir Stoney, B.A. 0.\ford, b. Sept. I. 1872; (2) Rev. 'I'ravers Strathmore Stoney, B.A. O.von., b. Feb. 14, 1874; (3) Edwin P'azakerley Stoney, Gentleman, B.A. Trin. Coll., Dublin, b. March 26, 1875. Residence — Wreagreen Vicarage, Preston. SADLEIR STONEY, Esquire, M.A., Barrister at-Law, J. P. CO. Dublin. Born Aug. 3, 1822, being the eldest son of the late Rev. Ralph Sioney, M.A. , of Terryglass and Ballynockane, by his wife Aliigail, dau. of Thomas Sadleir of Castletown, co. Tipperary, brother of Dr. .Sadleir, Provost Trin. Coll. Dublin. Armorial bearings Or, on a bend cotised azure, three escallops of the field. Mantling azure and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, out of a mural crown proper, a demi-lion or, holding betsveen the paws a spur erect argent, winged gules. Motto — " Nunciuam non paratus." Married, first, Lizzie, dau. of John Shortt of Pallas, CO. of Tipperary, by whom he had a daughter, Alice, d. in infancy. He married secondly, 1857, Eleanor, dau. of Rev. Thomas Luby, D. D. , Senior Fellow of Trin. Coll., Dublin ; and has Issue — (i) Thomas Johnston Stoney, Gentleman, of Ballynockane, b. Dec. 13, 1858; (2) Frederick W'etherall .Stoney, Gentleman, .Surgeon in the Army, b. Oct. 25, 1861 ; (3) Ralph Stonoy, Gentleman, M.D. ; (4) Franc Sadleir .Stoney (Rev.), b. Dec. 10, 1869; I^ura Eleanor; Florence Georgina [«/., 1895, Lieut. Stuart Boyd, R.A.] ; and Frances Elizabeth. Seat — Ballycaple House, co. Tip- perary ; The Grange, co. Dublin. THOMAS GEORGl': STONEY, Gentleman. Born Aug. 27, 1868, being the eldest son of the late George Francis .Stoney, Esq., of Kyle Park, Captain Tipperary Light Infantry, by his wife Emily, eldest dau. of Robt. J. Stoney, J. P., of Killavalla. Armorial bearings— Or, on a bend cotised azure, three escallops of the field. Mantling azure and or. Crest —On a wreath of the colours, out of a mural crown proper a demi-lion or, holding between the paws a spur erect argent, winged gules. Motto — " Nunquam non paratus." Residence— KyXn Park, Ireland. His Honour Juuck HE.NRY JAMES STONOR, Judge of the County Courts, Justice of the Peace for the counties of Surrey and Middlesex. Born March 14, 1820, being the son of the late Charles Stonor, Esquire, Lieutenant-Colonel in the Sjianish Service, by his wife Mary, eldest daughter of the late Charles Butler, Esciuire, one of His Majesty's Counsel Learned in the Law. Club— Athenxum, Armo- rial bearings — He bears for Arms : .Azure, two bars dan- cettee or, a chief argent. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet l)efitting his degree, with a mantling azure and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, at the base of a rock argent enriched with amethysts and rubies, a bird proper, charged as the rock, holding in its bill a ruby. Married, .April 1858, Mary .Anne, youngest daughter of the late John Kirsopp, who died 1891. I STOPHAM, quartered by BARTTELOT. § GILBERT HARDINGE STRACEY, Esquire, D.L. and J. P. CO. Norfolk, formerly Capt. Prince of Wales' 'Own Norfolk Artillery. Born May 30, 1844, being the fifth json of Sir Henry-Josias Stracey, Bart., High Sheriff 1871, 'by his wife Charlotte, only dau. and heiress of George !Deane. Clubs — Junior Carlton, Marlborough. Armorial bearings — P>mine, on a cross engrailed between four eagles displayed gules, five cinquefoils or. Mantling gules and argent. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a Hon rampant erminois, ducally crowned gules, supporting a cross patde fitchde of the last. Married, Oct. 10, 1867, Louisa, Anne, only dau. of Richard Groucock, Esq. ; and has Issue — (i) Gilbert-Foard Stracey, Gentleman, late Lieut. 3rd Batt. Durham Light Infantry, b. July 29, 1868; (2) Hardinge- Graham Stracey, Gentleman, b. Jan. 16, 1870; (3) Ernest Henry Denne Stracey, Gentleman, Lieut. Norfolk Regt. , b. April 13, 1871 ; (4) Reginald George Stracey, Gentleman, b. 1881 ; and Hilda Marguerita. Seat — Sprowston Lodge, Blackheath, Norwich. EDWARD JOHN STRACEY-CLITHEROW, Esquire, Jiisticeof the Peace for the ^ttacep^Clitfieroto ^CS.and oireTer: Born June 4, 1820, being the eldest son of the late John .Stracey, Esc|uire, of Sprowston, in the county of Norfolk (fourth son of Sir Edward Stracey, first Baronet, of Rackheath), by his wife Emma Elizabeth Clitherow, and assumed by Royal License, July 20, 1865, the additional surname and arms of Clitherow, in com- pliance with the testamentary injunction of James Clitherow of Boston House. Armorial bearings He bears for Arms : Quarterly i and 4, argent on a chevron gules, between three eagles displayed, wings inverted sable, five annulets or (for Clitherow) ; 2 and 3 ermine, on a cross engrailed, between four eagles displayed gules, five cinquefoils or (for Stracey). Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules and argent ; and for his Crests, I. out of a tower or, a demi-lion rampant sable (for Clitherow) ; 2. a lion rampant erminois, ducally crowned and supporting a cross pat^e fitchf^e gules (for Str.acey). Married, August 20, 1846, Harriot, daughter of Edward Marjoribanks of Greenlands, near Henley-on-Thames. Seats — Boston House, Brentford ; Hotham Hall, Beverley. Lieutk.nant-Gf.nk.r.m, SrR RICHARD .STRACHEY, G.C.S.I. (1897), (Royal Engineers), Fellr)w of the Royal Society, Doctor of Laws. Born 1817, being the .son of PMward Strachey, Esquire, of the Bengal Civil Service, by his wife Julia, daughter of General William Kirkpatrick ; created Companion of the Most Exalted Order of the Star of India, 1866. r,7«i^~.Aihen;eum. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : .Argent, a cross Ijetween four eagles displ.iyed gules, and impaling the arms of Grant, namely, quarterly i and 4, gules three antique crowns or (for Grant) ; 2. or, a fesse chequy azure and argent, Ijetween three wolves' heads couped sable (for Stewart of Athol) ; 3. azure, a dexter hand vambraced, grasping a sword erected in pale argent, between three boars' heads couped or, langued gules (for Gordon), all within a bordure wavy or. Upon the escutcheon, which is surrounded by the ribbon and the collar of the Star of India, from which is pendent his badge as a G.C.S.I., is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, an eagle displayed gules, charged on the breast with a cross patf5e fitch^e argent. Afarried, firstly, 1854, Caroline, daughter of the Reverend George Bowles, who died 1855 ; secondly, 1859, Jane Maria, daughter of .Sir John Peter Grant, Knight Grand Cross of the Most Distinguished Order of Saint Michael and Saint George, Knight Commander of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, of Rothiemurchus, North Britain ; and has Issue living (by second marriage) — (i) Richard John Strachey, Esc],, Captain Rifle Brigade (Prince Consort's Own), serve'"'>_Stagshaw, Corbridge, and Leages, Hexham. STRANGE, quartered by BUSHE and MURRAY. JAMES PIM STRANGMAN. Bom 1832, being the second son of Joshua Strangman of &^f■t•f1t^lTtnAt1 ^^aterford, by his wife Anna Wake- XS'VIUUI^UIUU field, daughter of James Pifn. Clubs — Junior Travellers , Royal Ulster Yacht. Armorial bearings as used: Per bend sable and argent, a bend raguly counterchanged. Crest — Two ragged staffs saltireways, environed with a ducal cro7u?i or. These arms are recorded in the Visitations of Essex, 1558 and 1612, but no descent from this family or right to the arms has been established in the College of Arms by the aboz'e mentioned. Married, Jfrstly 1862, Lizzie, second daughter of George Stephenson, Solicitor and Seneschal of Hills- borough, in the county of Down ; and secondly, 1883, Alary ^ is the Military Cockade. %tx Catherine, second daughter of the Reverend Henry Peake Master of A rts, of Abergavenny, in the countv of Monmouth. Postal address— 38 Rue Desbordes Valmore, Paris-Passy, France. § JOSEPH STRANGMAN, Esquire, Justice of the Peace and Deputy-Lieutenant, eldest son of Joshua Strangman of Waterf'ord, by Anna Wakefield, daughter of Jatnes Pirn. 'Lnery— Dark blue. Armorial bearings as used are : Per bend sable and argent, a bend raguly counter- changed. Crest — A lion rampant bearing a staff raguly. These arms {but with a different crest) were recorded at the Visitations of the County of Essex, 1558 and 1612, but no descent sho^ving a right to the arms has been established in the College of Arms. Married, January 11, 1872, Caroline, daughter of Richard Coleman Pope of Wateiford. Postal address — Ferrybank House, county Kilkenny, Ireland. JAMES HOWARD PERCY STRANGWAYS, Gentle- man. Born June 18, i860, being the third son of the late Rev. James Michael Henry Strangways, M.A.T.C.D., some time Rector of Baronstovvn. co. Louth, and for many years Vicar-Choral of St. Patrick's Cathedral, Armagh, by his wife Isabella Margaret, dau. of the late Alexander Robin- son, M.B., &c., Resident Surgeon. County Infirmary, Armagh, Ireland. C///i'^--Minima Yacht (Southend-on- Sea). Armorial bearings — Sable, two lions passant, paly of six argent and i^ules, within a bordure engrailed or. Mantling^ sable and argent. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a lion as in the arms, gorged with a ducal coronet or. Motto — "Soys joyeux et ne double pointe." Married, May 28, 1887. .Amy Maud, third dau. of tlie late Robert Howard .Shout, F.R.I. B.A., late of "Treherne," West Hampstead, N.W. , by his wife Sarah, dau. of the late John Lord of Paddington Green, W. ; and has Issue— Norah Winifred Noel ; and Olga Hope. Postal address — Minima Yacht Club — Southend-on-Sea. LEONARD RICHARD FFLEMING STRANGWAYS, Classical University Scholar of Dublin Univ., B.A. 1880, M.A. 1883, Head Master of St. Stephens Green School, and President (1897) Irish Schoolmasters' Association. Born Oct. 2, 1857, being the second son of Rev. James Michael Henry Strangways, Clerk in Holy Orders, M.A., Rector of Baronstown, co. Louth, Ireland, l)y his second wife Isabel Margaret, dau. of .iMcxander Robinson, Esq., M.B., of Armagh. t7///'.t — Royal Irish Yacht (Kings-town), Royal Dublin Society (Dublin)^ Livery — Black, with gold facings. Armorial bearings— Sable, two lions passant paly of six argent and gules, within a bordure engrailed M is the Naval Cockade. ^tr ^tt 789 or. Mantling sable and or. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a lion as in the arms, gorged with a ducal coronet or. Motto— "Soys joyeux et ne double pointc." Married, Jiily 12, 1884, Alice Helen Beatrice, elder dau. of James George Roliertson of Kilkenny (by his wife VV'ilhclmina Margaret Alicia Strang[ways) ; and has Issue — (i) Guy Krnest .Man Strangways, Gentleman, b. Nov. 4, 1885 ; (2) Leonard Krincis Percy Strangways, Gentleman, b. Jan. 1886, d. Dec. iSc/j; Juliet Marion Alice; Lilian Isabel; and Beatrice Violet Mary, b. and d. 1896. Postal addresses — Merlon, Cullens- wood, CO. Dublin ; and Tiic Dome, Skerries, co. Dublin. STRATHEARN, the Scottish Earldom of, is claimed by Mrs. UARCLA Y-ALLARDICE. TiiK Ri(;iiT HoNouK.vm.K HALLYBURTON GEORGE CAMPBELL, ^stTrtf-firl^rn i»nh Baron Stratheden of Cupar, in 'O'VVUllJtUtll ttllU thecountyofFife, Baron Camp- (fTAltlllhfff '^'1 '^^ ^^- Andrews, in the >a^aUljJUtU county of Fife, .M;uster of Arts. Born Ociol>er 18, 1829, Ijeing the son of the first Baroness Stratheden, by her husband John, first Baron Campbell ; succeeded his brother 1893. Creations — Barony of Stratheden, January 22, 1836 ; Barony of Campbell, June 30, 1841. Armorial bearings— Me bears for Arms : Gyronny of eight or and sable, within a bordure engrailed quarterly or and azure, charged with eight buckles counterchanged. Above the escutcheon is placed tlie coronet of his rank, and thereupon a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules doubled ermine ; and upon a wreath of his liveries is set for Crest, a boar's head erased, gyronny of eight or and sable. Supporters as Lord Stratheden— On either side a buck argent, attired and hoofed or, that on the de.xter gorged with a collar compony gules and of the second, therefrom pendent an escutcheon gyronny of eight or and sable ; and that on the sinister gorged with a collar therefrom pendent an escutcheon gold, charged with three chaplets of laurel two and one proper. Supporters as Lord Campbell — On either side a lion guardant gules, that on the dexter gorged with a collar or, pendent therefrom an escutcheon azure, charged with a saltire argent, and that on the sinister gorged with a wreath of shamrocks proper, pendent therefrom an escutcheon chequy or and gules. Motto — " Audacter et aperte." Married, August 24, 1865, Louisa Mary, eldest daughter of the Right Hon- ourable A. J. B. Beresford Hope, Member of Parliament ; and has Issue~(\) Hon. John Beresford Campljell, Lieu- tenant Coldstream Guards, b. June 20, 1866 [;//., Jan. 15, 1895, the Hon. Alice Susan, second dau. of the Rt. Hon.' Baron Hamilton of Dalzell ; (2) Hon. Cecil Arthur Camp- bell, b. April 3, 1869; (3) Hon. Kenneth Hallyburton Campbell, b. May 21, 1871 ; and the Hon. Mildred Louisa. Residences — 17 Bruton Street, Berkeley Square, London, W. ; Hartrigge, Jedburgh, N.B. JAMES BRAKENRIDGE STRATHY, Esquire, Major (retired) 7th Battalion Canada Militia, filfTSlffltl Jiistice of the Peace for the county of >Cy\\,\XV\)\l Middlesex, in the Province of Ontario. Born July 3, 1813, at Perth, Scotland, being the second son of the late Alexander Hepburn Belshes Strathy, Esquire, Justice of the Peace, of Beech- wood, Westminster, in the Province of Ontario, by his wife .Alison, daughter of James Brakenridge. Livery — Blue, with yellow facings. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : On a shield or, on a chevron azure between three crescents gules, a stag's head erased of the first. Crest — An eagle displayed, holding in its beak a thistle, slipped and leaved all proper. Motto — " Audax justum perficere." Married, February 21, 1844, Elvira, daughter of the late Hiram David Lee, Doctor of Medicine, of London, in the Province of Ontario; and has Issue — (i) Edward Strathy, Gentleman, born December 29, 1844 ; (2) Henry George Gordon Strathy, Gentleman, born July 29, 1846 ; (3) Frederic Ralph Lee Strathy, Gentleman, born January 25, 1849 ; (4) Arthur Strathy, Gentleman, died in infancy; (5) James Alexander Lawrason Strathy, Gentleman, born July 22, 1857; Louisa Matthews; and Frances Mary. Postal address — 2 Emily Street, Macdonald Park, Kingston, Ontario, Canada. Tbe Editor undertakes tbat every entry not in italics is that of a genuinely armigerous person. 790 ®>tt S/OfIN HEATH FIKLD STA'.i TTOy. '■' ^'l'' ' '■\^!''- late R.A., /./'. Hu'k^- '^o^" ^'P*- ^S. '837. ^""^f thetldtsl s^fviving son of William ^tnillon Esq.,of JJe Cage, LittU BttkUmstei. Herts, J.P. Herts, by his wife %X\X Catherine Weston Parrv, second dan. oj John Heathjield Hicks,, M.D., of Pcdington Manor, Gloncestershire. Club —Junior United Sen>ice. Livery— /V/z/f, gilt buttons, and red and white striped waistcoat. Armorial bearings a<: used, but for which the descent and consequent authority hjis not been officially established up to date, arc for Anns — Argent,' on a cross sable. Jive bezants. Crest — A on rising. MottO — "Fain would I rise." Married, falcon Sept. 1887, Albinia Marian Starkie, dau. of late Edward Robert Starkie Hence, Esq., of Kentwell Hall, Suffolk, late Capt. A'ing's Dragoon Guards, J. P., D.L. Suffolk, High Sheriff \B6i. Seat — 7"^^ Gage, Little Rerkhamsted, near Hertford. HENRY STRICKLAND-CONSTABLE, Esq., B.A. of Trin. Coll. (Caiuab.), and J.P. for E. Riding of the co. of York. Born 1821, being the younger son of the late Sir George Strickland, 7th Bart., of Boynton, by Mary, only child and heir of the late Rev. Charles Constable of V\'as- sand (whose name he has assumed). Armorial bearings — Quarterly i and 4, gules and vair, over all a bend or (for Constable) ; 2 and 3 gules, a chevron or, between three crosses pat(?e argent, on a canton ermines, a stag's head couped proper (for Strickland), impaling the arms of Butler- Danvers, namely, quarterly i and 4, gules, a chevron wavy between three mullets of six points radiant or, pierced sable (for Uanvers) ; 2 and 3 argent, three covered cups in bend between two bendlets engrailed sable (for Butler). Mant- ling gules and argent ; and for his Crests, i. upon a wreath of the colours, a ship with tackle, guns, and apparel, all or (for Constable); 2. upon a wreath of the colours, a turkey- cock in his pride sable, membered and wattled gules (for Strickland). Married, 1859, Cornelia Charlotte Anne, youngest dau. of the late Col. and Lady Sophia Dumaresq (sister of George, 5th Earl of Lanesborough) ; and has, with other /«««— Frederic Charles Strickland-Constable, Esq., late Capt. R. H. Guards, b. i860. 6Va/ -Wassand Hall, Hull. Town residence — 70 Cadogan Square, London, S.W. STRIVELIN, quartered by LONGUEVILLE. & is the Military Cockade. ANTHONY ALOYSIUS STRONG- HUSSEY, Esq., I P CO Dublin. Born 1850, being the eldest son of the late Malachi Strong -Hussey, Esq J.P. and D.L of Westown House, bv Charlotte Isabella, second dau. of the late R A Fitzgerald. Armorial bearings— Barry of six ermine and gules, on a canton of the last a cross or. Mant- ling gules and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a hind passant argent beneath a tree proper. Motto—' ' Cor immobile. " Married, 1884, Mary, only dau. of the late Richard Henry Shell. 5tv//— Westown, Bal- briggan, Dublin. CHARLES WALTER STRONGE. Esquire, Com- panion of the Most Honourable Order of tCXff rtvi.¥i> I'le Bath. Born 1816, being the third son S5)llUnyv of the late Sir James Mathew Stronge, second Baronet, Doctor of Civil Law, Deputy-Lieutenant for the counties of Tyrone and Armagh, by his wife Isabella, daughter of Nicholson Calvert ; created Companion of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, 1880. C/z/*— Carlton. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Argent, a chevron wavy sable between three lozenges azure, in the centre chief point an estoile gules. Upon the escutcheon, from which is pendent his badge as a Com- panion of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling sable and argent : and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, an eagle with two heads displayed sable, beaked and legged azure, langued gules. Motto (over crest)—" Tentanda via est." Postal address— \ Palace Court Mansions, W. GEORGE HERBERT SIRUTT, Esquire, J.P. Bom April 21, 1854, being the eldest son of the late George Henry Strutt, Esq., ].\\ and D.L., by his wife Agnes Anne, only dau. of Edward Ashton of West End, Prescot, in the CO. of Lancaster. Armorial bearings— Per pale sable and azure, two chevronels engrailed between three cross crosslets fitchfe or. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befit- ting his degree. Mantling sable and or. Crest— Upon a wreath of the colours, in front of rays of the sun, a cubit arm erect vested bendy of six or and sable, cuffed argent, holding in the hand a roll of paper proper. Motto — " Pro- positi tenax." Married, 1876, Edith Adela, eldest dau. of Major Charles Yelverton, Balguy ; and has Issue — With five daughters, a son, George Ashton Strutt, Gentleman, /'. 1878. Seat — Makeney House, Derby. STUART, quartered by VERSCHOYLE. STUART, see BLANTYRE, HARINGTON-STUART, MORAY, CONSTABLE-MAXWELL-STUART, MON- TAGU - STUART - WORTLEY, and MONTAGU- STUART- WORT LEY-MACKENZIE. § ALEXANDER STUART, Esquire, of Inchbreck, in the county of Kincardine, and Laithers, in &itll?lft ''^^ county of Aberdeen, Justice of the Peace, xylUttll. Deijuty-Lieutenant, Master of Arts, head and present representative of the families of Stuart of Inchbreck and Sibbald of Kair. Born June 8, 1832, being the only son of the late Alexander Stuart, Esquire, of Laithers and Inchbreck, by his wife Isabella, .second daughter of John Lawson, Esquire, Captain Royal Navy. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Or, a fesse chequy azure and argent lietween a lion passant in chief and a rose in base gules, all within a bordure en- grailed and gobonated compond of the second and third, and impaling the arms of Arbuthnott, namely azure, a crescent between three mullets argent. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules doubled argent ; and upon a wreath of his liveries is set for Crest, a civet-cat couchant proper. Motto — "Semper paratus." Married, June 21, 1864, the Hon- ourable Clementina Arbuthnott, daughter of John, ninth Viscount Arbuthnott ; and has Issue — (i) John Stuart, Gentleman, born April 20, 1877; (2) Murray Stuart Stuart Gentleman, born September 27, 1878 ; and Clementina Graham [w., 1897, A. E. F. Alorrison, junr. , of Bognis]. Residence — Laithers House, Turriff, in the county of Aber- deen. GEORGE JOHN STUART. Gentleman. Born Novem- ber 3, 1870, being the only son of the late Major W. Edington Stuart, late of the 15th Hussars, by his wife M is the Naval Cockade. ^tu Sydney Louisa, now Scott [to whom refer], only surviving daughter of the late George Jonathan Scott, Esquire, and whfi assumed by Royal Licence in ihe year 1891, the name and arms of Scott. Armorial bearings —He bears for Anus : (^)uarterly i and 4, gules three piles invected argent, two issuant from the chief and one from the base, each charged with a catherine-wheel of the first (for Scott) ; 2 and 3 or, a fesse chequy azure and argent, in base a savage's head couped projjer (for Stuart). Upon the escut- che(jn is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mant- ling gules and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, in front of a demi-gritlin sable, beaked gules, holding lietween the claws an escarbuncle or, a demi-cath- erine-wheel argent; with the Motto, " Recte faciendo neminem limeas." Postal address — • Uetton Strange, Shrewsbury ; Tenicrlhuchap, Towyn, Merioneth. THOMAS GEORGE STUART-FRENCH, Gentle- man. Horn 1862, lieing the eldest surviving son of Major- Gen. William James Stuart, late R.E. , by Eleanor Dorcas his wife, youngest dau. of the late Thomas George PYench, and sister and coheir of the late I'ascoe Savage French of Marino, co. Cork. Armorial bearings— Quarterly i and 4, sable a bend between two dolphins naiant Ijendways argent, in the dexter chief point a crescent of tiie field (for French); 2 and 3, quarterly i. or, a lion rampant gules, within a double tressure tiory counterflory of the last ; ii. or, a fesse chequy azure and argent, in chief a label of three points gules ; iii. argent, a saltire engrailed between four roses gulfs ; iiii. azure, a lion rampant argent, the whole within a bordure compony azure and argent, over all in the fesse point a crescent for difference (for Stuart). Mantling sable and argent ; and for his Crests, i. upon a wreath of the colours, a dolphin naiant argent, charged with a crescent sable (for French); 2. upon a wreath of the colours, a unicorn's head couped argent, armed, crined, and tufted or, charged with a crescent gules for difference (for Stuart). Motto — "Veritas." Postal address — Constitutional Club, Northumberland Avenue. STUBRS, see OXFORD, Bishop of. § HENRY STUBBS, Esquire. Justice of the Peace for the counties of Donegal and Fermanagh, ^^tllflflrt Deputy-Lieutenant for the county of Done- t:>'VUUUP g^]_ ,^Jjj1 High Sheriff for the said county 1891 ; Bachelor of .Vrts (Junior Moderator in Ethics and Logic) of Trinity College, Dublin, 1870, Master of Arts 1883. Born May 30, 1846, being the second son of %x\x 791 the late Thomas Troubridge Stubhs of Ballyshannon, in the county of Donegal, by his wife Elizabeth Chinnery, third daughter of Joseph Folingsby, and grand-daughter of the late Sir Broderick Chinnery, Baronet, of Ann's Grove, in the county of Cork. Livery— ^\-3.cV, with yellow facings, gilt buttons, and gold hat-band. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Sable, on a bend, between thr^e pheons or, as many round buckles gules, on a chief of the second three stumps of trees eradicated proper ; with the Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a stump of a tree eradicated proper, thereon a demi-eagle displayed or, collared sable, holding in the beak an oak branch also proper ; with the Motto, " Dominusexaltatio mea. " .ffj/a/cfc— Danby, in the county of Donegal ; Garrison, in the county of Fermanagh. Postal address — Danby, Ballyshannon, county Donegal. WILLLAM WALTER STUBBS, Esquire, Bachelor of Arts, being the eldest son of the Rt. Rev. William Stubbs, Lord Bishop of Oxford, Chancellor of the Most Noble Order of the Garter, D.D., D.L. Born January 5, 1866. Armorial bearings — Sable, on a bend nebuly or, between two bezants, each charged with a pheon of the field, three round buckles also sable. Mantling sable and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a demi-eagle disjjlayed sable, charged on each wing with a pheon, and holding in the Ijcak a tilting-spear erect, point upwards or. Motto — " Et dixi nunc coepi." Postal address — Cuddlesdon Palace, near Wheatley, co. Oxford. § VINCENT STUCKEY, Esquire, Justice of the Peace, Deputy-Lieutenant. Born May 1829, being St^flirbf^M ''^^ ^*^" of the late Reverend William Wood, XS'Vlll'ttvJ^ of Staplegrove, in the county of Somer- set, by his wife Julia, eldest daughter of Vincent Stuckey, Esquire, of Hill House, Langport ; and assumed the name of Stuckey in 1861, by Royal License. Armorial bearings— He Ijears for Anns : Per bend sinister dovetailed or and azure, a lion rampant double-queued ermine, on a canton of the second a mascle of the first ; and impaling the arms of Lethbridge, namely argent, water proper in base, and a bridge, embattled thereon a turret gules, and in chief an eagle displayed sable, charged with a bezant. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling azure and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a demi-lion ram- pant double-queued ermine, charged with a mascle azure. Motto — " Fortitudine et fidelitate. " Married, April 1865, Mary, daughter of the Reverend Thomas Prowse Leth- bridge, son of Sir Thomas Buckler Lethbridge, Baronet, of The Editor undertakes ttiat every entry not in italics is tbat of a genuinely armigerous person. 79^ ^tU San.Uull 1-a.k, .n the county of Somerset; ^n^ by her has /ssue-Phy\hs Julia [/«. C. P. Pinney. Rifle Brigade] ; and ^UC Olive Mary [m. Joseph Gundry of the Hyde, Bridport]. Seat— HiW House, Langport, in the county of Somerset. EDWARD lUlRFAX STUDD, Gentleman, of Oxton, in the coimty of Devon, and Banchor, Moy, OSfflTllI '" '''*^ county of Inverness, Master of Arts, 'O'VUUU Hachelor of Civil Law, Barrister - at - Law. /iorn Novemlier 26, 1855, being the eldest son of the late Major-General Edward Studd of Oxton, by his second wife Beatrice I'.mma, daughter of Charlton Bayly of Sidmouth. Annorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Gules, a lion rampant between three crescents argent, on a chief embattled of the last a tilting-spear in fesse, the head to the sinister, the staff encircled by a chaplet of oak, all proper, and impaling the arms of Chi- chester, namely, chequy or and gules, a chief vair. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules and argent ; and for his Crest, out of a mural crown two arms embowed in armour, the hands in gauntlets, holding a tilting-spear encircled by a chaplet of oak, as in the arms, all proper. Married, April 3, 1877, Evelyn, third daughter of Sir Arthur Chichester, eighth Baronet, of Youlston, in the county of Devon ; and has Issue— [i) Edward Arthur Chichester Studd, Gentleman, born March 13, i88o; (2I Francis Cyril Rupert Studd, Gentleman, born 1881 ; (3) Ernest George Studd, Gentle- man, born 1883 ; (4) Eric Fairfax Studd, Gentleman, born 1890 ; (s) Theodore (Juintus Studd, Gentleman, born 1893 ; Gladys Mary ; Sybil Daphne ; Cynthia Evelyn ; Enid Eulalie; and Dorothy Grace. Seat — Oxton, near Exeter. RICHARD STUDDERT, Esquire, J. P. (High Sheriff 1874), Captain R.N. (retired), being the third son of the late Thomas Studdert, Esq., J. P. and D.L. (High Sheriff 1825), by his wife .Micia, dau. of George Studdert of Kil- kishen. Annorial bearings— Per pale azure and gules, three mullets argent. Mantling azure and argent. Crest —A demi-horse rami)aat saljle, environed round the body by a ducal coronet or. Motto—" Refulgent in tenebris." Married, liyj, Helen, dau. of James Denniston of Greenock CO. Renfrew; and has Issue— (\) Thomas Studdert, Gentle- man, b. 1880; '(2) Richard Studdert, Gentleman; Alicia Agnes; Helen Anne Fitzgerald; and Jane Fairrie Den- niston. A>a/— Bunratty Castle, co. Clare. ROBERT WOGAN STUDDERT, Esquire. J.P. Born 1815, bemg the eldest son of the late Charles Fitzgerald ^ is tbe Military Cockade. Studdert by his wife Maria, dau. of Robert Wogan of Dublin. Armorial bearings-Per pale azure and gules three mullets argent. Mantling azure and argent Crest —A demi-horse rampant sable, environed round the body bv a ducal coronet or. Motto—" Refulgent in tenebris. Married, 1840, Kate, dau. of Admiral O'Brien ; and has (with another son)-Robert O'Brien Studdert, Esq., J.l. CO Clare, b. 1842 [m., firstly, Feb. 12, 1874, Marianne, dau. of Rev Lord Adam Loftus ; and secondly, 1884, Maria Frances, eldest dau. of Henry L. Puxley of Dunboy, co. Cork ; and has issue, by the first marriage, Thomas George Herbert Studdert, Gentleman, b. 1875]. iVrt/— Cullane, Kilkishen. WILLIAM STEELE STUDDERT, Esquire. Born N0V.8, 1821, being the fourth son of the late Chas. Fitzgerald Studdert, by hiswife Maria, dau. of Robert Wogan of Dublin. Armorial bearings— Per pale azure and gules, three mullets argent. Mantling azure and argent. Crest— A demi-horse rampant sable, environed round the body by a ducal coronet or. Motto—" Refulgent in tenebris." Married, July 6, 1854, Constance, dau. of Robert George Massey of Avondale (son of Hon. George Massey) ; and has Issue— (i) Charles Henry Thompson Studdert, Gentleman, /;. Sept. 13, 1B56 ; (2) William John Massey Studdert, Gentleman, b. Dec. 16, 1857 ; (3) Hugh Samuel Studdert, Gentleman, b. April 30, 1861 ; and Constance Helen. 5^«/- Keeper View, O'Brien's Bridge, co. Clare. FREDERICK HERBERT SUCKLING, Gentleman. Born May 10, 1858, being the eldest son of Frederick Herbert Suckling of the loth Hussars and 52nd Regt., by his wife Elizabeth Ann, dau. of Dr. William Lathom. Armorial bearings— Per pale gules and azure, three bucks trippant or. Mantling gules and or. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a buck courant or, holding in the mouth a branch of honeysuckles proper. Married, Feb. 10, 1880, Harriet Jane, youngest dau. of Peter Heaven ; and has Issue— (1) Edwin Nelson Suckling, Gentleman, b. Sept. 23, 1887; (2) Horatio Maurice Suckling, Gentleman, b. Feb. i, 1891 ; and Winifred Maud. Postal address— HORACE SUCKLING, Gentleman. Born May 20, 1822, being the eldest son of Major Horace Suckling, 90th Regt., by his wife Mary Laura, dau. of Patrick Maron. Armorial bearings— Per pale gules and azure, three bucks trippant or. Mantling gules and or. Crest —On a wreath of the colours, a buck courant or, hold- ing in the mouth a branch of honeysuckles proper. Postal address— Rkverknd ROBERT ALFRED JOHN SUCKLING, Lord of the Manors of Barshaw and Shipmeadow, Vicar of St. Alban the Martvr, Holborn. Bo>-n 1842, being the elder son of the Rev. Robert Alfred Suckling, Incumbent of Bussage, co. Gloucester, by his wife Anna Maria, dau. of John Yelloly of Cavendish Hall, Suffolk. Armorial bearings— Quarterly i and 4, per pale gules and azure, three bucks trippant or (for Suckling) ; 2 and 3 argent, a chevron paly of ten alternately of the first, charged with an ermine spot and gules cotised and between three boars' heads erased of the last (for Fox). Mantling gules and or. Crests— I. on a wreath of the colours, a buck courant or, holding in the mouth a branch of honeysuckles (or suckling) proper (for Suckling) ; 2. on a wreath of the colours, the battlements of a tower proper charged with four ermine spots, thereon a boar's head as in the arms (for Fox). Motto — "Mora traliit periculum." Residence— '>i. Albans Vicarage, Holborn, London, E.C. S THOMAS SUCKLING, Esquire, Capt. R.N., J.P. co. Southants. Born 1844, being the second son of the Rev. Robert Alfred Suckling, Incumbent of Bussage, co. Gloucester, by his wife Anna Maria, dau. of John Yelloly of Cavendish Hall, Suffolk. Armorial bearings -Quarterly I and 4, per pale gules and azure, three bucks trippant or (for Suckling) ; 2 and 3 argent, a chevron paly often alter- nately of the first, charged with an ermine spot and gules, cotised and between three boars' heads erased of the last (for Fox) ; and upon an escutcheon of pretence the same arms of Suckling. Mantling gules and or. Crests— i. on a wreath of the colours, a buck courant or, holding in the mouth a branch of honeysuckles (or suckling) proper (for Suckling) ; 2. on a wreath of the colours, the battlements ^ is tbe Naval Cockade. ^ul of a tower proper, charged with four ermine spots, thereon a boar's head as in the arms (for Fox). Motto — "Mora trahit periciilum." Married, 1876, Florence Horatia Nelson, only child of Admiral William Benjamin Suckling of Highwood, Romsey, Hants. Seat — Highwood, near Roinsey, Hants. AUMIKAL Sir FRANCIS WILl.lAM SULLIVAN, Knight Commander of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, Companion of the Most Distinguished Order of Saint Michael and Saint George, Justice of the Peace for the counties of Hertford and Bedford. Horn 1834, being the son of the Reverend l-'rederick Sullivan, late Vicar of Kinipton, in the county of Hertford (who was fourth son of Sir Richard Sullivan, first Baronet), by his wife Arabella Jane, only child of Valentine Wiimot of Cove Manor, Farnborough ; is cousin of Sir Edward R. Sullivan, fifth Baronet, to whose title he is heir presumptive ; created Companion of the Most Honoural>le Order of the Bath, 1864, and advanced to the rank of Knight Commander of thai Order, 1879; and Companion of the Most Distin- guished ()rdfr of Saint Michael and Saint George, 1878. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Per fesse, the base per pale in chief or, a dexter hand couped at the wrist, grasping a sword erect, pommel and hilt gules, the blade entwined by a serpent proper, lietwcen two lions rampant respecting each other of the .second ; the dexter base vert, charged with a buck trippant or ; the sinister base per pale argent and sable, a boar passant counterchanged ; the escutcheon being surrounded by the riblron of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, and pendent his badge as a Knight Commander thereof, and as a Companion of the Most Distinguished Order of Saint Michael and Saint George. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules and or ; and for his Crest, on a ducal coronet or, a robin holding in the beak a s|)rig of laurel. Married, 1861, Agnes, daughter of Sir Sydney Bell, Chief-Justice of the Cape of Good Hope. Residence — 14 Seymour Street, Portman Square, W. S HER BERT CON VERS Sl'RTEES, Esquire, Major Coldstream Guards, Kt. Osmanieh and Medjidieh, D.A.A.G. Southern Military District. Born /(in. 13, 1858. bfin^ the eldest son of Col. C. Traiille Surtees, by his wife Ikrtha Chauncy of Green End, Herts. Ch\h^ -Guards' , I Vhites. Livery— /Hue and Yellow. Armorial bearings y as used are — Ermine, on a canton gules, an orle or. [ These arms are recorded in the College of Arms, but no descent has been proved or established since Robert Surtees of Ryton, who died 1710.1 Married, July 27, 1887, Madeleine Augusta Crabbe; and has Issue— Dorothy Cynthia; and Bertha Etdka. Postal address — Guards' Club. WILLIAM ERNEST SUTCLIFFE, Esq., J. P. for Lanes. Born 1870, being the eldest son of the late James Smith Sutcliffe of Beech House, Bacup, co. Lancaster, by Lucy Heald, dau. of the late Peter Wood, M.D., and niece of the late James Heald, Esq., M.P., of Parrs Wood, co. %ut 793 Lancaster. Armorial bearings— Argent, on a mount in base, a hind lodged, holding in the mouth three ears of wheat slipped proper, on a chief engrailed azure, a sprig of oak, leaved and fructed, between two garbs or. MantUng vert and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a stag proper, gorged with a collar gemel, holding in the mouth three ears of wheat slipped, and resting the dexter forefoot on a garb fesseways or. Mottc — " Tout en foy." Residence — Beech House, Bacup. SEVAN CHARLES SUTHERLAND Esquire, Vice- Lieutenant for tlie county of Sutherland, Deputy-Lieu- tenant and Justice of the Peace for the county of Inverness, and Justice of the Peace for the West Riding of the county of York. Born October 12, 1835, being the only surviving son of the late George Mackay Sutherland, Esquire, of Aber- arder, by his wife Elizabeth, daughter of John Walker, Esquire, of Crow Nest, in the county of York. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Per pale gules and or, a boar's head erased, between in chief a cross crosslet fitch^e between two mullets of six points, and in base a mullet of six jjoints between two cross crosslets fitch(5e within a bordure engrailed, the whole counterchanged. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a cat sejant guardant proper, gorged with a collar dancettte gules, and holding between the paws a mullet of six points, also gules. Motto — "Sans peur." Married, February 3, 1859, Alice Sophia, daughter of Henry Tudor of Portland Place, London; and has Issue — (1) William Sutherland, (jentleman, born June 17, and died August 3, 1861 ; (2) William Tudor Sutherland, Gentleman, born Oc- tober II, 1862; (3) .Alic Sutherland, Gentleman, born Sep- tember 20, 1863 ; (4) Ewen Mackay Sutherland, Gentleman, lx)rn February 21, 1867 ; (5) Kenneth Sutherland, Gentle- man, born May 2i, 1869; (6) Reay Mackay Sutherland, (Jentleman, Vjorn September 23, 1875 ; .Alice, died Septem- ber 18, 1872 ; and Marion. Seat — Skibo Castle, in the county of Sutherland. ROBERT MACKAY SUTHERLAND, Esq., J. P., and Commissioner of Supply for co. of Stirling, teing the second but eldest surviving son of George Sutherland, Latherow, CO. Caithness, and his wife Elizabeth, dau. of Robert Mackay of Forse, co. Caithness. C/z/i^.f— Conservative (Edmburgh), New (Glasgow), Royal Clyde Yacht. Armorial bearings The Editor underUkes that every entry not in itaUcs is that of a genuinely armigerous person. 794 ©ut —Or on ihroc lozenges conjoined in fess, between as many nuillels gules, the same number of liars' heads souped argent, miwzled of iRe second. Mantling gules doubled or • and upon a wreath of his liveries is set for Crest, a cat salient proiwr, charged on the shoulder with a lo/.enge gules • and in an escroll alwve, this Motto-" Still without fear." MarrUd, lune 12, 1877. Isabella, dau. of James Fleming. Farmer. Carmuirs, co. of Stirling; and has Issue —(i) George Sutherland. Gentleman, b. July 21, 1882; (3) James Fleming Sutherland, Gentleman, li. Aug. 25, 1888; Alice; Ehzabeth ; and Isabella Fleming. Seat— Solsgirlh. Dollar. N.B. ^Ut of Thomas Webster. C/wAf— Brooks's, Reform, Hurling- ham. Aj'fe/j— Blue. Armorial bearings— Or, a fesse wavy azure, issuant therefrom a sun in splendour or, betwecen two mullets in chief and a fleur-de-lis in base of the second, the escutcheon being surrounded by the ribbon and the collar, and pendent the badge of a G.C.M.G. Mantling azure and or. Crest— A cat salient, holding in the mouth a thistle leaved and slipped proper, between two roses gules, leaved and stalked vert. Supporters— Dexter, a sailor habited, holding in the exterior hand a coil of rope, suspended therefrom a sinker of a sounding machine all proper ; sinister, a Lascar seaman habited, holding in the GEORGE SUTHERLAND, Gentleman, of Forse, in the county of Caithness. Born 1827, being the second but eldest surviving son of the late John Campbell Sutherland of Forse, by his wife Margaret Munro. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Gules, three mullets within a bor- dure or. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules doubled argent ; and upon a wreath of his liveries is set for Crest, a cat salient proper ; and on an escroll above this Motto, " Sans peur.". Married, 1848, Mary Elizabeth, daughter of William G. Shepherd of Lamogue, in the county of Waterford, and by her (who died November 9, 1884) has, with other Issue — John William Sutherland, Gentleman, born 1851. Seat—V'one., in the county of Caithness. SSiR THOMAS SUTHERLAND, G.C.M.G. (1889), LL.D. Aberdeen, M.P. for Greenock since 1884, Knight of Grace of the Order of the Hospital of St. John of Jerusalem in England, one of Her Majesty's Lieutenants for the City of London. Born 1834, being the only son of Robert Sutherland of Aberdeen, by his wife Christian, dau. S is tbe Military Cockade. exterior hand a flagstaff pro|)er, therefrom flowing to the sinister a banner azure, charged with a rudder in bend sinister surmounted by an anchor or. Motto — " Sans peur." Married, 1880, Alice, dau. of Rev. John Mac- naught, M.A., Vicar of St. Chrysostom's, Liverpool, of Rutland Gate; and has Issue— (x) Eric Macnaught Suther- land, Gentleman, /;. 1885; (2) Thomas Leslie Macnaught Sutherland, Gentleman, b. 1883 ; and Helen Christian. Residences — Coldharbour Wood, East Liss, Hants ; 4 Buckingham Gate, London. FRANCIS SUTTON, Esquire, late Captain Royal Horse Guards. Born September 22, 1822, being the third son of Sir Richard Sutton, second Baronet, by his wife Mary Elizabeth, daughter of William FitzWilliam Burton, of Bur- ton Hall, in the county of Carlow, Ireland. Club — Boodle's. Livery — White cloth coat with black facings, black breeches and black silk stockings. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Quarterly i and 4, argent a canton sable (for Sutton) ; 2 and 3 argent, a cross flory azure (for Lexington) ; and impaling the arms of Dawson, namely azure, a chevron ^m is tbe Naval Cockade. ^ut %toa 795 ermine, between three arrows paleways argent, on a chief of the last as many martlets sable, a canton gules, charged with a mullet or. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling sable and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a wolfs head erased gules; with the Motto, " Tout jours prest." Mar- ried, April 19, 1855, Evelyn Mary Stuart, conmionly known as Lady Evelyn Mary Stuart (raised to the rank of an Earl's daughter by Royal Warrant, April 6, 1889), daughter of Colonel George Lionel Dawson-Damer, commonly known as the HonouraVjle George Lionel Dawson-Damer, and sister of the Right Honourable the fourth Earl of Fortarlington ; and has Issue— An only surviving son, Francis Richard Hugh Seymour Sutton, Esquire, Captain Yorkshire Hussars Yeomanry Cavalry, born July 22, 1858 [married, July 21, 1881, Susan Elizabeth, commonly known as Lady Susan Elizabeth.daughterof the Right Honourable Henry Thynne Lascelles, fourth Earl of Harewood, and has, Francis Henry Sutton, Gentleman, born Dccemljer 4, 1882 ; a son, born September 23, 1894 ; Violet Eveleen ; and Angela Desir^e]. Postal addresses — 18 Curzon Street, Mayfair, London ; Pen- ton Lodge, Andover, Hampshire. JOHN STAPYLTON SUTTON, Esquire. J. P. Btn-n Nov, 23, 1832, being the second son of the late George William Sutton of Elton Hall, Stockton-on-Tees, who took the name of Sutton on succeeding his gn-at-uncle George Sutton, by his wife Olivia, third dau. of Henry Stapylton of Norton, Stockton-on-Tccs. Armorial bearings —Gules, on a mount in base vert, a tower or, thereon a stork argent, in chief two anchors erect of the third. Mantling gules and or. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a mount vert, thereon a stork pro()er, charged on the breast with a cross palL^e gules, the dexter claw supporting a rose of the last, surmounted of another argent. Motto— " Live to live." Married, April 26, 1855, Sarah Jefferson, youngest dau. of John Charles Maynardof Harsley Hall, Northallerton ; and has /jj//ndary of Sulritter in Clovne Cathedral, Rural Dean of Rotlia, and Rector of Kilsliannig, diocese of Cloyne. Armorial bear- ings—Gules, a fesse argent, l)Ctween two unicorns counter- courant or. Mantling gules and argent. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a unicorn's head or, collared with two Iwrs geniel gules. Motto -" Per Deum et ferruni obtinui." fiesiiieuce — ROBERT ARCHIBALD SWANZY, Gentleman, B.A. (Pern. Coll. Cambridge). Horn Nov. 9, 1875, I'^ing the third son of the late Rev. Biddall Swanzy, M.A., Vicar of Newry, bv his wife Elizalieth Anne, fourth dau. of the late Rev. 'Henry Swanzy, M.A., I'rebendary of Sulritter in Clovne Cathedral, Rural Dean of liotlion, and Rector of Kilshannig, Diocese of Cloyne. Armorial bearings--.^ fesse argent, between two unicorns countercourant or. Miuitling gules and argent. Crest -On a wreath of the colours, a unicorn's head or, collared with two bars gemel gules. Motto— " Per Deum et ferruni obtinui." AV.v/- dence — Rkvkrend THOMAS ERSKINE SWANZY, Clerk in Holy Orders, M.A. (St. Johns Coll., Oxford), B.A. (Trin. Coll., Dublin). Born Nov. 2s, 1869, being the eldest son of the late Rev. Thomas Biddell Swanzy id. May 12, 1894), « is the Military Cockade. %\xsz M.A., Vicar of Newry, by Elizabeth Anne, fourth dau. of the late Henry Swanzy, M.A., Prebendary of Subritter in Cloyne Cathedral, Rural Dean of Boihon, and Rector of Kilshannig, Diocese of Cloyne. Armorial bearings — Gules, a fesse argent between two unicorns counter-courant or. Mantling gules and argent. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a unicorn's head or. collared, with two bars gemel gules. Motto— " Per Deum et ferrum obtinui." Residences— Ivy Lodge, Newry, co. Down, Ireland ; 17 Broadgate, Lincoln. EDMUND CASIMIR SWEETMAN, Esquire, J.P. (High Sheriff 1888). Born 1831, being the eldest son of the late Patrick Swcetman, Esq., J.P. and D.L. (High Sheriff 1862) ; by his wife .Vlary, dau. of lidmund Cashin of Water- ford. Armorial bearings— Per pale gules and chequy azure and argent, on the de.xter an eagle displayed dimi- diated or, in dexter chief a mullet of the last. Mantling gules and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, out of an antique crown or, a griffin's head gules, charged with a mullet or. Motto— "Spero in Deo." Married, 1881, Alice, dau. of Richard Butler of Suir Vale, co. Tipperary. 5(?rt/— Longtown, Clane, co. Kildare. JOHN MICHAEL SWEETMAN-POWELL, Esquire, J.P. (High Sheriff 1884), late Capt. Queen's Co. Mihtia ; assumed by Royal Licence 1874, the additional surname and arms of Powell in compliance with the will of his maternal grandfather. Born June i, 1852, being the eldest son of the late Michael James Sweetman, Est]., J.P. (High Sheriff 1852), by his wife Mary Margaret, only child and heir of Michael Powell of Fitzwilliam Square, Duijlin. Armorial bearings^Per pale gules ai\d chequy azure and argent, on the dexter an eagle displayed dimidiated or, in dexter chief a mullet of the last. Mantling gules and argent. Crest- On a wreath of the colours, out of an antique crown or, a griffin's head gules, charged with a mullet or. MottO — "Spera in Deo." Married, Oct. 28, 1879, Adela Jane, second dau. of Hon. Arthur and Lady Catharine Petre. Seat — Lamberton Park, (Queen's Co. FREDERICK GEORGE BULLER SWETE, Es- quire, J.P. for co. of Salop. Born Jan. 3, 1839, l>eing the nintli son of John Beatimont S'wete, by his 'wife Mary, dau. of Gen. Tcnipler and granddau. of Sir Frederick Rogers of Blackford, Devon. Club — New. Livery — Dark blue Armorial bearings as used, but for which no authority has been established, are — Gules, two clievronels between as many mullets in chief and a rose in base argent , barbed vert, seeded or. Crest — A mullet or, pierced azure, hetiveen two gillyflowers proper. \These were granted, Feb. 13, 1712, Adrain Sivete of Traine, co. of Devon, his father s cousin, from whom his grandfather, the Rev. John Swete of Oxton, inherited Traine ; but the above Mr. Sxvete does not appear to come within the limitations of the grant.] Motto — " Suaviter in modo,fortiter in re." Residence — The Quarry, Oswestry, Shropshire. HORACE SWETE, M.D., son of late Rev. John Swete, D.D. Armorial bearings as used are — Gules, two chevronels between as main' mullets in chief and a rose in base argent, barbed vert, seeded or. Crest — A mullet or, pierced azure, betiueen two gillyflowers proper. [These arms were granted in 1712 to Adrian Swete of Train, co. Devon, but the above Mr. Swete does not appear to come within the limitation of the grant.] Married Sarah Anne, dau. of Rev. William Henry Ricketts Bayley ; and has Issue — Horace Laxuton Swete, Esq., J. P., L.R.C.P. Residence — Louver Wyke Lodge, Worcester. HORACE LAWTON SWETE, Esquire, J.P. co. of Pembroke, L.R.C.P. London. Born Nov. 2, 1861, being the second but eldest surviving son of Edward Horatio Walker Swete, M.D., by his xvife Sarah Anne, dau. oj Rev. William Henry Ricketts Bavley of Barbados, and Vicar of Christ Church, Nailsea, Somerset. Armorial bearings as used are — Gules, two chevronels between as many mullets in chief and a rose in base argent, barbed vert, seeded or. Crest — A mullet or, pierced azure, between tivo gillyfloivers proper. [These arms were granted in 1712 to Adrian Swete of Train, co. Devon, but the above Mr. Swete does not M is the Naval Cockade. ^ttJi ^V^ 797 appear to rome within the limitation of the grant. ^ Married, firstly, 1888, Lillie (d. 1895), dau. of Charles Fryer Lyall of Bath and Claybtiry, Barbados ; secondly, Jan. 7, 1897, /essit Blanche, youngest dau. of H. S. Carser, Esq., J. P., Blaencorse, St. Clears, Carmarthenshire ; and has Iss\ie — John Adrian I.eu>is Swete, b, N'07'. 2, 1897. Postal address —Castle Hill, Fishguard, A'.S.O., .South Wales. SiK JOHN SWINBURNE, seventh Baronet, of Cap- heaton, in the county of Northumberland, Justice of the Peace. Born 1831, being the son of Edward Swinburne, Esquire, of Calgarth, Windermere (who was eldest son of the sixth Baronet, by his first wife Anna Antonia, daughter of Robert Nassau Sutton; succeeded his grandfather as seventh Baronet, Septeml>er 26, i860, under the creation of September 26, 1660. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms: Per fesse gules and argent, three cinquefoils counter- changed. Upon the escutcheon, which is charged with his badge of Ulster as a Baronet, is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules and argent ; and for his Crest, out of a ducal coronet or, a demi-boar rampant argent, crined of the first, langued gules. Motto — " Semel et semper." Married, January i, 1863, Emily Elizabeth, only daughter of Rear-Admiral Henry Broadhead, Royal Navy ; and by her (who died July 23, 1881) has had Issue — (1) Huljert Swinburne, Esquire, born January 24, 1867; (2) Umfreville Percy Swinburne, Es{|uire, born November 24, 1868; (3) Roljert .Swinburne, Esquire, born February 10, 1871 ; (4) Henry Arthur Swinburne, E.squire, born June 15, died July 2, 1878; Marguerite ; and Rameh Theofiora [mar- ried, July 19, 1887, Richard Chanilierlain of Oak Mount, Birmingham]. Seat — Capheaton, in the county "< Vor. thumberland. H Majok-Gknkral JOHN EDWARD SWINDLEY; ^ served in the Kaffir War 1852-1853, in ^tottltlfPt) ''^^ C-'rimea 1855, was at Sebastopol, T>lUlllUlV'^ served in the Indian Mutiny Campaign i8^8 185Q, and commanded 15th Hussars during the Afghan War 1878 1879, and retired 1884. Club — Army and Navy. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms: Or, on a pile vert, between two wreaths of oak in bas(" of the last, six boars' heads erased, three, two and one of the field ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a sword erect proper, pendent from the hilt by a chain or, an escutcheon vert, charged with a boar's head erased also or; witli the MottO, " Acuspide honos." Postal address — 60 Pall Mall. London, S.W. JOH.W EDVI.F BI.AGRAVE SWINTON. Born August 6, 1864, being the only son of the late John Edulfus Siointon, Esquire, of Swinton Bank, in the county of Peebles, Justice of the Peace, Captain in the Honourable East India Company's Service, Madras Army, bv his wife Francis Jean \to whom refer], daughter of Daniel .-tinslic of The Cart, Callander, in the countv of Perth. Livery — Claret colour, silver buttons, red and white 7vaistcoat. Armorial bear- ings as used and [with the exception if the supporter.f] as given in Burke's "Landed Ccntiy," but which have never been matriculated in Lyon Office, are for Arms : Sable, a che^iron or, between three boars' heads erased argent ; and for his Crest, a boar collared and chained to a tree proper ; and /(>r Supporters, on either side a boar proper ; with the Mottoes, over the crest, " J'espi-rc," and under the arms, " Je fensc." I'.state and postal address — S^vinton Bank, Peebles. § HAROLD WILLIAM SWITHINBANK, Esquire, Lieutenant nth Hussars, Captain &^VYltfflttlflAflb ^^'^ .Majesty's Yeomanry Forces, lO'UltVlJlUUailH Justice of the Peace for the county of Buckingham, High Sherift' i8qi. Born March 7, 1858, being the second son of George Edwin Swithinbank, Doctor of Laws, Fellow of the Society of Antiquaries, by his wife Constantia .Anne, daughter of W. J. Briggs, Esquire, Justice of the Peace. Clubs — Naval and Military, ("avalryi Wellington. Livety — B\us and scarlet. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms: Or, two bars nebuly azure, gutt<^e-d'or, on a chief ermine, a bugle-horn sable, stringed gules, garnished or, between two grenades also sable, fired proper ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, out of the battlements of a tower argent a demi-dragon issuant, wings displayed proper, holding between the claws a grenade as in the arms, pen- dent from its neck by a ribbon gules, a bugle-horn also as in the arms. Motto — " Froena, vel aurea, nolo." Married, October 23, 1883, Amy, daughter of James Crossley Eno of Wood Hall. Dulwich ; and has Issue — Crossley Swithin- bank, Gentleman, born November 16, 1884; Enid; and Isobel. Estate and postal address — Denham Court, Denham, Buckingham. Riiv. HERBERT SPENSER SWII HINBANK, M.A., (Oxon. ), Vicar of St. Saviour's, Denmark Park. Born 1853, being the son of George Edwin Swithinbank, LL. D. , F..S. .A. , and Constance .Anne, his wife. Armorial bear- ings — Or, two bars nebuly azure, gutl^e-d'or, on a chief argent, a bugle-horn sable, garnished or, stringed gules, between two grenades also sable, fired proper. Mantling azure and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, out of the battlements of a tower argent, a demi- dragon issuant, wings displayed proper, holding between the claws a grenade as in the arms, pendent from its neck by a riblxsn gules, a bugle-horn also as in the arms. Motto — " Fama semper viret." Married, 1884, Amy, dau. of .Admiral George Winthrop ; and has Isstte — (i) Bernard Winthrop Swithinbank, Gentleman, b. Oct. 4, 1884 ; (2) Cuthbert Winthrop Swithinbank, Gentleman, b. Feb. 22, 1886; Hilda .Spenser •^. and Mildred. Postal address — St. Saviour's Vicarage, Denmark Park, London, S. E. SYKES, borne on an escutcheon of pretence by MIT- CHELL, see MITCHELL. FRANK SYKES, Esquire, Justice of the Peace for the County Palatine of Chester. Born 1856, being the only son of the late Edmund Howard Sykes, Esquire, Justice of the Peace for the same county, and for the County Palatine of Lancaster, by his wife Frances .\., daughter of George Peel of Brookfield. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Argent, on a chevron sable, gutt^e-d'eau, between three mounds or tufts of grass vert, as many sykes or fountains proper ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, upon the trunk of a tree eradicated fesseways, and sprouting to the dexter proper, a swan with wings addorsed argent, beaked and legged sable, and charged on the breast with a fountain also proper; with the Motto, " Puritas fons The Editor undertakes that every entry not in italics is that of a genuinely annigerous person. 798 ^pk honoris." Married. 189a, Beatrice, second daughter of G. W. Mould of Chcadle. Postal orfrf/«J— Edgeley Fold, Stockport, Cheshire. FRKDKRK'K WILLIAM SYKES, Gentleman, J.P. for the Borough of Huddersfield. Horn March 5, 1858, Ix'ing the cUU-st son of the late W^illiam Sykes, J. P., of Green Lea, Lindley. Hudciersfield, by his second wife Marv. daughter of Miles Mavall. C///^— Reform. Livery — Blue and silver. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Argent, three chevronels sable between two foun- tains in chief proper and a bugle-horn stringed in base of the second. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet be- fitting his degree, with a mantling sable and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a demi-man in profile, holding in the dexter hand a fountain and resting the sinister hand on a whelk-shell sable. M, 1816, being the only son of kev. George Sykes, by his wife Kli«-n, dau. of John Wilson of St. Laurence's, York. Armorial bearings Argent, on a bend sable, between two fountains, a serpent now>.-d proper. Mantling sable and argent. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, in front of a bull's head erased sabli;, a fountain proper. Motto— " Font es sint limpidi." Postal address— 22, South Parade, Doncaster. THOMAS HARDCASTLE SYKES, Esquire, Justice of the Peace for the County Palatine of Chester. Born 1833, being the third son of the late Richard Sykes, Esquire, of Edgelcy House, Justice of the Peace, by his wife, daughter of Thomas Hardcastle of Firwood, Holton-le-Moors. Clubs — Carhon, Junior Carlton. /./-r/T -Cl.in-t, with scarlet waistcoat and brass buttons. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms -. Argent, on a clievron sable, guttte-d'eau, between three tufts of grass vert, as many sykes or fountains proper ; and for his Crest, on a wreath of the colours, upon the trunk of a tree eradicated fesseways and sprouting to the dexter proper, a swan, wings elevated argent, beaked and legged sable, and charged on the breast with a fountam also proper ; with the Motto, " I'uriias fons honoris." Married firstly, 1864, Mary, daughter of John Piatt, Member of Parliament, and secondly, 1881, Mary, second daughter of the late J. Turner of Rusholme Park, Manchester. Postal address— Q.x\x\^& House, Clieadle, Cheshire. SYKESTON, quartered by BARTTELOT. SYMONDS, see LODER-SYMONDS. CAROLINE SYMONDS, Spinster, only daughter and heir of the late Thomas P. Symonds, SfcWirtntlllfi Esquire, of Pengethley, Justice of the XS'^UIUllU;) Peace and Deputy-Lieutenant for the county of Hereford (High Sheriff 1874), by his wife Anna, third daughter of the Reverend Peter Cotes, Rector of Litchfield, in the county of Southampton. Armorial bearings are, upon a lozenge : Sable, a dolphin naiant embowed vorant, a fish in chief, three trefoils slipped all argent. Estateand postal address — Pengethley, near Ross. H RICHARD HERBERT TAYLER SYMONDS- ^ TAYLER, Esquire, Captain ^pmonti0^CapIer 14^, ^^ fSo^d^- shire Militia), Bachelor of Arts of the University of Cambridge. Born July 27, 1867, being the sixth son of J. F. Symonds, Esquire, of Okeleigh, in the county of Hereford, Justice of the Peace, C'lerk of the Peace, Clerk to County Council of Herefordshire ; and assumed the additional surname of Taylcr and the arms of that family quarterly with his own, by Royal Licence, in the year 1886. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms: Quairterly i and 4, or on a chevron between two lions piissant in chief and a lion rampant in base sable, a lozenge tetween two annulets of the field (for Tayler) ; 2 and 3 sable, a dolphin naiant embowed, devouring a fish, in chief three trefoils all argent (for Symonds) ; and for his Crests, I. upon a wreath of the colours, the battlements of a tower, and issuant therefrom a demi-lion rampant sable, collared and charped upon the shoulder with a lozenge within an annulet all argent, and holding in his dexter paw an arrow point downwards proper (for Tayler) ; 2. upon a wreath of the colours, in front of a well sable, a dolphin as in the arms (for Symonds); with the Motto. " Miseris succurrere disco." Married, January 17, 1894, Edith Sarah, fifth daughter of the late Henry Kingsley, M.D. , of Strat- ford-on-Avon. Residence— Gra.{\.on House, Hereford. SYMONS, sec .SOLTAU-SYMONS. S THOMAS RAYMOND SYMONS, Esquire, Justice of the Peace and Deputy- Lieutenant for &\T)mnt1(S the county of Hereford, /y^r^ 1866, being '^l/IUUllp the eldest son of Thomas George Symons of The Mynde Park (who died 1868), by his wife Mary Hayley, daughter of the Reverend 'I'homas Edward Allen. C///*.r— Badminton, Constitutional. Livery — White coat, brass buttons, green plush breeches, white stockings, green and yellow waistcoat. Armorial bearings- He bears for Arms: Party per fesse azure and erminois, a pale counterchanged, and three trefoils slipped two and one, all within a bordure also counterchanged, and impaling the arms of Rankin, namely or, a cinquefoil gules, between in chief a hatchet between two boars' heads erased, and in base a boar's head erased between two hatchets all sable ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, on a mount vert, a wolf statant, holding in the mouth a rose, slipped, leaved, and stalked all proper; with the Motto, "Simplex nmnditiis." Married, 1888, Margaret Ethel, daughter of James Rankin, Esquire, Member of Parliament ; and has A.we— Thomas Edward Raymond Symons, Gentleman, born April 23, 1889. Estate and postal address-'Vhe Mynde Park, Tram Inn, R.S.O., Here- fordshire. Colonel W Il.LIAM PENN SYMONS, Companion of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath. Born July 17, 1847, being the eldest son of William Symons of Hatt, Recorder of Saltash, who died 1883, by his wife Caroline Anne South- well, daughter of the late IVilliatn Courtis, Esquire, of Plymouth ; created Companion of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, 1890. CXwh— Royal Western Yacht. ^ Armorial bearings as given in Burke's " Landed Gentry," but for which no authority has been established, are for Arms : Per fesse sable and or, a pale counterchanged, and three trefoils slipped of the second. Crests- 1. on a mount vert, an ermine passant proper, holding in its mouth a cinquefoil or, slipped of the first ; 2. a boar passant ar^ent,^ armed or ; 3. an eagle rising argent. Mottoes — "Euttnus," " Cor nobyle, cor immobyle." Married, 1877, Caroline, only daughter' of Thomas Pinfold Hawkins, Esquire. Estate and postal address — Hatt, Cornwall. The Editor undertalces that every entry not in italics is tbat of a genuinely armigerous person. Soo ^l?m JOHN FRKDERICK SYMONS-JF.UNK, Esquire, J. P. for CO. of Dxfiird, Harrisier-at-L:iw, fliiof Committee Clerk in the Mouse of l.orils, late 1-ieut. West Sonier.sit Yeo- manry. Horn 1849, Ixiing the tliirgh), Kil- dare Street (Dublin). Armorial bearings as used are: Argent, a saltire engrailed and a chief gules. Crest— ^ horse's head argent. Motto—' ' Pro Rege et Patria." These arms have not been matriculated to Colonel Tail or his family in Lyon Register ; nor have thev been established in the College of Arms. Estate—Mi trig'. A^ilmarnocA-, North /irttatn. Postal addresses— .1////-/>, Kilmarnock ; //art ford Cheshire. ' TALBOT, Baron, see SHREWSBURY. TALBOT, Earl, see SHREWSBURY. LiEUTKNANT-CoLONEL SiR ADELBERT CFXIL TAL- .-^ .. ?*^J' !5-S;'-^*^- ('^95';. Eieutenant-Colonel C^dlbOt i"'^'''*" ^^^^ '^"'■P^' Resident in the Persian tiul'. Consul-General for Fars and Khuzistan .u u . f T^', '^•♦S- '^'"g 'he son of the late Reverend the Honourable W ilham Whetworth Chetwynd-Talbol bv his wife F-leanora Julia, daughter of the Honourable William James Coventry. C///^f-East India United Service, Junior Consi.tiitional. Armorial bearings- He bears for Arms ■ Quarterly i and 4^ gules a lion rampant within a bordure engrailed or (for Talbot) ; 2 and 3 azure, a chevron between three mullets or (for Chetwynd). Upon the escutcheon which IS encircled by the ribbon, and from which is pen- dent his badge as a K.C LE., is placed a helmet blfittfng pI«.^»^''''' "^'^^ a mantling gules and or; and for his orests, I. upon a chapeau gules, turned up ermine a lion statant, tail e.xtended or (for Talbot); 2. upon a 'wtcS of the colours, a goat's head erased argent (for Chetwynd). is the Military Cockade. Married, 1870, Agnes Mary (d. 1894), daughter of the Rev- erend W. Clarke ; and has Issue living — Adelbert William James Talbot, Gentleman, born 1876; Guendolen Nesta Beatrix [m., 1896, Capt. Stuart Hill Godfrey, LS.C] ; Muriel Agnes Eleanora ; and Esnid Mary Dorothea. Postal address — The Residency, Srinegar, Kashmir. CHARLES HENRY TALBOT, Esquire. Born Feb- ruary 2, 1842, being the only son of the late William Henry Fox Talbot, Esquire, of Lacock .-^bbey, Doctor of Laws, by his w'ife Constance, daughter of Francis Mundy of Markeaton, in the county of Derby. Armo- rial bearings- He bears for Arms : Gules, a lion ram- pant within a bordure engrailed or, a crescent for differ- ence. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules and or ; and for his Crest, on a chapeau gules, turned up ermine, a lion pas- sant or, differenced as the arms. Seat — Lacock Abbey, Chippenham. § EDMUND BERNARD TALBOT, Esquire, com- monly known as Lord Edmund Bernard Talbot. Boi-n 1855, being the son of the Most Noble Henry Gran- ville Fitzalan-Howard, fourteenth Duke of Norfolk, by his wife Augusta Minna Catherine, commonly known as the Honourable Augusta Minna Catherine, second daughter of the Right Honourable Sir Edmund Lyons, first Baron Lyons, Knight Grand Cross of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath ; assumed by Royal License the surname and arms of Talbot in lieu of Fitzalan- Howard 1876. r///Af— Carlton, Naval and Military, White's, Turf. Armorial bearings- He bears for Arms : Gules, a lion rampant within a bordure engrailed or, and impaling the arms of Bertie, namely, quarterly i and 4, argent three battering-rams barways in pale pioper, headed and garnished azure (for Bertie) ; 2 and 3 sable, a shattered castle triple-turreted argent (for Willoughby). Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet be- fitting his degree, with a mantling gules and or; and for his Crest, on a chapeau gules, turned up ermine, a lion statant or, the tail extended. A/arried, 1879, Mary Caro- line Bertie, commonly known as Lady Mary Caroline Bertie, daughter of the Right Honourable the seventh Earl of Abingdon; and has /wwe— Henry Edmund Talbot, Esquire, born 1883 ; and Mary Caroline Magdalen. Resi- dence— 26 Curzon Street, W. GEORGE TALBOT. Esq., Companion of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, J. P. for Wexford. Born 1823, being the son of the late Captain James Talbot Grenadier Guards; created C.B., 1883. Cliib—Ro\n\ St George Yacht. Armorial bearings— Gules, a lion ram- pant within a bordure engrailed or. Mantling gules and or ; and for his Crest, on a chape.au gules, turned up ermine, a lion statant or, the tail extended.'^ Motto—" Prest d accomphr." Married, 1852 Mary, eldest dau. of Frances OBeirne, Esq., D.L., J. P., of Garnetstown House, in the CO. of Leitnm. 8 is the Naval Cockade. Cal Car 80 1 § WILLIAM TALBOT TALBOT-CROSBIE. Esq., J. P. , D. L. CO. Kerry ( High Sheriff 1848). Born March 19, 1817, being the eldest son of the late Rev. John TalLioiof Ardfert (who assumed the name of Crosbie on inheriting this pro|KTty under the will of his maternal uncle, John, last Enrl of Glandore), by Jane, dau. of Thomas Lloyd ; and by Royal License, dated Nov. 11, 1880, he a.ssumed the surname of Talbot, in addition to and before that of Crosbie ; is heir- general to the l':arls of Glandore. C///^— Union. Armo- rial bearings— Quarterly i and 4, argent a lion rampant sable, in chief two de.xter hands couped at the wrist gules (for Crosbie) ; 2 and 3 gules, three cintpiefoils iwo and one ermine (for Hamilton). Mantling' sable and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, three swords, namely, two in saltire the pommels upwards and one erect the pommel downwards proper, hiked or, enwrapped by a snake proper. MottO— " Indignante invidiaflorcbit Justus." Married, ist, July 29. 1839, Susan Anne (who died 1850), dau. of Hon. Lindsey Merrik Peter Burrell [second son of I\'tiT, ist Lord Gwydyr. and brother of I\-ter Robt^n, 19th Lord Willoughby d'Eresby]; and by her had Issue— {\) John Talbot Darnley Talhot-Crosbie, I'Isq., Lieut.-Col. Reserve List late King's Royal Rifles, J.I'., b. May i, 1843 {.'"•< Oct. 30, 1884, Margaret, dau. of Henry Farquhar- son of St. Leonards, co. Dorset, and widow of Capt. Faynter, she d. Dec. 2, 1891]; (2) Lindsey Bertie Tnlbot- Crosbie, Gentleman, formerly R.N., ^. Aug. ir, 1844 [w., Annie, dau. of Col. E. '1'. Coke of Debdale Hall, Notts!; (3) William David lalbot-Crosbic. Gentleman, b. June 17, 1849 [;«., 1874, Kathleen, dau. of Col. E. T. Coke of Deb- dale Hall]; EmilyJaneGeorgiana ; Emma .Anne [w., 1885, James Gordon Oswald (d. 1897) of Scotstown, co. Ren- frew] ; and Susan Eli/.aljeth [/«., 1866, Owen Phibbs]; and Charlotte Frances [/;/., 1868. George V. Trench |. He married secondly, 1853. Emma, sister of his deceased wife (she died 1865) ; 3rd, 1868, Mary Jane, dau. of the late Sir Henry Torrens, K.C.B., and widow of .Sir Ralph Anstruther, 4th Bart, (she died 1886). Seat — Ardfert Abbey, co. Kerry. CHARLES WH.LIAM TALBOT-PONSONBY. Es- quire, Justice of the Pe.ace, Calfjot^pon.sonbp (SeT^^'^rMay^';;! 1843, Ijeing the eldest son of the lat.- Admiral Sir Charles Tallxjt, Knight Com- mander of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, by his wife Charlotte Georgiana, widow of Lieutenant-Cof- onel Stapleton, daughter of Major-General Sir William Ponsonby, commonly known as the Honourable Sir William Ponsonby, Knight Commander of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath ; and assumed by Royal License, 1866, the additional surname and arms of Pon- sonby. 67// Af— Carlton, .S.W. ; Naval and Military, W. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Quarterly I and 4, gules a chevron Ijetween three combs argent (for Ponsonby) ; 2 and 3 gules, a lion rampant within a Ixjrdcr engrailed or (for Talbot). Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules and argent ; and for his Crests, i. on a ducal coronet or, three arrows, points downwards, one in pale and two in saltire, shafts or, feathered and pointed argent, entwined by a ser()ent proper (for Ponsonby) ; on a cap of maintenance gules, turned up ermine, a lion statant, tail extended or (for lalbot). Mottoes i. "Pro Rege, lege, grege ; " 2. (over second crest), " Prest d'acconiplir." Married, Jan- uary 15, 1868, C'onstance Louisa, youngest daughter of F. P. Delnu^-Radcliffe, l'".squire, of Hitchin Priory, in thecountv of Hertford ; and has had Issue (i) William Charles France's Talbot-Ponsonby, Ivsciuire, born October 14, 1868, died June 6, 1870; (2) John .Seymour William Talbot-Ponsonby, Esc|uire. Lieutenant Roy.al Navy, torn May i, 1870; (3) Edward Frederick Talbot-Ponso'nbv, Gentleman, Lieuten- ant Royal Artillery, born Octolier' 21. 1872 ; (4) Charles George Talbot-Ponsonby, Gentleman, born May i, 1874; (S) Frederick William Talbot-Ponsonby, Gentleman, born January 19, 1879; (6) Arthur Hugh Brabazon Talbot- Ponsonby, Gentleman, born September 4. 1885 ; Evelyn Mary Georgiana ; and Constance Emma. Seats— \nc\\\- quin, near Youghal ; Langrish House, Petersfield, in the county of Hampshire. Rt. Hon. DANIEL TALLON, Lord Mayor of Dublin 1897-98, High Sheriff of the City of Dublin 1894. Club— National Liberal. Anr/j- Dress : blue and scarlet and gold ; undress : blue, scarlet, and yellow. Armorial bear- ings-Barry of eight or and azure, three eagles' legs erased at the thigh proper, a bordnre ermine, and on a canton gules, a civic cap of maintenance proper. Mantling azure and or ; Crest, on a wreath of the colours, a dexter arm embowed vested barry or and azure, cufled of the last, the hand proper, grasping an eagles leg as in the arms. Motto— " Deo Gloria. " Married, and has /jj//^ -Mary. Postal addresses — The Mansion House, Dublin ; 136 Leinster Road, Rathmines, Dublin, &c. S GEORGE TANCRED. Esquire, Justice of the Peace and Deputy-Lieutenant for the county of ^Anrrph 'Roxburgh, Justice of the Peace for the Vl^UliVVll^Vi ^'orth Riding of the county of York, late Capt. Royal Scots Greys and 17th Lancers. Horn Octolx-r 16, 1831, Ijeing the eldest son of the late George Cleghorn of Weens, by his wife Maria Cath- erine, third daughter of Colonel John Dalton of Sleningford Park, in the county of York, and Fillingham Castle, in the county of Lincoln ; and assumed the name and arms of Tancred by Royal License, .September 8, 1885, in lieu of that of Cleghorn, in compliance with the will of his maternal uncle. Captain James R. Dalton, Royal Navy, c 7//A> — .Army and Navy, New (ICdinburgh). Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Argent, a chevron between three escallops gules, and (for distinction) in the centre chief point a cross crosslet also gules. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, an olive-tree fructed proper, charged (for distinc- tion) on the trunk with a cross crosslet gold. Married, June 10, 1862, Mary .Anne Hay, third daughter of Colonel Thomas Lumsden, Companion of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, of Belhelvie Lodge, in the county of Aberdeen ; and has lssue^{\) George Harry Lumsden Tancred, (jentleman, born May 22, 1863 ; (2) James Charles Tancred, Gentleman, Lieutenant Royal Navy, born Sep- temtier 17, 1864; (3) Thomas .Angus Tancred, Gentleman, Captain Royal Artillery, hoxw September 16, 1867 ; (4) Rich:u-d Fairfa.x Tancred, Gentleman, born March 31, •875 ; (s) Edward Meynell Tancred, Gentleman, born March 26, 1877 ; (6) John Yule Tancred, Gentleman, born April 16, 1879; (7) Walter Cecil Tancred, Gentleman, born February 11, 1885; Mary Norcliffe; Katharine Wray ; Frances Madeline; and lulitli Dalton, died July 13, 1890. Seats — Weens House, Hawick, N.B. ; Arden Hall, Helms- ley, in the county of York. TANKERSLEY. quartered by TEMPEST, TANNER, quartered by TAUNTON. ALFRED HENRY TARLETON, Esquire, Justice of the Peace for the county of Middlesex, iTTflffC'f'fltl Knight of Grace of the Order of the (a..ailt'1'Un Hospital of St. John of Jerusalem in England, I..ord of the Manor of Cran- field, in the county of Bedford, formerly Lieutenant Royal Navy. Born May 16, 1862, being the only son of the late Admiral .Sir J. Walter Tarleton, Knight Commander of the .Most Honourable Order of the Bath, and Aide-de- Camp, by his wife Finetta Esther, commonly known as the Honourable Finetta Esther, third daughter of Thomas Robert Dimsdale, fourth Baron Dimsdale, of Camfield Place, in the county of Hertford. Clubs — Marlborough, Jimior United Service, White's Constitutional. Livery — Dark blue, with silver buttons, and blue and white striped waistcoat ; and for full dress, with white piping, black stock- ings, and silver braid. Armorial bearings — He bears for Anns : Quarterly i and 4, gules, a chevron erminois between three cinquefoils or (for Tarleton) ; 2 and 3 argent, on a fesse dancett(5e, between three nuillets azure, as many iK'zants (for Dimsdale), and impaling the arms of Tennyson- D'Eyncourt, namely, quarterly i and 4, azure a fes.se dan- cettfe between ten billets or, four in chief and six in base, three, two, and one (for D'Eyncourt) ; 2 and 3 gules, three leopards' faces or, jessant-de-lis azure, over all a bend of the last (for Tennyson). Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a mural crown, thereon a leopard's face, all between two ostrich feathers proper. Motto — "Post nubila phcrbus." Married, February 8, 1888, Henrietta Charlotte, only child of Admiral Tennyson-D'Eyncourt, Companion of the Most The Editor undertakes that every entry not in italics is that of a genuinely armigerous person. 3E 8oa Cat Honourable Order of tlu- Hath, of Bayons Manor, in the county of I.incoln, by his wife Henrietta, commonly known as Ladv Henrietta, fourth and youngest daughter of the Most Noble Sir Henry I'elham-Clinton. the fourth Duke of Newcastle, Knight of the Most Noble Order of the Garter ; Cau the first ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a CTcyhound sejant argent, collared and tied by a Ime gules to an oak-tree proper, fructed or ; with the Motto, " Cres- cent." Afarried. February 6, 1877, Essex Mary, second dauglnerofthclateColonelThomasGrenvilleCliolmondeley, and has Issue — Freda I lenrietla ; and Vera Constance. ^y/«/«— Breakspears, Uxbridge; Cranfield, in the county of Bedford; The Tarleton Estate, Brockley, S.E.. London. Seat — Breakspears, Uxbridge. Totvn residence — 58 War- wick Square, S.W. JOHN BULLEN TATCHELL TATCHELL- BUL- LEN, Est]., J. P. Dorset, late Captain Dorset Militia. Born 1847, being the son of John Tatchell-Bullen. Esq., of Marshwood, Dorset, J. P. and D. L. . by his second wife Ann, daughter of \V. Hoey, and relict of Capt. Forster, K. N., of Alnwick, Northumberland. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Quarterly 1 and 4, ermine on a chevron azure, between three bulls' heads erased sable, two swords proper, pommels and hilts or. the points saltireways, encircled by a wreath of laurel gold (for Bullen) ; 2 and 3 azure, a cross nebuly or, in the ist and 4th quarters a lion rampant, and in the 2nd and 3rd a cross pat^e argent (for Tatchell). Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling azure and argent ; and for his Crests, i. out of a naval crown or. the sails argent, a bull's head of the ist, charged on the neck with an anchor sable, between two wings azure (for Bullen) ; 2. upon a wreath of the colours, on a mount vert, in front of an oak tree fructed proper, a bow and arrow in saltire or, surmounted by a lion's face gules (for Tatchell). Motto — "A rege et victoria." Married, 1870, Annette, 4th dau. of Vincent Trevanion Langworthy of llminster, co. Somerset, and has a daughter. 5(?a/— Marshwood Manor, Whit- church, near Charmouth. Dorset. THOMAS EGERTON TATTON. Esquire. Justice of the Peace for the county of Chester, formerly ^nffntl '-'cuteii^nt Earl of Chester's Yeomanry VL-UVVWU Cavalry. Born May 31, 1846. being the eldest son of the late Thomas William Tatton, Esquire, Justice of the Peace and Deputy- Lieutenant. by his wife Harriet Susan, eldest daughter of the late Robert Townley Parker of Cuerden Hall, in the County Palatine of Lancaster. C/;/3j— Wellington, Boodle's, St. Stephen's, Conservative (Manchester). Livery— Dvah, scarlet collar and waistcoat. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Quarterly argent and gules, in the first and fourth quarters a crescent sable, and in the second and third a crescent of @ is the Military Cockade. commonly known as Colonel the Honourable Thomas Grenville Cholmondeley ; and has /w/e— Robert Henry Grenville Tatton, Gentleman, born March 3. 1883 ; Alice ; and Eva Beatrice. Estate and postal arfrfr^.w— Wythen- shawe. Northenden. Cheshire. The Rkvkrend FREDERICK TAUNTON. Clerk in Holy Orders, Vicar of the Parish of ^JStinfrtn Kingswood, Epsom, in the county of ^(tUIli-Ull Surrey, ^t?;-;/ September 12, 1815, being the eldest surviving son and representative of Thomas Henry Taunton, Esquire, of Grandpont House, in the county of Oxford, Clerk of the Peace for the county of Oxford, by his wife Jane, daughter of Stephen Davis. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms: Quarterly of twenty-five, namely, i and 25 or, on a chevTon cotised gules, between three Cornish choughs proper, five lozenges of the field (for Taunton) ; 2. argent, on a chief sable, three Moors' heads or, wreathed gules (for Tanner) ; 3. argent, a chevron between three escallops sable (for Tregarthyn) ; 4. azure, a lion rampant within an orle of eight escallops or (for Hender) ; 5. argent, a lion rampant gules, within a bordure engrailed sable, charged with eight bezants (for Cornwall) ; 6. argent, on a bend sable, five bezants (for Chamberlayne); 7. argent, on a chevron gules, three fleurs-de-lis or (for Pever) ; 8. azure, a garb or, between three bezants (for Grosvenor) ; 9. azure, a garb or (for Grosvenor) ; 10. azure, a bend or (for Grosvenor) ; 11. argent, two chevronels gules, on a canton of the last a cross crosslet fitchc'^c or (for Moberley) ; 12. azure, a stag lodged argent (for Downes) ; 13. sable, a cross patonce argent (for Pulford) ; 14. azure, three pheasants or (for Fesant) ; 15. argent, a cross patfe flory sable, on a canton gules, a wolf's head erased of the field (for Pershall) ; 16. argent, a cross patte flory charged with an escutcheon sable (for Pershall) ; 17. vert, two lions passant in pale or (for Knighton) ; 18. azure, fretty argent, a fesse gules (for Caverswell) ; ig. azure, a chevron Ijetween three mullets or (for Chetwynd) ; 20. gules, three pheons argent (for Malpas) ; 21. gules, a scythe, the blade in chief and the handle in bend sinister within a bordure argent (for Praers) ; 22. argent, a Moor's head in profile couped at the neck proper (for Blackenhall) ; 23. gules, two scythes in saltire, the blades in chief argent (for Prayers) ; 24. gules, two lions rampant combatant argent (for Winstanton); and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, five lozenges conjoined fessewise or, thereon a Cornish chough proper ; with the Motto, "Virtus non sterama." Married, firstly, at S is the Naval Cockade. 8o4 Cau St. Holiers. Kobru.irv i, 1842. Anne Kollo. (hiusliUT of the Reverend VVilliamGarnett. Rector of Bridgetown, Bar badoes; and secondly, at Croydon, in the county of Surrey, January 6, 1870, Flora Charlotte, daughter of Commander-General Wild ; and has /.(.w/c— (1) William Garnett Taunton, Gentle- man [ tt) whom refer ' ; (2) ICdward Willoughhy Taunton Gentleman, b<3rn at Merton, in the county of Norfolk, April 7, 1874: Kthel P'lorajane; Alice Mary; Mal>el Gertrude ; Lilian Frances ; and Agatha Grosvenor. Postal address— Kingswood Vicarage, lipsom, Surrey. GEORGK EDWIN TAUNTON, Gentleman. Honi March 10, 1822, Ijeing the second surviving son of M'homas Henry I'aunton, Esquire, of Grandpont 1 louse, in the county of Oxford. Clerk of the Peace for the county of Oxford, l)y his wife Jane, dnugliter of Stephen Davis. Club—]w\\\ox Carlton. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Quarterly of twenty-live, namely, i and 25 or, on a chevron cotised gules, between three Cornish choughs proper, five lozenges of the field (for Taunton) ; 2. argent, on a chief sable, three Moors' heads or. wreathed gules (for Tanner) ; 3. argent, a che\Ton lietween three escallops s.ible (for Tregarthyn) ; 4. azure, a lion rampant within an orle of eiglit escallops or (for Hender) ; 5. argent, a lion rampant gules, within a bordure engrailed sable, charged with eiglit l)ezants (for Cornwall); 6. argent, on a bend sable, five liezants (for Chamberlayne) ; 7. argent, on a chevron gules, three fleurs-de-lis or (for Pever) ; 8. azure, a garb or, between three bezants (for Grosvenor) ; 9. azure, a garb or (for Grosvenor) ; 10. azure, a bend or (for Grosvenor) ; 11. argent, two chevronels gules, on a canton of the last a cross crosslet fitchc^e or (for Moberley) ; 12. azure, a stag lodged argent (for Downes) ; 13. sable, a cross patonce argent (for Pulford) ; 14. azure, three pheasants or (for P'esant) ; 15. argent, a cross pat6e flory sable, on a canton gules, a wolfs head erased of the field (for Pershall) ; 16. argent, a cross patde flory charged with an escutcheon sable (for Pershall); 17. vert, two lions passant in pale or (for Knighton) ; 18. azure, fretty argent, a fesse gules (for Caverswell) ; 19. azure, a chevron between three mullets or (for Chetwynd) ; 20. gules, three pheons argent (for Malpas) ; 21. gules, a scythe, the blade in chief and the handle in bend sinister within a bordure argent (for Praers) ; 22. argent, a Moor's head in profile couped at the neck proper (for Blackenhall) ; 23. gules, two scythes in saltire, the blades in chief argent (for Prayers) ; 24. gules, two lions rampant combatant argent (for Winstanton) ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, five lozenges conjoined fesseways or, thereon a Cornish chough proper; with the Motto, "Virtus non stemma." Married, January 8, 1845, at St. Mary Abbot's, Kensington, .Susannah Maria, daughter of James Rixon Oliver of Clapton, in the county of Essex ; and has Issue — Helen Jane [married Colonel Noel AUix, late Grenadier Guard.sj ; Mary Adela [married Colonel Napier Sturt] ; Emily Marion ; and Frances Stewart. Estate — The Mar- polds, in the county of Chester. WILLIAM GARNETT TAUNTON, Gentleman. Born December 26, 1851, being the eldest son of the Reverend Frederick Taunton [to whom refer], Vicar of Kingswood, by his first wife Anne RoUo, daughter of the Reverend \Villiam Garnett, Rector of St. Michael's, in the Island of F5arbadoes. Clubs — Grosvenor, New (Jersey). Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Quarterly of twenty-five, namely, i and 25 or, on a chevron cotised gules, between three Cornish choughs proper, five lozenges of the field (for Taunton) ; 2. argent, on a chief sable, three Moors' heads or, wreathed gules (for Tanner) ; 3. argent, a chevron between three escallops sable (for Tregarthyn) ; 4. azure, a lion rampant within an orle of eight escallops or (for Hender) ; 5. argent, a lion rampant gules, within a bordure engrailed sable, charged with eight bezants (for Cornwall); 6. argent, on a bend sable, five bezants (for Chamberlayne) ; 7. argent, on a chevron gules, three fleurs- de-lis or (for Pever) ; 8. azure, a garb or, between three bezants (for Grosvenor) ; 9. azure, a garb or (for Grosvenor); 10. azure, a bend or (for Grosvenor) ; 11. argent, two chevronels gules, on a canton of the last a cross crosslet fitchfe or (for Moberley); 12. azure, a stag lodged argent (for Downes) ; 13. sable, a cross patonce argent (for Pul- ford) ; 14. azure, three pheasants or (for Fesant) ; 15. argent, a cross patcJe flory sable, on a canton gules a wolfs head erased of the field (for Pershall) ; i6. argent, a cross pat^e flory, charged with an escutcheon sable (for Pershall) ; 17. « is the Military Cockade. Cap vert, two lions pass.int in pale or (for Knighton); azure, fretty argent, a fesse gules (for Caverswell) ; 19. azure, a chevron between three mullets or (for Chetwynd) ; 20. gules, three pheons argent (for Malpas); 21. gules, a scythe, the blade in chief and the handle in bend sinister, within a bordure argent (for Praers) ; 22. argent, a Moor's head in profile, couped at the neck proper (for Blackenhall); 23. gules, two scythes in saltire. the blades in chief argent (for Prayers) ; 24. gules, two lions rampant combatant argent (for Winstanton) ; and for the Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, five lozenges conjoined fesseways or, thereon a Cornish chough proper; with the Motto, "Virtus non stemma." Married, May 20, i8gi, Eleanor Juliana, dau. of the late Major William Henry De Salis of the 95th Regi- ment; and has Issue — Raufe Grosvenor Taunton, Gentle- man, b. March 16, 1892 ; and Hugh Lupus Taunton, Gentle- man, b. December 29, 1893. Postal address — Bedford. TAYLER, see SYMONDS-TAYLER. The Reverend ARNOLD DAWES TAYLOR, Clerk in Holy Orders, Bachelor of Arts of the University of Oxford, Patron and Rector of Church Stanton in the county of Devon. Born November 13, 1853, Ijeing the third but ^^ is the Naval Cockade. Cap Cap 805 surviving son of the late James Taylor, Esquire, of Todmorden Hall, in the County Palatine of Lancaster, and Culverlands, in tlie county of Berkshire, Justice of the Peace, by his second wife Mary Anne, daughter of John Jones of Liverpool and Berwyn Hall, in the county of Denbigh. Armorial beaxinga — He bears for Arms: Party per pale argent and or, an escarbuncle azure, on a chief nebuly of the last a ducal coronet Ijetween two escallops of the second ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a demi- lion rampant azure, charged on the shoulder with a bezant, and holding Ix-tween his paws an escutcheon or, charged with a tau gules; with the Motto, " Natale solum dulce." Married, 1876, Marian, only daughter of R. T. Prichett of Esher, in the county of Surrey. Fellow of the Society of Antiquaries ; and has Issue — Three daughters. Postal ad- dmss — Church Stanton Rectory, Devon. .\RTHUR JAMES T.-\YLOR, Esc|uire, Justice of the Peace, late Lieutenant 3rd Dragoon Guards. Dorn Octo- ber 20, 1857, being the only surviving son of the late James Arthur Taylor, Esquire, of Slrensham Court, in the county of Worcester, by his wife Maria Theresa, daughter of Giorge Rush of Elsenham Hall and Farthingoe Lodge, in the county of Northampton. C7///;— Naval and Military. Armorial bearings— He Ijears for Arms: .Argent, guttle dr poix, on a chief dancett<;e sable, a pale between two cscalUjps of the first, charged with an escallop of the second. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting Ills degree, with a mantling s;ible and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a demi-lion r.unpant pro|)er, sem^e of escallops sable, holding Ix;- tween the paws a sattire also sable, surmounted by an escallop argent. Motto — " Fidelisque ad mortem." Mar- ried, February 1890, Annie Mabel, daughter of E. W. Greene of Nether Hall, in the county of Suffolk ; and has Jssue — (i) John Walter Taylor, Gentleman, born August 14, 1891 ; (2) Charles Taylor, Gentleman, born July 26, 1892 ; and Angelica. Seat -Strensham Court, near Tewkesbury, in the county of Worcester. The Reverend ED WARD JAMES TA YLOR, Clerk in Holy Orders, FelUno of the Society of Antiquaries, only son of James Taylor, by his wife habella, daui^hter of Cap- tain James Went Weathcrley, both Regimint. Livery — Dark green , with red Jacings. Armorial beaulngsa.i used, hut for which no authorilv has been established at the Heralds' College, are for Arms : Ermine, on a chief sable, three escallop shells argent, a crescent for difference. Postal ad- dress— 67. Hilda s, Hartlepool, Durham. JAMES BENJ.A.MIN TAYLOR, Gentleman. Born December 20, i860, being the second son of the late Isaac — Dark green with red facings. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : per pale argent and or, a saltire parted and fretty gules, on a chief of the last a billet erect within an annulet between two fleurs-de-lis of the second. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet betitting his degree, with a mantling gules and argent ; and for his Crest, on a wreath of the colours, upon the capital of an Ionic column an arm embowed proper, encircled above the elbow with an annulet or, the hand grasping a sword in bend sinister, also proper, pommel and hilt gold, with the Motto^" Semper fidelis." Married, M.-uch 10, 1891, Mary, daughter of Charles Gordon, M.D., of Edinburgh, and has Issue — (1) Alfred Gordon Taylor, born December 29, 1891 ; and Frances Daphne. Seat^ — Sherfield Manor, Basing- stoke, Hants ; and Badanloch, Kinbrace, Sutherland. SGenicrai. Sir RICHARD CHAMBRE HAYES T.AYLOR, Knight Commander of tlie Most Honour- able Order of the Bath. Bom 1819, being the son of the late Reverend the Honourable Edward Taylor, by his wife Marianne, daughter of the Honourable R. St. Leger ; created C. B., 1857, and advanced to the rank of Knight Commander, 1882. Armorial bearings — Ermine, on a chief indented gules, a tleur-de-lis between two boars' heads coujjed and erect or, the escutcheon encircled by the ribbon of ilie liuili, and suspended therefrom the budge of a K.C. B. Mantling gules and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a naked aim embowed holding an arrow all proper. Married, 1863, Lady Jane Hay, dau. of the Most Honourable the 8th Marquess of Tweeddale. Postal addresses — 16 Eaton Place, London, S.W. ; Dowes- town, Navan, co. Meath. 3 WILLIAM TAYLOR, Esquire, Colonel, Doctor of Science, upon whom the Volunteer Decoration has been conferred. Lord of the Manors of Chalvington and Withersfield. Born May 4, 1837, being the third son of John Taylor. Clubs — Constitutional, Nimrod. Livery — Blue and Yellow. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Rowland Taylor by his wife, Jane Dorothea, daughter of Peter Hellet't. Clubs— ]\imox Carlton, Boodle's. Livery Or, three annulets azure, on a chief of the last, two lions passant of the field. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling azure and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a grey- hound sejant or, gorged with a collar gemel and resting- the dexter foot on three annulets interlaced one and two azure; with the MottO. " Invictus in arduis." Married, July 29, 1874, Winifred Mary Letitia .Schill, only child of Louis Schill of Germany, and Rose Cottage, Hankhani, Hastings ; and has Issue — (i) Glenleigh John Schill Taylor, Gentleman, born January 1877 ; (2) Egbert Louis Tom Taylor, Gentleman, born June 10, 1878; (3) Edward Llewellyn Ferguson Taylor, Gentleman, born May 22, 1891 ; Winifreda Frederica Rosina Georgina ; and Dorothy Rose Hannah. Estates — Glenleigh, in the parish of West- ham ; Chalvington Manor and Cleavers, in the parishes of Tbe Editor undertakes that every entry not in italics is that of a genuinely armigerous person. 8o6 Cap C'halvington and Kvpe, and The Pages Instate, Bexhill, all in the county of Sussex ; Witherslield Hall Estate, in the county of Suffolk. Postal flrfrt'/r.w— Glcnleigh, near Hastings. WILLIAM FRANCIS KYKFIN TAYLOK, ICsquirc, tj.t. , Itirrister-at-Uiw of the Inner Temple. Born July 9. 1854, tK'ing the eldest .son of the Venerable William Francis Tavlor, Doctor of Diviniiv, Doctor of t'ivil Law, Archdeacon of Liverpool, Rural Dean of Walton, and Chaplain to the Uishop of Liverpool, of Dolhyfryd, in the county of Den- bigh, by his wife Anne, daughter of the Reverend Hugh F,\-ans, Vic-ar of Plcmonstall, in the county of Chester, and of Bettws, in the county of Denbigh. 6Vtt*.s— Junior C;irlton, Conservative, Conservative (Liverpool). Armo- rial bearings— He bears for Arms : Party per fesse raguly argent and sable, a -lion rampant counterchanged, on a chief invected gules, a fleur-de-lis between two boars' heads couped and erect or. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling sable and argent ; and for his Crest, ujjon a wreath of "the colours, a lion rampant per fesse raguly sable and argent, holding between the fore-paws a pheon, and resting the dexter hind leg on three fusils conjoined or ; with the Motto, " Ceufigen a ladd ei hunau." Married, September 6, 1883, Mary Fleming, only daughter of the late Robert Crooks of Rosemount, near Liverpool; and has Issue — Ermine Mary Kyffin. Postal addresses— XioWxykyA, Abergele; 4 Harcourt Buildings, Temple, E.C.; 44 Leinster Gardens, Lancaster Gate, W. TAYLOR-SMITH. Armorial bearings— guarterly i and 4, party per pale gules and azure, on a chevron en- grailed between three bezants, each charged with a cross patte fitch^e of the last (for Smith) ; 2 and 3 argent, a saltire engrailed gules, between two cinquefoils in pale vert, and as many hearts winged in fesse of the second. Crests— I. on a wreath of the colours, a stag lodged argent, semfe of estoiles azure, gorged with an Eastern crown, a chain therefrom rcflexed over the back or; 2. on a wreath of the colours, a horse's head couped sable, gorged with a plain collar, and pendent therefrom a shield argent, charged with a ciiiquefoil vert. Motto— " Vigilans." [E.xemplilied 1843 to Edward Taylor-Smith, grandfather to Mrs. Mary Edith Piercey Taylor Smith.] Mary Edith, only dan. and heir 0/ George Garty Taylor Smith of Colepike Hall and Partridge Close House, by Clare, dau. 0/ James Holdforth, Esq., J. P., of Bur ley, near Leeds {fir.<.t Roman Catholic Mayor in England since the Reformation). Livery — Dress : red, 7vith gold facings ■ undress: blue, -ivith drab facings. Married, /w/f 12 1895' John Douglas Piercey [son of Dr. W. Piercey); tulw assumed Cap the surnames of Taylor Smith in addition to his own on his marriage, but has received no Royal Licence to do so. ViGILrANS Seats — Colepike Hall and Partridge Close House, Lanchester, Durham. H SMITH TAYLOR-WHITEHEAD, Esquire, Justice w of the Peace and Deputy- Caplor ^OTDitefteati )r^^^ S^ 1894), Master of Arts of the University of Cambridge, Harrister-at-La\v. Born }Aa.y is the Military Cockade, 21, 1836 (and assumed by Royal License, in the year 1865, the surname of Whitehead, in addition to and after his patro- S is the Naval Cockade. Cea Cem 807 ^nnc). 6V«l>lcton) ; 4. (for l'lunibe-'rciiii)esi) (luarterly i. and iiil. argent, a bend l)etwcen six martlets sable (for 'rem|x.'st) ; ii. and iii. ermine, a bend vair, cottised sable, on a canton argent, a rose gules (for Plumbe) ; 5. argent, a bend U-tween six martlets sable (for Tempest) ; 6. argent, a chevron Iwtwecn three martlets gules (for Waddington) ; 7. gules, a bend ermine (for Rye) ; 8. ermine, five lozenges conjoined in fesse gules (for Ilebden) ; Cem three, two and three argent (for Inland) ; 19. argent, on a bend gules, three escallops or (for Tankersiey) ; 20. ermine, three chevronels gules (for Pictavensis) ; 21. argent, a fesse double cottised gules (for Thornhill); 22. gules, a crescent ermine, and lietween the horns thereof a fieur-de-lis or, between in chief two esquires' helmets proper, and in base a garb of the third (for Chohneley) ; 23. gules, three mullets or (for Belward) ; 24. argent, a cross flory azure (for Mal- pas) ; 25. argent, on a fesse gules, three plates (for Eyton). Upon the escutcheon, which is charged with his badge of Ulster as a Baronet, is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling sable and argent ; and for his Crest, upon VISCOUNT TEMPLETOVVN. 9. sable, an inescutcheon ermine, within eight martlets in pale vert (for Mirhed); 11. azure, a bend argent, cottised or. between s,x martlets, of the last (for Tonge) ; 12. argent on a bend sable, three owls of the field (for Savile[ 1, gues. across pat^e or (for Golkar); 14. argent, on abend gules, three escallops or (for Tankersiey) t ,«; saUe !^n mescutcheon within eight martlets in orle ardent (for Rach dale) : ,6. or, on a chief indented azure, three plates (for p J .u[' """"a "" T"'** P^'°"'-'« of "le second in base (for Ryshworth); 18. gules, two bars between eight martlets' ^ is the Military Cockade. a wreath of the colours, a griffin's head erased per pale argent and sable, langued gules ; with the Motto " Lovwf as thow fynds." Married, July 26, 1861, Amelia Helen, eldest surviving daughter and co-heiress of |ohn Steuart, Esquire, of Dalguise, in the county of Perth" [arms of the Steuart which lier son is entitled to quarter are : Or, a lion rampant gules, armed and langued azure, surmounted of a fesse chcquy argent and of the third, accompanied by three mullets, two in chief and one in base also azure], by his wife Janet Oliphant, comnionlv known as the Honourable Janet Ohphant, daughter of the Right Honourable Alexander Murray, eighth Lord Elibank; and by her (who died in M is the Naval Cockade. Cem 1869) has had Issue — Tristram Tempest Tempest, Esquire, born January 10, 1865 ; and Henrietta Frances May [mar- ried, January 12, 1886, John Hicks Graves]. Estates — Tong Hall, in the county of York ; Aughton, in the county of Lancaster ; Beaumont Leyes, in the county of Leicester. Postal address — Tong Hall, Bradford, Yorkshire. WILFRID FRANCIS TEMPEST, Esquire, Justice of the I'eace for the West Riding of the county of York. Burn October 22, 1846, being the third surviving son of the late Joseph Francis Tempest, Gentleman, by his wife Frances Bridget, daughter of John Hercy of CnUclitield House, in the county of Berks. Armorial bearings — He Ijears for Arms: Quarterly i and 4, argent on a bend between six martlets sable, an annulet or (for Temix-si) ; 2. argent, a fesse between six martlets sable (for Gilliot) ; 3. argent, a lion rampant gules, within a bordure of demi-Heurs-de-lis azure (for Thorpe). Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet betilting his degree, with a mantling sable and argent ; and for his Great, upon a wreath of the colours, a griffin's head erased per i)ale argent and sable, beaked and crined gules, charged with an annulet of the hist. Married, firstly, .\pnl 21, 1868, Agnes Mary, fourth daughter of Thomas A. A. I'errv, Gentleman, of iiitham House, Avon Dassett, in the county of Warwick; and by her has Issue — (i) Aelred Joseph 'Tempest, Gentleman, born March 31, 1877 ; (2) .\idan Joseph Tempest, Gentleman, Iwrn December 25, 1879; (3) Norlx-rt Joseph 'i'empesi. Gentleman, Ixjrn June 3, 1882 ; (4) Arthur Joseph 'Tempest, Gentleman, born October 19, 1885 ; Agnes Mary ; Maude Mary ; and Ethel Mary P'rances. He married secondly, July 30, 1888, Florence Helen, only daughter of Vincent I^sassier ORourke of Rathga, in the county of Dublin; and by her has, (s) Wilfrid Norman 'Tempest, Gentleman, born June 8, 1889; (6) Wulslan Joseph 'Tempest, Gentleman, born January 22, 1891 ; (7) I^dmund Roger 'Tempest, Gentle- man, born October 30, 1865; Audry Claire; and Monica Helen. Seat — Ackworth Grange, I'ontefracl. JOHN GEORGE EDMUND TEMl'LER, Esquire, Justice of the Peace, late Captain Highland ^Ptnnfrr '-'*''''' infantry. Boni 1855, being the VJ^vllliJlvV eldest son of the late James George John 'Templer, Estjuire, of Lindridge, by his wife Frances Elizafieth, daughter of Joseph .Mortimer. ( liibs — Armyanil Navy, Naval and .Military. Armorial bearing's — He bears for Arms : Quarterly azure and gules, the per- spective of an antique temple argent, on the pinnacle and exterior liattlenients a cross or ; in the first (juarier, an eagle displayed ; in the second, a stag trippanl regardant of the last. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet betitling his degree, with a mantling azure and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath ot the colours, a mount vert, thereon a holy lamb argent, in the dexter foot a pennon of the second, charged with a cross of St. George, the streamers wavy a/.ure and gules, the staft' or, under an oak tree proper, fructed or. MottO—" Nihil sine labore." Afarried, iZ^i, Frances, daughter of the late Captain W. H. Hall, Royal Navy. Seat — Lindridge, Teignmouth, in the county of Devon. §TiiE Right Hunol;k.\bi.k HENRY EDWARD MONTAGU DORINGTON ^rmnirtmnn clotworthy upton, vis- ^iLtUipitVUUlU count Templetown and Baron 'Templetown of 'Templetown, in the county of Antrim, in the I'eerage of Ireland, Justice of the Peace and Deputy-Lieutenant, Knight of Justice of the Order of the Hospital of St. John of Jerusalem, in the Peerage of England, lioi 11 .\pril 20, 1853, V)eing the only son of Edward John Upton, Esquire, conuiionly known as the Honourable "Edward John Upton, by his wife Susan Moore, daughter of the Reverend John Mad'dy, Doctor of Divinity; succeeded his uncle in 1890. Ow//ti;/.f— Baron, August 3, 1776 ; Viscount, February 13, 1806. tV///'.v— Marlborough, Carlton, Ulster (Belfast), Sackville Street (Dublin). Liven — Black and gold. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Sable, a cross moline or ; impaling the arms of 1- inch-Hatton, namely, ciuarterly i and 4, argent a chevron between three grifiins passant wings endorsed sable (for Finch) ; 2 and 3 azure, a chevron between three garbs or (for Hatton). .Above the escutcheon is placed the coronet of his rank, and thereupon a helmet l)etitting his degree, with a mantling sable and or ; and for his Crest, on a ducal coronet or, Cen 809 a war-horse passant sable, bridled, saddled, and accoutred gold. Supporters — Dexter, a war-horse sable, caparisoned as the crest ; sinister, a Knight in complete armour proper, garnisher\\eif\r\ Academy, Justice of the Peace for Queens- VL-vlllpUll land and 'Tasmania. Born December 30, 1850, being the eldest son (of his second marriage) of Joseph 'Tenison Collins, Gentleman, of Ballinasloe, Ireland, by his wife Sarah Louisa, daughter of Charles Murrough MacCarthy, and sister of the Reverend Charles F. MacCarthy, Doctor of Divinity, Rector of St. VVerburgh's, Dublin, and assumed the siu-name of Tenison in lieu of his patronymic, and the arms of that family {[uarterly with his own, by Royal License in the year 1890. Club — Tasmanian (Hobart, 'Tasmania). Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Quarterly i and 4, sable a fesse embattled argent, and in chief three doves proper (for Tenison) ; 2 and 3 or, a griffin segreant sable, in the dexter chief point a trefoil slipped vert, all within a bordure gules (for Collins) ; and for his Crests, i. upon a wreath of the colours, a dove proper, holding in its beak a rose gules (for 'Tenison) ; 2. upon a wreath of the colours, a demi-griffin segreant or, armed and langued gules, charged on the shoulder and wing with two trefoils slipped in fesse vert (for Collins) ; with the Motto, '• Favente Deo sedulitate." Married, June 3, 1879, Elizabeth Isabel, third daughter of William Crompton Ashlin of Claughton, Birkenhead ; and has /«//<;— Julian 'Tenison, Gentleman, born June 22, 1885 ; and Eva .Mabel. Postal address— Hohart, 'Tasmania. The Hon. Sir DAVID TENNANT, Knight Com- mander of the Most Distinguished Order ot St. Michael and St. George, Member (1866) Speaker (1874) of the House of Assembly of the Cape of Good Hope, and Agent-General for that Colony in London (1896). Born January 10, 1829, being the eldest son of the late Hercules Tennant, The Editor undertakes that every entry not in italics is that of a genuinely armigerous person. 8io Ccn Civil Coinniissionci and Resident Magistrate m Cape Colony, by his wife Alelta. daugluer of Johannes Menncus Brand, Receiver -General of Land Revenues in I'f |. ^.o^jy- Was ni.ido a Kt. Uiiciielor bv Patent (1877) and K.t .M.O. (1892). r///i^— Civil Service. Armorial bearings- He bears for Arms: Ardent, two crescents in fesse sable, on a chiel /^^ABrr_VE engrailed azure, a boar's head couped of the lirst, the escut- cheon lieing surrounded by the ribbon and pendent there- from his badge as a K.C.M.G. ; and impaling upon a second escutcheon the arms of Bellairs, namely ermine, a lion rampant gules, on a chief engrailed sable, a leopard's face between two cross crosslets fitchee or. Above the shield is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules doubled argent ; and issuing from a wreath of his liveries is set for Crest, a mast with a sail hoisted proper ; and in an escroU over the same this Motto, " Deus dabit vela." Married, firstly, 1849, Josina (who died 1877), daughter of Jacobus du Toit ; and .secondly, 1885, Amye Venour, daughter of Lt. -General Sir William Bellairs, K.C.M.G., C. B. By his first marriage he has Issue — (i) Hercules Tennant, Esquire, J. P., born March 3, 1850; (2) David Tennant, Esquire, J. P., born July 15, 1857; and Gertrude [married Capt. C. S. Copland, 58th Regt.]. Estate — Buona Vista, Wynberg, Cape Colony. Postal address — Agent-General's Office, no Victoria St. , London, S.W. ROBERT TENNANT, Esquire, J. P. for the W. Riding of the CO. of York, co. of Sutherland, and for borough of Leeds. Born November 14, 1828, being the second son of John Tennant Stansfield Tennant of Chapel House, by his second wife Anne, daughter of James Shaw of Otley, in the county of York ; late Captain Yorkshire Hussars, and Mem- ber of Parliament for Leeds, 1874-1880. Clubs — Carlton, Yorkshire. Livery — Blue-black coat, red and black striped waistcoat, brass buttons. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Ermine, on two bars, each per pale gules and sable, three bezants, two and one ; and for his Crest, upon a Cen wreath of the colours, between two wings gules, each charged with a lie/ant, a sword erect proper, pomt downwards, pommel and hilt or, transpiercing a human heart gules ; with the Motto " Tenax et fidelis." Married, December 4, 1850, Harriette, second daughter of Jeremiah Garnett of Mount Broughton, Manchester; and has Issue— (\) John Robert Tennant, Esquire, formerly Captain in 2nd West \ork Militia, born September 1851 [married, November 1878, Eleanor daughter of Colonel Rolleston of Watnall Hall, in the 'county of Nottingham]; (2) Geoffrey Garnett Tennant ICsciuire, justice of the Peace, Captain 3rd Bat- talion West Yorkshire Regiment, born December 29, 1852, died February 14, 1889 ; (3) Cecil Arthur Tennant Gentle- man, of thelnner remple, Barrister-at-Law, born November 24 1857 [married, luly 17, 1890, Constance Edith, daughter o{\ harles Henry Crosse, Rector of Fincham, in the county of Norfolk] ; (4)' Robert Hugh Tennant, Gentleman, born November 20, i860 ; (5) Frederick William Tennant, Gentle- man, born (une 2^;, 1862 [married, April 14, 1898, Agnes Eraser, daughter oTT Harold NichoUs of Sandford House, Kirkst'allJ; (6) Giltert Edward Tennant, Gentleman, born August II, 1863 i married, April 23, 1891, Helen, daughter of Thomas Garnett of Oak wood Bingley, in the county of York] ; (7) Philip Charles Tennant, Gentleman, V)orn September 16, 1867 [miirried, January 9, 1894, Alice, daughter of N. Heydeniann of Grove Hall, Twyford, in the county of Berkshire]; Marian Isabel Catherine [married, December 1876, Charles Henry Cumberland, son of Charles Cumberland of Walton Place, in the county of Surrey]; Laura f>ances Harriette ; Hilda Margaret [married, April 7, 1880, Arthur Janion Edwards of Beech Hill Park, in the county of Essex] ; and Eleanora Hope Shaw, fo/rt/e— Chapel House, Kilnsey-in-Cravcn, in the county of York. Postal address— c/o Cecil Tennant, 22 Finch Lane, Cornhill, E.C. §IULIUS GEORGE TENNYSON, Esquire, late Capt. " 17th Regiment. Born June 29, 1840, being the elder son of the late Frederick Tennyson, Gentleman, a co-heir of ^ is the Military Cockade. the Earls of Scarsdale, and elder brother of the late Alfred, Lord Tennyson, Poet Laureate, by his wife Maria Giuliotti (who died 1884). Livt-rv-CVMX'X colour, with yellow facings and brass buttons. Armorial bearings — Gules, three M is the Naval Cockade. Cen C!)a 8ii leopards' faces or, jessant-de-lis azure, over all a bend of the last. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a Mantling gules and or. Crest — Upon a wreath of the colours, a de.xter arm in armour embowed, the hand in a gauntlet or, grasping a broken tilting-spear, enfiled by a garland of laurel proper. Motto — "Nil teniere." Married, Jan. 8, 1873, Sophia, dau. of Henry Cooper of Aberdeen ; and has Issue — (i) Frederick Henry Tennyson, Gentleman, late 3rd Batt. Cheshire Rtgt., /'. Dec. 3, 1873; (2) Harold Sydney Tennyson, Gentleman, Royal Navy, b. July 24, 1877; (3) Ciiarles Arthur Tenny- son, Gentleman, b. .April 27, 1884; Julielta Marian; and Sylvia Mary Beatrice, '/cnun house — 14 Holland Villas Road, Kensington, W. Seat — Thorpe Hall, near Louth, Lincolnshire. Ccnnp^on^D'OBpncourt K EDWIN CLAYTON TENNYSON-DEYNCOURT, Esquire, Com- panion of the lost Honour- able Order of the Bath, Admiral Royal Navy (retired). Hum July 4, 1813, being the second son of the late Right Honourable Charles Tennyson D'Eyncourt of Bayon's Manor and Usselby House, in the county of Lincoln, by his wife Frances Mary, only child and heir of the Reverend John I lutton of .Morton, in the county of Lincoln ; succeeded liis Ijiothcr 1871. ('lubs — United Service, 'I'ravellers'. Armorial bearings- He liears for Arms : Quarterly i and 4, azure a fesse dan- cett«-e between ten billets, four and six or (for D'Eyncourt) ; 2 ancj 3 gules, three leopards' faces or, jessant-de-lis azure, over all a bend of the last (for Tennyson), and pendent from the escutcheon his badge as .a Companion of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath. Upon the escutcheon is plac(!d a helmet Vx-fitting his degree, with a mantling azure and or ; and for his Crests, 1. upon a wreath of the colours, a lion passant guardant argent, on the head a crown of tleurs- -de-lis or, the de.xter fore-paw supporting a shield ch.arged with the arms of D'l'^yncourl (for D'l-^yncourt) ; 2. uijon a wreath of the colours, a dexter arm in armour, tlu; hand in a gauntlet or, grasping a broken tilting-spear entiled with a garland of laurel projjer (for Tennyson). Mottoes — "En avant"(for D'Eyncourt), "Nil lemere" (for Tennyson). Married, March i, 1859, Henrietta, conmionly known as Lady Henrietta, yoimgest daughter of the Most Noble Sir Henry Pelham-Clinton, fourth Duke of Newcastle, Knight of the Most Noble Order of the (jarter ; and by her (who died August 19, 1890) h;is Issue — Henrietta Charlotte, born 1864 [married, February 8, 1888, Lieutenant .Mfred Henry Tarleton, Royal Navy, of Breakspears (to whom refer)]. Residences — 56 Warwick Square, S. W. Gk.nickai. AUGUSTUS HENRY TERNAN. Born .September 18, 1817, tieing the only sur- i7rf*l*t1At1 ^'^"'K son of the late Captain Richard VCLtlllCtll Richards Ternan of the Madras Army, by his wife Helen, daughter of the late C'olonel .Alexander Read, Madras Army. Livery — Black and gold (coat and trousers black, vest yellow, gilt buttons). Armo- rial bearings — He Iwars for Arms : Or, semee-de-lis gules, two lions passant in pale sable. U|)on the escutcheon is jjlaced a helmet belilting his degree, with a mantling gules and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a dragon piissant proper, resting the dexter fore-claw on a rteur-de-lis gules ; with this Motto, in Irish characters, " Bradhach." Married, October 1846, Julia Elizabeth, eldest daughter of Major .Augustus Scott of the ist Bengal Cavalry, by his wife, the elder daughter of .Sir William Ouseley, Knight Bachelor, elder brother of .Sir GoreOuseley, tirsi Baronet, Ambassador to Persia; and has Issue — (i) Henry Buffney Ternan, Gentleman, Statl' Paymaster, born Octoljer 16, 1847; (2) .Arthur Bulfney Ternan, Gentleman, Royal Navy, born March 14, 1857, and deceased ; (3) .A. G. Huh'ney Ternan, Gentleman, born May 25, 1855 ; (4) Trevor Buffney Ternan, (Jentleman, born April 1, i860; Julia; and Kathleen. Estate and postal address — Battle- Speen, Newbury, Berkshire. §Major-General ASTLEY FELLOW ES TERKY, late commanding \st Battalion doth Rifles, a ^Tprfll l^night of Grace of the Order of Saint John of KLKKKlf Jerusalem in England, and a Eellorv of the Imperial Institute. Born 1840, being the eldest son of the late I.t.-Col. Thomas Henry Clarke Terry, by his wife Charlotte, daughter of Heniy Felloives. Club — United Service. Livery — Blue, with silver buttons. Ar- morial bearings as used, but to which no right has been established at the College of Arms, are for AxVOS : Ermine, on a pile gules, a leopard's face jessant-de-lis or; and for his Crest, on a -wreath of the colours, a lion's head couped ermine; with the Motto, " Perseveranti dabitur." Mar- ried. 1864, Edith (d. 1895), daughter of Heniy Coiy, Bar- rister-at-Law ; and has Issue — Astley Herbert Terry, Captain Army Service Corps. He married secondly, 1896, Mildred, dau. of Col. Boileau, C.B., and has issue, Astley Thomas Terry. Postal address — 123 St. George's Road, London, S. IV. Sir JOSEPH TERRY, Knight Bachelor, Justice of the Peace for the North Riding of the county of York. Born 1828, being the son of Joseph Terry of the county of York ; dubted Knight Bachelor, 1887. Club — Constitutional. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Ermine, on a cross invectcd gules a fasces erect or, between two roses in pale argent and as many lions pa.ssant in fesse of the third. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a demi-lion proper gorged with a wreath of roses argent, holding in the dexter paw a fleur-de- lis or, and supporting with the sinister a fasces in bend also proper ; with the Motto, " Quod tibi hoc alteri." Married, firstly, 1854, Frances, daughter of J. Goddard of London (she died 1866) ; secondly, 1871, Margaret, daughter of W. "I'horpe of Aldro House, Malton, in the county of York. Postal address — Hawthorne Villa, Dringhouses, York. CHARLES THACKERAY, Esquire, J. P. co. Essex, Lieut. -Col. late 28th Foot. Born Nov. 17, 1831, being the second son of the late Frederick Thackeray of Cambridge, M.D. , by his second wife Mary, dau. of the Rev. Thomas Crick of Little Thurlow, co. Suffolk. Club — Constitutional. Armorial bearings — Vert, two garbs or, in base an arrow point downwards argent, on a chief purpure a cherub's head proper between two estoiles of the third. Mantling vert and or. Crest — On a wreaih of the colours, an eagle, wings elevated proper, charged on the breast with a like cherub's head and holding in the beak an arrow as in the arms. MottO — " Nobilitas sola virtus." .Married, Sept. 6, 1884, Katherine Minne Elise, dau. of Richard P. Drew, Esquire, J. P. Residence — Chapel, near Earl's Colne, Essex. EDWARD TALBOT THACKERAY, Esquire, C.B., V.C, Lieut.-Col. (ret.) R.E. Born Oct. 19, 1836, being the second son of the late Rev. Francis Thackeray, B.C., Pem- broke Coll., Camb. , Curate of Broxburne, Hertfordshire, and author of " .A History of the Right Hon. William Pilt, Earl of Chatham," containing his s|)eeches in Parliament, and his correspondence when Secretary of State 1827, ike, by liis wife Mary -Anne, dau. of Shakespeare. Armorial bearings Vert, two garbs or, in base an arrow point downwards argent, on a chief purpure a cherub's head proper, between two estoiles of the third. Mantling vert and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, an eagle, wings elevated proper, charged on the breast with a like cherub's head and holding in the beak an arrow as in the arms. Motto — " Nobilitas sola virtus." Married, Dee. 2, 1862, Amy Mary Anne, second dau. of Eyre Evans Crow^e ; and has Issue — A dau. Residence — § FREDERICK RENNELL THACKERAY, Esquire, J. P. CO. Norfolk, late Captain 74th Highlanders. Born 1830, being the eldest son of the late Frederick Rennell Thackeray, Esq., Gen. R. E. , C. B. , by his wife Elizalx-th Margaret Carnegie, third dau. of William, Rt. Hon. seventh Earl of Northesk, Rear-Admiral of Great Britain. Clubs — New (Edinburgh), Naval and Military. Armorial bearing^s — Vert, two garbs or, in base an arrow point downwards argent, on a chief purpure, a cherub's head proper, between two estoiles of the third. Mant- ling vert and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, an eagle, wings elevated proper, charged on the breast with a like cherub's head, and holding in the beak an arrow as in the arms. Motto — "Nobilitas sola virtus." Married, 1853, Elizabeth, dau. of W. Ayton ; and has Issue — Fred- erick Rennell Thackeray, Esq., Major R.A. , b. May 31, 1856 [m., 1884, Mary, dau. of Col. Hasted, R.E.] Seat— Ashwood in Pentney, Norfolk. Tbe Editor undertakes that every entry not in italics is that of a genuinely armigerous person. Sl2 Ct)a Cf)a KUWAKl) FRANCIS THACKWKLL, Ksquire. liorti 1808, Uing the only son of Miijoi-Gen. William do Wilton Koihe Thackwell, bv his wifi- Charlotte, dau. of the Rev. II. Tonikinsoii of Reaseheath Hall, Cheshire. Armorial bearings (^luarterly 1 and 4. paly of six or and gules, a in.iiineh .iigent, senuV of Heurs-de-lis azure (for 'I'hack- well); a and 3 [)er pale a/urc and gules, a cross engrailed erniinois ; in the lirst and fourth quarters a water-bouget argent (for lam). Mantling gules and or. Crests— i. out of a mural crown argent, a dexter hand enibowed, vested in the uniform of the i5tli King's Hussars, from the wrist pendent by a rilxind gules tinibriated azure, a representation of the silver medal for Waterloo, the hand grasping and in the attitude of striking with a sword proper, pommel and hdt or, between two branches of laurel, i.ssuant in like manner from the mural crown, also proper, and above, on an escroll, the motto " Frappe fort" ; 2. upon a wreath of the colours, within a chapiet of oak proper, a dragon's head erased, paly of si.x or and gules, the neck transpierced by an arrow, barbed anil Highled, also proper. Motto — " Mihi soiicitudo fuluri. " Married, 1894, Katherine, dau. of Sir H. Low, G.C.M.G., and vvidow of Sir John I'ope-Hennessy, K.C.M.G., M.P., J. P., sometime Governor of Mauritius. Seat — Rostellan Castle, Rostellan, co. Cork. JOHN' THACKU'KLL, formerly in the Worcestershire Militia. Born 1844, lx>ing the eldest son of the late John Cam Thackwell, l"Lsi|., J.I', and D. L. , of Wilton Place, by his wife Charlotte Eleanor, dau. of the late Rev. Jolm Hugh Poison. Armorial bearings — Quarterly i and 4, paly of six or and gules, a maunch argent, semiSe-de-lis azure (for Thackwell) ; 2 and 3 per pale azure and gules, a cross en- grailed errninois, in the first and fourth quarters a water- bouget argent (for Cam). Mantling gules and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, within a chapiet of oak proper, a dragon's head reversed paly of six or and gules, transpierced by an arrow barbed and flighted also proper. Motto — " Mihi soiicitudo futuri." Married, y^j^, Alice Anne, dau. of Henry Payne ; and has, with other Issue — John Henry Cam Thackwell, h. 1876. 6't'«<— Wilton Place, Dymock, Gloucestershire. Gknicr.\l JOSEPH EDWIN THACKWELL, Com- panion of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath. Born Sep. 7, 1813, being the fifth son of the late John Thackwell, Esq., of Wilton Place, Dymock, by his wife Winifred, dau. of J. Seabright ; created C.B. i86g. Clubs — United Service, Cheltenham New (Cheltenham). Armorial bear- ings — IJuarterly i and 4, paly of six or and gules, a maunch argent, seni(5e-de-lis azure (for Thackwell); 2 and 3 per pale azure and gules, a cross engrailed erminois, in the first and fourth quarters a water-bouget argent (for Cam), an annulet for difference, and below the escutcheon the badge of a C.B. Mantling gules and or; Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, within a chapiet of oak proper, a dr.igons head reversed paly of six or and gules, transpierced by an arrow, barbed and flighted, also proper. Motto—" Mihi soiicitudo futuri." Married, firstly, Maria, dau. of the late Col. Henry Burnside, 6ist Foot ; secondly, 1878, Lucy Helen, widow of the Rev. Canon Newlove of St. Leonard's, Prestbury. Postal address—St. Leonard's, Evesham Road, Cheltenham. S WALTER JOSEPH DE RUPE THACKWELL, Gentleman, second Lieutenant Tipperary Artillery (Southern Div. ). Born July 12, 1876, being the eldest son of the late Joseph Edward Lucas Thackwell, Esquire, of Aghada Hall, in the county of Cork, by his wife and cousin Caroline Matilda Georgiana, only child and heir of General Edmund Roche, 3rd Hussars, of Ballymonis, in the county of Cork. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Quarterly i and 4, paly of six or and gules, a maunch argent, semiJe of fleurs- de-lis azure (for Thackwell) ; 2 and 3 per pale azure and gules, a cross engrailed erminois; in the first and fourth quarters a water-bouget argent (for Cam). Upon the escut- cheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mant- ling gules and or ; and for his Crests, i. out of a mural crown argent a dexter hand embowed, vested in the uniform of the 15th King's Hussars, from the wrist pendent by a riband gules fimbriated azure, a representation of the silver medal for Waterloo, the hand grasping and in the attitude of striking with a sword proper, pommel and hilt or, be- tween two branches of laurel, issuant in like manner from the mural crown, also proper, and above, on an escroll, the & is the Military Cockade. motto " I'lappe fort ; " 2. upon a wreath of the colours, within a chapiet of oak proper, a dragon's head erased, paly of six or and gules, the neck transpierced by an arrow, barbed and flighted, also proper. Motto— " Mihi solici-* tudo futuri." Seats — Aghada Hall, Rostellan, in the county of Cork; and Coneragh, near Youghal, in the county of Waterford. WILLIAM POLSON THACKWELL, l^squire, J. P. (Gloucs. ), late Major Royal Highlanders (Black Watch). Born 1846, being the second son of the late John Cam rhackwell, Esq., J. P., D.L., of Wilton Place, by his wife Charlotte Eleanor, eld. dau. of the Rev. John Hugh Poison, Prebendary of Exeter. Clni — Army and Navy. Armorial bearings — Quarterly i and 4, paly of six or and gules, a maunch argent, sem6e-de-lis azure (for Thackwell); 2 and 3 per pale azure and gules, a cross engrailed erminois, in the first and fourth C|uarters a water-bouget argent (for Cam), a crescent for difference ; and impaling these same arms of Thackwell and Cam, charged with an annulet for difference. Mantling gules and or; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, within a chapiet of oak proper, a dragon's head reversed paly of six or and gules, trans|)ierced by an arrow barbed and flighted also proper. Motto — " Mihi soiicitudo futuri." Married, 1884, his cousin, Katherine Maude, dau. of Gen. J. E. Thackwell, C.B. Postal address — The White House, Pauntley, Newent, Gloucs. Major -Gknf.rai. WILLIAM WILTON ROCHE 'TH.'^CKWELL, Companion of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, Com. 38th Regt. , J. P. Gloucs. and CO. Cork. Born 1834, being the son of the late Lieut. -Gen. Sir Joseph Thackwell, G.C. B., by his wife Maria Audriah, eldest dau. of Francis Roche of Rochemount, co. Cork ; created C.B. 1886. Clubs — United Service. Junior Carlton, Royal St. George Yacht. Armorial bearings— Q)uarterly I and 4, paly of six or and gules, a maunch argent, semfe of fleurs-de-lis azure (for Thackwell) ; 2 and 3 ])er pale azure and gules, a cross engrailed erminois, in the first and fourth quarters a water-bouget argent (for Cam), and below the escutcheon the badge of a C. B. Mantling gules and or. Crests— i. out of a mural crown argen'.. M is the Naval Cockade. Cl)e mi 813 a dexter hand embowed, vested in the uniform of the i5lh King's Hussars, from tlie wrist pendent by a riband gules fimbriated azure, a representation of the silver medal for Waterloo, the hand grasping and in the attitude of striking witli a sword proper, ponmiel and iiilt or, between two branches of laurel, issuant in like manner from the mural crown, also proper, and above, on an escroll, the motto " Frappe fort" ; 2. upon a wreath of the colours, within a chaplit of oak proper, a dragon's head erased, paly of six- er and gules, the neck transpierced by an arrow, barbed and flighted, also proper. Motto — " Mihi solicitudo futuri." Married, 1864, Charlotte, dau. of the Rev. H. Tomkinson of Reasehealh Hall, in the co. of Chester ; and has Issue — Edward Francis 'I'hackwell, Esq., /'. Nov. 16, 1868 [w. , 1894, Catherine, dau. of Sir H. Low, G.C.M.G., and widow of Sir John Pope Hennessy, K.C.M.G.]; Katharine Harriet [tit. Major Edward Rawclon Penrose] ; Florence Mary ; and ICthcl Maria. Postal addresses — Wynstone Place, Brookthorpe, Gloucester; Aghada Hall, co. Cork. PE PER IHEELUSSON, Esquire, Justice of the Peace for the West Riding of the county of York. Horn Decemlier 19, 1850, l)eing the eldest son of the late Charles .Sabine Augu.stus 'riiellusson, P>squire, of Brodsworth Hall, by his wife (leorgiana, daughter of William Theolxild of Stock- well, Surrey ; succeeded his father 1885. 6'///(J— White's. Armorial bearings Me bears for Arms : (Quarterly, wavy or and argent, in the first and fourth quarters two wings expanded barways sable, each charged with a trefoil slipped of the first ; in the second and third quarters an oak-tree eradicted proper, charged with an escut- cheon bendwavs gules, thereon three gutters deau. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling sable and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a demi-greyhound salient argent, collared sable, between two wings of the last, each charged with a trefoil slipped or. Motto—" Lahore et honore." Married, October 25, 1883, Elizabeth -St. Clair, daughter of John St. Clair MacUougall, lisquire, of Coldstream, North Britain. .SVa/ — Brodsworth Hall, Doncaster. § JAMES THEOBALD, Esquire, Justice of the Peace and Deputv-Lieutenant for the county of '^\\OcMi\Vt\ f'^^ex, fonnerh Captain in the South- VU^lJI^UUaiU ampton Militia, Lord of the Manor of Grays Thurrock. Member of Parliament for the Romford Divi'sion of Essex, A faster of Arts of the University of Oxford. Bom 1829, ieing the son of the late James Theobald of Hyde Abbey, Winchester, by his wife Sarah, daughter of the late Reverend C. Richards, Canon of Winchester. Clubs — Carlton, Junior Carlton, City Carlton, Constitutional, Orleans, Hurlingham, Ranelagh. Armorial bearings, as given in Deb ret fs "House of Commons," but for which no authority has been estab- lished, are for Arms : Gules, six cross crosslets fitchi'e, three, two and one or. Crest — A pha:nix in flames. Motto — " Penigno numinc." Married, /f?-.f//r, 18 — , Mabel Laura (who died 1887), daughter of the late W. Eaton ; secondly, 18 — , Marianne, daughter of the late J. H. Russell. Resi- dences — Bedford s, Havering-atte- Bower, in the coutity of Essex ; 125 Victoria Street, S. W. RALPH THICKNESSE THICKNESSE, Gentleman, Barrister-at-Law. Born Sept. 25, 1856, being the eldest son of the Rt. Rev. Francis Henry Thicknesse, Bishop Suffragan of Leice^ter, D.D. , M.-A., by his first wife Anne, only surviving child and heir of Ralpii Anthony Thick- nesse, Esq., of licech Hill, in the co. of Lancaster, M.P. for Wigan. Armorial bearings — Quarterly i and 4, argent, a che\Tnn sable, freity or, in ciiief a blade of a scythe azure ; 2 and 3 vert, three oak stocks eradicated or (for Stockton). Mantling sable and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a cubit arm erect, vested paly or and gules, cufled argent, holding in the hand proper a scythe, the handle or, the blade downwards azure. Motto — "Sine clade sterno." Married, 1889, Lily, dau. of Robert William Haynes. Postal address — 32 Victoria Street, Westminster, S.W. Cijiselton^Dpcr WILLIAM TURNT.RTHISELTON-DYER, Esquire, Companion of the Most Dis- tinguished Order of Saint Michael and Saint George, Companion of the Most Eminent Order of the Indian Empire, Master of Arts of the University of Oxford, Bachelor of Science of the Univer- sity of London, LL.U. (Glasgow), lellow of the Royal .Society, Director of the Royal Gardens, Kew. Born 1843, being the eldest son of the late William George Thiselton- Dyer, Doctor of Medicine, by his wife Catherine Jane, daughter of the late Thomas Firniinger, Doctor of Laws, of Warren Lodge, lidmonton. 67///>— -Athenaeum. Armo- rial bearings— He bears for Arms : Party per chevron argent and or, on a chevron vert, between two mullets in chief gules, and a portcullis in base sable, three pigeons proper ; and pendent below the escutcheon his badge as The Editor undertakes that every entry not in italics is that of a genuinely armigerous person. 8i4 Ct)o C6o a Companion of the Most Distinjfuishcd Order of Saint Michael and Saint George; and for a Crest, out of a crown vallery or, a goat's head sable, armed antl gorged with a collar gemel also or ; with the Motto, " Spectemur agendo." Miirrii\i, June 23, 1877, Harriet Anne, daughter of Sir Joseph Dalton Hooker, Knight Grand Commander of the Most Exalted Order of the Star of India, Com- panion of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath ; and has Issue — George Henry Thiselton-Dyer, Gentleman, born 1879; and Frances Harriet. J'osial Uiidress — Royal Gar- dens, Kew. ABEL THOMAS, Esquire, Justice of the Peace for the county of Pembroke, Bachelor of Arts of fTTTlrtttlflrt '^"^ University of London, one of Her ^IJUIIlU^ Majesty's Counsel Learned in the Law, Member of Parliament for the Eastern Division of Carmarthen. Born February 5, 1848, being tht son of the late Theophilus Evati Thomas, Esquire, Jus- tice of the Peace, and Minister of the Gospel, of Trehale, in the county of Pembroke, by his wife Mary John. Clubs — Reform, National Liberal, Albemarle. Armorial bear- ln£^ as given in Debrett, but for which no authority has been established, are for Arms: Argent, on a chevron en- grailed azure, two griffins passant . . . on a chief of the second three cinquefoils. Crest —y/ Cornish chough rising between two demi-spears in pale. Motto — " .Spero." Mar- ried, 1875, Bessie [who died 1890), daughter of Samuel Polak. Residence — ii Barkston Mansions, Barkston Gardens, S. W. Chambers — j King' s Bench Walk, Temple, E.C. S EDWARD DAVID THOMAS, Esquire. J. P. and D.L. cos. Radnor and Brecon (High Sheriff, Radnor, 1B95), B.A. Bom Oct. 8, 1839, being the eldest son of the late Edward David Thomas, l-'sq., M.A.,J.P. and D.L. for the cos. Brecon and Radnor (High Sheriff 1843), by his wife Arabella Emma, dau. and co-heir of John Sanniel Gowland of Cagebrook, CO. Hereford. Armorial bearings — Per pale argent and gules, on a chevron engrailed, two griflins passant combatant counterchanged, a chief wavy azure, charged with three cinquefoils argent. Mantling' gules and argent. Crest— On :i wreath of the colours, out of a nmral crown argent, a demi-seahorse gnles, crined or, charged on the shoulder with a cinquefoil argent, and in the paws an anchor erect sable, resting on the mural crown. Motto—" I Dduw bo'r diolch." Married, April 7, 1869, Caroline Louisa, eldest dau. of Charles W. Greenly of Titley Court, co. Hereford ; and has /jjz/e— Edward Aubrey Thomas, Gentleman, b. May i, 1872. .SVa/— Welfield, Builth, CO. Brecon. Dame EMILY THOMAS, Widow, commonly known as Lady Thomas, daughter of the late William Chambers of Hafod, in the county of Cardigan, and Bicknor, in the county of Kent. Armorial bearings are, upon a lozenge : Sable, a chevron and a canton ermine. Married, 1H53, Sir Godfrey John Thomas, eighth Baronet, who died 1861.' Of tlie above marriage there is Issue~[i) Sir Godfrey Vig- noles Thomas, ninth Baronet [to whom refer] ; (2) Edmund Chambers Thomas, Esquire, died an infant, 1857 ; (3) Edmond Herbert Thomas, Esquire, born February 10, 1861, died March 13, 1894 [married, Septemter 28, 1893,' Agnes Marion, daughter of Elias Pitts Squarey of The Moot, Downton]; Emily Paulina; and Georgina Sophia. Postal address— \\() Lansdowne Place, Brighton. JOHN HOWARD THOMAS of Yscnborwen, Aljerdare. CO. Glam., and of White House, Bazzledon, co. Berks' J. P. CO. Glam. Bom Jan. 7, 1853, being the eldest son of Samuel Thomas of Yscnborwen, and Rachel I oseph, other- wise Watkin, his wife. Armorial bearings -Ermine, three chevronels gules between as many escutcheons per pale azure and sable, each charged with an eagle displ.ayed or. Mantling gules and argent. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, an eagle displayed ermine, holding in the beak an ear of wheat leaved and slipped proper, in front thereof an escutcheon per pale azure and sable, charged with an eat'le displayed or. Married, Nov. 10, 1880, at Pen Ithon, co. Radnor, Rose Helen, third dau. of George Augustus Haig of Pen Ithon, J. P., and High-Sheriff lor Radnor 1864; and has Issue by her— Peter Haig Thomas, Gentleman, b. May 2 1882, at Tenby, co. Pembroke, now at Eton College! Residence — White House, Bazzledon, Berks. Major-Gknekal JOHN WELLESLEY THOMAS, Companion of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath. Borji \Z'2'2, being the son of the late Rear-Admiral Frederick Jennings I homas, by his wife Susannah, daughter of Arthur Atlierley of SoutliamiJton ; created Companion of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, i860. Club — United Ser- vice. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms: Sable, a chevron and a canton ermine. Upon the escutcheon, from which is pendent his badge as a Companion of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, is placed a helmet befitting bis degree, with a mantling sable and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a demi-unicorn ermine, armed, crined, and nnguled or, supporting a shield sable. Postal address — 41 Victoria Road, Kensington, W. GEORGE RODIE THOMPSON, Esquire, J. P. and D.L. for the county of Berkshire (High Sheriff 1896), Bachelor of Arts of the University of Cambridge, Fiarrister- at-Law. Born November 4, 1846, being the third son of Samuel Henry Thompson, Esquire, Justice of the Peace and Deputy- Lieutenant, of 'Thingwall, in the county of Lancaster, by Elizabeth, daughter of Joseph Brooks Yates of Liverpool. Clubs — New University, Albemarle, Sandown Park. Livery — D.ark blue, vest blue and yellow vertical stripes. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Per fesse argent and azure, on a fesse nebuly between three falcons all counterchanged, a lure fesseways or. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet be- fitting his degree, with a mantling azure and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a lion rampant per fesse nebuly argent and sable, holding between the paws a lure or; with the Motto, " Nosce teipsum." Married, firstly, April 19, 1876, Alice Howard, daughter of ("aptain Henry Howard Barber, 17th Lancers; and has Issue — (i) Cecil Henry Parrer Thompson, Gentleman, born December 16, 1882 ; Alice Rose ; Nina Margaret ; Mary Elizabeth Howard (a twin with Agnes Diana Howard). He married secondly, 1890, Ezit Eliza Jane Parsons, daughter of William Parsons F^eters of South Petherton, Somerset ; and by her has— (2) George Samuel Rodie Thompson, Gentleman, born October 2, 1893. Estate and postal address — Lyn- wood, .Sunninghill, Berks. JOHN TROUGHTON THOMPSON, Gentleman. Born January 2, 1834, being the only son of John Caton ^ is the Military Cockade. Thompson of Bazil Grange, Lanes., and Mary his wife, second daughter of John Troughton, Esq., of Chapel Street House, Preston, and of Leach Hale, Lanes, [and 8 is the Naval Cockade. CfjO Ct)o 815 grandson of Commander John Thompson, R.N., of H.M.S. "Indefatigable," wounded in an action with "Droit de Thomme" off Ushant 1797]. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Or, a lion ratnpant between three swans' heads erased azure, all within a bordure invected of the last, charged with four annulets of the first. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling azure and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a lion ranipant azure, gorged with a collar vair, holding in th(! dexter forejjaw a swan's head erased argent, and resting the dexter hind leg on three annulets interlaced fessewise or. A /(I rridd Sarah M'Connell ; and has /ssi/e — (i) Frederick William Thompson, Gentleman, 6. July 13, 1858 [m.. May 25, 1885, Mary Alice, youngest dan. of Jonas Heaton of Brantford, Ontario, and has issue, Frederick Bruce Thompson, Gentleman, 6. Feb. 14, 1888, and Fric Fdmund Thompson, Gentleman, 6. Jan. 1897]; (2) Arthur Living- ston Thompson, Gentleman, fi. Se|)t. 17, i860; (3) John Troughton Thompson, Gentleman, 6. Sept. 30, 1868; (4) James Craig Thompson, Gentleman, d. May 17, 1870; and Gertrude Klizabt-th [m., 1896, John Lewis Day, M.A., M.D.]. RICHARD CHARLES THOMPSON, Esquire, J.I', for to. of Durham, Vice-Consul of France for Sunderland. Born Aui^. 18, 1857, being the second son of Robert Thomp- son, J. P. CO. Durham and borough of Sunderland, and City Alderman of Westhall, Whitburn , and Sarah, dau. of J. Barber of Monkwearmout h . Armorial bearings as used, but for tohick no authority has as yet been officially established, are for Arms — Ptrfesse ardent and sable, a fesse counter-embattled between three falcons counterchan^ed, belled and jessed or. "Mantlxag sable and or. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, an arm embowed in armour quarterly or and azure, the gauntlet proper, holding a broken lance of the first. ^otXo—" Dum spiro spero." Married, A'ot'. 8, 1882, Dorothy (d. Jan. 3, 1895), youtigest dau. of late George Clark of Oak Lea, Bishopoearmouth, Sunderland ; and has Issue— (i) Stticart ll'y7vl Thompson, b. June 2, 1892 ; (2) Charles Ralfe Thomson, b. A'<«'. 22, 1894; Dora Clark; Mildred Clark; and Sybil Clark. Sca\.—Penshaw House, Fence Houses, co. Durham. § WILL/ AM THOMPSON, Esquire, Justice of the Peace and Deputy-Lieutenant for the comity of West- morland, High Sheriff 1882. Born March 19, 1836, being the third son of Ja>nes Thompson , bv his 'ivije Betsy , daughter of Henry Rauihmell of Bridge House, Old Hutton. Ar- iuorial bearings as used are J'or Arms : Azure, a lion passant or, within a bordure argent. These arms were con- firmed, 1602, to Roioland Thompson of Tho}pmarket, in the county of Norfolk, but the abcn'e-mentioned William Thomp- son, Esquire, has established no right thereto. Married, July 7, 1881, Jessie, only daughter of II'. B. Watkins, Es- quire, Justice of the Peace, of Llandaff, in the county of Glajnorgan ; and has Issue — (i) Watkins William Thomp- son, born August 18, 1882 ; (2) James Leonard Thompson, born July 1, 1886; and Gladys Elise. Estates in the Townships of Grayrigg, I^ambrigg, Firbank, and Dillicar. Postal address — Moresdale Hall, Kendal. GEORGE HUNTER M.^CTHOMAS THOMS, F.R.S.E.. F..S.A. (Scot.). Born June 3, 1831, being the elder son of the late Patrick Hunter Thorns, Esq., J. P. and D. L. co. Forfar, Provost of Dundee 1847 53, by his wife Grace Scott, second dau. of the late Thomas Watt, Lieut. 71st Royal Forth Highlanders, of Demmylne, Fife- shire. Club — University. Armorial bearing^s — Or, a lion rampant gules, armed and langued azure, deliruised of a chevron sable. Mantling guies and or. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a demi-unicorn ermine, armed, crined, and imguled 01 , supporting a shield also gold. MottO — " Virtutis pra^mium." Residences — Aberlemmo, co. Forfar; 13 Charlotte Square, Edinburgh. THOMSON, see WHITE-THOMSON. SJOHN ANSTRUTHER- THOMSON, Esquire, Justice of the Peace and Deputy-Lieutenant. Born 1818, being the eldest son of the late John Anstruther[who assumed the additional surname of Thomson on account of his succession to the estate of Charleton\ by his wife (Clemen- tina, only daughter of the Right Honourable William Adam of Blair Adam, Member of Parliament, Baron of Li \ chequer. Lord Chief Commissioner of the Juiy Court, and Lord-Lieutenant of the county of Kinross. Armorial bearings as used, but which he has not matriculated in I. von Register, are for Arms : Argent, three piles sable, being the armorial bearings which are said to have been adopted by Henry de Anstruther, fourth I^ord of Anstruther, who was' sent by Alexander lU. of Scotland to accompany St. Louis on his crusade. The three piles denote, it is sup- posed, the three nails of the cross (for Anstruther) ; argent, a stales head gules, on a chief indented gules, three viascles or (for Thomson). Crests — i. two artns in armour, hold- ing a battle-axe all proper (for Anstruther) ; 2. a naked arm, couped at the elbo-o proper, holding a cross crosslet gules (for Thomson). Mottoes — ' l\riissem ni peril ssem," "Honesty is good policy ;" " Fight." Married, //"«//)', A //gust 26, 1852, Caroline A/aria Agnes Robina, ot/ly child of the Reverend John Hamilton Gray of Carntyne ; and by her (who died 1883) has Issue — (i) John St. Clair Anstrutlier-Thomson , Esquire, born June 4, 1853, died 1873 ; (2) Charles Fred- erick .St. Clair Anstruther-Thomson, Esquire, Captain 2nd Life G/iards, born May 6, 1855 [married, Jani/ary 14, 1882, Agnes Dorothea, third dai/ghter of James Alexander Guthrie of Craigie, in the county of Forfar, and has issue'] ; (3) William Anstruther- Thomson, Esq/nre, of Kil/nany, Cvpar, in the county of Fife, Captain Royal Horse Guards, Aide-de-Camp to Goi'ernor of South Australia 1889-1891, born September d, 1859 [married, January 28, 1891, Clayre, daughter of Andre^u Tennant of J^'esenside, Glenclg, South Australia, and has iss/de] ; (4) Arth/ir St. Clair Anstruther- Thomson, Esquire, born Noven/ber 19, 1872 ; Clementina Caroline ; Rosia Alary [married, December 20, 1892, Colonel David Bryce Burn] ; and Olivia Beatrice I^ouisa. He mar- ried, secondly, June 19, 1891, Isabel, second daughter of General Robert Bruce (brother of first Baron Aberdare), and has, Rachel Jean. Seats — Charleton, Colinsburgh, in the county of Fife ; Carntyne House, Glasgow. JOHN EDWARD THOMSON, Esq., J. P., High Sheriff 1865. Born Jan. 1841, being the second but eldest surviving son of John Thomson, Esq., of Clonfin, J. P. and D. L. , High Sheriff 1820, by his wife Catherine, dau. of Robert Blackall of Coolamber Manor, co. Longford. Cl/ib — Kildare Street (Dublin). Armorial bearings— Or, a fesse The Editor undertakes that every entry not in itaUcs is that of a genuinely armigerous person. 8i6 Cf)o indented aiure. charged with three csto.les or on a^"'"" of the second, a suf> in glory, and in the centre base point a trefoil vert. Mantling anire and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, an arm eniljowcd in armoui pmpor. holding m ih^ liand. also proixsr^ hve ^ars "f vv ual or. "he arm . harg, d with a trefoil vert. Motto-' I" lunu e lucem." .lA/rrW. 1861, IC.nily Grace, eldest dau. of Kcv lohn lames Fox u{ Kinawley, co. Ferman.-igh (by Harnett Louis-a his wife. . Aug. 1865 ; 4 Guy koljeil M.ixvvell Thomson, Gentleman, fi. 1867 ; (5) Francis St. John Thomson. Gentleman. /: March and cL Sept 1868; (6) Richard Hercules Thomson. Gentleman, fi. 1871'; and llarriette Catherine. .SVei"g the fourth ^"" "^ /';•; ^^^• Charlf^ Thornhill (who was the second son of (.eorge -f-u,,, MP , of Diddington, Huntingdonshire), i,v 1 ."ret. dau. of John Woolsey of Milesdown, cVt '-.«. Ireland. 67«*i-Junior Carlton, Kd- dare Su.ci iUnWin). /-"rry-Red and while Armorial bearings-C.ules. two tars gemelles, and a chief argent. Mantling gules and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, the bust of a woman couped proper, vested gules, fimbriated, crined, and ducally crowned or, and issuant from the crown five thorn-leaves vert. Married, June 20, 1888, Rosie.dau. of Edmund Fowler of Abberley, Edgbaston ; and has Issue — Cecily ; and Muriel. .SVa;'— Plumlon House, Bury St. Edmunds. SThk i..\tk WILLIAM CAPEL CLARKE-THORN- HILL, Esquire, Justice of the Peace and Deputy- Lieutenant for the county of Northampton, and J.P. for the county of Middlesex. Horn April 8, 1832 ; assumed by Royal License the additional surname and arms of Thornhill, in compliance with the will of his wife's grandfather, Thomas Thornhill of Fixby. Clubs — .Arthur's, Army and Navy, Carlton. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Gules, two bars gemelles and a chief argent, and for distinction a canton gules (for Thornhill), and upon an escutcheon of pretence the same arms of Thornhill, without marks of distinction. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet be- fitting his degree, with a mantling gules and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, the bust of a woman proper, vested gules, fimbriated or, crined and ducally crowned also or, issuant from the crown five thorn- leave; vert, charged on the breast for distinction with a cross Q is the Military Cockade. CftO crosslet or. Married, November 20, 1855, Clara daughter anclco-heir of Thomas Thornhill of F.xby and Riddles- worth ; and bv her (who died July 16 1865) has ^-^"'-(i Thomks Brydn t:iarke-Thornliill, Gentleman, Master ol Arts of the University of Oxford, Secretary in the Diplo- matic Service, born March 13, 1857; (2) \Villiam Capel Chrke-Thornhill, (Jentleman, born November 13, i860, di«l July 17. 1892; (3) Arthur Herbert Clarke-Thornhill, Gentleman, born December 31, 1861, died November 18, 1874 • (4) Randolph Clarke-Thornhill, Gentleman, born laiuwry 7 1863; Clara Louisa; and Gwendoline Blanche. ivfl/s-Rushton Hall, Kettering, in the county of North- ampton • Fixby Hall, Huddersfield, in the county of York ; Swakeleys, Uxbridge ; Binham, in the county of Norfolk. THORNTON, quartered by DE TRAFFORD. CH ARIES CONWAY THORNTON, Secretary oj lemtion since Noi'. i, 1893. Born Aug. 7, 1851. l'e"iS the fourth son of John Thornton, Esq., late Secretary to Cani-rnment for N. W. Provinces, India, by his 7vife Harriet Sarah dau. of Ri^ht. Rev. Reginald Heber, Bishop of Cal- cutta QXvUns— Carlton, St. James's. Livery— /"«7i7/, gilt buttons, brown and yellcno striped ivaistcoat. Armonal bearings as used, but for which no authority has been cstab- li'ihed, are for krra&— Argent, a chevron sable between three thorn-trees proper. Crest— --^ lion's head erased purpure, Torged with a ducal coronet or. Married, April 4, 1878, "Diana, dau. of Admiral Hon. Edward Thornton- W ode- house 'of Witton Park, Norfolk; ajid has Issue.— Charles Edward Conway Thornton, b. March 25, 1879. Postal kA(\k= of ten lleurs-tl<--lis azure, a lion rampant gules, gorged with « plain collar and pendent therefrom an es- cu:cheon of the second, charged with a cross pat^e quadrate of the fou!th. Mantling gides and argent; and for bis Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, .i lion ramp.uU gules, holding in the dexter paw a rteur-de-Iis azure, gorged with a plain collar, and pendent therefrom an escutcheon as in the amis. Postal rtrfrf;«j— Beadnell Vicarage, near Chathill, Northumberland. §JOHN WALTER HOOK THORP, Esquire, Major and Honorary lAeufenant-Colonel t^th I'olun- iir\\tyVt\ fff Jiatialiuri Cheshire Regiment (upon whom KLUUvfl t/ie Volunteer Decoration has been conferred), J. P. and a Member of the Council for the Coiintv Palatine of Chester, Alderman, J. P., and Mayor ' .7 1897 98. Born July 6, 1851, being the eldest ! Thorp, Esquire, of Rainoiu, in the County I ' Hester, Justice of the Peace, by his wife Frances, uniy child of John Thorpof Aldgate, and niece of J. T. Thorp, Lord Mayor of London, 1821, and Member of Parliament for London, 1822! Livery — Black, and gold facings. Armorial bearings as used are for Arms : Chequy argent and sable, on a fesse or, three martlets of the second. Crest — A martlet ; with the Motto, " Vivit port funera virtus." The arms were confirmed at the I'isitation of Cheshire by Dugdale, 1663, but no authority has been established by Mr. Thorp above mentioned. Married, 1877, Louisa, daughter of C. W. Deck of Upton Prioiy, in the county of Cheshire, and Erongoch, in the county of Montgomery ; and has Issue — (1) Herbert Walter Deck Thorp, born October 14, 1879; (2) Humphrey Olaf Thorp, born October 26, 1884; (3) Charles Robert Thropp Thorp, born May 6, 1886 ; and Lucia Joan. Estates — Jordangate, Macclesfield ; Raiyiotu, Cheshire. Postal address — Jorda?igate House, Maccles- field. S WILLIAM RICHARD MORTIMER THOYTS, Esquire, J. P. for Berkshire (High Sheriff 1883) Major (retired 1873) late Royal Berks Militia. Born Dec. 29, 1828, being the eldest son of the late Mortimer George Thoyts, by Emma, third (iau. of Thomas Bacon. Club- — O.xford and Cambridge. Livery — Blue, red waistcoat (for full dress black plush breeches). Armorial bearings — Azure, on a fesse between three mullets of six points or, two chemical characters of the planet Venus sable. Mant- ling azure and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a hcathcock rising proper, on the breast a like character of Venus or. Motto — " Pro rege semper." Married, Oct. 23, 1856, Anne Annabella {d. 1894), eldest dan. of Sir Richard Purleston, Bart (extinct), of Emral, co. Flint ; and has had /w7/«— Mortimer Henry Thoyts, Gentleman, b. Dec. 24, 1857, d. Oct. 1858 ; Emma Elizabeth ; and Caroline Mary. Seal — Suliiamstead House, Reading, Berks. Postal address— Oxford and Cambridge Club. ARTHUR THEODORE THRING, Gentleman. Born Feb. 7, i860, being the third son of the late Theodore Thring, Esq., Alford House, Somerset, B.A., J. P., D.L., Deputy Chairman of Quarter Sessions, Barrister-at-Law, and late Commissioner of Bankruptcy at Liverpool, by his wife Julia Jane, fourth dau. of William Mills of Saxham Hall, Suffolk. Club— 'New University. Armorial bear- ings — Erminois, on a fesse plain azure, another wavy or, charged with three escallops sable, a bordure invected gules. Mantling azure and or. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a cock per pale or and gules, charged with two escallops counterchanged, in the beak an ear of barley proper. Postal address— 12 Little Stanhope Street, W. CHRISTOPHER BEVAN THRING, Gentleman, Solicitor. Born Feb. 6, 1857, being the second son of the late Theodore Thring, Esquire, of Alford House, Somerset, B.A., J. P., D.L., Deputy Chairman of Quarter Sessions, Barrister-at-Law, and late Commissioner of Bankruptcy at Liverpool, by his wife Julia Jane, fourth dau. of William Mills of Saxham Ha'l, Suffolk. Armorial bearings — Erminois, on a fesse plain azure, another wavy or, charged with three escallops sable, a bordure invected gules. Mantling azure and or. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a cock per pale or and gules, charged with two escal- lops counterchanged, in the beak an ear of barley proper. is the Military Cockade. Ct)r ^^rWftTs^ptT^o, 1890, Leila, dau. of William JohnstoJT of Cowhill Tower, Dumfries; and has hsue—lievan Gale Thring, Gentleman ; and Marjorie Violet. Postal address — Ormond House, Bath. CYRIL THEODORE TURING, Gentleman. Born Sept. 24, 1861, being the fourth son of the late Theodore Thring, Esq., of Alford House, Somerset, B.A., J.P., D.L., Deputy Chairman of Quarter Sessions, Barrister-at-Lavv, and late Commissioner of Bankruptcy at Liver|)Ool, by his wife Julia Jane, fourth dau. of William Mills of Saxham Hall,' Suffolk. Club — KMare Street (Dublin). Armorial bearings — Erminois, on a fesse plain azure, another wavy or, charged with three escallops sable, a bordure invected gules. Mantling azure and or. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a cock per pale or and gules, charged with two escallops counterchanged, in the beak an ear of barley proper. Married, Nov. 13, 1893, Violet, eldest dau. of Edmund D'Olier of Knocklinn, Bray, co. Wicklow ; and has Issue — Sybil Maureen ; and Iris D'Olier. Postal ad- dress — Feldberg, Foxrock, co. Dublin. DOUGLAS THEODORE THRING, Gentleman. Borti Aug. 7, 1864, being the sixth son of the late Theodore Thring, Esq., of Alford House, Somerset, B.A., J. P., D.L., Deputy Chairman of Quarter Sessions, Barrister-at-Law, and late Commissioner of Bankruptcy at I^iverpool, by his wife Julia Jane, fourth dau. of William Mills of Saxham Hall, Suffolk. Armorial bearings- Erminois, on a fesse plain azure, another wavy or, charged with three escallops sable, a bordure invected gules. Mantling azure and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a cock per pale or and gules, charged with two escallops counterchanged, in the beak an ear of barley proper. Postal address — GEORGE HERBERT THRING, Gentleman, Solicitor, Secretary of the Incorporated Society of Authors. Born 1859, being the younger son of the late Rev. Edw.nrd Thring, Head Master of Uppingham Grammar School, by his wife Caroline Marie Louise, dau. of the late Karl Johann Koch of Bonn-on-the-Rhine. Armorial bearings— Erminois, on a fesse plain azure, another wavy or, with three escallops sable, a bordure invected gules. Mantling azure and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a cock per pale or and gules, charged with two escallops counterchanged, in the beak an ear of barley proper. Married, 1886, Katharine Ida Sybil, dau. of the late Col. Emilio Linati di Monticelli d'Ongina. Residence — 31 Abingdon Mansions, Kensing- ton, W. Rev. GODFREY THRING, B.A. (Oxon.), Prebendary of Wells Cathedral, formerly Rector of Alford with Horn- blotton, and Rural Dean. Born 1823. being the fourth son of the late Rev. John Gale Dalton Thring, J. P., of Alford House, in the co. of Somerset, by his wife Sarah, dau. of the Rev. John Jenkyns, Vicar of Evercreech and Preben- dary of Wells, in the co. of Somerset (she died 1891, in her 102nd year). Armorial bearings— Erminois, on a fesse plain azure, another wavy or, charged witli three es- callops sable, a bordure invected gules. Mantling azure re and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a cock per pale or and gules, charged with two escallops counter- changed, in the beak an ear of barley proper. Married. 1870, Mary Jane, only dau. of the late Charles Pinney of Clifton ; and has surviving /j-.c//?— Leonard Godfrey Pinney Thring, b. 1873. Residence — Ploncks Hill, Shainley Green, Guildford. Thk. Right Hon. Sir HENRY THRING, Baron Thring of Alderhurst, in the co. of Surrey, Knight Com- mander of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, Master of Arts, Barrister-at-Law. Born 1818, being the second son of the Rev. John Dale Dalton Thring of Alford House, in the CO. of Somerset, by his wife Sarah, dau. of the Rev. h Richard Jenkyns, Vicar of Evercreech, in the co. of Somer- ^^ set (she died 1891, in her 102nd year). Creation, Aug. 17, ^| 1886. C////;— Athena?um. Armorial bearings— Erminois, on a fesse plain azure, another wavv or, charged uith three escallops sable, a bordure invected gules, the escutcheon being _ encircled by the rilihon and pendent the badge of a K.C.B. ^| Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a cock per pal(^ or and ^| gules, charged with two escallops counterchanged. in the beak an ear of bailey proper. Married, 1856, Elizabeth (died 1897), dau. of John Cardwell of Liverpool, Merchant. B is tbe Naval Cockade. C!)U 821 and sister of the Rt. Hon. the first and last Viscount Card- well ; and has Issue — An only daughter, Katharine Annie. PosUil addresses — 5 Queen's Gate Gardens, South Kensing- ton, London, S. W. ; Alderhurst, Englefield Green, Surrey. Ri:v. JOHN CHARLES THRING. Clerk in Holy Orders, B.A, (Cantab.). Born 1824, being the fifth son of tlie Rev. John Dale Dalton Thring of Alford House, in tlie CO. of Somerset, by his wife Sarah, dau. of the Rev. Richard Ji-nkyns, \'icar of livercreech, in the co. of Somer- set (jhe died 1891, in her 102nd year). Armorial bear- ings — Erminois, on a fesse plain azure, another wavy or, charged with three escallops sable, a bordure invected gules. Mantling azure and or. Crest — On a wreatli of the colours, a cock |)er pale or and gules, charged svith two escallops counterchangid, in the beak an ear of barley proper. Married, 1858, l>ydia Eliza Dyer, dau. of Captain Samuel .Meredith, R.N. (Chief Constable of Wilts) ; and \\Ah Issue — Five sons and five daughters. Residence — The Park, Dun mow, Essex. JOHN GALE THRING, Gentleman, M.A. (Cantab.). Horn Oct. I, i8-;4, Ix-ing tlie elder son of the late Rev. Edward Thring, M.A. (King's Coll., Camb. ), Head Master of Uppingham School, by his wife Caroline Marie Louise, dau. ofthelaie Karl Johann Koch of Bonn-on-tlie-Rhine. Club — O.xford and Cambridge. Armorial bearings— Erminois, on a fesse plain azure, another wavy or, charged witli three escallops sable, a bordun; invected gules. Mant- ling azure and or. Crest On a wreatli of the colours, a cock per pale or and gules, charged with two escallops countercharged, in the lieak 'an ear of barley proper. Residence — Farleigh, Uppingham, Rutland. JOHN HUNTLEY THRING. Esquire, J. P. co. of Somerset. Born Oct. 15, 1853, being the eldest son of the late Theodore Thring, Esq., of .Mford House, Somerset, B..\. , J. P., D.L. , Deputy-Chairman of Quarter Sessions, Barrister-at-Law, and late Commissioner of Bankruptcy at Liverpool, by his wife Julia Jane, fourth dau. of William Mills of Saxham Hall, Suffolk. C/«erley. Kidderminster. Cliil)— A',/<'/-/«. Livery —Dark blue, with n-d/aiint^s. Armorial bearings as used, but for which ho authority has been established, are— Azure, a lion rampant ^ules. between two descents in chief and a mullet in base erased proper. Crest— .4 horses' s head erased ptvper. Motto—" Certavi et vici." Married, Aug 19, 1868, Alice, only da u. of Matthew Heath of Heathfield, IVolverley, near Kidderminster ; and has Issue— (i) ./rf///»'J Hugh Thursjield, M.A. and M. It. (Trin. Coll.. O.xford). b. 1869; (2) William Heath Thursfield. M.A. University Coll.. Oxford. Solicitor, b, 1870; (3) F.dward Philip Thursfield, Scholar of Brasenose Coll , Oxford, b. 1876. Postal .iddress — Selwood, I^am- inijlon. TiiK Rkverenu ARTHUR CHRISTOPHER THYNNE, Master of Arts, Honorary ^flDtin^ Canon of Truro Cathedral, Rector of Kilk- 'i^'Uir'H''' hampton. Born November 9, 1832, being the second son of the Reverend John Thynne, coramonly known as the Reverend Lord John Thynne, Doctor of Divinity, Canon and Sub-Dean of Westminster, by his wife Anne *-'onstanlia, dauj;litcr of the Reverend Charles Cobbe Beresford. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms ; Qu;irierly i and 4, barry of ten or and sable ; 2 and 3 argent, a lion rampant, tail nowed and erected gules. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling sable and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a reindeer statant or, collared sable ; with the Motto, "J'ay bonne cause." Married, June 28, 1859, tjwenllian Elizabeth Fanny Isabel, daughter of Russell Kendall; and has Issue— (1) William Francis Gran- ville Thynne, Gentleman, born 1862 ; (2) John Granville Thynne, Gentleman, born 1865 ; (3) Arthur Granville Thynne, Gentleman, born 1867; (4) Denis Granville Thynne, Gentleman, Royal Navy, born 1875, became a Midshipman 1892 ; (51 Richard Granville Thynne, Gentleman, born 1878; (6) Hugh Edward Granville Thynne, Gentleman, born 1881 ; Sophia Gwenllian Granville ; Mary Granville ; Anne Con- stantia Granville ; Grace Granville ; and Margaret Ethel Granville. Postal address — Penstowe, Kilkhampton, North Cornwall. CHARLES ERNEST THYNNE, Esquire. Barrister-at- Law. Born February 26, 1849, being the second but only sur- vivingson of the Reverend Charles Thynne, commonly known as the Reverend Lord Charles Thynne, by his wife Harriet Frances, daughter of the Right Reverend Richard Bagot, Lord Bishop of Bath and Wells. C7«/>— United University. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Quarterly i and 4, barry of ten or and sable ; 2 and 3 argent, a lion rampant, tail nowed and erected gules. Upon the escuteheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling sable and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a reindeer statant or, collared sable; with the Motto, "J'ay bonne cause." Married, June 8, 1880, Annie Harriet, daughter of Francis Seymour Haden, Fellow of the Royal Collej^e of Surgeons ; and has /.fi//i?— Roger Charles Sey- mour Thynne, Esquire, born July 25, 1881 ; and Mary Harriet. Postal address— Colonel REGINALD THOMAS THYNNE, Com- panion of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, appointed Assistant-Adjutant-General Home District, 1890. Born 1843, being the son of the late Reverend John Thynne, commonly known as the Reverend Lord John Thyime, Doctor of Divinity, by his wife Anne Constantia, daughter of the Reverend Charles Cobbe Beresford. C"/wi^.r— Guards' , United Service, Travellers'. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Quarterly 1 and 4, barry of ten or and sable ; 2 and 3 argent, a lion rampant, tail nowed and erect gules. Upon the escutcheon, from which is pendent his badge as a Companion of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, IS placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantlin^ sable and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a remdeer statant or, collared sable. Married 1890, Louisa, widow of Major William Ewing ; and has Issue hvmg— Katharine Angela. Postal address— 2 Upper Belgrave Street, S.W. S JOHN BORLASE MAUNSELL TIBBITS, Esq. , J. P. D , ■'",',' P'^-' ^"'^ ^^""^ °'' the Manor and Hundred of Rothwell, formerly Captain 12th Lancers. Born 1822, being the fourth son of Col. Thomas Philip Maunsell, M P of Ihorpe Malsor, co. Northampton, by his wife the Hon Caroline Elizabeth Cockayne ; and assumed the surname and arms of TiV)bits, by Royal License, 1858. Armorial bearings — Quarterly i and 4, ermine three cats passant guardant azure (for 'Tibbits) ; 2 and 3 argent, a chevron be- tween three maunches sable (for Maunsell) ; and the same arms of Tibbits upon an escutcheon of pretence. Mantling azure and argent ; and for his Crests, i. upon a wreath of the colours, a demi-cat rampant guardant azure (for Tibbits); 2. upon a wreath of the colours, a falcon rising proper (for Maunsell). Married, June 17, 1858, Mary Isabella, Vis- countess Hood, dau. and heir of Richard John Tibbits, Esq., of Barton Seagrave, and widow of Viscount Hood. Seats— \iar\.on Seagrave, and Rothwell Grange, near Ket- tering. THOMAS TICKELL, Gentleman, Commander R.N., retired Jan. 14, 1864. Born February 28, 1817, being the third son of the late Richard Tickell, Esq., Lieut.-Gen., C. B. , served from 1804 to 1839 in the Bengal Engineers, by his wife Mary Anne, dau. of Richard Procter. Armorial bearings — Quarterly i and 4, gules, a maunch argent ; 2. sable, on a bend argent, three escallops gules ; 3. gules, a saltire or (for Eustace) Mantling gules and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, an arm couped below the elbow and erect, vested gules, charged with three flleurs- de-lis or, cuffed argent, holding in the hand proper a fleur- de-lis gold. Motto — "Vita posse priore frui." Married, Jan. 12, i860, Louisa Emily, eldest dau. of Rev. James T. C. Saunders; and has Issue — (r) Edward James Tickell, Esq., Capt. 4th Hussars, b. Feb. 9, 1861 ; (2) Richard Eustace Tickell, Gentleman, h. April 29, 1864 ; (3) Henry Maurice Tickell, Gentleman, M.A. (Trin. Coll., Camb. ), b. Aug. 14, 1866; Mary Louisa [m., July 5, 1887. Charles E. F. Mouat-Biggs, second son of Col. John Peter Mouat- Biggs, and has issue]. Residence — The Lypiatts, Chel- tenham. RICHARD HENRY TIDSWELL, Esquire, Justice of the Peace for the county of Suffolk, Barrister-at-Law. Born December 27, 1848, being the second son of Robert Tidswell of Denmark Hill, London, by his wife Elizabeth, daughter of Joseph Ingham of Leeds. CiDsttiell ^ is tbe Military Cockade. Clubs— \Jn\ie.6. University, Hyde Park. Armorial bear- ings — He bears for Arms : Parly per pale, on the de.xter ^m is tbe Naval Cockade. Cin 823 side, azure, two bendlets nebuly or, gutt(5e-de-poix, between four escallops argent, three in chief and one in base, im- paling on the sinister side the arms of Brooke, namely argent, a cross nebuly per pale gules and sable, in the first and fourth quarters a boar's head erased of the last; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a demi-lion ram|)ant per pale nebuly or and azure, holding in the dexter paw a cross moline and resting the sinister upon an escallop of the last ; with the Motto, " Ccrtum pete finem." Married, June 21, 1876, Helen Maud, daughter of John William Brooke, Esquire, of Sibton Park, in the county of Suffolk, Justice of the I'eace and Deputy-Lieutenant ; and has Issue — Cecil Robert Tidswell, Gentleman, born 1880; Maud lilizaljeth ; Janette Katharine ; Kleanor ; Margaret Aline ; Alice Constance ; and I'^mily Beatrice. Estate — Has pro|)erty in the parishes of Creeling and Coddenham, in tlie county of Suffolk. Postal addresses — Bosmere Hall, Xeedham Market, Suffolk; 49 Wilton Crescent, London, S.W. ROBIIRT INGHAM IIDSWELL, Esquire, Justice of the I'eace for the county of Gloucester, Master of Arts of the University of Oxford, Barrister- at- Law. Born 1846, being the elder son of the late Robert Tidsw'cll of Denm.ark Hill, London, by his wife Elizalx.*th, daughter i>{ Joseph Ingham of Leeds. CV«*— United University. Armorial bearings— 1 le bears for Arms : Azure, two bendlets nebuly or, gutt^e-de-poix, between four escallops argent, three in chief and one in base ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a demi-lion rampant per pale nebuly or and azure, holding in the dexter paw a cross moline and resting thi' sinister upon an escallop both of the last. Married, April II, 1883, Aline (who died March 29, 1884), daughter of the Reverend Maurice William Ferdinand St. John, Bachelor of Divinity, Canon of Gloucester, and Vicar of Kemjjsford, in that county ; and has Issue — A daughter. Aline. He married secondly, January 30, 1894, Katharine Anne, youngest daughter of the late John Curtis Hayward of Quedgeley House, in the county of Gloucester. Estate and postal af/(//v.M^Haresfield Court, Stonehouse, in the county of Gloucester. GEORGE ADAMS TH.NEY. Esq., J. P. for Somerset. Born 1815, being the second son of Thomas 1 ilney of Liverpool (who died 1847), by his his wife Mary, dau. of the late Robert Young of Newcastle-on-Tyne. Armorial bearings — Or, two chevroneis between three gril^ins' heads erased azure, on a chief engrailed of the last, three annulets of the first. Mantling azure and or; and for liis Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, in front of a mount vert, the battlements of a tower proper, therefrom a griffin's head gules, issuant from leaves alternately argent and azure. Motto — " Sperando spiro." Married, ist, 1846, Mary Waite, dau. of George Johnson Waiiiwright of Euxton Hall, CO. Lancaster; 2nd, i868, Sarah, dau. of Edward Eccles of Liverpool ; and has, with other Issue — Norman Eccles Tilney, Gentleman, /'. 1872. Residence—?! Attwood Road, London, S.W. CHARLES GRANT IINDAL, Gentleman. Born July 31, 1823, being the eldest son of the late Commander Charles Tindal, R.N. , by his wife Anne Sarah, dau. of James Grant of Thoby Priory, Essex. Armorial bearings The Editor undertakes that every entry not in itaUcs is that of a genuinely armigerous person. 824 Cin CoO —Argent, ii fessc dancett(^ gules, in chief a flcur-de-lis azuie, lH>twcen two crescents of the second, and in base a crescent of the last, between two tleurs-de-lis of the third. Mantling gules and argent. Crest— On a wrcatli of the colours, in front of live ostrich-feathers argent, a tleur-de-lis azure, between two crescents gules. Motto— •' Nosce te ipsum." Married, Aug. 14, 1856. Anne Aniory dau. of John Travers of London ; and has Issue— {-i) Cliarles l-red- erick Tmdal. (.ienlienum, h. Nov. 19, 1857 [«/., 1885, farolinc Kditli, dau. of Rev. Henrv Tindal, and has issue, Cliarles Henrv Tindal, Gentleman, b. Sept. 26, 1887 ; .Archib.ild Arthur Tindal, Gentleman, h. Aug. 30, 1888; ■lra\crs Grant Tindal, Gentleman, h. Nov. 26, 1892 ; Louis Nicholas Lindsay Tindal, Gentleman, h. April 16, 1895 ; Arthur Willoughby 'Tindal, Gentleman, b. Nov. 9, 1897]; (2) John 'Travers Tindal, Gentleman, b. i860 [w., June 20, 1888, M.iry IsaWlla, dau. of Hon. \L D. Ogilvie, M.L.C., and has issue, John Humphrey Tindal, Gentleman, b. May 26, 1889 : Dorothy Anne Travers ; Phyllis Theodosia Grant ; and Marjorie Isabel]; Anne Grant; Maria Louisa; Jane Kmilia [»/., Nov. 23, 1897, Christopher Vaughan Mather]; Ehzaljeth Grant [w.. May 17, 1893, Geoffrey Holt Stilwell, eldest son of John I^kenham Stilwell of Hilfield, Yateley, Hants]; and Esther Kirkpatrick [;«., June 1896, Major Henry Turner Faithful)]. Residevccs—V\x Grove, Winch- field, Hants, England ; Bonshaw, Inverell, and Ramornie, New South Wales. NICOLAS TINDAL-CARILL-WORSLEY, Gentle- man, Master of CmDal^Carill^momep ^ity^o/'^xforl Born January 5, 1848, being the eldest son of Acton Tindal of the Manor House, Aylesbury ; and assumed by Royal License, 1878, the additional surnames and arms of Carill - Worsley. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Quarterly i and 4, argent on a chief gules, a mural crown or, and for dis- tinction across crosslet of the last (for Worsley) ; 2. argent, three bars sable, in chief as many martlets, and for dis- tinction a cross crosslet all of the last (for Carill) ; 3. argent, a fesse dancett^e gules, in chief a fleur-de-lis azure between two crescents of the second, and in base a crescent of the last between two fleurs-de-lis of the third (for Tindal) ; and on an escutcheon of pretence the arms of Worsley and Carill quarterly, without marks of distinction. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules and argent ; and for his Crests, i. on a mural crown or, a wyvern, wings e.xpanded gules, charged upon the body for distinction with a cross crosslet argent (for Worsley), and over it the motto, " Quod adest gratum juvat ; " 2. upon a wreath of the colours, on a mount vert regardant lodged or, charged on the body for distinction with a cross crosslet sable, and over it the motto, "Per castra ad astra" (for Carill); 3. upon a wreath of the colours, in front of five ostrich-feathers argent, a fleur-de-lis azure, between two crescents gules ; and over it the Motto, " Nosce teipsum " (for Tindal). Married, April 17, 1875, Elizabeth, daughter and heir of Charles Carill-Worsley, Esquire, of Piatt Hall, Manchester, and of Winster, in the county of Derby; and has Issue — (i) Charles Nicolas 'Tindal-Carill-Worsley, Gentleman, of the Royal Navy, born August 20, 1876 ; (2) John Acton Tindal-Carill- Worsley, Gentleman, born July 20 and died July 21, 1877 ; (3) Acton Tindal-Carill-Worsley, Gentleman, born Sep- tember 9, 1878 ; (4) Ralph Tindal-Carill-Worsley, Gentle- man, R.N., born December 27, 1881 ; and Clementina. 5(fa/— Piatt Hall, Manchester. THEODORE FREDERIC SANDBACH TINNE, formerly a Member of the Royal Commission on Local In- dustries in New Zealand. Born June 2, 1840, being the second son of the late John Abraham Tinne, Esq., ofBriarley. Aigburth, Liverpool, J. P. and D.L. co. Lancaster, by his wife Margaret, dau. of the late Samuel Sandbach of Wood- lands, Aigburth, Liverpool, and Hafodunos, co Denbigh. Club — The Northern Auckland (N.Z.). Livery — Blue coat, yellow and black striped waistcoat. Armorial bear- ing^ as used, but for which no authority has been off dally established, are— Or, masoned sable, on a chief embattled azure, two mullets argent. Crest— ^ mullet argent, between twowingsor. Motto — " Aspiro." Married, /irstly, Aug. g, 1876, Afaty Stuart, dau. 0/ Thomas Seaborn Butler of Cin- cinnati. U.S.A.; and by her has Issue— (i) Philip Tinne, ^ is the Military Cockade. b. Ausf. 31, 1880; and Margaret Stuart. He married secondly, Sept. 20, 1893, Grace Elisabeth Duncombe, third dau. of the late John Lane ofGatcombe House, Isle of Wight, and of Mrs. Lane of Bury Hall, Alverstoke : and has Issue —(2) Stuart Christian Tinne, b. Aug. 21, 1895. Seat— The Hall House, Ifaivkhurst, Kent. TIPPING, see GARTSIDE-TIPPING. TIPTOFT, quartered by DU MOULIN-BROWNE. CHARLES ARTHUR TISDALL, Esq. Born April :2, 1875, being the eldest son of John Knox Tisdall, Esq. , Capt. R.E. , by his wife Jane Elizabeth, only dau. of Robert Adams. Armorial bearings — Sable, a thistle or, between three pheons argent. Mantling sable and or ; and for his Crest, out of a ducal coronet or, an armed hand erect argent, charged with a pellet and holding an arrow proper. Motto — "Tutanlur tela coronam." Seat — Charlesfort, Kells, co. Meath. JAMES 'TOD-MERCER, Esquire, of Scotsbank and Hyndhope, in the county of Selkirk, iirt\f\'Q(fKCYffV ^""^ Hope Park, Edinburgh, Justice ^iHJU-vl^t'tl'Vl of the Peace, Advocate, Commis- sioner of Supply for the county of Selkirk. Born 1836, being the eldest son of the late James Tod of Deanston, in the county of Perth, and Hope Park, Edinburgh, Writer to the Signet, by his wife Susan Mercer ; and succeeded to the Selkirkshire estates in 1875, on the death of his maternal uncle, Robert Mercer, heir male of the old baronial family of Mercer of Aldie and Meikleour, and assumed the additional surname and arms of Mercer. He is an Heir of Entail called under the destinations of the Deeds executed both by Sir James Mercer of Aldie and Meikleour, Knight and Baronet, of date July 31, 1669, and Sir Laurence Mercer, Knight and Baronet, of date June 27, 1715. Club — Nimrod. Armorial bearings— He bears for Axms ; Quarterly i and 4, or on a fesse between three crosses patte in chief gules, and a mullet in base azure, as many bezants, within a bordure indented of the second (for Mercer) ; 2 and 3 argent, a fesse sable, between three foxes' heads couped proper (for 'Tod). Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules doubled argent ; and upon a wreath of his liveries is set for Crest, a cross pat^e fitch^e gules. Motto — ^" Crux Christi mea corona." Married, January 2, 1868, Constance Mary, only daughter of the Reverend Meyrick Beebee (of the Legge- Beebees of Willey Court, in tlie county of Hereford), of Womaston, in the county of Radnor, and Rector of Simonburn, in the county of Northumberland ; and has Issue — (i) James Laurence Mercer 'Tod-Mercer, Gentleman, born October 28, 1868; (2) Bernard Meyrick Mercer Tod-Mercer, Gentleman, Lieutenant Royal En- B is the Naval Cockade. Cod gineers, bom 1870; and Constance Mary. .SVa^— Scots- bank, in the county of Selkirk. TODD, see WILSON-TODD. JOHN SPENCER BRYDGES TODD, Esquire, Com- panion of the Most Distinguished Order of Saint Michael and .Saint George, Justice of the Peace for the districts of Swellendani, Cape Town, and Kinil)erley, in Cape Colony, Secnnary to the Department uf the Agent-General for the Cape of Good Hope since 1882. Born August 28, 1840, being the youngest but only surviving son of the late Colonel George Todd, 3rd Dragoon Guards, of Belsize House, Hampstead, by his wife Mary Jane, daughter of the late Sir Egerton Hrydges, Baronet. l.iverv — Blue coat, black velvet colliu- and cuffs, yellow waistcoat, black trousers, brass buttons, for undress; yellow coat, scarlet collar and cuffs, all .seams braided black, blue waistcoat and knei- breeches, black stockings and shoes, for full dress. Armorial bearings- He Ijears for Arms: Or, on a bend per bend gules and azure, coti.sed .sable, between two roundels pel pale of the third and second, three foxes' heads of the Held. Upon the escutcheon, from which is jjendent his badge as a Companion of the Most Distinguished Order of Saint Michael and Saint George, is placed a helmet belilting his degree, with a mantling azure and or ; and for his Crest, on a wreath of the colours, a mount vert, thereon a fo.\ sejant proijer, resting his dexter forcpaw on a roundel as in the arms, gorged with a collar and chain retle.xed therefrom or, the chain attached to the pommel of a sword erect on the sinister side of the fox, point downwards also proper. Muiricil, Marcii 13, 1865. Susan Margaret, eldest daughter of the late Goert Baron van Reede van Oudtshoorn ; and has /WW/;— (1) tJeorge Brydges 'I'odd, Gentleman, born Octol>er 8, 1868; (2) .Xrthur Brydges Todd, Gentleman, Ijorn July 23, 1870; (3) Egerton Brydges Todd, Gentleman, born June 24, 1874 : Miiry Charlotte [married, June 3, 1889, Walter B;urett Jacks] ; Alice Eliza ; and Vera Enid. Postal ''>itenilent of' Army Clothing De- Ki^uni^V partmenl, Bent^al. Born 1843, being the son oj the late Philip Champion Toker of Doctors' Commons ; created Companion of the Most Honourable Older of the Bath, 1878. Marrie.i,yfr.f//v, 1868, Katharine Annie [who died 1878), dau. of J. Adams; secondly, i88i, Laura Frances, dau. of the late Captain William H. Shir riff Hart, losth Regiment. Postal address— .4 ///o/r, Bengal. § EDWARD HENRY ARCHER TOLCHER, Esquire, .Major 4th Batt. .South Wales Borderers. Born Oct. 27, 1861, being the son of the late Major Henry John 'lolcher of Harewood, and Mt. Priory. Plymplon, Devon, by his wife Catherine, fifth dau. of the' late Edward Archer of Trelaske, Launceston, co. Cornwall. 67//i^j — Royal Yacht and Primrose. Armorial bearings— Vert, a fesse or, surmounteii of another raguly sable, charged with three martlets argent. Mantling vert and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a dexter arm embowed, couped above Col 825 the elbow, vested azure, cuffed argent, the hand proper grasping a ragged staff erect of the second, charged with two martlets sable. Married, -Sept. 5, 1895, Clara Hermon dau. ot Henry Hermon Palmer of Hook End, Checkendon' near Reading. Postal addresscs~Ko^ti\ Yacht Club ; Prim- rose Club, London. TOLER, see NORBURY. HECTOR JAMES CHARLES TOLER-AYLWARD Esquire, Justice of the Peace and Deputy-Lieutenant for^ the county of Kilkenny, High Sheriff 1886. Born June 13 1839, being the only son of the late Reverend Peter 'Toler of Bloomfield, in the county of Roscommon, by his wife Mari- anne, eldest daughter of Nicholas Aylward, Esquire, and nephew of the late James .Aylward- Kearney, Esquire, of Shankhill ; assumed by Royal License, dated Mav 30, 1884, the additional surname and arm> ol .-\Uward, on succeeding his uncle. 67//Af— Royal St. (ieorge Yacht (Kingstown, co. Dublin). Armorial bearings— He tears for Arms : Quar- terly 1 and 4, azure a fleur-de-lis between two estoiles of six points in bend dexter, and as many increscents in bend sinister or (for Aylward) ; 2 and 3 argent, on a cross gules between four oak-leaves vert, a Heur-de-lis or (for 'Toler). Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet Ijefitting his degree, with a mantling azure and or; and for his Crest, i. out of a ducal coronet or, an arm embowed, vested azure, cuffed or, the hand proper, grasping an anchor gold (for Aylward) ; 2'. out of a niural crown proper, a fleur-de-lis or, charged with an ermine spot sable (for Toler). Motto— "Verus et fidelis semper." Married, April 24, 1894, Emily Mary Eliza, only child of the late James Butler of Verona, Monks'town, CO. Dublin ; and has /««t'— Hector James Toler- Aylward' Gentleman, born 1895. 5?a/— Shankhill Castle, Whitehall] in the county of Kilkenny. ALFRED TOLHURST, Gentleman. Armorial bear- ings—He bears for Arms : Party per ^n(fll!ry his wife Lydia, eldest daughter of John (."'artnan of Great Narmouih. in the county of Nor- folk. t7//i*-Magistrates'. Armorial beaiings— He hears for Anns : .Argent, a fesse nelnily sable l)etvseen three cres- cents in chief of the last, issuant tlierefrom a fire proper, and a bull's head erased in base of the second ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a cubit arm in armour proiKT, Iwtween on the dexter side a decrescent, and on the sinister side an increscent sable, the hand proper grasping a bull's head as in ilie arms ; with the Motto— " Alta pete." Marrii-ii, .August 23, 1861, Agnes Milm-r, only daughter of Vincent Gro.se of Horselydown, in the county of Surrey ; and has /.fj«f— John Grose Tolhurst, Gentleman, born December 6, 1862 ; and Agnes Milner. Postal address — Glen brook, Beckenham, Kent. JH HENRY J.-XMES TOLLEMACHE, Esquire, Justice © of the Peace and Deputy- Lieutenant for the County Palatine of Chester, Hon. Major (ret. ) Cheshire Yeo. Cavalry, IJachelor of .\rts of the University of O.xford, Member of Parliament for the Eddisbury Division of Cheshire. Bo)-n July s, 1846, being the eldest son of the late Wilbraham Spencer Tollemache, Esquire, of Dorford Hall, Nantwich, by his wife Anne, eldest daughter and heir of the Reverend James Tomkinson. C/z/Af— -Arthur's, Carlton. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Argent, a fret sable. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling sable and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a horse's head erased gules, between two wings or, pellettfe ; with the Motto, " Confido con- quiesco." Postal addresses — Dorfold Hall, near Nantwich; 42 Half Moon Street, W. LEGH TOLSON, Gentleman. Born 1856, being the son of the late Robert Henry Tolson of Dalton, near Huddersfield, by Eliza his wife, dau. of Joseph Whiteley, J. P., of Kirby Leas, Halifax. Armorial bearings— Vert, a rose argent, barbed and seeded proper, on a chief en grailed or, two martlets azure, all within a bordure ermine, charged with live pellets and as many annulets alternately sable. Mantling vert and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, in front of a demi-tower, issuant therefrom a bears paw grasping four ostrich feathers in bend sinister argent, an annulet or. MottO — " Feror comite." Postal address — Dalton, Huddersfield, Yorkshire. MICHAEL TOMKINSON, Esquire, J. P. for the co. of Worcester (High Sheriff 1892), and J. P. for the Tomkinson of Leamington Priors, by his wife Sarah, daughter of James Grigg of The Beeches, near Kidder- minster. Clubs — Arts, Burlington Fine Arts. Armorial bearings He bears for Arms : Azure, a cross flory between in the first and fourth quarters a martlet, and in the second and third quarters an heraldic tiger's head erased or, all within a bordure nebuly ermine. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling azure and or ; and for his Crest, uj)on a wreath of the colours, in front of a cross flory gules, an heraldic tiger's head erased argent, gorged with a collar flory and counterflory also gules; with the Motto, " Sperans pergo." Afarried, Sep- tember 13, 1871, Annie, daughter of M. P. Stonehouse of Wakefield, in the county of York ; and has Issue— (i) Herbert Tomkinson, Gentleman, born December 16, 1873 ; (2) Gerald Tomkinson, Gentleman, born August 31, 1876 ; (3) Wilfred Tomkinson, Gentleman, born November 15, 1877 ; (4) Raymond Tomkinson, Gentleman, born May 24, 1880; (5) Geoffrey Stewart Tomkinson, Gentleman, born November 7, 1881 ; (6) Francis Martin Tomkinson, Gentleman, Ijorn October 21, 1883; Gertrude; Marion; Dora Sloane ; and Margaret Grosvenor. Estates — Franche Hall, in the county of Worcester ; Chilton, Cleobury Mortimer, in the county of Salop. Postal address — Franche Hall, near Kidderminster, in the county of Worcester. WILLIAM EDWARD MURRAY TOMLINSON, Esq., M.A. of Christ Church, Oxford, a Barristsr of the Inner Temple, and Major and Hon. Lt.-Col. istVol. Batt. Loyal N. Lancashire Regt. , elected MP. for Preston 1882. Born 1838, being the eldest son of the late Thomas Tomlinson, Esq., of Heysham House, a Bencher of the Inner Temple, by Sarah, only child of the late Rev. Roger Mashiter of Bolton- le-Sands, co. Lancaster. Armorial bearings — Argent, three greyhounds courant in pale sable, on a chief engrailed azure, three cross crosslets or. Mantling sable and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, on a mount vert, a savage proper, wreathed about the temples argent and sable, charged on the breast with a cross crosslet gules, across the sinister shoulder a bearskin, and holding with both hands in bend a spear headed at either end also proper. Motto — " Propositi tenax." Residences — Heysham House, Lancaster; 3 Richmond Terrace, London, S.W. TONGE, quartered by TEMPEST. TONGE, see DE TONGE. WILLIAM ASHETON TONGE, Gentleman. Born July 14, i860, being the third son of Richard Tonga, by borough of Kidderminster, Mayor 1888, 1893, 1894 and 1895. Born May 29, 1841, being the second son of Michael is the Military Cockade. his wife Caroline Edith, daughter of Richard Dunn of Wool- greaves, near Wakefield, in the county of York. Armorial 8 is the Naval Cockade. Con Coto 827 bearings — He bears for Arms : Azure, on a bend invected plain cotised or, lietween six martlets of the last, a lion passant Ijctween two grappling-irons, the flukes upward of the tirst, differenced by a mullet ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, in front of an arm embowed in armour, the hand proper, grasping a grappling-iron in bend sinister sable, a lion s. 1876. Seats — Plas Berwyn, near Llangollen, N. Wales; Woodstock, Newtown, Mount Kennedy, Ireland. BROWNLOWRICHARDCHRISTOPHER TOWER, ICsquire, Bachelor of Arts of the University ^p'l^yMpM of O.xford, Justice of the Peace for the \i,l>WX^\, county of Salop. Horn .March 31, 1851, Ijeing the second son of the late Christopher Tower, Esquire, of Huntsmore Park and Weald Hall, Justice of the Peace and Deputy- Lieutenant for the counties of Buckingham, Esse.x, Bedford, and Middlesex, Member of Parliament (1845-1847) for the county of Buckingham, and High Sheriff 1871, Captain 7th Hussars, and Lieutenant- Colonel West Essex Militia, by his wife Sophia Frances, commonly known as Lady Sophia Frances, daughter of the Right Honourable John Cust, first Earl Brownlow. Armo- rial bearings— He Ix-ars for Arms : Sable, a tower or, charged with a ()heon of the field, within a bordure of the second, charged with ten cross cro.sslets also of the field, and impaling the arms of Cockayne-Cust, namely, quarterly 1 and 4, ermine, on a chevron sable, three fountains proper (for Cust); 2 and 3 argent, three cocks gules, crested and jelloped sable (for Cockayne). Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet tefitting his degree, with a mantling sable and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a griffin passant per pale or and ermine, the dexter claw resting on a shield sable, charged with a tower as in the arms; with the Motto, "Love and dread." Married, April 20, 1881, Marion Isabella, daughter of Henry Francis Cockayne-Cust of Cockayne Hatley, in the county of Bedford, and of EUesmere House, in the county of Salop ; and has Issue — Geoflrey Egerton Tower, Gentleman, b. Nov. 23, 1891; Sylvia Sophia; Averil Frances; and Iris Marion. Postal address — EWesmere House, EUesmere, Salop. S CHRISTOPHER JOHN HUME TOWER, Esquire, of Huntsmore Park and Weald Hall, Master of Arts of the University of O.xford, Justice of the Peace and Deputy-Lieutenant for the county of Essex, High Sheriff in the year 1876. Born January 20, 1841, being the eldest son of the late Christopher Tower, Esquire, of Huntsmore Park and Weald Hall, Justice of the Peace and Deputy- Lieutenant for the counties of Buckingham, Essex, Bedford, and Middlesex, Member of Parliament (1845-1847) for the county of Buckingham, and High .Sheriff 1871, Captain 7th Hussars, and Lieutenant-Colonel West Essex Militia, by his wife Sophia Frances, commonly known as Lady Sophia F'rances, daughter of tlie Right Honourable John Cust, first Earl Brownlow. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Sable, a tower or, charged with a pheon of the field within a bordure of the second, charged with ten cross crosslets also of the field. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling sable and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a griffin passant per pale or and ermine, the dexter claw resting on a shield sable, charged with a tower as in the arms ; with the MuttO, " Love and dread." Married, firstly, March 11, 1865, Mary (who died December 28, 1865), daughter of the Reverend Delves Broughton of Broughton Hall, in the county of Stafford ; and by her has had Issue — Mary Sophia Christobel, who died January 7, 1866. He married secondly, February i, 1883, Cecilia, only daughter of the Reverend Robert Beauchamp lower, Master of Arts, and widow of Osgood Hanbury of Holfiekl Grange, in the county of Essex, and has (i) Christopher Cecil Tower, Gentleman, born December 24, 1884; (2) Hugh Christopher Tower, Gentleman, lx)rn July 23, 1886. Estates and postal addresses — Weald Hall, Essex ; Huntsmore Park, Iver, Bucks. EGERTON AUGUSTUS TOWER. Gentleman, late Lieutenant 95th Regiment. Born April 8, 1857, being the third and youngest son of the late Christopher Tower, Esquire, of Huntsmore Park and Weald Hall, Justice of the Peace and Deputy-Lieutenant for the counties of Buck- ingham. Essex. liedford. and Middlesex. Memlier of Parlia- ment (1845-1847) for the county of Buckingham, and High Sheriff 1871, Captain 7th Hussars, and Lieutenant-Colonel West Essex Militia, by his wife Sophia Frances, commonly kn.iwn as Lady Sophia Frances, daughter of the Right Honourable John Cust, first Earl Brownlow. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Sable, a tower or, cliargerl with a pheon of the field within a bordure of the second, charged with ten cross crosslets also of the field. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree. with a mantling sable and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a griffin passant per pale or and ermine, the dexter claw resting on a shield sable, charged with a tower as in the arms; with the MottO, " Love and dread." TOWERSON, quartered by IRWIN. 3BLAYNEY REV NELL TOWNLEY-BALFOUR, Esquire, Master of Arts of Cotonlep^TBalfbur tiS'^^^'lSr^Jt; countiesof Louth and Meat/i , Deputy-Lieutenant for the county of Louth ; is the eldest son of Blayney Townley-Balfour, by his wife Elisabeth Catherine, daughter and heir of Richard Mole'.m'orth Reynell of Rey- nelia, in the county of Westmeath . Clubs — Junior Athenceum, Sackville Street '{Dublin). Armorial bearings as used, but for which no authority has been established in Ulster's Office, andzohich arms have not been matriculated in Lyon Register to Mr. Ttmnley-Balfour, are: Quarterly i. argent, on a chevron sable, an otter s head erased of the first, a cinquefoil gules in base [for Balfour) ; 2. argent, a fesse sable in chief, three mullets of the second (for Toiunley) ; 3. argent, a lion rampant gules (for Leigh); 4. quarterly i. and iiii., masonry proper, a chief indented sable ; ii. and Hi. vaire, a border gules , charged tvith eight cross crosslets or ; oz'er all a cross ermine charged 'with five trefoils slipped vert (for Reynell). Crests — i. A mermaid holding in the dexter hand a swan's head and neck erased, and in the sinister an otter s head also erased all argent; 2. on a perch or, a hawk close proper, beaked and belled of the first, round the perch a ribbon gules. MottO— " Omne solum forti patria." Estates — In counties Louth and Meath, and house property in towns The Editor undertakes tbat every entry not in italics is tbat of a genuinely armigerous person. 828 COU) era o/ Dro^Aiu/a ami Navan. Postal adi1iess—7"(ww/f/ //. ; assumeil by Royal Lict-nce, Sept. ao, 1879, the surname and arms of rownloy in addition to and before those (.f F'arkir. Born May 5, 1822, being the eldest son of the late RolxTt 'I'ownlov-l'arUer.Esq., M. P. for Preston 1837 to i«57, J. P. and D.L. I High Sherifl" 1817), hy hi- wife Harriot, youngest d.iu. of Thomas Brooke of Church Mmshull, CO. Chester, second son of Sir Richard Brooke, Bart., of Norton Priory. Armorial bearings -Quarterly 1 and 4, gules, a chevron lietwec-n three leopards' faces or, in tlie mouth of each an arrow fesseways argent (for Parker) ; 2 and 3 argent, on a fesse sable, a cinqucfoil or, in chief three mullets of the second (lor Townley). Mantling gules and or. Crests— i. on a wreath of the colours, a buck trippant proper, transpierced through the body with an arrow paleways, point downwards argent (for Parker) ; 2. on a wreath of the colours, on a perch, a sparrow-hawk proper (for Townley). Married, Aug. 20, 1846, Katharine Margaret, youngest dau. of Rev. Thomas Blackburne, Rector of Prestwich. .SVa/— Cuerden Hall, Preston; Astlev Hall, Chorley. THOMAS SUTTON TOWNSEND, Esq., J. P. co. Warwick, Lord of the Manor of Clifton-upon-Dunsmore. Born April 16, 1847, being the eldest son of William Towns- end of Clifton-upon-Dunsmore, by his wife Jane, dau. of William Sutton of Rugby. t7«/'— Reform. Armorial bearing^s — Azure, on a chevron engrailed ermine, between three escallops or, a cross crosslet fitchfe between two annu- lets of the field. Mantling azure and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a stag gorged with a wreath of oak proper, and resting the sinister fore-leg on two annulets interlaced or. Motto — "Vita posse priore frui." Married, Aug. 7, 1877, Mary Alice (-n April 19, 1834, being the second son of Hugh Trayner, by his wife Agnes, daughter of James Fraser of Glasgow ; Advocate, 1858 ; Sheriff for the county of Forfar, 1881- 1885; Lord of Session, with title of Lord Trayner, 1885; Lord Commissioner of Justiciary, 1887, ex officio Railway Commissioner for Scotland. Club — University (Edinburgh). /./tc/v— Blue and white. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Azure, on a fesse, between two F^squires' hehnets plumed in chief and a fraise in ba>-e argent, a saltire sable, impaling the arms of Wyld, namely azure, a bend ermine be- tween a crescent in chief and three mullets in base or. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules doubled argent ; and upon a wreath of his liveries is set for Crest, a lion sejant gules, armed and Ian gued azure ; with the Motto, "Par loi et droit." Mar- ried, August 4, 1863, Frances Elizabeth Maxwell, eldest daughter of Robert Stodart Wyld, Writer to the Signet, Doctor of Laws, of Gilston, in the county of Fife ; and has Issue — (i) Charles Hugh Maxwell Trayner, Gentleman, Her Britannic Majesty's Consul in Guatemala, born March 31, 1867; (2) Robert Wyld Maxwell Trayner, Esq., formerly Capt. 1st Royal Dragoons, born December 25, 1870 ; Isabel Georgine Maxwell [married, 1886, E. T. Salvesen, Advo- cate] ; and Frances Agnes Marie Camille Maxwell. Postal address — 27 Moray Place, Edinburgh. H JOHN SIMMONS TREGONING, Esquire, Justice ^S of the Peace for the county of Corn- 0rt*f*ffnnit1lT "^"' Justice of the Peace and Deputv- Va^ltJ^UlllUt;^ Lieutenant and an Alderman of the Council for the county of Carmarthen. Born September 10, 1842, being the eldest and only sur- viving son of John Simmons Tregoning of Landue, in the county of Cornwall, by his wife Elizabeth Avery, daughter of John Langford of Boscastle, in the same county. Club —St. Stephen's. Livery— Y^Xnc coat, with silver buttons, drab trousers, &c. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Argent, on a mount vert, a stag lodged in front of three oak-trees proper, a chief azure, thereon a passion cross between two mullets of the field ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, in front of a rock proper, thereon a castle argent, a stag lodged or ; with the Motto, "Semper paratus, semper tutus." Married, September 26, 1866, Sophia, daughter of Edward Norris of Liverpool ; and has Issue— (i) John Simmons Tregoning, Gentleman, Master of Arts of the University of Cambridge, born February 16, 1868 ; (2) William Edward Cecil Tregoning, Gentleman, Master of Arts of the University of Cam- bridge, born February 17, 1871 ; (3) Arthur Langford Tregoning, Gentleman, B.A. Camb., born September 5, 1874 ; (4) Wynn Harold Tregoning, Gentleman, born June is the Military Cockade. Grace ; and Dorothea. Estates — Landue, near Launces- ton ; Bryn Hafod, near Llanelly, Ike. Postal address — Landue, near Launceston, Cornwall. TREGOR, quartered by BARTTELOT. TRELAWNY, see JAGO-TRELAWNY. CHARLES O'HARA TRENCH, Esquire, J. P., late 4th Regt. Born March 19, 1846, being the second son of John Eyre Trench, by his wife Grace, third dau. of Rev. John Burdett, Rector of Banagher, King's Co. , and Ballygarth, CO. Meath. Cluli — Hibernian United Service (Dublin). Armorial bearings — Argent, a lion passant gules, between three fleurs-de-lis azure, on a chief of the last, a sun in splendour or, impaling the arms of St. George, namely argent, a chief azure, over all a lion rampant gules, ducally crowned or, a crescent for difference. Mantling gules and argent. Crest, on a wreath of the colours, an arm in armour embovved, holding a sword all proper. MottO — " Virtutis fortuna comes." Married, April 14, 1874, Elizabeth Olivia, third dau. of Robert St. George (and grand-dau. of Sir Richard Bligh St. George, Bart. , of Woodsgift, co. Kil- kenny ; and has Issue — (i) John Arthur Burdett Trench, Gentleman, /'. Aug. 21, 1884 ; (2) Charles Frederick Trench, Gentleman, b. July 29, 1885 ; Grace Eulalie St. George ; Violet Madeleine Maud ; and Moira Sophia. Seat — Clon- fert, Eyrecourt, co. Galway. H FREDERICK CHARLES TRENCH-GASCOIGNE, w Esq., J. P. and D. L. for the cos. York and Limerick, High Sheriff for the latter co. 1863, and for the former 1864, J. P. CO. Argyll, late Capt. 66th Regt., Lieut.-Col. ist W.R. Yorks. Volunteer Artillery, Hon. Col. 2nd Leeds R.E. Volunteers. Born May 15, 1814, being the only son of the late Charles Trench, who was fifth son of Frederick Trench of Moate and Woodlawn. Armorial bearings— Quarterly I and 4, argent, on a pale sable, a conger's head couped and erect or, and for distinction, upon a canton gules, a cross crosslet of the third (for Gascoigne) ; 2 and 3 argent, a lion passant gules, between three fleurs-de-lis azure, on a chief of the last, a sun in splendour or (for French). Mantling sable and argent ; and for his Crests, i. upon a wreath of the colours, a conger's head couped and erect or, ch.arged for distinction with a pellet (for Gascoigne) ; 2. upon a wreath of the colours, an arm in armour embowed, the hand grasp- ing a cutlass all proper (for l-'rench). Married Mary Isabella (who died Oct. 25, 1891), elder dau, and coheir of ^m is the Naval Cockade. Cre the late Richard Oliver Gascoigne of Parlington and Castle Oliver ; and by her has Issue — Richard Frederick Thomas Trench-Gascoigne, Esq., of Lotherton, Aljerford, Leeds, late Capt. Royal Horse Guards, Hon. Major Yorkshire Hussars, J. P. for the West Riding, b. July 4, 1851 [w. , Feb. 26, 1892, Laura Gvv'endolen Douglas, younger dau. of Sir Douglas Gallon, K.C. B. ,of Himbleton Manor, co. Wor- "'er. Seats — Parlington Park, Aberford, Yorkshire. NOUTH, quartered by HORDERN. ESURTHIEN, quartered by HORDERN. CHARLES EDMUND AUGUSTINE TREVOR TREVOR- BATTYE, Esquire, Captain 3rd Battalion East Lancashire Regiment ; has medal and clasp for Zulu campaign. Born ■, being the eldest son of the late Reverend William Wilberforce Battye of Tingrith House, in the county of Bedford, Rector of Hever, in the county of Kent, Lord of the Manors of Tingrith and Little Hampden, by his wife Harriet Dorothea [to whom reftir], only daughter of Edmund Wakefield Meade- Waldo, I''s(]uire, of Stonewall, in the county of Kent, and of Hever Castle, Justice of the Peace and Deputy- Lieutenant for that county. Mrs. Battye was authorised by Royal License, dated September 23, 1890, in conjunction with the issue of her late husband, to assume the additional surname Trevor [to be used Ijefore that of Battye] and tlie arms of Trevor and Battye quarterly. Armorial bearinga— Quarterly i and 4, sable a chevron argent, lx;tween three goats passant of the last, each charged with two pellets fesseways, a chiet invected or, thereon a demi-man couped and affrontiie, holding over his de.\ter shoulder a club proper between two cinquefoils gules (for Battye) ; 2 and 3 party [ler bend sinister erminois and pean, a lion rampant counlerchanged (for Trevor). Mantling' sable and argent ; and for his Crests, i. upon a wreath of the colours, upon a club fesseways proper, a stork argent, collared and lined sable, holding in the beak a roach proper (for Battye) ; 3. upon a wreath of the colours, on a mount vert, the trunk of an oak-tree, a branch sprout- ing from its dexter side, acorned proper, upon the trunk a wyvern, tail nowed sable, wings elevated erminois (for Trevor). Motto — " Ducat amor Dei." HARRIET DOROTHEA TREVOR - B.ATTYE, Widow, only daughter! )f Edmund Wakefield Meade- Waldo, E.squire, of Stonewall, in the county of Kent, and of Hever Castle, Ju.stice of the Peace and Deputy-Lieutenant for that county ; was authorised by Royal License, dated Se[)teiiiber 23, 1890, to as.sume, in deference to the wi.shes of her late husband, the surname of Trevor in addition to and before that of Battye, such surname and the arms of Trevor quarterly with those of Battye to be taken , I « irne, and used by the issue of her late husband. Armorial bearing's are, upon a lo/enge: Quarterly 1 and 4, a chevron between three chamois-goats passant argent, each charged with two pellets, on a chief invected or, a dcmi-woodman couped, holding a club in the dexter hand proper, between two cinquefoils gules (for Battye) ; 2 and 3 per bend sinister erminois and pean, a lion rampant counterchanged, and impaling the arms of Meade- Waldo, namelv, quarterly i and 4. or a l)end azure, t>etween three leopards' faces gules (for \\'aldo) ; 2 and 3 per pale sable and ermine, a chevron tetween three trefoils slipped, an eagle's head erased in the chief point, all counlerchanged (for Meade). Married, October 5, 1850, the Reverend William Wilberforce Battye, Rector of Hever, in tlie county of Kent, who died January 24, 1890, having succeeded to the estates of Tingrith and little Hampden on the death of his kinswoman. Miss Mary Trevor of Tingrith, 1883. Of the above marriage there is Issue — (i) Charles Edmund Augustine Trevor Battye- Trevor, Esquire [to whom refer] ; (2) Aubyn Bernard Rochfort Trevor- Battye, Gentleman, born July 17, 1855 ; Edith Dorothea ; Dora Mary Augusta [married, Jan. 3, 1895, the Reverend J. Moore Fincher, Rector of Pett, Hastings] ; and Constance Angela Gertrude. Postal address — Broad Oak, Groombridge, Kent. GEORGE ARTHUR TRIST. Born May i, 1851, being the third but second suiinving son of the ■^rtrtf" ^'^'^ George Trist of Ifield, in the county of Ki^VlpV Sussex, by his wife Ellen, daughter of ll'illiam Gregory Smith. Clubs — Primrose, Junior Conservative. Armorial bearings as used, but for Cro 831 which no authority has been established, are for Arms : Azure, a quatrefoil within an orle of eight estoiles wavy of six points or; and for his Crest, upon a mount vert, an osprey proper, holding in the beak a fish; with the Motto, "Nee triste nee trepide." Married, June 26, 1878, Laura Agnes, third daughter of the late Reverend Edward I.angdale, Rector of East Hoathly, in the county of Sussex ; and has Issue— Afuriel. Estates— Property in the parishes of Ifield and Rusper, in the county of Sussex ; Charhvood and Ne^udigate, in the county of Surrey. Postal addresses — Prestwood Cottage, Ifield, near Crawley, Sussex ; Lloyds', Royal Exchange, E. C. JOHN IV. TRIST, Gentleman. Felkno of the Society of Antiquaries, Surveyor. Armorial bearings as used are for Arms: Azure, a quartrefoil roithin an orle of eight estoiles wavy of six points or ; and for his Crest, upon a mount vert, an osprey or sea-ea^le proper , holding in the beak a fish argent; with the Mot'tO, " Nee triste nee trepide." These arms were exhibited at the Visitation of the county of Northampton in 1681 by Thomas Tryst of Maydford, in that county, when he recorded his pedigree. The arms, ho^iears for Arms : Quarterly i and 4 argent a fesse gules, tetween three mullets in chief sable and a crescent in base azure ; 2 and 3 argent, a chevron gules between three boars' heads couped sable, impaling the arms of Gifford, namely azure, a chevron between three stirrups svith leathers or, within a bordure engrailed argent, pellettte. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules doubled argent ; and upon a wreath of his liveries is set for Crest, a knight in armour proper, holding his courser argent, caparisoned gules; and in an escroll over the same this Motto, " Im- promptu ; " and for his Support rs. on the dexter side of the escutcheon, a lion rampant gules, and on the sinister side a horse argent, maned, and unguled or. Married, May 24, 1866, Eva, commonly known as the Honourable Eva, daughter of the Right Honourable Robert Francis Gifford, second Baron Gifford ; and has Issue — -(i) Algernon Richard Trotter, Gentleman, born June 20, 1870, Lieu- tenant 2nd Life Guards; (2) Gerald Frederic Trotter, Gentleman, born July 21, 1871, Second Lieutenant Grenadier Guards ; (3) Edward Henry Trotter, Gentleman, born December i, 1872, Second Lieutenant Grenadier Guards ; (4) Reginald Baird Trotter, Gentleman, born March 25, 1874; and Meta. Estates — Mortonhall, Liberton, in the county of Midlothian ; Charterhall, Duns, in the county of Berwick, North Britain. Postal address — Mortonhall, Liberton, Edinburgh. The Editor undertakes that every entry not in italics is that of a genuinely armigerous person. 83» Cro Cru JOSEPH YOUNG TROTTER-CRANSTOUN. Gentle- man, of Dewar and Har- vieston, in tlic county of Midlothian. Born 1840, U-ing the eldest surviving son of the late William St. Clair Irotier, by his wife Cathe- rine Anne, daughter of the late Joseph Evans ; succeeded his uncle, George Craiistoun Trottcr-Cranstoun, Esi|uire, of Crottcr=Cranstoun Dewar and Harvieston (who died 1885). Clul>s — Bath, New (Edinburgh). Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms: Argent, a fesse ermine between three mullets in chief sable, and a crescent in base azure, all within a bordure gules, charged with three cranes statant of the field. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules doubled argent ; and upon a wreath of his liveries is set for Crest, a crane dormant, holding a stone in its dexter foot all proper. MottO— " Thou shalt want ere I want." Estate — Dewar, Midlothian. Seat — Harvieston, Gorebridge, N.B. HENRY TROWER, Gentleman. Bor?! 1814, being the fourth son of George Trower, by his wife Isabella, dau. of Thomas Kemble of Gobions, Herts. Armorial bearings — Quarterly argent and sable, three lions passant puardant counterchanged, over all a spear in bend proper. MaiLtling sable and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a lion passant guardant per pale argent and sable, resting the dexter paw upon an anchor. Married, 1842, Helen, dau. of William Seymour; and has lssue~{\) Henry Seymour Trower, Gentleman, b. 1843; (2) Percy Dence Trower, Gentleman, h. 1846 ; (3) Ernest Trower, Gentleman, b. 1847 ; Rosa Blanche [w. Robert E. Leman] ; and Ethel Maude. Postal address — 36 Gloucester Square, Hyde Park. M Coi.. CHARLES ARTHUR WILLIAMS TROVTE, S? J. P. and D.L. for Devon (High Sheriff 1881), Patron of Huntsham, Hon Major ist. R. Devon Yeo. Cav. and Col.-Comm. 3rd Vol. Bait. Devon Regt. Born 1842, being the eldest son of the late Arthur Henry Dyke-Acland, Esq., (who assumed the name of Troyte on succeeding to Hunts- ham), by Frances, only dau. of the late Robert Williams ; succeeded 1857. t'/«*j— Carlton, Travellers'. Armoriai @ is the military Cockade. jearlngs — Quarterly i and 4, or, an eagle displayed with two heads proper, a bordure invected ermine, and for distinction in chief a cross crosslet sable (for Troyte) ; 2 and 3 chequy argent and sable, a fesse gules (for Acland) ; and impaling the arms of Walrond, namely argent, three bulls' heads caboshed sable. Mantling gules and or ; and for his Crests, I. upon a wreath of the colours, an eagle's wing sable, charged with five estoiles or, environed with a snake proper, the wing charged for distinction with a cross crosslet gold (for Troyte) ; 2. upon a wreath of the colours, a couped arm lying fesseways to the sinister, habited azure, gloved argent, thereon a falcon perched proper, beaked, membered, and belledor (for Acland). Motto— " A Deo in Deo." Married, 1864, Katherine Mary, eldest dau. of Sir John Walrond Walrond, ist Bart. ; and has, with other surviving Issue— Hugh Leonard Troyte, Gentleman, Lieut. Devon Militia, b. 1870. Seat — Huntsham Court, Bampton, Devon. M GEORGE TROYTE -CHAFYN- GROVE, Esquire, ^ Fellow of the Society of Antiquaries, Deputy-Lieu- tenant and Justice of the Peace for the counties of Somerset and Dorset, Justice of the Peace for the county of Wiltshire, High Sheriff for the county of Dorset 1888, Patron of four livings. Born October 16, 1829, being the only son of the late George Bullock, Esquire, Justice of the Peace and Deputy-Lieutenant, of North Coker House, in the county of Somerset, by his wife Caroline, youngest daughter of Charles Grove, Doctor of Medicine. In compliance with the provi- sions of the will of his maternal relative, the Reverend Edward Berkeley Troyte, Doctor of Laws, of Huntsham Court, in the county of Devon (who died 1852), he assumed, bv Royal License, the surname of Troyte, in addition to and before that of Bullock, and the arms of Troyte quarterly with his own arms ; and in 1892, upon inheriting the Zeals estates at the death of his cousin Miss Chafyn-Grove, who died 1891, under the will of his cousin William Chafyn- Grove of the Coldstream Guards, who died 1865, he assumed, by a further Royal License, the name of Chafyn-Grove in lieu of that of Bullock, and the arms quarterly. Club — Boodle's. Livery — (dress) white and scarlet ; (undress) claret, white and scarlet striped waistcoat. Armorial bear- ings — He bears for Arms : Quarterly, 1. ermine, on a chevron engrailed gules, an escallop or, between two escallops argent (for Grove) ; 2. gules, a talbot passant or, a chief ermine (for Chafyn) ; 3. or, an eigle displayed with two heads proper, within a bordure invected ermine (for Troyte) ; 4. gules, on a chevron between three bulls' heads caboshed argent, armed or, another chevron ermine charged with as many annulets azure (for Bullock) ; and impaling the arms of Welby, sable, a fesse between three fleurs-de-lis argent. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules and argent ; and for his Crests, I. in the centre, upon a wreath of the colours, a talbot passant sable, collared argent (for Grove) ; 2. on the dexter side the crest of Troyte, namely, upon a wreath ol the colours, an eagle's wing sable, charged with five estoiles or, the wing environed by a snake proper ; and on the sinister side the crest of Bullock, namely, on a wreath of the colours, on a mount vert five blacks bills erect, banded with a wreath of olive proper, therein pendent an escutcheon azure, charged with a cross crosslet or. (The arms of Chafyn being set forth without a crest, there not appearing any recorded to that family in the College of .Arms. ) Motto, " Ny dessux ny dessoux." Married, firstly, July 30, 1856, Emily Lucy (which lady died at Geneva, November 8 following), eldest daughter of Henry William Berkeley Portman, Esquire, of Dean's Court, in the county of Dorset ; secondly, September 19, i860, Alice, third daughter of Sir Glynne Earle Welby-Gregory, Baronet, of Denton Hall, in the county of Lincoln; and has Issue — (i) Edward George Troyte-Bullock, Esquire, Captain Royal Dragoons, liorn September 17, 1862; (2) Hugh Ambrose Troyte-Bullock, Gentleman, born July 27, 1867; (3) Cecil John Troyte- Bullock, Gentleman, Lieut, ist Somerset Light Infantry, born May 17, 1869 ; Mabel Cicely ; Evelyn Mary ; and Alice Christine. Estates — Zeals House, near Mere, and Sedgehill, in the county of Wiltshire ; North Coker House, Yeovil, in the county of Somerset; Silton. Waddon, Chelborough Park, and Corscombe, in the county of Dorset. Postal addresses — North Coker House, Yeovil, Somerset; Benville Manor, Corscombe, Dorchester; Boodle's Club, S.W. 5 HENRY POMEROY TRUELL. Esquire, [.P. and D.L. (High Sheriff 1871). Born March 19. 1836, ^m is the Naval Cockade. Cru being the third but eldest surviving son of the late Robert Holt Truell, Esq. , J. P. and D. L. ( High Sherirt" 1824), by his second wife Henrietta, dau. of Very Rev. Ogle William Moore, Dean of Cogher. Armorial bearings -Argent, a lion rampant, in chief two hearts gules. Mantling guies and argent. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a heart gules, between two palm branches vert. Mottoes— .Above the crest, "Semper fidelis"; below, " Diligentia fortior " Married, August 20, 1861, Katherine Elizabeth (who died March 12, 1890), only clau. of Charles Rolleston-Spunner, Q.C. 6'm/— Clonmannon, Ashford, co. Wicklow. Majok-General ROBERT HOLT TRUELE, Com- panion of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, J. P. for CO. of Dorset, served in 53rd Regt. throughout Indian Mutiny 1857-1859, including relief and capture of Luck- now; in Egypt 1882, and Suakim 1885. Horn 1837, Ix-ing the eldest son of the late Reverend W. Truell of Clon- manon, in co. Wicklow; created C.B. 188:;. Cluh— Cuf 833 United Service. /L/waj— Dark blue. Armorial bearings— •■Xrgi-nt, a lion rampant, and in chief two hearts gules, and pendent below the escutcheon his badge as a C. H. Mant- ling gules and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a heart gules, between two palm branches vert, and above it on an escroll, "Semper fidelis." Motto — "Diligentia fortior." Married, ist, 1884, Elizabeth (who died i88g), daughter of the late Reverend Charles Onslow, Honorary Canon of Salisbury ; 2nd, 1890, Harriet, dau. of the late George Churchill of Alderholt Park, in co. Dorset. Postal address — Onslow, Wimborne. Rev. WILLIAM HENRY AUGUSTUS TRUELL, Incumbent of Chettle, Dorset. Born 1839, being the second son of the late Rev. William Truell, Rector of Tyneham, Dorset, by his wife Jane. dau. of John Hawkesworth of Forest, Queen's Co. Armorial bearings— Argent, a lion rampant, and in chief two hearts gules. Mantling gules and argent. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a heart gules, between two palm branches vert. Mottoes— .Above the crest, "Semper fidelis"; below, "Diligentia fortior" Postal address— Chenl^, Dorset. TRUSBUT, quartered by HORDERN. S GEORGE WYATT TRUSCOTT, Esquire, a Com- missioner of Lieutenancy and .Alderman ^rUfif nft °^ ^^'^ '^'^y '^^ I-ondon, the eldest son of VJ^VU.gHJVV the late Sir Francis Wyatt Truscott, , , Knight Bachelor, by his wife I<:iiza, (laughter of James Freeman of Turnham Green. Livery— Claret, with crimson edge. Armorial bearings— He bears tor Arms: Argent, three chevronels gules, between two mullets m chief of the last, pierced of the field, and a knights helmet in base proper, a chief chequv of the second and first. Upon the escutcheon is placed 'a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a fasces erect surmounted by a palm-branch slipped, and an arrow saltire- way.s, all proper; with the Mottoes -" Gwir yn erbyn y byd. ' " In untrumque paratus." AV.«'(/6'«f^— Great wood, Chislehurst. TiiK Rkvkrk.m, FREDERICK TUFNELL, Clerk in Holy Orders, M.A., Oxford, Vicar of Kil- ^llfnrff '"•^'■sf'on. Somerset. Z?y/-;/ Octoter 21, i860, %i^v«vtivii \)e\ng the third son of E. Carlton Tufnell, Barrister-at-Law, of 26 Lowndes Square, London, S.W. , by his wife Honoria Marv, daughter of t:olonel Macadam, Knight of the Hanoverian Guelphic Orders. Clii/>s—0\{ovA and Cambridge, Wellington, Royal Dorset Yacht. Livery— Uyghx ckab. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Azure, on a fessc argent between three ostrich feathers erect proper, as many martlets sable ; and impaling the arms of Vernon, namely, quarterly i and 4, argent a fret sable ; 2 and 3 or, on a fesse azure, three garbs of the field ; and for the Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a de.xter arm embowed in armour proper, tied about the wrist azure, holding in the gauntlet a scimitar argent, hiked or; with the Motto, " Manus hasc inimica tyrannis." Married, August 4, 1887, Margaret Vernon, commonly known as the Honourable Margaret Vernon, daughter of the Right Honourable Augustus Henry, sixth Lord Vernon ; and has L':siie — Honoria Margaret. Postal address — Charl- ton House, Radstock, Bath. JOHN JOLIFFE TUFNELL, Esquire, Justice of the Peace and Deputy-Lieutenant for the county of Essex, for The Editor undertakes that every entry not in italics is that of a genuinely armigerous person. 3 Ci 834 Cuf Cup which county lie served llu- Office of High Sheriff in the year 1870. Horn July i, 1805, being the eldest son of the late John Joliffe Tufnell, Kscjuire. of Langleys, in the county of Essex. Justice of the Peace and Deputy-Lieu- tenant for the said county, by his wife Catherine Dorothy, eldest daughter ol Sir Michael I'ilkington, sixth IJaronet, of fhcvet, ill llie county of York. 6'////'— Arthurs. Ar- morial bearings —He bears for Arms : Azure, on a fesse between three ostrich feathers argent, as many martlets sable ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a dexter arm embowed in armour proper, tied with a ribbon azure, holding in the gauntlet a cutlass argent, the hilt or. Married, firstly, 1830, Caroline Mary, second daughter of the late C. T. Tower of Weald Hall, in the county of Essex (who died Septemter 18, 1841); and secondly, 1853, Eleanor Margaret, youngest daughter of the Right Reverend the late George .Murray, Lord Bishop of Rochester. By his first marriage he has had Issue — (i) Arthur Joliffe Tufnell, Esquire, Justice of the Peace, .Major 34th Foot, born March 15, 1833, died at Mussoorree, in India, Jime 1883 ; (2) William Neville Tufnell, Esquire, of Monken Hadley, Braintree, Justice of the Peace and Deputy- Lieutenant^ l)orn April 11, 1838 [married, 1861, Eleanor Frances, daughter of the late Major-General Charles Gostling, of which marriage there is with other issue a son, Neville Tufnell, Gentleman, born 1864] ; Cecilia Harriet, died April 18, 1842 ; Caroline Emily; Augusta Jane ; Laura Louisa [married, February 12, 1867, her cousin, the Right Reverend Edward Wynham Tufnell, Doctor of Divinity, late Bishop of Brisbane, Australia, Canon of Chichester and Vicar of Felpham, Bognor, of which marriage there is issue] ; and Adelaide Mary. By his second marriage he has had, {3) Edward A. Murray Tufnell, Gentleman ; (4) Henry Murray Tufnell, Gentleman ; (5) George Murray Tufnell, Gentleman; (6) Hertert Murray Tufnell, Gentle- man ; -Maria Louisa [married, 1878, Edward Gerald Strutt, Esquire, commonly known as the Honourable Edward Gerald Strutt, fourth son of John James, first Baron Ray- leigh] ; Frances Emily [married, 1881, Francis R. Round]; Constance Helena ; Caroline Margaret ; Florence, who died 1871 ; and Mabel Eleanor. Estate atid postal address — Langleys, Essex. WILLLAM MICHAEL TUFNELL, Esquire, Justice of the Peace and Deputy-Lieutenant for the county of Essex. Born January 31, 1816, being the second son of the late John Joliffe Tufnell, Esquire, of Langleys, in the county of Essex, Justice of the Peace and Deputy-Lieu- tenant for that county, by his wife Catherine Dorothy, eldest daughter of .Sir Michael Pilkington, sixth Baronet, of Chevet, in tiie county of York. Club — Carlton. Ar- morial bearings— He tears for Arms : Azure, on a fesse between three (jstrich feathers argent, as many martlets sable (for Tufnell), and upon an escutcheon of pretence in right of his wife, argent, two chevronels azure within a bordure engrailed gules (for Tyrell) ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a dexter arm embowed in armour proper, tied with a ribbon azure, holding in the gauntlet a cutlass argent, the hilt or. Married, May 11, 1841, Eliza Isabella (who died September 14, 1894), eldest daughter of the late Sir John Tyrell, second Baronet, of Boreham; and has Issue— ]o\\\\ Lionel Tufnell, Esquire, who has assumed the surname of Tyrell in addition to and after that of Tufnell [to whom refer] ; and Agnes Mary [married, April 28, 1870, Captain Arthur Chandos Arkwright of The Mount, Oswestry]. Postal addresses— 2,0 Eaton Square, London, S. W. ; Hatfield Place, Chelmsford. SJOHN LIONEL TUFNELL-TYRELL, Esquire, Justice of the Peace and Deputy- Srilfnrlf-^tlfHf Lieutenant for the county of Kl^\l\,nKl\'KL^])\,Kii Essex, late Captain in the Rifle Brigade. Born December 21, 1842, being the only son of W.lliam M.chael Tufnell, Esquire, of Hatfield Place, in the county of Essex, Justice of the Peace and Deputy-Lieutenant for that county, by his wife Eliza Isabella, eldest daughter of the late Sir John 'I yrell, second Baronet, of Boreham ; assumed the surname of Tyrell m addition to and after his patronymic, and the arms of that family quarterly with his own, in 1877, upon succeedmg his maternal grandfather. C/«^.f— Army and Navy, Boodles', Carlton. Livery— -Dark blue, scarlet plush and gold lace, with brass buttons. Armorial bearings- He bears for Arms : Quarterly r and 4, argent two chev- ^ is the Military Cockade. ronels azure, within a bordure engrailed gules (for Tyrell) ; 2 and 3 azure, on a fesse between three ostrich feathers argent, as many martlets sable (for Tufnell) ; and for his Crests, I. upon a wreath of the colours, a boar's head couped and erect argent, and issuing from the mouth a peacock's tail proper (for Tyrell); 2. upon a wreath of the colours, a dexter arm embowed in armour proper, tied with a ribbon azure, holding in the gauntlet a cutlass argent, the hilt or (for Tufnell); with the Motto, " Manus hasc inimica tyrannis." Married, 1878, Frances, daughter of John Westcott of Sturminster. Estate and postal add^ress — Boreham House, Chelmsford. CHARLES THOMAS TUNNARD, Esq., J.P. for co. Lincoln. Born Dec. 21, 1843, being the eldest son of the late Rev. JohnTunnard, Patron and Vicar of Frampton, by Martha Copland, dau. of Charles Tawney. Armorial bearings — Ermine, on a chevron sable, between two dragons' heads erased proper in chief and a l)Ugle-horn of the second stringed gules in base, a griffin's head couped between two bugle-horns stringed or. Mantling sable and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a swan, wings elevated ermine, beaked or, legged sable, the dexter leg resting on a bugle-horn also sable, stringed gules. Married, 1866, Georgina, third dau. of ConoUy Norman ; and has, with other Issue— ]o\\\\ Charles Tunnard, Gentleman, b. 1873. .S^rt/— Frampton House, Boston, co. Lincoln. THOMAS CONEY TUNNARD-MOORE, Esquire, Bachelor of Arts, Barrister- dinnfltU-Q§DOt0 'for Division of Holland in the county of Lincoln. Born December 29, 1854, being the eldest son of Colonel C. T. /. Moore, Companion of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, Deputy-Lieutenant, Chairman of Quarter Sessions for Holland Division of the county of Lincoln \to whom refer], by his wife Frances Mary Vassall, daughter of H. R. Roe, Esquire, Justice of the Peace and Deputy-Lieutenant, of Graton Hall, in the county of Devon. Livery — Claret coat, red facings, silver buttons, crimson vest, drab breeches. Armorial bearings as used, but for zvhich no authority has been established in the College of Arms, are for krm.^ : Quar- terly, I. argent, a chevron engrailed sable, betiueen three moorcocks proper ; 2. argent, on a chevron between three unicorns' heads erased sable, as many bezants; 3. or, three lions rampant gules ; 4. azure, a chevron between three demi- griffins or; 5. sable, on a fesse cotised or, between three coneys courant argent, as many escallops of the field ; 6. vert, three escutcheons argent, each charged with a bordure en- grailed or. Married, April 11, 1885, Eliza Moresby, daughter of R. A. White of Harroivby, in the county of Lincoln ; and has Issue — Cordelia Mary. Postal addresses — I New Court Temple, London ; Stone House, Peperharow Road, Godalming, Surrey ; Frampton Hall, near Boston, Lincoln. BASIL DE BEAUVOIR TUPPER. Gentleman. Born 1841, being the third but eldest surviving son ^lIUMPf °^ ''^^ ^'^^'^ Carre William Tupper, Gentle- ^Up^vl xnrm, of Hauteville House, Guernsey, by his wife Eliza Jane, fifth daughter of Thomas Priaulx of Montville, Guernsey. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Azure, on a fesse engrailed, between three boars passant or, as many escallops gules, a canton ermine, thereon pendent from a chain a medal bearing the profiles of King William and Queen Mary or. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degi-ee, with a mantling azure and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a mount vert, thereon a greyhound passant ermine, charged on the shoulder with a slip of oak fructed proper, the dexter forepaw resting on an inescutcheon azure, charged with a medal pendent from a chain, as in the arms. Motto — " L'Espoir est ma force." Married, 1879, Mary, daughter of Lieutenant-Colonel Mackenzie, late 60th Rifles ; and has Isstie — Mary Catherine Mackenzie (died 1888) ; Francis de Beauvoir ; Dorothy Priaulx ; and Majorie de Vic. Resi- dence — Hauteville House, Guernsey. GASPARD LE MARCH ANT TUPPER, Esquire, Lieu- tenant-General (retired). Borri August 26, 1826, being the eldest son of Daniel Tupper of Guernsey, by his wiffe Anna Maria, daughter of Major-General Le Mar'chant (killed at ® is the Naval Cockade. hanca). Cluh — Army and Navy. Liverv — Blue. Armorial beaxingfs— He bears for Arms : Azure, on a fesse engrailed heiween three boars passant or, as many escallops gules, a canton ermine, thereon pendent from a chain a medal bearing the profiles of " William and Mary," gold Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling azure and or ; and for his Crest, on a wreath of the colours, a mount vert, thereon a greyhound passant ermine, charged on the shoulder with a slip of oak fructed proper, the dexter forepaw resting on an inescut- cheon azure, charged with a medal pendent from a chain as in the arms; with the Motto, " L'Espoir est ma force." Married, May 13, 1861, Mary Charlotte, daughter of Sir Charles Smith of Suttons, in the county of Essex. Postal addnss — 24 Cornwall Gardens, London, S.W. ALEXANDER TURNBULL, Gentleman. Born Sept. 14, 1868, Ijeing the fifth but third surviving son of the late Walter 'lurnbull. Gentleman, by his wife Alexan- drina, dau. of the late John Horsburgh, Esq., of Tongue House, CO. Sutherland, J. P. and D. L. Livery — Drab cloth, black facings, silver buttons. Armorial bearings- Argent, gutt(5e-de-poix, three bulls' heads erased sable, each transfixed with a sword in pale points upwards proper, pommels and hilts or. Mantling sable and argent. Crest — Upon a wreath of the colours, in front of a bull's head erased sable, gutiec-ii'tau, four annulets interlaced fesse- ways of the last. Motto— " Foriuna favet audaci." Jiesi- deiue — Elibank, Wellington, New Zealand. JOHN WILLIAM TURNBULL, Bac/ielor of Arts of the University 0/ Cambridge, Barrisier-at- ^Tllftlfltlf f Law, Puisne Judge of the Supreme Court, ^O-UVllUUll Natal. Born August 15, 1829, being the eldest son of the late Andrew Turnbull, Accountant of Excise, by his wife Elizabeth, daughter of the laic Reverend James Robertson of Livingstone, Scotland. Armorial bearings (Z.f used, but for which no authority has yet been established, are for Arms : ... on a fesse between three bulls' heads erased . . . as many mullets, with many quarterin^s. Crest- ^-i dexter cubit arm erect, holding by the lug and by tlie horn a bull's head erased. MottO — " / saved the king." Married, October i.\, 1858, Lucy Marshall, daugh- ter of the late William Turnbull of Peebles ; and has Issue — (i) Andre-M Maitland Turnbull, born January 23, i860 ; (2) William Dalzel Turnbull, bom January 7, 1862 ; (3) 835 Alexander Robertson Ruel Turnbull, horn February 13, 1864 ; (4) Hugh Marshall Turnbull. born February q, 1875, died Lebruary 14, 1875 ; Elizabeth Helen Ruel; Lucy Mar- garet Edith Ruel; Alice Mary Beatrice Anne ; j'amimia Isabel Catherine; Una Ethel Agathee Maud; and Irene Lilian Winifrede. Postal address — Pietermaritsburg, Natal, South Africa. ROBERT TURNBULL, Esquire, Companion of the Most Eminent Order of the Indian Empire. Born July 10, 1823, being the third son of the late Peter Turnbull, by his wife Anna, daughter of Robert Campbell; Secretaty to the Corporation of Calcutta, 1857-1888 ; created Companion of the Most^ Eminent Order of the Indian Limpirc, i8go. Club — United Service {Simla, India). Armorial bearings as used, but for which no authority has been established in the College of Arms, are for Arms: Argent, three bulls' heads erased sable, armed vert, within a bordure indented of the second. GreeX—A bull s head erased. "HLoXVi—" Audaci favet fortuna." Postal address— 3 A;;riir 5Crr?ih cloth, black facings and silver buttons. Armorial bearings- Argent, guitde-de-poix, three bulls' heads erased sable, each trans- fixed with ii sword in pale points upwards proper, poimnels and hilts or. Mantling sable and argent. Crest — Upon a wreath of the colours, in front of a bull's head erased sable, gutt(?e-d'eau, four annulets interlaced fesseways of the last. Motto — "Fortuna favet audaci." Estate — Papanvi, New Zealand. Postal address — Elibank, Welling- ton, New Zealand. §SiR WILLIAM TURNER, Knight Bachelor, Deputy- Lieutenant for Edinburgh, Fellow of the Royal Society, Doctor of Civil Law, Doctor of Laws, Doctor of Science, Honorary Lieutenant-Colonel Queen's Edinburgh Rifie Volunteers (has Volunteer Decoration). Born 1832, being the son of the late William Turner of Lancaster, by his wife Margaret, daughter of Robert Aldren of Lancaster ; dubbed Knight Bachelor, 1886. Club — Athenajum. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : .\rgent, guttte-de-sang, a wheel of eight spokes sable, on a chief wavy azure, a dolphin naiant of the first. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules doubled argent ; and upon a wreath of his liveries is set for Crest, a man's heart gules; with the Motto, "Quod potui perfeci." Married, 1863, .Agnes, eldest daughter of Abraham Logan, Esquire, of Burnhouses, in the county of Berwick. Postal address — 6 Eton Terrace, Edinburgh. The Editor undertakes that every entry not in italics is that of a genuinely armigerous person. 836 Cur WIIXIAM TURNER. Horn Dec. 31, 1847. being the third son of the late James Turner, by his loife Jane Harereaves, dau. of Robert /farj^rmves. C\nhs—haletgh, Junior Carlton. Armorial bearings us used, but Jor which no authority has been establislied, are for Arma— Cut Ermines, on a cross quarter-pierced, four fers-de-molines sable. Crest — A lion passant guardant, holding in the dexter paw a fer-de-moline. MottO — " Esse quant videri." Married, Jan. 25, 1883, Alice, eldest dau. of the late Edmund Crompton Potter ; and has Issue — (1) William /Murence Turner, b. Sept. 29, 1884 ; (2) James Hargreaves Turner, b. April 24, 1892 ; and Dorothy Alice. Seats — " Pur ley Chase," Atherstone, VVai-wickshire ; "Carter Place," Haslin^den, Lancashire. THOMAS MACNAGHTEN TURNER - FARLEY, late Lieut. 3rd Hussars. Born 1850, being the only sur- viving son of the late Thomas J. Turner of Worthy Park, Hants, by Elisa Rachel Lowe, only dau. of Col. M 'Combe, CB. ; and assumed the additional name and arms of Farley by Royal License in 1867. C/«i^.s— Arthurs, Boodle's, Turf. Armorial bearings— (Quarterly i and 4, paly of si.\ sable, gutt6e-d'eau, and or (for F'arley) ; 2 and 3 sable, within a cross voided a cross patfe fiicWe between four millrinds sable (for Turner) ; and impaling the arms of Waldie- Griffith, namely, quarterly i and 4, azure, on a fesse between three lozenges argent, a trefoil slipped vert ; 2 and 3 gules, a chevron ermine between three linglishmen's heads in pro- file, couped at the neck and bearded proper. Mantling sable and or ; and for his Crests, i. upon a wreath of the colours, a boar's head couped paly of six as in the arms (for Farley) ; 2. upon a wreath of the colours, a lion guardant sable, charged on the body with three crosses pat6e fitch(5e argent, resting the dexter forepaw on a shield of the last, charged with a milirind also sable (for Turner). MottO- "Avito viret honore." Married, 1886, Marv Isabel Gwen- doline, younger dau. of Sir George R. Wald'ie Griffith, 2nd Bart. ; and has /ssue—Tvfo daughters. Seat — Wartnaby Hall, Melton Mowbray. H JOHN TURNLY, Esq., J. P. and D.L. for co. Antrim, sat B.A. of Trin. Coll., Dublin. Born 18 19, being the eldest surviving son of the late Francis Turnly of Drumna- sole, by Dorothea .\melia, dau. of Col. John Rochfort of ^ Is tbe Military Cockade. vJ logrenane , co. Carlow. Armorial bearings— Argent, a fritillaria meleagris, stalked and leaved proper, on a canton gules, a cross p&iC'c or. Mantling vert and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, on a mount vert, an oak tree proper, supporting on the sinister side a shield gules, charged with a cross pat(5e or. MottO-— " Perseverando." Married, 1850, Charlotte Emily, dau. of the late Right Hon. Edward Litton ; and has, with other /.fj««— Francis John Seymour Turnly, Gentleman, b. 1862. 5ga/— Drumnasole, Glenarm, co. Antrim. Admiral EDWARD WINTERTON TURNOUR. Companion of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath. Born 1821, being the son of the late Reverend Augustus Adolphus Turnour, commonly known as the Reverend the Honourable Augustus Adolphus Turnour, by his wife Jessie, daughter of John Dewar ; created Companion of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, 1871. f////'— United Service. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Ermines, on a cross quarterly pierced argent, four fers-de-moline sable. Upon the escutcheon, from which is pendent his badge as a Companion of the Most Honoiu-able Order of the Bath, is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling sable and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a lion passant guardant argent, holding in the dexter fore- paw a fer-de-moline sable. Married, 1866, Emma Elizabeth (who died 1891), daughter of R. W. Hodgson of North Dene, in the county of Durham. Postal address— \o Hyde Park Mansions, N.W. H EDMUND RUSSBOROUGH TURTON, Esquire, @ J. P., D. L. , and County Councillor for North Riding Yorks.; called to the Bar at the Inner Temple 1882, London County Councillor 1892-97, unsuccessfully contested Thirsk and Malton Division 1885, and Richmond Division 1886, 1892, and 1895. Bum Nov. i, 1857, being the eldest son of the late Edmund Henry Turton, Esq. , J. P. and D.L. for the North Riding of Yorkshire, late Capt. 3rd Dragoon Guards, by his wife Lady Cecilia Mary Leeson, second dau. and co-heiress of Joseph^ Rt. Hon. fourth Earl of Miltown, K.P. C/zc/'v— Brooks's, St. James's, Yorkshire. Armo- rial bearings — Ermine, nine trefoils slipped, four, three, and two alternately vert and azure, in base a cross crosslet fitch(5e sable, a canton gules. Mantling vert and argent. Crest — Out of park pales gules, a dexter cubit arm, habited vert, cuffed argent, the hand holding a banner per pale argent and azure, the fringe or, charged with a trefoil slipped fesseways, counterchanged. MottO— " Formosa qua^ honesta." Married, Aug. 9, 1888, Clementina Sarah, second dau. of the Hon. Sir Spencer Ponsonby Fane, G.C.B., of Brympton Park, co. Somerset; and has Issue— Edmund Spencer Turton, Gentleman, b. May 14, 1889. 6>a/j— Upsall Castle, Thirsk ; Ugthorpe Lodge, co. York. JOHN EDWARD TUSON, Esquire, Surgeon-General {retired), M.D., F.R.C.S. Born July 3, 1829, being tin- eldest son of Edward William Tuson, F.R.C.S., F.R.I. , F.L.I. , many years Surgeon to the Middlesex Hospital. QXwhs — East India United Service, Royal Societies'. Uivery-Blue. Armorial bearings as used, but to which no right has as yet been establislied, are for Arms- Vert, three lions rampant argent, ducally crorvncd, gorged and chained or. Crest— 0«^ of a duccil coronet a lion's head. Married, March 20, 1862, Fanny Collins Wallich, dau. of the late Nathaniel Wallich, M.D., Curator of Botanical Gardens, Calcutta. Postal address— £'(2J^ India United Service Club. §PHINEAS BARRETT TUTHILL, Esquire, Surgeon Lieut. -Col. (retired pay Royal Army Medical Corps), M.D., and has Diploma in State Medicine (University of Dublin), F.R.C.S.I. Born Nov. 4, 1850, being the only surviving son of John Tuthill, formerly of Kilmore, co. Limerick, and Margaret his second wife, eldest dau. of Robert Lloyd, M.D. (biother of Rev. Bartholomew Lloyd, Provost Trinity College, Dublin). Clubs— ]\\mor Army and Navy, Hibernian United Service (Dublin). Livery- Undress : chocolate coloured coat, red waistcoat, silver Ijuttons ; and for full dress : azure blue plush breeches. Armorial bearings — Quarterly i and 4, azure, on a bend argent, cotiscd or, a lion passant sable (for Tuthill) ; «. argent, on a cross gules, five escallops or (for Villiers) ; 3. azure, a fesse ermine between three leopards passant or (for Woodcocke). Mantling gules, doubled argent. Crest M is tbe Naval Cockade Ctoe -Upon a wreath of the colours, argent and sable, on a mount vert, a turtle-dove proper, holding in her beak an Ctoe 837 olive branch vert, frucled or. Motto — " I'acis ac legis jure." Residence — 27 Northbrook Road, Dublin. ARTHUR HE.\RNE TWEEDY, Gentleman, British Vice-Consul at Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, for- Tweedy of Widmore House, Bromley, Kent, and Montagu Square, \V., by his wife Dorotliea Esther Henrietta, only dau. of Capt. W. T. Turpin Fellowes, 2iid Life Guards. Club — Wellington. Armorial bearings— Argent, a saltire engrailed between two escallops in fesse gules, on a chief azure an escallop of the field. Mantling gules and argent. Crest — Upon a wreath of the colours, on a prick-spur fesse- ways, a peewit rising proper, holding in the beak a trefoil slipped vert. Residence — Widmore House, Bromley, Kent. DOROTHEA ESTHER HENRIETTA TWEEDY, Widow, only surviving child of Capt. W. T. Turpin Fellowes, 2nd Life Guards, by his wife Charlotte Mary, dau. of John Newman, Esq., J. P. and D.L. Bucks. Armo- rial bearings are, upon a lozenge — Argent, a saltire en- grailed between two escallops in fesse gules, on a chief azure an escallop of the field. Married, 1837, John New- man Tweedy (son of Hugh Tweedy) ; and has Issue — (i) Hugh d'Oyly Tweedy, Gentleman ; (2) Arthur Hearne Tweedy, Gentleman ; Charlotte Mary ; Violet Sarah ; and Elizabeth Harriott. Seat — Widmore House, Bromley, Kent. GEORGE ALFRED TWEEDY, Gentleman, a member of the Bengal Civil Service, and a District and Sessions Judge in the N.W. Provinces. Born July 28, 1856, being the eldest son of the late Hugh Tweedy, of H.M. Civil Service, by his wife Anne Jane, dau. of the late Captain Pottinger, R.N., of Lerwick, Slietlaiid. 67///'— East India United Service. Armorial bearings — Argent, a saltire mcrly a Lieut. 5th Vol. Batt. Rifle Brigade (i8th Middlesex). Horn 1850, Ixiingthe second surviving son of John Newman engi\ailed between two escallops in fesse gules, on a chief azure, an escallop of the field. Mantling gules and argent. Crest — Upon a wreath of the colours, on a prick-spur fesse- ways, a peewit rising proper, holding in the beak a trefoil slipped vert. Married, Aug. 5, 1884, Margaret, dau. of Dr. R! Pottinger, R.N., Inspector-General of Hospitals and Fleets ; and has Issue — (i) Hugh Christopher Newman Tweedy, h. 188=;, d. 1886; (2) Robert I'ottinger Tweedy, Gentleman, b. j"^une 7, 1887; (3) George John Drumelzie Tweedy, Gentleman, b. Nov. 27, 1891 ; and Nora Margaret Pottinger. The late HUGH D'OYLY TWEEDY, Esquire, Chevalier of the Swedish Polar Star, and has the Cross of The Editor undertakes that every entry not in italics is that of a genuinely armigerous person. 838 Cpl the Norwegian St. Olaf, and had received a Royal Licence to accept and wear these orders, Lord of the Manors of Kcnipston Cirey.s, otherwise Hastingslmry, and Kempston Hardwick, co. lieds. Horn 1847, being the eldest surviv- inj; son of John Newman Tweedy of Widmore House, Bromley, Kent, and Montagu Square, W. , and Dorothea ICsther ' Henrietta, only dau. of Capt. W. T. Turpin Fellowes, and Life ( Juards. Clubs — Raleigh and Welling- ton. Armorial bearings — Argent, a saltire engrailed and has a daughter, Evelyn Dorothy. address — Peatswood, Marlvet Drayton. Estate and posfai ELIZA ANNE TWEMLOW, Widow, eldest daughter of William Paynter of Camborne House, 0rVnnilfriVl1 Richmond, and of Belgrave Square, ^U'lUvllllUiU Justice of the Peace, by his wife Anne, only daughter and heir of Thomas Best of Hollin House, Leek, in the county of Stafford. Livery — Blue, with yellow facings, gilt buttons, and hatbands. Armorial bearings are, upon a lozenge : On the dexter between two escallops in fcsse gules, on a chief azure an escallop of the field. Mantling gules and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, on a prick-spur fessevvays, a peewit rising proper, holding in the beak a trefoil slipped vert. Married Mary, dau. of M. Antrine ; and has Issue— Henrietta. Estates— The Woo, Kempston, Bedford ; and Widmore Lodge, Bickley, Kent. fflf FRANCIS RANDLE TWEMLOW, Esquire, Justice W of the Peace for the counties of Stafford and Salojj. Major and Hon. Lieut. -Col. 4th Battalion North Stafford- shire Regiment. Barrister-at-Law. Burn 1852, being the only son of the Reverend Francis Cradock Twemlow of Peatswood, formerly Rector of Forton, in the county of .Stafford, who died 1879, by his wife Charlotte, voungest daughter of the late Randle Wilbraham of Rode. Armorial bearings— He tears for Arms : Azure, two bars engrailed or, charged with three boars' heads couped and erect, two and one sable. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befittmg his degree, with a mantling azure and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a parroquet stand- ing on the stump of a tree, a branch sprouting therefrom all proper. Married, firstly, 1878, Evelyn Harriet, voungest daughter of Sir John Tliomas Buller Duckworth', second Baronet (e.xtinct), she died 1880; secondly, 1882, Annie Mnry Gertrude, only child of the Reverend Edward Lewis; & is the Military Cockade. side, azure two bars engrailed or, charged with three boars' heads couped close and erect sable, two and one (for Twemlow) ; impaling the arms of Paynter, namely, quar- terly I and 4, azure three billets argent, each charged with an annulet sable ; 2. azure, three faggots argent (for Antron) ; 3. argent, three bends gules (for Bodrugan). Married, July 12, 1849, Thomas Fletcher Twemlow, Esquire, of Betley Court, in the county of Staflbrd, Master of Arts of the University of Oxford, Justice of the Peace and Deputy-Lieutenant for the county of Staflbrd, and a Justice of the Peace for the County Palatine of Chester, Barrister-at-Law. Postal address — Betley Court, Staflbrd- shire, ne.ar Crewe. § ARTHUR HENRY TYLDEN-PATTENSON, Es- quire, Capt. (the Buffs) East Kent Regt. , served in the African War 1879, and Zulu Campaign (medal with clasps), and was present at the battle of Ginginlilovo. Born .Sept. 30, 1856, being the second son of the late William Hodges TyUien-Pattenson of Ibornden, Kent, J. P. and D. L., late Capt. unattached, served in the 25th King's Own Borderers, by his wi:e Eliza Matilda, only child of the late Rev. James Boys, Rector of Biddenden, Kent, and late chaplain H.E.l'.C. Madras Establishment. Club— Naval and Military. Armorial bearings — Quarterly i and 4, argent, on a fesse sable, a bugle-horn stringed of the field, between two fleurs-de-lis or (for Pattenson) ; 2 and 3 azure, a saltire ermine, between four pheons or (for Tylden). Mantling sable and argent. Crests— 1. on a wreath of the colours, a camel's head erased sable, bezant(5 ; 2. on a wreath of the colours, a battle-axe erect or, entwined with a snake proper. Mottoes — " Finem respice," and " Trutli and Liberty." Married, Feb. i, 1893, .Mice Maud Mary, elder dau. of the late Cyrus Andrews of .Mverton Grange, Notts ; and has Issue — A son, /'. March 27, 1894. /\'(j/- dence — § WILLIAM BOYS TYLDEN-PATTENSON, !•:*- (|uire, J. P. and D. I^. Born May 31, 1855, being the eldest son of the late William Hodges Tylden-Patten- son, Esq., J. P. and D.L., by his wife Eliza Matilda, only child of the late Rev. James Boys, Rector of Biddenden, Kent, and late Chaplain H.E. I.C. Madr.as Establishment. ^m is the Naval Cockade. Cpl C^s 839 ^onservauve. Armorial bearings — Quarterly i and 4, argent, on a fesse sable, a Ijiiglc-horn stringed of the litld, between two fleiirs-de-lis or (for l^attenson) ; 2 and 3 azure, a saltire ermine, between four plieons or (for Tylden). Mantling sable and argent. Crests — i. on a wreath of the colours, a camel's head erased sable, Ijezantd ; 2. on a wreath of the colours, a battle-axe erect or, entwined with a snake proper. Mottoes — " P'inem respice," and " Truth and Liberty." Seat — Ibornden and Dashmonden, Biddenden, Cranbrook, Kent. LiKUTKNANT-CoLONEL CHARLES JOHN R0PE:R TYLER, J. P., Major late 80th Foot, served in Crimea, China, and .South African Campaigns, and in Perak Expedi- tion. Horn 1835, being the second but eldest surviving son of the late Charles Henry Tyler, Esq., D.L., Lieut.-Col. East Kent Militia, by his wife Delilah IJenwell. Armorial bearings — .Sable, on a fesse wavy or, between three tigers passant guardant crminois, a cross patte of the field, i)etwoen two crescents gules. Mantling sable and or. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a tiger salient guardant proper, navally crowned or. Married, 1865, Catharine, dau. of W. F. Dobson of Beerstead House, near Maid- stone ; and has Issue — William Charles Tyler, Gentleman, b. Dec. I, 1866; and Mabel. Seat — Lodge, Linsted, co. Kent. a GEORGE WILLIAM TYLER, Gentleman, Lieu- tenant of Royal Navy. Horn July 22, 1852, l)eing the eldest son of the late Charles Frederick Tyler, Esquire (second son of the late Sir George Tyler, Knight of the Hanoverian fiuelphic Order, of Cottrell). Club — Naval and Military. Armorial bearings— He In-ars for Arms : Sable, on a fesse wavy or, Ijelween three tigers passant guardant erminois, a cross pat(^e of the first tetween two crescents gules, in the centre chief point, pendent from a ribbon, a re()resentation of the gold medal presented to the late Sir Charles Tyler by command of the Sovereign for his services at the battle of Trafalgar (in which he commanded the " Ton- nant"), and underneath the word "Trafalgar," in letters of gold. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling sable and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a tiger salient guardant proper, iiavally crowned or. In the dexter paw a flagstaff, therefrom flying the French tri-coloured flag depressed and reversed. Miirried, Octolx-r 6. 1887, Juliet Alice, only surviving daughter of Major-General John Wood, Ito'mbay Staff Corps; and has Issue — (i) George Edward Tyler, Gentle- man, born October 29, 1888; (2) Trevor St. Vincent Frederick Tyler, Gentleman, Ijorn June 21, 1891. Seat — Cottrell, Cardiff. ROGER Wn.LIAM GIFFARD TYRINGHAM, Es- quire. Bom August 5, 1870, being ^ XW\WCf\\i\XW ''^'^ °"'y ^°" o*^ '^^ '^'"^ William '<^}i\■\n\y^\^\\\ Uackwell Tyringham, Esquire, of Tyringham and Trevethoe, by his wife Fanny .'\dela, second daughter of Colonel W. Wilby, Commanding ist Battalion 4th King's Own Regiment. Armorial bearings— He Ix-ars for Aims : .Azure, a saltire engrailed argent. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet belitting his degree, with a mantling azure and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a talbot's head couped gules, billett(5e or. 6Va/j— Tyringham, in the county of Buckingham ; Trevethoe, in the county of Cornwall. Baronet, is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantlmg sable and or ; and for the Crest of Tyrwhitt, a woodman wreathed with oak, holding a club all proper. Estate and postal address — Stanley Hall, Bridgnorth. EDWARD THOMAS TYSON, Esquire, Justice of the Peace for the county of Cumberland. Born April 23, 1847, Cpttot)itt^mil0on Sir RAYMOND ROBERT TYRWHITT-WILSON, commonly known as the Honourable Sir Raymond Robert Tyrwhitt- Wilson, fourth Baronet, Bachelor of .Arts of the University of Cambridge. Born July 22, 1855, being the second but eldest surviving son of the late Sir Henry Thomas Tyrwhitt, third Baronet, by his wife the Right Honourable Emma Harriet, in her own right Baroness Berners [to whom refer] ; and assumed the additional sur- name and arms of Wilson by Royal License, .September 13, 1892. C/-<-(z //(?//— October 3', 1808. Armorial bearings- He bears for Arms : Quarterly i and 4, sable a wolf salient or, in chief a fleur-de-lis argent, between two bezants (for Wilson); 2 and 3 gules, three tyrwhitts or. Upon the escutcheon, which is charged with his badge of Ulster as a The Editor undertakes tbat every entry not in italics is that of a genuinely armigerous person. 540 Cpt Uni being the eldest and only survivinp son of the late Edward 'I'vson, (Jentlcnian, by his wife Isiibella Rirkett, daughter of' the late Thomas Scaife of Liverpool, Shipowner and Merchant, second son of Robert Sc-aife of Hirkby Lodge, near Maryport, Yeoman. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Vert,gutt^-d'ea>i, three lions rampantargent, each hokling in the dexter paw a torch erect, tired proper ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a demi-lion rampant vert, guttee-d'eau, holding in the dexter paw a torch as in the arms, and resting the sinister upon a rose gules, barbed and seeded proper ; with the MottO, ' ' Fortiter et vigilanter. " I-'slate — Lowthwaite, Vale of St. John's, Cumberland. Seaf — Wood Hall, Cockermouth. Postal address — County Club, Carlisle. lATOR-GKN. ROBERT FRANCIS CHRISTOPHER ALEXANDER TYTLER, late Deputy Judgc-Advocate- General of Bombay Presidency. Born , being the son of the late Col. Robert Christopher Tytler, late Hon. East India Co.'s Service. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Gules, a dagger in pale pro]3er, on its point a wolf's head couped of the last, armed and langued argent, between three crescents of the third, a borduro ermine. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules doubled argent ; and upon a wreath of his liveries is set for Crest, rays of the sun issuing from behind a cloud proper ; and in an escroll over the saiiie this Motto, " Occultus non extinctus." Postal address — 40 Em- peror's Gate, London, .S.W. u SJOHN HENRY FULLARTON UDNY, Esquire, of Udny and Dudwick, in the Mlmn nf fflRf Tlfc coimty of Aberdeen, justice *tUn^ Ul lljai JIU of the Peace and Deputy- Lieutenant. Bont May 9, 1853, being the only surviving son of the late John Robert Fullarton Udny of that Ilk and Dudwick, by his second wife Anne, daughter of J. Allatt. C7///5— While's. Armo- rial bearings— He bears for Arms : Gules, a stag's head with ten tines caboshed or, between two greyhounds counter-salient argent, collared of the field, in chief and base three fleurs-de-lis, two and one of the second. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules doubled argent ; and upon a wreath of his liveries is set for Crest, a fleur-de-lis gules. Supporters- Two savages, wreathed head and middle with oak, and holding in their exterior hands gigantic batons resting on their shoulders proper. Motto—" All mv hope is in God." Married, July 8, 1874, Amy Camilla, elder daughter of Sir John George Tollemache Sinclair, third Baronet, of Ulbster and Thurso Castle, in the county of Caithness. Seat— Udny Castle, in the county of Aberdeen. NORMAN COMPTON FITZGERALD UNIACKE Lieut. R.N. (retired). Born 1848, being the only son of the late Norman James Biggs Uniacke, Esq., of Mount Uniacke, by Mary Elizabeth, dau. of the late Col Drink- water Bethune of Balfour, co. Fife. Armorial bearings- Argent, a wolf passant proper, a chief gules. Mantling gules and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a dexter cubit arm erect, gauntleted proper hold- ing a hawk's lure or. Married, 1882, Louisa, youngest dau. of William Garde of Bilberry, co. Cork. Seat-UoMnt Uniacke, co. Cork. n NORMAN JAMES FYFE UNIACKE, Gentleman, ^ Lieut 19th (Princess of Wales' Own) Hussars. Bom beb. 24 1865, being the second son of the late Norman I-itzgerald Uniacke 6otli Rifles, by Mary Augusta his wife dau. of Capt. James Winsloe Phillipps, 7th ^Hussars, r///^ Cavalry. Livery'-Ught drab, red facings. Armo- rial beantigs-Argent, a wolf passant proper, a chief gules (for Ln.acke); 2 and 3 argent, a leopard's face be- tween a chevron and a chief sable (for Purdon). Mantlinr gules and argent. Crest-On a wreath of the colours a .. hi ^■''". ^'■'"^'^arm erect, gauntleted proper, holding H hawk s lure or. Motto-" Unicus est." Married, Non 29, 1893. Kathleen Mary Josephine, eldest dau. of the late ^ is the Military Cockade. James Cassidy of Monasierevan, co. Kildare. address — C/o Cox & Co. , Charing Cross. Postal RICHARD GORDON FITZGERALD UNIACKE, Gentleman, Bachelor of Arts of the University of Oxford, Fellow of the Royal Society of Antiquaries, Ireland. Born August 19, 1867, being the eldest son of the Reverend Robert FitzGerald Uniacke, Master of .Arts, N'icar of Tandridge, in the county of Surrey, by his wife Hannah, M is the Naval Cockade. slaughter of Thomas Salmon, Gentleman, of St. Hilda's, in the county of Durham. Livery — Light drab coat, red collar. Armorial bearings — (Quarterly i and 4, argent, a wolf passant proper, a chief gules ; 2 and 3 argent, a chevron and chief .sable, in the honour point a leopards face of the last, and impnling the arms of Lambert, naiiK'ly gules, three narcissus flowers argent, a canton or. MantUng gules and argent. Crest— A dexter cubit armed arm erect, gaunleted proper, holding a hawk's lure or. Married, August 31, 1892, Cecilia Monica, daughter of Frederick Lambert, Gentleman, of Garratts Hall, Banstead, in the county of Surrey; and has had Issue— [\) Bernard Lambert iMtzGerald Uniacke, Gentleman, born August 30, 1894 ; (2) Desmond Fercival EitzGerald Uniacke, Gentle- man, born December 18, 1895 ; Helen Monica Geraldine, tape 841 died November 7, 1893. Residence and postal address — f'helsham Lodge, Chelsliam, Surrey. ROBERT UNIACKE FITZGERALD UNIACKE. Horn 1821, being the elder son of the late Norman Uniacke, Esq., of Castletown, by IClinor, dau. of Col. Robert Uniacke Fitzgerald. Armorlai bearings — .Argent, a wolf passant proper, a chief gules. Mantling gules and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a dexter cubit arm erect, gauntleted proper, hf>lding a hawk's lure or. Married, 1854, Florence Elizabeth, dau. of the late Norman Uniacke, Esq., of Mount Uniacke; and has Issue— ^o\xx\ FitzGerald Uniacke, h. 1858. AV.f/rt'fWfw— Castletown , Kil- leagh, CO. Cork ; 3 I'ennsylvania Road, Exeter. UNICORN PURSUIVANT, see LIVINGSTONE. CLEMENT WILLIAM JOSEPH UNTHANK, Es- quire, Capt. in 7th Lancers, J.I\ for co. of Norfolk (High Slierift" 1893). Horn Aug. 18, 1847, being the elder son of Clement William Unthank, Esq., of Intwood Hall, J. P. and D. L. for Norfolk, and of Mary Anne, dau. of Joseph Salusbury Muskett of Intwood Hall, J. P. for Norfolk. Club — Naval and Military. Lively — Dark green coat, crimson waistcoat, and crimson breeches. Armorial bear- ings — Or, a saltire gules, between two crescents in pale of the last and as many griffins' heads erased in fesse sable. Mantling gules and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a griffin's head erased gules, gorged with a collar flory and ducally crowned or, in the beak an increscent or. Motto — " Esto semper fidelis." Married, May 20, 1873, Judith Sarah, dau. of Onley Savill-Onley, Esq., of Stisted Hall, J. P. and D.L. for Essex ; and has Issue— [\\ Clement William Onley Unthank, Gentleman, Lieut. 3rd Hussars, b. March 1874; {2) John Salusbury Unthank, Gentleman, Lieut. Durham Light Infantry, b. July 1875 ; (3) Ralph Arthur Unthank, Gentleman, b. Feb. 1880; Judith Marian ; Maria Janet ; Marjory Elizabeth ; Ursula Clementine ; Dorothy Mary; Cicely May; and Amy Violet. Seat — Intwood Hall, Norwich. Revkre.n'I) ARTHUR HAMILTON UPCHER, M.A. of Trin. Coll., Camb. , Rector of Baconsthorpe, co. Norfolk. Born Oct. 5, 1855, being the fourth surviving son of the late Henry Ramey Upcher, Esq., J. P., D.L., M. A., of Shering- ham Hall, co. Norfolk, by his wife Caroline, dau. of Joseph Morris of Ampthill House, co. Bedford. Armorial bear- ings — Argent, on a chevron azure, between three foxes' heads erased gules, as many pears or. Mantling azure and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, in front of a plume of five ostrich feathers alternately argent and or, a unicorn's head couped azure, gorged with a ducal coronet or. Motto — " Prasstat opes sapientia." Married, Sept. 10, 1884, Johanna Elizabeth, only child and heir of Rev. Nicholas Simons, M.A. , Vicar of Bramfield, co. Nor- folk; and has Issue — (i) Nicholas Upcher, Gentleman, b. Dec. 4, 1885 ; (2) Edwyn Harold Upcher, Gentleman, /'. 1888, d. 1893; and Muriel Joan. Postal address — "The Rectory, Baconsthorpe, co. Norfolk. Reverend ARTHUR WILSON UPCHER, M.A. of Trin. Coll. , Camb. , Rector of Ashwellthorpe with Wrening- ham, CO. Norfolk. Born April 7, 18 15, being the third son of the late Abbot Upcher of Sheringham Hall, co. Nor- folk, M.A. , by his wife the Hon. Charlotte, dau. of the Rt. Hon. and Rev. Henry Wilson, Baron Berners. Armorial bearings — Argent, on a chevron azure, between three foxes' heads erased gules, as many pears or, and impaling the Tbe Editor undertakes that every entry not in italics is that of a genuinely armigerous person. J43 Upc ,1 it)lc ;i chrvrnn or, i^ulf^c-fl'-- ;s criiiini-. Mantling azure .1 . I'm I, upon awrcatli of tlici-olours, in front of a pmim- of livr t^strich feathers allcrnately arjjcnt nnd or, a unicorn's linad coupcd azuri-, Rorfjcd with a ducal Motto •' Pr.Tslal opfs Sapirnlia." Afarried, . IsalK-lla Jane, dau. of the V(-n. (.'liarlcs Noursc . , Archdi'acon of Norwich |l)y Lady Dulcitx-lla J.iii. ll.iy, dau. of n;ili ICarl f)f l':rroll|; and has hsiie— (i) Rev, Arthur t'harirs Wod.'liousc Upchor, M.A., Rector of Ilinfjhani, co. Norf;arcl Ada Barham, dau. of the Rev. John Harham Johnson, Rector of Welborne, eo. Norfolk, and has issue] ; (a) Herbert Wodehousc- Upeher. h. and d. 1847; (3) Alfred W'odehouse Upeher, b. 1848,(7'. i8s7; (4) Sonvrville Hay Upeher, /'. 1850, d. 1868; (s) Ven. James Hay Upeher, B.A., Archdeacon of Mashonaland. /'. Jan. 17, 1854 ; Jane Charlotte fw., 1873, Roljcrt Harvey Mason, Es(|. (to whom refer)]; and Emma Mary. I'oslal address — Hingham, Norfolk. HKNRY MORRIS UI'CHKR, Esq., J.P. for Norfolk. Horn Dec. 15, 1830, lieinj; the eldest son of the late Henry Ramer Upeher, Esq., J.I'., D.L., M.A. (Cantal).), by his wife ('arolinc, dau. of Joseph Morris of Anipthill House, Bedfordshire. Armorial bearings— Argent, a chevron azure, loix, surmounting two crosses patde fjtchi'fe insaltire ijules ; with th<; MottO, " Valcns." Mnrrkd, firstly, 1851, filizaljeth Anne, daughter of John Burton; secondly, Frances Klizalwth, daughter of RolxTt Hurton, and grandtlaughtcr of Sir Richard Hurton, 3rd Dragoon Guarrli; and the Honourable Corps of f)entlemen-at-Arms ; and his hsue — (i) The Reverend Marry Burtrm Martin- dale V;ile, Master of Arts, Clerk in Holy Orders, bnrn 1852 ; (2) Ociavius Scarlett Martindalc Vale, ICsfpiire, Major 4th Biittalion Worcestershire Regiment, Ixjrn 1861 ; (3] Harvey Arnott Martindalc Vale, Gentleman, l>orn 1865; (4) Hugh Carr Wildman Martindale Vale, fientleman, horn 1866. Hsiale. and pintitl address — Coddington f>>urt, near Led- bury. VAiJ:rOI.\.., of Kilrush, formerly M.I', for eo. f'larc, by Lndy firaee, second dan. of the Right Hon. Hector John Tolirr, 2ik1 I'.nrl o( Norbury. C/«A5— Carlton, Arthur's. Armorial bearlngB— Or, a tre- foil vert, l)etwcen three nuillets pierced two and f)ne purpure. Mantling vert and or ; and for his Crest, u|>on a wreath of the colours, a martlet purpure, holding m the beak a trefoil or. Motto - " Virtus petit asira." Married, July 18, 1867, Charlotte, eldest dau. of William Orme Korster, fCsf|., J.F',, D.L., of A()ley Bark, co. Salop; and li;r. I'^a- (ijOcil Seyniour Vandeleur, Ksf)., D.S.O., I.' ' .natds, /i. July II, 1869; (2) Alcxancler Moore \' nileman, h. Dec. 25, 1883; I.sabel Grace ; andl..i .<.. li. Postal addresses — Kilrush Housc, CO. Clare; 7a Cadogan Scpiare, London, .S. W. MALHTTA VANDKLF'UJR. commonly known as the Honourable Maletta Vandeleur, dau. of the Right Hon. Barry John Velverton, 3rd Viscoimt, Avotiiiinrr, by his second wife <.'c(rilia, d.iu. of the hile ( I. t August 6, 1852, being the eldest son of the late Reverend Thomas Thomas, Rector of Disserth, in the county of Radnor, by his wife Ann Eliza, daughter of the late Hugh Vaughan of Llwynmadoe, in the county of Radnor (and sister of James Vaughan, Esquire, of The' Castle, Builth, sometime High Sheriff for the county of Brecon, and formerly a Surgeon- Major, Honourable East India Company's.Service); assumed by Royal License the name and arms of Vaughan in lieu of Thomas, July 18, 1885, in compliance with a clause in the will of his uncle, James Vaughan, Esquire, who died De- cember 17, 1884. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Gules, a garb or, on a chief argent, three boars' heads couped of the first, a bordure invected gobony of the second and azure. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet be- fitting his degree, with a mantling gules and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, on a garb lying fesseways or, a lion rampant regardant argent, holding in the dexter paw two ears of wheat of the first. Motto— " Bydd. Gytiawn. ac. nac. ofna." Married, August 12, 1885, Eva, daughter of the late Henry Campbell, Esquire, of Uunoon, in the county of Argyll ; and has had Issue— Elizabeth Angela, born August 3', 1886 : and Violet, born September 26, 1888, died March 17, 1889. Seat—The Castle, Builth, in the county of Brecon. WILLIAM PEISLEY HUTCHINSON LLOYD- VAUGHAN, Esquire, J.P. and D.L. (High Sheriff 1874). Born April 28, 1844, being the only son of the late Samuel Dawson Hutchinson of Mount Heaton, who assumed the surname of Lloyd- Vaughan , by his wife Marv Vaughan- Lloyd, only child of the lateljohn Lloyd, by his wife Martha, dau. of William Peisley Vaughan. Armorial bearings- Quarterly of nine, i. quarterly, i. sable, a chevron between three boys' heads couped at the shoulders argent, crined or, round the neck of each a snake entwined proper (for is the Military Cockade. Vaughan) ; ii. paly of eight argent and gules, a border or, |)ellettde (for Lloyd of Gloster) ; iii. ermine, a lion rampant azure, ducally crowned argent (for Medhop) ; iiii. quarterly gules and azure, crusily fitch(5e or, a lion rampant argent (for Hutchinson) ; 2. quarterly gules and azure, crusily fitch^c or, a lion rampant argent (for Hutchinson) ; 3. paly of eight argent and gules (for Lloyd of Bodidris) ; 4. gules, a lion rampant argent (for Grono ap levan) ; 5. per bend sinister ermine and ermines, a lion rampant or (for Trevor) ; 6. ermine, a lion rampant azure, ducally crowned argent (for Medhop) ; 7. vert, a saltire or, an annulet of the last for difference (for Le Hunte) ; 8. sable, a chevron argent, be- tween three boys' heads couped at the shoulders, round the neck of each a snake entwined all proper (for Vaughan) ; 9. gules, a lion rampant or, ducally crowned of the last, in the dexter chief point a cross crosslet argent. Mantling sable and argent. Crests — r. on a wreath of the colours, a boy's head couped at the shoulders, crined or, round the neck a snake entwined proper (for Vaughan); 2. on a wreath of the colours, a lion rampant argent, holding in the dexter fore-paw a snake proper (for Lloyd of Gloster) ; 3. on a ducal coronet or, a cockatrice, wings addorsed proper. Motto — " Innocentia infantis, sapientia serpentis." Mar- ried, August 5, 1869, Elizabeth Henrietta, dau. of William Henry Darby of Leap Castle, King's Co. Residence — Golden Grove, Roscrea, King's Co. RICHARD VE RISERS, Esquire, Distributor of Stamps at Preston 1851 to i&Zo. [retired on Compensation allowance), J.P. for the CO. of Lancaster, third but eldest surviving son of Richard l^eevers, and his wife Ann, dau. of Thomas Harrison of Preston. Club — Preston Sessions (Preston). Armorial bearings as used, but which are 7iot recorded in the College of Arms, are — Per f esse argent, fretty gules a?id gules, a fesse vair. Crest — On a mural croivn, a pheon proper. MottO — " Vie vers vertu." Married, /vi. 4, 1858, Elizabeth Grace, dau. of John Derham of Lancaster ; and has Issue — Una Grace [m. Herbert Bosioell Btierly\ ; Edith Ann; and Helen Ada. Estate — Hill Housein Gooniargh. Residences — VVoningworth , Fulwood Park, near Preston; and Hill House, Goosnargh. HUGH VEITCH-HAIG, Esquire, of Ramornie, co. Fife, J.P. Boi-n Feb. 10, 1846, being the second son of John Haig of Cameron Bridge, Fife, J. P., by his wife Rachael Mackerras, dau. and eventually co-heir of Hugh Veitch of Stewartfield, near Edinburgh (which family, (through Swinton of that Ilk, are directly descended from King Robert III). Armorial bearings — Azure, a saltire between two mullets in chief and base, and a decrescent and increscent in fesse argent, a bordure ermine, charged with three cows' lieads affrontf^e erased sable. Mantling azure doubled argent. Crest — A rock proper ; and in an escroll over the same this Motto, " Tyde what may." Married, June 3, 1872, Archie Ann Lindesay, widow of Major Foote Morison of Greenfield, Ahoa, and dau. of W. N. Eraser, Esq. , of Findrack ; and has Issue — (i) Oliver Veitch-Haig, b. 1876 ; (2) John Veitch-Haig, /'. 1878 ; Ruth ; and Althea Virginia Josephine. Seat — Ramornie, Ladybank, Fife. VENABLES, quartered bv DE TRAFFORD, HUS- SEY, VERNON, and VERNON-HARCOURT. VENABLES-VERNON, see VERNON. H WILLIAM HENRY VERDIN, Esquire, J.P. and if D.L. Cheshire (High Sheriff 1897), Lord of the Manors of Darnhall and Wettenhall. Born 1848, being the sixth son of the late Josejjh Verdin, Esq., of Highfield House, Wharton. Armorial bearings — .'\rgent, on a pile sable, between two towers in base of the last, a lion passant of the first. Mantling sable and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, upon a mount vert, between six ears of wheat stalked and Vjladed, three on either side or, a tower sable, issuant from the battlements thereof a demi- lion argent, gorged with a collar gemel also sable. Motto — " In omnia fidelis." Married Emily Jane, youngest dau. of Thomas Harrison, Esq., J.P. , of .Aigburth, co. Lan- M is the Naval Cockade. Oct 845 caster; and has /«tf^— Richard Norman Harrison Verdin, Esq., J. P. CO. Chester, Lieut. E.G. Yeom. Cav. , b. 1876; and iMiiily Gwendohiie. .SVa/— Darniiall Hall, Winsford, Cheshire. VERE, quartered by TOWNSHEND. VERE, see DE VERE. CEORGE MEDLICOTT VEREK.ER, Esquire. Horn January 11, i860, being the eldest son of John TiXcvchc^r Prendergast Vereker. Esquire, commonly lUtltKtt known as the Honourable John Prendergast Vereker, Master of Arts, Barrister-at-Law, lusliceof the Peace for the county of Limerick, Lord Mayor of the citv of Dublin, by his wife Hannah Louisa, daughter of George Medlicott. t7//i*—Kildare Street (Dublin). Ar- morial bearings— He liears for Arms : Quarterly i and 4, .\zure, on a chevron or, a chaplet vert (for X'ereker) ; 2 and 3 gules, a saltire vair(5e or and azure (for Prender- gast I. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling azure and or ; and for his Crest, out of a mural crown gules, a stag's head proper ; with tiie Motto, "Coloony." .l/rt/-/-/f(if. October 13, 1887, Frances Gore, daughter of Robert Manders ; and has Issue— {\) George Gordon Medlicott Vereker, Esquire, born 1889; (2) Robert Humphrey Medlicott Vereker, Gentleman, born October 1892; and'Corinna Katherine. Estate— \h\yty- feale, in the county of Limerick. Postal address — Ti. Merrion Square, Dublin. I'7 HARRY FELIX VERNER. Esq., I.P., and High © Sheriff co. Armagh 1896. Armorial bearings— Per pale argent and or, on a chevron wavy sable, a trefoil of the second between three bears' heads couped of the third, muzzled of the second. Mantling sable and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, on a mount vert, a bear proper, muzzled as in the arms, the de.vter fore- paw supported by an escutcheon of the arms. Motto — "Pro Christo et patria." Postal address — Churchill, co. Armagh. VERNON, quartered by HUSSEY and SLAUGHTER. § EDWARD VENABLES VERNON, Esq., J. P. and D.L. for CO. Dublin, J. P. for co. Kerry, and Lieut- Col, and Hon. Col. 5th Batt. R. Dublin Fusiliers. Born 1838, being the eldest son of the late John Edward Venables Vernon of Clontarf, by his first wife Louisa CathLrine, only dau. of Charles Proby Bowles. Armorial bearings — Argent, a fret sable, a mullet azure for difference, with sixty-three quarterings, and impaling the arms of Brinkley, namely azure, a cross potent engrailed, in chief three estoiles or. Mantling sable and argent; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a boar's head and neck erased sable, ducally gorged and charged on the neck with a mullet or, for difference. Married, 1862, Jane, dau. of Matthew Brinkley of Parsonstown, co. Meath ; and has, with other Issue — Edward Kingston Vernon, Gentleman, b. 1869. Seat — Clontarf Castle, Dublin. Oernon=Ir)arcoutt E TiiK Right Hu.n'oukabi.k Sik WILLIAM GEORGE © GRANVILLE VERNON- HARCOURT, Knight Bachelor, a Member of Her Majesty's Most Honourable Privy Council, one of Her Majesty's Counsel Learned in the Law, Member of Parliament for Derby, Chancellor of the Exchequer, Deputy-Lieutenant for the county of Southampton, Bachelor of -Arts of the University of .South- ampton. Born October 14, 1827, being the second son of the Reverend William Vernon- Harcourt of Nuneham Park, in the county of Oxford, Canon of York, by his wife Matilda Mary, daughter of the late Lieutenant-Colonel William Gooch. C/«<5.t— Oxford and Cambridge, Devon- shire, Reform, National Liberal. Armorial bearings— He tears for Arms : Qu.arterly i and 4, gules two bars or (for I larcoiut) ; 2 and 3 (juarterly i. and iiii. argent, a fret sable (for Vernon) ; ii. or, on a fesse azure, three garbs of the field (for Vernon of Haslington) ; iii. azure, two bars argent (for Venables). Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules and or ; and for his Crest, upon a ducal coronet or, a peacock close proper ; witli the Motto, " Le bon temps viendra." Married, firstly, 1859, ThcSrese (who died 1863), daughter of the late Thomas Henry Lister ; secondly, 1876, Elizabeth, daughter of the Honourable J. L. Motley (formerly Minister in England from UnitedStatesof America), and widow of J. P. Ives; and by his first marriage has Issue— {\) Lewis Vernon-Harcourt, Esquire, born 1863 ; by second marriage— (2) Rotert Vernon- Harcourt, Esquire, born 1878. Residences — Malwood, Lvndhurst, in the county of Hampshire; 11 Downing Street, S.'W. FREDERICK THO.MAS VER.SCHOYLE, Esquire. Justice of the Peace for the county of 7^\CfVeLf\\C\w\C Limerick, late Captain 2nd Brigade vL*vl..S)l'yU^lv Southern Division Royal Artillery. Born 1854, being the fourth but [second sur- viving son of the Right Reverend Hamilton Verschoyle of Castleshanaghan, in the county of Donegal, Bishop of Kil- more, by his wife Catherine Margaret, daughter and eventu- ally co-iieir of the Very Reverend Thomas Hawkins of Ballybodonnell, in the county of Donegal, Dean of Clonfert. Clubs — ]\x\-\\ox United Service, Kildare Street (Dublin), C:ounty (Limerick). Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms': Quarterly i and 4, argent on a chevron between three boars' heads couped gules, a cross patfe or (for Verschovle) ; 2. argent, a chevron gules between three boars' heads erased sable (for Nesbitt) ; and on a canton the following arms, quarterly i. or, a lion rampant gules within a double tressure flory and counterflory of the last (for Scotland) ; ii. or, a fesse chequy argent and azure, in chief a label of three points gules (for Stuart); iii. argent, a saltire between four roses gules (for Lennox) ; iiii. azure, a lion rampant argent (for Macduff) ; the canton within a The Editor undertakes that every entry not in italics is that of a genuinely armigerous person. 846 Oer iKirilure coinpon^'c argent and azure ; 3. party per chevron argent and vert, three hinds at gaze proper (for Hawkins). Upon the escutcheon is placed a hchnct bctiltnig his degree, with a manthng gules and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a boars head couped gules, charged with a cross patte or; with the Motto, " Temperans et constans." Manied, October 26, 1891, Hilda Caroline Hildyard. youngest daugiiter of the late Robert Blair of I^lackdalesi in the county of Ayr ; and has /«wf— Frederick Hildyard Hawkins Stuart V'erschoyle, Gentleman, born November ai. 1894; and Hilda Gwendoline. Postal ad- ,/;^.tf_Castle Troy, Limerick, Ireland. TiiK Rkvkrkno HANHLTON STUART VERS- CHOYLE. Born 1844, being the eldest son of the Right Reverend Hamilton Verschoyle of Castleshanaghan. in the county of Donegal, Bisliop of Kilmoie, by his wife Catherine Margaret, eldest daughter and eventually co-heir of the Very Reverend Thomas Hawkins of liallybodonnell, in the county of Donegal, Dean of Clonfert. Armorial bearings Oic Raphoe; and has /."//<;— Hamilton Frederick Stuart Vers- choyle, Gentleman, of Dromadda and Athea, in the county of Limerick, born 1874. AV/a/w— Castleshanaghan and Kiltoaloa, and part-owner of Ballybodonnell.allin the county of Donegal. Postal address— VWXhl St. Patrizio, St. Remo, Italy. Sir ARTHUR EDWARD VICARS, Knight Bachelor (so created 1896), Ulster King of Arms and /Tltrsiftf Principal Herald of all Ireland, Registrar of, VL4lvCll^ and Knight Attendant on, the Most Illus- trious Order of Saint Patrick, a Government Trustee of the National Library of Ireland, Fellow of the Society of Antiquaries, President of the Ex Libris Society, Dublin, third and youngest son of the late Colonel W. H. Vicars of the 6ist Regiment, by his wife Jane, third daughter of Robert Gun-Cuninghanie, Esquire, Deputy- Lieutenant, of Mount Kennedy, in the county of Wicklow, and widow of P. K. Mahony, Esquire. 6'////;— Kildare Street (Dublin). Livery (undress) — Blue, with silver buttons, blue and white striped waistcoat, black trousers. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Argent, on a — He bears for Arms : Quarterly \ and 4, Argent on a chevron between three boars' heads couped gules, a cross pater chevron argent and vert, three hinds at gaze proper (for Hawkins) ; and on an escutcheon of pretence the arms of Goold, namely azure, on a fesse or, between five gold- finches, three in chief and two in base proper, three mullets of the field, in the dexter chief point a crescent of the second. Upon the escutcheon is placed a hi^lmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a boar's head couped gules, charged with a cross patde or; with the Motto, "Temperans et constans." Married, 1873, Frances Frederika Dorothea, youngest daughter and co-heir of the Venerable Frederick Faulkener Goold of Rodbrien Drom- adda, &c., in the county of Limerick, and Archdeacon of & is tbe Military Cockade. cross sable, five estoiles of the field, impaled by the arms of Ulster King of Arms, namely or, a cross gules, on a chief of the last, a lion passant guardant between a harp and a portcullis, all of the field. Above the escutcheon is placed the coronet of a King of Arms, and thereupon a helmet befitting his degree, with a lambrequin azure and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a dove holding in its bill an olive-branch all proper ; with the Motto, " Vincit omnia virtus." Postal address — Office of Arms, Dublin Castle. H THOMAS EDWARD VICKERS, Esquire, Lieutenant- W Colonel and Honorary Colonel ist (Hallam- frttrferi*er 11, 1828, being the eldest son of Willian Read Vincent, Captain 3rd West York Militia, by his wife Sarah, eldest daugliter and co-heir of John Clarke of Boston Lodge and Wakefield. Livery — Blue and silver. Armo- rial bearings— He bears for Arms— Azure, three cinque- foils argent, a bordure or. Crest— Out of a ducal coronet or, a griffin's head gules, charged on the neck with a trefoil slipped gold; with the Motto, "Vincent qui se vincent." Estates— Boston Lodge, and various places in the West Riding of the county of York. I^osfal address— Boslon Lodge, Boston Spa, Yorkshire. The Editor undertakes that every entry not in itaUcs is that of a genuinely armigerous person. 848 [in raad S.S/> JOHN KICHARD SOMERS VINE, Knight liachelor. Companion of the Most Distinguished fTJltir Oilier of Saint Micliael and Saint George, Com- V.llllt missioner of Lieutenancy for London. Born 1847, being the eldest son of John line, by his wife Elisa, daughter of William Somers of Wells, in the county of Somerset ; dubbed Knight liachelor, 1886; created Com- panion of the Most Distinguished Order of Saint Michael and Saint George, 1893. ' Cliilis ^ Sa-Mge, St. George's, National Liberal. Armorial bearings as used, but for ■which no authority has been established, are for Arms : Sable, three garbs argent. Crest— Out of a ducal coronet or, an heraldic timers head proper. Married, 1870, Eliza, daughter of William Porter of Neivmarket. Postal address — Vernon House, Lordship Lane, Duhoich. S ARTHUR PENDARVES VIVIAN, Esquire, Com- panion of the Most Honourable Order of ^IfVltJltl ''^^ Bath, Deputy-Lieutenant and Justice of Vi^lUlCtli (lie Peace for the county of Glamorgan, Justice of the Peace for the county of Corn- wall (Sheriff 1889), Deputy- Warden of the Stannaries, Hon. Col. Volunteer IJattalion Welsh Regiment from 1872, ap- pointed to command of S. Wales Vol. Brigade since 1895, M.P. for West Cornwall 1868-1885. Born June 4, 1834, being the son of John Henry Vivian, Esquire, of Singleton, in the county of Glamorgan, Major Royal Stan- nary Artillery, Justice of the Peace and Deputy-Lieutenant, by his wife Sarah, eldest daughter of Arthur Jones, late of The Priory, Reigate, and formerly of Caervallack, in the county of Flint ; created Companion of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, 1894. CV/zfo— Brooks's, Travellers', Royal Yacht Squadron. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Or, on a chevron azure, between three lions' heads erased proper, as many annulets of the field, on a chief embattled gules, a wreath of oak of the first between two martlets argent, and impaling the arms of Dalrymple, namely, quarterly i and 4, or on a saltire azure, nine lozenges of the field (for Dalrymple) ; 2 and 3 or, a chevron chequy sable and argent between three water-bougets of the second (for Ross), and below the escutcheon is pendent his badge as a Companion of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling azure and or; and for his Crests, i. upon a wreath of the colours, a lion's head erased proper, charged with two bezants paleways, and gorged with a collar gules. thereon three annulets or, with a chain of the last ; 2. upon a wreath of the colours, issuant from a bridge of one arch embattled, and at each end a tower proper, a demi-hussiu" of his Majesty's i8th Regiment of Dragoons habited, armed, and accoutred, holding in his dexter hand a sabre all pro- per, and in his sinister a pennon flying to the sinister gules ; with the Motto, " Viverevicturus." Married, firstly, March 3, 1867, Augusta Emily, commonly known as Lady Augusta Emily, eldest daughter of the Right Honourable Sir Edwin Wyndham-Quin, third Earl of Dunraven, Knight of the Most Illustrious Order of Saint Patrick ; and by her (who died February 11, 1877) has Lssue — (i) Henry Wyndham Vivian, Gentleman, born February 4, 1868 ; (2) Gerald William Vivian, Gentleman, Lieutenant Royal Navy, born June 10, 1869; Caroline Mabel ; and Clarice Gertrude. He married secondly, March 10, 1880, Jane, commonly known as Lady Jane, daughter of the Right Honourable the tenth Earl of Stair, and by her has — Edith Evelyn ; and Lilian Ursula. Postal addresses — 26 James Street, Buckingham Gate, S.W. ; Glanafon, Taibach, Glamorgan; Bosahan, St. Martin, R.S.O., Cornwall. Oon ^tieglit^ EDGAR BOYNE VON STIEGLITZ, Gentleman, of Wambo, Brisbane, Queensland. Born July i, 1846, being the second son of Francis Walter von Stieglitz, Esquire, of lona, Stewart Street, Launceston, Tasmania, Justice of the Peace, by his wife Anne (//tfe Ransom), of Tasmania. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Per pale or and argsent, in the dexter a bird proper standing on a branch of thistle issuing out of the sinister base vert, in the sinister on a triple mount in base of the last an eagle displayed re- gardant gules, ducally crowned, armed and beaked of the first, holding in the beak a sprig of three thistles azure ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, out of a ducal coronet or, an arm in armour embowed, the hand grasping a sword all proper between two wings expanded, the dexter per fesse argent and gules, the sinister per fesse gules and argent ; with the Motto, ' ' Spes mea in Deo. " Married, Eleanor Beatrice, 11 dc Thomson ; and has Issue — (i) Edgar Walter Thomson von Stieglitz, Gentleman, born February 19, 1882 ; (2) Francis Lewis Altmor von Stieglitz, Gentleman, born September 10, 1883 ; (3) Leslie Oscar von Stieglitz, Gentleman, born March 16, 1887; and Constance Birrah Beatrice. Postal address — Wambo, Brisbane, Queensland. w JOHN WADDINGHAM, Esq., M.A. of Oriel Coll., Oxford, J. P. CO. Gloucester. Born Dec. 21, 1838, being the eldest son of the late John Waddingham, Esq., of Guyting Grange and Hafod, J. P. cos. Gloucester and Cardigan, High Sheriff 1861, by his wife Margaret, dau. of James Wilkinson. 6'/«^— New University. Armorial bearings— Azure, a fesse between in chief two stags' attires and in base an unicorn passant argent. Mantling azure and argent; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, on a mount vert, a stag's head caboshed proper, between the attires a rose argent, barbed and seeded also proper. Motto — " Prospicio." Married, 1883, Emma Octavia, dau. of Michael Belcher. Seat — Guyting Grange, Lower Guyting, Cheltenham, co. Gloucester. WADDINGTON, quartered by TEMPEST. CHARLES ROBERT WADE-GERY, Gentleman, Master of Arts of the University of ^frtarir-(5r)l>1*r) Cambridge. Born September 22, ^iALlOUt KDK\,}f J838, being the eldest son of the Reverend Robert Wade-Gery, Rector of Colmworth, in the county of Bedford, by his wife Harriet, daughter of William Day of St. Neot's, in the county of Huntingdon. Clubs— ^e^ Oxford and Cam- bridge. Z-n'^/-)'— Brown coat turned up with yellow, waist- coat black and white vertical stripes. Armorial bearings —He bears for Arms : Quarterly i and 4, gules two bars argent, each charged with three mascles of the field, on a canton or, a leopard's face azure (for Gery ; 2 and 3 ermine, a saltii-e argent, charged with a battle-axe sable between four escallops or (for Wade). Upon the escutcheon ^ is tlie MUitary Cockade. is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules and argent ; and for his Crests, i. upon a wreath of 8 is the Naval Cockade. (Ddlag: raak 849 the colours, an antelope's head erased quarterly argent and sable, charged with four masclescounterchanged (forGery) ; 2. upon a wreath of the colours, on a mount vert, a rhino- ceros proper, charged with a battle-axe sable (for Wade). Married, May 23, 1871, Emily, only daughter of James Hayes, Esquire, Major in 5th Dragoon Guards ; and has Issue— [1) Charles Hugh Wade-Gery, Gentleman, born Sep- teml>er 5, and died October 18, 1872 ; (2) Roliert Town- end Wade-Gery, Gentleman, born I^ecember 4, 1876; Sydney Florence ; Hester Beatrice ; Brenda Katharine ; and Fanny Cecil. Properly ^X. Colm worth and Wootton, in the county of Bedford ; and at Great Stoughton and St. Neot's, in the county of Huntingdon. Postal address— ^t. Neot's, Hunts. § JAMES POOLE IVAGSTAFF, Esquire, D.I.. and J. P. for Ihe CO. of Bedford (Ifigh Sheriff 1887), E.A'.Ci.S. Horn Feb. 5, 1842, being the only son of James W'dgstaff, F.sij., of Highbury, iMndon, and Manor Park, I'otlon, liedfordshire, by Elizabeth his wife, dau. of Richard H.izard, Esq. C\ubs— Reform, St. George's. Armorial bearings as used, but to which no right has been established, (irr for Axms—Argent, two bends engrailed gules, the lower eldest dau. of the late J. R. Hampson, Esq., J. P., of Man- chester ; and has Issue— (i) John Hampson IVaimvright, b. 1864; (2) Samuel Robert Wainwright, b. 1866; {3) one couped at the top, in chief an escallop sable. Crest — A demi-lion rampant argent, holding in the dexter paiu a staff raguly gules. Motto— " Suscipere et fin ire." Married, Dec. 21, 1893, Dorothy, dau. of John Byrne, Esq., J. P. CO. Wicklow. iiea.ts— Manor Park, Potion Sandy, Bed- fordshire; The Ij3dge, Hattey Saint George, Cambridge- shire ; Gransden Lodge, London, N. WAHULL, DE, see DE WAHULL. JOHN WAINWRIGHT, Esquire, J. P. for the co. of Lancaster. Born Jan. ■2'j, 1843, being the eldest son of James Wainwright of Harpurhey, Manchester. Club — Conservative (Manchester). Livery — Green, with silver buttons. Armorial beariiigs as used, but for which no authority has been established, are for Arms — Argent, on a chevron azure, between three hurts, a lio?i rampant between tzvo Jleurs-de-lis of the first. Crest — A lion ram- pant argent, holding a battle-axe azure, headed or. Motto —"Loyalty." Married, Nov. 11, 1863, Sarah Agnes, Arthur Percy Wainwright, b. 1871 ; and Beatrice Nellie iMuise. Residences — Bryn Lupus, Llanrhos, near Llan- dudno; Carlton Lawn, Strctford, near Manchester. WAKE, quartered by DU MOU LIN-BROWNE. HERWALD CRAUFURD WAKE, Esquire, Com- panion of tlie Most Honourable Order of the Bath. Born 1829, l)eing the fourth son of Sir Charles Wake, tenth Baronet, by his wife Mary Alice, daughter of Sir Sitwell .Sitwell, first Baronet ; created Companion of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, i860. Club — liast India United Service. Armorial bearing's — He Iwars for Arms : Argent, two bars gules, in chief three torteaux, impaling the arms of Sitwell, namely, barry of eight or and vert, three lions rampant sable. Upon the escutcheon, from which is pendent his badge as a Companion of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, is placed a helmet be- fitting his degree, with a mantling gules and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a knot (com- monly called the Wakes' knot). Married, i860, Lucy Charlotte Hurt, daughter of Sir George Sitwell, second Baronet ; and has Issue living — Herwald Wake, Gentle- man, born 1862. JOHN WAKELY, Esquire, M.A., J. P. for King's Co., Barrister-at-Law. Born Sept. 30, 1861, being the eldest son of the late John Wakely, late of Ballyburly, Edenberry, King's Co., Esq., M.A., J. P. and D.L. , by his wife Mary Catherine, dau. of the Rev. Richard George, Rector of Kentstown, co. Meath. Club — University (Dublin). Livery — Dark blue. Armorial bearings — Gules, a chevron tetween three cross crosslets argent, on a chief of the second, a stag's head caboshed of the first. Married, July 31, 1888, Rebecca Low Montserrat, eldest dau. of the The Editor undertakes tliat every entry not in italics is tbat of a genuinely armigerous person. 3H 850 raak Rev MorKin Jcllett, LL.D., Roctor of St. Peters and Canon of Christ Church Cathedral. Dublin ; and has Issue —Nina Catherine ; Raby Clare Jellett ; Olive Ivan Mont- mai nee timide," "Tout sans faillir et sans lucre." Married, lanuary 29, 1885, Catherine Mary, daughter of Sir Charles Henry Rouse- Boughton , eleventh Baronet, of Lawford Hall ; serrat. Estate — Ballyburly, King's Co. Postal addresses— Ballyburly, Edenderry, King's Co. ; 43 Lower Leeson Street, Dublin. § EDWARD MALTBY WAKEMAN, Esquire, Justice of the Peace for the county of Salop, /T/fJabotttan Major and Honorary Lieutenant- UAUatil-iUail Colonel of the 3rd Battalion the King's Shropshire Light Infantry. Born November 19, 1846, being the third son of the Reverend Edward Ward Wakeman, Clerk in Holy Orders, by his wife Louisa, second daughter of Allan Thompson of Cheltenham. Club — United University. Livery — Green and white striped waistcoat, green coat, drab overcoat with greini velvet collar. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Paly wavy of six vert and argent, a saltire engrailed ermine, and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, tetween two palm branches proper, a lion's head erased argent, emitting flames, gorged with a collar engrailed and cotised vert, thereon three ermine spots or ; with the Motto, " Nee temere nee timide." .Married, June 16, 1874, Edith Mary, elder daughter of Phillips Buchanan, Esquire, of Hales Hall, Market Drayton, Justice of the Peace for the counties of Salop and Stafford ; and has Issue — Gladys Louisa, only surviving child. Estate and postal address — Colon Hall, Bridgnorth. SSiR OFFLEY WAKEMAN, third Baronet, of Ror- rington, in the county of Salop, Master of Arts, Deputy-Lieutenant, riorti November 15, 1850, being the son of Sir Offley Penbury Wakeman, the second Baronet, by his wife, the only daughter of "Thomas Adlington of Bradenhani, in the county of Norfolk ; succeeded his father in 1858, under the creation of Feljruary 20, 1828. Livery — White coat with green facings and cuffs, silver lace and buttons, and green plush breeches. Armorial bearings- He bears for Arms: Paly wavy of six vert and argent, a saltire engrailed ermine, impaling the arms of Rouse- Boughton, namely, quarterly i and 4, sable two bars en- grailed argent (for Rouse); 2. argent, on a chevron, l)etween three trefoils slipped sable, as many bucks' heads caboshed or, on a chief gules, a goat passant of the field (for Boughton of Loughton) ; 3. sable, three crescents or (for Boughton). Upon the escutcheon, which is charged with his badge of Ulster as a Baronet, is placed a helmet Ijefitting his degree, with a mantling vert and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, between two palm branches proper, a lion's head erased argent, vomiting flames, gorged with a collar engrailed and cotised vert, and charged with three ermines pots or. Mottoes—' ' Nee temere and has Issue— [i) Offley Wakeman, Esquire, born October 19, 1887 ; (2) Edward Offley Rouse Wakeman, Esquire, born January 15, 1889. Seats — Yeaton-Peverey, Shrewsbury ; Rorrington Lodge, Chirbury, in the county of Salop. WALDECHEF, quartered by HUSSEY. FREDERICK EDMUND WALKER, Esquire, J. P. North Riding Yorks, B.A. (Merton Coll., Oxon.). Borti ^ is the Military Cockade. March 29, 1871, being the second son of the late Edmund Walker of Harlsey Hall, Yorks, by his wife Charlotte ^ is the Naval Cockade. 851 Frances, dau. of Rev. Canon Charles Johnstone of Sutton Hall, Thirsk. Club — Yorkshire (York). Livery — Blue, with silver buttons, and yellow waistcoat. Armorial beax- ingB — Argent, on a chevron gules, between two anvils in chief and an anchor in base sable, a bee between two crescents or. Mantling gules and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a mount, thereon a serpent en- circling a dove all proper. Married, June 6, 1894, Aini^e Janet {d. 1898), youngest dau. of Henry David Anderson of Shenley, Herts, and 24 Lombard .Street, E.G. ; and has hsiii- — Charlotte Aimde. Estates — Ravensthorpe Manor; Holme Lodge Estate, both in co. Yorks. Seat — Ravens- thorpe Manor, Thirsk. JAME.S DOUGLAS WALKER. Esquire, one of Her Majesty's Counsel Learned in the Law, M.A. Oxford, J. P. for CO. of .Somerset. Born March 4, 1841, Ixjing the eldest son of James Walker, I'"..I.C..S., and of HIairtown, Aberdeen, Chairman of the Madras Railway Co., by his wife Jane Charlotte, second dau. of Richard Holden Webb. Clubs — K<;f()rm, Brooks's. IJvcry — Claret coat, yellow waistcoat. Armorial bearings — Or, three pallets gules, surmounted of a saltire ermine, on a chief azure, a lion rampant argent, between two buckles of the field. Above the shield is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a Mantling gules doubled argent ; and upon a wreath of the liveries is set for Crest, an eagle displayed azure ; and in an escroll over, till' Motto, " Deus mihi adjutor." Married, 1871, Susan Matilda, fourth dau. of John Forster of Malverleys, Hamp- shire; and has Issue — (i) James Ronald Walker, Gentle- man, Barrisler-at-Law, b. Feb. 5, 1873; (2) Kenneth Walker, Gentleman, b. March 2, 1874; {3) Nigel Ouchter- lony, b. July 15; and Gladys Hope. Postal address — 20 Queen's Gate Gardens, London, S. W. §JOHN CHARLES ARTHINGTON WALKER, Esquire, of The Priory, Bathwick, in the county of Somerset, Captain 19th Hussars. Born May 23, 1859, being the only son of the late Frederick John Walker of The Priory, Bathwick, in the county of Somerset, Fellow of the Royal Geographical Society, by his wife Lydia, daughter of Samuel Harwood of Barton Hill, in the county of Glou- cester. Armorial bearings — He Iwars for Arms : .Xrgent, two chevronels between as many crescents in chief azure and a moor-cock in base sable, combed and wattled gules, and impaling the arms of Hogg, namely argent, three boars' heads erased azure, between two (launches of the second, each charged with a crescent of the field. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling azure and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the coloiu-s, on a mount vert, amidst fern proper, a moor-cock, as in the arms, charged on the breast with a billet or. Motto^" Vincit Veritas." Married, hngu^X. 20, 1890, Lucy IsaVjel, youngest daughter of Sir Stuart Hogg, Knight Bachelor, of 14 Southwell Gardens, S.W. ; and has had Issue — Cyril Henry Arthington Walker, Gentleman, born April 17, died .August 9, 1892. Seat — The Priory, Bathwick, Bath, in the county of Somerset. The Honourable LANCELOT WALKER, of Four Peaks, Geraldine, New Zealand, Member of the Legislative Council for that Colony. Bom November 26, 1829, being the son of Thomas Walker, late of the Royal Scots Greys, of Ravenfield Park, in the county of York, by his wife Constantia Anne, daughter of John Claudius Beresford, Esquire, a Member of Her Majesty's Most Honourable Privy Council in Ireland, and an .\idernian, at one time Lord Mayor of Dublin. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Argent, on a chevron gules, Ijetween two anvils in chief and an anchor in base sable, a bee between two crescents or. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helinet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules and argent; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, on a mount within a wreathed serpent a dove statant all proper ; with the Motto, " Juncti valemus." Postal address — Four Peaks, (ieraldine, Canterbury, New Zealand. ROBERT CRAWFURD WALKER, Gentleman, Solicitor, Fellow of the Society of Antiquaries, Scotland, C///i^_Eastern (Dtmdee). Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Or, a saltire sable, on a chief ermine, a cross moline of the second Ijetwecn two pallets gules. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules doubled argent ; and upon a wreath of his liveries is set for Crest, a staghound's head couped proper, collared or; and in an escroll over the same this Motto, "Sapereaude." Marj-ied, Aug. 9, 1876, Jane K., dau. of Thomas K. Kinmond of Hermon Hill, Broughty Ferry ; and has Issue— (x) Charles Ernest Crawfurd Walker, Gentleman, b. June i, 1877 ; (2) Norman Crawfurd Walker, Gentleman, b. Sept. 12, 1881 ; Mary Catherine Crawfurd ; and Eleanor Crawfurd. Postal address— WmgMe Place, Newport, Fifeshire. THOMAS JAMES WALKER, Esquire, Doctor q, Medicine, Justice of the Peace for the Liberty of Peter- borough, and Lieutenant-Colonel 1st Volunteer Battalion Northamptonshire Regiment. Born 1835, being the second son of Thomas Walker, Esquire, Doctor of Medicine, Justice Tbe Editor undertakes that every entry not in italics is that of a genuinely armigerous person. »5» ma\ mai of the Peace, by his wife Maiy Isabella, daughter of the late Edward Jenkins of Feterborous^h. Armorial bearing's as used, but for which no authority has been established, are for Arms : Or, three pallets gules, surmounted of a saltire argent, on a chief azure, a crescent of the third between tioo spur-revels of the first. Crest — A rock proper ; wife Johanna, daughter of the Reverend George Wright, Doctor of Divinity, Minister of Kingsharns. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Quarterly i and 4, argent three Moors' iieads couped sable, banded or, and in the centre a lion rampant gules (for Morison) ; 2 and 3 or, three pallets gules surmounted of a saltire wavy argent, on HUGH ROBERT WALLACE, ESQUIRE. with the t&otto,- Per varios casus." Married, 1865 Mary hlizahetl, daughter of Reverend J. Walker, Vicar of VVuoddelton, and has issue. BETHUNE GEORGE WALKER-MORISON, Gentle- __- ,, man, of Falfield, in the son of Batbun, Ja„e. Walker^cireXaf^'avy^bf^l is the Military Cockade. a chief azure a demi-lion holding in his paws a fleur-de-lis of the third between two anchors of the field (for Walker). Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet Ijefitting his degree, with a mantling gules douljled argent ; and for his Crests, 1. three Saracens' heads conjoined in one neck erased, wreathed about the temples with laurel proper (for Morison) ; 2. a greyhound courant proper (for Walker). Mottoes— Over the Morison crest, " Proetio prudentia pr:t;stat ; " and over the Walker crest, " Fac et spera." 6tfa/— Falfield, in the county of Fife. & is the Naval Cockade. I WALLACE, quartered by CAMPBELL. CATHARINE MARY JOSEPHINE WALLACE, Spinster, younger daughter of the late Robert Cyril Wallace, sometime Secretary to the Earl Marshal. Armorial bear- ings are, upon a lozenge : Gules, sem(5e-de-lys or, a lion rampant argent, within a bordure compony azure and of the third. Postal address — 26 The Mansions, Richmond Road, South Kensington, London, S.W. FREDERICK WILLIAM BURGOYNE WALLACE, Gentleman, eldest son of Major-General Hill Wallace [to whom refer]. Clubs — Junior Constitutional, New (Chelten- ham). Armorial bearings— He Ijears for Arms: (iules, semee-de-lys or, a lion rampant argent within a Iwrdure compony azure and of the third. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet Ijefitting his degree, with a mantling gules and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a pelican in her piety argent, the nest sable, the whole en- closed within two olive branches proper ; with the Motto, " I)ieu donne." Married, Octoljer 31, 1888, Hannah, second dau. of Robert Watson of Victoria Park, Ayr ; and has Issue — (i) Douglas Hurgoyne Wallace, Gentleman, born June 12, 1893 ; and Freda Gladys Burgoyne. Postal address — Fern Bank, Cheltenham. Majok-Genkk.m, HILL WALLACE, Companion of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath. Born August 13, 1823, l)eing the third son of Joseph Wallace of Beechmount, in tlie county of Antrim, by his wife Clementina, only daughter of Raymond Dupraisse ; created Companion of tlie Most Honourable Order of the Bath, 1868. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : (iules, sem^-de-lys or, a lion rampant argent, within a bordure compony azure and of the third. Crest — Upon a wreath of the colours, a jxjlican in her piety argent, the nest sable, the whole en- closed uithin two olive branches proper. Motto — " Dieu donne." Married, firstly, 1851, Harriet Sophia (who died i88i), daughter of Captain F. W. Burgoyne, Royal Navy; and by her has Issue — (i) F. W. Burgoyne Wallace, lx)rn August 14, 1852 [to whom refer]; Clementina Josephine; and I'klith Helen [///. .Major G. Craven Ricardo, late 14th Hus.sars]. He married secondly, 1883, Marian Cecilia, daughter of Charles Gibbon Stanuell, of 22 Clyde Road, Dublin, and h.as, (2) Hill Cecil Wallace, l)orn .August 18, 1884; (3) Herljort Stanuell Hill Wallace, born November 8, 1888 ; (4) (iuy Raymond Hill Wallace, born December 13, 1892; Marjorie Maude Hill ; Marion ElisaHill; Lilyan Nora Hill ; and Nora .Albinia Hill. Postal address — The Pool House, Stourport. M HUGH ROBERT WALLACE Esquire, of Busbie ® and Cloncaird, both in co. Ayr, late Capt. and Hon. Major 4th Batt. .'\rgyll and Sutherland Highlanders (R. Renfrew) Militia, J. P. co. Ayr. Born .Aug. 31, 1861, Iwing the son of Henry Ritchie Wallace, Esq., late Capt. 92nd Gordon Highlanders, and his wife Fanny, dau. of the late Rev. W. Parker. Clubs — Carlton, Orleans, Ncw(Edinl)urgh). Livery — Blue, with red waistcoat. Armorial bearings — Quarterly i and 4 grand quarters, gules, a lion rampant argent, within a l)ordure compony of the last and azure (for Wallace of Ellerslie) ; 2. grand quarter, cjuarterly i. and iiii. gules, a lion rampant argent, ii. and iii. gules, a fesse chequy argent and azure (for Wallace of Craigie) ; 3. grand quarter, quarterly i. and iiii. argent, on a chief gules, three lions' heads erased of the first, ii. and iii. azure, a crescent or between three cross crosslets argent (for Ritchie of Craigton) ; over all an escutcheon of pre- tence gyronny of eight or and sable, on a chief azure, a galley, oars in action, pennons flying, between two mullets of the first (for Campbell of Cammo). Mantling gules doubled argent. Crests — De-xter, on a wreath of the liveries, a dexter arm vambraced, the hand brandishing a sword all proper ; and in an escroU over same this Motto, " Pro libertate " (for Wallace of Ellerslie) ; sinister, on a wreath of the liveries, an ostrich head and neck couped, holding a horse-shoe in his beak all proper. Motto (over) — ' ' Sperandum est. " Supporters — Two savages wreathed about the head and middle with laurel, each carrying over his exterior shoulder a cIuVj all proper. Married, Oct. 14, 1886, Matilda Christie, dau. of the late Architeld Campbell, Esq., younger of Cammo; and has Issue — (i) Hugh Harry Ritchie Wallace, Gentleman, b. July 14, 1887 ; (2) .Archibald Malcolm Wallace, Gentleman, b. Oct. 23, 1888 ; (3) Charles John Wallace, Gentleman, b. Feb. 6, 1890 ; and Matilda Frances Ritchie Wallace Wallace. Estates — Busbie and Cloncaird. Seats — Clon- caird Castle, Maybole, Ayrshire ; Cranston Lodge, Ayr, N.B. MARY ELEANOR WALLACE-MULHALLEN, only child of Major Hamilton John Wallace, 4th Batt. Sherwood Foresters, by Deborah Eleanor his wife, elder daughter of the late John Georges Hely Mulhallen of Malcolniville, CO. Carlow ; and assumed by Royal License the additional surname and arms of Mulhallen, 1894. Armorial bear- ings are, upon a lozenge : Quarterly i and 4, azure a stag's head erased or, between six escallops argent (for Mul- hallen) ; 2 and 3 per bend gules and azure, a lion ranqjant argent, holding in the de.xter forepaw a trefoil or (for Wallace). Postal address — 4 Waverley Terrace, Bray, co. Wicklow. THOMAS FRANCIS WALLER, Gentleman. Born 1844, Ijeing the son of the late John Francis Waller of Finnoe, by .Anna, second dau. of William Hopkins. Ar- morial bearings — Quarterly i and 4, sable three walnut leaves or, between two Ijendlets argent ; 2 and 3 chefjuy or and azure, on a canton gules, a lion rampant doulile- (|ucued of the first, over all, in the centre point, a mullet ermine. Mantling .sable and or; and for his Crest, out of a ducal coronet or, an eagle's leg gules in front of a plume of five ostrich feathers, the first, third, and fifth argent, the second and fourth azure. Motto—" Honor et Veritas." Married, 1873, Miss C. Hester, and has Issue — Francis Waller, Gentleman, b. 1874. Seat — Finnoe House, Borrisokane. WILLIAM CHAPMAN WALLER, Gentleman, of the Inner Temple, Barrister-at-Law, Master of Arts of the Uni- versity of Oxford, Fellow of the .Society of Antiquaries. Born .August 27. 1850, being the only son of William Miller Waller, by his wife Ann Elizabeth, daughter of Joseph Chapman. Livery— Urah, with claret facings. Armorial bearings- He tears for Arms : .Argent, on a bend engrailed sable, Tlie Editor undertakes that every entry not in italics is tbat of a genuinely armigerous person. 854 ma\ mal another or, charged with three walnut-leaves of the second, on a chief per pale gules and azure, a griffin's head erased U-tween two saltires of the third. Upon tlie escut- cheon is placed a helmet hefiiting his degree, witli a mant- ling sable and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a griffin's head erased s.ible, collared with annulets in front of a saltire or ; with the MottO, " Fide sed cui vide." A/, 1843 beine the son o/ tha Right Honourable Spencer H. Wafpile ofe of Her Majesty's Counsel Learned in the Law, by his wife Isabella, fourth daughter of the Right Honourable Spencer I'erceval ; created Coni[)anion of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, 1880, and advanced to the rank of Knight Commander of that Order, 1892. Armorial bear- ings—He bears for Arms : Or, on a fesse between two chevrons sable, three cross crosslets of the field. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling sable and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a man's bust in profile proper, ducally crowned or, and from the coronet flowing a long cap gules, tasselled or, and charged with a catherine-wheel of the last ; with the Motto, " P'ari qua.' sentiat." Married, 1870, Selina Maria, daughter of the late John Thomas Perceval ; and has Issue — Reginald Horace Walpole, Esquire, born 1875 ; Robert Spencer Hobhouse Walpole, Esquire, born 1881 ; and Margaret. Postal address — 18 Linden Gardens, W. LAURA SOPHIA FRANCES WALPOLE, Widow, commonly known as the Honourable Mrs. Frederick Wal- pole, daughter of Francis Walpole, Gentleman, by his wife Elizabeth, daughter of Thomas Andrew Knight of Downton Castle, in the county of Salop. Livery — Drab, with yellow breeches and waistcoat, latter trimmed with lace. Armorial bearings are, upon a lozenge : Or, on a fesse between two ^ is the Military Cockade. chevrons sable, three cross crosslets of the field, and ui^on an escutcheon of pretence the same arms of Walpole, namely or, on a fesse between two chevrons sable, three cross crosslets of the field. Married, February 12, 1852, her cousin, Frederick Walpole, Esquire, commonly known as the Honourable Frederick Walpole, who died April i, 1876. Of the above marriage there is Issue — The Right Honourable Robert Horace Walpole, Earl of Orford [to whom refer] ; Clare Horatio ; and Amye Rachel [married, 1872, the Right Honourable Henry Charles Manners-Sutton, fourth Viscount Canterbury (to whom refer)]. Postal address — Waborne Beach, Holt, ^forfolk. SPENCER WALPOLE, Esquire, Honorary Doctor of Laws of the University of Edinburgh, Secretary to the General Post-Office, Lieutenant-Governor of the Isle of Man, 1882-1893. I^'^>'n February 6, 1839, being the eldest son of the Right Honourable Spencer Horatio Walpole, by his wife Isabella, fourth daughter of the Right Honour- able Spencer Perceval. tV///^— .Athenreum. Livery— Ti\\h coat, yellow and red waistcoat, silver buttons. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Or, on a fesse between two chevrons sable, three cross crosslets of the field, and im- paling the arms of Murray, namely or, a fetterlock azure, on a chief of the last three mullets of the first. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling sable and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a man's bust in profile proper, ducally crowned or, and from the coronet flowing a long cap gules, tasselled or, and charged with a catherine-wheel of the last. Married, November 12, 1867, Marion, youngest daughter of Sir lohn Digby Murray, Baronet ; and has Issue— MmxA Constance. M is the Naval Cockade. ^al mal 855 ARTHUR FRASER WALTER, Esquire, J. P. for CO. Berks, High Steward of Wokingham, Lt.-Col. Com- mandant ist V.B.R. Berks Regt., one of H.M.'s Lieu- tenants for the City of London, ALA. {Oxon.). Born 1846, deing the eld. surviving son of the late John Walter, Esq. , J. P., D.L., M.P., of Beanvood, Berks, by his first wife Emily Prances, eld. dau. of Major Henry Court of Castle- mans, Berks. Armorial bearingB as used, but for which no authority whatsoever has been established, arc for Arms — Argent, gultc'e-de-sang, two swords in saltire gules, o-oer all a lion rampant sable. Crest — A stork proper, drinking out of a whelk shell or. Married, 1872, Henrietta Maria, eld. dau. of Rev. Thomas Anchitel Anson. Seat— Bear- wood, Wokingham. Postal address — 40 Upper Grosvenor Street, W. Captain Sir EDWARD WALTER, K.C.B. (1887), late &th Hussars, founder and Commanding Officer Corps of Commissionaires since 1859, Knighted 1885. Born 1823, being the third son of the late John Walter of Beanvood, by Mary his second wife, dau. of Hcnty Smith of Eastling, Kent. Club— Army and Navy. Armorial bearings as used, but for which no authority whatsoever has been estab- lished, are for Knas — Argent, guttde-de-sang, two swords in saltire gules, over all a lion rampant sable. Crest — A stork proper, drinking out of a whelk shell or. Married, 1853, Mary A. Li., dau. of late J. C. Athorpe of Dinnington Hall, Yorks. Seat — Sarisbury Court, Southampton, GODFREY WALTER, Esquire, J. P. for co. of Berks, Captain 1st V.B.R. Berks Regt. Born July 27, 1866, being the third son of John Walter, by his second 7vife Flora, dau. of James Monro Macnabb of Highfield Park, Hants. Club — Wellington. Armorial bearings as used, but for which no authority whatsoever has been established, are for Arms — Argent, gutt^e-de-sang, two swords in saltire gules, over all a lion rampant sable. Crest — A stork proper, drinking out of a whelk shell or. Married, July 23, 1891, Edith Elizabeth, dau. of Robert Smith of Goldings, Hertford ; and has Issue — Sydney Walter, b. .March 1893; and Gladys Edith. Postal addresses — 11 Green Street, Grosvenor Square, London, W. ; Redgrave Hall, Diss. JOHN HENRY FRASER WALTER, Esquire, J. P. for the CO. of Norfolk. Born 1847, being the only son of the late Henry Eraser Walter of Papplnoick Hull, Notts, by his wife Isabella Catherine, youngest dau. of John Daivsott. Club — Junior Carlton. Arinorial bearingfs as used, but for which no authority whatsoever has been established, ate forAxma — .Irgent.guttc'e-de-sang, t-wsioords in saltiregules, over all a lion rampant sable. Crest — .1 stork proper, drink- ing out of a whelk shell or. Married, 1873, Gertrude Alice, dau. of Benjamin Huntsman of West Retford Hall, Retford, Residence — Drayton House, near Norunch. ROBERT WALTERS, Esquire, Master of Arts of the University of Oxford, Barrister-at-l,aw. K?\\cA\^^Ct Justice of the Peace for the county of ViALluUvl^ Hertford, formerly Lieutenant Worcester- sliire Militia. Born April 9, 1832, being the eldest surviving son of Roljert Walters, Barrister-at- Law, by his wife Catherine Delicia, eldest daughter of the Reverend James Robinson Hayward, Rector of Harriets- ham, in the county of Kent. Clubs — Athenajum, Garrick, United University, Alpine, /./twj— Invisible green, with silver buttons. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Per pale argent and erininois, on a fesse indented azure, between three eagles displayed gules, a serpent nowed proper ; and for hi^s Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a lion s head erased erininois gorged with a collar indented sable, thereon tliree plates, all between two demi-lances [iroper. MottO — " Labore." Married, February 19, 1881, Florence Serena, daughter of Stephen Collins, formerly of Bulleigh Wootlon, near Glastonbury (deceased). Estates —Ware Priory, Ware, in the county of Hertford ; Holm Lodge, Romford, in the county of Essex. Postal address — Ware Priory, Ware, Hertfordshire. § EDWARD WALTHALL DELVES WALTHALL, Esquire, Justice of the l^eace and Deputy- Lieutenant for the county of Flint, and High Sheriff 1889. Born October 20, 1848, lieing the only son of the late Edward Delves Broughton, by his wife Penelope, only daughter and heiress of James Walthall Hammond of Wistaston ; he assumed the surname and arms of Walthall in lieu of Broughton, by Royal License, in 1887. Club — Junior Carlton. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Argent, a chevron vert between three Cornish choughs close sable, quartering Broughton, Delves, Hammond, Walthall, Crewe, Alexander, Tilston, and others. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling vert and argent ; and for his Crest, an arm cooped at the shoulder, vested gules, cuff argent, the hand clenched, and thereon a falcon close proper, beaked or, witii lure gules stringed gold. Motto — "A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush." Married, September 8, 1870, Caroline Marian, youngest daughter of Charles Augustus Stewart of West Hall, High Leigh, in the county of Chester ; and by her has had Issue— {\) Edward Charles Walthall Delves Walthall, Gentleman, born April 24, 1874; (2) Brian James Delves Walthall, Gentleman, born May 17, 1876; (3) Henry Douglas Delves Walthall, Gentleman, born February 7, 1890 ; (4) Gilbert Alexander Delves Walthall, Gentleman, born June 26, 1890 ; Helen Louisa Delves ; Caroline Delves (died 1872) ; Rhoda Janet Delves ; Ella Gwladis Delves (died 1878) ; Alice 1 )orothy Delves ; and Marion Delves (died 1879). Estates and postal addresses — Wistaston Hall, Nantwich ; The Cottage, St. Asaph. HENRY WALTHALL WALTHALL, Esquire, Justice of the Peace for the county of Derby, ?r/rifl!tfiaH ^^aster of Arts of the University of Ox- UALlltllljllil ford, Barrister-at-Law. Born September 26, 1829, being the eldest son of James Milnes, Esquire, Justice of the Peace, of Alton Manor, by his wife Anne, daughter and heir of Peter Walthall, ICsquire, Justice of the Peace and Deputy-Lieutenant, of Weldons, Darley Dale, in the county of Derby ; assuuKKl by Royal License, 1853, the surname and arms of Walthall. Club — Oxford and Cambridge. Liver}' — Blue coat, yellow waistcoat, brass buttons. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms: Quarterly i and 4, or a chevron vert between three Cornish choughs proper (for Walthall) ; 2 and 3 ermine, a millrind paleways between two flaunches sable (for Milnes). Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling vert and or ; and for his Crests, i. upon a wreath of the colours, a dexter arm embowed, couped at the shoulder, Tbe Editor undertakes tliat every entry not in italics is that of a genuinely armigerous person. 8s6 mm anat Vfslwl Riilcs. cufTod ermine, the liand clenched, lliereon a falcon closf proper, la-aked or, with lure ^ules stringed gold (for Walthall) ; 2. upon a wreath of the colours, a garb erniinois lietwcen two trefoils vert (for Milnes) ; with the Mottoes, "Dimidiuni qui capet habct," "A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush." A'5/a/«— Alton, &c., in the county of Derby; Holditch, in the county of Stafford. /'ostti/ iid(/ress—Ahon Manor, Derby. WALTHEOF. Karl of Northumberland, quartered by HUSSEY. WALTON, quartered by BARTTELOT. HAROLD ARTHUR GORDON WALTON. Born March 18, 1886, l«ing the eldest son of Oriel Farnell Walton, Esq.,of Maperton House, M.A. Oxford, liarrister- at-l^iw Inner Temple, Capt. North Somerset Yeomanry favalry, by his wife Augusta, eldest dau. of Lord Cecil Gordon (fifth son of the 9th Marquess of Huntly). Armo- rial bearingrs— Per pale azure and sable, on a chevron indented between throe swans argent, as many buckles of the first. Mantling azure and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreatli of the colours, a grifTm's head erased or, senu^e of buckles azure, pierced through the mouth by a spear in bend sinister point upwards gold. Motto — " Murus asneus virtus." SThk Right Hon. SYDNEY JAMES STERN, first Bnron Wandsworth of Wandsworth, in the Peerage of the United Kingdom, J. P. for Surrey and for London, and Hon. Col. 4th Vol. Batt. E. Surrey Regt. ; M.P. for Suffolk (Stowmarket Div.) 1891 to 1895, Viscount de Stern, in the Kingdom of Portugal. Bor/i 1845, being the eldest son of the late Viscount de Stern, by his wife Sophia, dau. of the late Aaron Asher Goldsmid (and niece of Sir Isaac Lyon Goldsmid, 1st Bart.); and was raised to the Peerage of the U.K. 1895. C7ufis — •Reform, Bachelors', St. James's. Armorial bearings — Or, on a pile sable, a lion rampant of the first, a chief gules, thereon two horses' heads erased argent. Mantling sable and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreati) of the colours, a lion passant proper, gorged with a collar flory counterflory gules, and supporting with tlie dexter forepaw an escutcheon of the second charged with a horses' head erased argent. Supporters— On either side a horse argent, gorged with a collar flory counterflory, and charged on the shoulder with a mullet of six points within an annulet gules. Motto — " Vincit perseverantia." /iesi- dence — 10 Great Stanhope Street, W. WARBURTON, quartered by SOMERVILLE. WARBURTON, see EGERTON- WARBURTON. JOSEPH WILLIAM WARBURTON, Esquire, late H.B.M. Consul-General at .San Francisco, formerly of Foreign Office, and sometime Consul-General at Valparaiso and Charge d'Affaires in Chili. Born April 2, 1837, being the second son of the Very Reverend William Warburton, Dean of Elphin, Ireland, by his wife Emma Margaret, dau. of Major-Gen. Stovin. C///^— National. Armorial bearings— Argent, a chevron between three cormorants sable. Married, 1862, Lady Frances Isabella Ann ((/. 1891), only dau. of Rt. Hon. sixth Earl of Kingston; and has /wttf— William Francis Henry Warburton, Gentle- man ; Florence Beatrice ; Emma Frances; Augusta Maye ; Evelyn Mary ; and Norah Muriel. S RICHARD WARBURTON, Esquire, Depufy-Lieu- tenant for King's County, and Justice of the Peace for Kmg's and Queen's Counties, High .Sheriff for Queen's County, 1869, and High Sheriff for King's County, 1872 Born March 18, 1846, being the eldest son of Richard Warburton, Ese)uire, by his wife Mary, daughter of Lieu- tenant-Colonel Kelly of Millgrove, King's County. Livery —White (light drab) coat and scarlet waistcoat. Armorial bearings— He Ijears for Arms : Argent, a chevron between three cormorants sable. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling sable and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a Saracen's head affrontc^e couped at the shoulders proper round the temples a wreath argent and gules, and issuing therefrom three ostrich feathers or. Married, firstly July 18, 1867, Georgina Wilhelmina Henrietta, daughter o'f ^ is the Military Cockade. William Henry Hutchinson of Rockforest, in the county of Tipperary ; secondly, Bridget Mary, daughter of J. M'Namara. By his first marriage he has Issue — Richard Hutchinson Dutton John Warburton, Gentleman, born 1877, died 1894 ; Mary, died 1871 ; and Jessie Georgina [married, 1894, H. G. Whitton]. Estates — Garryhuich. Postal address — Garryhuich, Portarlington, Ireland. WARD, see BANGOR and DUDLEY. S HENRY WARD, Esquire, J.P., D.L. co. Staflf. (High Sheriff 1872). Born June 25, 1828, being the eldest son of William Ward of Wolverhampton, Ironmaster, by his wife Ann, dau. of John Barnett of Comberton, near Kid- derminster. Club — Conservative. /,w«/j— Dark blue, gilt buttons. Armorial bearings — Per saltire azure and sable, a cross pat(;e between four pheons, two in pale and two in fesse or. Mantling azure and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, in front of a cubit arm proper, grasping an arrow in bend sinister or, three crosses patde also or. Motto — "Spes mea in Deo." Married, May 3, 1855, Jane, second dau. and co-heiress of John Bagnall of West Bromwich, co. Siaft". ; and has Issue — (i) Henry Herbert Ward, Esq., J. P. co. Staff., b. April 24, 1857 ; (2) William Leonard Ward, Gentleman, b. June 24, i860 ; (3) George Ernest Ward, Gentleman, b. Feb. 27, 1866 ; (4) Arthur Bagnall Ward, Gentleman, b. April 17, 1869, deceased ; Anne Barnett ; Ellen Jane (see Farrer) ; Alice Mary ; Caroline ; Evelyn Mabel ; and Margaret Blake- more. Seat — Rodbaston, Penkridge, co. Stafford. Admiral THOMAS LE HUNTE WARD, Com- panion of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath. Born August 4, 1830, being the third and youngest son of the late Reverend Bernard John Ward, by his wife Isabella Frances, daughter of Robert Phillipps of Longworth ; created Companion of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, 1882. Club — United Service. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Azure, a cross patonce or. Pendent below the escutcheon is his badge as a Companion of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath. Crest — A man's head couped at the shoulders affront^e i^roper, wreathed about the temples or and azure, and adorned with three ostrich feathers. Married, April 29, 1869, Helen Mary, daughter of George Maconchy of Rathmore, county Longford ; and has Issue living — John Richard Le Hunte Ward, Esquire, Lieutenant Royal Navy, born 1870 ; Sophia Louisa ; and Alice Mary Le Hunte. WILLIAM ERSKINE WARD, Esquire, Companion of the Most Exalted Order of the Star of India, entered Bengal Civil Service 1861, is Chief Commander of Assam. Borti 1838, teing the son of the late Honourable John Petty Ward of the Bengal Civil Service, by his wife l^linor, daughter of John Erskine of York. Armorial beatrings— He bears for Arms : Azure, a cross patonce or. Ujjon the escutcheon, from which is pendent his badge as a Com|3anion of the Most Exalted Order of the Star of India, is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling azure and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a man's head couped at the shoulders affrontt'e proper, wreathed about the temples or and azure, and adorned with three ostrich feathers. Married, 1866, Alicia Caroline, daughter of Edward Palmer of Calcutta; and has Issue living — (i) George Louis Steuart Ward, Gentleman, born 1869 ; (2) John Petty Ward, Gentleman, born 1871 ; (3) Noel Edward Ward, Gentleman, born 1872 ; (4) Launcelot Bangor W^ard, Gentleman, born 1884 ; and Mabel Erskine. Postal address — Shillong, Assam. ALEXANDER JOHN WALTER WARDE, Gentle- man. Borti March 19, 1855, being the fourth son of the late General Sir luhvard Charles Warde, K.C. B. , by his wife Jane, eldest dau. of Rev. Charles Lane, M.A., for- merly Rector of Deal, co. Kent, Rector of Wrothani. Armorial bearings— Azure, a cross flory or. Mantling azure and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a wolfs head erased or. Motto — " Licet esse beatis. " Mariied, Oct. 30, 1882, Enriqueta Petronilla, dau. of James Fair of Brighton, Sussex; and has Issue — (i) Richard Edward Warde, Gentleman, b. Dec. 20, 1884; (2) Basil Charles Conroy Warde, Gentleman, b. Feb. 28, 1892 ; Enriqueta Roseta Jenny ; Edith Dora Helen ; and Francis Dorothy. Residence — Dean Lodge, Sevcnoaks, co. Kent. 3 is the Naval Cockade. OTar 323ar 857 ■CIHAKI.ES ARTHUR MADAN WARDE, Esquire. Liciit.-Col. Royal (late Bengal) Artillery, I).L.,J.P. for Kent. Born April 8, 1839, Ijeing the fourth son of Admiral Charles Warde, R.H., by his wife Mariana, eldest dau. of Arthur William Gregory of Styvechall, Warwick- shire. f'////'f— Junior Carlton, East India United Service. Livery— (1\mvX coat, blue vest, gilt buttons, black trousers. Armorial bearings — Azure, a cross flory or, impalin" the arms of O'lJrien, namely, riurirterly i and 4, gules, three lions |)assanl guardant in pale per jiale or and argent ; 2. argent, three piles in point, issuing from the chief gules; 3. or, a pheon azure. Mantling azure and or. Crest (Jn a wreath ol the colours, a wolfs head erased or. Motto — " Licet esse Iwatis." Married, Oct. 23, 1879, the Hon. Anastatia Kathleen Lucia O'Brien, si.vth dau. of thirteenth Baron Inchiquin ; and has Issue- Mary Kathleen ; Dorothy Louisa ; Blanche Theresa ; and Evelyn Victoria. Scat — Squerryes Court, Westerham, Kent. CHARLES EDWARD WARDE, Esquire, J. R, Lieut. - I ol. West Kent Yeom. from 1892, M. P. for Mid- Kent since 1892. Jiorri Dec. 20, 1845, 'm^'^S t'lc eldest son of General Sir Edvv;u-d Charles W.arde. K.C. B., by his wife Jane, eldest dau. of Rev. Charles Lane, M.A. Clubs- Carlton, Naval and Military, Hurlingham. Armorial bearing^s— Azure, a cross flory or. Mantling iizure and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a wolfs head er;ised or. Motto — " Licet esse beatis." Married, July 10, 1890, Helen, dau. of Viscount David de Stern. Residence — Barham Court, Maidstone, Kent. ST. ANDREW BRUCE WARDE Esquire. Major. Royal Artillery (retired March 14, 1894), Chief Constable for CO. Hants from 1894. Horn Nov. 2;!, 1852, being the third son of the late General Sir Edw.^rd Charles Warde, K.C.B. , by his wife Jane, eldest dau. of Rev. Charles Lane, M.,\. , formerly Rector of Deal, co. Kent, Rector of Wrotham. Armorial bearings— Azure, a cross flory or. Mantling azure and or. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a wolfs head erased or. Motto — " Licet esse Ijeatis. " Afarried, April 18, 1882, Olivia Louisa, dau. of Col. George M'Call, 8th Hussars, of Elibank Lodge, co. Berks; and has /ssue—Q\Are PVances M;u-y. Residence — West Hill, Winchester, co. Hants. WILLIAM HENRY WARDE. Gentleman. Born Sept. 22, 1855, being the eldest son of Rev. Augustus William Warde. by his wife Catherine, eldest dau. of William Woodgatem of Swaylands, Kent. Armorial bear- ings — Azure, a cross flory or. Mantling azure and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a wolfs head erased or. Motto — " Licet esse beatis. " Postal address — S WILLIAM WRIGHT WARDE-ALDAM, Esquire, Deputy-Lieutenant and Justice of (TrT^ A1*fl(>-^f7lSlin ^^'^ I'eace for the West Riding of VIAUttlUt-aiUam the county of York. /.'<;;-« 1853, being the only son of the late William ,\ldam, Esquire, of Frickley Hall, in the county of York, Justice of the Peace and Deputy- Lieutenant, by his wife Mary Stables, daughter of the Reverend Godfrey Wright of Bilham House, near Doncaster, and assumed upon his marriage the surname of Warde in addition to and before his patronymic, and the arms of Warde quarterly with his own by Royal License in the year 1878. Club- Oxford and Cambridge. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Quarterly i and 4, party per fesse azuie and ermine, in the sinister chief and de.xter base an eagle dis- played or, in the dexter canton issuant towards the sinister base seven rays, the centre one gold, the others argent (for Aldani) ; 2 and 3 azure, a cross flory or, and for distinction in the dexter chief point a cross crosslet of the last (for Warde) ; and for his Crests, i. upon a wreath of the colours, issuant from a mount vert, four ostrich feathers argent, eon- joined at the points by a millrind or (for Aldam) ; 2. a wolfs head erased or, charged for distinction with a cross crosslet azure (for Warde). Married, \\m\ 30, 1878, Sarah Julia, of Hooton Pagnell, in the county of York, daughter and co-heir of the late Reverend William Warde of Hooton Pagnell; and has with other Issue — A son, William St. .\ndrew Warde-Aldam, Gentleman, born 1882. Estates and postal add resses—Vv'ickXey Hall and Hooton Pagnell Hall, Doncaster, both in the county of York ; Hesley Hall, Riding Mill-on-Tyne, Northumberland. Rkv. OSWALD PRYOR WARDELL-YERBURGH, M.A. (Trin. Coll., Dublin), Rector of Christ Church, Marylebone. Born 1858. being the sixth son of Rev. Richard Yerburgh, Vicar of Sleaford, and Rector of High Bickington, by his wife Susan, dau. of John Higgin of Wenning Cottage and Greenfield, co. Lancaster ; and assumed on his marriage by Royal Licence the additional surname and arms of Wardell. Club — -Wellington. Armorial bearings — Quarterly i and 4, per pale argent and azure, on a chevron between three chaplets all counterchanged, an annulet for difference (for Yerburgh) ; 2 and 3 argent, a chevron between three boars' heads couped sable, on a chief vert, three bezants (for War- dell) ; upon an escutcheon of pretence the arms of Wardell-Potts, namely, quarterly i and 4, or, two bars azure, over all a bend of the second (for Potts) ; 2 and 3 argent, a chevron between three boars' heads couped close sable, on a chief vert, three bezants. Mantling azure and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a falcon close or, belled of the last, preying on a mallard proper. Married, Jan. 21, 1889, Edith, formerly (by Royal Licence, dated July 5, 1880) Wardell-Potts, only surviving child and heir of the late Arthur Potts, Esq. , J. P., of Hoole Hall, by his wife Elizabeth [to whom refer], only surviving child and heir of William Wardell of The Editor undertakes that every entry not in italics is that of a genuinely armigerous person. 85S mat mat AblKJlsfu-lil : :uul has /ssuc^(i) Arthur Wanlell-Yc-rlmrgh. Gentleman, d. July 13. 1891 ; (2) Geoflrey Hasset Wardell- Ycrburgh, Gentleman, 6. Sept. 28, 1893 ; and Hilda. J?esi- dc-nce— Christ Church Rectory, Maryleljone, London W. THOAfAS FAWCETT WARDEN, Esquire, Capt. Noyal Berks Yeomanry 1878 1852, Major 2nd Vol. Batt. Border Regt. 1892-1895. Born Nov. 19, 1842, being the second son of tlie late George Warden of Dent and Sea- ra is the Military Cockade. bergh, Yorkshire, by his luife Nancy Elyetson, third daii. and co-heiress of the late Thomas Fawcett of Gate House, Dent. Clubs — Junior Conservative, County (Lancaster). Armorial bearings as used, but for which no authority has yet been officially established, are for Arms — Quarterly I and 4, argent, a rhcvron. gules between three Warden pears leaved proper [for Warden, Scotland) ; 2 a7id j, argent, on a bend azure, three dolphiris naiant embowed or. Mantling argent and gules. Crest — Upoti a 7ureath of the colours, out of a crescent argent, an arroiv sable, pointed and feathered or. Motto — " Industria et spe." Married, ^//vV 28, 1870, Elizabeth, third dau. of John Brancker, Esq., J. P., of Green bank, co. Lancaster ; and has Issue — (i) Hugh Fawcett Warden, 2nd Lieut, the "Queen's^' Regt., b. March 10, 1871 ; (2) Johti Fawcett Warden, b. May 22, 1881 ; Lilian Mary Elyetson ; and Nancy. Residence — Cro^v Trees, Melling, Ljincashire, via Carnforth. WJOHN WARDLA W, Esquire, D.L.forco. of Essex, ^? and a Member of the Royal Body Guard of Scottish Archers. Born 1826, being the younger son of the late IJeut.- Gencral John Wardlaw, and the Hon. Ann Lake, youngest dau. of Rt. Hon. first Viscount Lake, G.C.B. Clubs — Travellers' , Carlton, Boodles' , Pratt's, Royal Yacht Squad- ron, Royal Dorset Yacht, Circle de Union [L^aris). Livery — Blue and red. Armorial bearings as used, but for which no autliority has been established, are for Arms — Quarterly I and 4, azure three mascles or ; 2 a?id 3 azure, three water-bo ugets or. Crest — An. estoile. Motto — " Familias tirmat pietas." Married, Nov. 24, 1854, Lady Horatia Elizabeth Waldegrave, dau. of Rt. Hon. the sixth Earl of Waldegrave. Seat — Crebilly House, Ballymena, co. Antrim, Ireland. Town residence — 43 Dover Street, Picca- dilly, London. Sir THOMAS WARDLE, Knight Bachelor (1897), J. P. , I<'ellow of the Chemical Society, Fellow of the Geological, Society, Knight of the I^egion of Honour, France, Ojjicier d Academic of France, President of the Silk Association of Great Britain and Ireland, ^c. Born January 26, 1831, being the eldest son of Joshua Wardle of Cheddleton Heath, near Leek, by his 7vife Mary, dau. of Thomas Darlington of Moulton, Davenham, Chester. Club — Constitutional, London. Armorial bearings as used, but for which no authority has been established in the College of Arms, are : Argent, on a bend between six martlets gules, three bezants. Crest — A bear s gamb holding a tilting-spearin bend sinister. Married, April 14, 1857, Elizabeth, dau. of Hugh Wardle of Leek; and has sunnving Issue — (i) Gilbert Charles Wardle, Esq., b. June 22, 1862; {2) Arthur Henry Wardle, Esq., b. A'ov. 18, 1863; (3) Bernard Wardle, Esq., b. June 30, 1865; (4) Frederick Darlington Wardle, Esq., b. No-L>. 2, 1866; (5) Thomas Wardle, Esq., b. Jan. 9, 1871. Lydia Young; Margaret Elizabeth ; Edith; and Elizabeth Leeke. Postal addresses — 54 67. Edioard Street, Leek, Staffordshire; and Swain sley, Butterton, I^eck. WARDWICK, quartered by LONGUEVILLE. § HENRY WARING, Esquire, J. P. (High Sheriff 1888), Lieut. -Col. Railway Engineers Volunteer .Staff Corps. Born 1822, being the second son of the late John Waring ol Haworth Hall, Rotherhani, by his wife Mary Fletcher. Armorial bearings — Gules, a bend engrailed chequy or and azure, between two bugles stringed of the second. Mantling gules and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, upon a mill-rind fesseways or, a dragon gules, charged on either wing with an annulet gold. Motto — " Tonjours prest." Married, 1855, Sarah Milnes, dau. of John Wheat of Norwood Hall, and Treetown, co. York ; and has Issue-- William Wheat Waring, Esq., Capt. late nth Hussars, b. May 29, i860 [;;/., 1882, Sophia Annie, eldest dau. of the late Col. Scobel of The Abbey, Pershore, co. Worcester, and has issue, Charles Henry Waring, Gentleman, /'. 1888 ; Edward Robert Waring, Gentleman, b. 1893 : Mellony Mary ; and Irene Margaretta] ; Maud Mary [in. Major Thomas Baker, Suffolk Regt.] ; Edith Elizabeth [w. Charles Lane Sansom, M.D.]; Rosamund Ruth; Alice .Ada; and Beatrice Bertha. Seat — Beenham House, Reading. S THOMAS WARING, Esquire, Barrister -at- Law, Master of Arts of Trinity College, Dublin, Justice 3 is the Naval Cockade. mat Mat 559 of the Peace for the county of Armagh, Justice of the Peace and Deputy-Lieutenant for the County of Down (High Sheriff 1868-1869), ancl I'^te Colonel sth Battalion Royal Irish Rifles, Memter of Parliament for North Down. Born October 17, 1828, being the fourth but eldest sur- viving son of the late Major Henry Waring of Warings- town, by his wife Frances Grace, daughter of the Very Reverend Holt Waring, Dean of Droniore. Clubs — Carlton, Kildare Street (Dublin), Ulster (Belfast). Livery — White, with black facings and silver lace. Armorial bearings — He tears for Arms : Argent, on a bend sable, three inascles of the first. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet be- fitting his degree, with a mantling sable and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a crane's head coupeii at the neck proper. Motto — " Nee vi necastutia. " Married, firstly, April 22, 1858, I'lsther, third daughter of Ross 'J'hompson Smyth of Anlmore, in the county of Derry (she died March 26, 1873) ; and secondly, August 6, 1874, Fanny, fourth daughter of Admiral John Jervis Tucker of 'lYeniaton Castle, in the county of Cornwall ; and by her (who died November 13, 1883) has Isme — (i) Holt Waring, Gentleman, born May 26, 1877 ; (2) Ruric Henry Waring, Gentleman, born August 16, 1877; Esther Marian; Mary Theresa ; and Frances Joan Alice. He married thirdly, July t, 1885, Gcraldine, third daughter of Alexander Stewait of Bally Edmond. Seat — Warringstown House, Lugan, in the county of Down. Estates — Waringstown, Kilmore, and Lisnafiffy. Postal address — Waringstown, county Down. § THOMAS COURTENAY THEYDON WARNER, lisquire, Justice of the Peace for the counties of Essex (High Sheriff 1891) and Somerset, Capt. and Hon. Major 4th Batt. Oxfordshire Light Infantry, M.P. for the N. Div. of the CO. of Somerset 1892-95, and M. P. for Lichfield Div., CO. Stafibrd, since 1896. Born July 19, 1857, being the only son of the late Edward Warner, Es(|uire, of Highams, Wood- ford, in the co. of Essex, Deputy-Lieutenant and Justice of the I'eace for that county, and Justice of the Peace for the co. of Middlesex, sometime Memtierof Parliament for Norwich, by his wife Maria, daughter of Thomas Carr of New Ross, in the CO. of Waterford. Clubs — Bachelors', Reform, Union, National Liberal. Livery — Dress: white coat, crimson waistcoat, and knee breeches ; undress : black coat and trousers, crimson waistcoat and piping. Armorial bear- ings — He bears for Arms : Per L«nd argent and gules. two bendlets between six roses all counterchanged, and impaling the arms of Maude, namely, quarterly i and 4, azure a lion rampant argent ; 2 and 3 argent, three bars gemelles sable, over all a lion rampant gules. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a Saracen's head affront(5e couped at the shoulders proper, vested gules, on the head a cap chequy argent and of the second, and in front thereof three roses fesseways of the third ; with the Motto, "Spero." Married, December 6, 1883, Leucha Diana, commonly called Lady Leucha Diana, sixth daughter of the Right Honourable the first Earl de Montalt ; and has Issue — (i) Edward Courtenay Thomas Warner, Gentle- man, born January 4, 1886; (2) Cornwallis John Warner, Gentleman, born P'ebruary r, 1889; Leucha Mary; and Lillian Georgina. Estates — Highams, Woodford, and other property in Walthamstow and Leyton, and detached pro- perties in Essex, including the Manors of West Mersea, of Higham Hills, all in the county of Essex ; property at Cot- tingham, in the county of York. Postal addresses — Highams, Woodford Green, Essex; 56 Cadogan Square, S..W. § ALEXANDER JOHN CRUICKSHANK WAR- HAND, Esquire, Colonel Command in^s^ JTiflj^ ♦♦♦»<% M>« 1st Volunteer Battalion Seafortli High- VUUUHallU landers, late Lieutenant T,sth Royal Sussex Regiment, fust ice of the Peace for the counties of Inverness and Ross. Born August 28, 1834, being the only su7-jiving son of the late Alexander VVarrand, Esquire, 7th Madras Light Cavaliy, and of VVarrandJield, in the county of Inverness, by his wife Amelia Maty Davidson, daughter of Hugh Robert Duff, Esquire, Deputy- Lieutenant and Justice of the Peace, of Muirtmvn, in the county of Inverness. Clubs — Scottish, funior Constitutiojial, Conservative {Edinburgh), Highland (Inverness). Livery — Claret coat and trousers, red waist- coat, gilt buttons. Armorial bearings as used are those arms recorded by Robert U'arrand, late Major Sth Innis- killing Dragoons, May 14, 1830 [son of Thomas Warrand of Warrandfield), namely sable, a chevron chequy or and azure, between two lions in chief and one in base passant argent. Crest — A dexter arm m armour, holding in the hand a siuord in bend all proper, hilted and pommelled or. Motto — Under tlie shield, " Fortiter ;" but they have not yet been matriculated to the above-mentioned Colonel A. f, C, Warrand. Married, August 24, 1858, Georgiana Maria, daughter of Richard Redmond Caton, Felloio of the Society of Antiquaries, Fellow of the Royal Geographical Society, of Binbrook, in the county of Lincoln ; and has Issue — (i) Alexander Redmond Bewlcy Warrand, Captain \st Battalion Seaforth Highlanders, born September 5, 1859 ; (2) Hugh Alunro Warrand, born fuly 8, 1870; (3) George Arthur Stuart Warrand, twin ivith Hugh; (4) Duncan Grant Warrand, born March 16, 1877 ; Emily Catherine Fannie ; Louisa Laura Forbes; Constance Georgina; and Myra Kathleen Fannie. Estates — Bught, in the county of Inver- ness ; Piltochie, in the county of Aberdeen. Postal address — Ryefield House, Cononb ridge, N.B. W WILLIAM EDMUND WARRAND, Esquire, Major- W General in the Royal Engineers, Justice of the Peace for the counties of Nottingham and Inverness, Deputy- Lieutenant for the county of Inverness. Born January 2, 1831, Ijeing the eldest son of the late Robert Warrand, Esquire, Major Inniskilling Dragoons, Justice of the Peace and Deputy-Lieutenant for the county of Nottingham, by his wife Sara Sophia, daughter of the Rev. William Claye of Westhorpe. Clubs — .Arthurs', County (Nottingham). Lively — Plain dark claret, with scarlet waistcoat. Armorial bearings — Sable, a chevron chequy or and azure, between three lions passant argent. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules doubled argent ; and upon a wreath of his liveries is set for Crest, a dexter arm in armour, holding in the hand a sword all proper; with the Motto, "Fortiter." Married, firstly, Novemljer 15, 1859, Isabella Mary, daughter of the Reve- rend Henry Houson of Brant Broughton, in the county of Lincoln; by whom (who died 1873) he had Issue — (i) William Hugh Munro Warrand, Gentleman, Lieutenant Royal Marines, born June 11, 1863; (2) the Reverend Henry Kenneth Warrand, born March 11, 1865; Katha- rine Mary, died 1884; Sara Judith; and Frances Louisa Victoria. Secondly, 1875, Katharine Munro, widow of Duncan Grant, and daughter of Alexander Warrand, Honourable East India Company's Service ; and thirdly, September 28, 1892, Helena, daughter of Major Perceval- The Editor undertakes that every entry not in italics is that of a genuinely armigerous person. S6o mat mat Maxwell of Kinnfl)ioj;iu-, in tlu> coiinly of Down, and Moor Hill, in the county of Waterford. A'.f/a/tf— Westhorpe, m the county of Nottingham. Postal address — Westhorpe, Southwell, Nottingham. WARREN, quartered by HOWARD and DU MOULIN-BROWNE. WARREN, see CORBOULD- WARREN and DE TABLEY. The Rkvkkknd JOHN MATURIN WARREN, Master of Arts of the University of Oxford, Patron and Rector of Bawdrip, Bridgewater, in the county of Somerset. Born Novemijcr 6, 1839, being the eldest son of the Reverend John Warren, Bachelor of Arts, Rector of Bawdrip, Bridge- water, in tlic county of Somerset, by his wife Jane Mary, daughter of Sir Henry Maturin Farrington, Baronet. Ar- morial bearings— He bears for Arms : Quarterly i and 4, per chevron gules and sable, a chevron chequy or and azure, between three elephants' heads erased argent, in the centre chief point a mascle of the third (for Warren) ; 2 and 3 ermine, two battle-axes in chief and a castle in base sable, on a chief of the last three estoiles or (for Hicks) ; and impaling the arms of Dalrymple-Horne-Elphinstone, namely, quarterly 1 and 4, or, on a saltire azure between a star in chief and two water-bougets in fesse sable, nine lozenges of the field (for Dalrymple) ; 2 and 3 or, three hunting-horns gules (for Horn) ; and an escutclieon of pretence argent, on a chevron sable between three boars' heads erased gules, a mitre or, a bordure of the third (for Elphinstone). Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, out of a crescent argent, an elephant's head sable, the tusks proper, charged on the neck with a mascle as in the arms; with the Motto, " Croscenti luce resurgit." Married, September 11, 1873, Margaret Burnett, daughter of Sir James Dalrymple-IIorne-l'^lphinstone, Baronet ; and has/jiw— (1) John Maxwell Dalrymple Elphinstone Warren, Gentleman, Royal Navy, born June 22, 1874 ; (2) James Gramme Hejiburn Warren, Gentleman, born August 30, 1875 ; (3) William Henry Farrington Warren, Gentleman, born October 19, 1877; (4) Frederick Drummond Warren, Gentleman, born August23, 1881. Postal address— Bawdrip Rectory, Bridgewater. Rkv. SAMUEL PERCIVAL WARREN. Incumbent of Balbriggan. Burn April 15, 1828, Vjeing the third son of the late Robert Warren of I5allydonarea, co. Wicklow, and KilUney Castle, co. Duljlin, by his wife Alicia, dau. of Athanasius Cusack of Laragh. Armorial bearings — Checiuy or and azure, on a canton ermine, a trefoil vert. Mantlmg azure and or. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, ^ is tbe Military Cockade. on a chapeau gules, turned up ermine, a wyvern argent, wings expanded checjuy or and azure, on the breast a trefoil vert. Motto — "Be just and fear not." Married, March 8, 1859, Judith Frances, dau. of T. Somerville Fleming of Derry Lea, co. Kildare ; and has Issue — (i) Robert Somerville Warren, Gentleman, b. March 23, 1865 ; (2) Percival Becher Warren, Gentleman, h. April 9, 1871 ; Frances Alicia [/«., April 25, 1885, Richard John Baker, Indian Medical Service, and d. 1898. leaving issue] ; Alicia Judith Dagmar; and Judith Pitcairn. Residence — Balbriggan. S ROBERT WARREN -SWETTENHAM, Esquire, Colonel 4th Bat- CKaarren^^toettenfiam SenT.'jusu^o^X Peace for the county of Chester. Born 1836, being the second son of the late Michael Warren of Sandford's Court, in the county of Kilkenny, by his wife Sarah Eaton, daughter of the late Millington Eaton Svvettenham of Swettenham, and assumed the surname and arms of Swettenham by Royal License, 1877, under the will of his uncle, Thomas J. W. Swettenham, on the death of his widow, March 9, 1876. C///*— Naval and Military. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Quarterly i and 4, argent on a bend vert, three spitting-shovels (or half-spades) of the field (for Swettenham) ; 2 and 3 chequy or and gules, on a canton azure, a cross of the first (for Warren). Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his de- gree, with a mantling vert and argent ; and for his Crests, I. upon a wreath of the colours, against a tree proper a lion rampant azure (for Swettenham) ; 2. out of a ducal coronet or, an eagle's talon or, holding a crescent gules in front of a plume of five ostrich feathers argent (for Warren). Mottoes — "Ex sudore vultus" (Swettenham), " Mox virtute se tollit ad auras " (Warren). Alarried, 1865, Amelia Marion, daughter of the late J. W. Wybault of Sion, CO. Kilkenny; and has Issue — (i) Thomas Robert Eaton Wybault Warren-Swettenham, Lieutenant East Yorkshire Regiment, born October 10, 1867 ; (2) Albert Willis Warren-Swettenham, Gentleman ; (3) George Mill- ington Warren-Swettenham, Gentleman; Amelia Frances Josephine ; Berthia Marie ; and Helen Cicely. Seat — Swettenham Hall, Congleton, in the county of Chester. §SiR GEORGE WARRENDER, sixth Baronet, of Lochend, in the county of East Lothian, D.L. for the COS. of Haddington and Edinburgh, late Capt. Cold- stream Guards. Born Oct. 7, 1825, being the only son of Sir John Warrender, fifth Baronet, by his first wife, dau. of the Rt. Hon. James Maitland, eighth Earl of Lauderdale ; suc- ceeded his father in 1867, under the creation of June 2, 1715. Armorial bearings — Quarterly i and 4, argent, on a bend wavy between six roses gules, three plates (for War- render) ; 2 and 3 or, a lion rampant gules, couped in all points of the field, within a double tressure flory counter- flory azure (for Maitland) ; on an escutcheon of pretence quarterly, first grand quarter, quarterly 1 and 4, vert, a lion rampant argent ; 2 and 3 argent, three papingoes vert, beaked and membered gules (for Hume) ; second grand quarter, gyronny of eight or and sal)le, within a bordure gules, charged with eight escallops of the first, and a canton also gyronny of eight gules and ermine (for Campbell of Carnock) ; third grand quarter, azure, on a fesse between three mascles, as many cinquefoils of the first (for Purves of Purves) ; fourtli grand cjuarter, quarterly i and 4, gules three piles engrailed argent (for Polwarth of that Ilk) ; 2 and 3 argent, a cross engrailed azure (for Sinclair of Her- mistoun) ; en surtout of the grand quarters, an inescutcheon argent, charged with an orange imperially crowned and slipped all proper. Mantling gules doubled argent. Crest — On a wreath of his liveries, a hare sejant proper. Motto — " Industria evehit." Married, July 13, 1854, Helen, only child of Sir Hugh Hume Campbell, seventh Baronet, of Marchniont ; and by her (who d. March 11, 1875) has Issue — (i) John Warrender, lisq., Capt. late Grenadier Guards, b. March 5, 1859, d. July 12, 1894; (2) George John Scott Warrender, Esq., Com. R.N. , b. July 31, i860; (3) Hugh Valdave Warrender, Esc|., Lieut. Grenadier Guards, b. Sept. 14, 1868; Julian Margaret Maitland; Alice Helen; andEleanorCharlotte. Seat — Bruntsfield House, Edinburgh. THOMAS ROLLS WARRINGTON, Esq., Q.C., M.A. (Cantab.), Barrister-at-Law. Born 1851, being the only S is the Naval Cockade. men raat 86i marrp son of Thomas Warrington of London. Armorial bear- ings — Argent, on a bend invected gules, between two hulW heads erased sable, three eagles disi)layed of the first. Mantling gules and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a demi-eagle displayed and erased sable, charged on the breast with a shield argent, thereon a bull's head as in the arms, and holding in the beak a cross pat6e fitchde gules. Motto —" Constantia et latere." Married Kmnia Maud, eldest dau. of Decimus Sturges. Postal addresses— 18 Palace Gardens Terrace, W. ; and 2 New Square, Lincoln's Inn, W.C. ERNEST ARTHUR BRAGGE WARRY, Esquire, Bachelor of Arts of the University of Ox- ford, C'apt. 4tli Battalion Somerset Light In- fantry. Borr/ 1867, lieing the only son of the late William Warry, Esquire, Major in the 34th ("umberland Regiment, by his second wife Emma Augusta, daughter of Colonel Firagge of Sadborow, in the count) of Dorset. Armorial bearings— He Ijeai s for Arms : Quart(,'rly, nebuly ermine and sable, on a bend gules, be- tween two horses' heads couped argent, a griflin's head couped Ijetween two mullets of six points of the last ; and for his Crest, on a wreath of the colours, a griffm's head couped sable, tetween two horse-shoes or. Postal address — Mona Lodge, Batheaston, Bath. THOMAS WARRY, ICsquire, formerly Major 3rd Bat- talion (.Militia) Somerset Light Infantry. Horn Novemf)cr23, 1827, U'ing the third .son of the late William Rol)ert Warry, l)y his wife l''lizal)eth, daughter of William Cole Wood. Livery — Buff, with blue facings. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms: (Quarterly, nebuly ermine and sable, on a bend gules, between two horses' heads couped argent, a griflin's head couped tx-tween two mullets of six points of the last ; and for his Crest, ujion a wreath of the colours, a griflin's head couped sable, lietween two horse-shoes or. Married, 1863, Christina Fowler, daughter of John Fair- weather; and has Issue — (i) Thomas William Warry, Gentl(!man, born August 13, 1864 ; (2) Thomas I'icton Warrv, (Jentleman, born 1867, died 1893; (3) Elias Taylor Dermot Warry, (ientleman, liorn 1870; (4) Arthur John Warry, fJentleman, \wxx\ 1872 ; (5) Charles Edward Douglas Warry, Gentleman, born 1881 ; Lucy Turbervill ; Cathe- rine Rose; Emily Donne; Isabel Devenish ; and (Jeorgina Dorothy. Postal address— V\hm\xxx\G, Dorset. WILLIAM JOHN ELLIS WARRY-STONE, Gentle- man, Master of Arts of the Uni- versity of Oxford. liortL Novem- lx»r 29, i860, lieing the only child of the late William Warry, Es- i|uire, Major of the 34th Ciuuberland Regiment, by his raarrp^^tone first wife Catherine, only surviving child and sole heiress of John Stone of Sydney House, Bath, and Lower Upham, in the county of Wiltshire ; assumed the additional sur- name of Stone in the year 1886. Clubs — Oxford and Cam- bridge, Reform. Armorial bearings — Quarterly i and 4, quarterly nebuly ermine and sable, on a bend gules, between two horses' heads couped argent, a griffin's head couped between two nuillets of six points of the last (for Warry) ; 2 and 3 gules, a chevron ermine, between three lozenges or, each charged with an ermine spot sable (for Stone) ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a griffin's head couped sable, between two horse-shoes or (lieing the crest of Warry) ; with the Motto, " Cave et felix esto." Estates — Lower Upham, Badbury Manor, and Day House, all in the county of Wiltshire. Postal address — 72 Elm Park Gardens, London, S.W. WARTON, quartered by FLETCHER- VANE. EUGENE WASON, Esquire, J. P. for the county of Ayr, and formerly M.P. Southern Div. of Kfllitciftn ^'^*^ same co.. Barrister - at - Law (Middle ViALXaX)Ull Temple), M.aster of Arts of the University of Oxford. Horn January 26, 1846, being the son of the late Peter Rigby Wason, Esquire, Justice of the Peace, of Corwar, in the county of Ayr, by his wife liu])hemia, daughter of the late Peter M'Tier. Clubs — Reform, I'nion, Lilieral (Edinburgh), Liberal (Glasgow). Armorial bear- ings — He bears for Arms : Gules, on a bend argent, a saltire couped lietween two crescents sable. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet liefitting his degree, with a mantling gules douliled argent ; and upon a wreath of his liveries is set for Crest, a lion rampant argent, armed and langued gules, holding between his fore-paws a saltire coiijied sable ; and in an escroll over the same this Motto, " Timere sperno." Married, 1870, Eleanor Mary, eldest daughter of Charles Reynolds Williams, h'squire, of Dol- melynllyn Hall, Deputy-Lieutenant for thecounty of Merion- eth ; and has, with other Issue — Rigljy Wason, (ientleman, l)orn 1871. Residences — Blair, Girvan, North Britain ; 8 .Sussex Gardens, Hyde Park, W. S HERBERT JAMESON WATERLOW, Esq., Sheriff of London and Middlesex 1 880-1, one of H.M.'s Lieu- tenants for the City of London, late Hon. Capt. Hon. .'Krtillery Co. of London, 1882-6. Bom 1846, being ihe son of the late Alfred James Waierlow, Esej., J. P., of Great Doods, Reigate. Clubs — Gresham, National Conservative. Armorial 'bearings — Argent, a lion rampant within a bor- dure nebuly azure, on a chief sable two shin-bones saltire- ways, the dexter surmounted by the sinister or. Mantling axure and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a demi-lion guardant azure, in the mouth a shin- bone in bend, and holding Ijetween the paws .a human skull Iwth or. Motto— " Per mortem vinco." Married, 1872, Mary Hannah, dau. of J. Hill. Seat — Broadwater Bury, Tunbridge Wells. WATKIN, see JOSEPH-WATKIN. DANIEL WATNEY, Gentleman. Born May 23, 1835, being the second son of the late John Tf^lcifWpX) Watney of Mitcham, in the county of vUilCtVilvlf Surrey, by his wife Susannah, only daugh- ter of Peter Dormay ot Thanet House. Lambeth, in the county of Surrey. Armorial bearings — He liears for Arms : Quarterly i and 4, azure a cross engrailed ermine, in the first and fourth quarters a dove argent, and in the second and third a garb or (for Watney) ; 2 and 3 quarterly argent and or, a cross fleurett^e gules, in the first and fourth quarters a lion rampant of the last, charged with three bars of the second (for Galpin) ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, on a mount vert in front of a garb erect or, a greyhound courant sable, gorged with a collar, therefrom pendent a bugle- horn of the second; with the Motto, " Auxilium ab alto. " Married, September 20, i860, Ellen Sarah, second daughter and co-heir of Stephen Dendy of Leigh Place, in the county of Surrey; and has Issue — (i) Walter Daniel Watney, Gentleman, born December 4, 1861 ; (2) Montague Watney, Gentleman, died young ; (3) Dendy Watney, Gentleman, born November 20, 1865 [married, December 4, 1890, Ethel Zina, daughter of Ambrose Philip Boyson, and has issue] ; (4) Arthur Watney, Gentleman, born January II, 1868; and Ida. Postal address — 2 Endsleigh Street, London. The Editor undertakes tbat every entry not in italics is that of a genuinely armigerous person. 862 mm mat The Rkvkrknd HENRY JAMES WATNICY. Clerk in Holy Orders, Master of Arts of the University of Cam- bridge, Vicar of Canwick. /iorn August 16, 1866, being the eldest son of the late Reverend James Watney, Clerk in Holy Orders, Master of Arts of the University of Cam- bridge,' Vicar of Canwick, by his wife Marianne lirook [to whom refer], eldest daughter of the Reverend Mark Richard Jukes of Manmee City, Ohio, United States of America. Armorial bearingrs — lie l)cars for Arms: Quarterly t and 4, azure a cross engrailed ermine, in the first and fourth tjuarters a dove argent, and in the second and third a garb or (for Watney) ; 2 and 3 quarterly argent and or, a cross Hcurettt^ gules, in the first and fourth quarters a lion rampant of the last, charged with three bars of the second (for (ialpin) ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, on a mount vert in front of a garb erect or, a grey- hound courant sable, gorged with a collar, therefrom pendent a bugle-horn of the second ; with the Motto, " Auxilium ab alto." Postal address — The Vicarage, Can- wick, Lincolnshire. SJOHN WATNEY, Esquire, Fellow of tlie Society of Anticjuaries, one of Her Majesty's Lieutenants of the City of London. /?(;;-;/ January 27, 1834, being the eldest son of the late John Watney of Mitcham, in the county of Surrey, by his wife Susannah, only daughter of l^eter Dormay of Thanet House, Lambeth, in the county of Surrey. Club — Conservative. Armorial bearings— He bears for Anns : Quarterly i and 4, azure a cross engrailed ermine, in the first and fourth quarters a dove argent, and in the second and third a garb or (for Watney) ; 2 and 3 quarterly argent and or, a cross fieurettde gules, in the first and fourth quarters a lion rampant of the last, charged with three bars of the second (for Galpin) ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, on a mount vert in front of a garb erect or, a greyhound courant sable, gorged with a collar, therefrom pendent a bugle-horn of the second; with the Motto, "Auxilium ab alto." Married, October 6, 1864, Eliza- beth, third daughter and co-heir of Stephen Dendy of Leigh Place, in the county of Surrey; and has Issue — (i) John Sanders Watney, Gentleman, Master of Arts of the University of O.xford, b. March 18, 1866 [d. 1896) ; (2) Stephen Cecil Watney, Gentleman, b. July 21, 1868 ; (3) Frank Dormay Watney, Esquire, Captain 2nd Volunteer Battalion the Queen's Royal West Surrey Regiment, b. January 25, 1870; and Elsie Susannah. Postal addresses — Shermanbury House, Reigate, Surrey ; Mercers' Hall, London. MARIANNE BROOK WATNEY, Widow, daughter of the Reverend Mark Richard Jukes of Manmee City, Ohio, in the United States of America, by his wife Harriet Maria, daughter of Captain Henry Hole. Armorial bear- ings are, upon a lozenge : Quarterly i and 4, azure a cross engrailed ermine, in the first and fourth quarters a dove ^ is the Military Cockade. argent, and in the second and third a garb or (for Watney) ; 2 and 3 c|uarterly argent and or, a cross fleurett(?e gules, in the first and fourth (juarters a lion rampant of the last, charged with three bars of the second (for Galpin). Married, Octolxjr 4, 1865, the Reverend James Watney, Master of Arts of the University of Cambridge, Vicar of Canwick, in the county of Lincoln, who died March 31, 1891. Of the above marriage there was Issue — (i) The Reverend Henry James Watney [to whom refer] ; (2) The Reverend Charles Ernest Watney, Clerk in Holy Orders, Bachelor of Arts of the University of Cambridge, born April 5, 1868 ; (3) Arthur Percy Watney, Gentleman, born September 19, 1872 ; (4) Frederick Augustus Watney, Gentleman, born December 19, 1878 ; (s) Herbert Andrew Watney, Gentleman, tjorn August 16, 1882 ; (6) Gilbert John Watney, Gentle- man, born November 18, 1886; Marian Barbara; Edith Ellen ; Harriet Constance ; Lucy Portmore ; Grace Geor- gina ; and Winifred. Postal address — Canwick, Lincoln- shire. NORMAN WATNEY, Esquire, Justice of the Peace for the county of Kent. Born 1834, being the second son of the late James Watney of Haling Park and Beddington, in the county of Surrey, by his wife Rebecca, eldest daughter of James Spurrell of Thurgarton. Club — Junior Carlton. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Quarterly 1 and 4, azure a cross engrailed ermine, in the first and fourth quarters a dove argent, and in the second and third a garb or (for Watney) ; 2 and 3 quarterly argent and or, a cross fleurett^e gules, in the first and fourth quarters a lion ram- pant of the last, charged with three bars of the second (for Galpin) ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, upon a mount vert, in front of a garb erect or, a greyhound courant sable, gorged with a collar, therefrom pendent a bugle-horn gold; with the Motto, "Vive ut vivas." Mar- ried, 1866, Matilda, second daughter of D. Robinson of Clitheroe Castle, in the County Palatine of Lancaster ; and has Issue — (i) Charles Norman Watney, Gentleman, born July 26, 1868 ; (2) Arthur Norman Watney, Gentleman, born May 27, 1871 ; (3) Gerard Norman Watney, Gentle- man, born .September 14, 1872 ; Lucy Matilda ; Kathe- rine ; and Maud. Postal address — Valence, Westerham, Kent. VERNON JAMES WATNEY, Gentleman, Master of Arts of the University of Oxford, a Member of the London County Council. Born October 14, i860, being the eldest son of the late James Watney, Esquire, of Beddington, in the county of Surrey, Justice of the Peace, Deputy-Lieu- tenant, Member of I'arliament, lay his wife Blanche Maria Georgiana, eldest daughter and co-heir of Frederick .Salmon Burrell of Highiield Park, in the county of Sussex. Clubs — New University, Garrick. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Quarterly i and 4, azure ,a cross engrailed ermine, in the first and fourth quarters a dove argent, in the second and third a garb or (for Watney) ; 2 and 3 quarterly argent and or, a cross fleurett(5e gules, in the first and fourth quarters a lion rampant of the last, charged with three bars of the second, impaling the arms of Fel- lowes, namely azure, a fesse indented ermine, between three lions' heads erased or, murally crowned .argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, upon a moimt vert, in front of a garb erect or, a greyhound courant sable, gorged with a collar, therefrom pendent a bugle-horn gold ; with the Motto, " Virtute et industria." Married, i8gi, Gwendolen Margaret, commonly known as Lady Gwendolen Margaret, daughter of the Right Honourable Isaac Newton Wallop, fifth Earl of Portsmouth ; and has Issue — Rosalind Margaret. Postal address — 11 Berkeley Square, London, W. § Colonel CHARLES MOORE WATSON, C.M.G., M.A. , Deputy Inspector-General of Fortifications at Headquarters, Knight of Grace of Order of Hospital of St. John of Jerusalem in England, and has 3rd class of the Os- manieh, and 4th class of Medjidie. Born 1844, being the second son of the late W. Watson, Esq., J. P., of Dublin, by his wife Sarah, dau. of Rev. Moore Morgan of Dunlaxin, CO. Wicklow. Club — Junior United Service. Armorial bearings — Azure, a chevron ermine between three suns in splendour proper, a crescent for difference. Mantling azure and argent. Crest— Upon a wreath of the colours, a talbot passant ermines. Motto — " Mea gloria fides." Married, 1880, Genevieve (Lady of Grace of the Order of the Hos- pital of St. John of Jerusalem in England), dau. of Rev. 3 is the Naval Cockade. Kussell Cooke. Po. mat ell Cooke. Pos/al address— 4^ Thurloe Square, Lon- don, S.W. §SiK HENRY EDMUND WATSON. Knight Bache- lor, of Shirecliffe Hall, in the county of York, and The Park Cottage, Worksop, Justice of the Peace and Deputy- Lieutenant for the West Riding of the county of York. Born March 19, 1815, l)eing the son of the late John Watson of Shirecliffe Hall. 67^//u— Carlton, Constitutional Livery— B\Ack. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Or, a pale gules, surmounted by a chevron invected, thereon three crescents between as many martlets all counter- changed. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, in front of an eagle's head coupt;d gules, gorged with a collar vallarv, three crescents or. .Sffl/j— Shirecliffe Hall, Sheffield ; The Park Cottage, Worksop. JAMES WATSON, Esq., J. P. for co. of Buckingham and CO. Linlithgow, High Sheriff for former co. 1881, County Alderman for Bucks, Barrister-at-Law of Inner Temple, formerly of Bengal Civil Service. Born Aug. 21, 1827, being the e dest son of the late lames Watson, M.D.] F.R..S.E., by his wife Harriet, dau. o'f William Willxirforce Bird of The Spring, Coventry, co. Warwick, M. P. for Coventry. Armorial bearings— Argent, an oak tree pro- per, growing out of a mount in base vert, surmounted of a fesse sable, charged with three stars of six points of the first, and on an escutcheon of pretence (for Bird), argent, a cross flory vert Ixnween four martlets gules, a chief dove-tailed azure. Mantling giiles doubled argent ; and upon a wreath of his liveries is set for Crest, an oak tree proper, growing out of a mount vert. Motto— " Florescit." A/ar- ried, July 26, 1849, Augusta Christiana, dau. of William Willierforce Bird, Esq., of The Spring, Kenilworth, co. Warwick, Deputy Governor of Bengal ; and has had Issue — (i) Harry James Watson, Esq., Lieut. -Col. late nth Hus- sars, h. May 4, 1850 [m., Sept. 2, 1873, Mary, dau. of John Russell, Esq., of Newforge, co. Antrim, and has issue, Ivor Willierforce, Lieut. Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders; Eric Russell ; and Muriel Evelyn] ; (2) Cecil Wilberforce, !<. Oct. 20 and d. Nov. 26, 1857 ; Ada Augusta Frances ; Florence Augusta Mary, d. young; Ethel Clare [tn., 1891, Deputy-Surgeon-Gen. Robert Rouse, late Indian Army]. ^i^at — Langley House, Langley, near Slough. Residence — I Clifton Crescent, Folkestone. 22Jat 863 JAMES RONALD WATSON, Gentleman, a descen- dant of the family of Watson of Westerton and Colt- field. Born July 6, 1830, being the eldest son of James Watson, by his wife Louise Sarah .Sanassin, dau. of August Ernest Sarrassin de Maraise, of the Chateau d'Hautonne, Normandy. Armorial bearings— .\rgent : on a chevron engrailed azure, a cross pat(?e and two crescents or, in chief a thistle leaved and slipped proper between two martlets sable, and in base a martlet of the last Ix^tween two like thistles. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling azure and argent ; and (or his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, in front of four thistles saltirewise, leaved and slipped proper, a gryphon's head erased argent, holding in the beak a branch of olive slipped also proper. Motto— " Esto quod esse videris." Postal address — 2 Whitehall Court, London S.W. SSiR JOHN WATSON, ist Baronet. J. P. and D.L. for Lanarkshire. Born, July 9, 1819, being the eldest son of the late John Watson of Bathville, Linlithgowshire. Ar- morial bearings — Per pale argent and or. on a mount vert an oak tree proper, the whole surmounted by two bars sal>le. Mantling vert and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, the stump of an oak tree with a branch sprouting from either side, each grasped by a hand issuing from a cloud all proper. Motto — " Insperata floruit." Married, ist. 1846, Agnes (who died 1876). dau. of Rotert Haig Simpson ; 2nd. 1879. Harriet Drury. dau. of the late Peter Mackenzie of Glasgow ; and has Issue — (i) John Wat- son. Esq.. b. i860; (2) Thomas William Watson. Esq.. A 1864 ; (3) Leslie Dundas Watson. Esq.. b. 1894 ; Marianne ; Georgina (Baroness Belhaven and Stenton) ; Marg.aret ; Agnes; and Henrietta. 5i?a/— Earnock. Hamilton, N.B. JONAS WATSON, Esquire, J. P. for the co. of Ola- morgan. Born March 26, 1829. being the third son of William Jonas Watson of the Manor Hot/se, St. Nicholas. Glamorgan, by his wife Martha, dau. of Richard Richards of F.nniscorthy, Wexford. Clubs — (Sardiff, County (Car- diff). Livery — Blue. Armorial bearings as used, but for which no authority has been established, are for Arms — Argent, on a chevron engrailed azure, between three mart- lets sable, three crescents or. Motto — " Mea gloria fides." Married. July 10, 1861. Emily (who d. Feb. 20. 1864). youngest dau. of Major-Gen. Sir Octavius Carey, K.H., The Editor undertakes that every entry not in italics is that of a genuinely armigerous person. 864 mat mat ami Lody Hiirrict Carey (n(5e Le Marchatit) of The Cottage, Catel, Ciueriney : and has Issue— Herbert Sarsfield Watson, h. Oit. 29, 1863 ; and Mabel Harriet, A. 1878. Residence — The Lodge, Llandaff. THOMAS WRIGHT WATSON, Esq., J. P. for co. Waterford (Migli Slieriff 1855-6, and appointed ajjain in 1858, hut declined to serve). Born 1836, being the eldest son of the late William (ieorge Watson of Chigvvcll, ICssex, by Harriet, dan. of Hugh Atkins. Armorial bearings — Argent, on a chevron engrailed azure between three martlets sable, a trefoil enclosed by two crescents or. Mantling azure and argent ; and for his Crest, a griffin's head erased argent, ducally gorged or, and charged with a trefoil vert. Motto — " Ksto quod esse." Married, 1854, Claudine Marion, fifth dau. of the late John Gore. Sir WILLIAM WATSON, Knight Bachelor (1897). J.I', for the City of Dublin. Born 1842, being the eldest (Dul)lin), Royal St. George (Yacht). Armorial bearings — Azure, a chevron orniine, between three suns in splen- dour proper. Mantling azure and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a talbot passant ermines. Motto — " Mea gloria fides." Married, 1868, Janet Frances (who d. 1876), dau. of the late Very Rev. Hussey Burgh Macart- ney, D.D. , Dean of Melbourne. Kcsideiuc — 25 Fitzwilliam Place, Dublin. WILLIAM LIVINGSTONE WATSON, Esquire, Jus- tice of the Peace for the county of Perth, Fellow of the Royal Astronomical Society, Fellow of the Royal Geogra- phical Society, and Fellow of the Royal Statistical Society. Born October 19, 1835, being the eldest son of Robert Wat- son of Kinross, by his wife Catherine, daughter of Henry Livingstone, also of Kinross. Clubs — Reform, Oriental, University ( luliiilnirgh). Armorial bearings— He bears for son of the late William Watson, Esq., J. P., of 25 Fitz- william Place, Dublin. C/K/^.f— National, Sackville Street ra is the Military Cockade. Arms : Argent, an oak tree fructed growing out of a mount in base proper, surmounted of a bend gules, charged with three cinijuefoils of the first. Above the .shield is placed a helmet lietitting his degree, with a mantling gules doubled argent ; and upon a wreath of his liveries is set for his Crest, a cross crosslet fitchaw, Doctor of Laws, Principal of I''dinburgh University. Postal address — Niddrie Marischal, Liberton, Midlothian. I.ieiitenant-General Sir HENRY EDWIN WE ARE, Knight Commander of the Most Honourable K^\Ct\YC Order of the Hath. Born 1825, being the VJAUtaVt' „,„ „f Colonel Thomas Wcare, Knight of the Hanox'erian (7uelphic Order, and Aide-de- Camp to the Queen, of Hampton House, in the county of Heirford, by his wife Anne, daughter and co-heiress of John J'ugh of Gaer. in the county of Radnor ; created Companion of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, 1865, and ad- vanced to the rank of Knight Commander of that Order, 1891. Club— //////or United Seriice. Armorial bearings as used, but for which no authority has as yet been established by Sir Henry, are for Arms : Argent, on a bend vert be- tween six crosses crosslet gules, three crosiers or. Crest— .^ demi-lion rampant argent holding in the dexter paw a cross crosslet fitch ^e ^ules. Motto — " Sum us ubi fuimus." Married, 1850, Charlotte Georgiana, only daughter of the Reverend Charles Oxenden, Canon of Canterbury, and grand-daughter of Sir Heniy Oxenden, sexienth Baronet ; and has Issue — Henry Oxenden Weare, Esquire, born June I, 1851 ; Constance Marion; Emily; and Katha- rine. Postal address — 6 Courtjield Gardens, South Ken- sington. JAMES WILLIAMSON WEARING, Esquire. J.P. for the County Palatine of Lancaster, M.A. ?r/ril>flftri(Y (Oxo"). Barrister -at -Law. Born April VlALlC-al.in^ 27, 1864, being the eldest son of the late Stephen Wright Wearing of Lancaster, J.P. , by Jane Hannah his wife, only daughter of the late James Williamson of Parkfield, Lancaster, J.P. Cli/b — New O.vford and Cambridge. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Argent, guttee-de-larmes, on abendnebuly azure tetween two mullets of eight points sable, alike mullet tetween as many crescents all or. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a manding azure and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, with the Motto — " Tenez le droit. Scjuare, Lancaster. Postal address — Fleet WILIJAM HENRY GASCOYEN WEAVER, Es- quire, Justice of the Peace for the county of Kl['\oct\\CY ^'ilop, and Alderman and Justice of the VlALlV'(tUvl' Peace for the borough of Oswestiy. Born 1826, being the third but eldest sutviving son of James Weaver of Oswestiy. by his toife Hannah Maria, daughter of Thomas Hill of Guilsjicld, in the county of Montgomery. Livery — Dark blue with yelhnv facings. Armorial bearings as used, but for tvhich no authority has been established at the College of Arms, are for Anos : Quar- terly I anil 4, or, on afesse azure, between two cotises gules, lis many garbs of the field (for Weaver); 2. azure, on a bend between two cotises argent, three escallops gules (for Bohun) ; 3. sable, a lion rampant double-queued argent, over all a crescent for difference (for Wastneys); and for his Crest, on a wreath of the colours, an antelope passant ermine attired or, supporting 7oith the dexter foot an escutcheon also or. MameA, December &. 1859, Winifred, daughter of Owen Chven of Wilcot, in the county of Salop ; and has had Issue — (i) Henty Owen Weaver, deceased; (7.) William Henry Weaver, deceased; Winifred Hannah, deceased; Alice Gertrude, deceased; and an only surviving child. Winnie Harriette. Estates — Calcot Hall and other properties. Postal address — Ty Maen, Oswestry. CHARLES DANIEL HENRY WEBB, Esq., J.P. Born Oct. 9, 1825, teing the son of the late Daniel James Webb, Esq., of Maidstown Castle, co. Limerick, and of Woodville, co. Tipperary, J.P. , by his wife, Hon. .\nn Wilhelmina, dau. of the Rt. Hon. Charles Stanley, Viscount Monck. Armorial bearings . l'>minois, a cross couped sable charged with a mullet argent, on a chief gules, a heron tetween two crosses crosslet fitchc'e of the third. Mantling sable and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a demi-eagle displayed gules wings erminois, in the teak a cross crosslet fitchiie or. Motto — "Quid prodest," and over the crest, " Ne proterantur. " Married, March 6, 1856, l':iizaheth Lucy, dau. of Rev. M. Lloyd Apjohn of Linfield House, co. Limerick, and Rector of Ballybroad, same county; and has had Issue— (1) Daniel James Napier Webb, lisq. , Capt. 88th Cannaught Rangers,^. Nov. 24, 1857, (/. in India, Oct. 25, 1886; (2) Michael Marshall The Editor undertakes tbat every entry not in italics is that of a genuinely armigerous person. 868 mtb mtg Charles Wcl)b. GeiuU-man, K Nov. t8, 1858, . Dec. 16, 1861, now a LieuL m H.M.b. '■ Pha.-I)e." AVrt/— Woodville, Templemore, co. Tippi-rary. Majok-Gknkr,\i. CHARLES EDMUND WEBBER, ComiJanion of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath. Bom 1838, being the son (^f the Rev. '1". Webber of Leek- field. CO. Sligo; iieated C.B. 1882. tV//*.t- United Ser- vice, Brooks's. Armorial bearings— Argent, on a clie\ ron engrailed azure, U-tween three hurts, as many annulets of the field, in the centre chief jwint a trefoil slipped vert, and jwndent below the escutcheon his badge as a C. B. Mant- ling azure and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a wolfs head couped per pale argent and gules, charged with an annulet counterchanged. Motto — " Esperance." Married, ist, 1861. the Hon. Alice Augusta Gertrude (who died 1877), dau. of the Right. Hon. Thomas Charles Hanbury-Tracy. 2nd Baron Sudeley ; 2nd, Sarah IClizabeth, widow of R. Stainbank, and dau. of the late J. Ciunn of the Eas Indies. Postal address— 17 Egerton Gardens, South Kensington, S.W. FELIX HUSSFA' WEBBER, Esquire, Justice of the Peace for the county of Glamorgan, a Principal Clerk in the House of Commons. Born February 18, 1832, being the youngest son of Captain Arthur Webber, ^jth Regiment, by his wife Caroline, third daughter of Arthur Jo7ies of B>yn- Neicvdd, near Swansea. Club — Luish { Trafalgar Square, London). \A\cvy— Very light drab, sih^er buttons. Armo- rial bearings as used, but to which no right has as yet been established at the College of Arms, are for Arms : Quarterly i and\, argent on a chevron engt ailed azure between three hurts, as tnany annulets or ; 2 atid 3 per chevron nebuly azure and or, three leopards' or panthers heads affront^e erased counter- changed. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a wolfs head couped party per pale argent and gules. MottO — " Simplex munditiis." Married, April 28, 1859, Caroline Elizabeth, fourth daughter of Thomas Eden, The Biyn, near Swansea (she died November 11, 1872); secondly, October 10, 1876, Henrietta Ellen, eldest daughter of Sir John Armine Morris, third Baronet, of Sketty Park, near Swansea ; and by his first tnarriage has Issue — (i) Gerald Rodney Webber, bom February Z'i, j86^[married, October 2.^, 1889, Eireem'e, daughter of the late Augustus Bay lis. Doctor of Medicine, of Loiver Lake, California, and has issue, Arthur Rodney Webber, born September 7, 1890 ; and Gladys lanthe] ; (2) Felix Arthur Webber, born April 15, 1866, and died July 17, 1885; Helen Kate; Caroline Gi-ace [^married Henry Femvicke Hassard, Commander Royal Navy, and has issue, Gladys Grace] ; and by his second marriage (3) Horace Armine William Webber, born March 1%. 1880; and Laura Gwendolen. Estate and postal address — Glyn- Dderwen, near Swansea. S EDWARD JOHN WEBLEY-PARRY-PRYSE, Esq., late Capt. 41st Foot. Born 1862, being the second son of Sir Pryse Pryse. Bart., by his wife Louise Joan, dau. of Col. Lewes, Hanlear, Cardiganshire. Clubs — Junior Army and Navy. Livery — Dark blue. Armorial bearings — Quarterly i and 4, or, a lion rampant regardant sable (for Pryse) ; 2. sable, a lion rampant argent, a canton or, thereon an anchor (for Parry) ; 3. or, on a bend between three mullets of six points pierced two and one sable, an anchor of the field, on a canton gules, a sword erect proper, and for dis- tinction, in the centre chief point, a cross crosslet of the second. Mantling sable and or ; and for his Crests, i . on a wreath of the colours, a lion rampant regardant sable, holding a fleur-de-lis or (for Pryse) ; 2. on a wreath of the colours, a demi-lion argent, gorged with a wreath of oak fructed proper, on the head an Eastern crown or, the dexter paw resting on an escutcheon azure, thereon a cross pat^e fitchte gold, charged for distinction on the shoulder with a a cross crosslet sable (tor Parry) ; 3. on a wreath of the colours, between a branch of oak and another of palm, a cubit arm in armour proper, garnished or, the hand grasping a sword also proper, the arm charged for distinction with a cross crosslet sable (for Webley). Married, Nov. 19, 1891, Nina Katherine Angharad, dau. of D. K. Webley Parryi Esq., D.L., J.P., of Noyadd, Trefawr, Cardiganshire.' Postal address— Noyudd, Trefawr, Beneath. South Wales. S is the Military Cockade. ERNEST ALFRED WEBSTER. Born Oct. 28, 1855, being the fourth and only surviving son of Christopher Mating Webster of Pallion Hall, Sunderland, and Mary, dau. of Philip Laina of Dcptford, Sunderland. Livery— Blue coat, black collar, scarlet vest, brass buttons, 7vhiti breeches. Armorial bearings as used, but for which no authority has been as yet officially established, are for Arms — Azure, on a bend argent, cotised or, between tico detni- lions rampant ermine, a rose gules, between two boars' heads couped sable, quartering Burdon, Swainston, Lackenly, and Gibson. Crest — A dragon's head erased quarterly vert and or. VLo\Xa—" Fides etjustitia." Married, y4/>r/7 22, 1886, Agnes Amelia, youngest dau. of Robert Stephenson, late of Colwell House, Northumberland ; and has Issue — Roldland Burdon Webster, b. June 7, 1890; and Maty Mating. Seat— Pallion Hall, Sunderland. Residence — Wolviston Hall, near Stockton-on-Tees. WEDDERBURN. quartered by ST. CLAHi - ER - SKINE. § FRANCIS RICHARD WEGG-PROSSER. Esquire, of Belmont, in the county of Hereford, Bachelor of Arts, Justice of the Peace and Deputy-Lieutenant, High Sheriff 1855, and Member of Parliament for the county of Hereford from 1847 to 1852, late Lieutenant-Colonel ist London Artillery Vokmteers. Born Jtme 12, 1824, hemg the only son of the late Reverend Francis Haggitt, Doctor of Divinity, Rector of Nuneham Courtenay, in the county of Oxford, and Prebendary of Durham, by his wife Lucy, daughter of William Parry of King Street, in the county of Hereford; and assumed by Royal License, 1849, the sur- name and arms of Wegg-Prosser, on succeeding to the estates of the Reverend Doctor Richard Prosser of Belmont, Prebendary of Durham. Club — C"arlton. /./rvrt-— Claret colour coat and trousers, red and white striped waistcoat. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : (^)uarterly i and 4, quarterly i. and iiii. sable, a cross double- p.irted and fretty engrailed or. between four spear -heads argent, imbrued proper (for Prossrr) ; ii. and iii. argent, a fesse engrailed sable, between three escutcheons of the last, each charged with an annulet or (for Wegg) ; 2 and 3 argent, three fleurs-de-lis between two bendlets nebuly gules (for Haggitt). Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet laefitting his degree, with a mantling sable and or ; and for his Crests, i. upon a wreath of the colours, a wolfs head erased sable, semc'^e of spear-heads .argent, pierced M is the Naval Cockade. mt\ 869 through the mouth with a sword proper (for Prosser) ; 2. upon a wreath of the colours, a sinister hand in a gauntlet propel- holding an escutcheon sable, charged with an annulet or (for Wegg) ; 3. upon a wreath of the colours, a demi-lynx proper, seuRV-de-lis gules, holding a branch of olive also proper ((or Haggitt). A/urriet/, April 22, 1850, Harriet Catherine, commonly known as Lady Harriet Catherine, second daughter of the Right Honourable John Somers Soiners-Cocks, second Earl Somers ; and by her (who .lied May 6, 1893) has /.f.ute—{i) [ohn Francis Wegg- F'rosscr, Esquire, Justice of the Peace, Major Rifle Brigade, born August 22, 1854 married, July 16, 1891, Florence Isabel, daughter of (Vjlonel Thoinas B. Brooke, and had, Cecil Francis Joseph Wegg- Prosser, Gentleman, born Nov- ember 22, 1892] ; (2) Charles lidward Wegg-Prosser, Gentle- man, late RiHe Brigade, born September 26, 1859 ; Cecilia Lucy ; and Catherine Mary. .Vra/— Itelmont, in the county of Hereford, /'ux/al at/i/ress—Clmlcon House, Long Dilton, Surrey. ARCHIBALD MUNDAV VV FIR of .St. Giles, Malvern Link, CO. Worcester, and of Hampton Loade, near Bridg- north, Salop, Esquire, L. R.C.P. (Edin.) and L.R.C.S. (Edin.), and of Univ. of Paris. /f(/rn , being the .second son of Archibald Weir, M.l>. , uf .St. .\Iuiigh(j's, Great Malvern, e.i. Worcester. Armorial bearings — Or, on a fesse between two cotises .sable, three stars of si.\ points of the field, in chief a crescent of the second. Mantling sable doubled or. Crest — On a wreath of his liveries, a demi-horse sablf, saddled and bridled or, the'sinister hoof resting on a star of six points of the last. Motto—" Nihil verius." Afarricd Edith Rosa, dau. of Richard Price Hill of Goodrest, Great Malvern ; and has fssite — Neil Archibald Campbell \V'eir, Gentleman. Postal addresses — St. Giles, Malvern Link, W'orcs.; Hampton Loade, near Bridgnorth, Salop. JOHN CAMPBELL W^ilR, Gentleman. Bom , being the eldest son of the late Archibald Weir, M.D., of St. Munghos, Great Malvern, co. Worcester, by his wife Fanny Elizabeth, dau. and heir of John Munday of Howick House, near Preston. Armorial bearings— Or, on a fesse between two cotises sable, three stars of six points of the field. Mantling sable doubled or. Crest— On a wreath of his liveries, a demi-horse sable, saddled and bridled or, the sinister hoof resting upon a star of six points of the last; on escroll above same the Motto, "Nihil verius." Residence — Malvern, co. Worcs. § ALFRED CHOLMELEY EARLE WELBY, Es- quire, late Lt.-Col. Royal Scots Greys, M.P. ^irirlflO '^"'^ Taunton. Horn August 22, 1849, being \1AL*V4W^ the seventh son of the late Sir Glynne Earle Welby-Gregory, third Baronet, by his wife Frances, youngest daughter of Sir Montagu Cholmeley, Baronet, of Easton Hall, Grantham. t7//^.f — Carlton, Garrick. Armorial bearings -He bears for Arms : Sable, a fesse lx:tvveen three fieurs-de-lis argent (for Welby). Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling sable and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a cubit arm in armour issuing fesse- ways from clouds proper, holding a sword over flames issuant from the wreath proper; "with the Motto, "Per ignem per gladium." Postal address— it. Queen Anne's Gate, S.W. JOHN EARLE WELFiY, Esquire, J. P. co.s. Lincoln and Leicester, M..A. Oxon. Bor/i 1820, being the eldest son of the late John Earle Welby, by his wife Felicia Elizabeth, dau. of Rev. George Hole of Chumleigh. Cluh—Carhon. Pratt's. Armorial bearings— Sable, a fesse between three fleurs-de-lis argent, and impaling the arms of Hutton, namely or, on a fesse sable, surmounted by a pale invected of the last, pierced of the field, three stags' heads caboshed counterchanged. Mantling sable and argent. Crest — Upon a wreath of the colours, issuing in Ijend froiu clouds in the sinister, and holding in the hand a sword proper, ponmiel and hilt or, over flames of fire issuant from the wreath also proper. Married, 1873, Catherine Mary, dau. of the late Rev. G. Hutton, Rector of Gate Burton, Gainsborough, Lines. Seat — AUington Hall, near Grantham. Thk Rkvkkknd WALTER HUGH EARLE WELBY, Clerk in Holy Orders, Master of .\rts of the University of Oxford, Justice of the Peace for the county of Leicester. Bor/i August 19, 1833, being the third but second surviving son of the late Sir Glynne Earle Welby-Gregory, third Baronet, by his wife Frances, daughter of Sir Montagu Cholmeley, Baronet. Cl/ti — (jrosvenor. l.iTeiy — Brown, with yellow waistcoat and silver buttons. Armorial bear- ings—He bears for Arms: Sable, a fesse tetween three fleurs-de-lis argent (for Welby). Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling sable and argent; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a cubit arm in armour issuing fesseways from clouds proper, holding a sword over flames issuant from the wreath proper; with the Motto, "Per ignem per gladium." Married, firstly, 1861, Frances, daughter, of the Right Reverend .Alfred Ollivant, Doctor of Divinity, Lord Bishop of Llandaff ; secondly, 1878, Florence Laura, daughter of the Reverend G. .Sloane-Stanley ; and by his first marriage has Issue — Frances Alice. Estate and postal address — St. George's Lodge, Ryde. The Editor undertakes that every entry not in italics is that of a genuinely armigerous person. 87< mt\ mzi WILLIAM WKLCIIMAN, ICstjuire. one of II. M. Coroners for lUr Isle of ICh , :incl Solicitor. Bor/i Veh. 13, 1849, iK'ing llu- second son of William Longman Welch- man of Alhampton, Somerset; by his wifi- Ann (jollcclge, dan. of Richard Longman of Alhampton. /./VvvT—Light bufl', with claret facings. Armorial bearings Gyronny that CO., l)v his wife Ellen Caroline, eldest dan. of Sir B()uiclii("r I'aik Wrey, Bart., of Tawstock Court, Devon. Armorial bearings — Azure, a fesse nebuly between three crescents ermine (with numerous c|iiarteriiigs). Mantling azure and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a wyvern with wings e.xpanded sable, gutte'e-d'or, collared and lined gold. MottO — " Nil sine numine." Seai — Lul worth Castle, Dorset. CHARLES JOSEPH WELD-BLUNDELL. Esquire, 1. P. Bom Dec. 23, 1844, being the eldest son of the late Thomas Weld-Biundell, Esq., J. P. and D.L., High Sheriff 1852, by his wife Teresa Mary Eleanora, youngest dau. of W^illiam Michael Thomas Vaughan of Courtfield. Armo- rial bearings — Quarterly i and 4, azure ten billets, four, three, two, and one, and a canton or, charged with a raven proper, in the centre chief point a bezant for difference ; 2 and 3 azure, on a fesse nebuly between three crescents ermine, a crescent sable for difference. Mantling azure and or. Crests — 1. on a wreath ot the colours, a squirrel sejant gules, gorged with a plain collar, and cracking a nut or, and charged on the body with a bezant for distinction ; 2. on a wreath of the colours, a wyvern sable, guttle d'or, collared, chained, and wings or. Motto — " Nil sine numine." Married, May 14, 1884, Charlotte Catherine Marcia, dau. of Hon. Charles Pierrepoint D'Arcy Lane Fo.x, brother of Sackville George, Lord Conyers ; and has Issue — (1) Richard Weld-Blundell, Gentleman, b. 1887; (2) Lewis Weld-Blundell, Gentleman, b. 1889 ; Mary Teresa; and Alice Mary. Seat — Ince Blundell Park, Blundellsands, Lancashire. WH.LLXM HENRY WELDON, Esquire, Norroy King of Arms. Born April 8, 1837, being the only son of the late W'illiam W^eldon of Bramley Hall, in the West Riding of the county of York, by his wife Hannah, daughter and co- heir of John Wright of Litherlaiid House, in the County Palatine of Lancaster ; formerly of the i8th Hussars ; ap- pointed Wind.sor Herald, 1880; Registrar of the College of Arms, 1886 ; and Norroy King of .Arms, 1894. Clubs — Garrick, Army and Navy. Livery — Argent and gules, of eight argent and gules, a goat's head erased projaer, within ten mullets in orle, counterchanged. Mantling gules and argent. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, in front of a goat's head coujjed proper, charged on the neck with a mullet of six points argent, an eagle's wing fessewise or. Motto— " Steadfast." i1/arWt'rf, Aug. lo, 1880, Sarah Elizabeth, dau. of Benjamin Terry of Bradford, Yorks. Postal address — Birdbeck House, Upwell, Wisbech. 3 HUMPHREY FREDERICK WELD, Esquire, J.P. and County Councillor for Dorset, Lieut, ist Vol. Batt. Dorset Regt. Born Sept. 30, 1867, being the eldest son of the late Sir Frederick .-Moysius Weld, G.C.M.G., Member of Executive Council, New Zealand, 1854; Minister of Native Affairs, New Zealand, 1863 ; Prime Minister, New Zealand, 1864; Governorand Commander-in-Chief of Western Australia, 1869; of lasmania, 1874; and of the Straits Settlements, i88o,- by his wife Filumena Lisle Phillipps, eldest dau. of Ambrose L. Marcii Phillipps de Lisle of Grace Dieu Manor, and Garcndon Park, co. Leicester. Armorial bearings— Azure, a fesse nebuly between three crescents ermine (with numerous quarterings). Mantling azure and argent. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a wyvern with wings e.xpanded sable, gutt6e-d'or, collared and lined gold. Motio— " Nil sine numine." Seat— Chideock Manor, Bridport. SJOHN WELD, Esc|uire, |.P. and D.L., beins the eldest .son ot the late (Jeorge Weld of Leagrim Park, CO. Lancaster, by his wife Maria, dau. of John .Searle of London. Armjrial bearings— Azure, a fesse nebuly, be- tween three crescents ermine (with numerous quarterings). Mantling azure and argent. Crest— On a wreath of the colours a wyvern with win^s expanded sable, gutt6e-d'or, collared and lined goid. M„tU— " Nil sine numine." Married, 1846, Eleanor, dau. of Nicholas Selbv ; and has Issue. Seat— L^&gnm Park, co. Lancaster. REGINALD JOSEPH WELD, Gentleman. Born May 24. 1842, bemg the second son of the kue Edward Joseph Weld, Esq., J.P. and D.L., who served as High Sheriff of ^ is the Military Cockade. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : His otiicial coal as Norroy King of Arms, namely argent, a cross of Saint 3 is tbe Naval Cockade. mzi mtx 871 : gules, on a chief per pale azure and of the second a lion of England passant guardant or, crowned with an open crown, and between a fleur-de-lis on the dexter and a key on the sinister of the last, and impaling his family arms, namely, cjuarterly i and 4, [ler fesse argent and gules, on a pale a demi-hon rampant in chief and a cinquefoil in base all counterchanged (for Weldon) ; 2 and 3 azure, two bars invected or, in chief three leopards' faces jessant-de-lis (for Wright), the escutcheon being encircled by his collar of SS. Above the escutcheon is ])laced the coronet of his rank, and thereupon a helmet Ix-titting his degree, with a mantling g\iles and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a demi-lion rampant argent, guttee-de-sang, and resting his sinister paw upon two SS, as hnked in a collar of SS argent; with the MottO, " Bien fait." Married, ■ April 21, i860, Georgina, eldest daughter of the late Morgan Thomas, afterwards Treherne, Member of Parliament, of Gate House, in the county of Sussex. Estates — Park Hill and Ogreave, in the West Riding of the county of York. I'ostal address — Heralds' College, E.G. Ai)MiR.\L Sir GEORGE GREVILLE WELLESLEY, Knight Grand Cross of the Most Honourable Order of the Hath, a Lord of the Admiralty from 1877 to 1879. Born 1814. toeing the youngest son of the late Reverend Gerald N'aleri in Wellesley. commonly known as the Reverend the Honourable Gerald \"alerian Wellesley, Doctor of Divinity, Prebendary of Durham, by his wife Emily Mary, commonly known as Lady Emily Mary, eldest daughter of the Right Honourable Charles Sloane Cadogan, first Earl Cadogan ; created Companion of the Most Honourable Order of the Hath, 1856, advanced to the rank of Knight Commander of that Order, 1880, and to that of Knight Grand Cross, 1887. C7//(>— United Service. Armorial bearings— He bi'ars for Arms : (Quarterly 1 and 4, gules a cross argent, in each quarter five plates in saltire (for W'ellestey) ; 2 and 3 or, a lion rampant gules, diically gorged or (for Colley), the escutcheon bein^ ' -d by the ribbon and collar and pendent tiierel: -io of a Knight Grand Cross of the Most Honor.: ■ 1 of the Hath. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules and argent ; and for his CreSt, out of a ducal coronet or, a demi-lion gules, holding a forked pennon of the last, one-third from the staff per pale argent, charged with the Cross of Saint George, Married, 1853, Elizabeth Doughty, daughter of the late Robert Lukyn ; and has Issue — Olivia Georgiana [married, 1890, Lieutenant- Colonel Henry Trotter, Companion of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, Her Britaimic Majesty's Consul-General for Syria (to whom refer)]. Residence — 17 Chester Square, S.W.' WELLWOOD, quartered by MONCRIEFF. :; ( HARLES C.+>;AR WELMAN, Esq., J.P. for VfJ Somerset, late of the 49th Regiment of Foot, and late Major West Somerset Yeomanry Cavalry. Born March 5, 1840, being the second but eldtit surviving son of Charles Noel Welman, Esq., j.I'., D.L., of Poundsford Park and Norton Manor, Somerset, by his wife Annette Elizabeth, dau. of Cornelius Henry Holton of .Maidenhead, Queen's County, Ireland. Armorial bearings- .\rgent, on a Wud gull's, between two apples veri, three mullets or. Mantling gules and argent; and for his Crest, on a wreath of the colours, a demi-lion argent, holding between the paws an apple as in the arms, chargeil with a mullet or; with the Motto, "Dei providentia juv.\t. " Married, Nov. 26, 1862, I'.ugi-nia Mary, dau. of Charles Henry Stonor, Esq. ; and liab had Issue— (i) Edward Charles Welman, Gentleman, b. March 5, 1865, d. July 14, 1893 ; (2) Arthur Joseph Welman, Gentleman, b. Feb. 16, 1870; (3) Cyril John Welman, Gentleman, b. Nov. 24, 1878; Alice Mary; Una Mary; .Mary Monica; Blanche Frances (deceased); Edith Mary; Gertrude Mary (deceased) ; and Veronica Mary. Postal address — Fitzroy House, Taunton. § CHARLES NOEL WELMAN, Esq., J.P. and D.L. for CO. Somerset and J.P. for co. Devon, and late Capt. Somerset Yeo. Cavalry. Bom 1814, being the only son of the late Thomas Welman of Poundsford Park, Soi'nerset, bv the Hon. Charlotte Noel, dau. of the Rt. Hon. Baroness Barham. Club — .\thenaeum. Armorial bear- ings— .-\rgent, on a bend gules, between two apples vert, three mullets or. Mantling gules and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a demi-lion argent, holding between the paws an apple as in the arms, charged with a mullet or. Motto — "Dei providentia juvat." Married. 1835, Anne Eliza, eldest dau. of Cornelius H. Bolton (deceased) ; and has, with other Issue — Charles Cassar Welman, Esq., J. P., late Major W. Somerset Yeo. Cav., formerly Lieut. 49th Foot, b. \S^o[m., 1862, Eugenia Mary, youngest dau. of the late Charles Henry Stonor, Esq. , and has, with other issue, Edward Charles Welman, Gentleman, b. 1865. Postal address — Athenteum Club, S.W. HENRY ACTON WELMAN, Gentleman. Born April 15, 1856, being the seventh but fifth surviving son of Charles Noel Welman, Esq., J. P., D.L,, of Poundsford Park and Norton Manor, Somerset, by his wife Annette Elizabeth, dau. of Cornelius Henry Bolton of Maidenhead, Queen's County, Ireland. Armorial bearings— Argent, on a bend gules, between two a[)plL's vert, three mullets or. Mantling gules and argent : and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a demi-lion argent, holding between the paws an apple as in the arms, charged with a mullet or. Motto — " Dei providentia guvat." Married, June 15, 1882, Mary Lretitia, dau. of the late Rev. Sir Paul William Molesworth, Bart. , of Pencarrow ; and has Issue — (i) Gilbert Moiesworth Welman, Gentleman, b. Sept. 16, 1888; (2) Paul Arundell Welman, (jentleman, b. Jan. 20, 1890; (3) Henry Bolton Welman, Gentleman, b. May 20, 1893 ; Frances Morwenna ; Irene Genevieve (deceased) ; and Adela Mary. Postal address — Right Rev. EDWARD ASH WERE, D.D. (Oxon.), Bishop Suffragan of Derby (for Southwell) from 1889, Vicar of SI. Werburgh, Derby, from 1889. Born 1846, being the youngest son of Thomas Bonville Were of Clifton, Bristol. Armorial bearings as used, but for which no authority has been officially established, are for Arms— Argent, on a bend vert, between six crosses crosslet fitchce gules, three sheep- hooks or. Crest — A demi-lion rampant proper, holding a cross crosslet Jitch^e gules. Motto — " Fuimus." Married, 1875, Julia D. , dau. of Thomas Miller oj Barrow, Somerset. Residence — St. Werburgh's Vicarage, Derby. FRANCIS WERE, son of Thomas Bonville Were of Clifton, Bristol. Armorial bearings as used, but for which no authority has been officially established, are for Arms— Argent, on a bend vert, betiveen six crosses crosslet fitchee The Editor undertakes that every entry not in italics is that of a genuinely annigerous person. S7: mtv mz^ gules, three sheep-hooks or. Crest — A demi-lion rampant proper, holding a cross crosslet fitcht'e gules. Motto — " Fuimits." Seat — Grtxt^victe Hall, /iarrow (iurmy, Flax Bourton, R.S.O., Somerset. T. hIiWJ'lT ir/iA'/:. l-lsquircJ.I'.forco. of Somerset, son of Thomas lloiivitle Were of Clifton, firistol. Club — Union. Annorial bearlngB as used, but for uihich no autho- rity has been oJfi<;', hrstly, March 3, 1869, Helena, third d;iu. of Rev. Thomas Westropp, M.A. , Rector of Ardcanny, Limerick ; and has /s\//e~{i) John Ralph Westropp, Gentleman, fi. Nov. 24, 1869; (2) Hugh Gerald Westropp, (ientleman, 6. June 20, 1874; (3) Thomas George Westropp, Gentle- man, f>. Nov. 10, 1875; and a daughter. He m.irried secondly, April 14, 1885, Elizabeth Jane, dau. of William Stac|Xjole (eldest son of Richard John Siacpoole of Eden- vale, CO. Clare), and has issue— Two daughters. Sea( — Deerpark, Clonlara, co. Clare. JOHN MASSY WESTROPP, Esquire, Justice of the Peace, Bachelor of Arts, Captain ist Royal Lancashire Regiment, and Colonel in Volunteers. Born March 8, 1837, being the eldest son of the late John Westropp, Es- quire, Justice of the Peace, of .AttyHin, in the county of Limerick, and Clonmoney, in the county of Clare, by his first wife Georgina Wilhelmina, second daughter of Colonel George William Stamer of Carnelly, in the county of Clare, and Nlary Westropjj h\^ wife. I'iverv — Dark blue turned back Willi red. Armorial bearings— He Ijears for Arms : Sable, a lion rampant ermine ducally crowned or, langued and armed gules. Crest -On a wreath of the colours, a falcon's head ermine. Motto -"Je me tourne vers I'occi- dent." Marrif.d, June 1859, .M.irgaret, daughter of Thomas Wilson Ffrance of Rawclifie Hall, m the county of Lancishire (she died January i, 1885) ; and has liuie—[\) John Massy Westropp, Esquire, Captain 12th Lancers (retired), lx)rn April 28, i860 [married, June 16, 1890, Georgina, daughter of Frederick Kennedy, ICsquire, and has, John Francis Ralph, Gentleman, born April 6, 1891 ; Ralph Frederick Hugh, Gentleman, born September 2, 1892J; (2) Ralph Henry Westropp, Gentleman, Civil Engineer, born April 23, 1864; (3) Francis Stamer Westrojjp, Gentleman, born February 10, 1867. Aj/rt/cf— Attyflin and Ballybronogue, in the county of Limerick ; Doonuss, Clonmoney, Moveens, and Killard, in the county of Clare. Postal address— h\y^- tiin, Patrickswell, county Limerick. RALPH HUGH WES TROPP, Gentleman, B.A. (Trin. Coll., Dublin), M.R.S..\. I. Horn .Aug. 26, 1844. Ix.-ing the third son of the late John Westropp, Esq. , J. P., of Atiyflin, in the co. of Limerick, and Clonnioney, in the co. of Clare, by his first wife Georgina Wilhelmina, second dau. of Col. George William .Stanu-r of Carnelly, in the co. of Clare, and Mary Westn>p|) his wife, l.iirry- Dark bluL-, turned back with red. Armorial bearings Sable, a lion ram- pant ermine, ducally crowned or. langued and armed gules. Mantling sable [and argent. Crest— On a wreath of the colouis, a falcon's head ermine issuant ftom a ducal coronet. Motto — " Je me tourne vers I'occident." Married, Oct. 2, 1879, Henrietta Jane, dau. of Henry Vereker of The Cres- cent, Limerick (and his wife Jane, dau. of Richard John Stacpoole of Edenvale, co. Clare). Seat — Springfort, co. Limerick. THOMAS JOHNSON WESTROPP, Gentleman, M.A. (Trin. Coll., Dublin) 1885, M.R.I. A., F.R.S..-\.I., Librarian and Curator to Royal Society of Antiquaries of Ireland, on the Senate of the University of Dublin, and on Council of Royal Irish .Academy. Rorn .Aug. 16, i860, being the fifth son of the late John Westropp, Esq., J. P., of Attyflin, in the CO. of Limerick, and Clonnioney, in the eo. of Clare, by his second wife Charlotte Louisa, eldest dau. of Lieut. - Gen. Sir Thomas Whitehead, K.C.B., of Uplands Hall, Lancashire. Livery — Dark blue, turned back with red. Armorial bearings— (Juarterly i and 4, sable, a lion ram- pant ermine, ducally crowned or, langued and armed gules. Mantling sable and argent (for Westropp) ; 2 and 3 argent, on a fesse gules, between three popinjays \ert, collared and memljered of the second, as many escallops of the field (for Thweng). Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a falcon's head ermine. Motto — "Je me tourne vers I'occident." Postal addresses—yj Lower Leeson .Street, Dublin ; Royal Dublin Society, Kildare Street. S FRANCIS WALTER WESTROPP- DAWSON, Esquire, J. P., late Lieut. 4lh Batt. East Surrey Regt. Born 1859, being the eldest son of the late Walter Montiford Leland Westropp-Dawson of Charlesfort (who assumed the surname and arms of Dawson by Royal License in 1859), ^"d his wife Laura Felicia Susan, youngest dau. of the late Sir William Clay, ist Bart., M.P. t7«(>— Carlton. Aimorial bearings Quarterly i and 4, azure, on a bend between two estoiles or, three daws sable (for Dawson) ; 2 and 3 sable, a lion rampant argent, ducally crowned or, in the dexter chief point an annulet of the last (for Westropp). Mantling azure and or ; and for his Crests, 1. upon a wreath of Itie colours, on clouds proper, an estoile as in the arms, anescroU above, with the Motto, " Toujoiirs propice" (for Dawson) ; 2. upon a wreath of the colours, an eagle's head couped ermine, charged with an annulet gules (for Westropp). Motto — "Tourne vers I'occident." Married, 1889, Charlotte, only surviving child of the late John Crichton Gray, Esq., J. P., of Upton, co. Carlow ; and has Issue — (i) Walter Henry Montiford Westropp- Dawson, Gentleman, b. 1893 '< (2) Robert Gray Westropp- Dawson, Gentleman, ^. 1895 ; and Laura Frances. Seats — — Charlesfort, Ferns, co. We.xford ; Upper Bagnalstown, CO. Carlow. WEST WOOD, quartered by CH.AFY-CHAFY. The Editor undertakes tbat every entry not in italics is that of a genuinely armigerous person. 874 mfja mf^i S]OWS THOMAS WHARTON, Ksquiie, Justice of tlie IVace ami J Jeimty- Lieutenant for /T/fUlsSff-rtn 'l^*^ North Riding of the county of York. UAUUn^^lJil /l,»f/ Marcli o, 1809, being the eldest son of thi- Reverend William W'iiarton, Vicar of (iilliiig, by his wife Charlotte, emimioiilv icnown as the Honourable Charloue, second daughter of the Right Honourable Thomas Dundas, first Baron Dundas. Ciuis — Brooks's, Oxford and Cambridge, Yorkshire (York). I.iverv — Claret coat, crimson waistcoat, with silver buttons. Armorial bearings—He bears for Arms : Sable, a maunch argent. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling sable and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a bull's head erased argent, armed or, crined sable. Married, December 7, 1854, Charlotte, eldest daughter of Henry Walter Yeoman of Woodlands, in the county of York, by his wife Margaret Bruce, commonly known as Lady Margaret Bruce, daughter of the Right Honourable the first Earl of Zetland ; and by her (who died April 6, 1892) has Issue — A son and heir, William Henry Anthony Wharton, Esquire, Justice of the Peace, born November 14, 1859 [married, July 20, 1888, Emily Harriott, second daughter of the Reverend C. B. Yeoman, Vicar of Manfield, in the county of York]. Estates — Skelton in Cleveland, and Gilling, in Richmondshire, both in the North Riding of the county of York. Postal address — Skelton Castle, Skelton in Cleveland. EDWARD GALTON WHELER, Esquire, Justice of the Peace for the county of Northumber- 7C^\\\M^Y l^"*^' Commissioner to the Duke of North- VLVUlJvlvt umljerland. Born June 12, 1850, being the eldest son of the late Edward Wheler, Esquire, Justice of the Peace for the county of Warwick, by his wife Elizabetli Anne, daughter of the late Samuel Tertius Gallon of Duddeston, in the county of Warwick. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Or, a chevron between three leopards' faces sable, and impaling the arms of Dugdale, namely ermine, a cross moline gules between four hurts. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet be- fitting his degree, with a mantling sable and or; and for his Crest, out of a ducal coronet or, an eagle displayed gules. Married, 1890, Mary Louisa, daughter of the late James Dugdale, Esquire, of Wro.xall Abbey, in the county of Warwick. Postal address — Swansfield House, Alnwick. THOMAS WHEWELL, Gentleman. Born June 28, 1840, being the second son of the late Richard Whewell of Blackburn, by his wife Ellen, daughter of Willinm Crabtree of C!ayton-le-Moors, Lancashire. Clubs — Conservative (Blackburn). [ Avery — Blue with yellow facings. Armo- lial bearings — Vair6 argent and gules, on a bend cottised sable, a crescent or, between two Diana's heads crined and horned of the first. Mantling gules and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a wyvern, wings elevated proper, gorged with a collar gemel or, supporting with the dexter leg a torch erect sable, fired also proper. Motto — "For faith and for fatherland." Married, July 7, 1864, Mary Ann, second daughter of Councillor James Briggs of Black- & is tbe Military Cockade. burn ; and has Issue — William Briggs Whewell, Gentleman, /'. Oct. 15, 1872; Marianne [w. Rev. E. J. Wood, B.A., Vicar of Whiston, Prescot] ; Medora ; Louise; and Nellie. Residence — Wyvillstead, Langho, near Blackburn. ARTHUR EDWARD WHIELDON, Esquire, of Wyke Hall, in the county of Dorset, Justice of ^yTi)U|jj,l>||^|.» the Peace for the county of Denbigh. UAltljlvlUUll Born May 2, 1820, being the second but eldest surviving son of the late George W^hieldon, Esquire, of Springfield House, in the county of Warwick, and of The Grove, in the county of Hampshire, Justice of the Peace for the counties of Stafford, Warwick, and Northampton, and Deputy - Lieutenant of the first, High .Sheriff for the county of Warwick 1847, by his second wife Mary, third daughter of the late Richartl Brettell of Finstall House, and of .Stourbridge, in the county of W^or- cester. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arm's: Gules, on a chevron argent, between three pears stalked and leaved or, as many crosses sable, a chief ermine, thereon a lion passant of the fourth. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, upon a mount vert, between two branches of oak proper, a fer-de-moline fesseways sable, thereon perched a parrot vert, collared gules, holding in the dexter claw a pear stalked and leaved also proper. Motto — "Virtus pntstantior auro. " Married, 1862, Helena, daughter and co-heiress of John Ratcliffe of The Grange, Leyland, in the county of Lancaster ; and by her (who died 1889) has Issue — Frances Mary ; Georgina ; Eveline Annie ; Eleanor Marguerite ; and Cecile Violet. Seats — Wyke Hall, near Gillingham, in the county of Dorset ; Ashe Grange, Farnham, in the county of Surrey. Residence — Lillington, Leamington. AMY OCTAVIA WHINYATES, Spinster, only daugh- ter of the late Major-General Frederick K7i\\\\V\WiXi'tfti ^^ 'll'fi^m Whinyates, bv his wife Sarah \lXX\}i\\^tX\\,^ Marianne, daughter of Charles Whalley of Stow-on- Wold. Armorial bear- ings are, upon a lozenge : Quarterly i and 4, paly of six or and azure, a border gobony of the first and gules, on a chief ermine, a lion passant gules, between two spurs, rowels upwards, gold (for Whinyates) ; 2. sable, a stag's head caboshed between two Haunches argent (for I'arker) ; 3. vert, three horses courant argent, bridled or (for Frye). Postal address — Cheltenham. ^m is tbe Naval Cockade. rati rati 875 iEVEREND EDWARD HliNRY WHINVATES, Clerk in Holy Orders, Bachelor of Arts of the University of Oxford, Rector of Fretherne, Stonehouse, in the county of Gloucester. Born 1835, teing the second son of the late Major-General Frederick William Whinyates, by his wife Sarah Marianne, daughter of Charles Whalley of Stow-on- Wold. Armorial beaxings — He Ijears for Arms : Quarterly I and 4, |)aly of six or and azure, a bordure gobony of the hrst and gules, on a chief ermine, a lion passant gules, between two spurs rowels upwards gold (for Whinyates) ; 2. sable, a stag's head caboshed between two launches argent, bridled or (for Frye) ; and for his Crest, upon a wreatli of the colours, in front of an anchor erect sable, a cubit arm holding a sword proper, pommel and hilt or ; with the Motto, " Loyal en tout." Postal address — The Rectory, Fretherne, .Stonehouse, Gloucestershire. CoiONKL FRANCIS ARTHUR WHINYATES; served in Crimean Campaign, and has medal and clasp for Sebas- topol and Indian Mutiny, being present at battle of Cawn- pore, K.ala Nuddie, Kunkur, and the ca|)ture of the Fort of Sandn;. Horn Nov. 18, 1837, Ix-ing the third son of the late Major-General I-'rederick William Whinyates, by his wife Sarah Marianne, daughter of Charles Whalley of Stow-on- Wold. C/« A United Service. Livery — Blue and yellow. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arma : Quarterly i and 4, |)iily of six or and azure, a bordun- gobony of the first and gules, on a chief ermine, a lion passant gules, between two spur-rowels upwards gold (for Whinyates) ; 2. sable, a stag's head calxished Ijetween two Haunches argent (for Parker) ; 3. vert, three horses courant argent, bridled or (for Frye) ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, in front of an anchor erect sable, a cubit arm holding a sword proper, jjommel and hilt or; with the Motto, " Ixjyal en tout." Married, 'June 10, 1886, Emma .Sophia Caroline, daughter of Colonel Charles Bingham, Deputy-Adjutant- General of the Royal .Artillery. I'ostal address — Chaddes- den Moor, Derbyshire. H FREDERICK THOMAS WHINYATES. Esquire, W Major-General and I'acha, has Crimean War Medal with three clasps, and fifth cla.ss of the Order of the Med- jidie. Burn March 28, 1833, lieing the eldest son of the late Major-General Frederick William Whinyates, by his wife Sarah Marianne, daughter of Charles Whalley of Stow-on- Wold. Club — United Service. Livery — Blue coat and waistcoat, gilt buttons. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Quarterly i and 4, paly ot six or and azure, a bordure gobony of the first and gules, on a chief ermine, a lion passant gules, between two spurs rowels upwards gold (for Whinyates) ; 2. sable, a stag's head caboshed between two flaunches argent (for Parker); 3. vert, three horses courant argent, bridled or (for Frye) ; and for a Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, in front of an anchor erect sable, a cubit arm holding a sword proper, pommel and hilt or; with the Motto, " Malignum spernere vulgus." Married, July 30, 1872, Constance Georgina, fifth daughter of Matthew Bell, Esquire, of Bourne Park, Canterbury, Justice of the Peace and Deputy-Lieutenant for the county of Kent. Estate — Property in Cumberland. Postal ad- dress — Dorset Villa, Cheltenham. S BENJAMIN INGHAM WHITAKER, Esquire, of Hesley Hall, in the county of Notting- K^\\\\\i\\y^Y '^^"^' 1^'*^ Lieutenant ist West York VLVLlvlvCtHvl. Yeomanry Cavalry, Justice of the Peace and Deputy-Lieutenant for the county of Nottingham (High .Sheriff 1893), and Justice of the Peace for the West Riding of the county of York. Born August 16, 1838, being the eldest son of the late Joseph Whitaker of Hesley, by his wife Eliza Sophia, only daughter of William Sanderson. Club — Conservative. Livery — Blue with silver facings. Armorial bearings- Per pale argent and azure, a chevron embattled between three mascles counterchanged. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling azure and argent ; .and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a horse passant argent, gorged with a collar gemel, and rest- ing the dexter foreleg on a mascle azun\ Motto — " Spes et fides." Married, January 26, 1871, Caroline Lucy, only daughter of Frederick William Hudson of Scar- borough, in the county of York. i'ta/— Hesley Hall, Tickhill, Rothcrham. WILLIAM HENRY WHITAKER, Esquire, Justice of the Peace for the counties of Salop and Montgomery. Born September 22, 1833, being the third son of James Whitaker of liroadclough, in the parish of Whalley, in the county of Lancaster, by his wife Harriet, youngest daughter of John Ormerod of Bankside, in the county oj Lancaster. Armorial bearings as used are for Arms : Sable, a fesse between three mascles argent. Crest — Out of a ducal coronet a slag's head. These arms (but with a different crest) were confirmed in xdTj to Henry Whitaker of Motcombe, in the county of Dorset, but no right to them has been established in the College of Arms by the above- mentioned William Henry Whitaker. Married, July i, 1873, .\fa>y, daughter of William John Bovile, Esquire, one of Her Majesty's Counsel Learned in the Law ; and has Issue — William Harold Boi'ile Whitaker, Esquire, born July 18, 1878; and Winifred Bovile. Estate and postal address — Totterton, Lydbury, North Shropshire. CHARLES JOSEPH SOFER WHITBURN, Gentle- man, of Addington Park, in the county K!Ti'{\{f\y\\X'n °^ Kent, Lord of the Manors of UALXIJilUUlll Addington and Trotter.scliffe in that county. Born November 24, 1836, being the only son of the late Charles Whitburn, Gentle- man, by his wife Mary Ann, only daughter and heiress of Jo.seph .Sofer. Club — Conservative. A/'-r/y— Dark green, with brass buttons; yellow and black striped vest. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms: Azure, a lion ranijiant argent, holding between the paws a bezant, on a chief or, between two mullets of six points of the first, a pale gules, thereon two swords in saltire proper. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling azure and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, an eagle's head erased azure, holding in the beak a bezant, and charged on the neck with a nmllet of six points argent. Motto — " \'irtu difficilia vicit." Married, October 1863, Fanny, daughtei of John Hales of Malvern House, in the county of Surrey ; and by her has Issue — Charles William Sofer Whitburn, Cientleman, Second Lieutenant West Kent Queen's Own Yeomanry, born June 29, 1867 ; and Mary Florence [married 1889]. /:.r/'(?/^— .Addington Park, West Mailing, in thecounty of Kent. Postal address — 16 Ennismore Gardens, S. W. WHITE, see ANNALY, BANTRY, DALRYMPLE- WHITE, and JERVIS-WHITE-JERVIS. EDWARD EGERTON WHITE, Gentleman (assumed name and arms of White by Royal Licence, July 26, 1897). Born 1876, being the son of Egerton Leigh, Esq., of High Leigh, and his second wife Violet Cecil Mary, second dau. of Col. Alfred Tipijinge of Longparish House, Whitchurch, Hants. Armorial bearings— t^)uarterly i and 4, gules an The Editor undertakes that every entry not in italics is that of a genuinely armlgerous person. S76 m\)i mf)i anmilui 01, within .1 lH>i\\C^X\ the Peace for'the East and West Ridings \^KX\J\\X\yK%X\i of the countv of York, and Captain in Yorkshire Hussars, 1880 -1883. Born June 3, 1833, being the third and only sundvin^ son of Whitehead, Esquire, Justice of the Peace, of Selby, by his wife Eliza, daughter of James Andus, Esquire, Deputy- Lieutenant and Justice of the Peace, of Selby. CXwhs— Junior Carlton, Hurlingham and Yorkshire. X^wcry— Claret edged with red, and red -waistcoat. Armorial bearings as used, but for which no authority has been established in the College of Arms, are /i'<»/// May 30, 1830, being the VounRor hut only surviving son of liic late William Horton Lloyd, possessor of estates in the counties of York, Lan- caster, and Derby, by his wife Mary, fourth and yt)ungest daughter of George Whitelocke of Seymour Place, Bryan- ston S(|uare. London, and l'"ortoiseau, near Paris (a great- grandson of Sir Hulstrode XV'hitelocke) ; and assumed by Royal License, 1880, the additional surname and arms of Whitelocke. Armorial bearings He tears for Arms : (,,)uarterlv i and 4 (for W'hitelock-Lloytl), counterquanered i.^and iii'i. , argent three lions dormant in pale sable (for Llovd) ; ii. and iii. azure, a chevron engrailed between three eaglets close or (for Whitelocke) ; 2. azure, a chevron en- grailed Ixnween three eaglets close or (for Whitelocke) ; 3. argent on a bend gules, three stags' heads caboshed or (for Ue la Ik'che) ; and impaling the arms of Butler, namely or, a chief indented az.ure, a crescent for difference. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet Ijefitting his degree, with a mantling sable and argent ; and for his Crests, I. upon a wreath of the colours, a demi-arm in scale armour, the hand naked proper, cuffed or, grasping a lizard vert (for Lloyd) ; 2. upon a wreath of the colours, on a tower vaire, argent and gules, an eaglei, wings en- dorsed or; motto over, " Quodcunq evenerit optimum." (for Whitelocke). Mottoes— " Ar ol gwaith gorphvys," and " Pwy vaeddia ny deffro. " A/arni-d, firstly, Sept. 14, 1854, Selina Jane, dau. of Arthur Henry of Lodge Park, in the county of Kildare; and by her (who died Jan. 11. i860) has /.M//e'— William Whitelocke Wliitelocke-Lloyd, Gentle- man, late Lieutenant 24th Regiment, born May 5. 1856 [married. June 25, 1885, Catherine Anna Mona, dau. of the Very Reverend Henry William Brougham, Doctor of Divinity, Dean of Lismore ; and has. Percy Gamaliel Whitelocke-Lloyd, Gentleman, born August 7, 1890 ; and Winifred Lucy Selina] ; Eveline Selina ; Aug^usta Frances Jane ; and Selina Mary. He married secondly, Feb. 7, 1861, Anne Margaret, commonly known as Lady Anne Margaret, second dau. of the Right Hon. Richard Somer- set Butler, third Earl of Carrick. Seats — Strancally Castle, Villierstown, in the county of Waterford ; Buttevant Castle, in the county of Cork. ROBERT WHITGREAVE, Gentleman. Born March 12, 1855, being the eldest son of the late Francis Whit- greave, Esquire, J. P., D.L. , of Moseley Court, by his wife Teresa, seventh dau. of Sir Edward Mostyn of Talacre. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Azure, on a cross quarterly pierced or, four chevrons gules, with an honour- able augmentation, a chief argent, thereon a rose gules, irradiated gold, within a wreath of oak proper. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling azure and or ; and for his Crests, out of a ducal coronet gules, a demi-antelope or ; and another of augmen- tation, namely, out of a ducal coronet a sceptre in pale or, surmounted by a branch of oak proper, and a rose gules, slipped in saltire also proper. Motto—" Regem defendere victum." Married Marian Clare, dau, of John Leadbitter Smith of Flass Hall, in the county of Durham ; and has Issue — (i) Henry Egerton Whitgreave, Gentleman, born Sept. 20. 1881 ; (2) Robert Francis Whitgreave, Gentleman, born July 1, 1885; (3) John Lockley Joseph Whitgreave, Gentleman, born March 14. 1889 ; and Mildred Dorothy Mary. Seat — Moseley Court, near Wolverhampton. Residence — Weston-super-Mare. WHITMORE, see WOLRYCHE-WHITMORE. ADELAIDE ANNA WHITMORE, Widow, younger daughter and co-heir of the late Francis Darby, Gentleman, of Colebrooke Dale, by his wife Hannah, only child and heir of John Grant of Leighton Buzzard. Livety—B\3.ck. Armorial bearings are, upon a lozenge : Vert, fretty or, and upon an escutcheon of pretence the arms of Darby, namely, per chevTon embattled azure and erminois, three eagles displayed, two and one, each charged on the breast with an escallop all counterchanged. Married, April 15. 1852, Henry Whitmore, Esquire, Deputy-Lieu- tenant for the county of Salop, who died without issue, 1876, Town residence— 68 Eaton Place, S.W. £sfaie and postal address — Sunnyside, Colebrooke Dale, Shropshire. THOMAS CHARLES DOUGLAS WHITMORE Esquire, J.P. and D.L. (High Sheriff for Leicester 1875)^ ^ is the Military Cockade. (Klftitmotre late Capt. Royal Horse Guards. Born May 26. 1839. Ijeing the elder son of the late Thomas Charlton Whitmore, Esq., M.P. ; by his wife Lady Louisa Anne Douglas, eldest dau. of Rt. Hon. Charles, fifth Marquess of Queensl)erry. Clubs — Carlton, Boodle's. Armorial bearings— Vert, fretty or. Mantling vert and or. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a f.dcon sitting on the stump of a tree with a branch springing from the de.xter side all proper. Married, May it , 1867, Louisa Margaret Emily, fifth dau. of Sir William (,'radock-Hartopp, third Bart., of Four Oaks Park.co. War- wick ; and has liad Issue — Francis Henry Douglas Charlton Whitmore, Gentleman, d. April 20, 1872 ; Mildred Louisa Lucy ; and Ethel Mary Alberta. .S'ew/— Orsett Hall, Essex. Residence — o. Lowndes Square. WHITNEY, quartered by DE TRAFFORD. Sir BENJAMIN WHITNEY, Knight Bachelor (1897), J.P. for CO. Roscommon, Clerk of the Crown and Peace for CO. Mayo. Born 1833, Club — Constitutional. Armorial bearings — Azure, a cross chequy or and sable, in the dexter quarter a cross crosslet argent. Mantling azure and or. Crest — Upon a wreath of the colours, a bull's head couped sable, armed argent, tipped gules, gorged with a collar chequy or and sable, and charged on the neck with a cross crosslet argent. MottO— " Magnanimiter crucem sustine." Married, i860, Annabella, dau. of the late Isaac North- Bomford. Esq., J.P. . of Ferrans House, co. Meath. Postal addresses — 29 Upper Fitzwilliam Street, Dublin ; 5 Royal Marine Terrace, Bray, co. Wicklow. Rev. ROBERT YATES WHYTEHEAD, M.A., Clerk in Holy Orders, J.P. A'. Riding of co. York and for the CO. of Durham. Born July 28, 1846, being the second but eldest surviving son of Henry Yates W'hytehcad, Esq., M.D., J. P. , of Cray he, Yorks. Armorial bearings as used, but for which 710 authority has been officially established, are f>r Arms — Azure, a fesse argent, between three fleurs-de-lis or. Crest — A fox sejant argent. Married, Jan. 18. 1883, Alice . dau. of James Anderson ; and has Issue — Lucy Marv. Estate— O-oyy^iT, N.R. York. Postal address— Caw/.w'// Vicarage, Don caster. HENRY LAMPLUGH WICK HAM, Esquire, late Capt. Rifle Brigade, J.P. for Hants and Warwickshire. Born Feb. 19, 1838, being the second son of the late Henry Louis Wickham, Esq., of Binsted-W'yck. Receiver-General W is the Naval Cockade. mic OTig f79 of Gibraltar, Chairman of the Unilerl Boards of Stamps and Taxes 1838-48, l)y his wife Lucy, youngest dnu. of William Markhim of Bccca Hall, co. York, and grand-d.iu. of William Markham, D.D., Archbishop of York. Armorial bearings — Ermine, on a bordure engrailed gules, eiijht mul- lets cr. Motto — "Manners niakyth man." Married, Feb. 24, 1873, Hon. Teresa Mary Josephine dau. of Rt. lion. Henry Benedict, eleventli Haron Annidell of Wardour, and widow of Sir Alfred Joseph Doughty Tichborue, eleventh Bart. She died Sejn. 17, 1895, leaving Issue — (i) WilUiam Joseph Wickham, Gentleman, b. Nov. 5, 1874 ; (2) Lewis Cyril Wickham, Gentlenian, h. April 14, 1877 ; d. Nov. 18, i88o, (3) Cyril Henry Wickham, Gentleman, b. May 25, 1878; and Cecily Mary \in. Frederick William Alfred Herbert Gillett]. Residence— GEORGE EDMUND WICKSTED, Esq., J. P. for Salop and Cheshire. Born Feb. 4, 1836, being the eldest .son of the late Charles Wicksled, Esq. , of Betley I lall, J. P. , I ligh Sheriff co. Chester 1822, by his wife Mary (_ harlolte, 3rd dau. of Edmond Meyscy Wigley. Armorial bearings — Quarterly i and 4, chequy argent and azure, on a chevron engrailed or, three anchors sable, a chief gules, charged with a lion passant of the first (for Toilet) ; 2 and 3 argent, on a lx;nd azure, between three crows sable, beaked and legged gules, as many garbs or (for Wicksted) ; and im- paling the arms < >f Blount, namely, barry nebuly of si.\ or and sable. Mantling azure and argent ; and (or his Crests, 1. u|)on a wreath of the colours, two serpents proper issuing from and round a garb or ; 2. upon a wreath of the colours, a pyramid erected on a pedestal of one degree argent, the top entwined by a serpent descending proper respecting an escroll, with the Motto, " I'rudentia in adversis." Married, Jan. 10, 1878, Margaret Mary Theresa, youngest dau. of Sir Edward Blount, 8th Bart., of .Sodington, co. Worcester. 5m/— Betley Hall, Newcastle-under-Lynie. WIGAN. Baron, see CRAWFORD. Sir FREDERICK WIGAN. Knight Richelor, Justice of the Peace for the counties of London and Surrey, Deputy- Wjgan, Esquire, of Clare House, near Maidstone, Justice of the Peace for the county of Kent, by his wife Eliza- beth Pratt, daughter of William Lewis of Lyon House, .Stamford Hill, and dubbed Knight Bachelor 1894. Clubs — Junior Carlton, St. Stephen's, Magistrates'. Livery — • Coat green and brass buttons ; trousers black ; waistcoat green and yellow stripes ; brown overcoat. Armorial bear- ings — He bears for Arms : Vair, on a pile or, a mnunt in base vert, thereon a mountain ash-tree proper ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, ujjon a mount a mountain ash-tree, surmounted by a rainbow all proper. Motto — " Carpe diem." Married, April 25, 1857, Mary Harriet, daughter of Joseph Blunt of \Vcst Park, Kew, and Austin- friars, London, Solicitor; and has Issue — (i) Frederick William Wigan, Esquire, born March 15, 1859 [mar- ried Elizabeth .Xdair, daughter of Lieutenant-Colonel Grey, formerly 37th I-'oot i ; (2) Arthur Lawford Wigan, lis- quire, born April 27, r868 ; (3) Edgar Clare Wigan, Es- quire, tjorn November 28, 1876 ; Amy Mary ; Katherine ; Ellen Mary; l'".thel Harriet [married Egerton Spencer Grey, third son of Lieutenant-Colonel Grey] ; and Con- stance Harriet. Estates — Clare Lawn, Upper Sheen, in the county of Surrey ; Purand Chase, Ross, in the county of Hereford. Postal address - Oare l^awn. Upper Sheen, S.W. Till". Ri-,v. HERBERT WIGAN, M.A. O.xon. Bor/i 1862, being the third Init eldest surviving son of the late Reverend .Mfred Wigan, M..A., Rector and r\atron of Luddesdowne, Kent, by Emilie Thai, daughter and co- heiress of Francis Holies Brandrani, I'Lsq. , J. P., of Tun- bridge Wells. I.ivery — Blue and white. Armorial bear- ings—He hears for Arms : (,)uarterly 1 and 4, vair on a pile Lieutenant, and High Sheriff 1894. for the county of Surrey. Born October 4, 1827, l)eing the fifth son of John Alfred or, a mount in base vert, thereon a mountain ash-tree proper (for Wigan) ; 2 and 3 azure, a pile wavy ermine between two bees volant or(for Brandram). Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling azure and argent ; and for his Crest, on a wreath of the colours, upon a mount a mountain ash-tree, suimountcd by a rainbow all proper ; with the Motto—" Carpe Diem. ' Estales—Crahiree Farm, Staplehurst, Barton's Grave, and Bogden Farms, Marden ; lands in Romney Marsh and in Luddesdowne, all in the county of Kent. Postal address— 'LnAdcsAovine, Kent. WILLIAM LEWIS WIGAN, Esquire, B.A. Oxon., J.P. for Kent, Lord of the Manor of Powers Hall, Essex. Bortt July 14, 1853, being the eldest son of the Rev. William Lewis Tlie Editor undertakes that every entry not in italics is that of a genuinely armigerous person. S8o miQ WiR.-iM of Clnrc I louse, KciU. and X'icarof l'"ast Mallins^, I)y Caroline Ran>s;iv, third daiijijliter of Aretas Akcrs of Mail- ing AhUy. Kent, /.rrrv Hhic and white. Armorial bear - ixigB - He bears for Anns : V'air, on a pile or a mount in base vert, thereon a mountain ash-tree jMoper, and impaling the arms of Carr, namely gules, on a chevron cotised be- tween three annulets argent, as many estoiles of six points sable. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling azure and argent ; and for his Crest, on a wreath of the colours, upon a mount a mountain ash- tree surmounted by a rainbow all proper, with the Motto, " Carpe IJiem." Married, October 19, 1893, Laura, second- daughter of the Rev. Thomas William Carr, f-iector of Bar- ming, Kent, and of Eshott Heugh, Northumlx>rland ; and has Issue— {\) William Lewis \\igan. Gentleman, born October 24, 1895; (2) John Alfred Edmund Wigan, Gentle- man, b. May 21, 1897 ; and Harriet. AV/fl/ra— Clare House, East Mailing, Kent ; Powers Hall, ICsse.x. Postal address— Clare Cottage, East Mailing, Maidstone. WIGGETT, quartered by BULWER-LYTTON. THOMAS ANDREW WIGHT-BOYCOTT, Gentle- man, of Rudge Hall, in the MAUIJJDV iLU^l-UVV Queen's Own Royal Stafford- shire Yeomanry. Born .August S, 1872, Iwing the eldest son of the late Cathcart Boycott Wight-Boycott, Esquire, of Rudge Hall, in the county of Salop, Justice of the Peace and Deputy- Lieutenant for that county, Justice of the Peace for the county of Stafford, formerly Captain Queen's Own Royal Staffordshire Yeo- manry Cavalry ; [assumed the additional surname and arms of Boycott, by Royal License, in 1886, under the will of his maternal grandfather]; by his wife Elizabeth, youngest daughter of George Grazebrook of Pednmre, in the county of Worcester. C////^— Wellington. Armorial bearings- He bears for Arms : Quarterly i and 4, gules on a chief argent, three grenades fired proper (for Boycott); 2 and s azure, a chevron ermine, between two bears' heads erased & is the Military Cockade. mil in chief argent, muzzled gules, and a cock in base or (for Wight). Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules and argent ; and for his Crests, I. issuant from a mural crown gules, an arm em- bowed in armour, the hand in a gauntlet grasping a grenade fired proper (for Boycott) ; 2. upon a wreath of the colours, out of the battlements of a tower sable, a bear's head argent, muzzled gules, charged on the neck with a mascle also sable (for Wight). Motto — " Pro Rege et religione. " Married, July 1894, Anne Catherine, daughter of the late Reverend J. Nlorgan, Rector of Llandudno ; and has Issue — Millieent Anwyl. Estates — Boycott, in the parish of Pontesbury ; the Manor of Rudge and other property in Pattingham, .Ship- ley, &c., all in the county of Salop. Postal address — Rudge Hall, Pattingham, near Wolverhampton. epigram M.\J()k-Genkr.\l GODFREY JAMES WIGRAM. Companion of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath. Boru 1836, being the son of the late Right Honourable Sir James Wigram, by his wife Anne, daughter of Richard Arkwright of Willersley Castle, in the county of Derljy. Clubs — Guards', United Service. Armorial bear- ings — He bears for Arms : Argent, on a pale gules, three escallops or, over all a chevron engrailed counterchanged, and on a chief waves of the sea thereon a ship representing an English vessel of war of the sixteenth century with four masts, sails furled proper, colours flying gules. Upon the escutcheon, from which is pendent his badge as a Com- panion of the Most Honourable Order of the liath, is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, on a mount vert, a hand in armour in fesse, couped at the wrist proper, charged with an escallop, holding a fieur-de-lis erect or. Postal address^z Sydney Place, Onslow Square, S.W. WILD, see BAGNALL-WILD. EDWARD GODFREY WILDE, Esquire. Born. Nov. 18, 1867, being the eldest son of the lale Lieut. -Gen. Sir Alfred Tliomas Wilde. K.C.B., C.S.I., A.D.C. to the Queen, Member Indian Council (brother of Lord Penzance and nephew of Lord Truro), by his wife lillen Margaret, third dau. and co-heiress of Col. Godfrey Thomas Greene, C.B. Armorial bearings — Quarterly i and 4, ermine, on a cross sable, a plate, on a chief of the second, three martlets argent (for Wilde); 2 and 3 vert, three stags trippant or, each gorged with a ducal coronet gules. Mantling sable and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, on a mount vert, a stag lodged proper, in the mouth a rose gules, slipped vert. Motto — "Veritas victrix." Postal address — The Red Cottage, Upper Sydenhani. S.E. D.\MK ELLEN MARGARET WILDE, commonly called Lady Wilde, third dau. and co-heir of the late Col. Godfrey Thomas Greene. C. B. , R.E. , of Kirby Cane, Norfolk, and of Harriett Elliott his wife, dau. of William W. Cowell, lisq., Civil and Session Judge in India. Armo- rial bearings are, upon a lozenge — Ermine, on a cross sable, a piate, on a chief of the second three martlets argent (for Wilde) ; and upon an escutcheon of pretence the arms of Greene, namely vert, three stags trippant or, each gorged with a ducal coronet gules. Married, Aug. 6, 1866. Lieut.-Gen. Sir Alfred Tiiomas Wilde. K.C.B., C.S.I.. A.D.C. to the Queen, and Member of the Indian Council (brother of Lord Penzance and nephew of Lord Truro), who died Feb. 7. 1878 ; of this marriage there is Issue — Four sons and one daughter. Residence — The Red Cottage, Upper Sydenham, London, S.E. FREDERICK WILDER, Esquire, of Purley Hall, and Sulham, in the county of Berkshire, Justice ^fTt llfiri* '^^ ^^^ Peace. Born July 2, 1832, being the VlALlllUtt oldest son of the Reverend Henry Watson Wilder of Purley Hall, Rector of Sulham, by his wife Augusta, sister of Sir Charles Joshua Smith, second Baronet, of Suttons. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Gules, from a fesse or, charged with two barrulets azure, a demi-lion rampant issuant of the second. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with M is the Naval Cockade. ma a manlliiig gules and or; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a savage's head affronliie couped at the shoulders, the temples entwined with woodbines all proper. Motto—" Virtuti niosniacedant." Married, firstly, Novem- ber, 30, 1861, Sarah Fox (who died 1871), second daughter of Sir Benjamin Hawes, Knight Commander of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, Under Secretary of Stale for the War Department. He married secondly, 1873, Augusta Dorothea (who died January 7, 1892), eldest daughter of Arthur Currie of Connaught Place, Hyde Park. 6V«/j— I'urley Hall, and Sulhani House, Reading, in the county of Berkshire. TiiK Rkvkrkni) EDWARD JOHN PAUL WILKINS- LEIR, Clerk in Holy Orders, Bachelor of Arts of the University of Cambridge. Horn 1835, being the only son of the Reverend Edward Wilkins, Master of .'^rts. Justice of the Peace for the county of Norfolk, by his wife Mary, second daughter of Thomas Leir, Esquire, Justice of the Peace, Bachelor of Arts, of Jaggard's House, in the county of Wiltshire, and Weston, near Bath ; assumed by Royal License the additional surname and arms of Leir, i88i. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : (Quarterly i and 4, azure a fesse raguly between two unicorns' heads couped or, as many flaunches of the last (for Leir) ; 2 and 3 ermine, on a bend engrailed between two Ijoars pa.ssant sable, a rose between two martlets argent (for Wilkins). Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling azure and or ; and for his Crests, i. on a wreath of the colours, a imicorn's head couped or in front of a saltire raguly azure (for Leir) ; 2. on a wreath of the colours, upon a mount a trunk of a tree eradicated fesseways proper, thereon a boar jiassant regardant sable, pierced through the shoulder with an arrow in bend sinister also proper (for Wilkins). Estate at Weston. Postal address— Weston House, Weston, Bath. S Lieutenant-General Sir HENRY WILKINSON, K.C.D. (1897). served -with the q^th Foot throui;hout the Indian Mutiny Campaign 1857-59, including the assault and capture of Ro7ua, the siege and capture of Awar and Kotah, battle of Kotakascrai, assault and capture of Gusalior, siege^ and capture of Poiurie, battle of Becjapure and action of Koondrye, medal with clasp for Central India ; served in the Afghan War 1879-80, commanded the Cavalry Brigade in the march from Quetta to the relief of Kandahar, men- tioned in Despatches, medal and clasp; commanded the Buzdar Field Force, of all arms, in operations from Quetta to the Indies, thanked by Commander-in-Chief in India and by the Covernor-General in Council; commanded the Indian Cavaby Brigade in the Egyptian Expedition 1882, including the operations at Kassassin, reconnaissances before Tel-el- Kebir, the battle of Tel-el-Kebir, and subsequent pursuit, capture, and occupation of Cairo, mentioned in Despatches, medal and clasp; bronze star C.B. and second class of the Medjidie ; Brig.-Gen. Bengal, commanded in succession the Sangor, and Presidency (Calcutta) Districts, the Meerut, Raueal-Pindi, and Allahabad divisions of the Army 1882- 1887, Major-Gen. 1887, commanded the N.E. District of Eng- land 1891-94, Lieut.-Gen. 1894, Col. ^th Dragoon Guards from 1896, K.C.B. 1887. Born April 17, 1837, being the fifth son of Rev. Percival Spearman Wilkinson of Mount Os2uald in the co. of Durham, Clerk in Holy Orders, bv his u — Oxford and Cambridge. Livery — Dark blue coat, the collar and cuffs piped with white, red waistcoat. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Quarterly i, quarterly i. and iiii. vair, a lion rampant or between two roses in fesse argent, and an annulet of the second in base (for Jones) ; ii. and iii. argent, on a fesse gules, a cinquefoil erminois on a chief arched of the second, a demi-lion issuant ermine Vjetween two crosses pat6 fitch6 or (for Willding) ; 2. the same arms of Jones ; 3. gules, a fesse dancettee ermine between si.\ cross crosslets titch^e argent (for Longueville) ; 4. or, a maunch gules (for Hastings) ; 5. sable, a fesse argent between three cinque- foils or (for Hunt) ; 6. azure, an eagle displayed argent, sur- mounted by a bendlet gules (for Wolverton) ; 7. or, on a chief gules, two dexter hands couped at the wrist argent (for Man- felin) ; 8. gules, three roach naiant argent (for Roche) ; 9. per pale dancettee argent and sable (for l^ermingham) ; 10. azure, a Ijend lozengy or (also for Berrr.ingham) ; ir. quarterly, gules and or, in the first quarter a cross moline argent (for Middleton) ; 12. vert, three lions rampant argent (for Ward- wick) ; 13. sable, crusily litch(5e and three covered cups argent (foi Strivelin). Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling azure and argent ; and for his Crests, i. upon a wreath of the colours, in front of a talbot's head couped sable, collared vair, two roses argent, stalked and leaved [iroper (for Jones) ; 2. upon a wreath of the colours, in front of an oak-tree proper, fructed or, a dragon's head erased argent, holding in the ^ is the Military Cockade. WiW mouth a cross patte fitch^e gules; with the MottO — "Till then thus." Married, June 17, 1863, Catherine Anne, eldest surviving daughter of the late James Thomas Murray. W.S. , of Edinburgh ; and has Issue — (i) Charles Willding Willd- ing-Jones, Gentleman, Ijorn April 14, i864[ot. , Jan. 20, 1898, Florence, second dau. of the Rev. Canon Clarke Watkins Burton, Rector of Cliburn, Westmorland, and Mary Venetia, second dau. of the late Richard Heywood Jones, Esc|., of Badsworth Hall, I'ontefract] ; (2) Murray Willding Willding-Jones, Gentleman, born June 11, 1867; and Venetia Marie Willding. Estate and postal address — Hampton Hall, Malpas, Cheshire. EDMUND AUSTEN WILLETT, I'lsquire, Master ol Arts of the University of Cambridge, Justice of the l^eace for the county of Hampshire. Born October 12, 1840, being the eldest son of Edmund Willett, by his wife Louisa ^L'lr- garet, 7ii'e Elliott. Clubs — New University, Royal Victoria Yacht Club (Ryde). /,/Wv— Blue. Armorial bearings- He bears for Arms : I'er fesse argent and gules, two barru- lets between as many lions rampant in chief and a cat passant in Vjase, all counterchanged. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet beritting his degree, with a mantlini; gules and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of thr colours, upon a rock a moorcock regardant both proper, charged on the body with two fleurs-de-lis or, holding in tin- beak a sprig of heath also proper. Married, May 7, 1868, Marion, daughter of lidward Covey, Esquire, Justice of the Peace ; and has had Issue — (1) Victor John Austen Willett, Gentleman, born 1873; (2) Hubert Edmund Aus- ten Willett, Gentleman, deceased ; (3) Walter Glynn .Austen Willett, Gentleman, born 1878 ; and lithel Louisa Marian Austen. Postal address — Strathwell, Whitwell, Isle of Wight. FRANCIS WILLEY, Esquire, Major West Riding 0/ Yorks. Artille)y Vol. from 1888 to 1891, /.P. Notts, and CO. and bor. of Bradford, Lord of the Manors of Blyth and Barnby Moor, co. Notts. Born Feb. 27, 1841, being the fourth son of John Willey of Moor House, East Bicrley, and Mary Verity his wife, dau. of William Verity of East Bierley. (Jlubs— 67' .Stephen's, A'inirod, Bradford {Brad- ford), Union {Bradford). Livery — Dark blue, gilt buttons. Crest as used, but for which no authority has been estab- M is the Naval Cockade. ma lislxd, is— Out of a ducal coronet or, a reindeers head ermtnois. TAotXo—" A ni mum furiuna sei/uitur." Married, rail 883 Aujj. 10, 1880, Florence, dau. of Frederick Chiniwck. Seat —/ilylli Hall, Blyth, Rotherham. ARTHUR EDWARD WII.LIAMS. Esquire. Born August 20, 1832, Ijcing the fourth son fffflifftflmfll ^'^ ''^'^ '^'^ ^'"^ Wilham Williams of ViALtllliUllip Tregullow, in the county of Cornwall, and Heanton Court, in the county of Devon, first Baronet, Justice of the Peace and Deputy- Lieutenant for the county of Cornwall, for which county he served the office of High Sheriff in 1851, by his wife Caroline, younger daughter of Richard luiles of Eastdon House, in the county of Devon. Armorial bearings— He Ijears for Arms : \'air, three crescents or, two and one ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a demi- eagle displayed azure, winged sable, each wing charged with four tjezants; with the Motto, " Nil desperandum. " § ARTHUR OSMOND WILLIAMS, Esquire, Justice of the Peace and Deputy-Lieutenant Jor the counties of Merioneth and Carnan-n May 10, 1862, being the second son of the late Sir Frederick Martin Williams, second Baronet, Justice of the Peace and Deputy-Lieutenant for the county of Cornwall, by his wife Mary Chrislian, youngest daughter of the Reverend Robert Vanburgh Law, Master of .Arts, Rector of Christian Mal- ford, in the county of Wilisliire, and Prebendary and Treasurer of Wells. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Vair, three crescents or, two and one ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a demi-eagle displayed azure, winged sable, each wing charged with four bezants ; with the Motto, " Nil desperandum." The Honourable Sir HARTLE Y WILLIAMS, Knight Bachelor of the United Kingdom [so created by Letters Patent 1894), Senior Puisne Judge of the Supreme Court of tlie Colony of Victoria, Bac/ielor of Arts of tlie University of Oxford. Born October 15, 1843, being the second son of the Honourable the late Sir Edward Eyre Williams, Knight Baclielor, by his -wife Jessie, daughter of the Reveretid Charles Ciibbon of the Manse, Lonmay, in the county of Aberdeen. Clubs — Neiu University, Tlie Melbourne {Melbourne, Vic- toria). Livery — Dark blue, with brass buttons. Armorial bearings as used, but for which 710 authority has been established in the College of Arms, are for Arms: Gyronny of eight ermines and ermine, a lion rampant or. Crest — A talbot passant per pale ermine and or. Married, firstly, December 24, 1870, Edith Ellen, daughter of Commissary- General G. Home, late of the i^th Hussars and 12th Lancers ; and by her has Issue — (i) Hartley Eyre Williams, Esquire, born December 5, 1871 ; (2) George Herbert Williams, Es- quire, born January \(i, 1875; (2,) Edward Ertiest Williams, Esquire, born December 4, 1875 ; Edith Ethel; Muriel Maude. He married secondly, January 4, 1887, Jessie Bruce, eldest daughter of Thomas Acland Lawford of Kin- ellan, Wimbledon Common, and by her has — (4) Roy Bruce Williams, Esquire, born April 22, 1888 ; and Jessie Lilian. Estates — Staunton, in the county of Gloucester ; I'lete, near Melbourne, Australia. Postal address — Supreme Court, Melbourne, Australia. § HENRY HERBERT WILLIAMS, Esquire, ALA. of Wadhatn College (Oxon.), J.P. and D.L.for co. oj Anglesey (High Sheriff 1888). Born 1854, being the eldest son of the late Henty Owen Williams, Esq., J.P. and D.L. of Tre' Arddur and Tre' Castell, by Sarah, dau. of Robert Major Holborn of London. Club—Magistrates'. Livery — Green, with buff facings. Armorial bearings as used, but to which the right has not yet been officially established or ^ is the Military Cockade. mx\ recorded in the College of Arms, are — Quarlerly i and ^, gules, a chevron between three lions rampant or; 2 and -^verl, three eagles displayed fesseways or (for Owen). Crest— ^ lion ram- pant. Motto — " Afynoduwafydd." Married, 1896, il/a/7o« Gray Bensell. Estates and postal addresses — Tre' Castell, near Beaumaris ; and Tre' Arddur, near Holyhead. S HERBERT SCOTT WILLIAMS, Esquire, Justice of the Peace for the county of Dorset, Master of Arts of the University of Oxford, late Capt. ist (Oxford University) Volunteer Battalion the Oxfordshire Light Infantry, Capt. and Hon. Major ist Vol. Battalion the Dorsetshire Regiment. Born September 4, i860, being the second son of the late Montague Williams of Woolland House, near Blandford, in the county of Dorset, Justice of the Peace, Deputy-Lieu- tenant, Master of Arts of the University of Oxford, Fellow of the Royal Geographical Society, Fellow of the Society of Antiquaries, High Sheriff of Dorset 1878, by his wife Sophia Elisabeth, eldest daughter of the late Reverend L. Foot, Prebendary of Salisbury, Rector of Longbredy, in the county of Dorset, owner of Seskin Ryan, Carlow, and formerly of Holly Park, Wicklow, Ireland. C/«3— Dorset County (Dor- chester). Livery — Undress : green with red facings ; state : whitish drab with red facings. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Quarterly i and 4, argent a greyhound courant in fesse sable, between three Cornish choughs proper, within a bordure engrailed gules, charged with crosses pat^e and bezants alternately (for Williams) ; 2. gules, three stags' heads coupcd argent (for de la Lynde) ; 3. gules, three herrings haurient in fesse or (for Herring) ; 4. gules, three covered cups argent, a bordure or (for Argenton), Crest — A man's arm couped at the elbow, habited sable, charged with a cross patde or, holding in the hand proper an oak branch vert, fructed gold. Mottoes — " Nil solidium," " Tant que je puis." Estate and postal address — Rothesay House, Dorchester, Dorset. Honourable JOSHUA STRANGE WILLIAMS. M.A. , LL.M. Cambridge, Judge of the Supreme Court of New Zealand, and Chancellor of the University of Otago ; District Land Registrar, Canterbury, New Zealand, 1871-72 ; Registrar-General of Land under the Land Transfer Act, 1872-75 ; and appointed Puisne Judge of the .Supreme Court of New Zealand, 1875. Bom Sept. 19, 1837, being the eldest son of the late Joshua Williams of Lincoln's Inn, CO. Middlesex, Barrister-at-Law, Q.C. , author of " Williams on Real Property," and other well-known legal works, by his wife Lucy, only dau. of William Strange of Upton, West Ham, co. Essex. Armorial bearings— Argent, two chevronels engrailed sal)le, between three cocks gules, on a chief dancett^c of the second three spear-heads of the first. Mantling sable and argent. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a cubit arm vested or, charged with a pile sable, thereon three spear-heads argent, the cuff also or, the hand holding an oak branch slipped and fructed proper. Motto — " Deo adjuvante non timendum." Married, first, July 26, 1864, Caroline Helen, dau. of the late Thomas Sanctuary of Horsham, Sussex, England; and by her has had Issue — (i) Joshua Sanctuary Williams, Gentleman, b. March 8, 1870; (2) Beauclerc Williams, Gentleman, b. Feb. 23, 1872 ; (3) Norman Williams, Gentleman, b. March 30, 1873; (4) Cecil Williams, CJentleman, b. Jan. 30, 1875: Helen Lucy; Lilian (died in infancy) ; and Mary. He married secondly, Feb. 15, 1877, Amelia Durant, dau. of Thomas Wesley Jago of Dunedin, New Zealand ; and has Issue — Theodora ; Constance ; and Gwenda. Resi- dence — Anderson's Bay, Dunedin, Otago, New Zealand. MICHAEL WILLIAMS, Esquire, Master of Arts, Justice of the Peace for the county of Cornwall. Born January 10, 1839, being the sixth and youngest son of the late Sir William Williams of Tregullow, in the county of Cornwall, and Heanton Court, in the county of Devon, first Baronet, Justice of the Peace and Deputy-Lieutenant for the county of Cornwall, for which county he served the office of High .Sheriff in 1851, by his wife Caroline, younger daughter of Richard Eales of Eastdon House, in the county of Devon. Clubs — United University, Oxford and Cambridge, New University, Junior Carlton. Armo- rial bearings— He bears for Arms : Vair, three crescents or, two and one ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a demi-eagle displayed azure, winged sable, each wing charged with four bezants ; with the Motto, " Nil des- perandum." Postal address — 10 Old Burlington Street, W. ^1 is the Naval Cockade. mn ma 885 H MONTAGUE SCOTT WILLIAMS, Esquire, J. P. & for CO. of Dorset (High Sheriff 1894), Hon. Major Dorset Yeomanry. Born August 6, 1858, being the eldest son of the late Montague Wilhams, Esquire, Master of Arts, Justice of tlie Peace and Deputy-Lieutenant, Fellow of the Royal Geographical Society (died 1890), by his wife Sophia Elizabeth, eldest daughter of the late Reverend Lundy Foot, Rector of Longbredy, in the county of Dorset, Pre- bendary of Salisbury and Rural Dean, late of Holly Park, in the county of Dublin, and Seskin Ryan, in the county of Carlow, Ireland. C7//fi — United University. Livery — Undress: gruen with red facings; dress: white with Ijlack facings. Armorial bearings— He tears for Arms : Quar- terly I and 4, argent a greyhound courant in fesse sable, between three Cornish choughs proper, within a terdure engrailed gules, charged with crosses patde or and bezants alternately (for Williams) ; 2. gules, three stags' heads coupcd argent (for do la Lyndc) ; 3. gules, three lierrings haurient in fesse or (for Herring) ; 4. gules, three covered cups argent, a bordure or (for Argenton). Crest — A man's arm couped at the elbow, habited sable, charged with a cross pat(5e or, the hand proper, holding an oak branch vert, fructed gold. Mottoes — "Nil solidium ; " "Tant que je puis." Married, June 19, 1889, Audrey Mary, fourth daughter of Edward Leigh Kindersley of Clyffe, in the county of Dorset; and has Issue — (i) Charles Montague Williams, born June 9, 1890; (2) Edward Jeffery Williams, born January 28, 1892 ; (3) Rich.ard John Wil- liams, born June 17, 1893 ; (4) Herbert Farrer Williams, /;. June 2, 1895 ; (5) Raslileigh Henry Williams, b. June 2, 1897. Estate — WooUand. Postal address — WooUand House, near Hlandford, Dorset. § ROBERT AP HUGH WILLIA.MS, Esquire, Captain and Honorary Major Royal Anglesey Engineer Militia, Justice of the Peace and Deputy-Lieutenant for the county of Anglesey, High Sheriff 1884. Horn Ocloter 25, 1849, being the third son of Sir Hugh Williams, third Baronet, of Hod Elwyddan, in the county of Flint, who died 1876, by his wife Henrietta Charlotte, only daughter of .Sir \Vatkin Williams Wynne, fifth Baronet, of Wynnstay Rhuabon. C'/«^— Junior Carlton. Armorial bearings- He tears for Arms : Argent, two fo.xes counter-salient, the de.vter surmounted of the sinister gules, a crescent azure for difference ; with the MottO, " Y cadarn ar cyfrwys." F.states — Plasgwyn, in the parishes of Llanedwen, Llanidan ; Tregaian and Llaneugrad, in the county of Anglesey. Postal address— V\v&g^^v\, Llanfair, R.S.O., Anglesey. The Reverend THOMAS JOHN WILLIAMS, Rector of Waddesdon, and Vicar of Over-Winchendon, and Rural Dean, Master of Arts of the University of Oxford. Born November 22, 1831, being the third and youngest but only surviving son of John Williams of Abbey Fore^ate, Shretvsbury, by his tvife Mary, eldest daughter and co- heiress of Thomas Piyce, of London and Henllys, in the county of Monti^omen'. Club — New Oxford and Cam- bridge. Armorial bearings as used, but for which no authority has been established, are for Arms : Quarterly argent and gules. Jour lions passant counterchanged, i/iiartered with quarters i and 4, gules a lion rampant ngardant or; 2 arid 3 argent, three boars' heads couped sable. Crests — i. a lion rampant; 2. a lion rampant regardant; with the Mottoes, " Glew a vyd Hew hyd yn llwyd ;" " Sat prostrasse leonem." Married, Aug. 26, 1897, Frances Sarah, widoru of the late J. Dyson Perrins of Davenham, Malvern. Estate — Henllys (Afanafon), in the county of Montgomery. Postal addresses — Waddesdon Rectory, 'Aylesbury ; Henllys, Derriew, Montgomeryshire ; Plds Mynach, Barmouth; Garden House, Cornwall Gardens, S. W. VICTOR GEORGE WILI>IAMS. Esquire. Born April 8, 1874, teing the seventh son of the late Sir Frederick Martin Williams, second Baronet, Justice of the Peace and Deputy-Lieutenant for the county of Cornwall, by his wife Mary Christian, youngest daughter of the Reverend Robert Vanburgh Law, Master of Arts, Rector of Christian Mal- ford, in the countv of Wiltshire, and Pretendary and Treasurer of Wells'. Armorial bearings— He tears for Arms : Vair, three crescents or, two and one ; and for his Crest, U130U a wreath of the colours, a demi-eagle displayed azure, winged sable, each wing charged with four tezants ; with the Motto, " Nil desperandum." § WILLIAM PHILLPOTTS WILLIAMS, Esquire, Lieutenant 2nd Brigade Royal Artillery. Born August 5, i860, being the eldest son of the late Lieutenant-Colonel Richard Michael Williams of the 3rd Hussars, by his wife Georgiana Sophia, third daughter of the Reverend Thomas Phillpotts of Porthgwidden, Vicar of Feock, in the county of Cornwall, Canon of Truro, Justice of the Peace. Ar- morial bearings — He bears for Arms : Vair, three crescents or, two and one ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a demi-eagle displayed azure, winged sable, each wing charged with four bezants; with the Motto, "Nil desperandum." § DAVID ROBERTSON WILLIAMSON, Esq., of Lawers, co. Perth, D.L., J. P., Col. 1st Batt. Perth R.V., formerly Lieut. Coldstream Guards. Born Feb. 13, 1830, being the only son of Charles A. Williamson of Balgray, co. Dumfries, by Catherine Harriet his wife, dau. of Thomas Bayard Clarke ; s. to Lawers at the death of his grand-aunt, Mrs. Rotertson Williamson, widow of Lord Balgray, 1852. Armorial bearing^ — He bears for Arms : Quarterly i and 4, ermine a saltire cantoned with a boar's head erased in chief and three mullets in the flanks and base sable (for Williamson) ; 2 and 3 gules, three crescents inter- laced or, between as many wolves' heads erased argent, a border of the third charged with three mullets in chief and five crescents of the field (for Robertson). Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet tefitting his degree, with a mantling gules douljled argent ; and upon a wreath of his livt-ries is set for Crest, a hand erect holding a dagger ppr. Motto — " In defence." Married, Jan. 5, 1853, Hon. Selina Maria, 2nd dau. of Rt. Hon. Charles Morgan, Baron Tredegar; and has a son and heir — Charles David Robertson Williamson, Gentleman, b. Oct. 24, 1853. .S'tw/— Lawers House, Comrie, Perthshire. GEORGE CHARLES WILLIAMSON, Doctor of Literature, Fellow of the Royal ?r/fJtHtfltntfnt1 Society. Born August 26, 1858, UAUlUiaUiPUU i,gi„g the son of David William- son, Esquire, Justice of the Peace, by his toife F.lizabeth Good, daughter of J. O. N. Rutter, Fellmo of the Royal Astronomical Society. Armorial bear- ings as used, but for which no atithorify has been estab- lished at the College of Arms, are for Axvas : Or, a chevron gules between three trefoils slipped sable, impaling the arms of Lethbrid^e, namely, quarterly i and 4, sable Iwo bars ^emelles between six roses argent, three, tivo, and one (for Lethbridge) ; 2 and 3 argent, on a fesse between three foxes' heads erased sable as many mullets or (for Cleeve). Crest — Oiit of a mural coronet gules, a demi-griffin segreant or. Mottoes — " Arr dwrr y gyd," and " Cave quid dicis quando et cui." Married I^ouisa Mary, daughter of Frederick Thomas LMhbridge, Justice of the Peace, of Great Pothe- ridge ; and has Issue — (i) Cuthbert Augustine Williamson, ' born April 14, 1884; (2) Laurence Gregory Williamson, born August q, i^&q; and Gwendolen Mary. Postal address — The Mount, Guildford, Surrey. STEPHEN WILLIAMSON, Esquire, Member of Parliament for Kilmarnock District, Justice of the Peace for the County Palatine of Chester. Born 1827, being the eldest son of the late Ai'chibald Williamson, Esquire, of Anstruther, in the county of Fife. Club — Reform. Armo- rial bearings as used, but which are of no authority, are /'or Arms : Argent, a saltire luavy betiveen two boars' heads in pale and two mullets in fesse, all sable. Crest — A garb or. Motto — " Modice augetur modicum." Married, 1859, Annie, daughter of the late Reverend Thomas Guthrie, Doctor of Divinity, of Edinburgh. Estates and postal addresses — Copley, Weston, Cheshire; Glenogil, Kirrie- tmiir, Forfarshire. VICTOR ALEXANDER WILLIAMSON, Esquire, Companion of the Most Distinguished Order of Saint Michael and Saint George, Barrister-at-Law. Born June 28, 1838, being the fourth son of the late Sir Hedworth Williamson, seventh Baronet, by his wife Anne Elizabeth, commonly known as the Honourable .\nne Elizabeth, third daughter of the Right Honourable Thomas Henry Liddell, first Baron Ravensworth ; created Companion of the Most Distinguished Order of Saint Michael and Saint George, 1882. Clubs — Brooks's, Travellers', Fox. Armo- rial bearings — He bears for Arms : Or, a chevron gules The Editor undertakes that every entry not in italics is that of a genuinely armigerous person. 886 ma IxMwcen three trefoils slipiwd s;ible ; pendent lielovv the escutcheon is his badge as a Companion of the Most nistingiiished Order of Saint Michael and Saint deorge ; and for his Crest, out of a mural crown gules, a denu- wyvern or. J'ost.i/ addn-ss—yz Lower Belgrave Street, London, S.W. lAMlvS VVI 1 ,1 .lAMSOX-NAl'lER, (lentleman (formerly James Williamson), rammmson^Jl^apict sr^ierXS;;! Horn January 25, 1855, being the eldest son of late Thomas Williamson, M.D., Leith, by Mary Anne his wife, daughter of the late Francis Howden, Ixlinburgh. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms: F\aried per pale gules and azure, on a bend argent three crescents of the second, and in the sinister canton a spur-revel of the third. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules doubled argent ; and upon a wreath of his liveries is set for Crest, a man's head adorned with laurel proper ; and in an escroU over the same this Motto, " Virtute gloria parla." Married, March 23, 1885, Albertina Elizabeth, daughter of J. D. J. Schott of Arnheim, Holland ; and has Issue — (i) Maxwell Napier Williamson-Napier, Gentleman, born February 2, 1889 ; (2) Albert Napier Williamson- Napier, Gentleman, born October 5. 1894 ; Jane Napier ; Jacobinajohanna Napier ; and Mary Welsh Napier. Postal address — Velperweg 52. Arnheim, Holland. JA.^fRS WALDYVE CHAMPERNOWNE WIL- LING TON, claiming to be Hereditarv 7(K\\\\\X\et\e\W Constable of Tannvorth Castle. Born UAllllUlll^lUU J846, being the eldest son of John Mark Willington, by his wife Alicia Har- riett Marmion, second daughter of tlie late John Willington of Killoskeham Castle, in the county of Tipperary. Livery— Drab cloth coat with scarletfaci?igs on collar and sleeves, edged with same, scarlet cloth vest. Armorial bearings as used arefor kccas: Quarterly of four, i andj^ (field uiitiiictured), a saltire vair, in chief a mullet fur difference ; 2. or, three leopards' faces sable ; 3. vair^ sable and argent, afessegules. Crest — A pine-tree eradicated proper, fructed or. MottO — "Strength is from above." But neither arms nor pedigree are recorded in Ulsters Office. Estates— Castlewillin^ton, Killowney, Ponlakerry, Kilnafinch, in the county of Tippe- rail rary, Ireland. Postal address — Castlewillington, Nenagh county Tipperary. HENRY GEORGE WILLI NK, Esquire, ALA. {Brase- fiose Coll., Oxford), Barrister-at-Law [Lincoln s Inn), J. P. for Berks. Born July 10, 1861, being the second son of William Williamson Will ink, late Secretary to the Public Works Loan Board, by Catherine Harriet, dan. of Sir George Nicholls, K.C.B. Clubs — Alpine, Athencrum, United University. Livery — Dark blue. Armorial bear- ings as used, but which are 'not recorded in the English College of Arms, are for Aizas— Azure, an oak branch is the Military Cockade. slipped bearing three acorns or. Crest — A dexter hand and arm couped below the elboxo and inclined, the hand grasping a wreath of laurel all pi-oper. MottO — " Eides et amor." [The family is of Dutch origin.] Married, Sept. 9, 1880, Alary Grace, dau. of Rev. Peter Thomas Ouvry, ALA., Hear of Wing, Bucks; and has Issue — (i) John Ouvry Willink, b, July 9, 1884, d. June 13, 1885; (2) George Ouvry William Willink, b. Eeb. i. 1888; (3) Erancis Arthur Willink, b. Eeb. 14, 1891; and Catharine Dorothy. Scat—Hill/ields, Burghfield, Reading, Berks, H JOHN WILLIAM WILLIS-BUND, Esquire, J.P., ® D.L., and Chairman of Quarter ^/rJtflti^-'^RltMll Sessions and of the County Council UALllllW- .UJUllU of the county of Worcester, and Justice of the Peace and Chair- man of Quarter Sessions of the county of Cardigan. Barris- ter-at-Law. Bor7i August 8, 1843. being the only son of J. W. Willis, Justice of the Peace and Deputy-Lieutenant for the county of Worcester, by his second wife Ann Susanna Kant, daughter of Colonel Thomas Henry Bund, J. P. and U.L. co. Worcester; assumed the additional surname and arms of Bund bv Royal License in the year 1864. Clubs — Oxford and Cambridge, Constitutional. Livery — White, scarlet collar, cuffs, and facings. Armo- rial bearings— He bears for Arms : Ermine, three piles gules, two issuing from the chief and one in base, each charged with an eagle's leg erased at the thigh or ; and impaling the arms of Temple, namely, quarterly 1 and 4, or an eagle displayed sable ; 2 and 3 argent, two bars sable, each charged with three martlets or. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling M is the Naval Cockade. mn mn jellies and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, two hons' gambs erased and erect or, holding a griffin's head erased; with the Motto, " Optivo floreo no- mine." Marrkd, first, April 1872, Harrietta Penelope Temple (died 1895), daughter of Richard Temple, Gentle- man, of The Nash, in the county of Worcester, sister of Sir Richard Temple, Baronet ; and has Issue — Alexander Joseph Willis-Bund, Gentleman, born Jan. 26, 1874; (2) Henry Dewi Hampton Willis-Bund, Gentleman, born 1882 ; Margaret [married, 1894, John Henry Milnard] ; Mary Susanna ; and Penelope Ann. He married .secondly, 1896, Mary Elizalx-th, youngest dau. of General Reynell Thacke- ray and Lady Elizal«;th Thackeray, widow of Colonel Holcomlje, ist Royals. Estates — Wick, in the county of Worcester. Postal addresses — Wick, Episcopi, Worcester- shire ; 15 Old Square, Lincoln's Inn, W.C. CHARLES WH.LIAM WH.LOCK-DAWES, Gentle- man, M. A. of Balliol Coll., O.xon. Born 1820, lieing the only son of the late Alexander Charles Willock, Lieut. R.A. , by Harriet Maria, only dau. of the late John Dawes; and assumed the additional surname and arms of Dawes by Royal License 1870, under the will of liis maternal uncle. C/w/'— Union. Armorial bearings Quarterly i and 4, sable, on a chevron between in chief two mullets and in base an acorn slipped or, a mullet of the first, between two acorns slipped vert (for Dawes) ; 2 and 3 argent, on a fes.se gules, between in chief two eagles' heads erased of the last, and in base a padlock sable, a martlet Ijetween two escallops of the first (for Willock). Mantling sable and or ; and for his Crests, I. upon a wreatli of the colours, upon a mount be- tween two acorns slijiped and leaved proper, an arm em- bowed vested sable, cufied or, holding in the hand a sprig of myrtle proper (for Dawes) ; 2. upon a wreath of the colours, an eagle's head erased gules, gorged with a collar gemel argent, suspended from the beak a padlock sable (for Willock). Motto— " Fear not." il/rt/x/Vrt'," 1846, Maria, only d;iu. of Richard Gosling. Seats— Vim-\.on Hill, Pet- woi th ; 2 Courttmay Terrace, Hove. W1LL0U(;HBY, quartered by BERTHS and CARING- TON. SYDNEY BEAUMONT WILLOUGHBY, Gentleman. Born March 29, 1859, being the fourth son of the Reverend Percival George Willoughby, by his wife Sophia, eldest daughter of lulward l^lacket't Beaumont, Esquire. Armo- rial bearings— He bears for Arms : Quarterly 1 and 4, or fretty azure (for Willoughby of Parham) ; 2 and 3 or, two bars gules, thereon three water-bougets, two and one argent (for Willoughby of Middleton) ; impaling the arms of Er- skme, namely, quarterly i. argent, a pale sable (for Erskine) ; 2. azure, a bend between six cross crosslets fitchte or (for Mar) ; 3. or, a fesse chequy azure and argent (for Stuart) ; 4. argent, three bars gemelles gules, surmounted by a lion rampant sable (for Fairfax). Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling azure and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a man's head couped at the shoulders and affrontfe proper! ducally crowned or. Married, June 7, 1887, Margaret Katherine, commonly known as the Honourable Margaret Katherine, daughter of the Right Honourable John Erskine, fourth Baron Erskine; and has /.f-v//e— Christopher John Willoughby, Gentleman, born 1889. ARTHUR PAKENHAM WILLS-SANDFORD, Gen- tleman. Bom 1856, being the eldest son of the late William Sandford Wills-Sandford, Esq., J. P., of Garryglass, Queen's Co., by Julia his wife, youngest dau. of William Foster of .Stourton Court, Worcestershire. C///;^— Arthur's. Armo- rial bearings— Quarterly i and 4, per chevron or and ermine, in chief two boars' heads erased sable, langued gules (for .Sandford) ; 2 and 3 argent, three griffins passant in pale sable, a bordure of the second, bezantde. Mantling sable and or; and for his Crests, i. out of a ducal coronet, a Vxiar's head and neck or, langued gules (for Sandford) ; 2.' upon a wreath of the colours, a demi-griffin segreant sable, holding in the claws a battle-axe proper (for Wills). Motto —"Cor unum via una." Estate— ^■Axxyg\as.s, Queen's Co. Postal address— The Priory House, Sherborne, Dorset. THOMAS GEORGE WILLS-SANDFORD, Gentle- man. Born 1879, being the son of the late William Robert Wills-Sandford, Esq., of Willsgrove and Castlerea, J. P., Capt. 2nd Dragoons, by his wife Adelaide Elizabeth, 2nd dau. of the late Henry Jephson of Glenbrook, co. Wicklow (and grand-dau. of Sir Philip Crampion, Bart.). Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Quarterly 1 and 4, per chevron or and ermine, in chief two boars' heads erased sable, langued gules (for Sandford) ; 2 and 3 argent, three griffins passant in pale sable within a border of the second bczantde (for Wills). Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling sable and or ; and for his Crests, i. from a ducal coronet a boar's head and neck or, langued gules (for Sandford) ; 2. upon a wreath of the colours, a demi-griffin segreant sable, holding in his claws a battle-a.xe proper. Motto — "Cor unum via una." Seats — Castlerea and Willsgrove, co. Roscommon. EDWARD ERSKINE WILMOT - CHETWODE. Born 1878, being the only son of the late Edward Robert Erskine Wilmot-Chetwode, Esq., Higli Sheriff of Queen's Co. 1877, by Gertrude May, eldest dau. of the Rev. Alfred Hamilton, D.D., of Taney, co. Dublin (she m. 2nd, 1890, the Rev. E. M. Walker), and nephew of the late Knightiey J. Wilmot-Chetwode, High Sheriff of Queen's Co. Armo- rial bearings — Quarterly, i. quarterly argent and gules, four cros.ses formte counterchanged, an annulet azure for difference (for Chetwode) ; 2. or, three crescents gules (for De Wahull); 3. sable, on a fesse or, between three eagles' heads erased argent, as many escallops gules, a mullet for difference (for Wilniot) ; 4. vert, a lion rampant, and in chief three estoiles or (for O'Moore). Mantling gules and argent ; and for his Crests, i. out of a ducal coronet or, a demi-lion rampant gules (for Chetwode) ; 2. upon a wreath of the colours, out of a crescent gules, a demi-man tiger rampant argent, corned and unguled or for De Wahull) ; 3. upon a wreath of the colours, an eagle's head erased sable, holding in the beak an escallop gules (for Wilmot). Motto — " Corona mea Christus." Seat ■ — Woodbrook, Portarlington. WILSON, quartered by BERNERS. WILSON, see CARU.S-WILSON and TYRWHITT- WILSON. Sir ALEXANDER WILSON, first Baronet (1897), of Archer House, Eccleshall, Yorks, Master Cutler of Sheffield 1897, J. P. for W. Riding and for Sheffield. Bor» June 28, 1837, being tlie fourth son of the late George Wilson of Haughmill House, Fife. C/ufis — Junior Carlton, Whiteh.ill, The Editor undertakes that every entry not in italics is that of a genuinely armigerous person. 888 mn Scotlish Conservative. Arms- -Gules, a chevron wavy l)ctwet-n two mullets in ciiicf argent and eight arrows in Siiltire points downwards in imsi- proper, feathered and liandcd of the second. Mantling: gules doubled argent. Crest — On a wreath of his liveries, a (Iciiii-lioii rampant giiles, charged on the shoulder with a star of six points argent. MottO — " Seni]5er vigilans." vl/<7/-;7tvi', 1866, Edith, Hester, dau. of Henry Vickers of Holmwood, Sheffield. Residence — Archer House, Sheffield. ALLAN BOWES WILSON, Esquire, J. P. for North Riding of York, lj)rd of the Manor of Hitttoii in said North Riding. Born June 29, 1838, being the second son of George Wilson of Button House, Hutton Rudby, hy his wife Anne, ^ is the Military Cockade. mil dau. of George Hutton. Livery — Dark blue, with goL facings. Armorial bearings as used, hut to which the right has not been established in the College of Arms , are — Quarterly T and 4, sable a wolf rampant, iti chief three estoiles or {for Wilson) ; 2 and 3 ermine, three boivs strung in pale proper { for Bowes). Crest — A demi-wolf rampant or. Motto — " Res non verba." Seat — Manor House, Hutton Rudby, Yarm, Yorkshire. i^* Navy, Companion of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, upon whom Her Majesty has conferred the Decoration of the Victoria Cross. Boi-n March 4, 1842, being the third (and second surviving) son of the late Rear-Admiral George Knyvet Wilson, by his wife Agnes Mary, daughter of the Fieverend William Yonge, Vicar of Swaffliam ; created Companion of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, 1887. C/«/^— United Service. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Sable, a wolf rampant or, in chief a fleur- de-lis argent between two be/.ants. Upon the escutcheon, from which are pendent his badge as a Comj^anion of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath and his Victoria Cioss, is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling sable and or. § ARTHUR MAITLAND WILSON, Esquire, of Stow- langtoft Hall, in the county of .Suffolk, Justice of the Peace and Deputy-Lieutenant. Born June 16, 1857, Ijeing the eldest son of the late Lieutenant-Colonel I'^uller Mait- land Wilson Of Stowlangtoft Hall, Justice of the Peace, Lieutenant-Colonel West Suffolk Militia, Member of Parlia- ment for West Suffolk 1875, High Sheriff 1873, by his wife Agnes Caroline, second daughter of the Right Honourable Sir Richard Torin Kindersley. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Sable, a wolf salient or, on a chief of the last a pale of the first, charged with a fleur-de-lis argent between two pellets. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling sable and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a demi- wolf or, the sinister paw resting on a pellet charged with a rteur-de-lis gold. Motto — " Wil sone wil." Married, July 21, 1880, Harriet Maude Isabella, eldest daughter of Colonel Sir Nigel Kingscote, Knight Commander of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, of Kingscote, in the county of Gloucester ; and has Issue — (i) Henry Maitland Wilson, Gentleman, born September 5, 1881 ; (2) Nigel Maitland Wilson, Gentleman, born April 6, 1884 ; (3) Reginald Maitland Wilson, Gentleman, born January 17, 1889. Scat — Stowlangtoft Hall, near Bury St. Edmunds, in the county of Suffolk. DARCY BRUCE WILSON, Esquire, of Seacroft Hall, in the county of York, Justice of the Peace. Born June 17, 1851, being the second but eldest surviving son of the late John Wilson, Esquire, of Seacroft Hall, Justice of the Peace and Deputy-Lieutenant, by his wife Anna Maria Isabella, daughter of Roderick Macleod of Cadlioll, in the county of Ross, Member of Parliament. Armorial bear- ings — He bears for Arms : Per pale argent and azure, on a fesse cotised three lions' gambs erased fesseways all counterchanged, in the dexter chief quarter a wolfs head erased sable. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet be- fitting his degree, with a mantling azure and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, on a mount vert, a lion's gamb erased fesseways argent in front of a lion's head couped erminois. Seat — Seacroft Hall, near Leeds. GEORGE ORR WILSON, Gentleman, third son of William Wilson of Larkhill, co. Dublin. Armorial bear- ings — Sable, a wolf rampant, within an orle of nudlets or and thistles proper, a mullet for difference. Mantling sable doubled or ; and upon a wreath of his liveries is placed for Crest, a demi-wolf as in the arms ; and in an escroll above this Motto, " Res non verba." Seat — Danar- dagh, Blackrock, co. Dublin. EDWARD SHIMELLS WILSON, Gentl(>man, son of James Wilson, by his wife Mary, daughter of William Shimells. Armorialbearings— He bears for Arms : Sable, a wolf rampant between two estoiles in fesse and a fasces in chief fessewise all argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, in front of a demi-wolf sable, gorged with a collar gemel, a fasces argent. Married Frances Mary, daughter of tlie late Reverend John Ilealy Bromby, Vicar of Hull, 3 is the Naval Cockade. mil mil and Master of the Charter House there ; and has Issue— Arthur Bromby Wilson-Barkworth [to whom refer]. Estates —The Grange, Melton, in the parish of Welton, in the county of York. Postal address— Thv Grange, Mchon, Brough, East Riding, Yorkshire. SiK JACOB WIL.SON, Knight Bachelor, Member of the Council for the county of Northumt)erlan(l. Jiorn November i6, 1836, twing the eldest son of the late Joseph Wilson of VX'oodhorn Manor, in the county of Northumber- land, by his wife Ann, daughter of Joseph Bovvstead of Beck Bank, in thi; county of Cumberland. C7//i^— Junior Carlton. Armorial bearings— He tears for Arms : Vert, on a cross argent, between in the first and fourth quarters a wolf salient of the last, and in the second and third a nnillet of six points or, a rose gules, barbed and seeded proper, between four quatrefoils also gules. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling vert and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, in front of a demi-lion sable, holding tetween the paws a quatrefoil gules, a ponnne charged with a mullet of six points or; with the Motto, "Semper vigilans." Married, April 23, 1874, Margaret, daughter of Thomas Hedley of Coxlodge Hall, in the county of Northumberland ; and has Issue — (i) Albert Edward Jacob Wilson, Esquire, born Decenilier 26, 1879 ; (2) Gordon Jacob Wilson, Esquire, born July 2, 1882 ; Margaret Beatrice ; and Marianne Mildred. Estate and postal address — Chillinghani Barns, Belford, Northumberland. London address — 3 St. James's Square, S.W. JAMES WILSON, Esq., D.L., fourth surviving son of William Wilson of Larkhill, co. Dublin. Armorial bearings — Sable, a wolf rampant, within an orle of mullets or and thistles proper, a martlet for difference. Mantling sable doubled or ; and upon a wreath of his liveries is set for Crest, a denii-wolf as in the arms ; and in an escroll above this Motto, " PoUet virtus." Seat — Ciurygrane, Edge- worthtown, co. Longford. JOHN WILSON, Esquire, of Aucheneck, parish of Drymen, co. Stirling, J. P. for that co. Born 1813, being the eldest son of the late William Wilson, Esquire, of Liston Hall, near Lanark, N.B. Armorial bearings- He bears for Arms : Sable, a wolf rampant within an orle of mullets or and thistles ppr. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling sable doubled or ; and ujjon a wreath of his liveries is set for Crest, a demi-wolf as in the arms ; and in an escroll above, this Motto, " Res non verba." Is married and has issue. Seat — Aucheneck, near Urymen, N.B. JOHN WIL.SON, Esq., J. P. co. Dublin, M.A. (Dublin). Born 1826, Vjeing the eldest son of William Wilson of Lark- hill, CO. Dublin, by Rebecca Dupix', dau. of John Mackay of Ely, CO. Tyrone. Armorial bearings— Argent, a wolf rampant azure, on a chief indented of the last three estoilcs of tlie field. Mantling azure and argent ; and for his Crest, ujjon a wreath of the colours, a demi-wolf rampant per pale indented argent and azure. Motto — " Pollet vir- tus." Married, 1850, Francis Patience, dau. of the Rev. Edward Nangle ; and has, with other Issue— VJWXnm Ed- ward Wilson, Esq., J.P., b. 1851 [m., 1886, Ada, third dau. ofCapt. Robert C. Granville of Langbrook, Havant, Hants]. Seat — Daramona, Streete, co. Westmeath. JOHN ALEXANDER WILSON, Esquire, Capt. Auck- land Militia, Judge of the Native Land Court, of the Appel- late Court, and of the Validation Court in New Zealand. Born 1829, being the eldest son of the Rev. John Alexander \\'ilson and his wife Anne Catherine, second dau. of Major Francis Hawker, 12th Dragoons. Armorial bearings — Party per pale indented sable and or, three mullets of eight points in chevron, between as many lions' gambs erect and erased, all counterchanged. Mantling sable and or. Crest — Upon a wreath of the colours, in front of a lion's gamb erect and erased per pale indented sable and or, a muilet of eight points between two annulets fesseways gold. Motto — "Wary and Trusty." Married, Nov. 20, 1855, Anne Lydia, third dau. of the late Captain Digby Dent, R.N. ; and has Issue — (i) John Alexander Whson, b. Sept. 9, 1856; (2) Charles Hawker Wilson, b. Aug. 7, i860; (3) George Digby Wilson, b. Dec. 28, 1867 ; (4) James Kitchener Wilson, b. Nov. 24, 1870 ; (5) Lyell Newton Wilson, /;. May 17, 1875; (6) Wyvern' Wilson, /;. Dec. 17, 1876 ; Julia Frances ; Alice Lydia ; Lily Anne ; Ethel Catherine ; and Ida Mildred. Postal address — Oakleigh, Grafton Road, Auckland, New Zealand. §JOHN GERALD WILSON, Esq., C.B., of Cliffe Hall, in the county of York, Colonel and Brigadier-General Commanding West Yorkshire Volunteer Infantry Brigade, Lieutenant-Colonel and Honorary Colonel Commanding 3rd Battalion York and Lancashire Regiment, late Captain 84th Regiment, Justice of the Peace and Deputy-Lieutenant for the North Riding of the county of York, and for the county of Durham. Bom December 1841, being the eldest son of the late Richard Bassett Wilson of Cliffe Hall, by his wife .'\nne, daughter and co-heir of William Fitzgerald of Adelphi, in the county of Clare. Club — Carlton. Armo- rial bearings — Per pale argent and azure, on a fesse cotised three lions' gambs erased fesseways, all coiuiter- changed, in the dexter chief quarter a wolfs head erased sable ; and impaling the arms of O'Brien, namely gules, three lions passant guardant in pale per pale or and argent. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling azure and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, on a mount vert, a lion's gamb erased fesseways argent, in front of a lion's head couped erminois. Married, June 4, 1873, Angelina Rosa Geraldine, daughter of the Reverend Henry O'Brien, commonly known as the Honourable and Reverend Henry O'Brien [brother of the thirteenth Lord Inchiquin] ; and has Issue — (i) Richard Bassett Wilson, Gentleman, born 1874 ; (2) Murrough John Wilson, Gentleman, born 1875 ; (3) Denis Daly Wilson, Gentleman, born 1878; (4) Frank O'Brien Wilson, Gentleman, born 1883 ; (5) Gerald Geoffry Wilson, Gentlemen, born 1884; Harriet Anne Dorothy; Gladys Mary ; and Geraldine. Seat — Cliffe Hall, Darlington. Thk Revkrend JOSEPH BOWSTEAD WILSON, Clerk in Holy Orders, Master of Arts of the University of Cambridge (Pembroke College), Fellow of the .Society of Antiquaries, Rector of Knightwick, in the county of Worcester. Born May 26, 1841, being the third and youngest son of Joseph Wilson of Woodhorn Manor, in the county of Northumberland, by his wife Anne, eldest daughter of Joseph Bowstead of Beck Bank, in the county of Cumberland. Club— ]umor Constitutional. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Vert, on a cross argent, between in the first and fourth quarters a wolf salient of the last, and in the second and third a mullet of six points or, a rose gides, barbed and seeded proper, between four quatrefoils also gules, in the dexter chief a crescent or for difference ; and for his Crest, upon a wi'eath of the colours, in front of a demi-lion sable, holding between the paws a quatrefoil gpjles, a pomm^e charged with a mullet of six points or ; The Editor undertakes tliat every entry not in italics is that of a genuinely armigerous person. Sgo mm mn with the Motto, "Soiii|H'r vigilaiis." A/,i/-nrit, June 30, 1881, Catheriiu; I'lliza, younger daugliter of Thomas Rowley Hill. Menibor of railiament, of St. Catherine's Hill, in the county of Worcester; and has /ssi/e — (i) Emily, heir to her father, George Barkworth of Thearne, in the county of York ; and has /s.u/e — Kenneth Arthur Thomas Bowstead Wilson, Gentleman, born August 15, 1882 ; (2) Humphrey Bowstead Wilson, Gentleman, born November 1, 1883; Valence Mary; Katharine Muriel; and Olivia Margaret. Pos/a/ address— Knightviick Rectory, Worcester. ROBERT MACKAY WH.SON, Esquire, Justice of the Peace. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Argent, a wolf rampant azure, on a chief indented of the last, three estoiles of the field, a crescent for difference. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling azure and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a demi-wolf rampant per pale indented argent and azure; with the Motto, " Pollet virtus." Pos/a I add ress^Coolca.rriga.n, county Kildare. WILLIAM SHEPLEY WILSON, M.A. (Cantab.). Born 1838, being the son of John W'ilson of Upper Toot- ing, Surrey. Armorial bearings— Argent, a chevron be- tween three spur-rcvcls gules. Mantling gules doubled argent. Crest — On a wreath of his liveries, an oak-tree eradicated proper, fructed or. Motto — "Virtus sibi prre- niium." Postal address — Tun bridge Wells. ARTHUR BROMBY WILSON - BARKWORTH, Gentleman, Doctor of Laws of the University of Cam- bridge, second son of Edward Shimells Wilson of The Grange, Melton, in the county of York, by his wife Frances Mary, daughter of the late Reverend John Healey Bromby, Vicar of Hull, and Master of the Charter House there ; assumed the additional surname of Bark- worth, and the arms of Barkworth c|uarterly with his own, l)y Royal License. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms: Quarterly i and 4, chequy or and gules, on a bend cotised azure, an estoile between two lions rampant argent (for Barkworth) ; 2 and 3 .sable, a wolf rampant between two estoiles in fesse and a fasces in chief fessewise, all argent (for Wilson). Crests— i. upon a wreath of the colours, a demi-lion argent, holding in the de.xter paw a clarion, and resting the sinister paw on an estoile both gules (for Bark- worth) ; 2. on a wreath of the colours, in front of a demi- wolf sable, gorged with a collar gemel, a fasces argent (for Wilson). Motto— " Esto quod esse videris." Married Wilson - Barkworth, Gentleman. Ps/afes — The Elms, Kirkella, in the county of York. Pos/a/ address— The Elms, Kirkella, near Hull. § WILLIAM HENRY WILSON - FITZGERALD, Esquire, of Inchoveagh, co. Clare, and Chacombe, co. is the Military Cockade. Northampton, Justice of the Peace and Deputv-Lieutenant CO. Clare, and High Sheriff 1882, Justice of the Peace for the county of Northampton, Barris"ter-at-Law. Porn April S is the Naval Cockade. ma min 891 WALTER WIN ANS. ^oxxi at St. Petersburg, April 15, 1852, being the eldest son of William ^^tttlfltlrt ^■""'■'' II iiiaiis, by his zoife Mary Anne, r\6e ViALllllulip /)^, ii^ j,>ji^. Armorial bearings as used are for Arms : Anient, a chevron azure, between three bunches of grapes pzirpure, leaved and slipped proper, a chief ^ules. Crest— ^ demi-Moor in profile proper, habited gules, holding in his dexter hand a bunch of grapes as in the arms. Motto — " Fors non mutat genvs." [The arms are stated to have been confirmed January 13, 1671, by the Emperor Leopold, to Theodore Wynants and Paul Wynants, A pedigree shmuing the descent of the abvi'e- mentioned Walter Winans from a brother of the said Theo- dore and Paul Wynants is published in the " N obi Hair e Universel," but the identity of Jean Wynants with John Winans seems to require further proof than is there given, and nothing beyond a bald statement appears as to the parent- age of the said Jean Wynants; whilst other points in the pedigree might be further substantiated with advantage.^ Married, 1881, Caroline Rowland, daughter of Dr. Belcher; and has Issue — (i) Julian Walter Winans, born 1885; (2) Paul Winans, born 1886; Wilhelmina Louisa; Eva; and Dorothy. Postal address — 7 Chichester Terrace, Brighton. The Honourable Sir WIl^LIAM CHARLES WIN- DEYER, Knight Bachelor, Doctor oj /r/ritll7ll>ri01* Lmws, Judge of the Supreme Court in VlAUlUUt^tl- i^Tew South Wales. Born 1834, being the son of Richard Windeyer, Member of Legislative Council, New South Wales, by his wife Maria, daughter of Witliam Camfield of Burswood, in the county of Kent ; dubbed Knight Bachelor, 1891. Armorial bearing's as used, but for which no authority has been estab- lished, are for Arms : Argent, a bear salient proper. Crest — An apple proper. Married, 1857, Mary Elisabeth, daugh- ter of the Reverend R. T. Bolton, Vicar of Padhury, in the county of Buckingham. Residences— Lulworth, Roslyn Gardens, Sydney; Tomago, Hunter River, in the Colony of New South Wales. BERTRAM COGHILL ALAN WINDLE, Gentleman, D.Sc, M.D., M.A., F.S.A., Professor of Anatomy at 22, 1844, being the second son of the late Richard Bassett Wilson of Cliffe Hall, in the county of York, by his wife Anne, second daughter of the late William Fitzgerald, Escjuire, of Adelphi, Justice of the Peace, High Sheriff of County Clare 1842 ; and assumed by Royal License in 1872 the additional surname and arms of Fitzgerald, in compliance with the will of his maternal grandfather. IJvery — Chocolate and buff. Clubs — Union, Kildare Street (Dublin). Armorial bearings— Quarterly 1 and 4, ermine rjn a saltire gules, a boar's head couped or (for Fitzgerald) ; 2 and 3 per pale argent and azure, on a fesse cotised three lions' gambs fesseways, all counterchanged (for Wilson), and impaling the arms of Stanhope, namely, quarterly ermine and gules, in the centre a crescent on a crescent for difference. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules and argent ; and for his Crests, i. upon a wreath of the colours, a boar passant gules, bristled and armed or, charged with a saltire gold (for Fitzgerald) ; 2. upon a wreath of the colours, on a moimt vert in front of a lion's head erminois, a lion's gamb erased argent (for Wilson). Motto — " Shan- net a boo." Married, 1885, Isabella Olave, only daughter of the late Russell C. Stanhope, Esquire, of Parsontown Manor, in the county of Meath ; and has Issue — (i) Francis William Wilson-P'itzgerald, Gentleman, born Decemlier 8, 1886 ; and Olave Clare. Seat — Chacombe, near Banbury. JOHN WILSON -HAFFENDEN. Esq. Born 1836, being the eldest and only surviving son of the late William Wilson of Scarborough, co. York, by Mary, only dan. and heiress of William Reed. Armorial bearings — Quarterly I and 4, ch('f|iiy argent and sable, on a bend azure, three escutcheons of the first, each charged with a mullet of the second (for Haffenden) ; 2 and 3 sable, a wolf salient or, collared of the field, in chief a cross pat6e between two estoiles, and in base an cstoile of the second (for Wilson) ; and on an escutcheon of pretence the same arms of Haffen- den. Mantling sable and argent; and for his Crests, i. upon a wreath of the colours, a gryphon's head erased sable, pendent from the beak an escutcheon argent, charged with a mullet sable (for Haffenden) ; 2. u|jon a wreath of the colours, a demi-w^olf or, guttee-de-sang, holding Ix-tween the paws a cross patde gules. Married, 1870, Charlotte Isaljella, dau. and coheir (with her sister Catherine Harriett Caroline) of the late .\. Haflcnden (whose name and arms he has assumed by Royal License) ; and has, with other Issue — James Wilson-Haffendcn, Gentleman, b. 1871. H WILLIAM HENRY WILSON-TODD, Esquire, f5 formerly Captain 39th Regiment, /r/fltfrtfin -/TTnMl Justice of the Peace and Deputy- VUUIIXJUII-ULUUU Lieutenant for the North Riding of the county of York, Member of Parliament for the Howdenshire Division. Born April 17, 1828, being the son of the late Colonel J. Wilson, 74th Regi- ment, of Roseville, in the county of Wexford, by his wife Frances, daughter of the late Honourable John Robinson. Clubs— Army and Navy, Carlton, Constitutional. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms ; Quarterly i and 4, argent a mascle pierced Ijetween three foxes' heads couped gules, on a border vert four martlets of the first (for Todd) ; 2 and 3 argent, on a chevron between three mullets gules, as many pallets or, and upon an escutcheon of pretence the same arms of Todd (for Wilson). Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules and argent ; and for his Crests, i. upon a wreath of the colours, on a trunk of an oak-tree fesseways a fox sejant proper collared or (for Todd) ; 2. out of a mural coronet or, a demi- lion rampant gules, holding in the dexter paw a trefoil gold, motto over, "Semper vigilans" (for Wilson). Motto — "Opoitet vivere." Married, 1855, Jane Marian Ruther- ford, daughter and heiress of the late John Todd, Esquire, Justice of the Peace, of Tranby Park, and Halnaby Hall, in the countv of York, whose surnan\e and arms he assumed by Royal License in 1855, in addition to his patronymic ; and has, with other Issue— An only son, William Pierrepont Wilson-Todd. Esquire, born 1857. late Captain 4th Hussars [married, 1887, Catharine Crawford, daughter of the late James Russel of Blackbraes, in the county of Stirling, and has, James Henry Wilson-Todd, Gentleman, born 1891]. Postal addresses — Tvvinhy Park, Hull; Halnaby Hall, Darlington. WILTSHIRE, quajtered by SLAUGHTER. The Editor undertakes that every entry not in itaUcs is that of a genuinely armigerous person. 892 min Mason University CoUoge, Hirminghnin. /iorri 1858, being the eldest son of the late Kev. Samuel Allen ^^'inclle, B.D., Vicar of Market Rasen, Lines., and Sydney Kathcrine, (Ian. i.f Rear-Adiniral Sir Josiah Coghill,' Hart. Armorial bearings —Gules, on a pile between two cni'^sts pau^n in Ikisc or, three martlets of the field. Mantling gules and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a stag's head caboshed proper, between two crosses pat^e or. Motto— "Non onniis moriar." Married, May 6, 1886, Madeline Mary, dau. of William Hudson ; and lias had /f.f«f — Laurence Alan Ignatius Windle, fi. 1896 (deceased) ; Dorothea Mary Katherine ; and Honora Mary Florence. /'ostal address — 77 Harborne Road, I^irniingham. WINDSOR HERALD, see LINDSAY. WINGFIELD, see POWERSCOURT. WINGFIELD, Baron, see POWERSCOURT. ANTHONY HENRY WINGFIELD, Esquire, J. P. for CO. of Bedford, High Sheriff 1893. Born Sept. 8, 1857, being the eldest son of the late George John Wingfield (son of the Hon. Edward Wingfield), by his wife Sophia, dau. of I'liilip Pauncefort Duncombe of Brickhill Manor; sister of late .Sir Philip Duncombe, Bart. Club — Junior Carlton. IJvety — Dress: green, with gold facings and aigrettes, white waistcoat, green plush breeches with gold band, black stockings ; undress : green coat, brass buttons, plain white waistcoat, black trousers. Armorial bearings — Argent, on a liend gules, three pairs of wings conjoined in leure of the field, impaling the arms of Benyon, namely, quarterly i and 4, vair^e, sable, and or, on a chief wavy of the last, an Eastern crown between two mullets gules ; 2 .and 3 azure, a fesse dancett^e ermine, between three lions' heads erased or, murally crowned argent. Mantling gules and argent. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a demi- eagle rising, wings expanded argent, looking at the sun in his glory. Motto— " Fidelite est de Dieu." Married, Feb. 9, 1888, Julia, youngest dau. of the late Richard Benyon of Englefield House, Berks; and has Issue— {i) ^ is the Military Cockade, mm Anthony luiward Foulis Wingfield, Gentleman, /'. Sept. 12, 1892; (2) Cecil Andrew Foulis Wingfield, Gentleman, b. Nov. 30, 1895. Seat — Ampthill House, Ampthill. JL EDWARD RHYS WINGFIELD, Esquire, J.P. ^ Bedford, Glo'ster, Glamorgan, Oxon.; D.L. forGlo'ster (High Sheriff 1879); served in 60th Rifles, was Major 4th Batt. (North Glo'ster Militia) Glo'ster Regt. Born March 9, 1849, being the eldest son of Edward F'folliott Wingfield, Esq. (third son of Hon. and Rev. Edward Wingfield, third son of Rt. Hon. fourth Viscount Powerscourt), by his wife Hon. Frances Emily, eldest dau. of George Rice, fourth Baron Dynerver. Clubs — Carlton, Junior Carlton, Nav.al and Military, Army and Navy, Constitutional, Junior Con- stitutional, Bachelors'. Livery — Dark green coat, black velvet collar ; for dress, yellow waistcoat. Armorial bear- ings — Quarterly, i. argent, on a bend gules, cotised sable, IFlDEUTEjfDEDlEDJ three pairs of wings conioined in leure of the field, with a mullet for distinction (for Wingfield) ; 2. argent, a chevron between three ravens sable (for Rice) ; 3. gules, a lion rampant within a border engrailed or (for Talbot, De Cardonnel) ; 4. argent, two chevronels azure between three trefoils slipped vert. Mantling gules and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a demi-eagle rising, wings expanded argent, looking at the sun in its glory. Married, May 2, 187T, Edith Caroline, dau. of the Rev. Peter A. L. Wood, Canon of Middleham, Yorks ; and has Issue — (i) Mervyn Edward George Rhys Wingfield, Ivsq., J.P. Oxon., of 2nd Life Guards, /;. 1872 ; (2) William Jocelyn Rhys Wingfield, Gentleman, of i9tli Hussars, b. 1873 ; (3) Charles John Fitzroy Rhys Wingfield, Gentleman, h. 1877; (4) Maurice FfoUiott Wingfield, Gentleman, b. 1879; (5) Cecil John Talbot Rhys Wingfield, Gentleman, b. 1881 ; .and Muriel Frances Caroline Gwenllian Edith Emily. Seat — Barring- ton Park, Burford, Oxon. To7iert Irving of Bon- shaw, m the county of Dumfries; assumed the additional surname and arms of Irving. Ch/is—AustraMan. Melbourne. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Quarterly i and 4, argint three holly leaves vert (for Irving); 2 and 3 chequy or and sable, a fesse argent, charged with a saltire couped gules, two flaunches of the last, each charged with two trefoils slipped of the first (for Winter). Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling vert and argent ; and for his Crests, r. upon a wreath of the colours, a dexter cubit arm in armour, hold- ing in the gauntlet a branch of holly consisting of seven leaves and fructed all proper; motto over, " Haud ullis labentia ventis" (for Irving); 2. upon a wreath of the colours, a hind trippant argent, supporting with the sinister forefoot a saltire gules, gorged with a collar flory counter- flory, with chain aflixed thereto and reflexed over the back sable, and charged on the body with two trefoils slipped of the last (for Winter) ; with the Motto, "Sub sole sub umbra virens." Ahirriedin Victoria, June 30, 1868, Frances Amelia, daughter of William Drayton Taylor, Esquire, of Timmoring, Rodney, Victoria; and has Issue— (i) [ohn Irving Winter-Irving, Gentleman, born August 10, 1872; (2) William Irving Winter-Irving, Gentleman, born January 4, 1876 ; (3) Oliver Irving Winter-Irving, Gentleman, born September 14, 1878 ; (4) Cyril Nasmyth Irving Winter- Irving, Gentleman, born De'cemter 30, 1886 ; (5) another son, born November 13, 1890 ; Frances Irving [married Dr. Henry Fitz-Gerald Powell] ; Margaret Irving ; Amy Irving; Elsie Irving; Laura Irving; and Florence Irving. £'j/rt/'«— Stanhope ; Mount Scobie, in the county of Rodney ; Noorilum, in the county of Moira ; Tirrengower, in the counties of Heytesbury and Polwarth, all in Victoria. Postal address — Noorilum, Goulburn River, county Moira, Victoria. THOMAS HENRY RICKETTS WINWOOD. Esquire, Master of Arts, of Wellisford K' late of t/ie Wi King's Regiment. Born March zi, 1844, ieing the only son 0/ /ohn Ayshford Wise, Esquire, Justice of the Peace and Deputy-Lieutenant, High Sheriff 1852, Member of Parliament for the county of Stafford 1851 - 1860, by his wife Mary Lovatt, only daughter and heiress of Hugh Booth, by his wife Anne, only daughter and heiress of Thomas Lovatt of Clayton. Clubs — St. George's and Piccadilly. Livery — Green, loaist- coat striped green and white. Armorial bearings as used, but for which no authority has been officially estab- lished at the College of Arms, are for Arms : Quarterly of eight, I. sable, three chei'ronels ermine [for Wise); 2. gules, si.x annulets in pile or (for Vipont) ; 3. sable, a pelican in her piety or, the nest vert (for Trevage) ; 4. gules, a fesse argent, between three escallops or (for Brit) ; 5. sable, between two flaunches or, a lion rampant of the last (for Priestwood) ; 6. argent, a fesse wavy between six cross cross lets gules (for Brooking) ; 7. argent, between two chevronels sable, three ash-crops vert (for Ayshford) ; 8. grand quarter, quarterly i. and iiii. argent, three boars' lieads erased and erect sable (for Boothe) ; ii. and Hi. argent, three wolves passant in pale sable (for Lo-oatt of Clayton) ; and for his Crests, i. on a wreath of the colours, a demi-lion rampant gules, guttie-d!eau, and holding be- The Editor undertakes tbat every entry not in italics is that of a genuinely armigerous person. 894 am moi hMfti its paxos "ii/ utaic (for ll'/V); 2. issitant from a uireath of leaves, a Saracen's head in firo/ile proper (for Aysfiford); with the Mottoes, " Sapere aiide," " Fuimus." Married, Aiif^itst i, 1871, Alice Isabel, daitj^ktcr of Thomas Broughtou Charlton of Chihoell Hall, in the county of Nottingham ; and has had Issue — Ralph f.miatt Ayshford Wise, born 1876, died 1877; Elfrida Ayshford; and Esta Muriel Ayshford. Estates — Clayton Hall, A'ervcastle, in the county 0/ Stafford ; Watts House, Bishop's Lydeard, in the county of Somerset. Postal address — \ Vatts House, Bishop's Lydeard, Taunton. WILLIAM THOMAS WISEMAN. Gentleman. F.R.G.S. (Life Fellow). F.B.P. Born May 19. 1837, being the eldest son of the late William Rieliard Wiseman, by his wife F^lizaljeih {m'e Davis). Clubs — Junior Conservative. Primrose, Carlton {Hrii,'hion). Armorial bearings — Per chevron sable and gules, on a chevron invected ermine between two cronels in chief argent and a fleur-de-lis in base or. two arrows chevronwise points upwards proper Mantling sable and argent. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, the battlements of a tower argent, issuant there- from a demi-man affrontte proper, vested, holding in the dexter hand two arrows in saltire points downwards, and restmg the sinister hand on a trefoil slipped, and in front of the man a fleur-de-lis all or. Motto— "Sapit qui Deo sapit. •• Married, March 28, 1858, Ellen Eugenie (deceased). ,.,-,,• ^"- °^ '^"^ ^^'^ J°*^'^ Atkinson ; and has /ssue~(z) William Wiseman, Gentleman, b. Feb 14 iScq- 2 Vincent Wallace Wiseman, Gentleman, b. Dec. ic 186^ (deceased) ; (3) Victor Emmanuel Wiseman, Gentleman b May 2, 1872 (deceased) ; (4) Walter Stanley Wiseman] Gentleman, /5. Nov. 21, 1874; Ellen Eug(5nie ; Florence Clara Maud ; Lilian [m. Frederick Henry Bartlettl • and D ^u^-u- u'-''^J"~~^''°P*'">' '" Sfeatham, Stockwell, and Kotherhithe, Surrey. Postal address ~Cromwd\ House, 160 Stockwell Park Road, London. S.W. WISHART, quartered by HAMILTON and FRASER. TAUNTON^^''^' ''"^'"^^'■^'^ ^y GROSVENOR and by EDMOND ROBERT WODEHOUSE, Esquire, Master of Arts of the University of O.xford, C^OUCUOU£f£ ^'eniber of Parliament for Bath, >'VS'v»A>v Barnster-at-Law. Born 1835, being P . 1 1,, J .. ^^^ °"'y s°" of 'he late Sir Philin Ldmond Wodehouse, Knight Commander of the S Honourable Order of the Bath, by his wife Catherine is the Military Cockade. Mary, daughter of the late Francis J. Templer. Clubs Travellers', Oxford and Cambridge, Brooks's. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Sable, a chevron or, gutiC;e- de-sang, between three cinquefoils ermine, and impaling the arms of Bagot, namely ermine, two chevronels azure. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling sable and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a cul)it arm proper, vested argent, and grasping a club in bend sinister or ; and above it the Motto, " Frappe fort," and below the arms, " Agincourt." Married, 1876, Adela, daughter of the late Reverend Charles Walter Bagot, Chancellor of Bath and Wells, and Rector of Castle Rising, in the county of Norfolk. HENRY ERNEST WODEHOUSE, Esquire, Com- panion of the Most Distinguished Order of Saint Michael and Saint George, Police Magistrate and Coroner, Hong- Kong. Born 1845, being the son of the late Colonel Philip Wodehouse, by his wife Lydia, daughter of Joseph Lea ; created Companion of the Most Distinguished Order of Saint Michael and Saint George, 1886. Armorial bear- ings—He bears for Arms : Sable, a chevron or, gutt(Se- de-sang, between three cinquefoils ermine. Upon the escutcheon, from which is pendent his badge as a Com- panion of the Most Distinguished Order of .Saint Michael and Saint George, is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling sable and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a dexter arm couped below the elbow, vested argent, and grasping a club or ; and over it the Motto, " Frappe fort." Married, iSjj, Eleanor, daughter of the late Reverend J. Bathurst Deane, Rector of St. Helen's, Bishopsgate, London ; and has /jj?/(? living — (i) Philip Peverel John Wodehouse, Genileman, born 1877 ; (2) Ernest Armine Wodehouse, Gentleman, born 1879; (3) Pelham Grenville Wodehouse, Gentleman, born 1881 ; (4) Lancelot Richard Wodehouse, Gentleman, born 1892. Postal address — Hong- Kong. CoLONiii. JOSCELINE HENEAGE WODEHOUSE. Companion of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, Companion of the Most Distinguished Order of Saint Michael and Saint George, Royal Artillery. Born 1852, being the son of Vice-Admiral George Wodehouse, by his wife Eleanor Charlotte, daughter of Andrew Mortimer Drummond ; created Companion of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, 1889; Companion of the Most Dis- tinguished Order of Saint Michael and Saint George, 1890, Club— United Service. Armorial bearings—He bears for Arms : Sable, a chevron or, guttt}e-de-sang, between three cinquefoils ermine. Upon the escutcheon, from which are pendent his badges as a Companion of the Most Honour- able Order of the Bath and a Companion of the Most Distinguished Order of Saint Michael and Saint George, is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling sable and or; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a dexter cubit arm vested argent, and grasp- ing a club in bend sinister or ; and over the crest the Motto, "Frappe fort." Married, 1885, Constance (who died 1886), daughter of General Sir Charles D'Aguilar, Knight Commander of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath. GEORGE WOLFE, late Lieut. 8th Hussars, formerly Lieut. R. Irish Fusihers. Born 1859, being tiie only sur- viving son of the late George Wolfe, Esq., J. P., of'Forc- naghts and Bishopland, by Elizabeth Henrietta, dau. nf the late Henry M. Ball of Kersiebank House, co. Stirling;, and Tipperkevan, CO. Kildare; s. his brother 1885. Clubs Army and Navy, Naval and Military. Armorial bearings — Argent, three wolves' heads erased sable, ducally gorged or. Mantling sable and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a wolf's head erased sable, ducally gorged or. Married, 1888, Emily Maud Mary, widow of J.J. Leeman, Esq., D.L., sometime M.P. for York, and only child of the late R. Smethurst, Esq., J. P. and D.L., of Ellerbeck Hall, Chorley (High Sheriff 1874); and has /ssue — A dau. Seats — Forenaghts. near Naas ; Bishop- land, Ballymore Eustace ; Acomb Priory, York. The Rkvijrend RICHARD ROBBINS WOLFi:, M.A.. T.C.D. and Oxen., Prebendary of Exeter Cathedral, Lord of the Manors of Islington and Bagtor, Devon. Born Oct. 10, 1819, being the second but eldest surviving son of 8 is the Naval Cockade. raoi moi 895 the late Jolin Wolfe, Solicitor, of Fitzwilliain Street, Dublin, by his \Mfe Margaret, dau. of Mr. Hennet of Teniplemore, Ireland. Armorial bearings— He bears for Anns: Ar- gent, on a chevron between three wolves' heads erased sable, as many bezants, each charged with a cross moline of the second. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling sable and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a wolf's head erased sable charged with a bezant, thereon a cross moline of the first. Motto — " Lupus non Icpus." Married, June 20, 1848, Louisa Ann, dau. of 'I'homas Benson Pease of Chapelallcrton Hall, Yorkshire, formerly of Darlington, Durham; and \\2Ahsue — (i) Francis Richard Wolfe, Gentle- man, b. May 5, 1849, B.A. , Cambridge, and Ex-Scholar Sydney Sussex Coll., Cambridge, Solicitor, Dublin [;//. Aug. 1888, Sophia R. MacMurrogh Murphy]; (2) John Edward Wolfe, Gentleman, h. April 19, 1850 [;«. Nov. 18, 1891, at Fernanibuco, Mary Edith, dau. of the late William George Fennelly of rernambuco] ; (3) Robert Ormstou Wolfe, Gentleman, b. Aug. 14, 1851, d. Jan. 30, 1852. Seats — Arthington and Leighon, Devon. Postal address — Ar- thington, Torquay. §Siit JOHN WOLFE WOLFE- HARRY, K.C.B. (1897), LL.D., Pres. Inst. C.E., F.R.S., Lt.-Col. Engineer and Railway Vol. Staff, D. L. co. of London. Born 1836, being the fifth son of the late Sir Charles Barry, R.A.. by .Sarah his wife, dau. or Samuel Rowsell ; by Royal Licence dated Feb. 11, 1898, he and his issue were authorised to lake the surname of Wolfe in addition to and before his and their .surname of Barry. Club — .Athenajuni. Armorial bearings— Or, three bars gcmel azure, over all a pale invected ermine, thereon a portcullis with chains sable, the escutcheon being surrounded by the ribbon, and pendent the badge, of a K.C.B. Mantling zure and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a gryphon gules, wings elevated and addorsed, barry of six or and azure, in its mouth a rose argent, leaved and slipped proper, resting the dexter clasv on a portcullis as in the arms. MottO — " Boutcz an avant." Married, 1874, Rosalind G., dau. of the Rev. E. E. Rowsell, Rector of Hambledon, Surrey; anil has Issue— [\) Bernard John Wolfe Wolfe-Barry, Escj., /'. 1877; (2) Kenneth Alfred Wolfe- Barry, Esq., b. 187Q; (3) Alexander lulward Wolfe- Barry, Esq.', b. 1882; (4) Eric Gordon Wolfe- Barry, Esc|., b. 1886 ; Rosalind Mary ; Ida Violet ; and Sylvia Grace. Postal address— ■22, Delahay Street, Westminster, London, S.W. ARI'lIUk NAYLOR WOLLASTON, Esquire, Com- panion of the Most Eminent Order ?r/rJriflssiil-rttt "f tli^ Indian Empire, Juistice of the VUUUlmJJVUU Peace for the county of Kent, Registrar and Superintendent of Records at India Office since 1898. Horn October 14, 1842, being the .second son of the late Henry Francis WoUaston, Gentleman, of .Southsea, in the county of Southampton, by his wife Elizabeth, daughter of Oliver Naylor of the Audit and Excise Office. Clubs— ]\w\\ox Constitutional, Northbrook Indian. Armorial bearings— He Ijears for Arms : .\rgent, three nuillets sable, pierced of the field, and impaling the arms of Woods, namely or, on a mount vert, a lion statant guardant in front of an oak-tree proper, fructed of the first, a chief azure, thereon on a pale argent between two circlets of the crown of a King of ,\rms also of the first, a cross of Saint George gules, and pendent below the escutcheon his badge as a Companion of the Most Eminent Order of the Indian Empire ; with the Motto, "Nc quid falsi." Married, September 6, 1873, Caroline Marianne, only daughter of Sir Albert William Woods, K.C.B., K.C.M.G., Garter Principal King of Arms [to whom refer]; and has /w«fi — Gerald Woods Wollaston, Gentleman, born June 2, 1874. Postal address —Glen Hill, Walmer, Kent. TnK Rev. CHARLES WOLLEY-DOD, J. P. for co. Chester, M.A. of King's Coll., Camb., formerly an Assistant Master at Eton, 1850-1879. Bom 1826, being the only surviving son of the late Rev. John WoUey of Allen Hill, by Mary, dau. of Adam Wolley of Matlock, co. Derby ; and assumed the additional surname and arms of Dod by Royal License in 1868. Armorial bearings-Quarterly I and 4, argent, on a fesse gules, between three barrulets wavy sable, three crescents or, and ^for distinction) a canton of the second (for Dod) ; 2 and 3 sable, a chevron vair6e or and gules between three maidens' heads affronti^e, couped at the bust proper, crined gold (for Wolley). Mantling gules and argent ; and for his Crests, i. upon a wreath of the colours, a garb argent, banded gules, environed by a snake, the head issuing from the middle of the garb proper, and (for distinction) a cross crosslet of the second (for Dod) ; 2. upon a wreath of the colours, a man's head facing to the dexter in chain-mail, couped at the shoulder proper (for Wolley). Motto — "In copia cantus." Married, 1850, Frances Lucy, only surviving child of the late Rev. Pelly Parker, Rector of Hawton, Notts, and maternal granddau. of the late Thomas Crewe Dod of Edge Hall ; and has, with other Issue — Francis Wolley-Dod, Gentleman, b. 1852 \m., 1887, Annette Mary, dau. of F. F. Clarke of Aldridge Lodge, CO. Stafford, and has issue, a son, b. 1890]. Seat — Edge Hall, Malpas. WOLMER, Viscount, see SELBORNE. § FRANCIS ALEXANDER WOLRYCHE- WHIT- MORE, Esquire, ([aoIrpcf)e^mj)itmore indtaleior oFr; of the University of Oxford, Justice of the I'eace for the counties of Chester and Salop. Born 1845, Ix'ing the eldest son of the Reve- rend Francis Henry Wolryche-Whitmore of Dudmaston, in the county of Salop [to wliom refer], by his wife Isabella, daughter of Captain Henry Bazeley of tlie Royal Navy. Armorial bearings— He liears for Arms : Quarterly i and 4, vert, fretty or (for Whitmore) ; 2 and 3 azure, a chevron between three swans rising argent, a cross crosslet or in chief for difference (for Wolryche), and impaling the arms of Darby, namely, per chevron embattled azure and erminois, three eagles displayed, each charged on the breast with an escallop, all counterchanged. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling vert and or ; and for his Crests, i. upon a wreath of the colours, upon the stump of an oak-tree sprouting to the dexter proper, a falcon close also proper, beaked and Ijelled or (for Whitmore) ; 2. upon a wreath of the colours, an oak-tree fructed proper, charged for difference with a cross crosslet gold (for Wolryche). Motto—" Incorrupta fides." Married, 1871, Alice Mary, daughter of the late Alfred Darby, Esquire ; and has with other /wwe— Geoffrey Charlton Wolryche-Whitmore, Gentleman, born 1881. Postal i^iW/rw— Dudmaston Hall, near Bridgnorth. Thk Rkvkkknij FRANCIS HENRY WOLRYCHE- WHITMORE, Master of Arts, of Dudmaston Hall, in the county of Salop, Justice of the Peace, formerly Rector ofQuatt, Malvern. Born 1820, being the only son of the Reverend Francis Laing of The Myrtle, in the county of Gloucester, by his wife Mary, daughter of William Whit- more, Esquire, Justice of the Peace, of Dudmaston ; assumed by Royal License, 1864, on succeeding to the estates of his uncle, William Wolryche Whitmore, Esquire, Justice of the Peace, the surnames and arms of Wolryche- Whitmore in lieu of his patronymic. Armorial bearings —He bears for Arms : Quarterly i and 4, vert, fretty or (for Whitmore) ; 2 and 3 azure, a chevron between three swans rousant argent, in chief a cross crosslet for difference (for Wolryche). Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling vert and or; and for his Crests, i. upon a wreath of the colours, upon the stump of an oak-tree sprouting to the dexter, a falcon close all proper, beaked and belled or (for Whitmore) ; 2. upon a wreath of the colours, an oak-tree fructed proper, charged for difference with a cross crosslet gold (for Wolryche). Motto— " Incorrupta fides." Mar- ried, 184=;, Isabella, youngest daughter of Captain H. Bazeley, Royal Navy ; and has Issue— {i) Francis Alex- ander Wolryche-Whitmore, Esquire [to whom refer] ; (2) Malcolm Wolryche-Whitmore, Gentleman, born 1849 ; (3) the Reverend Henry Bazeley Wolryche-Whitmore, Master of Arts, Rector of Quatt, Malvern, in the county of Salop, born 1856 [married, 1881, Harriet Douglas, daughter of Douglas Robinson]; and Isabel Louisa [married Robert Otter Barry]. iVa/— Dudmaston Hall. Bridgenorth. Estate and postal arff/z-ew — Dudmaston Hall, near Bridgnorth, Shropshire. The Editor undertakes that every entry not in italics is that of a genttinely armigerous person. 896 moi SLikiit.-Oknf.kai. Sik GEORGE BENJAMIN \V0LS1-".1,1;Y. Knislil Commander of the Most Honourable Order of tlie Hath, Major-General command- ing the Forces, I'unjaub. late Aide-dc-t;amp to the Queen. Jiont 1839, being the fourth son of Major Garnet Josei)li Wolsclev.'by his wife Frances Anne, daughter of Wilham Smitli. Ivstiiiire, of Golden Rridge House, in the county of Dublin. <;////■>— United Service, Army and Navy. Ar- morial bearings — He bears for Arms: Argent, a lalbot passant gules, a crescent for difference. Upon the es- cutcheon, which is surrounded by the ribbon of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, and pendent therefrom his badge as a Knight Commander thereof, is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules and argent ; and for his Crest, out of a ducal coronet or, a wolfs head proper ; with the Motto, " Homo homini lupus." Afarried, 1867, Louisa E., daughter of William Andrews of Monkstown, in the county of Dublin ; and has had Issue — Garnet Joseph Wolseley, Esquire (died 1896). Postal addreses — Broomlea, Sunningdale, Berks ; ^Ieean Meer, Funjaub, India, a23ol0elep=31enkm.s M.NjOR CHARLES BRADFORD HARRIES WOL- SELEY-JENKINS, Ma- jor 19th Hussars. Born March 17, 1856, being the youngest son of the late General Charles Vanbrugh Jenkins, Justice of the Peace, of Charlton Hill and Crucliton, by his wife Annette Louisa Rotertina, eldest daughter of Horace Aylward ; and assumed by Royal License the additional surname and arms of Wolseley, 1894. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Quarterly i and 4, barry of six azure and ermine, on a pile between three annulets or, a lion rampant regardant sable ; 2 and 3 argent, a talbot passant gules, with marks of distinction ; and upon an escutcheon of pre- tence the same arms of Wolseley, namely argent, a talbot passant gules, a crescent for difference ; and for his Crests, 1. on a mural coronet sable, a lion passant regardant or, supporting with the dexter paw an escutcheon barry of six azure and ermine, charged with an annulet or (for Jenkins); 2. out of a ducal coronet or, a wolfs head proper, with S is the Military Cockade. OToo marks of distinction (for Wolseley) ; with the Motto, ' ' Perge sed caute." Married, June 16, 1885, Ada Frances Alice, daughter of Sir John Richard Wolseley, sixth Baronet, of Mount Wolseley, and has issue. WOLVEDON, cjuartered by HORDERN and by longuevillf:. WOOD, see HALIFAX. A'DEANE GENT WOOD. Born April 1, 1865, being the third son of James Gent Wood, ifYflrtrtfl Solicitor, by his wife Caroline, daughter 0/ UAlJtUUU oeorge Selman, Yeoman. Armorial bearings as used are : Ardent, an oak-tree gnnoim; out of a mount in base proper between two crosses crosslet fitchcc azure, all within a bordure invected of the last. Crest — An oak-slip fructed proper ; -ivith ^//f Motto, " Diu virescit." These are the arms matriculated in Lyon Register for Wood of Grangehaugh, but they have not been matriculated to Mr. A'Deane Gent Wood. Married, January 17, 1889, Bertha Augusta, daughter of Thotnas Fy-ederick Hale; and has Issue — One daughter. Postal address — The Woodlands, Batlnuick Hill, Bath. S ALBERT WOOD. Esq., J. P. for co. Chester, and J. P. and D.L. for co. Carnarvon (High Sheriff 1884, 1885). Born 1838, being the second son of the late Henry Wood of Chester, by Harriet, dau. of James Lomax of Dawstone, CO. Chester. C///;^ — Reform. Armorial bearings — Or. three mullets of six points in bend between two bendlets nebuly, the whole between three roses all gules. Mantling gules and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, in front of a mount, thereon an oak-tree fructed proper, three bezants. Seat — Bodlondeb. Conway. ARTHUR HERBERT EDWARD WOOD, Gentle- man, of Newbold Revel, in the county of Warwick. Born April I, 1870, being the eldest son of the late Edward Herbert Wood, Esquire, of Raasay, Isle of Raasay, in the county of Inverness, and Newbold Revel, in the county of Warwick. Justice of the Peace and Deputy-Lieutenant for the county of Inverness, and Justice of the Peace for the county of Warwick, Captain Warwickshire Yeomanry Cavalry, by his wife ICvelyn Anne, daughter of Major- General Valiant. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Per fesse or and sable, a wolf rampant counterchanged between two trees eradicated in chief proper. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degi'ee, with a mantling sable and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a dcmi-lion rampant argent, semte of buckles sable, the sinister paw resting on a shield also sable, charged with a wolf's head erased also argent. Motto—" Virtute et labore." Married, 1893. Mary Olive, ^m is the Naval Cockade. moo daughter of Bevil Granville of Wellesbourne, in the county of Warwick. Sea/ — Newbold Revel, Rugby, in the county of Warwick. S CHARLES HARCOURT GAM WOOD, Esquire, Captain Yorks. Dragoons (Yeomanry), late Captain 15th Hussars, J. P. Brecknockshire and W.R. co. York. Born Aug. 17, 1866, being the eldest son of Captain Charles Arthur Watkins Harcourt Wood, by his wife Maria Louisa, n^e Eldridge, of Carleton, Yorkshire. (17//*.f— Naval and Military, Wellington. Livery — Chocolate colour, scarlet waistcoat. Armorial bearings — Sable, a bull passant WiOO 897 Nicholas Wood, by his wife Maria, dau. of Collingwood Foster Lindsay, Esq. Clubs— C^x\\ox\, Junior Carlton, New (Edinburgh). Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms: Ermine, a wolf salient sable, collared or, on a chief of the third three acorns slipped and leaved vert ; and impaling the arms of Hotham, namely, barry of ten argent and azure, on a canton or, a Cornish chough proper. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling sable doubled argent ; and upon a wreath of his liveries is set for Crest, a wolf's head erased sable. argent. Mantling sable and argent. Crest - On a wreath of the colours, a demi-lion rampant or, gorged with a wreath. MottO — "Virtus incumbct honori." Married, Jan. 22, 1898, Emmeline, eldest dau. of Hamon le .Strange, Esq., of Hunstanton Hall, co. Norfolk. Seats — Carleton Lodge, Pontefract ; Caer Beris, Builth, Brecknockshire. § CHARLES PAGE WOOD. Esq., J. P. and D.L. for CO. of lissex. Born 1836, being the fourth son of the late Rev. Sir John I^age Wood, 2nd Bart., of Rivenliall, Essex, by Emma Caroline, dau. of S. Mitchell. Armorial bearing — Quarterly argent and or, the mace of the Lord Mayor of London in pale between an oak tree on a mount vert fructed proper in the first and fourth quarters, and a bull's head. erased sable, charged on the neck with a bezant, in the second and third. Mantling vert and argent ; and for his Crest, out of a mural crown argent, a demi-wild man wreathed about the temples with oak fructed [iroper, in the dexter hand an oak tree eradicated and fructed, and in the sinister a club all proper. Motto — "Defend." Married, 1864, Minna, dau. of the late Thomas White of Wethersfield, Essex ; and has, with other Issue- Hatherley Page Wood, Gentleman, b. 1869. .SViz/— Wakes Hall, Wakes Colne, near Halstead. § COLLINGWOOD LINDSAY WOOD, Esquire, of Freeland, in the parish of Forgandenny and co. of Perth, J. P. and D.L. for co. Perth, J. P. for co. Pal. of Durham. Born 1830, being the eldest son of the late collared and ringed or, the collar charged on the band with three oak-leaves vert ; and in an escroll above, this Motto, " Loyal en tout." Married, ist, 1870, Dulcibella, 3rd dau. of the late S. G. Barrett ; and by her (who d. 1879) has issue ; 2nd, 1882, Frances Charlotte -Agnes, eldest dau. of Beaumont Hotham, Esq., and has issue. Seat — Freeland, Forgandenny, Perthshire, N.B. FREDERICK GEORGE LINDLEY WOOD, Esquire, commonly known as the Honourable F'rederick George Lindley Wood. Born 1846, being the son of the Right Honourable the first Viscount Halifax. Clubs — Brooks's, Travellers', -Athenseum. Armorial bearings — He liears for Arms : Three naked savage men of the wood ambulant in fesse proper, each holding in his sinister hand a club resting on his shoulder all proper, and on his dexter arm a shield argent, charged with a cross gules, on a canton ermine, three lozenges conjoined in fesse sable, and im- paling the arms of Lindsay, namely, quarterly i and 4, gules a fesse chequy argent and azure (for Lindsay) ; 2 and 3 or, a lion rampant gules, debruised by a ribbon sable (for Abernethy). Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet be- fitting his degree, with a mantling azure and argent ; and for his Crest, a savage as in the arms, the escutcheon sable charged with a griflin's head erased argent. Married, 1878, Mary Susan Felicie Lindsay, commonly known as Lady Mary Susan Felicie Lindsay, daughter of the Right Hon- ourable the twenty-fifth Earl of Crawford and Balcarres ; and has Issue living — (i) Francis Hugo Lindley Wood, Esquire, born 1880; (2) Robert Alexander Lindley Wood, Esquire, born 1883 ; (3) Everard Charles Lindley Wood, Gentleman, born 1885; (4) Charles Wilfred Lindley Wood, Gentleman, born 1890. Residences — Hoarcross, Burton-on- Trent ; 34 Hans Place, S.W. Chambers — 7 King's Bench Walk, E.C. The Editor undertakes that every entry not in italics is that of a genuinely armigerous person. 3L 898 moo GEORGE SWINFORD WOOD, Gentlemnn, of Bodlon- deb. it) the county of Carnarvon, /^oni April 8, 1836, being till- eldest son of the late Henry Wood of Chester, by his wife I larriet, daughter of James Loniax of Dawstone, in the county of Chester. Armorial bearings— lie Iwars for Arms : Or, three mullets of six jjoints in liend lietween two licndlets nebuly gules, all between three roses of the last. U])on the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, in front of a mount thereon an oak- tree proper, three bezants. MottO— " Sicut serimus, sic metimus." AftirriiJ, Septeml)er 18, 1867, M. J. E., daugh- ter of Enoch Gibbon Salisbury of Glan Aber, in the county of Chester ; and has /.<;siie—(i) Thomas Henry Wood, Gentleman, born May 8, 1869 ; (2) Altert Salisbury Wood, Gentleman, born April i, 1871 ; (3) Arthur Philip Lomax Wood. Cientleman, born October 29, 1876. Scat — Bodlon- deb, Conway, North Wales. GEORGE WILLIAM KAYNliR WOOD, Esquire, Justice of the Peace for the county of Lancaster, Lieutenant- C^oloncl, late 4th Volunteer Battalion Manchester Regi- ment. Horn May 23. 1851, being the elder son of William Rayncr Wood, Esquire, Justice of the Peace and Deputy- Lieutenant, by his wife Sarah Jane, daughter of James McConnel. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms: Argent, on a chief sable, an oytcn book proper, binding and clasps or, between two millrinds of the first. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling sable and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a mount vert, thereon in front of an oak-tree proper a boar regardant sable, hoofed, tusked, and gorged with a collar, therefrom a chain reflexed over the back and affixed to the tree or. Married, August 11, 1886, Margaret, eldest daughter of David Martineau, of 4 South Road, Clapham Park; and has Issue — Humphrey Rayner Wood, Gentleman, born Novemlier 18, 1888 ; and Dorothy. Postal address — Singleton, Manchester. m Genkkai. Sir (HENRY) EVELYN WOOD, G.C.B. © (1891), G.C.M.G. (1882), V.C. ; served in Crimean Campaign, Indian Mutiny, Ashanti War, South African War, Egyptian Expedition, and Soudan Expedition, Adjutant-General to the Forces 1897. Horn 1838, being the son of the late Reverend Sir John Page Wood, Hart., by his wife Emma Caroline, youngest daughter of Sampson Michell of Croft West, in the county of Cornwall. C/itbs — Army and Navy, United Service. Armorial bearings — Quarterly argent and or, the mace of the Lord Mayor of the City of London in pale between an oak-tree on a mount vert, fructed proper, in the first and fourth quarter, and in the second and third a bull's head erased sable, charged on the neck wtth a liezant, the escutcheon being encircled by the ribbon of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, and by the collars and pendent therefrom the badges of a Knight Grand Cross of that Order, and of the Most Distinguished Order of Saint Michael and Saint George, and his Victoria Cross. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling vert and argent ; and for his Crest, out of a mural crown argent, a demi-wild man wreathed about the temples with oak fructed, in the dexter hand an oak tree eradicated and fructed, and in the sinister a club all proper. Motto — "Defend. " Married, September 19, 1867, Mary Paulina, commonly called the Honourable Mary Paulina (who died 1891), sister of the Right Honourable the fourth Viscount .Southwell; and has Issue \Wmg~(i) Evelyn FitzGerald Michell Wood, Esquire, Lieutenant Devonshire Regiment, born 1869 [married, 1893, Lilian, daughter of the late Charles Edward Hutton]; (2) Charles Michell Wood, Es- quire, Lieutenant 2nd Battalion Northumberland Fusiliers, A.D.C. to the Governor of .South Africa, born 1873; (3) Arthur Herbert Michell Wood, Esquire, 2nd Lieutenant Scottish Rifles, born 1877; Anna Paulina May; Marcella Mary; and Victoria Eugenie. Resideme~22, Devonshire Place, W. HEN RY JOHN LINDLEY WOOD, Esquire, commonly known as the Honourable Henry John Lindley Wood. Bor>i 1843, being the son of the Right Honourable the first Vis- count Halifax ; appointed Lieutenant loth Hussars May 1870, Captain 12th Lancers, and to the brevet of Major March 1874, retired 1885 with Honorary rank of Lieutenant- Colonel. C7«iJj— Athenaeum, Boodle's, Brooks's.Travellers". » is the Military Cockade. 2jS00 Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Azure, three naked savage men of the wood ambulant in fesse proper, each holding in his sinister hand a club resting on his shoulder all proper, and on his dexter arm a shield argent charged witli a cross gules, on a canton ermine, three lozenges conjoined in fes.se sable. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet liefitting his degree, with a mantling azure and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a savage as in the arms, the shield sable charged with a griffin's head erased argent. Postal address — Hickleton, Don caster. Sir HENRY TRUEMAN WOOD, Knight Bachelor, Master of Arts of the University of Cambridge. Born 1845, being the eldest son of William Burton Persse Wood, by his wife Emily, daughter of James Morris ; dubbed Knight Bachelor, 1890. Clui— Oxford and Cambridge. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Quarterly argent and or, a cross floi-y gules, between in the first and fourth quarters an oak-tree on a mount fructed proper, in the second and third a bull's head erased sable, charged with a bezant. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules and argent ; and for his Crest, out of a mural crown argent, a demi-wild man wreathed with oak fructed, in the dexter hand an oak-tree eradicated and fructed, and in the sinister a club all proper. Married, 1873, Marian, daughter of J. Oliver; and has Issue — William Vincent Wood, Esquire, born 1875 ; Freda Muriel ; and Dorothy Kathleen. Postal address — Society of Arts, Adelphi, W.C. JOHN BADDELEY WOOD, Esquire, Master of Arts of the University of Oxford, J. P. and Dep.-Lieut. for the county of Salop. Born March 21, 1849, being the eldest son of Edmund Thomas Wedgwood Wood, Esquire, Jus- tice of the Peace for the counties of Salop and Stafford, by his wife Sophia, daughter of G. F. Schmidt, Esquire, of Hamburg, by his wife, the Baroness Emilie von Dick- man - Secherau. Clubs — Windham, Orleans, Raleigh, Boodle's. Armorial bearings— Or, a lion rampant be- tween three boars' heads erased sable, impaling the same arms of Wood. Mantling sable and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a demi-man wreathed about the temples and waist with oak leaves fructed, the dexter hand holding a club in bend all proper, the sinister arm ex- tended, the hand grasping a wolf's head erased sal)le ; with the Motto, " Deus robur nieum." Married, 1876, his cousin, Elizabeth Marianne, only child and heiress of Nicholas Price Wood, of The Hall, Wirksworth, in the county of Derby ; and has Issue — (i) Nicholas Price Wood, ^ is the Naval Cockade. moo OToo 899 Gentleman, born 1877 ; (2) Edmund Baddeley Wood, Gen- tleman, born 1884 ; (3) Herliert Victor Wedgwood Wood, Gentleman, d. 1807; Mary Dorothy; and Agnes Evelyn. Estates — Henley Hall, Ludlow, in the county of Salop; The Hall, Wirksworth, in tlie county of Derby. Postal address — Henley Hall, Ludlow. JOHN GATHORNE WOOD, Esquire, of Thedden Grange, Alton, in the county of Hampshire, Justice of the Peace for the county of Southampton. Boni July 17, 1839, being the eldest son of the late John Wood of Thedden Grange, by his wife Annis l'"lizabeth, eldest daughter of John Hardy of Dunstall Hall, in the county of Stafford. Club — Junior Carlton. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Gules, three naked savages proper, each holding in the sinister hand a shield argent charged with a cross flory gjules, and in the dexter a club resting on the shield of the second, on a chief invected or, an estoile between two fleurs-de-lis azure, and impaling the arms of Hewitt, namely gules, a chevron engrailed between three owls argent. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet liefitting his degree, with a mantling gules and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a naked arm em- bowed couped at the shoulder, holding a club all proper, pendent from the wrist a shield as in the arms. Motto — " Non ligno cruce." Married, firstly, 1862, Susan Mary, only daughter of Edward I'ennefather of Rathsalla, in the county of Wicklow ; and by her (who died 1864) had Issue — Evelyn I'juily [married, December 2, 1886, Laurence Hardy^ Esquire, Member of Parliament, younger son of the late Sir John Hardy, Baronet 1 ; and lidith Susan Mary [married, 1892, the Reverend F. E. Freese]. He married secondly, 1866, Mary Anne, commonly called tlie Honour- able Mary Anne, eldest daughter of tiie Right Honourable James Hewitt, fourth Viscount Lifford ; and has — (i) Archibald Henry Wood, (Jentleman, born February 13, 1B68 ; (2) Ernest Gathorne Wood, Gentleman, born July 19, 1869; (3) Wilfrid ICdward Wood, (ientleman, torn May 23, 1871 ; Gertrude Mary ; and Mary Millicent. Seats — rhedden (irange, and Siialden Manor, Alton, in the county of Hampshire. JOSEPH SNELL WOOI3, Gentleman. Born Jan. 4, 1853, being the eldest and only surviving son of the late Cecil, Savage. Livery — Dark blue, with primrose facings. Armorial bearings — Azure, a chevron nebuly or, between two oak trees eradicated in chief and a hand erect holding a pen in bend sinister in base proper. Mantling azure and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a demi-nian alTrontfe, holding over his dexter shoulder a club all proper, and resting his sinister hand upon a saltirc or, and issuing from the wreath on the dexter side an acorn slipped and leaved also proper. Motto — "Non sibi sed aliis." Married, Aug. 26, 1875, Elena Maria Umilta, dau. of Torello Ambuchi of Florence; and has Issue — (i) Harold Charles Putney Wood, Gentleman, b. l'"eb. 24, 1881 ; Florence Elena Elizateth ; Ethel Violet Elise ; and Mabel Fanny Louise. Residence — 29 Kensington Court, W. Sir MATTHEW WOOD, fourth Baronet, of Hatherley House, in the county of Gloucester. Born September 21, 1857, being the son of Sir Francis Wood, third Baronet, by his wife, the eldest daughter of Robert Hodgson of Appleshaw, in the county of Hampshire ; succeeded his father in 1868, under the creation of December 16, 1837. Clubs — Brooks's, Raleigh, Hurlingham. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Quarterly argent and or, the mace of the Lord Mayor of London in pale, between an oak-tree on a mount vert, fructed proper, in the first and fourth quarters, and in the second and third a bull's head erased sable, charged on the neck with a bezant. Upon the escutcheon, which is charged with his badge of Ulster as a Baronet, is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a manthng vert and argent ; and for his Crest, out of a mural crown argent, a demi-wild man wreathed about the temples with oak, fructed, in the dexter hand an oak-tree eradicated and fructed, and in the sinister a club all proper. Motto — " Defend." Heir presumptive — His brotlier, John Page Wood, Esc|uire, born i860. Residence — 83 Piccadilly, London, S.W. S RICHARD HENRY WOOD, Esquire, of Bilton F^ark, in the county of Warwick, and of Pantglas, in the county of Merioneth, Justice of the Peace and Deimty- Lieutenant for the counties of Warwick and ,oseph Wood, by his wife Elizabeth, dau. of Andrew Snell of Sandford. Crediton, Devon. Clubs — ]wmox Carlton, Merioneth, and High Sheriff for the latter county 1889, Fellow of the Society of Antiquaries, Fellow of the Royal The Editor undertakes that every entry not in italics is that of a genuinely armigerous person. r;_ . goo moo moo j^ Geographical Society. Hont 1820, lx;ing the son of the lute Charles Wood of Northeii House, Iw his wife Catha- rine, da\ighter of M. Kose of Norlhen House, in llie County Palatine of Chester. ('////^—Conservative. Armorial bear- ings— He Ix'ars for Arms : l^er fesse gules and sable, a lion rampant argent, and in chief two crosses tau of the last. Upon the escutclieon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a blackamoor's head in profile, couped at the shoulders proper, wreathed with cinquefoils or, in front thereof tliree mascles interlaced fesse- ways also or. Married, 1854, Elizaljeth, daughter of Peter Hatton, Esquire, of Helle Vue, Hartford, in the county of Chester. Estatei — Bilton Park, in the county of War- wick ; Pantglas, in the county of Merioneth ; Hatton, in the County Palatine of Chester. Postal address — Belmont Sidmouth. S AUGUSTUS WOOD-ACTON, Esquire, Justice of the Peace for the counties of Somer- /f/TInnh C{rtt\Y\ *^'' Salop, and Hereford, and also VLiLtUUU"avlUll a Deputy-Lieutenant for the last named county. Born NovemV)er i, 1842, and is the younger son of the late John Wood of Martock, in the county of Somerset, by his wife Mary Anne, daughter of the Reverend Thomas Coleman, Rector of Church Stretton, in the county of Salop, and niece of Thomas Pendarves Stackhouse-Acton of Acton-Scott ; and assumed the surname of Acton in addition to and after his patronymic, with the arms of Acton, by Royal License in the year 1874. Cluh—Xnhnr's,. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms: (iules, two lions passant argent, between nine cross crosslets fitch(?e or. Married, July 15, 1880, Laura Charlotte, daughter of the Reverend Richard Surtees, Rector of Holtby, in the county of York. Estate and postal address — Acton-Scott, Church Stretton, Shropshire. [/« Burke's "Landed Gentry" the foUoiving crest is men- tioned, na/nely, " a human leg and thigh in armour proper, garnished or, couped and dropping blood;" but there is really no crest belonging to the Acton family. '\ n Wn.LIAM GREGORY WOOD-MARTIN, Esquire, & Col. commanding Duke of Connaught's Own Sligo Artillery. S.D., R.A., A.D.C. to the Queen, J. P., D.L. co. Sligo, High Sheriff 1877. Born July 16, 1847, being the only son of James Wood, Esq., J. P., of Woodville, co. Sligo, by his wife Anne, dau. of Abraham Martin, Esq. , J. P. , D. L. , of Cleveragh, CO. Sligo; and assumed the additional surname and arms of Martin by Royal Licence in 1874. Club — Army and Navy. Livery — Dark blue, braid facings. Armorial bearings — Quarterly 1 and 4, sable, a chevron between three crescents argent (for Martin) ; 2 and 3, argent an oak tree fructed growing out of a moimt in base all proper, in the dexter chief point a crescent gules (for Wood). Crests— I. on a wreath of the colours, a lion rampant proper, holding in the dexter paw a crescent or (for Martin) ; 2. upon a wreath of the colours, a demi-savage proper, wreathed about the temples and loins vert, and charged on the breast with a crescent gules, in his dexter hand an oak-tree fructed, and in his sinister a club resting on his shoulder all also proper. Mottoes — Under the arms, ' ' Hinc fortior et clarior " ; above the second crest, "Fructu cognoscitur arbor." Married, Nov. 1873, Frances Dora, eldest dau. of Roger Dodwell Robinson, Esq., J. P., of Welmont, co. Sligo; and has Jssue—[\) James Isidore Wood-Martin, Gentleman, Lieut. Northants Regt. , b. Sept. 3, 1874; (2) Henry Roger Bromhead Wood-Martin, Gentle- man, b. Oct. 3, 1875 ; (3) Gregory Gonville Cuff Wood- Martin, Gentleman, Lieut. R.N., b. April 2, 1878; (4) Francis Winchester Wood -Martin. Gentleman, b. Feb. 27, 1880 ; Nora ; and Kathleen, j^f/rtto— Woodville and Hloomfield, co. Sligo. Postal address— CX'&sdxn^^, Sligo. WOODCOCK, quartered by CUST. BASIL AUBREY HOLLOND WOODD, Esquire, J.P. West Riding Yorks, Barrister- at -Law (Inner Ternpie). Born May 27, 1869, being the eldest son of the late Rev! Basil Kilvington Woodd, LL.M., by his wife Esther Harriet, dau. of Rev. Edmund Hollond, Benhall Lodge, Saxmundham. C///<^— Constitutional. Livery— C\AXit\. coat] scarlet waistcoat, black trousers, drab overcoat. Armorial bearings— Quarterly i and 4, gules three demi-savages argent, holdmg clubs over their dexter shoulders or (for Woodd) ; 2. sable, a griffin segreant ermine (for Ballard) ; 3. party per pale gules and azure, an eagle displayed with two heads or, a bordure counterchanged of the field (for Mytton). Mantling gules and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a demi-savage as in the arms ; with the Motto, " Non nobis." Married, Dec. 12, 1895, Rosalie, youngest dau. of John Dyson, J. P., of Moorlands, g| is the Military Cockade. Crewkerne, late Judicial Commissioner of Oudh ; and has Issue — Iris Rosalie. Seat — • Conyngham Hall, Knares- borough. Residence — 35 Tite Street, London, S.W^. JANE WOODD, Widow, only daughter of Joseph Harris of Westcotes, in the county of Leicester. Livery — Claret colour piped with scarlet, scarlet fiicings and silver lace collar, silver buttons. Armorial bearings are, upon a lozenge : Gules, three demi-savages argent, bearing clubs over their left shoulders or, impaling the arms of Harris, namely sable, three piles or, charged with as many bulls' heads of the field. Married, 1864, the late C. H. L. Woodd. Esc|uire, Justice of the Peace for the West Riding of the county of York; and has Issue — (i) The Reverend Trevor Basil Woodd [to whom refer] ; (2) C'harles Hamp- den Basil Woodd, Gentleman, born 1869 ; Gertrude Jane ; and Ethel Grace. Estate — Oughtershaw and Starbotton Farm, Langslrothdale, Skipton. Postal address — Roslyn, Hampstead, London, N. W. Thk Rkvekend TREVOR BASIL WOODD, M.A., LL. B. , Clerk in Holy Orders. Born 1866, being the eldest son of the late Charles Henry Lardner Woodd, Esq.. JT'. for W. Riding of the co. of York, by his wife Jane [to whom refer], only daughter of Joseph Harris of West- cotes, CO. Leicester. Club — Oxford and Cambridge. Livery — Claret colour piped with scarlet, scarlet facings and silver lace collar, silver buttons. Armoricil bearings — He bears for Arms : Quarterly i and 4, gules tliree demi- savages argent, bearing cluljs over their left shoulders or (for Woodd) ; 2. sable, a griffin segreant ermine (for Bal- lard) ; 3. per pale gules and azure, an eagle displayed with two heads or, a bordure counterchanged of the field (for Mitton). Crest — Upon a wreath of the colours, a demi-savage argent, bearing a club or. Motto — " Non nobis." Estates — Oughtershaw and Starbotton Farm, Lang- strothdale, Skipton. Postal address— 13 Eccleston Street, Chester Square, London. S is tbe Naval Cockade. moo Sir Al.RERT WILLIAM WOODS, Knight Commander of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, ^^tnnriflf ■^"'^ °^ ^^^ ^^°'^^ Distinguished Order of UAUUVW;^ Saint Michael and Saint George, Garter Principal King of Arms, Registrar and Secretary to the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, Registrar to the Most Exalted Order of the Star of India, King of Arms to the Most Distinguished Order of Saint Michael and Saint George, Registrar to the Most Eminent Order of the Indian Empire, of the Royal Order of Victoria and Alljert, Fellow of the Society of Antiquaries. Born 1816, and was appointed EitzAlan Pursuivant of Arms Ex- traordinary 1837, and Portcullis Pursuivant of Arms, 1838, Lancaster Herald 1841- 1869, Registrar of Collt-ge of Arms 1866- 1869, Inspector of Regimental colours from 1842, Garter Principal King of Arms from 1869, dubbed Knight Bachi;lor 1869, Companion of the Most Honourable Order of the Hath 1887, Knight Commander of the Most Distin- guished Order of Saint Michael and Saint George and Knight Commander of the Hath 1897. /.nrrv— Blue, with white collar and cuffs. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms: His oflficial coat as Garter King of Arms, namely argent, a cross of Saint (Jeorge gules, on a chief azure, a ducal coronet within a Garter of that Most Noble Order, between a lion of England passant guardant and a fleur- de-lis all or, and impaling his family arms of Woods, namely or, on a mount vert, a lion statant guardant in front of an oak-tree proper, fructed of the first, a chief azure, thereon on a pale argent, tjetween two circlets of the crown of a King of Arms also of the first, a cross of Saint George gules, the escutcheon Ijeing surrounded by the ribbon of the Order of the Hath, and by his collar of SS., and pendent his badges as a Knight Commander of the Bath and of Saint Michael and Saint George, and as Garter King of Arms. Above the escmcheon is placed the crown of his rank, and thereupon a helmet Ixjfitting his degree, with a mantling vert and or ; and for his Crest, issuant from a crown vallery or, a mount vert, thereon in front of an oak-tree as in the arms, a denii-man affront(''e resting the dexter hand on a terrestrial glotie proper ; with the Motto, " Dcusroburraeum." Afarried, December i, 1838, Caroline, eldest daughter of Rolx-rt Cole of Rotherfield, in the county of Sussex ; and has had Issue — William Francis Woods, Esquire I now deceased ; married, and had an only son, Albert William Woods, Esquire, Rouge Dragon Pursuivant of Arms, born March 5, 1865 (married, 1890, Myal, who died 1893, daughter of the late John Leven of Melbourne, in the Colony of Victoria, and died without issue 1893), and a daughter, Francis Harriet Helen] ; and Caroline Marianne [married, September 6, 1873, Arthur Naylor Wollaston, Esquire, Companion of the Most Eminent Order of the Indian Empire (to whom refer), and has issue]. Postal iiddi-esses — 6g St. George's Road, S. W. ; Heralds' College, E. C. S THOMAS WOODS, Esciuire, J. P. Glamorganshire, Major and Hon. Lieut. -Col. Glamorganshire Artil- liiy 1871-88 (V.D.). Born 1820, being the eldest son of John Jex Woods of Oulton, Suffolk. Armorial bearings- Azure, on a fesse engrailed erminois, between two ohaplets of roses argent, three escallops sable. Mantling axure and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a horse's head couped argent, maned or, issuant from a chaplet of roses gules, and holding in the mouth a broken spear in bend also or. Motto — " Ora et labora. " i'l/rt/rvci/, i86o, Eliza- beth H., dau. of Rev. Charles Hardwick, Rector of St. Michael's, Gloucester. listate — Blundeston Hall, near Lowestoft. AV.(/rt'f//(«^Rose Cottage, Lowestoft, Suffolk; Llandaff Place, Llandaff. MATTHEW SNOOKE GROSVENOR WOODS, Es- quire, late Fellow of Trin Coll., Cambridge, Q.C., Bencher of Lincoln's Inn ; adopted the name of 'W'oods in com- pliance with directions in his father's will, 1863. Born March 14, 1838, being the only son of Matthew Snooke, Gentleman, of Chichester, by his wife Elizabeth, dau. of Francis Smith of Maidstone, M.D. Club — New University. Armorial bearings (of Snooke) — Azure, on a chevron argent, between two eagles displayed in chief and a lion rampant in base or, three fleurs-de-lis gules. Mantling azure and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a rock proper, thereon an eagle regardant, wings elevated or, the dexter claw resting on an escutcheon argent, charged with a fleur-de-lis gules. Motto — " Integritate tutus." 22300 901 Married, Aug. 14, 1897, Mary Amabel, dau. of John Vincent Thompson, Esq., Sergeant-at-Law ; and has Issue ijNTEGRiMEiirro: — Matthew Grosvenor Woods, Gentleman, b. .Si'pt. 4, 1878. Postal address — 30 Phillimore Gardens, W. WILLIAM WOODS, Gentleman, ofWarnford Park, in the county of Hampshire, Major Hampshire Yeomanry Cavalry, Bachelor of Arts of the University of Cambridge, Born December 2, 1855, being the eldest son of the late Henry Woods, Esquire, of Warnford Park, in the county of Southampton, Justice of the Peace and Deputy-Lieu- tenant for the county of Lancaster, Member of Parliament for Wigan 1857- 1874, by his first wife Hannah, only child of Charles Hindley, Member of Parliament for Ashton- under-Lyne, in the county of Lancaster, 1832-1859. Ar- morial bearings^He tears for Arms : Argent, a chevron nebuly gules, gutti^e-d'eau, between three martlets sable. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a staff raguly fesseways sable, thereon a martlet, wings elevated of the last, guttfe-d'eau. Motto — "Lahore et perseverantiil. " Married, Septeml)er 20, 1879, Emma .Agnes, daughter of Sir Edmund Samuel Hayes, third Baronet, of Drumboe Castle, in the county of Donegal ; and has Issue— (\) Charles Henry Woods, Gentle- man, born June 17, 1881 ; (2) Edinund William Woods, Gentleman, born January 6, 1886. i"ea/j— Warnford Park, Bishop's Waltham ; Whitley Hall, Wigan. Residence— 3 Whitehall Court, London, S.W. Rev. GEORGE LEY WOOLLCOMBE, M.A. (Oxon.), Rector of St. Mewan, Cornwall, 1871-1889. J. P. for Corn- wall. Bom 1828, being the eldest son of the late Vice- The Editor undertakes tliat every entry not in italics is tbat of a genuinely armigerous person. 902 51100 mot Admiral George Woollconibe of Hcnierdon, Devon, J. P., b^' his wife Mary Klizalxnh, second dau. of CJeorijc Ley, hsc]., of C'ocivington, Torquay. Armorial bearings — Argent, three bars gules. Mantling gul<-s and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a falcon proper, the wings displayed argent, charged with three bars gides, belled and jested or. Afarried, 1859, l''dith, dau. of Ilenry Landx; ; and has Issue — George Arthur Ley Woollconibe, Gentleman. M.A. (Christ's Coll. Camb.), />. Feb. 1864; and Edith Mary. iVa/— Hcnierdon, I'lyinpton, Devon. 0ViCE-Ai)MiK.M. HENRY BEDFORD WOOLL- COMBE. Born April 25, 1831, ^fflnoffrnitlflf lx>ing the second son of the late VL\LIUU11VUUUIC Vice-Adniiral George Woollconibe, J. P. CO. Devon, of Hemerdon, Plympton, South Devon, by his wife Mary Elizabeth, dau. of the late George Ley of Cockington, South Devon. Club — United Service. /./tyvj— White, with red and white striped waistcoat. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms: Argent, three bars gules, impaling the arms of Eden namely gules, on a chevron between three garbs or banded vert, as many escallops sable. Crest — A lalcon rising proper, each wing charged with three bars gules. AfarneJ, December 18, 1879, Eleanor Agnes, third diiughter of the Reverend Arthur Eden [second son of Rt Hon. first Lord Henley and the Baroness Grey de Ruthyn}; and has had Issuc-H^.rry Eden Woollconibe, t" :, '^•1887; and Eleanor Mary. Posfal address- Longridge Road, S. Kensington, S.W. A}<^Ml^T^'^'^'i'■^'t^^ EDWARD WOOLLCOMBE- ADAMS, late R. A., J.P co. Warwick. Born April „, 1842, being the son of Vice- Admiral Woollcombe of Hemerdon Devon by his wife Mary Elizateth, second dau. of George Ley of Cockington, near Torquav • assumed the additional surname of Adams by R Jai J;r?"nn n^^' ^^°"*1 bearingS-Quarterly /and ^4 a bezant, 2 and 3 argent, three bars gules. Mantling tallnf n °''- ,°"«f-i- °" ^ wreath of the colomVa ta bot azure bezantte, gorged with a collar and r ne atached argent, and resting the dexter paw on an estoilf wu'h ;i.r„ K "' ''!"^'^ expan.led proper, each charged ^^,Jw T ""■"/"'I'- Motto -"Sub cruce Veritas - ^/ Justice of the Peace and Deput} UALlUU^Uaill Lieutenant for that county and Justic of the Peace for the county of Mon goniery, High Sheriff for the former 1893, Bachelor of Arl of the University of Oxford. Barrister-at-Law. Born Ma.rc 30, 1850. being the eldest son of the late Richard Woo; nam. Esquire, of Glandwr. in the county of Montgomerj and Tyn-y-graig. in the county of Brecknock. Justice c tlie Peace for both counties, by his wife Margaret, daughte of William Bell of Bellview. near Abbeyleix. in Queen' County. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Pe pale sable and azure, a lion passant argent, between fou pheons, three in chief and one in base or. Upon the e; cutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with mantling sable and argent ; and for his Crest, ujaon wreath of the colours, in a fern brake jjroper. a snak nowed or, thereon preying an eagle also proper, guttee de-larnies. Married, August 15. 1876. Kate, daughter c William Evans of 'The Fields, in the county of Monmouth and has Issue — Richard Bowen Woosnam, Gentleman born November 17, 1880 ; Kate Marjorie ; Mary Dorothy and Florence {Gwendolen. Seat — Tyn-y-graig, 15uilth, i the county of Brecknock. CHARLES WILLIAM WOOSNAM, Esq.. J.P. fo Montgomeryshire. B.A. (Oxon). Born 1853. being th third son of the late Richard Woosnam of Glandwr, Llan idloes. CO. Montgomery, and of Tyn-y-graig. co. Brecon by Margaret, dau. of the late William P.eil of Bellview Queen's Co. Club — Constitutional. Armorial bearing — Per pale sable and azure, a lion passant argent, betweei three pheons in chief and one in base or. Mantling sabl( and argent ; and for a Crest, upon a wreath of the colours in a fern-brake proper, a snake nowed or. preying on ar eagle also proper. gutt(5e-de-larmes. Married, 1883^ Minnii Sophia, dau. of William Daniel Allen. Esq., of ICndcliffe near Sheffield ; and has, with other Issue — Ralph Willian Woosnam, Gentleman, /'. 1887. ^SVrt/— Ccfnllysgwynne Builth. Sir STEUART WORKMAN - MACNAGHTEN Knight Bache C^orkman==a^acnagf)ten Ld„g'uie I't^ son ofSirFrancii Workman-Macnaghten, first Baronet, of Dundarave. in the county of Antrim. Judge of the Supreme Court of Bengal by his wife Letitia, daughter of Sir William Dunkin ; dubbec Knight Bachelor, 1890. Club — Carlton. Armorial bear ings— He bears for Arms : Quarterly i and 4, cpiarterly i. and iiii. argent, an arm issuant from the sinister proper, grasping a cross crosslet fitchee azure ; ii. and iii. a tower embattled gules, all within a bordure ermine (for Mac- naghten) ; 2 and 3 or, three martlets sable between two bars wavy gules, in chief three crescents, and in base a portcullis of the second (for Workman). Upon the escut- cheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, witli a mantling azure and argent ; and for his Crests, i. upon a wreath of the colours, a tower gules (for Macnaghten) ; 2. upon a wreath of the colours, out of a crescent quarterly sable and or, a Roman fasces erect proper (for Workman) ; and above the crests the Motto. " Non pas Touvrage niais I'ouvrier," and under the arms. " I hope in (jod." Married, firstly, 1848, Agnes, daugliter of J. Eastniont, and widow of Captain Lewis Sheddon (she died 1863) ; secondly. 1864, Emily Frances, commonly known as Lacly Emily Frances, daughter of Vice-Admiral Mark Kerr, commonly known as Lord Mark Kerr, by his wife the Rigiit Honourable Charlotte, in her own right Countess of Antrim (she died 1874) ; thirdly. 1877. Amy Katharine, daughter of tlie Reverend Arthur 'Thomas ; and by his third marriage has Issue — Angus Charles Rowley Steuart Workman-Mac- naghten, Escjuire. born 1883 ; Letitia Julia Hanah ; and Laura Maud Amy. Residence — Bittern Manor House, in the county of Southampton. HARRY WORMALD WORMALD. Born 1820. being the second son of William Armitage, l'".sci.. of Ainderby H is tlie Naval Cockade. mot mot 903 Hall, CO. York, by Charlotte, dau. of the late Harry Wor- mald, Esq., of Woodhouse ; and assumed by Royal License, in 1 871, the name and arms of Wormald, under the will of his great-uncle. Armorial bearings— Quarterly i and 4, or, a fesse ermines between two bears' heads erased in chief and thn;e mascles interlaced fesseways in base sable (for Wor- mald) ; 2 and 3 quarterly per fesse indented azure and gules, a wolfs head erased between four crosses crosslet argent (for Arniitage). Mantling sable and or ; and for his Crests, i. upon a wreath of the colours, on three mascles interlaced fesseways or, a boar's head erased sable (for Wormald) ; 2. upon a wreath of the colours, in front of an arm embowed, vested azure, cuffed argent, the hand grasping by the blade a sword in bend sinister proper, pommel and hilt or, a gauntlet fesseways gold (for Armitagc). Motto — " Noli me tangere." Married, 1842, Helena, daughter of Peter Trell- sen. Estates— iiz.v,\ey and Cookridge, Yorkshire. WORMS, see DE WORMS. S HENRY WH^SON WORSLEY-T.^YLOR, Q.C.of Morcton Hall, co. Lancaster, J. P. and U.L. for that CO., and J. P. for the West Riding of Yorkshire, Chairman of the Lancashire County Sessions (held at Preston), and formerly Recorder of tiie borough of Preston, B.A. Oxford, Barrister -at -Law. Jiorti July 25, 1847, Iwing the only son of the late James Worsley, Esq., J. P., by his wife Alice, dau. of Henry Clegg of Haughton House; assumed by Royal Licence 1881, in accordance with the will of his cousin Miss Margaret Pilling-Taylor, the additional sur- name of Taylor. Armorial bearings— (^)uartcrly i and 4, ermine, on a chief dovetailed gules, a mallet between two escallops or; 2 and 3 azure, on a chevron tlory counter- fiory or, between in chief two falcons and in base a wolf's head erased. Mantling gules and argent. Crests— r. on a wreath of the colours, a demi-lion rampant sable, sem(?e of mallets or, holding between the paws an acorn gold, slipped vert ; 2. on a wreath of the colours, a wolf's head erased, encircled by a wreath of oak, and pierced by a tilting-spear fesseways. MottO— ' ' Annoso rolxsre quercus." Married, Aug. 16, 1871, Harriette Sayer, only dau. of Sir Edward William Walkin, P.art., M.l'. ; and has Issue— M James Worsley-Taylor, Gentleman, h. July 10, 1872; (2) Francis Edward Worsley-Taylor, Gentleman, b. July 4, 1874; Mary Beatrice; and Margaret Ursula, Seat — Moreton Hall, Whalley, Lancashire. S ALBERT OCT.'XVIUS WORTHINGTON, Esquire, Justice of the Peace and Deputy- K^itWfhxntXtCiry I-ieutenant for the county of Staf- VULt.Uli-iJUlV5lUU ford, for which county he served the office of High Sheriff in the year 1889-1890, Captain and Honorary Major of the Queen's Own Royal Regiment Staffordshire Yeomanry, Lord of the Manor of Pype-cum-Membris. Born November 20, 1844, being the third but only surviving son of the late William Worthington, Esquire, of Newton Park and Burton, Justice of the Peace for the counties of Stafford and Derby, by his wife Mary Anne, second daughter of the late Francis Calvert of Houndhill, in the county of Stafford. Club — Junior Carlton. Livery — Blue coat, scarlet waistcoat, with silver lace and buttons, blue and silver aigulettes, black plush breeches. Armorial bearings — He tears for Arms : Party per fesse dancettfe argent and sable, a pale counter- changed, and three tridents erect of the second ; and for his Crest, on a wreath of the colours, upon the trunk of a tree fesseways eradicated and sprouting proper, a goat passant argent, gorged with a collar gemelle sable, holding in the moiuh a sprig of oak fructed also proper, with the Motto, " Virtute dignus avorum." Married, February 16, 1871, Sarah Elizabeth, daughter of John Etty of Malton, in the county of York ; and has Issue — William Worth • ington Worthington, Gentleman, born December 21, 1871 ; Evelyn Matel ; Winifred Florence [m., 1896, Hon. Alex- ander Parkes, son of sixth Earl of Macclesfield] ; Dorothy Hilda ; and Muriel Esm^. Estate and postal address — Maple Hayes, Lichfield, Staffordshire. CHARLES JAMES WORTHINGTON, Gentleman. Bom Aug. 30, 1843, being the eldest son of the late Robert Worthington of Sale Hall, co. Chester, and of Ardwick, Manchester, by his second wife Elizabeth, dau. of Robert Brewin of Birstall, co. Leicester. Armorial bearings— Or, three acorns chevronways proper, between as many tridents sable. Mantling vert and or. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, in front of a tiident erect sable, a goat passant argent, in the mouth an acorn as in the arms. Married, first, July 22, 1874, Elizabeth Ann, second dau. of Edward Gittins of Church Gale, Leicester (who d. Nov. 21, 1880); and has Issue— (1) Robert Edward Worthington, Gentleman, *. Oct. 18, 1878; (2) Frank Worthington, Gentleman, b. June 15, 1880; and Mary. He married secondly, A\m\ 30, 1884, Emily, second dau. of the late John lidwnrd Clift of Redditch, co. Worcester, and Chelten- ham, CO. Gloucester, and widow of Rev. William Walmesley White of Leicester. Kesidence—The. Holme, Hawkshead, CO. Lancaster. G0DFR1':Y worthington, Gentleman. Bom Feb. 22, 1849, being the fifth son of the late Robert Worthington of Sale Hall, co. Chester, and of Ardwick, Manchester, by his second wife Elizabeth, dau. of Robert Brewin of Birstall, co. Leicester. Armorial bearings— Or, three acorns chevronwise proper, lietween as many tridents sable. Mantling vert and or. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, in front of a trident erect sable, a goat passant argent, in the mouth an acorn as in the arms. Married, April 6, 1880, Fanny, only dau. of George Jevons of Liverpool; and has /.f.v«e— Hugh Worthington, Gentle- man, b. Jan. 29, 1881 ; and l':iizal)eth. 6Vrt/- -Sandivvay House, Altrinchani. IVAN WOTHERSPOON, Esquire, Q.C., M.A., of Iverley, parish of St. Anne du ;r/rirtf'hpfrfMnnM ^^u^ 'l^ ''I'«- ^°- Jacques Cartler, (ULlUvy^riypilun and 59 victoria Street, Montreal, Province of Quetec, Canada. Born June 6, 1845, being the eldest son of the late Daniel Tolkien Wotherspoon, of Quebec City [descended from Sir Alexander Witherspune, of Brig House, co. Linlithgow, Knt., Falconer and Esquire to King James II. of Scotland, 145 1], by Helena, his wife, eldest daughter and co-heiress of John Greaves Claphani, formerly of Leeds, Yorkshire, England, and afterwards of Quebec. Z.«Vtvj — Buff and red. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms: Or, on a cross engrailed between four crescents gules, a star of eight points of the first in chief, and on an escutcheon of pretence gules, the head of St. Denis argent (for Juchereau de St. Denys). Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules doubled or ; and upon a wreath of his liveries is set for Crest, a tower gules, and issuing therefrom an eagle displayed or ; and in an escrol over the same this Motto, " Per crucem ad lucem. Married, June 19, 1871, Blanche, only daughter of Charles Juchereau, Duchesnay de St. Denys of St. Ours, P.Q. ; and has Issue— [i) Cecil Juchereau de St. Denys Wotherspoon, Gentleman, born August 31, 1872; (2) Ivan Stuart Wother- spoon, Gentleman, born Sept, 25. 1873 ; (3) Guy Moreton The Editor undertakes that every entry not in italics is that of a genuinely armigerous person. 904 mow Wotherspoon, Ixiin July 25, 1876, died Jan. 23, 1878; (4) Hugh Cl:iphaiu Wotherspoon, Gentleman, born Dec. 31, 1879. Estate and postal address- Bellevue, Co. Jaques Cartier, P.Q. -Iverley, Ste Anne de STEPHEN ROLAND WOULFE, Esq.. J.P. cos. Clare and Down, High Sheriff of the latter co. 1874, and of the former 1876, served in the 7th Regt. Fusiliers, afterwards Capt. Hunts Militia. Born 1822, being the son of the late Right Hon. Stephen Woulfe of Ticrmaclane, Lord Chief liaron of the Exchequer, Ireland. Clubs— Army and Navy, Brooks's, Kildare St. (Dubhn). Armorial bearings— Per fesse argent and azure, in chief, on a mount vert, a wolf passant in front of an oak tree all proper, in base two salmon naiant barways of the last. Mantling argent and azure ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a stork wings elevated sable. Motto — " Cuilean uasal. " Married, 1st, June 9, 1853, Hon. Isabella Letitia, dau. of the Right Hon. Thomas North Graves, second Lord Graves (she died Oct. 26, 1870); 2nd, 1881, Alice Maud, youngest dau. of Edward Blackburn of Haine, Devon ; and has had Issue — Stephen Harold Woulfe, Gentleman, b. Feb. 15, 1883, d. 1888 ; and Hilda Maud. Scats — Tiermaclane, Ennis, co. Clare ; Strangford House, Strangford, co. Down. Town residence — 16 Harrington Gardens, S.W. WRIGHT, quartered by WELDON. CALEB WRIGHT, Esq., J.P. for Lancaster, formerly M.P. S.W'. Lancashire (Leigh Div.), 1885-95. Horn 1810. Armorial bearings — Per fesse azure and argent, a pale counterchangcd, three unicorns' heads erased, two and one of the second, and as many sprigs of the cotton tree slipped and fructed one and two proper. Mantling azure and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a demi-unicorn argent, gorged with a collar vair, and support- ing between three legs a battle-axe erect and proper. Motto — "Audax et Justus." Seat — Lower Oak, Tyldesley, near Manchester. § CHARLES BOOTH ELMSALL WRIGHT, Es- quire, of Bolton Hall, in the county of York, Justice of the Peace for the West Riding of the county of York, and Deputy- Lieutenant, High Sheriff 1879. Born December 19, 1848, being the son of the late Charles & is tbe Military Cockade. rati Swaine Wright, Esquire, Master of Arts, of Bilhani House, near Doncaster, by his wife Mary Ellen de Cardonnel, eldest daughter of Colonel Elmsall. Armorial bearings — He liears for Arms : (Quarterly i and 4, azure on a fesse argent, between three mullets or, as many eagles' head erased of the field (for Wright) ; 2 and 3 paly of six argent and ermine, a wyvern gules, a chief of the first fretty of the third (for Drake). Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling azure and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, on a mount vert, in front of a garb erect or, a unicorn regardant azure, the dexter forepaw resting on a mullet ■S*i'r^ gold ; with the Motto, " Aquila non capit muscas." Mar- ried, 1870, Edith de Cardonnel, second daughter of Robert W. M. Nesfield of Castle Hill, Bakewell, in the county of Derby ; and has Issue— {1) Godfrey Charles de Cardonnel Wright, Gendeman, born 1873 ; (2) Marmaduke Nesfield Wright, Gentleman ; and Mary Eveline. iiVa/— Bolton Hall, Bolton-by-Bolland, Craven. Thk Late CHARLES HENRY WRIGHT, Esquire, Justice of the Peace for the county of Salop. Born Decem- ber 24, 1851, being the eldest son of the late Edmund Wright, Esquire, of Halston, Justice of the Peace, High Sheriff 1857, late Captain 4th Shropshire Yeomanry Cavalry, by his wife Helen, eldest daughter of Sir David Moncreiffe, Baronet, of Moncreiffe, in the county of Perth. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Sable, on a cross or, be- tween four unicorns' heads erased argent, armed, maned, and tufted of the second, a cross engrailed gules, charged with a javelin erect, staff gold, headed of the third. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling sable and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a mount vert, thereon a bull's head erased proper, surmounted by two javelins in saltire staves also proper, headed argent. Seat — Halston, Oswestry. S CHARLES ICHABOD WRIGHT, Esquire, Lieu- tenant-Colonel late Commanding ist Nottinghamshire (Robin Hood) Rifle Volunteers, Member of Parliament for the county of Nottingham 1868-1870, and on the Commission of the Peace for the county of Nottingham, but has not yet qualified. Born September 19, 1828, being the eldest son of Ichabod Charles Wright of Mapperley Hall, in the county of Nottingham, by his wife 7 heodosia, commonly known as the Honourable Theodosia, eldest daughter of the Right Honourable Thomas Denman, first Baron Denman. Club — Carlton. Livery — Dark blue, H is the Naval Cockade. mti ith yellow piping, yellow waistcoat with black embroidery. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Sable, on a chevron argent, three spears' heads gules, in chief two unicorns' heads erased argent, armed and maned or, in base on a pile of the last, issuing from the chevron, a unicorn's head erased of the first. Crest— Upon a wreath of tlie colours, and out of a crescent or, a unicorn's head argent, erased gules, armed and maned or. Married, June 9, 1852, Blanche Louisa, eldest daughter of the late Henry Codes Bingham, Justice of the Peace and Deputy-Lieu- tenant, of Wartnaby Hall, near Melton Mowbray ; and has had Issue — (i) Ichalxid Denman Wright, F.squire, born April 4, 1853, died December 29, 1879 (Royal Artillery), killed in the Afghanistan War ; (2) Charles Bingham Wright, Gentleman, born November 19, 1854; (3) Is'evil Wright, Gentleman, born N'ovemVier 26, 1857 ; Blanche Theodosia ; Rosamond Frances [married Major E. L Webb]; and Grace Henrietta married ier 18, 1892; Rebecca lilena ; Alyne Garmonds- way ; Hilda ; and Georgiana Maria Hulton. Postal address — 'I'he College of Agriculture, Downton, Hants. THOMAS WRIGHTSON, Esquire, Justice of the Peace for the county of Durham, Member of Parliament for Stockton-on-Tees. Born March 31, 1839, being the second son of the late Thomas Wrightson of Neasliam Hall, in the county of Durham, by his wife Rebecca Gilchrist, daughter of William Potter of Walbottle House, in the county of Northumljerland. Clubs — Carlton, Junior Carlton, St. Stephen's. Armorial bearings -He bears for Arms : Or, a fesse invected che(|uy azure and argent, between two eagles' heads erased in chief sable, and a saltire cou|x;d in base gules; and for a Crest, on a wreath of the colours, in front of a saltire gules, a unicorn salient or; with the Motto, "Veritas omnia vincit." Married, June 23, 1869, Elizabeth, daughter of the late .Samuel Wise, Solicitor, of Ripon, in the county of York ; and has Issue — (i) Thomas Garmondsway Wrightson, Gentle- man, Bachelor of Arts of the University of Cambridge, born August 21, 1871 ; (2) Charles Archibald Wise Wright- son, Gentleman, of the Royal Navy, born July 17, 1874; (3) Wilfrid Ingram Wrightson, Gentleman, born February 20, 1876; Mary Isaljella Edith [married, Octoljer 18, 1893 ; George Frederick Mortimer, Master of Arts and Barrister- at-Law] ; Lucy Elizateth Wise ; Margaret Justina ; Grace Evelyn Spencer; Reljecca Hope Gilchrist; and Jocelyn Bruce. Estate — Neasham Hall and Manor. Postal address — Norton Hall, Stockton-on-Tees. TiiK RKVF.RENn WILLIAM GARMONSWAY WRIGHTSON, Clerk in Holy Orders, Master of Arts of the University of Cambridge. Born June 24, 1836, being the eldest son of the late Thomas Wrightson of Neasham Hall, in the county of Durham, by his wife Rebecca Gilchrist, daughter of William Potter of Wal- bottle House, in the county of Northumberland. Armo- rial bearings — He bears for Arms : Or, a fesse invected chequy azure and argent, between two eagles' heads erased in chief sable, and a saltire couped in base gules ; and for a Crest, on a wreath of the colours, in front of a saltire gules, a unicorn salient or; with the Motto, "Veritas omnia vincit." Married, December 4, 1866, Priscilla Anne, eldest daughter and co-heiress of the late Alfred Head of London ; and has Issue — (i) Robert Garmondsway Wrightson, Gentle- man, Barrister-at-Law of the Inner Temple, Master of Arts The Editor undertakes tliat every entry not in italics is tliat of a genuinely armigerous person. 9oS mxi mpa of the University of Cambridge born April 6, 1869 ; (2) Alfred Head W'riglUson, Gentleman, of New Zealand, born May 39, 1870 ; (3) Harry Wrightson, Gentleman, born Sep- tenil)er 39, 1874; KUen ; Isabel Ingram; Lucy Gilchrist; and I'riscilla Maliel. F.s/ates—S\jnng House, Middleton- one-kow, and Haughton Grange, all in the county of Durham, /'osta/ atidress— The Old Hall, Hurworth-on- Tees, Darlington. SCHARLKS EDWIN WRIGLEY, Esq., J. P. and D.L. for Lanes. Bom i860, lieini; the eldest son of the late Edwin Grundy Wrigley, Esq., J. P. and D. L. ,of Tiniberhurst, by his wife Mary, dau. of Edmund Potter of Canitield Place, Herts. Armorial bearings — Or, on a chevron sable, three mullets of the field between two flaunches gules, each charged with a stag's head erased of the first. Mantling sable and or; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a stag's head erased or, semfe of muUets sable, holding in the mouth a trefoil slipped vert. Motto — " Aquiret qui tuetur." Married, 1886, Blanche, second dau. of the late E. C. Potter ; and has, with other Issue — A son, b. 1891. Seats — Howick House, Preston ; Holme Island, Grange-over-Sands. OSWALD OSMOND WRIGLEY, Esq., J. P. for co. Lanes. Horn 1836, being the second son of the late Thomas Wrigley, Ivsq., D.L. , of Timbcrhurst, by his wife Hannah, dau. of the late Edmund Grundy of Bury, co. Lancaster. Armorial bearings— Or, on a chevron sable, three mullets of the first between two flaunches gules, each charged with a stag's head erased of the field. Mantling sable and or ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a stag's head erased or, setnde of mullets sable, holding in the mouth a trefoil slipped vert. Motto— " Aquiret qui tuetur." Seat — Bridge Hall, Bury, Lancashire. ARTHUR NORRIS WYATT, Gentleman. Born October 16, i860, being the second son of 5j^lD8tt '^''''^"'" ^Vyatt, Esq., of Earlswood Park, NIAH^UVV Gorey, and late of Tanybryn, Bangor, J. P. Carnarvonshire, by his wife Margaret Louisa, daughter of Rev. John Bonham of Ballintaggart, in the CO. Kildare. J P /,^V.;j _ Claret colour, with yellow facings and gilt buttons. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Gules, on a fesse or tetween three boars' heads iQ is the Military Cockade. ^1 Upon the escBI^ erased argent, two lions passant sable. Upon cheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules and or; and for his Crest, out of a mural coronet argent, a demi-lion rampant sable, charged on the shoulder with an estoile also argent, and holding in the dexter paw an arrow proper ; with the Motto, " Vi attamen honore." Married, July 7, 1892, May, fourth daughter of the late Captain Sylvanus Reynolds of Raddon Court, Latchford, Cheshire, J. P. for that county ; and has Issue— Arthur Norris Guy Wyatt, Gentleman, born March 8, 1893; Barbara Joan ; and Margaret Reynolds. Postal addresses — Earlswood Park, Gorey, county Wexford, Ireland; Whitegate, near Northwick, Cheshire. Reverend PAUL WILLIAMS WYATT, Clerk in Holy Orders, M.A. Ch. Ch., Oxford, 1882, J. P. for the co. of Beds., County Councillor, Chaplain of the Royal Chapel and of the Precinct of the Savoy [Letters Patent, Nov. 9, 1894), a Chaplain of the Order of the Hospital of St. John of Jerusalem in England 1891. Born Jan. 15, 1856, being the second surviving son of late James Wyatt, F.F.S. of St. Peters Green, Bedford, Genealogist and Antiquary, by his wife Augusta Sophia Lavinia, dau. of the late Joseph Coleman of Ampthill, CO. Beds. Armorial bearings — Gules, on a fesse or, between three boars' heads couped argent, a lion passant guardant between two p/ieons sable, differenced by a crescent or. Motto — " Oblier ne pays." [These arms are genuine and are recorded in the College of Arms, and a continuation to date of t/tc pedigree (of which continuation he has no reason to doubt the accuracy) has been submitted to the Editor, but this continuation is not recorded in the College oj Arms.] Residences— A i/stin Canons, Kempton, Bedford; Savoy Mansions, Strand, IV. C. H ARTHUR WYATT-EDGELL, Esq., D.L., I. P. for W Devon, B.A. (Cantab.), late Lieut.-Col. ist' Devon Brig. Vol. R.A. , and late Lieut. loth Hussars and W. Somerset Yeo. Born 1837, being the only son of the late Richard Wyatt- Edgell, Esq., D.L. of Milton Place, Surrey, by Jane, dau. of the late George Sullivan Marten of Mar- shal's Wick, Herts. C//ci^— Brooks's. Armorial bearings — Quarterly r and 4, argent, on a chevron sable, between three cinquefoils gules, as many bezants (for Edgell) ; 2 and 3 sable, a fesse dancettfe argent between three' eagles dis- played or, a chief of the last (for Wyatt); and impaling the arms of Leveson-Gower, namely, quarterly i and 4, barry of eight argent and gules, a cross patonce sable (for Gower) ; 2 and 3 azure, three laurel leaves erect or (for Leveson). Mantling sable and argent ; and for his Crests, i. upon a wreath of the colours, a demi-lion rampant holding in the dexter paw a cinquefoil gules, slipped and leaved vert (for Edgell) ; 2. upon a wreath of the colours, a demi-lion per pale crenell^e or and sable, holding in the dexter paw an arrow gules, headed and feathered argent (for Wyatt). M is tbe Naval Cockade. mi^t 3ajp0 909 Motto—" Honesta bona." Married, 1868, Frances Albinia Giesham, dau. of the late \Vm. Leveson-Gower, Esq., of Titsoy Place ; and has, with other /w//e— Merrik Richard Arthur Wyait-Edgell, Gentleman, b. 1872. Seai — Cowlev Place, Exeter. WYCOMBE, Baron, see LANSDOWNE. WYCOMBE. Earl of, see LANSDOWNE. S PHILIP JAMES DIGBY WYKEHAM, Esquire, J. P. for COS. of O.xford, Gloucester, and Bucks; D.L. for Oxford (High Sheriff 1887), B.A. Exeter Coll., Oxon., formerly Capt. R. North Gloucester Militia. Born 1839, being the younger son of the late Aubrey Wenman Wyke- hani of Swalclift'e Park, Oxon., by his wife Georgina, dau. of the late Sir James Musgrave, eighth Bart, (extinct), of Barnsley Park. Club — Carlton. Livery — Dark blue, red facings, and red waistcoat ; dress : silver lace facings, dark blue plush breeches. Armorial bearings— Argent, two chevronels sable, between three roses gules, seeded or, barbed vert, and impaling the arms of Henley, namely azure, a lion rampant argent, supporting a rudder or, on a chief of the second, an anchor sable between two trefoils slipped proper. Mantling sable and argent. Crest — A bull's head sal)le, armed or, charged on the neck with two chevronels argent. Motto — "Manners niaketh man." Married, Sept. 12, 1871, Georgiana Caro- line, second dau. of Joseph John Henley of Waterperry, Oxnn. ; and has lssue~{\) Aubrey Augustus Henley Wyke- ham, Gentleman, /'. June 22, 1873; (2) Philip Herbert Wykeham, Gentleman, h. July ti, 1880; Evelyn Georgiana [;«., April 1897, Francis Tyringham Higgins Bernard, Winchendon Priory, Bucks]; Constance Agnes \_ni., Oct. 1897, Frederick William Beresford, Cripps] ; Adela Emily; Elsie Caroline; and Hester Mary. Estates— 'Yy\\\xo^, Emmington. iV(z/— Tythrop House, Thame. CORNWALLIS PHILIP WYKEHAM - MARTIN. Esq., J. P. CO. Kent, Capt. ist Kent R.\'. Born March 19, 1855, being the son of the late Philip Wykeham Martin, Esq., of Leeds Castle, &c. , J. P. and D.L. for Kent and co. Warwick, and sometime M.P. for Rochester, by his wife Elizabeth, dau. of John Ward. Club — United University. Armorial bearings — Quarterly 1 and 4, gules a lion rampant within an orle of crosses crosslet and mullets alternately or (for Martin) ; 2 and 3 argent, two chevronels sable between three roses gules (for Wykeham. Mantling gules and argent ; and for his Crests, i. upon a wreath of the colours, a martin entwined by a serpent proper, in the beak a cross crosslet fitchfe or (for Martin) ; 2. upon a wreath of the colours, a bull's head erased sable, armed or, charged with two chevronels argent (for Wykeham). Motto—" Manners Makyth Man." Married, June 29, 1876, Anna Bertha, eldest dau. of Major William Pitt Draffen. .SVaAf- Cha- comte Priory, Banbury ; Leeds Castle, Maidstone ; and Packwood Hall, Knowle, co. Warwick. Residetuc—'»\.&(S^ Hill. Harrietsham, Maidstone. S WENMAN AUBREY WYKEHAM-MUSGRAVE Esq., Capt. Oxfordshire Militia, J. P. and D.L. for Oxon. (High Sheriff 1884), J. P. for co. Gloucester. Lay Rector of Thame. Borji 1837, being the elder son of the late Aubrey Wenman Wykeham, Esq., of Swalclifle Park, Oxon., by Georgiana, dau. of Sir James Musgrave, 8th Bart, (extinct), of Barnsley Park. 6V«(^j— Carlton, Junior Carlton. Armorial bearings -Quarterly i and 4, azure six annulets, three, two, and one or, and for distinction a can- ton argent (for Musgrave) ; 2 and 3 argent, two chevronels sable between three roses gules (for Wykeham) ; and im- paling the arms of Gray, namely, quarterly 1 and 4, gules, a lion rampant within a bordure engrailed argent, in the dexter chief point a mullet of the last ; 2 and 3, barry of six argent and azure, on a bend gules a bezant. Mantling azure and or ; and for his Crests, i. upon a wreath of the colours, two arms embowed in armour, the hands in gaunt- lets proper, grasping an annulet or, each arm charged for distinction with a cross crosslet argent (for Musgrave) ; 2. upon a wreath of the colours, a buffalo's head sable, armed or, charged on the neck with two chevronels argent. MottOB — "Sans changer," "Manners makyth man." Married, 1870, Jane, third dau. of Admiral the Hon. George Grey ; and has. with other /jjwe— Herbert Wenman Wykeham-Musgrave, Gentleman, i^. 1871. Seats — Barnsley Park, Cirencester ; Swalcliffe Park, Banbury ; Thame Park, Oxon. WYNDHAM, see LECONFIELD. GEORGE WYNDHAM, Esquire, Member of Parlia- ment for Dover, Justice of the Peace /r/Tltltlhfiattl *^°'' "^^ county of Chester, Captain VlALl^llUlJUUl Cheshire Yeomanry Cavalry. Born August 29, 1863, being the eldest son of Percy Scawen Wyndham, Esquire, commonly known as the Honourable Percy Scawen Wyndham, by his wife Madeline Caroline Frances Eden, daughter of Major- (Jeneral Sir Guy Campbell, first Baronet. C///^-f— Carlton, Travellers', Marlborough, Cosmopolitan. Armorial bear- ings-He bears for Arms: Azure, a chevron between three lions' heads erased or, within a bordure wavy of the last, impaling the arms of Lumley, namely argent, a fesse gules, between three parrots vert, collared of the second ; and for his Crest, a lion's head erased or, within a fetterlock, the lock gold and the bow counter-comporty or and azure, the lion's head charged with a saltire wavy gules ; with the Motto, " Au bon droit." Married, F'ebruary 7, 1887, Sibell Mary, commonly known as Countess Grosvenor [to whom refer , daughter of the Right Honourable Richard George Lumley. ninth Earl of Scarborough, and widow of Victor Alexander Grosvenor, Esquire, commonly known as Earl Grosvenor; and has issue — Percy Lyulph Wyndham, Esciuire, born Decembers, 1887. Postal addresses— Saighlon Grange, Chester; 35 Park Lane, London, W. §LUCIEN WILLIAM BONAPARTE WYSE, Es- quire, J, P. CO. Waterford, Capt. Waterford Artillery Militia, Lord of the Manor of St. John's. Born June 27, 1868, being the eldest son of the late William Charles Bonaparte Wyse, Esq., J. P., of the Manor of St. John's, by his wife Ellen, dau. of the late W. G. Prout of St. Mabyn, Cornwall. Clubs — Piccadilly, W^aterford County and City (Waterford). Livery — Dress : black, with silver facings ; undress : white facings. Armorial bearings— Sable, three chevrons ermine (for Wyse) ; quartering azure, an imperial eagle of France or (for Bonaparte) ; and gules, fretty azure and argent, a chief (for Bagge) ; but only the arms of Wyse are registered in Ulster's Office. Crest — A lion rampant gules, guttfe argent, holding in dexter paw a mace or. Motto — "Sapere ande." Seat — The Manor of St. John's, near Waterford ; a.\so Estate of Ballinacourty, near Dungarvan. co. Waterford. The Editor undertakes that every entry not in italics is that of a genuinely armigerous person. 9IO ^im HKNRY COCKBURN MILNE XIMENES, late of Itear Place, co. Berks, formerly i6th Rcgt. Bom March 19. 1819, l)eing the son of the late Lieut. -(ieneral Sir David Ximenes, K.C'.H., of Bear Ash, Berks, and his wife Eliza Mary, dau. of tlie late Admiral Kilzlu-rbert I'A'ans. Club— Royal Alljert Yaclit (Soiitlisea). Armorial hearings— Or, two Iwrs giiles, over all a pale counterchanged, witliin a border azure. Mantling gules and or ; and for his Crest, out of a mural crown or, an arm embowed in armour far X proper, garnished gold, the hand also proper, supporting a trumpet erect and issuant also gold. Married, July 12, 1841, Annie, second dau. of William Winstanly of Wigan,- CO. Lancaster; and has Issue — Ida Eliza Anne [w., 1866, John Mabson]; Alice Georgina [/«., 1873, Jo'^" Powell Williams]; Solita Henrietta [w., 1882, Charles Edward de la Poer Beresford, Esq., Lieut.-Col., Military Attach^, St. Petersburg]; and Thekla. Residence — ^o\scx\.oxi House, Southsea. H WILLIAM CORBET YALE, Esq., J. P. cos. Denbigh and Merioneth, and U. L. co. Denbigh, Barrister-at- Law, B.A. Oxford. Bom April 23, 1825, being the eldest son of Rev. John Parry Jones-Parry [third son of Thomas Parry Jones- Parry, Esq., of Madryn and Llwyn Onn (who was first cousin of Miss Sarah Yale of Plas-yn-Yale, repre- sentative of the ancient House of Yale)] ; s. under the limita- tions in the will of Miss Yale, upon the death of his uncle, Lieut.-Col. Yale, and substituted by Royal License 1867, by that lady's direction, the name and arms of Yale for those of Jones-Parry [see Jones-Parry]. Armorial bear- ings — Ermine, a sallire gules fretty or. Mantling gules and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a mount vert, thereon a tear azure within a net or, in the mouth an acorn slipjied projaer. Married, March 25, 1856, Isabella, youngest dau. of Rev. James Clow, Chaplain H.E.I. C.S., Bombay; and has Issue — (i) John Edward Ivor Yale, Gentleman, b. Aug. 20, 1857 ; (2) James Corbet Yale, Gentleman, b. March i, 1859; (3) Thomas Parry Osborne Yale, Gentleman, b. March 24, 1868 ; (4) William Edwin Maurice Yale, Gentleman, b. July 19, 1869, d. 1869 ; (5) George Frederick Cunningham Yale, Gentle- man, b. July 14, 1872 ; and Margaret Rachel. Seat — Plas- yn-Yale, near Corwen. The Right Honourable VICTORIA ALEXANDRINA RICHARDSON, commonly known as Counless-Do^vager of Yarborough, fourth daughter of the Right Honourable William Hare, second Earl of lAstowel. iA^xx'xeA, firstly , 1858, the Right Honourable Charles Anderson-Pelhatn, third Earl of Yarborough, who died in 1875 ; and secondly, 1881, John Maunsell Richardson, Esquire, Deputy-Lieu- tenant. By her first marriage has had Issue — (i) The Right Honourable Alfred Charles Worsley Anderson- Pelhatn, fourth Earl of Yarborough [/(» whom refer\, (2) Victor Ralph Anderson-Pelham, Esquire, commonly kncnvn as the Honourable Victor Ralph Anderson-Pelham, Lieu- tenant gth Lancers, born January 30, i866; (3) Henry Cornwallis Anderson-Pelham, Esquire, comtnonly knoion as the Honourable Henry Co/muallis Anderson-Pelham, born August 31, 1868; (4) Dudley Roger Hugh Anderson- Pelham, Esquire, commonly A'nown as the Honourable Dudley Roger Hugh Anderson-Pelham, born July 5, 1872 ; Gertrude Augusta, commonly knoxim as Lady Gertrude Augusta[married, 1882, SirErancis Edmund George Astley- Corbett, Baronet, of Elsham Hall, in the county of Lincoln, and has issue] ; and Maude Eleanor, commonh knoicn as Lady Maude Eleanor, died an infant, July 8, i866. Postal address — Healing Manor, Lincolnshire. garlJOtoug}) (TiiK Ric-.HT HONOURABI.K CHARLES ALFRED WORSLEY ANDERSON-PEL- HAM, fourth ICarl of Yarborough, Baron Yarborough, of Yarborough, in the county of Lincoln, and Baron Worsley, of Appuldurcombe, in the Isle of Wight, a Member of Her Majesty's Most Honourable Privy Council, Vice- Admiral of the county of Lincoln, Master of Arts of University of Cambridge, Deputy-Lieutenant for the county ^ is the Military Cockade. of Lincoln. Born June 11, 1859, being the eldest son of the Right Honourable Charles Maude Anderson-Pelham, third Earl of Yarborough, by his wife Lady Victoria Alex- andrina, daughter of the Right Honourable the fourth Earl of Listowel ; succeeded his father 1875. Creations — Baron, August 13, 1794; Earl and Baron, January 30, 1837. Clubs — Carlton, Turf. Livery — State: blue coat with scarlet linings, cuffs, and collar, silver lace, and has on the shoulder a silver aiguillette with badge embroidered in silver and colours, a scarlet waistcoat with silver lace, black plush breeches with silver lace garters and tassels, white silk stockings, silver shoe-buckles, a beaver cocked hat laced with silver lace and trimmings, the buttons of scarlet material with the crest in silver ; dress : blue cloth coat with scarlet collar, facings, and silver buttons, laced with silver lace on collar and cuffs, a plain scarlet cloth waist- coat, black \elvet breeches with silver lace garters and tassels, black silk stockings, and silver shoe-buckles. Ar- morial bearings— He bears for Arms : Quarterly i and 4, the two coats of Pelham, namely, quarterly i. and iiii., azure three pelicans vulning themselves argent ; ii. and iii. gules, two pieces of belts with buckles erect in pale, the buckles argent (for Pelham) ; 2 and 3 argent, a chevron between three crosses flory sable (for Anderson), and for and in right of his wife, upon an escutcheon of pretence surmounted by the coronet of her rank, the arms of Fox, namely argent, a chevron between three foxes' heads erased gules, with many quarterings (see Conyers). Alwvc the escutcheon is placed the coronet of his rank, and thereupon a helmet befitting his degi-ee, with a mantling azure and argent ; and for his Crests, i. upon a wreath of the colours, a peacock in his jjride proper (for Pel- ham) ; 2. upon a wreath of the colours, a water-spaniel dog passant or (for Anderson). Supporters — Dexter, a bay horse legardant, charged on the body with three ancient buckles gold ; sinister, a water-spaniel dog re- gardant or, cliarged on the body with three crosses fiory sable; with the Motto, " Vincit amor patria; ; " and also for and in right of his wife, upon the sinister side of his achievement, upon a lozenge, which is surmounted by the coronet of her rank, the arms of Fox, namely argent, a chevron between three foxes' heads erased gules (with many quarterings, for which refer to Conyers) ; |and for Sup- porters thereto, on either side, a lion azure. Married, Aug, 5, 1886, the Right Honourable Marcia Amelia Mary, in her own right Baroness Conyers, elder daughter and co-heir of the Right Honourable Sackville George Lane- Fox, twelfth Baron Conyers (at whose death, August 24, 1888, the Barony fell into abeyance between Lady Yarborough and her younger sister Lady Powis, until the abeyance was terminated in favour of the former, June 8, 1892) ; and has had Issue — (1) Charles Sackville Anderson- Pelham, Esquire, commonly called Ltird Worsley, born August 14, 1887; (2) the Hon. Sackville GeorgeAnder- son-Pelham, born Decemlier 17, 1888 ; (3) the Hon. D'Arcy Francis Anderson-Pelham, born P'ebruary 15, and died February 19, 1892 ; (4) the Hon. Marcus Herl)ert Anderson- Pelham, born June 30, 1893. Estates — Brocklesby and Manby. Seat — Brocklesby Park, Lincolnshire. H is tlie Naval Cockade. ■V-^2»K 912 »ar CHARLES nRADDYLL YARKKR. Oentlcnian. Bont Sept 22, 1838, Iwinjj the youngest son of the late Rev. Luke Yarker of The Hall. Lcylmrn, Vicar of ChilliiiRham, CO. Northunilwrland. >LA. Trin. Coll., Cambridge, J. P. for N. R. Yorks., and Harrister-at-Law, by his wife Mary Beata, only dan. and cventuallv sole heiress of the Rev. Henry Soiith, M.A., Rector of Much Dew, co. Hereford. Armo- rial bearings— Clules, on a chevron between three unicorns passant or, as many human hearts of the field. Mantling gules and or. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a stork rising argent, collared, leaked, and legged gules, reposing the dexter claw upon a human heart as in the arms, and holding in its Ix-ak an oak branch fructed proper. Motto— " La fin couronne les oeuvres." Married, Oct. 21, 1891, Arabella, only surviving dau. of Col. Robinson, formerly of the 67th Regt. Seat— 'Leyhnm Hall, N.R. co. Yorks. WH.LIAM HAMILTON YATMAN, Esq., M.A. (Cantab.), J. P. for cos. Gloucester, Warwick, and Wilts, Barrister-at-Law. Horn 1819, being the second surviving son of the late William Yatnian, by Ellen, dau. of John Mitchell. Cltihs—OxioTA and Cambridge, University. Ar- morial bearings— Per pale indented argent and gules, three gates counterchanged, on a chief azure, as many mullets or. Mantling gules and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a gate argent, in front of three ears of wheat slipped or. Motto— " Fortiter et aperte." Married, 1851, Elizabeth Tower, third dau. of the late Rev. George T. Pretyman ; and has /j.fwe— William Frederick Hamilton Yatman, Esq., late Capt. 3rd Dragoon Guards, b. 1853. Seats — Highgrove, Tetbury ; Wellesbourne, Warwick. YEATMAN, see SOUIHWARK, Bishop of. H.\RRY FARR YEATMAN, Gentleman, norti 1879, being the only son of the late Harry Farr Yeatman, Esq., J. P. and D.L. for Dorset, by Charlotte, youngest dau. of the late William Temple, Esq., D.L., of Rishopstrow. Armorial bearings — Per pale argent and saVjIe, on a fesse dovetailed or, between two gates in chief and a goat's head erased in base counterchanged, three boars' heads erased gules. Mantling sable and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a goat's head erased sable, armed, bearded, and charged with a gate or. Motto — " Propositi tenax." Seat — Stoke Gayland Park, Stalbridge. Thk i.atk Coi.onkl ARTHUR GODOI.PHIN YEAT- MAN BIGGS, Companion of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, Justice of the Peace for the county of Wiltshire. Doni 1843, being the son of Harry Farr Yeatman of Manston House, in the county of Dorset ; created Com- panion of the Most Honoural)le Order of the Bath, 1891. Clubs — Army and Navy, United Service. Armorial bear- ings-He bears for Arms : Quarterly i and 4, party per pale ermine and azure, a lion passant within a Vwrdure engrailed gules, the latter charged with a fleur-de-lis or (for Biggs) ; 2 and 3 per pale argent and sable, on a fesse dovetailed counter-dovetailed or, between two gates in chief and a goat's head erased in base counterchanged, three boars' heads erased gules. Upon the escutcheon, from which is pendent his badge as a Companion of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling azure and argent ; and for his Crests, I. upon a wreath of the colours, in front of a javelin erect proper, a leopard's head affrontc^e erased azure, charged with two fleurs-de-lis fesseways or (for Biggs) ; 2. a goat's head erased sable, horned, bearded, and charged with a gate or (for Yeatman). Postal address— Siockion House, Wiltshire. reverf.nd ?:dmond ROCHFORT YERBURGH, B.A. Magdalene Coll., Camb., Lord of the Manor, and Patron of High Bickington, North Devon. Born |une 30, 1855, being the fourth son of the late Rev. Richard Yerburgh, Vicar of Sleaford, and Rector of High Bick- ington, by his wife Susan, dau. of John Higgin of Wanning Cottage, and Greenfield, co. Lancaster. Club— Wellington. Armorial bearings— Per pale argent and azure, on a chevron between three chaplets all counter- changed, an annulet for difference. Mantling azure and argent. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a falcon close ^ is tbe Military Cockade, gcatman^T5igg0 get or, belied of the last, preying upon a mallard proper. Married, Jan. 1890, Constance, dau. of the late John Thwaites, Esq., J. P., of Troy, Witton, Lancashire; and I has Issue — Richard Edmond Rochfort Yerburgh, (Gentle- man, b. Sept. 4, 1891 ; and Mary. Residence — Wrentham Rectory, Wangford, Suffolk. Postal address — Wellington Club. JOHN EARDLEY YERBURGH, Gentleman. Bom Jan. 8, 1878, being the second son of the Rev. Richard Y'erburgh, Vicar of Sleaford, and Rector of High Bickington, by his wife Susan, dau. of John Higgin of Wenning Cottage, and Greenfield, co. Lancaster. Armorial bearings — Per pale argent and azure, on a chevron between three chaplets all counterchanged, an annulet for difference. Mantling azure and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a falcon close or, belled of the last, preying upon a mallard proper. Married, 1878, Annie, only dau. of Joseph Royden of High Carrs, Roby, co. Lancaster; and has Issue — Annie Royden ; Dorothea Gertrude ; Ethel Mary ; and Olena Shirley. Postal address — RICHARD EUSTRE YERBURGH, Gentleman, in the Audit and Exchequer Office. Born 1847, being the eldest son of the Rev. Richard Yerburgh, Vicar of Sleaford, and Rector of High Bickington, by his wife Susan, dau. of John Higgin of Wenning Cottage, and Greenfield, co. Lancaster. Arinorial bearings — Per pale argent and azure, on a chevron between three chaplets all counterchanged, an annulet for difterence. Mantling azure and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a falcon close or, belled of the last, [ireying upon a mallard proper. Married, 1877, Minnie, dau. of Naunton Vertue of Thornville, Teddington, CO. Middlesex ; and has Issue— Richard luistre Yerburgh, Gentleman, b. Dec. 1879 ; and Ethel Lennox Vertue. Postal address — § ROBERT ARMSTRONc; YERBURGH, Esquire, N.B., J. P. and D.L., and C.C. for Lancashire, M.P. for Chester since 1886, Major 2nd V.B. Cheshire Regt., B.A. Oxon. Born Jan. 17, 1853, being the third son of Rev. Richard Yerburgh, Vicar of Sleaford, and Rector of High Bickington, fjy his wife Susan, dau. of John Higgin of Wenning Cottage, and Greenfield, co. Lancaster. Ar- morial bearings I 'er pale argent and azure, on a chevron between three chaplets all counterchanged, an annulet for for difference, and on an escutcheon of pretence the arms S is the Naval Cockade. got gou 913 of Thwaites, namely ermine, a cross engrailed sable, fretty argent, in the first and fourth quarter a chapkt of oak vert. Mantling azure and argent. Crest— On a wreath of the cohjurs, a falcon close or, belled of the last, preying upon a mallard jjroper. Married, Aug. 8, 1888, Elma Amy, only child of the late Daniel Thwaites, Esq., J.['. and D. L. , of W'oodfold Park, Blackburn, formerly M.l*. for Blackburn; and has ls^iie—{i) Robert Daniel Thwaites Yerburgh, Gcntlpman, b. Dec. 1889 ; (2) Richard Guy Cecil Yerburgh, Gentleman, h. Nov. 1892. Seats — Woodfold I'ark, Blackburn ; Barsvillanty, Parton, N.B. Town rcuJeiiie — 27 Princes Gale, S.\V. § EDWARD YORK, Gentleman, of Mutton Hall, in (he county of York, Lieutenant 3rd Battalion l^nrlt Princess of Wales' Yorkshire Regiment. Uorn Co January 16, 1872, being the eldest son of the late Edward Christopher York, Esquire, of Hutton Hall, Justice of the Peace for the West Riding of the county of York, and late Lieutenant Yorkshire Hussars, by his tirs< wife Isabel Augusta, youngest daughter of Thomas I'"airfa.\ of Newton Kyme in the county of York. Armorial bear- ing^ — He bears for Arms : Ermine, on a cross azure, a woiilpack argent Ijetween four lions passant erminois, on a chief gules, a sword proper, ponmiel and hilt or, surmounted by a key in saltire of the last. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet Ijefitting his degree, with a mantling azure and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a demi-lion per fesse wavy, the upiier part gules, the lower barry wavy of four erminois and azure, supporting a wool- pack erect proper, on the breast a gold key barways. Seat— Hutton Wansley Hall, in the county of York. YORK HERALD, see SCOTT-GATTY. THOM.\.S EDWARD YORKE, Esquire, Justice of the Peace for the West Riding of the county of York, for which county lie served the office of High .Sheriff in 1889, Bachelor of .Arts of the University of Cambridge. Born August 4, 1832, being the younger but only surviving son of the late John Yorke, Esquire, of Bewerley Hall, by his wife Mary, eldest daughter of Ichabod Wright of \Iapperley, in the county of Nottingham. C/ubs — Constitutional, Grosvenor, and I'iccadilly (London), Yorkshire Gentleman's (York). Livoy — Light blue, with silver lace and buttons. Armo- rial bearings— He bears for Arms : Quarterly, 1. argent, a saltire azure ; 2. ermine, on a fesse sable, three mullets or ; 3. azure, a chevron argent, between in chief two mullets between as many arrows in pale points downwards or, and in base a mullet also or ; 4. argent, a water-bouget between four neurs-de-lis sable ; 5. argent, on a tend sable, three roses of the field ; 6. gules, on a saltire or, another saltire vert, and impaling the arms of Walsham, namely, quarterly I and 4, per pale azure and gules, a griffin segreant or, . supporting a tilting-spear bendy argent and sable, there- from a banner flying to the dexter of the fourth, charged with -a cross couped of the fifth (for Garbett) ; 2 and 3 sable, within a cross voided, five crosses pat(5e fitchtie or (for Walsham). Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling azure and argent ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a monkey's head erased proper. Motto— " Per meum Deum transilio murum." Married, firstly, 1863, Augusta .Margaret, eldest daughter of the late Reverend John Baillie, commonly known as the Honourable and Reverend John Baillie, Canon of York (she died 1879) ; and secondly, 1883, Fanny, younger daughter of the iate .Sir John Walsham, Baronet; and has Issue — (i) John Cecil Yorke, Esquire, Justice of the Peace, born November 10, 1867 ; (2) Henry Reay Yorke, Gentleman, born January 26, 1875 ; (3) Arthur Edward Yorke, Gentleman, born March 23, 1879 (deceased) ; Mary .Augusta ; Helen Margaret ; Louisa Caroline : Katherine Elizabeth ; and Ethel Lilian. Estates — Bewerley, Halton VV'est, in Craven ; Hunwick, in the county of Durham. Postal address — Bewerley Hall, Paleley Bridge, Yorkshire. YORSIOUN, see CARTHEW-YORSTOUN. §Sir FREDERICK YOUNG, Knight Commander of the Most Distinguished Order of Saint Michael and Saint George, Justice of the Peace for the counties of Middle- sex and London, Deputv-Lieutenant of the Tcncer Hamlets. Born June 21, 1817, being the eldest sun'iving son of George Frederick Young, Esquire, of Reigate, in the county of Surrey, Justice of the Peace for the counties of Middlesex and Surrey, formerly Member of Parliament for the borough of Tynemouth and Scarborough, by his wife Mary, daughter The Editor undertakes tbat every entry not in italics is tbat of a genuinely armigerous person. 3M 9M gou gou \ of John AbhotI of Catiterbiirv : itra/fJ Knight Commatidcr of the Most Distinguished Order of Saint Michael and Chib— A theuini HI. XAwxy—Dark Saint George, it Hue, siher buttons with crest. Armorial beaxings as used, but which are not recorded, arc for Arms: Anient, three piles sable, charged with as many annulets or. Crest .-/ dexter cubit arm holding an arnno in bend; with the Motto, *• I'ress throui;h" Miiiiicd, April 19. 1845, Cecilia, eldest daughter of Thomas Drane, Hsi/uire, of Torquay, in the county of Devon (she died in 1873) ; and has Issue— (i) Ceorg'e I-rederick Young, Esquire, Colonel in the Indian Staff Corps, born May 5, 1846; Arthur I. yttelton Young, Esquire, born Marcli 24, 1851 ; Cecilia ; and Ada Mary. Instate at h'ingsdmoH, in the county of Kent. Postal ad- dress — 5 Queensberiy Place, Queen sgale, S, VV. The Right Honourable GEOKCE YOUNG, Lord Young, a Member of Her Majesty's Most Honourable Prizy Council, Doctor of Iaiivs of the University of Edinburgh, one of Her Majesty s Counsel Learned in the Law. Born 1819, being the son of the late Alexander Young of Rose/ield, in the county of Kirkcudbright, by his wife Marion, daughter of the late William Korson of Dalwhat ; appointed a Lord of Session with the title of fj)rd Young, and a Lord Justiciary, February 20, 1874. Clubs — Brooks's, Athcmrum, Edin- burgh University (Edinburgh), Netv (Edinburgh). Armo- rial bearings rt'f,^'/?' — United Service. Armo- rial bearings -.'\rgent, on a bend sable, three mascles of the field. Mantling sable and argent. Crest— Out of a ducal crest coronet or, a unicorn's head argent, the horn twisted of the first and second, maned and tufted of the first. Motto — " Nunquam non paratus." Married, 1855, Elizabeth (who died 1878), dau. of the late Armor Boyle, Esq., of Dundrum. Postal address — 12 Marlborough Buildings, Bath. CECIL CARUS-WH.SON, Gentleman. Born October 18, 1857, being the fifth son of the late William Wilson Carus- Wilson of Casterton Hall, Westmorland, by his wife Mary Letablere, dau. of the Rt. Hon. Edward Litton, Q.C., of Altmore, co. Tyrone, Master in Chancery in Ireland. Armorial bearings — Quarterly i and 4, argent, three wolves' heads couped sable, vulned in the neck proper (for Wilson) ; 2 and 3 azure, on a chevron engrailed or, between nine quatrefoils argent, three mullets gules (for Carus of Kirkby Lonsdale). Mantling sable and argent. Crests — I. on a wreath of the colours, a crescent or, issuing flames of fire proper (for Wilson) ; 2. on a wreath of the colours, a hawk rising .sable, beaked, belled, and collared or, from the collar an escutcheon pendent argent, chargotl with a wolf's head sable, vulned proper (for Carus). Motto—" Non nobis solum." Married Barbara, dau. of Rev. R. G, Chalk, Rector of Wilden, Beds. Residence— THEOPHILUS HENRY CLEMENTS, Esquire, J. P. and D.L. for co. Cavan (High Sheriff 18^7), late Captain Leitrim Rifles. Born 1830, being the eldest son of the late Theophilus Edward Lucas, Esq., of Rathkenny (who assumed the additional name of Clements under the will of his maternal grandfather), by his wife Elizateth Beatrice, dau. of the late Shuckburgh Whitney Upton, Rector of Kilmoon, co. Meath. C/;//6 — Sackville Street (Dublin). Armorial bearings— Quarterly i and 4, argent, two bendlets wavy sable, on a chief gules three bezants (for Clements) ; 2 and 3 argent, a fesse between six annulets gules (for Lucas). Mantling . Crests— i. on a wreath of the colours, a hawk close proper, belled and jessed or (for (dements) ; 2. on a wreath of the colours, a a demi- gryphon argent, beaked and menibered or (for Lucas). Motto — " Patriis virtutibus." Married, first, 1861, Emily Caroline, eldest dau. of William Mngill, Esq., of Lyttleton, co Westmeath ; w. secondly, 1874, Agnes Jane, dau. of James Stirling, Esq., of Ballawley Park, co. Dublin; and has with other Issue — Theophilus Edward Clements, Gentleman, b. 1864). Seat — Rathkenny, Coote- hill, CO. Cavan. Postal address — Sackville Street Club, Dublin. The Reverend WILLIAM FREDERICK CORRY, Clerk in Holy Orders, Patron and Vicar of Ben geworth, Evesham, eldest son of Captain Frederick George Hesketh de Bent ley, by his wife fane Elisabeth, daughter of Colonel Nicholas Henry Walter Corry. Clubs — National Liberal, Jntiior Conser- vative. Livery — Black cloth with iv/ii/e facings, white collar, cuffs, and lapels, silver buttons. Armorial bearings as used are quoted as follows by A^r. Corry : Argent, a chevron betivccn three martlets sable. Crest — a dove and olive branch. Or, a lion rampant azure, armed and langued gules ; sable, on' a chevron betiveen three griffins' heads erased proper, as many estoiles of the field. Crest — Out of a ducal coronet, a griffin 's 7ieck and'wings proper ; sable, three horses' heads erased or (for Lord Blayney) ; but no right to these has been established. Married, 7f/".s//K, August 21, 1862, Matilda, second daughter of T. Bourne of Haid, in the county of Lincoln ; secondly, Ann Dychee, eldest daughter of T. Hiles of Middle Braes, in the county of Shropshire ; and has Issue — William Aubrey Bourne de Bentley Cony, born July 2, 1864 ; and Kathleen. Estate — Corry Hasst, in the county of Monaghan. Postal address — Bengeworth Vicarage, Eveshafn. CLEMENT ALDEMAR COTTRELL- DORMER, Esquire, Capt. R.A. (retired). Born Nov. 14, 1862, being the second son of the late Clement Upton Cottrell-Dormer, Esq., J. P. and D.L. , by his wife Florence Anne, second dau. of Thomas Upton of Ingmire Hall, Westmorland. Armorial bearings — Quarterly i and 4, azure ten billets, four, three, two, and one or, a chief of the last, therefrom issuant a demi-lion rampant sable (for Dormer) ; 2. argent, a bend nebuly, guttfe-d'eau, between three escallops of the second (for Cottrell); 3. sable, a cross moline argent (for Upton). Mantling azure and or. Crests — i. on a wreath of the coloius, a fox statant argent (for Dormer) ; 2. on a wreath of the colours, a talbot's head conped sable, gorged with a collar with chain affixed thereto, tetween two crosses pat(''e paleways or, the collar charged with three escallops also sable (for Cottrell) ; 3. on a ducal coronet or, a horse passant sable, bridled, saddled, and accoutred also or. Motto — "Semper paratus." Seat — Cokethorpe Park, Oxford. The Right Honourable ROBERT OFFLEY ASH- BURTON CREWE-MILNES, Earl Crewe (1895) of Crewe, co. Chester, and Baron Houghton of Great Hough- ton, in the West Riding of the co. of York (1863), both in The Editor undertakes that every entry not in italics is that of a genuinely armigerous person. 919 920 the I'ceraKe of tlic LInited KinRdoni, a MemlK-t of Iler Majesty's NIosl Honourable Privy Council. Lord- Lieutenant of Ireland iSqacs, Justice of the Peace and County Al ter- man for the W'.-si RidinR of the co. of York, Master of Aits of the University of Cambridge. /?<'»// Jan 12 1858, beins the onlv son of the Ri. Hon. the first Baron HouRhion by his wife the Hon. Annaliella Hungerford, dau. of 'he Kt. Hon. the second l^uon Crewe ; appointed Lieut, ist Host York Yeomanrv Cavalry 1878 ; was Private Secretary to Ivirl Granville i883 84 ; a Lord-in- Waiting to Her Majesty 1886 • succeeded his father as Lord Houghtcn in 1885, and assumed by Royal Licence, in the year 1894, the additional appcntiir the Hon. Richard Charles Rodes Milnes. b. July 30, 1882 (,/ March 20, 1890) ; Lady Annabel Hungerford ; Lady Celia liermione ; and Lady Helen Cynthia, twin with Lady Celia Hennione. Seats — Fryston Hall, Ferrybridge ; Bawtrv Hall, Bavvtry, in the co. of York ; Crewe Hall, Crewe', in theco. of Chester; and Madeley Manor. New- castle, in the co. of Stafford. Sir GEORGE WH.LIAM DES VCEUX {seepage 239) should be a Knight Grand Cross of the Order of the Bath, having been raised to that rank in the year 1893. His postal address is 7 Cromwell Gardens, S.W. surname and arms of Crewe. Aimorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Quarterly i and 4, azure, a chevron be- tween three windmill-sails or (for Milnes) ; 2 and 3 azure, a lion rampant argent (for Crewe). Above the escutcheon is placed the coronet of his rank, and thereupon a helmet be- fitting his degree, with a mantling azure and or ; and for his Crests, i. upon a wreath of the colours, a garb or, charged with a fesse dancett^e azure, thereon three mullets argent (for Milnes) ; 2. out of a ducal coronet or, a lion's gamb argent, armed gules (for Crewe). Supporters — On either side a pegasus argent, gorged with a collar dancett^e azure, thereon three mullets argent, in the mouth a branch of laurel proj^er. Motto — "Scio cui credidi." Married, June 3. 1880. Sibyl Marcia, foiu-th dau. of Sir Frederick Graham, Bart., of Netherby, by his wife Lady Jane Her- mione, dau. of the Most Noble the twelfth iJuke of Somer- set ; and by her (who died .Sept. 19, 1887) has had Issue— & is the Military Cockade. ROBERT E. FINDLAY, Gentleman. Born —^, being the son of Armorial bearingS^Argent, on a chevron engrailed between two roses in chief and a double-headed eagle displayed in base gules, two swords chevronways points downwards of the first, hiked and pommelled or. Mantling gules, doubled or. Crest — Upon a wreath of his liveries, a boar passant argent. Motto—" Fortis inarduis. " J^eside/nc—Bo\v,\ch, Balloch, Dumbartonshire. W. E. ST. L. FINNY {see page 299) has been elected Mayor of the Borough of Kingston, Surrey, for the present ROBERT VALPY FULTON. Gentleman, M.B., CM., Edinburgh. Born 1865. being the fifth son of the late Hon. James Fulton of Ravenscliffe, West Taieri. is the Naval Cockade. appentiir 921 N.Z., M.I.C., J. P., elected to the House of Representa- tives for Dunedin 1879, and called to the Upper House 1890, by his wife Catherine Henrietta Elliott, dau. of William Henry Vaipy, H.l^. l.C.S. Armorial bearings- Argent, a lion rampant azure, debruised by a bend gobony ermine and gules. Mantling azure and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a cubit arm erect grasping a broken javelin, point to the sinister all proper. Motto — "Viet virtute." Married, 1890, Lilias Augusta, dau. of Henry C. Hertslel of Hawkesbury, N.Z., and niece of Sir E. Hertslet, K.C.B. ; and has Issue — (i) Roland .Arthur Hertslet Fulton, Gentk-man. h. 1891; (2) James Robert Bell Hertslet Fulton, Gentleman, b. 1892 ; (3) Noel Edw:u-d Hertslet Fulton, Gentleman, b. 1895; and Enid Fanny Hertslet. Residence — BENJAMIN HAMBER GARDNER, Esquire, J.P. Born 1838, being the fifth and youngest son of the late Richard Cardwell (iardner of Liverpool, J.P. (Mayor 1862-63), 3-"'l hi* wife, dau. and co-heir of the late John Sykes of Fluke Hall. Clubs- New University, Conserva- tive (Liverpool). Armorial bearings — Per fesse gules and or, a pale and three grillins' heads erased two and one, and as many roses one and two all countcrchanged. Mantling gules and or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, in front of two dibbles in saltire, a griffin's head erased all proper. MottO — " .\nimoet fide." Seat — Alding- ham Hall, Ulverston. TiiK Rkvkrknd JAMES GARDNER, M.A. (Camb.), Vicar of Butler's Marston from 1879-93. Horn 1835, being the third son of the late Richard Cardwell Gardner, Esq., J. P., of Liverpool (Mayor 1862-63), by his wife, dau. and co-heir of the late John Sykes of Fluke Hall. Armorial bearings — Per fes.se gules and or, a pale and three griffins' heads erased two and one, with as many roses one and two all counterchanged. Mantling gules and or. Crest — On a wreath o£ the colours, in front of two dibbles in saltire, a grifilji's head erased all prc)i)er. Motto — " .'\nirno et fide." Married, i86o, Sarah .Ann, only dau. of David W'addington. Esq., D. L. co. of .Middle- sex, formerly M.P. for Maldon and Harwich. Seat — Fluke Hall, Garstang, Lanes. JOHN SYKES GARDNER, Gentleman. Born , being the eldest son of the late Richard Cardwell Gardner, Esq., J.P , of Liverpool (Mayor 1862-63), ^'X his wife, dau. and co-heir of the late John Sykes of Fluke Hall. Armorial bearings — Per fesse gules and or, a pale and three grithns' heads erased two and one, and as many roses one and two all counterchanged. Mantling gules and or. Crest- On a wreath of the colours, in front of two dibbles in saltire, a grifhns head erased all proper. MottO- " Animo et fide." Married Louisa, dau. of the late Titley of Manchester; and has issue. Residence— 12 Sunnyside Devonshire Road, Princes Park, Liverpool. S WILLIAM EDWARD MONT.AGU HULTON- HARROP, Esquire, J.P., D. L. (High Sheriff of Shropshire 1885). [Became tenant in tail of the Bardsley, Gatten. Bedhvyn, and other estates in Shropshire, Lanca- shire, Flintshire, and Yorkshire, on condition that he assumed the name and arms of Hanop, which he did by Royal Licence, dated at Whitehall, Dec. 8, i866.] Doni Aug. 30, 1848, being the second son of the late .Arthur Hvde^Hulton, B.A., sometime of Brasenose Coll. , Oxford, and Incumbent of Christ Church, Ashion-under-Lyne, by his wife Elizabeth Margaret, second dau. of the late Jonah Harro[), Esq., D.L. co. Lancaster, and a Magistrate for Lanca.ster, Chester, and West Riding of York. Armorial bearings— Quarterly i and 4, per chevron argent and sable, three eagles displayed, collared and charged on the breast with a fleur-de-lis all counterchanged (for Harrop) ; 2 and 3 argent, a lion rampant double-queued gules, arn\ed and legged azure (for Hulton). Crests— i. on a wreath o( the colours, in front of a saltire or, an eagle displayed sable, crusily argent (for Harrop) ; 2. out' of a ducal coronet or, a stag's head argent, attired of the first, between two branches proper, each bearing three roses argent, seeded gules, barbed vert (for Hulton). MottO— " Terrena peri- culasperno." Married, Jan. 16, 1878, Margaret Henrietta Elizabeth, elde.st dau. of Calverley Bewicke of Close House, Northumberland; and has Issue— (i) Hugh de Lacy Hulton-Hanop, Gentleman, h. March 5, 1880; (2) .Arthur Blethyn Hulton-Harrop, Gentleman, b. .Aug. 22, 1884 ; (3) Cyril Charles Montague Hulton-Harrop, Gentle- man, b. Aug. 30, 1886; (4) Victor Edward Hulton- Harrop, Gentleman, b. Jan. 12, 1889; (5) Frank Lister Hulton-Harrop, Gentleman, /'. July 16, 1890; Alynr Vera ; and Gladys May. 6'f(Z/.f— Bardsley. near .Ashton-under- Lyne; Gatten, near Pontesbury, Salop; and Lythwood Hall, near .Shrewsbury. SCOLONKL ARCHIBALD HUME, Justice of the Peace and Deputy- Lieutenant, Lieutenant - Colonel JKttrMg Commandant 3rd Battalion King's Own Scot- i^Uitit,/ tish Borderers. /?o/v/ December 27, 1843, being the only child of the late Archibald Hume, lisquire, of Spitalside, in the county of Ayr, by his wife Anne, daughter of Samuel Watson of Ayr. C/«*— New (Edinburgh). Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms: Per fesse vert and argent, a lion ram|iant counterchanged. Upon the escutcheon is pl.iced a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling gules, doubled argent ; and upon a wreath of his liveries is set for Crest, a lion's head erased gules, armed and langued azure. MottO— "True to the end." Married, January 10, 1865, Agnes, daughter of the late John Walker, of Miteside, in the county of Cumberland ; and by lier (who died February 24, 1890), has Issue— (i) .\rehil)ald Hume, Gentleman, born Junes, 1866; (2) Her- liert Hume, Gentleman, born July 5, 1867 ; (3) Charles Edward Hume, Gentleman, born October 28, 1870, died 1897 ; (4) John Basil Lockhart Hume, Gentleman, born November 10, 1871 ; (5) Ernest Aymer Hume, Gentleman, born June 13, 1874 ; Agnes Beatrice ; Evelyn Mary ; and Eleanor Octavia. Sea/— Auchendolly, Dalbeattie, in the county of Kirkcudbright. RICHARD HUBBARD HUN Tl^R, Gentleman. Born , being the second son of William Hunter, Merchant, Glasgow. Armorial bearings — Per fesse vert and gules, in chief two hunting-horns or, garnished gules, stringed gold, in base the sun in his splendour, all within a bordure of the last. Mantling vert, doubled or. Crest -On a wreath of the colours, a falcon rising proper. Motto — " Semper sublime." Seat — Glentyan, co. Renfrew. .ARTHUR S.AUMAREZ, Esquire, commonly known as the Honourable Arthur Sauniarez. Born ^^JltttTt A1*I77 '^5^> being the son of the late Right 'O'UUlllUK/^ Honourable Sir John St. Vincent Sau- marez, by his second wife Margaret Antoinette, fourth daughter of the late William Richard Hopkyns Northey of Oving House, in the county of Buckingliam. Clubs — St. James's, White's. Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : .Argent, on a chevron gules, l)etween three leopards' faces sable, as many castles triple- towered or, impaling the arms of M'Garel-Hogg, namely, quarterly i and 4, argent three boars' heads erased azure, between two flaunches of the second, each charged with a crescent of the field (for Hogg) ; 2 and 3 or, a fesse vair^e ermine and purpure, cotised sable, between three grey- hounds heads erased of the last, collared argent (for M'Garel) ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, a falcon displayed proper ; with the Motto, " In Deo spero." Married, August 3, 1881, Edith Mary, commonly known as the Honourable Edith Mary, only daughter of the Right Honourable Sir James Macnaghten M'Garel-Hogg, first Baron Magheramorne ; and has Issue living — (i) Michael Saumarez, Esquire, born 1884 ; (2) Reginald Stafford Saum- marez, Gentleman, born 1886; and M\iriel Antoinette. Postal addresses — 17 Grosvenor Gardens, London, S.W. ; The Lodge, Eastbourne. D.AME CHARLOTTE HENRIETTA SAUSSE, Widow, commonly known as the Honour- ^«f)tl(^<^(> ^^^^ Ladv Sausse, daughter of the Right XyClU^XJt;' Honourable Thomas Alexander Fraser, fourteenth Baron Lovat. Armorial bear- ings are, upon a lozenge : Or, on a bend azure, between two Saracens' heads proper, wreathed round the temples argent and of the second, a crescent of the third between two bezants, impaling the arms of Fraser, namely, quarterly I and 4, azure three cinquefoils argent ; 2 and 3 argent, three antique crowns gules. Married, 1866, Sir Matthew Richard .Sausse, Knight Bachelor, Chief-Justice at Bombay, The Editor undertakes tHat every entry not in italics is that of a genuinely armigerous person. 923 appcnliir who ilioil 1807. /'.'.tA// .J.> — llaniilon ll;ill, i aiu- worlli. HKCilNALl) SHANN, iJoiUliiiian, MiisU-r of Ails of the University of Cumbritlgc. Horn July 18, 1854, being the sixth son of the hile George Shann, (ientleinan, of York. Doctor ol M.dieiiu', l>v liis wife Jane, daughter of the Revereiul Wilhaiii Ci.iy, N'aar of Urafferton, and Canon of Kipon. Armorial bearings 1 ie Liears for Arms : Vair, on a pile or, three esciilclieons a/.ure, each charged with an annulet of tlie second ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, in front of an annulet gold, a hand erect holding a dagger all proper; with the MottO, " Kideliter." Mar- ried, SepteniU-r 11, 1879, I'^lizabeth, daughter of the Reve- rend Kdward lloaie. Niaster of Arts t)f the University of Cambridge, Vicar of Holy Trinity, Tunbridge Wells, and Canon of Canterbury ; and has Issue— {\) Charles Hrodie Shann, Gentleman, born December 8, 1885; (2) Reginald Arthur Shann, (.ientleinan, born June 26, 1891 ; Lettice Mary ; and litliel Catherine. THOMAS LAURENCE SHANN, Gentleman. Horn .Noveinlx-r 13, 1858, lx,-ing the eiglith son of the late George Sliann, Gentleman, Doctor of Medicine, by his wife Jane, daughter of ihc Reverend William Gray, Vicar of Brafier- ton,'aiid Canon of Rijjon. Armorial bearings— He bears for Arms : Vair, on a pile or, tlnce escutcheons azure, each charged with an annulet of the second ; and for iiis Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, in front of an annulet gold, a hand erect holding a dagger all i)roper; witii tlie Motto, " Kideliter." WH.LIAM ARTHUR SHANN, Gentleman. Born June 10, 1857, being the seventh son of the late George Shann, Gentleman, of York, Doctor of Medicine, by his wife Jane, daughter of the Reverend William Gray, Vicar of Hrafterton, and Canon of Ripon. Armorial bearings — He lx:ars for Arms : Vair, on a pile or, three escutcheons azure, each charged with an annulet of the second ; and for his Crest, upon a wreath of the colours, in front of an annulet gold, a hand erect holding a dagger all proper ; with the Motto, " Fideliter." WH.LIAM CECH. SMYLY, Esquire, one of Her Majesty's Counsel Learned in the Law. Born January 2, 1840, being the third son of John George Smyly, Esquire, one of Her Majesty's Counsel Learned in the Law, Justice of the Peace and Deputy-Lieutenant, of Castledere and Camus, in the county of Tyrone, by his wife Eliza John, fourth daughter of Sir Andrew Ferguson, Baronet, Member of Parliament for Londonderry, and sister and co-heiress of Sir Robert Ferguson, Baronet, Lord- Lieutenant of the county of Londonderry, and Member of Parliament for Londonderry City. Clubs — New University. Union (Man- chester). Armorial bearings — He bears for Arms : Azure, a chevron ermine between three pheons argent. Upon the escutcheon is placed a helmet befitting his degree, with a mantling azure and argent ; and for his Crest, on a wreath of the colours, an armed arm embowed proper, the hand holding a pheon by the point gules ; and for Motto, " Viri- bus virtus." Married, January 2, 1884, Alice Mary, only daughter of Samuel William Brooks; and has Issue— [i] Cecil Ferguson Smyly, Gentleman, born November 2, 1884 ; (2) Alexander Ferguson Smyly, Gentleman, born September 15, 1886; Alice Eileen ; and Sylvia Mary. Postal address — St. George's S(|uare, S. W. a WILLIAM JOHN TALBOT, Esquire, J. P. cos. Gal- VS way and Roscommon, D.L. for Roscommon (High Sheriff for Roscommon 1886), late Capt. 7th Brigade South Irish Division, R.A. Born July i, 1859, being the only son of the late John Talbot, Esq., J.l'. and D.L. (High Sheriff 1857), formerly of the 3Sth Regt., by his second wile Gertrude Caroline, dau. of Lieut.-Col. Baylv of Ballyarthur, CO. \yicklow. C/z/i^— Kildare Street (Dublin). Armorial bearings— Quarterly 1 and 4, argent, a !ion rampant within a bordure engrailed gules (for Talbot) ; 2. argent, a lion rampant sable, arm and langued gules, in chief two dexter hands apaumiie of the third (for Crosbie) ; 3. gules, three cinquefoils, two and one ermine (for Hamilton). " Mantling gules and argent. Crests— 1. on a wreath of the colours, on a cup of maintenance azure, turned up ermine, a lion passant gules (for Talbot) ; 2. on a wreath of the colours, three swords, one in pale with point upwards, and two in & Is the Military Cockade. saltiro with points downwards, entwined with a serpent all proper (for Crosbie). MottO — " Pret d'accomplir." Married, August 14, 1897, Julia Elizabeth Mary, only ^;hild of Captain Sir Capel IVlolyneux, Bart., D.L., of Castle Dillon, CO. Armagh. Seal — Mount Talbot, co. Ros- common. JOSEPH FOX TARRAir, Esquire, J. P. Bom Feb. 20, i86g, Ixiing the eldest son of the late Daniel l''ox Tarratt of liliary, Argyllshire, by his wife Mary, eldest dau. of |(jhn Lome Stewart of Coll, Argyllshire. Club — Boodle's. Armorial bearings — .Xrgent, three piles azure, two issuant from the chief and one from the base, each cliarged with an eagle's head erased of the field Mantling azure and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, an eagle dis- [ilayed argent, wings vair, holding in the beak an ostrich feather also argent. MottO — "Per ardua stabilis." Mar- ried, April 30, 1896, Mary Georgiana Helen, second dau. of Capt. Duncan MacNeill of Oransay Priory, Argyllshire, late Scots Greys ; and has Issue — William Stewart Tarratt, Gentleman, b. April 9, 1897. Seat — Ellary, Argyllshire. S EDWARD RICHARD TAYLOR, Esquire, Captain Grenadier Guards. Born .Sept. 21, 1863, being the eldest son of the late Rt. Hon. Thomas Edward Taylor, P.C, J. P. and D.L., M.P. for Co. Dublin from 1841 till his death, Capt. 6th Dragoon Guards (retired 1846), Lieut.- Col. Royal Meath Militia 1847-1874, Hon. c:ol. of that Regt., by his wife Louisa Harrington, second dau. of the Hon. and Rev. Hugh Francis Tollemache, Rector of Har- rington, CO. Northampton. Club — Guards'. Armorial bearings — Ermine, on a chief gules, a tleur-de-lis between two boars" heads couped and erect or. Mantling gules and argent. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a naked arm embowed holding an arrow all proper. Motto— " Prose- quitur quodcimque petit." Seat — Ardgillan Castle, near Balbriggan. HENKY AUGUSTUS WETHERALL, Esquire, late Captain in the Coldstream Guards. Born ^/fjl>f.]l»js««jjll February 25, 1849, beiti^ the second son VlAUtliJ^lttU of the late Major-General Sir Edivard Robert Wether-all, R'ni^ht Comtnander of the Most Exalted Order of the Star of India, Companion of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, Aide-de-Camp to Her Majesty the Queen, Under-Secretary of State for Ireland, by his wife Katharine, daughter of John Durie, Esquire, of Astley Hall, in the County Palatine of Lancaster. Clubs — Naval and Militaiy, Cavalry, Beef- steak. Livery — Black with white collar. Armorial bear- ings as used, but which are not recorded in the College of Arms, are : Atgeni, two lions passant in pale sable, on a chief indented of the last, three covered cups or ; and for the Crest, a lion's ganib erased sable, holding up a covered cup or ; with the Motto, " Vi et copia." Married, September 20, 1882, Blanche Jane, daughter of Arthur Henry Champagne, Esquire, of River Lyons, King's County, Ireland, and Redentcr. Cornicall ; and has Issue — (i) George Augustus Champagne Wetherall, born July 24, 1883 ; Harry Edward de Robillard Wetherall, bom February 22, 1889 ; and Her- mione Blanche Katharine. Postal address — Astley Hall, Lancashire. § JOSEPH LAWSON WH ALLEY, Esquire, Justice of the Peace for the county of LMncaster, Colonel i^th Battalion King's Own Royal Lancaster Regiment. Born May 29, 1842, bei?ig the eldest son of Joseph Whalley, Barrister-at-Law, by his tvife Frances Margaret, daughter of IJeutenant-Colonel William Ronsman, Justice of the Peace. Clubs — Junior Conseivative, County (Lancaster). Livery — White, with black facings and silver lace. Armo- rial bearings as used, but to H'hich no right has been established at the College of Arms, are for Arms : Argent, three 7uhales' heads erect and erased sable ; and for a Crest, a whale' s head as in the arms ; with the Motto, " En Dieu sont nos esperances." Married, firstly, August 10, 1872, Julia, daughter of the Very Reverend John Chainc, Dean oj Connor; and secondly, January 26, 1881, Florence Aland, daughter of the Ra'erend Robert Daniel, Vicar of Osbald- ariell, in the county of York ; and has Issue — Julian Lausen, born April ■^, 1884; F'rances Geraldine ; and Helen Irene. Estates — Rorvton Brook, in the county of Lancaster ; Royd House, in the West Riding of the county of York. Postal address — 5 Queen Street, Lancaster. H is the Naval Cockade. ^ppentiir 923 The following are those bearing hereditary Peerage titles, whose right to the same, or to their Armorial bearings, has not been estabhshed or is open to question : — r>ord Acton has no Crest. The Arms of the Marquess of Ailsa are not matriculated in Lyon Register. The Karl of Antrim is entitled to the Arms of M'Donnell only, the Arms of Kerr being of no authority. Lord Basing has neither Arms, Crest, nor .Supporters. The right to the Barony of Belhaven and Stcnton has not been esiabhshcd Ixjfore the Committee of Privileges. The liiirl of Berkeley has no Supporters. The .\rms of Lord Isiantyre have not been matriculated in Lyon Register. The Arms of the Earl of Caithness are not matriculated in Lyon Register. The .\rms of Viscount Canterbury are those of Manners, and not of Manners-Siiiton. The ,\rms of Earl Cathcart are not matriculated in Lyon Register. Lord (Churchill has no Supporters. Lord Colville of Culross has no Supporters. Lord Cottesloe has no Supporters. The Earl of Coventry has no Supporters. The name of the Countess of Cromarty is Sutherland- Leveson-Gower. The Arms of the Earl of Dalhousie are those of Ramsay only. The Arms of Lord de Ros are those of Fitzgerald only, and neither the Arms as used nor the Crest of De Ros have been exemplified. The Arms of the Earl of Dunmore have not been matricu- lated in Lyon Register. The I'Larl of Dysart has no Supporters. Viscount Esher has established no right to the quarterings given imder his name in all the Peerages. Lord Ffrcnch has no right to Arms. ICad Fortescue has no Supporters. The Arms of the Earl of Galloway are not matriculated in Lyon Register. The Ifarony of Gardner is dormant, and none of those assuming the title have established any right thereto. Lord Gwydyr has no Crest. The .Vrms of Lord Harries are those of Haggerston, no e.vcmplitication having been made to him of the Arms of Maxwell or of the Crests and .Supporters which, according to the Peerages, he uses. Lord Lingen has neither Crest nor Supporters. '1 he present claimant to the Earldom of Landaff has not estalilished his right before the Committee of Privileges. The .\rms of the Marquess of Lothian are not riiatricu- lated in Lyon Register. The .\rms of Lord Manners are those of Manners only, and not of Manners-Sutton. The Arms of the Earl of Mansfield are not matricul.ited in Lyon Register. Lord Massy has no Supporters. The Ivirldom of Miltown is dormant, and neither of the claimants thereto has established any right before the Com- mittee of Privileges. Lord Monteagle has no Supporters, and only one Crest. There are no .Arms for the See of Newcastle. The Arms of the Earl of Orkney are not matriculated in Lyon Register. The Earl of Portarlington is entitled to the Arms of Dawson only. The Arms of the E^arl of Portsmouth are those of Fellowes and not those of Wallop. The Arms of Lord Reay are not matriculated in Lyon Register. 'Phe Duke of Roxburghe has neither Crest nor .Sup- porters. 'I"he right to the Barony of Ruthven has not been estal> lished before the Committee of Privileges. Lord St. Leonards has no Arms or .Supporters. Lord .Sandhurst has no Supporters. The .Arms of Lord Sinclair are not matriculated in Lyon Register. The I"'arl of Stradbroke has no Supporters. The Arms of Viscount Strathallen are not matriculated in Lyon Register. Lord Thring has no Supporters. The Arms of the Marquess of Tweeddale are not matricu- lated in Lyon Register. There are no .Arms for the .See of Wakefield. The liarl of Winchilsea has one Crest only, and the Arms of Hatton should be in the second quarter. The following Irish Peerages have not been established, and the Peers whose names are under- mentioned do not vote in the election of Irish Peers : — (ieorge Augustus Hamilton Chichester, Marquess of iJonegal. (jeotTry Thomas Taylour, Marquess of Headfort. Rudolph Robert Basil Aloysius Augustine Feilding, Earl of Desmond (I'^arl of Denbigh). Frederick Edward Gould Lambert, EarlofCavan, K. P. Richard Henry Boyle, Earl of Shannon. Henry Wellesley, Earl of Mornington (Duke of Welling- ton). William Ulick Tristram St. Lawrence, Earl of Howth, K.P. Henry Edwyn King Tenison, Earl of Kingston. Williaiu Frederick le Poer Trench, Earl of Clancarty. .Archibald Brabazon Sparrow Acheson, Earl of Gosford, K.P. Henry North Holroyd, Earl of .Sheffield. Arthur .Annesley, Viscount Valentia. Harold Arthur Lee-Dillon, Viscount Dillon. Henry Taaffe, Viscount Taafle. George Henry Hugh Cholmondeley, Viscount Chol- mondeley (Marquess of Cholmondeley). William Geoffry Bouchard de Montmorency, Viscount Mountmorres. Henry Charles Gage, Viscount Gage. Algernon William Yelverton, Viscount Avonmore. Edward Henry Trafalgar Digby, Baron Digby. Castell Sherard, Baron Sherard. .Algernon William George Evans-Freke, Baron Carbery. .Somerset Henry Maxwell, Baron Farnham. John Arthur Lysaght, Baron Lisle. William Charles Wynn, Baron Newborough. Charles George Lyttelton, Baron Westcote (Viscount Cobham). Clarence Edward Graves, Baron Graves. Alexander Nelson Hood, Baron Bridport, G. C.B. (Vis- count Bridport). Charles Andrew Vanneck, Baron Huntingfield. Charles Robert Carrington, Baron Carrington, G. CM. G. (Earl Carrington). Charles A. T.R.LI. Ffrench, Baron Ffrench. Errol Augustus Blake, Baron Wallscourt. Robert Shapland George Julien Carew, Baron Carew. Chichester Samuel Parkinson - Fortescue, Baron Cler- mont, K.P. (Baron Carlingford). James Herbert Gustavus Meredyth Somerville (Baron .Althunmey. ) 924 appenUir Proof is required of the due and legal creation of the following Baronetcies, or else proof of the descent and the consequent right to inherit : — Ciirmichael-Anstruther (Nova-Scotian title). Boreel. Broun. Burke " of Glinsk." Burton. Campbell of Auchenbreck. Camptell of Ardnainurchan. Cathcart. Clifton. Cockburn. Colleton. Cox. Crawfurd-Pollok. Crosbio. Cumming. CuninKhanie of Robertland. Dalvell. Dick. Dunbar of Nortlifield. Elphinstone. Esnionde. Fleetwood. Fletcher (1812). Poulis of Woodhall. P'oulis of Ingleby Manor. Gibb. Gordon of Letterfourie. Gordon of Lesmore. Graham of Esk. Grant of Dalvey. Hamilton of Silverton Hill. Hamilton of Preston, county dington. Hay of Smithfield. Innes of Balveny. Innes (1628). Knowles. De Burgh-Lawson. Leslie of Wardis. Livesey. Mackenzie of Gairloch. Mackenzie of Scatwell. Moncrieff. Howell-Murray. Murray of Philiphaugh. Had- Milliken-Napier. Nicolson (1637). Nicolson (1629). Palmer (1621). Payne (1737). Perrott. Reade (1641). Richardson (1630). Sinclair of Dunbeath. Skipwith. Stapley. Steele. Swale. Taylor. Temple of Stowe. Lushington-Tilson. Agnew- Wallace. Wardlaw. Wasteneys. Wemyss. Griffies- Williams. Wright. The following Baronets either possess no Armorial bearings, or their right thereto is doubtful, and awaiting substantiation : — Sir Ralph Anstruther, Bart., of Bal- caskie. Sir Windham Charles Carmichael- Anstruther, Bart. Sir Francis James Graham Blake, Bart. Sir Horace Blakislon, Bart. Sir lohn Ralph Blois, Bart. Sir "William Blunt, Bart. Sir William Boreel. Sir Edmund Simon Bradstreet, Bart. Sir George Hector Leith-Buchanan, Bart. Sir Robert .\ugustus Colleton, Bart. Sir Charles Algernon Coote, Bart. Sir Charles William Craufurd, Bart. Sir Uthred Dunbar, Bart., of Moch- rum. Sir George Alexander Duntze, Bart. Sir Archibald Edmonstone, Bart., of Duntreith. Sir Edmund H. Elton, Bart. .Sir Richard Farmer, Bart. Rev. Sir George Ralph Fetherston, Bart. Sir William H. B. Ffolkes, Bart. Sir Henry Fletcher, Bart. Sir Frederick F. C. Fowke, Bart. Sir John F. Godfrey, Bart. Sir Hume Seton Gordon, Bart. Sir L. J. Grant, Bart., of Dalvey. Sir A. H. Grant, Bart. , of Monymusk. Rev. Sir John Ccesar Hawkins, Bart. Sir H. J. Hawley, Bart. Sir Lewis John Hay, Bart., of Park. Sir Joseph W. O. Hoare, Bart. Sir Fenton J. Hort, Bart. .Sir Alfred Hughes, I5art. Sir Stanhope William Jephson, Bart., C.B. Sir Charles Knowles, Bart. Sir Wilfrid Lawson, Bart. Sir Charles Fitzroy MacLean, Bart. Sir Thomas O'Connor Moore, Bart. Sir William Robert Murray, Bart., of Clermont. Sir Richard John Musgrave, Bart., of Turin. Sir George Prescott, Bart. Sir Berkeley Sheffield, Bart. Sir Charles Cunliffe Smith, Bart. Sir John .Stirling Maxwell, Bart. Sir Wager Watson, Bart. Sir Watkin Williams-Wynne, Bart. Sir William Lawrence Young, Bart. Printed by B.allantyne, Hanson &= Co. Edinburgh e^ London RETURN TO the circulation desk of any University of California Library or to the NORTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY BIdg. 400, Richmond Field Station University of California Richmond, CA 94804-4698 ALL BOOKS MAY BE RECALLED AFTER 7 DAYS • 2-month loans may be renewed by calling (510)642-6753 • 1-year loans may be recharged by bringing books to NRLF • Renewals and recharges may be made 4 days prior to due date. DUE AS STAMPED BELOW SEP 3 1997 12,000(11/95) Illllllnlllllllilliilillnllni lllilil llllll< CD31t33DE7H