Extract from Motor Vehicle Act, 1913 UNAUTHORIZED USE OF VEHICLE A FELONY Sec. 28. Any person who shall drive or operate or cause to be driven or operated, upon any public highway within the state, any motor vehicle not his own, with or without intent to steal the same, in the absence of the owner thereof and without such owner's consent, shall be guilty of a felony; provided, however, that this section shall not be applicable to motor vehicles, the fair value of which at the time of the commencement of such unauthorized use is less than three hundred dollars. Extract from Penal Code of State of California Sec. 499c. Every owner or manager of an auto mobile garage, or any agent or employee of such owner or manager, or any other person, having the care, custody or possession of any automobile, who takes, hires, runs, drives or uses such automobile, or who takes or removes therefrom any part thereof, without the owner's consent, is punishable by a fine not exceeding one thousand dollars or by imprison ment in the county jail not exceeding one year or by* both such fine and imprisonment. BANCROFT LIBRARY THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA FIREMAN'S FIND INSURANCE COMPANY AUTOMOBILE TOUR BOOK OF CALIFORNIA Copyright 1914 PUBLISHED BY FIREMAN'S FUND INSURANCE COMPANY SAN FRANCISCO IV1 BANCROFT LIBRARY Introduction OWING to the many requests for road maps and touring information, the Fireman's Fund Insurance Company presents to its patrons and friends this second edition of its Tour Book of California, contain ing data not heretofore published. We have carefully selected the best high ways from Tia Juana, Mexico, to Crater Lake, Oregon, and from the Coast to Yuma, Arizona, and Reno, Nevada. The main highways are indicated by heavy lines. For the convenience of motorists we have noted briefly distances between towns, cross roads, bridges and grades, condition of the roads, also towns where hotel, garage and gasoline accommodations may be secured. The names of automobile dealers and their agents are also given. The Fireman's Fund has an agent in every city, town and village in California, whose serv ices can readily be obtained. As it is desired to make this book as accu rate as possible, information respecting errors or omissions will be gratefully received. AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE /*. NORTHERN CALIFORNIA ^CRESCENT CY. FT. JONES f ft ^* ** ^ \ g jfs^; ">jf \ *3K\ 1 A*St W * * jKr^ 3 K y^*^>t IALU a v'Ljyt,' CENTRAL CALIFORNIA SAN FRAN ///// STOCKTON LJ SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA CANADA BERNARDINO LUDLOW The Fireman's Fund insures against loss or damage to Automo biles by fire, theft, collision, property damage and transporta tion. TOWN INDEX. Page Acampo 34 Acolita 130 Acton 92 Adams Springs 20 Adin 61 Adobe Station 91 Ager 27 Agnew 66 Agua Caliente 4, 18 Agua Duke 130 Ahwahnee 88 Alameda 32 Alamo 32 Albion 12 Alcalde 108 . Alder Creek ...47 Alessandro 120 Alexander Valley 6 Algomah 31 Alhambra . . ..115, 118 Alleghany 54 Allendale 21 Alma 99 Alpine 128 Al Tahoe 49 Altamont 29, 33 A~lta 43, 45 Alto 2 Alton 9 Alturas 61 Alvarado 66 Alviso 66, 96 Amboy 133 Amedee t 60 Page Amsterdam 68 Anaheim 115, 123 Anaheim Landing 115 Anderson 25 Anderson Springs 20 Angwin 18 Annadell 14 Antelope 35, 42 Antioch 65 Antler 26 Applegate 43, 44 Appletown 108 Aptos 100, 103 Arbuckle 22 Arcadia 118 Arcata 9, 10 Argos 132 Arimo 133 Arlington 120 Armona 86 Arroyo Grande Ill Arundel 68 Ash Hill 133 Asti 6 Asuncion 109 Atascadero 109 Athlone 69 Atlanta 62, 67 Atwater " 68, 74 Auburn 42, 43, 44 Avena 62 Avon 1 Azelea 27 Azusa . ..118 B Baden 93 Bagdad 133 Bakersfield 79, 81, 82, 83, 91 Balboa Beach ' 115. Ballard 70 Bangor .41 Banning 130, 131 Banta 33, .75 Barstow 132 Bartle -....31 Bartlett Landing 20 Bassett 118 Batata 68 Batavia , . . . 21 . Bay City 115, 116 Bayside ..9, .10 Beatrice 9, 10, Beaumont 131 Beckwith 53, 55 Bellevue 5 Bell's Springs 8 Bells Station . . . 102 Belmont 93, 94 Belvedere 1 Ben Lomond 95. 99 Benali 35, 42 Bengal 133, Benicia 18 Berenda 69, 87 Berkeley 1 Berlin 22 Bernardo 122 Berry Creek .56 Berryessa 66 Bertram 130 Bethany 33 Beverly Hills 114, 124 Bidvvell Bar 56 Big Lagoon _ . 17 Big Oak Flat 63 Big Trees 95, 99 Bieber 61 Biggs 37, 39 Bijou 49 Page Bitterwater 106 Black Point 3 Blacks 21, 22 Blanco 103 Bloomfield 15 Bloomington 119 Blue Lake 10 Blue Ravine 47 Blythe 130 Bobtown 76 Boca 51, 52, 53 Bodega 14 Bohemian Grove 14, 15 Bolinas 17 Bonanza Springs 20 Bonsall 121 Boonville 6 Bootjack 90 Borden 70 Borrell 85 Bostonia 128 Boulder Creek 95, 99 Bowles 76 Boyes Hot Springs 4, 18 Bradley 107 Page Brandts Ferry 33 Branscomb 12 Brawley ....130 Brentwood 65 Briceland 8 Brighton 34 Browns 59 Brownsville 41 Brookdale 95, 99 Bryson 107 Buckeye 26 Bucks Ranch 56 Buena 121 Buena Park 115, 123 Buhach 68, 74 Bullards Bar 41 Burbank 92, 114 Burchell 69 Burlingame 93 Burnham 62 Butler .....76 Butte City 23 Buttonwillow 83 Byron 33, 65 Cadiz ! 133 Calabasas 1 14 Calexico 130 Califa 69 Calistoga 18, 19 Calpella 7 Camarillo 113, 114 Cambria 111^ Camino 48 Camp Meeker 14, 15 Campbell 99 Campbell Hot Springs 52 Campo 129 Camptonville 41, 54 Cana 38 Canby 61 Capay 21 Capitan 112 Capitola 99 Cardiff 126 Carlsbad 126 Carlsbad Springs 20 Carpenteria 113 Carson City 49, 50 Caruthers 85 Casa Verduga 117 Caspar 12 Castac 114 Castella 26 Castle Springs 20 Castoria 33, 62, 67 Castroville 103 Cayucos \\\ l /2 Cazadero 13, 14 Centerville 25, 66, 76 Ceres 68 Challenge 41 Chandler . ..92 Chat 53 Chatsworth Park 114 Chico 37, 38 Chilcoot 53 Chiloquin 30 Chinese Camp 63 Chino 120 Chinquapin 88 Chittenden 100 Chualar 105 Chula Vista 127 Cisco 45 Claremont 119 Clarksburg 34 Clarksville 47 Clayton 65 Clear Creek 59 Clifton 115, 116 Clio 55 Clipper Gap 43, 44 Cloverdale 6 Coachella 130 Coalinga 85, 86, 108 Coarse Gold 88 Cold Springs 90 Coles 27 Colfax 43, 44 Colfax Springs 64 College City 22 Collegeville 62 Colma 93 Colton 119, 131 Colusa 22, 23, 55*4 Colusa Junction 23 Comptche 12 Compton 115, 116 Concord 1, 65 Connor . .82 Page Cook 106 Cooper 103 Cordelia 18 Corning 24 Cornwall 65 Corona 120 Coronado 127 Corte Madera 2 Cotati -5 Cottonwood 21, 22, 25, 132 Cottonwood Springs 133 Courtland 34 Cove Springs 133 Covina 118 Cox's Lane 39 Coyote 98 Page Coyote Wells 129 Cozzens 6 Crane Flat 64 Crater Lake 30 Crescent 57 Crescent City H Cressey 74 Crockett 1 Cromberg 55 Crows Landing 75 Cucamonga 119, 120 Cuddleback 9 Cummings 8 Cupertino 96, 99 Cuvamaca 128 Daggett 132 Dana 31 Danby 133 Danville 32 Daulton 87 Davenport 95 Davisville 21 Decoto 66 Deer Park Springs 46 Delano 78,79,81 Delevan 23 Delmar 126 Del Monte 103, 104 Del Paso 35 Del Sur 92 Delta 26 Denman 5 Descanso 128. 129 Deters 28 Diamond Springs 47 Dickinson 69 Dinuba 76 Dixon 21 Dorris 29 Dos Palos .72 Dove 109 Downey US, 123 Downieville 54 Doyle 53, 60 Duarte 1 18 Dublin 32, 33 Duboise 34 Ducor 81 Duffey 12 Dulzura 129 Dumbarton 100, 101, 103 Duncan Mills 14 Dunneville 101 Dunnigan .' 22 Dunsmuir 26, 27, 31 Durham 37 Dutch Flat 43 Dverville . - .8, 9 E Eagle Rock 117 Earlimart 78 Eckley 1 Eddy's Landing 22 Eden Hot Springs 120, 131 Edenvale 98 Edgewood 27 Edison 91 Edna Ill Ehrenberg 130 Eight Mile 83 El Cajon 128, 129 El Camino 118 El Centro 129, 130 El Monte 118 El Portal 64 El Rio 113 El Toro 125 El Verano 4, 18 Eleven Mile . ..88 Elim Grove 14 Elk Grove 34 Elkhorn 93 Elmira 21 Elmore 26 Elsinore 120, 121 Ely 5 Emigrant Gap 45 Encinitas 126 Enterprise 56 Epsom Springs 20 Escalle 2 Escalon 62, 67 Escondido 121, 122 Esparto 21 Essex 133 Ethanac 120 Etiwanda 119 Eureka 9, 10 Exeter . ..80 Fairbank F .6 Fairfax .16 Page Fairfield 21 Fairmont 92 Falk 9, 10 Fallbrook 121 Fallen .....15 Fall River Mills 31 Famoso 79, 81 Farmersville 80 Farmington 62 Farwell 66 Fellows .84 Felton ..95, 99 Fenner 133 Ferndale 9 Field Brook 10 Fields Landing 9, 10 Fig Tree Springs 130 Fillmore 113, 114 Finnell 24 Firebaugh 72 Fish Camp 33, 88 Fish Rock 13 Florin 34 Floriston 51 Floyds Landing 20 Folsem . . .47 Page Forbes 3, 16 Forbestown 41, 56 Forest Lake : .... 34 Forestville 5, 14 Fort Bragg 12 Fort Jones 27 Fort Klamath 30 Fort Ross 13 Fort Tejon 91 Fortuna 9 Foster 128 Fountain 6 Four Mile 88 Fouts Ferry 22 Fowler 76, 77 Franklin 34 Franktown 50 Freedom 100, 103 Freeport 34 Freestone 14, 15 Fresno 70, 71, 76, 77,85 Fruitland 8 Fullerton 115, 123 Fulton ...5, 14 Gallinas 3, 16 Gait 34 Garberville 8 Garcia 15 Gardena 115, 116 Garden Grove 115 Garey 112 Garrotte 63 Gasquet 11 Gaviota 112 Gazelle 27 Geneva 69 Genoa 49 Gentry 64 Gerigs 61 German 2 Germantown , 23 Geysers 6 Geyserville 6 Gibson 26 Gilroy 98, 101, 102 Glamis 130 Glazier 31 Glen Alpine 6, 20 Glen Ellen 4 Glenbrook 20, 49 Glendale 117 Glendora 118 Glenn 23 Glenwood . 99 Goffs 133 Gold Run 43 Goleta -.112 Gonzales 105 Goodyears Bar 54 Gordon Springs 20 Gorman 92 Goshen Junction 76, 80 Grafton 22 Grangeville 86 Grass Valley 40, 44 Grayson 75 Greenbrae 2 Greenleaf 70 Greenfield 105 Greenvalley 47 Greenville 57 Greenwood 12, 23 Grenada 27, 28 Gfidley 36, 37, 39 Grimes Landing 22 Grub Gulch 88 Groveland 63 Guadaloupe Ill Gualala 13 Guenoc 20 Guerneville 14 Guernsey 86 Gustine 73 H Halfmoon Bay 94 Half Way Well 130 Hamilton 23, 38 Hanford 76, 77, 80, 86 Harbin Springs 20 Hardings 64 Hardy '..8 Harrington 22 Harriman Lodge 30 Harris , ..8 Page Hartley 21 Hayden Hill 61 Haywards 32, 66 Healdsburg 5, 6 Hearst Hacienda 32 Heber 130 Hector 132 Helm 85 Hemet 120, 131 Hercules 1 Hermosa 115 Herndon 70, 71 Hershey 22 Hesperia 132 Hickman 68 Hicksville 34 Highland Park 117, 118. Highland Springs 6, 20 Highlands 119 Hillsborough 93 Hillsdale . ..98 Page- Hills Ferry 73, 74, 75 Hobart Mill 52 Hobergs 20 Hodgden 64 Holden 62 Hollister 101, 106 Holtville 130 Hollywood 114, 115, 124 Honcut 39, 41 Hooker 25 Hopland 6 Hornbrook 27 Hornitos 89, 90 Horse Lake 61 Hot Springs 60 Howard Springs 20 Howells Landing 22 Huffaker 50 Huntington Beach 115 Huron 85, 86 Hydesville 9 Idle wild 46 Ingomar 73 Idyllwild 131 Inverness 15 Ignacio 3 Irrigosa 70 Imperial 130 Irvine 115, 125 Imperial Junction 130 Irvington 60 Indio 130 Iverson , .' . 13 Inglewood 115, 116 Jacinto 23 Johnsons 58 Jacksonville ..63 Johnsonville 60 Jacumba 129 Jolon 107 Jameson 71 Jonesville 58 Jamul 129 Julian 128 Janesville 60 Jura 47 K Keddie 57 Kelseyville 20 Kenny 8 Kennett 26 Keno 29 Kentfield 2, 16 Kenwood 4, 18 Kerman 71, 85 Keystone 63 King City 105, 106, 107 Kingsburg ..76 Kirkwood 24 Klamath Agency 30 Klamath Falls 29, 30 Klinefelter 133 Klondike 133 Knights Ferry 63 Knights Landing 21 Knightsen 65 Korbel 10 Kyburz 48 La Canada 117 La Costa 126 La Habra 115, 123 La Honda .: 94 La Jiguas 112 La Jolla 122, 126 La Mesa 128, 129 La Moine 26 La Panza 110 La Playa 127 La Trainon . .20 Lafayette 1 Laguna 125 Laguna Beach 115 Lagunitas 15, 16 Lairds Ranch 29 Lake View 120 Lakeport 20 Lakeside 128 Lakeville '. 4 Lakeview 49, 50 Lamanda . ..118 Page Lancaster 92 Lankershim 114 Largo 6 Larkspur 2 Las Cruces 112 Las Flores 125 Lathrop 33, 67 Laton 77 Laurel Dell 20 Lavic 132 Lawndale 116 Lawrence 96 Lawton 51 Laytonville 7, 8 Le Grand '. . . 69 Lebec 91, 92 Lemon Grove 128 Lemoore .86 Lerdo 81 Lethent 86 Lick Observatory 97 Liegan 60 Likely 61 Lincoln 35 Linden 62 Lindsay 80 Linora 73 Little River 12 Little Shasta Mill 28 Live Oak 36 Livermore 32, 33, 66 Livingston 68, 74 Page Lobitas 94 Lockeford 34 Lockwood . 107 Lodi 34 Logandale 23 Loleta 9 Loma Linda 119 Loma Prieta 99 Lomo 36 Lompoc ' 112 Long Beach 115, 116 Lookout 61 Loomis 42 Lordsburg 1 18 Los Alamos 112 Los Alamitos 1 16 Los Altos % Los Angeles. .92, 114, 115, 116, 11.7, 118, 123, 124 Los Banos 72, 73, 102 Los Berros Ill Los Gatos 99 Los Guilicos 4 Los Olivos 112 Lovell 76 Lower Lake 20 Lower Soda Springs 26 Loyalton 53 Ludlow 132, 133 Lyonsville . . . >. '. 58 Lytton 6 M Macy 22 Macdoel 28, 29 Madeline 61 Madera 69, 70, 87 Madison 21, 22 Madrone 98 Malaga 76, 77 Mammoth 130 Manchester 13 Manhattan Beach 115 Manlove 47 Manteca 33, 67 Maricopa 82, 84 Mariposa 90 Markham 14 Marshalls 15 Martinez 1, 65 Marysville..35, 36, 39, 40, 41, 55^ Matilija Hot Springs 113 Maxwell 23 Mayfield 96 McCains Springs 130 McCloud 27, 31 McConnells 34 McCray 6 McDonald 6 McFarland 79, 81 McKinneys 46 McKittrick 83, 84, 110 McMullin . ..71,85 Meadow Valley 56 Mecca 130 Melborne ,. 12 Mendocino 12 Mendota 71, 72 Menlo Park 96 Merced 68, 69, 74,89 Merced Falls 89 Merle ....126 Merrill 29 Merrimac 56 Merrillville 61 Merritt 21 Metropolitan 9 Metz 105 Mexicala 130 Meyers 49 Miami 88 Middletown 19, 20, 25 Midway 33, 84 Milford 60 Mill Valley ...2, 17 Millbrae ' 93 Miller 12, 69, 87 Mills 47 Millville 25 Milpitas 66 Minneola 132 Minturn 69 Mirabel Park 5, 14 Page Miramar 122 Miranda 8 Mission San Jose 66 Modesto 67, 68, 75 Modoc Point 30 Mohawk 55 Monrovia 118 Montalvo 113 Montague 27, 28 Monte Rio 14, 15 Monterey 103 Montpelier .. . .68 Moody 8 Moons Ferry 22 Moor Park 113, 114 Moreno 120, 131 MoYgan Hill 98 Mormon Bar 90 Page Morrison Landing 20 Morro \\\ l /2 Mortmere 130 Moss Landing 103 Mott 27 Mountain House 54, 56 Mountain Springs 129 Mountain View 96 Mt. Bullion 90 Mt. Eden 66 Mt. Hebron 28, 29 Mt. Shasta 28 Muir Tavern 17 Mullberry 106 Mullen 21 Munson 76 Murrieta . . . 121 N Napa '. .4, 18 Napa Junction 4, 18 Napa Soda Springs 18 Naples 112, 115, 116 National City 127 Natividad 100, 101 Natoma 47 Needles 133 Neenach 92 Nelson 37 Nelson Point 55 Nestor 127 Nevada City 40, 44 Nevis 57 New Haven 12 New Hope 34 New Monterey 104 Newark 66 Newberry 132 Newberry Park 114 Newcastle 42 Newhall 92, 114 Newman 73, 74, 75 Newport Beach 115 Newtown 26 Nicasio 16 Nicolaus 35 Niles 66 Nipomo Ill Nord 38 Nordhoff 113 Norman 23 North Cucamonga 119 North San Diego 126 Northam 123 Nortonville 65 Norwalk 115, 123 Novato 3 Noyo 12 Oakdale 62, 63 Oakland 1, 32 Oakley 65 Oakville 18 Oakwood Park 32 Occidental 14, 15 Ocean Beach 127 Ocean Park 114, 115, 124 Oceano Ill Oceanside 125, 126 Odessa 86 Odessa Rangers Cabin 30 Ogilby 130 Oil City 79 Old Hopland 6 Old Woman's Springs 133 Olema 15 Ontario 119, 120 Orange 115, 123 Orcutt 112 Orella 112 Orick 10, 11 Orinda Park 1 Orland 23, 24 Oro Grande 132 Oroville 37, 39, 56 Otay 127 Owensmouth 114 Oxnard . ..113 Pacheco 1, 65 Pacific 48 Pacific Beach 126 Pacific Grove 103 Pacoima 114 Paicines . . .106 Pajaro 100, 103 Palermo 39 Palm Springs 130 Palm Springs Station. . . , 130 Palmdale 92 Palo Alto . ..96 Page Palo Verde 130 Palocedro 25 Paraiso Springs 105 Parkneld 108 Parlier 76 Pasadena 117, 118 Paso Robles..l07, 108, 109, 111^ Patterson 70, 75 Patton 119 Paynes Creek 58 Peach Tree 106 Penns Grove 4, 5 Penryn 42 Pepperwood 9 Perkins 34, 47 Perris 120 Pescadero 94, 95 Petaluma 3, 4, 5 Peters x 62 Phillips 48, 49 Phillipsville 8 Philo 12 Picards 29 Pico 123 Pieta 6 Pinole 1 Piru 114 Pismo Ill Pittville ..31 Page Pixley 78 Placerville 47, 48 Plainfield 21 Plainsburg 69 Piano 81 Playa del Rey 115 Pleasant Grove . . 35 Pleasanton 32, 33, 66 Pleyto 107 Point Arena 13 Point Loma 127 Point* Reyes 15 Pomona 118, 119, 120 Poplar 78 Port Costa 1, 18 Porterville 80, 81 Potrero ."129 Pozo 110 Prathers 28 Prattville 57, 58, 59 Preston .6 Priest 63 Princeton 23 Proberta 24, 38 Prosser House 51, 53 Providence Springs 133 Prunedale 103 Puente 118 Purisima . .94 Quincy 55, 56, 57 Rainbow 121 Ramona 128 Rattle Snake Point 29, 30 Rawson 24, 38 Raymond 87, 88 Red Bluff 24, 25, 38, 58 Redding 25, 26 Redlands 119, 131 Redondo 115, 116 Redwood City 93, 94, 96 Reedley 76 Reno 50, 51 Requa 11 Rescue 47 Rialto 119 Rich Grove 81 Richfield 24 Richland 121 Richmond 1 Ridgewood 7 Riego 35 Rincon 4 Rio Bravo . ..83 Rio Dell 9 Ripon 33, 67 Rivera ' 123 Riverside 34, 119, 120, 131 Riverton 48 Robla 35 Rocklin 42 Rockport 8 Rodeo 1 Rohnerville 9 Rolinda 71, 85 Roscoe 114 Rose Station 91 Rosedale 83 Roseville 35, 42 Ross .....2, 16 Rossi 86 Rough and Ready 40 Rowe 7 Rucker 98 Rutherford 18 Ryer 68 Sacramento 34, 35, 42, 47 Salida .. .' 67 Salinas 100, 101, 103, 105 Salton . 130 Sanger 76 Santee 128 Saratoga 96, 99 Saratoga Springs 20 Page Sargent . . . . '. ................ 101 Saticoy .............. : ....... 113 Sattley ................. 52, 54, 55 Saugus ................... 92, 114 Sausalito .............. . . 1, 2, 17 Savannah .................... 118 San Andreas ............ 100, 103 San Anselmo ............... 2, 16 San Ardo .................... 107 San Benito .................. 106 San Bernardino ...... 119, 131, 132 San Bruno ................... 93 San Carlos ................... 93 San Clemente ................. 2 San Diego. 122, 126, 127, 128, 129 San Dimas .................. 118 San Felipe .............. 101, 102 San Fernando ............. 92, 114 San Francisco ................ 93 San Gabriel ................. 118 San Geronimo ................ 16 San Gregorio ................. 94 San Jacinto ............. 120, 131 San Jose ........ 66, 96, 97, 98, 99 San Juan ................ 100, 101 San Juan Capistrano ...... 115, 125 San Leandro ................. 32 San Lorenzo ................. 66 San Lucas ................... 107 San Luis Obispo ..... 109, 110, 111, San Luis Ranch ........... . . 102 San Marcos ................. 121 San Martin ................... 98 San Mateo ............... 93, 94 San Miguel .............. 107, 108 San Onof re .................. 125 San Pablo .................... 1 San Pedro ............. .115, 116 San Quentin .................. 2 San Rafael .............. 2, 3, 16 San Ramon .................. 32 San Simeon .............. .111^2 Santa Ana ........... 115, 123, 125 Santa Barbara .......... 112, 113 Santa Clara ..... . ......... 66, 96 Santa Cruz ........ 95, 99, 100, 103 Santa Fe Springs ............. 123 Santa Margarita. . .109, 110, 111^ Santa Maria ............. Ill, 112 Santa Monica ........ 114, 115, 124 Santa Paula ........... : ..... 113 Santa Rita.. 32, 72, 100, 101, 103, 112 Santa Rosa .............. 4, 5, 14 Santa Susana ............... 114 Santa Ynez .................. 112 Santa Ysabel ................. 128 Schellville .................. 4, 18 Scotia ......................... 9 Sea View ..................... 13 Searsville ................. 94. 96 Sebastopol ................. 5, 14 Selma ........................ 76 Sequoia .......... . .64 Page Sharon 69 Shasta 25 Shasta Retreat 27 Shasta Springs 27, 31 Sheldon 34 Shepards Inn 1 13 Sheridan 35 Sherman 24 Sherwood 7 Shingle Springs 47 Shively 9 Siam 133 Siberia 133 Sidds Landing 23 Siegler Springs 20 Sierra City 54 Sierra Madre 118 Sierraville 52 Silsbee 129, 130 Simi 114 Simmler 110 Sisquoc 112 Sisson 27 Skaggs Springs 6 Smartsville 40 Smith's Ferry 22 Smith's Ranch 63, 64 Smith River 11 Snelling 89 Soda Bay 20 Soledad 105 Soldiers' Home 114, 115, 124 Somis 113, 114 Sonoma 4, 18 Sequel 99, 100, 103 South Fork ' 12 South Pasadena 118 South San Diego 127 South San Francisco 93 Spadra 118 Spanish Ranch 56 Spencerville 40 Spiers Springs 20 Spreckels 103, 105 St. Helena 18 St. John 23, 38 Standish 60 Steamboat Springs 50 Steele Ill Stege 1 Stewarts Point 13 Stockton 33, 34, 62, 67 Stoddard Well 132 Stone Canyon 108 Stony Point 5 Storey 70 Stovers 58 Strathmore 80 Stratton 86 Strawberry 48 Stuart 125 Suisun 21 Sultana 76 Summit . .45 Page Summerland 113 Sunnyvale 96 Sunol 66 Sunset Beach 115 Superintendents Lodge 30 Page Surf -. 112 Susanville 59, 60, 61 Sutter City 55^ Swanton 95 Sycamore 22, 23, 32 Table Bluff 9 Taft 84 Tagus 76, 80 Tahoe 46 Talbot 87 Tallac 46, 49 Tamarack 64 Tassajara 32 Tehama 24, 38 Tejon Ranch 91 Temecula 121 Templeton 109, 111# Terra Bella 81 Termo 61 Tesla 33 Tesla Junction 75 Thermalito 37 Thrall 27 Tia Juana 127 Tiburon 1, 2 Tipton ..' 78 Tocaloma 15 Toll House 58 Tomales 15 Tormey 1 Tortuga 130 Towle 45 Tracy 33, 75 Traver 76 Tremont 21 Trenton 5, 14 Tres Pinos 106 Trinidad 10 Tropico 92, 114, 117 Troxels 61 Troy 132 Truckee 45, 46, 51, 52, 53 Tulare 76, 78, 80 Turlock 68 Turner 69 Tustin 115, 125 Tyrone 14, 15 U Ukiah 6, 7, 20 Upper Lake 20 Undine 33 Upper Soda Springs 31 Union 18 Urlam 78 Upland 119 Usal 8 Vacaville 21 Vallejo 18 Vallejo Junction 1, 18 Valley Ford 15 Valona 1 Van Nuys 114 Venice . . .' 114, 115, 124 Ventura 113 Verdemont 132 Verdi 51 Vernalis . . .75 Victorville 132 Vina 24, 38 Vina Ferry 24 Vincent 92 Vineburg 4, 18 Vineland ^ 118 Violet *. 21 Vinton 53 Visalia 76, 80 Vista . . . 121 Vichy Springs .6,7,20 Volta 73, 102 W Waddington 9 Waldo 2 Walnut 118 Walnut Creek 1, 65 Walnut Grove 34 Warfield 4, 18 Warm Springs 66 Washoe 50 Water 61 Waterford 68 Waterloo 34, 62 Watsonville 100, 103 Watts 115, 116 Wawona . . .88, 90 Weed 27 Wendling 12 West Butte 55^ West Port 12 Westley 75 Westminster 115 Westmoreland 130 Westport 8 Wheatland 35 Wheatville 85 Whittier 115, 123 Wildflower 76, 77 Wildomar .'...121 Wilfred . 5, 14 Page Page Williams .' ,22, 23 Wiseburn 116 Willits 7 Witter Springs 20 Willow Camp 17 Wolfskin 21 Willow Springs 133 Woodbridge 34 Willows 23, 128 Woodland' 21, 22 Wilmington 115, 116 Woodside 93, 94, 96 Winchester 120 Woodville 78 Windsor 5 Worden ...*. 29 Wineville 119, 120 Wright Station 99 Winters . ..21 Yankton 21, 22 Yountville 18 Yolo 21, 22 Yreka 27 Yorks 61 Yuba City 35, 36, 55^ Yorkville . ..6 Yuma . ..130 Zacatecas .20 The Fireman's Fund issues a Floating Auto mobile Policy covering anywhere in the United States and Canada, while in build ing, on road or while being transported by water or rail. >^5fVsir "^fCSP^v. !^F BELVEDERE ICHARDSON.BAY SAN FRANCISCO WALNUTCREEK Good roads to Walnut Creek via Tunnel; 6 per cent up grade from Claremont Hotel to Tunnel, then down grade 6 per cent to Lafayette; rolling 5 per cent short grades to Walnut Creek. Good rolling road via Martinez, with 5 per cent grades. Hotel and garages at all principal towns. Fireman's Fund Agents at all points. TO FAIRFAX 5EEMAPI6. SAN ANSELM TO PETALUMA SEE MAP 3. SAUSALITO TO SANSAFAEL 11.7 MILES Good roads. Easy grades from Alto to San Clemente. From Greenbrae there is an up grade for about a mile, then down grade for same distance into San Bafael. A rather steep grade between Alto and Corte Madera. Better route to Corte Madera via San Clemente. Hotels and garages at Sausalito, Mill Valley, San Anselmo. and San Bafael. Fireman's Fund Agents at all points. ^ss. PETALUMA , SEE OL < c o < 1 am SAN PEDRO **p /6 SAN RAFAEL 5 AN RAFAEL TO PETALUMA 21.7 MILES Boad is excellent. Short 8 per cent grade between Galinas and Ignacio. Winding between Novato and Petalnma. Hotels and garages at San Rafael, Novato and Petaluma. Fireman's Fund Agents at all points. V"CO HEALDS8UR6 MAP 5. SANTA ROSA^ TO 3EBASTAPOL SEMAP5. 34.0 MILE 5 PET ALUM A 29. MILES i I Good roads. Winding with easy grades from 5 to 10 per cent. Hotels and C garages at all principal towns. Fireman's Fund Agents at all points. 1 TO UKIAH -SEE MAP 6. HEALDSBURG PET ALUM A TO HEALDSBURG VIA SANTA SOS A 3I.O MILES J 7. SMILE 5 PETALUMA ~ *-TO SONOMA SEE MAP 4. V TO SAN RAFAEL SEE MAP3. Good roads, with easy rolling grades. Hotels and Garages at Petaluma, Santa losa and Healdsburg. Fireman's Fund Agents at all points. TO LAYTOHV/LLE J MAP 7 VICHY SPRINGS ftj i INSANE ASYLUM fim^mmso. \ o \ o LlJ v IETA *jz N \ O o 'SKAGGS 5Pf7< *INT HEALDSBURE TO UKIAH 4-5.5 MILES J*' $ ^ y ~: ; ^ % --.^ m-r^ VALLEY NV "' I V- HEALDSBURG TO PETALUMA SEC MAP 5. Fair roads with rolling grades. Heavy grades, hazardous curves between Pieta and Highland Springs over Toll Road. Fairly good mountain road between Alexander Valley and Geysers. Narrow with many sharp turns, grades from 10 to 20 per cent. Road is not fenced and gates must be passed, through between ranches. From Cloverdale to Geysers follow Sulphur Creek, road is very narrow with sharp turns and pitches 10 to 15 per cent. Hotels and garages at Healdsburg, Gevserville. Cloverdale and Ukiah. Fireman's Fund Agents at all noints. UKIAH JO LAYTONVILLE] 49.OM/LE5 ViASHESWOOO 49.5 MILE 5 ij INSANE ASYLUM TO HfALOSBURG SEE MAP 6 ' Fair, narrow, winding mountain road, with, grades ranging from 10 to 25 per cent. Bad during wet weather. Use New Highway from Willits to Laytonville. The road via Sherwood is rough and hilly. Hotels and garages at Ukiah, Willits, Laytonville. Fireman's Fund Agents at all points. Narrow, winding, rough mountain roads, with numerous long, heavy grades ranging from 6 to 20 per cent. CAUTION. Sharp, dangerous turns at Devil's Elbow. Hotels and garages at Laytonville, Bells Springs, Harris, Garberville Fruitland, Dyerville. Fireman's Fund Agents at all points. 9 I AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE EUREKA DYERVILLE TO EUREKA YERVILLE Poor roads, corduroy, between Pepperwood and Eio Dell, with grades up to per cent. Many hazardous curves at Eio Dell. Ferry over Eel Biver. Eoads ir to Eureka. Ten per cent grade at Table Bluff. Hotels and garages at all rmcipal towns. Fireman's Fund Agents at all points. UREKA JFALK > BEATRICE r TO DYERVILLE SEE MAP 9. Fair mountain roads with numerous short h 11s. Hobels and garages at Eureka, Arcata and Trinidad. Fireman's Fund Agents at all points. CRESCENT CITY 48.5 MILES ORICK TO EUREKA Jf MAP 10 Good mountain roads, with numerous short hills and 20 per cent grades; sharp turns between Bequa and Crescent City. Ferry at Requa. Hotel and garages at Crescent City. Fireman's Fund Agents at all points. PORT OA^ N ' S A, 4^& W^ ^/V CE co^ BRANSCOMB, \\ u ^ ^ ^ * " ^^ .-?/- >- ^.j 5UFFEY ^, v " f?s ^r JMELBORNE r "^ '\ ei.EvArio/1 noo' O Q ^ ^ y C t ^ ^ t^ k-^ TO UKIAH * VIA OLD ince KOAO ^ \& v%* 'A IWENDLING ' ^ i EI-EmiOH ,eoo %\_ * I MILLER ' is NEW HAVE TO //, POINT AREN 12.1 MILE. ///^ 'TO CAZADERO SEE MAP 13. TO wzyr poar 66.2 M/LE5 .PMILO ^^ e r p J CLOVCHPAI-f Fair roads, numerous turns around cliffs and ravines. North of Fort Bragg the roads are mountainous, rough, and grades are heavier. Hotels and garages at Point Arena, Greenwood, Albion, Fort Bragg. Fireman's Fund Agents at all points. 13 f VrO WESTPORT SEE MAP 12 MANCHESTER .<^ |M r /* CAZADERO TO PDINTARENA 54.O MILES Tail roads with numerous turns around cliffs and ravines. Hotels and garages at Cazadero and Point Arena. Fireman's Fund Agents at all points. The Assets, Reserve and Surplus of the Fireman's Fund are now larger than in 1905, notwithstanding their loss in the San Francisco conflagration of over Eleven Million Dollars DUNCAN MILLS CAMP MEEKE OCCIDENTAL SANTA ROSA GUERNEVILLE 21. O MILES TO BOHEMIAN GROVE 2.9. O MILES TO NAPA 5LE MAP 4. Good roads. Boiling 6 to 12 per cent grades between Forestville and Guerne- ville. Hotels and garages at Santa Eosa, Guerneville, Sebastopol. Fireman's Fund Agents at all points. 15 TO SANTA ROSA SEE MAP 14. BOHEMIAN GROVE LACUNITAS TO BOHEMIAN GROVE 47.5 MILES Good roads. Winding with short pitches along Tomales Bay. Boiling after leaving Tomales. Hotels and gasoline at all towns along this route. Fire man's Fund Agents at all points. 16 I TO BOHEMIAN GROVE SEE MAP IS. SAN RAFAEL TOSAU-SALITO SEE MAP 2. SAN RAFAEL TO LACUNITAS 10.7 MILES TO NICASIO 7.O MILES Fair roads with rolling grades. Heavy 20 per cent grade between San Gero- r.imo and Nicasio. Hotels and garages at San Rafael and San Anselmo. Fireman's Fund Agents at all points. The Fireman's Fund was the first Company having an agency plant through out the United States to write Automobile Insurance 17 TO OLEMA Fair road and good in stretches; up and down grade, practically entire dis tance. Hotels and gasoline at Sausalito, Mill Valley and Bolinas. Fireman's Fund Agents at all points. 18 TO MIDDLCTOWN SEE MAP IS. -ALISTOGA JSSA, CALIENTE l^r - is HOT SPRINGS)'^ SO NO /MA VALLEJO TO CALISTOEA . O MfLES Good level road to Calistoga. Winding road over 6 to 8 per cent grades to Cordelia. Easy rolling grades from Napa to Sonoma. Hotels and garages at Vallejo, Napa, St. Helena, Calistoga, and Sonoma. Fireman's Fund Agents at all points. 19 \ 70 LAKEPORT & UKIAH SEE MAP 20. MIDDLETOWN tSr ^ALISTOGA 1 \^TOVALLEJOSEEMAP18 CAUSTOffA TO MinnLETOWM ta.o MILES Road fair, with heavy winding grades and pitches. Hotels and garages at Calistoga and Middletown. Fireman's Fund Agents at all points. 2O TO LAYTONVILLE SEE MAP 7 O POTTER VALLEY AKEPORT MORRISON LANDING;'^ '* O / MIDpLETOW V / A LJLKEPORT 68 . O M/LES Fair roades with rolling grades. Hotels and, garages at all Lake County Kesorts. Fireman's Fund Agents at all points. SUI3UN WOODLAND 43 MILES Good level roads, with exception Vacaville and Winters, which is rolling with 5 to 8 per cent grade. Hotels and garages at Suisun, Elmira, Dixon, Vacaville, Win ters and Woodland. Fireman's Fund Agents at all points. Fireman's Fund History in Figures Jan. 1st Assets. Reserve. Net Surplus. 1880 - $ 741,487.72 $ 244,603.64 $ 153,172.13 1885 - 1,520,894.77 407,998.68 268,331.90 1890 - 2,431,717.79 797,618.97 484,438.25 1895 - 3,240,861.14 1,222,299.42 846,267.81 1900 - 3,884,381.08 1,316,823.19 1,312,720.64 1905 - 6,526,439.82 2,875,715.34 2,233,911.58 1910 - 7,431,401.75 3,180,066.25 2,014,856.91 1911 - 8,070,629.43 3,390,131.28 2,386,380.63 1912 - 8,649,591.75 3,714,707.97 2,581,460.52 1913 - 9,268,924.08 3,812,953.73 3,104,730.57 SYCAMORE MACY BERLIN EDDYS LANDING COLLEGE CITY .HARRINGTON WOODLAND TO WILLIAMS 4-9.2. M/LES WOODLAND Y SEE MAP 21. Good level road with many turns. Owing to high water there is no road between Woodland and Sacramento. Hotels and garages at Woodland, Arbuckle, Williams. Fireman's Fund Agents at all points. TO RED BLUFF ORLAN i SEE MAP Z4. HAMILTON TO NEWVILLC - - TO CHI CO WILLIAMS TO ORLAND 42 MILES Good level road. Hotels and garages at Williams, Colusa, Maxwell, Willows Germantown, Orland. Fireman's Fund Agents at all points. TO PRATTVILLE SEE MAP 58 DRLAND TO REDBLUFF TOWILLIAMS* ORLAND SEE MAP 23. GLEAIM CO. Good road with easy grades, via Tehama. The direct road from Corning to d Bluff is poor and impassable in wet season. Hotels and garages at Orland, rning, Tehama, and Bed Bluff. Fireman's Fund Agents at all points. SHASTA%CO. LHAMA CO. RE.D BLUFF RED BLUFF TO REDDING 34.S MILES Fairly good roads some sand after leaving Bed Bluff. Boiling 10 per ce grades to Cottonwood; 15 per cent grades to Bedding; no dangerous pitchi Hotels and garages at Bed Bluff, Cottonwood, Anderson, and Bedding. Fireman Fund Agents at all points. TO COLES/ASEE MAP 27 SISKIYOU CO. MDUNSMUIR ^.liMiS w I/CASTELLA ^ ryJ fiT DELTA Irf ^ ^GIBSON TS x- N^ FO ^-^-^ -?,. ^LA MOINE'. '?/' iv > '^ 9V <<" S^>> ANTLER ?f / f,, ii %i ^ 4/, j] ,/U S FISHERY BAIRD ^^ 5i=s ^e : R i " 1FERRY :' ^ REDDING TO DUNSMUIR 7 0.3 MILES N^ REDDING W TOPED BLUFF SEE MAP TO MILLVILLE ^ v 25. Mountainous road, heavy grades, winding and rocky. Hotels and garages at Bedding, La Moine, Castella, and Dunsmuir. Fireman's Fund Agents at all points. c T. AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE ^fc- \% HORNBROOK/^% > P v/(v*' V YREKA FORT JONES GRENADA GA2LELLE DUNSMU/R COLES V/A MONTAGUE MILES O 'SHASTA Fair mountain road. Grades from 6 to 20 per cent. Many sharp curves. Trail from Sisson to Mt. Shasta. Good road Shasta Springs to McCloud. Hotels and garages at Dunsmuir, Shasta Springs, Sisson, Weed, and Yreka. Fireman's Fund Agents at all points. v \\// Y\\ U/ //, XV \\lft- ',;/- , Tr7 " ^\\, MONTAGUE TO M T HEBRON 26.7 MILES LITTLE 5HA5TA MILL 71? L I TTLE WILLOWS CREEK MONTAGUE TO Dd/A'- Good mountain roads from Montague to Bald Mt. Summit, about 3 miles st of Prathers, then steep winding grade to Prathers. Level to Mt. Hebron, itel and gasoline at Montague, Prathers and Mt. Hebron. Fireman's Fund ;ents at all points. TO LAKCVIEW 99.ZM. KLAMATH FALLS M T HEBRON TO KLAMATHFALL5 41.4 M/LE5 Fairly good level roads from Mt. Hebron to Dorris. Good road from Dorris to Worden, slightly rolling. Good level road from Worden to Keno. Good road along Klamath River from Keno to Klamath Falls. Fair roads from Mt. Hebron to Merrill. Good roads from Merrill to Klamath Falls. Hotels and gasoline at Mt. Hebron, Dorris, Keno, Merrill, and Klamath Falls. Fireman's Fund Agents at all points. KLAMATH FALLS Good roads from Klamath Falls to Harriman Lodge, with 10 per cent grades at north end of Long Lake; balance rolling. Good level roads from Harriman Lodge to Fort Klamath. Good road with ascending grade, not over 5 per cent from Fort Klamath to Superintendent's Lodge and two miles beyond, then heavy grade to Lake. Good road with rolling grade from Klamath Falls to Fort Klamath via Klamath Agency. Hotels and gasoline at Klamath Falls and Harriman Lodge. Fireman's Fund Agents at all points. 70 EAGLE LAK ALOOMAH SHASTA SPRINGS TO PITTVIL.LE 62.2 MILES \ SHASTA SPRINGS < *Hi>no Excellent roads between Shasta Springs and McCloud. Sandy before reaching Bartle, and then winding descent to Dana; rolling to Pittville. Hotels and garages at Shasta Springs, McCloud, Bartle, Fall Kiver Mills and Pittville. Tire- man's Fund Agents at all points. OAKLAND TO UVERMDfiE MILES Excellent level road rolling through Dublin Canyon, in good condition entire IT. TTn*-ic. ~~,i ..,.....,. a t a n principal towns. Gasoline and oil at Dublin. Fireman's Fund Agents at all points. Marine Automobile Fire Always give yourself the benefit of any doubt by insuring with the Fireman's Fund Insurance Company 33 ' TO OAKLAND SEE MAP 32. LIVERM0XE TO STOCKTON +1. 3 M/LES VJA I5LANDROAD + 3.5M/LES Excellent Macadam roads. Boiling between Livermore and Banta. Hotels and garages at all principal towns. Gasoline and oil at Dublin, Altamont, Banta and Lathrop. Fireman's Fund Agents at all points. JOS. o STOCKTON 3AC1W1ENTO 4-7. 3 MILES OAKOAL SEE MAP 62 Excellent roads, practically entire distance is Macadam. Hotels and garages at all principal towns. Fireman's Fund Agents at all points. YUBA CITY TO OK'DLEy ,^_/ ,S MAP 36 ^^^ MARYSVILLE OROVILLE-SE MAP 39 SACRAMENTO TO MffRYSVlLLE MILES Fairly good roads practically level. Hotels and garages at Sacramento and Marysville. Gasoline and oil at Eiego and Pleasant Grove. Fireman's Fund Agents at all points. The Fireman's Fund Has Cash Assets of Nine and one quarter Million Dollars 36 ww ^f-f- /-r^r j f. GRIDLEY TO WEST BUTTE 1.3M I LIVE OAK o o MAWSVILLE TO BRIDLE Y 2.O.O MILES Good level road. Hotels and garages at Marysville and Gridley. Fund Agents at all points. Fireman's TO ffP BLUFF SEE MAP 38. ERWLEY CHIC O Fair roads, with rolling grades. Eocky in places between Oroville and Chico. Hotels and garages at Gridley, Oroville and Chico. Fireman's Fund Agents at all points. TO PKAT-n/lLI-E Sf E MAP SO RED BLUFF o o LlJ CHILD TO RED BLUFF MILES HAMILTON 5T JOHNS O u uJ cQ CHI CO TO GRIDLEY SEE MAP 37. Fair road with easy rolling grades. From Vina, best road is through Stanford Ranch. Hotels and garages at Chico, Tehama and Bed Bluff. Gasoline and oil at Vina and Proberta. Fireman's Fund Agents at all points. MASYSVIILE TO OROVILLE 27.0 MILES TO H EVA DA CITY- MAP 40 TO SACRAMENTO MAP 35 Road is good, occasionally rolling, not to exceed 5 per cent. Hotels and garages at Marysville, Gridley and Oroville. Fireman's Fund Agents at all points. 4O TO DOWN/EWLLE NEVADA o2 **&W ^M< *5 ROUGM & R EAOY TO OROV/LLE MARY5VILLEM TO RIDLEY SEE MAP 36 After leaving Marysville the road is level for about 15 miles, then fair roads are encountered with up grades ranging from 5 to 10 per cent. Hotels and garages at Marysville and Nevada City. Fireman's Fund Agents at all points. T3 2 C d S . to o CJ ^ Tl" to cj * d ^ j -M CU O JQ CJ 0) CJ ^^ *"j to s S'S^'S a a S ^ O Jrt r^ ^ to T3 nl d 3 'OC 03 U cr! 'O'O 0) 0) 0) S ^'3 ri ^ h? G co LD P o> h O b o> &5 d * ~ d cu IH < P ^ Ui 4- Ui j^ P * O ^ O QD ^ "S o-2 g co H ' P '43 - CO CO gSo C e o z ^K ' dn 03 J3 S. * d ^ fl S o d ^ CJ O j^ L-i >^* ^^ -^^ o f-r "^ 4^ to ^ CO rl 03 ?H .S -a ^ - d 03 5/3 'O ^ d 03 d 0) CO |H *n s i? s a^ Q 03 ^ ^ +H <> t; o d x 2 o>.2 O, ^J -i ' ^> VH d CO o 2 S'3 ti u 03 O 0) 2-2 DH CO Wi MH CAMPTONVILLE 41 \TTLEY MARYSVILLE TO CAMPTONVHL MARYSVILLC Level road to Eangor, then steep grades to Camptonville, ranging from 5 to 15 per cent. Toll bridge at Billiards Bar. Hotels and garages at Marysville and Camponville. Fireman's Fund Agents at all points. TO NEVADA CITY SEE TOALTA SEE MAP 43. SACRAMENTO TO AUBURN 35.5M/LES TO PLACERVILLE SEEMAP47. TO srocA-ro/v see MAP 34. ACRAMENTO Good Macadam road (Benali Boulevard). From end of Boulevard to Auburn the road is rolling and in fair condition. Hotels and garages at Sacramento, Auburn, Koseville, Bocklin and Newcastle. Fireman's Fund Agents at all points. 43 TO TRUCKED AUBURN TO ALTA 31.0 MILES AUBURN TO SACRAMENTO SEE MAP 42. A good mountainous road; sharp curves. Grades ranging from 10 to 15 per cent. A few fords and some bad railroad crossings. Hotels and garages at Auburn, Coif ax, Gold Bun. Fireman's Fund Agents at all points. 44 NEVADA CITY AUBUR 70 SACRAMENTO SEEMAP42. AUBURN 70 A2TK4ZM r/7T 2Q.3 MILES Good mountainous road. Grades ranging from 5 to 20 per cent. Bad railroad crossings. Hotels and garages at Auburn, Grass Valley, Nevada City. Fireman's Fund Agents at all points. TO LOYALTOH SEE MAP 53 TRUCKEE TORENOSEEMAP5I. <&"* * '& , ^ r\ u CISCO SNOWoSHED EMTGRANT GAP TO TRUCKEE 41. Q MILES A UTAQ TO AUBURN SEE MAP 43. Mountainous road, mostly narrow and rocky; numerous curves, some steep grades. The approaches to railroad in snow sheds are hazardous. Caution. Before entering shed, note whether a train is approaching. These roads are impassable during winter season. Hotels and garages at Towle, Emigrant Gap and Truckee. Fireman's Fund Agents at all points. / u os* i i i-c. v-m/\r52. E LEV. 5820 TOALTA-MAP45. TRUCKEE TO RENO MAP 51. DEER PAR 5PRIN05 TRUCKEE TO TALLAC 30.5 MILES TO PHILLIPS AND CARSON SEE MAP 49. Winding mountain road. Easy grades, short pitches at intervals. Hotels and garages at Truckee and Lake resorts. Fireman's Fund Agents at all points. Splendid level Macadam boulevard between Sacramento and Folsom. From Folsom the road is narrow, winding and dusty; rough and hilly near Blue Eavine. Hotels and garages at Sacramento, Folsom, Rescue and Placerville. Fireman's Fund Agents at ail points. The ! FIREMAN'S FUND INSURES AGAINST LOSS BY FIRE, arising from any cause what soever, whether in garage or other building or while on the road. BY THEFT, ROBBERY OR PIL FERAGE. BY BURNING, DERAILMENT, or COLLISION of RAILROAD CARS. BY COLLISION of the automobile with any moving or stationary object, including liability for dam age to property of others Policies can be secured in all cities of the United States. Agents Everywhere Our Policy Gives Complete Protection A FLOATING POLICY 48 TO TALLAC & CARSON CITY Sf MAP 49. PHILLIPS PLACEKVILLE TO PHILLIPS 46.0 MILES PLACERVILLE 7XJ 3ACAAMENTO SECHAP47 Fair mountainous road, rocky and principally up grade. Hotels and garages Placerville, Pacific and Strawberry. Fireman's Fund Agents at all points. 49 TO RENO SEE MAP 5O. CARSON CIT ELEV 4-675 TALLAC TO TRUCKE SEE MAP46 MT TALLAC LjJ MEYERS \M// ^/- PHILLIPS ^ 70 tPLACERV/LLE SEE MAP 48 PHILLIPS TO LAKE TAHOE I4.O MILE 3 TO CAR50NCITY 4-O . O MILES Fair mountainous road. Long up grades to Lake. If going to Tallac, take road leading to left and pass through gate. Light sand and rolling grades between Tallac and Glenbrook. From Glenbrook to summit there is a heavy grade; the descent is hazardous, many sharp turns and rocky places, require utmost pre caution; sandy road to Carson City. Hotels and garages at all Lake resorts. Fireman's Fund Agents at all points. 5O RENO D s' r STEAMBOAT SPGS. L * QUINCY ELtV.3400 MEADOW VALLEY O o s v w idF*^" 1 > \"^V : x ^"4 > ^ ff - %^ X N4 A V V J?^' '--^ Jf^'^ ,^ /r^' ^^, 'V'/jv c % ^ m-'5 .^ '^.^. A \^ /V' \A vV N^^ 7 //l '''l^A^'iO MERRIMAC ^\^. te ^ A\V, ^ ^ -^ ^ =" nfe, MOUNTAIN HOUSE( 1* J ft N| O o uJ iBERRY CREEK -^- v cQ )ENTERPRISE OROVllLE TO QUINCY 63.OM/LES ^ I &ELL BAR ( FO RBSTOWN A \>-\ Tair mountainous road between Oroville and Mountain House, then rough, rocky, narrow and winding, with grades ranging from 5 to 20 per cent. Hotels and garages at Oroville and Quincy. Fireman's Fund Agents at all points. & rt \v ^ f > f// y "'.. - **m2/>,. ~ K // A =^ oMi -c^- I/ / /:,% ^s^J^^l "V. TS/ Virl v-^-~^~^> ^_- 3]r^ < ^^^^^s^ ' ^(^^^^^^ *^T CRESCENT ^^NJ . ^4-^L j "% "^J^ ^ 7N "M* r ^ ^^Sc, ^^Po - ^. ^^_ - '-%o' ^ v^ x h / ^ '^ ^ % *\ L ^-^ t/'t I/ 3 M ^> "/y ^' . ^PKEODIE - C /^ "''- "' f\ ***' \M ^N\" 5 1 ""^ M\ ^- -" ^ -^ m&\ ^ ~ ^- J \. ' "***&o "^^^^^^ o ff ^j^ Xa: '^'.'Y/ f . .KWrrHlV5ATTLEY^3EEMAP5.5. * ^i^V^xv^rt^^ Xtf />. X X- . ^C^^LtV^^ 00 ^ ~.'?'~" f j* QUINCY \t '-f^' 1 O x V = TO COULTERVILLE^L i. ^ NNN ,^ Iv^i. ^^ '^x?-?r f fiCOLFAX SP05. ^* ^ ^ r ^ V /x'W T | - 1 - BRIDGE (O --r-.-y^#.... ?%$7^V V_/ '' w^. -/ ~-~^. M a & xjAWS A <^lljlh^ - "^ o I v x> x ^^B v ^ ~ r^^ 2m ^-^ \ ""' I- " ^^^ ^ ~^,^ V^~'^'''& 1|(CROCKERS) ^. ' *t-^ EL PORTAL^ ^ " SM/THS TO YOSEMITE VAIVEY Fair mouucaiii roaas, wita ioug lu ana la per ceuc roiiiug graa.es. Automo biles not allowed in the Park at present. Accommodations for storing may be aad at (Crocker's) Sequoia. Fireman's Fund Agents at all points. NOTE. The Secretary of the Interior contemplates permitting automobiles entering to the floor of Yosemite Valley via the Coulterviile Koad leaaing i.o.n (Crocker's). Sequoia. Origin of losses Paid by Fireman's Fund Overheated exhaust pipe Collision with another automobile Explosion of muffler Defective bojler casing Theft Collision through defective brakes Loose flush cock Cigarette smoking in garage Fire from adjoining automobile Collision with fence Defective circuif wire Explosion of acetylene gas generator Collision, account broken axle Burned while aboard steamboat Explosion while filling tank Ignited through upset Collision from broken steering knuckle. Defective Magneto Runaway horse collided with car Washing with distillate Stolen and ditched Collision with telegraph pole Gasoline ignited while cleaning engine Friction of brake Defective prestolite tank Collision with street car Defective commutator Overheated steam generator Collision with another vehicle Explosion of gasoline in pit Flooded burner in steamer Spark from nearby burning building Ignition of bucket of gasoline Collision with wagon in garage Defective boiler Explosion of batteries while being .charged Open stove in garage igniting gasoline vapor Leaving controller in first speed with brakes set electric- Explosion of prestolite tank Back fire into carburetor Defective tail lamp Burning of public garage Back fire through muffler Burning of private garage Leak in gasoline pipe Striking match in garage while gasoline'. tank was open Combustion of oily waste Fire ensuing from collision Shipwrecked during transportation Burned on street driver used lamp to look for gasoline leak Passerby throwing match near car while standing on street Burner melting Defective pilot light Collision with obstruction in road Sparker struck while cleaning car Gasoline ran into generator too fast Ran off road breaking gasoline connections Oil pumped through air valves caugh fire from pipe Cleaning magneto by forcing gasoline Overflow of gasoline Struck by lightning Cleaning spark plug with gasoline and testing before gasoline evaporated Explosion in crank case Ignition of gasoline vapor under hood Electric light placed on seat Presto-light tubing became detached Match dropped in apron Turning lamp too high Lighted cigarette thrown in tonneau TO OAKLAND SEE MAP 1.. MARTINEZ WALNL ! CREEK TO BYROti HOT 5P6S *c T/JACV SEE MAP 33. MARTINEZ TO BYRON 37.5 MILES Good road with 5 per cent grades to Antioch, then level to Byron. Hotels and garages at Martinez, Walnut Creek, Antioch and Byron. Fireman's Fund Agents at all points. 66 TO C/i-ROY SEE MAP 98 HAYWAJWS TO SAN JOSE 28.0 Excellent roads. Hotels and garages at all principal towns. Fireman's Fund Agents at all points. TO SACRAMENTO SEE MAP 34 CASTORIA ATLANTA ESCALOh STOCKTON TO MODESTO 29.1 MILES MODESTO WATERFORD SEE MAP 68. LANDING AHD NEWMAN see MAP 75. Good level roads; some sand, tut of no consequence. Hotels and garages at Stockton, Bipon and Modesto. Fireman's Fund Agents at all points. MERCED MODESTO JO MERCED 37.0 MILLS Good level roads. Hotels and garages at Modesto, Turlock, Livingston, Merced. Fireman's Fund Agents at all points. NOTE. The Secretary of the Interior contentplates permitting automobiles entering to the floor of Yosemite Valley via the Coulterville road leading from Waterford. TO HOttN/TOS SEE MAP 39. ERCED MERCED TO MADERA 2 3. MILES TO FRESNO SEE MAP 7O DERA TO RAYMOND S MAP 87. Excellent level roads. Hotels and garages at Merced and Madera. Fireman's Fund Agents at all points. The Fireman's Fund Premium Income Was $1,900,000 in 1900 $5,500,000 in 1912 o u LJ Q PATTERSON HERNDON FRESNO 70 /// A/ ,PO/?0 , V/SA LI A if TULARZ SEE MAP 76. MADERA TO FRESNO 22. MILES. Good level road. Hotels and garages at Madera and Fresno. Fireman's Fund Agents at all points. JO LOS BANOS SEE MAP 72 . ROLINDA FRESNo HERNDO TO HAHFORD SEE MAP 77. MENDOTA TO 34.2 MILES Fairly good, level roads; dusty during dry season, heavy during wet. The road at White's Bridge may be under water when Kings River is high, after spring rains. Investigate before leaving Los Banos. Hotels and garages at Mendota, Herman and Fresno. Fireman's Fund Agents at all points. r TO HEWMAN SEE MAP 73. o u c - O C LJ cr LL LOS BANDS TO MENDOTA 36.0 MILES MENDOTA SEE MAP 71- Good level road dusty during dry season, heavy during wet. The Whites Bridge road, south of Mendota, may be under water when Kings River is high after spring rains; it is then advisable to make detour via Firebaugh. Investigate before leaving Los Banos. Hotels and garages at Los Banos, Dos Palos. Firebaugh and Mendota. Fireman's Fund Agents at all points. N EWMAN < o o o LJ INGOMAR NEWMAN TO LOS BANDS 23.0 MILES BANGS TO MEHDOTA ', SEE MAP 72. Good level roads. Hotels and garages at Newman and Los Banos. Fireman's Fund Agents at all points. LIVINGSTON; O o o LJ O o: LJ ATWATER, S. P. R.R. I I I t I I-M; 'MERCED TOHORHITOS 5 MAP 89. NEWMAN TO MERCED 34. MILES TO FRESNO 5EE MAPS 69 * TO. Excellent level road; new highway from Livingston to Merced. Hotels and garages at Newman, Livingston and Merced. Fireman's Fund Agents at all points. The Fireman's Fund insures against loss or damage to Automo biles by fire, theft, collision, property damage and transporta tion. ' HILLS FERRY TRACY &BANTA TO NEWMAN 40.5 MILES Good level ro&d. Hotels and garages at Tracy, Grayson. Crows Landing and Newman. Fireman's Fund Agents at all points. to pi "fl s -3 S 5 8 cd > w S 2 I 4- 3 * J1 g 3 2 to x S O E J! JS H I jL -a & fi .. 4) no cd J 9 1 4) r S 1 - ^ MM P4 o oT H * bo at fi ifl I MM r3 73 - " h O 4) W c ra 2 MM y bO C si 4^ cd c is 4) to I s ^ 4) .S fi bo ' C 3 ' P? P* 4) 4) * "fl B 2 4) 4> * 8 O 4> tf ^ "2 % o -fl jS 4) >- * bO ^ *O C *** fi bo 5fl H3 cd O Pri r 4) bo e I MM S-fl O O O o* fl ft S 8 ^j E 9 2 4) t* 4- *.S cd cd C bo o (d I-S 4) T S 13 ' * fi fi ' cd o P- o -c bn 4) C 4) fc^ ^t Q. CO IT" ts 2 a 5 bo o> C bo S cd o E S J c o cd KJ s 9 o .S P4 cd a 4> o E a S "9 .2 t S g ^ a ^ cu cd 2 fl J O > w .13 r3 * ? 4) -O cd 1 S ^ o ^ ;6 cd bo y 1 X 9 -J M CO IPN 76 ro MADfftA SEE MAP JO FRESNO TO TULARE 46.5 MILES OSMEN JUNCTION^ TO DLANOSC MAP 70 Excellent level roads, with exception of stretch near Goshen Junction, which may be covered with water during wet season. Advisable during this period to travel via Reedley or use road one mile west of Goshen. Hotels and garages at Fresno, Fowler, gelma. Kingsburg, Traver, Hanford, Sanger, Eeedley, Dinuba, Visalia, and Tulare. Fireman's Fund Agents at all points. TO KIN63BUR6 WILDFLOWER FRESNO HANFOBD 32.0 MILES Good level roads. Hotels and garages at Fresno, Fowler, Laton and Hanfor< Fireman's Fund Agents at all points. 78 PIXLEY L 7"O ViSAL/A SE MAP 76. . TO POTEV/i.i-E SE MAP8O TULARE TULARE TO DELANO 33.5. MILES Good level road; sandy between Urlam and Tipton. Hotels and garages at Tulare and Delano. Fireman's Fund Agents at all points. TO TULARE SEE MAP 78. M C FARLAND( DELANO TO BAKERSFIELD BAKERSFIELD HlTTFtlCK SEE MAP 83 LEBEC SEE MAP9I \TOMARICOPASEEMAP62 Good level roads. Hotels and garages at Delano and Bakersfield. Fireman' Fund Agents at all points. , 8O HANFORD PORTERVILLE Good level roads. Best road to Porterville is via Visalia. Hotels and garages it Hanford. Tulare. Visalia, Exeter, Lindsay, and Porterville. Fireman's Fund ;ents at all points. 81 PORTERVILLE PLANO< *i& TERRA BELLA c o DUCOR TO TUtAF MAP 78 3.Oy~>.. FARLAND RICH OROVE c 1 o MFAMOSO PORTERVILLE TO BAKER5FIELD 65. OM/LE5 TO OILFIELDS l BAKERS FIELD; TO e KrmttcK sec n*f Good level roads, dusty in summer; few bad stretches during wet season. Hotels and garages at Porterville, Terra Bella, Delano and Bakersfleld. Fireman's Fund Agents at all points. [ TO DELANO $ MAP 79 BAKERSFIELD BAKERSFIELD TO MARICOPA 4/.0 Fairly good, level roads, sandy in places. Hotel and garages at Bakersfield and Maricopa. Fireman's Fund Agents at all points. AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE M C KITTRICK C SEE MAPS/. -4*9 UNION AVE V////W/I \1III1LII BAKERSFIELD TO MARICOPA, 5 MAP 02 POffTERVILI-E MAPSI- BAKERSFIELD TO 3&.OMILES Fairly good road, with easy winding grades out of McKittrick for a distance of about two miles, then good level road to Bakersfleld. Hotels and garages at McKittrick and Bakersfield. Fireman's Fund Agents at all points. 84 TO I SAN LUIS OBISPO S M4P//O. JOBAKER5FIELD SEE MAP 83. M C KITTRICK MIDWAY O o z cr LJ MARICOPA TO BAHER5FIE.LD SEE MAP8^. M C KITTRICK TO MARICOPA 22.6 MILES Fair, level road, sandy in spots. Hotels and garages at Maricopa, Taft and McKittrick. Fireman's Fund Agents at all points. FRESNO MJJS HURON COALINGA 7"0 flASO FRESNO TO COAUNGA 6O. O MILES Fair roads, with easy rolling grades. Hotels and garages at Fresno and Coalinga. Fireman's Fund Agents at all points. '14 ^ GRANGEVILLE T o o (0 o z ^ 't-17-o^ LEMOORE LETHENT o o HANFORD TO COALINGA 49.7 MILES COALINGA L TO FRESNO Se MAP 85. I TO PAX ROBt-ES .5 MAP/OS Fair road, with easy rolling grades. Hotels and garages at Hanford, Lemoore, Huron and Coalinga. Fireman's Fund Agents at all points. RAYMOND ELEV. 950' MADERA ELEV. 28O' MADERA TO RAYMOND 2Z.O MILES Good road, with long, heavy 5 to 20 per cent grades. Hotels and garages at Madera and Raymond. Fireman's Fund Agents at all points. &&<&** RAYMOND TO WAWONA 44. MILES RAYMOND Fair mountain roads, with long, heavy grades, and hazardous curves, sandy in places. Yosemite Valley is not open to automobiles at present. Auto mobiles may go to Wawona, where accommodations for storing car may be had. Hotels and garages at Eaymond, Grub Gulch, Ahwahnee, Fish Camp, Coarse Gold, Fresno Flats, and Wawona. Fireman's Fund Agents at all points. MARIPOSA CO. 3 k /VCE ctf vHORNITOS t MERCED FALLS TO MADERA S MAP 69 MERCED TO tiORMlTOS 30.3 MILES Fairly good road to Merced Falls, then poor to Hornitos. Hotels and garages at Merced. Snelling and Hornitos. Fireman's Fund Agents at all points NOTE. The Secretary of the Interior contemplates permitting automobiles entering to the floor of Yosemite Valley via the Coulterville road leading from Merced Falls. 9O WAWONA MARIPOSA > HORNIT05 TO WAWOHA YOSEMITE VALLEY TOUR 436 M/LE5 HORNITOS TO EXCHEQUER Good mountain road, winding, with heavy grades and sharp turns. Hotels and garages at Hornitos, Mariposa and Wawona. Fireman's Fund Agents at all points. 91 BAKERSFIELD TO MA.RICOPA. see / \ \ AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE JADOBE STATION O u or u TEJON RANCH 1 ROSE STATION! FORT BAKERSFIELD TO LEBEC MILES Fairly good, level road to Rose Station; gradual grade to foot of Tejon Pass, then heavy 15 per cent grades through Canyon. In this Canyon many fords are en- countered which are bad in wet season. No hotels or garages between Bakersfleld and Lebec. Fireman's Fund Agents at all points. d TO BAKRSFILD 5 MAP 9 1 I* ! * r?sJS ^sj^ % &$*;. VLANCASTEI PALMDALE AN FERNANDO x O r LOS ANGELES LEBEC LOSANCELES 96. O MILES Boads are sandy, dusty and rocky. Boiling grades between j_ieuec 'TO HOLUSTEK SEE MAP IO6 KING CITY SUMMIT 'LOCKWOOD I// '/x PLEYTC O o )5AN ARDO Ld DC LU h- vBRYSON d o o Q. iO CO O LO Z) O Jill SAN MIGUEL( < C/7Y TO PASOROBLES 66.0 M/LCJ PASO ROBLES TO SAN LUIS OBISPO SEE MAP/OS. Fair road between Kings City and Jolon; the grade is winding, with manj sharp turns and rough in places. From Jolon to Paso Robles the roads are good, with rolling grades. During wet season use Indian Valley road between Bradley and San Miguel. This detour is eight miles further. Hotels and garages at King City, Jolon, Bradley, San Miguel and Paso Eobles. Fireman's Fund Agents at " points. 108 TO FRESHOs ff T0 HAH FORD SEE MAP 86 COALING A cP- STONE CAN YON 12.0/4 MONJTEREY CO. PASO ROBL ES COALINCA TO PA5QRQBLE5 58.0 MILES TO -, SAN LUIS OB/SPO SEE MAP 109. Fair rolling roads. Hotels and garages at Coalinga and Paso Eobles. Tire- man's Fund Agents at all points. The Fireman's Fund Premium Income Was $1,900,000 in 1900 $5,500,000 in 1912 1O9 TO COAL/N&A Sf A A > /OQ- TO K/HG C/rV SE M A P / O7. PASO ROBLES FTEMPLETON (ASUNCION 1 O .ATASCADERO DOVE V o. SANTA MARGARITA^ PASO ROBLES TO SAN LUIS OB15PO 305 MILES // \ ''/4 SAN LUISOBISP(J SANTA MARIA SEE MAP /// Good rolling road between Paso Eobles and Santa Margarita. Many sharp lurns with 15 per cent grades over Cuesta Grade. Drive cautiously. Hotels and garages at Paso Eobles and San Luis Obispo. Fireman's Fund Agents at all points. 11O SAN LUIS OBISPO TO SANTA MA ft /A SEE J Q *': . It '~ ^ / ^s\^ ..- ?&/ SAHimsmispo TO MSKITTWCK TO WAftl CO PA SEE MAP 8 + MSKITTRICK e.^.^ to ^t, Fair roads, crossing several mountain ranges which divide the Coast from San Joaeium Valley. Gradea vary from 5 to 20 per cent. Hotels and garages; at San Luis Obispo and McKittrick. Fireman's Fund Agents at all points. 111 SAN LUIS OBISPO 7-0 >A 5 O /=fO3LS~ S MAP /Of) ,ViW5 f <^feH> '* SAN U/I5 OBISPO TO SANTA MUUA 32.5 M/LES Good roads, easy grades to Edr.a; sandy up and down grades to Arroyo ande. TJiis road is two miles shorter than via Pismo and at times is preferable. od roads from San Luis Obispo to Pismo; poor to Arrovo Grande; good from rovo Grande to Nipomo; fairly good to Santa Maria. Hotels and garages at a Luis Obispo, Pismo. Arroyo Grande, Nipomo, Gaudaloupe, Santa Maria. Pire- n's Fund Agents at all points. 111 SAN SIMEON TOM C K/TTR/CK SEE MAP 1 10 SAN LUIS OBISPO TO SANTA MARIA SEE MAP I II 5ANLUI50B15PO TO SAM SIMEON 45.OM/LEJ Fair rolling roads. The Santa Eita road between Templeton and Cayucos is good, with steep grades and many turns. Hotels and garages at San Luis Obispo, Cayucos and Cambria. Fireman's Fund Agents at all poiats. 112 TO SAN LUIS OB/SPO SEE MA F> SANTA MARIA SURF o LOMPOtt ^MISSION 5AREY o .o , LOS ALAMO! SANTA BARBARA . j^-t- TO SANTA MARIA Fair roads from Santa Maria to Los Olivos, via Foxen Canyon. Fair with rolling grades via Los Alamos. Poor road through San Marcos Pass, with grades reaching 20 per cent (not generally used by motorists). Fair roads from Santa Maria to Lompoc. Lompoc Grade (San Julian Eoad) is easy, road is fair; road sandy via Santa Rita. The Gaviota Pass is rough. From Los Cruces to Goleta the road is rough and winding, with grades up to 20 per cent, many fords and bad bridges. Better roads between Goleta and Santa Barbara. Hotels and garages at Santa Maria, Lompoc, Los Olivos, Santa Ynez, Naples and Santa Barbara. Gaso line and oil at Goleta. Fireman's Fund Agents at all points. 13 TO SAHTAMARIA SEE MAP /IZ SUMMERLAND rn CARPENTERIA SHEPARDS INN O o QNORDHOFF SANTA BARBARA LU SANTA PAULA TO HUENEHE CAMARILL MOOR PARK SIM i see MAPII+ Good roads from Santa Barbara to Camarillo, with exception of sand at El Rio. The Casitas Pass has steep grades; the Kincon sea level road is recommended; good gravelled road between Ventura and Santa Paula; oiled road to Fillmore; fairly good road between Ventura and Uordhcff, some grades but not heavy. From Nordhoff to Santa Paula roads are fair, narrow, with grades and sharp curves. Hotels and garages at all principal towns. Fireman's Fund Agents at all points. ^j# N \M, jV/,$- ^>-5?*~ >,;",, '-- \^; NEWHALLU, 1X75 LOS F1LLMORE 5Q.9 MILES CAMAB1LLO Excellent road from Los Angeles to Fernando; poor condition over Newhall rade to Saugus; fair rolling road to Fillmore; long rolling grades between Fer- ando and Somis; Santa Susana pass is hilly, but has no sharp pitches. Good ,.)ad from Los Angeles to Camarillo. via Calabasas and Conejo grades. Hotels and iarages at all principal towns. Fireman's Fund Agents at all points. The Fireman's Fund leads all insurance companies in Pacific Coast Automobile Business. 115 SANTA MONICA OCEAN PARK VENICE SOLDIERS HOME LONGBEACH NAPLES IHMIIll BAY CITY ANAHEIM LANDING SUNSET BEACH HUNTINGTON BEACH / NEWPORT BEACH BALBOA BEACH., \\\\w LOS ANGELES BEACH CITIES SAN JUAN CAPISTRAN Excellent boulevards. Fireman's Fund Agents at all points. 116 UJ5ANGELE5 TO REDONDO 20.0 MILES SAN PEDRO 26.0.M/L5J IOHD BEACH 23.0MI LE5 Excellent level roads. Hotel^ ar.d gcrp.ges at all principal towns. Fireman' Fund Agents at all points. 117 LOS ANGELES TO TROPICO, DLENDALE&LA CANADA &BETURN VIA PASADENA 37.6 MILES Excellent roads a pleasing tour. Hotels and garages at all towns. Fireman's Fund Agents at all points. 1^8 TO SAN BERNARDINO SEE MAP//9 A. JWWR*^ , \ TO LA CAHAOA SEE MAP 117 LOS ANGELES POMONA ^ELMONTEROAD 33.0 MILES /PASAD0NA 39.1 MILES Excellent roads. Hotels and garages at all towns. Fireman's Fund Agents at all points. t HIGHLANDS I i? RATION RIVERSIDE POMONA RHDtANDS ^RIVERSIDE 38. 1 MILES CLAREMONT POMONA Excellent level roads to Riverside via Etiwanda and Wineville. Poor between Ontario and Wineville. Good between Riverside and Redlands; excellent between Redlands and San Bernardino; good oiled road from San Bernardino to Colton; excellent from Pomona to San Bernardino. Hotels and garages at all principal towns. Fireman's Fund Agents at all points. The Fireman's Fund is represented in every city and town named in this tour book. Should your Automo= bile become damaged through Fire or Collision report it to our agent nearest scene of accident and you will receive prompt attention and be subject to no loss of time nor patience. 12O TO IOYLLW/LD SEE MAP 131 o Z5 Q: LU DO POMONA TO 5ANJAC1NTO /ELS/NOPE 74.3 FlILES 54. O M/LES POMONA TO LOS AN6ELEJ ff MA.P 1 18 Good road between Pomona and Elsinore. via Corona. Good road from verside to Elsinore, via Ferris. Hotels and garages at principal towns. Fire- an's Fund Agents at all points. The Fireman's Fund issues a Floating Auto mobile Policy covering anywhere in the United States and Canada, while in build ing, on road or while being transported by water or rail. TO POMONA SEE MAP I2O. .SI MORE WILDOMAR MURRII TA EMECULA AINBOW FALLBROOK BONSALL TO OCE&NSIDE ELSINORE ^ TO E5CONDIDO 55.3M/LE3 SAN MARCOS Fairly good road, .slightly rolling to Temecula, then winding 10 per cent grade to Rainbow, The Bed Mountain grade is narrow, with many hazardous curves; level from Fallbrook to Bonsall; good to Escondido. Hotels and garages at Elsinore. Temecula, Fallbrook and Escondido. Fireman's Fund Agents at all points. 122 TOEL5INORE SEE MAP 121 ESCONDIDO ESCONDIDO^AN DIEGO M* f/s Fairly good road with few heavy grades. Hotels and garages at Escondido, Miramar and San Diego. Fireman's Fund Agents at all points. 123 TO OCEAN SIDE 3f ORANGE SANTA AN A TO POMONA LOS ANGELES TO SAHTA ANA 350 MILE5 LOS ANGELES Boulevard for 12 miles, then fair road; boulevard is under way the entire iistance. Hotels and garages at Whittier, Fullerton, Anaheim, Santa Ana. Fire- nan's Fund Agents at all points. 124 PACIFIC OCEAN TO CALABASAS SANTA MONICA WS ^TTcO^ SOLDIERS HOME rffeCOUNTRYCLUB LOS ANGELES TO VENICE OCEAN PARK SANTAHOmCA 18.0 MILES Excellent level roads. Hotels and garages at all towns. Fireman's Fun< Agents at all points. SANTA ANA JUSTIN XI LAGUNA SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO LAS FLORES SANTA ANA TO OCEANSIDE OCEANSIDE ' 70 SAH DIEOO Stt VAP 126 Good road, with rolling grades between Irvine and San Juan. Fairly good road with occasional hill and one 10 per cent grade. Hotels and garages at Santa Ana, Laguna, San Juan and Oceanside. Fireman's Fund Agents at all points. 1 LA COSTA MERLE NCINITAS TO SX/V D/EGO WA KOSE CAMrON (JMDERfi.R. OttAN$lDE5AN DIEGO Good road entire distance; one grade, not difficult. Hotels and garages at Oceanside, Del Mar, La Jolla, Pacific Beach and San Diego. Fireman's Fund Agents at all points. I 127 J. /YUM A ARIZONA Desert road; bad sand between Palm Springs and Indio; ditches and sand s after leaving Mecca on either side of the Salton Sea; bad road with heavy d and up hill between Mecca and Imperial Junction. Heavy road and many hes between Junction, and Brawley, then fairly good road to Mexicala; level sandy to Yuma; heavy sand hills between Mammoth and Ogilby. Hotels and ages at Banning, Palm Springs, Mecca, Brawley, Imperial, El Centro, Holtville, jer, Yuma. Fireman's Fund Agents at all points. 131 I POMONA SE MAP //9 TO POMONA S MAP 119 TOLUDLOW 3E MAP 132 IDYLLWILD ELEVATION S8OO BIVEB5WE TO IDYLLWILD AND PETUPN TO $fMBBRNABDttlO\ l/O.d MILE 5 Good roads with easy grades to Banning or San Jacinto; 10 to 15 per cent grade from Banning to Idyllwild; 20 per cent grade from Hemet. Hotels and garages at San Bernardino, Eedlands, Beaumont, Banning, Idyllwild, Hemet, San Jacinto, Riverside. Fireman's Fund Agents at all points. 132 TOHEEDLES SEE MAP /JJ 54 N BERNARDINO TO LUDLOW I29.O MILES * ^ 1* SAN BERNARDINO^ TO POMONA SEE MAP I Fair roads; heavy 18 per cent grade between Verdemont and Hesperia; good road with light grade via Stoddard Well; heavy sand and 10 per cent grade before reaching Lavic, hen heavy sand to Argos; heavy grade before reaching Ludlow. Hotels and garages at San Bernardino, Barstow, Daggett and Ludlow. Gas and oils only at Victorville. Fireman's Fund Agents a? all points. The Fireman's Fund was the first Company having an agency plant through out the United States to write Automobile Insurance 1^^ I OO NEEDLES I I >ROVIDENCE 5PG5 O u CADIZ COTTONWOOD TO CIMA O Z Q Q: SPGS SPGS ct LU CD TO NEEDLES IIO.O MILES AM BOY BAGDAD 'SIBERIA K 'KLONDIKE LUDLOW SAJY BERNARDINO Fair road with rolling grades, and many water ditches; sandy and heavy pulling between Ludlow and Fenner; good road to Goffs and Summit, then fair to Needles. Hotels and garages at Ludlow, Danby and Needles. Gasoline and oil only at Amboy, Fenner and Goffs. Fireman's Fund Agents at all points. 15 IATH AVE TO PRESIDIO SEE MAPS I36&/37 GOLDEN GATE PARK SAN FRANCISCO 135 PACIFIC OCEAN 136 /> PRESIDIO SAN FRANCISCO NORTH HALF DIRECTORY AUTOMOBILE DEALERS ABBOTT-DETROIT Argonaut Motors Co., Van Ness and California. .San Francisco. Bekins-Speers Motor Co., 1026 So. Olive Street.. Los Angeles. W. A. Perley Chico. Ralph F. Herrick Eureka. W. W. Sargent, 1820 Merced Street Fresno. Broadway Garage, F. A. Jordan, Prop Oakland. C. A. Fical, 1926 M Street. . .' Sacramento. F. H. Holmes, 281 So. First Street : San Jose. City Garage, A. E. Hook, 317 E. Channel Street. .Stockton. ALCO Auto Sales Company, 418 Golden Gate Ave...San Francisco. L. A. Alco Motor Sales Co .Los Angeles. John F. Schaeffer Gridley. Yuba Machine Works Marysville. Empire Garage Marysville. J. C. Robb Milbrae. Auto Sales Co., 2140 Broadway Oakland. Wm. Newburgh Petaluma. Apple Motor Sales Co San Diego. Osen-McFarland Auto Co San Jose. F. R. Mann Watsonville. Gion W. Gibson Williams. C. W. Lipe (Main St. Garage) Woodland. AMERICAN American Motors Cal. Co., 476-82 G. G. Ave....San Francisco. Grundy Motor Sales Co Los Angeles. J. P. Edwards Chico. C. J. Schwarze Healdsburg. P. E. Hatch Long Beach. Miers and Zacharias, 719-721 Tenth Street Modesto. Capt. F. Rhodes . Monterey. B. M. Norton, Randolph near First Street. .. .Napa. American Motors Calif. Co. (Atlas Garage), 24th and Broadway Oakland. Lieber Coryell Motor Co Pasadena. American Motors Cal. Co., 1217 Seventh St Sacramento. Cole Auto Co San Diego. Moore Auto Co San Diego. Harry P. Knox, 270 So. First Street San Jose. J. L. Whitmore, 247 N. Eldorado Street Stockton. E. L. Stewart Suisun. AMES Ames Motor Sales Co., 1440 Van Ness Ave San Francisco. APPERSON Reo Pacific Co San Francisco. Leon T. Shettler Co., Inc., 151 West Pico St. ..Los Angeles. O. M. Skinner Anaheim. Knight and Burt Azusa. E. P. Hoisington Bakersfield, Covina Garage and Machine Wks Covina. ' O. M. Skinner Fullerton. Elliott Motor Car Co Huntington Beach. A. B. Town Oakland. B. E. Savage Redondo. Reo Sacramento Co Sacramento. J. F. Lindsay, Mgr., Branch San Bernardino. J. S. Mclntyre San Dimas. Marcus Blanchard San Jose. F. W. Neely Santa Ana. Reo Pacific Co Stockton. T. H. Woodward Whittier. Nevada. J. C. Durham, 29 West Fourth Street Reno. NOTE Leon T. Shettler Company, Inc., at Los Angeles are the Pacific Coast Distributors for this car. AUBURN Auburn Sales Co., 346-8 Golden Gate Ave San Francisco. W. J. Burt Motor Car Co Los Angeles. Long-Ashby Glendora. F. M. Salisbury Imperial. A. A. Harris Lindsay. Central Garage and Machine Wks San Bernardino. Harper Motor Car Co Santa Ana. Mercer Garage Ventura. Arizona. Desert Auto Co Phoenix. AUTOCAR The Autocar Co.. 545-53 Golden Gate Ave San Francisco. The Autocar Co., Main and Washington Sts Los Angeles. BUICK Howard Automobile Co., Calif. & Van Ness Av.. San Francisco. Howard Automobile Co., cor. 10th & Olive Sts. Los Angeles. C. D. Locher Auburn. J. L. Bruse (Southern Garage) Bakersfield. Biggs Garage (L. E. Schellinger) Biggs. Smith Auto Co Bishop. Park Garage (C. A. Guynn) Chico. Soper Brothers Chino. C. R. May Claremont. Merrifield and Preston Colusa. J. Lee Shepard Compton. P. E. Doughty Covina. R. K. Airth Eureka. Ft. Bragg Garage and Machine Co Fort Bragg. Waterman Bros. Co Fresno. J. G. Hunchberger Glendale. P. Giacomini Guadalupe. Jos. S. Miguel Half Moon Bay. City Garage Haywards. L. H. Stevens Hollister. F. R. Cyriacks Hollywood. C. E. Coggins Imperial. Enterprise Machine Works Lakeport. A. R. Smith Long Beach. Crane Bros Livermore. Empire Garage ( J. H. Marcuse) Marysville. Waterman Bros., Inc Merced. D. T. Bunker . . . Modesto. Shelley Pickles Monterey. B. M. Norton Napa. Miners' Foundry & Supply Co Nevada City. Simon Newman Co Newman. J. M. Nightingale Oakdale. Howard Automobile Co., 162-166 12th Street. . .Oakland. C. L. Lampkin Ontario. I. E. & E. H. Mecum Orland. Oroville Auto Co Oroville. Stanford Auto Co. (J. E. Sloan) Palo Alto. E. R. Braley Pasadena. W. C. Henderson '. Paso Robles. Shimmin Bros Patterson. Olsen and Bundeson Petaluma. Paul Bonnard (Red Bluff Garage) Red Bluff. J. H. Buick Redding. Buick Sales Co. (of San Bernardino) Redlands. W. W. Wight Richmond. Eraser Bros Rio Vista. Hertford Motor Car Co Riverside. J. D. Laupee, 1229 "J" Street Sacramento. O. H. Bullene Salinas. J. H. Aniotzbehere San Ardo. F. B. Naylor San Diego. J. E. Sloan San Jose. C. E. Ferrell San Luis Obispo. T. L. Crane San Rafael. Orange County Garage Santa Ana. A. D. Bellman Santa Barbara. E. A. Noyes and Son Santa Cruz. Herbert Graft . .' Santa Maria. John Heckert Santa Monica. Santa Rosa Garage (Burris) Santa Rosa. Sonora Garage, Chas. Goelz Sonera. Washburn Bros So. Pasadena. A. L. Salbach (Pavilion Garage) Stockton. F. O. Scarlett Suisun. C. E. Jarvis Suiter Creek. P. F. Gillette Turlock. O. W. Kellan Ukiah. McQuigg Bros Ventura. F. R. Mann Watsonville. W. H. Coulthurst Whittier. Main Street Garage, C. W. Lipe , . .Woodland. Arizona. Cochise Motor Co. (Sub) Bisbee. S. W. Motor Car Co., (R. D. Roper) Phoenix. Nevada. O. P. Judd, 214 Sierra Street Reno. Oregon. Howard Automobile Co., 14th and Davis Portland. CADILLAC Don Lee (P. T. Prather, Mgr.) San Francisco. Don Lee (N. Gresser, Mgr.) Los Angeles. Alhambra Original Garage Alhambra. Clinton W. Wylie Calexico. W. R. Guynn Chico. C. D. Locher East Auburn. Escondido Garage Escondido. Eureka Garage Co Eureka. N. C. Dunham Fresno. Don Lee (T. P. Shelton, Mgr.) Fresno. McHugh & Raney Hanford. F. L. Robinson Healdsburg. C. B. Bellows Long Beach. Merle Bros Marysville. Merced Garage Co Merced. Morse Motor Car Co Monrovia. A. Zeller Napa. Don Lee (W. L. Webber, Mgr.) Oakland. Don Lee (Lester Patee, Mgr.) Pasadena. Sparks and Murphy Petaluma. Lee R. Mathews Pomona. H. Eckard Porterville. H. J. Corcoran, Jr. (District Representative) .. .Redding. A. R. Bowen Redlands. J. W. Kemp Riverside. D. H. Chamberlain Sacramento. Don Lee (E. G. Anderson, Mgr.) Sacramento. J. A. Hymer Salinas. Wm. Jeffery Salinas. Lisle Esler San Bernardino. J. C. McCadden San Diego. Ross B. Cooper (District Representative) San Jose. C. H. Letcher San Jose. Mission Garage San Juan. A. I. Thayer & Sons San Rafael. H. H. Kelly Santa Ana. Huron Rock Santa Barbara. W. H. Crowe & Son Santa Cruz. A. L. Smith Santa Maria. Butcher Hardware Co Santa Paula. Geo. O. Barnes (District Representative) Santa Rosa.' Santa Rosa Electrical & Eng. Co Santa Rosa. Frank A. Guernsey Stockton. James H. Graham Suisun. E. Wightman Tulare. H. V. Tandy Visalia. J. A. Hymer (District Representative) Watsonville. M. Hart Watsonville. Clyde A. Osborne Woodland. CARTERCAR irter Auto Co., S. E. cor. G. G. Ave. and Polk . . . San Francisco. Vance-Canavan Motor Car Co Los Angeles. C. C. Brown Durham. W. T. Kiernan ....Gazelle. A. S. Snyder (Grass Valley Garage) Grass Valley. W. E. Schwab Modesto. J. A. St. Clair Newman. C. L. Decker & Co., 12th and Broadway Oakland. G. G. Finch Pacific Grove. V. Nissen Petaluma. Goetz-Day Auto Co Redding. Capt. Larsen Rio Vista Vance-Canavan Motor Car Co San Bernardino. Kerr Bros San Luis Obispo. M. F. Brown San Mateo. Vance-Canavan Motor Car Co Santa Barbara. R. F. Unzeleman Santa Rosa Will R. Home Susanville. Henry Whaley Tulare. S. H. Crane Turlock. B. F. Richardson . ..Ukiah. CASE J. I. Case Distributing Depot, 1226 S. Olive.... Los Angeles. CHALMERS Pioneer Automobile Co., 515-529 Van Ness Ave..San Francisco. Chalmers Los Angeles Company Los Angeles. The Western Motor Car Co Los Angeles. Chester Broyles Chico. G. G. Carr Clovi<= Mercer and Way Eureka. Pioneer Automobile Co., 1333 "I" Street Fresno. Clark Auto Service Co Goshen. R. G. White Hanford. Lindsay Garage Lindsay. W. H. Taylor Livermore. Freeman and Wooten Madera. E. Lounsbury & Co Merced. Mires and Zacharias Modesto. T. A. Work Co Monterey. Pioneer Automobile Co., 24th and Broadway. .. .Oakland. H. G. Corbaley Palo Alto. City Garage Porterville. H. Oren Cummins Redding. Pioneer Automobile Co., 10th and "L" Streets Sacramento. Phillips and Rossi Salinas. Normandin-Campen Carriage Co San Jose. Santa Rosa Garage Santa Rosa. Main Garage & Auto Co Visalia. O. A. Klemmer Willows. Allen's Garage ( C. P. Allen) % Woodland. Nevada. P. H. Wolf Lovelock. P. H. Sharp Wells. COLE Pacific Motor Car Co., Golden Gate Ave. & Polk. San Francisco. Grundy Motor Sales Co Los Angeles. J. P. Rusthoi, 330 Fifth Street Eureka. P. E. Hatch Long Beach. Geo. Young (Litts Garage) Modesto. W. J. Freeling, 6036 Claremont Ave Oakland. Lieber Coryell Motor Co Pasadena. G. J. Stillman Porterville. J. S. Casey, 1900 "M" Street Sacramento. Cole Auto Co , San Diego. Moore Auto Co San Diego. J. T. Lusignan, 628 North Commerce Street Stockton. Nevada. The Reo Nevada Company, Second & Sierra Sts.Reno. (This car is known as Knight-Columbia) COLUMBIA OR COLUMBIA KNIGHT United Motor S. F. Co., Van Ness Av. & Cedar. San Francisco. United Motor Los Angeles Co Los Angeles. Angell & Redit Machine Co Anaheim. Edgar Bros Brawley. F. Kloke Calexico. Mery Bros Chico. T. Wulff Colusa. Fred Cadman . Elmira. J. B. Reece Escondido. C. E. Gustofson Fields Landing. F. W. Van Sickle Fresno. H. H. Taylor Glendale. Gridley Garage Company Gridley. Edgar Bros Holtville. Edgar Bros Imperial. Cottrill & Campbell Long Beach. Hammond-Ballard Co Long Beach. Roberts and Tuscano Los Banos. Oscar Housen Modesto. L. A. Weisser National City. John Oliver Niles. Maxwell Sales Agency, 12th & Oak Streets Oakland. A. F. Pearson Palo Alto. Walter P. White Pasadena. Thomas & Krehbiel Pomona. F. W. Griffen Porterville. Fred G. Wilshire Redlands. A. B. Gilbert Riverside. W. J. Mannix, 7th and "M" Streets Sacramento. Geo. E. Morrison San Diego. S. P. Reed San Jose. Cosmopolitan Garage & Machine Co San Luis Obispo. Frank Vegely Santa Ana. Wilson & Schwab Santa Barbara. Ontiveros & Sampson Auto & Machine Co.... Santa Maria. Linz Auto Company Santa Rosa. Edgar Bros Seeley. Gall & Donaldson Stockton. F. L. Fernald Temecula. Vallejo Carriage Works .*Vallejo. T. W. Harlan Willows. COLUMBUS ELECTRIC A. E. Hunter Auto Co., Inc., 511 Golden Gate Av. San Francisco. The Cal. Automobile Co., 1250 W. Seventh St Los Angeles. United Electric Vehicle Co., 3304 Telegraph .... Oakland. The California Automobile Co., 1318 Third St San Diego. CUTTING Eastern Motor Car Co., 829 So. Flower Street... Los Angeles. John L. Mather Covina. Geo. F. Fuller, 520 Locust Street Long Beach. C. E. Daetherage Monrovia. J. H. Orebaugh Pasadena. John Beck Pomona. Paton Motor Car Co San Diego. Wm. Burr San Fernando. Roy Woodward Whittier. DETROITER Carl Christenson Motor Car Co., 567 G. G. Ave..San Francisco. Y. R. Del Valle, 1312 S. Grand Los Angeles. Peerless Garage, 19th and G Streets Bakersfield. R. A. Stevens, 526 Main Street Chico. W. H. Perkins Dinuba. Neideraur Motor Car Co Fresno. A. B. Snyder (Grass Valley Garage) Grass Valley. J. E. Hollingsworth Gustine. Dr. Wilson Jackson. W. G. Dean, 431 12th Street Modesto. Carl Christenson Motor Car Co., 2846 Broadway. Oakland. G. J. Stillman, City Garage Porterville. W. G. Reiger Reedley. Luttig & Cox, 1926 M Street Sacramento. F. H. Holmes, 281 S. First Street San Jose. Tony Taix San Juan. Stockton Garage, 419 Channel Street Stockton. Dr. W. H. Penniger Tracy. Cassell Bros., 615 Indiana Street Vallejo. Oregon. F. F. Hoffman Grants Pass, Oregon. DETROIT ELECTRIC Reliance Automobile Co., 1655 Van Ness Ave San Francisco. California Electric Garage Los Angeles. Station "A," 12th and Olive Streets Los Angeles. Station "C," Union and Hoover Streets Los Angeles. A. C. Walker Long Beach. Stanford Auto Co Palo Alto. Kendall Auto Co., 100 E. Union Pasadena. Electric Laboratory Redlands. Electric Garage San Diego. Stanford Auto Co San Jose. DORRIS L. R. Carpenter & Co. Pico & Hill Los Angeles. FIAT Fiat Motor Sales Co., Van Ness Av. at Jackson . . San Francisco. Pacific Coast Motor Car Co., 1144 S. Hope St... Los Angeles. FIRESTONE COLUMBUS A. E. Hunter Auto Co San Francisco. California Automobile Co., 1250-60 W. 7th St.... Los Angeles. Allen Walker Long Beach. A. K. White San Diego. California Automobile Co., 1318 Third Street San Diego. * FORD Ford Motor Agency, 100 Van Ness Ave San Francisco. Pacific Kissel Kar Branch San Francisco. Pacific Kissel Kar Branch Los Angeles. Modoc Auto Co Alturas. Sanders Bros Arbuckle. W. J. Prewett Auburn. Benicia Garage Benicia. Bruns Bros ' Brentwood. W. F. Gage Chico. C. R. Vanderlip Coalinga. Colfax Garage Colfax. F. A. Brutschell Crescent City. Patchetts-Hendy Co Crows Landing. E. P. Gable Dos Palos. H. M. Harper Eureka. C. C. Oliver Forestville. Scott-Conway Garage Co Fort Bragg. J. C. Phelan Fresno. McKenney & McKenney Gilroy. Taylor's Foundry & Eng. Co Grass Valley. Gridley Garage Gridley. W. V. Francis Half Moon Bay. C. F. Marak Hanford. City Garage Haywards. R. A. Schieffer Healdsburg. Hollister Realty Co Hollister. M. D. Moore Jackson. J. J. Butler Janesville. Cause & Fabry Jolon. Kelseyville Garage Kelseyville. L. H. Byron Lemoore. Lincoln Hd we. Co Lincoln. W. A. Morley Lindsay. Crane Bros Livermore. A. B. Hoag Lodi. Los Banos Garage Los Banos. W. H. Main . , Los Gatos. Sledge & Reid Madera. W. J. Johnson Martinez. Dunning Bros Marysville. E. Lounsbury & Co Merced. E. P. Giacomazzi Milpitas. Smith & Parks Modesto. Higgins & Sterrett Morgan Hill. Mountain View Garage Mountain View. J. J. Youd Mt. Bullion. Schuman Brugge Auto Co Napa. C. R. Allen, 2070 Broadway Oakland. Standard Motor Car Co Oakland. F. B. Scribner Drland. L. J. Phelps Oroville. M. W. Hoffman Pacific Grove. J. E. Vandervoort Palo Alto. Upper Plaza Garage (J. H. Misner) Petaluma. E. H. Ward Pittsburg. W. S. Kirk ' Placerville. Fred Duvall Pomona. J. A. Niles Porterville. Portola Auto Co Portola. Benjamin Bros Red Bluff. A. Bystle Redding. R. E. Bowie Redwood. Eyman Hardware Co Reedley. Richmond Garage Richmond. Glenn A. Calkins Riverside. Miller-Comng Auto Co Sacramento. Duncan Stirling -. Salinas. Geo. A. Stewart San Andreas. Hunt Automobile Co San Diego. City Garage San Leandro. Geo. E. Powell San Jose. Wisnom-Bonner Hardware Co San Mateo. Julius Levy San Rafael. Jensen Bros. Auto Co Santa Cruz. Schieffer Auto Co Santa Rosa. Snow & Watson Sebastopol. Wm. Matlock Selma. Morgan & Goelz Sonora. Napa Valley Garage St. Helena. F. D. Naylor Stockton. N. S. McKinsey Susanville. F. A. Thompson Tulare. Hale Bros Turlock. M. Banker Ukiah. R. H. Sneed Upper Lake. E. H. McMillan Vacaville. Tom Jones Vallejo. F. F. Botelho . ..Walnut Creek. F. A. Neis Watsonville. B. N. Springer & Son Willits. I. J. Proulx Willows. Meier Bros Woodland. Nevada. A. J. Simcox Elko. Ely Garage & Supply Co Ely. Brown- Parker Auto Co Goldfield. L. E. Beeson Lovelock. Calavada Auto Co Reno. Jenkins & Hand Motor Car Co Tonopah. Haviland & Hoskins Winnemucca. Hawaiian Territory. Volcano Stables and Trans. Co Hilo. Schuman Carriage Co Honolulu. FRANKLIN Franklin Automobile Co., 1645 California Street.. San Francisco. R. C. Hamlin, 1040 S. Flower Street Los Angeles. Franklin Automobile Co., 3764 Telegraph Ave. . .Oakland. F. G. Snook, 1006 "K" Street Sacramento. Wilson S. Smith & Co., 5th and Grape St.... San Diego. Normandin-Campen Co., 156 W. Santa Clara St.. San Jose. FRITCHLE Fritchle Electric Auto Sales Co., 432 W. Pico . .Los Angeles. Monroe Motor Co. . Pasadena. GARFORD J. W. Leavitt & Co San Francisco. Lord Motor Car Co., 1032 So. Olive Street Los Angeles. Tom Marsch Bakersfield. F. S. Hannaford '. . . .Eagle Rock. Elliott Motor Car Co Huntington Beach. A. E. Evans Long Beach. Ranchers Manufacturing Co Pomona. Ed. S. Piquequat Riverside. Mclntyre and Dysart San Bernardino. Wm. Criswell San Diego. Sam Tognazzini San Luis Obispo. Frank Vegley Santa Ana. G. M. Ruggles Santa Paula. GREAT WESTERN (Same agents as Interstate) HAVERS Havers Motor Car Co., 523 Golden Gate Ave San Francisco. HAYNES Haynes Auto Sales Co., Polk and Turk Sts San Francisco. Haynes Auto Sales Co., Figueroa and llth Sts.. Los Angeles. F. E. Bush Cedarville. T. H. Morgan Chico. W. E. Stone . Eureka. Haynes Auto Sales Co., 1515-21 "I" Street Fresno. Ben Hancock Lemoore. D. O. Bishop Lindsay. Sledge and Reid Madera. Haynes Auto Sales Co., Broadway and 25th Sts. .Oakland. J. H. Madison Petaluma. Haynes Auto Sales Co., 1225 Seventh Street Sacramento. Deysher and LaFargue San Anselmo. Warnock & Gasner San Bernardino. Geo. G. Doyle, 3545 "J" St San Diego. Haynes Garage San Jose. Seaside Auto Co Santa Cruz. Santa Rosa Garage Santa Rosa. Haynes Garage Stockton. Dowd and, Cromwell Taft. Vallejo Carriage Works Vallejo. Electric Garage Co Woodland. T. J. Giblin Yuba City. Nevada. The Reo Nevada Co., Second and Sierra Sts... Reno. HENDERSON Bonnheim-Moore Motor Car Co., 1325 Van Ness. San Francisco. J. W. Wilcox, 1055 S. Flower Street Los Angeles. Roy L. Allen Hollister. E. C. Graham Lindsay. John Schwab Modesto. Anger & Cameron Motor Car Co. Napa. W. E. Hall Motor Car Co '. Oakland. Herbert Nuttall Pacific Grove. J. J. Tanner Petaluma. J. R. Auto Company San Jose. S. F. Ruff Stockton. HUDSON G. Chapman, 1230-36 Van Ness Ave San Francisco. Hudson Sales Co Los Angeles. Antioch Garage and Machine Shop Antioch. Dixori and Co Bakersfield. Wakefield and Boston Cedarville. E. L. Stewart Denverton. i Central Garage Escondido. F. W. Johnson, 428 "F" Street Eureka. I E. W. Johnson Co., Inc., 1231 "K" Street Fresno. Gridley Garage Co . .Gridley. Bush Garage .Hanford. Roy Hedrick Laton. Geo. McLees Lindsay. Livermore Garage Co. Livermore. W. J. Johnson Martinez. Geo. F. Young (Litts Garage) Modesto. W. G. Newsome Newman. S. G. Chapman, 2017 Broadway Oakland. Pacific Grove Garage Pacific Grove. Monroe Motor Co Pasadena. Ranchers' Manufacturing Co Pomona. Rohlick Bros Porterville. Mission Garage Redlands. Arnold Bros., 1212 "J" Street Sacramento. Tioga Garage San Diego. Wallace Bros San Jose. Jensen Bros. Auto Co Santa Cruz. Santa Rosa Garage Santa Rosa J. L. Gottenberg Sonoma. Wallace Bros Stockton. R. D. Helm Tulare. A. Hellernian Vallejo. N. H. Levering Watsonville. Nevada. Carl J. Lockwood Goldfield. Western Auto Supply Co., Second and Lake Sts . . Reno. Campbell and Kelly, Inc Tonopah. HUPMOBILE S. G. Chapman, 1230-36 Van Ness Ave San Francisco. Tri-State Auto Supply Co Los Angeles. Antioch Garage and Machine Shop Antioch. A. G. Obenolte Beaumont. C. E. Sherlock Burbank. Hickey Bros. Co Carpenteria. Wakefield and Boston Cedarville. L. E. Service Ceres. H. L. Meline Chico. Bonney & Barker Cloverdale. Geo. W. Phelps Coachella. T. M. Wulff Colusa. F. W. Johnson Eureka. Scott & Conway Fort Bragg. E. W. Johnson Co., Inc Fresno. F. H. Sitton Fullerton. C. E. Sherlock '. Glendale. Gridley Garage Co Gridley. Bush Garage . . . Hanford. Geo. W. McLees Lindsay. Livermore Garage Co Livermore. A. F. Belcher Madera. W. J. Johnson Martinez. W. T. Hohenshell Merced. Geo. F. Young (Litts Garage) Modesto. Chas. Glenny Monrovia. W. G. Newsome Newman. S. G. Chapman, 2017 Broadway Oakland. Pacific Grove Garage Pacific Grove. J. W. Samuels Pasadena. Parsons Bros Porterville. Harry W. Glover Redding. Arnold Bros Sacramento. Consolidated Garage Co San Jose. W. W. Smithers San Luis Obispo. Harper Motor Car Co Santa Ana. Jensen Bros. Auto Co Santa Cruz. F. F. Harvey Santa Paula. Santa Rosa Garage Santa Rosa. J. L. Gottenberg Sonoma. Wallace Bros Stockton. Wheeler & Wilson St. Helena. R. D. Helm Tulare. Hedman- Johnson Hdwe. Co Turlock. Chester Silcox Upland. A. Hellerman Vallejo. N. H. Lovering Watsonville. Weed Mercantile Co Weed. H. E. Rees Whittier. Nevada. M. H. Patton East Ely. Brown-Parker Auto Co Goldfield. Mack Auto Co Reno. Campbell and Kelly, Inc Tonopah. IMPERIAL Imperial Automobile Co., 200 Golden Gate Ave..San Francisco. Arnott & Co., 112 So. Los Angeles S"t Los Angeles. Half Moon Bay Garage Half Moon Bay. Black's Garage Lodi. Los Gates Garage, Santa Cruz Ave Los Gatos. Oakdale Garage Oakdale. Palo Alto Garage, 443 Emerson Street Palo Alto. C. A. Thompson Garage, 582 So. First Street. .. .San Jose. J. W. Wiltse, 29 Main Street Santa Cruz. E. E. Thompson, 32 Miner Ave Stockton. NOTE Imperial Automobile Company, 200 Golden Gate Ave., S. F. are the Pacific Coast Branch. INTER-STATE Inter-State Motors Co., 109 Golden Gate Ave San Francisco. W. F. Adams Los Angeles. F. S. Jacks Napa. Fred Laughlin Oakdale. W. B. Grant Oakland. (Same agents for Great Western) JACKSON Poore Bres., 468 Golden Gate Ave San Francisco. Chas. H. Thompson, 1142 S. Olive Street Los Angeles. KEETON G. N. Jordan (Pac. Coast Agent) Los Angeles. (SILENT) KING CAR Miller and Williams Los Angeles. R. I. Short Bakersfield. Brown and Dayton Pomona. W. E. Briggs Riverside. J. B. Garber Terra Bella. Miller and Williams Tulare. KISSEL KAR Pacific Kissel Kar Branch, G. G. & Van Ness Av.. San Francisco. Pacific Kissel Kar Branch Los Angeles. P. W. Weisel and Co Anaheim. Leece and Watterson Bishop. Braren and Company Bradley. R. D. Head Chico. Knudson and Lundblade Eureka. Cobb-Evans Auto Company Fresno. John Troxler Hanford. L. W. Hiatt Healdsburg. Baker and Moore Lemoore. Freeman and Wooten Madera. Hampton Hardware Co Marysville. R. Bancroft and Sons Merced. George Young Modesto. C. E. Deatherage - - Monrovia. J. H. Johnson -. Xapa. A. T. Sebastian Oxnard. J. H. Nicolson Pomona. . L. H. Church Rio Vista. Hirsch Motor Car Co Sacramento. J. D. Gentry San Bernardino. Hunt Automobile Company San Diego. H. P. Smith San Jose. Libby Motor Car Company Santa Ana. Houts Auto Company Santa Rosa. Hansel and Ortman Stockton. W. A. Swall Tulare. A. B. Coronado Vallejo. A. B. Gilbert Watsonville. C. S. Osbourne Woodland. KLINE Frank O. Renstrom Co., Van Ness & G. G. Aves.San Francisco. James H. Burton Alameda. Angell & Redit Machine Co Anaheim. Christiansen Bros Antioch. Sanders Bros Arbuckle. Chas. Clyne Benicia. Edgar Bros Brawley. F. Kloke Calexico. Calistoga Garage Calistoga. Centerville Garage Centerville. Philip Pennick Chico. L. J. McDermott Dixon. J. B. Reece Escondido. L. E. Stern . r Eureka. C. C. Oliver Forestville. M. R. Madary Fresno. H. H. Taylor Glendale. R. G. White Hanford. Hollister Auto and Machinery Co Hollister. Edgar Bros Holtville. Edgar Bros Imperial. J. Anderson Kerman. Fred G. Anderson Kingsbury. D. E. Martin .Livermore. Cottrill & Campbell Long Beach. Hammond-Ballard Co Long Beach. Vaccaro and Fargo Modesto. Hasue-Bush Auto Co. Napa. L. A. Weisser National City. G. W. Knox Orosi. Vandervoort Bros Palo Alto. Walter P. White Pasadena. Thomas & Krehbiel Pomona. Fred G. Wilshire Redlands. J. M. Enns Reedley. A. B. Gilbert Riverside. Sidelinger and Philpot Sacramento. Frank Vegely Santa Ana. Geo. E. Morrison San Diego. Garden City Auto Company -Sar Jose. Cosmopolitan Garage & Machine Co Sar. Luis Obispo. Wilson & Schwab Santa Barbara. Jensen Bros Santa Cruz. Ontiveros & Sampson Auto & Machine Co. . . .Santa Maria. Nellist Bros Santa Rosa. Edgar Bros Seeley. Superior Garage Stockton. Will Dinning St. Helena. F. L. Fernald Temecula. P. H. Krantz Vallejo. G. B. Harlan Williams. Rollin Williams Yuba City. KNOX Reliance Automobile Co.. 1655 Van Ness Ave...San Francisco. Vance-Canavan Motor Co Los Angeles. J. M. Dunn Auto Co Bakersfield. Miller-Coffing Auto Co., 1615 "M v St Sacramento. Doan and Walsh Rubber Co Stockton. Willows Garage Willows. KRIT Krit Motor Sales Company Los Angeles. C. F. Orra, 2248 Telegraph Ave Oakland. LANCIA Pacific Aviation and Motor Car Co Los Angeles. LOCOMOBILE The Locomobile Co. of Amer., 200-12 Van Ness. San Francisco. The Locomobile Co. of America Los Angeles. Alhambra Auto Co Alhambra. C. E. Getchell Bakersfield. W. A. Reanier Capitola. A. B. Shaw Coronado. Eureka Garage Eureka. Cobb- Evans Auto Co., 1228 "K" Street Fresno. . Glendora Garage Glendora. Cousins and Rowland Auto Co Hanford. Stoll Auto Co Hollywood. . Pacific Garage Long Beach. E. Lounsbury & Co Merced. Simon Xewman Co Newman. J. E. Sloan Palo Alto. Ryder's Garage Pasadena. Harrison Garage Point Loma. Casa Loma Garage Redlands. A. Meister & Sons, 9th and "D" Streets Sacramento. Leighton McMurtrie Auto Co San Diego. Xaylor's Garage San Diego. Letcher Garage San Jose. Mission Garage Santa Barbara. Randall Automobile Co Santa Monica. John O. Gall, 125 E. Vine Street Stockton. C. L. Montgomery Tulare. LOZIER Lozier Motor Car Co. (Branch), 540 Van Ness. San Francisco. Bekins-Speers Motor Co., 1026 So. Olive Street.. Los Angeles. Mercer and Way Eureka. Waterman Bros. Co Fresno. Waterman Bros. Co Merced. Turner Hardware and Imp. Co Modesto. Hirsch Automobile Co Sacramento. Hunt Automobile Co San Diego. MARATHON Sam Hables, 1440 Van Ness San Francisco. Gilhousen Bros., 1 136 So. Olive Los Angeles. Roullard Brown Auto Co., 1251 "K" Street Fresno. Hollister Auto Co Hollister. W. W. Morgan Martinez. Arthur Walstrum Modesto. C. A. Royce, 2KO Broadway Oakland. C. A. Oilman Porterville. Kershner-Conn Richmond. H. J. Gearhardt Riverside. Tioga Garage San Diego. C. A. Thompson, 584 So. First Street San Jose. Walti, Schilling & Co Santa Cruz. . P. Wallstrum Turlock. R. E. Gonsolus . ..Winton. NOTE Sam Hables, 1440 Van Ness, S. F., is the distributor foi Northern California and Nevada. MARION Marion Motor Car Co., 555-57 Golden Gate San Francisco. Symonds Motor Car Co Los Angeles. Symmonds Motor Car Co Bakersfield. J. S. Webster Burbank. L. D. Macey Chico. Pacific Garage Eureka. A. B. C. Garage & Machine Co Fresno. Jack Milligan Oxnard. H. W. Shofer Pasadena. J. McNear, Jr Petaluma. F. H. Wood Redlands. Geo. 'Harsh Riverside. Marion Motor Car Co Sacramento. Gordon Prentice San Diego. Wm. F. Lutz Co Santa Ana. John S. Catlin Santa Barbara. J. L. Whitmore Stockton. Reilley and Robinson ' Ventura. Arizona. Geo. W. Joslin Prescott. MARMON Morris-Kennedy Co., 545 Golden Gate Ave San Francisco. Gilhousen Bros., 1136 South Olive. St Los Angeles. MATHESON Benrich Motor Co., W. Washington St Los Angeles. Renton Motor Car Co., 1230-2-4 So. Main St. . . .Los Angeles. McKeehan and Randolph * Brawley. D. Paris Fullerton. MAXWELL United Motor S. F. Co., Van Ness and Cedar San Francisco. United Motor Los Angeles Co Los Angeles. Angell & Redit Machine Co Anaheim. F. Kloke Calexico. Mery Bros Chico. T. Wulff Colusa. Edgar Bros Brawley. Fred Cadman Elmira J. B. Reece Escondido. C. E. Gustof son Fields Landing F. W. Van Sickle Fresno. H. H. Taylor Glendale. Gridley Garage Co Gridley. Edgar Bros Holtville. Edgar Bros Imperial. Hammond-Ballard Co Long Beach. Cottrill & Campbell Long Beach. Roberts and Tuscano Los Banos. Oscar Housen Modesto. L. A. Weisser National City. John Oliver Niles. Maxwell Sales Agency, 12th and Oak Streets. .. .Oakland. A. F. Pearson Palo Alto. Walter P. White Pasadena. Thomas & Krehbiel Pomona. F. W. Griffin Porterville. Fred G. Wilshire Redlands. A. B. Gilbert Riverside. W. J. Mannix, 7th and "M" Streets Sacramento. Geo. E. Morrison San Diego. S. P. Reed San Jose. Cosmopolitan Garage & Machine Co San Luis Obispo. Frank Vegely Santa Ana. Wilson & Schwab Santa Barbara. Ontiveros & Sampson Auto & Machine Co.... Santa Maria. Linz Auto Co Santa Rosa. Edgar Bros Seeley. Gall & Donaldson Stockton. F. L. Fernald Temecula. Vallejo Carriage Works Vallejo. T. W. Harlan Willows. McFARLAN Lewis F. Benton, 1242 S. Flower Street Los Angeles. J. C. Phelan Fresno. Robert C. Merrian San Diego. MERCEDES Rene J. Marx Co., Inc., Geary near Van Ness Ave. (Pacific Coast & Western Distributors) . .San Francisco. MERCER Simplex & Mercer Pac. Ct. Agy., 1319 Van Ness. San Francisco. Simplex and Mercer Pac. Ct. Agy., 1057 S. Olive. Los Angeles. METZ Louis J. Borie, 1255 Van Ness Ave San Francisco I. M. Magee, Iris Apartments Los Angeles. Metz Motor Sales & Distributing Co., 1025 So. Broadway Los Angeles. R. I. Short Bakersfield. Rounds and Korts Oxnard. H. W. Wright Pasadena. Stone and Morgan San Diego. Walter C. Rowell . ..Santa Ana. XOTE Metz Company, 1025 So. Broadway, Los Angeles, are the distributors for Southern California. MICHIGAN Michigan Motor Car Co., 283 Golden Gate Ave. San Francisco. Michigan Motor Car Co., 1801 Pico Street Los Angeles. Bognuda Bros Beckwith. B. Smith El Centro. Gidley El Monte. W. P. Mclntyre Fortuna. Michigan Auto Sales Co Fresno. Michigan Motor Car Co., 4th and Franklin Sts. (California Branch) Oakland. Imperial Garage, 1440 Webster Street Oakland. King-McDonell Co Sacramento. Crow and Bagley San Diego. Woffel and West Santa Ana. Floyd Chapel Santa Barbara. King-McDonell Co Stockton. Foster Venice. Nevada. Mason Mercantile Co Mason. Owen H. Bott Reno. MITCHELL Osen-MacFarland Auto Co San Francisco. Greer-Robbins Co., 12th and Flower Streets. . .Los Angeles. Modoc Auto Co Alturas. C. R. Sanders Arbuckle. E. C. Loomis Arroyo Grande. Greer-Robbins Co Bakersfield. J. H. Kispert Big Pine. Hansen & Shilling Chico. Empire Garage Coalinga. J. B. Lukens Corning. R. P. Huff Corona. L. R. Hoffman Davis. Pereiva Bros Fort Jones. Peacock & Robbins Fresno. Mainero and Princevalle Gilroy. Edwin M. Witt Glendale. Cousin, Howland Auto Co Hanford. Hollister Auto and Machinery Co Hollister. j B Reeve La Mirada. F. R. Farrier Lakeport. Lompoc Garage Lompoc. Up-to-Date Garage Long Beach. P. Knudsen Los Banos. W. J. Johnson Martinez. Frank De Witt Marysville. Geo. B. Brown Maxwell. F. A. Chamberlain Merced. Chas. Rossel Modesto. Winston Auto Co Monterey. L. H. Lukens Mountain View. Jefsen & Kerr Newman. E. L. Peacock Auto Co Oakland. Drew Carriage Co Ontario. A. L. Ryder Pasadena. Van Bebbler Bros. Petaluma. Thomas & Krehbiel Pomona. W. J. Miller Quincy. Harry W. Glover Redding. G. W. Anderson Redlands. H. L. Peck & Co Riverside. D. C. Westlake Sacramento. Greer-Robbins Co. Auto Accessory Co., 3rd and "B" Streets San Diego. Osen-MacFarland Auto Co San Jose. C. J. Metzler San Miguel. Libby Motor Car Co. Santa Ana. John S. Catlin Santa Barbara. W. H. Crowe and Son Santa Cruz. F. W. Harwood . Saticoy. Carlton & Son Sisson. Washburn Bros So. Pasadena. R. A. Blum St. Helena. J. C. Skinner Stockton. E. H. Percy Ukiah. Geo. A. Scott Upper Lake. Vacaville Garage Vacaville. T. J. Albright Watsonville. Electric Garage Woodland. Nevada. Mack Auto Co Reno. Arizona. H. G. Murphy Phoenix. Chas. G. Miller Tucson. MOLINE Benrich Motor Car Co., W. Washington St... .Los Angeles. Dreadnought Motors Company, 130 Twelfth St.. Oakland. MOON Dillon-Goodwin Company, 349 Van Ness Ave. . . .San Francisco. Buxton and Childs Los Angeles. Arthur L. Wood, ISO East Montery Ave Pomona. R. P. Benner, 1634 Sixth Street San Diego. NATIONAL Howard Automobile Co San Francisco. National Motor Sales Co., 1355 So. Flower St... Los Angeles. C. D. Locher Auburn. Biggs Garage (L. E. Shellinger) Biggs. Park Garage ( C. A. Guynn) Chico. Merrifield and Preston Colusa. R. K. Airth Eureka. Ft. Bragg Garage and Machine Co Fort Bragg. Waterman Bros. Co Fresno. P. Giacomini Guadalupe. Jos. S. Miguel Half Moon Bay. City Garage Hay wards. L. H. Stevens Hollister. Enterprise Machinery Works Lakeport. Crane Bros Livermore. Empire Garage ( J. H. Marcuse) Marysville. Waterman Bros Merced. D. T. Bunker Modesto. Shelley Pickles Monterey. B. M. Norton Napa. Miners Foundry and Supply Co ~. .Nevada City. Simon Newman Co Newman. J. M. Nightingale Oakdale. John Fremming Oakland. I. E. & E. H. Mecum Orland. Oroville Auto Co Oroville. Stanford Auto Co. (J. E. Sloan) Palo Alto. I W. C. Henderson Paso Robles. Shimmin Bros Patterson. Olsen and Bundeson Petaluma. Paul Bonnard (Red Bluff Garage) Red Bluff. J. H. Buick Redding. \V. W. Wight Richmond. Fraser Bros Rio Vista. A. Meister and Sons . . Sacramento. O. H. Bullene Salinas. J. H. Aniotzbehere San Ardo. Young & Lloyd San Diego. J. E. Sloan San Jose. C. E. Ferrell San Luis Obispo. T. L. Crane San Rafael. E. A. Noyes and Son Santa Cruz. Herbert Graft Santa Maria. Santa Rosa Garage (Burris) Santa Rosa. A. L. Salbach (Pavilion Garage) Stockton. F. O. Scarlett Suisun. Sonora Garage (Chas. Goelz) Sonora. C. E. Jarvis Sutter Creek. P. F. Gillette Turlock. O. W. Kellan Ukiah. F. R. Mann Watsonville. Main Street Garage (C. W. Lipe) Woodland. OAKLAND The Oakland Motor Co., 542 Van Ness Ave San Francisco. Hawley-King Co Los Angeles. J. L. Cadman Anaheim. Bakersfield Garage Bakersfield. R. W. Kuhland Benicia. E. R. Frey Byron. Good' Luck Garage Chico. J. H. Martin Coalinga. C. H. Coff man Covina. Eureka Auto Co Eureka. Oakland Motor Co. (Sub-Branch) Fresno. M. D. Martin Guadalupe. Bush Garage Hanford. T. R. Cyriacke Hollywood. Wm. A. Morley Lindsay. B. & R. G^jage Co Long Beach. R. C. DeWitt Marysville. Turner Hardware and Imp. Co '." Modesto. Selby Garage Monterey. B. M. Norton Napa. J. L. Kinnear Newman. Shadlick Bros Oakdale. E. L. Peacock Auto Co Oakland. M. Eltiste & Co Orange. Kendall Auto Co vi Pasadena. Truston Clark Pomona. A. J. Happe Redlands. C. H. Philips Redondo. J. M. Enns ... Reedley. E. C. Sawtelle ; Roseville. Hirsch Auto Co -. Sacramento. Young and Lloyd t San Diego. W. J. Boschken & Co..'' San Jose. J. E. Demont >' San Leandro. Schieffer Auto Co >: -. Santa Rosa. A. V. Faight . / Stockton. E. L. Stewart .' ' Suisun. Gibbs & Speaker Tuolumne. M. Banker Ukiah. Neill and Redwine Watsonville. Rudolph and Fox Willows. P. R. Brownell Woodland. Nevada. Mack Auto Co. . ( Reno. R. T. Cook . ..Round Mountain. Arizona. W. R. Henry Douglas. Thos. H. Higley Phoenix. J. B. Richardson Tucson. OHIO ELECTRIC A. B. Cosby Motor Co., Van Ness Ave. & Bush. San Francisco. Smith Bros., 742 So. Olive Street Los Angeles. A. B. Cosby Motor Co., 29th and Broadway Oakland. Lord Motor Car Co Pasadena. C. M. Price San Diego. Capt. Mitchell Santa Barbara. OLDSMOBILE The Oldsmobile Co., 1216 Van Ness Ave San Francisco. The Oldsmobile Co., 1205 So. Olive Street Los Angeles. OVERLAND J. \Y. Leavitt & Co., Golden Gate & Hyde San Francisco. J. \Y. Leavitt & Co., 1235 South Olive Los Angeles. A. H. Wilson Alhambra. T. G. Adams Alpaugh. Webb Pinneo Alturas. J. F. Tower Angels Camp. Bruns Bros Antioch. Johnson & Co Arbuckle. J. J. Reeves Auburn. J. M. Dunn Auto Co Bakersfield. R. Regenbergh - Bell. Leece & Watterson Bishop. O. R. Longley Bolinas. Braren & Co Bradley. Bruns Bros. ' Brentwood. W. W. Head Chico. B. R. Moody Chino. H. X. Hayzlett Coalinga. J. L. Murphy Colfax. Geyer & Boroski Colusa. May wood Garage Corning. H. E. McCrea Corona. J. C. Neff Crescent City. B. E. Munson Crow's Landing. Delano Pump Co Delano. Dinuba Garage Pinuba. C. B. Frese \ Dixon. E. L. Heston x .Dos Palos. Geo. D. Broaded ,. . El Monte. Ehrhardt & Rhoades Elk Grove. Hubbard & Blakwell Escondido. Knudsen & Lundblade : . Eureka. \Y. J. Cannon .Exeter. Florin Bros Fall River Mills. Kistner & McCloskey Fe^ndale. L. H. Lendstrum Fort Bragg. Cobb- Evans Auto Co Fresno,. Dryer & Thompson Fullerton. R. B. Rogers Gardena. J. \Y. Venable, Jr Glendale. Lewis & Peyton Glendora. A. Wideman & Co , Gonzales. Gridley Garage Gridley. Jensen Bros Gustine. Hamilton City Garage . . . , Hamilton City. John Troxler Hanford. Hoyt & Lake Haywards. L. W. Hiatt Healdsburg. Hake & Williams Highland Park. H. A. Stevens Hollister. A. M. Dickey Hollywood. Imperial Valley Transportation Co Imperial. H. Nunley Jackson. A. Wideman & Co King City. Nelson & Twist Kingsburg. J. A. Varela Lancaster. Nelson & Ramgren Lankershim. W. R. Moore Lemoore. M. W. Hogle Lincoln. McLease Bros Lindsay. C. W. Fischer Little Rock. Bell & Canfield Lompoc. Mission Garage , Long Beach. West Side Garage . . . .' Los Banos. Freeman & Wooten Madera. West Side Garage Maricopa. W. J. Johnson Martinez. Hampton Hardware Co ; . . . . Marysville. A. Barcroft & Sons Co , Merced. Geo. Young Modesto. A. T. Badillo Monrovia. Winston Auto Co Monterey. Gillies & Le Roy Moorpark. W. A. Platt Mountain View. J. H. Johnson Napa. E. F. Rose ....". Niles. Laughlin's Garage Oakdale. F. R. Fageol Oakland. C. G. Reed Ocean Park. H. E. Talbert Oceanside. 0. O. Dietz Ontario. 1. E. & E. H. Mecum Orland. J. M. Chubbuck Oroville. E. R. Eymann Oxnard. E. E. Allen Palo Alto. W. A. Bloodworth Parlier. L. H. Kittrelle -..Pasadena. E. T. Neal Paso Robles. Main Garage & Machine Co Petaluma. F. H. Davis Placerville. J. S. Gill Pleasanton. J. Nenis Plymouth. E. H. Ward Pittsburg. Hills & Perrin Pomona. Percy C. Thorne Porterville. H. C. Miller Redding. Mission Garage Redlands. Venable & Morrell Redondo Beach. D. R. Eymann Reedley. L. H. Church Rio Vista. Theo. Crossley Riverside. Meister & Sons Co ... Sacramento. A. B. Gilbert Salinas. Deyscher & La Fargue San Anselmo. Perkins & Hendee San Bernardino. Hunt Auto Co San Diego. Fred Walker San Fernando. Van Vleet Bros Sanger. San Jacinto Garage San Jacinto. Harrison P. Smith San Jose. Mills & Elliott . ..San Leandro. Carlton Spooner San Luis Obispo. Wisnom-Bonner Hardware Co San Mateo. Standard Garage San Pedro. F. L. Austin Santa Ana. El Camino Real Motor Car Co Santa Barbara. T. W. Thomson Santa Cruz. H. W. Grafft Santa Maria. H. T. Henderson Santa Paula. Houts Auto Co Santa Rosa. M. P. Hourihan Santa Ynez. M. L. Montgomery Simi. E. W. Johnson Soledad. Gottenberg & Clements Sonoma. Chas. Goelz Sonora. Hansel & Ortman Stockton. J. A. Donnenwirth Taylorsville. W. A. Swall Tulare. Brooks Auto Co Turlock. F. F. Botelho Walnut Creek. Watsonville Garage Watsonville. Hare & Son Westminister. T. B. Moorhead Whittier. J. Flockhart Willows. F. M. Wyatt Winters. C. S. Osborne Woodland. F. O. Taylor Ukiah. A. B. Coronado Vallejo. Main Garage & Auto Co Visalia. R. G. Baker Yreka. Nevada. Elko Auto Co Elko. Hill & Lewis.. Lovelock. Calavada Auto Co Reno. H. D. Bruns Sheridan. Haviland & Hoskins Winnemucca. Oregon. Henry & Lee Klamath Falls. Geo. B. Whorton Lakeview. PACKARD Cuyler Lee, Van Ness Ave. at Jackson Street San Francisco. California Motor Co., 10th and Hope Streets Los Angeles. Cuyler Lee, 20th and Broadway Streets Oakland. PAIGE-DETROIT A. E. Hunter Auto Co., Inc., 511 Golden Gate Av. San Francisco. Thomas Motor Car Co. of Calif Los Angeles. Geo. Rice, Jr Alhambra. Ciawson Hall Motor Co '. El Centro. H. E. Hall Glendale. Cousins-Howland' Auto Co Hanford. Hollywood Garage Hollywood. John S. Bolton Long Beach. Osen and Hunter Auto Co Oakland. Lieber-Coryell Motor Co Pasadena. E. E. Booth Pomona. A. B. Gilbert Riverside. Skinner and Elliott Sacramento. J. L. Warnock San Bernardino. Campbell Machine Co San Diego. T. W. Nealy Santa Ana. J. C. Skinner Stockton. R. M. Crenshaw . ..Whittier. Nevada. The Reo Nevada Co., Second and Sierra Sts Reno. PATHFINDER The Pathfinder Motor Car Co., Inc., 1022 Geary.. San Francisco. The Pathfinder Motor Car Co., 1114-16 So. Olive St Los Angeles. Albert G. Wagner, 144 13th Street Oakland. John H. Covell Watsonville. PEERLESS H. O. Harrison Company, 1200 Van Ness Ave...San Francisco. H. O. Harrison Company, 1327 So. Flower St... Los Angeles. FIERCE-ARROW The Pierce- Arrow Sales Co., Geary & Polk San Francisco. Wm. E. Bush, 1701-1711 So. Grand Ave Los Angeles. H. A. Hine Eureka. POPE-HARTFORD Pope Hartford Co. of Calif., 1400 Van Ness.... San Francisco. Wm. R. Reuss Automobile Co Los Angeles. A. J. Atran Arbuckle. R. W. Breese, 1232 "I" Street Fresno. A. F. Patnott Hanford. Geo. Rosenberg Healdsburg. A. F. Belcher Madera. Barcroft and Sons Merced. Pope-Hartford Co. of Oakland, 12th & Madison. .Oakland. W. C. Clarke Orland. D. C. Perry Oroville. Jack Milligan Oxnard. Skinner and Elliott Sacramento. Campbell Machine Company San Diego. Floyd Chappel Santa Barbara. J. C. Skinner : Stockton. Brooks Auto Co Turlock. Main Street Garage Visalia. G. P. Merrill Woodsford. Nevada. Burns Bros Reno. PREMIER Premier Motor Car Co Los Angeles. F. H. Daley Oakland. Theo. Crossley Riverside. F. H. Harmon San Diego. Nevada. J. C. Durham, 29 West 4th Street Reno. PULLMAN Miller and Williams Los Angeles. R. I. Short Bakersfield. Brown and Dayton Pomona. W. E. Briggs Riverside. J. B. Garber Terra Bella. Miller and Williams . ..Tulare. RAMBLER The Thos. B. Jeffery Co San Francisco. \V. K. Cowan Los Angeles. G. L. Flisner Anaheim. W. W. Stephenson Bakersfield. F. C. Martin Beaumont. \Y. Frank Miller & Company Butte City. Calistoga Garage Calistoga. * E. S. Sauber Chico. T. E. Finck Covina. S. S. Asmond El Centro. J. R. Lane Eureka. F. Van Sickle, 667 Neilsen Ave Fresno. Hanford Garage Hanford. Hollister Garage Hollister. T. T. Leftwich Inglewood. J. F. Chadbourne Irvington. F. S. Craig Long Beach. Toscano & Roberts Los Banos. Ruben Emery Meridian. D. T. Bunker Modesto. Fred S. Jacks, 37 N. Brown St Napa. G. D. Reynolds .' . . .Napa. F. R. Fageol Oakland. L. H. Peterson Pacific Grove. J. E. Sloan Palo Alto. L. M. Hoff and Son Pasadena. E. W. Davies Pomona. Henry Clineschmidt, Jr Redding. F. E. Lewis Redlands. Wight & King Richmond. Anderson & Howe, care Fire Dept Sacramento. Geo. E. Lacey Salinas. F. C. Abrams San Diego. J. R. Murphy, 150 E. Santa Clara St San Jose. W. C. Rowell Santa Ana. W. S. Shiff Santa Barbara. J. O. Cedar Santa Cruz. H. W. Grafft Santa Maria. Geo. C. Schelling Santa Rosa. P. S. Grant ....St. Helena. Dr. W. H. Craig Upland. Vacaville Garage Vacaville. J. F. Harris Watsonville. C E. Smith Winters. E. W. Armfield Woodland. E. G. Van Arsdale Yuba City. Hawaiian Territory. H. A. Wilder . ..Honolulu. \V. C. Logan (Distributor), Van Ness Ave. at Jackson Street San Francisco. California Motor Co., 10th and Hope Streets. .. .Los Angeles. R. C.. Hamlin, 1150 So. Olive Street Los Angeles. W. C. Logan (Distributor), 2001 Broadway Oakland. E. R. Braley, 29 S. Raymond Ave Pasadena. R. C. H. H. O. Harrison Company, 1200 Van Ness Ave San Francisco. H. O. Harrison Co., Flower and Pico Streets Los Angeles. Donald and Lee Brawley. Hammond-Ballard Co. . Long Beach. Monroe Motor Co., 37 West Union Street Pasadena. Truston Clark (Clark's Garage) Pomona. James H. Maize Redlands. J. W. Cramp Rialto. Bigelow and de Blin San Diego. R. A. Minor San Luis Obispo. Frank Vegely Santa Ana. W. B. Cunnane Santa Barbara. H. L. Triplett Whittier. REGAL Frank O. Renstrom Co., Van Ness & G. G. Aves.San Francisco. (Distributors for Northern California, Nevada, Oregon and Wash ington.) C. S. Anthony Los Angeles. James H. Burton Alameda. W. A. Christiansen Antioch. Sanders Bros Arbuckle. C. P. Wilkes Stores Bakersfield. Chas. Clyne Benicia. Calistoga Garage Calistoga. Philip Pennick Chico. A. J. Wheeler Corning. L. J. McDermott Dixon. L. E. Stern Eureka. C. C. Oliver Forestville. M. R. Madary Fresno. R. G. White Hanford. Hollister Auto and Machinery Co Hollister. J. V. -Date Hughson. L. J. Baum Jamestown. J. Anderson Kerman. Fred G. Anderson Kingsburg. D. E. Martin Livermore. E. J. Steinke (Co-operative Motor Co.) Long Beach. J. W. Le Towmeau Manteca. Vaccaro and Fargo Modesto. Hause-Bush Auto Co Napa. J. P. Stinehoff Newark. G. W. Knox Orosi. Vandervoort Bros Palo Alto. Thomas & Beauer Petaluma. R. E. Bowie Redwood City J. M. Enns Reedley. Ed Tuggy (Tuggy Garage) Riverside. Sidelinger and Philpot Sacramento. Garden City Auto Co San Jose. W. G. Milton (Sycamore Garage) Santa Ana. Woods Garage Santa Barbara. Jensen Bros. , , Santa Cruz. G. L. Reed Santa Rosa. Superior Garage I Stockton. Will Dinning St. Helena. J. E. Gould Tropico. Curtis Miller Ukiah. Mrs. t H. Edmands Upper Lake. P. H. Krantz Vallejo. J. L. Falukerson (Mercer Garage) Ventura. J. G. Howard Visalia. G. B. Harlan Williams. Rollin Williams Yuba City. RENAULT Renault Freres Selling Branch, Inc., 116-120 Van Ness Ave. . ..San Francisco. REO Reo Pacific Company, yan Ness at California San Francisco. Lord Motor Car Co., 1032 So. Olive Street Los Angeles. Reo Pacific Company (Branch) Los Angeles. J. Bonslett Antioch. Reed and McCready Arcata. T. W. Marsh Bakersfield. Chico Garage Co Chico. Hoag & Hoffman Davisville. F. S. Hannaford Eagle Rock. Fred Fuller El Centre. Waterman Bros. Co Fresno. Thomas Mercantile Co Gilroy. Gridley Garage Co Gridley. John T. Lowe Hollister. Elliott Motor Car Co Huntington Beach. E. E. Mansfield King City. Burt G. Sayre Lakeport. Lodi Implement and Vehicle Co Lodi. A. E. Evans Long Beach. W. T. Hohenshell Merced. Smith and Parks Modesto. A. Zeller Napa. F. H. Dailey Motor Car Co Oakland. Ranchers' Manufacturing Co Pomona. Rohlick Bros Porterville. E. Firth Redding. Ed S. Piqqequat Riverside. Reo Sacramento Co. Sacramento. Mclntyre & Dysart San Bernardino. \Vm. Cresswell San Diego. Koch, Byron and Chase San Jose. Mills and Elliott San Leandro. Tognazzini and Reghetti San Luis Obispo. Oscar Fitch Santa Barbara. A. C. Bauscher Santa Rosa. Snow and Watson Sebastopol. Philo S. Grant St. Helena. Reo Pacific Company (Branch) Stockton. Geo. Lambert & Son L'kiah. Vacaville Garage Co Vacaville. Glenn County Garage Willows. Bakers Garage Winters. Nevada. J. C. Durham Reno. S. G. V. E.' Stewart Automobile Co., Van Ness & Calif... San Francisco. SIMPLEX Simplex & Mercer Pac. Cst. Agy., 1319 Van Ness. San Francisco Simplex & Mercer Pac. Cst. Agy., 1057 S. Olive. .Los Angeles. SPAULDING Wood Van de Verg Los Angeles. SPEEDWELL The Speedwell Motor Car Co.. 1529-41 Van Ness. San Francisco. Dwight I. Holmes, 1231 So. Flower Street Los Angeles. Pacific Aviation and Motor Car Co Los Angeles Garden City Auto Co San Jose. STANDARD-ELECTRIC Pacific Motor Car Co., 500 Golden Gate Ave San Francisco. Standard Electrique, 2122 W Seventh Street Los Angeles. W. H. Diers Pasadena. STAYER Kleiber and Company, Pacific Coast Agents San Francisco. STEARNS The F. B. Stearns Company (Pacific Coast Branch,), 1450 Van Ness Ave San Francisco. Smith Brothers, 742 So. Olive Street Los Angeles. A. Jaegel Redding. P. M. Price San Diego. Capf Mitchell Santa Barbara STEVENS-DURYEA Pacific Motor Car Co., 500 Golden Gate Ave.... San Francisco. English Motor Car Co Los Angeles. J. P. Rusthoe, 330 Fifth Street Eureka. Geo. M. Young, care Litts Garage Modesto. W. J. Freeling, 6036 Claremont Ave Oakland. J. S. Casey, 1900 M St Sacramento. Campbell Mach. Co San Diego. J. T. Lusignan, 628 North Commerce St Stockton. Nevada. Reo Nevada Company, 2d and Sierra Sts Reno. STUDEBAKER Studebaker Corp. of Amer., Mission & Fremont. .San Francisco. Los Angeles Retail Branch, 1008 S. Olive Los Angeles. Service Station & Whsle. Dept., 1620 E. 7th... Los Angeles. C. E. Strifler Alhambra. P. J. Weisel & Co Anaheim. A. J. Atran Arbuckle. Royal Barber Artesia. C. H. Kaar Bakersfield. Beaumont Garage & Mch. Co Beaumont. Leece & Watterson Bishop. Stanley-DeBlois Co Brawley. Brawley Garage Brawley. The Byron Garage Byron. W. H. Pillsbury Chico. Geo. F. Warren Cloverdale. Ward & Corall Colton. Messick & Crayton Colusa. J. H. Williams Compton. Jos. Boyd Concord. Crown Garage & Mch. Wks Corona. Smith & Johnson Covina. Frank Panero Delano. R. J. Kirk Dinuba. W. R. Madden Dixon. City Garage Elsinore. Encinitas Garage Encinitas. Denny-Bar Co Etna Mills. Mercer & Way Eureka. B. F. Schmidt Exeter. C. P. Hanson Ferndale. C. A. Scott Fort Bragg. Leach & Smith . Fortuna. Weaver, Gurley & Weaver Fresno. J. S. Kinsman Gardena. A. Lampson & Sons Geyserville. Brand Boulevard Garage Glendale. Alpha Hdw. & Supply Co Grass Valley. Hanford Garage Hanford. X. A. Seipel Healdsburg. Hemet Garage Hemet. Guy L. Frazier Highlands. Grangers Union Hollister. Hollywood Auto Garage (Mr. Hosier) Hollywood. Dick's Garage Holtville. J. D. Huston Imperial. Magee & Parent Inglewood. L. B. Ulrey King City. Mapson & Staples - La Mesa. Antelope Valley Implement Co Lancaster. F. W. Whyers Lodi. Bell & Canfield Lompoc. Long Beach Auto Co Long Beach. A. J. Milne Lordsburg. J. C. Walling Madera. Gates-Mclntosh, Inc Marysville. A. Barcroft & Sons Co Merced. Miers & Zacharias Modesto. A W. Kettle Monrovia. Mt. Shasta Milling Co Montague. Pioneer Garage Napa. Desert Auto Co Needles. Alpha Hdw. & Supply Co Nevada City. Simon Newman & Co Newman. Studebaker Bros. Co. of Cal., 12th & Jackson. . .Oakland. D. B. Wayne Ontario. I. E. & E. H. Mecum Orland. Empire Garage Oroville. J. A. Truman Oxnard. T. A. Work & Co Pacific Grove. University Garage Palo Alto. Pasadena Motor Car Co. (Mr. Robinson), 163 E. Union Pasadena. Geo. F. Bell Paso Robles. Perris Garage Perris. T. H, Madison Petaluma. j 5 Gill Pleasanton. Point Reyes Emporium Point Reyes. W. B. Gates Pomona. W. D. McCroskey (Chino territory) Pomona. Walbridge G. & M. Shop Red Bluff. John Witherow Redding. Casa Loma Garage Redlands. Glenwood Garage Riverside. Studebaker Bros. Co. of Cal., 8th & "L" Sts Sacramento. Geo. E. Lacey Salinas. Brandenburg-Pearson Co San Bernardino. Warner M. Bateman, 1144 First St San Diego. Van Winkle Bros. & Webster San Fernando. San Jose Implement Co San Jose. Geo. W. McCabe .' San Luis Obispo. Wm. F. Lutz Co Santa Ana. A. L. Jordan Santa Barbara. J. O. Cedar Santa Cruz. G. G. Bundy Santa Monica. A. L. Burson Santa Paula. Geo. C. Schelling Santa Rosa. Damas & Francis Sonora. Studebaker Corp. of America Stockton. Jas. H. Graham ., Suisun. B. F. Chrisman Taft. J. B. Carver Terra Bella. Fabian-Grunauer Co Tracy. Ukiah Garage Co Ukiah. Carl C. Crystal Vacaville. Vallejo Carriage Co Vallejo. H. M. Lennox Van Nuys. Coats Bros Visalia. F. F. Bothelo Walnut Creek Harron & Cedar Watsonville. Whittier Garage Co Whittier. O. A. Klemmer Willows. Electric Garage Woodland. Hawaiian Territory. Volcano Stables & Trans. Co Hilo. Schumann Carriage Co Honolulu. Nevada. Steinheimer Bros Reno. Oregon. T. E. Bernard Lakeview. Arizona. Bowen & Hubbard Bisbee. J. C. Jones Flagstaff. C. A. Alexander . Globe. Desert Auto Co Kingman. Mesa Auto Co Mesa. Arizona Motor Co., Inc Phoenix. B. B. Dolly Prescott. Clayton & Ferris Safford. Huntsman Auto Co Tucson. New Mexico. Lewis C. Gumbiner Albuquerque. Becker-Mactavish Co * Magdalena. Chas. Closson Santa Fe. STUTZ A. B. Cosby Motor Co., Van Ness and Bush San Francisco. Walter M. Brown Company Los Angeles. Niederauer Motor Car Co., "K" and Kern Sts.. Fresno. A. B. Cosby Motor Co., 29th and Broadway Oakland. H. W. Shafer Pasadena. F. H. Wood Redlands. Gordon Prentice San Diego. J. R. Auto Co., 400 N. First St San Jose. Wm. F. Lutz Co Santa Ana. John S. Catlin Santa Barbara. Stutz Motor Car Co., 4th and Washington Santa Rosa. Reilley and Robinson Ventura. Arizona. Geo. W. Jbslin Prescott. Nevada. Elko Auto Co Elko. VELIE Auto Sales Co., 418 Golden Gate Ave San Francisco. Renton Motor Car Co., 1230-32-34 So. Main St.. Los Angeles. McKeehan and Randolph Brawley. Harry Sparber Fresno. Dick Paris Fullerton. John F. Schaeffer Gridley. Yuba Machinery Works Marysville. Empire Garage Marysville, J. C. Robb ...Millbrae. Auto Sales Co., 2140 Broadway Oakland. Wm. Newburgh Petaluma. W. J. Benson San Jose. Paul Morris Tuolumne. F. R. Mann Watsonville. Gion W. Gibson Williams. C. W. Lipe (Main Street Garage) Woodland. Nevada. C. W. Nielsen Gardnerville. NOTE The above are also agents for the Velie Trucks. WAVERLEY ELECTRICS H. O. Harrison Co., 1200 Van Ness Ave San Francisca H. O. Harrison Co., 1327 So. Flower St Los Angeles. D. R. Braley Pasadena. Tibbals-Gavin Co., 1318-20 Fifth Street San Diego. WHITE The White Co., Market St. at Van Ness Ave San Francisco, Pioneer Commercial Auto Co Los Angeles. Bakersfield Garage & Auto Supply Co Bakersfield. May wood Garage (Lukens & Woodson) Corning. Abner J. Sevier Eureka. M. R. Madary Fresno. Jack McFayden Porterville. F. J. Griffin Salinas. Phillips and Rossi Salinas. Geo. M. Cooley Co San Bernardino. D. C. Williams Santa Barbara. J. C. Skinner, 325 N. El Dorado Street Stockton. WINTON Winton Motor Car Co., Van Ness hr. Sutter St. . .San Francisco. W. D. Howard M. Car Co., 1238 S. Flower St. .. .Los Angeles. C. C. Kratzer Coalinga. F. W. Johnson, 428 "F" Street Eureka. Waterman Bros. Co Fresno. Hanford Garage Hanford. Osen and Hunter Auto Co., Twelfth and Jackson. Oakland. N. W. Curson, 1308 "K" Street Sacramento. Frank Dupree, 1152 First Street San Diego. Geo. B. Polhemus San Jose. Nevada. C. G. Logan, 360 Sierra Street Reno. WOODS ELECTRIC Pacific Motor Car Co., 500 Golden Gate Ave San Francisco. J. S. Casey, 1900 "M" St Sacramento. The Assets, Reserve and Surplus of the Fireman's Fund are now larger than in 1905, notwithstanding their loss in the San Francisco conflagration of over Eleven Million Dollars a z o - ~2 :- 3 g CX ;r * S 2 5-5 S b Z C C O % X Q_ E UI UI O O Z 11 z u UI K > UI H S S a. Au < = < f v 5 a 1 S C C) 3 * 3 1 i - *-. 4 = * s --, S c t ^ ,. 5 : = '3 TJ- <3 ^ ^ i 3 v . 8 S "Q i' - h ^ } o \i = 5 c S <"*3 g s | -^ s o - - id u J - * D j J tyj V fap I ^ 1 -1 3 t $ 1 j o B Q ^ -C , r. ^ 3 4 d ^ 'E | i Q 3 C! i a ~ c ~ S o - _;- ~^ _^ c i - ~ <. ^ - , - K ., - T 1 -. < >- * U ^ > - - n = - ^ i u < - : *t < *- $ j . -c _ < S \\ ^ * . \\ Business of applicant... I c ~ H C o s nc nt (no extra bodies, no robes, automobile coals, hats, orscd hereon) of .littouiobilc described; Rate.... III ^J 2 ^ | j ^ ?^ T3 C 3 \n . CO rt Z (0 Q Description of Automobile. c G b< ~ 5 a o * ta t; a p c <> "i I s * s C ^ O Ul 0. t- Original cost to assured of equipment $ Present value of Automobile $ Was the Automobile new or second-hand when l chased by axtured? LICENSE // second-hand, state rost Jf _. . i ^ '_ '. ~- il = C " 5 Q ^ -^. ^ ^ B -t. -^ O ". '. L- ^ t: t: ^ =: i %> S = < I . : 1 3 e t Usual place of storage for the Automobile & <= b _v S a c V c ^ 4l 1 c c , b c s> C fci * Vl_ C -- ^ "3 = < a '* C ta b ' tl 3 "~* *= - . s 1 > 1 9 2-f =: ~ = V a 2 1, "^ "55 c FACTORY OF MOTOR NO. YEAR i . ! j j 3 1 ! W <^ i ^ TJ 5 i> S , 2 B t L J ) i || c .s c X \ [ 3 L o OK '5 *1 30 ~ ""^ * ^ Cf 3 t~ g .S O "~ AME OF UFACTURER NUMBER OF . 1 L ( ; i j 3 7 J 1 3 Comma ^ B c -^ 3 S ^' C tr - -S < 3 ? ? U ^ CO < t 1 -, z MOTIVE t \ ! C. J j . .iutomobi rhe Hicks-Judd Co., Primers, 51-65 First St., San Francisco. CaL U.C. BERKELEY LIBRARIES CDD3b070bS