:iw*r$itg Name of Book and Volume, Division Range .Shelf. Received .f 187^ University of California; 'V GIFT OF 187* I ELEMENTS OF PHYSICS, OR NATURAL PHILOSOPHY, GENERAL AND MEDICAL, EXPLAINED UfDEPEITDEJfTIT OF TECHNICAL MATHEMATICS. IN TWO VOLUMES. VOJL. II. PART I. COMPREHENDING THE SUBJECTS OF HEAT AND LIGHT. BY NEIL ARNOTT, M. D., OF THE HOYAL COLLEGE OP PHYSICIANS. FIRST AMERICAN FROM THE FIRST LONDON EDITION. CAREY & L.EA. 1831. ADVERTISEMENT f ' ^PT / r uf TO VOL. II. PART I. THE second part of volume ii., comprising the sub- jects of ELECTRICITY, MAGNETISM, and ASTRONOMY, and concluding the work, will be put to press after the pub- lication of the present part. The first volume was originally published without the second, although the whole manuscript was prepared, because other works on Natural Philosophy were offered to public notice about the time. The delay of two years with respect to the second volume has occurred, because the au- thor's very little leisure from the duties of his profes- sion (than which perhaps none more interestingly ab- sorbs the time and faculties) was completely taken up by attending to the repeated calls for editions of vol. i. A friend, however, has superintended the printing of the last edition, and has allowed him to proceed with vol. ii. These explanations are given as an apo- logy to the many persons who have honoured the work by expressing disappointment at the tardy appearance of vol. ii. The author, while preparing the fourth edition of vol. i., received a copy of a French edition, in which the translator, M. Richard, to fit the work for the ge- neral use of public schools and colleges in France, had iv ADVERTISEMENT. given in notes the common algebraical formulae for the various cases described. The author, at one time, in- tended to have done this himself, but afterwards deter- mined only to add a few remarks on the subject at the end of vol. ii. To this determination he still adheres. In one of the North American English editions of the work, there are also copious notes, but as the author has not yet been able to procure a copy, he cannot re- mark upon them. In the present or fourth edition of vol. i., the subject of speech is still farther analyzed, by a complete ex- planation of the hitherto unknown nature of the defect called stuttering or stammering; and the discovery of its nature has suggested to the author an effectual reme- dy, so simple, that sufferers in general will be able at once to adopt it from the description now given. That the purchasers of former editions may not be obliged to procure the last on this account alone, the chief additions to the section in vol. i. are here sub- joined. They occur at page 610 of the fourth edition; and they should be inserted at page 565 of the first edition, at page 589 of the second, and at page 495 of the first American edition. London, November, 1829. APPENDIX TO EARLY EDITIONS. " The most common case of stuttering, however, is not, as has been almost universally believed, where the individual has a difficulty in respect to some particular letter or articulation, by the disobedience, to the will or power of association, of the parts of the mouth which should form it, but where the spasmodic interruption occurs altogether behind or beyond the mouth, viz. in the glottis, so as to affect all the articulations equally. To a person ignorant of anatomy, and therefore know- ing not what or where the glottis is, it may be sufficient explanation to say, that it is the slit or narrow opening at the top of the wind pipe, by which the air passes to and from the lungs being situated just behind the root of the tongue. It is that which is felt to close suddenly in hiccup, arresting the ingress of air, and that which closes, to prevent the egress of air from the chest of a person lifting a heavy weight or making any straining exertion; it is that also, by the repeated shut- ting of which, a person divides the sound in pronouncing several times, in distinct and rapid succession, any vow- el, as o, o, o, o. Now, the glottis, during common speech need never be closed, and a stutterer is instant- ly cured if, by having his attention properly directed to it, he can keep it open. Had the edges or thin lips of the glottis been visible, like the external lips of the mouth, the nature of stuttering would not so long have yi ON STUTTERING. remained a mystery, and the effort necessary to the cure would have forced itself upon the attention of the most careless observer; but because hidden, and pro- fessional men had not detected in how far they were concerned, and the patient himself had only a vague feeling of some difficulty, which, after straining, gri- mace, gesticulation, and sometimes almost general convulsion of the body, gave way, the uncertainty with respect to the subject has remained. Even many persons who by attention and much labour had over- come the defect in themselves, as Demosthenes did, have not been able to describe to others the nature of their efforts, so as to ensure imitation: and the author doubts much whether the quacks who have succeeded in relieving many cases, but in many also have failed, or have given only temporary relief, really understood what precise end in the action of the organs their im- perfect directions were accomplishing. ' 5 <-Now, a stutterer, understanding of anatomy only what is stated above, will comprehend what he is to aim at, by being farther told, that when any sound is continuing, as when he is humming a single note or a tune, the glottis is necessarily open, and therefore, that when he chooses to begin pronouncing or droning any simple sound, as the e of the English word berry (to do which at once no stutterer has difficulty) he thereby opens the glottis, and renders the pronunciation of any other sound easy. If then, in speaking or reading, he joins his words together, as if each phrase formed but one long word, or nearly as a person joins them in singing, (and this may be done without its being at all noted as a peculiarity of speech, for all persons do it more or less in their ordinary conversation,) the voice never stops, the glottis never closes, and there is of APPENDIX TO EARLY EDITIONS. Vll course no stutter. The author has given thitf explana- tion or lesson, with an example to a person, who be- fore would have required half an hour to read a page, but who immediately afterwards read it almost as smoothly as was possible for any one to do; and who then, on transferring the lesson to the speech, by con- tinued practice and attention, obtained the same faci- lity with respect to it. There are many persons not accounted peculiar in their speech, who, in seeking words to express themselves, often rest long between them on the simple sound of e mentioned above, say- ing, for instance, hesitatingly, "el e think e you may," the sound never ceasing until the end of the phrase, however long the person may require to pro- nounce it. Now, a stutterer, who to open his glottis at the beginning of a phrase, or to open it in the mid- dle after any interruption, uses such a sound, would not even at first be more remarkable than a drawling speaker, and he would only require to drawl for a little while, until practice facilitated his command of the other sounds. Although producing the simple sound which we call the c of berry, or of the French words de or que, is a means of opening the glottis, which by stut- terers is found very generally to answer, there are many cases in which other means are more suitable, as the intelligent preceptor soon discovers. Were it possible to divide the nerves of the muscles which close the glottis, without at the same time destroying the facul- ty of producing voice, such an operation would be the most immediate and certain cure of stuttering; and the loss of the faculty of closing the glottis would be of no moment. " The view given above of the nature of stuttering and its cure, explains the following facts, which to Vili ON STUTTERING. many persons have hitherto appeared extraordinary. Stutterers often can sing well, and without the least in- terruption, for the tune being continued, the glottis does not close. Many stutterers also can read poetry well, or any declamatory composition, in which the uninterrupted tone is almost as remarkable as in sing- ing. The cause of stuttering being so simple as above described, one rule given and explained, may, in cer- tain cases, instantly cure the defect, however aggra- vated, as has been observed in not a few instances; and this explains also why an ignorant pretender may occasionally succeed in curing, by giving a rule of which he knows not the reason, and which he cannot modify to the peculiarities of other cases. The same view of the subject explains why the speech of a stut- terer has been correctly compared to the escape of li- quid from a bottle with a long narrow neck, coming " either as a hurried gush or not at all:" for when the glottis is once opened, and the stutterer feels that he has the power of utterance, he is glad to hurry out as many words as he can, before the interruption again occurs. " Should the author's future experience enable him to simplify or render more complete the views of the na- ture and cure of stuttering, which he has given above, so as to facilitate the cure in every variety of case, he will not fail to publish his remarks." ELEMENTS OF NATURAL PHILOSOPHY, PART FOURTH. DOCTRINES OP IMPONDERABLE SUBSTANCE UNDER THE HEADS OF HEAT, LIGHT, ELECTRICITY, AND MAGNETISM. To minds beginning this study, it may facilitate the concep- tion of a substance which is without weight, or at least is im- ponderable by human art, to consider the nature of air. Until lately men were so imperfectly acquainted with the constitu- tion of the universe around them, that a person placed in an apartment which offered to view nothing but the naked walls, would have said that it was empty, meaning literally what he said; and even when advertised that there was air in the room, he would still have been far from possessing a clear notion that it was full of aerial fluid just as an open vessel immersed in the sea is full of water, and that if air were not allowed to escape from it, even so small a body as an apple could not be pressed into it additionally by less force than fifty or sixty pounds. This truth however is now clearly understood, and daily ex- emplified in easy pneumatic experiments, and in no way more strikingly than by the recent adoption of the substance of air in place of feathers, as stuffing for beds and pillows. An air- tight bag or sack suspended by its lip in the air, and held quite open by a hoop near its mouth, would appear empty, but if then firmly closed above the hoop, it would have imprisoned its fill of air, just as a bag similarly managed under water would imprison its fill of water; and while in some respects the air would be softer and locally more yielding than feathers, its en- tire mass would be much less compressible. Now this air, 10 IMPONDERABLE when weighed by means which modern science has furnished, is found in a cubic foot to contain somewhat more than an ounce, and by strongly pressing it, or by causing it to combine chemically with some other substance, we can reduce it to very small bulk, either with the form of a liquid or of a solid: proving how small a quantity of ponderable matter under cer- tain circumstances will occupy great space. And common air is by no means the lightest known substance, which as power- fully resists the intrusion of other bodies where it exists. Hy- drogen gas, for instance,, of the same space-occupying force, weighs only a fourteenth part as much, and therefore a few drachms of it confined in a bag or bed as broad as the founda- tion of a house, would support a house or a cask as large as a house filled with water to a height of thirty feet, the gas itself being then eighty thousand times lighter than its bulk of gold; and if the pressure on it were diminished,, it would readily expand to a volume a thousand times as great, and would still be exerting a considerable outward elasticity. Again, a mix- ture of oxygen and hydrogen gases, while uniting with explo- sive force to form water, dilates for the time, even under the great pressure of the atmosphere, to a bulk about twenty times greater than the gases have while separate. The mind, pursuing the idea of such expansion or occupancy of space by a small quantity of matter, and reflecting on the wonderful divisibility of matter or minuteness of the ulti- mate atoms, as explained in Part I. of this work, might almost admit as a possible reality Newton's hypothetical illustration of that divisibility, viz. that even one ounce of substance uniform- ly distributed over the vast space in which our solar system exists, might leave no quarter of an inch without its particle. Now a fluid in any degree approaching in rarity to this, al- though it might press, resist, communicate motion, and have other influences in common with more ponderable matter, would have neither weight nor inertia discoverable by means at pre- sent known to man. While we are contemplating, then, or modifying the agencies of what causes the phenomena of heat and cold, of light and darkness, of electricity in its forms of thunder and lightning, of galvanism, or of magnetism, in a SUBSTANCE. 11 word, the most striking phenomena of nature, we may be deal- ing with matter of the subtile constitution now spoken of. And as in the terrestrial atmosphere there are at least two fluids present, viz. oxygen and nitrogen, of distinct nature, so in a more subtile ether filling all space, there may be various in- gredients. A majority of philosophers now incline to the opinion here sketched, that there is at least one such subtile fluid or ether occupying completely the space of the universe, and tend- ing to uniform diffusion by reason of a strong mutual repulsion of its particles, which fluid pervades denser material substances somewhat as water pervades a sponge or a mass of sand, being attracted in a peculiar way by each substance, and which fluid may or may not have weight and inertia. They believe far- ther that the phenomena above alluded to, and which human art can exhibit with highest beauty, or with awful intensity, are produced by the motion of other affections of that fluid, as the sensation of sound in all its varieties is produced in the delicate structure of the ear by a certain motion in the air, or in any other body, having communication with the ear; or as the sensation of jar is perceived by a hand held to one end of a log of wood when a blow is given to the other end. Some philosophers again suppose that the causes of the phenomena are material particles projected through space, somewhat as sand might be scattered by an explosion, and which particles are pre- sent only when the effects are apparent. Some combine these two hypotheses. And some hold all the phenomena of heat to be mere motions in the common matter of the bodies in which the heat exists. We mention these hypotheses, not with the view of enter- ing upon a minute examination of their respective merits, or even of asserting that any one of them is true, but merely to make the reader aware of the directions which inquirers' minds have taken in pursuing the investigation. To understand the subjects as far as men yet usefully understand them, and suffi- ciently for a vast number of most useful purposes, it is only necessary, as in other departments of science, to classify im- portant phenomena, so that their nature and resemblances may 12 IMPONDERABLE SUBSTANCE. be clearly perceived. When in treating of the human mind we speak of its retaining an idea, or being depressed, or being heated with passion, &c., we speak of subjects sufficiently de- finite, although we may have no hypothesis as to the intimate nature of the phenomena: and in the same manner may we speak of the accumulation, radiation, or other affections of heat and light. We know nothing of the cause, even of gravity, the grandest influence in nature, but we can calculate its effects with admirable precision. [ 13 ] PART FOURTH. SECTION I. ON HEAT. ANALYSIS OF THE SECTION. Heat (by some called Caloric} may be strikingly referred to as that which causes the difference between winter and summer, between tropical gardens and polar wastes. Its inferior degrees are denoted by the term COLD. It cannot be exhibited apart, nor proved to have weight or inertia, and the change of its quantity in bodies is most conveniently estimated by the concomitant change of their, bulk; any substance so circumstanced as to allow this to be accu- rately measured constituting a THERMOMETER. Heat diffuses itself among neighbouring bodies until all have the same temperature, that is, until all similarly affect a thermometer. It spreads partly through their structure, or by conduction, as it is called, tvith a slow progress, different for each substance, and in fluids modified by the motion of their particles; and it spreads partly also by being shot or radiated like light from one body to another, through transparent media or space, with readiness af- fected by the material and state of the giving and receiving sur- faces. Heat, by entering bodies, expands them, and through a range which includes, as three successive stages, the forms of SOLID, LIQUID, and AIR or GAS; becoming thus in nature the grand antagonist and modifier of that attraction which holds corporeal particles together, and which, if acting alone, would reduce the whole material uni- verse to one solid lifeless mass. Each particular substance, accord- ing to the nature, proximity, fyc. of its ultimate particles, takes a certain quantity of heat (said to mark its capacity,) to produce in it a given change of temperature or calorific tension; undergoing expansion then in a degree proper to itself, and changing its form to liquid and air at points of temperature proper to itself; the ex- pansion in bodies generally increasing more rapidly than the tem- perature, because the cohesion of their particles lessens with in- 14 HEAT. crease of distance; being remarkably greater therefore in liquids than in solids, and in airs than in liquids; and the rate of expan- sion, moreover, being much quickened as the bodies approach their points of changing form to liquid or air, to produce which changes, a large quantity of heat enters them, but in the new arrangement of particles and increased volume of the mass, it becomes hidden from.the thermometer, and is therefore called LATENT HEAT. For any given substance the changes of form happen so constantly at the same temperature, that they mark fixed points in the general scale of temperature, and enable us to regulate and compare ther- mometers. Heat, by expanding different substances unequally, in- fluences much their chemical combination. Heat influences also the functions of vegetable and animal life. The great source of heat is the sun; but electricity, combustion, and other chemical actions, condensation, friction, and the actions of life, are also excitants.* " Heat may be strikingly referred to as that which causes the difference between winter and summer, between the gardens of the equator and polar wastes." (See the Ana- lysis, page 13.) In the winter of climates, where the temperature is for a time below the freezing point of water, the earth with its waters is bound up in snow and ice, the trees and shrubs are leafless, appearing every where like withered skeletons, count- less multitudes of living creatures, owing either to the bitter cold or deficiency of food, are perishing in the snows na- ture seems dying or dead; but what a change when spring re- turns, that is, when heat returns! The earth is again uncovered and soft, the rivers flow, the lakes are again liquid mirrors, the warm showers come to foster vegetation, which soon covers the * It is to be remarked here, that many phenomena in which heat plays an important part, have been already described in preceding chapters of this work; for instance, the action of the steam-engine, the phenomena of winds, many facts in meteorology, &c. under the head of Pneumatics. In a separate trea- tise on heat, these could not with propriety have been omitted; but in a com- prehensive system of science like the present, they find their fit place, where, being surrounded by subjects resembling them in more intricate particulars, they can be more concisely and clearly explained. CAUSE'OF SEASONS AND CLIMATES. 15 ground with beauty and plenty. Man, lately inactive, is re- called to many duties; his water-wheels are every where at work, his boats are again on the canals and streams, his busy fleets of industry are along the shores: winged life in new multitudes fills the sky, finny life similarly fills the waters, and every spot of earth teems with vitality and joy. Many persons regard these changes of season as if they came like the succes- sive positions of a turning wheel,, of which one necessarily brings the- next; not adverting that it rs the single circumstance of change of temperature, which does all. But rf the colds of winter arrive too early, they unfailingly produce the wintry scene, and if warmth come before its time in spring, it expands the bud and the blossom, which a return of frost will surely destroy. A seed sown in an ice-house never awakens to life. Again, as regards climates, the earthy matters forming the exterior of our globe, and therefore entering into the composi- tion of soils, are not different for different latitudes, at the equator, for instance, and near the poles. That the aspect of na- ture then in the two situations exhibits a contrast more striking still than between summer and winter, is merely to an inequa- lity of temperature, which is permanent. Were it not for this, in both situations the same vegetables might grow, and the same animals might find their befitting support. But now, in the one, namely, where heat abounds, we seethe magnificent scene of tropical fertility: the earth covered with luxuriant vegeta- tion in endless lovely variety, and even the hard rocks festooned with green, perhaps with the vine, rich in its purple clusters. In the midst of this scene, animal existence is equally abundant, and many of the species are of surpassing beauty the plumage of the birds is as brilliant as the gayest flowers. The warm air is perfume from the spice-beds, the sky and clouds are often dyed in tints as bright as freshest rainbow, and happy human inhabitants call the scene a paradise. Again, where heat is ab- sent, we have the dreary spectacle of polar barrenness, namely, bare rock or mountain, instead of fertile field; water every where hardened to solidity, no rain, nor cloud, nor dew, few motions but drifting snow; vegetable life scarcely existing, and then only in sheltered places turned to the sun and in- 16 HEAT. stead of the palms and other trees of India, whose single leaf is almost broad enough to cover a hut, there are bushes and trees, as the furze and fir, having what may be called hairs or bristles, in the room of leaves. In the winter time, during which the sun is not seen for nearly six months, new horrors are added, viz. the darkness and dreadful silence, the cold be- numbing all life, and even freezing mercury a scene into which man may penetrate from happier climes, but where he can only leave his protecting ship and fires for short periods, as he might issue from a diving-bell at the bottom of the ocean. That in these now desolate regions, heat only is wanted to make them like the most favoured countries of the earth, is proved by the recent discoveries under ground of the remnant of animals and vegetables formerly inhabiting them, which now can live only near the equator. While winter then, or the temporary ab- sence of heat, may be called the sleep of nature, the more per- manent torpor about the poles appears like its death; and when we farther reflect, that heat is the great agent in numberless im- portant processes of chemistry and domestic economy, and is the actuating principle of the mighty steam engine which now performs half the work of society, how truly may heat, the sub- ject of our present chapter, be considered as the life or soul of the universe! " Heat cannot be exhibited in a separate state, nor proved to have weight or inertia." (Read the Analysis, page 13.) Although heat is known to be abundant in the sun-beam, and to radiate around from a blazing fire, we cannot otherwise ar- rest or detect it in its progress than by allowing it to enter, and remain in some ponderable substance. We know hot iron or hot water or hot air, but nature nowhere presents to us, nor has art succeeded in showing us heat alone. If we balance a quantity of ice in a delicate weigh-beam, and then leave it to melt, the equilibrium will not be in the slight- est degree disturbed. Or if we substitute for the ice, boiling water or red-hot iron, and leave this to cool, there will be no difference in the result. If we place a pound of mercury in one scale of the weigh-bean and a pound of water in the other, HAS XO WEIGHT OR INERTIA. 17 and then either heat or cool both through the same number of thermometrlc degrees, although about thirty times moreheat (as will be explained below (enters or leaves the bulky water than the dense mercury, they will still remain equivalent weights. Again, a sun-beam, with its intense light and heat, after being concentrated by a powerful lens or mirror, may be made to fall upon the scale of a most delicate balance, but will produce no depressing effect on the scale, as would follow if what consti- tutes the beam had the least forward motal inertia or momen- tum. Such are the facts which have led certain inquirers to deny the material or separate existence of heat, and to hold that it is merely motion of one kind among the material particles of bo- dies generally, as sound is motion of another kind among the same particles. The following facts they consider to have the same bearing in the argument. Heat can be produced without limit by friction, as when savages light their fires by rubbing together two pieces of wood when Count Rum ford made great quantities of water boil, by causing a blunt borer to rub against a mass of metal immersed in the water when Sir Humphrey Davy quickly melted pieces of ice by rubbing them against each other in a room cooled below the freezing point, &c. In- tense heat is produced by the explosion of gunpowder or other fulminating mixture, yet it cannot be conceived to have existed in the small bulk of the powder before the explosion. Other inquirers, on the contrary, have deemed to be proofs of the separate materiality of heat such facts as now follow: that it is radiated through the most perfect vacuum which we can pro- duce, and even more readily than through air; that it radiates in the same place in all directions, without impediment from the crossing rays; that it becomes instantly sensible on the condensation of any material mass, as if then squeezed out from the mass; as when, by compressing air suddenly, we inflame a match immersed in it; or when, on reducing the bulk of iron by hammering, we render it very hot, the warming being greater at the first blow (which most changes the bulk) than afterwards, that when, on mixing bodies which combine so intimately as to occupy less space than when separate, there is 3 16 HAT- a disengagement of heat proportioned to the diminution of vo- lume: that the laws of the spreading of heat in bodies do not resemble those of the spreading of sound, or of any other mo- tion known to us: and that, as to the great and sudden extri- cation of heat by friction or explosion, it may be as truly a rush of the fluid to the part, as in the case of an electrical accumula- tion or discharge. These facts, moreover, they think, square well with their assumption that the phenomena of heat are pro- duced by an exceedingly subtile fluid, or ether, pervading the whole universe, and softening or melting or gasifying bodies, according to the quantity present in each; its own parts being strongly repulsive of each other, and seeking, therefore, widest and most equable diffusion. i: The, change of its quantity in bodies is most conveniently estimated by the. concomitant change of their bulk, any substance so circumstanced, as to allow this to be accu- rately measured, constituting a thermometer." (Read the Analysis, page 13.) If we heat a wire, it is lengthened; if we heat water in a full vessel, a part runs over; if we heat air in a bladder, the bladder is distended: in a word, if we heat any substance, its volume increases in some proportion to the increase of temperature, and we may measure the increase of volume. The reasons why, in such investigations, a contrivance in which the expan- sion of mercury may be observed, viz. the mercurial thermo- meter, is commonly preferred to others, can only be fully un- derstood by the mind which has considered the whole subject of heat; and we touch upon the matter here, only for the pur- pose of stating that a mercurial thermometer is a small bulb, or bottle of glass filled with mercury, and having a long very narrow stalk or neck, in which the mercury rises when expand- ed by heat, or falls when heat is withdrawn; the stalk between the points at which the mercury stands in freezing and in boil- ing water, being divided into an arbitrary number of degrees, which division appearing on a scale applied to the stalk, is con- tinued similarly above and below these points. SPKEABIXG BY CO^DUCTIOX. 19 Heat diffuses itself among neighbouring bodies until all have acquired the same temperature; that is to say, until all will similarly affect a thermometer." (See the Analy- sis, page 13.) An iron bolt thrust in among burning coals soon becomes red hot like them. If it be the heater of a tea-urn, it will, when afterwards placed amidst the water, part with its lately acquired heat to the water, until both are of the same temperature. Boil- ing water, again, soon imparts heat to an egg placed in it, and a feverish head yields its heat to a bladder of cold water or ice. A hundred objects enclosed in the same apartment, if tested, after a time, by the thermometer, will all indicate the same temperature. '* The inferior degrees of heat are denoted by the term COLD." When the hand touches a body of higher temperature than it- self, it receives heat according to the law now explained, and it experiences a peculiar sensation; when it touches a body of lower temperature than itself, it gives out heat for a like reason, and experiences another and very different sensation. The two are called the sensations of heat and of cold. Now heat and cold, considered as existing in the bodies themselves, although thus appearing opposites, are really degrees of the same object, temperature, contrasted by name for convenience sake, in re- ference to the particular temperature of the individuals speaking of them just as any two nearest mile-stones on a road, although merely marking degrees of the same object, distance, might receive from persons living between them the opposite names of east and west, or of north and south. It is to be remarked, moreover, that the sensation of heat is producible also by a body colder than the hand, provided it be less cold than a body touched immediately before, or than the usual temperature; and the sensation of cold is producible under the opposite circum- stances of touching a comparatively warm body, but which is less warm than something touched just before. This explains the remarkable fact that the same body may appear at the same time, and to the same person, both hot and cold. If a person transfer one hand to common spring-water from touching ice, that hand will deem the water very warm; while the other hand, transferred to it from a warm bath, would deem it very cold. For a like reason, a person from India, arriving in Eng- land in the spring, deems the air cold, while the inhabitants of the country are diminishing their clothing, because the heat to them is becoming oppressive. Such facts show how necessary it was for men to discover more correct thermometers than their bodily sensations. " Spreading partly through their structure, or by conduc- tion, as it is called, with a progress proper to each sub- stance" (Read the Analysis, page 13.) If one end of a rod of iron be held in the fire, a hand grasping the other end soon feels the heat coming through it. Through a similar rod of glass the transmission is much slower, and through one of wood it is slower still. The hand would be burned by the iron, before it felt warmth in the wood, although the inner end were blazing. On the fact that different substances are permeable to heat, or have the property of conducting it, in different degrees, depend many interesting phenomena in nature and in the arts: hence it was important to ascertain the degrees exactly, and to classify the substances. Various methods for this purpose have been adopted. For solids similar rods of the different, substances, after being thinly coated with wax, have been placed with their inferior extremities in hot oil, and then the comparative dis- tances to which, in a given time, the wax was melted, furnished one set of indications of the comparative conducting powers: or, equal lengths of the different bare rods being left above the oil, and a small quantity of explosive powder being placed on the top of each, the comparative intervals of time elapsing be- fore the explosions gave another kind of measure: or, equal balls of different substances, with a central cavity in each to re- ceive a thermometer, being heated to the same degree and then suspended in the air to cool, until the thermometer fell to a given point, gave still another list. A modification of the last method was adopted by Count Rumford to ascertain the relative degrees in which furs, feathers, and other materials used for SPREADING- BY COSDTJCTIO^. clothing, conduct heat, or, which is the same thing, resist its passage. He covered tne ball and stem of a thermometer with a certain thickness of the substance to be tried, by placing the thermometer in a larger bulb and stem of glass, and then filling the interval between them with the substance; and, after heat- ing this apparatus to a certain degree, by dipping it in liquid of the desired temperature, he surrounded it by ice, and marked the comparative times required to cool the thermometer a cer- tain number of degrees. The figures following the names of some of the substances in the subjoined list, mark the number of seconds required respectively for cooling it 60. These experiments have shown as a general rule, that den- sity in a body favours the passage of heat through it. The best conductors are the metals, and then follow in succession diamond, glass, stones, earths, woods, &c., as here noted: Metals silver, copper, gold, iron, lead. Diamond. Glass. Hard stones. Porous earths. Woods. Fats or thick oils. Snow. Air ..... ... 57tf Sewing silk ------ 917 Wood ashes ----.. 937 Charcoal -.-.... 937 Fine lint ....... 1,032 Cotton ........ 1,046 Lamp black ...... 1,117 Wool ........ i,H8 Raw silk ....... 1,284 Beavers' fur ...... 1,296 Eider down ...... 1,305 Hares' fur ....... 1,315 Air appears near the middle of the preceding list, but if its particles are not allowed to move about among themselves, so as to carry heat from one part to another, it conducts (in the ,' 3 HEAT. manner of solids) so slowly that Count Rumford doubted whe- ther it conducted at all. It is probably the worst conductor known, that is, the substance which when at rest impedes the passage of heat the most. To this fact seems to be owing in a considerable degree the remarkable non-conducting quality of porous or spongy substances, as feathers, loose filamentous matter, powders, &c., which have much air in their structure, often adherent with a force of attraction which immersion in water, or even being placed in the vacuum of an air-pump, is insufficient to overcome. While contemplating the facts recorded in the above table, one cannot but reflect how admirably adapted to their purposes the substances are whieh nature has provided as clothing for the inferior animals; and which man afterwards accommodates with such curious art to his peculiar wants. Animals required to be protected against the chills of night and the biting blasts of winter; and some of them which dwell among eternal ice, could not have lined at all, but for a garment which might shut up within it nearly all the heat which their vital functions pro- duced. Now any covering of a metallic or earthy or woody nature, would have been far from sufficing; but out of a won- drous chemical union of carbon with the soft ingredients of the atmosphere, those beautiful textures are produced called fur and feather, so greatly adorning while they completely protect the wearers: textures, moreover, which grow from the bodies of the animals, in the exact quantity that suits the climate and season, and which are reproduced when by any accident they are partially destroyed. In warm climates the hairy coat of quad- rupeds is comparatively short and thin; as in the elephant, the monkey, the tropical sheep, &c. It is seen to thicken With increasing latitude, furnishing the soft and abundant fleeces of the temperate zones; and towards the poles it is externally shaggy and coarse, as in the arctic bear. In amphibious ani- mals, which have to resist the cold of water as well as of air, the fur grows particularly defensive, as in the otter and bea- ver. Birds, from having very warm blood, required plenteous clothing, but required also to have a smooth surface, that they might pass easily through the air: both objects are securectby BY CONDUCTION. the beautiful structure of feathers, so beautiful and wonderful that writers on natural theology have often particularized it as one of the most striking exemplifications of creative wisdom. Feathers, like fur, appear in kind and quantity suited to parti- cular climates and seasons. The birds of cold regions have covering almost as bulky as their bodies, and if it be warm in those of them which live only in air, in the water-fowl it is warmer still. These last have the interstices of the ordinary plumage filled up by the still more delicate structure called down, particularly on the breast, which in swimming first meets and divides the cold wave. There are animals with warm blood which yet live very constantly immersed in water, as the whale, seal, walrus, &c. Now neither hair nor feathers, however oiled, would have been a fit covering for them; but kind nature has prepared an equal protection in the vast mass of fat or thick oil which surrounds their bodies substances which are scarcely less useful to man than the furs and fea- thers of land animals. While speaking of clothing, we may remark, that the bark of trees is also a structure very slowly permeable to heat, and securing therefore the temperature necessary to vegetable life. And while we admire what nature has thus done for animals and vegetables, let us not overlook her scarcely less remarkable provision of ice and snow, as winter clothing for the lakes and rivers, for our fields and gardens. Ice, as a protection to wa- ter and its inhabitants, was considered in vol. i. in the explana- tion of why, although solid, it swims on water. We have now to remark that snow, which becomes as a pure white fleece to the earth, is a structure which resists the passage of heat near- ly as much as feathers. It, of course, can defend only from colds below 32 or the freezing point; but it does so most ef- fectually, preserving the roots and seeds and tender plants during the severity of winter. When the green blade of wheat and the beautiful snow-drop flower appear in spring rising through the melting snow, they have recently owed an import- ant shelter to their wintry mantle. Under deep snow, while the thermometer in the air may be far below zero, the tempera- oi- HEAT. ture of the ground rarely remains below the freezing point Now this temperature, to persons some time accustomed to it, is mild and even agreeable. It is much higher than what of- ten prevails for long periods in the atmosphere of the centre and north of Europe. The Laplander, who during his long winter lives under ground, is glad to have additionally over- head a thick covering of snow. Among the hills of the west and north of Britain, during the storms of winter, a house or covering of snow frequently preserves the lives of travellers, and even of whole flocks of sheep, when the keen north wind catching them unprotected, would soon stretch them lifeless along the earth. It is because earth conducts heat slowly, that the most intense frosts penetrate but a few inches into it, and that the tempera- ture of the ground a few feet below its surface is nearly the same all the world over. In many mines, even although open to the air, the thermometer does not vary one degree in a twelvemonth. Thus also water in pipes two or three feet un- der ground does not freeze, although it may be frozen in all the smaller branches exposed above. Hence, again, springs never freeze, and therefore become remarkable features in a snow co- vered country. The living water is seen issuing from the bowels of the earth, and running often a considerable way through fringes of green, before the gripe of the frost arrests it; while around it, as is well known to the sportsman, the snipes and wild duck and other birds are wont to congregate. A spring in a fro- zen pond or lake may cause the ice to be so thin over the part where it issues, that a skaiter arriving there will break through and be destroyed. The same spring water which appears warm in winter, is deemed cold in summer, because, although always of the same heat, it is in summer surrounded by warmer atmos- phere and objects. In proportion as buildings are massive, they acquire more of those qualities, which have now been no- ticed of our mother earth. Many of the gothic halls and ca- thedrals are cool in summer and warm in winter as are also old fashioned houses or castles with thick walls and deep cellars. Natural caves in the mountains or sea-shores furnish other ex- amples of a similar kind. SPItEADINtt BY CONDUCTION. 25 When in the arts it is desired to prevent the passage of heat out of or into any body or situation, a screen or covering of a slow conducting substance is employed. Thus, to prevent the heat of a smelting or other furnace from being wasted, it is lined with fire bricks, or is covered with clay and sand, or sometimes with powdered charcoal. A furnace so guarded may be touched by the hand, even while containing within it melted gold. To prevent the freezing of water in pipes during the winter, by which occurrence the pipes would be burst, it is common to cover them with straw ropes, or coarse flannel, or to enclose them in a larger outer pipe, with dry charcoal, or saw dust, or chaff, filling up the interval between. If a pipe, on the con- trary, be for the conveyance of steam or other warm fluid, the heat is retained, and therefore saved by the very same means. Ice houses are generally made with double walls, between which dry straw placed, or saw dust, or air, prevents the passage of heat. Pails for carrying ice in summer, or intended to serve as wine coolers, are made on the same principle viz. double vessels, with air or charcoal, filling the interval between them. A flan- nel covering keeps a man warm in winter it is also the best means of keeping ice from melting in summer. Urns for hot water, tea pots, coffee pots, &c. are made with wooden or ivory handles, because if metal were used, it would conduct the heat so readily that the hand could not bear to touch them. It is because glass and earthenware are brittle, and do not al- low ready passage to heat, that vessels made of them are so fre- quently broken by sudden change of temperature. On pouring boiling water into such a vessel, the internal part is much heated and expanded (as will be explained more fully in a subsequent page) before the external part has felt the influence, and this IB hence riven or cracked by its connexion with the internal. A chimney mirror is often broken by a lamp or candle placed on the marble shelf too near it. The glass cylinder of an electri- cal machine will sometimes be broken by placing it near the fire, so that one side is heated while the other side receives a cold current of air approaching the fire from a door or window. A red hot rod of iron drawn along a pane of glass will divide it almost like a diamond knife. Even cast iron, as backs of grates, 4 yti -HEAT. iron pots, c., although conducting readily, is often, owing to its brittlcncss, cracked by unequal heating or cooling, as from pouring water on it when hot. Pouring cold water into a heated glass will produce a similar effect. Hence glass vessels intended to be exposed to strong heats and sudden changes, as retorts for distillation, flasks for boiling liquids, &c., are made very thin, that the heat may pervade them almost instantly and with im- punity. There is a toy called a Prince Rupert's Drop, which well illustrates our present subject. It is a lump of glass let fall while fused into water, and thereby suddenly cooled and solidi- fied on the outside before the internal part is changed; then as this at last hardens and would contract, it is kept extended by the arch of external crust, to which it coheres. Now if a por- tion of the neck of the lump be broken off, or if other violence be done, which jars its substance, the cohesion is destroyed, and the whole crumbles to dust with a kind of explosion. Any glass cooled suddenly when first made, remains very brittle, for the reason now stated. - What is called the Bologna jar is a very thick small bottle, thus prepared, which bursts by a grain of sand falling into it. The process of annealing, to render glass ware more tough and durable, is merely the allowing it to cool very slowly by placing it in an oven, where the tempe- rature is caused to fall gradually. The tempering of metals by sudden cooling seems to be a process having some relation to that of rendering glass hard and brittle. It is the difference of conducting power in bodies which is the cause of a very common error made by persons in esti- mating the temperature of bodies by the touch. In a room without a fire all the articles of furniture soon acquire the same temperature; but if in winter, a person with bare feet were to step from the carpet to the wooden floor, from this to the hearth- stone, and from the stone to the steel fender, his sensation would deem each of these in succession colder than the preceding. Now the truth being that all had the same temperature, only a temperature inferior to that of the living body,the best conductor, when in contact with the body, would carry off heat the fastest, and would therefore be deemed the coldest* Were a similar .SPREADING BY CONBUOTIOX. 27 experiment made in a hot house, or in India, while the temper- ature of every thing around were 98, viz. that of the living body, then not the slightest difference would be felt in any of the substances: or lastly, were the experiment made in a room where by any means the general temperature were raised con- siderably above blood heat; then the carpet would be deemed considerably the coolest instead of the warmest, and the other things would appear hotter in the same order in which they ap- peared colder in the winter room. Were a bunch of wool and a piece of iron exposed to the severest cold of Siberia, or of an artificial frigorific mixture, a man might touch the first with impunity (it would merely be felt as rather cold;) but if he grasped the second, his hand would be frost bitten and possibly destroyed: were the two substances on the contrary, transferred to an oven, and heated as far as the wool would bear, he might again touch the wool with impunity (it would then be felt as a little hot,) but the iron would burn his flesh. The author has entered a room where there was no fire, but where the temper- ature from hot air admitted was sufficiently high to boil the fish, &c. of which he afterwards partook at dinner; and he breathed the air with very little uneasiness. He could bear to touch woollen cloth in this room, but no body more solid. The foregoing considerations make manifest the error of sup- posing that there is a positive warmth in the materials of cloth- ing. The thick cloak which guards a Spaniard against the cold of winter, is also in summer used by him as protection against the direct rays of the sun: and while in England flannel is our warmest article of dress, yet we cannot more effectually pre- serve ice than by wrapping the vessel containing it in many folds of softest flannel. In every case where a substance of different temperature from the living body touches it, a thin surface of the substance immediately shares the heat of the bodily part touched the hand generally; and while in a good conductor, the heat so re- ceived quickly passes inwards, or away from the surface, leaving this in a state to absorb more, in the tardy conductor the heat first received tarries at the surface, which consequently soon ac- quires nearly the same temperature as the hand, and therefore, cold the interior of the substance may be, it does not HEAT. cause the sensation of cold. The hand on a good conductor has to warm it deeply, a slow conductor it warms only superficially. The following cases farther illustrate the same principle. If the ends of an iron poker, and of a piece of wood of the same size, be wrapped in paper and then thrust into a fire, the paper on the wood will begin to burn immediately, while that on the metal will long resist: or if pieces of paper be laid on a wooden plank and on a plate of steel, and then a burning coal be placed on each, the paper on the wood will begin to burn long before that on the plate. The explanation is, that the paper in contact with the good conductor loses to this so rapidly the heat received from the coal, that it remains at too low a temperature to in- flame, and will even cool to blackness the touching part of the coal; while on the tardy conductor the paper becomes almost immediately as hot as the coal. It is because water exposed to the air cannot be heated beyond 212, that it may be made to boil in an egg-shell or a vessel made of paper, held over a lamp, without the containing substance being destroyed; but as soon as it is dried up, the paper will burn and the shell will be cal- cined, as the solder of a common tinned kettle melts under the same circumstances. The reason why the hand judges a cold liquid to be so much colder than a solid of the same tempera- ture is, that from the mobility of the liquid particles among themselves, those in contact with the hand are constantly changing. The impression produced on the hand by very cold mercury is almost insufferable, because mercury is both a ready conductor and a liquid. Again, if a finger held motionless in water feel cold, it will feel colder still when moved about; and a man in the air of a calm frosty morning does not experience a sensation nearly so sharp as if with the same temperature there be wind. A finger held up in the wind discovers the direc- tion in which the wind blows by the greater cold felt on one side, the effect being still more remarkable, if the finger is wet- ted. If a person in a room with a thermometer, were with a fan or bellows to blow the air against it, he would not thereby lower it, because it had already the same temperature as the air, yet the air blown against his own body would appear colder than when at rest, because, being colder than his body, the mo- SPREADING BV CONDUCTION (ion would supply heat-absorbing particles more quickly. In Hke manner, if a fan or bellows were used against a thermome- ter hanging in a furnace or hot house, the thermometer would suffer no change, but the air moved by them against a person would be distressingly hot, like the blasting sirocco of the sandy deserts of Africa. If two similar pieces of ice be placed in a room somewhat warmer than ice, one of them may be made to melt much sooner than the other, by blowing on it with a bel- lows. The reason may here be readily comprehended why a person suffering what is called a cold in the head, or catarrh from the eyes and nose, experiences so much more relief on ap- plying to the face a handkerchief of linen or cambric than one of cotton: it is, that the former by conducting readily absorbs the heat and diminishes the inflammation, while the latter, by refusing to give passage to the heat, increases the temperature and the distress. Popular prejudice has held that there was a poison in cotton. " Heat spreading in fluids chiefly by the motion of their particles." (Read the Analysis, page 13.) Owing to the mobility among themselves of fluid particles, heat entering a fluid any where below the surface, by dilating and rendering specifically lighter the portion heated, allows the denser fluid around to sink down and force up the rarer; and the continued currents so established, diffuse the heat through the mass much more quickly than heat spreads by con- duction in any solid. Count Rumford's experiments led him at first to conclude that liquids, but for this carrying process, by the particles changing their place, were absolutely impassable to heat. A piece of ice will lie very long at the bottom of water which is made to boil at the top by the contact of any hot body; and when it at last melts, Count R. believed that it did so entirely from the heat which passed downwards through the sides of the vessel containing the water. But an ingenious experiment by Dr. Murray decided the question differently. He made a vessel of ice, which, of course, could not carry downwards any heat great- HEAT. er than 32, as ice melts at that degree; and having put into it a quantity of oil at 32, the bulb of a thermometer being a quar- ter of an inch under the surface of the oil, he placed a cup of boiling water in contact with the surface of the oil: in a mi- nute and a-half the thermometer rose nearly a degree, and in seven minutes it rose five degrees, beyond which it did not go. The heat then must have passed downwards through the liquid, proving a conducting power; unless, indeed, it passed by ra- diation, as explained in a subsequent page. The internal currents or circulation produced by heat in fluid masses, and of which there are so many important instances in nature, were more fitly explained in the chapter on hydrosta- tics and pneumatics; we shall here therefore allude to them very shortly. Perhaps the best experimental illustration of the subject is the placing a tall glass jar, filled with water in which small pieces of amber are floating to show its movements, first in a warm bath, and then in one which is cold. In the first case, the water and amber near the outside of the jar where they are heated, will exhibit a rapid upward current, while in the cen- tre of the jar they will form an opposite or downward current. By afterwards placing the jar in a cold bath, the direction of the currents will be reversed. It is, as stated in the former volume, this heating and dilata- tion of the fluid air over a tropical island while acted upon during the middle of the day by the powerful rays of the sun, that allows the colder and heavier air from the face of the ocean around to press inwards upon it and force it upwards in the atmosphere the cold current forming the delightful sea- breeze of the climate. And it is the general heating of tho air over the whole equatorial belt of the earth, which, render- ing it specifically lighter than the air nearer the poles, allows this to assume the form of cool trade winds, constantly blow- ing towards the sun's path, and pressing upwards the hot air, which then spreads away on the top of the atmosphere towards the poles, to mitigate the severity of the northern and south- ern cold. In the watery ocean also there is a circulatory mo- tion of the same kind, although less in degree, tending to dis- BY CONDUCTION. >\l tribute heat and equalize temperature, and contributing to pro- duce some of the great sea currents known to mariners. The vertical currents produced by heat, in the ocean, and in great masses of water generally, preserve in and over them a comparatively uniform temperate freshness, while the rocks and soil around may be either parched under a burning sun, or bound up in cold many degrees below freezing. A keen frost chills, and soon hardens in its icy grasp the surface of the ground; but of water similarly exposed, the part first cooled descends to the bottom by its increased density, and forces up a warmer water to take its place; this in its turn is cooled and descends, and a continued circulation is established, so that the surface cannot become ice until the whole mass, of what- ever depth, has been cooled down to its greatest density. The very deep sea, hence, is not frozen in the coldest climates, and in temperate climates the severest winter does not freeze even a deep lake. During this intestine movement in the water, that which ascends to the surface to be cooled, by losing one degree of its heat, warms nearly five hundred times its bulk of air one degree, and thus tempers remarkably the air passing over it. Hence, places in the vicinity of the sea and of lakes are warmer in winter than places farther inland, although nearer the equa* tor. England is much warmer in winter than central Germa- ny, which lies south of England, and the coasts of Scotland and the north of Ireland are warmer than London: snow ne* ver lies long upon these coasts. As continental or inland coun- tries have thus in winter an extreme of cold, so have they ia summer an extreme of heat. Water admits the rays of the sun, and absorbs the heat into the whole thickness of its mass^ (it will be explained afterwards that solar heat penetrates trans- parent fluids as light does,) while earth retains all near its sur- face, and is therefore heated to excess. The ventilation of our dwellings and halls of assembly (as explained in vol. i.) is owing to the motion produced by the changed specific gravity of air when heated. The air which is within the house becomes warmer than the external air, and this then presses in at every opening or crevice to displace it. The ventilation of the person by the slow passage of air through 33 BEAT. the texture of our clothing is a phenomenon of the same kind; and thicker clothing acts chiefly by diminishing the passage. Hence, an oiled silk or other air tight covering laid on a bed, has greater influence in preserving warmth than an additional blan- ket or more. From the part of bed-clothes immediately over the person there is a constant outward oozing of warm air, and there is an oozing inward of cold air in lower situations around. In many persons the circulation of the blood is so feeble that in winter, they have great difficulty in keeping their feet warm, even in bed, unless with the assistance of a bottle of hot water or some such means, and in consequence they of- ten pass sleepless nights, and suffer in their general health. At the suggestion of the author, in such cases, a long flexible tube has been used, as of spiral wire covered with leather or oiled silk, by which persons can send down to their lower extremi- ties their hot breath, and thus supply to them effectually a na- tural animal warmth, as in a cold day they warm their hands by blowing upon them through their gloves. The power of fluids to diffuse heat being due thus to their power of carrying, and not of conducting it, the consequence should follow, that any circumstance which impedes the inter- nal motion of the fluid particles, should diminish the diffusing power. Accordingly, we find that fluids in general transfer heat less readily in proportion as they are more viscid. Wa- ter, for instance, transfers less quickly than spirits; oil than water; molasses or syrup than oil: and water thickened by starch dissolved in it, or which has its internal motion im- peded by feathers or thread immersed in it, less quickly than where it is pure and at liberty. Cooling being merely a mo- tion, the reverse of heating, it is influenced by the same law. Hence, the reason why soups, pies, puddings, and all semifluid masses, retain their heat so long, so much longer than equal bulks of mere fluid. The same law affords explanation of the facts, that very porous masses and powders, as charcoal, metal filings, sawdust, sand, &c. conduct heat more slowly than denser masses; their interstices being filled with air, which scarcely conducts heat, and which, by the structure of the substance, has no free- dom of motion or circulation by which it might carry tho heat SPREADING BT RADIATION. 33 " Heat spreads also, partly, by being shot or radiated like light, from one body to another, through transparent me- dia or space, with readiness affected by the material and the state of the giving and receiving surfaces." (Read the Analysis, page 13.) If a heated ball of metal be suspended in the air, a hand brought in any direction near to it will experience the sensa- tion of heat: and beneath it the sensation will be as strong as on the side, although the heat has to shoot down through an opposing current of air approaching the heated ball, to rise from it, as explained in a preceding section. A delicate ther- mometer substituted for the hand will equally detect the spread- ing heat, and if held at different distances, will prove it to di- minish in the same ratio as light diminishes in spreading from any luminous centre, viz. to be only a fourth part as intense at a double distance, and in a corresponding proportion for other distances. If the heated body be enclosed in a vacuum, a thermometer placed near it will still be affected in the same manner. If a screen be interposed between the body and the thermometer, the latter will not be affected at all, proving the heat to spread in straight lines. Heat when diffusing itself in this way, to distinguish it from heat passing by contact or com- munication, as described in the last section, is called radiant heat or caloric; that is to say, spreading in rays all round its source as light spreads. Radiant heat resembles light, yet, in other respects. It as rapidly permeates certain transparent substances, and its course suffers in them a degree of the bending, termed refraction by opticians. It is reflected from many kinds of polished surfaces, just as light is reflected from a common mirror; and many such surfaces directed to one centre (as when Archimedes made the sun his assistant to burn the Roman ships) or a single concave surface, having its own centre or focus, will concentrate heat just as it does light. Its motion in the sun-beam is so rapid as, for any distance at which men can try the experiment, to ap- pear instantaneous; and the rays of heat from hot iron or burn- ing charcoal, concentrated at great distances by suitable mirrors, a thermometer as quickly a the heat of the setting sun 5 BEAT. reflected from a distant window. Although light and heat ars united in the sun's ray, they are still separable by our glass prisms or lenses; and the focus of heat behind a burning-glass is not precisely the focus of light. Heat in radiating through air does not warm it, and is not affected by winds or any other motion of the air. These resemblances in the phenomena of light and heat have by some inquirers been held to prove that the two classes of appearances are only different modifica- tions of action in the same subtle substance or ether. The diffusion of heat by radiation, as it takes place in an in- stant to any distance, and begins whenever there is any inequa- lity of temperature between bodies exposed to each other, would produce instant balance of temperature throughout nature, but that heat leaves and enters bodies with readiness depending on their internal conducting powers, and on the condition of their surfaces. A black stone-ware tea-pot, for instance, will radiate away 100 degrees of its heat in the same time that a pot of po- lished metal will radiate 12 degrees. Professor Leslie was the first to see the importance of inves- tigating this subject, and he had the merit of contriving well- adapted means, and of detecting many of the important facts. As common thermometers are not sufficiently delicate to deter- mine very sudden changes of temperature, where the influence is so slight as in many cases of radiant heat, he used the beau- tiful differential thermometer, contrived by himself, in con- junction with concave mirrors, to concentrate the heat and ac- cumulate its energy. Then taking as his heated body a cubical tin vessel filled with boiling water, and covering it successively with plates or layers of different substances, and with different colours; and exposing the thermometer to it under all the changes, he noted the number of degrees which the thermome- ter rose as seen in the table which here follows, and thus as- certained the radiating power of each sort of covering. Lamp black - - 100 Writing paper - 98 Crown glass - - 90 Ice - 87 Isinglass 75 SPREADING BY RADIATION. 35 Tarnished lead - 45 Clean lead . - - 19 Iron polished - 15 Tin plate - 12 Gold, silver, and copper - - 12 He next reversed the experiments by using his hot water ves- sel always in the same state, and covering the thermometer bulb with the different substances and colours, and thus he ascer- tained that their comparative absorbing powers were very near- ly proportioned to their radiating powers: lamp black, for in- stance, absorbed or was heated 100, while the polished metals absorbed or were heated only 12, and so for the others. And, lastly, the absorbing powers being likewise an indication of the opposite or reflecting powers, (for if a body absorb any given proportion of the heat which falls on it, it must reflect the re- mainder,) he had at the same time ascertained the reflective or mirror powers of the bodies, and therefore all the important points respecting radiant heat in its relation to the substances between which it passes. It seems paradoxical that, by putting a clothing of a thin cot- ton or woollen fabric upon the polished tin vessel, the heat should be received by it or dissipated from it much sooner than if the vessel were naked, but such is the fact. And metal with a scratched or roughened surface radiates or receives much more rapidly than if polished. The property of absorbing heat depends much upon the co- lour of the substance, and as a general rule the dark colours, viz. those which absorb most light, absorb also most heat.- Dr. Franklin laid pieces of cloth of different colours on snow, and during a given period in which the sun was shining on them, he noted this in the different depths to which, by melting the snow which was under them, they sunk. Hence, appears the importance of having a white dress in summer, that by it, with the sun's light, the heat also may be repelled; and a white dress in winter is good, because it radiates little. Polar animals have generally white furs. White horses are both less heated in the sun, and less chilled in winter, than those of darker hues. The rate of cooling in bodies must be influenced by all the 36 HEAT. particulars noted above, viz. substance, surface, colour, and by the excess of heat in the cooling body as compared with those around it. The concentrating apparatus used for experiments on the ra- diation of heat consists of two concave tin mirrors, here repre- sented at a and b, so formed and placed in relation to each other, that all the rays of light or heat issuing from the focus of one ; C - as at c, shall be collected into the focus of the other, d. A stand under one focus, e, is intended to support the body giving out or receiving heat, and a stand under the other, d, is meant to support the thermometer. For farther explanation of the ac- tion of such mirrors, we may refer to what was said of the con- centration of sound in the section on Acoustics, or to what fol- lows in the section on Optics, on the concentration of light. The general rationale of such facts is, that heat, light, sound, an elastic ball, &e. reflected from any point of a surface, returns, if it fall perpendicularly to that point, in the same line by which it approached; but if it fall obliquely, or one side of the perpen- dicular, it returns in a line deviating as much on the other side. Now the surfaces of concave mirrors are so formed, that every ray issuing from the focus shall, when reflected, become paral- lel to every other ray as represented by the dotted lines in the figure; and it is the property of a similar mirror receiving pa- rallel rays to make them all meet in its focus: thus any influ- ence radiating from c, will be again collected at d. The pur- pose and effect of such mirrors in experiments on heat, is mere- ly to concentrate feeble influences, so that they may be more accurately estimated. To show their effect and mode of action, they may be placed exactly facing each other at any convenient distance, and then a hot body of any kind, as a ball of metal or a canister of boiling water, being left in one focus while a ther- RADIATION OF COLT), 07 mometer stands in the other, the thermometer will instantly rise; although, if left in any intermediate situation nearer to the hot body, and therefore not in the focus, it will not be affected. If burning charcoal be placed in one focus and a readily com- bustible substance in the other, the latter will be set fire to at the distance of thirty feet or more. If in one focus of the mirror apparatus described above, there be placed, instead of the canister of hot water, a piece of ice, the thermometer in the other focus immediately falls. This has been called the radiation of cold, and persons were at one time disposed to think that it proved cold to have a positive ex- istence distinct from heat. The case, however, is merely that the thermometer happens then to be the hotter body in one fo- cus of the mirrors, placed in relation with a colder body, the ice, in the other, and consequently by the law of equable diffu- sion, it must share its heat with the ice, and will fall. The mir- rors in any case have merely the effect, by preventing the spread- ing and dissipation of the radiant heat from either focus, except towards the other, of making two distant bodies act upon each other as if they were very near. All the heat that seeks to ra- diate from the thermometer, d, in the direction of the large sur- face of the mirror b, if not met by an equal tension of force of temperature in the other mirror or focus to which they are di- rected at a and c, will radiate away to c, and become deficient at d. Some inquirers have believed that heat was constantly radiating in exchange from substance to substance (as light ra- diates constantly between opposed bodies,) only more copiously from one side, if the temperature of that was higher: others have held that the movement only took place when the balance of temperature was destroyed; and this is the simplest view. There is a remarkable difference in one respect between the heat of the sun and tjiat radiated from any other source, riz. that the first passes through air, glass, water, and transparent bodies generally, very readily; while the latter, although not obstructed by air, is almost totally intercepted or absorbed in passing through any of the other substances named. In our drawing-rooms it is common to have ornamented glass fire- screens, which, while they allow the light to pass, defend the S3 HEAT. face from the heat: but all persons know that the heat of the sun beams, as well as their light, enters our green houses through the glass which covers them. A glass screen inter- posed between the concave mirrors in the apparatus above de- scribed, destroys almost entirely the effect of the heated body in one focus, on the thermometer in the other, and the trifling effect really produced has appeared, to some to be owing to the heat first absorbed by the screen on one of its sides, and then radiated from the other. This conclusion seemed to be sup- ported by the fact that screens of metal or of glass, covered with lamp black, paper, &c., allow transmission nearly in pro- portion to their several absorptive and radiant powers. More careful experiments, however, have been held to prove that a small portion of the heat is suddenly radiated through the glass. A glass mirror reflects the light of a fire, but at first retains all the heat, and only radiates it afterwards as a hot body. The doctrines of radiant heat make us aware of the importance of having vessels of polished metal for containing liquids or any thing which we desire to keep warm; hence tea and coffee pots, dishes for soup, &c. should be polished. As a black earthen tea- pot loses heat by radiation nearly in proportion to the number 100, while one of silver or other polished metal loses only as 12, there will be a corresponding difference in their aptitude for extracting the virtues of any substance infused in them. Pipes for the conveyance of steam or hot air, if left naked, should be of polished metal; but after arriving at the place where they have to give out their heat, their surface should be blackened and rough. A coat of polished mail is not a cold covering. A mirror intended to reflect heat should be of highly polished me- tal: and such is the interior of a screen placed behind roasting meat. A fireman's mask is usually covered with tin foil. It is of advantage that the bottom of a tea kettle or other cooking vessel be black, because the bottom has to absorb heat, but the top should be polished because it has to confine. The interesting phenomenon of dew was not at all under- stood until lately, since the laws of radiant heat have been in- vestigated. At sun-rise in particular states of the sky, every blade of grass and leaflet is found, not wetted as if by a shower^ DEW, G# but studded with a row of distinct globules most transparent and beautiful, bending it down by their weight, and falling like pearls when the blade is shaken. These are formed in the course of the night by a gradual deposition on bodies rendered by radiation colder than the air around them, of the moisture which rises invisibly from water surfaces into the air during the heat of the day. In a clear night the objects on the surface of the earth radiate heat upwards through the air which impedes not, while there is nothing nearer than the stars to return the radiation; they consequently soon become colder, and if the air around has its usual load of moisture, part of this will be depo- sited on them, exactly as the invisible moisture in the air of a room is deposited on a cold bottle of wine when first brought from the cellar. Air itself seems not to lose heat by radiation. A thermometer placed upon the earth any time after sun-set until sun-rise next morning, generally stands considerably lower than another suspended in the air a few feet above it; owing to the radiation of heat upwards from the earth, while the air remains nearly in the same state. During the day, while the sun shines, the earth is much warmer than the air. The reason why the dew falls, or forms so much more copiously upon the soft spon- gy surface of leaves and flowers, where it is wanted, than on the hard surface of stones and sand, where it would be of no use, is the difference of their radiating powers. There is no state of the atmosphere in which artificial dew may not be made to form on a body, by sufficiently cooling it, and the degree of heat at which it begins to appear is called the dew point, and is an important particular in the meteorological report of the day. In cloudy nights heat is radiated back from the clouds, and the earth below not being so much cooled, the dew is scanty or de- ficient. On the contrary, when uninformed persons would least expect the dew, viz. in warm very clear nights, and perhaps when the beautiful moon invites to walking, and music adds its charm, as in some of the evenings of autumn with the harvest moon and harvest occupations then is the dew more abundant, and the danger greater to delicate persons of taking harm by walking among the grass. 40 HEAT. " Heat by entering bodies expands them, and through a range which includes as three successive stages the forms of solid, liquid, and air, or gas; becoming thus, in nature^ the grand antagonist and modifier of the effects of that attraction which holds corporeal atoms together, and which, if acting alone, ivould reduce the whole material universe to one solid lifeless mass. (Read the Analysis, page 13.) If an experimenter take a body which is as free from heat as man can procure a body a bar of solid mercury, for instance, as it exists in a polar winter; and if he then gradually heat such body, to whatever extent, it will acquire an increase of bulk with every increase of temperature: first, there will be simple enlargement or expansion in every direction; then the mass will in addition be softened; then it will be melted or fused, that is to say, in the case supposed, the solid bar will be reduced to the state of liquid mercury, with the cohesive attraction of the atoms nearly overcome; if the mass be still farther heated, the atoms will be repelled from each other to much greater dis- tances, constituting then a very elastic fluid called an air or gas, many hundred times more bulky than the same matter in the solid or liquid state, and capable of forcibly distending an ap- propriate vessel as common air distends a bladder; susceptible, moreover, of dilating indefinitely farther, by farther additions of heat, or by diminution of the atmospheric pressure, against which it had to rise during its formation. A subsequent remo- val of the heat will cause a corresponding progress of contrac- tion, and the various conditions or forms of the substance above enumerated, will be reproduced in a reverse order, until the so- lid mass again appear. What is thus true of mercury is proved by modern chemical art to be true also of all the ponderable elements of our globe, and of many of the combinations of these elements, as water, for instance, familiarly known in its three forms of ice, water, and steam; although compound substances generally, by great changes of temperature are decomposed into their elements. A student might at 'first have difficulty in believing that the beautiful variety of solid, liquid, and air found among natural EXPANSION AND CHANGE OP FORM. 41 bodies, could depend upon the quantities of heat in them, be- cause these forms are all seen existing at the same temperature, but he afterwards learns that each substance has its peculiar re- lation or affinity to heat, and that hence, while at the medium temperature of the earth, some bodies contain so little as to be solids like the metals, stones, earths, &c. ; others have enough to be liquids as mercury, water, oils, &c. ; and others enough to be airs as oxygen, nitrogen, hydrogen, &c. Men, until better informed, are prone to deem the states in which bodies are most frequently observed, to be the natural states of such bodies; and the Indian king but reasoned in a usual way, who held the Dutch navigators, newly arrived on his shores, to be gross imposters, when they said that in their country, at one time of the year, water became so hard that they could walk upon it, and drive their carriages upon it, and shape it into solid blocks. All persons err like this king, who in thinking of the different substances known to them, regard their acci- dental state as to the cohesion of particles which state is really dependent on the temperature of the bodies, and there- fore on the particular planet or situation on the planet where they are found, to be in them an essential natural character. As well might a person who had never seen silk, but as a de- licate gauze or satin enveloping some lovely human form, re- fuse to recognise it in the unsightly coil of the worm which produces it. The degrees in a general scale of temperature at which the most important substances in nature change their states from solid to liquid, or from liquid to air, will be noted in a future page. Here we have only to remark, that the differences are very great. Mercury melts at about 80 below the melting point of ice, and porcelain at about 30,000 above. There are some substances which require so high a temperature for their fusion or for their conversion into gas, that human art has dif- ficulty, or even finds it impossible, to produce the changes by simple concentration of heat; but all such are readily soluble in some other substance, possessing already the form of liquid or air: as when gold and platinum are dissolved in nitro-muri- atic acid flint in the fluoric acid, carbon in hydcogen gas. 6 42 HEAT. Now many persons may not have reflected that the dissolving a solid in any fluid menstruum is merely another mode of melt- ing it by heat; yet this is the truth, for the menstruum is itself fluid, only because of the much heat which it contains, and in dissolving the more obdurate substance, it does so merely be- cause its attraction for the substance brings the particles into union with the heat which already exists in itself. Heat then is the only and universal solvent. Its influence is interestingly seen in the fact, that a fluid when heated can dissolve much more of a solid than when cold. Water while hot keeps dis- solved twice as much of many salts as it can when its temper- ature has fallen. -^-There are again in nature many substances having such an affinity for heat, that until lately they have only been known as airs; and even in the present advanced state of art, they cannot by any degree of mere cooling be re- duced to the liquid or solid form; yet all such, when pressure is added to the cooling, OB when the chemical attraction for them of some other substances which already exist in the liquid or solid state, is made to co-operate, may be reduced. An in- stance is afforded by oxygen, when made part of a liquid acid, or of a solid ore. Of solids, some on receiving heat become soft before they are liquified, as pitch, glue, iron, &c. ; others change com- pletely at once, as ice in becoming water; and some pass at once to the state of air, without therefore having assumed at all the intermediate state of liquid -they are sublimed, as it is called, and on cooling again may be caught in a powdery state, as is seen in that form of sulphur, or of benzoin, termed the flower of the substance. Of the latter class also are cam- phor, arsenic, corrosive sublimate, and the substance called iodine, which last, from the state of rich ruby crystals, on be- ing heated becomes at once- a dense transparent gas of the same hue, and in cooling resumes its crystalline form. The reader having arrived at this place, may peruse again with advantage five pages of vol. i. (between pages 57 and 64 in the different editions) which treat of the influence of heat 9 n, tlie constitution of CAPACITY FOR HEAT. 43 " Each particular substance, according to the nature, prox- imity, fyc. of its ultimate particles, takes a certain quan- tity of heat (said to mark its CAPACITY) to produce in it a given change of temperature or calorific tension." (Read the Analysis, page 13.) A pound of water, for instance, to raise its temperature one degree, takes thirty times as much heat as a pound of mercu- ry. This may be proved in various ways. First, if the heat be derived from any uniform source, the water must remain exposed to it thirty times as long as the mercury. Second, if both substances, after being equally heated, be placed in ice until cooled to the freezing point, the heat which escapes again from the water will melt thirty times as much ice as that which escapes from the mercury. Third, when a pound of hot wa- ter is mixed with a pound of cold mercury, instead off the two becoming of a middle temperature, as is the case when equal quantities of hot and cold water are mixed every degree of heat lost by the one becoming just a degree gained by the other the pound of hot water, by giving up one" degree to the pound of cold mercury, raises the temperature o'f the latter thirty degrees; and in the same proportion for other differ- ences: or, on reversing the experiment; a pound of hot mer- cury will be cooled thirty degrees by warming a pound of wa- ter one degree. Now each particular substance in nature, just as water or mercury, has its peculiar capacity for heat; and experiments- made by the modes of mixture and of melting ic'e above de- scribed have led to the construction of tables which exhibit the relations. The following short table is an abstract of these, showing the comparative capacities of equal weights of some common substances. Water, for reasons of convenience, has been chosen as the standard of comparison. It appears, then, that a pound of hydrogen gas takes about twenty times more heat to produce in it a given change of temperature than a. pound of water, while a pound of gold takes about twenty times less, and therefore four hundred times less than the hy- drogen. The figures in the table, by marking the comparativ6 capacities for heat of various substances, necessarily indicate 44 HEAT. also the comparative quantities of ice which would be melted by equal weights of the substances in cooling through an equal number of degrees. A pound of water, the standard, must cool 140 degrees, that is, must give up 140 degrees of its heat to melt one pound of ice. Gases. Hydrogen - 21$ Atmospheric air 1$ Carbonic acid gas - - IT Common steam - - - - 1$ Liquids. Solution of carbonate of ammonia - 2 ^ To Alcohol 1 l Water - Milk Olive oil Linseed oil Sulphuric acid Quicksilver Solids. Ice T 9 ff Wheat ..... Charcoal . $ Chalk - * Glass i- Iron - Zinc T V Gold . - - 3 V We may remark here that some late researches, by an- other mode of trial, make the capacity of air to be only a quarter that of water, although in the preceding table it ap- pears to be one and three-quarters. Now as the other aeriform fluids have been compared with water through the medium of atmospheric air, if there be an error with respect to this, it CAPACITY FOR HEAT. 45 must run through all the figures noting the capacity of other aeriform substances. If we seek a reason or reasons why there should be among bodies the differences of capacity here stated, the circumstances chiefly calling attention are the following. First, equal weights of the various substances have very different bulks or volumes, and therefore have different room in which the heat may lodge. Mercury, for instance, is only one-fourteenth part as bulky as water. That the bulk, however, is not the only influencing circumstance appears in the fact, that mercury while having one-fourteenth of the bulk of water, has only one-thirtieth of the capacity. Second, in equal bulks of different substances, the space may be more completely occupied by the particles of one than of another as by the particles of mercury than by those of water. But as the facts are not fully accounted for, even by both of these circumstances, we must seek explana- tion in a third, viz. a difference in the ultimate particles of bo- dies affecting their relations to heat. First, The influence of bulk or volume, in determining the capacity for heat, is proved by the facts stated in the preceding table, and by many others. In the table, for instance, it is seen that hydrogen and the gases generally, with their great comparative bulk, have also great capacity; that liquids have less capacity than gases; that solids have less than liquids but the capacity, as already stated, is not in strict proportion to bulk; for hydrogen, which is many thousand times more bulky than an equal weight of water, has only twenty-one times the capacity. Again, if any body whatever be suddenly com- pressed into less bulk, heat will issue from it as if squeezed out. Thus iron or other metal suddenly condensed by the heavy blow of a hammer, is thereby rendered hotter, and the expelled heat will gradually spread from it. Because water and spirit, on being mixed, occupy less space than when sepa- rate, there is from the mixture a corresponding discharge of heat. But the truth is most remarkably exemplified in airs or gases, owing to their great range of elasticity. They may be condensed or dilated a hundred fold or more, and there will be a simultaneous concentration or diffusion of their heat, that 46 HEAT. is to say, the production, in the space occupied by them, of in- tense heat or cold. The heat of air just condensed, or the cold of that which has just expanded, is much greater than even the most delicate thermometer can indicate, for there is so little heat altogether even in a considerable volume'of air, that the mass of a mercurial thermometer, although absorbing a great part of it, would be little affected. The extent, however, of th e change of temperature is seen in the facts, that by the sudden condensation of air we may inflame tinder immersed in it, and by allowing air suddenly to expand, we may .convert any wa- tery vapour diffused through it into ice or -snow. Nay, air, containing carbon in perfect solution, as is true of the common coal gas, if first condensed to expel heat, and then allowed sud- denly to expand, will be so cooled -that the carbon will be se- parated like a black cloud, as snow is separated in the case be- fore described. The cold which separates or freezes carbon from a gas holding it in solution, is perhaps the most intense which art can produce. It might be expected that air suddenly compressed into half its previous volume, should become just twice as hot as before, or if suddenly dilated to double volume, should be only half as hot, thus enabling us to ascertain the whole quantity of heat contained in it; but the facts are not so; the temperature changes, near the middle degrees of the scale at least, much less than the density. Air in doubling its volume from a common density, becomes colder only by about 50 of Fahrenheit's thermometer. The different capacity for heat of air in different states of di- latation, produces effects of great importance in nature as well as in the arts thus, On the surface of the earth, near the sea-shore, the air of the atmosphere has a certain density (a cubic foot weighs about one ounce and a quarter) dependent on the weight and pressure of the superincumbent mass; but on a mountain top 15,000 feet high, as half the mass of the atmosphere is below that level, (see " Pneumatics,") the air is bearing but half the pressure and, consequently, has twice the volume of an equal quantity of air at the sea-side, and a temperature, consequently, many degrees inferior; and the air which is at any time on the moun- CAPACITY FOR HEAT. 47 tain-top, may have been recently before on an adjoining plain or shore, and in gradually climbing the mountain-side, as a wind, it must have been gradually expanding and cooling in proportion to the diminishing pressure. It is found that air, at first rising from the sea-shore, becomes one degree colder for about 200 feet of perpendicular ascent, and altogether about 50 colder in rising 15,000 feet; so that at this latter elevation, water is frozen even near the equator, where the temperature of low plains is at least 30. It thus appears, that if a man could travel with the wind so as to remain always surrounded by the same air, he might begin his journey with it from the summer vineyards of the Rhine, might soon after find it the piercing blast of the Alpine summits; and again, a little after, without any change having occurred in the absolute quantity of its heat, might feel it as the warm breath of the flowers on the plains of Italy. The explanation is here ready, of why very elevated moun- tains in all parts of the earth are hooded in perpetual snows. We have just said, that even at the equator, where the average temperature near the sea is 84, water will be frozen when car- ried, to an elevation of 15,000 feet. A line, therefore, traced on a mountain at this level, would divide the portion of it des- tined to sleep under lasting ice and snow from the portion be- low covered with green herbage. This line, wherever found, is called the snow /me, or line of perpetual congelation. At the equator it is high in the atmosphere, because there is a dif- ference of about 50 between the average temperature of the country and the freezing point of water, viz. the difference be- tween 84 and 32, and an elevation of 15,000 feet corresponds to this difference; but in a progress towards the poles, the line is met with gradually nearer to the earth, as the difference in question is less. In Switzerland it is at 6,500 feet above the sea; in Norway, it is below 5,000. With respect to the line of congelation, it is farther to be remarked, that in tropical countries, because the temperature of the air is nearly uniform during the whole year, the line or limit of frost and snow is distinct and unvarying, that is to say, is narrow, particularly where the acclivity is considerable; but, in countries to the 48 HEAT. north and south, which experience strong contrast of summer and winter, the line becomes broad and less evident; because in the hot season much snow is melted, or half melted, above what may be called an average line, while in winter much snow and ice are accumulated below this, to be melted again when summer returns. In the breadth of the line of congelation for changeable cli- mates, we have the reason of the formation of what are called glaciers around snow-capped mountains situated in such cli- mates, and around such only. The snow near the upper part of the broad line having been only softened or half thawed in the preceding summer, becomes in winter, almost as solid as ice, and in the succeeding summer vast masses of this, detached by the action of the sun, and of the central heat of the earth spreading outwards, and loaded with more recent accumulation of snow, are constantly falling down into the valleys beneath; where, being accumulated, and the crevices filled up with snow or with water, which hardens to ice, they form at last the huge glaciers or seas of ice mers de glace, which render certain regions so remarkable. The falling of such masses (called in Switzerland avalanches,} is what renders the ascent to snow- clad mountains terrific and dangerous. Around Mont Blanc, in the awful solitudes of the elevated valleys, the avalanches are thundering down almost without interruption during the whole summer in which season only the attempt to ascend the mountain can be made, and a pistol-shot, or any consider- able agitation of the air, may suffice to set loose masses that will sweep away a whole convoy. Beneath glaciers there is always going on a melting of that part of the ice which is in contact with the earth, and hence a stream of water constantly issues from the bed of every glacier. These streams, in Swit- zerland, are the beginnings of the magnificent rivers, the Rhine and Rhone. Like the avalanches breaking loose in summer among the mountains, there are in the polar seas vast masses of ice detached from the shores, and which afterwards move into warmer seas to be melted. These often become, to the arctic bear, rafts, on which, to his surprise, he finds himself voyaging into new latitudes, to be left at last adrift in the wide ocean when his ship has vanished from beneath him. CAPACITY OP BODIES. 49 Although the proofs are not so immediately apparent, the line of congelation exists as truly every where in the open sky, over sea and plains, as where there are mountain heights to wear its livery; and considerably below the line, the cold, aided by electrical agency, is sufficient to produce, in the form of mist or clouds, a deposition from the air of the watery va- pour contained in it. There is thus in nature an admirable provision to shade the earth at proper times from the too pow- erful rays of the sun, or to supply rain as wanted, without the transparency of the inferior regions of the atmosphere being much affected. As the watery vapour, rising from sea or lake, and invisibly diffused in the atmosphere, can only reach to the height where the cold is great enough to condense it, the clouds may in general be regarded as the top of that at- mosphere of watery vapour, or aeriform water, which is al- ways mixed more or less with the atmosphere of mere air; and as the quantity of watery vapour which can exist invisibly in a given space, depends altogether on the intensity of heat pre- sent, the clouds in a humid atmosphere will be low, and in a dry atmosphere will be high, or there may be none. An aero- naut mounting in his balloon through a clear sky, often ap- proaches a dense cloudy stratum to plunge into it, and for a time to be surrounded with gloom almost of night; the face of earth being hidden from him below, while the heavenly bodies are equally veiled from him above; but rising still higher, he again emerges to brightness, and looks down upon the fleecy ocean rolled in mountain heaps beneath him, as the climber to a lofty peak may look down from the ever pure atmosphere around it on the inferior region of clouds and storms. The diminished temperature of air in the higher regions of the atmosphere, often enables the natives of temperate climates, when led by circumstances to reside in tropical countries, where their health may suffer from the heat, to find near at hand, on some mountain height, the congenial temperature of their early homes. The author once, during a visit to the recently inhabited island of Penang, in the strait of Malacca, examined this fact with pleasure not readily forgotten. The centre of the island is occupied by a lofty mountain ridge thick- 7 50 HEAT. ly wooded, on the northern summit of which a few residences, visible from the sea-shore like eagles' nests on a cliff, had just been constructed. Towards these, one morning at sun-rise, on an active little horse of the country, and along a tolerable road, he began to climb from the hot plain below. At first there were around him purely tropical objects, inspiring tropical feel- ings, the latter, modified, indeed, by the reflection that his track lay through a forest, into which until lately the foot of man had never ventured, and where the trees, nursed through ages to their greatest growth, and the stupendous precipices, and the sublime water-fall, &c. had so recently been exposed to human observation; but, as he gradually ascended, the cha- racter of the vegetation was perceived to be changing, and the air was becoming so light and cool as irresistibly to awaken in him thoughts of distant England nay, almost the illusion of his being there. At last, however, the summit being reached, where a clear space opened to view the whole country around, the attention was quickly recalled to the fervid land of the sun. The elevation is so great that at first the eye takes account of only the grander features of the scene, and such nearly as might be met with on a Grecian or Italian shore:- the expanse of sunny water in that beautiful strait, stretching so far north and south, the opposite continental shore with its river wind- ing seaward across the plain, the town and the roadstead near it crowded with ships, which appeared only as specks in a wide-spread map, &c. ; but, on closer inspection, and particu- larly with the aid of the telescope, were descried the rich groves of cocoa nut and banana, the plantations of spice and cotton and sugar cane, the tawny labourers, the bamboo dweK lings, the fanciful canoes or prows, in a word, every object be- speaking the torrid zone. Such then is the scene, which even under the equator, an invalid by climbing a hill may place un- der his eye, and where the thermometer near him stands as in an English month of May. The interiors of the islands of Jamaica and Hayti have many situations of great extent, which combine, as above described, the advantages of tropical situation and temperate climate, and English labouring colonists might well inhabit the former. CAPACITY OP BODIES. 51 The vast plain of Mexico, and much of the central land of South America, is similarly circumstanced; and it is not un- common, where the ascent to the gigantic Andes is gradual, to find at the bottom of the ridge a town, whose markets are stored only with the productions of the equator, while in a town higher up will be seen only what belongs to the tempe- rate skies of Europe; climates of the earth, naturally distant, thus having met, as it were, in amicable vicinity on the same rising plain. Second. It might be anticipated that a dense body, or one in which the constituent particles may be supposed to fill more completely the space occupied by it than the particles do in a rarer body, would have smaller capacity for heat, in proportion to the smaller space left vacant in its mass: and in a general comparison of the capacities of equal bulks of different sub- stances, such anticipation is partly verified, as when a pint of dense mercury is found to have only about half the capaci- ty which a pint of lighter water has. The accordance, howe- ver, is by no means universal, nor at all in proportion to the differences of density. Water, which is denser than oil, and according to the hypothesis should have less capacity, yet has in the same volume nearly double the capacity; and mercury, which being nearly fourteen times denser than water, might be expected to have only a fourteenth of the capacity, has really, for equal volumes, a half, or, as formerly stated, for equal weights, a thirtieth. Third. We are at last, therefore^ compelled to admit, that the relation between various substances and heat, which we call capacity for heat, depends much more on the nature of the ultimate atoms of the substances than either on the absolute bulk or comparative density of the masses. Throwing much light on this subject, it has been ascertained in late times, that all material substances are composed of extremely minute un- changeable atoms, and of which, in different substances, the comparative weights have been determined, although not the absolute weights; that is to say, for instance, the atom of gold is known to weigh four times as much as the atom of iron, al- though we do not know ho w many thousands or millions of atoms 52 HEAT. are required to form a grain of either. Now, very recent re- searches seem to prove that for each ultimate atom, no matter of what substance, nearly the same quantity of heat is required to produce in a mass of the atoms a given change of tempera- ture. Thus an ounce of iron which has four times as many atoms as an ounce of gold, has four times the capacity for heat. The law seems to hold for all simple substances; and for com- pounds of these, there seems to be another law not yet well made out. Instead of the term capacity for heat used in the preceding pages, with respect to particular substances, that of specific heat has* by some authors been preferred ; but as the latter gives to a commencing student the idea rather of specific kinds of heat than of specific quantities, the term capacity has been here retained. " Each substance in nature, for a given change of tempe- rature, undergoes expansion in a degree proper to itself, the expansion generally increasing more rapidly than the temperature, as the cohesion of the particles becomes weaker from increased distance, being remarkably great- er, therefore, in liquids than in solids, and in airs than in liquids; the rate being quickened, moreover, near the points of change. (See the Analysis, page 13.) The following table, containing the names of some common substances, solid, liquid, and aeriform, shows, by the figures following each name, how much the substance increases in bulk, by having its temperature raised from that of freezing to that of boiling water. A lump of glass, for instance, would gain in the proportion of one cubic inch for every 416 cubic inches contained in it; while a mass of water would gain one inch or part in twenty-three; dilating thus for the same range of temperature nine times more than the glass. Solids. Glass gains one part in - - 416 Deal - 416 Platinum 389 EXPANSION OF BODIES. 53 Steel - ... 283 Cast iron - 273 Iron . 271 Gold . 221 Copper - - 194 Brass - - 177 Silver - - - 175 Tin - .170 Lead - - 117 Liquids. Mercury gains one part in - 55 Water - - 23 Oil of turpentine - 14 Fixed oils - 12 Alcohol 9 Common air, i All gases and > gain one part vapours J Airs. in We have to warn readers, here, not to confound the increase hy heat of the general bulk of a solid body with the increase of its length. The latter is only one-third as great as the for- mer. This will be understood by considering that the increase of bulk is divided between the breadth and depth (or thick- ness) in common with the length. If the substance of a me- tallic square rod or wire, for instance, be dilated by heat, the hundredth part of its bulk, it does not gain all that hundredth at its end, becoming perhaps 101 inches long instead of 100; but every part becoming deeper and broader in the same pro- portion as it becomes thicker, (we may suppose it divided into a row of equal little cubes,) the rod gains in length only the third part of an inch. A fluid enclosed in a tube un- changeable by heat (if such tube there were) would show its whole dilatation in an increase of length, because there could be no swelling laterally, and its extremity would, therefore, 54 HEAT. have a triple extent of motion from any variation of tempera- ture. A degree of this consequence is obtained in our com- mon thermometers, because the containing glass, although di- latable by heat, is so much less dilatable than the fluid within. As regards solids, we have to inquire so much more frequent- ly respecting the dilatation in length, breadth, &c.; that is to say, the linear dilatation in some direction, than the increase of general bulk, that tables are frequently made stating only the linear dilatation. It may be found at once from the above table, by recollecting that it is one-third of the increase of bulk: thus, if glass, in passing from the freezing to boiling heat of water, dilate one part in 416 of its bulk, it will dilate only the third of a part in length, or a whole part in an extent of three times 416 or 1,248. The expansion by heat of solids has been ascertained by bringing microscopic instruments to bear on rods of the vari- ous substances heated to various degrees, in troughs of oil or water. The expansion of fluids, again, is found by filling a glass vessel with a known weight of any fluid, and then ascer- taining how much is made to run over or escape by a given in- crease of heat. This quantity, added to what is required to fill the increased dimensions of the heated glass vessel, (which from the ascertained expansion of glass is known,) forms the whole of the increase. It might be ascertained, also, by put- ting different liquids successively into the thermometer tube, and marking their comparative dilatations from changes of tem- perature examined by another thermometer. The general and comparative expansion of solids by heat is ex- emplified in the following cases: A cannon ball, when heated, cannot be made to enter an opening, through which, when cold, it passes readily. A glass stopper sticking fast in the neck of a bottle often may be released by surrounding the neck with a cloth taken out of warm water or by immersing, the bottle in the water up to the neck: the binding ring is thus heated and expanded sooner than the stopper, and so becomes slack or loose upon it Pipes for conveying hot water, steam, hot air, &c. ; if of con- EXPANSION OP SOLIDS. 55 siderable length, must have joinings that allow a degree of shortening and lengthening, otherwise a change of temperature may destroy them. An incompetent person undertook to warm a large manufactory hy steam from one boiler. He laid a rigid main pipe along a passage, and opened lateral branches through holes into the several apartments, but on his first admitting the steam, the expansion of the main pipe tore it away from all its branches. In an iron railing, a gate which during a cold day may be loose, and easily shut or opened, in a warm day may stick, owing to there being greater expansion of it and of the neigh- bouring railing, than of the earth on which they are placed. Thus, also, the centre of the arch of an iron bridge is higher in warm than in cold w r eather; while, on the contrary, in a sus- pension or chain bridge, the centre is lowered. The iron pillars now so much used to support the front walls of houses of which the ground stories serve as shops, with spa- cious windows, in warm weather really lift up the wall which rests upon them, and in cold weather allow it again to sink or subside in a degree considerably greater than if the wall were brick from top to bottom. In some situations, (as lately was seen in the beautiful steeple of Bow church, in London,) where the stones of a building are held together by clamps or bars of iron, with their ends bent into them, the expansion in summer of these clamps will force the stones apart sufficiently for dust or sandy particles to lodge between them: and then, on the return of winter, the stones not being at liberty to close as before, will cause the ends of the shortened clamps to be drawn out, and the effect increasing with each revolving year, the structure will at last be loosened, and may fall. The pitch of a piano-forte or harp is lowered in a warm day or in a warm room, owing to the expansions of the strings be- ing greater than of the wooden frame-work; and in cold the reverse will happen. A harp or piano, which is well tuned in a morning drawing-room, cannot be perfectly in tune when the crowded evening party has heated the room. 56 HEAT. Bell-wires too slack in summer, may be of the proper length in winter. One admirable contrivance for keeping the pendulum of a clock always of the same length, by making the greater expan- sion by heat of a middle bar of brass counteract the smaller ex- pansion of two side rods of steel, was explained in vol. i., un- der the head of 6 Pendulum,' as was also the construction of a balance wheel having a corresponding property. A differ- ence of a hundredth of an inch in the length of a common pen- dulum, causes a clock to err ten seconds in twenty-four hours, and a rise or fall of 25 of Fahrenheit's thermometer produces this difference. Another kind of compensation pendulum, dis- tinguished by the name of its inventor, Graham, is obtained by substituting for the solid bob or ball at the bottom, a glass vessel containing mercury. The mercury on expanding by heat has its centre of gravity raised just enough to compensate for the lengthening of the rod of the pendulum. Crystals do not expand quite equally in breadth and in length, and the expansion of one part may even cause a con- traction of a part not yet warmed. The same is true of fibrous substances, as wood, which expands and contracts more in breadth than in length. This is proved by the leaking in cold weather of a ship's deck, which in warm weather is tight: an occurrence which the author once, in rounding the Cape of Good Hope, had to regret as the cause of destruction to some valuable specimens of natural history which he had collected among the eastern islands. Other interesting examples of expansion and contraction in solids might be mentioned, but the above, in addition to what were given in vol. i. under the head of ' Repulsion, 9 may suf- fice. Bodies expanded by heat, unless when their intimate composition is changed by it, regain exactly their former di- mensions on being cooled. As is seen in the preceding table, the expansion of liquids is much greater than of solids. A cask quite filled with liquid in winter, must force its plug in summer, or must burst: and a vessel which has been filled EXPANSION OF AIRS. 57 to the lip with warm liquid, will not be full when the liquid has cooled. Hence, some cunning dealers in liquids try to make their purchases in very cold weather, and their sales in warm weather. There exists a most extraordinary exception, already men- tioned, to the law of expansion by heat, and contraction by cold, producing unspeakable benefits in nature, viz. in the case of wa- ter. Water contracts, according to the law, only down to the temperature of 40, while, from that to 32, which is its freezing point, it again dilates. A very curious consequence of this pe- culiarity is exhibited in the wells of the glaciers of Switzer- land and elsewhere, namely, that when once a pool or shallow well on the ice commences, it goes on quickly deepening itself, until it penetrates to the earth beneath. Supposing the suv- face of the water originally to have nearly the temperature of the melting ice, or 32, but to be afterwards heated by the air and sun, instead of the water being thereby dilated or render- ed specifically lighter, and detained at the surface, it becomes heavier the more nearly it is heated to 40, and therefore sinks down to the bottom of the pit or well; but there, by dissolving some of the ice, and being consequently cooled, it is again ren- dered lighter, and rises to be heated as before, again to de- scend; and this circulation and digging cannot cease until the water has bored its way quite through. Airs are expanded by heat still more than liquids. The expansion of aeriform bodies by heat produces many important effects in nature. Some of these have already been considered in the preceding parts of this work, as, the rising of heated air in the atmosphere, causing the winds all over the earth; the same in our fires and chimneys supporting combus- tion, and ventilating and purifying our houses; the same, again, from around animal bodies, removing the poisonous or conta- minated air that issues from the lungs, and ensuring a constant supply of fresh air for the support of life, &c. It is remarkable, with respect to aeriform bodies, that they are all equally dilated by the same change of temperature, re- ceiving ao. increase of about a third part of their bulk S 5S HEAT. parts in 100) on being heated from the freezing to the boiling point of water, viz. ISO , and their bulk being, therefore^ dou- bled from the same standard point by about 500. This gene- ral truth holds, not only with respect to the more permanent airs or gases, but also with respect to all steams or vapours in the dry state, that is, when not in contact with the liquid pro- ducing them. The probable reason of this uniformity is, that cohesive attraction, which varies so much in different solids, modifying the effects of heat upon them, in aeriform fluids does not exist at all. The extent of this dilatation for airs is so much greater than for liquids or solids, that it forces itself much more strikingly upon the common attention. Thus a bladder containing con- siderably less than its fill of air, becomes tense immediately on being held to the fire. The air in a balloon just escaping from a cloud has been so suddenly expanded by the direct rays of the sun, as to have injured the texture of the balloon; and probably some of the fatal accidents among aeronauts have thus arisen. Burning fuel conveyed into a vessel or case which can be suddenly and strongly closed, will produce an expansion of the air, confined with it, capable of bursting any ordinary material in short, will produce an explosion. Now, if not before, at any rate, soon after steam engines began to be used, and had so strikingly shown to what impor- tant purposes the force of an expanding aeriform fluid might be applied, the thought would naturally occur, that the force of com- mon air, dilating by heat, might also be rendered useful. Accord- ingly, a variety of air-expansion engines has been proposed, but as yet no one has been reduced to profitable practice. Had the truth been generally known, which very recent investiga- tions have proved, that any given quantity of heat, when used to dilate air, produces about four times the quantity of expan- sive power that it does when used to form steam, the attempts to bring such an application of heat under control would pro- bably have been much more numerous, and possibly, by this time, in a degree successful. The subject is so interesting that we shall subjoin a few remarks upon it. To produce a cubic foot of common steam, from water ori- EXPANSION OF ATRS. 59 finally cold, about 1,150 degrees of heat are required, as will be explained a few pages hence. The same quantity of heat would double the volume of about five cubic feet of atmosphe- ric air, as is known from the comparative capacities for heat of the two substances, and the rate of dilatation of air when heated. Now the value for work of the foot of steam passing from the boiler into a working cylinder would be, to press up the piston of the steam engine through a foot, as from c d to a b, with a force all the way of 15 Ibs. per inch of the piston sur- face; while the working value of the five feet of air, in di- lating to double bulk, would be to lift the piston five times as far as the steam, vis. from g h to e f, but with a force gradually diminishing as the expansion went on, from 15 Ibs. per inch at the beginning until the air had dilated to its destined volume, when the force would altogether cease: its whole effect, therefore, would be five feet impulsion of the piston, with a pres- sure, the average between 15 Ibs. and nothing, viz. 7% Ibs. per inch; and the friction in the two cases and the varying intensity of the latter pressure being neglected, the force of the air would be 2k times as great as that of the steam. But it is farther to be considered, that only about half the heat of a fire is applied to use in the steam engine, viz. that part which enters the boiler, while the remainder p;)v es up the chimney; and in an air engine proba- bly the whole might be applied. In an air engine, moreover, there might be great increase of power from the combustion, or semi-explosion of the inflammable gas evolved from the fuel. As it was easy, long before the steam engine was contrived, to determine the expansive force of steam, and to compare it with any other force; by proceeding in a similar way with respect to heated air, we may estimate its expansive power to be four times greater than that of steam from an equal quantity of fuel, and when used at a common or low pressure. We see from this of what importance the discovery would be, of a means enabling us etiectually to apply the force of expanding air. HEAT. If we suppose a fire, , to be placet on a grate near the bottom of a close cylinder, d a, and the cylinder to be full of fresh air recently admitted, and if we then suppose the loose piston, g d, to be pulled upwards, it is evident that all the air in the cylinder above d will be made to pass by the tube e through the fire, and will receive an increased elas- ticity tending to the expansion or increase of volume, which the fire is capable of giving it. If there were only the single close vessel d a, the expansion might be so strong as to burst it; but if another vessel, b c, of equal size were provided, communica- ting with the first through the passage 6, and containing a close- fitting piston, cf 9 like that of a steam engine, the expansion of the air would act to lift the said piston, and by means of it might work water pumps, or do any other service which a steam engine can perform. At the end of the lifting stroke of the pis- ton,/ c, it might be made to open an escape valve for the hot air, placed in any convenient part of the apparatus, and to cause the descent of the blowing piston, d, to expel this, while a new supply of air would enter by another valve into the cylinder above d. The engine would then be ready to repeat its stroke as before, and the working would be continued as in a steam engine. The preceding simple conception of an air engine occurred to the author's thoughts while considering the application of a condensed air furnace to some chemical purposes. It appeared to him that the chief difficulties to be surmounted in applying any such engine to use would be, to prevent the very heated air and dust from injuring the valves and other working parts of the engine, and to obviate the inconvenience of the inequality of power at different parts of the stroke. Various expedients occurred to him. The overheating might be prevented by sur- rounding the cylinder, &c. with water; and both cylinder and pis- ton would suffer less from dust if, instead of the common piston, c, represented above, a great hollow plunger, , were used (such as is here represented, and is now common in water pumps for EXPANSION OP AIRS. tfl t> mines,) embraced by an air-tight neck or col- lar at b c, which neck would be the only part J-l r of the cylinder requiring to be made with nicety. But a more complete security would be obtained by interposing water between the hot air and the piston, as represented in this other sketch, where the working cylinder, d, has a water vessel, b, connected with it, and the heated air is admitted to press upon a float, on the water-surface, to lift the work- ing piston d e. This construction, too, if de- sired, would allow the fire chamber, a, to be made larger than the cylinder, and to be kept constantly filled with highly expansive air, each discharge of which into the space b would be replaced by cold air either from the space above d, driven in through a tube as the piston ascended, or from a distinct blowing cylinder worked by the beam. And if it were wished to apply the same principle to an engine work- ing with double strokes, that is, forcing the piston alternately up and down, as in the double stroke steam engine, the object might be attained, by having a second water vessel, /, commu- nicating with the part of the working cylinder above the piston d; and the air would pass alternately to the one or the other ves- sel b or f 9 by the operation of the cock c, as steam passes in a steam engine: the supply of fresh air to the chamber a would be given by a blowing cylinder worked through a connexion with the engine, as the air pump of a steam engine is worked. The sketch of an air engine, as here given, was included in the specification of a patent for another object engaged in some years ago by a friend of the author's; but he being almost im- mediately called to other business, and the author's professional engagements precluding his attention to the subject, it was not prosecuted. Jn the specification, drawn up by an engineer in HEAT. town, some minor adaptations were described. One experiment has lately been made by a Swedish engineer with the simple form of dry apparatus described at page 59, for the purpose of ascertaining its power, and the effect was found to be several fold greater than of steam from the same quantity of fuel; but the apparatus was rude, and only calculated to prove in a short trial, the existence of the power, but not the fitness of the ma- chine to endure long uninjured, and to be rendered easily obe- dient to control: a complete experiment, therefore, remains still to be made. Could an obedient and durable engine be con- trived, at all approaching in simplicity to the plan given above, its advantages over the steam engine would be very considerable. First, its original cost would be much less, by reason of its small comparative size, its simplicity, and the little nicety of workmanship required. Secondly, it would occupy much less room, and would be very light; hence, its peculiar fitness for purposes of propelling ships and wheel carriages. Thirdly, the quantity of fuel required, being so much less, would not load the ship or carriage, leaving little room, as happens in steam-boats, for any thing else. Fourthly, the expense of fuel and repairing would be little. Fifthly, the engine could be set to work in a few minutes, where a steam engine might require hours. Sixthly, little or no wa- ter would be required for it. Another modification of air engine, called a gas vacuum engine, has late- ly been proposed, and many expensive trials have been made of it; but it is in its nature a most wasteful machine, evidently throwing away at least nine- tenths of the power which its princi- ple generates. It was of this nature in an experiment which the author wit- nessed. A little of the common coal gas was admitted by the cock b at the bottom of the cylinder a, and was there EXPANSION OP AIRS. G3 inflamed, the lid, c, being at the time raised. The combustion rarified the lower stratum of air, so that the air above was ex- pelled, and about one-fifth of the original contents of the cylin- der was made to occupy the whole. The lid was shut down as nearly as could be judged at the moment of greatest expansion, so that when the small portion of air and vapour remaining was again cooled, the interior of the cylinder approached nearly to the state of vacuum. It, in fact, retained only a fifth of the air. A communication being then opened by the tube e, from the vacuous cylinder to a water reservoir ten feet below, the water was driven up by the atmospheric pressure, and filled more than half of the cylinder. The water so raised was then made to turn a common water wheel, and so to do work. A larger quantity of water, however, could be raised to the same height at less expense by a steam engine. The proposer also hoped, that he would be able to make the atmosphere pressing into his imperfect vacuum, act directly upon a piston as steam does, and with power cheaper than that of steam; but in this anticipation, too, he was completely in error. To produce his imperfect vacuum, cost him very nearly at the same rate as it costs to produce the perfect vacuum in a steam engine, and his vacuum for equal bulks was worth, as a working power, only about one-fourth as much as the steam vacuum. This may be understood by considering that in a perfect .vacuum a piston rises all the way with the same force, which, if common steam be used, is 15 Ibs. per inch (the piston may be supposed to rise from c d to a b,) but if the vacuum were only three-fourths towards being perfect, the pres- sure on the piston would be only three-fourths of 15 Ibs. at the commencement of the stroke, would then rapidly diminish, and would have ceased altogether when the piston had made three-quarters of its journey, or to / The force in the first case would be represented by the whole line c d and the square space cdba, and in the second by the short- ening lines and the triangular space cef. On considering the foregoing diagrams we may perceive that in the vacuum engine, by far the greater part of the force pro- 64 HEAT. duced by the combustion of the gas is absolutely wasted, or put to no use, viz. the whole expansive force during the sudden combustion or explosion. It is evident that if a tenth part of the aeriform contents of a cylinder acquire elasticity enough, and a fourteenth part in a nice experiment does so to be able afterwards to occupy the whole cylinder, it must begin its ex- pansion with the force of a tenfold atmospheric condensation, that is, a pressure of 150 Ibs on the square inch of a piston withstanding it, which pressure will then gradually diminish as the piston rises, but will amount to an average of five times the atmospheric pressure, or 75 Ibs. per inch all the way; being, therefore, quadruple or more, that of steam against a perfect va- cuum; and, therefore, again, by our former calculation, at least twelve times greater than the force obtained from the imperfect vacuum of the engine under consideration. It is a question which the author thinks will one day be an* swered in the affirmative, whether nearly the whole force of ex- ploding gas may not be converted into a calmly working power, producing from a given expenditure, ten times or more the ef- fect obtained in the vacuum engine described above, and there- fore more than from a steam engine incurring the same expense. There are probably various ways in which the object may be attained. The following sketch is offered merely to give the reader an idea of a machine for such a purpose. Suppose b to be a very heavy close-fitting piston sliding in the cylinder around it, and suppose the space d open to the cylinder, to be filled with atmospheric air of double or great- er density; then if a mixture of explosive gases, admitted by a cock to the chamber a (formed between the piston and end of the cylinder) be inflamed, the heavy piston will TT- be shot forward, like a cannon ball, against " & the condensed air in d; and owing to the momentum acquired in the first instance, it will advance much beyond the point where the exploded gas and air in d would balance each other at rest: the quantity of gases admitted would be just such as to carry it to the end of the cylinder. The pis- EXPANSION OF AIRS. 65 ton rod, e, would then by a catch, or ratchet, he connected with the work to be done, and after the condensation of the exploded gases in the cylinder, would be pressed back again, with the double or greater than atmospheric force in d, as if urged by high pressure steam. The first figure at page 61 represents a form of cylinder which might also answer for this purpose, the heavy plunger being thrown up, to work by its weight in de- scending. It is to be remarked, that the first modification of air engine described at page 72, is partly an explosive engine, such as con-* templated above; for, the gas separated from the coal during the moment of slackened combustion, while the lately used air is passing out, becomes an explosive accumulation for the fresh air about to enter. The trial alluded to above proved this to be the fact. " The expansion of bodies by heat increases more rapidlyf than the temperature, and particularly near the melting and boiling points; that is, their points of changing into liquid or air, being, however, exactly proportioned to the temperature after the change into air." (.See the Analysis, page 13.) If a given quantity of heat, of that, for instance, contained in? some measure of boiling water or of common steam, be added to a mass of cool water, it will produce in this a certain incre^ ment of bulk; and if other equal quantities of heat be afterwards successively added, under the nice management which such art experiment requires, each new addition will produce a greater increment of bulk than the preceding, particularly when the? water approaches to boiling; but after the Water is converted into steam, any farther increase of bulk will be exactly propor- tioned to the increase of temperature. The same truths may be proved by the converse experiment of abstracting successive- ly equal quantities of heat from steam or water (as by making it melt equal quantities of ice,) and noting the rate of contrac- tion. What is thus true of water in relation to heat, is truer also- of bodies generally, each, however, having a rate of ex-* pansion, and temperatures for melting and boiling proper to it* 66 HEAT. self. The quickened rate of expansion in solids and liquids might have been anticipated from reflecting, that each successive quantity of heat add,ed to a mass, meets with less resistance to its expanding power than the preceding, owing to the diminish- ing force of cohesion of the partiqles as the mass expands: while in an air or gas, again, as cohesion has altogether ceased, each addition of heat is at liberty to produce its full and equal effect. If the capacity of substances for heat did not increase with their bulk, the terms " increase of heat" and " increase of tempera- ture" would have the same meaning, and this subject would be more simple. The reflection will naturally occur here, that as in the com- mon thermometer the mercury must rise or expand more for a given quantity of heat added at a high temperature than at a low temperature, the scale should be divided to correspond with the inequality. Now this reasoning is good, but the difficulty of complying with it in practice is such, that the inconvenience of the slight error arising from an equal division is submitted to. An air thermometer with equal divisions is very correct, but from wanting many of the advantages of the mercurial thermo- meter, is little employed; and fortunately it happens, that in the mercurial thermometer there is such a counterbalancing re- lation between the expansion of the mercury and of the contain- ing glass, as to render the error alluded to, at least for any mid- dle range of temperature, very trifling. The subject of unequal thermometric dilatation in the same liquid, and of differences in different liquids, depending on the proximity to their boiling points, &c., is well illustrated by Du Luc's experiment of filling different thermometer glasses with different liquids, and noting their comparative indications when heated through the same range of temperature. He marked on each the points at which the liquid stood when the glass was placed in freezing and in boiling water, and then divided the intervening spaces into eighty parts or degrees. The discordance of their dilatations is here detailed. Mercury. Olive Oil. Alcohol. Water. - - - - ----- 10 - - - - 9.5 ----- 7,9 ----- 0.2 LATENT HEAT. Mercury. Olive Oil. Alcohol. Water. 20 - - - - 19.3 - - - - - 16.5 - - ... 4.1 30 - - - - 29 3 - - 2*5 fi - Ho 40 - - - - 39.2 - - - - - 35.1 - - - - - 20.5 50 - - - - 49.2 - - - - - 45.3 - .... 32 60 - - - - 59.3 - - - - - 56.2 - - - - - 45.8 70 - - - - 69.4 - - - - - 67.8 - .... 62 80 - - 80 - 80 . fin The singular discrepancy in the case of water is owing to the peculiarity described in former pages, of its contracting by cold only down to 40 of Fahrenheit, and then dilating again until it freezes. Laborious investigations have been made by the French che- mists to discover a comprehensive law determining the rate of expansion in all bodies; but the object is not yet satisfactorily accomplished. e ( To melt a solid body, or to vaporize a liquid, a large quan- tity of heat enters it; but in the new arrangement of the particles and generally increased volume of the mass, the heat becomes hidden from the thermometer, and is called LATENT HEAT. It reappears during the contrary changes, of ter whatever interval." (See the Analysis, page 13.) THE expansion of bodies by heat, instead of proceeding throughout in some nearly uniform or gradual manner, exhibits in its course two singular transformations of the body, viz. when the solid breaks down into a liquid, and when the liquid swells out into an air or gas. The substance of water, for instance, when at a low temperature, exists in the solid form called ice; but at 32 of Fahrenheit it becomes liquid or water, and at 212, even under the resisting pressure of the atmosphere, it sudden- ly acquires a bulk nearly 2,000 times greater than it had as a li- quid, being then called steam or aeriform water. And other bodies under analogous circumstances undergo similar changes. It is farther remarkable, that although during the changes a large quantity of heat enters the mass, producing in the one case li- quidity, in the other the form of air, the temperature is the very same immediately after as it was before. Water running from ti8 HEAT. inciting ice affects the thermometer but as the ice does, and steam over boiling water appears no hotter than the water. The glory of originally making the discovery of the facts now referred to by the terms latent heat, or caloric of fluidity, belongs to the illustrious Dr. Black. The construction of the modern steam engine was an early result of kindred investiga- tions, made by Dr. Black's friend, James Watt. We select the following instances as serving to display the sub- ject of latent heat in its various bearings. A mass of ice brought into a warm room, and therefore re- ceiving heat from every object around it, will soon reach the temperature of melting, or 32, but afterwards both the ice and the water formed from it will continue at that temperature un- til all be melted: the heat which still continues to enter, ef- fecting a change only in the form of the mass. And in the case supposed, whatever time was required for heating the mass of ice one degree, just one hundred and forty times as much will be required for inciting it; proving that 140 is the latent heat pf water. If two similar flasks, one filled with ice at 32, and the other with water at 32, be placed in the same oven, or over the same flame, the water will gain 140 degrees of heat, while the ice is merely dissolving into water at 32: and in the course of the ex- periment, a correspondence will always exist between the phe^ nomena; for instance, when the water has gained 14 of heat, it will be found that just a tenth part of the ice is melted. If equal quantities of hot and cold water be mixed together, the whole acquires a middle temperature, each degree lost by the hot water becoming a degree gained by the cold: but if a pound of ice at 32, and a pound of water 140 hotter be mixed toge- ther, the 140 of heat will go merely to melt the ice; for there will result two pounds of water at 32. If a flask of water at 32, or its freezing point, and a similar flask of strong brine at 32, but which does not freeze until cooled to near zero, be exposed together in the same cold place, it will be found that when the brine has lost 10 of its heat, the water flask will still exhibit an undiminished temperature, but a four* LATENT HEAT. 69 teenth part of its contents will be converted into ice. Now, as in such a case the water flask must continue to radiate away heat just as much as the other, it can maintain its temperature only by absorbing into its general mass the heat which was latent in the portion of water frozen. It is possible, by cooling water slowly and in perfect repose, to lower its temperature, while yet liquid, ten degrees below its ordinary freezing point; but then, on the slightest agitation, ice will be formed. It might be expected in such a case, that the whole water would instantly freeze, because all colder than com- mon ice; but no, only a fourteenth part does so, and singularly, both that fourteenth and the remaining liquid are rendered in the moment ten degrees warmer. Here the 140 of latent heat escaping from the fourteenth part which freezes, become 10 of sensible heat for the whole mass, so that the remaining water has the temperature at which it only begins to freeze. Strong solutions- in hot water of various neutral salts, if al- lowed to cool while exposed to atmospheric pressure, soon de- posit crystals of the salts; but in a close vessel protecting them from such pressure, they will remain liquid even when cold. Now, at the moment of opening such a bottle, the salt immedi- ately crystallizes, and the latent heat given out by the solidify- ing particles warms very sensibly the remaining liquid and the bottle. From the preceding facts it maybe perceived, that the quan- tity of ice formed or melted in any case, becomes a correct mea- sure of the quantity of heat transferred. From this considera- tion, the illustrious Lavoisier constructed his calorimeter, or heat measure. It is a case or vessel lined with ice, and the quantity of heat given out by any body placed in it is indicated by the quantity of water collected from the melted ice. Had the latent heat of water been only 1 or 2 instead of 140, *the earth, except in its tropical regions, would have been scarcely habitable. The cold of a single night might have frozen an ocean, and the heat of a single day might have converted the accumulated snows of a winter into one sudden and frightful in- undation. As the fact is, however, both changes are beautifully gradual, and easily controlled or prepared for. 70 HEAT. The fact of latent heat in other liquids than water is familiar- ly exhibited in the slow melting of the metals; lead or pig-iron for instance of butter or oils of glass, &c. ; and, on the other hand, in the slow solidification of the melted masses when heat is again abstracted. The substances below enumerated, while passing from the so- lid to the liquid state, absorb and render latent the quantities of heat here noted: Ice - - 140 Mercury - -142 Bees'- wax - - 170 Tin - 442 Zinc - - 492 If a pioce of frozen mercury (the temperature of which is at least 40 below zero) be thrown into a little water, the latent heat of the water immediately passes into the mercury and melts it; but then the water is so cooled as to become ice. " Latent heat of aeriform fluids" Water in a vessel placed over a fire gradually attains the boil- ing temperature, or 212: but its temperature then rises no more, because the farther addition of heat becomes latent in the steam escaping during the ebullition. The quantity of heat which becomes latent in steam is discovered by noting how much more time is required for boiling a quantity of water to dryness, than for merely heating it a certain number of degrees. The expe- riment indicates about 1,000; that is to say, that 1,000 times as much heat is latent in any quantity of water formed into steam as would raise the temperature of the liquid water one degree. Watt had found that water in a vessel placed over a lamp was about six times as long in being completely evapo- rated, as in being originally heated from an ordinary tempera- ture to that of boiling. If we place in the same oven or over similar flames two like vessels containing water, one of which vessels is open at top, and the other is strongly elosed, the two will gain heat equally up to the boiling point, but afterwards the open vessel from LATENT HEAT. 71 giving out steam will remain at the same temperature, while the other, by confining all the heat that enters, will show the tem- perature, rising as before, until the increasing tendency, of the water to dilate forces the vessel open. Supposing the water in the latter vessel, before vent is given, to have become 100 hot- ter than common boiling water, instead of the whole being im- mediately converted into steam as might be expected, only a tenth part will be so changed, (the same quantity as will be found to have already escaped from the other vessel,) for the tenth part requiring in the form of steam 1,000 of latent heat, will take the excess of 100 from the other nine parts, and will leave them as common boiling water. If water, heated conside- rably beyond the boiling point, be allowed to expand very sud- denly, the whole is blown out of the vessel as a mist, by the steam formed at the same instant through every part of the mass, but the whole mass in such a case is no more converted into true steam, than the whole of very brisk soda water is con- verted into air when similarly thrown out by the sudden extri- cation of the carbonic acid gas, on uncorking the bottle. Mis- conception of this matter has led to most wasteful experiments on steam engines of very high pressure. The same indication of the latent heat of steam is obtained by the converse experiment of first converting a quantity of water into steam, and then admitting it to cold water or to ice. A pound of steam will raise the temperature of ten pounds of cold water 100 degress, or will melt about S$ pounds of ice. In the great quantity of heat which becomes latent in steam, we perceive the reason why water projected upon a raging fire so powerfully represses it: and hence, again, why Jlre and water are so often adduced, proverbially, as furnishing a striking contrast. It was when Watt had discovered how much heat was lost by losing steam, that he contrived the separate condenser for his steam engine, by which he saved three-fourths of the fuel formerly used. Substances differ among themselves in .regard to the latent heat of their vapours as much as in their other relations to heat Thus," the latent heat of the vapour or steam of, 72 HEAT. Water - is - 1,000 Vinegar - - 900 Alcohol - 442 Ether - 300 Oil of turpentine - 177 From the less latent heat in other vapours than in that of wa- ter, we might at first suppose that there would be great advan- tage from using them in steam engines. Accordingly, numerous experiments have been made, and patents secured under this idea; but the fact is, that in the same proportion as the heat is less, the volume of the vapour is less, and therefore no mecha- nical advantage is obtainable. The influence of external pressure in keeping the particles of liquids together in opposition to the repulsion of heat seek- ing to render their mass aeriform, was considered in the chap- ter on ' Pneumatics? but to make the present section com- plete, the subject must be here shortly resumed. Because any liquid, water for instance, while receiving heat remains tranquil, and apparently unchanged, until it reaches the boiling point, at which bubbling or conversion into vapour takes place, we might suppose its ordinary boiling temperature neces- sary to enable it, under any circumstances, to assume or to main- tain the form of air. But this is no more true than that a com- mon spring compressed against an obstacle has no tendency to expand or recover itself until the obstacle happen to give way. Liquid water, with its heat, is really a spring much compressed by the weight of the atmosphere, and seeking to expand itself into steam with force proportioned to its temperature. Even at 32, or its freezing point, if placed in a vacuum, it assumes the form of air, unless restrained by a pressure of 1 ounce on each square inch of its surface: and at any higher temperature the restraining force must be greater: at 100, for instance, it must be 13 ounces; at 150, 4lbs.; at 212, 15lbs.; at 250, 30lbs., and so on: and whenever the restraining force is much weaker than the expansive tendency, the formation of steam will take place so rapidly as to produce the bubbling and agita- tion called boiling. Now, it is because the atmosphere or ocean LATENT HEAT. 73 of air which surrounds the earth happens to have in it 15 Ibs. weight of air over every square inch of the earth's surface, and presses on all things there accordingly, that 212 is called the hoiling point of water. An atmosphere less heavy would have allowed liquids to burst into vapour at lower temperatures, and one more hea- vy would have had a contrary effect. The exact degree of expansive force for every degree of temperature in water and other liquids, has been ascertained by heating them in vessels furnished either with properly loaded valves, as at f in this figure, or with a tall up- right tube, as d b, into which the liquid, c 9 may force a column of mercury to an elevation marking the expansive ten- dency; the valve and mercury being of course protected from the external at- mospheric pressure, or the necessary allowance being made for that pressure. Boiling at the bottom of a deep vessel is re- sisted by the weight of the liquid in addition to that of the at- mosphere, as already explained, and consequently the tempe- rature at which it occurs is there higher than near the surface of the vessel. Boiling heat is greater also in other cases, as in a deep mine, where of course there is additional depth and weight of atmosphere over any exposed liquid, at times when the 'barometer is unusually high, that is to say, when the at- mosphere is unusually heavy in cases where air or stearn is confined over the boiling surface so as to. press more upon it, as when brewers for a time shut the lid or valve of their great boilers, &c. Water placed on the fire in a strong vessel, from, which steam cannot at all escape, may be rendered even red hot, without a bubble forming or one particle being dissipated; but the tendency to expand into steam is then great enough to burst any known material of moderate thickness. The Mar- quis of Worcester exploded a cannon by shutting up water in it, and then surrounding it with fire. Boiling temperature is lower again when the experiment is made on mountains or in 10 74 HEAT. other situations above the level of the sea, where there is less height of air resting over the boiler. In the city of Mexico, which is 7,000 feet above the sea, water boils before it reaches the heat of 200, instead of, as in places near the sea-level, at 212. Wollaston's thermometer, beautifully adapted for de- termining the. height of mountains, balloon ascents, &c., by merely indicating the heat of boiling water in any situation, is a fine illustration of this truth. If, in any place, we take off the atmospheric pressure from a liquid, as by placing it in the receiver of an air pump, it will boil at very low temperatures indeed. Water thus treated boils at 70, which is 20 below the heat of some English summer days, and ether boils when colder than common ice. Generally, in a vacuum, substances boil at a temperature 124 lower than while restrained by the atmospheric pressure. Consequences of these truths, respecting the boiling tempera- ture, are the following: As water when heated dilates itself in the form of steam, the steam presses on a given extent of surface with the same force as the water itself would do; and in a steam engine, the temperature of the water tells the degree of force which the steam is exerting on the piston. Because in the case of steam, the same law holds as for aeri- form fluids generally, viz. that the outward elasticity or spring increases in proportion as the fluid is more condensed high- pressure steam is merely condensed steam, just as high-pres- sure air is condensed air; and to obtain a double or triple pres- sure, we must have twice or thrice the quantity of steam un- der the same volume. The reason that high-pressure steam, issuing from a boiler heated perhaps to 300, is not hotter than low-pressure steam from a boiler at 212, is, that in the instant when the high- pressure or condensed steam escapes into the air, it expands until balanced by the pressure of the atmosphere, that is, un- til it become low-pressure steam, and it is cooled by the ex- pansion, as air is cooled on escaping from any condensation. The vessel called Papin's Digester, is merely a pot, which BOILING. 75 can be kept closed in spite of the force of the steam formed within it; and in such a vessel water can be heated far beyond the ordinary boiling point, enough, for instance, to dissolve and extract all the gluten or jelly of bones, and to form from them a rich soup where common boiling would procure no- thing: or even enough to melt lead. The person who urges a fire under a boiling pot with the hope of making the water hotter, is foolishly wasting the fuel; for the water can only boil, and it does so at 212 of the ther- mometer. As different substances under a given pressure, become aeri- form at different temperatures, mixtures of such may be de- composed by heat. If a mixture of spirit and water, for in- stance, be placed over a fire, the spirit will boil off long be- fore the water. If the spirituous vapour be caught apart and condensed, it is said to have been distilled. Other distillations are of the same nature. The instrument here represented consists of a glass tube blown into k u l DS at tne two ends a and b, and hermetically sealed, after receiving into it some water, but no air. If one of the bulbs be heated more than the other, the steam or vapour in that one will, for the reasons stated above, be denser and stronger than in the other, and will, therefore, force its way into the other; but, owing to the lower temperature there, a part of it will be con- densed, making room for more. Hence, if the difference of temperature between the bulbs be long maintained, the whole water will by a sort of distillation gradually pass into the colder bulb. If the difference of temperature become at any time con- siderable, the liquid will boil in the warmer bulb, even although the source of heat be only the living hand grasping it. To the author it appears that by a larger apparatus made on this principle, fresh water might be conveniently obtained from salt water on board ship, or on an island having no fresh springs. Suppose any two air-tight vessels like a and b, communicating by a tube furnished with a stop-cock near b, then if the vessel, , were filled with salt water, and were heated by being ex- 76 HEAT. posed to the sun, (its surface being blackened and protected by glass from the cooling effect of the air,) and if the other ves- sel, by after being also filled with water, were made a vacuum by pumping the water out from the bottom, and were then kept as cold as possible by wetted coverings and a current of air,r-on opening the cock at b, vapour would pass over from the heated vessel to be constantly condensed in the colder, and there would be a distillation from the sea water of perfectly sweet water by the natural action of the sun alone. Cases have occurred where a knowledge of this fact would have saved ship-wrecked crews from perishing by thirst; and there are rocky islands in the ocean which would become pleasantly ha- bitable by the adoption of such a means, where now there is no supply of fresh water, but from precarious rain or importation from abroad. When a substance has reached the temperature at which it boils, that is to say, at which its vapour becomes a balance to the atmospheric pressure, its dilating force is strong indeed. Persons may not reflect that 15 Ibs. on a square inch is about a ton on a square foot, and such is the power with which the vapour of all boiling substances rises from them sufficient in a single Cornish steam engine to urge the piston with the power of 600 horses! But the tendency to expand at temperatures much below boiling, is still, as already stated, very great, and although not attracting common attention, is silently working many beautiful and important ends in the economy of nature. As into a perfect vacuum, freezing water gives out a steam or vapour that would lift with force of li ounce per inch, or 16 Ibs. on a square foot, and even solid ice gives out its vapour of nearly equal strength; so also do other liquids and solids. There is an aeriform mercury, dense in proportion to the tem- perature, in the apparently empty space called the Torricellian vacuum, over the mercury in a barometer tube; and around camphor, all the essential or volatile oils, &c., there is similar- ly an atmosphere of the substance in the form of air. It had for a considerable time been known that into a per- fect vacuum bodies emitted, almost instantly, in the form of air, a quantity of their substance proportioned to their tempe- EVAPORATION. 77 rature; but it was reserved for Mr. Dalton to make the ad- mirable discovery, that even into any space filled with air these vapours arise in quantity and density the same as if air were not present the two fluids seeming to be independent of each other, with the exception that in a vacuum the equal dif- fusion of a vapour takes place at once, while in a situation al- ready occupied by air, it proceeds only as the vapour can force its way through the particles of the air, and in general takes place by a tranquil evaporation from the surface instead of the agitation of ebullition. In an apartment with an open vessel of water in it, there is soon, although invisible, a steam of wa- tery vapour mingled with the air, as dense as if the room were a vacuum at the same temperature. Consequences of this important truth are the following: That it is only an atmosphere of the substance of each body, which by pressing on it can prevent its farther dissipation by heat. Thus we can only save camphor, musk, smelling oils, spirits, water, &c., by placing them in closed bottles or ves- sels, in which, additionally to the air present, an atmosphere of their ewn substance is soon formed, involving the remain- ing masses with pressure proportioned to their temperature and its density. The important process of drying things is merely the placing them under an elevated temperature if attainable, and in an at- mosphere not containing so much of the liquid as to be satu- rated at the temperature. The effect of wind or motion of the air in quickening evaporation, is owing to its removing air sa- turated with the moisture, and substituting air which is not thus producing nearly the case of the substance placed in a va- cuum. If air, at a certain temperature, contain mixed with it as much water as can be sustained in the form of invisible vapour at that temperature, and if by any cause, as by rising in the at- mosphere, the air be then cooled, it will abstract heat from the vapour, and cause a portion of this to 'be precipitated or visi- bly condensed into a fog or rain. Water rising as invisible vapour from the surface of a lake or river, when it has readied 78 HEAT. a certain height, is condensed into the stratum of clouds, which at times usefully protect the fields from the intense meridian sun, and may fall again as refreshing showers over the country. It is the tranquil and invisible evaporation of which we are now speaking, which lifts from the surface of the wide ocean all the water which, after condensation, is again returning to it in the myriads of river streams which give life and beauty to the face of nature. In warm climates there are inlets of the sea, shut off occa- sionally from the parent ocean, and where, after the sun's rays have drank up all the water, the deposited salt remains to be carried away in loads for the uses of man, as sand is carried from any ordinary shore. There are in the bowels of the earth prodigious accumulations of salt, formed, doubtless, in the same way, during the revolutions of the antediluvian world, and now explored as salt mines. When the Nile overflows its banks with waters, dissolving, although in almost impercepti- ble proportion, mineral substances brought from central Africa, and fills reservoirs afterwards dried up by the sun's he.at, it leaves in these a rich store of crystallized natron or soda. The following are other instances of vapour, invisible while at a higher temperature, being thickly precipitated when air, with which it is mixed, is cooled, or when it touches a colder solid body: the steam observed at night and morning hover- ing over brooks and marshes heated by the sun during the day: the frost-smoke, as it is called, which lies on the whole face of the Greenland seas in the beginning of winter, where the water warmed by the long day of the polar summer, con- tinues to emit its vapour for a considerable time after summer is past, into an atmosphere become too cold to preserve it in- visible: the breath or perspiration of animals, of horses in par- ticular after strong exertion, becoming so strikingly visible in cold and damp weather, or even in warm weather, when the air is already charged with moisture: in cities where there are deep drains communicating with kitchens, manufactories, &c., and constantly filled with moist and warm air; the vapour- loaded air, although clear or transparent below, immediately on escaping into a frosty atmosphere, lets go its moisture, with EVAPORATION. 79 the appearance of steam issuing from a great subterranean caul- dron. Steam over water in any boiler is transparent or per- fectly aeriform as may be seen when water is made to boil in a vessel of glass, but as soon as it is cooled by contact or ad- mixture of colder air it ceases to be true steam, and is con- densed into small particles of water suspended in the air. Many persons, while thinking of steam, figure it only in this latter state, as particles of water mixed with air nearly as a sub- tle powder might be mixed, and its substance occupying really no more space than the original water did. Now until steam is cooled and condensed, it is of a nature to fill alone any ap- propriate vessel and powerfully distend it, just as air fills and distends a bladder. Steam issuing from the spout of a kettle is hardly seen near the mouth, but as its distance from the spout increases, it is cooled into a thick cloud or vapour. In a vessel from which air and atmospheric pressure are ex- cluded, even the temperature of freezing water being sufficient to maintain permanently in the state of gas or air, many substances which exist as liquids under the atmospheric pressure, and the whole mass of such a substance when placed in a vacuum, not being instantly converted into gas, because the portion which first rises becomes an atmosphere weighing upon the remaining mass, and because, moreover, that portion, by absorbing from the mass much heat into the latent state, cools the mass much be- low the freezing point; we see why the liquids now spoken of are so rapidly cooled to at least the freezing point if placed where a vacuum can be maintained, that is. to say, where, after common air has been removed, the aeriform matter rising from them, and absorbing their heat, is promptly and in a continued manner abstracted. It is thus that water placed in the exhausted receiver of an air-pump is so rapidly cooled, and that when there is beside it a vessel of concentrated sulphuric acid, or other substance capable of absorbing the watery vapour as formed, it is soon reduced to the state of ice; or again, that water, or even mercury, surrounded by ether evaporating in a vacuum, is so quickly frozen. It is thus also that if one bulb of the instrument described at page 75 be immersed in a freezing mixture, the water in the other and distant bulb will SO HEAT. soon become ice; for the vapour rising from that water into the vacuum maintained throughout the apparatus by the freezing mixture, is immediately condensed again in the immersed bulb, and leaves the vacuum still free for the ascent of more vapour, to carry away more heat from the water as latent heat, and to make it freeze. As we have explained also, that in a liquid there is the same tendency to evaporate whether it be or be not exposed to the air, we see the reason why all evaporation is a very cooling process. The effect however in air, is neither so rapid nor so great as in a vacuum; first, because the presence of the air im- pedes the spreading from the liquid surface of the newly formed vapour, and keeps it where its pressure resists the formation of more vapour; and, secondly, because the air in contact with the liquid, shares its higher temperature with the liquid. Still in India flat dishes of water, placed through the night on beds of twigs and straw kept wet and in a current of air, soon ex- hibit thin cakes of ice and thus ice is procured in India for purposes of luxury. The absorption of latent heat in the evaporation which goes on from the sea and earth in all warm climates, greatly tempers the heat of these climates, and the vapour afterwards spreading to the poles, as explained in 'Pneumatics? under the head of winds, carries warmth thither to be given out when it is re- condensed into the form of rain, or is solidified as snow. The formation any where of mist or rain warms the air most sensi- bly, by the liberation of the latent heat from the precipitated vapour. Again, the liquid water which during winter is con- verted into snow or ice had been a reservoir of latent heat stored to temper the frosty air of the commencing cold season; and in the following spring, such ice and snow serves as empty receptacles in which the first violence of the returning sun hides or expends itself; allowing the temperature to change more gra- dually, and for many living beings therefore more safely. The vast stores of ice and snow among high mountains, as among the Alps and Pyrenees, are often stores of mild temperature to regions around; for besides cooling the air near them, they are the never-failing sources of the rivers which run from them EVAPORATION. 81 during the whole of summer, carrying freshness through the lands; from the Alps, for instance, proceed the Rhine and Rhone most romantic and beautiful of European streams; and from the Pyrenees, the little Gave, &c., which while channels around from lower regions are almost dried up by the summer heat, flows only the more freshly as the heat is greater^ and the feeding snows are more abundantly dissolved. Men in artificially raising temperatures are generally causing the liberation of heat which had been previously latent, and in lowering temperature or producing cold, they almost solely effect their purpose by rendering a quantity of heat latent. Lavoisier thought that the heat of all combustion was merely the latent heat of the oxygen gas concerned in the combustion, given out during its combination with the burning body. It ia so in part, but we now know that it depends more on the Inteii* sity of the chemical action between the" combining substances. The water thrown upon quicklime to slakd it, becomes solid in combination with the lime, and gives out its latent heat so remarkably as often to set fire to a Wooden Vessel or ship con- taining it. When dwelling-houses, green houses, manufactories, &c. arc warmed, as is now common, by the admission of steam into systems of pipes which branch over them, the heat is chiefly that lately latent in the steam^ and which spreads around as soon as the steamy by touching pipes of lower temperature, is condensed to a state of Water. The modes of most profitably effecting these purposes have to be considered in a future chapter. For producing artificial coldy our processes generally involve the circumstance either of a solid changing into a liquid, during which it absorbs^ and hides in its new constitution much of the heat previously sensible in it and in the liquid dissolving it, or of a liquid changing into vapottr, during which heat equally be- comes latent. Thus by dissolving a salt, nitre for instance, in water, we obtain a solution very cold. In India the common mode of cooling \vine for table is to 11 83 HEAT. surround the bottles with nitre thus melting; and the water of the solution being evaporated again before next day, the salt is left ready for use as before. Such is the mutual attraction of water and many salts, that they readily combine with form of liquid, even when the water is used in the solid state of ice; and as both the water and the salt then make heat latent, the fall of temperature is very great. Thus common salt and snow mixed, dissolve into liquid brine 37 colder than freezing water, or 5 below the zero of Fahrenheit. The following is a short table of easily procured freezing mixtures: Frigorific Mixtures. Substances mixed. Thermometer sinks. Common salt Ipart 7 From any temperature to 5 below Snow, or pounded ice 2 5 zero- Common salt ,o~~? From any temperature to 25 below Snowonce 12 J> J __. . / f zero* Nitrate of ammonia 5 j Snow. . 3 7 F 320 b t 23 o bdow zero< Diluted sulphuric acid 2 5 Fusedpotass 47 p 32 o ab to 51 o below zero> Snow 3 5 Mtrate of ammoma. ............. 1 - Sulphate of soda 8-7 5QO Q0 Muriatic acid 5 5 We have already described under other heads the frigorific effect of evaporating in a vacuum or in the air, and of the ope- ration of condensing a gas to squeeze the heat out of it before letting it expand again to a great volume. For any given substance, the changes of state from solid to liquid, and from liquid to air, happen under similar cir- cumstances, so precisely at the same temperature, that they mark fixed points in a general scale of temperature, and enable us to regulate and compare our various ther- mometers. (See the Analysis, p. 13.) As we can neither weigh heat, nor measure its bulk, nor see it, and as, even if our sense of touch were a correct judge in the matter, which it is not, we dare not touch things that are EVAPORATION. 83 very hot or cold, some other means was wanted for estimating the presence in bodies of this very subtle principle: and a means has been found in the measurement of its most obvious and constant effect, namely, that dilatation or expansion of bo- dies which again ceases when the heat is withdrawn. Any substance so circumstanced as to allow this expansion to be ac- curately measured, becomes to us a thermometer or measure of heat. In solid substances, the direct expansion by heat is so small as to be seen or measured with difficulty. In airs, again, the expansion is very extensive, but there is the objection that in any apparatus yet contrived, which will allow their expansion completely to appear, they cannot be protected from the vary- ing pressure of the atmosphere an influence which affects their volume even more than common changes of temperature. But liquids are free from both disadvantages, and when placed in a glass bulb, as a y having a long neck or stalk a b proceeding from it, into which the liquid may rise when expand- ed by heat, to be measured, they form the most generally convenient of thermometers. Then, among liquids, mercury stands, on several accounts, singularly pre-eminent: in it the range of temperature between freezing and boiling reaches a higher point than in B- F- any other liquid, and a lower than in all others except alcohol; its little capacity for heat, and ready conducting power, cause it to be very quickly affected by change of temperature; its ex- pansion is singularly equable for equal increase of heat through the important middle part of the scale, which includes the com- mon temperatures on earth, or from the freezing to the boiling heat of water; and it is easy to proportion the bulb and the stalk to each other, so that a small difference of temperature shall cause the mercurial column in the stalk to rise or fall very conspicuously. Now, when the important fact was ascertained that ice melts in every case at precisely the same temperature, and that pure water in a metallic vessel; and under a given atmospheric pres- 84 HEAT. sure, boils always at the same temperature, it followed, that by placing such a thermometer as above described, first in melting ice, and then in boiling water, and marking upon the stalk the two points at which the mercury stood, viz. F. and B., two fixed or invariable points would be obtained, andthe interval between them might be divided on the glass, or on a suitable scale to be attached to the glass, into any convenient number of parts to be called degrees: it followed farther, that by continuing the divisions to any extent both above and below the fixed points, a general scale of temperature would be obtained, with respect to which all thermometers made on the same principle would perfectly agree, although the size of the divisions on the stalks would vary according to the comparative capacities of the bulb and stalk in the different instruments. Our Newton had the honour first to propose the regulating points of freezing and boiling, and they are now universally adopted; but the inter- val between them has been variously subdivided; >that is to say, there has not been agreement among philosophers as to what should be accounted a degree of heat. In the Centigrade ther- mometer, which is the most simple, the division is into 100 equal parts; in Reaumur's, which is commonly used in France, it is into 80 parts; and in Fahrenheit's, which is used in England, it is into 180. In Fahrenheit's, moreover, the freezing point, instead of being called zero, as in the others, is called 32, be- cause the maker chose to begin counting from the lowest heat which he met in Iceland, or 33 below freezing of his scale. To turn the degrees of any one of these thermometers into de- grees of any other, we have only to recollect that 9 of Fahren- heit are equal to 5 of the Centigrade, and to 4 of Reaumur. Therefore, multiplying by 9 and dividing by 5 or 4, or the re- verse, adding or subtracting the 32 of Fahrenheit, gives as the result the degree desired, The bulb of a mercurial thermometer is formed by heating in * lamp to fusion the end of a glass tube, which has a very small and equable bore, and then blowing into the tube until the soft- ened end swells like a soap bubble to the size desired. The mercury is forced into such a bulb through its long stalk by the pressure of the atmosphere jit two efforts. First, a portion of THERMOMETERS. 85 the air originally in the bulb being expelled by warming the bulb, the open end of the stalk is immersed in mercury, and when the air still remaining in the bulb cools and contracts, a little mercury enters. Secondly, this admitted mercury having been made to boil, so as to fill with its vapour instead of the air, the whole capacity of the bulb and tube, on the open end being again immersed in mercury, and the mercurial vapour within being condensed, the atmosphere presses in fresh mercury to fill the whole vacuum. To complete the making of the ther- mometer, the bulb is again heated to expel so much of the mer- cury as that when cold the tube shall be about one-third full of it, and then before the heated mercury begins to recede, the end or opening is permanently closed by directing upon it the point of a blow-pipe flame. Although the direct expansion of any solid body by a mode- rate change of temperature is so inconsiderable as to be with dif- ficulty measured, M. Breguet, of Paris, lately with much in- genuity contrived a thermometer in which the index is moved by the curling or bending of a solid when heated, as when a sheet of damp paper curls on being held before the fire. Having soldered side by side two very small flattened wires of silver and platinum, or of any other metals having different expansibility by heat, he found that all changes of temperature made such com- pound wires bend to a great extent, the metal most shortened or least lengthened acting like a bow-string to pull the other into the arched form: he then, by giving to a compound wire a spiral or cork-screw form, and fixing the upper end of it to a stand, found that an index like the hand of a watch connected with the lower end was turned completely round by a certain change of temperature, and that when a circle of degrees were marked on a plate like a watch face placed below the index, the indications of the instrument perfectly agreed with those of good mercurial thermometers. Other modifications of the same principle have since been successfully tried, so simplified and reduced in bulk as to be introduced into the structure of a pocket watch. Air is a substance on several accounts admirably adapted to the formation of a thermometer; for it has great extent of dila- tation from small increase of heat; it quickly receives impression, 86 HEAT. and its dilatation is equal for equal increments of heat at all tem- peratures: but, as already stated, there is the strong objection that the pressure of the atmosphere cannot be excluded, without at the same time confining the air, and affecting its expansion. Mr. Leslie, however, has used for particular purposes an air thermometer, which he calls the differential thermometer. It consists of two bulbs, a and b, filled with air, and connected by a be*nt tube, d c, con- taining liquid, the bulbs being hermetically sealed, so that the atmosphere cannot affect the air within. The difference of heat in one and in the other is marked by the descending of the liquid in one of the tubes, d, which has a scale attached to it. We may observe, that equal divisions or degrees marked on the scale of this thermometer cannot mark equal changes of temperature, as the increasing con- densation and resistance of the air in one bulb requires the force overcoming it progressively to increase. If the resistance, on the contrary, were unvarying, as in an air thermometer, open to a steady atmosphere, equal extent of mo- tion in the fluid would mark equal increments of heat. An air thermometer made of a simple bulb and long stalk of semi-trans- parent porcelain, and containing in its neck melted lead or other fusible metal instead of mercury, and with the mouth down- wards, is well adapted for measuring very high temperatures. Temperatures below that of freezing mercury are usually measured by alcohol, as being a substance which has not yet been frozen: and temperatures higher than that of boiling mer- cury are measured by the expansion of air or of metals, as above described, or by the contraction of pieces of baked clay, which when highly heated lose water and become semi-vitri- fied. The use of baked clay was proposed by Wedgewood, and the apparatus has been called Wedgewood's Pyrometer, or fire measure. All contrivances for measuring heat may be graduated so as to correspond with the scale adopted for the mercurial thermometer. It is most interesting, while considering the vast number TABLE OP TEMPERATURE. 87 and importance of the phenomena produced by heat, to ob- serve the degrees in the general scale of temperature at which they take place. In the following table a selection of the facts are classified, the temperatures being all referred to the scale of Fahrenheit's thermometer. Table, of facts connected with the influence of heat corres- ponding to certain temperatures. Fahrenheit. Weclgewood. Highest temperature measured - - 32,277 ...240 Chinese porcelain softened - -21,357 ...156 Cast iron thoroughly melted -20,577 ...150 Greatest heat of a common smith's forge 17,327 ...125 Flint glass furnace - 15,897 ...114 Stone ware baked in - -14,337 ...102 Welding heat of iron - - 13,427 ... 90 to 95 Delft ware baked in - 6,407 ... 41 Fine gold melts - - - 5,237 ... 32 Settling heat of flint glass - 4,847 ... 29 Fine silver melts - 4,717 ... 28 Brass melts - 3,807 ... 21 Full red heat (the beginning of Wedge- wood's Pyrometer) - - 1,077 ... Heat of a common fire 790 Iron red in the dark - 750 Quicksilver boils - 660 Linseed oil boils - 600 Fahrenheit. Lead melts - - 594 Sulphur melts - - 226 Water boils - 212 A compound of three parts of tin, five of lead, and eight of bismuth melts - 210 Alcohol boils - 174 Bees'-wax melts - - 142 Ether boils - - 98 The present medium temperature of the globe - 50 Ice melts 32 88 HEAT. Fahrenheit. Milk freezes - - 30 Vinegar freezes -- ... 23 Strong wine freezes - - - 20 Weak brine freezes - - zero Quicksilver freezes - below zero 40 Natural temperature observed at Hudson's Bay - 50 Greatest artificial cold yet measured - - 91 There is reason for thinking that the higher temperatures noted in this table appear considerably too high, owing to the insufficiency of the thermometer or pyrometer (Wedgewood's) by which they were estimated. It is a curious inquiry, suggested by contemplating the pre- ceding table, how much heat may yet remain in bodies at the lowest temperature which We know? No conjecture was ha- zarded on the subject until Dr* Irvine thought it might be elu- cidated by comparing the quantity of heat which becomes la- tent in a body on changing form, with the capacity of the body before and after the change. For instance, with respect to wa- ter, he said, as it requires one-tenth more heat to make a cer- tain change in the temperature of water than in that of an equal quantity of ice, it is probable that ice-cold water just contains altogether one-tenth more heat than an equal quantity of ice at the melting point: then as we know the water to contain exactly 140 more heat than the ice, viz. its latent heat, the whole or absolute quantity of heat in it must be ten times 140, or 1,400. By applying this reasoning, however, to other sub- stances than water, it is proved evidently to be fallacious; and the conclusion follows, that we have as yet no means of solving the question; the thermometer no more telling us the abso- lute quantity of heat in any body than the rising and falling of the water-surface in a well, tells the total depth of the well. From what is said in the last, and in preceding paragraphs, it is evident that the thermometer gives very limited informa- tion with respect to heat: it merely indicates, in fact, what may be called the tension of heat in bodies, or the strength of its tendency to spread from them. Thus i't does not discover that a pound of water takes thirty times as much heat to raise INFLUENCE ON CHEMICAL UNIONS. 89 its temperature one degree, as a pound of mercury; nor does it discover the caloric of fluidity absorbed when bodies change their form, and which, indeed, is called latent heat, only be- cause hidden from the thermometer; nor does it tell that there is more heat in a gallon of water than in a pint; and if an ob- server did not make allowance for the increasing rate of ex- pansion in the substance used as a thermometer, as the tempe- rature increases, he would believe the increase of heat to be greater than it is; and, lastly, when a fluid is used as a ther- mometer, the expansion observed is only the excess of the ex- pansion in the fluid over that in the containing, solid, and sub- ject to all the irregularities of expansion in both substances: all proving that the indications of the thermometer, unless in- terpreted by our knowledge of the general laws of heat, no more disclose the true relations of heat to bodies, than the mo- ney accidentally in a man's pocket tells his rank and riches. " Heat by its different relation to, different substances has a powerful influence on their chemical combinations." (See the Analysis, page 13.) By observations made and recorded through by-gone ages, man has now come to know that the substances constituting the world around him, although appearing to differ in their nature almost to infinity, are yet all made up of a few simple elements variously combined; and he has discovered that the peculiar relations of these elements to heat, as their being unequally expanded by it, and their undergoing fusion and vaporization at different temperatures, furnish him with ready means of se- parating, combining, and new-modifying them to serve to him most useful purposes. Where the primitive savage, looking around on rocks and soils, saw in their diversified aspect almost as little meaning as did the inferior animals which participated with him the shelter of the wood or cave; his son, with pene- tration sharpened by science, descries at once the treasures of the mine, and aided by heat, whose wonderful energies he has learned to control, pursues through all the Protean disguises of ores and salts and solutions, each of the wished-for sub- stances, until he secures it apart. For instance, in what to his 12 90 ILEAT. forefathers for thousands of years appeared but a red dross, he knows that there lies concealed the precious iron- king of me- tals! and soon forcing this in his ardent furnace to assume its metallic form, with implements made of it he afterwards moulds all other bodies to his will: the trees from the forest and the rocks from the quarry, in obedience to these, come to be fa- shioned by him as if they were of soft clay, and at his com- mand rise into the magnificent structures of palaces and ships, with which the earth is now beautified, and the ocean so thick- ly covered. The minute detail of the relations to heat of par- ticular substances forms a great part of the department of sci- ence called chemistry^ (a name taken from an Arabic word signifying fire;) but a general review of the subject belongs to this work. The most common ores of metals are combinations of them Avith oxygen, carbonic acid, or sulphur, substances all of which are volatilized at much lower temperatures than the metals. Now, simple roasting, as it is called, or strongly heating the ores, suffices often to drive away great part of these adjuncts^ and where additional assistance is required, it is obtained by mixing with the ore something which when heated attracts the substance to be expelled more strongly than the metal does. Charcoal, for instance, heated with an oxid ore, takes the oxy- gen, and flying off with it as carbonic acid, leaves at the bottom of the furnace or crucible the vivified metal. Mercury mixed with the dross of a mine, dissolves any par- ticles of gold or of silver existing in it, and the ingredients of the solution may afterwards be obtained separate by mere heat- ing the mercury passing away as vapour to where it is cooled and again condensed for repeated use, and the more fixed gold or silver remaining pure in its place, -just as in all other dis- tillations, as that of spirit from wine, or of essential oils from water, &c., there is the separation by heat of a more volatile from a less volatile substance. The only difference between what is called drying by heat and distilling is, that in the one case the substance vaporized, being of no use, is allowed to es- cape or be dissipated in the atmosphere; while in the other, be- ing the precious part, it is caught and condensed into the liquid form, INFLUENCE ON CHEMICAL UNIONS. Hi A piece of cold charcoal lies in the air for any length of time without change: but if heated to a certain degree, the mutual cohesion of its particles is so weakened, that is, the particles are so repelled and separated from each other, that their attraction for the oxygen in the air around is allowed to operate, and they combine with that oxygen, so as to produce the phenomenon of combustion. The same is true, under similar circumstances, of almost any dry vegetable or animal substance, and of several of the metals. Nitre, sulphur, and charcoal, while cold, may be mixed toge- ther most intimately without any change taking place; but if the mixture, or any part of it, be heated to a certain degree, the whole explodes with extreme violence; for it is gunpowder. By the change of temperature, and the consequently altered re- lative attractions of the different substances, a new chemical ar- rangement of them then takes place with the intense combustion and expansion, which constitute the explosion. Sea sand and soda may be mixed, and even ground together, as completely as possible; but if they remain cold, they remain also merely an opaque and useless powder: on heating the mix- ture, however, to diminish the cohesion of the particles of each substance to those of its own kind, so that the mutual attractions of the two substances may come into play, they melt altogether, and unite chemically into the beautiful compound called glass; a product, than which art has formed none more admirable which, in domestic use for instance, is fashioned into the bril- liant chandelier and lustre, into the sparkling furniture of the side board, into the magnificent mirror plate, and which, ex- tended across our window openings, admits the light while it repels the storm: Perhaps the influence of temperature on chemical union is nowhere more remarkably exhibited, than in retarding or has- tening the decompositions of dead vegetable and animal sub- stances. The functions of life bring into combination, to form the various textures of organic or living bodies, chiefly four substances, viz. carbon or coal; the ingredients of water, or oxygen and hydrogen; and lastly, nitrogen which substances, when in the proportions found in such bodies, have but slight 1*2 HEAT. attraction for each other, and all of which, except the carbon? usually exist as airs. Their connexion, therefore, is easily sub- verted; and particularly by a slight change of temperature, which either so weakens their mutual hold as to allow new arrangements to be formed, or altogether disengages the more volatile of them. At a certain temperature, a solution of sugar (which consists of the three substances first mentioned, carbon, oxygen, and hy- drogen,) undergoes a change into a spirituous wash, from which spirit or alcohol may then be obtained by distillation: but if the heat be continued under certain circumstances, the liquid under- goes a second change, or new arrangement of constituent parti- cles, and becomes vinegar: under still other circumstances it un- dergoes a third change, which is a destructive decomposition, or rotting, as we call it, and the oxygen and hydrogen ascend away as airs. But sugar, and many similar vegetable compounds, preserved at a low temperature, remain unchanged for ages. Again, as regards dead animal substances, we find, that al- though at a certain, not very elevated, temperature, they un- dergo that change in the relations of their elements which we call putrefaction, when nearly their whole substance rises again to form part of the atmosphere, still at or below the temperature of freezing water, they remain unaltered for any length of time. In the middle of summer, recently caught salmon, or other fish, packed in boxes with ice, is conveyed fresh from the most re- mote parts of Britain to the capital. In our warmest weather, any meat or game may be long preserved in an ice house. In Russia, Canada, and other northern countries, on the setting in of the hard frosts, when the inferior animals have difficulty in finding food, the inhabitants kill their winter supply, and store their provender of frozen flesh or fowl, as in other countries men store that which is salted or pickled. But the most striking instance of this kind we can adduce is the .fact, that on the shore of Siberia, in 1 SOI, in a vast block or island of ice, of which the surface was then more melted than in the preceding sum- mers, the carcase of an antediluvian elephant was found, per- fectly preserved an elephant differing materially from those now existing on earth, but its skeleton exactly correspond- ing with the specimens found deep buried in various countries, INFLUENCE ON ANIMATED BEING*. 93 The creature was soon discovered by the hungry bears of the district, which were seen tearing off its hairy side, and feeding on its flesh, as fresh almost as if it had lived yesterday, although it must have been of an era long anterior to that of any existing monument on earth, of human art, or even of human being. Long after it fell from the ice to the sandy beach, and when its tusks had been carried away for sale by a Tungusian fisherman, and its flesh had been nearly devoured, a naturalist who visited it found an ear still perfect, and its long mane, and part of its upper lip, and eye with the pupil yet distinguishable, which had opened on the glories of a former or younger world! About 30 Ibs. weight of its hair, which had been trodden into the sand by the bears while eating the carcase, was collected, and is now preserved in different museums of natural curiosities; some, for instance, in the museum of the London College of Sur- geons. " Heat has a powerful influence also on animated nature^ both vegetable and animal. 79 (Read the Analysis, page 13. As the detail of the relations of heat to particular inanimate substances belongs to the province of chemistry, so does the detail of its relations to particular living vegetables and animals belong to the department of Physiology; but a general re- view of the subject is required in a treatise on Natural Philo- sophy. The influence which heat, exerts on inanimate nature, is more immediately and completely perceived by the common mind, than its influence on beings which have life. Thus to all it is obvious, that the contrast between a winter and summer landscape, is owing chiefly to the effect of heat on the water of the landscape; that during its absence in winter, there is the dry barren deformity of accumulated ice and snow, covering every thing, the roads impassable, the rivers bound up, per- haps hidden, the air deprived of moisture, and loaded often with powdery drift; and that when warmth comes, the living streams again appear, gliding their way, the cascades pour, the rills murmur, the canals once more offer their bosoms to the boats of commerce, the lake and pool again show their level 94 HEAT. face, reflecting the glories of the heavens, and the genial shower falls upon the bosom of the softened earth, become ready to re- ceive the spade or the ploughshare. Now this change is not at all greater than what happens to a winter tree acted upon by the warmth of spring. To take another instance from inani- mate nature, it may be said with truth, that heat applied to the cold boiler of a steam-engine, is the cause of all its succeeding motions; of the heaving of its beam and pumps, the opening and shutting of its valves, the turning of its wheels, and its ultimate performance of work, as of spinning, or weaving, or grinding, or propelling vehicles by land and water; but as truly may it be said, that heat coming to a seed which has lain cold for ages, is the cause of its immediate germination and growth; or coming to a lately frozen tree is the cause of the rising of its sap, the new budding and unfolding of its leaves and blos- soms, the ripening of its fruit. And what is true of one seed or tree, is true of the whole of the vegetable creation. When the warm gales of spring have once breathed on the earth, it soon becomes covered, in field and in forest, with its thick garb of green, and soon opening flowers or blossoms every where breathe back again a fragance to heaven. Among these the he- liotrope is seen always turning its beautiful disc to the sun, and many delicate flowers only open their leaves to catch the direct solar ray, but close them often even when a cloud inter- venes, and certainly when the chills of night approach. On the sunny side of a hill, or in the sheltered crevice of a rock, or on a garden wall with warm exposure, there may be pro- duced grapes, peaches, and other delicious fruits, which will not grow in situations of an opposite character all acknow- ledging heat as the immediate cause, or indispensable condition, of vegetable life. But among animals, too, the effects of heat are equally re- markable. The dread silence of winter, for instance, is suc- ceeded in spring by one general cry of joy. Aloft in the air the lark is every where carolling; and in the woods and shrub- beries, a thousand little throats are similarly pouring forth their songs of gladness during the day, the thrush and blackbird near our dwellings, are heard above the rest, and with the even- INFLUENCE ON ANIMATED BEINGS. 95 ing comes the sweet nightingale; for all of which it is the sea- son of love and of exquisite enjoyment. And it is equally so for animal nature generally: in favoured England, for instance, in April and May the whole face of the country resounds with lowings and bleatings and barkings of joy. And even man, the master of the whole, and whose mind embraces all times and place, is far from being insensible to this change of season. His far-seeing reason of course draws delight from the anticipation of autumn, with its fruits; and his benevolence rejoices in the happiness observed among all inferior creatures; but indepen- dently of these considerations, on his own frame the returning warmth exerts a direct influence. In early life, when the na- tural sensibilities are yet fresh and unaltered by the habits of artificial society, spring to man is always a season of delight. The eyes brighten, the whole countenance is animated, and the heart feels as if new life were come, and has longings for fresh objects of endearment. Of those who have passed their early years in the country, or, among the charms of nature, as contrasted with the arts of cities, there are few who, in their morning walks in spring, have not experienced without very definite cause, a kind of tumultuous joy, of which the natural expression would have been, how good the God of nature is to us! Spring is a time when sleeping sensibility is roused to feel that there lies in nature more than the grosser sense per- ceives. The heart is then thrilled with sudden extacy, and wakes to aspiration of sweet acknowledgment. Besides these effects of heat, which are comparatively tran- sient as being connected with the seasons, there are other ef- fects on animated nature of a more permanent character. Cer- tain species of vegetables and animals, by their relation to heat y are confined to certain latitudes or climates; as the orange tree and bird of paradise, to warm regions; the fir tree, and arctic bear, to those that are colder; and when individuals of either class can support diversity of climate, they acquire a certain character according to the climate, as seen in the sheep and dogs of the various regions of the earth. In this latter respect there is no instance more interesting than that furnished by the va- rieties of the human race. Assuming that the whole sprung: U*j HEAT. from one stock, what a contrast is there between the native of Central Africa, of temperate Europe, and of the Polar Zone: between the Negro, the Greek, and the Esquimaux: or again, between the dark slender children of Hindostan, the strongly- knit active Roman or Spaniard, and the taller, ruddy, powerful Briton. And in the female sex of the last-named countries, we may remark the gentleness and singular devotedness of fche In- dian woman, the more commanding dark eye and gesture of the graceful nymph of Italy or Spain, and the happily attempered mixture of these qualities in the fair and much-favoured daugh- ters of Britain. The very important influence of heat upon the temporary bodily state of animals, becomes an object of much study to the physician: it explains, among many other facts, the connexion of temperature with the rise of fevers and other pestilences, the powerful remedial efficacy of hot and cold bathing, of changes of climate, of regulating the temperature of air breathed by in- valids, the protection from clothes, houses, &c. " The great natural source of heat is the sun.-' (See the Analysis, page 13.) To be assured of this, it is only necessary to think of the com- parative temperatures of night and day, of climates and of sea- sons, and to reflect that the sun is the sole cause of the differ- ences. We need not wonder, then, that, to many savage nations seeking the source of their life and happiness, the sun has been the object, not only of admiration, but of worship. The heat comes from the sun with his light. If a sun-beam enter by a small opening an apartment otherwise closed and dark, it illuminates intensely the spot or object on which it first falls, and its light being then scattered around, all the objects in the room" become feebly visible. Again, a cold thermometer, held to receive the direct ray, rises much; while in any other si- tuation it is less affected: proving the heat to be like the light, widely diffused, and so to lose proportionately of its intensity. Light passes from the sun to the earth in about eight minutes of time, as will be fully .explained in a future chapter; and there is every reason to conclude that heat travels at the same rate, THE SUN THE GREAT SOURCE. 97 Human art can gather the sun-beams together, and by the intense heat produced in the focus of their meeting, furnishes another proof that the sun is the great source of heat. A pane of glass in a window, or a small mirror, will reflect the sun's ray so as to offend an eye receiving it at a distance of miles as may be observed soon after the rising, or before the setting of the sun, when his ray is nearly horizontal, and the heat ac- companies the ray; for by many such mirrors directed towards one point, a combustible object placed there would be inflamed. Archimedes set fire to the Roman ships by sun-beams, returned from many points to one, his god-like genius thus rivalling by natural means, the supposed feats of fabled Jupiter with his thunderbolts. Again, when the light of a broad sun-beam is made by a convex glass or lens to converge to one point or fo- cus, the concentrated heat is also there for a piece of metal held in the focus drops like melting wax: and if the glass be purposely moved, its focus will pierce through the most obdu- rate substances, as red hot wire pierces through paper or wood. A hunter on his hill, and travelling hordes on the plains, often conveniently light their fires at the sun himself, by directing his energies through a burning-glass. The direct ray of the sun, simply received into a box which is covered with glass to exclude the cold air, and is lined with charcoal or burned cork to absorb heat, and to prevent the es- cape of heat once received, will raise a thermometer in the box to the temperature of 230 degrees of Fahrenheit, a temperature considerably above that of boiling water. And the experiment succeeds in any part of the earth where there is a clear atmos- phere, and where the sun attains considerable apparent altitude. We see therefore that a solar oven might in some cases be used. In operating with the apparatus suggested by the author, and described at page 75, for distilling water by the heat of the sun, the vessel intended to absorb the heat, and to act as the still, should be enclosed in a case lined and covered as above de- scribed. Reflecting on such facts as now recorded, and on the globu- lar form and the motions of our earth, we have a measure of the differences of climate and of season that should be found 13 98 HEAT. upon the earth. It is evident that the part of the globe turned directly to the sun, receives his rays as abundantly as if it were a perfect plane, similarly facing him, while on parts, which, as viewed from the sun, would be called the sides of the globe, with the increasing obliquity of aspect, an equal breadth or quantity of rays is spread over a larger and a larger surface; and at the very edge the light passes level with the surface, and altogether without touching. The sunny side of many a steep hill, in England, receives the sun's rays in summer as perpendicularly as the plains about the equator; and such hill- side is not heated like these plains, only because the air over it is colder just as mountain-tops, even at the equator, owing to the rarified and therefore cold air around them, remain for ever hooded in snow. In England, at the time of the equi- noxes, a level plain receives only about half as much of the sun's light and heat as an equal extent of level surface near the equator; and in the short days of winter it receives conside- rably less than a third of its summer allowance. There are few contrasts in nature more striking than some of the consequences of different intensity of the sun's influ- ence: that, for instance, of the inhabitants of India, at mid- day, in the hot season, with the thermometer at 120, running to the shade of their bungalows, darkening their windows, hanging wetted mats upon the walls and roofs, and sprinkling the floors, fanning themselves with ever-moving punkas, and feeling the slightest covering or exertion too much while, on the other hand, the dwellers in Greenland, with the thermometer below zero, are loaded with furs, and are seeking the direct sunshine or heat from a fire, as their life and comfort. Again, there is the contrast observed on passing, as the author once did, in ten days, from such a paradise as Rio de Janeiro, with all its ve- getable riches, to Tristan da Cunha, and the Isle of Desolation in the Southern Ocean, which exhibit only cold and naked rocks; but yet where the scene was swarming with its appro- priate inhabitants the sea with seals, and the air with clouds of sea fowl, playing over the never-resting waves like flakes of eddying snow. Were a person for a moment to doubt whe- ther the sun be the real cause of such differences, and of cer- THE SUN THE GREAT SOURCE. 99 tain creatures being found only in certain zones of the earth, let him reflect on the extraordinary migration of animals, which have their home not in any fixed region, hut wherever the sun has for a time a particular degree of influence, and which ac- cordingly follow the sun in the changes of season. We have the swallow in such numbers, coming to visit the British isles in the spring, to play over our woods and waters, in pursuit of the insects which the heat then breeds in the air, welcome harbingers of the coming summer and its riches; and in au- tumn the same creatures are seen congregating on our shores, to wing their flight back in united multitudes to more southern countries, where, in turn, there is a temperate influence of the sun. The same season brings to England the nightingale, and makes our woodlands resound with the note of the cuckoo. In the waters of our bays and coasts, again, there appear with the seasons the vast shoals of fish, as the herring and mackarel, which prove such abundant food for millions of human beings; and the salmon, at stated times, penetrates from the ocean far up the mountain-streams, to deposite its spawn for future sup- ply; all, by their movements, contributing to the harmonious and beneficent system of the universe. With respect to the sun as a source of heat, there have been two opinions among philosophers; one class believing that the sun is an intensely heated mass, which radiates its heat and light around, like a mass of intensely heated iron: and another class holding that heat is merely an affection or state of an ethereal fluid, which occupies all space, as sound is an affection or motion of air, and that the sun may produce the phenomena of light and heat without waste of its temperature or substance, as a bell may without waste continue to produce sound: hold- ing farther, that the sun below its luminous atmosphere may be habitable even by such animals as live on this earth. Those who take the first view, are awakened to the dread contempla- tion of a universe carrying in itself, if its laws remain constant, the seeds of its certain decay, or at least of great periodical re- volutions: the others may view the universe as destined to last nearly unchanged, until a new act of the will of its Creator shall again alter or destroy it. 100 HEAT. Of one fact there can be no doubt, viz. that the present tem- perature of the earth is much lower than the temperature in remote past time. The rocks, called primitive, as granite and gneiss, constituting the interiors of our great mountain masses, and the substrata of our plains, bear evident marks of having been at one period in a molten state, from which they have been solidified by a very gradual cooling; and even the whole mass of the earth at some time must have been so fluid or soft, as, in obedience to gravity, to have assumed its rounded form, and in obedience to the centrifugal force of its whirling, to have bulged out, at its great circumference or equator, the se- venteen miles which its equatorial diameter exceeds the polar; the same, by the by, in degrees corresponding to the various speed of rotation, being true of all the other planets belonging to the solar system. Again, while in excavating below the surface of the globe, or in examining its structure as exposed to view by volcanic or other convulsions, men encounter in very many situations a thickness of more than a mile, of the wreck and remains of former states of the world as on dig- ging eighty feet under vineyards near Mount Vesuvius, they encounter the buried cities of Herculaneum and Pompeii they farther discover that the animal and vegetable remains buried, without number, in the present cold climates of the earth, and evidently resting near where the creatures lived, are all of kinds now inhabiting only the warmer or tropical regions. Lastly, in the operations of mining, the deeper men go, the higher they find the temperature to be, at the rate of a degree for about 200 feet of descent; which fact, as heat tends to equable diffusion, proves both that the central heat of our earth must have had another source than a radiation from the sun of the present intensity; and that the surface of the earth is now ra- diating away more heat than it receives from the sun. The conclusion then follows, that the temperature of the world is still falling, although, perhaps, so slowly that a change may not be detected even within centuries. Possibly in very re- mote antiquity that may have been true which the early Greeks erroneously thought true in their day, viz. that the equator of COMBUSTION. 101 the earth, by reason of its great heat, was a barrier impassable by man between the northern and southern hemispheres. " Electricity a source of heat." (See the Analysis.) This subject can only be satisfactorily entered upon in the chapter devoted exclusively to electricity, and is therefore de- ferred. Suffice it here to say, that while an electrical discharge or current passes from one situation to another, the substance serving as a conductor is often heated, melted, or dissipated, in such a manner as to make it doubtful whether we possess any more powerful means of producing these effects. We may re- mark, too, that in certain cases of the electrical current, the heat is accompanied by as intense a light as art can exhibit. " Combustion and other chemical actions as sources of heat." (See the Analysis, page 13.) Of the phenomena of nature there is perhaps none, which, to the uninstructed, appears so inexplicable and so wonderful as that of fire or combustion whether contemplated in its beauty or in its terrors. Fire is seen in its beauty when used by man for his domestic purposes, as when it blazes cheerfully over his parlour hearth, or beams around its steady light from his lamps and chandeliers. It is seen again in its terrors, when spreading by accident from some focus, it envelopes in sudden flame the draperies and other furniture of an apartment; or when breaking from a first apartment it rages through a whole habitation, consuming as its food and carrying in its long flames to the sky, almost every thing save the stone walls, left as a blackened skeleton; or, again, when still wider spread, it is at the same dread moment, devouring with deafening uproar a whole town or a forest: nay, it is terrible fire, labouring with- in the bowels of the earth, which first prepares and then urges up to heaven the volcanic eruption of flame and red-hot rocks, during which the region around often quakes and is uptorn, with demolition of its cities into sudden tombs of the inhabi- tants, with change in the course of its rivers, with conversion of its plains into lakes, or of its lake beds into dry land. Fire appears terrible also in the meteors of night; and worse than 102 HEAT. terrible when, intentionally lighted by human hands, it bursts from the cannon's womb to produce the carnage of the battle. Fire among many nations of antiquity was regarded with awe and holy reverence, the sun himself being honoured chiefly as its concentration or supposed abode. Then there were sacred fires in many of the temples, and fire was used to complete the splendour of the most august ceremonies. But, more remark- able still, Moses, a worshipper of the one true God, has re- corded of the Burning Bush, and of burnt offerings made to that God: and at the present day, in many Christian churches, there are ever-burning lamps and frequent magnificent illumi- nations. Now, this wondrous principle of fire, which when the savage man first saw it spreading, perhaps, after the thun- der clap or the rubbing of forest branches in a storm, so as to threaten universal destruction, he so naturally accounted the demon, if not the God of nature, this principle man's art has now tamed to be a most obedient, and by far the most useful of all his servants. Fire, being, in truth, but a concentration of the element of heat, which, in its tranquil and invisible diffusion, we have already contemplated as the beneficent life or soul of the universe the cause of seasons and climates, and of all the changes or activity which distinguish a living world from a dead and frozen mass; man, by acquiring command over it, can command heat when and where he wills, and thus truly becomes in a second degree the ruler of nature. Fire, in man's service, may be figured as a legion of spirits to whom no labour is difficult, and who, in any particular case, have power or magnitude exactly proportioned to the quantity of food or fuel afforded; of whom, moreover, man can at any mo- ment conjure up one or many by the magic stroke of his flint and steel. In every private dwelling he has of these fiery spi- rits as domestic servants in the kitchen and in the parlour. In his manufactories they are melting glass for him, and re- ducing ores, and boiling and evaporating for a hundred pur- poses. But it is chiefly while chained to the steam engine, that they show their miraculous powers: as when, putting forth a giant's strength, they heave a river from the bottom of a mine, or urge a vast ship through the winter storm ; or when COMBUSTIOIT. 103 in nice dexterity equalling, if not surpassing, what human hands can effect, they twist the silken or cotton threads, and weave them into most delicate fabrics. Men, now grown fa- miliar with such prodigies, have almost ceased to be moved by them; but few persons can resist a feeling of wonder and admi- ration when chemistry, in its progress of discovery, every now and then calls forth the hidden spirit of combustion in some new or less familiar guise: for instance, when a piece of iron wire, lighted as a taper in oxygen gas, burns with such resplen- dent brilliancy; or when phosphorus similarly placed, throws around its overpowering flood of flame; or when small por- tions of the metal called potassium, being cast upon the sur- face of water, become as beads of most intense light running about there, and crossing as in a merry dance; or, lastly, when flames produced from particular substances are seen rising deep-tinged with most vivid and beautiful colours. Singularly interesting then, to philosophers, as in such par- ticulars the phenomenon of combustion must always have ap- peared, one may wonder that its true nature could remain to them so long a mystery; but until the admirable researches of Davy, made only a few years ago, their conjectures had scarcely ap- proached the truth. An opinion long prevailed, that in every combustible substance there was present a certain quantity of a something denominated phlogiston, which, on being disen- gaged or separated, became obvious to human sense as light and heat. The white oxid of zinc, for instance, named the flowers of zinc, and into which the metal is changed by burning, was supposed to be the metal deprived of its phlogiston; and when the metal again appeared, on this oxid being heated with char- coal, it was supposed simply to have recovered phlogiston from the charcoal. The illustrious Lavoisier had the merit of mosi clearly disproving this hypothesis, by showing, for instance,, that the flowers of zinc were heavier than the piece of- metal from which they were produced, by the exact weight of the ox- ygen gas, which disappeared in the combustion, &c. ; and he showed further, that in this and many other cases, combustion was merely the act of two substances combining chemically; but he fell into an error almost as great as that which he overthrew, 104 HEAT. by supposing that oxygen had always to be one of the com- bining substances, and that the heat and light given out in every case had been previously latent in that oxygen. When Sir Humphrey Davy began his labours on the subject, than which labours there is not perhaps on record a more per- fect specimen of truly scientific research, it was already known that bodies when compressed, or by any means reduced in bulk, generally gave out a part of their heat, as when air condensed in the match syringe lights tinder, or when water and sul- phuric acid, uniting into a compound of smaller volume than the separate ingredients, become very hot, or when water poured upon quicklime to slake it, and becoming solid with it, produces heat sufficient to inflame wood, as has been fatally proved by the burning of many lime-loaded ships; it being evident, moreover, that the heat produced during the chemical unions depended more upon the energy of the action which united the substances than upon the change of volume produced. Farther, it was known that any substance having its tempera- ture raised, by whatever means, to 800 or more of Fahrenheit's thermometer, became incandescent or luminous, as when iron, or stone, or any substance not dissipated by heat, is placed in a common fire; in the first degree the substance being said to be red-hot, and at higher temperatures to be white-hot. Now, out of these two truths Davy constructed his explanation. He asserted, that in any case, combustion is merely the ap- pearance produced when substances, which have perhaps still stronger attraction for each other than quicklime and water, are combining chemically, so as to become heated at least to the de- gree of incandescence. During the phenomenon there is not, as was formerly supposed, something altogether consumed or de- stroyed, or something called phlogiston escaping; the substances concerned are but assuming a new form or arrangement. Thus if a piece of charcoal be enclosed in a glass vessel filled with air, and of which the mouth dips into a liquid to confine the air, and if the charcoal be then heated to a certain degree, by means of a burning-glass or otherwise, the cohesion of its particles gives way to their attraction for the oxygen of the air around them, and they immediately begin to combine with the air so energeti- COMBUSTION. 105 cally as to produce a heat still much greater, accompanied by the light or incandescence of combustion. The charcoal, under these circumstances, soon entirely disappears, or is dissolved in the air, as sugar may be dissolved in water; but if the air be af- terwards weighed, it is found to have gained in its weight the exact weight of the charcoal which has disappeared; and a che- mist can again separate the charcoal from the air, and use either for any purpose as before. In like manner, if a piece of iron wire be heated at one end, which is then plunged into a jar of oxygen gas, it will burn as a most brilliant taper, and will gra- dually fall in the form of oxidized drops, or scales of iron, to the bottom of the vessel. Now during this process the quantity of oxygen will be diminished, but if the scales mentioned be collected, they will be found to weigh just as much more than the original wire expended, as there is of oxygen lost or com- bined with them. A chemist can separate this iron and oxygen, and exhibit them apart as before, without change. Again, if iron and sulphur in certain proportions be heated together, they unite with vivid combustion, but the product weighs exactly as much as the original ingredients. While every instance of combustion is thus only a case of chemical union, going on with such intensity of action as to pro- duce incandescence, still, according to the nature of the sub- stances combining, the appearance produced varies much. It may be, for instance, with flame or without flame. The great combining substance in nature, that is to say, the most univer- sally distributed, is oxygen, of which the name is now become familiar even to the ears of the unlearned. It forms four-fifths of the substance of water and one-fifth of our atmosphere, being on the latter account present every where, and ready to unite itself with any matter exposed to it at the necessary temperature. Now of substances burning in air, those which are originally aeriform, as coal gas, or which on being heated are vaporized or rendered aeriform before the union takes place, as oil or wax, assume the appearance of flame; viz. the aeriform particles usually invisible are raised to the incandescent temperature; but when the substance combining with the oxygen remains solid, while its particles are gradually lifted away by the oxygen act- 14 106 HEAT. ing only at the surface of their mass, it appears during the whole time only as a red-hot stone. The latter is the case of charcoal, coke, Welch stone coal, &c., while in the case of wood, com- mon coal, &c., a greater or less portion of the inflammable mat- ter is by the heat of the combustion converted into vapour, and produces the beautiful appearance of flame. Of the substances called combustible, and thus called because they combine with oxygen so energetically as to become incan- descent, there are only a few which will begin to unite or burn at the common temperature of our globe, the others requiring to be at some higher and peculiar temperature. Thus phospho- rus begins to burn at 150, sulphur at 550, charcoal at 750, hydrogen at 800, &c.; it appearing that up to these temperatures the attraction of the atoms of the substances among themselves is sufficient to resist the other attraction, or that of oxygen. But when the combustion once begins, the temperature, from the effect of the combustion itself, rises instantly much beyond the degree necessary for the commencement of the process. Oxy- gen and hydrogen, which begin to burn or combine at 800, produce a flame of as intense heat as human art can excite. On the circumstance that bodies require to have a certain pre- paratory temperature before beginning thus to combine with ox- ygen, depend many important facts in nature and art. Hence the safety with which most combustibles may be exposed at ordinary temperatures to the contact of atmospheric air: otherwise coal, wood, &c. in the moment of being exposed to the air would catch fire, as really happens to phosphorated hydrogen gas; or to the metal called potassium, even when thrown into cold water, the metal attracting the oxygen from the water instantly, and with intense combustion. If a fire or flame be so small that it does not produce heat enough to maintain the inflaming tempe- rature of the substance, the combustion will soon be extinguished. Thus a common coal fire, if not watched by gathering together the remnants to reduce the surface of wasteful radiation, will be extinguished long before the fuel is all expended: but not so with a fire of wood or of paper, which substances burn more readily than coal. The Welch stone coal can only be made to burn in very largo masses, or when mixed with a more inflam- COMBUSTION. 107 rnablo coal or other fuel. A substance placed in pure oxygen gas burns with much greater intensity, and will begin burning at a lower temperature than if placed in atmospheric air, which contains only one-fifth of oxygen and four-fifths of another sub- stance, nitrogen, which does not aid the combustion, because the nitrogen, by absorbing much of the heat of the combustion, lowers the temperature. Iron wire will burn as a taper in oxy- gen, but not in common air; and a common taper or flaming piece of wood just extinguished by blowing on it, will imme- diately be rekindled if placed in oxygen. Again, a lamp with a very small wick, as of one thread, and producing therefore very little heat, will not burn in cold weather, and at any time will be extinguished by a foreign body brought near it so as to cool it; a small metallic nob, for instance, presented to it on the end of a wire, or a metallic ring let down over it; but if the ball or ring be hot, the effect will not follow. By more powerful refrigerating processes, even a considerable lamp or candle may be put out. These discoveries led Davy to the construction of his miners' safety lamp, which is merely a lamp surrounded by a wire gauze, of which the meshes are of such size that a flame of the gas attempting to pass through is so cooled by the heat-absorb- ing and heat-conducting power of the metal, as to be extin- guished. A wire gauze gradually let down upon any common flame, annihilates the part of it which should appear above the gauze; but the combustible vapour passing invisibly through the gauze may be lighted afresh on its upper side. Oxygen and hydrogen, which are the constituents of water, when uniting, produce such intense heat that the momentary expansion of the newly formed water then in the state of steam, is such as to constitute a violent explosion; and when meeting jets of the two gases at a certain point allow a continued flame to be formed, the most refractory substances melt in it like wax in a common taper, yet these gases may be kept mixed together in the cold reservoir of a condensed air blow-pipe without combining, and when they are set on fire issuing as a jet from a small opening, the flame docs not travel inwards through the opening as might be feared, because it is cooled by the metal of the ori- fice. 108 HEAT. While solid bodies become very visible or incandescent at about 1,000 of Fahrenheit, airs, owing to their tenuity of con- dition, require to be heated much farther before they take on the vivid appearance of flame; and airs of light atoms, like hy- drogen, require to be heated still more than heavier airs. Thus a wire held in the pale blue flame of pure hydrogen, becomes much more luminous than the flame itself; and the flame of mixed oxygen and hydrogen escaping from a very minute ori- fice in a glass tube, may itself be scarcely visible, while the ex- tremity of the tube heated by it becomes like a brilliant star. Hence the light of many flames may be increased by placing a wire gauze or other solid body in the flame. Consideration of this subject enables us to explain why common coal gas, which consists of hydrogen holding a quantity of carbon in solution, gives in burning a stronger light than pure hydrogen, and why oil gas, which contains about twice as much carbon as the coal gas, gives also about twice as much light: for it appears that the atmospheric air, which first mixes with these gases as they issue to burn, is sufficient to combine with all their hy- drogen (which is most strongly attracts,) but not at the same time with all their carbon; the particles of the carbon therefore are separated or precipitated in the flame, and become so many solid particles most intensely heated and luminous; and after- wards when they have ascended a little higher, they meet with new oxygen and burn in their turn, giving a second dose of light. That this decomposition of the gas really occurs is proved by placing a wire gauze in the flame, when we find that if held near the middle of the flame, it is immediately loaded with the particles of charcoal separated there, and cooled by it so as to cohere; while if held at the bottom of the flame where the car- bon is not yet separated, it retains none, and if held at the top of the flame, where they are already burned, it similarly retains none. A candle or lamp is said to smoke when the heat pro- duced by it is not sufficient to effect the total combustion of the carbon which rises in its flame. When oxygen mixed with certain of the inflammable gases or vapours is raised to a temperature even considerably below FUEL. 109 that of common burning or explosion, a union still takes place, but very slowly, so that the temperature never rises to that ne- cessary to exhibit flame. This phenomenon has been called in- visible combustion. It is remarkably exemplified on plunging platinum or gold wire moderately heated into such a mixture: the combination then goes on in the immediate vicinity of the hot wire; and although without flame, still with sufficient dis- engagement of heat to maintain the wire in an incandescent or luminous state, as long as there are gases left to combine. Thus the vapour always arising at a common temperature from the mouth of a phial of ether (ether consists chiefly of hydrogen and carbon,) if made to pass through a coil of heated platinum wire, will, while by this slow combustion, combining with the oxygen of the air around it, give out heat enough to keep the wire so luminous as to serve as a little lamp by which to read from the dial plate of a watch through the night. A beautiful modification of this principle has been adopted in the miners' safety lamp; and when the air of the mine is too impure to maintain the flame, it still suffices thus to produce a continued light from the incandescent metal. "Fuel." Heat being, in the sense already explained, the life of the universe, and man having command over nature chiefly by his power of controlling heat, which power again comes to him with the ability to produce combustion, it is of great interest to inquire what substances he can most easily procure as food for combustion, or fuel, as it is called, and how these may be most advantageously employed. To speak on this subject at all, fully in reference to the various arts of life, would be to compose an extensive work, but an interesting sketch may be comprised within narrow limits. Although there are a great number of substances, which, in the act of their chemical union, occasion the heat and light which constitute combustion, still, by far the greater part of these, in an uncombined state, are so sparingly distributed in nature, and are, therefore, procurable with such difficulty, that heat obtained by sacrificing them would be much too expensive to 110 HEAT. be within common means. Providence, however, has willed that the elementary substance in nature which has the most en- ergetic attraction for almost all other substances, and which, therefore, produces in uniting with them the most intense heat, is also the most universally distributed of all. This substance is oxygen. It forms part of our atmosphere, and therefore penetrates, and is present wherever man can exist or breathe, offering itself at once to his service. . Then, for the. purpose of combining with the oxygen, there are chiefly two other sub- stances also very widely scattered, and therefore easily pro- curable and cheap. These are carbon and hydrogen, the great materials of all vegetable bodies, and therefore of our forest trees, and of coal beds, which seem to be the remains of ante- diluvian forests. Carbon is found nearly alone in hard coal, but "it is united with a large proportion of hydrogen in caking coal, wood, wax, resins, tallow, and oils. The gases used for illumination are merely hydrogen, holding certain quantities of carbon in solution; and all bodies which burn with flame give out such gases in the act of combustion. In the great mass of the earth, as known to man, the stones, earths, and water, forming its surface, are already combinations of oxygen with other substances, and are therefore not in a state to pro- duce fresh combustion; but carbon and hydrogen, by various processes of vegetable and animal life, are in numberless situa- tions becoming accumulated, so as to be fit for fuel: as by other processes the atmosphere is always preserved with its due proportion of oxygen. The name fuel is given only to the substances which com- bine with oxygen, and not to the oxygen itself, probably be- cause the former being solid or liquid, and therefore more ob- vious to sense, were known as producers of combustion long before the existence of the aeriform ingredient was even sus- pected. Oils, fat, wax, &c. being or becoming in their combustion aeriform, exhibit the appearance of flame, as already explained, and, hence, are chiefly used for the purpose of giving light. Wood, again, and coal, are more frequently used for mere heat- ing. But the chemist's lamp for distilling and evaporating, his FUEL. Ill common blow-pipe for directing the point of a (lame upon any substance to melt it, and his condensed-air blow-pipe, whose flame of oxygen and hydrogen is capable of melting the most refractory substances, prove that it is chiefly the expense of the former kinds of fuel which has nearly limited them to the office of light-giving. Lately an important application of oil or fat as heat-giving fuel has been made in a general cooking apparatus, which promises to effect a considerable diminution of house-keeping expense. Wood was the common fuel of the early world when coal mines were not yet known, and still in many countries it is so abundant as to be the cheapest fuel. Charcoal is the name given to what remains of wood after it has been heated in a close place, during which operation the hydrogen and other mi- nor ingredients are driven away in the form o'f vapour. Char- coal is nearly pure carbon. Coke, again, is the carbon obtained by a similar preparation of coal. The wood and coal, if simi- larly heated in the air, would burn or combine with the Oxy- gen of the air; but heated in a vessel or place which excludes air, they merely give out their more volatile parts. Good coal, where it abounds, is now for ordinary purposes by much the cheapest kind of fuel; and since, within a few years, men have learned to obtain from it separately, and to use, instead of oil and wax, its illuminating gas, viz. its hy- drogen, holding in solution a little carbon, it has become doubly precious to them. A person reflecting that heat is the magic power which vivifies nature, and that coal is what best gives heat for the endless purposes of human society, cannot without admiration think of the rich stores of coal which exist treasured up in the bowels of the earth for man's use. And Britain, in this respect, is singularly favoured. Her coal mines are in effect mines of labour or power vastly more precious than the gold and silver mines of Peru, for they may be said to produce abundantly every thing which labour and ingenuity can pro- duce, and they have essentially contributed to make her mis- tress of the industry and commerce of the earth. Britain has become, to the civilized world around, nearly what an ordinary town is to the rural district in which it stands, and of this vast 112 HEAT. and glorious city the mines in question are the coal cellars, stored at the present rate of consumption for about 1,000 years; a supply which, as coming improvements in the arts of life will naturally bring economy of fuel, or substitution of other means to effect similar purposes, may be regarded as exhaust- less. Coal, we can scarcely doubt, is the remains of antediluvian forests, swept together during the convulsions of nature into deep valleys, and there afterwards compressed and solidified by superincumbent deposites of earthy matters, these deposites being probably aided in their operation by heat. In many coal beds the trees of former times yet retain their form, so that their species, can be easily distinguished, and there are bu- ried among them other vegetable and animal remains of con- temporaneous inhabitants of the earth. Coal is found of diffe- rent qualities. In some places it is almost unmixed carbon, and exceedingly solid, as if it had been coked by subterranean heat. Such is the stone coal of Wales, which in 100 parts contains 97 of pure carbon, and only three of hydrogen and earthy matter. In other places the coal contains hydrogen in nearly as large proportion as wood does, and so combined with part of the carbon as to form the oily or pitchy substances ex- isting in the coal, and which, when burning, produce flame, and, when rising unburned, constitute smoke. The comparative values, as fuel, of different kinds of carbo- naceous matter, have been found on experiment to be as in the following tables. 1 lb. of Melts of ice. Good coal - - 90 Ibs. Coke - - 84 Charcoal of wood - 95 Wood - 32 Peat - - - 19 Lavoisier, in making experiments on combustibles generally, to ascertain the quantities of oxygen expanded, and of heat given out during the combustion of a given quantity of each, obtained the following results: IT-EL. 11.; 1 Ib. of Melts of ice. Takes of oxygen. Hydrogen gas - - 370 Ibs. - - - - 7 Ibs. Carburetted hydrogen - 85 4 Olive oil - - 120 ;; Wax - - 110 ;; Tallow - 105 3 Charcoal - - 95 2-J Phosphorus - 100 1$ Sulphur - - 25 1 There are some remarks with respect to the using of common fuel, which seem to demand a place here. A pound of coke produces nearly as much heat as a pound of coal; but we must remember that a pound of coal gives only three-quarters of a pound of coke, although the latter is more bulky than the former. It is wasteful to wet fuel, because the moisture, on being eva- porated, carries off with it as latent, and therefore useless heat, a considerable proportion of what the combustion produces. It is a very common prejudice, that the wetting of coal, by making it last longer, is effecting a great saving; but while, iu truth, it restrains the combustion, and for a time makes a bad fire, it also wastes the heat. Coal containing much hydrogen, as all flaming coal does, is used wastefully when any of the hydrogen escapes without burning; for, first, the great heat Which the combustion of such hydrogen would produce is not obtained; and, secondly, the hydrogen, while becoming gas, absorbs still more heat into the latent state than an equal weight of water would. Now, the smoke of a fire is the hydrogen of the coal rising in combina- tion with a portion of carbon. We see, therefore, that by de- stroying or burning smoke, we not only prevent a nuisance, but effect a great saving. The reason that common fires give out so much smoke is, either that the smoke, or what we shall call the vaporized pitch, is not sufficiently heated to burn, or that the air mixed with it as it ascends in the chimney, has al- ready, while passing through the fire, been deprived of its free oxygen. If the pitch be very much heated, its ingredi- 15 114 HEAT. ents assume a new arrangement, becoming transparent, and constituting the common coal gas of our lamps; but, at lower temperatures, the pitch is seen jetting as a dense smoke, from cracks or openings in the coal a smoke, however, which im- mediately becomes a brilliant flame if lighted by a piece of burning paper or the approximation of the combustion. The alternate bursting out and extinction of these burning jets of pitchy vapour, contribute to render a common fire an object so lively, and of such agreeable contemplation in the winter even- ings. When coal is first thrown upon a fire, a great quantity of vaporized pitch escapes as a dense cold smoke, too cold to burn, and for a time the flame is smothered, or there is none; but as the fresh coal is heated its vapour reproduces the flame as before. In close fire places, those, viz. of great boilers, as of steam engines, brewing, and dyeing apparatus, &c., all the air which enters after the furnace door is shut, must pass through the grate and the burning fuel lying on it, and there its oxygen is consumed by the red hot coal before it ascends to where the smoke is. The smoke, therefore, however hot, passes away unburnt, unless sometimes, as over foundery fur- naces, where the heat is very great indeed, and it burns as a flame or great lamp at the chimney-top on reaching the oxy- gen of the open atmosphere. . There have been many modes proposed of destroying smoke: one has been to admit, by a suitable opening, a certain quantity of fresh air to the space above the fire, the oxygen of which air may inflame the smoke. At a certain point of time after the addition of fresh fuel, this plan succeeds, and for the mo- ment effects a saving of fuel; but the difficulty of admitting just the quantity of air required to suit the varying demand for it, has not been overcome, and hence from there being no saving on the whole, the plan has been abandoned. When just enough air entered, the flame produced gave so intense a heat as in several cases to have burned or destroyed the parts of va- luable boilers exposed to it; and when, on the contrary, too much air entered, it injuriously cooled the boiler. The con- trivance at present most commonly adopted for burning smoke is that of Mr. Brunton, viz. a circular fire grate, kept turning i;i.. 115 like a horizontal wheel, and on which coal is by machinery made to fall in a gradual manner, so as to be uniformly spread over it. The coal falls so gradually, that although there is ge- nerally a little smoke from it, there is never much, the oxy- gen which finds entrance, through, and around the grate, being always in quantity the vsame, and nearly sufficient. A smoke- consuming fire would be constructed on a perfect principle, in which the fuel were made to burn only at the upper surface of its mass, and so that the pitch and gas disengaged from it, as the heat spread downwards, might have to pass through the burning coals where fresh air was mixing with them: thus the gas and smoke, being the most inflammable parts, would burn first and be all consumed. This was the principle proposed in a fire-place suggested by the author for the great brewery of Mr. Meux in his neighbourhood, and tried at the time when attempts were extensively made to abate the nuisance of smoke in towns. The experiment proved the theoretical perfection of the method, and that it would produce a saving of 15 or 20 per cent, on the expenditure of coal; but before a durable grate of the kind was completed, the Welch stone-coal was in- troduced, which has 97 per cent, of pure carbon, and therefore no pitch to evaporate, and no smoke, and it was at once adop- ted there and in many other places. Coal in a deep narrow trough, as a b c d, if lighted at its sur- face a b, burns with a lofty flame as if it were the wick of a large lamp; for all the gas given out from the coal be- low, as that is gradually heated, passes through the burning fuel and becomes a flame. Now, if we suppose nhany such troughs placed together, with intervals between them, in place of the fire bars of a common grate or furnace, there would be a perfect unsmoking fire place. Such was that made on the occasion mentioned; and although flimsy and imperfect, as a mere experimental apparatus, it put beyond a doubt the possi- bility of accomplishing its object. The reason of the vast saving of fuel by such a grate is, that the smoke, instead of stealing away latent heatbeing yet itself the most combustible 116 HEAT. and precious part of the fuel, gives all its powers and worth to the purpose of the combustion. The coal rested on moveable bottoms in the troughs, and was moved up like the wick of a lamp, by its screw : the bottoms might be lifted in many ways. The author believes that this construction, simplified as much as possible, will still be adopted for the Newcastle or flaming coal, the consequences would be so important. The principle has been already extensively introduced for common parlour fires by Mr. Cutler in his stove, which is merely a common grate, having instead of bottom bars a deep box to hold the coal for a whole day, with a moveable bottom, which lifts the coal up as wanted. From such a fire there is alwa}-s ascending a long beautiful flame; and much more heat is given out, than from the same quantity of coal burned in the common way: the chimney never requires sweeping, for there is abso- lutely no smoke, and therefore no soot. It is evident that if a house or apartment with the air in it, were once warmed to a certain degree, it would for ever retain its temperature, but for the escape of heat through the walls and windows, or with the air from within, whether passing away as necessary ventilation or as waste. A perfect system of heating, therefore, would consist in diminishing as much as possible these causes of loss, with reference both to the expense of the means and the salubrity of the dwelling, and in produ* cing and distributing the heat judiciously. It may be asserted that a fourth part of the fuel generally expended in English houses, if more skilfully used, would better secure comfort and health than all that is now expended. But it does not accord with the character of this general work to enter into minute detail on the subject. Remarks were made upon it in vol. i. in the chapter on " Pneumatics^ under the head of " warm- ing and ventilating," and more minute information may be ob- tained from Mr. Tredgold's work, expressly devoted to it. The consideration of furnaces, blow-pipes, &c. may appear to some so closely connected with our present subject as to de- mand a place here, but by treating of them we should be en- croaching on the province of the chemist, &c. We may state generally, that furnaces are merely arrangements of parts by PROM FRICTION. 117 \vhich coal or other fuel heated to the degree at which it com- bines rapidly with the oxygen of the atmospheric air, is placed in circumstances favourable to the rapid renewal of the air, and a common blow pipe is merely a jet of air thrown from a minute opening into any flame, so as with great precision to direct the point of the flame upon the body to be heated. The sand bath and water bath of the chemist are merely means of ensuring a more uniform or steady temperature: a vessel im- bedded in sand, so that heat can reach it only through the sand, cannot be very suddenly heated or cooled, because sand is a slow conductor; and a vessel immersed in boiling water, can never have greater heat than 212, or the boiling heat of water. For certain purposes, hotter baths, as of high pressure steam, or of vapour of oil of turpentine, or of boiling whale-oil, have been used. On such subjects, readers may consult works on " chemistry applied to the arts." " Condensation and Friction as causes of heat." (Read the Analysis, p. 13.) A soft iron nail laid upon an anvil, and receiving in rapid succession three or four powerful blows of a hammer, becomes hot enough to light a match, and if longer hammered, will be- come incandescent or red hot, partly from the diminished vo- lume or condensation of the iron, on the principle already ex- plained, and partly from the percussion or friction, in a way not yet well understood, but probably electrical. In the familiar case of the mutual percussion of flint and steel, small portions of one or both are struck off by the vio- lence of the collision, in a state of white heat, and the particles of the iron burn in passing through the air: in a vacuum the heated particles are equally produced, but are scarcely visible from this combustion not occurring. In both cases, they suffice to inflame gunpowder, or to light tinder. When the materials are good, the shower of sparks from the sudden blow is most copious and brilliant. The heat produced by friction alone, without perceivable con- densation of the bodies concerned, is exemplified in many facts. Two dry branches kept strongly rubbing against each other by 118 HEAT. the wind, have sometimes set a wood on fire. Savages light their fires by analogous means. Men warm their cold hands in winter, by rubbing them against each other, or against their coat sleeves. Again, the axletree of a heavily laden wagon or other carriage, if left without oil, often inflames. The line attached to a whale harpoon, as it runs over the side of the boat when the huge monster dives after the harpoon has entered his flesh, requires water to be constantly thrown on it to prevent its setting fire to the boat. A cable drawn very rapidly through the hawse hole by the falling anchor, produces great heat there and smoke. When a magnificent ship is launched from the builder's yard into the deep, and glides along the sloping beams, a dense smoke rises from the points of rubbing contact. (i The Functions of Animal Life a source of Heat." (Read the Analysis, p. 13.) It is one of the remarkable facts in nature, that living animal bodies, and to a certain degree living vegetables also, have the property of maintaining in themselves a peculiar temperature, whether surrounded by bodies that are hotter or colder than they. Captain Parry's sailors, during the polar winter, where they were breathing air that could freeze mercury, still had the natural warmth in them of 98 of Fahrenheit; and the inha- bitants of India, where the same thermometer stands sometimes at 115 in the shade, have their blood at no higher a tempera- ture. It was at one time the favourite explanation of this, that ani- mal heat was produced in the lungs, during respiration from the oxygen then admitted. This oxygen combines with carbon from the blood, and becomes carbonic acid as in combustion, and it was supposed to give out a portion of its latent heat, as in ac- tual combustion; which heat being then spread over the body by the circulating blood, maintained the temperature. We now know, that if such a process assist, which it probably does, for the animal heat has generally a relation to the quantity of oxygen expended in any particular case, and when an animal being already much heated needs no increase, very little oxy- gen disappears, still much of the effect is dependent on the ANIMAL FUNCTIONS A SOURCE. 119 influence of the nerves, either directly or indirectly, through the vital functions governed by them. Mr. Brodie, in his im- portant experiments upon the subject, found that although in animals apparently dead from injury done to the nervous sys- tem, he could artificially continue the action of respiration, with the usual formation of carbonic acid, still the temperature fell very quickly. The maintenance of low temperature in an ani- mal immersed in an air hotter than itself, is partly attributable to the copious perspiration and evaporation which then take place, and which absorb into the latent form the excess of heat then existing. Perspiration, both from the skin and internal surface of the lungs, occurs generally in proportion to the ex- cess of heat. Dogs and other animals, when much heated, as they cannot throw off or diminish their natural covering, in- crease the evaporating surface by protruding a long humid tongue. The power in animals of preserving their peculiar tempera- ture has its limits. Intense cold coming suddenly upon a man who has not sufficient protection, first causes a sensation of pain, and then brings on an almost irresistible sleepiness, which if indulged would be fatal. Sir Joseph Banks having gone on shore one day near the cold Cape Horn, and being fatigued, was so overcome by the feeling mentioned, that he entreated his companions to let him sleep for a little while. His prayer granted, might have allowed that sleep to come upon him which ends not the sleep of death! as, under similar circumstances, it came upon so many thousands of the army which Buonaparte led into Russia, and lost there during the disastrous retreat through the snows. Buonaparte's celebrated bulletin allowed, that in one night, when the thermometer of Reaumur stood at 19 below zero, 30,000 horses died! Cold in inferior degrees, and longer continued, acting on persons imperfectly protected by clothing, &c., induces a variety of diseases, which destroy more slowly. A great excess of heat, again, may at once ex- cite a fatal apoplexy, and heat in inferior degrees, but long con- tinued, may cause those fevers, &c., which prevail in warm climates, and which are so destructive to strangers in these cli- mates. 120 HEAT. Each species of animal has a peculiar temperature natural to it, and in the diversity are found creatures fitted to live in all parts of the earth, what is wanting in internal bodily constitu- tion being found in the admirable protecting covering which na- ture has provided for them covering which grows from their bodies, with form of fur or feather, in the exact degree required, and even so as in the same animal to vary with climate and sea- son. Such covering, however, has been denied to man; but the denial is not one of unkindness: it is the indication of his su- perior nature and destinies. Godlike reason was bestowed on man, by which he subjects all nature to his use, and he was left to clothe himself. The human race is naturally the inhabitant of a warm climate, and the paradise described as Adam's first abode, may be said still to exist over vast regions about the equator. There the sun's influence is strong and uniform, producing a rich and warm garden, in which human beings, however ignorant of the world which they had come to inhabit, would have their necessities supplied almost by wishing. The ripe fruit is there always hanging from the branches; of clothing there is required only what moral feelings may dictate, or what may be supposed to add grace to the form; and as a shelter from the weather, a few broad leaves spread on connected reeds will complete an Indian hut. The human family, in multiplying and spreading in all directions from such a centre, would find, to the east and west, only the lengthened paradise, with slightly varying features of beauty; but to the north and south, the changes of season, which make the bee of high latitudes lay up its winter store of honey, and send migrating birds from country to country in search of warmth and food, would also rouse man's energies to protect himself. His faculties of foresight and contrivance would come into play, awakening industry; and, as their fruits, he would soon possess the knowledge and the arts which secure a happy existence in all climates, from the equator almost to the pole. It is chiefly because man lias learned to produce at will, and to control, the wonder-working principle of heat, that in the rude winter, which seems the death of nature, he, and other tropical animals and plants which he protects, do not in reality perish COMBUSTION. 121 even as a canary bird escaped from its cage, or an infant ex- posed among the snow-hills. By producing heat from his fire, he obtains a novel and most pleasurable sort of existence; and in the night while the dark and freezing winds are howling over his roof, he basks in the presence of his mimic sun, surrounded by his friends and all the delights of society, while in his store- rooms, or in those of merchants at his command, he has the treasured delicacies of every season and clime. He soon be- comes aware, too, that the dreary winter, instead of being a curse, is really in many respects a blessing, by arousing from the apathy to which the eternal serenity of a tropical sky so much disposes. In climates where labour and ingenuity must pre- cede enjoyment, every faculty of mind and body is invigorated; and hence the sterner climates form the perfect man. It is in them that the arts and sciences have reached their present ad- vancement, and that the brightest examples have appeared of intellectual and moral excellence. ( 133 ) PART FOURTH. (Continued.] SECTION II. ON LIGHT, OR OPTICS. ANALYSIS OF THE SECTION. Light is 'an emanation from the sun and other luminous bodies be- coming less intense as it spreads, and which, by falling on other bodies, andbeing reflected from them to the eye, renders them visible. It moves with great velocity, and in straight lines where there is no obstacle leaving shadows where it cannot fall. It passes rea- dily through some bodies which are therefore called transparent; but when it enters or leaves their surfaces obliquely, it suffers at them a degree of bending or refrattion proportioned to the obliqui- ty. And a beam of white light thus refracted or bent, under cer- tain circumstances, is resolved into beams of all the elementary co- lours, ivhich, however, on being again blended, become the white light as before. Transparent bodies, as glass, may be made of such form as to cause all the rays which pass through them from any given point to bend and meet again in another point beyond them; the body, then, because usually in form somewhat resembling aflat bean or lentil, being called a LENS. And when the light thus proceeding from every point of an object placed before a lens is collected in corres- ponding points behind it, a perfect image of the object is there produced, to be seen on a white screen placed to receive it, or in the air, by looking towards it in a certain direction. Now, the most important optical instruments, and even the living eye, are merely arrangements of parts for producing and viewing such an image under variety of circumstances. Wlicn this image is received upon a suitable white surface or screen in a dark room, the arrangement LIGHT. 2.5 called, according to -minor circumstances, a CAMERA OBSCURA, a MAGIC LANTEUX, OT SOLAR MICROSCOPE. Jind tilt EYE itself I S in fact, but a small camera obscura, of which the pupil is the round opening or window before the lens, enabling the mind to judge of external objects by the size, brightness, colour, fyc., of the very minute but most perfect images or pictures formed at the back of the eye, on the smooth screen of nerve called the retina. The art of painting aims at producing on a larger scale such a picture, and tvhich tvhen afterwards held before the eye, and reproducing itself in miniature upon the retina, may excite the same impression as the original objects. When the image beyond a lens, formed as above described, is viewed in the air by looking at it in a particular direction, then there is exhibited the arrange- ment of parts constituting the TELESCOPE, or COMMON MICROS- COPE. Light falling on very smooth or polished surfaces, is reflected so nearly in the order in which it falls, as to appear to the eye as if coming directly from the objects originally emitting it, and sue] L surfaces are called mirrors. Mirrors may be plane, convex, or con- cave; and certain forms will produce images by reflection, just as lenses produce them by refraction; so that there are reflecting tele- scopes, microscopes, $*c., as there are refracting instruments of the same kind. Light, again, falling on bodies of rougher or irre- gular surface, or which have other peculiarities, is so modified as to produce all those phenomena of colour and varied brightness seen among natural bodies, and giving them their distinctive characters and beauty. " Light." (See the Analysis.) The phenomena of light and vision have always been held to constitute a most interesting branch of natural science; whe- ther in regard to the beauty of light, or its utility. The beauty is seen spread over a varied landscape among the beds of the flower-gardens, on the spangled meads, in the plumage of birds, in the clouds around the rising and setting sun, in the circles of the rainbow. And the utility may be judged of by the re- flection, that had man been compelled to supply his wants by groping in utter and unchangeable darkness, even if originally created with all the knowledge now existing in the world, he 124 LIGHT. could scarcely have secured his existence for one day. Indeed, the earth without light would have been an unfit abode even for grubs, generated and living always amidst their food. Eter- nal night would have been universal death. Light, then, while the beauteous garb of nature, clothing the garden and the mea- dow, glowing in the ruby sparkling in the diamond, is also the absolutely necessary medium of communication between living creatures and the universe around them. The rising sun is what converts the wilderness of darkness which night covered, and which to the young mind, not ye.t aware of the regularity of nature's changes, is so full of horror, into a visible and lovely paradise. No wonder, then, if, in early ages of the world, man has often been seen bending the knee before the glorious luminary, and worshipping it as the God of Nature. When a mariner who has been toiling in midnight gloom and tempest, at last perceives the dawn of day, or even the rising of the rnoon, the waves seem to him less lofty, the wind is only half as fierce, sweet hope beams on him with the light of heaven, and brings gladness to his heart. A man, wherever placed in light, receives by the eye from every object around, from hill and tree, and even a single leaf, nay, from every point in every object, and at every moment of time, a messenger of light to tell him what is there, and in what condition. Were he omnipre- sent, or had he the power of flitting from place to place with the speed of the wind, he could scarcely be more promptly in- formed. And even in many cases where distance intervenes not, light can impart at once, knowledge which, by any other conceivable means, could come only tediously, or not at all. For example, when the illuminated countenance is revealing the secret workings of the heart, the tongue would in vain try to speak, even in long phrases, what one smile of friendship or affection can in an instant convey; and had there been no light, man never could have been aware of the miniature worlds of life and activity which, even in a drop of water, the microscope discovers to him; nor could he have formed any idea of the admirable structure belonging to many minute objects. It is light, again, which gives the telegraph, by which men converse from hill to hill, or across an extent of raging sea, and which EMANATION PROM THE SUN, &C. 125 pouring upon the eye through the optic tube, brings intelli- gence of events passing in the remotest regions of space. "Emanation from the sun," $c. (See the Analysis, page 122.) The relation of the sun to light is most strikingly marked in the contrast between night and day; as the relation between combustion and light is seen in the brilliancy of an illuminated hall or theatre, as compared with the perfect darkness when the chandeliers are extinguished. In tropical countries, where the sun rises almost perpendicularly, and allows not the long dawn and twilight of temperate latitudes, the change from perfect darkness to the overpowering effulgence of day, is so sudden as to be most impressive. An eye turned to the east has scarcely noted a commencing brightness there, when that brightness has already become a glow; and if clouds be floating near to meet the upward rays, they appear as masses of golden fleece suspended in the sky: a little after the whole atmosphere is bright, and the stream of direct light bending round, makes the lofty mountain-tops shine like burnished pinnacles; then as the stream reaches to still lower and lower levels, the inhabi- tants of these in succession see the radiant circle first rising above the horizon like a tip of flame, but soon displaying, as in days of Pagan worship, all its breadth and glory, too bright for the eye to dwell upon. With evening the same appear- ances recur in a reversed order, ending, as in the morning they began, in complete darkness. Light emanates also from the stars, but they are so distant as in that respect to be of little importance to this earth. And there are still other transient sources in animal and vegetable nature, and among solar phosphori, but they do not merit par- ticular attention here. There have been two opinions respecting the nature of light: one, that it consists of extremely minute particles darting all around from the luminous body; the other, that the phenome- non is altogether dependent on an undulation among the par- ticles of a very subtile elastic fluid diffused through space, as sound is dependent on an undulation among air particles. Now, 126 LIGHT. if light be particles darting around, their minuteness must be wonderful, as a taper can fill with them for hours a space of four miles in diameter; and with the extreme velocity of light, if its particles possessed at all the property of matter called in- ertia, their momentum should be very remarkable, it being found, however, that even a large sun-beam collected by a burning-glass, and thrown upon the scale of a most delicate ba- lance, has not the slightest effect upon the equilibrium. Such, and many other facts to be treated of in subsequent parts of this work, lead to the opinion that there is an undulation of an elastic fluid concerned in producing the phenomenon of light. " Becoming less intense as it spreads." (See the Analysis^ page 122.) Any emanation from a central point, in spreading through wider space, becomes proportionally thinner or less intense. Thus, if a taper be placed in the centre of a box, each side of which is a foot square, all the light must fall on the sides of the box, and will have a certain intensity there; if the taper be then placed in a box with sides of two feet square, there will be only the same quantity of light, but that will be spread over four times the surface (a square of two feet is made up of four squares of one foot,) and will therefore on any part of that surface be only one-fourth part as strong or intense as in the first box: and so for any other size of box or space, the inten- sity diminishing as the square of the distance increases. Hence four times as much light and heat fall upon a foot of this earth's surface as upon a foot of the surface of the planet Mars, which is twice as distant from the sun: as four times as much light and heat fall on a man who is at one yard from the fire, as on another who is at two yards. " Falling on other bodies makes them visible. 7 ' (Read the Analysis, page 122.) If the window shutter of an apartment be perfectly closed, an eye there turns upon an absolute blank: it perceives nothing. If a ray of the sun be then admitted, and made to fall upon any object, that object becomes bright, and affects the eye as if it MAKES BODIES VISIBLE. 127 were itself luminous. It returns a part of the light which falls upon it, and it is visible in all directions, proving that it scat- ters the received light all around. This scattered light, again, falling on other objects, and reflected from and among them un- til absorbed, like echo repeated many times and lost between perpendicular rocks, makes all of them also visible, although in a less degree, and the whole apartment is said to be lighted. If the sun's ray be made to fall upon a thing which from its na- ture reflects much of the light, as a sheet of white paper, the apartment will be well lighted: if, on the contrary, it be re- ceived on black velvet, which returns hardly any light, the apartment will remain dark; and, again, if received on a po- lished mirror, which returns nearly the whole light, but in one direction only, and therefore throws it upon some other single object, the effect will be according to the nature of that object^ and nearly as if the ray had fallen directly upon it. Now, all bodies on earth, and very remarkably the mass of atmosphere surrounding the earth, retain and diffuse among themselves for a time the light received directly from the sun, and by so doing, maintain that milder radiance so agreeable to the sight, which renders objects visible when the sun's direct ray does not fall upon them. But for this fact, indeed, all bo- dies shadowed from the sun, whether by intervening clouds or by any other more opaque masses on earth, would be perfect- ly black or dark; that is, totally invisible. And without an atmosphere, the sun would appear a red hot orb in a black sky. On lofty summits, where half the atmosphere is below the le- vel, the direct rays of the sun are painfully intense, and the sky is of darkest blue. A shadow is the name given to the comparative darkness of places or objects, prevented by intervening obstacles from re- ceiving the direct rays of some luminous body shining on the things around. The apparent darkness of a shadow, however, i is not proportioned to its real darkness, but to the intensity of the surrounding lights. A landscape may be very bright, CVCR when the sun is veiled by clouds, and then little or no shadow is perceived; but, as soon as the clouds pass away, deep sha- dows are cast behind every projecting object. Yet the objects 128 LIGHT. and places then appearing so dark, are, in reality, more illumi- nated than before the shadow existed; for they are receiving, and again scattering new light from all the more intensely il- luminated objects around Ihem. A finger held between a can- dle and the wall, casts a shadow of a certain intensity; if ano- ther candle be then placed in the same line from the wall, the shadow will appear doubly dark, although, in fact, more light will be reaching the eye from it than before. If the candles be separated laterally, so as to produce two shadows of the finger, but which coincide or overlap in one part, that part will be of double darkness, as compared with the remainders. The most accurate mode of comparing lights is to place them at different distances from a screen or wall, so as to make them at the same time throw equally dark shadows; and then, according to the law of decreasing intensity explained above, to calculate the intensities of the sources of light by the difference of their distances from the wall. The eye judges very easily of the equal intensity of compared shadows. The real darkness of a shadow depends on the number and nature of the light-reflecting objects around it. Thus, sha- dows are less remarkable opposite to any white surface, as that of a recently painted wall. The reason why the moon when eclipsed, that is, as will be afterwards explained, when passing through the shadow cast by the earth on the side away from the sun, is almost quite invisible, is, that there are no similar bodies bearing laterally on the moon to share their light with it. And the reason why our nights on earth are darker than the shadows behind a house or rock in the sun-shine of day, is merely that there are not other earths near us to reflect light into the great night-shadow of the earth, as there are other houses and rocks to illuminate the day-shadow of these. The moon is the only light-reflecting body which the earth has near it; and we perceive how much less dark the night-shadow is when the moon is so placed as to bear upon it. The eclipsed moon, again, is invisible, because facing the shadowed part of the earth; but when the moon is in the situation called new moon,, the bright crescent, or part directly illuminated by the sun, is always seen to be surrounding the shaded part, as if MOVES WITH GREAT VELOCITY. holding the old moon in its arms: that is, the shaded side of the moon is then, in a degree, visible to us, because facing the enlightened side of the earth. Many persons have doubted whether the light of the moon could be altogether reflected light of the sun; the moon ap- pearing to them more luminous than any opaque body on earth merely exposed to the sun's rays. Their error has arisen from their contrasting the moon while returning direct sunshine with the shadows of night on the earth around them. But could they then see on a hill near them, a white tower or other object scattering light as when receiving the rays of a meridian sun, that object would appear to them to be on fire, and there- fore much brighter than the moon. The moon, when above the horizon in the day-time, is perfectly visible on earth, and is then throwing towards the earth as much light as during the night; but the day moon does not appear more luminous than any small white cloud, and although visible every day except near the change, many persons have passed their lives without ever observing it. The full moon gives to the earth only about a one-hundred-thousandth part as much light as the sun. " Light moves with great velocity." (See the Analysis, page 122.) The extraordinary precision with which the astronomical skill of modern times enables men to foretell the times of re- markable appearances or changes among the heavenly bodies, has served for the detection of the fact, that light is not an in- stantaneous communication between distant objects and the eye, as was formerly believed, but a messenger which requires time to travel: and the rate of travelling has been ascertained in the same way. The eclipses of the satellites or moons of the planet Jupiter had been carefully observed for some time, and a rule was ob- tained which foretold the instants in all future time when the satellites were to glide into the shadow of the planet, and dis- appear, or again to emerge into view. Now, it was found, that these appearances took place 16 minutes sooner when Jupiter was near the earth, or on the same side of the sun with the 17 130 LIGHT. earth, than when it was on the other side; that is to say, more distant from the earth by one diameter of the earth's orbit, and at all intermediate stations the difference diminished from the 16i minutes, in exact proportion to the less distance from the earth. This proves then that light takes 16^ minutes to travel across the earth's orbit, and 8$ minutes for half that distance, or to come down to us from the sun. The velocity of light, ascertained in this way, is such, that in one second of time, viz. during a single vibration of a com- mon clock pendulum, it would go from London io Edinburgh and back 200 times, and the distance between these is 400 miles. This velocity is so surprising that the philosophic Dr. Hooke, when it was first asserted that light was thus progres- sive, said he could more easily believe the passage to be abso- lutely instantaneous, even for any distance, than that there should be a progressive movement so inconceivably swift. The truth, however, is now put quite beyond a doubt by many col- lateral facts bearing upon it. As regards all phenomena upon earth, they may be regarded as happening at the very instant when the eye perceives them; the difference of time being too small to be appreciated: for, as shown in the preceding paragraph, if our sight could reach from London to Edinburgh, we should perceive a phenome- non there in the four-hundredth part of a second after its oc- currence. It is, hence, usual, and not sensibly incorrect, when we are measuring the velocity of sound, as when a cannon is fired, by observing the time between the flash and the report, to suppose that the event takes place at the very moment when it is per- ceived by the eye. In using a telegraph, no sensible time is lost on account of light requiring time to travel. A message can be sent from London to Portsmouth in a minute and a half; and at the same rate a communication might pass to Rome in about half an hour, to Constantinople in forty minutes, to Calcutta in a few hours, and so on. A telegraph is any object which can be made to assume different forms or appearances at the will of an attendant, and so that the changes may be distinguished at a distance. A pole with moveable arms is the common con- i PROCEEDS IN STRAIGHT LINES. 131 struction, each position standing for a letter, or cipher, or word, or sentence, as may be agreed upon. Telegraphic sig- nals between ships at sea are generally made by a few flags, the meanings of each being varied by the mast on which it is hoist- ed, and by its combination with others. " Light proceeds in straight lines," $c. (Read the Analy- sis, page 122.) Our very notion of a straight line is taken from the direc- tion in which light moves: but we can verify a line so ob- tained by other means, as by stretching a cord between the two extremes, or by suspending a weight by a cord, and making a moveable solid measure to correspond with this, which mea- sure may be used in any other case. We can see through a straight tube, but not through a crook- ed one. The vista through a long straight tunnel is striking as an illustration of this fact, and of the diminution in the ap- parent size of objects as they are more distant. If a person enter one end of the canal tunnel, two miles long, cut through the chalk hills near Rochester, to join the Thames and Med- way rivers, the opening at the distant end is seen as a minute luminous speck, having the form of the general arch, and ap- pearing in the centre of the shade to an eye placed in the cen- tre; and a person who has advanced half way through the tun- nel, may see the luminous speck, at each end, then appearing a little larger than in the former case. In taking aim with gun or arrow, we are merely trying to make the projectile go to the desired objects nearly by the path along which the light comes from the object to the eye. A carpenter looks along the edge of a plank, &c. to see whe- ther it be straight. Because light moves in straight lines, if a number of similar objects be placed in a row from the eye, the nearest one hides the others. In a wood or a city, a person sees only the trees or houses that are near. Some ignorant people believe that a squinting person can see round a corner, as they believe that a crooked gun can shoot round a corner. !;"!:> LIGHT All astronomical and trigonometrical observations are made on the faith of this property of light, the observer holding that any object is situated from him in the direction in which the light comes to him from it. When the mariner, after watching for hours in cloudy weather, has caught a glimpse of the sun or a star through his sextant glass, he has ascertained his place among the trackless waves, and boldly advances through the midst of hidden dangers. And the beam from the light house looking from the rocky height over the sea, would be useless if the light from it came not in a straight line. " Leaving shadows where it cannot fall." (See the Ana- lysis, page 122.) The form of shadows proves that light moves in straight lines, for the outline of the shadow is always correctly that of the object as seen from the luminous body. If the light bent round the body, this could not be. The shadow of a face on the wall is a correct profile. As a wheel presented edgeways to the eye appears only like a broad line, but becomes oval or round as it is more turned, so a wheel presented edgeways to the sun or other light, casts a linear shadow on the wall behind it, the shadow becoming oval or round as the position is changed. A globe, a cylinder, a cone, and a flat circle, will all throw the same form of shadow if held with their axes pointing to the luminous body, and therefore by the shadow only, these objects could not be distinguished. The figure of a rabbit cut in pasteboard, will throw the same sbadow on the wall as the animal itself ; and, again, that sha- dow may be perfectly imitated by a certain position of the two hands joined, as is known to those who find pleasure in wit- nessing the surprise and delight of infancy made to behold such a shadow mimicking the actions of life. A man under the vertical sun stands upon his little round shadow; but as the sun declines in the afternoon, the shadow juts out on the opposite side, and at last may extend over a whole field. A distant cloud which appears to the eye of an observer only FORM OP SHADOWS. 133 as a line in the sky, maybe shadowing a whole region; for clouds generally form in level strata, and when viewed at a distance are seen edgeways. The velocity of the wind may be ascertained by marking the time which the shadow of a cloud takes to pass over a plain or other space of known dimension. All the heavenly bodies of the solar system cast a shadow beyond them on the side opposite to the sun, as is seen when any body previously visible passes where that shadow is. The satellites or moons of Jupiter, when they suddenly disappear to our glasses, have generally only plunged into the shadow of the planet, and are not hidden behind its body, as many suppose. When our own moon is the subject of that phenomenon so aw- ful in the early ages of the world, an eclipse, she is only pass- ing through the round shadow which the earth casts beyond it. When the luminous centre is larger than the body which casts the shadow, the shadow will he less than the body. This is true of the shadows of all the planets and of the earth, be- cause they are less than the sun. On the contrary, if the light-giving surface is smaller than the opaque body, the shadow will be larger than the body. The shadow of a hand held between a candle and the wall is gigantic; and a small pasteboard figure of a man placed near a narrow centre of light, throws a shadow as big as a real man. The latter fact has been amusingly illustrated by the art of making phantasmagoric shadows. When the surface which receives a shadow is not directly ex- posed to the light, the shadow may be much larger than the ob- ject, even although the sun himself be throwing the light; as is seen when a slightly projecting roof shadows from the high sun of summer noon the whole front of a house, or as is proved by the long evening shadows of all countries. "Light passes readily through some bodies which are therefore called transparent; but when it enters or leaves their surfaces obliquely, its course is bent." (Read the Analysis, page 122.) It may well excite the surprise of inquirers that light, of 134 LIGHT. which the constituent particles are so inconceivably minute, should still be able to dart readily and in every direction through great masses of solid matter, but such is the truth. Thick plates of solid glass, blocks of rock crystal, mountains of ice, &c., are instantly pervaded by the beam of the sun. What it is in the constitution of one mass as compared with another, which fits the former to transmit light, and the latter to obstruct it, we cannot clearly explain, but we perceive that the arrangement of the particles has more influence than their peculiar nature. Nothing is more opaque than thick masses of the metals, but nothing is more transparent than equally thick masses of the same metals in solution, nor than the glasses of which a metal forms a large proportion. The thousand salts formed by the union of the metals or earths with the diluted acids, are all transparent, when, in cooling from the fluid to the solid state, their particles have been allowed to arrange them- selves according to the laws of their mutual attraction, that is to say, to form crystals; but the same substances in other states, as when reduced to powder, are opaque. Even the pure me- tals themselves, when reduced to leaves of great thinness, are transparent, as may be perceived by looking at a lamp through fine gold leaf. It is to be remarked, however, that even the most transparent bodies intercept a considerable part of the light which enters them: a depth of seven feet of pure water intercepts about one half, so that the bottom of the sea is very dark. And of the sun's light, when passing obliquely, through the atmosphere towards the earth, only a small part arrives. Light having once entered a transparent mass of uniform na- ture, passes forward in it as straightly as in a vacuum; but at the surface, whether on entering or leaving it, if the passage be oblique, and if the mass be of a different density from the transparent medium around it, a very curious and most impor- tant phenomenon occurs, viz. the light suffers a degree of bend- ing from its antecedent- direction, or a refraction, proportioned to the obliquity. But for this fact, which to many persons might at first ap- pear a subject of regret, as preventing the distinct vision of ob- jects through all transparent media, light could have been of REFRACTION. 135 little utility to man. There could have been neither lenses as now, nor any optical instruments, as telescopes and microscopes, of which lenses form a part; nor even the eye itself. Light falling from the air directly or perpendicularly upon a surface of water, glass, or any such transparent body, passes through without suffering the least bending; -a ray for instance shot from a to the point c, in the sur- face of a piece of glass g h, would reach directly across to b; but if the , ray fell obliquely, as from d to c, then, instead of continuing in its first direction, and going on to i and k, it would at the moment of its entrance be bent downwards into the path c e, nearer to a line c o, called the per- pendicular to the surface at the point of entrance, and then moving straightly while in the substance of the glass, it would, when it passed out again at e, in the op- posite surface, be bent just as much as at first, but in the con- trary direction, or away from a similar perpendicular at that surface, viz. into the line e f instead of e n. A ray therefore passing obliquely through a transparent body of parallel sur- faces, has its course shifted a little to one side of the original course, but still proceeds in the same direction, or in a line pa- rallel to the first as here shown in the line e f, parallel and near to the line i k. The degree of bending or refraction of light in traversing a transparent surface is ascertained by comparing the obliquity of its approach to the surface with the obliquity of its departure after passing; and for this purpose a line is supposed to be drawn perpendicularly through the surface at the point where the ray passes (as a b in the above figure drawn through c y where the ray d c passes,) and the relative positions of the ray to this line on both sides of the surface, are easily ascertained. Thus the line a d, drawn from any point of such perpendicular to the ray before passing, is a measure of the original obliquity or angular distance of the ray, and is called the sine of the angle of incidence, and the other line o e drawn from a cor- 136 LIGHT. responding point of the perpendicular to the ray after the pass- ing, is a measure of the obliquity after refraction, and is called the sine of the angle of refraction: by comparing these two lines in any case, the problem is solved. When light passes obliquely from air into water, the refrac- tion or bending produced is such, that the line a d measuring the obliquity before refraction, is always longer than the line o e measuring it after refraction, by nearly one-third of the latter, and the refractive power of water is therefore signified by the index. 1 or 1.33; as in like manner the greater refractive power of common glass has the index !, that of diamond the index 2|, and so on. And it is important to remark, that for the same substance, whatever relation holds between the obliquity of a ray and the refraction in any one case, the same holds for all cases. If, for instance, where the obliquity, as measured by its sine, is 40, and the refraction is half, or 20, then in the same substance an obliquity of 10 will occasion a refraction of 5, and an obliquity of 4 will occasion a refraction of 2; and so on. As a general rule, the refractive power of transparent sub- stances or media is proportioned to their densities. It increases, for instance, through the list of air, water, salt, glass, &c. But Newton, while engaged in his experiments upon the sub- ject, observed that inflammable bodies had greater refractive power than others, and he then hazarded the conjecture, almost of inspired sagacity, and which chemistry has since so remark- ably verified, that diamond and water contained inflammable ingredients. We now know that diamond is merely crystal- lized carbon, and that water consists altogether of hydrogen or inflammable air and oxygen. Diamond has nearly the greatest light-bending power of any known substances, and hence comes in part its brilliancy as a jewel. No good explanation, has been given of the singular fact of refraction; but to facilitate the conception and remembrance of it, we say that it happens as if it were owing to an attraction be- tween the light and the refracting body or medium. The light approaching from d to c, for instance, may be supposed to be attracted by the solid body below it, so as at the surface to be (7 REFRACTION. 137 bent into the direction c e; and, again, on leaving the body to be still equally attracted and bent back, so as to take the direc- tion ef, instead of e n. The following are familiar examples of this bending of light in passing from one medium to another. If an empty basin or other vessel, b cf, be placed in the sun's light, so that the rays falling within it may reach low on the side, as to d, but not to the bottom, $. then, on filling the vessel with water, rx^& the sun will be found to be shining on the bottom or down to e, as well as on the side. The reason of this pheno- menon is, that water being a denser medium than air, the light, on enter- ing it at c, is bent towards the perpendicular at the point of in- cidence, or cf, and so reaches the bottom. Again, if a coin or medal were laid on the bottom of such a vessel at e, it would not, while the vessel were empty, be seen by an eye at a, but would be visible there immediately on the vessel being filled with water; because then, the light leaving it in the direction e c, towards the edge of the vessel, would at c, on passing from the water into air, be bent away from the perpendicular c h, and instead of going to g would reach the eye at a. The coin moreover would appear to the eye to be in the direction c dy instead of in the true direction c e: for the eye not being able to discover that the light had been Bent in its course, would ju*dge the object to be in the line by which the light came from it. It is thus because objects at the bottom of water, when viewed obliquely, do not appear so low as they really are, that a per- son examining a river or pond, or any clear water, from its bank, naturally judges its depth to be less than the truth. Many a young life has been sacrificed to this error. A person look- ing from a boat directly down upon objects at the bottom of water, sees them in their true places and at their true distances, but if he view them more and more obliquely, the appearance is more and more deceiving, until at last it represents them as at less than half of their true depth. 18 1 38 LIGHT. The ship in which the author sailed once in the China sea, before danger was apprehended, had entered by a narrow pas- sage into a horse-shoe enclosure of coral rocks. When the alarm was given, the predicament had become truly terrific. On every side, in water most singularly transparent, as the wave swelled, the rocks appeared to be almost at the surface of the water, and the anchor, which in the first moments had been let go to limit the danger, appeared to be lifted with them- It was judged that if the ship, then drawing 24 feet, or the depth of a two-storied house, had moved but a little way in almost any direction, she must have met her certain destruction. On sending boats around to sound and to search, the place of en- trance was again discovered, and was safely traversed a second time as an outlet from that terrible prison. On account of this bending of light from' objects under water, there is more difficulty in hitting them with a bullet or spear. The aim by a person not directly over a fish must be made at ;a point apparently below it, otherwise the weapon will miss it by flying too high. The spear is sometimes used in this coun- try for killing salmon, but is a common weapon among the isl- ?inders of the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans for killing the alba- core; the use of it, like that of the fly hook in England, afford- ing, to the fishermen, good sport as well as profit. The author once with much interest witnessed at St. Helena this employ- ment of the spear. A small fish previously half-killed, that it might not try to escape, was every minute or two thrown upon the.water as a bait, in the sight of perhaps a hundred great al- bacores, greedily waiting for it at one side below, and know- ing the danger to which they exposed themselves by darting across to seize it. Some albacore bold enough, soon made at the mouthful, apparently with the speed of lightning, but yet with speed which did not save him, for every now and then the thrown spear met the adventurer, and held him writhing there in a cloud of his death-blood. After a victim so de- stroyed, the scene of action was changed. The bending of light when passing obliquely from water, is also the reason of the following facts. A straight rod or stick, of which a portion is immersed in water, appears crooked or REFRACTION. 139 broken at the surface of the water, the portion immersed seem- ing to be bent upwards. That part of a ship or boat visible under water, appears much flatter or shallower than it really is. A deep-bodied fish seen near the surface of water, appears almost a flat fish. A round body there appears oval. A gold fish in a vase may appear as two fishes, being seen as well by light bent through the upper surface of the water, as by straight rays passing through the side of the glass. To see bodies un- der water, in their true places and of their true proportions, the eye must view them through a tube, of which the distant end, closed with plate glass, is held in the water. As light is bent on entering from air into water, glass, or other substance denser than air, so is it also bent on coming from void space into the ocean of our atmosphere. Hence none of the heavenly bodies, except when directly over our heads, are seen by us in their true situations. They all appear a little higher than they real- ly are, as- when to a specta- tor at d, supposed on the sur- face of the earth, a star real- ly at A appears to be at a i because its ray on reaching the atmosphere at c is bent downwards. In astronomical books there is always introduced a table of refraction, as it is called, showing what correction mast be made on this account for dif- ferent apparent altitudes. This effect of our atmosphere so- bends the rays of the sun that we see him in the morning be- fore he is really above the horizon, and we see him in the evening after he is really below it, viz. the ray coming hori- zontally from 'e to d, appears to come from b, although in truth it comes from the lower situation B, and is bent into the level line only at e'. Oar atmosphere thus, by the bending of light as well as by itself becoming luminous, lengthens at dawn and twilight the duration of the lovely day. As the atmosphere is denser near the surface of the earth than higher up, the light is more and more bent as it descends, and hence describes a 140 LIGHT. course which is a little curved, and therefore unlike the course of light in water. Certain states of the atmosphere depending upon its humi- dity, warmth, &c., change very considerably its ordinary re- fractive power, hence in one state of it, a certain hill or island may appear low and scarcely rising above the intervening heights or ocean, while in another state, the same object shall be seen towering above: and from a certain station, a city in a neighbouring valley may be either entirely visible, or it may show only the tops of its steeples, as if the bed on which it rested had sunk deeper into the earth. In days of ignorance and superstition, such appearances have sometimes excited a strange interest. A beautiful phenomenon is observable in a day of warm sun- shine, owing to the bending of light in passing through media of different densities. Black or dark-coloured substances, by absorbing much light and heat from the sun's rays, and warming* the air in contact with them, until it dilates and rises in the surrounding air, as oil rises in water, cause the light, from more distant objects, reaching the eye through the rarefied me- dium, to be bent a little; and owing to the heated air rising ir- regularly under the influence of the wind and other causes, these objects acquire the appearance of having a tremulous or a dancing motion. In a warm clear day, the whole landscape at last appears to be thus dancing. The same phenomenon is to be observed at any time, by looking at an object beyond the top of a chimney from which hot air is rising. An illicit distillery was once discovered by the exciseman happening thus to look across a hole used as the chimney, although charcoal was the fuel, and there was no vestige of smoke. This bending of light by the varying states of the atmosphere makes precaution necessary in making very nice geometrical observations: as in measuring base lines for the construction of maps or charts. As it is the obliquity between the passing ray and the sur- face, which in any case of refraction determines the degree of REFRACTION. 141 bending, a body seen through a medium of irregular surface appears distorted according to the nature of that surface. It is because the two surfaces of common window-glass are not per- fect planes, and not perfectly parallel to each other, as in the case of plate glass, that objects seen through the former appear generally more or less out of shape; and hence comes the ele- gance and beauty of plate glass windows: and hence the singu- lar distortion of things viewed through that swelling or lump of glass which remains where the glass-blower's instrument was attached, and which appears at the centre of certain very coarse panes. The refraction or bending of light is interestingly exempli- fied in the effect of the glass called a prism, viz. a wedge or three-sided rod of glass, such as that of which the end is here represented at b c. A ray from , falling on the surface at b, is bent towards the internal per- pendicular, and therefore reaches c, but, on escaping again at c, it is bent away from the external perpendicular, and thus, with its original deviation doubled, goes on to d. The law of light's bending, according to the obliquity with which it traverses the surfaces of a transparent body, is well elucidated by the effect of what is called a multiplying glass; that is to say, a piece of glass like .a bee, having many distinct faces cut upon it at an- gles with each other. If a small object, a coloured bead for instance, be placed at d r an eye at e will see as many beads as there are distinct surfaces or faces on the glass; for, first, the ray, d a, passing perpendicularly, and therefore straight through, will form an image as if no glass intervened, then, the rays from d to the surface b will be bent by the oblique surface, and will show the object as if it were in the direction e b; then the light falling on the still more oblique sur- face, c, will be still more bent, and will reach 142 LIGHT. the eye in the direction c e, exhibiting a similar object also in that direction and so of all the other surfaces. If the rela- tive places of the eye and object be changed, the result will still be the same. A plate of glass, roughened or cut into cross fur- rows, becomes a very good screen or window blind, by so dis- turbing the passage of light through it, that objects beyond it are not distinguishable. "