Q-TC366 California Regional acility The Ends and Uses of Charity Schools for Poor Children THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES FREDERIC THOMAS BLANCHARD ENDOWMENT FUND Ends and Ufes of Charity Schools for Poor Children. '. SERMON Preached in the PARISH-CHURCH of Chrift-Church, LONDON, On Thurfday APRIL, the 30 th , 1 75 2: BEING THE TIME Of the Y E A R L Y M E E T I N G of the CHILDREN Educated in the CHARITY- SCHOOLS, in and about the Cities of London and Weftminjler. By JOHN CHAPMAN D. D. Archdeacon of Sudbury. Publified at the Requejl of the Gentlemen concerned in the f aid CHARITY. To which is annexed, An ACCOUNT of Cfa&ocutpfd? promoting Ctefflian sutotoleDge. LONDON: Printed by J.OLIVER, PRINTER TO THE SAID (dOCtttP* in Eartbolomrjtj'Clofe\ and Sold by B. DOD, BOOKSELLER, at the Bible and Key in Ave-Mary Lane. M.DCC.LII. LC MATTHEW X. 42. Whofoever Jhallgive to drink unto one of thefe little Ones, a Cup of cold Water only in the Name of a Difciple, verily I fay unto you , he Jhall in no wife lofe his Reward. H E general Purport of thefe Words of our blefled Lord, confidered with all the Cir- cumftances of them, and with a parallel Paflage of St Mark, may appear to be Mark ix. 41, this in Effeft, That whoever (hall give 4 any Reliefer Comfort, though but fmall in itfelf like a Cup of cold Water, to one of bis little Ones, one of his Followers or Family in Diftrefs, and in the Name A 2 of 894420 A SERMON PREACHED of a Difciple, from a Regard to the Chriftian Charac- ter of that Perfon, to the particular Relation he bears to CHRIST JESUS as one of his Difciples, {hall by no means lofe his Reward 5 or, as that Phrafe intimates very plainly, mall be fure to receive for it an ample Recompence in fome Gift or other from Above. SUCH, without examining at prefent every Nicety or Difference of Sentiment among Interpreters, I ap- prehend is the genuine Senfe or Import of the PafTage before us, and not limited vifibly to that fingle Age when the Words were delivered, but extending appa- rently, like a general Promife, to all Times and Places whatfoever. And in this View the PafTage fuggefts to us very naturally a Variety of Reflections both agree- able and ufeful, and proper every way to fuch Occa- fions as this before us. For I F fuch be the Value, fuch the gracious Accept- ance with our Lord of one Cup of Water thus given to one Difciple, what of courfe muft be the Value, what the Meafure of Reward from the fame Hand to more liberal, more extenfive and beneficial Bounties to many little Ones of his, in Honour to his Name and Religion ! what muft be the Virtue in his Sight, of giving readily to fuch necej/ttous Objects, not a Draught only of Water, but a Competency of Food and Rai- ment, and Help from every prefent Diftrefs of Life ; and not only in one prefent Hour of Difficulty and Trouble, but Day after Day and from Year to Year ; to at CHRIST-CHURCH, London. to feme as long as they live under incurable Difabilities of Mind or Body, and to others, till the Objects are rendered capable by Alms of fubfifting themfelves comfortably from their own Care and Induftry in fome honefl Employment ! WH AT again muft be the Virtue with our Lord, of adminiftering in this manner not only to the Bodies or animal Life of Men, but to the Souls alfo and fpiri- tual Wants of the Indigent, to their Delivery from Ig- norance and Vice, to their moral Wifdom in every Duty, to their Knowledge of the pureft Religion in the Gofpel, to their Security from many dangerous Temptations and Corruptions, which might otherwife overwhelm them, and to their final Happinefs in ano- ther World, which they might otherwife lofe for ever ; and this not only coinciding with the temporal ^Good of the civil Community in which they live, with the Peace, the Order, the Strength and Succefs of it, but co-operating directly and powerfully to this very Good of the Society, and producing many happy Ef- fects upon it, which might otherwife be loft, or im- paired very fenfibly. Such Charities as thefe, with what an Eye of Complacency and Favour muft our Lord behold among his People, when he fees them not the Effects of mere Vanity and Oftentation, or ufcd as Artifices to cover ill Defigns, or to atone for any perfonal Offences of the Donor, but exerted from true Principles of Humanity, true Zeal for the Glory of G o D, and the higheft Benefit of Man ! WHAT A SERMON PREACHED WH A T Returns will be made from Above to fuch Beneficence, to fuch excellent Applications of Wealth and Power, fo agreeable to thofe Ufes in Truft for which thefe and other Talents are lodged by Provi- dence in our Hands, it is not our Bufinefs, nor is it in our Power to point out particularly. Neither in- deed muft we look to fuch Rewards with a mercenary Eye, as to a certain Rate of Intereft in Reverfion, and make this the only or chief Motive to our Charities ; this would render our Alms not an Aft of Virtue, but a Traffick with our Lord for Gain ; and much lefs muft we prefume to think of meriting any extraordi- nary Gifts from Heaven for this or any Works of ours on Earth ; this, alas, would be grofs Arrogance and Profanenefs in Duji and AJhes. But fure we are, that numberlefs Gifts both Temporal and Spiritual, of many various Kinds and Values, are in the Hands of GOD ; and fure we are alfo, that thefe may be graci- oufly difpenfed from above, if G o D pleafes, in pro- portion to every good Work and Attainment of ours; and fure we may be farther, that as the Go d of Mercy, who is plenteous in Goodnefs himfelf, and diffufing it every Day over all his Creatures, is highly pleafed with fuch Sacrifices from us Men, his Regard will not fail to attend our Alms abovementioned, and that our Saviour will receive them as direct Gifts or Ser- Matt.xxv.4o. vices to himfelf: Inafmuch as ye have done it, faidour Lord, unto one of the lea ft of thefe my Brethren, ye have done it unto me. Words which exprefs not only our Lord's at CHRIST-CHURCH} London. Lord's affectionate Sympathy with his Brethren (as he is pleafed to term it) in their Trouble or Relief from it, but likewife fuch a Senfe and Eftimation of any Succours to them, as may prompt the moft penu- rious and hardeft of Hearts among us to join in fuch Offerings. For God is not unrighteous, adds St Paul, Heb. vi. 10. to forget your Work and Labour of Love, which ye have Jhewed towards his Name, in that ye have minif- tred to the Saints, and yet do minifter. And therefore as the fame Apoftle exhorts in another Place, Let us, as Gal vi we have Opportunity, do good unto all Men, and efpecially i. to tbofe who are of the Houjhold of Faith ; and let us not be weary in this well-doing, for in due Seafon we (hall reap, if we faint not. 10, Painty I hope, we do not here, nor ever mall in fuch Works of Liberality ; and I cannot help felicitat- ing this great Metropolis and my Country itfelf, on the noble, the conftant, and almoft numberlefs Ex- amples of Beneficence, which are every where flrik- ing our Eyes, and doing Honour to our Lord and the Name of Chriflians. It is with infinite Pleafure and Admiration, that we can fee round about us the moft generous Aids and Confolations, to almoft every Want, every Calamity that is incident to our prefent State, even in all Ages, Sexes, and Conditions. And thefe Charities, fo beneficial in their Nature, and fo eminent in Degree, beyond perhaps what any other Nation up- on Earth can fhew, give us happy Omens of G o D'S Mercies to our Land, under all the Provocations of Heaven A Heaven againfl it, by the wild Spirit of Irreligion and Licentioufnefs, that is vifibly annoying us in all Parts. . ?:$ s.a, : - .i -J j. I'Tii OUR bed Refuge and Support in thefe Circum- ftances is a zealous Perfeverance among all true Be- lievers in all the Duties of our Chriftian Profeffion., and a firm Union among them in the moft vigorous Endeavours to adorn it, and to flop or check tbofe overflowings of Ungodlinefsy that threaten our Peace arid Welfare. This may be one great Means of drawing down a Blefiing from GOD upon our Ifrael for the Sake of the Righteous in it, or at leaft of mitigating in fome Degree the divine Difpleafure againft our Sins. And this leads me to applaud and recommend with the greateft Earneftnefs the particular Species of Cha- rity now before us, the pious Care and Activity of all good Stewards and Truftees in the Management of them, and the excellent Labours and Bounties of all our Religious Societies, and one .particularly, in efpoufing and profecuting this and all other laudable Defigns^ for the Correction and Inftruction of our common People. FOR what is it thefe Charities mean and propofe? what is it they have been doing, and are ftill doing Year by Year, as to thofe Swarms of little Ortes .now within our View, and to others beyond it in diftant Parts? ...... It is neceflary for us to review and repre- fent thefe Things frequently to the Publick, in order to obviate from Time to Time> any wrong and im- perfect Conceptions upon this Head. As to thefe Children, at CHRIST-CHURCH, London. Children, they are plainly by the Indigence of their State in Life truly Objects of our tendereft Compaf- fion, and for their Good indeed it is in great Meafure, that fuch Diligence is ufed, and fuch Bounties folicit- ed among us ; but not for them only ; it is through them for the Glory of GOD, and for the Benefit of ourfeives, our Succefibrs, and the Body Politic in ge- neral, by training up great Numbers of poor Children in virtuous Principles, to make them living Members of Chrift's Body, to raife up fo many honed Labourers for the Ufe of the Public in all lower Employments, and fo many Guards and Fences to our Lives and Properties, againft the Frauds and Violences of an ill- educated Multitude round about us. It is not there- fore Bread alone to the Hungry, or Cloaths to the Naked, that we are now proposing to your Thoughts, nor yet Medicine to the Sick, the Halt or Maimed ; though all thefe and any other Aids of the like Sort to the Needy, are moft laudable Acts of Humanity, and moft genuine Expreflions of Chriftian Love and true focial Affections j on which Account fingly, befides the vi- fible Benefit to the Public in faving yearly the Live* and Strength of Thousands, who might otherwise pe- ri(h, the numerous Hofpitals and Infirmaries erected among us deferve all the Encouragements and Enco- miums that have been given them. BUT let me have leave to obferve, that by die Sort of Charity before us to poor Children, (as alfo by that B of io ^SERMON PREACHED of later Date in the Hofpital for Foundlings) fomething more is intended and done for the Public in equal Numbers, than in the Inftances above. Here the Ends and. Aims are higher, and the good Effects and Con- fequences are confiderably greater upon the Whole, and may appear fo, I think, very manifeftly, if they are taken as they mould be, in their utmoft Extent, both as to thefe Children themielves, and thofe which may come from them. FOR the grand Benefit of all, imparted here to poor Children, is not Maintenance or Relief from the com- mon Wants in Poverty, though this has its Value in a charitable View, but the great Thing to them and us is a good Education -, a Gift of the higheft Confequence both to Youth in every Age, and to every Community alfo where they live. Education, we may remember in general, is the Mould and the only one, or the beft at leaft that we can ufe, to form Children properly to their tine Happinefs as well as Duty, and to the public Welfare along with it. By this means, and this only, in the ordinary Courfe of Things, are they to take a right Turn and Direffio?! early, while they are tender, ductile, and manageable. It is from hence they are to learn, before their Appetites and Paffions, and ill Jmpreffions from their Senfes have deluded them, where to place their chief Happinefs or higheft Good; not in Pleafures or Money, not in Meats or Drinks, or any other Vanities of this World, but in the pureft Virtue, in Blifs eternal of the Life to come," and the 2 Favour at GHRIST^CHURCH, London. it Favbur of a great COD above, who is the Ruler of all, the fupfeme Lawgiver to Mankind, the Infpectof and Judge of all our A&ions, who will certainly call as every one to Account hereafter for our Behaviour irt thfe Life, and reward or punifli us accordingly' itV tlfetfterl' -Hence again, befofie Vices and ill CompamA have->d*baUched htfr MMs and ri Heafts, they learn farther the Obligation and- ?eee(ftty of good Morals; of Reverence and Obedience to the Will of GOD, how*' 1 ever known to -us by the Voice of Nature or Revela- tion, and of 'all foefel \crf'^eribhal : DiitTe8i''irt;'}iiti6^ Ecjuity, Honefty, Sdbriety, Indirfhy, andChaftityj to- gether with the Sin, the Deformity,- the Danger and Wretchednefs of the oppofite Vices. At the fame Time they are taught Subjection to Rales, Order, and Au- thority, by the Hand and Rod thait is held over them 1 ] their Paffions and Appetites, their Hutatours* atld Far l cies are kept under Government, bridled and mode- rated within due Bounds before they grow headflrong and wild, and thus become habituated gradually to a Yoke: they muft bear, i*e. the 'Deflates of Reafdn, of Scriptorc.iand Decorum. j'-ii 13 vo ii o3 .ji ^o noi}S3ubll Vi;l 10 V.co c^f r J oi TwM Wti^fre? are m ! gene^ai^ie Methods, can- not but wifh heartily, (as we have nothing anti-fcrip- tural in our Syftem to difguife or palliate) that all our People could read and would ftudy and follow the Scriptures, as the Fountain of Wifdom and Blifs to all. Whoever cannot, from an Ignorance and Difability not wilful^ but occasioned by Poverty, are excufable indeed for what they cannot help, if they try to learn their Duty in what way they can ; but yet how dark and deplora- at CHRIST-CHURCH, London. 29 deplorable is their Condition ! Such might have been the Misfortune of thefe and Thoufands of other Chil- dren, if our Charities had not ftept in to their Relief; and fuch, alas, muft be ftill the Fate perhaps of whole Myriads, as their Wants are, and will be too great for all our Charities to fuccour ! I N the mean time, may no Care and Zeal be want- ing to fupport and inlarge the Funds we have for thefe beneficent Purpofes. And indeed as thefe Deiigns have profpered hitherto, and multiplied in thefe and other Parts of the Kingdom beyond all Expectation, they give us a pleafing Earned of their farther Growth and Extent in Years to come. It is not Theory only, but Experience, we may prefume, of the iignal Benefits of them, under the Bleflingof GOD, which has raifed fuch a Warmth and Vigour in the Profecution of this Work ; and the more it fpreads its Aids to poor Ob- jects, the more vifible and mining no doubt will be the Ufe of it in all Parts, and draw out frefli Sup- plies from the Liberal and Affluent, towards a happy Increafe of thefe good Fruits among our People. IT is fuch a Conviction and Senfibility of the great Good, which has been and may be effected by fuch Schemes, that animates fo many worthy T'ruflees for thefe Charities to act fo vigoroufly and chearfully in their Office. Their Province has a Duty, a Care, and Trouble attending it, which nothing but a public Spirit, and a benevolent Zeal for doing Good, would incline 30 ^SERMON PREACHED incline Men to take upon themfelves voluntarily, and to execute faithfully, without a Stipend ; but they know their Caufe is excellent, and their Labours full of Praife and Honour in the Sight of G o D and Man. With this Perfuafion they go on in their Charge with Firmnefs and Alacrity, fuperintending and regulating very diligently all the Charities of this Sort under their 'Eye, and uniting their beft Endeavours to render them every way laudable, amiable, and beneficial. WITH the fame pious Views and Ardor, has this alfo been one Part of the Care of our venerable Society for Promoting Chriftian Knowledge. While one great and good Society among us is ever labouring to ipread the Knowledge of Chrift and his Gofpel, among the rude uncivilized Heathens of the Weft-Indies -, this other is advancing every where at Home a true Spirit of the Chriftian Religion, by all the Methods and Bounties it is capable of practifmg. It is continually minifter- ing to the Poor in this Point, by diftributing among them in all Parts of the Kingdom, at the eafieft Rates, both Bibles and Prayer Books, and fhort plain Treatifes upon the Whole Duty of Man, and all other Helps of this Sort to Morality and Devotion, which its Stock and Correfpondencies will admit. It is but lately that it executed a very difficult Undertaking, in a very large Impreffion of the Scriptures in the Welch Language, and thus'furnimed a whole People at once with the Word of GOD in their own Tongue, when they were languifhing for want of it under a general Scarcity of at CHRIST-CHURCH, London. 31 of all former Copies. The fame Society is farther one great Support of the P rote ft ant Miflions in the Eajl- Indies, for the Converilon of Heathens to the Faith of Chrift, in Parts near our Englifo Settlements. For this Purpofe, it contributes largely to the Maintenance of Minifters and other Teachers annually, and bears often a great Expence in printing the New T^eflament and Pfalter and other Books in the Eaftern Languages. It gives alfo a generous Aid in the fame good Work to many of the Greek Church, in Syria, Palejiine, Arabia, and Perjta. All which Labours and Bene- factions of the Society have been crowned with im- portant SuccefTes, to the Honour of our blefled Lord and his Gofpel. And fuch being the Spirit and Aims of this worthy Body, it is no wonder, that our Charity Schools became foon the Object of its Zeal and En- couragement. They found here at their firft Rife all the Patronage and kind Offices that could be wimed ; and they ftill receive yearly from hence many generous Aids of various Kinds, to their great Comfort and Im- provement. THUS are thefe, and all other Labourers in fuch Works of Chi iftian Love, imitating their great Mafter and promoting his Kingdom. It was his great Delight and Bufinefs to give Light to them that fat in Darknefs and the Shadow of Death> and to guide their Feet into the Way of Peace. Let the fame be our Part, as for as we are able in our humble Sphere, and endeavour to be Eyes to the Blind and Feet to the Lame in a fpi- ritual 72 A S E R M O N, ftfc. w ' ritual View. Such Bounties, though of excellent Be- nefit to the Poor, take nothing from the Donor, which deferves a Thought ; they deprive him not even of one lingle Gratification, that a wife Man would value j and give him, if his Heart be humane, a Pleafure in the Confcioufnefs of doing Good, which ho Tongue can well exprefs, and no Jewel purchafe without it. At the fame Time, by acting thus with a Zeal for the Glory of GOD and the true Faith of Chrifl, and by thus turning many to Righteoufnefs^ you are laying up & 'Treafure in Heaven, 'which neither Moth nor Rujl doth corrupt ; and making Friends above by the Mammon of this World, who, whenever you fail at laft under Mor- tality, will receive you into everlafting Habitations^ there to foine as the Stars for ever and ever. FINIS. 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