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^> * i %Il , . j 3 > - I 1 2> > ' -^^ ~> 3v ,J> ^v ) ^> w i ^ r;^ 3>> ^ ==^ > ;0 .5 ; ^- > > > > -> > ^y PENNSYLVANIA WAR OF THE REVOLUTION, BATTALIONS AND LINE. 1775-1783. EDITED BY JOHN BLAIR LINN, WILLIAM H. EGLE, M. D. VOLUME I. HARRIS BURG: 1ANK 8. HAKT, STATE PK1STBH. 1880. CONTENTS OF VOLUME FIRST. Page. Col. Win. Thompson's Battalion of Riflemen, 1 First Pennsylvania Battalion, Col. DeHaas, 43 Second Pennsylvania Battalion, Col. St. Clair, 67 Third Pennsylvania Battalion, Col. Shee, 101 Fourth Pennsylvania Battalion, Col. Wayne, 113 Fifth Pennsylvania Battalion, Col. Magaw, 137 Sixth Pennsylvania Battalion, Col. Irvine, 159 Pennsylvania Rifle Regiment, Col. Miles, 191 The Musketry Battalion, Col. Atlee, 235 The State Regiment of Foot, Cols. Bull and Stewart, 255 The First Pennsylvania, 303 The Second Pennsylvania, 391 The Third Pennsylvania 443 The Fourth Pennsylvania, 481 The Fifth Pennsylvania, 527 The Sixth Pennsylvania, 563 The Seventh Pennsylvania, 593 The Eighth Pennsylvania, 639 The Ninth Pennsylvania, 671 The Tenth Pennsylvania, 697 The Eleventh Pennsylvania, 741 The Twelfth Pennsylvania, 755 The Thirteenth Pennsylvania, 765 Additional Regiment, Col. Hartley's, 775 Additional Regiment, Col. Patton's, 787 (iii) CONTENTS OF VOLUME SECOND. Page. The New Eleventh, 3 The German Regiment, 71 The Corps of Count Von Ottendorff, 85 Pennsj'lvanians in Col. Hazen's Regiment, 97 The Wyoming Valley Companies, 109 Pennsylvanians in Commander-in-Chief 's Guards, 119 Col. Moylan's Cavalry Regiment, 125 Armand's First Partisan Legion, 137 Pennsylvanians in Pulaski's Legion, 151 Pennsylvanians in Lee's Partisan Corps, 157 Von Heer's Light Dragoons, 163 The Pennsylvania Artillery, 171 Fourth Regiment of Artillery, 189 Capt. Coren's Independent Company of Artillery, 229 Atillery Artificers, 239 The Invalid Regiment, 259 The Orderly Books of the Pennsylvania Line, '283 (iv) COL. WILLIAM THOMPSON'S BATTALION OF RIFLEMEN. JUKE 25, 1775 JULY 1, 1776. 1 VOL.X. COL. WILLIAM THOMPSON'S BATTALION RIFLEMEN. OP 1775. j|OL. THOMPSON'S BATTALION OF RIFLEMEN, so styled in Gen. Washington's general orders, was en- listed in the latter part of June, and in the beginning of July, 1775, in pursuance of a resolution of Congress, Mated June 14, for raising six companies of expert rifle- men in Pennsylvania, two in Maryland, and two in Vir- ginia, which, as soon as completed, were to join the army near Boston. By a resolution dated June 22, the " Colony of Penn- sylvania" was directed to raise two more companies, which, with the six, were to be formed into a battalion, and be commanded by such officers as the Assembly or convention shall recommend. This res- olution having been com- municated tQthe Assem- bly, it resolved, June 24, *' that the members of Congress deputed by this Assembly be a committee to consider of, and recommend proper officers of the said battalion." The commis- sions to the officers are dated the next day, June 25, Sunday, conse- quently no record of their appointment appears upon the journals of Congress. The following is a copy of one of them : IN CONGRESS. The delegates of the United Colonies of New Hampshire, Massachu- setts Bay, Rhode Island, Connecticut, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, the counties of New Castle, Kent, and Sussex, in " Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, and South Carolina : To JOHN LOWDON, ESQ. We, reposing especial trust and confidence in your patriotism, valor, conduct, and fidelity, do by these presents, constitute and ap- point you to be a captain of a company of riflemen, in the battalion commanded by Col. William Thompson, in the army of the United Colonies raised for the defense of American liberty, and for repel- ling any hostile invasion thereof. You are, therefore, carefully and 4 COL. WILLIAM THOMPSON - diligently to discharge the duty of captain, by doing and perform- ing all manner of things thereunto belonging. And we do strictly charge and require all officers and soldiers under your command, to be obedient to your orders as captain, and you are to observe and follow such orders and directions from time to time as you shall receive from this or a future Congress of the United Colonies, or committee of Congress for that purpose appointed, or Com- mander-in-chief for the time being of the army of the United Colonies, or any other superior officer, according to the rules and discipline of war, in pursuance of the trust reposed in you. This commission to continue in force until revoked by this or a future Congress. By order of Congress. JOHN HANCOCK, President. PHILADELPHIA, June 25, 1775. Attest : CHARLES THOMSON, Secretary. The form of enlistment was : " I have this day voluntarily enlisted myself as a soldier in the American Continental Army for one year, unless sooner discharged, and do bind myself to conform in all in- stances to such rules and regulations as are or shall be established for the government of the said army." Each company was to consist of one captain, three lieutenants, four sergeants, four corporals, a drummer or trumpeter, and sixty- eight privates. On the llth of July Congress was informed that two companies had been raised in Lancaster county instead of one, and it resolved that both companies be taken into the Continental service. This battalion, therefore, consisted of nine companies, enlisted as follows : Chambers' and Hendricks : in Cumberland county, Doudel's in York, Ross' and Smith's in Lancaster, Lowdon's in Northumberland, Cluggage's in Bedford, Nagel's in Berks, and Capt. Abraham Mil- ler's, in Northampton. The pay of the officers and privates was as follows : Captain, twenty dollars per month ; a lieutenant, thirteen and one third dol- lars ; sergeant, eight dollars ; a corporal, seven and one third ; a drummer or trumpeter, the same ; privates, six and two thirds, to find their own arms and clothes. The patriotism of Pennsylvania was evinced in the haste with which the companies of Col. Thompson's battalion were filled to over- flowing, and the promptitude with which they took up their march for Boston. The Philadelphia Evening Post of August 17, 1775, publishes a New York item, " that between the 28th of July and 2d instant, the rifle men, under the command of Captains Smith, Low- don, Doudel, Chambers, Nagel, Miller, and Hendrieks, passed through New Windsor, [a few miles north of West Point,] in the BATTALION OF RIFLEMEN. 5 New York government, on their way to Boston." A number of gentlemen went along as independent volunteers. Their names were not entered on the rolls, and they claimed the privilege of paying their own expenses and returning at their pleasure. Among these were Edward Burd, afterwards prothonotary of the Supreme Court, Jesse Lukens, Matthew Duncan, &c. The history of the battalion appears in the following cotemporary records : Captain James Chambers writes from Cambridge, August 13, 1775 : " We arrived in camp on the 7th ultimo, about twelve o'clock. We were not here above an hour until we went to view the lines where the English camp is all in plain sight. We crossed the lines, and went beyond the outposts to a small hill, within musket shot of a man-of-war and a floating battery, and not further from the works at the foot of Bunker Hill, where we could see them very plainly. Whilst I was standing there, some of our riflemen slipped down the hill, about a gun-shot to the left of us, and began firing. The reg- ulars returned it without hurting our men. We thought we saw one of the red coats fall. Since the riflemen came here, by the latest accounts from Boston, there have been forty-two killed and thirty- eight prisoners taken at the light-house, twelve of the latter tories. Amongst the killed are four captains, one of them a son of a lord, and worth 40,000 a year, whose name I cannot recollect. The riflemen go where they please, and keep the regulars in continual hot water. " They are every day firing cannon at our people, but have not yet killed a man. We expect six wagons loaded with powder here in two or three days ; and when they arrive, our twenty-four pounders will begin to play on their ships and the lines on Bunker Hill. It is difficult for our men to get within shot of them, as they have floating batteries that flank the end of Winter Hill, and men-of-war on the other side, though our boys think they killed several of them. About an hour ago, I saw a small cannonading between two of the enemy's boats and one of our batteries, to the north of Boston. We can see all the town distinctly from our fort on Prospect Hill, and it is a very pretty place. Two deserters came to us last night." Thacher in his Military Journal of the Revolution, under date of August, 1775, describes this battalion : "They are remarkably stout and hardy men ; many of them ex. ceeding six feet in height. They are dressed in white frocks or rifle shirts and round hats. These men are remarkable for the ac- curacy of their aim ; striking a mark with great certainty at two hundred yards distance. At a review, a company of them, while on a quick advance, fired their balls into objects of seven inches diameter, at the distance of two hundred and fifty yards. They are now stationed in our lines, and their shot have frequently proved fatal to British officers and soldiers who expose themselves 6 COL. WILLIAM THOMPSON'S to view, even at more than double the distance of common musket shot.'' This battalion became the Second regiment (and after the 1st of January, 1776, the Fii'st regiment) " of the army of the United Colo- nies, commanded by His Excellency General George Washington, Esquire, general and commander-in-chief." So reads a return dated " Head-quarters at Cambridge, August 18, 1775," by which it appears that three field officers, nine captains, twenty-seven lieuten- ants, the adjutant, quartermaster, surgeon and mate, twenty-nine sergeants, thirteen drums and fifes, and seven hundred and thirteen rank and file were present, fit for duty. Lieut. Col. Hand writes, August 20, that he arrived with Col. Thompson on the 17th ; that they were under Gen. Lee's immediate command, but were to move four and a half miles into Gen. Put- nam's department, and that Major Magaw was in command at Cape Anne. This battalion formed the picket guard of the two thousand pro- vincials, who, on the evening of the 26th of August took possession of and threw up intrenchments on Ploughed 1 1 ill, and on themorn- ingof the 27th met with its first loss, private Simpson, of Smith 'scom- pany, who was wounded in the leg and died therefrom. " Poor Simp- son (beau) had one of his legs shattered by a cannon ball, The di- rector general took it off , but the poor lad was buried thisevening." Hand's letter of 29th. " On the evening of the 26th instant, Saturday, I was ordered to draw fifty men out of each of the Cumberland companies, and to be ready to march at sunset. Accordingly I did so, and marched without beat of drum to Prospect Hill, and thence proceeded with the riflemen stationed there, in all about four hundred, to Ploughed Hill, and then down the hill within three or four hundred yards of the enemy's strongest works, to cover a party of about two thousand musket men who were at the same time to entrench on Ploughed Hill. They labored hard all night, and at daybreak had the re- doubt nearly completed. The English began a heavy cannonading, which continued all day. They killed one adjutant and one sol- dier with cannon, wounded three others with musket halls. Wil- liam Simpson, of Paxton, was struck by a shot and his foot carried away, &c. Your son, Benjamin, was with me in all this affair." Capt. James Chambers to his tei/e, August 29, 1775. James Wilkinson, (subsequently Brigadier General Wilkinson,) who was a volunteer in Col. Thompson's battalion, makes the fol- lowing reference to the first Pennsylvania soldier who fell in the war of the Revolution : " The provincials broke ground at Ploughed Hill, August 26, about one mile north-west, and in front of the British post at Bunker Hill, on the peninsula of Charlestown. A detach- ment of riflemen ordered to cover the working party took post BATTALION OF RIFLEMEN. 7 in an orchard, and under cover of stone fences in advance. As soon as the enemy discovered the workmen, they opened a bat- tery upon them, and kept up a brisk cannonade by which volunteer Simpson, of Pennsylvania, had one of his heels and ankles so much shattered that mortification ensued, and he died in a few days. The young man was visited and consoled during his illness by Gen. Washington in person, and by most of the officers of rank belong- ing to the army. Every exertion of the faculty was made to save him, and his death became a theme of common sorrow in an army of twelve or fourteen thousand men. I witnessed the effect on my arrival two or three weeks after." Memoirs, Vol. I, page 1G. On the 5th of September, two companies of this battalion, (Capt. Wm. Hendricks, Capt. Matthew Smith,) were ordered to parade upon the common in Cambridge, and join the detachment ''to go upon command with Colonel Arnold." For a full and interesting account of the hardships and sufferings of these two companies, see Judge John Joseph Henry's narrative, (Lancaster, These compa _ nies led the advance under captain, afterward Col. Daniel Morgan, through the wilder- ness,* and participated in the attack on Quebec, on the morning of the 31st of December at Palace Gate, where, as the dispatch of the day reads, " that excellent young officer, Capt. William Hendricks, of Pennsylvania, fell," and the rest of the command after desperate fighting, were forced to surrender. The survivors were paroled on the 7th of August, 1776, and after being exchanged, for the most part, reentered the service, following the fortunes of the Pennsyl- vania Line with Gen. Wayne, down into Georgia, resisting the fear- ful night attack made upon Wayne's carnp, near Sharon, Georgia, on the 24th of May, 1782 ; entering Savannah in triumph with him on the llth of July ; Charleston on the 14th of December, 1782, and only returning in the month of July, 1783, when the last of the Pennsylvania troops embarked at James Island, South Carolina, on board of transports for Philadelphia, * At Fort Western, (on the Kennebeck,) "concluded to dispatch an of- ficer and seven men in advance, for the purpose of ascertaining and mark- ing the paths which were used by the Indians towards the heads of the river, and ascertain the course of the river Chamliere. Arnold found it necessary to select an officer of activity and courage. The choice fell upon Lieut. Archibald Steele, of Smith's company, who selected as his companions, Jesse Wheeler, George Merchant, and James Clifton of Morgan's company ; and Robert Cunningham, Thomas Boyd, John Tidd, John McKonkey, and John Joseph Henry, of Smith's company." Henry, page 17- Also, see Oswald's Journal, Force's Archives, 3d vol., 1059, "Sunday, 24th of September, dispatched Lieut. Steele, Ac." 8 COL. WILLIAM THOMPSON'S On the 23d of September, Col. Hand writes to Judge Yeates : "Day before yesterday, Lieut. McKenzie of the Bedford com- pany, had his hat blown off by the wind of a cannon ball, and a splinter hit Dr. Hubley,and overturned him. Morgan, Hendricks, and Smith, have left with their companies for Canada. Seven hun- dred mnsqueteers from here are on the same expedition. The expe- dition with which the York company was raised does not help on for their misconduct; had Smith's company been better behaved, they might probably have saved themselves a disagreeable jaunt. The General refused peremptorily to take the York company." A cotemporary letter, dated September 13, says : " On Monday last (llth) Col. Arnold having chosen one thousand effective men, consisting of two companies of riflemen, (about one hundred and forty,) the remainder musqueteers, set off for Quebec,, as it is given out, and which I really believe to be their destination. I accompanied on foot as far as Lynn, nine miles. Dr. Coates, who goes as surgeon, Mr. Matt. Duncan, Mr. Melcher, and several other southern gentlemen as volunteers. Here I took leave of them with a wet eye. The drums beat, and away they go as far as Newbury- port by land, from there they go in sloops to Kennebeck river, up it in batteaux, and have a carrying place of about fifty miles, over which they must carry on their shoulders their batteaux and bag- gage, scale the walls, and sj>end the winter in joy and festivity among the sweet Nuns." Jesse Lukens.* In general orders, dated Cambridge, September 11 ,1775, occurs: "Col. Thompson's battalion of riflemen posted upon Prospect Hill, to take their share of all duty, of guard and fatigue, with the brig- ade they encamp with." Also, September 13: "The thirty-three riflemen of Col. Thompson's battalion tried yesterday, by a general court-martial, whereof Col. Nixon was president, for 'disobedient and mutinous behavior,' are each of them sentenced to pay the sum of twenty shillings, except John Leamon, who, over and above his fine, is to suffer six days imprisonment. The pay-master of the regiment to stop the fine from each man out of next month's pay, which must be paid to Dr. Church, for the use of the general hos- pital.' " The cotemporary letter above referred to supplements these or- ders, thus : " Our camp is separate from all others about one hundred yards. All our courts-martial and duty was separate. We were excused from all working parties, camp guards, camp duty. This * Jesse Lukens was a son of Surveyor General John Lukens. He re- turned from Boston in the winter of 1775, just in time to join Plunket's expedition against the Connecticut settlers at Wyoming, 25th Decem- ber, in which he was mortally wounded, and died a few days after. A sad comment on his sportive letter. BATTALION OF RIFLEMEN. 9 indulgence, together with the remissness of discipline and care in our young officers, has rendered the men rather insolent for good soldiers. They had twice before broken open our guard-house and released their companions who were confined there for small crimes, and once when an offender was brought to the post to be whipped, it was with the utmost difficulty they were kept from res- cuing him in the presence of all their officers. They openly damned them, and behaved with great insolence. However the colonel was pleased to pardon the man, and all remained quiet ; but on Sunday last the adjutant having confined a sergeant for neglect of duty and murmuring, the men began again, and threatened to take him out. The adjutant being a man of spirit, seized the principal mutineer and put him in also, and coming to report the matter to the colonel where we were all sitting after dinner, were alarmed with a huz- zaing, and, upon going out, found they had broken open the guard- house and taken the man out. The colonel and lieutenant-colonel, with several officers and friends, seized the fellow from amongst them, and ordered a guard to take him to Cambridge to the main guard, which was done without any violent opposition, but in about twenty minutes thirty-two of Capt. Ross' company, with their loaded rilles, swore by God they would go to the main guard and release the man or lose their lives, and set off as hard as they could run. It was in vain to attempt stopping them. We stayed in camp and kept the others quiet. Sent word to Gen. Washington, who reinforced the guard to five hundred men with fixed bayonets and loaded pieces. Col. Hitchcock's regiment, (being the one next to us,) was ordered under arms, and some part of Gen. Greene's brig- ade, (as the generals were determined to subdue by force the mu- tineers, and did not know how far it might spread in our battalion.) Genls. Washington, Lee| and Greene came immediately, and our thirty-two mutineers who had gone about a half a mile towards Cambridge and taken possession of a hill and woods, beginning to be frighted at their proceedings, were not so hardened, but upon the General's ordering them to ground their arms they did it immedi- ately. The General then ordered another of our companies, Capt. Nagel's, to surround them with their loaded guns, which was im- mediately done, and did the company great honor. However, to convince our people (as I suppose, mind,) that it did not altogether depend upon themselves, he ordered part of Col. Hitchcock's and Col. Little's regiments to surround them with their bayonets fixed, and ordered two of the ringleaders to be bound. I was glad to find our men all true and ready to do their duty except these thirty-two rascals. Twenty-six were conveyed to the quarter-guard on Pros- pect Hill, and six of the principals to the main guard. You cannot conceive what disgrace we are all in, and how much the General is chagrined that only one regiment should come from the South, and 10 COL. WILLIAM THOMPSON'S that set so infamous an example, and in order that idleness shall not be a further bane to us, the General's orders on Monday, were ' that Col. Thompson's regiment shall be upon all parties of fatigue, (working parties,) and do all other camp duty with any other regi- ment.' " The men have since been tried by a general court-martial and convicted of mutiny, and were only fined twenty shillings each for the use of the hospital too small a punishment for so base a crime. Mitigated, no doubt, on account of their having comedo far to serve the cause and its being the first crime. The jnen are returned to their camp and seem exceedingly sorry for their misbehavior and promise amendment. I charge our whole disgrace upon the remiss- ness of our officers, and the men being employed will yet, no doubt, do honor to their Provinces. For this much I can only say for them that upon every alarm it was impossible for men to behave with more readiness or attend better to their duty ; it is only in the camp that we cut a poor figure." In a general return of the army, dated September 23, 1775, the ef- fective force present were three field officers, seven captains, twenty lieutenants, chaplain, adjutant, quarter-master, surgeon and mate, twenty -seven sergeants, six drummers and fifes, and four hundred and eighty-five rank and file fit for duty, forty-nine sick, one on command, and none on furlough. On 17th of October, same number of officers present, and four hundred and seventy-one rank and file fit for duty, one on furlough. October 3. Hand writes to his wife: "Capt. Ross goes for Lancaster to-morrow. Henry Fortney is well; his behavior does him credit. Mr. Henry, junior, has fol- lowed the troops to Canada with out leave. Nothing but a perfect loose to his feelings will tame his rambling desire." October 23. Hand writes to Yeates from Prospect Hill : " One of our armed boats fell down to the mouth of Cambridge river, and sent a few shots into Boston. One of her guns bursted- Your old friend Worthington was on board, and had his shins broken. Gen. Washington is irritated by Capt. Ross' absence with- out his knowledge, and declared to Col. Thompson that any officer who went home from his regiment must resign his commission. Heard last night that Falmouth was in ashes. An officer, Burr, from Northumberland, with thirty men from us, marched for Ports- mouth. 24th, they marched at dawn this morning." On the 9th of November occurred the skirmish at Lechmere's Point ; for their alacrity in which, Col. Thompson and his battalion were publicly thanked by Gen. Washington, in general orders dated the 10th of November. The British had landed under cover of a fire from their batteries on Bunker, Breed's, and Copp's Hills, as well as from a frigate which lay three hundred yards off the point. In a BATTALION OF RIFLEMEN. 11 "high tide it is an island. Col. Thompson marched instantly with his men, and though a very stormy day, they regarded not the tide nor waited for boats, but took to the water, although up to their armpits, for a quarter of a mile, and notwithstanding the regulars' fire, reached the island, and although the enemy were lodged behind the walls and under cover, drove them to their boats. Loss, one killed and three wounded ; British loss, seventeen killed and one wounded. Philadelphia, Evening Post, 1775, Letters of Mrs. Adams, wife of John Adams, page 61. " CAMP ox PROSPECT HILL, 10th November, 1775. " I give you the particulars of the fun our regiment had yesterday. About one, p. M., a number of regulars, taking advantage of a high tide, landed from twenty boats on Lechmere Point, to carry off some cattle. Six men of our regiment were on the point to take care of our horses ; they did their utmost, and partly effected it. One poor fellow was taken ; he was of Capt. lloss' company. I think his name was Burke. When the alarm was given, Col. Thompson was at Cambridge. I had gone to "Watertown to receive the reg- iment's pay, but thanks to good horses, we arrived in time to march our regiment, which was the first ready, though the most distant of our brigade. Col. Thompson, who arrived before we had crossed the water, with thirteen men only of Ross' company, but not being supported by the musqueteers, before I could get up with the re- mainder of our regiment off duty, returned, and met Major Magaw and myself on the causeway; the whole then passed with the ut- most diligence, up to our middles in water. David Ziegler, who acts as adjutant, tumbled over the bridge into ten or twelve feet water ; he got out safe, with the damage of his rifle only. As soon as the battalion had passed the defile, we divided them into two parties, part of Capt. Chambers', Capt. Miller's, and Lowdon's, with Major Magaw and Col. Thompson, marched to the right of the hill, with part of Cluggage's, Nagel's, and Ross'. I took the left, as the enemy had the superiority of numbers, and the advantage of rising ground, with a stone wall in front, and a large barn on their right and flank, aided by a heavy fire of large grape-shot from their shipping and batteries. We had reason to expect a warm recep- tion ; but to the disgrace of British arms, be it spoken, by the time we had gained the top of the hill, they had gained their boats, and rowed off. We had but one man wounded, I believe mortally, by a swivel ball, Alexander Creighton, of Ross' company. Wm. Ham- ilton need not grudge the money his son cost him. His coolness and resolution surpassed his years. Billy Burd had his eyes closed, by the dirt knocked off by a cannon ball. Lieut. Col. Hand's letter to his wife, Hand manuscripts. Ibid. November 9 : " We have appointed Rev. Blair, son-in-law 12 COL. WILLIAM THOMPSON'S to Dr. Shippen, our chaplain. He yesterday officiated for the first time." Ibid., November 10: "One of our poor fellows of Capt. Ross' company, was taken; I think his name is Burk." The general return of December 30 shows present six captains, seventeen lieutenants, twenty-four sergeants, five drums and lifes. three hundred and thirteen men fit for duty, eighty-live sick, forty- two on command, five on furlough. On the 1st of January, the new army organizution-com- 1776. menced, and the rifle battalion became the first regiment of the Continental army. Its total strength reported at six hundred and ninety three orticers and men. On the 6th of Jan- uary, Major Magaw was commissioned colonel of the Fifth Penira, (and upon the return of Lieut. Col. Hand from furlough, received in November,) on 2d of February, Cols. Thompson and Magaw set off for Pennsylvania, leaving Hand in command. The latter writes, on the 8th of March : " I am stationed on Cobble's Hill, with four companies of our regiment. Two companies, Cluggages' and Chambers', were or- dered to Dorchester on Monday ; Ross and Lowdon relieved them yesterday. Every regiment is to have a standard and colors. Our standard is to be a deep green ground, the device a tiger partly en- closed by toils, attempting the pass, defended by a hunter armed with a spear, (in white,) on crimson field the motto Domarinolo."* On the llth he writes : " The enemy seem to be preparing to depart. Our regiment is ordered to march at an hour's warning. New York is at present our destination." The regiment left Cambridge on the 14th, being- detached by general order of the 13th, by Gen. Washington, with five other regiments, under the command of Gen. Sullivan to New York. Hand says: " I left on the 15th. Hartford, 21st March, our regiment so far on the march to New York. New York, March 28 r arrived here with the regiment this day. I received your letter by Capt. Ross. Day before yesterday received a letter from the presi- dent of Congress, appointing me to the command of the rifle regi- ment. New I"ork, March 28, 1 have just arrived with the regiment, Howe abandoned Boston on the 17th. Two of my officers were in the town ; it is little damaged. Mr. Hancock's house is left in per- fect repair." Meanwhile, March 1, Col. Thompson was made a brig- adier general, and Hand became colonel, March 7, with Capt. James Chambers as lieutenant colonel. On the 5th of April, Gen. Put- nam detached three companies to scour the shores of Long Island, and they captured a midshipman with his boat and ten sailors. * This standard is now in the possession of the State of Pennsylvania, having been recently purchased by Hon. M. S. Quay, Secretary of the Commonwealth, from Thomas Robinson, Esq., grandson of Lieut. Col. Thomas Robinson, of the First Pennsylvania. BATTALION OF RIFLEMEN. 13 "April 12, 1 was moved to Long Island last Tuesday. My station is !New Utrecht, eight miles from the ferry." Hand. This remained the head-quarters of the regiment during May and June. On the 15th of April, Congress resolved to recruit and reenlist this battalion and the independent rifle companies attached to it, for the term of two years, unless sooner discharged. Before Gen. Washington was aware of this action on the part of Congress, on the 22d of April, he wrote the President of Congress from Kew York: " The time for which the riflemen enlisted will expire on the 1st of July next, and as the loss of such a valuable and brave body of men will be of great injury to the service, I would submit it to the consideration of Congress whether it would not be best to adopt some method to induce them to continue. They are, indeed, a very useful corps ; but I need not mention this, as their importance is already well known to the Congress." On the 24th of April, it was the First regiment of the Third brigade, Gen. Sullivan's, and on the oth of May, its total strength, officers and men, five hundred and seven. On the 30th' of June the time of those who did not reenlist expired. "Almost all the men discharged to-day declare that they will stay to kriow what the fleet will do." Hand's letter, June 30, 1776. On the first of July it en- tered upon another term of service, as the First regiment of the Pennsylvania Line in the Continental service. The rank of the captains of this battalion cannot be ascertained from the records ; the rolls are, therefore, inserted in the alphabet- real order of captains' names. Reference is made to the roster and rolls of the First Penn'a, Continental line, for the names of officers and privates who continued in service. These rolls are made up principally from imperfect rolls among the Hand papers, "Mili- tary," now in the office of the Secretary of War, at Washington, D. C., for the inspection of which, and permission to copy, the editors are indebted to Hon. J. Donald Cameron, then Secretary of War. Much information was also obtained from such of Gen. Hand's papers as are still in the possession of his grand-daughter, Mrs. S. B. Rogers, of Lancaster city. It appears by a certificate of Jacob Howell, dated April 7, 1794, that there were no rolls for 1775 in the accountant's office of the War Department. 14 COL. WILLIAM THOMPSON'S ROSTER OF FIELD AND STAFF OFFICERS. Colonels. Thompson, William, of Carlisle, commissioned June 25, 1775 ; pro- moted brigadier general March 1, 1776. Hand, Edward, from lieutenant colonel, March 7, 1776 ; commis- sioned brigadier general September 17, 1778, to rank from April 1, 1777. Lieutenant Colonels. Hand, Edward, of Lancaster, commissioned June 25, 1775; pro- moted colonel March 7, 1776. Chambers, James, from captain, March 7, 1776. Major. Magaw, Robert, of Carlisle, commissioned June 25, 1775; promoted colonel Fifth Penn'a, January 3, 1776. Chaplain. Blair, Rev'd Samuel, appointed November 9, 1775. Adjutant. Ziegler, David, lieutenant. Quartermasters. Hubley, Frederick, lieutenant. Craig, Thomas, of Bucks county, (see Pennn'a Arch., O. *S., vol. 4, 680,) commissary of purchases, in 1780, in Bucks county ; died in Lehigh county. Bower, Jacob, of Reading ; served afterwards as captain in Flying Camp, and promoted to Sixth Penn'a. Surgeon. Magaw, William, commissioned June 25, 1775. Surgeon's Mate. Reinick, Christian, of Lancaster. Paymaster. Harris, David. Commissary. Biddle, John. Wagon Master. Egle, Adam, of Lancaster, promoted from Capt. Ross' company. BATTALION OF RIFLEMEN. 15 Wagoners. Yedse, Henry. Leib, Stophel. Smith. Peter. ROLL OF CAPTAIN JAMES CHAMBERS' COMPANY. [Enlisted in that part of Cumberland which is now Franklin county.] Captains. Chambers, James, promoted lieutenant colonel, March 7, 1776. Grier, James, from first lieutenant, March 7, 1776. First Lieutenants. Grier, James, promoted captain, vice Chambers, March 7, 1776. McConnell, Matthew, from second lieutenant, March 7, 1776. Second Lieutenant. McConnell, Matthew, promoted first lieutenant, March 7, 1776. Third Lieutenant. Buchanan, Thomas, commissioned June 25, 1775. Sergeants. Hay, David. Andrews, Arthur. Crawford, Alexander. Johnston, Andrew, from private. Privates. Barnet, William. Beatty, Thomas, enlisted June, 1775; reenlisted in First Penn'a, July, 1776. Benker, Michael. Biddle, David. Black, James. Boyd, David. Brandon, John. Brooks, Johnson. Brown, Archibald. Brown, Black. Brown, John. Campbell, Timothy. Campbell, William. 16 COL. WILLIAM THOMPSON'S Carson, Benjamin, enlisted June, 1775; reenlisted First Pr-nn'a. Chambers, Benjamin, brother of Capt. James, promoted second lieutenant Xagel's company, January 5, 1776. Chambers, Benjamin, son of Capt. James, resided in Saline county, Missouri, in 1832, aged seventy-two. Chambers, Williams, brother of Capt. James. Chesney, William. Coneway, Patrick. Davis, Thomas. Derment, John. Eaton, Joseph. Everly, John. Fairchild, Abijah. Finley, William. Furmoil, James. George, Evan. Gildersleeve, William. Grady, Thomas. Henney, Richard. Hogan, Peter. Houseman, George. Hutchinson, John. Hutchinson, Thomas. Irwin, Charles. Jamieson, Francis. Joblier, Robert. Johnston, Andrew, promoted sergeant. Justice, George. Keith, Andrew. Kettling, Lewis. Kelly, Michael. Kelly, Thomas. Kinkaid, Alexander. Kline, Daniel. Leonard, Silas. Likens, David. Lochry, Thomas. Logue, Patrick. Lowrie, Nicholas. Lucas, Thomas. Lynch, John. McCosh, John. McEleve, James. McEnnally, John. McDonald, John. McGibson, Michael. BATTALION OF RIFLEMEN. 17 McGiggan, Cornelius. McGuire, Redmond. McIIaffey, James. McKinney, Henry. McMurtrie, John. " December 1, 1775, John McMurtrie, of Capt. Chambers' company, killed John Penn by his rifle going off when he says he did not know it was loaded." Wright's Jour- nal. Magaw, Patrick. Mason, Thomas, discharged May 31, 1776. Neall, Patrick. Owen, Michael. Paine, Robert. Parker, William. Reynolds, Alexander Reynolds, William. Riddle, David. Rodgers, Thomas. Rumphey, Richard. Sawyer, Nicholas. Scott, Joseph. Shute, Jacob. Skinner, Moses. Sloan, Allen. Stewart, John. Stiles, Timothy. Sullivan, Patrick. Sweeney, James. Sweeney, John. Symnes, James. Tidd, John. Todd, Randle. Vaughan, Thomas. Walker, "William. Weatherby, Matthew. Wilson, Edward. 2 VOL. X. 18 COL. WILLIAM THOMPSON'S ROLL OF CAPTAIN ROBERT CLUGG AGE'S COMPANY. [Enlisted in Bedford county.] Captain. Cluggage, Robert. First Lieutenant. Holliday, John, commissioned June 25, 1775. Second Lieutenants. McKenzie, Robert, died February 12, 1776. Burd, Benjamin, from third lieutenant. Third Lieutenant. Burd, Benjamin, October, 1775, promoted second lieutenant. Sergeants. Holliday, James. Stoy, Daniel; discharged at Long Island, July 1, 1776; resided in Somerset county, in 1818. Meriner, Querinus. Wright, David. Corporals. White, Aquila. Lee, William. McKenzie, Joseph. McDonald, Angus. Drummer. Sullivan, Timothy. Privates. Anderson, Adam ; resided in Westmoreland county in 1818. Bechey, Philip. Bowman, John. Broughdon, Thaddeus, discharged February 10, 1776. Brown, Thomas. Bruner, George. Campbell, John. Casek, Thomas. Cessna, Stephen. Clark, Patrick. Conner, Philip. Corrowan, James. BATTALION OF RIFLEMEN. 19 Craig, Joshua ; resided in Cumberland county, 1820. Crips, John. Crugren, Alexander. Cunningham, Thomas. Curran, James. Davis, John, afterwards adjutant, Flying Camp. Billing, Cornelius. Donelin, William, reenlisted First Penn'a. Dougherty, Matthew. Dowling, Laurence. Francks, Daniel. Freeman, George. Garrett, Amariah. Gemberland, Daniel. Gillespy, Reuben. Hardister, Richard. Hanning, Conrad. Jamison, Francis, reenlisted First Penn'a. Johnston, Andrew, enlisted June 25, 1775; promoted lieutenant 'First Penn'a. Judry, Matthias. Kelley, John. " September 14, 1775, John Kelly, one of Capt. Clug- gages' men, shot one of Capt. Chambers' men through the head, for stabbing him." Wright's Journal. King, Peter. Knight, James. Laird, William. Lenriing Charles. Leonard, Robert. Lesley, John, reenlisted in Eleventh Penn'a. McCartney, Henry, discharged at Long Island, July, 1776; weaver. resided in Lycoming county in 1820, aged seventy-five. McClain, Daniel, reenlisted First Penn'a. McCune, John. McDonald, John. McDonald, Patrick. McFarlane, Thomas. Magee, Thomas. Mangam, Daniel. Miller, Michael. Piatt, Robert. Pitts, John. Plumb, Samuel. Reynolds, Martin. Rhoads, Daniel, Ritchie, Philip, reenlisted First Penn'a. 20 COL. WILLIAM THOMPSON'S Shehan, Thomas. Shires, Francis. Sivnonton, Alexander, reenlisted First Penu'a. Smith, Emanuel. Smith, Henry. Stoy, Daniel, promoted sergeant. Stuart, 'John. Taylor, Jonathan. Thompson, John. Turmoil, Jarnes. Tweed, Andrew. Vanzandt, James. Vanderslice, Daniel, reenlisted First Penn'a, Vaughan, Thomas, reenlisted First Penn'a. Wallace, Samuel, reenlisted First Penn'a. "Walker, Solomon. Warford, James. Ward, Thomas. Wilson, Alexander. Whitman, George, enlisted June, 1775; reenlisted First Penn'a. Woodward, Samuel. ROLL OF CAPTAIN MICHAEL DOUDEL'S COMPANY. This company was enlisted principally at Samuel Getty's Tavern, now Gettysburg, June 24. 1775. Left York for Boston July 1, ar- rived at Cambridge, Mass., July 25, at one, p. >i. The committee of Yorktown, on the 1st of July, 1775, wrote to the Pennsylvania dele- gates in Congress: "GENTLEMEN: We had the honor of receiving your favor of the 15th ult., enclosing a resolve of the Honorable Continental Con- gress of the 14th ult. We immediately summoned the committee of this county and laid before them your letter, &c. The commit- tee proceeded to the choice of officers fit to be recommended to the Congress, and appointed six commissioners to provide necessaries for them. Every resolve passed in committee with the greatest unanimity, and the gentlemen of Yorktown, after the meeting, dispersed themselves through the county, and assisted the officers in recruiting. " The officers we take the liberty to recommend to you, are Captain Michael Doudel, Lieutenants Henry Miller, John Dill and James Matson. They are men whose courage we have the highest opinion BATTALION OF RIFLEMEN. 21 of. The company, including officers and soldiers, are beyond the number fixed for this county, and as Gen. Gates thought it im- proper to discharge any, we have sent them all. "We hope no al- teration will be made in the officers. The captain has behaved very well on this occasion, and has done all in his power, by ad- vancing money, &c., to forward the important common cause. Mr. Miller is known to some of you gentlemen. The other officers are men of worth and property ; they have all wives and families, and are entitled to the warmest thanks of their country. (Signed,) JAMES SMITH, GEORGE IRVIN, JOHN KEAN, JOSEPH DONALDSON, THOMAS HARTLEY, MICHAEL HAHN. " P. S. The company began their march the nearest road to Boston this day." Extract of a letter received in Philadelphia, dated Cambridge, July 31, 1775: u Last Friday, [29th July,] we were informed by our out sentries at the foot of Bunker's Hill, that the enemy had cut down several large trees, and were busy all night in throwing up a line and abattis in front of it. In the evening orders were given to the York County Rifle Company to march down to our advanced post, on Charlestown Neck, to endeavor to surround the enemy's ad- vanced guard, and bring off some prisoners, from whom we ex- pected to learn the enemy's design in throwing up the abattis in the Neck. The rifle company divided, and executed their plan in the following manner: Capt. Doudel, with thirty-nine men, filed off to the right of Bunker's Hill, and, creeping on their hands and knees, got into the rear of the enemies sentries without being dis- covered. The other division, of forty men, under Lieut. Miller, were equally successful in getting behind the sentries on the left, and were within a few yards of joining the division on the right, when a party of regulars came down the hill to relieve their guard, and crossed our riflemen under Capt. Doudel, as they were lying on the ground in an Indian file. The regulars were within twenty yards of our riflemen before they saw them, and immediately fired. The riflemen returned the salute, killed several, and brought off two prisoners and their muskets, with the loss of Corporal Grouse, [Cruise,] who is supposed to be killed, as he has not been heard of since the affair." The roll which follows does not comprise more than one half the strength of Capt. Doudel's company. All research has failed to complete it. 22 COL. WILLIAM THOMPSON'S Captains. Doudel, Michael, resigned on account of ill health soon after the company reached Cambridge. Miller, Henry, from first lieutenant First Lieutenant. Miller, Henry, promoted captain. Second Lieutenant. Dill, John. Tliird Lieutenants. Matson, James. Clark, John, afterwards major in Col. McAlister's battalion, and aid to Gen. Greene; in February, 1778, auditor of accounts, died December 27, 1819, at York Penn'a, aged sixty-eight. Corporal. Cruise, Walter, captured in front of Boston, July 29, 1775 ; a prisoner seventeen months ; promoted captain Sixth Penn'a. Privates. Armor, Robert. Armstrong, George Beverly, John. Bettinger, Christian. Brown, John, captured in September, 1775, in front of Boston. Campbell, Thomas, afterwards captain Fourth Penn'a. Clark, John, promoted lieutenant. Cline, William, reenlisted and discharged March, 1777 ; died in 1826, in York county. Cooper, William. Dougherty, George. Douther, John. Evans, Abel. Ferguson, John. Graft, Robert. Griffith, John. Halbut, Joseph. Kennedy, Richard. Kennedy, Thomas. Lelap, Daniel, died January 29, 1776. Lewis, Abrarn. McAlister, John. McCrary, John. McCurt, John. Minshall, Joshua. Mill, James. Moore, Edward. BATTALION OF RIFLEMEN. 23 Ramsey, David, discharged July 1, 1776 ; enlisted in Col. Hannuni's battalion, and taken at Brandy wine; resided in York county, 1818, aged sixty-nine. Russell, William, promoted ensign in Third Penn'a. Shields, Matthew. Staley, Jacob, Start, Andrew. Sullivan, Patrick, enlisted June 24', 1775; reenlisted First Penn'a. Sweeney, Isaac, promoted lieutenant in Hartley's regiment. Tanner, Tobias. Taylor, John, Turner, Cornelius, taken with Corporal Cruise, and carried to Hali- fax. ROLL OF CAPTAIN WILLIAM HENDRICKS' COMPANY. [Enlisted in Cumberland county, in June, 1775.] Henry McEwen, in his application for a pension, states that " Hendricks' company left Carlisle on the loth of July, 1775, and -arrived in camp at Cambridge on the 8th of August." The records show the rank and file numbered eighty-five men. The following names are taken from Judge Henry's narrative, pension-rolls, and documents among the archives of the State. Congress, October 15, 1776, allowed the executors of Captain Ilendricks, eighty-five dol- lars, one dollar for each man enlisted by him, which was no doubt the sh'ength of his company. In Provost Smith's oration on the death of General Montgomery, and his officers, delivered February 19, 1776, before the Continental Congress, he thus alludes to Capt Ilendricks : " I must not, however, omit the name of the brave Captain Hen- dricks, who commanded one of the Pennsylvania Rifle companies, and was known to me from his in- fancy. He was, indeed, prodigal of his life, and courted danger out of his tour of duty. The command of the guard belonged to him on the morning of the attack, but he solicited, and obtained leave to take a more conspicuous post, and having led his men through the barrier, where his commanding officer, General Arnold, was wounded, he long sustained the fire of the garrison with unshaken firmness, till, at last, receiving a shot in his breast, he immediately expired. These particulars were certified by General Thompson, .and Colonel Magaw,his commanders in the Pennsylvania rifle reg- iment, and they gave me this further character of him in their letter : * No fatigues of duty ever discouraged him ; he paid the strictest 24 COL. WILLIAM THOMPSON'S attention to his company, and was ambitious that they should excel in discipline, sobriety, and order. His social and domestic virtues you were well acquainted with.' " Captain Hendricks was born in Cumberland county, on the place long known as Tobias Hendricks', near Oyster's Point, two miles, west of Harrisburg. He was buried at Quebec, in the same inclo- sure with General Montgomery, on the south side. In reference to Lieut. McClellan, the following extract from a letter addressed by him to Capt. James Chambers, at Ireland's farm r near Cambridge, will be of interest. It is dated Norridgewock, Me., October, 1775: "Sin: "With my best wishes, I send this to inform you that it is your indispensable duty to thank God for not permitting the devil to put it into General Washington's head to send you here." He then gives an account of the wretched country through which they passed, and thinks their sufferings a sufficient punishment for all their sins. Captain. Hendricks, William, June 25, 1775 ; killed in action at Quebec, January 1 1776 First Lieutenant. McClellan, John, died on the march through the wilderness, No- vember 3, 1775 ; he left a daughter, Priscilla. who resided in Cumberland county in 1787, then aged fourteen years, whose descendants still reside in Juniata county. Second Lieutenant. Nichols, Francis, captured at Quebec, January 1, 1776; returned from captivity October 10, 1776 ; December 16, 1776, promoted to the rank of captain, to have rank and pay from the day of the death of Capt. Hendricks; subsequently major Ninth Penn'a. Third Lieutenant. Francis, George. Sergeants. Gibson, Dr. Thomas, of Carlisle ; died at Valley Forge in the winter of 1778. Crone, Henry, * of York county. Greer, Joseph ; * his wife accompanied the expedition. * Indicates those who were captured. NOTE. The greater part of the foregoing names of Hendricks' com- panv and Smith's, postea, were taken from an old time worn manuscript found (October, 1878,) among some estate papers in Cumberland county. To those in italics is the following note upon the original : "Listed in the king's service. Some listed in the English to prevent goin~ to Eng- land that they might escape." There were no rolls of either Hendricks' or Smith's companies among the Hand papers. BATTALION OF RIFLEMEN". 25 McCoy, William.* Privates . Agnew, Edward.* Albright, George, was in the provincial service 1763-4 ; resided in Cumberland county in 1811. Anderson, Thomas. * Baker, Philip,* wounded at Quebec. Blair, John.* Burns, Alexander.* -Burns, Peter.* Burns, William. * Campbell, John, killed at Quebec. Carlisle, Daniel.* Carswell, John,* released April 21, 1777. Casey, Roger.* Caskey, Joseph.* Chambers, John.* Cooke, Thomas,* afterwards lieutenant of Eighth Penn'a. Cove, John.* Craig, John, promoted lieutenant in second battalion, Col. St. Clair. Gumming, Matthew.* Eckles, Arthur, reenlisted ; resided in Cumberland county in 1809. Frainer, Peter.* Furlow, Francis.* Gammel, William.* Gardner, John.* Graham, Daniel.* Greer, James* Grter, Thomas.* Hardy, John.* Hardy, Elijah. Henderson, John,* wounded at Quebec. Ilogge, James, * resided in Cumberland county in 1794. Ireland, James.* Kelly, Dennis, killed at Quebec. Kirkpatrick, William.* Lynch, liichard.* Lamb, David, discharged July 1, 1776 ; died in Centre county, Feb- ruary 12, 1837, aged eighty-three ; buried in Jacksonville grave- yard. Lesley, Thomas,* served under Gen. Forbes in 1758; enlisted with the British service after capture ; deserted at Montreal, August 31, 1776, and returned to the American lines ; killed on board the Penn'a fleet at Fort Mifflin* in November, 1777. Lorain, John, reenlisted ; wounded at Monmouth ; promoted en- sign ; resided in Allegheny county in 1822. 26 UOL. WILLIAM THOMPSON'S McChesney, John,* wounded in left leg at Quebec, December 31, 1775; afterwards captain in Flying Camp; died at Harrisburg in May, 1S22. JfcCZ022an, Daniel.* McClure, Richard.* McCormick, Henry. McEvven, Henry,* enlisted July 11, 1775; wounded by bayonet through hand December 31 ; paroled August 3, 1776 ; exchanged in 1778; died in Centre county, October 14, 1823; buried at Centre Hill. McFarlane, Archibald,* made his escape and enlisted in Capt. Doyle's rifle company McGuire, Harnabas.* McLin, John.* McMurdy, John, reenlisted in Flying Camp; afterwards sergeant in Capt. Patterson's company, Second Penn'a. Mason, Jacob.* Maxwell, Philip.* Morrison, George.* Morrow, George* Morton Edward. Murdoch, Thomas.* North, Daniel.* O'Hara, Daniel.* O'Hara, Willio.m*; exchanged November 8, 1776. Hay, John.* Heed, James.* Einehart, George, reenlisted in Second Penn'a. Hodden, Edward.* Shannon, William.* Smith, William.* Snell, William.* Steel, Robert*; exchanged January 3, 1777; promoted ensign in Fourth Penn'a. Sweeney, Hugh; resided in Cumberland county in 1812. Sweeney Edward. Swaggerty, Abraham*; wounded at Quebec. Taylor, Matthew. Turpentine, Henry.* Young, Michael.* Witherop, Thomas.* Wright, Joseph.* BATTALION OF RIFLEMEN. 27 HOLL OF CAPTAIN JOHN LOWDON'S COMPANY. The journal of Aaron Wright, New York Historical Magazine, lS62,page 209, states, that Capt. Lowdon's company was sworn in at Northumberland, June 29, 1775, after which " we chose our offi- cers and lay there until the 7th of July, when we got orders to march next morning. When on parade our first lieutenant came and told us he would be glad if we would excuse him from going, which we refused, but on consideration we all concluded it was better to con- sent. * * * In the evening we chose a private in his place. The next morning we marched on board the boats, &c. July 13, reached Reading, where we got our knapsacks, blankets, &c." They left Reading on the 20th of July, and were at Bethle- hem on the 1st of August; reached North River, opposite New Windsor, August 20. On the 24th, marched through Litchfield, Conn., crossed the Connecticut near Hartford on the 26th, and reached Dudley, Mass., on the 30th of August. On the 31st they marched to Weston, and stayed all night ; thence through Framing- ham, Watertown, to Cambridge ; thence to Prospect Hill. As the return, ante, of August 18, 1775, includes nine captains and twenty- seven lieutenants, the field officers who arrived on the 17th, may have included this company before its arrival, or Aaron Wright may have been with rear arrivals. The privates were from the West Branch valley, around and north of Sunbury, and among them were Samuel Brady, Peter Pence, Timothy Murphy, and others who became noted in the annals of border warfare. Timothy Murphy, of Northumberland, was with Capt. Barr, under Col. Mor- gan, at Stillwater and Saratoga, and was the soldier who shot Gen. Fraserin the action of the 7th of October, 1777. See Simm's Scho. harie, page 259. Lossing's Field Book, vol. i, page 62. Capt. John Lowdon resided, when he raised this company, on his farm called " Silver Spring," adjoining now the town of Miffl inburg, in Union county, where he died in February, 1798, in his sixty- eighth year. He was a member of the Supreme Executive Council, elected November 4, 1776. First Lieutenant James Barr was from Buffalo Valley, near New Columbia. He rose to the rank of major, and became noted throughout the army for daring and intrepidity. His history sub- sequent to the Revolution seems altogether lost. He died prior to 1804. James Wilson, second lieutenant, was a noted surveyor in North- umberland county prior to the war. William Wilson, third lieu- 28 COL. WILLIAM THOMPSON'S tenant, or ensign, served the entire period of the war. On the 13th of January, 1792, he was appointed associate judge of North- umberland county, which office he held until his death, in 1813. Sergeant David Hammond rose to the rank of first lieutenant, and served throughout the war. He was severely wounded in. Wayne's attack upon the block-house at Bergen Point, near Jersey City, July 21, 1780. He never recovered from the effects of his wound, which caused his death April 27, 1801, aged fifty-five. He is buried in the Chillisquaque grave-yard. He was the father of the late Gen. E,. H. Hammond, of Milton, Penn'a, and grandfather of Lieut. Thos. C. Hammond, who fell in the Mexican war, at San Pasqual, December 6, 1846. Captain. Lowdon, John, June 25, 1775, First Lieutenant. Barr, James, June 25, 1775. Second Lieutenant. Wilson, James, June 25, 1775. Wilson, William, from third lieutenant, January 4, 1776. Third Lieutenant. Wilson, William, June 25, 1775: promoted second lieutenant Jan- uary 4, 1776. Dougherty, John, from sergeant, January 4, 1776. Sergeants. Dougherty, John, promoted third lieutenant January 4, 1776. Hammond, David. McCormick, Alexander. McMurray, William. Dougherty, Cornelius, enlisted July 1, 1775, at Derr's Mill. Corporals. Henry, Thomas. Edwards, William. White, John; died January 8, 1776. Carson, James, enlisted July 1, 1775, at Derr's Mill. Cochran, Charles. Drummer. Grosvenor, Richard; died November 10, 1819, in Nicholas county,. Kentucky. Privates. Adkins, William. All, Joseph; enlisted June 21, 1775; discharged July 31, 1775. Benickler, John, afterwards sergeant in the German regiment. Brady, Samuel. BATTALION OF RIFLEMEN. 29 Briggs, William. Butler, George, enlisted June 24,1775; discharged January 25, 1776. Calhoun, William. Carothers, Robert, enlisted July 1, 1775. at Derr's Mill. Carson, James, promoted corporal January 4, 1776. Casaday, John. Ceuly, Samuel. Clements, David. Cochran, Charles, enlisted Julyl, 1775; promoted corporal January 8, 1776 ; discharged July 1, 1776 ; resided in Crawford county in 1819. Condon, Peter. Davis, David. Dean, John, enlisted June 24, 1775; discharged July 19, 1775 ; ree'n- listed in Tenth Penn'a. Eicholtz, John. Evans, John, discharged July 10, 1776. Finkboner, Jacob, enlisted June 24, 1775 ; discharged January 26, 1776. Ford, Charles. Ginter, Philip. Giltson, Thomas, enlisted July 1, 1775, at Derr's Mill. Hamilton, [Hamberton,] John, enlisted July 1, 1775. Harris, David, served four months, two weeks ; he was a brother of John Harris, founder of Harrisburg. Hare, Michael, enlisted July 1, 1775, at Derr's Mill. Hempington, Thomas. Henning, Christopher. Humber, William,, Jamieson, William. Johns, Samuel. Johnson, James. Jones, Lewis. Kilday, Thomas. Kline, Nicholas. Ladley, John. Landon, Samuel. Leek, William. Lines, Eobert, enlisted at Derr's Mill, July 1, 1775. Lindy, Jacob, resided in Lancaster county in 1813. Lobdon, Thomas. Masseker, Reuben, enlisted June 21, 1775 ; deserted July 31, 1775. Madock, Moses. Malone, John. Maloy, Charles. McCleary, James. 30 COL. WILLIAM THOMPSON'S McConnell, Cornelius. McCoy, [McAvery,] Martin. McGonigal, Patrick. McMasters, [Masterson,] Edward, enlisted July 1, 1775; resided in Lycoming county in 1823. McMullan, Alexander. Morgan, William. Murray, William. Murphy, John. Murphy, Timothy. Neely, John, captured at Fort Freeland, January 28, 1779, and taken to Canada. Oakes, Daniel. Oliver, John. Parker, Michael. Peltson, Thomas. Pence, Peter, died in Crawford township, Clinton county, 1827. Kay, John. Ritchie, Robert, enlisted July 1, 1775, at Derr's Mill. Roach, Bartholomew. Robinson, John. Sands, George. Saltzman, George, enlisted July 1, 1775, at Derr's Mill Segar, George. Silver thorn, Henry. Shawnee John, (a Shawanese Indian ;) died at Bald Eagle Nest. See Jones' Juniata, page 352. Smith, John, died in service ; he was a son of widow Smith, who- built the first mill on the White Deer creek, Union county. Speddy, James. Sutton, Arad, resided in Lycoming county in 1791, on the east bank of Lycoming creek. Swainey, James, enlisted June 24, 1775 ; discharged July 20, 1775. Teel, John, reenlisted Twelfth Penn'a. Tuft, Robert, enlisted June 30, 1775; discharged October 25, 1775. Valentine, Philip, enlisted June 24, 1775; discharged July 20, 1775. Ward, Peter. Ward, John. West, Charles, died January 4, 1776. Whiteneck, Joseph. Wright, Aaron, resided in Reading in 1840. Youse, John. Young, Robert, reenlisted in Capt. Wilkinson's company, Lieut. Col. Procter; discharged at Trenton, January 1, 1781; died in. Walker township, Centre county, November 19, 1824. A return of Capt. Lowdon's company for March, 1776, indicates BATTALION OF RIFLEMEN. 31 the presence of a captain, three lieutenants, four sergeants, four corporals, and seventy privates, signed James Wilson, lieutenant. Some of the privates of this company also served their country upon the soil of every one of the original thirteen States and through the entire period of the war, as appears from the petition presented to the Legislature of Pennsylvania, March 13, 1817 : " The petition of John Youse, a resident of Rockland township, Berks county, humbly showeth : " That your petitioner first enlisted in the county of Northumber- land, under Capt. Lowdon, in 1775, and marched to Boston in the first campaign in the Revolutionary war with Great Britian. Was in a slight engagement there, at Ploughed Hill, and in several bat- tles and scrimmages on Long Island, and at the taking of the Hes- sians at the battle of Trenton, on the second Christmas day in the year, at the battle of Bnmswick, where I received a wound in the left hip, [loth June, 1777,] and was at the taking of Bur- goyne, in the rifle corps commanded by Col. Morgan and Major Barr, my captain then. I was one of the party of the corps in the expedition against the Indians at Genessee, Seneca, &c., and was one of the party of five who survived out of twenty-four in a scout- ing party, and forty-one days of that campaign was on half rations. I was at the taking of Stony Point, and at the attack on the Block House, [Bergen's Point, July 21, 1780,] Gen. Wayne our com- mander. I was one of the eight hundred at Green Springs, in Vir- ginia, [July 6, 1781.] in that hard engagement. My last service was on James Island, in South Carolina, and I have never received any satisfaction for back rations to this day ; and for my certificates for my pay, my indigent circumstances obliged me to sell for fifty cents per twenty shillings, and for my said pay, it being State money, I passed for what was called silk money, which silk money went to nothing. So that I lost in a manner all my long, hard eight year earnings. I am now unable to procure a livelihood by labor ; there- fore, I pray your honorable body to commiserate my miserable situ- ation, and place me on the pension list, so that I may not become chargeable to the township where I live. So that it may not be said after I am buried, ' there is John Youse's grave, who cost our township so much money.' " 32 COL. WILLIAM THOMPSON'S. ROLL OF CAPTAIN ABRAHAM MILLER'S COMPANY. [Enlisted in Northampton county.] Captains Miller, Abraham, of Mount Bethel ; resigned November, 1775. Craig, Charles, from first lieutenant, November, 1775. First Lieutenants. Craig, Charles, promoted captain November, 1775. Craig, Thomas, from second lieutenant, November, 1775. Second Lieutenants. Craig, Thomas, promoted first lieutenant, November, 1775. Craig, Samuel. Third Lieutenant. Harris, David, promoted first lieutenant of Nagel's company, Jan. uary 5, 1776. Sergeants. Holmes, Christian. Norcross, Aaron, promoted lieutenant. Brodhead, Luke, afterwards captain Sixth Penn'a. Anderson, Enoch. Corporals. Hains, Daniel. James, David. Armitage, Shubert. Sawyer, John. Drummer. Adams, Peter. Privates. Bennett, Jacob. Bowman, Michael. Boyd, Daniel. Brunei, Bhinehart. Buckly, Christopher. Burger, Jost. Carter, Thomas. Carey, Martin. Clifton, Robert. Clemms, Thomas. BATTALION OF RIFLEMEN. 33 Cooker, Nicholas. Concklin, Richard. Curtis, Marmaduke. Dailey, Elias. Dean, Samuel, of Bucks county; in 1776, appointed lieutenant of Col. Hart's Battalion, Flying Camp ; subsequently lieutenant of Eleventh Penn'a. Deats, Chris. Decker, Benjamin. Engle, Wendle. Ferguson, William. Frantz, Henry. Frantz, Peter. Fritzman, Elias. Galbraith, Thomas. Gaston, Hugh. Hartney, Chris. Harvey, John. Hayward, John. Ilegerman, James. Hernichon, John; wounded in the jaw at Long Island; drafted into the Commander-in-Chief Guards in 1778; resided in 1810, Warrington township, Bucks county. Homer, Samuel. Hoster, Peter. Jacobs, Cornelius. Johnson, James. Johnston, Robert. Karich, William. Kehrer, Martin ; died in hospital at Remalin. Kline, Bernhard. Koken, Peter. Kaup, Michael. Ledger, Peter. Ledlie, James. Levy, Nathan. Louker, Henry. Me C arty, Daniel. McElive, James. McFerrin, John. Marshall, Robert. Matthias, Henry. Miller, Jacob. Miller, John. Moeser, John. Moyer, Jacob. 3 VOL. X. 34 COL. WILLIAM THOMPSON'S Nousted, Peter. Orr, Joseph. Price, Rees. Richart, Thomas. Rishell, George. Robertson, Robert. Roy, Patrick. Snyder, John. Sonn, David. Wagner, Adam. Watson, John. Weill, Andrew. White, John. "Wighouse, Anthony. ROLL OF CAPTAIN GEORGE NAGEL'S COMPANY. [Enlisted at Reading, Berks county.] A letter dated, " Camp at Cambridge, July 24, 177-5," says : " The Reading company of rifles got into camp last Tuesday, (18th) ; the rest are hourly expected and much wanted." Captains. Xagel, George, commissioned June 25, 1775 ; promoted major of the Fifth battalion, Col. Robert Magaw, January 5, 1776. Conner, Morgan, commissioned January 5, 1776 ; March 9 called from camp by Congress, and sent into the Southern department ; afterwards lieutenant colonel of Col. Hartley's regiment. First Lieutenants. Conner, Morgan, commission dated July 17, 1775; promoted cap- tain. Harris, David, appointed January 5, 1776. Second Lieutenants. Scull, Peter, commissioned July 17, 1775 ; promoted captain of Third Penn'a battalion, Col. John Shee's, January 5, 1776 : promoted major of Col. John Patton's regiment, January 11, 1777; see page 791 postea. Chambers, Benjamin, senior, from private, Capt. Chambers' com- pany, January 5, 1776; subsequently first lieutenant First Penn'a. Third Lieutenants. Grubb, Peter, commissioned July 17, 1775 ; appointed to Miles' rifle regiment. Weiser, Peter, appointed January 5, 1776. BATTALION OF RIFLEMEN. 35 Surgeon. Potts, Dr. Jonathan. Sergeants. Bower, Jacob, appointed quarter-master. Lincoln, Hananiah, see Twelfth Penn'a. McKinty, John. Brannon, Alexander. Gibbons, Philip. Corpora Is. Williams, James. Hughes, Hugh. Senevely, Henry. Heiner, Casper. Drummer. Molay, John. Privates, Bain, Thomas. Baldy, Christopher. Berger, Yost. Bourke, Conrad. Bowman, Peter. Brough, Peter. Brown, James. Bermeter, John, living in Berks county, in 1810. Ceney, Michael. Cool, [Kool,] Casper, died in Berks county, in 1807. Cox, John. Creed, Robert. Crowley, William. Deckert, Henry. Derr, Christian, reenlisted in old Eleventh, Col. Humptoii. Dennison, Hugh. Dombaugh, John. Duck, Jacob. Elgerts, Jacob. Ebright, Jacob. Engel, Andrew. Felix, Peter. Fisher, George. Fought, Christian. Foust, Michael. Franklinberry, Lewis. Gearhart, George- 36 COL. WILLIAM THOMPSON'S Gordon, Charles. Gorman, Daniel. Graff, Daniel. Grant, John. Griffith, Abraham. Grow, John. Harris, Timothy. Huber, John. Jones, William. Kemmerling, George. Kerner, John, wounded at Lechmere Pond, Nov. 9, 1775 ; reenlisted in Sixth Penn'a in 1777. Kleckner, Charles, promoted ensign of German regiment. Leasure, Nicholas. Leaman, John. Leib, Casper. Leitheiser, Harmon, ensign Sixth Penn'a, postea. Lewis, John. McFarland, Samuel. Martin, Christopher. Miller, Michael. Mingle, Peter. Mogey, [McGee,] Alexander. Moyer, Adam. Moyer, Christian, or Myer, Christopher. Moyer, Michael. Nibber, Ernst, [Lawrence.] Nipple, Federick. Orwig, Henry. Parks, Samuel. Pickle, Adam. Reiger, Elias, discharged July 1, 1776 ; resided in Union county iu 1820. Eeilly, Thomas. Rewalt, John. Robinson, William. Rone, Christian. Shanefelt, Nicholas. Shirk, Andrew. Smith, Joseph. Senevely, Henry, Sen. Spotts, George. Stone, John. Streker, John. Tuey, Frederick. Umstedd, Abraham. BATTALION" OF RIFLEMEN. 37 Waggoner, Philip, of Tulpehocken. Waltman, Nicholas. "Wander, Christian. "Weiser, John. Willey, Isaac. A return of March, 1776, states the strength of the company as follows : One captain, three lieutenants, four sergeants, four cor- porals, one drummer, and sixty-five privates present. ROLL OF CAPTAIN JAMES ROSS' COMPANY. [Enlisted in Lancaster county. Arrived in camp, at Cambridge, August 18, 1775.] Captain. Ross, James, Lancaster. First Lieutenant. Zanck, Jacob. Second Lieutenant. Hubley, Frederick, Lancaster. Third Lieutenant. Ziegler, David. Sergeants. Dick, John, promoted third lieutenant First Penn'a. Privates. Anderson, Adam. Barnett, Joseph. Bealer, George. Brown, James, reenlisted in Captain Lane's company of new levies, and taken prisoner at Long Island, August 27, 1776 ; subsequently enlisted in the British service, and deserted to the American lines November 23, 1776. Collins, Robert. Connelly, John. Creighton, Alexander, mortally wounded November 9, 1775. Carpenter, Richard. Burd, William. Burke, , captured November 9, 1775. Decker, Henry. Del wick, Casimer. 38 COL. WILLIAM THOMPSON'S Dillinger, William. Dorsh, Frederick. Dugan, Michael. Egle, Adam, promoted to wagon-master ; resided in Lancaster 1782. Fortney, Henry. Freany, James. Freany, John. Galbraith, Hugh. Gribben, James. Grimes, William. Grubb, Jacob, discharged July, 1776; joined Capt. App's com- pany of militia, of Lancaster county, and at the battle of Ger- mantown ; reenlisted in Capt. Craig's cavalry company, served to end of war ; resided in Lancaster county, 1814. Hamilton, . Hoover, Albright. Lock, Conrad. Lutz, [Lntis,] John. McCay, [McCoy,] John. McIIaffey, James. McWilliams, Ephraim. Maloney, John, reenlisted First Penn'a; served until January, 1781 ; resided in Lancaster in 1810. McNair, Archibald, reenlisted in Capt. Andrew Porter's company of artillery. Matthews, Henry. Miller, Frederick. Morrison, John. Moskell, Lawrence. N"ewsorper, Christopher. Newcomer, Christopher. Newman, John. Ogelby, Charles. Porter, William. Reese, David. Reimer, William. Seamis, Stephen. Shaver, Jacob. Smith, George. Sommers, Matthias. Stratton, John. Thompson, Charles. Weaver, Albright. Welsh, Thomas. Weyland, Michael. Winegarden, Henry. BATTALION OF RIFLEMEN. 39 ROLL OF CAPTAIN MATTHEW SMITH'S COMPANY. [Enlisted in that part of Lancaster county which is now Dauphin."] Capt. Smith was allowed a bounty of one dollar each for eighty men enlisted. Henry states that sixty-five of their number reached the Plains of Abraham in November. Of the whole company nearly captured on the 1st of January , scarcely thirty , he states, remained in prison. These were pa- roled August 7, arrived at New York, September 11, 1776, and were exchanged, in 1778, for the St. John's prisoners, captured by Gen. Montgomery. (See note to Hendricks' company.) Captain. Smith, Matthew, Paxtang. First Lieutenant. Steele, Archibald,* Donegal. Steele was in command of Smith's company on the night of December 31st, and lost three fin- gers. He returned from captivity October 10, 1776. He died in command of U. S. Arsenal at Frankford. Second Lieutenant. Simpson, Michael, Paxtang, promoted captain First Penn'a. Third Lieutenant. Cross, William, Hanover ; promoted first lieutenant in Col. Moy- lan's cavalry, and June 3, 1777, captain in Fourth Penn'a. Sergeants. Dixon, Robert, West Hanover ; killed in front of Quebec, Novem- ber 17, 1775. Boyd, Thomas,* Derry, subsequently captain -lieutenant First Penn'a. Cunningham, Robert,* Londonderry, died at Lancaster, about 1790, of disease contracted in service. Snodgrass, Joseph.* Weaver, Martin, Upper Paxtang ; was a justice of the peace ; died August 29, 1803. 40 COL. WILLIAM THOMPSON'S Corporal. Harrigan, Henry.* Drummer. Shaffer, John,* residing in Lancaster in 1809. Private^. Anderson, John.* Angles, James, killed at Quebec. Ayres, John, Upper Paxtang, returned from Boston, and not on the expedition. Bell, John, died in Dauphin county, 1823. Binnagle, Curtis, Londonderry. Black, James, Hanover, residing in Dauphin county, 1825. Black, John, Upper Paxtang. Bellinger, Emanuel,* Paxtang. Boyd Hugh.* Brandon, James, left sick at Cambridge. Campbell, Patrick.* Carbach, Peter,* Paxtang, wounded; after his return, enlisted in Capt. J. P. Schott's company. Carbach, Samuel.* Cavenaugh, Edward,* resided, in Cumberland county, 1S35, aged 81. Chancellor, Robert, left sick at Cambridge. Conner, Timothy,* Bethel. Grain, Daniel.* Dixon, John. Dixon, Richard, of Dixon 's Ford. Dougherty, James,* Londonderry, subsequently enlisted in Twelfth Penn'a. Elliott, Alexander, killed at Quebec. Feely, Timothy, Dixon 's Ford. Fitzpatrick, Michael.* Fraley, Francis, left sick at Cambridge. Griffith, John, Harris' Ferry, left sick at Cambridge. Gunn, Thomas.* Harris, John, son of John, Founder of Harrisburg, killed at Quebec. Henry, John Joseph,* volunteer, Lancaster ; appointed Decem- ber 16, 1793, president judge, Second judicial district of Penu'a ; died April 22, 1811, and buried in the Moravian grave-yard at Lancaster city. "Mr. Henry, jr., has followed the troops to Canada, nothing but a perfect loose to his feelings, will tame his rambling desire." Hand's letter, October 3. 1775. Hiygins, Joseph.* Hoffman, Daniel, left sick at Cambridge. Kennedy. John, Hanover. BATTALION OF RIFLEMEN. 41 Lebant, Anthony.* ~M.cAnna.lii, Henry,* Londonderry. McCarter, [McArthur,] Alexander. * McGinnis, Owen. McGranagan, Charles, Londonderry. McKonkey, John, Hanover. McMullan, Daniel, left sick at Cambridge. Marshall, Lawrence, Hanover. Meyers, Conrad.* Mellen, Atchison, Paxtang. See First PemTa. Miller, Henry, killed at Quebec. Miller, John,* wounded at Quebec. Moore, Robert, left sick in Canada; returned in June, 1776. Mort worth, Ingrahart, killed at Quebec. Nelson, Alexander, Perry, killed January 1, 1776. Newhard, Philip.* Nogel, Nicholas.* Old, James, Deny. Pugh, Thomas* Purree, John, left sick at Cambridge. Randolph, William.* Eeynolds, William, October 24, sent back from Wilderness sick. Richmond, Robert.* Rowland, Thomas. Ryan, John, Derry. Sheaf, Michael.* Silbourne, Thomas,* wounded at Quebec. Simpson, William, Paxtang, wounded August 27, 1775, in front of Boston, and died a few days after. He was a brother of Lieu- tenant afterwards General Michael Simpson, and of John Simp- son, many years recorder of Northumberland county. Smith, Samuel, died in Dauphin county, 1785. Sparrow, William, Derry. Stewart, James, reenlisted and discharged at Trenton, 1781. Taylor, John M., living in 1809. Henry, page 67 Taylor, Henry,* returned November 10, 1776. Teeder, Michael, Hanover. See Fifth Penn'a. Todd, John, Hanover. Thompson, Robert, subsequently in quarter-master's department, and taken prisoner in the naval service ; died in Dauphin county in 1823. Walker, Thomas.* Wann, Michael, reenlisted First Penn'a, February, 1777. Warner, James, died in the Wilderness, near Chaudiere. Weirick, Valentine,* resided in Dauphin county, 1813. Wheeler, . 42 COL. WILLIAM THOMPSON'S Wilson, James, resided in Lancaster county in 1812. Young, John Henry, enlisted in Hazen's regiment; resided in Dauphin county, 1813. Miscellaneous. Russell, William, afterwards ensign Third Penn'a. Clabbaugh, Walter, Cresap's company; resided in Huntingdon county in 1818, aged sixty-eight. FIRST PENNSYLVANIA BATTALION. COL JOHN PHILIP DE HAAS. OCTOBER 27, 1775 NOVEMBER 13, 1776. FIRST PENNSYLVANIA BATTALION. 1775. |HIS BATTALION was raised in pursuance of a resolu- tion of Congress, of the 12th day of October, 1775, re- commending the Assembly or Committee of Safety of Pennsylvania to raise one battalion, on the same terms as those ordered to be raised in New Jersey, and to be officered in like manner. Each battalion was to consist of eight companies each company of sixty-eight privates, officered with one captain, one lieutenant, one ensign, four sergeants, and four corporals. Privates to be enlisted for one year, at five dollars per month, liable to be discharged at any time, on allowing them one month's pay. Each private to be allowed, instead of bounty, one felt hat, a pair of yarn stockings, and a pair of shoes ; the men to find their own arms. Pay of the officers to be the same as that of the officers of the Continental army. The men enlisted to be furnished with a hunting shirt, not exceeding in value one and one third of a dollar, and a blanket, provided, these can be procured, but not to be made part of the terms of enlistment. Journals of Congress, vol. i, pages 200 and 203. The captains were recommended by the Pennsylvania Assembly, on the 25th of October, and commissioned by Congress on the 27th. The field officers were elected by Congress on the 25th of November. Col. John Bull resigned on the 20th of January, 1776, 1776. in a communication to Congress, setting forth that he was ill-treated by many of the officers in his corps, and that near one half of them threatened to resign their commis- sions if he continued in command, which at a time when they were under marching orders might be productive of bad consequences to the service. He stated, also, that the circumstances would not alter his conduct or abate his zeal, and whenever called upon again to serve his country, he would, with the greatest pleasure, obey the summons.* * For a biographical notice of Col. Bull, see vol. i, Second Series Penn- sylvania Archives, page 1%. Col. Bull died at Northumberland, Penn'a, August 9, 1824, aged ninety-four years. 46 FIRST PENNSYLVANIA BATTALION. * PHILADELPHIA, November 26, 1775. Parole, Concord: The honorable the Continental Congress having been pleased to appoint Col. John Bull, Esquire, to be colonel of the Pennsylvania battalion in the army of the United Colonies, he this day, in con- sequence thereof, assumes the command of said battalion, and flat- ters himself that the alacrity shown by the officers and men in en- tering into the service is a proof that they are animated with a genuine love of liberty, and determined at every hazard to preserve their rights and privileges, which the foes of this distressed country are striving to wrest from them. From men actuated by such motives, Col. Bull has the greatest reason to expect a ready and cheerful obedience to orders, and that the whole of their behavior, during the present unhappy contest, will be such as fully to answer the purposes for which they are raised. But should any disgrace themselves, and the cause in which they are engaged, by drunkenness, rioting, and other disorderly be- havior, and instead of supporting the laws of their country should disturb the peace thereof, by insulting the inhabitants or abusing the peace officers, they may depend on being punished with severity. Colonel Bull, however, conceives better from the men now under his command, and shall always take a greater pleasure in applaud- ing them for their good conduct than punishing them for their bad. James Irvine is appointed lieutenant colonel and Anthony James Morris, major of the battalion, and are to be obeyed accordingly. The several captains to make out exact returns of their respective companies, mentioning the men's names and where now resident, the number of guns, (and whether proved or not,) bayonets, &c., and deliver them to Major Morris, on Tuesday next, at ten o'clock in the morning. Also what state the barracks are in and how the men are pro- vided with blanketing and other necessities. To continue training the men and mounting guard as usual, until further orders. By order of the Colonel, (Signed,) ANTHONY JAMES MORRIS, Major. PHILADELPHIA, November 27, 1775. Parole, Vigilance. Constant attendance to be given by an officer out of each com- pany at the barracks, unless at such times as they are on the field. *From Capt. Josiah Harmar's orderl}' book, Harmar Manuscripts, furnished by C. Henry Jones, Esq., f* f Philadelphia. COL. JOHN PHILIP DE HAAS. 47 As the commissary begins delivering out provisions to-morrow, also an exact return of the men now resident at the barracks to be rendered to Major Morris this afternoon at three o'clock, and par- ticular care to be taken there is no more rations drawn for them than there are men to receive them. The returns to be signed by an officer of each company. That each captain provide himself with an orderly book, ser- geants provide themselves with pen, ink, and paper. The officers who are orderly to be careful in reading such orders to the men as particularly relate to them. PHILADELPHIA, November 28, 1775. Parole, Conduct: Continue training the men and mounting guard as usual. PHILADELPHIA, November 29, 1775. Parole, Prudence: Guard for the future to be relieved at nine o'clock in the morn- ing, to consist of one subaltern, one sergeant, one corporal, and eighteen privates, to be under the care of the captain of the day. Captain of the day for to-morrow, Capt. Allen; for guard, Lieut. Watson. The captain of the day will go the grand rounds and fix the line for visiting rounds. Reports of all occurrences to be made to him, and by him to the commanding officer. The companies to be punctual in attending the parade, and in paying proper regard to the attitude of the men, that they stand erect, and in every respect perform in a soldier-like manner. PHILADELPHIA, November SO, 1775. The officers, without exception, to attend at Capt. Dorsey's room at twelve o'clock this morning. PHILADELPHIA, November SO, 1775. Parole, Congress: The guards to be continued and relieved as usual, the roll of each company to be called every morning at nine o'clock. The troops to be trained from nine to twelve in the forenoon, and from three to five in the afternoon. Two companies to be exercised together, in order to form sub and grand divisions ; that they be only instructed in their facings, to march in propriety, and to wheel in sub and grand divisions, until further orders. 48 FIRST PENNSYLVANIA BATTALION. The captain of the day for to-inorrow, Capt. Jones; for guard Lieut. Davis. The captains to take rank in the following order: Allen, Jones, Williams, Harmar, Dorsey, Jenkins, Willet, Lamar, unless regulated by order of Congress, or any other body having authority so to do. The commissary gives out four days' provision to-morrow, the return to be delivered this afternoon at five o'clock to Major Mor- ris, signed by the captain or commanding officer of each company. PHILADELPHIA, December 5, .7775. Parole, Lexington : Captain of the day for to-morrow, Capt. "Williams ; for guard, Lieut. Blankenberg. The officers to provide themselves necessaries, in order to move into the barracks as soon as possible. Major Morris will procure a form of a muster roll from the D. M. M. G., a copy of which will be delivered to eacli captain. All returns demanded in public orders must be punctually de- livered in at the times required. The commissioned officers of the battalion immediately to furnish themselves with rules and articles for the better government of the troops raised, and to be raised for the United Colonies, published by order of Congress. The captains of each company to call upon Col. Bull this even- ing, at six o'clock, at his lodgings. PHILADELPHIA, December 2, Parole, New York: Captain of the day for to-morrow, Capt. Harmar; for guard, Lieut. Stanley. Court-martial to be held this day at two o'clock, (Capt. Allen, president,) two lieutenants, and two ensigns, members. Lieut. Wat- son, and Lieut. Davis, Ensign Jenkins, and Ensign Ziegler, mem- bers of the court. This court will try Timothy Broderick, soldier in Capt. Dorsey's company, confined on suspicion of embezzling the company's goods. The prisoner to be acquainted and prepared for trial. Evidence ordered to attend. All other prisoners confined be- fore the 1st of this month, to be discharged on promise of good be- havior for the future. The captain or officers commanding companies will see that the articles published by order of Congress, for the better regulation of the army of the United Colonies, are distinctly read to their respect- ive companies to-morrow morning at roll call. COL. JOHN PHILIP DE HAAS. 49 After Orders, To furnish an addition of guard, consisting of one sergeant, one corporal, and eight privates, to take charge of the vessels and stores in the continental service at the wharves and in the stores of Messrs. "Willing, Morris, and Cuthbert. The guard to be immediately fixed, and relieved to-morrow morning at the usual time. The captain of the day to go with the guard, and, if he find a greater number necessary, immediately to fix them. PHILADELPHIA, December 3, 1775. Parole, Bristol: The captain of the day for to-morrow, Capt. Jenkins ; officer for guard, Lieut. Hughes. The barrack guard to consist of one sergeant, one corporal, and eighteen privates. Guard at the wharves of Messieurs Willing, Morris, and Cuthbert, to consist of one sergeant, one corporal, and nine privates. Captain of the day by no means to leave the bar- racks, unless by order of the commanding officer. The court-mar- tial, of which Capt. Allen was president, is dissolved. Timothy Broderick, tried by the court, is acquitted of the crime laid to his charge, and is hereby ordered to be released from his confinement. PHILADELPHIA, December 4, 1775. Parole, Darby : The captain of the day for to-morrow, Capt. Willet ; officer of the guard, Lieut. Hubley. A provision return to be delivered in this afternoon, at four o'clock. PHILADELPHIA, December 5, 1775. Parole, Chester: The captain of the day for to-morrow, Capt. Allen ; officer of the guard, Ensign Bankson. Ensign Jenkins excused from duty, as he attends the sick. Guard for the future to be composed of men from the several companies, the men to be warned the evening before, that they may hold themselves in readiness. PHILADELPHIA, December 6, 1775. Parole, Washington : The several captains or officers commanding companies, to mark out proper and exact returns of their respective companies and de- 4 VOL. X. 60 FIRST PENNSYLVANIA BATTALION. liver them to Major Morris, at ten o'clock to-morow morning, and the said captains do immediately collect all their men in order to pass muster at an hour's warning. A court-martial to sit immediately for the trial of all prisoners ; Capt. Jones, president ; members, Lieut. Watson, Lieut. Blanken- berg, Lieut. Ilubley, and Ensign Bankson. The prisoners to be made acquainted with and prepare themselves for trial. On the 22d of February, John Philip de Haas, of Lebanon, Penn'a, was elected colonel by Congress. Col. de Haas had been a major of the First battalion, Col. Turbutt Francis, of the Penn- sylvania regiment of Provincial forces, commanded by Col. Bou- quet, in 1764. He was an officer of considerable experience, and was, at the time of his election, a justice of the peace of Lancas- ter county, of which Lebanon then formed a part. On the 19th of January, Congress resolved that two companies of each battalion should be dispatched to Canada as soon as ready. This battalion was put under marching orders on the 19th. Capt. Thomas Dorsey's company was among the first that started on the 22d of January, and had already passed Al- bany, N. Y., on the loth of Febru- ary. Two of his company deserted be- fore he reached Albany, fourteen were left in hospital there, and seven more left him on the first day's march therefrom. By the 14th, five companies of Col. de Haas r regiment had passed Albany. Gen. Schuyler says they were much thinned by sickness and desertion, and came very ill provided; the better half of their arms required repairs, and the whole were to be furnished with shoes, socks, mittens, &c. These companies marched to New York, where they embarked in sloops, which carried them up to Albany. From Albany they passed on up the Hudson to Fort Edwards, which was situated on the west bank of that river, foi'ty-eight miles north of Albany ; thence to Fort William Henry, afterwards called Fort George, at the south end of Lake St. George ; thence in batteaux to the foot of that lake ; thence they marched across the portage two and one half miles, to Fort Ticonderoga, which was on the western shore of Lake Champlain, near the outlet of Lake George, and about ninety-seven miles north by east from Albany ; thence they sailed to Crown Point, five miles further, on the same side of the lake. Lake Champlain stretches one hundred and twenty miles to the north, and pours its waters through the Sorel into the St. Law- rence at Sorel, which is forty-five miles from Montreal and one COL. JOIIX PHILIP DE HAAS. 51 hundred and thirty-five miles from Quebec. This lake was com- manded by the fortresses of Ticonderoga and Crown Point. Passing down Lake Champlain in sailing vessels, in those days, ordinarily St. Johns was reached in two or three days, passing Isle Aux Noix on the way, which was twelve miles south of St. John's. St. John's is situated on the west shore of the River Sorel, or Eichelieu, at the head of Chambly canal, and at the foot of the navigable waters of Lake Champlain, distant from Montreal twenty-seven miles and Chambly twelve. From Chambly, Mon- treal lies a little north of west, eighteen miles, a line drawn be- tween the two places forming the base of a triangle formed by the rivers St. Lawrence and Sorel, the apex of which is at Sorel, forty- five miles, or thereabouts, from either point. La Chine was up the St. Lawrence, in a south-east direction, nine miles, on Montreal Island, on the north side of the river, and directly across the river from La Chine, on the south side, was the Indian village of Caugh- nawaga. The Cedars was up the same river, near the rapids of the same name, and twenty-nine miles from Montreal, on the North side of the river. From Sorel, at the confluence of the St. Lawrence and Richelieu, to Trois Rivieres, or Three Rivers, the distance is forty-five miles down the St. Lawrence. Three Rivers is situate at the mouth of the St. Maurice river, west side, and north side of St. Lawrence, equi-distant ninety miles from Montreal and Quebec. To De- schambault, which is also on the north side of the St. Lawrence, it is forty-two miles from Three Rivers, and from Deschambault to Quebec, forty-eight. Lieut. Talbot, with the First Penn'a battalion company passed Three Rivers on the 1st of March, with sixty men ; Lieut. Hughes, on the 10th, with sixty; Capt. Jenkins on the 12th with eight men, his company having chiefly passed on before ; Lieut. Stayner, on the 22d, with eighty-one men ; Lieut. Col. Irvine and Major Morris. On the 30th of March the return of troops under Arnold before Que- bec makes Col. de Haas' battalion two hundred and twenty- five strong, being four companies. On the 12th of April there were still two companies back with Gen. Thomas, at Fort George, and two companies with Col. de Haas, and the rest of the staff, still on their way from New York. Gen. "Wooster arrived at Quebec on the 1st of April, and took com- mand, Gen. Arnold going to Montreal. Gen. Thomas arrived in front of Quebec on the 1st of May. On the 6th the army was com- pelled to retreat, which was continued to Deschambault; thence to Three Rivers, which was readied on the 15th ; thence to Sorel. Capt. Jones' company, Jenkins', &c., took part in the engagement near Three Rivers, on the 9th of June, where quite a number of the men were captured, together with the Rev. Daniel McCalla, the chaplain. <52 FIRST PENNSYLVANIA BATTALION. On the 14th of June, Gen. Sullivan retreated from Sorel, and reached St. John's on the 16th, Isle Aux Noix on the 18th. From this date the military service of this battalion is blended with that of the battalions of St. Clair, Wayne, and Irvine, posted. On the 24th of May, the British commander, Foster, with a part of the garrison at Detroit, and in conjunction with Indians and Canadians, numbering one thousand men, who had captured Col. Bedell's regiment, which was stationed at the Cedars, and de- feated Major Sherburne, who was sent to release him, seriously threatened the capture of Arnold and his forces at La Chine. On the 2oth, about eight o'clock, A. M., Col. de Haas, who had been detached from the Sorel, with Capts. Harmar, "William Butler, La- mar, and Capt. Nelson's company, one hundred and ten riflemen, , and three hundred musketeers, came up and relieved Arnold, caus- ing Foster to retreat, following him to Fort Ann, at the head of Montreal Island. On the 30th, Arnold issued a peremptory order to de Haas to cross the Grand river, at the head of Montreal Island, and destroy the Indian village of Canasadago, but de Haas called a council of war, that disapproved of the enterprise to the chagrin of most of his officers, and fell back to La Chine, and from thence to Montreal. On the loth June, late in the evening, Gen. Arnold was advised by Capt. Wilkinson, whom he had sent to Sorel, that he had met Carleton's forces at Yarenne, on the south bank of the St. Law- rence, fourteen miles below Montreal. Arnold hastily crossed the river, the same night, with his troops, including de Hass' detach- ment, to Longueuil, and made a march of twenty-six miles in one day, by La Praine, to St. John's, which he reached on the 16th. Here, for the first time, all the companies of the Penn'a battalion were united as a battalion, for, as Gen. Sullivan writes on the 8th of June, from Sorel, " Gen. Arnold has kept de Haas' detachment dancing between this place and Montreal ever since my arrival." Col. de Haas' detachment, with the colonel, were the last that came up the Hudson, and never reached Thomas at Quebec, where the rest of the battalion, with Lieut. Col. Irvine and Major Morris, had been. Its history, after this date, is the same as that of the Second bat- talion, posted, until it was relieved from duty. A return, dated at Ticonderoga, October 20, 1776, shows the field officers and all the staff, except the chaplain, who had been cap- tured, present; all the captains, except William Jenkins, who was absent with leave of Gen. Gates, from August 5 ; all the lieuten- ants present ; all the ensigns, except Ensign J. P. de Haas, absent with leave from August 5 ; twenty-three sergeants present, seven sick absent, and three on command ; seven drums and fifes ; of the officers, Major Anthony J. Morris, Lieutenants George Jenkins and Jacob Ashmead were present, sick. Total rank and file, fourhun- COL. JOHN PHILIP DE HAAS. 53 dred and sixty-nine ; wanting to complete of ditto, two hundred and forty-five. Total strength of the regiment, five hundred and forty. " The arms are in tolerable order, but of different caliber. The accoutrements bad, many bayonets wanting. The men almost naked, and have been so two thirds of the campaign. Their cloth- ing, when they marched from Philadelphia, being very scanty, and not a second shirt to their backs. The pitiful supplies of sundry articles which they received since, were bad of the kind, and at most exhorbitant prices. On our arrival at the Isle Aux Noix, after the retreat from Quebec, the regiment mustered upwards of five hundred rank and file fit for duty. By comparing the above return with the then state of the regiment, it will appear that they have suffered from the excessive fatigue they have gone through ; the want of proper clothing to cover, and the want of blankets and tents to shelter them from the weather. To this day, we have not tents sufficient for two thirds of the men, and those we have were old when we received them. A regimental commissary and pay- master is unknown to us. (The latter I have been myself.) The quarter-master lias never been enabled by the public to supply the regiment in a proper manner. After the hardships of a winter campaign in Canada, with those they have since experienced, there is not the least reason to think that any of the men will reenlist at this place. The merit of those officers who can afford and choose to continue in the service on the present inadequate terms, will be best determined after the expected attack. J. P. DE HAAS, Colonel. "N. B. Captain Nelson's company of riflemen is willing to con- tinue in the service in the First Pennsylvania regiment." On the 13th of November, this battalion was taken off duty at Ticonderoga, and ordered to embark the next morning for Fort George. It was raised, as appears by a note to the foregoing re- turn, " to the 27th of October," but remained three weeks longer, at Gen. Gates' request, for the defense and security of Ticonderoga, for which the General thanked them in general orders of the 14th. It was then evident that the British had gone into winter quar- ters, and would make no further attempts that fall to come south- ward. Gen. St. Clair came along down with this battalion to join Gen. Washington, and when, on the 8th of December, it reached New Germantown, in New Jersey, the field officers and staff were still with the battalion, together with Captains Harmar, Dorsey, and Davis, but the rank and file were reduced to sixty-nine men, the rest having scattered off to their homes. 64 FIRST PENNSYLVANIA BATTALION. " IN COUNCIL OF SAFETY, " PHILADELPHIA, zoth December, 1776. " Ordered, That Col. de Haas, and all the officers of his battalion who are in this city that intend to continue in the service of the State, do apply to this Council for recruiting orders, by Monday, 23d inst., and that Col. de Haas make return to this Council of all the officers of his battalion who intend to continue in the service on the new establishment, on Monday next, at ten, A. M." On a return dated January 10, 1777, at Philadelphia, of his offi- cers, with the dates of their commissions, embracing the names of the eight captains, sixteen first and second lieutenants, eight en- signs, the adjutant, quarter-master, surgeon and mate, Col. de Haas endorses : " This is to certify, that during the time I had the honor to command the above gentlemen, they behaved themselves like gentlemen, and as became good soldiers." This battalion became the nucleus for the formation of the Sec- ond Pennsylvania regiment, of the Continental Line, October 25, 1776. ROSTER OF FIELD AND STAFF OFFICERS. Colonels. Bull, John, commissioned November 25, 1775 ; resigned January 20, 1776. De Haas, John Philip, commissioned January 22, 1776. Lieutenant Colonel. Irvine, James, commissioned November 25, 1775 ; promoted lieu- tenant colonel Ninth Penn'a, October 25, 1776. Major. Morris, Anthony James, commissioned November 25, 1775 ; pro- moted lieutenant colonel Second Penn'a, October 25, 1776. Captains. Allen, William, Jr., commissioned October 27, 1775; promoted lieutenant colonel Second battalion, January 4, 1776. Jones, Jonathan, Caernarvon township, Berks county, commis- sioned October 27, 1775 ; promoted major Second Penn'a, Oc- tober 25, 1776. Williams, William, commissioned October 27, 1775; promoted major Second Penn'a, March 12, 1777. COL. JOHN PHILIP DE HAAS. 55 Harmar, Josiah, commissioned October 27, 1775 ; promoted major Third Penn'a, October 1, 1776. Dorsey, Thomas, commissioned October 27, 1775 ; resigned January 1, 1777. Jenkins, William, commissioned October 27, 1775; resigned Sep- tember 6, 1776. Willet, Augustin, commissioned October 27, 1775 ; resigned Jan- uary 1, 1777. Lamar, Marien, commissioned October 27, 1775; promoted major Fourth Penn'a, to date from September 30, 1776. Davis, Benjamin, from first lieutenant, Januarys, 1776; resigned January 1, 1777. Ashmead, Jacob, from first lieutenant, to rank from September 6, 1776. First Lieutenants. Watson, Samuel, October 27, 1775; promoted captain Second bat- talion January 5, 1776. Ashmead, Jacob, October 27, 1775 ; promoted captain. Hughes, Peter, commissioned October 27, 1775 ; resigned January 1, 1777. Hubley, Adam, commissioned October 27, 1775; promoted major of one of the additional regiments in 1776 ; subsequently lieu- tenant colonel Tenth Penn'a. Rees, John, commissioned October 27, 1775. JJlankenberg, Frederick, commissioned October 27, 1775. Stanly, Richard, commissioned October 27, 1775. Morgan, John, commissioned October 27, 1775. Bankson, John, commissioned January 5, 1776 ; promoted cap- tain Second Penn'a, September 25, 1776. Stayner, Roger, junior, from second lieutenant, January 19,1776, promoted captain Second Penn'a. Jenkins, George, from second lieutenant, January 19, 1776; pro- moted captain Second Penn'a. Staddel, Christian, from second lieutenant, May 4, 1776 ; promoted captain Second Penn'a. Wilkinson, Amos, from second lieutenant, May 4, 1776; promoted captain in Procter's artillery regiment, May 14, 1777. Ellis, John, from second lieutenant, September 5, 1776, vice Hubley, promoted. Second Lieutenants. Stayner, Roger, junior, commissioned October 27, 1775; promoted first lieutenant. Jenkins, George, commissioned October 27, 1775; promoted first lieutenant. 56 FIRST PENNSYLVANIA BATTALION. Staddel, Christian, commissioned October 27, 177-5 ; promoted first lieutenant. "Wilkinson, Amos, commissioned October 27, 177.5; promoted first lieutenant. Ellis, John, commissioned October 27, 1775; promoted first lieu- tenant; appointed first lieutenant by Gen. Gates, June 30, 1776 ; commissioned September 15, 1776. Tolbert, Samuel, commissioned January 15, 1776; promoted cap- tain Second Penn'a, October 2, 1776. Gossner, Peter, commissioned January 15, 1776 ; promoted first lieutenant Second Penn'a. Cobea, John, commissioned January 15, 1776; promoted first lieu- tenant Second Penn'a. Clumberg, Philip, Jr., from ensign January 15, 1776; promoted first lieutenant Second Penn'a. Ziegler, Jacob, from ensign January 15, 1776 ; promoted first lieu- tenant Second Penn'a. Moore, William, f rom ensign May 4, 1776 ; promoted first lieutenant Second Penn'a. Allison, Robert, May 4, 1776, vice Staddel, promoted ; resigned January 1,1777; afterwards in the quarter-master's depart- ment at Fort Pitt for four years. Patterson, John, appointed by Gen. Gates, July 1, 1776; commis- sioned September 5, 1776. Rice, Benjamin, from ensign August 6, 1776. Ensigns. Bankson, John, commissioned October 27, 1775 ; promoted lieu- tenant. Clumberg, Philip, Jr., appointed October 27, 1775 ; promoted second lieutenant. Ziegler, Jacob, appointed October 27, 1775; promoted second lieu- tenant. Ryerson, Thomas, appointed October 27, 1775. Moore, William, appointed October 27, 1775; promoted second lieutenant. Greenway, Joseph, appointed January 20, 1776; resigned. Irwin, John, Philadelphia, appointed January 20, 1776. Brice, John, appointed January 20, 1776. Rice, Benjamin, appointed January 20, 1776 ; promoted second lieu- tenant. Walbron, Major, appointed January 20, 1776. Scull, Nicholas, appointed January 20, 1776. Low, John, died in service. De Haas, John Philip, Jr., appointed by Gen. Gates, August 6, 1776, vice John Low, deceased. John Philip de Haas, Jr., was re- COL. JOHN PHILIP DE HAAS. 57 appointed to the Second Penn'a, but he never joined the regi- ment. He died at Beech Creek in Clinton county, Penn'a, in September 22, 1826. Shallus, Jacob, Jr., appointed by Gen. Gates, August 6, 1776, vice Rice, promoted ; resigned January 1, 1777. Morris, James, appointed by Gen. Gates November 3, 1776. Chaplain. McCalla, Rev'd Daniel. See Second battalion. Adjutant. Patterson, John, appointed January 1, 1776. Quarter-Master. Shallus, Jacob, commissioned January 19, 1776; deputy commis- sary general of Penn'a in 1777 ; assistant clerk of Assembly for many years ; assistant secretary of the constitutional conven- tion of 1790 ; died April 18, 1796, aged forty-six. Surgeons. Boyd, Robert, commissioned April 19, 1776; resigned on account of ill health, after the last of the battalion left New York. Allison, Benjamin, commissioned June 13, 1776 ; resigned January 1, 1777. Surgeon's Mate. Scull, Nicholas, appointed June 13, 1776. ROLL OF CAPTAIN JONATHAN JONES' COMPANY. The following imperfect roll of Capt. Jonathan Jones' corn- P an 7 was found among his pa- pers, for which the editors are indebted to his great-grand- son, Charles Henry Jones, of Philadelphia, Captain. Jones, Jonathan. Corporals. Bean, . Kelly, , (murdered at Point aux Trembles, Hay 7, 1776, by Brice Dunlap.) Candy, Jacob. Clark, Matthew. 58 FIRST PENNSYLVANIA BATTALION. Privates. Alexander, George. Brown, John. Clark, Matthew, promoted corporal. Dagley, James. Dunlap, Brice, (in custody at Pittsford, July 13, 1776, for the mur- der of Corporal Kelly.) Fullerton, Joseph. Gougher, Robert. Leary, Daniel. McCorley, James. McGregor, John. McKillup, Robert. McMullen, Joseph. McLaughlin, Patrick, taken at Three Rivers, June 9, 1776. Merls, Clement. Miller, Philip O. Murdock , Robert, resided in Findley township, Washington county, in 1820, aged sixty-six. Murphy, James. Pearson, Albert. Shea, Ezra. Skelton, Joseph. Tennent, William Walker, William. Walters, Thomas. ROLL OF CAPT. JOSIAH HARMAR'S COMPANY. Captain. Harmar, Josiah. First Lieutenant. Blankenberg Frederick. Second Lieutenant. Cobea, John. Ensign. Moore, William. Sergeants. Stein, Leonard, enlisted November 1, 1775. Scott, John, enlisted November 1, 1775; discharged. COL. JOHN PHILIP DE HAAS. 59 McCartney, John. Sharp, John, November 2, 1775. Christian, John, November 2, 1775. Corporals. Miles Ambrose, enlisted November 1, 1775. Stackhouse, Benjamin. Harris, Robert, November 2, 1775. Ridley, Samuel, November 21, 1775. Ennis Richard, November 2, 1775 ; discharged. Drummers. Lewis, Benjamin, November 13, 1775 ; discharged. Parker, William, deserted. McTier, William. Fifer. Stuart, Robert ; discharged. Privates. Acheson, Thomas, November 8, 1775. Aiken, John. Ashton, James, November 13, 1775. Barry, Edmund, October 28, 1775. Barry, Richard, November 17, 1775. Bauer, Joseph. Bender, Lewis, November 9, 1775 ; discharged. Blaney, John, October 28, 1775. Bomer, John, November 8, 1775. Callender, Robert. Cile, William. Charles, George Christian. Clamans, William, November 2, 1775. Coleman, David, November 8, 1775. Cooke, Peter. Cushen, David, November 25, 1775. Davies, George, November 18, 1775. Dealy, Daniel. Dodkins, Edward, November 4, 1775. Dougherty, James, November 18, 1775 ; discharged. Dundy, Samuel, November 2, 1775. Ellison, Robert. Fielding, William, November 7, 1775; in goal. Ford, Thomas, November 1, 1775. Fow, Matthew. Gardiner, Joseph. Gavin, James, November 1, 1775. 60 FIRST PENNSYLVANIA BATTALION . Gibb, James. Gibb, John. Gichu, John, November 4, 1775. Glover, James. Grannon, Thomas, November 1, 177">. Hall, Thomas. Haly, Michael, November 8, 177o. Hammer. Moses, November 15, 1775. Harg, William, November 15, 1775. Hamaright, Abraham, November 24, 1775. Heger, James, November 11, 1775. Johnston, Thomas, November S, 1775. Jones, William, November 7, 177-5. Katon, Redmon, November 22, 177"). Kearl, Hugli, November 4, 1775 ; run off. Kilpatrick, John. Kyle, William, November 24, 1775. Lauermau, Peter. Laugherly, James, November 13, 1775 ; discharged. Linn, Robert. Linney, Adam. Lower, Michael, December 2, 1775. McCan, Matthew, November 15, 177o. McCartney, John, November 1, 1775. McCausland, Mark, November 18, 1775. McGinnis, Arthur. Mclntire, Michael. McKean, Barney, November 7, 1775. McKean, George, November 9, 1775. McKourt, John, November 13, 1775. Mackey, Hugh, November 22, 1775. Mason, Francis, November 12, 1775. Martin, James, November 1, 177.1. Mellen, Charles, November 4, 1775. Moody, Robert, senior, November 15, 1775. Moody, Robert, junior. Mooney, Patrick, November 22, 177"). Moore, James, November 8, 1775 ; run off. Moore, John, November 2, 1775 ; discharged. Mulon, John, November IS, 1775 ; discharged. Nelson, Andrew. Nelson, Thomas. Naylor, Anthony, November 5, 1775; run off. Ohiron, Lawrence, November 18, 1775 ; run off. Parker, William, November 13, 1775. Plant, James, November 15, 1775; discharged. COL. JOHN PHILIP DE HAAS. 61 Pollard, William, November 15, 1775 ; run off. Price, Thomas, November 18, 1775 ; discharged. Purdy, John. Kandils, James, November 24. 1775. Reed, William. Reny, Alexander, November 16, 1775. Robinson, James, November 28, 1775. Rollinson, James, November 13, 1775. Sees, George. Shannon, Samuel, November 21, 1775. Sharp, Samuel, November 1, 1775. Sheridan, Dennis, November 11, 1775. Shields, Andrew, November 6, 1775. Shields, John, November 6, 1775. Shrayder, Frederick, November 2, 1775. Simpson, Benjamin, November 4, 1775. .Smith, Frederick, November 9, 1775. Smith, Edward, November 2, 1775. Snyder, George, November 1, 1775. Steel, William, November 22, .1775 ; discharged. Stackhouse, Benjamin, November 4, 1775; promoted corporal. Steinmetz, Philip. Stevenson, Adam, November 15, 1775. Stevenson, Thomas, November 28, 1775. Stuart, Alexander. Sturgis, John. Swinney, James, November 8, 1775. Wagoner, Henry, November 3, 1775. Wilde, James, November 9, 1775. No other rolls of this battalion have been found. The following names are gathered from pension records : Connell, Terence. Copelin, John, Lamar's company, resided in Chester county in 1826. Hodgkinson, Samuel, of Burlington, N. J., sergeant in Capt. Jen- kins' company. Keays, John, sergeant, Willet's company; promoted ensign Second Pennsylvania. Kiram, Edward. McDonald, James, corporal, Williams' company; on return from Fort George fell sick; enlisted in Fourth Pennsylvania, Capt. Moore, in order to obtain subsistence for himself and wife. 62 FIRST PENNSYLVANIA BATTALION. Pimple, Paul, injured in service; pensioned at Philadelphia, 1788. Rue, Benjamin, sergeant, Capt. Willet's company. Ryan, James, Lamar's company ; enlisted at Seven Stars, Ply- mouth township, Montgomery county, reenlisted in Second Pennsylvania. Soult, David, of Northampton county, Lamars company; reen- listed Second Pennsylvania. ROLL OF CAPT. JOHN NELSON'S INDEPENDENT COM- PANY OF RIFLEMEN. A resolution of Congress, dated January 30, 1776, directs that Capt. Nelson's company of riflemen, now raised, consisting of one captain, three lieutenants, four sergeants, four corporals, and seventy privates, be enlisted for the service in Canada, on the same terms as the other troops ordered for that service. It was ordered to New York March 13, 1776. It was, by Gen. Arnold's orders, at- tached to Col. de Haas' battalion in Canada, and after de Haas battalion left Ticonderoga, November 17, 1776, it was attached to the Fourth battalion, Col. Wayne's, and on the 24th of March, 1777, was attached to Col. Francis Johnston's Fifth Pennsylvania. Names, rank, &c., from January 30 to November 30, 1776. Captain. Nelson, John, of "Westmoreland county, commissioned January 30, 1776. First Lieutenant Oldham, "William, commissioned January 30, 1776. Second Lieutenant. Ott, Adam, commissioned January 30, 1776. "third Lieutenants. McCollorn, Robert, commissioned January 30, 1776; resigned July 12, 1776. Archer, Joseph, [or Joshua,] commissioned July 12, 1776, vice R. McCollom, resigned. Sergeants. Price, Richard, appointed February 15, 1776 ; died at Fort George, October 30, 1776. COL. JOHN PHILIP DE HAAS. 63 Hartley, Thomas, appointed February 7, 1776. Smith, Andrew, appointed February 6, 1776. McCown, Robert, appointed February 7, 1776. Carr, John, appointed October 31, 1776. Corporals. Preston, Edward, appointed February 15, 1776 ; died September 20, 1776. Bonner, Joseph, appointed February 22, 1776. Brown, Jesse, appointed February 21, 1776. Fugate, John, appointed February 13, 1776. Carr, John, appointed September 21, 1776; promoted October 31, 1776. Nelson, Thomas, Sen., appointed October 31, 1776. Privates. Bird, Thomas, enlisted February 28, 1776 ; deserted May 2, 1776. Bower, Francis, enlisted February 19, 1776. Brooks, Robert, enlisted February 7, 1776 ; deserted May 2, 1776. Bradley, Edward, enlisted March 1, 1776 ; sick in hospital. Campbell, Barnet, enlisted February 10, 1776 ; sick in hospital. Caldwell, James, enlisted February, 18, 1776. Cunningham, John, February 17, 1776; furloughed by Gen. Gates. Carr, John, enlisted February 14, 1776; promoted corporal Sep- tember 21. Collins, Joseph, enlisted February 15, 1776; deserted March 15, 1776. Coffrnan, Isaac, enlisted February 9, 1776; deserted April 1, 1776. Cox, John, enlisted February 20, 1776. Clipper, Valentine, enlisted February 21, 1776; deserted May 2, 1776. Corbett, John, enlisted February 28, 1776; furloughed by Gen. Gates. Campbell, William, March 5, 1776. Carmichael, , March 8, 1776. Davis, Morgan, enlisted February 12, 1776. Deal, Jacob, enlisted February 12, 1776. Ditch, Philip, enlisted March 12, 1776. Downey, John, enlisted March 14, 1776. Downey, Thomas, enlisted February 10, 1776. Eakle, Henry, enlisted February 17, 1776. Easter, Nicholas, enlisted March 8, 1776 ; deserted March 18, 1776. Eastley, Charles, enlisted February 7, 1776; deserted April 14, 1776. Edminston, Robert, enlisted February 19, 1776. Ebersole, Christian, enlisted February 8, 1776. Fisher, Samuel, enlisted February 10, 1776 ; deserted March 27, 1776. 64 FIRST PENNSYLVANIA BATTALION. Fitch, Joseph, enlisted February 17, 1776. Flack, George, enlisted February 19, 1770. Forsyth, Abraham, enlisted March 11, 1776. Fuller, Christian, enlisted February 22, 1776. Gridley, Jasper M., February 15, 1776; joined Donnell's artillery company November 21, 1776. Gown, John, enlisted February 13, 1776; deserted May 2, 1776. Gutting, Andrew, enlisted March 13, 1776. Hand, William, enlisted February 23, 1776. Harrigan, Michael, enlisted February 10, 1776. Harris, George, enlisted February 7, 1776. Holland, Henry, enlisted February 11, 1776. Holt, William, enlisted March 17, 1776. House, Michael, enlisted February 6, 1776. Jameson, Samuel, enlisted March 22, 1776. Johnston, James, enlisted February 10, 1776. Kelly, James, enlisted February 9, 1777. Kirkpatrick, William, enlisted February 17, 1776; furloughed to Maryland. Lemon, Isaac, enlisted February 19, 1776; deserted May 8, 1776. Love, William, enlisted February 23, 1776 ; deserted March 12, 1776. McCullock, David, enlisted February 9, 1776; killed at Fort Ann, May 29, 1776. McGuire, Daniel, enlisted February 19, 1776. McGuire, Thomas, enlisted February 12, 1776. McManus, William, enlisted February 19, 1776. Mitchell, John, enlisted February 14, 1776 ; deserted April 14, 1776. Morgan, Evan, enlisted March 1, 1776. Mullady, Robert, enlisted February 7, 1776 ; deserted April 2, 1776. Murphy, Arthur, enlisted February 14, 1776. Nelson, Andrew, enlisted October 25, 1776. Nelson, Thomas, Jr., enlisted October 25, 1776. Nelson, Thomas, Sen., enlisted February 10, 1776; promoted to corporal October 31, 1776. Nixdorff, Samuel, enlisted March 7, 1776. O'Brian, John, enlisted February 19, 1776; deserted May 2, 1776. Onsell, Abraham, enlisted February 10, 1776. Phyfer, Emanuel, enlisted February 16, 1776. Pooder, Tobias, enlisted February 5, 1776. Ralston, James, enlisted February 7, 1776. Reed, Thomas, enlisted February 20, 1776. Rerick, George, enlisted February 14, 177(3 ; deserted March 14, 1776. Roach, Morris, enlisted February 12, 1776. Slucer, John, enlisted March 6, 1776 ; furloughed by Gen. Gates. Smith, John, enlisted February 10, 1776 ; deserted May 2, 1776. Smith, William, enlisted February 24, 1776. COL. JOHN- PHILIP BE HAAS. 65 Stonemyer, John, enlisted February 2, 1776. Stuckey, Michael, enlisted February 19, 1776 ; deserted May -2, 1776. Teel, William, enlisted February 12, 1776. Tingle, George, enlisted March 9, 1776 ; deserted April 22, 1776. Trepner, George, enlisted February 21, 1776. Wallace, James, enlisted February 12, 1776 ; acting as butcher at Mt. Independence. Wells, Eichard, enlisted February 26, 1776. Williams, John, enlisted March 14, 1776. Wolf, John, enlisted February 13, 1776. 6 Vol.. X. SECOND PENNSYLVANIA BATTALION, COL. ARTHUR ST. GLAIR, JANUARY, 1776 JAjSTTJAKY, 1777. SECOND PENNSYLVANIA BATTALION. 1775. flllS BATTALION was raised upon the authority of a resolution of Congress, dated the 9th of December, 1775, which was in words following : "Resolved, That an order issue for raising four bat- talions more in the colony of Pennsylvania, on the same terms as the one already raised." On the 15th, it further resolved, " that the Committee of Safety for the colony of Pennsylvania be requested to recom- mend proper persons for field officers, and appoint proper persons for officers in the said battalions, under the rank of major." As it was associated with the Fourth battalion, Col. Wayne, and the Sixth, Col. William Irvine, while in active service, its history mingles with that of theirs, which will be included in this notice. On the 2d of January, the Council of Safety recom- 1776. mended Colonels Wayne and St. Clair, and they were elected and commissioned by Congress on the 3d. The lieutenant colonels and majors were chosen on the 4th, and a resolu- tion passed, that one company of each battalion consist of expert riflemen. On the 16th of February, the secret committee of Congress was directed to furnish Col. St. Glair's battalion with arms, and to write to him to use the utmost diligence in getting his battalion ready, and to march the companies as fast as they were ready, one at a time, to Canada. On the 20th, Col. Wayne was directed to inarch his battalion to New York, and put himself under the command of Gen. Lee. On the 13th of March, Lieut. Col. Allen had arrived in New York, and embarked some of the companies for Albany, and re- ceived an order from Gen. Stirling to direct the rest of the com- panies to proceed to New York, where quarters would be found for them. On the 14th of March, Col. Irvine was ordered to march his bat- talion to New York, and put himself under the orders of the com- manding officer of the continental troops there. On the 20th, he reports, from Carlisle, his regiment seven hundred and ten strong, and that he would comply with orders with all possible expedition. 70 SECOND PENNSYLVANIA .BATTALION. On the 12th of April, five companies of the Second were at Fort Edwards, waiting for the lake to open,. they remained until the 19th, when they were ordered up to Fort George, fourteen miles beyond. On the 24th of April, three companies of Wayne's battalion and Irvine's battalion were at New York, in the Fourth brigade, under thu command of Gen. Greene, when some of Irvine's soldiers were court-martialed for disobedience of orders. Corporals Milliken and John McBride, found not guilty. Corporal Shickelhenny re- duced to the ranks. John McGee and George Conner sentenced to a few days' imprisonment. On the 26th, Wayne and Irvine's battalions were ordered by Gen. Washington to embark for Canada. On the 28th, it appears by a general return of the regiments going to Canada, made at New York, that Col. Irvine's battalion, includ- ing officers, was seven hundred and seventy strong, and Col. Wayne's seven hundred and twenty-eight. On the 10th of May, Col. Irvine's whole battalion was at Albany, with two companies of Col. Wayne's. Irvine's started for Lake Champlain on the 13th. On the 6th of May, Lieut. Col. Allen, with the Second battalion, had passed Deschambault, and was within three miles of Quebec, where he met Gen. Thomas with the army retreating from Quebec. On the 7th, at a council of war, at which lie was present, it was determined that the army should continue the retreat as far as the Sorel. Thomas, with the army, left Deschambault on the 13th and was at Three Rivers on the loth, with about eight hundred men. On the 20th, Gen. Thomas was at Sorel, and the same day issued an order to Col. Maxwell, to abandon Three Rivers, which he did, and with the rear of the army reached Sorel on the 24tli. Gen. Thompson and Col. St. Clair crossed over from Chambly to Montreal, and left the latter place for the mouth of the Sorel on the loth, and arrived at Sorel on the 16th, and on the 24th, Gen. Thompson was in command there. Wayne's detachment and Irvine's battalion passed Lake George on the 24th, with Gen. Sullivan, (the distance from Fort Edwards, on the Hudson, is fifteen miles ; the length of that lake, thirty-six miles ; from the north end of Lake George to Lake Champlain, one and one half miles ; from there to fort Ticonderoga, one and one half miles ; from thence to St. John's, about one hundred and twenty miles.) and embarked at Ticonderoga, arriving at St. Johns's on the 27th. On the 2d of June Gen. Thompson sent Col. St. Clair from Sorel with over six hundred men to attack the camp of Col. McLean, who had advanced as far as Three Rivers, with eight hundred Brit- ish regulars and Canadians. Gen. Sullivan was at Chambly on the COL. ARTHUR ST. CLAIR. 71 3d, and reached Sorel on the 4th, and assumed command. (Gen. Thomas having died on the 2d.) On the 6th Gen. Sullivan ordered Gen. William Thompson to march, with Col. Irvine's and "Wayne's battalions, with the compa- nies of Col. St. Clair then remaining at Sorel, to join Col. St. Clair at ^ucolette, where he was to take command of the whole party, and, unless he found the number of the enemy at Three Rivers to be such as would render an attack upon them hazardous, he should cross the river at the most convenient place he could find, and attack them. He advised him not to attack, if the prospect of success was not much in his favor, as a defeat of his party at the time might prove the total loss of that country. The following letter from Lieut. Col. Thomas Hartley to Jasper Yeates, Esquire, gives a full detail of the subsequent occurrences : "CAMP AT SOREL, June the I2ih, 1776. " Before the arrival of Col. Wayne's and Irvine's regiments, under the command of Gen. Sullivan, Col. St. Clair, with a detachment of seven hundred men, was sent down the river St. Lawrence, about nine leagues, to watch the motions of the enemy, and act occasion- ally. Gen. Sullivan's arrival here was at a critical time. Canada was lost, unless some notable exertion; the credit of our arms gone, and no number of American troops to sustain our posts. It was said that the taking of Three Rivers, with such troops as were on it, would be of service. A detachment under Gen. Thompson was sent down the river. The corps under Col. St. Clair was to join it, and if the General thought it expedient, he was ordered by Gen. Sullivan to attack the enemy at Three Rivers. " We left this on the evening of the 5th instant, in several bat- teaux, and joined Col. St. Clair about twelve o'clock at night. It being too late to proceed on to the Three Rivers, the enterprise was postponed until the next night. " In the dusk of the evening of the 7th, we set off from the Xico- lette, with about fifteen hundred rank and file, besides officers. It was intended to attack Three Rivers about day break in four places. Thompson landed his forces about nine miles above the town, on the north side of the St. Lawrence, and divided his army- into five divisions, Maxwell, St. Clair, Wayne, and Irvine, each commanding a division, and I had the honor of commanding the reserve. Leaving two hundred and fifty men to guard the batteaux, the army proceed swiftly towards the town. I was to be ready to sustain the party which might need assistance. " The guides proved faithless, and the General was misinformed as to the number of the enemy as well as to the situation of the town. Our men had lost their sleep for two nights, yet were in. pretty good spirits. Daylight appeared, and showed us to the enemy 72 SECOND PENNSYLVANIA BATTALION. Our guides (perhaps traitors) had led us through several windings, and were rather carrying us off from the post. The General was enraged at their conduct. " There were mutual firings. Our people killed some in a barge. Our scheme was no longer an enterprise, it might have been, per- haps, prudent to have retreated, but no one would propose it. We endeavored to penetrate through a swamp to the town, and avoid the shipping. We had no idea of the difficulties we were to sur- mount in the mire, otherwise the way by the shipping would have been preferred. "We waded three hours through the mud, about mid-deep in general, the men fasting. We every moment expected to get through and find some good ground to form on, but were deceived. The second division, under Col. Wayne, saw a part of the enemy and attacked them. Capt. Hay, of our regiment, (Sixth battalion,) with his company of riflemen, assisted and behaved nobly. Col. Wayne advanced, the enemy's light infantry were driven from their ground, and the Indians on their flanks were silenced. " The great body of the enemy, which we knew nothing of, con- sisting of two or three thousand men, covered with intrench- ments, and assisted with the cannon of the shipping and several field pieces, began a furious fire, and continued it upon our troops in the front. It was so heavy that the division gave Avay, and from the badness of the ground could not form suddenly again. Col. St. Clair's division advanced, but the fire was too heavy. Part of Col. Irvine's division, especially the riflemen, went up towards the en- emy. I understood the army was in confusion. I consulted some friends, and led up the reserve within a short distance of the enemy. Capt. McClean's and Grier's company advanced with spirit; Mc- Clean's men took the best situation, and within eighty yards of the enemy, exposed to the fire of the shipping, as hot as hell. I experi- enced some of it. "Not a man of McClean's company behaved ill; Grier's com- pany behaved well. Several of the enemy were killed in the attack of the reserve. Under the disadvantages, our men would fight ; but we had no covering, no artillery, and no prospect of succeed- ing, as the number of the enemy was so much superior to ours. Colonels Wayne and Allen rallied part of our men, and kept up a fire against the English from the swamp. The enemy, in the meantime, dispatched a strong body to cut off our retreat to the boats, when it was thought expedient to retreat. Our General and Col. Irvine were not to be found ; they had both gone up (to the front) in a very hot fire. This gave us great uneasiness, but a re- treat was necessary. This could not be done regularly, as we could not regain the road, on account of the enemy's shipping and artil- lery, and we went off in small parties through the swamp. Colonels COL. ARTHUR ST. CLAIR. 73 Wayne and Allen gathered some hundreds together, and I got as many in my division as I could, with several others, amounting to upwards of two hundred. "Col. Wayne, with his party, and I, with mine, tried several ways to get to our batteaux. Col. Wayne was obliged, not far from the river, to march by seven hundred of the enemy. He intended to attack them regularly, but his people were so much fatigued that it was deemed unsafe. The enemy fired their small arms and artillery on our men as loud as thunder. They returned a retreat- ing fire. Several of the enemy were killed and wounded. We came within a mile of where our boats were, but our guard* had carried them off. The English had possession of the ground where we landed. Their shipping proceeded up the river, covering par- ties sent to take possession of the ferries we were to pass. " Col. Wayne, with his party, lay near the enemy. I passed through a prodigious swamp, and at night took possession of a hill near the enemy. We were without food, and the water very bad. I mounted a small quarter guard, fixed my alarm post, and made every man lay down on the ground, on which he was to rise for action in case of an attack. I slept a little by resting my head on a cold bough of spruce. " Morning dawned, (Sunday, 9th June,) and I consulted our officers and men. They said they were refreshed with sleep. It was agreed to stand together, that they would support me, and effect a passage through the enemy, or die in the attempt. A little spring water refreshed us more. The necessary dispositions were made, but we had no guides. We heard the enemy within a half mile of us, but no one seemed alarmed, so we proceeded, and, luckily, fell In with Col. Wayne's track. We pursued it, and overtook him near the river Du Lac. This made us upwards of seven hundred strong, and we agreed to attack the enemy if they fell in our way to Bokie, (Berthier,) opposite Sorel. We were sure they would at- tempt the fort at Sorel before we could arrive ; but as we came up, the English left the ferries, and drew all their forces back to Three Rivers. By forced marches, and surmounting every difficulty, we got up, crossed the river, and arrived at Sorel Monday afternoon, (10th June.) We brought near twelve hundred men back with our party. Many are yet missing one hundred and fifty or two hun- dred. Some scattered ones are continually coming in, so that our loss will not be so great as was first imagined. " Col. Wayne behaved exceedingly well, and showed himself the man of courage and the soldier. Col. Allen exerted himself, and is a fine fellow. Col. Maxwell was often in the midst of danger. * Major Joseph Wood, who commanded this guard, saved all the boats, except two. 74 SECOND PENNSYLVANIA BATTALION. His own division was not present to support him. He was also very useful in the retreat, after lie joined Col. Wayne. Lieut. Edie, of the York troops, I fear is killed. He was a fine young fellow, and behaved bravely. He approached the enemy's works without dismay several times, and remained in the swamp to the last. He was in the second engagement, where, it is supposed, he was killed. Ensign Hopes, of the same company, was wounded near the breast-work, w r hen I led up the reserve. I cannot give too much commendation of him. He showed the greatest courage after he had received several wounds in the arm. He stood his ground and animated his men. He nobly made good his retreat with me, through a swamp of near eighteen miles long. The ball has hurt the bone. Several of our men were killed I apprehend between thirty and fifty. The rest missing, have been taken, quite worn out with fatigue and hunger. " P. S. June 13. Last night, a sort of flag of truce came from the enemy. Gen. Thompson, Col. Irvine, (William,) Dr. McKenzie, Lieutenants Edie. Currie, and Parson McCalla, (of the First,) are prisoners. They were taken up by some of the rascally Canadians, in the most treacherous manner."* On the 14th, Burgoyne reached the Sorel with a column of British troops, the rear of Gen. Sullivan's army having only left a few hours before. Gen. Philips, with the right column of the British, consisting of his division and the Brunswick troops, under Gen. Riedesel, passed on up the river St. Lawrence to Longueuil, twelve miles from Chambly, where they landed on the 16th, and pushed to La Prairie, to cut off Arnold, who was retreating from Montreal. It was at Varenne, on the south bank of the St. Lawrence, four- teen miles from Montreal, that Wilkinson met this force, detained at that point by a failure of the wind, at two o'clock, p. M., and hastened back with the intelligence to Arnold, without which he had been cut off, as he did not intend leaving Montreal until the morning of the 16th. Arnold immediately ordered Wilkinson to re-cross the river, and traverse the country by the direct route to Chambly, twelve miles, *This letter is published in Force's Archives, fourth series, vol. vi, 826, with no indication of the writer. In a casual examination of the Yeates papers, in the possession of Yeates Cunningham, of Lancaster, Pa., the editors discovered the originals of this and other letters from the army in Canada, published by Force, in the hand writing of Lieut. Col. Thomas Hartlej', and addressed to Jasper Yeates, Esq., afterwards justice of the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania. Our history is therefore indebted to the pen of Hartley, subsequently one of the foremost law- yers and ablest statesmen of Pennsylvania, for nearly all that is known of the campaign of the Pennsylvania battalions in Canada. COL. ARTHUR ST. CLAIR. 75 and report the situation in which he had discovered the enemy to Gen. Sullivan, and request a detachment to cover Gen. Arnold's retreat by La Prairie. " 1 did not," says Wilkinson, " make the opposite shore and Lon- gueuil until it was dark. I found a public horse at the parish priest's, mounted him, and arrived at Chambly about nine o'clock at night, (loth.) Here the scene presented me can never be effaced. The front of our retreating army, overwhelmed with fatigue, lay scattered in disorder over the plain, and buried in sleep, without a single sentinel to watch for its safety. I rode through the encamp- ment, entered the fort by the drawbridge, dismounted, and pre- sented myself to Gen. Sullivan, without being halted or even hailed. The general and his companions, Colonels St. Clair, Maxwell, and Hazen, all appeared astonished at my information of the near ap- proach of the enemy to Montreal. Maxwell, in Scottish dialect, exclaimed, 'Be the Lard, it cannot be possible! 'to which I em- phatically retorted, ' Be the Lard, sir, you know not what you say !' Sullivan and St. Clair, who were both acquainted with me, inter- posed, and corrected Maxwell's indecorum. " It was acknowledged on all hands, that a detachment was ne- cessary to cooperate with Arnold ; but how to effect it, under the actual circumstances of the moment, was a matter of much diffi- culty. The night was profoundly dark ; the rain poured down in torrents; the troops at hand were fatigued, and in great disorder ; and there was no officer to receive and execute orders. After some deliberation it was determined that I should proceed down the Sor- rel with instructions to Brig. Gen., the Baron de Woedtke, who commanded the rear, to make a detachment of five hundred men, to cover Gen. Arnold's retreat. I was directed to keep the main road on the bank of the Sorel, which Col. Hazen informed me was quite plain and unobstructed ; but he deceived me, and, owing to the darkness of the night,! presently missed my way, and narrowly escaped plunging into Little River, where it was twenty feet deep. After my escape, I dismounted, and, securing my horse, groped my way in the dark, until I discovered a bridge of batteaux formed for the passage of the infantry, on which 1 crossed. " I found every house and hut on my route crowded with strag- glers, men without officers, and officers without men. Wet to the skin, covered with mud, exhausted by hunger and fatigue, I threw myself down on the floor of a filthy cabin and slept until dawn ; when I arose and prosecuted my search in quest of the Prussian baron. The first officer of my acquaintance whom I met, was Lieut Col. William Allen, of the Second Pemra, who, to my inquiry for De Woedtke, replied that 'he had no doubt the beast was drunk, and in front of the army.' I then informed him of my orders for a detachment. He replied ' this army, Wilkinson, is conquered by 76 SECOND PENNSYLVANIA BATTALION. its fears, and I doubt whether you can draw any assistance from it ; but Col. Wayne is in the rear, and if any one can do it, he is the man.' On which I quickened my pace, and half an hour after met that gallant soldier, as much at his ease as if he was marching to a parade of exercise. He confirmed Allen's report respecting De Woedtke, and, without hesitation, determined to carry the order into execution, if possible. He halted at the bridge, and posted a guard, with orders to stop every man without regard to corps, who appeared to be active, alert, and equipped. In a short time, a de- tachment was completely formed, and in motion for Longueuil. The very men who only the day before were retreating in confusion, before a division of the enemy, now marched with alacrity against his main body. u We had gone two miles when we met an express from Arnold, with verbal information of his escape from Montreal, and that he would be able to make good his retreat by La Prairie. This infor- mation brought. Col. Wayne to the right about. We crossed Little River at a ford, and found the rear of the army not yet up to Cham- bly. Our detachment was discovered advancing on the bank of the Sorel, two miles below the fort ; we were taken for the enemy, and great alarm and confusion ensued, the drums beat to arms, and Gen. Sullivan and his officers were observed making great exertions to prepare for battle. Gen. Wayne halted his column, pulled out his glass, and seemed to enjoy the panic his appearance produced. I suggested that he would interrupt the labors of the troops on the portage of Chambly, and delay the movement of the army; on which he ordered me forward to correct the delusion. " I reported to Gen. Sullivan, who gave orders for Wayne to march by his right, and cooperate with Gen. Arnold, if necessary, but we soon discovered Arnold had passed, and the bridge of Little River on fire; we, therefore, turned to the left, and followed him to St. John's, where we arrived in the evening, (16th,) and found Gen. Sul- livan with the front of the army." Wilkinson's Memoirs, vol. i, page 51, ct sequitur. The rear of the army, with baggage stores, reached St. John's on the 18th, were embarked and moved up the Sorel the same after- noon. After the last boat but Arnold's had put off, at Arnold's suggestion, he and Wilkinson went down the direct road to Cham- bly for two miles, where they met the advance of the British division r under Lieut. Gen. Burgoyne. They reconnoitered it a few minutes r then galloped back to St. John's, and stripping their horses, shot them. Gen. Arnold then ordered all on board, pushed off the boat with his own hands, and thus indulged the vanity of being the last man who embarked from the shores of the enemy. They fol- lowed the army twelve miles, to the Isle Aux Noix, where they arrived after dark. Ibid., page 55. COL. ARTHUR ST. CLAIR. 77 The head of Burgoyne's column entered St. John's on the evening of the 18th, and Philips' advance guard on the morning of the 19th. On the 19th, general orders at Isle Aux Noix directed the com- mands of de Haas, Wayne, St. Clair, and Irvine to encamp on the east side of the island. On the 21st, Col. Irvine's battalion met with another heavy loss, as is detailed by a letter from one of the regiment : " Capts. McClean, Adams, and Rippey, Lieuts. McFerran, Mc- Alister, and Hoge, and Ensigns Lusk and Culbertson, with four privates, went over from the Isle aux Noix to the western shore of the lake, about a mile from camp, but within sight, to fish and di- vert themselves. Capt. McClean prudently proposed to take arms with them, but was over-ruled. Some Indians observed their mo- tions, and while they were at a house drinking some spruce beer, the savages surrounded them, killed Capt. Adams, Ensign Culbert- son, and two privates, whom they scalped in a most inhuman and barbarous manner; and carried off prisoners, Capt. McClean, Lieuts. Ferran, McAlister, and Hoge, and the two other privates. But a party coming to their relief from camp, Capt. Rippey and Ensign Lusk made their escape." The bodies of those killed were brought to the Isle Aux Noix and decently buried by Col. Wayne, who, with a party, followed the Indians and recovered the batteaux with the bodies. Isle Aux Noix proved very unhealthy ; Col. Wayne had sixty men out of one hundred and thirty-eight taken down with sickness, after their arrival there ; and on the 24th of June, Col. de Haas and all his field officers, with a number of his men, were sick.* On the 25th, Gen. Sullivan commenced moving the army to Isle la Motte. Lieut. Col. Hartley, with two hundred and fifty men of Irvine's battalion, went by land, scouring the country, traversing disagree- able swamps, destroying on the way the house, mills, &c., of the traitor McDonald. On June 27th, at Isle la Motte all the army took vessels and came to Crown Point, which they reached on the 1st of July. Gen. Gates arrived there on the evening of the 5th, superseding Gen. Sullivan, and on the 7th, at a council of war, it was determined to remove the army to Ticonderoga. The battalions of Cols, de Haas, St. Clair, and Wayne arrived there on the 10th, the Sixth, under Lieut. Col. Hartley, remaining posted at Crown Point, where it remained the balance of the summer and fall, the sentinel regiment of Gen. * " TICONDEROGA, June IS. One woman from each company of each of the Pennsylvania battalions, now at this post, to be drafted as soon as possible and sent to the general hospital at Fort George, to nurse the sick. They will have the customary allowance of provisions from Dr. Stringer, director of the hospital there." 78 SECOND PENNSYLVANIA BATTALION. Gates' army. See Force's Archives, fifth series, vol. i and ii, for journal and correspondence of Lieut. Col. Hartley. On the 20th, Gen. Gates brigaded his army, and the four Penn- sylvania battalions were constituted the Fourth brigade, Col. Ar- thur St. Clair commanding ; Edward Scull brigade major for the Third and Fourth battalions. August 14, Lieut. Col. Hartley's scouts found the British still at St. John's. Aug. 24, deHaas' battalion numbered rank and file four hundred and fifty-live men, (one hundred and fifty-seven of whom were sick,) twenty-six sergeants ; staff, four ; commissioned officers, thirty-one; five drums and fifes; five hundred and twenty-cue in toto. St. Clair's, four hundred and twenty-nine rank and file, one hundred and sixty-one sick ; total officers and men, four hun- dred and eighty-five. Wayne's, five hundred and twenty-two rank and file, one hundred and fifty-five of whom were sick ; total officers and men, five hundred and seventy-three. On the 6th of September, Lieut. Col. Hartley, desired Gen. Gates to send to Crown Point, either Gen. Wayne's battalion or the Second, and he would defend it with them. Gen. Gates gave him positive orders to retreat if the British reached that point. The British did not come, however, and on the 22d Irvine's regiment was still at Crown Point. One lieutenant colonel, one major, four captains, five first lieutenants, three second lieutenants, five ensigns, four staff, seventeen sergeants, fifteen drums, and four hundred and eighty-six rank and file. On the llth of October, Hartley still maintained his post ; hav- ing found in the woods some cannon lost in the French war, with great labor, he had roads cut, and transported them to Crown Point, and had a battery of six guns ready for visitors, not any too soon, for on the same day the British attacked Arnold's fleet on Lake Champlain, compelling him to retire towards Crown Point to refit, the next day, almost totally destroying it before it got there. On the 14th, Col. Hartley set fire to all the houses at and near Crown Point, and retired to Ticonderoga. The season was too far advanced for the British to make any further progress ; after threatening Ticonderoga, they retired into winter quarters. On the 18th of November, Gen. Gates putting Col. Wayne in command of Ticonderoga, proceeded to J m Gen. Washington, with the larger part of his annyi the three Pennsylvania battalions, whose time would expire on the 5th of January, agree- ing to remain until they were relieved by other troops. On the 29th of November, the Second, commanded by Col. Wood, num- COL. ARTHUR ST. CLAIR. "9 bered four hundred and twenty-six officers and men ; Wayne's, five hundred and sixty-five ; Irvine's, five hundred and three. On the 4th of December, Col. Wayne writes to the Committee of Safety : " The wretched condition the battalions are now in for want of almost every necessary, except flour and bad beef, is shocking to humanity, and beggars all description. We have neither beds nor bedding for our sick to lay on or under, other than their own cloth- ing ; no medicine or regimen suitable for them ; the dead and dying lying mingled together in our hospital, or rather house of carnage, is no uncommon sight. They are objects truly worthy of your notice, as well as of your most obedient, humble servant, "ANT'Y WAYNE." On the 24th of January, 1777, the Second battalion left 1777. Ticonderoga, with Gen. Wayne, for their homes. Muhlenberg's Journal, under date of February 15, 1777, has the following : " In the evening, many American soldiers from Ticonderoga arrived here in Providence, (Montgomery county.) The time of ser- vice of these people has expired." Many of the privates of the Second reenlisted in the Third Penn'a regiment. " To the Honourable the Council of Safety, held in and for the City of Philadelphia, &c. : " The Humble Petition of the non-commissioned officers and Sol- diers of the 2' 1 Battalion of Pennsylvania, Commanded by Colonel Joseph Wood : "As Humbly Sheweth : the Indigent and Misserable condition of your Honours petitioners who has spent one year in the service of the Country Either in a Country where this currancy would not pass, or in Deserts where few of the Necessarys of Life were to be got, and if any at an Extraordinary price; and Endured much fatigue and hardships in Marching and hard Labour Building Breast Works, & and Lost many of our Dear friends an Acquaint- ances, nor Could our Rations be got as Alowed by the Honourable the Congress, as we Seldom got any but Bread or Flower, & Salt Pork or Beef, and all we Rec a in Restitution for the Remainder was some three Dollars and some two and some none. All this we En- dured with Cheearfullness, Resting on premisses of being Righted (when we Came to this City) in all things. But now when we have been here three Weeks, we Cannot get our Wages or Settled with on any terms untill part is gon to Camp an part gon to See their friends, without money to Defray their Expences, in a Raged Dirty Condition, Enough to affright an Indian from Inlisting, many of whom Left home in Creadit and part in Town Living on the Pub- 80 SECOND PENNSYLVANIA BATTALION. lick Expence ; And if we were paid, an after seeing our Friends, Avoulcl freely Joyu Instantly in Defence of the Country again. " So we are sorry to be under the Dissagreeable Necessity of troub- ling your Honourable Council for Redress ; Beggs therefore in the Ilumbilest Manner for Justice, only hoping your Honours to Con- sider our unpolished but true Petition, And After Begging pardon for our presumption, we Begg Leave to Rest your Honours Loyal and Humble Servants and Petitioners as Ever bound to pray. "PHILADELPHIA, March y e 3 d 1777. " N. B. As this is the Cause of the "Whole Batt n it would take up too much Room to Incert all our Names." ROSTER OF FIELD AND STAFF OFFICERS. Colonels. St. Clair, Arthur, commissioned January 3, 1776 ; promoted brig- adier general August 9, 1776. Wood, Joseph, commissioned September 7, 1776 ; see Third Penn'a ; wounded, in action on Lake Champlain, in left leg and arm. Lieutenant Colonels. Allen, William, from captain of First battalion ; commissioned January 4, 1776 ; resigned July 24, 1776. Wood, Joseph, from captain, July 29, 1776 ; promoted colonel. Craig, Thomas, from captain, September 7, 1776; see Third Penn'a. Major. Wood, Joseph, commissioned January 18, 1776; promoted lieu- tenant colonel. Butler, William, from captain, September 7, 1776; promoted lieu- tenant colonel Fourth Penn'a. Chaplain. McCalla, Rev'd Daniel, of Warwick, Bucks county ; appointed Jan- uary 16, 1776; captured at Three Rivers, June 8; died in Charleston, S. C., May, 1809. Sprague's Annals, vol. i, page 320. Adjutant. Ross, George, appointed January 11, 1776. Quartermasters. Hanson, Thomas, appointed February 8, 1776. COL. ARTHUR ST. CLAIR. 81 Armstrong, James, appointed February 29, 1776, vice Hanson, de- clined. Surgeon. McKinzie, Samuel, appointed March 30, 1776 ; captured at Three Rivers. Paymaster. Pishbourne Benjamin, appointed October 2, 1776. Drum Major. Hall, John, of Brisban's company. ROLL OF CAPTAIN THOMAS CRAIG'S COMPANY, from January 5 to November 25, 1776. [Enlisted principally in Northampton county."] Captains. Craig, Thomas, commissioned January 5,1776 ; promoted lieutenant colonel September 7, 1776. Bunner, Rudolph ; see Third Penn'a. First Lieutenants. Kachlein, Andrew, commissioned January 5, 1776 ; discharged June 21, 1776. Dunn, Isaac Budd, commissioned July 4, 1776; see Third Penn'a Second Lieutenants. Craig, John, commissioned January 5, 1776 ; promoted November 11. 1776 ; subsequently captain in Light Dragoons, Fourth cavalry. Armstrong, James, commissioned November 11, 1776. Ensigns. Park, Thomas, commissioned January 5, 1776 ; discharged June 20, 1776. Dull, Abraham, commissioned October 25, 1776. Sergeants. Marshall, Robert, appointed January 7, 1776; discharged July 13, 1776. Smith, Peter, appointed January 15, 1776 ; promoted November 11, 1776. Horn, Abraham, appointed January 5, 1776. 6 YOL. X. 82 SECOND PENNSYLVANIA BATTALION. Dull, Abraham, appointed January 19, 1776 ; promoted October 25, 1776. Shouse, Christian, appointed July 13, 1776. Carey, John, appointed October 25, 1776 ; discharged November 21, 1776. McMichael, John, appointed November 21, 1776. Minor, John, appointed January 13, 1776, drummer. Gangwer, George, appointed January 13, 1776, fifer ; reduced Octo- ber 11, 1776. Fuller, Stephen, appointed October 11, 1776, fifer. Corporals. Shouse, Christian, appointed January 15, 1776; promoted July 13, 1776. Carey, John, appointed January 5, 1776 ; promoted October 25, 1775. Byel, Peter, appointed January 17, 1776; deserted April 8, 1776. Powelson, Henry, appointed February 11, 1776; deserted April 12, 1776. McMichael, John, appointed April 8, 1776 ; promoted June 21, 1776. Shearer, Robert, appointed April 12, 1776. Sweeney, James, appointed November 21, 1776. Mon, Samuel, appointed July 12, 1776. Privates. Ackert, John, enlisted January, 29, 1776. Assur, Anthony, enlisted January 14, 1776. Byel, Jacob, enlisted February 2, 1776. Bowerman, Peter, enlisted January 13, 1776. Boyer, John, enlisted September 1, 1776. Branthuwer, Adam, enlisted January 13, 1776. Crane, Josiah, enlisted January 12, 1776. Crist, Butler, enlisted January 8, 1776. Cunningham, Alexander, enlisted January 15, 1776. Daily, Peter, enlisted January 10, 1776; deserted March 12, 1776. Darling, John, enlisted February 3, 1776; deserted March 12, 1776. Darling, David, enlisted February 3, 1776. Davenport, Jacob, enlisted February 17, 1776. Davis, Evan, Cookstown, Tyrone county, Ireland, enlisted January 7, 1776; missing since battle at Three Rivers, June 8; paroled August 9, 1776. Davis, John, enlisted February 3, 1776; missing since battle at Three Rivers, June 8. Dieli, Daniel, enlisted January 22, 1776; see Third Pennsylvania regiment. Dobbs, Thomas, enlisted January 12, 1776 ; deserted April 12, 1776. Docker, John, enlisted February 14, 1776. COL. ARTHUR ST. CLAIR. 83 Evans, Evan, enlisted January 10, 1776. Fleek, Peter, enlisted January 8, 1776 ; wounded ; resided in Hunt- ingdon county in May, 1818, aged sixty-five. Foulk, Daniel, enlisted January 17, 1776. Freedley, Henry, enlisted January 8, 1776. Gangwer, George, enlisted October 4, 1776. Grimes, Samuel, enlisted March 13, 1776 ; missing since the battle of Three Rivers, June 8, 1776. Groob, Philip, enlisted January 24, 1776. Hans, Leonard, enlisted January 18, 1776. Hindman, John, enlisted January 22, 1776. Hirkie, William, enlisted February 28, 1776. Hoof man, Ludwig, enlisted February 21, 1776. Horn, Frederick, enlisted January 8, 1776. Hubler, John, enlisted January 17. 1776. Huntsman, George, enlisted January 29, 1776. Jost, Martin, enlisted January 8, 1776. Kautsman, Nicholas, enlisted February 10, 1776. King, Charles, enlisted January 17, 1776 ; deserted March 12, 1776. Kuns, George, enlisted January 13, 1776 ; died August 6. 1776. Kuns, Michael, enlisted January 13, 1776. Labar, Leonard, enlisted March 12, 1776. Labar, Melchior, enlisted March 12, 1776. Man, John, enlisted January 22, 1776. Man, Lawrence, enlisted January 13, 1776. McMichael, John, enlisted January 27, 1776; promoted April 8, 1776. Miller, Christian, enlisted January 8, 1776. Miller, Matthias, enlisted March 22, 1776. Mengas, Conrad, enlisted January 10, 1776. Minon, David, enlisted January 8, 1776. Mock, John, enlisted January 22, 1776. Morey, Robert, enlisted January 19, 1776. Mon, Samuel, enlisted January 8, 1776 ; promoted July 13, 1776. Nagle, Leonard, enlisted January 13, 1776. Ney, Samuel, enlisted January 13, 1776. Phass, George, enlisted February 10, 1776. Powels, Jacob, enlisted February 14, 1776. Prang, Stophel, enlisted January 13, 1776. Ramsey, Thomas, enlisted January 27, 1776. Rusarch, Conrad, enlisted February 2, 1776. Reyley, Daniel, enlisted February 18, 1776. Richards, Jonathan, enlisted February 2, 1776 ; deserted February 25, 1776. Rinker, Abraham, enlisted January 13, 1776. Rogers, Timothy, enlisted January 11, 1776. 84 SECOND PENNSYLVANIA BATTALION. Shaffer Thomas, enlisted January 28, 1776. Shannon, John, enlisted January 28, 1776. Shearer, Henry, enlisted January 24, 1776. Shearer, Robert, enlisted January 31,1776; promoted April 12, 1776. Smith, Peter, enlisted January, 10, 1776. Smith, Philip, enlisted March 5, 1776. Standly, Peter, enlisted January 15, 1776. Stinson, David, enlisted January 15, 1776. Sterner, George, enlisted January 13, 1776. Sweeney, James, enlisted February 8, 1776 ; promoted November 21,1776. Thompson, James, enlisted January 15, 1776. Wilson, Robert, enlisted February 26, 1776. Wise, Jacob, enlisted January 13, 1776. Yiesly, Felty, enlisted January 14, 1776. ROLL OF CAPTAIN WILLIAM BUTLER'S COMPANY. From January 5 to November S5, 1776, as they stood at Ticonderoga. [Enlisted in the vicinity of Greensburg, Westmoreland county. Many of the company reenlisted in Third Penn'a, Capt. Jas. Chrystie.J Captains. Butler, William, commissioned January 5, 1776 ; promoted major October 7, 1776. Chrystie, James, commissioned November 11, 1776. First Lieutenant. Butler. Thomas commissioned January 5, 1776. Second Lieutenant. Seitz, Charles, commissioned January 5, 1776 ; dropped September 20, 1776. Ensigns. McCully, George, commissioned January 5, 1776 ; promoted second lieutenant September 20, 1776, vice Lieut. Chambers, discharged . McMullan, Nathan, September 20, 1776, vice Parke, discharged. Sergeants. McCully, Robert. Jack, Thomas. McClanen. Hugh. Carrell, Thomas. COL. ARTHUR ST. CLAIR. 85 Corporals. McKee, George. Bennett, Abraham. Kelso, John. Webb, William. Privates. Branch, Elijah. Brown, John. Calagan, James. Carothers, John, enlisted at Carlisle; wounded in the left hand at Three Rivers ; reenlisted under Richard Butler, and served three years; resided in Butler county, Penn'a, in 1817. Coil, Charles. Conner, John. Cowley, William. Craig, James. Davis, Amos. Davis, Robert. Dixon, Robert. Doyle, Bryan. Ewin, William. Fleming, George. Fleming, Henry. Forbes, James. Futhey, Robert. Gordon, Andrew, in 1820 resided in West Nantmeal township, Chester county. Hanna, David. Hamilton, James. Henry, John. Heron, Patrick. Jones, Hugh. Jordon, Garret. Kennedy, James. Kinsey, James. Kyle, William. Laferty, Patrick. Leas, Edward. Lindsey, John. Lucas, William. Martin, William, Jr., enlisted at Carlisle; reenlisted in Third Penn'a. Martin, William, Sen. Matthews, William. McCarrel, Dennis. 86 SECOND PENNSYLVANIA BATTALION. McConnel, James. McCord, Matthew. McFadden, Thomas. McGill, James. McKenzie, John. McMillan, John, enlisted at Greensburg, March 1, 1776; reen listed Third Penn'a. Meyer, Dennis. Navel, Edward. Patterson, William. Roberts, Jonathan. Roddy, Isaac. Rucraft, George. Stover, John. Smith, John. Stimble, Isaac. Sutherland, John. Sweeny, James. Yarner, Robert. Wilson, Samuel. ROLL OF CAPTAIN JOHN BRISBAN'S COMPANY. January 5 to November 25, 1776. Captain. Brisban, John, commissioned January 5, 1776; furloughed by Gen. Gates from November 25, 1776; captain in Third Penn'a; died March 13, 1822. aged ninety-one ; buried in Paxtang grave- yard, near Harrisburg, Penn'a. First Lieutenant. Gross, John, commissioned January 5, 1776. Second Lieutenant. Chambers, William, commissioned January 5, 1776; resigned July 5. 1776. Ensigns. Evans, John, commissioned January 5, 1776; died June 20, 1776. Ross, George, commissioned Jan. 5, 1776 ; promoted lieutenant of marines. COL. ARTHUR ST. CLAIB. 87 Sergeants. Gowmie, Joseph. Hagan, James. Bloom, Daniel; subsequent!}' lieutenant in Capt. Bloom's com- pany, at Bed Bank, in 1777, &c. ; died May 29, 1819, in Bedford county. Biggs, Joseph. Bartholomew, Benjamin. Corporals. Bradley, "William, from Dauphin county ; died at Ticonderoga, on the march to Canada. Carman, William. Evans, Evan< Peacock, William. Whitman, Ulrich. Hall, Joseph. Haney, Charles. Adams, Joseph. Allen, Thomas. Armor, James. Baird, Edward. Bayard, Jacob. Bayley, Robert. Blair, Samuel. J3oyd, John. Bradford, William. Byers, Jacob. Campbell, George. Corein, Benjamin. Cormen, Samuel. Craiger, John. Crawford, John. Cummings, Edward. Curry, Morris. Deamer, Frederick. Douty, James. Ebrem, James. Edene, Moses. Farlow, Isaac. Ferguson, Charles. Drummer. Fifer. Privates. 88 SECOND PENNSYLVANIA BATTALION. Freet, Adam. Fritz, Peter. Graham, John. Gwinn, [Quinn,] James Green, John. Hamble, Thomas. Hamilton, Charles. Hand, Dominick. Haney, Charles. Hammond, Christopher. Henry, Abraham. Hogan, John. Holmes, John. Hughes, Richard. Hulet, "William ; lost an eye in action. Jones, Thomas. McEnally, Patrick. McCormick, James. McDowell, Michael. McGill, John. McGugan, Alexander, McGraw, . McKenzie, Neal. McLaughlin, Henry. McMahan, Barnabas. McMahan, Constans. McXabb, William. McPick, James. Merede, James. Miller, Conrad. Montgomery. James. Moore, Adam. Odier, Dennis. Ogan, John. O'Neill, Henry. Overholtzer, Samuel. Oxford, John. Pemperton, Christian. Eeed, Hugh. Roadmaker, Michael. Rodgers, Patrick. Ross, James. Shannon, Hugh. Shortley, Ludwig. Short, Richard. Sloan, John. COL. ARTHUR ST. CLAIR. 89 Sloan, Lawrence. Stewart, James. Steward, Robert. Sutton, Hugh. Thomas, Nicholas. Weaver, Anthony. Wier, Daniel. Wilhelm, Adam. ROLL OF CAPTAIN RUDOLPH BUNNER'S COMPANY. From January 25, 1776, to November 25, 1776. Captains. Bunner, Rudolph, commissioned January 5, 1776 ; promoted to Capt. Craig's company. Moore, Samuel, commissioned November 11, 1776. First Lieutenants. Moore, Thomas L., commissioned January 5, 1776 ; promoted May 21, 1776. Montgomery, James, commissioned May 21, 1776. Second Lieutenants. Marshall, John, commissioned November 11, 1776. Bartleson, Ezra, commissioned January 5, 1776; discharged June 19, 1776. Ensigns. Ross, George, commissioned January 5, 1776 ; resigned July 1, 1776, and appointed lieutenant of marines. Armstrong, James, commissioned May 21, 1776 ; promoted Novem- ber 11, 1776. Dunn, Abner M., commissioned November 11, 1776; see First Penn'a. Sergeants. Pope, Jacob, appointed February 11, 1776; died June 13, 1776. Randecker, Samuel, appointed January 20, 1776; missing at Three Rivers, June 8, 1776. Knight, Henry, appointed January 18, 1776; deserted April 17, 1776. Wallace, William, appointed January 20, 1776; quarter-master ser- geant. 90 SECOND PENNSYLVANIA BATTALION. Ellis, Kichard, appointed June 13, 1776. Grant, Lewis, appointed March 1, 1776; discharged October 1, 1776. Patterson, Christy, appointed June 8, 1776 ; discharged November 23, 1776. Holmes, Thomas, appointed April 17, 1776. Corporals. Ellis, Richard, appointed January 24, 1776 ; promoted June 13, 1776. Grant, Lewis, appointed February 26, 1776; promoted March 4, 1776. Cline, Matthias, appointed February 11, 1776; reduced July 1. 1776. Patterson, Christopher, appointed February 11, 1776; promoted June 8, 1776. Kerr, John, appointed March 7, 1776. Williams, John, appointed October 2, 1776. Thomas, Jacob, appointed June 13, 1776. Clatter, Jacob, appointed July 1, 1776. Fox, Patrick, appointed Mach 3, 1776 ; drummer. Privates. Banks, Joseph, enlisted January 28, 1776. Barber, James, enlisted May 30, 1776. Bender, Martin, enlisted February 5, 1776. Claney, Owen, enlisted March 1, 1776. Clatter, Jacob, enlisted March 1, 1776; promoted July 1, 1776. Cline, Matthias, enlisted July 1 , 1776. Clouts, Jacob, enlisted February 14, 1776 ; deserted April 8, 1776. Cole, John, enlisted February 23, 1776 ; missing June 8, 1776, at Three Eivers. Collins, David, enlisted January 26, 1776. Colstin, William, enlisted March 1, 1776. Connelly, Israel, enlisted February 15, 1776. Coons, Phineas, enlisted March 1, 1776 ; re-enlisted in Third Penn'a. Crafts, Joseph, enlisted February 15, 1776; died July 8, 1776. Curran, James, enlisted March 9, 1776 ; missing June 8, at Three Rivers. Curran, John enlisted March 9, 1776. Curran, Thomas, Granard, Leinster Province, enlisted March 1, 1776 ; missing June 8, at Three Rivers ; paroled August 9, 1776. Dixon, William, enlisted February 26, 1776. Ellison, James, enlisted February 16, 1776. Foster, Andrew, enlisted February 20, 1776: deserted March 11, 1776. Gorman, David, enlisted February 12, 1776; deserted March 8, 1776. COL. ARTHUR ST. CLAIR. 91 Gorman, James, enlisted January 30, 1776. Green, David, enlisted February 12, 1776 ; died June 22, 1776. Griffy, Lawrence, enlisted February 22, 1776. Grouse, Michael, enlisted February 3, 1776; discharged October 11, 1776. Hall, Josiah, enlisted January 20, 1776 ; discharged September 28, 1776. Hall, Samuel, enlisted March 8, 1776. Hansel, George, enlisted March 1, 1776; discharged October 16, 1776. Crushed between batteaux at Chambly, on the retreat ; lived after the war at New Windsor, Ulster county, N. Y. Hannah, Daniel, enlisted March 5, 1776; died June 7, 1776. Harris, William, enlisted February 24, 1776. Henderson, Thomas, enlisted January 24, 1776; missing June 8, 1776. Holmes, Thomas, enlisted February 9,1776; promoted April 17, 1776. Hoofnagle, William, enlisted February 5, 1776 ; died July 1, 1776. Hunter, Jacob, enlisted January 31, 1776. Ireton, Samuel, enlisted February 14, 1776. Isburter, Thomas, enlisted January 23, 1776; missing June 8, at Three Rivers. Keve, John, enlisted March 7, 1776; promoted March 7, 1776. Xives, John, enlisted January 23, 1776. Kooger, Daniel, enlisted March 7, 1776. McCully, Thomas, enlisted January 29, 1776. Mellon, Samuel, enlisted March 23, 1776. Miller, Peter, enlisted March 6, 1776. Morgan, Thomas, enlisted March 8, 1776. Monin, Joshua, enlisted January 22, 1776. Morris, John, enlisted March 1, 1776; missing June 8, at Three Rivers. Moyer, Abraham, enlisted February 24, 1776. Nixon, Richard, enlisted February 15, 1776. Norman, Joseph, enlisted February 15, 1776. Owen, Thomas, enlisted January 25, 1776 ; discharged September 30, 1776. Polar, Peter, enlisted February 15, 1776 ; deserted April 17, 1776. Price, Jacob, enlisted February 18, 1776 ; deserted April 18, 1776. Quin, Francis, enlisted January 25, 1776. Richards, Nathaniel, enlisted February 4, 1776. Roberts, Thomas, enlisted February 16, 1776; died July 23, 1776. Shuttle Daniel, enlisted February 7, 1776. Smallwood, Aaron, enlisted March 12, 1776. Schmell, Nicholas, enlisted January 25, 1776 ; in 1820, he resided in Potter township, Centre county, a carpenter by occupation. Smyth, George, enlisted January 17, 1776 ; discharged October 16, 1776. 92 SECOND PENNSYLVANIA BATTALION. Stump, John, enlisted February 1, 1776. Thomas, Jacob, enlisted February 7, 1776 ; promoted June 13, 1776. Walter, Elijah, enlisted March 9, 1776. White, John, enlisted January 24, 1776; died July 15, 1776. Wiley, Reuben, enlisted March 1, 1776; died September 21, 1776. Williams, John, enlisted February 2,1776; promoted October 2, 1776. Williams, Michael, Scutzenburg, Germany, enlisted February 9, 1776; missing June 8, 1776, at Three Rivers; paroled August 9, 1776. Willis, Richard, enlisted March 1, 1776; missing as above. Wright, Jonathan, enlisted January 25, 1776. Wright, Obediah, enlisted February 14, 1776 ; died July 31, 1776. Young, John, enlisted January 23, 1776. ROLL OF CAPT. STEPHEN BAYARD'S COMPANY. January 5, 1776, to November 25, 1776. Captain. Bayard, Stephen, commissioned January 5, 1776. First Lieutenants. Chrystie, James, commissioned January 5, 1776 ; afterward captain Third Pennsylvania; afterward promoted, November 11, 1776. Craig, John commissioned November 11, 1776. Second Lieutenants. Dunn, Isaac Budd, commissioned January 5, 1776 ; promoted July 4, 1776. Black, James, promoted July 4, 1776. Ensigns. Black, James, commissioned January 5, 1776 ; promoted July 4, 1776. Marshall, John, promoted November 11, 1776. Oates, James, promoted November 11, 1776. Sergeants. Shepherd, John, October 1, 1776. Philips, Barney, October 1, 1776. Cosgrove, Andrew, October 1, 1776. Points, Joseph, died July 19, 1776. COL. ARTHUR ST. CLAIR. 93 Fif&r. Corporals. Boyd, Thomas, from corporal November 1, 1776. Jones, Thomas, reenlisted April 8, 1777, in Capt. Coren's company of artillery ; transferred to artillery artificers, Capt. N. Irish's company, where he served three years. Drummer. Maxwell, John. Dougherty, George. Wood, Thomas. Barret, James. Brown, Patrick. Privates, Allen Patrick. Baggs, John. Black, Benjamin. Burris, James. Campbell, Alexander. Cox, William. Coyle, Robert. Donohoe , Patrick. Dougherty, William. Duffield, John. English, Joseph. Greer, George. Harkins, Thomas. Holliday, John. Hollis, John. Johnson, Patrick. Leech, William. Lackey, Patrick. Martin, William. McCord, William. McClennon, Robert, discharged November 19, 1776. McConnell, Andrew, discharged July, 1776. McCracken, William, died in the general hospital. McEvoy, Daniel. McFadden, Connel. McKinley. Charles. Moor, William, died March 13, 1776. Murphy, Thomas. Quigg, John. Euttledge, James. 94 SECOND PENNSYLVANIA BATTALION. Thompson, James. Weary, John. Wiley, Robert. Work, Aaron. Edward, Meloy. ROLL OF CAPTAIN JOHN HULING'S COMPANY. January 5, 1776, to November 25, 1776. Huling, John, commissioned January 5, 1776; furloughed from October, 1776, by Gen. Gates. First Lieutenant. Burd, William, commissioned January 5, 1776 ; captured at Three Rivers, June 8, 1776. Second Lieutenants. Currie, Ross, commissioned January 5, 1776 ; promoted November 11, 1776, to Reese's company. Craig, William, from ensign, November 11, 1776. Ensigns. Craig, William, commissioned January 5, 1776 ; promoted second lieutenant November, 11, 1776. Hoffner, George, commissioned July 4, 1776 ; promoted November 11, 1776. Sergeants. Young, John. Funk, Frederick. Lower, James. Ferree, Barney. Corporals. Riddle, Joseph. Nixon, Allen. Gordon, John. Anderson, Neal. Drummer. Mitchell, James. Privates. Albright, Philip. Almond, Frederick. Baldwin, Moses, discharged April 12, 1777. COL. AETHUR ST. CLAIR. 95 Bennett, Kobert. Black, William. Cooper, Abraham. Crookshank, James. Dair, Matthias. Daniel, Peter. Dickey, Nathaniel. Evans, John. Fagan, Michael. Fair, John. Gobee, Joseph. Goodman, John. Gorley, John. Hide, John. Kusick , John, wounded at Three Rivers , pensioned at Philadelphia, 1786. Kail, Michael. Koch, Jacob. Larkin, Paul. McCardel, Hugh. McKee, Edward. Randall, John. Reed, Michael. Reese, Peter. Rork, Henry. Servey, Peter. Shoup, Henry. Steele, John. Stone, Peter. Stoutsman, Christopher. Sundock, Herman. Walborn, Peter. ROLL OF CAPTAIN JOHN REESE'S COMPANY. January 5, 1776, to November 25, 1776. Captain. Reese, John, commissioned January 5, 1776 ; recruiting from No- vember 5, 1776. . First Lieutenants. Moore, Samuel, commissioned Januarys, 1776: promoted captain November 11, 1776. 96 SECOND PENNSYLVANIA BATTALION. Currie, Ross, from Huling's company ; captured June 8, 1776, at Three Rivers. Second Lieutenant. Hoffner, George, from ensign, November 11, 1776. Ensigns. St. Clair, Daniel, commissioned September 20, 1776; lieutenant Third Penn'a. Eppley, Henry, commissioned January 5, 1776 ; promoted lieutenant Capt. Watson's company, November 11, 1776. Hoffner, George, commissioned January 5, 1776 ; promoted second lieutenant November 11, 1776. Davis, Mordecai, commissioned January 5, 1776 ; died August 12, 1776. Coulter, Samuel. Filson, David. Davis, Mathusala. Hamilton, Adam. W.aite, Michael. Meredith, Thomas. Moore, Andrew. McMillan, Michael. Alexander, James. Baggs, James. Buckle, Christopher. Couloron, Abraham. Devinney, Hugh. Drumheller, Jacob. Edwards, Edward. Edwards, Hugh. Faulkner, John. Forquer, George. Gallagher, Daniel. Gallagher, "William. Gardner, George. Gilmore, Benjamin. Graham, Enos. Hand Patrick. Hull, John. Mordecai, James. Johnston, James. Sergeants. Corporals. Privates. COL. ARTHUR ST. CLAIK. 97 Johnston, John. Jordan, John. Man, William. McCloskey, Thomas. McManus, John. Nunn, Abraham. Otty, William, Pearsol, Isaac. Ramage, William. Ramsay, William. Reese, John. Robinson, James. Saxton, George. Scott, George. Scott, Jonathan. Sheer, Philip. Williams, Thomas. ROLL OF CAPTAIN SAMUEL WATSON'S COMPANY. From January 5, 1776, to November 25, 1776. Captains. Watson, Samuel, from first lieutenant, First battalion, January 5, 1776 ; died May 21, 1776, at Three Rivers. Moore, Thomas L., commissioned May 21, 1776, vicf. Watson, de- ceased. First Lieutenants. Chilton, John, commissioned January 5, 1776; resigned November 11, 1776. Eppley, Henry, commissioned November 11, 1776. Second Lieutenants. Montgomery, James, January 5, 1776 ; promoted to first lieuten- ant, May 21, 1776. Miller, Benjamin, commissioned May 21, 1776. Ensigns. Miller, Benjamin, commissioned January 5, 1776 ; promoted to second lieutenant, May 21, 1776. Eugles, James, commissioned September 20, 1776, vice Evans, de- ceased. 7-VOL. X. 98 SECOND PENNSYLVANIA BATTALION. Sergeants. McMahon, Morris, appointed January 26, 1776 ; deserted April 10, 1776. Anderson, James, appointed January 30, 1776. Gibson, Robert, appointed January 30, 1776. Watson, John, appointed February 3, 1776 ; discharged October 27, 1776. Dorsey, Bates, appointed June 12, 1776. Kelly, Thomas, appointed October 28, 1776. Corporals. Toy, John, appointed January 23, 1776. Dorsey, Bates, appointed February 1, 1776 ; promoted June 12, 1776. Smith, William, appointed February 5, 1776; reenlisted in the Fourth Pennsylvania. Steel, John, appointed February 3, 1776. Kelly, Thomas, appointed June 12, 1776 ; promoted October 28, 1776. Atchison, William, appointed September 12, 1776. Drummer. Grenades, Francis, March 1, 1776. Privates. Adair, Benjamin, enlisted February 8, 1776. Adams, John, enlisted February 12, 1776. Adams, Parmer, enlisted January 24, 1776. Adams, William, enlisted February 8, 1776. . Applegate, James, enlisted February 6, 1776 ; deserted April 10. 1776. Armour, John, enlisted January 24, 1776 ; missing June 8, 1776. Arthur, James, enlisted February 2, 1776. Atchison, William, enlisted February 8, 1776 ; promoted Septem- ber 10, 1776. Battersby, John, enlisted February 13, 1776. Beatty, Samuel, enlisted January 25, 177<>. Book, John, enlisted February 11, 1776 ; deserted April 7, 1776. Brown, Daniel, enlisted February 6, 1776; deserted April 8, 1776. Buck, John, enlisted February 7, 1776. Cannon, William, enlisted January 28, 1776 ; died July 11, 1776. Carmichael, John, enlisted January 22, 1776. Carr, John, enlisted February 5, 1776 ; died October 10, 1776. Casady, Allen, enlisted January 28, 1776. Chast, James, enlisted February 6, 1776. Claig, John, enlisted February 9, 1776. Clemens, John, enlisted February 5, 1776 ; deserted March 29, 1776. Clendennin, John, enlisted February 11, 1776. Cooler, John, enlisted February 1, 1776 ; deserted April 8, 1776. Dinger, Michael, enlisted January 31, 1776. COL. ARTHUR ST. GLAIR. 99 Fallen, Daniel, enlisted February 8, 1776. Fiiniey, John, enlisted February 26, 1776. Flanagan, William, enlisted January 28, 1776; deserted April 8, 1776. Fleming, John, enlisted January 31, 1776. Ford, Griffith, enlisted February 15, 1776. Ford, John, enlisted February 8, 1776. Forgey, John, enlisted January 22, 1776. Garner, Thomas, enlisted February 6, 1776. George, Archibald, enlisted February 4, 1776 ; deserted April 6, 1776. Gorman, Michael, enlisted March 3, 1776. Graham, John, enlisted January 20, 1776; deserted April 6, 1776. Haggerty James, enlisted February 19, 1776. llariey, William, enlisted February 4, 1776 ; deserted April 8, 1776. Hurley, Isaac, enlisted February 23, 1776 ; deserted March 10, 1776. Hurley, Daniel, enlisted February 6, 1776; died October 23, 1776. Harper, Richard, enlisted February 11,1776; deserted March 14, 1776. Hunter, Samuel, enlisted February 7. 1776. Hutchinson, John, enlisted February 8, 1776. Imlay, William, enlisted February 1, 1776. Jennings, Edward, enlisted February 2, 1776. Kegem, Joseph, enlisted February 17, 1776. Kelly, Thomas, enlisted February 4, 1776 ; promoted June 12, 1776. Kelly, Timothy, enlisted January 29, 1776. Lovett, Richard, enlisted February 5, 1776 ; died July 9, 1776. Lunny, Thomas, enlisted January 28, 1776. Ma.dole, John, enlisted January 28, 1776. Marrow, William, enlisted February 3, 1776. Martin, Daniel, enlisted February 1, 1776. Mathews, Joseph, enlisted February 29, 1776 ; deserted March 2, 1776. McCune, John, enlisted February 12, 1776. McDonald, Robert, enlisted January 21, 1776 ; discharged Septem- ber 25, 1776. Mcllvaine, Thomas, enlisted February 12, 1776. McKean, Thomas, enlisted February 9, 1776; resided in Buffalo township, Washington county, 1820, aged sixty-six. McLaughlin, James, enlisted January 22, 1776. Miller, William, enlisted February 8, 1776. Montgomery, John, enlisted February 17, 1776. Mustard, Henry, enlisted February 4, 1776. O'Brien, Daniel, enlisted February 2, 1776; deserted April 21, 1776. Parker, James, enlisted January 25, 1776 ; discharged October 7, 1776. Pembertou, Henry, enlisted January 22, 1776 ; died October 2, 1776. 100 SECOND PENNSYLVANIA BATTALION. Porter, George, enlisted February 3, 1776. Price, Edward, enlisted January 22, 1776; deserted April 14, 1776. Quin, John, enlisted February 10, 1776 ; missing June 8, 1776. Rankin, John, enlisted January 25, 1776. Reed, James, enlisted January 28, 1776 ; resided in Straban town. ship, Washington county, 1821, aged seventy. Reed John, enlisted February 17, 1776. Robinson, James, enlisted February 17, 1776. Shehan, William, enlisted February 12, 1776. Smith, Christian, enlisted February 6, 1776. Smith, John, enlisted February 8, 1776. Thomson, Benjamin, enlisted January 3, 1776; died October 1, 1776. Thomson, Matthew, enlisted February 19, 1776. Ward, Jesse, enlisted January 22, 1776. Watkins, John, enlisted February 3, 1776; discharged September 25, 1776. Webb, Samuel, enlisted January 23, 1776 ; deserted April 8, 1776. Williamson,* William, enlisted February 16, 1776, with Doctor Stephen McCrae. Winslow, John, enlisted February 9, 1776; deserted March 15, 1776. Workman, James, enlisted February 8, 1776 ; deserted April 8, 1776. Worrell, Joseph, enlisted January 25, 1776 ; deserted April 26, 1776. Yeomans, Joshua, enlisted January 22, 1776, at Crown Point. * William Williamson's widow resided in Buffalo, New York, in Octo- ber, 1848, then aged ninety-one years. She was then a lady of remarkable intelligence on all subjects, religions, political, and historical; having a very wonderful knowledge of the history of our country, from the commencement of the Revolution, the causes that produced it, the changes of parties, their leading principles, &c. Letter of Samuel Lake, Esq., October 30, THIRD PENNSYLVANIA BATTALION. COL. JOHN SHEE. JANUARY 5, 1776 JANUARY 3, 1777. THIRD PENNSYLVANIA BATTALION. r HE THIRD PENNSYLVANIA BATTALION, known as " Shee's," was enlisted tinder authority of the resolution of Congress, dated December 9, 1775, be- fore referred to. The ofticers were principally Philadel- phians, but the companies were mainly filled up by de- 1775. taching recruiting parties to different parts of this State, New Jersey, Delaware, and Maryland. On the 11 th of June, Congress ordered this battalion, with the Fifth, Col. Magaw, to New York. On the loth they 1776. marched, reaching New York from the 20th to the 25th, and, on the 29th, they were put under the command of Brig. Gen. Mifflin ; Shee's battalion, on the 28th, having three field officers, eight captains, seven first lieu- tenants, seven second lieutenants, eight ensigns, adjutant, quartermaster, and sur- geon, thirty-two sergeants, twelve drums and fifes, and five hundred and seventeen rank and file; total numerical force, five hundred and ninety-seven men. Both battalions were marched towards Kingsbridge, encamped upon the ground on which Fort Washington was erected, and im- mediately employed in the construction of that fortress, under the direction of Col. Rufus Putnam. They remained here all sum- mer, sickness prevailing towards fall to so great an extent that lit- tle more than half of the men were fit for duty. They remained undisturbed until the battle of Long Island, on the 27th of August, when they were marched down to New York, reaching the city in the afternoon, after the battle was over. On the 28th, early, they were transported to Long Island, marched down to the entrenchments at Brooklyn, and posted on the left, extending to the "Wallabout. Here, annoyed by continual rain, without tents, they lay upon their arms, keeping up incessant skirmishing with the British. On the morning of the 29th, Col. Shee, who was in command, then, of the battalion, sent Capt. Graydon to hunt up Adj. Gen. Reed, and to request him to ride down to the lines, that he (Shee) might urge him to propose a retreat without loss of time. Reed came, and the conference was held, but the day passed off in uu- 104 THIRD PENNSYLVANIA BATTALION. abating skirmishing and rain. After dark, orders were received to hold the battalions in readiness for an attack upon the enemy, but this was only an artifice, these battalions, with the Maryland bat- talion, being detached to cover the retreat of the main army from the Island. Near day-break of the 30th, they received orders to retire, and had marched nearly half way to the river, when they were informed that they had come off too soon, and ordered to return to their post. This order was strictly complied with, and they remained more than an hour longer in the lines before the second order to abandon them came. They retired under cover of a thick fog, and between six and seven, A. M., perhaps a little later, landed at New York. In less than an hour afterwards, the fog having dispersed, the enemy could be seen on the shore they had left. Graydon's Memoirs, (Littell Ed.,) page 16S. On the 31st of August, they marched beyond Kingsbridge, towards the Sound, and, crossing the Bronx, encamped about eighteen or twenty miles from the city. After this post was suf- ficiently strengthened, the two battalions re-occupied their old ground at Fort Washington. A return, dated October 7, 1779, shows the battalion to be then commanded by Lieut. Col. Cadwalader. Col. Shee absent; all the captains and first lieutenants present, except one of each ; all the second lieutenants present, seven ensigns, adjutant, quarter-master, surgeon and mate, nineteen sergeants, nine drums and fifes, rank and file, two hundred and seventy-six fit for duty, eighty-four sick present, one hundred and seven sick absent, six iu command, one on furlough, twelve sergeants sick, fife major and drummer sick, one sergeant discharged; total strength of battalion, five hundred and fifty-one. The main army remained on the heights of Harlem a period of five weeks, Shee's and Magaw's battalions constituting a part of it, and did duty accordingly. The march of the main army towards White Plains, commenced on the 20th of October. Before this march, Col. Shee obtained leave of absence to visit his family, and converted that leave into an entire abdication of his command, (Graydon, page 181,) and the battalion was now commanded by Lieut. Col. Lam- bert Cadwalader. ' Col. Shee's resigna- tion, however, is dated on the 25th of September, and accepted on the '27th, his reasons are the solicitations of his family, concluding his letter; " Let me request you will put the most favorable construction on this conduct, think me as my uniform conduct has shown, one of the warmest friends of my country, nor blame too rigidly that COL. JOHN SHEE. 105 want of fortitude, which the fondest attachment to my family has obliged me, ou this occasion, to discover."* On the 16th of November, the fort was invested by Gen. Howe's army, and captured. On that day Magaw's and Cadwalader's bat- talions, with some broken companies of Atlee's and other bat- talions, principally from Pennsylvania, were posted in the lower lines of Harlem Heights, the right of American forces two and a half miles south of the fort, or towards the city ; Col. Baxter hav- ing the front at Harlem River, and Rawlings the left or north of the fort. The superiority of force of the British, drove them all finally into the fort, which was surrendered on the same day, and the Third and Fifth battalions became prisoners, almost in toto. There were only two or three officers wounded, Capt. Miller, of the Fifth, who died ; Capt. Lennox, of the Third, very slightly ; and Ensign Mc- Intire, badly. The men were retained prisoners until in January, 1777, their time having then expired. Most of the officers did not secure their release for years afterwards. See Gray don'' 's Memoirs for an ac- count of the captivity of the officers, 230 and posted ; Lieut. For- rest's escape, 316, &c. Also, Historical Magazine, New York, 1857, page 75, Marriner's letter. The remains of the battalion was the nucleus upon which the Fourth regiment of the Pennsylvania Con- tinental line was formed. *Col. Shee was a noted merchant of Philadelphia, after the war. Treasurer of the city, 1790-1802. Brigadier General, commanding the Republican Legion. Flour inspector, 1802-1805. Collector of the port of Philadelphia in 1807, in which year, I presume, he died at Philadel- phia. He was succeeded as collector by Gen. John Steel. Wescott. 106 THIRD PENNSYLVANIA BATTALIOX. CO qSnotanj no to u ^' vE H 'lunuutuoo UQ w P suoaSjng rHrl t >- o c ^^ T) H K uopBin-lb ~~ :~ : ~ 1 c g .= ^^ *tf 1 ^H S}UB}IlfpV -I ^ ~ ' - J*J * "3 f^ *^ ^ T S S suiBjdBqo i i ti co O suSisng; *" . N ; s -- - U >, s^u Bua;naij puooag O GO CO * * COiO - > fo * quBuajnaij ^sai^j ^O iO O ^O 00 t J = >> 5 G siire^dBQ r^^o^c, -^ 1 = a O CO ^ saofBK rtrt ' H ." .' .' ! 3 I 3 r ^^ ^ O/-S sjau loioo ^uBua^naii I 1 1 1 I 1 r-l ' ' ' to .s QJ (^ U ~i spuopo r-l ' 'r-l ^ " tS gc g S< w - w s 3 ^~. >, FLI rr = c o SriJJ '-^ s RETURN C,ri .... ^ ^*i r-^ *-i *"i ^- -"^ T - S h 55 '-5 f r r^ *"" COL. JOHN SILEE. 107 ROSTER OF FIELD AND STAFF OFFICERS. Colonels. Shee, John, commissioned January 3, 1776 ; resigned September 25, 1776. Cadwalader, Lambert, from lieutenant colonel, October 25, 1776 ; captured November 16, 1776, and released on parole at the in- tercession of Gen. Prescott, of the British army, who had re- ceived attentions from his father, Doctor Cadwalader, while a prisoner in Philadelphia. Lieutenant Colonels. Cadwalader, Lambert, commissioned January 4, 1776; promoted colonel October 25, 1776. Brodhead, Daniel, commissioned October 25, 1776. Major. Bicker, Henry, commissioned January 4, 1776 ; transferred to Tenth Pennsylvania, October 25, 1776. West, William, commissioned October 25, 1776 ; captured Novem- ber 16, 1776. Adjutant. Bicker, Lieut. Walter, appointed January 11, 1776. Quarter -master. Stediford, Garret, appointed February 9, 1776. Surgeon. Hodge, Hugh, appointed February 7, 1776; captured November 16, 1776. Surgeon' 's Mate. Yarnall, Peter, (afterwards a minister of Friends' Society;) trans- ferred to privateer Delaware; died in 1798, aged forty-five. Captains. West, William, commissioned January 5, 1776; promoted major October 25, 1776. Graydon, Alexander, commissioned r January 5, 1776 ; taken prisoner November 16, 1776; paroled July 7, 1777; exchanged April, 1778; first prothonotary of Dauphin county, 1785; author of " Graydon's Memoirs ;" died at Philadelphia, May 2, 1818, aged sixty-seven. 108 THIRD PENNSYLVANIA BATTALION. Lennox, David, commissioned January 5, 1776 ; captured Novem- ber 16, 1776 ; a prisoner eighteen months ; resigned after the campaign of 1778, on account of not being awarded his rank. Byles, Thomas Langhorne, commissioned January 5, 1776; cap- tured November 16, 1776 ; exchanged March 1, 1778 ; promoted major Third Pennsylvania, from June 8, 1777. Hubley, Joseph, commissioned January 5, 1776. Stewart, Walter, commissioned January 6, 1776; appointed aid to Gen. Gates May 26, 1776; see Thirteenth Pennsylvania. Scull, Peter, commissioned January 5, 1776; appointed brigade major March 23, 1776. Allice, Henry, commissioned January 5, 1776 ; resigned February 27, 1776. Melchior, Isaac, appointed February 27, 1776 ; declined to serve. Davenport, Joseph, from first lieutenant, March 23, 1776 ; after the retreat from Long Island he remained in New York, a volun- tary oaptive. Edwards, Evan, from first lieutenant, March 23, 1776; promoted major new Eleventh Pennsylvania, December 16, 1778. Tudor, George, from first lieutenant, June 13, 1776; captured No- vember 16, 1776 ; exchanged May 10, 1778; promoted major Fifth Pennsylvania. Knox, Matthew, from first lieutenant October 11,1776; captured November 16, 1776 5 exchanged October 28, 1778, at Elizabeth- town, N. J., when he returned to Philadelphia, and did not enter service again ; resided in "Whitpain township, Mont- gomery county, in 1807. First Lieutenants. Edwards, Evan, commissioned January 6, 1776; promoted captain March 23, 1776, rice Allice, resigned ; served as aid to Gen. Charles Lee. Davenport, Joseph, January 6, 1776; promoted captain March 23, 1776, vice Peter Scull, promoted. Tudor, George, commissioned January 6, 1776 ; promoted captain June 13, 1776, rice Walter Stewart, promoted. Bettin, Adam, commissioned January 6, 1776 ; captured November 16, 1776 ; promoted captain Fourth Penn'a. Davidson, William, commissioned January 6, 1776 ; captured No- vember 16, 1776; exchanged August 26, 1778. Brodhead, Daniel, Jr., (son of Col. Daniel,) commissioned January 6, 1776 ; captured November 16, 1776 ; exchanged August 26, 1778; died shortly after. Knox, Matthew, commissioned January 6, 1776 ; promoted captain October 11, 1776, vice West, promoted. COL. JOHN SHEE. 109 "Woelpper, John David, commissioned January 6, 1776 ; a German by birth, who had served in the Virginia service under Wash- ington, and recommended by him for a company in the German regiment, July 8, 1776. Duguid, John, from second lieutenant June 13, 1776 ; captured August 16, 1776; exchanged October 25, 17SO. Tilton, William, from second lieutenant March 23, 1776 ; captured November 16, 1776. Second Lieutenants, Armitage, Benjamin, commissioned January 8, 1776; captured November 16, 1776. Forrest, Dr. Andrew, commissioned January 8, 1776 ; captured November 16, 1776, exchanged October 25, 1780. He retired from service, not being able to get his rank. Col. Cadwalader certifies that he was entitled to captaincy from April 10, 1778. He resided at Harrisburg many years after the war, removed to Milton, where he was practicing medicine in 1814; died at Danville, Penn'a, shortly after. Duguid, John, commissioned January 8, 1776; promoted first lieu- tenant June 13, 1776, vice Davenport, promoted. Tilton, William, commissioned January 8, 1776 ; promoted March 23, 1776, first lieutenant, vice Edwards, promoted. Woodside, John, commissioned January 8, 1776 ; captured Novem- ber 16, 1776 ; exchanged May 8, 1778. Bicker, Walter, commissioned January 8, 1776 ; appointed adjutant January 11; captured November 16, 1776 ; residing in New York city in 1815. Bicker, Henry, Jr., commissioned January 8, 1776; captured No- vember 16, 1776 ; promoted in Fourth Penn'a. Connelly, Robert, commissioned January 8, 1776, for Capt. Scull's company; promoted in Fourth Penn'a. Bird, William, March 1, 1776. Hunter, James, April 12, 1776. Mclntire, Thomas, from ensisjn March 8, 1776 ; severely wounded and captured November 16, 1776 ; exchanged August 17, 1777 ; subsequently captain of an independent company in Wyoming valley. Westcoat, Joel, from ensign April 12, 1776; captured November 16, 1776. Stout, Herman, from ensign June 13, 1776; promoted first lieu- tenant Tenth Penn'a, December 4, 1776. Ensigns. Westcoat, Joel, commissioned January 8, 1776; promoted second lieutenant April 12, 1776. 110 THIRD PENNSYLVANIA BATTALION. Mclntire, Thomas, commissioned January 8, 1776 ; promoted lieu- tenant, to rank from March 8, 1776. Chickley, Samuel, commissioned April 8, 177(5, taken November 16, 1776 ; exchanged April 20, 1778. Dover, John, commissioned January 8, 1776. Hunter, James, commissioned January 8,1776; promoted second lieutenant April 1:2, 1770. Stediford, Garret, (quarter-master,) commissioned March 23, 1776; captured November 16, 1776; see Fourth Penn'a. Old, William, commissioned January 8, 1776; captured November 16, 1776. Stout, Herman, commissioned January 8, 1776 ; promoted second lieutenant June 13, 1776. Weaver, Jacob, April 22, 1776 ; captured November 16, 1776. Graydon, Andrew, commissioned June 13, 177*;. Shriver, Samuel, commissioned January 8, 1776; reported October 4, 1776, not fit for duty, absent at Philadelphia. ROLL OF CAPTAIN WALTER STEWART'S COMPANY. Caj)tains. Stewart, Walter, commissioned January 6, 1776; appointed aid to Gen. Gates. Tudor, George, from first lieutenant, June 13, 1776. First Lieutenants. Tudor, George, commissioned January 6, 1776, promoted captain June 13, 1776. Duguid, John, from second lieutenant June 13, 1776. Second Lieutenants. Duguid, John, commissioned January 6, 1776; promoted first lieu- tenant June !,">. 1776. Stout, Herman, from ensign June 13, 1776. Ensigns. Stout, Herman, commissioned January 8, 1776; promoted second lieutenant June 13, 177t>. Graydon, Andrew, commissioned June 13, 1776. COL. JOHN SHEE. Ill The following names are all that we have been able to obtain of this company. It is endorsed "List of men belonging to late Capt. Walter Stewart's company, commanded by Capt. George Tudor, captured November 10, 1776." Adams, Daniel. Beason, Charles. Bridel, Adam. Burns, James. Carbury, William. Concklin, Joseph. Daubert, Peter. Dennis, Adam. Fleming, Charles. Geiger, Jacob. Huber, Leonard. Kearney, James. Kepler, Henry. Kettle, Jacob. Leinhart, Jacob. May, John. McCarroll, John. McCormick, George McDowell, John. McKague, William. McKinney, James. McKnight, Daniel. Miller, Jacob. Mull, Christian. Murphy, Luke. Xeason, George. Ogden, Edward. Parker, Henry. Rosenkrantz, James. Schoonover, William. Stille, Ebenezer. Suter, David. Van Gorden, Abraham. Warner, Philip, Avounded at Fort Washington ; transferred to the Invalid Corps ; discharged therefrom April 15, 1779; Pennsyl- vania pensioner, 1786. Weigh, Baltus, Westbrooke, Cornelius. Wright, John. 112 THIRD PENNSYLVANIA BATTALION. No rolls of this battalion have been recovered. The following names, have been culled from pension records, &c. Beaver, John, taken November 16, 1776; escaped November 22, 1776. Byers, John, sergeant, Hubley's company. Cook, James, sergeant. Crasson, John, corporal, West's company, resided in Bedford county in 1815. Davis, John, recommended for ensign, July 26, 1776. Dewees, Samuel, recommended for ensign, July 26, 1776. Downing, William, taken November 16, 1776 ; escaped November 22, 1776. Dugan, John. Field, John, Scull's company, taken November 16,1776; resided in Botetourt county, Va., in 1792. Fisher, John, West's company, died in Penn township, now Sny- der county, in 1792. Gregg, John, sergeant, Graydon's company, disabled in 1776; re- sided in Bucks county in 1786. Green, Stephen, resided in Philadelphia in 1826. Heinier, John, enlisted April 7,1776; wounded by a musket ball in the leg, and taken November 16, 1776; reenlisted in the Ger- man regiment ; discharged at Trenton in 1781 ; living in Phila- delphia in 1826. Kuntz, Francis, wounded and leg amputated; resided in Lancaster county in 1786. Marsh, Daniel, Allice's company, weaver, residing in Lycoming county in 1822. Murphy, Daniel, Edwards' company. Richardson, William, captured November 16, 1776 ; imprisoned in New York jail; resided in Chester county, 1823. Scott, William, drummer, shot through both shoulders November 16, 1776. Still waggon, Jacob, enlisted at Lancaster ; captured at Fort Wash- ington ; exchanged in 1777 ; resided in Chester county in 1824. Strickler, John. Thompson, John, wounded and taken November 16, 1776 trans- ferred to the Invalid Corps. Wertz, John, Tudor's company. Williams, John, of Capt. West's company ; taken at Fort Washing- ton ; returned home sick, and died, ant", 6th February, 1777. Wright, sergeant, wounded November 8, 1776. FOURTH PENNSYLVANIA BATTALION, JANUARY 3, 1776 JANUARY 24, 1777. 8 VOL. X. FOURTH PENNSYLVANIA BATTALION. OR the active service of this regiment, or rather three companies of it Robinson's, Lacey's, and Church's see preface to the Roster of the Second battalion. It was recruited under the authority of a resolution of Congress of December 9, 1775, before referred to, for the term of one year, principally in Chester county, and rendez- voused at Chester on the 9th of February. On the 17th, Col. Wayne enclosed a return "amounting in the whole to five hundred and sixty, officers included, ten commissioned officers are absent with their recruits, what number I cannot de- termine, but apprehend that the battalion must be complete. Capt. Taylor lias not yet arrived with his company, but included in above. I have only twelve rifles and twenty muskets, and am in want of every other article." On the 22d, Congress ordered him to march each company, as soon as equipped, to New York. For want of arms, only three companies Robinson's, Church 's,andLacey's could be for warded. These arrived in New York, under command of Major Haussegger, on the 2Sth of March. This " detachment of the Fourth Penn'a bat- talion," as it was called, was, on the 7th of April, placed in Lord Stirling's brigade, and stationed on the shore at Caldwell's, on Long Island. On the 24th, it was assigned to the Fourth brigade, Gen. Greene. On the 26th, Col. Wayne arrived at New York, and taking com- mand, immediately dispatched Major Haussegger to Philadelphia, to bring on the other five companies.* On the 27th, Wayne received orders to prepare his detachment for embarking for Albany. Two companies left New York on the * April 27th. On this day Col. Wayne arrived at head-quarters, and ordered Capt. Lacej r back to Darby, in Pennsylvania, to settle for his men's board, after lie (Wayne) had engaged to do it himself. Capt. Lacey returned to Long Island on the llth of May, but his company had marched, and although he overtook it on the 30th of May, he did not get his command until July 13. William Darlington, manuscript notes to Lacey manuscript orderly book. See, also, Penn'a Archives, O. !., vol. v., page 154- 116 FOURTH PENNSYLVANIA BATTALION. 2d of May, and were in Albany with the colonel on the 10th. On the 12th, Sergeants Hood and Randall, of Capt. Lacey's company, were tried by general court-martial, and found guilty of encourag- ing sedition, were adjudged to be reduced to the ranks.* On the 16th of May, the other company had arrived, as appears by the following regimental order of that date : " It is Col. Wayne's orders, the three companies belonging to his battalion, now here, do appear clean and shaved, to-morrow morn- ing precisely at ten o'clock, without their arms, from thence to proceed to the place of worship, with drums and fifes, it being the day which the honorable Congress has ordered to be observed and kept in fasting and prayer." "ALBANY, May IS, 1776. The general is to beat at Capt. Robin- son's quarters, to-morrow morning at half past four, upon which all the tents are to be struck, made up, and heavy baggage taken to the wharf, for conveyance to the Half Moon; and at six, assembly to be beat, upon which all the men of the Fourth Penn'a battalion ; to parade under arms, with their arms slung, and to make immediately to the place where the colonel expects that every officer, without distinction or exception, will exert himself in getting the men, &c., in proper order. 7 ' The next entry in the orderly book is made three days after the battle of Three Rivers, and is very characteristic of Col. Wayne. " CAMP AT SOREL, June 11, 1776. " It is Col. Wayne's orders that all cartridges be examined, and all such as are damaged or expended to be supplied with new ones, taking particular care to dry the baked powder in those that are damaged, which will render it again fit for use, etc. etc. . . . The men to be under armsat nine o'clock, with their cartouch boxes, pow- der horns, &c., in order to be inspected. Every non-commissioned officer or soldier who shall come to the parade dirty, with a long beard, or his breeches knees open, shall be mulcted of a day's allow- ance of provision, and do a double tour of duty. For the colonel lays it down as a position, that every soldier who neglects to appear as decent as the nature of his situation will admit, is unfit for gentlemen's company, and is a coward. Soldiers are ever held in the light of gentlemen, and if it is the power of the colonel his people shall support that character. " Their spirited conduct in bravely attacking and sustaining the fire from both great and small arms of an enemy more than ten * These poor fellows were, no doubt, goaded to "sedition" by the arbitrary conduct of Col. Wayne, in giving the command of the com- pany to his "pet," Capt. Moore, and outraging the feelings of Capt. Lacey's men in his absence, a number of them deserted on that ac- count. Darlington, Ibid. COL. ANTHONY WAYNE. 117 times their number, merits his highest approbation. He takes this opportunity of returning thanks to the Captains Robinson, Church, and Moore, Lieutenants Smith, Christie, and Ryan, Ensigns Vernon, and Barckley, for the part they acted that day, being that of gentle- men and soldiers."* "REGIMENTAL ORDERS. " CROWN POINT, July 7, j.776. "A barber for each company is also to be nominated, for the pur- pose of shaving the soldiers and dressing their hair, who shall be allowed four pence per man per week, out of his wages. The col- onel is determined to punish every man who comes on parade with a long beard, slovenly dressed, or dirty, in the severest manner, es- pecially for neglect of his arms. They, at all events, must, at all times, be clean and fit for service, etc." " On the 17th of July, Lieut. Col. Johnston, with the staff and the five other companies, arrived at head-quarters at Ticonderoga. He brought with him the Declaration of Congress on the 4th of July, of the Independence of America. It made a little buzz, but soon subsided, and was forgotten. A few officers left the army in con- sequence of it, among whom was Lieut. Col. Allen." Lacey's me- moirs. "REGIMENTAL ORDERS. "TICONDEROGA, July is, 1776. " Col. Wayne finds himself under the disagreeable necessity of re- peating orders with respect to keeping the men clean. He hopes in future the officers will think it their duty to see that the men be- longing to their respective companies always appear washed, shaved, their hair plaited and powdered, and with their arms in good order, when they come on parade for guard, as well as on all other occa- sions. A barber for each company that lately arrived, to be imme- diately appointed, to be allowed the same pay, &c. "July 29. The three companies which went to Canada, being sent off without receiving shirts or stockings, and now destitute of these articles, Col. Wayne is under the necessity of calling on the com- manders of the five companies lately arrived, to supply Captains *On the 2d of June, at St. John's, Col. Wayne ordered Capt. Moore to continue in command of Capt. Lacey's company until Capt. Moore's company arrived, and requested Capt. Lacey to act as a volunteer, con- tinuing his rank until its arrival. Editors. Capt. Lacey was not at Three Rivers. He was gone at the time on an errand for Gen. Sullivan to Montreal. After the engagement, it appeared that seventeen of Capt. Lacey's company were missing ; but Lieut. Smith alleged they must all be prisoners, inasmuch as the company never came within reach of the enemies' muskets. Darlington, Ibid. US FOURTH PENNSYLVANIA BATTALION. Robinson, Lacey, and Church, with all the shirts, stockings, and breeches they have in possession, which they drew for the use of the army, for which they shall receive a receipt from the quarter-mas- ter. The miserable situation of the three companies must be too obvious to need any apology for this order. "August 12. Each company must erect camp-kitchens, and the weekly officer to examine them every day at eleven o'clock, and see that all messes are cooking at the same time, in order that all sol- diers may get their dinners at twelve o'clock ; and be particularly careful that the cooks make soup for the respective messes every day, that the health of the soldiers may be better preserved. Col. Wayne has often mentioned to the officer of the guard, to inform the gentleman who relieves him, that they are to dine with the Col- onel the day they are on duty. In future he hopes that every officer will, without any further ceremony, attend at one o'clock. "August 21. Adjutant Ryan was found guilty of assaulting and abusing Major Haussegger,* and sentenced to be reprimanded by Col. St. Clair, at the head of the Fourth brigade. "August 25. The Fourth battalion is to be under arms at three o'clock, p. M., well powdered, fresh shaved, and clean linen ; all must turn out. ' October 1. The officers will cause the men to save fat or grease for their hair, and the barbers must, at all times, have powder and shaving necessaries ready, and tie or plait the hair of the men. When neglected, the sergeants will report the barbers. The Colonel orders this to be read on the parade to the regiment this evening/' A return, dated at Ticonderoga, October 19, shows present all the field officers; all the captains, except Robinson, absent from September 21 ; Capt. Moore sick, and absent from October 14; all the first lieutenants, except one of Moore's company; all the second lieutenants, except Lieut. Barckley ; all the ensigns ; all the staff, thirty-two sergeants, thirteen drums and fifes, three hundred rank and file fit for duty, one hundred and thirty-eight sick present, twenty-three sick absent, twenty-eight on command; total, five hundred and sixty-three. Of officers present, Capt. North, Lieuts. McClintock, Kimmell, and Seely, were sick. The term of enlistment of this battalion expired on 1777. the 5th of January, 1777, but it remained over its time until the 24th of January, 1777, to allow troops to come in and take its place. An inquisition, dated February 17, 1777, now on file in the office of the Secretary of the Commonwealth, addressed to the Council of Safety, sets forth " that an unhappy accident happened on the 16th *See, postea, German regiment, for further notice of Haussegger. COL. ANTHONY WAYNE. 119 instant, at a certain Alexander McCalla's, in Charlestown township, Chester county, to wit: the accidental death of Charles Clinton Beatty,* second lieutenant to Capt. Thomas Church's company, of the Fourth battalion, commanded by Col. Anthony Wayne ; and as there is no legal way of proceeding in cases of accidental death, thought it expedient to call upon the chairman of committee to qualify evidence, and call and empannel a jury. We, therefore, of the jury find that his death was accidental by a shot from Capt. Caleb North's fusee, not apprehending it to be charged." Signed by Capt. Thomas Church and eleven others. A large proportion of the privates reenlisted for three years, or during the war, under Col. Francis Johnston, in the Fifth Penn'a, where their names may be found. Those who did not reenlist were marched to Chester, and discharged on the 25th of February, 1777. ROSTER OF FIELD AND STAFF OFFICERS. Colonel. Wayne, Anthony, commissioned January 3, 1776. November 23, assigned by Gen. Schuyler to the command of the fortress of Ticonderoga and garrison composed of Wood's, Dayton's, Irvine's, Bunell's, Whitcomb's, and his own battalion ; pro- moted brigadier general February 21, 1777. In May, at his own earnest solicitation, called to the main army, where he arrived on the 15th of May, and was placed in command of a brigade. Lieutenant Colonel. Johnston, Francis, commissioned January 4, 1776; promoted colonel Fifth Penn'a, September 27, 1776. Majors. Haussegger, Nicholas, commissioned January 4, 1776; promoted colonel of the German battalion July 17, 1776; ordered to Philadelphia, September 18, 1776. Frazer, Persifor, from captain, October 3, 1776; promoted lieu- tenant colonel Fifth Penn'a, March 12, 1777. * Lieut. Beatty was a son of Rev. Charles Beattj', (chaplain of Col. Clapluun's regiment, 1756;) born 10th February, 1756; graduate of Prince- ton, 1775. He was interred in the burying ground at old Chester. He was a brother of Major John Beatty, Dr. Reading Beatty, and Lieut. Erkuries Beatty, all of the Pennsylvania Line. 120 FOURTH PENNSYLVANIA BATTALION. Chaplain. Jones, Rev'd David, appointed April 27, 1776, for this and Shee T s battalion. Adjutants. Holland, Thomas, appointed January 11, 1776 ; resigned March 15. 177(3. Ryan, Michael, "acting from February 17,1776; appointed March. 15, 1776 ; promoted brigade major November 18, 1777. Paymaster. Hunter, James. Quarter- Master. Harper, John, appointed February 9, 1776. Surgeon. Kennedy, Dr. Samuel, appointed February 24, 1776 ; commissioned senior surgeon military hospital May 1, 1777, and senior surgeon general hospital of middle department November 1, 1777 ; died in service June 17, 1778 ; buried in Charlestown grave-yard, near Phoenixville, Penn'a. The following officers belonged to North's, Yernon's, and Moore's- companies ; the records remaining do not designate to which : first Lieutenants. Potts, Joseph, commissioned January 6, 1776; promoted captain October 12, 1776. Williamson, John, commissioned January 6, 1776 ; appointed bat- teaux master by Gen. Gates, July 14, 1776. Johnston, Alexander, commissioned January 6, 1776 ; acting captain,. vice Lacey resigned. Second Lieutenants. McClintock, Alexander, commissioned January 8, 1776 ; promoted first lieutenant, vice Potts, October 12, 1776. Gregg, Robert, commissioned Jamiary 8, 1775; see Fiftli Penn'a. McHenry, Charles, commissioned January 8, 1776. Holland, Thomas, commissioned January 8, 1776; resigned March 15. 1776. Ensigns. Funk, Jacob, commissioned January 8, 1776. Wallace, John, commissioned January 8, 1776 ; resigned January 28. 1777. Standley, Joseph, commissioned January 8, 1776. COL. ANTHONY WAYNE. 121 ROLL OF CAPTAIN PERSIFOR FRAZER'S COMPANY. From January 5, 1776, to November 26, 1776. Captains. Frazer, Persifor, commissioned January o, 1776 ; promoted major September 24, 1776. Potts, Joseph, appointed October 12, 1776, by Gen. Gates. First Lieutenant. Bartholomew, Benjamin, commissioned January 6, 1776. Second Lieutenant. Seely, Isaac, commissioned January 8, 1776. Ensign. Griffith, Levi, commissioned January 8, 1776. Sergeants. Buckley, Edward, appointed January 10, 1776. Harris, Daniel, appointed January 22, 1776. Magee, William, appointed January 30, 1776; promoted ensign Fifth Penn'a. Verner, Edward, appointed February 2, 1776. Corporals. Davis, Joshua, appointed January 19, 1776; drowned August 1, 1776. Evan, James, appointed February 7, 1776. Long, James, appointed February 2, 1776. Taylor, John, appointed January 19, 1776. Wood, Abraham, appointed August 1, 1776. Drummers. Butler, Abraham, appointed January 21, 1776; discharged April 19, 1776. McCarter, John, appointed April 19, 1776 ; returned to the ranks July 1, 1776. Mclntire, Robert, appointed July 1, 1776 ; died November 1, 1776. Muskall, , appointed November 1, 1776. Fifer. Kline, William, appointed January 22, 1776; resided in York county in 1818, aged sixty-three. 122 FOURTH PENNSYLVANIA BATTALION. Privates. Adams, James, enlisted February 5, 1776 ; deserted July 10, 1776. Atkinson, George, enlisted January 17, 1776. Bartholomew, John, enlisted February 19, 1776 ; deserted July 10, 1776. Becket, Joseph, enlisted April 8, 1776. Berry, James, enlisted February 17, 1776. Blackwood. John, enlisted March 21, 1776. Boggs, Alexander, enlisted January 22, 1776. Boston, Philip, enlisted April 6, 1776. Bostol, Philip, enlisted January 31, 1776. Boyles, John, enlisted February 28, 1776. Burns, Thomas, enlisted January 30, 1776. Calhoun, Charles, enlisted April 29, 1776 ; died November 20, 1776. Cane, William, enlisted February 10, 1776. Carroll, Patrick, enlisted January 15, 1776. Cligner, John, enlisted March 17, 1776; deserted May 1, 1776. Cloward, Thomas, enlisted February 14, 1776 ; died February 15, 1776. Conner, Patrick, enlisted February 22, 1776. Connolly, Lawrence, enlisted February 1, 1776. Corry John, enlisted February 20, 1776. Cruddicks, William, enlisted February 7, 1776 ; deserted March 12, 1776. Daily, James, enlisted February 27, 1776. Dobbins, John, enlisted April 3, 1776 ; deserted May 1, 1776. Ellis, Paul, enlisted January 23, 1776. Guin, Thomas, enlisted February 4, 1776. Harrington, John, enlisted January 16, 1776. Harris, David, enlisted January 22, 1776 ; discharged April 19, 1776 Harvey, John, enlisted February 15, 1776. Herbster, George, enlisted May 9, 1776; deserted July 10, 1776. Ingram, John, enlisted February 1, 1776; discharged May 1, 1776. Innis, James, enlisted February 7, 1776. Jones, Francis, enlisted January 21 , 1 776 ; discharged April 26, 1776. Joyce, Patrick, enlisted March 21, 1776. Junkin, Thomas, enlisted January 22, 1776; discharged April 19, 1776. Kelly, Christopher, enlisted January 21, 1776. Kelly, Timothy, enlisted January 25, 1776. Kennedy, Caleb, enlisted January 10, 1776; died January 18, 1776. King, Peter, enlisted January 16, 1776. Kerregan, Jacob, enlisted February 1, 177(5; discharged April 1, 1776. Lynn, Patrick, enlisted February 24, 1776. Lyons, William, enlisted January 31, 1776. COL. ANTHONY WAYNE. 123 Martin, Patrick, enlisted January 25, 1776. Martin, Joshua, enlisted January 23, 1770 ; discharged May 1, 1776. McCarty, John, enlisted Februarys, 1776; promoted to drummer April 19, 1776. McCormick, Joseph, enlisted January 27, 1776. McCullough, John, enlisted February 5, 1776. McCully, Samuel, enlisted February 8, 1776. McDonald, James, enlisted January 16, 1776. McDonald, Peter, enlisted February 8, 1776. McGowan, Samuel, enlisted April 29, 1776. McGarrel, Charles, enlisted January 31, 1776. McGuire, "William, enlisted January 25, 1776. Mclntire, Kobert, enlisted July 1, 1776. McLaughlin, Hugh, enlisted February 3, 1776 McLaughlin, John, enlisted March 22, 1776. Mercer, Robert, enlisted January 25, 1776. Miller, John, enlisted February 1, 1776. Morland, Zebulon, enlisted February 3, 1776. Murtland, John, enlisted February 1, 1776. Nelson, William, enlisted January 31, 1776. Norman, Joseph, enlisted March 21, 1776. Nuby, John, enlisted February 15, 1776. O'Brien, Peter, enlisted May 9, 1776; deserted July 10, 1776. O'Neal, William, enlisted January 16, 1776; discharged April 19, 1776. Owen, Thomas, enlisted January 31, 1776. Parker, John, enlisted January 29, 1776. Pedrick, Samuel, enlisted April 6, 1776; deserted May 1, 1776. Powell, David, enlisted January 26, 1776. Ragg, Hezekiah, enlisted January 16, 1776. Ramsay, John, enlisted March 25, 1776. Rowls, William, enlisted January 30, 1776. Shields, Tobias, enlisted January 21. 1776. Smiley, Samuel, enlisted January 19, 1776 ; reenlisted Fifth Penn'a. Smith, Michael, enlisted January 18, 1776. Steward, John, enlisted March 19, 1776. Swiney, Daniel, enlisted April 1, 1776; deserted October 10, 1776. Tanner, John, enlisted January 19, 1776. Thomas, David, enlisted April 17, 1776. Toland, William, enlisted February 2, 1776 ; died September 26, 1776. Trego, William, enlisted January 9, 1776 ; confined and left with Gen. Washington's army. Walker, John, enlisted July 1, 1776. Watson, John, enlisted February 4, 1776. Wilson, John, enlisted February 1, 1776; reenlisted in Fifth Penn'a. Wolf, John, enlisted January 26, 1776. 124 FOURTH PENNSYLVANIA BATTALION. Wood, Abraham, enlisted April 6, 1776 ; promoted August 1, 1776. Wright, Alexander, enlisted January 16, 1776; deserted July 1, 1776. Young, James, enlisted April 13, 1776 ; deserted July 11, 1776. Young, John, enlisted April 22, 1776 ; deserted May 1, 1776. ROLL OF CAPTAIN THOMAS ROBINSON'S COMPANY. As it tood at Ticonderoga, November 26, 1776. Captain. Robinson, Thomas, commissioned January 5, 1776 ; sick in Penn'a. First Lieutenant. Christie, John, commissioned January 5, 1776. Second Lieutenants. ~ Moulder, William, commissioned March 15, 1776 ; resigned October 1, 1776. Vernon, Job, commissioned October 1, 1776. Ensign. Wallace, Thomas, commissioned January 5, 1776 ; resigned October 1, 1776. North, George, commissioned October 12, 1776. Sergeants. Merchant, Thomas. Grubb, James. Valleau, David, New York ; missing at Three Rivers June 8,1776 ; paroled August 9, 1776. Gray, Joseph. Matthias, Amos. Corporals. Matthews, Richard. Anderson, Robert. Miller, Samuel. Murdock, John. Drum and Fife. Moll, George. Stone, William. Privates. Bowen, George. Bench, Christopher. COL. ANTHONY WAYNE. 125 Bullock, George. Bryant, Joseph. Burns, Daniel. Carndin, Richard. Casky, Samuel. Crane, William. Dawson, Isaac. Dawson, Jeremiah. Deveny, James. Deveny, John. Driver, Casper; wounded at Three Rivers, ball through the arm; reenlisted in Eleventh, Col. Humpton ; discharged at the end of the war ; resided in Allegheny county in 1807. Dickson, Samuel. Dill, Jacob. Dunn, John. * David, William. Eaton, George. Edrnundson, Humphrey. Finley, Alexander. Green, Patrick. Glenn, Thomas. Gobbins, Edward. Hill, John. Homer, Nathan. James. Thomas. Kerley, Timothy. Lord, James. Longfellow, Amos. Lynch, William. Lamney, William. Loughrey, John. Motts, Nathan. Moder, John. Moore, John. McCafferty, Morgan. McMurray, Benjamin. Mathers, John. McBride, Joseph. Nox, George. Owens, Robert. Phips, Jonathan. Russell, Thomas. Reilly, Thomas. Senear, Peter. Tan yard, John. J26 FOURTH PENNSYLVANIA BATTALION. Talbott, John. Statton, Richard. Smith, Benjamin. Taggert, John. Wilson, John. Webb, Robert. Webb, Benjamin. Williams, James. ROLL OF CAPTAIN JOHN LACEY'S COMPANY. Captain. Lacey, John, commissioned January 5, 1776; commissioned brig- adier general January 9, 1778. First Lieutenant. Smith, Samuel, commissioned January 6, 1776 ; promoted captain Fifth Penn'a. Second Lieutenants. Ryan, Michael, commissioned January 8, 1776. Barckley, John, from ensign, October 1, 1776. Ensigns. Barckley, John, commissioned January 8, 1776; promoted second lieutenant October 1, 1776. Forbes, James, October 1, 1776. Sergeants. Hood, [Wood,] William. Oliphant, Andrew. Randall, William. Elliot, Samuel. Sawyers, , August 12, 1776. Corporals. Graham, Stafford. Peter, John. Bailey, John Morris, Samuel. Privates. Anderson, Jacob. Anderson, James. " One and a half miles from Col. Bull's." COL. ANTHONY WAYNE. !27 Agnew, James. Agnew, Robert. Atkson, [Atkinson,] Moses. Baylis, John. Bodenham, John. Burns, John. Camagy, William. Clotter, Henry. Corbett, Thomas. Cummings, James. Davis, Abednego. Dickinson, Thomas. Dougherty, William. Fegan, Samuel. Flack, Benjamin. Gibson, John. Gordon, Thomas. Hare, Samuel. Jones, Peter, wounded on Long Island. Kelly, Francis. Lawrence, Robert. Leason, Robert. Lascom, John. Lockard, Aaron. May, John. May, Jacob. McCrea, Arthur. McClellan, Anthony. McManes, Terrence. McGaudy, Robert. Maloy, Thomas. Miller, John. Millhuff, Daniel. Meason, Isaac. Moore, Richard. Morris, Samuel. Neif , Samuel. Nelson, James. Nelson, David. Noble, John. O'Neill, James, " near Winey furnace." Palmer, David. Porter, John. Quill, Robert. Randle, John. Randle, William. iSb FOURTH PENNSYLVANIA BATTALION. Redin, [Reading,] Nicholas. Redman, [Rodman,] Robert. Rogers, William, " West Nantmeal." Sawyers, George. Saville, George. Service, Thomas. Sidders, John. Stagg, Benjamin. Smith, John. Smith, Zacheus, [Zachariah.] Steel, William, " at Jones' mine hole." Sullivan, Jeremiah. Thompson, Thomas. Thomas, James. Weady, James. Welch, William. Williams, Philip. Wesner, David. Wallington, Charles. Whaleu, Moses. ROLL OF CAPTAIN CALEB NORTH'S COMPANY. [This Roll is incomplete.] Captain. North, Caleb, commissioned January 5, 1776; promoted major Tenth Penn'a. Sergeants. North, George, promoted ensign of Robinson's company October 12, 1776. Hayes, Arthur. Guest, James. Longwell, Matthew. Corpora Is. Banks, George. Smith, Valentine. Beggs, Arthur. Davis, Thomas. Drummer. Burns, John. COL. ANTHONY WAYNE. Privates. Berkheimer, Bashan. Bolebaugh, Matthew. Boyer, Jacob. Connor, Matthew, Curtin, John. Deeder, John. Deel, Peter. Dentlinger, Martin. Dathrow, Jacob. Edleman, William. Gold, George. Grimes, Joshua. Heffner, John. Himmelwright, John. Hollam, Samuel, llonstein, Frederick. Horton, Ephraim. Ho wen, Jeremiah. Kine, John. Kobble, John. Leeson, Robert. Leonard, Richard. Lercy, John. Logan, Andrew. McCown, John. McFange, Hugh. McSwine, Dennis. Mote, Jacob. Neill, Samuel. Quinn, Patrick. Roads, John. Saylor, John. Shull, Baltzer. Simmons, John. Speelman, Conrad. Tolan, Cornelius. 9 VOL. X. JHO FOURTH PENNSYLVANIA BATTALION. ROLL OF CAPTAIN THOMAS CHURCH'S COMPANY. Captain. Church, Thomas, commissioned January 5, 1776. first Lieutenant. Reid, James R., commissioned January 6, 1776 ; promoted captain November 3,1776 ; major of Hazen's regiment September 1, 1777. Second Lieutenant. Beatty, Charles C., commissioned January 8, 1776 ; killed accident- ally February 16, 1777. Ensign. Vernon, Job, commissioned January 8, 1776 ; promoted lieutenant, Capt. Robinson's company, October 1, 1776. Sergeants. Martin, Alexander, promoted ensign October 1, 1776. Bigham, William. Low, Robert. "VVidner, Samuel. McMahon, Jonathan. Corporals. McMahon, Jonathan, promoted sergeant October 1, 1773. Fennakel, Peter. Wilkinson, James. Fashion, Abraham. Moyer, Jacob. Bigham, Thomas.* Everhart, Fenian. Drum and Fife. Kibler, Adam. Leonard, Charles. Privates. Bitting, Peter. Brindle, Jacob. Boger, Laban. * October 28,1791. Thomas Bigham applied to Gov. Mifflin for pay for his services' as scout, alleging that he was taken sick on the day ap- pointed for the reward, and his two comrades were rewarded, and he was not. COL. AXTHONY WAYXE. 131 Barnhart, Henry. Burford, Jarvis. Bruffy, John. Beaver, George. Bigham, John. Craig, Henry. Crips, Henry. Consil, Jacob. Conner, Patrick. Coplin, Christian. Craig, John, enlisted February 5, 1776: wounded at Three Kivers; reenlisted in Fifth Penn'a. Delany, William. Derr, Jacob. Dieter, John. Forrest, Malcolm. Gibson, John. Gilliland, John. Hagan, Edward. Hefferman, Thomas, a school-master at Abbotstown, (now Adams county;) at Three Kivers; sergeant in Fifth Penn'a. Hoffman, Gotleib. Kelly, Kichavd. Kennedy, Connel. Kerr, William. Lancaster, John. Little, John. Martin, Robert. McCarthy, Michael. McCreary, John. McDonald, Robert. McFarran, [McPheran ,] Andrew. McGahan, Charles. McGahey, William. McGee, Michael. McGinnis, James. Mclntiney, Thomas,, Mclntire, Robert. McKinley, James. McKinley, John. McElroy, Daniel. McXeil, Archibald. Michael, Benjamin. Morrow, William. Xeal, Joseph. Xeal, Robert. 132 FOURTH PENNSYLVANIA BATTALION. Nickle, John. Nowland, Timothy. Pack, Benjamin. Pensinger, Henry; wounded at Three Rivers, and lost his leg ; re- sided in Franklin county, 1812. Ray, William. Reed, James; wounded at Three Rivers. Reyney, John. Seeds, George. Semple, Charles. Shurlock, Henry. Sharp, Thomas. Shepard, Robert. Smith, James. Smith, John. Whitman, Samuel. Williamson, John. W r ood, Robert. Woods, James. Woolever, John. Wright, Robert. ROLL OF CAPTAIN FREDERICK VERNON'S COMPANY. [TAta Roll is incomplete.] Captain. Vernon, Frederick, commissioned January 5, 1776. Sergeants. Pugh, Nathaniel. Elliot, James. Kilpatrick, John. Simpson, Jeremiah. Linn, Robert, leg broken on Lake Champlain ; enlisted in invalid regiment ; resided in Chester county, 1796. Corporals. McAlister, William. McDonnell, Alexander. Ryan, Richard. White, William. Private. Livingston, William. COL. ANTHONY WAYNE. 133 ROLL OF CAPTAIN JAMES MOORE'S COMPANY. [This Roll is incomplete.} Captain. Moore, James, commissioned January 5, 1776. Sergeants. Packingham, Robert. McKelvy, John. Carson, William. Johnston, Hugh. Corporals. Irvine, Jonathan. Nelson, James. Privates. Glen, John. Neill, James, reenlisted in Fifth Penn'a. Eosebrough, Isaac, a blacksmith, resided in Huntingdon county in 1823, aged sixty-eight. ROLL OF CAPTAIN JAMES TAYLOR'S COMPANY. Captain. Taylor, James, of Lancaster county, commissioned Januarys, 1776 ; December 26, 1776, appointed judge advocate of the Northern army. First Lieutenant. Kimmell, Michael, commissioned January 6, 1776. Second Lieutenant. Boude, Thomas, commissioned January 8, 1776. Letts, Ezekiel, commissioned January 8, 1776 ; resigned October 11, 1776. Harper, John, commissioned October 12, 1776. 134 FOURTH PENNSYLVANIA BATTALION. Sergeants. Ruth, Francis, appointed January 20, 1776. McCulloh, James, appointed January 27, 1776. Anderson, Robert, appointed January 27, 1776. Lindsey, John, appointed January 27, 1776; deserted July 1, 1776. Simeral, Joseph, appointed July 2, 1776. Corpora Is. McHatton, Alexander, appointed January, 27, 1776. McGill, Nathaniel, appointed January 26,1776. Ross, Robert, appointed March 1, 1776. Giffen, Samuel, appointed February 10, 1776. Drummers. Peters, Elias, January 30, 1776 ; reduced to the ranks June 25, 1776. Connolly, John, June 25, 1776. Graham, James, January 29, 1776 ; died at general hospital. Privates. Anderson, James, enlisted February 11, 1776. AndreAvs Humphrey, enlisted January 26, 1776 ; discharged Feb- ruary 25, 1777 ; resided in York county in 1818, aged 63. Armstrong, David, enlisted February 10, 1776 ; deserted July 1, 1776. Arthur, Michael, enlisted January 30, 1776. Baxter, Thomas, enlisted February 1, 1776. Benderman, Thomas, enlisted in January 29, 1776. Bowman, John, enlisted January 22, 1776. Boyce, Zacharias, enlisted January 30, 1776. Britain, James, enlisted February 1, 1776. Brown, Alexander, enlisted February 14, 1776. Carson, Samuel, enlisted January 25, 1776. Hofleld, James, enlisted February 7, 1776. Conner, James, enlisted February 8, 1776 ; died October 24, 1776. Connolly, John, enlisted March 12, 1776 ; promoted drummer. Copland, Kerry, enlisted March 1, 1776. Cornelius, James, enlisted January 25, 1776. Cornelius, John, enlisted January 12, 1776. Dailey, John, enlisted February 1, 1776. Dale, James, enlisted January 30, 1776. Davidson, William, enlisted March 23, 1776. Denzel, Daniel, enlisted February 5, 1776. Devinney, Cornelius, enlisted January 31, 1776. Dew, Joseph, enlisted February 7, 1776. Dieffenderfer, John, enlisted January 30, 1776. Dobbins, John, enlisted February 3, 1776. Dobbins, Robert, enlisted January 25, 1776. COL. ANTHONY WAYNE. 135 Dougherty, Dennis, enlisted February 7, 1776. Dunn, John, enlisted February 1, 1776. Dysart, James, enlisted January 27, 1776. Evans, Evan, enlisted February 7,1776; deserted February 19, 1776. Fisler, John, enlisted January 31, 1776 , deserted February 19, 1776. Fitzgerald, John, enlisted February 5, 1776; deserted July 5, 1776. Fleming, William, enlisted January 31,1776. Gilbert, Ryner, enlisted January 12, 1776. Gibson, William, enlisted January 27, 1776. Gilbreath, John, enlisted January 29, 1776 ; deserted June 29, 1776. Gilmore, Paul, enlisted January 29, 1776. Gould, Thomas, enlisted January 27, 1776. Griffith, Thomas, enlisted February 6, 1776. Grim, Christian, enlisted February 6, 1776. Hague Christian, enlisted February 10, 1776 ; deserted February 19, 1776. Hanagan, Charles, enlisted January 30, 1776. Hayes, David, enlisted February 10, 1776; died November 20,1776. Hughes, Samuel, enlisted March 26, 1776. Jones, John, enlisted February 4, 1776. Kealy, David, enlisted January 29, 1776. Kelly, Thomas, enlisted January 29, 1776. Leadly, William, enlisted January 31, 1776. Letts, James, enlisted January 12, 1776. Logan, John, enlisted January 29, 1776 ; deserted February 18, 1776. Mashman, Joseph, enlisted February 3, 1776. Mayer. Jacob, enlisted in York county, February 5, 1776 ; resided in 1828 in York county, aged sixty-seven. McAy, William, enlisted January 25, 1776. , McCallian, Thomas, enlisted January 25, 1776. McCann, John, enlisted January 20, 1776. McClelland, John, enlisted January 28, 1776. McClusky, William, enlisted January 29, 1776. McConnell, Joseph, enlisted February 1, 1776. McConnell, William, enlisted September 14,1776; October, 1776, taken sick at Ticonderoga, and in December 1776, enlisted in the New York troop, Col. Van Schaick; wounded in right foot at Monmouth ; resided in Armstrong county in 1820. McCord, George, enlisted February 1, 1776. McCowan, John, enlisted January 24, 1776. McDonald, Malcolm, enlisted February 11, 1776. McDonald, William, enlisted January 23, 1776. McKinney, John, enlisted January 30, 1776. McMurray, Samuel, enlisted March 13. 1776. McNeal, Daniel, enlisted February 1, 1776. 136 FOURTH PENNSYLVANIA BATTALION. McPike, Robert, enlisted February 5, 1776. Miller, Jacob, enlisted February 4, 1776. Miller, Michael, enlisted February 6, 1776. Morgan, William, enlisted April 10, 1776. Morris, Richard, enlisted February 1, 1776. Nelson, Alexander, enlisted .January 24, 1776. O'Neal, Felix, enlisted January 4, 1776. Patterson, Arthur, enlisted January 25, 1776. Peters, Elias, from drummer June 25, 1776. Phink, [Fink] Michael, enlisted February 6, 1776. Porter, Francis, enlisted February 6, 1776. Richardson, James, enlisted January 24, 1776. Ridings, James, enlisted February 6, 1776. Riley, Patrick, enlisted January 31, 1776 ; discharged at Fort George. Rogan, William, enlisted January 30, 1776. Ross, John, enlisted January 25, 1776. Ross, Robert. Rudial, John, enlisted February 10, 1776 ; deserted June 9, 1776. Scott, Thomas, enlisted January 28, 1776 ; deserted February 20, 1776. Shanks, Archibald, enlisted February 12, 1776. Sharp, John, enlisted July 25, 1776. Simeral, Joseph, enlisted January 25, 1776 ; promoted sergeant July 2, 1776. Simpson, Matthew, enlisted February 10, 1776 ; deserted February 20, 1776. Sinnet, Andrew, enlisted January 30, 1776. Sipe, Christopher, enlisted February 6, 1776. Spear, John, enlisted February 1, 1776. St. John, Walter, enlisted February 3, 1776. Stone, Leonard, enlisted January 30, 1776 ; deserted February 20. 1776. Taylor, Francis, enlisted January 29, 1776. Yogan, Samuel, enlisted February 1, 1776. Watson, John, enlisted March 20, 1776. Welt, John, enlisted February 10, 1776 ; deserted February 19, 1776. Weir, Michael, enlisted February 5, 1776. FIFTH PENNSYLVANIA BATTALION. COLONEL ROBERT MAGAW. JANUARY 3, 1776 JANUARY 3, 1777. FIFTH PENNSYLVANIA BATTALION. S this battalion was associated in service and misfor- tune with the Third battalion, its general history is em- |j braced in what is said of the Third. It will only be ' necessary to add that Sir William Howe's success in the capture of Fort Washington hinged largely on the treason of William Dement or Demont, Col. Magaw's adjutant. Graydon, in his Memoirs, says "Howe must have had a perfect knowledge of the ground we occupied. Tllis ne m ight have ac- quired from hundreds in New York, but he might have been more thor- oughly informed of every- thing desirable to be known from an officer of Magaw'a battalion, who was intelligent in points of duty, and deserted to the enemy about a week before the assault." Graydon's suspicion has been confirmed, after the lapse of a century, by the publication of Dement or Demont 's letter to Rev. Dr. Peters, in an exhaustive article ou " Mount Washington and its capture, " by E. F. De Lancey, in the Magazine o/ American History for February, 1877. It is as follows : " REV. SIR : Permit me to Trouble you with a Short recital of my Services in America which I Presume may be deem'd among the most Singular of any that will go to Upper Canada. On the 2* 1 of Nov r , 1776, 1 Sacrificed all I was Worth in the World, to the Ser- vice of my King & Country, and joined the then Lord Percy, brought in with me the Plans of Fort Washington, by which Plans that Fortress was taken by his Majesty's Troops the 16th instant, Together with 2700 Prisoners and Stores & Ammunition to the amount of 1800 Pound. At the same time, I may with Justice af- affirm, from my Knowledge of the Works, I saved the Lives of many of His Majesty's Subjects, these Sir are facts well-known to every General Officer which was there and I may with Truth Declare from that time I Studied the Interests of my Country and neglected my own or in the Language of Cardinal Woolsey, 'had I have 140 FIFTH PENNSYLVANIA BATTALION. Served my God as I have done my King 'he would not thus have Forsaken me.' " The following is a Just Account due me from the Government, which I have never been able to bring forward for want of Sir William Erskine who once when in Town assured me he'd Look into it but have never done it otherways I should not have been in Debt. " This Sir though it may not be in your Power to Get me may Justify my being so much in Debt, & in Expectation of this Acc't being Paid, together with another Dividend, from the Express words of the Act where it says all under Ten Thousand pound should be Paid without Deduction, I having received only 464 which I Justified before the Commissioners : "Due for Baw, Batt. and Forrage 110 70 " For Engaging Guides Getting Intelligence &c 45 9 7 " For doing duty as commissary of Prisoners at Philadel- phia Paying clerk, stationery &c 16 13 8 182 10 3 " The last Two Articles was Cash Paid out of my Pocket which was Promised to be llefunded by Sirs Wm. Howe and Erskine. ' ' I most Humbly Beg Pardon for the Length of this Letter & Shall Conclude without making Some Masonac liemarks, as at first In- tended, and remain, " Your most obedient and Most Hum'l Serv't, "Rev'd Sir with Dutiful Respect " WILLIAM DEMONT. " LONDON, Jan'y 16, 1792. " P. S. the Inclosed is a true account of my Debts taken from the Different Bills received." Mr. De Lancey adds '' nothing has been learned of him, nor has it been possible as yet to trace him after the date of this letter. " With the single exception of the return signed William Dement, and made out in style and handwriting indicating clerkly ability, there are only two or three unimportant papers relating to this bat- talion preserved in the office of the Secretary of the Common- wealth. The following roster and rolls were taken from Col. Ma- gaw's papers, in the possession of Rev'd. J. A. Murray, D. D., of Carlisle. A return dated May 28, 1776, signed by Enoch Wright, sergeant major, shows the strength of the battalion then was seven field and staff and five hundred and ninety one company officers and pri- vates. A return dated October 7, 1776, signed " William Dement, adjutant," gives the total strength of Beatty's company, officers and men, fifty-eight, of whom fifteen were sick absent ; Miller's, COL. ROBERT MAGAW. 141 sixty-four, of whom eight were sick absent ; Benezet's, sixty-three, of whom twenty were sick absent; Stuart's, sixty-seven, of whom twelve were sick absent; Spohn's, seventy, of whom fifteen were sick absent ; Vansandt's, sixty-five, of whom twenty-eight were sick absent ; Decker's, seventy-four, of whom nine were sick ab- sent ; Richardson's, fifty-three, of whom thirteen were sick absent. Officers sick present, Capt. Vansandt, Lieut. William Crawford, Ensign John Gansel. Officers sick absent, Capt. Samuel Benezet, Lieut. Richard Seward, Ensign James Gibbons ; officers on furlough, Lieut. Col. Joseph Penrose, Rev. Mr. Linn ; sergeants sick absent, seven ; ditto, sick present, five. A weekly return, found since the foregoing was written among the papers of the Pennsylvania Historical Society, dated the day be- fore the surrender, gives the exact state of Magaw's battalion. It is headed weekly return of the Fifth Pennsylvania battalion in the service the United States, commanded by Major John Beatty, No- vember 15, 1776, and signed by John Beatty, major, and is as follows : COMMISSIONED. STAFF. NON- COM'D. RANK AND FILE. o 'S 4 c "S I First lieu- tenants. Second lieu- tenants. Ensigns. Qr. Master. Surgeon. Sergeants. Drums and Fifes. Present fit for duty. A N * -f- Beattv's, 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 1 1 1 1 '2 2 2 22 20 30 29 20 28 37 16 3 15 17 15 19 2 6 1 78 Miller's, Benezet's, 1 1 Stuart's, 1 Spohn's, Vanzandt's, . . . 1 1 1 1 Decker's, Richardson's, . . . 1 5 1 5 6 8 1 1 32 10 J02 Officers sick present, Lieut. Priestly; officers sick absent, Capt. Benezet and Lieut. Seward ; absent without leave, Capt. John Spohn, Ensign James Mulloy, Adj. Dement ; absent with leave, John Gan- sel. Below is a calculation, not, however, in Beatty 's handwriting. Rank and file fit for duty, sick and present, 280 Ditto, taken prisoners, 237 Killed and escaped, , . 43 142 FIFTH PENNSYLVANIA BATTALION. ROSTER OF FIELD AND STAFF OFFICERS. Colonel. Magaw, Robert, Esq., of Carlisle, commissioned January. 3, 1776 , taken November 16, 1776 ; exchanged October 25, 1780 ; died Jan- uary 7, 1790, at Carlisle : buried in Meeting-House Spring grave- yard. Lieutenant Colonel. Penrose, Joseph, commissioned January 3, 1776 ; promoted colonel Tenth Penn'a. Majors. Kagel, George, commissioned January 5, 1776 ; promoted lieuten- ant colonel Ninth Penn'a. Beatty, John, from captain October 12, 1776 ; taken November 16, 1776 ; exchanged May, 1778 ; appointed commissary general of purchases, with rank of colonel, May 28, 1778; resigned March 31, 1781; died in Trenton N. J. May 30, 1826, aged seventy-eight ; buried in the First Presbyterian church-yard iu that city. Chaplain. Linn, Rev. "William, of Cumberland county, appointed February 15, 1776 ; died in Albany, N. Y., January, 1808. Adjutant. Dement, William, appointed February 29, 1776; deserted Novem- ber 2, 1776. Paymaster. Mifflin, John, brother of Gen. Mifflin, appointed September 3, 1776. (Quarter -master. Collier, Richard, lieutenant, appointed February 9,1776. Surgeon. McHenry, James, appointed August 10, 1776 ; exchanged March 5, 1778 ; appointed secretary to the commander-in-chief May 15, 1778; transferred to Gen. Lafayette's staff August, 1780 ; ap- pointed Secretary of War January 1, 1796; died at Baltimore May 16, 1816 ; born in county Antrim, Ireland, November 16, 1753. Surgeon's Mate. Hole, Dr. COL. EGBERT MAGAW. 143 Sergeant Major. "Wright, Enoch, of New England, appointed November 16, 1776. ROLL OF CAPTAIN JOHN BEATTY'S COMPANY. Captains. Beatty, John, "Warminster, Bucks county, commissioned January 5, 1776 ; promoted major October 12, 1776. Priestly, John, from first lieutenant February 1,1777; exchanged August 26, 1778. First Lieutenant. Priestly, John, Bristol, Bucks county, commissioned January 6, 1776 ; taken November 16, 1776 ; promoted captain. Second Lieutenant. Crawford, "William, "Warrington, Bucks county, commissioned Jan- uary 8, 1776 ; taken November 16, 1776 ; exchanged October 25, 1780; entitled to captain's commission from January 1, 1778. Ensign. Van Home, Isaac, Salsbury, commissioned January 8,1776; taken November 16, 1776. Sergeants. McMicken, James, escaped, or sick absent. Murray, John, Bristol, Bucks county, paroled December 26, 1776. "Wallace, John, Warrington, paroled December 26, 1776. Yerkes, Edward, escaped, sick or absent. Corporals. Eorsythe, Eobert, "Warrington, promoted December 26, 1776. Hartshorne, James, escaped, or sick absent. Newman, John, escaped, or sick absent. Newman, Peter, escaped, or sick absent. Privates. Aiken, Eobert, "Warminster, paroled December 26, 1776. Banks, John, New Britain, paroled December 26, 1776. Bennett, John, escaped, or sick absent. Bell, Thomas, Bristol, paroled December 26, 1776. Boone, Ealph, Bristol, paroled December 26, 1776. Boone, Solomon, escaped, or sick absent. Breeton, Joseph, Bristol, paroled December 26, 1776. Brotherton, James, escaped, or sick absent. 144 FIFTH PENNSYLVANIA BATTALION. Burn, Brian, enlisted May 10 ; deserted May 29, 1776. Carrigan, Joshua, Bristol, died a prisoner in New York, December 15, 1776. Conrad, John, escaped, or sick absent. . Cole, John, escaped, or sick absent. Craft, Jacob, paroled December 26, 1776. Douglass, William, discharged October 15, 1776. Dixon, John, Philadelphia, paroled December 26, 1776. Farrell, Edward, escaped, or sick absent. Fitzcraft, Samuel, escaped, or sick absent. Finley, Thomas, escaped, or sick absent. Floyd, Frederick, escaped, or sick absent. Fox, Christian, died October 29, 1776. Frame, Eobert, Bristol, died a prisoner in New York, December 6, 1776. Gnllian, Daniel, Warwick, killed in action, November 16, 1776. Hay, Richard, New Britain, paroled December 26, 1776. Hartshorne, Henry, escaped, or sick absent. Hartshorne, James, escaped, or sick absent. Holcomb, Elijah, escaped, or sick absent. Houston, Henry, discharged October 31, 1776. Houston, James, discharged October 31, 1776. Houston, William, paroled December 26, 1776. Jenkins, William, Warwick, paroled December 26, 1776. Johnstone, Jacob, escaped, or absent, sick. Kirk, James, escaped or sick absent. Knight, Richard, drummer, sick absent. Knowles, Timothy, Northampton, paroled December 26, 1776. Martin, James, enlisted May 1, 1776. Matthews, James, enlisted May 3, 1776; deserted August 11, 1776. Merriman, Peter, enlisted May 10, 1776 ; deserted May 29, 1776. Morgan, Charles, enlisted April 3, 1776 ; discharged October 15, 1776. Morris, Abraham, died October 26, 1776. Morrow, Andrew, escaped, or sick absent. McKinney, John, escaped, or sick absent. McLennan, David, escaped, or sick absent. McWiggan, escaped, or sick absent. Parker, Alexander, discharged November 1, 1776. Richardson, John, Moreland, paroled December 26, 1776. Reily, Joseph, Philadelphia, paroled December 26, 1776. Robinson, John, escaped, or sick absent. Shannon, Arthur, escaped, or sick absent. Smith, John, escaped, or sick absent. Stevens, John, Bristol, paroled December 26, 1776. Thomas, Timothy, escaped or sick absent. Tole, Barney, escaped, or sick absent. COL. EGBERT MAGAW. 145 Tompkins, Jacob, discharged November 11, 177G. Woolery, Thomas, escaped, or sick absent. Wright, Charles, escaped, or sick absent. I do certify that the above is a true state of my company in the Fifth Penn'a battalion, commanded by Col. Magaw, from the 1st day of September, 1776, ( to which time they received pay,) to the reduction of Fort Washington, on the 15th day of November fol- lowing. JOHN BE ATT Y, Late Major of the Fifth Perm 'a Battalion. June 12 > 1786. ROLL OF CAPTAIN JOHN MILLER'S COMPANY. [This Roll is incomplete.] Captains. Miller, John, Germantown, commissioned January 5, 1776 ; mor- tally wounded November 16, 1776 ; left a widow and six small children. Morgan, John, from first lieutenant Capt. Spohn's company. First Lieutenant. Seward, Richard, commissioned February 1,1776; resigned Feb- ruary 20, 1777. Second Lieutenant. Dover, Andrew, Germantown, commissioned January 8, 1776; ta- ken November 16, 1776 ; promoted first lieutenant March 4, 1776 ; captain June 1,1778; exchanged October 25, 1780; residing in Philadelphia in June, 1817. Ensign. Dement, "William, January 1, 1776 ; appointed adjutant. Sergeants. Coughran, David, paroled December 26, 1776. Correan, James, taken November 16, 1776. Moyers, Henry, Philadelphia, paroled December 26, 1776. Pedley, Jeremiah, of Sunbury, Penn'a, taken November 16, 1776. Corporals. Grenadier, Abraham, Philadelphia, paroled December 26, 1776. Sivel, Samuel, New Jersey, paroled December 26, 1776. Swaine, Edward, Philadelphia, taken November 16,1776; ree'n- listed in Sixth Penn'a. 10 VOL. X. 146 FIFTH PENNSYLVANIA BATTALION. Casliady, William, taken November 16, 1776. Drummer. Hudson, Joseph, paroled December 26, 1776. Privates. Beck, Thomas, New Jersey, taken November 16, 1776. Chatten, John, Philadelphia, taken November 16, 1776. Clymer, Henry, Philadelphia, paroled December 26, 1776. Cooley, James, Philadelphia, taken November 16, 1776. Craig, Hugh, Germantown, taken November 16, 1776. Desment, John, Sunbury, Penn'a, taken November 16, 1776. Forbes, Hugh, Philadelphia, taken November 16, 1776. Jones, Thomas, New Jersey, died of wounds. Jones, James, New Jersey, taken November 16, 1776. Kear, Matthew, Philadelphia, taken November 16, 1776. Kelly, Daniel, New Jersey, paroled December 26. 1776. Ivemmerer, Frederick, taken November 16, 1776 ; paroled Decem- ber 26, 1776; resided in South Whitehall township, Lehigh county, in 1817. Mansfield, James, Germantown, taken November 16, 1776. Milson, Mark, New Jersey, taken November 16, 1776. McCowen, Frederick, Sunbury, taken November 16, 1776. Mclntire, James, Philadelphia, paroled December 26, 1776. Newman, William, New Jersey, died a prisoner in New York. Quigg, John, New Jersey, paroled December 26, 1776. Robinson, James, Sunbury, taken November, 16, 1776. Sager, George, Germantown, taken November 16, 1776. Scudder, Aaron, Sunbury, taken November 16, 1776. Shefer, George, Germantown, taken November, 16, 1776. Smith Patrick, New Jersey, paroled December 26, 1776. Stanton, James, New Jersey, taken November 16, 1776. Tennent, Allen, Philadelphia, taken November 16, 1776. Tobine, Michael, Philadelphia, taken November 16, 1776. Williams, Thomas, New Jersey, paroled December 26, 1776. Williams, Peter, Germantown, died a prisoner in New York. COL. ROBERT MAGAW. 147 ROLL OF CAPTAIN SAMUEL BENEZET'S COMPANY. [ This Roll is incomplete.] Captain. Benezet, Samuel, commissioned January 1, 1776; promoted major Sixth Penn'a, February 14, 1777. First Lieutenant. Lawrence, John, Philadelphia, commissioned January 6, 1776 ; pro- moted captain October 12, 1776 ; taken November 16, 1776 ; ex- changed August 26, 1778 ; became supernumerary June 1, 1778. Second Lieutenant. Young, Edward, commissioned January 8, 1776; promoted first lieutenant Sixth Penn'a, February 15, 1777. Ensign. Savidge, John, commissioned January 8, 1776. Sergeants. McNeil, James, Bensalem, Bucks'county, taken November 16, 1776. Evans, John, Bensalem, taken November 16, 1776. Kennedy, Daniel, Bristol, taken November 16, 1776. Corporal. Dawson, William, Bensalem, taken November 16, 1776; paroled December 26, 1776. Privates. Anderson, Isaac, Bensalem, taken November 16, 1776 ; died in prison. Bell, John, Bensalem, taken November, 16, 1776. Cad well, Samuel, Christiana, Del., taken November 16, 1776; pa- roled December 26, 1776. Davies, William, Newberry, N. J., taken November 16, 1776. Dearmet, Michael, Sunbury, Northumberland county, taken No- vember 16, 1776. Despert, Henry, Kent county, Md., taken November 16, 1776. Dooly, David, Bensalem, taken November 16, 1776 ; died of wounds. Fletcher, Enoch, New England, taken N ovember 16, 1776 ; died in prison. Freeman, Thomas, Egg Harbor, N. J., taken November 16, 1776; paroled December 26, 1776. Foster, Cornelius, Bensalem, taken November 16, 1776. Fulton, John, Wilmington, Del., taken November 16, 1776. 148 FIFTH PENNSYLVANIA BATTALION. Hymer, Daniel, taken November 16, 1776; paroled December 26, 1776. Kent, William, Bensalem, taken November 16, 1776. Kells, John, Sunbury, taken November 16, 1776 ; paroled Decem- ber 27, 1776. Knox, Andrew, Bensalem, taken November 16, 1776. Lynch, John. McGilton, John, Chester, taken November 16, 1776. Milligan, William, Philadelphia, taken November 16, 1776 ; paroled December 26, 1776. Murphy, Edward, Bensalem, taken November 16, 1776; paroled December 26, 1776. Mulford, Charles, drummer, Bensalem, taken November 16,177-5. "E." Nixon, Robert, Egg Harbor, N. J., taken November 16, 1776 ; pa- roled December 26, 1776. Pearson, Abel, Warwick, Kent county, Md., taken November 16, 1776. Pimple, Thomas, Bensalem, taken November 16, 1776. " E." Platt, Ralph, Christiana, Del., taken November 16, 1776; paroled December 26, 1776. Poole, William, taken November 16, 1776 ; died of wounds. Richmond, Jacob, taken November 16, 1776 ; died in prison. Rogers, Samuel, Georgetown, Md., taken November 16, 1776; pa- roled December 26, 1776. Snowden, Thomas, reenlisted in Capt. T. B. Bowen's company, Ninth Penn'a. Sprigg, Samuel, Egg Harbor, N. J., taken November 16, 1776. Todd, William, taken November 16, 1776 ; paroled December 26, 1776. Woodford, Henry, Sunbury, taken November 16, 1776. ROLL OF CAPT. CHRISTOPHER STUART'S COMPANY. [ Thin Roll is incomplete.] From a pay roll, June 1 to July 1, 1776, in possession of Penn- sylvania Historical Society, the strength of Capt. Stuart's company was one captain, two lieutenants, an ensign, four sergeants, four corporals, drummer, and fifer, and sixty-six privates. COL. ROBERT MAGAW. 149 Captain. Stuart, Christopher, Warrington, Philadelphia county, commis- sioned January 5, 1776 ; taken November 16, 1776 ; promoted major September 20, 1776. First Lieutenant. Wilkins Robert, Jr., West Nottingham, Chester county, commis- sioned January 6, 1776 ; promoted captain, vice Spohn, November 4, 1776 ; taken November 16, 1776. Second Lieutenant. Finley, John, commissioned January 8, 1776 ; promoted first lieu- tenant November 1, 1776; taken November 16, 1776 ; exchanged October 25, 1780.* Ensign. Gibbon, James, Philadelphia, commissioned January 8, 1776 ; taken November 16, 1776 ; promoted first lieutenant in Sixth Penn'a. Sergeants. Frew, Andrew, Philadelphia, taken November 16,1776; paroled December 26, 1776. Wilson, William, Philadelphia, taken November 16, 1776 ; paroled December 26, 1776. Anderson, William, Norrington, taken November 16, 1776 ; paroled December 26, 1 776. Corporals. Ewing, James, Philadelphia, taken November 16, 1776. Fairservice, John, Philadelphia, taken November 16, 1776 ; died in prison. Privates. Airley, Patrick, Philadelphia, taken November 16, 1776. Bainbridge, John, Paxtang, now Dauphin, taken November 16 1776 ; paroled December 26, 1776. Batchlor, William, New London, Chester county, taken November 16,1776. Campbell, Samuel, Philadelphia, taken November 16, 1776. Craig, Samuel, Philadelphia, taken November 16, 1776. Clyne, Peter, Norrington, enlisted May 25, 1776; taken November 16, 1776. Connor, Thomas, Norrington, taken November 16, 1776. Douglass, Halbert, Warrington, Bucks county, taken November 16, 1776 ; paroled December 26, 1776. * " He is a son of late President Finley, of New Jersey ; was exchanged about two months since, having neither friends, clothing, or cash. He is now in a piteous condition." MS8. Letter, Col. Atlee to President Heed, February 12, 1781. 150 FIFTH PENNSYLVANIA BATTALION. Dougherty, Andrew, Norrington, taken November 16, 1776 ; pa- roled December 26, 1776. Doyle, Peter, Lancaster, taken November 16, 1776. Frew, David, Norrington, November 16, 1776 ; paroled December 26, 1776. Graham, William, Norrington, wounded and taken November 16, 1776 ; paroled December 26, 1776. Griffith, David, enlisted May 23, 1776. Glass, Robert, East Cain, enlisted May 23,1776; paroled Decem- ber 26, 1776; enlisted in March, 1777, in Col. Stewart's Thir- teenth Penn'a, and served three years; resided in Chester coun- ty, 1830. Holden, James, Philadelphia, taken November 16, 1776. Lalley, John, Solebury, Bucks county, taken November 16, 1776. Mean, John, Philadelphia, taken November 16, 1776. Martin, James, New Jersey, taken November 16, 1776 ; paroled December 26, 1776. Magee, Charles, East Cain, taken November 16, 1776. McCarty, John, Norrington, taken November 16, 1776. McCasline, Patrick, Philadelphia, taken November 16, 1776. McCune, William, deserted June 10, 1776. McFall, Thomas, Norrington, taken November 16,1776; paroled December 26, 1776 ; resided in Philadelphia in 1813. McFall, Robert, enlisted April 3, 1776. McLean, Daniel, Philadelphia, taken November 16, 1776. McCleary, Archibald, Norrington, taken November 16, 1776. Morrey, Luke, Philadelphia, taken November 16, 1776. Pollock, George, deserted June 12, 1776. Purtle, John, Philadelphia, taken November 16, 1776. Prim, John, enlisted May 15, 1776. Roberts, Patrick, Philadelphia, taken November 16,1776; paroled December 26, 1776. Smyth Joseph, deserted May 14, 1776. Thomas, AVilliam, deserted May 14, 1776 ; paroled December 26, 1776. Thompson, William, Lancaster, taken November 16, 1776. Walker, David, Philadelphia, taken November 16, 1776 ; paroled December 26, 1776. AValker, Joseph, East Cain, taken November 16, 1776; paroled De- cember 26, 1776. Walter, Anthony, Philadelphia, taken November 16, 1776. COL. ROBERT MAGAW. ROLL OF CAPTAIN JOHN SPOHN'S COMPANY. [TAi Roll is incomplete.] Enlisted at Reading Penn'a. On the 28th of May, 1776, his com- pany officers and men numbered seventy-eight. Captains. Spohn, John, Reading, commissioned January 5, 1776; resigned November 4, 1776. "Wilkins Robert, jr., from first lieutenant Capt. Steuart's, company, November 4, 1776. First Lieutenant. Morgan, John, Philadelphia, commissioned January 6, 1776 ; taken August, 16, 1776 ; same day promoted captain, vice Miller, killed ; June 1, 1778, became supernumerary ; exchanged August 26, 1778. Second Lieutenant. Standley, William, commissioned January 8, 1776 ; taken August 16, 1776 ; same day promoted first lieutenant ; exchanged Au- gust 25, 1780. Ensign. Gansel, John, commissioned January 8, 1776. Sergeants. Vanderslice, Jacob, Reading, taken November 16, 1776. Ruth, Adam. Corporals. Vanderslice, Henry, Reading, taken November 16, 1776; resided at Sunbury, 1792. Goodheart, Henry, Reading, taken November 16, 1776. Campbell, James, Reading, taken November 16, 1776. Privates. t Albert, Jacob, Reading, taken November 16, 1776. Allison, John, subsequently sergeant major of Fourth Penn'a. Barnhest, John, taken November 16, 1776 ; paroled December 26, 1776. Barington, Richard, Cecil county, Md., taken November 16, 1776. Bishop, Anthony, Reading, taken November 16, 1776 ; paroled De- cember 26, 1776. 152 FIFTH PENNSYLVANIA BATTALION. Cole, George, Beading, taken November 10, 1776 ; paroled Decem- ber 26, 1776 ; resided in Berks county, 1811. Collins, William, taken November, 16, 1776. Carney, Timothy, Cecil county, Md., taken November 16, 1776 ; paroled December 26, 1776. Calaghan, Dennis, enlisted June 1, 1776. Dengler, Valentine, Reading, taken November 16, 1776 Duck, Peter, Philadelphia, taken November 16, 1776. Fletcher, William, Cecil county, Md., taken November 16, 1776; paroled December 26, 1776. Goodhart, Henry, resided at Sunbury, 1791. Havener, Chris., Reading, taken November 16, 1776. Heilman, George, Reading, taken November 16, 1776; paroled De- cember 26, 1776. Holick, Christian, Reading, taken November 16, 1776. Hausknecht, Jacob, Reading, taken November 16, 1776. Hoffner, George, Reading, taken November 16, 1776 ; paroled De- cember 26, 1776. Link, Martin, Reading, taken November 16, 1776. Mann, Nicholas, Reading, taken November 16, 1776; paroled De- cember 26, 1776. Marshal, George, Reading, taken November 16, 1776. Miller, Jacob, Reading, taken November 16, 1776; reenlisted in Col. Hartley's regiment ; discharged 1781 ; died in Walker town- ship, Centre county, in 1822, aged sixty-seven. Miller, Peter, Reading, taken November 16, 1776; paroled Decem- ber 26, 1776. Nair, John, Reading, taken November 16, 1776. Rangier, John, Reading, taken November 16,1776. Raume, Michael, Reading, taken November 16, 1776. Rheam, John, Reading, taken November 16, 1776. Selser, Michael, Reading, taken November 16, 1776. Sheldon, John, Cecil county, Md., taken November 16, 1776. Whitmire, Michael, taken November 16, 1776 ; resided in Cumber- land county, 1809. Whitmire, George, Reading, taken November 16, 1776 ; died in New York, two days before exchange. Ziegler, Benjamin, Reading, taken November 16, 1776. Zurn, Michael, Reading, taken November 16, 1776. COL. ROBERT MAGAW. 153 ROLL OF CAPT. NATHANIEL VANSANDT'S COMPANY. [This Roll is incomplete."] On May 28, 1776, the officers and privates numbered eighty-seven. Captain. Vansandt, Nathaniel, Bensalem, commissioned January 5, 1776 ; taken November 16, 1776 ; exchanged November 20, 1778. First Lieutenant. Helm, John, Philadelphia, commissioned January 6, 1776; taken November 16, 1776; became supernumerary June 1, 1778^; ex- changed August 26, 1778. Second Lieutenant. Jenney, Thomas, Trenton, N. J., commissioned January 8, 1776; promoted first lieutenant October 12, 1776 ; captured November 16, 1776 ; exchanged October 25, 1780. Ensign. Hovenden, Edward, Newtown, Bucks county, commissioned Jan- uary 8, 1776; taken November 16, 1776. Sergeants. Coxe, Joseph, Bensalem, taken November 16, 1776. Stevenson, Thomas, Newtown, taken November 16, 1776. Guy, Jonathan, arm disabled by musket ball; reenlisted in Col. "Walter Stewart's regiment, Second Penn'a. Corporals. Manchester, John, Byberry, taken November 16, 1776. Sproul, John, Newtown, taken November 16, 1776. Eastwick, John, Newtown, taken November 16, 1776. Privates. Aiken, Henry. Wrightstown, Bucks county, taken November 16, 1776. Arkle, Richard, Wrightstown, Bucks county, taken November 16, 1776. Clark, George, fifer, Biles' Island, taken November 16, 1776. Darland, Lambert, Moreland, Philadelphia county, taken November 16, 1776. Doughty, Jacob, Byberry, taken November 16, 1776. Doughty, Thomas, Byberry, taken November 16, 1776. Dunn, John, Falls, Bucks county, taken November 16, 1776. 154 FIFTH PENNSYLVANIA BATTALION. Evans, Hugh, Southampton, Bucks county, taken November 16, 1776; died in prison. Ford, Dennis, Middleton, Bucks county, taken November 16, 1776. Freett, Henry, Abington, Philadelphia county, taken November 16, 1776. Haybey, William, Simbury, taken November 16, 1776 ; died of wounds. Hand, John, Burlington, N. J., taken November 16, 1776 ; died in prison. Jones, Thomas, Philadelphia, taken November 16, 1776 ; paroled December 26, 1776. Iverl. Thomas, Falls, Bucks county, taken November 16, 1776. Ketcham, John, Bensalem, taken November 16, 1776; escaped; re- enlisted in the Sixth Penn'a. Ivillen, Edward, Byberry, taken November 16, 1776; wounded in the thigh and right foot ; resided at Philadelphia, 1786. Lott, Richard, Plumstead, Bucks county, taken November 16, 1776. Mclntire, William, Sunbury, taken November 16, 1776 ; paroled December 26, 1776. Mackey, Daniel, Philadelphia, taken November 16, 1776. Martin, Hamilton, Trenton N. J., taken November 16, 1776. Merriot, James, Bordentown, N. J., taken November 16, 1776. Miller, John, Sunbury, taken November 16, 1776. Monday, Thomas, Sunbury, taken November 16, 1776. Murphy, John, Falls, Bucks county, taken November 16, 1776; wounded in the leg, and taken at Fort Washington ; resided in Bucks county in 1815. Richmond, Robert, Sunbury, taken November 16,1776; died of wounds. Royall, William, Abington, taken November 16, 1776; died in prison. Rodgers, Alexander, Sunbury, taken November 17, 1776 ; paroled December 26, 1776. /Ryan, Timothy, Trenton, N. J., taken November 16, 1776 ; paroled / December 26, 1776. \l St. Clair, James, Sunbury, taken November 16, 1776. " E." Taylor, John, New Jersey, taken November 16, 1776. Yarden, Thomas, Glass-works, Bucks county, taken November 16, 1776. Hannah, George, Philadelphia, taken November 16, 1776; died in prison. Hildebrand, Christopher, Cumru, taken November 16, 1776. Hoffman, Nicholas, Cumru, taken November 16, 1776. Huldry, John, Cocalico, taken November 16, 1776. Klockman, Peter, Cumru, taken November 16, 1776 ; died in prison. COL. ROBERT MAGAW. 155 Kritzer, Godfrey, Cumru, taken November 16, 1776. Kritzer, John, Cumru, taken November 16, 1776. Ludwick, Philip, Cumru, taken November 16, 1776 ; paroled De- cember 16, 1776. Luft, John, Cumru, taken November 16, 1776. Lutz, Ilerom, Cumru, taken November 16, 1766. Miar, Nicholas, Cocalico, taken November 16, 1776. Miar, Peter, Cocalico, taken November 16, 1776. Ogelby, John, Philadelphia, taken November 16, 1776 ; died in prison. Pendergast, Thomas, Darby, taken November 16, 1776; died in prison. Porter, John, Darby, taken November 16, 1776. Price, George, Cumru, taken November 16, 1776; paroled Decem- ber 26, 1776. Pugh, Jonathan, Cumru, taken November 16, 1776. Reem, David, Cocalico, taken November 16, 1776. Reem, John, Cocalico, taken November 16, 1776 ; died in prison. Reed, John, Cumru, taken November 16, 1776. Reed, Peter, Cumru, taken November 16, 1776. Reiley, Thomas, Burlington, N. J., taken November 16, 1776. Ritchman, George, Cumru, taken November 16, 1776. Robinson, John, Darby, taken November 16, 1776; died in prison. Seever, Peter, Cumru, taken November 16, 1776 ; died in prison. Sheffer, Michael, Cumru, taken November 16, 1776. Shaft'et, Francis, Cumru, taken November 16, 1776 ; died in prison. Shreck, Martin, Cocalico, taken November 16, 1776, ROLL OF CAPTAIN PETER DECKER'S COMPANY. [ This Roll is incomplete.] On May 26, 1776, mustered officers and privates numbered eighty- six. Captain. Decker, Peter, Reading, commissioned January 5, 1776 ; taken No- vember 16, 1776; broke his parole ; resigned February 1, 1777. First Lieutenant. Phile, Charles, Philadelphia, commissioned January 6, 1776 ; taken November 16,1776; promoted captain February 1, 1777; ex- changed August 26 1778 ; became supernumerary. 156 FIFTH PENNSYLVANIA BATTALION. Second Lieutenant. Rudolph, John, Darby, Chester county, commissioned January 8, 1776 ; tuken November 16, 1777 ; promoted first lieutenant, Feb- ruary 1, 1777 ; exchanged October 25, 1780. Ensign. Mulloy, James, commissioned January 8, 1776 ; deserted. Sergeants. Forsythe, James, Cumru, Berks county, taken November 16, 1776. Gabby, Michael, New London, Chester county, taken November 16, 1776 ; paroled December 26, 1776. Weiser, Christopher, resided in Buffalo township, Union county. 1792. Corporals. Duck, Philip, Cocalico, Lancaster county, taken November 16, 1776 ; paroled December 26, 1776. Privates. Brosius, Abraham, Cumru, taken November 16, 1776. Burkhart, Michael, Cumru, taken November 16, 1776; died in prison. Cherchner, Jacob, Cumru, taken November 16, 1776 ; died in prison. Cook, Andrew, Darby, taken November 16, 1776. Dell, Leonard, Cumru, taken November 16, 1776; died in Penn township, Snyder county, ante 1792. Finerty, James, Mildrick, Del., taken November 16, 1776. Fry, Robert, Philadelphia, taken November 16, 1776. Huber, George, taken November 16, 1776; resided in Dauphin county, 1806. Lehman, Anthony, resided in York county, died in 1818, aged sixty- five. Moyer, Peter, taken November 16, 1776; exchanged 1778; ree'n- listed in Capt. Bankson's company. Spang, Matthias, Cumru, taken November 16,1776; paroled De- cember 26, 1776. Strow, Leonard, Cumru, taken November 16, 1776. Welsh, Edward, Cumru, taken November 16, 1776. i r oung, Jacob, Cumru, taken November 16, 1776; paroled December 26, 1776. Zeller, Michael, Cumru, taken November 16, 1776; resided in Dauphin county in l.07. Zuier, John, Cumru, taken November 16, 1776 ; died in prison. COL. EGBERT MAGAW. 157 ROLL OF CAPTAIN JOHN RICHARDSON'S COMPANY. L This Holl is incomplete. ] On May 28, 1776, the mustered officers and men numbered eighty- one. Captains. Duncan, Matthew,* commissioned January 5, 1776. Richardson, John. First Lieutenant. Richardson, John, Chester, commissioned January 6, 1776 ; pro- moted captain vice Duncan, absent; taken November 16, 1776; exchanged August 26, 1778. Second Lieutenant. Collier, Richard, Philadelphia, commissioned January 8, 1776 ; taken November 16, 1776 ; exchanged August 26, 1778. Ensigns. Cloyd, James, commissioned January 8, 1776. Beatty, Reading, Warminster, taken November 16, 1776; exchanged May 8, 1778 ; see New Eleventh Penn'a. Sergeants. Wilson, James, Chester, taken November 16,1776; paroled Decem- ber 26, 1776. Shaw, Samuel, Chester, taken November 16, 1776. Fields, Thomas, Darby, taken November 16, 1776. Rowe, Francis, Philadelphia, taken November 16, 1776. Corporal. "VVilkt, Frederick, Philadelphia. Fifer. Murphy, John, Philadelphia, taken November 16, 1776. " E." Privates. Allen, Richard, Philadelphia, taken November 16, 1776. Aplin, George, Germantown, taken November 16, 1776. Caldwell, James, Frankford, taken November 16, 1776. Correy, John, Pikeland, Chester county, taken November 16, 1776. * Matthew Duncan was a gentleman volunteer in the campaign through the wilderness, in 1775, and was captured at the storming of Quebec, December 31, 1775. He is marked in a return dated February 13, 1777, of Sixth Penn'a, as present on parole. 158 FIFTH PENNSYLVANIA BATTALION. Cunningham, Eichard, Philadelphia, taken November 16, 1776. Deranda, Francis, Philadelphia, taken November 16,1776; paroled December 26, 1776. Dixon, John, Philadelphia, taken November 16, 1776. Earle, Jonathan, Darby. Kelly, Dennis, Darby, taken November 16, 1776 ; paroled December 26, 1776. Logan, Michael, Darby, taken November 16, 1776 ; paroled Decem- ber 26, 1776. McCord, Patrick, Abington, taken November 16, 1776. Moor, John, Darfey, taken November 16, 1776. Moriety, Timothy, Chester, taken November 16, 1776. Murphy, Patrick, Philadelphia, taken November 16, 1776 ; paroled December 26, 1776. Stoughton, Henry, Germantown, taken November 16, 1776. General List. Bast, Jacob. Bradley William, sergeant, resided in Middleton township, Cum- berland county, in 1790. Conner, Peter, taken at Fort Washington ; resided in Philadelphia in 1814. Fetter, William, discharged June 12, 1776, to be employed as gun- maker. Fox, John. Garret, Nicholas, second lieutenant. Grace, George, wounded at Fort Washington. Greentree, Alexander, discharged June 12, 1776, to be employed as gun-maker. Polydore, a negro drummer. Whitmoyer, George, taken at Fort Washington. Young, Christian, discharged at Fort Washington ; died in Union county, June 10, 1820. SIXTH PENNSYLVANIA BATTALION. COL WILLIAM IRVINE. JANUARY 9, 1776 MARCH 20, 1777. SIXTH PENNSYLVANIA BATTALION. | HIS battalion was raised under authority of a reso- lution of Congress, dated January 4, 1776 : " That an additional battalion be raised in the county of Cum- berland, in the Colony of Pennsylvania, to consist of the same number of men and officers, and to have the 1776. same pay and allowance, as the others raised in the said Colony." On the 8th, field officers were recom- mended, and line officers chosen by the Council of Safety, and on the 10th, the field officers were elected by Congress. The commis- sions of the company officers, with few exceptions, are dated on the 9th, with rank in the order of their names. Six companies were to be raised in Cumberland, and two in York county, accord- ing to a subsequent arrangement. On the 22d of March Col. Irvine writes from Carlisle, to John Hancock, President of Congress: "Siu : I am honored with your orders to march my battalion to 'New York, which shall be complied with all possible expedition. '* * * Many of the arms are old, and want bayonets and other repairs. However, I shall not wait for bayonets, as I hope to be supplied at Philadelphia or jS"ew York. I have been obliged to purchase many rifles, but they, I presume, may be changed for mus- kets, should the service require it ; knapsacks, haversacks, canteens, and many other necessaries the commissioners promised to forward for my battalion, are not yet come to hand. Though I do not mean to wait for them, yet I think it proper to acquaint you, as perhaps your further orders may be necessary." He states the total of his non-commissioned officers, and privates to be seven hundred and ten, aggregate of the battalion, seven hundred and forty-one. On the llth of May it was at Albany, under the command of Gen. Sullivan, numbering in the aggregate seven hundred and thirty-five. The details of the services of the Sixth battalion being necessarily embraced to a large extent in the historical note to the Second battalion, it is only necessary to make reference thereto, -and to supplement them by the following journal of Col. William Irvine of the Sixth : 11 VOL. X. 162 SIXTH PENNSYLVANIA BATTALION. " June 7th, 1776. Col. Irvine's regiment, and three companies of Col. Wayne's embarked in batteaus at Sorrell, under the command of Gen. Thompson, and proceeded to Nicollet, where we found, and were joined by Col. St. Clair, who had almost seven hundred men under his command. " June 8th. Crossed the river to Point de Lac ; the pilot deceived us, for his orders were to steer to within four miles of Trois Riviere. Point de Lac is nine miles. Notwithstanding this disappointment we marched with all possible expedition for Trois Riviere; but here our misfortune began. Our guide led us quite out of the way into a swamp, which was sufficient to engulf a thousand men. Be- fore we got disentangled from this dreadful place daylight appeared, so that instead of attacking the town of Trois Riviere before day ( as was designed ) we found ourselves three or four miles from it. Here we were at a loss what to do ; had no intelligence of the strength of the garrison ; to attack was hazardous, and to retreat without knowing the enemy's strength, we could not think of, therefore marched on. " The river now on our right about fifty yards, we were soon dis- covered, and were saluted by the men-of-war. They fired inces- santly while we marched about three quarters of a mile ; here we in- clined to a wood on our left, in order to avoid the fire from the shipping, but avoiding one evil we fell into a greater ; for we now entered into a swamp, which I suppose to be four miles over. Na- ture, perhaps, never formed a place better calculated for the destruc- tion of an army. It was impossible to preserve any order of march, nay, it became at last so difficult, and the men so fatigued, that their only aim was how to get extricated ; many of the men had lost their shoes, and some their boots. "At length, about seven o'clock, some officers reached one ex- treme of the swamp, a few went forward to reconnoiter, brought account back that they saw clear ground and horses at a little more than a quarter of a mile. Then Col. St. Clair, Lieut. Col. Allen and myself, with a few other officers, strove to draw the men up in some order, which we found impracticable. The General then got up with us, and ordered as many as could be collected, to move forward to the cleared ground, there to form, which was accord- ingly done with as much expedition as could be expected from men worn down with fatigue, and who were exquisitely thirsty and faint. A few moments after we were formed, the General ordered the whole body to move on, in order to join Col. Maxwell's division, of whom we had no account of from our first entry into the swamp, but from a soldier, who said he saw some men about a half mile in front. " A brisk firing then began, which we took to be Maxwell's party. Gen. Thompson then ran towards the front, the firing increased, COL. WILLIAM IRVINE. 163 and seemed very hot. The General sent word to me to send for- ward the riflemen of my regiment, but they being chiefly in the rear could not get up as soon as he or I wished. Those of them belonging to the companies then in front, I ordered to turn out and march in Indian file, passing the word for the rear to follow in the same order. I then advanced in front and joined the Gen- eral, but by this time Maxwell's division was entirely broken and retreating in such disorder, that there was no possibility of rally- ing them. " Gen. Thompson then ordered us to retreat fifty paces into the woods, where he and I used every argument we were masters of to collect and engage the men to make a stand, but our utmost efforts were in vain ; not more than about forty men could be got together, and before this was done a minute, the communication between us and our main body was entirely cut off. The General, Lieut. Bird, and myself were the only officers now together. " When we were consulting what was best to be done with our small party, we were fired on from all quarters by the Canadians, who were in ambush and skulking in the bushes. We then re- treated, in hopes to fall in with some of our people ; but the further we marched, instead of our numbers increasing, they decreased, for in less than ten minutes we mustered but seven in all. The whole day we marched through swamps and thickets alternately, without any kind of refreshments, except stagnant water, of which we drank freely. " We heard a great deal of firing all day, both great guns and small arms ; the latter was sometimes very near us. In the evening we hoped we were nearly opposite where we expected our boats to be. We halted, to rest and consult what was best to be done, when we suddenly were alarmed by a brisk firing where we expected our boats to be, and by which we hoped to escape. The firing we sup- posed to be on the party with the boats. This nearly destroyed every hope of getting off ; we then concluded to lie by till after dark and push a few miles up a river, where there appeared a pos- sibility of finding a canoe, in which we might cross. " About eleven p. M. we marched again four miles, when we discovered a sentry. Knowing then that there must be a party of soldiers near, we took a road to our left, in hopes to get past ; but now we got into another swamp, which caused our entire over- throw. In short, we waded and wandered here until near daylight ; our strength and spirits being now nearly exhausted, we made a fire, lay down and slept about an hour. In the meantime a soldier of our party was dispatched to endeavor to discover the strength and situation of the enemy. At daylight he returned with the dis- agreeable intelligence that we were quite surrounded, and no way left to get out ; to confirm what he stated, we soon saw small 164 SIXTH PENNSYLVANIA BATTALION. parties of soldiers and Canadians dispatched on all sides, who be- gan to fire on stragglers. " Gen. Thompson, Bird and I then concluded it would be better to deliver ourselves up to British officers, than to run the risk of being murdered in the woods by Canadians. Indeed we were so exhausted as to be unable to march further ; accordingly we went up to a house where we saw a guard, and surrendered our- selves ' prisoners at discretion.' " Col. Nesbit commanded here, by whom we were cruelly treated. His party marched hence for Trois Riviere ; a strong guard marched with the whole of the prisoners. Gen. Thompson and I had the honor of being marched for six miles in the common crowd, without further distinction than being placed near the front. The commanding officers would neither allow us horses or a carriage, though we requested it, and represented to him our miserable con- dition. Notwithstanding, we were hurried off in a few minutes, and pushed exceedingly fast for six miles, when we arrived at headquarters. " Generals Carleton and Burgoyne were both here, who treated us very politely. They ordered us refreshments immediately; in- deed Gen. Burgoyne served us himself. We were then ordered in a boat, and put under the conduct of one officer only, Lieut. Wilk- inson of the Sixty-second, an exceedingly genteel young man, whom we wish to be able to serve. Kow went on board a transport ship in the river. " 10th. Ileshipped in another. " 12th. Lieut. Wilkinson relieved by an officer of marines and party. " 13th. Gen. Thompson and Mr. Bird ordered on board Blonde ship-of-war. " 14th. I was taken on board the Triton, likewise a king's ship- of-war. " 25th. Ordered to Quebec. Gen. T., Lieut. Bird and I w<:iv then transferred to the Union transport." A return dated Ticonderoga, October 20, 1776, has officers present, one lieutenant colonel, two majors, adjutant, quarter-master, sur- geon, and mate. In Capt. Smith's company, all officers present : four sergeants, two drums and fife, thirty privates fit for duty, nineteen sick present, six sick absent, and three in command. Capt. Hay's company: one captain, one ensign, two sergeants, two drums and fifes, twenty-seven privates fit for duty, twenty-six sick present, two sick absent, three on command. Capt. Talbot's com- pany : one captain, one second lieutenant, one ensign, one sergeant, one drum, thirty privates fit for duty, twenty-six sick present, three sick absent, two in command. Capt. Rippey's company: cap- tain, first lieutenant, and ensign, two sergeants, two drum and fife. COL. WILLIAM IRVINE. 165 twenty-nine privates fit for duty, twenty-two sick present, eight sick absent, one in command, five artificers. Of McClean's com- pany : two sergeants, two drum and fife, thirty-five privates fit for duty, fifteen sick present, six sick absent, five in command. Capt. Wilson's company: onesecond lieutenant, oneensign, four sergeants, two drum and fife, thirty -nine privates fit for duty, ten sick pres- ent, two sick absent, and two in command. Capt. Alexander's company : captain and ensign, one sergeant, one drum and fife, twenty-two privates fit for duty, twenty-five sick present, seven sick absent, four artificers. Capt. Bush's company: captain, first lieu- tenant, and ensign, three sergeants, one drum and fife, thirty-four privates fit for duty, eighteen sick present, three sick absent, four in command. Wanting to complete: two sergeants, one drum, one hundred and sixty-two privates ; dead, one in Capt. Alexander's company, one discharged from Capt. Wilson's. Prisoners with the enemy, Col. William Irvine, First Lieutenant John Edie, captured June 8, at Three Rivers. Capt. Moses McClean, Second Lieut. Abdiel McAlister, Second Lieutenant John Hoge, First Lieut. Samuel McFerran, captured at Isle Aux Noix, June 21. Capt. James A. Wilson, First Lieut. John Grier, captured at Grand Isle, J uly 24. Five officers sick present, eleven sergeants sick, one drum- mer in command. N. B. Seventy-eight of the men in column wanting to complete, were killed or taken prisoners at the Three Rivers. Two sergeants and sixteen privates were taken at Grand Isle, 24th July. One cor. poral missing since 13th of October. Ensign Thomas McCoy, who was thought to be killed, and in whose place Mr. King was appointed, is yet alive, and at St. John's. This battalion reached Carlisle on its return, March 15, 1777, and was reenlisted for three years, or the war, as the Seventh Pennsyl- vania of the Continental Line. 166 SIXTH PENNSYLVANIA BATTALION. ROSTER OF FIELD AND STAFF OFFICERS. Colonel. Irvine William, commissioned January 9, 1776; captured at Three Rivers, June 8, 1776. Lieutenant Colonel. Hartley, Thomas, commissioned January 10, 1776 ; promoted colo- nel of one of the sixteen additional regiments. Major*. Dunlop, James, commissioned January 10, 1776 ; promoted lieuten- ant colonel Tenth Penn'a, October 25, 1776. Grier, David, of York, from captain ; promoted lieutenant colonel of Seventh Penn'a. Chaplain. Linn, Rev. William, appointed February 15, 1776, for Fifth and Sixth battalions. Adjutant. Brooks, John, appointed January 9, 1776. Quarter-Masters. Calderwood, James, appointed January 9, 1776 ; promoted to lieu- tenant on board of the fleet August 1, 1776. He subsequently raised an independent company (which was attached to the Eleventh Virginia Col. C. Febiger) and was mortally wounded and died upon the field of Brandy wine, September 11, 1777 ; his widow married David Watson of Cumberland county. Nichols, William, August 1, 1776; resigned November 17, 1776. Hopes, Robert, appointed by Gen. Gates, November 17, 1776 ; pro- moted captain in Hartley's additional regiment. Surgeon. Johnston, Robert, appointed January 16, 1776 ; continued in ser- vice until 1781, when he was ordered by Gen. Greene, to leave the regimental service and assist the wounded officers and soldiers of the American army, prisoners in the British hospital in Charles- ton, S. C. Dr. Johnston died November 25, 1808, aged fifty-eight years, near Waynesboro', Franklin county, Pa. He was major gen- eral of Seventh Division of Penn'a militia, appointed July 24, 1807. COL. WILLIAM IRVINE. 167 Surgeon's- Mate. McDowell, John, appointed January 9, 1776. ROLL OF CAPTAIN DAVID CRIER'S COMPANY. [Raised in York county, in January and February, 1776.] March 20, 1776, officers commissioned, four ; non-commissioned officers and privates, eighty-eight ; total strength, ninety-two. Captains. Grier, David, commissioned January 9, 1776; promoted major Oc- tober 25, 1776. Alexander, William, from first lieutenant Capt. Rippey's com- pany. First Lieutenant. McDowell, John, January 9, 1776. Second Lieutenant. McAlister, Abdiel, captured opposite Isle Aux Noix, June 21, 1776; exchanged May 8, 1778. Ensigns. Nichols, William, commissioned January 9, 1776 ; promoted to cap- tain, Bush's company, June 21, 1776. Hughes, John, commissioned June 21, 1776. Sergeants. Walker, Andrew, Yorktown, age twenty-one; enlisted January 30, 1776. Ivnox, John, York county, age twenty-three; enlisted February 20, 1776. Jeffries, Robert, age twenty-one ; enlisted January 25, 1776. Hay man, John, enlisted February 21, 1776. Corporals. Lawson, James, Berwick, York county, age twenty-three ; enlisted January 20, 1776. Mcllhenny, Felix, born in Fermanagh, county Derry, Ireland; en- listed from Hopewell, January 20, 1776; age twenty; taken June 8, 1776; paroled August 9, 1776. Letliew, David, Hopewell, age thirty-two; enlisted February 24, 1776. 168 SIXTH PENNSYLVANIA BATTALION. Tomson, Ezra, York county, cutler ; age twenty-five ; enlisted Jan- uary 20 1776 ; taken June 8, 1776. Drum and Fife. Hamilton, James. Wright, Mathias, taken prisoner June 8, 1776. Privates. Anguis, William, age twenty-two ; enlisted February 5, 1776. Barnes, Patrick, Cumberland county, age thirty ; enlisted January 19, 1776. Baker, George, age twenty-one ; enlisted January 19, 1776. Bacheldor, Ebenezer, age twenty-eight ; enlisted January 25, 1776.. Barry, James, enlisted January 29, 1776. Beard, Robert, age eighteen; Fawn township; enlisted February 7,. 1776. Brian, John. Campbell, Archibald, Berwick; age twenty-four ; enlisted February 14, 1776. Clemmonds, John, Yorktowri, cooper; age twenty-one; enlisted. January 19, 1776. Conn, Adam, York county; age twenty; enlisted February 8, 1776^ Conner, George, Reading township; age twenty-three, wagon-maker; enlisted March 9, 1776 ; taken June 14, 1776. Con way, Charles, Reading township; age twenty-four; enlisted January 23, 1776. Cooper, George, Chanceford, York county; age eighteen ; enlisted February 2, 1776. Corrigan, Cornelius, age twenty-two ; enlisted January 25, 1776. Davis, David, age nineteen ; enlisted January 25, 1776. Dulany, Thomas, Donegal, Lancaster county ; enlisted January 24 r 1776 ; taken June 8, 1776. Dorce, John, or Deis, resided in York county in 1818, aged sixty- two. Dougherty, Charles, enlisted February 12, 1776. Dougherty, John, Yorktown ; age twenty-two; enlisted February 2, 1776 ; taken June 8, 1776. Esson, Alexander, Hopewell ; age twenty ; enlisted February 20 r 1776. Falkner, John, age twenty-five ; enlisted January 22, 1776. Frick, John, Yorktown; age twenty-eight; enlisted January 16. 1776. Forsyth, Robert, Yorktown ; age thirty-five ; enlisted January 21, 1776. Geddes, Joseph, enlisted January 20, 1776; resided in Huntingdon county, May, 1818, weaver, aged seventy-five years. Grant, Peter, age twenty-seven; enlisted January 25, 1776; taken June 8, 1776. COL. WILLIAM IRVINE. 169 Guscager, Charles, Paradise township ; stone cutter ; February 14, 1776. Gyfinger, Charles, taken June 8, 1776. Harkins, James, age twenty-six ; enlisted January 23, 1776. Hickenbottom, Edward, enlisted from Cumberland township, Jan- uary 23, 1776; age twenty-five ; taken June 8, 1776. Hodge, Isaac, Baltimore ; age twenty-four ; enlisted February 20, 1776. Hoy, Thomas, Hagerstown, York county; age twenty-five ; enlisted February 16, 1776. Jackson, Archibald, age nineteen ; enlisted February 5, 1776. Johnston, Robert, Hopewell ; age twenty; enlisted February 24, 1776. Johnston, William, Reading township, York county, age eighteen ; enlisted February 16, 1776. Kelly, George, Yorktown ; shoemaker ; age twenty ; enlisted Jan- uary 16, 1776. Kelly, Thomas, Baltimore ; age twenty-three ; enlisted March 30, 1776; taken June 8, 1776. Leeson, James, enlisted February 12, 1776; taken June &, 1776. Mason, William, Barrens, York county, age forty; enlisted Feb- ruary 12, 1776 ; taken June 8, 1776 ; paroled August 9, 1776. Mathews, Jacob. McCall, John, age twenty-five ; enlisted January 26, 1776. McCoy, William, age eighteen ; enlisted February 16, 1776. McDaniel, John, York county, age twenty-three; enlisted Feb- ruary 5, 1776. McGowan, Samuel, Hopewell; age twenty-three; enlisted Feb- ruary 24, 1776. McKissack, Henry, Hopewell ; age twenty-two ; enlisted Feb- ruary 24, 1776. McMeehan, Michael, age twenty-six; enlisted January 23, 1776. McMullan, James, York county; age twenty-one; enlisted Jan- uary 27, 1776. Mealy, Lawrence, Rapho, county Donegal, Ireland; enlisted from Hopewell, February 21, 1776 ; age twenty ; taken June 8, 1776; paroled August 9, 1776. Murphey, Michael, Gunpowder Falls ; age twenty-nine ; March 30, 1776. Murphy, Dennis, Yorktown, shoemaker; age twenty-five; enlisted January 18 ; taken June 8, 1776. O'Loan, Patrick, Yorktown, weaver; age twenty, enlisted Jan- uary 22, 1776. O'Keil, Peter, Cumberland township ; age twenty-one : enlisted Feb- ruary 1, 1776. Pearcy, John, age twenty ; enlisted January 19, 1776. 170 SIXTH PENNSYLVANIA BATTALION. Price, James, enlisted February 12, 1776. Quigley, William, Chanceford ; age twenty-three; enlisted January 29, 1776. Redmond, Murtough, age twenty-six; enlisted January 23; taken June 8, 1776. Robinson, James, age twenty-five; enlisted February 7, 1776. Roney, Patrick, Hopewell ; age twenty-one^ enlisted January 29, 1776. Bussell, Joseph, York county, age nineteen ; enlisted February 23, 1776. Scullion, Patrick, age twenty-four ; enlisted January 31, 1776. Schregh, Peter, age twenty-one ; enlisted February 4, 1776. Shaw, Archibald, York county, enlisted February 15, 1776. Shaw, James, age eighteen ; enlisted January 25, 1776. Standley, Francis, Hopewell, March 5, 1776. Shive, Philip, Yorktown ; age twenty-two ; enlisted January 16, 1776. Schultz, Michael, age eighteen, enlisted February 5, 1776 ; resided in York county, 1818, aged sixty-one. Seidle, Peter, age seventeen; enlisted February 7, 1776. Schneider, John, Yorktown, age twenty-one ; enlisted January 17, 1776 ; reenlisted in Capt. Turner's company, Hazen regiment ; resided in York county, 1818. Spencer, Edward, Codorus ; forgeman, age eighteen ; enlisted Janu- ary 20, 1776. Stevenson, James, enlisted February 7, 1776. Swank, Baltzer, Yorktown ; sadler ; age eighteen ; January 30, 1776. Swartz, George, Yorktown ; clock-maker ; age twenty-two ; en- listed January 16, 1776. Swartz, Peter, Rapho township, Lancaster county, mason ; age twenty-two ; enlisted March 28, 1776. Taylor, John, age twenty-one; enlisted January 31,1776; taken June 8, 1776. Trees, Jacob, York, enlisted January 22, 1776. Wade, Joseph, age twenty-six ; enlisted January 23, 1776. Weaverling, Adam, Yorktown ; age twenty ; enlisted January 31, 1776. Welch, Edward, age twenty-four ; enlisted January 19, 1776. White, Isaac, Yorktown, age twenty; enlisted January 20, 1776. Wilkinson, William, York county, age twenty-one ; enlisted Jan- uary 25, 1776. Wilson, Joseph, York county, age nineteen; enlisted January 27, 1776. Worley, George, Windsor township, age twenty-three ; enlisted Feb- ruary 9, 1776 COL. WILLIAM IRVIXE. 17] Wright, Matthias, York county, enlisted February 7, 1776; taken June 8, 1776. ROLL OF CAPTAIN ABRAHAM SMITH'S COMPANY. [Raised in Cumberland county.] March 20, 1776. Commissioned officers four ; non-commissioned and privates, eighty-six ; total ninety. Captain. Smith, Abraham, commissioned January 9, 1776. First Lieutenants. White, Robert, commissioned January 9, 1776 ; resigned February 9, 1776. Alexander, John, March 23, 1776. Second Lieutenants. Alexander, John, commissioned January 9, 1776; promoted March 23, 1776, first lieutenant, vice White. Irvine, Andrew, March 23, 1776, vice Alexander, promoted. Ensigns. Montgomery, Samuel, commissioned January 9, 1776; promoted second lieutenant, in Capt. Hay's company. Kennedy, Samuel, appointed June 1, 1776. Sergeants. Beatty, John, appointed January 27, 1776 ; discharged in February, 1777 ; in 1818, resided in. York county, Penn'a. Hamilton, Samuel, appointed January 30, 1776; died July 11, 1776. Foster, Hugh, appointed February 2, 1776. Scott, William, appointed February 11, 1776. Burke, William, from corporal, July 11, 1776. Corporals. Burke, William, appointed January 29, 1776; promoted July 11, 1776. Standley, George- appointed March 2, 1776 ; died October, 1776. Moore, John, appointed February 12, 1776; died September, 1776. Campbell, William, appointed February 3, 1776. Ritchie, Seth, appointed July 11, 1776. McCormlck, William, appointed September 25, 1776. Drennon, William, appointed October 25, 1776. 172 SIXTH PENNSYLVANIA BATTALION. Drummer. Fannon, John, appointed. February 4, 1776. Fifer. Cochran, William, appointed August 1, 1776. Privates. Armor, David, enlisted February 9, 1776. Barnett, John, enlisted February 2, 177G. Blakely, John, enlisted February 12, 1776. Boyle, Philip, enlisted March 9, 1776. Brannon, John, Stradbally, county Queens, Ireland; enlisted March 9, 1776 ; captured July 24, 1776 ; paroled August 9. 1776. Brown, John, enlisted February 3, 1776. Brown, Patrick, enlisted February 4, 1776. Caslet, James, enlisted March 9, 1776. Cochran, Josiah, enlisted January 29, 1776. Cochran, William, enlisted March 2, 1776; promoted August 1, 1776. Craighead, Kobert, enlisted February 6, 1776. Creevy, Anthony, enlisted February 19, 1776. Cunningham, John, enlisted February 2, 1776. Dwinney, Daniel, enlisted February 20, 1776; taken October 12, 1776. Donaldson, James, enlisted February 12, 1776. Downey, William, enlisted February 12, 1776. Drennon, Hugh, enlisted February 14, 1776. Drennon, Thomas, enlisted February 12, 1776. Dunlap, James, enlisted February 3, 1776. Flemming, Patrick, enlisted February 1, 1776. Gordon, Alexander, enlisted January 27, 1776. ^Gregg, Robert, enlisted February 22, 1776. Hendricks, John, enlisted April 8, 1776. Higgins, Thomas, enlisted February 1, 1776; taken October 12, 1776. Holliday, James, enlisted February 3, 1776. Holmes, Thomas, enlisted February 4, 1776. Ishmail, Benjamin, enlisted February 12, 1776. Jarret, Robert, enlisted February 2, 1776. Johnson, Thomas, enlisted February 12, 1776. Leman, Isaac, enlisted February 4, 1776. Little, Nicholas, enlisted February 14, 1776 ; taken at Three Rivers, June 8, 1776. Love, Samuel, enlisted January 29, 1776. Lowry, James, enlisted February 14, 1776. Lucas, George, enlisted February 10, 1776. McCrea, Adam, enlisted February 4, 1776. McCrea, Samuel, enlisted February 12, 1776 ; died August 10, 1776. McCollam, John, enlisted January 29 1776. COL. WILLIAM IRVINE 173 McCormick, William, enlisted February 1, 1776. McDowell, John, enlisted February 5, 1776. McFatridge, John, enlisted February 2, 1776. McGarra, Michael, enlisted February 1, 1776. Mcllno, Robert, enlisted February 25, 1776. McKenny, Alexander, enlisted March 4, 1776. McKingham, John, enlisted February 16, 1776; taken at Three Rivers, June 8, 1776. McKissock, Daniel, enlisted January 29, 1776. McKissock, James, enlisted February 3, 1776. McLauchlin, Bryan, enlisted Februay 2, 1776. McMullan, Michael, enlisted February 3, 1776; reenlisted, and wounded at Monmouth ; served until 1783. Miller, Robert, enlisted February 5, 1776. Milligan, Hugh, enlisted February 7, 1776. Montgomery, John, enlisted February 3, 1776. Moore, Alexander, enlisted February 4, 1776. Moore, Fergus, enlisted February 26,1776. Newell, Robert, enlisted February 4, 1776. Points, Nathaniel, enlisted February 2, 1776. Powell, Moses, enlisted February 19, 1776. Quin, [Guin] William, enlisted January 29, 1776. Rannell, John, enlisted February 2, 1776. Rannell, John Jr., enlisted February 5, 1776. Reid, Alexander, enlisted February 26, 1776. Reid, Alexander, 2d, enlisted March 3, 1776; taken at Three Rivers, June 8, 1776. Ritchie, Seth, enlisted February 4, 1776; promoted July 11, 1776. Rogers, Patrick, enlisted February 4, 1776. Roharty Barthol, enlisted March 9, 1776. Runey, Peter, enlisted February 9, 1776. Scott, Thomas, enlisted February 7, 1776. Sheaver, Adam, enlisted February 22, 1776. Sheran, Peter, enlisted March 5, 1776. Shiver, Adam, enlisted February 22, 1776. Shiver, Peter, enlisted March 8, 1776. Silvers, Patrick, enlisted February 6, 1776. Simpson, George, enlisted February 13, 1776. Smith, John, enlisted January 27, 1776. Smith, Thomas, enlisted January 29, 1776. Stitt, William, enlisted February 22, 1776. , Stoopes, John, enlisted February 22, 1776. Stoopes, Robert, enlisted March 8, 1776. Swime, Robert, enlisted February 20, 1776. Sweney, John, enlisted February 16, 1776. Tipper, Charles, enlisted January 27, 1776. 174 SIXTH PENNSYLVANIA BATTALION. Todd, John, enlisted January 29, 177*5. White, James, enlisted February 16, 1776. White, Michael, enlisted February 12, 1776 ; taken at Three Rivers, June 8, 1776. Wilson, John, enlisted February 16, 1776. Young, John, enlisted February 4, 1776. Young, Gotleib, enlisted February 14, 1776. ROLL OF CAPTAIN SAMUEL HAY'S COMPANY. Total strength of company, officers and privates, ninety-one. Captain. Hay, Samuel, commissioned January 9, 1776 ; promoted major Seventh Penn'a, 1777. First Lieutenant. Grier, John, commissioned January 9, 1776 ; taken July 29, 1776. Second Lieutenants. Parker, Alexander, commissioned January 9, 1776; promoted first lieutenant, Capt. Rippey's company. Montgomery, Samuel, commissioned June 1, 1776. Ensign. Miller, William, commissioned January 9, 1776. Sergeants. Hughes, John, appointed January 29, 1776 ; promoted ensign June 24, 1776. Faucet, John, born in Enniskillen, Fermanagh, Ireland; ap- pointed January 17, 1776 ; taken at Three Rivers, June 8, 1776 ; paroled August 9, 1776. Foster, John, born in Ballimenagh, county Antrim, Ireland ; ap- pointed February 1, 1776 ; taken at Three Rivers, June 8, 1776; paroled August 9, 1776. Parker, John, appointed January 23, 1776. Boyd, William, born in Ballimenagh, county Antrim, Ireland; appointed June 24, 1776 ; taken prisoner July 24, 1776 ; paroled August 9, 1776. Corporals. Hanna, John, appointed January 25, 1776. Sample, Ezekiel, appointed January 25, 1776. COL. WILLIAM IRVINE. 175 Eowdin, Francis, appointed January 2-5, 1776 ; reduced July 24, 1776. Boyd, William, appointed January 25, 1776; promoted June 24, 177(5. Bramer, William, appointed January 25, 1776. Drummers, Drummond, John, appointed January 20, 1776. Henry, John, appointed January 15, 1776. Fifer. Mewnham, Elias, appointed February 20,1776. Privates. Bramer, William, enlisted January 25, 1776; promoted July 24, 1776. Bannon, Darby, enlisted February 15, 1776. Barclay, Samuel, enlisted January 30, 1776. Batson, William, enlisted January 5, 1776. Blair, William, born in Moneymore, county Derry, Ireland ; en- listed February 28, 1776 ; taken June 8, 1776 ; paroled August 9, 1776. Bolden, Patrick, enlisted January 25, 1776. Boyd, Abram, born in Glenaron, county Antrim, Ireland; en- listed February 2, 1776 ; taken June 8, 1776. Boyle, John, enlisted February 1, 1776. Brlmigin, William, enlisted February 5, 1776. Brown, Robert, enlisted February 21, 1776. Butcher, John, enlisted January 25, 1776. Butler, George, enlisted February 20, 1776 ; taken June 8, 1776. Byers, Andrew,* born in Nottingham, Chester county ; enlisted January 31, 1776 ; taken June 8, 1776. Carlton, Charles, enlisted March 1, 1776. Cochran, James, enlisted March 8, 1776 ; killed at Three Rivers June 8, 1776. Cochran, Samuel, enlisted February 12, 1776 ; promoted sergeant June 9, 1776. Cuningham, Robert, enlisted January 23, 1776. Davison, Edward, enlisted January 30, 1776. Dempsey, Patrick, enlisted January 25, 1776. Dunwoody, John, enlisted January 27, 1776; taken June 8, 1776. Dyas, Thomas, enlisted January 26, 1776. Flaherty, John, enlisted January 28, 1776. Forsyth, Abel, enlisted January 31, 1776. Forsyth, Robert, enlisted January 26, 1776 ; discharged May 1, 1776 Freet, Henry, enlisted February 1, 1776 ; wounded. French Arthur, enlisted January 30, 1776, 176 SIXTH PENNSYLVANIA BATTALION. Graham, James, 1st, enlisted Jannary 26, 1776. Graham, James, 2d, enlisted January 27, 1776. Hamilton, llobert, enlisted February 23, 1776. Haron, Thomas, born in Copoquin, Waterford, Ireland; enlisted January 28, 1776 ; taken June 8, 1776 ; paroled August 9, 1776. Harly, Timothy, enlisted January 31, 1776 ; taken June 8, 1776. Hastings, John, enlisted January 31* 1776. Holliday, William, born in McKaskie, county Derry, Ireland ; en- listed January 29, 1776 ; taken July 24, 1776 ; paroled August 9, 1776. Hughes, llobert, enlisted January 25, 1776. Jamison, John, enlisted February 10, 1776; deserted April 3, 1776. Kearns, James, enlisted January 31, 1776. Kennedy, Archibald, enlisted January 28, 1776; sergeant since August 1, 1776. Kerr, Michael, enlisted January 27, 1776 ; deserted February 28, 1776. Leech, William, enlisted January 25, 1776 ; died November 24, 1776. Lowrey, Samuel, enlisted February 18, 1776. Mairs, Alexander, enlisted February 1, 1776. Martin, Adam, born in Lushen county Derry, Ireland; enlisted February 12, 1776 ; taken June 8, 1776 ; paroled August 9, 1776. McClaine, James, enlisted February 1, 1776. McConnell, Charles, enlisted January 26, 1776. McCormick, James, enlisted February 5, 1776 ; deserted Novem- ber 15, 1776. McCormick, Patrick, enlisted February 20, 1776. McCoy, Ruday, enlisted February 4, 1776. McCoy, "William, enlisted January 26. 1776. McDonald, William, enlisted February 20, 1776 ; killed at Three Rivers, June 8, 1776. McGalls, Patrick, enlisted February 20, 1776 ; died at Carlisle, April 1, 1776. McGlaughlin, Daniel, enlisted February 1, 1776. Mclntyre, William, enlisted February 6, 1776. McKee, William, enlisted February 27, 1776. McKinley, William, enlisted February 20, 1776. McMichael, John, enlisted February 3, 1776. McMillan, Hugh, enlisted February 21, 1776. McMullan, Edward, enlisted February 15, 1776. McQuown, William, enlisted January 17, 1776; sergeant June 10, 1776 ; taken July 24, 1776. Means, Thomas, enlisted January 25, 1776. Mitchell, James, enlisted January 25, 1776. Mulloy, James, enlisted February 10, 1776. Murphy Edward, enlisted February 1, 1776. COL. WILLIAM IRVINE. 177 Neal, Robert, enlisted January 29, 1776. Nelson, Thomas, enlisted January 23, 1776 ; taken June 8, 1776. Pendergrass, Robert, enlisted March 14, 1776 ; reenlisted in the Eleventh Penn'a. Reah, Robert, enlisted February 12, 1776 ; discharged November 26, 1776. Riley, Charles, enlisted January 5, 1776. Roach, David, enlisted January 25, 1776; died October 12, 1776. Ross, John, enlisted January 29, 1776. Rowain, Francis, enlisted July 24, 1776. Thomas, Alexander, enlisted February 26, 1776. Thompson, John, enlisted January 25, 1776 ; discharged March 27, 1776. Thompson, Joseph, enlisted February 2, 1776; wounded, and cap- tured July 24, 1776. Trance, Michael, enlisted January 26, 1776. Tricket Henry. Wagoner, Garret, enlisted January 25, 1776. W T ilkins, Alexander, enlisted February 1, 1776. Wilson, Andrew, enlisted February 1, 1776. White, John, enlisted January 25, 1776 ; died July 2, 1776. Wright, Charles, enlisted January 22, 1776. Captain. Talbot, Jeremiah, commissioned January 9, 1776. First Lieutenant. McDowell, John, commissioned January 9, 1776. Second Lieutenant. Brown, Alexander, commissioned January 9, 1776. Ensign. Graham, William, commissioned January 9, 1776. Sergeants. McCallen, John. Wilson, John. Cuppels, James. Mitchell, Samuel. 12 VOL. X. 178 SIXTH PENNSYLVANIA BATTALION. Corporals. Campbell, William. Hunter, Robert. Chain, John. Bennison, John; see Seventh Penn'a. Drum and Fife. Melton, John. Killin, John. Privates. Asten, Robert. Black, William, wounded on board a gun-boat on Lake Champlain, in left hand ; in hospital at Fort George ; ree'nlisted in Col. Hazen's regiment ; resided in Franklin county in 1815. Bradley, John. Campbell, John. Carnahan, Robert. Chambers, Joseph. Church, John. Clark, Francis, enlisted February 8, 1777 ; discharged March 17, 1777 ; resided in Lycoming county in 1828. Coghren, George. Connor, Charles. Dinning, John. Evans, William. Fairess, Hugh. Faulkner, John. Gardner, James. Gibson, David. Handlon, Duke, Heaslet, William. Heatherington, John. Higgins, John. Kelly, Kern. Lewis, Jacob. Lilly, Hugh. Lyon, Stephen. Marten, John. McConnell, Matthew. McCreary, Lawrence. McCreary, Thomas. McDonald, Archibald. McFarlan, James. McKown, Charles. McMullen, Charles. Mellon, Robert. COL. WILLIAM IRVINE. 179 Millegan, William, August 1, 1776, to March 20, 1777. Mitchell, Thomas. Morgan, Abel. Morrison, Benjamin. Murray, Charles. Murray, Patrick. Nickel, Archibald. Pinkerton, Andrew. Pollock, John. Power, Samuel. Quarre, James. RennisonJohn, enlisted February 5, 1776; promoted sergeant. Sesalo, Mike. Shaw, William. Shoemaker, John. Sloan, James. Thompson, Hugh. Thompson, John. Totten, John. Watson, Robert. Welch, John. White, John. White William. Wiley, Isaac. McDonnel, James, wagoner. ROLL OF CAPTAIN WILLIAM RIPPEY'S COMPANY. March 20, 1776, total strength ninety-three. Captain. Rippey William, commissioned January 9, 1776; died in Shippens- burg, September 22, 1819, aged seventy-eight years. First Lieutenants. Alexander, William, commissioned January 9, 1776 ; promoted cap- tain October 25, 1776. Parker, Alexander, promoted October 25, 1776. Second Lieutenant. Brooks, John, commissioned January 9, 1776. Ensign. Lusk, William, commissioned January 9, 1776. 180 SIXTH PENNSYLVANIA BATTALION. Sergeants. Hughes, John, appointed January IS, 1776, Watt, Eobert, appointed January 18, 1776. McClelland, John, appointed January 18, 1776. Anderson, William, appointed January 18, 1776. Corporals. Gibb, William, appointed January 19, 1776; promoted in August to Capt. Wilson's company. McKibben, Jeremiah, appointed January 26, 1776. McCullough, James, appointed January 26, 1776. Gordon, George, appointed January 26, 1776. Stevenson, Nathaniel appointed January 27, 1776. Drummer. Peterson, Daniel, appointed March 26, 1776. Fifer. Kichards, William, appointed January 18, 1776. Privates. Anderson, Jacob, enlisted February 12, 1776. Barclay, Robert, enlisted January 22, 1776. Burns, Bernard, enlisted February 2, 1776 ; drummed out May 10, 1776. Caist weight, Henry, enlisted February 2, 1776. Caskey, Robert, enlisted January 29, 1776. Christyardenger, Jacob, enlisted February 1, 1776. Cochran, Benjamin, enlisted January 18, 1776; taken at Three Rivers, June 8, 1776. Collins, John, enlisted February 2, 1776 ; died November 22, 1776. Cortney, Robert, enlisted February 2, 1776. Cull, Hugh, enlisted January 24, 1776. Davison, John, enlisted January 28, 1776. Dawson, Antony, enlisted January 27, 1776 ; accidently wounded June 7, 1776. Divin, Joseph, enlisted January 18,1776. Doucherty, William, enlisted February 2, 1776. Dycke, Thomas, enlisted January 26, 1776, Falls, Terrance, enlisted January 31, 1776. Ferguson, Hugh, enlisted January 18, 1776. Finerty, James, enlisted February 12, 1776. Forsyth, Hugh, enlisted January 18, 1776. George, William, enlisted January 29, 1776. Gill, Thomas, enlisted February 18, 1776. Girven Henry, enlisted February 3, 1776. Glouse, Jacob, enlisted January 31, 1776. COL. WILLIAM IRVINE. 181 Hamilton, Cumberland, enlisted January 23, 1776. Hardon, Neal, enlisted January 25, 1776; taken June 8, 1776: pa- roled August 9, 1776. Haslet, Robert, Clady, county Derry, Ireland; enlisted February 29, 1776 ; taken June 8, 1776. Hemphill, Nathan, enlisted January 22, 1776. Henderson, William, enlisted January 18, 1776; discharged April 18, 1776. Hendry, John, enlisted February 5, 1776. Hervey, James, enlisted January 18, 1776; died August 10, 1776. Hewett, George, enlisted February 5, 1776. Irvine, Robert, enlisted February 29, 1776. Johnston, John, enlisted February 1, 1776. Justice, Jacob, entisted January 20, 1776. Kain, Francis, enlisted January 31, 1776; died October 24, 1776. Keechler, Christopher, enlisted January 29, 1776. Kelly, John, enlisted January 18, 1776. Lavery, Daniel, enlisted February 19, 1776. Linsey, David, enlisted January 18, 1776. Lowry, William, enlisted February 1, 1776. Lynch, James, enlisted January 26, 1776. Madden, John, enlisted January 20, 1776. McCall, Josiah, enlisted February 3, 1776. McCall, Thomas, enlisted January 29, 1776. McClain, Daniel, enlisted January 26, 1776. McClain, David, enlisted January 18, 1776. McComb, James, enlisted February 1, 1776. McCon, James, enlisted February 20, 1776. McCoy, James, enlisted February 1, 1776. McDonal, John, enlisted January 20, 1776. McFerson, George, enlisted January 19, 1776. McGaw, John, enlisted February 8, 1776 ; of East Nottingham town- ship, Chester county, Pa. Mclntire, William, enlisted January 31, 1776. McMichael, John, enlisted March 5, 1776. McNichols, Alexander, enlisted February 8, 1776. Melone, Charles, enlisted February 5, 1776. Melon, Philip, enlisted March 1, 1776; taken July 24, 1776. Moore, John, enlisted February 1, 1776. Mullen, James, enlisted February 3, 1776. Nicholson, William, enlisted February 1,1776. O'Neal, John, enlisted January 19, 1776. Ortman, John, enlisted March 6, 1776. Parsons, Thomas, enlisted February 1, 1776. Patterson, Aaron, enlisted March 6, 1776. Pratt, Thomas, enlisted. January 18, 1776; taken June 8, 1776; pa- roled August 9, 1776. 182 SIXTH PENNSYLVANIA BATTALION. Reed, Thomas, enlisted January 18, 1776. Regan, Basil, enlisted January 18, 1776; killed June 21, 1776. Robeson, Robert, enlisted January 27, 1776; taken June 8, 1776. Rodgers, Jabez, Morristown, N. J., enlisted February 1, 1776 ; taken July 24, 1776 ; paroled August 9, 1776. Rosbrough, Charles, enlisted January 22, 1776. Rosbrough, John, enlisted January 22, 1776. Scott, Henry, of Bellemena, county Antrim, Ireland, enlisted Jan- uary 31, 1776 ; taken June 8, 1776 ; paroled August 9, 1776. Smiley, James, enlisted February 5, 1776. Stephenson, Alexander, enlisted February 12, 1776; taken June 8, 1776, remained a prisoner during the war at Quebec; resided in Allegheny county in 1810. Stephenson, Nathaniel, enlisted January 27, 1776; promoted No- vember 10, 1776 ; discharged April 20, 1777 ; resided in Butler county, 1828. Storm, John, enlisted January 22, 1776. Thompson, William, enlisted January 19, 1776. Trash, Jacob, enlisted February 1, 1776. Tribel, John, enlisted January 18, 1776. Yan Kirk, John, enlisted January 18, 1776. Winn, John, enlisted February 3, 1776; reenlisted in Seventh Penn'a. Wright, John, enlisted January 31, 1776. Young, Peter, enlisted February 2, 1776 ; deserted April 7, 1776. ROLL OF CAPTAIN MOSES McCLEAN'S COMPANY, Captain. McClean, Moses, commissioned January 9, 1776; taken June 21, 1776 ; exchanged March 27, 1777 ; died at Chillicothe, Ohio, August 25, 1810, aged seventy-three. First Lieutenants. Eichelberger, Barnet, York county; commissioned January 9, 1776 ; resigned February 5, 1776. Edie, John, commissioned February 5, 1776; taken June 8, 1776; exchanged Api'il 10, 1778 ; afterwards Gen. John Edie ; resided in Adams county in 1814. Second Lieutenant. Hoge, John, March, 1776 ; taken June 8, 1776 ; exchanged April 20, 1778. COL. WILLIAM IRVINE. 183 Ensign. Hopes Robert, commissioned January 9, 1776. Sergeants. Ralston, Robert. Smith, John. Milligan, James. King, John, promoted October 17, 1776. Allison, Robert, appointed October 17, 1776. Drum and Fife. Conner, Patrick. Stack, Richard. Privates. Adair, John. Alison, Robert, promoted October 17, 1776. Atcheson, Edward. Barclay, Joseph, Blain, John, see Fourth Penn'a. Blakely, George, enlisted 22d January, 1776; taken at Three Rivers, reenlisted Capt. Hopes' company, Col. Hartley's regiment. Brown, John. Campbell, William. Chesney, Thomas. Cochran, William. Conn, James. Commoly, John. Crawford, Robert. Cunningham, David. Cunningham, Patrick. Dill, Thomas. Dingley, William. Duffleld, Felix. Dunlap, John. Eavan, William. Entrican, William. Faith, Alexander. Gerard, Matthias. Gibbons, Henry. Gray nor, Thomas. Griffith, David. Hall, John. Hargie, John. Heinerman, Michael. Hughes, William. Jayne, Aaron. Johnston, George. 184 SIXTH PENNSYLVANIA BATTALION, Johnston, James. Kelly, Edward. Kennedy, Samuel. King, Patrick. King, William, artificer. Kinkaid, Samuel. Limerick, Patrick. Long, Joseph. Lynch, Patrick. Mahon, Charles. Madden, Timothy. Maxwell, James. Meloy, Bartholomew, enlisted January, 1776 ; wounded at Three Rivers ; resided, in 1828, in Fayette county. McBride, John. McDaniel, James. McDonald, William. McDowell, John, captured June 21, 1776; reenlisted in Col. Hart- ley's regiment. McFarland, Jacob. McGee, John, promoted October 18, 1776. McGonagal, Neal. McGuan, Patrick. McKeeder, Owen. McManery, James. Me Wi Hams, John. Morgan, Christian. Mullen, Daniel. Murphy, Dennis. Murray, Eneas. Needham, Robert. Nelson, Thomas. Nolan, Luke. O'Hara, Dennis. Patten, John. Patterson, John. Robinson, John. Sample, William. Shugart, Eli. Simonton, John. Sloane, David, promoted October 18, 1776. Smith, Patrick. Sullivan, Peter. Tibbens, Henry, enlisted by Lieut. Edie ; resided in Buffalo Val- ley, Union county, in 1814. It appears by a certificate of Capt. Timothy Green, that Tibbins served in his company in the year 1764, Col. Asher Clayton's regiment, Col. Bouquet's campaign. COL. WILLIAM IRVINE. 185 ROLL OF CAPTAIN JAMES A. WILSON'S COMPANY. Captain. Wilson, James A., commissioned January 9, 1776; taken July 24, 1776. First Lieutenants. Bush, Lewis, commissioned January 9,1776; promoted to Capt. Adams' company. McFerren, Samuel, appointed June 24, 1776; from Capt. Adam's company. Second Lieutenants. McClelland, William, commissioned January 9, 1776; resigned March 23, 1776. Wilson, Robert, on recruiting service ; promoted March 23, 1776, vice McClelland resigned. Ensigns. Culbertson, Joseph, commissioned January 9, 1776; killed June 21, 1776. Bush, John, appointed June 24, 1776. , Sergeants. Phillips, Robert; sick in hospital. Morton, Robert. Morrison, John. Gibb, William ; sick in camp. Corporals. Alexander, Francis. Stirling, Jonathan. Hughes, Dennis, sick in camp. Cavan, Thomas. Drummer. Neilson, Thomas. Fifer. Mcllroy, John. Privates. Andrews, John. Alexander, Thomas. Alexander, William. Barry, John. Brown, John C. Campbell, Francis. 186 SIXTH PENNSYLVANIA BATTALION. Chambers, James. Chisar, Christopher. Cochran, Anthony. Conner, Patrick. Cook, Alexander. Dailey, Dennis. Donnely, Ephram. Douglass, James. Ferris, John. Fletcher, William. Flynn, Simon. Galbreath, Josiah. Goff , Roger. Graham, Alexander. Graham, John. Gwinn, Patrick. Hanna, William. Haslet, Samuel. Harris, Kobert. Holdtree, Joseph. Harrison, Arthur. Huff, Patrick. Kaveny, James. Kelly, Charles. Kirkpatrick, James. Kerney, Hugh. Keiser, Christopher. Linton, Joseph. Long, Joseph. Mann, John. McCastney, Hugh. McChain, Henry. McCormack, Robert. McCoy, David. McCullough, Samuel. McDonald, Patrick. McElroy, John. McFauls, John. McGuire, James. McKain, James. McKey, Samuel, sick in camp. McKinley, James, sick in hospital. McKnight, Charles. McNaughton, Charles. McLeod, Norman. McLaughlin, John. COL. WILLIAM IRVINE. 187 Miller, David. Miller, George. Miller, John, sick in camp. Mock, George. Monroe, Alexander. Moore, Joseph, sick in camp. Murry, Daniel, sick in camp. Murry, Robert. Neilson, Thomas. O'Neill, John. Fanily, Ruloph. Parker, John. Patrick, George. Pinckerton, Joseph. Kosenstell, Martin. Ryan, Andrew. Smith, John. Sommerville, John. Spence, Henry. Stockney, Patrick. Story, Robert. Storm, John. Strong, Charles. Sweeney, Hugh. Tiaff , Patrick. Thompson, John. Todd, Robert. Treacy, John. Walker, William. Warm, John. Weaver, Henry. Welch, John. Welch, Thomas. Whelin, Michael. White, Christopher. White, Hector. Wickard, Michael. Wiggans, William, sick in camp. Wills, William. Wren, Joseph, resided in York county, in 1818, aged eighty; see Carter's York County, page 86. The above is taken from a muster roll, dated in camp at Mt. In- dependence, November 20, 1776 ; muster of officers from 9th of January, 1776 ; of men and non-commissioned officers from October 1, 1776, &c. EICHAED YARICK, D. M. M. G. 188 SIXTH PENNSYLVANIA BATTALION. ROLL OF CAPTAIN ROBERT ADAMS' COMPANY. March 20, 1776, total strength of the company, ninety-one. Captains. Adams, Robert, commissioned January 9, 1776 ; killed June 21, 1776. Bush, Lewis, appointed June 24, 1776, from Capt. Wilson's company. First Lieutenant. Bratton, William, commissioned January 9, 1776. Second Lieutenants. McFerren, Samuel, commissioned January 9, 1776; promoted first lieutenant of Capt. Wilson's company; taken June 21, 1776. Nichols, William, appointed June 24, 1776. Ensigns. Murray, John, commissioned January 9, 1776. Neeper, William, appointed March 23, 1776, vice John Murray ; re- signed. Calderwood, James, appointed May 1, 1776; August 1, 1776, pro- moted on board the fleet. McCoy, Thomas, appointed August 1, 1776 ; taken October 1, 1776 ; exchanged August 10, 1777. King, John, appointed October 1, 1776, rice McCoy. Sergeants. Ewing, James, appointed January 25, 1776. Woods, Samuel, appointed January 25, 1776 ; reduced June 2, 1776. McLinn, John, appointed January 25, 1776. Smith, John, appointed January 25, 1776; reduced May 15, 1776. Kyle, William, appointed May, 15, 1776. Orbison, John, appointed June 2, 1776. Corporals. Byers, Joseph, appointed January 25, 1776. Lawson, Thomas, appointed January 25, 1776 ; reduced May 1, 1776. Carnaghan, Alexander, appointed January 25, 1776. Renick, William, appointed January 25, 1776. Wilson, Josiah, appointed June 15, 1776. O'Neal, Timothy, appointed September 25, 1776. Drummer. Haslet, John, appointed January 30, 1776. COL. WILLIAM IRVINE. 189 Fifer. Wann, John, appointed January 25, 1776. Privates. Baskins, Williams, enlisted February 14, 1776 Beatty, Walker, enlisted February 3, 1776. Blue, Daniel, enlisted February 3, 1776 ; waiting on Gen. Schuyler. Brannon, Richard, Killan, county Mead, Ireland ; enlisted January 25, 1776 ; taken June 8, 1776; paroled August 9, 1776. Bryan, William, enlisted January 25, 1776. Bucket, John, enlisted March 1, 1776; deserted May 1, 1776. Bullain, James, enlisted February 3, 1776 ; taken June 8, 1776. Burns, Andrew, enlisted February 14, 1776 ; taken June 8, 1776. Burns, John, enlisted February 14, 1776. Burns, Roger, enlisted January 25, 1776. Cachy, John, enlisted January 30, 1776. Campbell, Alexander, enlisted January 30, 1776. Chapman, Amos, enlisted February 3, 1776. Conner, John, enlisted February 1, 1776. Cummins, Robert, enlisted January 30, 1776. Davis, John, enlisted January 25, 1776; taken June 8, 1776. Denny, Edward, enlisted January 30, 1776 ; killed June 8, 1776. Dougherty, John, enlisted January 30, 1776. Douglas, James, enlisted March 1, 1776; taken October 1, 1776, and paroled. Drannon, William, enlisted February 3, 1776. Drue, George, enlisted February 14, 1776. Duffy, James, enlisted January 30, 1776. Dugan, Charles, enlisted January 25, 1776. Dyer, William, enlisted March 1, 1776. Edgarton, Edward, enlisted February 14, 1776. Elliott, James, enlisted February 14, 1776. Ewing, John, enlisted February 6, 1776. Gallaher, Edward, enlisted February 2, 1776. Gillis, Thomas, enlisted February 17, 1776. Greer, Thomas, enlisted January 30, 1776. Hall, David, enlisted February 4, 1776. Hamilton, James, enlisted January 25, 1776. Hamilton, John, enlisted January 21, 1776. Hamilton, William, enlisted January 25, 1776 ; died September 1, 1776. Handbury, Hugh, enlisted January 30, 1776. Higgins, James, enlisted February 14, 1776. Isaac, Solomon, enlisted February 6, 1776; taken June 8, 1776. Joyce, Richard, enlisted January 30, 1776; taken June 8, 1776. Kennedy, James, enlisted January 30, 1776. Killwell, Thomas, enlisted January 21, 1776. 190 SIXTH PENNSYLVANIA BATTALION. Kyle, William, enlisted January 30, 1777 ; promoted sergeant May 15, 1776. Lawson, Thomas, from corporal, May 1, 1776; taken June 8, 1776. Maxwell, James, enlisted February 14, 1776. May, William, enlisted February 22, 1776. McCartney, John, enlisted February 2, 1776. McConnell, Michael, enlisted January 30, 1776 ; taken June 8, 1776; paroled August 9, 1776. McCoy, Gilbert, enlisted February 14, 1776. McCoy, Thomas, enlisted February 14, 1776 ; promoted ensign Au- gust 1, 1776. Magee, Andrew, enlisted February 14, 1776. Magee, John, enlisted February 14, 1776. Magee, Thomas, enlisted February 14, 1776. McGilligan, Barnabas, enlisted February 5, 1776. McGowan, William, enlisted January 30, 1776. Mclutire, Thomas, enlisted January 21, 1776. McLane, Hugh, enlisted January 25, 1776. McNeal, Paul, enlisted February 30, 1776; taken June 8, 1776 ; pa- roled August 9, 1776. See Seventh Penn'a. Mooney, William, enlisted March 1, 1776. Morrow, Thomas, enlisted January 25, 1776. Murkhey, James, enlisted February 6, 1776 ; deserted May 27,1776. Obison, John, enlisted January 30, 1776. Olford, John, enlisted February 4, 1776. O'Neal, Timothy, enlisted February 3, 1776: promoted corporal September 21, 1776. See Seventh Penn'a. Pitzer, Jacob, enlisted January 30, 1776. Polch, William, enlisted January 30, 1776 ; died September 22, 1776. Quigley, James, enlisted January 21, 1776. Redstone, William, enlisted January 21, 1776. Shockney, Patrick, enlisted February 6, 1776. Smith, Joshua, enlisted February 1, 1776 ; taken June 8, 1776. Standup, William, enlisted February 3, 1776. Stenson, James, enlisted May 1, 1776. Swany, John, enlisted January 25, 1776; deserted April 10, 1776. Thompson, James, enlisted January 21, 1776. Tomlinson, Evan, enlisted February 3, 1776. Ward, John, enlisted February 2, 1776. Waugh, William, enlisted February 3, 1776. White, John, enlisted February 3, 1776. Wilson, Josiah, enlisted January 30,1776 ; promoted corporal June 15, 1776. Wiseman, George, enlisted January 21,1776; resided in Cumber- land county in 1819. Wood, Samuel, of Brandy wine Hundreds, enlisted January 25, 1776 ; taken June 8, 1776 : paroled August 9, 1776. PENNSYLVANIA RIFLE REGIMENT. COL. SAMUEL MILES MAECH 6, 1776. PENNSYLVANIA RIFLE REGIMENT. 1776. [HE PENNSYLVANIA RIFLE REGIMENT, and the Pennsylvania Battalion of Musketry were em- bodied strictly for the defense of the Province of Penn- sylvania, by the prudent foresight of its 'House of Rep- resentatives, at the suggestion of the Committee of Safety. Among the minutes of the latter of the 20th of Feb- ruary, 1776, appears, inter alia " The committee taking into consideration what further measures are necessary for the defence of this Province, came to the follow- ing resolution "That application be made to the Honorable, the House of Rep- resentatives, praying that they will take order for the raising of two thousand men to act in the defense of rovince, and this Board will represent it as their opinion, that it will be most for the public service, that one battalion of regular troops be formed out of that number, and the remainder be a body of riflemen." The House acted promptly in considering the matter, and on the 4th of March appointed a committee to prepare an estimate of the expense of levying a body of fifteen hundred men, victualing and paying them for one year. On the 5th of March, the committee, Col. Miles being one, re- ported a carefully detailed estimate, which amounted to $172,772, 64,789 10s Penn'a currency. On the same day, the House resolved to levy and to take into pay fifteen hundred men, officers included ; and that the men be en- listed to serve until the 1st day of January, 1778, subject to be dis- charged at any time, upon the advance of a month's pay to each man. On the 6th, they determined that one thousand of the levies should be riflemen, divided in two battalions of five hundred men 13 VOL. X. 194 PENNSYLVANIA RIFLE REGIMENT. each, the ^remaining to be a battalion of musketmen. The two rifle battalions to have one colonel ; each battalion to consist of six companies, to be officered with one lieutenant colonel, one major, six captains, eighteen lieutenants, and to have twenty-four ser- geants, six fifes, six drums, one adjutant, two surgeons, one quarter master, each company to number seventy-two rank and file. The battalion of musketmen to consist of eight companies, officered by a colonel, lieutenant colonel, major, eight captains, eight lieuten- ants, eight ensigns, and to have sixteen sergeants, sixteen corporals, eight fifes, eight drums,, one adjutant, two surgeons, and one quar- ter-master, each company to have fifty-two privates. Capt. John Murray, of Paxtang township, Lancaster county (now Dauphin) was the first captain appointed on the 7th of March, fol- lowed by John Marshall, of the same county, on the same day. The other captains were appointed on the 9th, and the field officers on the 14th. Col. John Cadwalader was appointed colonel of the battalion of musketmen ; but as under the arrangement of the House, he would be second colonel, he declined, and on the 21st Samuel Atlee Esq., of Lancaster county was appointed. A com- mittee of the House reported the respective ranks of the line offi- cers on the 28th of March. On the 5th of April, rules and regula- tions for the better government of the military associations in Pennsylvania were adopted, and the Speaker directed to sign the commissions, which were all dated on the 6th of April. Nearly the whole of the rifle regiment, according to Col. Miles' statement, was raised in about six weeks, and rendezvoused at Marcus Hook. On the 2d of July the regiment was ordered up to Philadelphia, and on the 4th, one battalion, under Lieut. Col. Brodhead ordered to Bordentown, N. J., and on the 5th, the whole regiment marched for Trenton, whence it marched to Amboy, under orders to join General Mercer, which it accom- plished on the 16th. Col. Atlee 's battalion arrived on the beach at Amboy on the 21st. On the 24th, according to a general return, there were eight hun- dred and sixty seven officers and men of the rifle regiment present; of the battalion of musketry, four hundred and six officers and men. Col. Miles was ordered over to New York on the 10th of August, and Col. Atlee on the llth ; on the 12th they were brigaded with Glover's and Smallwood's regiments, under the command of Brigadier Lord Sterling. For the part taken by the three battalions reference is made to Cols. Miles and Atlee's journals Pennsylvania Archives, vol. i. 2nd series, 512 et sequitur; Col. Brodhead 's letter, vol. v, 1st series, page 21. A. The Hill on which Lord Sterling commanded the Brigade field-pieces and small arms. , JB. Large bodies of the Enemy marching round our People. C, C, C. Our Camps with Forts G t G, G in front of them. D, D. The road to the Red Lion, where the Enemy marched Camps. E. The Flat-bush road. F. Where a considerable number of our People were station felled across the Road, to defend themselves -when attacked. H. Fort Putnam, where part of CoL Hand^s men commandt the Fort. /. A small upper Fort where I was with the Col. the day of after standing their ground at the Hill, at last descended, and the longer, with little or no intermission till our -men retreated by the which preiiented the enemy at B, B and K, from seeing them retre were drowned in the creek P, in endeavoring to get over. We exp they were not above 400 or 450 yards from Fort I, to those at JC, h R, R. The Enemy's Camp the day after the battle. PART OY ISILATSTD Jftaibush. * 2lbf" * Col'JlanHs Regiment ntut TftirvfA at 10 o clock " fhe. same, morning of (ht. enyagemtnJt/. Sonvetrhetv, Tvere, Ifeyor BureL wo* takeri-Prison-tr. Souths ^SIHttMitb- .The enemy Ta.n3mg -Uyopii. 7- _ ~~~ 'Oif Engagement; " _ ~~ k\W\\\ THE BATTLE OF LONG ISLAND. __i a MAJ. l\\\\i \ V \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ I\W; ich stood a considerable time exposed to the enemies fire from their Flat-bush, along the river and got between our People and the yn a hill, with several field-pices, and breast-works made of trees >y Lieut. Col. Chambers where detached from the Regiment to man engagement where we saw the whole action at A, A, A. Our people t was elected pro- fessor of En S lish oratory in the University of Penn'a, which ' position he resigned in 1812 ; in 1816-1817 he was a member of the Assembly from Philadel- phia. He died m Philadelphia April 7, 1824, aged seventy-three. 200 PENNSYLVANIA RIFLE REGIMENT. Adjutants. Bowen, Thomas Bartholomew. McGowan, John. Wallace, Thomas, of Philadelphia, appointed October 24, 1776. Q uarter-Masters . Power, Alexander, appointed April 6, 1776. Laverswyler, Jacob, appointed October 24, 1776. Pa y-M asters. Cox, Isaac, appointed September 18, 1776 ; resigned October 16, 1776. Redman, John, appointed October 1776. Surgeons. Davis, John, of Chester county, appointed March 22, 1776 ; taken prisoner August 27, 1776 ; March 1, 1777, he was appointed sur- geon of Col. Patton's regiment, with which he served until April, 1779. Surgeon Davis died February 13, 1806, aged seventy- seven and is buried in the Baptist Valley church, Tredyffrin, Chester county. Riegor, Jacob, of Lancaster county, appointed March 22, 1776. Surgeon' 1 s Mates. Davis, Joseph, captured August 27, 1776; exchanged December 8 r 1776, for Dr. Beaumont. Buck, Henry, of Capt. Marshall's company. Buck, James, appointed October 25, 1776. Sergeant Major First Battalion. Hoffner, George, afterwards adjutant Procter's artillery. FIRST BATTALION. ROLL OF CAPTAIN LEWIS FARMER'S COMPANY. Captain. Farmer, Lewis, of Philadelphia, commissioned April 6, 1776; wounded on Long Island August 27, 1776; promoted major March 14, 1777. First Lieutenant. Davis, John, April 6, 1776 ; taken August 27, 1776 ; promoted cap- tain in Ninth Penn'a. COL. SAMUEL MILES. 201 Second Lieutenants. Wirt, George, promoted first lieutenant in C apt. Shade's company, May 28, 1776. Jacquet, Joseph, from third lieutenant ; killed in battle August 27, 1776 ; left a widow residing in Philadelphia in 1791. Third Lieutenants. commissioned April 6, 1776; promoted second lieutenant May 28, 1776. Brodhead, Luke, appointed May 28, 1776 ; taken prisoner August 27, 1776; exchanged December 8, 1776, for Lieut. Wellington, of the twenty-sixth British ; appointed second lieutenant from October 24, 1776. Sergeants. Swartz, Christian Gotfried, first sergeant, April 12, 1776. Hoffner, George, second sergeant, (sergeant major,) May 8, 1776. Sheffler, Valentine, third sergeant, April 16, 1776. Gorman, Joseph, fourth sergeant, March 29, 1776 ; in 1777, promoted ensign of Thirteenth Penn'a. Murphy, John, from private, July 17, 1776. Drum and Fife. Garrett, Eobert, March 19, 1776; missing since August 27, 1776. Wolff, Frederick, March 14, 1776 ; discharged May 29, 1776. Privates. Adam, Christian, May 11, 1776. Adams, Christopher. Adams, William, April 21, 1776. Alspaugh, David, March 23, 1776. Alspaugh, John, March 23, 1776. Alstot, John, April 20, 1776. Anderson, Alexander, April 12, 1776 ; missing since August 27, 1776. Anderson, John, April 25, 1776. Barry, John, April 4, 1776. Bathorn, Hugh, March 22, 1776; discharged June 12. 1776. Bidy, John, May 6, 1776. Bikle, Jacob. Brenner, John, April 10, 1776. Broxen, Benjamin, April 29, 1776. Bryan, George, May 5, 1776. Buam, Bardie, May 11, 1776. Burger, John, April 20, 1776 ; missing since August 27, 1776. Butterwork, Isaac, April 17, 1776; discharged June 28, 1776. Cordier, Henry, May 11, 1776 ; missing since August 27, 1776. Carlick, George, April 10, 1776. Coone, Mathias, April 29, 1776. 202 PENNSYLVANIA RIFLE REGIMENT. Craige, David, April 18, 1776. Creewas, [Gray was,] Bastian, April 9, 1776; missing since August 27, 1776. Daniel, Cornelius, April 19, 1776; missing since August 27, 1776. Dehart, Samuel, April 12, 1776. Dilrnau, Andrew, April 11, 1776. Dilmau, George, April 9, 1776. Dunkelberger, John, March 23, 1776. Durland, Jacob, April 12, 1776. Edwards, John. May 8, 1776 ; missing since August 27, 1776. Emrish, John, April 4, 1776, Englehard, Jacob, missing since August 27, 1776. Feeser, John, May 8, 1776. Flanigan, Timothy, May 8, 1776. Foey, Christian, May 2, 1776 ; missing since August 27, 1776. Frederick, Abraham, May 10, 1776. Freese, Philip, April 1, 1776 ; missing since August 27, 1776. Garling, George, missing since August 27, 1776. Gigher [ Gyeger,] John, May 2, 1776. Haas, John, May 6, 1776. Hackett, Benjamin, April 29, 1776; missing since August 27,1776. Hagar, Jonathan, April 4, 1776 ; missing since August 27, 1776. Hamans, Lawrence, April 5, 1776; missing since August 27, 1776. Harris, Francis, April 27, 1776 ; discharged June 22, 1776. Hass, Peter, April 10, 1776. Hause, Nicholas, April 13, 1776 ; missing since August 27, 1776. Haynes, John, April 30, 1776. Haynes, Martin, April 30, 1776 ; missing since August 27, 1776. Hettrick George, April 1, 1776. Hettrick, Adam, April 12, 1776. Heartman, Henry, April 19, 1776. Hager, Jonathan, April 4, 1776; missing since August 27, 1776. Hering, Christopher, April 10, 1776. Hill, Frederick, May 1, 1776. Hingle, Leonard. March 23, 1776. Holder, Jacob, April 7, 1776. Houser, Ludwig, April 12, 1776; resided near Strasburg, Franklin county, 1818. Inglehert, Jacob, April 28, 1776. Isenhauer, Philip, April 4, 1776 ; resided in Mercer county in 1826. Jones, Race, [Rease,], April 4, 1776. Keasper, Samuel, May 11, 1776. Keating, John, April 13, 1776; transferred to Capt. Peebles' com- pany July 3, 1776. Kecht, Jacob, April 4, 1776. Keither, [Kydle] Adam, April 19,1776; missing since August 27, 1776. COL. SAMUEL MILES. 203 Kirkpatrick, George, May 2, 1776 ; died July 8, 1776. Knode, Henry, May 2, 1776. Koppenhever, Jacob, May 8, 1776 ; missing since August 27, 1776. Latcha, John, April 5, 1776. Lederman, Michael, May 2, 1776. Lehman, Henry, April 20, 1776 ; reenlisted in Capt. John Cobea's company, Second Penn'a. Leidy, Valentine, May 3, 1776. Loch, George, April 24, 1776. Lonsiscus, [Lanciskis] Jacob, April 1, 1776. Mace, Paul, April 10, 1776. Mahoney, Thomas, May 2, 1776, McCalpene, Thomas, May 21, 1776. Mecum, Frederick, April 18, 1776. Meserly, Conrad, May 11, 1776 ; missing since August 27, 1776. Miller, Frederick, Jr., April 1, 1776. Miller, Frederick, Sr., July 5, 1776. Miller, George, Jr., May 2, 1776 ; missing since August 27, 1776. Miller, George, Sr., July 5, 1776. Moore, William, April 18, 1776. Murphy, John, May 8, 1776 ; promoted sergeant July 17, 1776. Mease, Balser, April 14, 1776 ; see Second Penn'a. Onglebeck, Matthias, April 20, 1776. Pelser, Anthony, May 9, 1776. Piggle, Jacob, April 9, 1776. Resler, George Hendrick, May 1, 1776. Rouse, Jacob, April 10, 1776. Salada Melchior, (armorer,) May 2, 1776 ; discharged by order of Congress in December, 1776, to enter the service of D. & S. Hughes, in making cannon. Swager, Adam, April 9, 1776 ; missing since August 27, 1776. Segler, Peter, April 29, 1776. Seiginger, Nicholas, May 1, 1776. Shifle, Jacob, April 4, 1776 ; wounded August 27, 1776 ; reenlisted for three years ; resided in Montgomery county in 1813. Sheetz, Francis, April 29, 1776 , missing since August 27, 1776. Shutt, Jacob, April 1, 1776 ; missing since August 27, 1776. Simon, Samuel, April 1, 1776. Slotterer, Jacob, April 6, 1776 ; missing since August 27, 1776. Smith, John, May 9, 1776. Snatterly, Henry, April 5, 1776. Stargar, Justis, [Youst,] March 14, 1776; transferred to Capt. Long's company. Straupe, Adam, April 10, 1776. Stump, Christopher, April 5, 1776. Stump, George, March 26, 1776. 204 PENNSYLVANIA RIFLE REGIMENT. Unklebach, Matthias. Vanemogher, Philip, April 20, 1776. Voolever, Godlip, April 8, 1776 ; missing since August 27, 1776. Ward, William, April 29, 1776. Wert, Chistian, March 23, 1776. Wetsteine, [Wetstone,] Balser, April 30, 1776. Wise, Henry, April 30, 1776 ; missing since August 27, 1776. Young, John, May 4, 1776; missing since August 27, 1766. Zeister, Daniel, May 2, 1776. ROLL OF CAPTAIN RICHARD BROWN'S COMPANY. Captains. Brown, Richard, appointed from Bedford county, March 19, 1776; taken prisoner August 27, 1776. Moore, James Francis, from first lieutenant, October 25, 1776. First Lieutenant. Moore, James F., appointed from Bedford county, March 19, 1776; joined the company August 9, 1776 ; promoted captain October 25, 1776. , Second Lieutenants. Barnet, James, resigned July 23, 1776. Boyd, Thomas, from third lieutenant of Capt. Shade's company, August 9, 1776; taken at Fort Washington; resided in In- diana county in 1817. Third Lieutenant. Holmes, James, commissioned April 15, 1776 ; resigned December 31 , 1776. Sergeants. Steits, Henry. Anderson, James, missing since August 27, 1776; paroled Decem ber, 1776 ; resided in Bedford county in 1813. Fitzgerald, Patrick. Evans, Samuel. Johnston, Thomas. Hirsh, Jacob. Drummer. Lever, William, missing since August 27, 1776. COL. SAMUEL MILES. 205 Fifer. Ludwick, Conrad. Privates. Allen, Ephraim. Allen, Richard. Armstrong, Henry. Barkley, Hugh, missing since August 27, 1776. Biddle, Hezekiah, missing since August 27, 1776. Biddleson, George. Bradley, Thomas. Bradley, William, missing since August 27, 1776. Brown, Solomon. Carmichael, Peter, missing since August 27, 1776. Clark, James. Clements, George. Conrey, John. Cowin, Michael. Crossan, Samuel, missing since August 27, 1776. Dailey, James. Dawson, Jeremiah. Develin, Peter, missing since August 27, 1776. Dougherty, John. Dreiskel, Timothy, missing since August 27, 1776. Duke, Alexander. Evans, James. Evans, Samuel, promoted sergeant. Fitzgerald, William, discharged October 18, 1776. Growss, Adam, missing since August 27, 1776. Haggerty, John. Harris, John. Hirsh, Jacob, promoted sergeant. Henderson, Alexander. Henry, Hugh. Holmes, Alexander, missing since August 27, 1776. Huston, Robert, missing since August 27, 1776. Johnston, Thomas, promoted sergeant. Jones, Joshua. Kelly, James. Lever, James, killed at Staten Island, July 26, 1776. Ludwick, Conrad. Maguire, Daniel. Mallon, John, wounded by accident, August 12, 1776 Marshall Solomon. Mclntire, Daniel. McGregor, John, missing since August 27, 1776. 206 PENNSYLVANIA KIFLE REGIMENT. McKittrick, Michael. McMichael, Christy, missing since August 27, 1776. Mior, John, August 4, 1776. Moore, William, missing since August 27, 1776. Morris, George. Nesbit, Jonathan, missing since August 27, 1776. Penrod, Tobias. Riley, Job. Roberts, Richard, missing since August 27, 1776. Rush, Jacob. Ryan , Miles. Scott, Nathaniel, missing since August 27, 1776. Skinner, Samuel. Shaver, Philip. Smith, John, Jr., discharged September 1, 1776. Smith, John. Sr. Sparks, Degory, missing since the battle, August 27, 1776. Sparsell, Isaac. Stan ton, Thomas. Steed, James, discharged July 11, 1776 ; returned August 23, 177H ; reenlisted at Hancock, Md., in the Thirteenth Penn'a. Stockton, Thomas. Stokes, Robert, missing since the battle, August 27, 1776. Tull, Richard. Vanasdale, Isaac. Yorris, Albert. Welsh, Mark. ROLL OF CAPTAIN ANDREW LONG'S COMPANY. Captain. Long, Andrew, of Bucks county, commissioned April 6, 1776 ; re- signed on account of ill health, October 14, 1776. First Lieutenant. Spear, John, captured August 27, 1776; exchanged and promoted captain, State regiment. Second Lieutenants' Finley, Joseph L., promoted captain of Third Penn'a. Dungan, John, COL. SAMUEL MILES. 207 Third Lieutenants. Hargis, Benjamin, Hargis, Abraham, commissioned September . , 1776. Hagus, James. Sergeants. Yanpelt, John. Nelson, James. Higginbottom, Thomas, missing since the battle, August 27, 1776. Murphey, Archibald. Gordon, George. Drum and Fife. Donely, Henry, missing since the battle, August 27, 1776. Nelson, James, missing since the battle, August 27, 1776. Privates. Allen Enoch, April 1, 1776. Barkley, John, April 22, 1776. Barnet, James, April 13, 1776. Beatty, John, March 25, 1776 ; missing since the battle, August 27, 1776. Burket, John, April 17, 1776. Christopher, Thomas, April 20, 1776 ; missing since the battle, Aug- ust 27, 1776. Cunningham, John, April 23, 1776. Dean, Rex, April 3, 1776. Dougherty, Hugh. Duffield, James, May 3, 1776. Dunlap, Abraham, April 1, 1776 ; missing since the battle, August 27, 1776. Elliott, John, Jr., March 21, 1776 ; missing since the battle, August 27, 1776. Elliott, John, Sr., April 18, 1776 ; missing since the battle, August 27, 1776. Fiock, Jacob, April 10, 1776. Fitner, Henry, April 10, 1776. Fitzgerald, John, April 22, 1776. Fotterel, Patrick, April 23, 1776. Fullum, Thomas, April 23, 1776. Griffith, Howell, April 15, 1776. Griffith, Joseph, April 23, 1776. Griffith, Owen, March 27, 1776. Haggerty, Hugh, April 18, 1776. Harverd, Benjamin, April 1,1776; missing since the battle, August 27, 1776. 208 PENNSYLVANIA RIFLE REGIMENT. Higginbottom, Thomas, April 12, 1776; promoted sergeant. Hurley, John, April 9, 1776. Kelly, Patrick, April 23, 1776 ; missing sin-:3 the battle, August 27, 1776. Kelly, Thomas, April 23, 1776. Kepler, Matthias, April 8, 1776. Lawson, John, March 18, 1776. Leviston, David, March 21, 1776. Lynch, Andrew, April 18, 1776. McDowell, James, discharged. McDowell, Robert, March 21, 1776. McGargy, James, " not joined yet, June 1, 1776." McGlachlin, Patrick, April 24, 1776. Mclntire William, April 5, 1776. McKinney, John, April 10, 1776. McLean. Daniel, April 18. 1776 ; missing since the battle, August 27, 1776. McLean, Jacob. Morland, John, April 29, 1776. Mulhalon, Hugh, March, 1776 ; wounded August 27, 1776. See Second Penn'a. Murry, Thomas, April 22, 1776. Murphy, Arch'd, April 3, 1776 ; promoted sergeant. Myler, William, April 10, 1776. Perry, William, April 15, 1776. Petiliet, John Emanuel, April 23, 1776. Powers, William, March 28, 1776. Rich William, April 3, 1776. Ried, Patrick. Roddy, John, April 17, 1776; discharged July 17, 1776. Ruffcorn, Simon, April 1, 1776. Shelton, John, April 16, 1776. Smalley, Samuel, April 4, 1776. Smith, Samuel, April 3, 1776. Stope, John, April 25, 1776. Stretch, Jacob, April 12, 1776. Stretton, Abraham, April 10, 1776. Taylor, William. Teat, Adam, May 4, 1776. Tempels, George, April 22, 1776. Williams, John, April 16, 1776; missing since the battle, August 27, 1776. COL. SAMUEL MILES. 209 ROLL OF CAPTAIN PHILIP ALBRIGHT'S COMPANY. (In camp near King's Bridge, September 1, 1776.) Captain. Albright, Philip, appointed from York county, March 19, 1776; re- signed January 23, 1777. First Lieutenants. Thomson, John, appointed March 15, 1776 ; promoted, and left the regiment December 21, 1776. Sheriff, Cornelius. Second Lieutenant. McPherson, Willliam, captured August 27, 1776; exchanged April 20, 1778 ; died at Gettysburg, August 2, 1832 ; buried in Ever- green cemetery, Gettysburg, Pa. Third Lieutenant. Stake, Jacob, subsequently promoted captain Tenth Penn'a. Sergeants. Wilson, Thomas, missing since the battle, August 27, 1776. Tate, Robert, missing since the battle, August 27, 1776. Willey, James. Geddes, James, missing since the battle, August 27, 1776. Quarter-Master Sergeant. Lytle, Andrew, April 1, 1776; promoted Ensign Fifth Penn'a, October 24, 1776. Drummer. Harden, John. Privates. Awl, John. Barron, Eobert. Beltzhover, Ludwick. Boned, Andrew, missing since the battle, August 27, 1776. Boyd, Alexander, missing since the battle, August 27, 1776. Branon, William. Brown, John. Burk, Michael, Busham, Jacob, (armourer.) 14 VOL. X. 210 PENNSYLVANIA RIFLE REGIMENT. Carlton, Edward, missing since the battle, August 27, 1776 ; ex- changed, and placed in Capt. Marshall's company, Thirteenth regiment. Conrad, George, Croan, Henry, Crookham, John. Cuxel James, missing since the battle, August 27, 1776. Duffleld, Rachford, died at Philadelphia March 1, 1777, of wounds received at Long Island. Ferril, Hugh. Fink, Michael. Foster, Thomas, missing since the battle, August 27, 1776. Glen, Patrick, Gobin, Hugh, missing since the battle, August 27, 1779. Gorden, James. Grearley, John. Gregg, John. Gregg, Robert. Helm, George. Helsley, Jacob, missing since the battle, August 27, 1776. Hendry, John, missing since the battle, August 27, 1776. Hollan, William. Hudson, John. Hutchison, James. Jacobs, Jonathan. James, William. Kennedy, Philip, missing since the battle, August 27, 1776 ; resided in Lycoming county in 1819. Killean, Michael. Kilpatrick, Robert, died August 16, 1775, at Amboy. Kilpatrick, William, missing since the battle, August 27, 1776. Knee, [ Karee,] Thomas, missing since the battle, August 27, 1776. Lead, Conrad, missing since the battle, August 27, 17J6. Leavingston, Jacob, sick in New York, September 1, 1776. Lutes, John. Malseed, Samuel. McBroom, Henry, missing since the battle, August 27, 1776. McCay, James. McClughan, Hugh, missing since the battle, August 27, 1776. McCown, Daniel. McCown, Patrick. McElnay, John, missing since the battle, August 27, 1776 ; lost his health in captivity, see act 14th March, 1805. McFarlane, James, missing since the battle, August 27, 1776. McGinish, Patt. McGuire, Bartholmew, missing since the battle, August 27, 1776. COL. SAMUEL MILES. 211 McNeal, Daniel. Morrison, James, enlisted June, 1776 ; reenlisted in Ninth Penn'a. Morrison, Joseph. Myer, Joseph. Newman, Jacob, missing since the battle, August 27, 1776. Reed, Hugh. Rinehart, John, missing since the battle, August 27, 1776. Rubart, Adam. Ryan, Christian. Ryan, Michael. Shadow, Henry, missing since the battle, August 27, 1776. Smith, John. Spangler, Charles, missing since the battle, August 27, 1776. Stockdel, Terrence. Stuart, David. Stump, Charles, wounded August 27, 1776, lost one finger ; missing since the battle, August 27, 1776 ; resided in York county in 1788. Sturgeon, Robert. Bwartz, John, missing since the battle, August 27, 1776. Trine, George. Wampler, George, missing since the battle, August 27, 1776. Wells, Edward, missing since the battle, August 27, 1776. Welshance, William. Williams, Thomas, missing since the battle, August 27, 1776. Woods, Samuel. ROLL OF CAPTAIN HENRY SHADE'S COMPANY. Captain. Shade, Henry, appointed from Northampton county, March 9, 1776 ; promoted captain in Tenth Penn'a. McGowan, John, appointed October 25, 1776. First Lieutenant. West, George, taken August 27, 1776; died in captivity, leaving a widow, Mary. Second Lieutenant. Driesbach, Yost, appointed March 10, 1776; captured August 27, 1776. 212 PENNSYLVANIA RIFLE REGIMENT. Tliird Lieutenants. Boyd, Thomas, appointed March 19, 1776 ; promoted second lieu- tenant in Capt. Brown's company, August 9, 1776. McGowan, John, commissioned August 9, 1776. Sergeants. Weaver, Casper, first ; March 26, 1776 ; killed in skirmish in March, 1777. "Wolb, Jacob, second ; April 13, 1776. Miller, Isaac, third ; March 20, 1776. Gruber, Isaac, fourth ; April 29, 1776 ; missing since the battle, August 27, 1776. Tennis, William. Drum and Fife. Webster, Hugh, April 11, 1776. Ammore, Gottlieb, April 11, 1776. Privates. Alshouse, David, April 11, 1776. Beaver, Christopher, April 5, 1776. Bebehouse, [Bevehouse,] John, May 19, 1776. Baker, Henry, March 17, 1776 ; missing since the battle, August 27, 1776. Bernhard, [Barnhart,] Peter, March 21, 1776. Black, Daniel, June 3, 1776. Blyley, John, April 6, 1776. Bollabaker, Henry, May 16, 1776 ; missing since the battle, August 27, 1776. Bower, John, March 25, 1776 ; missing since the battle, August 27, 1776. Boyd Andrew, "voluntier." Brown, Benjamin, June 5, 1776. Burd, Thomas, May 12, 1776. Deal, George, April 3, 1776. Denius, [Tenins,] Jacob, May 22, 1776. Dull, Henry, April 1, 1776; resided in York connty, in 1818, aged seventy-one. Dull, Martin, April 17, 1776. Dunn, Peter. Edinger, Jacob, March 26, 177,6. Erb, Jacob, April 3, 1776. Faussel, John Christopher, April 29, 1776. Tennis, William, April 12, 1776; promoted sergeant. Frederick, Jacob, May 15, 1776. Fry, John, March 21, 1776. COL. SAMUEL MILES. 213 Pry, Philip, May 19, 1776. Godshalk, Henry, May 20, 1776 ; missing since the battle, August 27, 1776. Greemier, Casimer, March 15, 1776. Greenawalt, Nicholas, May 29, 1776: transferred to Capt. Moore's company ; reinlisted in Col. Stewart's regiment ; resided in Franklin county in 1819. Hainey, Philip, April 12, 1776. Heaslet, Andrew, April 2, 1776. Hicker, Adam, March 20, 1776. Hine, Conrad, June 3, 1776. Hughs, Cornelius, March 15, 1776. Hutmacher, Jacob, May 19, 1776. Iseuhart, Jacob, April 17, 1776 ; missing since the battle, August 27, 1776. James, Elias. Kahm, Michael, May 8, 1776. Kave, Thomas, discharged August 16, 1776. Rear, Martin. Keibler, George, April 9, 1776 ; missing since the battle, August 27. 1776; carried to Halifax; released in 1778; resided in North- ampton county, 1822. Kelchner, Michael, April 28, 1776. Kensel, John, April 9, 1776. Kerchner, Adam, June 3, 1776. Koock, [Kock,] Christian, April 18, 1776. Kuntz, John, March 29, 1776. Lee, John, May 14, 1776 ; missing since the battle, August 27, 1776. Litchard[t,] Joseph, April 14, 1776. McAry, John, April 23, 1776; missing since the battle, August 27, 1776. McBride, John, McRight, John, May 22, 1776. Miller, Henry, May 8, 1776. Miller, Isaac. Miller, Lorentz, April 3, 1776 : missing since the battle, August 27, 1776. Mill[s,] Andrew. Moody, Adam, April 18, 1776. Mosteller, Michael, April 25, 1776. Mosteller, Nicholas, March 27, 1776. Myer, Conrad, April 18, 1776. Neff, Thomas. Neighhard, Christopher, April 14, 1776 ; missing since the battle, August 27, 1776. Picket, John, May 29, 1776. 214 PENNSYLVANIA RIFLE REGIMENT. Plyley, John. Potts, Jonathan. Roahr, Martin, May 20, 1776. Roahr, Nicholas, May 20, 1776. Robison, John, June 5, 1776. Simmons, John, April 26, 1776 ; missing since the battle, August 27, 1776. Schwab, George, April 29, 1776. Schwartz, Elias, May 26, 1776 ; missing since the battle, August 27, 1776. Schlough, Barnett, April 19, 1776. Sebold, Leonard, May 8, 1776. Sloan, James, April 1, 1776. Swark, [Swink,] Frederick, April 24, 1776. Swartz, Andrew, April 3, 1776. Telb, [Delb,] Jacob, April 6, 1776. Tennis, William. Tickard, Frederick, April 1, 1776 ; missing since the battle, August 27, 1776. ' Travers, Joseph, April 4, 1776. Treasy, John. Treese, John, April 20, 1776; resided in Huntingdon county, in May, 1818. Warner, Henry, May 6, 1776. Weaver, Henry, April 6, 1776 ; missing since the battle, August 27, 1776. Weaver, John, May 24, 1776. Weeble, George, April 18, 1776. Weis, Henry, May 19, 1776. Wright, William, April 19, 1776. ROLL OF CAPTAIN CASPER WEITZEL'S COMPANY. Captain. Weitzel, Casper, of Sunbury, appointed March 9, 1776. First Lieutenant. Gray, William, appointed March 15, 1776 ; missing since the battle, August 27, 1776 ; exchanged December 8, 1776, for Lieutenant Thompson, of the Twenty-sixth British ; died at Sunbury, July 18, 1804, aged fifty-four. COL. SAMUEL MILES. 215 Second Lieutenant. Robb, John, appointed March 17, 1776; promoted captain in the Thirteenth Penn'a, April 18, 1777. Third Lieutenant. Grant, George, appointed March 19, 1776 ; promoted captain in the Ninth Penn'a, May 3, 1777. Sergeant- Major. Gordon, John, missing since the battle, August 27, 1776. Sergeants. Snider, Jacob. Price, Thomas, missing since the battle, August 27, 1776; resided at Selin's Grove in 1792 ; subsequently colonel of militia. Orr, William. Shanks, Thomas. Drummer. Everard, John, left sick at New York, September 1, 1776. Privates , Allison, "William, missing since the battle, August 27, 1776. Arthur, John. Aumiller, John. Barr, William. Brady, Peter, missing since the battle, August 27, 1776. Brinson, Stout. Burke, John, left sick at Philadelphia. Carson, Samuel. Carson, William, Jr. Carson, William, Sr. Carter, Andrew, missing since the battle of Long Island, August 27, 1776. Carter Charles. Caruthers, Eobert, missing since the battle of Long Island, August- 27, 1776. Chisnell, James. Clark, William. Clayton, James. Conn el, Jeffry. Cribs, John. Curry, David. Davis, Peter, lying wounded in New York September 1, 1776. Doran, Edward. Durell, David. Durell, Stephen. Elder, James. 216 PENNSYLVANIA EIFLE REGIMENT. Ewig, Christian. Gass, Henry, missing since the battle of Long Island, August 27, 1776. Gerhart, Henry. Glover, James. Hardy, John, missing since the battle of Long Island, August 27 r 1776. Harper, William. Hissom, Thomas. Huggins, Dennis, missing since the battle of Long Island, August 27, 1776. Hunt, Elijah. Irvine, James. Kerstetter, Martin, missing since the battle of Long Island, August 27, 1776. Little, Thomas. Madden, Joseph, missing since the battle of Long Island. August 27, 1776. McCleane, Charles. McCormick, William, missing since the battle of Long Island, Aug- ust 27, 1776. McDonald, John. Mclnnis, Patrick. McManus, Patrick. McMath, William. McVey, Patrick, missing since the battle of Long Island, August 27, 1776. L Miller, Henry. Morehead, Robert, missing since the battle of Long Island, August 27, 1776. Newman, Richard. Noland, Michael, served subsequently in Capt. John Robb's com- pany, Col. Stewart's regiment ; resided in Northumberland county in 1810. Ralston, Andrew, missing since the battle of Long Island, August 27, 1776. Randolph, James. Rice, John, missing since the battle of Long Island, August 27 T 1776. Sands, John. Shafer, John Adam, died in Northumberland county, January 14 r 1840, aged eighty-seven. Spiess, Jacob, missing after the battle of Long Island, August 27, 1776. Staples, Samuel, left sick at Marcus Hook. Turner, David. COL. SAMUEL MILES. 217 Watt, James, missing since the battle of Long Island, August 27, 1776. Wilson, Robert. Winters, Christian. Wolcot, Silas. A return of the Officers of First Battalion of the Pennsylvania Rifle Regiment, October 4, 1776. STAFF OFFICERS PRESENT : Chaplain. Eogers. Adjutant. McGowan. Quarter- .Master. Laverswyler. FARMER'S COMPANY. Present, four sergeants, twelve privates ; sick absent, eight ; absent without leave, twenty-one. BROWN'S COMPANY. One sergeant, one drum, twenty-three pri- vates ; sick absent, four ; absent without leave, nine. ALBRIGHT'S COMPANY. Three sergeants, one drum, forty-six privates. SHADE'S COMPANY. Three sergeants, two drums, thirty-two pri- vates ; sick absent, twelve ; absent without leave, four. WEITZEL'S COMPANY. Three sergeants, seventeen privates ; sick absent, one drum, seventeen privates ; absent without leave, nine. SICK PRESENT : Lieutenant G'oZoneZ. Brodhead. PRESENT FIT FOR DUTY : Captains. Albright, Shade, and Weitzel. Second Lieutenants. Robb, Finley, and Boyd. Third Lieutenants. Stake,Grant, Holmes, Hargis, and McGowan. SICK ABSENT : Captain. Farmer. ABSENT WITHOUT LEAVE : Captain. Long. ON COMMAND : First Lieutenants. Moore and Thompson. Total present fit for duty, three captains, seven lieutenants, seventeen sergeants, four drums, one hundred and fifty-eight rank and file. A return made by Major Ennion Williams, November 22, 1776, exhibits the strength of this battalion to be five captains, six lieutenants, nineteen sergeants, three musicians, and two hundred and nine rank and file. 218 PENNSYVLANIA RIFLE REGIMENT. SECOND BATTALION. ROLL OF CAPTAIN JOHN MURRAY'S COMPANY. Captain. Murray, John, from Paxtang township, now Dauphin county ; com- missioned March 7, 1776 ; promoted major of Penn'a State regiment, March 18, 1777. First Lieutenant. Stoner, John, commissioned March 15, 1776 ; promoted captain Tenth Penn'a. Second Lieutenant. Hamilton, James, commissioned March 16, 1776. Third Lieutenant. Taylor, Charles, commissioned March 19, 1776 ; killed at Longlsland August 27, 1776. Sergeant Major. Washington, William. Sergeants. Kennedy, James, died September 29, 1776. Lusk, Patrick, wounded in right wrist at Princeton, January 3, 1777 . Parks John. McComb, Thomas. Drummer. Maclin, John. Fifer. McKillip, Archibald. Privates. Anderson, Thomas. Barnet, Richard. Baily, Thomas. Baker, John. Beggs, James. Boal, Henry. Boyd, John. COL. SAMUEL MILES. 219 Brown, Samuel. Cannon, James. Carney, James. Chambers, David. Clindining, James. Coleman, William, lost his eyesight by reason of hardships at the battle of Long Island. Coslit, James. Crookshanks, William, Donnely, Hugh. Dudgeon, Thomas,missing since the battle, August 27, 1776. Earls, William. Eldridge Thomas. Finley, James. Fulton, Samuel. Gallaway John, missing since the battle, August 27, 1776. Gibbons, Patrick, Gilmore, John, Graham, Daniel. Graham, George. Johnston, William. Jury, Abraham. Kennedy, William. Laferty, Daniel. Lindsay, Mungo, promoted corporal in Capt. Moore's company, Penn'a State regiment. Lister, Robert. McCann, James. McCay, Daniel, missing since the battle, August 27, 1776. McCracken, Arthur. McGraw, John. Mcllroy, James. McLain, John. McLister, James, McMullin, Michael. Menis, John, Merifield, Hiram. Messer, John. Milicher, Michael. Minsker, Ludwick, died November 24, 1776. Montgomery, John. Moore, John. O'Neill, Charles. Overhalser, Christian. Peal, Henry. Plunkit, Thomas, missing since the battle, August 27, 1776. 220 PENNSYLVANIA EIFLE REGIMENT. Porter, George. Pursel, John. Quigle, Philip. Reist, Frederick, enlisted April, 1776; resided in Halifax in 1814. Rice, Peter. Richards, Patrick. Richey, Robert, enlisted in April, 1776 ; resided in Buffalo town- ship, Cumberland county, in 1814. Ridle, William. Robinson, John. Scouten, Theodorus. Shanks, William. Smith, John. Smith, Matthias. Smith, Thomas, " has cannon fever." Solter, John. Spangle, Zachariah. Steaver, Daniel. Thompson, John. Tonner, William. Trith, James. Vartz, John. Veasey, John. Walker, John. Welch, John. Weidel, George. Weir, John. Wiggins, John. Wiseman, Adam. ROLL OF CAPTAIN WILLIAM PEEBLES' COMPANY. Captain. Peebles, William, appointed from Cumberland county, March 9 T 1776 ; captured August 27, 1776 ; died in 1776. First Lieutenant. Scott, Matthew, appointed March 15, 1776 ; captured August 27 T 1776 ; exchanged December 8, 1776, for Lieut. Cleveland of the Seventh British ; promoted captain, April 18, 1777. (His widow Peggy Lamb Scott, resided in Mechanicsburg, Cumber- land county, in December, 1845.) COL. SAMUEL MILES. 221 Second Lieutenant. Burns, Robert, appointed March 16, 1776 ; promoted captain in Hazen's regiment, December 21, 1776. Third Lieutenant. Campbell, Eobert, appointed March 19, 1776 ; promoted captain in Hazen's regiment, December 21, 1776. Sergeants. Kenny, Samuel. McCrackin, William. Heylands, Patrick, missing since the battle, August 27, 1776. Collier, Joseph. i Drummer. Carson, James, missing since the battle, August 27, 1776. Fifer. Lee, Edward, missing since the battle, August 27, 1776. Privates. Adams, William. Archer, Zachariah. Armstrong William. Atcheson, James ; missing since the battle, August 27, 1776. Beatty, Thomas. Bourke, Henry. Boyd, William. Boyle, Daniel, discharged at Valley Forge, January 1, 1778; re- sided in Armstrong county, in 1824. Brattin, James. Brown, John. Brown, William, "voluntier ;" captured at Fort Washington ; ree'n- listed in Thirteenth Penn'a. Campble, Robert. Carrigan, John. Carson, William. Cavan, William. Dibbins, Henry. Dixon, Patrick. Dixon, Samuel, missing since the battle, August 27, 1776. Dougherty, Barnabas. Dowds, James. Elliott, John. Farquer, Charles. Finley, Daniel. Flynn, Patrick. Galbreath, James. 222 PENNSYLVANIA RIFLE REGIMENT. Gilmore, Thomas. Hawn, Daywell, [David.] Hodge, John. Holder, Charles. Hove, Jacob. Jacobs, John, Justice, John, "draughted" September 4, 1776. Keating, John. t*i the waf. First, Col. Chambers, 2 in June, 1780, 250 252 Second, Col. Stewart, 1 in December, 1780, ... 427 428 Third, Col. Craig, 1 in March 1780, 346 347 Fourth, Lieut. Col. Butler commanding, 4 in 1780, 213 217 Fifth, Col. Johnston, 4 in 1780, 266 270 Sixth, Magaw's, 5 in 1780, 1 in 1781, 212 218 Seventh, Lieut. Col. Connor commanding, 1 in 1780, 3 in 1781, 220 224 Eighth, Col. Brodhead, 182 Ninth, Col. R. Butler, 3 in 1780, 1 in 1781, .... 211 215 Tenth, Col. Humpton, 2 in 1780, 345 347 Eleventh, Lieut. Col. Hubley commanding, 5 in 1780, 344 349 2,834 3,049 Dead, discharged, deserted, transferred, &c., since January last, 266 Total effective non-com'd officers and privates, in April, . 2,783 Present fit for duty, in April last, 2,259 On the back is indorsed the following data : Eleven regiments, 504 rank and file to each, 5,544 Twenty-seven sergeants to a regiment, 297 5,841 Amount of return, 2,783 Wanting to complete an establishment of 504 rank and file, 3,OG8 On another tabular return, which has the same figures for the Line as above, except opposite the Eighth, there is a blank and a note below "no return of the Eighth," are the following : 298 PENNSYLVANIA LINE. Additional Infantry. During T t , the war. ' German or Weltner's regiment, 116 116 Spencer's, 14 14 Hazen's, 1 expiring in 1780, 128 129 Webb's, 2 2 Artillery. Two batteries, Lamb's, seven in 1780, 41 48 Four batteries, Procter's, 144 144 Artificers, one in 1780 20 21 Capt. Jones', independent company, 12 12 Capt. Coren's, " " 63 63 Cavalry. Major Lee's corps, 13 Yon Heer's, 3 Major Lee returns thirteen men belonging to the State, but has not ascertained the periods at which their enlistments expire. Capt. Yon Heer has thirty seven men engaged for three years, not in- cluded in this return. On this paper is the following indorsement Total return, 3,419 Lee's corps, 13 Yon Heer's, 37 3,469 Deduct for those whose services expire before the last of September, 36 3,433 Deficiency, 1,422 State's quota, 4,855 NOTE In the German regiment, exclusive of the 116 men, are 22 whose terms of enlistment are unknown. GENERAL ST. GLAIR'S DIVISION. First Brigade, April 3 and 4, 1780. Total officers Engaged and men. for war. 1. Chambers, 275 248 7. Connor, lieutenant colonel, commanding, . 280 216 10. Humpton, 350 327 2. Stewart, Walter, 443 415 PENNSYLVANIA LINE. 299 Second Brigade, April 3 and 4, 1780. 3. Craig, 356 329 6. Harmar, Lieutenant Colonel, 244 209 9. Butler, Richard, 222 199 5. Johnston, 328 304 One private, of Seventh ; one captain, one lieutenant, one sergeant, and one private of Tenth ; eight privates of Second, one of Third, one colonel, one corporal, and two privates of Sixth; one captain and one lieutenant of Ninth; one lieutenant of Fifth, above in- cluded are prisoners of war. JOSIAH HARMAR, Lieutenant Colonel, Commander Sixth Penn'a Regt. and Inspector P. L. BRIGADIER GENERAL HAND'S BRIGADE. March 25, 1780. 4. Butler William, lieutenant colonel commanding, present for duty, 117 11 (new,) Hubley, Adam, lieutenant colonel, present for duty, 189 Hazen's, 256 Livingston, James, 70 JOHN CARLISLE, B. Major of Virginia. . By a return of Hand's brigade, April 29, 1780, total fit for duty, 612. Return of Pennsylvania Brigade of Foot, commanded by Colonel .Richard Humpton, July 12, 1781. Total officers and men Sick, present. absent. Colonel Walter Stewart, 253 32 Colonel Richard Butler, 307 36 Colonel Humpton, 327 18 Present, fit for action : Three colonels, two lieutenant cojonels, four majors, fourteen captains, eighteen lieutenants, five ensigns, three adjutants, two paymasters, three quarter-masters, and three surgeons, two sergeant majors, three quarter-master sergeants, two drum majors, two fife majors, fifty-four sergeants, thirty-two drums and fifes. Rank and file, five hundred and forty-two. Seventeen dead since last return, and fifteen deserted. Fifty-three wounded at Bird's ordinary and Green Spring's hospitals. Ezekiel Downey, surgeon's mate, died July 1, 1781. Three sergeants killed. [The large amount of casualties resulted from the battle at Green Spring, Virginia, July 6, 1781.] 300 PENNSYLVANIA LINE. Return of non-commissioned officers and privates of the State of Penn- sylvania now actually serving in the Southern army, South Caro- lina camp at Pon Pon, (near Charleston.} January 31, 1782, Sergeant majors, three ; quarter-master sergeants, three ; drum majors, three ; fife majors, two ; sergeants, seventy-eight ; drums and fifes, forty ; rank and file, ten hundred and twenty. The troops serving in the First regiment of cavalry, Colonel Moylan's regiment, and the artillery companies detached under General Wayne to Georgia, are not included. EDWARD HAND, A. G. See Penn'a Archives, O. S., vol. ix. page 517. Return of Pennsylvania troops at Fort Pitt, April 1, 1782. One lieutenant colonel, two captains, two lieutenants, one ensign , one adjutant, one quarter-master, one sergeant-major, one quarter- master sergeant, nine sergeants, eight drums and fifes, one hundred and four rank and file Ibidem, page 521. December 30, 1782, Lieut. Denny notes in his journal, " Penn- sylvanians reduced by death and desertion, and incorporated into one regiment of six hundred men. Lieut. Col. Commandant Josiah Harmar, who had acted as adjutant general since our junction with Gen. Greene, took command of this regiment." For a return of the state of the Pennsylvania Line, January 31, 1783 See Penrfa. Archives, O. S. vol. ix,page 747. Monthly return of a detachment of the Pennsylvania Line stationed at the posts of Lancaster, York, Carlisle, and Beading, then under the command of Col. Richard Butler, for the month of January, 1783. Officers and men. Light Dragoons. Capt. Heard's. 28 Capt. Craig's, 72 Artillery. Capt. TurnbulPs, 70 Capt. Walker's, 53 Infantry. Capt. Doyle's, 102 Capt. John Christie's, . 70 Capt. Wilson's, 88 Capt. Humphrey's, 79 Capt. Seely's, 68 At Reading, Capt. Bowen, 17 One colonel, one major, adjutant, three quarter-masters, one pay master, one surgeon, and seven surgeon's mates. WILLIAM HUSTON, Lieutenant and Adjutant Second Penn^a. PENNSYLVANIA LINE. 301 By a resolution of April 4, 1783, Congress suspended all further enlistments under resolution! of May 26. Subsequently, officers and soldiers were furloughed to a large extent, and on the 18th of October, 1783, Congress virtually disbanded the army by discharg- ing them from further service. In a letter from Lieut. John Rose, (subsequently known as Baron de Rosenthal,) to Gen. William Irvine, dated Philadelphia, April 2, 1784,he states: " Your forage accounts I attempted to settle with Major Hodgson, but the day not being determined by Congress when the army has been discharged, whether it was on the 3d or 15th of November last, prevented me. Mr. Carleton, also, could not ascertain the matter." Return of the Pennsylvania, infantry, commanded l>y Major James Moore, stationed at Fort Dickinson* November 20, 1783. Officers and men. Captain James Chrystie's company, 50 Captain Philip Shrader, 54 JAMES MOORE, Major commanding. See also a return dated December 31, 1783, signed by Major Moore, Perm 'a Archives, O. S., vol. x, page 189. In 1784, Congress called for a regiment of infantry and artillery for the protection of the north-western frontiers. The Assembly promptly passed a law for that purpose, and our Council, on the 13th of August, arranged the quota assigned to Pennsylvania, two hundred and sixty men, in three companies of infantry of seventy men each ; the remaining fifty to form part of an artillery company, and appointed the following officers : Lieutenant Colonel Commandant: Harmar, Josiah. Captains of Infantry : Finney, Walter. Ziegler, Jacob. . McCurdy, William. Lieutenants : Herbert, Stewart. Beatty, Erkuries. Doyle, Thomas. Ensigns : Armstrong, John, (late captain of Third by brevet.) Henderson, Andrew. Denny, Ebenezer. * The post at Wyoming was so called. 302 PENNSYLVANIA LINE. Surgeon : McDowell, John. Surgeon's Mate : Allison, Richard. The men were enlisted for one year ; recruited mainly at Phila- delphia, and reached Fort Pitt, December 5, 1784. Before their time was up, Congress provided for a regiment for three years' ser- vice, and assigned Pennsylvania the same quota. According to Professor Asa Bird Gardner, of West Point, this organization re- mained continuous and was the nucleus of the First American regi- ment, and its companies were in service until 1815, as part of the old First United States infantry. In that year this regiment and the Fifth, Seventeenth, Nineteenth, Twenty-eighth, and Twenty- ninth infantry regiments were consolidated, and formed into the present Third United States infantry, and Pennsylvania has the un- doubted credit of giving the earliest infantry to our present army. Letter to the Editors, dated at " West Point, April 8, 1875." CONTINENTAL LINE. FIRST PENNSYLVANIA. JULY 1, 1776 TOYEMBEK 3, 1783. THE FIRST PENNSYLVANIA. 1776. THE 1st of July, 1776, the First Pennsylvania regi- ment began its new term of service in camp on Long Island. The enlistment was for two years, but in Oc- tober a committee of the Assembly succeeded in chang- ing the term to enlistment during the war. ( See Penned Archives, 2d series, vol. i,page 630.) It remained picket- ing the shores of Long Island until sometime in August, when it was moved to Delancey's Mills, from whence Colonel Hand addressed the following letter to General Washington : " SIR : I take the liberty to request, that when you next write to Congress, you may be pleased to recommend the appointment of a major to rny regiment. As I learn that Congress have an objection to the advancement of my oldest captain, I can't think myself at liberty to recommend any. The annexed gives your excellency the names and ranks of the captains ; one of them I hope will be pro- moted : Robert Cluggage, Mathew Smith, James Eoss, Henry Mil- ler, Charles Craig, James Grier, David Harris, James Barr, James Hamilton. I beg your Excellency may please to appoint Third Lieutenant John Dick to be second lieutenant, vice Jacob Zanck, re- signed since the last promotion, and Robert Cunningham to be third lieutenant, vice John Dick. If the major be appointed from my captains, I beg leave to recommend the following promotions in consequence : First Lieutenant John Holliday to be captain, Second Lieutenant "William Wilson to be first lieutenant, Third Lieutenant John Dougherty to be second lieutenant, and Benjamin Lyon to be third lieutenant. I wish to remind your Excellency that Lieut. Francis, of my regiment, is still in arrest for associat- ing and drinking to excess with the soldiers of the regiment." On the 25th of September, Congress thought proper to appoint James Ross major. This induced the resignation of Capts. Clug- gage and Smith, October 6, 1776. Capt. Cluggage's dignified resig- nation, which is accompanied with hearty wishes for the success of the cause, will be found in Force's Archives, 5th ser., vol. ii, page 921. The battle of Long Island took place on the 27th of August, for an account of which, and the retreat from the Island, the following letters are introduced : 20 VOL. X. (305) 306 CONTINENTAL LINE. " Loxo ISLAND, 27th August, 7, p. M. * * * * " Part of the enemy landed on this island on the 22d. They did not advance further than Flatbush until last night. I have had a fatiguing time of it ever since. A number of our troops have been hemmed in, but behaved well. Many have got clear and many are yet missing. Our Pennsylvanians were chiefly of the party. 1 escaped my part only by being relieved at two o'clock this morning. Major Burd and Col. Atlee were out, and are yet missing." Gen. Hand's letter to his wife. Lt. Col. James Chambers writes to his wife from " camp at De- lancey's Mills, three miles above King's Bridge, on September 3, 1776:" " I should have written to you sooner, but the hurry and con- fusion we have been in for some time past, has hindered me. I will now give you a short account of transactions in this quarter. " On the morning of the 22d August, there were nine thousand British troops on New Utrecht plains. The guard alarmed our small camp, and we assembled at the flagstaff. We marched our forces, about two hundred in number, to New Utrecht, to watch the movements of the enemy. When we came on the hill, we dis- covered a party of them advancing towards us. We prepared to give them a warm reception, when an imprudent fellow fired, and they immediately halted and turned toward Flatbush. The main body also moved along the great road toward the same place. We proceeded along side of them in the edge of the woods as far as the turn of the lane, where the cherry trees were, if you remember. We then found it impracticable for so small a force to attack them on the plain, and sent Captain Hamilton, with twenty men, before them, to burn all the grain, which he did very cleverly, and killed a great many cattle. It was then thought most proper to return to camp and secure our baggage, which we did, and left it in Fort Brown. Near twelve o'clock, the same day, we returned down the great road to Flatbush, with only our small regiment and one New England regiment sent to support us, though a.t a mile's distance. " When in sight of Flatbush, we discovered the enemy, but not the main body. On perceiving us, they retreated down the road, per- haps a mile. A party of our people, commanded by Captain Miller, followed them close with a design to decoy a portion of them to fol- low him, whilst the rest kept in the edge of the woods alongside of Captain M. But they thought better of the matter, and would not come after him, though he went within two hundred yards. There they stood for a long time, and then Captain Miller turned off to us, and we proceeded along their flank. Some of our men fired upon and killed several Hessians, as we ascertained two days after- wards. Strong guards were maintained all day on the flanks of the FIRST PENNSYLVANIA. 307 enemy, and our regiment and the Hessian yagers kept up a severe firing, with a loss of but two wounded on our side. We laid a few Hessians low, and made them retreat out of Flatbush. Our people went into the town, and brought the goods out of the burning houses. "The enemy liked to have lost their field-pieces. Captain Steel, of your vicinity, acted bravely. We would certainly have had the cannon had it not been for some foolish person calling retreat. The main body of the foe returned to the town, and, when our lads came back, they told of their exploits. This was doubted by some, which enraged our men so much that a few of them ran and brought away several Hessians on their backs. This kind of firing by our riflemen and theirs continued until two o'clock in the morning of the 26th, when our regiment was relieved by a portion of the flying camp, and we started for Fort Greene to get refreshment, not hav- ing lain down the whole of this time, and almost dead with fatigue. We had just got to the fort, and I had only laid down, when the alarm guns were fired. We were compelled to turn out to the lines, and, 'as soon as it was light, saw our men and theirs engaged with field-pieces. "At last, the enemy found means to surround our men there upon guard, and then a heavy firing continued for several hours. The main body that surrounded our men marched up within thirty yards of Forts Brown and Greene; but, when we fired, they re- treated, with loss. From all I can learn, we numbered about twenty-five hundred, and the attacking party not less than twenty- five thousand, as they had been landing for days before. Our men behaved as bravely as ever men did, but it is surprising that, with the superiority of numbers, they were not cut to pieces. They be- haved gallantly, and there are but five or six hundred missing. " General Lord Stirling fought like a wolf, and is taken prisoner. Colonels Miles and Atlee, Major Burd, Captain Peebles, Lieutenant Watt, and a great number of other officers, also prisoners. Colonel Piper missing. From deserters, we learn that the enemy lost Major General Grant and two brigadiers and many others, and five hun- dred killed. Our loss is chiefly in prisoners. " It was thought advisable to retreat off Long Island, and, on the night of the 30th, it was done, with great secrecy. Very few of the officers knew it until they were on the boats, supposing that an attack was intended. A discovery of our intention to the enemy would have been fatal to us. The Pennsylvania troops were done great honor by being chosen the corps de reserve to cover the retreat. The regiments of Colonels Hand, Magaw, Shee, and Hazlett were detailed for that purpose. We kept up fires with outposts stationed until all the rest were over. We left the lines after it was fair day, and then came off. 308 CONTINENTAL LINE. " Never was a greater feat of generalship shown than in this re- treatto bring off an army of twelve thousand men, within sight of a strong enemj 7 , possessed of as strong a fleet as ever floated on our seas, without any loss, and saving all the baggage. General Washington saw the last over himself." The following account of the retreat appears among the papers of General Hand: " In the evening of the 29th of August, 1776, with several other commanding officers of corps, I received orders to attend Major- General Mifflin. When assembled, General Mifflin informed us that in consequence of the determination of a board of general officers, the evacuation of Long Island, where we then were, was to be at- tempted that night; that the commander-in-chief had honored him with the command of the covering party, and that our corps were to be employed in that service. He then assigned us our several stations, which we were to occupy as soon as it was dark, and pointed out Brooklyn Church as an alarm-post to which the whole were to repair, and unitedly oppose the enemy incase they discovered our movements, and made an attack in consequence. My regiment was posted in a redoubt on the left, and in the lines on the right of the great road below Brooklyn Church. Captain Henry Miller com. manded in the redoubt. Part of a regiment of the flying camp of the State of New York were, in the beginning of the night, posted near me; they showed so much uneasiness at their situation, that I petitioned General Mifflin to suffer them to march off, lest they might communicate the panic with which they were seized, to my people. The General granted my request, and they marched off ac_ cordingly. " After that, nothing remarkable happened at my post till about two o'clock in the morning, when Alexander Scammell, since ad- jutant general, who that day acted as aid-de-camp to the com- mander-in-chief, came from the left, inquiring for General Mifflin, who happened to be with me at the time. Scammell told him that the boats were waiting, and the commander-in-chief anxious for the arrival of the troops at the ferry. General Mifflin said he thought he must be mistaken, that he did not imagine the General could mean the troops he immediately commanded. Scammell re- plied he was not mistaken, adding that lie came from the extreme left, had ordered all the troops he had met to march ; that in conse- quence they were then in motion, and that he would go on and give the same orders. General Mifflin then ordered me to call my ad- vance picquets and sentinels, to collect and form my regiment, and to march as soon as possible, and quitted me. "Having marched into the great road leading to the church, I fell in with the troops returning from the left of the lines. Having arrived at the church, I halted to take up my camp equipage, which, FIRST PENNSYLVANIA. 309 in the course of the night, I had carried there by a small party. General Mifflin came up at the instant, and asked the reason of the halt. I told him, and he seemed very much displeased, and ex- claimed : ' D n your pots and kettles ! I wish the devil had them ! March on.' I obeyed, but had not gone far before I perceived the front had halted, and, hastening to inquire the cause, I met the commander-in-chief, who perceived me, and said: 'Is not that Colonel Hand?' I answered in the affirmative. His Excellency said he was surprised at me in particular ; that he did not expect I would have abandoned my post. I answered that I had not aban- doned it ; that I had marched by order of my immediate command- ing officer. He said it was impossible. I told him I hoped, if I could satisfy him I had the orders of General Mifflin, he would not think me particularly to blame. He said he undoubtedly would not. General Mifflin just then coming up, and asking what the matter was, His Excellency said : ' Good God ! General Mifflin, I am afraid you have ruined us by so unseasonably withdrawing the troops from the lines.' General Mifflin replied, with some warmth : ' I did it by your order.' His Excellency declared it could not be. General Mifflin swore: 'By God, I did,' and asked: 'Did Scam- mell act as an aid-de-camp for the day, or did he not ?' His Excel- lency acknowledged he did. 'Then,' said Miffliu, 'I had orders through him.' The General replied it was a dreadful mistake, and informed him that matters were in much confusion at the ferry, and, unless we could resume our posts before the enemy discovered we had left them, in all probability the most disagreeable conse- quences would follow. We immediately returned, and had the good fortune to recover our former stations, and keep them for some hours longer, without the enemy perceiving what was going forward." Major Jasper Ewing, aid to General Hand, writes from New York, under date of August 30, 1776, to his uncle, Jasper Yeates, at Lancaster, as follows : "After a very fatiguing march, we are all safely arrived. The Gen'l yesterday gave orders for all the Reg'ts on Long Island to hold themselves in readiness to march at the shortest notice and Evacu- ate our Lines, for the enemy already had extended their advanced posts accross the Island, & we were entirely surrounded, so that the only refuge he had left was New York. This morn'g a party of fifty men went a Maurading, and were surprised by the Enemy, who, after firing whole vollies, (secured?) one of the Boats; & then the Hessian Riflemen began to play upon them, so that our loss, including that of the first engagement, amounts to 500 men and up- wards. " Lord Sterling and Gen'l Sullivan are Prisoners; several officers are still missing, amongst whom are Col's. Miles and Atlee. The 310 CONTINENTAL LINE. Militia from Berks County are almost cut off. The inhuman wretches thrust their bayonets through our wounded men, and re- fused that Mercy to us which we granted to them. The situation of New York is very critical, the enemy being in possession of Long Island, may reduce it to a Heap of ashes in a day's time. " The Loss of the Enemy amounts to 1500 men, amongst whom are a Brigadier Gen'l and several Field officers. "The idea which we at first conceived of the Hessian Riflemen was truly ridiculous; but sad experience convinces our people that they are an enemy not to be despised. Several Companies of their Light Infantry are cloathed exactly as we are, in hunting shirts and Trowsers. Mr. Burd, who commanded a detachment of 200 men, is not yet returned, and sorry am I to say it, he is a Prisoner amongst them. As this news must certainly afflict Aunt and the whole family, I have forewarned my Brother from making any men- tion of it." Major Edward Burd writes to Jasper Yeates, dated " Long Island ? 3d September, 1776:" " I was taken prisoner at an advanced post, on the morning of y e 27th ult., after a skirmish. On the same day, Capt' 3 Herbert and Hiester were both made prisoners. I was used with great Civility by General Grant, & admitted to my Parole. Brigadier General Ag- new and Major Leslie and Major Batt also treated me with great Politeness. " You must be sensible that hard money can only be of service in my present situation. The Politeness of several Gentlemen would have very fully supplied me with it, but I have only taken what will be immediately necessary for me. I should be much obliged to you if you could procure me a small Bill of Exchange, in which, perhaps, Mr. Dundas of Beading could assist you, or Gold to the amount of about 20. " I can not learn the fate of poor Col. Hand or Jesse Ewing, but believe they are not prisoners. Col. Reed, the Adjutant Gen'l, will be the only person who can convey any Thing to me. My Letter must be short." From Lancaster, on the 10th of September, 1776, Major Ewing writes Jasper Yeates, then at Fort Pitt : "As it has pleased Divine providence to spare my life, I think it my duty to send you as good an Ac't of the engagement, together with the enclosed Draught, as lays in my power. As I had gone from Elizabeth point, New Jersey, to Long Island to see my brothers, I had an opportunity of seeing every thing that occured from the time the ememy landed on the Island, until a day or two before we retreated from thence. Col. Hand's Reg' 1 " had been on duty 2 days, & the second night were relieved between 12 and 1 o'clock FIRST PENNSYLVANIA. 311 in the morning, and about Two, it is thought, the enemy began their movements from Flat Bush to the Right and Left, and at between 7 & 8 o'clock in the morning, we had the mortification from our Lines, to see our men, commanded by Lord Sterling, almost surrounded by the Regulars, as they kept their stand on a Hill without flinching an Inch. The Regulars were firing at them like Fury ; they at last descended ; then there was a continued peal of small arms for an Hour or better. Our men at last partly got off by the mai'sh, as in the Draught inclosed. I have been very 111 of a Fever which I got by being clothed too thin, and lay at York about 2 Days before our people had made that Grand Retreat from the Island, which will ever reflect honour to our Generals ; from York I was removed to King's Bridge, twelve or fifteen miles from thence, after I had recovered ; my Health suffered from Traveling ; the Col. was good enough to send me Home in a car- riage, where, thank God I happily am, and don't doubt of recover- ing Health Shortly. " P. S. I shall refer you to the papers for our Loss in the Battle, though it is with infinite regret, I must inform you of Major Burd's being among the prisoners, tho' Lord Howe treats them with great politeness. Time will not permit my saying so much as I would wish. I left the Col. & all friends very well at King's Bridge* where the Reg' is stationed, as I only left them this day week." Before submitting the balance of the correspondence as a part of the history of the regiment, it is altogether proper for the credit of the State of Pennsylvania that the allusions to " Morgan's Parti- zan Corps " should be enlarged upon, as very able historians and orators have given the State of Virginia entire credit for this or- ganization. It was a rifle corps organized by General Washington himself, of which Colonel Daniel Morgan, of Virginia, was made colonel; Colonel Richard Butler, of the Ninth Pennsylvania, lieu- tenant colonel ; and Captain Joseph Morris, of New Jersey, major. It appears from a correspondence in one of the Philadelphia papers of the day, describing a performance gotten up at Valley Forge by Van Swearingen and Hardin, in which their dead compeers of Stillwater were made actors, that Major Morris was killed in some engagement in the winter of 1777. At all events, he could not have been wounded severely at the battle of Germantown on the 4th of October, as stated in New Jersey history, as he was in the actions at Freeman's farm on the 19th of September, and at Stillwater or Saratoga on the 7th of October. In Appendix "C," volume l,of his memoirs, General Wilkinson, prints a return of Morgan's corps. According to this return, the first company was commanded by Captain Cabell, (afterwards Lieu- tenant Colonel Samuel J. Cabell;) second company by Captain Posey, (afterwards Major Posey, who distinguished himself in the 312 CONTINENTAL LINE. attack on Stony Point ; brigadier general in 1793 ; and afterwards Governor of Indiana Territory ;) third, Captain Knox; fourth, Can- tain Gabriel Long, of Maryland ; fifth, Captain Van Swearingen, of the Eighth Pennsylvania ; sixth, Captain James Barr, of the First Pennsylvania; seventh, Captain Hawkins Boone, of the Twelfth Pennsylvania ; eighth, Captain Matthew Henderson, of the Ninth Pennsylvania. Total officers and men from Virginia, one hundred and sixty-three ; from Maryland, sixty-five ; Pennsylvania, one hundred and ninety-three. The sum total of the command, in- cluding sick absentees, five hundred and eight, agreeing nearly ex- actly with General Washington's estimate in his letter to General Gates, dated August 16, 1777, at X Roads, (twenty miles from Philadelphia,) in which he says : "I am forwarding as fast as pos- sible to join the Northern Army Colonel Morgan's riflemen, amounting to five hundred men." Wilkinson's Memoirs are exceedingly interesting and valuable for their personal incidents. He had served with Thompson's bat- talion in front of Boston Was lieutenant colonel of Hartley's additional regiment, and well acquainted with the Pennsylvania officers. Lieutenant Colonel Butler was at Arnold's side when he was wounded in the terrific assault upon the camp of the Bruns- wickers. Lieutenant John Hardin, of the Eighth Pennsylvania, (afterwards General Hardin, of Kentucky, who was treacherously murdered by a party of Indians, near Sandusky, in 1791,) shot the Indian courier who had letters from General Burgoyne to General Powell, commanding at Ticonderoga. Van Swearingen, Lieutenant Martin, and twenty privates of his company, were taken on the 7th, and Swearingen taken before General Fraser, who threatened to hang him, if he would not disclose the position of the Americans. Swearingen replied: '" You may, if you please," when Fraser rode on, and was soon after shot by Timothy Murphy, a Pennsylvania!! from Northumberland county, of Barr's company, by Colonel Mor- gan's express direction. Shortly after the battle of Monmouth, a detachment from Mor- gan's rifles, commanded by Major James Barr, late captain of the First Pennsylvania, with Captain Gabriel Long of Maryland, Cap- tain Michael Simpson, and Lieutenant Thomas Boyd, of First Penn- sylvania, &c., was ordered with the Fourth Pennsylvania to Scho- harie, to defend the borders of New York from the Six Nations, where, after making connection with General Clinton, they moved to Tioga, and took part in Sullivan's campaign, in which Boyd was killed. Colonel James Chambers writes to General Hand, from " Mount Prospect camp, 18th June, 1777:" " I am very sorry it was not in my power to have spent some time with you in Cumberland. However, you know the Reason, and I FIRST PENNSYLVANIA. 313 need make no further Apology. We are now Encamped on the Mountain, on the back of Bound Brook, and have before us a very fine prospect of Brunswick, and aft the Low Country. On the night of the 14th, the Enemy Moved a Detachment of their army to Som- merset Courthous. In the Morning our Partizans and them had a Skirmish ; killed Severals forced one of their Piquet Guards, and took a hessian officer prisoner. The morning following, a party from General Sullivan's army, waylaid a party of Light horse, killed a Com 1 and 2 or 3 privates, and took 2 Sergeants with their horses and accoutrements. When the Enemy first advanced, General Sullivan Retreated over Delaware, in order to Draw the Enemy on towards Princetown, and then we would have fallen in their Rear ; but they thought it not Safe to Leave so formidable an Enemy in their Rear, Least they should find Difficulty in case of a Retreat. They have pitched their Main Camp at Middle Brook, about half way between Summerset and Brunswick. General Washington long undisturbed and has left the way Clear for Men to advance to Trenton if they Chuse; but it seems to me they see his Scheme, and Will not Go that Way, for if they do their Ruin, to all appearances, is inevitable. We have always three days' Provisions Ready Cooked, and keep in Readiness to March at a Minute's warning. We have a partizan Reg 1 Col. Morgan Commands Chosen Marksmen from theWhole Army Composes it. Capt. Barr, Lt. Lyon and Brady, & fifty men from my Reg' are amongst the number. I have sent Frederick, agreeable to your Request. Pleas to Let me hear from you when opportunity offers. " N. B. My best Compliments to Major Ewing. Look out for Good Mill Seats, and Remember old friends." " This day week we drove the enemy from Brunswick, and I was one of the first officers that entered the town. The advanced party took two prisoners, one a Hessian officer. We cannonaded them smartly; and they ran, and left the works as we approached with- out firing a gun, though we were within shot of small arms." Col. Chambers to Gen. Hand, ''Mount Prospect Camp, June, 1777." On the llth of August, from "camp at Cross Roads," Col. Cham- bers again writes Gen. Hand : " Two days ago I rec a your letter by Mr. Melligan. At the time you wrote it, Frederick had not been with you. but I assure you I sent him as soon as possible after I returned to camp. You say you heard we Lost a Capt. at Piscattaway, but I have the pleasure to inform you the Report is false. We are all" well and in high spirits, though much fatigued with constant and Long Martches. A few days after my Last Letter to you by Frederick, we Martched from Mount Prospect to Morristown, where we halted a few days. It was Reported the enemy was determinded to move up the North River. We was then ordered to martch to Pompton. Here we halted one 314 CONTINENTAL LINE. day, occasioned by wet weather. At this place I had the Honour to see Mr. Blair for the first time since we Left Delancey's Mills ; but he being rautch Indisposed Eesigned, and we must now trust to the Prayers of the faithfull, for we have no Chaplain. " Next day, 13th July, we was ordered to move to a place called Sufference at the mouth of the Clove ; here we halted to the 19th, when we proceeded through the Clove towards New Winsor. We moved upwards of twenty miles this day; here we halted till the 22d, then martched across the Eidge to a place called Chester, on the Road Leading from Sussex Court house to the North River. 26th we moved towards Howel's Ferry on Delaware ; we came near Sussex Court house, and through Hackett's & Pitts. " I was Like to forget to observe to you that only General Lincoln and Gen 1 Stephens' Divisions Crossed the Ridge, and martched to Chester ; the Rest of the Army Returned with his excellency to Morristown the Road they came, and so proceeded to Carrell's ferry, and we arrived the 29th at Howel's ferry. Here we halted till the 1st of Aug 1 , then Crossed the River, and continued our martch through Germantown to Skulkill falls, where we halted to the 9th, then martched back to this place on our way to Correll's ; our martching orders were countermanded at ten Last knight. This morning I had sum busness that caused me to go to head Quar- ters : here I seen four Germans that Deserted from Burgoyne. They say they are very bad of for provisions, and sickly, and has no pay. They left him at Skeensburough, and says that a Great many will follow their example. t; I am quite well, and fleshy as ever you seen me. It would give me great pleasure to hear from, you by every oportunity. I have given you a small history of our manuvers, though a very irregular one. " I understan the caus for countermanding the orders of march is that part of the fleet was seen south -of Delaware, standing for Chesepeek Bay." Captain David Harris, from " Cross Roads, (ab* 20 miles from Phila'da,) 13 th August, 1777," writes General Hand : " D r GENERAL : Contrary to my expectations, (when I had the pleasure of seeing you last,) I am still in the service. I sent up my Resignation to his Excellency, who treated me extremely polite upon the occasion, by expressing his desire for my continuing in the service, which I shall untill we go in Winter Quarters, at which time I shall certainly quit it, as I find there is no such thing as justice done any person who continues in actual service. To give you a Detail of our Marching and counter Marching in course of this Summer would be too tedious, but certain it is that we have traversed almost all the Jerseys, and a part of Pennsylvania. " This manceuver of the enemies occasions many different opin- FIRST PENNSYLVANIA. 315 ions. Some think they intend visiting the City, others think not. I am inclined to believe in the latter, or why would they keep about our Cape this two weeks, knowing that every day they keep off is of the greatest consequence to us, as our Regulars are already perfectly recovered from a long and tiresome march, and allowing time for the Militia to collect. These circumstances convinces me that Gen 1 Howe intends forming a junction with their Northern Army, but am satisfied his designs will be frustrated, as the North- ern States have a great deal of three months virtue, but very little for During the Warr, and, as the Retreat from Ticonderoga will more immediately affect them than any other of the States, think the Militia will appear on the field to a man, which certainly will put a stop to Burgoyne's amazing progress. " General St. Clair's character has been very ruffly handled by the deluded Mobb, in consequence of a villainous publication, which condemns him unheard. The Author unknown, and is like to re- main so. " Now, for a little Regimental News. In the first place, we have often wished to be under your command, had it not interfered with your interest. Coll. Butler, Captain Barr, with two subalterns, and ab l 50 privates, are detached in Morgan's Partizan Corps. Captain Barr has killed three or four men himself this Summer. His ex. pressions at the Death of one I shall ever Remember. Major Miller had the Command of a Detachment, and had a skirmish at very close shot with a party of Highlanders. One of them being quite open, he motioned to Capt. Barr to kill him, which he did in a trice, and, as he was falling, Barr said : " I say, by God, Sawny, I am in you." I assure you Barr 's .bravery on every occasion does him great Honour. "D r General, you must be convinced from some little matters when we had the Pleasure of being commanded by you that the Regiment is not very Happy in their present Commander; but, greatly to the credit of the officers, they have done their duty in every respect to the satisfaction of everybody. " I must beg a line from you informing the news of the Western Department, as we have had so many different acc'ts from that Quarter that we can't place any confidence in them, they are so very contradictory. Want of conveyance is my whole Reason for not writing. You may rely on it you shall hear from me every opportunity. My kind Comp ts to major Ewing." In a letter dated April, 1778, among the Hand papers, Capt. Harris says he entered the service in June, 1775. " In 1777, 1 was senior captain in Penn'a Line. Owing to the major promotion, not by reccommendation of Gen. Washington, nor to my predjudice alone, but of that of twenty or thirty deserving officers, I was com- pelled most reluctantly to resign. I had sent in my resignation 316 CONTINENTAL LINE. through my friend Col. Conner, then acting as adjutant general of the army. He sent it to Gen. Washington, who desired Col. Con ner to return it to me. I was in twenty-six engagements or skir- mishes." "On the morning of the llth September, 1777, we were apprised that the enemy was advancing; and soon after heard the engage- ment between our light troops and their advance parties. Whilst their main design was in front, to our right, the cannon ceased firing, except now and then, and small detachments of our troops were constantly skirmishing with them ; but in a short while we found that they had crossed the Brandywine, near the forks, and were coming in flank on our right wing. The cannonade com- menced about three o'clock, but soon gave way to small arms, which continued like an incessant clap of thunder, till within an hour of sunset, when our people filed off. Then the attack began with us on the left. "But I must observe to you that while the right was engaged, the troops that were on the right of our brigade, on the hill, were drawn off * * ' and left our right flank quite uncovered. The enemy kept an unremitted fire from their artillery, (and ours too played with great fury,) until advancing under the thick smoke they took possession of the redoubt in front of our park. "As there were no troops to cover the artillery in the redoubt, the enemy was within thirty yards before being discovered ; our men were forced to fly, and to leave three pieces behind. Our brig- ade was drawn into line, with the park of artillery two hundred yards in the rear of the redoubt. Our park was ordered off then, and my right exposed. The enemy advanced on the hill, where our park was, and came within fifty yards of the hill above me. I then ordered my men to fire. Two or three rounds made the lads clear the ground. " The General sent orders for our artillery to retreat it was on my right and ordered me to to cover it with part of my regiment. It was done, but to my surprise the artillerymen had run and left the howitzer behind. The two field pieces went up the road, pro- tected by about sixty of my men, who had very warm work, but brought them safe. 1 then ordered another party to fly to the how- itzer and bring it off. Captain Buchanan, Lieutenant Simpson, and Lieutenant Douglass went immediately to the gun, and the men followed their example, and I covered them with the few I had remaining. But before this could be done, the main body of the foe carne within thirty yards, and kept up the most terrible fire I suppose ever heard in America, though with very little loss on our side. I brought all the brigade artillery safely off, and I hope to see them again fired at the scoundrels. Yet we retreated to the next height in good order, in the midst of a very heavy fire of can- $Sif TAMP A from die I8W to f ho 2W of Soptoiuber 1777 witli tljo ATTACK AL\,)OKGENEIiAl/ GliK a^oinfit Uio KKBKJ ,S near \\1UTE 1LOKSE TAVEMr, on U>P 20ft 1 of September. Drravn by an.OfKccr on the Spot. Jffmi ^ -i^^/ *-*'L-. REFERENCES. .AAAA Jfwrf, of f>J Grpy s />//*rf m hro f!otcl Ttri^zuio in Plank. list /nifty /'LijJlt{ TttftutU-y c'w /jurxuit at'Ov liritrtxTanmtsZ&YfliiAffncarriedoffmkaif iir.it V. I.iglit Infioitry a/7er lun-ing rotiird Otc Tieiifls. ^Atttrrm. ELTftf 4f*fftofaaeRA in Rostr-ve. t'Mon-itig rilliouj TunMng tfirir Hanks. III! r/u-Kobols Flintf, in Disorder. -o .'Rajiniatis utulfr Col: FIRST PENNSYLVANIA. 317 non and small arms. Not thirty yards distant, we formed to re- ceive them, but they did not choose to follow. " I lost Lieutenants Holliday and Wise, killed ; Captain Grier was badly wounded ; Captain Craig and myself slightly wounded. I have, I suppose, lost six or seven killed, and about the same number wounded. We lost several fine officers out of the brig- ade." Colonel James Chambers to General Hand. The evidence of Captain James Wilson, of the First Pennsyl- vania regiment, testifies : u That on the night of the 20th Sept r , Gen'l Wayne Personally placed me With the Light Infantry ; his orders to me Was, stand like a Brave Soldier, and Give them fire. His Orders I Obeyed as Long as Possible, but the Enemy being too numerous, fors d me to Give way to the middle Fence, Where I Rallied about thirty men, and Gave them the Last Fire." A memorandum in the handwriting of Captain Thomas Buchanan, of the First Pennsylvania regiment, says: "At the affair of Paoli, in the fall of 1777, 1 was sent forward to Gen. Smallwood, that lay at the White House, to get him to cover our retreat and fix a place of rendezvous, etc. He sent me forward to try to stop as many of his broken troops that had taken the road to Downingtown. On coming near to these, I found where some of his artillery had thrown a field-piece into a limekiln and had broken the carriage. I went on to Downingtown, and fixed a guard on the road to stop the runaways ; got a wheeler and blacksmith to mend the carriage, and went down and put the cannon on the car- riage, etc." Under date " Camp Englishtown, Jane 30' h , 1778, "Colonel James Chambers again writes General Hand : " I have the pleasure to inform you that on the 28 th ult., we gave the enemy a fine drubbing at Freehold Church, about four miles from this place. The attack commenced at eleven o'clock, and a most violent cannonade continued for nearly five hours, in which time both armies were manoeuvring on the right and left. Our Di- vision was drawn in front of our artillery, in a small hollow ; while the enemy's artillery was placed on an eminence in front of our brigade. " Of course, we were in a right line of their fire, both parties playing their cannon over our heads, and yet only killed two of our men, and wounded four of my regiment with splinters of rails. Our army out-generaled them, and, at the same time, advanced some artillery across a swamp, and drove them before us. They fled in all quarters, and, at sunset, we had driven them near to Monmouth town. We encamped on the field that night. They left on the ground several officers of distinction, amongst them 318 CONTINENTAL LINE. Colonel Monckton ; and, yesterday, we buried upwards of two hun- dred and fifty of the bold Britons who were to conquer the world ! " I rode over the whole ground, and saw two hundred of their dead. It is surprising that we lost not more than thirty. How- ever, of this, I can assure you that for every ten of them, I did not see one of ours killed. During yesterday, our fatigue parties were collecting the dead in piles, and burying them. The enemy is flying with precipitation to the Hook, and we are now on our march to Brunswick. They desert very fast, so watch for news." REGIMENTAL ORDER, SEPTEMBER 7, 1778. The following arrangement of regiment to be immediately ob- served* : 1st, Colonel's company, late Grier's Capt. Buchanan, Lieut. McFarlane. 2d, Lieutenant colonel's company, late Buchanan's Lieut. Dough- erty, Lieut. McDowell. 3d, Major's company, late Holliday's Lieut. Ziegler, Lieut. Craw- ford. 4th, Captain Simpson to command the detatchment now under Capt. Parr, which is to act as the infantry company Lieut. Boyd, Ensign Collier. 5th, Capt. Barr, Lieut. Skinner, Lieut. Hammond. 6th, Capt. Hamilton, Lieut. Lyon, Ensign Johnston. 7th, Capt. Craig, Lieut. Norcross, Ensign Chambers. 8th, Capt. J. Wilson, Lieut. McClelan, and Ensign Beard. 9th, Capt. William Wilson, Lieut. Hughes. Front. Infantry. Lieut. Cols. Hamilton. J. Wilson. Major. W. Wilson. Craig-. Barr. Colonel's. Infantry. The companies are to take post agreeable to the above on the parade, till further orders. JAMES CHAMBERS, Colonel First Regiment. *This was according to the establishment of the army by a resolution of Congress, of May 27, 1778. See Journal of Congress, vol. iv, page FIRST PENNSYLVANIA. 319 Col. Chambers, writing to President Reed, of Pennsylvania, from "camp New Point, October 7, 1779," says: " Sir: Enclosed I send your Excellency a return of the Captains and Subalterns in the 1 st Penn'a Reg', by which you will find the time of Captain Buchanan 3 resignation. (See this return printed in Penn'a Archives, 0. S. vol. vii, page 726.) Your Excellency will exceedingly oblige me by granting an order to the Board of war to issue a captain's Commission for Capt. Lt. McClellan, and a Lieutenancy for Ensign Chambers, who follows in regular suc- cession. I would beg leave to recommend the three gentlemen at the bottom of the return for Ensigns (John Hamilton, John Mc- Murtrie, and John Scott) in the 1 st Pa. Reg', and request your Ex- cellency to include them in your order to the Board of war for that purpose." In a letter from Col. Chambers to his wife, dated " camp at New Bridge, Hackensack, September 5, 1780," he says : " The 1 st regiment was ordered to attack a Block House, built on the bank of the North River, on the point that runs down to Ber- gen, Six or Seven miles from that town. My regiment was ordered to advance and commence the attack and to cover the Artillery, which was done with unparalleled bravery. Advancing to the abattis, which was within twenty yards of the house, several crept through and there continued, under an excessive fire, until ordered away. They retreated with reluctance. The foe kept close under shelter, firing from loopholes. Our men and artillery kept up a galling fire on the house, but at last were obliged to fall back, as our field pieces were too light to penetrate. There were twelve killed of the 1 st Regiment, and four of them in the abattis; in all, forty men were Killed, wounded, and missing, three of those in Ben 8 platoon. You may depend your son is a good soldier. All the offi- cers say he behaved exceedingly well. I had not the pleasure of seeing it, as I lay very sick at the time." 320 CONTINENTAL LINE. ROSTER OF FIELD AND STAFF. Colonels. Hand, Edward, commissioned March 7, 1776 ; promoted brigadier general April 1, 1777. Chambers, James, transferred from Tenth Pennsylvania April 12, 1777; retired the service January 1, 1781; at the battle of Brandywine, he received a Hessian bullet in his side, which gave him a great deal of trouble in after years ; died at Loudon Forge, Franklin county, April 25, 1805, aged fifty-six. Lieutenant Colonel. Chambers, James, commissioned March 7, 1776 ; promoted Colonel September 28, 1776 ; and assigned to Tenth Pennsylvania March 7, 1777. Ross,* James, from major, March 12, 1777 ; transferred to Eighth Pennsylvania. Butler, Richard, from Eighth Pennsylvania; transferred to Mor- gan's Rifles. Robinson, Thomas, from Fifth Pennsylvania, June 11, 1777. Majors. Ross, James, commissioned September 25, 1776 ; promoted lieuten- ant colonel March 12, 1777. Miller, Henry, March 12, 1777, to rank, from September 28, 1776 ; promoted lieutenant colonel, and transferred to Second Pennsyl- vania July, 1778. Moore, James, from Fifth Pennsylvania September 20. 1777 ; after the war, a druggist in Philadelphia. Captains. Cluggage, Robert, resigned October 6, 1776, in consequence of ap- pointment of a junior captain to majority. Subsequently, a justice of the peace of Shirley township, Huntingdon county. Smith, Matthew, resigned for same reason as Captain Cluggage ; De- cember 5, 1776, promoted major in Ninth Pennsylvania, to rank from September 27, 1776. *The arrangement, as printed in the Colonial Records, vol. xi, page 179, is scratched in the original, and Richard Butler's name inserted in place of Ross, and Ross' name inserted in the Eighth Butler scratched, which corresponds with the fact that Ross served in the Eighth subse- quently to March, 1777. Washington also, in a letter to Colonel Hand, March 14, 1777, inquires "what has become of your lieutenant colonel?" FIRST PENNSYLVANIA. 321 Ross, James, promoted major September 25, 1776. Miller, Henry, promoted major September 28, 1776. Craig, Charles, wounded at Brandy wine ; shot himself in 1782. Grier, James, commissioned March 7, 1776 ; wounded at Brandy wine September 11, 1777 ; promoted major Tenth Pennsylvania, Octo- ber 23, 1777. Harris, David, resigned October 20, 1777 ; appointed prothonotary of Northumberland county September 11, 1777 ; died November 16, 1809, at Baltimore. Barr, James, promoted major October 9, 1778, and assigned to Seventh Pennsylvania. Hamilton, James, commissioned March 10, 1776; prisoner of war November 2, 1777 ; promoted major second Pennsylvania De- cember 10, 1778. Holliday, John, from first lieutenant, September 25, 1776; resigned after 1778; died in Frankstown township, Huntingdon county, August 19, 1823, aged seventy-six. Craig, Samuel, from first lieutenant, October 1, 1776; retired from service July 1, 1781. Matson, James; a return dated November 2, 1777, indicates that Matson was a captain then, but not present. Simpson, Michael, from first lieutenant, December 1,1776; retired the service January 1, 1781; died June 1, 1813, aged sixty-five; buried in Paxtang church grave-yard, near Harrisburg. Wilson, James, from first lieutenant, January 16, 1777 ; retired as of January 1, 1781. Wilson, William, from first lieutenant. March 2, 1777; mustered out November 3, 1783 ; died at Chillisquaque Mills, Northumber- land county, in 1813 ; buried in the Presbyterian grave-yard at North umberland . Buchanan, Thomas, October 1, 1777; resigned September 26, 1779; sheriff of Cumberland county, 1789; died at Newville, October 13, 1823, aged seventy-six. Ziegler, David, from first lieutenant, December 8, 1778 ; died at Cin- cinnati, Ohio, September 24, 1811 , aged sixty-three. See Deutsche Pionier, 1S69, p 11. Lyon, Benjamin, from lieutenant, December 8, 1778; resigned May, 1779, on account of ill health ; resided in Mifflin county, in 1 835, aged eighty-two. McClelan, John, from captain lieutenant, October 1, 1779, vice Cap- tain Buchanan; retired from service January 1, 1783; resided on Marsh creek, York county, in 1791. Hughes, John, from lieutenant, October 1, 1779; retired from ser- vice January 1, 1781. 21 VOL. X. 322 CONTINENTAL LINE. First LieiUenants. Steele, Archibald, prisoner of war December 31, 1775; transferred to commissary department, under Colonel Flowers, April, 1777; subsequently United States military store-keeper at Philadel- phia; died October 19, 1832; fifty-seven years in the service of the United States. Holliday, John, promoted captain, vice James Ross, September 25, 1776. Craig, Samuel, promoted captain, October 1, 1776. Matson, James, prisoner of war, November, 1777; promoted cap- tain. McConnell, Matthew, promoted captain; transferred to Hazen's regiment, November 3, 1776. Zanck, Jacob, resigned October 1, 1776 ; resided in Lancaster county, 1814. Chambers Benjamin, senior, died December 29, 1813, at Chambers- burg, aged fifty-eight. Simpson Michael, promoted captain , December 1, 1776. Hubley, Frederick, from second lieutenant; died at Harrisburg, December 23, 1822. "Wilson, William, from second lieutenant, September 25, 1776 ; pro- moted captain, March 2, 1777. Ziegler, David, January 16, 1777; promoted captain, December 8, 1778. Lyon, Benjamin, July 16, 1777. McClelan, John, September 11, 1777 ; promoted captain lieutenant, December 8, 1778, and captain, October 1, 1779. Norcross, Aaron, September 14, 1777; resigned September 26, 1779. Boyd, Thomas, January 14, 1778; killed September 12, 1779, in Sul- livan's campaign, being then detached with other riflemen from the First to Fourth Pennsylvania, under Colonel William But- ler. Hughes, John, March 20, 1778; promoted captain lieutenant, vice McClellan promoted, October 1, 1779. McFarlane, James, March 21, 1778; mustered out November 3 1783. McDowell, William, March 22, 1778 ; mustered out November 3, 1783; died at St. Thomas, Franklin county, June 19, 1835, aged eighty-six; buried in Waddell grave-yard, near Mercersburg. Crawford, Edward, March 23, 1778; left the army August 16, 1781; died at Chambersburg March 6, 1833; buried in Falling Spring grave-yard. Hammond, David,, from second lieutenant December 8, 1778; wounded at Block House; died near Milton, Pennsylvania, April 27, 1801, aged fifty-two. Johnston, Andrew, from second lieutenant May 12, 1779. FIRST PENNSYLVANIA. 323 Collier, Joseph, from second lieutenant May 17, 1779, vice B. Lyon, resigned ; died at Carlisle September 28, 1790. Chambers, Benjamin, junior, from ensign, September 13, 1779. Second Lieutenants. Nichols, Francis, prisoner of war December 31, 1775; released Oc- tober 10, 1776; promoted captain in Ninth Pennsylvania. Wilson, William, promoted first lieutenant September 25, 1776. Buchanan, Thomas, promoted. Ewing, Jasper, promoted brigade major to General Hand at Fort Pitt, 1777-1778 ; prothonotary of Northumberland county ; died at Sunbury in 1800. Armor, Thomas. Cross, William, promoted and transferred to Moylan's regiment. Burd, Benjamin, promoted first lieutenant Septemeer 25, 1776 ; sub- sequently transferred to Fourth Pennsylvania. Weiser, Peter, (son of Conrad Weiser,) wounded and captured at Germantown ; a letter dated November 5, 1777, at Philadelphia, says " Peter Weiser is still alive." (Muhlenberg's Journal, vol. i, Historical Society of Pennsylvania' 1 s Collection, page 129.) McFarlane, James, May 13, 1777. McDowell, William, May 13, 1777. Clarke, John, promoted aid to General Greene; died December 27, 1819, at York, Pennsylvania, aged, sixty-eight. Hammond, David, September 14, 1777 ; promoted first lieutenant December 8, 1778. Johnson, Andrew, quartermaster March 24, 1778; promoted first lieutenant May 12, 1779. Collier, Joseph, from Thirteenth Pennsylvania, July 1, 1778; pro- moted first lieutenant May 17, 1779. Dick, John, from third lieutenant, September 25, 1776. Dougherty, John, from third lieutenant, September 25, 1776. Magaw, William, surgeon, from third lieutenant, January 16, 1777. Stevenson, George, from third lieutenant May 13, 1777; resigned in 1778 ; studied medicine, and reentered the regiment as surgeon's mate, with the rank of ensign, May 28, 1779. Hoffman, Michael, from ensign, October 1, 1779; died in service July 18, 1780. Davis, Isaac, May 28, 1779. Campbell, James, from ensign, July 18, 1780. Third Lieutenants. Dick, John, promoted second lieutenant, September 25, 1776, vice Jacob Zanck, resigned. Dougherty, John, promoted second lieutenant, September 25, 1776. Magaw, William, also surgeon, August 10, 1776; promoted second lieutenant, January 16, 1777. 324 CONTINENTAL LINE. Skinner, Abraham, taken at Germantown ; exchanged June, 1778; died at Suffolk county, Virginia, July 31 , 1826, aged seventy-one. Wilson, Alexander. Smith, . Holliday, James, killed September 11, 1777. (See Jones' 1 Juniata Val- ley, page 315, for a sketch of him.) "Wise, , killed September 11, 1777. Francis, George, resigned October, 1776. Lyon, Benjamin, September 25, 1776 ; promoted lieutenant, July 16, 1777. Cunningham, Eobert, appointed September 25, 1776, vice Dick. Patten, William, October 10, 1776, vice Clark; killed October 4, 1777, at Germantown. Stevenson, George, junior, January 17, 1777 ; promoted second lieu- tenant, May 13, 1777. Ensigns. Chambers, Benjamin, son of Col. James, commissioned June 2, 1778; promoted lieutenant September 13, 1779, vice Thomas Boyd, killed. Claypoole, Samuel, March 2, 1779. Hoffman, Michael, May 28, 1779 ; promoted lieutenant, vice Hughes, October 1, 1779. Stevenson, George, May 28, 1779. Campbell, James, May 30, 1779; promoted lieutenant, July 18. 1780. McMurtrie, John, from corporal, October 1, 1779 ; resigned August 1, 1780. McCormick, Alexander, appointed April, 1780. Chaplains. Blair, Kev. Samuel, resigned August 11, 1777. "He being much indisposed resigned, and we must now trust to the prayers of the faithful for we have no chaplain." Col. Chambers' letter to Gen. Hand. Mr Blair was subsequently chaplain Third brigade, (Hand's,) and then to the artillery brigade. He died in Germantown, Penn'a, September 23, 1818, aged seventy-seven. McMordie, Kev. Kobert, appointed July 12, 1780; he was chaplain to the Second brigade from July 1,1779; originally from old Eleventh. Paymasters. North, George, , 1776. Buchanan, Thos., Capt., appointed October 2, 1778, to rank from June 2, 1778. Crawford, Edward, Lieut., 1780. Adjutants. Ziegler, David, wounded August 27, 1776. FIRST PENNSYLVANIA. 325 Ewing, Jasper, until April, 1777. McCormick, Henry, April, 1777 ; promoted brigade major McFarlane, James, June 10, 1778. Norcross, Aaron, October 2, 1778. Fullerton, Richard. Quarter Masters. Hubley, Frederick. Johnston, Andrew, appointed October 2, 1778, to rank from June 2, 1778; wounded in the left leg at Paoli, and in the right leg at Monmouth ; discharged at Pittsburgh, April 1, 1783; re- sided in York county, in 1813. Assistant Quarter Master. Simpson, Samuel, April, 1777. Surgeons. Magaw, William, transferred to Ninth Pennsylvania. Black well, Rev. Robert, chaplain to Second brigade, acting surgeon 1778. Rodgers, John R. B., appointed October 1, 1779; died in New York City, January 29, 1833. Surgeon'' s Mates. Reinick, Christian, appointed March 1, 1776; killed at Paoli, September 21, 1777. His daughter Catharine, a Pennsylvania pensioner, resided in Lancaster, 1791. Rague, John, April 19, 1778. Stevenson, George, Jr., appointed May 28,1779; resigned August 1, 1780. In 1798, major of Tenth United States regiment ; re- sided in Pittsburgh until 1825 ; died in Wilmington, Delaware, in 1829. Hilsdorph, John, Fife Major. Ferguson, William, January 1, 1777. Drummers and Fifers. January 18, 1781. Drummers and flfers for the First regiment, under tuition at Laij^caster, sent forward by the committee of Lancaster, to New York, July 26, 1776: Maloy, Wilson, Henry; Ferguson, William; Porter, William ; Chalkley, Rob- ert; McGachakin, George; Elliot, James; Jones, Robert- Newcomer, Christian. Hand Papers. 326 CONTINENTAL LINE. Officers of Capt. John Doyle's Independent Company. Attached to First Pennsylvania. Strength, eighty men. Captain. Doyle, John, commissioned September 5, 1776. First Lieutenant. Brady, Samuel, commissioned September 5, 1776. Second Lieutenant. Me Murray, William, commissioned September 5, 1776. Third Lieutenant . Fortney, Henry, commissioned September 3, 1776. ARRANGEMENT OF THE FIRST REGIMENT, JANUARY 17, 1781. Colonel. Brodhead, Daniel, from Eighth Pennsylvania. Lieutenant Colonel. Robinson, Thomas, transferred to Second Pennsylvania January 1, 1783. Major. Moore, James, transferred to Second Pennsylvania January 1, 1783. Captains. Davis, John, of the Ninth ; commission dated November 15, 1776 ; retired January 1, 1783; in 1800, brigadier general; in 1803, associate judge of Chester; died July 10, 1827, aged seventy- four, near Paoli; buried in Chester Valley Presbyterian church- yard* Clark, John, of the Eighth; commission dated February 28, 1777; transferred to the Third January 1, 1783. Wilson, William, commissioned March 2, 1777. Stake, Jacob, of the Tenth ; commission dated November 12, 1777; transferred to Third Pennsylvania January 1, 1783. Ziegler, David, retired January 1, 1783. Steel, John, of the Tenth ; commission dated March 23, 1779 ; re- tired January 1, 1783; afterwards collector of port of Phila- delphia; died February 27, 1827. FIRST PENNSYLVANIA. 327 Carson, Ebenezer; commission dated April 1, 1779; resigned May 18, 1781. McClelan, John, retired January 1, 1783. Burke, Edward, of the Eleventh; commission dated October 2, 1780; retired January 1, 1783. Lieutenants. Feltman, William, of the Tenth; commission dated November 2, 1777 ; resigned in South Carolina. McFarlane, James. McDowell, William. Crawford, Edward. Banks, Joseph, of the Tenth. Hammond, David. Johnston, Andrew, retired January 1, 1783. Collier, Joseph. White, Francis, of the Tenth, August 2, 1779; retired January 1, 1783. Martin, Robert, of the Tenth, April 1, 1780 ; retired January 1, 1783. Everly, Michael, of the Tenth, April 1, 1780; retired January 1, 1783; resided in Franklin county in 1787. Campbell, James, July 18, 1780. Ensigns. Nesbit Robert, of the Tenth, September 15, 1780. Brooke, James, of the Tenth, September 15, 1780. Surgeon. Rodgers, John R. B. Surgeon's Mate. Rague, John, of the Tenth, April 19, 1778. Captain. McCurdy, William, from captain lieutenant, May 18, 1781, vice Ebenezer Carson, resigned. 328 CONTINENTAL LINE. ARRANGEMENT OF THE PENNSYLVANIA LINE, FIRST REGIMENT, JANUARY i, 1783. t Colonel. Brodhead, Daniel, September 29, 1776. Lieutenant (Colonel. Harmar, Josiah, June 6, 1777. Major. Vernon, Frederick, June 7, 1777 ; died in 1807. Captains. Doyle, John, July 16, 1776. Bowen, Thomas B., Sept. 2, 1776 ; printer in Charleston. S. C., 1804. Bankson, John, September 25, 1776. Fish bourne, Benjamin, January 3, 1777. Humphrey, Jacob, February 15, 1777. Wilson, William, March 2, 1777. Irvine, Andrew, March 20, 1777 ; died at Carlisle, May 4, 1789. Seely, Isaac, September 20, 1777. Finley, Joseph L., October 20, 1777; resided in Adams county,. Ohio, in 1833, aged seventy-three. Lieutenants. Lytle, Andrew, January 20, 1777 ; died of camp fever in 1784. Jones, James M., March 12, 1777. Moore, William, April 10, 1777; discharged at Philadelphia, No- vember, 1783. McMichael, James, June 20, 1777. Herbert, Stewart, January 9, 1778; appointed in United States ser- vice in 1784. McFarlane. James, March 21, 1778. BleAver, George, May 16, 1778. Blackall, William Ball, November 5, 1778. McPherson, James F., January 15, 1779. Ward, John, April 1, 1779. Milligan, James, April 16, 1779. Fullerton, Kichard, May 12, 1779. Collier, Joseph, May 17, 1779. Davis, Llwellyn, August 10, 1779. Weitzel, Jacob, March 11, 1780. FIRST PENNSYLVANIA. 329 Martin, Robert, April 1, 1780. Campbell, James, July 11, 1780. McKnight, David, July 23, 1780. Spear, Edward, January 1, 1781; killed at St. Clair's defeat, No- vember 4, 1791. Le Roy, George, January 2, 1781. Irvine, Joseph, May 12, 1781. Quarter Master . McFarlane, James. Adjutant. Fullerton, Richard. Surgeon. Magaw, William, resided many years after the war at Mercers- burg, Pennsylvania; died at Meadville, May 1, 1829, aged eighty-five. Surgeon's Mate. Wilkins, John, or Rague, John, not known which is the eldest. RETURN OF OFFICERS IN THE FIRST PENNSYLVANIA REGIMENT, DATED SEPTEMBER 23, 1783. Colonel. Brodhead, Daniel. Lieutenant Colonel. Harmar, Josiah.* Major. Moore, James. Captains. Doyle, John. Finney, Walter. Bowen, Thos. B. Bankson, John, resided in Baltimore, 1810. Humphrey, Jacob. * Lieut. Col. Josiah Harmar, commanded the quota from Pennsyl- vania in service after the war in defense of the frontiers, until he was made general-in-chief of the United States army, in 1789. He was Adjutant General of Pennsylvania, 1793-1799 ; and died in Philadelphia, August 20, 1813. 330 CONTINENTAL LINE. Wilson, William. Boude, Thomas. Irvine, Andrew. Fishbourne, Benjamin, resided in Savannah, Georgia, in 1789. (See Benton's Debates, vol. t, page 17, for Gen. Washington's letter on the rejection of him for naval officer.) Lieutenants. Jones, James M. Moore William. Butler, Percival. Lodge, Benjamin. Reeves, Enos. McFarlane, James. Hammond, David. McPherson, James F. Doyle, Thomas, Jr., first lieutenant ; March 1, 1779, captain by brevet. Milligan, James, McCallum, John. Bevins, Wilder. Dunn, A. M. Marckland, John. White, Francis. Henley, Henry. Weitzel, Jacob. Head, Samuel. Denny, Ebenezer. Adjutant. Fullerton, Richard, died at Philadelphia, June 16, 1792, aged thirty- five. Surgeon. McDowell, John, resided in Greensburg, Westmoreland county, after the war. Surgeon's Mate. Wharry, Robert. FIRST PENNSYLNANTA. 331 ROLL OF CAPT. ROBERT CLUGGAGE'S COMPANY. Captain. Cluggage, Robert, resigned October 6, 1776. First Lieutenants. Holliday, John, promoted captain of Ross's company, September 25, 1776. Burd, Benjamin, from second lieutenant, September 25, 1776; trans- ferred to Fourth Pennsylvania. Second Lieutenant. Burd, Benjamin, promoted first lieutenant, September 25, 1776. Ensign. Holliday, James, from sergeant; killed September 11, 1777. Sergeants. Holliday, James, promoted ensign, July 27, 1776. Simonton, Alexander, discharged 1781; wounded in the battle of Brandy wine; resided in Washington county, in 1803. Privates. Bainbridge, Charles, June 6, 1776; discharged July 13, 1776. Bone, Joseph, May 8, 1776; discharged June 24, 1776. Butler, Edward, May 18, 1776. Campbell, Larison, May 18, 1776; discharged July 18, 1776. Connor, Philip. Corbitt, Patrick, May 8, 1776; discharged August 8, 1776. Denmark, John, August 1, 1776. Donelin, William. Dougherty, Matthias. Drew, [Dreis,] Thomas, July 16, 1776. Gorman, Samuel, June 4, 1776. Hailey, David, July 24, 1776. Humphries, David, July 20, 1776. Irwin, James, July 16, 1776. Irwin, William. Kent, William, Kerney, James, May 8, 1776; discharged August 15, 1776. Kerney, Nicholas, May 8, 1776; discharged August 15, 1776. Kirbey, James, June 6, 1776; taken prisoner August 28, 1776. Laird, William. Leonard, Patrick. 332 CONTINENTAL LINE. Lewis, Robert, June 6, 1776; discharged July, 1776. Long, James, July 21, 1776. McCartney, Henry, July 12, 1776. McClean, Daniel. McCord, Ezra, July 21, 1776. McCune, [McEwen,] John. McDonald, David, May 8, 1776; discharged July 18, 1776. McNinch, John, May 11, 1776. McRoberts, David, May 18, 1776. Magee, Thomas. May, William, June 18, 1776; discharged August 15, 1776. Miller, Michael. Morrison, John, August 1, 1776. Plumb, Samuel. Pughe, Thomas, June 15, 1776. Reynolds, Michael. Richardson, James, June 6, 1776; discharged August 28, 1776. Richie, Philip. Richie, Charles, June 15, 1776 ; discharged July 13, 1776. Robinson, Thomas, June 6, 1776 ; discharged June 24, 1776. Ross, Charles, July 14, 1776. Rock, Thomas, July 14, 1776. Sheehan, Thomas, July 21, 1776. Sloan, Alexander. Smith, John, July 21, 1776. Steel, Francis, May 18, 1776. Stevens, John, July 18, 1776. Taylor, Hugh, July 20, 1776. Vanderslice, Daniel. Wallace, Samuel. Ward, Thomas. Warren, Edward, July 20, 1776. Whitman, George. FIRST PENNSYLVANIA. 333 CAPTAIN JAMES ROSS' COMPANY. [This Roll is incomplete.] Captains. Boss, James, promoted major September 25, 1776. Holliday, John, from first lieutenant of Cluggage's company, Sep- tember 25, 1776. First Lieutenant. Zanck, Jacob, resigned October 1, 1776. Second Lieutenant. Hubley, Frederick, promoted first lieutenant. Sergeants. Franey, James. Ward, John Privates. Anderson, Adam, May 1, 1776. Allison, Thomas, July 23, 1776. Allsworth, Ludwig, Jiily 14, 1776. Barnett, Joseph, May 1, 1776. Beilor, George, reenlisted May 1, 1776, for three years; wounded at Paoli in the shoulder ; residing at Marietta in 1835, aged eighty- seven. Cameron, Angus, February 14, 1777. Carroll, John, March 4, 1777. Collins, Robert, May 4, 1776. Connelly, John, May 6, 1776. Decker, Henry, May 1, 1776. Delwich, Casimer, May 1, 1776. Dilliner, William, May 5, 1776. Dorsh, Frederick, July 11, 1776. Dugan, Michael, May 9, 1776. Foulke, Solomon, July 17, 1776. Franey, John, May 6, 1776. Galbraith, Hugh, February 12, 1777. Gamble, Michael, February 15, 1777. Gorman, James, March 4, 1777. Gribben, James, May 1, 1776. Grimes, William, May 6, 1776. Hagen, William, March 4, 1777. 334 CONTINENTAL LINE. Hagerty, Henry, July 16, 1776. Hartnes, James, February 1, 1777. Hoover, Albright, May 10, 1776. Hoover, Felix, March 4, 1777. Keller, Andrew, March 4, 1777. Kissinger, John, March 4, 1777. Kuhus, Daniel, July 26, 1776. Lock, Conrad, May 6, 1776. Long, Robert, March 4, 1777. Lutis, John, May 11, 1776. Lutz, John, May 5, 1776. McCay, [McCoy,] John, May 1, 1776. McGee, Charles, July 21, 1776. McHaffey, James, May 1, 1776. McLane, James, March 4, 1777. McLane, William, March 4, 1777. McWilliams, Ephraim, May 1, 1776. Matthews, Henry, May 4, 1776. Metz, Elias, July 19, 1776. Miller, Frederick, May 5, 1776. Morrison, John, May 8, 1776. Moskell, Lawrence, May 1, 1776. Naglee, Anthony Henry, March 4, 1777. Neusorper, Christopher, May 4, 1776. Newcomer, Christopher, May 14, 1776. Newman, John, May 4, 1776. Ogelby, Charles, May 6, 1776. Porter, William, May 3, 1776. Reese, Ambrose. Reese, David, May 1, 1776. Beimer, William, May 1, 1776. Scannels, John, February 2, 1777. Seamis, Stephen, May 4, 1776. Shafer, Jacob, May 9, 1776. Silvers, Amos. Smith, George, May 12, 1776. Stamford, Robert, March 4, 1777. Stratton, John, May 1, 1776. Summers, Matthias, May 1, 1776. Tegan, James, March 4, 1777. Thompson, Charles, May 6, 1776 Todd, Thomas, February 2, 1777. Veese, David, March 4, 1777. Ward, John, February 15, 1777. Weaver, Albright, May 3, 1776. Welsh, Thomas, May 1, 1776. FIRST PENNSYLVANIA. 335 Weyland, Michael, May 7, 1776. Williams, John, March 4, 1777. Winegarden, Henry, May 7, 1776. CAPTAIN HENRY MILLER'S COMPANY. [This Roll is incomplete.] Captains. Miller, Henry, promoted major, March 12, 1777, to rank from Sep- tember 28, 1776. Matson, James, from first lieutenant. first Lieutenants. Matson, James, promoted captain. Second Lieutenant. Clark, John, promoted aid to General Greene. Privates. Allen, William, May 25, 1776. Armor, Robert, May 24, 1776. Armstrong, George. Bell, John, April 28, 1776. Beverly, John. Bittinger, Christian, June 15, 1776. Block, Richard, May 23, 1776. Brown, George, from flying camp. Burke, John, June 6, 1776. Campbell, Thomas. Carnahan, William, May 23, 1776. Clark, John. Conyers, Robert, June 5, 1776. Cooper, William. Crone, Thomas, May 10, 1776. ! Dougherty, George. Douther, John. Evans, Able. Fanning, Thomas. Ferguson, John. Goudy, William, May 16, 1776. Graft, Patrick. 336 CONTINENTAL LINE. Griffith, John. Griffith, Thomas, May 18, 1776. Halbut, Joseph. Harvey, Robert, from flying camp. Humphries, John, May 17, 1776. Kennedy, Richard. Kennedy, Thomas. Leiper, John, April 15, 1776. Lewis, Abraham. Line, John, June 6, 1776. Liness, Charles, May 5, 1776. McAllister, John. McCray, John. McCrea, George. McCurt, John. McQuiston, Joseph. Mill, James. Minshall, Joshua. Moore, Edward. Morrison, James, April 10, 1776. Murphy, Patrick, March 13, 1776; discharged August 8, 1776. Patton, John, May 13, 1776. Preston, Patrick, June 2, 1776. Quin, Michael, May 29, 1776. Quint, John. Sharp, Andrew. Shaven, John. Shibbey, Joseph, June 16, 1776. Shields, Matthew. Smith, James, May 16, 1776. Staley, Jacob. Start, Andrew. Stephens, Alexander, flfer ; since taken by his master. Stewlan, Patrick, May 12, 1776. Stoyle, Matthew, June 5, 1776. Tanner, Tobias. Taylor, John. Taylor, William, June 7, 1776. Torrence, David, July 12, 1776. White, Edward. Winters, Timothy, May 15, 1776. FIRST PENNSYLVANIA. 337 Return of the number of men enlisted (in Captain Miller's com- pany, first regiment. Colonel Hand} during the ivar. Enlisted of my company, 34 Enlisted out of the flying camp, 13 N. B. Five of the above taken November 16, 1776, on York Island. November #, 1776. HENRY MILLER, Captain. First Regiment. CAPTAIN CHARLES CRAIG'S COMPANY. [This Roll is incomplete.] Captain. Craig, Charles, wounded at Brandy wine. First Lieutenant. Craig, Samuel, promoted captain October 1, 1776. Sergeants. IN"orcross, Aaron, promoted ensign. Anderson, Enoch. Corporal. James, David. Drummer. Adams, Peter. Privates. Adams, Samuel. Anderson, James, July 12, 1776. Burger, Jost. Carey, Martin. Clifton, Robert. Coburn, William, July 18, 1776. Concklin, Richard. Cooker, Nicholas. Crook, William, July 20, 1776. Daley, William. Dean, Samuel. Decker, Benjamin. Dilling, Amos, June 3, 1776. Duke, John, May 5, 1776. 22 VOL. X. 338 CONTINENTAL LINE. Ferguson, William. Forster, William, May 10, 1776. Frye, Conrad, May 17, 1776. Hardy, Elijah. Harvey, John. Hichinan, George. Hichman, John Adam, May 17, 1776. Hill, William, July 20, 1776. Horter, Peter. Johnston, Robert Jones, Peregrine, May 10, 1776. Kane, Bartholomew. Karich, William. Matthews, Samuel, May 8, 1776. Mattingly, Alban. Miller, John. Montgomery, Thomas, June 17, 1776. Moeser, John. Nousted, Peter. Pierce, Zachariah, April 11, 1776. Price, Rees. Richart, Thomas. Road, Valentine, May 16, 1776. Roy, Patrick. Scribner, David, July 18, 1776. Smith, Nicholas. Sonn, David. Speering, John, July 12, 1776. Wagner, Adam. NEWARK, November 24, 1776. Recruits who have joined, 25 Recruits that have not joined, 12 Lost at Fort Washington, 22 FIRST PENNSYLVANIA. 339 ROLL OF CAPTAIN JAMES GRIER'S COMPANY. [This roll is incomplete.] Captain. Grier, James, March 7, 1776 ; promoted major Tenth Pennsylvania, October 23, 1777. First Lieutenant. McConnell, Matthew. Second Lieutenant. Buchanan, Thomas. Ensign. Crawford, Edward. - Sergeants. Hay, David. Andrews, Arthur. Crawford, Alexander. Privates. Benker, Michael.* Beally, Thomas,* deserted July 4, 1776. Beven, John.* Biddle, David.* Black, James.* Boyd, David.* Brandon, John.* Brown, Black.* Campbell, William.* Coneway, Patrick, May 9, 1776. Davis, Thomas, May 13, 1776. Dougherty, James.* Eveiiy, John.* Eaton, Joseph.* Finley, William, May 10, 1776. Fisher, George.* George, Evan, May 12, 1776. Grady, Thomas, June 14, 1776. Guy, Joseph, May 7, 1776. Hogan, Peter.* Henderson, John. Hutchinson, John.* *Enlisted for two years from July 1, 1776. 340 CONTINENTAL LINE. Hutchinson, Thomas.* Johnston, Andrew.* Justice, George.* Kelley, Michael.* Kettling, Lewis. Kinkaid, Alexander, June 9, 1776. Kline, Daniel, June 6, 1776. Likins, David,* Logue, Patrick.* Lowrie, Nicholas.* Lynch, John.* McCosh, John.* McCune, James, May 19, 1776. Me El wee, James.* McGuire, Redmond, May 30, 1776. McHaffey, James. McKinney, Henry, May 27, 1776. McMurtire, John. McNally, fMcEnnally,] John, May 10, 1776. Magaw, Patrick.* Neel, James.* Owen, Michael, May 7, 1776. Owens, Richard, May 7, 1776. Paine, Robert, June 1, 1776. Prig, Thomas. Reynolds, Alexander, June 14, 1776. Reynolds, William, June 12, 1776. Rodgers, Thomas.* Rumphey, Richard, July 6, 1776 ; deserted July 26, 1776. Sawyer, Nicholas.* Saylor, Michael, June 7, 1776. Scott, Joseph.* Shute, Jacob.* Skinner, Moses.* Sloan, Allen, June 3, 1776. Stewart, John, May 25, 1776. Sweeney, John, July 16, 1776. Sweeney, James.* Sullivan, Patrick.* Todd, Randle, June 3, 1776. Walker, William, May 17, 1776. Wallace, William. Weatherby, Matthew, May 13, 1776. Wilson, Edward, June 11, 1776. *Enlisted for two years from July 1, 1776. FIRST PENNSYLVANIA. 341 ROLL OF CAPTAIN DAVID HARRIS' COMPANY. f This Roll is incomplete.] Captain. Harris, David. First Lieutenant. Chambers, Benjamin, Siv Second Lieutenant. Cross, William. Third Lieutenant. Wilson, Alexander. Sergeants. Brannon, Alexander. Gibbons, Philip, promoted ensign Sixth Pennsylvania. Corpora I. Senevely, Henry. Privates. Awbird, Thomas, May 10, 1776. Berks, George. Brown, James. Coleman, John. Creed, Eobert, May 10, 1776. Ebright, Jacob. Elgert, Jacob. Felgat, James. Felix, Michael. Flora, Daniel, May 10, 1776. Flora, John, May 12, 1776. Fought, Christopher. Gorman, Daniel. Henry, Michael. Hilton, David, May 10, 1776. Klinger, Henry, May 19, 1776. Lewis, John, June 6, 1776. McCealy, John. McFarland, Samuel. McKeen, Henry. Madeira, Christian, May 27, 1776. Martin, Christopher, June 15, 1776. Myer, Christopher. Nibber, Ernst, June 18, 1776. 342 CONTINENTAL LINE. Nipple, Frederick, May 20, 1776. Parks, Samuel. Pickle, Adam, May 29, 1776. Reilly, Thomas. Robinson, James, May 10, 1776. Robinson, William, May 20, 1777. Ready, Barney. Shanefelt, John, May 27, 1776. Shanefelt, Nicholas, June 6, 1776. Strieker, John. Wander, Christian, June 12, 1776. Willey, Isaac. Windfield, Jacob. Wright, James, May 10, 1776. ROLL OF CAPTAIN JAMES BARR'S COMPANY. [This Roll is incomplete.] It appears from a paper in the Hand Collection, that thirty-two of Barr's company were enlisted out of the old battalion for the war, and fourteen from the flying camp. Four were captured at Fort Washington, November 16, 1776. The strength of the com- pany in August, 1776, was reported: One captain, two lieutenants, four sergeants, four corporals, one drum and fife, and fifty-two privates ; all for three years, except where specified for the war. Captain. Barr, James, promoted major, August 9, 1778. First Lieutenants. Wilson, James, promoted captain, January 6, 1777. Second Lieutenant. Wilson, William, promoted first lieutenant, September 25, 1776. Ensign. Dougherty, John, promoted third lieutenant, September 25, 1776. Sergeants. Hammond, David, afterwards promoted second lieutenant. McCormick, Alexander. McMurray, William. Dougherty Cornelius. FIRST PENNSYLVANIA. 343 Privates. Allen, David, May 26, 1776. Bacher, Michael, war. Bradley John, June 13, 1776. Callihan, Daniel, May 19, 1776. Campbell, Daniel, August 20, 1776; war. Chapman, James, June 24, 1776 ; deserted August 10, 1776. Condon, Peter, war. Connor, James, August 20, 1776. Coons, Mansfield, June 18, 1776; war. Currey, James, May 15, 1776; war. Davis, David, war. Deatevoise, [Dubois,iRichard, August 22, 1776. Delling, Cornelius, war Donahue, Patrick, August 17, 1776; war. Edwards, William, war. Griffin, John. Griffin, Patrick, August 15, 1776. Hagerty, William, May 12, 1776. Hammond, John, May 18, 1776. Henry, Philip, June 27, 1776 ; war. Hinson, Aquila, May 26, 1776; war. Hutchinson, John, war; transferred to General Wayne's command ; wounded at Long Island and Paoli; discharged January, 1781, at Trenton ; resided in Huntingdon county, in April, 1818. Jones, Lewis. Leech, William. Lochry, Michael, May 19, 1776. Loughrey, James, August 9, 1776. McCleary, James. McConnell, Cornelius, war. McConnigal, Patrick. McCormick, Henry, May 12, 1776. McGaughey, Hugh, May 15, 1776. Malone, John, war; wounded at Brandy wine. Meloy, Charles. Moore, James, May 15, 1776 ; war. Moore, William, May 20, 1776. Morgan, William, August 12, 1776; war. Murphy, John, war. Murray, Patrick, June 3, 1776 ; war. Noishen, John, June 6, 1776. Norton George, October 15, 1776. Oliver, John, war. Paine, Thomas, July 6, 1776; deserted August 13, 1776. 344 CONTINENTAL LINE. Peltson, Thomas, war; killed by Joseph Blackburn, in January, 1777. Blackburn was tried by court martial, and acquitted in. 1777. Peters, Philip, war. Rankin, John, war. Ray, John, war. Ryan, William, May 18, 1776. Saltman. George. Scott, Samuel, May 18, 1776; war. Scott, William, May 15, 1776 ; war. Sprigg, James, May 20, 1776. Speedy, James, war. Stewart, Thomas, August 21, 1776. Sullivan, Maurice. Thompson, Alexander, May 19, 1776; war. Toner, John, June 13, 1776. Warren, George, October 4, 1776. Washburn, Jonathan, July 28, 1776. Wilson, Matthew, May 15, 1776. Wilson, Samuel, August '22, 1776. Wilson, George, wounded January 2, 1777. Whiteneck, Joseph, war. Youse, John, war. FIRST PENNSYLVANIA, 1780 SEVEN MONTHS' MEN. " List of men that enlisted for seven months. Those who have no remarks made against them, I suppose to have continued their time, as they are chiefly from the muster of 1780." Joseph Howell, Jr., assistant commissary of accounts (Pay Office, Philadelphia, May 17, 1785,) to John Nichelson, Esq. [First page of this document missing.] Capt. Simpson's Company, (continued.} Dockins, John, deserted June 8. Riley, John, deserted August 26. Copt. McClellan's Company. Brooks, Charles, Carmichael, Thomas. Ceipher, Christian. Dreimond, Charles. Fink, Adam. Hastings, Alexander. FIRST PENNSYLVANIA. 345 Homer, George, deserted August 1, 1776. Lane, Robert, died June 28. Lonberger, Christian. Morrison, James. Moyer, Daniel. Noel, Jacob. Nowland, Michael. Say pole, Joseph. Slaterbog, John. Capt. William Wilson's Company, Gallagher, Patrick, discharged. Glen, Patrick, discharged. Graham, George, killed July 21, 1780. Grunbach, George, discharged. Kinkead, John, discharged. Kysinger, Philip, deserted August 4. Styers, John, discharged. Capt. Jacob Ziegler's Company. Burke, Edward. Davis, David. Gardner, Joseph. Goodman, Richard. Grove, Samuel. Hickey, William. McKinney, Robert. Morgan , James. Morgan, Jacob. Murphy, Philip. Po-lk, David. Keece, David. Silver, Amos. Major James Moore's Company. Baker, George. Cisna, Stephen. Clarke, Samuel. Jeffers, John. Michler. Thomas. Vandergriff, Jacob. Lieutenant Colonel's Company. Armor, Robert, killed July 21, 1780. Caldwell, James. Graham, John. McPoigle, Dennis. Murray, Francis, killed July 21. Thompson, John, reenlisted. 346 CONTINENTAL LINE. NON-COMMISSIONED OFFICERS AND PRIVATES OF FIRST PENNSYLVANIA REGIMENT, CON- TINENTAL LINE. [Those marked (e) are taken from a list in the Secretary's office, of soldiers whose depreciated pay escheated to the State.] Sergeant . Armstrong, John. Corporal. Ambrose, Patrick. Privates. Adams, Peter, Craig's company i ill in Philadelphia, in December, 1776. Aikens, Robert. Albert, Jacob, died in Washington county, Maryland, May 4, 1830, aged seventy-three. Albertson, George. Albright, John. Alexander, James. Allen, John, wounded at Yorktown ; discharged January 22, 1782. Allen, Samuel. Allison, James. Allison, John. Anderson, James, resided in Bedford county, 1822. Andrew, John, resided in Jefferson county, Ohio, 1834, aged sev- enty-six. Arbogast, Ludwig, (e,) October 13, 1776 ; wounded at Block-House ; discharged March 23, 1783; resided in Philadelphia, 1835. Armor, Robert, killed in action, July 21, 1780. Arnold, John. Sergeants. Barney, Nicholas, January 1, 1777 January, 1781. Bradley, Robert, June 1, 1778 January, 1781. Burns, William, McClelan's company. Corporals. Bauer, John. Bierly, Frederick. Drummer. Biggies, John Adam. Fifer. Bryan, Jacob, May 1, 1777 January, 1781. FIRST PENNSYLVANIA. 347 Privates, Bailey, George. Baker, Christian. Barge, Balzer. Baruhart, Daniel, (e,) May, 1777 ; discharged 15th August, 1783; re- sided in Heidelberg township, Berks county, in 1813. Barnet, Joseph. Barns, Richard. Bateham, Jacob. Bateraan, Levi. Bates, Charles. Bauer, John Jacob ? Captain James Wilson's company ; wounded in left hand by bayonet, and sabre wound in head; resided in York county, 1824. Baxter, James, March 4, 1778. Bayley, John, June 15, 1777 January, 1781. Baylor. George, living at Marietta, in 1837, aged eighty-seven. Beamer, George. Bearsticker, Andrew. Beasley, William. Beatty, John, died August 30, 1829, aged seventy-four, in York county. Beatty, Thomas, from Thompson's rifles, Chambers' company; dis- charged July, 1778; resided in Deny township, Westmoreland county, 1814. Beck Daniel, resided in Philadelphia, 1818. Beggs, Thomas. Bellow, John, January 1, 1777 January, 1781; paid at Carlisle, April, 1781 . Bentley, Henry, from Third and Twelfth regiments; resided in Chester county in 1813. Bentley, John. Berger, Yost, from Thompson's rifles; drafted into Morgan's rifle corps; served at taking of Btirgoyne; discharged January, 1781, at Trenton; resided in Macungie township, Lehigh county? 1816. Berry, Bartholomew. Berry, Edward. Berry, James, resided in Russell county, Virginia, 1820. Bery, Edward. Bignall, Thomas. Beltinger, Christian, January 1, 1777 January, 1781. Black, James, January 1, 1777 January, 1781. Blackburn, Samuel, resided in Washington county, 1785; died in Nicholas county Kentucky, in 1834, aged seventy-nine. Blackwood, John. 348 CONTINENTAL LINE. Blake, Edward. Blake, Michael, from Seventh regiment. Blakeney, John. Blanchard, Joseph, September 1, 1778, to January, 1781; resided in Saratoga county, New York, 1818, aged sixty-seven. Bleak, Michael. Bloomershine, Martin, April 15, 1780. Bough, John. Boughter, Martin. Bower, John, Captain J. Wilson's company, September, 1777 1781. Bower, William, enlisted at Fishkill, New York ; served five years; resided, in 1826, in Washington county, Maryland. Boyd, Abraham, April 1, 1778 January, 1781. Boyd, Thomas, February 28, 1777 January, 1781. Boyd, William. Boyle, James, died in Philadelphia, June 28, 1825, aged seventy-one. Boyles, Charles, January 1, 1777 January, 1781. Bradley, James, resided in Otsego county, New York, 1822, aged seventy-three. Brady, Michael. Branahan, George. Brant, Zachariah. Brayle, Philip. Brinks, Benjamin. Broadwood, James. Brookhouse, Rudolph. Brooks, James. Brooks, William. Brown, Archibald, January 1, 1777 January, 1781. Brown, James, died in 1785. Brown, Thomas, January 1, 1777 January, 1781. Brown, Samuel. Burd, Andrew, from Eleventh Peun'a, 17811783 ; resided in Cum- berland county, in 1835. Burney, Nicholas. Burnett, George. Burke, Edmund. Burnham, John. Burns, Alexander, August 15,1778, to January, 1781; resided in Washington county, 1819. Burns, John, resided in Nicholas county, Kentucky, 1834, aged eighty-five. Burns, Lawrence. Burns, Levi. Burns, Thomas. Burns, Michael. FIRST PENNSYLVANIA. 349 Barridge, John. Bushwald, Jacob. Butler, Edward. Butler, Patrick, died April 3, 1819, in Dauphin county. Butler, William, resided in Crawford county, 1835, aged ninety- one. Sergeants. Crawford, Alexander, January 1, 1777 January, 1781. Carson, Benjamin, Captain Ziegler's company, wounded in the neck at Piscataway, New Jersey, and at Brandywine in the right thigh ; discharged January, 1781 ; resided in Clearfield co.unty in 1813. Cline, Peter. Corporals. Campbell, Joseph, January 1, 1777 January, 1781. Cavanagh, John, wounded in left shoulder at Brandywine ; resided in York county in 1835, aged eighty-three. Drummer. Campbell, Robert, April 15, 1778 January, 1781, in Captain Wil- liam Wilson's company ; resided in Lycoming county in 1820. Fifer. Campbell, William. Privates. Cables, Jacob. Caldwell, Thomas. Calahan, Daniel, January 1, 1777 January, 1781, in Captain Wil- liam Wilson's company, resided in Lycoming county, 1820, aged ninety-four. Calahan, John. Callen, Edward. Campbell, Daniel, January 1, 1777 January, 1781. Campbell, James. Campbell, Jeremiah. Campbell, John ; resided in Franklin county, 1824. Campbell, Mathew, December 15, 1778, to January, 1781. Campbell, Eobert, resided in Washington county, 1835, aged ninety- two. Can, Matthew. Cannon, Sterling. Capps, William. Carnahan, William. Carney, Barnabas. Carr, John. Carr, William. 350 CONTINENTAL LINE. Carroll, James, (e,) in Captain Grier's company before September. 1777 ; in Captain John Hughes' to 1781. Carson, Samuel, resided in Licking county, Ohio, 1820. Cary, Aiken. Casey, Roger, August 15, 1778, to January, 1781. Castor, Philip, January 1, 1777, to January, 1781. Cavenaugh, Edward, from Thompson's Rifles, served two years, and discharged for disability ; resided in York county in 1808. Cavenaugh, Patrick, died in Washington county April 25, 1829, aged eighty-three. Chambers, William. Chrisler, Elias. Clark, John, drafted in 1777, under Captain Parr, into Morgan's rifle regiment ; wounded at Saratoga ; discharged, 1783 ; resided near Martinsburg, Pennsylvania, 1816. Clendenning, Adam. Clifton, Benjamin. Clifton, William. Clinton, Matthew. See Third Peiin'a. Clouse, Jacob. Cochran, George. Cod, Philip. Coffee, John. Coker, Nicholas, killed in action. Coldwater, Philip. Coleman, John, died in Fail-field county, Ohio, June 13, 1829, aged seventy. Colgon, Barnabas. Colkendale, George. Collier, Richard. Collins, John. Collins, Thomas. Colter, James. Coneway, James. Condiner, John, January 1, 1777, to January, 1781. Condon, Peter, Parr's company, January 1, 1777, to January, 1781. Connelly, Patrick, resided in Warren county, Ohio, in 1834, aged eighty. Connel, Terrence. Conner, Charles. Conner, John. Cook, Peter. Cook, Philip. Cooley, James. Cooney, John. FIKST PENNSYLVANIA. 351 Cooper, Charles, January, 1777 ; discharged, 1783 ; resided in New- ton township, Delaware county, 1835, aged seventy-four. Coyle, Alexander, November 5, 1778. Craig, James, resided in Monroe county, Ohio, 1833. Craig, Matthias. Crawford, Samuel. Crone, Henry. Cross, Patrick. Crotty, Andrew. Crout, Matthias. Crow, Christian, resided in Sandusky county, Ohio, in 1834, aged seventy-two. Crowley, Lawrence, from Chester county, died in service in 1779. Crowly, Miles, from Fifth Pennsylvania, died in Chester county, June 6, 1823. Cull, Hugh. Cummings, Edward. Cunningham, David. Cunningham, Matthew. Cupps, Peter. Curley, Barnabas. Curry, James, (e,) enlisted May 17, 1777 Discharged July 12, 1780 ; in Parr's company in 1777 ; in McClelan's, 1780. Curry, Samuel. Curry, William. Curtz, Michael, died in Mercer county, Ohio, October 10, 1818, aged sixty-six. Sergeants. Dal ton, George. Denmark, John, Sr., January 1, 1777. Donlin, William, disabled at Stony Point, July 16, 1779: killed by the Indians, in 1789, leaving a widow residing in Westmore- land county. Douglass, William, Sr., January 1, 1777 January 18, 1781. Corporals. Dacker, Benjamin, January 1, 1777 January 18, 1781. Davison, Eobert. Drummer. Dicks, George, April 15, 1778 January, 1781. Fifer. Denmark, John, Jr., April 13, 1778 January, 1781. Privates. Dailey, Joseph. 352 CONTINENTAL LINE. Dailey, William, Craig's company, December 16,1776: very ill in Philadelphia. Dal ton, Richard. Darlington, John, January 1, 1777 January 18, 1781 ; resided in Chester county, 1833, aged seventy-six. Davidson, David. Davidson, Edward. Davidson, James. Davis, David, January 1, 1777 January 18, 1781. Davis, Peter. Davis, Thomas, June 9, 1777 January 18, 1781 ; resided in Greene county, 1835, aged seventy-nine. Dawson, William, resided in Bourbon county, Kentucky, in 1834, aged ninety-six. Day, John. Dean, William. Decker, Benjamin, died December 7, 1827, in Luzerne county, aged eighty-one. Dehart, Abraham, resided in Monroe county, Virginia, in 1834, aged seventy-nine. Delany, Martin, died in Greeubrier county, Virginia, July 10, 1827, aged sixty-six. Delany, Murdoch. Delete, Nicholas. Dempsey, Charles. Dempsey, Sampson, resided in Botetourt county, Virginia, 1834, aged eighty-six. Dempsey, Timothy. Denringer, William. Dersh, Thomas, Lancaster county, one year and nine months, 1775 and 1776. Derumple, Robert. Desprit, Henry. Devinney, John, from Fourth battalion ; served until end of the war ; died in York county February 15, 1825, aged sixty-nine. Dewitt, James. Diete, William. Digby, Simon. Dillman, William. Dixon, George. Dodson, Thomas, died in Shenandoah county, Virginia, April 10, 1825, aged seventy-seven. Dombaugh, John, died January 24, 1819, in Columbia county. Donnell, John, resided in Campbell county, Virginia, 1834, aged seventy-seven. Donahoo, Timothy. FIRST PENNSYLVANIA. 353 Donovan John, resided in Philadelphia, 1835. Donovan, Timothy, January 1, 1777 January 18, 1781. Doran, James. Dorsey, Matthew, Dothor, John, September 1, 1776 ; transferred to chief's guards ; re- enlisted November 28, 1781, and remained in chief's guards. Dougherty, Daniel, resided in Butler county, 1812. Dougherty, James, Sr., November 28, 1781 ; in chief 's guards ; re- enlisted. Dougherty, James, Jr., enlisted at Downingtown in 1776; lost an eye at Brandywine; furloughed by Col. Harmar, at Charleston, . in 1783 ; resided in Allegheny county, in 1813. Dougherty, Mat'thew, January 1, 1777 January 18, 1781. Doughty, William. Douse, John, Downing, Jeremiah Dowther, John. Doyle, John. Doyle, Morris. Doyle, Samuel. Drew, Thomas, Holliday's company. Drummond, Charles. Dubois, John. Dugan, Charles. Dull, William, enlisted 1779, Fishbdurne's company; discharged 1783. Dunahoo, Patrick, Parr's company. Dunn, John, Dutton, Richard. Dwier, Cornelius, discharged at Fish Kill hospital, New York, May 10, 1779. Sergeant. Ehrenfight, Jacob, resided in Warren county, Ohio, in 1834, aged ninety. Privates. Earle ; John, April 21, 1777 January 18, 1781. Early, Michael, January 1, 1777 January 18, 1781. Eaton, Henry. Eberhart, Philip, January 1, 1777 November, 1783. Ebersole, Peter. Ebriglit, John. Egle, Valentine, died at Harrisburg in November, 1820. Elliot, James, in Sullivan's campaign. Elliot, Robert. English, James, from Third Penn 'a, discharged August 13,1783; resided in Lycoming county, 1835, aged ninety-nine. 23 VOL. X. 354 CONTINENTAL LINE. English, Michael. English, William, April 16, 1778 January 18, 1781. Ennis, Francis. Enos, Francis, May 19, 1777 January 18, 1781. Evans, James. Ewig, Christian, Captain James Wilson's company; resided in Mercer county in 1820. Sergeants. Tannery, Thomas, July 1, 1777 January 18, 1781. Fruiney, James. Ferguson, John, (e,) in Matson's company before June, 1777 ; after- wards in Lieutenant Colonel Kobiuson's. Corporate. Faust, Michael, January 1, 1777 January 18, 1781. Privates. Falkner, Uriah. Farrall, Patrick. Faw, Matthias. Feagan, James, January 14, 1777 January 18, 1781. Feagan, William. Federa, Jacob. Felix, Peter, died September 25, 1825, in Berks county, aged seven- ty-four. Felty, Henry. Fennell, Patrick. Fenton, John, died in Hunterdon county, New Jersey, 1834. Ferroll, Michael. Filgate, James, January 1, 1777 January 18, 1781. Filsin, George, Captain William Wilson's company ; shot through the left leg at Trenton, January 2, 1777; transferred from gen- eral hospital at Bethlehem to Litiz,20th December, 1777; from Litiz to Yellow Spring hospital ; latter hospital broken up in 1781 ; resided in Chester county in 1785. Finch, James. Finch, Joseph. Fink, Adam. Finley, Robert. Finnegan, Christopher, June 30, 1777 January 18, 1781. Finney, Roger. Fitzpatrick, William, February 15, 1777 January 18, 1781. Fleming, Hugh. Fletcher, Thomas. Flower, Benjamin, killed in action. Floyd, Frederick. Formoile, James, January 1, 1777 January 18, 1781. FIRST PENNSYLVANIA. 355 Fortener, Uriah. Fossett, Robert. Foutz, Michael. Fowler, James. Fowler, John. Fowler. Patrick. Fox, Samuel. Fox, AVilliam. Francis, Richard, January 1, 1777---January, 18, 1781. Franklin, Samuel. Frazier, James. Freech, Christian. Frederick, Jacob. Frederick. Michael, (e,) in Ci'aig's company before June, 1777; after- wards in Simpson's, to 1781. Frey, Conrad, Capt. S. Craig's company ; discharged at Valley Forge, June, 1778 ; resided in Northampton county in May, 1819. Sergeant. Griffey, John, January 1, 1777 January 18, 1781. Corporals. Golver, John, January 1, 1777 January 18, 1781. Grimes, James, resided in Oakland 'county, Michigan, 1833, aged seventy-nine. Fifer. Goss, George, formerly of Second and Third regiments; resided in Clearneld county, 1835, aged sixty-nine. Privates. Gable, Jacob. Gable, Peter, died ante 1792. Gabriel, Peter, July 13, 1776. Galbraith, Josiah. Gamble, Michael, January 1, 1777 January 18, 1781. Garret, Abraham. Garret, Robert. Garrigues, John, (e) McClelan's company, to 1781. Garvey, John. Go wen, Henry. Gass, Henry. Geese, Nicholas. Gehan, Peter. Geiger, Nicholas. Gibbon, James, January 1, 1777 January 18, 1781. Gilby, Thomas. 356 CONTINENTAL LINE. Golding, William. Gordon, William. Gorman, Laurence. .Gorman, John, Captain James Wilson's company, 1778. Gorman, Samuel. Go wen, Francis. Graham, George, killed July 21, 1780, at Block-House. Gray, John. Gray, William, resided in Montgomery county, Kentucky, 1833, aged seventy-nine. Green, James. Green, John, sergeant in sappers and miners ; reenlisted December 26, 1781. Greenfield, William. Greer, Hugh. Greer, John. Gregg, Kobert. Griffey, William. Griffith. Abraham, served seven years. Griffith, John, died in Delaware county, August 19, 1821, aged sev- enty-three. Griffith, William, resided in Bedford county, 1833, aged seventy- five. Grimes, John, served three years, four months; deserted January, 1781 ; resided in Mifflin county, 1832. Grund, Nicholas. Guest, Albin. Sergeants. Hambard, Thomas, January 1, 1777 January 18, 1781. Hambright, Abraham. Hefferman, Thomas, from Fifth Penn'a, discharged in November, 1783 ; he was a school-master, residing in Eockingham, Virginia, in 1814. Humphrey, Daniel, January 1, 1777 January 18, 1781. Corporals. Hardy, Elijah , Nichol's company, January 1 , 1777 January 18, 1 781 . Harman, William. Drummer. . Henley or Hemley, Samuel, (e), Capt. Simpson's to 1781. Fifer. Holliday, William, May 15, 1777 January 18, 1781. Privates. Hagan, Peter, (e) in Capt. Buchanan's company before June, 1777, afterwards Hughes ; transferred to sappers and miners in 1780. Haggerty, Archibald, sick in Philadelphia, December, 1776. Hagey, Henry. FIRST PENNSYLVANIA. 357 Haite, Christopher. Haley, Michael. Hamilton, Cumberland. Hamilton, Henry. Hamilton, Thomas, Sr. Hamilton, Thomas, Jr., resided in Dauphin county, 1820, aged sixty- three. Hanley, Hugh, September 1, 1778 January 18, 1881. Hanlon, Marmaduke. Handy, John, see History of Chemung County, New York, page 74. Hardesty, Obediah, died in Belmont county, Ohio, July 29, 1830. Harding, John. Hardy, Abraham. Hardy, Elijah, Craig's company. Harmar, Samuel, Harrington , Jacob. Harris, Robert. Harris, Simpson, of Lancaster, now Dauphin, died at Pennsylvania Hospital near Ashley Hill, South Carolina, November 12, 1782. Harper Henry. Harpole, Henry. Hart, George, died February 28, 1833, in Tioga county, aged seventy- six. Hart, Martin, died October 7, 1825, aged sixty-eight, in Columbia county. Harvey, George, Harvey, John. Harvey Thomas. Hazleton, Isaac, Heagey, Henry. Heaney, Henry. Heckman, George, from Thompson's rifle battalion ; enlisted 1775, Capt. Charles Craig's company ; discharged in 1778, at Valley Forge ; resided in Northampton county in 1819. Heflinger, George. Heimer, David. Henderson, Alexander. Henderson, Henry. Henderson, Hugh, March 4, 1778 January 18, 1781. Henley, Charles. Henley, Henry. Henley, John. Henry, Hugh, Hening, Patrick. Henry, Philip, wounded in the thigh in 1777, and transferred to the Invalid corps. 358 CONTINENTAL LINE. Kerch, Jacob. Heron, Patrick. Hickey, Michael. Hicks, Gershom. Higgins, James. Hight, Christopher, from Ninth Penn'a, 1781. Hill, Adam, resided in Mercer county, 1816. Hill, Jacob, February 1, 1776 ; discharged August 21, 1783. Hill, William. Himmelright, John. Hinman, David, from Thompson's rifles ; killed in battle. Hitchings, John. Hoffman. Christian, (e,) in Simpson's company before August, 1778, to 1781 ; resided in Berks county, 1835, aged seventy-nine. Hogan, Sylvester, Bowen's company. Hoker, Nicholas. Holt, Evan, resided in Knox county, Ohio, in 1834. Hopkins, John, January 1, 1777 January 18, 1781. Hornick, Abraham. Horner, George, (e,) sergeant in Parr's company, then private in McClelan's to 1781. Housman, George. Howell, Thomas, Huber, Felix, (e,) in Hamilton's company before August, 1773, afterwards in Capt. Samuel Craig's to April 1, 1780. Huber George, resided in Lebanon county, 1820, aged sixty-eight. Huff, Benjamin, afterwards in Third New Jersey; died in War- ren county, Pa., 1828. Huffman, Cornelius. Huffner, Matthias. Hughes, Matthew, April 1, 1778 January 18, 1781. Humphries, Daniel. Humphries, Joseph. Humphries, Robert. Hunter, William. Hutchison, John, wounded in service ; discharged November 3, 1783. Hutton, John, January 15, 1778: resided in Cumberland county, 1821. Privates. Irvine, Charles, January 1, 1777 January 18, 1781. Irvine, William, (e,) in Major James Moore's company before April, 1777. Drummer. Jones, James, (e,) in Captain Hamilton's company before Decem- ber, 1777 ; afterwards in Captain Ziegler's to 1781. FIRST PENNSYLVANIA. 359 Privates. Jackson, Isaac. Jackson, Joseph. Jamison, Francis, from Thompson's rifles ; discharged in 1778; re- sided in Westmoreland county in 1818. Jamison, Richard. Jeffries, John, resided in Cumberland county, 1787. Jeffries, Jonathan. Jigney, John. Johnston, Cato. Johnston, Daniel, (e,) in Captain James Wilson's company before May 1, 1777. Johnston, James, resided in Frederick county; Virginia, 1834, aged seventy-four. Johnston, John, resided in Westmoreland county, 1833, aged eighty-five. Johnston, Joseph, January 1, 1777 January 18, 1781 ; wounded in the service. Johnston, William, resided in Adams county, 1835, aged seventy- six. Jones, Hugh. Jones, John. Jones, Joseph. Jones, Josiah. Jones, Philip, invalid August 2, 1779. Jones, Robert, senior, June 15, 1777 January 18, 1781. Jones, Thomas. Judges, John, killed at Wyoming, in Major Moore's party, in 1783. Judges, William. Justice, Jacob, resided in Beaver county, 1820, aged seventy-one. Sergeant. Kelly, John, January 1, 1777 January 18, 1781. Corporal. Kinkaid, Andrew, March 15, 1778 January 18, 1781. Drummer. Kinkaid, Joseph, (e,) in Capt. William Wilson's company be- fore August, 1778; Captain McClelan's afterwards. Privates. Kain, John. Kain, MichaeL Kearhart, William. Kearn, Luke, Captain Craig'" company; taken August 27,1776; enlisted with the British ; deserted to our lines, November 23, 1776. Keary, Arthur. 360 CONTINENTAL LINE. Keaton, John. Keaton, Thomas. Keeland, John, senior. Keeland, John, junior. Keeland , Thomas. Keenan, Lawrence. Keenon, John. Keenon, Roger. Keith, Andrew, January 1, 1777 January 18, 178]. Keller, Conrad. Kellons, Edward. Kelly, Alexander. Kelly, Edward, January 2, 1779 January 18, 1781. Kelly, Hugh, Captain James Wilson's company. Kelly, James, killed in action. Kelly, John. Kelly, Killian. Kelly, Patrick. Kelly, Thomas, wounded in the head by shell August 27, 1776 ; ree'n- listed August 29, 1781 ; resided in Philadelphia in 1788. Kelly, Timothy. Kelly, William, died in Lancaster county June 8, 1824, aged sixty- seven. Kelso, John. Kemplin, William, January 1, 1777 January, 18, 1781 ; resided in Franklin county, Virginia, in 1834, aged eighty-one. Kempsey, Patrick. Kenley, Samuel. Kennaghan, Richard. Kennedy, Denis. Kennedy, Richard. Kennedy, Thomas, January 1, 1777 January 18, 1781. Kernichon, William, wounded in the face; transferred to chief's guards ; reenlisted December 1, 1781 ; resided in Bucks county, 1835, aged eighty-five. Kerr, John, January 12, 1777 January 18, 1781 ; died June 14, 1826, in Allegheny county, aged ninety-four. Kerr, William, May 1, 1777 January 18, 1781. Keys, William. King, Christian. King, Francis, died in Berks county July 3, 1825, aged eighty-five. King, Peter, enlisted 1777; died at Quaker Hill hospital, ]Sew Jersey, 1778. Kinney, Michael. Kirk, James, resided in Bucks county, 1835, aged eighty-one. Kitty, John. FIRST PENNSYLVANIA. 361 Kline, Samuel, January 1, 1777 January 18, 1781 ; resided in Berks county, 1834, aged seventy-four. Knight, John, invalid August 2, 1779. Kurtz, Michael. Kuyger, Jacob, January 1, 1777 1781. Sergeants. Lamb, James, (e) June 10, 1777, Goer's company ; afterwards in Capt. Hughes' company. Lochery, Michael, January 1, 1777 August 1, 1780 ; reenlisted Sep- tember 20, 1780. Lyles, Samuel. Lee, Joseph, killed in action. Corporals. Leonard, Samuel, Capt. Simpson's company ; enlisted in 1776, dis- charged 1781 ; resided in Greenwood township, Mifflin county, 1813. Drummer. Letford, Robert, wounded in the right arm at Monmouth ; dis- charged November 4, 1783. Privates. Lackey, Philip. Ladley, William. Lafferty, Edward. Lamb, Joseph. Landesmith, George. Larner, Edward. Lavering, Wychael. Lavridge, William. Law, Albert. Leaman, Michael. Leamy, James, December 8, 1778 January 18, 1781. Lee, James. Lagasure, John. Leonard, John. Leonard, Patrick, born in Ireland, 1740; came over with General Amherst; joined First rifles, Captain Craig's company, (and served in Procter's artillery,) at Bunker Hill, Long Island, White Plains, Trenton, Princeton, Branclywine, Geruiantown, Stony Point. Served in Captain Ziegler's company, at Block- House, where he carried off Lieut. David Hammond, who was badly wounded. Discharged at Pittsburgh, 1783. Served un- der Harmar, St. Clair, and Wayne, 1791-1796 ; resided at Cin- cinnati, Ohio, in 1817. Leonard, Richard. Leonard, Roger. 362 CONTINENTAL LINE. Lester, Jesse. Lillycrop, John. Linn, John, killed in action. Linn, William, January 1, 1777 January, 1781. Lisk, Peter. Lloyd, Charles. Long, Matthew. Long, Michael. Loudon, Philip. Lowman, Philip. Lucas, Francis. Lynch, John, January 1, 1777 January, 1781. Lyons, Edward, died May, 1799. Lyons, Moses. Sergean t-Major. McCartney, John, January 1, 1777 January, 18, 1781. Sergeants. McCartney, Henry, September 15, 1778 January, 1781. McCartney, Jaines, (e) in Captain James Wilson's company. Maloney, John, clerk, January 1, 1777-1781 ; wounded in the thigh, at Long Island; knee dislocated at Brandy wine; resided in Lancaster county, 1808. McDonald John. McMurray, William, wounded at Paoli ; resided in Centre county 1816. McKinley, John. Mellen, Atchison, clerk for Capt. Simpson's company; wounded at Paoli, Sand Hill, and Monmouth ; taken in the privateer Lu- zerne, and carried to Bermuda ; resided in Lycoming county in 1813. Corporals. McGuire, Barney, August 15, 1778 January, 1781. Madden, Edward. McDonald, Alexander, killed at Green Spring, Virginia, July 6, 1781. McMurtrie, John, July 1, 1776; promoted ensign, October 1, 1779. Drummers. McDonald, Archibald, resided in Ohio county, Virginia, in 1834. McGehegan, George, January 1, 1777 January, 1781. Fifer. Murphy, William. Privates. McAllister, John. FIRST PENNSYLVANIA. 363 McBride, Peter, resided in Somerset county, 1812. McCann, Daniel. McCarroll, John. McCartney, Felix. McCarter, David, January 1, 1777 January, 1781. McCarty, John. McCaslin, Patrick. McClane, Archibald. McClane, James, March 15, 1777 January, 1781. McClane, Thomas. McCleckan, Samuel. McClester, John. McClellan, David, died in Warren county, Mississippi, March 4, 1824, aged sixty-eight. McCloskey, John. McCloskey, Neil. McCloskey, William. McCloud, John. McClurghan, Samuel, Capt. Wilson's company ; drafted into Ma- jor Parr's detachment of riflemen ; wounded at Stillwater, 1777, in the groin ; died May 31, 1825, in Westmoreland county. McConnell, Charles, from Seventh Penn'a ; resided in Philadelphia, 1795. McConnell. Cornelius, Parr's company. McConnell, William, October 18, 1778 January, 1781. McCord, Isaiah, January 1, 1777 1783. McCord, Thomas. McCormick, John. McCormick, Hugh, died in Scott county, Kentucky, May 22, 1822. McCormick, Patrick. McCormick, William, taken at Paoli. McCortley, Michael. McCoy, Michael. McCoy, Kory. McCoy, William. McCreedy, James, Jauuary 1, 1777 January 18, 1781. McCrossan, Patrick. McCullum, John. McCune, James. McCurdy, James. McCurdy, Robert, died in Wayne county, Ohio, December 12, 1824, aged sixty-nine. McCurdy, William. McCullough, John. McDonald, Francis, from Seventh Penn'a. McDonald, John. 364 CONTINENTAL LINE. McDonald, Malcolm. McDonald, Michael. McDonald, Robert, died in Hunterdon county, New Jersey, June 23, 1823, aged eighty. McDonald, William. McDonnagh, James. McDowell, Andrew, from Thompson's rifles ; marched to Canada, assisted in rescuing Col. Biddle from the British ; reen listed 1781 ; discharged at Philadelphia, in November, 1783 ; resided in Greene county, 1814. McElhone, Isaac. McElvey, James. McEnnally, Matthew. McFatridge, Daniel, died in Philadelphia, June 5, 1821, aged sixty- five. McGakey, Andrew. McGaw. Patrick. McGee, Robert. McGinnis, Daniel, died in Loudoun county, Virginia, January 13, 1831. McGinnis, Robert. McGinness, Owen, Smith's company. McGlaughlin, Felix. McGlaughlin, Samuel. McGowan, John, Capt. J. Hughes' company ; deserted April, 1780, McGraw, John. McGuire, John. McHaffy, James. McHose, Isaac. Mcllvaine, James. Mcllvaine, Thomas. Mcllwee, James. Mclntire, John. McKeen, Edward, Harris' company. McKelvey, Thomas. McKenley, Samuel. McKendrick, Archibald. McKenzie, James, died in Newcastle county, Delaware, 1793. McKimmins, John. McKinley, Alexander. McKinley, Peter. McKinney, James. McKinney, John, resided in Hunterdon county, New Jersey, 1820 aged seventy-three. McKnight, Dennis, Capt. Dunn's company ; died June 3, 1819, in Somerset county. FIRST PENNSYLVANIA. 365 McLean, Jacob. McMahon, John, January 1, 1777 January, 1781. McManus, John. McMullan, Daniel, January 1, 17771781. McMullan, Michael. McMullen, John. McNair, John, January 1, 1777 1781. McNorton, Michael, January 1, 1777 1781. McOnally, Michael. McPherson, James F. McPike, Richard. McSwine, George, resided in Philadelphia, 1835, aged eighty. Mackey. John, January 1, 1777 1781. Madden, Michael. Madden, Thomas. Madeira, Christian, died in Monongalia county, Virginia, March 15, 1822, aged sixty-five. Magee, James. Magrath, Thomas, Doyle's company. Mahoney, James, died in Montgomery county, August 14, 1823, aged eighty-seven. Mahoney, Arthur. Maloney, William. Marshall, David. Marshall, John. Marshall, Thomas. Martin, Claudius. Martin, Edward. Martin, William, died in Mifflin county, April 4, 1820, aged seventy. Matthews James. Matthews, John. Matthews, Samuel, (e,) in Capt. Samuel Craig's company before June 1, 1777. Mattingly, Alban, Craig's company. Maubly, William. Maud. William. Maxim, William. Maxwell, Henry. Mayer, Christian. Means, Thomas. Meawls, Thomas. Mellon, John. Meltz, Elias, in Capt. Hamilton's company before June, 1777, after- wards in Capt. Ziegler's. Mentges, Christian. Melvin, James. 366 CONTINENTAL LINE. Menzell, John, Capt. James Wilson's company ^ 1778. Metz, John, died in Schuylkill county, June 14, 1821, aged seventy- one. Michael, Philip. Miles, Edward. Miller, Conrad. Miller, Henry, resided in Franklin county, Ohio, 1833, aged seventy- six. Miller, John, resided in Fleming county, Kentucky, 1832, aged six- tj'-nine. Miller, William, resided in Fleming county, Kentucky, 1832, aged seventy-seven. Millham, Joseph. Milligan, James. Milligan, Hugh, died in Hardy county, Virginia, January 2, 1825, aged ninety. Mitchell, William. Montgomery, James. Montgomery, John, resided in Franklin county, Ohio, 1834, aged seventy-nine. Moody, William. Moon, James. Morney, Henry. Moore, Anthony, Simpson's company. Moore, Edward, January, 1777 1781. Moore, James, enlisted in 1777, Capt. William Wilson's company : wounded at Green Spring, Virginia: discharged November, 1783; resided in Washington township, Fayette county, in 1813 ; died February 4, 1820. Moore, Jesse. Moore, John. Moore, Thomas. Moore, William. Moriarty, Dennis, April 9, 1778; transferred to chief's guards. Moreland, Hugh. Moreland, Moses. Morgan, George, resided in Guernsey county, Ohio, 1834, aged seventy-five. Morgan, John. Morris, William, May 19, 1777 January, 1781 ; resided in Dauphin county 1813. Morrison, James. Morrow, Thomas. Morton, Reuben, 1780. Mosier, John, (e,) in Capt. Samuel Craig's company before June, 1777 ; afterwards in Capt. Simpson's. FIRST PENNSYLVANIA. 367 Munday, Thomas. Mulholland, Hugh. Mullen, John. Mullen, Patrick. Mullen, William, resided in Montgomery county, 1835, aged eighty- one. Mulvany, Patrick. Murphy, Archibald. Murphy, Dennis. Murphy, James. Murphy, Peter. Murphy, Philip. Murphy, Timothy. Murray, Daniel. Murray, Francis, Matson's company, 1777. Murray, Jeremiah. Murray, John. Murray, Patrick. Murray, Thomas. Murray, William, wounded on piquet on Long Island ; wounded in the ankle at Green Spring, Virginia; discharged Novem- ber 4, 1783 ; resided in Philadelphia, 1786. Musician, Anthony. Myers, Peter, resided in Holmes county, Ohio, 1833, aged seventy- five. Nace, George. Nagle, Philip, resided in Berks county, 1835, aged eighty-one. Nail, Nicholas, wounded at Brandywine, and lost his fingers. Nau, George. Needham, Francis. Neill, James. Nelson, Edward. Nesbit, Robert. . Netherhouse, Daniel. Newan, Nehemiah. Newcomer, Christian, (e,) Capt. Hamilton's company before Au- gust, 1777, afterwards in Capt. Ziegler's company. Nicholson, George. Nicholson, William, resided in St. Francis , Missouri, 1833, aged sev- enty-nine. Nick, Henry. Noe, John, died in Richmond county, New York, February 2, 1829, aged seventy-five. Norton, Joseph, January 1, 1777 1781. Norton, Henry. Norton, Patrick. 368 CONTINENTAL LINE. O 'Bryan, Daniel. O 'Bryan, Dennis, invalid in 1777. O 'Bryan, Martin. O 'Bryan, William. Ogleby, George. Okerman, Jacob, October 15, 1778 January, 1781. Oldwine, Bernard, died in Washington county, Maryland, May 7, 1823, aged sixty-five. O'Neal, Edward, January 1,1777; wounded at Green Spring, Vir- ginia; died March 20, 1789, in Cumberland county, Pa. O'Neal, James, January 1, 1777 January, 1781. O'Neal, John, resided in Ohio county, Virginia, in 1834, aged eighty- nine. O'Neal, Richard. Organ, Matthew, from Ninth Penn'a, 1781 ; resided in Tuscarawas county, Ohio, in 1824. Sergeants. Preston, Patrick, January 1, 1777 January, 1781. Corporals. Pillmore, William. Page, James, Painton, Aaron. Parker, George. Parker, John. Parker, Joseph. Parker, Michael, killed by Indians in Sullivan's expedition, Septem- tember 13, 1779. Parker, Thomas. Parsons, John. Patrick, George. Partridge, John, resided in Beaver county, 1835, aged eighty-three. Patterson. Murdock. f Patten, John, (e,) July 27, 1777; wounded at Kingsbridge; trans- ferred to chief's guards ; reenlisted November 29, 1781, and re- mained in chief's guards. Peacock, Thomas. Peak, James, February, 1777 ; discharged, 1783. Perry, Samuel. Peters, Arnold. Peters, Elias. Peters, Philip. Phelan, Peter. Philgot, James, Philips, William. Phreamer, William. FIRST PENNSYLVANIA. 369 Pickle, Adam. Polston, Robert. Porter James, resided in Smith county, Tennessee, 1831, aged eighty- one. Postle, Henry. Pouge, Andrew. Powell, Thomas. Power, John, (e.) Powers, Robert. Prawl, David. Pugli, Thomas, (e,} Major James Moore's company. Quigley, James. Quin, Francis. Quinn, Michael, from Cumberland county, Capt. Henry Miller's company ; captured August 27, 1776 ; enlisted in Col. Roger's rangers ; deserted to our lines November 23, 1776. Quinn, Patrick, January 1, 1777 January 18, 1781. Sergeants. Reed, James, served until 1780 ; wounded and captured at Paramus, and sent to England ; resided in Lancaster county, 1806. Iloark, Andrew. Ross, John, resided in Morris county, New Jersey, 1828. Corporals. Ray, John, January 1, 1777 January, 1781. Ryan, John, of Philadelphia, Capt. Simpson's company; wounded at Miles' Square ; 1777-1781 ; resided in Lycoming county, in J820. Privates. Rack, John. Ralston, Andrew, died August 1, 1819, in Westmoreland county. Rampson, Philip. Read, Alexander. Read, Samuel. Reddick, Adam. Redman, Michael. Redman, John. Reed, William, from Ninth Pennsylvania; discharged 1783. Rees, David, (e} drafted into artillery artificers ; in Capt. Hamil- ton's company before July, 1777, afterwards in Captain Zieg- ler's. Reeves, Enos. Reigles, William. Reiley, Bernard. 24 VOL. X. 370 CONTINENTAL LINE. Keiley, Christopher, died in Fayette county, Kentucky, January 13, 1829, aged seventy-four. Reiley, Job. Reily, John, resided in Orange county, Indiana, 1834, aged seventy- five. Rey, Adam. Reynolds, John. Reynolds, Martin. Reynolds, Joseph. Richards, William. Richardson, James. Ricroft, George. Rignall Thomas. Riley, Christian. Roberts, George. Roberts, Jacob. Roberts, Patrick. Roberts, William. Robinson, Alexander. Robinson, Henry. Robinson, James. Robinson, John, of Capt. Simpson's company, resided in Mifflin county, 1815. Robinson, William, (e] Harris' company, afterwards in Capt. Wil- liam Wilson's company, 1781. Rock, Thomas, January 1, 1777, to January, 1781. Rodgers, Andrew. Rogers, Alexander. Ross, Jacob. Ross, John, resided in Clark county, Ohio, 1834, aged ninety-one. Roswell, Jacob. Rouse, Jacob. Rowan, John. Rowland, James. Royal Thomas. Rudy, Barney, Harris' company, January 1,1777 January, 1781. Rudy, Patrick. Ruggles, William. Rupert, Adam. \ Rush, James. Rush, Thomas. Rusk, James, July 1, 1777 January, 1781. Ryland, John. Ryon, Patrick. FIRST PENNSYLVANIA. 371 Sergeants. Sands, Andrew, (e) June 7, 1777, Capt. Holliday's company; dis- charged August 13, 1783 ; engaged in all the battles from Bran- dy wine to Yorktown ; resided in Dublin township, Huntingdon county, in 1818, aged sixty-six. Shover, Jacob. Sweeney, James, January 1, 1777 January, 1781. Stevens, John, in Holliday's company before April, 1777 ; in Major Moore's company, 1780. Corporals. Simonton, Alexander, January 1, 1777 1781 ; wounded at Brandy- wine ; died in Mercer county, July 3, 1821. Smick, Reynold. Solomon, John, April 15, 1778-1781. Drummer. Spade, John. Privates. Sailor, Peter. Sands, Thomas, Savage, Richard. Schlaugh, Benjamin, wounded and lost a leg at Princeton ; resided in Northampton county, 1788. Scotland, Thomas. Scott, William, died in Venango county, July 19, 1824, aged seventy- four. Scribner, David, (e,) in Capt. Samuel Craig's company before June, 1777 ; deserted April, 1780, from Capt. Simpson's company. Sedgwick, Joshua. Sexton, Michael, Matson's company, 1777. Shanefelt, Nicholas, (e,) 1776, Capt. D. Harris's company before May 1, 1777; wounded afterwards in Capt. "William Wilson's company, and captured in attack on Block-House, July 20, 1780 ; died in Haines township, Centre county, August 30, 1825, aged sixty-six. Shaak, Thomas. Shaw, John. Shaw, Michael. Sheaffer, Andrew. Shear, George. Shehan, Thomas, January 1, 1777 1781. Shehan, Daniel. Shelcut, Ephriam, died in Allegheny county, in 1817. Sheltcothe, Jackson. Sherridan, Henry. 372 CONTINENTAL LINE. Shilcut, Ezekiel. Shockey, Christian, died April 18, 1829, in Somerset county. Shott, Richard, resided in Augusta county, Virginia, in 1820. Short, Richard. Short, William. Siggerson, James. Silas, Samuel. Silver, Amos. Simmons, John. Simmons, James, January 1, 1777 1781. Simms, Stephen. Simpson, , (e,) 1776; discharged 1783. Sing, Abraham. Sinn, George, Skelton, John, Skelton, Jonathan. Sloane, Lawrence. Smeltzer John. Smith, Charles, January 1, 1777 1781. Smith, Conrad, died in Franklin county, 1833, aged eighty-one. Smith, Francis. Smith, Jacob. Smith, James, shot through the head at Germantown, and wounded in the knee with a bayonet ; living in Philadelphia in 1788, a Pennsylvania pensioner. Smith, John, resided in Woodford county, Kentucky, 1833, aged eighty-one. Smith, Leonard. Smith, Nicholas, Craig's company, sick at Philadelphia December, 1776. Smith, Thomas, died March 5, 1826, in Mercer county. Smith, William, died in York county, July 4, 1821, aged seventy- one. Sneevly, Henry, Harris' company. Snyder, Frederick. Sohn, David, Miller's company, Thompson's rifles, 1775; served three years, nine months ; died, at White Hall, Lehigh county, October 5, 1826, aged seventy-two. Sommerville, John, died in Garrard county, Kentucky, May 4, 1831, aged seventy-seven. Spalding, John. Sparrow, John, in Capt. Buchanan's company before April, 1777, afterwards in Lieut. Col. Robinson's. Sparrow, William, (e,) January 1, 1777 1781 ; in Moore's company, October, 1778. Spavior, John, (e) FIRST PENNSYLVANIA. 373 Spence, David. Squires, Robert, October 15, 17781781. Stanford, Robert, February 15, 17771781. Steel, Francis, (e,) in Holliday's company before June, 1777, after- wards in Major James Moore's. Stein, Edward, resided in Montgomery county, Kentucky, 1834, aged sixty-eight. Steward, Hugh, from Ninth Penn'a; January, 1781 1783. Stevens, John, (e,) promoted sergeant. Steward, John. Stewart, Philip W. Stewart, Thomas, January 1, 1777 1781. Stigifuse, John. Stone, John, resided in Northampton county, 1835, aged seventy- four. Stonykin, Jacob. Stover, Nicholas. Stowers, John. Strieker, John, in Capt. William Wilson's company before May 1, 1777, and to 1781. Strieker, Jacob. Strole, Jacob. Strunk, John, resided in Pike county, 1835, aged eighty-three. Stubbs, Robert. Sullivan, Murty. Sullivan, Patrick, rifle regiment, 1776, for two years ; wounded in leg at Germantown ; discharged, 1778 ; reenlisted in Second Penn'a ; resided in Millstone, New Jersey. Summers, Matthew. Sunckel, Jacob, six years six months ; discharged, 1783. Sutherland, John. Swartzwood, Moses, resided in Northampton county, 1835, aged seventy-eight. Sweeney, Hugh, died in Cumberland county, December 13, 1823. aged eighty-six. Syles, Samuel. Drummer. Tanner, Jacob. Privates. Taggert, Dennis. Teal, Jeremiah. Teal, Leonard. Ternay, Matthew, May 1, 1778-1781 ; died in Steuben county, New York, August 30, 1829, aged seventy-nine. Thomas, William. 374 CONTINENTAL LINE. Thomas, Peter. Thompson, Alexander, January 1. 1777 1781. Thompson, John, January 1, 1777 17*1. Thompson, Hugh. Thomson, John. Todd, John. Toops, Leonard, resided in Huntingdon county, 1833. Tom, John. Traverse, Andrew. Treebell, John. Tripner, George. Trueby, Adam. Sergeant. Upton, Michael. Privates. Unkey, John. Ultz, George. Vandercrimel, John. Vankirk, John. Varden, Thomas. Vaughan, Thomas, Capt. Hughes' company; resided, in 1818, in Al- legheny county. Vernon, John. Vernor, John, enlisted, 1777, Capt. Doyle's company ; discharged, 1783; resided in Luzerne county, 1821, aged sixty-four. Vernor, Philip, resided in Fayette county, 1835, aged eighty-one. Victorious, Frederick, January 1, 1777 1781. Sergeants. Ward, John, Sr., January 1, 1777 1781. Welsh, Thomas, January 1, 1777 1781. Whitlow, Benjamin. Fife Major. Williams, John. Fifer. Ward, George, (e,) of Capt. James Wilson's company, to 1781. Privates. Wagoner, Garet. Walcot, Samuel. Walker, William, January 1, 17771781. Walker, Samuel. Wallace, Ralph, killed in action. Waltz, Michael, resided in Dauphin county, 1835, aged eighty-one. Wann, Michael. Ward, John, junior, January 1, 1777 1781. FIRST PENNSYLVANIA. 375 Ward, Thomas, killed in action. Warner, Ludwick. Warner, Michael, resided in York county, 1835, aged seventy-five. Warner, Martin. Warner, William. Warren, Edward, wounded in the hand at White Plains, New York ; resided in Bedford county, 1787. Washburn, Jonathan. Watson, John, wounded in the service ; resided in Chester county, 1811. Watts, Michael. Weaver, Albright H., January 1,1777 1781 ; wounded at Brunswick in right hand ; Pennsylvania pensioner, in Philadelphia, 1808. Weaver, John D. Webb, William. Weirick, Valentine, Capt. Simpson's company. Welsh, James. Welsh, John. Welsh, Michael. Whitecreek, Joseph. Whiteman, Wollery, enlisted in 1776; served to nearly the end of the war, when he took sick, and was furloughed ; resided in Germantown, 1819, aged ninety ; lived in Philadelphia in 1835, aged one hundred and five ; he had served in Braddock's cam- paign. 1755. Whitman, George, from rifle regiment ; reenlisted, 1776 ; discharged ' July, 1781 ; resided in Berks county in 1813. Whitman, John. Widdows, Abraham. Wilcocks, Peter. Wilcort, John, (e,) Capt. McClelan's company, to 1781. Wildrick, Peter. Wilhelm, Balzer, January 1, 17771781. Wiley, Edward. Willett, Francis. Willett, Thomas. Williams, Arthur. Williams, Enoch. Williams, Isaac. Jr. Williams, James, died in Coshocton county, Ohio, November 9, 1824, aged seventy-nine. Williams, Hichard. Williams, Thomas, died in Berks county, 1792. Williams, William. Williamson, John. Willis, Isaac, January 1, 1777 1781. 376 CONTINENTAL LINE. Willis, Samuel. Wilrick, Jacob. Wilselman, George, Capt. James Wilson's company. Wilshans, William. Wilson, James, wounded in service ; resided in Lancaster county, 1810. Wilson, Thomas, January 1, 17771781. Winfield, Jacob, Harris' company. Winghard, Adam. Winn, John. Winstaff, Matthew. Winters, Timothy, January 1, 17771781. Wolcernance, George. Woods, John, died September 2, 1819, in Allegheny county. Woods, Samuel, resided in Bath county, Virginia, 1834, aged sixty- five. Worley, George. Worlin, John. Wosselman, George, January 1, 1777-1781. Wright, George, in Capt. Patterson's company before May, 1777; Captain McClellan's company, 1781. Yengst, Peter, resided in Armstrong county after the war. Yost c John. Yost, Martin. Young, Christian, widow Mary, pensioner in Lebanon county, 1823. Young, George, died in Rockbridge county, Virginia, December 1, 1829, aged seventy-five. Youse, Michael, from Lowdon's company, Thompson's rifles; 1776 1783 ; resided in Maxatawny township, Berks county, 1817. [For the following rolls of Capt. Andrew Irvine's company, the edi- tors are indebted to Dr. W. A. Irvine, of Irvine, Warren county, Penn- sylvania.] ROLL AND MUSTER OF FOURTH COMPANY, SECOND BATTALION, April, May, and June, 1782. Captain. Irvine, Andrew, on command. Lieutenant. Milligan, James. Ensign. Denny, Ebenezer, sick present. FIRST PENNSYLVANIA. 377 Sergeants. Nicholson, John, war ; on command. Winn, John, war. Roberts, Will" 1 , war. Cochran, George, war. McClane James, war. Corporal. Patrick, George, war. Fifer. Wann, John, war. Druinmer. Walker, Samuel, war. Private. Allen, John, war; three months since last mustered, Frankford to Pennsylvania. Baseter, James, war ; sick. Berry, James, war; deserted June 11, 1782. Bhonolias, Tho% war; on command. Blake, Michael, war. Brown Cornelius, eighteen months. Burk, Francis, war. Barrage, John, war. Caldwell, Tho% war ; sick present. Cain, Thomas, war. Camp, Gasper, eighteen months. Carty, Francis, war ; Frankford to Pennsylvania. Cockinoal, George, war; Coy, Will"' N., war. Cram, John, war. Cunningham, Math w , war. Davidson, James, war. Dinnison, Tho 5 , war ; deserted June 11, 1782. Donnald, Martin, war; deserted June 6, 1782. Eliot, Rob 1 , war. Finley, John, war. Gregg, Rob 1 , war. Hazlehurst, John, eighteen months. Hederick, Jacob, eighteen months. Higorins, James, war Himley, Henry, eighteen months. Jones, Isaiah, eighteen months. Jones, Will m , eighteen months. Justice, Jacob, war. 378 CONTINENTAL LINE. Kelly, Will" 1 , war. Kinley, Peter, war. Kinley, Sam 1 M., war. Lee, James, war. Loyd, Peter, war. Mackey, John, eighteen months. Matthews, John, war. McClain, Jacob, eighteen months. McDonald, Pat k , war. Moore, Tho% war. Moorland, Hugh, war. Murry, Pat k , war. Nicholson, Will" 1 , war; wagoner. Parry, Sam 1 , war ; three months since last mustered ; Frankford to Pennsylvania. Pinkerton, Andrew, war ; wagoner. Rayner, Philip, eighteen months. Eeed, Albert, war. Ryan, James, eighteen months. Ryan, Pat k , war ; on command. Sheriff, Conard, eighteen months. Smith, Christian, eighteen months. Smith, Jacob, war. Smith, Matth", war. Todd, John, war; G. Hospital. Trible, John, war ; sick, present. Waggoner, Garet, war. * Walker, James, eighteen months ; Frankford to Pennsylvania. Wann, Michael, war. Ward, John, war. Wills, Edward, war. Woods, Sam 1 , war. Wright, John, war. JOSIAH HARMAR, Inspector of the Southern Army. 12th day of July, 1782, FIRST PENNSYLVANIA. 379 ROLL AND MUSTER OF THE FOURTH COMPANY, FIRST PENNSYLVANIA REGIMENT, from January, to the isf March, 1783. Captain. Irvine, And w . Lieutenants. Reeves, Enos. Milligan, James, transferred to Capt. Fishbourne's company. Sergeants. Bignell, Tho% war. Blake, Edward, war. Clark, John, war. Dal ton, George, war ; safe guard, Mrs. Fuller's. Neill, James, war. Cochran, George, war. Upton, Michael, war. Corporals. Cavanaugh, John, war. Butler, Patt, war. Gilbreath, Josiah, war; sick, present. McUay, Roorey, war. Patrick, George, war. Reed, Will 111 , war. Summerwell, John, war; sick, present. Drummer. Jeffreys, John, war. Fifer. Heany, Henry, war. Privates. Allen, John, war. Baxter, John, war; sick, present. Beatty, John, war. Benson, John, war. Bird, And w , war. Blake, Mich 1 , war, Branagan, George, war; ash fever, in camp. Burns, Alex., war, Bushwald. Jacob, war. 380 CONTINENTAL LINE. Cad well, Tho s , war ; sick, present. Callachan, Daniel, war. Cookendale, George, war ; died 17th January, 1783. Cuningham, Math"", war. Elliot, Robert, war; died 2oth January, 1783. Fox, Will" 1 , war ; sick, present. Gregg, Robert, war. Higgins, James, war. Hopkins, John, war ; waiter with inspector. Jones, Robert, war. Justice, Jacob, war. Kelley, Will, war. Keton, Tho% war. Lee, James, war. Lowman, Philip, war. Loyd, Peter, war. Lyons, Moses, war. Mathews, John, war. McBride, Peter, war. McCay, Will m , war. McCuen, James, war. McDonald, Mich 1 , war. McIIose, Isaac, war. McKinley, John, war. McKinley, Peter, war. McKinley, Sam 1 , war. Morland, Hugh, war ; sick, gen 1 hospital. Moore, Thos., war. Murry, John, war. Murry Patt, war. Nicholson, Will 1 ", war ; waggoner, gen 1 hospital. O'Brian; Daniel, war. Perry, Samuel, war. Quire, John, war. Reed, Alex., war ; sick, present. Reynolds, Martin, war ; ash fever, camp. Riley, Christ, war. Ryan, Patt, war. Smith, Jacob, ash fever, camp. Smith, Mathew, war. Steigifuse, John, war. Thompson, John, war ; sick, present. Todd, John, war ; died, 14th January, 1783. Trible, John, war. Varden, Tho% war; safe guard, Mrs. Reeves. Waggoner, Garret, war; on guard Ch s Town. FIRST PENNSYLVANIA. 381 Walcot, Clement, war. Wills, Conrod, war. Wills, Edward, war. Winghart, Adam, war. Woods, Sam 1 , war. Inspection, 12th day of March, 1783. FRANCIS MENTGES, Colonel, Inspector of the Southern Army. This 12th day of March, 1783. ANDREW IRVINE, Captain. List of Eighteen Months' men settled with as per John Nicholson's memorandum. Ample, John, artillery. Byles, Casper. Bombeck, John Henry. Bryan, William. Clarke, Samuel. Cowick, Daniel. Earlbough, John. Gordon, Peter. Gay, Thomas. Graham, Patrick. Greggory, William. Kemler, William. McGinnis, John. Pelerey, Anthony. Reeger, Jacob. Thompson, George. Trapewell, William. Whey, Samuel. 382 CONTINENTAL LINE. RETURN OF EIGHTEEN MONTHS' MEN. Return of men enlisted for eighteen months in the Pennsylvania line, who marched in Col. Craig 's detachment. [See Col. Craig's letter, Pennsylvania Archives, O.S., vol. IX, page SOS, for an account of their march to Charleston, South Carolina.] Those marked (*), indicate such as-have been settled with, as per Mr Nicholson's remarks on the original. Company entered, Transferred to. in 1/81. In 1782. Adair, William,* .... Claypoole, 2. Patterson. Anderson, John,* .... Stotesbury, not mustered after December, 1781. Anderson, James,* . . . Patterson, 1. Smith. Ashton, James,* .... Patterson, 2. Bicker. August, Archibald, . . . Lusk, 2. Finney. August, John, Lusk, deserted December 31, 1781. August, Nicholas, . . . Lusk, not mustered after December, 1781. Bader, Henry, Bowers, deserted December 11, 1781. Baker, William,* . . . Patterson, 2. Bicker. Barber, John, Patterson, 2, deserted April 4, 1782. Barker, William,* .... Jackson, 1. Ziegler. Bartle, George,* .... Campbell, 1. Campbell. Bartle, Matthias, .... Jackson, 1. Ziegler. Baughan, Peter, .... Patterson, 2. Patterson. Beaver, Benjamin,* . . . Jackson, 1. Steele. Bell, Andrew,* Campbell, 1, not mustered after December, 1781. Bettinger, Christian,* . . Marshall 1- Marshall. Biggs, Eichard,* . . . .Jackson, 1. Davis. Billman, Dewalt,* . . . Lusk, 2. Bowers. Blainhart, John, .... Marshall, 1. Marshall. Blythe, Jacob, corporal, . Claypoole, 2. Stotesbury. Bonjay, B. Amore, . . . Lusk, 2. Henderson. Bourke, John, Stotesbury, 1. Ziegler, deserted November 12, 1781. Boyer, Peter,* Lusk, 2. Henderson. FIRST PENNSYLVANIA. 383 Company entered, Transferred to, in 1781. In 178'J. Brown, Cornelius, .... Patterson, 2. Irvine. Buckheart, Philip, . . . Bowers, 2, not mustered after December, 1781. Bucklizer, Philip,* . . . Bowers, 2. Henderson. Burke, Edward, .... Lusk, 2. Bowers deserted October 8, 1781. Burns, James,* corporal, Jackson, 2. Ziegler. Bush, John,* corporal, . Lusk, 2. not mustered after December, 1781. Camp, Casper,* Bowers, 2. Irvine. Campbell, Adam,* . . . Lusk, 2. Bowers. Campbell, John,* . . . . Stotesbury, 1. McCully. Carney, Dennis, Jackson, 1. Davis. Castle, Andrew,* .... Jackson, 1. Davis. Castleton, John, ..... Stotesbury, deserted October 4, 1781. Chambers, John,* . . . . Claypoole, . . . . . .2. Christ, Balzer, Patterson, 2. December 5, 1781. Christ, Cornelius, .... Marshall, 1. McCully, deserted in 1782. Clark, George,* corporal, Claypoole,. 2. Stotesbury. Clark, Kobert,* Campbell, 1. Ziegler. Chattam, AVilliam,* . . . Campbell, 1. Steele. Collins, John, Marshall, deserted December 1, 1781. Collins, Joseph, Patterson, 1. McCully. Connor, John,* Patterson, 1. Ziegler. Connor, John, Campbell, 1. Ziegler. Connelly, George, .... Stotesbury, deserted October 12, 1781. Cook, John, Claypoole, deserted December 3, 1781. Cow, Paul, Jackson, not mustered after December, 1781. Cragin, Robert, Campbell, 1. Davis. Croner, John,* Patterson, 2. Henderson. Croner, Henry, Bowers, not mustered after December, 1781. Crotty, Thomas,* . . . Campbell, 2. Henderson. Curry, Alexander, .... Jackson, 1. Steele, deserted May 3, 1702. Davidson, Alexander, . . Claypoole, 2. Stotesbury. Davidson, Thomas, . . . Claypoole, 2. Stotesbury. 384 CONTINENTAL LINE. Company entered, Transferred to, In 1781. in 17s2. Peering, Andrew,* 2. Bowers, Dernpsey, John, Stotesbury, deserted October 3, 1781. Dobson, Thomas,* . . . Bowers, 2. Finney. Drunnan, Arthur,* . . . Jackson, 1. Ziegler. Drumheller, Jacob, . . . Bowers, Finney. Duncan, William,* . . . Bowers, 2. Bowers. Egan, Edward, drummer, Patterson, 1. Davis, deserted in 1783. Eighorn, Philip,* .... Bowers, 2. Lusk. Ellenger, Stephen, . . . Campbell, 1. Ziegler. Emich, Henry,* .... Bowers, 2. Patterson. English, B., Stotesbury, deserted December 3, 1781. Enoch, Abraham, . . . . Claypoole, . ... . .2, died November 20, 1781. Evans, Nathan, ... . Jackson, Ziegler, deserted May 17, 1782. Fagan, Michael, Lusk, not mustered after December, 1781. Fagar, John, 1. Davis. Federa, Frederick, . . . Bowers, 2. Finney. Feeley, Thomas,* .... Marshall, 1. McCully. Fisher, George, Campbell, 1. Davis. Fister, Nicholas, .... Jackson, , deserted October 7. 1781. Flora, David, Patterson, 2. Bicker. Forsythe, Abel, .... Campbell, deserted October 8, 1781. Foulk, George,* Bowers 2. Finney. Frank, Henry, Claypoole, deserted October 3, 1781. Frederick, Abraham, . . Stotesbury. Frederick, Michael,* . . Claypoole, 2. Stotesbury. Frazier, John, Jackson. Gambog, William, .... Lusk, 2. Lusk. Garner, William, .... Bowers, 1. Marshall. Gardner, Henry, .... Marshall, 2. Bicker. Garrety, John, Patterson, 2. Bicker. Gathaway, James,* . . Stotesbury, 1. McCully. Galbreath, John,* . . . .Marshall, 1. McCully. Glaskin, Patrjck,* .... Claypoole, 2. Stotesbury. Glennan, Charles,* . . . Jackson, 1. Davis. Godsgrace, Daniel,* . . . Patterson, 2. Bicker. FIRST PENNSYLVANIA. 385 Company entered, Transferred to, In 1781. In 1782. Goff, Archibald,* .... Patterson, 2. Finney. Golden, James, Stotesbury, deserted November 12, 1781. Goodman, John, Lusk, 2. Lusk, deserted November 17, 1781. Gorden, David,* . . . Marshall, 1. Marshall. Gorrall, Robert,* .... Jackson, 1. Davis. Gosnell, George, sergeant, Patterson, I.Davis. Graham, Amos,* .... Campbell, 1. Davis. Grimson, Samuel, .... Stotesbury, deserted October 9, 1781. Grosse, Alexander, . . . Bowers, 1. Davis, deserted December 15, 1781. Guiting, William,* . . . Lusk, 2. Lusk. Guyer, Cornelius, .... Lusk, 2. Lusk. Hackett, Nicholas,* . . Marshall, 1. Marshall. Ilackett, Richard,* . . .Jackson, 1. Davis. Hagerty, Dennis,* . . . Jackson, 1. Ziegler. Hagerty, John, . . . . Claypoole, 2. not mustered after December, 1781. Hagle, Philip, Lusk, deserted November 27. 1781. Hamilton, John, .... Lusk, deserted November 1, 1781. Hanna, Robert, Stptesbury, discharged October 4, 1781. Harragan, John,* .... Jackson, 2. Finney. Hartney, Patrick, .... Jackson, 1. Steel. Hart, Nicholas,* .... Jackson, 1. Steel. Harvey, Josiah,* .... Bowers, 2. Bicker. Hazelhurst, John, .... Patterson, 2. Irvine. Hedrick, Jacob,* .... Bowers, 2. Irvine. Hill, William,* Bowers, 2. Finney. Hoppel, John,* Jackson, 1. Ziegler. Homer, John,* . . . . Bowers, 2. Finney. Hughes, William,* . . . Jackson, 1. Davis. Humble, Frederick, . . . Bowers, 2. Bowers. Hydler, Martin,* .... Patterson, 2. Irvine. Idle, Conrad,* Jackson, 2. Finney. Jahom, Philip, Patterson, 2. Henderson. Jameson, David, .... Claypoole, ...... 2. Stotesbury. Jenkins, Williams, . . . Campbell, 1. Smith. Johnson, John,* (1,) . . . Marshall, 1. McCully. Johnston, John, (2,) . . .Marshall, 1. Marshall. Jones, Isaiah,* Lusk, 2. Irvine. 25 VOL. X. 386 CONTINENTAL LINE. Company entered. Transferred to t in 1781. in iTvj. Jones, William,* (1,) . . Lusk, 2. Irvine. Jones, William, (2,) . . . Patterson, 2. Henderson. Jordan, Peter,* Jackson, 1. Davis. Justice, Benjamin,* . . . Campbell, 1. Davis. Justice, Robert,* .... Campbell, 1. Steele. Karners, John, Campbell, 1. Steele. Karnes, John,* Jackson, Ziegler. deserted October 15, 1781. Kein, John, Marshall, 1. Marshall. Kelly, John,* Campbell, 1. Steele. Kelp, John,* Jackson, 1. Steele. Kenon, John, corporal, . Lusk, 2. Bowers. Keymore, Nicholas,* . . Bowers, 2. Henderson. Killpatrick, William,* . .Marshall, 1. Marshall. Kinley, Henry,* Lusk, 2. Irvine. Kinkaid, John,* . . . Jackson, 1. Ziegler. Kough, Adam,* Claypoole, 2. Stotesbnry. Laflerty, Patrick,* . . . Claypoole, 2. Stotesbury. Langley, Marshall, 1. Steele. Lasher, Peter, Claypoole, 2. Stotesbury. Leach, James,* Marshall, ...... 1. Marshall. Legonier, John, ... . Stotesbury. deserted November 23, 1781. Lennox, Michael,* . . . Lusk, 2. Lusk. Leo, William,* Bowers, . . . . .1. Marshall. Leonard, Philip,* .... Bowers, 2. Bowers. Levi, Abraham, Patterson, 2. Bowers. Lewis, James,* .... Jackson, 1. Steele. Lipner, Jacob,* Jackson, 1. Davis. Lobb, Matthias,* .... Lusk, 2. Henderson. Lockey, Thomas,* . . . Marshall, 1. McCully. Lyons, Joseph,* Jackson, 1. Steele. McBride, Peter, Marshall, 2. Henderson. McClane, James,* 2. Irvine. McClure, Samuel, .... Campbell, died October 11, 1781. McDonald, George, . . . Lusk, 2. Lusk. McDonald, William,* . . Marshall, 1. McCully. McDonald, Andrew,* . . Claypoole, 2. Stotesbury. McGill, John, Patterson, 2. Henderson, deserted October 15, 1782. McKay, John,* Lusk, 2. Irvine. McKay, Daniel, Jackson, 1. Ziegler. McKee, Andrew, . . . Campbell, 1. Ziegler. McKinney, llobert,* . . . Marshall. FIRST PENNSYLVANIA. 387 Company entered, Transferred, In 1781. to In 1782. McKinney, John, .... Stotesbury, deserted November 15, 1781. McLaughlin, John, . . . Bowers, 2. Bowers. McLane, William, . . Lusk, deserted December 8, 1781. McMullen, William,* . .Jackson, 1. Steele. McMurdie, John, . . . .Patterson, not mustered after December, 1781. McNamara, Timothy,* . Patterson, 2. Patterson. McPherson, Robert,* . . Patterson, 2. Bicker. McRoberts, David,* . . . Jackson, ...... 1. Steele. McVay, Joseph, Stotesbury, deserted November 12, 1781. Mahon, Edward,* . . . .Jackson, 1. Davis. Martin, Abraham, . . . Stotesbury, not mustered after December, 1781. Martin, John, Campbell, 1. Ziegler, not mustered after December, 1781. Martin, Robert,* . . . .Patterson, 2. Finney. Maxwell, James, .... Campbell, 1. Ziegler. Means, John,* Campbell, 1. Ziegler. Mercy, George, Marshall, not mustered after December, 1781. Messersmith, Valentine, . Lusk, died October 10, 1781 . Miller, David,* .... Stotesbury, 1. Davis. Miller, Peter, ... . Lusk, deserted December 3, 1781. Mills, James,* 1. Seely. Mills, John, Stotesbury, not mustered after 1781. Millerock, George,* . . . Stotesbury, 2. Stotesbury. Moore, George, Jackson, deserted October 2, 1781. Moore, James,* Stotesbury, 1. Steele. Moore, Michael, Patterson, deserted September 19, 1781. Morgan, John, . . . . Stotesbury, deserted December 3, 1781. Morrison, Thomas, . . . Patterson, 2. Henderson. Mosser, George,* .... Bowers, 1. Steele. Mundis, Casper, Patterson, 2. Patterson. Murray, George, 1. McCully. Murray, William, fifer, . Patterson. 388 CONTINENTAL LINE. Company entered, Transferred to, in 17S1. In 1782. Nevel, Frederick, .... Lusk, deserted November 17, 1781. Nevel, John,* Lusk, 2. Bicker. Newcomb, John, .... Marshall, 1. Marshall. Nogle, George,* Stotesbury, 1. McCully. Noland, Joseph,* : . . . Marshall, 1. Marshall. Nostraman Jacob,* . . . Marshall, 1. Marshall. O'Brian, Martin, '. . . . Jackson, 2. Finney. Ox, Christian, Lusk, 2. Finney. Pliley, Casper,* Claypoole, 2. Stotesbury. Ployorer, Adam, .... Claypoole, 2. Stotesbury, deserted December 3, 1781. Plummerfeldt, John, . . Claypoole, 2. Stotesbury, deserted October 14, 1781. Revally, James, 2. Stotesbury. Reweley, Nicholas, . . . Claypoole, 2. Stotesbury. Reynold, William, .... Marshall, 1. Marshall, deserted April 18, 1782. Ribaldt, Frederich, . . . Lusk, 2. Patterson. Rhodes, Jacob,* Marshall, 1. Marshall. Rice, David,* Patterson, 2. Rice, Michael,* Lusk, 2. Henderson. Ridenbaugh, Peter,* . . Lusk, 2. Henderson. Riffets, George, 1. McCully. Riffets, Nathan, Stotesbury, 1. McCully. Ripley, Elijah,* Patterson, 2. Patterson. Rinodecker, Samuel,* . . Patterson, . . . . 2. Robinson, Henry, .... Jackson, 2. Bicker. Rourk, Christopher, . . . Jackson, 1. Davis. Ryner, Philip,* Lusk, 2. Irvine. Ryan, James,* Patterson, 2. Irvine. Sandayland, John, .... Lusk, Bicker. Sappington, Thomas, . . Lusk, deserted December 21, 1781. Scott, James,* Patterson, 2. Lusk. Sebolt, David,* Lusk, 2. Henderson. Sebum, John,* Campbell, 1. Steele. Settleinire, Godfrey, . . . Lusk, Bicker, deserted October 25, 1781. Sharp, John,* Bowers, 2. Bowers. Shaw, John, Marshall, deserted October 3, 1781. Sheckler, David Frederick,* 2. Stotesbury. Shenio, Peter, Patterson, 2. Henderson. Sherriff, Conrad, .... Lusk, 2. Irvine. FIRST PENNSYLVANIA. 389 Company entered, Transferred to in 1781. in 1782. Simmons, or Simpson, Na- thaniel,* Lusk, not mustered after December, 1781. Simson, Matthew, 2. Finney. Slaughter, Henry,* . . . Patterson, 2. Finney. Sliner, Henry, Campbell, 1. Ziegler. Smith, Christian,* . . . .Bowers, 2. Irvine. Smith, Henry, Bowers, 2. Bowers. Sneering, George, .... Bowers, 2. Patterson. Solomon, Henry,* .... Patterson, 2. Stickle, Valentine,* . . . Marshall, 1. McCully. Stump, Frederick, .... Bowers, 2. Patterson, not mustered after December, 1781. Sufferance, David,* . . . Stotesbury, 1. Bowers. Sullivan, Timothy,* corp., Marshall, 1. Steele. Sunday, Adam,* Bowers, 2. Bowers. Swartzwood, Moses,* . . Claypoole, 2. Stotesbury. Sweety, Henry,* Stotesbury, 1. Smith. Switzer, Jacob, Bowers, 2. Bowers. Taylor, Samuel, Bowers, 2. Bowers. Thomas, James,* .... Jackson, 1. Ziegler. Thompson, James,* corp., Jackson, 1. Steele. Thompson, John,* .... Patterson, 2. Bicker. Thompson, Reece,* . . . Stotesbury, 1. Seely. Tilley, James,* Claypoole, 2. Stotesbury. Wall, George, Bowers, 1. Walker, James,* .... Patterson, 2. Irvine. Warner, Jacob,* Campbell, .1. Warner, Michael,* . . Lusk, ..'.... 2. Bower. Watson, Benjamin,* . . . Campbell, 1. Ziegler. Weaver, John D., .... Claypoole, 1. Ziegler. Weeble, George, Claypoole, 2. Stotesbury. Welch, William,* .... Stotesbury, 1. Weltman, Frederick,* . . Jackson, 2. Bowers, not mustered after December, 1781. Wibley, Frederick,* . . . Stotesbury, 1. Stotesbury. Williams, John,* flfer, . . Stotesbury, 1. Wilson, William, .... Stotesbury. Woolsey, Isaac,* .... Bowers, 2. Worthington, Edward,* . Campbell, 1. Wright, Charles,* .... Marshall, 1. McCully. Young, John,* Patterson, 2. Patterson. The foregoing named men marched under the command of Col. Craig, and enlisted for eighteen months. I have taken them from 390 CONTINENTAL LINE. the musters of 1781 and part of 1782, of the First and Second regi- ments. These regiments were incorporated some time in 1782.* The musters of the First regiment are silent in respect to the time the men were discharged. I have carefully examined the return, with the accounts, and believe that there are few, if any, that have been paid for their services excepting those marked. Yours, JOSEPH HOAVELL, Jit., Assistant Commissary. PAY OFFICE, 14th May, 1785. To JOHN NICHOLSON, Esq. The following is an additional list of eighteen months' men, set- tled with by Mr. Nicholson : Ample, John, of artillery. Biles, Casper. Bombeck, John Henry. Bryan, William. Clarke, Samuel. Cowick, Daniel. Earlborough John, of artillery. Gordon, Peter. Gravan, Patrick. Greggory, William. Kemler, William. McGinnis, John. Peterey, Anthony. Keeger, Jacob. Thomson, George. Trapwell, William. Whey, Joseph. *A possible explanation of this remark may be found in Gen. Wayne's letter, (Penn'a Arch., O. S., vol. ix, page 283,) "the smallne?s of our numbers has also induced us to throw the Pennsylvanians into two bat- talions." It was only a temporary arrangement, until the regiments should be reinforced. Lieutenant Denny, in his journal, (page 249.) under date of November 1, 1781, saj'S : " three regiments of Pennsyl- vania and a detachment of artillery commenced their march for South Carolina;" and under date of January 4, 1782, says : "they joined the troops under Gen. Greene, at Round O, South Carolina, then moved to Pond-Pond, [called 'Ponpon,' in Col. Craig's letter,] on the banks of Ashley river, eighteen or twenty miles above Charleston." Here, ac- cording to Lieutenant Denny, the sicknoss and mortality was very great, which accounts for the large number " not settled with " on Mr. Nich- olson's list, from which the preceding is copied. Under date of Septem- ber, Lieutenant Denny says: "hospital crowded ; a great many sick in camp ; deaths so frequent, the funeral ceremony dispensed with." CONTINENTAL LINE. SECOND PENNSYLVANIA. OCTOBER, 1776 NOVEMBER 3, 1783. SECOND PENNSYLVANIA. ROM the First Battalion, under Colonel de Haas, who remained in command until his promotion to brigadier general, the Second Pennsylvania was organized. A re- turn, signed by William Williams, major, of the num- ber of men enlisted, passed muster, and brought into the field, from December 24, 1776, to June 30, 1777, is as follows: Capt. Joseph Howell, Capt. John Patterson, Capt. Jacob Ashmead, Capt. John Bankson, Capt. George Jenkins, Capt. Roger Stayner, Capt. Christian Staddel, Capt. Samuel Tolbert, Passed Brought muster _ to field. 45 36 33 44 41 52 44 44 25 24 22 27 36 34 22 29 340 339 219 The embarrassments resulting from change and resignation of field officers acted unfavorably upon the efficiency of the regiment in organization, and with the fusion of the Thirteenth Pennsylva- nia with it on the 1st of July, 1778, and change of commanders complicates and confuses what few records the ravages of fire have left of it. Only two general returns can be found, the one men- tioned in the subsequent letter of Major Williams, and one signed by Benjamin Boyer, adjutant, which seems to have been made im- mediately after the battle of Germantown, October 4, 1777. By the first mentioned return of August, 1777, there were present one ma- jor, five captains, two first lieutenants, four second lieutenants, four ensigns, adjutant, quarter-master, paymaster, and surgeon, thirteen sergeants, nine drums and fifes, one hundred and six rank and file, fit for duty, four sick present, nineteen sick absent, nineteen on command; total, one hundred and forty-eight. Absent by leave, Ensign de Haas, since November 3, 1776, Capt. Stayner, August 9, 1777, Capt. Jenkins, August 10, 1777. Absent and wounded, Capt. Ashmead, Lieuts. Cobea, Chunberg, Gosner, Canon, Boyer ^ (393) 394 CONTINENTAL LINK. Ensign Purcell; the six last named at Philadelphia; Ensign Strieker, at Germautown; on command, Ensign Burton. Vacant commis- sions, Col. Irvine, resigned ; Lieut. Col. Jones, resigned ; First Lieut. John Ellis, cashiered ; First Lieut. William Moore, resigned ; First Lieut. Ziegler, resigned ; Second Lieut. Stoy, promoted ; Ensign Abel Morris, promoted; two sergeants and fourteen men on com- mand with the artillery. The fife major confined for reenlisting. Major William Williams, from ''camp at Cross Roads, August 11, 1777," writes to the Supreme Executive Council, as follows : li GENTLEMEN : I enclose you a weekly return of the Second Penn- sylvania. You will find there are three first lieutenants, two sec- ond lieutenants, and one ensign wanting to complete the subalterns. In a letter to the Hon. Board of War, I gave my reasons for not promoting the second lieutenants and ensigns in rotation. I should be glad if you would appoint gentlemen that would be fit to fill the place of first lieutenants, as those that come in rotation are too young. I think Gen'l de Haas' son should be left out, as I know no reason why he should receive pay, when he is not fit to take from school ; he has been near a year appointed, and has never seen the regiment. I should be exceeding glad if a colonel could be ap- pointed soon, as the regiment has suffered much by the different changes and intervals of commanding officers." The regiment no doubt suffered heavily at Brandywine and Ger- mantown, as the October return says the regiment commanded by Capt. Joseph Howell and only one other captain, Staddel, present ; one first lieutenant, three second lieutenants, five ensigns, pay- master, quarter-master, surgeon, eight sergeants, ten drums and fifes. Rank and file, fifty-six present, fit for duty; thirteen sick present ; seventeen sick absent ; twenty-four on command ; total rank and file, one hundred and ten. Major Williams taken at Ger- mantown, one captain in arrest, one prisoner in Philadelphia, one sick at Burlington, four subalterns sick absent, and one sick present. Maj. Williams subsequently escaped, and from the following letter to Presi- dent Wharton, of Pennsylva- dated at Horse, May 2, 1778," some idea may be had of the trials and vexations of an officer of the Revolution, by the numerous re-arangements of the Pennsylvania line : " SIR : During my confinement as a prisoner of war, several pro- motions took place, among which number I expected to have been placed. SECOND PENNSYLVANIA. 395 " Since my escape, I found I was neglected ; I mentioned it to his Excellency General Washington, who told me it should be rec- tified, and that it was General Wayne who gave in the report of the officers for promotion. " I sometime after called on General Wayne for the reasons; he told me he knew of no other, that it was not customary to promote those who were prisoners. Sometime since I waited on his Excel- lency General Washington, to know if there was any likelihood of my being restored to my rank, he again informed me that it was thro' General Wayne I was left out, and desired me to inform Gen- eral Wayne to let him know the reasons why there was not a vacancy left in the promotions for me. (I have since wrote to General Wayne to that purpose;) his Excellency, at the same time, in for tried me that the State had taken upon to settle the rank of the army ; upon this information, I trouble your Excellency with my situation, that I cannot serve in my present commission on account of a number of junior officers, who would command me. I have the satisfaction to inform your Excellency , that I have not been charged, since I have been in the service, with the least neglect of duty or disobedience of orders, and I am conscious I never turned my back on the enemy without orders, nor never feared to face them when I had orders. I was the second captain in the First Pennsylvania battalion, and by different rules for promotion, numbers of junior officers now command me. I shall be happy when my country has no further occasion of my services, yet am willing to serve, but would not chuse to hold a commission at the will of an individual." By the arrangement which took place July 1, 1778, the Thirteenth Pennsylvania was incorporated with the Second Penn'a, and Col. Walter Stewart became colonel of the Second. Route of Second Penn'a, November 25, 1778: Doct. Hambleton, 15 Peekskill, 15 King's Ferry, 4 Rohargate, 10 Paramus, 12 Aquaknock B, 14 Newark, 9 Springfield, 9 Middlebrooke, 19 J07 From the journal of Capt. Joseph McClellan, of the Second Penn'a, we have the following information relative to the regi- ment under the new arrangement, January 1, 1781 : 396 CONTINENTAL LINE. " Feb. 11, [1781.] Orders by Col. Stewart for Capt. Jos. McClellan to March on Tuesday next, with the first part of the 2nd Regiment, to the Yellow Springs. [On Pickering creek, in West Pikeland township, Chester county, now known as Chester Springs.] " Feb. 13. Marched from Philadelphia at 1, p. M., with Capt. Walker, Lieut. Pierce, Lieut. Moore, and Dr. Harris, and 37 non- commissioned officers and privates. Halted at the Black Horse. " Feb. 14. Breakfasted at the Sorrel Horse, and marched from thence to the White Horse. "Feb. 15. Marched from the White Horse at 8 o'clock, A. M., and arrived at the Yellow Springs at 11. Found good quarters for the men, and everything agreeable. " Feb. 21. Col. Stewart and Major Hamilton arrived at the Yel- low Springs. " Feb. 24. Took up a deserter, John Haslan, and delivered him to Lieut. Andrew Willson, who carried him to the Yellow Springs. "March 3. Came to Yellow Springs, and brought Robert Han- nah, a soldier for my father's class. "March 5. Went to Squire Moore's with Robert Hannah. Got him enlisted for James McClellan's class in Chester county. " March 6. Wrote Colonel North the state of the regiment and the men's enlistments. "March 8. 5th and 9th Penn'a to attend at Reading from 23 March to 27, to settle their depreciation with the Auditors. " March 10. Esq. Moore came to Yellow Springs, and paid the men their second Bounty. "March 13. Mr. Nicholson, Esq. Hannah ,and Major Benton, auditors for settling the accounts of the Penn'a Line, came to this place, and began the settlement of the 2nd Regt. James Moore, Esq., attending in order to enlist the men. " March 14. Continue enlisting men fast. " March 0. Marched from Yellow Springs, with a detachment of 30 men, to Downingtown. Cleaned out the Quarters, and began to put up bunks. Took up my quarters at Richard Downing, Jr. "March 21. The remainder of the 2nd Regiment marched into Downingtown. "April 11. Went to Philadelphia, with Doctor Perry and Lieut. Strieker, to procure summer clothing. Col. Stewart was married to Miss McClanachan this day. "April 29. The Auditors began to pay the Penn'a Line one third of depreciation. "April 30. Auditors left Downington for Lancaster. " May 1. Esq. Moore came, and paid off the men of the 2nd Reg- iment the remainder of their Bounty. Lieut. Piercy marched, with a detachment of 30 men, for Newport. SECOND PENNSYLVANIA. 397 " May 5. A detachment of 3 companies of the 2nd Regiment marched from Downington for York. "May 11. Set out from Lancaster, with Captain Stake, and got to York at 5, p. M." ROSTER OF FIELD AND STAFF. Colonels. De Haas, John Philip, from First battalion ; promoted brigadier general February 21, 1777. Irvine, James, from Ninth Penn'a, March 12, 1777 ;. resigned June 1, 1777 ; died in Philadelphia, April 28, 1819, aged eighty-four years ; buried in Christ church-yard. Bicker, Henry, from lieutenant colonel of Sixth Penn'a, June 6,1777, became supernumerary, July 1, 1778. Stewart, Walter, from Thirteenth Penn'a, July 1, 1778; retired January 1, 1783 ; died at Philadelphia, June 14, 1796. Lieutenant Colonels. Morris, Anthony James, from major of First battalion, October 25, 1776; promoted colonel Ninth Penn'a, March 12, 1777. Jones, Jonathan, from major, March 12, 1777. He was in com- mand of the regiment for a short time alter Col. Irvine's resig- nation, but his health had been shattered in the Canada cam- paign, and his ill-health increasing, compelled him to resign sometime in latter part of July, 1777. He was a member of the Assembly from Berks county, in 1778-1779, but was soon after stricken with paralysis, and died September 26, 1782, aged forty-four years ; buried at Churchtown, Lancaster county. Miller, Henry, from major, First Penn'a, July 1 , 1778, ranking from March 1, 1777 ; resigned December, 1778 ; died at Carlisle April 5, 1824, aged seventy-three. He had two horses killed under him at Monmouth ; lie was afterwards quarter-master general of western expedition, and commanded a brigade of militia in the defense of Baltimore in 1814. See Dr. Eyl^s Notes and Queries. Murray, John, from major, December 10, 1778; retired January 1, 1781 ; died February 3, 1798, aged sixty-eight ; buried in the cemetery at Dauphin, Pennsylvania. Majors. Jones, Jonathan, from captain, First battalion, October 25, 1776; promoted lieutenant colonel, March 12, 1777. 398 CONTINENTAL LINE. Williams, William, from captain, Second battalion, March 12, 1777, ranked from September 29, 1776; in command of the regiment from June 1, 1777, until his capture at Germantown, October 4, 1777 ; exchanged April 20, 1778 ; promoted lieutenant colonel, and transferred to Third Penn'a. Murray, John, from Thirteenth Penn'a, July 1, 1778. Hamilton, James, from captain, First Penn'a, December 10, 1778 ; retired the service January 1, 1783 ; resided in Charleston, South Carolina, in 1834. Captains. Ho well, Joseph, from Alice's ; appointed paymaster August 27, 1778. Patterson, John, from first lieutenant, First battalion. January 1, 1777 ; retired the service January 1, 1783 ; died in 1790. Ashmead, Jacob, September 6, 1776; he is carried on several rolls, postea, as commissioned January 1, 1777, which arose from Col. De Haas reporting Capt. William Jenkins' (of old First battal- ion,) resignation as of January 1, 1777; Capt. Ashmead re- signed May 16, 1780. Bankson, John, from First battalion, commissioned September 25, 1776; appointed paymaster October 14, 1778; transferred to First Penn'a ; mustered out November 3, 1783. Stayner, Roger, from lieutenant, First battalion ; taken prisoner in Philadelphia in September, 1777 ; exchanged October 25, 1780; died near Academia, Juniata county, in 1839, aged eighty- eight ; buried at Academia. Jenkins, George, from first lieutenant, First battalion. Staddel, Christian, from first lieutenant, First battalion. Tolbert Samuel, from first lieutenant, First battalion, commis- sioned October 2, 1776, succeeding Capt. John Robb, on ree'n- listment of company in Second Penn'a. Gosner, Peter, from first lieutenant, January 1, 1778; retired the service, January 1, 1781. Cobea, John, from first lieutenant, March 11, 1779 ; retired the ser- vice, January 1, 1781. Irwin, John, com missioned May 16, 1780, rice Capt. Jacob Ashmead, resigned; commissary of commanding general and staff, at New Windsor, New York, in March, 1781 ; retired the service, January 1, 1781 ; died at Pittsburgh, May 11 , 1808, and is buried in the First Presbyterian church-yard. Captain-Lieutenants. Irwin, John, from first lieutenant, January 1, 1779 ; promoted cap- tain May 16, 1780. Stoy, John, from first lieutenant, May 16, 1780 ; retired the service, January 1, 1781. SECOND PENNSYLVANIA. 399 First Lieutenants. Ellis, John, cashiered, August, 1777. Gosner, Peter, promoted captain, January 1, 1778. Cobea, John, promoted captain, March 11, 1779. Clumberg, Philip, Jr., resigned January 1, 1777. * Ziegler, Jacob, resigned. * Moore, William, (1st,) of De Haas' First battalion, resigned. Irwin, John, badly wounded at Paoli ; promoted captain-lieutenant > January 1, 1779. Walbron, Major, from ensign of De Haas', killed at Paoli, Septem- ber 20, 1777. Stoy, John, promoted captain-lieutenant, May 16, 1780. Piercy, Henry, from second lieutenant, March 12, 1777 ; transferred to Third Penn'a, January 1, 1783. Whitehead, James, March 12, 1777. See Biddle^s Autobiog., p. 172. Jones, James Morris, ranking from March 12, 1777, though carried on subsequent roll as second lieutenant ; transferred to First Penn'a, January 1, 1783. Moore, William, (2d,) from Thirteenth, July 1, 1778; transferred to First, January 1, 1783, Waggoner, Henry, from second lieutenant, March 11, 1779 ; resigned May 3, 1779. Gregg, John, from second lieutenant, March 12, 1779 ; resigned; re- sided in Greene county, Ohio, 1834. Norton, Thomas, from second lieutenant, March 13, 1779 ; resigned September 3, 1779. Park, John, from second lieutenant, April 15, 1779 ; died July 23, 1780, of wounds received at Block House. Strieker, John, from second lieutenant, May 1, 1779. De Purcell, Henry, from second lieutenant, September 3, 1779. De Hart, Jacob M.,from ensign, May 16, 1780, wee Stoy, promoted ; died of his wounds July 25, 1780. Second Lieutenants. De Haas, John Philip, Jr., from first battalion; absent from November 3, 1776 ; died at Beech Creek, Clinton county, Au- gust, 1826; buried in Hays' grave-yard. Boyer, Benjamin. ' Canon, John. Honeyman, William, February 5, 1777; wounded in the chin and right shoulder at Iron Hill, and transferred to Invalid regi- ment July 1, 1777. Piercy, Henry, of Philadelphia, appointed from flying camp, Feb- ruary 5, 1777 ; promoted first lieutenant March 12, 1777. Waggoner, Henry, promoted first lieutenant March 11, 1779. * In August return, 1777, marked resigned ; no dates given. 400 CONTINENTAL LINE. Gregg, John, from Thirteenth Penn'a, July 1, 1778 ; promoted first lieutenant March 12, 1779. Norton, Thomas, of Philadelphia, April 24, 1777 ; promoted first lieutenant March 13, 1779. Park, John, from Thirteenth Penn'a, July 1, 1778; promoted first lieutenant April 15, 1779. Strieker, John, from ensign, October 1, 1777; promoted first lieu- tenant May 1, 1779. De Purcell, Henry, from ensign, October 4, 1777 : promoted first lieu- tenant September 3, 1779. Murran, William, from ensign, vice Park, July 23, 1780. Morris, Abel, of Berks county, from lieutenant of flying camp, 1777 ; became supernumerary. Tilden, John B., from ensign ; rank from July 25, 1780, to February 19, 1781; resided in Frederick county, Virginia, 1820. Darraugh, Charles, became supernumerary, 1778. Harper, John, lieutenant and brigade major; returned from cap- tivity November, 1780. Ensigns. Whitehead, James, January 21, 177-. Morris, Abel, promoted lieutenant, 1777. De Purcell, Henry, promoted second lieutenant October 4, 1777. Keays, John, from sergeant, First battalion, February 5, 1777. Dietrick, Peter, February 5, 1777 ; killed in action May 18, 1780, at Paramus. Burton, John, February 12, 1777. Condy, Jacob, from corporal, February, 1777. Darraugh, Charles, February, 1777 ; former clerk to Com. Seymour; promoted lieutenant. Norton, Thomas, from sergeant, March 12, 1777; promoted second lieutenant April 24, 1777. De Hart, Jacob Morris, June 2, 1778; promoted first lieutenant May 16, 1780. Strieker, John, promoted second lieutenant October 1, 1777. Murran, William, May 19,1779; promoted lieutenant July 23, 1780. Stewart, Walter, Jr., May 27, 1779; retired January 1, 17S3. Tilden, John Bell, May 28, 1779; promoted lieutenant July 25, 1780. De Marcellin, Antoine Claude, July 28, 1779 ; promoted lieutenant January 1, 1781 ; afterwards in Third Penn'a. Leroy, Nicholas George, July 28, 1779 ; promoted lieutenant Janu- ary 2, 1781. Paymasters. Johnston, James, January, 1777 August, 1778. Howell, Capt. Joseph, August 27, 1778; resigned October, 1778. Bankson, John, October 14, 1778-1781. SECOND PENNSYLVANIA. 401 Quartermaster and Inspector. Norton, Thomas, lieutenant, 5th September, 1778 August 8, 1779. Murran, William, ensign, appointed August 8, 1779, vice Norton, sick. Adjutant. Boyer, Benjamin, lieutenant, April 10, 1779; applied for captaincy in marines. Whitehead, Jacob, lieutenant. Surgeon. Perry, Benjamin, July 10, 1777. Surgeon's Mate. Harris, Eobert, of now Dauphin county, November 1, 1777; died at John Phillips, Blue Ball tavern, Tredyfferin township, Chester county, March 4, 1785, from quinsy, while on his way home from Philadelphia. RETURN OF THE OFFICERS OF THE SECOND PENN'A, WITH THE NAMES AND RANK, MARCH 25, 1780. Stewart, Walter. Murray, John. Hamilton , James. Bankson, John. Tolbert, Samuel. Patterson, John. Gosner, Peter. Cobea, John. Irwin, John. Stoy, John. Piercy, Henry. 26 VOL. X. Colonel. Lieutenant Colonel. Major. Captains. Captain Lieutenant. Lieutenants. 402 Whitehead, James. Jones, James M. Moore, William. Park, John. Strieker, John. De Purcell, Henry. De Hart, Jacob M. Murran, William. Tilden, John B. De Marcellin, Antoine. Leroy, George. Perry, Benjamin. Harris, Robert. (Signed,) CONTINENTAL LINE. Ensigns. Surgeon. Surgeon's Mate. JOHN MURRAY, Lieutenant Colonel. Second Penri'a. ARRANGEMENT OF THE SECOND REGIMENT, JANUARY 17, 1781. Colonel. Stewart Walter, commission dated June 17, 1777. Lieutenant Colonel. North, Caleb,* of the Ninth, October 13, 1777; retired January 1, 1783. * LT. COL. CALEB NORTH, was born in Chester county, July 15, 1753, and commenced business as a merchant, in the town of Coventry. When the war broke out he hired a British deserter to teach him the manual, and was chosen cap- / XX tain in the Fourth Bat- talion, Col. Wayne. ^*"" After the term of ser- vice expired, and the battalion returned from Ticonderoga, he was pro- moted major of the Tenth regiment, and as such rendered important services. At Brandywine, he was alongside of Maj. Lewis Bush, of Hartley's regiment, when the latter was mortally wounded. He had been re-mounted, and when he fell off dead, had his body carried along in the retreat. At Paoli, it was by the particular exertions of Gen. SECOND PENNSYLVANIA 403 Major. Hamilton, Jaines, retired the service, January 1, 1783. Captains. McClellan, Joseph, of the Ninth, July 15, 1776; resigned June 10, 1781; died October 24, 1834, buried in Octoraro church-yard, Chester county. Bankson, John. Tolbert, Samuel. Patterson, John, retired the service, January 1, 1783. Pearson, John, of the Ninth, September 7, 1777. Finley, Joseph L., of the Eighth, October 20, 1777 ; transferred to First Penn'a, January 1, 1783. Walker, Andrew, of the Eleventh, January 23, 1778. Lusk, William, of the Seventh, May 12, 1779 ; retired January 1, 1783; died August 25, 1799, at Newville, Cumberland county. Kennedy, Samuel, of the Seventh, April 17, 1780, retired January 1, 1783. Lieutenants. Piercy, Henry. Whitehead, James. Jones, James Morris. Wayne, Maj. North, and Oapt. Herman Stout, of the Tenth, that a rear guard was formed by which two pieces of cannon and the remains of the brigade were saved. He was detached the same night to direct the re- treat of Gen. Smallwood, and had a vidette killed by his side. After taking a prominent part at Germantown, he was promoted lieutenant colonel of the Eleventh. At the battle of Monmouth, as he was ascend- ing a hill from which the British were driven, with Lt. Col. Henry Mil- ler, then of Second Penn'a on one side of him, and Lt. Col. Rudolph Bunner, of the Third, on the other, Col. Miller had two horses shot under him, and Lt. Col. Bunner was killed. On the 1st of July, 1778^ he was transferred to the Ninth Penn'a, and on the 17th of January, 1781, arranged in the Second, and took part in the southern campaign. After the surrender of Cornwallis, he had charge of the British pris- oners, on their march from Virginia to York and Lancaster, conducting Tarleton's celebrated legion to Philadelphia. He retired from the army July 1, 1783, resumed business at Coventry, and connected himself with the Methodist Episcopal Church, of which he was a very prominent and consistent member during life. After residing at Coventry some years he removed to Philadelphia, and was elected high sheriff by a large majority, on the 12th of October, 1819. From 1828 until his death, he was President of the State Society of the Cincinnati. He died No- vember 7, 1840, the last field officer of the Pennsylvania line, and is buried in a private burying-ground, adjoining Coventryville, in Chester county. 404 CONTINENTAL LINE. Moore, William, April 10, 1777. Reeves, Enoch, [or Enos,] of the Tenth, March 1, 1778. Ward, John, of the Eighth, April 2, 1779. Strieker, John. De Purcell, Henry. Ensigns. Murran, William, May 19, 1779. Tilden, John B., May 28, 1779. De Marcellin, Antoine, September 21, 1779. Leroy, George, September 21, 1779. Stotesbury, John, from old Eleventh ; promoted captain in the Sixth in 1781. Surgeon. Perry, Benjamin. Surgeon's Mate. Harris, Robert, August 1, 1777; retired January 1, 1783. SUBSEQUENT PROMOTIONS. Captains. Van Home Isaac, from captain-lieutenant, vice Capt. Joseph Mc- Clellan resigned, June 10, 1781. Crawford, John, late of Eighth, to receive his commission in the Second as of April 18, 1777. ARRANGEMENT OF THE PENNSYLVANIA LINE, SEC- OND REGIMENT, JANUARY i, 1783. Colonel. Humpton, Richard, October 1, 1776. Lieutenant Colonel. Robinson, Thomas, June 7, 1777. Major. Moore, James, September 20, 1777. Captains. Chrystie, James, August 9, 1776. Tolbert, Samuel, October 2, 1776. Wilkins Robert, October 10, 1776. Keene, Lawrence, January 13, 1777. Bower, Jacob, February 15, 1777 ; died in Berks county, 1822 ; left widow Rebecca. Parker, Alexander, March 20, 1777 ; moved to the mouth of Little Kanahwa, and founded the town of Parkersburg, now in West Virginia.* ' *See Memoirs of Hist. Soc., Pa., vol. vii, page 208. SECOND PENNSYLVANIA. 405 Carnahan, James, April 18, 1777; drowned in the Allegheny river 1786-7 ; father of the late Dr. Carnahan, President of Prince- ton College. Boude, Thomas, September 23, 1777 ; died at Columbia, 1819. Finley, John, October 22, 1777; resided in Fleming county, Ken- tucky, in 1834, aged eighty. Lieutenants. Glen t worth, James, February 11, 1777; resided in Philadelphia in 1835 ; after the war was surveyor of the port of Philadelphia. Bryson, Samuel, March 20, 1777; afterwards associate judge of Miffliu county ; died December 19, 1799 ; buried at Mifflintown. Peterson, Gabriel, April 10, 1777. Butler, Percival, September 1, 1777. Reeves, Enos, March 1, 1778. McDowell, William, March 22, 1778. Mahon, John, June 1, 1778. Marshall, David, November 5, 1778. Butler, Edward, January 28, 1779; was a captain at St. Clair's de- feat in 1791. Pettigrew, James, April 13, 1779. McCullom, John, Apiil 16, 1779; died in Hunterdon county, New Jersey, 1834. Bevins, Wilder, May 11, 1779 ; died August 3, 1809. Dunn, Abner, May 31, 1779. De Purcell, Henry, September 3, 1779. Huston, William, February 24, 1780. Henley, Henry, April 17, 1780. Murran, William, July 23, 1780. Tiklen, J. B., July 25, 1780. Dungan, Thomas, January 1, 1781. Henderson, Andrew, of Fourth Penn'a, January 29, 1781 ; brother of Capt. William Henderson ; resided in Huntingdon county, and prothonotary of the county in 1799. Dixon, Sankey, May 12, 1781 ; died in Nashville, Tennessee, in 1814- Quarter Master . De Purcell, Henry. Adjutant. Huston, William. Surgeon. McDowell, John. Surgeon's Mate. [Either John Hague or John Wilkin, not known which is the eldest.] 406 CONTINENTAL LINE. ROLL OF CAPTAIN JACOB ASHMEAD'S COMPANY. Muster roll of Capt. Jacob Ashmead's company, in the Second Penn- sylvania regiment, in the service of the United States of America, commanded by Col. James Irvine, Philadelphia, May 3, 1777. Captain. Ashmead, Jacob, commissioned January 1, 1777. Second Lieutenant. Jones, James Morris, commissioned January 1, 1777. Ensigns. Dietrick, Peter, commissioned February 5, 1777 ; prisoner. Strieker, John, commissioned April 17, 1777, (muster roll June 1, 1777.) Sergeants. Parker, Thomas, enlisted January 1, 1777 ; promoted sergeant-major, May 1, 1777. McElroy, John, enlisted for the war. Kean, Richard, enlisted December 12, 1776; died January 19. 1777. Corporal. Dunlap, Joseph, enlisted January 8, 1777, during the war. Drummer. Marks, John, (muster roll of June 1, 1777,) enlisted for the war. Privates. Bomer, John, enlisted December 24, 1776; deserted. Bridaman, Oliver, (or Bridgman,) prisoner with the enemy. Brown, Thomas, enlisted January 3, 1777 ; deserted. Capel, William, enlisted December 28, 1776 ; deserted. Christie, John, enlisted February 10, 1777 ; deserted in May. Conkey, John, enlisted December 26, 1776; deserted. Delany, Jphn, enlisted December 16, 1776 ; deserted. Eyers, Nathaniel, prisoner with the enemy. Gray, George, enlisted January 1, 1777 ; deserted. Hall, George, enlisted April 20, 1777. Higgins, Barney, enlisted December 16, 1776; deserted. Jones, Joseph, enlisted January 1, 1777 ; during the war. Johnson, Titus, enlisted December 29, 1776; dead. Knight, John, enlisted December 30, 1776; deserted May 25, 1777. Lester, Thomas, (muster roll June 1, 1777,) during war. SECOND PENNSYLVANIA. 407 McClan, Daniel, enlisted December 24, 1776 ; deserted. McGill, James, enlisted December 29, 1776; dead. McMahon, Richard, enlisted December 25, 1776 ; for during the war. Martin, James, enlisted December 24, 1776 ; during the war. Merlin, Edward, enlisted December 14, 1776; deserted. Nelson, William, enlisted November 20, 1776. O'Foy, Philip, enlisted during the war. O'Neal, James, enlisted November 10, 1776; during the war. Eegley, John, enlisted May 3, 1777. Rock, Henry, enlisted December 18, 1776. Robinson, Matthew, deserted. Ryan, James, Sr., enlisted December 26, 1776; during the war. Sellers, William, enlisted January 21, 1777 ; deserted. Mustered May 6, 1777. GEORGE NORTH, D. M. M. Q. Muster roll of Capt. Jacob Ashmead's company, in the Second Penn- sylvania regiment, in the service of the United States of America, commanded by Col. Henry Bicker, for the month of April, 1778. Captain. Ash mead, Jacob. Second Lieutenant. Jones, James Morris, on command at Radnor. Sergeant. McElroy, John. Corporal. Dunlap, Joseph. Drummer. Marks, John. Privates. McMahon, Richard. Ryan, James, Sen. Jones, Joseph. O'Foy, Philip. Liester, Thomas. O'Neal, James. Martin, James. May 2, 1778, mustered then Capt. Jacob Ashmead's company, as specified in the above roll. LEWIS WOODRUFF, D. C. M. N. B. The whole enlisted during the war. 408 CONTINENTAL LINE. Muster Eollof Capt. Jacob Ashmead's Company, in the Second Penn'a Regiment, commanded by Col. Walter Stewart, in the service of the United States for the month of July, 1778. Captain. Ashmead, Jacob, commissioned January 1, 1777. First Lieutenant. Moore, William, commissioned April 18, 1777; (on command in in- fantry, August roll.) Second Lieutenant. Strieker, John, commissioned October 1, 1777. Quarter Master Sergeant. Wallace, Thomas. Sergeants. Pealing, Kobert. Berry, Michael. Jacobs, John. Corporals. Justice, Robert. Mayers, Jacob. Drummers and Fifer. Marks, John, (deserted August 24, 1778, August roll.) Johnson, William, unfit for service. Beltzer, Anthony. Mitchel, William, (December roll, 1778.) Privates. Albertson, George. Aull, John. Beeby, or Beevey, Edward. Brandon, James. Brodsticke, William. Burger, John. Cashada, Patrick, (December roll, 1778.) Coulter, James. Cowen, Charles. Curl, Alexander, sick at Valley Forge. Duffy, James. Dugan, Patrick. Franks, Conrad. Glenn, James, sick at Valley Forge. SECOND PENNSYLVANIA. 409 Hill, Alexander. Holder, Charles, (waggoner.) Holt, Evan, enlisted by Ensign Collier, and unfit for service. Hope, Philip, sick at Valley Forge. Hymes, Matthias. Kayton, John. Kelly, James. Kelly, Matthew. /Kershberger, Andrew. * Lane, John. Lehman, Henry. Lewis, Joseph. McElhatton, Peter, sick at Valley Forge. McConomy, William. McCormick, James, deserted. McGough, Martin. McLane, Archibald. McVea, Daniel. Marshall, George. Miller, Henry. Morrison, James. Newcomb, John. O 'Bryan, Sylvester. Orchard, Thomas. Ryffe, Jacob. Salter, John, sick at Valley Forge. Shire, Clement. Smith, John. Trevis, Andrew. Weaver, Michael, sick at Valley Forge. Wharton, Samuel. Witherspoon, William. Woods, Samuel. Worsham, Joshua. Mustered at White Plains, 1st August, also at White Plains, 2d September. J. BRADFORD, I). M. M. G. 410 CONTINENTAL LINE. Muster -Roll of Captain Jacob Ashmead's Light Infantry in the Second Regiment of Perm'a, commanded by Col. Walter Stewart, in the service of the United States of America, 'for the month of April, 1779. Captain. Ashmead, Jacob, commission dated September 6, 1776. Lieutenant. Park, John, commissioned August 1, 1777. Ensign. De Hart, Jacob M., commissioned June 2,1778. Sergeants. McDonald, William. Hurley, John. Squib, John, (prisoner of war August 6, 1778.) Corporals. Davis, Levi. Long, Frederick. Hannah, William. Drummer and Fifer. Herang, William. Murray, William. Reynhold, Christian, (July roll.) Privates. Armstrong, Thomas. Brogan, Michael. Brown, Christian. Coleman, Nicholas. Coon, Jacob. Crowley, David. Curtis, Henry. Davis, Daniel. Douglass, Halbert. Edgar, James. Everhart, John. Fielding, Elij, (July roll.) Fitzgerrald, William, deserted July 6, 1779. Fritz, Joseph, (Fitch, on July roll.) Fullerton, John. Garrett, Robert. SECOND PENNSYLVANIA. 411 Hamilton, Henry. Harding, Richard. Harvey, Samuel. Havelots, Charles. Kinsell, Frederick. Laird, John. Larkins, David. Leonard, Frederick. Lewis, Joseph. McUormick, John. McCormick, William. McCowen, William. McEntire, Daniel. McGachen, Michael. McGinness, Roger. McKinney, John. McQuilling, Robert. McWade, John. Malloch, William. Miller, Conrad. Morne, William. Neatherhouse, Daniel. Organ, John. Raredon, Jeremiah. Ring, David, (July roll.) Ryan, Miles, deserted July 16, 1779. Scion, John. Shields, William. Slyder, Jacob. Smith, James. Smith, William. Stambaugh, Jacob. Tague, Patrick. Thompson, James. Thompson, John. Wall, George. Watson, James, (deserted July 3, in July roll.) Williamson, Daniel. Wisse, Henry. Mustered May 5, 1779. N. WADE, D. C. M., Mustered at West Point, August 6, 1779. LEWIS WOODRUFF. Commissary of Musters. Mustered at West Point, August 31. ABM. THOMAS, D. M. C. M. M. Commissary of Musters. 412 CONTINENTAL LINE. ROLL OF MAJOR JAMES HAMILTON'S COMPANY. [To the month of May, 1780.] Lieutenant. Piercy, Henry, March 12, 1777. Ensign. Murran, William, May 19, 1779. Sergeants. Murphy, Archibald. Justice, John. Singlewood, Stephen. Corporals. Jones, Philip. Johnston, William. Drummer and Fifer. Moore, John. Coas, George. Privates. Allison, James. Baker, Jacob. Broyle, Philip. Callagan, John. De Vitt, James. Derry, Michael. English, John. Engle, John. Flanagan, Timothy. Frances, John. Gass, Henry. Glass, Robert, killed at Paramus, May 19, 1780. Halter, Jacob. Hannah, David. Hise, John. Houser, Ludwick. James, William. Kelley, Patrick. SECOND PENNSYLVANIA. 413 Kennon, Koger. Kinsey, Patrick. King, John. Le Count, Samuel. Leech, James. Lewis, Stephen. Maxwell, Robert. Moore, James. Mulvaney, Patrick. Nagginton, Robert. Powers, William. Reamey, Conrad. Rice, Peter. Ross, John. Seehan, John. Scannall, John. Scuse, John. Snyder, George. Stull, Frederick. Sullivan, Michael. Swartz, Ferdinand. Wibble, George. "Whealon, William. Winning, James. CAPTAIN JOSEPH McCLELLAN'S COMPANY. Names taken from his journal, of his company in Second Penn'o which left York, Pennsylvania, under Gen. Wayne, May 26, 1781, for the Southern campaign. Allison, James. Briulls, Philip. Davis, John. Farmer, John. Howe, Nicholas. Lacount, Samuel. Miller, Valentine. Netherhouse, Daniel. Sedwick, James. Turney, Matthew. 414 CONTINENTAL LINE. NON-COMMISSIONED OFFICERS AND PRIVATES OF THE SECOND PENNSYLVANIA REGIMENT, CONTINENTAL LINE. [Those marked (e) are taken from a list in the Secretary's office, of soldiers whose depreciated pay escheated to the State.] Sergeant. Adams, John. Corporal. Albertson, George. Fife Major. Alexander, Joseph. Privates. Abbott, John. Ahauger, , died of wounds. All, John. Allison, James. Allison, llichard. Alsbaugh, David. Alshouse, David. Alter, Jacob. Anderson, John, resided in 5Tork county, 1787. Anderson, George, served nine months in rangers; under Capt. Thomas Campbell, three years, nine and a half months ; dis- charged at Fort Pitt, September 30, 1783 ; resided in Westmore- land county, 1813. Anquelin, John, February 6, 17781781. Armstrong, Thomas, February 8, 17781781. Appleby, Thomas. Ashton, Benjamin. August, John, (e,) March 30, 1777, in Stayner's ; afterwards in Capt. John Patterson's. Aurand, Dietrick, from Weitzel's company, State regiment; in Bankson's grenadiers ; joined at Valley Forge : discharged Jan- uary, 1781 ; afterwards minister in German Reformed Church ; died at Water Street, Huntingdon county, in 1818, aged sixty. Awkard, Thomas, in Ashmead's until August, 1778; afterwards Bankson's. SECOND PENNSYLVANIA. 415 Sergeants. Baker, Jacob, in Murray's to 1778 ; afterwards in Major Hamilton's company. Butler, William, January 1, 17771781. Burns, Samuel, enlisted in 1777, in Capt. Payne's company; dis- charged April 23, 1781, at Downingtown, on Gen. St. Clair's order, after furnishing a substitute; resided in Montgomery county in 1814. Burme, John, April 19, 17781781. Corporal. Broadley, William, January 1, 1777 1781 ; resided in Georgia in 1834. Privates. Baiseley, William. Baker, Christian, January 1, 1777 1781. \ Baker, John, (e.} Baker, William. Bayley, Edward. Ballard, David, January 1, 17771781. Baltis, Manasseh. Baltzoher, Ignatius. Bammes, Lambert. Bannon, Jeremiah, discharged April 1, 1783. Barber, William. Barge, Balzer. Barrison, Peter. Bates, George. Batley, Thomas. Battersby, John. Battomar, John. Bayne, David, May 10, 17771781. Baxter, Alexander. Beaufort, Casper. Beeby, Edward, January -1, 17771781. Beggs, Moore. Bell, John, resided in Clearfield county, 1835, aged eighty-two. Bell, William, discharged at Fishkill hospital, May 7, 1779. Bellow, John, October 11, 1778; transferred to chief's guards. Benner, Henry, May 1, 1777 1781. Berry, Michael, wounded and transferred to Invalid corps, April 2, 1779 ; discharged 10th April, 1783. Bettimeo, Francis. Bevy, Edward. Biddleson, George. Blakely, John. 416 CONTINENTAL LINE. Blakeney, John, August 2, 1777 ; transferred to Invalid corps. Blundon, John P. Bole, Henry, December 21, 1777. Boon, Samuel. Bonser, Detner, (Betmire,) from German regiment ; discharged January 14, 1781 ; died in Brecknock township, Berks county, 1790. Borgar, John. Bottimore, Jacob, wounded Januury 4, 1777, two ribs broken by musket ball ; served four years eight months ; died in West- moreland county in 1820. Bower, Jacob, discharged in 1780 ; resided in Bedford county, 1810. Bowden, James. Bowman, William. Boyce, Joseph. Boyd, Abraham. Boyle, Philip. Braddock, William. Bradley, Hugh. Bradley, Robert. Brady, Michael, May 1, 17771781. Brandon, Nathaniel, March 28, 1777 1781. Brannon, James, (e,) wounded in the groin at the Block House; paid from August 27, 1777 ; in Ashmead's company to July, 1778; afterwards in Cobea's. Brannon, John, resided in Harrison county, Ohio, 1834, aged eighty- nine. Brizonquille, John. Brodstock, William. Brogan, Michael, January 1, 1777 1781. Brookhouse, Rudolph, January 1, 1777 1781. Brooks, William. Brown, Christian. Brown, Cornelius. Brown, Frederick, Howell's company to' July, 1778, afterwards in Gosner's ; quit the service April, 1780. Brown, John, resided in York county, 1834, aged eighty-four. Brown, Sylvanus. Brownson, Steel. Broyle, Philip, August 6,1778 1781 ; resided in Queenscounty,New York, 1828, aged sixty-four. Bryan, William, (e,) in Tolbert's company to July, 1778; afterwards in Ashmead's ; left the service March 28, 1780. Bryson, Samuel. Bumbaugh, John Henry. Burke, Alexander. SECOND PENNSYLVANIA. 417 Burney, Nicholas. Burns, Carberry. Butler, Edward, (e,) of Howell's company to July, 1778 ; after- wards in Gosner's. Butler, John, died in Williams county, Ohio, November 12, 1830. Butler. William, served four years, and reenlisted in artillery ; re- sided in Crawford county in 1813. Byer, Charles. Byrg, John. Sergeants. Coggswell, . Caldwell, William. Cline, Peter, August 19, 17781781. Close, John, February 1, 1777 ; reenlisted in 1781. Chrisler, Elias. Corporal. Cunningham, Darby. Fifer. Coss, George. Privates. Calalan, Patrick. Callagan, John, (e,) Murray's company to July, 1778; afterwards in Major Hamilton's. Campbell, George. Campbell, John, September 15, 17781781 ; died May 23, 1822, in Northumberland county, aged sixty-nine. Carbough, David. Carleton. John. Carney, Barney. Carr, John. Carr, William, in Tolbert's until July, 1778 ; afterwards in Ash- mead's. Carson, Thomas. Carter, Andrew, (e,) Bankson's company from 1778. Carter, Charles, January 1, 1777 1781. Carter, Philip. Casey, Richard. Cashon, Abraham. Casper, Andrew. Cassaday, Patrick, (e,) Ashmead's company to 1778; afterwards in Cobea's. Caul, Alexander, resided in Washington county in 1788. Ceorls, Frederick. Charles, James. Charleton, Charles. Cherry, Henry. 27 VOL. X. 418 CONTINENTAL LINE. Chesney, Thomas. Christie, John. Clack, John, September 2, 17781781. Clendenning, Adam. Clifton, Benjamin. January 1, 1777 1781. Cline, Conrad, resided in Pickaway county, Ohio, 1834, aged seven- ty-seven. Cline, Philip. Clyde, Philip. Cochran, John. Coleman, Nicholas, (e,) in Marshall's to August, 1778 ; afterwards in Colonel's. Collins, John. Collins, Joseph, died in Salem county, New Jersey, October 28, 1825, aged sixty. Collins, Thomas. Collins, Patrick, in Colonel Stewart's to 1778 ; afterwards in Bank- son's. Compton, William, (e,) in Bankson's to July, 1778; afterwards in Colonel's. Connely, James. Connor, Matthew. Conrad, George, January 1, 1777 1781 ; paidat Carlisle in April, 1781. Cook, Edward. Cook, Henry, resided in Lebanon county, 1835, aged eighty. Cooley, John, January 1, 17771781. Coon, Jacob, March 21, 17771781. Coon, John. Cooney, James, died May 25, 1818, in Cumberland county. Copea, Peter. Copier, Barnabas. Cosgrove, Henry. Cotter, James. Coulter, James, March 13, 1777 1781. Coulter, John, died in Adams county, Michigan, March 16, 1831. aged ninety. Coulter, William, (e.) Cowan, Charles. Cowhick, James. Crane, John. Crawford, John. Creamer, George. Cresswell, Andrew. Crone, Noble, January 1, 17771781. Crosby, James. Cross, Patrick, January 1, 17771781. SECOND PENNSYLVANIA. 419 Crossan, John, died March 4, 1830, in Bedford county, aged seventy, nine. Grotty, Thomas. Crow, Thomas, (e,) Howell's company to July, 1778 ; afterwards in Gosner's. Crowley, David, January 1, 1777 ; wounded in the wrist, and trans- ferred to Invalid corps ; discharged November 1 , 1783. Cull, Hugh. Cullen, Thomas. ' Gumming:;, James, killed in attack at Block-House. Cune, William, (e.) Cunias, John, discharged November 1, 1778 -, resided in Montgom- ery county, Ohio, 1834, aged, sixty-nine. Cunnias, John, from Hartley's regiment; a tailor; resided in Ly- coming county, 1823. Curtin, John, January 7, 1777 ; transferred to Invalid corps, June, 1777. Sergeants. Dailey, Joseph, March 2, 1777 1781. Dallas, John, January 1, 1777 1781. Devine, James, (e,) Capt. Ashmead's company. Duggan, Patrick, discharged January, 1781. Dunlap, Joseph, January 8, 1777 1781. Corporals. Davis, Levi, enlisted, 1776, in Captain Pugh's, afterwards, Robb's company ; discharged January, 1781 ; resided at Danville, Penn- sylvania, 1816. Privates. Danier, Godlip. Darby, John. Dato, Francis. Davidson, Alexander, resided in Northampton county, 1818. Davidson, James. Davis, Daniel. Davis, John, wounded in left leg at Brandywine; captured, and exchanged; wounded again at Monmouth ; discharged January 22, 1780, unfit for duty. Day, Andrew. Deady, Patrick. Deering, Godfrey. Delenors, Frederick. Denver, Casper. Derry, Michael. Dewitt, James. January 1, 1777. Dexter, Robert. Dicks, George. 420 CONTINENTAL LINE. Dillman, Andrew, resided in Bracken county, Kentucky, 1820, aged sixty-seven. Dobson, Thomas, resided in Northumberland county, 1824. Dodkins, Edward, killed in action. Dominick, Henry, January 1, 17771781. Donahoo, John. Donahoo, Patrick. Donovan, James. Dougherty, John, resided in Barnwell district, South Carolina^ 1834, aged ninety-one. Dougherty, James, resided ki Somerset county, 1835, aged seventy- seven. Douglass, Halbert. Driver, Hopkins. Drushabud, Andrew. Duhammill, John B. Duhl, Martin, resided in York county, 1835, aged seventy-nine. Dundy, Samuel. Dungan, Thomas. Dunmore, Paul, May 1, 1779. Duncombe, Samuel. Dwire, Cornelius. Eagan, John. Ebberman, Christopher. Ebling, John. Echinger, Daniel, (e,) in Bankson's to August, 1778 ; afterwards in Colonel's. Edgar, David, died January 15, 1822, in Berks county, aged seventy- one. Edgar, James, resided in Cecil county, Maryland, 1834, aged eighty- four. Engle, John, September 1, 1777 1781. Engleds, Thomas. English, John, Capt. Piercy's company ; resided in Lycorning county, 1835, aged seventy-one. Enos, Francis. Etter, Daniel. Ettinger, William. Evans, Absalom, April 15, 17771781. Everhart, John, June 8, 1777 ; died in Philadelphia, October 30, 1820, aged seventy. Sergeants. Fossett, Robert, January 1, 17771781. Francis, George, died in Butler county, Ohio, February 3, 1820, aged seventy-rive. SECOND PENNSYLVANIA. 42i Fifers. Faulkner, Peter. Fry, Laurence. Privates. Fackary, . Fagan, Garrett, January 1, 1777 ; transferred to Invalid corps, Jan- uary 12, 1778 ; pensioner in 1789. Fagge, Patrick. Fagony, James. Farewell, James. June 2, 1777 1781 ; died in Lincoln county, North Carolina, September 3, 1825, aged seventy-nine. Farmer, John, January 1, 1777 1781. Fasener, John. Faugh, Michael. Fell, William Ferguson. Fielding, Eli, April 12, 17791781. Fink, David. Fink, Michael, served three years, Bankson's company ; discharged January, 1781 ; blacksmith ; resided in Huntingdon county in 1835, aged seventy-six. Finley, John. Finley, Joseph. Finley, Eobert, December 28, 1776; transferred to chief's guards; reenlisted November 30, 1781, and remained in guards. Finley, Peter. Fisher, John A. Fitch, Joseph, (e,) January 1,1777 1781; Marshall's company to July, 1778 ; afterwards in Tolbert's. Fites, John. Fitzgerald, Edward. Fitzgerald, John. Flanagan, Timothy. Flock, Matthew. Flushe, Christian. Foltner, Peter. Ford, Thomas, May 1, 17771781. Foutz, Adam, December 1, 1777 ; transferred to chief's guards. Francis. John. Francis, Simon. Jenkin's company. Frayner, Simon. Frazer, John, (e,) December 22, 1777 1781 ; Miller's company July, 1778 ; afterwards in Lt. Col. Murray's. Freaner, William. Fredericks, Jacob. Fritz, John, May 4, 17771781. 422 CONTINENTAL LINE. Fritz, Peter, resided in Berks county, 1833, aged seventy-seven. Frusler, Frederick. Fry, Michael. Fullerton, John. Funk, George, resided in Lancaster county, 1802. Sergeants. Gabriel, Peter, January 1, ] 777 1781. Garvin, Thomas, January 1, 17771781. Goznall, George, September 1, 1778-1781. Guy, Jonathan, reenlisted April 29, 1778; discharged January 16, 1781 ; died in Montgomery county, October 1, 1823, aged eighty- two. Corpora Is. Gannon, Lawrence, April 30, 1777. Glover, James, January 1, 1777; wounded in the side ; discharged January 1, 1781. Griffey, David. Guess, Henry, January 1, 17771781. Drummers. Garrett, Robert, January 1, 17771781. Goss, Abraham, (e,) in Cobea's company. Privates. Gabel. Peter, January 1, 17771781. Gable, Henry. Galbraith, James, resided in Cumberland county, 1785. Galley, Peter. Galligher, Francis. Garrison, Isaac, Jr., (e,) July 1, 17771781 ; HowelPs company, August, 1778 ; Gosner's company afterwards. Gates, Adam. Gelty, Thomas. Gearhart, Conrad. Genita, Lewis. Gest, Henry. Gettrich, George. Gibbons, James. Gilbert, John, resided in Westmoreland county, 1814. Gilby, Thomas, January 1, 17771781. Gillespie, George. Glass, Robert, (e,) Murray's company to July, 1778; afterwards in Major Hamilton's. Glassmire, Jacob, resided in Berks county, 1835, aged eighty-one. Glencer, John. Glenn, James. SECOND PENNSYLVANIA. 423 Godsgrace, Daniel, January 1, 1777 1781. Godshalk, Daniel. Golding, William. Gorasley, John, Miller's company to 1778 ; afterwards Col. John Murray's. Gordon, Daniel. Gordon, John, died in Cumberland county, December 18, 1819, aged sixty-six. Gorrell, John. Gossner, George. Graham, John, resided in Mifflin county. 1833, aged eighty-six. Gray, Alexander, resided in Allegheny county, 1835, aged eighty- eight. Greenawalt, Nicholas, (e,) Bankson's company, July, 1778 ; after- wards Col. Murray's ; resided in Franklin county, 1835, aged seventy-nine. Griffin, David. Griffith, John. Gristock, William. Grossly, John, (e.) Grosvenor, Richard. Guibel, Peter. Guina, Andrew. Guyer, Cornelius. Sergeants. Harris, Joseph, enlisted March 23, 1777; discharged January ]4, 1781 ; resided in Sunbury in 1813. Hurley, John. Drum-Major. Herring, William, January 1, 1777 1781. Drummer. Holt, Evan, June 24, 17781781. Privates. Hagan, Peter. Hagerthy, Dennis. Hagginson, Robert. Hague, Christian, January 1, 1777 1781. Hale, John. Haley, Morris. Hall, George. Halter, Jacob. Hamer, Moses. Hamilton, Henry, April 25, 17771781. Hamilton, Isaac. 424 CONTINENTAL LINE. Hamilton, John, in Tolbert's company, 1778; afterwards in Ash- mead's. Hanna, Kobert, April 10, 17771781. Hannah, William, reenlisted in United States army; died in ser- vice in 1805. Hannah, David, May, 1778 ; at the siege of Yorktown. Hanney, Thomas, in Patterson's to September, 1778 ; afterwards in same. Harding, John. Harlan, John. Harrnar, John. Harper, Jacob. Harpole, Henry, March 15, 17771781. Harrell, Thomas. Harrington, John. Harrington, Thomas. Harris, John, died August 3, 1826, in Chester county, aged seventy- one. Harrison, George. Hart, John. Hartman, Peter, January 1, 17771781. Hartzog, Valentine. Harvey, John. Harvey, Thomas. Harvey, Samuel, (e,) in Marshall's to July, 1778; afterwards in Tolbert's. Haskins, John, resided in Allegheny county, 1818. Havclots, Charles. Havenny, Hugh. Hawkins, Edward. Heid, James. Helm, George. Helmer, William. Henderson, Andrew. Horbst, George. Herring, Eobert. Hetton, Joseph, November 16, 1776 ; transferred to chief's guards. Hicks, Gershom. Hilcherick, Philip. Hill, Alexander, September 1, 1777 1781. Hillman, William. Hilton, Joseph. Hink, John. Hise, John, (e,) Major Hamilton's company. Hitchings, John, May 7, 17791781. Hoffman, Henry. SECOND PENNSYLVANIA. 425 Holder, Charles. Holder, Jacob, wounded at Brandywine ; resided in Berks county, 1820, aged seventy-five. Holmes, John. Home, Nicholas, January 28, 1777 1781. Hood, Jacob. . Hoover, John. Hope, Philip, March 23, 17771781. Hopkins, Jeremiah, joined Procter's artillery March, 1780. Horner, John. Horner, Matthew. Householder, Jacob. Houseman, Matthew. Houser, Ludwig. Howard, George, (e,) in Bankson's; left the service April 22, 1780. Hunt, William. Hurst, Frederick. Huston, William, resided in Columbiana county, Ohio, 1834, aged seventy-two. Hutchinson, John, wounded in the leg at Green Spring. Hutchinson, Richard. Hutton, James. Hutton, John, wounded at Bound Brook; resided in Juniata township, Cumberland county, in 1809. Privates. Ingledo, Thomas. Irvvin, Jared. Sergeants. Jacobs, John, (e,) in Ashmead's to July, 1778 ; afterwards in Cobea's. Johnston, John, January 1, 1777 1781. Justice, John, May 1, 1777 ; transferred to chief's guards. Corporals. Johnston, William, Jr., January 1, 1777 1781. Jones, Philip, from Atlee's ; discharged 1781. Fifer. Johnston, William, Sr. Privates. Jackson, James. Jacobs, David, resided in Tyler county, Virginia, 1834, aged seven- ty-five. Jacobs, Peter, servant of John Lobach, of Chester county, enlisted in Capt. Tolbert's company in March, 1777 ; served until the end of the war ; wounded in the side at Paoli ; resided in Slier- 426 CONTINENTAL LINE. man's Valley, 1818. James, William, (e,) in Murray's to August, 1778; afterwards in Major James Hamilton's company. Jeffries, William. Jennings, Thomas, January 1, 17771781 ; died March 14, 1790. Johnston, Cato. t Johnston, Daniel, January 1, 1777 1781 ; died in Hunterdon county, New Jersey, August 25, 1 822, aged seventy-four. Johnston, Nicholas. Johnston, Richard, February 1, 1777 1781. Jones, Edward, (e,) in Howell's to July, 1778; afterwards in Gos- ner's. Jones, Joseph, in Howell's to July, 1778; afterwards in Gosner's. Jones, Eobert, resided in Mercer county, Kentucky, 1834, aged seventy-six. Jones, William. Sergeant. Kerney, Barnet. Corporal. Kennedy, Thomas, March 1, 1777 1781. Drummers. Kennedy, Robert. Kerbaugh, David, April 1, 1777. Privates. Kallahan, John. Keaton, John, April 9, 1777 1781. Keating, Ignatius, resided in Northumberland county, 1788. Keating, John. Kease, Philip, January 1, 17771781. Keele, Francis, January 1, 1777 1781. Keene, Francis. Keenan, Roger, January 7, 1777 1781. Keisler. Frederick, April 17, 1777 1781. Kelly, James, died in Westmoreland county, April 21, 1820, aged seventy. Kelly, John, January 1, 17771781 Kelly, Matthew, (e,) in Ashmead's to July, 1778, afterwards in Co- bea's; transferred to Invalid corps, December, 1780. Kelly, Patrick. Kelly, Thomas, died in Bourbon county, Kentucky, December 30, 1822, aged eighty-four. Keller, Francis. Kelp, Andrew. SECOND PENNSYLVANIA. 427 Kempsey, Patrick, January 1, 1777 1781. Kennard, Joseph. Kennedy, Andrew. Kennedy, Samuel. Kenny, Neal. Kentzell, Frederick, February 14, 17781781. Keppard, John. Kepps, Philip, January 1, 1777 1781. Kershaw, Abraham. Kepler, Henry. Kettle, George, enlisted August 17, 1778 ; disabled at West Point 1779, by stone rolling upon him ; transferred to Invalid corps, October, 1780. Keys, Daniel. Keys, Philip. Kelbey, David. King, David, in Tolbert's company. King, John, resided in Bracken county, Kentucky, 1833, aged sev- enty-three. Klein, Thomas. Knee, Thomas, in Miller's company, July, 1778 ; afterwards in Lt. Col. Murray's ; left service April 26, 1780. Knepping, Frederick. Knight, Michael. Knotstine, John. Koons, Daniel, enlisted 1777, Capt. Hamilton's company; served until 1782 ; resided in Lycoming county in 1825, aged seventy. Kough, Ludwig. Kughn, Jacob, Ashmead's company ; discharged 1781 ; resided in Philadelphia, 1810. Kurtz, Michael, March 24, 1778 1781 ; died in Mercer county, Ohio, October 10, 1818, aged sixty-six. Kusick, John. Kyser, John. Sergeant. Long, Frederick, February 22, 17781781. Corporal. Loudon, Stephen, January 1, 1777 1781. Privates. Lackey, Robert. Lacoon, John, discharged April 1, 1783. Lares, Henry. Lafferty, Daniel. January 1, 17771781. Laidley, William, January 1, 17771781. 428 CONTINENTAL LIXE. Laird, John, died in Sussex county, Xew Jersey, April 12, 1827, aged ninety-seven. Lamden, William. Lamoine, Elim. iamoine, Etione. Lane, John, ruptured at Fort Patterson ; discharged January 12, 1780. Larkins, David, January 1, 1777 1781. Lary, Daniel. Lasley, John. Law, Ezekiel. Lawrence, John. Layman, William. Leaman, Michael, June 6, 1778 1781. Leary, Daniel, (e,) Howell's company to July, 1778; afterwards in Gosner's. Lecount, Samuel. Leech, James. Leech, John. Legar, Peter. Lehman, Henry. Leaster, Thomas. Lemoine, Anthony. Lennox, George, resided in Union county, 1835, aged seventy-seven. Leonard, Adam. Leonard, Frederick. Leonard, John. Lestis, Philip. Leuse, John, (e.) Lewis, Abraham. Lewis, James. Lewis, Joseph, (e,) Marshall's company to August, 1778 ; afterwards in Tolbert's; died in Franklin county, Ohio, August 10, 1820, aged seventy-seven. Lewis, Samuel, resided in Huntingdon county, 1835, aged ninety- two. Lewis, Stephen, January 1, 1777, transferred to sappers and miners ; reenlisted December 3, 1781 Lick, Harmon. Linderman, Frederick. Linn, George, January 1, 17771781. Loardan, George. Lough, George. Ludwick, Nichols. Luft, George. Lusk, William. SECOND PENNSYLVANIA. 429 Lydy, Valentine, in Col. Stewart's, July, 1778, afterwards in Bank- son's. Sergeant-Major. Mitchell, James, had been wounded at Long Island, under Col. Richard Butler ; discharged at Yorktown, October, 1781 ; re- sided in Washington county, 1835, aged eighty-two. Sergeants, McCullam, John. McDonald, William, March 1, 1777. McKilloh, Robert, January 1, 1777, killed at the storming of the Block-House, July 21, 1780 ; his widow, Mrs. Agnes Hurst, re- sided in Allegheny county, in 1816. McMurdy, John. Capt. Patterson's company, from Thompson's. McPike, James. Moore, Roger. Mulhalon, Hugh, January 1, 1777, from Long's company, Miles' regiment ; in Bankson's company, served to the end of the war, receiving four wounds, one through the knee ; a printer, re- sided in Belief onte, in 1813. Murphy, Archibald, January 1, 1777 1781. Myers, Jacob, January 1, 1777, discharged May 17, 1781, at Yellow Springs, on account of ill health ; resided in Lancaster in 1819. Miller, Joseph, in Bankson's company to July, 1778; in Colonel's company afterwards. Corporals. McClure, James. McLaughlin, Robert. Fife Major. McCarty, Daniel, (e) August 1, 17781781. Fifers. Moore, Jesse, January 1, 1771 1781. Murray, William, September 1, 1778 1781. Drummers. Mitchell, William, July 1, 1777. Moore, John, June 28, 1777. Privates. McAfee, Neil. McAllister, James. McAllister, John, resided in Montgomery county, 1827. McCahan, Richard, January 1, 17771781. McCalla, Daniel, (e,) in Tolbert's before July, 1778; afterwards in Ashmead's company. 430 CONTINENTAL LINE. McCarty, Richard. McCasleton, Samuel. McCay, Daniel, wounded in the head at Germantown, and dis- charged at Valley Forge, 1778; died in Indiana county, June 30, 1821, aged sixty-eight. McChord, Isaiah, died February 8, 1791. McClane, Alexander, died in Westmoreland county, February 26, 1826, aged ninety-two. McClane, Jacob. McClean, Archibald, January 1, 1777 1781. McCloskey, John. McCollum, John. McConnell, William, resided in Armstrong county, 1818. McCormick, John, (e,) in Marshall's before July, 1778; afterwards in Capt. Tolbert's. McCormick, William. McCourt, John, January 1, 1777 1781. McCowen, John, enlisted 1776 ; served four years ten months. McCue, Arthur.. McDowell, William. McElroy, John. McElvaine, John. McElvany, Patrick. McFatridge, Daniel. McGahan, John. McGahy, Andrew. McGaughin, Michael. McGeary, Neal. McGilton, William. McGinnis, Roger, (e,) enlisted 25th September, 1778, from Marshall's, in Capt. Tolbert's. McGrath, William, (e,) Bankson's to August, 1778; afterwards in the Colonel's company. McGraw, John, sutler in 1778. McGraw, William, July 1, 1778. Mclntire, Daniel. Mclntire, William. McKee, Andrew, resided in Armstrong county, 1835, aged eighty- eight. McKever, Angus. McKillin, Edward. McKinney, John, (e,) from Marshall's, August, 1778, to Tolbert's to 1781. McKinsey, James. McLeod, John, April 1, 17771781 ; resided in Butler county, 1835, aged seventy-six. SECOND PENNSYLVANIA. 481 McMahon, Eichard, (e,; in Howell's company to July, 1778; after- wards in Gosner's. McManus, Hugh. McQuead, John. McQuillin, James. McQuillion, Kobert, (e,) from Marshall's in July, 1778, into Tol- bert's to 1781. McVeagh, Patrick, January 1, 1777 1781. McVey, Daniel. Mackey, Daniel. Madden, Joseph, Bankson's company ; discharged at Trenton, 1781 : resided in Chillisquaque township, Northumberland county, 1813. Madden, Thomas, January 1, 17771781. Magee, Thomas. Mahon, John. Malony, John, (e,) Ashmead's company. Malo'y, James. Malson, Thomas, May 23, 17781781. Malger, Thomas. Mames, William. Manning, Christopher. Manson, John; widow, Elizabeth, resided in Washington county in 1823. Marlow, Christian. Marshall, George, (e,) in Ashmead's to July, 1778 ; afterwards in Bankson's. Martin, Christian. Martin, James, Sr. Martin, Michael, (e,) Capt. John Patterson's company, July, 1778 1781. Martin, Robert. Mason, Francis. Maxim, William. Mease, Balzer, enlisted 1776 ; discharged, 1781 ; resided in Somers' t county, 1835, aged seventy-four. Mellen, John. Melville, James. Messersmith, Peter. Miller, Charles. Miller, Christian, died in Luzerne county, April 21, 1821, aged ninety. Miller, Conrad, May 5, 17781781 ; resided in Beaver county, 1835, aged eighty-two. Miller, George, died in Franklin county, Missouri, June 15, 1834. Miller, Henry, resided in Franklin county, 1823. A32 CONTINENTAL LINE. Miller, Jacob, died March 4, 1824, in Northumberland county, aged seventy-nine. Miller, Miller, resided in Cumberland county, 1821. Miller, Valentine, June 5, 1778 1781 ; resided in Bradford county s 1835, aged eighty. Mills, Andrew. Minger, Christian. Mitchell, Kobert. Mitchell, John, justice of the peace in Cumberland county, 1820. Moast, John, January 1, 1777 1781. Moast, Joseph, January 1. 1777 1781. Montgomery, John. Moore, James, January 1, 1777 1781 ; resided in Eutherford county, Tennessee, 1833, aged eighty-three. Moreland, Moses, May 1, 1777 1781 ; resided in Greene county in 1833, aged seventy-five. Mornes, William. Morris, David. Morrison, James, January 1, 1777 1781. Morrison, Michael. Moser, Henry. Moyer, John. Moyer, Peter, May 20, 17771781. Moyer, Peter, (2d,) Capt. Bankson's company; enlisted 1778; dis- charged after Cornwallis's surrender ; resided in Lebanon county, 1818. Moyne, John. Mullen, John, February 27, 17771781. Mulloney, John. Mulvany, Patrick, January 1, 1777 1781. Murdock, liobert, from De Haas's ; served three years ; resided in Finley township, Washington county, 1820, aged sixty-six. Murphy, Andrew. Murphy, Christian. Murphy, John, died December 19, 1830, in Bucks county, aged sev- enty. Murphy, Philip. Murray, Jeremiah, May 10, 1779. Murray, Thomas, resided in Floyd county, Kentucky, 1834, aged eighty. Murray, William, Jr. Musketmuss, Adam. Musketnough, Henry, (e,) Miller's company, August, 1778; after- wards in Lieutenant Colonel's. Myers, Leonard, May 9, 1777 1781. SECOND PENNSYLVANIA. 433 Sergeants. Norton, Thomas, January 1, 1777 ; promoted ensign March 12, 1777. Neill, James, January 1, 17771781. Privates. Naggington, Robert, January 1, 1777 1781. Neible, Adam. Neill, John, Col. Stewart's company, July, 1778; afterwards in Bankson's. Netherhouse, Daniel, March 1, 1777 1781. Nevil, John. New, Christopher, April 1, 1777, to January, 1781 ; in Capt. Patter- son's company ; resided in York county, 1818, aged sixty-five. Newcomb, John, (e,) in Ashmead's company, July, 1778; after- wards in Cobea's; transferred to Invalids, June, 1781. Newell, John, resided in Trumbull county, Ohio, 1834, aged seventy- nine. Nice, Christopher. Nicholson, John. Nolstein, John. Norton, John, March 25, 17771781 ; died in Sussex county, New Jersey, January 15, 1822, aged sixty-seven. Norton, Henry. Null, John, (e.) Nusser, Jacob, March 16, 17771781. Privates. O'Brien, Daniel, May 18, 1780. O 'Bryan, Martin. O'Bryan, Sylvester, (e,) Ashmead's, July, 1778; afterwards in Cobea's. O'Bryan, William. O'Foy, Patrick, March 1, 17771781. O'Neal, Christopher, August 13, 17781781. O'Neal, Edward. O'Neal, James. Olenberger, George. Oliver, Richard. Orand, Patrick. Orchard, John, March 26, 17771781. Organ, John. Orr, John. Sergeants. Parks, Thomas, January 1, 17771781. Phraner, William, January 25, 17771781. Porter, James, January 1, 17771781. 28 VOL. X. 434 CONTINENTAL LINE. Corporal. Piercy, Jacob, January 1, 17771781. Privates. Parker, Alexander. Parks, John, wounded in right arm, and transferred to Invalid corps. Parsons, John. Patterson, James, January 1, 1777 to May 24, 1780, when he died. Patterson, Murdock, resided in Beaver township, Northumberland county, in 1793. Peeling, Kershaw, (e.) Pegnon, William. Pennington, Bartholomew. Pensler, John. Perry, William, transferred to Invalid corps, March, 1780. Peterson, William, March 4, 1777 1781. Pettigrew, James. Phillips, William. Pimple, Paul. Powers, William, January 1, 1777 1781. Price, Abraham, January 1, 1777 1781. Privates. Quick, John. Quigley, Edward, died in Centre county, April 13, 1819, aged eighty- two. Quimby, Zachariah. Corporal. Roberts, George, (e,} Miller's company to July, 1778 afterwards in Lieutenant Colonel's. D-rummer. Reinhold, Christopher. Privates. Radabaugh, Peter. Rainey, George, (e,) Bankson's to 1778 ; afterwards in Col. Stewart's. Rambo, John Henry, resided in Luzerne county, 1792. Ramsay, Robert. Rarick, Godfrey, April 1, 1777 1781. Ratcliff, James, died in Baltimore county, Maryland, aged sixty- three. Reagan, James, killed in action. Reagan, Michael. Reany, Conrad, May 25, 17771781. Reardon, Jeremiah. Record, Patrick. SECOND PENNSYLVANIA. 435 Redheffer, Jacob, April 28, 17771781. Redman, John, died November 1, 1790. Redman, Michael, (e,) Miller's company; transferred to Invalid corps May 4, 1778. Reebok! , Frederick. Reed, Joseph, died in Harrison county, Indiana, August 28, 1826, aged sixty-six. Reily, Job, January 1, 17771781. Remair. Philip. Reynall, Christopher. Rhode, John. Rice, James. Rice, Peter. Richey, David, resided in Washington county, 1835. Rickard, Patrick. Richcreek, Philip, April 1, 1781, Capt. Pearson's company; dis- charged June 28, 1783 ; resided in Muskingum county, Ohio, 1834. Riddle, Gerard, (e,) Miller's company to July, 1778 ; afterwards in Lieutenant Colonel's. Riffe, Jacob. Rifford, Christopher. Rigby, James. Rigley, James. Rinehart , George, from Thompson 's ; resided in Cumberland county , 1828. Rinehart, Matthias, January 1, 1777 1781. Rishley, Lewis. Rively, Frederick. Roarman, David. Roberts, Joseph, died in Montgomery county, February 5, 1831, aged eighty-six. Robinson, James, resided in Blount county, Tennessee, 1834, aged eighty-one. Robinson, Matthew. Robinson .Thomas. Robinson, William, (e,) Tolbert's company, July; 1778; afterwards Ash mead's. Rook, Ternan. Roop, Nicholas. Ross, John, January 1, 1777 1781. Ross, Oliver. Rough, Ludwig. Rowling, George. Rule, William. Ramble, Philip. 436 CONTINENTAL LINE. Russell, John. Ryan, James, January 1, 1777; discharged January, 1781; resided in Montgomery county. Sergeant. Singlewood, Stephen, January 1, 1777 1781. Corporals. Smith, James. Sloan, John, wounded at Green Spring in left thigh, and trans- ferred to Invalid corps ; resided in Cumberland county, 1789. Fife Major. Spencer, John, January 1, 1777 1781. Drum Major. St. John, John, January 1, 1777 ; discharged November 4, 1783. Drummer. Steen, Edward, May 6, 17771781 . Fifer. Springer, Philip, May 1, 17781781. Privates. Sadler, Benjamin, Invalid corps, October, 1777. Sally, John. Salter, John, January 1, 1777 1781. Sample, William, killed in action. Sampson, Aaron, resided in Dauphin county, 1794. Scammell, John, December 16, 1777 June 6, 1780; certificate issued to his wife and children, March 17, 1781. Scarlet, William. Scott, James. Scott, Thomas, resided in Middleton, Bucks county, 1789. Schrawder, Philip, served three years; discharged at Trenton, January 18, 1781. Schroter, Israel. Schnyder, George. Scosse, John, (e,) in Murray's company to August, 1778 ; afterwards in Major's. Seahon, John, (e,) [Seehann,] in Marshall's company until August. 1778; afterwards in Major Hamilton's. Sedgwick, Joshua. Seely, Isaac. Settlemire, Godfrey. Shafer, Philip. Shaw, Michael. Shaw, Patrick, December 4, 17761781. SECOND PENNSYLVANIA. 437 Shea, Daniel, February 1, 1777 1781. Shearer, Philip, January 1, 1777 1781. Sherrick, Isaac. Shields, John, (e.) Shields. William. Shire, Clement. Shively, Jacob, from Farmer's company, Miles' regiment ; served three years ; died in Montgomery county, October 20, 1824, aged sixty-six. Shoap, Louis, resided in Northampton county, 1835, aged seventy. Shuler, Henry., Shuttle, David, 17761780; resided, Philadelphia, 1829. Shultz, John, Captain Patterson's company to 1781. Shynder, Andrew. Siggerson, James. Slight, Richard, Ashmead's company. Sloker, Christian. Slyder, Jacob. Smith, George. Smith, John, served seven years and one month; discharged at Fort Pitt, October 30, 1783 ; promoted to wearing the honorary badge of distinction, agreeable to Gen. Washington's order of August 7, 1782 ; resided in Washington county, 1786. Smith, Philip, August 5, 17771781. Smith, Thomas, February 14, 1777 1781 ; resided in Mifflin county, 1815. Snyder, Andrew. Snyder, George, Murray's company to July, 1778, afterwards in Ma- jor's. Snyder, Henry, resided in York county, 1835, aged seventy-eight- Solomon, Henry. Solomon, Michael. Spearing, John. Speer, Edward. Squib, John. Staght, Richard. Stambaugh, Jacob. Stanley, Peter. St. Court, Samuel. Steed, James, from Thirteenth Penn'a ; discharged November, 1781 ; resided in Huntingdon county, 1820, aged eighty ; chairmaker. Steel, Andrew. Steel, James, Col. Stewart's to July 1778, afterwards in Lt. Col. Murray's. Steel, John P. 438 CONTINENTAL LINE. Steddelman, John, died October 9, 1826, at Germantown, aged sev- enty-nine. Steinbach, Jacob. Steinheiser, Christian, January 1, 1777 1781 ; resided in Lancaster county, 1835, aged seventy-nine. Stephens, Alexander. Steltiuger, John, resided in Washington county, 1835, aged seventy- six. Stevenson, Daniel. Stevenson, Stephen. Stewart, Arthur, (e.) January 1, 17771781 ; HowelPs company to July, 1778, afterwards in Gosner's. Stewart, William, died in Washington county, Maryland, March 4, 1831, aged seventy-five. . Stone, Conrad. Stolle, Frederick, 1776, Capt. Pugh's; discharged at Trenton, Jan- uary 17, 1781 ; resided in Northampton county, 1818. Storne, John, (e,) Col. Stewart's company. Stout, John. Stover, Nicholas, January 1, 1777 1781. Stoy, Challes. Stowers, John. Strobach, John. Stroup, Adam. Stubart, William (e) in Captain Bankson's company, 1778, after- wards in Ashmead's. Stud, James, (e.) Stull, Andrew. Sullivan, James. Sullivan, John, January 1, 17771781. Sullivan, Michael, in Murray's company to July, 1778, afterwards in Major's. Sullivan, Patrick, from First Penn'a; enlisted January 1, 1777, in Bankson's grenadiers, at Reading; wounded in the groin, at Yorktown ; discharged, 1783 : resided at Cincinnati, Ohio, 1818. Sullivan, Thomas, (e) July, 1778, Bankson's company. Sullivan, William. Swartz, Frederick. Sergeant- Major. Thompson, John, disabled by cold weather, 1777 ; 1778, transferred to Invalid corps; in the hospital, at West Point, 1785. Privates. Tagg, Benjamin, April 24, 17781781. Tague, Patrick, (e} September 25, 1778, in Marshall's, afterwards in Tolbert's. SECOND PENNSYLVANIA. 439 Taylor, George, died in Schuyler county, Illinois, February 10, 1833, aged seventy-two. Taylor, Samuel. Tamar, Henry, Finley's company; discharged April 1, 1783. Tamor, Thomas. Terney, Matthew. Thompson, George. Thompson, James, died in Scioto county, Ohio, August 9, 1825, aged sixty-eight. Thompson, John, resided in Crawford county, 1835, aged eighty- five. Thomas, Evan. Thornton, James. Todd, Randall, killed in action. Tornpkins, John. Tracey, John. Travis, Andrew, reenlisted in 1781, in Fourth Penn'a, from which he deserted in April, 1781. Treaner, Simon. Tresler, Ludwick. Trett, Thomas. Trexler, David, January 1, 17771781, Tull, Thomas. Tunison , Anthony. Turk, Hugh. Unroe, George. Vanemaker, Philip. Vankelner, John. Vankelner, Philip. Vansdurff, Matthew. Vaughan, John. Vaughan, Nichols. Verkurius, Joseph. Vernon, Robert, January 1, 17771781. Vernon, Robert, 1776, wounded in the right arm, at Monmouth; resided in Mifflin county, in 1809. Sergean t-Major. Weidman, Jacob, April 1, 17781781. Quarter-Master Sergeant. Wallace, Thomas, January 1, 1777 1781. Fife-Major. Williamson, James, July 5, 17771781. Drummer. Walker, Samuel, June 1, 17781781. 440 CONTINENTAL LINE. Fifer. Williams, John, April 20, 17771781. Corporals. Webb, Thomas. Weble, Thomas. Woods, Samuel. Privates. Wade, Thomas. Wade, William. Waggoner, Jacob, May 14, 17771781. Waldron, Benjamin. Wall, George, January 1, J777 1781. Wallace, Richard, January 1, 1777 1781. Walter, Christopher, resided in Guernsey county, Ohio, in 1820. Ward, John. Warner, John, resided in Allegheny county, 1S35, aged seventy-five. Warner, William, January 1, 1777 August, 1781. Weidman, John, January 1, 1777 1781. Wells, Richard. Wentz, Jacob. Wesley, Jared. West, Thomas, resided in Fayette county, 1835, aged one hundred and two. Wharton, Samuel, died in Mifflin county, August 18, 1823, aged eighty-one. Whelin, William. Wheeler, Thomas. White, Thomas, March 21, 17771781. Whipple, George. Whitman, John. Whitmore, Everhard. Wilkins, William, in Miller's to July, 1778 ; afterwards in Lieuten- ant Colonel's. Wilkinson, William, Finley's company; discharged April 1, 1783. Willard, William. Williams, James. Williams, Joshua. Williams, Nathan. Williams, Thomas, died in Hamilton county, Ohio, January 25, 1826, aged eighty-one. Williams, Stacy. Williams, William, August 2, 17771781. Williamson, Daniel, (e,) in Marshall's to July, 1778; afterwards in Cobea's. Williamson, Edward. SECOND PENNSYLVANIA. 441 Williamson, Jesse. Williard, John. Willson, Robert. Windsley, John, (e,) in Miller's to July, 1778 ; afterwards in Lieu- tenant Colonel's. Windolph, Jacob. Winning, James. Wise, Henry. Wiser, Solomon. Wisnam, Joseph. Witherspoon, William, (e,) in Ashmead's to July, 1778 ; afterwards in Cobea's. Woolsey, Isaac. Work, William'. Worsham, Joshua, resided in Chesterfield county, Virginia, in 1834, aged eighty-six. Wright, Charles. Wright, Henderson. Wyndoff, Matthias. Privates. Young, Andrew, (e,) Tolbert's company, July, 1778 ; afterwards in Ashmead's ; left the service March 15, 1780. Young, George. Young, John. Young, Robert, January 1, 1777 ; reenlisted in Procter's artillery. CONTINENTAL LINE. THIRD PENNSYLVANIA. JANUARY 1, 1777 NOVEMBER 3, 1783. THE THIRD PENNSYLVANIA. O RETURNS of this regiment have been found, and with the exception of a few letters that relate to the regiment incidentally, nothing upon which to base any account at length. Formed on the basis of the Second battalion, (Col. St. Glair's,) it was recruited in December, 1776, January and February, 1777, and arranged in the Continental ser- vice March 12, 1777. The health of Col. Joseph Wood was impaired by wounds received in the Canada campaign, which induced his resignation. He resided in Jonestown, now Lebanon county, in 1785, and died there December 12, 1788, aged sixty-five years. His son, Dr. William Wood, practiced medicine at Jonestown for a long time, and died there. Col. Thomas Craig succeeded him in the command, retiring only in January, 1783. He died in Allentown, Lehigh county, Penn'a, January 20, 1832, aged ninety-two. He is to be distinguished from Capt. Thomas Craig, of Baxter's battalion , who was one of the commis- sioners of purchase, for Bucks county, in 1780, having rank of col- onel in the militia. Of Lt. Col. Rudolph Bunner, formerly a cap- tain in Second battalion, James McHenry, afterwards Secretary of War, says, in a letter written a few days after the battle of Mon- mouth, " on our part, Lt. Col. Bunner was killed, having very much distinguished himself on the field." A letter dated April 17, 1780, has the following account of Major Thomas Langhorne Byles' death : " Yesterday morning, a detachment of 200 Continental troops, under the command of Major Byles, stationed at Paramus, was suddenly attacked by a party of the enemy, consisting of 200 horse and 400 foot. The attack commenced a little after sunrise. Major Byles, besides his usual patrols, had that morning sent out two parties, each with a commissioned officer, but such is the situation of that part of the country, intersected with roads, and inhabited chiefly by disaffected people, that all precautions failed. The sen- (445) 446 CONTINENTAL LINE. tinels, near the quarters, were the first that gave notice of the enemy's approach. He immediately made the best disposition the hurry of the moment would permit, and animated his men by his exhortation and example. The house he was in was surrounded. Some of the men began to cry for quar- ters ; others, obeying the command of the officers, continued to tire from the windows. The enemy upbraided them with the perfidy of asking for quarters, and persisting in resistance. Major Bylcs denied, in a determined tone, that he had called for quarter ; but his resolution did not avail. A surrender took place, and, in the act, the Major received a mortal wound, with which he expired. Lieuts. Glentworth and Sherman had thrown themselves into the Major's quarters, and assisted in the defense. The latter was wounded. Lieut. Bryson, being a few days before detached by Major Byles to the new Bridge, defended that post with great gallantry, but, over- powered, he surrendered. He received great attention from the enemy on account of his bravery. Such of the detachment as could be collected, aided by a few militia, hung on the rear of the enemy, retaking four wagons and nineteen horses. The enemy made their boasts that as Major Byles did not present the hilt of his sword in front when surrendering, they shot him." General Hand, on the 22d of April, recommended George Tudor, of the Fourth, " as an old and experienced officer, and one in every respect qualified to fill the vacancy with credit to the Line, but the rank was accorded to Capt. William Alexander, of the Seventh Penn'a. In July, 1778, the Twelfth Penn'a, which had been reduced to a skeleton regiment by exposures as a picket regiment, being largely composed of riflemen, was incorporated with the Third ; and, on January 17, 1781, the Third was reorganized, under Col. Craig, and, after recruiting at Easton, accompanied Gen.. Wayne upon the Southern campaign, or, at least, the largest portion of it, being de- tached for that purpose. Capt. James Chrystie was born near Edinburgh, Scotland, in 1750. Came to Pennsylvania in 1775. On the discovery of Arnold 's plot at West Point, he was detailed specially by Gen. Washing- ton to visit all the posts. He served until the end of the war, and was said to be the oldest captain in service, except one. He was the father of Lieut. Col. James Chrystie, of Fifteenth United States infantry, who distinguished himself at Queenstown in the war of 18121814. They were both dead in 1824. Capt. Thomas Butler, at the battle of Brandywine, received the thanks of Gen. Washington on the field for rallying a detachment of retreating troops. He was a major at St. Clair's defeat, and had THIRD PENNSYLVANIA. 447 his leg broken by a ball, and it was with difficulty that his surviv- ing brother, Capt. Edward Butler, got him off the field. In 1794, he was promoted lieutenant colonel commandant to sub-legion, and, in 1802, on reduction of the army, he was continued as colonel. He died September 7, 1805, aged fifty-one. ROSTER OF FIELD AND STAFF OFFICERS. Colonels. Wood, Joseph, September 30, 1776 ; resigned July, 1777. Craig, Thomas, from lieutenant colonel, August 1, 1777; retired January 1, 1783. Lieutenant Colonels. Craig, Thomas, September 29, 1776; promoted colonel, August 1, 1777. Buriner, Rudolph, from major, August 1, 1777 ; killed at Monmouth, June 28, 1778. Williams, William, from major Second Penn'a, June 28, 1778; re- signed April 17, 1780.* Stuart, Christopher, from Fifth Penn a, April 17, 1780.* Majors. Butler, William, September 7, 1776, promoted lieutenant colonel Fourth Penn'a, September 30, 1776. Harmar, Josiah, from captain First battalion, October 1, 1776; promoted lieutenant colonel Sixth Penn'a, June 6, 1777. Bunner. Rudolph, June 6, 1777, promoted lieutenant colonel, August 1, 1777. Huling, John , from captain, August 1, 1777 ; became supernumerary July, 1778 ; resided at Silver's Spring, Cumberland county, 1785. Byles, Thomas L., exchanged March 1, 1778 ; joined 3d July, 1778; killed at Paramus, New Jersey, April 16, 1780. Alexander. William, from captain of Seventh Penn'a, April 16, 1780; retired July 1, 1783; afterwards one of the surveyors of military lands ; resided in Carlisle, in 1813. Captains. Bunner, Rudolph, ranking from January 5, 1776; March 17, 1777, to have rank as major in the Continental army in seniority nex after the ninth major of the Penn'a regulars. * Quere? Whether these dates are correct. In a letter dated May 13, 1780, Capt. William Alexander states that Lieut. Col. Williams' resig- nation and Major Byles' death happened on the same day, April 16. 448 CONTINENTAL LINE. Bayard, Stephen, ranking from Januarys, 1776; promoted major of Eighth Penn'a, March 12, 1777. Huling, John, ranking from January 5, 1776, promoted major, August 1, 1777. Rees, Jo:m, ranking from January 5, 1776. Brisban, John, ranking from January 5, 1776; resigned July, 1777. Moore, Thomas L., May 21, 1776 ; promoted major Ninth Peiin'a, May 12, 1779. Chrystie, James, ranking from August 9, 1776 ; promoted Novem- ber 11, 1776. Butler, Thomas, ranking from October 4, 1776 ; retired the service January 1, 1781. Dunn, Isaac Budd, ranking from October 6, 1776 ; aid to Gen. St. Clair, 1781. Moore, Samuel, ranking from November 11, 1776; became super- numerary, 1778 ; resided in Lebanon county, 1792 ; applicant for associate judge. Gross, John, ranking from November 25, 1776. Craig, William, from lieutenant, July 4, 1777 ; resigned June 1, 1779. McCully, George, from lieutenant, October 20, 1777. Brodhead, Daniel, Jr., paid from September 1, 1777 ; captured, and lost his rank while a prisoner. Eeily, John, transferred from Twelfth Penn'a, July, 1778; trans- ferred to the invalid regiment, August 12, 1780. See vol. n, p. $64. Henderson, John, May 12, 1779, from captain lieutenant. Marshall, John, August 13, 1779, vice Capt. Reily, left out by Gen. St. Clair in consequence of his saying he would never join the regiment. Captain Lieutenants. Henderson, John, from first lieutenant ; promoted captain May 12, 1779. Marshall, John, rice Henderson promoted, May 12, 1779; promoted captain, August 13, 1779. Boyd, John, to be captain lieutenant vice Capt. Lieut. Marshall ; re- tired the regiment January 1, 1781, and appointed captain of a company of rangers, in Bedford county. He married Mary, daughter of Col. John Bull; was many years justice of the peace at Northumberland, and died there February 13, 1832, aged eighty-two. first Lieutenants. Montgomery, James, ranking from May 21, 1776 Miller, Benjamin, paid from 1st January, 1777. McCully, George, paid from 1st January, 1777. Craig, John, ranking from November 11, 1776; promoted captain in Moylan's dragoons. THIRD PENNSYLVANIA. 449 Craig, William,* paid as lieutenant from January 1, 1776, to July 4, 1777. Hoffner, George, paid from January 1, 1777. St. Clair, Daniel, April 1, 1777. Marshall, John, from second lieutenant, June 10, 1777 ; promoted captain lieutenant, May 12, 1779. Butler, Percival, September 1, 1777. Henderson, John, transferred from Twelfth Penn'a, July 1, 1778; promoted captain lieutenant. King, Robert, from Twelfth Penn'a, July, 1778 ; reported by Col. Craig as absent from the regiment three years, and left out. In the fall of 1778, he was with Hartley on the frontiers ; he re- sided in Mifflin township, Lycoming county, in 1840, aged eighty-eight. Boyd, John, from Twelfth Penn'a, July, 1778; promoted captain lieutenant, August 13, 1779. Ball, Blackall William, from second lieutenant, September 11, 1778. Engle, Andrew, from second lieutenant, December 20, 1778 ; re- tired January 1, 1781. Armstrong, John, from second lieutenant, May 12, 1779 ; a captain in 1784. Fullerton, Richard, from ensign, May 12, 1779. Wigton, John, from ensign, August 13, 1779. Smith, Peter, from ensign, August 13, 1779. Jenney, Thomas, from Fifth battalion ; exchanged October 25, 1780, Second Lieutenants. Miller, Benjamin, dating from May 21, 1776; promoted first lieu- tenant, January 1, 1777. McCully, George, dating from September 20, 1776; promoted first lieutenant, January 1, 1777. Craig, William, dating from November 11, 1776; paid as first lieu- tenant from January 1, 1777. Hoffner, George, dating from November 11,1776; promoted first lieutenant, January 1, 1777. Marshall, John, dating from November 11, 1776. Bird, James, January 1, 1777. McDonald, Daniel, January 1, 1777. Drake, Jacob, January 1, 1777. Seily, Charles, paid from January 1, 1777, to April 1, 1777. Ball, Blackall William, from Twelfth Penn'a, July 1,1778; pro- moted first lieutenant, September 11, 1778. * The want of records renders this roster defective, and in some re- spects not capable of explanation, as in the case of William and John Craig, the latter ranking the former, who seems to have been promoted over him. The greater part of the original first lieutenants wanting. 29 VOL. X. 450 CONTINENTAL LINE. Engle, Andrew, from Twelfth Fenn'a; promoted lieutenant, De- cember 20, 1778. Armstrong, John, from Twelfth Penn'a, July 1,1778; promoted first lieutenant, May 12, 1779. Ensigns. Engle, James, ranking from September 20, 1776. Oates, James, ranking from November 11, 1776. Lowes, James. Coulton, . V St. Clair, Daniel, ranking from September 20, 1776 ; died in Mifflin county, February 18, 1833. Russell, William, from private in Thompson's rifles ; lost his leg at Brandywine, by cannon ball, September 17, 1779 ; transferred to Invalid corps. Fullerton, Richard, commissioned June 19, 1778 ; promoted lieuten- ant, May 12, 1779. Wigton, John, June 19, 1778, promoted lieutenant, August 13, 1779. Smith, Peter, 1779, promoted lieutenant, August 13, 1779. Ruling, Thomas, June 19, 1778. Hamilton, Robert, May 23, 1779. Kinney, Abraham, May 25, 1779 ; retired October 17, 1780, on ac- count of ill health. Cunningham, Peter, paid from June 7, 1779; retired January 1, 1782. Brower, Henry, to rank from August 25, 1779. Paymaster. Wigton, John, lieutenant, June, 1777, to January, 1781. Adjutants. Fullerton, Richard, lieutenant ; paid as ensign and adjutant, June 1, 1778, to June 1, 1779; as lieutenant arid adjutant, June 1, 1779, to August, 1780. Butler, Edward. Quarter Masters. Brookes, David. Smith, Peter, lieutenant, 1779 ; resided in Northampton county, in 1831, aged eighty-one. Surgeons. Tate, James, appointed August 1, 1777 ; paid to July 31, 1780 ; died in 1814, at Newtown, Bucks county, Pa. Stewart, Alexander, October 6, 1779 ; he was surgeon's mate in the general hospital from 1776 ; died in Chambersburg, in 1793. Surgeon' 1 s Mates. Innis, James, appointed August 15, 1778 ; promoted ensign of Ninth Penn'a from February 3, 1779. Wharrey, Robert, June 20, 1778. THIRD PENNSYLVANIA. 451 ARRANGEMENT OF THE THIRD PENNSYLVANIA, JAN- UARY 17, 178!. Colonel. Craig, Thomas, retired January 1, 1783. Lieutenant Colonel. Ilarmar, Josiab, from Sixth Penn'a ; commission dated June 6, 1777. Major. Alexander, William. Captains. Chrystie, James. Dunn, Isaac B. Keene, Lawrence, of Eleventh, January 12, 1777 ; see note to Pat- ton's. McCully, George. Claypoole. Abraham G., of the Eleventh, June 10, 1778; retired January 1, 1783. Sproat, William, of the Fourth ; retired January 1, 1783. Henderson, John, resigned December 11, 1781 ; captured on the way from Charleston to Philadelphia ; exchanged after the war ; died in Washington county, Pennsylvania. Marshall, John, retired January 1, 1783. Brady, Samuel, of the Eighth, August 2, 1779; retired January 1, 1783; died near West Liberty, Virginia, December 25, 1795, aged thirty-nine. Lieutenants. St. Clair, Daniel. Butler, Percival. Ball, Blackall W. Engle, Andrew. Pettigrew, James, of the Eleventh, April 13, 1779. Armstrong, John. Fullerton, Richard. Wigton, John, retired January 1, 1783. Smith, Peter, retired January 1, 1783. Weitzel, Jacob, of the Eleventh, March 11, 1780. Allison, Robert, of the Eleventh, March 16, 1780; died in Frank- lin county, April 24, 1836. Thornbury, Francis, of the Eleventh, May 25, 1780. Read, Samuel, -of the Eleventh, October 2, 1780. 452 CONTINENTAL LINE. Ensign. Cunningham, Peter. Surgeon. Stewart, Alexander, retired January 1, 1783. Surgeon's Mate. Wharrey, Robert, transferred to First in September, 1783. SUBSEQUENT PROMOTIONS. Captain. Bush, John, from captain lieutenant, December 11, 1781, vice Capt. John Henderson, resigned. ARRANGEMENT OF THE THIRD PENNSYLVANIA, JAN- UARY 1,1783. Colonel. Butler, Richard, June 7, 1777. Lieutenant Colonel. Bayard, Stephen, September 23, 1777. Major. Grier, James, October 23, 1777. Captains. Finney, Walter, August 12, 1776; served through the Southern campaign; afterwards associate judge of Chester county, and died April 20, 1820. Dunn, Isaac B., October 4, 1776 ; aid and brevet major. Christie, John, October 23, 1776. Bush, George, January 13, 1777. Clark, John, February 25, 1777, from First Penn'a; resided in Al- legheny county, 1813. Montgomery, Samuel, March 20, 1777. Pearson, John, September 7, 1777. McCully, George, September 20, 1777; his widow resided in Alle- gheny county in 1822. Stake, Jacob, November 23, 1777. Lieutenants. Piercy, Henry, March 12, 1777. St. Clair, Daniel, April 1, 1777. THIRD PENNSYLVANIA. 453 Crawford, John, April 18, 1777. Lodge, Benjamin, October 11, 1777. McKinney, John, March 18, 1778 ; died in Campbell county, Ken- tucky, November 25, 1833. Crawford, Edward, March 23, 1778. Beatty, Erkuries, June 2, 1778. Hammond, David, December 8, 1778. Doyle, Thomas, March 11, 1779 ; died February 6, 1802 ; his daughter Mrs. Weathers, lived near Vincennes, Indiana, in 1830. Peebles, Robert, April 15, 1779; mustered out as captain; resided in Shippensbtirg, in 1791. Strieker, John, May 1, 1779. Armstrong, John, May 12, 1779 ; promoted captain by brevet. Markland, John, July 1, 1779 ; died February 25, 1837, aged eighty- two; buried in Christ church-yard, Philadelphia; was one of the commissioners of Philadelphia in 1823. See Penn'a Hist. Mag., 1885, p. 102. Pratt, John, January 1, 1780. Allison, Robert, March 16, 1780. Thornbury, Francis, May 25, 1780. Smith, Nathaniel, July 23, 1780. Read, Samuel, October 2, 1780. De Marcellin, A., January 1, 1781. Rose, John, from Fourth, April 1, 1781. Denny, Ebenezer, from Fourth, May 23, 1781 ; died at Pittsburgh, July 22, 1822; buried in First Presbyterian church-yard. N. B. Capt. Pearson has retired since the arrangement was made out, which brings in Captain Walker, and Col. Humpton says some alterations will probably take place. S. MONTGOMERY, Captain Third Penn'a Kegt. Paymaster. Beatty, Erkuries. Quarter Master. Pratt, John. Surgeon. Rodgers, John R. B. Surgeon's Mate. Allison, Richard. Chaplain. Jones, David. 454 CONTINENTAL LINE. A pay-roll, signed by E. Beatty, lieutenant and pay-master of Third, of probable date September, 1783, drops the name of Capt. John Pearson, and has, in addition to the foregoing staff and offi- cers, the names of Captains. Finley, Jos. L. Walker, Andrew. Lieutenants. Lytle, Andrew. Herbert, Stewart. McMichael, James. Ball, Blackall W. ; was living in 1811. Davis, Llewellyn. Campbell, James. 'Butler, Edward. McKnight, David Erwin, James. NON-COMMISSIONED OFFICERS AND PRIVATES OF THE THIRD PENNSYLVANIA REGIMENT, CONTINENTAL LINE. [Those marked (e) are taken from a list in the Secretary's office, of soldiers whose depreciated pay escheated to the State.] Sergeant. Anderson, James, January 1, 1777 1781. Privates. Adams, Farmer, T. L. Moore's company, January 1, 1777. Agnew, Edward. Ahorn, Philip. Allen, Patrick, killed In action. Alligan, William, January 1, 1777 1781. Anderson, John, March 1 , 1777 1781 ; wounded in knee and ankle, and transferred to Invalid corps., Anderson, William. Armstrong, Daniel. Armstrong, James, resided in Franklin county, Ohio, 1833, aged seventy-three. Arthurs, James. Asheton, James, January 1, 1777 1781 ; reenlisted January 1, 1783; discharged June 28, 1783 ; resided in Philadelphia, in 1813, aged seventy-three. THIRD PENNSYLVANIA. 455 Asbmead, Samuel. Atcheson, Timothy. Auchmuty, Samuel, from Twelfth Penn'a: discharged January 25, 1781 ; resided in Augusta township, Northumberland county, in 1835, aged eighty-two. Sergeants. Buchanan, James, Dunn's company, living in Allegheny county, 1813. Boyd, Thomas, (e,) in Chrystie's to August, 1778; afterwards in Capt. John Henderson's. Corporals. Beatty, John. Benson, Thomas, May 1, 1777 1781. Berry, Peter, January 1, 1777 1781. Brown, Patrick. Privates. Bach us, Thomas. Bailey, James. Baisley, William. Baker, John, resided in Dearborn county, Indiana, 1834, aged eighty-two. Baisley, John. Banquet, William. Barber, James, (e,) in Moore's to April, 1777 ; afterwards in Dunn's. Barnett, George, resided in Tuscarawas county, Ohio, 1834, aged seventy-four. Barrett, William. Bartle, George. Bates, Casper. Battersby, John. Batton, John, resided in Philadelphia, 1832, aged eighty-two. Baumgartner, George, 17761783; served in Capt. Rupp's com. pany, St. Glair's campaign ; resided in Somerset county, in 1815. Bean, Henry. Beaver, Benjamin, resided in Franklin county, 1835, aged seventy- seven. Beazo, or Beyerzee, Nicholas, January 1, 1777 ; transferred to In- valid corps, May, 1778. Bell, James. Bellows, John. Bender, John, May 1, 17781781. Bennet, Terence, (e,) in Butler's company to August, 1777 ; after- wards in Dunn's. 456 CONTINENTAL LINE. Bentley, Henry, transferred from Twelfth. 1778; transferred to First Penn'a, 1781. Bevins, James. Biddle, Adam. Biddle, John. Bioren, Benjamin, January 1, 1777 1781. Bishop, Richard. Blair, John, enlisted near London X Roads; resided in Lancaster county, 1817. Bloomenshine, Martin. Bonnel, Paul, from Fourth Penn'a; died in Butler county, Ohio, August 26, 1820, aged fifty-nine. Borland, James. Bough, Joseph. Bowers, William. Bowerman, Peter, (e,) in Gross's company to April, 1777, afterwards in the Colonel's company. Boyd, Thomas, living in 1789. Boyle, Neal. Boyles, Charles. Bradley, James. Brady, Thomas. Brannon, John, (e,) January 1, 1777; Reily's company to August, 1778 ; afterwards in Capt. John Marshall's, September, 1780 ; transferred to Invalid corps. Briggs, Joseph, January 1, 1777. Briggs, Richard. Briggs, William, transferred to sappers and miners ; resided in Ber- gen county, New Jersey, 1818, aged seventy-three. Brooks, Joseph. Brown, James, from Twelfth Penn'a; discharged April 1, 1780; died December 6, 1820, in Armstrong county, aged ninety-two. Brown, John, died December 20, 1800. Brown, William, resided in Pickaway county, Ohio, 1833, aged seventy-five. Bryan, William. Bryan, Patrick. Buckley, Philip. Bulff, John, enlisted January 27, 1781. Bunch, John. Bunel, John. Burk, John, May 3, 17771781. Burns, James, resided in Adams county, Mississippi, 1819, aged sixty-five. Burns, Lawrence, (e,) Chrystie's company to August, 1778 ; after- wards in Capt. John Henderson's. THIRD PENNSYLVANIA. 457 Burns, Timothy. Burns, William. Butler, John, transferred to sappers and miners ; reenlisted Decem- ber 3, 1781, then at West Point. Buxton, John, March 10, 1777 ; served seven years eleven months ; resided in Montgomery county, 1788. Sergeants. Carman, William, January 1, 1777 1781. Clendenin, John. Cunningham, Joseph, from private June 1, 1777 ; discharged Janu- ary 17, 1781; resided in Lack township, Mifflin county, 1817. Ceilings, Thomas, from private. Corporal. Campbell, George. Fifers. Collins, Samuel, October 1, 17791781. Cook, Ebenezer, April 10, 1778; absent July 1, 1778, to February 1, 1779. Privates, Cain, John. Calligan, John. Calligan, William, January 1, 1777 1781. Camp, Casper, enlisted 1781, Capt. Bower's company; served eighteen months ; reen-listed, in 1783, in Capt. John Craig's company of dragoons ; discharged September, 1783 ; resided in Crawford county, 1835, aged eighty-four. Campbell, James. Campbell, Jeremiah. Campbell, Patrick. Carr, John, died in service. Carr, Michael, resided in Cook county, Tennessee, 1837, aged seven- ty-seven. Carshay, Michael. Cashberger, Andrew, February 18, 1777 1781. Casling, George. Casper, John, January 1, 1777 ; discharged at Trenton, January 19, 1781 ; resided in Columbia county in 1835. Ceely, George, transferred to Invalid corps, September, 1777. Chambers, John, (e.) Christ, Balthus. Chambers, James, enlisted in Northampton county, 1776; resided in Allegheny county, Maryland, 1827. 458 CONTINENTAL LINE. Chambers, John, in Butler's company, to May, 1778; afterwards in same. Clark, John, died in Brown county, Ohio, June 12, 1825, aged seventy-seven. Clark, Robert. Cleag, John, T. L. Moore's company, January 1, 1777. Cleland, Adam. Clements, Peter, resided in Union county, 1835, aged seventy-four, demons, John. Clinger, Philip, resided in Preble county, Ohio, in 1833, aged eighty. Clinton, Matthew, (e,) of Chrystie's company, January 1, 1777 1781 ; resided in Lancaster county in 1789. Clyon, Philip. Cochran, Blaney, from Miles'; died in Milton, January 23, 1829, aged sixty-seven. Collier, Richard, January 1, 1777 1781. Collins, David, January 1, 1777 1781. Collins, Richard. Collins, William, died March 3, 1819, aged eighty-two, in Dauphin county. Colter, Andrew. Colter, John. Connell, Terrence. Conner, Patrick. Conroy, James. Conway, Michael, January 1, 1777 ; discharged at Trenton ; January 15, 1781 ; reenlisted ; resided in Oneida county, New York, 1822, aged sixty-five. Cool, Casper, (e.) Cooley, William, January 1, 1777. Cooling, George. Coon, Phineas, died at Valley Forge, July, 1779. Coontz, Francis, transferred to Invalid corps, August 2, 1779. Cotter, Edward, January 1, 1777 1781. Courtney, Cornelius. Courtney, William. Coyle, Mark, resided in Washington county, Indiana, 1834, aged seventy-nine. Coyle, Robert. Cox, Thomas, June 1, 17771781. Crager, John. Crager, Robert. Craig, Andrew. Craig, Alexander, (e,) Major Byles' company, 1777. Craig, James, January 1, 1777, to 1781. THIRD PENNSYLVANIA. 459 Crain, Josiah. Craven, John, discharged 1781 ; resided in western part of the State in 1818. Creamer, Francis. Crole, Casper, Colonel's company, 1778. Cummings, Edward, paid as corporal January 1, 1777, to August 1, 1779 ; then as private to August 1, 1780. Cunam, Richard, January 1, 1777 1781. Cunningham, Alexander. Cunningham, Robert, January 1, 1777 1781. Gushing, Henry. Curley, Barney, January 1, 17771781. Curtin, John, transferred to Invalid corps. Curtis, Francis. Cusick, John, March 1, 17771781. Sergeants. Dehart, Abraham, January 1, 17771781. Delang, John, January 1, 17771781. Corporal. Doyle, . Fife Major. Dougherty, George, fifer, January 1, 1777 August, 1778, and as fife major, to 1781. Drummer. Dart, Philip, (e,) Lieutenant Colonel's company to August, 1778 ; afterwards in Capt. Chrystie's. Privates. Dagley, James. Dagon, William, February 1, 17771781. Darley, John. Darlington, William, April 23, 17771781. Daubert, Christopher. Daugherty, William. Davidson, James. Davis, James, Stake's company. Davis, John, Capt. Butler's company, 1777 ; transferred to Capt. McClellan's ; discharged 1781 ; wounded in left foot, at Block- House ; resided in Franklin county, Ohio, 1829. Davis, Thomas, resided in Greene county, 1835, aged seventy-nine. Day, John. Day, Moses, resided in Morris county, New Jersey, 1818, aged sixty. De Dier, John, enlisted 1778; appointed wagon-master of regiment; served until 1783 ; died near Germantown, June 14, 1824, aged seventy-seven. 460 CONTINENTAL LINE. Deemer, Frederick, resided in Indiana county, 1811. Delaney, Daniel. Dempsey, Charles, October 1 , 1776 August 1 , 1783 ; resided in Allen township, Cumberland county. 1813. Denmark, John. Dennison, John. Derr, Matthias, resided in Lebanon county, 1834, aged ninety. Dewees, Samuel, resided in Baltimore county, Maryland, 1834, aged seventy-one. Dewees, William. Dick, William, January 1, 1777 1781. Dickey, Nathaniel, January 1, 1777 1781. Dieli, Daniel, old Third battalion; January 1, 1776 1777; resided in Lehigh county, 1814. Dinger, Michael. Dixon, Jacob. Dixon, Robert. Dixon, William. Donely, William. Doriohoo, Patrick. Donavan John, January 1, 1770, to 1780; killed in action. Doody, James. Dorman, William. Doyle, Henry, (e,) Major's company, to 1778; left the army April 30, 1780. Doyle, Samuel. Doud, Michael, January 1, 1777 ; transferred to Invalid corps, July, 1779; died February 12, 1791. Dougherty, John. Dowling, Lambert. Downey, Patrick. Driver, Hopkins, February 15, 17771781. Druery, Michael, wounded in the head and invalided, August 2, 1779; died August 25, 1817, in Somerset county. Duff, James, from Capt. James Work's company, Flying camp ; dis- charged 1781 ; resided in Washington county, 1834, aged eighty- seven. Duffield, John. Dunivan, John, January 1, 1777 1781. Dunleavy, Anthony. Durham, William, January 1, 1777 1781. Sergeants. Efright, Jacob. Everhart, Philip, January 1, 1777 December, 1778; private to 1781. THIRD PENNSYLVANIA. 461 Drummer. Edwards, John. Fife Major. Evans, Anthony, died in Washington county, Ohio, February 19, 1822, aged sixty-seven. Privates. Earns, Christian, January 1, 1777 1781. Ebersole, Peter, January 1, 1777 1781; resided in Wythe county, Virginia, 1834. Eicholtz, John. English, James, from Twelfth Penn'a ; transferred to First Penn'a. English, Joseph, April 1, 1777 1781. Enoch, Abraham. Etter, Daniel. Ettinger, Conrad. Evans, Christopher, to Invalid corps, August 2, 1779. Evans, Evan, of West Vincent, Chester county. Everly, George. Every, Thomas. Sergeants. Ferall, Patrick, killed in action. Fitzsimmons, Philip, Byles' company, 1777 1781 ; resided in Dau- phin county, 1810. Ford, Charles, January 1, 17771781 ; died in 1781. Frazer, James, February 1, 1777; transferred to chief's guards; reenlisted November 28, 1781. Funks, William, Sr. Corporal. Furlieu ,Dennis, (e,) in Craig's company to August, 1778 ; after- wards in Capt. John Henderson's. Privates. Fagan, Garrett. Fagan, James. Fagan, Michael, paid January 1, 1777 1781; died in Washington county, Kentucky, 1820, aged ninety. Farren, Francis. Farroll, Patrick, January 1, 1777 1781. Fenton, Joseph, November 1, 1778 1781 ; resided in Yates county, New York, 1832, aged seventy-two. Ferguson, William. Finley, Peter. Fischer, George, March 1, 1777; transferred to chief's guards; reenlisted November 30, 1781. Fisher, Henry, died in Columbiana county, Ohio, May 1, 1826, aged sixty-two. 462 CONTINENTAL LINE. Fisher, James, died February 1, 1798. Fitzgerald, Edward. Fitzgerald, John. Fitzgibbon, James. Fleming, Henry. Flinn, James. Flowers, Thomas, resided in Washington county, Maryland, 1834, aged seventy-three. Ford, John. Francis, Richard. Frapwell, William. Frederick, David, (e,} Lieutenant Colonel's company 1777 1781. Fultz, Frederick, wounded in the head; resided in Centre county, 1835. Futhey, Robert. Quarter- Master Sergeant. Gowen, Hugh, discharged in 1783; enlisted in Cook's company, 1792; served three years in Wayne's campaign ; resided in Northum- berland county, 1820. Sergeants. Gordon, John, January 1, 1777 1781 ; resided in Dauphin county, in 1786. Graham, David. Corporal. Grosvenor. Richard. Drummers. Grosvenor, Richard, died in Nicholas county, Kentucky, November 10, 1819. Gordon, William, (e,) in Chrystie's company to August, 1778 ; after- wards in Capt. John Henderson's. Fifer. Gordon, Abraham, May 1, 17781781. Privates. Gable, Isaac. Galbraith, Alexander, enlisted March. 1781 ; discharged June 27, 1783. Gallagher, Daniel. Gallagher, James. Gardner, Thomas. Garret, Abraham. Garret, Robert. Gates, Philip. Geese, Nicholas. THIED PENNSYLVANIA. 463 Gibbs, William. Gibson, Thomas, (e,) Majors 's company to August, 1778 ; afterwards in Major Byles' ; left the army April 30, 1780. Gilbert, Stephen, died November 8, 1819, in Berks county, aged sixty-three. Gilling, Daniel. Gilman, Benjamin, January 1, 1777. Good, Joseph. Gordon, Joseph, resided in Madison county, New York, 1835, aged eighty. Gould, John. Gowen, Hugh, from Twelfth Penn'a; resided in Northumberland county, 1820, aged sixty-six. Gray, Alexander. Gray, John, July 1, 17771781. Gray, Nathan. Green, John, in Chrystie's company to August, 1778 ; afterwards in Capt. John Henderson's ; resided in Butler county, 1835, aged eighty-one. Green, Solomon, in Keily's company to August, 1778; afterwards in Capt. John Marshall's. Greer, Moses, Colonel's company to August, 1778 ; afterwards in Chrystie's. Gregory, William. Grier, George. Grier, James. Grier, John, January 1, 1777 1781. Griffith, John, Major Dunn's company, died at West Point, October, 1779. Griffith, John, paid February 1, 1779, to August 1, 1780. Griffy, Lawrence, (e,) in Moore's company to 1778 ; afterwards in Capt. I. B. Dunn's. Grimson, Samuel. Groce, Alexander. Guest, Thomas. Drum-Major. Hale, Joseph, January 1, 1777 1781. Sergeants. Henderson, John, Moore's company to August, 1778 ; afterwards in Colonel's company. Hyde, John, (e,) in Lieutenant Colonel's company to August, 1778 ; afterwards in Capt. Chrystie's company. Huston, James, January 1, 1777 1781. 464 CONTINENTAL LINE. Corporals. Hamilton, John. Hutton, James, enlisted 1778; discharged 1783 ; resided near Car- lisle, Pennsylvania, 1813. Drummer. Haines, John. Fifer. Howard, Daniel, May 26, 17801781. Privates. Hackett, Nicholas. Hagerman, James, May 20, 1777 ; discharged, 1783 ; resided in Merion township, Montgomery county, 1814. Hagerty, James, Invalid corps, August 2, 1779. Hall, Samuel, January 1, 17771781. Hamilton, Francis. Hamilton, James. Hamilton, Thomas, resided in Philadelphia in 1792. Hand, Dominic. Hand, Patrick, Invalid corps, August 2, 1779. Hanlin, Patrick, died in Tyler county, Virginia, February 28, 1826, aged eighty-two. Harbeson, Thomas. Hannon, John. Harbolt, Adam, resided in Bedford county, 1823. Hargin, John. Hardy, Thomas, June 1, 1777 1781. Harper, Nathaniel, killed in action. Harper, Thomas, resided in Jefferson county, Tennessee, 1834, aged eighty-nine. Harper, William, resided in Morgan county, Tennesee, 1834, aged seventy-seven. Harris, John, resided in Lancaster county, 1835, aged seventy-two. Harris, Samuel, resided in Mercer county, Kentucky, 1833, aged seventy. Harris, William, wounded at Stony Point ; discharged November 4, 1783. Hart, Nicholas, died July 10, 1821, in Philadelphia, aged eighty-three. Hartlinger, Isaac. Hartney, Patrick, died November 19, 1819, in Philadelphia. Hasson, Barnabas, from Twelfth. July 1, 1778; Capt. Chrystie's company ; after his discharge, entered naval service ; resided in Centre county, 1814. Hastings, John, died in Essex county, New Jersey, March 1, 1823, aged seventy-one. Hans, Christian. THIRD PENNSYLVANIA. 465 Haverickfir, George. Heller, John, enlisted, 1776, from Allice's company; served one year four months ; resided in Penn township, Northampton county, 1818. Henning, George. Henry, George, resided in Lebanon county, 1835, aged eighty-one. Herrington, Isaac. Herron, Patrick, January 1, 1777 1781. Hickley, Thomas. Hill, Alexander. Hill, Jeremiah, January 1, 17771781. Hill, John. Hinkle, William. Holman, George, resided in Montgomery county, 1835, aged ninety- one. Holt, Lewis. Hooker, William. Hoskins, Isaac. Houghey, Patrick. Howard, Joseph. Howey, William, (e,) Capt. Chrystie's company to September, 1778; and afterwards left the army, April 9, 1780. Huffman, Charles. Hugerman, Henry. Huggins, John, Invalid corps, August 2, 1779. Hughes, James, November 13, 1776 ; transferred to chief's guards. Hughes, William. Hugns, William. Hulet, William, Invalid corps, June, 1779. Hummel, Henry, May 7, 1777 1781; wounded in the right leg; Pennsylvania pensioner, 1813. Hunter, Benjamin, resided in Pickaway county, Ohio, 1832, aged eighty-two. Hurley, James, January 1, 1777 1781. Husler, Thomas. Hussett, William, Invalid corps, August 2, 1779. Hutchinson, Richard. Hutchinson, William. Ingledo, Thomas. Irwin, Charles. Isephise, George. Ivery, Thomas, Stake's company. Sergeants. Jack, Thomas, died in Adams county, Ohio, August 8, 1831, aged eighty-five. Jackson, Isaac, resided in Columbiana county, Ohio, 1834. 30 VOL. X. 466 CONTINENTAL LINE. Corporal. Jones, Hugh, February 18, 1780. Privates. Jacob! , Michael. Jacobs, Joseph. Jacobs, Philip, enlisted 1781 ; discharged 1783 ; resided in Lehigh county, 1813! Jacoby, Nicholas, died November 1, 1832, in Adams county, aged . seventy-one. Jamison, John, January 1,1777; wounded in service; discharged 1783. Jennings, Edward, January 1, 1777 1781. Jennings, John. Jennings, Samuel. Jemmison, John, paid January 1,1777 August, 1780; resided in Butler county, 1835, aged eighty-four. Johnston, Hugh, resided in Cumberland county, 1820, aged sixty- eight. Johnston, James, died in Tioga county, New York, August 17, 1825, aged seventy-three. Johnston, John, wagoner, January 1, 1777 1781, Colonel's com- pany. Johnston Joseph, resided in Beaver county, 1835, aged seventy- nine. Johnston, Matthew. Johnston, Patrick, in Chrystie's company to August, 1778; after- wards in same. Johnston, Richard. Johnston, Samuel, resided in Cumberland county in 1820. Johnston, Thomas, died in Jefferson county, Virginia, October 19, 1831, aged eighty-two. Jolly. Luke. Jones, Francis. Jones, Hugh, January 1, 1777; promoted corporal February 18, 1780. Jones, James, resided in Scott county, Kentucky, 1833, aged sixty- eight. Joi-dan, Garret, killed in action. Jordan, John, Westmoreland county. Jouce, John. Joy, Francis. Joyce, Michael. Sergeants. Kelso, John, January 1, 1780, from corporal. Kelly, , Moore's company. THIRD PENNSYLVANIA. 467 Kennedy, , Huling's. Klaine, George, January 1, 1777 1781. Corporals. Kelso, John, from private, November 1, 1778. Kilpatrick, William. King, Joseph. Drummer. Kennedy, Robert, January 1, 17771781. Privates. Kankton, Daniel, [or Kinkan,] February 1, 17771781. Ktiting, Ignatius. Kearsey, John. Keenan, Nicholas. Keens, Lewis. Keigar, Henry, (e,) in Reily's company to August, 1778 ; afterwards in Capt. John Marshall's. Kelchner, Matthias. Kellar, Conrad. Kelly, George. Kelly, Thomas. Kelso, John, May 1, 1777 ; promoted corporal, November 1, 1778. Kennard, Benjamin. Kerr, Michael. Keymer, Nicholas. Kilbourne, Benjamin. Kilp, John. Kincaid, John, resided in Shelby county, Kentucky, 1834. Kirkpatrick, William. Kissinger, Charles. Kline, Nicholas. Klinger, Philip. Klingler, John, January 1, 1777 1771. Knap, Samuel, resided in Tompkins county, New York, in 1834. Kusick, John. Kuhn, Frederick, Capt. J. Boyd's company ; died in service. Sergeants. Lorentz, Joseph, transferred from Twelfth Penn'a, July 1, 1778; died January 30, 1824, in Northumberland county, aged seventy- eight ; left widow, Mary. Lorentz, Andrew, from Twelfth Penn'a; discharged at Smith's Cove, New Jersey ; keeping hotel in Sunbury, in 1813. Corporal. Lorentz, Wendell, from Twelfth Penn'a, July 1, 1778; discharged January 17, 1781 ; died in Milton, 1821 ; left a widow. Eve. 468 CONTINENTAL LINE. Drummer. Lock, David, (e,) in Moore's company to July, 1778; afterwards in Capt. Thomas Butler's. Privates. Lackey, Philip. Lafferty, Daniel, February 2, 17771781. y Lane, Edward, killed in action. Lavery, John, January 1, 1777 1781 ; died in Chester county, June 17. 1819, aged sixty-nine. Lazarus, Frederick. Learner, Robert. Leary, Daniel. Leary, William, resided in Allegheny county, 1835. Leaveringhouse, Christian. Lee, Edward, January 1, 17771781. Lee, John. Leland, Patrick, April 26, 1777 ; Invalid corps, August 2, 1779. Lemmon, John, from Twelfth Penn'a, July 1, 17781781 ; resided in Armstrong county, 1835, aged seventy-five. Lessley, William. Levy, Alexander, drafted into Capt. Eice's artillery ; wounded in the ankle, near Valley Forge, in 1778, by upsetting of gun-car- riage ; died October 27, 1801, in Lancaster county. Lewis, Samuel, served six years and four months ; resided in Frank- lin township, Huntingdon county, 1821, aged seventy-nine. Ligonier, James. Ligonier, John. . Lipner, Jacob. Lippincott, Jedediah, January 1, 1777 1781. Little, Matthew,from Twelfth Penn'a, July 1, 1778 1781 ; residedin Shamokin township, Northumberland county, 1813. Logan, David, January 1, 1777 1781; died in Northumberland county, February 14, 1826, aged seventy-five, Lomax, Charles, (e,) Capt. John Marshall's company. Long, Edward. Lynch, Lawrence. Lyon, Joseph. Sergeant Major. Mitchell, James, January 1, 1777 1781. Quarter-Master Sergeant. McClean, Andrew. Drum Major. Milton, John, January 1, 17771781. THIED PENNSYLVANIA. 469 Sergeants. Martin, Charles, January 1, 1777 1781 ; reenlisted in Armand's. Martin, William, from Second battalion, January 1,1777 1781; reenlisted in First Partisan legion, Armand's. Mack, Peter, from corporal, January 1, 1778 1781. McCrea, Arthur, from corporal, August 1, 1780. McMeehan, John, disabled by rupture ; resided in York county, in 1789. McLaughlin, , Moore's company. Corporals. Mustard, Henry, killed in action. McFaddin, Angus. Mack, Peter, from private, July 15, 1777 ; promoted sergeant, Jan- uary 1,1778. McCrea, Arthur, from private, November 1, 1777; promoted ser- geant, August 1, 1780. Minor, John. Moore, James, (e,) Lieutenant Colonel's company before 1778, and in the same afterwards. Drummers. McClelland, John. Mcllvaine, Thomas, March 21, 17771781. Fifer. McFaddin, Joseph, of Capt. James Chrystie's company, 17771781. Privates. McAnarmey, Patrick. McAnnelly, James, January 1, 1777 1781. McAnnelly, Patrick, January 1, 17771781. McCarr, John, or McClear, discharged January 16, 1781 ; resided in Fannet township, Franklin county, 1835, aged ninety. Mc'Cartney, Dennis, transferred to Invalid corps ; died May 23, 1786. McCaspy, John. McClarren, Thomas, February, 1782, Capt. McCully's company; discharged 1783; resided in Westmoreland county, 1820. McClean, Andrew, 1777 ; discharged December 3, 1780 ; resided in Washington county, 1824. McClean, Charles, January 10, 17771781 ; died December 21, 1822, in Centre county. McCloskey, Cornelius, April 1, 1778 -August 1, 1780. McCloskey, John. McClung, William. McConnel, James. 470 CONTINENTAL LINE. McCormick, Hugh, January 1, 1777 1781. McCormick, Timothy. McCoy, Nicholas. McCoy, William, January 22, 1777 1781. McCrea, Arthur, January 1, 1777 ; promoted corporal November 1, 1777. McCummings, John. McCune, William. McCurdy, Kobert. McCutcheon, Forest. McDermot, John, of Capt. Stake's company ; wounded at Bound Brook, and lost his right arm. McDonald, Charles, (e,) Ileily's company until August, 1778 ; after- wards in Capt. John Marshall's ; Invalid corps, July, 1780. McDonald, Godfrey, January 1, 1777 ; transferred to Invalid corps, July, 1780. McDonald, John. McDonald, Patrick, July 1, 17771781. McDonald. William. McDowell, John, died January 22, 1819, in Allegheny county. McElevy, William. McElhone, William. McElroy, John. McElvay, Hugh. McEntire, Thomas. McFarlane, Samuel, discharged at Trenton, 1781 ; served three years ; resided in Juniata township, Cumberland county, 1813. McFatridge, Daniel, resided in Philadelphia, 1818. McGahy, William, died in Putnam county, Indiana, September 4, 1829, aged sixty-nine. McGary, Neal, from new Eleventh Penn'a; discharged June 28, 1783 ; resided in Beaver county, 1816. McGeary, Hugh. McGill, Henry. McGill, James, January 1, 1777 1781. McGill, John, January 1, 1777 1781. McGinnis, Daniel. McGinnis, John, (1st,) January 1, 1777 1781 : resided in Adams county, 1814. McGinnis, John, (2d.) McGowen, William, January 1, 1777 1781. McGreggor, Peter, January 1, 1777 1781. McGuighan, Andrew, resided in Bucks county, 1788. Mcllgar, John, January 17, 1777 1781. Mcllvaine, John, January 1, 1777 1781. Mclntire, Daniel. THIED PENNSYLVANIA. 471 Mclntire, William, died in Gibson county, Indiana, July 8, 1821, aged seventy-six. Mclntosh, Morgan, paid at Carlisle in April, 1781. McKann, Charles. McKeever, Angus, from Twelfth Penn'a; Capt. James Chrystie's company ; discharged July 28, 1783 ; lost thumb and forefinger by musket ball, and wounded in the thigh with grape shot ; re- sided in Martinsburg, Virginia, 1827. McKinley, Duncan. McKinley, John, April 26, 17771781. McKinney, John, died in Bucks county, June 10, 1833, aged eighty- five. McKinsie, Neal, January 1, 17771781. McKnight, David. McLaughlin, George, discharged April 23,1782; resided in Lan- caster, 1786. McManus, John, January 1, 1777 1781. McMath, Daniel, from Twelfth Penn'a, July 1, 1778; discharged January, 1781 ; died in Westmoreland county, March 10, 1824, aged sixty-eight. McMichael, James. McMichael, John, January 1, 1777 1781. McMullen, Michael, died April 4, 1823. McMullen, John, from Second battalion, January 1,1777; in the battles of Germantown, Monmouth, and at the storming of Stony Point ; at Newark he and thirty-three other Irishmen and other soldiers were captured ; was a prisoner nine months and ten days; rejoined the company commanded by Capt. Thomas Butler ; then marched south in the company commanded by Capt. Henderson; at Green Springs and surrender of Corn- wallis ; died in Mifflin county, January 3, 1832, aged eighty-one. McMullen, William, resided in Mifflin county, 1835, aged eighty- four. McQuin, Daniel. McVickers, Archibald, Stake's company. Madeira, Samuel. Malian, Arthur, January 1, 1777 1781. Malone, Richard. Malony, Archibald, resided in Tazewell county, Virginia, in 1834, aged eighty-three. Malony, Richard. Manning, Christopher, January 1, 1777 1781. Manuel, Paul. Marr, John, January 1, 1777 1781 ; resided in Columbia county, 1815. Marsh, John. Marshall, James. 472 CONTINENTAL LINE. Marshall, Thomas, (e,) August 1, 17771781 ; Lieutenant Colonel's company. Martin, John, died in Franklin county, June 13, 1824, aged eighty. Martin, Samuel. Martin, William, Capt. Chrystie's company, January 1, 1777. Maxfield, Henry. May, Enoch. Maypowder, William. Meagles, John. Meek, Philip, January 1, 1777 1781. Melton, Richard. Mersheimer, Boston. Messersmith, Peter. Miller, Christian, January 1, 17771781 ; resided in Berks county, 1835. Miller, Conrad. Miller, Daniel. Miller, Gavin. Miller, George. Miller, Samuel. Millrock, August. Mills, Samuel. Moch, John, January 1, 1777 1781. Montgomery, James, January 1, 1777 1781. Moreland, Moses, enlisted in Lancaster county, 1777, under Lieut. .Thomas Marshall ; joined at Bound Brook, in Chrystie's com- pany, August, 1778; afterwards in Capt. John Henderson's; served five years ; resided in Greene county, 1825. Morgan, John, resided in Greene county, Tennessee, 1834, aged seventy-four. Morris, George, resided in Allegheny county, 1835, aged sixty-eight. Morrison, John. Moser, Samuel. Moy, Jacob. Moyer, Jacob. Mucks, Philip. Mullen, Andrew. Mulvany, John. Murphy, Christian. Murphy, Timothy, (e,) Chrystie's company to August, 1778 ; after- wards in Capt. John Henderson's to 1781. Murphy, Thomas. Murray, Thomas, resided in Franklin county, 1835, aged eighty. Myers, John. THIRD PENNSYLVANIA. 473 Sergeants. Nagle, Christian, resided in Berks county, 1811. Niel, Nicholas. Corporal. Nettles, Robert. Privates . Nace, George. Nagle, Jacob, February 6, 17771781. Nap, Samuel, January 1, 17771781. Nargin, John. Nelly, George. Nelson, Andrew. New, Christopher, died in York county, December 1, 1826, aged seventy-three. Newingham, Daniel. Newman, Nehemiah. Nixon, Marion. Northbush, William. Nowland, John, died in Cumberland county, September 12, 1827, aged seventy-six. Noxen, Henry. Noxen, Richard, (e,) in Moore's company to August, 1778 ; after- wards in Capt. Dunn's. Sergeants. O'Neal, Nicholas. Otty, William, (e,) Major's company, August, 1778; afterwards in Major Byles'. Privates. O'Hara, Patrick. O'Hara, William, (e,) Reily's company until August, 1778; after- wards in Capt. John Marshall's. Oliver, Richard. O'Neal, Daniel. O'Neal, James. O'Neal, John, January 1, 1780. Owine, Thomas, (e,) in Colonel's company, 1777 1781. Privates. , Painton, Aaron. Paitsel, Jacob, resided in Botetourt county, Virginia, 1829. Palmer, Andrew. Parker, James. Peak, James, February 28, 1777 1781. Pemberton, Christian, wounded at Germantown ; died in Philadel- phia, May 24, 1825. 474 CONTINENTAL LINE. Perkins, Samuel, Captain John Henderson's company. Perry, Martin. Peters, Arnold. Peters, Henry. Peterson, Gabriel. Petre, Anthony, resided in Centre county, 1835, aged seventy-two. Pierce, Thomas. Pomeroy, Joseph, killed December 23, 1779. Ponton, Thomas. Popps, Christopher, died in Lancaster county, June 30, 1821, aged seventy. Porter, Samuel, from Twelfth Penn'a; detached with Morgan's Eifles at capture of Burgoyne ; served through Sullivan's cam- paign ; he participated in twenty engagements or skirmishes ; discharged January 24, 1781 ; died in Lamar township, (now Clinton county,) 10th January, 1825, aged seventy-nine. Powell, Kobert, May 17771781. Poulston, Eobert, from Twelfth Penn'a, July 1, 1778; Invalid corps, February 2, 1779. Pree, John. Price, John. Quigley, Edward. Quinn, Francis. Drum-Major. Kichardson, Ezekiel, January 1, 17771781. Quarter-Master Sergeant. Eobinson John, from Twelfth, July 1, 1778; July 13, 1779, brigade conductor; Second brigade, January 1, 1780. Sergeant. Eex, Adam, from corporal, February 18. 1780. Corporal. Eex, Adam, January 1, 1777 ; promoted sergeant. Fifer. Eeily, John. Privates. Eamsey, William. Eead, Charles. Eeading, Nicholas, Invalid corps, May, 1780. Eeese, John. Eeese, Peter, resided in Lykens, Dauphin county, 1818. Eedick, William, died in Claremont, county, Ohio, October 3, 1831, aged seventy-one. Eedman, John, wounded in thigh and arm, and transferred to In- valid corps. THIRD PENNSYLVANIA. 475 Eeily, William, November 18, 1777 ; transferred to chief's guards. Rheam, Nicholas, from Twelfth Penu'a, July, 1778; discharged 1781 ; was wounded in the service ; died in Union county, 1829. Rice, John, from Twelfth Penn'a, July 1,1778; discharged 1783; in 1799, enlisted in Tentli United States regulars. Richardson, Nightingale. Ricketts, William, June 1, 1777 1781. Reicraft, Thomas, May 1, 17771781. Riffett, John. Rock, Patrick. Robb, William. Robinson, Hugh. Robinson, John, from Twelfth Penn'a, July 1, 1778 ; resided in Fay- ette county, 1814. Rodman, Christopher, enlisted in Scull's company, from Reading ; in the poor-house at Montgomery, Adams county, New York, in 1819. Rodman, William. Roe, Joseph. Roland, James. Rosgrove, Henry. Rowan, John, enlisted 1780; discharged 1783; wounded in right knee and left leg; died near Mercersburg, January 31, 1823, aged sixty. Roush, Jacob, January 1, 17771781. Roush, John. Ruggles, William. Rush, Thomas. Rutton, Thomas, January 1, 17771781. Ryan, James. Sergeant. Stevens, George. Corporals. Seely, Michael, (e,) in Moore's company to September, 1778 ; after- wards in Capt. Dunn's. Shire, Conrad. Smith, John, (e,) Lieutenant Colonel's company to August, 1778 ; afterwards in Capt. James Chrystie's. Shields, William, February 18, 1780. Privates. Sallada, Daniel, resided in Mifflin county, 1835, aged ninety-six. Sankey, Ezekiel, of York county. Seaton, Michael. 476 CONTINENTAL LINE. Seel} 7 , Samuel, (e,) Colonel's company to August, 1778 ; left the army April, 1780; resided in Wayne county, 1835, aged seventy-five. Shafer, Frederick, paid March 12, 1778 1781 ; died in Lycoming county, July 29, 1832, aged ninety-one. Shafer, Thomas, in Thomas Craig's company to 1778 ; afterwards in Chrystie's ; served four years ; resided in Fallowfield town- ship, Washington county, 1835, aged seventy-nine. Shaw, Abraham. Shaw, John R. Sheets, William. Shehan, Daniel. Sherman, Adam. Shields, Thomas. Shields, William, January 1, 1777 ; promoted corporal February 18, 1780. Shillings, John, February 18, 17771781. Shippey. Edward, (e,) Lieutenant Colonel's company, August, 1778. Shire, Clement. Shockey, Christian, 1781 ; from new Eleventh ; wounded at York- town ; died in Somerset county, April 18, 1829, aged seventy-six. Shoeman, Adam. Shott, Richard, January 1, 17771781. Shreck, John, alias Rex and Lex, from Twelfth Penn'a, July 1, 1778 ; resided in Hunterdon county, New Jersey, 1813. Shuttle, Daniel. Sickfret, Andrew. Simpson. Nathaniel. Slaughter, Henry. Slauterbach, Michael. Sloan, Lawrence, January 1, 1777 1781. Slockerman, Christian. Slone, William. Smith, Conrad, February 29, 1777; died Octobe'- 15,1778; left a widow Elizabeth residing in Reading, 1794. Smith, George, June, 27, 1781 ; resided in Bedford county, 1813. Smith, John, transferred to Eighth. Smith, Nathaniel. Snowden, Thomas. Snyder, Frederick. Sommers, George. Spear, John. Springer, Philip. Stackpole, John. Standley, Peter. Steel, David, Capt. Chrystie's company; resided in Middleton town- ship, Cumberland county, 1793. THIRD PENNSYLVANIA. 477 Steer, Adam. Stewart, Robert, January 1, 1777 1781. Stone, Richard. Strickworth, Abraham, (e,) in Reily's to August, 1778; afterwards in Capt. John Marshall's. Strieker, Adam, (e,) in Lientenant Colonel's company. Strouss, George, January 1, 17771780. Stump, John, died December 16, 1810, in Philadelphia. Sullivan, Daniel, died in Clarke county, Indiana, 1822, aged eighty- two. Sullivan, Owen. Sweeney, James, January 1, 1777 1781. Sweeney, Hugh, 17761783. Symonds, Isles. Sergeants. Toy, John, January 1, 17771781. Tuncks, William, Sr., January 1, 1777 ; discharged January 24, 1781 ; reenlisted September 12. 1781. He and his two sons below, re- sided in the State of Delaware, in 1793. Fifers. Tuncks, William, Jr., June 1, 1777 ; discharged January, 1781. Tuncks, John, June 1, 1777 1781. Privates. Tackey, Thomas. Taylor, George, January 1, 17771781. Teal, Leonard. Templer, Thomas. Tennant, William, resided in Lancaster county, 1835, aged eighty. Thompson, James. Thompson, Matthew. Thompson, Nathan. Thompson, Samuel, April 1, 17781781. Thoomy, Marty. Tiel, Jeremiah, April 29, 17771781. Toner, James. Toner, John. Toole, John. Totten, John. Tripner, George, Sr. Tripner, George, Jr., resided in Philadelphia, 1835, aged eighty-two. Trueman, William. Turner, James. Corporal. Yerner, Robert, January 1,1777 1781; resided in Westmoreland county, 1813. 478 CONTINENTAL LINE. Privates. Vangorden, Jeremiah. Varuer, Philip, May 15, 17781781 ; also, served in Southern cam- paign, Capt. Finley's company; discharged at Philadelphia, 1783 ; resided in Fayette county, 1816. Vernor, John. Vinegardner, John, resided in Allegheny county, 1835, aged eighty- five. Sergeants. "Watson, John, January 1, 17771781. Whitman, Uriah. Whitesides, James, Capt. Wilkins' company; killed at Green Springs, Virginia, July 6, 1780. Winand, John, January 1, 1777 1781. Corporals. Wimmer, John. Drummer. William, Peter, pensioned, act February 2, 1802. Fifer. Williams, William, May 1, 1777 October 1, 1778: as private then to 1781. Privates. Wallizer, Michael, from Miles' regiment; discharged at Lancaster, 1782 ; resided in Derry township, Columbia county, in 1830. Walker, Andrew. Walker, John, resided in Oneida county, New York, 1835, aged seventy-nine. Walter, Michael, (e,) Lieutenant Colonel's company, 17771781. W T altman, Frederick, died in York county, August 23, 1825, aged seventy-one. ^ Walton, George. Waltz, Michael. Way, Samuel. Wear, Cornelius. Weary, John. Weaver, John. Weaver, Henry, resided in Lebanon county, 1835, aged seventy- six. Webb, Andrew. Webb, William, January 1, 1777 1781. Wegel, John, May 17, 1781. Weiss, John, resided in Northampton county, 1791. Welsh, William. THIRD PENNSYLVANIA. 479 Werner, Robert. Wernor, John. White, Charles. White, Joseph. Whitesides, James, from the Sixth; promoted sergeant. Whitman, Godfrey, January 1, 17771781. Whitman, Ulrich. Wildgoose, Michael, (e,) Lieutenant Colonel's company, 17771780; from Buffalo township, Northumberland county. Wilhelm, Adam, Craig's to September, 1778 ; afterwards in Lieu- tenant Colonel's company. Wilhelm, Henry, resided in Berks county, 1813. Williard, John, June 1, 17771781. Willet, Richard, enlisted May 30, 1781. Williams, John, died in Hamilton county, Ohio, December 25, 1823, aged seventy. Wills, Enoch, February 1, 1777 ; transferred to chief's guards ; ree'n- listed December 3, 1781. Wilson, James. Wilson, Robert, from Twelfth Penn'a', July 1, 1778 ; died in Beaver county, October 20, 1824, aged eighty-six. Wilson, William, 17771780 ; resided in Allegheny county, 1826. Winer, Henry. Wismore, Abraham. Witheram, John. Wolfe, John. Woodolph, James. Woods, Christopher. Woods, Thomas, (e,) in Chrystie's company, August, 1778; after- wards in Henderson's ; died in Brown county, Ohio, December 20, 1833, aged seventy-five. Wolfang, David. Work, William, May 6, 17771781. Wortman, Ephraim. Wren, Joseph, from Seventh Penn'a; discharged September 2, 1783 ; died in York county, July 9, 1827, aged eighty-nine. Wylie, Robert. Wyner, Henry. Yost, Martin. Young, Jacob. Young, Robert. Zane, John. 480 CONTINENTAL LINE. SEVEN MONTHS' MEN. [See similar list to First Penn'a for explanation.) 'Capt, George McCully^s Company. Ayres, Isaac. Burnis, Michael. Davis, Morris. Frederick, John. Fulmer, Joseph. Goff, John. Gray, Samuel, joined Major Lee's corps. Griffy, Howard. Hanley, John. Hanusey, William. Irvine, John. McMillen, James. Marks, William. Maus, Alexander. Myers, Adam. Nice, George. Olin, Andrew. Shirtle, John. Spence, John. Stump, George. Watt, William. Weaver, Adam. Weaver, John. Wilson, William. CONTINENTAL LINE. FOURTH PENNSYLVANIA JANUARY 1, 1777 NOVEMBER 3, 1783. 31 VOL. X. FOURTH PENNSYLVANIA. IJOL. SHEE'S Third battalion, under Col. Cadwalader, by reenlisting, formed the Fourth Pennsylvania regi- ment; J)ut as nearly his whole battalion was captured at Fort Washington, November 16, 1776, it really be- came a new regiment, recruited in January and February, 1777. A return dated June 30, 1777, shows the number recruited and brought into the field, as follows : Recruits. Capt. Scull's company, 55 Capt. Gray's company, 42 Capt. Fishbourne's company, 55 Capt. McGowan's company, 58 Capt. Burd's company, 43 Capt. Cross' company, 26 Capt. Connelly's company, 97 Capt. Mear's company, 63 439 46 42 47 49 38 24 88 53 387 Of these one hundred and ninety-six are reported present, fit for duty; two sick, present; thirty-eight sick, absent ; twenty-eight on command; one hundred and twenty -one deserters; five discharged; eighteen claimed; seventeen dead; fifteen prisoners of war; com- missioned officers and staff, thirty-three. A return, dated June 6, signed by Marien Lamar, major, gives the strength, as present at the lines, fourteen officers, twelve ser- geants, fourteen drummers, and two hundred and thirty-eight rank and file; recruiting, ten officers, three sergeants, and drummer; total strength, thirty-six line officers, eighteen sergeants, sixteen drums and fifes, two hundred and forty-five rank and file. Another, dated November 1, 1777, shows of the rank and file present, fit for duty, sixty-nine; on duty, eleven; sick at Morristown, five; at Trenton, nine; at Reading, eight; Bethlehem, nine; sick, present, nine; on command, &c., fifty; Capt. Gray, on command with in- fantry; Lieuts. Calhoun, Lewis, and Blewer, prisoners of war; Lieuts. Campbell and Beatty wounded, &c. (483) 484 CONTINENTAL LINE. The regiment, during all of its active service, was under the com- mand of Lieut. Col. William Butler, Col. Cadwalader being a pris- oner on parole. Shortly after the battle of Monmouth, June 28, 1778, Col. Butler was ordered to Schoharie, New York, with his regiment, and a detachment from Morgan's rifles, under Major James Barr, late of First Pennsylvania, and Capt. Long, of the Maryland line, to defend the frontiers of New York, and to chastise the In- dians. A return, among the Hand Papers, dated at Schoharie, Oc- tober, 1778, gives the strength of the Fourth, present, as one lieu- tenant colonel, major, five captains, six lieutenants, adjutant, pay- master, and quarter-master ; present, on duty, one hundred and twenty-four; sick, present, eleven; sick, absent, forty-three; on command, twelve, llifle corps, one major, four captains, four lieu- tenants, one ensign; total strength, one hundred and twenty-two. The following letter, details one of their expeditious: Col. Butler to Gen. Stark. "SCHOHARIE, October 16th, 1778. " DEAR GENERAL : Last evening, greatly fatigued, I returned from our Indian expedition, and embrace this early opportunity to give you a sketch of it, extracted from my journal. " Oct. 1st. As I intended marching the next day, I detached Lieut. Stevens, with twelve men, a subaltern, and the privates of the militia to the frontiers of the settlement, to guard the roads and passages leading to the enemy to prevent any intelligence being car- ried. " 2d. P. 31. I marched the troops, consisting of the rifle corps, Fourth Pennsylvania regiment, and twenty rangers, with six days' provisions on their backs, and five on the pack-horses. We moved this day twelve miles, to one Matthias's, without anything material happening. " 3d. Marched early this morning ; arrived at Mr. Sawyer's, on the head of Delaware, being fifteen miles. Rainy, disagreeable weather, and very bad road. "4th. The weather being clear, about ten o'clock, A. M., pro- ceeded to Cowley's, down the Delaware, ten miles. "5th. Continued down the course of the Delaware fifteen miles further ; we then left it and struck across the mountains for the Susquehannah. This day we marched eighteen miles. " 6th. Began our march early this morning, and at dusk arrived within eight miles of the Unadilla settlement. I here detached Lieuts. Stevens and Long with small parties to make prisoners of some inhabitants who lived within four miles of the Unadilla. I then continued my road in the night, in order to be better concealed, and within a smaller distance from the settlement, from whence I I might make the attack early in the morning. But after having marched about seven miles, I met the parties who were detached FOURTH PENNSYLVANIA. 485 with one prisoner ; he told me that the enemy had left the place some days before, and were gone for Anaquago. This day marched twenty-four miles. " 7th. Early this morning detached Lieut. Stevens with a few men to Unadilla, to make a prisoner of one Glagford, who, I in- tended should guide me to Anaquago. This he effected, and after the troops had cooked their provisions and rested themselves a little, we marched five miles beyond the Unadilla, having crossed the Sus- quehanna three times beyond Unadilla. At the third place of cross- ing the Susquehanna, my advance guard discovered a fresh track of a man, who, I imagined, had been left by the enemy to give them the earliest intelligence of our movements. I immediately sent three runners, who followed the track eight miles, when night com- ing on, they were obliged to return. I then ordered off Lieut. Ste- vens about ten o'clock at night, to advance and reconnoitre the country about Anaquago, and meet me the next day with his report. " 8th. About two o'clock this morning came on a very heavy rain, which put me in a very distressing situation, being in the woods without any means for keeping our arms dry, in great danger of the rivers rising so as to prevent my advancing, besides the difficulty in returning. About eight o'clock, A. M., the weather cleared up. After cleaning the arms, we continued the march. About three miles from Anaquago, I met Mr. Stevens, who gave me as good a description of the settlement as he was able to discover from the adjacent mountains. The Susquehanna being between me and Anaquago, I thought it best to cross in the night and attack the town. To prevent their ambuscading me in crossing the river, (which at this place is about two hundred and fifty yards wide, and took the men to their middle in wading it,) I ordered the two com- panies of riflemen to march in front, and on the discovery of an enemy, to file off to the right and left and attack the flanks, while the musquetry with fixed bayonets charged the centre. In this order I crossed the river and took possession of the town without interruption, the enemy having that day left it in the greatest con- fusion, leaving behind a large quantity of corn, their dogs, some cattle, and a great part of their household furniture. I ordered a number of fires to be built to make my little party appear as formid- able as possible. We here fared sumptuously, having poultry and vegetables in great abundance. " 9th. By day light, Major Church with a party crossed over the river, (their settlements are on both sides,) and burned that part of the settlement consisting of ten good frame houses, with a quan- tity of corn, and brought off some cattle. Some of the pack horses having strayed a distance from the town, their keepers went in quest of them, and without their arms, though contrary to frequent orders. About half a mile from the party they were fired on by an 486 CONTINENTAL LINE. Indian who lay concealed within twenty yards of them ; he missed them, but immediately loading, he fired again, and shot one of them in the head. As soon as I heard the discharge of the gun, I marched my whole party with all their baggage to the place, being down the river. I found the man with part of his brains out. Thinking they might be some straggling fellows left to carry intelligence, I marched my party a mile or two f urthendown the river, and then sent Capt. Barr about three miles lower to burn a castle, and to deceive them by a feigned pursuit. When Capt. Barr returned, we marched back, set fire to all the town except one house, and about three o'clock, p. M., began our return, marching now from the left, the musketry in front with bayonets, with orders, in case they should ambuscade us in re-crossing the river, which I much expected, to advance and charge bayonets, but we met with no interruption. We marched twelve miles this day, burning everything before us. ' k !0th. About one o'clock this morning came on a very heavy rain, which continued all day. At day break marched, it still raining excessive hard, and the creeks rising very fast. After marching about ten miles, we came to a creek so high that the pack horses were obliged to swim, and, with the greatest difficulty, got the troops over by falling trees, &c. On coming to the crossing place on Susquehanna, it was so high that on any other occasion the crossing it would have been thought impracticable, but our provisions being almost expended, it rendered our case desperate. I, therefore, by mounting the men on horses, (who were obliged in some places to swim,) got the troops all transported, and, by going over the mountains, evaded the two other places. This day burned all the houses in Unadilla settlement that were on the South side of the Susquehanna, except Glagford's. We also burned a saw- mill and grist-mill, the latter was the only one in the country. We marched four miles on this side of the Unadilla, having marched in all this day twenty miles. " llth. This day ordered the troops to rest, and clean their arms, and prepared a raft to transport some men over the Susquehanna. to burn the other part of the Unadilla settlement. "12th. Lieut. Long, with one private, crossed on the raft, and burned all the houses. According to my computation, I think there was upwards of 4,000 bushels of grain destroyed at Anaquago and Unadilla. Marched about twelve miles. Water still very high. " 13th. Marched this day twenty-five miles. Found it impossible to cross the Delaware, and, by the negligence of the guide, in at- tempting to evade crossing the river, we lost our way. " 14th. With some difficulty, got on the road, and, about eleven o'clock, P. >i., arrived at Cowley's, being the first inhabitants on the frontier settlement between that and Unadilla. Marched this day to Mr. Sawyer's, being in all about fourteen miles. FOURTH PENNSYLVANIA. 487 " 15th. Marched this day to Matthias's, fifteen miles. " 16th. About two o'clock, the troops returned to this place, when I ordered thirteen rounds of cannon to be fired, and a feu de joie, as a compliment which I thought due to the brave troops, who, with the greatest fortitude, surmounted each difficulty. " You will excuse the incorrectnesses which you must find in my piece, and attribute them in some n^asure to the great haste I am in to let you know of my return. " I am, Sir, your most humble servant,- "WILLIAM BUTLER." Simm's History of Schoharie County, page 300, etc., gives inter- esting details of some of the characters in the Fourth Penn'a, and how the winter was spent. A monthly return of the detachment under Col. William Butler, dated June 13, 1779. Rifle Corps. Major, captain, one lieutenant, one ensign, adju- tant, paymaster, quartermaster, surgeon, sergeant major, and quartermaster sergeant, ten sergeants, and fifty-eight privates fit for duty present ; sick, seven ; on command, thirty-four ; on fur- lough , one ; total, one hundred. Fourth Penn^a. Lieutenant colonel commandant, major, four captains, five lieutenants, adjutant, paymaster, quartermaster, sur- geon, sergeant major, quartermaster sergeant, drum major, fife major, twenty sergeants, eleven drums and fifes, one hundred and forty-eight privates present fit for duty; thirteen sick; thirty-two on command ; total, one hundred and ninety-three. All ensigncies marked vacant. Capt. Fishbourne, as aid to Gen. Wayne, from February 17, 1779. Capt. Edwards, with Gen. Lee, A. D. C. Lieut. Sproat, with Gen. Hand, A. D. C. Lieut. Blewer, prisoner of war, October 4, 1777. Lieut. Ramsay, absent without leave, 10 May, 1779. Capt. Tudor, Lieut. Polan, and Lieut. Evans on command at Schoharie. In June, 1779, Gen. James Clinton's command assembled at Cana- joharie, and Col. Butler's command was ordered to make a junction with it. They crossed to the foot of Otsego lake, and thence made their way down the river. Lieut. Thomas Boyd, the leading scout, reaching Gen. Sullivan's head-quarters at Tioga Point, on the 20th of August. For the part taken in Sullivan's expedition, reference is made to Col. Adam Hubley's journal, printed in historical note to new Eleventh, posteo,. 488 CONTINENTAL LINE. From the Hand Papers it appears the regiment, on the 25th of March, 1780, was in Hand's brigade. Present for duty. William Butler's regiment, 117 Adam Hubley's, 189 Moses Hazen's, 256 James Livingston's, f 70 632 JOHN CARLISLE, Brig. Maj. Erkuries Beatty, whose memoranda give some data of the ser- vices of this regiment, served as a private in a New Jersey battalion, at the age of seventeen ; was sergeant at Long Island and White Plains, prior to his promotion in this regiment ; was engaged with it at the battle of Brandywine ; wounded at Germantown, and re- joined in 1778; engaged at Monmouth, and went with it north in Van Schaick's expedition, western New York, in April, 1779; with Sullivan, at Newtown, August 29, 1779; Morristown, winter of 1779-80; August, 1780, at Tappan ; winter 1780-81, Morristown; marched south with Gen. Wayne, May 26, 1781 ; in the action at Jamestown and Yorktown ; then detailed to guard prisoners at Lan- caster ; mustered out November 3, 1783 ; then acted as clerk in the war office for several years, settling up the accounts of the Penn- sylvania Line; in 1786-87-88, paymaster to the western army; 1789-90, commanded at Vincennes. on the Wabash ; major under St. Clair, but sent back with a detachment before the defeat ; resigned Jan- uary 11, 1793; he married the widow of Major William Ferguson, who was killed at St. Clair's defeat ; resided thereafter at Prince- ton, New Jersey, where he died, February 3, 1823, aged sixty-four. His son, Charles Clinton Beatty, L.L.D., founder of Steubenville Female Seminary, still living in 1880. ROSTER OF FIELD AND STAFF OFFICERS. Colonels. Cadwalader, Lambert, commissioned October 25, 1776; captured November 16, 1776, and paroled, therefore never in active com- mand; his resignation was accepted January 22, 1779 ; died at Trenton, New Jersey, September 12, 1823. Butler, William, lieutenant colonel commandant, January 22, 1779. FOURTH PENNSYLVANIA. 489 Lieutenant Colonels. Brodhead, Daniel, from Miles' regiment, October 25, 1776; promoted colonel of the Eighth Penn'a, March 12, 1777, to rank from September 29. 1776. Butler, William, commission dated September 30, 1776 ; promoted to commandant, January 22, 1779. Majors. West, William, commissioned October 25, 1776, prisoner of war. Lamar, Marien, from captain First battalion, to rank from Sep- tember 30, 1776; killed at Paoli, September 20, 1777.* Church, Thomas, from Fifth Penn'a; commission dating from March 1, 1777 ; retired the service, January 1, 1781 ; died near Coventryville, Chester county, Pennsylvania. Captains. Scull, Edward, of Reading, from adjutant of Col. Henry Haller's battalion , Flying Camp, January 3, 1777 . Gray, William, from lieutenant of Miles', January 3, 1777; retired January 1, 1781. Fishbourne, Benjamin, from Second battalion, January 3,1777; aid-de-camp to Gen. Wayne. McGowan, John, from Miles', January 3, 1777 ; brigade major, Oc- tober, 1777 ; wounded at Germantown ; transferred to Invalid corps, February 3, 1781. Burd, Benjamin,! from First Penn'a, January 3, 1777. Cross, William, from Moylan's, January 3, 1777. Connelly, Robert, from lieutenant Third battalion, January 3, 1777 ; became supernumerary July, 1778 ; resided in Lycoming county, 1810. Mears, John, of Reading, July 3, 1777 ; served until May 26, 1778; wounded at Brandywine ; founder of the town of Catawissa, where he died in 1819. * His last words were, " halt, boys, give these assassins one fire !" He was instantly cut down. He was probably from Northampton county. Lamar township, in Centre, (now Clinton,) was named for him in Au- gust, 1817, by Judge Jona. Walker. t NOTE. From his statement, it appears " he participated in the bat- tles of Trenton and Princeton, (as lieutenant of First Penn'a;) com- manded the left platoon of Gen. Wayne's division at Brandywine ; acting as major after Major Lamar fell at Paoli ; acting as such at Germantown. After the battle of Monmouth, he was detached with the rest of the regiment to New York, after which he retired from the army." He settled at Fort Littleton, then me Fed into Bedford, where he died Oc- tober 5, 1823, aged seventy. 490 CONTINENTAL LINE. Williams, Joshua,* joined October 21, 1777; became supernumer- ary July, 1778. Tudor, George, from Third battalion, joined after his exchange in May, 1778, at Schoharie; promoted major of Fifth, to date from April 17, 1780. Bettin, Adam, from Third battalion, joined after his exchange in April, 1778 ; transferred to Tenth Penn'a, as captain lieuten- ant. Bicker, Henry, Jr., from Third battalion, May 15, 1778; joined after his exchange. Duguid, John, from first lieutenant, Third battalion, was not ex- changed until October 25, 1780; died in August, 1787. Brown, David, from first lieutenant; resigned April 17, 1779. Henderson, William, from lieutenant, May 16, 1778, succeeding Capt. Edward Scull. Sproat, William, from captain lieutenant, April 17, 1779 ; trans- ferred to the Third Penn'a, January 17, 1781. Campbell, Thomas, from captain lieutenant, January 1, 1781. Captain Lieutenants. Brown, David, from first lieutenant ; promoted captain. Sproat, William,t to be captain, vice Capt. David Brown, resigned, April 17, 1779. Campbell, Thomas,t from lieutenant ; promoted, t- ice Capt. Lieut. Sproat promoted. First Lieutenants. Fitz Randolph, Edward, January 3, 1777; resigned May 10, 1779. Calhoun, William, January 3, 1777; prisoner of war, November 1, 1777. Henderson, William, from ensign of Atlee's, January 3, 1777; pro- moted captain, May 16, 1778. Lewis, Abraham, January 3, 1777; prisoner of war, November 1, 1777 ; became supernumerary, July, 1778. Brown, David, February 18, 1777 ; first lieutenant of Capt. Burd's company. Campbell, Thomas, January 3, 1777; wounded at Germantown; promoted captain lieutenant, vice Sproat. *Capt. Williams was commissioned May 25, 1775, adjutant of Fifth battalion of associators of York county, and captain of a company in the Flying Camp, September, 1776. He then raised an independent company, of which Alexander Ramsay was a lieutenant, which was an- nexed to Fourth Penn'a, October 21, 1777. Capt. Williams died at Bellefonte, December 12, 1825, aged eighty-one. t See Col. Records, vol. xii, page 356. FOURTH PENNSYLVANIA. 491 Sprout, William, from ensign of Maryland associators, January 3, 1777. Dover, John, from Third battalion, January 3, 1777 ; resided in Philadelphia, 1835. Ramsey, Alexander, of Capt. Williams' independent company ; re- signed May 26, 1779, on account of promotions over him. Stediford, Garret, from Third battalion ; joined after his exchange in 1778 ; resigned May 23, 1781. Blewer, George, from second lieutenant, May 16, 1778 ; a prisoner of war, October 4, 1777, to January 29, 1781. Beatty, Erkuries, from second lieutenant, June 2, 1778. Summers, Peter, from second lieutenant, June 2, 1778; resigned April 1, 1781. Boss, George, (adjutant,) June 4, 1778. Potan, Matthew, from second lieutenant, May 11,1779; resigned December 31, 1779. Bevins, Wilder, May 11, 1779. Pratt, John, vice Lieut. Thomas Campbell, promoted. Henley, Henry, from ensign, vice Lieut. Randolph, resigned. Second Lieutenants, Blewer, George, captured at Germantown, October 4, 1777; pro- moted nrst lieutenant, May 16, 1778. <3ray, Samuel, became supernumerary, July, 1778. Lewis, John, January 3, 1777 ; became supernumerary, July, 1778. Simms, William, January 3, 1777 ; resigned November, 1777. Elliot, John, on return of June 30, 1777 ; retired the service, Febru- ary, 1778 ; died in Stark county, Ohio, August 29, 1826, aged eighty-one. Coates, Isaac, of Philadelphia, on return of June 30, 1777. Armor, James, of Salisbury township, Lancaster county ; on return of June 30, 1777. Beatty, Erkuries, May 2, 1777; wounded at Germantown ; promoted first lieutenant, June 2, 1778.* Summers, Peter, from ensign, October 18, 1777 ; promoted first lieu- tenant, June 2, 1778. Potan, Matthew, from ensign; promoted first lieutenant, May 11, 1779. Ensigns. Beatty, Erkuries, January 2, 1777; promoted second lieutenant, May 2, 1777. Summers, Peter, of Philadelphia, January 2, 1777 ; promoted sec- ond lieutenant, October 18, 1777. * See Coi. Records, vol. xii, 357. 492 CONTINENTAL LINE. Wilson, James, January 3, 1777 ; resided in Trumbull county, Ohio,. 1834, aged eighty-seven. Steel, Robert, from Hendricks' company, Thompson rifles, January 3, 1777. Carpenter, Samuel, January 3, 1777. Potan, Matthew, January 3, 1777 ; promoted second lieutenant. Bevins, Wilder, promoted lieutenant May 11, 1779. Gamble, James, entitled to first lieutenant commission from Janu- ary 1, 1781 ; transferred to second lieutenant in artillery, Janu- ary 1, 1783. Pratt, John,* to be lieutenant, vice Campbell, promoted ; return of August 1, 1780, makes him ensign, July 1, 1779 lieutenant, January 1, 1780; paid as lieutenant from April 11, 1779. Henley, Henry,* to be lieutenant, vice Lieut. Randolph resigned. May 10, 1779; a return of August 1. 1780, makes him ensign, July 2, 1779 lieutenant, April 17, 1780. Henderson, Andrew, July 4, 1779. Smith, Nathaniel, of Carlisle, appointed July 5, 1779, by General Sullivan ; promoted lieutenant, July 23, 1780. Rose, John, from Seventh Penn'a; returned August 9, 1781, as in the Fourth Penn'a ; transferred to Third as lieutenant, Janu- ary 1, 1783. Adjutants. Boss, George, January 3, 1777, to June 30, 1777. Sproat, William, June 30, 1777, to December 17, 1777. Boss, George, December 17, 1777 May 17, 1780. Beatty, Erkuries, May 17, 1780. Barton, Benjamin, acting adjutant, August 15, 1780. Paymasters. Hunter, James, of East Whiteland township, Chester county, from January 31, 1777, to June 1, 1779 ; rank of captain. Beatty, Erkuries, June 1, 1779, to May 17, 1780. McGowan, John, May 17, 1780. Quarter-Masters Davis, John. Summers, Peter, from March 9, 1778, to May 18, 1780. Sure/eons. McCarter, Charles, from January 1, 1779 ; return of August 1, 1780, Jones, James, from surgeon's mate of Sixth Penn'a; resided in Kent county, Delaware, 1828. * Col. Records, vol. xii, 357 ; ibid., 427. FOURTH PENNSYLVANIA. 493 Surgeon's Mates. Jones, James, appointed February 16, 1778 ; acting as surgeon from 1777 to 1779 ; transferred to Sixth Penn'a, May 1, 1779. Wilkins, John, April 8, 1780. ARRANGEMENT OF THE FOURTH REGIMENT, JANU- ARY 17, 1781. Lieutenant Colonel Commandant. Butler, William, retired the service January 1, 1783 ; died at Pitts- burgh, 1789; buried in Trinity church-yard. Majors. Vernon, Frederick, of the Eighth, commissioned June 7, 1777; transferred to First Penn'a, January 1, 1783. Edward, Evan, of Eleventh, December 16, 1778 ; retired the service January 1, 1783. Captains. Fishbourne, Benjamin, transferred to the First, January 1, 1783. Alexander, John, of the Seventh, March 20, 1777 ; resigned July 11, 1781 ; died August 4, 1804, at Carlisle, aged fifty-one. Parker, Alexander, of the Seventh, March 20, 1777 ; transferred to the Second, January 1, 1783. Montgomery, Samuel, of the Seventh, Mai - ch 20, 1777; shot through the foot July 6, 1781, and returned home ; transferred to Third Penn'a, January 1, 1783. Irvine, Andrew, of the Seventh, March 20, 1777; transferred to the First, January 1, 1783. Carnahan, James, of the Eighth, April 18, 1777 ; transferred to the Second, January 1, 1783. Becker, Henry, retired January 1, 1783. Henderson, William, retired January 1,1783; resided in Chester county. Campbell, Thomas, January 1, 1781 ; retired January 1, 1783 ; sena- tor from York county, 1810, died at Monaghan, York county, 1815. Lieutenants. Bryson, Samuel, from the Seventh, March 20, 1777 ; wounded in right leg at Germantown ; transferred to the Second, January 1, 1783. McMichael, James, of the Seventh, June 20, 1777; transferred to the First, January 1, 1783. 494 CONTINENTAL LINE. Stediford, Garret, October 12, 1777 ; retired May 23, 1781 ; re- sided in New York city in 1817. Blewer, George, transferred to First Penn'a, January 1, 1783. Beatty, Erkuries, transferred to Third Penn'a, January 1, 1783. Summers, Peter, resigned April 1, 1781. Boss, George, transferred to Invalid corps, January 29, 1781. Peebles, Eobert, of the Seventh, April 15, 1779; transferred to the Third, January 1, 1783. Milligan, James, of the Seventh, April 16, 1779 ; transferred to the First, January 1, 1783. McCullam, John, April 16, 1779; transferred to Second Penn'a, January 1, 1783. Hughes, John, of the Seventh, April 25, 1779. Bevins, Wilder, transferred to Second Penn'a, January 1, 1783. Pratt, John ; no date of commission inserted ; transferred to Third, January 1, 1783. Henley, Henry, * January 1, 1780 ; transferred to the Second, Jan- uary 1, 1783. Ensign. Henderson, Andrew, July 4, 1779; promoted lieutenant July 29, 1781 ; transferred to Second Pennsylvania, January 1, 1783. Surgeons. Magaw, William, of Thompson's, transferred to First. Jones, James, from surgeon's mate of Sixth; retired January 1, 1781; resided in Kent county, Delaware, December, 1818. Surgeon's Mate. Jones, James, transferred to Sixth. Wilkins, John, transferred to First Penn'a. SUBSEQUENT PROMOTIONS OF FOURTH PENNSYLVANIA. Captain. Stephenson, Stephen, from captain lieutenant of Ninth, July 11, 1781, vice Capt. John Alexander, resigned. Lieutenants. Henderson, Andrew, from ensign, January 29, 1781, vice Lieut. George Boss, transferred to Invalid corps. Rose, John, from ensign, April 1, 1781, vice Peter Summers resigned. Denny, Ebenezer, from ensign in the Seventh, May 23, 1781, vice Lieut. Garret Stediford resigned. * Written in, not printed, as the rest are. FOURTH PENNSYLVANIA. 49o ROLL OF LATE CAPT. GEORGE TUDOR'S COMPANY. \_This iloll is incomplete.'] [This company was commanded by Capt. Hears until Capt. Tu- dor's return from captivity, which accounts for the retirement of Capt. Hears, Hay 26, 1778.] Sergeants. Smith, William, February 7, 1777. Cochran, John, February 25, 1778. Jones, Tnomas, February 7, 1777 ; corporal to February 24, 1780. Richard, James, Hay 10, 1777. Corporals. Sloan, John, February 7, 1777 ; promoted Hay 1, 1779. Hunter, Samuel, February 7, 1777 ; promoted February 8, 1780. Keemer, Nicholas, April 23, 1777 ; promoted February 8, 1780. Drummer. Baker, John, April 9, 1777. Fifer. Brown, Sylvanus, February 6, 1780. Privates. Devolt, John, Harch 2, 1778. Farrall, William, April 1, 1777 ; reenlisted in artillery, 1781; dis- charged July 13, 1783 ; in the battles of Trenton, Brandy wine, and Paoli ; wounded in the head and arm at Paoli ; resided in Hercersburg in 1818. Hartney, Patrick, February 8, 1777. Haloney, William, Harch 1, 1777. HcDonark, James, April 1, 1777. HcNamara, Dennis, Hay 13, 1777. Nixon, John, August 1, 1777. Patterson, Daniel, July 4, 1777. Roach, Sadler, Hay 20, 1777. Sullivan, Owen, Hay 10, 1777. Wimot, John, April 23, 1777. 496 CONTINENTAL LINE. ROLL OF CAPT. FISHBOURNE'S COMPANY. [This Boll is incomplete.] Sergeants. Ogleby, George, March 15, 1777. Knox, George, March 15, 1777 ; discharged January 1, 1780. Me Pike, James, January 1, 1777. Marford, John, February 15, 1777 ; died May 1, 1778. Stett, Isaac, February 15, 1777; promoted February 11, 1780. Corporate. Johnston, George, March 6, 1777 ; promoted February 11, 1780. Maiz, John, May 1, 1777 ; promoted February 11, 1780. Drummer. Bouden, John, April 14, 1777. Privates. Brown, John, March 18, 1777. Brown, William, May 1, 1777. Campbell, James, March 22, 1778. Colts, John, April 25, 1777 ; died November 16, 1777. Disman, John, January 15, 1777. Divine, Hugh, August 8, 1777. Harman, Michael, May 5, 1777. Harrigan, Cornelius, April 1, 1777; discharged April 1, 1778. Isanogle, Thomas, June 1, 1778. Keef , Benjamin, June 1, 1777 ; Invalid crops, August 17, 1778. Keenan, John, August 1, 1778. Lyons, William, May 2, 1777 ; Invalid corps, July 4, 1778. McGee, James, January 1, 1777. Martin, Ckuidius, March 1, 1778. Miller, Charles, January 1, 1777. Miller, Daniel, April 7, 1777. Moore, John, June 1, 1777 ; died March 2, 1778. Moser, Christian, March 31, 1777. Old wine, Bernard, June 1, 1778. Parks, Thomas, May 5, 1777. Patterson, Christian, January 15, 1777. Eice, David, May 2, 1777 ; died April 3, 1778. Saunders, Abraham, June 26, 1777. Stanford, Henry, July 4, 1778. FOURTH PENNSYLVANIA. 497 Stoner, Casper, April 15, 1777. Teats, Martin, April 11, 1777. Warner, Peter, April 25, 1777 ; Invalid corps, June 4, 1777. Wice, James, July 14, 1777. LIEUTENANT COLONEL BUTLER'S COMPANY. [This Roll is incomplete.] Sergeant Major. Allison, John, April 15, 1778. Quarter-master Sergeant. Cook, Thomas, January 22, 1777. Drum Major. Spauldin, John, September 7, 1778. Fife Major. James, William, February 10, 1777. Sergeants. Faulkner, Alexander, May 28, 1777. Eaton, Henry, March 17, 1777. Lower, Joseph, January 16, 1777. Corporals. Eogers, Andrew, May 2, 1778. Stewart, James, February 10, 1777 ; taken by the enemy, March 4 ? 1780. Privates. Davisheiter, Henry, May 6, 1778. Good, Daniel, January 2. 1780. Granger, George, January 2, 1780. Hazelhurst, John, March 2, 1778. Henise, John, October 21, 1779 ; taken prisoner, April 25, 1780. Hutchison, John, February 7, 1777 ; taken prisoner, April 25, 1780. Jones, Thomas, January 2, 1780. Lesbeck, Anthony, March 1, 1777. McSwine, George, February 17. 1777. Noble, William, September 17, 1778. Seebrook, Nathan, February 1, 1777. Lieut. Col. Butler's company, Major Parr's, Capt. Bicker's, and Capt. Bettin's companies have been returned, the others cannot be had at this time. August J.5, 1780. BENJAMIN BARTON, Acting Adjutant. 32-VOL. X. 498 CONTINENTAL LINE. SEVEN MONTHS' MEN. [See list to First Penn'u for explanation.] Capt. George Tudor's Company. Birch, John. Chamberlin, Clayton. Cotterell, John. Forney, Anthony. Johnston, Kichard. McFarran, Richard. Meyer, John. Shotts, Joseph. Steward, John, deserted July 1. Stockman, Andrew. Wise, William. Capt. B. Fishbourne's Campany. Alcorn, William. Biddle, Simon. Grimshaw, Eichard. McGinnis, William. Morrison, John. Noel, John. Wier, Leonard. Major's Company. Broomley, John. Callanan, Joseph. Cotter, James. Hart, Samuel. Henderson, John. Moyer, Jacob. Richardson, William. Ream, David. Colonel's Company. Anderson, Jacob. Anderson, John. De Hart, Samuel. FOURTH PENNSYLVANIA. 499 Garvey, Bartholomew. Greggory, Christian. Harvey, Patrick. Hutchiuson, Samuel. Jennings, John. Johnston, Join: John, (the negro.) Leigh ton, Alexander, deserted August 21. Marclay, Adam. Murray, James. Puff, Valentine. liode, Ludwig. Seckman, Henry. Sheimer, Christian. Siburn, William. Spotts, Henry. Williams, Abel. Williams, Humphrey. Capt. William Henderson's Company. Cowley, John. Donnelly, Henry. Levy, Nathan. Logan, Samuel. McKinley, Samuel. Nealy, Matthew. Rice, George. Robinson, Benjamin. Robinson, James. Vanderhoff, Matthew. Wallace, William. Zimmerman, Stophel. Capt. John McGowan's Company Adams, John. Beaver, Christopher. Frymire, William. Grady, William. Haffenbough, Jacob. Hagerty, John. Hause, Peter. Moaller, Martin. Morgan, James. Mullen, James. 600 CONTINENTAL LINE. Shaffer, Andrew. Shiver, John. Smith, John. Capt. Henry Bicker, Jr.'s Company. Bean, John. Brown, Isacher. Cassedy, William. Dorlin, Samuel. Hunter, John. Huston, John. Isenboys, George. Mitchell, Robert. Mulholland, Charles. Myers, Herman. Ream, Andrew. White, John. Willnot, Martin. Wilkinson, Christopher. Young, Devolt. Capt. William Gray's Company. Dinges, Peter. Featherly, Nathaniel. Fox, George. Frickheffer, Christopher. Hineman, Henry. Jones, Joshua. Kear, Peter. Kerr, William. McKoy, Daniel. Reith, Francis. Richards, Owen. Shaddle, Edward. Shipe, Jacob. Snyder, George. Sullivan, Daniel. Capt. Adam Bettings Company. Beggs, James. Burke, Francis. Hagley, Joseph. McCutcheon, Francis. FOURTH PENNSYLVANIA. 501 McGraw, Andrew. Pitt, William. Rivolt, Henry. Sakemiller, Frederick. Vanciver, William. Walker, Jacob. Wetzell, Casper. Zubler, Abraham. 502 CONTINENTAL LINE. THE FOURTH PENNSYLVANIA REGIMENT, AS IT STOOD WHEN PAID AT CARLISLE IN APRIL, 17,81. COL. WILLIAM BUTLER'S COMPANY. Sergeant Major. Allison, John, April 15, 1778. Quarter-master Sergeant. Cook, Thomas, January 22, 1777 ; in the Second regiment from the 1st of January. Drum Major. Spalding, John, September 7, 1778; drum major all the time. Sergeant. Eaton, Henry, March 17, 1777. Corporals. Rodgers, Andrew, May 2, 1778. Stewart, James, February 7, 1777 ; not here. Privates. Davisheiter, Henry, May 6, 1778. Noble, William, September 17, 1778. McSwine, George, February 16, 1777. MAJOR THOMAS CHURCH'S COMPANY. Sergeants. Donnelly, George. King, Alexander. Corporals. Hamilton, Matthew. Heed, William, October 15, 1778. Ward, John. Fifer. Yanbrimer, Abraham. FOURTH PENNSYLVANIA. 503 Privates. Beagle, Charles. Camp, Joseph. Chickney, John, October 28, 1778. Gable, Peter, 1776. Garvey, John. Harmody, Henry. Hill, Frederick. Hood, Abraham. Laferty, Edward. McCormick, John. Martin, John. CAPT. WILLIAM GRAY'S COMPANY Sergeants. Mclntire, William. Ilourke, Andrew. Prosser, William. Corporal. Woodworth, Richard, absent. Privates. Been, Henry. Carroll, Thomas. Kennehan, Richard. Mclntire, James, absent. Moore, Gilbert. Murdoch, Thomas. Patterson, William. Perry, Thomas. CAPT. BENJAMIN FISHBOURNE'S COMPANY. Corporals. Brown, John. Maiz, John. Harmand, Michael, corporal from March 1, 1780. 504 CONTINENTAL LINE. Privates, Keen an, John. Martin, Claudius. Miller, Charles. Parks, Thomas, absent. Teats, Martin. Stanford, Henry. CAPT. JOHN M'GOWAN'S COMPANY. Sergeant. Howe, William Robert, June 4, 1778. Corporal. Christie, John. Fifer. Shipe, Casper. Drummer. Heft, George, April 25, 1777, absent. Privates. Ellis, John, 1776. Forster, Edward. Ingleth, George. McKeen, John. Matthews, James. Phillips, Lewis, April 1, 1780. Shipe, William. Socks, Andrew. CAPT. GEORGE TU DOR'S COMPANY. Sergeant. Jones, Thomas, February 7, 1777 ; corporal to February 28, 1780. Corporals. Sloan, John, May 1, 1779; private from February 7. 1777. Hunter, Samuel, February 8, 1780; private from February 7, 1777. Keenan, Nicholas, February 8, 1780 ; private from February 7 ,1777. FOURTH PENNSYLVANIA. 505 Privates. Farrol, William, April 1, 1777. Hartney, Patrick, February 8, 1777. McNamara, Dennis, May 13, 1777. Maloney, William, March 1 , 1777. Nixon, John, August 1, 1777. Patterson, Daniel, July 4, 1777. Roach, Sadler, May 20, 1777. Sullivan, Owen, March 10, 1777. Wimott, John, April 23, 1777. CAPT. ADAM BETTIN'S COMPANY. Sergeant. Beggs, Thomas, June 1, 1778; sergeant from January 1,1777, in the Third regiment. Corporals. Lynch, Michael, May 13, 1777. Lillicrop, John, March 2, 1778; corporal February 1, 1780. Privates. Antrum, John, March 6, 1778. Boyer, Philip, April 3, 1777. Leavitt, Christian, March 5, 1777. Lewis, Samuel, May 7, 1777. Page, James, March 21, 1778. Stone, Hugh, May 7, 1777. CAPT. HENRY BICKER, Jr's COMPANY. Sergeant. Steel, John, January 1, 1777. Corporal. Deal, Jacob, 1776. Drummer. Murphy, James, March 17, 1777. Privates. Hine, Conrad, May 6, 1778. Neeson, George, February 14, 1777. Over, Jacob, April 29, 1777. Shannon, James. 506 CONTINENTAL LIXE. CAPT. WILLIAM HENDERSON'S COMPANY. Sergeants. Kain, Michael, February 14, 1777 ; sergeant all the time. Beggs, Moore, March 19, 1777 ; sergeant all the time. Corporals. Clark, Thomas, March 18, 1777. Good, John, April 27, 1777. Privates. Adams, John, February 7, 1777. Burchill, William, April 17, 1777. Cady, William, March 20, 1777. Craymer, Jacob, May 25, 1777. Dickinson, James, March 17, 1777; promoted corporal January 1, 1778. Gabel, Peter, February 17, 1777. Sliker, Casper, March 10, 1778. Welsh, William, March 9, 1777. NON-COMMISSIONED OFFICERS AND PRIVATES OF THE FOURTH PENNSYLVANIA REGIMENT, CONTINENTAL LINE. Sergeant Major. Allison, John, enlisted in 1776, attached to Capt. Thomas Camp- bell's company ; served during the war ; resided in Adams county, in 1835, aged eighty-seven. Privates. Adams, John, February 7, 1777 1781 ; resided in Northumberland county, 1820. Allen, Daniel, taken at Fort Washington ; on his return home en- listed in Fourth Penn'a, by Lieut. S. Gray ; petitioned the coun- cil for his discharge in December, 1776, being an old man, &c. Allen, James. Allen, John, resided in Columbia county, 1833, aged seventy-seven. FOURTH PENNSYLVANIA. 507 Allwine, Barney, May 11, 1778. Anderson, James. Anti-im, John, March 6, 1778 1781. Appleby, Thomas, January 1, 1777 J781. Ackley, John, resided in Mifflin county, 1835, aged seventy-one. Atchison, Timothy. Sergeants. Beggs, Moore, March 19, 1777 1781 ; resided in Harrison county, Kentucky, 1834, aged ninety-two. Beggs, Thomas, January 1, 1777 1781. Baughter, Matthias, enlisted 1777, in Capt. Scull's company ; dis- charged January, 1781 ; resided in Berks county, 1814. Brown, Isaac, enlisted February, 1776, at Beading, Capt. Scull's company ; wounded at Germantown, in left side ; seven months prisoner in Jersey prison ship ; discharged January, 1781 ; re- sided in Bald Eagle township, Centre county, January 1821, aged seventy-one. Boyle, John, enlisted in Capt. Campbell's company; afterwards Burd's ; resided in Huntingdon county, 1812. Broom, Isaac. Corporals. Bell, John, April 28, 1777. Brown, John, March 18, 17771781. Bradshaw, William, February IS, 1777. Boyer, Leban. Butler, Patrick, April 2, 1778. Drummers. Bouden, John, April 14, 1777 1781. Brown, Sylvanus. Baker, John, April 9, 1777 1781. Privates. Baletz, George, died in Champaign county, Ohio, July 19, 1825, aged ninety-seven. Balsley, John. Bannon, Jeremiah. Bartle, George. Baxter, James, May 4, 17781781. Beach, Koswell. Beagle, Christian, (e,) in Henderson's company to September, 1778; afterwards in Major Church's. Beamer, Andrew, April 17, 17771781. Been, Henry, April 6, 17771781. Bell, Thomas. 508 CONTINENTAL LINE. Benson, John, January 1, 17771781 ; died in Gnilford county, North Carolina, November 26, 1828, aged eighty-eight. Berry, James, (1st.) died in Cumberland county, November 7, 1820, aged seventy. Berry, James, (2d,) enlisted January 1, 1777. Biddell, John. Bishop, Richard. Blain, John, drafted into Col. Morgan's rifle regiment ; wounded at Monmouth, in the right leg; resided in Venango county, 1814. Blake, Michael, February 21, 17771781. Bodin, John. Bonnel, Paul, transferred to Third Penn'a. Boreland, John. Bower, Frederick. Bowes, William. Boyd, Thomas, (e.) Boyer, Frederick, resided in Schuylkill county, 1835, aged eighty- five. Boyer, Philip, April 5, 17771781. Boyle, John, served two years in Capt. Cross' company, two years and three months in Capt. Fishbourne's ; resided in Hunting- don county, 1818, aged sixty-nine. Boyle, Neal. Bradley, John. Bradley, William, resided in Allegheny county, 1822. Brannon, Darby, January 1, 1777 1781. Briggs, John, May 26, 1777 1781 ; resided in Greene county, Ten- nessee, in 1833, aged eighty -two. Brown, Archibald. Brown, Michael, from Seventh ; in sappers and miners ; reenlisted December 3, 1781. Brown, Philip, May 3, 17771781. Brown, Thomas, killed in action. Brown, William, Invalid corps, August 2, 1779. Bruner, John. Bruner (Van,) Abraham, (e.) Bryan, William. Buchanan, George. Bunch, John. Burchell, John. Burchell, William, April 17, 17771781. Burke, Francis. Burridge, John. Butler, John, (e,) in Col. William Butler's company. Byrns, James. FOURTH PENNSYLVANIA. 509 Quarter -Master Sergeant. Cook, Thomas, January 22, 1777 1781. Sergeant. Close, John, (e,) in Scull's company to September, 1778; afterwards in Capt. Lieut. Sproat's. Corporals. Christie, John, April 1, 1777 1781. Clark, Thomas, March 18, 17771781. Cochran, George, March 20, 17771781. Crawford, Henry. Conroy, James, May 8, 1778. Drummer. Connor, Patrick, March 9, 1777 1781. Fifer. Cogdail, Daniel, March 10, 17771781. Privates. Caldwell, Thomas. Callaghan, John. Camp, Joseph. Campbell, James. Carman, William, January 1, 1777 1781. Carnaghan. Richard. Carnahan, James. Carroll, Thomas, January 1, 1777 1781. Cassady, William. Cavariaugh, John, resided in York county, 1835. Chambers, James, resided in Allegheny county, Maryland, 1834, aged seventy-nine. Charles, James. Chigney, John, October 28, 17781781. Chrisman, Felix, resided in Chester county, 1835, aged seventy-four. Clarke, George, of Capt. Thomas Campbell's company; died at Ashley Hill, South Carolina. Clarke, John, January 1, 1777 1781. Clarke, Robert, March 7, 1777 1781. Clayton, Thomas, September 12, 1778. Cleland Adam. Clemens, Peter. Clinger, Philip see Third Penn'a. Clinton, James. Cloase, Jacob. Cochrau, Blaney. 510 CONTINENTAL LINE. Cochran, John, February i5, 1778 1781. Cody, William, March 2, 17771781. Cole, David. Coleman, Patrick, resided in State of Delaware, 1835. Colkendoll, George Collings, John. Collings, Richard. Ceilings, Robert. Collings, William. Conn, Adam, January 5, 1777 1781. Conner, Charles, January 1, 1777 1781. Conner, Martin. Connelly, Andrew. Cooling, George. Coulter, John. Courtney, Cornelius. Cowey, John. Grain, John, 17761781. Creamer, Francis. Creamer, Jacob, resided in New Castle county, Delaware, 1818. Cremer, William. Crotty, Andrew, enlisted 1776 ; wounded at Stony Point in the hip ; discharged August 18, 1783 ; resided in York county, 1812. Crow, Christian see First Penn'a. Cunningham, Matthew, May 24. 1777 1781. Curty, Francis, June 12, 1777 1781. Gushing, Anthony. Sergeant-Major. Donnell, John, April 4, 1777 1781. Sergeants. Dunbar, John, killed in action. Davidson, Edward, January 1, 1777 1781. Corporals. Deal, Jacob, January 1, 17771781. Dickenson, James, March 17, 1777 1781. Donnelly, George. Privates. Dailey, John, resided in Mercer county, 1835. Davidson, James, January 1, 1777 1781. Davis, David, January 1, 1777 1781. Davis, Thomas see Third Penn'a; June 9, 1777; paid off at Car- lisle, April, 1781. Davisherter, Henry, May 6, 17781781. Day, William. FOURTH PENNSYLVANIA. 511 Dehomet, Valentine, (e,) in Henderson's company to 1778 ; after- wards in Maj. Thomas Church's. Deitz, Martin. Demond, Peter. Dempsey, Patrick, April 16, 1777; Invalid corps, July 2, 1779. Deriize, Timothy, 1781. Denmark, John. Derumple, Robert. Dennison, Thomas, October 5, 17781781. Desmond, John, January 1, 17771781. Detrick, George, died in Lebanon county, August 10, 1826, aged sixty-eight. Devater, John, April 15, 1778. Deveney, Hugh. Devine, Bernard. Devine, Hugh. Devolt, John. Dewees, William, (e,) in Edwards' company to 1778; afterwards in Capt. Lieut. Sproat's. Dixon, William, died December 26, 1826, in Philadelphia county, aged eighty-three. Drinnen, Arthur. Drudge, John, May 26, 1778. Donahoo, Patrick. Douglass, Jonas, (e,) Church's company 1778 ; afterwards in Capt. William Henderson's. Dougan, John, of Cumru, Berks county; died in 1787, left a widow, nee Mary Evans. Downey, Patrick. Duffleld Felix. Duffleld, John. Sergeants. Eaton, Henry, March 17, 1777 1781 ; died in G-allatin county, Ken- tucky, June 7, 1829, aged ninety-five. Evans, James. Corporals. Evans, John, April 27, 1777 1781; died in Jefferson county, Ohio, May 9, 1826, aged seventy-seven. Estes, Clement, died in Bourbon county, Kentucky, July 30, 1829. Privates. Eckley, Thomas. Ecor, Philip, 1778. Edgar, David, reenlisted from Ninth, in January, 1781; died in Bucks county, January 15, 1822, aged seventy-one. 512 CONTINENTAL LINE. Eicholtz, John. Elliot, Robert. Ellis, John, January 1, 1777 1781. Elmore, Daniel. Engleth, George, April 25, 1777 1781. English, William, died in Harrison county, Kentucky, May 2, 1827. Entrican, William, March 20, 1777 ; died in service. Epler, Aaron. Estell, William, resided in Fleming county, Kentucky, 1834, aged seventy-two. Sergeants. Faulkner, Alexander, May 28, 1777 ; term expired May 28,1780 ; con- tinued in service until 7th November, 1780 ; at request of Col. Butler, discharged at Camp Totowa. Frick, Christian. Privates. Fagin, James. Fair, Kobert, (e,) in Church's company, 1778 ; afterwards in Capt. William Henderson's ; resided in Pickens district, South Caro- lina, 1834, aged eighty-two. Faulkner, William, (e,) in Gray's company to 1778 ; afterwards in Major Church's ; resided in Adams county, Ohio, 1834, aged seventy-nine. Fau, Matthew. Felton, Henry, May 12, 17771781. Fenton, John, chief's guard ; reenlisted December 19, 1781. Fisher, Henry. Fitzgerald, Edward. Forster, Edward, February 28, 17771781. Foster, Charles, Invalid corps, June, 1780. Frapwell, William. Fullerton, Thomas, wounded at Boundbrook in 1778; resided in Crawford county, 1835, aged eighty-four. Sergeants. Gibb, William, January 1, 17771781. Gray, William, April 11, 17771781. Gregg, Robert, January 1, 1777 1781. Gulford, Thomas. Corporals. Galbraith, Joseph, January 1, 1777 1781. Garvin, Henry, January 1, 1777 1781. Gibbony, John, January 20, 17771781. Good, John, April 27, 17771781. FOURTH- PENNSYLVANIA. 513 Privates. Gable, Peter, January 1, 17771781. Galbraith, James. Galagher, Daniel. Galagher, James, April 4, 1777 ; to Invalid corps; in Henderson's company to 1778 ; afterwards in Major Church's, October, 1779. Garvey, John, in Henderson's company to 1778 ; afterwards in Major Church's. Gastmyer, Peter. Gates, Philip. Germain, Henry. Gigney, John. Gilbert, Stephen. Gilbert, William. Gilles, Daniel, killed in action. Glouse, Jacob, January 1, 1777 1781. Gogehan, Joseph, Invalid corps, September, 1777. Gordon, Alexander. Gould, John. Granger, George, enlisted January 2, 1780 ; resided in Lehigh county, 1833, aged seventy-five. Griffey, William. Groce, Alexander. Sergeants. Hungerman, Nicholas, of Capt. Mear's company ; killed December 13, 1779, on the Western expedition. Howe, William Robert, June 4, 17781781. Hunter, William, March 11, 1777; transferred to chief's guards; reenlisted November 3, 1781 . Corporals. Hamilton, Matthew, February 11, 1777 1781. Harman, Michael, May 5, 1777 1781. Harrison, Henry. Heister, Jacob. Help, Ludwick, February 6, 1777 1781. Hunter, Samuel, February 7, 1777 1781. Drummers. Heft, George, January 1, 1777 1781. Horn, Abraham, April 17, 17771781. Hundley, Michael, (e,) of Capt. Bettin's. Privates. Hagan, Patrick, discharged January, 1781 ; reenlisted February 23, 1781. 33 VOL. X. 514 CONTINENTAL LINE. Haires, Samuel. Hamilton, Cumberland, January 1, 1777 1781. Hamilton, James. Hanlin, Patrick. Hannah, Robert, (e,) Scull's company to 1778; afterwards in Col. Butler's. Harbison, Thomas. Hardy, John, (e,) in Capt. William Gray's company. Harmody, Henry, (e,) in Major Church's company. Harding, William. Harper, Richard. Harpham, William. Harris, Simpson, June 15, 1777 ; died in South Carolina, 1781. Harris, John, resided in Lancaster county, 1813. Harris, William. Harrison, Henry. Hartinger, Isaac. Hartney, Patrick, February 8, 17771781. Harvey, Thomas, January 1, 1777 1781; paid at Carlisle April, 1781. Harvey, William, killed in action. Hastings, John, January 2, 1777 1781. Havernicker, George. Hazlehurst, John, May 2, 1778, to 1781. Hawkins, John, (e,) Capt. Connelly's company to July, 1777 ; after- wards in Capt. Bettin's. Heisler, Jacob. Henise, John, October 21, 1779: taken prisoner April 25, 1780; died June 10, 1819, aged seventy-six, in Franklin county. Henley, John, January 1, 17771781. Heter, Henry Davis. Higgins, James. Hight, Christopher, March 15, 1777, from Col. Spencer's regiment. Hill, Alexander. Hill, Frederick, May 10, 1778, in Capt. Robert Connelly's company; resided in Lycoming county, 1833. Hine, Conrad, May 6, 17781781. Hodge, Abraham, January 1, 17771781. Holtman, George. Hughes, James, killed in action. Hunt, William. Hunter, Benjamin. Hutchison. John, March 7, 1777 1781 ; resided in Ontario county, New York, 1835, aged seventy. Hutchinson, William. Hutton, James, May 1, 17781781. FOURTH PENNSYLVANIA. 515 Hyner, Daniel, January 9, 1777 ; transferred to chief's guards written." Himer " in signature to guards, with cross for signa- ture; reenlisted November 30, 1781. Isonogle, Thomas, (e,) of Fishbourne's company. Sergeants. Jones, Thomas, February 7, 1777 1781. Jones, Edward, (e,) Capt. McGowan's company. Corporals. Johnston, George, Fishbourne's company, 1777 1781. Jones, Thomas, February 7, 1777 ; promoted sergeant. Privates. Jefferson, Jeshual, reenlisted December 19, 1781. Johnston, Hugh, October 20, 1777 1781; died in Mason county, Kentucky, April 4, 1823, aged seventy-four. Johnston, James, May 15, 1777 1781. Johnston, John, April 3, 1777 1781; died in New York city, Feb- ruary 11, 1828, aged seventy. Johnston, Joseph, lost his left hand ; transferred to Invalid corps. Johnston, Samuel, 1777 1783; resided in Cumberland county in 1820. Jones, Thomas, from corporal, February 28, 1780. Justice, Jacob, January 1, 1777 1781 ; see First Penn'a. Sergeants. Kain, Michael, February 14, 17771781. King, Alexander, served in Capt. Darby's company one year; reen- listed in Capt. Fishbourne's, February 1, 1777 ; discharged Jan- uary, 1781 ; resided in Huntingdon county, 1813. Corporal. Keimer, Nicholas, April 23, 17771781 ; resided in Fayette county, Indiana, in 1834. Privates. Kain, Henry. Kearsey, John. Kealing, Thomas. Keelands, John. Keenan, John, August 1, 1778 1781. Keilan, John. Kelly, Barnabas. Kelly, Charles. Kelly, Thomas. Kelly, William, January 15, 1777 1781 ; died in Morris county, New Jersey, April 14, 1820. 516 CONTINENTAL LINE. Ken ley, Samuel. Kennedy, Andrew, March 3, 1777 1781. Kernahan, Richard, March 26, 1777 1781. Keys, William, January 12,1777 1781. Keyser, George. Knox, George, enlisted in 1776 ; promoted sergeant-major October 5, 1777 ; shot through the body accidentally on the march, at Albany, July 13, 1778; discharged in 1779, and in the commis- sary department until December 31, 1781 ; resided in New York city in 1834. Knox, John B., son of Andrew. Sergeants. Lohr, Joseph, January, 17771781; in Capt. Connelly's com- pany ; resided in Frederick county, Maryland, 1834, aged sev_ enty-five. Lee, James, February 28, 1777 1781. Corporals. Lynch, Michael, May 13, 17771781 ; resided in Delaware county, 1809. Lillycrop, John, March 2, 1778 1781. Privates. Lackey, Robert, resided in Cumberland county, 1835, aged seventy. Lafferty, Edward, March 11, 17781781. Laird, John, resided in Sussex county, New Jersey, 1823. Larkins, James, died in Harrison county, Ohio, July 13, 1828, aged seventy. Larner, Robert. Lazarus, Frederick. Leabeck, Anthony, November 1, 1777 1781. Lecon, John, April 1, 1777 1781. Leverick, Michael. Lewis, Charles, died in Perry county, Ohio, February 16, 1825, aged seventy-eight. Lewis, Samuel, May 7, 1777 1781. Leynick, Michael. Lina, John. Little, Thomas. Lloyd, Peter, January 1, 1777 1781. Loudon, Richard, reenlisted from Seventh Penn'a; dropped dead at his post, at Col. Butler's door, May 3, 1781. Love, Joseph. Lymon, James. Lynch, Lawrence. Lyon, William, Invalid corps, January, 1779. Quarter- Master Sergeant. Morrison, John, January 1, 1777 1781. FOURTH PENNSYLVANIA. 517 /Sergeants. Mclritire, William, January 14, 17771781. Mackey, John. McPike, James. Corporals. McMullen, William, April 4, 17771781. McDonald, Alexander, January 1, 1777 1781. Mcllvaine, Thomas, killed in action. Maiz, John, May 1, 17771781. Drummer. Murphy, James, March 1, 1777 1781; resided in Nelson county, Kentucky, in 1834, aged seventy-two. Privates. McBride, James, (e,) Capt. William Gray's company, 1777-1780. McCarty, Dennis. McClellan, David. McClelland, John, resided in Columbia county, 1835, aged seventy- seven. McColly, Robert. McConnell, Charles, January 1, 1777 1781. McCormick, John, August 1, 1777 1781. McCormick, Patrick, April 8, 1777 1781. McCoy, James, killed in action. McCoy, Rory, January 7, 17771781. McCune, John, March 4, 1777 1781. McCurdy, James. McDonald, Francis, January 14, 1779 1781; died in Philadelphia county, April 21, 1822. McDonald, Patrick, April 9, 17771781. McDonough, James. McElroy, Hugh, Capt. Gray's company; served four years; resided in Cecil township, Washington county, in 1820, aged eighty- nine. McEllevy, Hugh, 1778, in Capt. Campbell's company; discharged 1783 ; resided in Cumberland county, 1813. McFarland, James. McGahy, Andrew. McGarrigan, Daniel, January 1, 1777 1781. McGlaughlin, Bryan. McGuire, John, leg broken in service; died March 10, 1816, in Bucks county. Mclntire, James. Mclntosh, Morgan, January 1, 1777 1781. McKevey, Hugh, transferred to Invalid regiment. McKelvey, Thomas, January 1, 1777 1781. 518 CONTINENTAL LINE. McKinley, Peter, February 17, 17771781. McLaiu, Charles. McLean, Jaoies, January 1, 1777 1781. McLean, Thomas. McMahon, Timothy. McManus, Ilugli, April 30, 1777 1781. McNamara, Dennis. January 1, 1777 1781. McPike, Thomas. McQueen, Daniel. McQueen, John. McSwaine, George, January 16, 17771781 ; see First Penn'a. Madden , Michael. Maddis, John. Magan, Patrick, 17761781 ; paid at Carlisle, April, 1781. Magee, Daniel, April 25, 1777 1781. Maloney, William, March 1, 1777 1781. Maloney, Archibald, April 2, 1778. Maloy, James. Martin, Claudius, March 1, 17781781 ; died in Bucks county, Au- gust 19, 1821, aged eighty-three. Martin, John, February 10, 1777 1781. Martin, Patrick, wounded at Brandy wine ; died January 2, 1825, in Greene county, aged eighty-four. Matthews, James, March 12, 17771781. Matthews, John. Maxfield, Henry. Means, Thomas, February 12, 17771781. Mellon, Richard. Mercer, Robert, killed in action. Miller, Charles, January 1, 17771781. Miller, Daniel, transferred to sappers and miners. Miller, John, January 12, 1777 ; killed in action. Miller, Henry. Mingle, Stophel, May 1, 17781781. Montgomery, John. Montgomery, AVilliam, killed in action. Moore, Gilbert, May 16, 17771781. Moore, John, resided in Mercer county, Kentucky, in 1833, aged seventy-seven. Moore, Thomas, September 18, 1778 1781. Moreland, Hugh. Morris, John, discharged 1780 ; reenlisted in Capt. Von Heer's troop of horse ; resided in Blount county, Tennessee, in 1820, aged seventy-one. Moser, Christian, March 31, 1777 1781 ; resided in Montgomery county, 1834, aged seventy-eight. FOURTH PENNSYLVANIA. 519 Moyer, Jacob, 1777, Bicker's company ; discharged 17*82 ; resided in Huntingdon county, 1818. Mulholm, Charles. Mullen, Manus, (e,) McGowan's company to 1778 ; afterwards in same. Murdoch, Thomas, March 13, 1777. Murphy, Peter. Murray, Daniel, January 1, 17771781; died in Fairfield county, Connecticut, June 8, 1826, aged seventy-three. Murray, Patrick, January 31, 1777 1781. Sergeant.. Nicholson, John, March 15, 1777 1781 ; resided in Franklin county, 1835, aged seventy-nine. Corpora?. Nation, Daniel, killed in action. Privates. Neeson, George, February 14, 17771781. Nicholson, William, January 1, 1777 1781 ; resided in St. Francois county, Missouri, 1833, aged seventy-nine ; see First Penn'a. Nixon, John, August 1, 1777 1781. Noble, William, September 17, 1778 1781 ; afterwards sergeant in Col. Gibson's regiment, and killed at St. Glair's defeat. Noe, John, died in Richmond county, New York, February 2, 1829, aged seventy-five. Noglan, William. Nowey, John. Sergeants. Ogleby, George, 17761781 ; paid at Carlisle, April, 1781. O'Neal, John, 17761781. Corporals. Organ, John, from Col. Spencer's regiment, April 1, 1777 1781. Organ, Matthew, enlisted at Bedford, January 1, 1777 ; discharged, 1783, at Charleston, South Carolina. He was at the siege of Yorktown, where his father was killed ; resided in Washington county, 1820, aged sixty-two. Privates. O'Hara, Patrick. Oldwine, Bernerd see First Penn'a. Oldwine, Charles, died in Washington county, Maryland, Novem- ber 19, 1830, aged seventy-six. O'Neal, Richard. Over, Jacob, April 29, 17771781. 520 CONTINENTAL LINE. Owens, John, (e,) Capt. Hears' company to July 1777 ; afterwards in Capt. Lieut. Sproat's; transferred to Invalid corps, May 11, 1779. Sergeants. Prosser, William, March 28, 17771781. Pulford, Thomas, (e,) 1777 ; left the army April 1, 1780. Corporal. Piggott, Francis, January 1, 17771781. Fifer. Porter, Alexander, April 4, 17771781. Privates. Page, James, March 21, 17781781. Palmer, Andrew. Parkes, Thomas, (e,) of Fishbourne's company, 1777 1781. Partridge, John see First Penn'a. Parkinson, Abraham, Capt. Campbell's company; resided at Printers' Retreat, Indiana, 1827. Patterson, Christopher. Patterson, William, February 12, 17771781. Patrick, George, February 5, 1777 1781. Payton, James, Invalid corps, May, 1779. Peffenberger, John, Bicker's company. Pensinger, Henry, from Fourth battalion ; lost his leg at Ticon- deroga from intense cold, in 1777 ; resided in Franklin county in 1820, aged sixty. Pepret, Christian, Bush's company, 1777 1783 ; resided at York in 1818, aged sixty-seven. Perry, Samuel. Perry, Thomas, February 28, 1777 1781; resided in Washington county, Ohio, in 1833, aged eighty. Peterson, Daniel, July 4, 17771781. Philips, Lewis, April 1, 1780. Pierce, Thomas. Pinkerton, Andrew, February 5, 1777 1781. Popps, Christopher. Postel, Henry. Powell, Lloyd, enlisted in 1778; injured at Monmouth by a fall after the battle ; transferred to Invalid corps ; died September 6, 1804. Pree, John. Sergeants. Redman, Michael, January 15, 17771781. lleily, Charles, January 6, 1777 1781. FOURTH PENNSYLVANIA. 521 Roberts, William, February 21, 17771781. Rourk, Andrew, March 28, 17771781. Corporals. Read, William, October 15, 17781781. Rodgers, Andrew, May 2, 1778. Fiftr. Robinson, David, May 26, 1777. Privates. Ramsay, William. Ream, David. Reed, Alexander, January 1, 1777. Reed, William, March, 1777 1781, from Spencer's regiment. Rice, James. Riffett, John. Rion, John, 1778. Ripton, John, died in Virginia, of wounds received at the siege of Yorktown, October 19, 1781. Roach, Sadler, May 20, 17771781. Roark, William. Robinson, Alexander. Robinson, James. Rollan, Edward, Capt. Lamar's company, resided in Centre county, 1818. Roseman, David. Rose, John. Rosgrove, Henry. Ruple, Martin, (e,) wagoner of Burd's company to September, 1778 ; afterwards in Capt. George Tudor's company. Russell, John. Ryan, Michael. Ryan, Patrick. Ry lands, John. Drum Major. Spaulding, John, September 7, 17781781. Fife Major. Stack, Richard, January 1, 1777. Sergeants. Smith, William, from Second battalion, January 1,1777 1781 ; paid at Carlisle in April, 1781 ; resided in York county, 1818, aged sixty-nine. Steel, John, January 1, 17771781. Stewart, Charles. Stitt, Isaac. 522 CONTINENTAL LINE. Corporate. Sloan, John, February 7, 17771781. Sommerville, John, January 1, 1777 1781. Sutherland, William, (e.) Privates. Saine, John, January 1, 1777 1781. Sappinglar, Thomas, 1781. Satwell, Solomon. Saunders, Abraham. Scandridge, Jacob. Sheetz, William. Seabrook, Nathan. Seavolt, Christian, March 4,.1777 1781. Seitel, George, resided in York county, 1822. Shaffer, Andrew, resided in Stark county, Ohio, 1820, aged sixty- three. Shaffer, George, March 4, 1777 1781. Shank, Manus, May 12, 17781781. Shannon, James, March 6, 1777 1781. Sharps, George. Shaw, John K. Sherwood, William. Shee, Edward, of Capt. Joshua Williams' company; transferred to Capt. Campbell's, 1776-1783 ; resided in Chester county, 1814. Shilcut, Ezekiel. Shipe, Casper, May 1, 1777 1781. Shipe, William, April 23, 1777 ; discharged January, 1781. Shoeman, Andrew, 17761783 ; died in York county, May 16, 1832, aged eighty. Simonds, Isles. Simson, John, Invalid corps, August 2, 1779. Sliker, Casper, March 10, 17781781. Slockerman, Christopher. Smeltzer, John, March 17, 1779. Smith, Daniel, April 1, 17771781; from Spencer's regiment. Smith, Jacob. Smith, Matthew. Smith, Nathaniel. Smith, Samuel, January 1, 1777 ; transferred to Invalid corps; died April 16, 1800. Smith, Thomas, died March 5, 1826, in Mercer county, aged seventy- six. Snyder, Detrick. Stanford, Henry, September 14, 17781781. * Stewart, James, resided in Dauphin county, 1835, aged seventy-nine. FOURTH PENNSYLVANIA. 523 Stewart, Hugh, April 1, 1777 1781 ; from Spencer's regiment ; died in Franklin county, January 20, 1823, aged seventy-four. Stone, Hugh, May 7, 17771781. Stone, Casper, April 25, 1777; wounded at Germantown ; discharged January, 1781 ; resided in Berks county, 1810 ; in Stark county, Ohio, 1820, aged sixty-one. Socks, Andrew, May 15, 17771781 ; Capt. McGowan's company ; resided in Montgomery county, 1822. Soobley, Stephen. Spalding, John. Speigle, Laurence, died May 21, 1824, in Columbia county. Stephenson, Stephen. Sullivan, Daniel. Sullivan, Murty, January 12, 17771781. Sullivan, Owen, March 10, 17771781. Sullivan, Thomas. Privates. Tachey, William, killed in action. Taylor, John. Teats, Martin, April 1, 17771781. Templer, Thomas. Thackery, Thomas. Thompson, James. Thompson, Nathan. Thoouiy, Marty, October 7, 17781781. Todd, John, January 1, 17771781. Travish, Andrew. Trebell, John, May 3, 1777. Updegrove, John, (e,) in Butler's company to September, 1778; after- wards in Capt. Lieut. Sproat's. Upton, Michael. Sergeant. Van Kirk, John, January 1, 17771781. Corpora I. Vernon, Kobert, January 1, 17771781. Drummer. Vincent, John, July 13, 1778. Fifer. Van Brimer, Abraham, of Capt. William Henderson's company, 1777-1781. Fife Major. Williams, James, (e,) February 10, 1777 ; in Scull's company to Sep- tember 1, 1778; afterwards in Col. Butler's. 524 CONTINENTAL LINK. Sergeant. "Winn, John, January 7, 1777 1781. Corpora Is. "Ward, John, March 5, 1778 1781. Woodsworth, Richard, February 13, 1777 1781. Fifers. Wann, John, January 1, 1777 1781. Wisner, Jacob, Capt. Scull's company, of East Pikeland, Chester county ; died December 26, 1846. Privates. Waggoner, Garret, from Seventh Penn'a. Walker, Samuel. Wallizer, Michael, enlisted at Reading, in Scull's company ; he was an apprentice of Nicholas Larich, of Heidelberg township; transferred to Third Penn'a, 1781. Walter, Christopher, resided in Guernsey county, Ohio, in 1834. Walter, John, resided in Allegheny county, 1835, aged seventy- eight. Wann, Michael. Warner, Martin. Weaver, Henry. Weaver, Jacob, March 28, 1777 1781 ; resided in Adams county, 1835, aged eighty-five. Weiss, Jacob. Welch, Edward, January 1, 1777 1781. Welsh, James. Welsh, Patrick. Welsh, William, March 9, 17771781. Werner, Peter, of Capt. Fishbourne's company; wounded in the leg at Brunswick, New Jersey, and transferred to Invalid corps ; discharged November 4, 1783. White, Charles. White, Joseph. White, Samuel. White, William. Whitmocknas, George. Wier, Andrew. Wier, James. Wilkinson, William, January 1, 1777 1781. Williams, John. Wills, Edward. Wilson, William, (e,) in Moore's company to July, 1777 ; afterwards in Sproat's. Wilson. William, (2d,) in Scull's company to 1778; afterwards in Col. Butler's ; resided in Mercer county, 1833, aged seventy- four. FOURTH PENNSYLVANIA. 525 Winnott, John, April 23, 17771781. Witheram, Christ. Wolfgang, David. Wooi-ley , George. Woods, Hugh, wounded in the wrist ; transferred to Invalid corps, August 2, 1779 ; discharged September 15, 1782. Woods, Samuel. Wright, John, January 21, 1779. Wynott, John. Zubley, Stophel. RETURN OF DESERTERS FROM FOURTH PENN' A, COM- MANDED BY WILLIAM BUTLER, CARLISLE, JUNE 6, 1781. Gloss, John , sergeant ; age thirty ; bricklayer; Ireland; sprained. Carcass, Conrad, age forty-nine ; shoemaker ; Pennsylvania ; Ger- man descent. Carney, John, age twenty ; tobacconist; Ireland. Con way, James, age twenty-nine ; Ireland. Cashedy, William, age twenty-two ; Ireland ; pox marked. Daily, John, age thirty ; tailor; Ireland; Lancaster. Hendry, John, age twenty-five; Ireland. Hunt, Thomas, age twenty-seven; shoemaker; ruptured. Leed, Jacob, age twenty-five ; Pennsylvania ; Lancaster. McCann, William, age thirty; tailor; Ireland; squints and ad- dicted to strong drink. McLau, David, age thirty ; Ireland ; addicted to strong drink. Malcolm, Charles, age twenty-two ; Ireland. Martin, Patrick, age thirty-one ; tailor ; Dublin, Ireland ; addicted to strong drink. Marshall, William, shoemaker ; Ireland. O'Narra, Francis, Ireland ; very much of a blackguard. Pew, Eli, shoemaker ; Pennsylvania. Shoemaker, John, tailor ; Pennsylvania ; Easton ; German. Smith, John, age twenty-nine ; shoemaker; England. Smith, Peter, age thirty; Ireland; pitted with smallpox. Spinkhouse, Anthony, age twenty-eight ; tailor ; Spain ; has a great turn for dealing. Travis, Andrew, age twenty-five ; Dublin ; formerly of Second Penn'a. Tronzo, Jacob, age forty ; Germany. Walker, Samuel, age sixteen ; drummer ; of Lancaster, Pennsyl- vania. Wilkinson, Christopher, age twenty-five; England. CONTINENTAL LINE. FIFTH PENNSYLVANIA. JA^UABY 1, 1777 JANUARY 1, 1783. THE FIFTH PENNSYLVANIA. Y THE re-enlistment, to a large extent, of the Fourth battalion, Col. Wayne's, under the old officers, the Fifth Penn'a was formed. But two returns of tins regiment have been found. One of August 14, 1777, gives the number of field and staff officers thirty-nine, and three hundred and thirty-three non-commissioned officers and privates present fit for duty ; seventeen sick present; fifty-seven sick absent; fifty-seven on command ; two prisoners of war ; forty-seven dead ; Bine discharged ; ten claimed ; one hundred and eighty-nine de- serters. Total recruited, seven hundred and thirteen ; mustered, six hundred and fifty-three ; brought into the field four hundred and seventy-nine. Vacancies: One first lieutenant, one second lieutenant, and three ensigns. The other return, dated November 3, 1777, makes the field and staff number twenty-one ; sergeants, sixteen ; drummers and fifers, fourteen ; privates present fit for duty, one hundred and twenty-seven; sick present, twenty-three; sick absent, sixty-eight ; on command, fifty-six ; on furlough, two; total, two hundred and seventy-five. Three deserted, and two prisoners of war. Lieut. Col. Frazer reported a prisoner ; Major Robinson absent wounded; Capt. Potts a prisoner; Lieut. Mc- Cullough and Ensign Pugh absent wounded ; Lieut. Martin on command with Col. Morgan ; Lieuts. Forbes and Stanley sick ab- sent. From camp at " Tapan, August 21, 1780," Col. Francis Johnston writes to " His Excellency Joseph Reed, Esq., President of Penn- sylvania," as follows : " SIR : I beg leave to inform your Excellency that Major Church, of the 4 Penn'a Regt., in consequence of Lt. Colonel Connor's death, is entitled to be promoted a Lieut. Colonel in his stead in the 6th Regiment, from which Lt. Colonel Harmar was lately taken as Commandant of the 7th. " It has not yet been fully ascertained whether Lt. Col. Connor is really dead, but it is generally believed, and I fear with too good grounds. However, 'tis probable your Excell'y by this time may know with certainty the truth of this fact. " Should it be so, I should be glad Major Church may have his promotion as early as your Excell'y can with convenience. FLow- 34 VOL. X. (529) 530 CONTINENTAL LINE. ever, I suppose Genl. St. Clair has written your Excell'y on this subject. " I have the honor to be your Excell'y most obt. servant, "F. JOHNSTON." See also Gen. St. Clair's letter. Pennsylvania Archives, O. S., vol. viii, page 515. Lieut. Col. Mentges to Supreme Executive Council: "CAMP, the 14J'eb., 1780. "HONORED GENTLEMEN: Cap. Job Vernon and Capt. Lieut. John Barclay having made application to me for their commissions, I beg leave to transmit to your Honorable Board the right they have to promotion, viz: Cap. Michael Ryan, of the 5th Reg., re- signed the loth June, 1779. Capt. Lt. Job Vernon to succeed to promotion of a Capt. Lt. John Barclay to succeed Capt. Lt. Ver- non to Capt. Lieut, of the same date. Lieut. Andrew Lytle, of the same regiment, unfortunately lost his commission. I would be glad if the Hon. Coun. would grant him another, dated the 20 Jan- uary, 1777. I am in hopes you will grant this request, and I am, with the highest esteem, " Tour ob't Ser't, "F. MENTGES, "Lt. Col. Com'd 5 Begt." After the Revolt of the Line, the Fifth and Ninth regiments were ordered to Reading, in order to have their depreciation settled by the auditors. Under the arrangement of January 17, 1781, Col. Johnston retired. After the promotion of Col. Wayne, he had succeeded to the com- mand of the regiment, and was present with it at Brandy wine. Ger- mantown, Monmouth, and Stony Point. He was appointed, April 9, 1781, Receiver General' of the State, and elected High Sheriff of the city and county of Philadelphia October 25, 1810, where he died on the 22d of February, 1815, in his sixty-seventh year. Col. Johnston was succeeded by Col. Richard Butler, who com- manded it during the campaign under Gen. Wayne in the South. Butler was lieutenant colonel of the rifle regiment commanded by Col. Morgan, which was made up of picked men detached from the several regiments of the Pennsylvania, Maryland, and Virginia Lines, and distinguished himself very much at Saratoga. Of his career in the South, the following letter to Gen. William Irvine gives some incidents. Col. Richard Butler to Gen. William Irvine: " (QUARTERS, 8th July, 1781. " DEAR GENERAL : I hope you'll not charge my silence to Taci- FIFTH PENNSYLVANIA. 531 turnity or neglect, when I assure you it is neither. I would have wrote you had any Op ty hapen d since I could collect subject to write on, & although I Essay it now, I can't boast much either to please or amuse you. "After a fatigueing march, prosecuted with bad weather, we join d the Marquiss, the 10th of June ; about this time L d Cornwallis was really sporting through the country without opposition. The very name of a dragoon had such influence on the minds of (not only) country people, but the troops of the army, that few dar d to ap- proach them ; the consequence of which was very bad Intelligence. Charlottsville was sack d without a shot, and every kind of depre- dation committed with Impunity, the people seem d Scar d to Death, and nothing but dispondency & resignation appear d in their coun- tinances. Indeed, they seem" quite prepar d for the yoke ; however, our junction gave a zest to business, and things began to wear a new face. Cornwallis turn d about on hearing of our arrival, & the Exaggerated Acct s of our force aded to his anxiety in return, & he mov d back with a little more Caution than he Advanc d . The mil- itia was now call' 1 , Provissions collected, & on the 14th we mov d toward Richmond. The people from the back country join d us in considerable numbers, & are really good troops. On the 24th, I was sent out with a small Advanc d light Corps, to try to strike the Brittish rear ; after three days and nights successive march, I got up with Sirncoe ; I gave him a handsome stroke, with little loss myself; we kill d about 50, and some officers, took a few prisoners, a good many dragoon horses & furniture, with a number of Cattle belong- ing to the Inhabitants ; but being but 8 miles from Williamsburgh and their whole force, could not think of running a greater risque ; and want of sleep, threw me into a violent fever & Diaroehea, which had like to have taken me off, but am now perfectly restor d , and shall join the Army to-morrow. I cannot ace 1 for the Enemy's movements; they have lain since the 26th, at and below Williams- burgh, and yesterday mov d to Jamestown, but a few miles from there; our troops mov d clown near town, but return* 8 miles again the same day. The Army is generally healthy, though they undergo much fatigue ; the Country here is poor and sandy, the weather in- tensely hot, & the water but middling ; our provis" is tollerably good, and the troops get some apple-brandy, which I think is of service to them ; these are the things I know your humanity & good wishes for a Soldier Interests you in, I therefore take pleasure in informing you I find we shall be at a great loss for shoes, overalls, & shirts in a little time; indeed, many of the men are now barefoot, owing to the heat of the sand, which burns the leather, & is insupportable to the bare foot ; the swet, & want of soap & opportunity to wash, destroys the linen so that the men will be naked if they don't get a supply soon. I think it proper to give you Information, in order 532 CONTINENTAL LINE. that you may make timely application, & if possible, forward them by some officer ; if you succeed, my paymaster, Lt. Lytle, may ans r the Purpose. " My Battall a is now very small, the Companies not being quite full at first, & a considerable desertion and sickness since. I have, therefore, wrote Col. Mentges to send on what he can Collect, with some fifers, & A number of spare fifes for the line I think about 30 will do. I must request of you, my dear Gen 1 , to have them push* on as fast as possible, as I think that assistance will be want- ing, in case the Earl plays the cuning game & lays by till our mil- itia is dispers d by the calls of their harvest, (which is now in,) and other Necessitys, and a push, when weak, may oblige us to move backwards, which I would not like. " I conclude, with assuring you that I am, with every sentiment of Friendship and respect, Dear Sir, your most Obed' & very Hub. St., "RlCIl'D BUTLEU, " Col. 5 P. Regt." Col. Butler was second in command to Gen. St. Clair, and fell in the battle of November 4, 1791, which terminated in the defeat of St. Glair's army. He had four brothers, noted officers in the Penn- sylvania Line, Col. William, Major Thomas, Lieut. Percival, and Capt. Edward ; the two latter were with him at St. Clair's defeat. Of Lieutenant Colonel Persifor Frazer, we have this data: He was the son of John Frazer, of Scotland, who came to America in 1735, born near Newtown Square, Chester county, August 10, 1736. He became a merchant, and was a partner in the iron works at Oxford, and afterward in the Sarum forge. He was a member of the Provincial convention which, in January, 1765, protested against the further importation of negro slaves ; a signer to the non-importation resolutions of the 25th of October that year, and a delegate to the Provincial conference of January 18, 1775. He raised and commanded the first company of the Fourth battalion, Col. Wayne, commissioned January 5, 1776, and was appointed major by Gen. Gates at Ticonderoga, 1 September 24, 1776. Upon the or- ganization of the Fifth regiment of the Continental Line, he was commissioned lieutenant colonel, to rank from October 4, 1776. He was taken prisoner September 12, 1777, and held in Philadelphia until his escape in March, 1778. He rejoined his regiment, and was present at the battle of Monmouth ; but offended on account of some promotions over him during his captivity, he resigned Octo- ber 9, 1778. He subsequently held different military positions, but never Avent into service in the field. At the time of his death. April 24, 1792, he was register of wills and recorder of deeds for Chester county. Col. Frazer married, October 27, 1766, Mary Worrall Tay- FIFTH PENNSYLVANIA. 533 lor, who survived him many years. Gen. Persifor F. Smith, U. S. A., Prof. John Frazer, of the University of Pennsylvania, and P. Frazer Smith, reporter of the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania, were grandsons of Col. Frazer. ROSTER OF FIELD AND STAFF OFFICERS. Colonel. Johnston, Francis, September 27, 1776 ; retired the service, January 1, 1781. Lieutenant Colonels. Frazer, Persifor, March 12, 1777, to rank from October 4, 1776 ; cap- tured September 12, 1777 ; resigned October 9, 1778. Mentges, Francis, from major Eleventh Penn'a, October 9, 1778; retired January 1, 1783. Majors. Kobinson, Thomas, October 2, 1776; wounded at Brandy wine ; pro- moted lieutenant colonel First Penn'a, from June 7, 1777. Stuart, Christopher, from captain Fifth battalion ; promoted lieu- tenant colonel Third Penn'a, April 17, 1780. Tudor, George, from Fourth Penn'a, April 17, 1780. Captains. Church, Thomas, January 5, 1776 ; promoted major Fourth Penn'a, September, 1777. Vernon, Frederick, January 5, 1776; promoted major Eighth Penn'a, to rank from June 7, 1777. Moore, James, January 5, 1776 ; promoted major First Penn'a, Sep- tember 20, 1777. Taylor, James, January 5, 1776. Potts, Joseph, October 12, 1776 ; wounded by a musket ball, through the thigh and in the shoulder, at Brandy wine, and captured; exchanged in 1778; deranged in rank, July 1, 1778; in 1812, the State of Pennsylvania granted him five hundred acres of land, in consideration of his military services. Bartholomew, Benjamin, October 2, 1776; retired January 1, 1783; died March 31, 1812; buried in Tredyffrin Baptist church-yard, Chester county. Christie, John, of Chester county, October 23, 1776. Johnston, Alexander, (brother of the Colonel,) January 1, 1777. Oldliam, John. Capt. Oldham's company, formerly Nelson's, was an independent one, and was, by resolution of Congress, March 24, 1777, added to the Fifth Penn'a. Ryan, Michael, holding rank of captain in Fifth Penn'a; inspector 534 CONTINENTAL LINE. of Gon. Wayne's division, March 20, 1778 June 17, 1779, and brigade major of First brigade; promoted major of Tenth Penn'a, October 23, 1777; resigned his captaincy in the Fifth Penn'a, June 13, 1779. Smith, Samuel, from first lieutenant, March 1, 1777 ; died in Bucks county, in 1835; his son, G. "W. Smith, died at Zion, Cecil county, Maryland, in 1879, aged eighty-five. Seely, Isaac, of Cumberland county, from lieutenant, September 20, 1777 ; transferred to First Penna, January 1, 1783. Boude, Thomas, from first lieutenant, for gallantry at Stony Point, ranking from September 23, 1777 ; transferred to Second Penn'a, January 1, 1783. Vernon, Job, from captain lieutenant, ranking from June 13, 1779 ; retired January 1, 1783; died in Concord township, Delaware county, in 1810. Captain Lieutenants. Vernon, Job, from lieutenant, January 23, 1778; promoted captain. Barckley, John, from lieutenant, June 13, 1779; retired the service, January 1, 1781, with brevet rank of captain. First Lieutenants. Smith, Samuel, of Bucks county, January 6, 1776; promoted cap- tain March 1, 1777. Seely, Isaac, January 8,1776; promoted captain September 20, 1777. McClintock, Alexander, October 12, 1776 ; wounded at Brandywine, September 11, 1777, and died o his wound ; his widow, Sarah, resided at Pottstown in 1781. Gregg, Robert, from second lieutenant, Fourth battalion, January I, 1777 ; became supernumerary July, 1778. McHenry, Charles, from second lieutenant of Fourth battalion, January 1, 1777; became supernumerary July, 1778, with rank of captain. Boude, Thomas, January 1,1777; promoted captain for gallantry at Stony Point, to rank from September 23, 1777. Vernon, Job, January 1, 1777 ; promoted captain lieutenant Janu- ary 23, 1778. Barckley, John, from second lieutenant of Fourth battalion, Jan- uary 1, 1777 : promoted captain lieutenant June 13, 1779. Griffith, Levi, ranking from January 1, 1777. Harper, John, from Fourth battalion, ranking from January 1, 1777, and brigade major, Second brigade ; captured September II, 1777, and continued a prisoner three years. North, George, ranking from January 1, 1777. McCullough, James, ranking from January 1, 1777. Lytle, Andrew, ranking from January 20, 1777. Marshall, David, ranking from November 5, 1778; resided in Dela- ware county in 1835, aged eighty. FIFTH PENNSYLVANIA. 535 Bigham, John, from ensign, February 1, 1779. Marshall, Benjamin, from ensign, to rank from June 13, 1779. Second Lieutenants. Standley, Joseph, from ensign, Fourth battalion. Griffith, Levi, from ensign, Fourth battalion. Martin, Alexander, from ensign of Fourth battalion; November 1, 1777, on command with Col. Morgan. Forbes, James, from ensign of the Fourth battalion, January 1, 1777. Scofield, William, became supernumerary in 1778 ; resided in Chester county, 1817. North, George, from ensign of the Fourth battalion. McCullough, James, from ensign. Wood, Abraham, paid as lieutenant from March 24, 1778 ; trans- ferred to Invalid corps, October 6, 1778. Ensigns. McCullough, James, January 1,1777; promoted second lieutenant, 1777. Anderson, Robert, January 1, 1777. Carr, John, January 1, 1777 ; resigned August, 1777. Steel, Hugh, appointed vice Pierce, resigned, August, 1777. Pierce, Caleb, , 1777 ; resigned April 9, 1777, on account of sickness. Pugli, Jonathan, , 1777 j November 1, 1777, marked absent, wounded; he was promoted captain lieutenant, and transferred to Invalid corps by order of the committee of Congress. Johnston, James, , 1777 ; died at Pittsburgh, December 19, 1842, buried in First Presbyterian church-yard. Magee, William, killed at Paoli, September 20, 1777. Marshall, David, , 1777; from lieutenant November 5, 1778. Wood, Abraham, January 1, 1777 ; paid as lieutenant from March 24, 1778. Crow, George, , 1777. Marshall, David, promoted lieutenant November 5, 1778. Bigham, John, promoted lieutenant February 1, 1779. Marshall, Benjamin, April 21, 1779; promoted lieutenant June 13, 1779. Gilchrist, James, July 1, 1779 ; paid from June 23, 1779. Adjutant. Barckley, Lieut. John, appointed September 1, 1778. Paymasters. Kimmell, Michael, appointed May, 1777 ; retired the service, with rank of captain of Fifth Penn'a, July, 1778. Vernon, Job, appointed October 28, 1778. 536 CONTINENTAL LINE. Quarter- Musters. North, Lieut. George. Lytle, Andrew, appointed October 28, 1778, from the Thirteenth PemYa; transferred to the First Penn'a, July 1, 1783. McCullough, James, appointed June 1, 1780. Surgeon. * Davidson, James, appointed April 5, 1777 ; retired the service Jan- uary 1, 1783 ; died at Jersey Shore, June 26, 1825, and buried at Pine Creek grave-yard. Surgeon's Mate. Allison, Richard, March 15, 1778; transferred to Third Penn'a, January 1, 1783. ARRANGEMENT OF THE FIFTH REGIMENT, JANUARY 17, 1781. Colonel. Butler, Richard, from Ninth Penn'a, rank from June 7, 1777. Lieutenant Colonel. Mentges, Francis. . Major. Moore, Thomas L., from major of Ninth Penn'a; retired the ser- vice January 1, 1783; son of William Moore, President of the State ; died in Chester county, 1819. Captains. Bowen, Thomas B.,of the Ninth Penn'a, ranking from September 2, 1776; transferred to First Penn'a, January 1, 1783. Bartholomew, Benjamin. Christie, John, transferred to Third Penn'a, January 1, 1783. Smith, Samuel, retired January 1, 1783. Seely, Isaac. Boude, Thomas. Finley, John, of the Eighth Penn'a, ranking from October 22, 1777 ; transferred to Second Peun'a, January 1, 1783. Vernon, Job. Van Lear, William, of the Ninth Penn'a. ranking from October 10, 1779 ; retired the service January 1, 1783. *-In his statement, he says he served until 1782, when the three Penn'a regiments in South Carolina were consolidated into two, and he became supernumerary. FIFTH PENNSYLVANIA. 537 Lieutenants. Griffith, Levi, from ensign, Fourth battalion; died in Fayette county, January 30, 1825, aged eighty-seven. Harper, John, retired January 1, 1783. North, George, retired January 1, 1783; resided in Jefferson county, Virginia, in 1811. McCullough, James. Lytle, Andrew, ranking from January 20, 1777. MacKinney, John, of the Ninth Penn'a; ranking from March 18, 1778; transferred to the Third Penn'a, January 1, 1783. Marshall, David, retired January 1, 1783; resided at Marcus Hook in 1809. Douglass, Ephraim, of the Ninth Penn'a, January 20. 1779. Butler, Edward, of the Ninth Penn'a, ranking from January 28, 1779; transferred to Second, January 1, 1783. Bigham, John. Dunn, Abner M., of the Ninth Penn'a, ranking from May 31, 1779 ; transferred to Second Pennsylvania, January 1, 1783. Marshall, Benjamin, retired from service July 1, 1782. Davis, Llewellyn, of the Ninth Penn'a, August 10, 1779 ; trans- ferred to First Penn'a, January 1, 1783. Smith, Nathaniel, of the Ninth Penn'a, ranking from August 10, 1779; transferred to Third Penn'a, January 1, 1783. McKnight, David, of the Ninth Penn'a, ranking from August 10, 1779 ; transferred to First Penn'a, January 1, 1783. Ensigns. Gilchrist, James, ranking from July 1, 1779; promoted lieutenant May 23, 1781, and retired the service January 1, 1783; died March, 1791, in Dauphin county. Irwin, Joseph. Keed, Joseph. Surgeon. Davidson, James. Surgeon' 's Mate. Allison, Richard. 538 CONTINENTAL LINE. ROLL OF CAPT. ALEXANDER JOHNSTON'S COMPANY. A pay roll of Capt. Alexander Johnston's company, in the Fifth Pennsylvania regiment of foot, commanded by Col. Francis John- ston, Esq., now in the service of the United States, Boundbrook, April 30, 1777. Captain. Johnston, Alexander, January 1. 1777. First Lieutenant. Smith, Samuel, January 1, 1777. Second Lieutenant. Forbes, James, January 1, 1777. Sergeants. Barry, Thomas, January 6, 1777. Cale, William, December 14, 1776. Lockart, Aaron, January 1, 1777. Porter John, January 1, 1777. Hurlburt, Joseph, December 10, 1776 ; deserted March 28, 1777. Corporals. McCray, Arthur, January 1, 1777. Thompson, Thomas, January 1, 1777. Williams, Thomas, January 1, 1777. (Mc)Cannon, James, January 1, 1777. Fifer. Hiatt, Joseph, December 16, 1776. Drummer. McCowen, John, January 1, 1777. Privates. Andrews, John, January 8, 1777. Baily, Thomas, January 30, 1777 ; deserted February 30, 1777. Baker, AVilliam, December 1, 1776. Baker, Thomas, January 10, 1777. Connor, James, December 18, 1776; deserted March 12, 1777. Clutter, Henry, January 1, 1777. Davis, Abednego, January 1, 1777. Davis, Samuel, December 10, 1776. Dorington, Joseph, December 30, 1776; deserted February 14, 1777. Dumigan, Roger, December 2, 1776; deserted April 2, 1777. Ermin, Andrew, December 26, 1776; deserted February 30, 1777. FIFTH PENNSYLVANIA. 539 Flynn, Anthony, December 16, 1776; died March 20, 1777. Grimes, Cornelius, January 8, 1777 ; deserted February 12, 1777. Healy, Dennis, January 1, 1777 ; deserted April 2, 1777. Henderson, Anthony, January 10, 1777. Hollerin, Thomas, January 10, 1777 ; deserted April 2, 1777. Johnston, William, March 16, 1777. Keith, James, March 28, 1777; deserted April 6, 1777. Kane, Daniel, December 16, 1776. King Elias, March 26, 1777.' Laskome, John, January 1, 1777 ; deserted February 15, 1777. Lawrence, Robert, January 1, 1777. Lewis, Isaac, January 8, 1777; deserted February 1, 1777. Loughridge, William, January 10, 1777 ; deserted April 10, 1777. McCoy, Michael, January 6, 1777. McCoy, Malcolm, December 21, 1776. McDonald, Donald, January 14, 1777; deserted March 25, 1777. McKenny, Terence, January 17, 1777 ; deserted March 12, 1777. McManus, Terence, January 1, 1777; deserted February 20,1777. Midkiff , James, January 2, 1777 ; deserted February 6, 1777. Noble, John, January 1, 1777; deserted February 20, 1777. Palmer, David, January 1, 1777. Rian, John, January 8, 1777; deserted March 12, 1777. Robinson, Edward, March 1, 1777. Service, Thomas, January 1, 1777. Sidden, John, January 1, 1777; deserted April 24, 1777. Stag, Freeman, January 1, 1777 ; deserted April 20, 1777. Stag, Benjamin, January 1, 1777. Steel, William, January 1, 1777 ; deserted February 20, 1777. Wallington, Charles, January 1, 1777. Wilson, Adam, March 15, 1777. Wood William, December 18, 1776 ; deserted February 28, 1777. Zeamans, William, January 30, 1777; deserted April 2, 1777. List of recruits ivho joined subsequent to the foregoing, for whom Capt. Johnston claimed subsistence from the time of enlistment until they joined the company. Bidleman, Jacob, May 15, 1777. Boyde, Samuel, April 18, 1777. Briant, James, March 18, 1777. Busser, Christopher, April 15, 1777. Connell, James, May 1, 1777. Cooley, Isaac, March 1, 1777. Cooley, Robert, March 1, 1777. Deret, Nicholas, April 27, 1777. Forder, William, May 3, 1777. 540 CONTINENTAL LINE. Hazlett, Alexander, May 10, 1777. Hase, Andrew, May 14, 1777. Jennings, William, May 2, 1777. Johnston, William, (2<1.) March 13,1777. Lisle, George, March 18, 1777. McClosky, James, April 15, 1777. McFerren, John, March 18, 1777. Mingle, Charles, April 27, 1777. Saville, George, March 1. 1777. SEVEN MONTHS' MEN. [See list ibidem to First Penn'a.] Capt. Thomas Boude's Company. Anderson, Robert. Biddle, Francis. Newton, Edward. Phillips, William. Scott, Moses. Colonel's Company. Dowhower, Jacob. Fetter, Jacob. Fletcher, Nathaniel. Lowman, Philip. Taylor, William. Lieutenant Colonel's Company. Freecher, Henry. Capt. Isaac Seely's Company. Crumpair, Peter. Cartz. John. Lindsay, John. Sumley, William. Worthman, Andrew. FIFTH PENNSYLVANIA. 541 Capt. Job Vernon's Company. Boveard, John. Goodman, John. Leard, John. Linch, Peter. McDougal, William. Maxwell, James. Merom, James. Neff, Martin. Smith, Christian. Stamer, Jonas. Thompson, Peter. Tripner, George. Watson, John. Willson, John. Capt. Benjamin Bartholomew's Company. Blackwood, George. Dempsey, Barney. Murphy, Patrick. Major's Company. Hnmpton, Thomas. Lindsay, John. Morgan, George. 642 CONTINENTAL LINE. NON-COMMISSIONED OFFICERS AND PRIVATES OF THE FIFTH PENNSYLVANIA REGIMENT, CONTINENTAL LINE. [Those marked (e) are taken from a list in the Secretary's office, of soldiers whose depreciated pay escheated to the State.] Corporals. Amos, Matthias, (e,) Capt. B. Bartholomew's company; transferred to Invalid corps. Arnold, John, transferred to chief's guards; reenlisted November 28, 1781. Fifer. Armor, Gottlieb. Privates. Alexander, James. Allison, Alexander. Allison, James, (e,) Potts' company to August, 1778; afterwards in Boude's. Allison, Richard. Andrews, John. Antibus, George, (e,) in McHenry 's company to August, 1778 ; after- wards in Capt. Seely's. Arnold, Jonathan, died April 21, 1824, in Wayne county, aged sev- enty-six. Drum Major. Brown Thomas, up to January 1, 1782. Sergeants. Banquett, AVilliam, wounded in the head; died at Philadelphia, 1789. Benekler, John Jacob. Berry, James. Bastil, Philip, January 1, 1777 ; transferred to Invalid corps, Oc- tober, 1779. Boughter, Matth'. Bradley, Hugh. Brady, Robert. Brown, Thomas, Jr. Corporals. Berry, Peter. Brooks, Edm d , January 18, 17781781. FIFTH PENNSYLVANIA. 543 Drummer. Burns, John. Fifer. Barnet, George. Privates. Baily, James, Pennsylvania pensioner, 1813. Baker, John. Baldwin, Josiah. Barey, Philip, January 1, 17771781. Barnhart, Daniel, resided in Bucks county, 1835, aged seventy-nine. Barraner, llichard. Bateham, Jacob. Baxter, Thomas, Invalid corps, April, 1779. Beimer, George. Beltly, John. Bender, Lewis, Capt. Caleb North's company; afterwards Capt. John Christie's ; served two years ; resided in Philadelphia, in 1835, aged ninety-one. Bentley, John, from Pulaski's legion ; enlisted in 1779. Bernhizel, John, resided in Washington county, Maryland, 1834, aged seventy-nine. Berry, Philip, resided in Gloucester county, New Jersey, 1834, aged seventy-eight. Binclare, John. Bishop, Anthony. Bishop, Richard. Bittle, John. Blackwood, John. Blair, Samuel. Boughter. Martin. Boyde, Samuel, (e,) McIIenry's company to August, 1778; after- wards in Colonel's company ; left the army in April, 1780. Boyer, Samuel. Brady, Thomas. Brant, Zachariah. Brininger, Frederick, (e,) Colonel's company ; left the army May 1, 1780. Britton, James, killed in action. Britton, Joseph, Capt. Christie's company; resided in Union county, 1835, aged seventy-nine. Brooks, Philip. Brooks, William. Brosius, Abraham, marked a prisoner; died in Augusta county, Virginia, January 6, 1833, aged seventy-nine. 344 CONTINENTAL LLNE. Brown, Alexander, wounded at Stony Point; discharged January 11, 1781 ; resided in Bedford county, in 1810. Brown, William, died March 12, 1820, in Chester county, aged sixty- seven. Brown, Thomas. Bruffy, John, (e,) in Smith's company to 1778; afterwards in Capt. Seely's company. Bruton, Joseph, marked a prisoner. Buchtor, Michael, resided in Berks county, 1835, aged eighty. Bugden, Samuel, January 25, 17771781. Burnett, George. Burns, Daniel, of Philadelphia, January 1, 1777; discharged Jan- uary 14, 1781. Burns, Laughlin. Burns, Lawrence. Bushborugh, John. Butcher, Martin. Butler, John. Bntterfield, Christopher, (e,) Capt. Vernon's company, 17771780. Corporate. Cowpland, Christian, wounded in left arm at Brandywiue; died June 2, 1808. Coyne, Bartholomew. Fifer. Churd, John, (e.) Privates. Cain, John. Calhoun, James. Callia, Lewis. Campbell, David. Campbell, James. Carothers, James, wounded at Green Springs, Va. ; died February 18, 1801. Carson, Samuel, died in Licking county, Ohio, November 3, 1830. Gary, Arthur. Cavanaugh, John. Chambers, William. Christie, Robert. Clark, John, (e,) in Oldham's company, August. 1778; afterwards in Boude's. Clark, William, transferred to Invalid corps, October, 1779. Clayton, Thomas. Clutter, Henry, (e,) in McHenry's company to August, 1778; after- wards in the Colonel's company. Clymer, Henry. FIFTH PENNSYLVANIA. 545 Cochran, Robert, second company, Yernon's, May 7, 1777 ; dis- charged January 6, 1781 ; resided in Fayette township, Alle- gheny county, 1835, aged seventy-four. Collins, John. Comely, John, (e,) Christie's company, 1777 ; left the army April, 1780. Connel, Patrick: Conner, John. Conner, Matthew, enlisted in 1776, Christie's company ; discharged in 1783 ; died in Indiana county, 1822. Connor, Ambrose. Conrad, John F. Cooley, James. Cooper, Charles. Gorier, James. Costello, Jordan. Crackin, John. Craig, James, January 5, 1777 ; transferred to chief's guards ; ree'n- listed November 30, 1781. Craig, John, wounded at Iron Hill; discharged as invalid; re- joined, and had collar bone and leg broken at White Marsh; dis- charged in 1781 ; resided in Butler county, 1810. Craig, Matthew. Craig, Samuel, transferred to chief's guards ; reenlisted November 30, 1781. Crape, Jacob Abram. Craven, John. Crawford, Samuel. Creep, Abraham, May 4, 1777 1781. Critzer, Godfrey. Crone, Henry. Crossley, Thomas, March 20, 1777 1781. Crowley, Miles, from Fourth battalion ; wounded at Three Eivers ; transferred to First Penn'a. Curry, Roger. Curry, William. Sergeants. Delany, William. Dempsey, Sampson ; see First Penn'a. Devene, James. Corporals. Daly, James, (e.) Derham, Matthew. 35 VOL. X. 546 CONTINENTAL LINE. Deveny, John, from Fourth battalion ; Capt. Bartholomew's com- pany ; discharged in 1783 ; resided in York county, 1821, aged sixty-five. Drummer. Deal, Adam, (e,) in Oldham's company to 1778; afterwards in Boude's. Privates. Dailey, James, June, 1777, Capt. Potts' company; afterwards in Major Stuart's. Dailey, John, from Fourth battalion; Capt. Taylor's company ; dis- charged January, 1781 ; resided in Crawford county, 1818. Davis, Daniel, wounded in the wrist at Brandywine; taken, ex- changed, and discharged ; resided at Lewistown. Mifflin county, 1818. Davis, Ezekiel, (e,} in Oldham's company, 1778; afterwards in Capt. Vernon's. Davis, James. Davis, John, Capt. S. Smith's company, enlisted at Middletown, August, 1778; resided in Westmoreland county, 1835, aged eighty-six. Davis, Peter. Day, John. Decker, Peter. Delaney, Martin. Delete, Nicholas. Deter, Michael, transferred to Invalid corps, July, 1779. Deviny, Cornelius. Dill, Peter. Dixon, Samuel, (e,) in Bartholomew's company, August, 177S; afterwards in Boude's. Dobbins, John, died in Greenbrier county, Virginia, April 11, 1833, aged eighty-seven. Dodson, Thomas. Donnelly, John, (e,) of Seely's company, 1777-1780 ; died April G, 1828, in Westmoreland county, aged ninety-seven. Doran, James. Dorney, Matthew. Dorsey, Matthew. Doughterman, Henry, (e,) of Capt. John Christie's company, 1777- 1780. Dougherty, Bernard. Dougherty, James. Dougherty, William, resided in Mercer county 1833, aged seventy- eight. FIFTH PENNSYLVANIA. 547 Douse, John. Doyle, John. Doyle, Morris. Doyle, Peter. Doyle, Thomas, Sr., in Smith's company to 1778; afterwards in Seely's. Doyle, Thomas, Jr. Drury, Michael, Capt. Christie's company; resided in Somerset county, 1808. Duffy, George. Duffy, Michael, transferred to Invalid corps ; resided in Philadel- phia, 1835. Dunn, John. Sergeants. Eastwick, John. Evans, James. Privates. Eagan, John. Eathy, Joshua, (e,) Capt. Smith's company, 1777 1780. English, Michael. Erwin, James. Erwin, Richard, McHenry's company, August, 1778; afterwards in Boude's ; left the army April 20, 1780. Evans, John, January 1, 1777 1781. Evitt, William. Ewing, Richard, (e.) Sergeant. Frick, Christian. Corporals. Fell, Joseph, (e,) Lieut. Gregg's; afterwards in Lt. Col. Mentges'. Finch, Joseph. Forsyth, Robert. Privates. Fallis, Israel. Falls, Isaac, resided in Mercer county, Kentucky, 1834. Falls, John, died in Greene county, Tennessee, January 27, 1830, aged eighty-six. Farrall, Patrick. Farroll, Michael. Feagan, "William. Fennall, Patrick. Ferritt, Henry. Ferry, Peter. 548 CONTINENTAL LINE. Fitz, Titus, (e,) Bartholomew's company ; enlisted April 12, 1780. Fitzpatrick, Peter, (e,) January 1,1777; transferred to Invalid corps, April, 1780. Fitzpatrick, William. Flanaghan, John. Fleming, llobert, died in Muskingum county, Ohio, February 28, 1821, aged seventy-eight. Flowers, Thomas. Follis, Isaac, (e,) in Oldham's company to August, 1778; after- wards in Capt. Job Vernon's. Forbes, James. Forrest, Malcolm. Foster, Ephraim. Foster, William. Fowler, John. Fowler, Patrick. Fox, Samuel. Fretcher, Henry. Sergeant. Gillmore, Paul. Corpora I. Guthart, Henry. Drummer. Guest, Albin. Privates. Gabble, Isaac. Gard, Charles. Garland, James, Boude's company. Garret, Alexander. Garret, Robert. Garvy, John. Gerlach, John. Gibson, Samuel, killed in action. Gill, John, (e,) Capt. Seely's company, 17771780. Gillespy, John, (e,) of Capt. Job Vernon's company, 17771780; resided in Chester county, 1835, aged eighty-one. Glass, llobert. Glenn, Thomas. Gordon, William. Goss, George. Gowen, Francis. Gray, Alexander, May 20, 17771781. Green, James, resided in Orange county, New Jersey, 1831, aged eighty-one. FIFTH PENNSYLVANIA. 549 Gregg, Robert. Griffey, John. Griffin, William. Griffith, John, from Fourth battalion; resided in Chester county ? 1818. Sergeant Major. Hanck, Hiram, died in service, 1781, leaving a widow, Hannah. Sergeants. Hamilton, John, died in Indiana county, December 1, 1818, aged sixty-three. Haveran, Hugh. Hefferman, Thomas see First Penn'a. Hustler, Thomas. Corporals. Hamilton, Matthew. Hammersly, John. Hersh, John. Drummers. Haner, John, (e,) February 1, 17771781. Hendrickson, Samuel, April 1, 1777 1781. Harrington, Thomas. Humphreys, Joseph. Privates. Hagens, Daniel. Hager, George I. Haggins, Frederick. Haite, Christopher. Hall, David, resided in Dearborn county, Indiana, 1834, aged sev- enty-four. Hall, James. Hariey, David. Hanin, Richard, (e,) Maj. Stuart's company; left the army April 10, 1780. Hannan, John, June 10, 17771781. Hardy, Abraham. Hargan, John. Harp, Henry, Bartholomew's company, August 17781781. Harrigan, John. Harris, George. Harrold, Thomas, June 22, 1777 ; injured at West Point, 1779, and transferred to Invalid corps, April 30, 1781. Hart, George. Hartzog, Valentine, wounded at Green Springs, Virginia, July 7, 1781 ; resided in Philadelphia, 1785. 550 CONTINENTAL LINE. Hazel ton, Isaac. Heany, Daniel, died in Dearborn county, Indiana, March 10, 1834, aged seventy-four. Heflinger, George. Heflinger, Henry. Hench, John, shot through the groin, at Green Springs, Va., 1781 ; after the war resided in Orange county, N. Y. Henry,. George. Henry, John G., resided in Stark county, Ohio, 1833, aged seventy- five. Hill, Adam. Hill, Jacob. Hilt, John. Himmelright, John. Hinck, John M., wounded; a pensioner, 1786. Hoeher, Adam. Hogan, Daniel. Hogau, Sylvester. Holeman, George. Holland, Samuel. Hollim, Samuel. Hoover, Henry, 1777, Capt. Christie's company ; wounded in the leg at Germantown ; discharged January 20, 1781 ; resided in Mifflin county, 1812. Hornick, Abraham. Hoskins, Joseph. Hughes, Hugh. Humphreys, Guislin. Humphreys, Thomas. Hunter, John. Hunter, William. Privates. Irvin, John, from Fourth battalion ; served three years ; resided in Huntingdon county, 1835, aged eighty-four. Irwin, John, resided in Dauphin county in 1834, aged one hundred and four. Sergeant, Jackson, Isaac. Fifer. Jones, John. Privates. Jackson, Benjamin. Jackson, Joseph, resided in Licking county, Ohio, 1820. Jacobson, George, enlisted 1776, Capt. Seely's company ; served five years ; resided in North White Hall township, Lehigh county, 1818. FIFTH PENNSYLVANIA. 551 James, George. Jermain, Henry. Jobe, Andrew, (e,) Capt. Seely's company; to Invalid corps, Novem- ber 1, 1780. Johnson, Samuel, enlisted in Capt. Taylor's campany, 1776 ; reen- listed 1781 ; discharged 1782 ; resided in Allen township, Cum- berland county, 1819. Johnston, Jacob. Johnston, James. Johnston, Joseph, July 26, 1777 ; sergeant in Invalid corps, August 2, 1779. Johnston, William, Invalid corps, August 2, 1779; resided in Chester county, 1812. Jones, Matthew. Jones, William. Corporals. Kennedy, James, (e,) Seely's company; left the army April 12, 1780. King, Christian. King, John. Privates. Keary, Arthur. Keeler, John. Keenan, Nicholas. Keister, John Henry. Kelby, John, January 1, 17771781. Kelly, John. Kelly, Michael, (e,) Colonel's company, 1777 1780. Kelly, Thomas, January 1, 1777 1781 ; reenlisted in the artillery. Kelly, Timothy. Kennedy, Cornelius, Invalid corps, October, 1778. Kennedy, Dennis. Kergey, John. Keys, Daniel. Kime, Andrew. King, Elias, Invalid corps, August, 1778. King, Francis. Knowles, Timothy. Kocher, Adam, resided in Somerset county, 1823. Sergeants. Leddle, John. Lindsey, Walter. Linn, Kobert, Capt. Vernon's company; transferred to Invalid corps in August, 1777. 652 CONTINENTAL LINE. Privates. Laird, John, January 1, 1777 1781. Lamb, Joseph. Laskum, John, Pennsylvania pensioner, 1786; died August 26, 1802. Layering Wykard. Lefevre, John. Leib, Nicholas, discharged January 19, 1781; resided in Cumber- land county, 1820, aged eighty. Leonard, Richard. Lesley, William. Letford. Robert. Linn, Patrick, died in Marion county, Indiana, April 7, 1829, aged seventy-six. Little, John, (e,) discharged at Fishkill, New York, May 10, 1779. Lochart, Aaron, resided in Harrison county, Virginia, 1834, aged eighty-seven. Lochlin, George. Lochman, Matthias, resided in Montgomery county, 1835, aged eighty-four. Lochrey, John. Long, Jacob, (e,) Capt. Christie's company, 17771781. Long, Michael. Long, Philip. Longwell, Matthias, killed in action. Loughridge, William. Lowman, Matthias. Lynch, Patrick, (e,) in Oldham's until August 1, 1778; afterwards in Vernou's. Sergeant Major. Mitchell, James. Sergeants. McDonald, William. McDougal, William, January 21, 1777 1781. McKinley, John. Mintges, Francis, in Boude's company to 1778; afterwards in Capt. Job Vernon's. Miller, Francis, died of wounds received in action. McMahon, John. Mand, William. Morgan, James, January 1, 17771781. Mitchell, Henry. Murray, John, a prisoner. Corporals. Matthews, James. FIFTH PENNSYLVANIA. 553 Moyer, Jacob, (e,) Capt. Samuel Smith's company, 17771780. Drummers. McCowan, John, (e.) McCowen, William, Potts' company to August, 1778 ; afterwards in Maj. Stuart's company. Fifer. Morris, George. Privates. McAnaly, Matthew. McCallister, James, 1778 1781. McCamron, James. McCann, Daniel, died January 26, 1823, in Allegheny county, aged sixty-four. McCarter, John, (e,) in Potts' company, 1778; afterwards in Maj. Stuart's. McUarty, Jeremiah. McCarty, Michael. McClelland, John. McCloud, George. McColly, Samuel. McCord, Thomas. McCortley, Michael. McCowan, Hugh, (e,) Smith's company to 1778 ; afterwards in Capt. Seely's. McCowan, John, in McIIenry's company, August, 1778; afterwards in Capt. Seely's; resided in Cumberland county, 1835, aged eighty-four. McCoy, John. McCoy, Michael. McCrackin, John, resided in Bedford county, 1835, aged eighty-two. McCreary. John, died in Baltimore county, Maryland, November 23, 1830. McCrossan, Patrick. McCuen, William. McCulloch, John, in Potts' company to August, 1778 ; afterwards in Maj. Stuart's. McCulloch, Samuel. McDaniel, Robert. McDonagh, John, (e,) Oldham's company to August, 1778; after- wards in Capt. Vernon's. McDonald, Robert, (e,) Boude's company to August, 1778; after- wards in Capt. Smith's; resided in Mercer county, 1835, aged seventy-seven. McDonald, Terrence. 554 CONTINENTAL LINE. McDonald, William, killed in action. McDonnell, Robert. McDougal, William, Invalid corps, August 2, 1779. McElheny, George, of Boude's company. Mcllvaine, James. McEnally, Martin. McEwen, John. McFall, Archibald, twice wounded; Pennsylvania pensioner; re- sided in Chester county, in 1809. McFall, Dennis, (e,) Bartholomew's company, 1777 1780. McFall, Thomas, resided in Chester county, 1835, aged eighty-two. McGee, William, resided in. Monroe county, Illinois, 1834, aged sev- enty-two. McGlaughlin, George. McGlaughlin, John. McGrotty, Dennis. McGuigan, Andrew, Pennsylvania pensioner, Bucks county, 1788. McGuire, Charles, (e,) Bartholomew's company, 17771780. Mcllvaine, James. McKendrick, Archibald. McKinzey, John, (e,) Colonel's company, 17771780. McKissick, John. McKnight, David. McLean, William. McLeod, George, died in Gloucester county, New Jersey, April 27, 1823, aged seventy-three. McLochlin, Hugh. McMahon, John, died in Boss county, Ohio, 1834, aged ninety- four. McMannes, Michael. McMullen, Francis, (e,) in Gregg's to August, 1778; afterwards in Lieutenant Colonel's. McNamara, Patrick, (e,) in Gregg's until August, 1778 ; afterwards in Lieutenant Colonel's. McOwen, John, Invalid corps, August 2, 1779. McPheran, Andrew, Church's company, served five years ; resided in Huntingdon county, 1829, aged seventy-five. McPike, Thomas. McQuillen, Charles. McSherry, Peter, (e,) Bartholomew's company, 17771780. McSwine, Dennis, killed in action. McWilliams, Alexander, Boude's company. McWilliams, Alexander, from Ninth Penn'a; discharged fall of 1781 ; moved from Chester county, in 1793, to Centre, and living on Col. Miles' place, on Buffalo run, 1813, and in Pike township, Clearfield county, in 1820, aged eighty-six. FIFTH PENNSYLVANIA. 555 Mabley, William. Haddock, Jacob, (e,) Capt. Church's company, July, 1777; after- wards in Capt. Samuel Smith's. Mahoney, James. Manley, William. Mapham, John. Mar let, Samuel, 1778 1781, from Swatara. Mars, John, (e,) in Capt. Job Vernon's company, 1777 1780. Marshall, John. Maxwell, Henry. Miller, Jacob, enlisted in 1776, at Reading, in Capt. Spohn's com- pany, Fifth battalion ; died May 21, 1823, in Centre county, aged seventy. Miller, William. Millham, Joseph. Mileham, William, resided in Dauphin county, 1835. Mingel, Christian. Monshomer, Sebastian, Capt. Christie's company, 1777 1783 ; re- sided in Chenango, Beaver county, 1829. Morgan, George. Morris. Abraham. Morrison, Larkin, Penn'a pensioner, Philadelphia, 1789. Murphy, Lawrence, Invalid corps, August 2, 1779. Murphy, Arthur. Murphy, William. Murray, David, (e,) in Lieutenant Colonel's company, 17771780. Corporal. Neilson, James, killed in action. Privates. Needham, Francis. Neill, James, discharged 1783 ; resided in Chester county, 1814. Neilson, Thomas, killed in action. Nelson, Andrew. Nelson, Edward. Nesmith, Jesse. New, Christopher. Newall, John. Newfang, Philip. Newman, Matthew. Nice, William. Nixon, Marvin. Noble, John. Norton, John. Fifer. O'Hara, George, Capt. Boude's company, 17771780. 556 CONTINENTAL LINE. Corporal. Oglebee, James, October 5, 1778, Capt. Christie's company ; trans- ferred to Second regiment ; discharged November 5, 1781 ; re- sided in Montgomery county, 1807. Privates. O'Haron, David, Smith's company, 1779 1780. O'Harra, Daniel, (e.) O'Neil, James, resided in Chester county, 1815. Owen, Thomas, January 1, 1777 1781 ; shot through the right thigh at Brandywine ; resided in Chester county, 1786. Drum Major. Penn, Samuel. Sergeant. Parker, John. Corporals. Patterson, Arthur, Capt. Taylor's company; wounded at Brandy- wine ; Pennsylvania pensioner, 1786. Peterey, Peter. Pink, William, (e,) 17771780 ; Capt. Seely's company. Fifers. Page, Andrew. Powell, Armstrong, (e,) Capt. Job Vernon's company. Privates. Parker, Achilles. Parsons, John. Peacock, Thomas. Pealing, Peter. Peck, Benjamin, resided in Chester county, 1817. Pencil, Henry, Invalid corps, December, 1778. Perry, Joseph, transferred to sappers and miners; reenlisted No- vember 30, 1781. Peters, Elias. Phelan, Peter. Polk, George. Powell, Thomas. Private. Quigg, John, resided in Northern Liberties, Philadelphia ; Penn- sylvania pensioner, 1788. Sergeants. Rogers, Alexander. Ross, John. FIFTH PENNSYLVANIA. 557 Corporal. Bees, John, killed in action. Privates. Rackner, Daniel. Rampson, Philip. Kamsey, Samuel, (e,) enlisted April 1, 1780, in Capt. Bartholomew's company. Rechner, David. Reading, Nicholas, Capt. Christie's company; transferred to In- valid corps. Recraft, George. Redman, John. Reece, William. Reed, James, wounded at Paoli, and discharged ; resided in Moon township, Allegheny county, 1835, aged eighty-one. Reed, Peter. Reed, William. Reeder, Samuel. Reese, David. Reihner, Daniel. Reily, James, died in Trumbull county, Ohio, Februarys, 1834, aged seventy-three. Reis, Jacob. Repson, W. Reylods, John. Reynolds, John, resided in Fairfleld county, Ohio, in 1833, aged seventy-nine. Reynolds, Joseph. Richardson, Jacob. Riddle, William, (e,) July 6, 1777, Capt. Moore's company; after- wards in Capt. Seely's. Roads, John, died in Sussex county, New Jersey, December 8, 1826, aged seventy-one. Robeson, Hugh, January 1, 1777 1781. Robinson, Edward, (e,) in McHenry's company to August, 1778; afterwards in the Colonel's. Rock, Patrick. Roddy, Patrick, (e.) Rodgers, John, (e,) Capt. Bartholomew's company, 1777 1780. Rodgers, Patrick. Rollo, John, (e,) July 6, 1777, Capt. Moore's; afterwards in Capt. Seely's. Rolls, William, January 17, 1777 1781. Roddy, Patrick, Capt. Job Vernon's, 17771781. Rooney, Peter. 558 CONTINENTAL LINE. Roosewell, Jacob. Rosewell, Gustavus, (e,) in Boude's company to August, 1778 ; after- wards in Lieut. Col. Mentges'. Ross, George. Ross, Robert, resided in Campbell county, Tennessee, 1834, aged seventy-eight. Rowland, George. Rowland, James. Rugden, Samuel. Russell, James, corporal, 1777 1781, Capt. Potts' company to 1773; afterwards in Maj. Stuart's ; resided in Lancaster, 1816. Russell, John, resided in Warren county, 1817. Russell, William, resided in Beaver county, 1818. Quarter-Master Sergeant. Savell, George, Invalid corps, December, 1777. Sergeants. Sidle, John, McHenry's to August, 1778; afterwards in Colonel's; left the army May 12, 1780. Snowdon, Thomas, from Nintli Penn'a ; discharged 1783, at the end of the war. Spear, John,, Boude's company, 1777 1781 ; reenlisted 1781. Sutherland, John. Sutton, Arad, February 1, 1777 1781. Corporal. Sharp, John. Drummer. Scott, William, late of Tenth Penn'a. Privates. St. Ann, John. Saladay, Daniel. Sands, Thomas. Sarves, John. Savage, . Savell, George. Saylor, John, (e,) in Capt. John Christie's company to August, 1778; afterwards in the same ; Invalid corps, January 1, 1781 ; resided in Chester county, in 1835, aged eighty. Senser, Peter, (e,) Capt. Bartholomew's company, 1777 1780. Service, Thomas, (e,) McHenry's company to August, 1778; after- wards in the Colonel's. Setzer, Michael. Shaffer, George. Shales, Jacob. Shanks, John. FIFTH PENNSYLVANIA. 659 Shaw, Abraham. Sheppard, Robert. Slier loch; John. Short, Jacob, (c,) Potts' company to August, 1778; afterwards in Maj. Stuart's. Simmons, John. Sing, Abraham. Skelton, Jonathan. Smiley, Samuel, feet frozen badly at Staten Island ; died in Chester county, August 15, 1825, aged eighty-six. Smith, Christopher, (e,) Capt. Job Vernon's company, 1777 1780. Smith, Daniel. Smith, James, resided in Columbiana county, Ohio, 1834, aged sev- enty-eight. Smith, John, resided in Montgomery county, Kentucky, 1820, aged sixty-two. Smith, John, (2d,) resided in Nicholas county, Kentucky, 1834. Smith, John, from Ninth Penn'a ; in sappers and miners; ree'n- listed December 3, 1781. Smith, Michael. Smith, Nathaniel. Smith, William, resided in "Washington county, Tennessee, 1833, aged eighty-nine. Solt, David, from Lamar's company, de Haas' battalion; in Chris- tie's company ; in Gregg's company to August, 1778 ; in Lieut. Colonel's afterwards ; discharged in 1781 ; died in Union county, 1824. Spier, John, (e.) Stagg, Benjamin, died in Philadelphia, February 22, 1828, aged sev- enty-five. Starrit, Samuel. Steel, John, (e,) in Oldham's company to August, 1778; afterwards in Boude's. Stemmers, Jonas. Stewart, Hugh. Still, Christopher, Capt. Christie's company ; wounded through the right elbow joint, at Brandywine ; discharged at Valley Forge, in 1778 ; resided in Chester county, 1786. Stoll, Andrew, resided in Bucks county, 1835, aged seventy-nine. Stoll, George. Stout, John. Straw, Abram. Strohl, Jacob, died in Lancaster county, May 3, 1830, aged sixty- nine. Swartzwood, Moses see First Penn'a. 560 CONTINENTAL LINE. Swindle, Alexander, (e,) in Boude's company to August, 1778; after- wards in Capt. Yernon's. Sergeant. Thomas, William. Corporal. Thomas, Peter. Drummer. Tripner, George, Jr see Third Penn'a. Privates. Taylor, Francis. Taylor, John. Teeder, Michael, drafted into Morgan's rifles; lost his feet by ex- posure ; discharged at West Point, September 15, 1779; Penn- sylvania pensioner at Philadelphia, in 1786. Tenant, William, served in Capt. Potts' company until drafted into Capt. Boude's light infantry ; in the forlorn hope, under Col. Stewart, at Stony Point, and wounded ; discharged 1781 ; re- sided in Lancaster county, 1828. Thebo, Peter. Thompson, George. Thompson, John. Thompson, Peter, (e,) in Boude's company to August, 1778; after- wards in Vernon's. Thompson, Samuel, (e,) Invalid corps, 1780. Thorn, John. Tomlinson, William, resided in Philadelphia, 1835. Tompkins, Joshua. Topprings, John. Tracey, John. Trippner, George, Sr. Tufts, Zachariah, (e,) Smith's company, 1777 ; left the army April, 1780. Twiney, Benjamin, wounded in the left arm, and transferred to In- valid corps. Sergeant. Vanderslice, Jacob. Corporals. Yanderslice, Henry, resided in Northumberland county, 1825, aged sixty-nine. Yirhion, Everhart. Privates. Vandercrimel, John. Vernor, Alexander. Yogan, Isaac. FIFTH PENNSYLVANIA. 561 Quarter- Master Sergeant. Wilson, Andrew. Corporals. White, Charles. Wills, Eichard. Privates. AVade, Edward, died August 1, 1817, in Philadelphia. Wagoner, Caspar, (e,) 17771780, Lieutenant Colonel's company. Walker, John. Walker, Joseph, prisoner. Wallace, Andrew A., from Fourth battalion, (see notice of in Hazard's Register, vol. 11, page 223^) 1777 1783; resided in Chester county, 1820. Wallace, Andrew, discharged in 1781 ; Pennsylvania pensioner, 1813. Wallington, Charles. Walsh, John. Walton, George. Warling, John. Warrington, Charles, stabbed with a bayonet at Paoli ; Pennsylva- nia pensioner in 1786. Watson, John, from Fourth battalion; in hospital at Yellow Springs, 1781 ; living in Chester county, 1809. Watts, Samuel, January 1, 17771781. Weidner, Peter. Welsh, John. Welsh, Michael. White, Oliver. Williams, John, died in Frederick county, Virginia, July 14, 1824, aged sixty-four. Williams, Peter. Williams, Robert, January 1, 1777 1781. Williams, William. Williamson, John, died in Delaware county, February 25, 1819; aged sixty-six. Willett, Francis. Willett, Thomas. Willis, Richard. Willits, Francis. Wilson, George. April 6, 17771781. Wilson, John, in Capt. Oldham's until August 6, 1778; afterwards in Vemon's ; resided in Chester county, 1809. Wineborner, Anthony. Wingard, Adam. Wirtz, Jacob, resided in Berks county, 1835. aged seventy-seven. 36 VOL. X. 562 CONTINENTAL LINE. Wolf, John. Woods, Samuel, resided in Augusta county, Virginia, 1834, aged seventy-nine. Wooleber, John, (e,) Capt. Samuel Smith's company, 17771780. Woorland, John. Worlin, John. Worly, John. Wright, Alexander. Wright, Henderson. Wyngard, Adam. Corporal. Young, Christian. Privates. Yost, Jacob. Yost, John. Sergeant. Zimmerman, Christopher. Privates. Zane, John. Zink, Peter. CONTINENTAL LINE. SIXTH PENNSYLVANIA JANUARY 1, 1777 JANUARY 1, 1783. SIXTH PENNSYLVANIA EEGIMENT. ATERIALS for a historical sketcli of this regiment are scant, no general returns of the numbers of rank and file, or correspondence throwing light upon it, having been found. It was organized on the basis of Col. Magaw's Fifth battalion, but that was captured, with all its records, in the disaster of Fort Washington, November 16, 1776. Col. Magaw remained a prisoner, Lieut. Col. Henry Bicker commanding until he was succeeded by Lieut. Col. Josiah Harmar, who commanded the regiment during the most of its military career. The Sixth regiment, with the Third, Ninth, and Twelfth, was attached to a division composed chiefly of Jersey troops. Of the brigade, see letter of Capt. Thomas B. Bowen, of the Ninth; and Capt. James Chrystie,of the Third, in a memorial to the Executive Council, dated Lancaster, February 3, 1778, Pennsylvania Archives, second series, third volume, 170-171. The following is a memorandum " of sundry officers made super- numerary by an arrangement which took place in the year 1778;" also, to what time each officer was paid for actual service: John McGowan, captain, June 21, 1778, $480. Walter Cruise, captain, June 21, 1778, $480. Jacob Moser, captain, September 1, 1778, $480. Luke Brodhead, captain, June 21, 1778, $480. James Waugh, captain, June 21, 1778, $480. John Savidge, captain, September 7, 1778, $480. Archibald Campbell, lieutenant, September 1, 1778, $320. Greenbury Hughes, lieutenant, June 21, 1778, $320. John Foster, ensign, June 21, 1778, $240. Philip Snider, ensign, June 21, 1778, $240. William Baxter, ensign, June 21, 1778, 240. Enoch Morgan, paymaster, June 21, 1778, $480. " GERMANTOWN, October 4, 1785. " I certify that the above is a true extract from the pay rolls of the Sixth Pennsylvania Regiment, which are yet in my possession. " THOMAS DUNGAN, ''Formerly Paymaster to the above named Regiment." (565) 566 CONTINENTAL LINE. Col. Henry Bicker, in 1755, was lieutenant of a Jersey regiment ; was promoted captain in 1756 ; captured, and remained a prisoner in Canada fourteen months ; after his return, he acted as quarter- master of Gen. Gage's regiment until the close of the French- Indian war ; his history subsequent to his retirement, in 1778, can- not be traced. Capt. Luke Brodheacl belonged originally to Miles' regiment, and was captured on Long Island; after his return from captivity, he joined the Sixth, and participated in the actions at Short Hill, Brandywine, and Germantown ; his health, impaired by captivity and wounds received at Long Island, compelled him to quit the ser- vice June 21, 1778; he died at Stroudsburg, June 19, 1806. Of Lieut. James Gibbon, all accounts of the storming of Stony Point give him distinguished notice; he was promoted captain by brevet for his gallant conduct; he led the left forlorn hope, com- posed of twenty men, losing seventeen killed and wounded ; he is mentioned in Gen. Wayne's letter, and was voted the thanks of Congress ; he died at Richmond, Virginia, at which city he was col- lector, in June, 1835, aged seventy-seven. His son, James, an officer in the United States navy, perished in the burning of the Richmond theatre, in December, 3811. Capt. Jacob Humphreys was born in Bucks county, 1751. En- gaged in the battles of Trenton, Princeton, Brandywine, German- town, and Yorktown; served in the Southern campaign; mustered out at Philadelphia, in First Penn'a, in 1783; he resided in West Fallowfleld, Chester county; elected to the Legislature in 1814-15; and July, 1825, was one of the county committee to receive Gen. Lafayette; he died January 21, 1826, aged seventy-five. Letter of Hon. J. Smith Futhey. "CAMP WEST POINT, August 25, 1779. "SIR: By the resolve of Congress, 28 June last, I observe that whenever vacancies happen in a regiment, the commanding officer is to notify the President of the State that proper persons may be appointed, I must, therefore, beg leave to inform your Excellency of two Vacancies in the Sixth Pennsylvania Regiment, and at the same time to recommend Mr. Dixon and Mr. Humphries to be ap- pointed as ensigns. The former is my sergeant-major, a person of good morals, and as brave as Caesar. The latter has been a volunteer in Major Lee's corps. The major has strongly recommended him to me as a person of unblemished character. ''PROMOTIONS. " 1st Lieut. Isaac Vanhorne to be captain Lieut., vice Lieut. Wil- liam McElhatton, resigned July, 1, 1779. SIXTH PENNSYLVANIA. 567 " 2d Lieut. John Markland to be 1st Lieut., vice Lt. Isaac Van- horne, promoted July 1, 1779. "APPOINTMENTS. " Sergeant Major San key Dixon, to be Ensign, September 1, 1779. "Mr. John Humphreys, Volunteer, to be Ensign, September 2, 1779. The above is the order I would wish to be observed, and per. mit me to assure you, sir, that I am, with every mark of respect, your Excelly 3 Most humble & obt. Sert., "JOSIAH HARMAR, " Lt. Col Comt. 6 Pa. 5." ROSTER OF FIELD AND STAFF OFFICERS. Colonel. Magaw, Robert, prisoner of war, (see Fifth Battalion;) retired January 1, 1781. Lieutenant Colonels. Bicker, Henry, from major of Tenth Penn'a, December 5, 1776 ; promoted colonel, Second Penn'a, June 6, 1777. Harmar. Josiah, from major of Third Penn'a, ranking from June 6, 1776. Majors. Beatty, John, prisoner of war ; see Fifth battalion. Benezet, Samuel, from captain, February 14, 1777 ; ranking from October 3, 1776. Talbot, Jeremiah, from captain of Seventh Penn'a ; ranking from September 22, 1777 ; retired January 1, 1781 ; sheriff of Franklin county, 1784 ; died at Chambersburg, January 19, 1791 ; buried in Falling Spring grave-yard. Captains. Stuart, Christopher, prisoner ; afterwards major of Fifth Penn'a. Spohn, John, declined serving until settled with. Vansandt, Nathaniel, prisoner of war. Decker, Peter, prisoner of war. Duncan, Matthew, prisoner on parole. Humphreys, Jacob, February 15, 1777; transferred to the First Penn'a, January 1, 1783. Bower, Jacob, of Col. Thompson's Rifles, (appointed lieutenant Jan- uary 18, 1776,) February 15, 1777 ; transferred to Second Penn'a, January 1, 1783. 568 CONTINENTAL LINE. McGowan, John, of Lancaster, February 15, 1777; became super- numerary June 21, 1778. Cruise, Walter, from corporal, Thompson's Rifles, February 15, 1777 ; became supernumerary June 21, 1778. Waugh, James, February 15, 1777 ; became supernumerary June 21, 1778. Lochry, Jeremiah, February 15, 1777 ; this gentleman drawed up- wards of one thousand dollars, came to camp without a recruit, and returned home immediately. Col. Bicker's remarks on re- turn, August 19, 1777. Moser, Jacob, February 15, 1777 ; notwithstanding he is returned (see ante Dungan's certificate) as retired in 1778; on January 9, 1779, he settled an account for twenty-one recruits, and requests immediate payment, as " he had to repair to camp to join the army." Brodhead, Luke, from Miles' regiment, February 15, 1777 ; retired June 21, 1778, (see historical note ante.) Savidge, John, from lieutenant of Magaw's battalion ; retired September 7, 1778 ; died in Philadelphia, April 20, 1825, aged eighty. Nice, John, from Thirteenth Penn'a, July 1,1778; ranking from June 15, 1776. *Doyle, John, from First Penn'a; ranking from July 16, 1776; transferred to the First, January 1, 1783. Finney, Walter, from lieutenant of Atlee's, August 10, 1776 ; trans- ferred to Third Penn'a, January 1, 1783. Wilkins, Robert, Jr., from lieutenant, Fifth battalion, October 10. 1776; transferred to First Penn'a, January 1, 1783. Boone, Hawkins, from Twelfth Penn'a, July, 1778; see Twelfth Penn'a. Stotesbury, John, from lieutenant in Second Penn'a, , 1781. Brevet Captain. , Gibbon, James, July 16, 1778, aid-de-camp to Gen. William Irvine. Captain Lieutenants. McElhatton, William, from Twelfth Penn'a; transferred to In- valid corps, July 1, 1779. Van Home, Isaac, July 1, 1779 ; promoted to rank of captain, and retired, January 1, 1783 ; in Congress from Pennsylvania, 1801- 1803 ; in 1815 receiver of public moneys at Zanesville, Ohio ; died in Muskingum county, Ohio, February 2, 1834. *Capt. Doyle's independent company was attached to the First Peun'a until , 1778, when it was annexed to the Sixth. According to a cer- tificate of Gen. Wayne, Capt. Doyle particularly distinguished himself at the battle of Green Springs, Virginia, July, 1781. SIXTH PENNSYLVANIA. 569 first Lieutenants. Richardson, John, prisoner; exchanged August 26,1778; became supernumerary, 1778. Lawrence, John, prisoner; exchanged May 26, 1778, and became supernumerary, with rank of captain, from September 1, 1777. Wilkins, Robert, Jr., prisoner; promoted captain, to rank from Oc- tober 10, 1776. Morgan, John, prisoner; exchanged August 26, 1778; became su- pernumerary, 1778, with rank of captain. Priestly, John, prisoner; exchanged August 28,1778; became su- pernumerary, 1778, with rank of captain, from February 1, 1777. Phile, Charles, prisoner; exchanged August 26, 1778, with rank of captain, from February 1, 1777. Helm, John, prisoner; exchanged August 26, 1778, and became su- pernumerary. Seward, Richard, prisoner; declined serving, February 20, 1777. Bull, Thomas, of Cumberland county, February 15, 1777 ; promoted captain in 1778. Young, Edward, from second lieutenant, February 15, 1777. Thompson, Richard, of Westmoreland county, February 15, 1777; died in service, March, 1777. Savidge, John, from ensign, February 15, 1777; became super- numerary, September 7, 1778, with rank of captain. Gibson, Thomas, February 15, 1777; "never appeared." Campbell, Archibald, of York county, February 15, 1777; became supernumerary, September 1, 1778; died in 1788. Hanna, Stephen, February 15, 1777; "never appeared." Will, George, February 15, 1777; resigned October 17, 1777; he had been eleven years in Prussian and English service. Glentworth, James, February 15,1777; captured in 1780; and he is marked as a prisoner of war, July 13, 1781 ; transferred to Second Penn'a, January 1, 1783. Hovenden, Edward, from ensign Second battalion, February 15, 1777. Gibbon, James, February 15, 1777, promoted captain by brevet, July 16, 1779. Lodge, Benjamin, Jr., from the Twelfth Penn'a, July 1, 1778, to rank from February 1, 1778; transferred to the Third Penn'a, January 1, 1783; assistant surveyor, United States army. Herbert, Stewart, from first lieutenant of Twelfth Penn'a, July 1, 1778; dangerously wounded at Green Spring, Virginia, in 1781, and made a prisoner; transferred to First Penn'a, Jan- uary 1, 1783. McPherson, James Frederick, January 15, 1779 ; transferred to First Penn'a, January 1, 1783. Doyle, Thomas, March 15, 1779 ; transferred to Third Penn'a, Jan- uary 1, 1783. 570 CONTlXElVTAi, LINE. Markland, John, July 1, 1779; transferred to Third Penn'a, Jan- uary 1, 1783. Huston, William, February 24, 1780; transferred to the Second Penn'a, January 1, 1783. Brady, Samuel, Doyle's company, September 5, 1776 ; promoted cap- tain lieutenant in Eighth Penn'a. Second Lieutenants. Campbell, William, prisoner ; exchanged October 25, 1780 ; entitled to captain's commission, January 1, 1778; retired January 1, 1781. Finley, John prisoner ; exchanged October 25, 1780, and lost his rank. Jenney, Thomas, prisoner; exchanged October 25, 1780. Collier, Hie-hard, prisoner ; exchanged August 26, 1778. Standley, William, prisoner; exchanged August 25, 1780. Eudolph, John, prisoner; exchanged October 25, 1780. Dover, Andrew, prisoner; exchanged October 25, 1780; ranking as captain, from June 1, 1778; resided in Philadelphia, in 1821. iToung, Edward, promoted first lieutenant, February 15, 1777. Waddell, Samuel, (Waddell, William?) I believe to be a good officer, but obliged to resign on account of his ill health, which was accepted by Gen. Con way. Col. Bicker's Report, August 19, 1777, camp at Cross Roads. Smith, Samuel, of Beading, February , 1777, of Flying Camp. Wallace, John, February, 1777. Garret Nicholas. Left the camp, against positive orders. Col. Bicker's return, ante. Thompson, Isaac, February, 1777 ; died in Geauga county, Ohio, April 25, 1823, aged sixty-nine. Hughes, Greenbury, February , 1777; became supernumerary June 21, 1778. Lyon, Robert, February , 1777, from sergeant of Twelfth Penn'a ; died in Northumberland county, August 19, 1823, aged seventy- seven. Gibbons, Philip, February, 1777, from sergeant in Capt. David Harris' company, First Penn'a. McPherson, Farquhar, October 8, 1777. Spear, Edward, February 7, 1778; promoted first lieutenant, May 16, 1781, vice James Gibbon resigned; and transferred to the First Penn'a, January 1, 1783. Cox, Joseph, from ensign, exchanged January 29, 1781. Ensigns. Savidge, John, promoted first lieutenant, February 15, 1777. Van Home, Isaac, prisoner ; promoted captain lieutenant, after his exchange. SIXTH PENNSYLVANIA. 571 Hovenden, Edward, prisoner; promoted first lieutenant, February 15, 1777. Gibbon, James, prisoner; promoted first lieutenant, February 15, 1777. Beatty, Beading, prisoner; exchanged May 8, 1778; see new Eleventh. Leitheiser, Herman, of Reading, February , 1777 ; died in Berks county, February 11, 1829, aged seventy-seven. McPherson, Farquhar, February, 1777 ; promoted second lieuten- ant, October 8, 1777. Bigham, Peter, never appeared. Gillespie, Charles, never appeared. McKenny, John, never appeared. Shaw, Jonathan, February 15, 1777; detected in horse stealing and made his escape. Cox, Joseph, February 15, 1777, of Humphrey's company ; promoted lieutenant. Greese, Ernest, February 15, 1777; captured at Short Hills, and made his escape ; served in Boyal American regiment in French war; became supernumerary, 1778; resided in Beading, 1814. Snyder, Philip, August 21, 1777 ; became supernumerary June 21, 1778. Foster, John, August 22,1777; became supernumerary June 21, 1778; resided at Allentown, New Jersey, after the war; his widow drew a pension. Baxter, William, became supernumerary June 21, 1778. Mackinett, Charles, August 23, 1777 ; living in Germantown in 1826. Dungan, Thomas, from Twelfth Penri'a, July 1, 1778; transferred to the Second Penn'a, January 1, 1783. Dixon, Sankey, from sergeant major, to rank from August 25, 1779 ; promoted lieutenant, and transferred to Second Penn'a, Jan- uary 1, 1783." Humphrey, John, from Lee's corps, August 25, 1779; paid from January 1, 1777, to August, 1780. Markland, John, appointed February, 1777; wounded in arm at Germantown. Quarter-Master. Bew, John, December 7, 1777 ; captured at Newtown, 1778; broke his parole August 27, 1778; enlisted on the Holker privateer; exchanged October 25, 1780 ; died ante 1786. Adjutants. Will, George, appointed February 15, 1777. Kennedy, Daniel, June 15, 1777 ; captured April 17, 1778 ; exchanged August 1, 1780. 572 CONTINENTAL LINE. Paymasters. Morgan, Enoch, February 15, 1777 ; became supernumerary June 21, 1778; resided near Stroudsburg in 1827. Dungan, Thomas, September 1, 1778; transferred July 1, 1783, to Second Penn'a. Surgeon. McDowell, John, February 5, 1778; transferred to First Penn'a, January 1, 1783. Surgeon's Mate. Jones, James, from Fourth Penn'a, May 1, 1779 ; promoted surgeon, Fourth Penn'a. ARRANGEMENT OF THE SIXTH REGIMENT, JANUARY 17, 1781. Colonel. Humpton, Richard, from Tenth Penn'a ; commission dated October 1, 1776; transferred to Second Penn'a, January 1, 1783. Lieutenant Colonel. Bayard, Stephen, from Eighth Penn'a; commission dated Septem- ber 23, 1777 ; transferred to Third Penn'a, January 1, 1783. Major. Grier, James, from Tenth Penn'a: commission dated October 23 r 1777 ; transferred to Third Penn'a, January 1, 1783. Captains. Doyle, John, July 16, 1776. Finney, Walter, August 10, 1776. Wilkins, Robert, October 10, 1776. Bush, George, of the Eleventh Penn'a, January 13, 1777 ; trans- ferred to the Third Penn'a, January 1, 1783. Humphrey, Jacob, February 15, 1777. Bower, Jacob, February 15, 1777. Crawford, John, of the Eighth Penn'a, August 10, 1779 ; resided in Allegheny county, 1835, aged one hundred. Patton, Robert, of the Tenth Penn'a, March 1, 1780. Jackson, Jeremiah, of the Eleventh Penn'a, March 16, 1780. SIXTH PENNSYLVANIA. 573 Lieutenants Hovenden, Edward. February 15, 1777. Gibbon, James, February 15, 1777 ; brevet captain, resigned May 16, 1781. Glentworth, James, February 15, 1777. Lodge, Benjamin, October 11, 1777. Herbert, Stewart, January 9, 1778. Mahon, John, of the Eleventh Penn'a, June 1, 1778; transferred to the Second Penn'a, January 1, 1783. McPherson, James F., January 15, 1779. Morrison, Samuel, of the Eleventh Penn'a, February 13, 1779. Doyle, Thomas, March 15, 1779. Markland, John, July 1, 1779; died February 25, 1837, buried in, Christ church, Philadelphia. Huston, William, February 24, 1780. Second Lieutenant. Spear, Edward, February 7, 1778. Ensigns. Dungan, Thomas, June 2, 1778 ; promoted lieutenant in Second Penn'a, ranking from January 1, 1781. Dixon, Sankey, Angust 25, 1779 ; promoted lieutenant in Second Penn'a, to rank from May 16, 1781. Humphrey, John, August 25, 1779 ; promoted and transferred to ' second lieutenant of artillery, January 1, 1783. Yancourt, John, of the Tenth Penn'a, September 15, 1780; pro- moted and transferred to second lieutenant of artillery, Jan- uary 1, 1783. Quarter- Master. Morrison, Samuel. Paymaster. Dungan, Thomas Surgeons. McDowell, John, February 5, 1778. Downey, Ezekiel, September 11, 1780; drowned at York Kiver, Va., July 1, 1781. The following certificate is appended to the arrangement of Janu- ary 17, 1781 : "I do certify, that the foregoing list of officers, is the manner in which they are arranged in the Sixth Regiment of Infantry, belong- ing to the State of Pennsylvania, together with their ranks, and dates of commissions. Given at Trenton, this 20th day of January, 1781. "ANTHONY WAYNE, B. G." 574 CONTINENTAL LINE. ROLL OF CAPT. JACOB MOSER'S COMPANY. Captain. Moser, Jacob, February 15, 1777. First Lieutenants, Will, George, Berks county, February 14, 1777 ; had been eleven years in Prussian and English service ; left the regiment Octo- ber 7, 1777. Smith, Samuel, October 8, 1777. Second Lieutenants. Smith, Samuel, promoted first lieutenant, October 8, 1777. McPherson, Farquhar, October 8, 1777. Ensign. Greese, Ernest, February 15, 1777. Sergeants. Sackville, Peter, April 30, 1777. Albright, John, March 26, 1777. Gallagher, John, April 30, 1777. Carrol, Dennis. Corporals. Carrol, Dennis, April 28, 1777. Boyer, Jacob, March 10, 1777, (three years.) Drummer. Buswalt, Jacob. Fifer. Parvin, Francis, April 28, 1777. Privates. Adam, William, Maxatawny, June 9, 1778, (three years.) Armfighter, Martin, April 30, 1777. Bates, Charles, May 1, 1777. Barnhart, John, April 10, 1777. Bower, Jacob, April 25, 1777. Boyer, Samuel, March 10, 1777. Boyd, John, April 12, 1777; missing June 26, 1777. Brown, Edward, March 13, 1777. Camp, George, Maxatawny, Juno 28, 1778, (three years.) Casedy, John, Maxatawny, June 9, 1778, (three years.) Decker, Adam, Maxatawny, July 9, 1778. Dietrick, Jacob, Maxatawny, May 15, 1778, (three years.) SIXTH PENNSYLVANIA. 575 Dumb, Jacob, April 2, 1777 ; deserted August 17, 1777. Eachey, Phineas, September 18, 1777. Gibson, David, March 8, 1777. Glasmire, Jacob, May 3, 1777. Glasmire, John, May 8, 1777. Guthbroad, Ludwick, Reading, May 28, 1778. Hawkins, John, May 11, 1778, (three years.) Herman, John, March 10, 1777. Hopper, Henry, May 1, 1777 ; transferred to artillery in October, 1777. Howard, John, Beading, July 27, 1778, (three years ;) deserted Au- gust 8, 1778. Keel, Daniel, May 5, 1778. Kelchner, Henry, Maxatawny, May 11, 1778, (three years.) Kerner, John, March 10, 1777 ; promoted sergeant, (see general list.) Knorr, Casper, Maxatawny, May 19, 1778, (three years.) Kline, Conrad, Maxatawny, March 12, 1778, (three years.) Leslie, John, February 23, 1777, (for three years.) Leimmes, [Lemer,] Jacob, May 5, 1777. Mathews, James, Reading, April 25, 1778. Metz, John, April 22, 1777. Meyer, Adam, Maxatawny, May 5, 1778, (three years.) Mitchell, Thomas, May 17, 1777. Muller, Isaac. Oswald, Jacob, April 30, 1777. Pickworth, Thomas, Reading, May 7, 1778; deserted May 11, 1778. Pyke, Abraham, Reading, May 7, 1778; deserted May 15, 1778. Reedy, John, April 5, 1777. Reel, Daniel, May 5, 1777. Roland, John, Maxatawny, April 30, 1778. Sheaf, Balther, May 1, 1777. Shrader, Jacob, Maxatawny, May 15, 1778, (three years.) Stainer, Michael, May 3, 1777. Stewart, Philip William, Maxatawny, June 17, 1778. Ulrick, Peter, May 8, 1777. Wendland, Peter, May 4, 1777 ; missing September 11, 1777. Wetzel, Jacob, Maxatawny, July 16, 1778, (three years.) Welrick, Jacob, March 30, 1777, (for three years.) Wilson, James, May 5, 1777. Wright, George, Maxatawny, June 30, 1778, (for three years;) de- serted August 28, 1778. Young, Jacob, Sr., pioneer, April 1, 1777. Young, Jacob, Jr.,- April 27, 1777. Zern, Michael, Maxatawny, June 9, 1778, (three years.) Those not marked three years were enlisted "during the war." 576 CONTINENTAL LINE SEVEN MONTHS' MEN. [See list to First Penn'a for explanation.] Captain John Doyle's Company. Carpenter, Samuel. Cassel, Andrew. Colp, Samuel, discharged December 26, 1780. Davis, Isaac, discharged December 26, 1780. Dauberman, Jacob. Grant, Peter. Heard, Bennett, transferred to Moylan's. Heiser, John. Kough, Ludwig. Reading, Charles, discharged November 20, 1780. Sharpe, Henry, discharged September 26, 1780. Spear, William, discharged December 26, 1780. Wallace, James, discharged December 26, 1780. Williams, William. Captain Walter Finney^s Company. Beats, George, discharged December 26, 1780. Campbell, John, discharged December 20, 1780. Donnelly, James. Donnely, Hugh, discharged November 5, 1780. Eckerts, Peter. Gibson, David, discharged November 8, 1780. Harman, Casper. McClaine, Allen. Tweedy, William. Capt. Robert Wilkins JrSs Company. Bennet, John, died in hospital. Henry, William. Leonard, John, discharged December 28, 1780. Me Adam, Robert. Magoogan, Samuel, discharged November 10, 1780. Steele, William. Wallace, Michael. Captain John Nice's Company. Brunson, Abraham. SIXTH PENNSYLVANIA. 577 Chester, John, promoted to quarter-master, July 17, 1780. Coleman, Thomas, deserted October 28, 1780. Durlin, Jacob. Grace, Aaron, discharged December 20, 1780. Kester, Tobias, discharged December 20, 1780. Knap, Joshua, discharged December 21, 1780. Smith, John. "Willnet, Jacob, discharged December 20, 1780. Capt. Jacob Humphrey's Company. Adams, William. Carr, Kobert, discharged December 28, 1780. Clendennin, Adam. Clinglell, Jonathan. Frederick, John. Herring, Jacob. Hoffman, Jacob. McElhenny, James. McGreggor, John. Mclntire, John. Capt. Jacob Bower's Company. Balsbach, Andrew, discharged November 1, 1780. Brookfield, Furney. Freamey, James. Grandt, Peter, discharged December 26, 1780. Harter, Peter. Huston, Thomas. Koch, Mathias. Kuster, Tobias. Robinson, James. Teis, John, discharged November 15, 1780. Tripple, Casper, discharged December 28, 1780. Colonel's Company. Barnhill, Robert, discharged September 21, 1780. Bryan, George. Duke, James, discharged August 26. 1780. Everhart, Godfrey, discharged December 23, 1780. Fisher, John, discharged December 23, 1780. Fitzor, Jacob, discharged December 22, 1780. Griffith, John, discharged December 26, 1780. Harmar, Jacob, discharged December 23, 1780. Hillegas, Peter, discharged December 25, 1780. 37 VOL. X. 576 CONTINENTAL LINE. Linton, William. McKinney, Morris. Mahonney, John, discharged December 20, 1780. Moyer, John. Oberdurff, Andrew, discharged September 27, 1780. Paine, George. Russell, John. Segar, John. Smith, Andrew. Smith, James. Smith, Lawrence. Spotts, Jacob. Steele, John. Toomey, John. Thompson, John. Waggoner, Andrew. Major's Company, Anderson, James, discharged December 22, 1780. Barn hart, John. Bouse, John. Carpenter, Adam, discharged December 12, 1780. Christian, Daniel. Crumlouff, Christopher. Cruse, John. Houcks, Christian. Hunter, John. Hydler, Henry. Hydler, Kelin, discharged December 22, 1780. Kinder, Christian, discharged December 26, 1780. McGlauchlin, John, discharged December 11, 1780. McGlynn, John, discharged December 22, 1780. Mackey, Thomas. Moneymaker, William. Moore, Gilbert, transferred to Invalid corps. Perry, Thomas, discharged December 23, 1780. Rippa, Elijah. Turner, James. SIXTH PENNSYLVANIA. 579 NON-COMMISSIONED OFFICERS AND PRIVATES OF THE SIXTH PENNSYLVANIA REGIMENT, CONTINENTAL LINE. [Those marked (e) are taken from a list in the Secretary's office, of soldiers whose depreciated pay escheated to the State.] Privates. Ackason, Thomas, Englishman, deserted November, 1778. Adams, William, (e,) of Maxatawny, Berks county, September, 1778, in Humphrey's company ; resided in Henry county, Ken- tucky, 1832, aged eighty-six. Albert, Jacob. Alexander, John. Anderson, James, resided in Rock Castle county, Kentucky, 1833, aged seventy-two. Anderson, John, deserted in 1781, and enlisted in Capt. George Bush's company. Armstrong, William, Invalid corps, August 2, 1779. Sergeants. Blakeney, James, killed in action. Bready, Robert. Brown, Henry, resided in Franklin county, 1835, aged eighty-one. Burke, Michael, (e,) Capt. John Doyle's company, September, 1778; reenlisted March 24, 1780. Corporals. Benn, John. Boyer, Jacob. Drummer. Bos wall, Jacob. Fifer. Baker, John. Privates. Baker, William. Bareford, Thomas. Barnett, George. Bateman, Levi. Bates, Casper. Bates, Charles. Bayard, Stephen. 580 CONTINENTAL LINE. Beatty, John, died in Beaver county, July 17, 1829, aged seventy- seven. Berry, Bartholomew. Best, Abraham, lost his leg at Germantown, October 4, 1777. Betts, Charles. Bignell, Thomas. Bolden, John, Englishman, deserted November, 1778. Borass, James. Bo us, John. Bouser, Jacob, resided in Stark county, Ohio, 1834, aged eighty. Boyer, Jacob. Boyer, Philip. Boyer, Samuel. Brady, Thomas. Bricker, Peter, resided in Franklin township, Huntingdon county, 1835, aged seventy-seven. Brown, Michael. Brown, William, Capt. Doyle's company, wounded at Paoli; left the army April 1, 1780; resided in York county, 1822, aged seventy-seven. Bryan, William. Buckley, Daniel. Bullin, Edward, aged thirty-four, woolcomber, deserted November, 1778. Burke, William, enlisted 1777 ; served thirteen months; resided in Franklin county, 1834. Burns, John, resided in Nicholas county, Kentucky, 1834, aged eighty-five. Burns, Levi. Burns, William. Fife Major. Crofts, William. Sergeants. Carroll, Dennis, resided in Crawford county, 1835, aged seventy- nine. Chester, John. Colgan, John. Coxe, Martin, discharged April 23, 1782; resided in Lancaster county. Craig, Samuel. Corporal. Cotton, Henry. SIXTH PENNSYLVANIA. 581 Privates. Cable, Jacob. Callaghan, Patrick. Callen, Edward. Camp, George. Campbell, Samuel, resided in Montgomery county, 1835, aged eighty-nine. Cannon, Sterling. Carner, John. Carr. Matthew. Casaday, John. Casson, Abraham. Chisselden, Edward, Doyle's company. Clare, George. Clare, John. Clark, John, died in Muskingum county, Ohio, December 30, 1819, aged sixty-two. Clark, Robert, from Eleventh Penn 'a ; sappers and miners; ree'n- listed December 31, 1781. Coffee, John. Cole, Richard. Col gall, Barnabas. Colgan, Barnabas, Sr. Colgan, Barnabas, Jr. Coll, John. Collins, William. Cook, Andrew. Connor, John. Countryman, Andrew. Cox, Barney, (e.) Crone, Jacob. Cunningham, Alexander. Cunningham, John, (e,) Major Talbot's company; Invalid corps, 1780. Drummer. Dubbs, Leonard, from Tenth Penn'a ; discharged August, 1783 ; died at Harrisburg in 1840. Sergeants. Davidson, David, living in Mifflintown in 1813. Dawson, William. Dingley, William. Donaldson, John, enlisted July 25, 1776, Capt. Doyle's company; discharged at West Point, July, 1779 ; died in Lycoining county, September 2, 1824, aged seventy-six. 582 CONTINENTAL LINE. Privates. Davidson, Francis. Davis, Isaac. Dawson, Jacob. Dawson, Jeremiah, (e,) May 12, 1777, Humphrey's company. Decker, Adam, of Maxatawny ; transferred to the corps of sappers and miners ; reenlisted December 3, 1781 ; resided in Otsego county, New York, 1835, aged seventy-seven. Dedermondel, William. Desperate. Henry, February 5, 1777 ; transferred to chief's guards. Dewees, Samuel. Dietrick, Jacob. Dietrick, Michael, of Maxatawny, paid from May 9, 1778. Dillman, William. Dixon, Jacob, November 21, 1781 ; died May 18, 1833, aged seventy- four. Donavan, John, July 30, 1777 ; transferred to Invalid corps, March, 1779. Doyle, Peter. Duffy, James, enlisted at Newtown, February 27, 1781. Sergeants. English, James, Bower's company ; resided in Dauphin county in 1835, aged ninety-nine. Everley, George. Privates. Eakin, Robert, February 23, 1777; transferred to chief's guards; reenlisted November 24, 1781. Etter, Daniel. Evans, Edward, from Tenth Pennsylvania, paid to May 12, 1781. Evans, Evan, April 1, 1777 January 1781 ; resided in Montgomery county, 1813. Evans, John, enlisted in Doyle's company, July 19, 1779. Corporal. Falconer, William. Drummer. Fitzpatrick, Peter, (e,) Capt. John Nice's company to August, 1778. Fifer. Ferguson, William, August, 1778, Capt. John Nice's company. JPrteofet. Fade, John, April 15, 1777 1781 : resided in Clairborue county, Mississippi, in 1820, aged seventy-one. Faulker, William. SIXTH PENNSYLVANIA. 583 Federa, Jacob. Felty, Henry ; widow resided in Philadelphia, 1820. Fenceler, Henry. Fenster, Henry. Fetter, Jacob. Fields, Thomas. Figh, John. Finley, Peter. Finney, Roger. Fisher, James. Flanagan, Timothy. Florey, Peter, enlisted for three years, Capt. Van Home's com- pany ; resided in Haines township, Centre county, 1835, aged seventy-nine. Floyd, Frederick, April 15, 17771781. Fortesque, John. Fowles, William. Francisco, Julian. Francois, Julian. Fritty, Peter, enlisted February 27, 1781, at Newtown. Fuller, George. Fullerton, Thomas, resided in Crawford county, 1835, aged eighty- four. Privates. Gehon, Peter, Pennsylvania pensioner, 1786. Gibson, David. Gilmore, Paul. Olassmire, Jacob, served three years ; resided in Berks county, 1835, aged eighty-one. Gordon, Charles. Gordon, John, resided in Adams county, Ohio, 1834, aged seventy- six. Gorrell, Robert. Graham, James, resided in Meigs county, Ohio, 1834, aged sev- enty-eight. Graham, William. Gray, Joel, discharged at Lebanon, April 1, 1781, after serving his term ; he belonged to the British army ; died in York. October 9, 1820. Griffin, David. Grimes, John, September, 1778 Capt. Bower's company ;. deserted May, 1780. Grimson, Samuel. Gut breath, Ludwig, of Reading. 584 CONTINENTAL LINE. Drum Major. Hudson, Josiah. Sergeants. Howard, Thomas. Hoffman, John, aged thirty-four ; deserted November, 1778. Corporal. Hannesley, John. Fifer. Henny, Henry, (e,) April 27, 1777 ; in Capt. Jacob Bower's com- pany. Privates. Haley, John, promoted corporal ; died in Philadelphia, July 22, 1823. Handel, Adam. Hanley, Christopher, (e,) September, 1778; in Capt. Finney's com- pany. Hanley, Marmaduke. Hardy, Thomas, enlisted at Newtown, February 27, 1781. Harrington, Thomas. Harvey, George. Hawkins, John, of Reading. Healey, John. Henley, Maurice, (e,) March 7, 1780. Henderson, Alexander, from Tenth Penn'a; paid to May 14, 1781. Henderson, Henry. Herring, Philip. Hess, John, April 28, 1777 ; in Capt. Jacob Bower's company. Heylman, George. Heylman, John. Hillsdorph, John F. Hillyard, David, March 9, 1777 ; transferred to Invalid corps, April, 1780. Hoffman, Cornelius, died in Schuylkill county, January 3, 1832, aged ninety. Hogan, Daniel. Holden, Joseph. Hopper, Henry. Howard, John, of Reading, Englishman; aged thirty; deserted November, 1778. Howell, Thomas. Hoffman, John, from Tenth Penn'a; paid to May 14, 1781 ; resided in Bucks county, in 1835, aged seventy-seven. Huggan, Daniel. Huley, Henry. SIXTH PENNSYLVANIA. 585 Humphrey, Robert, resided in Ohio cpunty, Virginia, in 1832, aged eighty-two. Hundley, John. Hungarius, Gabriel, wounded in the right side, in 1780, on an ex- pedition from Morristown, to seize a British schooner at Ber- gen Point, and transferred to Invalid corps. Huston, William. Private. Ishmael, Robert, (e,) April 13, 1777 ; Capt. Jacob Bower's company. Sergeants. Johnson, Thomas. Johnston, Samuel. Drummer. Jacobs, Joseph. Privates. Jacobs, David. Jackson, Jeremiah. John, Shawnee, (e.) Jones, Thomas, (<;,) 1776, wounded at the Block-House, and lost his sight ; resided in Chester county, 1810. Sergeant. Kerner, John, from Capt. Nagel's company, Thompson's rifles; reenlisted in Capt. Moser's company ; October 1777, wounded and lost two fingers ; transferred to Capt. Finney's company ; discharged 1781 ; died in Union county, June 22, 1829, aged eighty-four. Drummer. Knight, John. Fifer. Kelly, Benjamin. Privates. Kautsman, Nicholas, Invalid corps, August 2, 1779. Kelkner, Henry, (e,) of Maxatawny, September 1778; Lieut. Col. Harmar's company. Kellam, Edward, (e,) March 12, 17771780, Capt. Humphrey's com- pany. Kelley, Charles. Kelley, Killian. Kelly, Dennis, March 6, 1777 ; Invalid corps, August 2, 1779. Kelly, William. Kenney, Daniel, enlisted in Doyle's company, 1776 ; paid to May 11, 1781 ; resided in Knox county, Indiana, in 1834, aged ninety. 586 CONTINENTAL LINE. Kenon, Lawrence. Kepler, Abraham, aged forty; fiddler; f rom Juniata ; deserted No- vember, 1778. Kerr, Matthew. Kester, Peter, died in Union county, July 23, 1833, aged seventy- seven. Ketcham, John, March 12, 1777, from Vansandt's company, Fifth battalion; captured at Fort Washington, and escaped; ree'n- listed in Capt. Humphrey 's company ; served three years; died in Chester county, May 22, 1827, aged seventy-nine. Kimplin, William. Kingrich, Tobias, McCowan's company, deserted February 23, 1778. Kinnard, John, (e,) September, 1778, Capt. Finney's company. Kirk, James. Kissinger, Charles. Kline, Conrad, of Maxatawny. Knight, Richard. Knorr, Casper, of Maxatawny. Knowland, John, paid to May 14, 1781. Knowles, William, 1781 ; from Sixth Penn'a. Koch, Adam, died in Somerset county, June 28, 1827, aged eighty- three. Kreitzer, John. Sergeant. Leadoni, Thomas, March 30, 1777. in Capt. Humphrey's company; discharged April 8, 1780 ; resided in Washington county, 1810. Privates. Lambert, Jabez, (e,) September, 1778, in Capt. John Doyle's com- pany. Lapwing, Hugh. Laughlin, Peter. Laugh man, Philip. Leatherman, Peter. Leitz, Henry. Lesley, John. Levi, Nathan. Lewis, Benjamin, (e,) September, 1778, in Capt. John Doyle's com- pany. Link, Philip, killed in action. Logan, Michael, (e,) January 20, 1777, in Capt. Robert Wilkins' company ; enlisted 1778, in Capt. Walter Finney's company. Lobb, Richard, (e,) resided in Bucks county, 1818. Lowman, Philip. Lowrey, Patrick, (e,) August 26, 1778, Maj. Talbot's company. Ludwick, Philip, killed in action, in front of Chew's house, Ger- man town, October 4, 1777. SIXTH PENNSYLVANIA. 5S7 Ludwick, Samuel, (e,) April 27, 1777 ; discharged April 29, 1780. Lunday, John. Lutrnan, Everhard. Lutz, Henry, resided in Northampton county, 1824. Lyon, Moses, from Tenth Penn'a ; paid to May 14, 1781. Quarter-Master Sergeant. McGilton, William. Sergeant. McGee, James. Corporal. McCord, Samuel, reenlisted September 28, 1781. Drummer. Moore, James, (e,) September, 1778, Capt. John Doyle's company. Privates. McAfee, John. McAllister, John, resided in Middlesex county, New Jersey, 1834, aged eighty. McBride, James. McCarroll, John. McCastleton, James. McCastleton, Samuel D., November 22, 1781. McCaslin, Patrick. McCaston, James. McClusky, Francis, McCowan's company; deserted February 23, 1778. McDaniel, Malcolm. McDaniel, Matthew. McDaniel, Michael. McDonald, Archibald. McDonald, Malcolm. McDonald, Michael. McDonald, Terrence, (e,) August 24, 1778, Talbot's company. McDonagh, James. McDowell, John, April 1, 1777, Capt. Humphrey's company. McEntire, James. McGee, Thomas, resided in Fayette county, Virginia, 1834, aged eighty-two. McGinnis, Robert. McGuire, Philip, (e,) March 25, 1777, Humphrey's company. McKinley, Alexander. McKinney, John. McCune, Frederick. 588 CONTINENTAL LINE. McLean, Alexander, enlisted 1776, in Doyle's company ; discharged 1779; resided in Westmoreland county, 1825. McLine, John. McManamy, Daniel, June 1, 1777 January 25, 1781. McMullin, John, (e,) April 25, 1777, Lieut. Col. Harmar's company. McPike, Richard. Magaw, John, Talbot's company, Irishman, aged twenty-four; de- serted November, 1778. Malone, John, resided in Washington county, 1835. Mannring, Pierce. Marclare, Jacob. Marclay, Hugh. Marning, James, (e.) Martin, Hamilton, (e,) January 27, 1777, Capt. Finney's company. Martin, William, (e,) April 23, 1777, Capt. Humphrey's company. Matthews, James, of Reading. Melvill, James. Metz, John. Miller, John, died in Lancaster county, December 11, 1818, aged seventy-six. Miller, Felty. Milligan, William. Mitchell, Thomas. Monday, Thomas, resided in Philadelphia, 1835. Moore, John. Moran, Michael. Mores, Elias, aged twenty-three ; deserted November, 1778. Morgan, John. Movin, James, April 14, 1777, in Humphrey's company. Morrison, Michael. Motley, Walter. Moyer, Adam, of Maxatawny. Mullin, William. Mullin, Patrick. Mulvaney, John, November 21, 1781. Murray, John, killed April 13, 1780. Mussercope, Jacob. Myers, Adam. Myers, Andrew. Quarter-Master Sergeant. Newman, John, January 23, 1777 1781 ; resided after the war in Salem, New Jersey. Privates. Nansdurff, Matthias. Mardin, Thomas. Neal, Nicholas. Norton, Patrick. SIXTH PENNSYLVANIA. 589 Privates. O'Brian, Philip, transferred to Invalid corps, September, 1778. O'Brien, John, August 1, 1778, in Humphrey's company. O'Bryan, William. O'Neal, Daniel. O'Neal, James. Olkis, Philip. Owen, David, May 8, 17771781. Fifer. Parvin, Francis, (e,) April 2, 1777, in Finney's company. Privates. Pain, Samuel, Englishman, deserted November, 1778. Palmer, Joseph, May 1, 1777 May 14, 1781, Capt. Humphrey's com- pany. Parker, George, injured on James Island, South Carolina. Patton, James, enlisted in Doyle's company, at Lancaster, 1776; discharged at Fishkill hospital, New York, May 10, 1779; re- sided in Greenwood township, Mifflin county, in 1813. Peffer, George. Pikeworth, Thomas, of Reading, deserted 1778. Pike, Abraham, of Reading, resided in Luzerne county, 1835. Poulston, Robert, reenlisted from Invalid corps, 1781; resided in Philadelphia, 1819. Pratt, James, from Tenth Penn'a ; resided in Columbia county, 1835, aged seventy-six. Preston, William. Price, Ezekiel. Pritchell, Leonard. Purtill, John. Sergeant. Rogers, Alexander. Privates. Rampson, Philip. Rangsell, John. Rannell, John C r . Redheifer, Jacob. Reed, Francis, March 4, 1777 May 14, 1778. Reily, Thomas, (e,) February 19, 1777, Capt. Robert Wilkins' com- pany. Reynolds, Joseph. Rice, James. Richardson, Ezekiel. Roland, John, of Maxatawny. Roscrow, Henry, resided in Hunterdon county, New Jersey, 1828. 590 CONTINENTAL LINE. Sergeant. Sprowl, John, January 23, 1777, Capt. Finney's company ; left the army April 1, 1780. Corporals. Shear, George. Short, Richard. Smith, Jacob. Smith, John. Drummer. Summers, George. Privates. Scisler, Michael. Scott, John, resided in Madison county, Indiana, in 1832, aged eighty-three. Scott, Willliam. Shade, John. Shaw. John. Shawnesse, John, September 3, 1778, in Maj. Talbot's company. Shehey, Daniel. Sherman, John. Shiner, Daniel. Shrider, Jacob, resided in Pendleton county, Virginia, 1834, aged eighty-three. Shurr, John, Bower's company, February 18, 1777; died in service, July, 1778. Silsear, Michael. Simmons, William. Sing, Abraham. Smith, Conrad. Smith, Leonard. Sneyd, William, (e,) in Maj. Talbot's company. Solomon, Michael. Spang, John Leonard, Doyle's company ; wounded at Monmouth ; discharged January, 1781; died in Cumberland county, 1821, August 30, 1835, aged seventy-one. Spangler, Leonard. Spence, David. Spencer, David. Spence, John,(e,) September, 1778, Finney's company. Sprigg, Samuel. Stanley, Peter. Stewart, George, died in Franklin county, June 18, 1823, aged sixty- eight. Stewart, Philip William. Stinson, David. Strieker, John, of East Fallowfield, Chester county. SIXTH PENNSYLVANIA. 591 Stricher, Jacob, died in Chester county, February 7, 1832, aged sev- enty-eight. Sunkel, Jacob. Swaine, Edward, February 1, 1777 ; wounded and transferred to In- valid corps ; died June 14, 1790. Drummer. Tealvnan, William. Privates. Thompson, Kobert, resided in Dauphin county, 1822. Tisinger, John, McCowan's company ; deserted February 23, 1778. Torn, Michael. Trueman, William. Utz, George. Sergeant. Vandegriff, Leonard. Privates. Vamsdorff, Matthias. Vanderiff, Matthias. Vardin, Thomas. Vernon, Joseph. Vernon, Thomas. Yibrick, Jacob. Sergeants. Whitesides, James, Capt. Wilkins' company ; reenlisted in Third Penn'a. Whitmire, Everhard, Capt. Bower's company ; ruptured at Bran- dy wine ; resided in Reading, in 1785. Williams, Thomas. Wright, George, (e,) of Maxatawny, Major Talbot's company, June 30, 1778. Fifer. Waltman, Frederick. Privates. Walcut. Clement. Wallace, Andrew. Wallace, James, deserted February 23, 1778. Ward, John, (e,) September, 1778, in Capt. John Doyle's company. Warner, Ludwick, discharged at Fishkill hospital, May 10, 1779. Weaver, Frederick. Welleraker, Jacob. Weltman, Ludwig, Capt. Bush's company, 17791782; resided in York county, 1818, aged sixty. Werner, Michael. 592 CONTINENTAL LINE. Welsh, John. Wetzel, Jacob. Widdoms, Abraham. Wier, James. "Will, Conrad, died in Lancaster county, October 28, 1822, aged sixty-nine. Williams, John. Williams, Stacey, negro, Humphrey's company, enlisted April 15, 1777 ; wounded in the right thigh at Brandy wine ; served until the end of the war; died in Philadelphia, September 21, 1820, aged seventy-six. Williams, William. Wilrick, Jacob. Wilson, John, discharged in 1779; resided at Chickies, Lancaster county, after the war. Wilson, Joseph, April 26, 1777, in Humphrey's company ; resided in Fayette cou.nty, 1834, aged seventy-four. Wilson, Robert, paid to May 14, 1781 ; resided in Morris county, New Jersey, 1834, aged seventy-six. Wilson, William, resided in Allegheny county, 1835, aged seventy- six. Withment, John. Wolf, Nicholas. Wood, Francis, (e,) of Humphrey's company; resided in Ontario county, New York, in 1835, aged seventy-nine. Wood, Richard, March 1, 1777, in Capt. Robert Wilkins' company. Wright, James, April 13, 17781781. Privates. Young, Jacob. Young, Leonard, (e,) May 6, 1777, in Fiuney's company. Private. Zeni, Michael, of Maxatawny. CONTINENTAL LINE. SEVENTH PENNSYLVANIA JANUARY 1, 1777 JANUARY 17, 1781. 38 VOL. X. SEVENTH PENNSYLVANIA REGIMENT. (HE Seventh Penn'a regiment was organized by the ree'n- listment of Col. William Irvine's Sixth battalion. Col. Irvine remained a prisoner on parole until April, 1778, when he was exchanged, and the following year pro- moted brigadier general, and assigned to the Second brigade, which he continued to command until the fall of 1781, when he was detached to Pittsburgh, and charged with the defense of the northwestern frontier. Lieut. Col. Hartley was appointed by Gen. Washington, in January, 1777, to command one of the ad- ditional regiments, and, by the arrangement of March 12, 1777, Major David Grier became lieutenant colonel, and had charge of the regiment until Col. Irvine's exchange. On Col. Irvine's pro- motion, Lieut. Col. Morgan Conner, of Hartley's additional regi- ment, was assigned to the command, with the rank of lieutenant colonel commandant, (see note to Hartley's regiment.) It appears, by Lieut. Col. Grier's letter postea, that the Sixth battalion, now Seventh regiment, only returned to Carlisle from Ticonderoga in March, 1777, and, on the 9th of March, he returns to the Council of Safety the following, as a true list of the officers as they now are in said regiment, with the remarks appended, which his letter explains : LIST, &c., OF THE OFFICERS OF THE SEVENTH PENN'A REG- IMENT. Colonel. Irvine, William, prisoner. Lieutenant Colonel. Grier, David. Captains. Smith, Abraham, unfit to rise. Hay, Samuel, proposed for major. Talbot, Jeremiah. Rippey, William. McClean, Moses, prisoner. Wilson, James H., prisoner. Alexander, William. Bush, Lewis, advanced in a new regiment. (595) 596 CONTINENTAL LINE. First Lieutenants. McDaniel, John, unfit to rise. Bratton, William. McDowell, John. Grier, John, prisoner. Edie, John, prisoner. Alexander, John. Parker, Alexander. McFerran, Samuel, prisoner. Second Lieutenants. McAllister, Abdiel, prisoner. Brooks, John, to be adjutant. Brown, John, unfit to rise. Hogge, John, prisoner. Irvine, Andrew, proposed for paymaster. Wilson, Eobert. Montgomery, Samuel. Nichols, William, advanced in a new regiment. Ensigns. Graham, William, unfit to rise. Miller, William. Lusk, William. Hopes, Robert, advanced in a new regiment. Kennedy, Samuel. Bush, John, advanced in a new regiment. McCoy, Thomas, prisoner. King, John. STAFF OFFICERS. Adjutant. Brooks, John. Quarter-Master. Gamble, James. On March 15, 1777, Lieut. Col. David Grier writes to the Board of War: " I would just inform the Hon b Board that I have made enquiry of some of the officers formerly in the 2nd Penn. Regm', men of probity and honour, that notwithstanding the recommendation in Mr. Allison's favor, (which I doubt not the Hon blc Board have had,) he was not agreeable to the officers of the same corps ; that they be- lieve him a good man but not a good officer; has no military am- bition or knowledge, and I understand from himself that the reasons SEVENTH PENNSYLVANIA. 597 for his resignation were because younger officers were advanced over him, which is always a hint to leave the service. I would also men- tion that those men mentioned by me ' not fit to rise ' in the 7 th Regt., were good men, good members of Society, inoffensive to the other officers, and yet not thought good officei's in comparison to the rest of the regiment, tho', in my opinion, much preferable to this gentleman; and as our officers and men are just come to Carlisle from Ticonderoga, they would think it hard to have a man of that character put into their regiment. I would just inform the Board that I have had messages from three genteel young men, of good families, requesting appointment in this regiment, and expect to have it in my power, before next Monday, to be able to fill up all the vacancies, provided the Hon bl Board will give that indulgence. " P. S. I have had no opportunity to consult the officers of the regiment since the first intimation from the Hon ble Board, of leav- ing out those officers, prisoners." On the 17th, he encloses to the board of war a list (which cannot be found.) of names for appointment in the regiment which he says "he is confident will give general satisfaction, and be a great in- ducement to the men who have been discharged to reenlist ; all the new officers mentioned, unless those opposite the crotchet, were with us in Canada; are young men of good family, and the most of them men of property; have behaved well in every instance while in ser- vice, and have great influence in the neighborhoods where they re- side, &c. I lodge, at the Indian Queen, and should be glad to know the result of the Hon" le Board." The subsequent roster indicates that his recommendations were probably adopted, the promotions to captains being entirely from the old battalion, dropping the captive officers. A return, dated " Camp at Middlebrook, June 17, 1777," signed by Lt. Col. Grier, gives the state of the regiment as follows : one lieu- tenant colonel, one major, eight captains, fifteen lieutenants, eight ensigns, one surgeon, no mate, adjutant, quarter-master, and pay- master ; four hundred and twenty-five men enlisted during the war, or three years; two hundred and twenty of which are present, fit for duty in camp; forty-one sick, in camp; forty-two sick, absent ; six on furlough ; two discharged ; sixty deserted ; fourteen dead , one absent, without leave ; nineteen recruiting ; twenty in dispute with Col. Hartley; a captain, seven lieutenants, and five ensigns are re- cruiting in the back counties. The following, dated "Camp at Trappe, Sept. 29, 1777," from Major Hay to Col. William Irvine, relating to the Paoli night attack, is furnished by Dr. \V. A. Irvine, of Warren county, grand- sou of Col. Irvine : 593 CONTINENTAL LINE. "DEAR COLONEL: Since I had the pleasure of seeing you, the Division under the command of General Wayne lias been surprised by the enemy, with considerable loss. We were ordered by his Ex- cellency to march from the Yellow Springs, down to where the Enemy lay, near the Admiral Warren, there to annoy their rear. We marched early on the 17th instant, and got below the Paoli that night. On the next day fixed on a place for our camp. We lay the 18th and 19th undisturbed, but, on the 20th, at 12 o'clock at night, the Enemy marched out, and so unguarded was our Camp that they were amongst us before we either formed in any manner for our safety, or attempted to retreat, notwithstanding the General had full intelligence of their designs two hours before they came out. I will inform you in a few words of what happened. The annals of the age cannot produce such a scene of butchery. All was confusion. The enemy amongst us, and your Regiment the most exposed, as the Enemy came on the right wing. The 1st Reg- iment (which always takes the right) was taken off, and posted in a strip of woods, stood only one fire, and retreated. Then we were next the Enemy, and, as we were amongst our fires, they had great advantage of us. I need not go on to give the particulars, but the Enemy rushed on, with fixed bayonets, and made the use of them they intended. So you may figure to yourself what followed. The party lost 300 Privates in killed, wounded, and missing, besides commissioned and non-commissioned officers. Our loss is Col. Grier, Captain Wilson, and Lieutenant Irvine* wounded, (but none of them dangerously,) and 61 non-comm d and privates killed and wounded, which was just half the men we had on the ground fit for duty. The 22d, I went to the ground to see the wounded. The scene was shocking the poor men groaning under their wounds, which were all by stabs of Bayonets, and cuts of Light-horsemen's swords. Col. Grier is wounded in the side by a bayonet, superfi- cially slanting to the breast bone. Captain Wilson stabbed in the side, but not dangerous, as it did not take the guts or belly. lie got also a bad stroke on the head with the cock nail of the locks of a musket. Andrew Irvine was ran through the fleshy part of the thigh with a bayonet. They are all laying near David Jones' tavern. I left Capt" McDowell with them to dress and take care of them, and they all are in a fair way of recovery. Major LaMar, of the 4th Regiment, was killed, and some other inferior officers. The Enemy lost Captain Wolf, killed, and four or five Light-horse- *Capt. Andrew Irvine received seventeen bayonet wounds in all, one of which penetrated through his company books, which, in the confu- sion, he had taken up, and thrust into the breast-pocket of his coat to carry off. He never entirely recovered, but died soon after the close of the war from the effects of these wounds. SEVENTH PENNSYLVANIA. 599 men. and about 20 privates, besides a number wounded. The Gen- eral officers have been in Council for three days, and the plan is fixed, but what it is we do not yet know. Inclosed you have the state of the British Army, with their loss at Brandywine. You have it as I have it, and may judge of it as you think proper. " You will see by this imperfect scrawl how many sorts of Ink I have written with all borrowed and the Ink-stand 's dry, as I have no Bagage, nor have had any this four weeks, more than one shirt and one pair of stockings, besides what is on my back. The other officers are in the same way, and most of the officers belong- ing to the Division have lost their Bagage at Col. Frazer's, taken by the Enemy. I have nothing new to Inform you of. My com- pliments to Mrs. Irvine and Mrs. Armstrong. Let her know the Gen' (Armstrong) is very well, and lodges near our camp. " I am, with great respect, yours affectionately, " SAMUEL HAY." A return, signed by Jeremiah Talbot, captain commanding the Seventh, dated November 1, 1777, subsequent to the actions of Brandywine, Paoli, and Germantown, reports four captains, Tal- bot, William and John Alexander, and Parker, present, with three lieutenants, six ensigns, adjutant, quarter-master, paymaster, sur- geon, ten sergeants, six drums and fifes, eighty-nine privates fit for duty, seventeen sick, present, sixty-three sick, absent, eighteen on command, seven wagoners, five pioneers; Lt. Col. Grier, two cap- tains, four lieutenants wounded ; one lieutenant and eighteen rank and file with the light infantry ; two with the wounded officers. Under date of " York-Town,8th Dec r ,1777," Lt. Col. Grier writes to Col. Irvine, in regard to the rank of the officers of the Line : " D r Col. : Since you were here I had sent me by Maj r Hay, the following list & arrangement of the Penn a field Officers as agreed on by a Board of Genl. Officers, & Confirmed by Congress. The re- solve of Congress is as follows, viz : That Congress Agree to the Principle adopted by the said Board, in Settling the relative rank or Precedence of the Officers, According to the Standing they held in the Army immediately before their Present Commissions, (ex- cept where Promotion is had on a Principle of Merit only.) And that the arrangement made by the said Board, with Respect to the Relative rank of the Principle field Officers, be and is hereby Con- firmed. That the Commissions heretofore Granted, are hereby Va- cated ; that said Commissions be delivered to Genl. Washington, & new ones made out, & by him del M to the officers Respectively, with the dates annexed, to their Respective names, as follows : 600 CONTINENTAL LINE. Col'. Hank. 1. Magaw, Jan. 3 d , 1776. 2. Irvine, " 9, D. 3. Cadwallader, 7 Sep'. 4. Johnson, 27 th . 5. Chambers, 28. 6. Brodhead, 29. 7. Wood, 30. 8. Humpton, Oct r l. 9. Cook, 2. Lt. Coll*, dates. 1. Nagel, 21 st Aug', 1776. 2. Bicker, 22 D " 3. Boss, 27 " " 4. E. Butler, 28 " " 5. Craig, 29. 6. W m Butler, 30. 7. Frazer, 1 th Oct r . 8. Grier, 2 do. 9. Gurney, 3 do. 10. Hubley, 4 do. H. Gray, 5 do. Majors. 1. Smith, Sepf 27, 1776. 2. Miller, Do 28. 3. Williams, Do 29. 4. Lamar, 30. 5. Harmar, Oct r 1. 6. Kobinson, 2. 7. Benezet, 3. 8. Bayard, 4. 9. Hay, 5. 10. North, 6. 11. Mentges, 7. 12. Crawford, 8. " Now, you will see by theabove Arrangement, that Notwithstand- ing my Com n as Maj r & Lt. Col. were Older then either of the five now before me, viz : Eoss, E. Butler, Craig, W m Butler, & Frazer, & altho 1 contrary to the mode, by the said Board adopted, yet my new Com n is to be of a Younger date. I was a Major long before either of those ment d , which was the standing we held immediately before our Present Corn 05 ; I, therefore, am determined, as I have not got the Benefit of their own mode, to quit the service as soon as I can settle my ace 1 . I have spoke to the Members of Congress SEVENTH PENNSYLVANIA. 601 several times about the Prisoners of War, & they told me that very little could now be done, as a Committee of Congress were gone to head Qu rs , but as soon as they Returned something would be done. As I am now stating my Acc ts in Order to settle them, I see at the Bottom of your Gen'l acc't two hundred & thirty Dollars added, without say 8 to whom del"; & you ment", at the foot, 200 Dollars by you draw'd last Feb. 7, of w h you say Maj r Hay Has an acc't ; he never gave me any such acc't ; yourself give me rec ts of one thous- and Dollars, draw'd at Philad", & delivered the different officers; but the other two thousand I never heard of until I Eec d your last acc't; if you can find any acc't of that two thousand, would be obliged to you to send it me, as also that 230, & who Rec d it. My wound is quit skin'd over, but I find, on Riding, that the Parts about the wound swells, inflames, & Gets very Painful ; I fear it has been let close too soon. I find, by your last acc't, that a Number of the officers have rec d more cash then they can acc't for ; there must be a loss soma where, who will suffer it I do not know. Give my Comp ts to Mrs. Irwine, & believe me, dear Col., your very H bl servt, "D. GRIER." After the Revolt of the Penn'a Line, in 1781, the remains of the Seventh Penn'a were drafted into the Fourth, 'subsequently the Fourth into the Third, and finally, in 1783, into the First. ROSTER OF FIELD AND STAFF OFFICERS, Colonel. Irvine, William, January 9, 1776 ; prisoner on parole until May 6, 1778 ; promoted brigadier general May 12, 1779. Lieutenant Colonel Commandants. Conner, Morgan, from Hartley's regiment, (see note to Hartley's regiment,) May 12, 1779. Harmar, Josiah, August, 1780; transferred to lieutenant colonel of Third Penn'a, January 17, 1781. Lieutenant Colonel. Grier, David, ranking from October 2, 1776; retired January 1, 1781 ; died at York, June 3, 1790, aged forty-eight. Majors. Hay, Samuel, iron master, of Cumberland county, March 12, 1777 ; ranking from October 5, 1776; promoted lieutenant colonel, February 21, 1778, and transferred to Tenth Penn'a. Barr, James, from captain of First Penn'a, October 9, 1778 ; re- tired the service January 1, 1781 ; died about 1800, in North- umberland county. 602 CONTINENTAL LINE. Captains. Talbot, Jeremiah, ranking from January 9, 1776 ; promoted major of the Sixth Penn'a, September 24, 1777. Alexander, William, commissioned June 1, 1773; ranking from May 18; promoted major of Third Penn'a, April 16, 1780. Bratton, William, from lieutenant, March 20, 1777 ; resigned April 17, 1779. McDowell, John, from lieutenant, March 20, 1777. Alexander, John, from lieutenant, March 20, 1777; transferred to Fourth Penn'a, January 17, 1781. Parker, Alexander, from lieutenant, March 20, 1777 ; transferred to the Fourth Penn'a, January 17, 1781. Willson, Robert, from second lieutenant, March 20, 1777 ; wounded at Paoli ; resided in Jefferson county, Kentucky, in 1834, aged eighty-two. Montgomery, Samuel, from second lieutenant, March 20, 1777 : transferred to the Fourth Penn'a, January 17, 1781. Irvine, Andrew, from second lieutenant, ranking as captain from March 20, 1777 ; wounded at Paoli ; transferred to the Fourth Penn'a, January 17, 1781. Miller, William, from captain lieutenant, April 17, 1779; retired January 1, 1781. Lusk, William, from captain lieutenant. May 12, 1779; transferred to Second Penn'a, January 17, 1781. Kennedy, Samuel, from captain lieutenant, April 17. 1780 ; trans- ferred to Second Penn'a, January 17, 1781. Captain Lieutenants. Miller, William, from lieutenant, February 2, 1778: promoted cap- tain April 17, 1779. Lusk, William, from 'lieutenant, April 17, 1779; promoted captain May 12, 1779. Kennedy, Samuel, from lieutenant, May 12, 1779 ; promoted cap- tain April 17, 1780. Bush, John, from first lieutenant, April 17, 1780. First Lieutenants. Irvine, Andrew, from second lieutenant, Sixth battalion ; promoted captain, ranking from March 20, 1777. Miller, William, from' ensign, March 20, 1777; promoted captain lieutenant February 2, 1778. Lusk, William, from ensign, March 20, 1777; promoted captain lieutenant April 17, 1779. Kennedy, Samuel, from ensign, March 20, 1777 ; promoted captain lieutenant May 12, 1779. Bush, John, from ensign. March 20, 1777 ; promoted captain lieu- tenant April 17, 1780. SEVENTH PENNSYLVANIA. 603 Bryson, Samuel, March 20, 1777 ; transferred to the Fourth Penn'a, January 17, 1781 ; wounded, marks of which he carried until his death. McMichael, James, from Thirteenth Penn'a, July 1,1778; trans- ferred to the Fourth Penn'a, January 17, 1781. McPherson, Robert, from second lieutenant, September 1, 1777 ; re- signed April 16, 1779. Russell, Alexander, from second lieutenant, September 1, 1777 ; re- signed April 16, 1779. Torrence, Joseph, from second lieutenant, February 2, 1778; re- signed April 25, 1779. Peebles. Robert, from second lieutenant, April 15, 1779 ; transferred to the Fourth Penn'a, January 17, 1781. Milligan, James, from second lieutenant, April 16, 1779; transferred to the Fourth Penn'a, January 17, 1781. McCullam, John, from second lieutenant, April 16, 1779; trans- ferred to the Fourth Penn'a, January 17, 1781. Hughes, John, from second lieutenant, April 25, 1779. Second Lieutenants. Williamson, James, March 19, 1777 ; resigned April 6, 1779 ; resided in Greene county, in 1833, aged seventy-nine. McCoy, Thomas, from ensign ; exchanged August 10, 1777 ; dis- missed the service, November 10, 1778. McPherson, Robert, March, 1777; promoted first lieutenant, Sep- tember 1, 1777. Blair, John, , 1777 ; resigned 1779. Russell, Alexander, , 1777 ; promoted first lieutenant, Septem- ber 1, 1777 ; residing in Adams county, 1835, aged seventy. Torrence, Joseph, , 1777 ; promoted first lieutenant, February 2, 1778. Peebles, Robert, , 1777; promoted first lieutenant, April 15, 1779. Milligan, James, from ensign, September 1,1777; promoted first lieutenant, April 16, 1779. McCullam, John, from ensign, September 25, 1777; promoted first lieutenant, April 16, 1779. Hughes, John, from ensign, September 25, 1777. Ensigns. Hughes, John, from Sixth battalion ; promoted second lieutenant, September 25, 1777. McCoy, Thomas, a prisoner ; promoted second lieutenant. McCullam, John, March, 1777; promoted second lieutenant, Sep- tember 25, 1777. Armstrong, William, March, 1777. McGee, John, March, 1777. 604 CONTINENTAL LINE. Milligan, James, March, 1777; promoted second lieutenant, Sep- tember 1, 1777. Wilson, William, March, 1777. McWheeling, Kobert, March, 1777. Eennison, John, from sergeant, July 24, 1779 ; resigned April, 1780 ; died in Butler county, May 18, 1829, aged eighty-nine, and blind from 1819. Denny, Ebenezer, August , 1780; transferred to the Fourth Penn'a. [There is also a John Grier carried as lieutenant of the Seventh Penn'a on some of the books in the Department.] Adjutants. Elliot, Robert. McCullam, John, August 22, 1778, to date from June 1, 1778. Quarter- Masters. Gamble, James, from Sixth battalion. Hughes, John, August 27, 1778, to date from June 1, 1778; De- cember 46, 1778, appointed brigade quarter-master, First Penn'a brigade. Surgeon. *Rose, John, June 12, 1777 ; he seems to have been appointed, and not being found competent, transferred to the general hospital as surgeon's mate, whence he was appointed as Gustavus Hen- derson, surgeon's mate to Seventh Penn'a ; or, as he was an agent to settle other officers' accounts, his name may have been changed afterwards on the roll to Gustavus Henderson. Surgeon's Mates. * Henderson, Gustavus, appointed March 1,1780; afterwards pro- moted surgeon of the " Revenge ;" captured, and remained a prisoner in New York, during the winter of 1780-81 ; July 8, 1781, ensign John Rose, entitled to a lieutenancy, is appointed aid-de-camp to Brig. Gen. Irvine; returned August 9, 1781, as ensign of the Fourth Penn'a. Browne, Joseph, from Thirteenth Penn'a ; resided in New York city, after the war. * His proper name was Baron Gustavus H. de Rosenthal, of Livonia, Russia ; he was afterwards, 1783, clerk to the Council of Censors ; re- turned to Europe in 1784 ; died in 1830 ; he received two tracts of Dona- tion land from the State, located on Oil creek, now very valuable ; he was a protege of Gen. W. Irvine. See ButterfielcV s Crawford's Cam- pnign,pagelSO-297; also, Ratter mannas "Deutsche Pionier,"vol.7, page 83. The entry upon one book is John Rose, ensign, late surgeon, paid from June 12, 1777; on another, Gustavus Henderson, surgeon's mate, paid from March 1, 1780, to August 1, 1780. SEVENTH PENNSYLVANIA. 605 Paymasters. Knight, John, 17771778. Alexander, John, appointed August 27, 1778 ; to date from June 1, 1778. Sergeant Major. Morrison, John. Quarter-master Sergeant. McGreggor, William. Drum Major. Melton, John Fife Major. Stack, Richard. ROLL OF CAPT. SAMUEL HAY'S COMPANY. [Those marked with * have not joined the company yet.] Captain. Hay, Samuel. Sergeants. Faucet, John. Foster, John. Hughes, John. Parker, John. Corporals. Boyd, William. Hammak, John. Kowain, Francis. Sample, Ezekiel. Drummer. Hensy, John. Fifer. Newnham, Elias. Privates. Bartley, Samuel. Barman, Darby. Batson, William. Blair, William. Bolden, Patrick. CONTINENTAL LIN. Boner, William. Boyd, Abram. Boyle, John. Brown, Robert. Bummigin, William. Butcher, John. Butler, George. Byers, Andrew. Carletou, Charles. Carrol, Joseph. Cochran, Samuel. Cochran, James, (second.) Cohan, George. Cumming, Robert. Davison, Edward. Deupry, Patrick. Dunwoody, John. Dyas, Thomas. Evans, John. Flaverty, John. Forsythe, Abel. Flinch, Arthur. Frit, Henry. Garnor, Lawrence. Gauday, Arthur. Graham, James, (first.) Graham, James, (second.) Hamilton, Robert. Harley, Timothy. Haron, Thomas. Hastings, John. Holliday, William. Huges, Robert. Jamison, John. Johnson, William.* Kennedy, Archabald. Kerr, Michael. Kune, James. Leeh, William. McClaine, James. McCommel, Charles. McCoy, William. McCormick, James. McCormick, Patrick. McDonald, William. McGall, Patrick. SEVENTH PENNSYLVANIA. 607 McGlaughlin, Daniel. McJortin, William. McKel, William. McMichael, John. McMullon > Edward. McQuown, William. Maise, Alexander. Martin, Adam. Means, Thomas. Mitchell, James. Murphy, Edward. Nelson, Thomas. Pendergrass, Robert. Riley, Charles. Keak, Robert. Roach, David. Ross, John. Sheshan, John.* Thomas, Alexander. Thompson, Joseph. Traner, Michael. Wagoner, Garret. White, John. Wilkins, Alexander. Wilson, Andrew. Wright, Charles. ROLL OF CAPTAIN JEREMIAH TALBOT'S COMPANY. Captain. Talbot, Jeremiah. Lieutenant. Torrence, Joseph. Ensign. McCullam, John. Sergeants. Gibbs, William, December 7, 1776. Hunter, Robert, December 7, 1776. Thompson, Hugh, January 31, 1777. Whitely, Thomas. Corporal. Smith, John, April 8, 1777. 608 CONTINENTAL LINE. Privates. Antrican, William, February 25, 1777. Asten, Thomas. Balls, James, July 12, 1777. Berryhill, Gilbert, February 17, 1777. Black, Michael, February 21, 1777. Boyle, Patrick, February 19, 1777. Brown, John, April 20, 1777. Brown, Michael, February 7, 1777. Burns, Robert, March 26, 1777. Caldwell, Thomas, March 30, 1777. Campbell, William, January 22, 1777. Carrass, Conrad, March 30, 1777. Cassady, Hugh, January 24, 1777. Cavanagh, John, March 25, 1777. Connor, Charles, January 23, 1777. Carrahan, George, March 20, 1777. Crowl, John, February 3, 1777. Cunningham, Matthew, May 24, 1777. Curray, John. Dennison, Thomas, October 5, 1778. Doyle, Patrick, February 9, 1777. Dunfee, Michael February 20, 1777. Dunn, Thomas, March 25, 1777. Ferguson, John, November 1, 1776. Foster, John, January 24, 1777. Foster, William, April 20, 1777. Frighender, John, January 23, 1777. Fullerton, John, February 2, 1777. Fummy, Martin, October 7, 1778. Gerhart, James, April 23, 1777. Gwin, Patrick, February 27, 1777. Hart, Edward, April 2, 1777. Johnston, John, February 7, 1777. Keaten, Thomas, September 12, 1778. Kelly, Charles, March 14, 1777. Killenugh, John, January 23, 1777. Lee, James, February 20, 1777. McCalley, William, May 3, 1777. McCarty, Daniel, February 7, 1777. McCullen, Patrick, February 22, 1777. McDonald, William, January 1, 1777. McGahy, Andrew, September 16, 1777. McGilligan, Barney, February 1,1777. McKinley, John, March 26, 1777. McKinley, Peter, February 17, 1777. SEVENTH PENNSYLVANIA. 609 Milton, John, November 1, 1776. Moore, Thomas, September 18, 1778. Moreland, Hugh, March 18, 1779. Murray, Patrick, January 31, 1777. O'Hara, Francis, January 1, 1777. O'Neal, Felix, March 3, 1777. Rawls, James, May 24, 1777. Robinson, John, January 29, 1777. Row, Christopher, April 1, 1777. Sherry, Thomas, April 17, 1777. Shoemaker, John, March 10, 1777. Shohey, Isaac, April 1, 1777. Sityler, Michael, January 17, 1777. Smith, John, Jr., April 5, 1777. Smith, Peter, March 20, 1777. Sudweek, Robert, September 26, 1778. Vaughn, Henry, August 21, 1777. Wann, Michael, February 10, 1777. Weaver, Jacob, March 20, 1777. West, Joseph, February 25, 1777. White, John, December , 1776. Whitely, William, February 17, 1777. Wilson, John, March 20, 1777. ROLL OF CAPTAIN WILLIAM ALEXANDER'S COMPANY. Captain . Alexander, William. First Lieutenant. Kennedy, Samuel. Second Lieutenant. Russell, Alexander. Ensign. McWheeling, Robert. Sergeants. Gray, William, April 11, 1777. Smith, John. Wade, Joseph, March 1, 1777. Way, Matthew, left the army April 16, 1780. 39 VOL. X. 610 CONTINENTAL LINE. Corporals. Brown, George. Hamilton, James, January 24, 1777. Rawlands, Joseph, May 28, 1777. Templeton, Joseph. Privates. Anguish, William. Berry, James, January 5, 1777. Brannon, John, February 22, 1777. Bryans, John, January 3, 177. Butler, Patrick, April 22, 1777. Clemouds, John, February 4, 1777. Conn, Adam, January 5, 1777. Corrigan, Cornelius, February 14, 1777. Courtney, William, February 24, 1777. Davis, David, March 1, 1777. Donovan, James, May 7, 1777. Farrell, John, - , 1779. Freet, Henry, February 23, 1777. Guthrie, William, May 27, 1777. Harkens, James, March 21, 1777. Henley, Kichard. Hutton, James, May 5, 1778. Leed, Jacob, November 20, 1778. McCall, John, February 9, 1777. McConn, Thomas. McCormick, Patrick, April 11, 1777. McDonnel, John, February 26, 1777. McGinnis, John, February 24, 1777. McGonaghy, Patrick, May 27, 1777. Moore, Isaac, December 22, 1778. Murphy, Timothy. Nowland, Patrick, August 26, 1778. Price, James. Rooney, Patrick. Sommerville, John, January 1, 1777. Stewart, John, April 22, 1779. Wilkinson, William, February 24, 1777. Worley, George, February 1, 1777. SEVENTH PENNSYLVANIA. 611 ROLL OF CAPT. WILLIAM BRATTON'S COMPANY. Captain. Bratton, "William. Lieutenant. McCoy, Thomas. Ensign. Armstrong, William. Sergeants . Chapman, Amos, February, 1777. Gilles, Thomas. O'Neal, Timothy, February, 1777. Drummer. Steen, Edward, April, 3777. Fifer. Wann, John, November 26, 1776. Privates. Beatty, John, February, 1777. Carman, William, June 8, 1779. Carter, Patrick. Daily, John, October 25, 1778. Dunnivan, Daniel. Edgarton, Edward, November 20, 1776. Elliot, James. German, Henry. Gilles, Thomas, promoted sergeant. Gilmore, Michael, September 9, 1778. Hall, David. Henry, Francis. Higgins, James, June 3, 1778. Lee, Fergus. Lowden, Richard. Loyd, Peter, November 20, 1776. McCay, Gilbert. McCay, Neal. McDonald, Patrick. McGaghan, John, February, 1777. McKean, John. 612 CONTINENTAL LINE. Martin, Peter. Moore, Fergus, January, 1777. Prent, John. Redstone, William. Eooney, Peter, April, 1777. Ryan, John. Shockey, Patrick, , 1779. Simon ton, James. Simonton, Thomas, , 1779. Taylor, John. ROLb OF CAPT. JOHN McDOWELL'S COMPANY. Captain. McDowell, John. First Lieutenant. Miller, William. Second Lieutenant. McPherson, Robert. Ensign. Milligan, James. Sergeants. Gainer, Thomas. Gough, Roger, November 26, 1776. Linn, Adam, February 19, 1777. Corporal. Manley, William. Drummer. Conner, Patrick, November 19, 1776. Privates. Atchison, Edward. Blackley, George. Bradshaw, William, February 18, 1 Cain, Henry, September 22, 1778. SEVENTH PENNSYLVANIA. *613 Campbell, William. Chesney, Thomas, April 1, 1777. Connelly, John, December 20, 1776. Connor, Daniel. Donnel, John. Duffleld, Philip. Dugan, John, May 26, 1777. Farming, John. Garman, Henry. Gilmore, Samuel. Hart, John, December 11. 1776. Hunter, Robert, February 1, 1777. Johnston, James, February 15, 1777. Kelly, Matthew, November 10, 1778. Kennedy, Andrew, November 10, 1777. King, Patrick, March 3, 1777. Lennogan, Michael. McCalloh, John. McDonnel, Alexander, December 27, 1776. McDonnel, Francis, January 14, 1778. McGunnagle, Neal, February 15, 1777. McKeehan, Patrick. Milton, John, November 1, 1776. Morrison, John, April 16, 1777. Mulloy, Bartholomew. Murphy, Dennis. Quinn, James. Riley, Thoma's, April 23, 1778. Shawley, Michael. Silas, Solomon. Sparks, Diggony, April 26, 1779. Slack, Richard, November 19, 1776. Sullivan, George, April 1, 1777. Sullivan, Marly, January 12, 1777. Walch, John. Welch, Edward, December 10, 1776. Welch, James, February 15, 1777. Welsh, John. February 15, 1777. Winkler, Hendrick, July 20, 1778. 614 CONTINENTAL LINE. - ROLL OF CAPT. JOHN ALEXANDER'S COMPANY. Captain. Alexander, John. Second Lieutenant. Peebles, Robert. Ensign. Wilson, William. Sergeants. McCormick, William. Nicholson, John. Corporals. Cochran, Joshua. Gregg, Robert, January 24, 1777. McConnell, Matthew. Privates. Alexander, John, January 10, 1777. Benson, John, December 8, 1776. Bonnie, James. Boyle, Philip. Bradley, John, February 3, 1777. Bradley, William, September 9, 1778. Bruce, William. Collins, John. Conroy, James, May 8, 1778. Corman, Henry. Craighead, Robert. Drudge, John, May 20, 1778. Ford, John. Hall, John, November 18, 1778. Hamil, James. Hays, John. Hogan, Michael, May 12, 1777. Hungary, Peter, September 10, 1778. Johnston, Thomas. Kelly, William, January 30, 1777. Lucas, George, March 15, 1777. Lovey, John, September 9, 1778. SEVENTH PENNSYLVANIA. 615 McCue, Patrick. McKelson, John, March 15, 1777. McLaughlin, Bryan, January 24, 1777. McQuer, Duncan, June 16, 1779. Maloney, Archibald, April 13, 1778. Marshall, William, December 25, 1776. Patrick, George, February 5, 1777. Pezzy, Thomas. Pinkerton, Andrew, February 5, 1777. Quin, John. Reid, Alexander, January 10, 1777. Ryan, Patrick, September 8, 1778. Ryan, Thomas, December 15, 1778. Smith, John, December 15, 1776. Spriggett, William, September 25, 1778. Stokes, Robert, November 1, 1778. Todd, John, March 11, 1777. Vincent, John, July 3, 1778. Walker, Samuel, May 12, 1778. ROLL OF CAPTAIN ALEXANDER PARKER'S COMPANY. Captain. Parker, Alexander. First Lieutenant. Lusk, William. Second Lieutenant. Blair, John. Ensign. Hughes, John. Sergeants. Hewett, George. Rennison, John, from Hazen's regiment. Winn, John, promoted ensign, July 24, 1779. Corporals. McCown, James, December 27, 1776. McPherson, George. Madden, Michael, January, 1, 1777. 616 CONTINENTAL LINE. Drummer. McGinnis, Edward, April 20 ,.1777. Fifer. Price, William. Privates. Carman, William, December 28, 1776. Carney, John, December 15, 1776. Cavan, Alexander, April , 1777. Cenney, Joseph. Clouse, Jacob, December 21, 1776. Cratty, Andrew, December 15, 1776. Cull, Hugh, January 20, 1777. Davidson, James, December 15, 1776. Denny, Alexander, December 20, 1776. Dugan, John. Elliot, Robert, April 21, 1777. Fribble, John, May 3, 1777. Garvin, Henry, December 31, 1776. George, Robert, December 25, 1776. Hamilton, Cumberland, December 31, 1776. Hargie, John, February 3. 1777. Hoar, John, December 15, 1776. Hunt, Thomas, March 20, 1777. Intrican, William, March 20. 1777. Johnston, John, April 3, 1777. Justice, Jacob, December 27, 1776. McClean, David, December 19, 1776. McClean, Thomas, December 21, 1776. McGuire, Bartholomew. McMichael, John. Martin, Patrick, May 14, 1777. Nicholson, William, December 31, 1776. Shekel, Peter, May 17, 1777. Shields, Michael, December 19, 1776. Spinkhouse, Anthony, May 14, 1777. Winn. John, January 21, 1777. Wright, John, January 21, 1777 ; promoted sergeant. SEVENTH PENNSYLVANIA. 617 ROLL OF CAPTAIN ROBERT WILSON'S COMPANY. Captain. Wilson, Robert. Lieutenants. Bush, John. Williamson, James. Sergeants. Kilpatrick, James. McGriggor, William. O'Neill, John, April 16, 1777. Corporals. Galbreath, Josiah, February 10, 1777. Gibboney, John, January 10, 1777. McMullen, William. Drummer. Dugan, John. Privates. Appleby, Thomas, January 29, 1778. Bair, John, May 7, 1778. Black, Patrick. Brown, Michael, December 23, 1776. Chambers, James, (1st,) January 15, 1777. Chambers, James, (2d.) Collins, John, January 2, 1777. Cummins, Richard, April 23, 1777. Faw, Matthew, January 20, 1777. Johnston, Nicholson, January 8, 1777. Keys, William, January 12, 1777. McDonald, James, November 17, 1776. McKellan, Edward, December 26, 1776. McLaughlin, John. McManus, Hugh, April 30, 1778. McMullen, William, April 30, 1777. McSorely, John, November 17, 1776. Mann, John. Miles, William. Miller, John, January 12, 1777. Moore, James, April 20, 1777. 618 CONTINENTAL LINE. Murray Daniel, November 17, 1776. Parker, John, January 12, 1777. Porter, Alexander, April 27, 1777. Keun, Joseph. Roberts, Patrick, March 30. 1778. Ryland, John, April 1, 1778. Sullivan, Daniel, January 2, 1777. White, Hector. Wiggans, William, January 16, 1777. Wren, Joseph, January 28, 1778. ROLL OF CAPT. SAMUEL MONTGOMERY'S COMPANY. Captain. Montgomery, Samuel. First Lieutenant. Bryson, Samuel. Ensign. McGee, John. Sergeants Maxwell, James, January 15, 1777. Roberts, William. Todd, Robert. Wilson, Josias, January 21, 1777. Corpora?. Reily, Charles, January 22, 1777. Drummer. Cogdail, Daniel, March 10, 1777. Fifer. Crom, Christian, January 13, 1777. Privates. Allen, John, June 4, 1777. Bannon, Jerry, November 20, 1776. Bremigen, William, December 24, 1776. Bran non, Darby. Brown, Philip, May 3, 1777. Brown, Thomas, November 16, 1777. SEVENTH PENNSYLVANIA. 619 Cavanagh, John, June 8, 1777 ; promoted corporal. Chambers, Joseph. Corty, Francis, June 12, 1777. Dawson, Edward, December 24, 1776. Duggan, Charles, January 28, 1777. Dyke, Thomas. Ellis, Robert, June 4, 1777. Flinn, John. Graham, James, December 24, 1776. Griffy, Andrew. Hastings, John, January 2, 1777. Heatherington, John. Johnston, Thomas, February 19, 1777. Kerry, Lawrence McClane, Samuel. McClean, James, November 20, 1776. McConnel, Charles, December 19, 1776. McCoy, Kory, January 22, 1777. McCoy, William, January 22, 1777. McDonald, William, August 3, 1777. McGarrigan, Daniel, December 27, 1776. McGuire, James. Mclntire, William, February 12, 1777. McMullan, Edward. Maloy, James, December 23, 1776. Means, Thomas, February 12, 1777. Mellon, John, March 31, 1777. Payne, Thomas. Perry, Samuel, May 25, 1777. Roberts, William, January 21, 1777. Waggoner, Garrett, January 22, 1777. SEVEN MONTHS' MEN. [See list ibidem to First Penn'a.] Capt. Samuel Kennedy's Company. D chart, Isaac. Foil, Peter. Hannah, Eobert. Hardin, Daniel. Hynot, Thomas. 620 Isepice, George. Madera, Nicholas. Miller, George. Nevel, John. O'Loan, Patrick. Phillipy, Abraham. Simons, Issles. Thomas, John. Wade, John. Wise, Martin. Vancler, Philip. CONTINENTAL LINE. Lieutenant Colonel's Company. Arney, John. Benster, Matthew. Carmichael, John. Clark, John. Coleman. Thomas. Lumbert, George. McAllister, John. Nagle, Henry. Beed, John. You, Adam. Young, Thomas. Zeigler, Adam. Major's Company. Alexander, Charles. Allen, Barney. Archer, William. Battonstoce, Philip. Campbell, John. Curtin, Peter. Ford, Alexander. Hunt, William, deserted. Mahelm, Peter. Mosle, Bar net. Sweiler, George. Captain John Alexander's Company. Birlet, John. Branley, George. Curling, George. Fultz, George. SEVENTH PENNSYLVANIA. 621 Harp, George. Heans, Daniel. Luther, Theophilus. Randle, John. Randle, Robert. Ryons, George. Upton, Michael. Widdle, Christian. Captain Alexander Parker's Company. Bell, John P. Brybu, John. Leonard, Michael. Molster, Michael. Solger, Stephen. Woodruff, Jesse. Captain Andrew Irvine's Company. Barnthysel, Henry. Jones, Dennis. Nighfunk, Philip. Ottaman, John. Riblet, Peter. Smith, Peter. W alder, Jacob. White, Dempsey. Wright, John, discharged September, 1780 Captain Samuel Montgomery's Company. Bamer, William. Cample, William. Eastman, Nicholas. Ferret, Henry. Henderson, James. Keplinger, Peter. Kinkaid, Robert. Kneeland, John. Meatch, John. Rial, Daniel. Roberts, John. Rody, Augustus. Shaffer, Henry. Freet, Henry. Upteger, Jacob, 622 CONTINENTAL LINE. Capt. William Miller's Company. Cowman, William, discharged August 6, 1780. Croats, Casper, deserted September 6, 1780. Feeley, Thomas. Gordan, Thomas. Mandeville, John. Moffatt, William. Mowrine, Henry. Partridge, John. Spigle, Henry, discharged August 2, 1780. Stephenson, William. Warner, John. Westcott, David. ROLL OF THE SEVENTH REGIMENT, AS PAID OFF AT CARLISLE IN APRIL, 1781. THE COLONEL'S COMPANY. Stack, Richard. Linn, Adam. Bradshaw, William. McDonald, Alexander. Connor, Patrick. Blakely, George, absent. Chesney, Thomas. Duffield, Felix. Johnston, James. Kean, Henry. Kennedy, Andrew. King, Patrick. McDaniel, Francis. Reily, Thomas, absent. Fife Major. Sergeant. Corporals, Drummer. Privates. SEVENTH PENNSYLVANIA. 623 Shanly, Michael, absent, Invalid corps. Smith, Matthew. Sullivan, Murty. Welsh, Edward. Welsh, James. MAJOR JAMES BARK'S COMPANY. Sergeants. Morrison, John, April 16, 1777 ; sergeant major all along. O'Neill, John, 1776; all along. Wiggans, William, January 16, 1777 March 1, 1780. Corporals. Galbraith, Joseph, January 1, 1777. Gibbony, John, January 20, 1777 September 1, 1779. McMullin, William, enlisted April 4, 1777; corporal since March 1, 1780. Fifer. Porter, Alexander, in hospital at Albany. Privates. Appleby, Thomas, June 29, 1778. Brown, Michael, 1776, with sappers and miners. Chambers, James, January 15, 1777. Collins, John, January 2, 1777. Eaw, Matthias, January 20, 1777. Keas, William, January 12, 1777 ; deserted. McKillen, Edward, April 4, 1777. McManus, Hugh, April 3, 1778. Miller, John, January 12, 1777. Moore, James, January 1, 1777. Murray, Daniel, 1776. Roberts, Patrick, March 30, 1777. Ryland, John, April 1, 1778. Wren, Joseph, January 28/1777. 624 CONTINENTAL LINE. CAPT. ALEXANDER PARKER'S COMPANY. Sergeant Major. McDonnel, John, April 14, 1777. Sergeants. Hargey, John, February 3, 1777. Winn, John, February 21, 1777. Corporals. Gervin, Henry, 1776. Madden. Michael, January 1, 1777. Privates. Carmon, William, 1776. Carney, John, 1776, absent. Cavan, Alexander, March 20, 1777, absent. Cratty, Andrew, 1776. Cull, Hugh, January 13, 1777. Davidson, James, December 15, 1776, absent. Denny, Alexander, 1776, absent. Elliot, Robert, 1776, absent. Entrican, William, March 20, 1777. Glouse, Jacob, 1776. Hamilton, Cumberland, 1776. Hoar, John, May 17, 1777. Hunt, Thomas, April 9, 1777. Johnston, John, April 3, 1777. Justice, Jacob, 1776. McClaue, David, 1776, absent. McClane, Thomas, 1776. Martin, Patrick, May 14, 1777. Nicholson, William, 1776. Spinkhouse, Anthony, May 11, 1777, absent. Trebles, John, May 3, 1777. Van Kirk, John, 1776. Wright, John, January 21, 1777. SEVENTH PENNSYLVANIA. 625 CAPT. SAMUEL MONTGOMERY'S COMPANY. Sergeants. Wilson, Josias, from January 2, 1777, Invalid corps. Roberts, William. Reily, Charles. Davidson, Edward. Corporals. Cavenagh, John. McClaue, James. Fifer. Cogdail, Daniel. Drummer. Crow, Christian. Privates. Allen, John. Bannon, Darby. Bremigen, William. Brown, Philip. Curty, Francis. Duggan, Charles. Hastings, John. Johnston, Thomas, February 19, 1777. McConnel, Charles. McCoy, Eory. McCoy, William. McDonald, William. McGarigan, Daniel. Means, Thomas, February 12, 1777. Perry, Samuel. Waggoner, Garret, February 8, 1777. 40 VOL. X. 626 CONTINENTAL LINE. CAPTAIN ANDREW IRVINE'S COMPANY. Sergeants. Gibb, William. Hunter, .Robert, February 1, 1777 ; in all the time. Lee, James. Thomson, Hugh. Corpora Is. Cocbran, George. Moore, Thomas. Shoemaker, John, March 20, 1777 ; all the time. Drummer. Millan, John. Fifer. Wann, "Michael. Privates. Blake, Michael. Caldwell, Thomas. Carcass, Conrad, May 30, 1777. Cayton, Thomas, September 12, 1777. Cunningham, Matthew. Dennison, Thomas. Doyle, Peter, February 9, 1777. Johnston, John, February 11, 1777. McKinley, John. McKinley, Peter. Moreland, Hugh. Murphy, Patrick. O'Harra, Francis, January 1, 1777. Smith, Peter, March 20, 1777 ; deserted March 1, 1778, to 24th Au- gust, 1780. Toomey, Morthey, October 7, 1778. Weaver, Jacob. SEVENTH PENNSYLVANIA. 627 CAPTAIN WILLIAM MILLER'S COMPANY. Sergeants. Chapman, Amos, , 1776. O'Neal, Timothy, , 1776. Beatty, John, March 1, 1780. Corporals. McGahan, John, February 11, 1777 ; reduced March 1, 1780. Beatty, John, May 21, 1777 ; corporal February 1, 1780, and to ser- geant, March 1, 1780. Picket, Francis, March 1, 1780. Redstone, William, March 1, 1780. Drummer. Steen, Edward, April 21, 1777 ; absent. Fifer. Wann, John, November 26, 1776. Privates. Carter, Patrick. Daily, John, October 25, 1778; absent. Dimnavan, Daniel, February 9, 1777. Edgarton, Edward, , 1776. Elliott, James, , 1776. German, flenry, January 21, 1777. Henry, Francis, absent. Higgins, James, June 3, 1778. Lloyd, Peter, November 20, 1776. Loudon, Eichard, April 7, 1778. McCoy, Neal, April 27, 1778. McDonald, Patrick, April 9, 1777. Martin, Peter, , 1776 ; absent. Moore, Fergus, absent. Picket, Francis, November 20, 1776; promoted corporal, March 1, 1780. Bedstone, William, March 17,1778; promoted corporal, March 1, 1780. Rooney, Peter, , 1776 ; absent. Ryan, John, February 11, 1777 ; absent. Simon, Thomas, , 1776. Shockney, Patrick, , 1776 ; absent. 628 CONTINENTAL LINE. CAPTAIN SAMUEL KENNEDY'S COMPANY. Gray, William. Rowland, Joseph. Butler, Patrick. Somerville, John. Sergeants. Corporals. Privates. Berry, James. Brown, John. Conn, Adam. Corrigan, Cornelius. Courtney, William. Davis, David. Fritt, Henry. Guthrey, William. Harkins, James. Hutton, James. Leed, Jacob, absent. McCall, John, absent. McConahy, Patrick. McCormick, Patrick, April 8, 1777. McDonald, John, absent. McGinn is, John. Wilkinson, William. Worley, George. NON-COMMISSIONED OFFICERS AND PRIVATES OF THE SEVENTH PENNSYLVANIA REGIMENT, CONTINENTAL LINE. [Those marked (e) are taken from a list in the Secretary's office, of soldiers whose depreciated pay escheated to the State.] Privates. Alexander, John, January 25, 17771781 ; resided in Adams county, Ohio, in 1834, aged ninety-one. Allen, John, June 4, 1777 1781. Appleby, Thomas, June 24, 1778. SEVENTH PENNSYLVANIA. 629 Sergeants. Beatty, John, May 21, 17771781. Broadley, William, September 9, 1778. Corpora Is. Bradshaw, William, January 1, 17771781. Butler, Patrick, March, 1778; after battle of Green Springs, trans- ferred to First Penn'a ; discharged at Philadelphia, October 13, 1783; resided in Carlisle, in 1813. Privates. Baer, John, Major Parr's company, August, 1778. Beatman, Levi. Benson, John, January 1, 1777 1781. Berry, James, January 1, 1777 1781. Blair, John, (e.} Blake, Michael, February 21, 17771781. Blakely, George, from Hartley's regiment; transferred to Capt- McDowell's company; discharged January, 1781 ; died in "Wash- ington county, June 3, 1818. Brady, John, (e,) Lieutenant Colonel's company. Brandon, Darby, January 1, 1777 1781. Bright, John. Bremigen, William. Brown, John, August 15, 1779 1781; wounded; resided in York county, 1813. Brown, Michael, transferred to sappers and miners; reen listed in Fourth Penn'a, December ,3, 1781. Brown, Philip, May 3, 17771781. Brown, Thomas, (e,) Capt. S. Montgomery's company, August, 1778. Bryan, John, (e,) December 3, 1777, Capt. William Alexander's com- pany ; left the army, April 18, 1780. Sergeant. Chapman, Amos, January 1, 1777 1781; died in Shelby county, Kentucky, February 17, 1820, aged seventy-five. Corporals. Cavenaugh, John, June 8, 1777 1781. Cochran, George, March 20, 17771781. Conroy, James, May 8, 17781781. Conroy, John. Drummers. Connor, Patrick, March 9, 1777 1781. Crow, Christian, June 13, 1777 1781. Fifer. Cogdail, Daniel, March 10, 17771781. 630 CONTINENTAL LINE. Privates. Caldwell, Thomas, June 5, 17781781. Call, Hugh. Carcase, Conrad. Carman, William, (e,) Capt. Miller's company, January 21, 1777 1781. Carney, John. Carter, Patrick, April 15, 17771781. Cavin, Alexander. Cayton, Thomas, September 12, 17781781. Chambers, James, January 15, 1777; killed in action. Chesney, Thomas, January 1, 17771781. Christy, Michael. Clouse, Jacob. Collins, John, January 2, 17771781. Conn, Adam, January 5, 1777 1781. Connal, Patrick. Conner, Charles, January 1, 17771781. Corrigan, Cornelius, February 14, 17771781. Courtney, William, February 24, 17771781. Cratty, Andrew, January 1, 17771781. Crotz, Casper. Cull, Hugh, December 27, 1776 ; transferred to chief's guards. Cunningham, Matthew, May 24, 17771781. Curty, Francis, June 12, 17771781 . Sergeant Major. Donnel, John, April 4, 17771781. Sergeant. Davidson, Edward, January 1, 17771781. Privates. Dailey, John. Davidson, James. Davis, David, January 1, 17771781. Dennison, Thomas, October 5, 17781781. Denny, Alexander. Denny, Walter, killed at Brandywine. Donavan, James. Doyle, Patrick. Drudge, John, May 26, 17781781. Duffleld, Felix, January 1, 17771781. Dugan, Charles, January 23, 17771781 ; resided in Cumberland county, 1813. SEVENTH PENNSYLVANIA. 631 Dugan, John, August, 1778, in Lieutenant Colonel's company. Dull, William. Dunavan, Daniel, February 9, 1777 1781. Privates. Edgerton, Edward, January 1, 1777 1781; resided in Luzerne county, 1835, aged seventy-four. Elliott, James, January 1, 17771781. Elliott, Robert. Ellis, Robert. Entrekin, William. Privates. Faw, Matthias, January 1, 17771781. Fitzgerald, David, (e,) March 15, 1780. Flynn, John, Invalid corps, September, 1778. Foster, William, (e,) Capt. Andrew Irvine's company, August, 1778. Fritt, Henry, May 23, 17771781. Sergeants. Gibb, William, January 1, 17771781. Gray, William, April 11, 17771781. Corporals. Galbraith, Joseph, January 1, 1777 1781. Garvan, Henry, (e,) January 1, 1777 1781, Major Parr's company.* Gibbony, John, January 20, 17771781. Privates. Gamble, James. Garritty, Richard, resided in Donegal township, Lancaster county, 1791. German, Henry, January 21, 17771781. Gillis, Thomas, (e,) September, 1778, Capt. William Miller's company. Goslin, John, January 1, 1777 ; Invalid corps, July, 1780. Glouse, Jacob, January 1, 1777 1781. Gough, Roger, Invalid corps, August 2, 1779. Graddy, Daniel, killed in action. Gregg, Robert. Guthrie, William, May 27, 17771781; died August 1, 1829, in Westmoreland county, aged eighty-four. Sergeants. Haid, Joseph, (e.) Hargey, John. 632 CONTINENTAL LINE. Corporal. Hersh, , Capt. Lusk's company. Drummer. Hamilton, James. Privates. Hall, David, (e,) Uapt. William Miller's company, executed Septem- ber 12, 1780, for marauding, while of Uapt. Lusk's company, light infantry, in Gen. Lafayette's division. Hamilton, Cumberland, January 1, 1777 1781. Hamilton, John, Invalid corps, August 2, 1779; resided in Hunt- ingdon county, 1835, aged eighty-eight. Hanna, Robert, Capt. Kennedy's company ; discharged 1781 ; re- sided in Washington county, 1814. Harkins, James, March 2, 17771781. Harman, Josiah. Hastings, John, January 2, 1777 1781. Hemphill, Nathan, killed in action. Henry, Francis, Capt. Bratton's company; resided in Washington county, 1820, aged seventy-seven. Herron, Thomas. Higgins, James, June 3, 1778. Hight, Christopher. Hoar, John, May 17, 1777. Houts, Jacob, from Hartley's regiment ; resided in Westmoreland county in 1813. Hunt, Thomas, April 9, 1777, Capt. John Alexander's company ; served until the end of the war. Hurley, John, (e,) May, 1778, in Capt. William Alexander's com- pany. Hutton, James, May 1, 1778; resided in Cumberland county in 1835, aged seventy-seven. Private. Intrackin, William. Corporal. Johnston, Peter. Privates. Jackson, Daniel. Johnson, John, (e,) Capt. Andrew Irvine's company, August, 1778. Johnson, James, May 15, 1777 1781. Johnston, John, April 3, 1777 1781. Johnston, Thomas, resided in Washington county, 1834, aged one hundred and one. Justice, Jacob, January 1, 1777 1781. SEVENTH PENNSYLVANIA. 633 Privates. Kean, Henry, September 21, 1778 1781. Keating, Thomas. Kelly, Charles. Kelly, William, January 1, 17771781. Kennedy, Andrew, March 3, 1777 1781 ; resided in Knox county, Ohio, 1820, aged sixty-two. King, Patrick, March 3. 17771781. Sergeants. Lee, James, February 28, 1777 1781 ; wounded at Paoli. Linn, Adam, February 19, 1777 1781 ; resided in Guernsey county, Ohio, in 1833, aged eighty-five. Lucas, George, January 1, 17771781. Privates. Lee, Fergus, Invalid corps August 2, 1779. Leed, Jacob. Lenig, Michael, of Bethel township, Berks county. Lloyd, Peter, January 1, 17771781. Loudon, Richard, April 7, 1778 1781. Quarter- Master Sergeant and Sergeant Major. Morrison, John. Drum Major. Milton, John, January 1, 1777 1781. Sergeant. Maxwell, James. Corporals. McCann, James, wounded in the wrist and shoulder, at German- town. McClean, James, January 1, 1777 1781. McDonald, Alexander, January 1, 1777 1781. McGahan, John, February 11, 1777 1781. McMullen, William, April 4, 17771781. Madden, Michael, January 1, 1777 1781. Moore, Thomas, September 13, 1778 1781. Mclntire, William, (e,) February 12, 1777, Capt. Montgomery's com- pany. Drummer. McGinnis, Edward, (e,) August, 1778, Major Parr's company. Privates. McCall, John, (e,) February 9, 1777, Capt. William Alexander's com- pany. 634 CONTINENTAL LINE. McCarrigan, Daniel, January 1, 1777 1781. McCelry, Thomas. McChristy, Michael, (e.) McClean, David. McClean, Thomas, January 1, 1777 1781. McConachy, Patrick, May 27, 17771781. McCormick, John. McCormick, Patrick, April 8, 1777 1781. McConnell, Charles, January 1, 17771781 ; transferred to First Penn'a. McCoy, Neal, April 24, 1778; died in Northumberland county, in 1822. McCoy, Kory, January 7, 17771781. McCoy, William, January 22, 17771781. McDaniel, Francis. McDonald, Francis, January 14, 1779, Capt. Montgomery's com- pany ; wounded at Stony Point ; transferred to Fourth, Third, and First Penn'a ; discharged at Carlisle, November 3, 1783, then in Doyle's company ; resided in Philadelphia, 1813. McDonald, John, January 1, 1777 1781 ; died in Fayette county, December 19, 1825, aged seventy-eight. McDonald, Patrick, April 9, 17771781. McDonald, William, August 3, 17771781. McGaughey, Andrew. McGinnis, John, February 24, 1777 1781. McGlaughlin, Brian, December 5, 1777 1781. McGonigal, Neal. McKann, William. McKillen, Edward, April 4, 17771781. McKinley, John, April 26, 17771781. McKinley, Peter, February 17, 17771781. McKurvan, Duncan, Capt. John Alexander's company; deserted April 1, 1780. McMahon, Timothy. McManus, Hugh, April 3, 17781781. McMichael, John, killed in action. McMullen, William, resided in Mifflin county, 1834, aged eighty- four. McSorly, John. Malony, Archibald. Maloy, James. Mann, Henry. Marshall, William. Martin, Patrick, May 14, 1777 1781. Martin, Peter, enlisted from Chester county, 1777, Capt. Bratton's company ; discharged 1781 : died in Westmoreland county, March 20, 1822, aged seventy-two. SEVENTH PENNSYLVANIA. 635 Means, Thomas, February 12, 1777 1781. Melloy, John, discharged January, 1781. Miller, John, January 12, 17771781; died August 23, 1825, in Rus- sell county. Kentucky. Mingle, Stophel. Moderwell, John, Capt. John Alexander's company ; wounded in the right arm, near Morristown, in 1780 ; resided in Washing- ton county, 1835. Moreland, Hugh, March 18, 1779. Moore, Fergus. Moore, James, January 1, 1777 1781; resided in Fayette county. 1835, aged eighty-one. Morren, Andrew, killed in action. Murray, Daniel, January 1, 17771781. Murray, Patrick, January 31, 1777 1781 ; died in Ashland county, Ohio, July 23, 1854, aged ninety-eight. Privates. Neil, John, killed at Brandywine. Nicholson, John, sergeant, March .5, 17771781. Nicholson, William, January 1, 17771781 ; resided in St. Francois county, Missouri, 1833, aged seventy-nine. Sergeant. O'Neill, Timothy, served in Canada, 1776; January 1, 17771781 ; wounded at Germantown ; resided in Indiana county, 1814. Privates. O'Hara, Francis. O'Neal, John. Corporal. Picket, Francis, January 1, 1777 1781. Fifer. Porter, Alexander. Privates. Partridge, John. Patrick, George, February 5, 17771781. Perry, Samuel, May 25, 17711781. Phillips, Lewis, enlisted April 1, 5780. Pierce, James, killed in action. Piggot, Francis. Pinkerton, Andrew. Pollock, John, killed in action. 636 CONTINENTAL LINE. Sergeants. Eenison, John, from Hazen's regiment ; promoted ensign July 24, 1779. Reily, Charles, January 6, 1777 1781. Roberts, William, February 21, 17771781. Rowlands, Joseph, May 28, 17771781. Corporal. Redstone, William, Capt. J. Alexander's company; served also six months in Capt. Lee's company of artillery, March 17, 1778-1781. Privates. Rawlins, Joseph. Reed, Alexander, January 1, 1777 1781. Rigan, Thomas, (e,) Capt. John Alexander's company. Reiley, Thomas, (e,) Lieutenant Colonel's company, August, 1778. Roberts, Patrick, March 31, 17771781. Rooney, Peter. Ross, Rodger. Ryan, John, served five years; discharged at Trenton, 1781; lost his right eye by the bursting of a gun at Valley Forge ; resided at Nicetown, near Philadelphia, in 1813. Ryan, Patrick, September 8, 17781781. Rylands, John, April 1, 17781781. Fife Major. Stack, Richard, January 1, 17771781. Corporal. Sommerville, John, January 1, 17771781. Privates. Shandley, Michael. Shields, Michael, (e,) Major Parr's company ; left the army April 15, 1780. Shockney, Patrick, died February 6, 1826, aged seventy-four. Shoemaker, John. Siddle, Peter, (e,) November 17, 1777, Capt. William Alexander's company. Siglor, Adam, discharged January 10, 1781 ; resided in Northampton county, 1794. Simonton, Thomas, January 1, 17771781 ; died in Stark county, Ohio, June 11, 1830, aged eighty. Smith, John, (e,) December 15, 1776, in Capt. John Alexander's company. Smith, Matthew, May 13, 17711781 ; transferred to Invalid corps. Smith, Peter. Sprecket, William, (e,) Capt. John Alexander's company. SEVENTH PENNSYLVANIA. 637 Speigle, Henry, (e,) Capt. William Miller's company. Spinhouse, Anthony. Standley, Michael, to Invalid corp, May, 1780. Stein, Edward. Steurney, John, (e,) Capt. Parker's company, December, 1777; afterwards in Lieutenant Colonel's company. Stewart, Charles, Capt. Lusk's company; resided in Jefferson county, Indiana, 1832, aged seventy-three. Stuart, John, (e,) Capt. Alexander's company ; left the army April 18, 1780. Stokes, Robert, (e,) in Capt. John Alexander's company. Sullivan, Murty, January 12, 17771781. Sergeant. Thompson, Hugh, January 31, 17771781. Privates. Thomas, William. Todd, John, January 1, 17771781. Thorny, Murty, October 7, 17771781. Treble, John, May 3, 17771781. Tritt, Henry. Trouson, Jacob. Sergeant. Vankirk, John, January 1, 17771781. Drummer. Vincent, John, July 3, 17781781. Private. Van Cliv, Philip. Sergeants. Wiggins, William, January 16, 17771781. Wilson, Josiah. Winn, John, Capt. Alexander Parker's company ; resided in Frank- lin county, in 1812. Fifers. Wann, John, January 1, 1777 1781 ; died in Harford county, Mary- land, August 14, 1824, aged seventy-one. Wann, Michael. Privates. Waggoner, Garrett, January 8, 1777 1781 ; transferred to Fourth Penn'a. Walker, Samuel, (e,) May 12, 1778, Capt. Talbot's company ; after- wards fifer in Capt. John Alexander's company. 638 CONTINENTAL LINE. Weaver, Jacob, Capt. Talbot's company; in wagon department; drove field officers' baggage wagon ; transferred to Capt. An- drew Irvine's company ; discharged October 15, 1782 ; resided in Adams county, 1825. Welsh, Edward. Welsh, James, February 15, 1777 1781. Welsh, John, of Capt. McDowell's company; wounded at Chew's house, with a ball through his body ; resided in Butler county, 1813. Wharton, William. Wilkinson, William, January 1, 17771781. Willison, Joseph, Invalid corps, August 2, 1779. Wilson, John, killed at Brandywine. Wilson, Robert. Withington, John, resided in Delaware county, 1801. Wordley, George, February 1, 17771781. Wren, Joseph, Capt. Willson's company, January, 1777; wounded at Paoli ; reenlisted in Third Penn'a. Wright, John, January 21, 17771781. CONTINENTAL LINE. EIGHTH PENNSYLVANIA. JULY 20, 1776 JANUARY 17, 1781. EIGHTH PENNSYLVANIA REGIMENT. XDER authority of a resolution of Congress, dated July 15, 1776, (Journal^ vol. 1, 411-4.10,) for the defense of the western frontier, to garrison the posts of Presque Isle, Le Boeuff , and Kittanning, to consist of seven com- panies from Westmoreland, arid one from Bedford, the Eighth Penn- sylvania was raised. On July 20, 1776, the convention of Pennsyl- vania then sitting, having recommended for field officers Col. ./Eneas Mac-key, (written McCoy,) Lt. Col. George Wilson, Mes, Abel, January 15, 1777. Shekel], Georce, Jr., January 15, 1777. Bickham. John, May, 1777. Vanlear, William, promoted captain lieutenant January 27, 1779. (" Related to Mairaw." Remark on original paper.) Witman, Willi.im, February, 1777; shot through the body with a musket ball at Gormantown; taken, and paroled; loft out in arrangement of 1778 ; resided in Berks county in 1789 ; died October 12, 1808. NINTH PENNSYLVANIA. 677 Coleman, Nicholas, of Philadelphia, became supernumerary in February, 1779. Dickey, William, became supernumerary August 11, 1778; resided in Dauphin county, 1811. Ensigns. Ashton, John, December 7, 1776. Llewellyn, John, of Chester county, December 7, 1776. Darragh, Daniel, from sergeant major Col. Moore's battalion, Fly- ing Camp, December 7, 1776; became supernumerary in July, 1778. Coover, Jacob, December 7, 1776. Stevenson, Stephen, December 7, 1776; promoted lieutenant, March 16, 1778. Feck, David, from private Procter's artillery, December 7, 1776 ; transferred to Gibbs Jones' artillery company in 1778. Swayne, Nezer, December 31, 1776. [ The above are the original appointments to the regiment. About July, 1777, Col. Nagel recommends, with the consent of his officers, Benjamin Morris, Henry Neal, Itobert White, and John Thomp- son; on the same paper is a memorandum, Samuel Parks recom- mended by Mr. Biddle. Benjamin Morris, a volunteer in the Ninth regiment, is especially recommended in a paper signed by the offi- cers, dated May 28, 1777.] Morris, Benjamin, killed at Brandywine, September 11, 1777. Laverswyler, Thomas, became a supernumerary in 1778. Davis, Llewellyn, February 2, 1779 ; promoted lieutenant, August 10, 1779. Innis, James, from surgeon's mate of Third Penn'a, February 4, 1779. Butler, Edward, from lieutenant, January 28, 1779. Knox, George, from lieutenant, February 9, 1779. Smith, Nathaniel,* from lieutenant, August 10, 1779. MoKnight, David,* from lieutenant, August 10, 1779. Erwin, James,* July 20, 1780; transferred to Fifth Penn'a, Janu- ary 17, 1781; resided in Adams county, Ohio, in Ih34, aged seventy-five. Reed, Joseph,* July 20, 1780; transferred to Fifth Penn'a, Janu- ary 17, 1781. *Col. Records, vol. 12, 428. From the assoc'ation of James Erwin with ensign Smith, etc., we have concluded that he is the same one meant by "Joseph Irwin," and ' Joseph Irvine" in printed lists of January 17 1781, and January 1, 17*3; but for Gen. Hampton writing the name plainly Joseph Irvine, May 12, 1781, Seventh regiment, we should feel certain, as there was a James Erwiu as above. 678 CONTINENTAL LINE. Adjutants. Thompson, William, of Northumberland county, lieutenant and adjutant; paid from January 1, 1777 August, 1780; removed to Georgia after the war. MacKinney, John, lieutenant, September 14, 1779. Paymasters. Tate, John, ensign, of York county, , 1777 to October 15, 1778. Bowen, Capt. Bartholomew, appointed October 26, 1778, vice Tate. Quarter-Masters. Craig, Thomas, , 1777. Knox, George, , 1778. Butler, Edward, , 1780. Surgeons. Brown, John Alexander, temporary, December, 1776 January, 1777. Magaw, William, from First Peun'a ; transferred to Fourth Penn'a, January 17, 1781. Surgeon' 's Mate. Platt, Samuel, Jr., February 1, 1778; retired January, 1781. ROLL OF CAPT. JOSEPH McCLELLAN'S COMPANY, While attached to Col. Stewart's light infantry regiment, under the command of Gen. Lafayette, August 1, 1780, to November 26, 1780, taken from Capt. McClelland journal. Captain . McClellan, Joseph. First Lieutenant. MacKinney, John. Sergeants. Crone, Henry. Gore, Robert, July 16, 1780. Mand, William, July 24, 1780. NINTH PENNSYLVANIA. 679 Corporals. Hamilton, Robert, from private, July 16, 1780; sent to hospital September 12, 1780. Hersh, John, from private, August 23, 1780. Drummer. Wheelan, James, deserted August 6, 1780. Privates. Barnhart, Daniel. Blair, Samuel. Brant, Zach, Lieutenant Colonel's company, went to hospital Sep- tember 12, 1780. Brown, Thomas. Gary, Arthur, Lieutenant Colonel's company. Davis, John, of the levies. Dugan, Christian. Galbraith, John, Lieutenant Colonel's company. Heflinger, George. Hogan, Sylvester. Kelly, John, Major's company. Kessler, George, of the levies. Kinnon, Duncan. Lamb, Joseph. Miller, Philip, July 10, 1780. Mileham, William, Colonel's company. Moon, Nathan. Morrison , James, discharged in 1781, for injury received in service ; resided in Chester county in 1810. Mnrphey, Barney. Newberry, James. Russell, Daniel. Russell, Paul, of Capt. Davis' Company. Stelhvagon, Frederick. Thomas, Jonathan, of the levies. Spencer, Sebastian. Stewart, John, of the levies. Stewart, Charles, of the levies. Young, James, of the levies. White, Oliver, July 14, 1780. 680 CONTINENTAL LINE. ROLL OF CAPT. THOMAS B. BOWEN'S COMPANY. [This Roll is incomplete.] Captain. Bowen, Thomas B. Sergeant. Snowden, Thomas, from Col. Magaw's Fifth battalion ; served in 4 the Ninth as sergeant; wounded at Monmouth by a musket ball, which shattered his ankle; after dissolution of Ninth regiment, served in Col. Richard Butler's regiment until the end of the war ; resided in Montgomery county, 1808. Bahin, John. Privates. Carter, John. Cavenagh, John. Campble, . Chambers, William. Conrad, . Currey, Roger. Garsing, Francis. Gilbert, Stephen. Hustler, Thomas. Kennedy, Dennis. Lanberger, . Lackey, Robert, resided in Cumberland county, 1835, aged eighty- seven. Lewis, Samuel, discharged January 1, 1781. McCosli, John. Marshal, John. McCrosson, William. Parsons, John. Reynolds, John. Reeder, Samuel. Sharp, John. Weliu, Peter. Wise, George. NINTH PENNSYLVANIA. 681 ROLL OF CAPT. JOHN DAVIS' COMPANY. [West Point, August 7, 1779, age, occupation, place of birth, residence, and date of enlistment.] Brown, Thomas, twenty ; -planter ; Gal way, Ireland; Philadelphia, 1780. Cochran, Joseph, forty ; carpenter ; Lurgan, Ireland ; Philadelphia, 1776. Cooney, James, sick at Yellow Spring hospital, June 1, 1780. Cooper, Charles, thirty-nine ; farmer ; Bucks county ; Heading, 1777. Cox, John, twenty-seven ; farmer; Virginia, 1776. Currie, AVilliarn, twenty-three ; miller; Bucks county; Chester, 1780. Davidson, Adam, twenty-three ; farmer ; Scotland ; York county, 1780. Dougherty, James, twenty-seven; turner; Ireland; Philadelphia, 1777. Duffy, George, twenty-nine ; weaver; Lurgan, Ireland ; Chester, 1776. Edgar, David, twenty-four; shoemaker; Bucks county; Philadel- phia, 1777. Hamilton, John, fifteen ; at sea ; Chester, 1778. Harper, Luke, twenty ; weaver ; Tyrone, Ireland ; Lancaster, 1777 ; discharged June 30, 1780, time expired. Hazard, Charles, twenty-eight; tailor; Philadelphia, 1777. Jackson, James, thirty-nine ; farmer; Cheshire, England ; Cum- berland county, 1776. Jamieson, Samuel, sergeant, forty-five; fariiK-r ; Jersey; York, 1776. Keplinger, Peter, twenty ; farmer; Berks county, 1777; discharged February 9, 1780, time expired Kergy, John, nineteen; fanner; Belfast, Ireland ; Chester, 1777. Keys, Daniel, thirty-five ; coachman; Liverpool; 1777. McEnally, Matthew, twenty-nine; butcher; Limerick, Ireland; 1778. McKinley, Alexander, twenty-three ; forgeman ; Donegal, Ireland ; Philadelphia, 1777. Millings, Charles. M;iise, John, thirty-four; farmer: Ireland; Jersey, 1776. Miller, John, forty ; turner; London, England ; Philadelphia, 1777. 682 CONTINENTAL LINE. Miller, "William, twenty-seven ; tailor ; Germany ; Chester, 1777. Nelson, Edward, twenty-nine ; farmer ; Maryland ; Chester, 1777. Palmer, Joseph. Phimple, Jacob, thirty-six; tailor; Germantown; Philadelphia, 1777. Russell, Paul, twenty ; farmer ; Pennsylvania ; Chester, 1777. Stillwagon, Stophel. Smiley, John. Taylor, Felix, twenty ; farmer ; Pennsylvania ; Lancaster, 1777. Tidiny, Benjamin, twenty; farmer; Pennsylvania; Chester, 1777. AVoods, Samuel. Zane, John, twenty-one; shoemaker ; Philadelphia. 1777. SEVEN MONTHS' MEN. [See list to First Penn'a for explanation.] Captain John Pearson's Company. Bassington, Nathaniel. Boyde, Thomas. Buckley, David. Bugner, Tobias. Cocker, Valentine. Ilarin, John. Irvine, William. McElhouse, William. McGee, Charles. Neibeg, John. Phillips, Conrad. Rutherford, Andrew. Samuel, Gilbert. Sheets, A kick. Sheets, Philip. Thompson, Robert. Warner, Jacob. Wolf, Peter. Captain Joseph McClelland Company. Allison, John. Armstrong, Robert. Davis, John. Henderliter, Michael. JS1NTH PENNSYLVANIA. 683 Hister, George. Lauk, Simon. Lewis. Samuel. Parker, Joseph. Rendals, Thomas. Roberts, iSathan. Stewart, Charles. Stewart, John. Thomas, Jonathan. Young, James. Captain John Davis" 1 Company, Anspaugh, Nicholas. Beltennower, Christian. Brenan, Alexander. Broker, John. Clemans, Abraham. Clingle, John. Field, John. Grace, Ernest. Jones, Charles. Long, Peter. McGriffin, Richard. McNiel, William. Murphy, Levi. Rorer, John. Wood, Thomas. Captain William Van .Lear's Company. Bailey, John. Bryson, Andrew. Brooker, Robert. Buckley, Philip. Clinger, Philip. Ilasson, Thomas. Luckey, Seth. McDonald, Randle. McDowell. William. Miller, Thomas. Miller, Peter, discharged July 2, 1780. Neal, John. Powless, Jacob. Russell, Robert. Skilton, Jonathan. 684 CONTINENTAL LINE. Summer, Thomas. Wallace, Thomas, killed July 21, 1780. Captain Thomas B. Bowen's Company. Arnold, Philip. Day, William, discharged June 23, 1780. Gilbert, Stephen. Keller, George. Keuger, John. Luckey, James. McKush, John. Moreland, John. Sharp, John. Sullivan, Peter. Major's Company. Bettafeth Peter. Bonner, Joseph, discharged August 24, 1780. Boyd, Robert. Boyd, William. Bower, Jacob. Evans, Reese. Grainer, George. McCloskey, Richard. McCormick, James. Miller, Robert. Reid, Thomas, discharged August 24, 1780. Wallace, Charles. Welch, John. Will, Edward. Lieutenant Colonel's Company. Bonnearth, George. Earnest, John. , Faulkner, John. Hory, Francis, discharged August 1, 1790. Lightiser, George. McCarty, William. Malsby, William. Mulholm, Patrick. Murdoch, William. Rentzell, Valentine. Shrover, Sebastian. Stevens, John. NINTH PENNSYLVANIA. 685 Colonel's Company. Alcorn, James, Barren, John. Brovver, Jacob. Gamble, William. Cork, John. Davidson, James. Gershan, Gabriel. Godsper, George. Gassett, Benjamin. Hambleton, John. Leonard, Philip. McGnrk, James. Rowland, Jacob. Rowland, John. Small, Peter. NON-COMMISSIONED OFFICERS AND PRIVATES OF THE NINTH PENNSYLVANIA REGIMENT, OF THE CONTINENTAL LINE. [Those marked (e) are taken from a list in the Secretary's office, of soldiers whose depreciated pay escheated to the State.] Sergeant. Ashton, James. Privates. Alexander, James. Alford. George, Invalid corps, August 2, 1779. Allen, Robert. Allison, Alexander, of Sadsbury township, Chester county, 1778. Allison, Francis, of Sadsbury, deserted August 12, 1778. Arder, Thomas, (e,) Major Moore's company, August 15, 1778. Armine, Peter, (e,) Pearson's company. Armstrong, Edward. Drum Major. Brown, Thomas, to January 1, 1780. Sergeants. Brooks, William. Brown, Thomas. 686 CONTINENTAL LINE. Privates. Bahin, John. Bailey, Henry, (e,) Pearson's company. Baker, John. Barnes, Richard. Barnhart, Daniel. Barraman, William, (e,) Pearson's company. Beatom, Jacob, resided in Union county, 1835. Bell, David, York county, 1776; died in hospital, Ashley Hill, South Carolina, in 1782. Bettle, John. Bicker, Henry. Biddle, John, (e,) drummer, Colonel's company. Blair, Samuel. Bonnatta, Henry, (e,) Gourley's company, 1778 ; afterwards in Pear- son's company. Boniton, William. Boreman, William. Brandt, Zachariah. Brooks, Edward. Brooks, Joseph, February, 1777 ; died January, 1780. Brooks. William, wounded in the right leg at White Marsh. Brown, John, (e,) Bowen's company, July, 1778. Brown, Joseph. Brown, Thomas, Sr. Brown, Thomas, Jr. Buck, Joseph. Bunner, Joseph. Burnett, George. Burns, David, (e,) Henderson's company, 1778 ; afterwards in the Colonel's company ; left the army April, 1780. Burns, Lawrence, died in Clermont county, Ohio, July 15, 1832, aged seventy-eight. Sergeants. Crone, Henry, wounded in knee at Stony Point ; rendered an invalid by severe services in South Carolina. Gen. Wayne's certificate, October 18, 1785. Cottingham, Henry, (e,) Grant's company, 1778; afterwards in Col- onel's company ; left the army in April, 1780. Crowly, Lawrence, July 1, 1777. Corporal. Coyne, Bartholomew. NINTH PENNSYLVANIA. 687 Drummers. Carhenberry, Joseph, (e,) Pearson's company. Connor, John. Conrod, John Frederick. Privates. Campbell, David. Campbell, James, died in service. Carey, Arthur. Carney, John, lost his eye-sight in service; resided in Chester county, 1835. Carter, John, (e,) July, 1778, Bowen's company ; resided in Christian county, Kentucky, in 1834, aged seventy. Cavanaugh, John. Case, John. Chambers, William. Christer, John H. Christer, Henry. Clem men s, Peter. Cochran, James, (e,) Erwin's company in August, 1778 ; afterwards in the Colonel's company. Cochran, Joseph. Colbert, William, Invalid corps, August 2, 1778. Collins, William. Connor, Ambrose. Cooley, James. Cooney, James. Cooper, Charles. Copier, Barney. Cox, John ; (e,) Grant's company, August, 1778; afterwards in Capt. John Davis' company. Coxe, Charles, (e,) July, 1778,' Bowen's company. Coxe, Martin. Craig, John, resided in Armstrong county, 1832, aged eighty-one. Craig, Matthew. Curry, lioger. Sergeants. Dunlap, , wounded twice at Stony Point. Dempsey, Sampson, resided in Botetourt county, Virginia, 1834, aged eighty-six. Duffy, George. Privates. Davis, Matthew, killed in action. Davis, Peter. Deane, Peter, (e,) Pearson's company. 688 CONTINENTAL LINE. Dougherty, George, transferred to chief's guards; died in Green- brier county, Virginia, July 4, 1831, aged eighty-one. Dougherty, James. Doughty, William. Douglas, George, (e,) Pearson's company ; Invalid corps, July, 1779. Dous, John. Duffy, Thomas, December 4, 1776 1781 ; resided in Maryland, in 1824. Dugen, Christopher, discharged January, 1781 ; reenlisted February 23, 1781. Dunn, Andrew. Durlaiid, Abram. Fifer. Eagin, John. Privates. Eagan, Robert, (e,) McClellan's company, August, 1778; afterwards in Capt. Van Lear's company. Edgar, David, Capt. Davis' company, 1777; reenlisted in Fourth Penn'a. Eggar, Peter, Invalid corps, May. 1779; living in New York, 1833. Ellis, John, (e,) Henderson's company, August, 1778; afterwards in Lieut. Col. North's company. Erwin, James. Corpora's. Fagg, Lawrence, January 1, 1777 1781. Feagan, William, died soon after the war. Privates. Faust, John. Fegan, John. Fennel, Patrick. Flowers, Thomas. Fowler, Patrick. Fullam, Thomas, (e,) Lieut. Col. North's company. Seryennt. Gore, Robert, (e,) Capt. McClellan's company ; taken at Monmouth, and carried to England, and a prisoner of war at Plymouth, until 1783, according to his statement; nevertheless, his name appears in Capt. McClellan's memorandums, and is particulai ly mentioned from August 2, marked promoted July 10, no year. Corporal. Gore, Robert, in Henderson's company to July, 1778; afterwards sergeant in McClellan's company. Drummer. Guest, Albin. NINTH PENNSYLVANIA. 689 Privates. Galbreath, John. Gordan, James, (e,) July, 1778, Capt. Bowen's company. Gowen, Francis, resided in Wayne county, Michigan, in 1833, aged seventy-five. Graddy, William, killed in action. Graham, Daniel, Nichol's company 17771781 ; injured in lifting a cannon at West Point ; resided in Butler county, 1818. Grant, George. Griffin, William. Grimes, John. Sergeant. Hafferman, Hugh ; he was one of the forlorn hope at Stony Point; died in Crawford county, May 27, 1832, aged seventy-six. Hazard's Reg., vol. 9, page 400. Corporals. Hamilton, Robert, resided in Warren county, Ohio, 1834. Harper, Luke. Henesey, John. Hustler, Thomas. Fifer. Humphrey, Gesslin. Privates. Haines, James, Invalid corps, August 2, 1779. Hall, Samuel, killed in action. Hamilton, John, served three years and seven months; resided in Huntingdon county, in 1818, aged seventy-four. Hampton, Eichard. Hardin, Thomas. Hardon, James. Hardy, Abraham. Harper, Henry. Harris, Benjamin, Henderson's company, August, 1778; afterwards in Lieut. Col. North's company; left the army April 20, 1780. Harris, Francis, deserted August 12, 1778. Hazard, Charles, Davis' company, August, 1778. Hefflinger, George, at Green Springs, July 5, 1781; resided in York county, in 1814. Hersh, John. Hight, Christopher, reenlisted in First Penn'a. Hilt, John. Hogan, Sylvester. Hollman, Anthony. 44- VOL. X. 690 CONTINENTAL LINE. Holman, George, 17771781 ; reenlisted in Capt. Henderson's com- pany, August, 1778 ; afterwards inLieut. Col. North's company. Holmes, Henry. Private. Irwin, Jacob, January 22, 1777 ; transferred to chief's guards. Fife Major. Johnston, James. Sergeant. Jameson, Samuel, (e,) Grant's company in August, 1778; after- wards in Capt. John Davis' company. Privates. Jackson, James. Jarvey, James, (e,) Gourley's company, August, 1778; afterwards in Pearson's company. Johnston, Jacob. Johnston, John. Johnston, Peter, killed in action. Sergeant. Krone, Henry, wounded in the knee, at the storming of Stony Point. Fifer. Kelly, John. Privates. Kain, Barney, (e,) Pearson's company ; deserted April 1, 1780. Kay, John. Keary, Arthur. Keas, Philip, (e.) Keenon, Duncan. Kennedy, Dennis. Kennedy, John, resided in Butler county, 1814. Keplinger, Peter, served three years; discharged at Morristown, February 27, 1780. Kergy, John. Key, Daniel. Key, Philip. Kilpatrick, James, Invalid corps, May 5, 1780. King, Francis. Kirkeng, Patrick. Koch, Adam, Capt. McClellan's company ; wounded in the head at battle of Brandywine entered below his right eye, and passed out below his right ear; resided in Bucks county in 1806. NINTH PENNSYLVANIA. 691 Sergeant. Lynch, Peter, resided in Hamilton county, Ohio, in 1834, aged eighty. Drummer. Letford, Kobert, Penn'a pensioner in 1789. Privates. Lamb, Joseph. Layering, Wickert. Lessley, William. Sergeant Major. Mitchell, James. Sergeants. McGriff, John, Capt. Bowen's company. McKendrick, Archibald. Maud, William. Corporals. Matthews, James. Miller, William, (e.) Drummer. McEwen, James, (e,) Gourley's company, October, 1777 ; afterwards in Lieut. Col. North's coriipany. Privates. McBride, John, February 2, 17771781. McCallister, William, Invalid corps, August 2, 1779. McCaragher, James, Invalid corps, May, 1780. McCarter, Michael. McCarter, William. McClellan, James, killed in action. McCord, Thomas. McCrosen, Patrick. McEnally, Matthew. McGrotty, Dennis. McKinley, Alexander, (e,) Capt. John Davis' company, August, 1778. McKinney, John. McKnight, David. McWilliams, Alexander, 1777, Capt. McClellan's company ; wounded in the arm at Springfield, New Jersey ; served five years and six months; drafted into Fifth Penn'a. Mahoney, James. Maize, John, Capt. John Davis' company, August, 1778. 692 CONTINENTAL LINE. Marchant, Peter, (e,) Major Thomas Moore's company. Marshall, John. Maubly, William. Mease, John. Meyer, Peter, Invalid corps, August 2, 1779. Miller, Peter, (e,) Henderson's company, in August, 1778; after- wards in Capt. Van Lear's company. Miller, William, Capt. John Davis' company, August, 1778. Millham, Joseph. Millham, William. Milling, Charles, (e,) Capt. John Davis' company, August, 1778. Moody, William. Moon, Nathaniel. Moore, Alexander, (e,) Erwin's company, August, 1778 ; afterwards in Colonel's company ; left the army April, 1780. Morrison, Larkin. Mullen, Daniel, killed at Brandywine. Murphy, Barney. Myers, Jacob, drove Col. K. Butler's baggage wagon at Cornwallis' surrender ; discharged in 1783 ; resided In Adams county, 1813. Quarter-Master Sergeant. Nilson, Andrew. Privates. Nathen, Andrew. Needham, Francis. Nelson, Edward. Newbury, James, died in Northumberland county, February 1, 1830, aged eighty-four. Norton, John. Sergeant. O'Neil, Henry, January 1, 17771781. Private. Organ, Matthew, 17771781 ; reenlisted in First Penn'a. Privates. Parsons, John. Patterson, Robert. Paulus, Jacob. Peacock, Thomas. Pearson, John. Persell, Thomas. Phelan, Peter. NINTH PENNSYLVANIA. 693 Pinyard, William, Pearson's company; discharged at Fishkill hos- pital, New York, May 10, 1779 ; transferred to Invalid corps, October, 1780. Porter, James. Powell, Thomas. Sergeant. Ross, John. Privates. Eatcliff, James. Eecraft, George. Redman, John. Reed, John, (e,) Bowen's company, August, 1778; afterwards in McClellan's company. Reed, Joseph, died February 2, 1832, in Washington county, aged seventy-nine. Reed, Peter. Reed, William, reenlisted in the First Penn'a, 1781. Reeder, John. Reeder, Samuel. Rees, Philip, Henderson's company, August, 1778; afterwards in Maj. Thomas Moore's company. Reid, Thomas, (e,) Capt. Nichols' company, October 1777 ; after- wards in Major Moore's company. Reily, Michael, (e,) July, 1778, Bowen's company. Reynolds, John. Ringler, Jacob, deserted August 20, 1778. Ripson, John. Roach, Patrick. Roberts, Clement, Invalid corps, April, 1778. Rock, Adam. Rock, Patrick. Rodgers, Patrick, (e,) Gourly's company, August, 1778 ; afterwards in Pearson's company. Rodman, William. Rooney, Peter. Rowland, George. Rowland, James. Russel, Paul. Sergeants. Snowden, Thomas, from Fifth battalion, 1777 1781, Bowen's com- pany ; wounded at Monmouth, by a musket ball shattering his ankle; January, 1781, reenlisted in Fifth Penn'a. Sparks, Richard, (e,) Bowen's company, July, 1778 ; left the army, April 11, 1780. Sutherland, John. 694 CONTINENTAL LINE. Corporal. Sloan, Thomas, Erwin's company, 1778; afterwards in Colonel's company. Privates. Salady, Daniel. Santiere, Francis, (e,) in Pearson's company. Sawyers, James, marched to Amboy in 1776, in Capt. Boggs' com- pany ; served one year in Capt. Nichols' company ; commanded a company in AVayne's western expedition ; resided in Dauphin county, 1824, aged seventy-three. Shaffer, Andrew. Shimple, Jacob, (e,) October, 1777, in Capt. John Davis' company. Skelton, John. Sloane, Thomas, (e.) Smiley, John. Smith, Francis, December 22, 1776 ; transferred to chief's guards. Smith, John, wounded in the right thigh at Lake Champlain ; re- sided in Chester county in 1786. Smith, John, transferred to sappers and miners; reenlisted in Fifth Penn'a. Smith, Nathaniel. Smith, William, Invalid corps, August 2, 1779. Snyder, Felix, deserted August, 1778. Spenier, Sebastian. Stewart, Hugh, 17771781 ; reenlistd in First Penn'a. Still wagon, Frederick. Stoll, George. Stull, Andrew, deserted August, 1778. Sullivan, Roger. Summers, Thomas, (e,) McClellan's company, 1778 ; afterwards in Capt. W. Vanlear's company. Sergeants. Taggert, Patrick, Pearson's company; died November 15, 1825, at Philadelphia. Tragy, Lawrence, January 1, 1777 1781. Corpora I. Teagon, Will. Privates. * Tankard, William. Thorn, John. Tomilson, Thomas, killed in action. Tomkins, Joshua. Tracey, John. Twiney, Benjamin, of Capt. Davis' company. NINTH PENNSYLVANIA. 695 Twiney, John. Valentine, Barnard, (e.) resided in Mifflin county, 1816. Vandercrimel, John, Major Thomas L. Moore's company. Fife Major. Wright, Robert, January 1, 17771781. Sergeant. Woods, Samuel. Drummer. Wheelen, James, (e,) Capt. McClellan's company. Fifer. Walton, George. Privates. Watson, James, (e,) Capt. Bowen's company. Welsh, John, Sr. Welsh, John, Jr. Werner, John. White, Oliver. Winchester, James. Wise, George. Wright, Henderson , wounded at White Marsh, Nov. 7, 1777, in leg; discharged November 3, 1783. Corporal. Young, Christian. Drummer. Zane, John. CONTINENTAL LINE. TENTH PENNSYLVANIA. OCTOBER 25, 1776 JANUARY 17, 1781. TENTH PENNSYLVANIA KEGIMENT. |HE Tenth Pennsylvania regiment was raised also agree- ably to a resolution of Congress, of September 16, 1776. By an unpublished memorandum of the Council of Safety, it appears that the captain and other subaltern officers of the Tenth Pennsylvania were appointed upon the 4th of December, 1776, except Capt. Shade, whose appointment is dated on the fifth of the month. Their rank was to be governed by the dates of their com- missions in the battalion or one year service, or at least that was the ordinary rule or assumed to be by the officers themselves as reg- ulating their rank. Promotion and appointment out of this order, affected the Tenth, perhaps, to a greater degree than other regi- ments ; and it owed its permanent organization and efficiency to the business qualifications and soldierly ability of its lieutenant colonel, Adam Hubley. As early as January 23, 1777, (Penn^a Archives, 3d series, vol. i,page 694 J Lieut. Col. Dunlap resigned on account of an alleged preference over him. This was followed by Col. Penrose's resignation, March 7, (ibid. 711,) and remonstrances of the subalterns, (ibid., page 717, ) and in a manuscript letter dated March 14, 1777, Capt. Henry Shade protests against the appointment of Caleb North to be major of the Tenth. From a return, dated " camp at Morristown, July 8, 1777," which is a summary of the state of the regiment from the 2d of Decem- ber, 1776, to the first of June, 1777, signed by Lieut. Col. Adam Hubley, there were present nineteen commissioned and staff offi- cers, twenty-seven sergeants, and twelve drums and fifes ; of pri- vates, one hundred and thirty-nine present, fit for duty ; eleven sick present, twenty-eight sick, absent, total enlisted, three hundred and eighty-six ; total joined, three hundred and seventy-seven ; to- tal mustered, three hundred and thirty-one ; total brought into the field, two hundred and thirty-three ; taken by the enemy, twenty- two; taken by prior enlistment, thirty -seven. Officers recruiting: Captains Long, Shade, Calhoun, Sample, and Cox; Lieutenants Schrack, Stake, and Steel; Second Lieutenants Patton, Drum- mond, and Skinner; Ensigns Cole and Patterson; chaplain, sur- geon, and surgeon's mate not yet appointed. (699) 700 CONTINENTAL LINE. A return, dated November 1, 1777, sets forth nineteen commis- sioned officers and staff present, including surgeon, and paymaster ; non-commissioned officers, seventeen ; six drums and five fifes ; eighty-four rank and file, fit for duty; nine sick, present, forty-four sick, absent, and twelve on command ; Capts. Cox and Calhoun sick, absent ; Capt. Shade, cashiered by general court martial, Oc- tober 16; Lieut. Steel, wounded September 11; Lieut. Shiles, wounded, and died since ; Lieut. Gordon, absent, on furlough, since October 15; Lieut. Tripler, resigned November 1; Lieut. Carson, prisoner with the enemy September 4; Ensign Schrack, resigned September 4; Ensign Shanks, cashiered for stealing two pairs of shoes, October 12; Adjutant Wright, deserted; Quarter-Master Small, resigned. The following are prisoners of war, killed, and missing in the several battles and skirmishes, not accounted for in the above re- turn: Taken at Bound Brook, April 13, rank and file, 15 Taken at Princeton, 7 Missing at the battle at Brandywine, Paoli, and Germantown, &c., 38 Total, 60 By a resolution of the Supreme Executive Council, dated April 3, 1778, ( Colonial Records, Penn'a, volume xi, page 466,) the Eleventh Pennsylvania was incorporated with the Tenth, and Col. Humpton directed to take command in the room of Col. Nagel, and, by a re- turn, dated "Camp at White Plains, September 13, 1778," it appears : "The following officers were left out of the 10th Penn'a in con- sequence of the new arrangement, and considered as supernumera- ries : George Nagel, colonel ; William Cox, David Schrack, captains ; William Knox and Robert Hooper, 1st lieutenants ; John Cole, Adam Keller, Daniel Dennis, and Jacob Tolbert, 2nd lieutenants. N. B. Captain Cox, before the new arrangement took place, re- signed his commission verbally to Col. Nagel, but since considered himself one of the supernumeraries, in order to have the emolu- ments that may be allowed such officers. "Signed, ADAM HUBLEY, Jr., "it. Col. 10 Pa." A return of the Tenth Pennsylvania, commanded by Col. Richard Humpton, October 10, 1778, indicates the strength of the regiment as follows : Sergeants, twenty-three ; drums and fifes, nineteen ; rank and file present, fit for duty, one hundred and eighty-six ; sick present, twenty; sick absent, twenty-five ; on furlough, two ; with TENTH PENNSYLVANIA. 701 the light infantry corps, seventy-one; with wagons and other menial duty, twenty. An independent company, which was to be raised and stationed at Lancaster, of which Jacob Weaver was captain, Edward Cowan, first lieutenant, William Feltman, second lieutenant, and Andrew Backenstose, ensign, seems to have joined this regiment, or to have been annexed to it. ROSTER OF FIELD AND STAFF OFFICERS. Colonels. Penrose, Joseph, from lieutenant colonel, Fifth battalion, October 25, 1776; resigned March 7, 1777, because Col. Johnston was preferred in rank. Chambers, James, arrangement of March 12, 1777; returned to First Penn'a, April 1, 1777. Nagel, George, from lieutenant colonel of Ninth Penn'a, February 7, 1778; became supernumerary July 1, 1778. Humpton, Richard, from the old Eleventh Penn'a, July 1, 1778; transferred to Sixth Penn'a, January 17, 1781. Lieutenant Colonels. Dunlop, James, from Major of Sixth battalion, October 25, 1776 ; resigned January 23, 1777, " because seniority in rank was not recognized in promotions ;" died at Bellefonte, December 15, 1821, aged ninety-four. Hubley, Adam, Jr., from major, March 12, 1777, ranking from October 4, 1776 ; promoted lieutenant colonel commandant of the new Eleventh Penn'a, June 5, 1779, to rank from February 13, 1779. Hay, Samuel, from the Seventh Penn'a ; wounded in the thigh at Stony Point ; retired January 1, 1781 ; died in December, 1803. Majors. Bicker, Henry, from major of Third battalion, October 25, 1776; promoted lieutenant colonel of the Sixth Penn'a, December 5, 1776. Hubley, Adam, Jr., from First battalion, December 6, 1776; trans- ferred to one of the additional regiments, then promoted lieu- tenant colonel, March 12, 1777. 702 CONTINENTAL LINE. North, Caleb, from Captain of Fourth battalion, March 12, 1777; promoted lieutenant colonel in Eleventh Penn'a, October 22, 1777. Grier, James, from captain Seventh Penn'a, October 23, 1777; trans- ferred to Sixth Penn'a, January 17, 1781. Eyan, Michael, from captain Fifth Penn'a; appointed October 23, 1777, and suspended that rank May 19, 1778, on account of his appointment being adjudged by a board of general officers irreg- ular: Inspector General of Penn'a in 1780; resided in Alex- andria, Virginia, after the war. Captain*. Herbert, Thomas, from captain in Atlee's regiment, December 4, 1776 ; resigned February 12, 1777. Lang, James, of York county, from lieutenant in Atlee's regiment, November 27, 1776; commissioned December 4, 1776. Shade, Henry, from captain in Miles' regiment, December 5, 1776; cashiered October 17, 1777. Stoner, John, from first lieutenant in Miles' regiment, December 4, 1776 ; resigned November 12, 1777 ; died at Harrisburg, March 24, 1825, aged seventy-seven. Calhoun, George, December 4, 1776 : died March 21, 1779. Sample, Robert, December 4, 1776 ; prisoner of war in 1778 ; retired January 1, 1781. Cox, William, December 4, 1776; became supernumerary July 1, 1778. Wirtz, William, December 4, 1776; resigned March, 1778. Stout, Harman, from first lieutenant, February 12, 1777 ; resigned March 1, 1780. Schrack, David, from first lieutenant, October 17, 1777; became su- pernumerary July 1, 1778. Stake, Jacob, from first lieutenant, November 12,1777; transferred to First Penn'a, January 17, 1781. Weaver, Jacob,* January 13, 1777; captured; exchanged December 22, 1780; retired January 1, 1781. Steele, John, from captain lieutenant, March 23, 1779; transferred to the First Penn'a, January 17, 1781. Carson, Ebenezer, from first lieutenant, April 1, 1779 ; exchanged April 3, 1780; transferred to First Penn'a, January 17, 1781. McMurray, William, from lieutenant, August 2, 1779. Patton, Robert, from captain lieutenant, March 1, 1780. *Capt. Weaver's company was an independent company, raised as a guard for the town of Lancaster, to guard the British prisoners and public stores; on the removal of the prisoners, it was ordered to join the main army. See Col. Hubley's letter, Penn'a Arch., O. S., vol. ix, page 65. TENTH PENNSYLVANIA. 703 Captain Lieutenants. Steele, John, from first lieutenant, May 27, 1778 ; promoted captain March 23, 1779. Patton, Robert, from first lieutenant; promoted captain March 1, 1780. Hicks, Jacob Giles, from first lieutenant, March 1, 1780; resigned March 6, 1781. Bettin, Adam, from Fourth Penn'a, after his exchange ; commis- sion dated August 10, 1777 ; killed at the revolt of Penn'a Line, January 1, 1781, on the west side of Fort-Hill, in the Jockey Hollow road, near an old house, in Morris county, New Jersey ; he left a widow, Deborah, (who married a man named Con- nolly in 1784,) and three children. First Lieutenants. Stout, Harman, from Third battalion, December 4, 1776 ; promoted captain February 12, 1777. Sheriff, Cornelius, December 4, 1776. Foreman, Thomas, December 4, 1776 ; resigned April 30, 1777. Schrack, David, of New Providence, Philadelphia county, Decem- ber 4, 1776; promoted captain October 17, 1777. Stake, Jacob, from Miles' regiment, December 4, 1776; promoted . captain November 12, 1777. Hargis, Abraham, from Miles' regiment, December 2, 1776; re- signed August 1, 1778. Tripler, George, December 4, 1776; resigned November 1, 1777. Steele, John, of Lancaster, (brother of Lieut. Archibald Steele, of First Penn'a,) December 4, 1776; wounded at Brandywine, September 11, 1777; promoted captain lieutenant May 27, 1778. Adams, Francis, from second lieutenant, April 18, 1777 ; cashiered May 25, 1778. Carson, Ebenezer, from second lieutenant, April 18, 1777; taken prisoner September 4, 1777 ; promoted captain April 1, 1779. Knox, William, from second lieutenant, April 30, 1777 ; became supernumerary July 1, 1778. Patton, Robert, from second lieutenant, October 17, 1777; promoted captain lieutenant. Carpenter, Benjamin, from second lieutenant, November 1, 1777; resigned. Feltman, William, from ensign, November 7, 1777 ; transferred to First Penn'a, January 17, 1781. Drummond, Peter, from second lieutenant, November 22, 1777. Hooper, Robert, from second lieutenant ; became supernumerary July 1, 1778. 704 CONTINENTAL LINE. McMurray, "William, from second lieutenant, Doyle's independent company, June 2, 1778 ; promoted captain August 2, 1779. Hicks, Jacob Giles, from old Eleventh Penu'a, July 1, 1778; pro- moted captain lieutenant March 1, 1780. Eeeves, Enos, from old Eleventh Penn'a, July 1, 1778; transferred to Second Penn'a, January 17, 1781. White, Francis, from ensign, August 2, 1779 ; transferred to First Penn'a, January 17, 1781. White, Nicholas, from ensign, August 2, 1779; resigned April 1, 1780. Benstead, Alexander, from ensign, March 1, 1780. Martin, Robert, from ensign, April 1, 1780; transferred to First Penn'a, January 17, 1781. Everly, Michael, from ensign, April 1, 1780; transferred to the First Penn'a, January 17, 1781. Second Lieutenants. Duff, Richard, December 4, 1776 ; captured ; promoted first lieu- tenant April 18, 1777, in Patton's regiment. Adams, Francis, December 4, 1776 ; promoted first lieutenant April 18, 1777. Roberts, Jesse, December 4, 1776. Downing, William, December 4, 1776. McClellen, William, December 4, 1776. Knox, William, December 4, 1776 ; promoted first lieutenant April 30, 1777. Carson, Ebenezer, December 4, 1776; promoted first lieutenant April 18, 1777. Williams, Isaac, December 4, 1776. Patton, Robert, April 10, 1777 ; promoted first lieutenant, October 17, 1777. Drummond, Peter, April 18, 1777 ; promoted first lieutenant, No- vember 22, 1777. Gordon, James, from ensign, April 18, 1777; resigned. Carpenter, Benjamin, from ensign, April 18, 1777; promoted first lieutenant, November 1, 1777. Shiles, Peter, April 20, 1777 ; wounded at Brandy wine, and died November 5, 1777. Skinner, William, April 22, 1777; never joined. Hooper, Robert. April 29, 1777 ; promoted first lieutenant. Cole, John, from ensign, April 30, 1777; became supernumerary July 1, 1778. Orr, William, from ensign, October 17, 1777 ; cashiered. Keller, Adam, from ensign, November 1. 1777; became supernum- erary July 1, 1778. Dennis, Daniel, November 5, 1777 ; became supernumerary July 1, 1778. TENTH PENNSYLVANIA. 705 Tolbert, Jacob, November 7, 1777; became supernumerary July 1, 1778. Ensign*. Ashton, James, December 4, 1776; became supernumerary in 1778, and removed to Virginia. Gordon, James, December 4, 1776; promoted second lieutenant, April 18, 1777. Feltman, William, December 4, 1776 ; promoted first lieutenant, November 7, 1777. Boucle, Samuel, December 4, 1776; transferred to Procter's artillery regiment. Cole, John, December 4, 1776; promoted second lieutenant, April 30, 1777. Carpenter, Benjamin, December 4, 1776 ; promoted second lieuten- ant, April 18, 1777. Orr, William, December 4, 1776; promoted second lieutenant, Oc- tober 17, 1777. Shanks, Thomas, December 4, 1776; cashiered. Banks, Joseph, February 24, 1777. Patterson, Ezra, April 18, 1777 ; never joined. Keller, Adarn, April 20, 1777 ; promoted second lieutenant, Novem- ber 1, 1777. Weitzel, George, April 22, 1777 ; never joined. Cochran, David, April 23, 1777; resigned September 4, 1777. Shindel, Jacob, April 24, 1777; never joined. White, Francis, June 2, 1778 ; promoted lieutenant, August 2, 1779. White, Nicholas, June 2, 1778; promoted lieutenant, August 2, 1779. Hambright, John, from sergeant major, June 2, 1778. Benstead, Alexander, June 2, 1778; promoted lieutenant, March 1> 1780. McLean, James, June 2, 1778; died October 28, 1804. Ilice, Robert, June 2, 1778. Martin, Robert, of St. Croix, July 19, 1779; promoted lieutenant, April 1, 1780. Everly, Michael, from sergeant, October 1, 1779 ; promoted lieuten- ant, April 1, 1781. Nesbit, Robert, September 15, 1780; transferred to First Penn'a, January 17, 1781. Vancourt, John, September 15, 1780; transferred to Sixth Penn'a, January 17, 1781. Brooke, James, September 15, 1780; transferred to First Penn'a, January 17, 1781. Adjutants. Wright, Enoch, January 31, 1777 ; deserted November 1, 1777. McLean, James, December 4, 1777. 45 VOL. X. 706 CONTINENTAL LINE. Quarter-Masters. Small, Henry, of Lancaster ; resigned November, 1777. Banks, Joseph, December 4, 1777. Paymasters. Benstead, Alexander, December 1, 1776. Feltman, William, lieutenant and paymaster. Surgeons. O'Neal, Francis, September 6, 1777; dismissed October 10, 1779". Stewart, Alexander, October 10, 17791781. Surgeon's Mate. Hague, John, August 19, 1778; transferred to First Penn'a, Janu- ary 17, 1781. WARRANT OFFICERS. Sergeant Majors. Bums, John, April 15, 1777. Hambright, John, promoted ensign, June 2, 1778. Stewart, James. Quarter- Master Sergeant. Bowser, William, August 17, 1778. Fife Major. Bandon, William, January 14, 1777. Drum Major. Hardin, John, appointed brigade drum major, March 31, 1779_ TENTH PENNSYLVANIA. 707 ROLL OF THE TENTH REGIMENT, AS IT STOOD AT FREDERICKSBURG,* NEW YORK, ON OCTOBER 1, 1778. THE COLONEL'S COMPANY. Captain Lieutenant. Bettin, Adam, commissioned August 10, 1777. Ensign. White, Nicholas, commissioned June 2, 1778. Sergeants. Cristler, Elias. Dalton, George. Scotland, Thomas. Melvin, James. Rupert, Adam. Bateman, Levi. Thomas, Nathan. Funner, John. Bernthusal, Christian. Benner, Martin. Betz, Casper. Bond, John. Booth, John. Canvan, Stephen. Dewees, Samuel. Donahue, Patrick. Farmer, John. Fowler, James. Glenn, James. Heeler, William. Henderson, Alexander. Howard, Thomas. JH meson, Richard. Kunts, William. Corporals. Drummer. Fifer. Privates. *Now Kent, Putnam county, New York. 708 CONTINENTAL LINE. Lecrone, John. Lindamuth, George. McCarty, Felix. McCord, Mark. McGee, Barney. Peters, Arnold. Pink, William. Pringel, George. Keed, John. Eice, James. Shoemaker, John. Story, James. Troxell, John. Wells, Benjamin. Wilkeson, John. Wort, John. Yeater, Andrew. LIEUTENANT COLONEL'S COMPANY. First Lieutenant. Steele, John, commissioned December 4, 1776. Ensign. White, Francis, commissioned June 2, 1778. Sergeants. Stuart, James. Murry, Daniel. Hetherington, Joseph. Corporal. McGraw, James. Drummer. Fox, Frederick. Fifer. Burke, Thomas. Private*. Ahrot, John. TENTH PENNSYLVANIA. 709 Beaver, John. Burns, Levi. Camp, John. Chappel, William. Connel, Terrence. Cross, Peter. Cupp, Peter. Davis, Benjamin. Davis, Thomas. Dealing, Jacob. Dermot, John. Dorsey, Matthew. Evans, Edward. Godfrey, George. Fetzer, Henry. Hoffman, Nicholas. Hunter, James. James, Thomas. Johnston, Ezekiel. McFatridge, Daniel. Mustard, Archibald. Norton, Patrick. Ommit, John. Parris, Christian. Pinery, Thomas. Keedey, Thomas, prisoner of war, September 9, 1778. Bitter, Frederick. Rodong, John. Salter, Thomas. Smith, John, 1st. Smith, John, 2nd. Steel, William. Stuart, George. Sunckel, Jacob. Turner, Henry. THE MAJOR'S COMPANY. First Lieutenant. Patton, Robert, commissioned October 17, 1777. Ensign. Hambright, John, commissioned June 2, 1778. 710 CONTINENTAL LINE. Huston, William. Thomas, Alexander. Fox, William. Sharp, William. Scott, William. McKinley, Alexander. Sergeants. Corporals. Drummer. Fifer. Privates. Ambristo, Matthew. Bell, Samuel. Brown, John. Clayton, Peter. Coldwater, Philip. Diffenbaugh, Philip. Ditrich, George. Duffy, William. Duncan, John. Egelberger, Peter, (Eichelberger.) Evans, Thomas. Fletcher, Samuel. Gerhart, William. Griffin, Roger. Grimes, Leonard. Hamilton, Thomas. Jolly, Luke. Johnson, George, deserted September 3, 1778, from Light corps. Laughline, Dennis. Leonard, Roger. McGee, Dudley. McHose, Isaac. McKinley, William. Marshall, David. Morgan, John, died at Quaker Hill hospital, October 19, 1777. Morrison, Philip. Penton, Aaron. Quinn, Daniel. Rankins, George. Shirk, Andrew. Shitz, Casper. Sink, Abraham. TENTH PENNSYLVANIA. 711 Starr, Elijah. Smith, John. Smith, Stephen. Webb, James, deserted September 3, 1778. Young, John. Young, Matthew. THE FOURTH COMPANY. Captain. Calhoun, George, commissioned December 4, 1776. Lieutenant. Beeves, Enos, commissioned March 31, 1778. Ensign. Benstead, Alexander, commissioned June 2, 1778. Sergeants. Sidenspiner, Joseph. Lewis, John. Hovvcroft, Thomas. Munrow, William, died at Bedford, October 4, 1778. Corporals. Moore, Daniel. Runyon, George. Drummer. -Clay, Joseph. Fifer. Powers, Thomas. Privates. Alexander, Robert, died at Quaker Hill hospital, November 6, 1778. Bird, Andrew. Bradley, John, dark, John. Cradler, Stephen. Dillman, John. Dorm, Ludwick. Grover, Jacob, died September 22, 1778, at Fishkill. Hamilton, Thomas. 712 CONTINENTAL LINK. Heller, John. Hoskins, William. Irwine, Jarret. Kimplin, William. Kisinger, Charles. Lehn, James. Lormand, Andrew. Lyans, Moses. Lynch, Michael. Mannon, Pierce. Mooney, Henry. Mortimore, Thomas. Primer, Henry. Quinn, John. Banker, Joseph. Kobb, Peter. Shaw, Michael. Siggerson, James. Shelenberger, Simon. Short, Richard. Stone, John. Templeton, Matthew. Wheeler, Molleston. Wilt, Frederick. THE FIFTH COMPANY. Captain. Lang, James, commissioned December 4, 1776. First Lieutenant. Carson, Ebenezer, commissioned April 18, 1777. tinsign. McLean, James, commissioned June 2, 1778. Sergeants. McLean, Daniel, ohields, Barnard. Fellson, Thomas. Corporals. Smith, John. Tyrer, James, died at Quaker Hill hospital, October 22, 1778. TENTH PENNSYLVANIA. 713 Drummer. Dubbs, Leonard. (See Capt. Eobert Sample's company, posted.} Fifer. Cutler, Andrew. Privates. Barn am, John. Berry, Bartholomew. Bowlan, Thomas. Brettler, Edward. Bradley, Hugh. Byins, Barney. Caravin, Andrew. Caron, John. Digby, Simon. Douglass, William. Duncan, James. Falls, Henry. German, Lawrence. Green, Samuel. Griffin, David. Hannah, Robert. Holston, Robert. Hornick, Abraham. Hoy, Daniel. Jones, John. Lasley, Samuel, injured on the retreat from Brandywine, Septem- ber 11, 1777. Lockhart, John. McBride, John. McGricker, Andrew. Powers, Daniel. Sharpless, James. Sigafuse, John. Smith, John. Stage, William. Stinson, David. Sullivan, John. Truby, Adam. Whelon, Thomas. 714 CONTINENTAL LINE THE SIXTH COMPANY. Captain. Sample, Robert, commissioned December 4, 1776. Lieutenant. McMurray, William, commissioned June 2, 1778. Sergeants. Grier, William. McGlenn, Daniel. Grein, John. Tracy, James. Stowers, John. Camp, John Henry. Corporal. Drummer. Fifer. Privates. Barefoot, Thomas. Signal, Thomas. Branagan, George. Brown, Samuel. Cole, Richard. Culpit, John. Daubenberger, Jacob. Davis, Thomas, prisoner of war, (light troops,) September 9, 1778. Delahunt, Valentine. Fitter, Jacob. Garderer, Henry. Hauendobler, Michael. Hungaries, Gabriel. Johnston, Andrew. Laferty, Patrick. Lear, Jacob. Logan, David. Mateer, Henry. Morrison, Philip. Mullen, William. Murry, Barny. TENTH PENNSYLVANIA. 715 Myer, Gotlip. McCabe, Henry. McKinney, James. Newcomb, Samuel. Pepper, William. Porter, James. Powers, Kobert. Rice, James. Rork, Chris . Tracey, Jacob. Valentine, Barney. Welsh, James. Williams, George. THE SEVENTH COMPANY. Captain. Weaver, Jacob, commissioned January 13, 1777. 'First Lieutenant. Feltman, William. Ensign. Banks, Joseph, commissioned September 24, 1777. Sergeants. Everly, Michael. Tryer, Andrew. Koutz, Frederick. House, Michael. Linden, David. Burgh, John. Bladenberger, Frederick. Brautigam, Hero 8 . Breese, John. Burgh, Conrad. Corporals. Drummer. Fifer. Privates. 716 CONTINENTAL LINE. Deale, Samuel. Douling, Michael. Eicholtz, John. Ellington, John. English, Michael. Forsythe, James. Galvin, John. Getly, William. Gramer, Ludwig. Guile, Mark. Hile, Zacharias. Keese, Moses. Keck, John. Meek, John. Murry, John. Nagel, Christian. Parker, William. Petry, Anthony. Pitz, Michael. Sinn, Christian. Shadier, Michael. Shartzer, Casper. Shover, Francis. Spicer, Samuel. Stusman, John. Thompson, John. Winger, Henry. Winters, Owen. W or rail, Benjamin. Zander, Joseph. THE EIGHTH COMPANY Captain. Stout, Herman, commissioned February 12, 1777. First Lieutenant. Hicks, Giles Jacob, commissioned October 20, 1777. Ensign. Kice, Eobert, commissioned June 2, 1778. Sergeants. Byins, Thomas. McFarland, Thomas. Campbell, John. TENTH PENNSYLVANIA. 717 Marshal, Robert. Riblet, Abraham. Shire, Martin. McDonald. Archibald. Barnes, William. Bean, John. Bradey, Thomas. Bradey, Thomas, Jr. Cashaw, Abraham. Crow, George. Donahue, Timothy. Fannel, Francis. Ferkel, Peter. Fryer, James. Greenhill, William. Grout, Matthias. Henderson, Henry. Houke, Andrew. Humble, Robert. Insco, Samuel. Keenan, Lawrence. Knowlan, John. Larnar, Edward. Lasley, William. Laughlin, Peter. Laughren, John. Lesk, Peter. Lewis, John. McCarrell, John. McGregor, John. Mullen, Andrew. O'Xeal, John. Reed, William. Ryan, Michael. Thompson, John. Tolinger, John. Warren, William. Corporals. Drummer. Fifer. Privates. 718 CONTINENTAL LINE. THE NINTH COMPANY. Captain. Stake, Jacob, commissioned November 12, 1777. Lieutenant. Drummond, Peter, commissioned November 22, 1777. Sergeants. Edgar, Samuel. Ray, John. Corporals. Elly, Michael. Sullivan, John. Drummer. Jeffreys, John. Fifer. Ashburn, Martin. Prioattt. Black, Malcolm. Chappie, John, deserted from the light corps. Collins, Patrick. Coogan, Richard. Coyle, Patrick. Crewman, Rudolph. Dickson, Samuel. Forker, Daniel. Foulks, Charles. Funk, John. Gettis, John. Grace, William. Harding, Richard. H elbow, Edward. Leech, William. McCray, James. McLaughlin, James. McNamara, Timothy. Marquat, Sebastian. Montgomery, George. Moore, Thomas. Pierce, John. Pratt, James. Reiley, Chris r . TENTH PENNSYLVANIA. 719 Short, William. Stumers, John. Still well, Jacob. Sullivan, Lawrence. Talkenstine, Stephen. To}', Benjamin. Webber, Nathaniel. Weir, George. Williams, William, deserted from the light corps. Wynne, John. ROLL OF CAPT. ROBERT SAMPLE'S COMPANY. Muster roll of Capt. Robert Sample" 1 * company, Tenth Pennsylvania rerjimcnt, in the service of the United States, C' mmand- d bif Col. Kichard Humpton,fn-r April, 1780. [See Capt. James Lang's company, Tenth Penn'a, ante.} Captain. Sample, Robert, of Bucks county, commissioned December 4, 1776; prisoner of war, New York. First Lieutenant. Drummond, Peter, commissioned November 12, 1777; resigned April 1,1780. Ensign. White, Francis, commissioned June 2, 1778; on command at Pararnus. Sergeants. Digby, Simon. Shields, Barn d , on command at Paramus. Green, John, reduced 6th of April. Corporals. Smith, John. Grier, Hugh. Drummer. Dubbs, Leonard ; see general list, postea. Fifer. Kemp, John Henry. f20 CONTINENTAL LINE. Privates. Barnham, John. Barrey, Bartholomew. Berry, John, in chief's guards. Bradley, Hugh. Bowland, Thomas. Brown, Samuel. Butler, Edward. Byrns, Barn d , on command in Philadelphia. Dalehunt, Valentine. Douglass, William. Bowling, Michael. Duncan, James. Falls, Henry. Filson, Thomas. Gilkey, Thomas. Gorman, Lawrence, on command in Philadelphia. Green, John. Griffin, David, sick in quarters. Hannah, Robert. Hornick, Abraham. Jones, John, deserted April 27, 1780. Lockart, John. McBride, John. McCarron, John. McEwen, Edward. McGuizzon, Andrew. Powers, Daniel. Powers, Robert. Shinawase, John. Siggafouse, John. Stinson, David. Trubey, Adam. Valentine, Barnard, on command Commissary General's. May 2, 1780. Mustered then Capt. Robert Sample's company, as specified in the above roll. Jos. HARMAR, Lt. Col. & Insp. Pcnn'a Division. Examined W. ALEXANDER, M. B. I do swear that the written muster Roll is a true state of the company, without fraud to the United States, or any individual, to my best knowledge. JAMES McLEAN, Lt. Adjt., 10 Pen. Piecj. Sworn before me this 4 day of May, 1780. "\V. STEWART, Col. commanding 1 Pemra Brig. TENTH PENNSYLVANIA. 721 COL. RICHARD HUMPTON'S COMPANY. Sergeants. Dalton, George, June 23, 1777. Orisler, Elias, December 29, 1776. Corporals. Melvel, James, November 7, 1776; sergeant till June, 1778. Rupert, Adam, February 6, 1777. Drummer. Stowers, John. Fifer. Cutter, Andrew, May 1, 1778. Privates, Beatman, Levi, January 4, 1777. Bertheisel, Christian, May 3, 1777. Bond, John, January 17, 1777. Betz, Casper, January 8, 1777. Booth, John, February 13, 1777. Benner, Martin, April 26, 1777. Crowman, Rudolph, March 10, 1777. Dewees, Samuel, July 22, 1777. Donahue, Patrick, December 19, 1776. Farmer, John, February 1, 1777. Fowler, James, January 2, 1777. Glen, James, December 1, 1776. Heeler, William, April 29, 1777. Henderson, Alexander, January 17, 1777. Jameson, Richard, December 18, 1776. Kuhn, William, February 7, 1777. Lecron, John, April 1, 1777. Miles, Edward, February 23, 1779. McCord, Mark, May 1, 1777; piomoted corporal; furloughed at Trenton, January 26, 1781, for sixty days, and died in Paxtang township, now Dauphin county, before his return, leaving a widow, Catherine. McCarthy, Felix, December 1, 1776. Pepper, George, January 19, 1778. Peters, Arnold, April 21, 1777. Pringle, George, April 29. 1777. Rice, James, May 22, 1777. Wilkinson, John, November 30, 1776. Ward, John, January 25. 1777. Yetter, Andrew, December 1, 1776. 43 Vol. X. 722 CONTINENTAL LINE. LIEUT. COL. HAY'S COMPANY. . Sergeant. . Bowser, William,"enlisted May 9, 1777 ; appointed September 1, 177T. Corporal. Davis, Benjamin, enlisted December 18,1776; appointed March, 1780. Drummer. Fox, Frederick, April 20, 1777. Fifer. Burke, Thomas, February 3, 1778. Privates Allen, John, May 7, 1779. Brown, John, December 9, 1776. Burns, Levi, August 1, 1777. Camp, John, May 10, 1777. Cross, Peter, March 1, 1777. Cook, Stephen, October 1, 1778. Davis, Thomas, March 1, 1777. Dorsey, Matthew,- October 3, 1776. Evans, Edward, October 10, 1777. Earhart, John, June 1, 1777. Fetzer, Henry, December 20, 1776. Grier, Nicholas, April 27, 1778. Godfrey, George, March 24, 1778. Hunter, James, December 16, 1777. Hoffman, Nicholas, June 6, 1777. McFatridge, Daniel, May 10, 1777. Musterd, Archibald, August 1, 1777. Melone, John, January 5, 1777. Norton, Patrick, December 3, 1776. Ommit, John, June 7, 1777. Kork, Chrisf, March 9, 1777. Salter, Thomas, May 16, 1777. Stage, William, December 9, 1776. Sunckle, Jacob, April 25, 1777. Stewart, James, February 5, 1777. Stewart, George, November 26, 1776. Warner, Philip, April 6, 1777. TENTH PENNSYLVANIA. 723 MAJOR JAMES GRIER'S COMPANY. Sergeants. McGlenn, Daniel, May 22, 1777. Huston, William, February 17, 1777. Thomas, Alexander, November 14, 1777. Corporals. Fox, William, March 11, 1777; appointed August 1, 1777. Shaw, James, May 16, 1777 ; appointed March 1, 1780. Young, John, March 29, 1771 ; appointed March 1, 1780. Drummer. Scott, William, January 9, 1777. Privates. Bell, Samuel, January 3, 1777. Brown, John, April 1, 1778. Coleman, Townsend, January 17, 1777. Deffenbaugh, Philip, May 6, 1777. Duffy, William, March 1, 1777. Duncan, John, February 23, 1777. Eichelberger, Peter, December 16, 1776. Gerhart, William, January 1, 1777. Griffin, Roger, March 28, 1777. Hamilton, Thomas, February 10, 1777. Hungaries, Gabriel, December 27, 1776. Jolly, Luke, June 16, 1776. Laughlin, Dennis, October 4, 1776. Leonard, Roger, January 9, 1777. Layer, Peter, June 16, 1777. McGee, Dudley, March 17, 1777. McIIose, Isaac, December 4, 1776. McKinley, William, May 26, 1777. McRandles, Barney, February 20, 1780. Morrison, Philip, May 27, 1778. Penton, Aaron, December 8, 1776. Quinn, Daniel, May 1, 1777. Smith, John, June 1, 1777. Starr, Elijah, August 26, 1777. Young, Matthew, April 9, 1777. 724 CONTINENTAL LINE. CAPT. JACOB STAKE'S COMPANY. Sergeants. Wynn, John, January 21, 1777; appointed sergeant January 21, 1777. Edgar, Samuel, February 25, 1777. Rhea, John, January 11, 1777. Corporals. Eley, Michael, February 6, 1777. Goff, Archibald, December 4, 1776. Christian, Nogel, wounded in the attack upon the Block-House, through the left arm ; discharged November 4, 1783. Drummer. Jeffrys, John. Privates. Black, Malcom, November 22, 1776. Branyar, George, December 18, 1776. Cogan, Richard, December 5, 1776. Foy, Benjamin, February 1, 1777. Grace, William, January 13, 1777. Helbon, Edward. Leech, William, March 20, 1777. Lafferty, Patrick, March 15, 1777. McCray, James, March 10, 1777. McKenzie, James, March 3, 1777. McNamara, Timothy, January 24, 1777. Moore, Thomas, December 15, 1776. Pierce, John, January 13, 1777. Richardson, Jeremiah, November 3, 1778. Reiley, Christopher, January 5, 1777. Short, William, April 23, 1777. Scott, Thomas, March 3, 1777; Pennsylvania pensioner, Philadel- phia, 1787, aged sixty-five. Sullivan, Lawrence, December 3, 1776. Sullivan, Martin, January 21, 1777. Talkentine, Stephen, December 24, 1770. Webber, Nathaniel, March 3, 1777. TENTH PENNSYLVANIA. 725 CAPTAIN PATTON'S COMPANY. Sergeant* Burns, Thomas, enlisted December 16, 1776; promoted same day. Corporals. Riblet, Abram, enlisted February 26, 1777; promoted co die. Greenhill, William, enlisted December 7, 1776; promoted February 1, 1779. Fifer. McDonald, Archibald, April 1, 1777. Privates. Bains, William, November 27, 177G. Brady, Thomas, December 9, 1776. Bun, John, May 1, 1777. Cole, Richard, May 1, 1777. Crow, George, December 9, 1776. Crout, Matthias, March 4, 1777. Donahue, Timothy, December 3, 1776. Ferkle, Peter, December 9, 1776. Fryar, James, February 3, 1777. Grier, William, April 29, 1777. Hoke, Andrew, May 10, 1777. Kean, James, May 10, 1777 ; left the regiment October 1, 1777. Keenan, Lawrence, November 8, 1776. Kershaw, Abraham, March 1, 1777. Lardner, Edward, December 10, 1776. Lesley, William, December 9, 177G. Lisk, Peter, January 9, 1777. McCarrell, John, January 9, 1777. McGreggor, John, February 19, 1777. Newcomb, Samuel, April 9, 1777. Noland, John, February 1, 1777. Porter, James. March 20, 1777. Ryon, Michael, December 17, 1776. Tollinger, John, February 15, 1777; joined October 22, 1777. Tracey, Jacob, July 1, 1777; joined August 1, 1780. 726 CONTINENTAL LINE. NON-COMMISSIONED OFFICERS AND PRIVATES OF THE TENTH PENNSYLVANIA REGIMENT, CONTINENTAL LINE. [Those marked (e) are taken from a list in the Secretary's office, of soldiers whose depreciated pay escheated to the State.] Privates. Allen, John. Arnbruster, Matthias, 17761783; died in Philadelphia, March 4, 1830, aged seventy-eight. Ashburn, Martin, April 7, 17771781. Attick, Michael, died in Washington county, Maryland, July 12, 1826, aged seventy. Sergeants. Bignall, Thomas, February 5, 1777 1781. Burgh, Conrad, February 5, 1777 1781. Burns, John, January 1, 1777 ; promoted sergeant major, April 15, 1777. Burns, Thomas, January 1, 1777 1781. Fifers. Bird, Andrew, August 20, 1777 1781. Burke, John, May 17, 1777 1781. Burke, Thomas, of Lancaster county, September 11, 1778; resided in York county, 1835, aged seventy-four. Privates. Barcace, Christopher, wounded in 1778, and transferred to Invalid corps. Barnes, William, resided in Sullivan county, Tennessee, 1833, aged eight y-t wo. Barnharn, John, (e,) Lang's company, 1778; afterwards in Capt. Sample's company. Bateman, Levi, January 4, 1777 1781. Bathome, Hugh, (e,) Capt. Jacob Stake's company. Bearford, Thomas, May 20, 17771781. Beaver, John, (e,) August, 1778, Lieut. Col. Hay's company. Beck, John. Bell, Samuel. Benn, John, (e,) Capt. Stout's company, August, 1778. Benner, Martin, April 26, 1777 1781. TENTH PENNSYLVANIA. 727 Bernthusel, Christopher, May 3, 1777 1781 ; resided in Washington, D. C., 1834, aged seventy-six. Berry, Bartholomew. Berry, John, (e,) Lang's company, May 1, 1777 ; afterwards in Sam- ple's company ; died in Gloucester county, New Jersey, De- cember 14, 1827, aged seventy. Betz, Casper, January 8, 1777 1781. Bladenbeyer, Frederick, (e,) Capt. Jacob Weaver's company. Black, Malcolm, (e,) January 1, 1777 1781. Biainey, Frederick. Blainey, John, (e,) Capt. Jacob Weaver's company. Bond, John, January 17, 1777 1781. Booth, John, February 13, 1777 1781. Bowland, Thomas, January 1, 1777 1781. Bowser, William, promoted quarter-master sergeant, August 17, 1778. Bowman, John. Bradley, Hugh, January 1, 17771781. Bradley, John, of Lancaster, September 11, 1778, Calhoun's com- pany ; afterwards in Capt. John Steele's company. Brady, Thomas, January 1, 1777 1781. Branmingen. George, January 1, 17771781. Breggs, William, transferred to sappers and miners. Breize, John, Capt. Jacob Weaver's company; died in Mason county, Kentucky, August 27, 1727, aged seventy-nine. Bridegam, Hieronimus, April 27, 1777 1781. Brooks, James. Brown, John, (e,) August, 1778, Major James Grier's company. Brown, Samuel, May 5, 17771781. Bruce, John, (e.) Bryan, George, killed in action. Burges, James. Burns, Levi, September 1, 1777 1781. Butler, Edward, (e,) Lang's company, 1778; afterwards in Sam- ple's company. Bynes, Bernard (e,) Lang's company, August, 1778 ; afterwards in Sample's company. Seryeants. Campbell, William, January 1, 17771781; resided in Bourbon county, Kentucky, 1834. Connell, Terrence, January 1, 1777 1781. Cristler, Elias, January 1, 17771781. Drummer. Clay, Joseph, (e,) Calhoun's company, August, 1778 ; afterwards in Capt. John Steele's company. 723 CONTINENTAL LINE. Privates. Cain, James, died June 3, 1800. Caldwell, David, transferred to Invalid corps. Camp, John, resided in Richland county, Ohio, 1833, aged seventy- nine. Campbell, Robert, , 1780 ; resided in Lycoming county, in 1835,. aged seventy-four. Carroll, James, January 1, 1777 1781. Clarke, John, August 18, 1777 1781. Clayton, Peter. Clune, John. Cochlin, John, transferred to Invalid corps, August 2, 1779; died at Philadelphia, July 14, 1806, aged ninety-one. Cogan, Richard. Coil, Ludwick, (e,) Weaver's company ; left the army April, 1780- Coldwater, Philip, April 30. 1777 ; transferred to Invalid corps. Cole, Richard, Mayl, 17771781. Cook, Stephen, October 1, 1778; died at Morristown, New Jersey, in 1788. Goran, John. Coughran, John, transferred to Invalid corps, October, 1777. Coyle, Mark, May 10, 17771781. Coyle, Patrick, transferred to Invalid corps. Cross, Peter, March 1, 17771781. Crout, Matthias, March 4, 17771781. Crow, George, (^,) Stout's company, August, 1778 ; resided in Bucks county, 1825, aged eighty-one. Crownan, Rudolph. Culket, John, wounded ; transferred to Invalid corps. Cutler, Andrew. Cutler, Peter, May 15, 17781781. Sergeants. Dalton, George, June 23, 17771781. Digby, Simon, January 1, 1777 1781. Corpora I. Duncan, James, April 18, 1777 1781. Drummer. Dubbs, Leonard, from Eleventh Penn'a, July 1, 1778; transferred to Sixth Penn'a, January 17, 1781. Privates. Davice, John, of Lancaster, April 6, 1778 ; died in Jefferson county Ohio, February 23, 1822, aged seventy-four. Davis, Benjamin, resided in Clermont county, Ohio, in 1834, aged eighty-two. TENTH PENNSYLVANIA. 729 Davis, Thomas. Deal, Samuel, March 19, 1777 1781 ; resided in Salem county, New Jersey, 1833, aged seventy- seven. Delahunt, Valentine. Detadle, Brant, executed March 8, 1777, on the commons at Phila- delphia, by order of court-martial. Detrick, George, resided in Dauphin county, 1826. Dewees, Samuel, July 22, 17771781. Dickson, Samuel, (e,) Stake's company, August, 1778. Dillman, John, (e.) Dobenberger, Jacob. Dockens, John, 1780. Donaha, Tim;;thy, January 1, 1777 1781. Donahue, Patrick, (e.) Donoho, Patrick. Dorm, Ludwick. Dorsey, Matthew. Douglass, William. Dowling, Michael, April 26, 17771781. Driscoll, Daniel. Duffy, William, (e,) Major Grier's company, August, 1778. Duncan, John, (e,) Major Grier's company, August, 1778. Sergeant. Edgar, Samuel, February 25, 17771781. Corporal. Ealey, Michael, February 6, 17771781. Privates. Earhearl, John. Edwards, John, resided in Jackson county, Indiana, in 1834. Eichelberger, Peter, January 1, 1777 1781. Eicholtz, John, Capt. Weaver's company ; died May 29, 1821, aged seventy-seven, in Lancaster connty. Ellington, John, May 18, 17771781. English, Michael, 1780. Evans, Edward, March 10, 1777 ; transferred to Sixth Penn'a, 1781. Ewig, Christian, 1780. Sergeant. Felson, Thomas. Drummer. Fox, Frederick, April 20, 17771781. Privates. Fales, Henry. Falkenstine, Stephen, December 24, 1777 1781. 730 CONTINENTAL LINE. Falls, Henry. Farmer, John, colonel's company, August, 1778. Febrick, George, February 19, 17771781. Fennell, Francis, May 13, 17771781. Fertill, Peter. Fetter, Jacob, Dawson's company ; drafted as a blacksmith into the artificers ; injured in service by a horse. Filson, Thomas, (e,) Lang's company, August, 1778; afterwards in Sample's company. Fitzer, Henry. Folleriger, John. Forster, Charles, (e.) Forster, James, (e,) Lieut. Col. Hay's company. Fotler, Jacob. Fought, Charles, 1780, Capt. John Steele's company. Fowler, James. Fox, William, March 11, 17771781. Fryar, James, February 5, 17771781. Fulke, Charles, (e,) August, 1778, Stake's company ; deserted April, 1780. Funk, John, May 27, 17771781. Sergeants. Green, John, (e.) Griffin, David, January 1, 17771781. Corporals. Groff, Archibald, January 1, 1777; reenlisted July 7, 1781; dis- charged January 26, 1783. Greenhill, William, January 1, 17771781. Grier, Hugh, April 19, 1779. Griffey, David, January 1, 1777 1781. Privates. Gable, Henry, 1780. Galvin, John, March 18, 17771781. Gardiner, Henry. Gearhart, William. Geddis, John, February 26, 1777 1781. Getty. William, May 14, 17771781. Gilkey, Thomas. Glenn, James, January 1, 1777 1781. Godfrey, George, (alias George Felker.) resided in Northampton county, 1820, aged fifty-nine. Gorman, Laurence, February 13, 17771781. Govern, John, Sample's company, August, 1778. Grace, William, Stake's company, August, 1778. TENTH PENNSYLVANIA. 731 Gramer, Ludwick, (c,) August, 1778, Capt. Weaver's company ; left the army April, 1780. Greer, William. Griffin, Roger. Grimes, Leonard, (e,) Major Greer's company ; left the army March 11, 1780. Groats, Matthias, of Lancaster, May 3, 1778 July 2, 1778. Groff, John, wounded at Brandy wine ; discharged at Fishkill,,) Stout's company, August, 1778. Ohmet, John, (e,) Hicks' company, May, 1777 1781 ; died in York county, April 16, 1823, aged sixty-five. Owens, Thomas, (e,) Colonel's company, August, 1778. Sergeant. Penry, Thomas, (e,) August, 1778, Lieut. Col. Hay's company. Privates. Patton, John, resided in Bucks county, 1835, aged eighty. Penton, Aaron. Pepper, George. Peters, Arnold, April 24, 17771781. Petrie, Anthony, Capt. Weaver's company, May 4, 1777 1781; re- sided in Milesburg, Centre county, in 1820, aged fifty-eight. Pierce, John, January 13, 1777 1781 ; resided in Wayne county, Ohio, in 1834. Piffer, George. Pitts, Michael, May 17, 17771781. Poor, Daniel. Porter, James, March 20, 1777 1781. Powers, Daniel, (e,) Capt. Sample's company, from Lang's com- pany, August, 1778. Powers, Robert, April 17, 17771781. Pratt, James, from Capt. George Graff's company, Col. Cunning- ham's battalion, flying camp, March 1, 1777 ; reenlisted in Sixth Penn'a. Preese, John. Pringle, George, April 29, 1777 1781. Privates. Quin, Joseph. Quinn, Daniel, May 1, 17771781. Quinn, John, (e,) Calhoun's company, August, 1778; afterwards in Capt. John Steele's company. Sergeant. Rhea, John. Corporals. Riblett, Abraham, February 23, 17771781; resided in Dauphin county, 1835, aged eighty-one. Rupert, Adam, January 1, 1777 1781. Privates. Peck, John, June 23, 17771781. Reed, Hugh. Reed, William, (e,) Stout's company, August, 1778. TENTH PENNSYLVANIA. 73v Eeese, John, February 28, 1777 17S1. Reiley, Christopher, January 5, 1777 1781. Reynolds, James. Reynolds, Joseph, May 12, 1777; captured at Foxchase, March, 1778. Rice, James, (e,) May 27, 17771781. Richards, Joseph, of Valley Forge, enlisted June 4, 1777- deserted June 24, 1778. Richardson, Jeremiah, (e,) Stake's company. Kissinger, Charles, March 2, 1777 1781. Roark, Christopher, Sample's company, August, 1778; afterwards in Lieut. Col. Hay's company. Robb, Peter, April 29, 1778, Capt. Weaver's company. Ruddeau, John, transferred to Invalid corps, November, 1778. Runyon, George, resided in Greene township, Franklin county, 1818. Sergeant Major. Stewart, James, January 1, 1777 1781. Sergeants. Scotland, Thomas, March 23, 17771781. Shields, Barnard, January 10, 17771781. Corporals. Sharp, William. Shaw, James, May 16, 17771781. Short, Richard, January 1, 1777 1781. Smith, John, of Lancaster, April 15, 17781781. Drummers. Shire, Martin, (e,) Stout's company, August, 1778. Stowers, John. Privates. Salmon, John, 1780; resided in Genesee county, New York, 1818, aged seventy-three. Salter, Thomas, (e,) August, 1778, Lieutenant Colonel's company. Saunders, Joseph, (e,) June 10, 1777 1781, Stake's company. Scot, Thomas. Scot, William. Seidensprimer, Joseph, February 5, 1777 1781. Shaw, Michael, May 7, 17771781. Sheadler, Michael. Sheetz, Jacob. Shellenberger, Simeon, March 18, 1777 1781. Shinawase, John, (e,) Capt. Sample's company. 47 VOL. X. 738 CONTINENTAL LJLNE. Shirtzer, Casper, March 4, 17771781 ; resided in Washington county, Maryland, 1834. aged seventy-six. Short, William, April 3, 17771781. Shover, Francis, May 5, 17771781. Siggafuse, John, January 1, 1777 1781. Simpson, James, (e,) Stout's company. Sleesman, John. Smith, John, first, June 1, 17771781. Smith, John, second, March 25, 1777 1781. Smith, William, transferred to Invalid corps. Spicer, Samuel, Capt. Weaver's company, May 25, 1777 ; dislocated his wrist while building huts at Morristown in 1779 ; resided in York county, 1835, aged ninety-seven. Stage, William. Stammers, John. Starr, Elijah, resided in Columbia county, 1835, aged seventy-five. Starr, James, died in Baltimore, Maryland, September 3, 1S22, aged sixty-four. Steel, William, (e,) August, 1778, Lieut. Col. Hay's company. Stewart, David, April 9, 1777; transferred to Invalid corps. Stewart, George. Stillwell, Jacob, (e,) August, 1778, Stake's company. Stinsen, David, April 23, 17771781. Story, James, (e,) Colonel's company, August, 1778. Sullivan, Lawrence, (e,) August, 1778, Stake's company. Sullivan, Martin. Suncle, Jacob, April 28, 17771781. Sutton, William, killed in action. Sergeant. Thomas, Alexander, January 1, 1777 1781 ; died February 14, 1802. Corporal. Tracey, James. Privates. Talkenstine, Stephen, January 1, 17771781. Taylor, John, resided in Franklin county, 1826. Ted rick, George. Templeton, Matthew, .(e,) Calhoun's company, June, 1778; after- wards in Capt. John Steele's company. Thompson, John, transferred to Invalid corps, 1778. Thome, Samuel, (e,) Capt. Jacob Weaver's company. Tiffenbach, Philip, (e.) Major Grier's company, August, 1778. Tither, Jacob, December 2, 17771781. Tollinger, John, February 15, 17771781. Townsend, Solomon, March 5, 1777 ; transferred to chief's guards. TENTH PENNSYLVANIA. 739 Toy, Benjamin. Tracey, Jacob, (e,) Capt. Stout's company. Troxel, John, (e,) August, 1778, Colonel's company. Truby, Adam, January 1, 17771781. Turner, Henry, (e,) Lieut. Col. Hay's company, August, 1778. Valentine, Barnard, Sample's company, August, 1778 ; resided in Mifflin county, 1816. Vanlovring, Joseph, transferred to Invalid corps, August, 1778. Yernon, John, August 1, 17781781. Virgin, John, February 19, 17771781. Sergeants. Welsh, Michael, of Caernarvon township, Lancaster county, Capt. Stout's company; shot in left knee, at Princeton, January 3, 1777. Winn, John, January 21, 1777. Privates. Wallis, Benjamin, of Lancaster, April 30, 1778. Warren, William. Webber, Nathaniel, March 3, 17771781. Weir, George, (e,) Stake's company, August, 1777. Welsh, John. Weyer, Leonard, wounded at Brandywine and Eed Bank ; resided in York county, 1826, aged sixty-eight, blind. Wheeler, Molleston, Calhoun's company, August, 1779 ; afterwards in Capt. John Steele's company. Wilkinson, John, (e,) April 20, 1777 1781, Colonel's company. Williams, George, May 25, 17771781. Williams, John. Wilt, Frederick, May 10, 1777, Calhoun's company; wounded at Paoli, in right arm and leg ; transferred to Invalid corps. Winges, Christopher, (e,) Capt. Weaver's company; left the army April, 1780. Winters, Owen, February 10, 17771781. Wirey, Christian. Worrell, Benjamin, May 16, 17771781 ; resided in Morgan county, Ohio, 1833, aged ninety. Wort, John, January 27, 17771781 ; resided in Luzerne county, 1832, aged seventy-eight. Privates. Yeater, Andrew, (e,) Colonel's company, August, 1778. Young, Jacob. Young, John, March 29, 17771781 ; resided in Westmoreland county, 1834, aged seventy -nine. Young, Matthias, Major Grier's company, August, 1778. CONTINENTAL LINE. ELEVENTH PENNSYLVANIA, (KNOWN AS THE " OLD ELEVENTH.") OCTOBER 25, 1776 JULY 1, 1778. ELEVENTH PENNSYLVANIA REGIMENT. F THE old Eleventh but two returns have been found; that of June 11, 1777, signed by Col. Richard Hump- ton, indicates the strength of the several companies as follows, '"Camp at Mt. Pleasant" : Trisoners Dead. ol war. 39 34 36 34 43 17 39 21 Capt. Dawson, Capt. Coates, Capt. Hedrick, Capt. Scull, Capt. Douglass, Capt. Harris, Capt. Dean, Capt. Boss, The other return, dated November 1, 1777, gives the following data: Present, the colonel, major, Capts. Dawson, Scull, Douglass, and Dean, one lieutenant, one ensign, quarter-master sergeant, fife major, six sergeants, seven drums and fifes, sixty-five rank and file present, fit for duty, thirteen sick, present, fifty-three sick, absent, thirty-one on command, one on furlough, three of Dawson's com- pany prisoners of war, one of Hedrick's confined, Lieut. Col. Gur- ney, resigned ; Capt. Hedrick, on leave since September 25 ; Capt. Harris since October 17; Ross, ditto; Lieut. Mackey, September 11, prisoner of war ; Lieut. Anderson, absent, with leave, since Oc- tober 20 ; Lieut. Jones, sick ; Lieutenant Stotesbury, wounded Sep- tember 11; Lieut. Patton, with the baggage; Lieut. Boogh, con- fined ; Lieut. McElderry, absent since October 21 ; Lieut. Martin, prisoner of war, September 11 ; Lieut. Archer, recruiting ; Ensign Fiss, sick at Bethlehem ; Ensign Stow, absent, with leave, since October 20; Ensign Tate, resigned; Ensign Thumb, confined; Chap- lain McMurdie, absent, with leave; Capt. Coates, Lieut. Levers, and Ensign Fricker, resigned ; Lieut. Peter Martin, Lieut. Car- michael, and Adjutant Lucas, killed ; Lieut. Hammond, appointed quarter-master; Ensign Reeves, adjutant; six sergeants sick, and one drummer ; Lieuts. Mackey and Hicks, with infantry. The old Eleventh lost very heavily at Brandywine, and, by reso- lution of the Supreme Executive Council of April 3, 1778, was in- corporated with the Tenth ; this went into effect July 1, 1778. (743) 744 CONTINENTAL LINE. Col. Richard Humpton was born in Yorkshire, England, in 1733, and settled in Chester county ; he was appointed lieutenant colonel in the Flying Cauap, July 16 r 1776, from which he was transferred to the colonelcy of the Eleventh ; at the close of the war he was colonel of the Second ; he was Adjutant General of Pennsylvania, under Governor McKean, and died December 21, 1804, and was buried in fhe Friends' grave-yard, at Cain, in Chester county. Lieut. Col. trurney resigned after the battle of Germantown, on account of some irregularity in the case of promotion, to which he thought it dishonorable to submit. He was a merchant in Phila- delphia after the war, and Warden of the port. He also commanded the First regiment of the Philadelphia brigade in the Whisky In- surrection. He died at his country seat, near Philadelphia, May 25, 1815, aged seventy-seven. He was a native of Bucks county. In his eighteenth year, he served in the French war ; took part in the capture of Cape Breton ; and was at the capture of Guadaloupe; and, in the breaking out of the Revolution, his services were con- spicuous in drilling officers, and he was commissioned captain of infantry May 25, 1775. In the course of the following year, he agreed to go into the regular service, and was appointed lieutenant colonel in the Eleventh Pennsylvania. ROSTER OF FIELD AND STAFF OFFICERS. Colonel. Humpton, Richard, appointed October 25, 1776, ranking from October 1, 1776; transferred to Tenth Penn'a, July 1, 1778. Lieutenant Colonels. Gurney, Francis, appointed October 25, 1776, ranking from Octo- ber 3, 1776 ; wounded at Iron Hill ; resigned October , 1777. North, Caleb, from Major of Tenth Penn'a, October 23, 1777; transferred to Ninth Penn'a, July 1, 1778. Major. Mentges, Francis, from Atlee's battalion ; appointed October 25, 1776, ranking from October 7, 1776 ; promoted lieutenant col- onel of Fifth Penn'a, October 9, 1778. ELEVENTH PENNSYLVANIA. 745 Captains. Dawson, Samuel, November 13, 1776 ; transferred to Eighth Penn'a, July 1,1778. Coates, Doctor John, November 13, 1776 ; wounded by a ball in his right hand at Piscataway ; resigned in October, 1777 ; resided in Talbot county, Maryland, in 1795; died in 1810. Hedrick, Adolph William, November 13, 1776. Bradford, William, Jr., November 13, 1776. Scull, William, November 13, 1776. Henderson, William, November 13, 1776. Douglass, John, November 13, 1776; resided in Philadelphia, in 1832, aged eighty-four. McKissack, William, November 13, 1776 ; resided in Somerset county, New Jersey, in 1828. Harris, John, appears on roster June, 1777; became supernumerary numerary July 1, 1778; member of the Supreme Executive Council in 1786; died in Bucks county, 1818. Dean, Samuel, from first lieutenant, April 9, 1777; became super- numerary July 1, 1778; died in Bucks county, 1818. Boss, George, from first lieutenant, appears on roster June, 1777; resigned April 1, 1778. Pearson, John, from first lieutenant, September 7, 1777 ; transferred to Ninth Penn'a, July 1, 1778. First Lieutenants. Thomas, William, , 1776. Cunningham, Samuel, , 1776. Dean, Samuel, , 1776; promoted captain, April 9, 1777. Ross, George, , 1776 ; promoted captain, , 1777. Pearson, John, of Reading, , 1776 ; promoted captain, Septem- ber 7, 1777. Levers, William, , 1776 ; resigned October , 1777. Mackey, William, , 1776; wounded, and captured September 11, 1777 ; transferred to Ninth Penn'a. Anderson, Enoch, of Northampton county, , 1776. Patton, Robert, from second lieutenant; captured and not ex- changed until January 3, J781 ; February 1, 1781, Col. Hump- ton certifies that he was entitled to a captaincy, upon the resig- nation of Capt. George Ross, April 1, 1778. Stotesbury, John, from second lieutenant, April 9, 1777 ; wounded at Brandywine ; transferred to Eighth Penn'a. Harper, Robert, became supernumerary July 1, 1778. Mackey, James, became supernumerary July 1, 1778. Hicks, Jacob Giles, from ensign, October 31, 1777 ; transferred to Tenth Penn'a, July 1, 1778. 746 CONTINENTAL LINE. Stow, Lazarus, from ensign; became supernumerary July 1, 1778; cordwainer, resided in East Nottingham, Cecil county, Mary- land, 1793, and on pension list in Philadelphia, in 1835. Reeves, Enos, from ensign, March 31, 1778; transferred to Tenth Penn'a. Fiss, Jacob, from ensign ; became supernumerary July 1, 1778. Second Lieutenants. Jolly, Maybury, September 30, 1776; became supernumerary 177S, with ran*k of captain. Patton, Robert, September 30, 1776; promoted first lieutenant. Jones, Peter, September 30, 1776. Stotesbury, John, September 30, 1776; promoted first lieutenant, April 9, 1777. Hammond, Benjamin, September 30, 1776 ; killed February 20, 1778. Robeson, Andrew, September 30, 1776; resided in Baltimore, in 1793. Lucas, Thomas, of Thompson's rifle battalion, September 30, 1776; killed at Brandywine, September 11, 1777. Boogh, Henry, September 30, 1776. Martin, Peter, killed at Brandywine, September 11, 1777. Carmichael, Alexander, from ensign ; killed at Brandywine. Martin, Nathaniel, from ensign ; captured September 11, 1777. McElderry, John, from ensign. Ensigns. Carmichael, Alexander, , 1776 ; promoted second lieutenant. McElderry, John, , 1776 ; promoted lieutenant. Martin, Nathaniel, , 1776; promoted second lieutenant. Williamson, Ralph, , 1776. Wilcox, James, , 1776. Henderson, John, , 1776; son of Daniel, of New London, Chester county ; possibly identical with Lieut. John Hender- son, of Twelfth Penn'a, afterwards captain in Third Penn'a. Fiss, Jacob, promoted lieutenant. Hicks, Jacob Giles, , 1776 ; promoted lieutenant, October 30, 1777. Tate, John, resigned October, 1777. Stow, Lazarus, promoted lieutenant. Fricker, , resigned October, 1777. Thumb, John. Justice, John, May 10, 1777. Reeves, Enos, , 1777, and adjutant; promoted first lieutenant, March 31, 1778. Croxall, Charles, promoted lieutenant of Tenth Penn'a; is marked exchanged November 23, 1780. ELEVENTH PENNSYLVANIA. 747 Chaplain. McMordie, Robert, May 17, 1777 ; appointed brigade chaplain in July, 1779 ; thence transferred to First Penn'a, July 12, 1780 ; resided on Marsh creek, York county, now Adams, January 17, 1791. Adjutants. Lucas, Thomas, lieutenant, December 17, 1776 ; killed September 11, 1777. Reeves, Enos, September 11, 1777. Surgeons. Jennings, Michael, December 17, 1776 ; resigned February 14, 1777, and appointed to Hartley's additional regiment. Morgan, Abel, February 14, 1777 ; transferred to Eighth Penn'a, July 1,1778. Surgeon's Mate. Wharrey, Robert, transferred to Third Penn'a, January 17, 1781. Quarter-Masters. Stiles, Henry, December 17, 1776. Hammond, Benjamin, lieutenant, November, 1777. Paymasters. Craig, Hugh, December 4, 1776. Epple, Andrew, February 15, 1777, vice Craig. NON-COMMISSIONED OFFICERS AND PRIVATES OF THE ELEVENTH PENNSYLVANIA REGIMENT, CONTINENTAL LINE. [Those marked (e) are taken from a list in the Secretary's office, of soldiers whose depreciated pay escheated to the State.] The following list having been made up altogether from comp- troller's accounts, &c., with no designation to the names except "11," necessarily embraces, as far as it goes, privates of both old Eleventh and new Eleventh ; no rolls of companies of the old Eleventh have been found, and none of the new except those printed postea, beginning in 1780 : Fife Major. Alexander, Joseph, January 1, 1777. Privates. Anthony, Daniel. Ashton, Israel. 748 CONTINENTAL LINE. Sergeant. Boughman, Paul. Corporals. Butler, James. Byrnes, Patrick. Privates. Barclay, James. Barker, John, (e.) Basheers, Gadsby. Beedin, James, (e.) Berris, Christopher. Bird, Andrew, 17771781 ; transferred to First Penn'a. Booth, John, resided in Lancaster in 1813. Boruche, William, (e.) Brown, James. Brunner, John, (e.) Burghaut, Isaac. Burnes, John. Burns, James, resided in Boone county, Kentucky, 1834, aged eighty. Butler, Edward. Butler, Ernanuel. Sergeants. Cain, Matthew, died in service. Clark, Joseph, January 1, 1777 ; transferred to Invalid corps, August 2, 1779. Coleman, John. Corporal. Campbell, John. Fifer. Cusick, Matthew, (e.) Privates. Callahan, Patrick. Campbell, John, resided in Franklin county, 1824. Campbell, William, killed in action. Carman, George, (e.) Carney, Barney. Cartwright, Philip. Cash mire, Peter. Clark, John. ELEVENTH PENNSYLVANIA. 749 Clark, Robert, transferred to sappers and miners ; reenlisted in Sixth Penn'a, December 3, 1781. Connell, Terrence, (e.) Connelly, John. Cook, Jacob, resided in New York city in 1835, aged eighty-three. Crangle, James, (e.) Curtis, Thomas, (e.) Corporal. Dailey, Dennis. Drummers. Darby, William, March 5, 1777 ; resided in Jackson county, Ohio, in 1834, aged seventy-six. Dubbs, Leonard, from flying camp, May, 1777, Hedrick's company; transferred to Tenth Penn'a, July 1, 1778. Privates. Delaney, Daniel, January 10, 1777 ; discharged February 8, 1781 ; reenlisted April 17, 1781. Derr, Christian, from Thompson's rifles ; wounded at Germantown ; had three ribs broken ; carried three balls in his body ; resided in Union county in 1820, aged seventy-two. Divers, William, Invalid corps, July, 1777. Dogin, John. Driver, Casper, from Fourth battalion. Private . Ealy, Michael. Sergeant Major. Fitzgerald, Edward, killed in action. Drum Major. Farr, William Sergeant . Ferrell, Jeremiah. Privates. Fennler, Henry. Fetzer, Henry. Figh, John. Fincler, Henry. Ford, Dennis. Ford, Simon, became insane, and placed in Penn'a hospital in 1779, by Col. Humpton's order. Forgey, John. Fortner, Peter. 750 CONTINENTAL LINE. Sergeant. Grier, William. Drummer. Galley, Daniel, January 1, 1777. Privates. Gehen, Peter. George, William, (e,) February 3, 1777. Grady, David, became insane, and placed in Penn'a hospital by order of Col. Humpton, in 1779. Gray, Joel. Grimes, Philip, (e.) Grosquill, John. Corporals. Harvey, George. Horner, John. Fifer. Hainey, Henry. Privates. Hackett, Nicholas. Harper, Thomas, (e,) resided in Pickens county, Alabama, 1834, aged seventy-six. Hartman, Jacob, Douglass' company; wounded above the knee at Brandy wine, and discharged in 1779 ; resided in Reading in 1792. Heaton, Edward. Herrington, Jacob, resided in Crawford county, 1817. Hill, Matthew. Hostleberger, Philip. Houghey, Patrick, transferred to Third Penn'a. Howell, William, died in Westmoreland county, February 11, 1827, aged seventy-eight. Sergeants. John, Lewis, June, 1777 ; discharged November, 1778 ; unfit for service. Johnston, Thomas, died in Dearborn county, Indiana, May 26, 1823. Private. Jenkins, Israel, (e.) Sergeants. Kain, Matthew. Kenny, Barnet. Killau, James. ELEVENTH PENNSYLVANIA. 751 Privates. Kelly, John. Kisbal, Robert. Knowles, Joseph. Privates. Langley, John. Lawyer, Peter, Capt. Ross' company, 1777 ; served three years eleven months; resided in Landisburg, 1835, aged seventy- three. Leland, Patrick. Lenney, John J. Lloyd, Jacob. Sergeant Major. McDonnell, John. Sergeant. McKean , Marmaduke. Corporal. McLean, Patrick. Privates. McCaslan, Patrick. McClosky, Arthur, (e.) McCoy, Charles. McCullough, Roger, Invalid corps, August 2, 1779. McGinnis, James, (e.) McKinney, Edward. McQuillon, Alexander, enlisted at Reading in Capt. Scull's com- pany; transferred to the Tenth Penn'a. Mahony, Florance. Mitchell, Henry. Privates. Nelnit, William. Nelson, William, served three years; died in Mercer county, Au- gust 3, 1824, aged sixty-eight. Newingham, Cornelius. Nichols, George. Privates. O'Brien, Francis, Invalid corps, June, 1777. O'Creily, Patrick. Olkas, Philip. Sergeant. Pope, William, lost his eye-sight by exposure at Princeton ; dis- charged April 29, 1777. 752 CONTINENTAL LINE. Corporals. Patton, Anthony, resided in Adams county, 1780. Pearson, John. Privates. Parker, Joseph. Pursell, John, Capt. Dean's company ; wounded in the shoulder at Brandy wine, and transferred to Invalid corps; resided in Upper Paxtang, Dauphin county, 1787. Privates. Quarry, Elisha, resided in Botetourt county, Virginia, 1834, aged seventy-nine. Quigley, James. Drummer. Reddick, William. Privates. Roop, Nicholas, (e.) Rush, Thomas. Drum Major. St. Clair, Daniel, lost his left hand, and wounded in body and head. Sergeant. Smith, Stephen, Capt. Douglass' company. Corporal. Shuhey, Daniel. Privates. Sacker, John, wounded in service; transferred to Invalid corps, May, 1778. Sayer, George, (e.) Scott, John. Shadduck, William. Shannise, John, killed in action. Short, William. Simmons, William, March 1, 1777 ; transferred to chief's guards. Sislear, Michael. Smith, Joseph. Smith, Samuel, lost his left leg at Brandywine, and transferred to Invalid corps Snible, Nicholas. Solomon, William. Sorguy, John. Statrey, Thomas, March 27, 1777. ELEVENTH PENNSYLVANIA. 753 Stead, John, wounded at Paoli ; resided in Jonestown, Lebanon county, 1786. Steel, William. Steigh, Valentine. Stewart, John, transferred to Invalid corps. Stone, John, was living in 1794, insane. Stones, David, killed in action. Street, Benjamin. Sutton, John, killed in action. Sweeny. Hugh, 1776; resided in Perry county, 1821. Fife Major. Taylor, Nicholas, (e.) Privates. Taylor, John, Invalid corps, August 2, 1779. Thomaker, Peter. Tumbelty, John, (e.) Tin-man, William. Tyerman, William. Private. Vanlovring, Joseph, wounded at the battle of Brandywine; trans- ferred to Invalid corps. Sergeant Major. Williams, Joseph. Sergeant. Whitesides, James. Corporal. Willson, John, January 1, 1777. Privates. Walker, Andrew. Waylan. Edward, March 1, 1777 ; transferred to chief's guards. Wiggins, Thomas, died in Gloucester county, New Jersey, October 20, 1822, aged sixty-nine. Williams, Stacey. Wirey, Christian. Wood, Abraham. Worrell, Bingley Mark, lost his right leg at Germantown, October 4, 1777. 48 -VOL. X. CONTINENTAL LINE. TWELFTH PENNSYLVANIA OCTOBER 1, 1776 JULY 1, 1778. TWELFTH PENNSYLVANIA REGIMENT. JONGBESS, by resolution, authorized this regiment to be raised in the counties of Northampton and North- umberland, and among the last acts of the Convention, to form a State Constitution, September 28, 1776, was a choice of its field officers, from its members ; William Cook, del- egate from Northumberland, colonel ; Neigal Gray, delegate from Northampton county, lieutenant colonel, and James Crawford, del- egate from Northumberland county, major. Peter "Withington was the first captain appointed by the Council of Safety, October 1 ; by a minute of the Council of October 4, Col. Cooke Major Crawford, and Capt. Withington took the qualification directed by the Con- vention, and commissions were delivered them, signed by the Presi- dent of Congress; and on the same day, by resolution of the Coun- cil, Nicholas Miller and Hawkins Boone were appointed captains, Thomas Brandon and Hananiah Lincoln first lieutenants; Robert King and James Williamson, second lieutenants. On the four- teenth, the Council resolved that the commissions of all the cap- tains and subalterns of the Twelfth shall be dated October 1, 1776, and their rank hereafter settled. On the same day, John Brady and Major John Harris, both of Northumberland county, were ap- pointed captains, and Christopher Gettig, first lieutenant, Francis Allison, surgeon. The rest of the original captains, with other sub- alterns, were appointed on the 16th of October. Col. Records, vol. 10, page 756. The greater proportion of the regiment was recruited upon the West Branch of the Susquehanna, and on the 18th of Decem- ber, it left Sunbury, in boats, for the battle-fields of New Jer- sey. Being composed of good riflemen and scouts, it was detailed on picket and skirmish duty. It (with the Third, Ninth, and Sixth Pennsylvania) was in Brig. Gen. Thomas Conway's brigade. Its head-quarters were at the five cross roads at Metuchin, between Quibbletown and Amboy. Its companies were engaged in the va- rious skirmishes in that neighborhood ; at Bound Brook, April 12, 1777, Piscataway, May 10, where Joseph Lorentz and twenty-one others were made prisoners by the British, Wendell Lorentz making his escape by running in among a flock of sheep ; at Short Hills, June 26, and Bonamtown. In June, Col. Daniel Morgan's rifle command (757) 758 CONTINENTAL LINE. was formed, and a detachment from the Twelfth Pennsylvania, under the command of Capt. Hawkins Boone, was placed in it. For a notice of this command, see Historical note to the First Penn- sylvania. In the battle of Brandywine, the Twelfth was engaged under Sullivan at Birmingham church, losing heavily. Major Craw- ford, Capt. Brady, and other officers were wounded, Lieut. Wil- liam Boyd, of Brady's company, killed. At Germantown, Con- way's brigade led the attack on the left wing of the British, being in front of the troops that composed the right wing of the American army, and the Twelfth was in the hottest of the fight, losing heav- ily in men, second lieutenant John Carothers of the officers killed. The Twelfth wintered with the rest of the army at Valley Forge, and at Monmouth the remnant of it was nearly destroyed, as testi- fied to in many of the statements made by the privates, on file in the office of the Secretary of the Commonwealth. Meanwhile, April 2, 1778, the General Assembly had appointed a committee to confer upon the best means of reducing three of the regiments, and it was ordered that the Twelfth be incorporated with the Third, which arrangement went into effect on the 1st of July, and Capts. John Brady and Boone, Lieuts. Dougherty and Robert King were ordered home by Gen. Washington to assist Col. Hartley in protect- ing the West Branch valley. Capt. Brady was assassinated by In- dian scouts, near the town of Muncy, April 11, 1779, and Capt. Boone fell near Fort Freeland, on the 29th of July, the same year. The following list embraces but a small portion of the regiment, Capt. Makinley's company alone contained seventy-two men. TWELFTH PENNSYLVANIA. 759 ROSTER OF FIELD AND STAFF OFFICERS. Colonel. Cooke William, September 28, 1776, rank, October 2, 1776, resigned January 16, 1778 ; died at Northumberland, on the 22d of April, 1804. Lieutenant Colonel. Gray, Neigal, of Northampton county, September 28,1776; rank from October 5, 1776; cashiered June 2, 1778; died at Kelly Mills, now Union county, in 1786. Major. Crawford, James, September 28, 1776, rank from October 8, 1776; resigned October 12, 1777, on account of being deprived of his rank, but proposed to serve through the contest at his own expense; he was many years justice of the peace of Wayne township, Lycoming county, now Clinton, and died in 1817; buried in Pine Creek grave-yard, above Jersey Shore. Captains. Withington, Peter, October 1, 1776; took sick in Philadelphia, in December, 1776 ; sent home, to Heading, where lie died May 11, 1777 ; his widow, Eve, survived him over fifty years, and died in Mifflinburg, Union county. Miller, Nicholas, of Northumberland county, October 4,- 1776; be- came supernumerary July 1, 1778; died in Northampton county, in 179-. Boone, Hawkins, October 4, 1776 see note, ante. Brady, John, October 14, 1776; wounded at Brandywine, Septem- ber 11, 1777 see note, ante. Harris, John, (major,) October 14, 1776. Makinley, Henry, an Irish clergyman, who taught a classical academy at Carlisle, October 16, 1776 ; resigned June 18, 1778, and resumed teaching at Carlisle. Patterson, Alexander, of Easton, October 16, 1776; became super- numerary July 1, 1778; afterwards a prominent participant in the Wyoming troubles; pensioned February 10, 1804; his widow, Margaret, was pensioned by the State in 1823. Work, William, October 1G, 1776. Chambers, Stephen, Esq., from first lieutenant, 1777; was after- wards one of the Council of Censors. 1783; delegate to the Fed- eral Convention, December 12, 1787; wounded in a duel with Dr. Jacob Rieger, on Monday, May 11, 1789 ; died on Saturday, 16th, at his home, in Lancaster city. 760 CONTINENTAL LINE. Captain. Iteily, John, from first lieutenant, May 20, 1777 ; transferred to Third Penn'a, July 1, 1778; shot through the body at Bonum- town, N. J., in April, 1777. First Lieutenants. Brandon, Thomas, October 4, 1776. Lincoln, Hananiah, October 4, 1776; resigned after the battle of Brandywine, on account of promotions over him, and went to Daniel Boone's settlement in Kentucky. Gettig, Christopher, of Sunbury, October 14, 1776; wounded at Piscalawny, New Jersey, May 11, 1777 ; taken prisoner, and had his leg amputated ; died at Sunbury, July 2, 1790. Reily, John, October 16, 1776 ; promoted captain May 20, 1777. Chambers, Stephen, Esq., October 16, 1776; promoted captain. McElhatton, William, October 16, 1776; wounded at Bonamtown by ball and buck shot in shoulder ; lost the use of his arm, &c. ; promoted captain lieutenant, and transferred to Sixth Penn'a, July 1, 1778. Henderson, John, October 16, 1776; transferred to Third Penn'a. Sayres, William, October 16, 1776. Boyd, John, from second lieutenant ; transferred to Third Penn'a. Lodge, Benjamin, from second lieutenant, October 11, 1777 ; trans- ferred to Sixth Penn'a. Herbert, Stewart, from second lieutenant, January 9, 1778; trans- ferred to Sixth Penn'a, July 1, 1778. / Second Lieutenants. King, Robert, of Northumberland county, October 4, 1778; trans- ferred to Third Penn'a, July 1, 1778. Williamson, James, October 4, 1776. McCabe, Edward, October 16, 1776. Hays, John, October 16, 1776. Quin. Samuel, October 16, 1776. Boyd, John, of Northumberland county, October 16, 1776; promoted first lieutenant. Bard, William, October 16, 1777. Carothers, John, October 16, 1776; killed at Germantown, October 4, 1777 ; left a widow, who died in 1785, and one son. Lodge, Benjamin, Jr., October 16, 1776, from ensign ; promoted first lieutenant, October 11, 1777. Ball, Blackall William, from ensign ; transferred to Third Penn'a. Boyd, William, from ensign ; killed September 11, 1777 ; he was a brother of Lieut. Thomas Boyd, killed in Sullivan's campaign, and of Lieut. John Boyd, above mentioned. Herbert, Stewart, from ensign, May, 1777 ; wounded at Short Hills, June 26, 1777 ; promoted first lieutenant, January 9, 1778. TWELFTH PENNSYLVANIA. 761 Engle, Andrew, from ensign ; transferred to Third Penn'a. Faulkner, Robert, from ensign ; resided in Hamilton county, Ohio, 1834, aged seventy-eight. Armstrong, John, from ensign, December 11, 1777; transferred to Third Peun'a. Ensigns. Lodge, Benjamin, Jr., October 16, 1776; promoted second lieuten- ant. Hamilton, Thomas, October 16, 1776. Ball, Blackall William, October 16, 1776; promoted second lieu- tenant. Boyd, William, October 16, 1776; promoted second lieutenant. Stone, John, October 16, 1776; resigned January 8, 1777; died in March, 1792. Herbert, Stewart, October 16, 1777 ; promoted second lieutenant, May, 1777. Engle, Andrew, October 16, 1776; promoted second lieutenant. Faulkner, Robert, January 8, 1777 ; promoted second lieutenant. Seley, John, February 3, 1777. Armstrong, John, from sergeant ; promoted second lieutenant De- cember 11, 1777, to rank from September 11, 1777. Cook. John, from private, in Herbert's company; died in Union county, February 21, 1823, aged eighty-one. Adjutant. Hanson, Thomas, October 16, 1776; he served in a Philadelphia militia battalion in the campaign of Trenton and Princeton ; joined the regiment March 9, 1777; buried in Philadelphia, with honors of war, August 16, 1777. Penn'a Archives, old series, vol. v, page 548. Paymasters. Levers, Robert, November 13, 1776. Dungan, Thomas, April 29, 1777 ; transferred to Sixth Penn'a. Quarter-Masters. Atkinson, Wilton, January 11, 1777. Vaughan, George. Surgeons. Allison, Francis, October 14, 1776; transferred to general hospital, of which he was senior surgeon in 1781. Ledlie, Andrew, of Easton, January 18, 1777; paid from January 1, 177V, to June 30, 1779; became supernumerary; died at Easton, Pa., in January, 1775. Surgeons Mate. Woodruff, Aaron, became supernumerary in 1778. 762 CONTINENTAL LINE. NON-COMMISSIONED OFFICERS AND PRIVATES OF THE TWELFTH PENNSYLVANIA REGIMENT, OF THE CONTINENTAL LINE. Sergeant. Armstrong, John, of Brady's company; promoted ensign. Private*. Aldridge, George, killed in action. Auchinuty, Samuel, Capt. Chambers' company; transferred to Third Penn'a, July 1, 1778. Bedworth, William, transferred to Invalid corps. Bentley, Henry, wounded at Metuchin, New Jersey; transferred to Third Penn'a. Brown, James, transferred to Third Penn'a, July 1, 1778. Campbell, John, from Pike's battalion, New Jersey; wounded at Piscataway, and discharged ; resided in Shamokin township, Northumberland county, 1819. Cochran, John. Connor, William, of Makinley's company, enlisted 1776; resided in Carlisle in 1813. Cook, John, promoted ensign. Coram, AVilliam, from the British army, enlisted in Capt. Patter- son's company; reenlisted in Pulaski's legion. Cusick, John. Dougherty, James, December 15, 1776, Capt. Brady's company; March, 1778, drafted into chief's life guards. Doyle, David, killed in action. English, James, Capt. Brady's company, May, 1777; transferred to First Penn'a. Sergeant. Fleming, Charles, Capt. Patterson's company. Privates. Flanagan, Patrick, transferred to Invalid corps, August 2, 1779. Gallant, James, wounded, and lost his right arm, at Germantown; transferred to Invalid cotps. Gpwanp, Hugh, 1776, Chambers' company ; transferred to Third Penn'a. Haines, William, Invalid corps, August, 1778. Hasson, Barney, Makinley's company ; transferred to Third Penn'a. Hiland, Nathaniel, wounded in service; resided in Indiana county, 1824. TWELFTH PENNSYLVANIA. 763 Private. Hughes, Kichard, Invalid corps, August, 1779. Sergeants. Kearns, Kobert, transferred to Invalid corps. Lorentz, Andrew, first sergeant, Chambers' company, captured at Piscataway, May 10, 1777 ; exchanged, and transferred to Third Penn'a. Lyon, Robert, promoted lieutenant in Sixth Penn'a in February, 1777. Lorentz, Joseph, Chambers' company, captured May 10, 1777 ; re- leased April 24, 1779 ; transferred to Third Penn'a. Privates. Lebo, Henry, resided in Lycoming county, 1835, aged eighty. Lemmons, John, from Tuscarora valley, Harris' company, Feb- ruary 2, 1777 ; wounded in head and left leg at Monmouth ; transferred to Third Penn'a. Little, Matthew, 1776 ; transferred to Third Penn'a. Lushbaugh, Henry, shoemaker, Harris' company; resided in Ly- coming county, 1835, aged eighty-four. McClughan, Samuel, drafted into Morgan's rifle command ; wounded at Saratoga ; resided in Buffalo Valley, 1786. McCowan, Archibald, wounded, and lost his hand, May 10, 1777. McHard, Joseph, Chambers' company; captured at Piscataway, May 10, 1777. Mcllvaine, Thomas, resided in Tioga county in 1793. Mcllvaine, John, resided in Tioga county in 1793. McKeever. Angus, 1776, Chambers' company ; transferred to Third Penn'a. McMath, Daniel, 1776, Chambers' company; transferred to Third Penn'a. Martin, George, drafted into Morgan's rifle command; wounded in left side at Saratoga, October, 1777 ; resided in Buffalo val- ley, Northumberland county, in 1786 ; died March 10, 1816. Newberry, James, died in Northumberland county February 1, 1830, aged eighty-four. Peacock, Neal. Polston, Robert, 1776; wounded at Germantown; transferred to Third Penn'a. Porter, Samuel, enlisted in October, 1776, in Hawkins Boone's com- pany, and transferred to Third Penn'a in 1778. Reynolds, Richard, Invalid corps, August 2, 1779. Rheam, Nicholas, 1776, transferred to Third Penn'a. Rice John, 1776, transferred to Third Penn'a. Robinson, John, December 5, 1776, transferred to Third Penn'a. 764 CONTINENTAL LINE. Shreck, John, of Germantown, transferred to Third Pemi'a. Silverthorn, Joseph, killed in battle. Teel, John, reenlisted from Lowdon's company, Thompson's bat- talion ; at Brandy wine and Gerrnantown, and served in Sulli- van's campaign ; while acting as a spy, taken by the Indians ; killing one, he made his escape, and carried the scalp to Con- gress, for which he received a reward of 25 ; resided in Han- nover township, Washington county, in 1835, aged eighty- three. Wilson, Robert, Boone's company, enlisted October, 1776 ; trans- ferred to Third Penn'a. Woodrow, William, killed in action. CONTINENTAL LINE. THIRTEENTH PENNSYLVANIA. NOVEMBER 12, 1777 JULY 1, 1778. THIRTEENTH PENNSYLVANIA REGIMENT. jpSr^3Y resolution of Congress, of November 12, 1777, the i Jplr4f Pennsylvania State Regiment of Foot was taken into J PI* Jl ^ ie ^OHtinental service as the Thirteenth Pennsylvania. LlaSmBJI It was known as early as July 6, 1777, (Penn'a Archives, 0. S., vol. 5, page 715,} as the Thirteenth Pennsylvania. A return, dated Philadelphia, June 20, 1777, signed by Ludwig Sprogell, com- missary general of musters, shows present, colonel, lieutenant col- onel, two majors, eleven captains, twenty lieutenants, and eleven ensigns, chaplain, surgeon, paymaster, surgeon's mate, adjutant, quarter-master, quarter-master sergeant, sergeant major, drum ma. jor, fife major, forty-four sergeants, nine corporals, twenty-two drums and fifes, four hundred and seventy-seven rank and file, fit for duty; sick, present, twelve ; sick, at hospital, twenty-one ; on command, seventeen; on furlough, ten; deserted, seventy-six; total, six hun- dred and thirteen. As full rolls are printed ante, in connection with the State Kegi- ment of Foot, up to the 1st of May, 1777, and these correspond nearly exactly with the columns of sergeants, corporals, drums and fifes, and present, fit for duty, and no rolls have been found subse- quently except Capt. Scott's, it was judged proper to print, in con- nection with the Thirteenth, only such of the rank and file as we found distinctively marked "13th." This regiment, under Col. Stewart's command, fought at Brandy- wine and Germantown. In Col. Stewart's letter, printed in the Penn'a Archives, O. S., vol. v, page 714, he says: My loss in killed and missing in the two actions does not exceed sixteen, besides the wounded ; am inclined to think most of the missing are either killed or badly wounded. He submits returns which are printed, ibid., pages 715 and 7J6, which show only a difference of three men between the periods of these dates, July 6, 1777, and October 27, 1777, but in the latter he returns of officers, nine captains, fourteen lieutenants, and ten ensigns, five staff, and forty-four sergeants, eighteen drums and fifes. He accounts for this by say- ing, " I have been lucky enough to have received a good many re- (767) 768 CONTINENTAL LINE. cruits, which is the cause of my being able to keep it up so well." He reports his sick, present, at forty-eight; sick, absent, seventy; on command, sixty-nine; on furlough, three ; total, five hundred and thirty-seven rank and file, as against five hundred and forty, July G, 1777 ; of the sick, he says, twenty-two arc wounded, these I expect will, in a short time, be able to join me. For the part the regiment took in the battle of Germantown, the reader is referred to Col. Stewart's letter to Gen. Gates, in Pcnn' Magazine of His- tory, vol. 1, page 400, (1877.) On the 1st of January, 1778, the term of enlistment of Miles' and Atlee's battalions expired, or was so claimed by the men, arid many left and were discharged. On the 21st of February, 1778, Major Francis Murray and some of the men were captured at New- town, twenty-four miles from Philadelphia. On the 3d of April, 1778, it being apparent that the men whose enlistments were made in April and May, 1776, in the original State battalions for two years could be held no longer, the Executive Council resolved to incorporate the Thirteenth with the Second Pennsylvania, and this arrangement went into effect July 1, 1778. Col. Walter Stewart, the colonel of the Thirteenth, and after- wards of the Second Pennsylvania, was of Irish descent, had a fair, florid complexion, was vivacious, intelligent, and well educated, and it was said was the handsomest man in the American army. Custis' 1 Recollections. On the llth of April, 1781, just before starting upon the Southern campaign, with Gen. Wayne, he married a daugh- ter of Blair McClenachan, a prominent patriotic merchant of Phila- delphia, lie retired the service, January 1, 1783, with the brevet rank of brigadier general. He was afterwards a prominent mer- chant of Philadelphia, major generalof the first division of the Penn- sylvania militia. His portrait is full length in Trumbull's picture of the surrender of Cornwallis, on the left of the line of the Ameri- can officers. He died in Philadelphia, at the early age of forty j r ears, June 14 or 15, 1796, and was buried on the 16th, with the honors of war, the Society of Cincinnati, and the officers of the first division following the corpse as mourners. Advertiser, June 1C, 1796 Letter of Wm. Brooke Itavcle, Esq., to the Editors. THIRTEENTH PENNSYLVANIA. 769 ROSTER OF FIELD AND STAFF OFFICERS. Colonel. Stewart, Walter, June 17, 1777 : transferred to the Second Penn'a, July 1, 1773. Lieiitcnant Colonel. Farmer, Lewis, May 2, 1777. First Major. Murray, John, May 2, 1777 ; transferred to Second Penn'a, July 1, 1778. Second Major. Murray, Francis, captured in February, 1778, and not exchanged until 17SO. Captains. Anderson, Patrick. Marshall, John, resided in Washington county, 1885, aged eighty- five. Nice, John, transferred to Sixth Penn'a, July 1, 1778. Scott, Matthew, October 24, 1776; became supernumerary July 1, 1778. Moore, James Francis, transferred to the Eighth Penn'a, July 1, 1778. Spear, John. Clarke, John, February 20, 1777; transferred to Eighth Penn'a, July 1,1778. Gray, Robert, became supernumerary July 1, 1778. Robb, John, became supernumerary July 1, 1778. Carnahan, James, April 18, 1777; ranking from January 15, 1777; transferred to Eighth Penn'a, July 1, 1778. Pugh, John,* resigned. Finley, Joseph L., from first lieutenant, October 20, 1777; trans- ferred to Eighth Penn'a, July 1, 1778. * C iptnin Pugh, who j lined mo from the Powder Mill, and increased my regiment to eleven companies, got tired of the service and resigned. I divided the men into the other companies, and let the officers fall into the dinvrent companies where vacancies had happened; this has reduced us to ten companies, which answers much better. Col. Stew- art's letter, October 27, 1777. 49- VOL. X. 770 CONTINENTAL LINE. First Lieutenants. Finley, Joseph L., promoted captain, October 20, 1777. Johnston, Thomas,* from third lieutenant, in Flying Camp. Mehs, Jacob. Boyd, Thomas, of Miles' battalion, son of Thomas Boyd, of Phila- delphia; resigned June 22, 1777, on account of promotion of Thomas Johnston ; resided in Indiana county, in 1817. Brownlee, Joseph, resigned June 22, 1777, for reasons as above ; his name appears in connection with the Eighth Penn'a after- wards see Archibald Head, Eighth Penn'a. Moore, "William, wounded at Germantown; transferred to Second Penn'a, July 1, 1778. Hoffner, George. Snyder, Jacob. Gyger, George, became supernumerary, 1778. Wiley, James. McFall, Patrick, April 8, 1777. McMichael, James, from second lieutenant, June 20, 1777 ; trans- ferred to Seventh Penn'a, July 1, 1778. Second Lieutenants. McMichael, James, promoted first lieutenant, June 20, 1777. Gregg, John, transferred to Second Penn'a, July 1, 1778. Kenny, Samuel, became supernumerary, 1778. Crain, Ambrose. Harris, William. McCracken, William. Van Pelt, John. Sutter, James, April 18, 1777. Collier, Joseph, from ensign, April 18, 1777 ; transferred to First Penn'a, July 1, 1778. Williams, Samuel, April 23, 1777. Park, John, from ensign, August 1, 1777; transferred to Second Penn'a, July 1, 1778. Ensigns. Boyle, Peter. Huston, Alexander, Jr., from Atlee's battalion ; killed at Brandy- wine, September 11, 1777. Gregg, Robert, became supernumerary, 1778. Bickham, James. Park, John, promoted second lieutenant, August 1, 1777. Dugan, James. Collier, Joseph, promoted second lieutenant, April 18, 1777. * See Col. Stewart's letter, Pa. Arch., O. S., vol. v, page Jfll. THIRTEENTH PENNSYLVANIA. 771 Van Winkle, John. Fullerton, Patrick. Gorman, Joseph, became supernumerary July 1, 1778; resided in Allegheny county, 1828. Evans, Samuel, April 8, 1777. Johnston, William. Adjutant. Kuth, Francis, wounded in the shoulder by a dragoon ; retired on account of ill health, in 1778 ; resided in Chester county, 1806. Quarter -Master. Lytle, Andrew, transferred to Fifth Penn'a, July 1, 1778. Surgeon. Browne, Joseph, transferred to Seventh Penn'a. Paymaster. Laverswyler, Jacob. Sergeant Major. Miller, Jacob. Drum Major. Holdway, Isaac. Fife Major. Boss, Jacob. Muster roll of Capt. Matthew Scott's company of foot, in the Thir- teenth Perm 'a regiment, in the service of the United States, com- manded by Col. Walter Stewart, for the month of June, 1778. Captain . l/Scott, Matthew, commissioned October 24, 1776. First Lieutenant. Brownlee, Joseph, commissioned April 8, 1777. Second Lieutenant. McCracken, William, commissioned April 8, 1777. Sergeants. Wallace, Thomas. Jacobs, John. 772 CONTINENTAL LINE. Corpora I. Justice, Kobert. Drummers. Christie, James.* Johnson, William. Privates. Brandon, James. Dugan, Patrick. Holder, Charles. Horner, Matthew.* Hymes, Mat". Kayton, John, (or Keaton.) Kelly, Matthew. Kennedy, Thomas.* McGaugh, Martin. McLane, Archibald. McVea, Daniel. Miller, Henry. Morrison, James. Orchard, Thomas. Salter, John. Smith, John. Travis, Andrew. Weaver, Michael. Witherspoon, William. *The names of all the foregoing non-commissioned officers and pri- vates, except those marked with a *, appear in Capt. Jacob Asbmead's muster roll for the month of July, 1778. Having enlisted for the war, they were transferred to the Second Penn'a with the re-arrangemeiit. All on the above list are marked as enlisted for the war. THIRTEENTH PENNSYLVANIA. 773 NON-COMMISSIONED OFFICERS AND PRIVATES OF THE THIRTEENTH PENNSYLVANIA REGIMENT, CONTINENTAL LINE. Privates. Bigley, Thomas, weaver at Carlisle ; died 1778. Boyle, Daniel, from Feeble 's company; discharged January 1, 1778; resided in Armstrong county, 1835, aged eighty-six. Brown, William, from Atlee's battalion; discharged at Valley Forge, in consequence of wounds ; then entered the naval ser- vice ; resided in Greene county, 1812. Brownson, Stout, resided in Allen county, Kentucky, in 1834, aged seventy-eight. Campbell, Robert, from Peeble's company, Miles' battalion ; served two years seven months ; resided in Somerset township, Wash- ington county, 1835, aged ninety-two. Carlton, Edward, from Miles' battalion; discharged January 1, 1778 ; resided in Hamilton township, Adams county, 1835, aged one hundred and five. Chapman, George, resided in Lycoming county, 1835, aged seventy- eight. Crafford, Thomas, from Carlisle ; died in Mercer county, Kentucky, June 20, 1833, aged seventy-nine. Ewen, Alexander, Sherman's valley, 1778. Farney, Matthew, from Marsh creek, York county. Ferrady, John, Invalid corps, April, 1778. Gaughby, James, resided in Westmoreland county, 1824. Gillespy, John, Sherman's valley, 1778. Glass, Robert, killed in action. Hamilton, John, of Lancaster. Heeber, Daniel. Herald, James, resided in Mifflin county, 1824. Holmes, John, killed in action. Hutchinson, Cornelius, Capt. Scott's company; resided in Indiana county, 1817. Isenhauer, Frederick, killed in action. Kilpatrick, John, deserted March 10, 1778. King, Peter. Leary, Michael, killed in action. Lover, James. McClelland, John, Carlisle. 774 CONTINENTAL LINE. McClister, James, resided in Jefferson county, Tennessee, 1834. McFall, Thomas, Carlisle. Mcllvaine, John, East Nottingham, Chester county. McQue, Frank, deserted February, 1778. Martin, Robert. Sergeant. Pealing, Joshua, Marshall's company; wounded by a grape shot through the hand at Brandy wine. Private. Paul, Frederick, wounded with ball in the left side at Brandy wine ; lived in Philadelphia, 1835. Sergeants. Quinn, John, Nice's company, May, 1776 January 1, 1778 ; resided in Westmoreland county, 1810. Ralston, Andrew, from Peeble's company, of Miles' battalion, dis- charged January 1, 1778, from Capt. M. Scott's company; re- sided in Derry township, Westmoreland county, 1816. Privates. Scott, John. Shire, Clement. Smith, John, Capt. Robb's company, 1776 January 1, 1778 ; resided in Armstrong county, 1826, aged seventy-seven. Steed, James, transferred to Second Penn'a. Walker, Patrick. Waters, John, resided in Guernsey county, Ohio, 1834. Watson, William, wounded in the right knee joint at Germantown ; resided in Lancaster county, 1788. Weyland, Michael, wounded, and discharged; died in Milton, Pennsylvania. Wilson, Hugh, from the navy. Wilson, Robert, from Sherman's valley, 1778. ADDITIONAL REGIMENT. COL. THOMAS HARTLEY'S. JAIN". 11, 1777 JA^. 13, 1779. COL. THOMAS HARTLEY'S REGIMENT. " the 27th of December, 1776, Congress passed a resolu- tion authorizing Gen. Washington to " raise and collect together, in the most speedy and effectual manner, from any and all of these United States, sixteen battalions of infantry, in addition to those already voted by Congress, and to appoint the officers for the said battalions of infantry, &c. " On the llth of January, 1777, Gen. Washington issued commissions and authority to raise two of these regiments to Lieut. Col. Thomas Hartley, of the Seventh Pennsylvania, and Major John Patton, of Miles' rifle regiment. ]S"o returns of either of these regiments have been discovered, and very few memorials of any kind, it is be- lieved, have survived the ravages of h're and time. Hartley's regi- ment was in the First Pennsylvania brigade, Gen. Wayne's division, Hartley commanding the brigade, in the battles of Brandywine and Germantown. What its actual strength was cannot be told. After these actions, November 1, 1777, Morgan Connor makes a requi- sition for one hundred and fifty blankets for the regiment. It is very apparent that the regiment did heavy fighting at Brandywine, from its loss of officers and men. For the campaign of 1778, on the West Branch, reference is made to Col. Hartley's report to Con- gress, printed in Penri'a Archives. O. &., vol. mi, page .5. and Col. Hartley's letters, in ibid., vol. vi. The regiment was ordered to Sunbury, about the 14th of July, 1778, and remained in service on the West Branch, until incorporated with the new Eleventh.- On the 16th of December, 1778, Congress resolved that Col. Hart- ley's regiment, and the four independent companies raised in the State of Pennsylvania, commanded by Capts. Doyle, Wilkins, Steel, and Calderwood, and also the remains of Col. Patton 's regiment, except Capt. McLane's company, be incorporated into one regiment, and added to the Pennsylvania Line as an Eleventh regiment, and that Capt. McLane's company be annexed to the Delaware regi- ment ; subsequently, January 13, 1779, this action was reconsidered, and it was resolved " that the regiment lately commanded by Col. Patton, (Capt. MoLane, his subalterns, and men raised in the Del- aware State exeepted,) and the independent companies raised in Pennsylvania, and afterwards annexed to Col. Malcolm's regiment, (777) 778 CONTINENTAL LINE. be incorporated with Col. Hartley's regiment ; the whole to form a complete battalion upon the new establishment, and be added to the Pennsylvania Line as the Eleventh regiment of that State ; that the several officers be arranged by the Board of War, and enjoy their rank according to their commissions or appointments respect- ively." Col. Thomas Hartley was born near Reading, Berks county, Sep- tember 7, 1748, and removed to York, Pennsylvania, when eighteen years of age, where he studied law and was admitted to the bar July 25, 1769. The sources of information are so full in regard to him that the editors deem it only necessary to refer to Carter's and Glossbrenner's History of York county, and the records of our State and National councils for evidences of his brilliant career as a soldier, lawyer, and statesman. It is proper to add, however, that it is from his numerous letters among the Yaates' papers, published anonymously in Force's Archives, that full information upon the Canada campaign has been obtained, and but for his letters, to be found in the Penn'a Archives, Old Series, very little would be known of military operations on the West Branch in 1778-1779. He died at York, Pennsylvania, December 21, 1800, and was buried in the burial-ground of the church of St. John, in that place. Lieut. Col. James Wilkinson served as a subaltern officer in Thomp- son's Rifle regiment before Boston. Gen. Washington appointed him lieutenant colonel of this regiment ; but he seems, shortly after, to have resigned to take the position of adjutant general of Pennsylvania, with the rank of brigadier general, and was trans- ferred to the northern army as adjutant general for Gen. Gates. His resignation as brigadier general and adjutant general of Pen- nsylvania will be found in Penn'a Archives, 0. S., vol.x,page 610, without date ; accepted, however, November 8, 1784. For further particulars of him, reference is made to his voluminous Memoirs, which contain many interesting references to Pennsylvania troops and officers, both in the campaign in Canada in 1776, and that against Burgoyne in 1777. Lieut. Col. Morgan Connor was also among the first to enter the service of his country as a lieutenant of Capt. George Nagel's company, in Col. Thompson's regiment. After the campaign of 1775-6, he was ordered south as brigade major for Gen. John Arm- strong, with the rank of major. On his return, he succeeded Lieut. Col. Wilkinson, and, after the latter's resignation, became lieu- tenant colonel. In 1779, he claimed the rank of lieutenant colonel COL. THOMAS HARTLEY'S REGIMENT. 779 commandant of the new Eleventh. See Hubley's Correspondence in Historical Note to New Eleventh, Subsequently he was made lieu- tenant colonel commandant of the Seventh. By a letter printed in Penn'a Archives, O. S., vol. mi, page 515, it appears that he was lost at sea in August, 1780. At all events, in 1782 his estate was administered upon. For notices of Maj. Evan Edwards, reference is made to the biographies of Gen. Charles Lee, to whom he was an aid. In a manuscript letter from Col. Hartley to Council, dated June 19, 1784, he says of Capt. Andrew Walker, " he entered the service with me, and, on account of his merit, was appointed captain in my regiment, and whilst under my command he was a punctual, brave, and deserving officer, and acquitted himself with the highest reputation." Capt. Archibald McAllister, died January 16, 1831, aged seventy- four years nine months and nine days, at his place called Fort Hunter, six miles above Harrisburg, where he is buried in a pri- vate burying ground. His roll, as far as preserved, was taken from an old company account book, loaned the Editors by his grandson James, who resides near the old homestead. 780 CONTINENTAL LLNE. ROSTER OF FIELD AND STAFF OFFICERS. Colonels. Hartley, Thomas, from Sixth battalion, ranking from January 1, 1777 ; transferred to the new Eleventh, January 18, 1777. Lieutenant Colonels. Wilkinson, James, from major ; resigned to accept appointment of adjutant general of Pennsylvania militia; May 24, 1782, elected brigadier general of Pennsylvania militia by the Council. Connor, Morgan, from major, April 9, 1777 ; transferred to new Eleventh. Majors. Wilkinson, James, from volunteer in Thompson's rifles; promoted lieutenant colonel. Connor, Morgan, promoted lieutenant colonel. Bush, Lewis, from captain ; mortally wounded at Brandywine, and died upon the retreat. (See sketch of Lieut. Col. Cakb North, in historical note to Second Pinn'a.) Edwards, Evan, from captain, December 16, 1778. Co.], tains. Bush, Lewis, from Sixth battalion, January 13, 1777 ; promoted major. Stoddard, Benj. C., January 13, 1777 ; Secretary of the War Office in 1780. Edwards, Evan, from Third battalion ; promoted major, December 16, 1778. Boss, George, January 13, 1777 ; transferred to new Eleventh. McAllister, Archibald, January 13, 1777 ; died at Fort Hunter,. near Harrisburg. Hopes, Robert, January 13, 1777 ; from Sixth battalion ; killed at Brandywine. Kenny, James. Forester, James, November 19, 1777 ; transferred to new Eleventh. Walker, Andrew, from lieutenant, January 23,1778; transferred to new Eleventh. Davis, Joseph, from lieutenant, June -5, 1778; transferred to the new Eleventh. Sweeny, Isaac, from lieutenant, July 23, 1778 ; transferred to new Eleventh. Carberry, Henry, from lieutenant, November 30, 1778; transferred to new Eleventh. COL. THOMAS HARTLEY'S REGIMENT. 781 Lieutenants. Walker, Andrew, promoted captain, January 23, 1778. Davis, Joseph, from Ninth Penn'a, January 15, 1777; promoted captain, June 5, 1778. Sweeny, Isaac, promoted captain, July 23, 1778. Carberry, Henry, promoted captain, November 30, 1778. Dill. James, killed at Brandywine, September 11, 1777. Lemon, James, killed in action, September 11, 1777. Eichelberger, Martin, September 19, 1777. Lemon, William, July 23, 1778 ; transferred to new Eleventh. Eiixigns. Huston, William, and adjutant, June 2, 1778. Allison, Robert, from private in the Seventh, October 1, 1778; transferred to new Eleventh. Surgeon. Jennings, Michael, from old Eleventh, February 14, 1777; trans- ferred to the new Eleventh. Paymaster. Ball, Thomond, of Sunbury, 1777 and 1778. Adjutant. Huston, William, transferred to new Eleventh. 782 CONTINENTAL LINE. NON-COMMISSIONED OFFICERS AND PRIVATES OF COL. THOMAS HARTLEY'S REGIMENT, CONTINENTAL LINE. [Those marked (,) are taken from a list in the Secretary's office, of soldiers whose depreciated pay escheated to the State.] Sergeants. Chambers, William, killed in action. Marce, Edward. Rousden, John, killed in action. Corporal. Wall, Anthony, killed in action. Privates. Anthony, Daniel, (e,) June 16, 1778. Barr, John, Capt. Bush's company; weaver, aged seventy-one; re- sided in Lycoming county, in 1820. Blakely, George, Capt. Hopes' company; wounded at Paoli; three stabs in his body ; captured ; when exchanged, transferred to Capt. John McDowell's company, Seventh Penn'a. Bradley, John, May 7,4778. Buckley, Philip, May 17, 1777. Butler, James. Byrns, W m , April 28, 1777. Caldwell, William, April 10, 1778. Clare, John, June 3, 1778. Compton, Edward Howard, February 27, 1777. Cornwall, William, killed in action. Craig, John, Capt. Carberry's company. Cunnius, John, Bush's company ; transferred to Second Penn'a. Dailey, Dennis, Bush's company, February, 1777; transferred to new Eleventh. Denny, Edward, sergeant, Bush's company; enlisted 1778; dis- charged January 1, 1781. Donaly, Ephraim, May 23, 1778. Duke, George, killed in action. Elliot, John, killed in action. Fensler, Henry, June 19, 1777. Finnemore, Joseph, killed. Flin, James, killed in action. Frick, Michael, York, 1777 ; feet frozen at Wyoming. COL. THOMAS HARTLEY'S REGIMENT. 783 Garman, Frederick, April 17, 1777. Gecher, Peter, May 2, 1777. Graham, Philip, enlisted from Flying Camp; wounded at Brandy- wine. Graham, John, taken at Fort Washington ; resided in Beaver county, 1813. Gray, Alexander, May 15, 1777. Gray, John, May 13, 1778; died in service, after August, 1780. Gray, John, September 2, 1778. Green, John, Capt. Hopes' company; enlisted Fall of 1776; in the battles of Trenton, Brandywine, Paoli, and Germantown ; re- sided in Butler county, in 1819. Green way, John, February 19, 1777. Grier, James, May 10, 1778. Harris, John, October 5, 1778. Harrington, Isaac, May 3, 1777. Hastings, William; May 22, 1778. Holmes, James, May 23, 1778. Hought, (or Houts,) Jacob, wounded at Germantown, in the knee, and transferred to Seventh Penn'a. Jefferies, Robert, April 30, 1777. Johnston, James, May 22, 1778. Keating, Edward, April 27, 1777. Limerick, Patrick, March 1, 1777. Linechan, John, May 24, 1777. McCalvey, Thomas, October 3, 1777. McClellan, John, Steele's company, 17771781 ; resided in Mifflin county, 1818. McCoy, Michael, May 9, 1777. McCullough, Robert, discharged 1781 ; resided in York county, in 1817. McCutcheon, Forest, (e,) April 10, 1778. McDonal, Edward, May 15, 1777. McDonaugh, James, April 24, 1777. McDowell, John, Bush's company, enlisted in 1777 ; wounded by a ball through his body, in Sullivan's expedition, August 13, 1779, and furloughed indefinitely. McGary, Neal, Capt. Hopes' company, May 3, 1777 see new Eleventh. Mcllroy, John, (e,) Sweeny's company, February 17, 1777. Mclntire, James, May 14, 1777. McKimins John, March 12, 1777. McLean, Wm.. sergeant, Capt. Eichelburger's company. McNabb, Andrew see new Eleventh. Morris, Christopher, killed in action. Newgent, Thomas, Capt. Bush's company; enlisted March, 1777. 784 CONTINENTAL LINE. Newinghain, Daniel, Carberry's company, April 30, 1777; see Eleventh Penu'a. O'Bryan, Roger, June 27, 1778. O'Bryan, William, May 12, 1778. Pendergrass, Robert, May 22, 1778. Peters, Henry, May 4, 1777. Price, William, died of his wounds in November, 1777 ; left a wid- ow, Mary Price, living in 1792. Rinehart, Samuel, Walker's company; resided in Cumberland county, 1819. Russell, William, (e,) July 18, 1778. Shaffner, Francis, April 10, 1778. Shauman, John, killed in action. Simmins, William, May 10, 1777. Smith, John, June 27, 1778. Snyder, John, May 12, 1778. Shockey, Christian, Kearsley's company, drafted in new Eleventh. Sokey, Christopher, enlisted in 1777 ; convicted of passing counter- feit money, and sentenced to be hung, Carlisle, October, 1779. Sweeney, Hugh, (e,) May 23, 1778. Thornton, James, May 23, 1778. Williams, Joseph, May 22, 1778. Williams, William, May 7, 1778. Wood, Thomas, May 1, 1778. Wright, John, May 27, 1778. ROLL OF CAPTAIN ARCHIBALD McALLISTER'S COM- PANY. Captain. McAllister, Archibald. Lieutenant. Sweeny, Isaac. Sergeant . Lesley, John, served three ye-.irs in tho actions of Germantown, Chestnut Hill, in Sullivan's campaign ; died in Berkley county, Virginia, June 4, 1825, aged ninety. Drummers. Connor, Patrick. Elliot, John. COL. THOMAS HARTLEY'S REGIMENT. 785 Privates. BisselJ, Thomas. Britt, Francis. Britt, George. Burke, James. Burns, James. Carduss, John. Chambers, William. Clarke, John. Clarke, Robert. Clendennen, Adam. Crangle, James. Croxel, Charles. Cusick, George. Dill, James. Denisay, Lewis. Ellison, Robert. Falls, John. Gardner, Henry. Harper, Richard. Hayes, William. Hendrick, John. Herington, Thomas, May 2, 1777. Irwin, Thomas. Judge, Thomas. Kellar, Matthias. Leray, Dennis. McBride, John. McDonald, John. McGichen, John. McGinness, William. McGill, Henry, February 5, 1777. McLean, John. McManamy, James. McManamy, Samuel. Mahon, John. Missum, Benjamin. Morrow, Thomas. Murray, Corlias. Nicholas, Thomas. Page, John. Patterson, Andrew Parker, Thomas. Roch Patrick. Terry, Paul. Thompson, Robert. 50 VOL. X. 786 CONTINENTAL LINE. Tinbrooke ,Christian. Timpler, Thomas. Walker, Andrew. Webb, Andrew. White, Robert. Wolf, Frederick. ADDITIONAL REGIMENT. COL. JOHN PATTON'S. JAN. 11, 1777 JAN. 13, 1779. COL. JOHN PATTON'S REGIMENT. ]S stated in the note to Hartley's, this was one of the six- teen additional regiments established upon a different footing from the eighty-eight regiments which were ap- j portioned among the several States. The appointment of the officers was left to the Commander-in-Chief, and he was em- powered to raise the men in any or all of the United States. See Sparks's Life and Writings of Washington, vol. iv, page 271, where will be found Col. Gist's commission and instructions. Those for the other colonels were similar. Col. Patton being from Philadelphia, his regiment drew contri- butions, both in officers and men, from New Jersey and Delaware. The memoranda, which are scant, refer altogether to Pennsylva- nians. It is uncertain whether Lieut. Joseph Davis did not belong to Patton's, as he was a brother-in-law. His name, wherever it oc- curs, has " Hartley regiment " to it, but that may be because he was killed after Patton's was consolidated into Hartley's. There are a number of officers put in a list by themselves, postea, for the rea- son of uncertainty as to which regiment they belonged, because, though afterwards arranged in the new Eleventh, they should have credit for serving in 1777 and 1778. Col. Patton was born in Sligo, Ireland, in 1745, and resided in Philadelphia when appointed major of Col. Miles' battalion. After his resignation, in November, 1777, he was employed to purchase flour for the army. After the war he went into the iron business in connection with Col. Miles, and built Centre furnace, late in Harris township, Centre county, in 1792. He died there in 1804, aged about fifty-seven, and is buried in the church-yard at Boals- burg. Col. Patton was six feet in height, of noble appearance and carriage, his hair red and eyes hazel. He had a fine address, with a very polished manner. His widow, Jane Davis, of Montgomery county, died in Huntingdon, Pennsylvania, in 1832. aged eighty years. She was a sister of Capt. Benjamin Davis, and also of Capt. Joseph Davis, who was killed by the savages while the regiment was on its way to join Gen. Sullivan's expedition. ( 789 ) 790 CONTINENTAL LINE. Lawrence Keene, one of Col. Patton's captains, acted as aid to Gen. Mifflin. lie was subsequently captain in the Third Pennsyl- vania, and was appointed prothonotary of Northumberland county, September 25, 1783, and died in Sunbury in July, 1789. His wife, Gainor Lukens, was a daughter of John Lukens, Surveyor General of the State. COL. JOHN PATTON'S REGIMENT. 791 ROSTER OF FIELD AND STAFF OFFICERS. Colonel. Patton, John, January 11, 1777 ; resigned November, 1777. Majors. Powell, Joseph, from captain, January 1, 1778 ; arranged in new Eleventh. Scull, Peter, commissioned January 11, 1777 ; Secretary of the Board of War, July 17, 1779 ; died at sea. November 4, 1779. Captains. Powell, Joseph, promoted major, January 1, 1778. Keene, Lawrence, January 12, 1777; transferred to new Eleventh. Grubb, Peter, from Miles' battalion. Dennis, John. Claypoole, Abraham G., from captain lieutenant, June 10, 1778 ; transferred to new Eleventh. Captain Lieutenant. Claypoole, Abraham G., promoted captain June 10, 1778. Lieutenants. Patton, Willliam, killed at German town, October 4, 1777. Duff, Richard, from second lieutenant in Tenth Penn'a, April 18, 1777 ; a prisoner of war, and never joined. Jackson, Jeremiah, January 14, 1777 ; transferred to new Eleventh. Davis, Septimus, July 7, 1777 ; from Atlee's ; transferred to new Eleventh. Dunn, AbnerM., from Second battalion ; aid-de-camp; transferred to the Ninth Penn'a, May 31, 1779. Burke, Edward, October 4, 1777 ; transferred to the new Eleventh. Second Lieutenat. Bradford, James, from the Ninth Penn'a, January, 1777 ; deputy quarter-master general in 1778. Ensign. "Weitzel, Jacob, ranking from April 2, 1779 ; transferred to new Eleventh. Surgeon. Davis, John, from Miles' battalion, March 1, 1777 ; quit service in April, 1779 ; died February 3, 1816, aged seventy-one ; buried in Tredyfferin Baptist church-yard, Chester county. 792 CONTINENTAL LINE. [The following officers, either of Hartley's or Patton's, were ar- ranged in the new Eleventh, in January, 1779.] Lieutenants. Mahon, John, ranking from June 1, 1778. McCurdy, William, ensign, ranking as second lieutenant, from November 19, 1778. Ensigns. Morrison, Samuel, May 11, 1777. Street, Benjamin, May 11, 1777; promoted lieutenant November 30, 1778. Pettigrew, James, June 1, 1778. Thornbury, Francis, October 2, 1778. NON-COMMISSIONED OFFICERS AND PRIVATES OF COL. JOHN PATTON'S REGIMENT, CONTINENTAL LINE. Sergeants. Wilson, James, killed in action. Teas, Alexander, killed in action. Privates. Alexander, John, January 20, 1777. Ashton, Isaac, Capt. Grubb's company. Beatty, Peter, April 29, 1777. Brim, Henry, May, 1777, Baker's company; transferred to Pow- ell's company ; resided in Franklin county, 1820. Brown, John, February 1, 1777. Butler, William. Carman, William, killed in action. Cook, Jacob, January 23, 1777 ; wounded at Brandywine, in the right leg. Cox, Thomas, Buck's company; wounded in the thigh, at German- town. Cunningham, Thomas, March 30, 1777. Dempsey, Lewis, killed in action. Denny, John, February 25, 1777. Fees, Christian, killed in action. Frost, James, February 2, 1777. COL. JOHN PATTON'S KEGIMENT. 793 Fultz, Frederick, Chester county, February 12, 1777, in Capt. Den- nis' company; captured April 25, 1777 ; confined in New York sugar-house three years ; lost one eye in captivity. George, William, February 3, 1777. Gesseheiiner, Peter, April 5, 1777 ; servant of Andrew Groff. Gilbert, John, April 10, 1777. Grimes, Daniel, April 5. 1777. Gouthrop, Samuel, January 27, 1777. Haines, John. Harpole, Henry, March 11, 1777. Hawke, George, May 3, 1777. Himler, William, killed in action. Jeiferies, Benjamin, April 24, 1777. Kiseheimer, Peter, May 4, 1777. Koyl, Ludwig, March 26, 1777. McCevedy, Moses, killed in action. Mannig, James, March 24, 1777. Murphy, Dennis, March 10, 1777. Nesbit, Alexander, killed in action. N ightlinger, Samuel, February 3, 1777. Oldis, Eobert, February 19, 1777. Kogers, Allan, March 13, 1777. Shaw, John, April 24, 1777. Shannon, Samuel, May 5, 1777. Struble, Nicholas, March 15, 1777. Stwart, John, wounded in the left arm, at Brandywine, Septem- ber 11, 1777 ; transferred to Invalid corps. Todd, James, April 1, 1777. Truby, Thomas, killed in action. "Welgar, (Welker,) Daniel, April 23, 1777 ; wounded at Ash Swamp; discharged 1781 ; resided in Franklin county, 1806. "Watson, John, killed in action. Williams, Thomas, killed in action. Wooley, Thomas, killed in action. Pennsylvanmns returned from Spencer's regiment, one of the addi- tional sixteen. Corporal. Organ, John. Privates. Hight, Nicholas. Organ, Matthew. Keed, William. 794 CONTINENTAL LINE. Smith, Daniel. Stewart, Hugh. These are marked as joining the Fourth Penn'a. Col. Oliver Spencer's regiment is often referred to as the Fifth battalion, Jersey Line. Stryker's Register, page 56. Of this regi- ment the late Gen. John Burrows, of Lycoming county, was major. From Col. James Livingston's regiment. McCord, Alexander, sergeant major. Mills, Richard. Col. Henry Jackson's regiment. Sergeant. McWilliam, Samuel, Antrim township, Cumberland county. Private. Saunders, John, of Lancaster. Pennsylvanians returned from Malcolm's regiment, one of the addi- tional sixteen. Beatty, James, May 12, 1777. Byrnes, John, April 3, 1777. Fry, Michael, May 12, 1777. Gilbert, William, May 18, 1777. Klose, Adam, March 24, 1777. McMullen, Michael, March 11, 1777. Miller, George, April 13, 1777. Miller, John, April 26, 1777. Scott, William, April 9, 1777. Shaw, William, April 26, 1777. Shockey, Christian, April 7, 1777. > ~ > University of California . SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY 405 Hilgard Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90024-1388 Return this material to the library from which it was borrowed. OCT05I992 URL C1HC URUD 15 1993 MAR17* >> > > \ ^ ^ ^ -*-& - > i> >y> - > . ' UC SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY A 001 134080 9 I > ^s* ; >>">-]> . - ;>>> .> ^> .> T> ^> ^> >> ^> ^> , ^ "S > ^> ^^ ^> '? a i' ** > ^ & ^ ^ ? jr *3^^->^i \^m 3 "*>.* wS SBfETW Fir , 3fc i ) >->r-:- -, >>" >:> v \- ' JK \ fc> k >^ ' ffi