A LIST OF WORKS Accur Adam Advic Aeror Alexa tior Allso] Alten 4-r. Anab Anat. Andr 7s... Apot, 2S. Arch: net Arith is. Arm? net Arno OH, B.C. Voven Design, Engineer's net. js. 6d. net. ! Currents, $s. is, 2s. 6d. net. Motors and way Material, Experiments, andbook, 35. s. , is. Key, 2s. net. nent Making, de, is. net. Magnetism, Dynamo, is. X. Rays, 35-. 6d. Analysis, los. bd. net. Ashworth's Magnetism and Elec- tricity, 2s. 6d. Heat, Light and Sound, 2s. net. Astronomy, Chambers, is. net. Atkins' Sheet and Plate Metal Work, 6s. net. Atlantic Ferry, Maginnis, 2s. 6d. Ballooning, May, 2s. 6d. Moedebeck, los. 6d. net. Bamford's Moving Loads on Rail- way Under Bridges, ^s. 6d. net. Barr's Electrical Engineering, ioj.net. Barter's Drawing for Woodwork, 3 s. 6d. Woodwork, 6s. Batteries, Galvanic, Bottone, ,' Radium, is. net. Wireless Telegraphy, 3^. Boyd's Coal Pits, 35. 6d. Petroleum, 2s. Bridges, Moving Loads on Railway, Bamford, 4^. 6d. British Locomotives, Cooke, Js. 6d. Brodie's Dissections, i$s. net. Browne's (Jukes) Geology, 2s. 6d. Builder's Quantities, Davis, $s. 6d. net. Building Specifications, Farrow, 35. 6d. net. Burns & Kerr's Coal Mining, 10 Parts, 2s. each net. ( 2 ) Cabinet Making, Denning, 5$. Cables, Electric Light, Russell, ios.6d. Carpentry and Joinery, Fletcher, 5^. net. Central Station Electricity Supply, Gay and Yeaman, los. 6d. net. Chambers' Astronomy, is. net. Chemical Analysis, Coppock, 2s. - Composition, Landolt, ^s. 6d. - Evolution, Rudorf, 4$-. 6d. - Manipulation, Hewitt, 45. 6d. Chemist's Compendium, Thompson, 2s. net. Chemistry, Physical, Reychler, 4*. 6d. - Harris, 3 vols. 45. Chip Carving Patterns, Andreen, 7*. 6d. net. Coal Mining, Burns & Kerr. 10 Parts, 2s. each net. Coal Pits, Boyd, 3*. 6d. Coils, Induction, Bonney, 3*. Cold Storage, Williams, IQS. 6d. Colour in Woven Design, Beaumont, 21S. Commutator Motors, Punga,4J-.6^/.net. Concrete-Steel, Twelvetrees, 6s. net. - Buildings, Twelvetrees, los. net. Cooke's Locomotives, Js. 6d. Coppock's Volumetric Analysis, 2s. Crapper's Electrical Measurements. Crellin's Bookkeeping, is. Key, is. 6d. net. Cullyer's Land MeasuringTables,2*.6^. Davis' Quantities and Quantity Taking, 3*. 6d. net. Denning's Cabinet Making, 5^. Designing and Drawing, Leland, 2s. Dissections Illustrated, Brodie, i$s. net. Dod's Parliamentary Companion, 3-y. 6d. net. Drainage, Nadieine, is. Draughtsmen's Work, u. 6d. Drawing and Designing, Leland, 2s. -- for Marine Engineers, Roberts, 6s. - Cards for Marine Engineers, Sothern, 3^. 6d. net. -- Woodwork, Barter, 35. 6d. Dynamo, Hawkins and Wallis, i$s. -- Design, Hobart, Js. 6d. net. - How to Manage, Bottone, is. Edgcumbe's Electrical Engineer's Pocket- Book, 35-. 6d. net. Education, Practical, Leland, 6s. Electric Batteries, Bottone, $s. Salomons, 6s. net. - Bells, Bottone, 2s. net. Electric Ignition for Motor Vehicles, Hibbert, is. 6d. net. Influence Machines, ?s. Lamps, Maycock, 6s. Light Cables, Russell, loj. 6d. Light Fitting, Allsop, 5^. Light Installation : Apparatus, Salomons, 7-r. 6d. [net. Lighting, Guide to, Bottone, is. Lighting & Power Distribution, Maycock, vol. i. 6s. net. ; vol. ii. 7*. 6d. Lighting for Marine Engineers, Walker, 5*. Motors, Bottone, 3$. Hobart, 12s. 6d. net. Maycock, 41. 6d. net. Punga, 45. 6d. net. Traction, Rider, los. 6d. net. Transformers, Kapp, iOf.6d. net. Transmission of Energy, Kapp, ioj. 6d. Transmission of Intelligence, Houston, 4.?. 6d. net. Wiring, Fittings, Switches, and Lamps, Maycock, 6s. Details Forms, 2s. 6d. net. - Tables, Maycock, y. 6d. Electrical Energy, Kapp, los. 6d. Engineering, Barr, IQS. net. Engineer's Pocket-Book, Edg- cumbe, i>s. 6d. net. Experiments, Bonney, 2s. 6d. Instrument Making, Bottone, y. 6d. Insulation, Turner and Hobart, i Of. 6d. net. Measurements, Crapper. Measurements (Arithmetic), Whittaker, is. net. Measurements, Houston, 4-f. 6d. net. Electricity in Homes and Workshops, Walker, 5^. net. Supply, Gay and Yeaman, los. 6d. net, Gibbings, 6s. and Magnetism, Ashworth,2j.6r/. Bottone, 2s. 6d. net. Houston, 2s. 6d. net. Maycock, 2s. 6d. Electro-motors, Bottone, 3^. Electro-platers' Handbook,Bonney, 3^. Electrolytic Analysis, Neumann, 6s. Elliott's Gas and Petroleum Engines, 25. 6d. Industrial Electricity, 2s. 6d. Engineer Draughtsmen's Work, I s. 6d. 3 ) Engineer Fitting, Homer, 51. Locomotive, McDonnell, is. Engines, Model, Alexander, 55-. net. English and American Lathes, Horner, 6s. Experiments with Vacuum Tubes, Salomons, 2s. Electrical, Bonney, 2s. 6d. Explosives, Manufacture of, Guttmann, 2 vols. 2/. 2s. Farley's Cellar Book, is. 6d. Farman's Auto Cars, 55. Farrow's Specifications for Building Works, 3-y. 6d. net. Stresses and Strains, 5*. net. Field Work and Instruments, Walmisley, 6s. net. Findlay's Railway Working, Js. 6d. Fitting, Engineer, Horner, 5^. Electric, May cock, 6s. Electric Light, Allsop, 5*. Fletcher's Architectural Hygiene, 55. net. Carpentry and Joinery, 5*. net. Steam-jacket, is. 6d. Flying Machines, see Maxim. Moedebeck. Foden's Mechanical Tables, is. 6d. Friction and its Reduction, Wheeler, 3-r. net. Galvanic Batteries, Bottone, $s. Garratt's Modern Safety Bicycle, 3-r. Gas and Gas Fittings, Hills, 55. net. Gas and Petroleum Engines, 2s. 6d. Gaseous Fuel, Thwaite, is. 6d. Gay and Yeaman's C. S. Electricity Supply, los. 6d. net. Gearing, Helical, Horner, 5*. Geography, Bird, 2s. 6d. Geology, Jukes-Browne, 2s. 6d. net. Geometrical Optics, Blakesley, 2s. 6ct. German Grammar for Science Stu- dents, Osborne, 2s. 6d. net. Gibbings' Electricity Supply, 6s. Gray's Electrical Influence Machines, 5*. Greene's Saints and their Symbols, 3-T. 6d. Greenwell and Elsden, Road Con- struction, 5-r. net. Griffiths' Manures, 7*. 6d. Guttmann's Manufacture of Explos- ives, 2 vols. , 2/. 2s. Percentage Tables for Analysis, 3-r. net. Harris' Practical Chemistry, 3 vols. $s. Hatch's Mineralogy, 2s. 6d. Hatton's Mathematics, 2s. 6d. Hawkins' and Wallis's Dynamo, 15^. Heat, Light and Sound, Ashworth, 2s. net. Helical Gears, Horner, 5*. Herbert's Telegraphy, 6s. 6d, net. Telephone System of the Post Office. Hering, Electric Railways, qs.dd. net. Hertzian Waves and Wireless Tele- graphy, Bottone, 3^. Hewitt's Organic Chemical Manipula- tion, 4*. 6d. Hibbert's Electric Ignition for Motor Vehicles, is. 6d. net. Hills' Gas and Gas Fittings, 5$. net. Hobart's Electric Motors, 12s. 6d. net. Design of Continuous Current Dynamos, 7^-' 6d. net. Hobart and Ellis' Armature Con- struction, 15-r. net. Hobart and Stevens' Steam Turbine Engineering, 2is. net. Hobart and Turner's Insulation of Electric Machines, los. 6d. net. Hornet's Helical Gears, 5-r. Ironfounding, $s. 6d. Lathes, 6s. Metal Turning, 35. 6d. Pattern Making, $s. 6d. Principles of Fitting, $s. Houston's Electrical Measurements, 45. 6d. net. Electricity and Magnetism, 2 s. 6d. Transmission of Intelligence, 4*. 6d. net. Hutton's Mathematical Tables, I2s. Hydraulic Motors and Turbines, Bodmer, i$s. Hygiene, Architectural, Fletcher, $s. net. Ibbotson & Arnold's Steel Works Analysis, los. 6d. net. Ignition, Electric, for Motor Vehicles, Hibbett, is. 6d. net. Indicator Handbook, Pickworth, 2 vols. 31. each, net. Induction Coils, Bonney, 3^. Motors, Hobart, 12$. 6d. net. Industrial Electricity, 2s. 6d. Insulation of Electric Machines, Turner and Hobart, los. 6d. net. Iron and Steel Structures, Twelve- trees, 6s. net. Ironfounding, Horner, 3^. 6d. Italian Dictionary, Baretti, 21.9. Italian Technical Dictionary, Webber, 4-r. net. Jukes-Browne's Geology, 2s. 6d. TRANSFORMERS WHITTAKER'S PRACTICAL HANDBOOKS ARNOLD & IBBOTSON BAMFORD, H. . . BARR, J. R. ... BLAKESLEY, T. H. . BODMER, G. R. . . GAY & YE AM AX . . GRAY, J HAWKINS & WALLIS HIBBERT, W. . . HOBART, H. M. . . HOBART & ELLIS KAPP, G LODGE, SIR O. . . MAYCOCK, W. P. . . MAZZOTTO, D. . . MOEDEBECK, H. W. L. PERKIN, F. M. PUNGA, F. . . . RIDER, J. H. RUSSELL, S. A. . . SALOMONS, SIR D. . STEVENS & HOBART STILL, A ..... TURNER HOBART . WALKER, S. F. . . j> WHITTAKER'S . . . ,, . WILLIAMS, H. . . Motors and Con- I2s. 6d. net. net. and Multiphase Steel Works Analysis. IDS. 6d. net. Moving Loads on Railway Underbridges. 45. 6d. net. Direct Current Electrical Engineering. IDS. net. Alternating Currents of Electricity. 53. Hydraulic Motors and Turbines. 155. Inspection of Railway Material. 53. Central Station Electricity Supply. IDS. 6d. net. Electrical Influence Machines. 53. The Dynamo : Its Theory, Design, and Manu- facture. 153. Electric Ignition for Motor Vehicles, is. 6d. net. Continuous-Current Dynamo Design. 75. 6d. net. Electric Motors Induction tinuous-Current Motors. Armature Construction. 155 Transformers for Single Currents. Electric Transmission of Energy. IDS. 6d. Lightning Conductors and Lightning Guards. 153. Alternating - Current Circuit and Motor. 43. 6d. net. Electric Lighting and Power Distribution. Vol. L, 6s. net. ; Vol. II., 7s. 6d. Electric Wiring, Fittings, Switches, and Lamps. 6s. Wireless Telegraphy. 33. 6d. net. Pocket Book of Aeronautics. IDS. 6d. net. The Metric and British Systems of Weights and Measures, is. 6d. net. Single Phase Commutator Motors. 43. 6d. net. Electric Traction. IDS. 6d. net. Electric Light Cables and the Distribution of Electricity. IDS. 6d. Management of Accumulators. 6s. net. Steam Turbine Engineering. 2 is. net. Alternating Currents and the Theory of Transformers. 53. Polyphase Currents. 6s. net. Insulation of Electric Machines. los. 6d. net. Electricity in our Homes and Workshops. 53. net. Electric Lighting for Marine Engineers. 53. Electrical Engineer's Pocket Book. 33. 6d. net. Mechanical Engineer's Pocket Book. 35. 6d. net. Arithmetic of Electrical Engineering, is. net. Mechanical Refrigeration. IDS. 6d. WHITTAKER & CO., 2 WHITE HART STREET, LONDON, E.G. TRANSFORMERS FOR SINGLE AND MULTIPHASE CURRENTS A TREATISE ON THEIR THEORY, CONSTRUCTION, AND USE BY GISBERT KAPP PROFESSOR OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING AT THE BIRMINGHAM UNIVERSITY DH. ENG., MEMB. 1NST. C.E., MEMB. 1NST. E.E. SECOND REVISED AND ENLARGED EDITION WITH TWO HUNDRED AND NINETEEN ILLUSTRATIONS WHITTAKER AND CO. WHITE HART STREET, PATERNOSTER SQUARE, LONDON AND 64 AND 66 FIFTH AVENUE, NEW YORK 1908 [All rights reserved] V RICHARD CLAY & SON?, LIMITED, BREAD STREET HILL, E.G., AND BUNGAY, SUFFOLK. PREFACE SINCE the first edition of this book appeared, now twelve years ago, enormous improvements have taken place in the construction of transformers. Apart from the general development of the science of electrical engineering, which has affected all branches alike, these improvements were mainly due and rendered possible by three causes : the more general appreciation of oil as a cooling and insulating medium, the advent of alloyed iron, and last, but not least, the growing demand for large unit in connection with power transmission. Whilst only a few years ago a transformer of 200 or 300 kw. was considered a very large unit, now-a-days units of iooo and more kw. have become quite usual. At the same time the efficiency has been raised, the regulation improved, and the price reduced. It has been my aim in the present edition to show how by a careful study of the thermic condition the output of a transformer of given weight and cost may be increased. I have also considerably enlarged the part dealing with the testing of transformers and iron samples. Some readers might perhaps think that I have given too much space to the treatment of ballistic and similar methods, since these belong rather to a treatise on physics than to an engineering handbook. Moreover, there is now-a-days no lack of testing appliances which even in unskilled hands may yield the desired information, and for these reasons it may be argued that the practical 261199 V RICHARD CLAY & SON?, LIMITED, BREAD STREET HILL, E.G., AND BUNGAY, SUFFOLK. PREFACE SINCE the first edition of this book appeared, now twelve years ago, enormous improvements have taken place in the construction of transformers. Apart from the general development of the science of electrical engineering, which has affected all branches alike, these improvements were mainly due and rendered possible by three causes : the more general appreciation of oil as a cooling and insulating medium, the advent of alloyed iron, and last, but not least, the growing demand for large unit in connection with power transmission. Whilst only a few years ago a transformer of 200 or 300 kw. was considered a very large unit, now-a-days units of iooo and more kw. have become quite usual. At the same time the efficiency has been raised, the regulation improved, and the price reduced. It has been my aim in the present edition to show how by a careful study of the thermic condition the output of a transformer of given weight and cost may be increased. I have also considerably enlarged the part dealing with the testing of transformers and iron samples. Some readers might perhaps think that I have given too much space to the treatment of ballistic and similar methods, since these belong rather to a treatise on physics than to an engineering handbook. Moreover, there is now-a-days no lack of testing appliances which even in unskilled hands may yield the desired information, and for these reasons it may be argued that the practical 261199 vi PREFACE engineer need not trouble about the scientific principles of such apparatus, or use the more refined tests of the physicist. Whilst fully admitting the commercial value of the modern and handy testing sets, I still think that a thorough scientific knowledge of their principles, and the ability to do equal or better work by means of apparatus built up for the occasion by using the appliances usually found in the test-room of electrical engineering works, should be within the reach of the practical engineer, and that is the reason why I have given a good deal of space to a seemingly only theoretical subject. Another addition is the chapter on the relations between the transformer and its circuits. Although not strictly a question of design, it is still a most important matter, since it involves the safety of extended and, as a rule, expensive networks. Wherever possible I have used graphic in preference to analytical methods, and where the latter were unavoid- able only the simplest analysis and the elementary calculus have been employed. In placing this book before the reader, I wish to record my sense of gratitude for the detailed information which many Firms of the highest standing have kindly permitted me to publish concerning their most recent designs. These examples of modern transformer work will be found in Chapter XIV. GISBERT KAPP. Birmingham, CONTENTS CHAPTER I Principle of Action Magnetic Leakage Arrangement of Coils Fundamental Equation . . . . i CHAPTER II Losses in Transformers Alloyed Plates Determination of the most Advantageous Thickness of the Plates Influence of the E.M.F. Curve on the Hysteretic Loss Influence of the Shape of Core and Coil on the Losses Core and Shell Transformers . 16 CHAPTER III Usual Types Construction of the Iron Part Proportions of the Iron Part Heating of Transformers Results of Tests Circulation of Cooling Medium Values of c Heat Conductivity Parallel and at Right Angles to the Surface of Plates Theory of Heating and Cooling Intermittent Load Influence of Linear Dimensions on the Output Weight of Active Iron . . . . . 39 CHAPTER IV The Use of Vectors Combination of Currents Combination of Electromotive Forces Self- Induction and Capacity Influence of Higher Harmonics Power of an Alternating Current . 76 CHAPTER V The Magnetic Circuit Energy Stored in Magnetisation The Hysteretic Loop No-Load Current of a Transformer Shape of Exciting Current Choking Coil . . , '97 viii CONTENTS CHAPTER VI Design of a Core Transformer Best Distribution of Copper Losses at Different Loads Time Constant for Heating Weight and Cost of Active Material Best Distribution of Losses Trans- formers for a Special Service Transformers for Power Trans- formers for Lighting Annual Efficiency Economic Importance of Small Losses Constructive Details 1 1 1 CHAPTER VII Design of a Shell Transformer Fill Factor Winding Efficiency, Weight and Cost Enlarging a Design . . . -134 CHAPTER VIII The Vector Diagram Application to a Transformer Working an Open Circuit Working under Load Magnetic Leakage Work- ing Diagram of a Transformer having Leakage Voltage Drop Graphic Determination of Drop Drop Diagram Simplified Correction for Eddy Current Losses . . . .142 CHAPTER IX Calculation of Inductive Drop The Influence of Frequency on Drop The Influence of Frequency on Output Equivalent Coils The Self-induction of a Transformer Working Condition represented by Vector Diagram Constant Current Transformer . .176 CHAPTER X The Dynamometer The Dynamometric Wattmeter Measurement of the Power carried by Currents of Irregular Form The Induction Wattmeter Measurement of Power in Three-Phase Circuit Three- Voltmeter Method Three- Amperemeter Method . .198 CHAPTER XI Testing Transformers Testing Sheet-iron Special Implements by Dolivo Dobrowolsky,Kapp, Epstein, Richter, Ewing The Ballistic Method The Fluxometer Scott's Method Kapp's Method . 226 CHAPTER XII Safety Appliances for Transformers Sub-station and House Trans- formers Reducing Iron Losses Transformer for Three- Wire System Balancing Transformers Auto-transformers Series Working Boosters Scott's System .... 262 CONTENTS ix CHAPTER XIII The Transformer in Relation to its Circuits Equivalent Coils in Parallel and Series Connection Rise of Pressure through Resonance Determination of the Dangerous Condition Rise of Pressure on Loaded Lighting System is Small Influence of Power Factor Breakdown of Cables in Large Networks . 291 CHAPTER XIV Some Examples of Modern Transformers . . 305 APPENDIX I . -355 APPENDIX II .... . 35 6 APPENDIX III -357 INDEX ......... 361 TRANSFORMERS CHAPTER I PRINCIPLE OF ACTION MAGNETIC LEAKAGE- ARRANGEMENT OF COILS FUNDAMENTAL EQUATION Principle of action. If the magnetic flux < passing through a coil changes, an E.M.F. is induced in the coil which is proportional to the time-rate of change / ^) and the number of turns n. Conversely, if a current be sent through the coil, it produces a magnetic flux, threading the coil, which is within certain limits pro- portional to the current. If this current changes, a corresponding change takes place in the magnetic flux. Let now two coils be so arranged that the flux produced by the current in one passes wholly or partially through the other, then any change in the current strength in the former coil will produce an E.M.F. in the latter coil. Such an arrangement is shown in Fig. i, where a ring of iron is threaded through the two coils I, II. A current passing through coil I produces a magnetic field which passes partly through the iron ring and partly through the air surrounding this coil. The flux will therefore be strongest in the centre of the coil, at a, and weakest at b, in the centre of coil II. The iron ring acts as a vehicle for carrying the flux produced by coil I through coil II, though as an imperfect vehicle, since part of the flux is lost on the way. In a sense, the iron ring may be regarded as a magnetic link between the two coils. Even without iron the coils can be linked V : l ^TRANSFORMERS together : by - ihe ^magnetic flux passing through air. Thus, in the position shown, the field produced by I would in part pass through II, though its strength would be much diminished. The same holds good if the two coils are laid upon each other, in which position a somewhat stronger field would pass through II, though not so strong as with an iron ring. If, however, whilst still omitting the iron ring, the coils are relatively so placed that the axis of I lies in the plane of II, or vice versa, then none of the lines produced by I can pass through II, and a change in the current passing through I cannot produce any E.M.F. in II. By suitably placing the coils, an inductive effect of one upon the other can therefore be produced, even without the use of an iron link, but the employment of such a link has the advantage that not only is the inductive action increased, but it becomes to a greater extent independent of the mutual position of the coils. An apparatus consist- ing of two coils, interlinked PIG. i. Magnetic and electric p circuits interlinked. with an iron core common to both, is called a transformer. It has already been mentioned that the E.M.F. pro- duced in II, which we may call the secondary coil, is proportional to the time-rate of change of the current in the primary coil I. Since the current in this coil cannot alter indefinitely in the same sense without be- coming infinite, it follows that periods of growing current strength must alternate with periods of declining current strength. If, then, with a growing current in the primary coil, the E.M.F. induced in the secondary coil acts in one way, it must act in the opposite way if the current diminishes, and it is thus clear that changes in the current strength in the primary coil, even if not accompanied by changes in direction, must produce an alternating E.M.F. in the secondary coil. This alter- nating E.M.F. produces, in an external circuit connected to the terminals of the secondary coil, an alternating current. We are thus able to convert an unidirected MAGNETIC LEAKAGE 3 pulsatory current into an alternating- current, but never into a continuous current. Instead of using a pulsat- ing current in the primary coil, we may with advantage use an alternating current, and thus obtain from the secondary coil another alternating current, the E.M.F. of which is dependent on that of the primary current, and on the ratio between the number of turns in the two windings. Magnetic leakage. Since the lines of force not only pass through iron, but in a lesser degree also through air, it follows that only part of the magnetic flux at a actually threads through the secondary coil at b, the rest closing round the primary coil in air. The difference between the flux in a and b will be the greater the further the coils are from each other, and the greater the resistance which the iron offers to the passage of the lines offeree. In consequence of this resistance (some- times also called magnetic reluctance) lines of force are caused to leak out laterally, and form thus a leakage field which does not contribute in any way to the production of E.M.F. in the secondary coil. The more leakage there is, the smaller is consequently the E.M.F. induced in the secondary coil through an alternating current in the primary coil. In order to understand the conditions which influence leakage, we assume for the present that the primary coil carries a continuous current, whilst through the secondary coil there passes either no current at all or also a con- tinuous current of such direction as will tend to weaken the field produced by the primary current. The coil I drives, then, a magnetic flux in a certain direction through the iron ring. If no current flows through coil II, then the lines of force have only to overcome the magnetic resistance of the iron path, which may be so small that comparatively few lines are crowded out. If, however, the coil II also carries a current, it will tend to produce a magnetic flux in the opposite direction, which, colliding with the original flux, must cause a strong leakage field, thus weakening consider- ably the flux actually passing through the secondary coil. 4 TRANSFORMERS This condition of things may easily be explained by hydraulic analogy. Let, in Fig. 2, a ring-shaped tube of porous material be filled with and immersed in water, and let the water in the tube, as shown by the arrow, be kept in motion by a propelling fan, I. This fan produces a difference of pressure between its inlet and outlet side, which pressure is absorbed by the frictional resistance of the tube. Since the pressure above the fan is greater than that below, water will, as indicated by the dotted lines, pass out through the pores of the tube in its upper half, and enter the tube through the pores in its lower half. The velocity of the water must consequently be greater at a than at b. If the tube is wide and the pro- pelling power of the fan small, little head will suffice to overcome the friction ; and the quantity of water leaking out and in, as well as the difference of velocity in a and b, will be small. Let now a second fan (II) be inserted at b y which for the present we will Jmagine to be frictionless ; then FIG. 2.-iiydrauiic analogy this fan will be set in rotation by of magnetic leakage. the stream of water, but it will not increase the leakage or diminish the velocity of the water. If, however, we retard the motion of fan II by letting its spindle transmit mechanical energy, the free flow of the water will be impeded, and the difference of pressure between the upper and lower halves of the tube will be increased. As a result, the leakage will be augmented, and the quantity of water passing the point a in unit time will be appreciably more than that passing the point b. At the same time the speed of fan II will be reduced; and this for two reasons. In the first place because the load on the spindle of II must retard its motion, and in the second place because the velocity of the water is smaller than before. If we wish to limit the loss of speed due to the latter cause, we can do so by placing the fan I as near as possible to fan II. Now let us substitute for the porous tube the iron ring, and for the two fans the driving and the driven coil ; MAGNETIC LEAKAGE then we see that the magnetic flux through the driven coil (which corresponds to the velocity of the water at 6) will be the smaller the stronger the current is in the driven coil. The arrangement of coils shown in Fig. i is bad, on account of their great distance. It does not give a strong magnetic flux through the driven coil if a large current is permitted to flow through this coil. We can improve the design by spreading the coils each over half the cir- cumference of the ring, as shown in Fig. 3. In this case the magnetic pressure tending to force the lines through the air is no longer constant over each half of the ring, but it attains its previous value only in the points c and d. It diminishes on either side of the vertical diameter, and becomes zero in a and b. The leakage field is, therefore, not only quantitatively smaller, but, owing to its distribution and the distri- bution of the two windings, its qualitative influence is also lessened, as compared with the arrangement shown in Fig. i. The distribution of the leakage field may be approximately deter- mined if we remember that the magnetic pressure, which forces the lines to leave the ring at any point, is proportional to the ampere-turns counted up to that point. Imagine now the windings evenly distributed, and the direction of the current thus, that the magnetic pressure is from iron to air in the upper left quadrant, and from air to iron in the lower left quadrant. Corre- sponding pressures must of course exist in the right quadrants. Let now the ring be cut at a and straightened out, then the zigzag line in Fig. 4 gives a graphic repre- sentation of the magnetic pressure producing leakage. Positive ordinates represent a pressure from iron to air, i. e. north polarity. The leakage lines are shown dotted in Pig. 3, but only inside the ring. There are, of course, also leakage lines in the whole of the air space surround- ing the ring. If we assume, as a very rough approxi- mation, that the magnetic resistance along any path FIG. 3. Magnetic leakage. TRANSFORMERS through air is the same, then the number of lines passing through unit surface in any point of the ring will be proportional to the magnetic pressure at that point, and the shaded areas in Fig. 4 may be taken to represent roughly the leakage field. The assumption that all the paths through air have the same magnetic resistance is of course not strictly correct ; as we are, however, at present only concerned with a general investigation of the leakage o o field, it is not necessary to enter minutely into the ques- tion of how the magnetic re- sistance of any particular path through the air varies, and we approximation assume that Fig. 4 FIG. 4. Leakage flux. may as a rough represents the leakage field. We have up to the present assumed that the two coils carry continuous currents, but it is obvious that our reasoning applies equally to the case of alternating- currents, provided that the change in direction occurs in both coils nearly simultaneously, a condition which is always fulfilled in transformers when working under a load. Arrangement of coils. We have seen that in point of leakage Fig. 3 is an improvement on Fig. i. We may, however, carry the improve- ment still further by subdividing each unit into several parts. In Fig. 5 we have six separate coils, arranged to uniformly cover the ring, and connected alternately with the primary and secondary circuit. The greatest magnetic pressure is also in this case at the junction of two coils ; since, however, the num- ber of turns in each coil is reduced to one-third, this pressure is also reduced to one-third of its previous value. The surface through which lines can leak is at the same time also reduced to one-third, so that the FIG. 5. Subdivision of coils. ARRANGEMENT OF COILS 7 total leakage field now only amounts to \ x J = \ of its previous value. If, instead of subdividing each coil into three parts, we subdivide it into four, the leakage field would be reduced to iV of its previous value, and so on. It will thus be seen that, by carrying the principle of subdivision sufficiently far, we can reduce the leakage field to any desired extent. It could even be reduced to zero if we were to interweave the primary and secondary coils. This would, however, lead to difficulties as regards insulation, and is not necessary, since experience has shown that it suffices for all practical purposes to sub- divide the windings so far as to limit the effective ampere- turns in each individual coil to a value which is roughly proportional to the flux, and may amount to a few hundred ampere-turns in small transformers to a thousand or more ampere- turns in large transformers. We have hitherto assumed that the magnetic link between the two windings is a circular ring, but it will be obvious that its geometric form is immaterial, and that any shape of ring may Rectangular magne be used. We might, for instance, employ a magnetic link in the shape of a rectangular frame, and place the coils over the two longer sides of the rectangle (Fig. 6). The arrangement shown on the left corresponds to Fig. 3. In this case there is only one secondary and one primary coil, and the magnetic leakage must therefore be very great. In the arrange- ment shown on the right, the primary winding is sub- divided into five coils, which alternate in position with five coils of the secondary winding. The leakage is thereby reduced to about A part. Another, and with regard to the reduction of leakage equally effective, arrangement consists in placing the coils axially within each other. This arrangement has the advantage of a reduction in the number of separate coils to be wound and handled, whilst at the same time the insulation between primary and secondary coils is of simple shape (plain cylinders), and can therefore easily be made perfect. 3 TRANSFORMERS Fundamental equation. The E.M.F. induced in a coil is, by a well-known law of electro-dynamics, propor- tional to the number of turns of wire, and the time-rate of change of the magnetic flux. In symbols In order to be able to calculate the E.M.F. occurring at any given moment of time, we must know the relation between < and t. The magnetic flux < is produced by the current passing through the primary coil, and if the magnetisation of the iron core remains within such limits that the permeability may be considered to remain con- stant, then (/} may be considered to be proportional to the primary current. We assume for the present that the secondary coil is open, so that no current can flow through it which would mask or disturb the magnetising effect of the primary current. There are, as a matter of fact, certain secondary actions such as leakage, ohmic resist- ance and reluctance, which interfere with the strict proportionality of primary current and magnetic flux, but the consideration of these we must postpone. We also assume that the primary current is obtained from an alternator, the E.M.F. of which follows a true sine law. This is not always, and indeed very seldom, the case ; but it will be shown later on that the equations obtained under these assumptions remain applicable in all cases occurring in practice. Imagine, then, a wire coil of one turn, including an area of A sq. cm., traversed by a magnetic flux, which varies according to a periodic sine function between the limits + to , and back to + <, T, and the number of cycles occurring per second v ; then Since the E.M.F. is dependent on the change in the flux passing through the wire loop, but not on the angle FUNDAMENTAL EQUATION at which the lines of force thread through the loop, we may replace the rectilinear and oscillating field by a constant and homogeneous field, provided we revolve the loop round an axis in its plane with a speed of v revolutions per second. Let, in Fig. 7, the field be represented by the vertical lines, and O be the axis around which the wire loop is rotated. Let the rota- tion take place in the direction shown by the arrow, and, counting the time from the moment the loop is horizontal, let, at time t, the coil occupy the angular position a. Through the cutting of the lines of force there will be induced in the upper half of the loop an E.M.F. directed towards the observer, and in the lower half from the observer. In this and all the following diagrams we mark these directions respect- ively by a dot and a cross inscribed into the little circle representing the cross-section of the wire ; these signs meaning the point and the feathers of an arrow which indicates the direc- tion of E.M.F. or current. Let co be the angular velocity of the loop, then a = a>/, and co = 27rv ; from which it follows that a = 2irvt The magnetic flux threading through the loop is obviously cos a, and its rate of change d(h cos a . . da - sin a - dt dt Since =co = 27rv. we have for the instantaneous dt value of the E.M.F. the expression E = 27TV(j) sin a The loop has only one turn of wire. If there are n turns the same E.M.F. is induced in each, and the total E.M.F., measured at the terminals of a coil of n turns, is therefore in absolute measure E = 27TV(t)n sin a i > x . \ N \ * FIG. 7. Rotating loop. io TRANSFORMERS To obtain it in volt we must multiply by io~ 8 . If the coil is horizontal (a = o), the flux threading through it is a maximum ; and the E.M.F. is zero. If the coil is vertical, i. e. parallel to the direction of the field, the flux passing through the coil is zero, and the E.M.F. has its maximum value E = 27TV(f)nio~ s (i) The instantaneous value of the E.M.F. is therefore E,= E sin a and the instantaneous value of the magnetic flux is we denote its maximum value. These equations show that between E.M.F. and magnetic influx there is a difference in phase of a quarter period. Imagine now the terminals of the coil connected with an incandescent lamp of resistance R. The current I passing through the lamp must vary as the E.M.F. E. Calling I the maximum value of the current, we should Tj' have I , and i I sin a. Although ordinarily the resist- K. ance of a lamp depends on and varies with the current, we are justified in assuming the resistance in our case to be constant, since the changes in current strength occur so rapidly that the filament has no time to grow hotter or cooler as the current grows stronger or weaker, but assumes a mean temperature, and has consequently a constant resistance. Let then the lamp be fed, first by an alternating current derived from the coil, and secondly by a continuous current, but let in both cases the filament be raised to the same temperature, so as to emit the same amount of light. The lamp will then in both cases re- quire the same supply of electric power, and we may consider the strength of the continuous current as a measure of the effective strength of the alternating cur- rent. Since i = I sin a, we may represent the instantane- ous value of an alternating current by the projection of a vector of length I, which revolves with an angular speed of w = 2?rv. In the same manner other quantities FUN DA MENTA L. EQUA TION 1 1 of a periodic character may be represented, and the dia- grams used for this purpose are called clock, or vector, diagrams. Let then, in our case, the maximum value of the current be graphically represented to a certain scale by the length of a line I. Let the line revolve round one of its ends, and take the projection of the other end at stated times. The length of the projection, measured with the same scale, gives the instantaneous value of the current. To find the total energy which is supplied to the lamp by the current during the time of one period, we should divide the circle described by the current vector into a suffi- ciently large number of equal parts, distant by the time interval A^ from each other, project these points to get i, and form the ex- pression 2^ 2 RA/. This would be a laborious process, but it can be simplified if we imagine the additions made twice over by counting together such posi- FlG . 8 ._ C iock diagram. tions of the vector I as are 90 apart. The members of the series we have to sum up would then be of the form R(Psin 2 a+P cos 2 a)A^ RPA/ as will easily be seen by reference to Fig. 8, in which the vector is shown in two positions differing by 90. The projections are OIj and OI 2 , and as the sum of their squares is obviously equal I 2 , we find that each member of our series has the same value, namely, RPA/. T Let m be the number of members, so that m = ; then A^ we find the total work done by the current during one period, by multiplying the value of one member of the series by m and dividing by 2m, the latter because we have, by taking the vectors in pairs, counted them twice over. The work done during one period, or the energy, is RPT c - 12 TRANSFORMERS and the power, that is, the rate at which work is done, is If the lamp is fed by a continuous current i y the power is P = / 2 R. Let the power be the same in both cases, then i may be considered the effective value of the alter- nating current, and will be given by the expression X/2 This relation is of course only valid if the current is a sine function of the time. If it follows any other law the ratio between its maximum and effective value will be given, not by \/2, but by some other coefficient. If by I we denote the instantaneous, and by i the effec- tive, value of the current, we have for any form of current curve rVT/ 1 ** (3) 1 In words : The effective current is the square root of the mean squares of the instantaneous values. It is cus- tomary to denote this by the abbreviation R.M.S., root mean square. The same reasoning applies, of course, to the pres- sure at the terminals of our coil, and in fact to any alter- nating E.M.F. Since in all instruments intended for the measurement of alternating pressure (hot wire, electro- static and electro- dynamic) the action is dependent on the square of the E.M.F. applied to the instrument, the quantity actually indicated is the square root of the mean squares ; or in symbols Any shape of current or pressure curve obtained from FUNDAMENTAL EQUATION 13 an alternating current generator may be represented analytically by a series of the form A = A!, sin a + A 3 sin 301 + A 5 sin 5a+ . . . which represents the resultant obtained by the super- position of different sine curves or harmonics. Aj is the greatest ordinate of the first harmonic, whose frequency is v. A 3 is the greatest ordinate of the third harmonic, a simple sine curve, whose frequency is 3^, and so on. Let a be the effective value (either amperes or volts accordingly as the crest values A lt A 2 , A s . . . of the single harmonics represent amperes or volts), then we have from (3) or (4) i r' 2n 2 = - - / (A! sin a + A 3 sin 306 + A 5 sin 5a+ . . ,)Wa In squaring the series we get terms containing the squares of sines of angles and other terms containing the product of the sines of two angles, the angles being odd multiples of a. By a well-known theorem of the integral calculus the integral of these products taken within the limits o and 2?r is zero, so that only the terms need be considered which contain the square of the sines. We thus find (T = ~ /( X 2 sin 2 a + A 3 2 sin V + A 5 2 sin V + Let pi, pz, etc., be the proportion of the amplitude of the third, fifth, etc., harmonic to the amplitude of the first harmonic, then we can also write Modern alternators give E.M.F. curves which do not deviate greatly from a true sine curve. That is to say, the values of p, especially for the higher harmonics, is i 4 TRANSFORMERS very small. We may therefore with sufficient approxi- mation write where E and I denote the crest values of the first har- monic. The term in brackets may be considered as a cor- recting factor to take into account the irregularity of the curve. This factor is generally very small, as may be seen from the following example, which represents a rather unfavourable case. Let A = 5% A = 3% A = 2% A = 3% then the value of the correcting factor is 1-0024, that is to say, the effective value has by the presence of the upper harmonics only been increased by about per cent. It will be obvious that for all practical purposes, that is, in all cases where the current is supplied to the transformer from a modern machine, we may neglect its upper harmonics and assume that the relation between E and e is that corresponding to a simple sine curve. If then E changes according to a sine law, so that the instantaneous value E, = E sin (27rvt), where E is the maximum value of the E.M.F., then the effective value is e=^ ....... (5) X/2 It has been previously shown that E = 27rv in both coils ; they are therefore only applicable if there be no magnetic leakage. If there be leakage, a correction must be applied, as will be shown later on. Since the current does work which is absorbed by the primary coil, the direction of e 1 must, on the whole, be opposed to the direction of the current. The secondary coil gives energy to its external circuit, and the secondary current must therefore, on the whole, be of the same direction as e z . The power supplied to or given off by the transformer can, however, not generally be considered to be correctly represented by the pro- duct : effective current x effective pressure, since the phases of these two quantities are, as a rule, not coin- cident ; that is to say, the current attains its maximum value at a different time from the E.M.F., and the times at which they pass through zero are also different. In the primary coil the product of instantaneous current and instantaneous E.M.F. is therefore not always nega- tive, and in the secondary coil this product is not always positive ; the energy impressed upon or given off by the transformer during the time of a period is therefore smaller than T^ and Te 2 i z respectively. The deter- mination of the true energy and true power will be given in Chapter IV. CHAPTER II LOSSES IN TRANSFORMERS ALLOYED PLA TES DETERMINA TION OF THE MOST AD VANTA GE- O US THICKNESS OF THE PLA TES I NFL UENCE OF THE E.M.F. CURVE ON THE HYSTERETIC LOSS INFLUENCE OF THE SHAPE OF CORE AND COIL ON THE LOSSES CORE AND SHELL TRANSFORMERS Losses in transformers. The losses in transformers are of various kinds. Firstly, those termed "current or copper heat," which are due to the ohmic resistance of the coils. These can easily be determined, and the method of calculating them is so simple as to call for no particular explanation. Next, loss may be caused by eddy currents in the conductors or other metallic parts external to the iron. Their calculation is extremely difficult, and in some instances impossible ; by an adequate design, however, it is easy so far to avoid the causes of these losses as to render their effect negligible. Lastly, we have to consider the losses in the iron core of the transformer, which are due to two causes, firstly to hysteresis, and secondly to eddy currents. These losses produce " iron heat." If the induction in an iron core passes through a cycle from + B through zero to - B, and back through zero to + B, a certain amount of work is converted into heat. This is the so-called hysteretic loss, and its amount depends on the quality of the iron, and the corresponding power depends on the periodicity, and it is directly proportional to the weight of the iron and the periodicity, no matter whether the curve which represents the induction as a function of time is a sine curve or not. If every half cycle has but one maximum of induction, then 16 LOSSES IN TRANSFORMERS i; the hysteretic loss depends on this maximum alone, and not on the manner in which it has been reached. According to Steinmetz the hysteretic work per cycle and per unit of weight is given by an expression of the form l S = kW* (7) where h is a coefficient determined by the quality of iron and the units of weight and energy chosen. The surging of the flux in the iron generates E.M.Fs. in its mass, and these lead to the formation of eddy currents. Let us assume the iron core to be of rectangular cross-section with a and & for dimensions, a denoting the core width, & its thickness. The width a we will imagine to remain constant, the thickness however to be varied. It is obvious that the E.M. F. will have a maximum along the outer contour of the parallelogram. This maximum is proportional to the total number of lines of force, that is, a$B. For a given value of B the E.M.F. close to the outer skin of the iron core is proportional to a$, and the same obtains in regard to the smaller values of the E.M.Fs. prevailing deeper within the mass of metal. The currents generated are inversely proportional to the resistance, i. e. the greater S becomes, with the width a unchanged, the more the resistance decreases and the currents increase. An increase of & therefore causes a proportional rise of the E.M.Fs. which generate the eddy currents, whereas the latter themselves grow in quadratic ratio with &. Consequently the loss by eddy currents is pro- portional to the third power of 8. For circular cores the E.M.Fs. are proportional to the square of the core diameter, and the resistance of similar layers is indepen- 1 If the hysteretic loss is determined for that induction where the permeability reaches the highest value, and next for inductions which are about 20 per cent, greater and smaller, then the power of B can be found from the results of the tests. As a rule the value thus found will be smaller than r6, say 1*55 down to 1*5. In the following I nevertheless retain the power 1-6 originally given by Steinmetz, simply because it has become general practice, and also because after all it is about as correct for values of the induction within wide limits as is the more exact power 1-5 for values within narrow limits. 2 1 8 TRANSFORMERS dent of it. Thus the current increases in quadratic ratio to the core diameter, while its fourth power indicates the growth of the power consumed. In order to keep this loss as small as possible, the cores, instead of being solid blocks, are made up of plates or wires. The loss in each plate is proportional to the third power of the thickness, that in each wire to the fourth power of the diameter. The weight of plates being proportional to their thickness, and that of circular cores to the square of their diameter, the loss per unit of weight due to eddy currents is proportional to the square of the thickness of the plates or to the square of the diameter of the wire. Wire cores are used but rarely. Where plates are employed, the loss per unit of weight can be brought down to one-quarter and one-ninth by a reduction of the plate thickness to one-half and one-third respectively. Thus the loss, if the plates used were sufficiently thin, could be made disappearingly small. A limit, however, is set in this direction by the waste of space due to the insulation required between the individual plates. The lamination of the iron is for these reasons not carried further than necessary to render the losses caused by eddy currents reasonably small. It has been found that plates varying in thickness between 0*35 and 0*5 mm. (14 to 20 mils) can be used in practice. The thinner plates are used for higher frequencies up to about 100, whereas the thicker plates may be used for lower frequencies up to about 50. Where the frequency is very small and the magnetic saturation of the iron fairly low, the plates can be even thicker than 0*5 mm. An example may show the possible limit in this respect. Let us assume that practical experience has proved plates of O'5 mm. thickness quite suitable for a certain quality of iron, v = 50 and B = 4000. A new transformer is now to be designed for v = 20 and B = 5000. What is the upper limit of plate thickness, if the losses due to eddy currents per kilogram of iron are to be the same as before? In the first instance, the E.M.F. producing the eddy currents was proportional to the product Bv = 200000. With plates of the same thickness it would in the new transformer be proportional to the product LOSSES IN TRANSFORMERS 19 Bv= 100000, or only one-half of the former, which means that the losses in the new transformer, were the plates equally thick in both, would amount to but one-fourth. We may therefore increase the thickness of its plates until the square of the proportion of old to new plate thickness equals four. In other words, we can double the thickness of the plates and make them i mm. (40 mils) thick. The loss through eddy currents, as dependent on periodicity, plate thickness and induction can be ex- pressed by a simple formula. We have already seen that this loss per unit weight is proportional to the square of the plate thickness. The expression giving the loss must consequently contain the square of the plate thickness as a factor. Next, it is evident that the E.M.Fs. which produce eddy currents at all depths of the core must be proportional to the product vB and the wasted energy to the square of that product. Therefore (vB) 2 is a second factor in the expression. The only further factor to be determined is a coefficient which depends on the electric conductivity of the material. The higher the latter, the greater are the eddy currents corresponding to a given E.M.F., and the greater, naturally, must be the losses. Knowing the conductivity, it is possible to calculate the loss by means of a formula containing the factors above mentioned. The derivation of this formula need not be given here, as it involves a somewhat lengthy integration. The result is that the factor depending on conductivity is 0*16 for iron having an electric resistance about seven and a half times that of pure copper. The loss per kilogram of iron is expressed in watts, the plate thickness in mm., the periodicity in units of TOO, and the induction in units of 1000. It is, however, advisable to assume a slightly larger coefficient, for the following reason. In one and the same core the length of lines of force differ, and therefore the flux does not spread evenly over the area of the core, but is slightly greater for the shorter, and somewhat smaller for the longer lines of force, than the mean value B in the formula. Hence, since the eddy current loss is a quadratic function of B, a nonconformity of the latter 20 TRANSFORMERS would give a greater total loss, and, in consideration of this circumstance, it is advisable to assume a slightly larger coefficiency than found by calculation ; adding, say, 20 per cent, we get 0*19 instead of 0*16. The formula is, therefore (8) X ' 100 where P 7U is the power lost in watts due to eddy currents in i kg. of plates, A the plate thickness in mm., v the periodicity and B the induction. B p Induction or number of lines ber aq cm 25,000 FIG. 9. Loss of power in ordinary transformer plates. It is convenient to represent the formula (8) diagram- matically by a curve, as shown in Fig. 9. The lines P w are drawn for a plate thickness of o'5 mm. (20 mils) and for a periodicity of 100. The abscissae give the induction and the ordinates the loss of power per kg. of iron. In order to obtain the correct values for other LOSSES IN TRANSFORMERS 21 thicknesses, A, of plates or other frequencies, v, the ordinates must be multiplied by Av\ 2 ~ In Fig. 9 curves are also shown, which indicate the hysteretic loss. The formula of Steinmetz is generally quoted in C.G.S. units so as to give the loss of energy in ergs per cycle and cub. cm. For practical purposes, however, it is more convenient so to transcribe the formula that it gives the loss of power for a certain periodicity, for example, v=ioo, and a definite weight of iron, say i kg. If h is the Steinmetz coefficient in C.G.S. units, then the energy lost in one second, viz. the energy in erg seconds, will be at v= 100 for i cub. cm. of iron. The specific weight of the plates is 777, and, therefore, i kg. of iron contains 1000:777 = 126*2 cub. cm. Hence the loss for each kg. of iron in erg seconds will be or = g 10' By substituting B in units of 1000 we can write 10' \iooo and ( i ooo) 1 ' = 63 1 oo hence p / B \ 16 ' (loooj According to the quality of the plates the Steinmetz coefficient h varies between 0*001 and 0*002. The lower value can be attained with alloyed iron (see next para- graph), but for ordinary transformer iron 0*0012 to O'ooi 6 may be taken as mean values. The curves in Fig. 9 are drawn for h 0*001 5, where the loss of energy 22 TRANSFORMERS per kg. of iron and 100 cycles expressed in watts, is given by the formula For any other periodicity the loss will be P A = o-i2 (- B j" (80) 100 \IOOO7 Alloyed plates. Thanks to recent improvements, the composition of the iron used for rolling cut into " trans- former sheets," a material may now be obtained which has considerably less loss than the ordinary transformer sheets hitherto used. This new material is known under the name of " alloyed " iron (or Stalloy, as one special brand is called), 1 and although its permeability at high induction is a little lower than that of ordinary transformer iron, this is of no moment where, as in transformers, the induction is moderate. In Figs, ga and gb the losses are represented diagrammatically for alloyed plates. I have to thank Professor Epstein for these curves, who has obtained them with his apparatus, described in Chapter XI. The ordinates give the sum of the hysteretic and eddy current losses, and consequently that figure which has a more immediate interest for the designer ; but the curves may also serve to separate these losses. The most convenient way to do this is by means of the lines on Fig. gb, which represent the loss of energy per cycle for 100 kg. of plates in joules. It will be seen that the total losses are represented by straight lines. These lines would be horizontal if no eddy currents whatever existed ; their slope is consequently a measure for the loss due to eddy currents. This loss is given by the difference of the ordinates at the start on the left and that point on the right which corresponds to the chosen periodicity. These curves show that the loss due to eddy currents amounts to about one-half of the values given by equation (8). This means that the eddy 1 Professor Turner has analysed this iron in the University of Birmingham, and obtained the following composition : Carbon, 0*03 ; silicon, 3*40; sulphur, 0*04; phosphorus, o'oi ; manganese, 0*32; iron, 96*2. ALLOYED PLATES current loss in alloyed plates may be calculated from equation (8) if in the equation the factor o'l is substituted in place of the factor 0*19. By means of this value it will then be found from the curves in Fig. 90, that the 12000 (4000 6000 8000 10,000 12,000 14,000 16,000 FIG. ga. Loss of power in alloyed iron. 10 40 B= 14,000 50 20 30 Frequency FIG. 9/>. Loss of energy per cycle in alloyed iron. hysteretic loss is given (in rough approximation) by the formula (80), if cro8 and not 0*12 is taken as the factor. Hence the eddy current loss of alloyed plates amounts to about one-half, and the hysteretic loss to approximately two-thirds of the corresponding losses in common trans- former or dynamo plates. As regards the "ageing," 24 TRANSFORMERS i. e. the tendency of plates to show an increased loss when heated for months, or for years, alloyed plates seem to behave no better and no worse than the plates of high quality hitherto used, in which this effect is not noticeable to any very marked degree. The real cause of the " ageing" has not yet been discovered; all that can be said is that some plates show scarcely any signs of ageing, while others degenerate to some extent in the course of time, the additional loss, however, rarely exceeding 15 per cent. Determination of the most advantageous thickness of the plates. The loss due to eddy currents being pro- portional to the square of the thickness of the plates, this loss can with a given induction be diminished by a corre- sponding reduction of thickness. A lowest limit, how- ever, beyond which the loss again increases, is prescribed for such reduction by the condition that the induction must be raised with the diminishing plate thickness owing to the waste of space taken up by the insulation. The thickness of the insulating layer is independent of the plate thickness and measures about 0*05 mm. (2 mils), so that the useful total cross-section is For plates of ro mrn. (40 mils) . . . 95% 07 (28 ) . . . 93% ,, 0-5 (20 ) . . . 91% ;. o- 3 (12 ) . . . 86% Where flux and total cross-section are given, the induction, and with it the hysteretic loss, increases as the plate thickness diminishes ; the loss due to eddy currents, however, decreases. A certain plate thickness must therefore exist, for which the sum of these two losses attains a minimum. This most advantageous plate thick- ness is naturally dependent on the magnetic qualities of the iron, its electric conductivity, and the frequency. For the standard plates on the market the most advantageous thickness is For a frequency of 50 . . . 0*25-0*4 mm. 2 5 0'35-07 The set of curves, Fig. 10, gives the total losses for ADVANTAGEOUS THICKNESS OF PLATES 25 medium quality plates at periodicities of 50 and 25, relatively to an ideal induction, which is obtained by a Watts per kg. ca FIG. 10. Loss of power in ordinary transformer plates. division of the total flux by the total cross-section (iron plus insulation). The curve, Fig. u, gives the total loss in o'35-mm. (14 mils) plates of alloyed iron at 50 frequency. In ordering transformer plates it has become usual to specify 26 TRANSFORMERS an upper limit for the loss at 50 frequency and 10,000 induction. This limit is called the figure of loss (in Z''Z 2-1 2-0 1-9 B 8 1-8 m SI-T f 1-6 gg S 1-5 JJH | 1-3 fl, l-l & 1 ' 2 * 0-9 O 50-8 ^0, |0.6 w 0-5 0-4 0-3 0-2 0-1 / / 1 / / / / / / / / / / y ^ 7 > / / > / / / ^x /^ 012345 6 789 10 11 12 Induction in Units of 1000 FIG. II. Alloyed sheets 035 mm. thick of English make tested by the author. German, Verlustziffer}. Thus the figure of loss in o'35-mm. plates of alloyed iron is 1*96 per kg., and in ordinary transformer plates about 3. INFLUENCE OF THE E.M.F. CURVE 27 Influence of the E.M.F. curve on the hysteretic loss. In the first chapter it has been shown that small deviations from a true sine curve do not materially influence the ratio between crest value and effective value of E.M.F. ; but large deviations do not only influence this ratio, but also the iron losses. To study this influence we may assume some extreme cases of E.M.F. and flux curves. If we assume that the flux has only one maximum value for each half-cycle, then this value and the periodicity determine the hys- teretic loss. In that case, as has been mentioned already, the highest point only of the curve, which represents N as a function of time, is of influence, and not its shape. Now we are able to imagine a variety of flux curves which may all rise to the same maximum and yet may be built up with considerable divergence. All these curves are equivalent as far as the hysteretic loss is con- cerned, but they are not so in respect of the induced E.M.F. Preference will have to be given to the curve in which the effective E.M.F. attains the highest value for the same maximum flux N. As, however, the induc- tion, and consequently its maximum value, depend on the curve of the E.M.F., we can consider the problem to be as follows : A number of alternating current machines o is given, which all produce the same effective E.M.F., but differ in the shape of their E.M.F. curves. To which curve corresponds a minimum flux, and consequently the smallest total loss in the iron ? In order to solve the problem, we must consider various shapes of E.M.F. curve. We may suitably start the investigation with the sine curve and examine what influence a modification of this curve, in one way or the other, has on the relation of the effective to the greatest value of the E.M.F., and also on the maximum value ot the induction. The sine curve can be modified in two ways : we can either flatten it, or else make it steeper, i.e. with a pronounced peak. If we proceed with the flattening of it to the utmost theoretical limit which in practice would of course be impossible we obtain a broken line composed of vertical and horizontal sections. The vertical sections represent the sudden jump from 28 TRANSFORMERS - E maximum to + E maximum, so that the length of each horizontal section corre- sponds to the time of one half-cycle. Such a curve could approximately be obtained by commutation of a continuous E.M.F. With an alternating cur- rent machine this shape could not be very closely approximated, so that the E.M.F. curve of such shape may be accepted Fig. 12. Graphic representation of S v . r E.M.F. and flux curves. as the extreme limit of the flattened sine curve, not quite attainable in practice. In this case and E being constant, the fraction -3- must also be con- stant, which means that the curve of induction must form a zigzag line, the points of which fall exactly into line with the vertical sections of the E.M.F. curve (Fig. 12). It will at once be seen from the diagram that -7. = 4?. We have for one turn E = f- and e = E, hence 1 at e = 4.vio~ 8 (9) If the E.M.F. develops as sine curve, then, from equation (6), we have If now the effective E.M.F. is to be the same in both cases, then the flux for the shape of E.M.F. curve shown on Fig. 12 must necessarily exceed the flux for a sine curve in the ratio of 4*44 to 4. Consequently, if the induction is the same, the volume of iron, and therefore also the loss in the iron, must be about 1 1 per cent, greater. But, as we already stated, the shape of curve drawn in Fig. 1 2 forms an extreme case which cannot be attained with an ordinary alternating current machine. In reality INFLUENCE OF THE E.M.F. CURVE the curve will deviate from the pronounced rectangular shape and will approach the shape represented by the dotted line. The loss in the iron will therefore not reach the full theoretically possible i r per cent., but will have a correspondingly smaller rise. At all events, the above investigation shows that an E.M.F. curve of flattened shape is unfavourable to transformers on account of the greater loss in the iron. We will next consider the alternative case, namely, a pronouncedly peaked curve of the E.M.F. In this case the zigzag or triangular shape cannot, from the outset, be assumed to represent the limit. Machines exist which produce an E.M.F. curve, showing a succession ot triangles with hollow sides and therefore very steep peaks, where consequently E is very great in proportion to e. Now the mathematical investigation of such curves is scarcely practicable, and would be of no value for the present purpose, since the only decision to be established is, whether, in respect of the iron losses in transformers, a peaked shape of curve is preferable to the sine shape. If the triangular shape is found to be more suitable, then it is , i ,_ FIG. 13. Relation of E.M.F. and obvious that its exaggera- flux curve. tion must be better still. Let us first determine the curve of induction for the at in absolute units, this curve must answer to the condition that the trigonometrical tangent in any one point a on the abscissa t is equal to the ordinate of the E.M.F. curve at that point ,J ( E.M.F. curve E in Fig. 13. Since for one turn , = = / tan a = - where f = const. J/ 2 tan a. 30 TRANSFORMERS We can determine the constant from the condition that for t = o, $t = fa, we therefore write fa = (j) - l^ 2 tan a T the equation of a parabola. Since E = tan a we have T For t = we have t = o ; hence 4 TF i or = (f> in absolute measure, and since ^ = v we 8 i have E-S^io- 8 volt This shows that the maximum E.M.F. for a triangular shape of curve is exactly twice as great as for a rect- angular shape. The point in question, however, is not the maximum value of the E.M.F., but its effective value. This latter is determined for a quarter-cycle as follows , t = t tan a 74 tanA? k tan 2 <^ i T 3 V -" ^ -T- 364 nn ^ = tan a 4 x/3 F ^ = = and E = e By substituting this value in the above equation for E, we have e = 4'62V(/>icr 8 ...... (10) INFLUENCE OF THE E.M.F. CURVE 31 The coefficient is slightly greater than with a sine- shaped curve of the E.M.F., so that the field <$> may be weaker at the same induction, and less iron is required to produce the same effective E.M.F. The equations (6), (9) and (10) collectively show that the effective value of the E.M.F. induced in the coil of n turns can be expressed generally by where f is a coefficient which depends on the shape of the E.M.F. curve. For this reason f is called the form factor ; it has the following values (1) The E.M.F. curve is composed of parallelograms /= i -oo. (2) The E.M.F. curve is a sine curve f= i *i i. (3) The E.M.F. curve is composed of triangles / = 1-16. If then the same transformer be successively connected to three circuits, all of which carry the same effective E.M.F., but the pressure curves of which have shapes corresponding to the conditions given under i, 2 and 3, then the induction B must obviously be different in the three cases, being greatest in the first and smallest in the third case. If, for the purpose of comparison, we assume the induction for the sine-shaped E.M.F. curve as unity, then it will be For the E.M.F. curve of rectangular shape, rn. For the E.M.F. curve of triangular shape, 0*96. It is consequently of a certain, although not of an overwhelming, advantage, that the pressure curve of machines used for transformers should not be a flattened curve. If loss of power by hysteresis were the only con- sideration it would be even advantageous to use E.M.F. curves with very pronounced peaks, but then we would have to face the difficulty that owing to the large crest value the insulation would be unduly stressed. Taking therefore all things into consideration, we find that it is best to use machines, the E.M.F. curve of which deviates as little as possible from a true sine curve. Influence of the shape of core and coils on the losses. Since the loss in the iron is proportional to its 32 TRANSFORMERS weight, it must be the endeavour of the designer to keep the latter as small as possible. The design of the iron core, however, is somewhat restricted by the minimum of cross-sectional core area required to convey the given lines of force, and by the coils' which determine the core length. On account of the copper heat the coils should at the same time be of such shape as to have the shortest possible length for the individual turns. These conditions are to some extent contradictory, and therefore the best design must be a compromise between these conditions, and can therefore only be attained by a step to step investigation. The shape of the cross-section of the core is of material influence on the length of the turns, and there- fore on the resistance of the coils. A rectangular cross- section, for example, is less advantageous than one of square shape, because, given a parallelogram and a square of equal areas, more wire is required to enclose the former than the latter. Generally speaking, a cir- cular cross-section is preferable to the square. It may, however, happen that the designer is prevented, by certain considerations, from making the diameter of the circle greater than the side of the square. If the linear dimensions are the same, then the square core contains times the volume of iron contained in the 7T circular core, and is preferable to it. This is easily proved by the following reflection. Let r be the radius of the circle (?r the side of the square), % the thickness of the insulation on the core, and d the depth of the winding. The ratio of the E.M.Fs. for the same induction is :rr 2 : 4^ 2 . The mean length of one turn of winding is for the circular core section w(2\r -f 8] + d\ and for the square core S(r + 8) + Trd. The E.M.F. generated per unit length of wire is consequently pro- portional in these cases to irr 2 : ir(2\r + 8] + d) and 4^ : (8[r -f 8] 4- ird\ and the proportion of these values is > i CORE AND SHELL TRANSFORMERS 33 i.e. the E.M.F. induced per metre of wire is greater for the square than for the circular core, the difference in- creasing with the depth of the winding. This apparent contradiction is simply explained by the fact that the square core has a larger volume of iron and the trans- former of such design a greater output. The material is always turned to better account in a larger than in a smaller apparatus. It has already been stated that the iron cores of transformers must be built up of plates or of wires, in order that the losses due to eddy currents be sufficiently reduced. Where wires (which need not be specially insulated) are employed, from 78 to 80 per cent, of the total space is actually taken up by iron. Wire cores are used but rarely now-a-days. Plates, on the other hand, must be insulated from each other, the insulation consisting either of a coating of shellac, a layer of oxide, some special varnish, or else paper. The most reliable of these is the last-named method of insulation. From 10 to 1 5 per cent, of the available space is lost in this manner, so that on an average 87^- per cent, of the space actually contains iron. Consequently the available space of the coils is better used if plates are employed instead of wires, and for this reason, and likewise on account of the better mechanical design, plates are mostly used for the iron cores of transformers. Core and shell transformers. It has already been stated in the opening chapter that the action of a trans- former is due to the linking together of two independent current circuits by a magnetic flux. This interlinking of the electric and magnetic circuits can be carried out in a great variety of ways. Fig. 6, page 7, represents one of the simplest forms. The iron core is built up into a rectangular frame, with its two longer limbs as cores for the coils. Such an arrangement is called a core transformer ; it is characterised by the fact that the greater portion of the iron is embedded in the coils and that the external surface of the coils is exposed throughout. Now we can also imagine an arrangement in which the respective position of iron and the copper is reversed. We can assume the rectangular frame in Fig. 6 to be 3 34 TRANSFORMERS formed by the copper windings of the two coils, and iron discs slipped over the longer limbs, surrounding them like a shell. A transformer of such design is termed a shell transformer, its characteristic feature being that the coils are partly embedded in the iron. The core type has a smaller weight of iron and a short mean length of wire in each turn. The number of turns, however, is comparatively large on account of the smaller core section, and the weight of the copper considerable, although the mean length of the turns is small. The length of path of the lines of force is great, and consequently the ampere-turns necessary for the magnetisation are increased. On the other hand, the open position and the accessibility of the coils are of advantage. Shell transformers have a short magnetic path, and the magnetisation is therefore obtained with a smaller number of ampere-turns ; the coils consist of fewer turns, and, notwithstanding their greater length, require less wire on the whole than the coils of core transformers. On the other hand, the iron core is much heavier, the ventilation of the embedded coils is not so good, and the coils are only partly accessible. In order first of all to obtain an approximate idea of the influence of various arrangements, we will investigate the problem by an example. For this purpose let us consider all types calculated for the same output. The product of current and E.M.F. must therefore be con- stant. To simplify the matter we will also assume that the current density in the wires, as well as the current itself, shall remain constant. The same gauge of wire must then be used for all transformer windings, and the number of turns will be directly proportional to the wind- ing space. The larger the winding space, the larger can also be the number of turns on each coil, while the total field N will decrease proportionately. If we further assume the same induction for all cases (B constant), then the cross-section of the core will be inversely pro- portionate to the number of turns, i. e. to the winding space. The weight of iron and the length of wire may be taken as a basis to judge the design. CORE AND SHELL TRANSFORMERS 35 The transformer a, Fig. 14, has a cross-sectional core area of 400 sq. cm. (inclusive of the space taken up by the insulation) and a winding space of 60 sq. cm. The weight of the iron is 200 kg., and the mean length of one turn 1 19 cm., 100 turns on the primary coil will therefore require 1 19 m. of wire for this coil. We will now reduce the cross-section of the iron to one-fourth by making the L, 32 FIG. 14. Types of transformers. core length 10 cm. instead of 40 cm. The number of turns must consequently be multiplied by four to give the same E.M.F. The cross-section of the winding space will accordingly become 4x60 = 240 sq. cm. Thus we arrive at type b. The mean length per turn now measures only 78 cm., but since we require 400 turns, the total length of wire has become greater. It is now 312 m., or nearly twice as much as before. This is counterbalanced by a reduction in the weight of the 36 TRANSFORMERS iron to 73 kg., or to nearly one-third. Type a will therefore have preference where iron is high in quality and low in price, and where copper is dear. If copper, however, is cheap, and iron dear and of low quality, then type b will be chosen. Both designs, however, admit of considerable improvement. We can, for instance, modify the design a in such a manner that both sides of the coil become surrounded with iron, so as to convert it into a shell transformer. By this means we obtain the type c. Here the magnetic flux divides and travels along both sides, so that the shell need only have half the area of the core cross-section. As with type a, here also the length of wire is 119 m., whereas the weight of the iron has been reduced to 1 1 2 kg. The type c, the iron of which is not excessive in weight, requires but little copper, and represents the type of shell transformer in general use. By modifying the type b in similar manner, we arrive at type d, which, strictly speaking, belongs likewise to the shell transformers, without, however, possessing the advantage of a low weight of copper. The length of wire is again 312 m., but the weight of iron here amounts to only 59 kg. This design may be considered an extreme case of shell transformer. It is costlier in copper than type c, but has the advantage of a larger cooling surface. We may also alter the type b so that a saving of copper results, and this can be attained by arranging the coils on both the longer limbs, instead of on one only. This leads to the type e, which is the type of a core trans- former (compare Fig. 6) now in general use. The mean length of one turn is now materially smaller than in b, because the depth of winding has become smaller. The length of wire is 236 m. and the weight of iron 73 kg. For convenience of comparison we tabulate the above results as follows Type Weight of iron Length of wire a . . . 210 kg. . . . 1 19 m. b . . . 73 ... 312 C . . . H2 ,, ... 119 ,, d . . . 59 ... 312 e . . . 73 ... 236 CORE AND SHELL TRANSFORMERS 37 Hedgehog type. FIG. 15. Core type. In all these types the magnetic circuit is completely closed, i. e. the useful lines of force travel through iron only. There is one more type of transformer, in which the path of the ftux lies only partly in iron and for the rest in air. These are the so-called hedgehog trans- formers, which were introduced by Swinburne with the intention of diminishing the hysteretic loss. For this purpose Swinburne uses a. bundle of iron wires as core for his coils (Fig. 15, a). The ends of the wires he opens out semi-spherically, so-that each transformer end bears a semblance to the back of a hedgehog. The lines of force close through the air, as indicated by the dotted lines. Thus the hysteretic loss is confined to the actual core of the transformer, while in the shell of air no loss occurs. This design has not proved successful in practice. If we imagine two such transformers placed side by side (Fig. 15, b] with their wire ends bent towards each other, so that a close iron circuit results, we obtain the ordinary core transformer. The hysteretic loss of the transformer, obtained in this manner, can be but insignificantly greater than the loss of two single hedge- hog transformers (the additional loss being due to the small extra length of the wires necessary to join the cores), so that for this reason alone the hedgehog type cannot possibly produce any material saving in the hysteretic losses. On the other hand, this type must have an increased loss, since, owing to the great magnetic reluctance of the air shell, the induction must be greater at the centre of the core than at its ends. The E.M.F. is proportional to the mean induction, whereas the hysteretic loss is proportional to the Jy/of the mean values of B 1 ' . From this it will at once be seen that the loss must be greater if the value of the induc- tion in the core varies than if it remains constant. Apart from this the hedgehog transformer possesses the further disadvantage that it consumes an extraordinarily heavy 38 TRANSFORMERS current on no load, whereas the types drawn in Fig. 14 have a no-load consumption amounting to only a few per cent, of the primary current at full load, the hedge- hog transformer (Fig. 15, a) consumes up to 60 per cent, of the full-load current with the secondary circuit open. On this account alone the hedgehog transformer would be disqualified as distributor in connection with central station supply. As choking coil, however, the hedgehog transformer can be used with advantage ; in this respect its peculiar capability of giving passage to heavy currents at moderate E.M.F. is very valuable. For all other purposes the types Fig. 14 c, d and e have in actual practice proved the best. CHAPTER III USUAL TYPES CONSTRUCTION OF THE IRON PART PROPORTIONS OF THE IRON PART- HEATING OF TRANSFORMERS RESULTS OF TESTS CIRCULATION OF COOLING MEDIUM -VALUES OF c HEAT CONDUCTIVITY PARALLEL AND AT RIGHT ANGLES TO THE SURFACE OF PLATES THEORY O.F HE A TING AND COOLING INTERMITTENT LOAD INFLUENCE OF LINEAR DIMENSIONS ON THE OUTPUT WEIGHT OF ACTIVE IRON Usual types. The designs commonly used belong all to the two great groups of shell and core transformers. The former are of the kind shown in Fig. 15^, where P and S are the primary and secondary coils somewhat oblong in shape and placed either within or upon each other, whilst the iron part consists of rectangular plates each with two openings in which the winding is embedded so that only the rounded ends of the coils remain exposed. In r , . f FIG. I5 Pj is the lost power which on continuous load pro- duces the temperature rise T\. P is the lost power corresponding to the reduced load when working intermittently. P is the lost power corresponding to the full load when working intermittently, and which will produce the same temperature as the lost power P x at continuous working. a is the period of full load, b is the period of reduced load, and t is the time constant, all these values being of course taken in the same time unit. The application of the foregoing theory will best be shown by an example. Let a 5o-kw. transformer have 800 watt iron loss and 300 watt copper loss in each circuit at full load, so that the total losses amount to 2 '8 per cent, of the normal full output. Let the time constant for heating be 10 hours and the final temperature rise (which would be reached in about 50 hours) be 60 C. Let the transformer be worked intermittently, the full load period a being 8 hours and the light load period b 16 hours daily. Let in one case only the secondary be switched off during the 16 hours, so that P = 800 watt, and let in the other case the primary be switched off so that P = o. What output may be taken from the transformer during the 8 hours' full load daily, if its maximum temperature rise is to remain at 60 C. ? We have = 11 e =4*93 66 TRANSFORMERS If the transformer remains magnetised during the idle period we have P = 1400(11-1) -8oo(4'93-i) =l78owatt 1 1 -4*93 and if it be switched off on the primary side during the idle period we have 1 400 ( 1 1 i ) P = ! - ' = 2 100 watt n-4'93 Since 800 watt is the constant iron loss in both cases we retain for copper loss 980 watt in the first and 1500 watt in the second case, which permits of an increase in output of i: V^ and i: V~--- respect- 800 800 ively. For working intermittently we may therefore load the transformer to 55 kw. if the carcase remains magnetised during the idle period ; 68 kw. if the primary is switched off during the idle period. The calculation given here by way of example can be simplified if the period of intermittence is very short as compared with the time constant. Then a + and become small fractions, and we may write The expression for P becomes P= P= as was to be expected, since INFLUENCE OF LINEAR DIMENSIONS 67 is the mean power which continuously applied will heat the transformer to the same maximum value P l as is actually reached once in every period under the applica- tion of a power, the magnitude of which alternates between P and P. Inflttence of linear dimensions on the oiitput. Since the output and other qualities of a transformer are influ- enced by a number of sometimes contradictory conditions, the best design must be a compromise arrived at by a tentative method of trial and error. This is a laborious process ; and having once obtained a good design for a particular type and size we may, when designing another transformer of the same type but different size, shorten the labour in its initial stages by the following general considerations as regards the influence of a change of linear dimensions on the output. Let us assume that we have the design of a trans- former which in actual work has proved satisfactory, and that we wish to get out the design for a transformer of larger size, the increase of linear dimensions being in the ratio i : m. In determining the output of a large transformer from that of the small or standard trans- former we may proceed on various assumptions as follows I. The large transformer is in every respect an enlarged copy of the standard transformer. The disposi- tion of the cooling surfaces and the method of applying the cooling medium remain the same. II. The induction and current density in the large transformer are the same as in the standard transformer. The cooling arrangements are improved. III. The induction and current density in the large transformer are greater than in the standard transformer. The cooling arrangements are very materially improved. The condition for all three cases is equal temperature rise. Case I. Taking for the carcase hysteresis and eddy currents loss together, we may assume this loss to be proportional to a power of B a little higher than i *6, say i '63. Let symbols without index refer to the standard transformer, and those with the index i to the larger trans- 68 TRANSFORMERS former. Then we have for similar form and the same cooling method S 1 = ; 2 S k = k, =-, P/ m where P' and P/ is wasted power. For the carcase P'= B 1 ' 63 , P/Es/^IV 63 T T ' 63 - and B 1 = Since the number of turns remain unaltered the E.M.Fs. are proportional to the fluxes B x i and B x x m 2 , which gives D . f) -i .on e l = e =^ l w, or e l = e/;r * The resistance of the windings is lower ; the length of wire is m times, its area - - times that of the standard m 2 transformer, giving "a ratio of resistance of i : For equal heating we have o "o rr i t r i -'^ = ~2' 01 * -- = ~^2 /!>! m - 2 ^ m i\ - m From which we find m This is under the supposition that in enlarging the wire of the standard transformer we have enlarged its insula- tion and the wasted space generally in the same ratio as the diameter of the wire. This is not necessary. The waste of space if the winding is for an E.M.F. not very much greater than in the standard transformer will be proportionately less, so that the cross-section of the wire may be increased in a ratio a little greater than i : m*. The result is that for equal heating the current may be increased in a ratio a little greater than i :m 1 ' 5 , say i : m 1 ' 61 . The output of the large transformer will then be INFLUENCE OF LINEAR DIMENSIONS 69 or proportional to the cube of the linear dimensions. The efficiency of the standard transformer is P which may, with very close approximation, be also written in the form P _ p' p' ~] C\C\ 20000. In this case n = - = roS*. The extra 8i 20000 per cent, of cooling surface may be obtained by splaying out the heads of the single coils a little more. The output of this transformer will be P = 10 x 2 5 = 320 kw. In this case the natural cooling surface had to be augmented by additional ducts, such as a slotted core, or the sub- division of the carcase into thin packets. If we had chosen m>2 so as to get more than thirty-two times the output, then these means would not have been sufficient, and we should have had to pro- vide further ducts both within the copper winding and the carcase. To provide the former, the coils may be separated by distance pieces forming a series of flat channels through which the heated oil rises. oooo oooooo o o oooo o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o oooo o o o oooooo oooo FIG. 38. Cooling channels in shell transformer. WEIGHT OF ACTIVE IRON 73 This, of course, increases the waste space so that the output will be a little less than in the ratio of i : tn*. The further ducts in the iron may be provided by splitting the carcase into still thinner packets so as to utilise a greater number of flat surfaces in addition to the edge surface. This method has, however, the disadvantage of lengthening the coils, and if the flat surfaces are horizontal some special provision must be made to force the oil through, as its greater buoyancy on being heated is in this case useless for circulation. With blast cooling there is, of course, no objection to horizontal ducts for the flat surfaces. These are, however, in any case not very efficient, and where the expenditure of a little extra iron is admissible it is better to do without " ducts on the flat," and substitute cylindrical channels on the edge near the outer circumfer- ence of the shell, as shown in Fig. 38. By this means the natural cooling surface is increased by about 70 per cent. It should be noticed that the additional iron in the shell necessary for the channels is magnetically nearly inactive, and does not sensibly alter the iron losses. Weight of active iron. For shell transformers with square cores the weight of the carcase is proportional to cPc, if by d we denote the width of the central core measured parallel to the plates and by c its depth measured at right angles to the plane of the plates. Taking these dimensions in dm. the weight in kg. is G = $6cPc for a type with windows dxo'jd to G = 460^ for a type with windows i'$dx d. For single-phase core transformers with square cores the weight of the carcase is given approximately by the formula kilogrammes = 93^ In three-phase core transformers the weight of the carcase varies from 150 to 2OO^ 3 kilogrammes, the width of the core d being given in dm. The output of small transformers working at the same frequency and without special cooling arrangements is very roughly proportional to the total core volume (yokes or shell not counted). For v 50 and pressures not exceeding 2000 volt we have, approximately 74 TRANSFORMERS power in kw. = where V is the volume of the core or cores in cub. dm. and 7 is a coefficient which varies between 0*7 in small (say 10 kw.) to i'2 in large (say up to 50 kw.) trans- formers. This rule can obviously only be considered as a rough guide. A more reliable, but also only an approximate, formula for the w 7 eight of the active iron in kilogrammes is .... (16) IOO Here P is the output on a non-inductive load in kw., v is the frequency, and c is a coefficient depending on the type and cooling method. The formula is intended for ordinary cases where the pressure is neither abnormally high nor abnormally low. As coming within this limitation we may consider any transformer in which the wire of the high-pressure coil has a cross-section of not less than 6 sq. mm., and that of the low-pressure coil not more than 200 sq. mm. The use of this formula should be restricted to sizes up to about 100 kw. For larger sizes the perfection of cooling arrangements and generally the skill of the designer have so much influence that this formula ceases to be applicable. With a temperature of the external air of 15 to 20 C., and when using ordinary transformer iron, the value of c in the above formula may be taken for a first approxima- tion for determining the weight of the carcase when getting out a new design for small and moderate-size transformers as follows Shell type, closed case, no oil . . 20 ,, ,, in oil, no worm . . .10 ,, ,, in perforated case, no blast . 15 ,, ,, in closed case, with blast 7 to 10 Core type, closed case, no oil . 15 ,, ,, in oil, no worm ... 8 ,, in perforated case, no blast . 10 in closed case, with blast 5 to 8 WEIGHT OF ACTIVE IRON 75 When using alloyed iron the values of this coefficient may be reduced by from 30 to 40 per cent. It must be borne in mind that the equation is not intended to give the final and actual value for the weight of the carcase, but merely a rough approximation, which is to serve as a guide or starting-point when getting out the design for a particular case. CHAPTER IV THE USE OF VECTORS COMBINATION OF CUR- RENTSCOMBINATION OF ELECTROMOTIVE FORCES SELF-INDUCTION AND CAPACITY- INFLUENCE OF HIGHER HARMONICS POWER OF AN ALTERNA TING CURRENT The ^lse of vectors. The working condition of any alternating current apparatus may be represented in either of two ways. One is by means of formulae giving the instantaneous values of current, pressure, power, etc., as a function of the time ; the other is by graphic repre- sentation. The analytical method is applicable whatever the precise nature of the functions may be that connect the current, E.M.F., flux, etc., with time ; the graphic method, on the other hand, is restricted to those cases where we may assume that the current or other magni- tude is a simple harmonic of the time. With few excep- tions this assumption is quite justified in practical cases, and as the graphic method is simpler and more trans- parent than the analytical, we shall in future employ it as far as possible. The method is based upon the conception of a vector, that is a straight line representing by its length the maximum value of the magnitude under consideration, and by its projection on a fixed axis the instantaneous value. The vector is supposed to rotate around a fixed or a shifting point with constant angular velocity. A displacement of the vector, parallel to itself, is therefore permissible. The speed of rotation is such that the vector sweeps through 360 in the time which elapses between two positive maxima of the function. Let A be the crest value of the magnitude under consideration, and count the time from the moment when the vector A 76 THE USE OF VECTORS 77 is at right angles to the fixed axis, then for an angular speed of 01, the instantaneous value after the time t will be a = A sin >/. /-> j- The periodic time is T = and the frequency is (0 (O 27T A familiar example of a periodic function is the movement of the piston of a steam-engine if we assume an infinitely long connecting rod. There the crank is the revolving vector (the centre of rotation happens in this case to be fixed, so that there is no dis- placement of the vector parallel to itself), and its projection on an axis parallel to the piston rod gives the excur- sion of the piston from its middle position. It also gives, if measured with a suitable scale, the acceleration, whilst the projection of the crank on an axis at right angles to the piston rod can, by the use of a suitable scale, be made to indicate the velocity of the piston. In Fig. 39, OA is the crank or vector, and at the moment represented in the diagram Oa is the excursion of the piston to the right of its middle position, Oa being, of course, measured with the same scale to which OA has been drawn. The speed of the piston at that moment is given by oa' t but this distance must be measured with a scale containing w divisions per unit of length. Oa also represents acceleration, but it must be measured with a scale containing > 2 divisions per unit of length. FlG. 39. Vector diagram. 78 TRANSFORMERS If we wish to get a graphic record of the movement of the piston, we can do so by attaching a pencil to the piston rod and letting it mark a line on a strip of paper which is drawn with uniform velocity in a direction at right angles to the piston rod. Since the crank revolves with uniform velocity, the pencil will mark a sine curve. To get the datum line for this curve representing the mid position of the piston we need only stop the crank when in the Y axis and let the strip of paper be drawn backward under the pencil which now is at rest. This datum line will bisect the sine curve previously drawn, and we can now distinguish between positive and nega- tive ordinates, which represent excursions of the piston to one side and the other of its middle position. Since both motions are uniform, the abscissae of the sine curve represent either time or angular displacement of the crank. The ordinates represent not only linear displace- ment of the piston, but to a suitable scale also the acceleration or the force which has to be applied by the crank pin to overcome the inertia of the moving mass of the piston and rods. If we wish to get a curve of velocity, we must rig up a parallel motion in the Y axis and connect its pencil with the crank by a second con- necting rod. We shall thus get a second sine curve connecting time and piston velocity, and if we lay the two curves upon each other, taking care to make the times correspond, we shall find that the crest value of the velocity occurs simultaneously with the zero value of the displacement or acceleration, and vice versa. The crank and heavy piston is a perfect mechanical analogy of the dynamics of an alternating current. The linear displacement of the piston represents quantity of electricity. The linear speed of the piston represents current strength. The force of acceleration represents electromotive force. The mass of the recip- rocating parts represents electromagnetic inertia. The angular speed expressed in revolutions per second repre- sents frequency. The mechanical model represented by Fig. 39 might be also used to represent the addition of alternating currents having the same frequency. Imagine the cylinder on one side of the piston filled with water COMBINATION OF CURRENTS 79 and in connection with a stand-pipe of the same diameter. Mark the water level in the stand-pipe when the crank is in the Y axis. This corresponds to the datum line in the sine curve representing displacement. As the crank revolves, the water will rise and fall in the stand-pipe, the extreme levels corresponding to the extreme positions of the piston. The speed of water in the pipe joining the cylinder with the stand-pipe will be proportional to Qa! in Fig. 39. Now let us add another cylinder of the same bore and another crank not necessarily of the same length, and let the corresponding ends of the cylinders be in free communication. Each piston will now push water to and fro, and the level in the stand-pipe as well as the speed in the communication pipe will be the resultant of the two actions. Let OB represent the second crank set at the angle /3 in relation to the first crank, then we find the level in the stand-pipe by adding the projection of OA to that of OB, that is to say, the resultant level is Qa + Qb. In the same way we find the resultant speed as the sum Qa! + O6'. A glance at the diagram shows that the first sum is nothing else than Or, the projection of OC on the X axis, and the second is nothing else than Or', the projection of OC on the Y axis, the point C being obtained by shifting one of the vectors parallel to itself to the end of the other vector. We can now replace the two cylinders and two cranks by one cylinder and one crank only, the length of the crank (for the original diameter of cylinder) being the vectorial sum of the two cranks, that is to say, a resultant vector which is obtained by shifting one of the vectors parallel to itself so as to join the other vector at its outer end. Combination of ciirrents. The application of the principle here explained by means of a mechanical analogy to the combination of currents is obvious. Let in Fig. 40 M 1 and M 2 be two alternators mechanically coupled so that they have the same frequency and a definite angular displacement between the currents pro- duced. These currents flow jointly through the resistance C. Each component current and the resultant current is indicated on the instruments shown. Since all currents follow the sine law, the readings on the amperemeters will 8o TRANSFORMERS be proportional to the crest values of the currents, so that the reasoning used in relation to Fig. 39 is applic- able also in this case. The problem is to predetermine the current which will flow through C if the current strength of the components and their angular displace- ment are known. Let in Fig. 41 I' and I" represent the maxima or crest values of the machine currents in their correct phase relation. At the moment to which the diagram refers, the alternator M a gives the current Oi' and the alternator M 2 the current Oz", so that the total current passing through C is O*' + (V. If we draw the parallelogram OI'li"O we see at a glance that the vertical distance between the AT, FIG. 40. Diagram of alternators coupled. FIG. 41. Clock diagram of coupled alternators. points I and I' is equal to the height of point I" over the horizontal. In other words, the distance Oz is equal to the sum of Oz" and Oi' ; so that Oi represents correctly the strength of the resultant current at the moment for which the clock diagram has been drawn. The length Oi is nothing else than the projection of OI upon the vertical, and since the above reasoning holds good for any position of the vectors, it is clear that the projection of OI will at all times give the instantaneous value of the resultant current. We may therefore imagine that the conductor C is traversed by a single current, the maximum value of which is graphically represented by the resultant of the two current vectors I' and I", and the phase of which lies between the phases of these two currents. If we further imagine all lengths in the diagram reduced in the ratio +/2 : i there will be no change in the angles, nor COMBINATION OF CURRENTS 81 in the ratios of vectors, but the resultant vector will then represent not the maximum, but the effective value of the resultant current. It will be clear that the above method of combining currents can be applied to more than two currents. We first find the resultant of two currents, then combine this resultant with the third current, and obtain a new resultant, and so on. It is not necessary in this operation to draw out the various parallelograms of currents ; all we need do is to add the currents graphically after the manner of the polygon of forces. The last line which closes the polygon represents in FIG. 42. Diagram of currents. FIG. 43. Two alternators mechanically coupled. magnitude and phase the resultant current. Let, in Fig. 42, the lines i to z' 4 represent four currents as regards phasal position, direction, and magnitude, then by drawing the polygon of five sides, of which four correspond to the current vectors, we obtain in the fifth side the vector of the resultant current as regards phase, direction, and magnitude. Combination of electromotive forces. Electromotive forces of the same frequency, but differing in phase and magnitude, may be combined in the same manner. Let, in Fig. 43, Mj and M 2 represent two alternators of the same type, and mechanically coupled together so as to ensure equal frequency. Let three voltmeters, O, I and II, be connected as shown then I will indicate the 6 82 TRANSFORMERS terminal pressure of M 1} II that of M 2 , and O will show the resultant pressure. The latter is not necessarily equal to the algebraic sum of the two other readings, but will as a rule be smaller. It depends on the magnitude of the component pressures and their phasal difference. After what has already been said with regard to the combination of currents, we need not explain the combination of electromotive forces at length. If the three voltmeter readings are available, we can use them to determine the difference of phase in the E.M.Fs. of the two machines, as will easily be understood from Fig. 44. Let Oe 1 be the voltage indicated on I, and draw round e l as centre a circle with radius equal to the voltage indicated by II. The resultant pressure must be a line joining O with some as yet unknown point on the circle. To find this point we need only describe a circle round O as centre with a radius equal to the reading on the voltmeter O. The two circles have two points of intersection, either of which may be the end of the vector of resultant Fir, ^--Determination of E.M.F. If the phase of M, is in phase. advance over that of M 2 , then the vector of M 2 will lie behind and therefore above that of M D the rotation of vectors being clock-wise. The resultant E.M.F. will then have the position shown in the diagram, and the angle of lag of e 2 is eOe 2 . Self -induction and capacity. If a circuit be of such shape that a current flowing through it produces a magnetic field, the flux of which is interlinked with the circuit, then any change in current strength will produce a corresponding change in the flux, and the latter will induce an E.M.F. in the circuit. This is called the E.M.F. of self-induction. By Lenz's law the direction of this self-induced E.M.F. must be such as to oppose the change of current. Let a current i flowing through a coil of n turns produce a flux < which is interlinked with all the n turns, then a change of flux by d$ in time SELF-INDUCTION AND CAPACITY 83 dt produces a self-induced E.M.F. which in C.G.S. units is given by = n dt The negative sign is used to denote that a growing flux and therefore a growing current produces an E.M.F. opposed to the current. Let the magnetic reluctance R be constant, so that flux and current are proportional, then or for an harmonic current with crest value I , _ n\sin/ The self-induced E.M.F. is a sine function, and its negative crest value occurs when wt = o, or an even multiple of TT, the positive crest values when >/ is an odd multiple of TT. Since the equation of the current is i=l sin >/ we see that for ^ = o, when the current is passing 84 TRANSFORMERS through zero to become positive, the E.M.F. has its greatest negative value, whilst for i I when a>t = - the E.M.F. is passing through zero to become positive. The phase of this E.M.F. lags therefore a quarter period behind the current, and since it must be com- pensated by an equal and opposite E.M.F. impressed on the coil, this must lead a quarter period in advance of the current. We write, therefore E = o,LI where E and I are crest values, or if we use effective values we have e = t*>Lz (17) e being the E.M.F. which must be impressed on the circuit in order to balance and overcome the self-induced E.M.F. Since L is a length and to an angular velocity, ft) L is a linear velocity and has therefore the same dimensions as an ohmic resistance. It is called reactance. If an alternating E.M.F. be applied to a condenser, a charging current will flow. Let C be the capacity in farads, then for E volt continuous pressure applied to the terminals, the charge in coulomb or ampere- seconds is Q = CE A change de in applied pressure taking place in the time dt produces a change dQ in the charge, and since dQ = idt de we have Cde = idt and i = C T dt Since e is a harmonic function with crest value E so that e = E sin cot and de = >E cos totdt we find z = Co)E cos wt e = E sin wt Since e is proportional to the sine and i to the cosine of the same angle, it follows that the vectors of these quantities are in quadrature, the current vector leading. The charging current attains its positive crest SELF-INDUCTION AND CAPACITY value for wt = o, or an even multiple of 2?r, and is given by- if the capacity C is counted in microfarad and the E.M.F. in volt. The effective value of the condenser current is * = o,C*io- (18) If a circuit contains inductance L and resistance R, the E.M.F. to be impressed in order to force the current i through it must have two components : one Rz in phase with the current and the other o>Le in advance of the current by 90. The vectorial sum of these two is, L WUWUUlrj [ooooooooooo_pooooo(T 1 " 4 SB, uuuu < 5 FIG. 45. Circuit containing resistance, inductance and capacity. therefore, the hypotenuse of a right-angle triangle with >Lz and R^ as cathets, and the angle of lag

L) 2 is called the impedance of the circuit. If two or more such circuits are fed from the 86 TRANSFORMERS same source of E.M.F. we can thus determine the position and magnitude of the current vector for each separately, and combine them, as already shown, to get the position and magnitude of the resultant current vector. Alternating current problems are best solved graphically. As an example we may take the circuit shown on the left side of Fig. 45. On the right side is the vector diagram. L and R being in series, we first determine tg

= 27rv we find the natural frequency of the crcut 1 60 C being given in Microfarad and L in Henry. Influence of higher harmonics. Up to the present we have assumed that current and E.M.F. follow a simple sine law. If, however, their curves contain upper harmonics, the E.M.F. of self-induction, as well as the charging current, will be somewhat altered. Since in one case e=\^, and in the other ^'=C^ the investigations can be carried on in the same way provided we put for i or e the expression a = AX sin (o>/) + A 3 sin (3oi/) + A 5 sin (5>^)+ . . . and determine the square root of mean squares. We then find that besides the square of these terms, products of two of them have to be integrated. The integral of these products taken between the limits of W = o and o>/ = 2?r is zero throughout, so that only the integrals of the squares of the single terms remain, and we thus find Ij being the crest value of the first harmonic, I 3 that of the third, and so on. In the same way we find 88 TRANSFORMERS Ei, E 8 , E 5 , etc., being the crest values of the different harmonics. Power of an alternating current. In order to investigate the working condition of a transformer we must be able to determine the power given to the primary and taken from the secondary terminals. It is therefore necessary that we should be able to find, either by direct measurement or in some other way, the power conveyed by an alternating current. We assume for the present that current and E.M.F. follow a sine law. This assumption is made for the sake of simplicity. It is not always correct, but we shall see later on that the methods of measuring power which are based on this assumption are also applicable in the general case where the current as well as the E.M.F. fol- low any law, pro- vided the frequency of both is the same. Let, in Fig. 46, the sine line I re- present the current as a function of the time, and the line E the E.M.F. impressed on any two points of the circuit, say, for instance, the primary terminals of a transformer. We count the time in the direction to the right. At the time o the current is negative (the ordinate of the current curve I being below the axis), and the E.M.F. is zero, At time t^ the current is zero and the E.M.F. has a certain positive value. The maximum E.M.F. occurs at time 4 and the maximum current a little later at time 4- At time / 4 the E.M.F. has decreased to zero, but the current is still positive, though rapidly decreasing. It reaches zero at time / 5 , when the E.M.F. has already a negative value. Since both curves follow the same law the horizontal distances between their maximum and zero values must all be the same, that is to say, the time interval between any two pairs of corresponding points is FIG. 46. Curves of E.M.F. and current. POWER OF AN ALTERNATING CURRENT 89 a constant. Thus 4 / 2 = 4 1 = t / 6 , etc. This time difference between corresponding values of the E.M.F. and current is called the lag or lead of current or E.M.F. respectively. In our example, where the E.M.F. passes its zero and maximum values before the current passes through the corresponding values, we have a lagging current as compared to the E.M.F., or a lead- ing E.M.F. as compared to the current. The condition under which this relation obtains is the existence, in addition to the impressed E.M.F., of a second E.M.F. which tends to oppose any and every change of current. As already explained in this chapter, this is our E.M.F. of self-induction, and is produced by the change in the magnetic flux due to the current. If, however, instead of this opposing E.M.F., there acts an E.M.F. in the inverse sense, then every change in current strength is thereby promoted, and the current attains its zero and maximum values sooner than the impressed E.M.F., or in other words, we have a current leading before the impressed E.M.F. Such a second E.M.F. tending to advance the current is produced by the insertion of a condenser into the circuit. The condenser takes the maximum positive charging current at the moment that the impressed E.M.F. on its terminals passes through zero in a positive sense. When the impressed E.M.F. has attained its positive maximum the condenser is fully charged, and the charging current is zero. When the impressed E.M.F. now begins to decrease, it is still positive, but the condenser begins already to discharge, producing a negative current, which becomes a maximum at the moment when the impressed E.M.F. passes through zero, and so on. We see thus that the condenser current leads over the impressed E.M.F. by a quarter period. In addition to the two cases here considered, a third case is possible in which no second E.M.F. either advancing or retarding the current is acting ; in this case (glow lamps fed from a transformer) the current will have the same phase as the impressed E.M.F., and its strength will be simply determined by Ohm's law. The periodic variation in current and E.M.F. may be conveniently represented by a clock diagram. Let, TRANSFORMERS in Fig. 47, the outermost circle be used to mark the time (somewhat in the fashion of a clock-dial), and let O/ be the hand of a clock revolving with constant angular speed. We count the time from the moment in which O^ stands horizontally to the left. Let in this moment the E.M.F. be zero. Describe a circle the radius of which represents to any convenient scale the maximum or crest value of the E.M.F., then the pro- jection of this radius on the vertical gives to the same scale the instantaneous value of the E.M.F. at the time to which the posi- tion of O/ corre- sponds. Thus at the time t the E. M. F. vector occupies the posi- tion OE, and the instantaneous value of the E.M.F. is OE,. We count the E.M.F. as posi- tive if E, is above, and negative if o E, is below the axis. The instantane- ous value of the current may be represented in a similar manner, but the current vector must be drawn with an angular lag

we denote the angular speed, the following equations obtain ) = 27T a = wl da = wdt da = 2 Since work is the product of power and time, we have for the work performed by the current in the time dt the expression = Vdt the curves E and I to FIG. 48. Curves of E.M.F., current and power. In Fig. 48 are drawn represent respect- ively E.M.F. and current. By multi- plying their ordin- ates we obtain the ordinates of a third curve marked P, which represents the instantaneous value of the power, whilst the area en- closed between P and the horizontal represents work. For ordinates above the horizontal, the power is positive, or given to the circuit ; for those below the horizontal it is negative, or taken from the circuit. To obtain the work given to the circuit during a complete cycle, we must measure the area of P between the ordinates for / = o and / = T. counting the small O shaded parts below the horizontal as negative. The work corresponding to a complete cycle is e = The instantaneous power varies, as will be seen from Fig. 48, between a small negative and a larger positive maximum. Let us now suppose that we substitute for this varying power the constant power of a continuous 92 TRANSFORMERS current, so that the work taken over the time T is the same in both cases, then the constant power (which in future we will call effective power) is the quotient of work and time, or in symbols p=l T Substituting for P, dt, and T the values given above, we obtain also ml ft 6TT P = / E I sin a sin (a ) sin /? . = /(sin J . . \dmoi cos m0 sm cos ;;za sin ma) m The integral of the second term in the bracket is zero, and that of the first term is 27T cos m$ ma 7 . / = TT cos m

R where R is the magnetic reluctance of the whole flux- circuit, that is, the sum of the magnetic reluctances of its individual parts. R = '-si 1 O'47T S fJ. //! i 4 i O rv & I i i _ ^ i_ \Si fa S 2 fa In this expression /j means the length of the magnetic path in cm. in that part of the magnetic circuit which has a cross-section of B! sq. cm. and permeability fa, and so on with the other members. In this formula it is assumed that the same flux passes through the different cross-sections S 1? S 2 , etc., and this assumption is justified in transformers which are generally so de- signed as to reduce the leakage flux to a very small fraction of the main flux. By inserting the expression for R into the formula for ampere-turns or exciting force X, and remembering 7 97 9 8 TRA NSFORMER S that the flux equals the product of induction B and cross-section S, we also have If the dimensions of a magnetic circuit be known, we can find the values of B 1} B 2 , etc., for any given value of the total flux <. The corresponding values of the permeability ja we can take from a magnetisation curve of the material used, and the values of / can be measured off on a drawing of the carcase. We have thus all the data required to find the relation of X and (f) or I and . In other words, we obtain < as a function of I or as a function of X. A curve which repre- sents this function is called the char-act eristic curve of the magnetic circuit. Its general shape is represented in Fig. 50. In order to facilitate the drawing of this curve, we may use magnetisation curves, which give the value o'8B FIG. 50. X that is, the ampere-turns required for i cm. of path and various values of the inductions. We then find If the magnetic path contains an air-gap of length S, in which the induction is B, then this requires o' ampere-turns, and the total exciting force is Energy stored in a magnetic circuit* Let in Fig. 50 the current grow from zero to its final value Ij, and the flux grow from zero to its final value fa. At a given moment the current is i and the flux fa If the current increases by di, the flux increases by tfy. If the increase ENERGY STORED IN A MAGNETIC CIRCUIT 99 takes place in time dt, the E.M.F. generated in the n turns of the magnetising coil is, in volt C := I't ' I O The energy d& given to the circuit is eidt, or But id$ is the area of the shaded rectangle, and it is therefore obvious that the total energy stored in the magnetic circuit carrying the flux ( b by reason of the exciting force \^n ampere-turns, is the area enclosed between the characteristic curve and the ^ line, multiplied with nio~ 8 . If the characteristic curve were drawn with ampere-turns instead of ampere as abscissa?, then the area multiplied with icr 8 would be the energy. It should be noted that the energy is independent of the number of turns in the exciting coil. Since we used volt and ampere, and e refers to the change of flux per second, the energy is given in watt-seconds or joule. The more exciting force is re- FIG. 51. quired to produce a given flux ^ the greater is the energy stored. If there were no air space through which the flux has to pass, the characteristic would for a moderate induction be very steep, and the area enclosed between it and the axis would be small. It follows from this that it is chiefly that part of the magnetic circuit which lies in air which forms the store of energy. For fairly low inductions, that is, values of B which lie below the knee of the magnetising curve and a long air space, the first term in the equation for \n is enormously greater than the other terms, so that we may neglect the latter and write I=o*8B8 The characteristic then becomes a straight line, Fig. 51, and ioo TRANSFORMERS . rx =tga. being the slope of the characteristic to the horizontal, and S the section of the air space. The energy is the shaded area multiplied by io~ 8 , or 2 if we take as a unit for the flux the megaline, and as a unit of exciting force 1000 ampere-turns, the energy is in joule . . . 10 x shaded area in km. . . .1*02 x shaded area From X = o-8BS and = io~ 8 we find- In this formula S is given in sq. cm. and in cm.; their product is the volume of magnetised air given in cub. cm. Let this volume be given in cub. dm. or litres, and call it V, then the energy in joules can be written e = 4 v(-B_y . (25) Viooo/ v ' The energy contained in one litre of magnetised air /By. i / B v stores therefore I ) joule, or ^- ^- ) metre kilo- gram, as shown in the following table Energy stored in one litre of air traversed by a magnetic flux with induction B. = O'S I 3 8 12 IS 2O 1000 Joule =i 4 36 256 476 900 1600 Metre kg. = 1*02 4^08 3-67 26 48 92 163 The property of the magnetic circuit to act as a store of energy is utilised in the construction of so-called choking coils, as will be explained at the end of this chapter. The hysteretic loop. It has already been stated that the change of induction taking place continuously in the carcase of a transformer involves a certain loss of energy and a corresponding generation of heat. The energy lost per cycle is the difference between that which has been THE HYSTERETIC LOOP \>;&i stored in one stage of the process and that which is returned in another stage of the process. If the material undergoing cyclic magnetisation is air, the whole of the energy stored in magnetisation is again recovered in demagnetisation ; but with iron this is not so. If we determine experimentally the magnetisation curve of any sample of iron whilst this is being carried through a complete cycle (methods for such tests are given in Chapter VIII), we find that the I/z-B curve follows one path for increasing values of I and another for decreasing values, the two curves forming a loop, the so-called hysteretic loop. This is represented in Fig. 52, where the magnetising force is plotted horizontally and the induction vertically. The sense in which the cycle is performed is shown by arrows. Since the energy representing the half cycle from - B to + B is proportional to the area en- closed between the right side of the loop and the B axis, and since the energy in the return FlG 52 half cycle from + B to -B is represented by the area between the left side of the loop and the same axis, the energy lost in one complete cycle is proportional to the area of the loop, and is given by the equation 6 = area x io~ 8 joule Since we take ordinates to represent B and not < as before, the loss refers to an element of the magnetic circuit i sq. cm. in cross-section. Let / be the length of this element, then the loss per cycle per cub. cm. will be found by dividing the above expression by /, or in mathematical language + E *X 102 TRANSFORMERS Now, _ 4^ = H, the magnetising force in C.G.S. units, so that we may also write -B /" = -^. /H^B -B = -. H^Bio- 7 joule . (26) -B In this latter form the hysteretic loss per cycle for i cub. cm. is generally given in text-books. No-load current of a transformer. Since the cyclic magnetisation is accompanied with certain losses, the idle or no-load current must have a component in phase with the induced voltage, a so-called watt component. It must also have a wattless component, that is, one lagging 90 behind the induced voltage, and consequently co- phasal with the flux. The idle current is very small in comparison to the full-load current, only a few per cent. of it, and as the ohmic drop with full-load current is only a few per cent, (sometimes less than i per cent.) of the working or impressed voltage, we may, in cal- culating the idle current, assume equality between induced and impressed voltage, and determine the two components of this current on the assumption that one is in phase and the other in quadrature with the impressed E.M.F. We shall also assume that the impressed E.M.F. and both components of the no-load current are sine functions of their respective crest values. As will be shown presently, this assumption is not strictly correct as regards the wattless component, but we make it never- theless in order to simplify the calculation. The error is not important. Let P 7j be the power wasted in the iron in hysteresis and eddy currents, and e the effective value of the NO-LOAD CURRENT OF A TRANSFORMER 103 E.M.F. ; then the effective value of the watt component for a single-phase transformer is P* The effective value of the wattless component is where B is the induction in the air-gaps of the butt-joints and & their combined length. The symbols .r and / under the summation sign have the meaning already explained, FIG. 53. Diagram of idle current and power. FIG. 54. Magnetic path in shell transformer. whilst n is the total number of turns traversed by the idle current. The effective value of the latter is The relation between these quantities is shown in ig. 53, which also shows in the shaded area the power wasted by the idle current. In a core transformer having the same cross-section in core and yoke / is the mean length of the lines of force taken round the rectangle of the carcase, and the sum- mation in the formula for ^ has only one term. If the yokes are of larger cross-section than the cores (they would obviously not be made smaller) then the summation has two terms, one for the two cores and the other for the two yokes. In a shell transformer / is taken round one window as shown in Fig. 54. Since the flux divides in the shell the cross-section of the latter may be half that of the core. It may also be greater, but not smaller. 104 TRA NS FORMERS To determine the idle current for a given impressed voltage e we first calculate the flux < from 4'44 100 n and then the various values of B = - Ampere turns per centimeter 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 2 3 6 6 7 ft ft 10 11 12 13 14 15 10 17 18 Ampere turns per centimeter FIG. 55. Characteristic of Transformer Plates. The length of air-gap at each butt-joint, if any, may be taken as at most mm., or 8= 0*025, and the values of :r corresponding to each value of B may be taken from the curves, Fig. 55. It will be seen that up to a certain value of the induction alloyed iron requires a little less exciting force than ordinary iron ; only if the induction SHAPE OF EXCITING CURRENT 105 is very large is this relation reversed. A very high induction is, however, hardly admissible, since, even if it be possible to keep the temperature down by some special cooling arrangements, the large magnetising current is as a general rule objectionable. In three-phase core transformers each limb serves one phase, and since one phase is magnetically and electrically always in series with one or two others, the value of / and & is only half what it would be in a single-phase transformer. Thus the wattless current of one phase must be calculated on the assumption that it has to propel the flux through its own core, two butt- joints, and about half the yokes. Shape of exciting current. A knowledge of the hysteretic loop, sheered over so as to include the influence of butt-joints if any, is necessary for the determination of the shape of the exciting or magnetising current and the resulting idle current. We assume, as before, a sine wave of E.M.F., and consequently also a sine or rather cosine wave of induction. To each value of B corre- spond two values of z' M , the one given by the ascending, the other by the descending branch of the loop. The graphic construction of the z^-time curve is then as shown in Fig. 56. The hysteretic loop on the left gives B as a function of i^ the sine curve on the right gives B as a function of the time. By combining the two it is easy to find the curve giving ^ as a function of the time. Thus a particular value of B, to which correspond the currents zi and z 2 , occurs at the times ^ and t^. Then plot o^ over / lf and oi 2 over t# giving z\ and i 2 as two points of the curve required. The whole curve ^ may be drawn in this way. The curve i h is simply a sine curve in quadrature with B. The idle current curve z' is the resultant of these two components. Choking coil. A coil having large inductance and small resistance, so that it will cause a lag of current of nearly 90 behind the E.M.F. impressed on its terminals, is called a choking coil. Such a coil might be obtained by altering a transformer so that it will take a large no- load current. The alteration would consist in enlarging the butt-joints and suppressing the secondary winding as io6 TRANSFORMERS superfluous. Since now the current is large, the ohmic loss is no longer negligible and the watt component of the current will be increased. If R is the resistance of the winding and the loss in iron is as before P //} we have CHOKING COIL 107 for calculating the wattless component we may neglect and simply write \/ n The lag being intended to be nearly 90 we must so design the coil that i h will be very small in comparison with i^ and then i will be very nearly equal to i^. We can therefore write o-SBS t = or i = n\/2 TOO if by P we denote the apparent power of the coil expressed not in watt but in volt-ampere. The true power taken by the coil is P =P A +R; 2 and its power factor is Pj cos = - ^ ei This is to be a minimum. It is obvious that maxi- mum lag and therefore minimum power factor will be reached with one particular value of i, which we find from the condition that d this gives P A = Rt* ..... (27) which means that greatest choking effect combined with a minimum waste of power will be obtained if the coil is so designed as to make the loss in iron equal to the ohmic loss. For purely constructive or commercial reasons it may sometimes be necessary to slightly depart from this rule. Thus, it might be desirable to use existing stampings for the carcase, or a particular gauge of wire in stock, etc. If, by accommodating the design to commercial requirements, the difference between the two losses does not exceed 10 or 15 per cent, of their 1 08 TRANSFORMERS sum, a departure to this extent from the rule of best proportions is admissible. The equation which connects current and induction in the air-gap may be written in the form if by I we denote the crest value of the current. Let similarly E be the crest value of the E.M.F., then we have the relation E = where > = ITTV. Since current and E.M.F. are in quadra- ture, their simultaneous values at any instant are i=\ sin a e = E cos a The instantaneous value of the power is- ei= El sin a cos a It is positive for all values of a between the limits o and , or arand ; it is negative for all values of a between the limits and TT, or TT and 2?r. We see thus that during one complete period the choking coil takes in energy twice and gives off energy twice. To find the amount of energy stored in a quarter period we determine = /E I sin a cos adt 7T /~2 da. S= /El sin a cos a- J CO i El i ei / Q x e=- - = >- .... (28) CO 2 CO 27TV If then frequency, choking volt and ampere to be passed are known, we can determine the energy to be CHOKING COIL 109 stored in the air-gap. Inserting the values for E and I we obtain 1"\ CV I ~ 2(0 C = o4r- or if we take for the volume *-4V(-5L\ \ i ooo/ the same expression which has already been found on page 100. Each litre of magnetised air is the carrier of the litre as unit B \ 2 As an example for the applica- tion of these formulae take the case of a choking coil which is required to let pass 10 ampere at a choking pressure of 100 volt when the frequency is 50. We have then = 314 and ei=* 1000. This gives 220 FIG. 57. Choking coil. 1000 . e = = 3-2 joule If we assume an induction in the air-gap of 5000, one litre of air will store 200 joule, so that we require a *"? * O total volume of air-gaps of - cub. dm., or 32 cub. cm., 100 which may conveniently be subdivided into four gaps, as shown in Fig. 57. The dimensions are figured in mm. We make the central core 5 cm. square, and the shell of double the cross-section of the core. The latter is 2 i 7 sq. cm. The total weight of iron is 1 2 kg., and with an induction of 11,600 in the core the total loss of power in the carcase is 14 watt, alloyed iron being used. The flux is 0*25 megalines, and this requires 180 turns of wire for 100 volts choking E.M.F. The winding space allows of the use of 3-mm. wire, to which corresponds a resistance of 0*14 ohm and an ohmic loss 110 TRANSFORMERS of 14 watt. The excitation required for the air-gaps is o'8 x 0*64 x 5000 = 2550 ampere-turns, or with 180 turns 1 4' i ampere crest value, corresponding to TO ampere effective value. The power factor is 14+ 14 1000 = 0-028 FIG. 58. Ventilated choking coil. so as to preserve the value of 8 correctly. to which corre- sponds an angle of lag < = 88 24' The coil shown in Fig. 57 being of small power, no special provision need be made for cooling. For large power coils it is, however, advisable to provide air chan- nels. Fig. 58 shows a design which I have found to take up a large apparent power per unit of weight, and yet keep fairly cool when in continuous use. It is advisable to put a hardwood lining into the gaps CHAPTER VI DESIGN OF A CORE TRANSFORMERBEST DISTRI- BUTION OF COPPER LOSSES AT DIFFERENT LOADS TIME CONSTANT FOR HEATING- WEIGHT AND COST OF ACTIVE MATERIAL- BEST DISTRIBUTION OF LOSSES TRANS- FORMERS FOR A SPECIAL SERVICE TRANS- FORMERS FOR POWER TRANSFORMERS FOR LIGHTING ANNUAL EFFICIENCY ECONOMIC IMPORTANCE OF SMALL LOSSES CONSTRUC- TIVE DETAILS Design of a core transformer. As an example of the practical application of the formulae developed in the preceding chapters we will now get out the design of a 2O-kw. transformer of the air-cooled core type, for a secondary pressure of 160 volt on open circuit at the usual frequency of 50. The primary pressure is 3120 volt, giving a transforming ratio of 19*5 to i. A trans- former of this pressure rnay be used to supply lighting current to 5o-volt metallic filament lamps which are arranged in three circuits and balanced by an autotrans- former, as will be explained in Chapter XII. The lamps being three in series, require 150 volt, so that 10 volt remain for covering ohmic losses in the transformer and lamp circuits. The coefficient c in formula (16) for the weight of iron is about 8, if we use alloyed iron. This gives 170 kg. To get the side, d, of the core we may use the formula G = 6o(^+ o*2) 3 = 1 70 This gives d= 1*22 dm., or if we chamfer the corners d= 1 2 '5 cm. We can now design the carcase and &> in I 12 TRANSFORMERS 410 8 determine its exact weight. The shape will be as shown in Fig. 59. To find approximately the cooling surface we assume for the present that the outside diameter of the coils will be 26 cm. and the inside diameter 15*6 cm. Of the inside surface only about one-half can be considered as available for cooling, whilst the whole of the outside surface is of course effective. The total cooling surface of the coils is 8800 sq. cm. The edgeways cooling surface of the carcase is 2720, and to this has to be added about 80 sq. cm. for the flat surfaces, so that the total cooling surface is 2800 sq. cm. The area of the core, allowing for the chamfered edges, is 1 30, that of the yoke, which is perfectly square, is 136. Allow- ing an induction of 7900 in the core (7550 in the yoke) we find with alloyed iron a loss of 190 watt. This is permissible, since it gives r> d r> P v = o, or -, - P v = o agi dqi Selecting the first, we have ii6 TRANSFORMERS Since q^ = -- j- , we have also 4 d /K/i .g - K/ 2 -y- I- -- I? + 7 -- / ^i \ f i (^-A from which we find the .condition for minimum total copper heat. It is equal current density in both circuits. But since the mean perimeter is the same in both circuits, and the number of turns is inversely as the current, the volume of copper is the same in both circuits. The loss being proportional to current density and volume, we find that also in this case,, the same as in the case of concentric winding, the total loss is a minimum for equal copper heat in primary and secondary. In the example under consideration, we have chosen cylindrical coils, and have assumed as a first approxima- tion that the available winding space will be divided in the proportion of 40 per cent, for the inner (secondary) cylinder and 60 per cent, for the outer (primary) cylinder. We must now investigate whether this division is in conformity with the law just passed. The flux is 1 30 x 7900 = i *O2 7 . i o 6 . To get 1 60 volt on open circuit on the secondary we require 70 turns ;^ 2 = 70 %=i365 If for these figures and the original assumption of 40 and 60 per cent, winding space we determine the size of wire and the losses, we shall find that the loss in the primary is greater than that in the secondary. The 40 : 60 division is, therefore, not correct. By a method of trial and error, which need not be repeated here, we find ultimately that the division in the ratio of 37:63 gives equality of losses. We thus find Best radial depth of inner cylinder . 14 mm. outer ,, . 24 ,, BEST DISTRIBUTION OF COPPER iij We may now draw the coils, and determine from the drawing the exact mean perimeter of each. This gives ^2 = 0*575 m. 77-1-0755 m. The cross-section of wire may now be determined. For fixing the length of the coils we have to consider the height of the window in the iron frame (in our case 45 cm.), and leave sufficient space for clearance "and 'the end flanges of the cylinders. The total space required for these purposes is about 3^ cm., leaving 41-5 cm. net length of coil. Each secondary coil must contain 35 turns of wire. If these were arranged in a single layer, the wire would have to be wound on edge. Although this presents no difficulty with naked wire which is after- wards insulated by paper insertion, it is not so easy with cotton-covered wire, and in this case it would be better to wind the wire on the flat and make two layers, one with 1 8 and the other with 17 turns. Since the space of one turn is lost in crossing over from the lower to the upper layer, we must arrange the width of the wire to be not xVth, but T Vth of the net winding space. This gives 415/19 = 21*8 mm. The thickness of the wire is already determined by the depth of winding, which we found must be 14 mm. Allowing 0*5 mm. for the thickness of covering (or i mm. in all), we find that the section of the wire will be 6 x 20*8 mm. Since it is, however, scarcely possible to lay on succeeding turns with mathe- matical accuracy, it will be advisable to take the width a little less, say 20 mm., so that the actual cross-section of the wire becomes 6 x 20 = 120 sq. mm. The length of winding is 70 x 0*575 40*5 m., and if we allow 0*5 m. for connections, we can take 4T m. as the basis oil which to calculate the resistance of the secondary winding. The formula for the resistance, taking rise of temperature into account, is D 0*02/2 R --^- /, being the length in metre and q the cross-section in square millimetre. We thus obtain R 2 = 0*00682 1 1 8 TRA NSFORMER S A similar calculation made for the primary winding shows that we have to use round wire of 3*1 mm. diameter (covered to 3*67 mm.) in six layers of 122 turns, and one layer of ten turns on one and eleven turns on the other limb. The length of wire is /! = 1030 m. and its resistance warm is R! = 2-8 Losses at different loads. We have now all the data required for calculating the losses at different loads. They are given in the following table Output in kw. . . .10 12 15 20 25 Secondary current, ampere 63 76 96 128 161 Primary current, ampere . 3*4 3*9 5 6*6 8*4 Total loss in copper, watt 59 Si 133 224 374 Loss in iron, watt . . 190 190 190 190 190 Total losses, watt . . 249 271 323 414 564 Efficiency, per cent. . . 97*6 97*8 977 98 97*8 Specific cooling surface of ) ^ r .1 s \ 149 IOQ 66 36 23 coils, sq. cm. J Temperature rise of coils) if air cooled, deg. C. } 15 24 45 /o The specific cooling surface of the carcase is 147, to which corresponds a temperature of 44 C. Time constant for heating. The time constant is found from- CT P where P is the lost power, in our case for a load of 20 kw., 190+224 = 414 watt, and C the number of watt-seconds required to raise the temperature of iron and copper by i C. if radiation be neglected. We have 178 kg. of iron and 112 kg. of copper; hence C 4200 (178 x o'n + 112 x 0*093) = J 26000 /= 126000 _._45 = T 3600 seconds 414 t = hours WEIGHT AND COST OF ACTIVE MATERIAL 119 For the copper only the time constant is 2*4 hours. If this transformer be required to work only four hours every evening, the loss in the copper may be increased, as shown on page 65, to 2-4 _ P =224-5- e - i P = 224 X I '21 The output may therefore be 20^1*21 = 22 kw. with- out exceeding the temperature rise of 45 C. Weight and cost of active material, In designing this transformer we have used stampings of alloyed iron. Had we used ordinary transformer sheets we should, in order to remain within the same temperature limit, have been obliged to reduce the induction to B = 5600, thus reducing the secondary terminal pressure to about 1 10 volt, and the output to 14 kw. Alloyed iron costs about twice as much as ordinary transformer sheet, or, say, i6d. against &d. per kg. Copper may be taken on an average at is. 9^. per kg. The weight of active material and its cost is as under Quality of iron. Ordinary. Alloyed. Shillings. Shillings. Weight of carcase . 178 kg. cost . 120 240 Weight of coils . 112 ,., ,, . 196 196 290 316 436 Output, kw. . . . . 14 20 Cost per kw. output . . . . 227 217 It will be seen from this table that it pays to use the more expensive iron. Best distribution of losses. In designing this trans- former we paid no heed to the question whether the losses between iron and copper are correctly distributed. We designed mainly with a view to moderate and equal temperature rise in both parts, and it so happens that the loss in iron is not very different from that in copper. Theoretical conditions demand that they should be equal, or nearly equal. The latter is the case in the transformer 120 TRANSFORMERS under consideration. The proof of the rule for minimum loss is as follows. Let a given transformer working on a constant pressure circuit be loaded to different degrees corresponding to various values of the primary current i. Since primary and secondary current are at all loads very nearly proportional, the total loss in the windings will be correctly represented by Ri 2 , whilst the loss in the iron is a constant quantity C. The efficiency is ei cos

-. = o. or di (ei cos - 1 - j> j L 18 21 33 17 21 36 19 22 31 21 33 44 20 35 50 20 28 36 It will be seen that for cheap power current the choice lies between G and P, whilst for the more expen- sive lighting current L is the best type. The differences in annual working charges are not very great. This is due to the use of alloyed iron ; had we used ordinary transformer sheet in these designs the annual charges and their differences would have come out larger. Economic importance of small losses. Station engineers generally reckon the cost of lost energy not at the selling- price of the current, as we have done here, but at the so- called engine-room cost, which is, of course, much lower. In this connection it is interesting to notice that even if lost energy be only reckoned at engine-room figures (say about id. per kw.-h.), a transformer with large iron loss ECONOMIC IMPORTANCE OF SMALL LOSSES 129 FIG. 61. 20 kw. transformer. Scale I :6. 1 30 TRANSFORMERS is a heavy charge on the working expenses. Most of the transformers now in use for lighting and general purposes have been made some years ago, and may be assumed to have from 2 to 3 per cent, iron loss. This means that each kw. of transformer installed uses up 250 kw.-h. in iron heat annually, whereas a modern transformer made with alloyed iron would only use up about 80 kw.-h. By replacing the old with modern transformers a saving of 170 kw.-h., or 145-. worth of current per kw. installed, would annually be made. Against this must be set the annual charge of, say, 10 per cent, on the capital outlay, which on an average may be taken at 2 per kw. Of the 14^. saved 4^. must therefore be set aside for the annual charge, leaving a clear saving of icxr. per annum, so that after four years the cost of the new transformers could be completely written off. Constructive details. After this digression into what may be termed the financial side of transformer design, we return to the particular 2O-kw. transformer for general purposes dealt with in the beginning of this chapter. The core with the coils in place is shown in Fig. 61. This transformer is put into a perforated sheet-metal case, and is therefore air cooled by natural draught. It can with such a covering only be used indoors, and then only in dry places. For use in damp places and out of doors a perforated covering is of course inadmissible. We must put the transformer into a tight case of cast- iron. As this would greatly diminish the effectiveness of the enclosed air as a cooling medium, we use oil as the internal cooling medium, and provide the case with ribs to increase the cooling effect of the external air. See Figs. 62, 63 and 64. In building up the carcase, the plates for the core and yoke are cut to size and punched for the bolt-holes, then laid together with an insertion of very thin paper. Some makers use varnish instead of paper, but this is not so reliable an insulation. Plates are now on the market which have one side covered with a very thin insulating film. These may be used without paper insertion. In building up, the lower yoke and the two cores are first CONSTRUCTIVE DETAILS 132 TRANSFORMERS made up, the coils are then inserted, and lastly the plates of the top yoke are put in. The coils are wound on paper cylinders, which at their lower ends are provided with flanges to prevent the coils slipping. In winding the coils it is advisable to wrap each layer with a sheet of thin paraffined calico, which is doubled back at the ends so as to give additional insulation between adjacent layers. The thickness of the cotton covering on the wire depends on its diameter (or equivalent diameter if rect- angular wire be used), the voltage, and the quality of the FIG. 64. Plan of 20 kw. transformer. cotton and number of coverings. There must at least be two coverings, though treble covering with very fine cotton is still better. For very stout wires braiding is advisable. The thickness of the covering in millimetres should not be less than S = o'i3+o'o6^ (30) when d is the diameter (or equivalent diameter) of the naked wire in millimetres. The diameter of the covered wire is then CONSTRUCTIVE DETAILS 133 Wire of large rectangular section may also be wound naked, suitable strips of fibre or other insulating material being wound in, or afterwards inserted. The resistance of the coil must be calculated with reference to its temperature ; as a first approximation, based on a temperature of 75 C, the following formula may be used r> CTO2/ i R = .. _ ohm where / is the length of wire in metres and q its area in square millimetres. To promote dissipation of heat, the casing may, as already mentioned, be provided with external ribs or gills. Small internal ribs are also provided to hold the trans- former securely. The main cover is fitted with a small auxiliary cover to give access to the terminals without the necessity of breaking the joint of the main cover. The leading-in wires may be taken through stuffing- boxes, as shown in Fig. 63, or they may be passed through bushed holes which are afterwards cast out with insulating compound. The latter arrangement is generally adopted in large transformers. When the pressure is very high the bushes take the form of long glass or porcelain tubes. CHAPTER VII DESIGN OF A SHELL TRANSFORMER FILL FACTOR WINDING EFFICIENCY, WEIGHT AND COST ENLARGING A DESIGN Design of a shell transformer. As an example of how to design a small air-cooled shell transformer we take a 7 kw. transformer to give at v = 50 with 2000 volt on the primary terminals 64 ampere at no volt on the secondary terminals, or allowing for a moderate drop, 113 to 114 volt on open circuit. If we make the height of the windows equal to the thickness d of the core and their width 70 per cent, of the height, the total weight of iron in kg. is for a depth of core c G = d and c being given in dm. Using alloyed iron, the formula giving the approximate weight is G=io- -?- .... (16) A/ V T r^r* 100 This gives for P = 7, G-8okg. and (Pc = 2'22. For a core 15 cm. deep, the thickness would be 12*1 cm., or say in round numbers 12 cm. Its area is 156 sq. cm. Fig. 65 is a sketch of the carcase, the dimensions being mm. The next point to be determined is __i the induction permis- sible with regard to o ?-600 O ''' x <^60-* t "4-84 > _._120--i > *--* l* i i - 408 * - O . 65. FILL FACTOR 135 temperature rise. In a small transformer the windows have to be closely packed with wire and cannot contribute to the cooling surface. The flat surface of the plates is nearly worthless for cooling, so that we can only reckon on the outer edge surface. This is 1670 sq. cm. Allowing a temperature rise of 55 C. we get a specific cooling surface of corresponding to the frequency, so that ft) = 2TTV From the definition it follows that a vector may be displaced parallel to itself without ceasing to represent the quantity correctly. Strictly considered, the length of the vector should represent the crest value of the magnitude ; its projection on the base line will then represent the instantaneous value, and this will be positive or negative accordingly as the projection lies to one side or the other of that point on the base line which corresponds to zero value. Sometimes it is convenient to let the vector represent not the crest value, but the effective value of the quantity. This is permissible since the o ratio between crest and effective 2 value is a constant for all quan- FlG> 6 8. -Conception of vectors. tities, namely ^/ 2 > an d passing from one to the other only means an alteration of the scale in this ratio. Vectors which represent different magnitudes having the same phase must be drawn parallel to each other, and if drawn from the same origin will lie upon each other. Thus in Fig. 68 OI, ON, OX represent respectively current, flux, and exciting force. They are co-phasal, and for this reason drawn as parallel lines. They may be drawn from the same origin so that all lie along OA. The length of each will depend on the magnitude of the quantity and the scale chosen to represent it. If we select, for instance, the scale so that i mm. shall represent i ampere, or i megaline or i ampere-turn, then the number OX of turns n will be represented by the ratio -=-=-> and the OX magnetic resistance R by the ratio -r- By altering the scales for current and flux in these ratios it is obvious that O A ~ OX may be made to represent not only ampere- 144 TRANSFORMERS turns, but also current and flux. In order that OA may represent current we shall use a scale, the divisions of which are not i mm. but n mm. apart, and for the flux we must use a scale, the divisions of which are R mm. apart. The value of R is found from the following consideration. The well-known law of the magnetic circuit is TT _ where H is the magnetic force, and / the length of path. Let A be the area, B the induction, and p the perme ability, then we have for the flux in megalines N= " ! -X o-8/i o 6 ~R p. A or for a magnetic circuit composed of different materials, p. A In a transformer the magnetic circuit consists of iron, and if there are butt joints air. For air /A is constant, namely i, but for iron it varies with the induction. As, how- ever, transformers are mostly worked at a fixed pressure, and therefore at a constant induction, R will also be a constant, and we are therefore justified in using the same vector for flux and exciting force, provided we alter the PIG. 69. E.M.F. , & 1-1 ir v u and current vector, scale accordingly. If X be given not as a crest value, but as an effective value, we have Let, in Fig. 69, OE represent the crest value of the E.M.F. impressed on a circuit, for instance on the primary terminals of a transformer, and OI the crest value of the APPLICATION TO A TRANSFORMER 145 current. The phase difference is $, and if the vectors rotate as shown by the arrow, the current lags and

2 > the difference being in the present case very marked, because for the sake of greater clearness we have exaggerated all losses and assumed too large an exciting force. If the vectors represent effective values, the following relations obtain : o Power supplied equals . . . e^ cos

2 . This is given by the vector O^. One component must be equal and opposite O^, and one component must be provided to overcome the ohmic resistance. Let the vector of the latter be Oa. By adding these three components graphically we obtain the point e kl . Oe kl is the vector of the E M.F. supplied to the primary terminals. A glance at the dia- gram shows that e kl is greater than e k ^ the difference being the more marked the greater are the ohmic resist- ances and the E.M.F.s of self-induction in the two windings. In both respects the diagram Fig. 78 has been exaggerated, so that the influence of each part may be more clearly seen. It is interesting to investigate the case of a transformer the secondary terminals of which are short-circuited by a stout copper wire and amperemeter, thereby making ^ 2 = o. We assume the primary E.M.F. to be so adjusted that this amperemeter shows the normal second- ary current corresponding to full load under normal working conditions. The diagram then assumes the DIAGRAM OF A TRANSFORMER 155 form shown in Fig. 78. The lettering is the same as in FiV. 77. It will be seen from this diagram that although o * o o no pressure is obtained at the secondary terminals, a pressure equal to e kl must be supplied to the primary terminals in order that the current z* 2 may flow through the short circuit. If, as is always the case in modern transformers of good design, the resistance of the windings is very small, and the no-load current t is only a very small fraction of /!, then z' 2 and i will lie very nearly in a straight line, and e l and 2 will lie very nearly in a straight line. With a symmetrical arrangement between the two windings (and the assump- tion that the number of turns is the same in both) we have e^ e^ and The E.M.F. necessary to overcome self-induction and ohmic resistance can thus be found by a very simple experiment. We short-circuit the secondary terminals by means of an amperemeter (having itself as little induction as pos- sible), and supply the FIG. 78. Vector diagram for short- circuited secondary. primary terminals with current of normal frequency and such E.M.F, that the normal secondary current is indicated on the amperemeter. One-half the E.M.F. supplied to the primary equals the E.M.F. required for the primary winding. The E.M.F. required for the secondary winding is equal to this value divided by the transforming ratio. Take as an example the case of a 10 kw. transformer wound for a ratio of 2000 volt to 100 volt. In testing this transformer, as above explained, it is found that 100 volt must be supplied on the primary at v=5o in order that 100 ampere may be driven through the short-circuit. We have then e l = 50 and e^ = 2*5. The E.M.F. has two components. One is a wattless 156 TRANSFORMERS component at right angles to the current, and is due to self-induction, and the other is in phase with the current, and is due to resistance. There may be another watt component due to eddy current losses in the copper or other metal parts including the carcase. Such eddy currents may be produced by the leakage field passing laterally through the wires, plates, or other metal parts. Not to complicate the investigation, we neglect the (in any case small) influence of such eddies for the present. We also assume for the present that on short-circuit the currents are inversely proportional to the respective numbers of turns. The watt component of impressed primary E.M.F. is then simply the product of current and resistance taken for both windings. As we measure the pressure in the primary circuit and the current in the secondary, R 2 z' 2 has to be reduced to the primary. We have therefore the watt component of the impressed E.M.F. n l , -D n l ! - 2 + R 2 - n, n 2 Since the wattless component must be at right angles to e r , and since both together give the total impressed E.M.F. e , we find the wattless component e^ that is, the E.M.F. of self-induction e^ may be divided into two parts inversely proportional to the numbers of turns, so that we get the E.M.F. of self-induction separately for each winding. Voltage drop. If by making the experiment above described we have found how much E.M.F. is produced by magnetic leakage in each coil, we can use this informa- tion to determine the voltage drop at various loads. In this determination it is convenient and permissible to assume exact opposition in the phases of primary and secondary current. Modern transformers with closed magnetic circuit require so little magnetising current, that even at load this assumption is very nearly true. Let, in Fig. 79, A represent the pressure at the secondary terminals, AB the ohmic loss of pressure, BC = , 2 the VOLTAGE DROP 157 E.M.F. due to self-induction; and therefore OC = 2 the E.M.F. induced in the secondary. Let the transforming ratio be reduced to unity, then OC = e l is also the E.M.F. induced in the primary, and with symmetrical windings CD = BC the E.M.F. of self-induction in the primary, so that e sl = e s2 . The ohmic voltage loss in the primary is DE = AB if the losses are equally divided between the two windings as required by a good design. The line joining A, C and E is therefore a straight line, and its inclination to the vector of secondary terminal pressure is the same for all loads. At a smaller load, for instance, producing the ohmic loss A'B the terminal pressure would be OA' in the secondary and OE' in the primary. FIG. 80. FIG. 79. The ratio of the length of the lines AE and A'E' is the same as that of the lines AB and A'B, and the length of the line AE is directly proportional to the current. Let us now assume that we are able to vary the primary E.M.F. in any way which may be required to keep the pressure at the secondary terminals constant for all loads. We draw the line AE (Fig. 80) for full current, and make an ampere scale which corresponds with this length, then we can, by using this scale, mark off on the line AE the points E', E", etc., corresponding to other currents, and thus find the primary E.M.F. vector OE', OE", etc., corresponding to these currents. It is thus possible to determine the primary E.M.F. as i 5 8 TRANSFORMERS a function of the load, if the secondary terminal pressure is to be a constant. This is however not the case generally met with in practice. As a rule the E.M.F. in the primary or supply-circuit is constant, and it is required to find the secondary terminal pressure at various currents. This problem can also be solved graphically in a very simple manner. Graphic determination of drop. It has already been shown that in all the triangles OAE, OA'E', etc., the obtuse angle at A, A', etc., is the same. The longest side of the triangle represents the E.M.F. impressed on the primary, and the shortest side the current in the secondary. We may now imagine all the triangles in Fig. 80 so enlarged or reduced that all the points E lie on a circle de- scribed round O as centre, with a radius equal to the impressed E.M.F. Let OE in Fig. 81 represent this E.M.F. at full load (current represented to a suitable scale by the lengths AE) and E', E" the positions of E for smaller loads, then the length OA, OA', OA", etc., gives the corresponding pressures at the secondary terminals. As a matter of convenience we may also plot the secondary current on a horizontal o\ to a suitable scale, and find the points E by projection from the points I, as shown by dotted lines. Let us now apply this method to our previous example of a 10 kw. transformer. We have assumed that 100 volt must be impressed on the primary in order to produce 100 ampere in the short-circuited secondary ; that is, 5 per cent, of the normal primary voltage. Let us further assume that the watt component as calculated from resistance measurements has been found to be 2 per cent. The wattless component is therefore 2 2 = 4'58 percent. FIG. 81. VOLTAGE DROP 159 The slope of the line AE in Fig. 80 is 2 in 4*58, and its length is 5, whilst the length OA is 100. The angle at O is therefore very acute, and the difference between OA and OE, that is, the drop at full current and a non-inductive load, is 2 per cent. At half-load it would be i per cent., and so on. If the transformer had con- siderably more leakage, say 20 per cent, instead of 4*58 per cent, then the drop, even at non-inductive load, would be appreciably greater than that given by ohmic resist- ance. In such a case the construction shown in Fig. 81 may be applied. The ampere-load would be plotted on the horizontal o\ by using a scale on which ol represents 100 ampere, and by projecting the corresponding points, first to the circle and then to the vertical parallel to EA, we find the terminal volt OA', OA", etc. This con- struction, carried out for various loads, gives the following results, the impressed E.M.F. being constant, namely, 2076 volt. Ampere in secondary o 25 50 75 100 200 Terminal pressure 103*8 103-2 102-35 101*3 100 92 The drop between no load and full load is thus 3*8 volt. The drop between full load and 100 per cent, over load (which the transformer is perfectly able to stand for a short time) is 8 volt more, or a total between no load and double the normal full load of 1 1 *8 volt. This drop is of course too great for practical purposes. It is due to the large inductance we have assumed, merely in order to explain the graphic method. Up to the present we have assumed that the load is non-inductive. It remains yet to extend the investigation to cases in which the secondary circuit has also self- induction, or capacity, or both. Self-induction is intro- duced, if the secondary current is used for feeding motors or arc lamps, in which cases there is developed an E.M.F. at right angles to the current. The pressure at the secondary terminals must therefore have a component equal and opposite to this E.M.F. of self-induction, and this component must be in advance over the current by 90. Let in Fig. 82 OA represent the secondary current, OB the power component of the secondary pressure, and i6o TRANSFORMERS J. FIG. 82. OC the counter E.M.F. produced by self-induction. The secondary pressure is then represented by the vector OD, which advances over the current by the angle changes E takes different positions on the circle of primary E.M.F., and the locus of B must therefore also be a circle of the TRANSFORMERS same radius, the centre of which has relatively to O the same displacement as B has to E. Let in Fig. 92 the vertical represent the current vector, OS the E.M.F. of self-induction at full current, and So the ohmic loss at full current in both windings ; then O0 is equal and parallel with EB of Fig. 85, and o is the centre of the second circle just mentioned. For a positive phase difference (current lagging behind E.M.F.) the secondary terminal pressure OB is smaller than OE, its value at no load. For a negative phase difference ^ (current leading before the E.M.F.) the secondary terminal pressure OB X is greater than its value at no load. With a certain negative phase difference

. The corresponding position of the vector of E.M.F. is OE, and the terminal pressure which we scale off on OE is 187 volt. In a similar manner we determine the terminal pressure for all other values of cos (p. The result is given in the following table. 60 kw.-transformer 3000 : 200 volt on open circuit. Pressure at secondary terminals with 300 ampere in FIG. 93. secondary and power factors varying from TOO to 50 per cent. Power factor in per cent. 100 99 90 80 70 60 50 With leading current . 197 200 205 207 210 212 213 With lagging current . 197 195 190 188 187 186 185 If used on a glow-lamp circuit this transformer would at full load have a drop of only ij per cent. ; if used on a circuit containing arc lamps or motors the power factor of which is about 070 to o'So, the drop would be approximately 6 per cent. The diagram, Fig. 93, leads to some interesting deduc- tions. In the majority of cases the circuit has, not capacity, but inductance, and the following remarks apply to these cases, that is to say, to the left-hand side of the GRAPHIC DETERMINATION OF DROP 173 diagram. If we could build a transformer which has absolutely no magnetic leakage, then OS would be zero, and o would lie vertically above O. The inner circle would then approach the outer circle more closely as we go to the left. In other words, the drop would be greatest for an inductionless, and smaller for an inductive, resistance. This case is, however, unattainable in practice, for we can never reduce magnetic leakage to zero. The inductance produced by magnetic leakage can, however, with a careful design, be made very small, especially for low periodicities. Imagine that we have reduced the inductance so far as to be equal to the resistance, then OS = So, and Oo includes with OA an angle of 45. The distance between the two circles would then be approximately the same for all values of q>. We should thus obtain a transformer which has approximately the same drop for all values of the power factor. As a rule, the reactance is, however, greater than the resistance, and the two circles diverge towards the left. As a consequence the drop increases as the power factor decreases. If the same transformer is used for a high and low frequency, the pressure at the secondary ter- minals will at full current be lower in the former case. The E.M.F. of self-induction is for both windings, OS = 2 X that is to say, OS is proportional to v. The higher the frequency, the greater is the divergence between the two circles. It must also be borne in mind that the power factor of the apparatus to which the transformer supplies current (motors or arc-lamps) is lower at the higher frequency, and in consequence the vector of E.M.F. in our diagram is shifted the more to the left the higher the frequency. Both causes conspire to increase the drop. If then the transformer is intended to feed, not only glow-lamps, but also motors and arc-lamps, the frequency should be chosen as small as compatible with the proper working of alternating current arcs (45 to 50 complete cycles per second). This frequency is also advisable on account of certain reasons connected with the design of non-synchronous motors. 174 TRANSFORMERS Drop diagram simplified. The 60 kw. transformer here chosen as an example has an inductive drop of over 8 per cent. This is rather more than usual in a good design, but it was necessary to assume -so large a drop in order to make the diagram, Fig. 93, distinctive. In well- designed large transformers the inductive drop is generally under 4 per cent., and then the graphic construction, Fig. 93, must be made on a very large-scale to get accurate results. Even then the elasticity of the compasses with which we draw the circles is a source of error. To obtain the drop we can modify the construction so as to make the drawing of the circles superfluous. If the sides of the tri- angle OS0 are very small as compared with OE, then a line drawn from o to E will be very nearly parallel to OE, and the drop will be very nearly equal to the piece cut off on 0E by a perpendicular dropped from O on to it. The triangle OS0 may then be drawn to any convenient scale, and the drop found as shown in Fi g- 94- O . . . . (31) Correction for eddy current losses. There remains still a slight correction to be made. On p. 156 it was FIG. 94 . CORRECTION FOR EDDY CURRENT LOSSES 175 mentioned that the watt component of the primary impressed E.M.F. may not only be due to ohmic resist- ance, but also to certain losses caused by eddy currents. In consequence e r will be slightly greater than calculated from the ohmic resistance. To find the true value of e r we must use a wattmeter in the primary circuit, and divide its indication by the secondary current. The correction is small, and if a wattmeter is not available we can approximate it by measuring, not only the secondary current z' 2 , but also the primary current z lt and calculating e r from CHAPTER IX CALCULATION OF INDUCTIVE DROP THE IN- FLUENCE OF FREQUENCY ON DROP THE INFLUENCE OF FREQUENCY ON OUTPUT- EQUIVALENT COILS THE SELF-INDUCTION OF A TRANSFORMER WORKING CONDITION REPRESENTED BY VECTOR DIAGRAM CON- STANT CURRENT TRANSFORMER Calculation of inductive drop. The inductive drop being due to the interlinking of the leakage field with the windings, we can approximately pre-determine it from the drawing of a transformer by mapping out the leakage field in relation to the coils. Such a method can, how- ever, only yield qualitative, not quantitative results, as we have no means of determining exactly wh'at the flux density is in any given point. By applying in a general way the laws of magnetic circuits we can compare different arrangements and say what details will influence the drop and in what ratio, but we cannot calculate the absolute value of the drop. To get quantitative results we must fall back on experiments. The method of investigation is then as follows. First we determine the general principles of interlinkage between leakage flux and winding without assigning to the resulting E.M.F. a definite value; then we apply the formulae thus developed to definite cases investigated experi- mentally and obtain coefficients by which the formulae become applicable quantitatively. We investigate first cylindrical coils and then sand- wiched coils. Let, in Pig. 95, I and II represent the cross-section of the two co-axial coils, the radial depth of winding being a^ and # 2 respectively, and the length of 176 CALCULATION OF INDUCTIVE DROP 177 the coils /. Let the secondary coil 1 1 be nearest the iron. Leakage lines pass through the space b between the two windings, and are of the general shape shown by the dotted lines. The lines surrounding I pass wholly through air, and have therefore to overcome a greater magnetic reluctance than the lines surrounding II, which pass partly through iron. The ampere-turns in both coils being practically equal, the stray field of II will therefore be stronger than that of I. In order to be able to treat the problem mathematically we shall make the assumption that the two currents have a phase difference of 180 and that the ampere-turns are equal. Both assumptions are very nearly correct. We shall further assume that neither the yoke nor the other core has a material influence on the shape of the stray field, which we take to be distributed symmetrically round the axis of the coils. There must then be a boundary surface of cylindrical shape be- tween the two fields, which passes through the space b, and is distant ^ from the inner sur- face of coil I, and A 2 from the outer surface of coil II. Where precisely this boundary is, we cannot tell. All we know is that b x < 4 because of the presence of the iron on the right of II. Let % and ;/, be the number of turns, / the perimeter of the boundary, and 7 the number of turns per unit radial depth of II. The ordinates of the shaded area represent, according to the scale chosen, either ampere- turns or induction. In the space b both are maxima, and at the boundaries of the coils both are zero. In an elementary strip of II having the radial depth da the number of turns is dn = yda With these turns are interlinked all those lines of FIG. 95. Leakage of cylindrical winding. 12 1 78 TRANSFORMERS force represented by the shaded area between Bj and B. The corresponding flux is and the E.M.F.- de = 'v l The total E.M.F. self-induced in II is the integral of this expression taken between the limits a = o and a = # 2 , or Oo e. = &,Btf 2 +y (# 2 - BTJ i 15 T) a T1 bince - = or B 1 = B d #2 ^2 we can write B + B! i 2 \ 2 B / 2 -(/ Since ya. 2 is nothing else than the total number of turns in II, and B is proportional to- 2 - = - 2 (X 2 being the crest value of the ampere-turns in II), we find the following expression for the self-induced E.M.F. in II / where / 2 is a coefficient to be found by experiment. In CALCULATION OF INDUCTIVE DROP 179 the same way we have for the E.M.F. of self-induction in I- The total induced E.M.F. due to the main flux < being E = 4'44v;z< we find the ratio of leakae to useful E.M.F. ^ _ / 22 , -- 7 " 2 $ e l _ /^ ET - It is obvious that /i?9 J-*l" ioo ioo ;/! 1 T^ T T '^1 and rL S 2 = (oL 2 i } n. 2 and o)L 2 = -^ / ] (- 100 li\#i ioo 188 TRANSFORMERS Thus all the electrical constants of a given transformer can be determined. We may still further simplify the conception of the equivalent coils by assuming a transforming ratio of i : i and the winding of the current receiving device so altered that the primary voltage may be applied. The trans- former may then be omitted from Fig. 97, and there will only remain the equivalent coils, as shown in Fig. 98, the primary and secondary being now combined into one inductance coil L and one resistance coil R. The apparatus receiving current is represented by the inductance coil A and the resistance coil p. The values of L^ and R 7 , have not altered. The new values for the two remaining equivalent coils are L=.32_Ei and R=R 1 + 100 i! The self-induction of a transformer. The self-induc- tion of any apparatus through which current is passing may be defined as the reactance (>L), that is, the ratio between the wattless component of the E.M.F. (-- -] V 100 / and the current. To get the reactance we short-circuit the terminals 2, 2 and measure the current supplied to i, i, and by wattmeter the wattless component of the E.M.F. supplied to these terminals. In this case the current I through 2, 2 will be very nearly the same as that supplied to i, i, so that we can also write lOOl for the reactance of the transformer proper. Since i^ and i h are very small as compared with I at any but the smallest loads, this expression will also hold good when the transformer is under pressure. Only at very light loads or on open circuit will the inductance L, and therefore also the reactance o>L, be materially higher. In the latter case we have I =o and l l = 7^ The electrical constants THE SELF-INDUCTION OF A TRANSFORMER 189 of one equivalent coil containing both resistance and inductance will then be Take as an example a 2O-kw. transformer for 2000 volt at 50 frequency on the primary side. Let it have 2 per cent, iron loss and 2 per cent, copper loss, and let the inductive drop be 3 per cent, and the wattless component of the no-load current 0*5 ampere. We have for this transformer under a moderate load T 3 2000 100 10 314 L = 6 and L = 0*0192 Henry The resistance of the equivalent coil is found from the 2 per cent, copper heat at 10 ampere primary current from R . 10= - . 2000, or R = 4 ohm 100 400 , . ** = - - = 0-2 and ^ = 2000 This gives 2000 - = roooo 0*2 T 2OOO IT/ T / O'Z \ 2 L = = 127 and L =ft>L u ( ) = 10*0 314.0-5 M vo'54/ We thus find that on open circuit the transformer has a self-induction of 10*9 Henry, whereas on a moderate load the self-induction is only 0*0192 Henry. On open circuit the self-induction is 570 times as great as on load. 1 90 TRANSFORMERS Working' condition represented by vector diagram. We have already made use of vector diagrams to re- present the relations between current, E.M.F., flux, exci- tation and phase angles, assuming for sake of simplicity that the transforming ratio is i : i. These vector dia- grams can, however, be made more simple by introducing the conception of equivalent coils, which conception be- comes possible for a transformation ratio of unity. In this case the consuming device receives from the second- ary terminals the current which has passed through the equivalent main coils L and R (Fig. 98) with its full strength, but attenuated as regards pressure by the re- action of these coils ; and to the primary terminals has to be supplied, not only this current, but also the currents taken by the equivalent coils L^ and R/,, which, being placed as shunts, have no influence on the pressure. They only influence the primary current. As far as the working current in the load X, p, and the effect of R and L are concerned, we may disregard the shunt coils altogether, but we must take them into account if we wish to determine the primary current. It should be noted that at constant primary voltage the current taken by the shunt coils and its phase are constant, whatever may be the working condition of the transformer ; and herein lies the advantage of this method of treatment. We can determine the working condition of the main circuit of the transformer by the use of a very simple vector diagram, and when this is done, acid vectorially the currents in the shunt coils. Let, in Fig. 99, MD 2 be the vector of the E.M.F. supplied to the load, and MI the current vector, then D 2 D X = RI represents the loss of E.M.F. in R, and D X E = >LI the E.M.F. required to overcome self-induction. The E.M.F. to be impressed on the primary terminals is therefore ME. If the load consists of a group of con- suming devices coupled in parallel, all producing the same lag, its angle p will not change if some of the con- suming devices are switched on or off. The length of the vector MI will change, but the phase angle p will remain constant. The angle D^D 2 also remains constant, although the sides of the triangle will vary WORKING BY VECTOR DIAGRAM 191 proportionately with the current. We can therefore regard as a measure of the current^ and by using a scale the divisions of which are >L times as long as those of the volt scale, we can scale off the current on the line D X E. We suppose the impressed voltage ME to be constant. This is the usual case in practice. To find the second- ary E.M.F. and its phase relation to the working cur- rent I. if the latter be changed by changing the load, we reason as follows : Since the angle DjED^j and the angle

L and f is given by the character of the load. To find the working condition for any current I at phase angle

L and rotate the two components by 90, so that ^ falls in line with ME and i h comes into quadrature with it. We make then DjOi is a measure of the primary current, and

L of the equivalent coil must be large, and the higher the frequency the better. Fig. 102 shows a carcase specially designed to produce leakage. The two coils are on two limbs of the carcase, and there is a third limb without winding. Its object is simply to form a magnetic by-pass to the useful flux, that is to say, to increase leakage. Since the winding space is not re- stricted as in an ordinary transformer, the ohmic resist- ance of the coils can be made very small, so that the angle a in the triangle D X ED 2 in Fig. 99 becomes very acute, CONSTANT CURRENT TRANSFORMER 19; and D X E =a>LI becomes large in comparison with DiD 2 . We may assume a to be nearly zero ; then the centre of the inner circle will be distant from ME by The points D 2 and D x will nearly coincide. DjE is a measure of the secondary current, and MD 1 is very nearly the secondary E.M.F. On short circuiting the load MD 2 becomes zero, and MDj so small that we may con- sider ME a measure for the secondary current. The smaller the power factor of the load the flatter will be the inner circle (see Fig. 102) and the greater the varia- tion of current D X E for a given range of secondary E.M.F. of, say, MD X as a maximum down to zero. If there be self-induction in the external circuit the arrangement will therefore be very imperfect or only applicable over a very small range of secondary E.M.F., the greatest attainable E.M.F. being many times smaller than the primary E.M.F. The arrangement is therefore useless for arc light circuits ; it can, however, ba used for glow-lamp circuits. In this case 2 . The efficiency of the transformer is then given by the expression WDK' If the supply voltage is high, it is advisable to so connect the wattmeter that in the instrument itself no great potential difference can arise. Otherwise there is the risk of breaking down its insulation. Fig. 107 shows the arrangement of connections which should on that account be avoided. Theoretically Fig. 107 is equivalent with Fig. 1 06 ; the latter arrangement is, however, from a practical point of view, preferable, because the highest potential difference which can arise between the fixed and movable coil is only that due to the resistance and inductance of the latter, and is therefore only a small fraction of the total pressure. On account of safety in handling the instru- ment, it is also advisable to earth, if possible, that terminal of the 9 generator which is directly con- nected with the terminal A of the wattmeter. The theory of the ordinary dynamometer used as a watt- meter given above is only correct if the assumption of an inductionless shunt circuit is justified, by reason of the inductionless resistance being very great as compared with the reactance of the movable coil in series with it. There will then be almost no lag of the current in this coil. To reduce the lag absolutely to zero is, of course, impossible, since the action of the instrument pre-supposes the existence of a mechanical force, which can only be obtained by means of a coil producing a magnetic field of its own, that is to say, having a certain amount of induct- ance which must produce some lag. If this inductance is not negligible, a correction to the reading must be made as shown in the following theory. Let Oe in Fig. 108 represent the vector of the total FIG. 107. Incorrect method of connecting. MEASUREMENT OF POWER 200 supply pressure, and O/ that of the main current through the fixed coil, which has a lag

In the former case we have an instrument with negligible self-induction, and in the latter case the self-induction in the shunt happens to be of such a value as to produce the same lag as in the main circuit. The case most frequently occurring in practice is that there is some lag in the main circuit, and that

i//. The correcting factor is then slightly less than unity, and attains its minimum if

,. Each field produces eddy currents lagging by 90, the strength of which is proportional to the flux. We thus get i m as the eddy due to m or I and i s as the eddy due to fa or E. The turning moment exerted is therefore proportional to COS tp(l m (f) s -J- t s m ) E FIG. no. Vector diagram of induction wattmeter. THE INDUCTION-WATTMETER 213 and since fluxes and eddies are proportional to I and E, we have Torque = cos

the FIG i i2.-vector diagram of wattmeter. MEASUREMENT OF POWER 215 phase angle

2 r z r^ where k is a constant. We have therv a = A (e^k - e. 6 k] + B(^ - e^k) Now, e^ e^ is nothing else than the mesh voltage between A and C, and e. 2 e z is similarly the mesh voltage between B and C. Call the former E ac and the latter E 6c . The formula for a may then be written thus Now, we know from the investigation previously carried out on Behn-Eschenburg's connection that the expression in brackets is a measure for the total power P, so that The deflection shown on the dial of Franke's duplex wattmeter is a true measure of the total power trans- mitted by an unsymmetrically loaded three phase line. Three-voltmeter method. Profs. Ayrton and Perry have devised a method of measuring the power transmitted to a consuming device which can be applied in all cases where the available pressure is sensibly greater than that required by the consuming device, and the necessary reduction in pressure can be made by the interposition of an induct ionless resistance. In this method it is 220 TRANSFORMERS necessary to measure three voltages, hence the name. We measure the total voltage and its two components. The method will be understood from Fig. 115, where ~ is the generator, a an amperemeter, W an induc- tionless resistance, and T the transformer absorbing the power which we wish to measure. A voltmeter is placed between the main leads ; let its reading be e. Another voltmeter is used to show the potential difference e., between the terminals of the inductionless resistance, and a third instrument shows the potential difference between the terminals of the primary of the transformer. Instead of using three separate voltmeters, we may of course use the same instrument for taking all three readings by a suitable switching arrange- ment, as shown in Fig. 117. This arrangement is pre- ferable on account of its greater simplicity, and be- cause slight errors in the FlG. I i 5 .-Ayrton and Perry three-volt- . meter method of measuring power. Calibrations of the instru- ment have less influence on the result. The clock diagram of the method is shown in Fig 116. OI is the current, OE^^ is the E.M.F. impressed on the transformer, and EjE is the E.M.F. absorbed in the resistance W. Since the latter is induc- tionless, its vector EjE must be parallel to the current vector OI. OE=e is the total E.M.F. The watt- component of the impressed E.M.F. e l is e w = OA, and the energy is OI x OA. Since W has no inductance, we have AE 1 = BE= J , the E.M.F. of self-induction, due to T, and the following equations obtain from which we find The power is given by the formula THREE-VOLTMETER METHOD 221 ^ To find the power we must take four readings, namely, three voltmeter readings and one amperemeter reading. If the resistance W is accurately known, the last reading may be omitted and the power calculated according to the formula 2\V This is the power actually supplied to the apparatus T, in our case a transformer. If we want to know the power 2 supplied by the generator _ :? > the power lost in the resistance must of course be added, and we obtain Instead of calculating P, we can find the watt-component of e l graphically by drawing circles with radii e l and e, and shifting a vertical line parallel to itself Fl0 ' "Sl^^* 8 *""* until a position is found in which the piece contained between the two circles is exactly equal to c z . This gives the position of the point E l in Fig. 1 1 6, and therefore also the length of the vector OA = e w . The power is then The diagram shows at a glance that a small error in the volt-measurements will produce the larger an error in the determination of the power the nearer the circle of e l is to O or e, and that the error will be least if e 1 is midway between O and e. To obtain an accurate measurement of power by this method we must, therefore, so choose the resistance W that e 2 does not sensibly differ from e lt that is to say, that about the same pressure is lost in the resistance as is used in the apparatus under test. The total voltage e must then be considerably 222 TRANSFORMERS greater (from ij to 2 times) than that required by the apparatus under test. Another difficulty is the necessity of using up in the ballast resistance W approximately the same power as in the consuming device itself. The method is therefore specially applicable in cases where the power to be measured is small such, for instance, as an open circuit test of a transformer. The ballast resistance may con- veniently be a lamp-board, and in order to use the same voltmeter for all three readings the special switch shown in Fig. 117 may be used. When testing small trans- formers the power to be measured (being practically the FIG. 117. Three-voltmeter method of measuring power. equivalent of the iron losses) is so small that the power required by a dynamometric voltmeter can in com- parison not be considered as negligible. In such a case the three-voltmeter method is specially useful. To avoid the necessity of making a correction for the power taken by the voltmeter, we may use an electrostatic instrument. A is an amperemeter, V a voltmeter having about twice the range of the voltage necessary for the trans- former, and S is the special switch. It is advisable to make the supply voltage adjustable so that the test may be made under the condition giving greatest accuracy, as explained above. Where the supply voltage is no higher THREE-AMPEREMETER METHOD 223 than that required by the consuming device the three- voltmeter method is not applicable, but then we may use the Three - amperemeter method devised by Professor Fleming. Current at fixed pressure is supplied at the terminals K, Fig. 118, and is taken through an ampere- meter a, at the other side of which it is "divided into two circuits, one containing the transformer T to be tested, and the other an inductionless resistance W. These two currents are measured on the amperemeters a x and a. 2 ; the pressure is measured on the voltmeter e. The clock diagram of this combination is shown in Fig. 119, where OE represents the pressure of the supply current, i the primary current of T, and i w its power component ; i 2 is the current flowing through the resistance W ; and r ,m ^^ I\WVWWV __r__/WVVWW\A FT i '2 FIG. 118. Fleming's three-amperemeter FIG. 119. Vector diagram method of measuring'power. to Fig. 118. its vector must of course be parallel with OE. From the diagram it will be seen that the following relation obtains The power is given by If the resistance W is accurately known, the reading for e need not be taken, and the power may be calculated from Also in this method accuracy depends upon the proper choice of the resistance. It should be so adjusted that / 2 is not sensibly different from /, ; the total current i will 224 TRANSFORMERS then be from i^ to 2 times the primary current zi taken by the transformer. Fig. 1 20 shows an arrangement of switches and connections whereby the same amperemeter is used for all three readings. I is a single-lever and 1 1 a double-lever switch. In considering both methods, we have tacitly assumed that current and pressure follow a sine law ; the question now arises, whether these methods will give accurate re- sults if this condition is not fulfilled, that is to say, if the curves representing E.M.F. and current are of irregular shape. That the wattmeter gives correct indications also in such cases has already been shown, and since simultaneous measurements by means of a wattmeter FIG. 1 20. Three-amperemeter method of measuring- power. and one or the other methods here described are always in accord, we naturally conclude that these methods must also be generally applicable. Apart from such experimental proof, this can also be shown by theory. For this purpose we shall consider the three-voltmeter method, the application to the analogous case of the three-amperemeter method will then be self-evident. Let in the following the letters e and i denote the instantaneous values of E.M.F. and current respectively, then the expression is valid at any time in the cycle. We also have at al! times THREE-AMPEREMETER METHOD 225 and the power at any moment is f) = i^ l __f j or e 7 2 ,,2 i ^ ^, x, i ^2 The work done in the time T of a complete cycle \sf' r pdt, and the effective power is T ~ 1 2 W o o o It has been previously shown that the expression = r r e^dt is simply the square of the effective pressure indicated by the voltmeter ; if now we denote these effective pressures by e, e lt e 2 respectively, we have Since in arriving at this result (which is exactly the same as that reached by the graphic method), we have made no assumption whatever as regards the shape of the E.M.F. curve, it follows that the three-voltmeter method is applicable to currents of any form. CHAPTER XI TES TING TRA NS FORMER STES TING SHEE T- IRON SPECIAL IMPLEMENTS BY DOLIVO DOBROWOLSKY, KAPP, EPSTEIN, RICHTER, E WING THE BALLIS TIC METHOD THE FL UXOMETER SCOTT S METHOD KAPPS METHOD Testing transformers. -- By means of the various methods above explained the output and efficiency of transformers can be determined. It is of course neces- sary to have a source of current capable of supplying all the power wanted, and a load capable to absorb the full output of the transformer. To obtain by this direct method anything like a reliable figure for the efficiency, input and output must be measured with extreme accuracy, the reason being, that the two are not very different, and a small error in the determination of one or the other causes a great error in their calculated ratio. Let for instance the real input be 100 and the real output 97 kw., and let there be an error of i per cent, in each measurement, the error being negative in the measure- ment of the input and positive in the measurement of the output. The measurements would then be 99 and 98 kw. respectively, and the calculated efficiency would be 99 per cent, instead of 97 per cent., which it really is. To reduce as much as possible the magnitude of the error in the determination of the efficiency, it is advisable to make this determination by an indirect method in the following way. The test is made simultaneously on two equal transformers, which are so connected that the out- put of No. i forms the input of No. 2, and the output of this, supplemented by an external source of power, the input of No. i. We obtain thus a circulation of power through the two transformers, and need only supply as 226 TESTING TRANSFORMERS 227 much power as is wasted in both. This is a small amount, and need only be measured with a moderate degree of accuracy. The power circulating is also measured, and it will be obvious that small or moderate errors in both measurements cannot seriously affect the accuracy of the result. The arrangement of apparatus is shown in Fig. 121. D and B are the two equal trans- formers, and C is a small auxiliary transformer which supplies the waste power and thus keeps the total power in circulation. Into the primary of C we insert an in- ductionless rheostat R, for the purpose of adjusting the pressure supplied to C, so as to obtain in the ampere- WWWW\A/W FIG. 121. Testing transformers. meter A the normal full load current of the big trans- formers. The connections between the latter must, of course, be so arranged that their E.M.Fs. oppose each other. If the large transformers were only con- nected to C, the full current could be obtained in them, but not the pressure. To ensure that also the right pressure is maintained in B and D, we connect their primaries, shown in Fig. 121 as thick wire coils, with the generator. The connections are taken through the wattmeter W\ and through the electrical centre of the auxiliary transformer. The object of the latter arrange- ment is to ensure that the voltage on the primary of one transformer shall be raised by the same amount as that of the other is depressed, so that the induction in both 228 TRANSFORMERS shall be as nearly alike the normal value as possible. If the centre of the auxiliary transformer is not accessible, the connection may be made on one of its terminals, and then there will be some inequality in the working condi- tion of the two transformers, but the error thereby intro- duced is not very serious, since the difference in primary voltage is comparatively small. The wattmeter W 1 is introduced to measure iron losses. The copper losses are measured on the wattmeter W 2 . If we short-circuit the rheostat of C, then the generator has to supply only the no-load losses of B and D, which will be indicated on the wattmeter W lt Since both transformers are equal, no current will be indicated in A. Now let us insert C and adjust the rheostat until A indicates the full-load current. Then the large transformers are both working under full load, and the wattmeters W 1 and W 2 measure all losses. The voltage on each primary is measured by the volt- meter V, which is provided with a change-over switch s. Let e be the average of these two readings and i the current indicated on A, then the combined power of both transformers is iei and the total loss is the sum of the two wattmeter readings W = Wj + W 2 The efficiency of each transformer is therefore ei W - 2 To get the true copper losses switch S should be opened. If it remains closed whilst the contact on the rheostat R is put down to the lowest contact so as to short-circuit C, there will still be a small current (namely the magnetising current of transformer D) flowing through the wattmeter W 2 . If now the contact is raised so as to produce a main current, this small current will, according to the connection, either increase or diminish the current flowing through the wattmeter, and to this extent W 2 will indicate either a little more or a little less than the true TESTING TRANSFORMERS 229 copper loss. The error may be avoided by repeating the test with W 2 inserted in the primary of B and taking the mean of the two readings. In practical work for measuring efficiency this correction need, however, not be made, since the error is very small ; whilst for measur- ing copper losses only, the simple expedient of opening switch S is sufficient to avoid the error. The test illustrated in Fig. 121 can also be used to determine the drop by opening S and moving the contact of R to such a position that a predetermined (preferably the normal working) current flows through the primaries. The voltage must then be read on a second voltmeter (not shown in the diagram), which is connected to the primary terminals. Let e Q be this voltage, i the current, and w the reading on W 2 , then the equivalent resistance r of one transformer is Its ohmic drop is and its inductive drop is (O U= /5L- )U^)being the reactance of the equivalent coil. The advantage of this method of testing is not only great accuracy, but also economy of power. The latter point is of importance when testing for temperature rise, since the final temperature is only reached after many hours, and in the case of large transformers some days of working at full power. The cost of power and the difficulty of using it up in an artificial load become thus serious obstacles, so that a test which only requires the supply of the power wasted, as that shown in Fig. 121, is also commercially advantageous. It is, however, not always possible to test two equal transformers together for temperature rise. In this case the transformer may be preliminarily heated in a drying room (most electrical engineering works are provided 230 TRANSFORMERS with such a room), and then put to work under normal load, whilst thermometric or resistance readings are taken from time to time to find out when the final temperature rise has been reached. Or the transformer may be worked alternately on open circuit to heat the iron, and have continuous currents passed through both coils to heat the copper. This preliminary period of heating may be shortened by working at increased voltage and current density. When the probable final temperature has been reached the transformer is put to work normally, and kept at work until the final temperature has been actually reached. Another method is to heat the iron by alternating current sent through one winding, and the other winding at the same time by continuous current. This winding must, of course, be opened in the middle, and the two halves must be coupled up in opposition so that no alter- nating E.M.F. is produced at the two free ends. By keeping a record of the continuous current and E.M.F. supplied to this winding the rise of its ohmic resistance, and therefore the rise of its temperature, may be graphic- ally represented as a function of the time. From this curve the time constant for heating may be found, and from that the final temperature rise and the time in which it would be reached may be computed. The insulation of a transformer should be tested when hot. It is also advisable to flash the transformer, so that any weak spot in the insulation may be found out and remedied before the apparatus is set to work. For this purpose, temporary connection should be made between (a) a primary and secondary terminal ; (b) a primary terminal and carcase ; (c) a secondary terminal and car- case. Care must of course be taken that during these tests both poles of the generator are well insulated from earth, or the carcase must be insulated from earth. Testing sheet-iron. An obvious way of testing any particular batch of plates intended to be used in the manufacture of transformers, is to select at random some of the plates sufficient for the carcase of a small trans- former (preferably a stock size), wind it in the usual way and test for iron losses. If the test of this sample is SPECIAL IMPLEMENTS 231 satisfactory the whole batch can' be passed as suitable. The drawback to this method is that the building up of a complete transformer takes too much time. What is required is a method of testing samples which does not involve the winding of coils, and where the test pieces are of a simple form, so that but little time is required in the preparation of samples and not too much material is wasted. Special implements. One of the oldest instruments is the iron tester of Dolivo Dobrowolsky, shown in Fig. 122. It has now only historic interest. 1 It consists of two | | shaped cores of sheet-iron, which can be laid together either directly or placed on either side of the sample AA to be tested. The sample is composed of rectangular sheets and forms the common yoke to the electro-magnets n, s. When the magnets are placed directly in contact, the direction of the current through the coils is such that both drive the induction in the same sense ; when the sample is inserted, the connections are charged by means of the switch B, in such manner as to produce the polarity indicated in the diagram. The flux now passes from both through the yoke. The current magnets is FlG. 122. Dobrowolsky iron tester. measured by a dynamometer marked EL Dyn. in the figure, and the pressure by a Cardew voltmeter marked Card. The power is measured by a wattmeter inserted as shown. In using ,the apparatus the magnets are laid together and the switch is put into the position which produces circular magnetisation. The power corre- sponding to various values of the induction is then measured, the induction being calculated from the fre- quency, the pressure and the known data of the coils and magnet cores. The sample is then inserted, the switch changed over and the measurements repeated. The 1 First published in 1892 in the Elektrotechnische Zeitschrift, from which Fig. 122 is copied. 232 TRANSFORMERS sectional area of the sample should be about double that of the magnets. The difference between the two sets of measurements is then the power wasted in the sample at the various values of the induction. A drawback of this method is the difference in magnetic leakage with and without the sample. If the magnets are laid together directly, and magnetised circularly, there is hardly any leakage, and B can be calculated from E with great accuracy. If the sample is inserted, the magnetic resist- ance is increased, and leakage produced which diminishes the value of B in the sample. At the same time there is a difference in the value of the induction along the magnet cores, the induction being a maximum in the centre of each core. E can therefore no longer be regarded as an exact measure for B, and an error is thus introduced. ^ To avoid this diffi- | culty, the author has con- structed the apparatus shown in Fig. 123. The i sample consists in this apparatus also of a batch of rectangular plates, and forms one of the two longer sides of a rectangular frame, the three other sides being formed by \ \ shaped plates of known magnetic quality. Both longer sides are surrounded by coils, the upper one being large enough to admit the insertion of the sample without difficulty. The connection is made for circular magnetisation, so that only very little leakage takes place, and this is the same for all samples. The sample must have approxi- mately the same cross-section as the magnet. To calibrate the instrument, a sample is prepared from the same iron as the magnet, and after weighing the total amount of iron in the magnet, the loss of power is determined for different values of B. This loss is then allotted between magnet and sample according to their relative weights, and a curve is plotted showing the loss in the magnet as a function of B. If now another sample FIG. 123. Kapp iron tester. SPECIAL IMPLEMENTS 233 A slight error in the measure- is inserted, and the total loss measured, we have only to deduct from it the loss as found from the curve for the particular induction observed, and the rest is the loss in the sample. The objection to this method of measuring the loss in the sample is that the loss is obtained as the difference between two measurements, both of which are larger than the result desired, ment of the total loss may therefore mean a large error in the result. This draw- back has been over- come in the apparatus shown in Fig. 124, which has been de- signed by the " Hys- teresis Committee" of the German Associa- tion of Electrical Engineers, and offici- ally accepted by this Association in 1902, after having been on trial in various works for some years. The instrument is also known as the " Ep- stein Iron Tester," Prof. Epstein having been chairman of the Committee. In this method of testing no foreign iron is used, the whole of the magnetic circuit being made up of sample plates in the form of a square. Each side of the square is a bar made up of strips with tissue-paper insertion. The bars are 50 cm. long, and have a cross-section of 30 mm. by about 25 mm. Each bar contains 2*5 kg. of plates, so that for testing each batch a little over 10 kg. of plates (allowing for waste) have to be cut up. Each side of the square is surrounded by a magnetising coil, the four FIG. 124. Epstein iron tester. 234 TRANSFORMERS coils being fixtures of the apparatus and wide enough to admit the samples. The samples abut at the corners, where they are pressed together by screws, a thin sheet of fibre being placed in the butt-joint to avoid loss of power by eddies. Fig. 125 shows a diagram of con- nections. The terminals k, k of the apparatus are con- nected to the supply terminals K, K, from which the magnetising current is taken. To find the "figure of loss " the frequency to be used is 50 and the induction 10,000, which corresponds to about 85 volt. Each coil has 1 50 turns, and the total resistance of the four coils is 0*18 ohm. Since the magnetising current is only a few ampere, the correction for copper loss is very small in comparison with the figure of loss, which for alloyed FIG. 125. Epstein iron tester. iron is of the order of magnitude of 2 watt per kg. or 20 watt for the whole sample. It is advisable to use a frequency indicator (not shown in the diagram) when an accurate test is required. The magnetising current is adjusted by the rheostat, and the power is measured on the wattmeter W. The net area of the bars A is calculated from the weight and density (about 777), and their total length (2 m.) and the induction from the formula e being the E.M.F. induced in the four coils. This is very nearly also the E.M.F. indicated on the voltmeter V, but for very accurate work e may be found by correct- ing the voltmeter reading for copper loss, the correction SPECIAL IMPLEMENTS 235 being of course made vectorially. It is important to open the voltmeter switch s when reading the wattmeter, since the power taken by the voltmeter would otherwise be counted as part of the iron loss. When measuring the current it is advisable to open the switch s of the pressure coil of the wattmeter so that only the true magnetising current may pass through A. The machine used as a source of E.M.F. should give as nearly as possible a sine wave of E.M.F. The curve shown in Fig. 1 1 gives total loss with alloyed plates of English manufacture obtained by the author 'with this implement. The power measured on W represents the combined hysteretic and eddy current loss occurring in the sample, and as the weight of the sample is known the loss per unit weight can easily be found. We thus get the quantity, which is of immediate interest to the designer, but it is also possible to get hysteretic and eddy current losses separately. From equations (8) and (So) it will be seen that the total loss for any given sample of iron is given by an expression of the form P = /*vB*+/(vB) 2 (38) where h and /"are constants depending on the quantity and quality of iron under test and the thickness of the plates. The exponent of B is usually taken as 1*6, but to keep the investigation general we call it x. B is found from the determination of e, as above explained, and v is read on the frequency meter. We have thus three unknown quantities, namely, h, f and x, and by making three tests under different conditions we can obtain three equations from which the three unknown quantities are determined. The operation can be a little simplified if we make all the tests for the same induction, for which the condition is e - = constant v We need only vary the speed of the generator and 1 i i keep its excitation as nearly constant as is required by this condition. These two tests suffice. In these B and therefore B^ and B 2 will remain constant, and the 236 TRANSFORMERS equation for the lost power in the cases where the frequency is v l and v 2 may be written in the simple form from which H and F may easily be found. We have then for the fixed induction B Hysteretic loss at frequency v x . . . . v 2 . . . . Eddy current loss at frequency v . To get complete curves of losses the tests have to be repeated with different values of B. To any two values of B, say B and B', and the same frequency v correspond two hysteretic losses, P^ and P/, so that P AB from which x may be found by taking logarithms _ Having x, we find h from and the coefficient^ may be found from / -Bl The Epstein iron tester may thus be used not only to find the total loss for any values of B and v, but also to separate hysteretic and eddy current losses and deter- mine the coefficients in their formulae. Mr. Richter has devised an implement for the testing SPECIAL IMPLEMENTS 237 of complete sheets as they are produced by the rolling- mill. His object is to avoid the labour and waste of material when cutting up sheets into sample strips. The magnetising coils are long' and narrow rectangles, held in a wooden frame with their long sides parallel to each other and arranged circularly around the axis of the frame. The coils are placed evenly round the axis, with sufficient space between to allow the sheets to be slid through their openings so as to form a closed cylinder, FIG. 126. E wing's iron tester. which is circularly magnetised. From the weight and dimensions of the sheets the cross-sectional area of the magnetic circuit can be calculated, the test being made by voltmeter and amperemeter, as in the Epstein apparatus. An implement in which samples of only a few ounces' weight can be tested has been devised by Prof. Ewing. Its principle is the purely mechanical determination of the hysteretic loss alone in a sample of very small dimensions, namely 6 to 8 strips of 3 in. length and 238 TRANSFORMERS -| in. width. The apparatus consists of a permanent magnet e, Fig. 126, which is suspended on knife-edges, f t and weighted by a screw, g. For transport the magnet can be raised off the knife-edges by means of a rack and wheel, h. A dashpot below the magnet serves to steady its swing, and a pointer moving over a scale at the top shows the deflection produced when the sample a is rotated between the poles. The sample is fastened by screw-clamps b, b to a carrier, which can be rotated by means of a handle, and the friction wheels d, c. The screw i serves to level the instrument. The reversal of magnetism in the sample is produced by the rotation of the sample, and the work lost in hysteresis and eddy currents per revolution is 2 TT x torque. The torque is indicated on the scale by the pointer, and since 2?r is a constant, we find that the deflection of the pointer gives directly a measure for the loss per cycle, the speed of rotation having no influence as long as it is not so high as to sensibly augment eddy current losses. The sample sheets are prepared to a gauge, the length being sensibly less than the polar gap of the magnet, so that the magnetic resistance of the air gap preponderates over that of the sample itself. The object of this arrangement is to avoid the error which might otherwise be introduced when samples of widely different permeability are tested. The magnet produces in the sample an induction of about 4000 C.G.S. units, but this can be slightly raised or lowered by taking less or more sample plates. Prof. Ewing found that an accurate adjustment as regards the weight of samples is not required, since the deflection varies but slightly if the number of plates making up a sample batch is varied. It suffices to adjust the weight of the batch roughly to that which corresponds to seven strips of 0*37 mm. thickness. When testing armature plates, which are usually stouter, a correspondingly smaller number of strips would be used to make up the sample batch. The apparatus is calibrated by using samples, the hysteresis of which has previously been accurately determined by the ballistic method. Two such standard samples are supplied with the apparatus, together with THE BALLISTIC METHOD 239 tables giving the results of ballistic tests. In testing other samples, a reading is also taken with one of the standards, and the ratio of the readings is taken as the ratio of hysteretic losses between standard and sample. By this method of testing, the accuracy of the instrument is rendered independent of any possible change that may have occurred in the strength of the permanent magnet. The ballistic method. The methods of testing iron above described suffice for the immediate requirements of the designer, but special circumstances may arise when it is desirable to know not only the power lost in hysteresis and eddies, but also the shape of the hysteretic loop. This cannot be found by any of the methods hitherto described, and to get a complete knowledge of the magnetic qualities of any brand of iron, some method must be used which gives the relation between exciting force and induction throughout a complete magnetic cycle. Such an investigation is also necessary for the calibration of certain workshop implements, such as the Ewing iron tester. To find the B-H curve we may use a ballistic galvanometer, and make use~of the well-known physical law that the deflection of the moving system of such an instrument is proportional to the total quantity of electricity which has been suddenly discharged through it. The moving system may be a little magnet or a coil as first used by Deprey D' Arson val. In the first case the system is only slightly, in the second more effectively, damped ; a certain amount of damping is unavoidable, and, indeed, necessary for rapid working. The elongation of the spot of light of a damped galvanometer is given by the well-known formula where /, a and b are constants, and V Q is the initial velocity with which the spot of light leaves its position of rest. Counting the time / from x = o, then the interval of time between two successive passages through zero positions in the same direction is given by the condition 240 TRANSFORMERS that the sine must be zero for both. We find thus the periodic time T _ 27r : b According to the theory of damped vacillations we have where c is the controlling force, m the mass, and 8 a coefficient which, multiplied by the velocity, gives the damping force, all values being referred to the spot of light. In a perfectly undamped galvanometer 8 = o and b = 'Y , so that its periodic time is Im = 27TA/ 1 the well-known pendulum equation. It is obvious that T>T , that is to say, that damping lengthens the periodic time. As a further result it will be seen that damping reduces the first and all subsequent elongations. Before entering into the question how the effect of damping can be allowed, for let us assume that it were possible to make a perfectly undamped instrument, and consider how such an instrument could be used for testing iron. The correction for damping can then be considered later. The first (and indeed every subsequent) elongation X Q is then proportional to the initial velocity z/ , and this again is proportional to the quantity discharged through the galvanometer from a coil through which the flux < is reversed or annulled. The first elongation is thus a measure for the flux passing through the sample which is surrounded by the coil. If the area of cross-section A be known, and the magnetising force H be measured, we can obtain the relation between B = ^ and H. Instead A of annulling or reversing the flux we can also change it t> O O suddenly, but by small increments (by changing H), and thus get step by step the relation between B and H, that is, the hysteresis loop. It is, of course, necessary to THE BALLISTIC METHOD 24! determine once for all the ratio between B and .% or in other words to calibrate the galvanometer, and this may be done in a variety of ways, which we shall now consider. Take a straight solenoid whose length / is at least twenty diameters, and which has n^ turns, and place into the centre a small co-axial pilot coil of area A and n turns, then by sending l l ampere continuous current through the solenoid there will be created within the pilot coil a flux < = AH, where H The same holds good for a ring-shaped coil when / is the mean circumference. The turns of the pilot coils may be distributed all round the ring or placed in one part only, but they should be below those of the magnet- ising coil. The total flux AH which passes through the n turns of the pilot coil is therefore known. If then we observe the elongation, if the magnetising current is inter- rupted (or reversed, which gives it twice as great), we can determine the ratio between elongation and linkage flux. As will be shown below, this ratio is constant for a given resistance r in the galvanometer circuit, and we thus get the equation where b is the " ballistic constant." If we include in this circuit not only the pilot coil of the standard solenoid, but also that of the sample to be tested, the ballistic constant need not be determined. All we need do is to determine alternately the deflection obtained with the two pilot coils and calculate from this the linkage flux of the sample. This method of comparative observation can be conveniently carried out by using the arrange- ment shown in Fig 1 27. S is the standard, A x an amperemeter to measure its magnetising current l ly \J 1 a reversing switch, Rj a rheostat, and B a battery. The sample is prepared in form of a ring wound with two coils, one the magnetising 16 2 4 2 TRANSFORMERS coil receiving current from the same battery through a rheostat R 2 and reversing switch U 2 , and the other a pilot coil in series with the galvanometer G, and the pilot coil of the standard S. A resistance, r, is inserted to reduce the deflection of the galvanometer to a con- venient amount, and s is a damping key by which after vWvWWv I /vWA/WV FIG. 127. Ballistic test. each reading the moving coil can be quickly brought to rest. The E.M.F. produced by a change of flux in the standard is -^- 5f microvolt, and the corresponding 100 dt current is . ^>JL *X . microampere. The quantity r 100 dt discharged through the galvanometer is, on reversal of Ij Q = fidt = . 2< P n = fa microcoulomb o loor The ballistic constant for microcoulomb is therefore , I 2(t>n = XQ ioor We may thus calibrate the galvanometer for micro- coulomb or any other convenient unit of quantity. But THE BALLISTIC METHOD 243 this calibration is not necessary if we wish to use a merely -comparative method, as may be seen from the following. Let the various quantities in the sample be denoted by the same letters as in the standard, but distinguished by a dash, thus loor <' = ^ If the flux linkages n$ and n f are not very widely different, so that the deflections are of the same order of magnitude, this method of testing is convenient, as the constant of the instrument need not be known ; but if the flux linkage of the sample is either very much greater or very much smaller than that of the standard, it becomes necessary to adjust r so as to get convenient deflections, and then the simple proportionality between quantity and deflection is lost. It is no longer admissible to use a comparative method, and it becomes necessary to determine the ballistic constant. One way of doing this has already been shown. We found from a test on the standard for microcoulomb (39) ioor Another and very obvious method is to determine b by discharging a condenser through the galvanometer and observing the deflection. The arrangement is shown in Fig. 125, where C is a standard condenser, Cl a Clark, or other standard cell (*= 1*4323 5 volt at 15 C. for the Clark, or 1-0196 volt at 15 C. for the cadmium cell) and S a two-way key. The quantity discharged is then with a condenser of C microfarad Ce microcoulomb, and if a deflection of x scale dimensions is produced by this discharge we have b = (40) 244 TRANSFORMERS A third method of finding b is as follows. Let k be the constant of the galvanometer for steady currents, so that i = yx microampere The deflecting force is proportional to the current and also proportional to the deflection or ex = at and a = r The acceleration on starting is produced by the force at, and we have therefore dv y 00 - / aidt = mv a Q = mv or abx = mv From v' 2 = C -3? we find v=x*\ , and this inserted 171 gives , , c , , b ./m ab = Jem or - b = Jem or - = V 7 7 c but for a completely undamped instrument the periodic i m time is 2irV = T, so that we can also write 27T X 27T By sending a known fraction of a known current through the galvanometer and observing the steady deflections we determine 7, and by taking the current off and timing the oscillations we determine T. From these two ob- servations b can be found. It should be noted that b depends on the damping force, which may be considered constant, but not on the resistance r, which may have to be raised between wide THE BALLISTIC METHOD 245 limits so as to get convenient deflections at all values of n(f>. We thus have the general formula to express a sudden change in flux through the sample lOOo: n In this formula x is the deflection which would have been observed if the galvanometer had been absolutely undamped. In reality the deflection is (because of damp- ing) a little smaller, say x& We have from the theory of harmonic motions for an undamped oscillation and for a damped oscillation 7t ~ an *>*>'&* since the time t of a quarter period is . The ratio be- n IT T 20 air n IT tween the two deflections is e~ . Write 8 instead of T , then XQ = xe~ ft or x = xtfP Let x be the next elongation in the same direction, x 2 the second next, and so on, then subsequent swings take place in intervals of T = 27r and the exponent of e in the equation for the deflections x& x lt x. 2 . . . x n becomes for x ....... y8 .;> ....... -j8-4)8 ....... -p-sp 246 TRANSFORMERS From this follows = .... (42 ) 4^ * Since ft is a very small number we can in the series neglect the third and subsequent members and write * = *-o(i+) (43) x$ is the first elongation actually observed with a moderately damped galvanometer, x is that elongation which would have been observed if the galvanometer had been absolutely undamped. It is this value x and not X Q which has to be used in the determination of the ballistic constant and the calculation of the change of flux from b i vorx n The number /3 is called the logarithmic decrement ; a convenient value of it is 2 or 3 per cent. The fluxometer. The use of a ballistic galvanometer presupposes the ability to change the flux very suddenly, for the whole discharge from the pilot coil must be completed before the moving system has appreciably changed its position of rest. The condition of a very abrupt change of flux is not difficult to fulfil if dealing with a sample of moderate size, but if we attempt to take the hysteresis loop of the carcase of a large transformer in this way we find that unless an enormous resistance is put into the magnetising circuit the change of flux does not take place rapidly enough for the galvanometer, and it is preferable to use a method of investigation which is independent of the time rate at which the flux changes. Such methods have been devised by Mr. C. F. Scott, the Author and Mr. Grassot, the latter using a special instrument, termed by him a fliixometer. I take this first, as being more akin to the ballistic galvanometer. THE FLUXOMETER 24; A delicately pivoted coil not subjected to any con- trolling force swings in the strong field of a permanent magnet, Fig. 128, the arrangement being similar to that used in D'Arsonval instruments, but without a controlling spring. The terminals, T, of this coil are connected to the coil encircling the flux which is to be measured, say the low-tension coil (or part of the low-tension coil) of a transformer. The fluxometer coil is provided with a pointer on one side and a mirror on the other, so that its angular displacement may be observed either directly or by a beam of light. The coil is set mechanically into its zero position when its plane is parallel to the polar axis FIG. 128. Principle of fluxometer. of the permanent magnet and no flux threads it. If a current is sent through it a torque is exerted and the coil takes an angular position, the flux now threading it being proportional to the angle of deflection. The principle underlying the action of the instrument is the physical law that any electric circuit has a tendency to maintain its total linkage flux. If this quantity is forcibly diminished in one part of the circuit another part will try to restore it. Thus, if a pilot coil has been placed over the middle of a bar magnet and is then stripped off the linkage flux through the pilot coil is reduced to zero. The fluxometer coil will then set itself at such an angle as to thread the same linkage flux as that which has vanished in the external part of the circuit. Let M be the mass of the moving system, c\ be the force exerted by the current through the fluxometer coil, 2 4 8 TRANSFORMERS Let Dz> be the damping force at speed v, sv be the E.M.F. in the fluxometer coil generated when moving at the speed v through the field of the permanent magnet ; the quantities M, c, D, and v referring to a point on the indicating needle i cm. distant from the axis of rotation. Let, further, L be the inductance and r the resistance of the fluxometer coil, then an E.M.F. E applied to its terminals will produce a current I and a displacement. We have at T? T a ^ E - ev - L di dt *''- w- L dt dt dv ^E csv ^L dfl di~~ r r r dt r \r ) r Integrating this equation and remembering that both I and r are zero at the beginning and at the end of the process, we get r /"x* //~ \ x* 00 - - / E* - (- + D )/ vdt r \r J Now the integral of vdt is simply the excursion of the pointer 0. The damping coefficient D is so small that it may be neglected, and we thus get /* = J Edt o Since E is produced by the change of the flux through the pilot coil of n turns, we also have THE FLUXOMETER 249 = n di e / \ Yl~~Y^ = ~9 ' (44) The change of flux is proportional to the deflection 9, and the latter is independent of the rapidity with which the change takes place. We have defined s as a coefficient which, multiplied by the speed of the point to which all quantities refer, gives the E.M.F. induced in the fluxometer coil. Since we have assumed this point to be i cm. from the centre of rotation, 9 is not only a length but also an angle, and v is not only a linear speed but also an angular speed. The dimensions of vz are therefore those of an E.M.F. L f M*T~ 2 , whilst those of v are T" 1 , giving for s L f M*T- 1 the dimensions of a magnetic flux ; this is in accordance with the above formula (44), for 9 and n are simply numbers having no dimensions. The factor e is therefore a constant for each instrument, and is equal to the product of the flux produced by the permanent magnet with twice the number of turns in the fluxometer coil divided by the angular length of the arc spanned by each pole-piece. The calibration of the instrument is done empirically, and in one specimen in the Author's possession 5=12300 when 9 is reckoned not in radians but in scale divisions. For this particular instrument one scale division represents therefore a flux of n lines of force. The smallest number of turns we can have in the exploring or pilot coil is n= i, so that the total range (the scale has on either side 100 divisions) is a little over a megaline. The method of using the instrument for taking the hysteresis loop of the iron of 250 TRANSFORMERS a transformer is shown diagrammatically in Fig. 129. Two terminals of the transformer T are joined to the supply terminals, K, K, of a source of continuous current through a reversing switch A, amperemeter A, and regulating resistance R. P is the exploring coil, con- sisting of a simple loop, and this is connected with the fluxometer F. If the transformer be very small, it may be possible to use one of the windings as an exploring coil. To take the hysteretic loop proceed as follows. Set R to zero E.M.F. and put the fluxometer to zero mechanically. Then shift R so that a current I is indicated on A and observe the deflection of the fluxo- FIG. 129. Testing transformer by fluxometer. meter. Put fluxometer to zero again and then take another step on R, observing again the new value of the current and the new deflection on the fluxometer. Proceeding thus step by step we get the positive rising branch of the loop, the descending branch is found by bringing R back in steps to zero. Then S is reversed and the whole process repeated for the negative part of the loop. When the loop is plotted take the area f\d$ by plani- meter. The energy wasted in one cycle is obviously T/jicryiflty, where n^ is the number of turns of the magnetising coil. If there be butt-joints the hysteretic loop will be sheared over, but its area will not be altered, since air has no hysteresis. Let A be the area of cross- THE FLUXOMETER 251 section of carcase, and K its weight in kg., then the hysteretic loss at frequency v is for the whole carcase in watt- area of loop x IGT^/Z! = aior 8 vn 1 and the loss in watt per kg. is for the induction To calculate the loss per kg. is, of course, only possible if the cross-section is con- stant throughout the mag- netic circuit. The value of < is taken from the loop ; as a check it may also be taken directly by reversing S and observ- ing the fluxometer. The deflection will then be twice FlG - 130. Varying range of fluxometer. that corresponding to (, and the direct method is with this particular instrument there- fore only applicable for values of under o'6 megaline. It is, however, possible to increase the range of the instrument so that it may be used for measuring the flux passing through any, even the largest transformer. Let in Fig. 130 P be the pilot coil of one turn encircling the flux <. Join its leads to an inductionless resistance Rj, and from a small fraction of this resistance take leads to the fluxometer whose resistance is r. In the instrument mentioned above r is a little under 20 ohm. If we make R about o'l ohm then only ^ per cent, of the current going through the coil will be shunted through the fluxometer, so that practically the same current will flow through the whole of the resistance R 1? and the E.M.F. impressed on the fluxometer will be to the total E.M.F. generated in P as R : R x . The resist- ance of the fluxometer need not be accurately known. All that we require to know accurately is the ratio 252 TRANSFORMERS of R : Rj. Let Rj = ;;zR, then on reversing the magnet- ising current and thus producing a change in the linkage of P amounting to 2 (/> we have ...... (45) Since only the ratio of R to R x , and not their absolute values, are of importance, temperature does not affect the accuracy of the method, and copper may be used for the resistance coil, which should be wound bifilarly. Making m = 2O the range of the fluxometer can be increased to about 12 megalines. Scotfs method. Mr. C. F. Scott l has devised a very ingenious method for plotting the curve connecting excit- ing current and flux in any magnetic circuit by making use of the law that constant E.M.F. in the pilot coil means proportionality between flux and time. In its simplest form the test is carried out as follows : Through the fine wire winding of a large transformer, which we will call the primary winding, we send a current which can be regulated between a positive and negative maximum at any time rate that may be required to keep the E.M.F. in the secondary winding constant. This winding is connected to a sensitive voltmeter, and the deflection must be kept constant whilst the primary current is made to change from a positive maximum value to an equal negative maximum value. The test requires three observers ; one watches the voltmeter and operates the regulating appliance for the. current, the second marks time, and the third reads on an ampere- meter the primary current and books it against the time. The observations thus yield in the first instance merely a time-current curve, but as by reason of the secondary E.M.F. being constant B and t are proportional, the curve may by a suitable change of scale, also be made to represent the relation between induction and exciting force, and if the carcase contains no butt-joints also the true hysteretic loop. Various appliances can be devised for current regula- 1 " On Testing Large Transformers," by I. S. Peck, EL World and Engineer, 1901, p. 1083 ante. SCOTT'S METHOD 253 tion, but I have found two filaments of mercury as shown in Fig. 131 a very convenient form of rheostat. The contacts are attached to a block of wood, which is provided with a handle, and can be moved longitudinally on the board ; the latter has two grooves planed out for the reception of the mercury. Current is supplied by a few secondary cells and measured in A. If the sliding block is in the middle no current flows ; if it be shifted to the right the magnetising coil of % turns receives current in one direction, and if shifted to the left in the other direction. V is a millivoltmeter connected to the secondary winding of n turns. In the diagram the two windings are shown on different limbs ; this is merely FIG. 131. Scott's method. done to avoid complication. In reality both windings are on both limbs. Both instruments have central zero. Assume a carcase without butt-joints and let A be the section and / the length of the magnetic circuit, then the current passing through the millivoltmeter of resist- ance R will be in ampere . nA dE corresponding to the E.M.F. in volt - r at R may be considered to include the resistance of the 254 TRANSFORMERS O/d Current secondary winding, which is, however, generally very small in comparison with the 100 ohm or so of the voltmeter. If, however, a milliamperemeter be used to indicate the E.M.F., then its resistance is much lower (with Siemens' instruments exactly i ohm), and the resistance of the secondary winding must be included in R. The ratio for changing the scale of / in seconds to B in C.G.S. units is therefore i : The current i necessary to work the voltmeter is very small, and when we are testing a large transformer negligible in comparison with the mag- netising current I lf but when testing a small transformer and when for V a milliamperemeter is used the current i may produce a sensible magnetising effect on the carcase, and has to be considered in determin- ing the ratio between excit- ing current, which is directly plotted, and the magnetic force H, which we require, if we wish to plot the hysteresis loop. We have TT __ . (#1 1 + ni I where I takes all values between the maxima I . Let in Fig. 132 dWd be the time-current curve plotted from the original observations. Before moving the slider the magnetising current is + \ Q = oa. Im- mediately the movement begins the current passes to T t T n h = oa = 1 1 where the second term is the pilot current i reduced to the primary winding. In the diagram it is a f a = i Q . If we wish to leave off the process exactly at the same FIG. 132. Scott test. SCOTT S METHOD 255 negative induction as it was before we must continue to move the slider until A indicates I 2 = (I + / )- As soon as the movement stops z' becomes zero, and we have I 2 = - I . From a preliminary test we find io. If then we start the test with a current + Ii, we must continue until the current is I 2 = (Ij + 2/o). This gives equal positive and negative induction. Shifting the curve a'b'c' originally plotted to the right by the distance z' we get the curve abc, and symmetrically to this the curve cda to complete the loop. This gives as yet only the relation between time and current corrected for the dis- turbing effect of the pilot current. To get the true hysteretic loop H-B we must alter the scales as already stated. The operation may be shown by the following example. In a transformer having 670 primary and 100 secondary turns A is 70 sq. cm. and / 136 cm. The resistance of the secondary is 0*038 and that of the milliamperemeter used for V in Fig. 128 is i ohm. The total time taken to perform the change from 4- B to B is 34 seconds, the instrument V showing steady 30 millivolt or 0*03 ampere. This gives 0-03 = 1-038 at B Since t is one half 34 we find To make Fig. 132 represent a true hysteretic loop we must use such a scale for the ordinates that #0 = 7514. To find the scale for the abscissae we determine 100 /o = ^ 0-03 = 0-0045 ampere The test is started with 0#' = o*28 ampere and finished with - (0-28 + 2 x 0*0045) ampere. We have I = o*28 + 0*0045 =0*2845 i TJ 1*2^.670.0*284^ and H = - ^ - ' ^L=\-^^ 136 2 5 6 TRA NS FORMERS The scale for the abscissae must therefore be so chosen as to make oa= 175. The area of the loop divided by 4?r gives the energy in erg which is used up in hysteresis by the whole carcase if this is taken through a complete cycle between 6 = 7514. This energy may also be found as follows. The reactance E.M.F. in the primary is obviously =e- n and the power absorbed by the iron at any moment is 0J. The total energy is the integral of e^dt taken between the limits shown in the time current loop ; that is to say, the energy is e l times the area of the loop. As FIG. 133. Scott test as altered by Morris and Lister. the latter is obtained in coulomb and ^ is given in watt the product will be joule. If the carcase has joints the loop obtained will not be the true hysteretic loop, but its area will still give the energy wasted in hysteresis, since air is not a hysteretic substance. The necessity of making a correction for the magne- tising force of the pilot current can be avoided by adopt- ing an arrangement proposed by Messrs. Morris and Lister, 1 whereby the E.M.F. in the pilot coil is balanced by an externally provided E.M.F., so that no pilot current flows. The magnetisation of the carcase is then due to the primary current only. In Fig. 133 the external source for balancing the E.M.F. in the pilot coil n is a battery B sending a heavy current through 1 Journal Inst. EL Eng., 1906, vol. 37. KAPPS METHOD 257 the fixed resistance W and rheostat R. As soon as the switch S is closed a P.D. will be maintained between the terminals of W, and this may be read off on the milli- amperemeter M. G is a detector showing whether current is flowing through the pilot coil or not. During the test the operator of the sliding contact watches G and keeps its needle at zero. L is an inductance in- serted to make this task easier by steadying the primary current, and u is a reversing switch so that the operation may be repeated in the opposite sense. Kapp's method. In the author's method l a time- current curve is also taken, but the current is not regu- lated by an operator. It is simply allowed to flow under a constant impressed E.M.F. Let < be the flux in megalines produced by a continuous current of I amperes through n turns of winding under an E.M.F. of e volts, then If now e be suddenly reversed, then I will pass from its initial value I through zero to the final value -f I - Any intermediate value of the current must obviously satisfy the equation =*.^+RI ..... (46) TOO at By observing t and I a time-current curve may be plotted, and from this curve and the known values of e and n the hysteresis loop giving < as a function of I may be drawn. The arrangement of the test is shown in Fig. 134. B is a source of current 2 capable of giving from 50 to 100 times the magnetising current I , which is passed through the transformer coil T. This current is taken off on the heavy shunt resistance S, between whose 1 Journal Inst. EL Eng., 1907, vol. 39. 2 In a modified arrangement due to Mr. Dennis Coales, two equal batteries are used coupled up in opposition. One of the batteries is shunted by a rheostat so that its terminal E.M.F. becomes lower than that of the other. The balance being thus disturbed, the resultant E.M.F. of the two batteries is no longer zero. It can be adjusted by the rheostat to the same value as that obtained in the Author's original arrangement between the terminals of S. 2 5 8 TRANSFORMERS terminals the E.M.F. e is maintained and indicated on the voltmeter V. A is an amperemeter with a central zero and ^ a reversing switch. Care must be taken to have the contacts of this switch in good order, so that its resistance may be exactly the same in either position. S may conveniently be the shunt belonging to V, so that this is instrumental in indicating the main current given by B. All connections should be of sufficiently stout wire, and A should be of sufficiently low resistance to FIG. 134. Kapp's test. reduce the loss of E.M.F. between S and T as much as possible. To make the test, regulate r so that A indicates the desired magnetising current I and note the E.M.F. e. Then knock s sharply over, starting at the same time a stop-watch and noting the current indicated by A as a function of the time. The movement of the needle for values of I lying between I and zero is fairly quick, so that in this region only single observations can be taken by stopping the watch at the moment that the pointer passes a predetermined point on the scale. After the zero has been passed the movement becomes sufficiently slow for a continuous series of co-ordinate values of KAPPS METHOD 259 current and time to be noted. For transformers of similar type the speed of the needle is approximately proportional to the f power of the output. Thus, if with a lo-kw. transformer zero is reached in 4 seconds, it would be reached in about 6^ seconds with a 2O-kw. and in about 16 seconds with an 8o-kw. transformer. The shape of the time-current curve is of the character shown in Fig. 132. If there were no hysteretic loss, it would be a true logarithmic curve, but owing to the influence of hysteresis there is a depression in the upper part as shown. From (46) we have n looR/j n Now I I is the length of the ordinate between the curve and the + I line, so that f(\Ql)dt is the area enclosed between the curve and this line. Integrating between the limits < and + < , to which correspond the times o and t^ we find i I OO -LV x"x / v 2 fa= -^ Qo (47) if by Qo we denote the whole area between the curve and its asymptote. Integrating between the limits < and +<, to which correspond the times o and /, we find )o-Q) . '. . . ( 4 8) By combining (47) and (48) we get 260 TRANSFORMERS Q is the shaded area in Fig. 135. Having fixed on a value of I, we find by planimeter the corresponding area Q, and from (49) the corresponding value of the flux (. It is thus easy to find by means of a planimeter corre- sponding values of I and <, and to plot these as shown in Fig. 134. The hysteretic energy per cycle is obviously E = n 100 x area of loop If there are no joints in the .carcase, and its cross- FIG. 135. Kapp's test. sectional dimensions are such as to make the induction the same in any part, the true B-H loop can, of course, be plotted, and the permeability as a function of the induction may also be found. In most cases, however, a knowledge of the exact shape of the B-H loop and of the permeability is of secondary importance ; what we require is a knowledge of the hysteretic loss in the whole transformer, and this may be found graphically from Fig. 135 without even drawing the loop. The hysteretic energy absorbed by the carcase in one half-cycle is obviously the difference between r l efldt KAPPS METHOD 261 the total energy supplied, and the energy lost in copper heat. The latter quantity may be expressed in the form 'i T ^ Rio f \\-dt or e fl'dt +s +J ft *0 where I' = I can be determined graphically by the con- struction shown by dotted lines in Fig. 135. The hysteretic energy for one half-cycle is, therefore o 4 i- = el (I - V\dt watt-second 2 < The integral is the area (expressed in coulomb) between the original time-current curve, and the new I' curve shown in a dotted line. The area is to be taken with reference to the sign of the current ; that is to say, negative up to the point I = o and positive for I > o. By plani metering the two areas and deducting that which is negative, we find This construction applies to any transformer, whether it has joints or not, and whether the induction is the same throughout the magnetic path or not. CHAPTER XII SAFETY APPLIANCES FOR TRANSFORMERS SUB-STATION AND HOUSE TRANSFORMERS- REDUCING IRON LOSSES TRANSFORMER FOR THREE-WIRE SYSTEM BALANCING TRANS- FORMERSA UTO - TRANSFORMERS SERIES WORKING BOOSTERS SCOTT'S SYSTEM Safety appliances for transformers. The reason why we use transformers is that we may carry the power under high pressure, and distribute it under low or moderate pressure. It is, however, an essential condition that the insulation between the transmission circuit (primary) and the distributing circuit (secondary) be absolutely perfect. If this condition be not fulfilled, the use of transformers may even become dangerous on account of an unjustified feeling of security. The two windings in a transformer must necessari-ly lie in close proximity, and thus an injury to the insulation may cause a leakage of current and a transfer of pressure from the primary to the secondary coil. Since in a widely distributed network of primary conductors their insula- tion cannot be absolutely perfect, it will be obvious that any leak between the primary and secondary coil of any particular transformer may raise the absolute potential of the secondary to a dangerous amount. This potential will depend on the position of the leak in the transformer, on the position of the equivalent leak in the general system of high pressure or primary circuits, and on the insulation of the secondary circuit. It may be a few hundred volts only, or it may be equal to the full primary voltage. If in the latter case a person touches any part of the secondary circuit he will receive a dangerous or fatal shock. To avoid this danger several expedients are possible. One very obvious preventive is to place 262 SAFETY APPLIANCES FOR TRANSFORMERS 263 between the two windings a metallic dividing-sheet which is well earthed. If the insulation between the two windings is damaged, contact is not made between the primary and secondary direct, but through the interven- tion of this dividing sheet, and thus the potential of the secondary is prevented from rising to any dangerous extent. This appliance ensures safety only in so far as regards a leak from one winding to the other, but it is useless against a leak in any other part of the trans- former ; for instance, between the primary and secondary leading-in wires, or between the terminals of the two circuits. Even if by good workmanship the danger of a leak in the transformer itself, or its terminal boards, could be completely eliminated, there still remains the possi- bility of a contact or leak between the supply wires. An obvious case is that where both the high and low pressure circuits are overhead, and so near each other that a branch of a tree blown across them by the wind bridges the two circuits. It is, of course, not good practice to use the same posts for both circuits, but in certain localities for instance, immediately outside a transforming station proximity is sometimes unavoid- able ; and to exclude any danger from such causes it is wise to act on the principle that the line, rather than the transformer, should be fitted with the safety appliance. The transformer itself is the least vulnerable part of the system, and requires protection less than the line, but if the line is protected, the transformer is also protected. One way of protecting line and transformer simul- taneously is to earth some point of the secondary circuit, preferably the middle of the winding in a single-phase or the star point in a three-phase transformer, since then the potential difference of the secondary mains to earth becomes a minimum, namely, equal to half, or very little more than half the line voltage. If contact takes place anywhere between primary and secondary, the former is thereby connected to earth, and all danger of a fatal shock is avoided. The danger as regards fire is, on the other hand, increased by this expedient. If the whole of the secondary circuit is insulated from earth, a fault must occur at two places of different potential before a 264 TRANSFORMERS danger in respect of fire can arise, but if one point of the secondary circuit is permanently connected to earth, a fault occurring in one place only is sufficient to create danger. The margin of safety is therefore reduced by one-half if we earth a point of the secondary winding. There is also increased danger of damage by atmo- spheric electricity. A system completely insulated from earth is less liable to be struck by lightning than one which has somewhere an earth-connection. Finally, there is the objection that such a system may give rise to capacity currents (the coils in the transformer as well as those in the generator have capacity to each other and to earth) which disturb telephonic work. For all these reasons the simple expedient of permanently earth- ing one point of the secondary circuit cannot be considered a generally applicable, or even when applied, a satisfactory way of protecting the low- pressure circuits of trans- formers against the infiltration of high-pressure. The trouble about in- creased fire and lightning danger and telephonic dis- turbance can be overcome if the earth-connection is not permanent, but only established at the moment when it is wanted. This was the leading idea in a safety appliance introduced quite early in the history of trans- formers by the Thomson- Houston Company in America. The appliance consists of an earth-plate and two metal knobs, a, b, Fig. 136, which are connected to the secondary mains. Between the knobs and the earth- plate is inserted a thin sheet of insulating material (paraffined paper or mica). As long as no fault between primary and secondary occurs, the potential difference between the knobs and the earth-plate remains within the limit of the secondary voltage, and this is not sufficient to break down the insulation between knobs and earth. If, however, through a fault in the insulation between secondary and primary, the secondary assumes the poten- FIG. 136. Protection against rise of pressure. SAFETY APPLIANCES FOR TRANSFORMERS 265 tial of the primary, the insulation between a and earth and b and earth is broken down, thereby short-circuiting the secondary winding. The primary current then rises to such an amount that the safety fuses s, s go, and the transformer is thereby automatically cut out of circuit. The same principle has more recently been revived in an improved form by Prof. Goerges in his safety-plug, which is being manufactured by the Siemens-Schnokert- Werke, Berlin. Here, also, one electrode of the plug is connected with the line to be protected, and the other with earth, but the mica insertion is only used as a distance-piece and not as a body which must be pierced by the discharge to earth. Externally the safety-plug resembles the well-known fuse-plugs commonly used on the Continent for pro- tection against excessive rise of current, but instead of a fuse embedded in emery powder, the plug contains two metal electrodes insulated from each other by the body and screw of the plug, which are of porcelain, and a thin mica disc pierced with four holes of 3*5 mm. diameter. The electrodes are perfectly smooth circular plates, and their distance apart is determined by the thickness of the mica disc. In case of undue rise of pressure between them, a spark passes through one or more of the holes, and this welds the two discs together, thus providing an efficient connection to earth, or the other circuits similarly protected. It is important to notice that in this plug even a very small current suffices to produce the welding together of the electrodes through the holes in the mica, so that even an incipient fault will be detected and rendered inocuous by this plug. The fact that welding takes place already with a very minute current makes the action independent of the goodness of the earth-con- nection. It is well known that an " earth " good enough to carry off large currents is generally very difficult to provide, but so good an earth is not required for the Goerges plug, since a current as small as 0*0345 ampere l 1 Elektrotechnische Zeitsckrift, 1905, p. 314. 266 TRANSFORMERS is sufficient to produce welding. If then the earth is not good enough to carry off sufficient current to lower the pressure, the other plug will come into action, thus short- circuiting the low-pressure leads, and causing the fuses on the primary to blow, and thus removing all danger. The pressure at which the plug acts depends on the thickness of the mica insertion. With 0*12 mm. the pressure is 800 volt. After a plug has acted it can be put into working order again by cleaning off the welded parts with emery paper, and turning the electrodes so as to bring parts of the original surfaces facing each other through the holes. The right length of spark-gap is obtained by simply screwing the plug down tight on to the mica. A safety device invented by Major Cardew is shown in Fig. 137. In this arrangement the action depends on electrostatic attrac- tion between a plate E connected to the secondary, and an aluminium foil lying on a plate connected to earth. The alu- minium foil has the form of two discs connected by a narrow bridge, and is together with the two plates enclosed in a box, provision being made by means of a screw thread in the cover of the box to accurately adjust the distance between the plate E and the aluminium foil. The latter is permanently kept at the potential of the earth (zero), whilst the plate E has under ordinary circumstances a potential not exceeding the secondary voltage. The electrostatic attraction corresponding to this potential difference is insufficient to raise the foil ; if, however, a fault occurs between primary and secondary, the potential difference immediately rises to such an amount that the electrostatic attraction suffices to raise the foil and bring it into contact with the plate E, thereby earthing the secondary wind- Earth FIG. 137. Cardew's safely device. SAFETY APPLIANCES FOR TRANSFORMERS 267 ing. In the safety device first described by Cardew 1 a fuse S was provided and arranged to hold up a weight which, if the fuse melted, would short-circuit the primary leads, and thus cause their fuses s, s to go, and the trans- former to be cut out of circuit. It has, however, been found that when a good earth is obtainable this is a superfluous refinement, since the short produced on the secondary by the lifting of the aluminium foil is in itself sufficient to make the primary fuses go. The apparatus can be set to come into action if the potential of the secondary rises to 400 volt. Hence even an incipient fault in insulation between the two circuits is sufficient to automatically disconnect the transformer from the circuit. Ferranti's safety device is shown in Fig. 138. The secondary mains are con- nected to the primaries of two very small trans- formers coupled in series, whilst their secondaries are coupled in parallel. The secondaries are connected to a fuse carrying a conical weight over a correspond- ing set of terminals. The connection between the two primaries is joined to earth, as is also one of the terminals, the other two being joined to the secondary mains. As long as the insulation between the primary and secondary circuits of the main transformer is perfect, there is absolute balance between the E.M.Fs. of the secondary windings of the two small auxiliary transformers, and no current passes through the fuse. If, however, a fault occurs, the balance is disturbed, a current passes through the fuse and melts it, and the weight falling between the terminals short-circuits the FIG. 138. Ferranti's safety device. 1 Journal Inst. EL Eng., Vol. XVII, p. 179. 268 TRANSFORMERS secondary mains, and puts them to earth. The primary fuses s, s are thereby caused to blow, thus cutting the faulty transformer completely out of circuit. It is important to note that this safety device is a protection, not only against a real short between primary and secondary, but even against an incipient fault of insulation between the two circuits. The safety devices here described and others on similar principles are quite reliable where the secondary mains are fed by one transformer only, and being within a building or underground, are not subject to disturbance from atmospheric electricity. The Goerges plug is even applicable on an underground network fed by several transformers in parallel, but when we have to protect overhead low-pressure mains, all these devices, although still ensuring safety, are liable to come into action by reason of a passing disturbance through atmospheric electricity. What is required is a safety device which will discriminate between a rise of pressure due to an atmospheric cause, and therefore lasting only a very short time, and a permanent rise of pressure due to a leak or short-circuit between the low-tension and high- tension series. The device should not be of the nature of a delicate physical apparatus, but rather of the nature of a substantial appliance fit to be put into an engine- room or sub-station, and should require no attention. Up to the present no such implement has been put on the market. Sub-station and house transformers. It is convenient to make a distinction between transformers placed into a secondary distributing centre and large enough to supply current to a number of distinct consumers and transformers placed on the premises of each consumer. In the first case we speak of sub-station transformers, and in the second of house transformers. If we except consumers of large powers where the pressure supplied to the installation need not be limited by other considera- tions than appertain to the wiring, switch-gear, and the motors themselves, we may take it that for a general lighting and power service, whether given from a sub- station or a house transformer, considerations of personal SUB-STATION AND HOUSE TRANSFORMERS 269 safety as well as the nature of glow-lamps impose a limit on the pressure in the secondary circuit of the transformer. With carbon filament lamps as at present made 220 volt, or at most 250 volt may be considered as an upper limit of working pressure, whilst with metallic filament glow- lamps a still lower limit is as yet usual. Thus a low or moderate pressure in the distributing circuit is a necessity, whilst a high pressure in the transmission circuit is an economic advantage, and, indeed, also a necessity, if the transmission has to be effected over a considerable distance. The transformer is then the intermediary Li r i FIG. 139. Distribution from sub-stations. apparatus by which the two conditions, cheap mains and moderate supply voltage, can be simultaneously fulfilled. The typical arrangement of transformers for a sub-station system is shown in Fig. 139. C denotes omnibus bars in the central station ; S, s the primary transmission mains or feeders ; T, T are transformers at two sub-stations, and V, V the supply mains. Measuring instruments, switches, and fuses are of course also required, but have been omitted from the diagram to avoid complication. The diagram shows each transformer supplied with current by its own feeder, whilst on the secondary side each transformer supplies a network of distributing 2;o TRANSFORMERS mains, which latter may be either separate from each other, or they may be inter-connected, as shown by the dotted lines. The inter-connection of secondary mains has the advantage that a more nearly constant pressure can be maintained throughout the secondary network, and that at times of small demand some of the trans- formers may be disconnected from the primary and secondary mains, whereby the power wasted by them when working an open circuit is saved. On the other hand, there is the danger that a defect in one part of the network may affect the whole system, and to mini- mise this danger it is advisable to insert fuses into all the important junctions of the secondary network. Instead of using separate feeders to the different sub- stations, we may also provide a primary network to which the primary terminals of all the transformers are connected in parallel. When a district is supplied on the house-transformer system a complete network of high-pressure feeding and distributing mains conveys current to a large num- ber of small transformers, each placed as near as possible to the place where the low-pressure current is required (i. e. one transformer to each house), so that no network of secondary or low-pressure street mains is required. The weight of copper in the street mains is thereby much reduced, which is an advantage. On the other hand, there are some drawbacks. Owing to the greater length and the many junctions in the system of high- pressure mains, the insulation is more difficult, the high-pressure must be brought into the houses of the consumers, and the loss of power in the transformers is greater. Single transformers cannot be disconnected, thus increasing the light-load loss, and even at heavy load the loss of power is greater, since small transformers cannot have as high an efficiency as large transformers, and the total capacity of the transformers connected must be greater than in the sub-station system. The constant losses are therefore also greater. One house wired for 100 lamps may have sometimes 80 per cent, of its lamps, or say as many as 80 lamps, alight, though this will not happen very often. Twenty houses wired collectively SUB-STATION AND HOUSE TRANSFORMERS 271 for 2000 lamps will never use simultaneously 80 per cent, that is, 1600 of the installed lamps but at most 1000, or 50 per cent. In some cases, especially if the houses are of widely different character (shops, offices, dwelling- houses, restaurants), the maximum simultaneous load may be even considerably less than 50 per cent, of the total installed load. The ratio of the total maximum of power supply observed in a given district to the sum of the maxima observed at different times in each individual house is called the diversity factor, and it is due to the circumstance that this diversity factor is larger than unity, that the total capacity of a sub-station may be smaller than the collective capacity of house-transformers, were the same districts supplied on the house-transformer system. Take a district in which 1000 kw. in motors and lamps are installed. If it be supplied on the house- transformer system the aggregate capacity of trans- formers would be about 800 kw., made up of mostly small sizes of, say, 2 to 10 kw. The aggregate iron losses will be about 2^ per cent, or 20 kw., and the copper losses about i|- per cent., or 12 kw. ; the latter taking place, however, only during a short time daily. The iron losses are going on all the year round, and the energy wasted per annum is about 175,000 kw.-hrs. The total copper loss is very much smaller ; we may roughly estimate it at 5000 kw.-hrs. This is almost negligible in comparison with the iron losses. If the same district were supplied by two or three sub-stations, the total capacity of sub-station transformers with a diversity factor of 2 would only be 400 kw., and the transformers at the sub-stations would be so large that the iron losses need not exceed i per cent., or 4 kw. The total annual iron loss would therefore be only 35,000 kw.-hrs. The copper losses will also be reduced, though not in the same proportion, because, owing to the diversity factor, each transformer will be working at a fair load for a longer time daily. The annual copper loss may be taken at about 3000 kw.-hrs. We thus find- Energy wasted in house transformers . 180,000 kw.-hrs. ,, ,, sub-station transformers 38,000 ,, 272 TRANSFORMERS If the total installed load is equally divided between lighting and power, the energy sold per annum will be about 400,000 kw.-hrs. for power, and 200,000 kw.-hrs.for lighting, or 600,000 kw.-hrs. in all. The annual efficiency, allowing 2 per cent, loss in the mains, will therefore be With house transformers ... 75 per cent. With sub-station transformers . 92 ,, The cost of house transformers, including terminal boards and fuses, and a provision for housing them safely that is, beyond the reach of unauthorised persons is about ^4 a kw., whilst sub-station transformers, in- cluding all accessory apparatus and their housing, may be taken at half this amount. The initial outlay will therefore respectively be ^3200 and ^800, showing a saving of ^2400 in favour of the sub-station system. At 10 per cent, for interest, repair, and amortisation, this means an annual saving of ^240, to which must be added the saving in energy wasted, which amounts to 1 42,000 kw.-hrs. Taking the engine-room cost at id. per kw.-hr., this amounts to another ^590, making the total saving ^830 annually. Against this has to be set the increase in annual working expenses due to our having to provide a secondary net-work. If the capital outlay on this account exceeds % 6s. per installed kw., the system of house transformers will be economically better ; if the outlay for cables is less, it will be better to use sub-stations. These calculations have not been given as hard-and- fast rules, but merely by way of example, how the com- mercial advantages of the two systems may be compared. A definite conclusion in any special case can, of course, only be reached if all the conditions (such as annual energy required per installed kw., diversity factor, extent of district, cost of transformers and cables, and engine- room cost of energy) are known, but from what has been shown above we may postulate as a general principle that the use of house transformers is commercially jus- tified if power derived from a cheap source has to be distributed in small parcels amongst widely scattered REDUCING IRON LOSSES 273 customers in country districts. In towns customers are fairly close together and the power has a greater value, hence sub-stations are economically preferable. Reducing iron losses. There are cases where a consumer is not within easy reach of a secondary network and yet requires low-pressure current. In such cases (schools, hospitals, asylums lying outside the town), the general system of supply from sub-stations has to be supplemented by house transformers. If the supply is given mainly for lighting, the load factor that is, the ratio between the' total energy in kw.-hrs. actually supplied during the year to the energy represented by the product of maximum demand in kw. multiplied by the 8760 hours of the year is very small. For a purely lighting load the demand factor that is, the ratio between maximum demand observed and lamps installed will seldom exceed So per cent., whilst the load factor for an isolated installation will only be from 4 to 6 per cent. If the transformer capable of supplying the maximum demand has 2 per cent, iron loss and is kept under pressure all the year round it will consume annually 175 units magnetising energy per kw. capacity, whilst the energy actually delivered to the lamps is only from 350 to 520 units. The annual efficiency of the transformer is there- fore only f to f . A better efficiency would be obtained by installing two or more transformers and switching them into and out of circuit in accordance with the demand actually existing at any time. This, however, would entail an amount of personal supervision which only large establishments could afford to provide, and then there would be the danger of overloading a small transformer if the attendant forgets to switch in the big transformer at the right time. For this reason it is safer to work the switch-gear automatically. Several such systems (some of them also applicable to sub-stations) have been suggested from time to time, and by way of example I give here the latest device, designed by Mr. A. F. Berry. This inventor uses two transformers coupled in series, one small, the other large. As long as the demand does not exceed the current capacity of the small transformer, this is doing the greater part of the work, but if the demand 18 274 TRA NSFORMER S rises beyond a given limit, the primary and secondary of the small transformer are simultaneously short-circuited, and the large transformer is doing all the work alone. The arrangement is shown diagrammatically, Fig. 140. Tj is the small, and T the large transformer. The secondary current is taken through on electromagnet E, the armature of which rests on a lower contact as long as the current is not strong enough to raise it. If the demand has exceeded a predetermined limit, the attraction of E is sufficient to raise the armature so that it comes against the upper contact. The two contacts are connected with the two coils of the solenoidal magnet E 1? as shown, and accord- ingly as one or the other is in touch with the armature the core of this magnet is either pulled down (light load) or pulled up (heavy load). When in the latter position the switch Si short- circuits the primary, and the switch S 2 the secondary, of the small transformer. A snap- lock (not shown in the diagram) is connected with the core of the solenoid which not only holds the latter in position after each movement, but also interrupts the current through the coils of the solenoid. This is to prevent waste of current through these coils during the time that they are not required to act. Mr. Berry claims that the extra cost of this switch-gear and the small transformer is compensated by the saving in capital outlay on the large transformer. Since the latter is most of the time only very slightly magnetised, it enters on the period of its full load at a low temperature, and being worked intermittently with long spells of rest between short periods of load, it may, as was shown in Chapter VI, FIG. 140. Berry's system of automatic control. TRANSFORMER FOR THREE-WIRE SYSTEM 275 be made smaller than a transformer continuously under pressure. Transformer for three-wire system. The well-known system of continuous current distribution by three wires can also be employed in connection with transformers. We need only connect the middle point o of the secondary winding, Fig. 141, to the zero wire, and the outer terminals m, n of this winding to the two outer wires. The primary leads s consist of two wires only connected to the primary terminals^, q. The lamps a, b are con- | &AAAA A nected between the outer q-n, T I T T T Wires and the zero wire 0. Fig< I4I< _ Se condary three-wire system. The pressure between m and n is double the lamp voltage, and we are thus able, exactly as in the ordinary three-wire system, to effect considerable economies in the cost of the dis- tributing mains. Care must, however, be taken to group the different coils of the secondary winding in such way that the ampere-turns produced by the two secondary currents have the same value in all parts of the magnetic circuit. If this is not done, the leakage or inductive drop would be greater on the more heavily loaded part I 9 <*> <><> T FIG. 142. Secondary three-wire system with balancing transformer. of the system, and the supply voltage would be unevenly divided between the two groups of lamps. Balancing transformers. It may happen that the sub- station must be placed at some distance from the district to be lighted. In this case the middle wire need not be brought back to the sub-station transformer T, Fig. 142, if a balancing transformer Tj is established in some point of the district to be lighted. The output of the balancing transformer need not be larger than half the maximum 2 ;6 TRANSFORMERS difference between the loads on the two sides a y b of the system. Let i a be the maximum current in a and i b the current which simultaneously obtains in b, then one coil of the balancing transformer must take up the current "7 __ 7 - and its other coil must give off an equal current. If the lamp voltage is e, then the output of the balancing transformer is given by the expression ( -- b je, the out- put of the sub-station transformer at the same time being = (i a + t b )e. Since it is, however, possible that both sides of the system may occasionally carry the maximum current, the sub-station transformer must be designed for an output of 2t a e. If by / we denote the ratio of load difference between the two sides to the maximum load on one side, we have The output of the balancing transformer must therefore be 2** Since i a e is half the output of the sub-station trans- former, we have the ratio between its size and that of the balancing transformer given by the fraction 4 : p. Thus for a load difference of 100, 50, 20, 10 per cent, the balancing transformer would be respectively , , 4 8 , the size of the sub-station transformer. These 20 40 figures show that a comparatively very small balancing transformer may render it superfluous to carry the middle wire of the system back to the sub-station. Another application of balancing transformers may be made in adapting a single continuous-current generator to a three-wire system. Let in Fig. 143 the outer circle represent the armature of an ordinary continuous-current generator supplying current to the outer wires a, b of a three-wire system. Then by taking from two tapping A UTOTRANSFORMERS 277 points connections to the slip-rings (represented in the diagram by the two inner circles) we obtain at their brushes an alternating voltage whose crest value is equal to the voltage on the outer mains. The brushes of the slip-rings are connected to a balancing transformer such as is shown in Fig. 142. From what has been explained in connection with this diagram it will be obvious that the middle point, o, of the winding of this trans- former divides the pressure between a and b equally, pro- vided both windings are as intimately mixed as the primary and secondary of an ordinary transformer. The zero wire may then be connected to the point o. The balancing transformer must, of course, be de- signed for the frequency corresponding to the con- tinuous-current machine. This is v =pu where p is the number of pairs of poles and u the speed in revolutions per second. As an instance take a six-pole generator Fig " ^--Balancing transformer. running at 120 revolutions per minute. The frequency will be 6. Let the output be 200 kw. at 500 volt, then the full-load current will be 400 ampere. Let the greatest out of balance current be 10 per cent., then the transformer will have to take in 20 ampere on its primary and give out 20 ampere on its secondary side, the terminal pressure on each side being 250 volt crest value, or 180 volt effective value. A transformer wound for an output of 3*6 kw. at 6 fre- quency and transforming ratio of i : i will therefore suffice for this purpose. It is important to design the transformer for a very small copper loss so as to ensure equal division of pressure, but it will be seen from this example that the balancing transformer, even if designed on a very liberal scale, will be only a small accessory to the generator. Autotransformers. Balancing transformers may also 278 TRANSFORMERS be used for subdividing a given supply pressure between a number of circuits, so that lamps requiring a lower pressure than that supplied may be used individually on these circuits. Originally used for arc lamps, this method of subdividing pressure has, with the advent of the metallic filament lamp, acquired additional importance. Balancing transformers arranged for this purpose are generally called autotransformers, because part of the winding is traversed by the difference of the two currents, and only the rest of the winding is traversed by the high- pressure current only. This arrangement is instrumental in a certain saving of material, so that an autotransformer is smaller and cheaper than a I r - 5 - r - 1 2 transformer with two distinct windings. The extent to which j 2 material may be saved can be seen from the following con- sideration- Let in Fig. 144 oa be that . _ I part of the winding which is b transversed by the difference FIG. i 44 . -Autotransformer. ! 2 - Ii of the two currents, and ob the remainder which is tra- versed by the current l l alone. Let oa consist of n^ and ob of n 1 n z turns, and let the transforming ratio be 0tf m = . Then I 2 = m\ ly and as equal current density gives the best utilisation of the material we have qz = qi(m 0- The total volume of copper will therefore be m) ^ * 'm m i v = m The volume of copper in an ordinary transformer is v l = &2qn l Or, taking v l as the standard, we have m i v = v^ m A UTOTRANSFORMERS 279 Since in transformers of the same type, but different sizes, the ratio of volume of iron to volume of copper is approximately constant, the fraction * indicates the m quantity of material required in an autotransformer rela- tively to an ordinary transformer. The ratio of material saved is the reciprocal of m, and hence for large trans- forming ratios the auto-principle has very little advantage, whilst the necessity of tying the two circuits electrically together is a distinct disadvantage. This explains why autotransformers are only used for low pressure and low transforming ratio. They may be used with advantage as starting devices for induction motors and for reducing a moderate voltage to a still smaller value. Thus with a transforming ratio of 1^5, 2, or 3 the weight of an auto- transformer will be only 34 per cent., 50 per cent, or 67 per cent, respectively of an ordinary transformer. Metallic filament lamps for no volt can now be obtained. If, then, the supply pressure is 220 volt, we could use such lamps by supplying them from an auto- transformer, which need as regards weight and cost only be equivalent to an ordinary transformer of half the out- put. This is on the supposition that all the lamps are fed from the same circuit, but if we can split up the lamps into two circuits, each carrying half the number, the auto- transformer need only be a quarter the size of an ordinary transformer. Generally for m circuits each carrying th m of the total number of lamps at i th pressure we have m for the weight of the autotransformer of the weights of an ordinary transformer. Thus, if at 220 volt supply pressure we wish to use osmium lamps of 73 volt we can divide them into three circuits and use an autotransformer which will only weigh one-third as much as an ordinary transformer. Or, if we wish to use arc lamps requiring a pressure of about 36 volt we can 280 TRANSFORMERS group them in six circuits, and the autotransformer will still be reasonably small, namely, a little less than half the size of an ordinary transformer. The lamps will be quite independent of each other, as if they were all in parallel on one and the same circuit. Series working. Transformers may be advantage- ously used if it be required to work a number of lamps in series off a circuit in which an alternatino; current of o constant strength is maintained. If we were to insert the lamps themselves into such a circuit, the insulation of the lamps to earth would have to be so perfect as to withstand the full potential difference of the alternating current, a condition not always easily fulfilled. If, how- ever, we feed the lamps from the secondaries of series- transformers, it is only necessary to provide perfect insulation for the trans- formers, which presents no difficulty ; the insula- tion of the lamps need only be good enough for the voltage required by each lamp. The arrange- a~ /vwvwws FIG. 145. Series working. merit is shown in Fig. 145. T, T are series- transformers supplied from a constant-current alternator, and L, L are the lamps. The primary return circuit is not shown. Since the current in the primary is constant, the current in the secondary is also approximately con- stant as long as the lamp is in circuit. There is, how- ever, the drawback that if a carbon should fall out of a lamp, or some other accident happen whereby the secondary current is interrupted, the induction in the core and the E.M.F. in the secondary of that particular transformer (if this is of the ordinary construction for parallel work) would rise very considerably. Since the primary current must, on account of the other lamps, be kept constant, the pressure at the generator has, in such a case, to be increased. The transformer with open secondary becomes magnetically overloaded and must eventually burn out. To avoid this danger we must make provision to give the secondary current an alter- SERIES WORKING 281 native path in case the lamp circuit should become interrupted. This may be done in two ways. We may employ a kind of automatic "cut-in" as in a, or a choking coil as in b. The cut-in consists of two electrodes separated by a thin sheet of mica or paraffined paper, which, under normal conditions, is sufficient to with- stand the secondary voltage. If, however, the secondary voltage rises considerably, in consequence of the lamp circuit being opened, the insulation between the electrodes breaks down, and the cut-in short-circuits the secondary coil of the transformer. The choking coil, which may be used instead of a cut-in, allows a current to pass through its winding proportional to the lamp voltage, but lagging by nearly 90 behind it. The power lost in the choking coil is the sum of hysteresis and ohmic loss ; and by a proper design of choking coil it is thus possible to minimise the loss of power, although the presence of choking coils must worsen the power factor. This may best be seen by an example. Let us assume that the lamp requires 10 ampere at 35 volt, and that its power factor is 80 per cent. The power actually supplied to the lamp is therefore 280 watt. Let the choking coil be so constructed that it takes 5 ampere if the pressure is 35 volt, and that the loss of power in it is 5 watt. Its power factor is therefore - - = 0*0285. If we now 35 x 5 draw a vector diagram to represent these working con- ditions, we find that the total secondary current supplied by the transformer is 13-5 ampere. We also find from this diagram the power factor of the combination lamp plus choking coil is only 0*6. If now the lamp current is interrupted the choking coil must pass the whole 13*5 ampere, and the voltage must rise to 35 = 95 volt This is an excess of 170 per cent, over the normal voltage, and is accompanied by a similar rise in the magnetisation of the iron core. It is of course always possible to so design the choking coil that it can stand 282 TRANSFORMERS this increase of magnetic load without danger for any length of time. Sometimes it is convenient to use a transformer for feeding a circuit of lamps in series, which requires a nearly constant current, although the number of lamps inserted may be varied. This condition is of course fulfilled if the primary current is constant, but if the primary voltage is constant a transformer for parallel work (that is, a transformer of the usual construction having as little magnetic leakage as possible) would be quite unsuitable. Such a transformer keeps the secondary voltage approximately constant, but not the secondary current. When we have lamps in series it is the current which must be kept constant, whilst the voltage must vary as nearly as possible in accordance with the number of lamps alight at any time. As was already shown in FIG. 146. Constant current transformer. Chapter IX, this condition can be met at least approxi- mately by shaping the transformer in such way as to produce a large magnetic leakage. A construction of this kind is shown in Fig. 146. It is a core transformer with primary and secondary coils on separate limbs and with expansions a, b of the two yokes arranged specially to produce magnetic leakage. The primary coil is joined to the primary constant-pressure lead s; and the secondary coil to the circuit containing the glow lamps L in series. It will be obvious that with an open secondary or lamp circuit the leakage field between a and b will be very small, since the core of the secondary coil offers a ready path for the magnetic flux. If, however, the lamp circuit be closed, a current flows in the secondary coil, pushing back part of the flux produced by the primary coil, and the leakage field, not only between a and b but all over the transformer, will be much increased. The BOOSTERS : : larger the secondary current the more lines are pushed back,, and the lower will be the secondary E.M.F. If a lamp is short-circuited the current will at first increase. This increase produces more magnetic leakage, and lessens thus the flux which produces E.M.F. in the secondary. The increase in current strength will there- fore be considerably smaller than would obtain with an ordinary transformer, and in this way it is possible to keep the current at least approximately constant when lamps are put out of action by being short-circuited. For the exact determination of the working condition see the vector diagram given at the end of Chapter IX. Boasters. If some of the feeders between the central station and the sub-stations are very long, it is some- times advantageous to allow a greater voltage drop in them than in the shorter feeders, and to raise the 1 147.: pressure at the home end of these long feeders by an amount corresponding to the extra drop. For this pur- pose special auxiliary transformers, so-called "boosters,^ may be used. This system of boosting-up the pressure at the home end of long feeders has been invented simultaneously and independently by Mr. Stillwell in America, and by the Author in England. 1 It is shown diagrammatically in Fig. 147. C are the bus bars in the station, S is a feeder supplying current to the transformer T at a sub-station. Y are the distributing mains connected to this trans- former. The boosting transformer has its primary permanently connected to the bus bars, whilst its secondary is put in series with the feeder and is sub- divided into sections, so that by using a switch , a greater or lesser number of secondary turns can be inserted. In this manner the additional voltage put into 11 British Patent, No. 4345, March 21, 284 TRANSFORMERS the feeder at the home end may be varied from zero to the full voltage given by all the secondary turns of the booster. The full voltage is added when the feeder carries its maximum load ; the switch is then placed on its highest contact. As the load decreases the switch is shifted to a lower contact, the intention being to boost up by the amount corresponding to the drop in pressure due to the impedance of the feeder. Since this drop is proportional to the current, the adjustment of the switch may be made in accordance with the readings of an amperemeter in the feeder circuit, or pilot wires may be brought back from the sub-station and connected to a voltmeter. The switch is then adjusted so as to keep the pressure indicated by the pilot voltmeter constant. It is obvious that in either case the switch-lever can be g worked automatically by a ~ small electro - motor con- trolled by a relay. Since, in passing from one contact to the other, the switch- lever, if it were made in one solid piece, would short- circuit, and possibly burn out FIG. 148. Booster. the section of the secondary winding connected to the two corresponding contacts, it is necessary to employ a lever consisting of two parts, each smaller than the width of the gap between two contacts, and having an insulating partition between them. The two parts must of course be joined by a suitable resistance, or preferably by a choking coil. With such a construction there can occur neither a short-circuit in the booster nor an interruption of the feeder current. The necessity to send the whole feeder current through the switch, and the drawback of a complete interruption of the feeder current if this switch should get out of order, has led the Author to design the modified arrange- ment of booster in which the switch is connected, not with the secondary, but with the primary circuit of the auxiliary transformer. This arrangement is shown in Fig. 148. The feeder circuit is permanently connected with the BOOSTERS 285 bus bars through the secondary winding of the auxiliary transformer, whilst the multiple contact switch is inserted into its primary connection with the bus bars. The primary winding is subdivided into groups a, b, c, etc. According to the position of the switch-lever, more or less of these groups are active, thus causing the magnetic flux and the E.M.F. in the secondary to be smaller or greater respectively. The first group a must of course contain a sufficient number of convolutions to prevent the auxiliary transformer from being magnetically over- loaded. This kind of booster must therefore be larger than that shown in Fig. 147, but as in any case the cost of a booster is very small as compared with the saving in the cost of the feeder thereby rendered possible, the extra outlay is insignificant, whilst the possibility of keeping up the supply, even if the switch should become deranged, is a distinct advantage. In a third type of boosting apparatus there is no switch of any kind, either in the secondary or primary circuit. This type is shown in Fig. 149. The con- struction resembles that of a two-pole dynamo with shuttle- wound armature. The field is built up of sheet-iron plates, and is provided with the primary winding P, P, whilst the armature carries the secondary winding S placed over a core of sheet-iron discs in the usual manner. Both windings are permanently connected, the primary with the bus bars, and the secondary with bus bars and feeder as in Fig. 148. By means of worm gearing, the coil S may be placed at various angles with reference to the polar surfaces. If the coil S is turned into a vertical position, the flux -of force passing through it is a maximum, and the E.M.F. generated in this coil is a maximum. If the coil be placed horizontally it is ineffective, whilst in intermediate positions any desired boosting effect may be obtained. By turning the coil beyond its horizontal position the FIG. 149. Booster. 286 TRANSFORMERS action may also be reversed, that is to say, we can reduce the E.M.F. at the home end of the feeder. The advan- tages of this type of booster are that no switches of any kind are used, and that the adjustment of the boosting effect is made, not by definite steps, but as gradually as we please, by means of the worm gear. A booster constructed on the same principle may also be used to regulate the alternating pressure supplied to a rotary connector. In these machines the ratio between the alternating pressure supplied to and the continuous pressure derived from the armature is con- stant whatever may be the excitation, so that no adjust- ment of continuous pressure can be made by means of a rheostat in the exciting circuit as is done in an ordinary continuous-current generator. Yet it may be necessary to adjust the pressure at which the continuous current is delivered. This is done by adjusting the alternating pressure of the driving current, a special type of booster being used for the purpose. This booster is a three-phase transformer with mov- able secondary winding ; in construction it resembles an ordinary induction motor, the primary being wound on the stator to produce a rotating field, whilst the secondary is wound on the part which usually is the rotor, but which in this case is not allowed to rotate. The arrangement is shown in Fig. 150. U is the converter with its commutator K, from which the continuous current is delivered, and its slip- rings s, by which it relieves the alternating three-phase current. Between the slip-rings and the source of alter- nating current in this case a three-phase transformer T is placed the adjustable booster B. Its primary wind- ings are connected to the source, and produce a magnetic field of constant strength revolving round the rotor with a velocity corresponding to the frequency. The winding of the rotor is represented by the three coils inside the inner circle. For the sake of simplicity these are shown parallel, but it must be understood that they are placed with an electrical angular displacement of 120 to each other, so that by being successively cut by the revolving primary field, the E.M.Fs. induced in them follow each BOOSTERS 287 other at intervals of a third period. The phase in rela- tion to the primary at which the voltage of the second- ary is injected must therefore depend on the angular position at which the rotor is set, as shown by the little vector diagram below the figure. In this E is the E.M.F. of the source, e the E.M.F. induced in the secondary coils of the booster, and E] the E.M.F. supplied to the slip-rings of the converter. The position of the vector e depends on the position to which the rotor is set, so that E! may be made either larger or smaller than E. The use of a booster of this kind alters slightly the power factor, but as there are always two positions of e for each FIG. 150. Booster applied to converter. required value of E 1? we may choose that by which the power factor is increased. Since a considerable torque is exerted on the second- ary, it is necessary to use worm gearing for setting the rotor, and in large boosters it is advisable to couple two mechanically together, the electrical connections being made in such sense that the two torques eliminate each other. The latter arrangement has been first used by Messrs. Siemens, Schuckert Werke in the Paderno power transmission. In this case the boosters were not used in connection with converters, but simply for the purpose of compensating the drop in long and heavy feeders. TRA NSFORMER S Scott's system. An interesting application of trans- formers is the conversion of a two-phase into a three- phase system, and vice versa, invented by Mr. C. F. Scott. 1 The arrangement is diagrammatically repre- sented in Fig. 151, where G is a two-phase generator supplying current to the primaries of two transformers Tj and T 2 . The secondaries of these transformers are joined together, as shown in the figure, leaving three terminals, A, B and C, free for connection to the secondary circuit. Since the primary currents in T l and T 2 have a phase difference of 90, there is also the same phase difference in the E.M.Fs. generated in the two secondary coils. The E.M.F. between terminals A and B is there- fore the resultant of two components, one being the full /wvwwwx FIG. 151. Scott's system. FIG. 152. Vector diagram of Scott's system. E.M.F. generated in the secondary of T 1} and the other half the E.M.F. generated in the secondary of T 2 , the latter component being moreover displaced by 90 as regards the former component. Let, in Fig. 152, OA be the E.M.F. of T\ and OB half the E.M.F. of T 2 , then BA is the resultant E.M.F. which we measure between the terminals A and B. In the same manner we find CA as the resultant E.M.F. produced by Tj. and the left half of T 2 , whilst CB is the E.M.F. produced by both halves of T 2 . It will be obvious that, by a proper choice of the number of turns in the secondaries, we may so arrange matters that OB = lAB. Then AB = BC = CA, and OA = AB->/ 3 , or OA = 0-867 AB-o'86; BC. The 1 The Electrician, April 6, 1894. SCOTT S SYSTEM winding must therefore be such that the secondary volt- age of T! is 0*867 of the secondary voltage of T 2 . In the clock diagram the vectors of terminal pressure pass then through zero at intervals of 60, or in the same sense at intervals of 120, which characterises a three-phase current. We obtain thus from the terminals A,B,C a three-phase current. The advantage claimed by Mr. Scott for this system is that the generation and utilisation of the current may be effected by two-phase machinery, whilst the trans- mission may be made in three phases. The former condition he considers to be an advantage as regards the independent working of motors and lamps, and especially their regulation, whilst the latter condition is, of course, 1) FIG. 153. Scott's system. conducive to economy in copper on long lines of transmissions. A complete plant arranged according to Scott's system is shown in Fig. 153. G is a two-phase generator producing 100 volt, which pressure is transformed up to 2000 and 1730 volt in the two transformers shown. To the three free terminals are joined the line wires, and between each pair there is a pressure of 2000 volts. At the points of consumption the three-phase current is either transformed down and converted into a two-phase current for working motors (A) or supplying light (B), or it may be used as a three-phase current for working motors (D). Although the circuits are inter-connected, the regulation for constant pressure in the lamp circuits causes, according to the inventor, no more difficulty than if the lamps were connected directly with the generator. 19 290 TRANSFORMERS The mechanical construction of the carcase of the loo-k.v.a. transformer is shown in Figs. 216 and 217. It will be noticed that the frame is constructed in the form of a grid, so as to allow the cooling medium direct access to the plates of core and yoke. CHAPTER XIII THE TRANSFORMER IN RELATION TO ITS CIR- CUITSEQUIVALENT COILS IN PARALLEL AND SERIES CONNECTION RISE OF PRES- SURE THROUGH RESONANCE DETERMINA- TION OF THE DANGEROUS CONDITION RISE OF PRESSURE ON LOADED LIGHTING SYS- TEM IS SMALL INFLUENCE OF POWER FACTOR BREAKDOWN OF CABLES IN LARGE NETWORKS The transformer in relation to its circuits. Up to the present we have considered the transformer as an appar- atus by itself, receiving energy from a source not in- fluenced by -its presence and giving up energy to some receiving device which, apart from its ability to absorb energy, has no influence on the transformer. In other words, we have assumed the primary current to be derived from an inexhaustible source and the secondary current to be given to an apparatus which can only absorb, but not return energy. These conditions obtain in the ordinary use of transformers. It has been shown in Chapter IX that the reactance of a transformer working under load is extremely small, and for this reason any reactive effect of the consuming device is transmitted to the source of current much in the same way as if the transformer were not interposed. The transformer is simply a means of linking the two circuits together and adjusting the pressure, but is otherwise inert. There are, however, cases when a transformer may cease to play this passive role, and by reason of an interaction between its inductance and the capacity of the circuit cause a rise of pressure sufficient to break down itself or a cable, generally the latter. Such special circumstances may arise under the two extreme cases of a transformer work- 291 292 TRANSFORMERS ing either at no-load or under short circuit. In the first case the reactance is large because only the equivalent coils representing excitation are acting ; in the second tbe reactance voltage is large because the current has enormously increased. Equivalent coils in parallel and series connection. When drawing the vector diagram of a transformer under load we have made use of the conception of equivalent coils in parallel across the primary terminals, one of these coils having such an inductance as to let pass the magnetising current, the other having such a resistance as to let pass a current which, multiplied by the primary pressure, represents iron losses. When considering the effect of capacity in the circuits it is convenient to substitute for these two parallel coils, two coils in series with each other, and with the capacity, as was already done in Chapter IX under the sub- heading "The Self-induction of a Transformer." Let R and >L be resistance and reactance of the two equivalent coils in parallel, and Rj and ^Lj the respective equivalent values for the coils in series, then we have R R sin L sin 2

L sin f cos

L and R, discussed previously when introducing the conception of equivalent coils, we can now substitute one coil containing wLj and Rj in series, and the diagrammatic representation of a trans- former having the transforming ratio i : i will be as shown in Fig. 154, where coLj and Rj represent reactance and RISE OF PRESSURE THROUGH RESONANCE 293 resistance of the exciting coil and L the load which is supposed to be switched off. Let B represent the bus bars at the station, and let the transformer be joined to them by a concentric cable. As long as both conductors remain connected to the bus bars the pressure at the terminals of the transformer cannot rise above the station voltage, but if the switch to the outer combustion has opened the cable as well as the transformer may, under certain circumstances, be subjected to an excessive pressure due to exact or approximate resonance between the inductance L x and the capacity of the outer conductor to earth. This capacity is indicated in the diagram by C, whilst the capacity of all the outer conductors of other cables in the network fed from the same bus bars is indicated by C . On opening the switch s the circuit remaining is as follows : From the upper bus Gable nWWP-AAAAOi coLi Hi %%M%Z%Zf^ Earth FIG. 154. Rise of pressure through resonance. bar through the inner conductor to the equivalent coil wLjRj, then to the outer conductor, from there through C to earth and finally through C to the other bus bar. We have thus two capacities and an inductance in series. The two capacities in series are equivalent to a single capacity c of the value Now in a large distributing system the aggregate capacity, C , of all the feeders and network connected with them is enormously greater than the capacity of the single feeder to the transformer under consideration, so that we can write c = C, and we have thus a circuit as shown in Fig. 155, whose natural frequency is i i ooo / _ \ \~-- ..... (53) 27T Ki 294 TRANSFORMERS where Lj is given in Henry and C in microfarad. If v l happens to be not very different from the frequency at the bus bars we have approximate, if it happens to be equal to this frequency we have exact, resonance, and the current flowing through the circuit will be nearly or exactly given by the resistance of the cable being neglected because it is very small as compared to R T . This current is larger than the normal magnetising current and produces a terminal pressure also larger than the normal. How much larger will depend on the relation between wLj and Rj. In a transformer having little iron loss, but a large magnetising current, that is to say a low power factor at no load, the excess pres- sure thus produced by approximate or complete FIG. ^.-Resonating circuit. resonance may be several times the normal working pressure, and may cause a breakdown in the cable either between the two conductors or between the outer conductor and earth. Determination of the dangerous condition. An example will make the foregoing clear. Let the primary feeders and networks of an electricity works have a total length of 100 km. (63 miles), and let there be one feeder leading to an isolated transformer. Assume a bus voltage of 3000 and a frequency of 45. If concentric cables are used, the capacity of outer conductor to earth will vary according to the size of cable between 07 and 1*5 micro- farad per km. Let in our case the capacity be i microfarad per km. and let the cable feed a 2O-kw. trans- former, which has i J per cent, or 300 watt iron loss, and let the magnetising component of the no-load current be 3 per cent., or 0*196 ampere. The reactance of the magnetising coil will then be 3000 : 0*196= 15,300 ohm, and the resistance of the parallel coil representing iron DANGEROUS CONDITION 295 losses will be 3000 : o* i = 30,000 ohm. For the equivalent series arrangement we find from (50) and (51) )L!= 1 2 100 ohm 1^ = 6200 ohm Lj = 43 Henry We have then a circuit consisting of a capacity C, a resistance of 6200 ohm, and an inductance of 43 Henry, all in series. It should be noted that Rj has no physical existence ; it is a fictitious resistance corresponding to the iron loss at normal excitation, that is to a no-load current of ^/O'ig6 2 + O'i 2 = o'22 ampere. This current will flow if on the terminals of the transformer 3000 volt is impressed. To produce this E.M.F. the pressure on the bus bars must be where C is given in farad. For a certain value of C (in our case about 0*3 microfarad), there will be reson- ance, and the term in brackets will become zero, so that a bus-bar voltage of o'22R 1 =1360 volt will suffice to produce the full voltage on the transformer. Since the bus-bar voltage is not 1360 but 3000, it will be obvious that there must be a rise of terminal voltage on the transformer. The question is, how large a rise? It would not be correct to assume that the rise will be simply in proportion of 1360 to 3000. This would be the case if R! were a physical resistance, but as it is only a fictitious resistance to represent iron loss, and as the latter varies with the no-load current, it is obvious that R! cannot be a constant. The problem is as follows : Given a constant bus-bar voltage and a transformer of known iron, find for various values of the capacity between the outer conductor of cable and earth the pressures between inner and outer conductor, and also between outer conductor and earth. The solution is as follows : From the known quality of the iron calculate the iron loss P as a function of the terminal pressure, and plot this as shown by the dotted 2 9 6 TRANSFORMERS curve in Fig. 156. Plot in the same diagram, also as functions of the terminal pressure, the total no-load current i and its two components, i^ and i h . The copper loss, being exceedingly small, need not be taken into account. Now assume any terminal voltage, larger than 3000, say, for instance, 3500, and draw its vector in Fig. 157 to an arbitrary volt scale. Let this be OA. From Fig. 156 we find the corresponding magnetising 2000/ 1-0 0-9 0-8 0-7 0-6 gO-5 * | 04 o 0-3 i 0-2 0-1 Terminal Pressure. in P/ 1000 0123456789 FIG. 156. Characteristic curves of transformer. current ^ = 0*23, and the current corresponding to the iron loss / A = o'ii. Let OB and BC be the vectors of these two components drawn to an arbitrary ampere scale, then z* = OC is the resultant or no-load current. Since this current is charging the condenser the terminal E.M.F. of the latter must be at right angles to it. Draw then from A the line AD at right angles to OC, and determine its points of intersection with a circle, the radius of which represents on the volt scale the pressure DANGEROUS CONDITION 297 at the bus bars, namely, 3000 volt, voltage e can then be scaled off on the line AD. It is either of the two values AE = 5700 The condenser No other value is possible at the assumed terminal voltage of 3500. But in order that either voltage may obtain the capacity C must have a definite value, which is found from /o = >*Cio- . . (54) C being given in microfarad. The capacity is for e= 575 . . C = i'6 ,, = 5700 . . C = o'i6i By repeating the construction here explained for other values of terminal voltage we find other values for e and C, and we are thus able to plot the relation I $7' Determination of dangerous capacity. 0-5 1-0 1-5 FIG. 158. Voltage due to resonance in an unloaded system. between capacity to earth of outer conductor (or what comes to the same thing), length of feeder and cor- responding pressures between the two conductors and 298 TRANSFORMERS between outer conductor and earth, as shown in Fig. 158. In this figure the curve I gives the terminal pressure on the transformer, which is, of course, equal to the pressure between the two conductors of the cable, and the lower curve 1 1 gives the terminal pressure between the outer conductor and the lead sheath, that is, earth. As will be seen, both pressures exceed 8000 volt if the capacity is 0*25 microfarad, which cor- responds to a length of feeder of a quarter kilometer. With a longer or a shorter feeder the excess of pressure will be less than 5000 volt. We may thus consider 250 m. a dangerous length of feeder. For the insulation between the two conductors the danger is not very great. A 3OOO-volt cable will probably stand 8000 volt also, but the outer conductor is not very heavily insulated against the lead sheath, and for this light insulation 8000 volt is indeed a dangerous pressure, which in all probability will produce a breakdown. All danger can, however, be avoided if the switch gear is either so con- structed that the inner conductor must be switched out first, and the outer conductor must be switched in first, or if only solid connections without any switches or fuses are used for the outer conductors. In exemplifying the rise of pressure by resonance for a definite case, I have assumed that concentric cables are used, as this is the usual practice in single-phase working, but the same argument also applies to stranded cables for either single or multiphase working. In such cases the "dangerous length of feeder" is by reason of the smaller capacity much greater, and as all the con- ductors are equally well insulated the danger for each is no greater than that for the inner conductor in the case of a concentric cable. On the other hand, the simple remedy of omitting all switches and fuses in one of the conductors is no longer available, as it would increase the danger for the others and displace the electrical centre of the system. The remedy is, however, simple enough ; it consists in arranging the switch gear so that all the conductors of one feeder are switched on and off together. Rise of pressure on a loaded lighting system is small. It PRESSURE ON LOADED LIGHTING SYSTEM 299 may be objected that this arrangement can only refer to intentional switching, whilst the accidental blowing of a fuse through overload may inter- rupt one conductor and thus estab- lish a dangerous condition. This objection is not valid, because if there be a load the rise of pressure can only be very small. This will be seen from Fig. 159, which is plotted for the same transformer as Fig. 158, but on the supposition that the transformer has a load of 10 per cent, of its normal, and that the power factor of the load is 90 per cent. If the load were non-inductive the rise of pressure would be almost imperceptible, but even at 90 per cent, power factor it is quite moderate, and the dangerous length of feeder is now 600 m. For a feeder made of stranded (instead of concentric) conductors it would be 3 km. or more and perfectly harmless. Influence of power factor. I n the case represented by Fig. 159 the slight rise of pressure is mainly due to the fact that the power factor of the load is only 0*9 instead of unity, and the conclusion seems plausible that a lower power factor would result in a bigger rise of pressure. This is indeed the case. Let the transformer of the previous example have an inductive drop of 4 per cent, and a copper loss of^ ij per cent., and let it be used to > supply current to an induction FIG. 159. Rise of pressure on Jri J ! r loaded system. motor whose power factor at starting at a pressure corresponding with 3000 volt on the primary of a "perfect" transformer is 30 per cent. 300 TRANSFORMERS with a starting current of 15 ampere in the primary. A simple calculation, which need not be repeated here, shows that the combination of motor and transformer can be replaced by an equivalent coil of 79 ohm. resist- ance and 230 ohm. reactance, or 244 ohm. impedance, giving a starting current on the primary side of 12*3 ampere. Assume now that with this current one of the fuses at the home end of the feeder happens to blow ; we shall then have again a circuit as shown in Fig. 155, only that now reactance and resistance are much smaller, Volt 10,000 9000 8000 7000 6000 5000 4000 3000 2000 1000 s^ s* V ^ / / \ / 1 \ / 1 \ \ / \j \ 1 1 S s / / v X / \ X / I \ X / \ X. ,., / s >-. -^ ^___ / 1 < *-** ***. / t ^ X , / / X - ^ / X / \ ^^ I~ / * ~->~ 1 / / / ^x Capa, citj in M F. 5 10 15 20 25 30 FIG. 160. Voltage due to resonance in a loaded system. requiring a greater charging current, and therefore a greater capacity that is to say, a greater length of feeder to produce a dangerous condition. In this case it is not the inductance of the transformer, but that of the receiving apparatus which produces the rise of pressure. The transformer may, however, break down in consequence. The graphic treatment of this case is the same as that already explained in the case of an unloaded transformer, and need not be set out in detail. The result is given in Fig. 160, which shows that with a capacity of about 13 microfarad the pressure on the transformer terminals, and therefore between the two BREAKDOWN OF CABLES 301 conductors of the cable, as well as the pressure between the disconnected conductor and earth, will be about 10,000 volt. The pressure on the terminals of the transformer is represented by the curve I, and that of the outer conductor to earth is represented by the curve II. Breakdown of cables in large networks. It is a common experience that if a " dead earth " occurs at some place in a high-pressure network, and even if the faulty place is promptly isolated by the fuses blowing, the insulation of the cables in some other part Earth FIG. 161. Illustrating break-down in large network. of the network breaks down. This is also due to the interaction of inductance and capacity. Let in Fig. 161 I be the inner and O the outer conductor leading from the central station to a sub-station where a transformer P, S supplies current to the secondary network. Ii d are primary, and I 2 , O 2 secondary cables joining this sub- station to others, which, in their turn, also receive primary current from the central station, the arrangement being that commonly in use of a complete secondary and a complete primary network, the two interlinked by transformers, and the primary network fed at many points by high-pressure feeders. Let all the cables be 302 TRANSFORMERS concentric, and the outer conductors neither fused nor provided with switches. Owing to the great capacity of the outer conductors to earth, the potential to earth of d, as well as that of O 2 , will be very nearly zero, and that of Ii to earth will be very nearly equal to the bus- bar voltage, and that of 1 2 to the lamp voltage. A short- circuit to earth on the outer conductor is therefore unlikely, and, if it should nevertheless happen, inocuous, but a short-circuit to earth of any part of the inner con- ductor will result in a heavy current and blowing of the nearest fuses. Let, for instance, a " dead earth " be developed by some failure of insulation at point E, and fusing together of the inner conductor with a metal part well earthed, say the case of the transformer, then the fuses f,fi, and/2 will promptly blow, but the current going to earth will not be interrupted thereby, for P receives E.M.F. by induction from S from the other sub-stations, and it is only after the fuse f* has also blown that the earth-current ceases. But/s, being in the secondary, is necessarily a heavy fuse, and requires some time to come into action. During that time there exists a dangerous condition, for we have now the inductance of the trans- former due to its magnetic leakage in series with the capacity of O and d to lead sheath, that is to say, the capacity of the whole of the network to earth. This capacity in a larger system may be enormous, perhaps 100 micro- farad or more. The charging current will now flow from E (equivalent to the lead sheaths of all the primary cables) through P to the totality of the outer conductors. Let C be the capacity to lead of all the outer conductors, then we have again a circuit as represented by Fig. 155, but with this difference, that E is now given, not by the bus bars, but by the primary of the transformer, and the equivalent coils to Li and Ri represent now the effect of magnetic leakage and true copper resistance. The inductance and capacity being in series, there will be a rise of pressure, but whether this will be a dangerous rise will depend on the electrical constants of the trans- former and network. In the first place it should be noted that E is smaller than the bus-bar voltage, the reduction depending on the resistance of those cables which bring BREAKDOWN OF CABLES 303 the current from the neighbouring sub-stations. If the capacity be very large and the transformer very small, the latter is almost in the condition of short-circuit. It may be burned up, but no great rise of pressure will be produced on the cables, so that no breakdown of the cables is likely to occur. Again, if the transformer is very large, the charging current which the cables can take will be insufficient to produce any considerable E.M.F. of self-induction, and also in this case there is no danger. Between these two extreme cases there may, Volt 10,000 5000 10 20 30 40 FIG. 162. Rise of pressure in large network. 50K.V.A, however, be others where the inductance due to magnetic leakage and the capacity of the network are in such proportion to produce perfect or approximate resonance, and then the pressure of the outer conductors to earth may rise sufficiently to break down the insula- tion in one or more places. After what has been already explained, the reader will have no difficulty in determining for any given net- work this dangerous size of transformers. As an example I take a network of 100 km. having a capacity to earth of 100 microfarad and transformers with \\ per cent, ohmic 304 TRANSFORMERS and 4 per cent, inductive drop. The resistance of the second- ary network is such that at full load the ohmic drop between a sub-station and a consumer midway between two sub- stations is 1 1- per cent. The frequency is 4.5, and the working pressure 3000 volt as before. On making the calcula- tion for various sizes of transformers, we find that one of about 10 k.v.a. will produce a pressure of about 8000 volt, both on its own terminals and between the outer conductor and earth. With smaller and larger trans- formers the pressures are less. Fig. 162 shows the relation between capacity of transformer and pressure for this particular case. Curve I shows the pressure on the terminals of the transformer itself, and curve II shows the pressure between the outer conductor and earth. Taking a rise of pressure up to 3000 volt on the outer conductor of the concentric cables as just on the verge of danger, we see that transformers below 7 k.v.a., and above 22 k.v.a. may be used, but not transformers between these two limits. This is with concentric cables. With stranded cables the capacity of a loo-km. network would be barely 20 microfarad, and then even a lo-kw. transformer would already be outside of the danger limit. CHAPTER XIV SOME EXAMPLES OF MODERN TRANSFORMERS THE practical development of any new piece of machinery or apparatus is generally a matter of trial and error. At first, whilst the scientific principles underlying the new application of natural laws are but imperfectly understood, we have a period during which inventors, groping more or less in the dark, seek success in abnormal designs or the special development of some detail which later on is seen to be of minor importance ; then comes a period where the really essential details are recognised and receive consideration, and as these are perfected we get to the final stage, characterised not by divergence, but rather by uniformity of design. The first period in the development of the transformer has not been dealt with in this book. To the technical historian it may be interesting to investigate the early designs of Goulard and Gibbs, Lane Fox, Rankin Kennedy and other pioneers, but such investigations will not help one to either understand the working of a transformer or to design one. The second stage, namely the conscious improvement of details, has been treated in the previous pages, and it now only remains to give the reader a general survey of the last stage by placing before him a few examples of the best modern practice. The Brush Electrical Engineering Co., Ltd. Figs. 163 to 165 show a loo-k.v.a. single-phase oil-cooled transformer, and Figs. 166 to 168 a 5<3'5 Length . . 465 ni. Weight . . 645 kg. EXAMPLES OF MODERN TRANSFORMERS 311 The current density in both windings is 2*55 ampere per sq. mm. The induction is 13,600, and the total flux 20*6 megalines. The carcase weighs 7 tons, and the calculated iron loss with alloyed plates is 21 kw. The iron loss is therefore only 0*6 per cent, of the output. The calculated copper loss is 10*35 kw. in the three primary and 9' 15 kw. in the three secondary coils. The total losses at full load are 40*5 kw., or 1*14 per cent, of the full- load output. This makes the efficiency at full load nearly 99 per cent. The insulation has been tested with 50,000 volt for the high-pressure, and 6000 volt for the low-pressure coils to earth during fifteen minutes. Messrs. Ferranti, Ltd. An air-cooled core type transformer for moderate power is represented in Figs. 172 to 174. The core is of rectangular section, with the end plates stepped so as to more nearly fill the rounded space within the coils. Core and yoke are bolted up with strong gun-metal flanking plates, those of the lower yoke being provided with flanges for attachment to the cast-iron base. For outside protection a non-perforated steel shell is used, and ventilation is provided by holes in the baseband cap as shown in Fig. 172. For a primary pressure of 2000 volt at 50 frequency and a trans- forming ratio of about 10 : i the dimensions are as follows Output, k.v.a. A B C D E F 30 3' 2" i' 3" 10" 2' 10" i' 7" 2' o" 50 3' 4" i' 3" 10" 2' I 4" ,' 9" 2' o" Fig. 175 shows the rise of temperature of the 30- k.v.a. size, and Fig. 176 that of the 5O-k.v.a. size at full load, whilst Figs. 177 and 178 represent the regula- tion. In each diagram two curves are shown, the ordinates representing percentage drop at the secondary terminals as a function of the power factor in the i_ fe EXAMPLES OF MODERN TRANSFORMERS 313 secondary circuit, but with this difference, that the lower curve refers to constant current and the upper to con- Room Temperatur > 10.0 11.0 12.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 Time in Hours FIG. 175. Heating curve of Ferranti 3o-k.v.a. transformer. stant power. In the latter case the current must increase with decreasing power factor, which accounts for the greater drop. 35 Room Temperature 9.0 10.0 11.0 12.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8-0 Time in Hours FIG. 176. Heating curve of Ferranti 5O-k.v.a. transformer. Fig. 179 shows the general design of single-phase oil-cooled transformers for small and moderate out- TRANSFORMERS put. The transformers may be either placed on a level floor or attached to a wall, for which purpose the case 1-0 0-95 0-9 0-85 0-8 0-75 FIG. 177. Regulation curve of Ferranti 3O-k.v.a. transformer. is provided with lugs. The dimensions A to E in inches, and the weight in cwt. are given in the following- table. The efficiency at full non-inductive load ranges from 1-0 0-95 0-9 0-85 0'8 0-75 > cos if FIG. 178. Regulation curve of Ferranti 5o-k.v. a. transformer. 91*2 per cent, in the ^-k.v.a-. size to 97*9 per cent, in the 5o-k.v.a. size; at quarter load from 777 to 97*1 per cent. EXAMPLES OF MODERN TRANSFORMERS 315 K.v.a. A B C D E Weight * Mi IO Si ;i 15 I I i6f "1 10 4 I/ i 2 i6| "I IO si 17 2 5 20| *5* "I 1 1 * 3t 10 '25 18 i5i H 30 7i i5 25 18 5t H 32 8* 20 25f i8f '6| 1 4! 35 * 25 27 20f i7f is! 36 M 30 29i 22 i i9| 17 36 16 40 32 23i 22 J- i9| 39 i7i 50 34 25i 24 21 39 20 For the transformers here described iron and copper losses are as under Output k v a c 3O ^O I 2O J o^ j v Iron loss, watt .... I 12 290 350 1670 Copper loss, watt . . . 131 400. 760 H85 The copper loss is given at full secondary current, corresponding to the volt-ampere at which the trans- former is rated, and after it has been at work sufficiently long to have reached its final temperature. TRANSFORMERS MFiG. 179. Ferranti standard type I oil-cooled transformer. Fig. 1 80 shows the design of a small transformer for a very high primary pressure. To secure good insula- tion the primary circuit is arranged in 8 distinct coils, which may be more easily handled and tested before being assembled. In the present case the transformers are intended for three-phase io,ooo-volt circuits. The dimensions for a 50- and 3O-kw. transformer, the output being obtained at a power factor of 075, are as follows Kw. A B C 50 4 'o" 2' 7i" 2' IOJt" 30 3' 4" 2' 4" I' 10" EXAMPLES OF MODERN TRANSFORMERS 317 In star coupling each primary takes 5800 volt, or 725 volt on each individual coil. To protect the low- pressure circuit an earthing shield is used. A three-phase transformer, where the three phases are combined in one apparatus, is shown in Figs. 181 and 182. It is a i2O-kw. transformer, star coupled for 5000 volt primary line pressure, and a secondary pressure, which may be adjusted to either 370, 380, or 390 volt. For this purpose tappings are taken on the secondary, and by means of a three-pole switch the number of turns on each limb may be changed from the normal of 49 to either 48 for the lower or 50 for the higher voltage. This is shown diagrammatically in Fig. 183. The switch is seen in Figs. 181 and 182 mounted on the top of the casing. The core area is 350 sq. cm., the flux 4*45 megalines, and the induction 12,700. The following table gives the winding data i2o-kw. Transformer Primary Secondary Connection. Star Star Line voltage . 5000 380 Number of coils . . 12 3 Wire, bare, mm. . . 4'30X2-55 1 2 '6 x 2-54, four in parallel Wire, covered, mm. . 4-8 x 3-05 13-2x3-05 Number of turns per limb 6 3 6 50 Number of layers 5 i Tappings .... none 370 volt on 48th turn 380 volt on 49th turn 390 volt on 5Oth turn INS.1Z 9 6 3 3 FT. FIG. 1 8 1. I20-kw. 5000 to 380 volt 4O-frequency three-phas made by Messrs. Ferranti, Ltd. e transformer 320 TRANSFORMERS SECONDARY TERMINALS NEUTRAL PRIMARY TERMINALS FIG. 183. Diagram of connections to Fig. 181. FIG. 182. End elevation to Fig. 181. EXAMPLES OF MODERN TRANSFORMERS 321 r FIG. 184. 5oo-k.v.a. 3 1200/2200- volt transformer made by the Bullock El. Mfg. Co. The B^illock Electric Manufacturing Co. Figs. 1 84 to 188 are good examples of high-class American practice in 21 322 TRANSFORMERS the design of transformers. Figs. 1 84 and 185 show a 500 k.v.a. oil-cooled shell-type transformer for 60 frequency FIG. 185. 500-k.v.a. 3 1200/2200- volt transformer made by the Bullock Electrical Manufacturing Co. taking current at 31,200 volt, and delivering current at 2200 volt. On account of the high voltage, special precaution has been taken to separate the coils by EXAMPLES OF MODERN TRANSFORMERS 323 insulating partitions, shown by thick lines, and the terminals are also immersed in oil. The secondary winding is in two groups, so that the same type may be ,EP. X? g -LP. Coil -'Case ater Outlet Air ater Inlet ^ ^ ==: ! - .." ===^ =^ ^ W / // \ ^ ^ ^-^ . _/ / X 5C OK w. /I / _ __ _^ - - _ ^^=- =rT . <- ^ =5 * fc -* j |! <~ 112% Load -> 1 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Hours Run <- - 101% Load ----- ^j* 147%->j Load FIG. 186. Heating curves of 5oo-k.v. a. transformer. coupled up for half the secondary pressure and double current. The transformer is one of a group of three for Load FiG. 187. 500-k.v.a. 3 1 200/2200- volt transformer. three-phase work, as is the usual practice in America, in preference to building one three-phase transformer of treble output. The use of three single transformers in 324 TRANSFORMERS mesh connection has the advantage that a failure of one transformer need not interrupt the three-phase service ; the other two remaining at work are simply overloaded, so as to do the work of three ; but as the time-constant of large transformers is very great, no damage is done to the overloaded transformers during the time required to bring a spare transformer into service. This advantage is, of course, lost if star coupling is adopted. The trans- former here illustrated is, however, sufficiently well insu- lated to be used in star-connection, when the line pressure on the primary side is 54,000 volt. The oil is cooled by FIG. 1 88. Plan to Fig. 189. a cold-water worm placed in the upper part of the case, and the terminals are brought through the cover by large porcelain ferrules. The total weight of copper is 300 kg. In Fig. 1 86 a heating test of this transformer is recorded. To shorten the time, the test was started with a 1 2 per cent, overload, and then the run was continued with about full load. The final temperature-rise at normal full load is 38 C. for the coils, and 35 C. for the carcase (marked " case " in the diagram). The great difference of temperature between water inlet and water outlet should be noted, as also the small difference between the temperature of the carcase and the out- EXAMPLES OF MODERN TRANSFORMERS 325 flowing water. This indicates a very vigorous circulation of the oil and efficient action of the worm. r~ Fig. 187 shows the performance of this transformer as regards efficiency and regulation. A small transformer of the type frequently used in 326 TRANSFORMERS America for private houses is shown in Figs. 188 to 190, The secondary circuit is arranged in two groups, and there are four secondary leads brought out of the case, so that not only can the same type be used for full and half voltage, but, by grouping the two windings in series and joining the connecting joint to the neutral bar of the distributing switchboard, a supply on the three-wire system may be given. The dimensions refer to a 5-k.v.a. transformer at 60 frequency for the voltage usual in a house-to-house system of supply, namely, 1000 to 2000 volt on the primary and not over 200 volt on the secondary. The British Westinghouse Co., Ltd. Before entering on a description of the various designs, it will be useful to say a few words concerning the principles on which this firm has standardised its transformers. Although high efficiency is always desirable, there are cases where it is especially important. Thus in a lighting transformer high efficiency at low loads is far more important than in a power transformer, because the latter is not worked for a very long time at light load, and power current is, as a rule, cheaper than lighting current. On the other hand, capital outlay for the very reason that power current must be supplied cheaply, is an important matter in power supply undertakings, and for these reasons it may be good policy to sacrifice a little in efficiency if thereby the fixed charges can be reduced. To satisfy the various conditions of working the British Westing- house standardise two types, one for high, the other for medium efficiencies. The relation between these may be seen from the following table, which refers to the two types of 4O-k.v.a. transformer Percentage of load . . IOO 75 50 25 High Efficiency 97-80 9777 97'53 96-15 Medium Efficiency 97*50 97-40 96-80 9475 EXAMPLES OF MODERN TRANSFORMERS 327 The high-efficiency transformer is, of course, more costly and also heavier. In the 4o-k.v.a. size the complete weight with tank and oil is 660 kg. for the high-efficiency transformer, and 540 kg. for the medium- efficiency transformer. FIG. 191. FIG. 192. 4O-k.v.a. 2ooo/2OO-volt transformer made by the British Westinghouse Co., Ltd. Another matter which requires attention when standardising a line of transformers is the question of heating. An actual working temperature up to 85 C. may be permitted, but a knowledge of this limit alone is not sufficient to determine the cooling surfaces ; we must also know the temperature of the room in which the transformer will have to work and the character of the load and the cooling conditions. 328 TRANSFORMERS In large transformers this information is generally available beforehand, and the designer can make his calculations accordingly. Small transformers must, how- ever, be made in quantities for stock, and the designer cannot know in what localities and under what conditions they will have to work. He must therefore design the small transformer for a lesser temperature rise than might be allowed in a medium-size transformer. If he designs o a large transformer with water-cooling he can calculate still more closely, that is to say, allow a greater tempera- ture rise, because all the conditions are of such a nature that no great departures from known averages are likely to occur. The smaller transformers are rated for a temperature rise of 40 C. over the surrounding air. An air tempera- ture of 45 C., which might occasionally be reached in badly-ventilated transformer chambers or pillars, would then not cause damage. Larger transformers are rated for a temperature rise of 45 C. as their load conditions can more accurately be predetermined, and more care is taken in placing them in properly-ventilated chambers. Oil-insulated water-cooled transformers are normally rated for 50 C. rise over the temperature of the entering water ; as this will, under ordinary conditions, not exceed 30 C., this rating should be safe. Figs. 191 and 192 show a 4o-k.v.a. single-phase oil-cooled shell transformer of the high-efficiency type. Jt is designed for the standard frequency of 50 and a primary voltage of 2000. The carcase weighs 220 kg., and the winding 125 kg. The coil area is 350 sq. cm., and the induction 6500 lines per sq. cm., giving a flux of 2*27 megalines. The window area is 216 sq. cm. The quantity of oil required is 34 gallons, or 138 kg. No cooling-worm is used, sufficient surface for air cooling being provided by the corrugated sheet-iron case. In smaller sizes up to 10 k.v.a. the case is of cast-iron, and provided with lugs for fixing to hanger irons for attachment to a wall. In Fig. 193 is shown one of a set of three trans- formers supplying current to a six-phase 1000 kw. rotary converter. For this purpose each secondary EXAMPLES OF MODERN TRANSFORMERS 329 6 & I s I 330 TRANSFORMERS EXAMPLES OF MODERN TRANSFORMERS 331 circuit must be in two parts, so that four secondary terminals are required. To provide extra cooling surface the heads of the coils are splayed out, the carcase is built up of narrow packets separated by circulation ducts, and the corrugations of the case are very deep. Fig. 194 shows a three-phase core-type oil-cooled transformer made for the Castner-Kellner Alkali Works, Newcastle-on-Tyne. The capacity is 1200 k.v.a. at 5750 volt on the primary side, and 40 frequency. The voltage on the secondary side is 175, but by altering the method of connecting up, the same winding may be used for different voltages. Fig"- J 95 shows three different arrangements of terminals, marked A, B, and C. The winding is sub- divided into discs as explained in Chapter VIII. For sizes larger than 1200 k.v.a. the cooling by a corru- gated case is supplemented by a cold-water worm. For pressures up to 20,000 volt cooling by artificial blast without oil may be used. Fig. 196 shows a trans- former of this type for 11,000 volt on the primary and 400 volt on the secondary side. The output is 550 k.v.a. at 33 frequency. A number of these trans- formers have been installed at the Baker Street sub- station of the Metropolitan Railway. They serve for supplying current to rotary converters. The trans- formers are kept cool by a strong air-blast sent in through a duct in the floor. Gratings, the opening of which may be separately regulated, are provided to suitably sub-divide and direct the stream of air through carcase and winding, and in order that the attendant may see at a glance whether the ventilation is in order a little wind-mill, indicated at a in Fig. 196, is fitted to each transformer over the top grating. The advantages of cooling by air-blast over cooling by oil are greater cleanliness and convenience in case of repair, but care must be taken to have the air free from soot or dust. On the other hand, oil (unless it must be supplemented by a water-worm) requires no accessory apparatus, such as a fan, and no expenditure of power. It has also the advantage of increasing the time constant. 332 TRANSFORMERS ft ft ff t t r t FIG. 196. 55o-k.v.a. 1 1, 000/400- volt air-blast transformer made by the British Westinghouse Co., Ltd. EXAMPLES OF MODERN TRANSFORMERS 333 r V F .A. J. FIG. 197. Lamp transformer made by the British Westinghouse Co., Ltd. * 334 TRANSFORMERS EXAMPLES OF MODERN TRANSFORMERS 335 In transformers connected to overhead lines which are liable to atmospheric disturbances it is also sometimes claimed for oil that it acts as a self-healing insulation, closing the small hole punctured in the solid dielectric when a static discharge occurs. Whatever may be the value of this view, the fact remains that experience has led most makers to use oil for high-pressure transformers. With the advent of the wire lamp a demand has arisen for very small transformers for single lamps or groups of a few lamps. Wire lamps are at present made for moderate voltages, 25 to no, but many of the existing supply systems exceed these limits, so that a transformer becomes necessary to burn the lamps inde- pendently. It is, of course, possible to use one transformer for the whole of the lamps, but then the iron loss would reduce the yearly efficiency of the in- stallations, and it is also questionable whether the existing leads would be able to carry the larger currents with a moderate ohmic drop. When this is not the case, small transformers of the type shown in Figs. 197 and 198 may be used. The switch must, of course, be put on the primary side of the transformer, the latter with its wire lamp taking simply the place of the previous carbon lamp. Fig. 199 shows a lamp-transformer attached to a wall bracket. Messrs. Brown, Boveri & Co. The largest trans- former ever made is probably that supplied by Messrs. Brown, Boveri & Co. to the Betznau Power Station (Switzerland). Its capacity is 4600 k.v.a., and it serves to transform up a machine current of 8000 volt to a line pressure of 27,000 volt. It is a three-phase core type star-coupled transformer. Its primary phase volt- age is 4650, and its secondary 15,620 volt. Figs. 200 to 202 show the construction to a scale of i : 20*6. Fig. 203 shows the method of winding, and Fig. 204 is a general view of the transformer by the side of its tank. FIG. 199. Lamp transformer on wall bracket. 336 TRANSFORMERS FIG. 200. 46oo-k;V.a. three-phase transformer made by Messrs. Brown, Boveri & Co. EXAMPLES OF MODERN TRANSFORMERS 337 FIG. 201. 46oo-k.v.a. transformer made by Messrs. Brown, Boveri & Co. 22 338 TRANSFORMERS The following particulars will be of interest Frequency * . . . "r ..-.." 50 Core area, sq. cm. , . . . . 2,380 Induction lines per sq. cm. . . . . 11,300 Flux in megalines . . . . ; . 26*9 Number of turns per phase in primary . 78 Number of turns per phase in secondary . 267 Area of primary conductor in sq. mm. '". 178 Area of secondary conductor in sq. mm. . 44 Current density in primary, ampere per sq. mm. 1*85 Current density in secondary, ampere per sq. mm. 2*14 Resistance of primary per phase in ohm . 0*030 Resistance of secondary per phase in ohm . 0^440 Iron loss measured in watt . ... . 40,500 Total copper loss measured in watt .. .-." 25,500 Efficiency at full load, per cent. . . . . 98*6 Maximum drop, per cent. . . . . 1*6 FIG. 202. 46cx)-k.v.a. three-phase transformer made by Messrs. Brown, Boveri & Co. EXAMPLES OF MODERN TRANSFORMERS 339 The total weight of iron is 12 tons, so that with full non-inductive load the weight of iron is only 2*6 kg. per kw. The copper weight is 2400 kg. or 0*524 kg. per kw. The total weight of active material is only ABOVE Presspahn distance, pieces The 40 top turns separated by 1mm. presspahn BELOW FIG. 203. Method of separating the primary and secondary coils. SO 3*124 kg. per kw. It will be obvious that with large a reduction in the weight of active material per kw. a very perfect cooling device becomes necessary, and for this reason the usual plain cooling pipe has been replaced 340 TRANSFORMERS by an elaborate cooler provided with ribs in the manner of a radiator as shown in Figs. 201 and 202. The terminals are taken through long porcelain tubes, the lower ends of which are well below the oil level. FIG. 204. 46oo-k.v.a. three-phase transformer made by Messrs. Brown, Boveri & Co. Messrs. Siemens Schuckert Werke. Figs. 205 and 206 illustrate an air-cooled transformer of the shell type for 50 frequency, 3000 to 220 volt, and 6'86 to 92 ampere. The dimensions inscribed are mm. The carcase is built up of 0*3 mm. alloyed sheets insulated to 0^33 mm., and has butt-joints. The iron weight is 165 kg. and the measured iron loss at the induction of 9700 is 335 watt > or at tne rate f 2 '3 watt P er kg- This agrees within a few per cent, with the curve given on page 26. EXAMPLES OF MODERN TRANSFORMERS 341 -325 700 FIG. 205. 2O-k.v.a. 3OOO/22O-volt transformer made by Siemens Schuckert Werke. 342 TRANSFORMERS The particulars of this transformer are as follows Core area in sq. cm. . . ; . . 300 Flux in megalines . . . . . 2-9 Number of turns in primary . . V . 464 Number of turns in secondary . i . 34 Section of primary sq. mm. . . ".-'. ' 6 Section of secondary sq. mm. .. .. . . 80 Resistance of primary hot in ohm . . 2*25 Resistance of secondary hot in ohm , / 0*0126 Ohmic drop in per cent. ., . , . 1*03 Inductive drop in per cent. . . . ; . 0*90 Maximum possible drop in per cent. . j 1*37 Final temperature rise in iron, degree C. . / 55 Final temperature rise in copper, degree C. . 55 FIG. 206. Side view of Fig. 206. FIG. 207. 14-k.v.a. three-phase transformer made by Siemens Schuckert Werke. FIG. 208. Plan of Fig. 207. 344 TRANSFORMERS The primary winding is subdivided into 4 coils of 116 turns. Each coil consists of 58 layers of 2 turns, the section of copper being 1*3 mm. by 47 mm. wide. The secondary winding is also subdivided into 4 coils, two of which have each 8 turns, and the other two 9 turns. The copper section is 10 mm. by 8 mm. wide. It is T ^^TI M T^-N ~^ ~-~~ 1 " < 200 1 1- | A ^ --3-- - L^^^^,- - I Jt i ~t ifz 4 I I i i t 1 I i / V u FIG. 209. End view of Fig. 208. made up of two strips, 5 by 8 mm. wound on together. The weights are Carcase . ... . , .165 kg. Primary copper . V _, 37*3 ,, Secondary copper . . -.; 36*1 ,, Total active material . . 238*4 ,, or at the rate of 11*92 kg. per kw. at full non-inductive load. The efficiency is 97^ * /o* EXAMPLES OF MODERN TRANSFORMERS 345 A three-phase transformer, also of the shell type, with butt joints, is illustrated in Figs. 207 to 209. The dimensions are mm. It is a I4~k.v.a. oil-cooled trans- FIG. 210. looo-k.v.a. three-phase transformer made by Siemens Schuckert Werke. former for 50 frequency, 3000 to 200 volt, and 2*8 to 37*4 ampere. Both circuits are star coupled. The windows are 87 mm. square, and each contains 518 primary and 346 TRANSFORMERS 38 secondary wires. Each primary is arranged in two coils, and each of these has 28 layers of 9 turns and one FIG. 2ii. Side view of Fig. 210. layer of 7 turns. The two coils are placed side by side, and outside of them are placed the two secondary coils, each containing 19 turns. The primary conductor is EXAMPLES OF MODERN TRANSFORMERS 347 round wire of 1*8 mm., the secondary is strip 3*4 mm. by 9*4 mm. wide. The resistance cold is, for the primary 4*2, and fpr the secondary 0*0245 ohm. per phase. The weight of carcase is 149 kg., and the measured iron loss at an induction of 9600 is 276 watt or r86 watt per kg., which corresponds exactly with the Author's tests recorded in Fig. n. The primary copper weighs 38*8 kg., and the secondary 36*4 kg. The total copper <$ j._ - .-.-.-.- p. - _ *._._ _. 1"- , -* -v ?n - t.-f.^'l: fflr.f--tr.--tr i.-^ FIG. 212. Plan of Fig. 210. loss at full load when the transformer is hot is 250 watt. The final temperature rise, both in iron and copper, is 55 C. The inductive drop is 1*8 % ; the ohmic drop is i-5 % . A three-phase transformer for 1000 k.v.a. at 50 frequency is illustrated in Figs. 210 to 212. It is also of the shell type with butt joints, but with special cooling appliances. The transformation ratio is 5000 to 10,000 volt, the iron loss amounts to 8*3 kw., and the 343 TRANSFORMERS . FIG. 213. 225O-k.v.a. three-phase transformer made by Siemens Schuckert Werke. EXAMPLES OF MODERN TRANSFORMERS 349 copper loss to 6*82 kw., corresponding to an efficiency of 98*5 % at full non-inductive load. Oil is used for cooling, and to facilitate the flow of heat from oil to case the latter is provided with internal ribs, as shown in Fig. 212. There is no cold-water worm employed, but to cool the case its external surface is played on by water. For this purpose a water-supply pipe is laid round the top of the case on the outside. This pipe is provided with holes through which the water is squirted against the outer surface of the case, and, flowing o D D FIG. 214. Carcase of three-phase Siemens Schuckert 225 . . . . = specific cooling surface. w . . . = an angular speed. v . . . = frequency, complete periods per second. 356 APPENDIX III FORMULA USED No. Page Formula Subject i 10 TT * g Crest value of E.M.F. 2 3 4 12 12 12 *-4*- Effective value of an alter- nating current of sine form Effective value of an alter- nating current of any form Effective value of an alter- nating E.M.F. of any form ,w;y;v, 5 14 e- E Effective value of an alter- nating E.M.F. of sine form 6 14 ,- 4 -44v*io- Effective E.M.F. in coil of transformer 7 !I 7 = /fcB r6 Energy per cycle 8 20 P -o-iQ/A " B V Loss due to eddy currents in ordinary transformer plates. JT w U 1 U 1 / \ \ 100 IOOO/ Sa 22 P *--"(lio- 8 E.M.F. of flat curve 10 30 e = 4'62vio- 8 E.M.F. of peaked curve ii 55 c Temperature rise 12 61 t=^j~ Time constant in seconds 13 14 61 61 / T \ Heating time in seconds Heating time in hours 2*3' / T \ 3600 VT -y/ 357 358 TRANSFORMERS No. Page Formula Subject a+& b_ 15 65 p _ PI(*~*~ ~ J ) - p o(^ ~ J ) Permissible load for inter- mittent working + e^-e* 16 74 G-c P Weight of carcase / v ff#p \ IOO i7 84 e = U E.M.F. of self-induction 18 g Z = w (>10- 6 Condenser or capacity current Current through resist- in Q s^t^. o - r\ \t*kf\iir'\'CiY\r i '* in j VR 2 + W cinCc dllLl UlU.U.i-'tcHix^C ill series 20 86 / Current through resist- ance, inductance, and \/ R 2 + (^L - j capacity in series 21 8? IOOO d) Natural angular velocity u / VCL 22 87 I 60 ~VcE Natural frequency 2 3 93 P = cos 100 o"i (t j -f- i Inductive drop in cylin- drical coils e ^< \" 3 J I 34 181 ioo ^_ o X /z/ + 2\ /^ + # 1 + 2 \/ Inductive drop in flat coils J < \ A 6/1 35 182 e s , X/, a 1 + a z \p Inductive drop in shell transformer with sand- e "^V 6 // m wiched coils 36 184 i/-r 3 D" Relation between drop and frequency for the same iron heat 37 234 B ^ ^ 7 " ^ Induction in sample when tested by Epstein ap- 1000 J vA paratus of normal con- struction 38 235 P = //!i/B*+/(i/B) 2 General expression for iron loss 39 243 , I 2^> Ballistic constant T O ioor 40 243 t> = ~ 55 55 T i T 41 244 55 5J 27T X 27T 42 246 /3=2/4 Logarithmic decrement 43 246 .T = a- (i+' / 8) Undamped elongation 44 249 n Change of flux given by fluxometer 45 252 (fr = ^mtQ Total flux given by shunted fluxometer 46 257 e _ n d. net. Houston, 2s. 6d. net. Maycock, 2s. 6d. Manual Instruction, Woodwork, Barter, 6s. Drawing, Barter, 3^. 6d. 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