'* New Shakspere Society. SI-:KIKS \\\\. MISCKLLAMKS, No. 4. CRITICAL AND HISTORICAL PROGRAM afovipls, >Irrs, anir Songs s AT Srconti Annual fHusiral Entertainment UNIVERSITY COLLEGE, LONDON, FRIDAY, 9111 MAY, 1884. REVISED EDIT A I'l I'-l.ISHT I Sijafesprrc Soctctu BY X. TRC'BXEK & CO., 57, 59, LUnciATK J1ILI. i.< i\l)( IN, !'.('.. i8i . follofomg SttWi&tiOflS of tljr Xew Shakspere Society ftafjc bent fssucti - Far 1874 : Series I. Tr< . 1. Part I, containing 4 Papers, editions of the genuine part- Pericles, and details of that of //',)',) Oiiaito- of /,' Jtil let, in a. simple Iv'eprin; Parallel Texts, by P. A. Daniel. by lIH.lt. Prince Leopold, Duke of Albany}. Series IV. - 1. Part I. 1592-8 A.D. (Gr orth' of V, Chettle's ' Kind-Harts Dreame,' 1503; iiv. - from Meres's .PaW< ed. C. M. Inylehy, LL.l). 7^,- 1875 : Series I. Transactions, 2, 3. 1871, Part TI ; IS 75-0, Part I, Containing Papers by the 1:< Simpson, and Spedding, and l>y Profs. Ingrain and Delias. Arc., with Keports of Discussions. Series II. Plays. -1. A revisd Edition of the second, or 1509. Quarto of Romeo and Julirt. collated with the other Quartos and the Folios ; edited by P. A. Daniel. Esq., with Not. 5, G. Henri/ V, a. Keprint.3 of the (Quarto and Folio, edited by Dr Bi -m. Series III. Originals and Analogues. 1. Part I. a. The Tragicall Historye of Romeus and Juliet, written first in Italian, by Bandell, and no\ve in Englishe by Ar[thur] Br[ooke], 1562 ; edited by P. A. Daniel, Esq. b. The goodly hystory of the true and constant lor. lihomeo and Julietta ; from Painter's Palace of Pleasure, 1567 ; edited by P. A. Daniel, Esq. For 1876 : Series II. Plays. 7, 8. The Two Noble Kinsmen, by Shakspere and Fletcher ; a. A Beprint c Quarto of 1031 ; b. a revisd Edition, vich Notes, by Harold Littledale, Esq., B.A., Trinity College, Dublin. (The latter presented //// Richard Johnson. Esq.) Series VI. 2. a. Tell-Trothes New-yeares Gift. 1593, with The passionate Morrice. b. John I Tom Tel-Troths message, and his Pens Complaint, 1000. c. Thomas Powell' or the Plaine Pathway to Preferment, 1631. d. The Glasse of Godly Loue, [1569]. seated bit 3 Members of the Society.) Edited by F. J. Furnivall, M.A. .".. William Stafford's E.^iiiiinithn of certeyne ClS3 ; Part I, 1 : ed. F. .1. Fuvnivall. Series VIII. JftwU/atinn. 1. Prof. Spalding on 77i nble Kinsmen, and ti SH.M- ryle (1833). With ^Memoir by Dr Hill Burton, and Forewords by F. J. Furnivall. For 1877 : Series I. Transactions. 4. Part II. for 1875-6. containing Papers by Prof. Delius. Miss J. Lee. Time-Analyses of the Merchant of I '-rllu. Aic., 13rutus's and Ant Ca'sar's corpse, from the Englisht Ap/>in's Chronicle, &c. Series II. Plays. 9. Henry V, Parallel-Texts of the First Quarto (1600) and First Folio (K>2:! j editions, edited by Brinsley Nicholson. M.D., with an Introduction by P. A. Daniel, 1. Series VI. Shakspere' s England. 1. William Harrison's Description of England , 1577. 15s7. t from its two versions by Fredk. J. Furnivall, M.A. Part I, with an eidar^d copy of Xorden's Map of London by van den Keere. 1593. and Xotes on it bv H. B. Wheatlev. EM,. For 1878 : Series I. Transactions. 5. Part I. for 1S77-9. containing Papers by Mr Spedding, Mr ; Series VI. tiJ/<.i/c.f>re'.-< Einjluii'L 5. William Harrison's Description of ~ England, 1577, 1567, 1 with Maps and Engravings, ed. by F. J. Furnivall. M.A. Series VIII. Miscellanies. 2. liobert Chester's Love's Martyr, 1601, in which Shakspch on the ' Phoenix and Turtle' were first publisht, edited by the liev. A. B. Grosart, LL.D. For 1879 : Series I. Transactions. 6. Part II. for 1877-9. Mr Daniel's Time-Analyses of Shakspere's Plots. Series IV. Allusion-Books. 2. SJinkxprre's Ccnhirie of Praise, the 2nd edition, by C. M. Ingleby. LFj. D., and Miss L. Toulmin Smith. (Presented mainly by Dr Ingleby.} Series VI. (!. Stubbes's Anatomic of Abuses (in Dress X* Manners). Part 1. Section 2. with extracts from his Life of his Wife, 1591, and other Works. with many woodcuts: ed. F. J. Furnivall, M.A. Fw 1880: Series I. Transactions. 7. Part III. for 1S77-9, Papers by Miss Phipson. Mr Kuskin. A Series II. Plays. 10. Henry T : c. a revisd edition of the Play, by Walter G. Stone. Esq. Series VI. Shnkspercs England. 7. The liogues and A'agabonds of S'nakspere's Youth, ed. by F. Viles and F. J. Furnivall. (Presented hi/ Mr Furnivall.) Far 1881: Series I. Transactions. 8. Part I. for 1SSO-2. Papers by Dr B. Nicholson. Dr Tanger, >: Series VI. &}/>//,/>> />' Ei/>/!< xrr/i>/i