THE OLD SYRIAC GOSPELS OR EVANGELION DA-MEPHARRESHE LEWIS % THE OLD SYRIAC GOSPELS OR EVANGELION DA-MEPHARRESH£ ; BEING THE TEXT OF THE SINAI OR SYRO-ANTIOCHENE PALIMPSEST, INCLUDING THE LATEST ADDITIONS AND EMENDATIONS, WITH THE VARIANTS OF THE CURETONIAN TEXT, CORROBORATIONS FROM MANY OTHER MSS., AND A LIST OF QUOTATIONS FROM ANCIENT A UTHORS. EDITED BY AGNES SMITH LEWIS, Hon. D.D. (Heidelberg), LL.D. (St. Andrew's), Ph.D. (Halle-Wittemberg). WITH FOUR FACSIMILES. LONDON: WILLIAMS AND NORGATE, 14, Henrietta Street, Covent Garden. M C M X. LONDON : PRINTED BY WILLIAM CLOWES AND SONS, LIMITED, DUKE STREET, STAMFORD STREET, S.E. CONTENTS. Preface Introduction Notes on Remarkable Passages Bibliography Appendix III. — List of Important Omissions Appendix II. — List of Quotations from Syriac Fathers Some Agreements Appendix I. — Addenda and Corrigenda SYRIAC TEXT Abbreviations used in the Similia Errata PAGE i iii xiv xxxvii xlvii 301 271 I — 268, jjLfioi — p^ V Ill Appendix IV. — Changes in the English Translation Appendix V.— Index to the Arabic Diatessaron ... I^^^mhd -foy^*^/^ FACSIMILES. Sinai Palimpsest: Matthew!. 1-17(7 „ „ Matphew xviii. 9-21 Curetonian Gospels: Luke xxi. 12^-2 6a „ „ John xiv. 21-23, 26^-28 r 47 193 254 M38989 PREFACE. After the publication of Dr. Burkitt's valuable book, the Evangelion da'Mepharreske, in two volumes, it might seem as if a new edition of the Sinai Palimpsest text were not required. Dr. Burkitt's book is essentially an edition of the Curetonian. As such, it is very- accurate, leaving little to be desired. But it can never supply the want of an edition of the Sinai text. The total absence in it of any enumeration of the Palimpsest folios shows that it was not compiled with such a purpose. The Sinai text deserves a better fate than to remain for any time in a position of subordination to the Cure- tonian, which, however interesting, is nevertheless its inferior both in antiquity and in purity. Many a little point in the older text has been lost sight of through its being either omitted or crowded too closely among the quotations from Aphraates, &c., quotations which sometimes resemble the Peshitta rather than the Old Syriac, and some- times vary considerably from both versions. In a few passages, more- over. Dr. Burkitt has declined to accept words which are distinctly apparent in the manuscript, preferring his own conjecture to my actual reading. I may instance Matt, xxvii. 43, Luke ii. 15. My sixth visit to the Convent in 1906 gave me the opportunity of verifying these passages, and also of abolishing in many places the word " illegible," which has been used oftener than is necessary. Dr. Burkitt has not seen the manuscript since he transcribed about a third of its Gospel text in 1893. Many of his emendations, extracted from my photographs, are excellent, and his studies in the Syrian Fathers are beyond all praise. But, as I have said elsewhere, no amount of learning, skill, and conscientious care, can quite replace a study of the manuscript itself. PREFACE To supply this need is the object of the present book. It may not say the final word, but I trust that by its help Syriac scholars who visit the lonely Monastery, either by camel or by aeroplane, may be enabled to find the place of every word they wish to verify without difficulty or delay. With this object I have placed a heavy black stroke at the end of every page, and two thin strokes at the end of every alternate column ; also (and this is important) a small stroke at the end of every line. All conjectures about doubtful readings will have to conform to these limitations ; for the lines, throughout the manuscript, are almost of equal length. I have to thank my dear twin sister, Dr. Margaret Gibson, for revis- ing all the proof-sheets of this work, a service which her ever-increasing acquaintance with the Syriac language has enabled her to render more efficiently than she could do in 1895, when I made my transcript from the Palimpsest under the title of Some Pages of the Four Gospels Retranscribed from the Sinaitic Palimpsest. I can never forget the kindness with which, in 1892, she turned from her own study of Greek MSS. to help me in the work of photographing the Palimpsest, and in overcoming the mechanical difficulties with which I had then to struggle. I have likewise to thank Dr. Nestle, of Maulbronn, for assistance in proof-correcting, and for several valuable suggestions. Also the Reader and Printers of Messrs. Gilbert and Rivington (now Messrs. William Clowes and Sons), for their careful attention to a work whose printing has lasted for nearly six years. INTRODUCTION. Discovery and Transcription of the Gospel Text. The story of how I discovered the Syriac Palimpsest of the Four Gospels in the Convent of St. Catherine on Mount Sinai in February, 1892, how its text was recognized as being " the Curetonian " by the late Professor Bensly and Dr. Burkitt when I submitted more than a dozen of my 400 photographs of it to the latter on July 15th of the same- year, and how four-fifths of it were tran- scribed by these two gentlemen and by Dr. Rendel Harris from the manuscript itself in 1893, has been already told in my Introduction to the editio princeps published by the Syndics of the Cambridge University Press in 1894. There is therefore no necessity for me to recapitulate it, especially as the said Introduc- tion was submitted for approval to Mrs. Bensly, Dr. Harris, and Dr. Burkitt, and is consequently a reliable and final statement of the facts. To the text, as copied from the MS., Dr. Burkitt added some gleanings from my photographs. But these were not sufficient to prevent the appearance of many gaps, vaiying in size from a whole or a half page to the space of a single word in passages which had baffled the sight or the ingenuity of the transcribers. In a subsequent visit to the Monastery in 1895, accompanied, as on the first occasion, by my twin sister, Mrs. Gibson, I was enabled, with the help of the same re-agent which had been used in 1893, to fill up most of these lacunae, and thus bind together large portions of the already deciphered text, discovering at the same time several of those peculiar readings which make the Sinai Palimpsest unique among Biblical MSS. I published my transcription in a volume of 98 pages, entitled Some Pages of the Four Gospels Retranscribed from the Sinaitic Palimpsest. My own contribution to it was printed in blue ink, to distinguish it from the work of the original transcribers, which was in black. I had my fourth opportunity of examining the manuscript in 1897, when my sister and I went to Sinai chiefly in the interests of the Palestinian Syriac Lectionaries and of the dated Arabic MSS. I then made a few emendations and additions to the text, which I published in the Expositor (Fifth Series), vol. vi., pp. 111-119. By turning my photographs into lantern-slides, I have verified many passages in them with the aid of the electric lamp. IV INTRODUCTION The Evangelion da-Mepharreshe. In 1904 the long-promised edition of the Curetonian Gospels, begun some 20 years previously by the late Professor Bensly but edited chiefly by Professor Burkitt, appeared in two volumes under the title of the Evangelion da-Mephar- reshe. In it, variants from the Sinai text were added in the foot-notes, and the ' '^e'?ct of niissio^ pages was supplied from the same source ; giving thus a fairly accurate fdea' of the Version, which may reasonably be called syr. vet., or Old ; S^ri^.: .Vol, ii, CCatams grammatical, linguistic, and textual notes, with quota- tions from the Syriac Fathers which have been collected with great diligence, and are illustrated with much learning and acuteness. As for Professor Robertson Smith's opinion that the Sinai text could not carry the variants of the Curetonian, it was formed two years before I filled up most of the gaps in the former. How far it now holds good, the present volume will give the student ample opportunity for observing. The list of corrections to the text as previously published, both in the Syndic's edition and in my supplementary one, given by Dr. Burkitt in Appendix III., were derived from his close scrutiny of my photographs. I had already detected many of them in 1902, when I made a fresh study of the manuscript. I accept most of them, but not all. One or two of those to which I decidedly object have been examined, at my request, by one of the most expert of Greek palaeographers. Dr. C. R. Gregory, whom my sister and I had the good fortune to meet during our sixth visit to Mount Sinai in 1906. I have had Dr. Gregory's tracings reproduced, and they now appear in my notes on the verses where these disputed words occur. That mistakes may be made, and are made, in copying a palimpsest text is not wonderful. The merest tyro at the business may see this by a glance at the published facsimiles. Where blots, or heavy strokes of the upper writing lie on the top of a word, or when its tall letters are covered up, is it wonderful that in 1895 I should have copied ,._OLA^aA.3 instead of »,__aA^a^r3 in Luke vi. 24, or that in Matt. xxiv. 2, both Drs. Bensly and Burkitt should have read K'.iavx.ox for K'iovx.w ? I have consequently my own list of corrections to offer in Appendix I. As I wrote the numbers of the pages on them in 1895, there can be no objection to my quoting them. Before that time I arranged my photographs by a list of the first lines on each page of the upper script, which I made at the time of its discovery in 1892. But that list has served its purpose, and the present numbering ought to take its place. Histoiy of the Version. The peculiarities of the text have been the subject of much discussion, both in Europe and in America. Two important publications have thrown much light INTRODUCTION V on them. Die vier kanonischen Evangelien nach ihrem dltesten bekannten Texte, by Dr. Adalbert Merx* of Heidelberg, and Die Altsyrische Evangelien- iibersetzung nnd Tatians Diatessaron, by Dr. Arthur Hjelt of Helsingfors. To these two works and to the smaller ones of the late Dr. Frederick Blass of Halle, and to instruction from Dr. Rendel Harris, I am indebted for most of my knowledge on the subject. These three first-mentioned scholars have studied it with the ardour born of a conviction that they were dealing with a text of the second century anterior to Tatian : in fact, with the earliest translation of the Four Gospels into any language. This position has been disputed by several other scholars, and latterly by Dr. Burkitt. On very insufficient grounds, he attributes its origin to the labours of a certain Bishop Palut, who flourished about A.D. 200, and was probably the first Bishop of Edessa. This would place it decidedly after Tatian's time. But Dr. Burkitt has not adduced a scrap of reliable evidence in support of his theory. As a writer in one of our literary periodicals observes, the fact, reported by Jacob of Serug from a lost passage in Ephrem's works, that the orthodox Christians of that period were called Palutians by the heretics, shows that the Bishop was much too powerful to have abstained from imposing on his followers his own translation of the Gospels, had such a transla- tion existed. The Diatessaron seems to have been exclusively used in the Syriac- speaking church from the time of its publication, towards the close of the second century, till the time of Rabbula, at the beginning of the fifth century. I can neither believe that all good work which dates from the early centuries of our era was done by well-known bishops, nor that the Syriac-speaking Christians of Palestine and in the country around Antioch, in the very first fervour of their faith, were content to wait till the year A.D. 160, that is, till at least three generations had passed away, for an authentic translation of the Gospels into their own vernacular. Those who contend for the priority of Tatian's Diatessaron to the Sinai (or Syro-Antiochene version) will find some facts difficult to explain. The great amount of agreement between these two texts shows that one must certainly have influenced the other ; though no one can suppose that the Sinai one was extracted out of Tatian's elaborate mosaic. If Tatian be the older, then : I. Why is the angel of Bethesda presumably absent from the Sinai text, though present in the Diatessaron ? n. Why is the order of the story in John xviii. 12-25, ^s it stands in the Sinai text, so far superior from a literary point of view to that of the Greek MSS. .-^ The translator cannot have got that from the Diatessaron. * Dr. Merx died suddenly on August 4th, 1909, when the last volume of his valuable work was nearly ready for publication. It is satisfactory to know that I made him acquainted with my latest emendations to the Sinai text in 1907. vi INTRODUCTION III. Why has the Sinai Palimpsest, with the Codex Bobiensis (k), according to Dr. Burkitt (vol. ii. p. 261), an earlier text than Tatian in Matt. i. 25 .-* The chief merit of the Sinai version, as of the Peshitta, is that it holds nearly the same relation to the Greek of the Gospels as the Septuagint does to the Hebrew of the Old Testament. It may not rival the authority of the oldest Greek codices, but in not a few instances, such as Matt. ii. 2, John xiv. i, it may make their meaning clearer ; and in others it may enshrine the record of an actual fact, preserved in the memory of some early disciple. Witness the " standing and speaking " of John iv. 27, which has come down to us also in the Armenian version of Ephraim's Commentary on the Diatessaron. Peculiarities of the Text. Dr. Rendel Harris, in his article in the Contemporary Review for November, 1894, called attention to the fact that the text of the Sinai Palimpsest is "rich in omissions." These include all passages which the textual critics of the nineteenth century have considered as doubtful, and all which the Revisers of the English New Testament have placed in brackets, or have omitted altogether.* It strengthens our reliance on the judgment of modern scholars when we find a translator of the second century in such close agreement with them. The last twelve verses of St. Mark's Gospel, which are certainly by a later hand, and the story of the woman taken in adultery (which, as the Ferrar group of Greek cursive MSS. has taught us, may possibly belong to the end of Luke xxi. instead of to John vii. 53-viii. 11), are, as might have been expected, absent. We find no mention of an angel at Gethsemane, nor of one at Bethesda ; for though the leaf which might have contained the latter is among the seventeen missing ones, considerations of space make us judge that there never was room for him. But this is not all. The number of short phrases which occur twice in other MSS. of the Gospels, but in the Sinai Palimpsest only once, led Dr. Frederick Blass to say that its text is almost a touchstone to determine what really belongs to each of the four Evangelists. Great as is the amount of matter common to the three Synoptists, scribes have, during their fourteen centuries of copying, done much to increase the mutual inter-dependence of these on each other. When a man was employed by some church or by some family to provide a copy of one Gospel for them, say of the Gospel according to Mark, and he knew that the people who were employing him could afford to pay for one only of our Lord's biographies, he was greatly tempted to add to the narrative some picturesque detail from St. Matthew, from St. Luke, or from another page of St. * The only exceptions to this which I have noticed are etK^ in Matt. v. 22 and Xuyypov in Matt. xiv. 30. INTRODUCTION vii Mark himself. He was right from his point of view, for it was all Gospel, and all tended to edification ; but judged by our way of looking at things, he was quite wrong. We have an entirely different standard of literary taste ; we want to know exactly what each of the Evangelists wrote, preserved for us, so far as is possible, in his own words. I have therefore compiled a list of the chief phrases omitted, showing also the other places in which the Sinai text has them ; and lastly, those other MSS. which agree with each particular omission. The absence of one of our Lord's characteristic sayings, "Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do," cannot be explained in the same manner. It is found in Tatian's Diatessaron ; and there is much cogency in Dr. Hjelt's contention that its non-existence in the Sinai text is a proof of the antiquity of that version ; because, he says, if it had been produced after the Diatessaron, the Syriac-speaking Church would never have submitted to the loss of so beautiful a passage, with which they were already familiar. We can account for its absence only on the supposition that it was quite unknown to the second-century Syrian translators. I shall be disappointed if, after a careful study of my list of omitted phrases, some readers are not struck by the fact, that the literary style of the several Evangelists is really improved by their absence. This, I submit, is also the case in those transpositions which occur in Mark xvi. 3, 4, Luke i. 63, 64 and John xviii. 12-25. I have drawn attention to these in my Notes. The cause of their occurrence is, to those who are accustomed to handle ancient MSS., extremely simple. It is only that a copyist, having overlooked a phrase, on perceiving his error, wrote it on the margin, with a small asterisk or other sign near it, and another small sign in the text, to show where it ought to be ; and that the next copyist of his works did not understand the asterisks, and so inserted the phrase in the text, but in the wrong place. In the case of ancient Greek MSS. of the Bible, which were written in three or four columns, like the Vaticanus and the Sinaiticus, the margin was simply the space between the columns. John xviii. 24, has thus been transferred from its true place after v. 13 or v. 14 to the right hand instead of to the left. We can hardly blame those scribes of the second and third centuries, when we remember the great disadvan- tages under which they sometimes worked, perhaps wandering about in sheep- skins and goatskins, eluding all that the ingenuity of men and of devils could do to suppress them. Of the Old Latin MSS. whose agreements with the Sinai text I have cited, under the title of " Similia," there are fortunately good and trustworthy editions, with the exceptions of the Codex Vindobensis (i) and the Codex Aureus (aur.). A collation of the former was made for me in Vienna on Belsheim's somewhat faulty edition by Dr. E. Kadlec, and the latter was thoroughly examined by my Vlll INTRODUCTION sister, Mrs. Gibson, and myself during our visit to Stockholm in August 1908. I had already printed the text with its " Similia " down to Luke xi. 48, when I discovered to my consternation that Belsheim's editions of Old Latin texts are not reliable. I therefore revised my work with the texts of Tischendorf, Sabatier, Buchanan, and others ; and to avoid the awkwardness of a long list of errata, I have printed at the foot of all pages before p. 160, these cases in which another editor has read something different from Belsheim. In the Arabic Diatessaron I have often followed Ciasca's Arabic text, rather than his Latin translation : and have thus brought it into perfect agreement with the Peshitta. I cannot pretend that I may not have made mistakes myself, or that I have not overlooked some variants for which a corroboration could have been found ; but I trust that my faults may be chiefly those of omission, and that I have stated nothing without doing my best to be sure of its absolute truth. Colophons of the Upper Script. The only materials we have for learning anything about the history of the manuscript are the colophons of the upper script, the Select Narratives of Holy Women, which were written above the Gospel text in the seventh or the eighth century. These are four in number. L The first is on f. 2" and is fairly legible, being written in red ink. kLiJ\^m : rtLiK* : rtlar** : re'vacsa : KLa-m : K'orxA re*.!^v&K'.i : KLz-t.T-a : >i-;tq ^ua.i : r3."ua : a^ By the strength of our Lord Jesus the Christ, the Son of the Living God, I begin, I the sinner, John the Recluse of Beth-Mari Kaddisha, to write select narratives about the holy women ; first, the book of the Blessed Lady Thecla, disciple of Paul, the Blessed Apostle. My brethren, pray for me. IL The second is on f. 165^ between the Apology concerning the Faith, and the Book of Susan. I have been familiar with it from my photographs ever since 1892, and I believe that Professor Bensly copied it in 1893. Yet strangely INTRODUCTION IX enough, I overlooked it when I pubh'shed the Select Narratives as No. IX of Siudia Sinaitica in 1900, perhaps because it contains only one new thing, the name of Ma'arrath Mesrin, and perhaps because I did not publish the Book of Susan, which follows it. II. ^1 »»a» : r<^44 : K*!-*^ : cn.i i ^\ : i.T^o : Ami on T pk 1.1 : pa 1 \ * K'.icn : r^Ax.t.o.i <^ : .a^v^o aa_=j : K'vo.i : oa.^ : A^.io : Kl»i.TJrC : ,cncLuK'.io ocb : p : K'ira : k^m i t*w : ..^g t » : »^_tso.i .\ n X t-2a.i^nc' : pn.i-so : Ao-^^ao r T ^ 1 3jcv» : t<1aA^4jA : ooA : A^ : A.^ : A^..i : r<'caA(<' ^i-^^w.i : rcncL-ur : K'^o^'i.o : »<'A\X230 * * * * : .TA : e n 1 » -> ^ : i <\ t..i : t<1z^'.i.xi : ^^_cvcaJL^ : ;r* ^ : rdAjaocuixA : p<'caAf<' : r<* >» » t rq : ^_oorxA : K'o.xrQ : r ^ . i m A o : K'on \yjj.i : rc^ i n -tcx t \cv : rcLrscLjj.i ^ r <^ u I \ T .10 : Pt^ i n VI : rC^O-A-^rj : paA_^^.n : pci_AT_2w : ,^ : t<1_i_*Hcl_5oo : r<'.ioa__floo '•• ^.xsnr^Q : ^ i ^a K'o : •.._«<' : k'cti.Ik' : ^."uA.* "Praise be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost; who hath strengthened and helped His mean and feeble servant John; and he has written this book, for the profit of himself, and of his brethren, Andrew, and of every one who reads in it ; that our Lord Jesus the Christ, the Holy Son, He who was with the Father without beginning in His Godhead, but (Who) in the latter times hath willed to become subject to a beginning in His manhood, took the likeness of a servant, and in everything was made like unto us, except in sin. Now may He, our Lord Jesus the Christ, God over all, give to the sinner, John the Recluse of Beth-Mari Qanun Kaddisha, of Ma'arrath Mesrin the city, and to his brethren, and to »»,♦»♦»» a part and an inheritance in c OC INTRODUCTION the world that passeth not away ; with all the saints who do His good pleasure ; making them meet, God the Christ, for the sanctifying of faults, and the remission of sins, and the life everlasting, by the prayers of the prophets, and of the apostles, and of the martyrs, and the confessors, and the Lady Mary, the mother of God, yea, and Amen, and Amen," III. The third is simply a list of the titles to the Select Narratives. IV. The final colophon, which is the most important, as containing the date of the upper script. Nine of its lines are at the foot of f. iSi^, and six at the top of f. \Z\b. The latter six were read by me in 1892, exactly as they are here printed ; except that at the end of the first line on f. \^\b \ copied .^*Jt-A^ = nine, and concluded that the upper script of the MS. must belong to the seventh century A.I). Dr. Rendel Harris, reading it in 1893, pointed out that a hole occurs after »^k.z.^, and considered that the space thus left blank must have been occupied by the last syllable of ^ifcjc^ = nine/j ; and I, of course, bowed to his opinion. It has since occurred to me, however, that a flourish, such as frequently appears in the body of the MS., may have stood where that hole now is, and the Tales, supposed to have been written over the Gospels in the eighth century, may possibly belong to the end of the seventh. As for the first nine lines of this colophon, the page on which they stand is so much rubbed and faded that their very existence was unsuspected till Good Friday 1900, when I, being about to publish the Select Narratives, as in duty bound, tried to pick what crumbs I could out of the photograph of that page. I was first struck by the word rcli.jicui^arc'.i, and this gave me courage to attack the remainder. I could not try the re-agent on a photograph, so I failed to decipher ^i^SQ ^i^j^ and K'ioA on line 2. As I gave a copy to Dr. Burkitt on the day before the publication of my book, he supplied Ma'arrath Mesren from Colophon No. ii. and identified it with a village equidistant from Antioch and Aleppo. I made use of this information by adding Appendix viii. to my book. The word : k'toa gave me more trouble. The horn of the »< all but its tip, was washed or rubbed out of the MS., and this joined to a wrinkle in the vellum, and its own superfluous line at the foot, made me read the word : »=3io.&, the tip of the horn looking like an extra dot over the i. Dr. Nestle suggested : »2^a*i, and Dr. Burkitt read it as : "iaii, maintaining in the Expository Times and in my Appendix, that the word had only three letters, with a blank space between the third and fourth. The matter was finally settled when I examined the manuscript itself, on my fifth visit to Sinai, in 1902. It will be seen from the accompanying tracings by Dr. Gregory that the Alafs in !zrtc\3; and in \ ^^jT^JTl ^^ ^^ ^"^ °^ ^^ ^^^^ ^'"^ ^" ^^^^ colophon, are furnished with an extra stroke at the foot. This stroke was the chief cause of my reading a ,rj in my photograph of the page, the wrinkle having caused the Alaf, already shorn of its horn, to lie partly on its side. The whole colophon is in black ink. IV. INTRODUCTION XI- III. : K'AuxJL.V^ : K'Axi \,r.h\ : rsl-ico : reLaAvji.3 : yA.x. \,lf\^' : QoxfiDoi.i.i : .s.:at..i : rv^a Klicn : pCLtj^^ : Ava^v^ : r<'orAr<' : ^^Mia : rtx^aj!^r^.i r\K'.i r -1 . r -X * * * * ^**> : pg^ TT3 : K'^^ : yadxs : toj^oj^m.i r T « * : kImlixjso : .^O-x^ : * i-sa.i : cn.ijaa^.i : rdjsno^.i . ^xJ^aK'a : ^ i "yar^a : ^ r^ : reH-x-SO-. .i ^-so.i : rc^o n 1 \^ •O* 'O* 'O* 'O* 'O* 'O* 'O* 'O* -o* r.l-o re: — X — ) ^ % .1 XU INTRODUCTION f. 181a, III. Here endeth this book of the Select Narratives : first, of the blessed Thecla ; second, of Eugenia ; third, of Pelagia ; fourth, of Marinus ; fifth, of Euphrosyne ; sixth, of Onesima ; seventh, of Drusis ; eighth, of Barbara ; ninth, of Mary ; tenth, of Irene ; eleventh, of Euphemia ; twelfth, of Sophia ; thirteenth, of Theodosia ; fourteenth, of Theodota ; concerning the Faith ; fifteenth, of Susan ; sixteenth, of Cyprian and Justa ; seventeenth, verses about Paradise. IV. "O. I, the mean one, and the sinner, John the Stylite, of Bcth-Mari Qanun, the monastery of Ma'arrath Mesren, the city, (in) the district of Antioch,* by the mercy of God, I have written this book for the profit of myself, of my brethren, and of those who are neighbours to it ; but because of (the love) of the Christ, I would persuade all those who (read) in it to pray for me the more (earnestly) But whenever thou meetest with this book . . . concerning the sinner thy prayer. f. 181b. '^^^^ book was finished in the year a thousand and nine[ty] of Alexander of Macedon, the son of Philip, in the month of Tammuz : on the third day of the week, at the . . hour of the day of the Baptism of our Lord Jesus the Christ. May ... for the sinner who wrote this book . . . the multitude on the Right Hand. Amen, and Amen, and Amen. This is the Book of the Select Narratives about the Holy Women. With the decipherment of the fourth colophon, every probability that the ancient Gospel text was produced at Mount Sinai has for ever vanished. True, it may have been brought to an Antiochene monastery, from Egypt, from Mesopo- tamia, or from elsewhere, but old vellum was not likely to be a profitable export from the Arabian desert ; and it would be passing strange if the finished palim- psest was really returned to the very monastery whence its first-written pages had been carried at some period before the eighth century. The earliest of Syriac ver- sions was likely to be copied only where there was a native Syrian Church, and a seat of Syriac learning, such as was found at Antioch on the Orontes, or at Edessa. Rabbula, Bishop of Edessa, in the fifth century, issued a decree that a copy of the Separate Gospels should be read in every church instead of Tatian's Diatessaron. This copy was probably the Peshitta, perhaps as revised by him- self f for had it been the Old Syriac surely more than two specimens of the latter would have come down to the present day. The multiplication of copies of the Peshitta probably caused those of the Old Syriac to become obsolete, and fit only for the use of men like John the Stylite. The Diatessaron was perhaps written at Edessa, and there the Peshitta was revised. Now the Tales of Holy Women, which overlie the Gospels of our palimpsest, were certainly written near * I am sorry that Dr. C. R. Gregory has repeated my mistake in vol. iii. of his Textkritik. I corrected it first by requesting Dr. Burkitt to write part of Appendix viii. to Studia Sinaitka, no. ix., and afterwards by explaining it in the Expository Times. I repeat that the word " Kaukab " was never read, even from the photograph ; and it is curious that Dr. Gregory himself traced " Kura" for me, instead of it, from the MS. So hard is it for a mistake to die. t See Dr. William Wright on ' Syriac Literature,' in the Encyclopedia Britannica, p. S25. INTRODUCTION xiu Antioch, and the last of them, Cyprian and Justa, has a distinctly Antiochene flavour, for there (as a reviewer in the Scotsman lately observed) its demon boasts of having ' shaken the whole city, and overturned walls,' alluding, doubtless, to the terrible earthquakes with which Antioch was visited in the first two centuries of our era. I may perhaps be mistaken, but I do not find it difficult to imagine that as the Peshitta was highly appreciated in Edessa, so the Old Syriac version may have been cherished in the older seat of Aramaic learning, in the town where the disciples were first called Christians. To those who believe, with Baethgen, Nestle, and Burkitt, that the Peshitta is the revision of the Old Syriac version made by Bishop Rabbula of Edessa in the early part of the fifth century, it will be interesting to observe, that Rabbula speaks of his own teaching as "our simple word," K'Avj^Axa »__Ausa (ed. Overbeck, p. 243). The question as to why God has allowed variants to creep into the early texts and versions of these sacred books must be a puzzling one to many minds. The answer may be that His work is not mechanical, like ours. Is it not possible that we have ourselves confounded the idea of inspiration with that of dictation "> The latter would have meant the production of a text whose every letter might have been worshipped ; the former means that God put into the hearts of chosen men the desire to write what they knew for a certainty about His dealings with them, but that He left them at perfect liberty both to express and to transmit His meaning in their own way. NOTES ON REMARKABLE PASSAGES. Matt. i. 2. tcncuJK'o. My photograph of f. 82(5 shows the tail of a v\ belonging to the upper script which might possibly hide a A of the under script beneath it. But a glance at the manuscript removes this suspicion. The first two letters nearly touch each other at two points ; they are yellow, and are thus easily distinguished from the black v\. There is no room for a stroke between them. No chemical has been required for this page. Matt. i. 1 6. "Joseph, to whom was betrothed Mary the Virgin, begat Jesus, who is called the Christ." This remarkable reading is in flagrant contradiction to the statements in V. 1 8, "she was found with child of the Holy Ghost," and in v. 20, "that which is begotten from her is of the Holy Ghost." It may possibly have resulted, as Professor Burkitt thinks, from a mis-reading of the Ferrar text : — ^laKOijS Be eyivvrjaev rov ^Icoarj^, O) fivijarevdeiaa irapdtvo'; MapLa/j, eyevvrjaev ^Irjaovv Tov \€T]Tov) is certainly better than the Xx=i , Bia xetpo?, of the Curetonian. Matt. ii. 16. Dr. Burkitt's introduction of a sw before ca\ would have been a real blot on the text, and I am glad to report that it is only a reflection from the upper script shining through a very thin leaf. Matt iii. 16. Dr. Blass thinks that the omission of eWv'i before dv^fii] in this verse is a decided improvement ; for in Mark i. 10 the evdv into €70). Matt, xxiii. 13. Prof Burkitt remarks {Ev.da-M., vol. i., p. 137), "in Syriac the same word, .tuK*, is used for ' to shut ' and to ' hold.' " This is so also in Palestinian Syriac. As applied to a key, however, it evidently means " to hold." If " the key " dropped out of the text, we can easily see how the verb would become "shut." The verse presents us with a graphic description of the attitude of ambitious, unspiritual priests in all ages, holding the keys of the kingdom * Cf. Luke ii. 49 : iv toIs tov Trarpos fiov. t The leaf which should have contained this passage is missing from the Sinai Palimpsest. XX REMARKABLE PASSAGES of heaven. Aphraates (Wright, p. ni'j^o) has evidently quoted directly from the text of our palimpsest, and has been influenced by its reading of Matt, xvi. 19, to use the word rd^-'v^, "doors." "Hearken again, ye holders of the keys of the doors of heaven " (sec p. 281). Matt. xxiv. 36. The phrase " neither the Son " is not found here, but in Mark xiii. 32. The Peshitta agrees in the oniission, and so does Isho'dad, who says (p. 160, 11. 5,6), rfia r^'As^nc'.i : \jspr^ .icujA a)»3.i -j^-.-T-I.T Ji^^c^ vsar<' r^ »io3 .t^ . *2k..T* " It is right for us to know that Mark only says, 'neither the Son knovveth,' whilst Matthew does not say it." Matt. xxiv. 43. rc'iurj r^TJSO occurs also in the Curetonian in Matt. xx. 1 1. Matt, xxvii. 9. To the MSS. which omit 'lepe/xlov we must add the Greek Lectionary of the Gospels in Christ's College, Cambridge, which is numbered 185 by Gregory, 222 by Scrivener, and 59 by Westcott-Hort. The lesson is twice repeated in that MS. On p. 649, 1. i, the word 'Jepeyui'ou is inserted ; on page 702, 1. 14, it is omitted. Matt, xxvii. 16, 17. The reading of the Sinai MS., "Jesus Bar Abba," appears to Professor Burkitt to be the original one. For the reasons which have led him to this conclusion, see Evangelion da-Mepharreshe, vol, ii., pp. 277, 278. Matt, xxvii. 56. "Mary the daughter of James," is in agreement with Mark xv. 40, 47, xvi. i, of this text, and with Mark xv. 47, xvi. i, of the Pales- tinian Syriac Lectionary. As the Greek says only 17 toD 'ia/cdo^ov, it is much more likely that she was James' daughter than his mother. His mother would, according to Oriental usage, have been designated as belonging to her husband, not to her son. Thus in Greece at the present day a man's name is in the genitive case, so long as his father lives. When the father dies, the son's name passes into the nominative case. A woman's name is always in the genitive, first of her father's name, then of her husband's ; never of her son's. I therefore agree with the Old Syriac version of this passage, for the English one it cannot be. Matt, xxvii. 66. It is worthy of notice that in the Peshitta Kovarwhla is translated by p^'i-icu^fia-n, and in the Sinai text it is rd» .1 a y^oi n . Mark i. 21, 23, 28, 29, 30. In all these verses we find the word evduq occurring quite inappropriately. The Sinai MS, has it only in a suitable place, viz., in the last clause of v. 31, kuX €vdvir>*^ OcTl Luke ii. 36. "And seven days only was she with a husband after her virginity ; and the rest of her life she was in widowhood, eighty and four years." If this be the true reading, it was surely befter worth recording than if it had said "seven years." Luke ii. 44. I think that the text has ^j^rao, not ^^a. I think also that I can see the initial o in my photograph. But as ^^^-s is better grammar, I do not insist on it. Luke iii. i. I think that the first reading of r^^coaa^cn is right, because I cannot see that there is space between the s« and the r< for the four letters that are in K'^oaajsa^co. " Dr. Merx translates niaiA by " Bergflecken." {Die vier kanonischen Evangeliens^ last volume, p. 167.) ?^xiv RExMARKABLE PASSAGES Luke iii. 5, 6 "And the glory of the Lord shall be revealed, and all flesh shall see it together," almost with the Curetonian. but without its addition of '• because the mouth of the Lord hath spoken," both being nearer to Isa. xl. 5 than other manuscripts are. This is a very good instance for those who judge the Curetonian text to be an amplification of the Sinai one. In Luke iii. 9, the first word of f. 60a is probably r^\."^. There is room for a .1, because the 1 stands above the a. of r^ii\^, the word beneath it. The .1 has probably been rubbed away. Luke iii. 14. " Do violence to no man, and do injury to no man ; let your wages suffice for you " (with the Curetonian). This seems to me a better rendering than " be content with your wages." Soldiers are not forbidden to ask higher wages from the Government ; but they are exhorted not to supplement their wages by living at the expense of the people on whom they are quartered. I know from personal observation that this habit prevails in the Sultan's army ; and no doubt it was equally common in the better paid Roman one. Luke iv. 29. The word QoisiA puzzled me greatly when I transcribed it The best explanation is given by Wellhausen, in the G. G. A. 1895, p. 4, that Qoi^ represents the Greek word 64)pvc;, "brow." The word oqjcA^.t, "that they might hang him," is said to have arisen from the Syrian translator mistaking Kornxviaai,, "throw over a cliff," for Kpe/xdaat, "hang." This is, as Dr. Hjelt suggests, an indication that the version may be older than Tatian's. Luke V. 26, 27. For my reading of i^va acn r^ijsn^^ it will be seen from my photograph of this page in the University Library, Cambridge, that iiva is not at the beginning of a line. K'^aioi is Dr. Nestle's suggestion. r^lusaaj is a contraction for TA is suggested by Prof. Burkitt in his edition of the Evangelion da-Mepharreshe. There is certainly a word filling the space at the beginning of a line ; and as 5^* L, boh. aeth. have ^tte or /iot, I think myself justified in adopting it. In Luke xi. 38, I read oiJS»3.ii\K' on my photograph. Luke xii. 27. " How they spin not, and weave not," instead of " they toil not, neither do they spin " (with Codd. Bezae and Vercellensis, and the Cure- tonian). Here we detect in other MSS. the hand of a harmonizer, who has obviously tried to make the text of St. Luke agree with that of St. Matthew, and if we assume that this reading be the true one, he has, in so doing, obscured a very appropriate allusion to the sequence of those processes by which our clothes come into existence. Luke xii. 31. Dr. Burkitt reads Ax^tQ as the second word in this verse. But Dr. Gregory's tracing shows ■>\^^^ 0*% There is absolutely no mistake about it. Luke xii. 46. Dr. Arnold Meyer f has pointed out that the verb used here and in Matt. xxiv. 51 in all the Syriac versions, palleg, has the primary meaning of " cut in pieces," and the secondary one of " appoint to some one his portion." * The Vulgate has '"''factum est autem in sequetiti die.^'' Raphael and his disciples must have known this, yet they evidently preferred the " Western reading." \ Jesu Muttcrsprache, p. 115. e XXVI REMARKABLE PASSAGES If we suppose that our Lord used it in the primary sense, the difficulty as to how the man survived so trying a process becomes insoluble. But if we take it in the secondary one, v/e must assume that the evangelist, whilst investigating about all these things, and writing them down carefully in Greek for the benefit of Theophilus, misunderstood a Syriac idiom by taking it too literally. The translation would then be : " and shall allot his portion, and shall place him [or it] with the unfaithful," etc. In Luke xiii. 32, I read rdLusno^ instead of Dr. Harris's and Prof. Burkitt's r^lsocu. This word is in my photograph remarkably small ; but I am certain that the almost perpendicular stroke before the final K* is a n?m, and is no part of the ^n. Luke xiv. 12. It is supposed that perhaps behind the Greek of this passage there lies a Semitic idiom, by which in the first limb of a sentence the negative is made stronger than the speaker really intended it to be, in order to make more positive the statement in the second limb. Thus the true translation would be, " When thou makest a supper, call not only thy friends," etc. Our Lord, who attended so many social gatherings, did not surely intend to forbid hospitality to our equals as well as to our poorer neighbours. For examples of this idiom, which is very frequent in Arabic, see Jer. vii. 22, John xii. 44, and Dr. Hommel's papers in T/te Expository Times for July and August 1900 (vol. xi., pp. 429, 439). Luke xvi. 6. Instead of " Take thy bond, and sit down quickly, and write fifty," we have, "And he" {i.e. the steward) "sat down quickly, and wrote them fifty." Also in v. 8, "and he sat down immediately [and] wrote them fourscore." At a period of the world's history when ordinary folk could not read, it seems more natural that the steward should do the writing himself. Luke xvi. 20. Lazarus is "a certain poor man," instead of "a certain beggar." And as such he seems more entitled to our respect. We begin to entertain a faint hope that the Charity Organization Society would not have improved him away. It is the same in v. 22. The Greek ir-rwyh^ may mean a beggar, but I have heard the Arabic equivalent of the Syriac meskin (Fr. mesquiti) applied to a person who was simply unhappy. The Peshitta, the Palestinian Syriac, and the Coptic have the equivalent of pauper^ the Curetonian being deficient. Some Old Latin MSS. \\dM& pauper and some inendicns. Luke xvi. 25. "Son" is omitted in the reply of Abraham. This may perhaps be significant. Luke xvii. 10. "So likewise ye, when ye shall have done all these things which are commanded you, say ye, ' We are servants, what was our duty to do, we have done.'" The word "unprofitable" is here omitted. Dr. Blass has suggested that it crept into the Greek MSS. through the excessive humility of some ancient scribe. Good servants are never quite unprofitable, and this ri:markable passages xxvII omission is full of hope for those who desire to be fellow-workers with Christ in the coming of His kingdom. Luke xvii. ii. r^LA.11^, "to Galilee," seems a better reading than rdlAl^o, "and to Galilee." Luke xix. 22. ''faithless servant," instead of " thou wicked servant." Luke XX. 28. There is in the MS., as shown by the photograph, so much space between ^ouK* and |COCU»r<' that I think I am quite justified in assuming an CO after ^^ir^*. Probably a touch of the re-agent would show it. Luke XX. "i^i. The little change which I made, r^J_»r.i.*.t ^ r^Li^.-u^vsoa >A*.i >A .^.t*o, seems to hz a combination of the text found in Eusebius' Theophania, Book iii., cap. 43, and the Peshitta text. John xi. 21. I am strengthened in my conviction that this verse begins with K'i-tflrc'a (not with ^i-saK'cv) from the fact that the same form is found elsewhere in the chapter, in vv. 32 and 39. John xi. 22. I cannot help suspecting that a clerical error has here crept into the text of the Peshitta. Isho'dad quotes the words of Martha (p. 135'', 1. 23), . f-=» before ^^_Ciajih\ where Dr. Burkitt reads r -I 9..S ^__aax>A\ ; but in this I am guided by the fact that it is the Jirsi word in that line which is illegible. John XV. 24. The interesting variant, ecupuKaat ra epya /xov, does not seem to be found elsewhere. John xvi. 30. " Now we know that thou knowest all things, and needest not that thoit sJionldest ask any man ; by this we believe that thou art sent from God." I have found no corroboration for this reading ; but it carries its own recommendation in itself: for it was surely a more natural thing for the disciples to say, than, " and needest not that any man should ask thee." John xvii. 24, 25. The punctuation which Cardinal Maius has given to these verses in Codex B is a welcome corroboration of our text, but there is no means of verifying it from the facsimile published by Vercellone and Cozza for the Propaganda Fide. If my reading be correct, the exclamation, " O my righteous Father,'' would belong to the last clause of verse 24, and be an expression of response to the love that existed ''before the world was." Dr. Burkitt's punctuation does not account for the presence of the conjunction " and " before " the world knew Thee not." John xviii. 17. '"When the handmaid of the d or-kecper saw Simon, she said unto him," etc. It is reasonable, with our knowledge of Eastern customs, to believe that the door-keeper of the high priest's house was a man. While the daughter or the slave-girl of such an one might linger about the place, during the small hours of the night, properly veiled, and listen to the conversation of the men who were guarding their prisoner, it requires a considerable effort of imagination to conceive that the responsible duties of a porter or janitor were fulfilled by a woman. / XXXIV REMARKABLE PASSAGES John xviii. i8. "Now there were standing there servants and the officers, and they had laid for themselves a fire in the court to warm themselves, because it was freezing'' (with the Peshitta). Jerusalem stands on very high ground, and at Easter time the nights are there often bitterly cold. After V. 13 comes v. 24, and this is one of the crowning excellencies of this Antiochene codex. I had observed, when preparing my translation * for the press in 1894 and 1896, that the arrangement of verses in this chapter was far superior to any that I had hitherto seen, because it gives us the story of our Lord's examination before Caiaphas, and then of Peter's denial, as two separate narratives, instead of being pieced into each other in the way with which we are familiar. The sequence is vv. 13, 24, 14, 15, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 16, 17, 18, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31. After this three leaves are unfortunately lost. It was left to Dr. Blass of Halle to discern and to say that the occurrence of V. 24, that is, of the statement, ^' But Hannan sent Jiim bound unto Caiapha the high priest^' betwixt v. 13 and v. 14, removes a discrepancy between the Gospel of St. John and the Synoptics ; because it makes St. John agree with the other Evangelists in stating that our Lord's trial took place in the house of Caiaphas instead of in that of Annas, as has been hitherto supposed. In editing the Palestinian Syriac Lectionary I have detected a slight corroboration of this in Codex A, the so called Evangeliarium Hierosolyinitamnn of the Vatican Library (Lesson 150). Here v. 24 occurs in two places, once after v. 13 and once after v. 23, as if the scribe had been uncertain as to its right location, or as if a tradition about its true place had been known to the original translators. Dr. Blass, in his Philology of the Gospels, p. 59, says about this section of chap, xviii., vv. 12-28, "This is the narrative of a real author; the other one is that of blundering scribes." John XX. 4. The omissions in this verse are peculiarly interesting. They are all of words which lend to heighten the impression made by the narrative of John's eagerness to reach the sepulchre. This raises the supposition in our minds that dXXo2. Euthaliania. J. Armitage Robinson. Theologisches Literatnrblatt, Jan. 4, no. i, pp. 1-5. Die syrische Evangelien- iibersttzung vom Sinai. Th. Zahn. idem, Jan. 11, no. 2, pp. 17-21. idem, Jan. 18, no. 3, pp. 25-30. La Version Syriaqne des Evaugiies trouvce an Sinai. Le Pere A. Durand, S.J. (Paris : Victor Betenoi.) Also Ettides Religieuses, Jan. 1 5, tome Ixiv. Xl BIBLIOGRAPHY TheologiscJie LiteraturzeiUing, Feb. i6, no. 4, pp. 104, 105. Review of Translation. Nestle. Record, March i. Review of Translation, idem, June 7. Letter from A. S. Lewis. Cambridge Independent Press, April 3. Letter from Mrs. Gibson. Daily Chronicle, March 15, April 12, 18, May 16. The Romance of a Convent. Revue Biblique, April, pp. 287, 288. Matt. i. 16. Church Quarterly Review, January, pp. 512-514. idem, April, pp. 102-132. The Text of the Syriac Gospels. Sunday School Times, p. 283. The New Syriac Gospel Text. Independent (381, 382), pp. 17, 18. Guardian, May 29. idem, Dec. 18. Tatian's Diatessaron. Expository Times, June, vi. 9, p. 389. Bulletin Critique, June 15, pp. 321-330. Review of Translation. A. L. (Loisy T) Literarisclie Rimdschau, July i, 2 1st Year, no. 7, pp. 193-200. Der neuent- deckte syrische Evangelientext. Barbenhewer. Revue Biblique, July i, pp. 401-41 1. Le Nouveau Manuscrit syriaque du Sinai. R. P. Lagrange. De Gids, Derda Deel, pp. 88-104. Een oudsyrische Vertaling. W. C. van Manen, Juli. Netv York Tribune, July 15. Review of Translation. The Church Review, p. 507. Reply. Record, June 7, July 24, Oct. 11. New York Independent, March 21. idem, Aug. 15. Letter from A. S. Lewis, The Central Presbyteriari, Nov. 20. Flournoy. Die Christliche Welt, pp. 607-610. Neue Funde aus alter Zeit. E. Prcuschen. Deutsche Evangelische Kirclurzeitung, Dec. 28, pp. 477, 478. Matt i. 16. 1896. Theologisches Literaturblatt, Jan. 3, no. i ; Jan. 10, no. 2. Neue Qucllen- forschungen zur Diatessaron. Th. Zahn. The Irish Ecclesiastical Record, January. A Codex of the Gospels lately found in Sinai. Very Rev. M. O. Riordan, D.D. The Record, Jan. 14. Academy, Feb. i. Letter from F. C. Conybeare. idem, Feb. 8. Reply from Agnes S. Lewis. BIBLIOGRAPHY xU Some Pages of the Four Gospels, Re-transcribed from the Sinaitic Palimpsest, with a Translation of the whole text, by Agnes Smith Lewis,* (C. J. Clay & Sons.) Athenaeum, pp. 94, 95. Review of "Some Pages." Collatio Codicis Lewisiani Rescripti cum Codice Curetoniano. Albert Bonus, A.M. (Clarendon Press.) Clergyman' s Magazine, Third Series, vol. xi., pp. 355-363. The New Syriac Gospels. Rev. G. H. Gwilliam, B.D. Rivista Bibliografica Italiana, pp. 82-84. Glasgow Herald, April 2. Der neuentdeckte Codex Syrus-Sinaitiais. Dr. Carl Holzhey. (Miinchen : Lentner.) Cambridge Review, May 28. Theologische Literaturzeitung, June 6, pp. 316-318. Nestle. Academy, June 13, p. 490. Review of "Some Pages." F. P. Badham. Christian World, July 2. Wochenschrift fiir Klassische Philologie, July 22, pp. 820-822. Hilgenfeld. Record, July 24. Tablety Aug. 27. Revue Biblique, pp. 405-412. Review of "Some Pages" and of " Collatio Codicis Lewisiani." A. Durand, S.J. Church Review, Aug. 6. Review of " Some Pages." idem, Aug. 13. Reply from A. S. Lewis. Our Journey to Sinai, by Mrs. R. L. Bensly. (Religious Tract Society.) Cambridge Independent Press, Oct. 21. Mrs. Bensly's "Our Journey to Sinai." Cambridge Review, pp. 348, 349. The Sinaitic Palimpsest. Academy, Oct. 24, p. 311, Matt. v. 14-16. W. iTaylor Smith. The Century Magazine, December, vol. liii., pp. 307-311. What Language did Christ speak } Agnes Smith Lewis. Cambridge Chronicle. Mrs. Bensly's " Our Journey to Sinai." Cambridge Independent Press. idem. 1897. Die vier kanoniscJien Evangelien nach ihrem dltesten bekannten Texte, Ueber- setzung der syrischen im Sinaikloster gefundenen Palimpsesthandschrift. Von Adalbert Merx. (Berlin : Reimer.) * The Introductory Notes to this book were wrongly attiibuted to Mrs. Gibson by a writer in the Cambridge Review for May 28. Her signature to pages 143, 144 refers only to the column of " Non-Corrigenda," i.e. to those words which she verified for me after I was myself certain of them. xlii BIBLIOGRAPHY M^pJiarr^shl a?id Hi^p/idrdsh, by Dr. Charles Cutler Torrey. (American Oriental Society, vol. xviii., first half, pp. 176-182. January.) Berliner PhilologiscJie WocJienscJirift, March 1.3, pp. 331-337. A. Hilgcnfeld, Christliche Welt, Heft 51, pp. 1216-1220. Eine altkirchliche Evangelien- iibersetzung. E. Preuschen. Expositor, 5th series, vol. vi., pp. 111-119. TheologiscJie Literaturzeitimg, Nov. 27, no. 24, p. 644. Berichtigung iiber Merx's " Die vier kanonischen Evangelien." Lewis. Light and Leading, January, vol. ii., no. 17, pp. 4-6. A. S. Lewis. 1898. In the Shadozv of Sinai: A Story of Travel and Research from 1895 to 1897. By Agnes Smith Lewis. (Cambridge : Macmillan and Bowes.) Protestantische Monatshefte, pp. 354-360. Text und Auslegung von Johannes xxi. 15-17. Dr. Adalbert Merx. Prenssische Jahrbiicher, May 16, Band xcii., pp. 196, 197. Ueber die jiing- sten Entdeckungen auf dem Gebiete der iiltesten Kirchengeschichte. Adolf Harnack. Djutsche Literaturzeitung, Sept. 24, no. 38, pp. 145 2- 1454. Review of Merx's " Die vier kanonischen Evangelien." H. Hilgenfeld. Literarisches Zentralblatt filr Deutschland, December 10, no. 49, pp. 1938- 194c. Idem. Protestantische Monatshefte, pp. 308-315. Der iiltcste bekannte Text unserer vier Evangelien. Bernhard Schenkel. Or. Christ., iii., pp. 490-492. R. Graffon. 1899. Revne Critique, 29. Theologische Literaturzeitung, March 16, no. 6, pp. 176, 177. Review of " In the Shadow of Sinai." Nestle. 1900. Expository Times, vol. xii., pp. 56-62, 115-119. What have we gained in the Sinaitic Palimpsest .'' Expositor, 6th series, vol. i., pp. 415-421. Textkritisclie Bemerkungen zu Matthdus, von D. Dr. F. Blass. Beitrhge zur Forderung christlicher Theologie. Heft 4. Viertcr Jahrgang. (GUtcrs- loh : Druck von C. Bertelsmann.) idem zu Markus. BIBLIOGRAPHY xliii American Journal of Semitic Languages and Literature, January, vol. xvi., pp. 110-123. A Collation of the Gospel Text of Aphraatcs with the Sinaitic, Curetonian, and Peshitta Text, by Dr. Julius A. Bewer. Journal of Theological Studies, vol. i., pp. 569-571. Matt. xxi. 3. F. C. Burkitt. 1901. Journal of Theological Studies, vol. ii., pp. 111-113, Mark viii. 32. F. C. Burkitt. Literary Giiide, January. The Readings in Luke iii. 23 and Matt. i. 16. Expository Times, vol. xii., pp. 206-209, 268-271, 359-361, 417-420, 445, 480, 518-520, 550, 551. idem, August. John viii. 57 in the Codex Vaticanus. Die altsyrische Evangelieniibersetzung und Tatiajis Diatessaron, untersucht von Arthur Hjelt. (Leipzig : Deichert.) Salz und Licht, pp. 22-25. Notwendigkeit und Wert der Textkritik des Neuen Testamentes. Vortrag von D. Dr. Friedrich Blass. (Barmen : Verlag der Wuppertaler Traktat-Gesellschaft.) Evangelium secundum Matthaeum, edidit Fridericus Blass, Praefatio. (Lipsiae : Teubner.) 6". Ephrem's Quotations from the Gospels. Burkitt Texts and Studies, vol, vii., no. 2. London Quarterly Review, April, no. cxc, pp. 219-225. The Lower Criticism of the New Testament. Prof. Thomas Nicol, D.D. AtJienaeum, May 25, p. 658. Review of Burkitt's " Two Lectures on the Gospels." 1902. Die vier Kanonischen Evavgelien nach ihrem dltesten bekannten Tcxte, von Adalbert Merx. Zweiter Teil, erste Halfte, Erlauterung. Das Evan- gelium Matthaeus. Theologische Literaturzeitung, Jan. 4, no. i, pp. 19-22. Review of Burkitt's " S. Ephrem's Quotations from the Gospels," von Dobschutz. Expository Times, June, vol. xiii., pp. 405, 406. Lost Leaf. idem, February, pp. 236, 238, 334, 335. "Our Lord" in the Lewis Palim- psest. Albert Bonus. idem, pp. 283, 284, 382. J. Rendel Harris. Scots ma?i, June 2. Theologische Literaturzeitung, Sept 13, no. 19, pp. 519-521, Review of Merx's " Die vier kanonischen Evangelien nach ihrem aitesten be- kannten Texte," Nestle. xliv BIBLIOGRAPHY 1903. Theologische Literaturzeitting, Jan. 17, no. 2, pp. 45, 46. Review of Hjelt's " Die altsyrische Evangelieniibersetzung und Tatians Diatessaron." Nestle. Theologische Rundschau, p. 211. Joh. Weiss, idem, pp. 472-476. W. Bousset. idem, p. 606. Church Quarterly Review, April, no. iii,, vol. Ivi., pp. 143-171. The Earliest Versions of the Gospels in Syriac. Journal of Theological Studies, vol. iv., pp. 436-438. John i. 3, 4. F. C. Burkitt. idem, p. 606. Reply by G. H. Gwilliam. Annales de Bibliogi-aphie Theologique, pp. 125 seq. Review of Merx, "Matthaeus." G. Baldensperger. 1904. Expository Times, vol. xvi., pp. 249-253. Review of the " Evangelion da-Mepharreshe." Lewis, idem, p. 253. M. D. Gibson, idem, pp. 304-306. Reply by F. C. Burkitt. idem, pp. 427, 428. A. S. Lewis. Ueber die Textkritik im Neuen Testament. Ein Vortrag von D. Dr. Friedrich Blass. pp. 27, 28, 39, 40. (Leipzig : A. Deichert.) Sunday School Times, Jan. 23, p. 48. idem, Feb. 13, p. 92. Gottingische Gelehrte Anzeigen, July, no. 7, pp. 527-546. Review of Merx's "Die vier Evangelien," L, IL i. E. Preuschen. Theologischer Liter aturbericht, November, pp. 369-371. idem, iiber Matthaeus. J. Kogel. idem, pp. 254-265. Zwei Wege zum Fortschritt der neutestamentlichen Forschung. Paul Fiebig. Times, Dec. 20, 21, 23 (.?), 24, 30. Inspiration. 1905. Evangelion da-Mepharreshe. The Curetonian Version of the Four Gospels, with the readings of the Sinai Palimpsest and the early Syriac Patristic evidence, edited, collected, and arranged by F. Crawford Burkitt, M.A., University Lecturer in Palaeography. Two vols. (Cambridge : at the University Press.) BIBLIOGRAPHY xlv Journal Asiatique, Jan.-Feb., 183-190. Die vier kanonischen Evangelien, nach ihrern dltesten hekannten Texte. Uebersetzung und Erlauterung der syrischen im Sinaikloster gefun- denen Palimpsesthandschrift, von Adalbert Merx. Zweiter Theil, Erlauterungen, zweite Hiilfte. Das Evangelium Markus und Lukas. (Berlin : Verlag von Georg Reimer.) Literarisches Zentralblatt, no. iv. Review of above. Brockelmann. Annales de Bibliographie Theologiqiie, pp. 187-189. idem. Maurice Goguel. Theologisches Literattirblatt, March 10, no. 10, pp. 112-115. Die syrischen Evangelien. Nestle. Tablet, July 8, p. 53. Review of Dr. Burkitt's "Evangelion da-Mepharreshe." Hibbert Jotirnal, vol. iii., pp. 843-846. idem. Kirsopp Lake. Expository Times, vol. xvi., pp. 249-253, 304-306, 427, 428. Athenaeum, Aug. 12, pp. 199, 200. Review of " Evangelion da-Mepharreshe." Theologisches Literattirblatt, Sept. 8, no. 36, pp. 428-430. Hjelt's "Die altsyrische Evangelieniibersetzung." Franze. Revtie Bibliqne, pp. 611-615. Review of "Evangelion da-Mepharreshe." Fr. P. M. Maiguire. 1906. Expository Times, vol. xvii., pp. 382, 383, 392-396, 479 ; vol. xviii., p. 94. Theologische Liter aturzeitung, Jan. 20, no. 2, pp. 38-42. Review of Merx's "Die Evangelien des Markus und Lukas." Nestle. Literarisches Zentralblatt^ April 7, no. 15. Review of the same by Brockelmann. Der Text des Nenen Testaments. Neue Fragen, Funde, und Forschungen der Neutestamentlichen Textkritik von Rudolf Knopf. (Vortrage der Theologischen Konferenz zu Giessen, 25, folge.) Protestantische Monatshefte, pp. 182-194. Der alteste bekannte Text un- serer vier Evangelien. J. J. Kneucken. idem, pp. 222-250. Revue Critique, no 14. Scotsman, May. Lost Leaf Restored. Record, Oct. 21. The Sinaitic Syriac Text and the Virgin-Birth. 1907. Theologische Literaturzeitung, Aug. 3, no. 16, pp. 454-456. Review of Burkitt's "Evangelion da-Mepharreshe," von Dobschiitz. Church Qtiarterly Review, vol. Ixiii., pp. 420-424. Xlvi BIBLIOGRAPHY Journal of Theological Studies, vol. viii., pp. 571-590. The Diatessaron in the Syriac Acts of John. R. H. Conolly. Canon and Text of t/ie New Testament, p. 398. Caspar Rene Gregory. Expository Times, vol. xix., pp. 139, 140, 237. The Star of Bethlehem. 1909. Eifileitung in das Nene Testament, pp. 507, 508. Caspar Rene Gregory. Theologischer Literaturbericht, March, p. "]%. Ueber Markus und Lukas. Review of Merx's " Die vier kanonischen Evangelien." J. Kogel. 1910. BibliscJie Studien, ed. Bardenhewer, vol. xv., I, 2, pp. 156-203. Die Stamm- baume Jesu nach Matth. und Luk. J. M. Heer. Journal of Theological Studies, Jan., vol. xi., p. 180. The Languages of the Early Church. (B) Syriac and the First Syriac Gospels. C. H. Turner. The Old Syriac Gospels, or Evangelion da-Mepharreshe ; being the text of the Sinai Palimpsest, including the latest Additions and Emendations, with the Variants of the Curetonian Text, Corroborations from many other MSS., and a list of Quotations from Ancient Authors, edited by Agnes Smith Lewis. Die vier kanonischen Evangelien, nach ihrem dltesten bekannten Texte. Uebersetzung und Erklarung der syrischen im Sinaikloster gefund- enen Palimpsesthandschrift, von Adalbert Merx. Zweiter Teil, dritter Band, Erlauterung : Johannes. Mit Registern fiir das ganze Werk, Nach dem Tode des Verfassers herausgegeben von Julius Ruska. (Berlin : Verlag von Georg Reimer.) APPENDIX III. LIST OF IMPORTANT OMISSIONS IN THE SINAI PALIMPSEST. Omissions which are due to Syriac idioms, or to the translating of Syriac words into Greek (as John iv. 25, 6 Xcyo/Atvos Xpiaros), are not included. (?) signifies that a verse is not extant in the Old Syriac. St. Matthew. I. 18 ^Irjaov Omitted by a b c d f ffi gi k q aur. 20 ISoif Omitted by a Pesh. Diat ar. 22 oXov Omitted by Epiph., Ad, Haer,, lib. ii., torn. i. 426 ; Irenieus, Contr. Haer,, lib. iii., cap. xxi. (xxvi,), sec, 4, 25 Kol ovK iyi'vQXTKev avrrjv ew? ov Omitted by k. II, 9 ihov 22 T^9 ^lovSaia^i III. 3 ^(i)VT} ^ocovTo^ ev TTJ ipy]/ii(p Found in Mark i. 3 (.?) ; Isaiah xl. 3. 3 evdeiwi irotuTe Ta t(ov fieXcou aov, koi fxr) oXou TO acop-d aov et9 yeevvav d-rreXdrj. Omitted by D d. Found in Mark ix. 43. 33 UdXtv 33 TOL<; dpxaiOLv Laii C 'L, famP b c f ff\ aur. Pesh. 17 ToO 7rpo(f>qTov Cf. Matt. xii. 17 ; John xii. 38. 24 tSoi' 26 oKL'yoTnaroL Found in Matt. xvi. 8 ; Z?^/?"^ xii. 28. 28 etV TO Tripav Foiind in Mark v. I. 29 Ihov Omitted by a b c f gi aur. Pesh. 29 Trpo Kaipov 30 x^^P^^ Found in Mark v. 11 ; Ltike viii. 32. 30 ^oaKOfievT] Found in Mark v. ii ; Luke viii. 32. 32 Ihoi) Omitted by Pesh. 32 K(u aired avov ev Tot9 vSacriv. 34 uTTo T&v opicov avrSiv Found in Mark v. 17. IX. 10 tSou Omitted by Pesh. 18 Tavra Cf. John viii. 30. 18 eV avTi]v 20 oTTia-Oev Found in Mark v. 27 ; Luke viii. 44. 22 'Irja-ov*: Omitted by hiDabcdkq. 22 Koi IBoiv avrrjv 25 TO Kopdatov Found in Mark v. 42. 27 eKeldev Cf. Matt. ix. 9. 27 Kal \eyovT€Xol Omitted by K. C/. Lnke vi. 39. 27 aiTO roiv ■yfn')^i(ov rwv irnrrovTOiv Cf. Luke xvi. 21. 29 e/cet Omitted by k. 31 KvXKov^ v^Lel' bi> 8' av irearj, XiKfit] aSt:X(f>u> avTov Omitted by e ; Eph., Moes., p. 194. Found in Mark xii. 19; Luke xx. 28. 25 nap ripXv Found in Luke xx. 29 of the Sinai text. IMPORTANT OMISSIONS liii Matt. XXII. 25 7/;Va9 35 voixLKo)Tfou Omitted by B Ti fam} d. 24 6 Tto9 ToO avOpcoTTov Found in Mark xiv. 21. 24 6 apdpcoTTO^ iKeivo<; 29 iKeiur)? KCLTW eU Bvo Found in Mark xv. 38. 56 eV als r\v 58 Tore XXVIII. 2 irpoa^XdoiV 3 XevKov Omitted by c fifi gi aur. Found in Mark xvi. 5. 4 iyevijOrjaav 7 diTo rwv veKpoiv Omitted by D a b d e fifi gi. Found in Matt. xxvii. 64 ; cf. Matt. xvii. 9, / favi} 565 c d ffa rj Pesh. 29 *ev6v Found in Matt. viii. 28. 4 Ta? aXyaet9 Kal to.'^ ireBa'i Omitted by fam} c q fi. 4 ovuTeTpl(fi6aL Omitted by c rj. Ivi APPENDIX III. Mark : V. 10 TToXX^ Omitted by L e. 13 Kara rov Kprjjxvov Found in Matt. viii. 32 ; Luke viii. 33. 15 Tov e Tu) ttXoio) Omitted by D /am} b c d e ff2 i q. 21 iraXiv Omitted by Diat. ar. 21 Kai ?)v Omitted by Dbcdeffifaiq aur, 23 TToXKa Omitted by D b c d ff2 i q. 23 Xva Omitted by D b c d e f ffg i q fi aur. Pcsh. 23 'iva awdfi Omitted by c e. VI. 7 Tjp^aTo. Omitted by D a b c d e ff2 i. 10 Kal eXeyev avTotivT€ev 6 /cat drj.'(av avTov<;, 8 aWoi Se fani.'^ a d ff^ i n. Ix APPENDIX III. Marx XIII. 9 i]ye)j.6rcop Koi Found in Matt. x. 18. 20 KvpioTT}(Tav aviov irepl avT)j9 oLKoBonriadai avrtju Omitted by f ffa aur. VII. 7 8c6 ovSe i/xavTov rj^iwaa trpo'i ae i\ddv' Omitted by D abcdc r^. 10 et9 TOP oiKov Omitted by q. 1 1 KoX eyevero Omitted by D d e Diat. ar. 24 et? T7]v ep-q^ov Found in Matt. xi. 7. 33 dprov Omitted by T) fam} b c d e q. 33 olvov Omitted by T) fa/n} b c d e q. 37 IBou Omitted by Pesh. Diat. ar. 46 eXai^ Trjv Ke rou Geov Omitted by e. Cf. Mark viii. 38. II TTw? 17 Omitted by ri. Omitted also in Matt. x. 19. 14 ?; fxepiariji/ Omitted by D c d. IMPORTANT OMISSIONS Ixv Luke XII. 15 Kol (f)uXd(T(T6a6€ Omitted by Pesh. Diat. ar. 18 Kol elirev' Tuvto troLrjaoi 18 KoX ra dyadd fj,ou Omitted by hi D a b c d e fif2 i q ^i. 19 ^v^n Omitted by a b c e i ri. 27 €u Also in Matt. vi. 29. 28 OVTWl^ 42 6 ^povifio^ Found in Matt, xxiv. 45. 43 o hoxJKo^ Found in Matt. xxiv. 46. 47 lKdvo fam} a b c d e fif2 i q Ti- Found in Luke ix. 45. XIX. 2 llov Omitted by Pesh. Diat. ar. 12 eauTtu Omitted by D a b d e i q ri s. 15 eyevero Omitted by Pesh. Diat. ar. 15 Xa^ovra rrjv ^aartkeiav kuX 22 hevpo Found in Matt. xix. 21, in Greek MSS. 25 KCLL etTrav uvtm Kvpie, e^^c BeKu fxvd<;. Omitted by D 69 b d e ffj. 28 €p,7rpoa0€v Omitted by D a c d e ff2 i fi s. 29 ij€V6To Omitted by Pesh. Diat. ar. 29 TO Ka\ovjj,6vov Omitted by e. Found in Luke xxi. 37. IMPORTANT OMISSIONS Ixvii Luke XIX. 23 0'' «i^ptoi avTov Omitted by e. 33, 34 Ti Xuere rov irwKov ; ol Se elirav Omitted by D 063 d e aur. Cf. Mark xi. 5. yj ^St] Omitted by Dade Pesh. Diat. ar. 37 hwafxecov 39 t(ov ^apicrauav 42 vvv Be 43 eVi ae koX TrapefM^aXovaiv Omitted by Pesh. Diat. ar. 43 'xapaKcL Omitted by Pesh. Diat. ar. XX. 2 Elirbv Omitted by « C. 5 Trpo? eavToix; Cf. Matt. xxi. 25. 10 7e&)/)7ot Omitted by D a c d e aur. Found in Matt. xxi. 35. 1 1 KOii aTip,daavTe<: Omitted by H a. 12 irpoaedero Omitted by D d e. Found in Luke xx. 11. 14 7r/309 aWrjkovi Omitted by aeth. Cf. Mark xii. 7. 16 eXeucrerai /cat Found in Mark xii. 9. 16 einav' Mrj }9 a/iTTt'Xou Found in Matt. xxvi. 29 ; Mark xiv. 25. Ixviii APPENDIX III. Luke XXII, 20 Kal TO "TTOTTjpiOV Q) fain} famP f. 52 'Irjaov'i Omitted by D fain} d e i. Found in Matt. xxvi. 55 ; Mark xiv. 48. 52 Tov lepov 60 hi \a\ovvToBr]<; crvv xot? crTpaTev/jiaaiv avTOV Kal ifiTrai^a^, Trepi^aXoiv ia6i]Ta Xafiwpdv dveireix-^ev avrop tw UeCkaTW. eyivovTO Be 29 IBov Omitted by D a b d e ff^ ri Diat. ar. 31 el Omitted by L. 34 6 Be ^Ir}aov0V 50 ISov Omitted by Pesh. Diat. ar. 51 Kol rfj Trpd^et, XXIV. I apM/xara Omitted by D a b c d ffs- Found in Mark xvi. i. 3 KvpLov Omitted by D d f Pesh. Diat. ar. 9 Trdatv Omitted by X Pesh. Diat. ar. 13 ISov Omitted by D d e. 15 eyivero Omitted by Pesh. Diat. ar. 15 avTOf Omitted by D a c d e Diat. ar. 17 'irepi,'naTovvra6(f)epero et? tou ovpavov.] Omitted by hi D a b d e flfa. C/. Ads i. 9, II. 52 [7rpoaKvv7](ravTepa epx^rai, omitted by A. Found in John v. 25. 45 7rpo9 Tov Uaripa VI. 10 6 ^Irj 61 irepl TOVTOV Omitted by e fif2 aur. 64 TtVe? elaiv ol fir) iriaTevovTe^ koX Omitted by e. * Vv. iv. 38-v. 5 are on a lost leaf. Vv. ^b, 4 are absent from the Cureton MS., and the Sinai one cannot have had space for them. Ixxii APPENDIX III. John VI. 66 ea ra oiriam 67 ovv o ^iTjaov^y 'JO 6 ^Itjaou^; 70 Tov? BcoBeKa 71 Sificovo'i VII. 3 Kol vTraye 6 eroi/xo? 32 irepl avrov Found in John vi. 41. 32 Tama Omitted by V) fain} a b c d e ffa aur. 32 01 dp^iepel'i Kai ol ^aptaaloL Omitted by b e. 36 Zrirrjo-ere fie Found in John xiii. 33. 37 €0"p^ttT77 40 T(jiV \6'y(OV TOVTCOV 40, 41 7rpo(f)r]TT}'i' dXXoc eXeyov' Ouro'i ia-rtv Cf. Matt. xxi. 1 1 ; Mark vi. 15 ; John vi. 14. 44 e'^ avrSiV 49 iTrdparoi elaiv. 50 el? (>iv i^ avTcov Omitted by e. 5 1 ■^flMV 51 irpwTov Omitted by e rj. 52 aTreKpidrjaav kuI VIII. 14 otSare 20 Bthda-Koju Omitted by h?. Found in John vii. 28. 29 //.oi/oy Omitted by e. Found in John viii. 16. 34 T/}? a[iapTlar]Tai Found in John viii. 53. 52 et? Tov alwva Omitted by D b c d ffj. Found in John viii. 51. 53 TOV TraTpo'i rj/xcou Omitted by D a b c d e ff2. Cf. John iv. I2. 53 ooTi^ dirkdavov Omitted by e. 56 Trairjp vfiwv Found in John viii. 39. 58 'Irjaov'i IX. I dvOpcoTTov Omitted by b. 2 \iyovT€<;' Omitted by D d rj aur. Diat. ar. 2 'Pa^^ei- 7 dTrrjXOep ovv Cf. John ix. 1 1 . IMrORTANT OMISSIONS Ixxiii John- IX. 8 7 TTporepov 8 Kad>}nevo^ koX 9 Ouxh dXka Omitted by A D a c d e f ff. q. Cf. John vii. I2. 1 1 eiroi'qaev koX Omitted by a. Found in John ix. 6. 1 1 rov} a b c c f fifo q fi aur. Pesh. Diat. ar. 12 Kal uu/c oiv -KOifiriv Omitted by e. 18 Koi e^ouaiav €)(co Found in John x. 18 supra, 19 irdXiv Omitted by D ffo Diat, ar. Cf. John x. 31. 2 1 6(f)6d\fjiov<; 22 Tore Omitted by N A T) fani.^ a b c d e f ffa ri aur. Pesh. Diat. ar. 23 €v tQj iepo) CJ. John viii. 20. 29 fjLov Omitted by K a b c e ff;, Diat. ar. 31 TToKiv Omitted by D a b c d c ff^ ri aur. Diat, ar. Cf. John x. 39. 31 ol ''lovlalot Cf. John x. 24. 32 KoKa Omitted by 220 b. 34 v/Ltcoi^ Omitted by hi b c e ffa ri aur. Cf. John viii. 17. 35 ft eKeivov^ elirev Oeou<;, irpof; 01)9 6 X6709 rou 0eov iyevero 38 Koi yivooaKTjTe Omitted by D a b c d aur. 40 ttoKlv Omitted by e Pesh. Diat. ar. Cf. Mark x. i. 42 e/cti Omitted by b c e f ff2 r^ aur. Pesh. Diat. ar. Ixxiv APPENDIX III. John XI. I T«r 1 tP]<; dBeX(j>7]<: avry)i} TOV TeT€Aei'T7;«oT09 Omitted by bee ffo aur. 40 6 'I/;(70i)9' OuK 41 6 8e ''Irjaov'i 42 tov Trapearoiina 44 ovjoL Jam} d e fi Pesh. Diat. ar. 25 ouTft)? Omitted by K A \^ fam} a d e f ffs q ri Pesh. 26 (iTTOKpiierai 26 Xapi^dvet, Kal Omitted by K A V) fani} abcdefffoqri aur. Pesh. Diat. ar. 27 Tore Omitted by ^< D L a b c d e ffo rj Diat. ar. 28 TMv dvaKup-kvwv Omitted by e. Cf. John xii. 2. 29 Uiv yji^iav €)^o/jL€v 30 €u6v, CJ. John xvi. 25 supra. 28 i^TjXdov €K Tov narpbvXa^a 14 Kad(b Omitted by Pesh. Diat. ar. Found in Luke xxii. 54. 17 exeuo eva tottov 8 a\A.o9 Omitted by a b ff^ aur. Pesh. Diat. ar. Found in John xviii. 1 5. 8 6 tXOcov TrpaJro? CJ. John xx. 4. 10 TTuXlV 1 1 e^ft) Omitted by K A a b c e ff^ ri Pesh. Diat. ar. 12 TO aoifxa Omitted by a. CJ. John xix. 40. 15 'l7]oov<> Found in John xx. 16. 16 'E^pi'ijTL Omitted by A/aw.^ a f q aur. 17 '1 7 -> 01)9 Found in John xx. 16. 18 r} Ma-ySa\T]VT} Found in John xx. I. 19 Ovji)' ir dv r w v TrpoiTTj aKove ^la-parj'K, 30. a V r T) TTpcoTrj 31. Aevrepa St 6/j,ola avrfj' XIII. 2. ov jJiTj d(j>eOf} a)Be XiOo^ eirl \i6ay, 6. iroXkol y a p iXeva-ovTat 8. Kal Xifiol Kal Tapa-)(^al 22. 'EyepOqaovrat yap 'slreuBo^ptcrToc 22. Kal Tov'i €KXeKTOuedi]cretrai (sic) avr olf; t a afiapr/j/xaTa. 15. Acai ai-'pet Toi/ Xoyou top iaTrapfievop e v t al'i k a p 8 i. a i <; a u t d) v. V. 1 2. /cat irapeKaXovv avrou irdvTa r a 8aLp.6vta 14. /cat e ^ i]\ 6 o v ISeiv VI. 8. yu./; re Trrjpav, p.i] re aprov ii. om. totto? 20. /fat avouaa? avTov TToXXa eiroiet 25. om. rjTija-aTO 38. /cat 'yvovn^ Xeyoucrip avrw. irevTe a pr v V to ifiaTiov avrov xi. 22. e I e%6T6 TTicTTLv deov 28. om. tW ravra iroifj'i ; 29. 'O 8e ^Irjaovei<; dpoua-iv SOME AGREEMENTS OF THE GREEK CURSIVE 565 = CODEX THEODORAE IMPERATRICIS PURPUREUS, ED. BELSHEIM (AS REVISED BY CRONIN ♦), WITH THE SINAI PALIMPSEST AGAINST THE PESHITTA. St. Mark. ^E^XOev Be 17 u/coi) avrov (om. evduay6vTe<; (om. Tovr<':i Did. Apost., f. 55/^, note, xiii. 5. : ....ias KIJL.ClI.3 rCJ-a» (.ABiKa i^jaVA An t. Jacob of Serug, Homilies, Bedj., vol. ii., p. 458, 1. 19. QUOTATION OMITTED. Matt. i. 16. 'O iovSato? (iTTtv' eoTtv /liv ovv, Koi iv tq iraXaia yeveaXoyia, koi iv ry via. §€ i(TTLv iv TO) Kara fiardaia, outojs 8( ■7r€pi€\€i' on laKOi/i iyiwrjcrev tov lu)r}oriv, iyiwr}(Ttv €k t^s fiapCa^. The Dialogue of Timothy and Aquila (Anecdota Oxoniensia, Classical Series, Part viii., p. 76, ed. F. C. Conybeare). The importance of this quotation is much weakened by the fact that it is put into the mouth of a controversial Jew. 329 Matt. xix. 4. xxi, 25. xxii. 29. 45- QUOTATIONS FROM SYRIAC FATHERS Did. Apost., f. 69^ .»cn hcajk' jsn t-iuttco« r^k^ioaajkaa Bar-Salibi,C.S.C.O.,p. 148,11. 16, 17 rclsiriLa •^^<^r' ^-i_^<-i r^ \o Aph., p. wma, 1. 15 fcLtiaa coA ffio «jo« (om. A * %ca) ^^je Bar-Salibi,C.S.C.O.,p. 64,11. 3,4 xxiii. 12. (not Cur.) . >->\ \\ coAao pC^cjum:! fc:sat\_ ^-iAja a ^A ^j^o idem, 11. 5, 6 xxvi. 22. . t\s9 ocn fltr-ipT rtLaoAi Did. Apost., f. 63^ 23. . pfk^Aa tin lb am^rf .\^T,0 •50.1 ocbi idem xxvii. 46. (also Mark xv. 33, 37.) . ic^uuswa r^lai cn\n-i fCA^ ^« ocp Hist, of John, p. ix^, 11. 8, 9 St. Mark. xii. 42. . ^n^ rtLjo-saJL f^V. ^'-*^ i«-*j»'ir » N^ )a^ wminn CD^iA^ Jacob of Serug, Bedj., vol. ii., p. 580, 1. 4. 111. II. 22. iv. I. vi. 37- viii. 25- ix. 12 X. I XIX. 9. xxiii. 38. St. Luke. Bar-Salibi, C.S.C.O., p. 142, 11. 6, 7. idem, p. 162, 1. 15. idem, p. 171, 11. 22, 23. . ^^_aa,.*.»A<^ r^.i ^.,^11 n^ dcAo Did. Apost., f. 39^. (om. ngAoT.ttTwAo) Hist, of John, p. J^, 11. 5, 6. (Cur. only) . .V2n.^j).t ^.Ai fCaao->a idem, p. A, 1. 8. . (-kl^CV V ; i^' *^ if^ ' r^hkXJtrf »aioa . fC«a^K'«a>_a iuB-^i^ rci-a^ ^wmo idem, p. oa, 11. 18, 19. . f-^'i^O i ' ^ *> T ^ K' r\ r^ nfj'uio^ (^CD ^.aa «^ rciJcT (om. A 1 a en) ^^--i (om. JLa) Bar-Salibi, C.S.C.O.,* p. 140, 1. 5. Did. Apost., f. 36a. 23. . v^ I W yixsa r ^ rs-amji Did. Apost., f. 44^/. 11. ^*^ ^'-*-=' *■*• rtf!LiJ3CU.l r3 re* ft;_ixuuu\ ^A >^cd Jacob of Serug, Homilies, Cod. Bedj., vol. i., p. 218, 1. 13. X. 5. .i._e^uk^ ori.^r
  • LJtii9 Jla« idem, f. 59*^. xi, II. .;. ofULSo ocD .si pA rCtA-Sbti Bar-Salibi, C.S.C.O.,* p. 139, 1. 30. Did. Apost., ff. 5rt!, 35^, 70/;, 73/;. xii. 43. n£-aiAk.saa rdAt r<' . nC-z-iis ^.sa o\ n *\.l.l r^Lj^ rc^ «\ i\ n£-j*oi . i^crus i\-iAi"f nCxial re'i\oiii»rCo idem, f. 74^. 44. . i^-o-ajT nf^JirC ^^ ii«-i-aA »A |A\r<' t-Ao.^cari' idem, f. 75^. xiv. 29. . cd^aA rCacn r^inr^Ci ys^\caekX Hist, of John, p. J^, 1. 3. xviii. 2. : cnA ji c -^ t. rC t-urC A imiaT ocn-JrC ^ 1 % 1 t. A^. . ^iI t. Jacob of Serug, Homilies, Bedj., vol. ii., p. 404, 1. 17. 10. (Cur. only) xilcuakt ^ 1 \co ^.m 1 tj ■? .x-jnC-s ^^ -1^ le-I ot-u . -« "^ . ^ >«^ .m-^ix Did. Apost., f. 22a. 16. . ifX-n A.A ^o^^ ^-icoiD K'^vl^O ^iiit ^ » %\=i Aph., p. a»^i, 1. 6. 17. (* Cur. only) . kIaqA.^ vwre'o r^L^Ajj vwrc vyi "^ ! * ^* ^ ifaavi Did. Apost., f. 37^5. 18. (not Cur.) .;. mShT-t i-kasrc i t ^x % , A T . jL^. neLArC . IO-uAjb .^»ajc ftll . ..^.i-in eoA •i-sare' . . ^ -> T , ■ . v -> X . Aph., p. eoA, 11. 17, 18. * Corpus Scriptorum Christianorttm Orientalium, Series II., tom. xcviii., Dionysius Bar- Salibi, ed. Sedlacek and Chabct. t Codex Sangerman, i\-iA^ J Pesh. has rs'J^niJ.T. 32/ QUOTATIONS FROM SYRIAC FATHERS John xviii. II. . cDi^mi\ vy^xflo vy-^cprs' Judas Thomas, p. ojt, 1. 5. II. Converie* gladium iuum denuo in locum suum. Moes., p. 232, 11. 4, 5 ; p. 236, 11. 14, 15. II. Put up again thy sword into his place. H.-H., Eph., Comm., p. 116, 1. i. XX. I. . r^r^T-% »jn relk.VA A-ii Ish., f. 150/^, 1. 2. . |CnajL3 0r<' rc:a_»rcd r^JW rO^X^ rcAo Aph., p. i|?> T.,1. 20. . «^jio» Ish. (Acts, Cod. Harris), f. 158^, 11. 3, 4. xxi. 17. .^_^ysJsa_xA col ^iA Ish., f. 155^, 1. 15. 21. et dicit ei : *' Et hie, Domine, quid?" Moes., p. 271, 1. 25. 21. and saith unto him, Lord, etc. H.-H., Eph., Comm., p. 118, 1. 27. 25. . .^^aiA rCacD j\'\m KlA r^L^aV^.l Eus., H.E., p. 417, 1. 19. 2. 12. SUPPLEMENT TO LIST OF QUOTATIONS FROM THE SYRIAC FATHERS. St. Matthew. iv. 24. n£_i CD 1 e\-&J3 ooCD ^-»!t 1 1 ■^ ^it*ti -ii ^ 1 \ »pc «^_aeaAA.& . cn^evA o-ik^rc . r^LVsL Hist, of John, Cod. B, Apoc. Acts of the Apostles. f Wright, p. V> 11- 7, 8. 24. . ^^ o cn\^\ ►JDBre'o idem, p. .\A, 1, 9. V. II. (Cur. only) -V\ -n ^_^olaA ^timu.'ao «^_oJvA ^Juakli-I KlSa ^..AAJ-ao^-T . >j:^-x. Didascalia Apostolorum (ed. Gibson), f. 59^^. 12. oto-io oTju ^."1 ^^^^cv^vJK' idem, f. 17a. 12. . nri S I V ^^o^*ai.=jr<' ooqs ^.a ^.ii i-*X. *«i-»-^™ idem. 18. . n£(DCLSAJ ^^ i.a-^i\ rsiA rC-Ua K'^O^K* .1CI->.1 idem, f. 72^. * Pesh., for "Repone" read "Pone." This is the only mistake I have found in Mr. Gwilliam's edition. The quotation must be from John, because both the Peshitta and the Old Syriac omit "tuum" in Matt. xxvi. 52. t Cf. R. H. Conolly, injourn. 0/ Theol. Studies, vol. viii., pp. 249-261. APPENDIX II. 326 John xiv. 1. 3. 2. 3. 10. 22. 22. 22. 23. XV. 5. 13. 20. xvi, 2. II. 33. xvii. 5. II. II. 16. 24. xviii. 5. 5. Marutha, Bedj., vol. ii., p. 119, 11. 15, 16. ivjn re'ijs AirCT r<'i\cv*iixr ai->%iaA »^_OikJt«' ^ I M ir-n r^ >:i^r3 .1 Ish., f. 144^,!. 12. .acDCLSajtti . «^^ M COJC^l )Q.xfiaJ JUrs-t : iuiA niiCD ^ -=>■»:! ntlaaj** Marutha, Bedj., vol. ii., p. 194, H- Ij 2. oi\-aci aJ^JSOJt- liJjo ..^nS-Q Aph., p. %A.^, 11. 9, lO. . jjAii rC'cnAr^-A.l i-**^ * . i^^o.aAo\-oj 1 ^.sa A^aI rc^ r«'i»r«'^-t Eus., H.E., p. 253. Eph. (Rom. ed.), vol. i., p. 37 F. i^^cLoA K'ocaJ nti^ope- ftiJ»AAa^ Eus., Theoph., V. 36, 1. 2. Da mihi gloriam, a te ex ea, quam dedisti mihi, antequam mundus factus asset, Moes., p. 227, 11. 13, 14. give me glory from thyself, of that which thou gavest me before the world was. H.-H., Eph., Comm., p. 115, 11. 7-9. . •^^onrc i-\ .1 »^« Gyrillona, p. 582, 11. 9, 10. Z.D.M.G., vol. xxvii. . •^_ojr!' i\ -^ tv> k^rc-T Eph. (Rom. ed.), vol. iii., p. 122 c. . ca-l_5>3 ivjQCD ntfA n^JrCT vv-»ps' Aph., p. «ii», 1. 12; p. »ji«, 1. 22. before that the world cartie to be. Arm. Vers. Euthaliana, p. 81, Dum adhuc Judas (om. proditor) cum eis stabat, Moes., p. 236, 11. 4, 5. While Judas (om. which betrayed him) was standing with them, H.-H., Eph., Comm., p. 115, 1. 27. \ 325 QUOTATIONS FROM SYRIAC FATHERS John xi. 23. . »^eu»(< ^OAl Aph., p. r^A, 1. 3. 23. M^euurc >A ^oxii.n Eph. (Overbeck), p. 134, 1. 14. 27. li-sa t~»rC . K'^i-Sn cnA rCisorf Aph., p. itfA, 11 3, 4. xii. 2. . rc'^xJsa-X.Ax.^a ^ocn ra idem. Aph., p. ajki. 11. 21, 22. 5. . K^cusaK* lire ca.j^rCV Kf.^ 1? \ -7 . ncJuK'-T t^ *n Tia\Ji cnAAjti ^_i-Aa Eph., Hymni de Crucifixione, iii. 8 (Lamy, vol. i.). 6. rcTAttrA «^^ % -n T . i»oA >.Vs>3 5— aa Aph., pp. o-ai, vat. 7. . .^^a.Jl-* CTxA V^rc* Aph., p. VAT, 11. 2, 3. 7. ..^.4^ r^-i.s3\ ^T ik-s Eph., Sermo III. in Hebdomadam Sanctam, cap. 2 (Lamy, vol. i., p. 395). 8. . wy^ tors' A> ' »^ rtL^rc* Aph., p. vat, 1. 3. 9. . lA -V^i r.hs .1 CUxia >^^^^kij '^-^ . »iA> ^t^q idem, 1. 4. 12. vysaiooDKa icoakJuL4 .a.£aj| idem, 1. 7. 13. «^_iioa ^_=)T »A ..^^ivjce* ^.jio nc'cn idem, 11. 7, 8. 14. . .,^_OjA K'-lrc' «\> T-'sq ^^^OaA^T idem, 1. 9. 14, 15. irrl^-r ^t!^ Xn^q ^_^a03^ ..^aioK'T ..__^^ TA •turc ntiK- Ish., f. 133/^ 1. I. . cn-i-^ y^rif A. ^ criT'M »=3 0rx» nE:A\ nCx-xia Aph., p. os^, 1. 4. 9 II IT 12 12 *i4 16 16 ti8 8 8 18 18 . en lA f ^«^ A^. \ . I ^, rt^o *A-iiA n£j-^«^o Eus.jTheoph.jiii. 43, iv. 24, 1. I. ri^x.'i^ yA Av-aK'.i Aph., p. nc' Ish., f. 135^, H. 22, 23. t Ish., p. 135, 11. 5, 6. * The Sinai text has *A^* ^£a nrji.^«.j^saa tA^n »A ..a.!U*o t The Curetonian is here deficient ; and »A ^^rc seems to have dropped out of the Sinai text. The Peshitta has ftfJre* ^jA-z. t See also Ish., f. iii/J, 1. 8, and Ish., f. 158(5, 1. 9 (on Acts). 323 QUOTATIONS FROM SYRIAC FATHERS John iv. 21. (not Cur.) yt\ T.ionerj K^o Kia\ ftiica^ p^:i Eus.,Theoph,, iv. 23,1. 6. 23. >.^T*^mi rcii-jc.:! rs'-iev^Jis:! (om. v^vsare') . ca^^rC r^jccoa k'^uA-z. n£j)«r«'T . i«:_=ni_l idem, 11. 7, 8. 23. (Cur. only) ,eoA >.^!i\jtii.T nS-aJs ^-lAcn v^_ar^ ix\^ »«j3k' -Are' \ idem, 1. 8. 25. (not Cur.) Bcce Christus venit, et si veHerit, omnia nobis dabit Moes., p. 141, 11. 32-34. 25. Behold, Christ cometh; and, when he shall come, he will give us all things. H.-H,, Eph., Comm., p. 96, 11. 22, 23. 27. (not Cur.) They marvelled, that he was standing and speaking with the woman. idem, 11. 25, 26. 31. The disciples were beseeching him, and saying Rabbi, eat bread Arm. Version Euthaliana, p. 80. V. 8. (Cur. only) et vade in domuni tuavi. Moes., p. 146, 1. 17. 14. (Cur. only) '.r^jLsnxa ^STk . T I -1 1 JL.t-i^ ntixsa fcAw Ish., f. 125/^, 1. 9. 15. (Cur. only) quod lesus erat ille, qui vie sanavit. Moes., p. 147, 1. 16. 15. (Cur. only) It was Jesus, which made me whole. H.-H., Eph., Comm., p. 98, 11. 2, 3. • 17. Pater mens usque hodie opus operatur, ideo et ego operor. Moes., p. 147, U. 18, 19. 17. on account of this I also work. H.-H., Eph., Comm., p. 98, 1. 5. 18. quia Patrem suum dicebat Deum, Moes., p. 147, 11. 21, 22. 18. but also because he called God his Father, H.-H., Eph., Comm., p. 98, 11. 8, 9. 19. . ri oo^aaasaA Acv,ajT u^xaa ngA Ish., f. 121a, 11. 13, 14. 8. fi^^(< iT"\'n»rC ^J^ ^rc* >^i«^ r^\n tcoo Ish., f. Z2lb, 11. ID, II. 8. rc^rc nfiinipg' ^j^ ^rc .^xj i^v idem, 1. 18. 8. pcixK nrt'ntrf ^_S0 I vvivso ntdArC ..^vJ .XJrf ixX. "^ idem, 1. 21. 12, . ^_x_ir<' it:-^i«t:3!i ^t\^r^ JL^ ijL^^.^jj' Aph., p. -\^a>o, 11. 17, 18. 12. . a^^A-i^ajCD^ . ' \v^ rTii-nTi-T . « ' «r*^ Ajk. ^...c^^ vsarC .^J^" nT.i "^ irf idem, 11. 19, 20. 34. (Cur. only) non enim, ait, dat in mensura T^/V/t? .f?/^? Moes., p. 105,11. 30,31. 34. (Cur. only) And not by measure gave he to his Son. H.-H., Eph., Comm., p. 82, 1. 17. 34. • rCjuoi laiev^rC coA .^co.* f*^At \ « k -< pcocp rc\ n^cn .1^^*71 Eph. (Lamy, i., p. 267, 11. 11, 12). 34. (^ Cur. only) .cni-aA* rerjare* rc^juoi -aoij K'AvA-x.^.rs re'oca rtil* Aph., p. -V^' •!• 3, 4- 35. . cnJ^a-Mi •oucxore' ncArC idem, 11. T, 2. 35. oraJ3i4ji rBArc idem, 1. 4. iv. II. .>cn nSfl-ud-^ KirKia Eph.,Hymniin Fest. Epiph.,vii. 20 (Lamy, vol. i., p. 71 ). 16. Vade, voca ad me virum tuum. Moes., p. 141, 1. 18. 321 QUOTATIONS FROM SYRIAC FATHERS Luke xxii, 15. . JUjre' rdA.T^. reLico r«.a_^ .^^k^ooa yA t-=3r<' . isare-o Aph., p. J^i», 1. i. 42. . R'acru vyLiT i^iXk' >, 1 i ->^ 1^ r^LAK* Ish., p. 179, 11. 9, to. xxiii. 38. r^liiJL!^\ Eph.,Hymni de Crucifixione, iv. 6(Lamy,vol.i.,p. 667). 43. (Cur. only) Lord, remember me in Thy Kingdom , . . to-day H.-H., Eph., Comm., p. 117, 1, 22. 43. (Cur. only) . ..^x-^-a ^t^^sfuxo ,^j^ A n t.o Eph.(Lamy, i., p. 669, 1. 8). 43. . A-^o M^v.^ fitfinjL\_ ^.^jt^A » •> I'n i idem, p. 667. 43. (Cur, only) , ,__l ^r ^ ' \^ rcoooix »J5a.^.i «iA trrssu Aph., p. »Ai», 1. 17. 43. in the garden of Eden H.-H., Eph., Comm., p. 117, 11. 23, 24. 48. Vae fuit, vae fuit nobis, Filius Dei erat hie. Moes., pp. 245, 246. 48. Woe was it, woe was it to us : this was the Son of God. H.-H., Eph., Comm., p. 118, 11. 4, 5. 48. ..^oco reLusfl ^A »a Aph., p. ntA.t, 1. 12 ; Marutha, Bedj., vol. ii., p. 58, 1. 6. ^ r^'ooa t li^inLjo Eus., Theoph., iv. 9, 1. 7. ^AjciorC y^ (om. . rCoeoj) n^^TCuz.a 5T. . loiev^rc' i»oA ^^a-ii^K* Addai, p. 5^-, 1. 18. St. John. i. *3. . K-ocD cn_=3 ^liiaola Eus., Theoph., i. 24, 1. n. 3. . K-atB ca_=) >jusa Aa» Eph. (Rom. ed.), vol. i., p. 18 e. 3. . re'oco ca_3 A-ao Eus., H.E., p. 8, 1. 9. 3. 4. (Cur. only) and without him was not anything made. And that which was was made, by him was life, H.-H., Eph., Comm., p. 76, 11. 14, 15. 4. Quodcunque factum est, per ipsum vita erat, Moes.,p. 5, 11.24,25. 5. .• K'OCO icn_vsn ngAcue u -> rcicnojv Aph., p. -^, 1. 13; p, Ajc, 1. 14. * John i. 1-25 is on a lost leaf of the Sinai Palimpsest. APPENDIX II, 320 Luke xviii. 21 . ri W\t rcM-M .V»^V.^..l n'f\\ \ ^sna Judas Thomas, p. w'vn, 11. 20, 21. xix. 8. . rcjpc .^ifik r^.^^ir£ja «j« ik vi\ji A-Tii Ish., f. 104^, 1. 8. 8. . rE:.a-=)ire:.=) »j» iTiA_^i^ ^vXj» A-AO Aph., p. .^^, 1. 3. 12. . r«'^ojxLsa -> cy> *ai \ AtrCl Aph., p. ja^&t, 1. 20. 42. (Cur. only) Si cognovisses tu saltern hunc diem pacis tuae, sed abscondita est pax a facie tua (om. nunc) Moes., p. 207, 11. 11-13. 42. If thou hadst known at least this day of thy peace ! du^ peace is hid from thine eyes. H.-H., Eph., Comm., p. in, 11. 1-3. 42. . ».^i.:l1^ ^so (Codd. A, ^, »^.«nA) ^coA MttAixrC r^ArC* Eus.,* H.E., p. 130. 44. . m^a-r}!.! rtLiwa-* i\-^*-. rtdi Aph., p. -a^i*, 1. 17. XX. 17. (Cur. only) . t*^< « ' ~«i cnJciA h^aca $ca Marutha, Bedj., vol. ii., p. 81, 1. 18. 18. . tm<\ ' " Tf ^^ yojoAjk. A_&i\ len-i Xap Aph., p. nt*, 1. 9. 18. (also Matt. xxi. 44.) it shall crush and grind him to powder. H.-H., Eph., Comm., p. 106, 11. 24, 25. 33. (not Cur.) .rcocD^ ,^_ocfi_i.:a r ^_2?3 i^in:i o-a^.i (cm. ^i_»aj) Eus., Theoph., iv. 20, 1. i. 22. rc'^u^o^:! (om. t-»A^ ^j^x^n (om. n^jL^rc' ^*) pf-i i.\T Marutha, Bedj., vol. ii., p. 64, 11. 16, 17. K'^-rra .T-JJia wggjrua .nCJccD ^£a i-i\^»^Qcnj Eus.,Theoph.,iv. 12, 1.5. (Cur. only) . cnija JLa^ n^^rf (om. i\^) .\-L&^o idem, 1. 6. KliiO-^ rfocn livaQrCct Eph. (Rom. ed.), vol. ii., p. 320 B, 1. 15. ^^J^.Vo t^^h\-irf h\ ixnii Ish., f. ge,^, 1. 16. : ns-^AArs* ni^iiva JLa.9x\ .X.^^^fX'l Ish., p. 127, 11, 13, 14. (See Matt, xxiii. 38.) re'oai ^rclo ....ifQ-1 tmcLsal-aa fe^ « n . o^ A^^m pE'i.^^ A , 1 n h\.£or>f Ish,, f. g6a, 11. 18, 19, . pa.*i^\J vy&^akj:! Jlao Aph., p, >A, 1, 2 ; p. .\ tn, 1. lO. . v ^i 1 ■ ii fgA ore* VV-xJ^a-jJlA r^T-XI^ n^^A Aph., p. « «\ t., U. 14, 15. vyi-spajoTt rc'i-Q^ nsA Ish., f. 96a, 1. 21. (not Cur.) : ri'^-i.saJLM (om. or*' rci»oi-x.) iorc •x.a.^st rcsai Ish. (Harris), f. 173^;, 11. 8, 9. (not Cur.) .r«'i»eua-»i\ A.J^ ^ ncAi Aph., p. «A»»*,1, 10, (not Cur.) OCD t<'ih\rCs (om. rcrjs-i) rgi «\'\ pe-oCD Ish., f. 98^', 1. 26. (not Cur.) Gaudere, ait, oportebat, (om. nos) Moes,, p, 163, (not Cur.) •, rcrAev.^:! (om. rsUcn) rBTJA^aJSQ ^-sn Ish. (Cod, Margoliouth), p. rsia, 1. 8, (Cf, Matt, vi. 24.) : .^^vvsa ^^i^\ jjui.^Jtn.\ »^^kj»»_a.isa >A reA Marutha, Bedj., ii., p. 66, 11. 15-1 7. -..^^o-usBi* i^JT-uncrAo .^_Ri»j»ii\ *»xA r^A.i 21. K'OCn A_&_a.l )a:tJM ^.^93 .cojo^a re-LsguiT -\^i M^vaao rc'ocn ^^u^rc^a Aph., p. ncr,a.A, 1. 20; p. .,a.a.x., 1. I. .re'i.*^.^ ocni cn'taiv.& ^.sps 22, 23. . ngni i , y .Avj ps'oco rdJS^io .iJajsh^r^a . r<'i*aV-^. 003 0\i^0 re'om.i Aph., p. »\^°> T., 11. 8, 9. . ^A rcl3rxxm r^CicnCi Eph. (Overbcck), p. 127, 11. 18, 19. Judas Thomas, p. o-&^, 11. 17, 18. Mysterium est septuaginta diiorum discipulorum Moes.,p. 59,11. 22,23. He chose seventy and two H.-H., Eph., Comm., p. 90, 1. 2. Et ideo statim septuaginta duos elegit Moes., p. 160, 11. 16, 17. 17. .,__»H^a ^ • % -^ ■»• iTK* »_a^aa-. i,a_uA owsai-io Ish., f. 89^, 1. 2. : ^^i^o ftrliji ^ lA^.x. ^0.^0 idem, 1. 17. Addai, f. ^a, 11. 10, 11. 39. (not Cur.) Venit Maria et sedit ad pedes lesu. Moes., p. 98, 1. 18. 39. (not Cur.) Mary came and sat dX Jesus' feet. H.-H., Eph., Comm., p. 88, 11. 3, 4. 40. Non est tibi cura de me; Moes., p. 98, 1. 27. 40. carest thou x\o\. for tne} H.-H., Eph., Comm., p. 88, 11. 4, 5. xi. 3. . li^a ^ >J3cn r \ nCjO .jscn-p 7^% rci»jteL»_a-3. Aph., p. \*o^, 11. i, 2. 52. Vae vobis, Legisperitis, qui absconditis claves Moes., p. 211, 1. 15. 52. Woe unto you, lawyers, for ye hide the key. H.-H., Eph., Comm., p. m, II. 12, 13. xii. II. nclaXsa ^Tua . r r i \ 1 A t . ^xaa OQ *k'ir<' "yxXa ^^^e^\ y ■ -.■t«^t iiv^ar<':v Aph., p. »A K'cn.l • caxa-iA vmpCo Aph., p. ncia_r., 1. 13, 19. (not Cur.) r g .1 1 xA i-aA ^.tA-t-Sa.jj rC^nC-i^Jto Ps'iuLLx re'cn.-i A >^ ^ • ifivni*:^* Eph., Burkitt, Ev. da-Mepharreshe, vol. ii., p. 133, 1. 5. 20. (Cur. only) rCjAA rc:_icn_=» k'co Aph., p. ng^j., 11. 15, 16. 21. idem. Eph., Ev. da-Mepharreshe, vol. ii., p. 133, 1. 8. 21.' .viii.^ rcA re' ^)rJii^jo cnA ^nE£XD-i ^si^ (om. ocn) "T « %nm Aph., p. rsia-fc, 1. 17. 317 QUOTATIONS FROM SYRIAC FATHERS Luke iv. 9. . nfJcoA ,jsi ^ccaa-l vc\ ^»cnT ri>oo) ^XAtJLak ji 1 t. f^XMSn Ish. (Acts, Cod. Harris), f. 159*^, 11. 3, 4 vi. 14. .t.T-st » \ ~« ^-uiojo .-bo n % 1 a Ish. (Cod. Harris), f. 159^, 1. 3 21. Blessed are they that weep; for they shall laugh H.-H., Eph., Comm., p. 83, 11. 17, 18 ■ 24. . ^__a_^^^^-a «.^kA_a,n.T pp'iL.iv-^ ^.^a.1 >o.-i Aph., p. -jl, 11. 2, 3 32. .>^^^^o ii\ »«n r^l.^ Aph., p. cnA, 1. 2 33. r^lusq .i« "^ T.T ^..^v^»».Tr<',^ .T-su^.i ^^sn\ -=^nt .^^iurc ^v..a-x .^ .,^^A^o.'\i\ ^cD idem, 11. 4-6 35. . K'^g 1 »\ iT-Su^ A-A -Arc >jai:99l idem, 11. 8, 9 vii. 41. (not Cur.) . kIi.^ \ Q-^q K'T.n.^X oocn ixjre* ^ t n 1 » >\ ^-.iri\ Eph., Sermo de Domino Nostro (Lamy, vol. ii., p. xxii., 11. 25, 26) 42. icDoj-^v&j^ ..^caAso xm\ oui_X .t^ idem, p. xxiii., 11. 5, 6 43. ^^o-^jsa-x. coA i-saK* idem, 1. 8 44. (not Cur.) .^..xJK* iv.&^^ cni \'nija ^-i^ rc^cn Eph., Sermo de Domino Nostro, cap. 20 (Lamy, vol. i., p. 187, 1. 12) 47. ca.>cn\ja coA t- in i -> t . ncjco A-J^JSW idem, p. 186, 1. 7 viii. 2. (Cur. only) ex qua septem daemones ^yV^^rrt'/, Moes., p. 120, 11. 27, 28 2. out of whom he had cast seven devils, H.-H., Eph., Comm., pp. 91, 92 8. (Cur. only) Terra autem bona et opima Moes., p. 125, 1. 34 8. and other fell on fertile and good ground H.-H., Eph., Comm., p. 92, 1. 7 16. (Cur. only) . v^ \ x.V^ K'i^r^la oiA 'pvcta ore" Aph., p. ij, 1. 9 50. (Cur. only) Firmiter crede et vivet filia tua, Moes., p. 89, 11. r, 2 50. believe, and thy daughter shall live. H.-H,, Eph., Comm., p. 86, 11. 20, 21 50. (Cur, only) y^n^m O-l.'Sn-* cqJSQ 1 q » ^ -< Aph., p. nsia,, 1. i 50. (Cur. only) -i o m \ -) y^sn^m A_i:sa_»ca.»3 ncAre* Judas Thomas, p. u^o, 11. 19, 20 50. (Cur. only) .ts.xsf»^ca O-l.'sa.iCaJSW -le w l-s ft:Arc. idem, p. oiaj., 11. 5, 6 ix. 5. (See Matt. x. 14.) 58. (not Cur.) et filio hominis non est locus, Moes, p. 74, 11. 20, 21 58. rt-;?^ the Son of Man hath no place H.-H., Eph., Comm., p. 85, 11. 26, 27 APPENDIX II. 316 Luke i. 9. nrinm-> A ^p<'«l ^« icd ^jm Mar Abba (Rendel Harris), Ephrem, p. 93, 1. 8. 48. Ex hoc beatam me dicent omnes generationes. (om. l8ov) Moes., p. 17. 48. CD^vaarC* cb^O^^-.i-^J^' ni3^» Aph., p. .AJi, 1. 5. 52. i^^cn^cutoia.^ H»» ^^^a^ ^mK* Eus., H.E., p. 395, 1. i. 76. ibis ante Dominum. (om. enim) Moes., p. 7, 1. 15. 76. (om. for) thou shalt go before the face of the Lord H.-H., Eph., Comm., p. 77, 11. 25, 26. 80. . pc'vrs-l-S'aA.l t-»» mjjo.jE. Ish., vol. ii., p. 14, 1. 2. ii. 4. quod dictum est de Maria, et Joseph, guia a mix? de do mo David erant ; Ephrem's Commentary on the Epistles of St. Paul, p. 260. Aph., p. . 1 \^, 11. 20, 21. 4. ntrnmqne, losephum et Mariatn^ esse e.x domo David. Moes., p. 16. 4. . »q3 rckj-iev^ x.«a:v« CD^oua ^^« Ish., vol. ii., p. 6, 1. 3. 4. . .i.»o.i ^isA coiiia -tjot i^ ..&jDev-> Eph. (Rom. ed.), iii., p. 601 E. 14. . xacLst \'\\ nt"n\ T. rcT-JkirC A.a.0 . ngj'jinl r^^uuSO-Z. Eph., Hymni de Beata Maria, xv. 4 (Lamy, vol. ii., p. 583). 35. : d^jULfaai oa-l_«l.a.^^ >A » ^Tt i-> ^D-iiAknC liaa Ish., vol. ii., p. 21, 11. 3, 4. 35. Pertransibis gladium {bis^ Cod. B) Moes., pp. 28 (note), 29. 35, thou shalt cause a sword to pass away.f H.-H., Eph., Comm., p. 78, 11. 27, 28. 36. .;. ne-i^aX. >-^ ^«»*'' ^«'" • ^*-2fla-l* >A icIXaju* Eph., Hymni de Abraham Kidunaia, v. 17 (Lamy, vol. iii., p. 813, 1. 10). iii. 6. . rCL.VSW.i CDijn.-»r<' rtlL^^^o Aph., p. itdjt, 1. i. 22. (also Matt. iii. 17.) . i»jLja.^-r«' en-a^i I- -< . -t ij fv lis ^lA OJCB Marutha, Bedj., vol. ii., p. 120, 11. 11, 12. iv. I, 2. . » T'i\fn ^.M ftiauio^ tCma\ cn^VxjArc' ^t^eno Aph., p. \'tT*, 11. 4, 5. 2. Et postquam quadraginta dies Jejunavif, esuriit. Moes., p. 44, 1. 8. 2. And after forty days, that he fasted, he hungered. H.-H., Eph., Comm., p. 81, 11. 2, 3. 9. (also Matt. iv. 5.) .^aco -pveja xa. r. . ,^jtsa Eph., Hymni de Mysteriis Domini Nostri, xxxii. 5 (Lamy, vol. ii., p. 815). * Dr. Rendel Harris has called attention to the following passage in the History of the Venerable Bede, p. 287 : " De tdroque potest intelligi, quod diciiur de domo David." {Ephrefn oil the Gospel, p. 98.) f The " away " seems doubtful. 315 QUOTATIONS FROM SYRIAC FATHERS Mark Eph., Sermo de Domino Nostro, cap. ii (Lamy, i., p. 171). viii. 4. Whence canst i/io7i satisfy these men? Armenian Version, EuthaUana, (ed. Robinson), Texts and Studies, vol. iii., p. 79, 1. 20. 12. .cn^oio \V-^.^f^."l »«" Ish., f. i^6a, 11. 8, 9. 32. Coi7ipatieiis , sicuti quando dixerat, " Absit hoc a te," Moes., p. 156.* 32. Et verbum apertum loquetur (J^) Diat. ar., xxiii., p. 42. 32. resurgere et cum fiducia sermonem loqui Cod. Bobiensis (k). ix. 50. . i»ocn r .^iOAj coo vjtt ^tjcd idem, 11. 9, 10. 21. .li^ re-ixo vc 1 1 .\^ Acx.a~x.o idem, 1. 12. xii. 17. (See Matt. xxii. 21.) xiii. 2. (See Matt. xxiv. 2.) 13. , .Ti\'\ ^^_a-ikA rduto rs-ootuo Aph., p. eaji\, 1. 2. 33. Vigilate et orate, quia nescitis tempus (om. videte, om. quando sit.) Moes., p. 216. 33. watch and pray; for ye know not the time. H.-H., Eph., Comm., p. 112, 1. 24. xiv. 5. Potuit venumdari unguentum istud trecentis denariis et dari pauperibus. (om. pluris quam.) Moes., p. 205, 5. This ointment might have been sold for three hundred pence, and given to the poor. H.-H., Eph., Comm., p. no, 11. 15-17. . 68. r<'^_»T^ r<'A^i."»A ji^o Eus., Theoph., v. 40, 1. 26. 69. ' ^^ I m I n T ^._^4oraA i.sors'^T ^ijco (om. *cn) pj'Avsni l ^ OOO^V-** ^ao^o idem, 11. 26, 27. 70. . iorc rci,\i^\^ ^Ars-i A. ^.sq idem, 11. 6, 7. St. Luke. i. 6. In omni regione (vel habitationi) sua. Moes., p. 7, note 2. 6. They were blameless in all their habitations H.-H., Eph., Comm., p. 76, 1. 22. Mar Abba (Rendel Harris), Ephrem, p. 93, 11. 6, 7. See Burkitt, Ev. da-Meph., vol. ii., p. 283. APPENDIX ir. 314 Matt. XXvii. 16, 17. i— *.1 ».-ACI3C\ • ni-srs* i-a nC-ien rCaca rcioivsa «^.tt-Jr_* .oo rEL.jsK' i-a Bar Bahlul (Duval), col. 423.* (Cf. Burkitt, vol. ii., p. 178.) 16, 17. Jesus was his Name, who is here called Barabba ; for so it is written in the Gospel of the separated ; Bar Salibi(Loftus' transl.),pt. ii.,p. 13. . t6, 17. . casoJb PS'aCD .i».a-T_» ^-»5 rCsf< i-a Ish., p. 185, 1. 12. 28, . rtll A.^jir<'.T rtlio^ .\\ai» : ^1 i«'^ieuai:| mA-w l -^ i^iij ij^ rC^cnA Ish., p. 186, 11. 10, ir. 46. Eli, Eli, quare me dereliquibti : Moes., p. 247,1. 24. 50. . r ri v«\ \ ^ocT3 ^ n \ 00 Habib (Cureton), p. %&,, 1. 16. 51. , ..x^iA -, f ^ \ ysn rcl*lQcrij:i rO-a->CDl rcl.:^'*^ K-^rc* rs'ooo t i , '^\ ^ri' Addai, f. i8<7, 11. 2, 3. 52. . rCljQ_»H\0 n^rtJA oocD o.snjULJ^re' Addai, f. 17^', 1. 18. 64. . T ^Tooivsa (om. A.1 tcp) -Tcv^a.^!! Aph., p. r^^V, 1. 1 8. t^-^A^ vwrc (om. rcnen "io-w) ctuceurvXa Ish., f. 150^, 1. 15. xxviu. 3 in. 29 iv. 5- 5- 7- St. Mark. Erit reus peccatorum in aeternum. Moes., p. iii, 11. 24, 25. • »^ - rn^ ry y, OUl.JA9t n^-^TK'^ nCia.930_^ K'aCD iulAl .\\*iao Eus., Theoph., iv. 33, 1. 5. nc^^o-z. JLa. A ^ K1 h\^»T^»*» i.JL3ieu3 Ish., p. 105,11. 10, 11. •• nCaacL^ ySn co-xsa Ji^'il ^oTsa fErAre* Aph., p. o.», 1. 8. 20. yCX^\^ tJ» cajtia jx^Jl ^ija r^LAr^* Aph., p. esju, 1. 12. 28. oaca ^ I .) "M T*^ V *> •^ ic\^.& (.^aT rc'^aVi^ ^.^a ^.^aJrC ■ A iCP ^T Epbraim (Lamy, vol. i., p. 163, 11. 17, 18). * This reference is misprinted by Dr. Burkilt as col. 243. 313 QUOTATIONS FROM SYRIAC FATHERS Matt. xxiii. 8. ..^^-Tja^ rcl n:-i.'irtra rCij'i.i Eph. (Rom. ed.), vol. ii., p. 491, 1. 13. 13. (Cf. Matt. xvi. 19.) (not Cur.) >:i_i^r<' i.^^iorc -Are* .^ah\ ca-a n -x. Aph,, p. r£snja, 11. 5, 6. . ngi'n T.i ni.^Tii\.'l Pt'."|-i-i_i3 25- .•^^iorC ^i.yj.Xfla r^^l^^.lO nSAiAl enija rclxsKvl Aph., p. wJt, 11. 2, 3. 27. ^_kia..4Ji.:^ %aA ^snV • rciio-aa ^ i n\ »._oi»Ji< y-tsnla idem, 1. 4. Eus., Theoph., iv. 17, 1. 2. 38, . n^oijtt ^.^o^ki^ j» i ■< T rceni Addai, f. 18^, 1. 4, 38. . n£sijtt ^.^^^^0.3 r* ' "^ ^ R'CDV Eus., Theoph., iii. 27 ; iv. 18, 11. 25, 30, 35 ; iv. 20, 1. 8. 38. . rCjs%M „^^aA^j.-t j> « -< ^- rem idem, iv. 18, 1. 9. xxiv. 2. (not Cur.) rd-l n^ias i..i:k. »^iun-aj ncrjoix^A-^t vyjrs'i Ish., p. 181, 1. 19. 61. (cf. Mark xiv. 58.) reacn arljkJcrxA oio^Jaoo Ish. (MS. Margoliouth), f. 215a, 1. 2. xxvii. 4. sanguinem justtim tradidi Moes., p. 239. 4. I have betrayed righteous blood. H.-H., Eph., Comm., p. 116, 1. 24. * oicojc. is the Peshitta word. Isho'dad evidently knew both versions, s s APPENDIX II. Stz Matt. xxi. 40. 40. 41. 43. 44. 44. 46. xxii, I. 3- 4. 5. 7- 7. 8. 9- 12. 12. 21. 24. 28. 28. 28. 28. 30- 31- 32- xxiii. 7. (not Cur.) . r^ljjtJtA ._^V»JctiA pciaa ^ (not Cur.) . r^LjiJu^ ^._aJoaA ^ Eph. (Lamy, i., p. 253). 11 M ngvaa Eus., Theoph., iv. 13, 11. 13, 14. (Cur, only) . ^cmAa. fvuiLufcd ^.V x-j rcrioiAo idem, 11. 14, 15, (not Cur.) . KiircrA .acn-I.i niao-aA .^m^h\h\a idem, 11. 17, 18. (also Luke xx. 18.) . >coa.i .n .iaT.^ ycnoA^ X&^ »cnj| JLaa Aph., p. nij, 1, 9. It shall crtish and grind him to powder. H.-H., Eph., Comm., p. 106, 11. 24, 25. (Cur. only) . r^J^a.^. t^o aotn ^ 1 \ yria • cn-SO.Vur^ai\.xsa idem, iv. 15, 1. 12. idem, 1. 13. idem, iv. 16, 1. 56. idem, 1. 57. i..ta..aji ClxA JlOVJl. ^1 acn (also Mark xii. 17, Luke xx. 25.) imnV iAan (oni. A .-#»») «x3cdi Ish., p. 8, 1. I. (not Cur.) om. et exsuscitat semen fratri suo Moes., p. 194, 1. 2. (not Cur.) In resurrectione ergo mortuorutn idem, 1. 3. In the resurrection of the dead therefore H.-H., Eph., Comm., p. 107, 1, 4. (not Cur.) . K'AxJi.rfl ki u n (Cur. only) . r«'aCD^ ^^cn \sn rcM->rc:A . >«3i Koi .JUrC ^ Cl.Sk.A •..•VO oocd:! Aph., p. wooa, 1. 13. idem, 11. 13, 14. Aph., p. \Ai», 11. 8, 9. Aph., p. waao, 1. 20. Aph., p. MJas, 1. 2. Aph., p. ^i, I. 4. 3" Matt, xviii. 23. 24. 30- xix. II. II. 12. 16,17. 19. 20. 23- 24. 24. 28. XX. 15. 15- XXI. 3 21 31 31 31 31 33 34 36 37 38 38 QUOTATIONS FROM SYRIAC FATHERS (Cur. only) win t clm , -1 pn *ia A >'i.£..'V Aph., p. %1, 1. 14. idem, 1. 15 OCTxA cri^:i -i.V.jpC' rcdj idem, 1. 22. Aph., p. cfti Xi, 1. 12. Eus., Theoph., iv. 32, 1. 4. idem, 1. 7. ^ir^*.! ua^rr' rt:jLsnl Aph., p. ^^, 11. 5, 6. (not Cur.) vyxAj vy-*r »^ Eus., Theoph., iv. 29, 1. 4. xiv. II. : eaaore' i*oA ^X-JuaoK'o Ish., p. 103, 1. 6. 26. (See Mark vi. 49.) XV. 8. . t.\m jii Mi (om. lA^) ca.3JL=30 Aph., p. en ^t., 1. 3. Julian, p. 29, 11. 9, 10. 27. (not Cur.) Et canes de micis mensae domini sin edunt Moes., p. 138, 11. 28, 29. 27. (not Cur.) even dogs eat of the crumbs of their master' s table. H.-H., Eph., Comm., p. 95, 1. 20. xvi. 13. Quid de me dicunt homines, quod sit filius hominis ? Moes., p. 153, 11. 10, II. 13. Who do men say [concerning me] that the Son of man is ? H.-H., Eph., Comm., p. 98, 11. 24-26. *I5. (Cur.) .*^rC« ^^^okJrf ^isarC f^Luso ^-»T .^^iorC Eus., Theoph., v. 40, 1. 11. 19. (Cf. Matt, xxiii. 13.) rtL^i^.l re'laJ.ii n «. j.trC .^^karC .ao^ c ^in T. Aph., p. rdsfxa, 11. 5, 6. . ■«<«— »-!f 19. . KL^'i^.l pCV.iJ.o A^i< vy\ Eph., Sermo de Domino Nostro, cap. 52 (Lamy, vol. i.). 19. nr* I *w T, -I pcixAjxlfai t<'H.xJLnr<' vyA A^ifo Eus., Theoph., V. 40, 1. 15. xvii. 20. (not Cur.) tvtax-JO (om. rcTASo) r^J^tK*.! nt-Jcn rc"To\A «^i_SBrci» Aph. (Cod. A), p. 9^-Zi, 11. 9, 10. . »^_o'\iaim ^.aa xviii. 3. (Cur. only) . ner*^ \- . « \ m vwrc .^ooiixo .^.Ajv&ajit^ «Ti\rCT Aph., p. niik-i, 1. 13. 7. . ^aOTK'.I nglcT^in ^sn nr^nA %\ ^lA CO— A »o Marutha, Bedj., vol. ii., p. 67, 11. 3, 4. 7. (not Cur.) : R'oerLsaA r<'.T-»Av.^ pe-kxi-ao Aph., p. \-^, 1. 7. 9- • ^'V-*"* aa«»:ut. >^4J • y^A n^AzAsa v^ 1 1 v .^jf-i Aph., p. .ajisi, 1. 11. 10. (Cur. only) rciicL^t ^-iAcd ^m .i.jjl.s ^...ojnjs^ r<\n Aph., p. w^a, 1. 11. 14' r<'lA.^*t ^.kiAco »ji XsrCin nriinT-ii pCjsnC KL.13^ JA^^ ncA Aph., p. ^, 11. 20, 21. 15. Com. A») . onAo v ^ i 1 1 -a icfUjaaAr** Aph., p. »-i, 1. 5. 17. . rt^fioAbSQ vyvrco K'.^ljj vwK wyX .a.g.jj^V-l y-»\^m idem, 11. 8, 9. * The Sinai text from Matt, xvi, 15 to xvii. 12 is on a lost leaf. 309 Matt. xii. 29. . 32. 40. xiii." 5. 24. 25- 26. . 27. 28, 29, 30- 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 41. 41. 41. 43- r^JWI cn.3 QUOTATIONS FROM SYRIAC FATHERS (also Mark iii. 27.) *(Cur. only) eo^-ziA Aa.&>a.i jjlaxm -x-arc fxiAi Eus., Theoph., iii. 57, 11. 6, 7. p r^acai yA rdAA^rC-t Ish., f. iiirt;, 11. 23, 24. ". »^\j \ pc^^o (*~* not Cur.) ^K'i^^ rCacn ^jAt nBiajpC nl^o-z. A_^-^ A^a .1 Ax^r^O Eus., Theoph., iv. 33, 1. 4. . i.,^^ iapre*** .^.QooK' nsAivea (vtiijurc' idem, iv. 34, 1. I. r V cV q A idem, 11. 8, 9. (* not Cur.) . K'i^-Or^L^^ ojuui . r^ov^vc.i rtuwi.i rcA^oa ^ J3X& idem, 1. 11. . i«:xJre'.i OfiijD tasahi^rf nia.!^ r^-^i\.t o r>-^ oil idem, 1. 12. idem, 11. 12, 13. . nrati -)T icocLls ..^^CV-iK' ^^_a_ar<' niarcrAsa tV.IO— -4iO n r ti \ . % -t cnj^iAo-Xi laso^n:' T<'."|-^4ja idem, II. 14, 15. . rc"(0-io ^-iJLaJo ndawt ^-ijL jaA ^USO .1 A i -^ co nfii i j k' idem, 1. 15. Mundabit domum regni sui Moes , p, 211, 1. 12. he will cleanse the house of his kingdom. H.-H., Eph., Comm., p. 93, 1. 2. (not Cur.) rA coA O.T^ Eus., Theoph., iv. 31, 11. i, 2. idem, iv. 7, I. 46. Duo passeres asse veneunt (om. Nonne) Moes., p. 97, 1. 6. Two sparrows are sold for a farthing ; H.-H., Eph., Coram., p. 87, 1. 19. (Cur. only) *cDeL&rErXsa ^pxisa Rahmani, Acts of Guria and Shamona, p. 7, 1. 17. (Cf. Burkitt, Ev. da-Meph., vol. ii., p. 271.) (not Cur.) ni_\ . vc^^vc-st rCsnhr^x h>^h\T^ rdA-&.X..l •^"i-aioi* al_A Eus., Theoph., iv. 12, 11. I, 2. • r<^<\ 1 OO ncArC . art u . rc:aa-(K'i ^i(r«> . riA vcx^ idem, 1. 17. (not Cur.) : iA>.l\aa cnx'M rt^oJl A.&.1 Marutha, Bedj., vol. ii., p. 193, 1. 19. (not Cur.) om. et pauperes evangelizantur Moes., p. 100. f^\ 11 (^o i_.A\_»i .^_oaA ne:!!^ i^arc Ish. (Cod. Harris), f. 119*^, 11. 7, 8. . r-Li»^k^aa Ish., p. 211, 1. 14. . (^L^r^'.l rCsa-uA (^ rc^i^n-i crvsa^a CDJ^A >Jcii^ nclil Rabbula, p. 234, II. 12, 13. idem, p. 235, 11. 10, 11. Sanavit eum, et dedit ei audi turn, loquelam, et visum, Moes, p. 113, 1. 30. and he healed him, and caused him to hear, to speak, and to see. H.-H., Eph., Coram., p. 89, 11. 16, 17. 20. 2a 307 QUOTATIONS FROM SYRIAC FATHERS Matt. ix. 2. Vidit Dominus fidem eorutn . Moes., p. 59. 2. Our Lord saw their faith. H.-H., Eph., Comm., p. 82, 1. 24. 2. lis A^.i^ >A nil Eph.jSermodeDom. Nost.jCap. 2i(Lamy,vol.i.,p. 189). Eus., Theoph., iii. 40, 11, 47, 48. . cnJS^a^i.^Q.1 ntiio >< ^'\\ o idem, 1. 48. 24. . pd^JSO.t OOD vySIUSO ntVrC Aph., p. \tnr\ , 1, 3. 38. rc'.r^jj.i co^JSO ^^ Ijlaoo a.a^ Eus., Theoph., iv. 33, 11. 41, 42. 38. r^.i-.».T cni-so |j» eu»^i idem, 11. 46, 47. X. 2, n£&iCA ^ ^.».. i>. Judas Thomas, p. ■ •> %n, 11. 4, 5. 2. ic:&nCA lia^rc-l oca ».^%*n t. i' < ••< ^-i-uo->a >jon ^1 »a .... « ¥r l acn ^1 ^^ i m\ » x:a Ish. (Acts, Cod. Harris), f. 159^, 11. 2, 3. 2, 3. r^.iocruo (om. »9^ t-Uk^pCV i-slAo) .... ».T>a\ > V *1 (-Vj»o->a >Jo n \i a Cod. Sachau 311, Berlin, Goussen, Apocalypsis Versio ^'•^fy n ^ . ^.a Sahidica. (Cf. Harris's Ephrem, p. loi.) 3, 4. .aAa^.* V3 r^ncicrxaO •* m 1 >ft ^ g . ^ ""^ ^- " h'vV«» i-s -.«»« 7. .<« Judas Thomas, p. . i.^^n, 11. 6, 7. . 4. . rtlUtaJLZJSn K'ocn.l acn r^o^x^ta i«':iacn->a Cod. Sachau 311 (Harris), p. loi. 5: ...^aAirci* «icl KlMSOJ^.I n^jutanCs."! Ish. (Cod. Harris), f. 138^, 11. 8, 9. Eph., Hymni de Ecclesia et Virginitate, xvii., v. 11 (Lamy, vol. iv.). 5, 6. .«^_«A»K'i» ncA T9 ooiJa.l Aph., p. -ajt, 11. 12, 13. Mar Abba, Rendel Harris's Ephrem, p. 94. 6. .rci^i-u ^Tii r^A\ » A \Ji "-g* fEisoiJ «t:Aa Habib, p. -aA, 11. 15, 16. 6. Nolite projicere margaritam (om. vestram) ante porcos : Eph., Comm. on St. Paul's Epistles, i Cor. (ed. Patr. Mekithar), p. 52. 7. (* Cur, i._o.ajB>i»o) . Cuaufloa* ftAnsjt* Aph., p. ciiAi», 1. 3. Eph., Sermo IV. Rogationum, c. 8 (Lamy, vol. iv., p. 447, 11. 12, 13). 14. . re'^jj-ire-a rt'A\ ivMAjrC* .V\aw . r^* 1.11.1 ^ rr<' cnA rCacn iuiA Aph., p. M*n, 11. 9, 10. 22. rC'AvJL'53 jjcx-ajta Ish., p. 72, 1. 8. 29. (om. .^iftxj) •rs'criAre'i cnija vyXa ^A r£sn Eus., Theoph., v. 18, 1. 21. 305 QUOTATIONS FROM SYRIAC FATHERS Matt. V. 44. (not Cur.) . ^^^-^i inT^ \n\ ciiajjii Aph., p. tl, II, 21, 22, 46, (not Cur.) •.^_5-ai . n » laT ^.ia.1 ^^_^^jj^ .^jj't Aph., p. eoA, 11. I, 2. vi. 6. T^l^ii^ »eu»»nijQ r«lia^\A Ao-ij Ish., p. 60, 1, 13. 6. . r*^ « «Vi «s- m vsA^n^A (cA^o Aph., p. VflS; 1. 22. 6. . pdi nri%-i vys^reA ixd^i Aph., p. ma, 11. 2, 3, 4. 8. ^* not Cur.) . ca:kAirw^-^ vyjt< Eph., Sermones in Rogationem VII. (Lamy, vol. iii., p. 53, U. 9-11). . VV»\^ i«-*-3 t-sa resaeu«l rdl.t-'sqp^' i«:»aJULA ^A ..JDOB Jacob of Serug, Burkitt, Ev., vol. ii., p. 269. . 1 1 iV n\ jja..aiJLa »-!-» -Skrco Aph., p. tA, 11. 5, 6, 10, 12. . x* ->v » » \ jaa.a.x.i t-u» -Arci Aph., p. ncjk, 1. 17. 12. . 1 1 1 1 M V j3Ct.2LJcJ |.^i-» -Arc-i Judas Thomas, p. J^i .x. , 11. 7, 8. 13. . nciojja-iA ^^v.*^ nsAo idem, 1. 8. ^5' ' ^^^ca^oXsLSO t tf a r 'ii 1 1\ ,^ ^n i t .A> ntd ».j<'i Ish., p. 66, I. 15, Aph., p. «uA, 11. II-13. . nciarC JlO-aJEJ ._ojA tsA .Aps* . , 16. . ^ OCQ.iAng^ ^jjSa a>'5?3.1 .• "CArerja t-aLiaxsa nCsaiivsa nejAo Aph., p. nc:a, II. I, 2. 19. . AJL.jjLJSqcv T 1 t » i Sa\ ^^cn-i.20^9 Aph., p. »jt., 11. 19, 20; p. eojki, 11. 12, 13. (not Cur.) . eruvakix peLuJLSJO (om. ^_.») ._j<^."| Aph., p. w>i«. Aph., p. »^, 1. 7. Historia Sancti Ephraemi, cap. 17 (Lamy, vol. ii., p. 33). (not Cur.) • K^i •>-> ^\_,t<'.i A.ft\ icn-x.s9o Eus., Theoph., iv. 7, 1. 5. • rdiJijO nficjiorC fX'ijL.taaA i«-»i»rs' nsAl Aph., p. jjla, U. 3, 4. Aph., p. A, 11. 3,4. .iT'i ni ^.SQO rOEDCLSaJ ^.sa K'^O^K' .1^~> i"^^ ^ (cAv idem, 11. 20, 21. T.a.^^ ncA r<'^o^r<' .lO^o Eph. (Overbeck), p. 149, 1. 24. (not Cur.) Omnis, ait, qui solverit unum ex mandatis (om. igitur) Moes., p. 65, 11. 10, II. (Cf. H.-H., Eph., Comm., p. 84, 11. 3, 4.) (Cur. only) A_i_^cn rC'ijtJ.i t^ Aua> Ish., p. 59, 1. 14. Aph., p. vA, 1. 7 ; p. -ajk., 11. 5, 6. (Cur. only) . vyijn orx^.TJC >,*.jj Aph., p. ^^ajoi, 1. 11. . r^^jiCUL. hyjyiccyi r rdsarC^ r^n Aph., p. .2^^^, 1. 1 1. Qui percutit maxillam tuam (om. dexteram), porrige ei et alteram partem.* Moes., pp. 65, 69, 70. (Cf. p. 223, 1. 26.) Si quis te percusserit in maxillam (om. dexteram), praebe ei et alteram. Moes., p. 133, 1. 12. he that smiteth thy cheek, offer to him the other side also. H.-H., Eph., Comm., p. 84, 11. 19, 20. . n^ijure* coA .^ixi <^ '\'\ A-.^ ^V^ ng.uaoT ^-^=l * Aph., p. . f^n, 1. II. (not Cur.) . VY\o\ .Arc' cnA -lacn . vy-i->^CL& -^ or>i;^ nta-l ^-»q idem, 1. 13. t 1 >1 i tr '^ ^ii^ «*"" ^ At . .Vian cn-n a Aipc^-i vyA iixxsa-i ^saa idem, 11. 11, 12. * The sequence of this in Aphraates and in Ephraim's Commentary shows that the quotation is from Matthew. Matt. V. 9. 13 15 15 15 17 18 18 18 19 19 23 29 33 34 34 39 39 39 39 40 41 303 QUOTATIONS FROM SYRIAC FATHERS Matt. IV. 3 (not Cur.) Die lapidibtts istis, ut panis fiant Moes., p. 44, 1. 18. 5. (also Luke iv. 9.) (Cur. only) ^ocn ^nc:ia »a Klai-o Jt»t JL^ Eph. (Lamy, ii., p. 815 ; iv., p. 525, 1. 22). 6. : rA A^.i Eph., Hymni de Ecclesia et Virginitate, xiii., v. 11. 11. . ^s.CS y . \ ooCD ^ iTmT»ao okju-i-l Aph., p. etlAjt, 11. 3, 4. 12. (not Cur.) ^-Ajueu. .ujA\A\rc'.i >iA -xs*-r. x^nr Eus., H.E., p. 153, 1. 5. 15. ^et (*not Cur.) transitus lordanis fluvii Moes., p. 6, 1. II. (Cf. H.-H., Eph., Coram., p. 82, 1. 19.) 16. (not Cur.) .pe'i\oaB» cnM\-»o p<'AvJor . x rca Eus., Theoph., iv. 6, 11. 5-7. r^h\ \ i^0q.S3 leDev-ure* ^i,»ctjAo .»i-3» i^ 21,22. (Cur. only) r<'OV^JJ3 ana ,,._euicpQ22 .»^.oJri-^ rCA\ 1 i <\ OQ \ cneutAirC 24. HrA\ V icucoiio.&A Judas Thomas, p. At, U. i, 2. V. '2. (not Cur.) et coepit dicere : Moes., p. 62, 1. 29. ±. and began to say H.-H., Eph., Coram., p. 83, 1. 16. 3. . ^__O0QjjOlJ3 I T*! SnrnV ».^cn_iJso^» Aph., p. ^, 1. I ; p. lAi*, 11. 14, 15. 3. . ^ Oco-sjoi-rs fCa-^iuaA n£.3cv\ ..scru Aph., p. vCsn, 11. 8, 9. 3. Blessed are the poor in their spirits. H.-H., Eph., Coram., p. 83, 11. 16, 17. 5. (not Cur.) . T Q-» ^oA f^h\rf *ao Bar-Salibi, Comm. on .cdtAo^qi nc-n ocn r^h^XM kAk* . »A-ii\K' irrx^rci Matt. i. 18. (Cf. Burkitt, Ev. da-Mepharreshe, vol. ii., p. 266, 11. 5-7.) 18. .Tj* ^oA .T-m ...^^a-ra'VJj^Jk «cA »_».o Eusebius, H.E. (ed. M'Lean), p. 60, 1. 12. 19. cogitavit, ut facife earn dimitteret Moesinger, p. 22, 1. 31. 23. . ,Jauab ._cnAr«' Aph., p. >i-r., 1. 15. 25. (Cur. only) Sancte habitabat cum ea Moes., p. 23, 11. 13, 14. 25. /;/ sanctitate habitabat cum ea Moes., p. 25, 1. 9, 25. He dwelt with her in purity, Hamlyn-Hill, Eph., Comm., p. 78, 1. 8. ii. II. and presented unto him an offering idem, p. 79, 11. 3, 4. 18. : r«'Jxijv» r^^VjjJ^O rdxA^O KlArt' : — ajB^x-x-rC rfiusaia >1 niin Marutha, Bedjan, vol. ii., p. 74, 1. 3. 18. : m-xJLs Jl-^ nc-ju&aii A 1 htt r^lA-ci idem, p. 109, 11. 9, 10. 20. AA^ . A_.iflBjrC» rElA.T««^A Atci tril \\ (* not Cur.) Ao-XUL* Jaevjj^ (''Cur. only) .Q^:i^.Sa\^ rri \\t cnT1 fcjJuiX' ..^enA oi\.j.saY Aph., p. cni*, 11. 16-18. iii. 4. li— 9a : vc\ •'n\Jl r^f\ "^ *^1 rTa ^^^laxi ^OCD cokAo H 1 tio Pal. Syr. Lectionary, p. 261. 4. (not Cur.) rtf'lCvA^.l n ri^ m o ncxja^ >A Ish., p. 39, 11. 23, 24. 9. (not Cur.) ^p^ i^srC« (om. ^^^it^v \ ->) .^vsqk'o ^wk.Ai ..^oa}^ n^A* Aph., p. leAjL, 11. 6, 7. .^poji^Drs' ^A 10. (also Luke iii. 9.) Ecce, securis pervcnit usque ad radicem arboris Moes., pp. 39, 40, 11. 39, I. (Cf. H.-H., Eph., Comm., p. 80, 11. 11, 12.) 10. (Cur. only) jim»>^wstt . r<'irt~Si, ti^ rc^^ (om. A 1 •\cn) nS—iAj^' A-a:i Julian (ed. Hoffmann), p. 29, 1. 8. . A'trf rcio-iAo 11. (not Cur.) .xsf^^.si rA ojcd Marutha, Bedj., vol. ii., p. 120, 11. 11, 12. iv. 2. Et postquam quadraginta dies (om. et quadraginta noctes) jcjunavit, esuriit. Moes., p. 44, 1. 8. (Cf. H.-H., Eph., Comm., p. 81, 1. 2.) APPENDIX II. LIST OF QUOTATIONS FROM SYRIAC FATHERS WHICH AGREE MORE WITH THE OLD SYRIAC THAN WITH THE PESHITTA. These quotations are chiefly the result of my own independent investigations ; but, to make the list more complete, I have included in it several examples to which I have been guided by Dr. Rendel Harris's Ephreni on the Gospels, and by Dr. Burkitt's Evangelion da-Mepharreshe. Some of those from St. Ephraim were found by Dr. Burkitt to agree with variants read by me at Sinai in 1909, but suppressed in " Some Pages of the Four Gospels " (see Appendix I.). I have rigidly excluded all passages which agree with the Peshitta, and all those where a word which appears distinctively to agree with the Old Syriac is found in a parallel passage of the rival Version. Agreement of quotation with the Peshitta is always to be expected after the middle of the fifth century; the surprising thing is, that any later writers should be found who were acquainted with the older text. Especially do we wonder at Bar-Salibi, of the twelfth century, and at Isho'dad, from whose Commentary on the Gospels, written in the ninth centurj'', I have gathered more than seventy cases for my list. I have had the advantage of being able to consult the two MSS. of this Commentary which belong respectively to Dr. Rendel Harris and to Professor D. S. Margoliouth, of Oxford, from which my sister, Mrs. Gibson, is preparing her edition of this work. I have found two fresh quotations in Rabbula, and three in Marutha. The words which form the agreement are printed in larger type or in italics. Where the agreement consists in the relative position of words to each other, this could not of course be done. I hope that the method which I have followed will enable scholars to verify the agreements easily. Those from Moesinger's translation of Ephraim's Commentary on the Gospels, from Hamlyn-Hill's, and probably those from other works of Mar Ephraim, must have agreed with Tatian's Diatessaron. St. Matthew. i. 4, 5. . » %n\ TAore* rtlVx.0 . rCLlX. Ti-t^rC >.^t w \ ^s^<\ Aphraates, p. cajB>i», 1. 22. 8. (not Cur.) . A pe'ivaTO^ ivi^ixrs'o Aph., p. Uto^, 1. 12. 8. (Cur. only) . poicvca* ng \ wr S. .j- y jarco idem, 1. 13. 8. (Cur. only) , fax- xii. 29: yj^.t-a Luke vi. 24 : ^^_a-A^a * a vi. 33 : ^^_aA.«.i-*^ x. 6 : tcno >-a m&^^ .^-cnoi.iM * * xiii. 38. 1 — 1 XV. 25. r -\ xvi. 15. >>.T-5»3 22. n xviii. 31. >cnoi-ao .1 read {sic) r<^ »* 1 1 * r T „ {sic) \^j^h\* (with Dr. Harris) „ ^."usa.i (verified in 1906) t r T „ ,coa*"i--=."i Matt. V. I. For vii. 6. „ Luke xxi. 21. ,, John xiv. 1 6. ,, xiv. 26, ,, Emendanda in Dr. Burkitt's Cureton Text. »coo.i-*-^5qiA^ read . cno. i . i'i q \ ^ rtiSojarj.i] (pr. o, C.) „ ^^ai^\ rclai-sopc' (C.) ,, xiv. 27. „ r<* 1 n.n t. ,, xiv. 27. ,, rt*' 1 ncra-* (^/j) ,, xiv. 28. ,, r^^r^o t In John xvi. 15 Dr. Burkitt reads yixsn instead of ^i^av. This is possibly a belter reading, but it rests on no evidence whatever, my photograph in that hne being quite illegible. I examined the word in the MS. in 1902. APPENDIX I. 29S Luke xviii. 14. For pa-»i^^v_i XIX. 12. 13. 22. XX. 33. xxi. 12. xxii. 6. xxiii. 18. 35- V3 r-*ii\j* „ probably r pcIjmjjA ^n 000] (om. 5) » ctu o .•!_*» p*a \ I t. .1 ^"i-rwp<'o I — I ^i-^Qp^O read rfcoApf.i {sic) p^.vm >i^- .Vu OCD pc^ T 1 a> ».^_a_ico ^ .1 CO on *ga r-i>3 Aj^ 's q (pr. a, S ed) {the Ci does not show in the photograph) read \\^ on ^a^«, read > [S ed) read JL»a en 7 ; xxiii. 4. /^^r KliK* jjl^.jcj::q xvi. 3 ; xxiii. 22. „ K'l.u'kT "30 xiii. 14. For Tcua 3- rtlirC' ri'vi..! rtLi'T_i..T ix. 2. r -1 .^Lj^K'o (with Syndic's edition, and with Peshitta) xi. 22. K'cfAf^i ,co K'^cuisaAcn ^-m^/ r^oruK*! r<^ai:2a»cD xii. 13. 09 io.i CD {misprint) Qo.noicn 24. ^.^.^.V* reLls ^ » s. .V» 7. •ii St. Luke. S\r^ i. 15- ii. 3- 9- V. 21. 26. 26, 27 vi 23. i^C'/' !/- cajLVi „ cajc_.i.i viii. 28; ix. 38; xiv. 18, 19. For r^r^ KL:*^ r^rt^ rt^.i n.3 49- ■^«?'' ►*i.sar<'o /-m^? ^i.5>ar<'.i* (with Dr. Harris) 295 ADDENDA AND CORRIGENDA Matt. xix. 20. For ^cal& read ^ca\a^ (also Luke xii. 30, xxiv. 14) XV. 37. ,, »._acaiA ,, ^_oca\a^ (also Luke xiii. 4, xxi. 3. xxiii. 49) Luke xxiii. 48. For »^_acaiAa read ^^^pcnlci^o xvii. 27. ,, i.._ocaVa.\ ,, ,^_ocnXaii\ V. 22, For rj.iJ5al^a „ > Acx^o xiii. 28. ,, ^^oorA^AO ,, ^^ocoXaaAcv 293 ADDENDA AND CORRIGENDA ^^ocal.l 28 rtiixAxa cni^ 27 »^_cvoa»irtlSl ^xsciXkO 30 ovu r^cn 29 ^^_o-SQ.x. 33 ^oca-S ^..iAop.i r^*n.m^ rdao 37 oiqo.ltre' 34 ril^K' 9 ms\vt oXt 8 XXII. ^"ijsaK'o 65 ^jsna reliij^a.iA 20<^ co-a ijsar^a 40 VNJLa-J 39 J=a 26 r^Aoo AjLoio ._^t.^ 32 rf'a.ij-a.i re'ocn jx&^ r^JL^jcar3 A.fc.^jsq.i 16 r^co 10 t-xA^lia 28 .lOi^ 3 XXIII. po St. John. ^.lio^.t >cooi.'as.=3 28 rti^ax. t<'^f<'.i 27 .^^a^Avria 26 I. (^cb 22 III. CQflfti^ 44 »._T^ 42 ^4x»Ou» .1 .^q vtw.t t^JaA-.K' ^.1 29 ^ua r.l caJL*.i cd^OkLm a^K'.i 4 ^ocno 18 KlL^i I XI. .1-^ 28 coj.T-Ba-a 19 VII. KlsQflo.i I IX. rdii-saK* 58 K'ocn i.tJj.l 8 rc^' 5 cn^o^ujo 3 r^li^nc'a 2 X. tX»r^ 28 rdX.i r-Q.. x .> A rc'oM.ra r2aXo oi^o^^v^aX lix-a 37 oAir^ 30 . anx. K'^.ij* jjL^jcM cuA^'tsiA ^^i^.i 42 ^^^viux^x-p^ 40 i.SOK' 38 ^»»ii^ 38 XXVII. t^^ ^^ pC^p<'o 43 K'ocoi i -as 1.1 rdaco rclao^ St. Mark. ^i*i » n ji \ 6 ^"■i.sjK' ^1*30 m\ 5 -Vi 3 VIII. ^cD 13 V. rt^'ictoo Kliao 30 .1^ 22 X. tCoo.ixJaoA^ 10 fOoo.'U.zaX^ .^°k^ 23 K'cqAp^.i 22 r^h\h\ 13 ^._oca.A^Ct!^"i.3a 7 XI. >cno.ii*3fi\^ /i.soK' >-lVrc' 7 XVI. cu.^iK' 46 ica^i^ 43 XIV. St. Luke. t 13 II. ^xi^Ha> 53 I. ^^i\\*^ ^^' 33 ifltuxa 25 IX. »-ii3 12 VII. »cocxxjrc'a 43 on^OTJL 38 vOuA^.i 34 »^_ov»o ^^ XI. ^,_Qj^ I aHpc1=3 44 rdr»"i^,_o^ »a 43 >cncx=jcr> 41 TaA.i rdu^-i 40 p^\sa coia 39 »o 44 rtloOJEs rjaa^i 8 0000 7 XIX. rc'icaiaaso r»ijs>a\ r^ocn r>»cur3 I II. >^^^co.i ."^-ai t. K'AAoAus i:5«r<'.i 23 rti^iso oco r^!\\»K' ^isoK'o 2 paltiored r^Uu.T-sa r^x-O^o K'cna iCDO^.iaOJ.i rtfllA^K' r^f^ 13 K'iosoa 11 »u>^r<' 7 »>_a1^^ 20 V. ^xih.a'irt'a ^t^nir^ 2 IV. OQvnx. J^SoClm 14 r<'iaji 28 tcno.TxtoX^' 24 >-=3"iiJSo 15 VIII. i-sarx'^K'.i 21 >cno.i.AJ»A^ 14 r^^aa^ rdi^^jjA r^'ioK'.l p^^uxa.i 13 IX. i.^^cu:aa»cD 9>i^^r<' 22 ^_oorA 15 ^jj^icu^ r^Lz^'i^o ooco 23 XII. ^.11.1 23 X. 9CDo:u:»\d\\ 37 K'isavX rCvA>o 23 ^.1 I "I V 36 XIV. K'l^a^ 34 ^-xJ&.icL\o 31 ^-ji.^aK'a rdX.'viM.l 20 XVII. »cna.iisa,\A\ 5 XVI. . ^-.HsaK' 5 ^x^olso 2 XV. Klln^ 14 .i^a 9 f<^\s°\\ 8 ^ijsort' 7 XX. ^^o^isoK* t^i *in.i-a 16 rdrj^i Klia t^Llrc' 15 v^rC r^Lti.jAre' r^Miortlia cn^Hjao-^i^vA >^a t % K'ocn 17 ^io^.to rtltvo ... . •■ n {no dots) ^ia.a.i.. u LaQ ^*'yh\ rc'ifia^ 24 ^i\»t\*jn ^o «^ooq\ 23 ^xjji^JCJSa 22 .^.ocoa.iri^ 3 XXIII. ,coo.TJL»xAi^ 16 XXII. rcliiuL^ 33 XXI. APPENDIX I. 290 John XV. 7, ^ 24. xvii. 21. xviii. 2. *io. *I5- *i6. XX. *I. For rtflsn Acv.^ ._a^ ^^oJ >A::^o >-3] »._ocii3^ ^.1 •^^r^ jjia^VLSQ rc'.ica=3 .^.oaA r^ocai Ardacjaal] .^_a^r<' [^^a— .1 .^_oAv.At r^f.i a^ OV4J r -I ai ^v^ r<'rJ3.i ^'so TJasr^O r^lafc.o] ^.i .^k.coe^ [ca\] A\*^T<' [K'icncu i-fc-^] r-ii.T-x..l 46 *48. For KLifloi^.T or possibly A ^I'so.i (p. 555) ^^<3:-^co ^ A:!h..i read i-sarC >-ri I ^ Aih..i The 00 has completely vanished. ^.1 iCDO.iJktoXo^ ^n .Tu read ^^ciz^.i >cno.T»^^AO\ I ^::n .tu AoA^ C^*^] cvaco ^iajto read i*\^ oocn I ^-*iaoe> AoA^.l rdlXtnC' „ ro 29. ,, rdar^.i * * „ relaK*."! I A!\^ 38. ,, !-=» re^K'o ,, k:3 >-r»rc'a 39. „ [cn.Tur.iocTL» oocn ^^=3^ t*^^] "^^^=3 .^o^ CQ.1 — %»X^ — Sfl \ 0000 40, 41. For Cih\r< [^i^^o] read o^rc'o *^ ^^ 41* ,y ******** (Vu r^o\r^ • • • ^ImAaI ooca k^T^SQr^[_oJ read 00 cd ^TJSQrC'o I — ! r . "" '1 "* xi. 2. i^^?/- [coisiflQ'3 ^ojco »^ax-«.i] In 1905 I thought there was an illegible line here. I might be grateful to Dr. Burkitt for filling it up; but the fact is, there is none. Possibly .^.cvx^.l may have been written between the lines; but the surface of the page is much injured, and I have failed to find it. 18. ,, ^\h\ ^fcu-OpJA ^ocn.i read ^\h\ v^Xtsn ^ocn.i 21. „ ^i.MK'a „ K'TJSorc'o 25. „ K'ii.^ai.a The photograph might be read r<'AvJsa-ijJ {Prof. Burkitt). I read it so in the MS. xii. *2g. ,, rjy wcs read rdx-aK'o '^']. „ K'Auaioi [.ia] re'^o^pC' ^crA&o read r^^a^o] read rCocn i-Sorc* I .ao^o *43- ,, rc'orApc'.T r.& KlaaA 22. /o?r ? i^ftlA read \h\r^\ ,„ [.^^^oA] „ ^^_octA 33. „ 6"^^; ? ^sa I .TJrcl\a ^ijjJr^ ^^^^ ^a I ^IjjJrt' ^ijjJrc' is wedged in between two lines at their beginning. Nothing follows it. The next line begins ^js«a ,, ^.&Ar> • » • o\K'o * * * ^x-irc* ^^^^ I kA g\^»,T.T<'a ^.xJK' 16. ,, » ♦ ♦ K'oqIk' ^ rt'^a^ * * ^i.t'9r<'o * ♦ ♦ ^_ocaJJ5« r -\ read ^ocno A.^-gj rc'aco KlA K'cfxArc' 16. /(?/' K* * ♦ p^Jcn.n read fCD0.1 — J SiO—l^ CO 3 K'oco r no^^.i 003 rcaxAakr^ .Tm >i^ .tm read f^."u» pa^ .tu (j/V) oco I rcnaan£li rCvw.l po.iJ5>3 r^llrC . .Ta^b.::^! cnx^l ^a=>^ ^ r -I .la.^ even nn.^.! read -sa ^^r^' ■T-a.-^.'sqA ca-Z-^-l K'V-4* rtlA.i ^.TJSW rCDa.xr3r ,, col r^ocn I ro.tcnL_fi0 A -^ n 1 rc'caiK' r< iijt.."i ^^jj r n ,, rc'CUU ,, rC'oca-J ,, J> illegible ,, .12.^ r -1 ,, p<'oco K'^r^ ,, K'ocn rc'^rc'o ,, . >-U±a«cn read . >.iJ-ta*cn The two nuns, the fod, and the point are all distinctly seen. ,, ovmo 7^ead a^vmo r -1 I — I ,, K'ax.^o 5^'^ read ^jj^^tts ocno (cf. Burkitt, p. 553). ^^3 ADDENDA AND CORRIGENDA Luke xxm. *54. For rt^swcu ^*.i ocn read rclsacu ocn ocno (^.i is in the upper writing.) xxiv. *39, 41. „ 5 iUe^/d/e read^ r^ ra .t_Ai. 40. „ S illegible read .t mi.i klIo oco *46. ,, 5 illegible „ ^ APPENDIX I. 282 Luke xvii. *i'j. XIX. 'I. 4- 5- 6. 7. 28. XX. 12. xxi. *i5. 31- 37- 38. xxii. *45. xxiii. 39. For cu&.i^K'.i ^cn ^ocn K'ifia^ rc'ocn Tsnr^o .^ox* rda^. (as in Cureton). For cUfc*T»K' ia^-a read ajjL»T»relr3 ia.^0 „ 5 illegible, but, from the space, it probably omitted »:^aje-» in both places, or read .i^o »^ar» For . »-X /« Syndics' edition read »-l ^co .? p. 552 ra30.iA.taAovl ,, >cno:iA:saAo\ a\o\ (as in Cureton). ^ »&r^o voc^l rxt.« •rq ^ocn KlA \ \ n r T read ^ AK'o I ^a* voe2^ rCljjrc' I r^\iM*ga duocn rdA vyxaj does not finish the line, and ^ is very distinct. For rtllA^ read t- , -I f .. "1 ••'""'%''\ 21. ,, om. .1 5^"^ r^«^ K ^itOQ A*.! 26. ,, ^;/z. .1 5^'^ ,, ^.xrj.i 37. ,, TJie construction of ver. 38 siiggests ."T^o //^^ r^^^^ A:^o (as in Cureton). 40. ,, i^.l read . inl.i xii. *54. ,, nc'Av.SwX-vs S^^i read cnAv2»jt.i3 xiii. 6. ,, ool 6'o 5^^ ,, cn^^JC. irsa 14. ,, rc'^uaojci (misprint) ,, nc'^vrsOJca *ig. ,, 5 illegible ,, o\ocno I ^aio *I9. ,, 5 illegible „ cox^CLOaja *25. ,, K'^iTj coV5>3 hit the = /j- illegible (p. 551) read rC'^n.i I cnvM *32. ,, rc'co >03 r<'^\^-AA read rf.ico >cn T<'cno.icuiAs K'ocn KlA^^ on •!» ^ >cooi I "31 \^o ^_- *i 50 r^ rtl \ sa r .-1 ^ o\_»r^ en \ ^— *i *wr^O ocn ^i-MO-k.l ^i-.'^K'.i 19 r -1 oca r<^ I \r<'.i ^•t_iar<' f^rc'.'i ^'i:sot<' ._^^r^ I regret that, owing to my having misplaced the word r-i=) )a.v> »A:s>a=3a i-a I A\caaJ."i ^.i 38. „ ^^.^^r^ read relia^pC (distinct in MS.). 279 ADDENDA AND CORRIGENDA 1. 70. 79- 80. ii. 8. 9- 12. t*i5. iii. 16. iv. *35. *35- 36. 40. V. I. 4- 17- 18. 19. 22. 22. 26. i ^26. vi. *53- vii 21. St. Luke. For ijsare'.i read ALsjo.i ,, icnl^ Syndics' edition read icai^ ,, [rc'aco] h\^^x< read K'oco K'co^ ,, [k'.ico f^cn] ,, [ooa rfKl^o] I — I >VM^r<' {niea ad pa) Klla oa* K'co r T r -t .ij*r<' (very distinct). I — I „ >..2ViJ» read rtlrsivso The re* is distinct with re-agent. ,, K'oco * » rxs^ ^ lAx, .t^o read oAiso ^ I K'\t. .t^o I — I oA^K'.io ,, O^K .T^O r -1 ^ Klfioi:^^ Kl»ix.r« r T r n .CVJL^ L^aia r n ^ Kl»ijt.i>3 Klflo'Ufc.rD .■^.T> r T . .1 »:^ciz-» 00( CO [^-x.u..3..T-'5qo ^.^OoL^] .^.^VJK* [.T-mK* K'coJSa^o] [KcoAk^] read K'calrdl ^_j>ct21;^ ooco ^>3A3.x.tqo I »_^K' .ij*K' Kon^^o /(?r K'A>ira."t^ ^VAt.l ^isaKo read k'^jjliix.^ ^Vm-i I ^iswK'o „ •3^1 «.^_a^.T»^ .13^^.1 ^ A^ read I .1^2^.1 ^ ^a\ „ [K'KLi.^flp] read K'KLk.^flo t Seen in 1895, 1897, 1902, 1906. APPENDIX I. 278 Mark XIV. '^2^. 66. 72. XV. 5. 6. 6. 13- 14. xvi. 4. 8. 8. -F^r li^^ rtiJco ;r«-2a.i rtLico ,, »J5n.n cucn „ [t<'OCo] .T^O ,, r<'OCO ."UkO I — I . r T n r T read K'ocn •aox^ I ii.iJ^ i •^o.z-* ^.1 ocn For r<'ocn K'ix- [^.i K'.Ta^.i^ Aoatd] ;r^ocn Ajj.i.i ,, ,ocn ^jLm.i.i The ^ is distinct with the re-agent. *I9. *25. ix. i8. xi. *I3. 20. 22. xii . *i9. *I9. 277 ADDENDA AND CORRIGENDA Mark viii. 2. For r^i:» read Klsa *I2. ,,\ ^Qcno « * * read I ^ocdo ^cxa^cn r^^^.io 24. ,, »._oAut<' ^A^-.i* raacu*r<'o] ciusgrC [oAiK* .t^o] * • * * r^ocn asov* read I oi.TJCO ia\ aoco ^taxxa l cajsnrfo co.ajjK' c\h\r^ .i^a rcnoi.tM K'ocn I .sou >ca.*.aoTJia.l cnl /r^;' [jaiQp] read ^uu r T There is no room for the ^..^ of these two plurals. For [r^Laio] read r.2ax.s»3 „ r<^s*7iT*-?3 or a:^tarsq (a word of five letters). „ [^^*] „ ^h\^ „ [rCirdx.] „ K'.lKlx. ,, tcno.Ti-r^^ [aaVoo .1^0] i-ead »3^ jAso I .irio ,, rrix-ila 7'ead f below it. ,, oi.iJL {seen in a hole) read cov^ with Dr. Merx and Dr. Rendel Harris. The first letter of this word resembles both ^ and X- ; the second letter has disappeared in the hole ; and of the a only the lower horizontal stroke can be seen. 275 Matt. xxiv. 2. For 30. *43. *45. 45. XXV. *II. 20. 40. *43. XX vi. I. *2. 2. *3. read 5. For read 10. For 10. >) 13- 5> ADDENDA AND CORRIGENDA K'.iavx.^ read rc'ioxx-ox [KaraXud^aeTai) n [^^_a^ooa] t<'.tco[a] read »,_o^ocn rc'.icoa [K'.Ta.ah.J rdurS' read K'.Ta^- r<.i*r<' n r T ( — I *i5. 24. 29. 60. *66. 66. xxvii. *20. *37. *43. r T [rcJjLlrc'.l] r -I ti\^vjej=Q r^rtd? >iAAvxjs«o There is a hole before this word. On turning back a tiny flap, I saw the .1. r -I r<'ira-sa.i.Q.^o ,, 5 illegible read »^.caL* ,, ^*\.] om. S read "i»^ Delete dot after v^rdAo For ^^^olcaA 6"^^ read »^_^caJL:5n » --I<1 (P- 543) „ ot\ 30- *44. ♦44. *45. 46. cnl rc^-sa.i Aa^ (nothing omitted). Between these two verses there is a space of a blank line. For enAxi* (p. 544) read rt'^oi* r T „ >-S-3oajj (seen in a hole), page 544 read t>J-Jtor<'cu» „ 5 illegible read >i-ii»r<'.i ,, vS illegible ,, vvA^i .^oA^.t A^.i 42. 273 ADDENDA AND CORRIGENDA Matt. ix. *ii. For [^Avr.o] .^oAviK' ^Ajir^* [rei^^-jjo r^jsa^sn >a>-] read ^h\x.Ci .^^^ovlK' ^vij^r^ I rtlxJ^MO K^fio'w^'S poii. . r n . 22, /^^r * * * read ^ r^L\ X. 25. ,, i__OTrLa read » oinj xi. 4. ,, 5 illegible ,, m,~Jl^ *5. ,, vS illegible ,, ^:thcn rtLa'iVi^ 7. „ rtlss „ r^-isi 8. „ rdsa „ rclrsa *23. ,, 5 illegible ,, )aa.*jJiaA idurfo *23. ,, ?'^i"/ illegible read Klsw.i^ r<^i:saxl *23. „ 5 illegible „ a-vw^K' >io.Tiaaa I alK'.i xii.*3. ,, 5 illegible ,, ^^<\*^ ."^^ *4. ,, 5 illegible ,, rc'caAr<'."i I cnAvxaA r^ocn A^. r^i_^*r^ r -, r n *y. ,, 5 illegible ,, c ^__oaA 15- M -S" illegible read I jCoo.TiSal^ cn\ ^-.TJSwre'l r<:x.:33i K'oco ."Uia 16. ,, 5 illegible read r> ''«^"i-"'(p-543) , xiv. 8. >> 5 illegible , 9- ,> S illegible , 9- >5 5 illegible , 12. )> S illegible , IS- 5J S illegible ,, IS- >J 5 illegible ,, IS- >J vS illegible ,, IS, 14- >> 5 illegible ,, APPENDIX I. 272 Matt. ii. 2. F01' ovflr^o read ^v^nK'cv (as in Cureton). 10. Delete point after K'^rai in Syndics' edition. *I2. For ca\ read h\c\ 16. ,, caiA (page 542) read cn\ The ca\ is small and yellow, the ^ large and black ; it came into my photograph by shining through from the verso of the leaf. iii. *3. ,, rtlacn read oaco V. *i9. ,, »-i= ,, >-iaA *20. ,, r<'A\a.^t« (page 542) read K'^ciiilsal *20. Delete ^txssxl.'^ (page 542). viii. *i6. For K'Avisoa read cnAx\2a.=3 *2i. ,, 6" illegible ,, >"V5a orA *24. ,, ^oco i tcna.iir<^o read icnoiirfa 18. ,, T^A .1^ The Sk is illeHble in S read rd.\ ."T^ APPENDICES jjjaoi ^mOa.I ^.^i\\ior<^ John XXI. 25 r<\ T^lssaX:^ i )Ocp ^^v&^xsn I ^cq-AJ^ r^.tjj r<'.Tjj I cure'.! ..^cuz-» .tsl^ |o o : o o . ^ool r<'ocn I jaftoo .i.aj^o Oli^o I .s*3n T.o K'i-o.i Ac\& I r^h\^x^xJi olmotIo I com t rrx\ci I fCDOcno}^ oA jiaar.a I >cDGkSaM'is r^oaAK' I .a^i^.i rek^^ A^. I kA^s ^.tJiOf^ « i *wi 268 John XXI. i=;-2^ ,_i.mcu*.i Vfloi 15 I . >H.5orc' >A >-:k-if<' ca\ I \.':nr^ ^ >'i.5>3 ^aK* cti\ I v^TaK' * >-\ ^rS* >jji 16 ^rc' I pajji ^CV,.*.! 031=3 I ,.^_aik.ia..x- ^Ir^ .2^aJt^^ l^ca\ ijswr^ -=30^^^ orA ^\Sl I . >»\ A\ar< >.*»"i 1 ^Jkcx.>.i coia .^^i^^ax. I .2^02^' c»A i.sorc' f 139a ^r^ I .2k..T-» vw\ K'-irc' I >Ljj"i.1 Aup^* .:^.v> I po.VSO AcVA ._^:^taJt- 18 ^^acn rdl\ I .1^.1 r^li i-sa re* ' ^^50f<' ^^ I • >-=>i^ >-\ ><' I ^ ca\ •i.ssK'a rdsia I ^r^ r^ ^.»ocn I TJaoK* ig jjL=3^xJi I ri'^a^O f. crA r<'oco I >*»!."! hc'.'TaSqX^ I oorA k'vjjCv ,_0L^5a.x. I ►JiA^K' ^° rc'^x.5ia.x-i»rd.=3 I .^a..x.,».i ^ ca^:T.M I A^- Aaj.i oco || cniiv^ t<'^r<' .1^ 21 ,cnu»V-» .vaw 1 rtfliooA^^ . v^ yxXjtJso I O.l.'SS >'i:S3 cnA^ r^oco I i.toK'a 22 crA T.i^nc'^^ rtlisa I lij^J rdJcoo on\ I 'iJSOri' OD"i^=» K'^K'.i I ^^^O s ' s a t . o o o o li^a 1 r<'A\ hy^r^ rOLOO.i ' I vA 23 1 ^rilsa rcA K'.TaSjA^ I 0C0.1 K'.aASJa^^ Axxa I K'AAsq K'.icn ^ ^n«Mo^^ T"r>ijL^5Da ^^ I . . cT3^a.ica£o ,cd r<'i*ix-.T I ^i-ULapc* ^x^.t*o ^W SiMILIA IN ALUS CODD. 15 ^/rtw.' a b c e ffj Ti aur. om. irXiov tovtcov 15 ^ a e Ti om. o-u oTSa? on (juXS) o-c 16 ^NabdffFari aur. Diat. ar. om. SeuVcpov 1 6 ^ f zV.fz^.f 1 7 ' f /V^y^j 1 7 ^ N D fam.^ a b c d e ffa Ti aur. om. 6 'Irjcrov^ ' 18 ' q om. d/^^v 20 ' Pesh. idem. Diat. ar. = a f ri lesic 20 ^ K C D aww d illi 'R^ei 22 ^ a inter dum 23 ' a f Ti Pesh. cm, orv 23 ^ '^fam} a e om. rt tt/dos o-c; 267 f. 139b CU301 ^cA^cvr^ John XXI. 4-14 QQ.s.V'^al yix^sa I .^oaX h\*r^ r^'yi\ I rdA^- ^ ,^.^^\ "i.saK' ^ I . cuocn.i 5 ijSJ3r<'.i vyK* I cusair*' .t^o ^.^^o^r^ I ^tMAT.*g3Q . K'^vix^flo.t I pc^\t^a».T cujk^&jcrc' rd^a ^ || K'^vA^aiaa^ t<'^.T»<-»A' I co^cuiiaQ."5a\ 0.2^3 I .._octA ,_^j\v* ri iT . oco I *j^ r^Jcn ^^Oib.'saad I . .2k.a.A>i.i oco . >cno^4XJ3 I r^>* *g3 cTxJa^vj_2i 1 . -> oni ^ . oco .^^rsa.t s*yt t . I .ta ' ^_..t I oocn ^-L-cLxMi r^.i I A-^^r=o^ K'^p^'a nc'oco 1 rdjjufloo K'^vJM-xrj I A^io 8 orA I ^O^ .1^ K'Auxa.fioa I oooo ^h\r^ f<'.ixJaA^.1 I rdii'ii.o t ^t->. ^ .j^a.T ».i I tcnojsnxji cujtiwx-r<' I rC^T -i » \ O-oAflo .1^0^ I >cn rS'^.t-.^'aiA 9 ;xi.i.Og .TA I rdsajjAo .._ocaA^ I r^L:n^ .T-^ ndia_io I pfio-ii rc'iJiaa-^ Tax^ ._octA I ijsflK' ^*^ 10 I cux^JLrC'o rdxVra .t^ I rdx-a_A K'^.i_»-2Ja\ I cn.T^ »._a^»ix. I jiifloo^^ 11 I K'ioCU rcrj r^h\x^,^:sn ooAct^ 12 cn^oAr^lxJsaA i rt'ocn jjijux-sa I r<\ »coo.i ».'giAA> I ^.sn .ThSjO . oiAvjcr^* rclsajjA .^g t » I .a ^ ^^ cu»ocn.i ooco I ^fc.i.ta»ca.s>3.i A^^sa I o.iJ».i 13 K'Axi^.l " rt'oco I r^co^^ »_^cn\ .aca^o I *~^_^ocaA:^ v>VT30"^ I rtliOJO 14 f. 36b SiMILIA IN ALUS CODD. 3 ' Pesh. Diat. ar. = a b c d e f q fj aur. e^ ascenderunt 5 ' a oni. 'Ir^crots 5 * Pesh. idem = Dicunt Diat. ar. = d Dixerunt 6 ' Pesh. idem. Diat. ar. = rete a b retiani c q r(?//a 6 ^abcefq Pesh. Diat. ar. om. crt 6 3 Pesh. idem = quos continebat 7 ' Pesh. om. ovv 7 ^ Pesh. Diat. ar. om. Wi-Tpo^ 7 3 Pesh. idem. Diat. ar. = accepit 13 ^c om. epx^Tai I3*"'D cvxapio'Trjuaa- d f ^/ benedicens r, ei benedixit 14 ' Pesh. cm. r]lr] 266 XXI John XX. 24 — XXI. 3 ^ 1 ttcc*i cojsoi 24 I >i.2fc- K'ocn ^^^ I K'ocn r^A rC'^iflflSh-iAi I ^ ."U* ^*.l rd.'worc'^^* r^2fc.r3^ r^K* I A^LOJ^no 35b .0. -o. p^.iK' I ^»3-.cra2>3 r'TJS»3 •o- »._r3 II oiso^cno >-3oov.M^ p^.i I ^'A .^ocoascA^ 30 ^A_»nC 1 >coo."».*.'».\^\^ .j^a.z-> ,a.A» I r<'^_i_3i4jr<' r^h\ah\r^ ^ >.-^flDa^° »__a.A>^a caa I ».._cu."tn*cn^o . r<'ca\r<'.i I cnia ocn r^.M..» T*g3 I .^.a^-*.i I I . cn:sn.xj:a f- sea • . q » " \ t •• •• % * Cod. ..aicA^rc'-T SiMILIA IN ALUS CODD. 24 '^ Pesh. idem. Diat. ar. = z^/ L eVct 25 ' i>J Pesh. om. ovv 25 '^ Pesh. Diat. ar. om. Twv ^Xwv 26 ' c e om. taw 26 ^ ^fam} a b c e Pesh. Diat. ar. om. a^rov 26 3 Pesh. idem. Diat. ar. = eis 27 ' e om. wSe 29 ' Pesh. Diat. ar. = nunc 29 "Pesh. ^.-lOK'vju = viderunt me H. iSoVtcs /xe 30 ' c aur. Diat. ar. om. cvv 30 ^ J< C D Y.fam} roJv ixaOrjTcJi/ avTov Pesh. = a e q ri discipuHs suis Diat. ar. = b c d aur. discipulorum siiorum xxi. i ' Diat. ar. = illis 2 ' Pesh. idem. Diat. ar. = Qatna 2 ^ Pesh. Diat. ar. om. avTov M M 265 .vol _CUi^orc' John XX. 12-23 ,^x^r3 Klrw I rc'^^ir^ rCl^rcrAss ,^^3cn I cai ^*H:s>3r<'^^ . rcr3Q.\nr..i I i_^mi\ r^.i.s.3 [] ^J»Aa"^ cn^VijO I . cn"i^flaa.A ^xi£iA\r<' ^\cn I ^i.sarC' ."^o ^* . iCna:xsiD 1 r^L^»r^ 14 T-tarc* ^..».i I 003^^ . even .^ciz_».i ^ocn I kI^.t* r^cv . y^rdln I .1^ .^.colA 15 r^A ^\ 1 coA I ^iajao ,cno . 1^x^.2 1 ^Jtalo >^i.^3 Klusn I r<'^^ir<' orA I rcnQ..i \ ni.r^ I AxK* ^ >ca_.^v2a_oo 16 cn^cv.^ I ^1 °s\ Au^^cnia"^ . tAosi I ^ coA r^xsnr^a ^u:k.o 1 oo^^^vaoK'a ^iaia> I Ax^i^. kA ^A ^xraio^ I kA col ijSJirc' ^.1 acn^"^ I 'orA ^^aic^i 17 rclmiito I K'cn.i ._^\ca\ >i.SOK'a I »— iirt* ixa,\ >-X\ t^Ar^ | t-ar^ ' ^oA f. 35a I pQjiJSO ^^rc'o ^^ I .^^OAciAr^a >c»Ar<' I ^c\Xo ....a^cx=r<'o I k-sK* ^cA 18 o ._oca\ I ^■TJS3p<' orA kA^ I ^A»i<'o ^._5^:»\ cn^Vu.i I K'.Ti^sa.A iA ^i-Sar^ 1 ^xljjK'o rc'.iisAix oocn.i 1 i^K* rcv-« rc'ocn T^fln^ I .1^0^° .^OA.'aa^w rdiaAr. I »_^cnA i:»3r<'a 20 ■i-tTjrc' I .=3cv^^^ a.«.vu rg^.T i' -33 \ ^ I >cncvcvv~»> .t^cv cniA^cv I >cncv.T-»r<' 21 Kllr^ I ia-X-SI >.-=3Pt'^ ».Jl"i.TJt.l I rdJ-A-.K' . ^^oa^ia^ II Klia\jc ^ »^_Oori\ I aLuxj .._cvcrA i.»jp<'o I ,_cvoa«Atcn0^i^o I .:^az^.i rx'i^^ Tao^rtf' rell 1 jLir^*.! K'^.tjj K'majs I ^vx=} K'^xi^i I cojso rS'Ail^ >cn r n XX. I >i-»'V2a I Axdxrc' rcnolxxx-.i I .^_oca\ K'lJSorc'a I .^ctz-» crA k'oco I ^ajj-i.t K'.'usal^ 3 I O-n-S-io^ ,cncvA=jar<' I Kl^^K* r3 4 I K'.'UsA^ ^ ^.T OCD oocn I ^A^ooio^ p^ictrin d^Lnl 1 A\r-x.rz3 Avi=j ^^i?3 11 rclt-^rj.n I * vv.^rc'o . nilA-^so ^ rc'ino I h\CC^ h\cno.ViJ»i^^ I ^^ .Vu ^t^* ^r^ I rdsiX ^ i i»t 1 OOD.T I oq-TlmK' rdicoSk -si.T 1 »cno.Tn.ih- ^:sn ."Tjj rtll^-o^^ I re^.i i.2?3r<'o 26 ^'.^^o^jsojA I cnl TJ^aK*"^ coJiK' I coA rdL^rcaj>a5n\T vi I ^io^i^ ^•..^OcnAxcx^ I QocxA^L^ ^ jaAlo^^ rC'ii^g^ I ^A^r^* .1^ ,_ax.a5^^1 I pdAi 29 rt!jco I rC'iat^ A:^ .....^^ ^p^* I r^— ia AArdsa r3r<'o ^.i.^aVT.':^ I rtllsirc' K'ocn K'^vJLxja I .TS^. KlA aAr<' 1 ^i-S^K'o a 1 %. ^^ 30 I fc^^o^^K* >cno"i=3.l I ^:i.=w ooq.\^V>.^ I .__ocaA ' ijiopc'^^ . vA I orA ^ocn 31 SiMILIA IN ALUS CODD. 22 *"' Pesh. idem = maxillam leshuae a in faciem lesu q in facie ihs 22 ^ Pesh idem. Diat. ar.=:«' 23 ' l^i/a/z/.^^etTrci' x^dixii id ^-^ fam}^ flcnjXOcv {oZv b fiadryrrj^) 16=^ Pesh. idem. Diat. ar. = Simoiiem 17'"^ Diat. ar. = ^/ ^//;w ancilla ostiaria vidisset Simonem 17 ^ Pesh. idem = ei c illi 17 3 c ffa Pesh. om. eK^uo's 18 ^ Pesh. idem. = ac ponebant 25 ' Diat. ar. om. Ilerpos 26 '"' Diat. ar. = ^/ i I .^ooo^al rtf'.ioca.. I .arc* ^.1 K'acn ^rtla I rtLirc* nriiK' ,_^vca\ vsar^ 8 II .^..O^l ^\:xr^ '".__ocaA'' I i^^K'"'^ . re'.^.r^J .^g t i\ I cnA ^aijajrc* 9 paix.i\.i^ . ^.xA\rc' I a.x3CX.=x.x. ._o^vjk' ^-i_:^^ I ».A ^ ...^r^^ ndirc' Kline'."! . r -I 12 jcnai.floK' I ra3a^^ I >or)CV..»^z.r^ 13 I -=)i rt'aoo ocon I rtLa^jji icnaj^n.^ I ^i.*» ^a.\ pa.iocvA 1 >crja^^r<'o-'^^ 24 I rcn.i rtLicrx^ f. 20a ^ r-i 14 rt'i-a.^ .i.*i.i I pcT3Cv:TjkSai^ Ax. I >2k.coLA col nc'ocr) I At<1xjs3 ^.i rdjca^ -ai^^ 20 rtli^ij.^ I rehire' .^ax.* cnX I ■ij53r<''^° acq rdlaK* I . coisAcu A^o ..^curc I i^K'a f^A^aoraao I r<'^cUA=3 AxaAK* ^\ I AoAso rfjsais*- )a2k- I ^ils3 21 r^i-oo^^ I . ^liso Kll rdjJLCxA^a I ^.tJSoa ^i.xi^^vsg I r/aV ^w Diat. ar. = Dixit eis 8 ^ Dfam}fam}''^ avTo7.J^i.TX. I ^ani'.l rdl^^rC^^ »crj I rt'iix. vs^\.»3.i A,\^^ I vviixra" •^^rc' 18 lrelii-:iii»3 ,_ooriAar<' I A.2i-o^^ rcliaLA .^.CUK' I ^i.ix. rtlar<' .aK' I re^* gi\v\ rg j-^pc* A^. I K'acn rcdo^^ rc'iixa I ^t.:Txii?3 .^^oacoi I »._cucn -^k'."* vJc&s 20 rc!i^*r<' I .•»*» ^^oacoi."! ^_oorA I ^uaca^ |A ^U3crx>.i I ocn reSxrsaJL r^r^a^^ ^^ ^a-Uta^l .^^vocaa.i ».JS)a^. ^rtf'a I ..^ooo^a^- r<'ocnr<' f^^V3LMr<'.io . >-l ^v=3crxk.i I ^ r^lutrs CXX. ^.>V.m ^_oaorxJ.i 1 ».JSa.^ ^.^ooou l^~vySk-.T» rclA rd-tJiL^o^^ I r^r^l^ i-ar^ ^ relialL^ || K'octU.t )q.vo J53"^ 25 i Afu^.ior^a^^ . >>Jl^riJt. I ^JK'.i ClJ^.v* .__aJcno I vrv^v.2fc-."|_. ^.1 r^Lxr^ 26 I K'^l^i.i pg^iasA"' I tcno.VLJtoA^ ;?q.2^ I ji^a j^ojc^ AA.raa ^Icn-'^ i xviii. I Cica ^.»^A A.2^0 I K'^ui.^ ^OCD ^u»rc'.'i I i^rc' *~. rc'ioA^ ^__cn.1-o.l I K'^^o.i )CaA coA rc'oco I .:^.'t> r<* I'tgiT.'gg ^.1 I r^.ioorx*^ . icncuJSaA^O 2 I tODCV.VaJtJaX^ pQ^ I .j^aT,,» ^.r:^^ K'ooo .x\ % I rCKLJL^fio ^.xliai.i AJ\^SQ I jx^Jt >cncxA.^ rC'^rC'.T I rclso Act^^ rc'V-w I .V^o^ ^J:nh\ rc'^r<'a 4 SiMILIA IN ALUS CODD. 17 ^ Pesh. idem = iv ry ixKvfida aov q in ueritate tiia x"} ^ Pesh. Diat. ar. = e quia 24 ^ D d om. T^v £/i,T/v 24, 25 ^~^ B Trpo Korca^oXy]^ KoafJiov, Trarrjp StKaic. Kat o /cocr/^tos o-e ouK eyi/w, 24 3 Pesh. idem. Diat. ar. = Fa^er mi xviii. i '~^ Diat. ar. = ^rans torrentem Cedron ad mofitem positum (j^^*J^ J^-^^ (zJj;*^) 3 ^'^fafit-^ 7rapaXa/3uxi/ 5 '"' Pesh. idem = Dia/nf ei Diat. ar. = Dixerunt ei 260 John XVII. 2-17 ^_ijja-*.i ^ai rf-AJi orA I A^ ofa\ ^=3oria.i rtlso I Aa.t jflQsa Acx^ Aik- I KllA^^CX. ca\ 4 vvkjjtax. 1 rdlrs'^ . rdLm T'gj I -St-COCiA ^i.-TX.! ^'»Aa [| K'iix-.i rC'crAnc' 5 r^ .ar^o^ I cnAviTair. .i^.^^rt'.i »A I Avaca*.! acn r^nri^a I . rel^ir^la CT3 I r«dA.T2fc. »A ^=}ca<.i I OCT) J^n Kf\h\o\ ^ I >-=ip<' ^rt* r-A . 6 I rcl*3l\.2k- Jsn >.A ^nca^.i I rtLxJr^ i-lrA v^T- I ^i^p ^ ^ r rcljLcrJo'^ 0"i-\-i I vvKAj»jo ...^cur^ Avrsoa. I >Aa oaao v>^5L_..T."t 8 ^acn« i >A A\=3ca..."t KlVso.-i I \^'sn^ acn vv^cvA ^ I >A ^acru.i ri'Jsil^.T fH4b \ -I a \ ' \ ..^aJK' vrA^.i.i I kA ^rscnu.i .^^oico Aa*. I rtf^K* p cL^ qI^ i-^K* 1 A:^ r^li^sa 10 .000 »A*.i .000 I vA-.i.t >3.T:s3a . oeo I vA*.! ocn iJl>.'i.'i ^.i^a I Acvao-'^^ 11 t^-giAsi ^cno I rA rd^^r^ KliK*© I i.^_a5r<' 12 ,_c^ofA Auocn I iA^ r^liK* r^lsaVi^ra ^ 1 ^.»oao ...^ooosa^ ."U^^^ I ^ vC3ax=j 13 16 pcA^vzi.i ^^Jl^=)^^:^ I cnirj .._j<^r% iyu> ovK elfxl ex toO Koafiov. 1 6 ' Pesh. idjm = enim 259 jjj^ .^cui^oK' John XVL 20— XVII. i KLss rC'^iuK'^^ I . K'ocn^ K'^O.TjjA I .^OA^Cui^ rdXrc' I ..^^^V^^n^^ 21 rdsao I '~cn:iAa_»i.i rslsocv-*' r^^-rq.i I AJ\^:=q orxA ,cn r.tJS3 rdSflO,* t^x-ctA 1 Klss.i^^^ ..^oaX A^ I >Jsax=j >-=>r3CV. acna^^ I j-rar^ As*. ^^_a^CV»»r<' || rC'V^niiS-.n 26 pcAk'^'^ I ,^_Q%i<\t<' A^ j-rsf^ ^ I rel2»^rC rdir^*.! .^^OaI I fi I >.=3f^ ocn I rtlarc' ^oA r >i.T^sq rc'oo 1 .^> ^~._ocq\ i.Sflrc'"' ^^ I ^i.T^x.rC' k'ctApc' I ^^sc.t ^Jlj*Jr<' 31 f. 114a ,_^.13^^.T I ^^K'o rc'Av:^!. r^i^r^ | rc'cn ^^ >-\ .^ o^rx' I ^xl5a.*0Qt33 32 rdnrc'.T >.iCUxir) 1 ^^ocn kAcv . >:Ta4jLis I . >^UC.jd.3.x.^o cni^rcA 1 -xJr<' r3r<' ^Acn^^ oon I »jsaj^ 33 cn^Vx^t 1 ^""U^ Klirx' ' ..^oAm.i^ I rclA rc'Api' r^lJ-ior^ I ^^^OaX rc'acoi TJsaK'o I relxJSaxA tcncxix::^ >a-»Tr<' I .^; Tj/iepa aurr^o- a b c d e ffa Ti ^/Vi' ei'us 21 ^ q aur. Pesh. Diat. ar. om. ert 28 ' D b d flFa om. i$7JX6ov iK tov Trarpo? a e Tj om. iirjXOov 28 ^^ Pesh. = e e/ iterum 31 '"' Pesh. = Dicit eis Diat. ar. = Dixit eis 33 '~* Diat. ar. = f^o enivi a e f ri quia ego c ffa q aur. quoniam ego 2^8 John XVI. 5-20 ^*>a^.l v^i cn 6 I ^^nr'o'' ^.Acn ixV^ I »_o.^\ h\^.:=r^r^^ 1\^^^ 1 ^n:* AtK* r^'.^ri'A I vA I rcl\\.x3i^ r<:i\\pc' rsd I ri'Jrc' _^n AA^rsa Atrc* I rdirc'.i ,^_aaA jjlxl^.i I K^A^i.^ »_a^i rA «^_c\^Jr<' I ^\M -=Da^ rdA A.jL^i»90 | r^_l.A\r<' >.r>r<' ^ A\o.l.T 12 ■i.'Wre'JSjA ►A Avars' 1 ►.^flo^^ OCTD ^.1 Klicn I rcl^2>-i cna aSk i rt^.i ^.1 I pdl^i 13 A^^K*.-! rrlsq^^ I K'ASJoa* ainygA ^^o^arc* I ^xjjl^z:^ it^A rt'Arc' I ..^^oaA AAs»3^ r.T I AaSk cc^Ak' cajc^.^ I ^ i v.-i ^ 14 >cn I .rijao^ >A_..t ^Jsa.i AA^^jo I >.Aaxii.x.^ >cno^^ .^J^^i-ziJJo^ I k'^k'.-i 15 I ^"TJsarc' p^lacn AA^ro I am >A*.i >-r3ro^c\ >-iiov3»^ r^lio I AAo ^^ ^^OAiaiflo^o I ..sMh\ k.L.i ^^sc.t ._a^l^ 17 I >»i\A> ^*H:»ir<'o^'^ II *'i~=jK' ^cA rcLlpe' I A\p<'.i~^ >.lJOVu^o AAa AAj3 I -=30^c\ ).a^ovm^ rt'Ao I AAjd.t i.Sflrc'.T K'.TCO I >cn rslxso .I4A .t** 18 K'Jcn »..&. I ciiizi'^^ .>..=3K'^ ^a\ i-A 1 rClirc' Axrc'.i i.^K'.to^ I >>1.10Vm^o 19 I cn^aAr<'-Xj;3a\ oocn I ^i..5».rj rtliso >^:i^ I ^.i ^ -i»-a.JL*^^ ijsjrc'.t I AAc 20 rtlip<' 1 i-^srJK' ^AiJarc' ^.^szart'^^ I >.aAOVM^o AAo I .rscv^o >^Uo\kU^ t^Ao SiMILIA IN ALUS CODD, 6 ^ A Pesh. Diat. ar. om. a\X' 6 ^ Pesh. idem = et venit Diat. ar. = et supervenit 10 '^ Pesh. idem. A tJaa.T.=3 I >»3rCl\' poiTJ^sa I coli.'u r3 rdJLO) ig »_o^ocno^° I rt .qq y. ^vii»j ^^pC rtlA I KlaK' cAk'o^^ . »»ii.njt..i l ^Jtnl ^j^.t-* ki\i A^'to 22 rtfl^. ^^^vofiA AvA ^1 I rdtcn • ^oo^m »_ocal I oocn AvA ^^^oooso^i. r<'\ Co >»r3TA.i -io.i AA^so ^^ I i^_aca«.OT!\p4» j-^rc* A s. 23 f. 1 1 9a K^arcdo I ^Aifio )Ao >aii^ ovm I ^.t ^cnA^ | ^_^vorA oocn ^vA >JoreliAoi I i^^ocn^iortlra pc^-i»^^.i I rc'Avlso >i\t A^.t A\^ I r^Art*^^ ^xlflo 25 >-3nc'' ^a\ I ^ ,.^_qaA rc^ii.vKJSJ.i I T^\\niA K'^K'.i ^1' I rtlia^^ ^^3 26 I -Sins' ^'^ >-i.i»- .locLfiaJt I ocn rtLcu^J ^-art'^ I )q."1-o ^-'so.i K'iijc.n I Ttljjoi 27 I ^.T ^iAcn^ ,^._o^ocn I >.^ia^ po-t.tJa ►:S30."i I ^^o^r^* -^.tcn^^o ^.^^^rt* i XVI. I »^ ^ "^^^ I ,.,.Q^Qna^ ^Ai^Q 2 I ^cn^* .h\°> K'crArdA.t I n~>C»l ^^jx^^g^n^.i I ^«.i t<'A\_2>JL rCA^K'^o' 4 »__aaA ^•vsaK'.i I »^_^ca-2»-^ * rC'Av.:*^- ^^rc'.i I ptlai.i ^_Qj\ -1 AxAAjsa ^ocn »^_a-^sa.2^i I AoJ^tQ >a-»UJ ^'Sa || ,.^_o^\ ^•tjsoK' rtL^.i I ^A< kcn SiMILIA IN ALUS CODD. 16 ' Pesh, idem = a Patre meo Diat. ar. = Patrem nieum 19 ' Pesh. idem. Diat. ar. = .y^^ 19^6 om. §6 i() ^ e ef ego 24 ' Pesh. idem. Diat. ar. = coram eis 26 ' A D 'Lfatn} Se a b c ff^ Ti ergo Pesh. Diat. ar. = d f q aur. autem 26 ^ Pesh. idem. D tou Trpo- /xov Diat. ar. = a c d ffa /a/^^ WiJi? 26 3 D Trarpocr fiov Pesh. Diat. ar. = a b c d ri pa/re meo xvi. 2 ' Pesh. idem. Diat. ar. = enim ^^ yap 2 ^ Pesh. idem. Diat. ar. = et veniet 4 'Dacdefffa Pesh. Diat. ar. om. dXAa 4 ^ N Dfiifu} a c d ffj oni. avrwi/ 256 John XV. 1-16 ^mO-*.! cixii XV. I 2 I — I ^ r -1 . n - ^ f. 117b rd'sia 1.00 I rtl\ 00a .1^ K'ir^^ I A^^.i^ rg^*> Aysg rel\ I K'Axjcrut.i 5 rdxr^ ^K* K'ocn I »-=j.l ^5>3 K'Avxni. I ^^O^r^O pdl^a\^ r^lir^.i ^ I >JLSJ pQ.TJSa ,.T.iA=D.i I A..\^'sg K'f^i.^QP rCHrtla I .acvx^ oco rtllK' rc'ocn I ca.=> 6 iai rt'.i^vxjsa I y^a r^aolSi r^a ^<\^ I ..^^o^K* ^xjjiriz.^ rtl^ I .fiscal 8 I .TA " rtlrsK' jjL^^vJLSQ.i I A\rq^ •^.O^ rc'OcnJi I oArdxJSiaA ...^oAulrC 10 »_aTl^^ I .^^r^^^^ i^siajjirj I oaa »_OAAua.jjr<' I r.A2u*rc'.i ji r<'aco^ I >^ ».^_OASa^. I ^lA:^ ^.^cn^^ cruacuxa I r_o^f<' i..:x.Mi I .^^^rC* ^^ )Cr]CC:au'i I .<\\» onT ^l ya^SxiA I jcjjk' 12 I •^^^^ Kll"T^ liA-aj I T-ar<' ^ ^i,jsxix..i I A.^.1 A.A^»i ..^as.^'ta f. 119b SiMILIA IN ALUS CODD. XV. 2 ' Pesh. idem = reddz'i 2 ' Pesh. idem = reddii 4 ' Pesh. idem = edere 8 ^ Pesh. Diat. ar. om. fiov ITf*-' -^ ^..T^a I *='>ca*aj*re'o 22 >«T rcd.n 1 ^to"^2^ . .la^a "^ ca^ol" I r<::aar<'a ''"^1aUp<' ^h\r<'^ 1 cn^oXo 24 I t3' »coa 1 ctA ^isrxit .1 'X'.icn | rc'Av\»)o"' i^ rJi-i.ix..i I ^^ r^r^ >A*.i ^ocn 25 I ,CD tJsnr-i »-=3r^' I *V_ci^ i.TJCJ.l rtfl^LjiA I ^.i reljjai ,03^^ KliK' 26 ]" r^ .^.a^ rcii^crx*'' J_*.i 1 rJsax. ^^ Ajj.-w rdXo 28 I rc'oco.i K153.1 r<'ocaa r3T<' ^ K'co' I r^\^^ i-isa® 29 I coicv^irt' "ifc\^ 000 I K'^r^' ^.^^OASo:^ A\saK' I Kll A-fca£>3^° »._aisa»co^ 30 I )a4ji.n pc^'3i\s. .:^.T-^.'i I .\\y^:ga rfAp^*^^ . >i."W»3 I oA AvA >-=30 pc^*th\s 1 31 AtrdU I OSQCUs . K^.mv I ^^.'ia^.i I Kli^^nc' ^^skA^ Kllr^ DissiMiLiA IN Cod. Cureton. '^tOBO-iAJiK' ..^K'o . iQiAJ.sajaiK' idK* .^rs* .dZ^re' iCDQim.njj-^ . 1 u fiT "^ 2J (f. 52b) v^T «> I iors* rCouxAa — "^ pfocn — '' ^ — *= 9->^«-^ »-^' " Pf^oco-* + * 22 24^—26* deest n 1 %f^'' . . .= '^. ntr-irc K-i^V-" ^^ >i_juco r^.l^r^ . >crxOO^VMO col 1 ^__o^r<' ^jl^.V pdjLcn I ^o ^^^Oi^.l^ i-rar^ 1 -arc* I .2k.cxz^ ca\ ■isarc'^ I ^ o.t^O pCiaK' »_a*i I ..^so CtoCX^AiA col I i-'Sarc'® I rc'Vi* K'va* »-a.i ^JSn I >Ji^v^.-u Kilo ^.^^aa^^sa:^ I KLirc' oraAa^ K'i^cvj > I l-'SO-tcaJSq -b I a r -1 . r T . 12 .3b I A\aA rtliK*.! AJ^tQ I .Tn2»J"^ K'.iiii^ 1 ^cn ^»i ^i.^.».icv I .i:=l^j oot -r HI — i.rn r -i 13 jjiaauEJ.i ,._aaA^ I .ns.K' >J51x=j ._a\rdx-^.i I ^.vsao^^ rdir<' AtK* >~=3r<' •^.QASia^ K'acaj.1 I rtlJi^Loi^'' reli'UjK' I .....o^i rTXJi.i^' t^=ar^^ ^ I p^i.jaK' 17 "U^kA I cn^cvisLxitaX jjl^z:^ r^ 1 fa"i^^ I . >\.i^\ .1 — 1 . » *" "" » 19 1 ^^^hiir^Ci . il K'ui r-*»a )JL-30V-uo> 21 I >A yLi»^ ocn ocn I ..^_oca\ ^iA^o tJk.Tocv^ 1 cn^ol hur^:\ ^.t?3^^ I trlire' DissiMiLiA IN Cod. Cureton. •I •> % am t-rtrf ivlXre' >^^i-nA •^*^ \-^^ », i i,A.i ^ojd^ ^.±a rCaCD + ^ 10 (f. 52a) Aiu»5r^l6 12" — 15 * deest -^re* + * 12 .»co re'T-sui.-i ^,^cnj>vA \a a «^_^Aiao 1 T.rC^ 18 ''"icn »._o_a^Q re"i99_:^ »^_RAi*oAo~'' »cn + ^ 17 re\ 1 njA ** 19 ^ — 21 * deest K-cn + * 19 ,._ewa,i»aA t"i^v=a r<'^r<'^ I ^.T K'^^iwKla I r^l=D\ r^cnra 37 vvx^Lsj yxxSX}r^ I t^ ^<\^ Kltoo . v\iAva I K'^K'.i rdlr^ jjl^zj^ I r^l rdisA vA riliis'are I ^-A-SarC . » <\ \ n >*flo^ I vvt.^ -2^CVJC_» coA'' 'i.i^nS'"' ^^ 3^ f. 3a ,^j<^^ I .._Qa\ -aA^r^i rdiixn^ I r^i^r^.i ,^.a^\ ^ocn I ijsnrC' c^Ak'o 3 I Klirc'.l i^K'l >^cA I ..^CV.^irs.irc'a rc'^K' .^o^ I ^._a^ ^ ^n^K'o AtK* I rcijior^a" ..^cu^r^ ^iS..t» I ti.iO rdL:sncir^ h\ coA I ^jsir^ ^ ^"^^^^rc' ^x-^.t-* 5 I ' r«l**ir<' -2^:»:saA ^IjjJK' I ^^ i »* ^ t^ ' rcli-iw-ir^ I AuirC A\r<' rtLa^LrtA SiMILIA IN ALUS CODD. 31 ' A q Pesh. om. ovv 33 ' Pesh. Diat. ar. = Ft7/ii mei 34 ' c e om. Iva koX v/xcts ayaTrarc oXkrjKovi 35 ' D yap C d enim. 3^ ^~^ ^ Xeyei auTO) o ti/77 d dicit illi ihs 37 ' ^< aur. om. Kvpi^ 38 '"' Pesh. = Z)/«/ ^/ Diat. ar. = Dixit ei 38 '^fam} avTi-»"ir<' I kLsijjA vJSaSk.' Aacc'.i I ^^ "vsaK'.i . Kla^ I )alxJ:t A.\^ rCCXrc* 19 nc'ooru I r.A.i ^JSflcv A.3.11^ I ocn >A rtLiptf* i.TJLsn.n I ^JsaA Asjx^q.i 21 I cn.4joia >2)i.a\^r<' I >^ax-* ^^cn \:snr^ I .t^o^^ . Aaasq ccn I >.UjAx..i 22 >>*k I ^.SQ A^k..i ^^v^.i^j^o I .T4JL=) .tm oocn ^i-x-M I ^.1^ >eDQ.n.AJsaA^^^ r -\ . ^ 24 jcnajArC'ju.i^ l'r<^r
  • "t-i?3 crxA I ijswrCo .^a.T.a.i coj^.tm j=)ca-»o ^ rA I ^U.1 rd2« ^"orA .Tn.^ . p<'ocn ptlxAA ^*.T I rfj».i:^a iaA ' orxA j> fam} d e rj Pesh. Diat. ar. cm. koX Ae'yct auT<3 24 * Pesh. idem. ^} A D fani} TTvOea-OaL fam}"^ irdQi-aBai acfffaQ Ifiierroga e cognosceret Diat. ar. = ut inier- rogaret eum. d Ti interrogaret 25 ' N A D fam} a d e f fFz q i"i Pesh. cm. ourws 26 ' 2^ A Cfam} b c d e f ffj q ^i aur. Pesh. Diat. ar. cm. ovv 26 '^ A Vifatn} bode f ffa q aur. Pesh. Diat. ar. cm. ow 26 3 Pesh. Diat. ar. = lesus 26 4 ^^ A Dfam} abcdeffF^qri aur. Pesh. Diat. ar. cm. Xa/j/Sdvei koI 27 ' i< D L a b c d e ff^ ri Diat. ar. om. totc 27 ^D a d e f Pesh. cm. oZu 28 ' e cm. twv dvaKci/xcVwv 29 '~^ Pesh. idem = ^t^od praecipiendo praeciperet ei Diat. ar. = e qtiod (e ei) prae- cepisset ei 30 ' Pesh. Diat. ar. ^^ e ///^a^ 30 ' e om. cu^vs 2^1 •^ 4 ,, a.A^Of<^ John XIII. 3- 17 r^h\r^ r^cnXr^ \\ ^cA ^JSO.l K'ocn .^:t.*o I . >ooo!'^ Atr*' r<'caAf<' I ^olo 4 K'ocn I »"T-X-c\ r<'^\^T..i I p^i n\-) '%.asir<' rellia 1 -1 Of>l Q~' ^ ^cno:: »."> 5 rdlrc* I n^a^.l )a."».2w -i^-Ox^ I ca\ 'i.iaK' "^ • >A Avir^ I . ^T^ g >A\H 7 < ^-« T- ^ ! coA -irflr^^ • .2*-.i^ ^.1 I ptliat i^ ^»j ^rC* I js^..!.^ ptiX 8 . . . f. 78b ^^xsa' g^"^*** "- I cnA ijtflr^^ . K'iu233 I t^n.^ vA ovA vA I p^K* 9 KJt_.i ^pe*© ! iXl'K' ^K" Kllr^ >A i .\^t t.^' .iCLu-La >A^'i rcA I ,i.S>3 ncuxLa ' I >oocA\j rcAr^ jM\n> rcA I aco Kixfloi ^ . .:ik.Clx-» I orA i^rwrC ^° lO r,.ooriA\4 ^.1 ^^xX-p^ ."Uk ^^ I . r<'Mso K'.icn 12 I ^^h\ir< ^io PC'cn^^ ..^OiA I ^."Ui:^ t<115»3 »,_o^r<' I ^i^.T* ....cvorA i.rgrc' 13 KlJr<' ._K^O^^ n i\^l j^r^* .._o^r^ ^H:»ir<' I ii^JLO ,_ij»JO ^i ,A 14 .^^ rr"i PC^.ins, AvA.i I .^_ciaA ^x=33f<' ^^^r^ ^® 16 SiMILIA IX ALUS CODD. 5 ^-^/am}'^ D XaySwv vSa

    i f. 10^ b r 1 ^ r -I . I rti-tjsai ca^-i.ic\ ^vtax\ I ^rsi^oa csx^s i\:sn k'octj 1 Tior^'.i rA=).i r<4jL=>a.z. 45 I ^^yi\ rc'V-** I.A.1 ^JSjao"*^ I >j|-i.iJt..T ^*5>3i n I rdlK' . ^J»i_.caJ»j i^ra I K'ocn . r -1 46 >_r> I ^JS>a.»cT2.5>3.i ^.i73C\ rt'jsiilifc.X I ^-.A^r** r<''icncu I KlipC''*^ rc'Vj* >~li.'iJL."l 47 r<'_Jr<' I ^cq\ T\i rCAo >.A2is I -:^iax-."i (••^so^'^ rc'icncu I r^lla rc'oiii Kli 48 ^aps' v-^^»i I A.3.n.:33 rA I Ardr.'^.T ^.sa'*^\ 1 onX |0Qx4»r<'."» ti.3 I }Oa-»-3c.i^ >cn CTUsa.:^ I avli^)! rc'ivlm >cn coA I »^_rc'n.1 (-tfl 49 I >ji.n-X..l Klrjr<' K'Ak' I ^iiitTa kA >-L5>3 ^J5>3 i-j. V^ I rdiK'.T*^ rtl.'TjjK' 50 KlxM I )Cncu.T£)cl^.-i T->.TnA oco f. 78a AAjsusi I ocn »^.n.n.^.i vyr^* I r'dJK' AAj^iJSO.i ^o.iJSoa I poLiAi ,._o.iK' I loo. rcllr^ XIII. I I cn^.2kJt- oqA ^^rc'.i I >^a.z_» rc'ocn .2^:v-» I ^-.l t<"!_».\^^ ^^JS ^ I rtlioQ.s.i"^ caA».iA .nMrc* 1 >crja.=3r<'^ ^cvA rtlsalsh. 1 rdicn ►:» r^LULi."! 2 I p^iv.»JSaj:4»r<' ^ocno^ ^^^curc* I -a-uK* r<'^*i.*»r^ax-» ' 1 ocno^ • >ca^J»a\jfj.i 1 vyrc* SiMILIA IN AMIS CODI). xiii. I ^ Pesh. DIat. ar. = Patrem sman i 2-2 Pesh. idem. Diat. ar. = a b f ff^ q Ti aur. in hoc mufido c in luinc nmndum 2 ' Pesh. »*«\^fy\ ctiA = ab ipso Saiana 3 ' Pesh. idem. Kfani} 6 'Itjo-ovs Diat. ar. = b f q Tj iesus K K 249 jjL^i »__aA^op^ John XII. 24-37 CO T I rCirtfla rc'^x-*-»)0 I rdiaa ^.1 25 . pal^.l pg^MA I cn^Oi^ kLsoI^ r^Llcnzi I cn.y .^ 1 K^uao.i ^'^o I ca.*.T.r3CO ^f^ r<'ocaJ I ^^ rt Ok 1 1 rcrui o, i > I .« *sa t ^q tA.i ^o I . y-UL^TUtJsn 27 I A\^ Kllrc' r<'^u»JL 1 r^.nco po >-lA»r<' I rdarc' . "isflrt' rtLosoo ! '•^^ '\^, I K'^^^.x =3 cojso' voojt. I jjjajc p^oA ^^ II r^»i T *g3.l K'^iop^ I ^233 ^ShSiax. ^ijAir^ I rcLx.1^ ^ia rt^JCJrC'cai I 'oocn r^LtJrc'.i I cniia paui^.i aco I .t»^v^.1 ^K* x^nr^ 1 KliA^K'a K'Ojisa polsfcA ^^jiurc* A. Ad I .^cxr* ..^_cvca\ ' isoK' ^^ 1 rCixJr^.t coia r^ca I >A cxi»3 35 K'icocu .^_aA\ I Au.rc' .1-^ »<'icncii=i 1 ci^Acn ^rc* ^.^^OA'sa^, I k'tcooj I ..^.n-* rdA Kl^QT >>"> I "ii^^ vrAorxJSa.t ^jso I k'^oxm ..__a^^ 1 rnr»\ «wrv37 ^^^o^ca-usa I >T\y^^K' A\r<' .^CLZ-» I A \ rq ^i_lcn .T_a,o 37 SlMILIA IN ALUS CODD. 27 ' Pesh. idem = ecce 28 '"' Pesh. . %*n>^' t^oo Diat. ar. = Et vox audita est 28 * D d Pesh. Diat. ar. om. ow 28 3 D Xcyovcra a c d e aur. dicens 29 ' B a Pesh. om. ovv 30 ^ Pesh. idem. Diat. ar. = m di i/iis 31 ' D b d ffj ri om. rovTov 31 ^ b e fFz ri deorsum. 34 ' A T>fam} a b c d e f ffa aur. Pesh. Diat. ar. om. ovv 35 ' a e Pesh. Diat. ar. om. ovv 248 John XII. 9-24 ^_i_jja-*.i vsoi oco iuAA I fcTxjaAJ\^a:i 12 I K'rtfl^flo ,_^ieo rdatlAO I r^^\ icx\^ K'^K'o I ^aj ptiiiurc' rtlsacv-Ao^^ 13 I olnt.^^ )aVx.iorcl^ I K'^rc' .^oz^.i a^tox. I .la. . r<'."u^.T^ ooco o^k*."! I rr<' i=a r^\is I A.^ .2La.^io . >..aA^ I rC'^rC' >.^^iAj=73 K'cn I .^_Oucn — 16 ._^JS3 I A-ax3 .T^ r<\r^ 1 tcno.Ta:^^ O.^.!-* I rtflA pa^.i-ii ^S3 ^-lAcn ^® I coA a.T.,-3.5>. ^xAcno I icncV^k. >ocn ^iL*^ I ^Acni oi&n^r^'l cajjL=3CXz. 17 I K'ia.i r^rC II A2fc. AxsataX rC'oco I .i->^Uh. .^oz^.i A\*3g 52 ^^_ajcA2k^ I ^'i.Tn:^.! K'orAr^'.i I reiia J^r^:i r^r^ I .icxmlLs Klso:^ ►^K' o ca\ \n*3a\ oocn 1 O-iJ^'i^re' r^:=QCU ^1 ocd I ^^^ r^."UiA 53 I r._c>cn ti\r.ioT<'A ioA 56 K'^rC' I rd\ i-au^.i ._^»ivJr^ I ^'i i Qr> ^ rarMT<' col I .ts^-o^ . kIlmo '"rCoco 2 ^ijSQ^ I . r<'^T-yiT,^V3 ^ocn I r^iAv ^.1 r<'^'i::>Q I cn^oX ^Aj^.a2)afl9.i I r^oca 3 II K'^va^^ QPOni\^CW<^ I ^niJt r<^» T-73 I i\y i\.l K*^ *\ i^t.' I ^ouooj ^.1 ^ujlzjsqo I %j\»:snao n^ .^ajL*.i I cax.i A^. co^v^j&xk'o I loocda.i ^rtl^^.i I — 1\^ . . ^ I.. I r^ orxix-ti ^ I ool^^ K'^us rt^isao 1^ oon^flaa ouaz.o I |Cno.i\H' y\\ T-30 I ooD.i OCD .^rf.TjjsaA^ I ^jsn .tm r^r<'o 6 rcli.^jaa.SQ.1 I rt^m a iy)Q \\o . r^oco I -i l \i A\y*:q rdArc' I coA re'ocn ... . . f. 57 rt'O^ ^ cTxA I jictSLZ. coA t.^qK' I .:^o.z_» s *»i t. .vw^ ns'oca I >oao.i^ 7 SiMILIA IN ALUS CODD. 54 ' Pesh. idem, ir^autem 54 " Pesh. idem. DidX. zx .■=■ frequenter ibat Aambulabat 55 '"' a /« //A; tempore fuitira erat 56 ' Pesh. Diat. ar. om. eo-n/Korcs xii. i '~' e a^ lazarum i^~^AT)fam} 6 reOyTjKm h ^^ qui fuit moriuus d qui mortuus fuerat f qui fuerat mortuus 3 ' Pesh. idem = alabastrum 3 ' Diat. ar. = b c pedes eius 3 ^fam} Diat. ar. om, tous TrdSas avrov 3 *fam}fam^^ oXrj fi tf»»«/.y 4 ^ Diat. ar. om. atTou 7 ' \fam} f Pesh. Diat. ar. om. Xva. 246 f. 57a John XI. 39-51 ^^ \ »CL*.i cojsni f. 61b K'cn.i KlAr^lA,! I coA , \\ a.x. rtLi.s« I »v:n rt'^V5»a ^ coA I T<\Jsnr^ 40 >.^ ^"i.S3p<' I coA \:sfir^'^^ . ^ihcL» I orA t^Lsk-rj-ir^.i AA^r^s . coA I lijw 41 I ..^.^cn rtlatJK' ^.T»a3^^ I rc'ciArc'.i cojj^cxx. 1 ^Vu^ ^xi5a»cni\ I »^_k'.t i.SQr<'o r-a ^:^:5ai..i vA Kii.iosg I rdrar^ ._ai:3X.caJ.t ! ^\co r^llijsarc' ^>dxJr<'."i 1 rtlicn rdx.1^"' AA^ 1 kAp^* >A 43 iv>>\ I i-SarC'a^ r.o ijsor^ ^Acn .t^cv'*^ I >J^i.TX. ^K*."! 44 ^ ->.!!>.'J3 I .T.^ nc'AvjJSJO oco I jxajl '"K'^.^x.a cnrio"' ^"^ I . i.aX n'h\ ^a& 45 I rc^nooriA ^ nc'rciiLi^o*^ I . Atrf 0x302.2.0 I icncvoix. »^_i^ ^ 'i.S>3f<' I ^.t»co .^.0x^=1 I ca.^2a*cn k'^v:^^^^ I >cn jyi . ^«ij» AA^ I .^.az^ h\o\ o^k'.i 46 h\o\ 1 ,._oorA cAtrc* rdXr^ I ..^^UJUOl. co rtA.i »^_acfU2« I ooco ^K*©^^ I I o o o o j^a,T_» I .13.2^.1 >3."!.5a ^_OorA I ax^^NZ.rc'O r^lX-»iA 47 I Kll-floTAr^ a.i..-a *>.o I ' a_aM-2kA\r<' relx_»i-^o 1 KlKrUi >-r3i ^.t_iCO*^ oa.^ I rc'^njlx^oo rc'A\ai>r<' I rc'ia.^ rtlicn.i .ts^t^ I r^Lxsn oocn ^'ijsnr^o 49 ^.n »^_cvcai20 I .Ts*"*^ ^"MJk.o »._^l*.t.^>3 I ^lAX. p«liJ5flacn''i I ^^rC'cv cn=3 r -I T-'Snrc' rc'ivJ-X. I »co."l » acoA-.."! rtllcrxJk I -tji 'rc'oco caJSUt.' I r<^.<\ t o 50 r^o^° > I ,._a^J»K' ^x.2*-.v» ncA I ._aAvJir<' t<1^.*_d oco I ._^utxA rd'tn:^ vAk* As*. I ^cxsxu pc'iri^ .tm.I I ^A " jj>n<\.t ..^o^Upc' 1 ^2»-"iAv2?3 51 I ^^a r^\ rc'iv\.^>3 1 ^i.! K'.icn^^ .t^ni'-l I r^-^ag.^ caAcc^i r^o I . cnAcv.^ I ^^K' ^ rc'ocn ritj/ Diat. ar. = c f r, ;/(?<^/j' 51 ' e om. toS euavrou Ikuvov 245 f. 70a f. 61a rtjaoi ^.^cui^o»<' John XI. 24-39 ^a I K'Ausa-jjJ reLlrC rehire' I .^OJk^ oa-\ i-SarC^^ 1 r^x^r^ r^lssno^s 25 poAiA ».J I ^"5)a*cn:»JO »-*».l ^_^a^^ I r^L*xl ^r^'sn ^rC || >^ 26 ji-ia ^r^ I PC'A\i-»j' coA K'i-^pC^'^ i ^.t-LAcn'^ tby-issa^cnjsn I ^rdio rdi 27 K'AxrelSjaX I .t«^u>-.i rc'orAK'.l I cova rduLxJLSO I acn ^r^.l r^i:»3 ,030^^ * . r<^%n*gi\ I Tt<' 32 I K'ocn h\nfJSf3 rd\ >i.»j I ^oas ^h\ cAr^* crA I K'i.SOK'a . >cncA\i I A^ I .^^OJco r-jjrc' 33 rd^K' I i.snrt'cv^* crujCUs 1 W-Sh-^r^O on T <\ 1 -> I a»^"1 . ^.i^a.l ori5>i2h-.l 34 icncvil^.l »acn ^A^rc'o^^ ,u» rc'^ I •■O:;^ "^ ^.*i:sorc' I . >cn-i-io^^7aQo 35 I rc'ocD ya.*»^ rdsjo^ 1 o\-u . oocn ^'issor^ I rci.noco* ovm .1^0^^ || .^ajt-»i 36 ocn.i I icncvJL^. jj^v^.1 I cvJcn.i 0000 ^HjsaK'.i I ,._J^cnlSfl ^r<'o^'' . coA 37 .TaaJ.l K'ocn I jji^JCS^a no.^ r■ "ku'sqo 39 * ^/V in Cod. SiMILIA IN AMIS CODD. 27 ^ a b c f flFa Ti aur. Martha 29 ' Pesh. idem. Diat. ar. = Mariam 29 = Pesh. icsaja = surrexit ^i B C D L rj-yifiOrj Diat. ar. = a b c d e f ff, aur. siirrexit 31 ' e om. ol oire? /xer' aur?)? ev Tjg oiKi'a 31^6 Pesh. Diat, ar. om. ckci 38 ' a b e ffj ri Pesh. Diat. ar. om. -niXiv 38 "-^ Pesh. Diat. ar. = sepulchnim 39 '"' Pesh. idem = lapidem hitnc Diat. ar. = hxinc lapidem 244 John XL 6-23 ^-X.»><\-*.i -\^i f. 54a 6 As. I iCto * it n\ crx*i^.t 1' .s'?n.T.:t ^o^ ♦ ivN.\ \ I T<'^i:»A po-.v-^il 7 ^ .loca^A I Atrela o^ ,cr>o.*ux:5»iA^ I ijsflr^a'^ ^»jsh<\^ I ^S^ oo^v^a.i 8 v»«.^:sal I oocn ^li^a rel*iocrx» I p^co ^i icnoH.^'SiQA^ 1 orA ^H.'»r<'^ I AcAps Ac^J^ r.s.x. 10 I Ajd^x.^ vAcaJS>3 ^^ I r<^i\ \-».l ^^^ • rdacn i kIsoL^.t cnicncu K'v**.! 11 I iu2kA ._c^orx.\ V33r<' I ^jtAcn V53r<' .TAO^^ cixja I ^v^ rC'icnco.T AAp'aj 12 ,^_i5^ ' ctA ^ ^■isflK' ^^ II >cno'U^r<'.n Klirt' Atre* I rdAK* .:a^z. ^'isoui 13 iv-Swl orA 000 1 ^KaJ^.1 A^-* ^1 I ocn^^ . rdx-u ocd vC:«.t 1 .....rt^^ I x.'yir^ aeo re'^ia- 1^ A:^i ooco ^iaiflo 1 ,__aicr)o ^_ocraA t<'oco I "V5«r<' 4 rcli.Tuo -"^^ I orA ^"sn iw^A I Aurdn-tacak .:^COe.« I ._^oA 'i.ssrtf' ^ .=oA\^^ AtKU ciaklcD I kiAk* ^^ Av-.ocn I rdA.i ,^_a>^.i I >^^Q^A\\\^*ao 16 ^K* a^ I rc'.i i.*gA^ >or)0-T.nMA I KlsnoK'^ »_^caA ' i:»f<' ^^ I cn^o.! 17 'Xlj-i^- I AvxaV' .^.Q T » ^ K'^r<' I .T^CV^"^ COJSa^ ^CVSO^ I At»caoi=i.o.i I jjLi&x.rt' f. 54b ^.>Ocfi.1 I jjao^AxT'squ ^ r^'^a.-rA^rc' | ^Jn.'ion:' ^i»3 I r^lrjjjji ri.S3.T cn-aiAB 21 I rc'^i.sja ofA ^ rc'i-sarc'a^^ I pc'^xaa ^.t *^ )ci*v»ia I ''ca^iordA ^naj" 22 jSkv^ I rdAp<"^^ >-4»K' pc'ocn I ^rcliaj r3.T."5«.T I r<^l S..V* rdtco SiMILIA IN ALUS CODD, 6 ' Pesh. Diat. ar. om. ow 6 '^ Pesh. Diat. ar. om. tot€ 7 ' ^< Diat. ar. om. iraAtv 9 '""' Pesh. idem = Z>/aV m Diat. ar. = Dixit eis 12 ^ b Diat. ar. om. ovv 12 ^ A om. 01 fiaOrjToi 13 ' c e om. t^s Koi/Ai^o-tws 14 ' A a Pesh. Diat. ar. om. ovu 17 ^aep om. ow 17 *~^ Pesh. idem. A'D/am}^ eU firjOaviav Diat. ar. = d in bethatiiatn 18 ' D d Diat. ar. om. w; 18 ^ Isho'dad Cod. Harris, f. I35<5, Cod. Margohouth, f. i8i<5, ^^ 1 \ laa ^ii\ 20 '"' Pesh. idem. Diat. ar. = exivit in occursum ejus 21 ' Pesh. om. ow 22 ' Pesh. idem. A D L dAXa koL Diat. ar. = b d ffj p r, sed c e f aur. sed ei 22 ^ Pesh. Diat. ar. om. 6 ^eds. 243 i^-ni ..^^oA^oK* John X, 32 — XI. 5 I T*^ i 1 ^ A\^-« r.iiv I ^.i ^.^k*©^^ 38 I rt'ooo :v.^a ^ 'so .i iA^r^A I ^.lio^.l r^\ a.v\ I 'cnA AtK'o'^^ ^__oca_..v»r<' 40 . n r -I r T vsart* II rdico T<'"ta^ A:^. I ^^.i "i-Aijt. , cu* tA>i.i ocn co^'i^ I K'co 4 cos I jjLa^vzJ.i r<'cTAr<'.i I cn^utasjc.^ .*\\u rcArt' 1 r<'^a2aA K'ocn r^ t 38 'Dabcde om. koI yLvw(TKT]T€ 39 ' B D d Pesh. Diat. ar. om. ovv 40 ' e Pesh. Diat. ar. om. ttoAiv 42 ' b c e f fFa r, aur. Pesh. Diat. ar. om. e/cct xi. i ' Pesh. Diat. ar. om. t^s dSeXc^^s avT^s 3 ^ Pesh. idem = ambae 3 ^ D Trpoo- tov t^i/ Pesh. Diat. ar. = b c d e rj aur. ad lesum 4 ' ffj om. tov Qf.ov 242 I XI. John X. 16-32 ^ 1 u<\^i rd-soi .^^Oi^^ttXJ I >\a .^^OJoo ^rfa I »._aar^ a«^Vi:A\ ►A 1 r^a ,^_acrA JSkv^cs 17 rdJcn I AJ^^ i-=3r<'o'^^ rtU-^i I xm.T^l rtllr^* )Qr*»! ix^ KllA^lo,!- I i-USO ciA rC^Jrc* ^jrdflo I K'_3r<' rt^K* . ».AJ5>3 I crA A"T , ^2»3 ^iln.a I rcaAixx.r<' .so^o I >ca_i.saxi3oK'.'l 19 rtiHoca* ».ii3 I K'^ci^^ ^003 ^ocn I t<'acn AAsa^a ^cn I .v^cv^^ .»-r»r«' 20 rtlixjtaa .>cnal^ I hK*r^ K'cu.i.i oocn I ^^H-snrt'.i ^^coisq ^rc^.i 1 A\ -^ 20 21 ^iJSJSp^ ^1 I rtLaiwrC^^ . coA ^^a^o I ..^o^irc' ^^i*nfcn rtliJSa I rtlut. •o o.4jA\A:;a\ I rd^ais^o j^riTSq I K'cu.i raoa rA:k. ^^caa> 27 I »Axi >A*.l rtlrji^^"^ I '".^oaA ^isarc*.! rtfll^^rC"^ I >^CUl1 ^ »_0^0C0 I — I r n 28 I r'i^3 I ^^K* ,._OJcno •_oorA I .:^:u rtLjK'o .'*^*^* I ^g^Mi .xJK' rcAo I >i \ s\ »_o|W3tA .^orx».i rdrirt'."! || AA^SW^^ tX^r^ ^JS3 •..-^^re' 3^ .^ox-. .^^ooA •%.»»<" ^^ I ca"ai^"iJ5jA rd^re:^ ^ cAox. 1 ^eo i-tsaK* .i^^^ SiMILIA IN ALUS CODD. 16 '"' Pesh, idem = e/^e/ totus grex unus 17 ' Pesh. idem = Fater meus 1 8 ' Pesh. = a autem 1 8 ^~^ Pesh. 11^ 03.1 = ^/^/a hoc a jS^r (?«/w 22 ' ^i A D/am} abed e f ffz fi aur. Pesh. Diat. ar. om. tot6 26 '~' Pesh. idem. A Tifam} Ka6w<5 iLTrov iylv. Diat. ar. = a b d e f ffj fi si'cu^ (Diat. ar. + ^^i?) di'xi nobis 30 ' Pesh. idem. Diat. ar. =e et pater meus 31 ^Dabcdeffarj aur. Diat. ar. om. iroAtv 32 ' Pesh. idem= Dicit Diat. ar. = Dixit I I -•- 241 ^I _ix. r^ ^ r^\:^:% 3 1 co^CiiM^ ji^r^n I rclSQO^ 02! ji^^n ocno I oojnjcja rv' y^r^ Ai^. I cnx^S .aco*'' rc^n^ I rdi^-io 12 K^.ls.\ cfil I jint- nr'^K'.i rcJzarC'.T I rc'vw.l r^^nc'.T rC^PC'o'^ | jii^o 13 r^rt* I .^.V'O rtlaA^ ni^i s i I rdirc' ptllK' ^^ cn-i.\.-2h. cq.\ 1 A.,>\y"i KlXo 14 »A I .2^.T».T r<'_i^*f<' ^^ ^"»A*."i ^t33 I rc^is .T.»^t?ao"' iA*.t »A I .2k..i«o vAk.A 15 . Kli:^! I orxi^rC' Ai*. r^JK' 1 )ap<'j» >.T«5>)o •vJarC'A* I rtlarc' .2^.1^0 i^ar^^ . rC'.icn I K'^i.i ^5»3 OQi^Q oocn I rcA.-t ^A.rc' r^iMK* I rdrsiik- >A ^r^a^^ 16 SlMILIA IN ALUS CODD. X. 3 ' Pesh. idem. Diat. ar. = ostium 4 ' A 'Qfam} to. iSta Trpo/Sara Diat. ar. = { proprias oves 8 ^i^abcefffzqri aur. Pesh. Diat. ar. om. Trpo e/iou 1 1 ' M D StSj-o-ti/ b tradet x^ tradit Diat. ar. = c d ffj ^a/ 1 1 =^ Pesh. cn-i-^ ^ pecore suo Diat. ar. = b e ffa ri aur. ovibus suis 12 ' e om. Kai ouk Zw ttoi/x^v 1 2 '^"^ Pesh. idem =i et veniens lupus X)'\^t.2ir.=.ei lupus venit 14 '~' Pesh. idem. A/am? kol yuwcrKOfjLai 15 ' Pesh. idem. Diat. ar. = Faler meus 15 * Pesh. idem. Diat. ar. = Patretn meuin 240 John IX. 26-41 ^ 1 mO^.i ^li 26 27 ^^.1 r^.tM I [.^^ocrA ■ijsarc']^'^ vyjaoK' I [rdA£L»p<' vA .laa^ rdiaj] || crA 28 ^-».l »^_a-ico^^ coA I f<'oca.'saA ..^_0(iv-iK' ^ i -1^ I r^n V*giA^ r^.'SoA orC 29 KlicoX I jLlsa r<'cn\r<' Klx-OSO I >^.i ^IjjLlr^ ^x^.t*o ^^ I»3.T ^jjciK' 30 >-oor<'^K'.i I ocn «^^ca\ i-sarc* ^° . oca I rtlaLSa^K' ^ia ^Ji.»a^r^ I ^x^.t.* r-L».i I >^^o .ocn I . .2>.%az. ocn ocnA cnixs^ I .ia2^o caisn Ajj.i.i I ^\ t^Ak' .s*^t. I rj~> vr^CUA ^irc* I oq\ ^HjsaK' ^^ . K'.Tcn I .Ta.5»- re^ia.^K' 35 ,cr>aaAp<'.i I -^ox-. .2^'aix.o^^ -"UA I ,cT3aiiAr<'o . ^i ^irc* I .sAsa h\^h\r^ I . rclxJK'.i cniaa ^irC* I ^.>oa^ ^rC* ca\' I ijSoK' .^.O.X-» cajjL^JCK' I .t^o ^ oA •ij»if<'^'' . cos I ^ia.cnp<',t ,i.5>3 cuso I ^~yj»r3 I T-saK* ^^ . cuocn v^^a*. || Aisosa.i 0000 . >cn^^.*vj« I -^col* 00 c»A .1^00 A^o I >"i2»3 rc'-lr^' 39 t"^'^-"' ' ' ^^^ p r n ^ I ra K'oco rdA r^coArt' I ^sa I ^_A.\cn^ rd»-\*» K'-va-^ I jjATrq pcncx\^h. ^r^ i.twK' I rtll^ ^K' * >j»r<'^fX'."| 1 OoA Klx-SOflo.i l'Kl»iaca* crA > en auto..* on l^rdXa-"^^ ocn K^iaa.i K^Jrc* I T^sar^* 18 ^^__a^i-rj I cucn •._r<' ^'T:sar<'^ l^caJsardAo icnClrsrcA I oi.t.x.O ^ K'ocn 19 rcnoca=3f^ ^.1 I OJL^^° 20 K'Vixtal I orA .^CTX» cilSQ I or^ rcncLlJt-i:s>3 I [ocn] ^K* K'cn * . ^J-»xJrC | . » v.t* r3 »cnoca=»r<' I oijsonc' ^Acn^^ ..^..T-noA I ^^_c^iuK' >.i ■wAT'rq 22 i.'ssrc'i ^*?3.i I ^-^cix-.i.^o PC^H ?i Qo'^ Tj-^ I an,fti<^ ' * rclk.iocfu ^_to oocn coA.i I icnooQ.aK' oijsnr^ rdacn I A \^ ^^ . ca.Aoi.siT.1 ocn I r<^.», 1 xtq.t 23 . K'crAp^ I JJL5LX. crA ^ii»3r<*0 I >.oor^h\r^^ ocnX .=10^ I'oijao^'* . C\.\r ipc^ ^.a-^.v* I "tx^ ^ImAv^ 25 ^.1^ I rf.T-** . KlL^.v* r .^J^^ >jappt'^n:'.l I ocn »__ocaA SiMILIA IN ALUS CODD, 16 ' Pesh. idem. Diat. ar. = ff2 Aoc aur. ^aec 17 ' q Pesh. Diat. ar. om. ow 17 ' D a b c d fFa aur. om. TraAtv 173 Pesh. idem. Diat. ar. = «V 18 ' D a b d e f fFa ri Diat. ar. om. ow 18 ^ 3. om. Trepl airov 18 ^ D b d om. kol ave^Xeif/ev i8 */am.^ a b c e ffa q ri aur. om. tov dvafiXetpavTos 21 ' hi b om. airov ipwTi^o-aTe 22 ' Pesh. Diat. ar. om. ■^8/] 22 ^ Pesh. idem. Diat. 2iX.^=.statuerant a constituerunt. c fFa ri decre- uerant 22 ^'"^ & farisaeis et scribis x-, farisaei et scribae 24 ^ x-^ Pesh. Diat. ar. om. ovv 24 = Pesh. idem = etiim 25 ' a Ait b c e ffj q r, aur. Dixit 25 ^fam.'^ a e Pesh. om. olv 25 3 Pesh. idem. N Se c tantum 238 John. VIII. 57— IX. 11 ^mCU..i vAt 57 >3ci3i.3i-c'o . ^..ocn I rdA ^aJLt ^.xJCt^M 1 i-a rei.TOca^ ooA I ^ ^^H-SSni' ^"^ 58 r^Cicnl I r^A.Ti*-.! ,l_CV^^ rd^i.^irc' I ^iSjnc' ^xtor^ i_oorA •T:=«t<' ^^ I VVU»^ 59 CTX^ K'.i-X.'SaA I r^LS^r^L^ ^'cXsxi. ^_..""^ ^^ ^.*ocn h\^r^ I r^-Xr^ ^cnijart' 000 rdl^cn ^ I cnl jiA3 ^K^j^'sa I j:^a.x-»o f. 128a IX. I ^"crttgrS*.! cnfloi^ I ^m'^ r<'oco rtLsiflo.t .i4» | rixSiflo ^ f<'v*» ia^. .a^o ^ 2 .la^.i lOncvxJK' I ore' r^cn r<^*» aiso I ^.i ^ >ct30.Tx'Sq.\^ cal I ^'ijsnr^ ^ 3 jCoa.sJK' I KLl^re* rtlii^M ocn r£lA I '"..^cvcaA' iiarC'"' ^ .tI-.^K' I ri'jsiso 4 r<'.ia.2w .t.3.:bJ2^ I rtlAa >-la''^ rc'caAr<'.i 1 r^:iB.y^ ca.=j ^.^ovm^I.T I rfAr^ ti Kli-L^^ Aai^^ I rd^nr^ As, jai ^.Acn.l "VWr^ .iSk^ rdsaL^.T 7 I .^-jULK' A\ ooA I x.'yir^Ci'^ ^"r<'.A.'Sq..Qo ocn.i'^ I »cncx.ii%, A:^ jeA^ Aax.o I jj^a^Axrc' ,cnaakr<'^ I .^xx,r<' .t^o ' . tcnannx. I >cnoov.»* .TiiO® ycnailx^h. 9 ^ijsarc'.i I ^..K* ^ r<'oco i.!.**.! I 000 rtlicn K'oco rdA I ^H-Sorf . r<'oco oqo ^^_ocal I \::nr^ . orA Klso."! ptLsw.i-Sfl.l I ^ k*Hj5'3r<'.'i Autm'o I •cucn ocn.i i:Wr<'o Kli-A^ I ^.icaA:^ * -xA^ ^ j^Q..x.* I ca.'in.JL.t r<''ia\^ oco I »_ocnA I Av^Ajt-r^ '* ^l^K'o I rdMoix..! t^'^.iosaik^aa I vyAt<'^ -^jjt.T<' I A\ >-\ SiMILIA IN ALUS CODD. 57 * Pesh. Diat. ar. om. ovv 57 ^ ^^ sah. ewpa/ceV ere B ewpaxes 59 '"' D totc T;pav d /w;?^ tulerunt ix. i ^b om. auOpoyTrov i ^"'^Pesh. cosare' ooiA ^.iot Diat. ar. = al> utero matris suae 2 ^ D d Tj aur. Diat. ar, om. Aeyovrcs 3 ^~' Pesh. Diat. ar. = Dixit (Pesh. Dicif) eis leshua 3 ^fam) avTols a ii/is b eis 4 ' Pesh. idem. A Q.fam} IijX Diat. ar. = a b c e f ffa q Tj aur. me 4 ^ b enim f autem 6 ^~^ Diat. ar. = rd'^(r/ //////J' A C 70V TV(f)Xov Pesh. =: b iiiitis caeci e f caeci 7 ^ c e fFa ociilos luos 7 = Pesh. Diat. ar. om. (o epfxrjvevf.Tai airearaXfjitvo?) 7 3 e oculos 9 ' A D a c d e f ffg q om. oti^') aAAa 10 ' a rj Pesh. Diat. ar. om. ovv lo ^ A B/am.^ b c e f q ri om. ovv 1 1 ' a om. eVotr/o-ev /cat 1 1 ^ b C e ffz Ti om. tovs 6(ji6aXfxovx_»i ^JW.i ocn I ocn rdi\n.l ^\^ 1 Alwxtzj oaL.i ^ I n^'^Vv^T Alsasfl.T rA I ,_0^iK' ^Al»l..cn2>3 rid*! rdirC' A.\.:3l»J rc'-lTZ-.l I r<'JnC'^^ . ,cncv.s3r<'a 45 I r^r^ l\.'»i»3 rCivx- I .^ni^^o rc'^u^*. 1^ vA I Qfl-^so .^OiOS^a cv.ii»3^^ 46 nc'idai I i^v^ ocn r:'ca\r<' I p3.i ^■»)^'^ >.\ .^_0(ivir<' I ^Aita*orisa Kii rdrwii 47 rcdi .\\y^ 1 crA ._o^rC ^i j^-ao-X. I kA rdJco A_\»i I -i^.'Si.x- PC'crArc'.i ^l.M-lK' I ^•i-sorc' i i.*\ T. nrll I rsl^.-^oco-* oocn ^"i.s»3r<' ^^ 1 ,._j^-»ocn 48 I ^^^ .2>.ajE-» ^".^_ocal ijSlK'''*^ I vyl^ ^K* K'cu.tO I ^rc* rcl.i:»ii,n 49, • ._r<'.to I pc^s-i.i pa ,cno^r<' I i-x^i.l p>SijL=»2A^ rtll I rf^osn Oi^ ,i\\i?3i I ^sa.i ._a.A ri\v\ 52 I ^--sao"' ^ncni^rC ' ^.-sa I ^K* -rai ^r^* rsi"axA ^^ I '. pC'^O.^ > .s»\ l rc'A 53 I .^j<^.:k.ajc-. 'V-OctA i.=?3r<'"'^^ I vyx^l ^.t=l^ ^ I ^ir<' ''o^isai re'xiii 54 rtlsar^ I icno^rf >.*x=3Ccl. I >a.i:S3 rc'ocn kA »-z^ I niliK' jJin y tq rtlir^ rl.**o rc'vwcv I . »J5>3a-. r<'v*0.1 ni'ocn I MCaaJsn^ ^ocn'Vari' ^^ I . rdJni' i.i^^i 56 SIMII.IA IN ALUS CODD. 49 ' "' Pesh. = Dia'^ eis Diat. ar. =: Dixit eis 52 ^ D b c d ff, om. ets tov aio>va 53 ' D a b c d e ffj om. tou Trarpos i7/ua>i/ 53 '"^ Pesh. Diat. ar. = b f et Propheiis^ (b f Prophetae) qui ?iiortui simi? e et profetis qui ja??i tnortni sunti 54 '~' Pesh. idem = Dicit eis Diat. ar. = Dixit illis 55 ' a om. l\ 56 ' Pesh. idem. Diat. ar. = cupiebat 236 John VIII. 29-43 ^_i-*»a-*3 ca\i I ^.=>v\^=3 rcll.Ta.2^ orA I "i^x..! po.T-ifl r^r^^ ^^^^^ l' »-lnai. rtlXo aco >J2a^ ^o ^i I ' imr^ ^.1*00^^ ca^ 1 ai^TXtcn K'rdx^oo K'cico I .\\ 'tq'^ ^.^cn .i^a^® f. 127b ,_cri^^ ._^^r<' I »._r<^ ca.r» cv.isa»cn.i I r 32 0CI30 1 K'iijt. ._a^:iA\a^^ . .^_^^r<' 1 >.T.x:t^^ Aurt'v.ijL vAib 1 h\o\ 33 pQO^v^ ^Q I >3cni3t<'.i ^ijjlik' I co^it ' col ^■i.sjirc' ' ^^ I .^^a^iiuLi K'iix. 35 r^^ iin ocD I >i\ s\ K'anSfl rdX I rc'.Ta.^k-o ^^ ' • acn k'.tsl^ I r<'iu»J^*» 36 ^r<'i»ix. I ».__aakiT»U rc'ira ^^_j^Ci^^ oca I poisA K'^i-in ^"^.i I rc'irs"^ 37 II ^t^rio ^ ^neniarc'.i I ._o^r<' co^it.i 1 r^tx^.x* ^^ K'ir^ >-l3 I .._cvcvcdA\ 38 pQ.TJSO I f. \ \ \a*ai\ .^o^K' 39 I pacnirjp^ ^.t ..^^aanc' 1 crA ^*i:s3r<' ^^ .^_o^r<' I ^xati^- ..^OAO.rjK' b\o\ 40 I ^nc'-i.-ix,.! rCia^ 1 >■ l\\^n.'saX .^o^ir<' I ^*^^ K'cn^ ^.t rA ^^_oAuoeo 43 ^A^:io^vz.93 I rcA ,^A=79 p^lisja A \^*g3 ^^ 1 >ji.TX. oco Au^rc* I >.t \s .icoA? >^i.TZ..i I rdrar^cs^ > T ua.2k^^o i . >A relink \\r^ r^r^ I .:!*' ^^_ocq1 ^ i.saK' .^cv^^^ 21 .^_^^r<' r3r<'.i rtlx-i I .^0>z^ •..^oorA i-Slr^* I h^^r^ ^ h\JLr^ ca\ \^ ^\::nr^^^ 25 .^oirCTa I ._^^Ai»- JLijswK'.T 1 . >A if\^r^ >-^jao.i^^ .^o-ajsn.^ I r±ir^ 26 . r<^r7i\^~» rtliilsasa I colM ^■■s^rag..! ^AiK'o I oco i*"ix. t^i.^u..! || ^sa r^r<' I I o .^_OctA 'WSOK' I Ktar^' A^..l O^.T* I rcdo^"^ 27 Ti^ .1^ I '".^o-x-. ...^ocrA^ i.saK' .ao^"*^® 28 f. 1 27a 22 DissiMiLiA IN Cod. Curetov. 19 '' Cureton deest ad cap. xiv. i'. 9. '-o^jre^ ig i^rco^ 18 SiMILIA IN ALUS CODD. 19 ' Pesh. Diat. ar. om. ovv 20 ' ^< om. BiSdaKwv 21 ' a e Pesh. Diat. ar. om. ovv 21 = Pesh. idem. Afam} 6 'Ir/o-ots Diat. ar. = a c f ff^ q r^ aur. lesus 22 ' l< Pesh. Diat. ar. om. wiv 23 ' a f lesiis 24 ' ^< a e Pesh. Diat. ar. om. ovv 25 ' ^J Pesh. Diat. ar. om. olv 28 '-' Pesh. .^cz^ -.aoi* ..^enA %snv< = Dicit eis rursus leshua Diat. ar. = Dixit ettam eis lesus ^^ CvKtv ovv airois 6 'It/o-ovs ttuAiv D citi-ci/ oui/ avroto- TvaKiv o irja- d ^/o:// er^v illis iteriini ihs 28 = A avrois be illis c f ffj q aur. ^/> 283 Pesh. idem. ^< out(vs a .y/V Diat. ar. = e ita 234 John VII. 47 — VIII. 17 ^jujCX^i -^^ 49 -i*.:t* rt'A.i I r^JUr^ ri^=3.l ^iO 13 relA ^.Tcaai.t?3*^ I vota.1 Ash- ^ik'.t'' I Kl.Haca*^ orA ' ^^'i-S«r<' ^^ I rCli-ii.i 14 rdJrC' ^r^ ^ I ^"-2^a-x_. ,_ocaA T^sirc'"' ^"^ I v\A^o."tca.flo r<''T-»'TJt. I ^ocn rA\0.ncnjao >cn re''i*ix- I . tJX^l A^ ^ rcliK* I .icoflQJiw"'' K'ji»l..r<' I ^rcA ._o^3rCo"^ . Kims' I AtK* K'^-rfAo^ ^..^rC I rc'^ta*r<"^ 15 '"rCi^^.i^ vyre"' ^*.l I __o^lt<'^^ K'.Atrt' k1a.A*pcA^ 1 rrfla , h^^^r^ 16 *.^j<^:« m^J.i^.'1 17 1 r<'T»ix. ^^HaL^^iTAfx.i I rc'^o.icaito.t .n..>^v2k I ^^OA^iorclrao* -"^^ . >.^i.iz..i DissiMiLiA IN Cod. Cureton. nij\ojj * 49 (Berl. f. 3b) euLS/x^ca^ ni_jLii '' ^.sn^ 48 '^"i^^i^jp:' tJA\"*^ 47 ^nfix-.'iars' >ilJJoA aJaaAi-^ 5I A t rs"-! '^ ooo^nUu-i ^ 50 . .^^o-irs* ^-i\j-Xnt + " iorf'' rcrxjiA^ 13 pfoon + ^ 12 viii. itf»A:i " coA — ^ 52 lOui^'' «._0;A,^TCtn::.3 ►Ant'o^ 17 . rCirT + * 16 SiMii.iA IN ALUS Conn. 50 ' Pesh. idem. A D/am.^ wktcx; Diat. ar. = c d f ffa q Ti aur. noc^e 50 ^ e om. c!? 0)1/ £^ avTwv 51 ' e r, cm. irpoirov viii. 12 ' i^ 'Lfam} fam}^* a b f q Pesh. Diat. ar. om. vii. 53 — viii. 11. 1 2 ^ ff, Diat. ar. om. olv 12 3-3 Pesh. «iA m.axj = inveniet sibi Diat. ar. = inveniet 13 ' a Pesh. Diat. ar. om. olv 14 '-' ^< Cimv avToh 6 'It^o-ous 1 5 '"' Pesh. ^rcji^^ = Diat. ar. = corporaliter * John vii. 53— viii. II occurs at the end of Luke xxi. in some MSS. of the Fcrrar group which we call /«///. '^. H H 233 f. 15b .aii »_aA^ap<' John VII. 36-47 rdiK'.n i^rf.i^ 1 •ij^lK'.no'' ''. >\ ...^o^K' I ^ax^je.'^ rAa rHir^ 1 Atrc'.i'^ rcl»jS9.l rj'^o'tcaj I rdrj^^ ijsflr^.l I rduk^r^ i.^ ^jsa^ca.'so.i I ^jsa AcvA^^ 38 I *^.T*iu*-.i 1 r^^cvi Aj^ i-Sflr^ ^.1 I rc'.ico^^ oruaoi^ ^JS3 .^_oiij I rcnoA.2k. ^ cuJ5>3i:s>A r<'ocn I jjt!kx.2>3"*' JLiK* ptl^o'^ 45 ^i.^iK'"'*^ I ca-ic\^^r<'^ k'oco ^sa .1^ I '".^coe_. oqW* rc'oco >»"ir<'a"' ^® 29 I .^000'' cn^cd.i AA^* . ca\ I K'Jrc' .^.1* ^^i ' rc:ip<'^^ I oraA .._o_Aurc' 30 »cnoA.2fc- >.•sfi^^^ I -TJr^' nsl\a cn.i-uKlsaA | ^'cx^=ja^° . >J.-»xAx-'' ocno 31 ai.ta»cn I ^.1 rfKli^jflo"^ ^^ cn^.^jL. I ^ocn ^^rc* k1\.t AA^^ I r^l.a-i'rc' "^ "^r^lsal I K'^K'.T rtlio T<^ M > T rq'*^ I oocn ^^H.sarc'o ^"rd^T^ I oco ^.tfl caza ^~ 'O' pc'cuASa I fallen >Q.*»n^ k'^o^k' \'^ ^ ,_j*^*.i 34 rrila I ^^SCVi^^a^^ >-li.TI..T I ^ ^a.\ v-\ r^lAlK'o'^ I r3 rdAi -9i.\ ^ DissiMiLiA IN Cod. Cureton. A\aa — * 29 .^^iuiee-l' oco'' ^--.^sa (f 51b) *a .icd^x^ca^ cnAo .^.oxj'^ § 28 ^~. eiiJB oocn euLSa-iCD nr* t i . *^ ^.aa rKTA^jnio"* 31 oocn + * 30 tJtyx.x.^ relsj^'' ncTJcriA ,-31 —^ 32 ^-. T^jx niicn .T^ja.^-"* ^.oAcn + "^ '^nSsaA:! itf i> 1 tjo rci^rCi t^s^-^ rs»r^a^ 33 . coJOTjunerj.!^ tcLjljT^o niicnji ,^'i^ icncuL^ oj\iT *= KxjTA^ ^~. -tJuA .TJ.-* 35 .^^kjrC + ^ •ii»re'o^ 34 lOrC Aire'o'' r^TJ^i + <= ..^eoA — " K-tcn + '' rC.\£n oj^^ 36 SiMILIA IN ALUS CODD. 28 ^~^ Pesh. cnij w^cucj >uip!'o= Diat. ar. ^/ sustulit leshua vocem ejus 29 ' Pesh. ^-.» = S A Tifam} Se Diat. ar. = b c d f ff, Ti a«^/Jki.TJL.l ^.T rdXr^ >.l^.l I r^oco pci\ » 1 17 . Aisar?! 1^ on 1 I s i ^cx=}^ ^^a.i ^"sn^^ I . rtlirf AAiosa >..i i s..i'= i ^a=j^ 18 "i^ijt. pc^^n I crj"i.vx..l ^^50."^ KUxncxx..i 1 ^jsoo . r^w-t on t <^ A ^ I rdjjLzaOx. ^^^o^aA I .^oQ_» rclx.a:s3 k'oco I rtlX ^^ *^~^_»A oQ-aAa"*^ ' i rdAd-^o acn ig Klxtal I »-\ ^'ooxi.tBoa ,_oAvir<' I ^:tn^ t<\ .^^aasa I .tuo"* K'^ioK' vv^ h\.*r^ I K'cui relxJrC' onA I ^i:»)rc'^° > l \ \n*ga\ I .^^v^K* ^ i s-> 20 ^.l.a..^ I K'.T-a-^ .T-w .^a>z-* I »_acaA ijsqr^^^ vpLAyn-'sal I r^s-t ^-S«* 21 rtAK* 1 r^Jt-Oio ^ lOO oaisa.i I A..^sq K'ooo r^ I nc'^i^v^ .^^O^ .aoo* ^^^o^jnc' ^iv-^l rc'Avajt.i r =30 I . >cn »^__CA-»caL3T<' I ^rfl.i A.^'rq lA^r>3*= I •'X'^vax..'! rclsaci.x^'' I iw^A\:»i ^-tiK' -tj .^^'^^^ I rdsji^ 23 ^jtAr^ ^>JL>.i I ..^^acn^ rdA^^ . K'^a.x.."! I rd:=QCU=} ^.^oA-wrc' I ^'rc^TlrC* 24 I i-'i=j ^ KLaLir<' I oocn ^vsart*©^^ . cua.i I r I r^co KLioA rcAr^ ^"^ I rc^.u > » sq Oicn.i'' ^^ » ^ « ^ " 27 DissiMiLiA IN Cod. Cureton. iaX.+ ^ 18 .».x«kJ<= lOre- or^" ,^0*17 ^-^axj ..^enA isaK*-* 16 §14 ^""' CT1 1 m cvA i \i ^^^Aa.a>a ^x-irs* nEr-Ao"^ ig '^". cos ^ 1 \~^ ctit'M-t "^ (f. 51a) . \\a a — •= ^r^hy it-b"'' ^rcauijs .^j^o"-* 23 ^.^.oAJ-JLaA ^ 21 cuLsa ^ 20 Ir^^ 27 SiMILIA IN ALUS CODD. 15 ' A f aur. Pesh. Diat. ar. om. ovv 16 'A D L/am.^ a c d e ffa r^ aur. Pesh. Diat. ar. om. ovv 17 '-' f de docirina hac 18 ^ Pesh. Diat. ar. idem = in corde ejus 230 John VII. 2-14 ^ \ mO-^.i J^i 2 T ^\ \'^ .l r i i >-i=d\'' >cnaJL.2k. KLare' I .ion (Yirq.i AJ^si r<^*g!i \ s *l rtluio ^.i |A _j;t^cno.T=iv. ,._aj«<' 1 ^ « t m.i 9 ,cncu>r<' I ^'cxrAjto.i i^j ^jsna"^ ^° I rclA^ orA j:^ ^'^cd I \:yir^~^ .t^^ i24b I »i r\'^^ rtdrc' r<^i\ V,^'' | rdl rC'.T^.T-^' ''acn ^rC 1 ji\o> '^ ^.vco 11 I pdAJL.rc'^ ooco ^i.^wrc'o I rt'.Tx:^.n:^^'^ »»3^'' crA I ooco m^-=> f-^flo* rtliV^io ^^ ocn* ocn Au*r<'o ocn I "i\yi^ ^'i.sarc'.i oocn I ^*r<'o ''"K'.t.^.i s\ rc'ocn I rc'^rc'.i 13 ^.1 JtarC^^ I oco T^*ns. r^^s^^ga I rt^r^ -a.^^ rc'ocn rdl I ^i.s>3K'.i oocn ^~r<":n^ ^ oocn I ^Am.i.i* AJ\^i>9 ,cno.V^ I rCocn Aisasa r^ I r<^\^iis. 14 r<^\A»orA I .^az^ ji\nf) ''"rc^\ \^q.i I rc'.T^.o^.i"^ K'ivjsacu ' a^:& I .a^o ^* DissiMiLiA IN Cod. Cureton. ocn — '' » I r.o\s^ 4 Aio + '' ^~. icDCLJirC cnA oocn oisars'ck'^ 3 *~.r»iao-^ § 2 .itijaj + '' t<'T-^U^^8 tA+^7 ■ 11%^^ + " _X3i— " ,-A3| + * (f.50b) 6 »Ao~* 10 ^. -tsBpf ^-lAoj-^ 9 . tJ_iV ncUuat '^ ntiCD — ^ . k'«-^«.^ ** nclirC ji^xn'' ^.aa^ — ^ ^1 nCj:ioca** II . » 1 t oS^-b*^ tirA\^-) ^ 1 1^ '^ '''x»\n ocn ^ArC"** ^~o n \ A> *=~. nfsa.^^ icdclL^'^ ivjrs* + '' re'nc:j^^^I2 ocn — ^ o.^jpc'' . rC*-^ »Ju "^ pe'ivLj»»~* 13 . tT* i\ '^ ng i\-T ^ pCT.^a.T.xA r^ocD rf^rc-i rf rc^ ». \fl» ooo — •* SiMILIA IN ALUS CODD. vii. 5 ^~^ Diat. ar. = Etenim ad hoc usque tempus 6 ' i< D e Pesh. Diat. ar. om. ovv 8 ' ^} D orK Diat. ar. = a b c d e ffz aur. non i o ' A D l.fain} eh t^*' eopTrjv a m diefesto b d Ti /« diemfestum. c e f fFj aur. ad diem festum q /« ^/(?z« soUemnem 14 ' Pesh. idem. Diat. 2iX.—diebus a b d q ri ^/^^ c e f ffz aur. ^/^ 1 4 ^~= Diat. ar. —festi Tabernaculorum 229 jjt^i ^^jOAl^cvr^ John VI. 62 — VII. i I ^.1 ,^_r<'®^ •-J?^ nilVx^ia I nj'.icn .^cvca\ v»r<' I '' ,cna.v»»A^ '^ oacn^ 62 I ''■^^^oiurc' ^'TJ»JK' ^.1 II .^__o^it<' K'i^^'' riix:»Ji ^.io I ^ pci^.To ^ .r^oz^ 65 •^ .^^ooA cAtrc' I ,cnc\:t.x.t3a\^ ^ rc'rtli-^ I 'nc'^Lsa* rc'.Tao A.^^"' ^^ 66 ^rc'o 1 rclsal.i cn^iflQ^^i^ ^' TJSflK' ^"^ I oajsa.^ oocn ^aAca.5>3 I rdAo 67 I ^._Q s*7i T. orA \:=nr<^^^ I ^^_aaA AtrdsaA ,^_o^K' I ^ % n^^ ,^_^^^vJr<' 68 ^XMLip<'a^^^ I vA ^r^* >i\s\.i I r3 ^a,\ ji-so rd^rtlA 69 I U5flr<' ^ '" . K'cnlrC'.T onT=j I r.i AA^ .locoin I riJt. ^'i>3 I ^jjlJ.i rtL-si-MA ^ Clco^^ I . o^i-50Cv ^Xlaicuxra I KLULiw"* 51 T\.iA rcncUM >-anS^ I A.2h..T ocn >"t^^ \^r^ \\ r^liK'n rdi^rC A^s.l 1 Kllco jjL^zJSQ rdi-k^K* l'' ^H-SOrc'o r<'."i*>^ )Q.:^ .tj* I r.:sq.iO OOT rC'^O.^Kl^l^ I ^*r<''i»'ix. * li^Sk ' ^^ 56 I K'JL^aK'^'^ -cara rCJrc'a I ocn'' >^ iJSn.i rc'Axx.a 1 ,i^' A^r^.i ^50^^^ 57 --^ r- f.i25b l''~>'T^ Acv.:ir-*> T<'Jkrc'o | Kluj r^lar^ K^rix..! 58 rc'ocn rcll rdxJSJOX- I ^tw ^jjJ.i rtlaujA even I r3*^ >-» rc'ocrxJ AAr^li'' rci3 I KlxJLo.T^ oooa ^XJsnr^ 1^' >coo.i iraX^ ^:»3 ^ r<'rt:A rCl~^ rcUrs" (f. 49b) ■tsars''' isarC ^ 53 oocn + "^ tju* § 52 T^eLtLsn^ eULsa^ S6 KiuVojxsa * 55 icno.i.'ini nrC ^ . t-ao^ ^ »i^A"^ ^-»T — "^ . rriv_r.o_uia-* 59 Ao-sinia'' 0-1^^58 .*kA(vV»<' ^» 1 \ 'tttfJi" .KsrC^Sy d SiMII.IA IN ALUS CODD. 51 '"' J< Ik tov i/xov apTov cLGT^ ex (e de) meo pane 51 ^ Pesh. Diat. ar. = a corpus vieiim. 52 ' Pesh. Diat. ar. = a corpus suum 53 ' a e f aur. Pesh. Diat. ar. om. ow 53 ^ Pesh. Diat. ar. = a corpus 54 ' Pesh. = de corpore meo Diat. ar. = ex corpore meo 55 ' Pesh. Diat. ar. = q corpus 55 ^ b e iTz Diat. ar. om. ya/j 56 ' Pesh. Diat. ar. = q corpus meum 60 ' Pesh. Diat. ar. om. ovv 60 ^ b e om. dKovVavrcs 61 ' D d om. tV kavTw 227 OAi ^^_OtA^Or<' John VI. 36-49 .1-is. r^.1 I K'oco Kli rc^i*ga T, p3 || AxAuxi.i ^^ >cn 1 nAr<"= I rill r<'^t

  • JrTJt..i I ►JaK'.l*"^ ciUL-fc^- .Tiii»-r<'.t' 1 K'Ari' i-l^^rj^ 39 ^rt* I ^X'ina ^rsi^casn.i"'' I coIats^ ^CUcn.T A \*?3"^ ^^ I r^l.iwK' rtlsjCLLra 40 .O^i I ^.1 T<'*.TOCTX»'*^ r<'*T«t<' I r^lsqcua >coa,ia.j-or<'a*^ I poLkA.l rdLiM ca\ 41 ^•t-sor^a^^ I rclsai. ^ ^vuJ.i I rtLsajA rdiK* p«lir<'.i 1 ■vsarc'.i Ai^^ oocn 42 ._ca^^"i^ r:^ I .Tu 44 .audv^*^ rd.TurC' I Klsacua » en cusa^xi r^ | T^t.TJL.i rtlaK' I crA 45 JtJrc' pt'VM.l I A^y-tq rc'acn rc:\^^ >^cA 1 r<'^t<' . caisn'^ .<\\»c\ I rdar^ ^ 46 K'ca^rcA"""'' I K'v** ^ ocn >cno^T<' I K'coArc' ^oA.i ^ frt>o-»-i CD'va"'' ^rCiCD rCocn rer_A oocd~* 42 (f. 49a) eo_ij» — " JLo-acD + " o_i±o*45 'M-\^+ * 44 — i-ojL. +^ 43 i»ivjuLa^ ttTfnA ,-sa ^JULJ-T + * 48 >AaA.l + ^ ^^ AaI * 47 '^rs:3iid-'' ocn + * 46 SiMILIA IN ALUS CODD. 36 ' ^i A a b e q om. /xe 38 ^ Pesh. idem. Diat. ar. = ut facerem 38 ^~^ D tou nefiif/avTLcr fie : Trarpoo" : a d e ffj Ti ^'^i' ^«^/ w^ misit patris. (e pater) b Pain's qui me misit 39 ' C om. 8c' tcTTiv TO $i\rjfxa tov 7rifi\ffai'T6<; fie. 39 * D d e om. 1$ airov 39 3-3 D fxrj^ev a d ffz ni'M/ b r, aur. quicquam f q aliquid 42 ' hi b om. »cn pli^n I rclA ».^ ^."5a*ca5»3.i I ^c\ ^^J r^A t^cA I rC^K*.*! ^'^ pc^i u.i I r^isajjA DissiMiLiA IN Cod. Cureton. n£_A —^oxjo . ..Jkiax— >9 >cnoi_i_iaA^ ous oi *i \.t re*!^'^ ^~. (^aai« k'ocd ^-«^\~^ 22 rtf'iuuijurc' n g 1 I °^n7 >^r«' l^o^ 23 ^~. r;*^ 1 1 °>m-< r«'ocD lOJOijLiaA^ ^a_^ k'ocd . tcnai i^\^ rc:A ^s^r^a .,^,02^ ^.sait rCocn redl cit-tio + ^ 2/\. ''^i^nfA m^ ..j '*\~'' ^:i+*25 •»^ojejlA+'' rciv.aajl rCii.^A — "^ oocd +'' . wix-iJ-SLOil »^_ocnA oivjua AjuoA^'' re' * 27 . >~»-io^ «%->'' ^-LsarC + * 26 . rs-iv^oj.! r^'i.a-Xs + "^ iopf jjlIa niiSB + '' (f. 48b) Aj^cd + ^30 *=-. ....ojkA ^.sctu fxr-x-jpf-t cnv=>.i-'= rck-JccMsi*^ ocn — '' nS-apC* 32 ..^o_Jc_> ..^cn-A i-sarf XAri-^nl + * 3I ^"ni-iOB ng am u \~^ 34 "^"^jscn — >ivS9o ocn »__juo~"^ ^« u— 1 '^ iojo^p:' — * 33 ft-xiQ " ^ax- + ^ 35 SiMILIA IN ALUS CODD. 23 ^ D a d e om. evxapicrrT^a-avTos tov Kvpiov 28 ' A Pesh. Diat. ar. om. oZv 30 ' e f q Pesh. Diat. ar. om. ovv 30 ^ hi l^fam} Pesh. om. ow 34 ' Pesh. Diat. ar. om. ovv G G 22; ^^^ ^^i\\iot^ John VI. 13-22 . ov\f^ I rdien rdia-ML^ ^JS3 I cvocn ai^K*."! K'*i^.^ ^.1 I aocn oacn"** ^.^■ijsor^ I .i.a-:k-.i iCO* r^'^rS' 1 ov*» O^ vrdLr^r^ ^^ I ._cu co ^^ ^'r^dLxssasi 14 I aoco cux.J^^i^^<'o"''^^^ I . relsaLA rc'^K'.i rtl^ni || •'"^rCi^ijt. cvJco " 15 (\hK*xi" rdLxJsnh^l rc'ocn .ia.a*^® ,cr)0."!CUxi=3 even® I K'ia!\g\ *'~cnl jAaoa 16 l^K'i.n^ oocn ^^K'o I k'^J-l^aq^ 0=^*0^"^ r<^* g i i\ I %cr)o:T.xJ5^^ 17 I ,.._oeo^a\ K'ocn*^ pc'AvK' re'Aa I ca\ ^ocn "^ Av^ru.i I AJ^^ ^ocuxiiSL^ ^^ A>-i y ^ K*^:!! I reUjaicv"'' rc'^JSO-. ^..^on.iVs, I Avjl^Avjlps'o * ^^ .:^cuz^ 18 oVmo I ^^\^ ar^ * rc'^o.T^^r^' I K^tajj vyK* ' airs.t I .T^a'* ^^ '''^ocn ig .Via'* 2^ ^\^^o\^^h\ I rcA* rdin:' rdJrc' ...ocnl I i:s9r^ ^cce^^ ^.1 oco ^^ 21 '"^^^^ rcli^ir^ A\oA I *'"^acn >cn K'Auj^flo I r9CD^ 14 (Olsoju ^ i «i\fC nCJCD n"n u V ^.aa oocn euL&re'V pCti i\^ ^-t oocd aacD — ** 13 '^^ocn iv.3iii pc*^ 1 1 "Mn >cd pC^„\t-) en— aa''' '^ai—ioXaLO-i:! (f. 48a) aacn ^-*__s^o~^ 21 Pi'ocD ^Ljul nc^i—urc' pC^ 1 1 '\ tni pCt-M-i . K^\.sa.«v «acD pciJXi&ov "T T « *> aai~^ § 22 KacD* icna^LUBoA^ >-^'' "^-JLevija"^ ..^ax.j1 + ^ ^"pe'.l-M* itiAr:' . ^jni* ^•TAa . '^^ « ' «^'v — SiMILIA IN ALUS CODD. 15 ' Pesh. Diat. ar. om. irdXiv 19 ^ b d r, Pesh. Diat. ar. om. ovv 20 ' Pesh. idem = leshua 224 John VI. 3-13 ^»>cu*.n ^^i 3 K'acn I .3^ ^tQ^o r<'icx\^\ I ^..^.^^ cnV* jAooo^ I rfca^'i^ A.:ik- K'ocn 6 I .T«^v^ rdssn K'ocn I .j^:t« ix^ocn cnlrA^ I (^."1 r^aflflik- ^ rtlJcJr^"^ I** OASafloK' ^"»_.cvorA' 'TJSarc'"* ^° 32a 11 r^Trou' I ^_COCO"'^ ..^OX^A ^ AnT.*^ I ^.T»cn*^^ ^m,.^^^ OASlflOK' I .t^o ^^^K* K'^o I icnoL^ vfviso r<^i*giri I KlA^o ^x^ca ^'i^o I ^isalua 12 \:^r^ Qvn I a^a-'^^ ''"pc^^t'saop po.ia I ,._as>BiQQi.i >cno.T»:ta\^ I .^^o DissiMiLiA IN Cod. Cureton. • ten r>:'i>-aotr>^ . ^ i •\-^m ^ i •x^m + ** rtfxJi^A'^ .^.©JrC + '' (f- 47b) ^oA» . ..JibA^j oen rcr.rn n\~^ A n T.a'' ^«^CD — ^ II ^'~. ^ i '\\ri' nT.TTn h tc* i i laa nc^xJre' CLa.sakxsK'o'''^ ^oj9^9 ■»■•*" '^ n£_ic\j .\ % ..^K'o n^ incoQ . ^ i "^ i Tim:! ^..ojcaA ,.sm-»a . vvioa ....eyjoi ..^truvsa 07^9 n^^ .^^evjre' — ^ ^3 "^^o^Jo janV^iT . oi^9 ^Tsa"'' .^.isa — * 12 f.62a -U SiMILIA IN ALUS CODD. vi. 5 ^ Pesh. Diat, ar, om. ovv 7 ^"'^ Pesh. idem = Diaf ei Diat. ar. = Dixit ei 7 =* fj manducet 10 ^ Pesh. Diat. ar. = eis 1 1 ' Pesh. /am.' om. ovv 11 * D ttcvtc 13 ^ Dad Pesh. Diat. ar. om. ow 13 ^"'^ Diat. ar. = et duobus piscibus 223 wr %-) . •n«w t ^__a>A^aT<^ John V. 28 — VI. 2 K'caAK'l m\n ;^^ ».. ^ i i._a_ii< re ^ *i n -> -i ^ i i tre* ^^ooAa kcdi . rdcos T ^ . \ . t-*/% .rc^jJui rfk^n ■ n \ ^^actiJ «^_ojk' rC^ ia . \ » = in \ -if ^ i * i fCo ^> ^n «M a^^ 29 ijL\^ ncrA .oen •^J)^ »-Aj»o . niirC .^j^l rCJre' . \'n r.i v Cx-^ arf tcArC ^ . T->%>» aA A V nciiif ricn^ua rOK* •_!<• ^^ . ►J'»=»-x.=l *-»»=» ca-i_i_s- rOre* f A -> ncArC , »■ > 1 -) ^ n^rC 31 ^^^oiors* ^-i_abi_»o' I ^ ^ .icQJ» oen .^jjipC^^ . rci— >i.z. h\aca nc_\ »^a.icn— 09 . ^ t'\i 2,2 rieojBrs'o . i-i-uo_> i»oA ^^oiviTJt. „^oior«'^' > \ "^ icnjCDrCl eni\aieni» »co rs'i— »i— x.^ 33 ^^ [*f.46b] ^^ . \m rs^rs* . rcixo^ctiJB ncUrC ■ imi roupc v=» t-sa re'ocn rCA |-»^ rCJrs'^* . rCiixa * 34 _^^ ' - - Y-»l w^^rC .T«ti_i.»ao 1.XU1 'rCocn rC^i-x. 003 ^^ ,,._o_»»i\ .^_o^kj re*-"! rCJrC i.sape' 35 . ^.Juwo^-T ^J» r^.njl rC^o:ictUD ^-»:i »A Avjre*^^ . ca^caeuua rciu&.Zi-'V .^iaui>-x.i\.l 36 ^_^X. V ^ ■r. ^o^usa (.sa en Vo rd .»i\ % vcnjto aeo i i u W. i r^j3r<'o^'<^ . 1 1 w * t . rCsrfi tA-^ 37 i XJt. ocDT "T * -T'-'T -V \ *n . , ^'v rEtiio.xi.99 ' cnix-Lsa nuo^^ . «^_oiv-iwM cnai_u nuo 38 «.._o_mA\^ .^^o^kjrC ^i-ajDs »,^_o^cfU.T nf-s^uiiA o-a^^ i^^ivipe* ^ ■ i*»xjqua ncA fc^oiuire* 39 , 2/** ''^ ^^_ah\^r< ^i-ajcei «,.,ojcd~^ . ^iiauo oen » 1 v itf-a^uik ^^evjcna . ^bJl.&A 42 .^^o^kJre* ^ 1 ^ 1 n .TO rt:-Aa ».^( rC^n£-a ^ijttre' ..^a . ^A 44 rCcnArC Xj» ^^sa-l nTu -10-x.o . «^o<^r«' ^ 1 1 *in*>a i-u ^.;99 l-u n cTu -a o-r.!! . o-lso^cosaA OCD n^jLCLSa ^^.o^A-t^u AuArC ocd ncMrC-T ^^i^rC * ^i> rCsaA^^ ^.^i^Jre* ^ 1 An nu 45 ^^_a(&v^ocD ^.^(^ 1 Ti » en rciiX.<\r)X3 i-L^cvArC^^ ^^^ikJrC ^i imaa ctls-t acD ^^.^A^j^iLo A.^re' 46 rc'o 47 »^v^ 1^ »..\.:*k. j.!.^ ocp ^^^^_»aco I ..t.l.^o.aorxsq >-=3 ^r^* 47 lA^n*^ I iJjSO-a'' r^l.Sktr^ i^^o^uirC* I ^ i \ •ai^ca.sq rcncx=}^v^^ 1 Qa*ia!5^l'= rdLi^l I r^ix^JX..! p^'irxiA «^_5^'' I orA^ Alrt* ^co i^^ i VI. I .in^h..l r^^o^r^ oocn 1 ^Vm.1 A ^^33 K'reljt-^ao I r^Lz-lSt, cn\h\^ AtK'o^ 2 DissiMiLiA IN Cod. Cureton. .AojLi'' «iA— *i§vi. vL.:i — •= ^IaA" ,_ii4-*47 001 + " ^Ps'o*46 SiMILIA IN ALUS CODD. 30 ' Pesh. idem. Diat. ar.=f q sed 32 ' J* D oiSare a d e q aur. sari's 36 ' Pesh. idem = I'a/er mens 38 ' Pesh. Diat. ar. om. Ix^jf. 39 ^~ ^ a b fFz in quibus putatis uos uitam habere : 222 f. 109b John V. 17-28 , ^»»a.*i r^l^i 18 \^^ I ^i r ."»:x!>- K'-i-X..! aJa^ .io.4jJl3 I r<\ cra.\.\ya..tqA 0000 I ^.t.^a K'^vAjso ^ pC'.icn I — I ocno"'' K'acn rt'iua I *~>cncirjt<' K'co.AK'.n"^ A\y'g3 I rtfllK' rc'^.a_x. K'aco 19 ''^^sop^' ...vsa* I .^.ooA * ijsarc'"' ^^ PC'ctAre' I pa^ cax^ K'ooo I ^'yxixS^sn I -Sire' .i.a.i^'saA cax?\\ \'^ ^ >3.V5« r<'i=s I jjl^ rtll.i »^_cia.l 1 rdjijsnr^ ,coa=3r<'.T'*l relS3 rdAr<' ^".la^ I K'Acv"^ .T2l^.i ,cnci=)t■ 22 I r<:s3P^22 pjj^ ^Ai2>a*cn»3."| I ^o.V^re'A riJS>3r<' 26 i^-V^ nCJ-ajrC^^ ^..o-u^a ' rfcoArCT CDi^)."! «aA_B ^.^v*n t i rcivjusa .^rCI . cn_ii«-»re' co—l ^rC M^^acaji rci-aA .J^rf .jscn-* rt* 1 act . ca.saeuLa.ia ng iJb ^rC n^-sr^-Xit ^i-^-l^ix rCAo^^ . fC-XJpCl OCT CTi;3-T iig.i_>.T A..^ CTi \ \ T. rCQ ^^ . OT-aaQ in -i nt* j w 27 28 DissiMiLiA IN Cod. Cureton. •^^uuLAjoo"" ^»-3«< rCon-Afier-ii-* 18 "-. ntl-JTa-y-^ -ArCo ^ _a.ev-Jt_. * 17 OCT + * 20 OCT — ^ ^Ars'o^ T-a-^ ncAo -^ ** ivo-a- + *^ ^.jjore* + ** . -^liCVJCj* 19 ixiiorCl ».^"ts»ali\i\ rcAo"'^ rC-TrJA + ^ ^_»i-»i\_.-"lo'' . m \, 1 oot-i + '^ "^Jnl.iaiAO"'' . inAaa + "^ "^in-i-sa rC_l rCi-aAv ^Joo"'' n£ ii trC ^ 23 (f. 46a) '^. «^_ojkl *-KAi^ A \ -n-^ 24 SiMILIA IN AI.IIS CODD. 17 '"' Pesh. idem. Diat. ar. = dixi'f eis ; 18 ' i<{ D a b d e f Pesh. Diat. ar. om. ovv 19 ^~' ^i eAeycv ow a^rots I9=^abceff2 Diat. ar. om. ouc 19 3>< om. d/x^v 19 '♦Pesh. rcsivi^^^ quae pater Didit. ar.=^ quod . . .pater e quae eni/n pater 20 'Pesh. idem. Diat. ar. ■=fiHum suum 20 ^ q om. epya 25 ' e om. ot dKovVaires 221 ^' cu. i^cvr^ John V. 3-16 II even . rCoajTA:! r<'r^-\^ojQ9 rCo\anngj oocn ^-1.2010^ . ^o\jB9r«' r^xUxM coa ^rCo • rfimjo 3 r-i _ f. 109a I Klii.^CXi.n'' ..2k..V» ...^i^* . nisail .j^ojj icn-*t-M lAo^ . «ocd eiuiA ^ 1 i jc. 6 I >-lAJ»)i-i'' rdx.t3a OJwit^r^.i* 1 tJ».i.i3 ^ 1 ..^^Ajr^* rc'^rC' r^nc' '^.T^- I rdirtf''^ ' K'^.tOJ^.^taA *"r<'^ShJL I i=ia"^^ ** vAcna v^ooijk. I Actax. ^cto »^_i^^ caA I x:snr^^ oco ocno I vvlcTso ''"cruaoi.^ A.n x. I po-oo"''^ even rc^i.-n.^ I paA-*»^r<' 10 I *~^oaA ^ijsart' r\jj^r<'.i~*= l^'ocn ...^oorA i.^K'o*-^^ I vyflov«w. Acuix.^.1 I vA .\i\t. rdi ^'^. vJiooo II vryaoi-^ Acv-n-z..! »A I "i-swK' even ^A.'saA.MK'.i I '^'^^ »-lJt. ''".,_T^-l AA^ "^ I g I •gj rCcvcn .2k..i-A r^ I rc'i_=i-^ ocna^^ 13 ^xAcn I -lAvra ^^^"^ *=". K'-.ajj ^^^"^ I cn^irujA K'^^oi ^JSO coA I rC'oco 14 r cruo~* Q • vv^J-aA At + '' • wXo_x-j * 8 ^^a ocn ^;a-L«i\rCT — "^ ocn + ^ isarC* II *~»eD rC^jkjc. . rtjioch-. cuA ^-.iaare'"* lO . vyAcDo vyfisi-^ Ac\ n t.t vyA i-aarC-l t<"i.^\^ n^_iCD o-i-sq cn-A ^i— sorC ^^ -|- '* t-sa — * 14 '^'. rf r ir^T itUcia A\na"^ '^»^o T » iJ^ ocn"'' i-0>r«'i»re''I * I3 rCi-a^J* 15 .rCJSaXa^ -j.1.^ ^ (f. 45b) i-a>r«'i»re'-l ocnA + ** ..A.ojc^'' re-ocn + '' ...^oJuA'' ^~CD^\\r>ao-^ 1 6 . » ifi^ wrCi '' ^'oeo SiMILIA IN ALUS CoDU. 3 ' ^i C L q om. iKSexofj-evwu ttjv tov v8aToi KLvrj(Tiv 3^^}CDdfq om. V. ^. 7 ' Pesh. idem. Diat. ar.=5(?^ 9 ^ Pesh. idem, 'i^ koX lytpOrj D/am.^/am.^^ koI iyepdeU abe e^ surrexit Diat. ar. = d ffj ^/ surgens 10 '"' Diat. ar. = ^/ <://w vidissent ludaei ilium . . . . dixerunt ei e C//w vidissent autem ilium iudaei dicebant ii " b om. t*. 12. 220 John IV. 36— V. 2 ^ 1 iift-*.i ^*i 37 •.«_Tj*r<'.n K'iiJL.i 1 r^'AvAjW ca*h\*r^ -v*^ I r<'.ica.=j^'^ i^_0|V»jJl r^xu-^r^ 38 .-V^JULaoA ....ewaix-fT-x. nOKo^S [CuRETON] | '.l^i* ^ ..^^i^r**©* ►^T I I OCO ^^_oi»_\_^ .__0(kJr>T
  • rs' nilrC . eos »^_oi\_»rtf_A »^ioi< r^aca rC-ll JaTsn 39 • ncL»v»JE. ^.99 COS ojlsxjcd KTi^-jL^jOD JOB jx'i*-*-* »*» ^.sao ^^ . vvoAcDT »__ooai.sxA A_^ 40 ^»Aa*0 . kA %snf< h\Ht. -^.n >«a AaA ixooo re'i-sare'.T . re-i^iors* tcai cbixaictiao A\'n 003 d ^^ PcixkjncA oocD |_.ijnr«'a*2 . eDi>-L» AcA-sa cos c i-n .cn ' rCrcu^^Joo " . »-tJ»eL. ,_iiiA» . >»»« ^ -a^ i th A\y *»a rCocn nu . \ i *\*n . icn 0000 re^soA-^-T en 1 I w Tm o->aCD ^K"f->iJC.T ^-^l_>o . e n 1*0 45 , -r*' ^ ■ ^^ f ""« ^ -^" rci\rC .taq** . iia_>iv^ia rcA oi&\-i-*.-i.S)a.3 r e*! 11 T rCocn .icius ^^.^.cvjlj r^-|.jviu^ OOCD o^Mx* iJ-^ ..^ojoj .^rCo . re'X.^T.&»=> >iAjtiorEr_3 ■T.a.&.i yax^n a\j» xa 46 ooor^i-aajtt ».,_oJcn ncrj^ rCacn t-> ^t iixrs* . rr'\ i i\J» >r: i\n \ ^ .^o^ re'ctcn rci^rCo*" 47 1 ^ — » * »A*' . K'aoi cn-ii_ak cn-vanr .v" nr •\\'^ - t 1 . v ^o-u-ii-a-a^ rCocn k^rc'o t<«-u-io hy&M^i m \sn rCocn tfAno . cn^oA t a . cnijaA 49 cnA itrcL-sa rcAv-Jk ^o-m li^n hI^Am -t •^ "k cnA vnrt'^^ ^.. ^ t-n i cn^ rcA ..^uu^ rcA 50 rCi-aX_ <^™ ^~sa->CDo . n£-i-u v\io rs'cn yv^ i i\ A| . ..^evjcj cnA rs^r^ ^^ ' . rg 1 )\ 51 vvi-^l coA ai^Qre'o , toiai nina >cnaT S v icno-a.Trc' AirC l^a^^ •_^o-X->v'' 00^ ' •n-> 52 -AJcko lA-sjaixp!' cnA ' ^iAire' . i.*."^ x. pCocd pc*^ V t. r<--u>n£2.T ^.^e^jpc ^ AntfJua^^ . rCj-u 53 v\'isi »-:^cvxj cnA iAarC-i p^^ % t. icn^^i icneuarc' ' .^.x^a^^ . rck-x.rC cn^uo-a-x. ^ 1 % t . 54 «J9k • .^oxj «.a_^nt ^^ii^v rC^rf ' lOO ix'-icd^^ . cd^jus cnAo^a ocd ^J9a->cna . nT 1 h o o rgl I 1 V V ^acoj ^^n K'^rC [•f.45al V. I . ^ \ T.ian^A w3.oXj Pi'acD x> < nr>a . n^^riaca-i.i ns'-T.^l-^ R'ocn r^aca ^-aAcn i^us*^ DissiMiLiA IN Cod. Cureton. acn + "^ ^vurca^ 37 SiMILIA IN ALUS CODD. 40 ' q Pesh. Diat. ar. om. ovu 41 ' q Pesh. Diat. ar. om. ttoXAw 42 ^ Pesh. idem. ' hei 43 ' Pesh. idem. Dizt.^r. = Iesus ^-j,ihJ 46 ' Pesh. idem. Diat. ar. == Qatna 48 ' r, Pesh. Diat. ar. om. ovv 49 ' Dfam? b d e ffj Tj Pesh. om. /xou 50 ' i< Toi) lr,(Tov 52 ' Pesh. Diat. ar. om. olv 52 '^ N A D a b c d e f ffa q aur. Pesh. om. ovv 53 ^ Pesh. Diat. ar. om. ow 54 ' e Pesh. om. iraXiv V. 2 ' a b d ffa rj Pesh. Diat. ar, om. 7rpo(3aTiKfj 219 f. 131a jXiT ^.._aA^ar<' John- IV. 23-36 K'^K'.l rdino I'K'Axrc' ''pt^Mi T*?3 rt'co"'' 1 r^'^AurC' ,00 * rCisQr^ ^^ I . ciA 25 I K'^^K' >ci30^® ciA I AuiOcn x:snr^ reLum I arf h\ » ^n'* relua I OK'.I 28 K'iaL^i ov** o^^® '^ K'ijsorc'a I T<'^U-».t:sai AOi^coio^ I . cn^oa Auint* 29 Aa-^o'*^° I rc^u I T*g3 cuocn ri:iJ5^ Ao.^* I >-l iisare'.-i 30 Ao^r^.l 1 *">coo.'»\i> ooco I ^ts."io~^ ^^ ^coA^oA r<'ocn I ja^i .^^az..i 31 Acx^re'.t I t<'AAa^tA h\^r^ I »^_oorA ijsgf^^^ rtlsajjA I ^...^ocnTi s 32 :u» ,^_cuco I ^TJSart' ^^ crA .^^oAur^* I ^i^ n* rcA .__o^r<'.n || rc'x^r^ 33 *,^_octA I ijaape*^* • A^rtlsai y^x^yi I coA >^rc' JXAr^ i-^ I rdsoA .tjjA 34 I >ca_iJ2ali-rc'o^ i^l.T-x.! ^.i I en \»i^ ocn .i n ^. K'.i I »JLi >Aua^r^l5Ja'' ^xjj'i. «_aJrc' I rs\ 35 ^.^_a\iAiS. I CC5a-.'ir<'.l .^^CtsA r^lai.SflK' I rC'oo . K'.n^u rC'^K'o I ^iwrc''' rc'.lO-jj I 0.1^ ^o^^ K'.T.* u \ I >\»o '^ io-jj.T r<'^v^.ir<' '* I O^VmO*^ 36 DissiMiLiA IN Cod. Cureton. ^l^ttT ^-lA^rCo • ocD n^Jnoi ix^ tfaiApe* + * 24 ocd*^ vv~*r^ + '' pfcn — '23 rC-ips* A \*nTiT'' •.^.cv-z— >^ 26 '^. ^*sb Aoa ^A jaT i.ti ooj-^ '^n f n 1 tjo t A-a^ 29 iT:aui«A+*= ^0 03 itAtpe'o'' eniuaja-x.* 28 iv-ij '' ^« pe-acn AAaaj»-* 27 • CDoTxiaA^~^ 31 ^. CD^oA oaos ^^rfa . t<^^\-i^\sn ^Jn CLO-A^er^ ^O nCsAAl ** t^eua^ia ^ • ...^CiSj OCD + * 34 fc^o^re" — ^32 (f. 44a) ^cn iJn aocD t- 1 V-i ^-al ^TO-M rciv^iire'*"'' .owmo*^ ^juij^rC — ^ i^i>J«<'*35 "^^ rf taj>A » mo i in \ t . rfa'*^ SiMILIA IN ALUS CODD. 25 ' Pesh. Diat. ar. om. 6 Acyo/xevos Xpio-ros 27 '"' Pesh. *» xaq = Et dum loqueretur Diat. ar. = .£"/ d^«^/« /})j^ loquereiiir r, ^/ /« ^?^ ser/no/ie 218 John IV. 10-22 ^i.*i^ocn*' rtfl^.T* o\r^ 12 ^^rV -=31 AvJrf I plA.l^^ r^xM KJxJSO I v^A AuK* rt'-XSa^K' I ^JM^ >co r -\ . \ r -I r 1 txiisa oco -^K'cv I r<'.Tcn'' r^\:a ^ .acra« I ocn.i ^\^^sr^ .sasn^'^ I ^ 13 I ^\cn ^20 r^^xJ.i A.Sk'' I ._iJS>3^ coA Tsars' -"^^ oaA:^o I >ona.i=30 iinx.r^ 14 ^coA I \h\r^ rCLirc'.t ^ rclii^s I ^ rC^-xJ.i A^o ^^ I K'oo-J .so^ r<'>i.S>3 »^_OOcaa cnX 1 rtlJK' ^ .racn*.!'^ »^O.lco I rdi-SO r^Ar^ >\.:A I K'cn-J kA 15 I »a3"* caA rc'i.saf^^® I >iAj!k.A.T vt'i .t*\ ^^.iri® 1 relA.SJ.1 r^l i^tg i ca^ f.i3ib I ^^c\cn Kl\.T pA I .acn »■%:» ^rc'^^JK' 16 ,.A ,io >At »._3-^^ ' <^^ i-S>3rc'^^ . nii^SJSco ^io I rdiX.t Kl.^rC'o r^ J 7 caA I i.SOrC' reA-a^a >A ^A cq\ I rc'i.sorc" ^"^ . rC^icoA >^o I . »a\n.~>\ 18 ^.lA^la *'r<'_xJ»33."t I AA^so"^^^ rA ^\.i 1 >A^iiOT<' Vl^i. ,.^_ji^* rc'.Tcn . >.^A.:^-.a I T.iJS>3r<' 1^ .^^o^vJK'o . 0.v^;fii» K'ioA^ I p^licraurj ^ca.spC' ^° 21 I . ►Ai»*cn'' r^^^r^ •^j^* I ca\ ijaiK'^^ . rf^.Tij^ I ^s» oen )cAx.'ior<:=>.i I «_C|i^^^ pcAx."ior^ .^_o^lt<'^^ . rdrsrcA r<'.iocn_* ^J5« I KIl-m.! ^AjaIK* ^^2k..i^.t I KlsaA^ ^.Xixlr^ ^*^J^o I ^l«».3«'o DissiMiLiA IN Cod. Cureton. ^-aa — "^ li-SQ . K'ixivJre' icn + * II (f. 43a) ivjocn'' cn^cncLSa'^ ^ocd'^ 10 >J3oi\ + '' ^-lAjre* + * 14 Ao.a'' •^o-X-j* 13 ^. ^^clo^a^ „.._a^rf'^ 12 wa.o.xj* 16 re-ivj-rs" — " ^.tca K-^h^ri"-^ I$ ^-.Tii — ^ r^j^g. _ d A^c<'.'i'= ""•rrj-aj irTJrC itr^vj*-'' . t-i>^"' rcno."T-tS»a\^ I hciIk'^ r<'oco ."Wta-stJ^ I .1 cuxVsj "^ ...^vsa'' 000*^ 3 i rC'H^rcliD K'oco i-n.:^ I .T^"^ "* r<*-\..t.V.^ .rao^^ I orA** AtK*© .TOoo-xA 4 ^vjt- r«l^x. '^l >ocn ^r^ .a^ •^.i"^^ I cvos .1^0 r^^\ a.i 00 | ^__oca\ f.98b coA i:2api'o° I rdijsa r-=3cn^ ^^V^a^ 9 ^ K'AoLSal I rc^i^Jb >A ^K* Ar^JC I Kll^-.r^' ^IK* Ki.iOoo. I ^K*^ K'co 10 DissiMiLiA IN Cod. Cureton. " = deficit. ^-.:i ..^»j-'' § I iv. rcojxj ^ irrJl *^ rs^T * * ^ » * :| *= ^Jao " • * * cas«»l * 36 r "1 ^ * * *^ ~t.\m pcaoi l^a.xsoQ~^ . iCDoTJJsaA^ ^ o * * * '^ o-^ * * * '' ^«^o T » Ti M T t-*-! e»iA ^ocD re-T-ik-ajn-* 4 >J3 * * * 3 -to u ^ -1 — "^ ..^.o.z-*" ^nsAo-* 2 ,rT r -1 r t. taX^J9x\h(a^ 8 *,****^ =--.=.i^ .^^-= t^Lsal" ^:| + ^ 6 ^S>JOeuA^ SiMILTA IN ALUS CODD. iv. I ' Pesh. idem = atifem 1 = Pesh. Diat. ar. om. 'Ir/o-ovs 5 ' Pesh. Diat. ar. om. ow 6 ' Pesh. idem = aquarum Diat. ar. = «^«a^ 6 ^fam} a b e ffj J"! a^r. Pesh. Diat. ar. om. outcjs 8 ^ Pesh. Diat. ar. = ingressi erant 7 ' i«i ti": b Ti quaedani 7 =* Pesh. idem — aquas Diat. ar. = (aquam) 216 John III. 25-36 ^-i.*»a,-.."i crxai r -I 26 oco ^rai ca\ I ^*H-^flT<'o ^IjjCU h\o\ I csh\r^c\^^ p<'^«A.i^ A:^ I rtl».'|O0fx» I ocn .2kr^ K'cn ,cnav:^ 1 ^.icaflo ^Jrt'a I ^l.iicv..>.i K'ia.a^.a K'ocn I vr^aii,.'? col I ^aca^^K'^ •-J!?' rCAri' 1 ^.t-Sa r^i^rc' ..ajaaJSaX I r^Lx^r^ "irD jjL^y.-sq 28 I ^*Ocn ^"rCll rrJlir^.i I ^'i.iflrf.i"^ >A oncraflo ^.i I ..^^inc'^^ . rdx'Sajt- ^,S3 29 ^K'.i ^^n'' AJ\^»i^^^ I ,cncv=»3."tfl ^.l'' rtlirc' I kIaxAx. rtdrt* . raA >Ao** I rcn I r<^ n \ \'Si 31 rdl^K'o'' ocn I Aoa,'' ^ An.\ n^^rf I AiA ^^^^ ^V-'^' ^^^ ' AA^"^ ^^ 98a r<'j_,rCc\^ AWiJa^^ | rcl^iK' ^^o*^ ocn'^ I r<:^"ir^+ <= ^.sa " A\i« — * 29 ^^i — " ^f^* ocno^ * * * £n^ ocn + ^ fs:_a>ii< ^j» "^ ocno'^ ^"ij^ocn"* 31 ix\^+ ^ 30 CD^oicTUCDa + ^~. %-n rCt-u4 ^TJ39~* 32 ocn »^_o^oa.Ao-a, ^-so A a\ — ' * * * j,li neTJ-jrC"^ 34 '^rcijij. p^cnA re'i"'' ^"t-*"* A-sld-i rcrjurC"^ 33 .\ -tnaa .^JrC Aj. rc:A X&o coA ocn 5a_«i~* 35 S cniixA nC.=re' reJuoi"'^ rc:A ^ * Aib *^ mixjc^ *"ij.\^ r 1 SiMILIA IN ALUS CODD. 25 ' Pesh. idem = quodam 26 " Pesh. idem. Diat. ar. = et inulti 29 ^ Pesh. idem. Diat. ar. = magno 29 ^Pesh. Diat. ar. = ecce 31 ' ffa auk?n Pesh. = q ^«/;« 34 ^~' A C D o ^tos Diat. ar. = a c d ffj ^i aur. Z>^wi 215 :u*^ ^.^^Ai^oK' John III. 15-24 co.iiw*"^ II coirAi' Kliik^p^ Kl^iA I pc'ctAk' -rxitr^ "^*\»' '<^^cn'''^ Tq.\^\.i 16 I — I. r. -1 nslsiA-iA ,cncuo.TJ.T '^ I'^coi^^' K'ooAni' ^:^.x. 1 -ui^ rd\ ^"^ '^'ctA Auni' ^ 17 ^rd\.1 ^o ^.1^X93 rcA I ca=3 ^so^oriifl.n ^ ^^ I rcl»jj ona r<^-?i\s..i I rd\r^ 18 cucn^-"^^ '^"rc'-iujua K'irj.i'*^ I ca'saxrs ^i> rdX.i I ''"A.:^- ^.i ca=j~'' ^*caso 19 .T3^w ix^ K'ivxXflo.T I ^.^33 AaA^^° >cnc\.T3.^i. I®^x.x=j.i A\^^>3 rc'icnoAl.i ** 20 ''~,cno.Ta^- »^_av4*^i"''^ I r.i rt'icocxjA r^^rc' I fo ''"..jsi coA I ri'^rC"^ ^ i\cf3 \hv3 ^o^^^ 22 I T--5t» '' ^^^rC* 23 ^~. rfocn T^a^soo i^^ottsxA"^ vyAcn^v-sa "^ ^.o- -o- re'ijJBrc' ^vjljs ^_vjao_> rCacn .\ "vi rcUcaiA fCAaT-:^ i-i.\^ rcil'* 24 rsTcTj^ia — * SlMILIA IN ALUS CODD. 15 '"' Pesh. idem. A/am.^^ fxr] aTroXrjTai dAA' Diat. ar. = b c e ffj q fi aur. non tereat sed 16 ^ Pesh. Diat. zx.^X\.fam} tov vlbv auTou abcdefffariq zmx . filium suum 16 ^ e iTj aur. mitteret 1 7 ' A ihv vihv avrou Pesh. Diat. ar, = a b c d e f ffz q Ti zuv.Jilium suum 17 'e om. £ts TOV KoV/xov 20 'e manifestetur q manifestentur 23 '"' Diat. ar. oy t)"**^ = ^'^ Aennon 214 f. 93a John IIL 3-14 ^i.«a.*.i -^n 4 r>.^q.\ I ca:snnf:\ cruaoT^A .so^ I jjL^zJtq rtlmA.i 5 I .t\^^09 r^<' ,.__r<'.T I vA Kli "tJSO ri* ^x^Mr^* I ^ASsr^ ..^^i^ crA ijSWrf ^ 6 yaiJsxi^ I . K'oQ^rt'.T ca^cx!i.\:5i\'' I ^ "A^fc-Sal M^x:sn 1 rcl\ . pSaSJO r^jjoi ^=« ocn I r.i I ^.i-rqo .^ ocn r<''ifia=3 || K'iflass ^JSq .tAl».1 7 ^...^O^l^ I Axi-i^an^n i-io.l^^ rcAo"^ I'^'><1«'= ocp rcfuoi I rS'caW.i A\5»3 ' '^ 8 ^r*' .sw'^ax. l^*caLna rtlSLXJ I Klxs^.t i^rC' r.ioaiaa:»] ^IjjlIK' I ..^o^r^' ^A^isa^aca^q I kAo ._o^A ^i-SoK* 1 ^xiK* r-liai5a*(TJ^' »^_OA.\ •T.^Z3r<' I ^UK* r I rcltOjj " Cod. + oin • DissiMiLiA IN Cod. Cureton. Ao\-2a ^ . \J^ nrrJXLs ^-in^l A.\.j»a + ^ 6 r^^euaA.»vi " (f. 41a) 5 ^ deest ad JLik-s&l , A V \ ^.-a = .^_«\^^ ocn rc:Aoi + ^ • ^'V^^ 7 • iAji^rC re'enArC ^^na + ^ rcTo-M — '^ . "T ""i ^.siaa'* '^"•TJuiusa.T oc-ire* Acu^ icnoiwjre'"'^ ncTAjrcT-A'' -lev u 1 -> ocn + ^ 8 A^iaurf T "^ ^. cnA iiorfo «.^cvjcj r^^-ik."^ lO ^. cnA -vsorCo OaojaTn 1 1 niJ_^"^ 9 oiA — •= n^Ao'' rcocn — * 14 '^. »ri'n«j3 t^ocn"'' rc:A*I3 ^-loans' + * II SiMILIA IN ALUS CODD. 6 "^"^ a ^z^/a Z^ewj- spiritus est^ et ex Deo natus est e r^ qiioniam ds sps est ff2 aur. quia ds spl est. 8 '""^ ^^ Ik toD vSaros Kai tov TTVf.vjxaTocQ-i^,^ I t^\c\ 17 I ca\' * ^-li.saK' -"^^ >-i\apc' I v\Avxs3.T rdix^.i .ru^.i I >cno.'Utia\^ o-r^.T^r^ 18 ^aJ»cl^ I rs'^^lo rdlA^cn I oio^vj» ,^_cmxA TJSoK'a I ...^^^ Kli.^^® 19 I r^-\ .^^ CO >JL=3^f<' I ^i \ X. ^\x-cv ^».s.3iri ^Vxra |j ^J=n ^.1 pajj .ta^^ . rc'ocn I i.sarC' coi^^;^."! 22 I cu:»L>caa K'-vA^.i 1 k'.ta^.i^.i r^^vmaArj' 1 ^Lciorc^a rc'aco .t^o^^ 23 ccn^^ ,_ocnA* .ta^.i I K'^a^K' ocvco ^^V-m.1 I AA^ r^rf.% \flp ._j^l 24 rc'ocn T^s.-thcyi I rcAo^^ onTri^i-r<' ^ rdlisarC' ^aSOpC' I ^xSOrC' «»>_^^ cnA iJsarC ^ I cn_"»-2»- r<'ca\rc'.1 ^ r^ArC* 3 DissiMiLiA IN Cod. Cureton. (Deest ad iii. 5.) SiMILIA IN ALUS CODD. ii. 18 ' b e f Diat, ar. om. ovv ■ 23 ' a c e f ffa q r, aur. in die b in diem 23 * e in eos i.i. I ^ Pesh. idem. Diat. ar. = /^/ 2 ' Pesh. idem. T>\7i\..^r, = ?mssus es 2^/am} om. d av TToitis 212 140a f. 1C2b John I. 35-45 ^wa^.i Kl*i 35 >cno.Ti:»i\^ ^■50 I ^^i^o ^ImCu'' rc'acn I parelo " rdiiijr^* nd.'soa.xlo^^ :2b 11^ 37 '^ Aisasa aii"*' I ''^lAjaA ' K'.Tk^iAA '^ ...^cucn I ,coQ.b.»ix-^ .t^o^"^ . rc'orArC.i 38 rdiso I _oca\ i»)K'a'= ^ — -i^^ I ►JA^K'o^^ '^ .^ cniiva •.^oca^ 1 cAtK'"^' 39 ' •-?*.??^ x.'sor^^^ . h\ir^ K'acn I rda.V.rc'^ ^ ^i ca\ ^H.^33r<' I ^.^^^r^ t*^^ I — I 40 ^jya I^.T.*»a*° . K^'rOfi-s-'" r^;»Jt. I vyir^ >ocn Au.rc'cv I oco Kisncx-. oaco I >cna.MT<' . rc'acn cn:»i.x. I Qoct»"i.TJr<' ^A.^cu>.i I }Cnc\.v.i-.t3bA^ ^^^tJco'' 41 cni^^"''^ I ,cna,Mr<' * .^OiJSuA rc'v*** I QPCV.i.TJirc' ocna^^ '^.^_aiJ5ax.."i 42 I^^ "• KljAj-XJsA I >caj.JU*jL.^' t-ar^^'^ ccl\ I i.sori'o ''". r<::7iCun I loo Qooi.\^a 43 I Qoa<\»\i^i %%\x,r^c\ I K^lAiij^ orA ja^rxA I rc:^- rCliT«r<' rcLsaO-Aa^^ 44 I ^vl3 ^i^ cnfloi^ I Ooct^Li.^ ►*! cvcn^* . >i^3 1 r^*^ •.._VS>3 coA ^^wK'a 45 I ODCi^JLiAa^^ ^_cc2»j;' I ooct-.i.TJK'.'t cn^JL^.i:^ I ^jso r<'c\cn rc'.v*^ >cncA2h. I .^^^.i ocn A^rtli^vA I ooa.^Vi.^ orA i:=Qr<'o I A^rcau.M.^z.rc' . r^liba 1^ r). wiiOJL*^ 42 i-Mrs* — "^ nisao^-l cni2.-X — '' .nCiinia^ 4I .niArc:A4-*^ ^jlAco'' •^deest ad iii. 5. %Ma^ SiMILlA IN ALUS CODD. 35 ' e Ti Pesh. Diat. ar. om. TraAi;/ 37 ' Kfam} c f aur. om. awoD 37 ^-2 j-^ [^^/ sec\uti sunt eum 38 ^ Pesh. Diat. ar. om. (o Ae'yerai fx^dep/xyji/ivofx^vov 8t8ao-/^a.\ r<'i\»<'.i '^ ,^^i^A* I K'v** rdJ'u*»rc' r^lsacuXa^^ 29 AxijsoK'.i OJcn^^ I rd:sa.Li-.i on^^jj anx..i I ^ p<'cn^ r^coAK'.i I cnvssrc' 30 A\-n ^ . v^sjio II ctA r<'ocrJD . ji^ra I rc'^r^ r<'izi\^ tcncvA^ I ^ocn* AJ\^ I r^t< caA ^oco -i»-."T-» I rdA Kllr^a^^ . >-lJt?3 ocn I . ^.t^.n^.i 31 I ^ImO^ acriajo^^ .TJSi^K' I r.i pdiK' ^^rc'^i A*ijaQ*r.T^ x^nr^a L.iJ»A Kii.TJL.T ^ 1 rA vsarC' a^cn.n ^ncn^JoK'o ^V-u I rclirc'o^^ r^-X-."iaj3.i I tot.=j .iJ5a:;>.5>3 I ocn 34 ocn 1 o.vsa, ocn DissiMiLiA IN Cod. Cureton. fcr-suns''' K"»eiu + * 28 fBr-irf j^-o j. * 27 '^ir'-La.rC-'' iupe- + * 25 i. nc:icn A\.sa + * 31 (f. 40b) Ac\'>a'' ^OCD — * 30 ri-hw^ XA.^ .^^axjA^ ^ 2g fffn^ + ^ 33 ncTJCVj VY-'K'-I + *^ n^JLTCLc-i — "^ ^t-u^ 32 SlMII.IA IN ALUS CODD. 20 ' ?< e cm. Koi o}fj.oX6yr]criv 21 ' fj numquid 2t ^ fj cm, rt' ow 22 ' a b c e ffa Pesh. Diat. ar. cm. ovv 22 ^~^ a fi 9 ocn ps'ocd tcnct^rC ifooArCo . rCcoAr^ 3 r^aco:! ^T^a~^ y-»i aca , ^ooi tn^a ^sajco-i •xjk' Ao-A-ia * . rcicDCLi ^ ^ :iciuiaJT 9 K'i\r<'-1 JUrs' i-a .\ ^1 im.A±a:i . re'ii.x.-'i k'^cdcli ^1 i CDo^r;'^ . rCicDoai ocd rCtcrutD , re-2nJLxl rs'^R' ctiJ-alA^^ . d-Skl^ n^A nE:*w i-abO . iVacn cn-s ngan' v ocdo . rcocn n£^9aAji.s^^ 12 IT* I 1 ^ .I nri \ \o-r. «^«aA .om-* » eg o ' -% n i ^1 ^ 1 ' i rf ^^ . iCDAA-a^ n£_A caJ_*:ia 13 r^i t -1^ ^.^a n^Ao n££a:iJ3 n^A^l ^ 1 A » rC ^^ . ^ 1 1 *n tcrua cn'nr-n ^ 1 * » rC ^.^ocru rc K'vi-z.o rf^c 1 1\ 15 K'^K' *vi«-3l ^ocD ^i^ofCl OCD n^iCD . i.sorCo icdoA-x vcottrC ^-Ljaeu>a^^ 16 ^^ 1 *inni ^(XA ^ 1 u iri* cd^ojlAsq ^.sao^^ . > , 1 .m ocd i.fin:ua.i A\,att . fSaXa ooA pfocDo 17 rC^o *i i\o . ^rsoa^^rc n£:.x.(V9Q «.i-3 f^iBCLSpaj :i ^'^ , rf^o 1 1\ . *% 1 h rc^o "ii^o . ^ i,m irC 18 pfT I u »~^ . tcn->t-» ncA .XJCi' ^o^.ao ^.sq rcooAicA^^ . rCocD vi n iT*n ..^cvkj ti -b i«"Ti-z.o 19 :Ul . ^ 1 ncv-»T CD^orforiA *cd k'icdo^^.^^ •—i^^v-z.rf ocn . >cdoj3«'.t co-so-a. ^.saV '"pci-a [*f.40a] ^an h\^F^ cnA ^-iAicrjE.o . n^cvA'o rCjm.A t.^'ia rc^iaai^* . y\ 1 T.iorC ^oa cn^oA oiv^x. SiMILIA IN ALUS CODD. i. 3, 4 ^""' C . . . Se If o yiyovev Iv aura) ^wi) ^v. b e i factum est nihil. Quod autem (e f om. autem) factum est, in eo (e itlo f ipso.) vita est (Cf. Westcott and Hort.) 13 ' b natus est (Cf. Aug. Iren. Anib. Tertull.) 18 ^~^ Afam} 6 fxovoyivrjis K E 209 j^,^ ._cu\^or<' Luke XXIV. 41-52 r .n O-sco-ft I __ Cdcno 43 II ^ re'MiTrq I T»n.i rd\c\ 000 I rdiAcni .^orA ^jsarc'o'*^ I rt^^ 46 tcno.'ui'K' i pajiK'o kIaJL^ ^ 1 -»\ I r^jsn^.*^ •..^^rtf' .a.akK'o^^ I ptlsaoi 50 ^_3\ I \\-i 0000 ^-i^i.a.'^o I K'^ai r<'^o.VJx=3 I > V T.ioreA oa^^cd * .0. .0. I rc'ciaArtA rClL^oaa o o rx.ca5a\ I r^2k. ^x\cn I ji.z.Si^o r^Lx3Li ^^^calA I ^Jsna Klx-ccrsa ^.5>3 ._^vcaA 1 ij^sr^jsal nc'ocn 28 I >.LS.r3 I ^_ai^co CL»ix.o^^ . rt'ocn ^_^^^a.\.i I vyr^* j^^^voQJsa^- A.^0 1 voc*iLtja\ ^ocn rsl=i»T-a.i I A.\^rg3 30 .=jcn-.a I K'-^o vvTJao fiaA o o rtlsajja I rc*^ .1^ -:^.T»^f<' I rdLx^^r^a 36 I V33r<'o ,._ocnAvix=3 I ^r^Lxj M^hvi.r^ I oooo ^iVV'Jiaq ..^^Joo .1^0^® 37 I ^infloo Orscni^rC'o I Ci:^\h\r< .^OJcno^'^ I ^^^OASOi*- r3 1 . .^ajL*' ^_^^i vsar^ ^.T*cn^^ l*^*V*> r^-woi.T ooco 39 ou» I rc'co'^^ ,:^_a^A\CV^i.\ A^ I ^hy^xx*».'S3 ^ n\fif» t.i*K'a — ^ 33 SiMILIA IN ALUS CODD. 30 ' Diat. ar. om. iyaero 30 '^ D d e om. /jter ain^v 31 ^ Pesh. idem = Et illico Diat. ar. = Et statim 3 1 ■^-^ Pesh. idem = ablatus est 32 ' Pesh. idem. Diat. ar. = ^rrtfr 32 ^^ a b c e fF^ rj om. ws tAaAa i7//ri' 38 ' Pesh. idem. Diat. ar, = leshua 39 ' b fiFz ecce 39 = D a b d e ffj rj om. v. 40, 207 oi ,_Q.Ai^or<' Luke XXIV. 14-25 ~~ f 130b ^l-Lsd-to.! ' ^ I \co I f3 l^r-^ ocn ^r^ I r^l^oAn r^aco I .^a^-i Aii- cfiA ^-.-TJsnpf 1 rditss ,_ocaA "ij=»3r^ ^^ I • Aoa^j*'' t-=ji I iCnCt^n.lx.K'cv^^ pc^.^sas- 1 coLi pa.ToO r<'ca\r<' I pa.Tn K'^VsoraO 20 I ^ocn ^i.a.oo . 1 u ing'Q^^ I >cn(X.^x3tcv K'^cvjso.i r^x.^ cuocn.i I ^rA 3 >ocn l\r< I'^isw re'jtJ .^K'o*'^^ I >ocn ^caL^ ^^cn.i || ^ rc'cn 22 ^^jr^r^ j^rc' I cni^a ajl^X-K* ra-»i».T 1 ^^^^ . rc'icvnjs 23 I ocn >-*».i >cna.V2w I ^i.^nr^'o^ ,^^^33^0 I ^'^h\ I ^v*» rela.rcAs>3.i~* i ^^ vyr<' I rdiAcn O-ml^x.k'o I p^tojxo AvxtA * oAtr^* 1 ^xsa ti.t.ivijj or^* ^".2»-a_T_« I ^_OorA- i^ore' ^.T»cn"^ ^® 25 DissiMiLiA IN Cod. Cureton. .cn-ioAjkioia-j'' .^jlAJirC* 16 »■ \j»a'' ^ 1 -in ^-na — ^ I5 ^_.cala*I4 f m/% .«^ 4- ^ § 18 i^^o-ua^m" -^-2.«^ § 25 reraa — "^ oocn + ^ 24 ..^ijsbrs'a ^ 23 .Ars" ^ 22 SiMILIA IN ALUS CODD. 15 ' Pesh. Diat. ar. om. iyivero 15 ^BDacde Diat. ar. om. avrbs 17 ' Pesh. idem = loquimini 17 ^"* ADy^w.' d ffa r, Pesh. om. koX ia-TdOrjcrav 18 ' Pesh. idem = ^o; i7//s Diat. ar. = eorum fam}^ i$ airthv a d fi ex ets b f ffz ex ipsis 20 ' Pesh. idem. Diat. ar. = et seniores 21 ^ a b c ffj aur. Pesh. Diat. ar. om. oAAa y£ Kat o-ui/ TTtto-iv TouVots 21 * Pesh. idem = Et ecce 22 ^ a b c ffg om. dAAa 22 ^ om. i^ea-rrja-av r]fj.a^r<'o"' n A 1 I ^."WSfl >cvco )a , 6 I r^"^^ K'iru2»3 ^vx=3 I rlAuxJ.i I rdxJK'.n coT^ ocn .v*^:^.i I ^-*-^ r<'acD x:3ir<<\'^ I rtllA.^ 8 •i^.iAxK'o® ^CUii I ^cu r<'^AAo I -a.V5^a rft\%» rClxJr^ i i-An^ ,."Urc:=j 9 ro^ ^^ I vyp^^ ,._ocn tiis.-) ,oco I ^v**^v:5ocv^^ 12 ^tu3 ^1 I ,._ci^s^ T.' ^^ . ^crA oocn I ^i ^*ia»ca:s3 rcAo I . ^ \\ch Kliib TS»3."i^030 I cn^cu Airc'o .icuxLd I rd^^ rC'VMO ji*n«<'o I . re^innX A^cnia I 1 •©. ne'e en . "I _^ .1.230^ I rc'ocn DissiMiLiA IN Cod. Cureton. !-»-= — ^7 ^*^^ ^-am k^'^6 'V^ _ b ,»_„« 4 icD + * 2 xxiv. »ocn + "= 003 + " vwrCT*!! . ^jAcd + " tc_Ai_x-Ao*' i_sa»< ^ Q (f. 86b) 5a»i>x=>* § 12 SiMILIA IN ALUS CODD. xxiv. I ^~' Pesh. . f.s. t. I ^x- f, 86b I ^jso ndV-^.^co.! r-^r.i rtl^i^ rC^Soi I p3^^ 'Xlii^^O t<1i3u..i\"^ I r<' inV^ K*© co r^ai=j* 51 r n I caix^i ,ax.r<' rcll."! I r<'ia\^ rcljco rJLArc' >:fc- 52 r^iixia I rC'ictsuD oxin-i° cntajaoo I fx*— jjltj^ cn^i«kO I ctjAvurc'a^^ .^^cxz^.l 53 even ocno^* I oru '^X'cvco yi 1 CY>^r<' I AuaA A.x^.T.2k. JcJK'.i I p«1i_.K'"'= 54 *^^"cn rclxJO"^^^ || ^ocn K'co^ K'^vajLO I ^ocn rC^aoi^ I Klsoa^ 55 r^lsaxflaa.i 1 t ^ M T^ Q i30ico I .11^ v^cno^^ ^h\\ I oooI^pC o^ K.tLA 56 I I .©■ .iijaa.! vyrC' k-ix. I r<'^vnat30 DissiMiLiA IN Cod. Cureton. .•pAjL.tdJiA.S9 1 ocn Axjk' •..^J<^ vA I pa\.x."' ^»*H-S>9rt'o^'^ 38 .a„.Av:kO^^® I "XLiiVo^-.i rcAxi^ I caz.i=3 ^rc** oocn 1 asojaoo"' . vyTa.i 39 Sjj^^ reL..TOcQ*.i I rti^iso ''"oco Klacn"'' coisg I AiA >xfi90 r^ja^a I^k'oco >coQ.i:^ rc'ocn I ^.1^^ ^ oocn ^xa.A ^.i I r^^r.t a )nii^ ^: aacn 43 . ^ ^K*©^ I ^cu^ vot^j rdun:' I r^..i.**x'sn'^ ov^ocn t3T<'o*^ I crA n-i-a^^ r^liflo."! I y^:^:sn vA rc'.aisfln:'* 1 ^.aJsok' .^ojc-.' coA ■isorc' *^ 1 vy^o-aAsu ^ ^a^k'.i * DissiMiLiA IN Cod. Cureton. oE^rC + ^ 38 .Arc— ^37 aiA'= ^j-sioivsa " ^r^a^ S^ .Are'a + ^ 35 p -I .AW ^jurCa ^ (.sac^ — '' . ng u ly.-n '^ coA — "^ . crua-^ + * § 39 •^ojcd"'' kjK K^rCV^ 42 ..^CD +* (f. 85b) 41 '-^_u» mo ^.Aj*''^ . io rC JLu :i '' 001+^40 rcliK %snK^ 43 SiMILIA IN ALUS CODD, 34 ^ D a b d om. o Be 'lr}aoves avTOis* ov yap otSaaiv Ti Trotowii'. 35' ^favi} ovv avToiS f aur. cum eis 37 '"^ D X"V« o /SacriXcvo- C d ^W /1f.« 37 ^~^ D Tre^t- T€^£VT«o- avTta Ksi aKavQivov (Trecfiavov c Iniposuerunt autem illi et spinum coronam. d i7tpO' nentes illi et de spinis coronam 38 ^ Pesh. . n »kAT = quae scrip ta A D fam} eTnyeypafXfjLiVT] C /am} fam}^ yey pa^i^cvq a c e ffj aur, j^r/^^/a h (\inscripta A superscripta f Ti scribtus 39 ^ Pesh. idem. i< A Cfam} Xeywv Diat. ar. = a b c f flFa q r, aur. dicens 40 * Pesh. Diat. ar. om. uTro/fpi^eis 42 ^ Pesh. idem. A Cfam} tuI 'l>y(rou Diat. ar. = a be e f fTj q Tj aur. rt^/^^?^/« 42 ^ Pesh. idem. AC/am} Kvpie Diat. ar. = b c e f ffa Ti aur. domine 42 3 Pesh. idem. ^J A Cfam} cV T17 ^acnXda. crov Diat. ar. = a b q /« r^^'^«(7 ///(? 43 ' Pesh. idem. A C Dfam} 6 'JT^aoi;? Diat. ar. = a b c d e f ffo q rj aur. lesus 203 W31 oA^cvre' Luke XXIII. 20-32 I »-x.^^- ^taA.i"* . .^g T.i.\ I |Ca_.'iJM.i ** rc'ooo rtlra^.i 1 A-\^* . .^^ooA jcnoa.fll'' 1* ' ocvcn ^ 1 ^o ^*.i »_cucn ^^ || *^~»_^u^ r<'ijLr<'.i ^^cv^K* 21 rclsai rclLirj ( ockcn ^i-a^^ ._aacoa^^ I >cnan3.t.r<'o'^ At^ca I ,ca*.iirc' ** 23 -oArdx,."! vyK' I rc'HxflorC' ^va=i rc'acn I rcLroif<'^ K'^ivr^JaO* I r<^\\yh A^^.l »\\. ^iN-i^ r^ I palx-icvr^ Aui ^crA I i.sor<'a * .^oz.* >»lAAxr<'o^® 28 rc'^viJjcx* i»X. ' .^A^rclJ*^^ . ^^^^ 1-1 Aih-O I ^^i ^ T A re''^ ^.^i^t-iff t-»-ay ^•wV^ — '^ •CDO->ixj«'' Ao\flB ^ 20 laso-A—o-ajcrCo*^ *aio_i9'T(< '' ^~aV3 m u *>Tao~^ 22 .teriAAoxit^ ten lArvnt ** otuCDicno^ 25 '^i.^CDiuXniJU re'ocDi«»~'' pCocd — * 24 »>3ii»o'' ..^^:iw>9^23 ».^ij.i»* 30 (f. 85a) ^cd^aA + * 28 ^. — ^i.T2n ^.1 .^dJC-*^ i . coA rc'ocn Art^jc:^ I r^'^'Sa l % » 13 rtflsoiAa"" I !a\\iLa ^^ l^coa^i^K' f. 84b rcA pQ.TSao I .^^OAj-i-i-aA *^ cah\ -ins.. I r^rCa'' ' ,;^^Q*k*gis,^ *".:i^W»i.l 15 KlJArC'a-'^^ 1 . ca.r) ^.^^^arc* ^i.i.'i:5q.i I ^.Aipg' ^jso'' coiAv^^ I ^vjAALre* AnAJt-rf rtA I K'^coA K'ox.i ^.i-^ao^l cn^cA' Ti^^ cD^ioi-i * I Qo.ioicn 16 A-»_^cn I >cno."iir<' * ^^ . r^^ojso.i "px^sa I coA i i s.flp rtlL^r^ '^ I . cni^vn 18 I ,caAQMXLJt. ^-.i.sarC'o ^"kAjj I r^'m s. coA^'* a.r3ca_»o^^ I tCOOiinjLrc'o'' 19 rcflijoirf'' I r<^\\oo rp«'~* DissiMiLiA IN Cod. Cureton. »>3ii 1° . KOCD ^.aoit fCocD r^i ocn vwk* + ^ 9 ctiji M«nA^ 8 . kSjl\a9 + *^ 7 QB-iatoa on-s Mwao^^ . ^t r* i V aa tcna^iu ^^ 1 1 '\ pfo oacD ^ ■ — » ■ " n^Joj^iK'a ^9 nfJcoA aciLs ciiaa^^ . qoo \ i 1 & ^oA CDiv.z.a lrOo|0_A^ rfi 1 ?l if. rciiJuLJ ciucaAri'a .lasAJUulAa . aacD n' n -) . i Wn ^t . \\ a »a . oao \ ^ 1 °t \ o-latcn wiJ.-a rC^o-^i^ ^aos ncl.aao-> ncA&rCa'^ cai^T-Ux.^ I5 ..^cu^jljjLA '^ inirC rCcoa ** ^eft.a-t »!««•» i-X «^i»isar<'l~* I4 t-A + " *-f«r-S!x_^ cn-Acva. nS-lfl"^ 18 (f. 84b) »cpoin 1 T.K'a" (CDo_>:f irC ^ 16 *-. t<*^x.a-3 jut*- .ij»-* 17 nCflai " rci^ai^as^ IQ SiMILIA IN ALUS CODD. 9 ^ Pesh. idem. Diat. ar. = f zV^w^ 13 '-^ D kui iravra tov kaov d et omnem plebem c ^/ omni populo 14 ' Pesh. idem. Diat. ar. —populum vestrum 14 * D d Diat. ar. om. iSou 14 3 D fam}^ Iv avT<2 d t'n eo x-^ in hoc 14 ^ fam} a om. atnoi' 1 5 ' Pesh. Diat. ar. = nam mist eum ad ilium 1 5 ^ D Diat. ar. om. Ihov 1 7 ''"^ Pesh. = {Consueiudo enim erat dimittere eis unum in festo) ^^ B/am,* avayKrjv hi cix*" a.TroXvuv avTols KttTu eofjTTjv ei/a D avajK-q 8e t^X^'' Kara ioprrjv aTroXvcriv auroio- cva b Necesse auievi habuit dimillere illis, seamdum cotisiietudinem^ unum c e f ffa aur. Necesse autem habebat dimittere eis per diemfestum unum (c + vinctum) d q necessa (q tiecessitatem) autem habebat per ditm festum dimittere illis unum (q + vinctum) D D 201 f. 32a 2 ^ .^.oAv^^ai^ Luke XXII. 65— XXIII. 7 I . »cnai^* ^H-saf^o ooco || ^xa.1^3* T<'^nsl*^flo I r^h\^''u»r^ .ao^o^^ 65 I . r^'i^soci rdliaiSk I >~=>Ho . r-UCUSia*cn^* I r«l\ .^.cwal ijsorc' ..j:^' .^caX ijsarc' ^ varf 68 ^_r33 I .3^ rdJCJnC.n coi^a 1 p<'acQJ i*^' Klx-cn ^-so^^ '~. >A 1 ...^o^r*' 69 I K'otAk'.T ooia .ta^ acn I ^r^ .^^ooAa ^xsnr^'^^ 1 . rC'oAr^'.i * rdll^a* 7° ^ rdxsa ^i-sarc' '^■'^ I . rdirC' rdJre'.i * ^isop^ I ^^_Cih\AT< ,^_octA i-SaK' 71 CLSODO^ co^O^ I ►.'S'3 ■v'^nt. ■XmIpC' Ta^^ I rc'cn K'^o.ncoflo ^ I Ka.:^.ra ck=»3 i XXiii. i:5!0f<' ^ I . rc^u i T Siq rtlAiJa aaoco.i I cnx^i As- i.sjrc'a I . A^ r.i-30 I rdirc* ocn 5 .iQcoa ca\A3 ^ I .a.Vr>3 .1^ pg^sas, 1 ca^-*trc' ^-.'LsaK'o ooca*' I ^.^s-o'^ ^^.n oo.toicD.i acn l rdu^ox. ^ujj^ ^iJOi [| srriT .1^0'' *^.acn^ r^jAA^ I pa.i 7 I f<'ocn pQli.iorA\t<'o^^ r<'\ \\^h\ I pfi-a rc'^ st-> 62 I AuK'*^ rcl^rsa'' I "uA^ ji^a®^ . i-rs io^Sk^ I ^xX=i\ iA^* ^ ndisacu 63 oocn I ^xjjlSqo . cTi.=3 ooca ! ^aajVT?o .^coA oocd I ^xuir^.i K'vai^^ 64 I . vy*so d-X^n r^LsLihw^ 1 cnA ^H-S'OK'o * iCOCvArf ' I a 1 ijQ^^ . orA DissiMiLiA IN Cod. Coreton. '^. i-sjop? i^oACDo"'' .J^r^a^ 58 ^are-o * 56 ^itt-Rnla ^» »^^ A-n x.-^ 54 w^jso* 61 . iops' i.sor:''^ rOpe- -Jkt-.'' ^nCA-a isapfa"'' 6o .^rf" ^r^^ca ^ua-iwisa'^ niajs^ i-SkA — * 62 .^-i-iisi ^^iiA» + ^ ntoiooj— ** .^jjas* *^ nia»CA'' -a«xxjlA + ^ § 63 SiMILIA IN ALUS CODD. 52 ' Pesh. idem = contra me 55 '~^ Pesh. idem = et sedebant circa eum ; Diat. ar. = circumsederunt "Dfam} koI TrepiKadiadvTwv b e f ffz i q aur. et (i om. et e q + cum) circum- sedentihus (f aur. + ///«.) c circumsedentes d et circumsedentium 58 ^ Pesh. idem = 1?/ 61 '^ Pesh. idem. Diat. ar. = /^i-^//a \yfam} o'Irjaovs d //^j- 61 ^yaw.'^ tov 'It/o-ou 64 ^ Pesh. = super Jaciem ejus A Dfam.^ airov to Trpoawirov 7s.faciem illius d eius faciem f ^ ^^_c\A^ar<' Luke XXII. 38-52 I ^'"<»^'\=« a^o^° ^"cnms. I jcnooAScA^o"*' r^^t ^Vxs.i 40 vyri* I ,^,^^7 \ rag jai^a^*-"^ . rdJCXiflo-A* I ,_oA:5^^ r^.i CkA^ I »_oofA 41 r^=3f^^ 1 i.sorc'o^^ rc'ooa rdi^-ioo I tCOOAioza >aJ»C\ I . rd^rda^ nc'.iXiJO 42 A^oA riJio ^^ * 1 ®. vJL»i ^-J:^ ** r<\r^ rc'acaj 45 ^JSOK'a^^^ I ,.^_c>cp^n% ^J5o ^.j^:3Q.i I n^ •^..cur^' ahax.k' ^ 1 >cnox.iJ=>a\^ 46 V realty? \\ ,.^_ali^^ r^.i I cA^'' asncLo .^^o^p^* I ^j^^n.i » rdJtJL^'^ tV-u^K' 1 t<'ocd A \ *3g •ai 000 .t-^o*'*^ 47 1 ,,_aoraLASja.vo rc'ocn rc'^rc' I Tfia^i^ ^.so .vu rC'.Tacrx* I K'ocn r<'ToAv230.1 _ f. 39a r^h\ n.t.a \-> I rc'.nocnLA »^.a t > ooA i-SaK* '^^ I . .:^c\ t t\ en n t 1 .jai-xso 4S pQ.VSO I ,coo."uacA^'* ^.1 ovm .1^^® I *". rdxJK'.i ial"^ oA iurC' 1 >Ar2a 49 . pg'it^a*.! I coi.irc' on -1 Off \q Klioa^ I .ai.i co.ii.v\ ,^_aoriiso xw i r-=3'i ''"jOacAsh- oA\rC.i~^ I ^^^oaorA ^* i.SOK'o^^ 52 DissiMiLiA IN Cod. Cureton. ctua^ oAiK'a-^ § 39 .o- AtnCJ CLMCLO +" ,^.0^ — "= ''-itlaiaj ^-i ^pf"'' ^..iaa^ 38 «-=>«^42 j3-i& QCDo'' 41 . n^mmi ^ t.-\\^ 40 ^. iCDoiajsoA^ (f. 82b) .Atro KacDa .cnA A 1 u aa »a n^ArcAss ctiA jwJu^rCo^^ + ^ •--^ — "^ »-i-»* — '^ '^ntjuuajtia"'' fuj&jo . rc:sa99 rrh* 1 t. vwrC CD^t-^ov ^aojo^'' . k'ocd rc\^,sa Acj nr'\ 1 «\ m o . r^^t n£j.jij3 »_AO^ § 47 oA-o'' i-SOK** 46 M ■% T. KQ ^ 45 . fC^TK A_^ ^009 • cdclL^ ai»j^» — ^ .Affo + ^ 52 oiA^v (-lA-pK ^ 49 ^. KiJL\jl CDvaA-^ 48 (f. 83a) idLa-iOJ* wc\f> i\i\fl)i»o'^ SlMILIA IN ALUS CODD. 38 ' i>J i om. Kvpte 39 ' Pesh. idem. Diat. ar. = a b c e f ffj i Ti aur. discipuli eius 42 ^ K fam} fam}^ f om. 5:;^;. 43, 44. 47 '~' D oyXoa- ttoXvct d /z^tr^a z««//a 49 ' Diat. zx.-=L discipuli eius 49 ^ Pesh. idem. Afatn} airw a //// b c e f fFj i Ti aur. ^/ 52 ' Xyfam} d e i om. 'Ii^o-ot's 198 Luke XXII. 27-38 ra.ifc. .^_o^vjt.^o I ..^oAa PC'^.n ^° K'^Cialai I »-rsr<' vA ,.io^x,r<'.i 32 -^r^o I . Kr\h\CiX:=fi*co iiaou^ I r'j.\.l 33 v>^5ii^ lira l^ooA "TJsare' ^^ . vyi-MrdX I iijt.a Kf>^cnh\r^ ^ I ^v-=> ^K* . AtrelsoA 1 K'^O.'saA ^r^ " . rc'i.x.flore' I A\ » n \ ^r*' ^ . rdarc' I .n %\-j3 34 *=«llS«3CU I rA ^irf I -»w.T».l '^ ' 1-3 ic\ai2k^ I ^il3\ ^^* 35 36 'i:»Jr<' ^^ >ix»} I f<:\.ar^ crA ^tJ»jK' I ,^ ijaajj ^nxso trl^.T I r^sxijsn jsaci 1 Agg x^ rdlsaiAx Or^^l rdficuLTi ctA iv-.rc'.i ^ rclx-cn I JS13 ^ »_oorA 37 i^^^ 1 •..o^ r^li'i.siop*' * ^'^ r^^iflp I coA ^uo cn^vixs I ^\^ ^ oA duX.i reAcLi*- I >.2k-.1 >-=» rdLsai^^.i 1 rc'.t^Av.:^.! '' rclzi_.^v^.t 1 rc'.icn ^rc'.i ' 38 I ooA ^■wsot<' ._cucna^^ ooA i CLsalxJSoA'^ ocn ».\s.i I po.tjsjaa >-i_S)0^rc' DissiMiLiA IN Cod. Cureton. I ix-iW + "^ pCcd rc^^ + "^ v^ i*n,n>^ ocn rti\ — * 27 r^^jLsaXO vyjW n^ei + * 26 . A_.i-xn_ire' " ^. K^o'^^-n -> i^oi*^-^ 30 (f. 82a) rC i:t irf '^ re:_»nf + '^ 29 .ocn + ^33 i-JAi^pC* 32 .^.ttAisoiJkai " ^. ^atitA " .^jao isars-o + ^ 31 .^Ijadl" . ^-i-iJi| ^-»i»li» + •= ntlArciA — " . -a-oij + * 34 ^1^0 <= ^Arfo" cvilsak^^ K^jiL-a." ncar^- iioK''' 37 ni.a-u» + " ,-» + ^ 36 §35 SiMII.IA IN ALUS CODP. 30 ' D -lyS- fam.^^ SciScKa a b d fj i aur. -xii • c ff^ q duodeam 34 ' J< B L/am.^ c f i q Ti aur. Diat. ar. om. fx-^ 36 ' e r, Pesh. Diat. ar. om. dAAa 36 ^ q om. ofioiox; kuI 37 ' Pesh. idem = t/uod etiam Diat. ar. = a c e ffa i quoniatn adhuc aur. ^/^"»> I •.^S!*^ vtflrc' ^^ cnsav- I ,orjo.TjSa\^a "^ ocn 15 I r^ A.i.2l».i r»\^l .^^OaX r^%:sfir^^^ . -XmK' I rx\^^.i"^ I r^Lss.^^ ,cncncyl^ >.'!OK'o rdsa^ I .-loni^ ^"^ ^"cxaorupc'.i 17 i^V 1-CiaA rdiVsor^^Q I ^-f^^.n*> fT^^*.t »J».i I cucn-''206 ^^ct^^vi^ (20^) ^^*- ^'~~- — 18 I A^- >..'5a.s. >.\*7i\T*3gi I CD.i_»T<' p<'cn ^.1 ^i-rs^^ I . r^coArc*.! 00^0^1^73 21 1*^,0 ^j.i ^jia '^ K'oco I poxflo.i vyrf* AiK* | KltJr<'.i coi^rso ^^ f<'ioAxA 22 CtiTQ.n ..^^ma^xa I j__<^^"^^i oacn cuix-O^^ I ^iivtia oa.i^rda.i ocrA 23 r -I Tt'i->cn-» — '' e\JCD''§ig ^"oi^o •^^ro.j ''-. rck-a-^^ n£_jcn r^.x.!ir<-^ ^\. — ^ ^8 rfh^XM rC_oi«-»» »-.9al OJOI — ** 20 ...jsa + ^25 ^.aai '^ § 24 ''ocn ►Jk-^ 23 «fiA + *= .lenevi-a. + "^ nri'\»pg'^ 22 SiMILIA IN ALUS CODD. 12 ' Pesh. rccDo = iZ^ e-Cir^ 19 ' Pesh. om. vv. ly, iS. 23 ' D a b d e fT^ i q om. £^ avTiov 24 ' D a d f q Pesh. om. Sokci. 196 Luke XXI. 35~XXII. II reLoctA.i cn^ 35 ^~r^h\r^ \i\^\ KijA vyr<' "' ^^ r^Ax. I ^xm^ ^^33 dca r^lsocu I ^^^OikA:^ 36 .>» ^\^-i Ajl^co I oicox.^^ rdii-ini'.l ^'cnxanif I A:»-.t'^ ^Lk* ^^^ocqLi I As, 37 K'oco I .°>\ ^q KLaoJscLjrdrjO^'^ I rdrJK'.i co-is ^.tjj I ^.^^O-SoajjA^lo ^\.xJ3.-l I r^ij3^\»J.i f^ia\-i I ^r^ K'ixjAvso.T I p^.-iociXA-rs relAgflD I ^.1 k'oco A-^k.^ . r<^m s 4 Klaco^ I »-=»i pa^- Also AtK'o* I iiaa:!h.i^.i r^rusn ^ I k'oco >cooiv.K'.i 5 ^^^oXAu.i I^ cu.ioi>x.K'o OHk.iJjo^ I ..^cnl »coai-3Q\x.>.i I vyK' K'i.aj»o^ 6 ,,^_ocn\ I ,coa*stiLr_i.i k^ia-.K' pc^s\°> I orA ^ooco ^iS~iO'^'^ \^ mi^a.onx crA 000 r^jEA^ ^1 >is\-> 7 «>. \^\y K'.V*-^. I K'oco Av-»r^ crx^.l I Klu^.^.1 KlmO-* >A^ .T^o"' f. 87b • » » % . \ 1 8 ^A I Qi i\^ clA\ ..^^loriA isoK'o I ^A^oAo KlAKLrA i.vx.^ . kU»,-a ^ i.S)Or^^° . .ni\.i.i I ^K' K'_=j- Kl^K''' ^ ctA 1 ^"isoK' ^ c»s\i.i Ki*^a K'iai\^ ..^^c^^rs I .s^^ K'AvIa.TsA ..^^o^K' I ^x\.2k..i KLso K'co I ^^^ciA . Ak!.s..1 I rdLx*r^ K'^VjtaA coiAvs I oAlK'* . KliJ».l Klsi\^ 1 A . n x i II k1»tt'5o I Avx=j oco k1a1»k''' I'ijsoK' ^i p^^vx=s.i I coi-sA oijsoK'o*^^ DissiMiLiA IN Cod. Cureton. cnJuAo^SS h^fx:s^ K^ed-JuLao'' § 37 ^easaoSk A_^ ,_»-3iu»-* 35 i,.^efiA »5oi\_r.ix'a + '' oocn+^5 .n^eL^iAjosrs'^ § 3 .>cn-ic.l\yin^ 2 § I (f. 81a) xxii. aisorC^II oA»'' 10 itajK" .^.^cn + ^ 9 §7 ^a» + " ^r^ocn niA^o"* 6 • re •" SiMILIA IN ALUS CODD. 35 '~^ Pesh. = A Q,fam} ws rrayi? yap en-tXeucreTai B D u)s Trayi? e7riXcv K'^K' .1^ I rdrJK'.i 28 ^...^tc nA . ^A o T<'^A\A I ov-M rtlscn rClAAvJsa I ,._ocaA r^ocn ijsar<'a^^ 29 ^jA^^vflajsa I ^"^^^ocoiir^^ ^Arjofx.o I ^t s..iA^ cuijt.1'^ rd-san ^° I rdAi'rc' 30 KliiiOr^ ^jrwr<' ^^ I r^t.^ax..! nr'^O^Aso ,cd I r,ai^-^34 §32 e-^iJva^30 SiMILIA IN ALUS COUD. 24 '"' Pesh. idem. Diat. ar. = in omnem locum 25 '~^ Pesh. ituiJre'^o = et co7npIosio manuiim Yi\7iX.7\x.:= et frictio inanuum 26 ' Pesh. Diat. ar. om. *cai '7rpoa8oKLas 30 '"' D irpofiaXayaiv tov Kapirov avrmv b C fFj q ^ur. producunt (b /r^- ducant) Jam ex se fructum ^ produxerint fructum suum e coeperint mittere fructus suos f incipient osfendere fniclum i producunt iam fructus 30 ^Dabcdefffaiqri aur. Pesh. om. ySXcVovTC? a<^' euurwi/ 32 '"' Pesh. idem. YifamP Taura iravTa d y^rti?^' omnia f ^at?Af^ I ^^^^Auaco rd\^ ,._cv«ki3,\-n I Q.^aa.«.ooo^^ ^ p^'A^a.-ictuao ^.t 1 ..^oaA 15 I r<'.T»K' T<'iu3a^A>a KlsooA I .._aaA AA\r^ i*^ rclir<' ^^ I reUioi jiQ>"aa\ 17 > '■nt I AoAgSzi^ jLlnrda^ ,^ I ^r^lxao ,fc_ocvcnAr\o ^"^ «.^_a^ASo I ._oAvAS>aia 18 \ • '"' 20 i'.-TM.i >\jt."iopi rt'm'^ *-»' " ^9 SiMILIA IN ALUS CODD. 9 * Pesh. idem. Diat. ar. = advent'/ 10 ' D a d e ffj i Ti Pesh. om. totc eXtyej' aurots I o " Pesh. = D yap a d e fi aur. em'm c fFj i Waw 15 ' D a c fF^ i q Tj Pesh. Diat. ar. om, r/ avT€irrtLv 19 ' c (?«m Pesh. = f autem 23 ' Pesh. idem, ^i A Cfam} hi i autan 23 ^ Pesh. Diat. ar. = e super cc 193 ..riSit ■-'■*-. Kr^.^r^: '^i^con >3axjsS^ ^A*t.■«. t. .tao*^ 000 OCT) COTa I rT<' f. 12lE 45 46 o o t<'t>»v> rcncU-i.^ ^*if^a^ i xxi. . iiiiujo^' r ii o^ " oocD + * § 7 fCAtaj" nsfii-nrii — * 6 ...^oiA — *§5 Ki^ + " Kqcd + ^ 4 SiMILIA IN ALUS CODD. 43 ' D vTroKUTw Pesh, = acdeff2iqri j«^. 44 ' Pesh. idem, ceffaqjz xxi. 2 ' i tj om.xvpf^y 2 ^Dacdeffair, saur. Pesh, om. cVet 5 ' Pesh. idem=m 6'Pesh. idem = diruattir. a c d e f ff; i q r, s aur. destniaiiir. 7 ' Vifam} a c d e f fF^ i q r^ aur. Pesh. oin. ovv b * Pesh. idem = eis c Quibiis 192 Luke XX. 31-43 rtLxjO-^.i rC^n f.29a^^ j^^i^pgj^a | pg^^ysn i n 1 ' ^^ rC^^K' ,CT3 I -^K' A>Avx»JO ' ^^ rdxi=a I an:at, 34 pclii*."^ ' ^"^ I ^ocn ^_cvoa.^iLnxi 1 r<'^^r<''' ix^ rc'cn I . nr'ocnAi .._ooraso 35 I tcrAci ^ ocxx- r.i K'Arc' I K'^xsoi 40 Kl^ I ^0^0^° . Axi.aiK'^ i-i-^jL I r^-\ <\\ "m . r^'i.^sx> ^ I r^lUK'^ ca\ 000 pQ.T-sa I cnA>cArcix:t)cA cu»T.'2«rC' 41 I r ^ t* I T *33 A:*- nc'i^O)' 1 ^ijssrtf' trlJAAr^ I ,.__ooqA rt'oqo i:S3nc'o*^ 42 n.'sarc'.i I >cnoi<\»»v2«."i* rclra^^rj 1 ijsoK' .T»o.i ocno^^ I .T»o.-t.l oco cniai 43 vvi^s^.iL^^ I >Aflopc'.i r^lsa.T^^^ I . »_ia:»« ^ vA .=3^.1 I >'T:aiA rtl*i.33 DissiMiLiA IN Cod. Cureton. rrh\h\Jt^ — ^ rtlAjrc?* 33 >£irs'o'' ocn ^fiLPC ^ 3I ^^K •" •coojirs' " 30 (tA^P^o . ncTJu ^ I inn pe'iua\^4- " . cJLaxLSaA + ^ 35 *• .-^cuu> .^^oonA xsarf'^ 34 f**^"^ ^ § 39 '^rCcoApj' enLsa^-" (f. 79a) ^ko^ 37 . .^eoApf.T nr 1 1^ + ^ 36 . rC^o-sawsb^ ^ 42 § 4I • ^i-=3i"' oocn a>>.=3 ^^ I *ctxi.n.*jLX.^*^ ig -FT r T rtii^isa cni I ^VsopCo ,crJcAra-iacu>^^^ I *">A ^^_ah^r^ ^»qq x-rq I r-> 24 I r<'crAro^ . ■». v^y . t' n^_^rc:_A^ 18 nri*r>\jaJT ncT i\.\cvxAo — '^ . ng-io *y^\j3riA ^ 20 oocn — '' t *nrf ,__^'*i . \ v f ^ cdA> a ♦n *jBng flaA~^ 26 (f. 78b) '•"^.sa^l re'k.a-ii»-ao-'' t^cKoju^ 24 t-*-»^ 21 ^oA — " it^^^a.^ * 29 Au.A »A ^ 28 t-Lxirr ^ § 27 SiMILIA IN ALUS CoDD. 19 *~' Pesh. idem, hi D 01 apx^upeia /cat ot ypanfiaTt-ia a Pontifices^ et Scribae c d f ffj i q r, aur. principes sacerdotum et scribae 23 '"' Pesh. idem. A C D rt /xc Treipa^ere a c d f ffj i q r, aur. quid me temptatis 29 ^ D a de i q om. ow 29 ^ D Trap t^/acik c q a/i/^/ nos d fF, a/z// «(3j 190 Luke XX. 5-18 r^ocv.\.i \°^f r^j-aj.i I ^ua.» A.^ ^ oocn I ^ioo^ifl r^-saii^ ^*\, ' "^^ ^ ^ f*^^^^^ *™ g I v'S^rC'® ,cn rd.^'sxL-.K' I ^Jso ^IaUK* ^ t s.:t-» f^ I 'coA ^TJsnrtf'"' '^ ocn rc:i\^\ax. I rcna.^A^ ocoA* ^r<<\ r -I 13 i.TJt.ri' .T=i2*-r<' I rds^n Klsoi^ rc'iso I iisar*' ^^ ,cocui2lt<'^ I ^'r^Ausa cxxa 14 I p c^ .jjui^ ^_*.i »cnoovM I :i^ caJLSw .^_ax»xakAu I ia^ ».a.i.a.jj^ I ,'i.aA I pc'ocn^o lOaa i \ ^n 1 o^' I K'^i* cucn ^i.^r^o I oocn ^.t.a.x.ij^vsq 15 .T=i:bkJi rduso I ,cncdA^i3Q rsisoi^ I ^ iaA iCoo.nAK'a-'^^ 1 ^Jl..i K'^o^i* 16 A^io II ^xIjjA^ •.^_cut<' .'isoj I ^i.arc'* ^^ . KLsoiak K'-isa 1 ,._ocal 17 I rc^cn ^".TCV.ifc- 000 1 rc^iso"* i.'sorfo .^coa ijj I ^1 ocn^"^ *^". rdico rtA^ca 18 I Aa^® ''". rdJ-ijj jc-.'i^''' ^ocn I ,crj rdxJLrs cuLaoK'.i I r^L^rd-:^^ ,n.^h\^^ DissiMiLiA IN Cod. Cureton. Kkj9acvJL3 ocnA .^rCo cc^^:! rcni^rc ii.Jc.o — ^12 nfJcriA^II i en o ftfjuuaa o '^ *~. .^^ojcn rg.ul^ V «_=>ojo r^hirtUi~^ l6 .re* 1 1 •^ ii ^ I3 (f. 78a) tCDOjO^nCo'' fa- ir'm . «-^i» caJtiA"" *~:|e\_i. cv-Uno"* 17 *^-. re-aenj niio qeuu ^jiinre*"*^ |_»^ + '' SiMlLIA IN AMIS CODD. 5 * Pesh. idem, a c f q r, aur. nodi's 7 '"' Pesh. idem = [^/] dixerunt ei 9 * D a d e om. Tov \aov 10 ' D a c d e aur. om. -yewpyot 12 ' D d e om. TrpoaWiTo 14 ' Pesh. idem. K C D L Scutc d e ueni'/e 189 J4L&I3 ^uil^orf LuKK XIX. 40— XX. 4 f. 59a r T ^ r~nio I rk.a rdsa^.i r n£xj.rii'= ^jauA. >T"nA< + " csaa ^ § I XX. (f. 77b) ^.j^ + " .«^Jyijn %■ ,^_amAAA . rci«-Lsn — " "UorC ^ ro.^ — ^ 3 *" . "eiJoo iTBiJi\.A«\j.-'' ^\Ao-z. " ^A isorC + '' 2 ^oCD ^ 4 SiMILIA IN ALUS CODD. 40 ' A T> /am} ovTol<; Pesh. = a s ^/V c ffj i q Ti aur. Quibus Diat. ar. = d e f ////i" 42 ' a e i oin. vvv 8e 43 ' Pesh. Diat. ar. om. tVi ere kqi wapefjilSaXoia-iv om. x"p'"'a 45 ' A D £1/ aurw Pesh. = a c f fTj i q Fi aur. /« ?'//} C om. EtVof ^/oiii/ 188 f. 9Ca Luke XIX. 28-39 r ^cxA k'\ i.n.\ ' 1 cu.^r^o^^^ . r^-^-aixJSa ^'cn-isaA 36 K'.ti I .T^o^^ icnaiih-'' >^aT.i \ I icncxa.^irc'o .._ocnjJ^cv.\^ij5o I >cnc\i^ 37 x.^'^^^'^ I rdwirdzs'^ .^o^cn^J^a^k^' I aocn ^-aj»^^o^ I rC'^K'o^ K'oco I ,a30.'«jL^\^."i'^ KlxjA calark*^ I cuix. r^^*\ ^o^^^ I rc'^^jAScA' 'cvaio 38 ^Hiwr^O^^ 1 OVm.1 pa.TSW Aa Ax. I r^lsoT rcliiia r^cnireA I ^j-j^nx-Soa ® ^.Tm T<^i.t3i TTB I j oocn 39 >Axr) 1 ^ rdsaiw^ ^ ndxJrf [| orA ^H^saK' ^^ . rdsoot-Son I n£jjL=3CXX.o* DissiMiLiA IN Cod. Cureton. (CnoA.^ — ^ iCDCvjivjre'a^ 35 *"cniaaA^ f«:i«a\jivJ^ .^.^c^rs* o_aji«p:' i^^oj^s" eiArCJt"^ 33 cuIa" hLj^i re"iev2^-l '' (f. 77a) *jia^ 37 . trr j» ^ a nc:.3 *= ^^ux>%Sl^ re-i^rCa — * 36 pg'T ■ °^ T. — "^ t-^^ '' rB:xjiA^39 i<^«.juo_a.Jb^a^ 38 0000 + '^ *cno«jLinA^ d aorus SiMILIA IN ALUS CODU. 28 ' DacdeffziriS om. efnrpoaOiv 29 ^ Pesh. Diat. ar. om. lyivero 29^6 om. TO Ka/\oTj/t€voi/ 29 3-3 A V)fa7n} 7WV fjiaOrjTwv avrov Pesh. = a d i discipitlis suis c flFz i aur. discipulos suos 30 ^ Pesh. 'idem = eis 30 ^ Pesh. idem = ecce 34 ' e om 01 Kuptoi airov 34 ^ D d 6 aur. om. Tt Avcre toi/ TTuJAoj/; ot oe eiTrai/ 35 ' D tov ttwXov d e. pu/hi?n 37 ^"■' D eyyi^oi'Taiv 8c avTiov d adpropiantibus auieni Hits 37 ^ D a d e Pesh. Diat. ar. om. rj^rj 187 CL&a »^_a*V\icvr<' Luke XIX. 14-27 r<'h\r^a^^ || av^^^K* rCiAJsa .^:tJI.-i I r rf "^ ' rrf^r^a^^ 1 . ^'iik^ K'Titt^ I Ai^- 18 Ji^Ai. K'ocn^ I Auk* ^".anf cal"^ I jSar^ ca\ VsorC' ^^ n.s. I ^^r» rdriJO** 19 I p^co ,i.SJ3^ 't.tar^'o I pdiijjr^ ocn^ k'^K'cv^^ I ^ 1 %H^' rixx» ."i^ >^cA I re'oco ^r^.i oco vy^sa 21 r-i I K'.t-nJih- vyo.irc' vysoo-a I ^ ^ ca.\ ijsaK' ^^ ^v.2^ii I rdl.i >i.t:s3 22 Ircilrc* rA ^oas I .^x» ^~. ^^aucano ptl^n"^'' f 90b .r-ir-i r-i r -I r T r -i iAj «_cv^\ rcl3i.«p^26 I'^^i-^a rc'.yatti^ on^cvA I ^rC*.! octal tcncxacno 26 I acn .SipC cnA ^A.i I ^o . ooA .<\{Y>o^^'' I ^ oqA Au.k'.i JMre* I Aa.i »^_aiorA I r. 1 5 ' Pesh. Diat. ar. om. lyiviro 1 7 ' Pesh. idem. Diat. ar. — inventus es ij ' Pesh. idem. Diat. ar. = pagos 18 ' D o erepoo- a d e fj s alius Diat. ar. = b c f ff^ q r, aur. alter 19 ' Pesh. idem. Diat. ar. = pagos 22 '"' Diat. ar. = a c ffa i q r, infidelis 24 ^ D b d effj om. z;. 25. 26 ' A D yap b c e f fF, i q aur. o?//d?w denim 186 Luke XIX. 1-14 rcLxicxA.n cn^u r -] . 4 >cncuv»x3.i II K'^co-x.aiA rc'^^l I Aiia^o tcna:»:iJiA* I J^cnio* *^ K'ocn 5 ^"oa.\'^ 1 \jsxir^ ,caaV**'' * .ia.a^ .^CtJc^ I rc'ocn iai^ ^OAcn.i* I AoJ^'srj'' I PC'acnK'.T >-\ rtiAo vy^^.aJ3 I ^-»-\^ rdUSWCV-* »-^t ^CUt I .racoiivJtor^ 8 •isflrc'o I ►-Sk^ >ixio® re'i-TJ.i 1 A:^ rcl*!^4» K'izi^ I ^cA.i ^ijsarc'cv'' aaco Axii^l I A-kO ' . trlia^OaJSJol rellraorx*'' I >j5a2kJ ^O^^ »iJ5fl I r<'co .^CVxA^* g r<^A.M I ooco rCliJ^jcu .^ajL« I coA T.^r<'® . rdl-^'V^*^ I r^^.s-ra-irgla .Tm 10 K'^K'.io^^ I pQcnirsrS'.T ocn coirs I rdJcn *"-arC.i A \*w"^ I r^Licn K'Avxaja *"o .Tsars'.! 1 )q.t:so~^ ri r.. SiMILIA IN ALUS CODD. xix. 2 ' Pesh. Diat, ar. om. tSoi; 4 ' Pesh. Diat. ar. = I'fa 5 '-' Pesh. idem. A (TSev amov D eiSev Diat. ar. = a b e f ffj q r, aur. vi'ciif ilhcm d 7'/'.LaA.i )Qa_n.J II K'^A^.n rclsJSCuAo l cnJicvAA^n-io caJot-^Jo^^ I >cna,arelra^ 33 I ^ooTJ r^a>rc' r cnA ^^ijsare' ^"^ I rcUco CXJJS9.1 ^^ icnam.l^ I OOOT ^»A\r<'.i ^A.rt'o^^ I >Ai>- )ajj'i^r<' ."uo.l.t I osira »^az^ 39 I rt'cvcn Kl^i-xi ^.>r<'i^^.> I ocno cnl jio^vzJl.i I cora oocn ^r (son |'*^ >A-2»» ^aiai^r^ 1 n-»o.i.i cni-ra 'i.'S3f<'a* 40 Kirs-. rtLxJsn 'caA 1 i:5»3 k'o"' *^ orxArclx, cn^cA 1 -rs^jj .t^o ^ caJa^vo.i'' 41 >2fc-a_T-»^ ca\ I •VSqrC'^^ r<'v.*»rc'."l ^ >i.i?3 1 caA 'i»Jr<' vA .1 ~» s pC'.l 1 hvir^ 42 I cn-i^=3 rc'ooo rc'^rc'cv I rt'v** crj^u^Jt-TaQ^^ I vyivi-uK' vv^CU:=a.>CD I >Va» 43 o o rC'oriAKLi DissiMiLiA IN Cod. Cureton. pfoCD + * 40 •isops'Q — * 39 A •\-n\^ § 35 t-iJ»* § 31 r^hspi-l ^ 30 (f. 75a) re'WJBl"* 43 -A.etx-i — * 42 . vwt-urCa i..u-iL ^-u^uSk^-l ^ 41 .»cnjjaiui-i:i " ^O «l *1 T. SiMILIA IN ALUS CODD. 30 ^ Diat. ar. = haereditet a b c fFj i Fi possidebit 32 ' Pesh. idem = /;/ faciem ejus 34 ' Pesh. idem= D/rtw.W\A' Diat. ar. = a b c d e f i q 5A I redo ^a-i>Nj^^ rtd'' I ' io-Vi^^ r^ 22 ca\ 'i.saK' I» .^k:sax. .1^^^ '^ ^.xirc' I h\\\y rtlir^ r^lL^^n I ^ rc'cn ** .scna I vA ^rc'.i >3i.»j Aa^ I ^at^ vA rc^i i on u || »=30^ K'.t.jj 23 I ^.T oco^^ . >i^=i r<'i>o I . r^LxJsixs rc'^vsn.xflo vA I rc'ocn^a . rA 24 I t 25 r^ iis^ 1 ,cn rdLAn ^^ rc'coAri'.i I r^^OAlsA ,^_a\^J.i rdiOi.^ ^ k'oqAk'.i I cn^o^LtaA ^ r<'v»iv^- or^ I r3.i p^ioTjAS I va..2»-ii I i.'ssK' ^"^ . rdiiJsnX jjL.^jL=99 I also A.^J2az..i ^«kA-.t<' I oocn ^i-'sori'o^® I^K'ctAk' ^cA rC'ocosA 1 ^jA^JCSTS r Vn ^cA.l ^A^K* ,_acaik^ 28 Aa^"*^ ^JLJL I ^-utiK' rC'cn rtfl^rClii caA' I isor^ ^^ ^-.ocaj.i'' . n*w^«^ f. 38b 29 I ^.xj»j(<' .2*-ajc_.^ onA i-soK' ^^ I vviAv^ ^^K'O ^ ^P<'.1 | ^q.tjso Ot^* I rdwrc* OK* K'ox^K' I Or<'"' rc'^xa Anz..i I ivA.i'' ^"vA pdai.sirS'"* 30 I .1 QQi ti rtLiJLa I ore' ^rC^^JK' DissiMiLiA IN Cod. Cureton. ngi.u A iuirC ncia- .^jj* + * 20 . rt'r\\ A_a. »Jl iore* Atv^x^a mroo + * (f. 74b) ig . rtf-JrC rt:_l\:i ^-in rCCD ^-upC h\^ \i ^jenAji."'' coA + * 21 n£_Ao'' , A .y >„ \ ^.^n + ^ 27 Aa.^:i + " -UikJ 25 I CD + * 24 .ja\ — * 23 e'* ^ 22 nrA^ — ^ 30 i-sal" ^-.i^_evAA rtUrC isaK"* 29 A^^28 ^joco-il — "^ SiMILIA IN ALUS CODD. 20 '"' Pesh. idem = iVb« occides^ Nee committes adulterium, a Non fwmicidium fades : Non adulterabis : b c ffz q ^i JVon occides: Non adulterium admittes (c fFa i"i committes '^ i aur. non occides non moechaueris 24 '"' Pesh. idem. 'D'\-aX.'aiX.-=.tristitiamejus A D TrcptXuTrov yevo/xevov a e contristatum b c d f ffj i q aur. tristem factum fi tristem 25 ' a e ffz i Pesh. cm. ciVeX^etv 27 'abcefffzifi aur. illis 28 ^ Pesh. = ei Diat. ar. = //// 28 ^ J^ Kfam} ircLVTo. acq omnibus Pesh. Diat. ar. = e f aur. omfiia 29 ' Pesh. idem = leshua 29 '"^ Pesh. idem. A T)fam} rj yovcts 17 dScX^ovs (D 4- •>7 a8eX<^as) 17 yvraiKa Pesh. = a b c d e f flfz i q fi aur. aut parentes aut fr aires (d 4- a/// sorores) aut uxorem ,n^D ^ui^ort' Luke XVIII. 7-18 f. 83a poia I A^^sa ,^_aorj^^^^ | .Ta.2iJ.i »^_a^ ^"rdir^ I ijsarc'"^^ .^ocaio.^ « Vrortf'o^ I . Kl^iri' A-^ K'^CHto.-cn 1 jjl^xj'^ f-A rt'^rdl 9 ^axi-».1\."I^ I . »^_cvoax^a A:^ ^Ax^^.i I rcnc\.iL=a l^'porcln Klx_.iA ocn^^^ I rdooASO rc:i'iMr<'o I r*"ij icncxL^. I rilV^r^.T '^ rc'ocn rila^^ .^^OaI 1 r^^issnr^^^^ rtl^^jj >Ai»-'' I pojji^K' r<'caXnc' 'i.SJaK'a I . crx>.iM A^i. 14 >i-.ij.l i*^! jLirt* A_Ji ocn ^ I i-.^ ji.TWSrj ^"cn^i->\ I rdlcn '' ^ujl^.i ^K* I oA aocn cirsioo^^ 1 . po^i^i'^ cojcaa I v^aa.ia*^ v^^rq^ I ca.jE.^j 15 I *~. tcno.v^J^A^ ^ oca.r3 ar>i'«^^'' vy2nJ-T A^o"^ '^rdicn cni«_i_aA~'' rOrC iiarC ^ I4 A -v*^ ntlAre*'' oo3a~^ 10 *~i_^ai_3 oacD ^t<_& i en a i-j—saA ^ cit_u -tao i._oJrC v\T^Jl~* § I5 rceoArC-i'^ Aim " niJr!' isar:' * 17 ^_i-L.p:'"= .^^oixi^.T" ^i^o^oiA isaw -a-cLt- nCbiL&.T + * § 18 it^iCD + •* SlMILIA IN ALUS CODD. 12 ' Pesh. idem. Diat. ar. = 5^// 16 ' Pesh. = a b c caelorum 182 f. 83b XVIII LuKK XVII. 32— XVIII. 7 rsi^aA.i r€^a 33b \ 34 I ^'i^ ^__^CiOcn.l r^-iW I c\cn..=j.i ^ ._^al rCLai.'sarc' ^* I . ca.x>jjLJ* cojcaj^ 1 .^.OCTi^ vszjp^ ^ I p<'''i.x.J .^_ax^^''* ^.^O^ I p<'i^^.T rd^.r** ._aori\ 1 i-taK' 2 I ^.1 .^ r<'Au.*.T.^a3 I rc'ocn ^*rc' au I r«;li-».l '^ ^ ^.^oorau^ rtfLlrdizj I ^ocn I K'acn .i.-sJL.^^^ II r^ rdjtJirc' v=3*^ ^J^o I rc'ocn A.m.i nil\ r^crAr^ 3 ^ocn I r.l.*.vV.2k.ri I ^J5« >.l.i,vr)^ caA 1 K'i.twnc'o *^ cn^cA ira"'^ ^.SOO I r^^T^ Aa>.t rcA K'oalrc' I ^ •^S^ .^ cax3t.l=a I ij53r<' ^^i^ra^ 5 >A r<*r^\.»i I rdi^cn.i^ fX'^isairC' I r^.icno^ rA rCicftsa n^h\rf r6r](T€Tai kui o erepoa- a- ^ts irapaXrj^6y(TeTat, rj Sk erepa dtpeO-^creTaL a b C d e f ffj i q Ti aur. duo in agro unus adsumetur a c d Tj aur. et alius (b c ffa i et unus { q et alter) relinquetur (d dimittetur) xviii. 2 ' T)fam} d Pesh. Diat. ar. om. Ae'ywv 7 ' Pesh. idem =potius Diat. ar. = magis 181 f. 88a 22 j^a ..^oA^oK' LuKK XVII. 19-31 I I o vymtMr^ I cn^cX-^.\jtJ3 rt:*^r^ I j^t^or^ cnA ^_. i-sn ne'e I r«lx.*i^ »cocxAr^x,o ^° 20 ( rC'coArC'.i cn^a.2k.\.=33 I n:f.:,h\r^ rdX .^^CicoA I ^i-^nnc'o rdO-^"^ K'cnArS'i I rccn ,m ^'mh\^co *^ or-c* 1 ,cn rda^icn "^ ^i.^zjK'^ I r3a* I r^acnA 25 1 K'ocrj.i pg^ 1 A. » p^g ^^ I . rc'.Tcn rC^voTJC ^:s>3 I r^£.o oocn ^A^rt'n^^ 27 I ^__0_3rc' A-a-X-o' rdJAoA^ I K'^rc'cv . r<'A\CV,rs.i3.\ '^ || aiCU A**^.! rdracxA oocn ^AriP^.i I ^.^o_i.i cnAuMaxn "^ I rc'ocni rcli.a-. ne'e * ^® ^^^octAoaA'^ 28 I ^OnJto ^J593 ^0.\ I Jl&^.l P^X.O 29 ^_ocnA.^\ I ^.^_OJr<' .ijsorc'o rtlxJSOi. I ^5j3 rC'^i-auAO* I K'io_3 iA^^^r^* ^.T I ,ca.=»^^ rdjtJn^r.i cnija I r^lL^^^ja.t rr^ i-a.^ I K'.n-MLjto'' caA 'tJSnK' I Kl'saA'' r*' ^jaj I Aril I >-ixx:5ax. v^*^*» I mflonr'a yxTMTrf^ yi^:sn i |A .^rA^ orA ■ijtjaK"! r<'Ar<'^ 10 »,_jUkJi^.i ^.xA.r<' I ' ..^_a^.T.a..^.i rslso »_o^Jt<' I .^nc' rdijkco^^ . caA I I .o. ,._5a.2h. 11 l*'*T l^ia^a >\jt.'ic»rcA 1 rc'ocn \\r^ n^a ' ^^ 12 I r^lrsi^ ^ t r\r^ rC'ifla^ I k'coo ' rc'.i** r<'^i_nA I rt'acn Ar\s> I ^awi^K' ^^i .^^az-. 15 .T^ '^ j^^^oomsa I .T»o^^^ cv.ja.t^pc' ^jAik* i :vSk<\ ' rdJoirA .^.a^aj I ocv** K'ocn 1 jjun-XJSQ rd»3"i Kllji-aa coA I K'ocn'^ v»^co >^."i^r<'.T ^ I rc'V-4» 16 K'.iasno I -^OJC^.i ' >cnoii»^'i I pa.i-ja jCnoAK' A:^ || A^ao^^ . K'calrdX 17 ' ^"i.ssrc'o I .2^CL2^ rtfli^^ ^'^ K'ocn I rA a\-Mr^ ^wK* v*-^ I rtlxjta-ij »-=>rc' ^>.a.\ I tcnoi.TJL.^.t »-ap«' 28 1 r<'.tcn K'iv^o.tA I »^_o^TJ2axJ I rcr22a I Atrdi' rc'AxxSO I ^^?3 jlJpC' ...^r^ r^l^r^ I ^xik.'sit. r^ , rcAcxxasq .^^oAxrcia I pjA.1 rriixSkX.rra ra I >i=>' 2 ^Acn I ^^so ."viA A TM** OK* I r^jsaxra k'.ijlo* cnio^ I rdA^ K'i.ssiAj.i ^ooo *" 1^ f <^\Ml rtlsacura I ^xist -:^.ai- ...j^'o* I orA jiaixz. -=^ •-J5' 4 00000 cal I J3CU3JL rcocu»Ax.'* oriA ^iJSiaK' ^ 5 in^^^rc'.i I rdicn^ r<'^aAA^*l »_0(^oco ,_o^i:siorc"^ I rtA.iiij.i rc'^.iia DissiMiLiA IN Cod. Cureton. Atm -t** . % i\jn Q* 2 nAor.i\*n + * § I (Beri. f. 2a) xvii. (decst ad lo, xvii. l) X^ nrlxuv rCiA^A + ^ ^isar,' «» p-oeo + *= iaar^ " fT i % — ^ 6 *". .^jts^A SiMILIA IN ALUS CODD. 30 ' Pesh. idem. Diat. an = ei 30 " Pesh. Diat. ar. = Pater mi 31 ' a ff^ i ierit b abierhtt c e q a <=■%<=> aco I .T».nJ rc'cTiAK' )Q."io I KlxJrt' >,A=3 dv>.r3 pai.i 1 ;t3.i:w."1 16 1 T<'cfjAr<'.T a3i\cv^\.5«3 I JLxa^ss ^..IjjoA I r«lS9:iiw rili-rtJa rcnaAjjjc. I ^x^mIsq oacn ^_»A\t<' I tA I nclA rtli-'so >cna.i.r30r<'o I rd) ?i Off jsq 23 t jia^r.t=»3 .1^ >cno.i4.^ 1 >i.»'iK' Ao-iJeud I rtlsnio^^ i.a.-n^rc'o I t<'T-»Auw 24 1 "i.'33r<'o r<^.nc\^^ . caaClSkja I iv^lAo amOI ^ \ pocn-rrardA nc'ocn K'VwO ca.^=3<^ 1 .s-»i .^n^.i •tV-SwLX 1 T.TJL.O . >Ajfc- )Q-Mi^r<' 1 )Qcni-=jr<' ^-nr^* ^ K'.Tcn 1 rc'^x=3craAjt.r3 r-i.^ kA I iicxd r^liJao-a 25 1 v>v.x.A-*x=3 vv^v-nA^ I A>A.a.i3.i i.^.iA^rc' 1 ^ai^ ^cnv=3p<' I coA vsars' ^^ jxi^zjsa 1 ^irt'o jjuj-i^v^ II r-i:»3* coA A n t. »""i I .Ta^^K' rduso ,ijt>aX ^^n:* I -« ' »f '^ rdssuSk. r<*t^>3.iJiA I VSOrC'o oo"ii«.i r<^.aiu I ^ .ij*! . . \r*f *">=3A\j^o 1 A \^ .Tjiua"* r<^» T-gj ! ^i^usQ rc'rdsa coA I V2>3p<' ^ 6 col^ ^rc* , -'M? II rdsa^ ^rc'a r^Lliwrcli I xisnnf ^i^o**^ I ^ 1 T*-anjj 7 ^_aJr<' *="-r3Au^ I K'n-AxJSJ -=^a"*^ r^\ it I ^io-^ K'rcl^w cnA 1 ^-Sarf I 1-1^ ^r^^-yiiNn.i 1 rcAcutk..! rs'^un I -raiA k'tj^I ,u-aT O^ I'^^rdlifl^ 8 I «^^a^ o.i2L^ ....c^ I rtliiJSWPC' ^XlirC .^K'a"*^ I K'icocu.'i tcncxin ^ 9 ^^^O-^JoA-n-nJ I i-sa-^i nd-SO.T rclAa.:^.! ^! rd-icusa^in ^_20 t^ m »i >.\OQT) I ^r^ ^J5a.»ca^O i_A-^ I Ai\n3.i ^^^'^ poLikA.l I ^._Ooq-a \ N^-afl "■> ^ 10 .ICX^ I »__K'"'^^ . aco Acx^k. ».^0r7~) I J^r^ AoLik. AAnro.i I ^o * ^StUco-SO II I ^'S)Q-»cai?3 ca=?3 K'iiaA*^ I '''^xlsa-.cTiso ^^o^ocn"'' rcA I r.*»is I rc^iwreAo r^-ifioJk I :i*jl\ * pao^Q vyr»^>-a> Ann coA i 'nK'^ .lisaA'' .ocD + * 10 niacD + •" *-|«:jfCQ-* 9 ^.^^oJr:' ^ 1 tii ^ h it^-JCD "^ —^ "^ t SiMILIA IN ALUS CODD. 8 '"' Pesh. idem = in sua hac generatione a in gente hac b c ffj q r, in hoc generatione e in saeculum istut 9 ' Pesh. idem, b tabernacula sua 12 "-' Pesh. idem = 7ion inventi estis Diat. ar. = non inventi fuistis 13 ' b om. ya/j 13 = a b q r, patietur = di't'^crai 176 Luke XV. 23— XVI. 3 r^ f. 81a 24 I r<'AvxS3 j-ia rdJcn.T^^ I >i3ar3^o AaAf3 crilr^ I vvcXraK' l.\flC\ rc'^rc' I Vf^O.»r<' ca\ •ijSOK' * ^'^ 28 I ,cnci=DK' ji^o . Ask-tsa^ I rc'ccn Kla^ rdAo I V.\icv^® . oAnaK"^ >-».U* 29 ^iix. I nrlsai^ K'cn ,cr)Ct=jr<'A ' 1 oA ijsnr^cs^ p^vs. ^ ^^ I coom K'oco rJSa-Mi I >i>-^K'.i >A I ^raco,. rJta.^k. ^^vA^3 * *i-=» 1 caA 32 K'ocn I r^hu.'SfS v\cxjjr<' rdicn.i I ^"pc'.iaCsAo K'aco rflQa.:ai\ ^^ I I o xx^h\iar^Ct rc'ocn I p^ ."ixTJ K'o r^lxjjO XVI. I ^*p<' rc'v.^v.^ I n-** r<' i-a..^ »coo.t i^\^\ I * .aoA^ K'acn ij^K*©^ I tcaosn^.a icno^io I cAswk'Axk'o ''"K'Avxa I .ai"'' orA rfaco ^r^o I K'ocn 2 rtlJcn I cu,^q ca\ "tjsak'o I cnT.»j' lOQ^i-iio^ . A^x. I ca.i.A.113.1 r^Lx^^r^ i*^ reA vo^cvjL.i I K'lnTM^ -r»cn re'^K' '^ I vvA^ r<'ls*giT.: 3 00X^1=3 I r<'Aurs .rsi ocn •issK' ^ I ^">A r<'ocn^.i* K'^vi^i^ I -rso^** Aur^ DissiMiLiA IN Cod. Cureton. ocn + '' iaaKd^ 27 . ntfJre* .Aii'i.x. Kisai:! ndn + * 26 oi^jrCo^ 23 (Berl. f. la) ■^^^alAo-" iorC + ^ 31 iTiJK *x1a'= isaK" " reU-a. — * 29 . enl-aji <= '^. re'iuiLsi-'' wA.e\_x_-. + ^ § I xvi. ^^'V^ k'ocd nc:-Ao rf=f it m \o~^ 32 rCacD^^ >30^^'' n:MJXJLAja<= re-i* " neaps' -a-sp*-x.5* 2 (Berl. f. lb) SiMILIA IN ALUS CODD. 2 2 ' Pesh, idem. Diat. ar. = et ponite 29 ' A 'DfamP tw Trarpl avroi) Pesh. Diat. ar. ^abcdefffaiqri aur. patri suo xvi. 2 ' Pesh. idem. Diat. ar. = a doinifius suus r, d^w^y ^/?^^ 2 ^~^ Pesh. idem = dispensator esse mihi Diat ar. = esse villicus mens a actum nieum administrare ^75 .1.^^ ».^_aA^C\P<' LuKK XV. IO-2 2 I I ^rC^.n V v ^*» — — J 2 vOLxio'^ ^ I »A rdxN^.T K'^osn'^ I lA .=3cn ' . ,cn3 Acv-ii* 15 re'HaU* rd^i-SnA I rC^ioA cni.i.x.o I ^X'i^rc' ocn^ >Jl=> ^ I .im\ oqA I r<'H-.Vi» ooen ^.^AArCT I '^ rdA^'ija ._cucn ^'^ K'ocn I -\jisj^^-=«* ^^ 16 h\oA r<^r^ .TA*^'' I coA K'oqa .r>ca_. -xJrC' I klVcv *^oaJ»i^ rd.LsoJ.i'^ 17 I A\r<' ^aO.iaK' kiApc'^^ || . >JA!^ ^ re^i^icn 1 rflO^° . vy'i-i.^K' ^ I .T-u vyK* t^ I rc'vo^K' vvirs.i I Ax^sn 20 >i-sji^r<'o I >cnct^r<' )Cn-»V-u I Ji.fc-iji ocn .T-^a I tcnciar^ i^oA r<'A\r<' I >-=3rC' cnirD col I ii33r<'o^^ cnnxio coio- 1 As*- A^i A^cnio I )CncA^ 21 tCOCixa^r^ I K'^VxX.i rdlN^rC* I A^^ OjaAK' •»ct30.its\ 1 ,cnci=r<' i.'sar^^^ 22 DissiMiLiA IN Cod. Cureton. .vykj-a" r«:-»>-»=» ^..^CD fd-aaija ^jo AjxnI-SaA-'' -\i\ji».soo '^ 16 ^-. o OJ rCi ix its' "^ I5 A I ^l ao^ 21 rOrs* rs"©-*.* I9 itHrt* *:=«''' »aq* 17 caxa%A. icdsaJT — = SiMlLIA IN ALUS CODD, 1 1 ' Pesh. idem. Diat. ar. — e/s 12 ' ^< om. Trdrep 12 =^ Pesh. Diat. ar. = q pos- sessionem suam 13 '-' Pesh. idem = qidcquid contigerat sibi 14 ' b flfi i om, t-j-Xupa 17 ' Pesh. Diat. ar. = nunc L aprt 21 ' Pesh. Diat. ar. = Pater mi 174 Luke XIV. 35— XV. 10 rcLoO-l.i . \^ » XV. I icQicXiJsaxJ.t Go^oi^ ooco I ^xraio^VM r*igs.. oxw ** -isor^a I >cnQ-i->T\o^ >cDCC3U>'iA I K'ina 7 rg^i-yi T-i rc'^o.TJ* I r^ocnAx Kli^cn.i * .^^OaA 1 rdli-iwrC' "^ rt'aco ."uarc'.i I rtlA.i ^^ » r\^>» .Tm I A^. 8 coA ^K'.T I K'^AoK' »cn f^.'i-.K' ore'^ || rc'^O-a^i^ '^"Ajs*- ^ i n j 1 cv>"*^ r^ittAjO^ rd^^ I rc'icoisa rcna.x.4jL.&-x.^.l nHsax-i^ i ^u*r^V i ^k m^ oqA pc^i s-)Q I K'^ura ^ju«.lA> ^orA' I r^\:snr^Ci cn^ a.a rlo I cn^usoij^A r'ij»j pcT.i ~i s.. x:snr>:fci^^ I r^io-^hJaaAo rdrartlSLiJiAo 22 reli'vajK'^^^ I >^x3 rdisa^.T .^.oJ^i i .Ta.2k.o Ki^xflo ^i-i\a I r^^ujiarclA 24 f. 52a 00000 rC'dx-iJ^ JC-4J r^ 'Tjssre'a'' I v>Acn^r<' K'rdx^o^ rrcna3rcd rdlflo I r^o >^cA rt'^nc'.i I ^^^ •...oorA 26 r
  • cDCxmXo oo^^pciAo I cn^CAirdio I rcAo rdX.t^o rcfinvi I rcla^.i .^^oaosj i^^^ cuso ^^ ** I *= K'ocoj.i ,u%t"73 28 I rClX.i^^ cn^osalxJ^A cnl I ^"^r<' •._rx2»- cuc^AvjacA A\r<'.i I rd^SJO ojLisa (\r^^^ y\\r \^ 31 .^h-ircLstA I ^-A-aAK* rc^'i on s 1 «JL^T'^g^ ! »._K'n »<^h."iA\so * pQ.TocA 1 r^lAo l.tjcsn I ^ f ' »^ i ."Uh. rclArt'o^^ 1 ^j-aAp^* ^1 Oft s rn >cqcUl^ I rc'^K'.i oorxA 32 ^^O^^so I jcJr^ AcVA^ rdi^cn^^ I . KLaoii. Ai*. caxsn I re^sno rc'a^Wrc' 33 * K.Va^»A^ on ^ » In crAcv^ I jaiT. rcil.T 34 DissiMiLiA IN Cod. Cureton. rf i "n 4- ' (f. 71b) 23 ocd — * 22 ff i\m in\o — *= jiOA " ocd — * 21 iAst<' " K-WJ-Vflj — * § 25 . th*j^s»xjarf "^ ^sa — *^ ^-iAcd '' rtirC isare* * 24 KlJ-^TaA^ »ii»_3 rs'i»re'Q en -i 1 \ ^ An-x. ndX^ ^Joo ^^ 4- "* »A 4- '^ rCliTTi\A» " ^SirC * 26 . t<\a^>y±r> 4- * 30 ^ I mi * 29 ^i»_»rC» ocrurs'^"^ 28 . t_i rcaou-l m "^Tm rci A-a * 33 . nticaio A»-u ,ob 4- * 32 SiMILIA IN ALUS CODD. 26 '"' Pesh. idem = et fratres suos et sorores suas, et uxorem suam et filios suos. Diat. ar. = e/ fratres et sorores^ et uxorem et filios 29 ' a b c ffa i q Pesh. Diat. ar. om. ap^wi/Ttti 31 ' Pesh. Diat. ar. om. Ka.QLaa% 34 ' A YJfam} abcdefffaiqrj Pesh. om. ovv 172 Luke XIV. 10-21 rtLoCui.n r^Ls^n II %j>^isn^ 1 0Q.z.^:t ^ ix^ pDuii.i 1 Aa^^^ .^* reLi^.^.'saflo >-ii^=» 1 rc'^»xa.x.^** 13 .TA^.i r.\y'5q 1 ^i.iJsa \^^ ^ yx\ K'cn I ,_o^rA I rC'^VrC'o"^ ^l=)\ 19 rCLn-aK'.i r»:5q I rjia.-i iA\^ AcvA-^ II . .^^oiIa + ^ K-ivJio-suti* ^ ^jn + "^ 10 .ncr-i-^ieiA^ (f. 71a) n^iaA:i ^ i^^evjpc ncijiv-xi ^jIjpc" v^xai^t '^ ors* K^xoiJC + '' »-*A" + * 15 ^rC:sft.^ifa\a t<£xa^>^,^jjA pe'ij evjA o'' . i^^i-nm^ I3 nc^icn — ^ Aojk" ia.^4-^17 . fgAVm\'^ ffocD— " i^^isa^ 16 aiA<= e-^cn " niJr< K-a-s" nSJrf Airr-o* IQ KJrs* n^T.A-a'^ .cruvjurs''' ^irUre" -jAre'o"^ 18 r^h^hKia^ 20 SiMILIA IN ALUS CODD. 10 * e Pesh. Diat. ar. cm. to'tc 10 ^ a cm. aoi 11' Pesh. idem. Diat. ar. = * ^1 A^i.i .^^oAASfl oisq i .^_cvotA i.sapc'a^ >crx*ijLo 5 ajjAX-r^ I p Off '•33 I ,T.^ '' rC'Ao rc'^vaJL.t I pt^iss cv-x-ra . K'iaa 6 A>o\ rdico I Kll^sn K'ocn "ijSflr^o"^ I . ^cn A^w rdsa^^^ I crA A^csal 7 ,_jcvorA I ^JSflK* rd^saflo .x.*i ^ aoco I ^x.a.^^ oocn ^-lAJtQV-^.i 1 ^_ojco 1 r<'A\^a.T=j vA*^ vfO93^vi30^ I "^ kA r<'^oAvJCJ5»al ' h\ir< I pavsa.l^ ,A\soK' ® 8 rC'Axn^O^ |3. VVISO ixiASfl.T ^^ I po^"* ^i»3V»3^ rc'ooQj I ral.i^ K'^inxSa 9 '^.Tacncv I KlicrA ^ rCi^rc' .racn^ 1 vA v»irca-a .ta 10 p<'^p<'l rtlsa.i II K'^iwrc''' rc'^o.i=» I vA* v^^^uorc' At I ^vjjsoilrc'.i DissiMiLiA IN Cod. Curetox. . >.3-UM + •" ..^etA^ + ^ 35 erxiaX." wi»A&^ii»'= '^.. •>■ in\ oTi-tfiV" 34 «^j<'l * 3 eoLOUL^oiTcn '' »j» + * 2 .^i \ ^ I xiv. nclsaeu* + ^ nfjiaaK '^ Jtji* § 7 KTuuusa + ^ ore* ooi-a + * 5 '^. nti orC rf^ a«-> oJufiBncrsoA-" (f. 70b) ^ti L/aw.' oi/os 17 /Sous a b c fF^ i r^ aur. asinus aut bos 8 ' D c d e fFa i Ti aur. om. vno nvo? 8 = Pesh. idem. Diat. ar. = ibi ^J L alnov e ///CUaJ.i i-x-V^^ I K'^u^r. ^"sn^^ ,^_a*jL^.JtJ 1 redo ca^^ l^"saA 26 vy^J.ixj II i^Klia^ .^.ovt-^ ^-..i^cn^^ I _oAurC rda^auri' I ^^ _aaA 27 rdiijsire' I ^..i-iarC' ^ v-Sflrdao^ ^"^ ^W* I ^_*jscix^O ^AvjlpCcv I . ^fla..*A 28 ni'ooaj I ^JmAx^^ . f^'ijjCUL-.i r<^\ s<\ I .^^a.a^AuK' V*-\^ »^_JX^\a I fAJra 29 n£ijLi.i.=33 ^sa I ,_oA\rdiO^^ *^ . r<'cfAt<'.l I cn^O^isora'' rtlaJ I ..^ocrAcx^cv* 30 rC'.i.rq.t-DO I riLa.S3.Ta3 ..^OcnJl.i I r^L.H-AjrC' ^"^-•K' K'ooo"* ^° I K'ctxA K* .1 '• 6^ .. .. "" ■". » •• -I 31 31 I ^"TJSflr^o rdx_.ia ^Sfl 1 r^rlr^ ojsTd ^^_aJOD i "'p^ovsacurj ..^ocotjo 32 I 'i-ssrs' ^^ . vd.\^iaS>A rc^^-)" I a>ncvicn.T AA^ rd^2?3 I v^ A\r^* jaOA cnX I rc'nrdi. rilirc' jiQ^raj I ^X'nco >oo K'^^w^"^ 1 cnX ovsanc' OA^ ,_oorA ^^vjr.^q 1 K'^ix.i rdsncuXo 1 'iuL'sacv rclisacu rdJr^ I >Lr.S3 j^cuflorfa 33 Aire'*' I i » *n i^v^o i »*?30 I i<1ij»jcu.t ►A 000^ rdXa 1 >jt^^^ nslirf o o poix.TOrc' I pa tjslA n-arda I rei*ai.i rcluuiwxiw I r«lX:i A_\^ 34 DissiMiLiA IN Cod. Cureto.v. ,-» — ^ t^HrC -A.»j^ ..4«+'* ^iTniQ'= '^nri^JLs Kisa-" -U^— *25 aia — ''24 .^^enA^o^ 28 Y^n — "^ ,_^'*-V + ** j TiwiC-i ^»jCd*27 .i<.aAcD^26 . '^' -■i\J' rclxsajiv * 29 i-aA (f. 70a) ^ . « o>.^ .^QCDi\ »^_aivJK'o + "^ K^ccaAsos *' .K'TiN''' oco — ^33 *-c «v> " .^^oA^arc* Luke XIII. 14-24 rcllo I ._ooQ-=3.i ^-l2?3CU ..^^aJrc* I K'Avx- r«ix.i.aA ijiTarc'a I rfAvaoxja* f. esb Ij* I .Tj* rsl^rdrj .iuaeJ coA I TJsarc'o .:k.aje->' rc^i.s. ^^ 1 K'^uaa-S..!*' 15 T ^^ \^tv>^ I CTJVJoK'.i ^ocniaK'.i *">cn I oaAxiaa"^ ^^ ''X'^vzul.t 1 rtlswcurj"^ col 16 r.A*t<* 1 ^..^ocnl^ oocn I I o cn.T*rocn I ^ocn.i rc'^coASQ^' I ^cni^a r<'ocn 1 ptliJSJiAo K'cnArc'.T I K'^a.ikAjso rclx-SO.! 1 rdusiA ' K'oco •iiarc'^^^ 18 I ^ oQ.iACvaQ 3 r^ 14 **•*—<= ^.aAcD — '' t-iAcD 4-^17 rC^vo A.&re' " ^-CDi»v=T ^-.t rs'icn-* l5 rs-i-a^— * § 23 wiAaAl^ 21 § 20 o o o + ^ 19 iiore-o* § 18 (f. 69b) coA — ^ i. 20 21 f. 6a 22 SiMILIA IN ALUS CODD. 14 ^ A Pesh. om. cw 15 ' Pesh. idem. Didit.a.r.=/esus D «^ fam}fam}'^ 6 'Irjarotg 17 * Pesh. idem. = miracuUs a Ej mirificis Diat. an = d tnirabilibus 18 ' A D/am.^ om. ouf 22 ^~* Pesh. idem =/^r/a»»5 cu\i VJao-o f. 68a I 7 I vwrc'''^' r^o I r<'ir<'^ cars n£l:^=a I K'A^rC'o oa^i^^ I riitoo^^ 1 i^^Jcnicx^ ^ i^-tTJC I rij.a«^ r^ n I Kli>3a^^ Kli^cn p^ocno 1 K'oco 55 rcl^fc-TK'.TO I r n Qnl ^^ I rc'acno rc'aco KliioA.T 56 I »^_o^r<' ^•»^^** *<^ ^ ' cn^a^K'o K^cD T^iri\ I atOft ir?aA ...^ackjK' I .»s.i» r"iaf2». ^K* ^ AlrC I .-u*-"* ®® 58 I rdi*.! po.Txj wi I » 1 ^ I rcLsa^.T cnisi ^i&^^.i I cn.aa.:^*^ orA ..aeo I '''^r<' rBt<' ^^ K'Hxflorc' I Avxn vy2»3V reiai^ I rrtn^ v^^soixJo'* 59 « ^ i \ \ V s^ A.2^ oqA I ^aisoK' nSlxJrC"* o^r<' I rtlui 000.3 onuao^ i*^ oacn I ^A^M rdA\.^ ^Ico.i I ^.__o^K' ^«va.a0 ^ ..__oorA I "ViarC'a »._aaA I rdaisanj' ^ '^".^^OJ k* k'oco ^ I rcii^co.i"' rcvW^ .^ctAoa.'^ I p3 3 DissiMiLiA IN Cod. Cureton. >^ + ''53 *J*^r<:i*5I ^"Airc^ fcrsa^ 58 «^^gA^T«\ i^Q^ 57 ^.aa nCxsoA »._caiui\i — '' t-*r^ ^ 5^ .Aoiaki*!* 59 vysoAxa nr i »:|o'' en \ iicn'' (f. 68b) "^ncr-juioitta Aor** en in s"" -*.«-«_. -h " -.a.o_x_. — * 2 . rf i^i^X;^" ^-oijasK-a ^_i_*Jr«'-* § I xiii. ^.^^coA -j.x\jf \t:a1i1^'= .^^oiIa'* fr:-»JUI^= SiMILIA IN ALUS CODD. 56 ' D c d e ffj om. tt^s 57 ' Pesh. idem = veritatem 58 ' D KaTaKpeivrj b d ff!, i q r, condemnei xiii. 2 ' Pesh. idem. D i^ fam> 6 'It/o-ovs Diat. ar. = c f t'esus d ffj q lAs 2 ''^ Pesh. idem = ^uia sic factum est eis ? Diat. ar. = ut hoc accident Hits 1 166 I XIII. Luke XII. 39-51 r^LaoAi CTX-fiO-O I K'oco^ rC'^K' rC'Av.^JL. I f^.v»rtls r<'Ava_=s I rCvso K'ocn .^.x^ I cArx'.i 40 I ,^^0^*000 .^^•kiK' ^K'a**° I .cnd\x=3 .zV^^i.i K'acn I jvai. r<^ rda.1^ 41 I i.sar*'*^ .r3 .SiK' I orf rdjco rcll^\.»3 I coA ^f^ vsartf' ocn 1 ^ >i.'S3 rCla.rcl^* oaA 42 l*'r<:isa*carJ3 r^2^i- | ocn ptli^pcT .^^ojc-.'* oA I isorC' *^ **". jut<' A^'*' I . CTXAJ3V=> r«Lfloi^ ^^_oca.i I A^.i cn^cxiak^*^ A:^ I co^jsa >cncuj=a^.jxj.i 43 rtLi^cn .1 a S.1 I >cna i *>,■*>. t.> ooi-sn pc'^rtli 1 .ta ^ octi.\ >cna-=)a.A«^^ 44 .^K'^S ^-ca\ ^.r^.i I A-k"*= Ai^ ,ca*\,\jLl.i'' I .^a.^\ r I K'.i.a s. ocn ijSflf^Li I ^*.i I r^oVSoAo K'Av.xJsaAo I oo-^AjsaAo rc'^caJS^p^lAo 1* K^.i "a s\ r-^ ' ^"icn-i.^ cn^vAJt^a I ,m 1 V|\ ot>o"^ . ,y v ^ -m ^ 47 vyK* [I ^ ctA ^A\ rclio cn-t-SW.i I rellxra^ .^.T>.1 ' pdav.^"^ I . ^xi5»»i 48 ^.tJSfl 1 .ta:^o .^.i.> t-^£o coA I a.i^.^r<'.i ofiio^ . cn.v»r^^ I »:^=3^ >.^Q9 . >..^Qo 49 rdiflo . f.uoua . iCDCLA.^XAja"'' ..^T-i^ 46 »^_oJCD + * 45 *^en_iaJLa oaAetA"^ i<('^?rcL£aJVA>o^ 50 rclirc' tla^^ 49 ico-ucv^^^'' ocnAo ^ 48 (f. 68a) ^ i A . . rf " SiMILIA IN ALUS COUD. 42 ^ Pesh. idem, /am.^^ [6] 'Iiyo-oS?, =: b /f.r«/5 42 "/am.^ oiKertas a b c e f ffj i q fi aur. familiam 47 ^ Pesh. Diat. ar. om. eVeZi'os- 47 ^ L b c e ffj i q Tj Pesh. Diat. ar. om. 17 7roi7yo-as 48 ' Pesh. idem = plagis 48 ^ Pesh. idem = ^«//» ^ * a deficit .l.fla.a lA^or^ Luke XII. 27-39 rdl'TJSiaK'a*^ I ^..J*^* r^o ^^V^*- r^.i'' I r^Ll^.r** ^ r«ll.T-a.x= I CUxai^rC ^'^ 27 Aow\'= i M*g30 1 r<'"icOi^ jcoo^rf I t<1i.5>3CU.t '^ rCi.iJsa..2^* I ^.i .^_K^^® 28 I K'^oissa^ca tHxfiOAA .^^cv^ I ^^rc'-i.^ '^ rd:s>i^ I .X3.\.s>3 K'orArf I K'icuAva rdJJSao ,,^_o^\i.^ I rdusoo ,^^cu»s\^ riluin I ,^_crs->^ A^^cn rdlX^^ 29 ^»-2w=3 I TT^nn \ s.. .1 ^ ocn Kls^'sa.^ i ^orAo^^ "^^X. ^cn^^ 1^ ,._afiQ^A\A^ 30 Am.i^ I rdX^^ »^_oaA ^.ajioc\i\i 1*^ ^\ooa K'coArC'.i * I co^ceA^Q Q sn 32 Oirjt^^ I K'^^cxaisn ,_cv^ A^.i I .^^OiiCUDK' K^a^^^rC*.! * I rt'io.^t r<'iv^ 33 rdA.i 1 rdfiox^ ._^VaA O.T.=i2k.O I . K'^ OaCDCV ._aaA I ^r<'.l ^j.VSoAa ..^^a^:a\ ^rc*^ I^ ^^a^^-sixjaoi i^rt'o^* I An ursq I "^'rclV j^r^'^ 34 ._^«V'\^^g- I ^'ioo.UMO ._aA*^ I ^vxfloK' ^,_ooca-j^^ . k'ocoj I ^^ 35 i\y<\a I fh\.:y3T<^^ ._ocni.:a.\ I ^x.&i3i2.^.i re'-xjr^ 'V ^ 30 . ^-lActua «_o^JL_^^^o + ^ 29 A lAcn + ** A claco I r I K'ocn -n-r-uAvJiflCV^^ I K'^nsl*!^^ r<'^Liii- 1 co-^irtf' coA h\Ckca 18 rdXr^"^^^ ,i\AA^ I Accsawrc'.t rd^^r^ k.\ I ^vA.l .i3,:*-r<' rdUifl I 'TJSarc'CV ig I nC^nil^Qo rcAxii^ I rc'co.i ' >T°i>>\^ isaK'a^^ 1 ' . >^ii^' ,.^000=3 .zA^rco f. 1 20a 21 20 1 ofA ^x2k.3^ vvt^l I rilAA rillcara * r<^lA^.i I ixfiou rc'ca\r<' orA I i.»if<' b 20 .©. ^Av^ rorj tVv.^ I i-*-^ I reA ^K^a rdi'o^ ,._aca\ I h\.A<\ . ^-I^** rtAo 1 ^.i-^it t3 I ytn^ coia 10 Kll ^.T^ I r ■B'T-Pjsq.i r >JlL=» AJ\^n^K'.l ' I oco '' rcl^TAl.t cnj=?3.tA 1 rijL I 'rc'JSi.sw cai^'' ^_x^ I .^aoAnxii^ 54 oacn I ^.t.Si^aa ^^ rC^nilx.^^ Ash. I ^"oaJSO-^ ooco ^*_x.i.Ta"' 1 rcnaLk. I js.x^ .t^o^ ^ .""K'^A^"^ I >CDa\.2k. .i.A>f »_^JL.TJ.1 * rov€V!^av a d quem occiderunt 52 ' D eKpyij/are a c d abscondistis Diat. ar. = h e. q adsconditis 52 ^^ Pesh. idem =: rs'^JLLo Diat. ar. = q ^/az/^j 53 ^-' Pesh. «^^caA K'ocn idaK* ^oAcn tao = jE/ quum haec dixisset eis^ Afam} Xeyovros 8e auroD Tavra tt/jo? aiirovs D Ac'yovTos 8e raSra 7rpo« avroi^s evwrrtov TravTos rov Xaov a Dicente autem illo haec coram omni populo c e Cum haec autem diceret ad eos in conspectu iotius (c tocius) populi d dicenie autem haec ad eos in cotispectu omnis popuH b f i q ti cutn haec (b om. haec) ad illos diceret et (b f q om. et^ coram omni populo (b i c^pkbe) Diat. ar. = aur. Ctim (Diat. ar. + autem) haec ad illos diceret 53 ^^-^ D avv^aXkuv avrw a comminare illi b i q rj committere cum illo c conferre cum eo d committere illi e conferre illi f altercari cum illo 54 ^-' Pesh. icna^iua ,_ ^^ •^ '^ « « .« ^t ^t = ut possent accusare eum Diat. ar. = ut eum accusare possent A Q fam} Iva KaTrjyoprj- aovaiv avTov D iva eupwcrtv KaTrjyoprjCTai avTov a c r, aur. ?// accusarent eum. b e i q ri ut eum accusarent d f ut (f 4- occasionejn) inuenirent accusare eum xii. i ' b e^aur. om. -n-pwrov Y 161 * Sabatier c totius t om. e (Tisch.) em ft r n ctA^oK' Luke XI. 37-48 f. 66a rerja=3co >^ a M -3 3 cu^ I h^^r^i >j.t.2fl I .^^AvJK' ^^ >i -5^ >a^^ 43 ^V^ kA.1"^ I K^i 1 n' .^o^^pCi I .^Oi^X »a^ KlflOJE^ 1 rrlsaAjco 44 ^.i ^.t-» I T t. "^ '^^V ^-lAcna .^^xa.:^ •^.aaI — * 46 .Are-o* 45 .^^k-Jre- — " »^ -Wn^ ,„^i»_Jre' ^i-u • (^^-xarC t-iJal rck^kj^ A.^ .^^(kJrC ^ iTiunao + '^ nc^.z-iK' » i nX — '^ ^.aAo_k.:| '' SlMILIA IN ALUS CODD. 37 * D d om. iv Se tw AaX^o-ai 38 ' D a b c d e ffa i q r, aur, om. I8wv 39 ^ Pesh. Diat. ar. idem = e lesus 39 ^ i om. vw 44 ' D a b c d e ffa i q Fj om. w? 46 ' a ^a D b d q om. rots ^opn'ois 160 Luke XL 27-36 rdLD<^A^ ^^i,, 28 '.^ax_» I orA' isoK'^® VNCtox.K'.i I rc'^.i^a v\^Lix..t 1 Klitoiai cax=ja\^ 29 .1^0^^ I cnA ^n^io ri'crAnr'.i || cni\\.s»3 o.s^'Sajt.i * I ^JLrdX ,^_ocrxk=ic0^ »cn rc'^aijt. I rC'.ico k'Austjc I i.S3i «v ^*ri 30 !<:*aiLll I rc'A^rC ^CU K'ocn.T I ixii^^ rdi^r^^*^ ''"rdxiu' ^CU.i I rc'^nc'^' 32 I ca:ia.-3.t, k'.tco I K'ivaix. >>^- r^ix^xa I »^^2flcu3J >cuu^ I >j^ pc'iaX^^ 66b o o r I r^ocn^ Axi^cn^ vrAx^k-.i I jAvJSor^ * ,cn pc^l is I K'i.^.i ix^ J^r^ r ^ . r » "> I K'ocn^ vUx:^'* ^.t 1 •U!?! even i*cnA cn\oA* I vvi^,^ J^n^ 35 W3.1 rc'icnca I r^liiaAi i_.cot Ai^cn I r^'ocnAx^^ oco vvcz^ l** vvi.^;A 36 icai^.i r3 r:i f<^rf — '' itfi'n t,!| — "= .eiiA'' K'iir^Q* § 29 ^ 1 %*?! t.ji^ 28 (f. 64 b) . rf 1 T.\ pe-ii»ni_3 ors* . rcivtiC-iD i\j-»i\ * § 33 nCQ i x.i ^ 32 "»-«^ — * 3° vyAOJUi . ocD vvojui vyov ktoooj «.^_re'Q3^ .eoA v^ t m i~^ 35 cilL& + '^ enla^ 34 ^e e e • rCacoj nT-w^ SiMILIA IN ALUS CODD. 28 ^ Pesh. idem = c et Diat. ar. = a //// 28 * a aa b f ffj i q Ti Pesh, Diat. ar. om. fxevovv 29 ' Pesh. idem. A C/am} tov Trpo(j>-^Tov e q fi profetae i propheiae 31 ' C om. Tuiv axtipwv 33 ' Y^fam} om. ovSe utto tov /xdSiov 34 ' e ^«m 34 ^fam} om. o-ou 34 3 Pesh. idem = ^^//«r A Cfam} ovv 34 4 a q oculus tuus 36 '~' f .fz* enim corpus quod in te est lucernam non habuerit lucentem tibi tenebrosa est. quanta magis autem lucerna iua fulgens lucebit tibi q si ergo corpus tuuvi lucernam non habetis lucidam obscurum est. quanta tnagis cum lucerna luceat inluminat te 1-59 jjLin »._aA^on:' Luke XI. 14-27 I — I aoo^"' ^'rdxJSiax. 1 ^ rt'^K' orA I oocn ^xAr^Jt"* orA oocn I .n""!*^ ."Wk. 17 cnA A^l I ^^^^vJSq r^h\.xjs A^.:i I rc'^ux.s Ao&o .stjj^ cixjl^^ I As. cn^cv^A:?} I )qO.^^ ri'y \»r^ J^!^h\^^ I cn.TAl A^, r 1 ^_j^^^ 18 r -I . II •^jx'o-'^^ K'.nr^li. Kljr^ ! j> <\.tq .j30.r3V.\ v -a n.i I .^^AxJn:' ^■i:s3r<'.i 19 ,^^Q\ I V-> ._OAaJL=j I ^ ^rf^^-iA^ KljjOi I rdJr^ jaASQ >aQjv\s i-n"^ T^Ll^.l ,_aaA I .^^^^crxJ .^^Jen r<^ ^:i I ».__r<^^° 20 ^-•W=ia .TA I rcno.\.^ r^ocn I Aa^^.i ocn caA*\ I Aaax.3o >cno.j^Uo jzA-^ rdA.i ^o I ocn iJLtlooA >J±a.^ 1 r<'ocn KlA.i ^jsn^^ I coA »^£k=a 23 I on ^ dvd^.i r^jya | K'ova.U^ rduot '^^ >-\** I i.iaSQ oi.iaL^^ 1 iJSO^ 24 Air^ vvCLacnrc' I K'ij5ar<' ^vjjl^x.k' I r^.i rel'swo KIax-lJ coA I jju&.x.^.1 I ^^AQO >A:9a44.i I huxSLX.r<^ A^^r<'.i rclsa*^^ I ^nx.pC l'^>^u^ 25 cars' I ..j^^o ^Lk-o 00159 I ^T i-i.i ^'i»*rc' '^.siT. I rC'ia.i r^trC' ^.ven*^® 26 .1^0'^'' I coh\x:snxxk ^^ rt'T i =3 I '^"ndstJK' ia"'^ ocn.n 1 cnAui*>r<' rd-ocno 27 DissiMiLiA IN Cod. Cureton. f ATI ,T. ^Aa nfi*!"*'"^ 16 *~. K^ifejL niaoj j>'\fn~^ I5 ,L..OJCD + ^ ocn + * § I4 «.»o-3»A.xaL3 ntir** ^_.l-* 19 (f. 64a) .^L&^K^l8 A^^iy *-.caA ooen |_»Akj. ' T' « W , ^.M -- * § 24 »>\ — * 23 cd^claAsq^ 20 ^K':iifcXi rC-JrC JTkfw t-uioi + "^ ^1^03 — * 26 ^ »■•> t.wq" rC-!wo^ 25 ^.aa 4- "^ «^eaa'* § 27 "^itauis-* SiMILlA IN ALUS CODD. 1 5 '"* b ff, i ^.r /%amaw 23 ' S L /xe 26 ' D a azb d e ffjiq om. ckci Diat. ar. = ;■« _o^aci> ^^_o^rc' I ^A^ia.i lAvJsnr^ ._^»c»A I xsnr^a^^ >^\ ^_\ .^ona^ I v\^Q-^V."S3 r<'ixf<'i\o I vysojc .x..vxi^ rdLzar^^ | ^•i.s>3r<' 5 I Atr<^o rAflot<'.t ^.-usa lA I AvAo rJia3^ rtl\ I orA ijsarCiio a^ ^ I ^"rcli^j ocno"^ "^ >CDCX».Ta I '^~fcocuAp<^t i.t ^^^OAi'ga 1 ^.1 12 orA I A^x.CU93 rtlai n v I rdsaA.i >cnaArdLxJ I re'^i^ ,_r<^* ^^ '^ * .aorx. 13 I r^^\JacoOJy3 ,^_o^rc' I ^ % s-.y. ,_c»^^rc' r^ t i -i.i 1 ,_o^^t<' ^__r<'o^^ I A^.i r^^AJSaJt.ra.i"'' I KlaK* i-.^* r^litt^ I ,.^_a^i 1 -i\ A^:^ r<'^a\ ^•^3a ;^ ^rdtn I ^kA ''f<'Ava\^ DissiMiLiA IN Cod. Cureton. ^''i-i-ajo^ 7 ''-»i*e^ Ki*!*- ,j»j»i:|" Aa\j»^ 6 Kociui ^ 5 . lOu^ CD^o.a^^'' ^cv-a_i 4- " itlJrC i-aaK * 8 (f. 63b) "^ttf i m -^ T 'n~^ .V\aa'' ocD nfaoA .nCaxjuul-^ II '^JLnjJi Aoao-" A-a*IO ^u ■>*V»» ^"^ ^9 KjO-u fJ^ I .=»'t-isO"* ^* >cna-L^ I pa-jji^K'o >ca^v-u cn^oA 34 I K'ocn.i vfA k'vm^v^ I rc'^Ax ^cn ^ 1 cusa^^ vA r^r^ .^i& I tcncxl^*^ 36 I pQjji^PC'.i OCI3 col I aJsaK*^"^ .^r ^ im i\ ^ ,.T»r I orA ^ocn ^rc'o^^ I cn^vxna cD^\in || rc'^i.'^ cn2)az..t 39 rCiiOr^ ^^r<'o^ l' * r^^ux2.z. >^vu.i |A^ I vA A i\-) rcA y'TJSQ I oA rC^ViW I cnA i=wr<'o^ .*\^ajL*' rrHx.^'^^'^ I >A rc' ooA^ i^nK' 41 I Axj^^ r~i:? ' >cno.'u:snA^ J:n .tjj oA f DissiMiLiA IN Cod. Cureton. >Aea->' 35 *~. » tf MTfi a ij3^.^a .^aia^nCo"^ 34 .-..jf*^* 39 (^-esa) §38 ne^a^ia'36 icDcd-^ — " ^oi. + *= >3oi» — " iaare*"* rCJ_x — * 4I . .T*n t.pC.i " . rciintij^^jas 4- * 40 .icdaIm" .t f i. ^-t ^vjo ^9 009 K«jn + ^ 42 .rcitnCA^i^as A.:i. *^i«oA ^rC *Aj1 n£.aic\\a t^^ 4-*^ AulIa 4- ^ . rf*-- + " ^» + * § I Xi. SiMILIA IN ALUS CODD. 34 ' Pesh. idem = in eas 36 ""' Pesh. idem = iti inattus grassatoruni 38 ' Pesh. idem. Diat. an = in via 39 ' Pesh. idem. Diat. ar. = et venit 39 == A B C fam} ToC 'Itjo-wD b lesu 40 ' b ffa i om. ttoXA^c 40 ^ Pesh. idem. Diat. ar. = et venit 40 3 Pesh. Diat. ar. om. ow 41 ' Pesh. idem. Diat. ar. = ABC fam}fam}^ 'It^o-ous b c e f q rj lesus 41 "Dabdeffjiri om. fiepifjLva<; koI Oopyfid^rj (D d servant Oopv^d^y) irtpl TroAAa. oAiywi/ St eVriv XP*'" ^ ^•'05' 41 3 c om. oXiywp 0€ iiJTLV \pi(.a 7f lvo% i>6 Luke X. 22-33 rcLooA.i cola I ov-*» Kilo .^^^^AvJr^ I ^Vjj.I :».T»3 ,__av-M^.l I Ou=i^ rc ^M-^ o r c^i n 1 I ca\ i.snK' >CT3CU£a.U.i I rC'oon ^rclo.t .tm 1 rdfloosai .Su:^ -aio* I ' . ^ 26 I»' caA \:yir<^^ I >A^."i r<:*^ ^irc'."! I .1 n v fC Kluss rsULAV r -I ra^OA I p3o' vy^ cfAa^*^ 1 ^'sa vvca\r<' r^-.i.'2»\ I ^awi^n crA \:snr^<\^ 28 hurr^ rc^> MO I ."ua-s*- ^-^Aco ^'tJSorc'' 1 AuK'^i^ .^^.Ojla' cqA I i-^K' ^® 29 >.a.>i£i 0.1^0 i .^.ax.A i-^K' cxtJC^S 1 OA.iv^^ rx'ocn rix-iot<' ^JSW rc'ooo I ^UMuS .iJ* rc'"i.n.\^^ coA I vS9r<" ^^^ ^.&:^ 1 iviTj »cncuia.z.o I >cno04A:930 ycna.uAx.K'o I ' t^qq «X^^ ai^ao*^' 31 »co 1 tcnuvM DissiMiLiA IN Cod, Curetov. |.A.a.9UC.:|" iJ^— ^ 24 ^i^^iu*wj»ir >i*S9-* 23 'it^srC oJksa itl-Ao"^ 22 ml^" •is9i<'' nelJ-a. ^-.1 oo) — * 27 ^. ^-.ia"* 26 *aq* 25 "^.^.akjrf »*jixl-r» + •= X&^Aci" . -^AXj + ^ 30 (f. 62b) aoA&a'^ . vyxa.J^ . v\ ^ 1 » '' >\j)9o'' n^ja-ioftfo eo^* 33 *-.Ai««'a"^ 32 rCoeo + * 3I SiMILIA IN ALUS CODD. 22 3-3 q ef quis novit patrem 23 ' D a b c d e ff^ i aur. om. xar' llUv 25 '-' b ff, Haec eo dicente c f i r, ^/ haec eo dicente 25 ^ D d e oni. l^ov 26 ' Pesh. idem. fam}"^ [6 Se] \y)Tov\:^or<' Luke X. 12-22 12 12 i cAk'.t rC'.T*^ Avis >-a\ I ,0 ^\ia^ i-aA ,a ^^ 1 *'. ,cn rc'^X*."u^.T^ ^ 13 ^'^'^i^o ^ 1 ^r»ax.''"^ I ._^cD oocn cxaAcoa^^ I '".^tq x. i-i'i.TJc.i ^-^^^ 17 ^i.z^.1 I .^^oocn^.i r3 19 20 21 . r n I — I 1** rcliK* r<'ia\'^ " .:^.V* O-USao** | ^ Klrarc'* ^JSa |A ^x-X^vx-r^ I ^.usw f. 122b DissiMiUA IN Cod. Cureton. ikjre* -ArCo* 15 .iiiJU»»»*I4 *~. ^_a,aj oooo*-* § I3 ^"o o o- rciiJ-t^Jo »cnA:|-* 12 »A^ vA* ^.sao . ul\^ OOB »A + '' ^. %-n T. ...^o-aA^"* 16 rcArC + "^ ^euttai-a-a " v^K'^22 1^ I 1 »A>-aT '^ k'.'Ux.t'' ^_.» — * 20 en_Lao "^ (f. 62a) rt^jpe' -jsorij^ig SiMILlA IN ALUS GODD. 12 ^ Diat. ar. = iudicii 13 ^ e q fi Pesh. om. Kadyjfjiet/oi 14 *~'/aw." cV i7M«pa icpicreo)? c f r, m ^/a3CvAt<' yi:u3 ^ii^ ^i^ I »._cuf<' i.-rx-a ^"^i^o 2 I ^io^i r^a k\^ ' r<'.i^ ,_aaA ijsnrC ^ 1 A\r-l=j.t"* 6 ^^K**^ * K'^uao II rdsoAjt- ^i.sorc' ._^^*ocn I oq.\ .^a^K* ^.xA^k..! ^'hLi< rcncd^ I jjlx^^ r^sa\jt. t=3 I ^Sfl^ Aur^ 7 ^^50 I ^^.x.a . I Off N.\ .._o^*ocn I r^^^i a 3 ca=>a^ vnc^coj I ^._ai[kA^. I rc'ovxn ^ ^,__OAi^h\ rdiXa I cni^rC^ ri I r<'.T»r I ^-.K*.! r.xjaoov:2«.i I -pxrss Aoa I OfiO^ ca.3 .^^aiii cAjaja. J I rdXo coA .^^vAoK' I ^.,fc.\.s..i ^ K'^i-.T.^a II I ^.^^^ ^1^4^ ja^.l.l I »r^ DissiMiLiA IN Cod. Curetox. KJijuri:! i-^K " tcno-Tj^axl^ ^sn — * § I X. ri'^eu&ls&A '' >OQi» + * 62 (f. 61a) . ncUCD 4-^5 *- jurs't-* 4 ^-heMk* "iiiao-^ it^x.CD + •• ed» * 3 Xaj^cd + * 2 CD^o-aA^a ** rCCDo^ II '^. co-laaxs oisaR'a''' SiMILIA IN ALUS CODD. X. I '-' Pesh. idem. = ex discipulis suis i '"^B ifiSofx^KovTa Bvo D ■~o^- a d e Ixxii. c aur. septuaginta duo (c duos) i 3-3 Pesh. idem. Diat. ar. = regionem €t civitatem , D tottov Kat ttoKw a b c d e q r, locutn et civitaiem 2 ' D om. ovv 5 '"' D TrpwTov oiKtav a c primam (a primurti) doiimm b domum primum 1 1 ' e ecce X 153 ^nix) jvA^oK' Luke IX. 49-62 •T.sire'O ^ImCU I rdl^**^ ^"000 ^i rciaco I .^^0A.\ rdj.\J^o io.2k.\.i I iA^* 49 Kill I A\^^ ,cTXLix\.5ka vr^.T.s3 I K'nnc'.i. jx£i:99.i .ta* "^ ^*V*» | ^=i ** OQ^ ^ 1 rCoco rd^.l ^»J I »^_a\.^^ Kl^ ,v.OJt_. ,^_Ooa\* I \:snr-^ ^^ * ^5>1^ K'A\rc' 50 o o ocn I ''",_aiLxal*> ^^__oa1=ixA"'' I Tx\^ crLAa-.i.^" ^n^K* I cQ.l.iifla.2»3.l r^^.'^O,^ 1 oocn ^.jJj»J ^xJSn .i^a^'^^ 51 <\.\\»<'o I tcncs^r^ >i.T^ Kl^r^Ajs?! 1 rc'oco inJCO^^ >A.x-'icvral r<'ocn I yxxoo Taix.ior3rf.i.i ^Jrc* rdL=3^ •.^^^^ ' caA ' oi-^JOnC ^.1_mCL»o i .ja.n,a>.» ,_o^ctA I CvAtr<'o ^ ,^_Oca=> K'rcl^O*^^ I .^OJ^rC' »^xflD^O rcJxSax. I ^ r^'io.i 55 I K'^rC ^XJK'*' ctA i.'^K' 1^ rcluioK'^ ^\T^ .-T^a^"^ || K'^ijjrc' K'^*Tja\ 57 r-\ Qo-^K' ^.1 I )a.vi3CxA • j-TJai v\i^.r3 I rc'A^K' reUi-uK' I oqA ' "TJSoK' ^^ 61 ^x.JK' relA .^.ajc^ I coA ijsaK' ^^ k'^K'o^ I ,^x3 »^ ra \ K'ajjrc'' I A \ re' 62 DissiMiLiA IN Cod. Cureton. ^-31 — ^ I f i . v a ^ 49 '-. ..ST ojcn nr'iA^ rtHm vyjre* .^^.a^ '»-*^ ievJk.»l~* 48 '''.^^ •^•n . V .^o-al.ajjoA-" enA * 50 . vviica + ^ A-a.** (f. 60b) K-va^. + *= .-^.e^H:' o-Laxi ^ 53 rCT-u 4" * 52 cnA 4- "^ A*-*:-!-! ^ *a rCacno^ § 5I pe'-Tjr!''! «^^i\.2re' ^.j-^Xj nsA . .^^oooA 'isorCa 4" ** j-iAivre' acna 4- * 55 Ao\,'w ** .CI »t -n V ni-Arf . rr^T'M ax.scv.saA tf^r^ tV.X rC-XirC-l i^^^ coija . nfjaai .^^aiure* ^..1 cnijaA'= .tvAA^-sa" ..J^'T — * 58 ,Mr< — ^ *j. rs'i^V. •^'^ •*' + *§ 57 4- * 60 . T^hit<-a 4- *= liaa 4- " K** * 59 SiMII.IA IN ALUS CODD. 5 1 ' Diat. ar. om. c'-yeVcro 51 = K A C D to TrpoowTrov avTou Pesh. = a b e f q x^faciem suam d ujiltuvi siatin 54 ' Pesh. Diat. ar. = (?/ 61 ' Pesh. Diat. ar. idem = c ei 61 ^ a b e q r, nuntiare 61 3 Pesh. idem = et veniavi Diat. ar. = et revertar 152 04b Luke IX. 39-4^ rd-aci_\.l rdic 39 r^.*»oio'^^ I . ^ oco r"i= I ^'Ji^^ ndl^^rf"^ vOi?3 I nili^^^ f. 44a I *^ oqA f-'sa.JLr3 Klicn I rJii.i.x.i ^jtnA A -a o.'sq I >.A.i ^:2>30 A.a.-n.'sq I oco >-\ DissiMiLiA IN Cod. Cureton. caA ngxjCo'= rs'.TCD + ^ 46 '^"pe'ivAsa rfloj-" icTXJLje\.lrOui '' rc'inr^aal^ 45 o-sa-Ujj ^ 44 SlMILIA IN ALUS CODD. 38 * Pesh. f i-A^rc = converie te 38 3 Pesh. = rt^ w^ 39 ' ^< D d e Pesh. om. llov 39 ^ a ^/ concidit d ^/ adlidit e ^/ collidit ffg fj ^/ (f/Zd?/'/ 42 ' Pesh. idem = dejecit earn 42 ^ Pesh. *« v«n« = et frendere fecit eum. 45 ^~' Pesh. i»o£n ngixn'^'jaT .\\»a = quia occultus erat Diat. ar. = quia erat vdatum 48 'Dab c d e ffa q Fi om. aurois wj- ,.^_cul^ar<' Luke IX. 27-38 ..^osii^l rdX.T I rd^icn ^iaxo.i nilxJr^ 1 ^-K*! ^K'i.ix. ^.i I .^^aAA I K'A-so .T-iicv^^ o-xA-.'saX I K'ict}^ jAfloa* '"^j»*»a-xAo I ,=3 Q n s . A o"' 29 Of) I cuvM^rs'o*^^ rdArc'o I r>s.\o * Cts^X. KlxA-w I ,_oca=3''' •^"^ r<'m\ ^ I ^^4jJ .1^ * 'Xlsacu ocaao" ^^ 37 . rtli-a.VjsJ •i-sars'o I r^Js>>D . ocn rc^Ti^ ^ .T** I rc'i.n.^o^ ^^ . K'rC'j-^^ 38 DissiMiLiA IN Cod. Cureton. oaJudo ^ § 28 o o o *^-u-seLXa n^^rC-T + * 27 '^'icncu&ivrlibia tcnecsre'.i"*' 26 nCAirTA ..^* 32 .r:'ivjuojaj.i\_='' cuiVJu^M*"-!* 3I . nC^A i\vyj r:* + * 29 (f. 59b) •iataix'-T »cn + ^ 35 ^_ii\ + *= am + " »-=>^ ^ 33 . r«'i»rc:A^jJo + " oiA^" uxa" .-3oi» + * 37 oooj + '^ ..^coA 4- * 36 », 11 i.Mo'^ ojcn" SiMILIA IN AMIS CODD. 28 '"' Pesh. idem. D L xal laKui^ov koX luidvrjv d Tj ^/ iacobum ei iohanen 35 ' c om. Xeyovaa 37 '"' D 8ia rrjcr rjixepaa- a b d e autetn per diem f /V< ///a cno.i.x.'5»i.\^\ I — I i I even ..a-flaJo^^ .^ocoAo.^'^ I * oajso-qo r^a ^cv.&cn I a.i.:a.2*-a^^ pclA'saQQ.a ID f . -I . h •" \ "■ \ I wt-aa rclV.:33 rd.-Ja'^ aiAxorc'.i i pa.V:?3 ^^Sfl a.lii.x.0 I ^ ,._acaA.^ 18 I casa:^ tcno.v^.'^aA^o I icnonajjiAa rc'oco rdA^so^ I x^o^^ "^ ^.,i.\.i.a>cv,o ig ^•usjpe'o*-^® I i^aK'.i ''lAi^ nrlxJLii'' 1 ^i-Sar^ rtliso I i.^wr^o •^CUK' Andx. 20 r<*l s. 1 jAu-rc'.T ^"^"i-SoK' ,_o^.iK'~'' I rdi-^ ^ ,_acaA \j^r^ ^^ I acn 21 I r r^ljja.i Vi\^ I ri^V3 1 K'^rdJO '^ ' caa-«-o\'' I AnxJO 25 i=3 i^rda 1 "ii^ r^\\^r33 ca.gAi I .iraca.l ^O ca^.^acu -1 . DissiMiLiA IN Cod. Cureton, ^-.ii^o'' .^_ojcn*l6 ^.^cnViV" .^^ev-irf + * 15 ^-iii\J^ .^oiorC — "^ 14 r£JLi ^Jn i\jDa . ^-i.aArc' ir'j'nH vwrC .ocn re-sxjjA ^ oA&rc'T ^.xAcd n^xJre" oocn 4- * 20 ^-.iiop:'^ 19 "^ni-xisx »,^ %-" (f. 59a) rcl ^ — * § 18 © o e.*^'^ \a . rE:-Jca^o rci-ajabo"* 22 rCni.a ocno* 21 "^^.^iore* ^_»iiors'~'' .^^oAorCo ocn «^eo(i — ^25 "pat \ '\-> + ' cn-\t\ J' »ika* § 23 ^'rcii-l if» i rc:£QCui.Ao A^a^o SiMILIA IN ALUS CODD. 20 '"' c f flFa q Tj aur. simon petncs 20 ^-^ f hi es 20 3 a om. tou Otov 23 '"' Pcsh. t«:.3-T yj9* = (2/^/ w^// 23 ^CDabcdeffjqr, om, ku^' r)/x€pav 149 jjt"5ao ,fc__cui\i o K* Luke IX. 5-14 ooco* ^_A,Ai.^i\.5n '^ i »cna.3 yxo I ^i^ucu.-i "^ aoco ^vsnrc'.i I A!\^ 8 r^ g ^.^ojcn I cvA.^cno-'^^ >cDa..*\-»x3.i I rc'ocn r^lsa^a >cna.V^ 1 rtlivsar-'' ^cn.T^ 10 I .^^Ocn^.TCUxLa ._ai^r<' ira.TO I O.TS^..! >j.t:5?3 AcVA* col I ax^^l-r<'o pc^miVt. r3.i rd:^i^^ AxK'a n I rc'calrC'.i r^^oalsa I A.:^ *^ K'ocn Almsao I •_car<' A^xoo '' craiAva 1^ o.^tK' -a-.'ina* -"^^ ._ocal K'ocn I rdflord^) r^^CuJior^ l*^oocn ^axxxIAd.! ^^rt^lo 12 KlaLsa** I ^ vAu ^\ ^x\ oA I ^vsaptf' QoiAsai ^.^oAuK' I .^_ooq\ ci=3CD '""'1 .. ..'""'% I rc'^inxflo '^ ^Ajjiipc' ^vi I AtKli.i"^ •-i^l'' '<'Ar<' ^cu I ^'i^o ^-k-sn-jjA DissiMiLiA IN Cod. Cureton. (^is) aam — * § 6 '*~o o o o rf^aiieo-joaA »^_^tnA~** o-A*^ qocd ^^^aiore' — ''5 *^.rCsiAjarfih\txA~^ A-a"^ § 10 >iiJ re* . V ti t. " pCocd + * 9 t i o M -> ^ iCDoij_^re' + ■* » en a i-i-saA ^ "^ '^. rt:jaO-» l*n %ti\ ~'' ^~. nrr 1 a mXa"'* ""t-^*-! ^ m irf Aitti"' ..j^* — ^ ^ ,^_ocaA cv-scd .^_oiore' ,^ft**"^ 13 OOCD + ^ 14 SiMILIA IN ALUS CODD. 5 ^~^ D Tov Kovioprov T'jji' TToStov v/Awi/ c d auF. pulvercm pedum uestrorum 6 ' Pesh. irrju-juLz. = Apostoli 6 =^~' Pesh. idem =perpagos etper civitates b c q /^r (c om. per) castella et civitates ffa civitates et castella 9 ' Pesh. idem. D L raura Diat. ar. = d haec e /j/a 14 ' ffj q om. wo-ei 148 Luke VIII. 49— IX. 5 rtLncxA.t V^na 49 ca\ ^*'t.t?3PC'.i''' I r^h\x.iij3^ .TSkO*^ 51 T.t I . jcnal**. oacn ^jA.jjl^I ^^.n 56 I 000a . cQ^oaaK' OOCTJ I ocasn^o^^ A^^Klsai 1 orA .^^cAAo.i .td-^cv I .^vsio 11 •:• rC'ocni r^ rior^o^ ^^i^ I rtli^K'o'' . rtlS^fia^^ 5 rtA.i ^jAarfa^ I ctoo.^ ^.so^ ^a .oocn I ^jso^ caA^ ..^o^jk' ^ t\\-.i DissiMiLiA IN Cod. Cureton. K— 1._^ — ^ oi_«»rC ixcvAcn.f 4" * 50 y.^xsnr^a'^ ^,^i kj.z>:|-'' A \ ^ ^ ^g .^^CTiJLrin^ 52 «it:_s^nc:_aA ^ 51 . v\ ^io reuth^a^ c.A.-33u»cn-aq 4" '' •UaK' "^ 003 vviaTsj"^ '^~rt:A iA\^ r«'^J-i\"'^ _^ax.* 4- ^ ocno — ^ 0001*= coj-L^ 4- ^ ^'"^ pcrJLtjtt" (f. 58a) »jkftjcj .^^ojrs** § I ix. coA + "" 54 ^~. rc:_a_SB .7 coA — * 4 rt-Ao'' nf \ .1 T. ^ 3 ..^^oiiAJl^ 2 ''-. K-iifejuo «\:_uoii ►Ant'o ^ 5 SiMILIA IN ALUS CODD. 49 ' D cpx<;vTa£ c venerunt d veniunt 49 ^ D Acyovrco- c d dicentes 49 3 A C L fam) abcdefff^qr, aur. Pesh. Diat. ar. om. ksti 50 ' h? Carfv A C D Xiyu^v d dicens 51 '~^ Pesh. idem = et lakubo et luchanan hi A L kui laKw/Sov koL Iwdi'vrjv 52 ^ e ///.> ix. 1 ' Pesh. idem = diwdecim suos 5 ' Pesh. idem. A kuI b e ff^ q Tj aur. etiam 147 ccym ^,_aA^aT<' Luke VIIL 40-48 i*\^ orA I ^X'rnli.^jfiff r^JLl^"' cain.o | .__VS3^ vv^cn .1^0^° I • .:^ax-» 40 rc'cvcn K'^i.cxiii I ^x.*ia ^ cn.'si.r. »x.*icx.** I .t-m K'i.a.^ K'^K'a^'*^ 41 KlAa I* r<'H.a?.2>-^"i^ ^.Lr. I cn.'so.i nc'acn p^'.fi.i I K* ."».*» rc'^^aK'cv'*^ cai 43 rd^T^l^ c»A I ijsjK' ocvcn ^^i:^!^ I »_ocnlak .a:^o . »A .aia [| cvi:?9 »^c\z^^ ^V\ I »=)i-D cvJ-Jso ^IK* ^.Sflr^'o"^ I *^". vA ^^^nijo ^.y^\T<' "^ I rSlxJ.^ ^jst I ri'-Jrc' .::»-.i* Ta^ r^liK' I >A .^ixj ^aLiK* *~cal 1 vsar^a .^cxx^ rcll^"^ *^ 4^ rc'nco >cr3 ^K*."!^ I rc'^^Jp^' >cn ^*.i ^V-m I .1-^^^ • >»1J» ji.^.a TAt DissiMiLiA IN Cod. Cureton. _i.ojtj + ^ 42 cri-vsa + "^ ^nui "^ rfocn 4- '' ►J.^rCaj* § 4I .-^001^^40 ^rc . n:"vsor«'o cnT°k 1 -> iv-t-^i^pfo 4- ^ . k'^ojddk' A_^ ixjo^re' en i 1 » n ooAo^o 4" * 43 . CD^jULj.Y ^ 44 . n^-iK' nfA0rC^J99 rcT—ire' ncT—sTxi n^-ire" n^AtrC »-a.oje_t7 icno^ u 1 \ vy-^ lT*r-^-"~*^ •-a.etxj — ^ »_^colj »_i.£^^r«'o 4" * 45 nfivjiiio "^ tigi 1 \'»a — "* re-iwix-ia n:rJLi-u:i ^ ^rfica rcrlArC.f"* 47 (f. 57b) *-»_a.«\Xj cnA i^ars'"^ 46 '^. ^^Ko ij»pC " K-ij^ — * 48 , ^To« ►JLJrC A_a 5B.-UO 4- ** **-=•? "^ SiMILIA IN ALUS CODD. 40 '"" Pesh. idem. Diat. ar. = ^urda midia 41 ' D c d Pesh. Diat. an om. iSou 42 '~' Pesh. idem = et prope erat^ ut moreretur. 45 '"' Pesh. idem. A C koX Ae'yeis, Ti's (C Tt) 6 dif/afxivos fJ^-ov ; D xai Aeyetcr Tto- /xov rjkf/aro 3. et dicis : QlllS tetlglt me ? = b c d f ff^ q r, aur. et (Diat. ar. 4- tti) dicis (ff^ dicii) quis (q qui) me tetigitl 47 ' Pesh. idem. Diat. ar. = adoravit 146 Luke VIIT. 31-39 rcLuoA.i ccJtnA 31 ^.iSnQ^^ '".cars I ^ajJIK* rc'r<'.».^^i A_\^^"' I ..^Oji^ orA i.torc'* . v^^ut. 32 hy^r^^^ I ''". rcliflocnivA Atrei^n.V I ^_^oq\ .TAaS^"*' Kli.i \^ cnJL^ ocvcn l''"'"r<'"i*v*x=>' »^_aiiJi"'"^ I ,^_cmi\ QQ2k.a.i r<'."in£lx. I .._aicn '^ 0000 ^^=)C\ 33 . r<'H-»V4A=J g.V.'w.CV I ocn r^izi^ ^Jso rC'.Trsix. I CV.xi^lO^^ ^..^OcoA QQ-a.t<'a 34 .1^^* I Oxajj^rC'o pd:saxa2 aia-io' t r^l^xajA ^"' ca\a-k rc'iasj^^'^ I ^i^O 35 .^az-> ^a\ II oA^rc'o K'ocn.i po.i.5?3 I ova*c\* r^ixAr^ cuiSiio^^ I r^'icxusaa 36 ,^_oca\ 1 ax^^x.rc'o^® .j^az->.i I >a3oAxii ^c\\ ,=Av*a' 1 »&^\sqo 37 ^ ^Xlx-SA I orAcvA"^ crLJ_r33 oocn 1 ^~^i>^s»Ci~^^'^ oco rc'ia^ I rciA.** rdLx^^r^ 38 l^^n cvcn^^ *',^^vco^>o.\ I ^.'»i" AtK'cv^ rC^lxawflol I ® jiW ^1 oco ,....air<' I >ca«TJLO K'ocraJ cr3^cv.\n I cnJJSfl K'oco ril^js I ^^^riLx.'^ crtxsn ^ axi^l.n 39 I v>A .tn^.i ^.A^rC* I ^ r<'_2k-^r<'o * vn^aiA 1 v^vcx^oa^^ *^ ijsaK'a .Jk.o.x-»' ctA n.:!.^.! >i."»-'»3 I r<'^l*.V»3 caAa^.a ** \i.^5?3a I rc'ocn AxK'o rc'cnAn:"^ DlSSIMILIA IN Cul). CURETON. '^. .^o-irs* j^ "M rc\a rer_j«i^A ..^o-ipe" ixxj"'' k't'^-z. »^_ajen + * 31 iaapc'o* 30 »cn"^ 33 '^~. Ki-JUJuT rCioi^ inijs A.JXsnA-" on^^a + *= . ^snh\ + ^ pCi-m + '^ 32 *>J-»-= ►^oi* ovjui ^jAjk-o-^ 37 .T I lA** ,^_«vJULJi * 35 ^xiaj ctlIa Ki.a\^+ ^ 38 VYS^cnftf coA + ^ nriv^T + " Ao\aa"= ^am trrxAj^ coAa-" «^_ocaA + '' . vyi-X-Jpir ivj_aAo + * 39 . toA + ** ,,^_ajcn + "^ nam + " (f. 57a) t.i Diat. ar. = /« porcos ingredi. 32 ^ D cto- touo- ;\;oipovo- c d Ti /'« porcos 33 '~' Pesh. coAa »cn K'icto =: grex tile tmiversus 33 ^ Pesh. idem = ^/ corruenint 33 ^ J* «« t^>' OdXaaaav Pesh. idem = a /« ;;?ar^ z in inari 35 ' D Ktt^r;^€i/oi' Pesh. = d apov 37 ^"^ Pesh. idem = ad eis 38 ' Pesh. idem. A C 6 'Iryaovs Diat. ar. = a f /d'j'?/'^- q r, aur. ths u 145 x.'sna »^_aA^OpC Luke VIII. 22-30 tOso.i-iJtaA^o acn I rc'Av.L.i-^ ^,=3^ ^ ji.Lqo"' I '^ k'Axjsj a.* ^JSw .a»x=3 ^ f. 9a ^^.11 .T^o^^ 1 "^ r<'^.'i?i*.i K'ia^- octA I ^ i n s.^ »_ooqA iJSnK'a I . caJta.^ 23 I *^ ._jc» en ^Vx^flo ' ^\i?3^r<'o 1 rC'^taxa rtluCvi.T r<'\^\:^ I ^ocna^ ^ v^.T f^^^ oral ^i:»jri'^ I tcnCi\.x.^r^ cuai^a^^ I .js^n^^sA ^ ooco ^.Lii^'TJaa^ 24 I »^_aacD . ..^_a2i^ I >cn rel^^rt' .^oorA 1 ijs^arc'a^^ rclxJLc- K'oooa 25 rdJOO 1.^ I OXSn .Tkxi .Tjj ^ij^K'o I OOCn ^ij».1^V») I ^.l A .i.M.l .1^ ^.1 rc'-i-a.^ I A n ooA ,cno^_.r<'.i ocn || rtl*-!.!^ K'i^rc'A * onio^^ 26 ^-^33"^ I .V3J rC'i.n^ cn.3 .^.^Sk I rtl^iriA ^.T jAflo^ I .1^^^ . r?A-xA.\j 27 nJ'ivAUO I . rc'rd^jflo r<'.i=3t ^ I K'.ir^t'jt. )CncA:^ rc'oco I ^*r<'."i '*r<'Avl*.i.2J3 *^. rc'*"ia.a_o ^xtj I kAf^* . rc'oco t:^^.^- 1 rt\ rc'^vxnrscv K'oco I ^..^A r^Ji I ii>3r<' rdsni rA t<12>5 i^ra I ^.50 ji ^•ai\ PC'Qk l\y 1 reLuoi OorA * coA I rc'oco .nxxak^^ . >>l.£i-lJL^ 29 rc'iAxjJtrj '' 1 K'ocn 'iflOf<'A\5xJO . orA I rc'oco .^tcn rc'A=>\ I -u^ > Vy r I ^n crArdjL.^^ rdraiajjil I rC .iKlt. ^S3 col^q rc'oco 30 DissiMiLiA IN Cod. Cureton. rcratta-a oaco + * 23 ^-^ + ** .•»■'>»- + ' i^^oJCD + " (f. 56a) KoCD + ' § 22 '^..^.j-ai-'' ^-.i-sarco * 24 "-^xocd it:_a^ioo-^ .it' U\^ ^jw + " 001+" rehuLj%sn ^sn — ^ ji-w * 27 oocn + * § 26 °~«"'^ r^a 12 I rdwiop^' .1^ A.^.n ,._ajcna^^ I r<'caAr<'.i ^ cn^U-rsa r^L^k-ii I tcna^r^ r 1 _r T J.'""' 15 I r^lnVa.T ....Oirc' .^_CL»ct3 I rc'^ua^^ rd.ik-ir<^ '^ I ^^.*.i ocn"^ ^^ ^.xaca* I rt^A I rc'^cuioajaoj^jar} K'ir^.^ I ^xsca^o oiajK'o r^^lsfl I a^tOJt. Kln^o r^iA.i. 16 col II Torelflo ore* rtf'J rd.'sarD I cal rdi^jASacv rcL^j^ I -icaisn ,<' Kli^ ^^ *^"^ I AcXA.l' *^ K'^'TJ-^a ^ I A^ oaA >ir3 ii^^A^'^ . coicncu I r<'v*U Arcls^i 18 . ._^^.2iji3a.x. 1 r-rA^.t )o.l.5a ocn .^r^ I orA ^Vl ^J50Cv'' ^ ca\ I .2cn«^:> i-x.^^ cn\ I ^*rc'.i ^sa cni^^a I'^As^zJ orA iur^.T I "^ ia.flo.i ig .._ov4*i.i^ 0000 1 ^xjjL^x.^ tcncUjr<'o I cni^K' ** cn^cA ^ o^rc'o^^ 20 inX ^.sa-Lji I v^vijpc'a Kf^r^ oqA I O'tJWrc'a^^ '^ r_iir<'o 1 >J50t<'~* ^^^vcoA ijSJOr^a I r<'_i-2fc- ^*.T ocn^^ %/y>V-«i^-'2aA I ^.1.3^0 22 I K'ocoa ^^ '^. ^.in2k.o rc'ca^K'.i I r<'^ir>3'' ^i^^six-.i ^A.r<' I ^~._air<' ^cn DissiMiLiA IN Cod. Cureton. t-jAjr:* .^^ajrs* + * I4 (f. 55b) cv.&.2a-z.:| ^ I3 . is'onA nf-i + * 12 »on + * II + ^ § 16 A.aj:| + " ^-ocno-* 15 irTsA^n + " ..^_e^K' + "= i^idia + " n^lskre'o* 17 '^"•iirC Aa:!"^ . ngiT\j>a rC-iixnCja on:' + ^ . re'ocn ifapC ncli-uuK ncAivia ».A.o.z-i:| 4- "^ nooi 4- * § IQ tnA 4- •* re'ocn + "^ oojq" . ooA .-S^XDokjo 4- * 18 ^_»AcD~* 21 , ncr_ZJrCi 4- '^ ^_»eLOQ — ^ .axjot-M-i:i ^ . i-aA ooot ^i-ni no 4" "^ 000. cnA 4- '^ cnivAsa "^ ^. »-»»rc'o t^-sarC fc^^oarc* SiMILIA IN AMIS CODD. 12 ^ Pesh. idem = serf;/one7n b uerbiim dei c e r, uerbum 12 ^ Pesh. idevn^^tnimicus 13 ' Pesh. idem = sc(iJida/tza?i/ur. 16 ' Pesh. idem = i/t omnis a vt onnies »a,'aa ^\^ore Luke VII. 50— VIII. 11 r^h\JL*^ :gi =30 rAcn i^v.a ^J^o 1 1 rtlixi^t'S.l I ^i-so . K^cnSoj^ I ^a rx'^xxrs rtluai I ^ »ocn ^jaorc'^K'.i A ^ .\«M 1 rcno.'UJ^^ 10 »a„»cTx» I kA ra_^ cn^iiax^iit •.^p:' . rCcnArfl cn^a'iVm i imaao'^ § I viii. rfaca — ^5 '^i_aatf"*' ►x-i^ixpe' * § 4 (f. 55a) 000 . ^cnA pfaCD V^KI ^«^a ^ 3 rClnCA iv^ofuo + " KJVMO^ 8 cas*^ 0-^.^0 + '' ncuijipe'^ J cnA + * 6 •.^cnA — " rriTrc^IO §9 SiMILIA IN ALUS CODD. viii. I * Pesh. om. eyeVero 4 ' D Trpoo- avrova b c q Tj aur. rr^/ /7/t?i- d ad eos 5 ' a b e fTj q r J aur. Ecce 5^0 om. tqv a-Tropov avrov s^Dabdeffaq Pesh. Diat. ar. oni. ToD ovpavov 142 I VIII. f. 2a 2 Luke VIL 38-49 rcLxjoA.i r^-ijxo 39 I rclicn i.:33fX'o cax^lrs I .^rw^K" ica^iia.i 1 ^ rdx.*i2i acn'^ ^*.t pc'v*» .1^^^ f 4b I ,co rc'^^r<'i caa.\^ I '^ reLsoa "^ ^A-iw '^ K'aco ,^.t* | rc'acn r^LoLi airC 40 I poiJSfl »-\ ^*T<' .^asfcijai. I ,2k. az-* crA •i.sarc''^^ I ^~ca\ ^=3^0.1 K'^x^jj 41 I ^xOLAM ^*i^ ^ \2h.aT_» I ca\ isflre*"^*^ t^"'^ •i.'5nr<' I ca\ "i-^qr^ vA i.^JK'.T ^.x."»4j'' I K'H-l^.T crA K'ocn I »s.xM .ta* ^Xlii^lOia I rc'ia.^^ 00 en ^r^ 42 ,^oca*"i^l I .awi^ra^ ,_oca\ rc'acn I AvA^ .1^0^^ K'rc'jsaxiaA*'^ 1 r<'"U*."l ."U»o 43 .^OiiJSax- I cal 'vsori''*^ ^^r^'T*^ I >cr}a.x3.4jJt ,_ooaiso I ^ rdv.K' I , j^-yr. 44 I rc'^^JrC ^v**^ ^^■s.'ai t\ I i.isapt'a rt'^^rC ^c\i I ►.i^A^K'o^* . ^il ^.1 r^'.Tcn'' wA II Au3cra_. rA.^ ^\Ax. I rcn I >J^vo.rj kA 48 I ^xxixa.x.."t ^ ca\ ijSflr^o^*^ I ,aLj*r?3 "^ AxLa crA I jirsAvxJSa'' -u^AAjo.! I ^»3 49 ctJL.^^ ,._oo ra T <\ A a I ^*'i:5>3p<' ^i^t'sino.! ._^aa I cutjlo*^ . >.^^crA^i» >-^l DissiMiLiA IN Cod. Cureton. pci-M !»-julA~^ 41 ,^-i * 40 "^1 i-kjl-* 43 (f. 54b) h^rf re:\^ 42 .^1 T -^tlm" . rgrg-sn t "ixM ^ ^-. rtf-ao-u ■^"nuftl cn i . vm aa . i«..a>3 - >-\ Vt*^ »ca^ h\—ir<' re'»_»'' 44 *"". coA jiskj.r:' %_»«•* 48 003 + '= jiai^jc.rc'' vvA + * 47 ^.-^Ji ^ u T aa"^ 46 . rci\iore' ico-\ + '' SiMILIA IN ALUS CODD. 39 ' Pesh. idem. = cogitabat 39 ^-^^ Diat. ar. = Pesh. rc^v-iV**^ .cn.a.\ rcsnei coA ^uai-ai icn rc^^re* icn = et quae fama ejus : quia peccatrix est muher ilia quae tetigit eum. 40 ' f om. a-KOKpiOih 41 '-^ Pesh. idem. Diat. ar. = Dixit ei lesus D o Sc ttTrev b c dixit ergo lesus d ad ilk dixit e Et ihl ait f dixit auteni iesus ffa ^/ ait Ti «^/ //iJ a .^oA^oni' Luke VII. 25-38 I r'i | rc'oriXK'.i 29 I ^_»."i rtf'H^flo^^ ^.mO..*.! i en i\^ .i.^q-5>J5>i.3 o.T.'^'i.^.l 1 r^coAreli ..^^ocojcaii 30 OQJJSO o.VSai*-^r<' 1 rd^.T K'orArC'.T pclixra^ 1 „_^^ca-T^lra ovi^ rk.\.:k.i cai.t?3 pd^sj 1 .t*» r .t^o^ 1 r^^*i:sn ,ca3 jcncvi^'i ^ol I cni^aira ^ro ^oixso^^ I r^jsn.t oqi.i kUjiJcj^si I rs'Ax^x^x. 3^ n:'*c\a:J2?3 1 oax-.i.i* r<''"u».fla=}0 A\i^rs^' I icnai^i oaxi^jso .isacv o^cvcn I rfam} b c d e*q om. olvov 36 ^ Pesh. t-.:i Kixre- = F^/z/V«J £Z?//:^a t »^ cnv**""^^ ^X'^A^IJSo l >»liD ^'^ '' r<'t5jao I rt'-x.iA 14 ^...^uooo . rcixir
  • 3rTJCO I .s^o rc'^u^^a ocn I yxn rcno.'U»x\^ I ^ ^i^\ 20 ^mCU I ca\ ^a^JSOK'o cn^cA I o^t<'o^° . ^ijjtiri' ^t.\Sit i . ' Sfa I ocn »^mt<:\ oK* ^xAfia.':73 I ^iMr3r<'o vfyi^al I »JM. r^ii.TJSai^JSi 21 r^^CLM-zn ^o I reUcnicvA ^ >-florc' I ps'rdx.^flo r^h\ \,x n I crx^o^^ ^J-** 22 r^li^-o^^ «^_ov»*J.l I K'ocn »=>orx. ri."»JsaAj^ ^ImoA I o'tJSWK'o a.\\r<' ,^_cvorA" I i.sjorc'o ^A&.l^:::^ I rd.=j*"i.\o ^xAco.'^ I p<'i.x.^Jio ^v*» rcna=3a.j^o^^ ^isaxc I k'^ul^qo ^in^vfia.^:q I pc^A^fla.^sao ^x:b>,^ax. I re!z.HMO 24 I TJsartl^a^ lix. ^ImO^.i I |Cno.Ti=?A^^ cA\r^ .l^o^* I yjs Az&^i r T i - 1 A r^^n^l I r^*® I . rtlsa.i rdAJtaA ._a2kCU>r<' I ^crA f -^ y o 48 /ca3CX2^v:i.l I CUx^x-ri' rC'Ao ocn I r^^xruD cars ci^iA^^r^ I rc'icai Kllsaa I niliw'irS' A^. cn^vxra I t<1i=j.i k'ts^ rdsfl.i I an:!^ rC'Ao .^'iJix-.i I acoo ^^ 49 A:^ . r<**gT v.t I cn^-^-tJurJiaA ' ^_.caAa..ak [| rfA:sh >.AjS3^r<' .i-^cv"'^ i Vii. . ^x.x.3 I >T.>.a K'ooo .1-L.n..^ .Ta* I rtlioiA^lo.i cn.t a.s^o^ I ^a^mlJ i^^^ 2 ^^ox^ A**- I .^sJ»jt-0^ Avs?i^:a\ r^Cica 1 ^suioo . covso A^ I r^Cicn \xa^ts 3 rcnOJSi.*9HA I ocn rclioiA^lxa cn^oA I i.i.x. rc'cn nc'^vira ^_2»3 I A.*A._o ^.1 ^.juM^ Aas^^.i I rtliK* K'cvjc i-i-^ KlA I Ataiw^ KlA t\:sn cn\ I jjAx.o Klini' I Ar^^ . >-x.\\ niairC'^JO 1 r<'i\\.'»= v'saK' KlArc''^ | . >A1A^5>3 ^ f.iosa ,:T*t<' I ^xMh\ ^r^ p^_l.T3.*>-x."i33.i I kIik' K'ia^ i».N^ I.rc'A^rC'o rc'^.l r^lliMn^la 1 .AtrCo A\.t r^AcrA r^Av^ I i.'SSnJ'o r£l\^ax\^i!^Qo ►lAi>r<'o I cars i.^.i^rc' ^i>^CiX^ I .s^jsai. .1^0^ .in^o I K'.icn .la:^."! ,:ux^\o 9 I Avxra Kd^pf.! .^^^ 1 rr^Jn^ n-'5flr<' cni^a I K'^K'.i ocn K'jt.iaA I "TJsarc'o »._ajcn a-ik^cno^° I rc'^a.A:5a.*cn rc'.icn vyK* I ixjA^i-nc' A_»r<'voa».r<' 10 SiMILIA IN ALUS CODD. 48 ' f ffa aur. om. 8td to /caAws oiKoSo/x^o-^ai auTijr' 49 ' Pesh. coiJLevAja = TTTtoo-ts aurou vii. I 'Dabcdeqfi Pesh. om. airov 7 ' D a b c d eVi om. Sio ovSk eixavrou rj^iwaa . 138 * Buchanan + ffa Luke VI. 35-45 reLuctA.i \\. Vlu f.47b .rjpc'.i I K'i^uao ,^_a-n..flaL2k ^ 1 K'Ao . cvA\or<'o ,_ocnA I ajsaKl^^r^o I ocn n^lSflTi >cr>cxi=3 1 ^^c^oo^a ri:5>3 ._OAa=jr<'.n 1 r^.x:^r^ 38 ►=3CTi^^5»30 1 cvrjcn^^ .^^"i^i.^Q I aix- i^_a.a.x4*^i\ rdAi I ._a.a.A*»^ rell 39 I .k^i^ca^ K'oco "tjsani'o^^ I »_^ia\ AjaAv-Sji .^o^iK* I ^L-a^so.! k'^ I »^ca*i^ kAo oirjiJSal I r«lL."M.fl£A K'.xJsaflo jx^^.tn I rdiai rt'Jcn rcA^vsq I kL^soaA} K'^iis I VVL..T vrJU^-ra rc'cno' I vrUx^ ^ Kli^ ji^K* I jacvn.!. I K'v**^ ^*:t_.030 vvv_i.^ I ^ nc'^^'T.n ^.laacA I ju^K* . Kla^rtla .njaoA 43 I rcoo"ir«l^ ^ I ^A_.r<' * Ao^^* r<^\^ f 47 a SiMILIA IN AMIS CODD. 35 ' A iv Toi? ovpavols a /n caelo c Ti aur. /« (:af//j 35 ^-^ Pesh. idem = erga malos et erga ingraios Diat. ar. = super malos et ingratos fam} tovs Trovr]povi kol axapiaTov^ 38 ^ Pesh. c e om. ireiTuafxevov Diat. ar. Ti om. crcaaXcvo/xeVov 38 ^ a b ffj q Ti aur. om. yap 42 ^ Pesh. rCcoT = quum ecce D /cat t'^ou 17 Sokoo- cf to> o-w o6a\p.o} viTOKiiTai a b c e ffj q aur. e^ ecce in oculo tuo trabes siibjacet ? (e est) d et ecce trabis in tuo oculo est 43 ' A C D a c d e f ffj Tj aur. Pesh. om. ttoXw 44 ^ D a b c d e ffj q Ti aur. om. yap 44 ^ a b ffa q Ti aur. om. yap 45 ' Pesh. Diat. ar. = thesauris A C drjaavpov b c e f q ri aur. thesauro 45 * Pesh. idem. Diat. ar. = qui sunt in corde suo A C t^s Kaphlaa avroC c e f q r, cordis sui 45 3 C e rj aur. Pesh. om. axnov T 137 cvLo ^^^O-A^ar^ Luke VI. 20-34 .©. .o- rdt-'sar..!' I r<'^a^3L»3 ,co .^__oca\-..i.i^ I r-i3 ..^cv^ I ^^.iflo.i rJ»).i I ^jsa^o^^ .^_cv^\ ^ i.aT.^.i I ^-iA.r<' A^ cA^o 29 I >oqA^^ r€A vO_.^cx^ I OPS' vA^cA^i.»j I AfiT..! ^c\ r^iMr^* || ca\ .aio ca2*.=j^^ I rAo^° 30 I ii^x..!^ r^JtJp^ >-lS3 ^^^oaI I ,^oinsi.i ^___^h^^r^ ^t -i^^.t I rell^^r^a^^ 31 ^ 1 a.ijL. ^ ga.1 ^xJL*r«A I ^^^^v^K* ^i-a-ULSq »_J<^Q^^ I »_.^ctA 01 as. Kli&cn 32 .TL^^.t I ,.__o^JrC ^.1 n V ' •^...j^Ci^^ I ,._aa^^Q-i. 1 N^ ,cn rtlusj I ..^.oaA 33 rtlA^jj I ^r^ ,_a^^cta-A^ ,co I r ^cA I ,_.D^r<' ^-.i-a-flo.i ^tsA I ^.^oAviK' ^.x^\c\^79 ..^pc'cv^^ I ^.V3.2k. rdiAcn 34 SiMILIA IN AI.IIS CODD, 20 ' ffa ipsorum 20 ^ c f caelormn 21 ' hi on xopraa-OrjaovTaL b q aur. z/)j-/ saturabunhir e /)>j/ satiabuntur ifj r, aur. saturabuniur 23 ' a /^^/-a 23 ^ Pesh. om. iSoii D oti o fiLaOoa- vfiwv Pesh. = d quoniam merces uestra 26 ' D L d Pesh. Diat. ar. om. ttcivtcs 31 ^v^bona 33 ' A D Labcdf if^qr, aur. Pesh. om. yap 34 '"' A D/a^/.^ Kttt yap Pesh. = eienim etiam a d eiefiim b «^««(? ^/ Diat. ar. = c e f flfj rj aur. «r^w et 136 Luke V. 22 — VI. 19 rja.n Kiip^' i-sar^ I vrA rJM.z. r^jxAx-i I .^^cuco ifia2k.i^ .^ocoisa I r^la.\^ >cno.Ti23al^\ .=3CXix:^^o icnajjrc' I oooK'i.tJK'o oqa v.ta.JL I rcl^Ki^.i ocn ^^_a^"sa.x. ^^ rslSflOK'^O >AvJ»JO^^ I >JtaAo^ TOO QOQ <\ \\ i<^0 I >."»^t >1 ~> ^JLjjajiO VD nc'.noca.AO ^^ rcli_iA^ I K'vn^^-sa.i ^__a.^'5>iJt-o I >»a.\jj i=j ..r3CX.ii.2k.iO AvjjLio-'^'^ r3 K'ocn I ocn.i ocn T<'_\^a-»i.^J3o 1 r<'.iooa_.o .=>0-ia..v..* r^r^Asf^Jaoo }Cno.i-iJsa.l^.i I pxio 1 rc'^sn <\ \ ^,^cn*?i v tAcni^ ^Ci ;:nix.ior<' II ^cs .locna calcx^ ^ I o^r^.n r30^® .^^ooa-xJcnHiw cnx^ K'ocn ji^i i-i^ I r<'\ 1 » orA araiu^tai I K'ocn t<1=)^ ooXa^^® SiMILIA IN ALUS CODD. 27 ^ Pesh. idem, fam}^ 6 'It^o-ovs Diat. ar. = b c lesus r^ aur. //^7 idem = ef illic Diat. ar. = /^/(^?/rc'o 12 12 VsaK'o coisa I pc'oco K^=3 9cno^r<' I A^. A^^o »^ax-A I rc'v** Klai^ ^x.orC'o^^ 1 . vJ^CUx^.T^soA hy^r^ I jx^^xj^q h\lr^ '"^^^ •--^ ' »'^-^ "^ ^3 jjia* I on^v.2^x. i-raa . r^l^.i^rC' I Kll.= ^- . coA ijsnrc'o cnA I ^rsi^ cn.r»r<' K'Ojj I A\ rJ.i I Ojjl^jcK' rdlo-"^^ >cr3a=Q.TJ3 19 a^o^° »^az^.l I >cno^q.Ti3 rc'^:h--:3a\ I caxtov^. ^o:^ >cnQ-iT,o I r^i^j^ll 20 AAjsaJSo.i I rdjcn cu5« ^'vsarc'o oocn I ^i.n.z.M^\sa rc^T tJAo I K'i^jaoo^^ 21 nCtjAa rt'coArt' I ».,_r<^ rtllrc* rc'oriA^** I ji^uusxi jjl^jcj^ CU=q 1 fi_x-Aa ocn-V, = //// paralytica: C D fam}^ t3r<'o ^xo^v^ rKf^xxXJsn CUOCT3.1 I ca\ oocn ^x^.i.*.! A.\^^a I ^^oi-Sflr^i.T ._oca\ rc'acn I jnt. 42 KixJAo"^ rclaicu* I r^i^rcd ca\ Airc'o rc'acn I jaa.1 rdj^O^.i cnia^\a^^ col A\rr<'c\ ca\ oocn ^s*^ I ^X'r^li^flo 43 K'AvUTJjr^ I rt'^li.vsaX ^SiK*.! ,._octA I TSorc' ^.1 oco*^ ,_^vcnA>cA I pa 44 I r<'^vx.ai2L=i rc'oco fi^i^o'*^ [| p^'ctAk'.t cn^a^lsQ t^-Aop^.I I >-A rQo ^^i^ I T<'v*»0^ i.fiQ.l.^1 K'^'sa-* I .T-» A^i^ n^oco yar^Ln ocno 3 .3^"' »^.az^' jxlfioo I ^ocn ^_a^JSttx.."i ^cnisq 1 r^\M<\^ ^^Cicahxn*^^ i^Asno I fX'aco .n^o T ^ ^.1 r-3"i ca\^ I i.saK'o f. 99a , , 7 1 '^..^acruHa-Ma ov=«irc'o^ I ,_oooA\*.t*^5»3 ,000 I ^H-^^^sao r<'r<'_iii;flo pdJaJ 1 OnjaopC' o^r<' .T^O I ^^_air<' ,._ai.T^l .^^o^rcll.i I K'^VxiTwiX' pci'it^ooa.i .^aA^^a\ I ^.kcnixicu ^ >ocn I ^^^Hiscv ^cn.*^^^ I r^LXx^S3o olmo fs.l-n >cna^r<' I A.2»^ Aai ^ ^.^^os'gaT. I rCv-** .t^o® 9 K'casaAx^ I rJ»cu=i I A»»f<' iiao.n:' ^vxra I ,ocn ^K* K'^umir^' I >..^a>.t ^^_aaA r^\r^ I p^lA^r^ i.T^X-rS' rci3CUaAr<'o^^ 29 ^r^* ocDO^^ .ooJcA^.i I vyr^ >cnol^ ^aca I r<'.*.X3 ^._acoA\L..v^a.T ocn 30 ^ocn I kA^Izjso.i . 0Q.ia.\cua I oocn ^001.^33^0^^ rc\ rc:^i\^ rt'.irclx.i 34 r<'ca.\K'.l cnj^.A.T.o I 6\Ar^ ^t?3 vA r^-liX* .^..v> I »^_^0UCVJsaA Au^r^ »crx>i.z.o cai=>3 I jacx^o v^cvA icv^fio I col 'i-i?3rc'o .^cor^ ca=3 I rc'rclAO^^ 35 T<'oQj5>3^a^® I cnicnPC* rcA ^.t:s?3 .ia I oa.i.'ai ji.^Jio rc'^v^^'SiA I K.Trclx. 36 r^X*r^ ^ijsorc'o I .Tj* pai»- .Tm oocn I ^\sq:5»30 ,._ocrAa^ I K'ocn .Tur^ I r^h\2kX^ ^Acn Ki*0"i\ I K'.tol^ rcAxjjiraO I r.^ ,cn I .-TiiO^^ i^_ocTr.i.Tu."i rc'i^K' I crAcx^a rf.=i^ ,cncAii- I K'ocn ji^lo^"' ^n^o ^^ I ^^^Oj^"^ X..1 cn^vJsa.*Ao I «^_0-VsaJE-i K'^v_i_iil 1 A:^ K^jlcua. Jsn ya-a V30 cn^\janz.o I cn^vx-Kl=j KKiAO^^ K'^vrai I rC'^KS.r^ orA ^ocn k'.tujK' 39 f. 13; ^.1 KlxJsajL I rdrai-i^sn ^^ .^^ocoA ^ocn I K't 'jj r'tqo Au'sixs | cn^v^i. 40 ^>^lA^':L I Klicnio.^"' ^crr*i^.l I ^_^aA oocn ^K*.! ^A^K* I .^_ociAci^ SiMILIA IN AI.IIS CuDI). 23 "" Pesh. = in civitate ttia 24 ^ Pesh. = in civitate sua 25 ' Pesh. idem = Prophetae ; 34 ' D a b c d e f ffa q fi aur. oni. "Ka 40 '~' Diat. ar. = gravibiis langKoribus et variis 132 LuKK IV. 6-23 rA.i I ^*cn*x^OX.Ci r^^c\.^\:sn I ^«cn\a.& ^Acn I Klia^^.t ^JaAo ,^ca_. >-\.i I A_\^'sa rdjjir} CV.Z.O ori.\a&> I rdioo raA r^jaaJ^ KlA I ca.\ i.^re'o 15 ..^oco^x. 0-1.^.3 I ^_^ax.i r<'ocn ►^Lsa I ocoa^^ . K'i^K' even I cnAa^^a en 11 f. 72b 16 >-=3"i^rc'.T I •i^rC' ^i-.l\ K'^rc'a^^ | . jxAr^ Aa^ ^ rc'ocn I Ax.zahy.x.'snci ^ ne'e en :tJb^ia.i I rdl^^K' rC^-ajLi I I rtlv^oataA ois-fioJ^^iA I v^MJCtTS 19 rfAuut- I a\i.aL5a\o^^ rt^inmcxaE-ra I rCi^^^\ ii-x.K'o r^v»» I K'H^aiAo 20 I .^i\*o rd.1 T 'gj T tqA I ca.r>crx.a nc'i.^flo I vsi^a^^ . rc'^^a.xiifl I Kl»i.2>3i 21 I )a\^x-rc' r3rd2>a\ ,ix.o^^ oocn I ^ixM cnra ^^coiika 22 I ^i-in.i^^o ..^ooni^ II ca\ oacn ^.torifloa^^ I ._Ct^*i3.ire!=j r^ca rtla^ rclicn I ooen ^i.^saK'cv . cn^a& I ^'sn >oen ^nSia.n 1 K'^'rd^ rfAsarj oocn 23 r£l\Av5>3 I t^ ^^i^r^h\ iaA' 1 ,^ca\ i-5J0K'^^ .^fiocu.i 1 cnia K'ocn rdi ^.AjLii^&ja I ^.aa.i»^i »_oA\iJ5ja-x..T I ^A.p^'o vyr.^ r^Laor^ I r^LxJior^ rdicn SiMILIA IN ALUS CODD. 9 ' a c om. Kurw 13 ' Pesh. idem = tentationes suas 16 ^fam} om. Kal avla-Trj aiayvCivai 1 7 ^~^ Jam} Kai aitarr] avayvwrai 23 ' Pesh. Dial. ar. idem = a Forsitan 131 In ^^^oA^Of^ Luke III. 22— IV. 6 I cni=» ia^fiaJSW K'ocn I ^ou^ ^xlx. in vyK* I ^ ocn .i^ ^.i .^cix.*^^ 23 * * * irs rtliA I isD * * irs ^^u^ va ^^ I >Acn vs .^fiocu.i ocn 24 in^^ * * * i is I yXsasi ia ^qCImJ i=i I ^O^O^ -ira K'i^AvSO I ia^^ ^ rtlx^ iis ^IjjCU I ira^*^ K'.ioca* i=3 .^jaocx« I i=3 ).^'2xiJL. i=j .\^\-?3 I * * 27 >iA9CU3 ir> I ,.irc' ics >.jAsa -ira^^ ,V1 ira 1 A-.K'AuKlx- ira .\n~)io\ I ia 28 ^^JS*? I irj paicu ira "iv^^-Arc' I Va .:^a_X_» ia ^® t-*-^ in I )^. Ts 2g PoxixAk' I i=J >aJCU i=3 ^fioCU I i=J p<'nacTX» ira .^^O^JSttX. (| iia^^ >a\ va 30 i=a > T »rC i=)^2 I ."UO.l ira .^J^ i^ ' r^^^^ in ^J^=« i=> I r^lAso isa^^ -^^ r -i I "Ua ' Toirc' ia ya^r^ 1 i=a ^^ .^OJtjjtJ ia i rClLi. va -X-Oa in I AnCU 33 ^cninr<' I i=a ji-ijjaa.» r^ in I .nan^h* in ^* rc'.iocix* I in ^i^ in ..^^oi^^jj 34 I jjtVi. in ia.2k- in I -^^ in O^iri' in I -^ii» in^^ ^C^.»*^ in ! M^h\ in 35 I jjl\jlo^>^73 in^"^ vv'soX in I jjca in *)axZ. in I .ox^AinC' in *n\ts. in^^ ^ \ 37 hux. I in jcCilr^ in^^ . l i n i in A»r<^\ \ca:5q in I .t»T> in vyCLLu in 38 000 pC'crArc' I in ^i.TK* in en ^ ^ I ^.licu ^ v^acn I r^ i iv. . K^ \ \rt> ' ^jsj3 I pc^QfiiAu.i^ i^'i-n.TJSoA 1 cn^vn.^rc'a ^Xlx-.taci | rtluoi 2 popc'^.l I K'^umcu >»^r)'ip<' iivn 1 ^roa ^i.?^n'iT<' K'^v^cu I ^h\ r^ocncv . rc'ooArt'.T I Avjp^ oai-n ..^J^^ K'^i-o I A-akrC* ooA iJS3K'o^ I ^^-^ K'ocn 3 ..rij^ I ..2k.aJL* orA i.SsorC'* I . rc^r»3»*\ rc'ocn^i rClArd^ 1 p«'.ictx\ i-Sir^* 4 . reli\^' coxuaort' I in.icv^ . rdxJrC in rdi^ I .tCuAn rtlsajjln I rcd.t even 5 'coA I ijswrc'o^ . Kli_n\ A 1 \ n.i I rtLi^.ipt'.i r<'^a-ai.S3 ,-*aLLrw I orx»aMO 6 SiMILIA IN ALUS CODD. 23 ' e f Pesh. Diat. ar. om. apxofxevos 33 ' A D a b c d f ffa q r, aur. Pesh. om. tov 'Apvel iv. 1 ^'^ Pesh. \dem=:e/ duxifeum spinous z. ferebatur a spiriiu Q.^2agebatur a (ffa in) spiritu 2 ' D aarava. d e satana 5 ' Pesh. idem = Satana 6 ' b f aur. om. 8ioy3oXos 130 Luke III. 10-22 reLocv-A.i A^x 10 I 13 .^aaxVj^* red I .^.oorA •ijsgK'^^ . .T^i2>J I relx^ col ^-H-^rCcv^ I . .t.'^aiJaA ^4 .^r< I oaoo ,cnaAr. v^^a l ^.v^fl JL3r* 15 ^0000 ^■ I cnA ooco ^ i.s^'gaT..i I rcnaAjaa.^Q.i rdjai^ I r<'i.r.p<'.i 17 1 rO^** .JM^o crj'i.irC' I rcl^.usna mx»r^^ I ptlx^-i ."VwjK'.t ocn^'^ I «r<' -^r^ -"^^ rclASk-.i 1 rdA.i r^icxira .voa:33 1 Klla^o . coi-.andl ,cna*»r<'.T I cnAx^K' rrc' ^ I4 = Cod. Cur. deest ad vii. 33. isare*" ^.-. A ^\ .^. v — ^ Tfi "-©-.oco ka ks*!-" SiMII.IA IN ALUS CODD. 10 ' D b c d e ffa q Diat. ar. om. ow 1 1 ' e om. aTroKpi^els I5 ^ ^i om. irdvrwv 16 ^ D a b d ffj om. 6 'Iwdvrjs 16 = Pesh. idem = ecce 16 3 Diat. ar. —post me 19 ' Pesh. idem = « luchanan Diat. ar. = a loanne -»- S 129 jjlvo ^^_^xA^ar<' Lukp: III. 1-9 •".■•» . . ■" f. 51b ^ pft o I a)a-»Tn Ayl * r^^OJi.ri.T-'saja ^.1 I r^\.Sin.^,x Sq-» d^AJE-ra ^ i in. I rdi-ii-xrai ® rC'_ac_.i '^ .V»> re' .TO coxa ^'^ 1 qoO.\^La Qoa.\^l^.n I K'^OUSn.^carj'* K'i^r^^ I K'.i.s.i.r?! rcna*»p<' I Qocv <\ 1 \ x^a r^ I Qo.taicn r^crArf.i rc'^visn i h\c\ca . K'^ ^Iaj.I I rs'^a.lcn^ ^oaia^ I r^lAacn.i^ 2 I rc'i^pc' on\%">o I pc'i.=.v»-=» nr'oco ti^'^cv^ I pa»^^.i I r3^ K'AvJSaio I ^^^0^ ^ ^.__aAjs»3^ KlLixJ Kl.'VSa.l I coi n »r^ r^\\^Ci'^^ I k'Av.SswXi^ r^n on s, I r^i^rc'a K^i A^ I rfcoo^ ^cniart^ rc^ 1 \'-> 1 ^i -i-oa'' g jiflQ^iv2>3 "^'reCiA^ I nC'ircl^ .Ta^ rcA.n^ | A.j^on'' rclA.K' ' A^c\* I rcllLK'.T f.eoa DissiMiLiA IN Cod. Cureton. .nTi y\ ^cn-t*^ ngi.^i -»irC^ (/^r) nCjLi'' .locni -j*^ rs'i»oJo.:»\jn^'' Qacuui i ji \ i ^ § I JiJ. .\\!Ta + " cnJoi_*»_io^ 6 (f. 53b) ..^ooJLao + ^ 5 -niixQ'' cuaa'' cah^a i -i i -)^ 4 niA nc'TL\ rCiinCA:!-*^ t-»=» "^ A«\a ^ Q ojaja-soA'' ^>A k^re* SlMILIA IN ALUS CODD. iii. I ^ Pesh. idem = in lehuda i "^ Pesh. idem = in Gelila 4 '"' Pesh. idem + in planitie semitas Deo nostra 4 = Diat. ar. = Z>^/ nostri fi ^/ nostri 6 '~' Ti ^/ uidebitur maiestatis dni et uidebit omnis caro salutarem di 7 '^ Pesh. cnixo. A = a^ ipsum. 7 2 Pesh. om. vtt' aurov 8 ' a b c e ffz Ti aur. om. ev eaurots 9 'be* aur. om. ovv 128 * Tisch. e ergo Luke II. 40-52 r^aoAi \Sk.a 41 I oacn ^■»..l\r<' r_c\orii »^.T.».i f^ I ^o.\a »^_ocn^a-XJr<' ^cuo I ^__oco^al 46 ^."S3a'^^ . ctA ooco I ^A^^ ^A\c\ pa\jt-"iorcncUjL^x.r<' 47 ooon I ^-•ca.iJSJa^o'*'^ ^,_ooqA K'oco I AkIx-S^o ^.^^ooqI K'ocn || ,s. s q.x.Q CD ^JSi.^ jjL=3 I OOCI3 ^.>i.^.i^v2ao I . col oocn ^t.r^'yit.^ I ^jlA^K' »^_ocai:i 48 I coA rc'ijsflr^o . oco.^^ I ,cncutJr^ ,cna,AjL^x-r<' .a^o^^ I , en a.^.\^^=j o I ^"Kl^icx^a"' rdaK'o vvarjK'"^ I K'orJ.i reil^oo ^ ^.13.:^ 1 r^JiiJii jia cnsaK' 49 ,._o^..ocn* ^■tN.n I rdx-sn ,^_oca\ \:=nr^ ^^ vA I ^"^ocn ^aJ^-^""* '"K'r^li^flo K'ocnK'.i I >.A K'oon'^ r^a »-3rC*^ I ^v-x^i ^^o^oon'' ^.x^^.t-^ I r^ >A ^° I ^*xao^^ •...ocai i.'5>3f<'.t I K'^.LtJiA cnaj»..ToA>-x.r<' I r^A ^.1 .^_aico^° ^.T orxi^K' I .^^ocoA K'oco .i.a.2>,^.g-tqo 1 ^i<...lA K'^rc'o ^^^^coJSa.^ 52 co^csacuarj I rc'oco rtlai ^1 .^,c\ t *^^ l^'^oco r<'iA^l rJit^^ •^iops'^49 ^n^S^ic\jsa rfh^Ja..^^ ^ vu ipc*"^ 48 (f. 53 a) re'ocD — ^ 52 .en 1 I ^ja + •* ^-idcn ^coIa^ 51 Koeo — ** SiMILIA IN ALUS CODD. 44 ' Pesh. = a ^«m 46 ' Pesh. om. eytVero 48 '~' Pesh. idem = cum anxietate itiulta 48 ^'"^ A C Dfam} l^-qTovinu Pesh. ^abcdfffjk q fj aur. quaerebamus e quaesivimus o.&^ a»A^c\r<' LiTKK II. 25-39 I f<'^vjt_.ijs rcrj I ^."sn cnA rc'ocn 'i_i_5>3pc'o^^ I ,cna_V.^ ^oco Au»r^ 26 f. 79b ^viii.\^.l 1 oco^^ vOLi.u'' > A Vs.. I ,Va* K'co.i ' ^° ^iiJirC.i I rdia^r^ v\iniA ^° . rtl-aj^i^l r."»jj 32 oocn ^cn.k:»^ 1 on.sanc'o ^.*i >or3Ci3r<'^^ I . A*rc'Tfla*p<' vvm^t ! rcUxax-o 33 i-^r^cv I ^^^o^-^a-i. ..^can^ vvirso^^ I . >cnaLk. ^A.2jaA\273i »jA*r<' I Ay. 34 r-^L.i I i-^J:aa.\o^^ . p<'.\.\.^a^.1 I r<'A*"ixA».i rci>'^Ao i rc'rcliV^^.i 35 rcliM ^^pc'a^^ I K'rd^ii^Qo.i r<'A\*.i:5n i Acvaw t^i^cva A.j*- 1 r3 i ^i^\A K* \i\^ I g^^co [* s/c pro ^.-k] SlMILIA IN ALMS CODD. 27 " Pesh. tcpo «k^ H •=■ pro eo a ji» I .t^ rcAcXiAo ^^-i^Jllo I ^floCxl CUx^Z.rc'o 18 1 .^^ax-.T ^*.i ^at-JK* Ari^^ 1 "^rcil^^ A;*- ,crjcv.jLiw 1 «_cvoar?aiw AisaA^K'.i 1 >i.i:» f. 79a I o.:sJsax-a ovm.i ^..x-Lk' I Aii- 00 en ^x_^^jrj;« .t^ I r<'A>a.ii-'"i ^jsa k'oco ig ^ocn 1 rc'_'5a_k-oo Ta.tJSfl A^ ^>.."t 1 pa*i:»i ^^ ^.«i.^q.i^.Mo I oocn ^*cn^:sn^ 20 I .TA »_^Jcn K'^a.^'i I ci^^cna^^ ca.lx:^i.a ^ocn I rd'sa.jA^.'Szjo cariLa I r«dJL^*K' ai>.^njLC\ ov-u.i I ^-x\*r^ Ai*. ^xAA:2»i.5>30 I K'calnr'A ^x.jji.a atgi 23 .3..>d\&.i I rdA.a-.ri' ^^ rsilii.ig ^o.ijs I caJCVJS>i.x.£i.J."i ^ix-ior^lX 1 , cr> cxaflo r^ 24 rCl-V-SS.-l I Klflocx.' ^a..^^.i ' i r.i A^J.ia^* I rCi^^ •o. r^<\A^ I rd\^oH^ ^.x'i^ or** I rdixl^cvx-.i nil^^t 21 22 I 25 SiMILIA IN ALUS CODD. 14 ' Pesh. txr^^ re-i-aj»a = \. fatn) cuSoKi'a .14 ^"^ Pesh. idem = a b c e f fTj q I'l aur. hoini7tihus 1 5 ' Pesh. vYjr*' == quemadmodum Diat. ar. = a c e Tj 5/V?/!/ b sic 17 ' b c ffa Tj aur. oni. \^ I ^A\^i ^cvi^.l 80 . r -I ^ II 'O- A*rc'iflQ*r<' I i.iaa.D tt>c\ V Qog.^ni' I K'acn .t.a.a> »_^tJco I r^hxJyiCi.xs r<'c\cncv^ ^t "■ \ -? • ... rc'ocn I A\r^ ^.1 jejk' Aa^ 1 K' rcliajsa-^cn I 0PCU-.1 i o v-Uls 3 . . r -I n »=3^^^ ^i^.1 I ooiA^rc'A r<'cvcn A\r<' I cn^vXt.iJSQ Jyi ►^K' I cvs^^^jsa.^ I ."iocn_k\ r<'\ i V\ji 1 rc'^A^.T-Sa ^i^ ^-Sfl 1 r^oco sAj3o j^ooCl* I ^Slt^cs^" 4'* ."iii I cn^^r<' ' pa.»i:5?30 ocn^ I ^mA ^xra rcl.icAvsn.i 1 .i.*o.i.i cn^vi^.i.^'iA 5 .■t.>a.i.i oocn I cn^VL=3 ^ ..._oca*Ti^.l I AAj2>3*'^ .^^OraAvi^^i I ^^.1 rV-A*^r<' ^ I ^...^ocn^a p > .\ s, r<'i\iA^t?3 I ^iA^^o oocn ^H-x-z^o 9 n r -1 r n . ^ocn K'icTxJ 1 r^"t pc'^o.Taj ..^OaA I rcliiafiajsi r<'cn.i A^^so I »_cy\jj:^^ rt'A r«:l.i-:33 I icno^-.K'.i rcClxjAifl 1 rdliJoaa ..^oaA ."rl-.^nc'.T ^^ I »ri^a\.^ ' ctA^\ 11 1 ^m^T^q K'^r<' I »_^aA trliracra* rc'cn ^^ I .i-.o.T.i cnA\l*.i.'5>a=> I rtUxxJLSn 12 f. 1 38a SiMII.IA IN ALUS CoUU. 75 ^y<3!W.' 7^; {to^s 7^ ' Diat. ar. oni. -yap ii. 5 ' A tj} i/ivrj.TTevfxiVii aoTiv yvi'aiKL b c aur. uxore sua ff, desponsata sibi*uxore q iixore sn despoiisala ci. 10 ' Pesli. = mundo 124 * Buchanan jz LUKK I. 54-74 hCLdCvA.-I ►I^n f. 92b I '""' 59 oocn ^Too I . t^IaVA^.i cD-iv^^^ 1 cv^r<' nlxrso^.i I r<.':n(Xj. rc'acno^^ . oa\ 60 'Xll^oa 1 r^A.i ' ca_"»Jr<' ^i.'^apS'cv ^° I rd^v^t ,CT3a»=jr«'.i i r^l.' coA 61 rC'lo^s^.T I ^.Sk^raixra jz^r^ ^A 1 ca\ ^H^SOK'o^^ . ^1*>CU I K'ijaAxi r^\r^ 62 r_. r^lii^rc'.i 1 ,cocv.3rd\ ►ar<' cvocn I dX-'snr^es^^ . ^Iajcv. rflico I rA5oA\r<'o^'^ 1 . crasaii- r^ji."Sfl."t cn.T-rc'.i ^ 1 rclicn r-aJ^r<'o 1 rxA_^ ^-tssi r<'-X_.."i-o I ,cnaJL=Ui 72 i^.T^rc'o 1 ^*ca=3P<' Tai^ ni'.llM I ."rnswl.T "^^ . ^.\ ^xlflo.i Aa,.lo'l . ^xnaaViwSi f.i38b ^3 ^^a.^74 ^^^^p^ I ^cnirjrc'A rd'Sl^.T | rc'^^aoso "^^ r<'^x_..Ti3 I |Cnao^...A 74 »cn SlMII.IA IN ALUS CODD. 56 •-' Pesh. idem = a/>f/(f Elishabam 60 '-' Pesh. rcLuieD rrr-A = Noji sic Diat. ar.n: i^''.?^ ita aur. nequaquam 63 ' D a b d om. Km Wavfxaaav ttuitcs 64 '-' D Ktti eOavfiao-av navTea a d ^/ niirati sunt omnes h + et omnes mirati sunt 65 ' Pesh. om. TravTarap/y/xura h? L Tj om. 7rai/ra 66 ' e om. 01 dKoJo-aiTes 66 = om. apa 66 3 Afa,?i? aur. Pesh. om. yap 68 ' a b c fE, r^ om. Krpto? 71 ' D ck Xtifwa- d rt'c^ //m;?« 71 ^ D d om. tV x^'P°5 123 »aL^o tt^ ^cvxl^cv rt* Lukp: I. 12-53 ,x.\^t^r^Ci ^^ I . rd2a.fiQ.3.t rca>VM 1 .iSk .^\o 13 . cT3.TAc\.5a=> I ».__o.tja.1 rc'rcli^^Qoa I rc'ica.rjci-a n^^oi-u I vA r<'acr>^a^^ 14 ri'^xjci I rdA rt'i.^.x.a r<''i.'»i_ijo I rsliijiJS yi^-si ,=ji I K'oorxJ.t A \ ^-n i^ j^ I ^iq r<'r*"T.'»iA' I ^TJSOP^a ^ sn r^Jrni I rtlLarjO^^ 42 crajsqr^.t I r<'.Tcn >_A .1-^.-5*- aJLJ5»3 '^^ I . v.^flo'i.^rj.i r^'ind^ ocn I v\"f..aJsrJO 43 r -1 . ^ I I >.a.'ir,.^.'5>aA.r.i Kfl.o I Asii .Ti. i.»^ rc'cn ** . >^cvA I rt'^rt'^ >"i:33.l 44 ^tsiicn^.l I K'.T^K'A coasCU^o'^^ I >jaoT^rs rc'Aa.^w. ^.t I ' X'^ni r<'^o."TjA.=3 ' 45 I r<'ij»irc'c\*^ r«2»i.t33 ^cvA 1 ^ cata^^^nc'.T || ^^LniA rtlsilcxx- I r<'ocn.i 46 T»)joi ^.ijjcv*"^ r^l^ij^aA I ».xA-a p^\ 49 .Ta^o^^ I ctA ^ijj.i.iX nc'ivait, I Ai^-O rC'i.i ."ti^ oailjj.i ^^ I pax. »x_..toc\ ^"^ ^ 51 I hxjxyr^Ci^^ rc'*"!-*^*».T I rc'^CV^i.i rc'^.A.*»»i^ i."V3C\ I ca.^*»i."t.a rdl.tjjCvK' 52 ^ rcndi.i3CV^ ^.^ocovri-i oocn I ^a-^aojsao rc'calri' 7 I i._oorA r^ocn ^A ^*.l I K'ira^ ^^covs^c:^ cal^s I cvocn >.A.t^ rc'A.icv 000 oocn 9 a\.iJS>a.A I rc'ocn ,oq_i..\^2>3 . rdsoa^.i j| nt'^JCJSaJt.^.t re'.i.i.Jwrj ^ I rc'crArC 10 I K'oco pQr«Lo*-.i 1 K'Kl^aflo ^° . r<'_\_2k.*0Q.\ A.^ I .i^a . rrl-sojao-r* 11 pcl^rVjjAxK'o ^^ I . rdtsa-flo^.i r■ n«M 'Vi^.'sajt. .t^o ' ^ I ,._oa\ -tjsak'i ri'A^*r<' 8 "ooooooo ,ocn I ^JLu.1.1 A..^'^ TiflrC' 00000000 rC^t^ rr* it Ijs . ^^n "M pCo-a-Y ».5y>r-3 ^.lAoi . ,_js ' ^ i < inn cri-sa -t (f. 39a) [CuRETOX] T r- ---^ 20 o O-e-O oacD ^ o CD . ■■» -^ ^ ir~' rc^o^iv:^ (-»T.^o K'AuX.1.^^ I ya.^^.'sn ^ ^Vm-1 r^a-uoi I ^» ^^.i^.i ptlicJ I »ocri 41 ca^a^. |A\rc'.T 1 ^00^^ >o1jlo ,giOga.».i I coJsaK' K'icv.ik-t ^racui^.. I h\\:a »oco AXflo.! I ca\ >ocn ^zJ»LJL»).t || K'^rdi^fio r<'^_iiHA»r<'cv I rdlxi\^ Jy3 ^ I ^-S>3 .^fiocu* rc'ocn I rc'^rc'o*^ rc'^.njtrs rt'ocna*^ poAjt-iarc'A I cn.'sa.^ I K'^a.^ioA K'oco ^r:^a.x...i co.iA.r. Ardx-o I ooaA^L*^ ^oA A^o I jjijsarc'a . r^Lx.'yi.x^^ 44 rJ^it<' T» ^irs"' I ^^vs^ao k'AvA.t.^3 1 ^.*."i ;;n.*"i-^30 ^"^ f. 23b XVI. I )a*i:5>3 1 . ri_k-flo^r<'.i 2 . r^rrrnx. jiX-Oo I .i^ ri'ioa.a ^xrA 1 ^^r^* Kla.g.ra .i.4Ju=3 I rc^iAx.sao^ 3 . K' ^.t.B.i 1 rela.*i ^\ -^^^ t^-"* ' t^ ^cnjL^ln >oco I .^JutwK'o^ 4 »eo ^OCD I r3 .1 »V-mCv ►_\\r<'a I '". »=iA^ h\oca rdai.T I AJV^^a"' * 5 ^cn y.xryx* I ^ »a^«.i rciSTiA^ I >Vmo K'io.ajs ^ujn,l I ^.Wo ^ ' rd&rei^ 6 .j^colA ^V*»^."i KlA I ^_»ca\ ijsarc'a^ > I rt'^mM KlL^^r^ I >i\y^o 1 K'oco Kilo orxA po-c I . K'oco >^ a.p\.i oco I ^^K* ^.t.t^a KL>i^ ooa 7 I /vsaK* >.A'{r^ kiXk* "^ II K'oco ;?a_«_oo.T i^K' I co^^o.i K'oo ^h\ I crxloVM^ ^.ta^ r^AA^ 1 .^^oa!^ ^.Tiit33 K'oo.i' I Ki^K^^o »CWO.T.A.t^\^\ SiMIIJA IN ALUS CODD. 40 ' Pesh. om. eV aU 47 '' Pal. Syr. Lectionary (Codd. B, C) = Bvyar-qp 'laKut^ov xvi. I ' Pal. Syr. Lectionary (Codd. B, C) = 6vya.Tqp 4 '"' Pal. Syr. Lectionary (Codd. A, B, C) Diat. ar. = D lyv yap /xeyaa- (r6^pa (Cf, the Gospel of Pseudo- Peter.) 7 ' Pesh. idem. D on iSov fam? KoX Ihov ffa n ecce 119 f..ft ^_oA^or<' Mark XV. 21-40 r^sa\iA\^via."1 1 rc'AOi^Ct^ KiioAvso.i 1 nc'Av^o.'U »a3a.»Aur<'o^^ I . cn<\>nt 22 r^ ocno I . r^LsiOJaaja-a ^.OQ.a.^.i 1 k'vsjo-j* coA cx=ca-»o^^ 1^ K'AvajJTJj 23 ^^^vcoA^ cusnirc'o I ^_cmi h\ix:a >cno^V4jJ I ci^^o jcnoAmo^"* I . niatil 24 Tocn ^crr.^K'a^^ I V r^LfioA ^^ II cnao:^ oocn ^^a^ta^"^ I . rtl.toca^.n ,._ocaalsio kIjco* I cn^oLuao ^acn 27 oocn ^x^.'u^^o^^ I . oq\ •» 1 Tro^^ I q i » *al jji^x.rc' kiI I cnT.^r^ 32 •o* . cfA oocn ^iCrmrq I craSO^ ^^ I s if. •:kJt.^vA i r^:sax^^ r^AO t » K'ocn I ^^ i s ¥. ^ux. >ocn .1^0^^ 33 . »-i^mT. rdiSaX I ♦ctAk' |OrAr<' rdai I rc^\n-> ' rC'io ^^iST. I ..^JL^vao^* 34 \ I .. OK f- 67a . f<'t-ri relArdLl.i'l ^Tiar<'o . as'^nt. I ^A:=aKLa.i »._OJcn ^so | rdLx_lT<'o'*° 35 I^'iiOK'o' •orxuax.r<'o I rc^ilnn pofloo re^\u 1 rirtlo.i oco I r^' AjAco»3 I ._aca\ ijsarc'o oocOii^x^ || .^o^ rcr'is.-^^ n '"vx"'*'""' 13 >oa.iAcxc\ a.^.o 1 ^.1 ^_^tJcn rcrxL£kaat ocvco ^Aik.o I ^^rc^i^^^ ^^_aJcr)o fc^^ocoA I ^lii.pc'a rtLrar^ \s\ I ^.^oooA r^VX-cv r^lxA^.i I rcTJCV.A30r<' f^q t iA 17 rclao.^K' I >cnax=Ar<'o^'^ ^x^sjor^ 1 caiaA oixio ^ici^i^ I crx.AxanS'.i rc*^!.! 18 I polx. oQSaixa I ArcitJS^ cuix-o ^^ I crA CCsojaoo rdiicx^.n I r*. *sqo^^ I r.i ^^^oonalso .T^o^° . ctA oocn I ^rt^Aoo ^^_^UTix^"iar3 A^ I cv.\<^io . ,cncxar^ oocn CO g <^ a.i I icno^UMLJ >cnOJXjaArc'o I >cncuiCV.^'iK' >cncx.«xAx.r<' I . a.^V-=) K'^pc'.i 1 rcnaji^T<'o SiMILIA IN ALUS CODD. 3 ^~^/am}^ avToi Bk ovSev a-rreKpLvaro a c /J>se aiitem nihil respondebat 4 ' c aur. eis 8 ^ Pesh. Diat. ar. = Et clamavit A Cfam} koX avafio-^cras 10 ^ Pesh. idem = Pilatus 10 ^ ^fam} k om. 01 ap)(iepeis ll ^ D cTreto-av c ffg k aur. persuaserunt d Ti suaserunt 12 ' A D Oikerai Pesh. = a c d f ffj k aur. uuUis 12 ^ A Y)fam} a c d ffa k r^ aur. om. ov Aeyerc 1 9 ^ Pesh, idem = infaciem ejus 117 f. 67 b 20 dxa oAi^ar^ Mark XIV. 62— XV. 3 f. 143b I , cT3^t-CUa.\ ^^^ ^-..T»cn* I rc^ca^ -nio^^ . r^x:=n^i 1 r^\ \^. l.^^" r^^r^ 63 T^^ K'cn'^^ I ^."icaj» ^"»_^uiA r<^s n^xJSg ' I Aju^jso relajsa ijsoK'o 64 'co-rs jiijsiX I .^_aoniS3 cui-X-o^^ K'^OSaA I ocn .n 1 ».i ca\ 0000 .^ iti 65 0000 I .■*.» '93 ^ ril o r n ^^ ^ r T i — i . 1 rc^ A s, .!-» rx.ik.~^ 68 -ao^o^^ rc'^-.i^ I K'^i.tA JxZ^o^o . "i^^ -na^ ^.1 I aoo"^*^ . aoo »._oca.j-»j 70 rdlA^n A\^-?3 II . h\ir^ ._^^fiisio ^K'-ui-i. . rtl^f^liA oijsoK' ^A^sa^d ^i.snK'.'l r«:ico I rC'ia^ ca\ r<^is...T» rtA.i I rdiJO^a nr'aco ^nijjLSoa''^ I AuK* 71 ^xlzaX I ^^'i^ ru-^ia^ r"| I rd^l^ g-tttil ^ K'ia-oa^ i XV. rp o \ \ . <\\ I ^cnojsolx.rc'o icnoAnoK'o ! .^.a r i.\ >cnoij3orc'o I r^Jm s. TJSOrC'cv I rdi-i^ t-=i'i I oocn ^-xA.^K'o^ ^ij5jar<' I ^r** coA 3 SlMILlA IN ALUS CODD. 62 * Pesh. idem, /am? ctti a su/>er 63 ^ Diat. ar.=a Tunc q Adhuc 63 '~* c quceritis k »r3"i coA 1 vsoK'o cn^oA rc'^K' I r^x^x.'S3-3"i h\cs\ .^Q t » \ I jcncviraOK'o ^^ AA^isk. ^^_OcaJJS3* 54 rilSiP'il^o^^ I rc'i^iaoo t^'.T t t oo I pslicn^ >.^"i ^^^orAoA I cnrq v oocD .a^o r^cnik 1 .ai.t cn^vxnl^ t<1s«.t^- I coi^va rdn-uoi ^ I K'acn K'^K' 55 roQA:>a\ Vni.i K'^oncoflo I jik.coe-» A.^^ oocn I ^is^a 56 I ^CCL. pclAa K'^i^T I r<'A>o.Toajao >cnc\.\.^k. oocn I ^ncnfioj^ rc'rtli^floa ^^ 57 ^i^irc'.i^® ^*H-Sorc'o || icnoi^ cisna ^.1 . » Tlpg' ^"^ I ^^jsoo^o.ionflo »oa3 I rt<' T r^\\^^ ^^ r^l^iruso.*! I coi^ r^.»x.t..x'yi SiMILIA IN ALUS CODD. 50 '^ fain}'^ 01 fxaOrjTai Pesh. = c aur. discipuli eius 51 ^ fam} c k om. tVl yu/xvou 52 ' A T)fam} cItt' avTwv a d f fFg q Ti a^ m 54 ^ 'Dfam,} a c d k om. loro) 54 '^fam} om. Trpos TO (j!)aJs 58 ^ D ffa k om. rourov 61 '^fa?n}^ Ik Sevrepov 62 ^ V>fain} famP aTTOKpiOcU a d ffa q respondens k respondit -)- 11=; .Tajd ^^^oJL^cvk' Mark XIV. 30-44 ^xl^\ hy\h\ I ^xl*3\ ^^i^ nili^i^ I p<'ixii r3r<',i I kA rc'ocai •^_!<^1 i-Sflr^* 1 T>^ ^ ^^O^'SiX-o' ^^ i . »..r> 10.^2^^ 31 >' 1 ^A>a.Ao ^acuxx-s^o I rd^r^l^l -vrsio^^ r^^^m 1 .v^w rtflakicn ^3 I Kl^iK* A.^ /, en a.arC Ai^ ' I AaiO AxVa ^i^O^^ I ri'^CV.rsii r.^r<' i.i^orc'o^^ . r<'^^X, I cnltTS 12.2^^.1 r^M.^T.'sn I ,_nc'."1 rs'ocn rc'A-jaJO 36 r«lA rd.^K' rdJcn I rdfio.^ >.j..»j i„ii.2^r<' rco >ct3C\ >A- .ao^ 1 A\r<'o^^ . orr»i^ -^^ rtlAcv 1 K'Avii.' ,._octi-i..i>^ Ti.^ I >ocrj ^Ij-sA^ ^ta^^q.i .a^ I »rsc\^ .^^oir^ I i.srjK'o ^.xJ.^\ ^\^.l I ni'^K'a^^ . orA ._^|i.S3 rdj ^ I rdi-Sn ocvcn ^x2k.:i.> 41 I >il^T.5?3 rc'cn ' K'^iij 1 hC^'sn' K'^i^.s- ^A^K* 1 . 0.4*1,1 ^rc'o a.^i?3.T ._oca\ ocn .^"VJi ra.\.x.SO.l ocn K'^rC' »^_OcnA I .racrojO*^ r-r)i 44 I ^rc'T»cnt ,cno.T*»r<' I cuocn oq.\ rdiJUtJ.n I ocn ^_ocn.\ vwrc'.i cnA SiMlLIA IN ALUS CODI). 31 '^/0//^a5 AC/rtzw.'/ziW.^'O Se IleVpos (\peiit^=7i^ I A^nT.! ._a^i»3 .a*j.i 20 »^.l oco ^° relirc' I rdJSaVi »^_c»cal5>3 .i4» .T*» cqI I oocn ^ij5>3p<'cv ._Ooa\ 21 I K'i.Ja.^A ^."1 »o jcnaLi. I ..s..*^^.! r^s^r^ Aire' I re!jLJr<'.T cni^o ^^ I rdiX CUr<' caA rc'ocn I jjla^ raA^vjt.»3 cn.i-ir^la.i oco o o ."iA«»o>r<' 23 ^^^vcoA .^cn.>o 1 vvi-rscv r^.sti.^ > ^^ I »i.^^ cuco a.:3.X3o »^ocaV 24 aVm .i ^>c'^.t« I rJsn^ cucn I .^oorA i-Sir^o^^ . cnisq 1 a^^vx.o 25 K'Avx-r*' I r^ .=30^.t ._oa\ rclir<' 1 v^rC ^.snrc' ^^ .TX.K'Aoa I K'K'.a^j^ ^_CVA,sa^- I ,cncv.*^vx-r<' cn=.T^ ._oca\ I ijsorf ^"^ 28 I ^.^aa.i I rtlsoo^^^ . p^'i^^src' .^^.'usAua I rslL^ii r.a.x^ oral i-SflrcT ^° riA I rtliK' SiMILIA IN ALUS CODD. 15 ' Pesh. idem=f/^r(ri? 16 ' Pesh. idem. A C D 01 yua^/^rai auroD acdf ffai kq r, aur. discipuli eius 20 ^ i niitiif 20 '' =mmium suam Arrj^x^'^P"- acfffjqaur. manuin 22 ' Pesh. = i eis k ilHs 24 '"' Pesh. idem = testamenti novi Kfain} t^s Ko.ivri'i SiaOrJKYj'i a c f i q Tj aur. noui testavieiiti 2 7 ' Pesh. idem. A/am} Iv ifxol a c f i k liur.mme 28 ' C Kat />icra 2^ ^/am^/am.^^ a-n-oKpLBeU Q,)^ respondit 2l\xv, ?-espondefts 9 113 .^.xa a. A^orf Mark XIV. 1-14 I XIV. . ca-iCX-LVjaJO 1 cn-lCT-wr^li rt'Ai^.l^ I rdx.^^rff rC'iA.floa rdJoi.^ I »-=3i ra-2fc-.T 1 rcl=DC\"i rC'cvcaJ rfAn I rf .Txi^. .i.2»^=> piA.T "i*^ oocn I ^i.szjre' ^ 2 I vy«J5aa> a^ Klai^ I ,_aJs>^3iJt-i cn^j-na r^J^- I ^».n3 n^cv en .i-^a ^ 3 i\*K'o^ cnx-i A^ I CT3^^a.x-f<'o ^ 00^1=^0' I ,cncy.^.i ^*"ua*."! I r^^a.\ 4 ilto * * r^_r?A.l I ^jV^arc'cv^ ^^ocrxTfilsi 1 ^_OcrA ,Jt.r o^K*."! rdxJrt' I OOCp "" "" *" "" larjcn..^t?Ao ^^il-.l I rCrdtsa^X^a ' ^^.1V3l || ' ixV^^ ri'a en jjl^x.^^ I'rdico 5 ^.T2l:w I K'ixa.i- i*-^* ri'.Ta.^ I . orA ._j0^r<' ^"ioa^ I rcll'Sfl orA CXoanz. ^.x=^.1 I ,iv5»3rc'o .L^O-lp^* .^^VA^ol I rcli^fla.»J "U^ ^.rj\ I Acx^^ "^ >^cA 7 I r^'ia.iir?i\.T vyrs* I ^.in^^.i >s.v»i i*^ I rdicn ® .^^o^^ol Auocn 8 ■ia^Uto^.l I Tiki ,^^Ca\ relii-SOp^ I ^ASar^® >.J»ii.o\^^vta.fla3 1 ^^TS.Tjao ^xs^^ 9 •o- ^.Tn^.1 pQ.T^i^ I re^icn.T rdiViO.T ca\ I K'ocnJ r-=j'"i ^a\ I \\r^ ijaa.^k.i^ ^.^?3 rijj 1 rtA^cuiAis? K'.ioori^.o ^° 10 f. 19 rcli:t73.ii3 I r^'snCLLs ^^ . >cai5a\xJ.t I vyt^* r^Jb*.^ r<'ocn I rf.s>.30 r^!£iOari ciA I2 rd^^K' i >cno.i-AJt>il^ crA o^:2»3r<' I rcno.iA2A\^ I ^ ^^h\ i.ti-o^^ r3.i vdLlr^Jsn 14 SiMILIA IN AMIS CODD. xiv. 3 ' q Et fracto eo 3 ^ c k q Pesh. Diat. ar. om. Tt)v aXii^aarpov 4 ' Pesh. o-tsarco D\?^t.2ir.=:ac dixerunt A C/////.' Kat Aeyovrc? D Ktti cAeyo diC^^ dicenfes d fj f/ dicebant f k q aur. f/ dicentes 4 ^fam} a c om. tou /xi'pou 5 ' c k Pesh. om. TO /Av'/3ov 5 "" c k om. tVat'O) 6 ' D aurotcr a c d f ff^ i k q illis 6 ^ t^fain}^ yap c ^«//« lO'DacdflF^ikom. aurots 13 ' Pesh. pc-oto = ef ecce 112 Mark XIII. 22-37 cwojjvsa.l rdj-a T. 12a 24 1 ,^_cacn^ ...^o^co^ r^W^* | po.TJSiV^ »^i^ I ^"rclii:^ As ~^ K'^rc' I ."1^^ r^lxJrS'.t cnia.\ I cnJouxl ^*.T»cna^^ 27 ,coaa.^ .zJL*k30 I >i:^o I rtlrai 28 cax^"t\^ cui^i^o I cox^ajto 0.211.1'' rdtzi.i I r^hwdXsk cvaL ^.*."t p<'^^ I ^^53^^ 29 .^_a^*V4>.1 I r^lsa ,^_o^r<' ►aK' rdi^oo^^ I rel^^xa .^i^iia.i ,^_oi^ar<' I ^a^.T» 31 r^li»-ir<'cv I nijLSJax-^^ ^ooni ^ca\A 1 ^x\ct3.t ^^Jy3^.^ K'.icn || p^'^raix. isi^^ 32 |Ci3 I K'^^x- A.2>^o ^.T even I r^J5»3CX* A.5h-^^ ..^ia^^j rci'A 1 tA.'sncs ^^oiaiiiJi p^'Ak' K'ia I T^A ►^K'o r<'.x.»..x-=3.i I r<:^t3 rtli^rVa I ..2^:1* rtA ,xJr<' 34 *=>cn^O I ci3^x=D jiax.o .iJL2k..i I rc'ia.^T i-i-^ Trli V^ K* ^"^ I r^llrsvA caA ix:^ K'ocn.J.l I ra30.T3.^^ 35 r^h\r^ I i^.»3r<' ^^^^ire* ^x.^:t.» I ix^ r-ix:!^ AiAcn I »^ o^*aco ^^ relio I r<'AvLi»-<-2a.=j •.__r<^ r«Ao I rc'i\-Ajt.»i'i.r> ., nc* kA I r<'i\x=j.i cniJ^Q 36 I KlAx. ^'S3 K'^rdl r£l5a\o ^^ I rc''Ta.xj ,^^ ns'Ao I K'^*cn^cu.=a .^_r^ 12b f. 12b SiMILlA IN ALUS CODO. 22 2 hi A B C L/rtw.' K-al Swo-ovo-iv Pesh. = b c ffj i k q Ti aur. ef dabnnt 22 3 Pesh. idem. A C l^fam} xal a b c d ifj i q aur. etiam k et 23 ' Pesh. idem. h< A C D fam} 180U b c d ffa i k q aur. ecce 25 ' Pesh. idem. D ri>)v ovpavwv a c ffj i caelorum d aur. caelestium * 26 '~' D ctti twv vecjytXwv 27 ' hi A Qfavi} tov% dyye'Xovs aurou Pesh. =c ri aur. angelos suos 28 ' Pesh. om. ^817 33 ' Pesh. o-\ -o =^/ i?r^/^ hi A C l^fam} KoX Trpo(jev)(€a6€ Diat. ar. = f ffg i q r^ aur. ef orate 34 ' Pesh. idem, fam}^ yap c ^«/;« III * Tisch. c guae in caelis sunt 11 '-^^^ II ,jj ^^^oA^ar^ Mark XIII. 8-22 I r^lx-i rclx.a\x-cv^ 1 r^a.^^ r3.TJ5o AcuizJk.i I Acx^^ rtAo pcAvl^V ^ojjlS rfA ocn 16 000 oa^aaA ActnxJ.i coi^floaA I vv^cn^ r i\ rc'i*!^ = signum immundum 1 5 ' A V>fam} d% ttjv oIkmv a n in domo c d fFg i q aur. in donium 1 9 '-' Pesh, idem, a b k n (rj /« dlebus illis d q ^/(?<^«x illis 1 9 ^ c/.v^ 0000 ^x'sn^^ I k'H*^^*- (^^ K'rtl^^o I rCv^ ^x=d KliAicv^ I ^Asoi.i 43 rdli-sar^ ^K* ,_^vcal I •tj^jpc'o ,a30.i.*JS»i\^l I -i^co^*' rc'ija*^ Ti.l.S9 1 ^Jsn i-i.^ .TJrt' Aj^^* r<'v-^ I ^x=» XIII. 1 r^'ocn I ji^i .T-^o^ . cnhxiJSfi^r^ I'^cvcn r^i-l-ci po.iJSo I Acv^ ^.t rc'.Tco ^ )Vjj I K'cn K-rai |0no.T..x.2iaA^ I ^ ."Um coA ij^^sr^* I r^ o o K'lAvi-^ 1 TcncvAr<'jL rcn A^aI I K*^.*! i^jL^a .s^ .t^o^ 4 ^ooQJi I ^^Icn yh\:snr^ ^ vsan:'* I ^_^^\.*jA=3 ooCV.*'i.iJrc'o I ^AuCUQ 5 I ova> .Sk.aat_. »_ocaA \:snr^ ^ ^ l^^xjsal^jso ^Aon caa.i || K'A^nc' r vyr^* 1 vvol^tcA .am^.i *'. K'ctAk' ocn n*a^'^ 1 ^i.SflK' rfiixa Ti.&3L I »»r3i r^iSk^flo oen I ca\ ijsnrc'^^ 32 ^a"' . cn:ai onlia^ I ^tsa jrJK' jcncuiajj^i.T ^^ I cniso ia\ ..^^iMr^ I ^x\o 33 i^u^ cax^ I vyK' cao-^ixA >.A»iJiia I crAxM oal^ ^a ^ cax^l I ca\cx^ cn^*h\r^ I ■Tia>t..t ' r^V** .T^ -^ax-»^^ I rtixn.TO rc'iin* ,_oorAa.^ I ^.^j3 000 34 I o on ^ CU ri.sqpc' r^li^o I jr^r^a K'lAJto ^'isflK' I ffam?fam}'* tlmv airto b ffj i q r, dixit ad eum di dixit iVi 29 ^"^ Pesh. idem. D Travrwi/ tt^wtt; KQfam}fam}^ TtpwTt\ {^fam,} IIpwToi') TrdvTMv a b d ffj i q omnium primum ZMX.primo omnium mandatum Diat. ar. •=Primum omnium 30 '~^ Pesh. idem. A 'Dfatn} avr-q -n-pwrr) ivroXr] b c flFz i Ti aur. Aoc est (i om. ^5/) frimum man datum d q >^<7^ est primum praeceptum k haec prima est 31 '"' Pesh. idem. A/am} koX Bevripa o/Aota avrr; D 8fvT(pa Sc OfjiOLa ravrrj c Et secundum mandatum simile est huic Diat. ar. = d ri fFj secundmn autem (Diat. ar. + quod) simile illi (fFa est huic Diat. ar. est illi) i secundum autem simi/em huic k deinde secunda similis huic. b Secundum simile illi q ^/ secundum simile huic aur. secundum autejn simile huic 32 '"'Dyaw.'^ on €1? Icrrlv 6 6e6<; a d ffj i qua (a quia d ff 2 ^«<9^ unus est (dff^sit) Deus b quod unus deus c //««5 est enim deus i q ri aur. quod (aur. ^///a) unus sit (r, aur. ^5/) dJ 33 '"' A D kqI e^ oXt^s t^s i/'wx^s ainov (A om. avroC) Pesh. Diat. ar. = b c d ffj i q ri aur. et ex tola anima (i q + sua d + tud) 34 ' i< D \^fam} bed ffz i k q aur. Diat. ar. om. avTov 34 = Pesh. Diat. ar. = respondit 37 '~' b Si ergo David c Si David flFa Si ipse David 108 48a Mark XII, 17-28 oocxjav^i.T \a 17 r<'oa\r<'."io "ixtoxA I ifloon a=cn ,_oca\ I 'TJSflK'a .^cvz^ r^-i:*-^ ^^ I ifiacl ig rtflai.T ^ I -ra^^ rcli.a.2>3 rcnaMr<' | ix-iJSO.i r -I . ^ r -I r-t r T 21 r<'^A^no I r^-^-it J1.3.JL. 000 1 r^li^rc'o o\^-=QO or2.n.flQJi I ^_»id>.io 22 I ^*i-Mr^ r^v.ii cija-aji- I rcAo '"^__ocQ_»^.2wrjajcA I ^ocno"^ ^^ ^a^oa r -I . 23 ajsaxi.i relsa Ax^co' l K'^Jsa.Anrj ^^ pC^^iK' I >cn .^rt* ^^x.rq ^^^^coiSk ^ct30^.fiQj I ^^_oca,.^v^k.r3ax. ^x^ K'co I rc'^^JK' K'ocn^ ^_ocaiS3 I ^twi 24 I rcA ..^^rc' ^.xiw\^ OCT) I rslioa AA^so "" .^oa\ 'ijSflK'o I .:»-CXX-. r^lxs*-' ^* 25 I ►S'l ix^ Oiaxi.i rilsn^^ I K'coArc'.i oa\.x.M r .^_od\*Txi I .~io " ^ .:^ cooraArc'o I jijjlCq»p<'.i crjcaArVo I '^jocnT^rjrc'.i cncaArc' I r^-ir:' 27 ►-•n "* ,_oAvirc' 1 rtlx_i>."i rcAr<' K'^j.JSl.T I K'coAk' ' r^A K'coAk' rt'coo^"' 28 -a-.^K' I •i»<\T..i ' K'i^fl© ^:33 .i-M I ■■s.'gn T. .T^o^^ ,_o^K' 1 ^1 s^ »Ai^ OOTJ I rcncv.U^a o.tjjnc'cv® | . ^L»i rcr»cXx\^acv I psliiJLaA .^^OJK' 10 ^^^ I r<'Av»a\.n rdx-iA ^^oo 1 ,cn r^i= CUUJorc'.i I^Lak.i »_^i\*viJ H I oocn ^i^no^^ • ^fciis.=3 1 ca*^r<' rc'^iin.i^o nc'.Tcn ' ^cvcn rcl»i-2fl ^o\ I2 ocn I »_^caAsh..i T»^ oocn I al^A\x»rc' . rd'sa^ Jsn 1 . crj.T*»ri^..Ta reLxaAs3 I . rcAswXrs^ ca\ '"._oi.»Srcli.T I pcArt' .XJr^.t Tr^-^rA— ocn ^.i ..^ocnl I i.soK' . orA I XII. SiMILIA IN AI.IIS CODD. xii. I ' c om. avTois i ^ Pesh. idem = in ea i 3 Pesh. idem = in ea 6 ' Pesh. idem = Foriasse a b flF^ Forsitan 12 '"' Pesh. = a b ff^ parabolam hanc k jm///- tudinem istam aur. /^^«r parabolam 14 ^'^ fam} fam.^^ koX cA^dvres ^p^airo 14 '^ Jam} fam}'^ iv SdAw b ffj i q fj stibdok 14 3 D a b c d ffz i r^ aur. om. 17 /a^ Sa»/xev ; 106 * om. a Mark XI. 20-^^ Qpa-c"t_:5»3."t 20 23 A.a^'.T rcCicn I r<'m\\ ,_^jT.t33 rc'^ ' ».J3 Acx*w.i ^_CVA.\ rdiK* 1 i.'snr*' riJacn A.\^^* "^ rc'ooru I T<'ocrj."i 25 Kltfla^^ ..^^^ rc'ocn.i I ._o^rc' j.xnflQj.1 .^_o^if<' I ^.i.l'aiica.rsoa ._c^Jr<' f. 64b 27 I o^r<'a rtli^icnrs nJ'oco I vAcrisnJO polx-iartflA | »rjo^ oocta ohyr^d^^ 28 nilJL^^Vx- 1 pe!i*rA oi-^Jrc' rdx.lK' »-lr3 I ^ orc' ,cn ^irj 1 ^jjCL>.i 32 Klaii*-" I ^..-sa ocvcn ^.Aa>.i ,cn I relxJri' tJL=3 ^jso.i i.^ini'-i 1 ._pc'a^^ 01.3 . K'oco I rco I TAx-icvt3.1.»i I AcvA K'vjjO t\s\c\ I AjA5?3 coA ■i.2?3r<'a rc'^r<' I .T^cv' ^^ jODO.-u-sal^ oacn I aiiJSajLa Aa^rxli rdl I v-^^'irelA ^ 15 ^.1 \.»rd\ I ji^3.i lijLO '"K'coAnc'.T I r.*orA'' rc'cvcn A.s-O I )cAi."ior^A ^-Aire's 1 rc'Sa^v^o r^Li^-i-i^^Sfl.T I K'ioivaka rdl^^ca-rj I ^-xItjv-'swcv ^lAiat.n a.^ I rtlircaOo^.T2^^ I ^.1 ^_o^r^ r^liosa^. I ^_octA^ K'TaAusa k'^cA^ i rtli^-.K'.i ooco .»>^~«A I rc'H^XtoO rtlica^ »-=ji I oocn aiJ*gax.o ^^ KlaJL\n i8 I cni^o^^ Oca^^ ^-^^ ' T'^^^^'l^ orAii calSO T»^^ ' OOCo ^Au.l cn^O.iaCU I K'AvJL.o-Sj ^ i-aA coA II rc'ocn ji2A ^^LxJsn^ I r<'ocn K'ocn.i rlmn Dei 15 3 D k om. KaTio-rpeij/ev 17 ' B b om. aurots 104 Mark X. 42 — XL 4 ooa^i-^Q.l -\a 43 I K'ocn.a.t «^_a^.=3 rtlrj^.i ^rn I r^r^ ^^^^hdxs rC'ocaJ I KliAco t^'A*^ 44 I K'ocTii.T r^_i3,^.T »^_a.«wX^33 1 nill^K'a^* rd.l3t_'»i-x.5>3 I .^^a^i r<'aoaa rtlai 45 rt'A rcixJK'.i I cnira.i Kll^r^ ' ^^ . •XJK' A.^.T I r<'.'uxi- p<'acn.i rrlxJSfl.ta 1^ I K'ocn ^iru "^ relx-iaflo I >.J5?i.i\^ i-a ►.rsix^o . r^ntlx^ I r<:jcj.^a 47 I rc^sn'?i\ ji-x- . KL.i-J I ocn ^r^cxjc^.i .^^iar- .1^0 ^"^ I "I.tmO^ rd.jjiori' 48 I ^o^xJt.i rC'Kl^;^) ca= I orel^o^^ >A:^ pajji^K' l'x»c\n.T cni=3 i.5>3 nd.'sal o 49 'VSflrC'o I .^.oz^ )Q-no^^ >..\.^ I )a*»"i^r<' .T^O.i.i m\=t I rd^^o .AiJoorc' .^cv^a vA r^ija I ^CU3 Ajj.i^ r^-^ orA I ^iH-^JOr^CV rtlx'^afiaX >cn.>ToO I coicv-aim.-i 5° i.'sarc'o I .2>^az^ rj.fla^° r<'V4*K'.i >Acx=3i I rci3CU^-.r<'o oijL I . can^i r^ 4 I a^tK'o* . rtl^ * ca\ i.TJLSn 1 K'.iJA-SflO reli.^iv»i 1 coi-sali orA oi-sarc' ^vx. I ."i^a rtloo.xja K'^i.i.i 1 t<12wT^ Asw ixfioK* I .12^ rcAx^. cu».*kZ.r<'o SiMII.IA IN AMIS CODD. 45 ' c si'cuf 46 ^ D Ktti epxerai a b i r, 7}^«^ z;3CV I i^la!^^39 r^Hojo ore* I rdiJLra OK' reJ^K* Op^ I r^Lsor^ t<'^cai."i I rci'ijjrc'a r^^'iuK' ,^_c^cai.n I pdjSW.oo ^"»X» r<'r"U.o cni^Hiaa^i^ 33 rtllcTX^ >-=jHA I )a^^-TJ5»3 rClaMK'.l cnisso I >ix-iore!A ^Axirc* ^^ 1 n\Qr> .^_a^AoLio ^^ 1 rtl:3a_iA caja»ilxJo I K'^ccai^ oQ.jja,n 1 .»^o I t<'' iJ3"i cfA I ^-»'V=73rc'o ,.13\ v-lr3 ^AmA^O I .jO-n s> cn^CXA Oraino ^^ 35 ^x=^ 1 reLi.»i .^_ocnA x:snr^ ^^ ^ I .ts.^^ vArilxJ.t Aa.i I ^AjjJrc' ^^ 36 ^x^.T* rA"5a.a) 1 ^io orc' )>iA:ta« ^ I ^.1 .^^ua^^.i ^° ,L_cv^r<' 1 ^^i»%T*ja 40 t<'VSai>- I a.:^tzii. a^cv*^ rslaA^ ^.T I ^^iuniA' A^^ JL»^ 1 ^oco rcA 41 I t.spart'a ,__cur<' rc'-i^o^^ I ^.lucu A:!k.o >r3CV.a.s.,» A^- 1 ^^A^i cuii. 42 SiMILIA IN ALUS CODD. 29 2 Pesh. idem., Diat. ar. = Evangelium meum 30 ' D a k q om. vvv 32 ' b c Pesh. Diat. ar. om. TraAiv 34 '-' Pesh. idem. = et fiagellabunt eum, et conspiient in faciem ejus A. fain} koX fx-aarLywa-ovaiv avrbv, koI i/xTTTvaova-iv avrw, 36 ' C/am} fam}^ c f ff, q aur. Pesh. Diat. ar. om. /nc 37 ^fam? om. els (bis) 38 ' Dfam.'fam}^ aTTOKpLOtU a b d ff; k q respondens 40 ' C D aAAots a b d ff, k aliis 102 Mark X. 18-29 tocx.avso.1 rCxt I rC'cnW .T*> .^ rdW I n/a\ ^A rd3.\^ |A I Aurc' K'iia r^l^s ,^ax^ 20 I "i.sort'a reii^^ ^° vC^ar^Ao^ I vscxareA ia* ' r<'A\\\^ I r^^omcoflo .tcruao^ 21 iu I ,2h-cxx>.a^^ rclinc' rcl\.\^.i I ^5>3 K'cn ^rC* ^.t^^-' I ^oa rtlialsa ca\ I yaxsn Aa »s\ a\ vrA I rc'i.x.fiaM k'.tw coX a^Sflr<'o I ^r^la-truj ca=j Acullo^ I r. ooco I ^^'i.rn.t^xsQ icna.ixJsA^cv^^ 1 . r^orArc'.l co^cVA.i'sai I .^^l^Ji KliA^ n^'yi^ I >~i=3 » acoA vs>3r<'o I .:^ci.z^ rdLxi^ »=}0^ I >cna.Lt^ I . »<'cnlr<'.i CT3^aAij»i\ .^^oA^j.i I "^^^coAQQAa A.^ ^xixSk^.i I ^-A»r^A~^ 25 K'i.^iA ori' I rfA^^53.1 r<'ioiAX=9 AiJsA I rdijso,^ ^*^ ^'^ J3.i.xft>^^ 26 ^_ocaxaLl=3 oocn I ^»i.:93.i^t93 i\*rc'i»^ I ^1 ^^OJcn^^ Kx^ajc.i 1 K'^a^lsai 27 K'.ion ' .^_ocrA I TJSnK'a .^.ojla ..^cna I 'Ta*^'^ . r..^ I cxisa K'ctAp^' ^ai I . rC'crArS' ^cA ^^33 T.V-> ^cA f. 58b 28 ^„xj..r».Jt. I ^.IjjLipC K'cn rtl^nili^ ctA I i.S3r<' ^^ . jji^z-so ^.T-Sa | Acx^ ^.1 OK' K'^CUir^ I c\r^ rSliJK' orC r<'^v>k.=» I jaQ.a.X-3.1 jz^r^ A^.i .^OaA SiMILIA IN ALUS CODD. 19 ^fam} om. /a^ aTroorrep^o-i^s 19^ Pesh. idem. Diat. ar. = hi C koX tt/v firjrepa o V. ilium sermonem Pesh. = aur. uerbo hoc 24 '-' Pesh. idem. Diat. zr.=qui confidunt in substantiis suis A C D fam. Tovs TTCTTot^oTas tTTi Tots (A C om. Tois) ■^ip-qp.o.cTiv 3. qul pecunitts habant^ vel cofifidentes in eis .b d f ffj q aur. cotifidentes in pecuniis^ (d ^^ pecimiasf 25 ' q autem 27 ^ Pesh.= CD famP Tovro = b c d /^^c'orAr<' I •^.CUK' .Tai^-^ K'^va.njcv I rC'i^.i 7 OOC13 rdA AjtATTS I . \Qa3 .i*> »^cTx»i^ I ^^^oonja^ cosorfAa I >cT3anrdA 8 ♦XJrc* ia -\ot I A.iAon r<'crAr<'.i ^a.vas ^ I . ioorj ,^_cur<' .i.jj rdAnc' i ^iin g Asi- I jcno.Tj-iaA^ jcncArili. I ,^0^ rc'^u-rA A:ii- .1^^^ I •z.oi.^l rtA 10 r^ocTJO cQ.V.a>.3 I rc^na.aL.i r^^^vJr<' K'."i-*r<' I ^_OctxA i-SOrC" ^^ . rC'icn 12 I .nOfi^o oo^^rc' I jiajL.i p^ i-a-^ I rill*r<'o . r<''U^ T-^a || ti .l, Qq , V i I rtlAA^ orA Oraiaa-'^^ 13 I »2h.Q T » K'vm .1^^^ ^'.L^cvcai i oocn ^xai.A:^.i ^.^jxicaa"^ I >cno3U^\^ 14 I ^^r^ reA}^ COaCtSLX. I ^',_oorA i^wK'a ^..^c^oora I r^r^ds^a^^ crA jLPtflrj^K' ^.^ooaL.T ..^Oirc' I ^oa vyr<'.i T»\^ ^xl* t^* .1 I ^^^oarc* ,,__al^^ r^0.\ Annl p<:\.T I Acxm ._p.iA rda-vszirt' I ^i2ar<' ^^ . rc'orArC'.'T r<'^O^A:=Q I >cn 15 .^COK' I K'i-JDO'^^ crA Aa.^^ niA I r<^i\\^ vyr^ r<'orArc'.l I rC'^OjAsQ 16 •?' •?• •.-^'''A I K'cvcn vryTa2«o ^_^orxA:^ I tcno.T*r<' yoiOoo TS»3rc'a ' ! >cna-^TCV-=3 A**- ASJ .t.*» | •\aoi r^LuTOr^lrj rc'.ti .ia ^^ 17 I crA \snr^^^ . >\^\.t ris 4 ^ D Sovrai b c d ffa q r, ^^r*? 5 ' Pesh. idem. A D/am.^ airoKpiOeU b d f fFa q r, aur. respondens Dial. ar. = k respotidit 6 ' D b d flfj k q Pesh. om. ktictcws 6 ^""^ Pesh. idem. A/am} iTroi-qaev airovi 6 ©eo? D CTrotiyo-ev o 6(T a ^<:/V /7/^;/5 b f fed/ deus d ffj Fi y^r/V ^ k fecii di q aur. yt-r// eos ds I I "^ fain} f Pesh. om. ctt' avr^v {fam} v. 12 pro t;. 1 1.) 13 ^~' Pesh. ^-i-ain^o^ ^^01^ •^_o«nA = eos qui offerebant illos A D ToX'i vpou^ipovaiv fam} tois (f>epov(riv a ffj ^/// ojferebant = b d f q rj aur. offerentibus 14 ^~'^ fam} xai l-Kni.pj]..J"i.TJL.i I ^'5!a\ rd^K* . A.:axi.»j y\ I K'cvcn r3.T 1 Ptlnfl-Sk ij\^ ^_aA.iix.i.T A^^^ I ocd ^.'Si-:^ ^Aacxiii iA^ 1 K'cvoa .TaOK* r^A.T ^^_0t^ I r^.irS' 't.50r<' ^xJSOrS' ._o^ar<' I pC1*il_»„x.»j.i.t r<'-:5ix.=D 42 jjtaa ,..3' I ^AUtaiCo-iJO.T r<'*"ia.:»-\ ^\co I ^so .t.iJu\ Az^j.i A^a^^ I coi^r^ n£lsja.x.rj ,s.3.\ySqQ I coia^a r<'i:»iM.i I rjt\.tP3 I ^*i ,^.l:s?30 nilfle rt'-sa I r<'ocn .v:^5o.t v^rc'a I Klx.1.:^ cn^oA »=30^ I AtK'a SiMILlA IN ALUS CoDD. 37 ^ k om. KOI OS av (fX€ Se'^r^Tai 38 ' A D/am} aTT^KplOrj Q fmtl}'^ oLTTOKpiOeU a d respondens b c f ff^ i k q r^ aur. respondit 38 ^ i< B C L f aur. Pesh. om. os ovk anoXovOd rjfuv 39 ' Vifam) a b d ffa i k om. 'Ir;cro{ls 42 ' Pesh. idem. A B CI. fam} eh ifik ciqaur. in f/ie 42 =" a Pesh. om. /xSAXov 43 ' b c a<^j ife 43 ^/a//^' om. cts W/v yecvfav ^S ^ c a /e 45 " A yap c eni'm 45 'if am} aTreXOclv 47 ' c a /^ 47 =' = c em'm 47 3 Y) fam) aireXOfxv d'\ ire x. 2 ' D a b d k om. koX Trpocn\66vTt% ^apKTaloi 2 ^ ffj om. ^apKraloi. 99 25 f. 50a A»^ »^_ajl^c\p^ Mark IX. 22-37 ^irc* I ^JSa^cn-Sn •.>_r<' »:^CXJC^ cnA I i.SCr<' ^^ >.\ s ^ >A*"i^r<'o t vA*va.i*-' 23 r ^ x l jy.i I >cocV3r<' r ^ y^a t<'A\^x.=j I oaao^^ . vA r^acn^fx^ I jjL^x;t'9 ^."vsoL^ 24 IrtliUDO^^ orA ^A:^^ rtA I .ao^a ooi^ >-xicx^ | rfl\:sn.!»j niA.T nC^x-iu 26 K'r^A^flo o v a. iaoo^ I rc'o\_L.t?3 vyK' r<'o~^fio caa.»xz.a CTi^^^JJt-K'o 1' ca-TTixja K'c\ cr>.r»r ^.n 000 ^^ crA 1 ^x^J».i 27 I orAo ^^^ocTXiAxra >cno.'u:tq.\^ 1 »cnalr. .t^o^^ I >cncir)rcA 28 rdJcn ^^^coA •i.5?3r<'^^ I cn^g gOj^ ^ l $i3t<' I ^.xjju^x.'sa rclA r-!=> ,:T*reL=3 >lAvx.a) I rtLxJrC'.i ^.T-S?3 [| oocn ^-ik-.ToAuacia rcA I ,._a_icno^^ ^ctnJ K'^A^.i I rtL^aoxra 32 . ^cVijLl-i.^^\ r^hw^Ci^^ 1 . >caJa\rclxJ.i ooco ^ I i.__ooriA i.SflK'.i 33 ,fc^_oAuocn I ^AAjsi-50 rtliai.T »_oorA rc'oco 1 A rdg.^q cn^vxrA As*. I .a^o ^xa.x*i^v»j i»^l ^cn aocn ^ia^^x. I ^^^CVicno^* re!A»"iortla I .t** >:^ .Tw 34 ..^^oofA iJWK'a I cn^iito2>-i^\ r<''ii30 ,^h\^c\^^ 1 ►rai p<'ocai curo.i l' ooco 35 KllxJ^nxiJOO I »xJr<' Ai^.i r^L.-iwrC' 1 K'ooo.i rdi-t33.To K'ocrUi I r^La^.i ^.^zj COS Two I .__ocn^U*=> oQSixxs r<'o .u* I KlA\^ rc'oco >nOQ >o^^ I ♦X.IK' A^i 36 ocn I ,A ►.taxj ptLicn rtlA^ I vyr^ ' Armii Aci^.T ^"^ I .^^oorA i-^r^'o 37 SiMILIA IN ALUS CoDD. 22 " D /^ Diat. ar. = a b k Domine ^?i^\(\dhe 22 ^ Pesh. idem. Diat. ar. = j'uva me 22 3 Pesh. idem.«(?/ 24 ' Pesh. ii_s» = Z>^w/«//i? 25 ^ fam} om. to) aKaOaprio 26 ' =putabant b ffa crederent 27 ' k Pesh. om. xat avia-rr] 29 '"' Pesh. idem. Diat. ar. = /« ieiunio et oratione A C D 'L.fam} iv irpoaevxij xai vrja-rtia a c f aur. tn ora- tione et jejunio b d i q r j /« oratioriibus et ieiuniis (i ieiunio) fFj in orationem et ieiunio 3i'kom.-ya/3 34' ADabdfiqom. evT77 6S

    £Ji 1 r^lSQ rdXpi' OV-A».t yix:s3 t .^^oi-swrtll ra~o.i I rilso.t '"iinK'.l t<'."ico I K'^iJSn"^ >..^ >cn rcno.i.k:tn\^ ^cvA pc'^k'^ .1^^^^ I >or3Cvl2w »n«^.i rtli^^r^ I ars^.i rcl»} A^ 15 I cnrjo^^ ^^^cnta2»- ^^i^s I -t^ r<'H^floo pc'r^x^to I rtlxA^ ._ood^<\A ova* 16 ArdJtJSflo^^ cTi.taA.x.r3 I aAr^-x. cA^cnio oono^ I )Cr}OOVM .TA nc'Avjs^r.a 17 ^Jsn X.** I ra\ I ^^^r^ r<^.l^\.S73 J i.snrC'cv' rcn^V-» .V^O CTJ^a,\ I ca>»^*rc'o^° vvtii\ >.A 1 >ca_.^*r<' i^^O^^Jixxaon^a I K'oco ji.^s^C730 rfam} IXOwv Pesh. = a c q aur. uenisset b d f ffj i Ti ueniejis 1 7 ' Pesh. idem = «?/ i^=3 I rc'^rclJ.i 35 i i^inflo* ^ A\^ OQX^ I .n=3CV.l.i A^o . cQiiaai I cnzSi^ r^'jjLin rJL.ii.r3 > Vi.-^ I »-=3 ^cTi.n.i.i Ask^^ 38 I cnjj^rsOXJs r^^r<'.i taacx=jrc'.l I IX. iiva ^cs^ 1 p^lLiAxrj ni'-.^K'.i rc'caArc'.i 1 cn^cXAljra »_^Vi*l.l I rdso.a-^w 2 ^^OJrc' jiflorC'O I . ^uCulo ^sAns^jAcv I r^'Ar^j^ »:^OX^ \=>^ I ^soa* Avx. ._ocnA I cv-»v-M^n:'c\ ^ ^ ^><1^A^ vv^rc'* I rc'ocn icx-jjtJSfl ^ ctut-CX-aAo ^ ^ •:^cxz-i.\ I "i.snrc'o r^^r^Hk rtli:^^ 1 . casa^^ ^Aliwsq .iSk 1 ^"rijArc'o rdx-OSJ^ 5 rc'.t** vrA I ^jAA^-ra ^h\ .T.3..200 I . K'acoJ rtl^icn.T K'ocn I i i.<\t. y.nh I i.sarc'* t-i.M.t >i=3 I ocn Klicn pdiii^. ^ I K'^rc' ^ rdlxio ,cnolii- SiMILIA IN ALUS CODD. 32 ' J^5>^ =e?/ locuUirus est * 32 ^"^ a b n a'/V^w^ ; Domine^propitius esto ; nam hoc 71071 erit. 35 ' D a b d k i n om. c/xoO koX 35 ^ Pesh. idem. T)\2X.2iX.-=.Eva7igelhi77t meuTTi ix. 3 '/z^«.> k Pesh. om. a-TiX^ovra 3 ^-* Pesh. idem. A 'Dfarn}^ ws x''»»' a n ta7iqua77i nix b c f ffz i q Tj aur. 7^^/?^/ ///a- 4 ^11 om. ola yra^tvs tVl t^s y^s ov 8ui/arat ourwj Acu.^ai'at 4 ^~^ = c aur. Moyses et Helias 4 ^c cum illo ffa CII771 €0 6 ' c om. yap 6 ^ Pesh, idem. A Y)fa77i.'^ AaAvjo-ci a c ffj n q loqueretur d loquebattir b f i r^ aur, d'/V^rf^ 7 ' A Vifaiii}^ T]KQiv a b d f i n q r^ ue7tit 96 * loquetia- t + a Mark VIII. 17-32 ttoCUxjTJaj.i co^ I ..^OA^ icUwSa '>c1x-ctA I rdSfl.Ti*-' ,^^it<' ^a^^flQ-Sq I rC'Ao ^^ahur^ 20 1 reL^rut. .TAG ^"»^_aoA I i-Wn^"' ^° i-flo-ii-i^ orA I ^V=>3r<' .^_oAv\jclx. OfA I ^•VSOrC' ..^^Vax. rcl.—J3.T I ^.l^i^ooK' KL'SOSk I ^A^ri' r^-i»-=>"iPCT3a.l>V3 I jaio I r n ' n I ouK'TkCOl )o.T^sw A^ I K'ocn r^VwO ^n^a' I Kl»5a.0D.T >cncv.lj^. Ai»- I crj."t»r<' 26 o AcX2h.^ i K'^iiA rcno.ix^\^o .^.Osl* ji^o^^ en 28 000 ^I.mCU.1 I ^H-^flK'.T h\*r^ ^ orxA I ^Hjs^rt'^^ . j^^K*."! >A.^ I r^LxJr<' I . TT^iTl ^-ia .t4»l r^r<'.i I »^_oirUp<' ^-.i.srjK' rtlisa I ._o^ir<'a *~»^_^kcrA i-sarf ' ^^ 30 rtA I ,st_3rdA.n »_oca.r» K'rdiio ^° I rCu-xJtJsn oco A\Jr<' I Kla.rdA coA 31 I coir» ocn .t^^^^.i »,_a2T<' 1 aA\^a\ k'oco >ix.a ^^ I . >cncvA:^ ,_^i.sorCLa f ^soa r~^oo ^-jjJ.i rdxJK'.T 32 I k'^Asj rtlAv^riixSi-o ^^ || ^cini r<'^\^H rclsocu!^o I oaJQ.\\nia K'H^flo SiMILIA IN ALUS CODD. 1 7 '"^ Pesh. Ax^T-&. = Quousque A In Diat. ar. = f q aur. accx. oraA ^H-^Jrtf' I ,_oa\ ^K* ^ i *in >*\ 1 rclsoi^ 6 vvrrao I >.i:5au\ Kl^k-sox. ^_^ion I ..n oq 10 ri s.. r^^Lo-^Jao-ra I coA .ra^ ji \ fmo^ ^^ . ».__aJr<' I r^ijLO . ^t°\\r^ 10 tr^T t'JA I Q n <\ 10^^ ^..jv^^.t' t^iaA^A 1 ,^_ooqA o^r<'a >coo.'UA.saA^ n I ^A^flrC' . r<'ncn rc'^aix. I r^h\T^ r€»^ra r«ll2« 1 ^.srsK'a orxuoira IV^^K* ""^^ 12 I jiato ^^ . r^.ico K'^rsiaA I r<'^rc' crA .rsorx*^^ 1 rdA.l .__OaA KllijWK' 13 I OiiApa^^ . K'Av^a..! K'ia.Sh- I ocrA Atr<'o . r<^^l»^flar) I .a^a .ao^ ...^Oirc' ja ^^cnsa^. I ^ocD AvA r<'^^i^l Tk^rc'.ijj ' Kl^ajjA I ^_ocn»:k.' ^.^oaflQl.i f. 94a SiMILIA IN ALUS CODD. viii. 2 *~' Pesh. idem. D tov ox^ov tovtov L t6v o;(A.oi' toOtoi' a f turbae huic b c d ffa i r, istam turbam q turbam hanc 3 ' K A Ti/am} rjKacnv Diat. ar. = a b c d f ffz i q Ti aur. uenerunt Pesh. = venerant 4 *-^ Pesh, idem = Dicunt ei 9 *~' Pesh. idem. A C Dfam} ol ^ayovres a d f i k q fj aur. qui manducauerunt b c ffa qui manducaverant 10 ' D b c d fFj i k Ti om. cv^vs lo^abdffzikri aur. magedam c Mageda 14 ^ k cumque 14 ^fam}fam}^ om. et /x^ 15 ' Tifam} a b d flFj i k q ri om. 'OpSrc 16 'Pesh. idem = ar dicebant ACL Xeyovrts faun dicentes 17 'Pesh. idem, K A Cfam} 6 ivjcrovs D o t>^ a b c f r, lesus d ffa q iAs 94 Mark VII. 24 — VIII. i ttoCijjijifl.i "^ ^ f. 41 a . J . \ \ \ 24 co-l J\K'c\ I >3JOO'^^ . rCT3^^ . ,a3CC93.Tii I ^ ^i^J ^h\r^ K'Avaj.^^ I kUjOT cn^i:a\ ^ocn 27 ^.TJsoA i >JQ -I T. .2>,a T » ' coA iJsnr^^'^ I cnAxi-TD ^i?3 niljjoi I n <\ A.i I cu::9aV9i\o r<^>.i rcLsajjA I .n OQJsaA t^-^jc rtlA I rdx.i= ^.^_^s.a£iQ.a 28 I ^J5>a ^^K* rdiiia. I ^K* ,•».») ' rc'^^K' I ,co caA K'-r.:!?! re* ^^ rClnAaA 29 rc'.icn AA^ cnA I x:snr^ ^^ . rdlLl^.l r<'io^v-^ I ^Jsa ^"i^J.i T<'^o^H..a 30 OD^VxcA II ^trC' .1^0^° . »-^A\V3 ^.m I K'.ir^ll. ji^i PC* en jAlr^ I K'Avlsi 31 -ao^o^^ I ra.a>o rdxj.^ I ^so cno^o^^ cn.i-r^ I »cocd2»- >ii1Y?^.i cnr:73 I oocn ^x2k.30 34 I AO^^r^o ro^'* cnJLxAA .rai^o I ,»^^ 35 li^ucrc'a >cnaa.iT<' I jj^\2i^r<' ^"K'^v.Tra cnrscv"' ^^ I'jjAxA^ri' cn\ "TJSJart'o 36 -XJrdA.i I »^_oiar^ .Ta^o^^ . ^K'jaAX^ I rc'ocn AisflO oaA-rA.t I K'icuJorc' 37 )a.TJ5ai^.T I ^H-^SflrCo oocn ^■vso.iAus^ I t»^* ^.'sao^'^ coA oocn I ^ti^isg viir. I I (^.T »__ooa=jo .^^alirsaao | .._a.*.:sjaacj.i .ts.^ rdx-TwAo I :t2l^ t-i_a.x. ^K* Kilo rc'ocn I hv»r^ K'Kli^fio r^JCAA. .1^ 1 .ao^ ^_CUcn rC'iv-SflCUra .._Oca\ I vsarCo >cnoa-^LJ»A^l T<'ija I »^_ai^ra\^ oocn I >odcv.\tfam} d ti% tx^i wTa aKovtLv dKoviroi Diat. ar. =: a b c d f ifa i k n q Ti aur. (c + -S/) i^/ ^uis habet aiires audiendi (i + fl^ d i audiendum) audiat 18 ' i< Kotvoi (om. Swarat) 20 ' Pesh, om. IXeycv 8e 21 ^/am} om. Twv dvOpwTTwv 21 *~' A fioix^^aL -Tropvetai cjiovoL KAoTrat f adiilteria fornicatioties homicidia fiirta 92 Mark VI. 50— VII. 7 toajaijw.i r^-, KlA I . r^lr^ Klire* cxiaoi^ ..^^ocoA I tJSflK'o ^.^^oca.ra.^ A\:^ I K'^.s.T.ra 52 A^rq . KLsa-uA 1 ^J»j aoco aA^^vjaoK* I i ».\^ rd^^^ ._ocr}^.i-fc=3 ooco 53 f. 25a 55 ciAoaX I axjT^*-^^ . jcnai^^flor^.i | icn K'^st-) cars [ ^"K'Avix^Xto ^ jiVop ^-t-ai^n.T A^o 1 ^^XpiJj^ cna^cO^ijM.i i r^LajL^ ^Arc'.T . oo-usn 1 ooco VII. I ^js3 o^r<'.i 1 K'-iaitoo ' r I ooco 2 ^ii^Jctq I r^ .1^ ' . rdsajjA ^A^K* I .la^ >coo.i >*3a\A\i ovuo^ 1 . poix.ionc' 3 I ^j^xjsq To 1 KCflo^.t K'^a.icoa^tno I .ooco ^H\a CvLa.i3.i r<\ I vy.iA»i\^ rsli»A."i 1 ofA ^'iJsnr^Ci^ *r.nj^r<' I i 1 Qy t, .:^(\je-» ^^^ocnA I ijsar^ ^ I i n i-r > cn^cv.^fia.=> rdico I rdsajk..i ^ K'oco ■isoK'.i"^ I >rL>^.i Kli.^*r^ STMILIA in ALUS CODD. 51 ' ^< B L aur. Pesh. Diat. ar. om. (i q + essef) Ik irepiaaov D/am.^ om. Xi'av 53 ^ D fam.^ a b c d ffa i q Ti aur. Pesh. om. koI Trpoawpfitcrdrjarav 54 '"' c Ef egressus ffj i q fi aur. Et{^^ Etcum i q r, cumque) egressus : [^essef] 55 M om. £/c€tVr;v vii. i ' Pesh. TtvcsTwv 2 '"' Pesh. = bc aur. «^;i/6'//j ;;/a/«/^?/5 (Pesh. +j?m) 3 '-'Pesh. Diat. ar. = i Omnes enim lehudaei et Perishae 3 » D aprov a b d ifj i panem c panem suum 4 '-' Pesh. idem. A D l.fa?n} fiairTLa-wvraL b c d f fF^ i q r^ aur. baptizentur a baptizati fuerint 5 '-' A "ETreira f ^««^^ 5 ^-^^ Pesh. idem. Diat. ar. = c q aur. scribae et Pharisaei 5 3 D fam}^ Acyovres a d ff^ i r^ aur. dicentes c dixerunt 6 ' Pesh . idem=/'w/y^^/a 6 ^-= D «ai ciwci/ /azw.' wseiTrev Vih qui dixit c^^dicens dixit ■^ 91 ^ ^__aJL\^ar<* Mark VI. 35-50 K'ocrasai I r^ixjsnh ,i-i. .tag ^^ * • »_cut<' I aal»A rt'oco >i^o || . rclAi»-i 35 nas. fci30.i.k::sa\^ I ,=3crx*Q rclsajjA k'^q I v\i=>o r^^x^ox^ vua | ^cu ^i^o r. I — \ r -I r n . r -i . i — i. .~ "ioo:^!^ fi.^?3.Tn ^r^ oinx-a ^^ I a:^nfloa .^ocraiik cuiir^o^^ ^ -S^ •— ^ ^ •^— 43 I — I ...» .1 ^i^' ^^^ 1 ^ ^^i-i-^ ^xifX.M ^cn.i I rtlii^cu ^t\ "n .ia I ^xi^cvo .0.0 ^^a^ . r -1 r -1 . I ,_^\rcno.T»jiriAAu 1 .inA r^.^jj ^c\ ^^ 45 rc'i-i- .TiiO *^ r^.x.i^ I actiA K'ooo rc'ijc .Viw I rf.T-*,- ^u.rx\ ^ tcaoj:nx^ 46 r^lx-sni I ^."1 K'ocn .1-^*^ . g 1 \^^saA 1 r^^(^\^ K'acn AxK* 1 ,^_ajr<' 47 Ai^ I r^Cicn >cr30.icuxJL=3 ocno || rc'Av.'sa^.i ^ocn cnci.^=> I K'AvAt.^ooo Acv.\^ I r._ooaiajA rcli_ia I Ai».' ,cnoou» .Vw "^^ ..^jCUK' 1 i -i svi nfocn rda-a 49 00=30 . rdLo 1 orscnL* »^_ocrAaA ,cr>00V4* I ."T^O ®^ .ocn K'.lrd.t-.i I oiaflo 50 [* Cod. ^i-tx.M^] SlMILIA IN ALUS CODD. 34 ' c om. TToXXa 37 ' c Pesh. om. airoKpLdfU 38 ' c om. Kal yvo'iT€s 38 ="^ Pesh, ^ Ji -n u A r s'r'n n = a c f ffa i q aur. Quinque panes D • 7 • apruva- d • « • panes 43 ' N Suo 44 ' K T> Jam} a b d ffj i q fj aur, om. tovs u/jtovj 45 ^ fam} q om. €is to Trepai/ 49 '"' Pesh. idem = 5?,?/a..i3ijS3.i \<^ 21 Aua.i I '"rdsocua"^ JLX^O ^^ crA K'acn I .JbJSJUt. ^^nSl'sa.xJaQ.rjo I ''pt'ocn I >cncc^'i-AJL^o >crjairDioiA I r^'^-xJsa.xjjK' r<'oco .T3j^ I Qo.tO'icn.'! cn:tl» 22 coA ^i-^jLO II ^i.i^'io Kti.icvicn.i cn^i-n I ^1:^.0 ^^ . T-A.\ Aiinc'o I >~l.t?3 >Aro"^ ^* rc'^.sn OJSn.^ 25 I rs'.TjA.a i\\.2h-o ^® . rcli:usa,.^5>3 I ^.^cu.i ca.r.T caA K'i.SflK' I icn.xirtlx.p^' I r^h\:»Jt. rc'.toQrD |A I A^^.l ni'.iK' Klxrj^ ca\ I rC* i-Sfl rt'o ' . rdaA^s ^cA ' 26 . r^La^LsaX >~^o I ca.1 ^^i^wo ^^ . rcno I rc'^fUxAA^A caA ca.=3cn* en CU ^v_> K'o ^® 29 cn.Tix- I cxim. Ckh\r^ >cnoax:^aA^ I cv^^nx. n^a ^^ . ca.'snr^ I cr>^=>Or<' ' 30 I Clj^-^i-r^o . »^ h\o\ I r quodam die 23 '/aw.^ r, om. on eaj/ yae ah-qays SoWa. o-ot 24 '-' b f ^x«/ a///m J>ue//a 25 ' D a b c d ff; i q r, aur. om. /Aera (tttovS^? 25 ^ Dfam.^ a b d ff, i q r^ Pesh. om. rJry^TaTo 27 ^ c f?; i aur. om. eu^vs 27 ^ Dfam} a b c d f ff; i q aur. om. 6 pao-tAevs 28 ' Pesii. om. rryv Kcc^aXryi/ avroS 28 ^ C ^i/eyKcv 31 '-' Pesh. JLinf^ niA ^ArC r^iixK' ».^caA r^ocn ixjAo = spatium, ne qiddeni ad comedendum = et nee spatium habebant ut vel pattern matiducartnt b c d t ff; i q r, aur. et nee (ff^ m * q fiecdum) mandiuandi. spatium habebant 33 ' Dfam} a b C d ff^2 i om. koX TrpoyXHov avTi.vcno.T.A:5aAo\'' I rd.\a . ^relito oaco 1 K'A.VQocv ^ »_aA.xflQjL.^3 1 r^_x.jjLi kAo ' ri'Jsa-iA^ 9 . cnA ,_o^f<' 1 ^.i-V-S-.l K'^-i^ rf-i-.rt'A-'-^ I ^.lo^o.^ ^^i^ ._^s.n\.j 10 [I rdlXi ^ Aa^o^^ ^Jso^ ^.sa 1 ,.__oAviK' ^.xi^j.t t^Ls^.-v^^- I oocn ^jm^ 11 I r^co^H^ oocn ^j»r^-2ao I r<'f^li^,£iQA KljjLX. t a.3 oocn I ^x-iajcsao oocn ^nV coj^.vw I i-A.^ cTiA K'ocn ,2h..T-»A>r<' I r^-^.i.'sq oo.ioicn ^iJyi.i.Ci ^* 14 rdicn Ao..V^93 1 T<'^vx-S>3 ^\_»-=j ^sn poja I t3 ocn ^.1^0^ I i.mpc'o ^'i=J3r<' ^-..T 1 reLiTAiK* ocn rdAK*."! I OVSflp*' ^.i r >-^fio 15 r^icn i.snri' I QonoTcn ^.l ^^^as- ai^ ^^ I rt ' i. il ^ .tm vyK* I ocn rtlxnj.t 16 cn.i-MK' i.T-x. I QD.ioicn T»^ ocn ^'^ yin I cajt-i ^vnjacLa.i ocn I ^*»o^ ly QDaa.AxA I ^^K* rdi.Toicn A-^s?3 | r^xMior^ Avx=j cnijaorc'o 1 ^wO-A f. 137b ^_X_jjCX.i 1 i-x-^ cnA K'ocn * I v»}r<' ^^ . K'ocn ra a C» l.i I jcno-wr^ 18 rt^.ioicn I ^.i->cn ^^ . v\a,*»r<' ^^JK* 1 ..nfioJ^al vA A^z. I rcA.i tt>.ioicnA ig ^ocn I rOjt^xJSn rcAo ooAj^a-SaA I ^ocn rdxjs^o orA I ^on to I craA rc'ocn i.\yi*g30 I . ris in Cod.] s.MILIA IN ALUS CODD. vi. 7 ^~* D fjLaOrjTaa- aTriaTeiXav avTovcr b d ffz i discipuUs mtsit COS (b ffj ///i5'i') q discipulis. coepit illos mittere 7 ^ Dabcdeffai om. ^p^aro 8 '"' Pesh. idem. A Jam} fxrj Ttripav fxr] aprov D f^rjre ir-qpav fJ-riT€ apTov b c d e f i q aur. fion peram non panem Diat. ar. = a ffz neque (Diat. ar, ffa «3.t VA f. 2ia 15 I ,:^a.z.« ^cvA cvi^rc'a ^^ I K'ocn.t r^-»J re' v**.-5a..A | a.jx^ic\^ rd*icv..xi.=j 17 caA.5»3 ^..2».=j 1 CiCiCa a-.TJL.CV ^"^ rc'i^v** A.^*. I ►^rc'o r^^r^x. ori-ra I K'aco.T r -T . ig I trrlAK' fTT," .IT. rctAo ^^ I f<'acaJ cno\cu.i r^'artlx..! I ocn caa.5?3 K'acn I VfA .Tn:!^! 3)QS.r?3 ._asK' I K'CV.iiO vy.Jc.3K' A^cu I v\<^j-=xi At ca\ \:sxir^ 20 I K'^ii'.T.t^ ^i-fla-^r) I oii.a.'sai >"ix-o A\t<'o^° I vvxi^- pa*>"ti^rc'o rcl.i.ra oocn I ^cn.^t73^ ^^ocaiAO |j »:i^a,z.^ oa\ .Tmw.T >3.t.s»3 21 ^ r<'rc!A^a> ptf-T-i^ 1 )Cna.\.2k. ^aLia^ rc'inik. I ocnl ' ^ ,^^CiX.* ia.^ .aria ^^ 22 r^acn cTa:5»i-i-.i I r^'^x-O.i^ fjs'i ^ .t.** I K'^r<'o ^^ ptlsa* »a..i.^ I A:^ 23 i.sorc'a . cai5»3 I' r^ocn r^j!».=3a ^^ iCocxV^i I A:^ A^l >cn«VA* .1^ 1 •x-iK'cu . r^jj^a '' . vvrv^pc* ! cnxi^ yxxoo rs'^ ^ ^\x.±=3 I »z.j.r3 K'.'ua^-"^ i^ira I . col 24 ^(^slmo I . nc'rdx.^)^ rdxJLA cni^js I r<'acT3 rc'^rc'a . v. I A\r<'o ^* 25 ^.xJLJL cn.t79.i I r^ocn rc'.ii.t ^ocn 1 ^\' r<'.T.*» K'^^Jrt'a ^^ I ca.\ oacn 26 Aa ^.iaaK'o I K'KLi-^flo rc'^aflor^ I ^.^33 ^"in..xJio v-i^o^^ I K'i.fla.i^-^'i^ I ^.t.:2?30 ca\ r<'acn ^*rc'.i 1 7J.T.S0 (A far A V. 26 b — VI. 5a « c« a /615/ leaf.) f. 137a .. « \ I VI. 5 I ,(TJoH.*r<' pordflo Axlxi 1 K'ca... *"i.^ Asw pC'Ak' I . r^-Lx-a* ^ .T-m ^^ 6 0:0 .^c\cT3^a,isa,*cn I ^\a'ixfia.uL=3 rc'ocn I vsa.t^soo ^ o-Lflorc'^nc'a SiMILIA IN ALUS CODD. 13 ^ Pesh. idem, h ce et ceciderunt (e om. f/) 14 ' Pesh, idem. J^ C T) Jam} kux ii^XOov b c d f fFz i Ti (?/ egressi sunt e ^/ exierunt aur. ^/ egressae sicnt 15 ' D b c d e f fFg i q Ti om. t6»' €(T;^?;KdTa tov Xcytwva 21 ^ D Afam} b c e flF^ i q om. Iv to) irXotw 21^ Diat. ar. om. TraAtv 21 sBbcdefffjiq aur. om. Kaxy]v 23 ' D b c d ff. i q om. TToXAd 23 '^~^ Pesh. tfi 1 i.a iv.>rc:zj^ = male affecta est 23 ^ D b c d e 1 ffg i q r, aur. Pesh. om. Xva 23*06 om. tVa tuaOy 87 a.^ ciA^are' Mark IV. 15 — V. 13 I V. 2 r -I . I ctA Ar»T-0 reli^LO) I r^h\r^ * cxiJia. jl .1 rciiMO I T<'^i:50 ^x^k.^Tiz..! ^^^^r^* I ^^ca\ ^Aa ^^ oa\ ^Anxi-sn I T<'^a.t4JL=a " rc'^Lsa I » cv.?>^*ai.Ta.i rtltja.i 17 I OK* Kli^OK' rC'oco.l 1 Klsna •__CVJr<' ^\ I A.-2W r<'Ap<' K'i n . N . orua {Mark IV. 18 — /K 41 w tf« « /(9^/ leaf.^ ^ ^ib r-c^^Wi T3 I ^XJinc' r<'acn jjiA.x:»i I vi\..^flo.T^ A\^^33 ^ 1 en iflo reltsii 4 .1^0^ I . r^-^rel^rj cnz^ K'ocn i A\<-.racv K'ocn r.o 1 K'-icAyraa rfictrio 6 rclsai I rcda^ rcV5»3 . rdsoi I K'cTiAr<'.T cni-ra »2>.O.JC^ vAc\ 1 »~\ rclsa i.»3rc'o t^ojai jia^.i i 'i-k.^ ctA rc'acn i.srjr^^ . >-= || .t^^z.^ rdA.i ri'ailr^llsj 8 ■t.S3r<'cv I vcsa-x- Kli-.rc'.T cn\ rt'ocn 1 Ar«lx-i?3a ® . K'-i^a.^ ^t33 I r<'i\ai^ g l*cnJLiJ3 ^cvoco ^isio"^ ^^ I ^ijjJrC' r^^rtli-i^^flo A-^i^ 1 ^iJ ._cu.^ cnA 10 ^.1 ^ocn ^rc'o^^ I r^i^K* ^ iaA «._aar<' I ,pAJ rtlA.i K'.Trilx- ,._^cn ii ^.t.>>.=iO -"-^ ^ocn I rdx-Swi.i rt* v»\-M.T r<'^3"i I K'ija.s rc''icx\^ ^CvA I ^^ 12 ^..^ocaa I Acv^wio K'H^Ww «^_Otica\ I ^i.TX..! ^"rc'.tnilx- ^_aicn~^ I cairo oocn AxA^cnio I nc'H*v»xrj A^. K'^a.A^ 1 ^ico r^jjoS ji^i .i^a I ._ocTa\ oaS.K'a^^ 13 SiMILIA IN ALUS CODD. 15 ^fam} om. ddvi 153 Pesh. idem. D iv raur KapSiata- avT(Dv a f i m cordibus eorum d ffj Tj aur. /« corda {x^ corde) eorum b q in corde illorum 16 ' X)fam} a b c d ffa i q fj Pesh. om, oynoicos 16 ^ D c dff^i q om. eu^vs v. 2 ' B b ce i Pesh. om. ev^us ^'^"^fatn} 8ia TO avTOV TroAAas Tre'Sas Kai dAuo"€ts ats cSrjaau avrov 8teo"7ra«€Vai Kai (rvvT^TpifjiivaL C quod saepe ligatus compedibus^ et catenis vinctus^ disrupisset eas q quoniam sepe compedes et cathenas quibus ligatus futsset disrupisset et comminvisset. 4 '^ ^i om. awTeTpC..wrc' cuacn r^cxiSr^^ I rf-l-x^-. .1-=l<^.1 ^"V».^ ,xJp<'"' 1 A..^ ^^ >~jjr<' IV. I I K'acn ,r-i*i^r<'o pc'^ia* I A.2^ ^\.5»3 r<'ocT3 >i.x- I ,r>o^ ^ >-'»Jr<'cv >^mO I rc'A\.iai=3 r<'^ix^Qa.s I oriA .r3^> ^4x1 ocoa I rC'r^-a.^^iOo rf.xAA cn^CU f. 110b . \ o I _ - \ 2 «^_ocaA rc'acn .^.i.'saa ^ | nc'^.ta-* A:^ ^"K'aoo 1 ^oreLo ' rCT3a.i3JL.uO g i-Sflr^o^ I K'rtl^sacv ^.A^jt.o ^^d\A^.a I .rica^o r^Laio K'irtl^ I .r3ca..*0 10 rc'cvcn .tacv ^'^ I .v^-sa-X-i »i^.sa-T-a.i I pe'_i.Tr<' cnA ^-.K*.*! I ^JSa.t rc'cvcn 11 ■TJSJarC'cv ^-"^ I ^^_aicn rfA^JSO Aii^ I >cna."T_L.'5aA^' >cncx.\r-ia.s3 )q.v»i I Acx^ ptL.'i.ra ^.1 ^_Q^ctA ..^oao^a I rdiaA.T ^.^oA^^flaa rtA I ri.x- .T.2^cv I ,,_ov*M 13 ^2!^.v* r^lA ^_cvcaA I i:5>3 rt'cv ^^ ^^cvorau. en A«.a» ^ ._ocaA i ._^J3-=3^ ..^^a^.l^.l I t-T.\i 1-1.3 .^corc' K'i.n 18 I rdL^a-ix-^ r I r^.TOcnx^o ^^ ig Ire'li^re'.i rtliiiArC rcl'TlA i ,^Cih\ cn^cA rc'^rc'a^^ I ri'^n\ rC'cvcn rc'^rc'o 20 loocn ajxS^i ,cncti*r«'^ ! cXi^.'sa.Jt. .vio^^ A^p sxiLTSsn I rcl\ i.snrc'a 24 K'Avxrs I ...^KjO ^^ ,cn rc'^cx^LsT) I >ixi2a\ rdjjLiVTJsq ! nsA ►ii^A^A> crax^^l 25 l^r^A^^ ...^O ^^ >in t>A I ocn rf^xSD jjl^zj^to rcA I A^^^^i 0Q.r.a.i A^ 26 rtfA^^'^ I acn ora»Aax. rcArS* I )aja..'»i\ jjl^,zj=73 kA I .i^^^K* * ca.x^J A:^ 27 ^jJSflr^ ^^ I >crjcurelr?3' ^cx^4jJ I ^*.t*cno icxflortla I rdixflajjtl "io.tqo.^ •_»<' 28 I rc'ocai rt:lr<' ' ca\ I jis^vz.! r^\ ^.t^^ ^^.T I rf-jjoi Aa»-.T AoA^^ rC^lrt' 29 h\^r^ n^h\.^.\\^ I r^jjoi.i ocvco ^'.T ^° I poA-iA rc'cn^w »n.x_jjuSO 30 oraA I oi.aJ.o i.aA cvooo ^ta.^x3 I cnJsnr^Ck tcno,»»r^ aayr^ .T^o 31 I v^re* rc'cn ^vsar^ I .t^o ro^.i-»l Ash. caA rtL."Uk | * * " I cn^.2k.z. t.=jo^ ^'ooA^ijai.** I vyrt*"^ ^.i_o^o A^x.&o I v\i_»nc'* A^cijr^ ^ ptllA^ ^'x^ I r<'r^-»..^fio t^Lx-irwa rc'JSjaA I >cnoH.x.^Q.\^ 7x2*- caA I Air^ 8 ^sao ia^ I ^o ^.licun K'i-a.-ii- 1 ^t\ ^ >\.x.iar<' ^5«o ^ 1 noca.* ^^cv 9 rt'oco I TJsaK'a ^ cnA>a.\ o^rc' I .t3.^."i ^.T.ijalak oocn I ^s^.'sajt-.t ^ »_^*^ . orrao^njAl i rcA.i pdr.iA. AA^"20 I pc'^Vx^flo orA .^^sinii t ,cno."tx:»>A^!^ r ^ -1 10 I .^orjTiii.i oocn ^*^Aa.*» I K'rCUijj^floo . K'ocn Klajpc'jsa I ixis^^ rc'rtlxi!^ ^^ IJ; rc'ovaaA^ rtUjoH.i I rS'^onitjjLSj ^_^4ca_iA^ I oocn ^*r<'."t ^xA^K'o ^^ cai .-1 r -1 ^ r<'ca\r<'.T cni=j ocn I h\ir^ ^^iior^'o oocn i ^x^^o >cna.2Q.ii3 oocn I ^A^Jk r ^2 I :• cnaas^.TO^zJ rcA.i ..^ooaa I K'ocn r^r^is^ >.^a> |1 ocno^^ 13 . cn^a.\ aAtr^o I t^-s^.i ^x.Lrd\ K'ocn I t<'ijso . K'iaA^i jiiaoo ^^ 14 ^..^ooa^ I "i.ix.t33 K'ocoJ.i cn^cvl I ...^ooca.i.1 H^^s^i^ ,^_ooai») ! Kia.^o'^* SiMILIA IN ALUS CODD. 27 'Dacdeffai Om. to a-afij^aTOV Sia Tov avOpwirov iyevero, Koi ovx o avOpwiro-s Sia to a-d^^arov iii. 5 ' Pesh. idem. ^J A C D Infant} ttjv ^etpa o-ov fam}'^ aov tt^v x"P" Diat. ar. = a b c d e f ffa i q ^i aur. mafiitm fuam 5 ^-2 L vyt^s 6s l (sic) a\Ar?. a sic?it et alia b j/b// alia c j-zV?// ^/ a//(?ra 6 ' b c om. kut' auToC 7 'Dacdeffaiqri om. r/KoXovBrjcrav 8 * t^fam} c om. koI ciTro r^s *l8ou/xatas 8 ' a b c om. ttA^^os ttoXv 14 ^ Pesh. idem = El elegit Diat. ar. = ^/ . . . ^/i?^// 83 ,3.^ ..^a.Ai^Ori' Mark I. 38 — IT. 26 ^_:53<^ ^^rc'o I I.ra._."i.j3.i r<'^.i-.."T-'3iia I r^.*mxa\ ' Axntli cv.^\cn I ,^_acaA ^cnAo-^-rj^ ' rc'ocn I ti.^.tsao'' ^^ . ^*^r<' i.^^ oco I p<'.icaA . ti^rc' 39 r<:="iv^ I . cn^cA K'^nc'o^^ K'.infls- I rc'ooo jiSl^O r^ ...^r^.l CQ^ •i:»}r<'a I >coa.ii!j^'i Ai>- A^io ca.l»l I rC'ocn rdi^rao .ijj I . ,cnoAi*-^ ^ajji^K' »^cxr.*' I ^^.t ocn^^ v.J^O.xii.l.'SiA I h\^r^ jx^T.-=n Avinc' 41 co-tjO ^^ .Trf.^^h\r_ r<'^.VA3^ r<'Av.2>-CU>'i ^^ 21 11. I rfAo^^ rtf' ^ »r-x^ I r^ia.Tflo rt'oono r^xira.-i I cn^cAxjjkt99 ra>»j r^ltsai »T_Jr^ ^i.::?3i ' r^ArC* I ''»^jt3r<' r^Jata .va.rt'^sa I rc'v^OA* ooso ' . rtlBv-A ^*ctA ^V^r^o* ' r re'cvcn vAonra I rc'^jjc.i r^LtsaO-xs K'acoo ^^ 23 ^a^.2a..5J3 rcA I ._^>orA i.sjre' ^^ A^xix, I r3.t.^?3 r^'^^ix^ I ^*.Tn:^ 25 r -i r -\ rd.\.t >ia.^33 Aa^K* 1 >ixOo.T rdsaAJLAo ' r-s'caArc'.T I cn^xixA A.2k- r fam} famP 01 fxaOrjTai crov Diat. ar, = a b c d f fFa i r^ t discipuli tui 26 ' Dabdeffairjt om. liii 'A/3id0ap dpp^upews 82 Mark I. 23-37 <»a.xii.5?3i r<^ r^bySi.x^ I rd'.Moi ens h\(scn ^*rc'.i I r^ini^ ._ocn^ can i'k'oco 24 •^_^.'»=^aa I "ia.^a>"' ^ caA ■i.sani'a^ 9 A- rCooa I .1x4* K* rc'cnso i^o ^"^ cai»i 1 Av£i2lJ r<=^^ KlLaa I ^^>.i3 .T^a rc'^^iV, 30a I r<'Jh.TA» r^.iS.\a* relicTJ | oco Kixsn .i4jA .T*» ooco I ^■i.ryzr^Ci ^_CiCfAs>\ 20 rd^reli^ 1 ,»_a_^.:3a.x- 1 -.^a ^ ^^ 1 ..^cual ^ocn 33 1 cul^ r<*^*.T.i'30 ^^ ^". KlxaLjD I rc'JooHaak.ra"' oocn ^^.ix^^. I ^.x.3 ^x-l-s.t 34 K'ocn ja.£i.t33 I K'rc'-x.^flQA rc'ocn ►.iaorCo^'* I ca.2^"iA> A:w ^ocn rdxxJ.^ ^x^w:t.>1 A^5?3 II o.\l»it7i\ »^_ocnl' r<'ocn I ji2.z.m riAo K'rtlxii^ I r^^rif.x^ •o- cn\ oocn 35 35 r^A<-Szj ^.5?3^o I r^-raia-Aj rc'i^rc'A \\r^ I ^.a.1 KItdT peJA-X-ao ■^ I .lAO ^^ . ca.r7i.^.T .^cjcno I ^_ ci.2k.ra.x- caA oocn ^.i-i^rjo ^^ I . r<'ocn 37 — ^ ^ [* Cod. s/c.^ SiMILIA IN ALUS CODD. 23 ^ACDbcdeffr,qt aur. Pesh. om. iveix; 25 ^-^ Pesh. -UsaK-o = e/ dixit A B C D 'Lfam? Xe'ywv d f fFa q aur. .=>''ir<' . oa\ OOCD I ^iX.'SQ.T*:^ Oao^ rc'ca^rf.i I K'^cxA.lso ^u^^730 I rc^\-)\ >iix..i ^ ^^ r<'cn\t<'.i I rt'^ia.flo 15 .rtliA^"! I rih^ax* .->^\^ As. rc'ocn I vO^caro .t^o^^ .cn^-iaiaQa I ca:=a>cno 16 . r^l^oua I .^otAm^-iSq^ ^ASni .ta I >coa.*>r<' ^ Qoi.Tir^llo I ^^^OAJSaaA r<'v*» i*»>_aA."Ta.2fc.r<'a . >i^v=3 Ckh\ I »:^ax» ^_ooq\ i.swK'a ^^ . oocn I k'.t*'^.t A.\g^ 17 I aA\r<'a ._ocrj^'.i>.,-»3 I anar. rJl=3.1 K'.'C— 18 I ^l4jCu\o t.Tat ia .^an^A I rC'vu aAo I »r)0^ I vycD ^^(S ^^ . cni^ua 19 )Q-^ •^-.cm3a„3r<' 1 >.T.r3\A a.n n ..^^O-ir^ I rc'i.o . K'^.v.x.3 ^° 20 oais\\cua oocn I ^cax:xh\c\ ^^ K'Avx.cuAa l' K'^vajt-a rc'ooa ,^isqo ^^ v 22 ^*nCa^^ ._o orx. iAflo ' I vyr<' rcl\a K'oori 1 .«\\'g3 i.i.^ rt^\,\T*ga i vyK* 23 ^ I vyr<' rdAa r^dcn 1 .Siitq V«-^ rg^\y^\.x rq i vv»r SiMILIA IN ALUS CODD. i. 13 ' fam.^ e/<£6 Pesh. idem = i/>i 15 ' ^? C om. Xtyav 16 ' Pesh. idem. D Tov a8€ALfiXr]aTpov fatn} afjL4>LfS\r)(TTpa T> fam}^ to, SiKTva a d r^/'/rti' Pesh. = b*c f r, aur. retia ffj t retiam 1 7 ^fam}fam}^ b r^ Pesh. om. yevia-Oai 21 ' i< C L Pesh. om. [c-o-cA^wv] 22 ' Pesh. idem = C 01 ypafj-fAareh avTU)v c f scribae eorutn 80 * Bianchini b retiam Matt. XXVII. 63— XXVIII. 7 »^-».l ^2- I K'ivAAx i^.3.1 >-*» oco .v^ I rc'ocn "i-tflr^ rtfli-i.-iJ^^'sn I aoo.i ..^TA.Tixr^ 66 II coi^-a^ aTcn.T\K' aA^r^^^ I •_o^if<' ^-^:^i.*."i Kfs»v^ I K'i-njiJa XXVIII. I I oQ^.i K'ixnxrs ^.t 1 rclx.5>3V3 ^ rc'.-.'^aA^floxi >iw I »crJ r^_^rcl^ a^»3a\«a K'ia.c I ^.*v-»x21 rf^ijjrt' I pQ*T.5?3a r<'^x\:t^o >*i.^ I A^^rc* rdL=xxzs .tu 2 . rdxtJii. Jsn I ^Axi rcii.»j.T ca^r«:'A»i.i I AA^ rSlni re'.^o\ I r^c\m K'cno ^ 3 Kloi-ru^ cdcvvjj I nc'ocn rd.i:; ^ oaA.2»3 I AiwA ^ss^^cv r^-^r.*\^r<' cd^Uj.i I ^.»>a "^ rd^^ ' vryK* I cajLCt=i\o 5 rS'A ^*^.3r<' rdx-iA I ijSOK'o Kl^rdAjSJ r'ill.^^ I rc'^-'jL:33 vr^K* oacn 6 rel\^ I ^h\.\r^ ^.x.:^j3 ^x3.i\t<'.i 1 ocn »2»-a-X-L.\.i ix^ t I ^x.^\ •T.^inc'.T r^_ix»r<' cnA 1^ yxn rd^icn K'acn 7 K'cTJO ' poja.T I >cno.Tx.ia\^ ^^i.snrs'o A^^.=> I ^A.\r^ '^ . cn=> rt'aoa )axflff.T (Deest ad finem.) | ^h\ ndLAi^ .^_a.aA I ^n.TJCiW SlMII.IA IN ALUS CODD. 63 ' Pesh. idem. Diat. ar. = ei 64 ' Pesh. idem. A C D L/am} ol fiaO-qToL avrov = a b c d f ffj ffa gi n q Tj aur. discipuli eius 64 ^ L vw/cto's Pesh. idem. Diat. ar. = noctu xxviii. 3 ' c ff, gi aur. om. \(.vkov 6 ' ffa om. yap 7 ' D a b d e ffi gi om. CtTTO TCUl' l'€KpWV 79 jji:^^ ._cixb>^ot<' Matt. XXVII. 47-62 f. 134a Klloo ^v^r^* I a2»Jtaz. .1^ ^'yih\ cvocn I ^tnxa.i ..^_cucn r^LxJr^o *^ 47 ti I rt'Av^JCa cnsao '^^ . K'to 1 ndAr^ 48 rdiiwrc'^^ I ^'. K'^T."5l\ crA .^^Of<'0 ' I faco.i ^A.K'o 1 rtl^at .©• -o-o rfcolrc'.i oco >ocn ^-»Vj>> I rdjQL-woi ^JSflCv r^^nhx.^50 1 rtliLi ^^33^ ,oco Au.K'a ^^ 55 coA >ocn I ^.x.'sn.T'snci rSllA^ ^ I »:^a.X-» i^vrs >ocn ^A>r<'.i 1 ^.Lr^ •SijaoCt^.l 1 cnJ5?3T<'o ^acv n s,.» ^tjs^ 1 )ci>.-i:aio rC'^.xA.T.^^ I yx^x:sn^^ 56 .T.4* I K'i.a..^ ►=3Vo rtlx.^zji I rt'acn .v^a ^'^ >.'US3\ >..i.=3.i I ,_c\cmJ3r<'a 57 I K'aco pf.i.AJSaA^ even 1 3r<'a .^jaocu* caJ^ajLO I K'^x^r^ai ^"tw rt'i.iv:^ .1-CL^o .Jk.o.z.^.1 I cni^^ Ar.-i 58 r^.i I oocA^^ 59 crA rc'ocn ixxxl.i I rt'iixU crA*^ r^^Xi» 1 K'icxa.n ^*.3 ca.»ifloa ^"^ 1 K'Ax.t** 60 K'icv.a.n I ^x3.i fJ2»3"ir<'»A I rd^^coes f. i34b .©. .©. A \ ne'e ^3^ K'^i-uK' I 7i*"T.^o rc'^^.T.^^ i ^n.i'i.^j ^.'^h\ >oco ^K'a ^^ 61 K'^aoVk. i^iai I rtliiurt' ^*.i KlsflCxA^^ I . K' "103.13 Avxs.i on\ja.ii.l I >Ocn 62 SiMILIA IN ALUS CODD. 48 ^~* a b c f ffi fFa gi q r, aur, ef dabat ei bibere 50 ' L om. ■naXiv 5 1 ^~' Pesh. rcv-u-soo = £/ statim 56 ' Pal. Syr. Lectionary, Codd. B, C ■=-filia ♦ Matt. XXVII. 29-46 t^v-tTS.l * V^ a.^. I CV^i.=>o cQ.i.i..ta>=3 rtLi>U3 I CiXMOr^Q cajc-»i.=D I CUSfi.aoci r^Lso,^.! 30 A^ cul I oaco ^jjlJMo reJxic i cvlruLa icncx^r^-sj^ I ao'ia ^*^ . r .T^o ^^ co-x^i 32 (■*.! I ^^nSki .T2wO ^^ . cn^ovsal I cAtrc'a >cnoi=5.Ta 1 ,cno^*U >ooaxjL\r<'o 35 I .TJ^o ^^ crx>^JLta.\ rf-ra^ 1 rfAo cn^n.2fc.\^o rc'^ I ^xVjj .ia rt'iJSiA* 36 ^iA^o oocn I ^xtjAuo ^^ .^_oorij.\^- afia:^:kQ I ,cncv.3Laa.\ cv.^£k >cnaA-n\ ^y »^ ca.x>.i 1 Ai»- ccyiao rc'^a.l^flo I ara^^ .^^=3^* ,^_^cr) I .Tr^^"^ jsniiy 39 I ^.TxitTSO >(T)0.\^. I oocn ^x&.T^Q ooco I ^13.2^.1 .^_aicrjo^^ caitaoo I ^ 40 I ^"t^cu K'^^^A oa\ 1 pe'-l.30 t^-l^acn id\fio I ^"i.saK'o *° ._ocaxx.H^ 41 ^K*© *^ . ri I ^cij^o v>AAi r>r3i 42 I K'ocn jjL^Jt.:?9 rJ<' I |CnaA\y\.Tii^ I ^_^lcn »£i»r<'o "** . r<'ca\r<'.T I Klipf cnira.i ix^ I xsnr^ ca=i r^=3^ 45 h\,z. ^too^^ . cal I oocn ^.1)00^.^73 rtl^ii. I vync* ca^ask. Cia^.T\nc'.T I K'^Xxsj 46 I »2».i.^r30^^. .^x-^ rf-iJt^ I rtlsj.-i:*- rf.^irt' cn\a2k I A.^ rt^.^Ciru rt'ocn I ^xiLx. •o. ^,»l^iiajL I rtlliJiul >-\r<' ^-^r^ I "i.sopc'o ril=j"i rtAns I ,^CV.X« rf.i^V^ ^x:^x. SiMILIA IN ALUS CODD. 30 ' Pesh. ai«ko^v&.3 = infacicm ejus Diat. ar. = a b r, in facie m ejus 31 ' ' Diat ar. ■=. quo erat indutus 41 ' D Kai (fiapiaaioiv a b c d ffa et pharisaeis Diat. ar. = e/ seniores el Pharisaei q fj et fariseis Pesh. rc:-iLii£ko t^-« j..xao = f I V»-^ >-^flo .t<1q_.."|\ OcoAo I vJi r<\ cn\ rc'V»Jr<'a i-aiA I ._^r>,cv.x.A I ^^_o^cuo . r0.»J t»s..t»^ ^^_o^3r<' I ndacn 25 r II .i^o rii-> I A^.o ^A^. 26 I rcA^a.xA^HA^floK' ^>..i>.cn ^"^ I ..^.civ-l-i ,_ocnA cn.2»i A jl ne'e I .^a.x.iA 27 rcncA:^ I cxjtJL^o . ^icA^i^^A .^^.a^^A I >ona.i^r<' rrli a..ia..^cn .i rtAAA I aVi^^a^^ ''>dia\jnc'.10 I r<'^ici4»\.i . ri'^jjJ "" I , en ax:a\ rt'o ' ^® ^g SiMILIA IN ALUS COUD. 16 '-' Pal. Syr. Lectionary idem = fam} \y\3o\iv Bapa^3f3a.u 16 '^"^ fam}"^ ooris Sta ^ovov rjv ^€/3\r]fj.€vo-:v.* rfA.T I rtlsn r^-ta^ o CC93 i jjl.'»i\ I »vi- ^.v*cr> "^^ '~c\cn reL^j.t"' 75 ^^Oi^sax, I i^.i^rc'a'^^ . rcl^i^ rc'ia || r<'i\:i^x-3 carjo -rdJoo 1 K'ioiii^ XXVII. I r^lSJiSw.i n^.T.xJLae\ I rilaoaSk >»r3T .^^oaV^ rel^\»3 1 aixxx- . ^oroii^ .T2iO ^ •o- r^_ia»i^cn 5 •ja.ljj^K'o ca\ rC'A^ I AtK'o > rcq*.ti- ^*.T I ocn ^ '• ^^^^ \ 7'"'' -^x 8 rdaoo A.!^50 ^ I r^.xXSiaikr<'^ nc'icxa.ia I ^ra.i r^ijA^ ^..icxa I cal5«3 CU=}\o 9 po.T.»j 1 ►.itsaixK' ^A.TiOD ^ . r^_i.5ncuA I rtlsa.a:^ ^.i ^icxa ,ct3 I ^iio^ri' I jcnara.i rd^fla^.i ^^\^* I ^nfia.3.-i K'ocn i.^K'.'t I rclj-nira ^ 'i.rzjni'^rc'.i 10 ^*"iaxi\ ^.xyrif ^3CQ*a ^° I A^nc'ifla.rc'.i ^^^KnJjArs I ^ ^\n.^n r;'\xn.*:% o pcliVtTa ,.A 1 .TXL^.t vy*r<' rc'ijAA IL >.1 vyr 12 ^TDCOx I rfA >a.^^S^ yax^sn ocn I r^Lx.*'i.aa r^lacn^ y^'i I ^CT3 0— H-o aocn 13 r€.r>i.^ h\yr^ .^'Sjul I rcfA oocA^ixSk cnJ^ i.»ir<' I ^."1*03 ^^ ,.^_octi\ rc'ocn 14 -^aAiyCv ca\ I ..racn.. rdlA )a\^^^ ^^.i || ocn ^* . vvx\^k. ^^cfx.SiaJsn I ^^.icaiao SiMILIA IxN AI.IIS CuDI). 73 '"' D o/A(a^€t = abcff2nrii-/W//jrf^/'(ff;4-^/) xxvii. ^^LBiKaiov = a b c d f ffi ff; g, q aur. ws^//fn 4 ^ Pesh. idem. Diat. ar. = *^/ 4 3-3 Pesh. ^Jrs' -^^j iocs' = /u noveris 9 ' 33- 1 57 a b Pesh. om. '[epew/ou 75 * Sabatier + c .v^ .^^axVii^ione' Matt. XXVI. 60-73 tr'Ao"' rc'irjCV.JL I >.icr2fi0 K'rdx^^ oAapc'o I O.jjl^z.K' rcaxlcv^iJt7i:k.l 60 I OfA i.t33r<'cv rtlaoa^ ,=37 I >J3a ^^ jcnaxlrari' ^j-SOO.* || ni'Axi^Ao ' Xlicn 62 ^j.l ^2»-ax_.^^ . vy.ii>- 1 ^.*.icafla.t33 ^Acn v^-y=n I r<'_5Q.\^^ak h\\v^ ,aca* rcA 63 K'cQ^rels 1 vA r^-isocvso cn\ T-tar^O I r«illoa^ ..rai rtflli*..' K'ocn I ja*^x. I 'iiOK'^^ ri'oQ^rc'.l cnirj I rt'.jjtx.x.SO ocn A\lr<' .^^ (A 1 i.rnrC'Ai.l . pc'.xaj 64 r"i,-, r^lcn^ ! ►=! ^.t»cncv,^ra,^^' ooco I ^j^rir.5»3 68 rc'.tA* K'^s^a.Ai*- I' ^sico rs'^i.ia iaA I rc'ocn jsh^* ^*.i ..^o^jsax. ^^ 6g ^.1 I 003"^° .^rdixL^ ^^ocn »^CXx.^ I ^^ ^Sr^ Ji^v^cs cal I rc'i.SJSrc'o 70 I niA ,ar<'o ^ ,^i.5?3r<' 1 Kll-Sfl r *!Q2*- r^Licn I ,_CvcrA^ 72 . ^'taxa.i ! ^_^Jcn aaic AAo I i^ra ^tflo ^^ . rrlicn K'ia.^ I orA r/ facievi ejus f gi q aur. in facie m ei* 69 ' c om. avTcS 70 '"' D /?w.^ ouSe eVtaTa/xai a 11 ;i^^ «cn . i.^?3'<' 46 I Taix-SO.T OCT) ca\ rcl^^ 1 r ^^^rc* r I Ax. ca\ •i.»Jr<' ^*.1 ,^cv,x>.^° I ^.rsi >aix- ca\ 51 I ^5« .t** ri'ooa ^^ ^:^cxxx\ 1 ,cno."iA>K'o r^-».T*T<' >or}CV.i:^ 1 cuJS^'irc'o oraia I coxlA^A >caAAXSqo r^'.^xflo '^ I Ji^'yxx.Ci co.i-r^ J^^' I »:^az.«.i ,cno."U.'2»l\^ 52 1 v^cnr^ »^OJK.a ca.\ I i.sort' ^>».v»cn^^ ca.i.TrC' I calai-cv r^cri.^ .ai.l 53 j-aK* ^^33 I rd.xsrc'.i rtflirC' jjl;\z:») I nd\.i ^inC i.nfio ar<' ^^ I i^cwiareli 54 1 rdlikiK' ri^ ^ I \*h\.* ' »A 1 A^o 55 I •^^ 'i.saK' rc'^i^i. 1 ,car> ^^ rc'ocraSJii rfAcv I rdOAco.i r rMJ.-i.Mrtlta.\ 56 o rtliiij.i I r<=s^2k ,^_a\s3^.T 1 >ocn.i ^*caV^ ^.1 | ^Acn ^^ . >.AJlo^.\jjr<' I r ^ z.A. z .j3 K'i^flo ^.Lje^.1^.1 1 ^^r^ rdica^ ,n^ r^^jLH I h\<\\ ,cocvi=90r<'c\ 58 I cn^i.-u rdsfl.t:^ rf-jaujai I ^ cni^a k'oco I l\r^ ^.t ..^O^JSix-^® ra-x. pc^iv^^ 33 ^jjsop^ I .^.OJC^ crA ijsar^ ^* wa I r3 relX >i\^\ I rdir^ v^ 34 ^^a,^ >A K'ocoi I ..^^r^* r^L^Kliw ^.^OiJsajt. ciA 1 ijsar^ ^^ . i-= ioj^Sk^ 35 oi.ssK' I ftli^cD ne'.T-i-SiQA^ ,^^oq\a I J^r^a wa io.Sw^K' r^\ I v^^a.^ 1 j-usafloo^ rc'io^sa.T I K'i^r^A .^.ciz^ ,_ocfisas>a^* 1 r^h\r^ ^:ucn^^ 36 .^o^jsaA ^^ I rd^^K* ' Atrc* .vw. r<^ico I dnhx tcoaxxjix^^ \:s3t^ 37 ^.T»oo ^^ I . ^,-.^>a\o c\i:M.^Aviai I r^aca ti-JLO »t^\ v-ii I ^^^cn^i^o 38 rd^icn I octn K'i^asa^ rtlso.i^ I >.t30 1 ,crjcx^r<' A^ A^ || AAa ._ocaiaj >.iT.o ^^ I >..=a^ oix:^^f<'a 39 T-ar<' 05*000 1 vsaK'o K'oen ^oA I rc'^K'o*^ vA_..i .^^ rtArc' I rC'ocoJ JL..1 > \ i~>^ I r^A >i.r3 40 re!JACD ^^^askSOjA 1 TJsaK'o ^.A.^sa.1 .t^ w^fUr*' I ,u\T.f<'o >cncv.Vfc:sa.\^ a\^o 1 o'Uj^A^K'*^ >J5jajSh- oi^^vsiA I »^_cv^vijirk.i.r<' r<^s.T. k'.ojj I KAskPC* 41 ,=»ai^^^ I ooki^ rCii^a kAk* I Klus^ reU*oi Klaftifift A 1 ,_cA^^ rcA.i 42 KlfloA"' I jjA T . r q r«A »_rc' ,»anf 1 xsnn^ aA^SkX l\r^ I ^jlAs\ ^^i^.l »ao^ I K'^rC'o^^ .vCUrj^ rC'DcoJ I cn^^vx.K' ,_K^ rtl W I iii^J.t 'Xllco 43 . fOcn ^^Tkxi* 1 K'^iaca^ ^^oqaIa^.."! I Aa\jsa .i^-^n .t^ I ^.^^o^r^* jjt^x-rc'a f. 118a ^cx&cn I ^0^0 ^i^ ^A^.i I cuaA-»iA Axk'o ' ^^_airc' | ji nT .o^^ 44 r* x/r in Cod. 1 „ _ '- -■ SiMILIA IN ALUS CODD. 33 ' a b c ffa om. auTtp 36 ' Pesh. om. e'/cei 42 '~' Pesh. ncma n^cn C D to iroTTjpiov TovTo 3 koc poculum Diat. ar. = c f fifi aur. hie calix d fi calix tsie g, rrt/;lv hie 43 ' a g, somno b a; somm 44 ' A/am} a om. TraAtv t Bianchini a //// ' f. 91b Matt. XXVI. 13-28 ,Av.S3.i r±^ Ar^ l\.'snh\h\ I r^-taVx. orA^=3 rc'.ioo I |A>iai» \i^^A>.T rd.a^K'.i I ,_.aA.l 000 coJt^o.iX I K'.ico rt'^^iK' ^.Tri^.i I )ox2»a 16 I ^o ^^ r^li^Jikz^.i ^^\^ I ctA CJSJij-arc'o .^_a^ orA I >.Lx.»i rtlip<'a 17 I rilxJSfl.Tn ^n ri2*- 20 1 ' cn^ifio^^i^ ^cA K'ocn I vusaxto r^jc^^zii K'ocn I .tjio ^° r>i:»AzJi .._OA.i_573 23 I A^i.aJ5»3.i oco ..^^oonA iJSsrc'^^ I ,"V»j ocn rtlirc' reliaA.T 1 .^^ocoAJSa 24 I rtLix.K' \\r^ r.:sa^ cna^K* . r^irtf* )ai^.s.s»3.i I mx-*n^-=>:\ K'i.n.^ ocoA I ^*i aO )CT3CI.i:^ »s.«^j^.i 25 rtllioijLSa I rc'.ioca* r«ll2»-o ^^ • .tLAxpc' I r~=>i even KliK* || Kl^aA-i ojsok'o »acnaO r^^oci I >ci3CV.jl:^ vyiao r^L'^ajA I »^.az-» »a.fiaj ^i.Qq.s.\ I »^_ajcn 27 jioK'o I rt'jaa^ »aXiQio^'^ ji^ cucn I cAa.:ir<' anoo i.»jr<'o I > en 0.1^:20.1^1 28 cuoa ^^ I »^_a,^loA crxvsa o^x-K* I arnflo' •i.tjaK'o «__oorA I »r3ca*o »cncA^ SiMII.IA IN ALUS CODD. 20 ' B T> fam} d om. fjLaOrjrwv 22 ' D a b c d f fFi ffj g, q fj aur. om. avTw 27 ' Pesh. idem. Diat. ar. = b gi accipite et 28 '~' A C D/am.^ r^? k^v^s Sia^T^KT^s a c d f ffi ft'2 gi q r, aur. nota testame^iii Pesh. rc^xju icrak^:! 9 = testamenti novi Diat. ar. = novutn testamentum b «(?/// ^/ aeterni testamenti 71 .^ .^_cub^aorC Matt. XXV. 40— XXVI. 12 I ,3il:>A.i K'icaX rt^^A I y-Vsa I rA ,^_oau=Dca_» I t^IAcv Vi-\^ AvA^a^^^ 42 -^rc* I ^._ct\„^a ^.ViCn"*^ »-UO^^ ^qp I rdia ^ocd pc'i.j_i»r<' I ^ 44 I .V^ OK' ^irc* ^A^ ."Wk I vvl*V*» i^v.SflrC' .^^j-Sfl 1| ,^_oijS3rJl.\^t^. I C\r< ^K* r^lxlflo^K' I .1^ Or** h^^r< rc'cn^ ^i-sard I .._ocrA i-sardJO KLi:^ 1 ^.vco*^ vrojL2Q.z. t<1ao I ^r^* r<'T»J»r<' 45 -^K* I »_o^\.T=i^. rtll K'icL^t I ^cn ^ .tmA.! oco.1 I «._aal T^L^^.'snr^ rA 46 I ^. I Si .i-> ^ ,cno.T-i ^n\^ I i-snre' ^_Aco >crjcvl5b I >iAjc .t^.i K'acna^ ^ xxvi. . r-ii — 1_ r-ii — I r -1 I ^.^o^jsaz..! oDOUna r^'t.i^ I ^u^ia .^cvx-» r^dca .i^cv^ I r^3 rcltx.a^c. 6 r^uTrq.i 1 r^^^x^x. coA^ I 6\c\co ^*K'o K'.Tj* I r<'^A\ir<' ^v=>to "^ rdai^ 7 r 1 r-i \ ^.T -:^co:_»^ I r..\qq.3 I ^.iv-^.i rtlicn ix^ 1 r<'ocn 10 I PC'ix^x. * rc'.'im^ K'^^rdX I ctA ^.tKlVrq r I ..^OA^cA ^Aiwra ixi^ I r^w^'-n ,._c\ ax. ^* r^* ""^^ I i^cA ^.Ta:^ rda^^O ii ^u^jW-I I ^.1 K'.icn^^ rCiirC' I .^c^^cA ^A^^ cmA || ^."i rdird •.^CVJK' 12 SiMILIA IN ALUS CODD. 7 '"' Pesh. idem = sii/>er ca/uf leskuae 10 ^jam} a c ffj gj Ti aur. Pesh. om. yap 70 Matt. XXV. 26-40 >^'sq.i 2i^ * * -x- * I ^.^ # * * *l* * * * *l* * I* * * * -x-l* * * * 4<-I* * * * -sfl K'co * *l* # * * *1* * * * ^1* * * * * * * * *l-x- * * * *l# * * * *l-x- * * I Mr * * * *l* * * * *I* * * * r r 1 r-i ^ ^ r -i i * # # « * I hxcica Mr * M oh\\* I K^rC^.i >cncUL*V3 o^ I caJU2a.» OH* *l* * *^^* *l* * * * *l* * * * * 05* * *i* * * * *l »-l_io^J6-n\r<'o ^ocn I r <' .*. \ . \y TJ^^^ 07 I * M Cq\ * * I * M^'^ th\0\ * *l* * * M *l* * f. 77a ov»co-« I * * * * M \ avir<' MM* \tiA*\.M I >a\2orc' »^_5^ ^^ 38 cvf^ ' • v^iJCJAo ^«ocn rc^j-uaoL^ rc'.i I vr^v» >^»Jr<'o^® I'a on ^Kxs aT< I cTx»i^ ."\^ vsuvm I >^snp<' or^ ^^ vvixaXrc'o 1 ^ocn rg: A\ ^i^ 40 »-xJS»r<' I «._acaA vsarc'o^ kLi-^o^*^ I vv^oA ^A>K'a ^ocn I r<''iju»f<' SiMILIA IN ALUS CODD, 40 ^ a fFj om. 6 BacriXevs 69 jAito ^.^^ui^or^ Matt. XXV. 3-20 ^cni^ I poa ^tacn*^ orrSfc-iaKll' I CVjqcx^ p<'^r<" r^^^j I K'co rtlia K'ocn 7 I ^aAooA r^h\^Jio ^-xAcn I •.^JVS^rtf' ® ^«ca.«.t^:^ ^A^o I ^-Aco t<'^\o^\= 8 I ^cno r^P^ ^."1 I K'^Turda^^ II 12 f. 74a . r n r n ^^_ocaA ^xJJt.rc'o I »CT30.i 1 n>\ rC'ijsO jiVu-l I p<'i.a-\^l V»-\, rdlv.K' ^"* 14 I Av-»r<'cv ^«^i^.l ^ns'o I ^«i^A .X-ta-M I coA -raca.*.i ^*r<' ""^^ I ca. \ .x. l o 15 I* * * ♦ *l* * ** *l* * * * K'.Vm.T 16 r ~\ r n ^^i^VT) T»^ ^^K* I * * * ^h\Hh\x ocn I .arc* ^a-^cna-"^^ * * 17 I r<:^fia!^ >-JcA^C» relik-TP^.a' I ia.u l\r^ K'.tj* I .->Oril.l ^*.l 000^^ I r^\»»r^ 18 r n I .siocv ^i:^^ .z.ta,M I .nor? i.i aco >=aTi30^° I KliaLi-CU» ..^acaiso .ruaaJO 20 II * * K'co >A ^\.=>ca^ I ^-»H^i^ JT.'yiM ,V»3 1 i.'sarc'o ^*_ji*»r 0_\rc'.i I ^ i s .t-» r -1 ._ocrA A^.i I . cn^cvi^ A^ cnvtQ I caJSJOxo rc'.i rdisyxx^sta I rtliJSUcnJSa 47 A2h. I »cna^\Ti.i .^^oaA Klii.sqK' 1 ^x:s3r<'*'^ . rdJAcn .Ta^k..i I >oni>*AT \ ^8 I >"V»>."| cna.Vr3 r^- XXV. I ^.-cni'-i^^S'iA AJ1I.T I ^o^=3 Hfla2>.\ r^.xSlx.^ I rc'^asAso Klsa.T^^ ^."uotj-'^ SiMILIA IN ALUS CODD. 36 ' 'L.fam} g, Pesh. om. ovSe o vio's. 37 ^~' a b c e f fFa gi q Ti aur. Diat. ar. /« dielms ffi dielms 38 ' Pesh. om. cV rats [i7fc€pats] lKdvai ^_aAv^c\K' Matt. XXIV. 21-36 r<'ocai ^^ I rc'ixa.xra rel\o r^oh\aa=3 I ..^^xxjoii*- ri'ocQi r^^ I (• ^j.i 21 oocn ^*T3^ ^ocn I rdA CUrc'a ^^ r<'oca-l rcA^rc'a I r^. i.^q axi rtflsq.T.^ 22 I r^lA-icn K'cn.T »^_a^ i-sordj 1 »acir<' .^jx^ ^.T«cn ^^ »^_ajicn I p^'^vjiacu 23 I «^_a»jcv-n_j ^^ »,_aJL:5a».CTJ^ I r3.To ne'er) ^^ . ..^^a^Api I rti-a^ .^r^ r^x=«o 1 rdjAj^^iO ^ jii=J I i*^ •o. k'tjcJ »_a,T-l«k^i I ^^^ pc'-i^^.i rClSL^rx'^^ I KlxJrt'.i 00*13.1 cn^x^xSQ 28 r^JL,"»x. vry.X4jLl I K'^'SiO.* » cvicn.i r^li-AOn^ 1 iAva ^ ^-..t rC'.tjjLSo ^^ 29 I ^^i^ovio rtlx'ia.i- I ^i?3 rdj3.2kaA ._cu^3o I icaii peA rc'icnjjo.i I cnicnojo I KtxJSaaLrj rclaLir^'.T en 13.1 I ca.x.xi r<'v*>^i ^*x»cno ^° I rtlkJsax-.i K'^oIam 30 f. 100b jcnoii^ I »z.l^:io r^^rsi I rcfiixi pa:^ |Cno.^r3.ii»- rrsir<' ^i>3 32 ^.x.:^.V» I oa>i-ai.^^ cv.i»-TAo cQ-k-^cuao 1 cvati rdsfl.i K'^rtli^ I o^L* ^.1 ,_o^*Vjj.1 rds) ^^^o^aK* I ^^r^ ri.a.i .^^AvJrc' I ^.2k..i-> ^-^cala. ^\cn 3 + ^ocn.^ ^«cnla.& I ^cn.i rtlso.i.^. rc'.icn I rc'Avaijc 12.:^.^ ptlA.i I ^^cva\ •o- ..__i3.^a r..isQO »^_oia^i r<'_^in:'o i rcliJiJax. ^^ 35 rd.\-^r<'o .^n..* I K'A »xjrc' ,cn r^v-^.i caJ» XXIV. I . »ci3Cv.v»-iaA^ I a=3T.£)0 -Axreiijal rdl^^op 1 p3 »^a.z^ jiAi .t-sio ^ ,A=3^x.^ I fcno:i.x.'ta\^ osixi I r^*^*! icLJi^a ^n^ .l^o ^ r n I — I . - I vvAv^AvJSO.i t<'^r<' »co I pdutaa ^ocoJi jAvJSOptll 1 ^A "^ re're'x^flo^ i .^aSLxsJ!^ jrJrC rtll.l av« I •..OcnX i-Sarx'O ..^Ox.* r^^lib-^ 6 relr>TJ3."l p..^>iz. I Aci\^^ ' jtJK' Aa!i~' .^^oaX I rtliflo rc'ocnJO 11 rC\ K'rdx.^^flo 12 I rOQ*so.l ^ reAre* ^^ 1 p-^rdi^^.l t<1=3CWm -\a.^> 14 I r<'^o.icaiaa\ rdsai^ crA^=j I r<'^a^A=»9.i ^<'A^ia.fio I nillco* ti^^Axo^* r^j*! . r -I 15 .^^iuv*».i ^.1 r^lsfl ^^ I rtltsilajt. T<'^r

  • fia.'^a\ ^cuu rCiA oco •o- cn!^a.\^i.2Q I ^ruaajsol cni^fia^ Kli^^) 20^ocn ^° I rc'^ibo-. ,^_a.Jca=i ^xHa'SQ.i I ^.»r'£^ftoi') K 65 .vj» ..^oA^orc' Matt. XXIII. 26-39 rtl&.l cni^ •a^K'o I relfittJ^.i coo.^ ^.t^oX I OAi ' rc'i.^cvj^ rdx^H^' ^® 26 o even f. 135b .rc'^aaa.^^ 1 cnVskO r^h\i:sn^ rd.^«"i^ I ^Aso o.^ ^^na '^icujlSQ I iaA ^».n I vyrf ' r^x-ir^ >jii\ .^^o^K* I ^Vm^^ Va^ ^ .^^r^* 1 ►^re' rcIlAcn ^^ 28 ,_aacn.T ..^^arc' I re! > .1=3.1 ._^^lr<' ^no^Q 1 JL^io ^^ • r^.^ii^.i Klia.ia 31 .^a^cxirjK'.i I K'^Axx.asn .^_o,irfl^ I ^^^iK* .Arc'cv^^ • r^iii\ I oi\o.i 32 re!jcri.^l 1 pt'JU.T ^^ ._a-nii»-^ I re'JL^^rc' ro 1 ,._aA. Vn A\ ^__octu,:s»3 I rc'-i-Sjaoo II r^^w^^n ^^ . n£A^x:s>3\ r^.i^x.'^^n 1 ^ .^^CUr^ .^_cvA."i"i^o I ^^^OaAwlcua^ 35 I ca.^.1 ^ . r^Li^^r^ A:^ 1 .iX.K'^K'.t r>a^A.l2.\ 1 «_cvJr<' SiMILIA IN ALUS CODD. 26 '-' Pesh. idem. z*Pharis€i et cesi T>\2X.2:c. = Pharisaei caeci 28 ' Pesh. idem, e quasi Diat. ar. = tamquam 37 ' D ir/soo- o-e- a b c d e f fF, fF, g, q aur. a^ /^ 64 * Sabatier c Pharisai caeci Matt. XXIII. 13-25 ,Avj».i .^^ i35a ».._cv^ir<' I ^.a.Tn^. K'ocTJ.T pclsocv I rc'icu^ .1** ._cvxa.2>^i^.T I r^n.*Ci t<1s»i* •o. ^,^_a^xl:^ r^la.^.n:' I K^cn^^ cn\=3 crA 16 r^-sa-.."! I ^jsj.i ^ ^.^o^JK' ^aH-^k*.! I ico:i »rj"i rtliso 1 T<''"i»c\.2h-0 * 18 A^-.i I r^-lrsicuara rclsa*.! ^C\ I ^"re'^ra rt'A rtLjjLrj.T.'Saa^ 1 rcisa*.T ,.^330 ^^ 19 I ocn.T r^LMLrj.T-Si OK* I rtllaicto ,^i ' rdisa r^i-a:^^^ I rtl^^jj' rdjjtrja-» 21 ^^t>a=>o I oQ=3 Klsa* rca3 I rtlsi*.! ^.^j30 ^^ tcncxA^. I ^^K*.! rtLsn A .lag 22 ^•"Saao I K'caArc'.n cajjaoio^ra I r^Lsi* reliSaX-ra r^^O-.! ! ^o ^^ caa i-'^.^.l rc'^ij-n-*'' 1 ,_^v^_ci.a.jLa Ti.^o I K'^.tulo pf-tw \ i en ^ ^.^o^vJr^ I ^Acno .._oif>.Ta.^ ►*.! ^CD 1 . rc'^cusa^coo r^iiA*c\ r^x^^ I rc'^ioK'.i 24 r<-ii=3 ^so ,_aA3r<' 1 ^AA— ^fl.i rdiSiflo K'.TO.^^* I . ._j>^vxi.a.x- rd.\ ^1 I 1:00 kA^ji^ .__o^ir<' I ^xiArso 25 .^^o^iK' I ^A.iJsn.t rd^trlrj >^a c»j I relate H^o rc'H-^flo .^^il^Lo ^^ DiSSlMILIA IN Con. CURETON. •re'ivlsailre'T r^h\J» »^_oivJrs' ^-xi^rC* .rC^ri^s i •"^' rerz^i^o ( ^ub^orc' Matt. XXII. 46— XXIII. 13 f. 45 b re'x.osj.i ni'xitoicvA. I lii-^ ,cna."tx»i\^o I r<^T\N\ .i^cxx-» x:^r^ ,.«.t*cd^ ^ xxiii. ^ 2 I — I rcd^K'o* ^° 1 rT*?i Trq I ^^aaki rc'acni .^i pc'ooai.i ^_aAi3 12 :o: ^i^*^ 1 cg.x.M v^oj.i A^o'' I vvisa^ cojc^j ^X-xMr^^ I KlArnOQi'^ relx-»i-^a 1 rCi-^jao ^.1* ..^^ctaA >o ^^ 13 I K'.r.-l r^ ».JL=3 pQ.TJJ ^ XLi-SJXJt-.i I pc'^CX.^ r<'.i.tA-of<'^ I ..^^O^JnC' DissiMiLiA IN Cod. Cureton. .^l.a.^a ^j-a.aoj.'' ^^1.^*1^-* 3 § I Xxiii. nrtl^rr'a" M-ik^re' ►XJre'^46 . re'^j 'n¥n re'o^ 6 A o-a ^ 5 ,_.! — " ..^ocniv-xii- ^.sa pCt-u>3 + * 4 (f. 38a) o o o >-»ii»i»-»'^ ^.iwa'' *~>uiJT ijL\^.jups'~* 12 lO^V ^.jsao^ II rtlXo* 10 SiMILIA IN ALUS CODD. 46 ' D/am.^ wpaa- a d q /lora xxiii. 3 ' ^* om. kuI TrjpdTe 5 ' Pesh. idem = tQ>v IfxaTiwv avTU)v L Tcov 17/iaTtW f ffa Q utstimentorum suorum. Diat. ar. = velameniorum suorum. 7 '-' Ti famP : pa^fiei pafifSu : d magisLr magister 10 '/j:''^-' a d e r^ om. cIs II ' a ^«/ z;«// r, (jui iiero vult 12 ' Pesh. idem = yap 62 Matt. XXII. 29-45 i^JSfl.t r^laj 30 I rd\ ^r<' rdx-a ^x.a, On \ ^\ r3.T^.5o ..ciicn KlxA!^ I a^'sajL .i^a 34 r* 33 36 rdi^r^ I r<^l<\\'r3 ^^ orA i.sJK'a^ ca\ || p^flQ.1233 .1^ '^ '»^_ooai»i .tjj I nc'ocn 37 I t<»*i:»i-\ >XA»i^.i »^CUX^' 1 ca.\ i-'SOK'^'^ rc'Avaior^lra I* ^ai rtli.TjjcX^ 39 ^ 42 1 ^i-'sorc' ai.tq i=3 r^Afc^js.S79 1 A^ ^".^_a2k\ ia^flo-sn^ I rxiior<'.i rXia — <= "-Kkjusb.-i-" ocn — ^39 . rtU.ioTJBo'' oeDrB:jCD^38 oxIa'' (<^/^) oiAa* 37 »j»Xjao + * 36 A I "^cn Tf 1 ^ . rC ^ 43 ^"^^^oiore* ^.jiaars*"^ 42 , v^ t- — ^ aam — * 4I A>i^en .^jj* * 45 »^i»*44 fCJbVoxi:! niJaois + "^ SiMILIA IN ALUS CODD. 30 ' Pesh. idem = tou ^coO hJ L 6eov fFj gi \y3 rdAa 1 ^r^ . oA ^ ^Ui^ I ^ A^.l ^ n^Aa"* . vA 1 '^ Kl^a^^'so ^-..1 r^'OA-.rC' ^"^ I rdsJrc' >-l=3 17 i-sars"^ .^ooo^^OJt.x.rj'' I ,^.T» ."li^^ ^.1 .^fc-cvjc-.^® . kA I OK* iQfln\ rA ,_o^rc' ^ i . c» \*33 II rcncuL3jLCv' ^v.x.M AuiA*^ I coA ^^vsaK'o re^« na.n ''I ' orsi-u rdsocu ocruo^^^ 23 ^' V^orc* I rci3C\jjr n cnA iuiA -xa •JC-iK' ^ev.^aj.'V OCD «...j_iijir:'o"* 27 -A re* ^ 26 "'. 1^ » 1 ^ ji n t."" *". ix-taao rcivivJcC . -imi «^^cftj^ %nT\-*= "-.^^oj-usa-" ^Ajlacd r^-^vJSM.n -.-^ 28 criA + ^ ^-._ocala SiMILIA IN ALUS CODD. 17 ' D a b d e fFj ffz q r, om. eiTrov ovv rjfxiv 20 ' Pesh. idem. famP 6 'Irja-ov's D o it/o- L 6 is d e ff^ gx q r, aur. t/is Diat. ar. = a b c fFj /^^//i- 21 'DabcdeffiTi Diat . ar. om. ow 23 ' ^J om. aura) 24 ' Pesh. idem. Diat. ar. = e «^^/V 24^eom. Ktti dvacnc\AjL»* I r^Lak-l-Ssi ocn^ V-^io ^ 9 axao^ I A.Aa.r>3 ^ . cri\ oocn ^aClx. I r^lX ^H-ci ^ »^_ajcrja ,ct3 I r^.=i.x\pxi 10 Aci-i^ I azJL&o rc'Aui'ioK' ^xa\ I ,»_aiot3 r<'."iiii». a.j3.ajc\ ^° I . r<'A\o^x:s3 11 nJiO^^^ I . rtl^x'iaoo k'^oAvxjso I ^a=) >-l»3AxrC'a T3 ^ Ai»- 12 ^ii»-'^ 1 rc'-l^^rc' >,J5a.j*"i ^ ca.\ i.roK' ^^ I . rS'^o^.r.Sfl.i rtlLan-l 1 r^aco^ 13 ^.t^cn ^^ I cn\ ja^z. '^V*'"' even '^ 1 vA ^x\ rc'^a^x.^a.i I pc'^ui.i.i rtli^iorA Kll-JL ^icMO 1 r<^»..^.rj rS'oca.J ^^y)h\ p^.*"i.=s 1 rtl^ a.JC.**.A >cna.-n^rC'o 16 cnA (.-.TJsanc'a I cte.iaicn.i rs'.T-ii.^ >.^ I ,aDO.i.Li)a\^^ cn^al oi.vx.a ^^ f. 27b DissiMiLiA IN Cod. Cureton. t ^t-a.»^x-j> rC + " .oocn ^j-i_99V£al ^ § 4 ''-^.j-i-snwsn.f-'' i en o T-a-JiA ^ 3 .rcAijijiA^ 5 ''-. Ki\oivJtsx\ oi»-^ Ajio'^ •.^^evjr«' ^-i-Li\js ,.iai^ ito^o .rc:.aj^j» .c nU n\ ixjca ocn r^jol^-^ 7 "-. oJ\xio .^^ojnr-" rc^ij.^ 6 . K'ix-ieOk^kA " oocn (f.36b) t_i_»^via.i^ § 8 ^.Toopf .^^CDi»_u»»Ao .vvoAcn a:Aft\ ri \ ,_ojk' T-uarfo ps'ocn — "^ ri't-tta" rC^Jx^i*" ''"A^o-^ II A^ ^ 10 oia '' ^.ia Ajxo * 9 .^^eo_,TAiaAix^ 16 evjaiiuo^ § 15 »cno»juorC^ 13 '^-ocnQ-'= iwixne''' »-»jaj»^ 12 SiMiLiA IN ALUS Conn. xxii. 1 3 ' C D aimT€ b c d e f n; ff, q r, To//t^e '59 JJLl .^^jXi.i^CVK' iMATT. XXr. 34 — XXn. 2 h\o\ icnonn**- I T.ii. r<'"inda»."T rdi=>l ^'^^ ' r^dcn^ .ta^^* A\r«'o rcncv..ia.^T.1 ® I ^^r^Ci icncuiJ^c.i ^ I ^-•rc'a >ct30CVmJjlJ»j."i ^k'o'^ 36 , r 1 ^^ ._^crA I o.T.n.^c rtlxib.Txi ^^^ || ^.^rcfx-^flo.! ^"r<'-li.A»r<' K'.'rn**-"^ I i.TJC- ia.^' i.^ipc'cv I cni.nA .^^cn^aA i.T-x- ►*.! I f<'Au»ijjT<'_=3^ ^^ . ^cvaco* 37 ^^H-^inc'*' I coT-nA >ct3ac\v*» .1^ I ^'(~»."1 rtluuVa^ ^® >i^ ^ I ,_cv^ca.a„i 38 I o.TAjrc'o^ ^^ . ^\-»."1 Kli^icu I '^ rc'ocn-ia . >cncVi.L^i3J o^ 1 K'^oi*'^ cuco 39 I K'^rcn r^llra I o.Aflopc'.i rcli.aJ.\."l vyrC'.Tl^ relsoih. ^ I cn.ajjr ojaare' ^ ^"nijuulii ^_..i ^Boivsasa + * 42 ^-iJ-trc* + ^ >.ix_i ^ 4I ^-. vsoAcn trT u \ ^ \ ,^_oeal^ 40 ficr_4rs' iior:' "^ 43 ** rC^TO-sali* cn_.i\'o~'^ '^"'. rC^oii cojLil"'^ (f. 36a) » en + '' . tcnc I n «i T ^ icnoJLv A.^^i A.^0 . i-s^^ r.\^ JLik ' -{-'^ ■T.a,.aki § I xxii. Ao\aa + '^ coJoTjuniJl "^ oocn + '^ 46 . rs-ixnilA* 45 [* Cod. kjiocn] SiMILIA IN ALUS CODD. 34 '"' Pesh. idem. Dial. ar. = uf mitterent ei 37 ' Pesh. idem =^ fortasse b c e ffz forsitan 43 ' Pesh. flFj om. avr^s 43 =^ D b d e ffi*r, om. v. 44. 58 * Buchanan + ffj Matt. XXI. 2 7-33 th\jyin V^ ♦T.a.^ *^ >i=} A\r<''' I rcli.:5»3.i.iiA i.:5>3r<' . ^xi=3 I ^^'i^ cral cocn ^^r^* I ."u» 30 I "isirc'o r^-i:^c\ . ^cx&cn I rdiiwre^A i.iflrc'o ^*^ ^ . rCltai^ I A\K'cv cn^.^i 31 I. jcnarjrC.i reLi-i^^ I .tn^*" ^ ^\co pa Ciso^^-^ I 'AxK* ptl^a ,"T.5»3 ^r^'^ f. 40b rtliT^s^K' I ^xJSsrC' .^ »._cvcal iJSflr^ I . r CD '' [* sic] SlMILIA IN AMIS CODD. 29 '-' Pesh. itfjrs' rcs^ mA i^ C D L/aw.' 011 ^e'Aw a iV6i« Diat. ar. = b c d e f ff, ff^ gi q aur. JVo/o 29 ^"^ Pesh. Airco ioi\i»re' ^-.-i r^h\i u -a ^i C \^ fain} vort.[>ov i^fnm} + Se) fxeTafJieXrjOeis aTrrjXOe D ijorcpov Se //.CTa/xeXry^eio- aTri^A^cv eicr tov a)t/.7rcAa)j'a. a b e ffi £^ (b e om. £/) postea^ paenitentia motus (flFi ducttis) abiit in vineam. c d ffj Ti postea autem (ffa 2^f^3o'^ '^ ^\ •ij5>3T<'^ I h\yr^ ."T-a-i*. ^\cn ^J^az. I tJu3 ^SQ.i i.5>3rx» en rtiA I 'Ki4JSa\a 26 ^.TiJAr^ KlxauUi I vyK* * i*^ ^._actA^ . ri.xao AevAo"* 22 itfxjrc + ^ 26 coA + *= oocD + " tJ_a.Ti«.sa * 25 it" i \ \ «x-k. *= rC^eo " *- XXI. I .(civj't ^ ■ -> !T P!'To\ . •^ *\^ A V . rg-^^A h\.t *\\ re'i\rs'o . yi\ r .yartA -aiis .tao ^ 2 '"pe'-ICD K^vjitiA"^ oA»2 . ..^coA iaope'o '"♦ en o Txi»A A\ ^-sa"' ^j"ii\ »_^cvrj yX-x. ^jXjco . ca.a^ JL-^ cii1j..^o . re'i.uCDrc' T.& r«''Uu t^i-axju k^^^rc* ^ 1 n •xr^ a rccn ^^^'^^ in \t 3 ^^CD'tspaA cnA cfisaK* . ^ T^a »^_oaA iinn::_i .JC— IK" »^j CD n «j.ixiA ^ «^^JCD o.Airi'o^ .nCJ^K* i-a rc:Aj_^ A-Jxo ri'is»ja A_^ . H AJrCa 7 ^^^onj\a.\^iaa oacn c^o-z.o . rg* lAVo re'isaJtt-X o.^ix^K'o'' . »-^euui .^^AJr:" t.b.^'V vwrC 8 ».^cn 1 \cJ^il3a OOCD ojoxSk. am ng. »ia.i rrrg-^^cvA a ^ ^._^cn.J.:a . \ N \ ..^ojlj ' _aATa .ngjuiang_3 aacn ^-i.sqto ng-JLi.jre' ^.^a itf-Acvju aacn ^ 1 ntn^ ^T ng-i%Jir«' .ngjuiangja 9 ">*« ^ i> <*r* . ^.aidarc'a aacn ^1 An . cn-sa-^a tcaa^nXn aacn ^-lAtrC-T .^jcn rg t 1 aa ^ ftn «Ma .ng-.saa'isa^ ng lAT.apf .ng— ai^ol cn-suLs rs'^K'-l acn vwi— a . -l-aaYl cni.^A 000 awjtti rgsa A-rx A-^ • ps'coArgA ^ 1 u iTiaa aacn ^lutia . kTc^i^jbd co-^iarcA ^jifors* ^^ . re: J en ^'isarCa . rc' mA.A ^x.^Jt^r;' . 71 1 T.iattfA A.Jk .-va^a ^^ 12 nfA.a^cnA .-xaxj JLj^a^^ , "■■'' ■ '\JT ^i^ ^.sal "^' •*« .-vc\.xj ojcn .v\oAcn ngx^ii .^ji^cnA »-^ftXj . "JM tna . ng 1 > -> waaa ngjo^i ^aoriA-^ re'coAr:''! ngA^^CD ^.^q jx&r«'a . rCcriA r«'T ' 13 . *i »^\-a «,^criA i^ar^a^^ . rtHiL* ^j»x.= vsaT .^^ojcnv ^.^cn^oxoiiojxa . rC. iAi<^l («'iraiv& icOAJa^T n >, ^9 »^^^i< • rg_sa.j9ti.A ,_^*<-.* coA ev-aina^* , ng i\mV-t rC^i-xsa 1 5 . rg^l^jcn o^p aacn ^^..^xinr ngj.AA^-a . «.a_^.-| rs'^iial^ '~ng-icRua t.s'ia p;*-! °>,np~' at-u j6 ».^±aju ng-A ^^iAarga^^ «^^axA ^JK.fig-s^pi' . -Via:!:! cni-sA nf J-i^Jc. a re" aacn ^i^arCa SiMILIA IN ALUS CODD. 30 ' N D/aw." b C d e ff, 0*2 n om. xvpie 31 ^~^ Pesh. ^.^cnAja osaj-iK* i^jrs'ijivj ,._ojcna =:A^ iUi magis ekvaruntvoccm suajn xxi. i '~^/nmJ^TU)vixu6ijTwv avTov Pesh. idem. rtDi^ disc/pii/is suis(riOm.suis) 2 ^~^ Pesh. idem = viV/n^n is^api 7' Pesh.-=c/esus ^^i/is 12 ' Pesh. idem. C T)f am .^ Tovdiov^acdeffFiffzgiq aur. Dei 15 ' '^fam.^^ 01 ypa/i/xaTtts kui 01 ap;^i€/.€rs 16 ' om. av.u) 24 .1J »_aA^ar<' Matt. XX. 22-28 r<'^vx.'5a\ 1 ^^ .-i»\'?3.i^ I ^.A*nil\ rcdn!' ....^o^ ^ , A^ni'.i >\^ ^ocn rid I K'.icn JbaJto I ^-liJrC' ^"i^ .^.OJco Ajs»- I CU^^'i'' rC'Hfioi^ OsJsax- .-uw^^^ I . >Jr«r ^ ..^acrA .ctiA i-AarCo wA.e T » .^^^rC rCi-oo^* [CuRETOn] 25 ^ I \ I 1 .T. ^.^cn I 1 nijoia i^_e\Jre' ^.^coji-sa rtii/xsnJLl 26 lOUK'Y cnija:! rt' \ •\ *r^ ^° . r«'«-a_:^ «^_oaA rfaenj . re'i.snxa i-T ^-soo^"^ L ^^jah^^r^^ . rfnC 1 \^cn ..^ju rc^a.i3ia.& cnT«M A^To . .ttith n^rc . ..xsa^oui rears' «clX KV-&a:(j3 ^A 'k'n^fnjn «^^(k^aa3 nu . rC^ 1 *nT HrC i< 1 *i\ ^.^^pC ^^ 1 laatttJa-T rem ..^ia^rC re*^ 1 -nT nre* ( -> ^cn_3^a . iuja^\_\ K'acD^a . ^^.so^Ubrs'a nr** ^ i\rCa >j3iAi\rc' r^h\ i *nT nre' rCijsa vyA i^an^a . y^ i.'o t->^i o o o o • nf**\ I TinT » 1 I ^ -» rC^i^ pc^^-juev-a-x.^ ^~^ DissiMiLiA IN Cod. Cureton. ^Sa Xmo'^ .Xj* + ^ ^^.^kjre" ^ 1 m ^t.i* r^m rcm^ „„^ah>.jch\i'^ 23 reacn -f ^ 22 av\j'' *Aa* 24 . i»AA ^-aa + ^ .-ii\i>K'^^ ^J-.^'' SiMILIA IN ALUS CODD. 22 ^ D d om. avT3:i A^ 12 K'.TAi.t'' I r^'isav^ ^m * ^.*i.5J3r^o ^^ I nc'^Aai.'Sj *^ A.^ tr*-^\"'*' ' f*'"^'' ^^^ 13 ica»j~^ T^A v^^^Ml I ,_ocaiaj .iax\ V=orc'o I rr<' I .^oocaJ rtll^cn^^ rdirc' .nA^ I I o ^KUii^ ^-..-ias^xo f rc'acn ^ jaiflo .a^o'' ■'^'^ 18 I ^ijjLir<' ^ ^.xiAj» rc'cn ^^ ''orAo I .....ooQxlxa "^ .^^oorA i.rzjrc'o 1 rdjjiord.= ^ T^4 <\ \ri I raAAv_T.ia~'' pa-LtiorcA 19 caia:i^io || caa ._a.*jvaLia r^jso.:^!^ I oriiCi2a\jMC\ ^^ r<'^a,'5a.\ 1 oaiCX3.x**.ia I I •: pQCUai rc*^!^.! rd'sactAo I . onicx^ovio 21 Klusfl coA t.533p<' I ^.j.1 OOTJ^^ . )q:i-50 ca.\ I h\csco r>'^ p:"T— 1— » ».= '^ ^. i-iicnix"* 13 .re-soAjuo co—Ia * ^ * "^ 18 ''-i^^amAo icneuij.ja'' rr'ocn + * § 17 ■»-'\..+ " •^o^ocru + * 16 .iors* rcToj-^ 21 (f. 33a) oaixevA* § 20 ,rcr.sai«.aA'' IQ ''">A^ipa rexJrs't cn"i-=o"'' SiMILIA IN ALUS CODD. 13 ^~^ L avv((f>wvr](Ta (toi 1 5 ^ Diatessaron idem, cf. Moesinger, p. 177. 16 ^~' Pesb. idem sed + ydp C D/am.^ ttoXXoL ydp elnv KXrjTol oAi'yot 8e cKXeKTot b d e f ffi ila gi n aur. multi eniin sunt (b n i'?//?/ enim) iiocaii' pauci auiem (fTj ffj aur. uero) electi q multi autem sunt vocati pavci autem electi c multi sunt enim vocati^ pauci electi Diat. ar. = multi sunt vocaii^ et pauci electi. 17 ^""^ iJ5«L1- AJ\^»J rdiTOja or^ I . To ^.^x. ^A^^ I jiAia^ caJ5?3i^ •^^^f^' I i-Ut-o .tu p^liflcua .ijj 3 - rc'vwa* ^.^i. I r<'"i-iafl-^:t-*x=3 ji^io® j| .in.2>. ^OAcraa * .^x-^-jo I ^xaJL 5 rd^Tcn*' I »_o^r<' ^JSOjlo rdusa I ,.^_ocrxA i.SOr<"^ ^>.sii.£>.i '^ I rdj'iuK' •t.S>3r<' ..^T^r^ ^JtJK' I r^~^ coA ^ij^Jni' "^ ^XiSOCU I orAoA"^ ^\J5^cv^ 7 I .^^oqA' ^cna ^~r<'\ s «\ \ I „._ajrC '^ ,i^ cnA\ t njA*^ I '^ rt' •ijS3p<' i ,_cvico^ o^rt* i2kO^^ I rel^oHia^ kLso.-i:^ rc'-'ijjK' I ^ »ix.a® .^_ocri"i\K' ' 9 I ^Hs-flo rq . rf rcTiiajs -Are'o'' i-icre'o^ 4 . (J.A.i2^j3 ** ^jaj^ TA * 3 . nf.J Ji.£k ^_^ + * 2 . ^foj-o »A '' MA-xrr'a * 6 . ^j..&JL + * 5 • «A» rCo + '' '^"ncAot yxstcT^ *~rcLA ^x—ins*"* 7 '^~. oiAoA rc:.i(BCvj"^ ^j,A t \jo^ ncT-aicn — ** i^aapco'^ .aiiv.i-3 -siA'^ FElsniA + "^ ^_»T — ^8 i^_^a.\ Ai»rC jilt :i rCaoa + "= »A-*.i — "^ •=-. pe-iAj^ re'iAj!! *" (f. 32b) vvcvAoa ^ji'' ta "^ 9 rjca^ I v^f^ vvn^ioA >4*-iA>o^ I v^rdAo 21 I oq\ x:=ar^^^ ^ ^trLXr^ re\\.i I ^^ K'cn"' ^rC ^i\a I ^crx\c^^ ^ca ^ vA ^^K*."! >J.1J»3 I AoA '^ ^\ At iAStt^l K'Ocni^.T ^xra^^ .^_k;_ .^ COt_. >T^ K'^rc'a'* 1*= r^.t.'sn.Y.zD K'^xJta.xJJo I vA rCocn^o rtLiiiiQJSi\ I -rscna 22 I coA rd.iA .1^ Atre* rC.iOD' I rC^xAsj ^Xlixixi:^^ ocn'' I .i..»Jt. .1^^^^ 23 -i-sarf ^ .:^O.JE^ 1 ^ rc'v** .1^"^^^ ''-^^ r^ ^ \\s I ne'e en •t_.^^."i"*= A\» Acx:0.i rc'i..^i^\ ,A=3 I ^^»i^ K'.tcn ._cvcal v^parc'o I .2k.o.z^ ,^_ocns3 i**^^ rtxjjtsni'^ I jjl^z.:?9 I .Ta.i»:aA jjL^r.'S?3 ^.iJsa I Aa ^1 rc'aArf K'cvcn^.i I r^.jA^x:i?3 kA riixJrt' 27 I Ao^^ ^.jani. ^AOrc'* I ca\ "t.s>3r<'a r^^rd*k I ..^a^Jsax. rtliii- ^.t*co^'' 28 -i».ajc_. oqA^^ I ^:sK^T<^^ ^.A k'ooqj >^ Kli-sq I v\i^^ ^^k'o ^.tJiaa ^^ 1 . cajjL=3CXX..i rtxJtoia^'' A:^ I rdacJrc'.i cn-ira .rs^.t r.30_i^i^i niXo + '' re:Ao* 18 ps'ixa'' vwuA^ wirijQso + "^ ''"y^ 1 1 1 n~^ ivJrs* rcT-a-* 21 . rgjium m _=)ei^ rft-M TA — ^23 '^~. rCfCa^ao fCgj. »n cfiA r«'«cn i>jr5'l~'^ ''"ccn rCi>aaJL>^~'' ».aa* 22 ocico -f* ^ ^~- ■ ''X a_Lj>ia ociCD ^jcaj..±a^ »cnau.^nA^ ev^^n-z. T.& ^^l ».3C^'^ 25 wajoiix'' (f.32a) .^^eenA" 28 Aa^ ^^m nfcn^ 2J i«.A.3* 26 .nTju-SaA" euij9a<= SlMII.IA IN ALUS CODD. 20 '"' Pesh. i^euiA\ ^ao = Diat. ar. a pueriiia mea C Ik v€f'T'>jTo? /;ov D ck i/eoTr^Tctr d <2 iuueniuie abcefffanqa imietituie mea 22 ' Pesh. idem. B rovrov a b c ffi n Diat. ar. hoc 24 ^fam} a b c e f ffj ffj gi n q Tj aur. caelorum 28 ' D aww d « 28 =" Pesh. idem. B C V"s Diat. ar. = a b c d e f fF, flFa g, n q r, aur. ?/<95 "^ 51 cixVivlor^' Matt. XIX. 6-18 r 1 I — I A.\^ r3.,0Q.r5a\ jacSi ii i_i,^ h\^r^ ^^ 1^ .^OiCtA -n^ca^.i ^^A^K* I r^lArc' p<'."ioo K'Ax.V.^a.^ I coA 12 r H I rdi2>a-.cQ=?3 ^^ooix^i 0^212^ I »_ajcrj.i ^irc'o ,^_ojrc' o.TrUk. I rtlxJrt' y-JLa.! .rcA^-JO I ,_^ca_i.\.^ cn.v*r<' )axflQ.l.T I rtliAA^ col O.n'i.i} ^."ucn ^^ 13 I KlA\^ cuiarxx. »^ I ,^_ocrA ■i-S3r<' ^* . >cno.Ti:taAi^ I »_oca3 artl^o 14 IK* ^x\cn I vyp^.T ix^ ^V^r^* ^ i.^OJK' I ._aA.^^ kAo >^oA ^h\r^ COi A^K*© ^_ocaA:w. cn.'uK' yiJioa ^^ rclx'MJt-.T r^'^ceAsQ I >cn ^_ocaL»."i 15 f. 14a .TSLik-rcf 1 r^_i:s>3 rdn!^^ r^l<\\*7) crA I vswK'a .T** K'iai^ .^ioo'' ^^ 16 vA ^IK' AreLx-SO I reilto ^ cq\ \:snr^^'^ pai^A.i I Kliw Axirc'.i ^ ,3]^., ^ jy I Aa,\pj3(^> rdA .^^cur^ crA i "i-SOr^ ^j.Lrc' oa\ tjsop^ ^^ I KLs.nBcx^ "iA^i^ ^^ DiSSI.MILlA IN COU. CUKETON. i»o_i_x_o-^ 8 *-. ncf^AJsa Tn«\ A i ^cn niJ^sal-* J '^rtrju-i-a-" A_i^CD + ^ 6 _i_i-3^ lO (f. 31a) cfiA + "= re-iev^i rrklsa'' jri t.i '^ Q nt'ooo + "^ ^. ^t->\ ^■I + "^ fia'^ Acv^sa" ix-JK-o^ 12 . k-coAps- i»ed ^J» + " .^ojt* + ^ II i\^ Aev.i.ix.'l'' ixjr:' ftfa^^ . rTcnArC + " .-xax- + * I7 Sl.MILIA IN ALUS CODD. 9 ' d ffi adulterii Pesh. idem = adidtcrium 16 ' Pesh. om. iSou 16 =* C a-^aOi b c f ff^ gi aur. bone q bonae (sic) Pesh. idem. 16 ^ i^ L KXripovoixrja-ui 50 Matt. XVIII. 29— XIX. 6 ,i\.5»3.i Ji^: » XIX 29 . ca-l.i>a rt'oco rclih^rD ^ I cr)i\_U^ rc'ocn* Aajo ^^ I >-\ ^r^ , -1 i i ».l 30 reil II ^.T oen ^° .rA^ iin^nc' I *" i.sarc'o 31 * ._ocfA Av^ii^ I ,oco.i ^A-K* oa^cusi I ^.T av*» .t^ ^^ »aa.m.i I '^ rdsa 32 >cTx.ij3 I ^*.T»cn ^^ K'ocn.T '^"rdifl I AoA"'' ..^^ooriijSQi o.x:^^x.r< '^ 1 o^K'a^ 33 . %^ -i:»3 ^ i s n .i AA^^ * vA 35 .1 -\ s. A I r^llAco ^^ ^ . ,at JJ.1 r^J=n ^ I ,^oi-^a."t r6Spa 32 ' a b c f ffi ffa gi q aur. om. iKuvrjv xix. 3 ' Pesh. .jufc:A = homini C Dfatn.^ avOpwina a b c d e f ffj tT^ gi q aur. homi/ii 4 '^' a ffi quia qui fecit ab initio masculum et femiiia/n fecit ? (ffi om. al? initio) H 49 f. 14b j*5o »^aA^or<' Matt. XVIII. 18-28 .^^ooavxJ I .^jOAiso ^^h^ ^^j<^ ,^_a^\ I ^>dJr<' •i-SOK'"* ^j-sorc* »=30^ ^^ 19 I *OqX i-rOK" ^^ ** .S-1t\ f"ix- .1^0^^ >o30.Tn^ ^ I Kliaru^ >nOffta\ 24 colCUraU.l'* I *.ToA »:^i^ta\ crA I rc'acn AvA .ViO^^ ^i^A I OaVa** crA K'ooo 25 A^i*^^ I col ^^K*! ''">3.i.=»3 Aa ** I .-iQii^g %cncurAo I cnA\iupca-»ijL.O '' icnal^ ^o-wi^K'o* ^"^ 1 ^.^.oiAr*'^ 27 K'ocn I »a.j-jji cn^cUsk ^jsa .i.**'' I jjax.K'o ^"K'.ia.^ oco ji^r*^^ I orA 28 ^~r€:y3^ I >.A' ,=3cn~^ *^ xssnr^a . ca\ 1 K'ocn jiXmO oo.tmK'o I k'k1s»3 p^ii-.i cn\ DissiMiLiA IN Cod. Cureton. rckA^ ore* ^Hh^ ^ iti \%v i*\^ ntf-ajre*"* 20 *^iOa-*= '^•r^i.iiitis-'' ^-flSJisBW"* § ig ^-i.-i-=»i — * 22 .^.j_iJi»+'' A ^mn 000*^ .eaA + '' cni»oA + *§2I ^^jai\ .».iit-» ecaii ** ^^^cn ijw «ja + '^ icdclsqUi *' ff \ i. r.ftja + ^ 24 n£jk.a-z.a_u^ § 23 (f. 30a) .vwl i^irc •.^i^'' .\ "vio* 26 '^Aaa'*' ^. $meuLsa oa^kjrca ocd ^o.Ti.i9~^ 25 coA K-QCD + •= VJUkA" ^ocD rCtLSu^ XLAJo-^ 28 •Are'*' cnisa + " >j»'»i«re'a* 27 '^^v.aa 1,1 1 %oiA" SiMILIA IN ALUS CODD. 20 ' D OvK CLOTLV d «^s\.i f^'ica.i I rdico^ AiK'^cv® ^ ^yih\ I vA I Atr<'o K'ia^^ .AJL^o^ I ^iST.^ JT>T. KlXa^ 1 *"^cal2« rC.Tu rtlaJ^A^a® 13 i_aaA I KliTJSare' ^.Ajsarc* crxMu^JLrC'.'i " I rdSQO ^^ ''"Ax-aJ^.i icaA"** rd^^ 14 rdi rcllAco"^ ^^ >-2^*^ rtii.t 1*^ .^^JL^a'' ^a2JL^ ^cn* ^ I i.^ .cars rt'.'U*.! 16 II v^a.^ ia.t . vf^-sajLa 1 rtd ^.1'' ^.^r??!* ^^ . v\aj*r^ 1 ^i^'' vsv*nt. I Acm paCLD^ ^.icai39 I rC'^^O ^'i^ ^O^ A^..i I ^n^ ort* .tsj .so^ 17 »_K^^ I rc'Avi.a-uA * vsarc* ^.^a^rf I ^\r-n r 1 rdA ^.1 .^r^^^ rd-Lsa I r^Lai.xsa vyf^o pc^i.i:5«* I .^^^^ Klai:»>r^ ^-jJsaK'a ^^ DissiMiLiA IN Cod. Cureton. ^.-1 +* § 12 e o e pe'ooi •'uuk'!! >»*» ocn rcjuu.*! lOurt'-i enio r<'i»r«'io" + ' oiAo^iA nsiaj.i»o« fl^'' ''-i.^en-un iUM re-a^Q-^ l-i^i^'' (f. 29b) juntd" .^_oocaa '' nCaa AevAJl^ 18 . 1 1 t ii rCociu "^ rC^-'UkA'' SiMILlA IN ALUS CODD. 9 ' e f ffi efit'm 10 ' Qfatn} e aur. Pesh. om. tV ovpavois 13 ' Pesh. om. yev-qrai 14 '"' = St'c non vult Pater vester 14 ^ B tov ttut/dos \i.ov 1 5 ' Pesh. idem. D cwr ac a b c d e f fft ffj g, n q r, aur. Diat. ar. in te 47 ^ii- >» \ti SINAI PALIMPSEST [FoL. 17-5] Script sup. : Thekla Script inf.: Matthew xviii. 9-21 osn axlv^cvre' Matt. XVII. 25— XVIII. 8 I .^^aarC rC'HKjj >-i3 ^.t::» I »:^ax> cnX iioK' rclH^cu I ^20 * orA iJS^sK' ^^ 26 1*^ >crjo.i4l2>i\^ ^ osixi Klsao*' I ocoa*-'^ .vyALuo )-^lu I ''~._oca\ ,^cn"^* i xvill. K'ixj*^ . r<^i*jai..i I T<'i\aA\sa^ »=3"i K'ocaj I ,-ak oxin .orA' ^^•i:s«r<'^ 2 reA . rtlll\ II " vyre' ^^^acn^** ._o.aAco^A\ i rcAr<'.T * •^O-^ rcA}^;*' I vyrc' cna^a ii.\^' v^i.1 * I ^S3 ^ . reLiSax-.i rc'^aalaX I .^.oi^A\ 4 I vyr^ Athi.! AjkO^ I pc^i'aiT..! K'^a^Lsa.rj .jsi I K'oco.i'^ even ''"rtflaco 5 I ^ ."uA Atm.i Aao^^ I A-inrq oca t>-l^ t,:snx^ I relllA^ ^cn ^ .1m 6 rtlx^ni "^ r<'cvcn^.l I coA rc'ocn jjlo^ . >-=» I ^xiJ20.*cas«."i ^ . f<'Ho^.\ ^cia i*^ *"._aar<' ^.T»^v^.1"* .^^rc*.! kAox-^sq I ^ r^*Tn\s\ oA »o "^ 7 ^^^® 1^ i^^o^rdJ ci3.T.rcl3.T rc'ia.^ I ,0 r^Arc* kAox^T^ I .^^^rtla.n 8 vA I jjLD?k . VO.SQ crxt.iz. I jicvjaaa vA ro* § I xviii. '*-c«ul3 v^Jajal * 4 (f. 29a) ^_iAcD ,-S9 l-n + "= .^^qcdJxo" nd .^jct3ai^ I tr^a.i^ rO>4^ MCS^~^ jia I >\s. ;»4ji^r^'^^^ xsnr^a^ .jcocx^ncia 16 I ci3^cx_L.florA >orx*^r<' i »._aAT=i.jLJtor«'cv ^._aak^a\ I K'ocor^ >d\.5«rdA I r^so.T-^- 18 pao . K'.ir^Lx. I caii>3 ji^o .^col* I 00=3 K'rd^o*^^ t<1^'1c»A'= || v\t^ ig ^ jCoo.TfcJSJA^ I* oai^ ^^.1*00 ^^ ''"r;^i\\ 1 ocn*' >-floK'A^K' K'AviJt. I ,cn .. r-iTT r -I v.-*'""'\ \ b \ 22 I •^cxr. ^.^ocal isorf 1 r^llA^ ^x^SiOoAoa I .^^Oico .i^a ^^ "^^^MOnui" r -1. r -1 . I — I 23 I caioli^xiio ^^ r^.x.\r^ I ».13 »x*rel=} pciX^UEJ.i I KlxJK'.l cnia * ocn .t*ov^ 24 I o^r^ .0^0^^ .ola^ I »^_oorA ^is^a >3CLdj I ^"^j-socu k*^^ tAvs ^saa* f. 71b I. rni — ir-i ^. DissiMiLiA IN Cod. Cureton. . cnA ^K* n:'i\j>e' is"** liia + ^IS . onA i.Mrc'o 00.1.99 rCom rt^vno'' .\ "Mq^ I4 •^.orr'' i^^oiA + * 17 M ^ T-pj*^ 16 '^^ I ini iJ-X^ reraaA . j -^ 1 jtnaa re'^u-aa cnA ^ifare'o + " ^.^coia i^cvA +^19 '^.oen n^jJl^"" iA^o^ 18 .r^jA" eo o,^.o^aJo mM , i ^ (dsoacn ^Ja rcutxj^ '' ^.^^isapc^"^ (f. 28 b) ^t ooo rCn£-ao » tA^rC »-^caL^' ^-1 ocd^^ . r^-icD ^ rc'ckcn^ rg X . lisn 23 cnaT 1 ■'gl^vl ^-xojcj v^qpC ^i^cn^^ • »tf .tipe* t « -'^t 24 .m^l^DOJ cnr'M n'u 1 1 i-<^^ n^-s^T ^ ^^ .iv^i-a rC^n^-io en '\ AonTia •cnx'k 1 -< 25 f *wi V w^ n t* x . i i-3 n^CD^vsa '*-*X. '^^-^-^a ^^ . en 1 u '>Ti i^wAc\2^.2q cnT«\i -t^qj* ^.^ao 26 OCD ^j^Ui^^ . cnT<\iT n^^oJ-u^ ng tiya A^ rr'i.'ia orC .vQxjulj coxaja rgJLoa cnAcLak 27 . . , . [*f.27b] ^-iAcD ^.aa rg-ZJK' ^rc'1 ».^o^aA rciai«at< ^ 1 jwrC ^^ * .icnoi ^ \ ^'V'^ •i-JpC .x-irclA 28 re'^re' l^ . rgxins'l cnjaX ^_o^m,ii ngsa-i-^ . rc^ojsa ^._^ari \\ 1 ng\* . rtiAicn ^ 1 *t\i n:i 00 00 o o • e n . M . 3 QX3 g CD^o.aA.99.3 I 1 MCuuAa .-son ^1 \a . n£_&re_a^ ^.^euksaxA ».:lcvj^ x^n . ^ 1 *ncL» nf&x.Xi ii«.s^ I XVII. ycDcw&rc'T pcat-u . °kl w^uJ.ri'a'^ . ^^coj :i a u \ -» ngsai pfic\\ \ «^.^re' jxUr^a .icao-urC 2 . nt* \^\ ^ vy^rc* aio-M lOiaiLjULja . wr* t *w t. vy.*re' ca-«\a^%A ico— arCa , j_^«»< . % \, \ rg-&ng-a ^,^■^'71 T. %sar^ ^ ^ ,tn^n~^ ^ « \ ' titi -Ia rg—iArt'a ngjco-sa «_^cnA twji^rCa'^ "^ 4 . ^ I \ \ ■'b kAi\ rg&icn i -> % i ^rC i^^^^ •>-i5' • t^'Aoru ng^icD-l ^ acn i i "v t. . »_^cvxjlA KicDAJl r«'> 1 V re'CD . A \ -n *n acn «-^a ^ . re'T^ ncrjuAnfAa . rC-'ku rd^o^aoAa . rCY-u vyA 5 » 1 1 1 *i n a I-V3 ocn rgjcn . iaar^Y icn nt* 1 1 ■^ ^os . '^'nhs.J.ri' n^Loa ' ^^_a en 1 1 ,%i A» V\r!* .1 V c 1 "Ma . .j^^ oA-MT >cnai i -yi l ^ c vn t. •i.^a^ , o-X9x.z. ooA . ixjko^ 0121 6 CLSa^irCa^ ^.^.e^A-Mf^ ru . «._a^criA i^arCa ^_^rC ^j-arCa .-^clzj ^svao*^ ,^^_amjL^f >-^oti \ rgAr«' av-u nua ^,_a en 1 i i ^ ^ fdsal-^ . rCat_u ^.^ix.Jre' ^iiSare' •x.argA rcT jyiAl ^.^ooA i^ars'a »-^oxj ^.^coA rCacn n£jAr«'T rc'-i-^JOD ^i^rc' it* I'nX . ^i^arca 1 en a i-LitxA ^ coA aacD ^-t-XnT xiai 10 [*f. 28a] ]0 JL& ^^1 re'ixrc' rCj-lrC .^jnoiA vsarC ^^ .^ouaoA re'iir!' II f. 71a DissiMiLiA IN Cod. Cureton. SiMILIA IN ALUS CODD, 22 * B om. T^piaro 22 = a b e fF, fFj om. o-ot 23 ' ff, /«wy xvii. 3 ' Pesh. om. iSov 4 ' ffi om. a7roKpiOa.'i^.i >A2^"'=' ^H-sar^ rcno.T.xJt)al^ K'ocn I Ar^Lxia c»a^A.!Lsi.i 14 ^'isar^.i ' AuK' I* ca\ ^ijsarf ^^ KJxJrf.i I coia r^co >A oisa I ""'rdix-ir^ rdj'i-jjr^ 1 oco rdiAK*.*! ^V33r<' I r^ii'-u*»r^ . KLl.i *jn s.'tq oen I . < tf^ ri I oco r c^i 1 1 ^ .tjj.I "^ I ^H-S?3t<' rclivurf . ocn I rtliJsaiK'.T ^ ^'i.»3r^ 15 I •^^oAvJK'^ *_ocal i^re'^^ 16 QOJ iwitf .iaopfo itlAnfiA >^^*n t. h*! \^^ .>^i^:f .^.oiops' ^iaans' "T «-i [CurETON] 17 .»iS-»«J'» mis ^ ^v*n T . vw^e\\ ..jahcvz^ cnA isaps' ^"^ .rdj-M pCcnArCT enia nC— ujjua 18 vyA fCJpC isars' rii-Jre' ►Are' ^* . nf'i*nT->i t.jspc' ndpC .vyi ncl\^ nil fe-aaia R'iJOasT «-\ Aeux-z.!| nf-xii^o . »^«.xA on 1 inrC ng-^ng-a pe':iCD .!L-xo , ■»* •s^r* ^ oco ^K't [♦f.27a] 19 iea»iiX£a Aao . n r I "n t . -T rC^o-aJjaa-T nt^ii*-!'* pe'-'U-lort' Ai\re' vy\^' .cnjc\jjajULJ 20 ^jIjCD^O . n T i TiT-^ P^i-z. rCoeru nC^ints pe-iJiix:! ^:|,sao . re'i'nr-t i-kflsrC re'ocnj nC^iTtf^ o o e w* n I T . *in a^ooi-i icnoJ_:^ ^.^i-sanga lu »sjiuv * cd o ^jjsoA iv=> ^.^orLa rfftia, 21 oas 9.jdt_akii icnai I "Ti 1 ^\_\ ^^^^-ipe* **-**««*—*' , ^ <*t - rCacn >i.JCa . - » - rm . «^ 81 . re'iJikjoa a n£_imA •.aiia n t* t iVn ^oa . T u la . i-^ab j ii,mia .^Lx.iaitLA Atngj* DissiMiLiA IN Cod. Cureton. ^t 4- * oIak''' rg.XaTfpe'.t"^ .^ojcn:! — " itd^Ars-a^IO .^^iJja_«. ^ 9 (f. 26b) A_a.* 12 a-icDitrfi^ II .^^enjjaui ^jn — li ;_^3 ^ \ » ^ g ^_,:|_,iAj»rC ^ PCii^nii'' |_.i + * § 13 .aicD-Tipri" .^atoA + «= icU^avV-ia ic:xji&9 + ^ .^^iope'o* 15 .u»"= nUABirc" .icnaTisoA^ + ^ 14 '^-.•'.T >A-». itltK*--^ SiMILIA IN ALUS CODD. 1 2 ' ^? D a b d ffi om. twv aprwv 1 3 ' Pesh. ►J-a. . . . o.xsn Diat. ar. = de me D l^fam} famy^ TLva fie C riVa . . . /xe a b d e f fF^ ff^ g^ q aur. ^«^/;? W(? 14 ' Pesh. idem. Diat. ar. = ^//^//«/ 1 9 ' C > w." rijs Ovpas 2 1 ^ C D/aw.^ a b c d e f flF^ ff^ g, q r aur. Pesh. om. Xpiaros 43 »nsQ ^oA^orc' Matt. XV. 34— XVI. 9 I K^oa *"vvi=30 . rtlicuo I ,__-^*"v^ .v.i x. ^AorA .-icvilo"*^^ r^L^ir^ 36 I ^^^ocAoA* cA^K'o^'^ rdiLi^ I ccsnoo^ >cno.Ti:^\^o I >cno.TASal^ .2ctx*o 37 ** ^1 o^Nnir I rtl^^irC cAj^rt'.i ' rdrJr^ I ^^^ ooeo ^oco*^^ . ^.xlio .vw 38 coA »a^ ji\o> I rClaLJ-aA r^\JL. .1^0 ^® ^~r C % \ \ ci I rcIJLa ® ^-Sa -i^O) 39 . r n ^ -— 4 coA\f^ I »._r^rt!\r<' . crA ^scoa^^ I r^ r<'^r<'a . r<^ts.") 1 r<'^r<' K'^ix^^ I ns\ rg'insX o^K** .1^0® I c»A A^K*© •.^_^r<' JiiT.o I rd^aj^ ^cu.i 5 •^cula »_^ctA I i-sorc'^ r» \ n t. *• (f. 26b) SiMII.IA IN ALUS CODD. xvi. 2 ' i< B/am.^^ om. w. 2*^, 3. 4 ' Pesh. idem. Cfain}fam}^ tov 7rporJTov a b c f fEj Diat. ar. Prophetae e q profetae 5 ' Pesh. idem. fFi secum 6 ' a b c fFa om. opuTc Ktti 7 ' D TOT€ a b c d 6 ffj g, /^^w*: 8 ' C hfam} Xd^ere f accepistis Pesh. ^^_oiJjju«. = accepestis aur. accepimus 9 ' a b fFi q ^/ qumqiie 42 f. 31b I XVI. Matt. XV. 27-33 ,Ax-ia.i KLsi 27 r^ijsar^^'^ rtlzAiA I ^^tfl-i^ reli=D.i trlsajjA I .nausiA rdXo red cn\ I •TJSorc'o f. 31a •_ocn**-i:5i3.n I p<'*io^ '' ^ ^•^rt' * | r^liiA^'' ►arf i' I ^K* crA 28 I »~a^^ai»ucn »cn relai I rc'^^lre' or^* ^ i.SflK'o ^"rt'is. I ^.t»co'*^^ .^mcv^ Auoaort'^K' I r<'A\_s^.x. rt'.TCO ^JSOO"** I . > ^Vjus ^ .1 '^ vwr^ v_ii.\ K'oora_l 29 I .0.*'= A-:*- coA rf^K'a I .^ajc^'' ^ioAi ^so coA^ I »-ut.o ^^ ^Vsw^i^ 30 I ttIxj-A cnA ^° I * rfio^^a coA .^^ I ji\i»Q r^\i\^i rC^JSa* 31 ^W^.i I nilx.i3j ^*v*».'l'' ^ relxJ.^ 1 00 co ^i.tfl.iAosa^^ •..^c^'^ I ♦-floT^'a K'caArdA 1 CiCica ^ m l r iTJSqo ^V-m.1 I rtlxjaifloo ^x^caJtQ.i I K'H i.^;A>cv' •:• AiP^iiair.K'.i '^ ,_ooA ^vAo >^cvA II ^<\njsn'^ ^273a« rc'^vA^ I K'coi Klioo^ rdjci^ 33 ^ icno.a&::sol^ I cnX ^i.saK'^^ . rCUjiorClra I ^^on\ ^^_aAai>J r3 ,-\ ji-X^Sk orA I ijsar^a ^~rd^r<^ 16 ^ '^ 1 > I i^lX^"^ ^^^O^ir^ ^.Sk^Jaa-Sq I rtll* r^\ rtlaj.fJk- I ..^oAuK' 17 ^jswa"* . Aire* ocn I p^lx»i.^ Kisao-J^ Arelih.."i 1 yax.'sa Aoa.i* ,_o^ik' r^JsnCiSk p3 I ja.^1 r^-aA ^.1 ytxsna^^ ^^ I rC^^.i^rs rc'.i^otso 1 ' ^A\ 18 Vx^ ocn r^QQ.'g3 21 I ^ ^_cwjQ.i.s« ^n^a 1 rc'^xa.SkJ.^ ^ r<'^^ar<' 1 rc'cncv ^^ . ., a^^.io io^.i 22 .T-kO.l.l coi^ I »"i2»3 >A2h. pajji *^ K'i-'Sinc'o I ''^va^tcv ^._cucn~'' rtlmctij^ I — I c»A .acaa kA I ^\*."t oco"^^^ r<'.Trdx. "^ ^ I K'is.iAxs^ ^pcIx-a-b I >^V3 23 ^i.l^' I r-:^\.1 ^.xAoo^ rfLl.^ I ^CV.\^ r^ArC' 25 relink. ^^1 ocn ^^ I . kA^I.t:^ t\:s>i crA K'i.snK'o I cn^al'' ^.t^fio ^rain 26 DissiMiLiA IN Cod. Cureton. 16 .nijjaaiB^ I4(f. 25a) i-s>re'l '^ Aoa" i^^caA + *I3 ocn -\- ^ ^~. jLAJ ocn nCJaA ^.sa n^jMO^ ^sa j^'wn ^i io — ■= '^. fraui^-" eAjK* + ^ 20 ^K' »»jrc' + '' >_MiiocDo = ^/ illud Diat. ar. = et hoc 40 >TJ9a r-l8 1^.1 ^17 «:A- pc^oicnjEDo' -19 '^ifxji»a\ PfiUM + ^22 § 21 ncTxJi OOCD e-a^ 0" ^ocno* 23 3i XV. I (.^T.'sJK'o ^~ ''Klx-.H^cv I K'H^O) "* ^xVi-ior^ I ^ orA^^' a=ij3 (-..T»cn ^ K'caAni'.i || rsHl.TJaO.^ A„:^ .^o^lK' i ^^T.a..2>- .^^v^aK* ^a.rc'^ Kll^aX .^j^'' pioji*' I ca.i>3r<'Aa ,coa.=jfA=j.l '^ r«:la."T.i3CV.a..i I rcU^cu ^A<\\'P3 ^ >A ^° rs'ocn r^^ 36 oocn — ** 35 ►I irC ^ 5 '^. A.J^iui'' Ctunirr-A orC ^ 4 .^^ey-sa-ua < ^ • - li-aA-" 003 + ^ II § 10 % o rg-x 11 i->i f. 24b £—.1 cnixftA* § I XV. h\l + ^ »A,rCo ' 3 ^icLia'^ imrCJV b I-'' ^1 •\\ -nn - 9 kare- .^u^ 12 SiMILIA IN ALUS CODD, XV. I ' "' D Trpos avrov fam} avrw a b C d e ffj ffa g, aur. ad? ^^/?;/ I ^~^ C L ypa/x/xarets Kai ^apio-aioi a b c f ffa gi q aur. Scribae et Pharisaei 7 ' Diat. ar. = ffj Propheta 12 '"' a c ffz gi q aur. ^(7^ z^^z-^^ f tierbo hoc e uerbiim hunc ffi /^^^ sermone Pesh. idem. Diat. ar. = verbtim hoc 39 jjL.\ .^^cu.Vii^orC' Matt. XIV. 24-35 r -I r n . ^ .. I .^oorui^- ^uc^^x-K*© I X- * * * *"*' II ^oco -X- * * *^ r -i ,tA^^^ I r^cA r<'A>t<' 1 pd>\.\.i 26 r -1 ^_aora»i:^ a.A::n I ^r<'.T*x.^33 ►ih-a.x_»a~^ ^^ . Kilo 1 cvscrx* ^_ocnAvl»».i J^na 27 I ^^o^i^sajt- ' rt'.X s,^ ^Q ^^oA.aj.T^ I rel\ rCXA I ns'a\r<'cv Klxjso A^ rc'cvoo I vycasao K'Axix^flo 30 I ijSflK'o KlSfli r^lixia I r<'iccv >S.3\^^?1A >"ix-0 1 A.a».t r<',li.x.a>..i ' ^ rtUjoi K'^ix^ficA I cuAj»* ."i^cv ^^ ^vii^^n:' I * *^ r<'^casaaco ■icu*-i'^ I orA 32 ^"ii!Of<'a I orA 0.1^0 r<'^ii*iflQ=3.n I ._^co ccrsioa^^^ p^Luoi I ^non^^ 33 K'ctAk'.i ^"cni=j oco I ^ri'"^ Av.r<''i»ix. i-J-a I icno^.ioAvJL.K'a ^^ . iQa>.vA I '^ o^K* r^Ti i\ cuAflo^ .-v^a ^^ 34 ^ 3d DissiMiLiA IN Cod. Cureton. '^. nsllJ^Cf. 24a) ^.sa oacn ^. i n » h>JLSn a . rftgiXft) re'i\Ql\jBre' nC^^irC t7»a~'' niiuiA* 24 ^>e'iuaj.= oi^o"* 27 oocn + ^ ^»CDoXJJ9aA^ icnorc't-u *AO~* 26 ^^t n V ja.ocA'^ l_.locD — ^29 rs-^M^ ,-\'' '^lisa-'' mAisaK'^28 aJLuni^rs' *" isarfn — •" oi*^a^35 ..^cnA + " ji1b»*34 ^iorT ooi^"^ 33 Av-iJLx.'' jilflo ^ 32 SiMILIA IN ALUS CODD. 25 ' Pesh. idem = leshua Diat. ar. = a b c i lesus e iFz //^^ 25 ^ Pesh. idem = aqiins Diat. ar. = aqiiam 26 ' ^fam.^ a b c e ffi ffa gi q aur. om. fiaOrjrai 28 '"' fFi Simon Petrus 30 ' Pesh. rCAxo.i = vehementem BCD 'Lfam} tcrxvpoV Diat. ar. = a b c d e f fF, fiFa gi q aur. ualidum 33 ' D L iXdoins fam.^^ irpoa-fXdovTfs Pesh. = d uenientes Diat. ar. = a b c e f ffa gi q aur. uenerunt 38 Matt. XIV. 11-23 jAvJsq.i \A . A^j.=j oaiAvra ,_c^caA aiiK* I *^ rf^u.vsa ^^ rdjc-LA I cv.^'saz. .aakO 15 I »i.x. »=}ia.M rc'i^K' 1 jcno.-uJSaX^ col ^-.i-swri'"* I Tcna.T-»..:».AA\o^ icno.t-xJtai^l I ►aox.o r^Jta-uA r^^aa I v>yi.=ja 20 rc\ ._acai^ 1 cii.sK'a ^° pg'-X i.^\ oaco* r^t.'sq.x.a _^ ^_ ^Ul-Ji. , -\ ... \-. 1 ^\^ — '^ 20 J,., . r T I — I I ^ ^ r -I 22 1 .in<\o'^^ ^~. r^lTJO I reUAA^ ^ ^\oo 1 ^x^Ik* pc^t^suj oAArC.l 1 «_aJcn '""'i^.i"' *" i"" II 23 I ,cna."tcuAs3 K'ict^ l^jiiao ._cur<" K'ix- as^o^^ 1 ^_aaco^ re:xi^\ K'it. DissiMiLiA IN Cod. Cureton. oeuuo*^ o 1 n t. o ^-Uttco* + ** c\jai_no* 12 pc'ivi i \ + ^ «nA — * II nt^JtJLA rCl-u* 14 (f. 23b) . fTl->TO-a ^-sao + "^ ^.^CB-i^ft m \ t *" OiA + * I3 ftrxJLA >ijc. .TIN rc:j«..^a .ocD rcLs^CLM nCi^rC . cnA ^vsarCo >cnoTj.£aA^ o^ia~^ § I5 ^A"^ 17 .A^nelAiA'' "tsarco* 16 ^'-J l * -' 1 "^ nEl»ireLflA .^_oA|trU ,^_ojcn ^-t-AcD*^ . rf im N " o.ajakjta-9&i^ 19 '*-,,^ -—.i-^j" ^"ni-lr!' . |-»i» oocn ^ocn nJ.&rC« nr* t ik* ^^^Ajcno"'' ^oas — ^ 21 icnoTxiaA^ ^_^cdo'' • CDCSQ-Ta ....oAinUa"^ 22 ^. rt'A.\\'a ncJu ^.aa j \flff . ^T.a.\^ ^-i-aArc' n T tti m =3ans» I )Cncu>r<'o >-»t:s3 56 I ^Ax^i\2»3a ^"^ KliorA ^*cq\a I ^\co orA rel^5>x.p<' ^^?3 '^ I* ^ ^CV.1' ^ooLl 57 A.\^ I K'rtlx.^fio rdi-x-u ^^ I .1 "a s. reAa ^^ cdAxii no I cn^vAl».'Vsa.=3 58 ..jk.cue^.1 co^^'t'ix. I ^ T^i^tsai r^lx."! ^ Qo.ioicn I »vtat. * ^*."! Ttitlrava'^ ^ i xiv. n f. lb r .-I 2 '' ^ImClA I rc'cvcn co.TurC' ^'iiX^ I Qu-ioicn*^ . en \ t >f >>^flo I r^co A-^^to 3 . >cncujr<' Cocv^liA*^ ^^K* I r^.Toicn A^tQ r^\^Jior^ I Aura coxjssirc'o r^La^o^ . onnQQ.^ai^ I vA A^Ax. rd.\.i ^3.jjCU 1 "U^ coA K'ocn i-SJir^ * 1 ^.IjjjK' r^l^a a .1 I vyK*.! A\^'73 coJto^^ ^ I K'ocn cai3^cv^a\ I K'ocn I cn^i.^ ^.T.oi ^i:^ I oo.ioicn.i cn.iA» ^.».3 K'ocn .t^o ^ i* oa.1 oocn 6 A^.T K'iv-»ia.'5>a-=3 I caA j.To^jLK'o^ "^ (tt.ioicnA I ^ Axi-^jLO * Kl..ioicn.i 7 ciusaK' ^ ^ocn 1 r^^i^q.t AA^iw ^.i >cn ® I cra\ A^ ^cnaAK!x.^.•^ Kls^ 8 dui^o I Kla.ijsa.ib^'sq ^JjjCU.i cnsLi I Kt.^iia.3 Kl^icn >A .^cn I ^'iisaK' g I oA •aorx.^.i .TC1& II Kl^A.^aQo AA^o r^h\sno:sn I AAgSao K'.^V'sA orA I — I I — I . cojci CuAu»K'o ^^ I r^'i.xJior^ Aux.a ^^ ^AjjCU.l I oajci Axix.^ l.TJCO 10 ^° II DissiMiLiA IN Cod. Cureton. . nC_»cn 4- '^ coIa — * '•"K'^ai rcic9a.a-u~^ ^iaarC ...^ojcdo*^ rf. i-i jrC ** 54 ,^^ + b ^-.^e^ ^_., ocn^ 57 *^— " .eJ'<' + *56 ..tlAi\j.\-'' ^-fgi-)| ^:| ocaj»-* § I xiv. .rC^^v-itf vyA f^'».l cal 43 ^?u.or3a**^ rdxJL I ^ia^a re!x.^.=i rt'acaJ I ^.»)d> rc'-icun rsliodxnslrs •:• »co K'^ial^ cn\ 45 r^ooa rd2w=>.1 I rCiV,^^ K'ia.i^^ «^a-'»»-.t | K'^O^Vsj t\a *" ca\ ^rc'.T I '''n£'-S3 Aa^ ^=i\~^ \\r^ 48 ^'»i^Qa\"' coo.T^ ^-..T I cnooL-si .Tii'^^^ AuMii qoa^ I Aa p3a rd'ai^ra I .^^corC o.T^ I ^^\'' ^-Aa.^ ^>i.a.\l I rdicu^ cu=i\^ cX3iv.a I '"ril"s»i* r -1 , ^ n r 1 51 ^*ca\A 1 ^.lA en .^C^A^^OOK'^ ^^ I rtlUL jaiajjO re l x A ra I rC'ocaJ ^^n^ 52 I ."UaA^SO.i"^ t<''T^a> A^ I r .Va\ ' ca\ r^^r^a ^^ I ^^79^ DissiMiLiA IN Cod. Cureton. »Aa"^ § 44 >A* yiT '»A^ cni»cv^j»ja '' nCiSFa-x. vwrf + "^ ..^icnwi "^ ^_j»jcn^43 . rc^ ■■ a\ + ^ § 45 rfh^'in^ cn_i^»o'' ^ijnAcxa'^ cnixoui ^.iwo'' ^rs'i^a^^' CD4MUB>«' i«-Ls3 ^-Jl XJier^ 48 § 47 nri^rCo + " ^"px^n Xa. ^-aift-" rCUi — ^46 fcnoTjJMA^A _^evjrL> .^^ctxA i^aK + ^ § 5I ^-ix-a-anr ^-ij-x^o ^ (f. 22b) ^"f i o>. <¥■ A..^ •-AiCUt* + ^ 54 §53 •rci^-i.js rCisa'' ^~. nTi -n T.l rc'^caAsxi l-^aA^itjn.i-^ 52 SiMILIA IN ALUS CODD. 43 ' C D L/am} olkovhv Diat. ar. = c d f ffj ff^ g^ q aur. audietidi Pesh. idem. 44. ' D ns d quidam e k ^/// 48 '"' Pesh. idem. Diat. ar. j*-f3\ Js=.L. ^J^ = a^ ///^^^ maris 48 ^ a h pisces 54 ' Pesh. idem. Diat. ar. = iti civitatem suam 35 sA ..^cu.V^ar^ Matt. XIII. 31-42 Kx^a,x..i I K'^CVaIsa t<1s»3.i r-tO^^^ oo^iari I ca:^"i\^ K'ia.i^ »a.jaa.i.i 1 rcno.'T.x-^A^ 1* cv-rji-ijo r<'ov«i_nA K'd^rc'a I rtlatxa.! jraix. ^.i-»co ^^ 36 rdv:^ 1 ^.1 acn ^"^ r<'^*ii3.T ra.\ajL. k'.i^jjo 40 I . ril'saL^.l ca.^a\azr3 I rc'ocnJ tAjo i\-=aJ_«.a-* 35 i.^ojr< 4- " ocn + "^ rc:_a.oi,Q^ 39 rc:JW»i ^-.l ocn" . ocn^ 38 (f. 22a) ''>jT^i^1 ^-iJLk'-'* *=-. ir:A«xxJij» .^^ocoIa-^ ....eua^j:? '' . 1 cnevAniisaA^ 4I SiMII.IA IN ALUS CODD. 3 1 ' D/aw." tkaX-qaeu a b c d e f ff; k /oa^us est 32' Pesh. idem, a b c f fif^ ff„ g, k q aur. omnibus 33 ' D d k om. ikdXria-ev avrtis 34 Matt. XIII. 2I-30 ,^jsj3.i •^ 21 cri^^ K'iciih. coA I ^A.i A-^rw^^^ . coA Xn^aJsn \^ rt'^CiJAracv K'^JSa 22 .s*?!!..! I cuoo^ rdisOA h\xs \&^^ I ococv ^^ Az^^vsQ A^i^ I raa* 21 hs^vtLjsca%tiisn -^- ^ 20 il ->. . v a — "^ *".-3mjo'^ 23 re'irrCA'' '^"l " * " i ' """"^ 1 • "^"X ""''' ocn rejcn* 22 o-sioo"* 27 ^.-UiCD + * 26 ^"i^_^«nA isarco -ajDarC ncrAkaa ^-il rejijirC"* § 24 ^:| oas + * 28 ixjirs* + ^ ^^sa — ^ r 12 nC^r^^iajs r<:icn I \\ra ^^ cal^ .-aOoi^ 1 orA ^K*.! )o.i.20 000 I ^r^o*= 13 K'ooo I ijMr^.T • K^.>a.a ^ rtli.^JL.K'.i I cD^c\a.aJ ^..^cw i\ v ^ pQlx.A\.i * -"^^ 14 oioOK* I ^^_acnua.iT<'cv rtlicn ris..i 1 co^ i*^ crA »a^^K' "'^^ I ,L.ov«^ 15 Qs*gnT. I Ax^cn* .^oAuK'^^ Qs'-JtiT. I rtlXo '^~^is*anT. ._^»^ rc'.i"*^ I >i.i:» 18 rcl\o K'^g \\ *w.i I K'^uLsa .s'tn t..i jtiK* Aosw ^® 1 T\y»o Klxj-a t fam} firj nore €Tn(TTpi\J/waiv b C d ffz gi W* qtiando convertantur k «^ /t?/'/'^ convertantur 1 4 ' b Prophetai (om. 'Eaat'ou) 15k om. Ktti id( avTOV'S 32 * Abbott e «^ quando convertant se \ Abbott e Matt. XII. 45— XIII. 9 i^v.:i?3.l rdi 46 -uA •= ^xJtaxjD II ,crjcu»r<'o ca.-5>3r<' K'cn'' I r^-X-ia^ * IV'sasj even .ViO ^^ 48 . ctA I 'i=33K'.i ^ oorA T.sjnr'a ndiSh- I ^.1 ocn *^ ' cnsa^ aV\:5a»A I ^ao^o^ 49 I >cnox>i-2a\^ h\c\ I cn.t.*rc' ^to> o^^ k-wK' I ..^aJK' OK**^ >-t?3r<' >-!:»»'' 50 i-A^ .i.n^.1 1 ^ AaA^^° . ►JiK'cv*' ^jpor^ 1 ^'.^cv^iK' ^-aAcn"^ ■i.ssK'a r n o ►iflK'o >^o.A»rc'o I j-siK* cucvcn*' p c^ .i. :» t=).i I ♦-tjk'.t oqxx=3^ XIII. I ^XliJa* .v»"^ I A.^ ^^^'^ " \i^<\.x^ rCocn'' I ja.<\.i rdt^acx^ ooq^*^ 3 I •.^ooQSaih. AAsasso*^ I ^'rtltn* >'i^ft>"' Aj^ I rCocn yxrdn r:5fl"ir<"= rcA.i l.\rfla I .^x-^ ca*\.:^ ^«^iL.i 1 ^r<'c\ rc'rd.'ia.i ^K* I "^ r<'Tra.^P3 1 K'ivx.Ara on->\n.i ' rs'^vic.x.ia I rr:^ 39 cnl I ^oa«^^ p^ ^ X'^K' rC'i^K' I Kli.^^"^ K'^ix^ K'Avx.xa I ^ rCivaix. rc^i -1 1^ ^CC^ rCoon.T 1 t.n^ r^.tcn PC'Avaix. I )a^ rna ^^asactai I r<'cxijJ > i-> k'th^^ 41 f. 34a . cni-m>^c\ I rc'.icn pc'Avotjl >^ I rdi^Jia ^cui^ rl.i I i^K* ^ »^ I i\ \\r< I vyOAcor^ r^ijsarC^*^ ^ ^'AujiAJt.r^ 44 ^.l-»co^^ i ^va^'SQCv pn 1 "n » o '^ I ''"ji^vflo XJ^~^ cnhuxxi.r^ I ^^K* ,_r<'a 45 DissiMiLiA IN Cod. Cureton. ojin* § 38 "^-W "n \^>vA en_JuLa. .^^iui-*= .^^i-sairU* " it* \ \->' 36 ■M^ rg 1 •\.»ri' ^ 40 '^r«'i»re'o nfi ..^i -> re'i\re'~'' K^oo + ^ 39 (f. 19b) . coA ^iArCa + '' K'ocn—i + * -AK''' '^. ^^ \ 1 \ re'kAixo ^u-^acL-* f<'i«AS»-* nT » -i 1 — '' oriA 4- '^ r*^ *■ *\ y^i^ § 43 m-»i S % ^ 42 cc^aiai.aj3 '^ . cojo •> 1 1,1 lo^ 4I ^.k-aijure' ^-umq-i"'' m, •n v 4- * 45 .t i i-^q' ja-ii-tD^ ** ^^^co + * 44 ^~, ch lan ^«i -I * SiMII.IA IN ALUS CODD. 35 " L T^s KopStas auToD 45 * Pesh. idem, ciq in ea be IT2 /'« ^(? gi in eum 30 Matt. XII. 25-35 >^:33.i ^^ * * I * * * * #"''1 .^^^a.T rdu.vwa * *^ I .aiis^ cax^ Ajii- 26 * *"^26 I ^cv.Q^ ^~* * * *~^ \ .:s>i2i^-'=fl oa.T.a.1 1^ I •=> -sf * I* * ■)(■ **l^ * * * -x-l* * * * *l* * * * * *|* * * * *!** * * *l* * ^ # * r -1 29 I * * * * -x- I * -x- * * •x"'' 1 jji^x::?9 ^~* * * *^^ ' 1 * * * * *|* * * * *l* * * * *|-X- -X- * * Mr f. 34b I . rdxJr^ >Jl=i.\ .^^aaaivx^ ! ^1.^.10.^0 ^*ca\^** | Aa,^.i^ ,_c^^ reLai.'sar^ * 32 -tJMKla.i A^o^^ 1 '"ctA .*x3^i rdi ^.T.^ 1*^^.1 re\AJ r^ cnx'M A-a."^ »s Xao ^ «.^c n 1 1 % i * 25 K':|PB:jt. rtUr*' .O-^Jsa ^J3cu=>wl.&ja.s niire* ^.j^e'o^'^ . CDi\o-aJjsa~* 26 ''~. \ 1 •t en rBlA.a-»rC~*' ^"^ ■ ^ •>- ix^ixi ^ ■ ■^*~ . rCTrtiJ. niJre' ji °\'q rs'coAre'."! nijuoijs nclare* |_»T .^jt* ^^ . rCA^l "^» ■ """» (f. 19a) cnix-i_aA Ao-&j:t -xa«-'' 2g ^ix\^ reULajrC ^^ . rCcoArs'l CDi»Ao.iij» rtHrC iJwre'^ 31 0-1*^03 + "^ ncA-i * 30 ''"^-aoo .otn > \ -in oA »,,r w -^ rfocn nsAi ^■J>a^° ''-|CDaii\oi\~'' . tdlJire'.T* 34 SiMILIA IN ALUS CODU. 31 ^~' b ^m autem in Spiritum sanctum blasphemaberit non remiitetur illi peccatum. fF, qui autem in Spiritum Dei blasphemiaverit non remittitur ei. 34 ' k emittit 35 ' hfam} rrj3 >cncv.i2k. aa.5aa^ I r.i-nd3^ vsar^^rc*.! I "yaUsn rtliroivi.i •'^'^ ''",_oi:50 ndi | rd\ JLir3.i^\5n^^^ I ^"pcCx-liiO rt'VMO -iJ3ir.c\"*^ I ocn vdLx.\*a ALsao I co-L-Oorfo 23 I .T^ ^.1 ro.i.i I cnxj3 »^ r<1^9iA.'»'^ I "^ ^-.'i.'Sflre'o oocn 24 II .c»cax-"i .ja=»v\.^>.a.r3 r^'ArS' I ^^oSwrg rcusoi ,->■->«««. .00-3 ki i\<.ri'i (f. 18b) it 1 \, r«'cni^^ 18 r£.u^.jc.i< •paa.A^^ 17 ''"o o Q ...o^iJxoai rxl£niiA.2>r^ oiiajtAei ^ 21 . iji\io ^ 20 . rcTaoJts + ^19 ^. i- T-M '^"..N-n T.a r^WMO"*^ '^. — ti-MO i_*o_^o . rCTncT-K. icnoA.^ rfam i\-*r:'t"'' lencvsaTn'^ § 22 rt<\na rcd"^ 24 rf. •wVl-T '' ciqcd 4" "^ . o't, 1 S ^^ovLa + '' ^■i^olht.saa^ 23 ^-re-TiTiJE. SiMILIA IN ALUS CODD. 13 ' Pesh. idem, a b c flfa gi mamwi suam 13 =^ a b c ffj ffa gi Pesh. cm. vyt^^s 28 Matt. XL 2 5— XII. 9 ,^ai.i V& 25 r^Lzir^ I vA rtlipf rClCt-to VWr^a I .^cur^ r^l.:*- reilrst * ooa.3 ^^ >\^t-r<' pQ.TSq A.^*^'^ 1 Kllxs- pCoco I rellAcoi >oK" ^rC^^ reli.\^\ Klarrd r^'Ao'" I r-=>»<' p3 I >A 28 o^K'^2^ I crA rdh^.n rc'irs rda-.."! '^ 1 ^O r<'t=D .^ji^rcdrC I '=-.i.x. .rjir^" 29 I cAcuix-o^^ ..^a^jjLxirf reliK'o I '^ K'Arjci^o >.\inT.o pel^reA I ..^oaIa >^cA I ^^>i\T.,^o t-aiVri Klir^* 1 vya.'sa^ rdirC' jjuJ.i ^Asa I cx^^o .....ct^^ ,iiJi 30 I . rdliixj »-V=as>3o I 000 )Q-Li3as tl^ I »ixa^° ,_a^Avx.aa.\ p^UxaA f. 95b XII. I Avk=3 I '^r^Avax-.i T-uA ^^a olA ^. I , V u j» a .^.OJCD ng' ^ icn-a nlacnix-1 . rC^-ion^.a ..^^i^ixi nf-A or< ^ (f. 18a) . icuulAs SiMILIA IN ALUS CODD. 26 ^ Pesh. idem = Pater mi k Pater mihi xii. 2 ' ff j k om, eV o-a/J^aro) 6 ' D yap d ffj k enim +- 27 aa^ _oAv^30f<' Matt. XI. 12-24 I K^^^nr* rcvtj.l ^Ait^* I rc'^A.« 0.1 .On u *?i \ I .^.CV-z^^ K'ocn iTJL ^."U*cn ^"^ 20 I "io^i ^^-^ rclaij»Jr<' I ndaoa A ^rg ^^ On^ I relsoA^xirsO PC^nOri-> I ^.i 22 I oArc'.n ^dvu^ AcuzA I rdlssnx!^ ^r^ % *3ax\ i^j^iii^r^.l I ^acuui^^ r -| . I i^^ fria relaJ iAs^ I Ina^.l XI. I »-ix. ,cno."u:5a\^ | ifia^'i^ o.-uoAixA I ».^i» ^ >Vx. o^.i ^ K'ocno ^ 2 »bjsax. .1^ ^.1 I ^Xjjcu ^ ,^^cr)Avu.Tsaa I oii^sala csJcrxA ^A\ ^ 1 oA 3 Avsr^ I orA jAz-o ^ >cna."U»AAv\'" I ^xt. wji^.l * lOao.Ta:*- I K'ixfioK' ^u^ 4 i-sort'o I ^^ijsa* re^i^cv* ^XmlIK* I ^x^uao^sa * ^^iurtl^ ore* I T<'^r<'.i oco ocn I ..i-'sj^aj..! ^.Tsao .^^^-iK* I ^vm.i >3.i-sa ^o-uO-A 1 oa** cA\ .^..octA 5 I ^.idvtsa «eA.i I ^soA * ,000=305^0^ '^aSOxu I K'AviSsa * ^i\^ t rtli.'u»o 7 ^jjcu A^- I relzA^ i:5>3f-3 I rd^^\^09 *^ rduoi^.i ® I P^i 1 n rc'VJxJSO.A KlnicwtA I ^^^o^uxaj rdLyjsa 8 p^cn .Ti-i\ rd^x^ki I K'AvaU.i K" ia\^ nc'v^oA I ..^_o^\xiaj rtArt'o ^ 9 ._o^uaAi I t»2krcL\2a rJLa.\ 26 .r<' "103 0.1=3 .^^^K* I >JyiX.n I >i:i:5?30 28 . A\^n^ I . ^i\yi\T. rdl\ I r<'i^ ^t\.\g.i ^>A*r<' ^ 1 »^^cd*>,T^ f. 37a cu:»i.2a\ I r^jc^io rc'i-^a jjL.a>.x.^q.i I ocn ^sq ^nc'r.^* I ^.t cvA-m.i ^ I .1 v\ a ^^oQ.l.tq K'.Twa I \aor^i:3 ^s.lV-'SO ^-»'i^^ ' ^-»^1^^^ . Kllca^rj 29 ^orA^ ..^OA'-Ujao.! I n^'i'ra ^^ns'a ^° . r<^if<' A^^ I r<^\<\a rcA ^^OAOaK' 30 I ^'ia^ rdi\flo rc'Ha^ I (J50 A.\^») ^_^o.\.*j.T^ I Ao^cn r-lrD I ^o.ixj >.^ icxaAJ.t ^t?30 ^^ I KliJaxJCSs.T 33 r^jssirc'.i I ^^nc' p<'j.«.t.i „^T=LitoAx I KlX ^ ^* ^ rdx-^axai vsK' I ^.tn cara 34 •U^l Au^rc*^^ rdAxftj'^ rd.W I '^ KllxX. KlSjirC.l ^^^K' 1 rtll ^ rdi-ircCa 35 (.*! >**ri ,.^33 ^"^ i . cn^ua ylzs K'ia.^i || ,cncvn=j.iA.iw=ja ^^ . cn^^a** ^ pOMi.! I ^o . >A rc'cx.x. rtlA 000 I ,A.i ^ i*^ cnJSa«crja=»rell AnT, I rdAi Aa.a ^^ jA K'cv.r. I kA even >.A.i ^"sn i*^* 1 . cn^irj OK* co-trj 38 I . cnr^^ jk^ ^ M % K.a.i I Aa~* ^^ ,A k'ox. rii\=3 I r<'^r<'o coexist ^ 39 i A^a-CLJSo.i ^."Sfl '*° . ca.»..M.,^g.i 1 ,^\a^r=>3 ca.3e.a.a I .vacui A^o'' ca-*.T^cu 40 ^-S3^^ ^~. K^i.ix..i ^'aA 1 Anam"^ A-in'gs ^A.■^ ^o I. Aaja»j ocn >A •.^o.aA 41 DissiMiLiA IN Cod. Cureton. oaurs* »-i-3 ^BiJi 4- " Ajla en 4- * 32 (f. 1 6a) (viii. 23 — X. 31 «^_oivJre' deest Cureton.) «.^iJUBBA\ TtrA — * 34 .iajevA«t:Ajso ^BTxjQ 4- * 33 ntf.srs'^ nrjce* + '^ •Are'o'^ X-sna^ '^jjLAxaa.-T ^"^ 39 en .i i \ ^ ^ 38 criianA ore* '^ § 37 -^^Jlarfi ^ 35 SiMILIA IN ALUS CODD. 35 D viov b c d fTj gi k aur. filhim 24 Matt. X. 14-25 ,^-5fl.i .^ 14 ^ i . Q^v i I r^iso ,,_Q.iiA.S3 »:bk:2mL rello I »._aiA Aa.o,.^ p3CU=j jjnySk I rc'ooai rc''iasi2*-."ta 16 0000 . r^rC.t >-1a.=j I r^xjsnr^ vyre* ,_a^ r^liK' I i.ULSO r^lir^ K'cn -^^ 18 i^^sacuaA^" 1 rCJosa^^a rtlA.\sia )anxso -"^^ 1 ,^^ocrj^x.aia^ .^.asLia.T^-i.ia ig I ^x=3iat93.i psax. JLA^"* 20 relAr<' . ^Aisojsg ...^o^rc' I i*^ r^oco r^ ^° ..^^vi.sort'^l I rdsn r<'^2*Jt. 21 >cnaA»rfA ri^r^ "^*^' >^i ^^ i..^^^=> r^W-^l *ga I ^.^O.riCUarc'.l ,crJ roi II •©• "O- rtUu ocn r<'^ioja I rtlsa.iSk- naiOQ A.i ^.1 rtli-.K' 23 caJJS»3 1 »^__a:^ ono-i.^ . rtl^TA I fj3 ^^ ^icOk.t I rdi^Aa >..^fio rC*.!— *» 1 icnoTAiai^xA 38 r»^_coi^o' ^sr<^ AcvA I CixOor^JsfAci p^AxsLi^^ f^a-i I cul^^jcA ra=)\ ».i=3 I ^ijjcl»o >r3aa:^>o icncuiK' I Qocui.niK'o 3 I »^_aAJSax.a ^ ^ ».«\\ » i=3 1 >3an.^>Q r^030 I rdsflOK'ixa >J2>ilcv^ 4 I rc'ocn' ocn.T rCL^cuiAiJo I nf'.ic\ca*o .jan. s.> I T-td k'-IOcoaO rdxAJja ».^_ojr<' .Tci^o 1 >cno.n-i-:sa\^ ■ifia2»-"i^ ^cn I »^ji2« "i.tjco ^ . r<^>.,*gi\yp3 5 Avxrj I ^t33 AvsJ^.i reLls\ »_a,a[A I ai\ r^r^^ ^^^olsfc.^ r^\ I r^H:»Jt-.i 6 I r^"»x-i rC^aiilrfl ^vsin I oi-SflK'o cwi^rc' ,^^\rc'."i I rtLsacv"^ \^\sia^r^ 7 II ^^>3 CuaSkr^ K'.irClx.o I OA:t renQ\s. K'ocnJ ' I ,._o^!i.mix. DissiMiLiA IN Cod. Cureton. (viii. 23 — X. 31 deest Cureton.) SiMILIA IN AI.IIS CODD. X. I ' Pesh. om. xSo-av 3 ' a b gj q om. koL ©aSSaios 4 ' b c ffi gr k q aur. Pesh. om. Kai 12 '-' k domuin Pesh. rr'i>j.3^ 13 ' D eo-re d erit 13 ^ D d om. ^ aiia. 22 Matt. IX. 18-33 ' >^-'»J.i r^L^ i8 ,^i I rf'ena . ^^^oca.'saj^ rt'oen I A-Lso-SO ^.i oen :Wk -"^^ I . ^-O^^J^ I r^i=i i:»3r<'a coA I .v^oo rc'oco Aaj r<'^r<' 1 .tu »^_cvcnAvx-a.iA 19 I OOD cn-saib. A\r^ ...^i^ ■ >-r>0 ^^ . rtjj^o Kf\x»r^ I yoj^oo rtlire' ^^u-^ts 20 I r<''"ifla^^"iA^ ^t'ix. coJW.i I K'ocn K*."!!."! r<'^^r<' I K'cno ^° . >cno.Tx.^\^c\ 21 oriAixs "ix^^ I ^ocn re'i.sirc'^^ crrciJ^cO^'ijsa.l I rela.J^ ^-i-oa ^Airc'a 22 ocn'^^ I rtlirc' r«li..flD rC'^ai rclir<' I rco I rC'^^rc' Axialu^r^ rC'^Uk.x. I >oo ^o f. 115a ooco I ^jJc^Avxio.i oco rcaai^ oocn ^_«^*jt^l ^.1 ._^co r^'.A.'sg.i 000 26 ji^io ^^ ^.tTija I cn^v^x. i^o cn.T»rclA I .=3ia pC'^r<' ia\ ocn I reLzA^\ 27 ^i^ I )Cncxii=3.i «._^^ ia-Sh. .TAG ^"^ I »co r<^^^r^ ooA^a rtLlcD I rcin.l cnia I ^Aih. ^ajji^r^ ^ Klsai I r^llaia ^xz^oo rtl^afio 30 K'relskcv . ^_oca-xJLx^ I jj^v^^r^ 'f^AuikJcja I ox^a' ^° ,^_ol^1 nc'aoQj II ^ijsarc' ^atJKli r^ia\.i ov*» I rc'cn ^_ociA i.snK'a ^.^^TJio I »^cixj3 31 I rd^ir^isa co-a an^rc' 1 jxAr^ Aa\ cux^l I .TSk ^.n ,.._^co ^^ ^.^^rt* 32 I K'.trelx. ca\ »nx^i.i .tj* I p^^iu oA onija ' I Qn<\vi i^vrj ^a^^ >co 33 I t <''t\\ 0000 ^ijsi.i^vsqo 1 .aco r^x.-u* Alt?3 I rc'.Trdx. cai»i jiSJ .Via ^^ DissiMiLiA IN Cod. Cureton. (viii. 23 — X. 31 deest Cureton.) SiMILIA IN ALUS CODD. 22'J^v:^ ca:ta_x..i I rdjao^iijsi I — ITT. I ^r. T rdSJiAu ^n I IPP KlA I ■vmrc' »^JSilJL .T^ ^^.1 000 ^^ I ^ ^^vx.O ^^^^rtf* 12 f. 7. CX&L I ^.1 aA\rc'^^ ^.iins .X-i-a I ,Jt>i.rj."t ^jrc* KiAr^ . rdxfloK' | A^- 13 I rx^. Kli^j*.l I r^JSO-^ r^liarc^ iA^taA I rtLiai\i KlA.l rt^iAn I K'AuU A^k- rc'^.vu' I rc'^s^-axiini' rdsji<' rtll ^^ 16 I r' 27 I oocn ^coxjsa^ KlxJrc' 1 ^^.i ,.^_aicn ^'^ ti rtlxAx. I K'ocna r^suao o o orA I ^isrqAxxsq rcluoia relsi*.T I rtlicn OUM ^i.sor^'o JS>i 0000 . »no K'.TKix- I ^..^Ocaxl^. ^,._^oa*ov»r<'.T 29 o^wiso'^^ I r^4»ior<' >ori3 i-is.'sai . K'ocn I ,u A Trq ^xJK' r3K'o I rtlsji r^inri 30 Aca\ ^oco rc^» %.i | r<'.T*» vs^r^ ri'Avi^io ^° I ^^cojs^^ rtL^ncra^ 31 p<^*a ^ I ^.j^*."! ^ijsarc'o pc'.inilt- I »^o,icn coisa oocn ^a-vao ^^ I ^..^ocoi^ 32 ..^aJcn . c\X\ »^_^ca\ ijsoK' ^^ I r<''V»VA»."i >cn T<'Au.^i.ta\ I ^»^^T. ^ ^r^ pg^A-gjcA r<'i\x2k-i:»j I ooXo^ >cn ^!^cnio^ I rc''i»W>x=5 oLwO an & l I ^^ 33 I axi^Avx.K'o K'^JLi.TJsal oLk-o I K'^OA.i oiaisk-o ^^ f-.1 >i.V» Aa"^ IX. I I K'^U-iAflQ^ A.^o^ ,^_ocn^cd I ^ rdirJ.i coisa asm I ,cnor<'v*» ."T^cv •.J::»'.1 2 r^lsai .T^ r3 K'Vm .1^ I •._5~« ^:i^3 r^Jkcn 5 I i-tflrdrjii rdiiAJcA 'T..t »_^.2h.."i^.T ^ I vAcn ^0x3.1 TJsa rtl'5>i\ or^ 1 . vv>caA^sj vy ^.i-au-aLi-.t Tjajr^ I ^ r^cfx^M jajtxiai I ^dL:^^^^ A:^ r£latJr<'.T cni=» I ocn .^ i \T,.t DissiMiLiA IN Cod. Cureton. (viii. 23 — X. 31 deest Cureton.) SiMILIA IN ALUS CODD. 26 '^ b c ffi /esus aur. t'As Pesh. idem. 29 ' a b c f gi aur. Pesh. om. iSov 32 ' Pesh. om. I80V 33 ^""' Pesh. fere idem = iravra tq ytvoii^va 34 ' Pesh. om. tSow ix. 5 ' a b c fif J q aur. om. ydp 19 J** ».^_aA^or<' Matt. VIII. 13-25 K'diiOLra I v\A rC'aerU ^vutn^cn.! I r. i .\ 'v\ *> I 'rc'Au^JC-rs caacv ' cr>.T»'<'A 1 uaino ^^ . K'Axi.rC' ctA I K'.Vi-urc'a rdxJSni.i 15 rtlrjsax. >o"ii>Jin^^ I ^..^octA* hxam rdxssnjuma 1 ^ouao r^hn^r^ cn^vnax. 16 I ,-\OQl ocn.i K'acn "TJajr^*."! I r«l» ^ i.soK'^K'.i )o.a-50 I rtflisi^.i ^"^ 17 ^'r^r^l^^ I r^laM^""* ,^^i»j * ^1 r<'VA> :i^^^ I ^cn'-i<\«i AcuazJo ^x^^-'i-so'' 18 K'i.ajJo ^raioa ^^ AoAl I K'insN ».__CVOfA'* «.._a\\reli.l l*^.TxiA crA ik.Tw.l I9 * V33r^ ^'^ . ^irc* 1 AtrC.l i^rtfA vviAxrs I r<'^r<' i-=j"i * orA XJS/ir^a I ."Uu 20 . r^\\^*73 I rdxJSJUL.i rc'^wi^O I ...^orA ^K* re^shl I r<^\s.^ ^^^i^ '' ^.T vd^^.i»r^^^ ca-x_."i "^ I \j\OJsa.Sio^^ jh\r^ ca.\ ^uiA I r^ t Ji r^* .1 cnvalo*^ 21 iaaar^ 1 AtK* ^.voCvA |A Qfl.^r<' I ,i.2>3 col "t.^r<' »CT30.i.i.^alAi I ^ ^,^cvqrx»^ I *33 ^'i 1 n I K'^vlso jacXZLX. '^orA iJSJp^' ^^ I rc'^rt'o »-=>KlA 22 cniAva I oocn ^h\r^ |Cno.ViJS>Aixo I| K'^Ax^aaA »^j\^ jiAj3oc\ ^^ 23 I.Kdi^;=> cufio^^x^ ^ocn I r^lruina r^^vsoxra rnEl&'^ rcTAjaj ncU-a-JLre' >io-sSkja* 17 .cti-x.i'' t-»T cninX'^ .»_^<\Xj'^ coA + " 20 nS-sua-Lw '^ I9 .^_a^enA — "^ (viii. 23 — X. 31 ,^_aivjre' deest Cureton.) § 23 .^o^^ + * 22 SiMILIA IN ALUS CODD. 1 3 ' Pesh. idem. Diat. ar. = //// 1 5 ^"^ fam}"^ evSiw^ 15^ 'L/am.^ auroi? a b c f ffj g, aur. eis 16 ' k t//a 18 '~' Pesh. idem, ^fam} o^A-ovs C ttoAXous 6xKov-i.V5^ rtlfljrc'^io I T<'^\i3a= VMrC *= r^Arc' I >-\A\») A\xa»^ Acx^^.i II KliiwrtAa A\rc'o Axk'.t ^ 1 r^LlcrA r^Jir^ 'tJSflK'a . >."T*t<' I ^xm^ ^r^ .invo ^-L^> I .t::x2^.1 ''rcUrt' isflr<''' jrrnsAo I r^h\r^c\ rC^.i r^TJsarS' ^ 10 I CT3"iAv=3 ^..^^PC'.l ^A^rel\'' I iion;^^ i.»J.'|^r<' .^.^^SO* 1 ^.*.'t .si n T. .Vi ^° K'^cci.' 1 'X'.icn vv-»r^"^'*^ ' r^lL^rc'.T I ._a.^\ r^\:sxirr^ ^^rc* n ,_ja^r
  • rcii nT 1 i ■ik'q . ? •» ^ «p*^\^ j g A-tAoo ' fi£jj_it< A_a ^^ . IT"! \ re'irniSi = 1 -^ . M t ^ weT a -> tr'i^ trC ncA&rCo . rfx'i-s rClrCA 19 -\ . >\m 2 ..^erijiA ^kSo ' '^^ . .\ "M i>^ ji < nft i\.sa . ^.a-^i itr-A nr ^\ r^ircs^n 20 nEdK* . »<"»« ■>-!T rC^e.aA.saA Ar^-X $%sa liaa i-l isar^l \a A iaoo pCocd n^A^^* 21 i.L\^ cs'nera^^ ^^ '~, if a am. A>on\'w\ Acu&j ocd~' . nr'jmr-n »-3rf9 q>.i*->^ lu . «..^t99 ^.^iaa . n£:aQO-> acn.3 »A ^^ijsan^ 'i.sarc' ^«^CD^^ . «._ul_^ rgTCA^ia rc\ 1 u vysdxso . ^^a^rC if9ii:jb ^Tir-)o . ^ « -^^ Vr* 23 00 000* n^A-^ t1 1 S » ijn a,^_AAA cvAt . «._o^iv-^9-> ^ai«.aa yja ncA^l . »^enA . ifm I n M pci ">\^\ icocuusaTrC . ^onA =1 n % a ^-lAoi »,! ■'n ^— » ■■> ir ' •ZJif A^Jk ^^ 24 A^iA^^pCa rc^uaii . iTia . (f^aiicaj a^pCa . rcO^Jaa i\.ja-aa^^ . n£-^o-z. Ab.^ cnioLa ng.i.-3< 25 uure* A-&a^^ . laos ^tilot (C-^a-z. A_^ iCDAibrC^vJi.!! A\m • A «m rc\a r*^ * "t oris 26 A-^ cnivjus nrra-aT . nu..&JB> r^i ''V.^ iflaa-l^ . ^ooA » ->.,^ nda ^.jAcd »Aia > **> '^^ . A,i&ja aCD pc^ I ni olb ti^^rCa ifjuai ■ iTia . K'^eicfu a^rfa . r^^\ *n ^\^ai-ia^^ . nfAja 27 000 n^si oj^uIa «\a» i\acDa "V' ^^ . en 1 "i 1 aj a % n£xJL& aacD ^^cr> tsn^K . ^-lAos (asAAib >-^ax.« ^bA-Xi «.&a^^ ^^ 29 ivjjLj T^a^ '". rOtjiAa^ ^^^a^CRjit «t.a»~' vy^rC nC-Aa . »^^aiA rcacn «>^ ^ *n nC-^^Az^sa i vill. A "M pci^pC rcrjai\^ luu pe'i-a\^ ifcna xrc'j\ja n^xJLSk cni^ja aaos ^.i^k*^ kto.\ ^~sa 2 .\T«Na ^ . »-i^AJ>&v»xA ^K** M iT'n h\Jr^ ''^^ ^ I?" • *^-^^ °^ vsapCa . ciiA »\j»* ■j SiMILIA IN AMIS CODD. 12 ' L c ifj Diat. ar. om. outo)? 14 ' C L/am.^ Ti b c f fiFi q aur. Pesh. Q//am k {/uae. 18 ' l^ C ttoiuv a b c f ffi gi k q aur. Pesh. /aare 1 8 ^ B iroulv a b c f flFi gi k q aur. Diat. ar. Pesh. =/acere 19 ' L ovj/ b c gi ergo f em'm 21 '-'a //^^^ intravit in regno caelorum. b c fFi k q aur. ipse intrabit in regnum caelomm. gj ipsi intrabunt in regnum caelorum. 24 ' a k om. ovv 29 '~' k farisaei et scribae eorum. b Scribae et Pharisaei eorum. 29 ^ Pesh. idem. C koX oI ^apLdalot. a c ff, gi q aur. Diat. ar. et (fifi ant) Pharisaei. 16 Matt. VI. 23— VIL 11 ,iv_5>3.i cc* . rOcsoLSaAo *« ^ °^ *" ^ rs-cnArc:! «^_£ior:' ^ i « "^Tia r=A . ^oju rslaijarcfAo i 1 1 m j -T-mlA 25 ' •._oJ>ar!'i» n£A^P9 .^^e^^xa-iA ,^_eu^-^«'i* nC-l-T . »_eLaA iriJr;' isaW niJCD A \a a ^^ ffi^Ao . ri'^T -iiin Y^ I CD rCw^ '*-'-V. *^'^'^' ^^^t"i\^ nCJ.S3 «^_^a-i i^&A n^A.&rc'a 26 . ^^ .1 1 Ti H n^Act ^-T^ nuci ^ J ^T> rcl\V . rt^i •n t.HT pC^umv&.s oicuu^^ . rdx-euxl ^jsq . «._o m-LSpa ^'v*^ .^^^rC A i a en ^ i^uA . ^^^ooA r^JO^^sa nr^i -nr-tn «...AJio.s r^o 7 fxUcjv.aA A V T "8 ^ p^r^ju rciv^nr:' crs^.990^ JL-^ c\ "NXnev-aaA "•>»*-»' ^g> % 1 *»a »->T o-L^a ^^ 28 . ^ncA fcAo ^w-^ nu-T . ^u-sT^usia n^ 1 •^ »p8' rcijsTT nT 1 t. cxA aw>» . ^.^^rC ^ ia>^ ^ 29 . ^cn^oArC MALa^rC cn^v.jao.a jr.^ cnAA.^^ ^^*n 1 .1 t. nfA&re'l ..^a.^ K^i^are' ^-Ljsapi'ci^ 30 pcioj^us A t IQ .\n \ ^yjo i u JHQ , toio^rC ^.sao-*.! rcij3.T-t rf t i *n % \ ^.*f ^^j<'o " 31 lu^^ . re*^o irm loa lij-mJu ooA A\ -)^ ^^ • * v * A 1 ten nf.S9j& . . t. -a ' *»a rc'cnArC 32 ^-lAos^ . rcxaa^ nC.X9ao . rc'ivXJ nr* i*no Acar^J m*w ^.^ijsare'^a a.^.^&^K'^ A j t ca ^ArC^ ^ ^^AAO^Pf %-&\^ ocn ..Ji,Tj . ^coA ^ j.^ -> ri.^^f^'t aca risxin.^ ^aiAj3k i->-\^ 33 . CD^oj3_i.itci ri'caArC-T ' CD^o.^.9a ^taoA c\.&_9 ^^.f ..^kjrc'^^ . ^-lAcn ^1 A - >^a>a «^_ev^ 34 iA\^ i «> Jo-T A^^^sa , ^MkS»l «^.&^i.k.&.s ^rs'V ri'^iAo . h\jirf r«'t-u vso-ure'T cn-L.L.&.=>T rG:A\^ ^1 ^ ^^_^^A 4 ^.Aa "siA\^ jx^r:* jio 1 t . vvO-uncrA iAarcT-saA kJre' muAXSo rcf 1 1 irC ore* * . iorc* ijuus 5 rC^iA ^vooA JL&K' ti^^ri:^ , itni ^ . rgjatAjaa pf^ija vyA^.Y vy-i-i..&.3 rs'cn:* . vwu-^ 000 v\euur«'T en 1 1 % ^oq nrj\^ cua-A^nA vyA i u -1^ ^i^caa . vy \ i \ ^.sq 6 niAn . rv-u ^tx» k*^ 1 1 V^'^ •^..o^'iix rcAo . nr.=&AjiA icTJc^ieua »_oAi\i» rsA^ 7 o ^ "l o i«_o_auasi\o oAnf.x.'^ . ^.^Ajc^-^i-aj , f^ «v^m t« . ^__oeaxA\Jij3 ^-i-sr;' »_ft-x.oTJ 8 n:lA.2T ^.s»a . . imi ArcTjc-T i-i-^ ^-so A «y 8 . At^^\ m^«.&^o o_z.o.a ,L^ w •> r.h\a [•f.lOa] 9 eni^ )CDo^A*iE^K-i'i ^^^AAaa iJ-V. cv-Asa ^ . caA m^&^vsq* «z-aJi ^.saa 10 nCjO-M n£_»!iA tcncuLArETJU rcTJOJ •^rf orf ^° . ctiA -\-x.<\j»a reia,nc:A rcTAiA . txiSfUjA. K'kJi\ A^-i . rc:j.±az.3.T ..^evao^rs* ^^rci^iv^ n::27a^ . ^^^"^ 1 1 '^\ AJ^saA rc^-a\ SiMILIA IN ALUS CODD. 23 ' Pesh. idem. 3.Dia.t. av. = /efiedrae ^uae 25 ' N abfTj k om. [^ tittiVcJ 26^ker^o 27 ' a b k om. jxepifivwy 28 ' a b k om. ti 32 ' a b c ffj gi k aur. om. 6 oipdvios 33 ' L Toi) ^€oD a b c f ff, gj aur. Pesh. Diat. ar. = Dei lO *• ^.^jftA^or^' Matt. VI. 7-23 l''.''K'^\\a ^'"ianr^ ,..^00^00^"'' I r^~^ ^,^oh\ir^ ^^so.i r^jsna^ "^ I vOk.i^a ^.svjulXo^^ , >< ««^T-.!T vyjrC ri-^ir^-a vy i 1 1 ^ ^ «^_o^QCfUo . vv ^(xaXsa [CurETOn] II 103 vyJL>9l A N,^ ^^' . fOu-3 (.Ao .^ ^ n^ re* . rcUo i mi \ ^^^ rccio^^ . ^^ i i> i uA 13 o e o '~ v tJ n rC ^ t*n) '^ >i. V^\ . rs'^vJio *i Ti^q r^^« •> '*n i^^o^eoAAfi* ^im^TiT . rCSktit;^ ». *imi vwrs' a^^ooii* r^ i.^o^ior:' y-tj^xj^i th^sarfa^^ 16 rCuttixi* ne:A»^^ '~. vv-x.i MOJcsaa vw.Arc' -\^i T,rC~' . ivJpe' >>re'^T »i»-soP!' ^-i^l ions' ^''^ ^ P!'t-u9 ' tflarca . r Ti m-x-t ,^.u:^j1 vso^r^ r£-A rC .^K" "pr^^ ^^AaV fc:xJr«' » 1 n.\ . nTTi -> rCftcni* v ^ 1 1 V ^jI ^^jj*^' .wciu rcckou coIa vvi^& .Ar** . nr'\ iTft pCocd^ 23 DissiMiLiA IN Cod. Cureton. ocn — * iA\^4- ** *^~. nc:A litis > imi vwrs'"'^ '^^ inn ft»n »^i\_»o«n~'' i^uanrc'o^ § 7 .»cn.kioAi^-1 A. \ fl B ^ «»-«^ ^ ^ ' ^ * Diat. ar. idem. L "On crov Io-tiv rj fiaaLXila Kol Tj 8uva/xis Kox T] 86ia €is Tovs aiwva?. dfjii^v f gi q quoniam tuum est regniim (q timm) et virtus et gloria in saecula [f q amett~\ k quoniam est tibi virtus in saecula saeculorum. 15 ' B ra TrapaTrrwfjLaTa airwv b peccata f q peccata eorum 1 5 ^ K c f om. v/aSi/ i 7 '"' Pesh. Diat. ar. idem.=/afa faciem tuani^ et unge caput tuum 18 ' >< om. .i\vTL\ osa**'-!.! * I »^^\ r^"i^ I rd4i3a2L=3 PC'v**.! rtlar^cv* I . rr<'a r<^o^\ vA Aa.^ 1 h\ir^ rdl^^V rcisa^ ^.i I ^rt*^ *= . KlV^''' DissiMiLiA IN Cod. Cureton. fc^o^ore' ^ 1 i*> a a~^ 46 o-auurCi * 44 > ii»a*^ >uitl ** . -^'^n*"^ + * 43 rcr«alxi9 ,^_okjr<8'(f.8a) ^_iA ntfj. ,^j<' o * ' -f ** nCLaCD — "^ ijt\^ii'tACn + ** ^-^ . \ ~^\ 000 ^:i-a_^ nr* lA cn ni^'N 1 it .j^rc rCCD ru . ^^.oa^o *i i\ ten vCxsn . To-uuLa ^ "^ ■ '■» r*T i^viopc^a n^JL^^rc'^ ^.^o^k^cnevjo'' ncA» aironrC* I vi. »^_oitar«' — * § 48 _A.iA» niA"* 3 rcojkjre* + '^ .f^^xKxxso*^ > inii ** rcMja-irC '^ A_i-aen + '' VWK* re'ocoi* ntX .^rt* n^A^v rc:Aaa5 + '^ Kxl^p — '' vvCLsrCo^ 4 ^vyLsajOs • culA^^aA nEfaevJLv K^uJinvoo r9 K'ocn^ I rdAK*^^ . K'^m** or^ I rc'^xso^opc' 37 •o- oco relx-x-rj ^tio "i.^ I ^icn ^.t * >:i:2a . rtlA . r^lii. ^Ijj I rtiito . rg^lis.. »&Vjj I rtllx^wi i.sirC'^rc'.i »_^Avi^iax. ^® 38 I . Klx-L^ A.njiA'' ._a^CUj^ I niL\.i »^^^ relii=?3r<' * I ^.*.T rdiK' ^® 39 nila^.l ^^a*° . r^iurC' I ca\ •^Vn'' ' vs.^A A.i*- I vA rcl»jL."»j.i ^ta r^rc' 40 I . v^XaA^'^:ta Ar^ ^ coA jaci-n^L I vo^^OA .noa Ao^ vCa.^ I .^."tj.i ^^h^ .^o^'*^ I cnsaa»- Atrc''' AaSa on^n:^ I AtK'^.i vA ^ i>j>.T*?3.i ^ * ^^ 41 »^\relsaA^ rtlrs^.T I ^^»30 . cnA »r>cn vvA Artlx.."! I ^Jsna^^ . ^-«-lT.*jr<' ' 42 I o o o o jCoAii^'' KlA vtCl:^ DissiMiLiA IN Cod. Cureton. ^«ix + * § 33 An T,:!" rC_irC iaar:' * 32 .rcrJAa^^" reS-t^ " 3^ TfA ►Area* 35 (f. 7bi .vvivsaoja^ ''-. t<'iao_tT re'^«J9aoj»-^ rtd'^ . ixfjJMMiaA + " A-a_x. + '' Aeuijuo*40 AuruaftA" nc:aK' isane** 39 §38 ,-.T + * 3/ tCDA.iA^^'' ►A»ftrj.-|^42 .^ah^—" A»'' ^-isparci t^o"*4I SiMILIA IN ALUS CODD. 31 ' D dom. V. 30. 33 ' k om. Tots dp^aiots 35 ' Pesh, Au»_ui«T Diat. ar. ij>^ = sud 36 ' Pesh. idem. — in eo 39 ' D d k om. Ii.ii6.v 39 =* a b c f ff, gi aur. praebe* 41 'Dabcdgxk eVi, rr^/zw^ Diat. ar.=^/ 41 =" D a b c d ff, g, k aur. a-Ua, u//a * Diat. ar. ;j\i = »cat a-Tptij/ov 12 Matt. V. 20-29 t^-^.n * rf^ 20 i^K'^ re'AK'.l I i^^ »^_aJkA r^L^ijsnr^ ^° I peliJ5aJt..l pC'^CUri-VjSlJa 22 ^.'50 AoA.i '^ ,^^.aa\ I rdii.rart'* ^.l re'JK'^^ . rdl*.tri I .ja.^M^3 Acx\^.l I Acv^o® rdTi.T-a'^ .n,i..ij>.*5q I K'ocoJ rdii-.p*' ' >cncu>r<' I As*. V-^i.l *^ V5>3tcna.*»Ta..A. u'js '^ rt'-x^^r. I ,coO.**r<'A^ rS*^ ^:i«cno I vvcu>r<' paih- rtLifc-i^nc' I ^.tacx\ A\a *>elut=)."i.2n I A^~* f. 89a O. rd.ijjPS' rtljICCTlZ. A^^.l 29 I ^.t •_r<'^^ cfxa,V=3 cni^l . cn\ -\^io K'Ax^lrc' I r^Vwl ^ Aa.i ».._OjA I Ti^ vA jAP^ ' %j\Xsn I ca^.TJt. oru^u^ vrA I r^llx.^::^ rtllxJ^'i^.l vOa^. DissiMiLiA IN Cod. Cureto.v. tc^JK iapare** 22 nS_A.l * 21 . nS-uaJui + = pe'iA^ '' ijiw* + * 20 .rs'k^fXJuaAh am — ^ t^acojk + ^ ^.=00* .ns;_»_.«A'''' A^^ "^ ^x-m '^ »siAjsa!| '' th^..a»t< * § 23 ocd — ' rcaciu + ^ ^^ Aaq ' •:si-Jao '' (f. 7a) ^~. n£_u-3«-aa9 »CDA_aaXi>~^ 24 '*~vvftj»r«' U-JurC >i»_ao-t~'' iHirC -tsBrC* 28 ncA:*'' rtlijsa»JiA + * § 27 . «tli-a^^ vysolxJ »ilx*5o + * § 25 vvA Mn«\ . v ^ i»n eo^xjc. jacu&& vyX ncLuusa nTi it\»t vv^c^rC ^^j^o^" + ** *^^ ^9 . rem SlMILIA IN AMIS CODD. 22 ' D L/am.^ a b c d f ffi gi k q ciki;, sine causa Pesh. Diat. ar. idem. 22 ^/am.^/am.^^ Tw a8tXiS avTov Diat. ar, e/ II II > »_^vA^cvrc' Matt. V. ri -n I ocn* >.^ik> ,_^^i^r<'.i I rdsacx* ocq.=3 o\oio o.t-m I ^i ,._o^r<' ^^ I2 ca.^&A\ I rcl4jAr33 "^ •.-_!^ rd^TK'.i I co-iaA-so^ ,__cijt<' ,.^_o^r<' ^^ 13 I ooicno-a .^aaK* ^^^i^r** ^"^ I . relx-ir^ t-iJs caA ^a.x^.1 I .^^aoaJo 14 rcir.\^^.l I rcli-lra' K'-ioA^ A^.l K'^.U.Vt^ I rdjA-Sk-T.^Tj rd.\o . rclsaA:^.! I r3 jr.irc' r •o. riJc.^."i I ._^aria=r^ ^^jajAarJo I . k'HxAx. I ,L_CVA.\ rJlii-SOr^ -u^ ^. 1.^39 p<' -"^^ I ^^^OJlrc' cVi-L^aJSjA r^r< I "^ rt'ijt.K'.i 18 Kli.nBaa ^ I .*»*» "^ rc'ixJ.i ^inc\^^^ K'ocoI I AaSk.i*^ r«cl»).i:i- rsloocxtJCU I ^ ig K'A>aa.V'sa=D rc'TQ^i I r<'T»^ rdxJr^ >JirA I r<'.i2kcn -a.\jcv K'io.Sk.t I ^Acn DissiMiMA IN Cod. Cureton. . oocn ,^^aj.aaTiai ^xl^rC + *^ »^ r<' '' ocn — ^12 >A^-| — ^ AJ^aq '^ "-Jl^-" .rt:^^ 15 enjo»_x_i.T<^ rg \ t^o'^ ^_.:| + " vCmAm^ § 13 K''^* § 17 (f. 6b) ^!U» * 16 *^". »,^oJrf rC^ 1 nil ^ « \ »rC «.^cnJ_:iA icn_i.2ao"^ Aa* 19 y\sn A_a:« "^ rClJu nE^-iia ore* + " rBis»*-XT* 18 . .^.ojrC + ^ n:_Aaen — " Aa = A itco + " SiMILIA IN AMIS CODl). I I ^~* gi ^vJ».i \ 24 I KlAto r* 1 ''"A.^O Kli-A^ r^laooH-^-ao 25 I ^•T.aj.:^^ ^..t?3a rtlLx-V-i^ ^-tfl.i "^ I . rCrcT^x.^ rd.T.1.^ ^"rCoon .1.^0"*^^ 3 o'.r^xSajL.i rC^cvAVso I >cw .^^ocal^.i.i .^_oca*»oi=j I K'.iA.flQ.taA ..^caxioA^^ 4 •o- »^_or."l I rC'AirsK'A* ^^ocoAria^^* 800 rtf'caAK'A I oaaov-»xa^ ^^acn.i ^^ocanlrj I ^x&.l.l ^*rcnQ,irj ^.^^Jcni I rrC ^-J^"" ' "^ mA a^^jk'o''' . rET-iievjio en \ ^n ctt.a.\ oocn ^j-^ai icT-^XsLy r^rcrx.^i9o . rCj ijt» rCa^t i T.^iao . n^.JL2^JL irCJCnio-ixja ^.*ca.«ijiv .7ocfi.»'^ t^o"^ ^cnTitja evAirjakj -■iAo — ^ rc"io\-=>'' .jskj + " rCirri^flj — " ^_.:| + ^ I V. rci^-x" § 3 ^~-o. i-sarfo «^caA rCocn .^A.sqo cnsnCLSk m^.&o~^ 2 .cdoTJmSkiA^^ o-aiaa^ """©.o o»>^'cr-»^^"'' rcrlAiirc'A^ § 5 .o- tt:j>.yrs:l ctJJoix'irBrj '' rC.&j.AAiA^ § 4(f. ea) § 10 §9 icn.j.JowuLj ^ § 8 § 7 rc^cv^YiA^ § 6 SiMII.IA IN ALUS CODD. V. I ' b multam CI- 9 ^A^or^ Matt. IV. 12-23 a 12 12 f. 49 b 4 A \. ca-.^K'.i >cn i ^CV.aOT^a.\ coA'* K'^rc'O I ^i^\ cg.n.a. x.o ^^ 13 I tA^v^.i rd^-irt'o »._cvA^\.i * I rel^TK'^^ '' ijsar^.n re'.i.-ai i *"r^i st rt^ 15 tijc 1 ^:i..>CD ^^SJO ^^ ,^^^or> t\ \. jjui.i I** rC'icnCLl '^'r^^cusa > \ \ \nci 17 I rclxijajt-.i rfA^aaAjso I '''ca\ ^vaifl.i ' •isir^o"*' I o\'i^:sa\ .z^oz^ rC'ocn* K'v^ I *=>el=a-*.i coAu^JJo .a.i.v^'= I 1.^ '^ K'acn ^ i n s .i ' vyK*©"* ^^ 18 -a 20 20 r -I »s3an.Sii\ ^Tur^ I ^.ajjK' *"^'i^ rt'V-wO || »ao^ .^i-oo"* ^^ . cni^ua 21 I »^_OOTCX=srcA"'= cuiajE.' ''I *'^.i ...^cd"* ^^ '^ ^...caK' rCiaa I . »^cn^.T.-S3 22 I crAofiia .jk-ojc*'^ pc'aco I v»VT.^^5ac\ * ^^ cni^va I cd\r<'a '^r<'^ii<\ori-» 23 DissiMiLiA IN Cod. Cureton. *"«-» A_a.t .^oevjULiiAAs is*_a^-*I3 =-A«.^ .>Ai,j. !«•-<= -xeix- + " »a* § 12 ""Pc:j,a_«.rC Vijd isarfi^rCl "pXia ttlsnh^V'^ I4 ^.^A^cSlJIo ,,.^«xjd»:i rCsaeuahs^-^ *"• 's^t pci en oj o »»»"'' pCocd + * 16 icnoiii \'' »^_oAets>i t * 15 .koqj4-'' .-isaniipalQ-'' p:'oeD--'§ 17 vc=>i + ^ '^".r^^o^nl ruil!^ n oocn ^-ijs^i ^-Ll^fCo^ *=-. n r \i\\ jT rri^Joj T-_.-^ ^_^^^_sa -}. b *-VY\cn_jn .tao-* 18 '^mA h^i-a aaca ^'ia — ^ oqcd ^ ifwj ^ ''"ODeucf^L-ard a . ret ft^rg-a i0"i 1 ^ va.i^rf .^^ ^.vco ^ 3 ^rC* cni-a I •^^5' ctA i-SaaK'o rr^liOni-ga ^ I cn^ol .^iiio ^ ^^^ . rc'ocn 4 I .it-CXX^' r3.T cn-SnaA ! pa ji^a.i >V^^ A^rs 1 r<\r«f . rdl^jtcn.i I ri[->ai.o rc'A^OA.lisa"* I ^Acn orA i.mrc'o ^ I rdicn® rdtni^.i K'^cuAsn 10 ijsarc' ^.v» ^° I » *'."!CX^oo^ A^^ ^^ r^ 1 ^-i-lr^ \h\r^ vA ^*v*» vrvcalr^ 1 Xl.T.'^A*^ "^^^^ ,^x*i^A 1 rCn0.1Cl..|A.\.3 I criAo .ICX-^flD^ I ctA oacn ^xJLsa-riao I ''><^t:^ O-g-i-A DissiMiLiA IN Cod. Cureton. •t^Ai.UQ'l ocD^ 3 ..^oAjiA ^ 1 %-iTrCa — *2 '^. rC-x^-tt"" . niJL^ojJT + * I iv. i^C-iia * 5 '^~. TT'T. iij»~^ rcr_L-u ^ Kocn + ^ 4 ^.jociu *" ^aAoji ^ ^ct^vstxso + ^ A_^i '^ VYaoi\ 1 17 — "^ oon — "^ ^~. ^uAikA vyxaj rcrsairC"'* 6 jxtDK'o— " Pf^i-n A^ac^-^S '^. VNCtiAre-o vvi-saA"'' (f. 5a) ..aoi* + ^ 7 A^rC . t-icnAa"^ 9 . ^eriaa_3euz.o^ ^ciiJLa'^ n!-ia\A'^ A_a. e n ^nin rf vvi»^*'^ 000 + '' ti^mnA vyl ^ 10 ^^o.^5j»i\o JL&^T ocn .^jf vyl •^ajD-io rgAnrAao rccno"'' ^K-ia A-&rC c nn 1 t .~^ II SiMILIA IN ALUS CODD. iv. 4 ' D i^ d gi i/is b c f /esus 6 ' a 7// cmtodiant fe 6 = Pesh. om. ttotc 10 ' C D L oTTiaco /xou a c ffj g, aur. retro d /tfj'/ ///^ b retro me 7 « .^cxAViioK* Matt. III. 7-17 r -I - rdia ® rC^Cta^^ I ^ai..i rC"it<:^ Ai^cn o.tsl^ ® I "'r^^r^issA x»^\^:t" ^ 9 I i*i< .^^CV_^ ^'r^r^ ij^jr^"^ I ^acniarC ^ AuK* rciarCl I '^.^^.SOK'^ pfcoa ^° paaov=jpi^\r3 II rc'^rc'.i rdi^K' ^.i oca 1 K'^o.s^AA rdx-^n-s »^__a_^.vaa-2>J 1 oco An t *w \ »coa 1 cw rq I rdiojt.® rdX.i *^ p^Li_»r<' *^ cox^r^LiD Klx-Sii I .i..i..ur<'.i ocn ^^ ^>cncu.T23a.2kJ.i I ^mCU ^oA * r<'\i\^ I pa •^cula rc'^nc' ^.i^cn ^^ 13 I ^K'.i '^^^ .« V f. ^ rCLlrC' crA I vsaK'o ^ A.mCU^ iCoAa^o ^* I ^.licu*^ '^ 14 I jaoajL *"cal 'i.sape'o I •:^az-> T^aA^ ^irC'o >^.TJ2a^^ 15 ^X^cn rs'^curd^ I coAcvA*^ KlLraJ.i A r^r^^ 1 KliACDi AA^ r^Lx^cai cuj^^k' I rc'cno rc^.»?ga ^ ^"fi\t»)0 I ' ."vsa.^ .t^cv"* ^^ ."VSOi^Jl.l ^ I onniT, 16 ^ctoo '''rdicu.i I r<'^a5>a.V3''' ^^uxi.l I K'crArc'.i rtluai K't-uO 1 rtl»,2ax- ,ij3 oco ^K' ' I cnl VSOr^.T r^i-^i t. I ^ ^s^jaj^vx-rc' rdlao ^"^'1 »cnaA^ 17 DissiMiLiA IN Cod. Cureton. fc^cnva_^* 10 rc^riiA'^ '^i^jiaot<~'' #>^^^>». % -. -f ^ g •=-. rcitre-i"^ 7 rtUrs* ^.sajbja rccn^ II ^-. A|W »<"fajA o"^ rc:^\ + '' Ajuacn + " Aojs." '^~. pe"»o-i_3a rdJLtieco:! t^-nova"'^ isUr? t^-CLJU ^ nii o ** nC-JjrC — "^ v ■ tn m ** ni»K M T w ^ 14 ^^ 'TT*' ■ - — ^ . ^97ojlA + * § 13 (f. 4b) .iCDQt-oiitis* 12 «Jsa.Ao-* 16 .TAja.=aA^ eola'^ fcdo'' ^.^eut* eiiA ianrC-* I5 i»oA'' SiMILIA IN ALUS CODD. 9 * c om. ey cavTois 14 ' Pesh. ^ « ■"« - ^1 ocD C Yafam} o Se 'Iwaw/js b c d f ff, ffi q Diat. ?LT. = io/iannes a aur. iohannis 16 ' a om. o'It/ctovs * 17 ' D o-u «. a d /"« ^f 6 * Bianchini a. Jesit Matt. II. 19— III. 7 ,AvJS>3.t en 20 ca.S»3r3.i 21 ''re'A>r<'o cosof^cv I r<^\ \\ cn\nT. >ja || ocoo^^^ ^ rtlLi^.t cojl.^ I oocn 22 K'OCTJ I CDOrtli^iK'.T jSi-OOOut ^.T I .S^TI T. .1^ ^^ A* K* iflo* »<* .1 *= I rd^TKli I k'vmcv''^ ^j»jAA A\pc^*ga.\'* I A.**."! icnoripi' oo.ioicn I ^o.'vn * rd^Lso 23 i:iajk.o ^h\ I rC^r<'o ^^ rc^\«\ \i K'ii^pciA I orA Atrclii ^^X1»i\jjl=j III. I I ^JumCU K'^K' r^h\Jsiyo^ I '^^^co^ * ^ . K*"!.^^ r 2 T<'oco i.saK'o ^ I . rt'.ioca-.i ** K'jj.i-^a.a I r<'oco \i.rk-2>3a rtLi.TS»a.5k.5»3 3 ,a.*^.i ^ cocn ^ I . K'.i..:ga.r..t K'^a ^V tq I coA ^vavo.i AA^ I oao^.i *^rcnaL>. 4 iu-flonc'o rdi.i3i^ I K' r + " IQ , .-loaia^ + * § 22 . A^iaa^rC-l "^ coA + '' ^-l ocn " 21 . o-»^ ■\'w\ + ^ .^_«jcojsQ* § I iii, Kt— u + * 23 '^rCawJUus liiJa-i'' *-. :? ocftj ctiAao* 5 . rs'iji ** i»oeo SiMILIA IN ALUS CODD. 19 ' Pesh. Diat. ar. idem.=Tou jSao-iXt'ws 19 ^ Pesh. Diat. ar. om. iSov 22 '"' Diat. z.r.-=vidtt autem in sonmo iii. i ' D b ff, g, q om. St 3 ' k om. liBtia.'i iroulrt ras rpi^ovi avTov. 4 *" ' Pal. Syr. fere idem. = /x«Ai tou dypoO 5 10 .1 .^o.xV^art' Matt. IT. 9-18 i^K"^ yx^^ r<'^r<'.t I Kfjsa.i-^ • ocn.xia.TJi r^aen I AiK* . rtL»jui.Tta.=3 r<'^a.T»» I K^inqaX ,cooov4» .1^ || ^~»."l »^joiico^° . rdxAJ!^ K'ocn I ^.^jai^x.! coJsar^ I pa^i-ta )av. rdxlJ^i I >cnooVMO r<'Avxn.l oLk-O ^^ I CU.Tm r^^vai II I KLlrj-iaa ctA CiaTJaa I ^„^_ocnh\.'yixEo o.u^^o . coA I 0:1^000 ^ al^Jo rdAi I r^C\\.*xJ3 ..^ooqA >V-M^r<'o ^^ I ''rC'^Oa.Ao K'icLSoa"' ndacni 12 ^cv.Atrc' r^^i-uK* I rd.*>ior3 ^ AA^j^K'.T "^ 1 >3.l-50 rtlAsfl^.i . r^l*A^n 1 Qo.iaicn ^u:aa.i f. 42a I ^.T»co^^ linA ^TA I ^i^so ^^ K'ocn t^sjok'.t I . Klx-ai r<^i.s.T,r<' ^ 16 \\o I i.tx.a »nA^ hv:sxx»^r^ I rtlz.a^i9 ^ ca.=> cu>vs.l I r<\*» .T^ Qo.ioicn ^xJsiVz. ^j.T»cri ^"^ 1 rdjLCl^^ ® orA oiinre'.T I rdA^t.l K'A>0."s»3.'A ^w^a 17 r<'^x:5»3'Va I .^iJsaAvjLK' r<'\n ^® rtLta^ I rtlj_i73"ir<' r^om^ ijs^rc'.i 1^ rC'^Asa 18 I ri>a ** g rf I % T.rC — "^ TJ-a'' i-sare'^nir.l " ""^Aai* re-ocno"^ I5 m\n t.o^ § I4 «^_ocn^ -i-yg^ (f. 3b) oocd + "= ''■v. ^ \- ..^orJLaA-'' •...OJO' + * § 16 ^jsat ° ^ocD — *• ^OCD — * 18 rCooo— "^ »tD + * 17 ^j-Xoo + ^ . en-ioacijui» SiMILIA IN ALUS CODD. II '"' Pesh. idem. Diat. ar. = koI cr/xvpyav koI XijSavov. 13 ' Pesh. Diat. ar. om. iSov 14 ' a b c gi q Diat. ar. = Joseph Pesh. idem. 18 '"' D L Opr]vo^vJtQ.i -\^ 22 I ^ A-Lso^pc'.t * >3.T.»J I rdA-^sivJ.T A>ocn.i ^n \\ K'.ico ^^ . jCOOcoJa^ 23 I :Sr^h\Ci ^.\=3^ rC^a^ I rfca ^^ r^'oco isorCl I rClai rd^l-rdrj'^ Kii»i 25 I »^az^ CTUSOJ. K'-uio*' ^'"rc'ia I ca\ ^^1*0"'*^^ ''"cn^^ar<:l 1 'Us.ia"'' II. I rtlilso oo.ioico I >^SQCU=3 r^^aca^i po-ua 1 ^ura »2^az^ .•il»d\r<' :iAO 2 rdaltrC * I ^ijajK'o^ )iAx."iarai*-.i K'H^ajo r^licoA I >=»^ ».^cq\a* .jlI^o ^ cn»i:*- I >aix."ioni' orA^o 5 A\x=3 coA I ' ^H-sar^ ^ . r^Uxj-XJsn .'wI.Avjsj | Kla.LK'.i '' »^cvcnA isflrc'a 6 Avxa I t^r^ J^r^Ck^^ r^i i in I .n*^ "^^^^ KLl-^on I . K'.ioca..*.! po-uA 1 t^^jusi p^.iacti..! rd^iia '^ I ^Jsa r^i-*-^ ^ocn '^ rd\ I r<'.ic\ofi-..T ^ >»t i \ 7 ctt.ioicn ^x»cn "^ 1 A-»i pa tK" »*7i s\ ,cncu^.i^ I oco.i r c^\\'? 3 ^o^J ''■'\. ^r^.T^.l I ^jOcoi K'oco .iri n s'pbo I f-l_iacx*»*' I oA\ ' ooco I ov«».i ocn KiaAOA »^_aotA I iV*»^r<'o aiirt* r^^iAsw.T * I rdJ.TxiOA DissiMiLiA IN Cod. Cureton. ^)CL\ji\iu.s>al '' PCi-xiix—io^ 23 (f. 2b) nr iaak* ^o.a.3 ** i_san!'i»re'-T ^ 22 fe:A3«-3k crLsa-^ rCoCD -isa-^ i\_»nCj-aio~* 25 **" ^uiiiaA m%:sia~^ if\'\*r<'^ § 24 **'. fcr » urn -I cn.aAftA"'' rf* t »rc^ 2 § I ii. i\ij>o'' *"r«S.aA eDi»Tl-.i rC^o'i^'n'^ livjocn" ^Ar^«.y nosier. 25 '"' k om. ovk tytWo-xcv avr^v Iws o5 ii. 5 ' Diat. ar. om. Se 6 'Dabcdfgikq Pesh. Diat. ar. om. yu ^ ' Pesh. idem. Diat. ar. = venite 3 ■ *=3 fc__cui^ar<' Matt. I. 12-21 A-.f<'AvArint\pcil rrAoK' 14 I .lAorS' .TCulr<'^^^ * noAr^* I .lAort' ^ i \r^ ^»-^r€\ .lAorc' I jao.T^ 15 >3Qn^» ^^ .j3QnSi\ I .tIopC' ,.^_^^ »^__^V2>a\ 1 .iXor^ i^^A>^ ivi^^rdX 16 .l\ar<' "^ I . pc'^aiua pa*"i:s3 crA ^ocn I r<'i»AS>3.i .<\ft>cu"' ^ .QkOffoA I :Aorc' 'o. .0' '"pg^u iTrq I r^Toixso."! *^ .^.OjeA K'Ava'ii. "^ .T.O.A 1 KiiJa.Vk-'' poooiart' ^-533 1 Pt'^ir. ^Acn^ ^crA^^'^ 17 >r»"T.i»3 ^ocn I pc'Tj-^so .1^ K'ocn r^Lx^co I r^tjjL.x.g.^g.i ^ ^.1 cn.A* ^® 18 KlA^ 1 ^VMA^vx.r*' .Tu h\OA .Tj* I ^.^Oaixi^ rdi .T^ >^QPQ i\ I cojsarc' ."Ui ^° coAA.T^ 1 ^rClLcnra.i *= >-^i^t<'o I pa^ijsaX coxfloi^^.i r^acn I r-ik-i^t<' I ^.1 ^cd I Oco %j\^^r^ '^ poa-VSol I >,aoa.^aa\ ^ Ajj.i^ rjl3 Tj.^ acn I .^.O-z^ co-Sajt. K'vd^O* I t f. 56b DissiMiLiA IN Cod. Cureton. re'ioi>-so.T — *= i»iJLl icd" oeD*l6 ieuArf^lS .iculAi^^ 14 (f. 2a) rroen re-i-aXjl" ml.^^ — ^ig § 18 ^_»ocn+'= re:£nX^a h's^ Xulcd* § 17 V\ i»i-».Asa '^ ioTiJaA "= .ruJA ^ + "^ . "vbtcuilA + ^ 20 rs'ocD + = ''- rrlnila SlMILIA IN ALUS CODD. 16 ^~^ fam}^ tOl" \ A .lAoK' I ja.*jJaa_»r<' ji4j.fia-> rd.1 .lAoK' 1 ^coisK' 3 iiJ3^ ^»3 A»"i\Xa I -i^ .i^or^ K'.toco* ^ I jcnoiJK'a * ix'.tooaA .i\or^ 4 .-^i^.^^V .'tXoK' I ^niK'^ -p^r^ :%\cir._a t u.\ >^^COr.»\\ :»Aor<' I .j.iA i .-aa.s, I .lAorc' T^a^'^ ^cui-'i'' 1 f.'=n 1 1 s\ ^ .iAok' v-i^ l .a.*»i ^»> V^^ 6 I ^ .^ccaAjcA^ oAoK' I .i-»o.i rdrAsa .T^o.tA I .tAoK' vJC-.rC ^ >-s:-*rdA 7 .tAor<' I ^i.vajji >.^a.jjiA aAorc* I «.__cusa-\-x.^ "^ rtl.iaK'.i cr>A>^iK' ' 8 I A^S^cu'' J5^a.x-CU.\^ nAor<' I r^florc'^ . rdtor^A •T^orc' 1 r«liL=jr<' rdtnrcA g . ^^cx^ .'lAar*' I rSl»\Q.s\ ^ .lAoK' I ^ia* ** TaictA*^ .tAop^ 10 .tAoK* I rcCxuV-** ^^ . rdx-flV-uA .tAoK' I V-^^r^ V-»ra^a-* 11 I r3rcna«Kl\o rdxi^CuX .'UOr<' DissiMiLiA IN Cod. Cureton (British Museum, Add. 14,451). ii>R-a.'= . i\ft_a.i rC '' i=c\^ * 5 loicvJuncT-Ao^ 2 CDi»*AoJl>'.T * I (fib) .^oiacriJ-X " .\ °> T.ocn-»'' -\ "^ ■>««■« . \" R ^^ . \ ■»■ ^ y ,^_ft j n 1 ' t \ ^ 6 SiMILIA IN ALUS CODD. 6 ' Pesh . = + uxore B I O -w ""^sls^. J-»««^j«JUliji' 1^ SINAI PALIMPSEST [Foi.. 82/0 Script sup. : EUPHROSYNE Script inf. : Matthew i. i-iya ( V ) LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS IN THE SIMILIA. hi Codex Sinaiticus, found by Tischendorf on Mount Sinai, now in St. Petersburg, ed. Tischendorf. Cent. IV or V. A Codex Alexandrinus in the British Museum, ed. Woide-Cowper. Cent, V. B Codex Vaticanus, in Rome, ed. Angelus Maius. Cent. IV. or V. C Codex Ephraemi Rescriptus, ed. Tischendorf, in the Bibliotheque Nationale, Paris. Cent. V. D Codex Bezae, in the University Library, Cambridge, ed. Scrivener. Cent. VI. L Codex Regius, in the Bibliotheque Nationale, Paris, ed. Tischendorf. Cent. VIII. fam} Codex i of the Gospels and its aUies (ii8, 131, 209), ed. Kirsopp Lake. Codex i is in the University Library, Basle. Cent. X. fam}^ The Ferrar Group. 13 Codex Regius (50) of the Bibliotheque Nationale, Paris ; 69 Codex Leicestrensis ; 124 at the Imperial Library, Vienna; 346 in the Ambrosian Library at Milan, and others. Collated by W. H. Ferrar; ed. T. K. Abbott. Cent. XII— XV. a Codex Vercellensis, in the Cathedral, Vercelli, ed. Bianchini. Cent. IV. b Codex Veronensis, in Verona, ed. Bianchini. Cent. IV or V. c Codex Colbertinus, in Paris, ed. Sabatier. d Codex Bezae Cantabrigiensis, ed. Scrivener. Cent. VI. e Codex Palatinus Vindobonensis, ed. Tischendorf. Cent. IV or V. f Codex Brixianus, in Brescia, edd. Bianchini and Wordsworth-White. Cent. VI. fFi Codex Corbeiensis I, in St. Petersburg, ed. Bianchini. Cent. X. ffg Codex Corbeiensis II, in the Bibliotheque Nationale, Paris (Lat. 17,225), ed. Buchanan. Cent. VII. g Codex Sangermanensis I, in the Bibliotheque Nationale, Paris, ed. Wordsworth. Cent, VIII. i Codex Vindonensis, in Vienna, ed. Belsheim. Cent. V or VI. k Codex Bobbiensis, in the National Library, Turin (G. VII, 15), edd. J. Wordsworth, W. Sanday, and H. J. White. Cent. V. n A fragment in St. Gallen. Old Latin Biblical Texts, edd. Wordsworth, Sanday, and White. Cent. V. o idem. Cent. VII. p idem. Cent. VII or VIII. q Codex Monacensis, in the Royal Library of Munich, ed. H. J. White. Cent. VI or VII. ri Codex Usserianus, in Trinity College, Dublin, ed. T. K. Abbott. Cent. VII— X. ABBREVIATIONS IV s Fragment from Bobbio, in the Ambrosian Library at Milan. Old Latin Biblical Texts, No. II, edd. Sanday, Wordsworth, White. Cent. VI. t Fragment in Berne, ed. O. L. B. T., No. II. Cent. V. a-j Fragment in Coire, ed. O. L. B. T., No. II. Cent. V. aur. Codex Aureus, in the National Library, Stockholm, ed. Belsheim. Cent. VII or VIIL Pesh. The Peshitta Syriac Version of the Gospels, ed. GwiUiam. Diat. ar. The Arabic Translation of Tatian's Diatessaron, ed. Ciasca from two MSS in the Vatican Library. Cent. XI. Pal. Syr, Lectionary. The Palestinian Syriac Lectionary of the Gospels extant in the so-called " Evangeliarium Hierosolymitanum " of the Vatican, ed. Miniscalchi Erizzo, and in two Codices in the Convent of St. Catherine on Mount Sinai, ed. Lewis and Gibson. Cent. XI and XII. Diatessaron = Moesinger. Evangelii Concordantis Expositio Facta a Sancto Ephraemo, ed. Dr. Georgius Moesinger. Isho'd., Isho'dad. Commentary on the Four Gospels, ed. Margaret D. Gibson. Cent. IX. (Not yet published.) Aug. Iren. Amb. Tertull. = Augustine, Irenaeus, Ambrose, Tertullius. — before a word (in the Dissimilia) = omit. *^.* Belsheim's editions of i and aur. have been freshly collated for the present work ; i by Dr. E. Kadlec, of Vienna ; aur. by Mrs. Dr. Gibson and myself. ( III ) ERRATA Page 25, Similia, „ 26, )> „ 26, j> 57, » „ 70, » 81, Similia, » 87, 96, » 97, Similia, „ loi, » „ 108, j» „ 128, >> » 129, Dissimilia, » 130, „ J 34, „ 136, Similia, „ 142, Dissimilia, „ 184, ,) „ 195, Similia, „ 228, Dissimilia, „ 229, Similia, » 240, J, „ 253, Dissimilia, line 3, For vidire , Ferr. 3- 4. 10. 13- 3- „ ea quae „ dome read videre „ fam}^ dine \ — I \A. 4 rCa CD «A ncocDo Delete aur, <^(f/^r^ om. tvOvs* r -I „ 8. /^^r pC-ir^JLV rm^ CDSirO.:! lines 15, 16. Remove ^ to before .AAju^rco „ 2. T^?/' c d f read b c d f „ 8. „ habant ,, habent „ I. „ fam} fam}'^ tlTTtv avrC^ read Pesh. idem, fam} fam^^ ctTrei' avrw lines 4, 5. Delete 9 ^ b e aur. om. ovv line 2. For yjiSijats^ read ^o«\ith C7/reton'\] read ixxj^i [7olt/i Burkitt^ * This is due to a variation between the Ccdex Aureus snd Belsheim's edition of it. t The Cureton MS. is here defaced by a deep brown stain, and at fir!^t sight it appears to have A^-T ; but on examining the word with a mngnifjing glass, one can see the x of i»xs:i . APPENDIX IV. CHANGES IN THE ENGLISH TRANSLATION* which have been made necessary by the latest emendations in the syriac text. St. Matthew. II. 2 and they say f 9 But they, when they had received the commandment of the king, departed. III. 3 This is he | V. 2o Delete of heaven % VIII. 4 as Moses commanded, that it may be a testimony unto them.J \6 For a word rejd His word t 21 Now another of the disciples said to Him, My Lord f 24 And there was a great storm in the lake, and it was near to be covered with the waves (< r was almost covered). 26 And Jesus said unto them, Why are ye fearful .-' 29 Art Thou come hither to make us ashamed ? And a herd was feed- ing together beyond them. IX. I, 2, 3 And He went up to the boat, and passing over. He went to His city ; and they came to Him and brought near a paralytic lying on a bed. And when our Lord saw their faith He said to that paralytic, Fear not, My son, thy sins are forgiven thee. 3 But some of the scribes said. This one blasphemeth. 4 When our Lord saw their thoughts, He said unto them. Why think ye evil in your heart } whether is it easier to say, 10 And when they were sitting at meat in the house, many sinners and publicans came, arid while they ate, they sat at meat beside our Lord and beside His disciples. * This will be found in Dr. Burkitt's translation of the Curetonian text in his Evan- gelion (ia-Mepharreshe, with the foot-notes ; also in my "Some Pages of the Four Gospels Re- transcribed from the Sinaitic Palimpsest"; or published separately by Messrs. C.J, Clay and Sons, Cambridge University Press, Ave Maria Lane, London. t As in Curcton. J As in my translation. il CHANGES IN THE ENGLISH TRANSLATION Matt. IX. II Wherefore with publicans and sinners are ye eating and drinking ? § 22 Fear not, My daughter. XL 4 And our Lord answered and said unto them, 5 and the lepers are cleansed. 23 And thou, Capernaum, which art exalted to heaven, shalt go down unto Sheol ; for if in Sodom the mighty works had been seen that have been seen in you, it would have been standing until this day. 29 And take up My yoke upon you, and learn of Me, for I am meek, I am lowly in My heart. | XII. 3 what David did when he was hungry.f 4 how he entered into the house of God and . . . the shew-bread. 7 what is, Mercy I seek and not sacrifice,! 22 Then they brought near unto Him a certain man in whom was a blind and deaf demon, and He healed him. XIV. 8 Now she, because she had been taught by her mother.f 9 And it grieved the king ; but because of the oath, and because of them that sat at meat,\ 12 and his disciples took up his corpse and buried it, and came and told Jesus. 13, 14 Now Jesus, when He heard, He departed thence to a desert place alone. And when the crowds who were from the cities heard [it], they went their way after Him on foot. 14 And when many were gathered together, He had compassion on them, and healed their sick ones. 15 And when it was evening, His disciples say unto Him, The place is desert : dismiss the multitudes, that they may go to the villages and buy themselves food. 16 He said unto them, It is not required for them to go ; give ye them to eat. 17, 18 They say unto Him, [We] have nothing here, [but] five [loaves] and two fishes. 18 He saith unto them, 20 and they took up what was over of the fragments from before them twelve baskets full.f t As in Curcton. % As in my translation. § As conjectured in Dr. Burkitt's text. CHANGES IN THE ENGLISH TRANSLATION ill Matt. XIV. 21, 23 And those that ate [were] five thousand, besides children and women. And He commanded His disciples that they should sit in the boat and go before Him to the other side of the lake, until He should dismiss those multitudes. 23 And when He had dismissed them, 25 But in the fourth watch of the night Jesus came unto them walk- ing on the water.f XV. 2 for they wash not their hands and eat bread. XVI. 9 and the five thousand who ate of them, XVIII. 19 If two of you shall agree upon earth about everything, what they shall ask shall be theirs from My Father which is in heaven. XXII. 30 For amongst the dead, 30 but [they are] as the angels of God in heaven.:}: 44 Sit Thou on My right hand, till I set Thine enemies beneath Thy feet. 45 And if David call Him my Lord, how is He his son ? XXIV. 2 There shall not be left here a stone upon a stone, that shall not be destroyed (KaraXvOtjaeTat). XXV. II But at the last those virgins came, saying, Our Lord, our Lord, open to us. XXVI. 2 Ye know [that] after two days [is] the Passover.:}: 3 Then assembled together the chief priests and the elders of the people to the palace of Caiapha the high priest, 5 They said, Not on the feast [day] and not on the Passover, lest there be a tumult among the people. 10 she hath wrought a beautiful and a good work on Me. 59 and all the assembly sought witness[es] against Him [even] against Jesus, so as to put Him to death, and found [them] not.§ 60 And many false witnesses came, and they were not able to speak the truth. At the last came two other false witnesses, saying, 66 What will ye more (//V. yet) .-• XXVII. 37 While they were sitting. t As in Cureton. J As in my translation. § As in Dr. Burkitt's translation. iv CHANGES IN THE ENGLISH TRANSLATION St. Mark. III. 22 Beelzebub is in Him, and by the chief of the demons this one casteth out demons, and calleth them. 23 And He called them, and spake unto them in parables, and said, 28 Verily, verily, I say unto you, 29 But whosoever shall blaspheme against the Spirit, he shall not 1 e forgiven, but he shall be guilty of sin[s] for ever. 31 And when His brothers and His mother came, they were standin.^ without, and they sent to Him to call Him ; the crowd was sitting around Him. IV. I and He went down and sat in a ship by the lake 6 and because there was no depth of earth below its root, and it sprouted in the sun that was on it, and it withered. V. 18 And when He had gone up. He sat in the boat ; the man in whom the demon [had been] {lit. he of the demon) besought Him that he might be with Him. VI. 21 he made a supper to his lords, and to his chiliarchs, to the chiefs of Galilee 55 they ran to the whole region^ VIII. 2 and there is nothing that they may eat. 12 He was troubled in His spirit, and said, 25 and again He put His hand on the eyes of the blind man, XII. 19 that when a man's brother died, and he had a wife, and left no seed, his brother shall take her, that he may raise up seed unto his brother. 20 and the first took a wife, and died, and left no seed ; and the second took her, and died, and neither did he leave seed. 21, 22 and the third likewise, and the seven had her. 27 and behold, God is not the God of the dead. XV. 5 But Jesus gave them no answer, [so] that Pilate wondered. 6 and at the feast he released unto them one prisoner, whomsoever they asked at the feast. 13 But those [people] cried out. Crucify Him, crucify Him. XVI. 4 and they went, and saw that this stone was rolled [away]. X As in my translation. changes in the english translation v St. Luke. I. 70 as He spake by the mouth of His holy prophets, J which have bee?i from everlasting. 80 and he fled into the desert until the day of his shewing unto Israel. n. 8 Now shepherds were there in that place, and they were awake and were keeping watch over their ewes. 9 An angel of the Lord appeared unto them, standing, and the glory of the Lord shone upon them. 12 Behold, I give you a sign. IV. 35 Shut thy mouth, and come out of him. 44, V. I And He was preaching in the synagogues of Judaea and in the crowd which was crushing that it might hear from Him the word of God. V. 17 and while they came out of every village of Galilee, of Judaea, and of Jerusalem ; 18 and behold, people brought a certain man in a bed, sick of the palsy. 19 they went up to the house-top, 21 and the scribes and the Pharisees were reasoning and saying, 22 But Jesus, knowing their thoughts,! 22 Why reason ye in your hearts .'' 25 and he went to his house, glorifying God.f 26 And astonishment took hold of them, and they were all glorifying God, and saying, We have seen glorious great [things] to-day. VI. 33 And if ye do good to him who doeth what is good by you, what is your kindness } VII. 28 there hath not arisen among those that are born of women a prophet greater than John, but the least in the kingdom of God is greater than he. VIII. 19 And His mother and His brothers came to Him, and could not see, and were waiting because of the crowd. 49 And while He was speaking, there came from the house of the ruler of the- synagogue some who were saying unto Him, t As in Cureton. % As in my translation. Vi CHANGES IN THE ENGLISH TRANSLATION Luke IX. 17, 18, 19, 20 And they did all eat. And they took up of what remained over twelve baskets full. And while He was praying alone, and His disciples with Him. He asked them, saying, What do the crowds say about Me, that I am .'' And they say unto Him, Some say, He is John the Baptist ; others say. He is Elias. He saith unto them, What say ye that I am ^ 22 and in three days He shall rise4 25 if he gain the whole world, and lose and destroy himself {or his life) ? 26 Whoso shall be ashamed of Me and My words before men, the Son of a man shall be ashamed of him when He cometh in glory with the holy angels. 52 and they went,| and entered into a village of the Samaritans, that they might make ready for Him. X. 3 Go, behold I send you as lambs among wolves. 4 Take not for yourselves purses, nor scrip, nor shoes,! and salute no man by the way. 6 if there be not, it shall return upon you. 21 that Thou hast hid these things from the wise and from the prudent.f XL 17 Now He, when He knew their meditation, said unto them,t 19 And if by Beelzebub I cast out unclean spirits from your children, your children — by what do they cast them out ? 26 Then goeth it [and] leadeth seven others that are worse than itself ; 37, 38 and He entered and sat down U meat, and they marvelled why He had not washed before His breakfast. Xn. 31 Ye, therefore, seek the kingdom of God.*| XHL 6 and he came seeking fruit in it, and found none. 19 and it grew up and became a tree ; and the fowls of the heaven nested in its branches.f 32 Go ye and tell that fox,|| I cast out demons, XV. 12 And he divided unto them all his property.§ * The Syriac word which means "therefore" (= ovv) has been traced on the MS. by Dr. Gregory. t As in Cureton. % As in my translation. § As in Dr. Burkitt's translation. || Or " vixen." CHANGES IX THE ENGLISH TRANSLATION vii Luke XVI. 1 6 since then the kingdom of God is preached, and all men press into it. 23 And being cast into Sheol, he lifted up his eyes. XVII. 17 Jesus answered and said, These were ten that have been cleansed, XIX. I And when He had entered and passed through Jericho, 4 because thus Jesus was passing by.f 7 And when they saw [it] they murmured, saying.J 12 A certain man, who was the son of a great family, 28 And when He had said these things, they went out from there.f J XX 12 And he sent another, a third, and that one also they cast out with stripes. 33 In the resurrection, to which of them shall she belong ? XXI. 31 know ye that the kingdom of heaven is nigh at hand. XXII. 45 And He rose from His prayer, and came unto His disciples,t J XXIII. 18 Take away this one, and release Bar-Abba| 39 Art Thou not the Saviour .■* Save Thyself to-day, and also us. 53, 54 And he took it down, and wrapped it in a shroud, and laid it in a hewn tomb, in w^hich no man hitherto had been laid. 54 And that same day was Friday.f XXIV. 39, 41 For a spirit hath not flesh and bones, as ye see that I have, 41 And while until that time they had not believed from their joy and from their fear, and they were astonished, He said again unto them, « 46 Thus it behoved the Christ that He should suffer, and should rise from among the dead in three days ; St. John. I. 29 and the next day he saw our Lord coming unto him, and he said, 32 I saw the Holy Spirit [Who] descended from heaven, and abode upon Him. 36 and he looked upon our Lord as He walked, and said, Behold the Christ, the Lamb of God. 41 And Andrew saw Simon his brother at the dawn of day, and saith unto him. My brother, we have found the Messiah. 42 Our Lord beheld him, and said t As in Cureton. J As in my translation. VIU CHANGES IN THE ENGLISH TRANSLATION John III. 14 And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so is the Son of Man to be lifted up. 21 and he that doeth good comelh near to the light, that his work[s] may be seen, that they are wrought in God. 31 And he that cometh from heaven is above them all. 32 and that which he heareth or seeth he beareth witness of. 33 But he who hath received his witness hath sealed that God is true.| 35 but He loveth His Son, 36 but the wrath of God shall be upon him. IV. I, 2 Now when our Lord knew that the Pharisees had often heard that He made many more disciples than John, because it was not only our Lord who baptized, but His disciples, 21 Woman, believe me.f V. 18 and He was comparing Himself with God.J 19 The Son can do nothing of Himself, which He doth not also see the Father do ; and he doeth [nothing] except what the Father hath done. The Son also doeth likewise. 20 and more than these He sheweth Him, that ye may wonder. 21 For as the Father quickeneth the dead, and raiseth them,t 23 that every man may honour the Son, as he honoureth the Father. He who honoureth not the Son, neither doth he honour the Father Who hath sent Him.jl 25 The hour cometh f VI. 1 1 and He gazed up at heaven, and blessed upon it, and brake them, and distributed tJiem to His disciples, that they might set them before the sitters. 12 and when they were filled, our Lord said unto His disciples, 19 And when they had brought it about five stadia or thirty, and they saw Jesus, Who came walking on the water, and He wished to pass by them ; and when He drew near to their ship, they became pale with their fear. 21 immediately the ship was at the land whither they were going. t As in Cureton. % As in my translation. II Almost as in Cureton. CHANGES INT THE ENGLISH TRANSLATION ix John VI. 22 And the next day there was a crowd ; and it saw that there was a certain boat in which His disciples had crossed ; and our Lord Himself was not with them ; and no other ship was beside them save the one into which the disciples had ascended. 25 Now when they had found Him, they said unto Him, Our Lord, when earnest Thou hither ? 5 1 and he who eateth of My bread shall live for ever. 69 And we ourselves have believed and known that Thou art the Christ, the Son of God. VH. II Where is He, He.?" 45 And those officers returned, and came unto those multitudes and unto the Pharisees,^ 48, 49 For who of the chief men or of the Pharisees hath believed on Him, only the mob which knoweth not the law } VHI. 22 The Jews say among themselves, Will He perhaps kill Himself, that He saith, 24 I said unto you, that ye will die in your sins. 33 They say unto Him, We be Abraham's seed, and never hath bond- service been done by us. IX. 2 His disciples say unto Him, Of whom was the sin, this one, or his kinsfolk, when he was born blind .-' 9 some say that this is he. 15 He said unto them, He painted clay upon them, and opened them, and I washed, and they were opened. 16 And they were disputing one with the other about this terrible(i') thing. 20 But his parents answered, saying, X. 4 and each of his own foUoweth him, because the sheep know his voice. 24 And the Jews clamoured * round about Him, saying unto Him, Till when dost Thou keep us in doubt \or take up our breath] ? 29 because the Father, Which gave them to Me, is greater than all. * I adopt the late Dr. Merx's clever emendation of ^ ^\ j* for the illegible word which I read . . :^o in 1895. The same word is used in Mark xv. 8. X As in my translation. X CHANGES IN THE ENGLISH TRANSLATION John X, 38 and ye shall know that I am in the Father, and My Father is in Me, 39 and again after these things they sought to take Him, 40 and went His way beyond Jordan to the place where John had baptized of old there. 41 And many came unto Him ; and they said, John showed no sign, but he spake all these things truly about this man. XI. 2 Now Mary is she who washed the feet of Jesus, her brother (the brother of this one) was that Lazar who was sick, 18 Now Bethany was distant from Jerusalem fifteen stadia, which are two miles. 21 And Martha saith unto Jesus, Xn. 29 and the people" who were standing there and heard // wondered, 37 and for all the miracles and great signs which He did, they believed not in Him. 39, 40 And again he saith. They have blinded their eye. 43 They loved the glory of men more than that of God. 44 But Jesus cried out and said, He who is not like unto Me is not like unto Him that sent Me. And he who believeth in Me, believeth not in Me, but in Him that sent Me, 45 And he who seeth Me seeth Him that sent Me. 46 I have come a light into the world. 48 Now he that asketh* Me, and receivcth not My words, XHI. 22 Now His disciples looked one on another, wondering of whom He perhaps spake (He might be speaking). 23 One of the disciples of Jesus, the one whom our Lord loved, 29 For they thought, that because Judah had the bag (the bag was with Judah) 32 And it is God who glorifieth Him in Himself; and He will straight- way glorify Him. XIV, 24 He who loveth Me not keepeth not My words and this word that ye hear ; and that word is not Mine, but His that sent Me. 28 Ye have heard that I said, I go away, and I come beside you. * The Syriac word was traced on the MS, by Dr, Gregory. CHANGES IN THE ENGLISH TRANSLATION xi John- XV. 4 as the branch cannot yield fruit while it is not placed in the vine, 6 And he who abideth not in Me is cast out as a branch which is withered and cast out, and gathering it they cast it into the fire, that it may be burned. 7 But if ye abide in Me, and My words in you, all that ye wish to ask shall happen to you. 8 because the Father will be glorified when ye yield much fruit. 24 And if I had not done in their presence [lit. eyes] the works which none other man did, they had not had sins, but now they have seen My works, and have hated Me, and have hated My Father. XVI. 14. 15 and shall declare it unto you ; for what is the Father's is Mine. XVII. 21 that they all may be one, even as Thou, My Father, art in Me, and I in Thee, that they also may abide in Me, that the world may believe that Thou hast sent Me. XVIII. 10 Then Simon Peter drew his sword. APPENDIX V. INDEX TO THE ARABIC DIATESSARON. This Index was drawn up for me by the late Mr. E. J. Worman, of the University Library. I hope that by its help students may be enabled to verify the references in my " Similia." I have not detected a single mistake in it myself St. Matthew. Matt. I. 1 8-2 5a . . II. 1^-23 III. ib-ia 4-10, 13, 14-15. i^/', CHAP. Diat. n 17 . . IV. 2a, 2b-7 . 10, lib. 12, 13-16 . 17a, 18-22 24 . . . V. la, 2-10, 11(5-12, 13- 16, 17-2 5«, 25^-32. 33-42, 43- 46^, 47-48 VI. 1-8, ()b-iS, 19-23 . 24-27, 28^-31, 32-34. VII. I, 6, i2-i6a, 17-18, 19-23, 25-27 . . 28-29 VIII. 1-5^, 5(5-6, 7-^, lob-iT, i6a, 17 18, 19-20, 24^:, 25, 2Sb in III IV IV V VI V VII vni IX IX X X XI XI VI XI IX. I ... . 8a, 8b . . . 9b ... . 18^-19, 26-33, CHAP. Diat. XII VII VI XII 35 VII, XII 36 XII X. la, ^b-ioa, lob, lOc- 14a, IS ... . XII 16-27, i8b, 28c, 29- 33, 36-42 . . . xni XI. i, 2a XIII II, 12^, 12C-IS . . XIV 20-24, 28-30 ... XV XII. 1-2^, 5-8, II-I2 . . VII 14-21 VIII 22-23. 24, 25-26^, 26b, 27-29, 32-34, 36-37 . XIV 38-39, 40, 4i,45<5,46rt;, 46b, 47-50 . . . XVI XIII. 1-4^, 5-6, 12-16, 17, i8b, ig-2ia,2ib-22a, 2T,b XVI 11 APPENDIX V. Matt. chap. XIII. 24-sia, SIC, S2b, 33^- 34«, 34^-35. 36-54^. 55-57^ . . Diat. XVII XIV. I, 2b, 5, \2b, i^a, \^a, 16-1 7 a, 18, igb-2oa, 21, 24 . . . . XVIII 25, 26-33 .... XIX XV. 3-4a, 7-9, 12-14, 15- i6a, 18, 20-2 1 <7, 223- 28a, 28b .... XX 29-30^, 3ob-S2, 33-39 XXIII XVI. la XXIII 2b-4a XIV 4b, 7-8a, II- 1 2, I3<^- 2ia XXIII 14b XVIII 22, 2Sb, 27 . . . . XXIII 28b XXIV XVII. I, 2b, 4b, Sa, Sb, 6-9, lob, 12^-13, 1 4b, 14c, I4tai. XLIX . . LI . XLIX 12-14, 15-17^. 17/^-18, 19, 20-22 24-25 . . . . . 26<^-28, 29^-30 . 31^32^, 32^, S4d, 36, 39-40rt,40<^-42 7,42<5- 43.44,45^,47 . . L LI L LI Matt. chap. XXVII. 48^, 49, 51-54^, 54<^, S6a, 56^, 58<;, 6od, 62d-66 . , . Dmt. Lii XXVIII. la, Id, 2a-b, 2C-4, 5-6 LII 7 a, 7c, Sa, 8b-io, \ib~ 15 Liii 16-17, iSb, 19-20 , LV St. Mark. Mark I. 12-13^ . 15 . . 29b, 33 . 35-38, 39* 4i-45« . chap. Dial. IV V VI VII . XXII II. I, 2, 8-1 2rt, \2b, 14, 21-22, 24(^-27 III. 4/5-5 . . 7^-12, 14-15 20 . . . 21 . . . 26b, 28-30 . 31*. . . VII VII VIII XIV VII XIV XVI IV. 7^, d,b, lo-ii, 1 3/5, 14, i9<5 XVI 22-23 VIII 24^-25 X 26-29 XVI 30^, 31/5, S2b-ssa, 33^, 34^ ..... XVII 35«. 36^.36*»38^, 39*- 40a XI V. 2b, Zb-4a, 4b-$a, 5^- 7 a, Jb, izb, i6b . . XI CHAP. v. 20-2 J ^7, 23^, 24/5- JO, 33«, 34*, 37-39. 4ob- 41, 42^ . . . Dtat. XII VI. 2, 4/5, 5-6^:, 6^ . . . XVII 8b, ga,iib. . . . XII 12-13 XIII 14^, I 5^-16, 17-20, 21- 29 XVIII 30-31 XIV 33,34*, 36,40,41.45. XVIII 51/5-52, 54«, 54/5-56 . XIX VII. 1-5, 8a-g, io<5-i3, 14- 16, 17^, i8b-ig, 21- 23, 24^-26^:, 2gb, 30. XX 31-37 XXI VIII. 3^, ii^-i2«, 12^15, 17^2 Irt:,22-27rt:, 3 1^- 32«, 33^.34^,35.37- 38 XXIII 39 XXIV IX. 2/5-3, 5*. 9^> gb-ioa, 11-12,13-14,17, 19- 20, 2ib-26a, 27, 28- 30rt, sob • . . . XXIV IV APPENDIX V. Mark chap. IX. 32-33^, 35. 36^, 38 Diat. xxv ^ob XIII 43, 46(5-49^, 49^: . . xxv X. 1-5^, 10-12, i3<^-i6 . xxv i^-K^a, \(^b, 21a, 23 XXVIII 24, 26-27, ^9^> 30^-31 XXIX 32, 33^^-34^, 35-40 . XXX 41-44, 466, 47a, 48^^- 51 XXXI XI. 2d, 6d, lob i2-i$a. 16, iga . .XXXIX . XXXII XXXIII . XXXII 19-20, 21-23, 24-26, 28<^-29«,3a:,32<5-33 xxxiii XII. 3-5« .... XXXIII I4d-isa, 24b, 26b, 2'jb, 28b, 28<:-30«,3i,32- 34^:, 34^ . . . . XXXIV 37'^-39. 40. ... XL 41-42^:, 44 ... . XXXII XIII. lb, 3, 6c, ya, 10, lib . XLI 15-16, 20, 21, 23, 24a, 33-37 .... XLII Mark chap. XIV. 1-2 Dt'at. XLI Sa, sc, 4, 5^, 6b, yb, Sb-g .... XXXIX iia, 12, i3<^, 15^-16, l8<^-20, 21 . . . XLIV 22^, 23^, 23^-24^, ^Ob XLV 30b XLIX 31 . . . . . . XLV 35^-36^, 37^, 38^, 40, 41^-42^, 44/:, 51-52 XLVIII 57^-59. 59> 60, 6irt,63«, 64^, 65^:, 65*^ . . XLIX 6Sb XLVIII 69^, 71 XLIX XV. IC XLIX 3, 8-9^, 13, 15^.. L 20^, 21b, 23a, 2y, 28, 2gb, 34 ... . LI 36*^, 40^, 40 50-5 1» 52-53 . L LI LII LI LII LII LIII LIV LV St. John. John I. 1-5 7-17 .... 18-28, 29-31, 32-34 35-51 .... CHAP. Diat. I III IV V CHAP. II. i-ii . . . . Diat. V 14^, 14^-15, 16, 17- 22 XXXII 23^-25 ..... XV INDEX TO THE ARABIC DIATESSARON Vll John chap. III. I-2I . . . Diat. XXXII 22-36 VI IV. i-3« VI 4-45^: XXI 45^ XXIII 46-54 VI V. irt XXX 1-47 XXII VI. \b, 2b-^a, 5^-9, 10, 12-13, 14-18 . . XVIII \(^a, 21, 22-61 . . . XIX 62-72 XX VII. I XXVII 2-IOrt, IO<5-3I . . XXVIII 31-36 .... XXXIV 37-52 XXXV VIII. 12-50 XXXV 51-60 .... XXXVI XXXVI . XXXVII IX. 1-38 39-41 X. 1-42 XI. 1-16 17-56 XII. 1-2, 3«, 3<^-6, yb-Za, 9-11, 12-13, 16, 17- XXXVII XXXVII XXXVIII 19-36^ . . 36<^-4i, 42-50 XXXIX XL XLI John XIII. 1-20, 2I