'A^ mm^mmm fk^ 3^. ^\J—o-t.y— J rv URIBE'S Master-Key to the Castilian Language. CASTILIAN VERBS MODEL CONJUGATIONS of the TEN THOUSAND f^GULAR. SEMI-IRREGULAR AND IR- REGULAR VERBS. Complete List of Irregular Verbs Alphabet! cally Arranged. Translated Into English and Grammatically Classified by Senor Richardo Uribe Graduate of La Escuela Naclonal Preparatoria de Mexico Former Member of the Faculties of the Y. M. C. A., Harvard School (military), Heald's Busi- ness College, Katharine Tingley's Institution, Hollman Business College, Sawyer's Business Traning School, California. DOMINGO EZQUER & CO. Successors to THE LATIN-AMERICAN PUBLISHING CO. Los Angeles, Cal., IT. S. A. 1917 Entered According to Act of Congress in the Year 1913 by PROF. RICAEDO URIBE in tlie OflS.ce of the Librarian of Congress at Washington, D. C. All Rights Reserved. Contents. ^]l} ^ Introduction 9-11 Advice to Teachers 12 Advice to Students... 12-15 Abbreviations used in this Book 8 FIRST PART Regular Verbs First Model Conjugation of verbs ending in ar 16-17 Orthographical rules of verbs end- ing in ar 18-19 Verbs of the First Conjugation hav- ing two past participles 19 Second Model Conjugation of verbs ending in er 20-21 Orthographical rules of verbs end- ing in er 22-23 Verbs of the Second Conjugation having two past participles 23 Third Model Conjugation of verbs ending in ir 24-25 Orthographical rules of verbs end- ing in ir 26-27 Verbs of the Third Conjugation hav- ing two past participles - 27 Notes on Eegular and Irregular Verbs 162-164 SECOND PART Irregular Verbs Alphabetical List of Verbs Having Special Irregularities Andar .To walk 30-31 Asir To catch, to seize.... 68-69 Caber To contain, to go through, to hold.. 66-67 Caer To fall 40-41 Dar To give 38-39 Decir To say, to tell 46-47 Erguir ...To stand erect 70-71 5 CONTENTS Irregular Verbs— Continued Estar To be (auxiliary) in state or condi- tion 32-33 Haber To have (auxiliary) 36-37 Haber Impersonal 136 Hacer To do, to make 42-43 Ir To go 44-45 Oir To hear 56-57 Placer To please 72-73 Poder To be able 48-49 Podrir (pudrir) To rot^ to putrify, to decay 74-75 Poner To put, to place, to lay 58-59 Querer To want, to wish, to love, to care for.. 50-51 Saber To know (to have information) 52-53 Ser To be (auxiliary) speaking of qual- ities, etc 54-55 Tener To have, to possess, to hold 34-35 Traer To bring 60-61 Venir To come 62-63 Ver To see 64-65 Yacer To lie dead 76-77 THIRD PABT Alphabetical List of the Twelve Model Conjugations in Which All Other Irregu- lar Verbs Are Divided Acertar To ascertain, to hit the mark 80-81 Adquirir,jugar To acquire, to play (games) 96-99 Construir To construct, to build 108-109 CONTENTS Irregular Verbs— Continued. Contar To count, to relate.. 82-83 Dormir, morir..To sleep, to die 100-103 Nacer To be born 84-85 Eeir To laugh 92-93 Sentir To feel, to regret.... 94-95 Servir To serve 90-91 Taner To plav (i n s t r u - ment, etc.) 88-89 Traducir To translate 86-87 Valer, salir To be worth, to go out 104-107 FOURTH PART Model Conjugation of a verb in all its simple and compound tenses.. ..112-121 Conjugation of the Auxiliarv Verb To Be ". 122-123 Model Conjugation of a reflexive verb in all its simple and com- pound tenses 124-127 Model Conjugation of a verb in its passive voice 128-131 Model Conjugation of a defective verb 132-133 Model Conjugation of an impersonal verb 134-135 Complete alphabetical list of verbs having two past participles (never published before) 137-140 Complete alphabetical list of irregu- lar verbs translated and gramati- callv classified (never published before) 141-162 Notes on Keg. and Irreg. Verbs 162-164 ABBREVIATIOlSrS USED IN THIS BOOK a -Stands < ( ) for active aux ' ' auxiliary def i i ' ' defective E '' (Ellos) they fam ' ' familiar fut i ( " future impft I i " imperfect imp i i ' ' impersonal impve 1 1 * ' imperative ind 1 1 " indicative inf ( t ' * infinitive N { ( *' (Nosotros) we n. ' ' neuter p. or plii- ' ' plural part ( t '' participle perft I i ' ' perfect prest ( ( '* present pret i ( * * preterit r i i '' reflexive or reciprocal s. or sing.- ( i ' * singular Sub 1 1 '' Subjunctive Ud ( i '' (usted) you, sing. Uds • '' (ustedes), you, plu. V i i "■ vos vosotros (you), sing, and plu. INTRODUCTION. A unique feature of this new pocket dic- tionary is tliat it gives at a glance the person, mood and tense of every verb in the Spanish language — a priceless aid and time-saver to the student, no matter what system of study he may have previously pur- sued or may desire to follow in the future. All other dictionaries, even those published in several volumes, give only the infinitive of the verb, leaving the inquirer to supply the regular or irregular terminations from memory. This is so trying a task for the foreigner that many an otherwise interested student has been so completely discouraged as to abandon the study of this beautiful and most necessary language. With the present work at hand the in- tricacies of the irregular verbs lose their formidable aspect, for here are found the Spanish verbs with all their English equiv- alents expressed in a clear and concise manner. Many years of experience have taught me that as soon as the student understands the mechanical construction of the Spanish verbs he not only learns the language rapidly and without difficulty, but the verbs which had frightened him at first become the most absorbingly interesting and fascinating branch of language study. Heretofore the hardest problem has been to present the different conjugations in so clear and intelligible a form that they could be readily comprehended, memorized and consulted by the average student, by 10 INTRODUCTION the business man, or by those who for years have had neither time nor inclina- tion to review their grammar. How often we hear, as a protest against the study of verbs: ''But those who speak Spanish do not ordinarily know the verbs, yet they speak the language." This is true to a limited extent; but it is also true that such persons have, from infancy, heard the tongue spoken by their parents and daily associates, during a period when their minds were plastic and receptive, and sound alone was sufficient to impress them. Granting this to be true, children at the age of six years cannot read, write, or even understand thoroughly the most ordinary social conversation, and at no age can a person who has never made a careful study of the verbs occupy a public or commercial position, for in all walks of life a perfect understanding of the language and the ability to express ideas correctly is absolutely essential to the successful man or woman. It may be added that the subtle beauties of the delightful masterpieces of Spanish litera- ture are only to be enjoyed by those who completely understand the verbs. Is it worth while, then, for the pros- pective student, by neglecting the study of verbs, to consume at least six years in learning to speak Spanish no better than it would be spoken by a child half a dozen years old? INTRODUCTION 11 By a properly directed study of the verbs one can, in a remarkably short period, not only learn to read and understand the lan- guage, but he will be able intelligently and correctly to speak, write and translate Spanish. It is the function of this diction- ary so to direct the energies of the novice that he may escape the drudgery and yet master the verbs with the minimum ex- penditure of time and effort. In Uribe's Master-Key to the Castillian Language, Part One, the scholar learns to apply these verbs in practical conversa- tion, becoming familiar not alone with their usual grammatical significance, but also with their idiomatic use. EICARDO URIBE. 12 ADVICE TO TEACHERS TO THE TEACHERS. 1. The order in which the Spanish verbs are here presented is the result of my many years' experience in both class and private instruction. I have found it to be the simplest, most logical and progressive form that can be devised. 2. This arrangement is so planned that the knowledge gained of one verb greatly facilitates the learning of those which follow it in the course. 3. A business man, by taking two lessons each week, should be able within six months to mas- ter the contents of this book, together with fifty lessons of "Uribe's Master-Key to the Castillian Language," Part One. 4. A high school student should be able to perform the same amount of work in the first period (nine months). 5. As soon as the scholar has learned the auxiliary verb "To Have" (Haber), he should be trained to use it with every verb he learns subsequently. TO THE STUDENTS. 1. The study of the Spanish Verbs, as out- lined in this book, is the easiest part of the study of the Spanish language. 2. A knowledge of the verbs economizes time, and enables any pupil, without exception, to converse freely upon all practical topics. 3. In studying the verbs, follow strictly the order in which they are arranged in this book; this arrangement is the result of much pains- taking labor and careful thought, the product of the accumulated experience of scores of teach- ers and authors ; to change it would be confus- ing and discouraging. 4. To understand thoroughly the use of the three forms of the imperfect tense of the sub- junctive mood, i. e., "Hablara," "Hablaria," "Hablase" (I would, could, should,_ or might speak), or for a more detailed exposition of the ADVICE TO STUDENTS 13 Spanish verbs, study Lesson 29 of "Uribe's Mas- ter-Key to the Castillian Language," Part One. 5. The Castillian language contains about ten thousand verbs which are divided as follows : Regular verbs ending in ar (See pages 16-19) 3.000 Regular verbs ending in er (See pages 20-23) 3,000 Regular verbs ending in ir (See pages 24-27) 3,000 Irregular verbs having individual irregular- ities (See pages 29-77) 24 All other irregular verbs are subject to the twelve rules found on Pages 80 to 109. 6. The third person singular always corre- sponds to the pronouns "he," "she," "it" and "you," singular, just as the third person plural corresponds to the pronouns "they" and "you," plural. Examples : el, ella, ello, usted habla, (he, she, it speaks, j'ou speak). Ellos, ellas, ustedes hablan (they speak, masculine and feminine, you speak). 7. Be careful to use for every irregular verb the corresponding regular endings ; for example, "jugar" (to play), and "adquirir" (to acquire), have the same irregularities, but "jugar" takes the endings of the first conjugation, while "adquirir" requires the endings of the third con- jugation. 8. NOMINATIVE PRONOUNS. In general, the nominative pronouns are omitted, and are used only for the sake of emphasis, or to avoid con- fusion. However, the title usted (abbreviated to v., Vd. or Ud.) must not be omitted. 9. SECOND PERSON SINGULAR AND PLURAL. The second person singular, for ex- ample "hablas" (thou speakest), is used in ad- dressing the Deity, or in conversation with rela- tives, intimate friends, children and servants. The second person plural, which corresponds also to the singular, for example, "vos" or "vosotros hablais," (ye speak), is employed in addressing rulers, diplomatic agents, audiences, and, in some cases, the Deity. 10. ACCENTUATION. Words of two or more sj'llables ending in a vowel, diphthong, n or s, have their prosodical accent on the sj'llable next to the last. Examples: hablo, hablas, hablan (I speak, thou speakest. they speak). Those ending in a consonant are accented on the last syllable. Examples : hablar, comer, permitir (to speak, to eat, to permit). Words not following the preceding rules have the stress indicated by an acute accent mark. Examples : hablais, habla- bamos, hable. hablareis (you speak, we used to siJeak, I spoke, you will speak). 14 ADVICE TO STUDENTS j 11. DIVISION OF SYLLABLES. Spanish f syllables are supposed to begin with a consonant, ■ except initial ones. Examples: an-dar, ab-sol-ver, ad-he-rir (to walk, to absolve, to adhere). Ch, ' 11 and rr cannot be separated : que-rria, ha-llar, e-char (I would like, to find, to eject). Syllables formed by a single vowel should not stand alone at the end of a line, for example, e-char. The { combination of any consonant with 1 or r cannot 1 be separated. Examples : ha-blo, es-cri-bo, com- i pro, con-tra-to, cua-drar (I speak, I write, I buy, 1 contract, to square). 12. PRONUNCIATION. A good instructor can teach the pronunciation in a few lessons far better than all that could be written on the sub- ject, and the student is earnestly advised to ob- tain such assistance. For those who, for vari- ous reasons, may be unable to avail themselves of the services of a living instructor, the follow- ing remarks and table will afford a means of acquiring the correct pronunciation as closely as is possible through the medium of printed characters. There are two accepted pronunciations, thai, Castillian and the Spanish-American ; the only differences being in the sound of "c" before "e" and "i," and "z" and ;'H" in all positions. All are given in their various combinations in the following table : "C" is universally sounded like English "k" except when followed by "e" or "i," in which positions it takes, according to the Castillian cus- tom, the sound of "th" in thin. The Spanish- , American sound in the same positions is that of "s" in soon, i "Z" is always lisped in Castillian, having the ', sound of "th" in thank, but in Spanish-American countries it is sounded like "s" in sweet. "LI" in Castillian is identical with "11" in ! William, but in the American pronunciation it is modified by the almost complete suppression of the "1" until it sounds like "y" in yawn. "G" before "e" or "i" is aspirated like "h" in \ home. » "H" is always silent. "J" is heavily aspirated, as "h" in the English word hot. — ^ "U" in the combinations "gue," "gui," que, qui, is silent except when marked with a dieresis. The vowels are : a, which is pronounced as a in palm. e, which is pronounced as e in they. ADVICE TO STUDENTS 15 i, which is pronounced as i in machine. o, which is pronounced as o in cone. u, which is pronounced as oo in pool. Following are the fundamental syllabic com- binations with the figured pronunciation : ca, ce, ci, co, cu, pronounced kah, say, see, ko, koo (Spanish-American). ce, ci, pronounced thay, thee (Castillian). cha. che, chi, cho, chu, pronounced chah, chay, chee, choh, choo. ga, ge, gi, go, gu, pronounced gah, hay, he, goh goo. ha, he, hi, ho, hu, pronounced ah, ay, ee, oh, oo. ja, je, ji, jo, ju, pronounced ha, hay, he, hoe, hoo. 11a, lie, IH, lie, Uu, pronounced yah, yay, ye, yoh, you (Spanish- American). 11a, lie, Hi, llo, llu, pronounced lyah, lyay, lyee, lyoh, lyou (Castillian). iia, lie, iii, no, nu, pronounced nyah, nyay, nyee, nyoh, nyoo. ya, ye, yi, yo, yu, pronounced yah, yay, yee, yoh, yoo. ay, ey, oy, uy, pronounced ahee, aee, ohee, ooee. za, ze, zi, zo, zu, pronounced sah, say, see, sow, soo (Spanish-American). za, ze, zi, zo, zu, pronounced thah, thay, thee, thoh, thoo (Castillian). gue, gui, gue, giji pronounced gay, ghee, gooay, gooee. que, qui, pronounced kay, key. The other syllables are pronounced as in Eng- lish: ba (bah); da (dah) ; fa (fah) ; la (lah) ; ma (mah) ; na (nah) ; pa (pah) ; axa (aksah) ; arra (ahrrah). REGULAR VERBS. MODEL OF THE FIRST CONJUGATION. Simple tenses of the 3,000 regular verbs 3nding in ar. INFINITIVE MODE. *Habl ar To speak (Present) Habl ando Speaking (Present Participle) Habl ado Spoken (Past Participle) INDICATIVE MODE. Present. fYo habl I speak, I am speaking Tu habl as Thou speakest, etc, jEl habl a He speaks, etc. N. habl amos We speak, etc. V. habl ais You speak, etc. E. habl an Thev speak, etc. Past Imperfect. [speaking Yo. habl aba I used to speak, I was Tu habl abas Thou used to speak, etc. El habl aba He used to speak, etc. N. habl abamos ^^^ used to speak, etc. V. habl abais You used to speak, etc. E. habl aban They used to speak, etc. Past Perfect. Yo. habl e I spoke, I did speak Tu hablaste Thou spokest, etc. El habl 6 He spoke^ etc. N. habl amos We spoke, etc. V. habl asteis You spoke, etc. E. habl aron They spoke, etc. Imperfect Future. Yo habl are I will or shall speak Tu hablaras Thou wilt or shalt speak El habl ara He will or shall speak N. habl aremos We will or shall speak V. hablareis You will or shall speak E. habl aran They will.or shall speak IMPERATIVE MODE. Present. Hablatu Speak (thou), familiar HableUd. Speak (you), singular • Habl emos N. Let us speak Habl ad V. Speak (you) , sing. & plu. HablenUds. Speak (you), plural ttSee notes on page 13. 16 REGULAR VERBS 17 SUBJUNCTIVE MODE. Present. Que vo " tii < < < ( I < el N. Y. E. hable tables liable habl emos habl eis habl en Imperfect. Yo habl ara habl aras habl ara habl aramos habl arais habl aran That I (may) speak That thou mayest, etc. That he (may) speak That we (may) speak That you (may) speak That thev mav, etc. First Form. I would, could, should or might speak Thou wouldst, etc., speak He would, etc., speak We would, etc., speak You would, etc., speak They would, etc., speak Second Form, [might speak habl aria I would, could, should or habl arias Thou wouldst, etc., speak habl aria He would, etc., speak habl ariamos We would, etc., speak habl ariais You would, etc., speak habl arian They would, etc., speak Third Form, [might speak habl ase I would, could, should or habl ases Thou wouldst, etc., speak habl ase He would, etc., speak habl asemos We would, etc., speak You would, etc., speak They would, etc., speak Future. [might speak I would, could, should or Thou wouldst, etc.,*speak He would, etc., speak We would, etc., speak You would, etc., speak They would, etc., speak *Habl is the stem of this verb and does not change in the conjugation because the stems in the regular verbs never change. Ar is the ending of the verbs of the First Conjugation, its various changes form the different tenses. Tu El N. V. E. Yo Tu El N. V. E. Yo Tii El N. V. E. hablaseis habl asen Yo habl are Tii habl ares El habl are N. habl aremos V. hablareis E. hablaren 18 REGULAR VERBS ORTHOGRAPHICAL RULES OF REGU- LAR VERBS ENDING IN "AR" I. Regular verbs ending in "car'^ change "c"' in to '*qu" to retain the hard sound of c before e, in the following persons and tenses: INFINITIVE Practicar To practice INDICATIVE. Perfect Past. Practique I practiced, I did practice IMPERATIVE. Practique Ud. Practice (singular) Practiquemos N. Let us practice Practiquen Uds. Practice (plural) SUBJUNCTIVE. Present. Que yo practique That I may practice *< tu practiques That thou mayest practice " el practique That he may, etc. ' ' N. practiquemos That we may, etc. ' ' V. practiqueis That you may, etc. ' ' E. practiquen That they may, etc. II. Those ending in ''gar" add ''u'* after the g to keep the hard sound of this let- ter before e, in the following persons and tenses: INFINITIVE. Pagar To pay INDICATIVE. Perfect Pa^t. Pague I paid, I did pay IMPERATIVE. Pague Ud. Pay (singular) Paguemos N. Let us pay Paguen Uds. Pay (plural) SUBJUNCTIVE. Present. Que yo pague That I may pay " tu pagues That thou mayest pay " el pague That he may pay ' ' N. paguemos That we may pay ' ' V. pagueis That you may pay " E. paguen That they may pay REGULAR VERBS 19 in. Those ending in ''zar'' change ''z" into ''c" before e to follow general orthograph- ical rules, in the following persons and tenses: INFINITIVE. Gozar To enjoy INDICATIVE. Perfect Past. Goce I enjoyed, I did enjoy IMPERATIVE. GoceUd. Enjoy (singular) Gocemos N. Let us enjoy Gocen Uds. Enjoy (plural) Qn SUBJUNCTIVE. Present. yo goce That I may enjoy tu goces That thou mayest enjoy el goce That he may, etc. X. gocemos That we may. etc. V. goceis That you may, etc. E. gocen That they may, etc. Eegular Verbs having two past parti- ciples of which the second or irregular one, is used as an adjective only: see pages 137 to 140. 20 REGULAR VERBS MODEL OF CONJUGA- THE SECOND TION. Simple tenses of the 3,000 regular verbs ending in er. INFINITIVE MODE. *Comer To eat (Present) Comiendo Eating (Present Part 'ep.) Coniido Eaten (Past Participle) INDICATIVE MODE. Present. I eat, I am eating Thou eatest, etc. He eats, etc. We eat, etc. You eat, etc. They eat, etc. Past Imperfect. I used to eat, Thou used to eat, etc. He used to eat, etc. We used to eat, etc. You used to eat, etc. They used to eat, etc. Past Perfect. I ate, I did eat Thou atest, etc. He ate, etc. We ate, etc. You ate, etc. Thev ate, etc. Yo Tii El N. v. E. Yo Tu El N. V. E. como comes come comemos comeis com en comia comias comia comiamos comiais comian [eating I was Yo comi Tu comiste El comio comimos com isteis com ieron N. V. E. Imperfect Future. Yo com are Tu com eras El com era N. com eremos V. com erels E. com eran I will or shall eat Thou wilt or shalt eat He will or shall eat We will or shall eat You will or shall eat They will or shall eat IMPERATIVE MODE. Present. Come tu Coma Ud. Com amos N. Comed V. Com an Uds. Eat (thou) Familiar Eat (you) singular Let us eat Eat (you) sing, and plu. Eat (you) plural REGUIiAR VERBS 21 Que vo coma tu comas el coma N. comamos V. comais E. com an Yo Tii El N. V. E. Yo Tu El N. V. E. Yo Tii El N. V. E. Yo Tu ]El N. V. E. SUBJUNCTIVE MODE. Present That I (mav) eat That thou (ma vest) eat That he (may) eat That we (may) eat That you (may) eat That they (mav) eat fro fc- / Imperfect. First Form comiera I would, could, should or might eat Thou wouldst, etc., eat He would, etc., eat We would, etc., eat You would, etc., eat They would, etc., eat Second Form. [might eat I would, could, should or comieras comiera comieramos comierais comieran comeria comerias comeria comeriamos comeriais comerian Thou wouldst, etc., eat comiese comieses comiese comiesemos comiesels com iesen eomiere comieres com iere comieremos com iereis com ieren He would, etc., eat "We would, etc., eat You would, etc., eat They would, etc., eat Third Form. (might eat I would, could, should or Thou wouldst, etc., eat He would, etc., eat We would, etc., eat You would, etc., eat They would, etc., eat Future. [might eat I would, could, should or Thou wouldst, etc., eat He would, etc., eat We would, etc., eat You would, etc., eat They would, etc., eat *Com is the stem of this verb. The stem of a regular verb never changes in the conjugation. Er is the ending of the verb and its vari- ous changes form the different tenses. See notes on page 13. 22 ♦ BEGULAR VERBS ORTHOGRAPHICAL RULES OF REGU- LAR VERBS ENDING IN "ER" I. Regular verbs ending in "cer," change "c" into ''z" before a or o to keep the soft sound of c, in the following persons and tenses: INFINITIVE. Veneer To conquer INDICATIVE. Present. Venzo I conquer IMPERATIVE. VenzaUd. Conquer (singular) Venzamos N. Let us conquer Venzan Uds. Conquer (plural) SUBJUNCTIVE. Present. Que yo venza That I may conquer " tu venzas That thou mayest conquer " el venza That he may, etc. " N. venzamos That we may, etc. " V. venzais That you may, etc. '' E. venzan That they may, etc. II. Those ending in "ger," change *'g" into "j" before a and o, to keep the hard sound of g, in the following persons and tenses: INFINITIVE. Proteger To protect INDICATIVE. Present. Protejo I protect IMPERATIVE. Proteja Ud. Protect (singular) Protejamos N. Let us protect Protejan Uds. Protect (plural) SUBJUNCTIVE. Present. Que yo proteja That I may protect " tu protejas That thou mayest protect " el proteja That he may, etc. " N. protejamos That we may, etc. " V. protejais That you may, etc. ( ( E. protejan That they may, etc. REGULAR VERBS 23 in. Those ending in '*eer," change the ''1" of the regular endings in to "y" (for the sake of euphony), in the following persons and tenses: INFINITIVE. Leer To read Leyendo Reading (Past, Parte.) INDICATIVE. Perfect Pa^t. Leyo He. she, you read Leyeron They read SUBJUNCTIVE. Imperfect. Yo leyera I would, could, should or or leyese might read Tu leyeras Thou wouldst, shouldst. or leyeses etc., read El leyera He would, should, could. or leyese etc, read X. leyeramos We would, could, should, or leyesemos etc, read V, leyerais You would, could, should, or leyeseis etc, read E, leyeran They would, could, or leyesen should, etc., read SUBJUNCTIVE. Future. Yo leyere I would, etc, read Tu leyeres Thou wouldst, etc, read El leyere He would, etc, read N, leyeremos We would, etc., read V, leyereis You would, etc, read E, leyeren They would, etc, read Pegular verbs of the second conjugation having two past participles, of which the second, or irregular one, is used as an adjective only: see pages 137 to 140. 24 REGULAR VERBS MODEL OF THE THIRD CONJUGATION. Simple tenses of the 3^000 regular verbs ending in ir. INFINITIVE MODE. *Viv ir To live (Present) Viv iendo Living (Present Partic.) Viv ido Lived (Past Participle) INDICATIVE MODE. Present. Yd viv I live, I am living Tii viv es Thou livest, etc. El viv e He lives, etc. N. viv imos We live, etc. V. viv is You live, etc. E. viv en They live, etc. Past Imperfect. I used to live, I was living Yo Tu El X. V. E. Yo Tu El N. V. E. Yo Til El V. E. vivia viv ias viv ia viv iamos viv iais viv ian Thou used to live, etc. He used to live, etc. "We used to live, etc. You used to live, etc. They used to live, etc. Past Perfect. viv i I lived, I did live viv iste Thou livedest, etc. viv io He lived, etc. viv imos We lived, etc. viv isteis You lived, etc. viv ieron They lived, etc. Imperfect Future. I Trill or shall live Thou wilt or shalt live He will or shall live We will or shall live You will or shall live Thev will or shall live VIV ire viv iras viv ira viv iremos viv ireis viv iran IMPERATIVE MODE. Present. Viv e tu Viv a Ud. Viv amos N. Viv id V. Viv an Uds. Live (thou) familiar Live (you) singular Let us live Live (you) sing. & plu. Live (you) plural BEGULAE, VERBS 25 }ne JO viva tu vivas el viva M. viv amos V. viv ais E. VI V an Yo SUBJUNCTIVE MODE. Present. That I (may) live That thou (may est) live That he (may) live That we (may) live That you (may) live That they (may) live Imperfect. First Form, viv iera I would, could, should or might live Thou wouldst, etc., live He would, etc., live We would, ete.^ live You would, etc., live They would, etc., live Second Form. might live I would, could, should or Thou wouldst, etc., live He would, etc., live We would, etc., live You would, etc., live They would, etc., live Third Form. might live I would, could, should or Thou wouldst. etc., live He would, etc., live We would, etc., live You would, etc., live They would, etc., live Future. might live I M'ould, could, should or Thou wouldst, etc., live He would, etc., live We would, etc., live You would, etc., live They would, etc., live *Viv is the stem of this verb. The stem of a regular verb never changes in the con- jugation. Ir is the ending of this verb and its vari- ous changes form the different tenses. See notes on page 13. Tu viv ieras El viv iera N. viv ieramos V. viv ierais E. viv ieran c Yo viv iria Tu viv irias El viv irla N. viv iriamos V. viv iriais E. viv irian Y^o viv iese Tu viv ieses El viv iese N. viv iesemos V. viv ieseis E. viv iesen Yo viv iere Tu viv ieres El viv iere N. viv ieremos V. viv iereis E. viv ieren 26 REGULAR VERBS ORTHOGRAPHICAL RULES OF REGU- LAR VERBS ENDING IN "IR" I. ^Regular verbs ending in "cir, " change *'c" into '*z" to keep the soft sound of c before a and o, in the following persons and tenses: INFINITIVE. Fruneir To f rawn, to curl, to plait INDICATIVE. Present. Frunze I frawn, etc. IMPERATIVE. Frunza Ud. Frawn (singular) Frunzamos N. Let us frawn Frunzan Uds. Frawn (plural) SUBJUNCTIVE. Present. Que yo frunza That I may frawn tu frunzas That thou mayest el frunza That he may, etc. N. frunzamos That we may, etc. V. frunzais That you may, etc. E. frunzan That they may, etc. II. Those ending in ''guir," drop the "u" before "a" and ''o" to keep the original sound of hard ''g," in the following per- sons and tenses: INFINITIVE. Extinguir To extinguish INDICATIVE. Present. Extingo I extinguish IMPERATIVE, ExtingaUd. Extinguish (singular) Extingamos N. Let us extinguish ExtinganUds. Extinguish (plural) SUBJUNCTIVE. Present. Que yo extinga That I may extinguish " tu extingas That thou mayest extinguish " el extinga That he may, etc. '' N. extingamos That we may, etc. ' ' V. extingais That you may, etc. ' ' E. extiugan That they may, etc. REGULAR VERBS 27 Que yo delinca tu delincas el delinca N. delincamos V. delincais E. delincan III. Those ending in ''quir," change the ''qu" into "c" before a and o: INTINITIVE. Delinquir To transgress INDICATIVE. Present. Delinco I transgress IMPERATIVE. Delinca Ud. Transgress (singular) Delincamos N. Let us transgress Delincan Uds. Transgress (plural) SUBJUNCTIVE. Present. That I may transgress That thou mayest, etc. That he may, etc. That we may, etc. That you may, etc. That they may, etc. IV. Those ending in ''gir" change g into ^'y before a and o: INFINITIVE. Dirigir To direct, to address INDICATIVE. Present. Dirijo I direct, I address IMPERATIVE. Dirija Ud. Direct, address (sing.) Dirijamos N. Let us direct, etc. Dirijan Uds. Direct, address (plural) SUBJUNCTIVE. Present. Que yo dirija That I may direct " tu dirijas That thou mayest direct " el dirija That he may direct '' N. dirijamos That we may direct ' ' V. dirijais That you may direct '' E. dirijan That they may direct Regular verbs having two past part- iciples: see pages 137 to 140. For those with irregular past participles and other peculiarities: see page 162-1G3. SECOND PART. IRREGULAR VERBS. The following rules are applied to anv of the irregular verbs. (1) The present of subjunctive is always begun with the third person singular of the imperative mode. (2) The first form of the imperfect of subjunctive is formed with the stem of the third person singular of the perfect past, indicative mode, and the regular endings of the second conjugation of said imperfect. (3) The stem of the second form of the imperfect of subjunctive is the same stem of the future tense, indicative mode. (4) The stem of the third form of the imperfect of subjunctive is the same stem of the first form of the same tense. (5) The second person plural of the Im- perative Mode is always the present of the Infinitive ^lode, ending in ''d" instead of "r"; as, ir, to go; id, go. See the verb AXDAE, to walk, on next page; it is marked with the same numbers these rules have. Any verb resulting from the combina- tion of an irregular verb and a preposi- tion, etc., has to follow the same irregular form as the original verb, as: Contener, detener, retener. sostener follow the con- jugation of teuer, page 34. 29 30 IRREGULAR VERBS INFINITIVE MODE. *ANDAR To walk. Present. ANDANDO Walking. Present part. ANDADO Walked. Past participle. INDICATIVE MODE. Present. Ando I walk or I am walking Andas Thou walkest Anda He walks Andamos We walk Andais You walk Andan They walk Past Imperfect. walking Andaba I used to walk or I was Andabas Thou used to walk, etc. Andaba He used to walk, etc. Andabamos We used to walk, etc. Andabais You used to walk, etc. Andaban They used to walk, etc. Past Perfect. Anduve I walked or I did walk Anduviste Thou didst walk Anduvo (2) He walked, etc. Anduvimos We walked, etc. Anduvisteis Y^ou walked, etc. Anduvieron They walked, etc. Future Imperfect. Andare (3) I shall or will walk Andaras Thou shalt or wilt walk Andara He shall or will walk Andaremos We shall or will walk Andareis Y^'ou shall or will walk Andaran They shall or will walk IMPERATIVE MODE. Anda tu Walk (thou), fam. Ande Ud. (1) Walk (you), form. Andemos N. Let us walk Andad V. (5) Walk (you), s. and p. Anden Uds. Walk (you), plural IRREGULAR VERBS 31 SUBJUNCTIVE MODE. Present. Que TO ande (1) tu andes el ande X. andemos V. andeis E. anden That I may walk That thou mayest walk That he may walk That we may walk That you may walk That thev mav walk Imperfect. First Form. Anduviera (2) Anduvieras Anduviera Anduvieramos Anduvierais Anduvieran Andaria (3) I would, could, should or might walk Thou wouldst, etc. He would, etc. We would, etc. You would, etc. They would, etc. Second Form. Andarias Andaria Andariamos Andariais Andarian I would, could, should or might walk Thou wouldst, etc. He would, etc. We would, etc. You would, etc. They would, etc. Tliird Form. Anduviese (4) I would, could, should or might walk Thou wouldst, etc. He would, etc. We would, etc. You would, etc. They would, etc. Future. I would, could, should or might walk Thou wouldst, etc Anduvieses Anduviese Anduviesemos Anduvieseis Anduviesen Anduviere Anduvieres Anduviere Anduvierem.os Anduviereis Anduvieren He would^ etc. We would, etc. You would, etc. They would, etc. *See lesson 60 of Uribe's Master-Key to the Castillian Language, First Part. 32 IRREGULAR VERBS INFINITIVE MODE. *ESTAR (auxiliary), to be ESTANDO, being ESTADO, been INDICATIVE MODE. Present. Estoy, I am, etc. Estas Esta Estamos Estais Estan Past Imperfect. Estaba, I used to be, etc. Estabas Estaba Estabamos Estabais Estaban Past Perfect. Estuve, I was, etc. Estuviste Estuvo Estuvimos Estuvisteis Estuvieron Future. Estare, I will, shall be, etc. Estaras Estara Estaremos Estareis Estaran IMPERATIVE MODE. Esta tu, be (thou) fam. Este Ud., be (you) sing. Estemos N., let us be Estad v., be (you) sing, and plu. Esten Uds., be (you) plural IBBEGULAB VERBS 33 SUBJUNCTIVE MODE. Present. Que yo este, that I am, etc. tii estes el este N. estemos V. esteis E. esten Imperfect. First Form. Estuviera, I ^vould, etc., be Estuvieras Estuviera Estuvieramos Estuvierais Estuvieran Second Form. Estaria, I would, etc., be Estarias Estaria Estariamos Estariais Estarian Tliird Form. Estuviese, I would, etc., be Estuvieses Estuviese Estuviesemos Estuvieseis Estuviesen Future. Estuviere, I would, etc., be Estuvieres Estuviere Estuvieremos Estuviereis Estuvieren See lesson 61 of Uribe's Master-Kej to the Castillian language, First Part. 34 IBREGU LAR VERBS INFINITIVE MODE. *TENER, to have, hold, possess TENIENDO, having, etc. TENIDO, had, etc. INDICATIVE MODE. Present. Tengo, I have, etc. Tienes Tiene Tenemos Teneis Tienen Past Imperfect. Tenia, I used to have, etc. • Tenias Tenia Teniamos Teniais Tenian Past Perfect. Tiive, I had, etc. Tuviste Tuvo Tuvimos Tuvisteis Tuvieron Future. Tendre, I will or shall have Tendras Tendra Tendremos Tendreis Tendran IMPERATIVE MODE. Ten tu, have (thou), fam. Tenga Ud., have (you), sing. Tengamos N., let us have Tened V., have (you), sing, and plu. Tengan Uds., have (you), plu. IRREGULAR VERBS 35 SUBJUNCTIVE MODE. Present. Que yo tenga, That I may have, etc. tu tengas el tenga N. tengamos V. tengais E. tengan Imperfect. First Form. Tuviera, I would, etc., have Tuvieras Tuviera Tuvieramos Tuvierais Tuvieran Second Form. Tendria, I would, etc., have Tendrias Tendria Tendriamos Tendriais Tendrian Third Form, Tuviese, I would,. etc., have Tuvieses Tuviese Tuviesemos Tuvieseis Tuviesen Future. Tuviere, I would, etc., have Tuvieres Tuviere Tuvieremos Tuviereis Tuvieren *See lesson 62 of Uribe 's Master-Key to the Castillian Language, First Part. 36 IRREGULAR VERBS INFINITIVE MODE. *HABER (auxiliary), to have HABIENDO, having t(HABIDO), had INDICATIVE MODE. Present. He, I have, etc. Has Ha Hemos or habemos Habeis Han Past Imperfect. Habia, I had, etc. Habias Habia Habiamos Habiais Habian Past Perfect. Hube^ I had, etc. Hubiste Hiibo Hubimos Hubisteis Hubieron Future. Habre, I shall or will have, etc. Habras Habra Habremos Habreis Habran *The auxiliary verb ''to havs'' has no imperative mode. IRREGULAR VERBS 37 SUBJUNCTIVE MODE. Present. Que yo haya, that I may have, etc. * * tu hayas '' el haya '^ N. hayamos ' ' V. hayais " E. havan Imperfect. First Form. Hubiera, I would, etc., have Hubieras Hubiera Hubieramos Hubierais Hubieran Second Form. Habria, I would, etc., have Habrias Habria Habriamos Habriais Habrian Tliird Form. Hubiese, I would, etc., have Hubieses Hubiese Hubiesemos Hubieseis Hubiesen Future. Hubiere, I would, etc., have Hubieres Hubiere Hubieremos Hubiereis Hubieren tThe past participle of this verb is not used as an auxiliary. See Uribe's Master- Key to the Castillian Language, First Part. The auxiliary verb used as an active verb is now obsolete. 38 lEBEGULAB VERBS INFINITIVE MODE. *DAR, to give DANDO, giving DADO, given INDICATIVE MODE. Present. Doy, I give, etc. Das Da Damos Dais Dan Past Imperfect. Daba, I used to give, etc. Dabas Daba Dabamos Dabais Daban Past Perfect. Di, I gave^ I did, etc. Diste Dio Dimos Disteis Dieron Future. Dare, I shall or will give, etc. Daras Dara Daremos Dareis Daran IMPERATIVE MODE. Da tUj give (thou), fam. De Ud., give (you), sing. Demos N., let us give Dad v., give (you), sing, and plu. Den Uds., give (you), plural IRREGULAR VERBS 39 SUBJUNCTIVE MODE. Present. Que yo de, that I may give, etc " tu des '' el de '' N. demos '' V. dels '' E. den Imperfect. First Form. Diera, I would, etc., give Dieras Diera Dieramos Dierais Dieran Second Form. Daria, I would, etc., give Darias Darla Dariamos Dariais Darian Third Form. Diese, I would, etc., give Dieses Diese Diesemos Diesels Diesen Future. Diere, I would, etc., give Dieres Diere Dieremos Diereis Dieren *See lesson 63 of Uribe 's Master-Key to the Castillian Language, First Part. 40 ITtBEGULAB VERBS INFINITIVE MODE. *CAER, to fall CAYENDO, falling CAiDO, fallen INDICATIVE MODE. Present. Caigo, I fall, etc. Caes Cae Caemos Caeis Caen Past Imperfect. Caia, I used to fall, etc. Caias Caia Caiamos Calais Caian Past Perfect. Cai, I fell, etc. Caiste . Cayo Caimos Caisteis Cayeron Future. Caere, I will, shall fall, etc. Caeras Caera Caeremos Caereis Caeran IMPERATIVE MODE. Cae tu. fall (thou), fam. Caiga UcL, fall (you), sing. Caigamos oST., let us fall Caed v., fall (you), sing, and plu. Caigan Uds., fall (you) plural IRREGULAE VERBS 41 SUBJUNCTIVE MODE. Present. Que yo caiga, that I may fall, etc. tu caigas el caiga N. caigamos V. caigais E. caigan Imperfect. First Form. Cayera, I would, etc., fall - Cayeras Carera Cayeramos Cayerais Cayeran Second Form. Caeria, I would, etc., fall Caerias Caeria Caeriamos Caeriais Caerian Third Form. Cayese, I would, etc., fall Cayeses Cayese Cayesemos Cayeseis Cayesen Future. Cayere, I would, etc., fall Cayeres Cayere Cayeremos Cayereis Cayeren *See lesson 64 of Uribe's Master-Key to the Castillian Language, First Part. 42 IHREGULAB VERBS INFINITIVE MODE. *HACER, to do, to make HACIENDO, doing, making HECHO, done, made INDICATIVE MODE. Present. Hago, I do, I make, etc. Haces Hace Hacemos Haceis Hacen Past Imperfect. Hacia, I used to do, to make, etc. Hacias Hacia Haciamos Haciais Hacian Past Perfect. Hice, I did, I made, etc. Hiciste Hizo Hicimos Hicisteis Hicieron Future. Hare, I will or shall do, make Haras Hara Haremos Hareis Haran ^ IMPERATIVE MODE. Haz tu, do, make (thou), fam. Haga Ud., do, make (you), sing. Hagamos N., let us do, make Haced V., do, make (3^ou), sing.-plu. Hagan Uds., do, make (you), plural IRREGU LAR VERBS 43 SUBJUNCTIVE MODE. Present. Que yo haga, that I may do, make, etc. tu hagas el haga iST. hagamos V. hagais E. hagan Imperfect. First Form. Hiciera. I would, etc., do, make Hicieras Hiciera Hicieramos Hicierais Hicieran Second Form. Haria, I would, etc., do, make Harias Haria Hariamos Hariais ll^rian Third Form. Hieiese, I would, etc., do^ make Hicieses Hieiese Hiciesemos Hicieseis Hiciesen Future. Hiciere, I would, etc., do, make Hicieres Hiciere Hicieremos Hiciereis Hicieren *The second person singular of the Im- perative of Satisfacer, is Satisface tu. 44 IKREGULAE VERBS INFINITIVE MODE. *IB, to go YEXDO, going IDO. gone INDICATIVE MODE. Present. Vov, I am going. I go, etc. Yas Ya Yamos Yais Yan Past Imperfect, rba. I was going, I used to go, etc. Ibas Iba ibamos Ibais Iban Past Perfect. Fui, I went, I did go, etc. Fuiste Fue Fuimos Fuisteis Fueron Future. Ire, I will, shall go, etc. Iras Ira Iremos Ireis Iran IMPERATIVE MODE. Ye tu, go (thou), fam. Yaya Ud., go (you), sing. Yamos X., let us go Id Y., go (you), sing, and plu. Yayan Uds., go (you), plural IRREGXJIiAR VERBS 45 SUBJUNCTIVE MODS. Present. Que yo vaya, that I may go, etc. tu vayas el vaya X. vayamos Y. vayais E. vayan Imperfect. First Form. Fuera, I would, etc., go Fueras Fuera Fueramos Fuerais Fueran Second Form. Iria, I would, etc., go Irias Iria Iriamos Iriais Iriau Third Form. Fuese. I would, etc., go Fueses Fuese Fuesemos Fueseis Fuesen Future. Fuere. I would, etc., go Fueres Fuere Fueremos Fuereis Fueren *See lesson 65 of Tribe's Master-Key to the Castillian Language, First Part. 46 IRREGULAB VERBS INFINITIVE MODE. *DECIR, to sav, to tell DICIENDO, saving, telling DICHO, said, told INDICATIVE MODE. Present. Digo, I say, I tell, etc. Dices Dice Decimos Decis Dicen Past Imperfect. Decia, I used to say, tell, etc. Decias Decia Deciamos Deciais Decian Past Perfect. Dije, I said, I told, etc. Dijiste Dijo Dijimos Dijisteis Dijeron Future. Dire, I will, shall say, tell, etc. Diras Dira Diremos Direis Diran IMPERATIVE MODE. Di tu, say, tell (thou), fam. Diga Ud., say, tell (you), sing. Digamos N., let us say, tell Decid v., say, tell (you); sing. & plu. Digan Uds., say, tell (you), plural IRRE GU LAR VERBS 47 SUBJUNCTIVE MODE. Present. Que yo diga, that I may say, tell, etc. ** tu digas ' ' el diga " N. digamos " V. digais '' E. digan Imperfect. First Form. Dijera, I would, etc., say, tell Dijeras Dijera Dijeramos Dijerais Dijeran Second Form. Diria, I would, etc., say, .tell Dirias Diria Diriamos Diriais Dirian Third Form. Dijese, I would, etc., say, tell Dijeses Dijese Dijesemos Dijeseis Dijesen Future. Dijere. I would, etc., say, tell Dijeres Dijere Dijeremos Dijereis Dijeren *Tlie past participles of Bendecir (to bless) and Maldecir (to curse) are "bendecido and maldecido. See page 137 and 139. 48 IRREGULAR VERBS INFINITIVE MODE. *PODER, to be able PUDIENDO, being able PODIDO, been able INDICATIVE MODE. Present. Puedo, I can, I am able Puedes Puede Podemos Podeis Pueden Past Imperfect. Podia, I could, was able, etc. Podias Podia Podiamos Podiais Podian Past Perfect. Pude, I could, was able, etc. Pudiste Pudo Pudimos Pudisteis Pudieron Future. Podre, I will or shall be able, etc. Podras Podra Podremos Podreis Podran IMPERATIVE MODE. Puede tu, be- able (thou), fam. Pueda Ud., be able (you), sing. Ppdamos IST., let us be able Poded v., be able (you), sing. & plu. Puedan Uds., be able (you) plural IRREGUIiAB VERBS 49 SUBJUNCTIVE MODE. Present. Que yo pueda, that I can, am able, etc. '* tu puedas " el pueda " N, podamos " V. podais '' E. puedan Imperfect. First Form. Pudiera, I would, could be able, etc. Pudieras Pudiera Pudieraraos Pudierais Pudieran Second Form. Podria, I would, could be able, etc. Podrlas Podria Podriamos Podriais Podrian Third Form. Pudiese, I would, could be able, etc. Pudieses Pudiese Pudiesemos Pudieseis Pudiesen Future. Pudiere, I would, could be able, etc. Pudieres Pudiere Pudiereraos ' Pudiereis Pudieren *See lesson 66 of Uribe's Master-Key to the Castillian Language, First Part. 50 IRREGULAB VERBS INFINITIVE MODE. *QUEEER, to want, to wish, to love QUEEIENDO, wanting, etc. QUEEIDO, wanted, etc. INDICATIVE MODE. Present. Quiero^ I want, etc. Quieres Qiiiere Queremos Qiiereis Quieren Past Imperfect. Queria, I wanted, etc. Querias Queria Queriamos Queriais Querian Past Perfect. Quise, I wanted, I did want, etc. Quisiste Quiso Ouisimos Quisisteis Quisieron Future. Querre, I will, shall want, etc. Querras Querra Querremos Querreis Querran IMPERATIVE MODE. Qiiiere tu, loveth (thou), fam. Quiera Ud., love (you), sing. Queramos N., let us love Quered V., love (you), sing. & plu. Quieran Uds., love (you), plural IRREGULAE VERBS 51 SUKTUNCTIVE MODE. Present. Que yo quiera, that I may want, etc. ' ' tu quieras el quiera N. queramos V. querais E. quieran Imperfect. First Form. Quisiera, I would, etc., want Quisieras Quisiera Quisieramos Quisierais Quisieran Second Form. Querria, I would, etc., want Querrias Querria Quei'riamos Querriais Querrian Third Form. Quisiese, I would, etc., want Quisieses Quisiese Quisiesemos Quisieseis Quisiesen Future. Quisiere, I would, etc., want Quisieres Quisiere Quisieremos Quisiereis Quisieren *See lesson 67 of Uribe's Master-Key to the Castillian Language, First Part. 52 IKREGULAR VERBS INFINITIVE MODE. *SABER., to know, to have information SABIENDO, knowing SABIDO, known INDICATIVE MODE. Present. S6, I know, etc. Sabes Sabe Sabemos Sabeis Saben Past Imperfect. Sabia, I used to know, etc. Sabias Sabia Sabiamos Sabiais Sabian Past Perfect. Supe, I knew, etc. Supiste Supo Supimos Supisteis Supieron Future. Sabre, I will, shall know, etc. Sabras Sabra Sabremos Sabreis Sabran IMPERATIVE MODE. Sabe tu, know (thou), fam. Sepa Ud., know (you), sing. Sepamos N., let us know Sabed V., know (you), sing. & plu. Sepan Uds., know (you), plural IBREGULAB VERBS 53 SUBJUNCTIVE MODE. Present. Que yo sepa, that I may know, etc. tu sepas el sepa N. sepamos V. sepais E. sepan Imperfect. First Form. Supiera, I would, etc., know Supieras Supiera Supieramos Supierais Supieran Second Form. Sabria, I would, etc.^ know Sabrlas Sabria Sabriamos Sabriais Sabrian Third Form. Supiese, I would, etc., know Supieses Supiese Supiesemos Supieseis Supiesen Future. Supiere, I would, etc., know Supieres Supiere Supieremos Supiereis Supieren *See lesson 6S of Uribe's Master-Key to the Castillian Language, First Part. 54 IRREGUIaAR verbs INFINITIVE MODE. *SER (auxiliary), to be SIEXDO, being- SIDO, been INDICATIVE MODE. Present. Soy, I am, etc. Eres Es Somos Sois Son Past Imperfect. Era, I was, used to be, etc. Eras Era Eramos Erais Eran Past Perfect. Fui, I was, etc. Fuiste Fue Fuimos Fui st els Fueron Future. Sere, I will, shall be, etc. Seras Sera Seremos Sereis Seran IMPERATIVE MODE. Se tu, be (thou), fam. Sea Ud., be (you), sing. Seamos N., let us be Sed v., be (you), sing, and plu. Sean Uds., be (you), plural IRREGULAR VERBS 55 SUBJTrNCTIVE MODE. Present. Que vo sea, that I mav be, etc. * tu seas ' el sea N. seamos ' V. seals E. sean Imperfect. First Form. Fuera. I would, etc., be Fueras Fuera Fueramos Fuerais Fueran Second Form. Seria, I would, etc., be Serias Seria Seriamos Serials Serian Third Form. Fuese, I would, etc., be Fueses Fuese Fuesemos Fuesels Fuesen Future. Fuere. I would, etc., be Fueres Fuere Fueremos Fuerels Fueren *See lesson 69 of Uribe 's Master-Key to the Castllllan Language, First Part. 56 IRREGULAR VERBS INFINITIVE MODE. *OIR, to hear OYEXDO, hearing OiDO, heard INDICATIVE MODE. Present. Oigo, I hear^ etc. Oves Oye Oimos Ois Oyen Past Imperfect. Oia, I used to hear, etc. Oias Oia Oiamos Oiais Oian Past Perfect. Oi, I heard, etc. Oiste Oyo Oimos Oisteis Oyeron Future. Oire, I will or shall hear, etc. Oiras Oira Oiremos Oireis Oiran IMPERATIVE MODE. Oye tu, hear (thou), fam. Oiga Ud., hear (you), sing. . Oigamos N., let us hear Old v., hear (you), sing, and plu. Oigan Uds., hear (you), plural IBREGUIiAR VERBS 57 SUBJUNCTIVE MODE. Present. Que yo oiga, that I maj hear, etc. ' ' tii oigas ^' el oiga " N. oigamos " V. oigais " E. oigan Imperfect. First Form. Oyera, I would, etc., hear Ojeras Oyera Oyeramos Oyerais Oyeran Second Form. Oiria, I would, etc., hear Oirias Oiria Oiriamos Oiriais Oirian Third Form. Oyese, I would, etc., hear Oyeses Oyese Oyesemos Oyeseis Oyesen Future. Oyere, I would, etc., hear Oyeres Oyere Oyeremos Oyereis Oyeren *See lesson 69 of Uribe's Master-Key to the Castillian Language, First Part. 58 IRilEGULAR VERBS INFINITIVE MODE. POXER, to put, lay, place, set POXIEXDO, putting, etc. PUESTO, put, etc. INDICATIVE MODE. Present. Pongo, I put, etc. Pones Pone Ponemos Poneis Ponen Past Imperfect. Ponia, I used to put, etc. Ponias Ponia Poniamos Poniais Ponlan Past Perfect. Puse, I put, did put, etc. Pusiste Puso Pusimos Pusisteis Pusieron Future. Pondre, I will, shall put, etc. Pondras Pondra Pondremos Pondreis Pondran IMPERATIVE MODE. Pon tu, put (thou), fam Ponga Ud., put (you), sing. Pongamos X., let us put Poned v., put (you), sing, and plu. Pongan Uds., put (you), plural IRREGULAR VERBS 59 SUBJUNCTIVE MODE. Present. Que yo ponga, that I may put, etc. tu pongas el ponga N. pongamos V. pongais E. pongan Imperfect. First Form. Pusiera, I would, etc., put Pusieras Pusiera Pusieramos Pusierais Pusieran Second Form. Pondria, I would, etc., put Pondrias Pondria Pondrlamos Pondriais Pondrlan Third Form. Pusiese, I would, etc., put Pusieses Pusiese Pusiesemos Pusieseis Pusiesen Future. PusierCj I would, etc., put Pusieres Pusiere Pusieremos Pusiereis Pusieren *See lesson 69 of Uribe's Master-Key to the Castillian Language, First Part. 60 IRREGULAR VERBS INFINITIVE MODE. *TRAER, to bring TRAYEXDO, bringing TRAlDO, brought INDICATIVE MODE. Present. Traigo, I bring, etc. Traes Trae Traemos Traeis Traen Past Imperfect. Trala, I used to bring, etc. Traias Traia Traiamos Traiais Traian Past Perfect. Traje, I brought, etc. Trajiste Trajo Trajimos Trajisteis Trajeron Future. Traere, I will or shall bring, etc. Traeras Traera Traeremos Traereis Traeran IMPERATIVE MODE. . Trae tu, bring (thou), tarn. Traiga Ud., bring (vou), sing. Traigamos N., let us bring Traed V,, bring (you), sing. & plu. Traigan Uds., bring (you), plural IRREGULAR VERBS 61 SUBJUNCTIVE MODE. Present. Que TO traiga, that I may bring, etc. tu traigas el traiga X. traigamos V. traigais E. traigan Imperfect. First Form. Trajera. I would, etc., bring Trajeras Trajera Trajeramos Trajerais Trajeran Second Form. Traeria, I would, etc., bring Traerias Traeria Traeriamos Traeriais Traerian Third Form. Trajese, I would, etc., bring Trajeses Trajese Trajesemos Trajeseis Trajesen Future. Trajere, I would, etc., bring Trajeres Trajere Trajeremos Trajereis Trajeren *See lesson 70 of Uribe's Master-Key to the Castillian Language, First Part. 62 IRREGULAR VERBS INFINITIVE MODE. *VENIE, to come VIXIEXDO, coming VENIDO, come INDICATIVE MODE. Present. Vengo, I come, I am coming, etc. Vienes Viene • Venimos Venis Vienen Past Imperfect. Venia, I used to come, etc. Venias Venia Veniamos Veniais Venian Past Perfect. Vine, I came, etc. Viniste Vino Vinimos Vinisteis Vinieron Future. Vendre, I will, shall come, etc. Vendras Vendra Vendremos Vendreis Vendran IMPERATIVE MODE. Ven tu, come (thou), fam. Venga Ud., come (you), sing. Vengamos N., let us come Venid V., come (you), sing. & plu. Vengan Uds., come (you), plural IRREGULAR VERBS 63 SUBJUNCTIVE MODE. Present. Que yo venga, that I may come, etc. * * tu vengas ' * el venga * ' N. vengamos " V. vengais " E. vengan Imperfect. First Form. Viniera, I would, etc., come Vinieras Viniera Vinieramos Vinierais Vinieran Second Form. Vendria, I would, etc., come Vendrias Vendria Vendriamos Vendriais Vendrian Third Form. Viniese, I would, etc., come Vinieses Viniese Viniesemos Vinieseis Viniesen Future. Viniere, I would, etc., come Vinieres Viniere Vinieremos Viniereis Vinieren "See lesson 70 of Uribe 's Master-Key to the Castillian Language, First Part, 64 IRREGULAR VERBS INFINITIVE MODE. *VER, to see, to look VIEXDO, seeing, etc . VISTO, seen, etc. INDICATIVE MODE. Present. Veo, I see, etc. Ves Ve Vemos Veis Yen Past Imperfect. Vela, I used to see, etc. Yeias Vela Veiamos Veiais Veian Past Perfect. Vi, I saw, etc. Viste Vio Yimos Visteis Vieron Future. Vere, I will, shall see, etc. Veras Vera Veremos Vereis Veran IMPERATIVE MODE. Ve tu, see (thou), fam. Vea Ud., see (you), sing. ' Veamos N.^ let us see Ved v., see (you), sing. & plu. Vean Uds., see (you), plural IRBEGULAE VERBS 65 SUBJUNCTIVE MODE. Present. Que yo vea, that I may see, etc. tu veas el vea N. veamos V. veais E. vean Imperfect. First Form. Viera, I would, etc., see Vieras Viera Vieramos Vierais Vieran Second Form. * Veria, I would, etc., see Verias Veria Veriamos Veriais Verian Third Form. Viese, I would, etc., see Vieses Viese Viesemos Vieseis Viesen Future. Viere, I would, etc., see Vieres Viere Vieremos Viereis Vieren *See lesson 70 of Uribe's Master-Key to the Castillian Language, First Part. 66 IRREGULAR VERBS INFINITIVE MODE. *CABEE^ to hold, contain CABIENDO, holding, containing CABIDO, held, contained INDICATIVE MODE. Present. Quepo, I hold, contain, etc. Cabes Cabe Cabemos Cabeis Caben Past Imperfect. Cabia, I used to hold, contain, etc. Cabias Cabia Cabiamos Cabiais Cabian Past Perfect. Cupe, I contained, held, etc. Cupiste Cupo Cupimos Cupisteis Cupieron Future. Cabre, I will, shall contain, etc. Cabras Cabra Cabremos Cabreis Cabran IMPERATIVE MODE. Cabe tu, contain (thou), fam. Quepa Ud., contain (you), sing. Quepamos N., let us contain Cabed V., contain (you), sing. & plu. Quepan Uds., contain (you), plural lEREGULAE, VERBS 67 'SUBJUNCTIVE MODE. Present. Que yo qiiepa, that I may hold, etc. ' tu quepas el quepa N. quepamos V. quepais E. quepan Imperfect. First Form. Cupiera, I would, etc., contain, hold Cupieras Cupiera Cupieramos Cupierais Cupieran Second Form. Cabria, I would, etc., contain, hold Cabrias Cabria Cabriamos Cabriais Cabrian Third Form. Cupiese, I would, etc., contain Cupieses Cupiese Cupiesemos Cupieseis Cupiesen Future. Cupiere, I would, etc., contain Cupieres Cupiere Cupieremos Cupiereis Cupieren *See lesson 70 of Uribe's Master-Key to the Castillian Language, First Part. 68 IRREGULAR VERBS INFINITIVE MODE. *ASIR, to seize, to hold ASIENDO, seizing ASIDO, seized INDICATIVE MODE. Present. Asgo, I seizej etc. Ases Ase Asimos Asis Asen Past Imperfect. Asia, I used to seize, etc. Asias Asia Asiamos Asiais Asian Past Perfect. Asi, I seized, I caught Asiste Asio Asimos Asisteis Asieron Future. Asire, I will, shall seize, etc. Asiras Asira Asiremos Asireis Asiran IMPERATIVE MODE. Ase tu, seize (thou), fam. Asga Ud., seize (you), sing. Asgamos N., let us seize Asid v., seize (you), sing. & plu. Asgan Uds., seize (you); plural IRREGULAR VERBS 69 SUBJUNCTIVE MODE. Present. Que yo asga, that I may seize, etc. tu asgas el asga N. asgamos V. asgais E. asgan Imperfect. First Form. Asiera, I would, etc., seize Asieras Asiera Asieramos Asierais Asieran Second Form. Asiria, I would, etc., seize Asirias Asiria Asiriamos Asiriais Asirian Third Form. Asiese, I would, etc., seize Asieses Asiese Asiesemos Asieseis Asiesen Future. Asiere, I would, etc., seize Asieres Asiere Asieremos Asiereis Asieren *See lesson 71 of Uribe's Master-Key to the Castillian Language, First Part. 70 IRREGULAR VERBS INFINITIVE MODE. *ERGUIR, to stand erect IRGUIEXDO, standing erect ERGUlDOj stood erect INDICATIVE MODE. Present. Irgo 6 yergo, I stand erect, etc. Irgues 6 yergues Irgue 6 yergue Erguimos Erguis Irguen 6 yerguen Past Imperfect. Erguia, I used to stand erect, etc. Erguias Erguia Erguiamos Erguiais Erguian Past Perfect. Ergui, I stood erect, etc. Erguiste Irguio Erguimos Erguisteis Irguieron Future. Erguire, I will, shall stand erect Erguiras Erguira Erguiremos Ergui reis Erguiran IMPERATIVE MODE. Irgue 6 yergue tu, stand erect (thou), fam. Irga 6 yerga Ud., stand erect (you), sing. Irgamos 6 yergamos N., let us stand erect Erguid v., stand erect (you), sing. & plu. Irgan 6 yergan Uds., stand erect (you), plu. IREEGULAR VERBS 71 SUBJUNCTIVE MODE. Present. Que yo irga 6 yerga, that I may stand erect " tu irgas 6 yergas " el irga 6 yerga * ' N irgamos 6 yergamos " V. irgais 6 yergais " E. irgan 6 yergan Imperfect. First Form. Irgiiiera, I would, etc., stand erect Irguieras Irguiera Irguieramos Irguierais Irguieran Second Form. Erguirla, I would, etc., stand erect Erguirlas Erguiria Erguiriamos Erguiriais Erguirian Third Form. Irguiese,'! would, etc., stand erect Irguieses Irguiese Irguiesemos Irguieseis Irguiesen Future. Irguiere, I would, etc., stand erect Irguieres Irguiere Irguieremos Irguiereis Irguieren *See lesson 71 of Uribe's Master-Key to the Castillian Language, First Part. 72 IRREGULAR VERBS LNTFINITIVE MODE. *PLACER, to please PLACIENDO, pleasing PLACIDO, pleased INDICATIVE MODE. Present. Plazco, I please Places Place Placemos Placeis Placen Past Imperfect. Placia, I used to please Placias Placia Placiamos Placiais Plaeian Past Perfect. Placi, I pleased, I did Placiste Placio or plugo Placimos Placisteis Placieron or pluguieron Future. Placer^, I will, shall please Placeras Placera Placeremos Placereis Placeran IMPERATIVE MODE. Place. tu, please (thou), fam. Plazca Ud., please (you), sing. -Plazcamos N., let us please Placed v., please (you), sing. & plu. Plazcan Uds., please (you), plural IRREGULAR VERBS 73 SITBJUNCTIVE MODE. Present. Que yo plazca, that I may please '* tu plazcas " el plazca or plegue " Is. plazcamos " V. plazcais " E. plazcan Imperfect. First Form. Placiera, I would, etc., please Placieras Placiera or pluguiera Placieramos Placierais Placieran Second Form. Placeria, I would, etc., please Placerias Placeria Placeriamos Placerlais Placerian Third Form, Placiese, I would, etc., please Plaeieses Placiese or pluguiese Placiesemos Placieseis Placiesen Future. Placiere, I would, etc., please Placieres Placiere or pluguiere Placieremos Placiereis Placieren *See lesson 71 of Uribe 's Master-Key to the Castillian Language, First Part. 74 IRBEGULAR VERBS INFINITIVE MODE. PODRIR 6 PUDRIR, to rot, to putrify, to PUDEIENDO, rotting, etc. decay PODEIDO, rotten, etc. INDICATIVE MODE. Present. Pudro, I rot, etc. Pudres Pudre , Pudrimos Pudris Pudren Past Imperfect. Pudria, I used to rot, etc. Pudrias Pudria Pudriamos Pudriais Pudrlan Past Perfect. Pudri, I rotted, etc. Pudriste Pudrio * Pudrimos Pudristeis Pudrieron Future. Pudrire, I will or shall rot, etc. Pudriras Pudrira Pudriremos Pudrireis Pudriran IMPERATIVE MODE. Pudre tu, rot (thou), fam. Pudra Ud., rot (you), sing. Pudramos N., let us rot Pudrid v., rot (you), sing. & plu. Pudran Uds., rot (you), plural IRREGULAE VERBS 75 SUBJUNCTIVE MODE. Present. Que JO piidra, that I may rot, etc. " tii pudras '' el pudra *' IST. pudramos " V. pudrais " E. pudran Imperfect. First Form. Pudriera, I would, etc., rot Pudrieras Pudriera Pudrieramos Pudrierais Pudrieran Second Form. Pudrirla, I would, etc., rot Pudririas Pudriria Pudririamos Pudririais Pudririan Tiird Form. Pudriese, I would, etc., rot Pudrieses Pudriese Pudriesemos Pudrieseis Pudriesen Future. Pudriere, I would^ etc., rot Pudrieres Pudriere Pudrieremos Pudriereis Pudrieren 76 IRREGULAR VERBS INFINITIVE MODE. *YACEE, to lie dead YACIEXDO, Iving dead YACIDO, lain "'dead INDICATIVE MODE. Present. Yazco, yazgo 6 yago, I lie dead Y^aces Y^ace Y^'acemos Yaceis Y'acen Past Imperfect. Yacia, I used to lie dead Yacias Y''acia Y''aciaraos Y''aciais Yaclan Past Perfect Yaei, I lay Y'aciste Y'acio Y''acimo3 Y^acisteis Yacieron Future. Y'acere, I will, shall lie dead Y'aceras Y'aeera Yaceremos Y^acereis Y'aeeran IMPERATIVE MODE. Yace or yaz tu, lie dead (thou), fam. Yazea, yazga or yaga Ud., lie dead (you), singular Yazcamos, yazgamos or yagamos N., let us lie dead Yaeed V., lie dead (you), sing, and plural Yazcan, yazgan or yagan Uds., lie dead (you), plural IRKEGULAR VERBS 77 SUBJUNCTIVE MODE. Present. Q^ e yo yazca, yazga 6 yaga, that I may lie tu yazcas, yazgas or yagas dead el yazca, yazga or yaga N, yazeamos, yazgamos or yagamos V. yazcais, yazgais or yagais E. yazcan, yazgan or yagan Imperfect. First Form. Yaciera, I would; etc., lie dead Yacieras Yaciera Yacieramos Yacierais Yacieran Second Form. Yaceria, I would, etc., lie dead Yacerias Yaceria Yaceriamos Yacerlais Yacerian Tliird Form. Yaciese, I would, etc., lie dead Yacieses Yaciese Yaciesemos Yacieseis Yaciesen Future. Yaciere, I would, etc., lie dead Yacieres Yaciere Yacieremos Yaciereis Yacieren *See lesson 72 of Uribe 's Master-Key to the Castillian Language, First Part. Personal Notes. THIRD PART. 80 IRREGULAR VERBS *FIRST MODEL CONJUGATION. Verbs of the first and second conjugation having "e" in the sj'llable next to the last, take "i" before the "e'^ in the present of Indicative, Imperative and present of Sub- junctive, except in the first and second per- sons of plural. There are some exceptions to this rule. See pages 141 to 162. INFINITIVE MODE. . ACERTAR, to guess, ascertain ACERTANDO, ascertaining ACERTADO; ascertained INDICATIVE MODE. Present. Acierto, I hit the mark, guess, etc. Aciertas Acierta Acertamos Acertais Aciertan Past Imperfect. Acertaba, I used to guess, etc. Acertabas Acertaba Acertabamos Acertabais Acertaban Past Perfect. Acerte, I ascertained, etc. Acertaste Acerto Acertamos Acertasteis Acertaron Future. Acertare, I will, shall ascertain, etc. Acertaras Acertara Acertaremos Acertareis Acertaran IRREGULAR VERBS 81 IMPERATIVE MODE. Acierta tu, ascertain (thou), fam. Acierte Ud., ascertain (you), sing. Acertemos N., let us ascertain Acertad V., ascertain (you), sing. & plu. Acierten Uds., ascertain (you), plural SUBJUNCTIVE MODE. Present. Que yo acierte, that I may ascertain, etc. * ' tii aciertes " el acierte '' N. acertemos " V. acerteis " E. acierten Imperfect. First Form. Acertara, I would, etc., ascertain Acertaras Acertara Acertaramos Acertarais Acertaran Second Form. Acertaria, I would, etc., ascertain Acertarlas Acertaria Acertarlamos Acertariais Acertarian Third Form. Acertase, I would, etc.^ ascertain Acertases Acertase Acertasemos Acertaseis Acertasen Future. Acertare, I would, etc., ascertain Acertares Acertare Acertaremos Acertareis Acertaren *See lesson 72 of Uribe's Master-Key to the Castillian Language, First Part. 82 IRREGULAR VERBS *SECOND MODEL CONJUGATION. Verbs of the first and second conjuga- tions having "o" in the syllable next to the last, change "o" to **ue" when the accent is on the stem. There are some exceptions. See pages 141 to 162. INFINITIVE MODE. CONTAR, to count, to relate CONTANDO, counting, etc. CONTADO, counted, etc. INDICATIVE MODE. Present. Cuento, I county etc. Cuentas Cuenta Contamos Contais Cuentan Past Imperfect. Contaba, I used to count, etc. Contabas Contaba Contabamos Contabais Contaban Past Perfect. Conte, I counted, etc. Contaste Conto Contamos Contasteis Contaron Future. Contare, I will, shall count Contaras Contara Contaremos Contareis Contaran *The past participles of Absolver, disol- ver, resolver and volver are: absuelto, di- suelto, resuelto, vuelto. The verbs desosar, desovar and oler take h before the diphthong ue. imtEGULAR VERBS 83 IMPERATIVE MODE. Cuenta tu, count (thou), fam. Cuente Ud., count (you), sing. Contemos N., let us count Contad V., count (you), sing. & plu. Cuenten Uds., count (you), plural SUBJUNCTIVE MODE. Present. Que yo cuente, that I may count, etc. * * tu cuentes " el cuente " N. contemos " V. conteis '* E. cuenten Imperfect. First Form. Contara^ I would, etc., count Contaras Contara Contaramos Contarais Contaran Second Form. • Contaria, I would, etc., count Contarias Contaria Contariamos Contariais Contarian Third Form. Contase, I would, etc., count Contases Contase Contasemos Contaseis Contasen Future. Contare, I would, etc., count Contares Contare Contaremos Contareis Contaren *See lesson 72 of Uribe's Master-Key to the Castillian Language, First Part. 84 IRREGULAR VERBS *THIRD MODEL CONJUGATION. Verbs ending in acer, ecer, ocer and ucir, except mecer (to rock) and remecer (to rock again) which are regular; hacer (to make, to do) which has especial irregular- ities; cocer (to cook) which follows the Second Model Conjugation, and the verbs ending in ducir which follow the Third Model, take a z before ca and co in the present of indicative, imperative and pres- ent of subjunctive as "nacer. " Placer (to please) and yacer (to lie dead), have some other irregularities not in common use. INFINITIVE MODE. NACEE, to be born NACIENDO, being born NACIDO, been born INDICATIVE MODE. Present. Nazco, I am born, etc. Naces Nace Nacemos Naceis Nacen Past Imperfect. Nacia, I was born, etc. Nacias Nacia Naciamos ■ Naciais Nacian Past Perfect. Naei, I was born, etc. Naciste Nacio Nacimos Nacisteis Nacieron Future. Nacere, I will, shall be born, etc. Naceras Nacera Naeeremos Nacereis Naceran IRREGULAR VERBS 85 IMPERATIVE MODE. Nace tu, be born (thou), fam. Nazca Ud.^ be born (you), sing. Kazcamos N., let us he born Naced V., be born (you), sing & plu. Nazcan Uds., be born (you), plural SUBJUNCTIVE MODE. Present. Que yo nazca, that I may be born, etc. '' tu nazcas " el nazca " N. nazcamos " V. nazcais *' E. nazcan Imperfect. First Form. Naciera, I would, etc., be born Nacieras Naciera Nacieramos Naeierais Nacieran Second Form. Naceria, I would, etc., be born Nacerias Naceria Naceriamos Kaceriais Nacerian TMrd Form. Naciese, I would, etc., be born Nacieses Naciese Naciesemos Nacieseis Naciesen Future. Naciere, I would, etc., be born Nacieres Naciere Naciercmos Naciereis Nacieren *See lesson 73 of XJribe's Master-Key to the Castillian Language, First Part. 86 IRREGULAR VERBS *FOURTH MODEL CONJUGATION. Verbs ending in "ducir" are conjugated as those ending in acer, ecer, ocer and ucir; but take, besides a j instead of c in the Past Perfect, and consequently, in the First and Third Forms of the Imperfect of Subjunctive, same as in the Future of this Mode. INFINITIVE MODE. TRADUCIR, to translate TEADUCIENDO, translating TRADUCIDO, translated INDICATIVE MODE. Present. Traduzco, I translate, etc. Traduces Traduce Traducimos Traducis Traducen Past Imperfect. Traducia, I used to translate, etc. Traducias Traducia Traduciamos Traduciais Traducian Past Perfect. Traduje, I translated, etc. Tradujiste Tradujo Tradujimos Tradujisteis Tradujeron Future. Traducire, I will or shall translate Traduciras Traducira Traduciremos Traducireis Traduciran IBBEGULAB VERBS ' 87 IMPERATIVE MODE. Traduce tii, translate (thou), fam. Traduzca Ud., translate (you), sing. Traduzcamos N., let us translate Traducid V., translate (you), sing. & plu. Traduzcan Uds., translate (you), plural SUBJUNCTIVE MODE. Present. Que yo traduzca, that I may translate " tu traduzcas " el traduzca " N. traduzcamos " V. traduzcais '* E. traduzcan Imperfect. First Form. Tradujera, I would, etc., translate Tradujeras Tradujera Tradujeramos Tradujerais Tradujeran Second Form. Traduciria, I would, etc., translate Traducirias Traduciria Traduciriamos Traduciriais Traducirian Third Form. \ Tradujese Tradujeses Tradujese Tradujesemos Tradujeseis Tradujesen Future. Tradujere, I would, etc., translate Tradujeres Tradujere Tradujeremos Tradujereis Tradujeren *See lesson 73 of Uribe's Master-Key to the Castillian Language, First Part. 88 IRREGULAR VERBS *FIFTH MODEL CONJUGATION. Verbs of the second and third conjuga- tions ending in aiier, anir, inir and unir, and in eller and ullir, drop the i of the regular endings before the diphthongs io and io, for the sake of euphony. INFINITIVE MODE. tTAxEK, to play TAXENDO, plaving TAnIDO, played INDICATIVE MODE. Present. Tano, I play Tanes Tane Tanemos Taneis Tanen Past Imperfect. Tania, I used to play Tanias Tania Taniamos Taniais Tanian Past Perfect. Tani, I played Taniste Tano Tanimos Tanisteis Taneron Future. Tanere, I will, shall play Taneras Tanera Taneremos Tanereis Taneran IRREGULAR VEEBS 89 IMPERATIVE MODE. Tane tii^ play (thou), fam. Tana Ud., play you), sing. Tanamos N,, let us play Taned V., play (you), sing, and plu Tanan Uds., play (you), plural SUBJUNCTIVE MODE. Present. Que yo taiia, that I may play ** tu tanas * ' el tana '* N. tanamos " V. tanais " E. tanan Imperfect. First Form. Tanera, I would, etc., play Taiieras Tanera Taneraraos Tanerais Taneran Second Form. Taneria, I would, etc., play Tanerias Taneria Taiieriamos Taneriais Tanerian Third Form. Tanese, I would, etc.^ play Taneses Tanese Tanesemos Taneseis Tanesen Future. Tanere, I would, etc., play Taneres Tanere Taneremos Tanereis Taneren *See lesson 74 of Uribe 's Master-Key to the Castillian Language. First Part. tit is said: Taner la lira (to play the lyre). 90 IRREGULAR VERBS *SIXTH MODEL CONJUGATION. Verbs ending in ebir, edir, egir, egnir, emir, enchir, endir, estir and etir, same as servir, change the e of the penultimate syllable into i, in the following persons and tenses: INFINITIVE MODE. SERVIR, to serve SIRVIENDO, serving SERVIDO, served INDICATIVE MODE. Present. Sirvo, I serve Sirves Sirve Servimos Servis Sirven Past Imperfect. Servia, I used to serve Servias Servia Serviamos Serviais Servian Past Perfect. Servi, I served Serviste Sirvio Servimos Servisteis Sirvieron Future. Servire, I will, shall serve Serviras Servira Serviremos Servireis Serviran IRREGULAR VERBS 91 IMPERATIVE MODE. Sirve tu, serve (thou), fam. Sirva Ud., serve (you), sing. Sirvamos N., let us serve Servid V., serve (you), sing. & plu. Sirvan Uds., serve (you), plural SUBJUNCTIVE MODE. Present. Que yo sirva, that I may serve '' tu sirvas ' ' el sirva " N. sirvamos ' ' V. sirvais " E. sirvan Imperfect. First Form. Sirviera, I would, etc., serve Sirvieras Sirviera Sirvieramos Sirvierais Sirvieran Second Form. Serviria, I would, etc., serve Servirlas Serviria Serviriamos Serviriais Servirlan Third Form. Sirviese, I would, etc., serve Sirvieses Sirviese Sirviesemos Sirvieseis Sirviesen Future. Sirviere, I would, etc., serve Sirvieres Sirviere Sirvieremos Sirviereis Sirvieren *See lesson 74 of Uribe's Master-Key to the Castillian Language, First Part. 92 IRREGULAR VERBS * SEVENTH MODEL CONJUGATION. Verbs ending in eir and enir change the e of the stem into i and do not take the i of the regular endings in the following persons and tenses: INFINITIVE MODE. EEIR, to laugh EIENDO, laughing EEiDO, laughed INDICATIVE MODE. Present. Eio, I laugh Eies Eie Eeimos Eeis Eien Past Imperfect. Eeia, I used to laugh Eeias Eeia Eeiamos Eeiais Eeian Past Perfect. Eei, I laughed Eeiste Eio Eeimos Eeisteis Eieron Future. Eeire, I will or shall laugh Eeiras Eeira Eeiremos Eeireis Eeiran IRREGULAR VERBS 93 IMPERATIVE MODE. Eie tu, laugh (thou), fam. Eia Ud, laugh (you), sing. Eiamos X., let us laugh Eeid v., laugh (you), sing. & plu. Eian Uds, laugh (you), plural SUBJUNCTIVE MODE. Present. Que yo ria, that I may laugh * ' tu rias " el ria " N. riamos " V. rials '' E. rian Imperfect. First Form. Eiera, I would, etc., laugh Eieras Eiera Eieramos Eierais Eieran Second Form. Eeiria, I would, etc., laugh Eeirias Eeiria Eeiriamos Eeiriais Eeirlan Third Form. Eiese, I would, etc., laugh Eieses Eiese Eiesemos Eieseis Eiesen Future. Eiere, I would, etc., laugh Eieres Eiere Eieremos Eiereis Eieren *See lesson 75 of Uribe 's Master-Key to the Castillian Language, First Part. 94 IRREGULAR VERBS ♦EIGHTH MODEL CONJUGATION. Verbs ending in entir, erir and ertir, same as hervir (to boil) and rehervir (to boil again), change e to i or take i before the e of the stem in the following persons and tenses: INFINITIVE MODE. SENTIR, to feel, be sorry, regret SINTIENDO, feeling SENTIDO, felt INDICATIVE MODE. Present. Siento, I feel Sientes Siente Sentimos Sentis Sienten Past Imperfect. Sentia, I used to feel Sentias Sentia Sentiamos Sentiais Sentian Past Perfect. Senti, I felt Sentiste Sintio Sentimos Sentisteis Sintieron Future. Sentire, I will, shall feel Sentiras Sentira Sentiremos Sentireis Sentiran IRREGULA R VERBS 95 IMPERATIVE MODE. Siente tti, feel (thou), fam. Sienta Ud., feel (you), sing. Sintamos N., let us feel Sentid V., feel (you), sing. &: plu. Sientan Uds., feel (you), plural SUBJUNCTIVE MODE. Present. Que yo sienta, that I may feel * ' tu sientas " el sienta '' N. sintamos '' V. sintais " E. sientan Imperfect. First Form. Sintiera, I would, etc., feel Sintieras Si^itiera Sintieramos Sintierais Sintieran Second Form. Sentiria, I would, etc., feel Sentirlas Sentiria Sentiriamos Sentiriais Sentirian Third Form. Sintiese, I would, etc., feel / Sintieses Sintiese Sintiesemos Sintieseis Sintiesen Future. Sintiere, I would, etc., feel Sintieres Sintiere Sintieremos Sintiereis Sintieren *See lesson 75 of Uribe 's Master-Key to the Castillian Language, First Part. 96 IRREGULAR VERBS *NINTH MODEL CONJUGATION. Verbs ending in irir take an e after the first 1; same as jugar takes it after the u in the following persons and tenses: INFINITIVE MODE. ADQUIEIB, to acquire ADQUIRIENDO, acquiring ADQUIRIDO, acquired INDICATIVE MODE. Present. Adquiero, I acquire Adquieres Adquiere Adquirimos Adquiris Adquieren Past Imperfect. Adquiria, I used to acquire Adquirias Adquiria Adquiriamos Adquiriais Adquirian Past Perfect. Adquiri, I acquired Adquiriste Adquirio Adquirimos Adquiristeis Adquirieron Future. Adquirire, I will acquire Adquiriras Adquirira ' Adquiriremos Adquirireis Adquiriran IRREGUIiAR VERBS 97 IMPERATIVE MODE. Adquiere tu, acquire (thou), fam. Adquiera Ud., acquire (you), sing. Adquiramos N., let us acquire Adquirid V., acquire (you), S. & P. Adquieran Uds., acquire (you), plu. SUBJUNCTIVE MODE. Present. Que yo adquiera, that I may acquire ** tu adquieras " el adquiera " N. adquiramos " V. adquirais ** E. adquieran Imperfect. First Form. Adquiriera, I would, etc., acquire Adquirieras Adquiriera Adquirieramos Adquirierais Adquirieran Second Form. Adquiriria, I would, etc., acquire Adquiririas Adquiriria Adquiririamos Adquiririais Adquirirlan Third Form. Adquiriese. I would, etc., acquire Adquirieses Adquiriese Adquiriesemos Adquirieseis Adquiriesen Future. Adquiriere, I would, etc., acquire Adquirieres Adquiriere Adquirieremos Adquiriereis Adquirieren 98 IRREGULAR VERBS Ninth Conjugation— Continued. INFINITIVE MODE. JUGAE, to play, to gamble JUGANDO, playing, gambling JUGADO, played, gambled INDICATIVE MODE. Present. Juego, I play Juegas Juega Jiigamos Jugais '^ Juegan Past Imperfect. Jiigaba, I used to play Jugabas Jugaba Jugabamos Jugabais Jugaban Past Perfect. tJugue, I played Jugaste Jiigo Jiigamos Jugasteis Jugaron Future. Jugare, I will play Jugaras Jiigara Jiigaremos .Tugareis Jiigaran tSee page 18, verbs ending in ''gar.'* ntHEGUIaAB VERBS 99 IMPERATIVE MODE. Juega tu, play (thou), fam. Juegue Ud., play (you), sing. Juguemos N., let us play Jugad v., play (you), sing. &■ plu. Jueguen Uds., play (you), plural SUBJUNCTIVE MODE. Present. Que yo juegue, that I may play tu juegues el juegue N. juguemos V. jugueis E. jueguen Imperfect. First Form. Jugara, I would, etc., play Jugaras Jugara Jugaramos Jugarais Jugaran Second Form. Jugaria, I would, etc., play Jugarias Jugaria Jugariamos Jugariais Jugarian. Third Form. Jugase, I would, etc., play Jugases Jugase Jugasemos Jugaseis Jugasen Future. Jugare, I would, etc., play Jugares Jugare Jugaremos Jugareis Jugaren *See lesson 75 of Uribe's Master-Key to the Castillian Language, First Part. 100 IRREGULAPv VERBS *TENTH MODEL CONJUGATION. Dormir and morir (to sleep and to die) change the o of the stem into u or into ue, in different persons and tenses. The past jjartieiple of morir is irregular, besides. INFINITIVE MODE. DOKMIR, to sleep DURMIEXDO, sleeping DORMIDO, slept INDICATIVE MODE. Present. Duermo, I sleep Duermes Duerme Dormimos Dormis Duermen Past Imperfect. Dormia, I used to sleep Dormias Dormia Dormiamos Dormiais Dormian Past Perfect. Dormi, I slept Dormiste Durmio Dormimos Dormisteis Durmieron Future. Dormire, I will, shall sleep Dormiras Dormira Dormiremos Dormireis Dormiran IRREGULAR VERBS 101 IMPERATIVE MODE. Duenne tu, sleep (thou), fam. Duerma Ud., sleep (you), sing. Durmamos X.,-let us sleep Dormid V., sleep (you), sing. & plu. Duerman Uds., sleep (you), plural SUBJUNCTIVE MODE. Present. Que TO duerma, that I may sleep '* tu duermas ' ' el duerma '' N. durmamos " V. durmais '' E. duerman Imperfect. First Form. Durmiera, I would, etc., sleep Durmieras Durmiera Durmieramos Durmierais Durmieran Second Form. Dormiria, I would, etc., sleep Dormirias Dormiria Dormiriamos Dormiriais Dormirian Third Fomi. Durmiese, I would, etc., sleep Durmieses Durmiese Durmiesemos Durmieseis Durmiesen Future. Durmiere, I would, etc., sleep Durmieres Durmiere Durmieremos Durmiereis Durmieren *See lesson 75 of Uribe 's Master-Key to the Castillian Language, First Part. 102 IRREGULAR VERBS Tenth Conjugation—Continued. INFINITIVE MODE. MORIE, to die MURTENDO, dying MUERTO, died INDICATIVE MODE. Present. Muero, I die Mueres Muere Morimos Moris Mueren Past Imperfect. fMoria, I used to die Morias Moria Moriamos Moriais Morian Past Perfect. Mori, I died Moriste Murio Morimos Moristeis Murieron Future. Morire, I will, shall die Moriras Morira Moriremos Morireis Moriran tMe moria de miedo (I was frightenexi to death). IBREGULAB VESBS 103 IMPERATIVE MODE. Muere tu, die (thou), fam. Muera Ud.j die (you), sing. Muramos N., let us die Morid v., die (you), sing. & plu. Mueran Uds., die (you), plural SUBJUNCTIVE MODE. Present. Que yo muera, ttat I may die '^ tu mueras ' ' el muera ' * N. muramos " V. murais " E, mueran Ijnperfect. First Form. Muriera, I would, etc., die Murieras Muriera Murieramos Murierais Murieran Second Form. Moriria, I would, etc., die Moririas Moriria Morirlamos Moririais Moririan Third Form. Muriese, I would, etc., die Murieses Muriese Muriesemos Murieseis Muriesen Future. Muriere, I would, etc.j die Murieres Muriere Murieremos Muriereis Murieren 104 IRREGUIiAB VERBS ^ELEVENTH MODEL CONJUGATION. Valer and Salir (to be worth, and to go out) have the same irregularities, except in the Imperative Mode, in which salir does not take the e of the regular ending. INFINITIVE MODE. VALER, to be worth VALIENDO, being worth VALIDO, been worth INDICATIVE MODE. Present. Valgo, I am worth Vales Vale Valemos Valeis Valen Past Imperfect. Valla, I was worth, I used to be Valias [worth Valia Valiamos Valiais Valian Past Perfect. Vali, I was worth Valiste Valio Valimos Valisteis Valieron Future. Valdre, I will, shall be worth Valdras Valdra Valdremos Valdreis Valdran IRREGULAR VERBS 105 IMPERATIVE MODE. Vale tu, be "worth (thou), fam, Valga Ud., be worth (vou), sing. Yalgamos N., let us be worth Valed v., be worth (vou), S. & P. Yalgan Uds., be worth (you), plural SUBJUNCTIVE MODE. Present. Que TO valga, that I may be worth ' * tu valga s " el valga ' *■ N. valgamos " V. valgais '' E. valgan Imperfect. First Form. Valiera, I would, etc., be worth Valieras Valiera Valieramos Valierais Valieran Second Form. Valdria, I would, etc., be worth Valdrias Valdria Valdrlamos Valdriais Valdrian Third Form. Valiese, I would^ etc., be worth Valieses Valiese Valiesemos Valieseis Valiesen Future. Valiere, I would, etc., be worth Valieres Valiere Valieremos Valiereis Valieren *See lesson 76 of Uribe 's Master-Key to the Castillian Language, First Part. 106 IRREGULAB VERBS Eleventh Conjugation— Continued. INFINITIVE MODE. SALIE, to go out SALIEXDO, going out SALIDO, gone out INDICATIVE MODE. Present. Salgo, I go out Sales Sale tSalimos Salis Salen Past Imperfect. Salia, I used to go out Salias Salia Saliamos Saliais Salian Past Perfect. Sail, I went out Saliste Salio Salimos Salisteis Salieron Future. Saldre, I will, shall go out Saldras Saldra Saldremos Saldreis Saldran tValer takes the endings of the second model conjugation, while salir takes those of the third conjugation. IRREGULAR VERBS 107 IMPERATIVE MODE. Sal tu, go out (thou), fam. Saiga Ud., go out (you), sing. Salgamos X.^ let us go out Salid v.. go out (you), sing. & plu. Salgan Uds., go out (you), plural SUBJUNCTIVE MODE. Present. ^ue yo saiga, that I may go out '' tu saigas '' el saiga " N. salgamos " V. salgais '' E. salgan Imperfect. First Form. Saliera, I would, etc., go out Salieras Saliera Salieramos Salierais - Salieran Second Form. Saldria, I would, etc., go out Saldrias Saldria Saldriamos Saldriais Saldrian Third Form. Saliese, I would, etc., go out Salieses Saliese Saliesemos Salieseis Saliesen Future. Saliere, I would, etc., go out Salieres Saliere Salieremos Saliereis Salieren 108 IRREGULAR VERBS *TWELFTH MODEL CONJUGATION. Verbs ending in uir, take y after the u of the stem, and change the i of the regular endings to y according to orthographical rules (page 23). Inmiscuir (to interfere) is a regular verb. INFINITIVE MODE. COXSTRUIE, to construct COXSTRUYEXDO. constructing COXSTEUiDO, constructed INDICATIVE MODE. Present. Construyo, I construct, I build Construyes Construye Coustruimos Construis Construyen Past Imperfect. Construia, I used to construct, Construias [I built Construia Construiamos Construiais Construian Past Perfect. Construi, I constructed, I built Construlste Construyo Construimos Construisteis Construyeron Future. Construire, I will or shall construct Construiras Construira Construiremos Construireis Construiran ' lEPwEGULAE, VERES 109 IMPEEATIVE MODE. Construye tii^ build (thou), fam. Construya Ud., build (you), sing. Construyamos X., let us construct Construid V., build (you). S. & P. Construyan Uds., construct (you), P. SUBJUNCTIVE MODE. Present. Que yo construya, that I may construct, ' tu construyas [or build ' el construya ' X. construyamos ' V. construyais ' E. construyan Imperfect. First Form. Construyera, I would, etc., construct. Construyeras [build Construyera Construyeramos Construyerais Construyeran Second Form. Construiria, I would, etc., construct. Construirlas [build Construiria Construiriamos Construiriais Construirian Third Form. Construyese, I would, etc., build Construyeses Construyese Construyesemos Construyeseis Construyesen Future. Construyere, I would, etc., build or Construyeres [construct Construyere Construyeremos Construyereis Construyeren *See lesson 76 of Uribe's Master-Key to the Castillian Language, First Part. Personal Notes. FOURTH PART. 112 MOODS AND TENSES (O Da 'E, ,-v &i "S "^ > K ^ ■£ (A •+^ /-— N 04 DO CO -1^ (X) o "^ ^ ;-i c2 m ^^fe^ ^ w u X • H O • %4 en Q o o > M • ft M 03 0) !>. c3 >. fee p>^ .-1 o rt ?i > > o o o o c3 O Ph o3 Ph o Ph M H PL^ Ph H H w > 1— 1 H w >^ e^ CQ O M u 2, bJO 09 ;z; be '^ C3 0) iz; M 03 o a CQ •rH a < o ^ tS o rt 03 C5 VC^ 03 re O bo bC bX) be bjo bJO u tH H r3 ^ ^H 03 ^ f4 OQ C/3 1 Q 1 O O :^ MOODS AND TENSES 113 g^ ^ > ^- 1 ^ P.-^ o o o ^ f^ o '^ ■ rz _i_:i "^^ **^ ^ rr-t Wo© ^-T;© O '3 rrt^'d 4i zn o 03 g X C 03 c3 r* '5 ri i2 -^ 3 r^ r^ ^ c3 rt c3 vrt CS d £X tc fcX) fc£ tjC bX) CS rt c3 ct ci c<3 P. Ph P( Pi f- P. 2 o © O © " *■© 03 C M ^H 2 rt vD c^ ri c5 be fcX) be fcC fcn fcX) c^ cj cS c^ c€ cd Ph Ph Ph P-l P, P( O ^ I— I . • • . O vd _( • 114 MOODS AND TENSES OQ Cd U > ffi C/3 HH Z < Ok C/3 U x ' H b '^ O in • •t-3 •-3 03 paid paid t3 05 P. 03 n::? 03 Pi 03 aid paid paid OD +> c3 & ,, '^ > r:i Pi P. ■ -r^ o (-1 > c<3 3 02 03 pE3 have hav _4 03 03 r£3 ^ ^ -^ -^ ^ '^ Q P4 o 4^ 1— 1 o 0) Ph o 43 TO M o en III S •c o S) ^ SP S a> o o +3 O t3 03 o O V o rt rt o 0) ^3 bC nd a ^ ^ CJ P^ o ' \^ O &C bC 'T3 PL4 o3 03 03 r3 -- W o v:3 H r— H 12; >^ H NH (/) O O o s MOODS AND TENSES 115 . ''r2 3|l = s ^ ^ . S '^j:t>>-'-''^ " '^ ^ t^ ^ '^ n o r" o c3 o o c3 tD ^ &4 y^ &D Pi c? p, ^ § f^ o p. S «: ■; .„ 5 S 2 fl ^" v-H \-H N^^ \-H v^H TO Q C3 C3 Cy Cy pO^^^^^ fcCfcJDbCbCtuDfcaO .fl^^^^^ &P^PLi&,p,Ch © '■S ^^ • • . © ^3 ,_i • • . 116 MOODS AND TENSES Da > C/3 (/) H O (/) U (/I H Q z CQ ;^ o u (A u O u -^ ^ :5 - ■^ '^ g. p. p, P^ Ph '^ ® o ^ ^ S ^ -fl -^ o 'o o o :3 ^ — I ;=; '— o X ^ o o o CO o o C3 O o a o o tc ■^ f* rr ^ c; r.n rt p, tx CS tX) so o eC p^ C3 v© DO V53 o ^ H v© vrt pC ^ ^ ,£3 >H ^ « ^ > W >p^ 03 (=1 03 4J •-' •— I n u Q O O O 03 bfl ^ p 3 CO - O 3 O a Pi > (i| Ph H^l p o o3 c^ PLH Ph EH p^ » r-s ^ m • M ■1^ P O 3 t> M O ^ - ^ ^ ^' ^ >^ ^ ^ S cS g g C CD 5 1^ S o -»J -1^ 4^ -«-3 -^ -i^ a a a a d <^ ^ rC rC ^ ^ ^ t- — ^ ^- U- t_l Cr"- C^ £7^ ~ C^ CT' u Sc o o OQ O iiO tC tc bjD " Ct CS C3 ^ &, Ph p^ S ;?' K-' f^' O . 03 P. >> c3 >. 03 P. >. >> rt ;>. o3 Ph U * 03 03 P, ^ ■ t >. • 03 &H -tJ s >> « &, &, -»j 03 &( -4-S pfl W m O! B CO • )-H d o3 be 03 P. ® W MOODS AND TENSES 119 u O U a Pi ei3 ^ '^ - ? 1 ^ ^- 'S a P^ S^ •;t ^ Ph "-^ ^ © f^ ^ O ® > rt (Q SP > ^ c3 ^ rt 5 S S « >^ M E^ S ^ >^ rn o S? o fcJC r^ O 5 d "^ o O rQ c3 fcJD o r-' 03 C 03 03 ^ ^ ,C! ^ ^ __^ >H H 'H ^ P> H 03 f^ "^ "^ cj '5 "rt "5 ^ p. p_ -- Q) > > >l ' - 03 -^ ,c -^ r f^ © o d ^ © :/^ F- f^ »— ' ^ Ti r-i ^ 2 o '^ r^ 2 <=> ° © ^ O o -. _r rr- .— 1 © -c r-! TJ ^ S3 - '^' '^ = - ? 2 ^ § o ° ^ S ^ ^ ^ ^ r^- O © ^ 02 O S T. !« >^ ^ kH H 5 ^ i-i r-' (— 1 o 5 o o 03 c3 a c3 2 J^ Ch .2 fl c3 c3 c3 rt cS cS ^ ^ ;_ ;_ ^H ^H © © © ^© © © ^ !E 2 2 3 3 ;: :: p 3 3 :3 ^ ^ ^ ,J5 ^ r^a l>^ H « ^ > H 120 MOODS AND TENSES ^ ^ ns r^ "^ r^ 1-3 03 o3 ri 03 n::^ Cj 03 03 03 • 03 Ph r^ P^ P. • 0-^ P. Ph P^ Qj QQ > > © > © > C3 P, © > ® > © © U > Ch 03 03 03 03 © p. cd 03 03 e3 > X 03 > > 03 © > ,£3 m S tx S b£ bX) rG bJC' fcJD B < S ^ ^ t- 's © ;h }-i "=> Cu ;^ © r/l -i-T r^ r-^ t; ^ »— H -t-T 2 rs ^ 2 1—1 ^ ^-.' © 3 © 2 © 2 '3 © © 2^ 2 '3 -t-T cc r3 3 • ^ ^ 7^ r^-* 2 ^ ^ (—1 3 f^^ 2 :s 1 C/J 3 >4 •V "5 ^ r4 .^ 3 '3 CO U H 5 M S CO CO 7J •* — Fh CD rQ © ^ © rC © ;3 © Q IB 1— 1 © -a ^ H © l-T-l ;z; r=5 Hi^ V EH CQ x/1 b ■ r3 1^ tx 03 u *-* fcJD o3 b£ 03 bJD &JD bJD 03 P. CO P. ^^ Ph CQ o3 P. c5 03 Pi CO s ^ P. .2 fl < 03 d © © © © © © ^ ce 03 c3 ^ '5 c^ cc 02 CO 02 w m Cd V^ yr^ Vi— ( V^H \f-H V*H © © © V© © © rH ;-! ^ ^ ^ ;h • ^H • p-H • pH • -H • ^H ••— < nJ ,P rQ ,0 rQ Xi ^ r^ ,3 rP rO ^ rO Cu CS c3 f^. ^ a cS 3 I—" r— ' r^ 3 3 s ^a ^ rS tia r*-! A rc: pC ,5 rS ■fl r^a en 1—1 !^* > p4 * • • ^ >► w c/f Q ' S MOODS AND TENSES 121 0) >^ ^ ^ ^ ^ g. ^ -^ S f r ^ ■^ ^ fc£ •£ p S ^ ^ S ^ t. fe G S Z ^ O ® ^ =^ O ° ^ 2 o ^^ 2 -S "^ o S'S s I § " -« > rj3 2 "^ ^ ^ ^ s ?; o ^ I— I !K (-! 1^ CO J-" ? s - "^ ^ m "T OQ CD o ^ § 3 ^ «H M H h^ p, p Q Ph r-* 12 ? r- ' o a O O ^ >> S o ^ o OQ O CQ S .2 fl !-i !-( ;-c ^ ^ ^ C« rt a vcs ce rt fcJO fcj: t£ fc£ b£ &C 03 d C3 d a d i=M Pk £14 P. ^ P. o 1>H S l^i > H r^ r^ r^ Ti 'C -^ 'S *c5 *S "5 >^ C3 C3 P^ P^ P. P. Ph 03 © © © ® c3 > d 03 1^ > d pP b£ -4-3 02 2 pC _fc£ PH pC fc£ 1 _b£) £ 3 o o o o o o iTi r— 1 2 p^ -tj" ■— ' p-i ^ 2 2 '3 o o o o •^ p^ c « «^ o ^ r^^ CQ o p^ 2^ rg 3 12 -t-T o 3 o o > o 'S 2 ^ ^ ;> rs" o "9 P-" r^ [^ '9 o p^ r" ^ o r^ o pJ o OQ o pC 3 o s CO K >. o © o !3 O 1^ © pp O o O be o p»* o 05 p^ o3 03 Ph c5 b£ 03 b£) bE 03 Ph 03 Ph CO d Ph OS o s c6 m • p- o3 Ph © 03 © © © © fi ^ ^-1 V( ^ U ' rv^ 122 AUXILIARY VERBS CONJUGATION OF THE AUXILIARY VERB TO BE. INFINITIVE MODE. To be (present) To have been (past per.) To have to be (future) Being (present part.) Been (past part.) MODE. Past Perfect. Hube sido, I had been, Ser Haber sido Haber de ser Siendo Sido INDICATIVE Present. Sov, I am, etc. Eres Es Somos Sois Son Past Imperfect. Hubiste sido Hubo sido Hubimos sido Hubisteis sido Hubieron sido Pluperfect. [etc. Era, I used to be, etc. Habia sido.Ihadbeen, Eras Era Eramos Erais Eran Past Perfect. Fui, I was, etc. Fuiste Fue Fuimos Fuisteis Fueron Past Perfect. [etc. Habias sido Habia sido Habiamos sido Habiais sido Habian sido Future Imperfect Sere, I will be, etc. Seras Sera Seremos Sereis Seran Future Perfect. He sido, I have been^ Habre sido, I shall [etc. have been, etc. Has sido Habras sido Ha sido Hemos sido Habeis sido Han sido IMPERATIVE Se tti Sea Ud. Seamos N. Sed Sean Habra sido Habremos sido Habreis sido Habran sido MODE. Present. Be (thou), fam. Be (you)j sing. Let us be V. Be (you), sing. & plu. Uds. Be (you), plural AUXILIARY VERBS 123 SUBOTTNCTIVE MODE. Present. Que TO sea That I may be " tu seas That thou mayest be '' el sea That he may be " N. seamos That we may be " V. seals That you may be ' ' E. sean That they may be Past Imperfect. Yo fuera, seria or fuese, I would, could, Tu fueras, serias or fueses [etc., be El fuera, seria or fuese X. fueramos, seriamos or fuesemos V. fuerais, serials or fuesels E. fueran, serian or fuesen Past Perfect. Que yo haya sido. That I may have been, '' tii hayas sldo [etc. " el haya sido ' ' N. hayamos sldo " V. hayals sldo '^ E. hayan sido Pluperfect. Yo hublera, habria or hublese sldo, I would, could, etc., have been Tu hubleras, habrias or hubleses sido El hublera, habria or hublese sido sido N. hubieramos, habriamos or hublesemos V. hubierais, habriais or hubieseis sldo E. hubleran, habrian or hubiesen sldo Future Imperfect. Future Perfect. Yo fuere, I would, Hubiere sldo, I would, could, etc., be etc., have been Tu fueres Hubleres sldo El fuere Hubiere sido N. fueremos Hubleremos sldo V. fuerels Hubiereis sldo E. fueren Hubieren sido 124 REFLEXIVE VERBS MODEL CONJUaATION OF REFLEXIVE VERBS IN ALL ITS SIMPLE AND COMPOUND TENSES. INFINITIVE MODE. *VESTIRSE To dress one's self (present) Vistiendose Dressing one's self (present participle) Vestidose Dressed one's self (past participle) Haber vestidose To have dressed one's (haberse vestido) self (preterit) Haber de vestirse To have to dress one's self (future) INDICATIVE MODE. Present. (Yo) me visto, I dress myself, etc. (Tu) te vistes (El) se viste (N.) nos vestimos (V.) OS vestis (E.) se visten Imperfect Past. (Yo) me vestia, I used to dress myself, etc. (Tu) te vestias (El) se vestia (N.) nos vestiamos (V.) OS vestiais (E.) se vestian Preterit. (Yo) me vesti, I dressed myself, etc. (Tu) te vestiste (£!l) se vistio (N.) nos vestimos (V.) OS vestisteis (E.) se vistieron *See lesson ''The Preterit" in Uribe's Master-Key, Part One. REFLE XIVE VERBS 125 INDICATIVE MODE— Continued. Preterit. (Yo) me he vestido, I have dressed myself, (Tu) te has vestido [etc. (El) se ha vestido (N.) nos hemos vestido (V.) OS habeis vestido (E.) se han vestido Preterit. (Yo) me hube vestido, I had dressed my- (Tu) te hubiste vestido [self, etc. (El) se hubo vestido (N.) nos hubimos vestido (V.) OS hubisteis vestido (E.) se hubieron vestido PlusQLuamperfect. (Yo) me habia vestido, I had dressed my- (Tu) te habias vestido [self, etc. (El) se habia vestido (N.) nos habiamos vestido (V.) OS hablais vestido (E.) se habian vestido Imperfect Future. (Yo) me vestire, I shall or will dress my- (Tii) te vestiras [self, etc. (El) se vestira (N.) nos vestiremos (V.) OS vestireis (E.) se vestiran Perfect Future. (Yo) me habre vestido, I shall or will have (Tu) te habras vestido [dressed myself, etc. (El) se habra vestido (N.) nos habremos vestido (V.) OS habreis vestido (E.) se habran vestido 126 REFLEXIVE VERBS IMPERATIVE MODE. Vistete (tu) Dress thyself Vistase Ud. Dress yourself tVistamonos (N.) Let us dress ourselves Vestios (V.) Dress yourselves Vistanse Uds. Dress yourselves SUBJUNCTIVE MODE. Present. Que (yo) me vista, That I may dress my- '^ (tu) te vistas [self, etc. ^* (el) se vista " (N.) nos vistamos " (V.) OS vistais ** (E.) se vistan Imperfect. First Form. (Yo) me vistiera, I would, etc., dress my- (Tu) te vistieras [self, etc. (El) se vistiera (N.) nos vistieramos (V.) OS vistierais (E.) se vistieran Second Form. (Yo) me vestiria, I would, etc., dress my- (Tu) te vestirias [self, etc. (e1) se vestiria (N.) nos vestiriamos (V.) OS vestiriais (E.) se vestirian Tliird Form. (Yo) me vistiese, I would, etc., dress my- (Tu) te vistieses [self, etc. (e1) se vistiese (N.) nos vistiesemos (V.) OS vistieseis (E.) se vistiesen Perfect Preterit. Que (yo) me haj^a vestido, That I may have " (tu) te Bayas vestido [dressed " (el) se haya vestido [myself, etc. " (N.) nos hayamos vestido " (V.) OS hayais vestido " (E.) se hayan vestido. REFLEXIVE VERBS 127 SUBJUNCTIVE MODE— Continued. Plusquamperfect. First Form. (Yo) me hubiera vestido, I would, etc., have (Tu) te hubieras vestido [dressed (El) se hubiera vestido [myself, etc. (N.) nos hubieramos vestido (V.) OS hubierais vestido (E.) se hubieran vestido Second Form. (Yo) me habria vestido, I would, etc., have (Tii) te habrias vestido [dressed (El) se habria vestido [myself, etc. (N.) nos habriamos vestido (V.) OS habriais vestido (E.) se habrian vestido Third Form. (Yo) me hubiese vestido, I would, etc., have (Tu) te hubieses vestido [dressed (El) se hubiese vestido [myself, etc. (X.) nos hubiesemos vestido (V.) OS hubieseis vestido (E.) se hubiesen vestido Imperfect Future. (Yo) me vistiere, I would, etc., dress my- (Tu) te vistieres [self, etc. (El) se vistiere (N.) nos vistieremos (V.) OS vistiereis (E.) se vistieren Perfect Future. (Yo) me hubiere vestido, I would, etc., have (Tu) te hubieres vestido [dressed (El) se hubiere vestido [myself, etc. (N.) nos hubieremos vestido (V.) OS hubiereis vestido (E.) se hubieren vestido tAll the reflexive verbs drop the "s" in this person for the sake of euphony. 128 PASSIVE VOICE MODEL CONJXrGATION OF A VERB IN THE PASSIVE VOICE. INFINITIVE MODE. Ser teraido To be feared (Present) Siendo temido Being feared (Pres. Parte.) Sido temido Been feared (Past Parte.) Haber side To have been (Preterit) temido feared Haber de ser To have to be (Future) temido feared INDICATIVE MODE. Present. Soy temido, I am feared, etc. Eres temido Es temido Somos temidos (1) Sois temidos Son temidos Imperfect Past. Era temido, I was feared, etc., or I used to Eras temido [be feared Era temido Eramos temidos Erais temidos Eran temidos Preterit or Past Perfect. Fui temido, I was feared, etc. Fuiste temido Fue temido Fuimos temidos Fuisteis temidos Fueron temidos Preterit or Past Perfect. He sido temido, I have been feared, etc. Has sido temido Ha sido temido Hemos sido temidos Habeis sido temidos Han sido temidos (1) This is not a past participle; but an adjective subject to gender and number. FASSIVII VOICE 129 INDICATIVE MODE — Continued. Preterit or Past Perfect. Hube sido temido, I had been feared, etc. Hubiste sido temido Hiibo sido temido Hiibimos sido temidos Hubisteis sido temidos Hubieron sido temidos Plusquamperfect. Habia sido temido, I bad been feared, etc. Habias sido temido Habia sido temido Habiamos sido temidos Habiais sido temidos Habian sido temidos Imperfect Puture. Sere temido, I shall or will be feared, etc. Seras temido Sera temido Seremos temidos Sereis temidos Seran temidos Perfect Future. Habre sido temrdo, I shall or will have Habras sido temido [been feared, etc. Habra sido temido Habremos sido temidos Habreis sido temidos Habran sido temidos IMPERATIVE MODE. Present. Se temido (tu) Be feared (thou), f am. Sea temido Ud. Be feared (you) , sing. Seamos temidos N. Let us be feared Sed temidos V. Be feared (you), plu. Sean temidos Uds. Be feared (you), plu. 130 PASSIVE VOICE SUBJUNCTIVE MODE. Present. Que YO sea temido, That I may be feared, ' * tu seas temido [etc. ** el sea temido ** N. seamos temidos " V. seais temidos '* E. sean temidos Imperfect. First Form. Fiiera temido, I would, etc., be feared, etc. Fueras temido Puera temido Fueramos temidos Fuerais temidos l\ieraii temidos Second Form. Seria temido, I would, etc., be feared, etc. Serias temido Seria temido Seriamos temidos Serials temidos Serlan temidos Third Form. Fuese temido, I would, etc., be feared, etc. Fueses temido Fuese temido Fuesemos temidos Fueseis temidos Fuesen temidos Preterit. Que yo haya sido temido. That I may have ** tu havas sido temido [been feared, ** el haya sido temido [etc. ** N. hayamos sido temidos " V. hayais sido temidos " E. hayan sido temidos PASSIVE VOICE 131 SUBJUNCTIVE MODE— Continued. Plusquamperfect. First Fomi. Hubiera sido temido, I would, etc., have Hubieras sido temido [been feared Hubiera sido temido Hubieramos sido temidos Hubierais sido temidos Hubieran sido temidos Second Form. Habria sido temido, I would, etc., have Habrias sido temido [been feared Habria sido temido Habriamos sido temidos Habriais sido temidos Habrlan sido temidos Third Form. Hubiese sido temido, I would, etc., have Hubieses sido temido [been feared Hubiese sido temido Hubiesemos sido temidos Hubieseis sido temidos Hubiesen sido temidos Imperfect Future. Fuere temido, I would, etc., be feared Fueres temido Fuere temido Fueremos temidos Fuereis temidos Fueren temidos Perfect Future. Hubiere sido temido, I would have been Hubieres sido temido [feared, etc. Hubiere sido temido Hubieremos sido temidos Hubiereis sido temidos Hubieren sido temidos 132 DEFECTIVE VERBS MODEL CONJUGATION OF DEFECTIVE VERBS. INFINITIVE MODE. Abolir To abolish Aboliendo Abolishing Abolido Abolished. INDICATIVE MODE. Present. , I abolish, etc. Abolimos We abolish Abolis You abolish, s. and p. Past Imperfect. Abolia, I used to abolish, etc. Abolias Abolia Aboliamos Aboliais Abolian Past Perfect. Aboil, I abolished, I did, etc. Aboliste Abolio Abolimos Abolisteis Abolieron Imperfect Future. Abolire, I shall or will abolish, etc. Aboliras Abolira Aboliremos Abolireis Aboliran IMPERATIVE MODE. Abolish (thou), fam. Abolish (you), sing. Let us abolish Abolid Abolish (you), s. and p. „ Abolish (you), plu. DEFECTIVE VERBS 133 SUBJUNCTIVE MODE. Present. Que vo That I may abolish, etc. tu el N V E Imperfect. First Form. Aboliera, I would, etc., abolish Abolieras Aboliera Abolieramos Abolierais Abolieran Second Form. Aboliria, I would, etc., abolish Abolirias Aboliria Aboliriamos Aboliriais Abolirian Third Form. Aboliese, I would, etc., abolish Abolieses Aboliese Aboliesemos Abolieseis Aboliesen Future. Aboliere, I would, etc., abolish Abolieres Aboliere Abolieremos Aboliereis Abolieren 134 IMPERSONAL VERBS MODEL CONJUGATION OF IMPER- SONAL VERBS. INFINITIVE MODE. Llover To rain Lloviendo Raining Llovido Rained INDICATIVE MODE. Present. Llueve, It rains Past Imperfect. Llovia, It used to rain^ it was raining, [it rained, etc. Past Perfect. Llovio, It rained, it did rain Imperfect Future. Llovera, It will rain IMPERATIVE MODE. « IMPEBSONAL VESBS 135 SUBJUNCTIVE MODE. Present. Que llueva, That it may rain Imperfect. First Form. Lloviera, It would, etc., rain Second Form. Lloveria, It would, etc, rain Third Form. Lloviese, It would, etc., rain Future. Lloviere. It would, etc.. rain 136 Impersonal Verbs. HABER— IMPEESONAL IITFINITIVE MODE. *HABER (There) be. Present. HABIENDO There being. Pres. Part. HABIDO There having been. Past Part. INDICATIVE MODE. filar There is, there are. Pres. Habia There was, there were. Impct. Past. Hubo There was, there were. Perfect Past. Ha habido There has been. Perfect Past. Hubo habido There had been. Perfect Past. Habia habido There had been. Plu- perfect. Habra There will be. Simple Future. Habra habido There will have been. Future Perfect. SUBJUNCTIVE MODE. Hava Let there be. Present. Hubiera There would be. Impct. Habria There would be. Impct. Hubiese There would be. Impct. Haya habido There (mav) have been. Past Perfect. Hubiera habido. ...There would have been. Pluperfect. Habria habido ....There would have been. Pluperfect. Hubiese habido.. ..There would have been. Pluperfect.^ Hubiere There would be. Future. Hubiere habido—.There would have been. Future Perfect. *It is said: No puede haber paz (there cannot be peace). tHa is used instead of hay in speaking of the time: Ha mucho tiempo (long time ago). Tres anos ha (three years ago). 137 Regular, Irregular and semi-irregular Verbs Having Two Past Participles Eegular and irregular verbs having two past participles, of which the irregular one is used as an adjective only, Frito (fried), preso (arrested), provisto (provided), and roto (broken) are the only irregular past participles used with the auxiliary verb To have (haber). A Abstraer — to abstract abstraido, abstracto — abstracted 60-61 Ahitar — to become tired ahitado, ahito — tired 16-19 Afligir — to afflict afligido, aflicto — afflicted 24-27 Atender — to attend atendido, atento — attentive 80-81 B Bendecir — to bless bendecido, bendito — blessed 46-47 C Circuncidar — to circumcise Circuncidado, circunciso — circumcised 16-19 Compeler — to compel compelido, compulse — compelled 20-23 Comprender — to comprehend comprendido, compreso — comprehended^ 20-23 Comprimir-^to compress comprimido, compreso — compressed 24-27 Concluir — to conclude concluido, concluso — concluded. .108-109 Confesar — to confess confesado, confeso — confessed.. 80-81 Confundir — to confound confundido, confuso — confounded 24-27 Consumir — to consmue consumido, consunto — consumed 24-27 138 PAST PARTICIPLES Contnndir — to bruise contnndido, contuso — bruised—. 24-27 Conveneer — to convince eonvencido — convicto — convicted — convinced 20-22 Convertir — to convert convertido, converse — converted 94-95 Corregir — to correct corregido, correcto — corrected (correct) 90-91-27 Corromper — to corrupt corrompido, corrupto — corrupted 20-23 D Despertar — to awaken despertado, despierto — awoke (awake) 80-81 Difundir — to diffuse difundido, difuso — diffused (diffuse) 24-27 Dividir — to divide dividido, diviso — divided 24-27 I! Elegir — to elect elegido, electo — elected 90-91 Enjugar — to wipe off enjugado, enjuto — wiped off 16-19 Excluir — to exclude excluidO; excluso — excluded 108-109 Eximir — to exempt eximido, exento — exempted 24-27 Expeler — to eject expelido, expulso — ejected 20-23 Expresar — to express expresado, expreso — expressed.. 16-19 Extender — to extend extendido, extenso — extended (extensive) 80-81 Extinguir — to extinguish extinguido, extinto — extinguished 24-27 PAST PAJITICIPLES 139 F Fijar — to fix fijado, Hjo — fixed 16-19 Freir — to fry freido, frito— fried 92-93 H Hartar — to satiate hartado, harto — satiated 16-19 I Incluir — to include incluido, incluso — included 108-109 Incurrir — to incur incurrido, incurso — incurred 21-27 Infundir — to infuse iufundido, iufuso — infused 21-27 Injertar — to ingraft injertado, injerto — ingrafted .... 16-19 Insertar — to insert insertadOj inserto — inserted 16-19 Invertir- ^to invert invertido, inverso — inverted 91-95 J Juntar — to join juntado, junto — joined 16-19 M. Maldecir — to curse maldecido, maldito — cursed 16-17 Manifestar — to manifest manifestado, manifiesto — manifested 80-81 N Nacer — to be born nacido, nato — being born 81-85 O Oprimir — to oppress oprimido, opreso — oppressed 21-27 P Pasar — to pass pasado, paso — passed 16-19 Poseer — to possess poseido, poseso — possessed 20-23 140 PAST FAJtTICIPLES Prender — to arrest prendido, preso — arrested 20-23 Presumir — to presume presiimido, presunto — presumed 2-1-27 Pretender — to pretend pretendido, pretenso — pretended 20-23 Propender — to be inclined propendido, propenso — being inclined 20-23 Proveer — to provide proveido, provisto — provided .... 20-23 R Kecluir — to shut in recluido, recluso — shut in 108-109 Eomper — to break rompido, roto — broken 20-23 S Salpresar — to salt (pickle) salpresado, salpreso — salted (pickled) 16-19 Salvar — to save salvado, salvo — saved 16-19 Sepultar — to bury sepultado, sepulto — buried 16-19 Soltar — to let loose soltado, suelto — let loose 82-83 Substituir — to substitute substituido, substituto — substituted 108-109 Sujetar — to subdue sujetado, sujeto — subdued 16-19 Suprimir — to suppress suprimido, supreso — suppressed 24-27 Suspender — to suspend suspendidO; suspenso — suspended 20-23 T Tenir — to dve tenido, tinto — dved 92-93 Torcer — to wring (twist) torcido, tuerto — wrung (twisted) 22-82-83 141 ALPHABETICAL LIST OF IRREGU- LAR AND SEMI-IRREGULAR VERBS USED IN THE SPAN- ISH LAUGUAGE Abbreviations Used in This List a Stands for active. aux * * ' ' auxiliarv. def '' " defective. imp " " impersonal. n " " neuter. r " " reflexive or reciprocal. The numbers indicate the page at which the model conjugation of every verb can be found. The model conjugation of ''ab- solver" is "contar," see pages 82 and 83. A. Abastecer To supply, purvey, a. and r 84-85 Abolir To abolish, a. and def 24-25, 132-133 Abrir To open, a., n. and r 24-25-162 Absolver To absolve, a 82-83 Abstraer To abstract, a.^ n. and r 60-61 Acaecer To happen, n, and imp 84-85, 132-133 Aeertar To ascertain, guess, divine, a. and n. 80-81 Acollar To put dirt around a plant, cultivate, a 82-83 Acontecer To happen, imp 84-85 Acordar To agree, accord, re- member, a., n. and r 82-83 Acornar — To butt with the horns, a 82-83 Acostar To put to bed, lay down, a., n. and r. 82-83 Acrecentar To increase, a 80-81 Adestrar To train, a 80-81 Adherir To adhere, n. and r. 94-95 142 UST OF lEEEGULAR VERBS Adormir To bef ogue, calm, n. and r 100-101 Adquirir To acquire, a 96-99 Aducir To present proofs, a. 86-87 Advertir „.To warn, announce, a., n. and r 94-95 Afluir To concur in great number or quan- tity, n 108-109 Agorar To foretell, a 82-83 Agradecer To be thankful, grateful, a 84-85 Alentar To encourage, a., n. and r 80-81 Aliquebrar To break the wings, a. and r 80-81 Almorzar To breakfast, a. and n 82-83-19 Alongar To enlarge, a. and r... 82-83-18 Amanecer To dawn, to be at dawn, a., n., imp. and r 84-85-134-135 Amoblar To furnish a house, a. 82-83 Amolar To grind, sharpen, a. 82-83 Andar To walk, stroll, n. and r 30-31 Anochecer To grow dark, to be at twilight, n., imp. and r. 84-85,134-135 Anteponer To place before, a. and r 58-59 Apacentar -To put or send cat- tle into pasture, a. and r 80-81 Aparscer To appear, n and r. 84-85 Apercollar To hold by the neck, a 82-83 Apernar To tie animals by the legs, a 80-81 Apostar To bet, to post sol- diers, a. and r 82-83 Apretar -To tighten, squeeze, a. and r 80-81 Aprobar To approve, a 82-83 LIST OF IRREGULAR VERBS 143 Argilir To argue, a. and n... 108-109 Arrecirse To freeze, to be froz- en, r. and def 132-133 Arrendar To lease, let, rent, a. 80-81 Arrepentirse ....To repent, r 94-95 Ascender To ascend, a. and n. 80-81 Asentar To smooth, calm, a, and r 80-81 Asentir To assent, consent, n. 94-95 Aserrar To saw, a 80-81 Asir To take hold of, catch, seize, a., B. and r 68-69 Asolar To destroy, devas- tate, desolate, a. 82-83 Asoldar To hire servants, a. and r 82-83 Ataner To pertain, concern, def 88-89 Atender To attend, to be at- tentive, a. and n. 80-81 Atenerse To rely on, r 34-35 Atentar To attempt, tempt, a. and r 80-81 Aterirse To grow stiff with cold, r 94-95 Aterrar To terrify, a. and r. 80-81 Atestar To cram, stuff, crowd, a 80-81 Atraer To attract, allure, a and r 60-61 Atravesar To cross, pass over, traverse, a. and r. 80-81 Atribuir To attribute, a. and r 108-109 Atronar To resound, a. and r 82-83, 134-135 Avenir To agree, to be con genial, a. and r... 62-63 Aventar To be puffed up, ex- pell, a. and r 80-81 Avergonzar To shame, a. and r... 82-83-19 144 LIST OF lEEEGULAR VERBS Balbucir To stammer, n. and def 84-85 Bendecir *To bless, a 46-47-137 Bienquerer To like well, to be- love, a 50-51 Brunir To burnish, a 88-89 Bullir To bustle, a., n. and r 88-89 Caber To contain, go through^ hold, n. 66-67 Caer To fall, n. and r 40-41-23 Calentar To warm, heat, a. and r 80-81 Cegar To go or grow blind, a. and n 80-81-18 Cenir To restrain, draw up the waist, tighten a belt, a. and r... 92-93 Cerner To strain, a. and n... 80-81 Cerrar To close, lock, a., n. and r 80-81 Cimentar To cement, found, a. 80-81 Circuir To encircle, a 108-109 Cocer To boil, a., n. and r. 82-83-22 Colar To strain, filter, a., n. and r 82-83 Colegir ..." To deduce, infer, a. 90-91-27 Colgar To hang, suspend, a. and n 82-83-18 Comedirse To be of service, to be thoughtful, a, and r 90-91 Comenzar To commence, begin, start, a. and n... 80-81-19 Competir To compete, n 90-91 Complacer To please, a. and r... 84-85 Componer To compose, arrange, put in order, re- pair, a., n. and r. 58-59 LIST OF IBREGULAE. VERBS 145 Comprobar To verify, to prove, a., n. and r 82-83 Concebir To conceive, a. and n. 90-91 Concernir To regard, concern, n. and def. 80-81, 132-133 Concertar To agree, settle, ad- just, a., n. and r. 80-81 Concluir To conclude, a. and r 108-109 Concordar To accord, agree, a. and n 82-83 Condescender ..To yield, condescend, n 80-81 Condolerse To condole, r 82-83 Condueir To conduct, convey, a. and r 86-87 Conferir To do favors, confer honors a. and n 94-95 Confesar To confess, a. and r. 80-81 Conmover -To move (passions), a. and r 82-83 Conocer To know, be acquaint- ed, a. and r 84-85 Conseguir To get, attain, a 90-91-26 Consentir To consent, a. and r. 94-95 Consolar To console, cheer, a. and r 82-83 Consonar To harmonize, n 82-83 Constituir To constitute, a 108-109 Constrenir To constrain, force, a. 92-93 Construir To construct, a 108-109 Contar To count, a. and n... 82-83 Contender To contend, n 80-81 Contener To contain, hold, stop, a. and r 34-35 Contradecir To contradict, a. and r 46-47 Contraer _To contract, a. and r. 60-61 Contrair To oppose, a 44-45 Contrahacer ....To counterfeit, n. and r 42-43 Contraponer ....To oppose, compare, a. and r 58-59 146 LIST OF IRREGULAR VERBS Contravenir ....To contravene, trans- gress, a 62-63 Contribuir To contribute, a 108-109 Controvertir ....To dispute, contro- vert, a. and n 94-95 ConA-enir To agree, n. and r 62-63 Convertir To convert, a. and r. 91-95 Cornar To butt with the horns, a. and r... 82-83 Corregir To correct, amend, a. and r '...90-91-27 Corroer To corrode, a. and r 161 Costar To cost, a 82-83 Crecer To grow, n. and r... 84-85 Creer To believe, a 20-23-163 Cubrir *To cover, a. and r. (irr. in past part, only) 24-25-162 D Dar To give, a., n. and r. 38-39 Decaer To decay, fade, n 40-41 Decentar To decay, rot, a. and r 80-81 Decir To say, tell, a 46-47 Deducir To deduce, a 86-87 Defender To defend, a 80-81 Deferir To defer, a. and n... 94-95 Degollar To behead, a 82-83 Denioler To demolish, a 82-83 Demostrar To demonstrate, a. .. 82-83 Denegar To deny, a 80-81-18 Denostar To insult, a 82-83 Deponer To displace, declare, vomit, a 58-59 Derrengar To lame, a. and r 80-81-18 Derretir To melt, a. and r 90-91 Derruir To ruin, destroy, a...l08-109 Desacertar To err, mistake, a 80-81 Desacordar To disharmonize, a. and r 82-83 Desagradecer.-.To be ungrateful, a. 84-85 LIST OF IRREGUIiAIl VERBS 147 Desalentar To discourage, a. and r 80-81 Desamoblar To unfurnisli, a 82-83 Desandar To walk way back, a. 30-31 Desapareeer To disappear a. u. and r 84-85 Desapretar To loosen, a 80-81 Desaprobar To disapprove, a 82-83 Desarrendar ....To break a lease, a. and r 80-81 Desasir To let go, get rid of, a 68-69 Desatender To neglect, a 80-81 Desatravesar ....To remove what was across, a 80-81 Desavenir To disagree, a. and r. 62-63 Descender To descend, n 80-81 Descolgar To take down, a. and r 82-83-18 Descollar To excel, a. and r 82-83 Descomedirse....To not to be oblig- ing, r 90-91 Deseomponer ....To discompose, de- compose, disar- range, a. and r... 58-59 Desconcertar ....To discon,cert, a. and r 80-81 Deseonoeer To disavow, be ignor- ant, not to recog- nize, a. and r 84-85 Desconsolar ....To discourage, a. and r 82-83 Descontar To discount, dimin- ish, a 82-83 Descordar To unstring, a 82-83 Desdecir To retract, a., n. and r 46-47 Desempedrar ....To remove stones, to unpave, a 80-81 Desencerrar To unlock, to free, a. 80-81 Desencordar ....To unstring, a 82-83 Desengrosar ....To get thin, a 82-83 Desenterrar To disinter, unearth, a 80-81 Deservir To be useless, a 90-91 148 lilST OF ntREGUIiAR VEBBS Desgobernar ....To misgovern, a. and r 80-81 Deshacer To undo, a. and r 42-43 Deshelar To thaw, a. and r 80-81, 134-135 Desherbar To weed, a 80-81 Desherrar To remove horse- shoes, a. and r... 80-81 Desinvernar ....To l6ave the winter quarters, a. and n. 80-81 Deslendrar To clean the hair from nits, a 80-81 Deslucir To spoil, tarnish the lustre, obscure one's merit, a. and r 84-85 Desmembrar ....To dismember, a. and r 80-81 Desmerecer To demerit, be low- ered in estima- tion, a. and n 84-85 Desoir To ignore, not to hear, a 56-57 Desolar To destroy, harass, lay waste, a. and r. 82-83 Desoldar To unsolder, a. and r. 82-83 Desollar To skin, a. and r 82-83 Desosar *To take out the bones of animals or fruits, a 82-83-29 Desparecer Not to be of the same likeness, n. and r. 84-85 Despavorir To frighten, def 132-133 Despedir To bid good-bye, dis- charge, a. and r. 90-91 Despernar To cut off the legs, a. 80-81 Despertar To awake, a., n. and r 80-81 Desplegar To unfold, open the lips, remove plaits, a. and r 80-81-18 Despoblar To depopulate, a. and r 82-83 LIST OF IBREGUIiAR VERBS 149 Desquerer To cease loving, a... 50-51 Desterrar To banish, a 80-81 Destituir To deprive, to fire out, a 108-109 Destorcer To untwist, a. and r... 82-83-22 Destrocar To annul an ex- change, a 82-83-18 Destruir To destroy, a. and r. 108-109 Desvergonzarse To be impudent,r... 82-83-19 Desvestir To undress, a. and r. 90-91 Detener To detain, stop, a. and r 34-35 Devolver To restore, return, a. and r 82-83 Diferir To differ, put off, a and n 94-95 Digerir To digest, a 94-95 Diluir To dilute, a. and r...l08-109 Discernir To discern, a 80-81 Discordar To disagreej n 82-83 Disentir To disagree in opin- ion, n 94-95 Disminuir To diminish, a., n. and r 108-109 Disolver To dissolve, a. and r, 82-83 Disonar To disagree in sound, n 82-83 Disponer To dispose of, ar- range, prepare, a., n. and r 58-59 Distender To distend, a. and r. 80-81 Distraer To distract, a. and r. 60-61 Distribuir To distribute, a, and r 108-109 Divertir .To amuse, a. and r... 94-95 Dolar To carve wood, a 82-83 Doler To pain, n. and r 82-83 Dormir To sleep, a., n. and r. 100-101 Elegir To elect, select, choose, a 90-91-27 150 LIST OF IRREaULAR VERBS Embair To deceive, labor un- der delusion, a. and def 132-133 Embestir To assail, a. and n... 90-91 Emparentar To be related by marriage, n 80-81 Empedernir ....To harden, a., r. and def 132-133 Empedrar To pave with stones, a 80-81 Empezar To begin, commence, start; a. and n...80-81-19 Emporcar To soil, dirty, a. and r 82-83-18 Encender To kindle, inflame, light, a. and r -80-81 Encerrar To shut up, confine, lock up, a. and r. 80-81 Enelocar To feel proud, pride oneself,n.andr. 82-83-18 Encomeudar ....To recommend, a., n. and r 80-81 Encontrar To meet, encounter, a., n. and r 82-83 Encorar To encase in leather^ a., n. and r 82-83 Encordar To string, a 82-83 Encovar To hide in a cave.... 82-83 Engreir To be fond or proud of, a. and r 92-93 Engrosar To increase, grow stout, a., n. and r. 82-83 Enhestar To set upright, erect, a. and r 80-81 Enlenzar To line with linen, a 80-81-19 Enmelar To sweeten, cover with honey, a 80-81 Enmendar To correct, reform, a. and r 80-81 Enrodar To kill by means of a wheel, a 82-83 LIST OF IBBEGUIiAR VERBS 151 Ensangrentar ..To stain with blood, a. and r 80-81 Entender To understand, a. and r 80-81 Enterrar To inter, bury, a 80-81 Entortar To spoil tlie sight of one eje^ a. and r. 82-83 Entremorir To starve, have a candle almost finished, n 102-103 Entreoir To hear without un- derstanding well, a 56-57 Entrepernar ....To cross the legs, n. 80-81 Entretener To entertain, delay, a. and r 31-35 Entrever To foresee, disclose, a 64-65 Envestir To invest with hon- ors, etc., a 90-91 Envolver To wrap up, a. and r. 82-83 Equivaler To be equivalent, n. 104-105 Erguir To be elated with pride, erect, raise up, n. and r 70-71-26 Errar To err, a., n.and r. 80-81-164 Escarmeutar ....To take warning, have experience, a. and n 80-81 Escocer To irritate, provoke, n. and r 82-83-22 Escribir To write, a. and r. 24-25-162 Esforzar To strengthen, a. and r 82-83-19 Estar To be, n. and r 32-33 Estregar To rub, scour, a. and r 80-81-18 Estrenir To constipate, n, and r 92-93 Excluir To exclude, a 108-109 Expedir To despatch, issue, a. 90-91 Exponer To expose, a. and r... 58-59 Extender To extend, a. and r... 80-81 Extraer To extract, a 60-61 152 LIST OF IRREGUL AR VEBBS F Fallecer To die, n 84-85 Favorecer To favor, protect a... 84-85 Fenecer To die, finish, con- clude, a. and n... 84-85 Florecer To blossom, flourish, bloom, n. and r... 84-85 Fluir To flow, n 108-109 Fortalecer To fortify, strength- en, a. and r 84-85 Forzar To force, compel, a. 82-83-19 Fregar To rub, cleanse, wash (dishes), a 80-81-18 Freir To fry, a. and r 92-93 G Ganir To howl, n 88-89 Garantir To guarantee, a 24-25, 132-133 Gemir To groan, n 90-91 Gobernar To govern, a., n. and r 80-81 Grunir To grunt, n 88-89 H Haber To have, a., aux., imp. and r 36-37-136 Haeendar To provide with farm- ing land, a. and r 80-81 Hacer To do, make, a., n. and r 42-43 Keder To smell badly, n 80-81 Helar To freeze, a., n. and r 80-81,133-134 Henchir To fill, a 90-01 Hender To split, crack, a 80-81 Herbar To tan with herbs, a. 80-81 Herir To wound, a. and r... 94-95 Herrar To shoe horses, a 80-81 Hervir To boil, n 94-95 Holgar To rest, to be at ease, n. and r 82-83-18 Hollar To tramp over, a 82-S3 Huir To flee, elope, a., u. and r 108-109 Humedecer To moisten, a. and r. 84-85 LIST OF IBREGUIiAR VERBS 153 Impedir To impede, a QO-91 Imponer To impose, a. and r. 58-59 Imprimir To print, a 24-25-162 Improbar To reprove, a 82-83 Incensar To incense, perfume, praise, a 80-81 Incluir To include, a 108-109 Indisponer To indispose, a. and r 58-59 Inducir To induce, a 86-87 Inferir To infer, a 94-95 Infernar To make suffer, a 80-81 Influir To influence, a 108-109 Ingerir To insert, a. and r... 94-95 Inquirir To inquire, a 96-97 Instituir To institute, a 108-109 Instruir To instruct, a. and r... 108-109 Intervenir To intervene, inter- rupt, a. and n... 62-63 Introducir To introduce, a. and r. 86-87 Invernar To pass the winter, n. 80-81 Invertir To invert, a 91-95 Investir To invest, a 90-91 Ir To go, n. and r 44-45 J Jimenzar To beat the linen plant, a 80-81 Jugar To play (games), a. and n 96-99-18 Languidecer ....To languish, n 84-85 Leer To read, a 20-23 Lueir To show, display, a., n. and r 84-85 LL Llover To rain, leak, imp, a., n. and r 134-135 154 LIST OF lEREGULAR VERBS M Maldecir To curse, a. and n... 46-47 Malherir To wound seriously^ a 94-95 Malquerer To dislike, a 50-51 Malsonar To sound badly, n... 82-83 Maltraer To maltreat, abuse, a 60-61 Mancornar To tie together two animals or things of the same kind, a 82-83 Manifestar To inform, manifest, a. and r 80-81 Manir To mellow, a. and def 24-25, 132-133 Mantener To maintain, support, a. and r 34-35 Medir To measure, a. and r. 90-91 Melar To sweeten, to make molasses, a. and n 80-81 Mentar To mention, remind, name, a 80-81 Mentir To lie, deceive, a. and n 94-95 Merecer To deserve, a. and n. 84-85 Merendar To lunch in the aft- ernoon, a. and n, 80-81 Moblar To furnish (houses), a 82-83 Moler To grind, molest, a. 82-83 Morder To bite, a. and r 82-83 Morir To. die, n. and r 100-103 Mostrar To show, exhibit, a. and r 82-83 Mover To move, a. and r... 82-83 Mullir To make easy, soften, a 88-89 Munir To summon, a 88-89 N Nacer To be born, n. and r. 84-85 LIST OF IHREGUIiAIl VERBS 155 Negar To deny, a. and r 80-81-18 Nevar To snow, imp., a. and r 80-81, 134-135 Obstruir To obstruct, a. and r ■ 108-109 Obtener To obtain, a 34-35 Ofrecer To offer, a. and r 84-85 Oir To hear, a. and r 56-57 Oler *To smell, a. and n...82-83-29 Oponer To oppose, a. and r. 58-59 Oprimir To opi)ress, a 24-25-139 Pacer To graze, a. and n... 84-85 Parecer To look like, resem- ble, n. and r 84-85 Pedir To ask (favors, etc.), to order (mer- chandise), a 90-91 Pensar To think, a 80-81 Perder To lose, a. and r 80-81 Perniquebrar....To break the legs, a. and r 80-81 Persegiiir To persecute, pursue a fugitive, dun, a .'. 90-91-26 Pervertir To pervert^ a 94-95 Placer To please, a 84-85 Plegar To fold, plait, a. and r 80-81-18 Poblar To populate, a., n. and r 82-83 Poder To be able, a 48-49 Podrir To rot, putrify, de- cay, a., n. and r. 74-75 Poner To put, place, lay, set, a. and r 58-59 Poseer To possess, a 20-23 Posponer To postpone, a 58-59 Preconocer To know before- hand, a 84-85 Predeeir To predict, a 46-47 Predisponer ....To predispose, a. and r 58-59 156 LIST OF IRREGULAR VERBS Preferir To prefer, a. and r... 94-95 Premorir To lead in death, n. 100-103 Presentir To forebode, a 91:-95 Presuponer To presuppose, a 58-59 Prevalecer To prevail, outshine, n 84-85 Prevaler To prevail, n. and r. 104-105 Prevenir To prevent, prepare, foreknow, advise, a. and r 62-63 Prever To foresee, forecast, a 64-65 Probar To i)rove, try, dem- onstrate, a. and n. 82-83 Producir To produce, a. and r. 86-87 Proferir To say, speak, pro- nounce words, a. 94-95 Promover To promote, a 82-83 Proponer To pro]^ose, a. and r. 58-59 Proseguir To continue, go on, go ahead, a 90-91-26 Proveer To jjrovide, a. and r 20-23-140 Provenir To come from, arise, n 62-63 Pudrir *To rot, a., n. and r... 74-75 Q Quebrar To break, fail, trans- gress a law, to be ruptured, a., n. and r 80-81 Querer To want, desire, wish^ love, a 50-51 R TJaer To grate, scrape, a. and def 40-41-164 Earefacer To rarify, a. and r. 42-43-164 Eeaparecer To appear again, n. 84-85 Eeapretar To tight, tighten, again, a 80-81 Eebullir To bustle again, n. and r 88-89 LIST OF IBREGULAB VERBS 157 Eecalentar To heat again, a. and r 80-81 Eecocer To boil again, a. and r 82-83-22 Eeeomendar ....To recommend, a. and r 80-81 Eeconocer To recognize, a. and r 84-85 Eecontar To count again, a 82-83 Eeconvenir To recriminate, retort, scold, a... 62-63 Eeeordar To remember, re- mind, a., n. and r 82-83 Eecostar To recline, a. and r. 82-83 Eeducir To reduce, a. and r. 86-87 Eeferir To refer, a. and r 94-95 Eefluir To flow back, n 108-109 Eeforzar To reinforce, a. and r 82-83-19 Eefregar To scrub^ rub again, a 80-81-18 Eefreir To fry again, a 92-93 Reganir To howl again, n 88-89 Eegar To water, sprinkle, a 80-81-19 Eegimentar To form into regi- ments, a 80-81 Regir To rule, govern, a. and r 90-91-29 Eegoldar To belch, eruct, n 82-83 Eegruiiir To grunt again, n 88-89 Eehacer To remake, make again, gain strength a. and r. 42-43 Eehenchir To refill, a. and r 90-91 Eehervir To boil again, a., n. and r 94-95 Eehuir To reject, refuse, a., n. and r 108-109 Eeir To laugh, a., n. and r. 92-93 Eelueir To glitter, shine, ex- cel, n 84-85 Eemendar To mend, patch, a... 80-81 158 LIST OF IRREGULAR VEBBS Eemorder To cause remorse, a. and r 82-83 Eemover To remove, a. and r. 82-83 Eenacer To be born again, n. 84-85 Eendir To render, a. and r. 90-91 Eenegar To renegate, aposti- tize, disown, de- test, abhor, a. and n 80-81-19 Renovar To renovate, renew, a. and r 82-83 Eenir To quarrel, wrangle, n 92-93. Eepensar To reconsider, think again, a... 80-81 Eepetir To repeat, a., n. and r 90-91 Eeplegar To fold, plait, re- treat, a. and r...80-81-19 Eepoblar To repopulate, a. and r 82-83 Eepodrir To rot in excess, a. and r 74-75 Eeprobar To reprove (not to pass in examina- tions), a 82-83 Eequebrar To compliment, break again, a... 80-81 Eequerir To request, a 94-95 Eesaber To taste very well, a. 52-53 Eescontrar To balance, compen- sate an account, a 82-83 Eesembrar To reset plants, etc., a 80-81 Eesentirse To resent, r 94-95 Eesollar To breath, n 82-83 Eesolver To resolve, deter- mine, a. and r 82-83 Eesonar To resound, a. and n. 82-83 Eesquebrar To crack, start breaking, n 80-81 Eestablecer To re-establish, re- cover from sick- ness a. and r 84-85 Eestrinir To constipate, constrain, a 88-89 LIST OF IRREGULAR VERBS 159 Ketemblar To tremble repeat- edlr, n 80-81 Eetener To retain, a 34-35 Eetentar To appear again, come back, renew (sickness), a 80-81 Eetorcer To twist again, a. and r 82-83-22 Ketostar To toast again, roast again, a 82-83 Eetronar To thunder again, a. 82-83 Eeventar To burst, a., n. and r. 80-81 Revestir To dress, to put on clerical robes, a., n. and r 90-91 Eevolar To fly again, n 82-83 Eevolcar To swallow, a. and r 82-83-18 Eevolver To revolve, stir up. n. and r 82-83 Eodar To roll, n 82-83 Eoer To gnaw, a. and def 108-109-164 Eogar To beg. prav, entreat, 'a 82-83-19 S Saber To know, have in- formation, a. and n 52-53 Salir To go out, n. and r... 104-107 Salpimentar ....To season with pep- per, a 80-81 Satisfacer To satisfy, a. and r. 42-43 Segar To reap, mow, a 80-81-18 Seguir To follow, a. and r. 90-91-26 Sembrar To sow^ a 80-81 Sentar To seat, to be becom- ing, a., n. and r. 80-81 Sentir To regret, feel, a., n. and r 94-95 160 LIST OF rRREGULAR VERBS Ser To be, substantive, anx. and n 54-55 Serrar To saw, a 80-81 Servir To serve, a 90-91 Sobresalir To exceed in height, to surpass, n 104-107 Sobresembrar ..To sow on ground already sown, a. 80-81 ^obreverterse ..To spill abundantlv, r "... 80-81 Sofreir To fry slightly, a 92-93 Soldar To solder, a. ". 82-83 Soler To be at some times, a 82-83, 132-133 Soltar To loosen, untie, a. and r 82-83 Solver To solve, a 82-83 Sonar To sound, a., n. and r 82-83 Sonreir To smile, n. and r 92-93 Sonrodarse To sink the wheels in the mudj r 82-83 Sonar To dream, a 82-83 Sosegar To appease, quiet, keep still, a. and r 80-81-18 Sostener To sustain, maintain, - support, a. and r. 34-35 Soterrar To put under ground, a 80-81 Subarrendar ....To sub-rent, let, a... 80-81 Subscribir To subscribe, a. and r 24-25-162 Substituir To substitute, a 108-109 Substraer To subtract, a 60-61 Sugerir To suggest, a 94-95 Suponer To suppose, a. and n. 58-59 Suprimir To suppress, a 24-25-140 Taner To play instruments, bells, a 88-89 Temblar To tremble, n 80-81 LIST OF IHREGULAR VERBS 161 Tender To spread out, lay down, a. and r 80-81 Tener To have, hold, pos- sess, a. and r 34-35 Tentar To tempt, touch, trv, a 80-81 Tenir To dye, stain, a. and r.' 92-93 Torcer To twist, distort, a., n. and r 82-83-22 Tostar To toast, roast, a. and r 82-83 Tradueir To translate, a 86-87 Traer To bring, a. and r 60-61 Trascender To smell, n 80-81 Trascordarse ....To forget, r 82-83 Trasegar To overset, decant, a 80-81-18 Trasoir To hear wrongly, a. 56-57 Trasonar To dream awaken, a. 82-83 Trastrocar To change the order or nature of things, a. and r. 82-83-18 Trocar To exchange, swap, say one thing for another, a. and r 82-83-18 Tronar To thunder, n 82-83 Tropezar To stumble, n. and r 80-81-19 Tullir To be crippled or maimed, a., n. and r 88-89 V Yaler To be worth, a. and r 104-105 Venir To come, n. and r... 62-63 Ver To see. a. and r 64-65 Yerter To spill, empty, a., n. and r 80-81 Yestir To dress, a., n. and r. 90-91 Yolar To flv, a. and n 82-83 162 LIST OF IRREGUIiAR VEKBS Volcar To overset, turn up, a. and n 82-83-18 Volver To return, come back, a., n. and r 82-83 T Yacer *To lie dead, n. and def 76-77 Yuxtaponer To put, to place to- gether two things, a. and r 58-59 Z Zabullir To im merge, duck, plunge, a. and r. 88-89 Zaherir To hurt with words, reproach, upbraid, a 94-95 Zambullir To immerge, plunge, duck, a. and r 88-89 Notes on Regular Verbs The following regular verbs have irregu- lar past participles. Abrir, abierto To open, opened Cubrir, cubierto To cover, covered Escribir, escrito To write, written Imprimir, impreso To print, printed Verbs ending in iar or uar must have the stress indicated by an acute accent mark when it falls on the weak vowel of the termination. Example: INTINITIVE MODE. Eociar, Valuar To sprinkle, to value INDICATIVE MODE. Present. Eocio, valuo I sprinkle, I value Eocias, valuas Thou sprinklest, etc. Eocia, valua He sprinkles, etc. Eociamos valuamos We sprinkle, etc. Eociais, valuais You sprinkle, etc. Eocian, valiian They sprinkle, etc. NOTES— REGULAS VERBS 163 IMPERATIVE MODE. Eocia, valua tu Sprinkle, value (thou) Eocle, value Ud. Sprinkle, value (you), Eociemos, Let us sprinkle, (S. valuemos N. value Eociad, valuad V. Sprinkle, value (you), Sing, and Plu. Eocien, valuen Sprinkle, value (you). Plu. SUBJUNCTIVE MODE. Present. Que JO rocie, That I may sprinkle, value etc. " tu rocies, That thou mayest values sprinkle, etc. " el rocie, That he may sprinkle, value etc. " N. rociemos, That we may sprinkle, valuemos etc. ' '■ V. rocieis, That you may valueis sprinkle, etc. ^' E. rocien, That they may valuen sprinkle, etc. The verbs ending in guar, same as: Cambiar, To change, diferenciar to differentiate Estudiar, limpiar To study, to clean Prineipiar,presenciar To begin, to witness, remediar to remedy do not accent the weak vowel. Verbs of the second and third conjuga^ tion whose stems end in a like raer (to scrape), in e like creer (to believe), or in o like roer (to gnaw), require a written accent on the weak vowel of the past parti- ciple for the sake of euphony: Eaido, creldo, roido (scraped, believed, gnawed). Notes on Irregular Verbs DECIR (to say). Diz was used instead of dice; but at present is used in an imper- sonal form only and meaning dicen (they say) : Diz que habra guerra (It is said that there will be war). Diz que ese hombre es rico (It is said or they say that that man is rich). EEEAR (To err) This verb is conjugated like Acertar (pages 80-81), but the i is converted into y whenever the i forms syllable with the following vowel: INDICATIVE MODE— Present. Yerro, yerras, yerra, erramos, errais, yerran. IMPERATIVE MODE. Yerra tu, yerre Ud., erremos, N., errad V., yerren Uds. SUBJUNCTIVE MODE— Present. Yerre, yerres, yerre, erremos, erreis, yerren. RAER (to scrape). This verb, but little used, is conjugated like caer with the following exceptions: INDICATIVE MODE— Present. Eaigo, or rayo, I scrape. SUBJUNCTIVE MODE— Present. Raiga or raya, raigas or rayas, etc., That I may scrape. EOER (to gnaw) and its compound CORROER (to corrode) have the fol- lowing peculiarities: INDICATIVE MODE— Present. Roo, roigo or royo, etc., I gnaw, etc. SUBJUNCTIVE MODE— Present. Roa, roya or roiga, etc., That I may gnaw, etc. RAREFACER (to rarify). The past par- ticiple of this verb is rarefacto. JNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY I Los Angeles his book is DUE on the last date stamped below.