LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA. IFT OF i ., THE Published Writings OF WILLIAM PHIPPS BLAKE 18501910 The Published Writings OF William Phipps Blake, D. Sc., LL. D. Territorial Geologist of Arizona Professor of Geology, Emeritus tlniversity of Arizona With an Introduction by CHARLES BABCOCK, PH. D., President of the University of Arizona ^f?^ UNIVERSITY OF EARTH SCIENCES LIBRARY Reprinted from the President's Report to the Board of Regents of the Univer- sity of Arizona for 1909. INTRODUCTION. For nearly sixty years William Phipps Blake has been a contributor to the literature of science. Even before his graduation in 1852 from the Sheffield Scientific School of Yale University, in its first class, he was writing for the American Journal of Science. The wide range of his ob- servations, and the great diversity of titles in this list of his writings are no less remarkable than the span of decades which they cover. The United States especially Arizona, California, Utah, and Wisconsin Mexico, Alaska, Eng- land and Japan are debtor to his keen eyes, his pene- trating understanding^ and his prolonged investigations. His is no merely scribal pen; it writes with authority. This bibliography lays no claim to completeness, full as it is, for no effort has been made to trace out all contribu- tions to the weekly and daily press. The University is very glad, however, to be able to collect and present in permanent form, on the sixtieth anniversary of the first published article,- this notable list of the writings of a man who has been for so long a devoted friend of the University and of Arizona, and for two generations a dis- tinguished explorer in geology, mineralogy, and mining engineering. KENDRIC CHARLES BABCOCK. March 10, 1910. 97.975 PUBLISHED WRITINGS OF WILLIAM PHIPPS BLAKE WILLIAM PHIPPS BLAKE, Professor of Geology (Emeritus) and Territorial Geologist. *Preliminary Geological Report of a Reconnoisance and Survey in California in connection with Explorations for a Practicable Route from the Mississippi River to the Pacific Ocean (by Williamson) in 1853. House Ex. Doc., 33 Cong., 1 Sess., No. 129, 1-80. 1854. Report on the Geology of the Route (for the Pacific Railroad) near the 32nd Parallel; prepared from the Collections and Notes of Captain John Pope. 1856. Ibid. II, pp. 50. 1855. Observations on the Physical Geography and Geology of the Coast of California from Bodega Bay to San Diego, Physical Geography of the Mountain Ranges adjoining the Coast, Geology of the Principal Bays from Point Reyes to San Diego. U. S. Coast Survey Report for 1855, 376-398. 1855. Notes upon Silicified Plants found Fossil in California House Ex. Doc., 33 Cong., 1 Sess., No. 129 (Appendix) 20-21, 28-29. 1855. *Arranged chronologically, save for contributions to the chief periodicals and proceedings of learned societies, which are grouped together. Report on the Geology of the Route (near the 35th Parallel; explored by Lieut A. W. Whipple, Top. Engr., 1853-4); -No. 1, General Report upon the Geological Collections, No. 2, Translation of Resume" and Field Notes by Jules Marcou, Geologist and Engineer to the Expedition House Ex. Doc., 33 Cong., 2 Sess., No. 91 (Explorations for a Route from the Mississippi River to the Pacific), III, pt. iv, 1-98, 125-164. 1856. Geological Report: No. 1, Itinerary, or Notes and General Observations upon the Geology of the Route; No. 2, Geology of portions of the Route. In Report of Explora. tionsin California for Railroad Routes to Connect with the Route near the 35th and 32nd Parallels of North Latitude, by Lieut. R. S. Williamson in 1853. Ibid. V, pt. ii, pp. xviii, 1-310. 1856. Notice of the Geological Collection (made by Shumard on Marcy's Expedition on Big Wichita and Brazos Rivers). Sen. Ex. Doc., 34 Cong., 1 Sess., No. 60. 46-47. 1856. Observations on the Geological Specimens collected by G. K. Warren from the Bluffs of a Ravine in the Mauvaises Terres. (Explorations in the Dakota Country in 1855 by Warren.) Sen. Doc., 34 Cong., 1 Sess., No. 76, 63- 66. 1856. Silver Ores and Silver Mines. New Haven, pp. 181. 1861. Observations on the Mineral Resources of the Rocky Moun- tain Chain near Santa F and the Probable Extent South- ward of the Rocky Mountain Gold Field. Proc. Boston Soc. of Natural History, VII, 64-70. 1861, OF J /o / California Minerals. Report of the Mineralogist of the State Board of Agriculture. Sacramento, 1863. Der Stekin-Fluss in Britischen Nord-Amerika. Petermanns Mitteilung^ X, 170-175, 1864. Notes on the Geology and Mines of Nevada Territory. Quar. Jour. Geol. Soc., London, XX, 317-327. 1864. Notes upon the Geography and Geology of Russian America and the Stickeen River from Observations made in 1863. (A report to Secretary Seward on Alaska), House Ex. Doc., 40 Cong., 2 Sess., No. 177, pt. ii, pp. 2-17. 1868. Note on the Occurrence of Gold with Cinnabar, in the Secondary or Tertiary Rocks. Proc. of the Boston Soc. of Natural History, XI, 30-31. 1868. Annotated Catalogue of the Principal Mineral Species hitherto recognized in California and the adjoining States and Territories, being a Report to the California State Board of Agriculture, pp. 32. 1866. Upon the Gradual Dessication of the Surface of Western North America. Am. Naturalist, II, 444. 1869. The Production of the Precious Metals, pp. 369. 1869. Mining Machinery. New Haven, pp. 250. 1871. (Also as " Mechanical Appliances of Mining ' in Mining Statis- tics West of the Rocky Mountains, 1870.) Notes on the Geology of the Island of Yesso, Japan. Trans. Conn. Acad. Arts and Sci., II, 299-300. 1873. History of the Town of Hampden, Connecticut. 1875(?) Life of Captain Johnathan Mix. 1876(?) Report on Iron and Steel. (Vienna International Exhi- bition) pp. 1-311. 1876. Report on Ceramics. (Universal Exposition at Paris), pp. 114-226. 1878. Report on Glass and Glassware. (Universal Exposition at Paris), pp. 226-387. 1878. Description of the Silver King Mine of Arizona, pp. 48, illustrations. 1883. Views on the Archaen. Rept. Amer. Com. International Cong, of Geologists. 1888. On the Use of the Term Taconic. Ibid, 1888. The Progress of Geological Surveys in the State of Wiscon- sin. Wis. Acad. of Arts, Letters and Sci.; IX, pt. i, 225-231. 1893. Terrestrial Submergence Southeast of the American Conti- nent. Bui. of the Geol. Soc. of America. V, 21, 1894. Wisconsin Lead and Zinc Deposits. Ibid., V, 25-32. 1894. Report of the Operations of the Arizona School of Mines for the Year 1896. pp. 15, 1897. Mines and Mining in Arizona. Rept. of the Gov. of Arizona to the Sec. of the Int. 1897. Distribution of Metallic Wealth in Arizona. A Rept. as Territorial Geologist. Rept. of Gov. of Arizona to the Sec. of the Int. 19-88. 1898. Historical Sketch of Mining in Arizona. A Rept. as Terri- torial Geologist. Rept. of the Gov. of Arizona to the Sec. of the Int. 43-255. 1899. Bibliographical References relating to the Geology and the Mineral and Other Resources of Arizona. Ibid., 248-25 (Incomplete). Geology and Mineral Resources of Arizona. Kept, of the Gov. of Arizona to the Sec. of the Int. 49-153. 1899 Aboriginal Turquoise Mining in Arizona and New Mexico Amer. Antiquarian. XXI, June, . 1899. Mosaics of Chalchuite. Ibid, XXII, March. 1900. A Prehistoric Mountain Village. Ibid., May. 1900. Sketch of the Mineral Wealth of the Region adjacent to the Santa Cruz Valley, Arizona. With Reference to the Ore Supply and Tonnage for the Projected Railway from Tucson to Calabasas and Beyond, pp. 22. 1901. Nctes on the Mining Industry and the Geology of Arizona. Rept. as Territorial Geologist. Rept. of the Gov. of Arizona to the Sec. of the Int. 1901. Tombstone and Its Mines, pp. 83. 1902. Lake Quiburis, an Ancient Pliocene Lake in Arizona. Univ. of Ariz. Mo., IV, 107-108. 1902. Mining and Metallurgy in Some of Their Relations to the Progress of Civilization, Especially to the Progress of Mining in the United States, pp. 23. 1902. Arizona Diatomite. Trans. Wis. Acad. of Sci.; XIV, pt. i, 107-111. 1903. Geology of Arizona. Rept. of the Gov. of Arizona to the Sec. of the Int. 126-135. 1903. Gypsum Deposits in Arizona. Bui. U. S. Geol. Survey, No. 223, pp. 100-101. 1904. Geographical Distribution of the Mineral Wealth of Arizona. Jour, of the Proc. of the Annual Conv. of the Arizona Miners' Assn. 1905-1906. The Geology and Mineral Resources of Pima County. Arizona Daily Star. Industrial Mid-Winter Number; '1909, pp. 26-27. Minerals of Arizona Their Occurrence and Association, with notes ontheir Composition. A Report of the Terri- torial Geologist to the Gov. of Arizona, pp. 64. Reprint- ed Arizona Daily Star, Mid- winter Industrial Edition, 18-20.1909. Geological Sketch of the Region of Tucson, Arizona. Car- negie Inst. of Washington, Pub. 99. pp. 45-68. 1908. American Journal of Science, Second Series: Occurrence of Crystalized Oxyd of Chromium in Furnaces for the Manufacture of Potash. X, 352-4. 1850. On a Method of Distinguishing between Biaxial and l/ni- axial Crystals when in Thin Plates, and the Results of the Examination of several supposed Uniaxial Micas, XXI, 6-9. 1851. Optical and Blowpipe Examination of the Supposed Chlor- ite of Chester County, Pa. XII, 339-341. 1851. Mineralogical Notices. XIII, 116-119. 1852. On the Occurrence of Crystalline Zinc Oxyd as a Furnace Product in New Jersey. XIII, 417-418. 1852. Mineralogical Notices. XIV, 105. 1852. On the Occurrence of Crystallized Carbonate of Lanthanum. XVI, 228-230. 1853. Ancient Lake in the Colorado Desert. (A communication to the Commercial Advertiser of California reprinted.) XVII, 435-438. 1854. Quicksilver Mine of Almaden, Cal. (Reprint of a letter to J. D. Dana.) XVII, 438-440. 1854. Recent Earthquake Shocks in California. XVIII, 151. 1854. On Gold and Platinum of Cape Blanco. XVIII, 156. 1854. Notes on California. XVIII, 441. 1854. Remains of the Mammoth and Mastodon in California. XIX, 133. 1855. Preliminary Geological Report of the U. S. Pacific Railroad Survey, 1853. XIX, 433-434. 1855. Observations on the Extent of the Gold Region of California and Oregon, with Notices of Mineral Localities in Cali- fornia and of Some Remarkable Specimens of Crystalline Gold. XX, 72-85. 1855. On the Grooving and Polishing of Hard Rocks and Minerals by Dry Sand. XX, 178-181. 1855. On the Rate of Evaporation of the Tulare Lakes of Cali- fornia. XXI, 365-368. 1856. Review of a Portion of the Geological Map of the United States and British Provinces by Jules Marcou. XXII, 383-388. 1856. Notes on the Occurrence of Telluret of Silver in California. XXIII, 270-271. 1857. The Chalchihuitl of the Ancient Mexicans. XXV, 227-232. 1858. Surveys in California for Pacific Railroad. XXV, 317-319. 1858. On the Parallelism Between the Deposits of Auriferous Drift of the Appalachian Gold Field and those of Cali- fornia. XXVI, 128. 1858. Iron Regions of Arizona. (From a letter to J. D. Dana.) XI,, 388. 1865. Crystallized Gold in California. XU, 120. 1866. Mineralogical Notices. XLIII, 124-125. 1867. On Fossils in the Auriferous Rocks of California. (Notice of a paper by W. P. B. before the Cal. Acad. of Sci.). XLIII, 270-271. 1867. The Glaciers of Alaska, Russian America. XUV, 96-101. 1867. Locality of Secondary Fossils in Oregon. XUV, 118-119. 1867. Notes upon Some of the Mineralogical Curiosities of the Paris Exposition of 1867. XLV, 194-198. 1868. The Carboniferous Age of a Portion of the Gold-Bearing Rocks of California. XLV, 264-267. 1868. Note on the Occurrence of Fossil Remains of the Tapir in California. XLV, 381. 1868. Decrease in the Production of Gold. XLVII, 432-433. 1869. Extracts from "Report on the Precious Metals.' 1 XLVIII, 126-131. 1869. On a Fossil Tooth from Table Mountain. L, 262-263. 1870. American Journal of Science, Third Series: Notes on Some Points of the Geology and Mineralogy of Utah. II, 216. 1871. Wood Tin in Georgia. VIII, 392. 1874. Occurrence of Realgar and Orpiment in Utah Territory. XXI, 219. 1881. Vanadinite in Arizona. XXII, 235. 1881. Ulexite in California. XXII, 323. 1881. Occurrence of Vanadates of Lead at the Castle Dome Mines of Arizona. XXII, 410-411. 1881. Native Lead and Minium in Idaho. XXV, 161. 1883 New Locality of the Green Turquoise known as Chalchuite and on the Identity of Turquoise with the Callai. or Callaina of Pliny. XXV, 197-200. 1883. Cassiterite, Spodumene and Beryl in the Black Hills, Da- kota. XXVI, 235. 1883. Crystallized Gold in Prismatic Forms. XXVIII, 57-58. 1884. Columbite in the Black Hills of Dakota. XXVIII, 340- 341. 1884. Spodumene Crystals of Gigantic Size. XXIX, 71. 1885. New Localities of Erythrite. XXX, 163. 1885. Mineralogical Notes. (On Arizona.) XXXIX, 43-45. 1890. Columbite of the Black Hills, South Dakota. XLI, 403- 405. 1891. American Journal of Science, Fourth Series: lodobromite in Arizona. XXIX, 230. 1905. Tourmaline of Crown Point, N. Y. XXV, 123-124. 1908. American Geologist: Age of the Limestone Strata of Deep Creek, Utah, and the Occurrence of Gold in the Crystalline Portions of the Formation. IX, 47-48. 1892. Relative Abundance of Gold in Different Geological For- mations. IX, 166-168. 1892. Trilobites in the Oil Rock Horizon of the Trenton limestone. XIV, 133-134. 1894. Gypsum Beds in Southern Arizona. XVIII, 394. 1896. Oscillations of the Level of the Pacific Coast of the United States. XXI. 164-165. 1898. Anthracite Coal in Arizona. XXI, 345-346. 1898. Remains of a Species of Bos in Quaternary of Arizona, and Bison Latifrons and Bos Arizonica. XXII, 67-72, 247- 248, 1898. Remains of the Mammoth in Arizona. XXVI, 257. 1900. Some Salient Features in the Geology uf Arizona with Evidences of Shallow Seas in Paleozoic Time. XXVII, 160-167. 1901. Engineering and Mining Journal: The Geology and Veins of Tombstone, Arizona. 145-146, 157, 231, 232, 328, 1882. Porphyry Dike, Tombstone District, Arizona. XXXIV, 29-30. 1882 Geology of the Silver King Mine. XXXV, 254-256. 1883. The Vulture Mine and W. P. Blake. LIU, 249. 1892. The Dolcoath Tin Mine, Cornwall. LIV, 414. 1894. The Persistence of Ores in Lodes in Depth. LV, 3. 1893. The Fortuna Gold Mine , Arizona. LXIII, 664-665. 1897. Native Sodium Carbonate. LXV, 188. 1898. Wolframite in Arizona. I, XV, 608. 1898. Mining in Arizona. I, XVII, 5. 1899. The Geology of the Galiuro Mountains, Arizona, and of the Gold-bearing Ledge known as Gold Mountain. LXXIII, 546-547. 1902. Petroleum. (Abst. Address Mo. School of Mines.) LXXVII 349. 1903. Mining in the Southwest. LXXVII, 35-37. 1904. Journal of Geology: The Pliocene Skull of California and the Flint Implements of Table Mountain. VII, 631-637. 1899. The Evidences of Shallow Seas in Paleozoic Time in South- ern Arizona. IX, 68-69. 1901 The Mineral Industry: The Occurrence and Production of Wolframite in Arizona. VII, 720-722. 1898. Mining in Arizona. XII, 429-432. 1903. Arizona. XIII, 490-493. 1904. Mining Magazine and Journal of Geology: Silver and Copper Mining in Arizona, with a Map. I (new series), 1-22. 1859. The Wheatly Lead-Silver Mines. XII, 411-418. 1860. Notes upon the Geology and Minerals of Cherokee Valley, Valley River, N. C., XIII, 80-84. 1861. Proceedings of the American Association for the Advance- ment of Science: Remarks upon the Geology of California, from Observations in Connection with U. S. Surveys and Explorations for a Railroad Route to the Pacific. IX, 222-225. 1856. Observations on the Characters and Probable Geological Age of the Sandstone Formation of San Francisco. Ibid., 220-222. 1856. On the Orography of the Western Portion of the United States. Ibid., X, pt. ii, 119-134. 1857. Observations on the Geology of the Rocky Mountain Chain in the Vicinity of Santa Fe, N. M. XIII, 314-319. 1860. The Plasticity of Pebbles and Rocks. XVIII, 199-205. 1870. Origin of the Cascades and of the Submerged Forest on the Columbia River, Oregon. XXIII, pt. ii, 72-74. 1875. Proceedings of the California Academy of Sciences: Notice of the Fossils of the Sierra Nevada. Ill, Oct., 1864. Note on the Discovery of Fossils in the Auriferous Forma- tion of the Mariposa Estate, California, and the probable Geological Age. Ill, 170. 1867. New Mineral Oil Regions in the Tulare Valley. Ill, 193. 1867. Note on the Brown Coal Formation of Washington Territory and Oregon. Ill, 347. 1867. Miscellaneous Notices. Ill, 290-291. 1868. Note on the Abundance of Iron Ore in Northern Arizona, III, 206-207. 1868. On Columnar Diorite from near Black Rock. Nevada. IV, 183-184. 1873. Remarks on the Topography of the Great Basin. IV, 276-278. 1873. Proceedings of the Philadelphia Academy of Sciences: Notice of Remarkable Strata Containing the Remains of Infusoria and Polythalmia in the Tertiary Formation of Monterey, California. VII, 328-331. 1856. On Itacolumnite XXVIII, 325-326. 1876. Science: The Metallurgy of Nickel in the United States. I, 102-103. 1883. Glacial Phenomena of Mill Rock, near New Haven. I, 146 147. 1883. The Carson City Ichnolites. IV, 273-276. 1884. On the Origin of the Ancient Quartz Rocks. XXIII, 141- 142. 1894. Science, New Series: Origin of the Depression Known as Montezuma's Well, Arizona. XXIV, 568. 1906. The Flanking Detrital Slopes of the Mountains of the Southwest. XXV, 294, 974-978. 1907. Notes upon the Structure of the Santa Catalina Gneiss, Arizona. XXVIII, 379-380. 1908. Transactions of the American Institute of Mining Engineers: Recent Improvements in Diamond Drills and in the Ma- chinery for Their Use. I, 395-398. 1873. (Discussion of) Magnetic Ores of New Jersey. II, 325-326. 1875. Notes upon Hydraulic Forging. II, 200-203. 1875. Description of the System of Underground Transportation by Moving Chains, adopted at the Hasard Collieries, Belgium. II, 203-207. 1875. Provision for the Health and Comfort of Miners Miners' Homes. Ill, 218-221 1875. The Mass Copper of the Lake Superior Region and the Method of Mining It. IV, 110-111. 1876. Notes on the Occurrence of Siderite at Gay Head, Mass. IV, 112-113. 1876. Note upon the Manufacture of Ferro-Manganese in Austria. IV, 216-219. 1876. The Ore Deposits of Eureka District, Eastern Nevada. VI, 554-563. 1878. Note on Zircons in Unaka Magnetites. VII, 76. 1879. The Geology and Veins of Tombstone, Arizona. X, 334- 345. 1882. The Metallurgy of Nickel in the United States. XI, 274- 281. 1883. Mining and Storing Ice. XI, 339-353. 1883. Tin-ore Veins in the Black Hills of Dakota, and Tantalite and Columbite in the Black Hills of Dakota. XIII, 691-697. 1885. Iron Ore Deposits of Southern Utah. XIV, 809-8 11. 1886 Silver Mining and Milling at Butte, Montana. XVI, 33-45. 1888. The Rainbow Lode, Butte City, Montana. XVI, 65-80. 1888. Note upon some Results of the Storage of Water in Arizona. XVII, 476-478. 1889. The Copper Deposits of Copper Basin, Arizona, and Their Origin. XVII, 479-485. 1889. Wurtzilite from the Uintah Mountains, Utah. XVIII, 497-503. 1890. Note on the Use of Aluminium in the Construction of In- struments of Precision. XVIII, 503-505. 1890. Uintaite, Albertite, Grahamite, and Asphaltum Described and Compared with Observations on Bitumen and its Compounds. XVIII, 563-582. 1890. Contributions to the Early History of Industry of Phosphate of Lime in the United States. XXI, 157-159. 1892. Association of Apatite with Beds of Magnetite. XXI, 159-160. 1892. Note on the Magnetic Separation of Iron Ore at the Sanford Ore-bed, Moriah, Essex County, N. Y., in 1852. XXI, 378-379. 1893. A New Form of Furnace for Roasting and Oxidizing Ores. XXI, 943-950. 1893. The Mineral Deposits of Southwestern Wisconsin XXII, 558-568. 1894. The Separation of Blende from Pyrites. XXII, 569-574. 1894. The Lead and Zinc Deposits of the Mississippi Valley. (Issued as a separate pamphlet, "The Existence of Faults and Dislocations in the Lead and Zinc Regions of the Mississippi Valley, with Observations upon the Genesis of the Ores.") XXII. 621-634. 1894. Zinc Ore Deposits of Southwestern New Mexico. XXIV, 187-195. 1895. Notes on the Structure of Frariklinite and Zinc Ore Beds, Sussex County, New Jersey. XXIV, 521-524. 1895. Alunogen and Bauxite of New Mexico. XXIV, 571-573 1895 Cinnabar in Texas. XXV, 68-76. 1896. Notes and Recollections Concerning the Mineral Resources of Northern Georgia and Western North Carolina XXV 796-811. 1896. Gold in Granite and Plutonic Rocks. XXVI, 290-298 1897 Hubnerite in Arizona XXVIII, 543-546. 1899. Glacial Erosion and the Origin of the Yosemite Valley XXIX, 823-835 1900. The Caliche of Southern Arizona. XXXI, 220-226. 1901 Notes on the Mines and Minerals of Guanajuato, Mexico XXXII, 216-223. 1902. Diatom-earth in Arizona. XXXIII, 38-45. 1903 The Blake Stone- and Ore-Breaker, its Invention, Forms, and Modifications, and its Importance in Engineering Industries. XXXIII, 988-1031. 1903. Origin of Pebble-covered Plains in Desert Regions XXXIV, 161-162. 1904. Tombstone and its Mines. XXXIV, 668-670. 1904. Copper Ore and Garnet in Association. XXXIV, 886-890 1904. Superficial Blackening and Discoloration of Rocks, Es- pecially in Desert Regions. XXXV, 371-375. 1905 Evidences of Plication in the Rocks of Cananea, Sonora XXXV, 551-552. 1905. Origin of Orbicular and Concretionary Structure. XXXVI, 39-44. 1906. Destruction of the Salt Works in the Colorado Desert by the Salton Sea. XXXVIII, 848-849. 1908 14 DAY USE WED This book is due on the last date stamped below, or on the date to which renewed. Renewed books are subject to immediate recall. '978 LD 21-40m-l,'68 (H7452slO)476 General Library University of California Berkeley