GIFT OF A DICTIONARY OF ELECTRICAL WORDS, TERMS AND PHRASES. BY EDWIN J. HOUSTON, A.M., Ph.D. (Princeton), EMERITUS PROFESSOR OF NATURAL PHILOSOPHY AND PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY IN THE CENTRAL HIGH SCHOOL OF PHILADELPHIA ; PROFESSOR OF PHYSICS IN THE FRANKLIN INSTITUTE OF PENNSYLVANIA J ELECTRICIAN OF THE INTER- NATIONAL ELECTRICAL EXHIBITION, ETC., ETC. FOURTH EDITION. WITH APPENDIX. GREATLY ENLARGED, NEW YORK: McGRAW PUBLISHING COMPANY, 114 LIBERTY STREET. vt Copyright, 1889, 1892, 1894, 1898 BT THB W. J. JOHNSTON COMPANY Appendix B. Copyright, 1898 BT EDWIN J. HOUSTON PREFACE TO THE FIRST EDITION. f T > HE rapid growth of electrical science, and the almost daily addition to it of new 1 words, terms and phrases, coined, as they too frequently are, in ignorance of ihose already existing, have led to the production of an electrical vocabulary that is already bewildering in its extent. This multiplicity of words is extremely discourag- ing to the student, and acts as a serious obstacle to a general dissemination of elec- trical knowledge, for the following reasons : 1. Because, in general, these new terms are not to be found ever, in the unabridged editions of dictionaries. 2. The books or magazines, in which they were first proposed, are either inac- cessible to the ordinary reader, or, if accessible, are often written in phraseology un- intelligible except to the expert. 3. The same terms are used by different writers in conflicting senses. 4. The same terms are used with entirely different meanings. 5. Nearly all the explanations in the technical dictionaries are extremely brief as regards the words, terms and phrases of the rapidly growing and comparatively new science of electricity. In this era of extended newspaper and periodical publication, new words are often -coined, although others, already in existence, are far better suited to express the same ideas. The new terms are used for a while and then abandoned ; or, if retained, having been imperfectly denned, their exact meaning is capable of no little ambiguity; and, subsequently, they are often unfortunately adopted by different writers with such varying shades of meaning, that it is difficult to understand their true and exact significance. Then again, old terms buried away many decades ago and long since forgotten, are dug up and presented in such new garb that their creators would most certainly fail to recognize them. It has been with a hope of removing these difficulties to some extent that the author has ventured to present this Dictionary of Electrical Words, Terms and Phrases to his brother electricians and the public generally. He trusts that this dictionary will be of use to electricians, not only by showing the wonderful extent and richness of the vocabulary of the science, but also by giving the general consensus of opinion as to the significance of its different words, terms or phrases. It is, however, to the general public, to whom it is not only a matter of interest but also one of necessity to fully understand the exact meaning of electrical literature,- that the author believes the bo^k will be of the greatest value. In order to leave no doubt concerning the precise meaning of the words, terms and phrases thus defined, the following plan has been adopted of giving : (i.) A concise definition of the word, term or phrase. (2.) A brief statement of the principles of the science involved in the definition. i V.JL. I 2870 (3. ) Where possible and advisable, a cut of the apparatus described or employed in connection with the word, term or phrase defined. It will be noticed that the second item of the plan makes the Dictionary ap- proach to some extent the nature of an Encyclopedia. It differs, however, from an Encyclopedia in its scope, as well as in the fact that its definitions in all cases are concise. Considerable labor has been expended in the collection of the vocabulary, for which purpose electrical literature generally has been explored. In the alphabetical arrangement of the terms and phrases defined, much perplexity has arisen as to the proper catch-word under which to place them. It is believed that part of the difficulty in this respect has been avoided by the free use of cross references. In elucidating the exact meaning of terms by a brief statement of the principles of the science involved therein, the author has freely referred to standard textbooks on electricity, and to periodical literature generally. He is especially indebted to works or treatises by the following authors, viz. : S. P. Thompson, Larden, Gumming, Hering, Prescott, Ayrton, Ayrton and Perry, Pope, Lockwood, Sir William Thom- son, Fleming, Martin and Wetzler, Preece, Preece and Sivewright, Forbes, Max- well, De Watteville, J. T. Sprague, Culley, Mascart and Joubert, Schwendler, Fontaine, Noad, Smee, Depretz, De la Rive, Harris, Franklin, Cavallo, Grove, Hare, Daniell, Faraday and very many others. The author offers his Dictionary to his fellow electricians as a starting point only. He does not doubt that his book will be found to contain many inaccuracies, ambig- uous statements, and possibly doubtful definitions. Pioneer work of this character must, almost of necessity, be marked by incompleteness. He, therefore, invites the friendly criticisms of electricians generally, as to errors of omission and commis- sion, hoping in this way to be able finally to crystallize a complete vocabulary of electrical words, terms and phrases. The author desires in conclusion to acknowledge his indebtedness to his friends, Mr. Carl Hering, Mr. Joseph Wetzler and Mr. T. C. Martin, for critical exami- nation of the proof sheets ; to Dr. G. G. Faught for examination of the proofs of the parts relating to the medical applications of electricity, and to Mr. C. E. Stump for valuable aid in the illustration of the book ; also to Mr. George D. Fowle, Engineer of Signals of the Pennsylvania Railroad Company, for information concern- ing their System of Block Signaling, and to many others. EDWIN J. HOUSTON. CENTRAL HIGH SCHOOL,. PHILADELPHIA, PA., SEPTEMBER, 1889. PREFACE TO THE SECOND EDITION. THE first edition of the "Dictionary of Electrical Words, Terms and Phrases" met with so favorable a reception that the entire issue was soon exhausted. Although but a comparatively short time has elapsed since its publication, electrical progress has been so marked, and so many new words, terms and phrases have been introduced into the electrical nomenclature, that the preparation of a new edition has been determined on rather than a mere reprint from the old plates. The wonderful growth of electrical science may be judged from the fact that the present work contains more than double the matter and about twice the number of definitions that appeared in the earlier work. Although some of this increase has been due to words which should have been in the first edition, yet in greater part it has resulted from an actual multiplication of the words used in electrical literature. To a certain extent this increase has been warranted either by new applications of electricity or by the discovery of new principles of the science. In some cases, how- ever, new words, terms or phrases have been introduced notwithstanding the fact that other words, terms or phrases were already in general use to express the same ideas. The character of the work is necessarily encyclopedic. The definitions are given in the most concise language. In order, however, to render these definitions intel- ligible, considerable explanatory matter has been added. The Dictionary has been practically rewritten, and is now, in reality, a new book based on the general lines of the old book, but considerably changed as to order of arrangement and, to some extent, as to method of treatment. As expressed in its preface, the author appreciates the fact that the earlier book was tentative and incomplete. Though the wide scope of the second edition, the vast number of details included therein, and the continued growth of the electrical vocabulary must also necessarily make this edition incomplete, yet the author ventures to hope that it is less incomplete than the first edition. He again asks kindly criti- cisms to aid him in making any subsequent edition more nearly what a dictionary of so important a science should be. The order of arrangement in the first edition has been considerably changed. The initial letter under which the term or phrase is defined is in all cases that of the noun. For example, "Electric Light " is defined under the term " Light, 'Electric " ; " Diameter of Commutation " under "Commutation, Diameter of ," "Alter- nating Current Dynamo-Electric Machine" under "Machine, Dynamo- Electric. Alternating Current . " As before, the book has numerous cross references. Although the arrangement of the words, terms and phrases under the initial letter of the first word, term or phrase, as, for example, " Electric Light " under the letter E, might possess some advantages, yet, in the opinion of the author, the educational value VI of the work would be thereby considerably decreased, since to a great extent such an arrangement would bring together incongruous portions of the science. Frequent cross references render it possible to use the Dictionary as a text-book in connection with lectures in colleges and universities. With such a book the student need make notes only of the words, terms or phrases used, and afterwards, by the use of the definitions and explanatory matter connected therewith, work up the general subject matter of the lecture. The author has successfully used this method in his teaching. In order to separate the definitions from the descriptive matter, two sizes of type have been used, the definitions being placed in the larger sized type. In the descriptive matter the author has not hesitated to quote freely from standard electrical works, electrical magazines, and periodical literature generally. Among the numerous works consulted, besides those to which reference has already been made in the preface to the first edition, he desires to acknowledge his indebtedness espe- cially to "The Alternating Current Transformer," by J. A. Fleming ; to various works of John W. Urquhart ; to "Modern Views of Electricity," by Prof. O. J. Lodge; to "A Text-book of Human Physiology," by Landois & Sterling; and to "Practical Application of Electricity in Medicine and Surgery, " by Liebig & Rohe. The cuts or diagrams used in the book have either been drawn especially for the work or have been taken from standard electrical publications. The chart of standard electrical symbols and diagrams has been taken from Prof. F. B. Crocker's paper on that subject. The definition of terms used in systems of electric railways have been taken mainly from a paper on " Standards in Electric Railway Practice," by O. T. Crosby. The author desires especially to express his obligations to Prof. F. B. Crocker of the Electrical Engineering Department, Columbia College, New York, and to Carl Hering, of Philadelphia, for critical examination of the entire manuscript and for many valuable suggestions ; also to The Electrical World and the Electrical Engineer of New York, and to Prof. Elihu Thomson, Edward Caldwell, T. C. Martin, Dr. Louis Bell, Joseph Wetzler, Nikola Tesla, Wm. H. Wahl, Prof. Wm. D. Marks, Prof. A. . Dolbear, C. W. Pike, John Hoskin, and numerous others, for aid in connection with new words or phrases. So far as they relate to the medical applications of electricity, the proof sheets were revised by Dr. G. G. Faught, of Philadelphia. The author desires to thank critics of the first edition and the electrical fraternity in general for valuable suggestions. He presents this second e lition of his Dictionary id the hope that it may to some extent properly represent the vocabulary of electrical science. CENTRAL HIGH SCHOOL, EDWIN J. HOUSTON. PHILADELPHIA, May, 1892. PREFACE TO THE THIRD EDITION. THE second edition of the "Dictionary of Electrical Words, Terms, and Phrases'* was exhausted in such a comparatively short time that the publishers believed that what new matter might be required for a third edition could best be added in the form of an appendix. Although not quite two years have elapsed since the issue of the second edition, yet the growth of electrical science has continued at so rapid a pace, and new words, terms, and phrases have of necessity been introduced so rapidly, that fully twenty per cent., both of new words and new matter, have been found necessary for the third edition. Had this fact been known in time, it might have been better to have developed the additional matter throughout the text, rather than placing it at the end of the book as an appendix. Should a demand be made for a fourth edition, the author contemplates re- writing and re-arranging the entire volume. He is thoroughly aware of the inaccuracies and incompleteness of many of the definitions in the second edition, and hopes, in the event of a demand for a fourth edition, to produce a volume more nearly ap- proximating to what an electrical dictionary should be. In the meantime, he again asks the kindly criticisms of his fellow laborers in the electrical field to aid him in the work. In order to facilitate the use of the cross-references, all words, terms, and phrases referred to in the appendix are so marked; i. e., (See Appendix Insulation, Kilo- metric, of Cable.} All references not so marked will be found in the main text of the dictionary. The author desires to express his obligations to numerous authors and technical journals for information as to new words, terms, and phrases, and to the significance generally given to them in actual use He desires especially to acknowledge his obligations to his colleague, Mr. A. E. Kennelly, and to Professors R. A. Fessenden, C. Wellman Park; to Messrs. C. P. Steinmetz, J. F. Kelly, O. B. Shallenberger, Carl Hering, H. W. Frye, W. D. Weaver, W. F. C. Hasson, Tbwnsend Wolcott, J. B. Cahoon, and many others, for reading of proof sheets and suggestions. The author presents this third edition of the Dictionary with the hope that it may prove of value to the electrical fraternity. EDWIN J. HOUSTON. PHILADELPHIA, May, 1894. PREFACE TO THE FOURTH EDITION. IN preparing the fourth edition of his'" Dictionary of Electrical Words, Terms and Phrases," the author soon found that the recent marvellous growth in the electrical vocabulary was such that it would be impossible to add, in the shape of a separate appendix, the new words, terms and phrases only, that it was necessary to introduce into the book. This will be evident from the fact that the added words exceed in number those already contained in the first, second and third editions. Since it was deemed inadvisable by the publisher to recast the entire book, the only course left open to the author was to alphabetically arrange all the old and new words, and to present them in concise definitions without any ency- clopaedic matter, referring the reader to the matter contained in the earlier editions for illustration and detail. It has also been thought advisable to introduce a change in the manner of arrangement, the words, terms and phrases being alpha- betically arranged according, either to the word, or to the first word of the term or phrase. This has permitted the entire suppression of all cross references, which, in view of the author's past expe- rience, he believes will prove an advantage. The author desires to acknowledge the very valuable assistance afforded him by his colleague, Dr. A. E. Kennelly, in the prepa- ration of the matter for the fourth edition, both in collecting new terms, as well as in preparing the definitions, and reading the proof. The author trusts, that the fourth edition of his electrical Diction- ary will prove of benefit not only to the electrical world but to the reading public generally. All criticisms will be gladly received. EDWIN J. HOUSTON. PHILADELPHIA, December, 1897. A DICTIONARY OF ELECTRICAL WORDS, TERMS AND PHRASES. A. or An. An abbreviation sometimes used in medical electricity for anode. (See Anode?) A. C. C. An abbreviation used in medical electricity for Anodic Closure Contraction. (See Contraction, Anodic Closure?) A. D. C. An abbreviation used in medical electricity for Anodic Duration Contraction. (See Contraction, Anodic Duration?) A. 0. C. An abbreviation used in medical electricity for Anodic Opening Contraction. (See Contraction, Anodic Opening?) Abscissa of Rectilinear Co-ordinates. A line or distance cut off along axis of abscissas. The abscissa of the point D, Fig. I, on the curve O D R, is the distance D i, or its equal A 2, measured or cut off on the line A C, the axis of abscissas; or, briefly, A 2, is the abscissa of the point D. Abscissas, Axis of - One of the axes of co-ordinates used for determining the position of points on a curved line. Thus the position of the point D, Fig. I, on the curved line O D R, is determined by the per- pendicular distances, D I and D 2, of such point from two straight lines, A B and A C, called the axes of co-ordinates. AC, is called the axis of ab- scissas, and AB, the axis of ordinates. The point 2 ***'/ <* A, where the lines are considered as starting or originating, is called the point of origin, or, gen- erally, the origin. The use of co-ordinates was first introduced by the famous mathematician, Des Cartes. Absolute. Complete in itself. The terms absolute and relative are used in electricity in the same sense as ordinarily. Thus, a galvanometer is said to be calibrated absohittly when the exact current strengths re- quired to produce given deflections ai e known ; or, in other words, when the absolute current strengths are known ; it is said to be calibrated relatively when only the relative current strengths required to produce given deflections are known. The word absolute, as applied to the units em- ployed in electrical measurements, was introduced by Gauss to indicate the fact that the values of such units are independent both of the size of the instrument employed and of the value of gravity at the particular place where the instrument is used. The word absolute is also used with reference to the fact that the values of the units could readily be redetermined from well known con- stants, in case of the loss of the standards. The absolute units of length, mass, and time are more properly called the C. G. S. units, or the centimetre-gramme-second units. (See Units, Absolute. ) An absolute system of units based on the milli- gramme, millimetre, and second, was proposed by Weber, and was called the millimetre milli- gramme-second units. It has been replaced by [Acc, the C. G. S. units. (See Units, Centimetre- Gramme-Second. Units, Fundamental.') Absolute Block System for Railroads. (See Block System for Railroads, Absolute?) Absolute Calibration. (See Calibration, Absolute?) Absolute Electrometer. (See Electrome- ter, Absolute?) Absolute Galvanometer. (See Galva- nometer, Absolute?) Absolute Unit of Current. (See Current, Absolute Unit of.) Absolute Unit of Electromotive Force. (See Force, Electromotive, Absolute Unit of.) Absolute Unit of Inductance. (See -In- ductance, Absolute Unit of.) Absolute Unit of Resistance. (See Re- sistance, Absolute Unit of) Absolute Unit of Self-Induction. (See Inducti n, Self, Absolute Unit of) Absolute Units. (See Units, Absolute) Absolute Vacuum. (See Vacuum, Ab- solute) Absorption. The taking, or, literally, drinking in, of one form of matter by another, such as a gas, vapor or liquid by a solid ; or of the energy of sound, light, heat, or elec- tricity by ordinary matter. Absorption, Acoustic The taking in of the energy of sound waves produced by one sounding or vibrating body by another vibrating body. Acoustic absorption may result in the dissipa- tion of the absorbed energy, as heat, or in sym- pathetic vibrations. (See Vibrations, Sympathetic.) Absorption, Electric The appar- ent soaking of an electric charge into the glass or other solid dielectric of a Leyden jar or condenser. (See Condenser) The capacity of a condenser varies with the time the condenser remains charged and with the time taken in charging. Some of the charge acts as if it soaked into the solid dielectric, and this is the cause of the residual charge. (See Charge, Residual.) Therefore, when the con- denser is discharged, less electricity appears than was passed in ; hence the term electric absorption. Absorption, Luminous -- The ab- sorption of the energy of light in its passage through bodies. When sunlight falls on an opaque colored body, such for example as a red body, all the colors but the reds are absorbed. The reds are then thrown offand thus cause the color. In the same manne- , when sunlight falls on a transparent colored body, such for example as red, all colors but the reds are absorbed, and the reds are transmitted. When sunlight falls on a phosphorescent body, a part of the light is absorbed as heat ; another part is absorbed by the molecules being set into motion sufficiently rapid to cause them to emit light or to become luminous. A mass of glowing gas or vapor absorbs waves of light of the same length as those it itself emits. This is the cause of the dark lines of the solar spectrum, called the Fraunhoffer lines. The amount of light absorbed by the glass globe of an incandescent lamp, according to Urquhart, is as follows, viz.: Clear glass ............. 10 per cent. Ground glass ............ 35 " Opalescent glass .......... 50 " Absorption, Selective -- The absorp- tion of a particular or selected character of waves of sound, light, heat, or electricity. Absorption, Thermal -- The ab- sorption of heat energy in its passage through a body. The phenomena of thermal absorption are similar to those of luminous absorption. A sub- stance that is transparent to heat, or which allows heat waves to pass through without absorption, is called diathermanous, or diathermanic, or is said to be transparent to heat. Absorptive Power. (See Power. Absorp- tive) Acceleration. The rate of change of velocity. Acceleration is thus distinguished from velocity: velocity expresses in time the rate- of- change of position, as a velocity of three metres per second; acceleration expresses in time the rate-of-change of velocity, as an acceleration of one centimetre per second. Since all matter is inert, and cannot change its Ace.] condition of rest or motion without the applica- tion of some force, acceleration is necessarily due to some force outside the matter itself. A force may therefore be measured by the acceleration it imparts to a given mass of matter. Acceleration is positive when the velocity is in- creasing, and negative when it is decreasing. Acceleration, Dimensions of The ^alue of the acceleration expressed in terms of the length or of distance by the time. (See Acceleration, Unit of.) Acceleration, Unit of That ac- celeration which will give to a body unit- velocity in unit-time ; as, for example, one centimetre-per-second in one second. Bodies falling freely in a vacuum, and ap- proximately so in air, acquire an acceleration which in Paris or London, at the end of a second, amounts to about 981 centimetres per second, or nearly 32.2 ft. per second. V A = , or, in other words, The acceleration equals the velocity divided by the time. But, since velocity equals the Distance, or the Length traversed in a Unit of Time, V = . TU r A V T L Therefore, A = -; = -=- = = , or The acceleration equals the length, or the dis- tance passed through, divided by the square of the time in seconds. These formulae represent the Dimensions of Acceleration. Accumulated Electricity. (See Electri- city, Accumulated^) Accumulating Electricity. (See Electri- city, Accumulating^) Accumulation of Electricity. (See Elec- tricity, Accumulation of.) Accumulator. A word sometimes applied to any apparatus in which the strength of a current is increased by the motion past it of a conductor, the currents produced in which tend to strengthen and increase the current which causes the induction. [Act. The word accumulator is sometimes applied to Sir Wm. Thomson's Electric Current Accumu- lator. Current accumulators operate on the reaction principle of dynamo-electric machines. In this sense, therefore, a dynamo -electric machine is an accumulator. (See Machine, Dynamo-Electric, Reaction Principle of.) Fig. 2. Barlow's Wheel. The copper disc D, Fig. 2, has freedom of rotation, on a horizontal axis at O, in a magnetic field, the lines of force of which, represented by the dotted lines in the drawing, pass downward perpendicularly into the plane of the paper. If, now, a current from any source be passed in the direction A, O, B, C, A, through the circuit A, O, B, C, A, which is provided with spring contacts at O, and A, the disc will rotate in the direction of the curved arrow. This motion is due to the current acting on that part of the disc which lies between the two contacts A and O. This apparatus is known as Barlow's Wheel. If, when no current is passing through the circuit, the disc be turned in the direction of the arrow, a current is set up in such a direction as would oppose the rotation of the disc. (See Law, Lenz's.) If, however, the disc be turned in the opposite direction to that of the arrow, induction currents will as before be produced in the circuit. As this rotation of the disc tends to move the circuit O A, towards the parallel but oppositely directed circuit B C, these two circuits being parallel and in opposite directions tend to repel one another, and there will thus be set up induced currents that tend to oppose the motion of rotation, and the current of the circuit will therefore increase in strength. (See Dynamics, Electro.) Should then a current be started in the circuit, and the original field be removed, the induction will be continued, and a current which, up to a certain extent, increases or accumulates, is maintained in the circuit during rotation of the disc. (Larden.) Barlow's Wheel, when used in this manner, is known as Thomson's Electric Current Accumu- lator. Ace.] e [Ace. Accumulator. A word often applied to a Leyden jar or condenser, which permits the gradual collection from an electric source of a greater charge than it would otherwise be capable of containing. A condenser. (See Condenser?) The ability of a source to accumulate an in- creased charge when connected to a condenser is due to the increased capacity which a plate or other conductor acquires when placed near another plate or conductor. (See Condenser, jfar, Leyden.) Accumulator. Capacity of The capacity of a condenser, expressed in micro- farads. (See Condenser, Capacity of.) Accumulator or Condenser ; Laws of Ac- cumulation of Electricity. Sir W. Snow Harris, by the use of his Unit-Jar and Elec- tric Thermometer, deduced the following laws for the accumulation of electricity, which we quote from Noad's " Student's Text-Book of Electricity," revised by Preece : (I.) "Equal quantities of electricity are given off at each revolution ot the plate of an electrical machine to an uncharged surface, or to a surface charged to any degree of saturation. " (2. ) "A coated surface receives equal quantities of electricity in equal times ; and the number of revolutions of the plate is a fair measure of the relative quantities of electricity, all other things remaining the same." (3. ) " The free action of an electrical accumula- tion is estimated by the interval it can break through, and is directly proportional to the quan- tity of electricity." (4.) " The free action is inversely proportional to the surface/' (5.) " When the electricity and the surface are increased in the same ratio, the discharging in- terval remains the same ; but if, as the electricity is increased, the surface is diminished, the dis- charging interval is directly as the square of the quantity of electricity." (6.) ' The resistance of air to discharge is as the square of the density directly. " According to some later investigations, the quantity a plane surface can receive under a given density depends on the linear b >und on the area <>f ; he surface. " The amount of electrical charge depends on surface and linear extension conjointly. There exists in every plane surface what may be termed an electrical boundary, having an important rela- tion to the grouping or disposition of the electric particles in regard to each other and to surrounding matter. This boundary in circles or globes is represented by their circumferences. In plane rectangular surfaces, it is by their linear extension or perimeter. If this boundary be constant, their electrical charge varies with the square root of the surface. If the surface be constant the charge varies with the square root of the boundary. If the surface and boundary both vary, the charge varies with the square root of the surface multi- plied into the square root of the boundary.'" These laws apply especially to continuous sur- faces taken as a whole, and not to surfaces divided into separate parts. By electrical charge Harris meant the quantity sustained on a given surface under a given elec- trometer indication ; by electrical intensity, he meant the indication of the electrometer corre- sponding to a given quantity on a given surface. (See Condenser, Capacity of. Capacity, Elec- trostatic. Capacity, Specific Inductive. ) Accumulators of this character are now generally called Condensers. (For more mcdern principles concerning their construction and capacity see Condenser. Condenser, Capacity of.} Accumulator, Secondary or Storage Cell Two inert plates partially sur- rounded by a fluid incapable of acting chem- ically on either of them until after the passage of an electric current, when they become capable of furnishing an independent electric current. This use of the term accumulator is the one most commonly employed. A better term for such a cell is a secondary or storage cell. (See Cell, Secondary or Storage.) Commercially, an accumulator consists of a single jar and its electrolyte, in which a single set of positive and negative plates is properly placed. Accumulator, Water-Dropping - An apparatus devised by Sir W. Thomson for increasing the difference of potential between two electric charges. The tube X Y, Fig. 3, connects with a reser- voir of water which is maintained at the zero potential of the earth. The water escapes from Ach.] [Act. B' Water-Drop- the openings at C and D, in small drops and falls on funnels provided, as shown, to receive the separate drops and again discharge them. The vessels A, A', and B, H', which are electrically _X connected as shown, are maintained at a certain small A ?J|j difference of potential, as indicated by the respective -f- and signs. Under these c i r c u m - stances, therefore, C and D, will be charged inductively f'f-3- with charges opposite to &** Ac m " ator - those of A and B, or with and -j- electricities respectively. As the drops of water fall on the funnels, the charges which the funnels thus con- stantly receive are given up to B' and A', before the water escapes. Since, therefore, B, B', and A, A', are receiving constant charges, the differ- ence of potential between them must continually increase. This apparatus operates on the same principle as the replenisher. The drops of water act as the carriers, and A, A', and B, B', as the hollow vessels. (See Replenisher.} Achromatic. Free from false coloration. Images formed by ordinary lenses do not pos- sess the true colors of the object, unless the edges of the lenses are cut off by the use of a diaphragm ; i e., an opaque 'plate with a central circular opening. The edges of the lenses disperse the light like an ordinary prism, and so produce rain- bow colored (prismatic) fringes in the image. The use of an achromatic lens is to obviate this false coloration. Achromatizahle. Capable of being freed from false coloration. Achromatize. To free from false color- ation. Achromatizing. Freeing from false color- ation. Acid, Spent -- A battery acid, or other acid, that has become too weak for efficient action. In a voltaic cell the acid of the electrolyte becomes spent by combining with the metal of the positive plate. Acidonieter. A special form of hydrom- eter used in determining the specific gravity of the acid liquid in a secondary or storage cell. (See Areometer or Hydrometer. Cell. Storage!) The scale on the acidometer tube is made to in- dicate the density according to the distance the floating instrument sinks in the liquid. Aclinic Line. (See Line, Aclinic?) Acoustic Absorption. (See Absorption, Acoustic?) Acoustic Engraving. (See Engraving, Acoustic?) Acoustic Telegraphy. (See Telegraphy, Acoustic?) Acoustic Tetanus. (See Tetanus, Acous- tic'.) Acoutemeter, Electric An ap- paratus for electrically testing the delicacy of hearing. The Acoutemeter is one of the many applica- tions of Hughes' sonometer. It consists of three flat coils placed parallel to one another on a grad- uated rod, passing through their axes. The central coil, which is used as the primary of an induction coil, is fixed. The other two, which are employed as secondary coils, are movable. (See Sonometer^ Hughes'. Coil, Induction. Micro- phtat alarms are employed in hot-houses, incubators, tanks and buildings for the purpose of maintaining a uniform temperature. Alarm, Telegraphic - An alarm-bell for calling the attention of an operator to a telegraphic instrument when the latter is of the non-acoustic or needle type. In acoustic systems of telegraphy the sounds themselves are generally sufficient. Alarm, Telephonic An alarm-bell for calling a correspondent to the receiving telephone. These alarms generally consist of magneto- electric bells. (See Bell, Magneto- Electric.} Alarm, Temperature An electric alarm automatically operated on a change of temperature. (See Alarm, Fire, Automatic.} Alarm, Thermostat An electric alarm that is thrown into action by a thermo- stat. (See Thermostat?) Alarm, Water or Liquid Level A device for electrically sounding an alarm when a water surface varies materially from a given level. An electric bell is placed in a circuit that is au- tomatically closed or broken by the movement of contact-points operated by the change of liquid level. A form of electric alarm for a water-level is shown in Fig. 9. The float is provided with contacts for closing an electric circuit, when it either rings a bell, or, by its action on some form of automatic cut-off, stops the water. Fig. ?. Water-Level Alarm. Fig. 10. When arranged with a double float, as shown in Fig. 10, the alarm may be made to signal either a too high or a too low water level. Alarm, Yale-Lock-Switch Burglar - An apparatus whereby the opening of a door by an authorized party provided with the regular key will not sound an alarm, but any other opening will sound such alarm. Fig. zi. Yale-Lock-Suritch. A Yale-lock burglar-alarm switch is shown in Fig. ii. Alcohol, Electric Aging 1 of A pro- cess for the rapid aging of alcohol, by ex- Ale. 14 [All. posing it to the action of electrically produced -ozone. Instead of the ordinary process of aging alco- hol, by exposing it in partially closed vessels to the action of air, it is exposed to the action of ozone, electrically produced. The ozone employed is obtained in substan- tially the usual way by the passage of a rapid succession of electric sparks through air. Alcohol, Electric Rectification of A process whereby the bad taste and odor of alcohol, due to the presence of aldehydes, are removed by the electrical conversion of the aldehydes into true alcohols through the addition of hydrogen atoms. An electric current sent through the liquid between zinc electrodes liberates oxygen and hy- drogen irom the decomposition of the water. "The nascent or atomic hydrogen converts the aldehydes into alcohol and deprives the pro- ducts of their fusel oil, while the oxygen forms insoluble zinc oxide. Algebraic Co-efficient. (See Co-efficient, Algebraic?) Algebraic Notation. (See Notation, Al- gebraic?) All-Night Arc Lamp. (See Lamp, All- Night Arc.} All-Night Electric Lamp. (See Lamp, All-Night Arc.} Allotropic. Pertaining to allotropy. (See Allotropy.} Allotropic State. (See State, Allotropic}. Allotropy. A variation of the physical properties of an elementary substance with- out change of composition of its molecules. (See State, Allotropic} Alloy. A combination, or mixture, of two or more metallic substances. Alloys in most cases appear to be true chemi- cal compounds. In a few instances, however, they may form simple mixtures. The composition of a few important alloys is here given: Solder, plumber's; Tin 66 parts, Lead 34 parts. Pewter, hard; Tin 92 parts, Lead 8 parts. Britannia metal; Tin 100 parts, Antimony 8 parts, Copper 4 parts, Bismuth, I part. Type metal; Lead 80, Antimony 20 parts. Brass, white; Copper 65, Zinc 35 parts. Brass, red; Copper 90, Zinc 10 parts. Speculum metal; Copper 67, Tin 33 parts. Bell metal; Copper 78, Tin 22 parts. Aluminium bronze; Copper 90, Aluminium 10 parts. Alloy. To form a combination or mixture of two or more metallic substances. Alloy, German Silver An alloy employed for the wires of resistance coils, consisting of 50 parts of copper, 25 of zinc, and 25 of nickel. German silver wire is suitable for resistance coils, because its resistance varies but slightly with changes of temperature. It is cheaper than plati- num-silver alloy, and is therefore employed ex- tensively. Platinum silver alloy, however, has more resistance for a given size of wire, and its re- sistance varies somewhat less than German silver with changes of temperature, and is therefore used where greater accuracy is desired. Alloy, Palladium An alloy of pal- ladium with other metals. Palladium forms a number of useful alloys with various metals. Some of the palladium alloys are as elastic as steel, are unaffected by moisture or ordinary corrosive agencies, and are entirely de- void of paramagnetic properties; that is to say, they cannot be magnetized after the manner ot' iron. These properties have been utilized bv their discoverer, Paillard, in their employment for the hair-springs, escapements and balance wheels of watches, in order to permit the watches to be car- ried into strong magnetic fields without any ap- preciable effects on the rate of the watch. A number of careful tests made by the author, by long continued exposure of watches, thus pro- tected by the Paillard alloys, in extraordinary fields, show that the protection thus given the watches enables them to be carried into the strong- est possible magnetic fields without appreciably affecting their rate. The Paillard palladium alloys have the follow- ing composition, viz. : Alloy No. i. Palladium 60 to 75 parts. Copper 15 to 25 " Iron I to 5 " All.] 15 [Alp. Alloy No. 2. Palladium 50 to 75 parts. Copper 201030 " Iron 5 to 20 " Alloy No. j. Palladium 651075 " Copper 15*025 " Nickel I to 5 " Gold I to 2j " Platinum ^ to 2 " Silver 3 to 10 " Steel i to 5 " Alloy No. 4. Palladium 45 to 50 " Silver 20 to 25 " Copper 15 to 25 " Gold 2 to 5 " Platinum 2 to 5 " Nickel 2 to 5 " Steel 2 to 5 " The great value of the palladium alloys, when employed for the hair-springs of watches, arises not only from their non-magnetizable properties, and their inoxidizability, but particularly from the fact that their elasticity is approximately the same for comparatively wide ranges of temperature. Alloy, Platinum-Silver An alloy consisting of one part of platinum, and two parts of silver. Platinum silver alloy is now extensively em- ployed for resistance coils from the fact that changes in temperature of the alloy produce but comparatively small changes in its electrical re- sistance. (See Alloy, German Silver.) Alphabet, Telegraphic An arbi- trary code consisting of dots and dashes, sounds,deflections of a magnetic needle, flashes of light, or movements of levers, following one another in a given predetermined order, to represent the letters of the alphabet and the numerals. Alphabet, Telegraphic : International Code The code of signals for letters, etc., employed in England and on the Euro- pean continent generally. Similar symbols are employed for the numerals and the punctuation marks. It will be observed that it is mainly in the characters of the American Morse, in which spaces are used, that the Continental characters differ from the American. This is due to the use of the needle instrument, with which a space cannot well be represented. A movement or deflection of the Single Needle Single /Needle O t _ a . b __. c _,_ d . f .. VN/- g '/* h .... , NXNX ~. ^ J* ^/// k A/ I . S/xx m __ // International Telegraphic Code. needle to the left signifies a dot ; a movement to the right, a dash. Alphabet, Telegraphic : Morse's Various groupings of dots and dashes, or deflections of a magnetic needle to the right and left, which represent the letters of the alphabet or other signs. In the Morse alphabet dots and dashes are em- ployed in recording systems, and sounds, of varying intervals, corresponding to the dots and dashes, in the sounder system. A dash is equal in length of time to three dots. The space between the separate characters of a single letter is equal to one dot, except in the American Morse, in which the following letters contain longer spaces: C, O, R, Y, and Z. The lengthened spaces are equal to two dots. L is one and a half times the length of T. The sound produced by the down stroke of the sounding lever in the Morse sounder is readily distinguishable from the up stroke. When these differences are taken in connection with the inter- vals between successive sounds there is no diffi- culty in reading by sound. (For methods of receiving the alphabet, see Sounder, Morse Telegraphic. Recorder, Morse. Recorder, Bain's Chemical. Recorder, Siphon. Relay. Magnet, Receiving.) In the net die tele- graph, the code is similar to that used in the Morse Alphabet. (See Telegraphy, Single-Needle.) Alt.] 16 [Alt. AMERICAN MORSE CODE. ALPHABET. a b c -- - d e - i k 1 m I 2 3 4 c n o - - P q r - -- s u V w X y .. .. & . ... NUMERALS. 6 - PUNCTUATION MARKS. Period Interrogation . Comma Exclamation . Printing Single Needle t x//// 2 xx /// 3 x x v // 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 x x x x x x \ x \ / \ \ x x //x x x ///xx _____ ///// Period ------ XX xx xx Comma ---- .^ \/\/\/ Interrogation ______ xx //xx Exclamation __ 1 __ _ . //xx// Colon ------ ///xxx Semicolon ------ /x /x /x Alteration Theory of Muscle or Nerve Current (See Theory, Alteration, of Muscle or Nerve Current?) Alternating Arc. (See Arc, Alternat- ing.} Alternating Current Circuit. (See Cir- cuit, Alternating Current?) Alternating Current Condenser. (See Condenser, Alternating Current?) Alternating Current Dynamo-Electric Machine. (See Machine, Dynamo-Electric, Alternating Current?) Alternating Current Electric Motor. (See Motor, Electric, Alternating Current?) Alternating Currents. (See Currents, Alternating?) Alternating Currents, Distribution of Electricity by (See Electricity, Dis- tribution of, by Alternating Currents?) Alternating Discharge. (See Dischange, Alternating?) Alternating Dynamo-Electric Machine. (See Machine, Dynamo-Electric, Alternat- ing Current?) Alternating Electrostatic Field. (See Field, Alternating Electrostatic.} Alternating Electrostatic Potential. (See Potential, Alternating Electrostatic?) Alternating Field. (See Field, Alternat- ing?) Alternating Influence Machine, Wims- hurst's (See Machine, Wimshurst's Alternating Influence?) Alternating Magnetic Field. (See Field, Alternating Magnetic?) Alternating Magnetic Potential. (See Potential, Alternating Magnetic.} Alternating Potential. (See Potential, Alternating?) Alternating Primary Currents. (See Currents, Alternating Primary?) .Alternating Secondary Currents. (See Currents, Alternating Secondary?) Alternation. A change in direction or phase. Alternations. Changes in the direction of a current in a circuit. A current that changes its direction 300 times per second is said to possess 300 alternations per second. Alternations, Complete A change in the direction of a current in a circuit from its Alt] [Amnu former direction and back again to that direction. A complete to-and-fro change. Complete alternations are sometimes indicated by the symbol ~. Alternations, Frequency of A phrase employed to denote the number of al- ternations per second. Alternative Path. (See Path, Alterna- tive^) Alternatives, Voltaic A term used in medical electricity to indicate sudden re- versals in the polarity of the electrodes of a voltaic battery. An alternating current from a voltaic bat- tery, obtained by the use of a suitable com- mutator. Sudden reversals of polarity produce more energetic effects of muscular contraction than do simple closures or completions of the circuit. The muscular contraction produced by a voltaic current is much stronger when the direction of the current is rapidly reversed by means of a com- mutator than when the current is more slowly broken and the poles then reversed. The effect of voltaic alternatives is to produce quick contractions that are in strong contrast to the prolonged contractions that result from the faradic current. In the faradic machine, the reversals are so rapid that the muscle fails to return to rest before it is again contracted. Voltaic alternatives are sometimes indicated by the contraction V. A. Alternator. A name commonly given to an alternate current dynamo. (See Machine, Dynamo-Electric, Alternating Current?) Alternator, Compensated Excitation of An excitation of an alternating current dynamo-electric machine, in which the field is but partially excited by separate excitement, the remainder of its exciting current being derived from the commuted currents of a small transformer placed in the main circuit of the machine. The object of compensated excitation of an alternator is to render the machine self-governing. Amalgam. A combination or mixture of a metal with mercury. Amalgam, Electric A substance with which the rubbers of the ordinary fric- tional electric machines are covered. Electric amalgams are of various compositions. The following formula produces an excellent amalgam : Melt together five parts of zinc and three of tin, and gradually pour the molten metal into nine parts of mercury. Shake the mixture until cold, and reduce to a powder in a warm mortar. Apply to the cushion by means of a thin layer of stiff grease. Mosaic gold, or bisulphide of tin, and powdered graphite, both act as good electric amalgams. An electric amalgam not only acts as a con- ductor to carry off the negative electricity, but, being highly negative to the glass, produces a far higher electrification than would mere leather or chamois. Amalgamate. To form into an amalgam. Amalgamating. Forming into an amal- gam. Amalgamation. The act of forming into an amalgam, or effecting the combination of a metal with mercury. Amalgamation of Zinc Plates of Voltaic Cell. (See Plates, Zinc, of Voltaic Cell, Amalgamation of.) Amber. A resinous substance, generally of a transparent, yellow color. Amber is interesting electrically as being be- lieved to be the substance in which the proper- ties of electric attractions and repulsions, imparted by friction or rubbing, were first noticed. It was called by the Greeks rj\.EM.Tpov, from which the word electricity is -derived. This property was mentioned by the Greek, Thales of Miletus, 600 B. c., as well as by Theophrastus. American System of Telegraphy. (See Telegraphy, American System of.) American Twist-Joint. (See Joint, American Twist.) American Wire Gange. (See Gauge, Wire, American?) Ammeter. A form of galvanometer in which the value of the current is measured directly in amperes. (See Galvanometer!) An ampere-meter or ammeter is a commercial form of galvanometer in which the deflection* of A ill ill. 18 [Amp. a magnetic needle are calibrated or valued in am- peres. As a rule the coils of wire in an ammeter are of lower resistance than in a voltmeter. The magnetic needle is deflected from its zero position by the field produced by the current whose strength in amperes is to be measured. This needle is held in the zero position by the action of a magnetic field, either of a permanent or an electro-magnet, by the action of a spring, or by a weight under the influence of gravity. There thus exist a variety of ammeters, viz. : permanent -magnet ammeters, electro-magnetic ammeters, spring ammeters and gravity ammeters. In the form originally devised by Ayrton and Perry, the needle came to rest almost imme- diately, or was dead-beat in action. (See Damp- ing.') It moved through the field of a permanent magnet. The instrument was furnished with a number of coils of insulated wire, which could be connected either in series or in multiple-arc by means of a commutator, thus permitting the scale reading to be verified or calibrated by the use of a single voltaic cell. (See Circuits, Varieties of. Commutatoi . Calibration, Absolute. Calibra- tion, Relative.) In this case the coils were turned to series, and a plug pulled out, thus intro- ducing a resistance of one ohm. c Fig. 12. Ayrton and Perry Ammeter. Fig. 12 represents an ampere-meter devised by Ayrton and Perry. A device called a commutator for connecting the coils either in series or parallel is shown at C. Binding-posts are provided at P, PS, and S. The dynamo terminals are con- nected at the posts P, PS, and the current will pass only when the coils are in multiple, thus avoiding accidental burning of the coils. In this case the entire current to be measured passes through the coils so coupled. The posts S and PS, are for connecting the single battery cell cur- vent. A great variety of ampere-meters, or ammeters, have been devised. They are nearly all, how- ever, constructed on essentially the same general principles. Commercial ammeters are made in a great va- riety of forms. When the currents to be meas- ured are large, as is generally the case in electric light or power stations, they consist of a coil of insulated wire, often of a single turn, or even of but a part of a turn, having a balanced core of iron or steel capable of moving freely within it. Ammeter, Electro-Magnetic A form of ammeter in which a magnetic needle is moved against the field of an electro-magnet by the field of the current it is measuring. (See Ammeter.) Ammeter, Gravity A form of am- meter in which a magnetic needle is moved against the force of gravity by the field of the current it is measuring. (See Ammeter?) Ammeter, Magnetic- Yane An ammeter in which the strength of a magnetic field produced by the current that is to be measured is determined by the repulsion ex- erted between a fixed and a movable iron vane, placed in said field and magnetized thereby. (See Voltmeter, Magnetic- Vane.) Ammeter, Permanent-Magnet A form of ammeter in which a magnetic needle is moved against the field of a permanent mag- net by the field of the current it is measuring. (See Ammeter?) Ammeter, Reducteur for (See Re- ducteur, or Shunt for Ammeter?) Ammeter, Spring A form of am- meter in which a magnetic needle is moved against the action of a spring by the field of the current it is measuring. (See Ammeter) Amorphous. Having no definite crys- talline form. Mineral substances have certain crystalline forms, that are as characteristic of them as are the forms of animals or plants. Under certain cir- cumstances, however, they occur without definite crystalline form, and are then said to be amor- phous solids. Amperage. The number of amperes pass- ing in a given circuit. The current strength in any circuit as indi- cated by an ampere-meter placed in the circuit. Amp.] 19 [Amp. Ampere. The practical unit of electric current. Such a rate-of-flow of electricity as trans- mits one coulomb per second. Such a current (or rate-of-flow or trans- mission of electricity) as would pass with an electromotive force of one volt through a cir- cuit whose resistance is equal to one ohm. A current of such a strength as would deposit .005084 grain of copper per second. A current of one ampere is a current of such definite strength that it would flow through a cir- cuit of a certain resistance and with a certain electromotive force. (See Force, Electromotive, Volt. Resistance. Ohm.) Since the ohm is the practical unit of resistance, and the volt the practical unit of electromotive force, the ampere, or the practical unit of current, is the current that would flow through unit resist- ance, under unit pressure or electromotive force. To make this clearer, take the analogy of water flowing through a pipe under the pressure of a column of water. That which causes the flow is the pressure or head ; that which resists the flow is the friction of the water against the pipe, which will vary with a number of circumstances. The rate-of-flow may be represented by so many cubic inches of water per second. As the pressure or head increases, the flow in- creases proportionally; as the resistance increases, the flow diminishes. Electrically, electromotive force corresponds to the pressure or head of the water, and resistance to the friction of the water and the pipe. The ampere, which is the unit rate-of-flow ptr second, may therefore be represented as follows, Tp viz. : C = , as was announced by Ohm in his R law. (See Law of Ohm.) This expression signifies that C, the current in amperes, is equal to E, the electromotive force in volts, divided by R, the resistance in ohms. We measure the rate-of-flow of liquids as so many cubic inches or cubic feet per second that is, in units of quantity. We measure the rate-of-flow of electricity as so much electricity per second. The electrical unit of quantity is called the Coul- omb. (See Coulomb.'] The coulomb is such a quantity as would pass in one second through a circuit in which the rate-of-flow is one ampere. An ampere is therefore equal to one coulomb per second. The electro-magnetic unit of current is such a current that, passed through a conducting wire bent into a circle of the radius of one centimetre, would tend to move perpendicular to its plane a unit magnetic pole held at its centre, and sufficiently long to practically remove the other pole from its influence, with unit force, *'. e., the force of one dyne. (See Dyne.) The ampere, or practical electro-magnetic unit, is one-tenth of such a current ; or, in other words, the absolute unit of current is ten amperes. An ampere may also be defined by the chemical decomposition the current can effect as measured by the quantity of hydrogen liberated, or metal deposited. Defined in this way, an ampere is such a cur- rent as will deposit .00111815 gramme, or .017253 grain, of silver per second on one of the plates of a silver voltameter, from a solution of silver nitrate containing from 15 to 30 per cent, of the salt (See Voltameter), or which will decompose .00009326 gramme, or .001439 grain of dilute sulphuric acid per second, or pure sulphuric acid at 59 degrees F. diluted with about 15 per cent, of water, that is, dilute sulphuric acid of Sp. Gr. of about i.i. The present scientific and commercial practice is to take the ampere to be such a current as will deposit 4 024 grammes of silver in one hour. Ampere Arc. (See Arc, Ampere?) Ampere-Feet. (See Feet, Ampere.) Ampere-Hour. (See Hour, Ampere?) Ainpdre-Meter. An ammeter. (See Am- meter?) Ampere-Meter, Balance or Neutral Wire An ampere-meter placed in the cir- cuit of the neutral wire, in the three-wire sys- tem of electric distribution, for the purpose of showing the excess of current passing over one side of the system as compared with the other side, when the central wire is no longer neutral. Ampere-Minute. (See Minute, Ampere?) Ampdre Ring. (See Ring, Ampere?) Ampere-Second. (See Second, Ampere?) Ampdre Tap. (See Tap, Ampere?) Ampere-Turn. (See Turn, Ampere?) Ampere-Turn, Primary (See Turn, Ampere, Primary?) Amp.] 20 [Ane. Ampere-Turn, Secondary Turn, Ampere, Secondary?) (See of a Ampere- Volt. A watt, or the horse-power. This term is generally written volt-ampere. (See Volt-Ampere.} Ampere-Winding. (See Winding, Am- pere) Ampere's Rule for Effect of Current on Needle. (See Rule, Ampere's, for Effect of Current on Needle.} Ampere's Theory of Magnetism. (See Magnetism, Ampere s Theory of.) Amperian Currents. (See Currents, Am- perian.) Amplitude of Vibration or Ware. (See Vibration or Wave, Amplitude of.) Ammunition-Hoist, Electric -- An electrically operated hoist for raising ammu- nition to the deck of a ship. In the electric ammunition-hoist the electric motor which moves the hoist is made to follow the motions of the operator's hand, both as regards direction and speed. The motion of a crank, or wheel, causes a switch to start an electric motor in a certain direction, which tends to close the switch, thus necessitating a race between the operator and the motor. Should the operator begin to close the switch more slowly, the m tor will over- take him, will partially close the switch, and thus lower the speed of the motor. Analogous Pole. (See Pole, Analogous) Analysis. The determination of the com- position of a compound substance by separ- ating it into the simple or elementary sub- stances of which it is composed. Analysis, Electric -- The determin- ation of the composition of a substance by electrical means. Various processes have been proposed for elec- tric analysis; they consist essentially in decompos- ing the substance by means of electric currents, and are either qualitative or quantitative. (See Electrolysis.) Analysis, Electrolytic -- A term sometimes used instead of electric analysis. (See Analysis, Electric) Analysis, Qualitative -- A chemical analysis which merely ascertains the kinds of elementary substances present. Analysis, Quantitative A chemical analysis which ascertains the relative propor- tions in which the different components enter into a compound. Analyzable. Separable into component parts. Analyze. To separate into component parts. Analyze, Electrically To separate electrically into component parts. Analyzer, Electric A gridiron of metallic wires which is transparent to electro- magnetic waves, when its length is perpendic- ular to them, but opaque to them /'. e., possessing the ability to reflect them when rotated 90 degrees from its former position. The electric analyzer, it will be observed, is analogous to an analyzer for polarized light. A reflecting surface, for example, being able to re- flect polarized light in a given position, and unable to reflect it when rotated 90 degrees from such position, is capable of acting as an analyzer lor polarized light. Analyzer, Gray's, Harmonic Telegraphic An electro-magnet, the armature of which consists of a steel ribbon stretched in a metallic frame and capable through regula- tion, as to tension, by means of a screw, of being tuned to a certain note. The steel ribbon is thrown into vibration when- ever pulsations from the transmitting instruments are sent over the line corresponding to the rate t.f motion of the ribbon, but is not set into vibration by any others. If, therefore, a number of different analyzers, tuned to different notes, are placed on the same line, each will be operated only by the pulsations sent into the line corresponding to its rate of motion, and thus multiple transmission in the same direction is possible. In order to- strengthen the tones of the analyzers, each is pro- vided with a resonant air column. (See Reson- ator. Telegraphy, Multiplex.) Analyzing. Separating into component parts. Anelectric. A word formerly applied to bodies (conductors) which it was believed could not he electrified by friction. Aue.] 21 [Ani. This term is now obsolete. Conductors are easily electrified, when insulated. Anelectrotonic State. (See State, Anelec- trotonic?) Anelectrotonic Zone. (See Zone, Anelec- trotonic^) Anelectrotonns. In electro-therapeutics, the decreased functional activity which occurs in a nerve in the neighborhood of the anode, or positive electrode, when applied therapeu- tically. (See Electrotonus) Anemometer, Electric An appa- ratus to electrically record or indicate the direc- tion and intensity of the wind. In the electric recording anemometer, the force or velocity of the wind, or both, are recorded on a moving sheet of paper, on which the time is marked, so that the exact time of any given change is known. Anemoscope. An instrument which indi- cates, but does not measure the intensity or record the direction of the wind. The word is often, though improperly, used in- terchangeably for anemometer. Angle. The deviation in direction between two lines or planes that meet. Angles are measured by arcs of circles. The angle at B A C, Fig. 13, is the deviation of the straight line A B, from A C. In reading the let- tering of an angle the letter placed in the mid- dle indicates the angle referred to. Thus B A C, means the angle be- tweenABandAC; B A B A C Fig. fj. Angles. D, the angle between B A and A D. Angles are valued in degrees, there being 360 degrees in an entire circumference or circle. Degrees are in- dicated thus: 90, or ninety degrees. Angle, Acute An angle whose value is less than a right angle or 90 degrees. B A E, or E A D, in Fig. 13, is an acute angle. Angle, Complement of What an angle needs to make its value 90 degrees, or a right angle. Thus in Fig. 13, B A E, is the complement of the angle E A D. since B AE4-EAD = o/> degrees. Angle, Obtnse An angle whose value is greater than a right angle or 90 degrees. E A C, Fig. 13, is an obtuse angle. Angle of Declination or Variation. (See Declination, Angle of. Variation, Angle of.) Angle of Difference of Phase Between Alternating Currents of Same Period. (See Phase, Angle of Difference of, Between Alternating Currents of Same Period?) Angle of Dip. (See Dip. Dip or Incli- nation, Angle of?) Angle of Inclination. (See Dip or Incli- nation, Angle of.) Angle of Lag of Dynamo-Electric Ma- chine. (See Lag, Angle of, of Dynamo- Electric Machine?) Angle of Lead. (See Lead, Angle of) Angle of Variation. (See Variation, Angle of.) Angle, Plane An angle contained between two straight lines. Angle, Solid An angle contained between two surfaces. Angle, Supplement of What an angle needs to make its value 180 degrees, or two right angles. Thus in Fig. 13, E A C, is the supplement of E A D, because EAD-fEAC = i8o degrees, or two right angles. Angle, Unit - An angle of 57.29578 or 57 17' 44.8" nearly. (See Velocity, An- gular?) Angular Currents. (See Currents, An- gular?) Angular Velocity. (See Velocity, Angu- lar?) Animal Electricity. (See Electricity, Animal?) Animal Magnetism. (See Magnetism, Animal?) Anion. The electro-negative radical of a molecule. Literally, the term ion signifies a group of wandering atoms. An anion is that group of atoms of an electrically decomposed or electro ly zed Ani.] 22 [Ann. molecule which appears at the anode. (See Electrolysis. Anode. ) As the anode is connected with the electro- positive terminal of a source, the anion is the electro-negative radical or group of atoms, and therefore appears at the electro-positive terminal. A kathion, or electro-positive radical, appears at the kathode, which is connected with the electro-negative terminal of the battery. Oxygen and chlorine are anions. Hydrogen and the metals are kathions. Anisotropic Conductor. (See Conductor, Anisotropic?) Anisotropic Medium. (See Medium, Anisotropic?) Annealing, Electric A process for annealing metals in which electric heating is substituted for ordinary heating. Annual Inequality of Earth's Magnet- Ism. (See Inequality, Annual, of Earth's Magnetism. Annual Variation of Magnetic Needle. (See Needle, Magnetic, Annual Variation of.} Annunciator, Burglar-Alarm An annunciator used in connection with a system of burglar-alarms. (See Alarm, Burglar?) Annunciator Clock, Electric (See Clock, Electric Annunciator?) Annunciator Drop. (See Drop, Annun- ciator?) Annunciator Drop, Automatic (See Drop, Automatic Annunciator?) Annunciator, Electro-Magnetic An electric device for automatically indicating the points or places at which one or more electric contacts have been closed. The character of the annunciator depends, of course, on the character of the places at which these points, places or stations are situated. Annunciators are employed for a variety of purposes. In hotels they are used for indicating the number of a room the occupant of which desires some service, which he signifies by push- ing a button, thus closing an electric circuit. This is indicated or announced on the annuncia- tor by the falling of a drop, on which is printed a number corresponding with the room, and by the ringing of a bell to notify the attendant. The num- ber is released by the movement of the armature of an electro-magnet. The drops are replaced in their former position by some mechanical device operated by the hand. In the place of a drop a Fig. 14. Electro- Magnetic Annunciator. needle is sometimes uar of the declinometer is gen- erally made of gun metal of the same weight as that of the suspended magnet. A small magnet is placed in a rectangular aperture in the middle of the bar. Bar Electro-Magnet. (See Mag-net, Electro, Bar.) Barad. A unit of pressure proposed by the British Association. One barad equals one dyne per square cen/<- metre. Barometer. An apparatus for measuring the pressure or weight of the atmosphere. Barometric Column. (See Column, Baro- metric.) Omnibus bars. (See Bars, Bus Bars, Omnibus?) Bars, Krizik's Cores of various shapes, provided for solenoids, in which the distribution of the metal in the bar is so pro- portioned as to insure as nearly as possible a uniform attraction or pull while in different positions in the solenoid. Bar.] 42 [Bat. Krizik's bars of various shapes are shown in ig- 37- It will be observed that in all cases the f'f- 37- Krizik's Bars.' mass of metal is greater toward the middle of the core than near the ends. When a core of uniform diameter is drawn into a solenoid, the attraction or pull is not uniform in strength for different positions of the bar. When the bar is just entering the solenoid, the pull is strongest ; as soon as the end passes the middle of the core the attraction decreases, until, when the centres of the bar and core coincide, the motion ceases, since both ends of the solenoid attract equally in opposite directions. By proportioning the bars, as shown in the figure, a fairly uniform pull for a considerable length may be obtained. Bars, Negative-Omnibus The bus-bars that are connected with the negative terminal of the dynamos. (See Bars, Omni- bus.) Bars, Neutral-Omnibus The bus- bars that are connected with the neutral dynamo terminal in a three-wire system of distribution. Bars, Omnibus Heavy bars of con- ducting material connected directly to the poles of dynamo-electric machines, in electric incandescent light or electric railway installa- tions, and therefore receiving the entire current produced by the machine. Main conductors common to two or more dynamos in an electrical generating plant. The terms bus and omnibus bars refer to the fact that the entire or whole current is carried by them. Bars, Positive-Omnibus The bus- bars that are connected with the positive terminal of the dynamos. i>ath, Bi-polar An electro-thera- peutic bath, the current applied to which enters at one part of the tub, and leaves at another part. The electrodes for the bi-polar bath consist of suitably shaped copper plates, generally called shovel electrodes. Bath, Copper An electrolytic bath containing a readily electrolyzable solution of a copper salt, and a copper plate acting as the anode, and placed in the liquid near the object to be electro-plated, which forms the kathode. (See Plating, Electro?) The sulphate, the cyanide and the acetate of cop- per are used for copper baths. The use of the sul- phate is objectionable. The cyanide is expensive. The acetate is therefore very generally employed. Wahl gives the following formula for a copper bath, viz. : Water i, coo parts. Acetate of copper, crystal- lized 20 " Carbonate of soda ao " Bisulphite of soda 20 " Cyanide of potassium (pure) 20 " Bath, Electro-Plating- Tanks con- taining metallic solutions in which articles are placed so as to be electro-plated. (See Plating, Electro?) Strictly speaking a plating bath includes not only the vessel and its metallic solution, but also the metallic plate acting as the anode and the article to be plated forming the kathode. Bath, Electro-Therapeutic A bath furnished with suitable electrodes and used in the application of electricity to curative purposes. Such baths should be used only under the advice of a regular physician. Bath, Gold An electrolytic bath containing a readily electrolyzable solution of a gold salt and a gold plate acting as the anode, and placed in the liquid opposite the object to be plated, which forms the kathode. (See Plating, Electro?) Electro gilding may be accomplished either with or without the aid of heat. Hot gilding appears to give a smoother and cleaner deposit. The following is a fairly good solution for a gold bath: Water 1,000 parts. Cyanide of potassium, pure. . 20 " Gold 10 " (Wahl.) Bat.] 43 [Bat. The gold is first converted into neutral chloride by dissolving it in 25 parts of pure hydrochloric acid to which 12.5 parts of pure nitric acid has been added. When the gold is completely dis- solved, the liquid is heated until of a dark red color, in order to expel any excess of acid. Bath, Head, Electric A variety of electric breeze, applied therapeutically to the head of the patient. The patient is placed on an insulating stool and connected with one pole of an electrostatic induc- tion machine, the other pole of which is con- nected to a circle of insulated points suspended over the head. Bath, Hydro-Electric A bath in which electro-therapeutic treatment is given by applying one electrode to the metallic lining of the tub, and the other electrode to the body of the bather. Bath, Multipolar-Electric An electro-therapeutic bath, in .which more than two electrodes are employed. It is not clear that the multipolar- electric bath possesses any decided advantages over the bi-polar bath. Bath, Nickel An electrolytic bath containing a readily electrolyzable salt of nickel, a plate of nickel acting as the anode of a battery and placed in the liquid near the object to be coated, which forms the kathode. (See Plating, Electro^ The double sulphate of nickel and ammonium (from 5 to 8 parts dissolved in 100 parts of water) is used for the bath. Some prefer to add sulphate of ammonium and citric acid to the above solution. Bath, Shower, Electric A shower bath in which the falling drops carry electric charges to the patient subjected thereto. The water is rendered slightly alkaline. One pole is immersed in the alkaline water and the other connected to a metallic stool on which the patient is placed. Bath, Silver An electrolytic bath containing a readily electrolyzable salt of silver and a plate of silver acting as the anode of an electric source and placed in the liquid near the object to be coated, which forms the kathode. v See ^fating. Electro.} The double cyanide of silver and potassium is the salt usually employed in the silver bath. The following bath is recommended by Rose- leur: Water 1,000 parts. Cyanide of potassium (pure) 50 " Pure silver 25 " The silver (granulated) is treated with pure nitric acid (43 degrees Beaume) and converted into nitrate of silver. The solution is then heated to dryne^s and subsequently fused. The fused nitrate so obtained is dissolved in fifteen times its weight of distilled water and treated with a solution of cyanide of potassium (10 per cent, of the cyanide), by means of which silver cyanide is thrown down as a precipitate. This precipitate is then sepa-- rated and washed. It is added to the i,coo parts of water, dissolved, and the cyanide of potassium afterward added, thus forming the double cyan- ide required for the bath. Bath, Stripping 1 A bath for remov- ing an electro-plating of gold, silver, or other metal, either by simple dipping or by electric action. Bath, Ungilding -A stripping bath suitable for the removal of a coating of gold. (See Bath, Stripping^ Bath, Unipolar-Electric An electro- therapeutic bath, the water of which forms one of the electrodes of the source, and the other electrode is attached to a metallic rod fixed at a convenient height above the tub. The bath tub is formed of non-conducting sub- stances. The terminals of the electrode con- nected with the water terminate in metal plates located at suitable points in the tub. The cur- rent is applied by the patient making and break- ing contact at the vertical metal rod with his hands. The unipolar-electric bath is employed instead of local galvanization where it is desired to limit the application to especial organs or particular parts of the body. In general galvanization the patient is placed on an electrode of large sur- face, formed of a large sponge- covered metallic plate, on which he sits or rests. This electrode is connected with the kathode of the battery. The anode is connected with a large sponge electrode, which is moved regularly over the body of the patient; sometimes the moistened hand of 'the operator is used in place of the sponge electrode. Bat.] [Bat. Bath, Unsilvering A stripping bath suitable for the removal of a coating of silver. (See Bath, Stripping^ Bathometer. An instrument invented by Siemens for obtaining deep-sea soundings without the use of a sounding line. The bathometer depends for its operation on the varied attraction of the earth for a suspended weight in parts of the ocean differing in depth. As the vessel passes over deep portions of the ocean, the solid land of the bottom, being further from the ship, exerts a smaller attraction than it would in shallow parts, where it is nearer; for, although in the deep parts of the ocean the water lies between the ship and the bottom, the smaller density of the water as compared with the land causes it to exert a smaller attraction than in the shallower parts, where the bottom is nearer the ship. The varying attraction of the earth is caused to act on a mercury column, the reading of which is effected by means of an electric con- tact. Battery, Banked A term some- times applied to a battery from which a num- ber of separate circuits are supplied with cur- rents. The term banked -battery is sometimes ap- plied to a multiple arc connected battery. Battery, Cautery A term some- times employed in electro-therapeutics, for a multiple connected voltaic battery adapted for producing electric incandescence for cautery effects. Battery, Closed-Circuit - A voltaic battery which may be kept constantly on closed-circuit without serious polarization. The gravity battery is a closed-circuit battery. As employed for use on most telegraph lines, it is maintained on a closed circuit. When an operator wishes to use the line he opens his switch, thus breaking the circuit and calling his correspondent. Such batteries should not polarize. (See Cell, Voltaic, Polarization of.) Battery, Connection of, for Quantity A term, now generally in disuse, formerly employed to indicate the grouping of voltaic cells, now known as parallel or multiple. The arrangement or coupling of a number of voltaic cells in multiple reduces the internal resist- ance of the battery, and thus permits a greater current, or quantity, of electricity to pass ; hence the origin of the term. Battery, Dynamo The combina- tion or coupling together of several separate dynamo-electric machines so as to act as a single electric source. The dynamos may be connected to the leads either in series, in multiple, in multiple-series or in series-multiple. Battery, Dynamo, Electric Machine A dynamo battery. (See Battery, Dy- namo.) Battery, Electric A general term applied to the combination, as a single source, of a number of separate electric sources. The separate sources may be coupled either in series, in multiple, in multiple-series, or in series- multiple. ( See Circuits, Varieties of.) The term battery is sometimes incorrectly ap- plied to a single voltaic couple or cell. Battery, Floating, De la Rive's A floating voltaic cell, the terminals of which are connected with a coil of insulated wire, em- ployed to show the attractions and repul- sions between magnets and movable electric circuits. The cell, shown in Fig. 38, consists of a vol- 'f- 3S. Floating Cell. taic couple of zinc and copper, the terminals of which are connected to the circular coil of insu- lated wire, as shown, and the whole floated by means of a cork, in a vessel containing dilute sul- phuric acid. When the current flows through the coil in the direction shown by the arrows, the approach of the N-seeking pole of a magnet will cause the cell to be attracted or to move towards the mag- net pole, since the south face or end of the coil is nearer the north pole of the magnet. If the other Bat] end were nearer, repulsion would occur, the cell turning round until the south face is nearer the magnet, when attraction occurs. This is, strictly speaking, a floating cell, and not a battery. (See Battery, Voltaic.} Battery, Galvanic Two or more separate voltaic cells so arranged as to form a single source. This is more correctly called a Voltaic Battery. (See Battery, Voltaic.) Battery, Gas A battery in which the voltaic elements are gases as distinguished from solids. The electrodes of a gas battery generally con- sist of plates of platinum, or other solid substance which possesses the power of occluding oxygen and hydrogen. The lower parts of these plates dip into dilute sulphuric acid, and the upper parts are respectively surrounded by oxygen and hydro- gen gas derived from the electrolytic decompo- sition of the dilute acid. A gas battery consisting of plates of platinum dipping below into acid liquid, and surrounded in the space above the liquid by hydrogen and oxygen H, H' and O, O', etc., respectively is shown in Fig. 39. 45 [Bat. Battery, Leyden Jar The combina- tion of a number of separate Leyden jars so as to act as one single jar. A Leyden jar battery is shown in Fig. 40, Fig. 39. Gas Battery. In charging this battery an electric current is sent through it until a certain quantity of the gases has been produced. If, then, the charging current be discontinued, a current in the oppo- site direction is produced by the battery. The gas battery is in reality a variety of storage bat- tery. (See Electricity, Storage of. Cell, Secon- dary. Cell, Storage.) Gas batteries can also be made by feeding con- tinually into the cell a gas capable of acting on the positive elements. Battery Gauge. (See Gaug By making the value _, some simple ratio, the -A. value of D, is easily obtained in terms of C. The resistances A, B and C, may consist of coils of wire whose resistance is known. To avoid their magnetism affecting the galvanometer needle during the passage of the current through them, they should be made of wire bent into two Bri.] 59 [Bri. parallel wires and wrapped in coils called resist- ance coils; or a resistance box may be used. (See Coil, Resistance. ox, Resistance.) There are two general forms of Wheatstone's Bridge, the box form, and the sliding form. Bridge, Electric, Armg of The resistances of an electric bridge or balance. (See Bridge, Electric^ Bridge, Electric, Box Form of A commercial form of bridge or balance in which all the known arms or branches'of the bridge, except the unknown arm, consist of standardized resistance coils, whose values are given in ohms. (See Coil, Resistance?) The box form of bridge or balance is shown in ig- 74- Box Balance. perspective in Fig. 74, and in plan in Fig. 75. The bridge arms, corresponding to the resistances Fig: 73. Box Balance. A and B, of Fig. 73, consist of resistance coils of 10, loo and 1,000 ohms each, inserted in the arms q z, and q x, of Fig. 75. These are called the proportional coils. The arm corre- sponding to resistance C, of Fig. 73, is composed of separate resistances of i, 2, 2, 5, 10, 10, 20, 50, loo, loo, 200, 500, 1,000, 1,000, 2,000 and 5,000 ohms. In some forms of box bridges additional decimal resistances are added. The resistance coils are wound, as shown in Fig. 76, after the wire has been bent on itself in the middle^ This is done in order to avoid the effects of induction, among which are a disturb- ing action on a galvanometer used near them, and the introduction of a spurious resistance in the coils themselves. (See Resistance^ Spurious.} 3 Vol. 1 To avoid the effects of changes of resistance oc- casioned by changes of temperature, the coils are made of German silver, or, preferably, of alloys called Platinoid or Platinum silver. Even when these alloys are used, care should be taken not to allow the currents to pass continuously through the resistance coils longer than a few moments. The coils, C, C', are connected with one another in series by soldering their ends to the short Fig. 76. Resistance Coils. thick pieces of brass, E, E, E, Fig. 76. On the in- sertion of the plug-keys, at S, S, the coils are cut- out by short-circuiting. Care should be taken to see that the plug-keys are firmly inserted and free from grease or dirt, as otherwise the coil will not be completely cut out. As each plug-key is inserted it should be turned slightly in the opening, so as to insure good contact. The following are the connections, viz.: The galvanometer is inserted between q and r, Fig. 77, fig. 77- Electric Balance. the unknown resistance between z and r; the bat- tery is connected tox and z. A convenient pro- portion being taken for the value of the propor- tional coils, resistances are inserted in the arm C, until no deflection is shown by the galvanometer G. The similarity between these connections and those shown in Fig. 75 will be seen from an inspection of Fig. 77. The arms, A and B, corre- spond to q x and q z, of Fig. 75 ; C, to the arm Bri.] 60 [Bri. x r, Fig. 75 ; and D, to the unknown resistance. We then have as before: A:B::C:D,orAxD = The advantage of the simplicity of the ratios, A and B, or 10, 100 and 1,000 of the bridge box, will therefore be manifest. The battery terminals may also be connected to q and r, and the gal- vanometer terminals to x and z, without disturb- ing the proportions. Bridge, Electric, Commercial Form of A name sometimes given to the box form of Wheatstone's electric balance. (See Bridge, Electric, Box Form of.) Bridge, Electric Duplex An ar- rangement of telegraphic circuits in the form of a Wheatstone electric bridge for the pur- poses of duplex telegraphy. (See Teleg- raphy, Duplex, Bridge Method of.) Bridge, Electric, Proportionate Arms of (See Arms, Proportionate.) Bridge, Electric, Slide-Form of A balance in which the proportionate arms of the bridge are formed of a single thin wire, of uniform diameter, generally of German silver, of comparatively high resistance. The length of this wire is usually one metre ; hence this apparatus is often called the metre bridge. A Sliding Contact Key slides over the wire; one terminal of the key is connected with the galva-> nometer and the other with the wire when the key is depressed. As the wire is of uniform diameter the resistances of the arms, A and B, Fig. 78, will Eia ~: r _,flfc~ J """"l Fig. 78. Slide Bridge. be directly proportional to the lengths. A scale placed near the wire serves to measure these lengths. A thick metal strip connected with the slide wire has four gaps at P, Q, R and S. When in ordinary use, the gaps at P and S, are either connected by stout strips of conducting ma- terial or by known resistances, in which latter case they act simply as ungraduated extensions of the slide wire, and, like lengthening the slide wire, increase the sensibility of the instrument. The unknown resistance is then inserted in the gap at Q, and a known resistance, generally the resistance box, in that at R. The galvanometer has one of its terminals connected to the metal strip between Q and R, and its other terminal to the sliding key. The battery terminals are con- nected to the metal strips between P and Q, and R and S, respectively. These connections are more clearly seen in the form of bridge shown in Fig. 79. The slide wire, w w, consists of three separate wires each a metre Fig.JQ. Slide Form of Bridge. in length, so arranged that only one wire, or two in series, or all three in series, can be used. Mat- ters being now arranged as shown, the sliding key is moved until no current passes through the galvanometer when the key is depressed. The slide form of bridge is not entirely satis- factory, since the uncertainty of the spring-con- tact causes a lack of correspondence between the point of contact and the point of the scale on which the index rests. The loss of uniformity in the diameter of the wire, due to constant use, causes a lack of corre- spondence between the resistance of the wire and its length. With care, however, very accurate ' results can be obtained by the slide form. Bridge, Inductance An appara- tus for measuring the inductance of a circuit similar to a Wheatstone bridge. (See Induc- tance.) Professor Hughes employed an inductance bridge of the following description: Four resistances, Q, S, R and P, arranged as shown in Fig. 80, form the bridge. The re- sistances, Q, S and R, consist of sections of Ger- man silver wire, one metre in length, each of the resistance of 4 ohms. P, is a coil of wire pos- sessing sensible inductance. The object of tha Bri.] 61 [Bri, bridge is to measure the value of this inductance. I, is an interrupter placed in the circuit of the battery B. Suppose the interrupter, I, be placed in the tele- phone circuit between T and c. By shifting the sliding contact so as to alter the value of R, a bal- Fig. So. Inductance Bridge. ance can be effected and silence obtained in the telephone. Now remove the interrupter and place it in the battery circuit between b and a, as shown in Fig. So. If now, the interrupter, I, be made to rapidly interrupt the battery current, this balance is destroyed, and cannot be again obtained by any variation in the value of the resistance, R. The reason of this is evident. On the closing or opening of the battery current, the inductance of P, produces a counter electromotive force in P, which produces differences of potential between a and c. If an attempt be made to prevent this, Fig. St. Hugkef Inductance Bridge. by altering the value of R, the steady balance is destroyed,' and the telephone will be traversed by a current during the time the currents have be- come steady. In order to obtain a balance during rapid alternations of the battery current, Vrofeseor Hughes placed a pair of mutually in- ductive coils in the battery and the telephone circuits, as shown in Fig. 81. The resistances, Q, S, R and P, are the same as already described. The mutually inductive coils, M x and M s , are placed respectively in the telephone and battery circuits in the manner shown. The coil M 2 , in the battery circuit is fixed, while that in the telephone circuit is so arranged that it can be maintained, with its centre coincident with that of M a , while its axis can be placed at any desired angle with M 8 . When the axes of the coils are at right angles, the inductance is zero. When they are co-linear, the inductance is at its maximum. When the coils M 15 and M 8 , are in any inter- mediate position, the inductive electromotive force produced in the telephone circuit can, if the value of R, be changed, be made to balance the impulsive electromotive force due to the in- ductance of P, and the value of this latter can, therefore, be inferred. An apparatus in- Bridge, Magnetic vented by Edison for measuring magnetic resistance, similar in principle to Wheatstone's electric bridge. The magnetic bridge is based on the fact that two points at the same magnetic potential, when connected, fail to produce any action on a mag- netic needle. The magnetic bridge consists, as shown in Fig. 82, of four arms or sides made of Fig. 82. Magnetic Bridge. pure, soft iron. The poles of an electro-magnet are connected to projections at the middle of the short side of the rectangle. By this means a difference of magnetic potential is main- tained at these points. The two long sides are formed of two halves each, which form the four arms of the balance. Two of these only are movable. Two curved bars of soft iron, of the same area of cross-section as the arms of the bridge, rest on the middle of the long arms, in the arched shape shown. Their ends approach near the too ot the Bri.j [Bru. arch within about a half inch. A space is hol- lowed out between these ends, for the reception of a short needle of well-magnetized hardened steel, suspended by a wire from a torsion head. The movements of the needle are measured on a scale by a spot of light reflected from a mirror. The electro-magnet maintains a constant dif- ference of magnetic potential at the two shorter ends o. the rectangle. If, therefore, the four bars, or arms of the bridge, are magnetically identical, there will be no deflection, since no difference of potential will exist at the ends of the bars between which the needle is suspended. If, however, one of the bars or arms be moved even a trifle, the needle is at once deflected, the motion becoming a maximum when the bar is entirely removed. If replaced by another bar, differing in cross-section, constitution, or molecular struc- ture, the balance is likewise disturbed. The magnetic bridge is very sensitive. It was designed by its inventor for testing the magnetic qualities of the iron used in the construction of dynamo-electric machines. Bridge Method of Duplex Telegraphy. (See Telegraphy, Duplex, Bridge Method of.} Bridge Method of Quadruples Teleg- raphy. (See Telegraphy, Quadruplex, Bridge Method of.} Bridge, Metre A slide form of Wheatstone's electric bridge, in which the slide wire is one metre in length. (See Bridge, Electric, Slide Form of?) Bridge, Resistance A term some- times applied to an electric bridge or balance. (See Bridge, Electric?) Bridge, Reversible A bridge or balance so arranged that the proportionate coils can be readily interchanged, thus per- mitting the bridge coils to be readily tested by reversing. Bridge, Wheatstone's Electric A name given to the electric bridge or balance. (See Bridge, Electric?) Bridges. Heavy copper wires suitably shaped for connecting the dynamo-electric machines in an incandescent light station to the bus-rods or wires. Bright Dipping. (See Dipping, Bright?) Bright Dipping Liquid. (See Liquid, Bright Dipping?) Britannia Joint. (See Joint, Britannia?] Broken Circuit. (See Circuit, Broken?) Bronzing, Electro Coating a sur- face with a layer of bronze by electro-plating. (See Plating, Electro?) The plating bath contains a solution of tin and copper. Brush-and-Spray Discharge. (See Dis- charge, Brush-and-Spray?) Brush Discharge. (See Discharge, Brush?) Brush Electrode. (See Electrode, Brush?) Brush, Faradic An electrode in the form of a brush employed in the medical application of electricity. The bristles are generally made of nickelized copper wire. Brush-Holders for Dynamo-Electric Ma- chines. Devices for supporting the collecting brushes of dynamo-electric machines. As the brushes require to be set or placed on the commutator in a position which often varies with the speed of the machine, and with changes in the resistance of the external circuit, all brush- holders are provided with some device for moving them concentrically with the commutator cylin- der. Brush Rocker. (See Rocker, Brush?) Brush, Scratch A brush made of wire or stiff bristles, etc., suitable for clean- ing the surfaces of metallic objects before placing them in the plating bath. Scratch brushes are made of various shapes and are provided with wires or bristles of varying coarseness. Some forms of scratch and finishing brushes are shown in Fig. 83. They are circular in outline Fig. 83. Scratch Brushes. and are adapted for use in connection with a lathe. Bru.J 63 [Bui. Brush, Scratch, Circular scratch brush of a circular shape, so fitted as to be capable of being placed in a lathe and set in rapid rotation. Brush, Scratch, Hand A scratch brush operated by hand, as distinguished from a circular scratch brush operated by a lathe. Brushes, Adjustment of Dynamo-Electric Machines Shifting the brushes into the required position on the commutator cylinder, either non-automatically by hand, or automatically by the current itself. (See Regulation, Automatic, of Dynamo-Electric Machines?) Brushes, Carbon, for Electric Motors Plates of carbon for leading current to electric motors. (See Brushes of Dynamo- Electric Machine?) These are generally known simply as brushes. Brushes, Collecting, of Dynamo-Electric Machine Conducting brushes which bear on the commutator cylinder, and take off the current generated by the difference of potential in the armature coils. (See Brushes of Dynamo-Electric Machine?) Brushes, Lead of The angle through which the brushes of a dynamo-electric ma- chine must be moved forward, or in the direction of rotation, in order to diminish sparking and to get the best output from the dynamo. The necessity for the lead arises from the coun- ter magnetism or magnetic reaction of the arma- ture, and the magnetic lag of its iron core. (See Lead, Angle of.) The position of the brushes on the commutator to insure the best output is practically the same in a series dynamo for any current strength. In shunt and compound dynamos it varies with the lead. Brushes of Dynamo-Electric Machine. Strips of metal, bundles of wire, slit plates of metal, or plates of carbon, that bear on the commutator cylinder of a dynamo-electric machine, and carry off the current generated. Rotary brushes consisting of metal discs are sometimes employed. Copper is almost univer- Fig, 84. Brushes. sally used for the brushes of dynamo-electric machines. Carbon brushes are often used for dynamo-electric motors. The brush shown at B, Fig. 84, is formed of copper wires, soldered together at the non- bearing end. A copper plate, slit at the bear- ing end, is shown at C, and bundles of copper plates, soldered together at the non-bearing end, are shown at D. The brushes should bear against the com- mutator cylinder with sufficient force to pre- vent jumping, and con- sequent burning, and yet not so hard as to cause excessive wear. Brushes, Rotating, of Dynamo-Electric Machines Discs of metal, employed in place of the ordinary brushes for carry- ing off the current from the armatures of dynamo-electric machines. Brushing, Scratch Cleansing the surface of an article to be electroplated, by friction with a scratch brush. Scratch brushing is generally done with the brushes wet by various solutions. Buckling. Irregularities in the shape of the surfaces of the plates of storage cells, fol- lowing a too rapid discharge. Bug. A term originally employed in quad- ruplex telegraphy to designate any fault in the operation of the apparatus. This term is now employed, to a limited extent, for faults in the operation of any electric appa- ratus. Bug-Trap. A device employed to over- come the " bug " in quadruplex telegraphy. Bulb, Lamp The chamber or globe in which the filament of an incan- descent electric lamp is placed. The chamber or globe of a lamp must be of such construction as to enable the high vacuum necessary to the operation of the lamp to be main- tained. Bun.] 64 Bunched Cable. (See Cable, Bunched!) Bunched Cable, Straightaway - (See Cable, Bunched, Straightaway!) Bunched Cable, Twisted (See Cable, Bunched, Twisted!) Bunsen Voltaic Cell. (See Cell, Voltaic, Bunsens!) Buoy, Electric A buoy on which luminous electric signals are displayed. Burglar Alarm. (See Alarm, Burglar!) Burglar Alarm Annunciator. (See An- nunciator, Burglar Alarm!) Burglar Alarm Contacts. (See Contacts, Burglar Alarm!) Burglar Alarm, Tale Lock Switch for (See Alarm, Yale-Lock-Switch Burglar!) Burner, Argand Electric An ar- gand gas-burner that is lighted by means of an electric spark. The argand electric burner assumes a variety of forms, such as the plain-pendant, the ratchet- pendant and the automatic. They are also used in systems of multiple gas lighting. Burner, Argand Electric, Automatic An argand burner arranged for automatic electric lighting. (See Burner, Automatic- Electric!) Burner, Argand Electric, Hand-Lighter A plain-pendant electric burner adapted for lighting an argand gas-burner. (See Burner, Plain-Pendant Electric?) Burner, Argand-Electric, Plain-Pendant A plain-pendant electric burner adapted for lighting an argand gas burner. (See Burner, Plain-Pendant Electric!) Burner, Argand-Electric, Ratchet-Pend- ant A ratchet-pendant electric burner adapted for lighting an argand gas-burner. (See Burner, Ratchet-Pendant Electric!) Burner, Automatic-Electric An electric device for both turning on the gas and lighting it, and turning it off, by alter- nately touching different buttons. The gas-cock is opened or closed by the motion of an armature, the movements of which are con- trolled by two separate electro-magnets. One push-button, usually a white one, turns the gas on [Bur. by energizing one of the electro-magnets and, at the same time, lights it by means ot a suc- cession of sparks from a spark coil. Another push-button, usually a black one, turns the gas off by energizing the other electro-magiaet. The turning on or off of the gas is accom- plished by positive motions. Automatic burners are also made with a single button. An Argand Electric Burner is shown in Kg. 85. Burner, Electric Candle - A device for electri- cally lighting a gas jet in a burner sur- rounded by a por- celain tube in imita- tion of a candle. Electric candle bur- ners are either simple or ratchet candle bur- ners. Burner, Hand- Lighting Electric A name sometimes applied to a plain- pendant electric burner. (See Burner, Plain- Pendant Electric!) Argand Electric Burner. Burner, Jump-Spark -A term sometimes applied to a gas burner in which the issuing gas is ignited by a spark that jumps be- f . tween the metallic points placed on it. Jump-spark burners are used in systems of multiple gas lighting. (See Light- ing, Electric Gas.) Burner, Plain-Pen- dant Electric A gas-- burner provided with a pendant for the purpose of lighting the gas by means of a spark, F ig. 86. Plain-pliant after the gas has been Burner. turned on by hand. The gas is first turned on by hand at the ordi- Bur.] 65 [But. nary key, and is then lighted by pulling the pend- ant C, Fig. 86. A spark irom a spark coil ignites the gas. This is sometimes called an electric hund- lighting burner. Burner, Ratchet-Pendant Candle Elec- tric A burner for both lighting and extinguishing a candle gas jet. Burner, Ratchet-Pendant Electric A gas-burner in which one pulling of a pendant turns on the gas and ignites it by means of an electric spark from a spark coil, and the next pulling of the pendant turns off the gas. A ratchet-wheel and pawl are operated by the motion of the pendant. The first pull of the pendant chain moves the ratchet so as to open a four- way gas cock, and at the same time light the gas at the burner tip by a wipe-spark from a spark coil. On the next pull ot the pendant, the four way cock is turned so as to turn off the g?s. Alternate pulls, therefore, light and extinguish the gas. Burner, Simple Candle Electric A plain-pendant electric burner. (See Bur- ner, Plain Pendant Electric.) Thumb-Cock gas- Electric Burner, An electric burner, in which the turning of an ordinary thumb- cock turns on the gas, and ignites it by a spark pro- duced byawiping contact actuated by the motions of the thumb-cock. A form of thumb- cock burner is shown in Fig. 87. Burner, Vi- brating -,E 1 e c - trie An Fig. 87. Thumb- Cock Burner. electric gas-burner in which the gas is lighted after it is turned on by hand, by means of the spark from a spark coil produced on the rapid making and breaking of the circuit by a vibrating contact. The vibrating-electric burner has a single elec- tro-magnet. It is operated by means of a button or switch, and may be used on single lights or on groups of lights. It bears the same relation to the automatic burner that the plain-pendant burner does to the ratchet burner. Burnetize. To subject to the Burnetizing process. (See Burnetizing^) Burnetizing. A method adopted for the preservation of wooden telegraph poles by injecting a solution of zinc chloride into the pores of the wood. (See Pole, Telegraphic?) Burning at Commutator of Dynamo. An arcing at the brushes of a dynamo-elec- tric machine, due to their imperfect contact, or improper position, which results in loss of energy and destruction of the commutator segments. Bus. A word generally used instead of omnibus. (See Omnibus?) Bus-Bars. (See Bars, Bus?) Bus-Rod Wires. (See Wires Bus-Rod^ Bus-Wire. (See Wire, Bus.) Butt Joint. (See Joint, Butt.) Button, Carbon A resistance of carbon in the form of a button. A button of carbon is used as an electric resist- ance in a variety of apparatus; its principal use, however, is in the transmitting instrument of the electric telephone. In the telephone transmitter, the button is so placed between contact-plates that when the plates are pre.-sed together by the sound-waves, the electrical resistance is dec 'eased by a decrease in the thickness of the carbon button, an increase in its density, and an increase in the number of points where the carbon touches the plates. Rheostats, or resistances, have been made by the use of a number of carbon buttons or discs piled one on another and placed in a glass tube. Discs of carbonized cloth form excellent resistances lor such purposes. Button, Press A push button. (See Button, Push?) Button, Push A device for closing But.] 66 [Cab. in electric circuit by the movement of a Buzzer, Electric A call, not as Dutton. loud as that of a bell, produced by a rapid A button, when pushed by the hand, closes the Fig. 8 8. Push Button. Fig. 89. Push Button. contact, and thus completes a circuit in which some electro- receptive device is placed. This circuit is opened by a spring, p on the removal of the pressure. Some forms of push-buttons are shown in Figs. 88, 89 and 90. KJloor-push for dining-rooms and offices is shown in Fig. 90. Fig. 88 shows the general appearance of an ordinary bell- push. The arrangement of the Fig. oo. Floor interior spnng contacts will be Push. understood by an inspection of Fig. 91. Fig. 9 f. Spring Contact of Bell Push. automatic make-and-break. (See Make-and- Break, Automatic?} The buzzer is generally plrced inside a resonant Fig. 92. Buzzer. case of wood in order to strengthen the sound by resonance. A form of buzzer is shown in Fig. 92. C. An abbreviation for centigrade. ^hus, 20 degrees C. means 20 degrees of the centigrade thermometric scale. (See Scale, Cett' tigrade Thermometer.') C. A contraction for current. Generally a contraction for the current in E amperes, as C = - C. C. A contraction for cubic centimetre. (See Weights and Measures, Metric System of-} C. G. S. TJnits.~A contraction for centi- timetre-gramme-second units. (See Units, Centimetre-Gramme-Second.) C. P. A contraction for candle power. (See Candle, Standard.) Cable. An electric cable. (See Cable, Electric^ Cable. To send a telegraphic dispatch, by means of a cable. Cable, Aerial A cable suspended in the air from suitable poles. Cable, Anti-Induction, TTaring 'A form of anti-induction cable. In the Waring an ti- induction cable the separate conductors are covered with a fibrous insulator, from which all air and moisture is expelled, and the fibre then saturated with an insulating ma- Cab.] 67 [Cab. terial called ozite. The conductors are then pro- tected from the inductive effects of neighboring conductors by a continuous sheath of lead alloyed with tin. Where the cables are bunched, the bunches are sometimes again surrounded by insulating material, and the whole then covered by a con- tinuous lead sheathing ; generally, however, the separately insulated conductors are bunched, and then covered by a single sheathing of lead alloyed with tin. Cable, Armature of The armor of a cable. (See Armature of a Cabled) Cable, Armor of - - The protecting sheathing or metallic covering on the outside of a submarine or other electric cable. Cable, Armored An electric cable provided, in addition to its insulating coat- ing, with a protective coating or sheathing, generally of metal tubing or wire. Cable-Box. (See Box, Cable^ Cable, Bunched A cable contain- ing more than a single wire or conductor. Some forms of bunched, lead-covered cables, are shown in Fig. 93. Fig. 93. Bunched Cables. Cable, Bunched, Straightaway A bunched cable the separate conductors of which extend in the direction of the length of the cable without any twisting, being placed in successive layers. In arranging the separate conductors in suc- cessive layers an advantage is gained in testing for a given wire in order to make a loop, splice, or branch with the next adjoining section. This is rendered still easier by giving the conductors of the successive layers some distinctive form of braiding in the fibrous insulating material, or some distinctive color. Cable, Bunched, Twisted A bunched cable, the separate conductors of which are twisted-pairs placed in successive layers. Each twisted-pair of a bunched cable acts as a metallic circuit, and, moreover, possesses the ad- vantage of avoiding the ill effects of induction, so disadvantageous in telephone circuits. In laying up the twisted-pairs in successive layers in a bunched cable, the direction of twist- ing is reversed in each successive layer. This form is especially desirable on all long cable lines. In the case of twisted cables for telephone lines, the twists are sometimes made as frequent as one in every three or four inches. In such cases the cross-talk of induction is inappreciable. Cable, Capacity of The quantity of electricity required to raise a given length of a cable to a given potential, divided by the potential. The amount of charge for a given potential that any single conductor will take up with the rest of the conductors grounded. (See Capacity, Electrostatic^) The ability of a wire or cable to permit a certain quantity of electricity to be passed into it before acquiring a given difference of potential. Before a telegraph line or cable can transmit a signal to its further end, its difference of potential must be raised to a definite amount dependent on the character of the instruments and the nature of the system. The first effect of electricity being passed into a line is to produce an accumulation of electricity on the line, similar to the charge in a condenser. Cables especially act as condensers, and from the high specific inductive capacity of the insulating materials employed, permit considerable induc- tion to take place between the core and the metallic armor or sheathing, or the ground. The capacity of a cable depends on the capacity of the wire ; i. e., on its length and surface, on the specific inductive capacity of its insulation, and its neighborhood to the earth, or to other conducting wires, casings, armors, or metallic coatings. Submarine or underground cables therefore have a greater capacity than air lines. This accumulation of electricity produces a re- tardation in the speed of signaling, because the wire must be charged before the signal is received at the distant end, and discharged or neutralized before a current can be sent in the reverse direc- tion. This latter may be done by connecting each end to earth, or by the action of the reverse current itself. Cab.] [Cab. The smaller the electrostatic capacity of a cable, therefore, the greater the speed of signaling. (See Retardation. ) The capacity of a cable is measured in micro- farads. (See farad, Micro.) Cable Clip. (See Clip, Cable?) Cable-Core. (See Core of Cable?) Cable, Core-Ratio of The ratio be- tween the diameter of the insulation of a cable and the mean diameter of the strand. D The core-ratio is represented by -p; where D, is the diameter of the insulation, and d, the mean diameter of the strand. Should the extreme diameter of the strand of a cable be used in cal- culations for insulation resistance, inductive capa- city, etc., erroneous values would be obtained. The measured diameter of the copper conductor is consequently decreased some five per cent., and, in this way, correct values are approximately obtained. (Clark dr 3 Sabitte.) Cable, Duplex A conductor con- sisting of two separate cables placed parallel to each other. The duplex cable is used especially in the al- ternating current system. Cable, Electric The combination of an extended length of a single insulated conductor, or two or more separately insu- lated electric conductors, covered externally with a metallic sheathing or armor. Strictly speaking, the word cable should be limited to the case of more than a single con- ductor. Usage, however, sanctions the employ- ment of the word to indicate a single insulated conductor. The conducting wire may consist of a single wire, of a number of separate wires electrically connected, or of a number of separate wires in- sulated from one another. An electric cable consists of the following parts, viz.: ( I .) The conducting wire or core. (2.) The insulating material for separating the several wires; and (3.) The armor or protecting covering, consist- ing of strands of iron wire, or of a metallic coat- Ing or covering of lead. As to their position, cables are aerial, sub- marine, or underground. As to their purpose, they are telegraphic, telephonic, or electric light and power cables. As to the number of their conductors they are single-wire or bunched cables. Bunched cables are straightaway or twisted. Fig. 94 shows a form of submarine cable the Fig. 94. Electric Cablt. armor of which is formed of strands of iron wire. Cable, Electric Light or Power A cable designed to distribute the electric cur- rent employed in electric light or power sys- tems. Electric light cables are generally tmderground. They may be submarine. (See Cable, Electric.} Cable, Flat A cable, the separate conductors of which are laid-up side by side so as to form a flat conductor. A flat cable is suitable for house work as being less objectionable in appearance when placed on the outside of ceilings or walls. Cable, Flat Duplex A flat, laid-up cable containing two wires. Cable-Grip. (See Grip, Cable?) Cable-Hanger. (See Hanger, Cable?) Cable-Hanger Tongs. (See Tongs, CaKe- Hanger?) Cable Laid-Up in Layers. A term applied to a cable, all the conducting wires of which are in layers. Cab.] 69 [Cab. Cable Laid-Up in Eeversed Layers. A term applied to a cable in which the conduct- ors, in alternate layers, are twisted in opposite directions. (See Cable, Bunched, Straight- away^) Cable Laid-Up in Twisted Pairs. A term applied to a cable in which every pair of wires is twisted together. (See Cable, Bunched, Twisted?) Cable Lead. (See Lead, Cable). Cable, Multiple-Core A cable con- taining more than a single core. Cable-Protector. (See Protector, Cable.) Cable-Scrying. (See Serving, Cable.) Cable, Single-Wire A cable con- taining a single wire or conductor Cable, Sub-Aqueous An electric cable designed for use under water. The term submarine is more frequently em- ployed. Cable, Submarine A cable designed for use under water. Submarine cables are either shallow-water* or deep-sea cables. Gutta-percha answers admirably for the insulating material of the core. Various other insulators are also used. Strands of tarred hemp or jute, known as the cable- serving, are wrapped around the insulated core in order to protect it from the pressure of the galvanized iron wire armor afterwards put on. To prevent corrosion the iron wire is covered with tarred hemp, galvanized, or otherwise coated. Submarine cables are generally employed tor telegraphic or telephonic communication. (See Cable, Electric.) Cable, Submarine, Deep-Sea A submarine cable designed for use in deep water. This form of cable is not so heavily armored as the shallow-water submarine cable. Cable, Submarine, Shallow- Water A submarine cable designed for use in shallow water. This cable is provided with a heavier armor or sheathing than a deeo-sea cable to protect it from chafing due to the action of the waves and tides in shaiiow water. (See Cable, Submarine.) Cable Support, Underground (See Support, Underground Cable.) Cable Tank.- (See Tank, Cable) Cable, Telegraphic A cable de- signed to establish telegraphic communication between different points. Telegraphic cables may be aerial, submarine, or underground. (See Cable, Electric.) Cable, Telephonic A cable de- signed to establish telephonic communication between different points. Telephonic cables may be aerial, submarine, or underground. (See Cable, Electric.) Cable-Terminal. (See Terminal, Cable.} Cable, Torpedo A cable, in the circuit of which a torpedo is placed. (See Torpedo, Electric?) Cable, Twisted-Pair A cable containing a single twisted pair, suitable for use as a lead and return, thus affording a metallic circuit. Cable, Two, Three, Four, etc., Conductor . A cable containing two, three, four, or more separate conducting wires. Cable, Underground An electric cable placed underground. The conducting wires of an underground cable are surrounded by a good insulating, water-proof substance, and protected by a sheathing or armor. A coating of lead is very generally employed for the sheathing or armor. Underground cables, in order to be readily accessible, should be placed in an underground conduit or subway. (See Cable, Electric. Conduit^ Underground Electric. Suoway, Electric.) Cable- Worming. (See Worming, Cable) Cablegram. A message received by means of a submarine telegraphic cable. Cables, Laying-Up The placing or disposing of the separate cables or conduc- tors in a bunched cable. The separate conductors in cables may be laid- up " straightaway " or "twisted." (See Cable, Bunched^ Twisted. Cable, Bunched, Straight- away. ) Cabling. Sending a telegraphic disp^ch bv means of a cable. Cal.] 70 [Cal. Calahan's Stock Printer. (See Printer, Stock, Calahan's) Calami ne, Electric -- A crystalline variety of silicate of zinc that possesses pyro- electric properties. (See Electricity, Pyro) Cal-Electricity. (See Electricity, Cal) Calibrate. To determine the absolute or relative value of the scale divisions, or of the indications of any electrical instrument, such as a galvanometer, electrometer, vol- tameter, wattmeter, etc. Calibrating. The act of determining the absolute or relative value of the deflections, or indications of an electric instrument. Calibration, Absolute -- The deter- mination of the absolute values of the read- ing of an electrometer, galvanometer, volt- meter, amperemeter, or other similar instru- ment. The calibration of a galvanometer, for ex- ample, consists in the determination of the law which governs its different deflections, and by which is obtained in amperes, either the absolute or the relative currents required to produce such deflections. For various methods of calibration, see stan- dard works on electrical testing, or on elec- tricity. Calibration, Invariable, of Galvanom- eter -- In galvanometers with absolute calibration, a method for preventing the oc- currence of variations in the intensity of the field of the galvanometer, due to the neigh- borhood of masses of iron, etc. Calibration, Relative -- The deter- mination of the relative values of the reading of an electrometer, voltmeter, amperemeter, or other similar instrument. Caliper, Mi- crometer - A name some- times given to a vernier wire gauge. (See Gauge, Vernier Call-Bell, Extension (See Bell, Extension Call) Call-Bell, Magneto-Electric An electric call-bell operated by currents pro- duced by the motion of a coil of wire before the poles of a permanent magnet. A well known form of magneto call-bell is shown Fig, 9S- Micrometer Caliper. A form of micrometer caliper isshown in Fig. qq. Fig. 96. Magneto Call Bell. in Fig. 96. The armature is driven by the rota- tion of the handle. Call-Bell, Telephone An electric bell, the ringing of which is used to call a person to a telephone. Call, Electric Bell An electric bell sometimes used to call the attention of an operator to the fact that his correspondent wishes to communicate with him, or to notify an attendant that some service is desired. Call, Messenger A district call- box. (See Box, District Call) Call, Thermo-Electric An instru- ment for sounding an alarm when the tem- perature rises above, or falls below, a fixed point. In one form of thermo-electric call a needle is moved over a dial by a simple thermic device and rings a bell when the temperature for which it has been se is attained. The thermo-call is appli- cable to the regulation of the temperature oi Cal.] 71 [Cal. dwellings, incubators, hot houses, breweries, dry- ing rooms, etc. Callaud Yoltaic Cell. (See Cell, Vol- taic, Callaud's.) Calling-Drop. (See Drop, Calling.} Calorescence. The transformation of invisible heat-rays into luminous rays, when received by certain solid substances. The term was proposed by Tyndall. The light from a voltaic arc is passed through a hollow glass lens filled with a solution of iodine in bisul- phide of carbon. This solution is opaque to light but quite trans- parent to heat. If a piece of charred paper, or thin platinum foil, is placed in the focus of these invisible rays, it will be heated to brilliant incandescence. (See focus.) Caloric. A term formerly applied to the fluid which was believed to be the cause or essence of heat. The use of the word caloric at the present time is very unscientific, since heat is now known to be an effect of a wave motion and not a material thing. (SeeJfeat.) Calorie. A heat unit. There are two calories, the small and the large calorie. The amount of heat required to raise the tem- perature of one gramme of water from o degree C. to I degree C. is called the small calorie. The amount of heat required to raise 1,000 grammes, or a kilogramme, of water from o de- gree C. to I degree C. is called the great calorie. The first usage of the word is the commoner. This word is sometimes spelled calory. Calorie, Great The amount of heat required to raise the temperature of one kilogramme of water from o degree C. to I degree C. Calorie, Small The amount of heat required to raise the temperature of one gramme of water from o degree C. to i degree C. Calorimeter. An instrument for measur- ing the amount of heat or thermal energy contained or developed in a given body. Thermometers measure temperature only. A thermometer plunged in a cup full of boiling water shows the same temperature that it would in a tub full of boiling water. The quantity of heat energy present in the two cases is of course greatly different, and can be measured by a cal- orimeter only. Various forms of calorimeters are employed. In order to determine the quantity of heat in a given weight of any body, this weight may be heated to a definite temperature, such as the boil- ing point of water, and placed in a vessel con- taining ice. The quantity of ice melted by the body in cooling to the temperature of the ice, is determined by measuring the amount of water derived from the melting of the ice. Care must be observed to avoid the melting of the ice by ex- ternal heat. In this way the amount of heat required to raise the temperature of a given weight of a body a certain number of degrees, or the capacity of the body for heat, may be compared with the capacity of an equal weight of water. This ratio is called the specific heat. (See Heat, Specific.} The heat energy, present in a given weight of any substance at a given temperature, can be de- termined by means of a calorimeter; for, since a pound of water heated 1 F. absorbs an amount of energy equal to 772 foot-pounds, the energy can be readily calculated if the number of pounds of water and the number of degrees of temperature are known. (See Heat, Mechanical Equivalent of-) Calorimeter, Electric An instru- ment for measuring the heat developed in a conductor or any piece of electrical apparatus, in a given time, by an electric current. Fig. 9?. Electric Calorimeter. A vessel containing water is provided with ft thermometer T, Fig. 97. The electric current Cal.] 72 [Can, passes for a measured time through a wire im- mersed in the liquid. The quantity of heat is determined from the increase of temperature, and the weight of the water heated. According to Joule, the number of heat units developed in a conductor by an electric current is proportional: (i.) To the resistance of the conductor. (2.) To the square of the current passing. (3.) To the time the current is passing. (See Heat Unit, English.) The heating power of a current is as the square of the current only when the resistance remains the same. (See // s Ja ~ would otherwise occur from the ****' Candu ' more rapid consumption of the positive than the negative carbon. (See Current^ Alternating.) Candle, Metre The illumination pro- duced by a standard candle at the distance of one metre. (See Candle, Foot?) Candle-Power. (See Power, Candle.) Candle-Power, Bated (See Power, Candle, Rated.) Candle -Power, Spherical (See Power, Candle, Spherical?) Candle, Standard A candle of Cao.] definite composition which, with a given con- sumption in a given time, will produce a light of a fixed and definite brightness. A candle which burns 120 grains of sperma- ceti wax per hour, or 2 grains per minute, will give an illumination equal to one standard candle. Unless considerable care is taken, erroneous re- sults will be obtained from the use of the stand- ard candle. According to Slingo and Brooker the following are among the most important causes of these errors : (I.) Defective forms of candle which cause a varying consumption of the material per second, and consequently a varying light for the standard candle. (2. ) Variations in the composition of the sper- maceti of which the candle is composed. Sper- maceti is not a definite chemical compound, but consists of a mixture of various substances ; therefore, even if the consumption is maintained constant, the light-giving power is not necessarily Constant. (3.) Variations in the composition and charac- ter of the wick, such as the number and size of the threads of which it is formed and the closeness of the strands, all of which circumstances influence the amount of light given off by the candle. (4.) The light emitted in certain directions ra- ries in a marked degree with the shape of the wick. The mere bending of a wick may, there- fore, cause the amount of light to vary consider- ably. (5.) The light varies with the thickness of the wick. Thick wicks give less light than thin wicks. (6.) The light given by the standard candle va- ries with the temperature of the testing-room. As the temperature rises the light given by the standard candle increases. (7.) Currents of air, by producing variations in the amount of melting wax in the cup of the candle, vary the amount of light emitted. These difficulties in obtaining a fixed amount of light from a standard candle, together with the difficulty of comparing the feeble light of a single candle with the light of a much more powerful source, such as an arc lamp, coupled with the additional difficulty arising from the difference in the colors of the lights, have led to the use of other standards of light than those furnished by the standard candle. Caontchonc. or India-Rubber. A resin- '3 [Cap. ous substance obtained from the milky juices of certain tropical trees. Caoutchouc possesses high powers of electric insulation, and is used either pure or combined with sulphur. Cap, Insulator A covering or cap placed some distance above an insulator, but separated from it by an air space. Insulator caps are intended for protection of the insulators from injury by the throwing of stones or other malicious acts. Insulator caps are gen- erally made of iron. They are highly objection- able, owing to the facility they offer for the ac- cumulation of dust and dirt. Capacity, Atomic The quantiva- lence or valency of an atom. (See Atomi- city) Capacity, Dielectric A term em- ployed in the same sense as specific inductive capacity. (See Capacity, Specific Inductive?) Capacity, Electro-Dynamic A term formerly employed by Sir William Thomson for self-induction. (See Induction, Self.} Capacity, Electrostatic The quan- tity of electricity which must be imparted to a given body or conductor as a charge, in order to raise its potential a certain amount. (See Potential, Electric?) The electrostatic capacity of a conductor is not unlike the capacity of a vessel filled with a liquid or gas. A certain quantity of liquid will fill a given vessel to a level dependent on the size or capacity of the vessel. In the same manner a given quantity of electricity will produce, in a conductor or condenser, a certain difference of electric level, or difference of potential, dependent on the electrical capacity of the conductor or condenser. Or, taking the analogous case of a gas-tight vessel, the quantity of gas that can be forced into such a vesssl depends on the size of the vessel and the pressure with which it is forced in. A tension or pressure is thus produced by the gas on the walls of the vessel, which is greater the smaller the size of the vessel and the greater the quantity of gas forced in. In the same manner, the smaller the capacity of a conductor, the smaller is the charge required Cap.] [Cap. to raise it to a given potential, or the higher the potential a given charge will raise it. The capacity K, of a conductor or condenser, is therefore directly proportional to the charge Q, and inversely proportional to the potential V; or, From which we obtain Q = KV; or t The quantity ef electricity required to charge a conductor or condenser to a given potential is equal to the capacity of the conductor or condenser multiplied by the potential through which it is raised. Capacity, Electrostatic, Unit of -- Such a capacity of a conductor or condenser that an electromotive force of one volt will charge it with a quantity of electricity equal to one coulomb. The farad. (See Farad^ Capacity of Cable. (See Cable, Capacity of-} Capacity of Condenser. (See Condenser, Capacity of.) Capacity of Ley den Jar. (See Jar, Leyden, Capacity of.) Capacity of Line. (See Line, Capacity of.) Capacity of Polarization of a Toltaio Cell. (See Cell, Voltaic, Capacity of Polar- ization of.) Capacity, Safe Carrying, of a Conductor -- The maximum electric current the conductor will carry without becoming unduly heated. Capacity, Specific Inductive -- The ability of a dielectric to permit induction to take place through its mass, as compared with the ability possessed by a mass of air of the same dimensions and thickness, under precisely similar conditions. The relative power of bodies for trans- mitting electrostatic stresses and strains analogous to permeability in metals. The ratio of the capacity of a condenser whose coatings are separated by a dielectric of a given substance to the capacity of a simflar condenser whose plates are separated by a plate or layer of air. The inductive capacity of a dielectric is com- pared with that of air. According to Gordon and others, the specific inductive capacities of a few substances, com. pared with air, are as follows: Air i.oo Glass 3-013 to 3.258 Shellac 2.740 Sulphur 2.580 Gutta-percha 2.462 Ebonite 2.284 India-rubber 2.220 to 2.497 Turpentine 2.160 Petroleum 2.030 to 2.070 Paraffin (solid) 1-994 Carbon bisulphide 1.810 Carbonic acid 1.00036 Hydrogen 0.99967 Vacuum 0.99941 Faraday, who proposed the term specific in* ductive capacity, employed in his experiments a condenser consisting of a metallic sphere A, Fig. 99, placed inside a large hollow sphere B. The concentric space between A and B was filled with the substance whose specific inductive capacity was to be determined. Capacity, Specific Magnetic A term sometimes employed in the sense of magnetic permeability. Conductibility for lines of magnetic force in the same sense that specific inductive capacity is con- ductibility for lines of electrostatic force. This term has received the name of specific mag- " " netic capacity in order to distinguish it from specific inductive capacity. The velocity of propagation of waves in any elastic medium is proportional to the quotient obtained by extracting the square root of the elasticity of the medium divided by the square root of its density; or, v = .|f Cap.] [Car. Similarly, the speed with which inductive waves travel depends on the relation between the elas- ticity and the density of the medium. Calling =^ ? the electric elasticity, then its reciprocal, K, corre- sponds with the dielectric capacity. The elec- trical density, //, corresponds with the magnetic permeability. The velocity of wave transmission is therefore, V = Capacity, Storage, of Secondary Cell (See Cell, Secondary or Storage, Capa- city of.) Capillarity. The elevation or depression of liquids in tubes of small internal diameter. The liquid is elevated when it wets the walls, and depressed when it does not wet the walls of the tube. The phenomena of capillarity are due to the mutual attractions existing between the mole- cules of the liquid for one another, and the mutual attraction between the molecules of the liquid and those of the walls of the tube. In capillarity, therefore, the approximately level surface caused by the equal attraction of all the molecules towards the earth's centre is dis- turbed by the unequal attraction exerted on each molecule by the walls of the tube and by the re- maining molecules. Capillarity, Effects of, on Toltaic Cell Effects caused by capillary action which disturb the proper action of a voltaic cell. These effects are as follows: (i.) Creeping, or efflorescence of salts. (See Creeping, Electric. Efflorescence.') (2.) Oxidation of contacts and consequent in- troduction of increased resistance into the battery circuit. The liquid enters the capillary spaces between the contact surfaces and oxidizes them. Capillary. Of a small or hair-like diame- ter or size. A capillary tube is a tube of small hair-like di- ameter. (See Capillarity.} Capillary Attraction. (See Attraction, Capillary) Capillary Contact-Key. (See Key, Cap- illary Contact?) Capillary Electrometer. (See Electrom- eter, Capillary) Carbon. An elementary substance which occurs naturally in three distinct allotropic forms, viz.: charcoal, graphite and the dia- mond. (See Allotropy) Carbon-Brushes for Electric Motors. (See Brushes, Carbon, for Electric Motors) Carbon Button. (See Button, Carbon) Carbon-Clutch or Clamp of Arc Lamp. (See Clutch, Carbon, of Arc Lamp.] Carbon-Electrodes for Arc Lamps. (See Electrodes, Carbon, for Arc Lamps) Carbon-Holders for Arc Lamps. (See Holders, Carbon, for Arc Lamps) Carbon Points. (See Points, Carbon) Carbon Transmitter for Telephones. (See Transmitter, Carbon, for Telephones) Carbonic Acid Gas. (See Gas, Carbonic Acid) Carboning Lamps. (See Lamps, Carbon- ing) Carbonizable. Capable of being carbon- ized. (See Carbonization, Processes of) Carbonization. The act of carbonizing. (See Carbonization, Processes of) Carbonization, Processes of Means for carbonizing material. The carbonizable material is placed in suitably shaped boxes, covered with powdered plumbago or lamp-black, and subjected to the prolonged action of intense heat while out of contact with air. The electrical conducting power of the carbon which results from this process is increased by the action ot the heat, and, probably, also, by the de- posit in the mass, ot carbon resulting from the subsequent decomposition of the hydro-carbon gases produced during carbonization. When the carbonization is for the purpose of producing conductors for incandescent lamps, in order to obtain the uniformity of conducting power, electrical homogeneity, purity and high refractory power requisite, selected fibrous ma- terial, cut or shaped in at least one dimension Car.] prior to carbonization, must be taken, and sub- jected to as nearly uniform carbonization as pos- sible. Carbonize. To reduce a carbonizable ma- terial to carbon. (See Carbonization. Pro- cesses of.) Carbonized Cloth Discs for High Resist- ances. (See Cloth Discs Carbonized, for High Resistances^) Carbonizer. Any apparatus suitable for reducing carbonizable material to carbon. Carbonizing. Subjecting a carbonizable substance to the process of carbonization. (See Carbonization, Processes of,) Carbons, Artificial Carbons ob- tained by the carbonization of a mixture of pulverized carbon with different carbonizable liquids. Powdered coke, or gas-retort carbon, some- times mixed with lamp-black or charcoal, is made into a stiff dough with molasses, tar, or any other hydro-carbon liquid. The mixture is molded into rods, pencils, plates, bars or other desired shapes by the pressure of a powerful hydraulic press. After drying, the carbons are placed in crucibles and covered with lamp-black or pow- dered plumbago, and raised to an intense heat at which they are maintained for several hours. By the carbonization of the hydro-carbon liquids, the carbon paste becomes strongly coherent, and by the action of the heat its conducting power in- creases. To give increased density after baking, the carbons are sometimes soaked in a hydro-carbon liquid, and subjected to a re-baking. This may be repeated a number of times. Carbons, Concentric-Cylindrical A cylindrical rod of carbon placed inside a hol- low cylinder of carbon but separated from it by an air space, or by some other insulating, refractory material. Jablochkoff candles sometimes are made with a solid cylindrical electrode, concentrically placed in a hollow cylindrical carbon. Carbons, Cored A cylindrical carbon electrode for an arc lamp that is molded around a central core of charcoal, or other softer carbon. 76 [Car. Much of the unsteadiness of the arc light is due to changes in the position of the arc. Cored car- bons, it is claimed, render the arc light steadier, by maintaining the arc always at the softer carbon and hence at the central point of the electrode. A core of harder carbon, or other refractory material, is sometimes provided for the negative carbon. Carbons, Flashed Carbons which have been subjected to the flashing pro- cess. (See Carbons, Flashing Process for.) Carbons, Flashing Process for A process for improving the electrical uniformity of the carbon conductors employed in in- candescent lighting, by the deposition of car- bon in their pores, and over their surfaces at those places where the electric resistance is relatively great. The carbon conductor or filament is placed in a vessel filled with the vapor of a hydrocarbon liquid called rhigolene, or any other readily de- composable hydrocarbon liquid, and gradually raised to electric incandescence by the passage through it of an electric current A decomposi- tion of the hydrocarbon vapor occurs, the car- bon resulting therefrom being deposited in and on the conductor. As the current is gradually increased, the parts of the conductor first rendered incandes- cent are the places where the electric resist- ance is the highest, these parts, therefore, and practically these parts only, receive the deposit of carbon. As the current increases, other portions become successively incandescent and receive a deposit of carbon, until at last the filament glows with a uniform brilliancy, in- dicative of its electric homogeneity. A carbon whose resistance varies considerably at different parts could not be successfully em- ployed in an incandescent lamp, since if heated by a current sufficiently great to render the points of comparatively small resistance satisfactorily incandescent, the temperature of the points of high resistance would be such as to lower the life of the lamp, while if only those portions were safely heated, the lamp would not be economical. The flashing process is therefore of very great value in the manufacture of an incandescent lamp. The name " flashing " was applied to the pro- cess by reason of the flashing light emitted by the Car.] 77 [Cas. carbons when they have been sufficiently treated. The process requires so little time that the dull red which first appears soon flashes to the full lumin- osity required. The term "flashing" is sometimes applied to the electrical heating to incandescence, while the carbons are in the lamp chambers, and on the pumps. This flashing is for the purpose of driving off all the gases occluded by the carbon, so that these gases may be carried off by the operation of pumping. This process is more properly called the process for driving off the occluded gases. The carbons are sometimes flashed in the liquid itself instead of in its vapor. Carbons, Paper Carbons, of textile or fibrous origin, obtained from the carboniza- tion of paper. The carbonization of paper is readily effected by submitting the paper to the prolonged action of a high temperature while out of contact with air. For this purpose the paper is packed in retorts or crucibles, and covered with lamp-black, or powdered plumbago, in order to exclude the air. Since paper consists of a plane of material uni- formly thin in one direction, formed almost en- tirely of fibres of pure cellulose, the greatest length of which extends in a direction nearly par- allel to that in which the paper is uniformly thin, it is clear that sheets of this substance, when car- bonized, should yield flexible carbons of unusual purity and electrical homogeneity, since such carbons are structural in character, and are uni- formly affected by the heat of carbonization to an extent that would be impossible by the carboniza- tion of any material in a mass. Carcase of Dynamo-Electric Machine. (See Machine, Dynamo-Electric, Carcase of.) Carcel. The French unit of light. The light emitted by a lamp burning 42 grammes of pure colza oil per hour, with a flame 40 millimetres in height. The bec-carcel. One carcel = 9.5 to 9.6 stand- ard candles. Carcel Lamp. (See Lamp, Carcel.) Carcel Standard Gas Jet. (See/. Daniell s Cell. The Daniell cell gives an electromotive force of about 1.072 volts. A serious objection to this form of cell arises from the fact that the copper is gradually de- posited over the surface and in the pores of the porous cell, thus greatly increasing its resistance. This difficulty is avoided in the gravity cell. (See Cell, Voltaic, Gravity.) Cell, Yoltaic, Double-Fluid A voltaic cell in which two separate fluids or elec- trolytes are employed. One of the elements of the voltaic couple is dipped into one of the fluids and the other ele- ment into the other fluid. In order to Iceep the fluids separate and distinct, they are either sep- arated by means of porous cells, or by the action of gravity. (See Cell, Porous. Cell, Voltaic, Gravity.} In the double-fluid cell the negative element is surrounded by a liquid which is capable of pre- venting polarization by combining chemically with the substance that teilds to collect on its surface. In the Daniell cell this substance is the same as that of the negative plate. (See Cell, Voltaic, Polarization of.) Cell, Toltaic, Dry A voltaic cell in which a moist material is used in place of the ordinary fluid electrolyte. The term dry cell is in reality a misnomer, since all such cells are moistened with liquid electrolytes. The dry cell, like other cells, is made in a variety of forms. The ab- sence of free liquid permits the cell to be closed. A well known form of dry cell is| shown in Fig. 107. Cell, Toltaic, Effects of I Capillarity in (See Capillarity, Effects of, in Voltaic Cell.} Cell, Yoltaic, Exciting Liquid of The elec- trolyte Of a Voltaic Cell. pig, 107. Dry Cell. A voltaic cell may have a single electrolyte, in which case it is called a single-fluid cell, or it may have two electrolytes, in which case it is called a double-fluid cell. Cell, Yoltaic, Fuller's Mercury Bichro- mate A zinc-carbon couple im- mersed in an electrolyte of electropoion liquid. The zinc is attached to a copper rod by being cast thereto, and is placed at the bottom of a porous cell, where it is covered by a layer of mercury. The carbon plate is placed in electro- Pig. 108 Fuller's Mercury Bichromate CeU. poion liquid, diluted with water in the proportion of three of the former to two of the latter. The zinc is generally placed in pure water, which rapidly becomes acid. The mercury effects the continuous amalgama- tion of the zinc. A Fuller mercury bichromate cell is shown in Fig. 1 08. Cel.] 86 [CeL Cell, Toltaic, Gravity A zinc- copper couple, the elements of which are em- ployed with electrolytes of dilute sulphuric acid or dilute zinc sulphate, and a concentrated solution of copper sulphate respectively. The use of a porous cell is open to the objection of increased internal resistance. Moreover, the porous cell is apt to receive a coating of copper which often deposits on the cell instead of on the copper plate. The gravity cell was devised in order to avoid the use of a porous cell. As its name indicates, the two fluids are separated from each other by gravity. The copper plate is the lower plate, and is sur- rounded by crystals of copper sulphate. The tine, generally in the form of an open wheel, or ^row-foot, is sus- pended near the top of the liquid, as shown in Fig. 109. When the cell is set up with sul- phuric acid, the re- actions are the same as in the Daniell cell. When copper sulphate and zinc sulphate alone are used, zinc replaces the copper in the copper sulphate. ., ,. . .v Ftg. fOQ. The Gravity CeU. The action is then merely a substitution process. (See Cell, Voltaic, Daniels.) A dilute solution of zinc sulphate is generally used to replace the dilute sulphuric acid. It gives a somewhat lower electromotive force, but ensures a greater constancy for the cell. Cell, Voltaic, Grenet A name sometimes given to the bichromate cell. (See Cell, Voltaic, Bichromate^ Cell, Voltaic, Grove A zinc-plati- num couple, the elements of which are used with electrolytes of sulphuric and nitric acids respectively. The zinc, Z, Fig. no, is amalgamated and placed in dilute sulphuric acid, and the platinum, P, in strong nitric acid (HNO 8 ) in a porous cell to separate it from the sulphuric acid. (See C ell, Porous.) In the Grove cell the current is moder- ately constant, since the polarization of the plati- num plate is prevented by the nitric acid, which oxidizes and thus removes the hydrogen that tends to be liberated at its surface. The con- stancy of the current is not maintained for any considerable time, since the two liquids are rapidly decom- posed, or consumed, zinc sulphate forming in the sulphuric acid, and water in the nitric acid. The chemical reac- tions are as follows, viz.: Zn 6H 2NQ I to, Grove's Cell. H 2 SO 4 = ZnS0 4 + H 8 ; 2HNO 8 = 4H 2 O + 2NO; 8 = N 8 O 4 . Nitrate of ammo- nium is sometimes formed when the nitric acid becomes dilute by decomposition. The reaction is as follows : 2HN0 8 -f- 4 H 8 = 3 H 8 O + NH 4 NO. The cell gives an electromotive force of 1.93 volts. When the porous cell is good, the resistance of the Grove cell may be calculated according to the following formula of Ayrton: R = 3-6 Xd ohms, where d, is the distance in inches between the platinum and zinc plates, and A, the square inches of the immersed portion of the platinum plate. Cell, Voltaic, Leclanche* A zinc- carbon couple, the elements of which are used in a solution of sal-ammoniac and a finely divided layer of black oxide of manganese respectively. The zinc is in the form of a slender rod and dips into a saturated solution of sal-ammoniac^ NH 4 C1. The negative element consists of a plate of car- bon, C, Fig. in, placed in a porous cell, in which is a mixture of black oxide of manganese and broken gas-retort carbon, tightly packed around the. carbon plate. By this means a greatly ex tended surface of carbon surrounded by black CeL] oxide of manganese, MnO 8 , is secured. The entire outer jar, and the spaces inside the porous cell are filled with the solution of sal-ammoniac. 87 Fig. TIT. The Leclanchi Cell. This cell, though containing but a single fluid, belongs, in reality, to the class or type of double- fluid cells, being one in which the negative ele- ment is surrounded by an oxidizing substance, the black oxide of manganese, which replaces the nitric acid or copper sulphate in the other double- fluid cells. This reaction is generally given : Zn + 4NH 4 Cl + 2MnO 2 = ZnCl 8 + 2NH 4 C1 + 2NH 8 4- Mn 8 8 + H 8 0. This reaction is denied by some, who believe the following to take place : Zn + 2(NH 4 C1) = ZnCl 8 + 2NH, + H 8 . The ZnCl 2 and NH 8 react as follows : ZnCl 8 + 2(NH 3 ) = 2 (NHj) ZnCl 2 + H 8 . 2H + 2(Mn z O 2 ) = H 8 O -f Mn 2 O 3 ; or, possibly, 4.H -f- 3MnO 8 = Mn 2 O -}- 2H t O. The Leclanche cell gives an electromotive force of about 1.47 volts. It rapidly polarizes, and cannot, therefore, give a steady current for any prolonged time. When left on open circuit, how- ever, it quickly depolarizes. Cell, Toltaic, Local Action of (See Action, Local, of Voltaic Cell.} Cell, Toltaic, Meidinger A zinc- copper couple, the elements of which are em- ployed with dilute sulphuric acid, or solution of sulphate of magnesia, and strong nitric acid, respectively. The Meidinger cell is a modification of the Daniell cell. The zinc-copper couple is thus ar- ranged : Z Z, Fig. 112, is an amalgamated zinc ring placed near the walls of the vessel, A A, constricted at b b. The copper element, c, is similarly placed with respect to the walls of the vessel d d. The glass cylinder h, filled with [Cel. crystals of copper sulphate, has a small hole in its bottom, and keeps the vessel, d d, supplied with saturated so- lution of copper sulphate,, The cell is charged with di- lute sulphuric acid, or a dilute solution of Epsom salts, or magnesium sul- phate. Cell, Voltaic, Open-Circuit A voltaic cell that cannot be kept on closed cir- cuit, with a com- paratively small resistance, for any Fig. 112. The Meidinger Cell. considerable time without serious polariza- tion. A Leclanche' cell is an open-circuit cell. The term open-circuit cell is used in contradistinc- tion to closed-circuit cell, such as the Daniell. (See Cell, Voltaic, Closed-Circuit.) Cell, Voltaic, Poggendorff A name sometimes given to the Grenet cell. (See Cell, Voltaic, Grenet.} Cell, Voltaic, Polarization of The collection of a gas, generally hydrogen, on the surface of the negative element of a voltaic cell. The collection of a positive substance like hydro- gen on the negative element or plate of r- voltaic cell sets up a counter-electromotive force, which tends to produce a current in the opposite direc- tion to that produced by the cell. (See Force, Electromotive, Counter.) Polarization causes a decrease in the normal current of a voltaic cell: (I.) On account of the increased resistance of the cell from the bubbles of gas which form part of its circuit. (2.) On account of the counter -electromotive force, produced by polarization. There are three ways in which the ill effects of the polarization of a voltaic cell can be avoided. These are : (i.) Mechanical. The negative plate is fur- nished with a roughened surface which enables th CeU] 88 fCel. bubbles of gas to escape from the points on such ur - face ; or, a stream of gas, or air, is blown through the liquid against the plate and thus mechanically brushes the bubbles off. (2.) Chemical. The surface of the negative plate is surrounded by some powerful oxidizing substance, such as chromic or nitric acid, which is capable of oxidizing the hydrogen, and thus thoroughly removing it from the plate. The oxidizing substance may form th entire electrolyte, as is the case of the bichromate solution employed in the zinc-carbon couple. Generally, however, it has been found preferable to employ a separate liquid, like nitric acid, to completely surround the negative plate, and another liquid for the positive plate, the two liquids being generally kept from mixing by a porous cell, or diaphragm. Such cells are' called double-fluid cells. (See Cell, Voltaic, Double- Fluid.) (3.) Electro-Chemical. This also necessitates a double-fluid cell. The negative element is im- mersed in a solution of a salt of the same metal as that forming the negative plate. Thus, a cop. per plate, immersed in a solution of copper sul phate, cannot be polarized, since metallic copper is deposited on its surface by the action of the hydrogen which tends to be liberated there. The constancy of action of a Daniell cell depends on a deposition of metallic copper on its copper plate as well as on the formation of hydrogen sulphate, and the solution of additional copper sulphate from the crystallized salt placed in the cell. (See Cell, Voltaic, Daniell's.) Cell, Voltaic, Primary, Exhaustion of The inability of a primary voltaic cell to furnish any further current, unless fresh electrolyte, or fresh positive element, or both, are supplied to it. In the case of exhaustion of a primary voltaic cell the stock of fresh energy is supplied to the cell from the chemical potential energy of the positive element, or of the electrolyte or elec- trolytes. (See Energy, Chemical Potential.) In most voltaic cells a marked decrease in the current strengtk is observed soon after the cir- cuit is closed, and, therefore, long before the cell is exhausted. This decrease is due (i.) To the increased internal resistance due to the bubbles of hydrogen on the negative plate. (2.) To the counter-electromotive force of po- larization, where zinc is employed with an elec. trolyte of sulphuric acid. (3.) To the decrease in the electromotive force due to an increase in the density of the zinc sul- phate. Cell, Voltaic, Secondary, Exhaustion of The inability of a secondary cell to furnish any further current, unless fresh electro-positive and electro-negative materials are formed in it by the passage of the charging current. In the case of the exhaustion of a secondary voltaic cell, the stock of fresh energy supplied to the cell is derived from the electric energy of the charging current. (See Energy, Electric.) Cell, Voltaic, Siemens-Halske A zinc-copper couple, the elements of which are employed with dilute sulphuric acid and saturated solution of copper sulphate respect- ively. The Siemens-Halske cell is a modification of Darnell's. A ring of zinc, Z Z, Fig, 113, sur- Fig 113' Siemens- Halskt Cell. rounds the glass cylinder, c c. The porous cell is replaced by a diaphragm, f f, of porous paper, formed by the action of sulphuric acid on a mass of paper pulp. Crystals of copper sul- phate are placed in the glass jar, c c, and rest on the copper plate, k, formed of a close copper spiral. Terminals are attached at b and h. The entire cell is charged with dilute sulphuric acid. The resistance of the cell is high, Cell, Voltaic, Silver Chloride A zinc and silver couple immersed in electro- lytes of sal-ammoniac or common salt and silver chloride. Cel.] 89 [Cel. The zinc acts as the positive element, and a silver wire, around which a cylinder of fused silver chloride is cast, as the negative element. The zinc, and the silver wire and silver chloride, are placed in a small glass test-tube and covered with the sal-ammoniac or common salt, and the tube closed by a cork of paraffin, to prevent the evaporation of the electrolyte. When sal- ammoniac is used, the strength of the solution is that obtained by dissolving 23 grammes of pure sal-ammoniac in I litre of water. The silver chloride acts as a depolarizer. This cell is used as a standard cell, known as De la Rue's standard cell, from its inventor, Warren De la Rue. Its electromotive force is 1.068 volts. Cell, Yoltaic, Simple Any voltaic cell formed of a single couple immersed in a single exciting liquid. Cell, Toltaic, Single-Fluid A vol- taic cell in which but a single fluid or elec- trolyte is used. Single-fluid voltaic cells possess the disadvan- tage of polarizing during action. This polariza- tion is due to the electro-positive element of the electrolyte collecting on the surface of the nega- tive plate, or within its mass. For example, where dilute sulphuric acid is the electrolyte, hydrogen gas collects on the negative plate and lowers the electromotive force produced by the cell, by a counter-electromotive force thereby generated. (See Force, Electromotive. Force, Electromotive, Counter.) Cell, Toltaic, Since A zinc-silver couple used with an electrolyte of dilute sul- phuric acid, H 2 SO 4 . A form of Smee cell is shown in Fig. 1 14. Here the plate of silver is placed between two zinc plates. The silver plate is roughened and covered with a coating of metallic platinum, in the condition known asplatinum black. (See Platinum Black.) This cell was formerly extensively employed in tlectro-metallurgy but is now replaced by dynamo- tlectric -machines. (See Metallurgy, Electro. Machine, Dynamo-Electric. ) A zinc-carbon couple is sometimes used to re- place the zinc-silver couple. A couple of zinc- lead is also used, though not very advanta- geously. The Smee cell was one of the earliest forms of voltaic cells. In the zinc-silver couple the chemical reaction that takes place when the cell is furnishing current is as follows, viz. : Zn + H 8 SO 4 == ZnSO 4 + H 2 . The Smee cell gives an electromotive force of about .65 volt. Cell, Voltaic, Stand- ard A voltaic cell the electromotive force of which is constant, and Fig- 114. Smee Cell. which, therefore, may be used in the measure- ment of an unknown electromotive force. Absolute constancy of electromotive force is impossible to attain, but if the current of the standard cell is closed but for a short time the electromotive force may be regarded as practically invariable. Cell, Toltaic, Standard, Clark's The form of standard cell shown in Fig. 115. Latimer Clark's standard cell assumes a variety of forms. The H-form is arranged as shown in Fig. 115. The vessel to the left con- tains, at A, an amal- gam of pure zinc. The other vessel contains, at M, mercury covered with pure mercurous sulphate, Hg 8 SO 4 . Both vessels are then filled, above the level of the cross tube, with a saturated solution of zinc sulphate Z, Z, to which a few crystals of the same are added. Tightly fitting corks C, C, prevent loss by Fig. sij. Clark's Stand- evaporation. *rd Cell. The voltage of this cell in legal volts is 1.438 [i 0.00077 (* 15 degrees C.)](Ayrton.) The value t, is the temperature in degrees of the centigrade scale. Cell, Toltaic, Standard, Rayleigh's Form of Clark's A modified form of Clark's cell. \\ w Cel.] 90 [Cel. Lord Rayleigh's form of Clark's standard cell is shown in Fig. 116. The electrodes pass respect- ively through the bottom and top of the test tube of glass. On the lower electrode a layer of mer- cury, Hg, is placed. On this rests a layer of mercu- rous sulphate paste made sufficiently semi-fluid with a solution of zinc sulphate to form an approximately level surface. The zinc, Zn, is attached to the up- per electrode and is im- mersed in this semi-fluid paste. The mercurous sulphate appears to act to keep the mercury free from impuri- ties. The electromotive force j of this cell has been care- fully determined by Ray- Fig Ilt> Ray i eigh < s leigh. Its value in true Form of Clark's volts is : Standard Cell. E= 1.435 t 1 .00077 (t 15)] when t, is the temperature in degrees Centigrade. This cell is often called Clark's normal element. Cell, Voltaic, Standard, De la Rue's A form of silver-chloride cell. (See Cell, Voltaic, Silver-Chloride?) Cell, Voltaic, Stand- ard, Fleming's The form of standard cell shown in Fig. 117. The U-tube, Fig. 117, is connected, as shown, by means of taps, with two vessels filled with chemically pure solutions of copper sulphate of sp. gr. i.i at 15 degrees C., and zinc sulphate of sp. gr. 1.4 at 15 degrees C. respectively. To use the cell the zinc rod Zn, con- nected with a wire pass- ing through a rubber stopper, is placed in the left-hand branch. The tap A, is opened and the entire U-tube is filled with the denser zinc sulphate solution. The tap at C, is then opened, and the liquid in the right-hand branch above the tap is discharged into the lower vessel, but, from this part only. The tap C, is then closed, and the tap B, opened, and the lighter copper sulphate allowed to fill the right-hand branch above the tap C. The copper rod Cu, fitted to a rubber stopper and connected with a con- ducting wire, is then placed in the copper solution. Tubes are provided at L and M, for the recep- tion of the zinc and copper rods when not in use. The copper rod is prepared for use by freshly electro-plating it with copper. The electro- motive force of this cell is 1.074 volts. If the line of demarkation between the two liquids is not sharp, the arms of the vessels are emptied, and fresh liquid is run in. Cell, Voltaic, Standard, Lodge's A form of standard Daniell cell. Lodge's standard cell is shown in Fig. 118. Through the tube T, in a wide mouthed bottle, is passed the glass tube, in the mouth of which is placed a zinc rod. To the bottom of the tube T, a small test-tube t, containing crystals of cop- per sulphate, is fastened by means of a string or rubber band. The uncovered end of a gutta-percha insulated copper wire projects at the bottom of t, through a tube in a tightly fitting cork, and forms the copper electrode. The bottle is partly filled as shown with a solution of zinc sulphate. The internal resistance of this cell is so high that it is only employed in the use of zero methods with a condenser. Cell, Voltaic, Standard, Sir William Thomson's - A form of standard Daniell cell. Fig. 118. Lodges Form of Daniell' s Cell. Fig. 117. Fleming's Standard Cell. Fig. 1 19. Thomson's Form of Daniell' s Cell. Sir Wm. Thomson's standard cell is shown in Fig.' 119. A zinc disc is placed at the bottom of the Cel.] 1 cylindrical vessel and a solution of zinc sulphate 01 tp. gr. 1.2 poured over it. By means of the funnel F, a half-saturated solution of copper sulphate is carefully poured over this and floats on it owing to its smaller density. The electro, motive force of this cell is 1.072 true -volts at 15 degrees C. Cell, Voltaic, Standardizing a De- cermining the exact value of the electromotive force of a voltaic cell, in order to enable it to be used as a standard in determining the electromotive force of any other electric source. Cell, Toltaic, Two-Fluid A term sometimes employed in place of double-fluid cell. (See Cell, Voltaic, Double-Fluid) Cell, Toltaic, Water A voltaic cell in which the exciting liquid is merely water. Any voltaic couple can be used, the positive element of which is acted on by water. (See Battery, Voltaic.) Cell, Toltaic, Zinc-Carbon A cell in which zinc and carbon form the posi- tive and negative elements respectively. A name sometimes given to the bichro- .nate cell. Cell, Toltaic, Zinc-Copper A cell in which zinc and copper form the posi- tive and negative elements respectively. Cell, Toltaic Zinc-Lead A zinc- lead couple sometimes used, though not very advantageously, to replace the zinc-silver couple in a Smee cell. (See Cell, Voltaic, Smee) Cells, Coupled A number of sep- arate cells connected in any way so as to (orm a single source. Cells, Toltaic, Series-Connected A number of separate voltaic cells connected in series so as to form a single source. (See Circuit, Series) Cement-Lined Conduit (See Conduit. Cement-Lined) Cements, Insulating Various mixtures of gums, resins and other substances, possessing the ability to bind two or more 4 Vol. 1 [Chm substances together and yet to eleL-traally in- sulate one from the other. Centi. (As a prefix) The one-hundredth part of. Centi-Ampe're. One-hundredth of an am- pere. Centi-AmpSre Balance. (See Balance, Centi-Ampere) Centigrade Thermometer Scale. (See Scale, Centigrade Thermometer) i Centigramme. The hundredth of a gramme One centigramme equals 0.1544 grains avoir- dupoise. (See Weights and Measures, Metric System of.) Centilitre. The hundredth of a litre. One centilitre equals 0.6102 of a cubic inch. (See Weights and Measures, Metric System of.) Centimetre. The hundredth of a metre. One centimetre equals 0.3937 inch. (See Weights and Measures, Metric System of.) Centimetre-Gramme-Second TJnits. (Se Units, Centimetre-Gramme-Second) Central Galvanization. (See Galvaniza- tion, Central) Central Station. (See Station, Central) Central Station Burglar Alarm. (See Alarm, Burglar, Central Station) Central Station Lighting. (See Light- ing, Electric Central Station) Centre of Gravity. (See Gravity, Centre Centre of Oscillation. (See Oscillation, Centre of) Centre of Percussion. (See Percussion, Centre of) Centrifugal Force. (See Force, Centrtfu* gal) Centrifugal Governor. (See Governor. Centrifugal) Chain Lightning. (See Lightning, Chain) Chain, Linked Magnetic and Electric A chain of three links, the separate links of which consist of the primary circuit, Cha.j /Cha, the magnetic circuit, and the secondary cir- cuit respectively, of an induction coil. The conception of a linked magnetic and elec- tric chain, in studying the action of an induction cofl, was first developed by Kapp. A linker 1 magnetic and electric chain is shown in Fig. 120. Fig. 1 20. Linked Magnetic and Electric Chain. li, in such a case, the magnetic core or circuit is of varying magnetization, when one of the electric circuits has a periodic current passed through it, the various phenomena of the induction cofl are produced. (See Coil, Induction.) Chain, Molecular A polarized chain of molecules that is supposed to exist in an electrolyte during its electrolytic decomposi- tion, or in a voltaic cell on closing its circuit. (See Hypothesis, Grotthus.) Chain Pull. (See Pull, Cham.) Chamber, Armature The armature bore. (See Bore. Armature?) Chamber of Lamp. (See Lamp, Cham- ber of.) Change, Chemical Any change hi matter resulting from atomic combination and the consequent formation of new mole- cules. Some chemical changes are caused by atomic combinations and the formation of new molecules. They are necessarily attended by ? loss of the spe- cific identity of the substances involved in the change. Thus carbon, a black solid, combined with sulphur, a yellow solid, produces carbon disulphide, a colorless, odorous liquid. (See Atom.) Change, Physical Any change hi matter resulting from a change in the relative position of its molecules, without the forma- tion of new molecules. Ice, when heated, is turned into water; steel, when stroked by a magnet, is rendered perma- nently magnetic; a piece of vulcanite or hard rubber stroked by a piece of cat skin becomes electrified. In all these cases, which are'instances of physical changes, the substances retain their specific identity, This is true in all cases of phys- ical changes. (See Molectile.) Changing-over Switch. (See Switch, Changing-over^ Changing Switch. (See Switch, Chang- ing.) Characteristic Curre. (See Curve, Characteristic) Characteristic Curve of Parallel Trans- former. (See Curve, Characteristic, of Parallel Transformer?) Characteristic Curve of Series Trans- former. (See Curve, Characteristic, of Series Transformer^ Characteristics of Sound. (See Sound, Characteristic of.) Charge , Bound The condition of an electric charge -on a conductor placed near another conductor, but separated from it by a med r um through which electrostatic induc- tion can take place. (See Induction, Elec- trostatic) When a charged conductor is placed near an- other conductor, but separated from it by a di- electric or medium through which induction can take place, a charge of the opposite name is in- duced in the neighboring conductor. This charge is so held or bound on the conductor by the mu- tual attraction of the opposite charge that it is not discharged on connection with the earth unless both conductors are simultaneously touched by any good conductor. The bound charge was formerly called dissimulated or latent electricity. (See Electricity, Dissimulated or Latent.) Charge, Density of The quantity of electricity per unit of area at any point on a charged surface. Coulomb used the phrase surface density to mean the quantity of electricity per unit of area at any point on a surface. Charge, Dissipation of The gradual but final loss of any charge by leakage, which occurs even in a well insulated conductor. This loss is more rapid with negatively charged conductors, than with those positively charged. Crookes, of England, has retained a charge on conductors for years, without appreciable leakage, by placing the conductors in vessels in which a kigh vacuum was maintained. (See Vacuum, High.) Charge, Distribution of The vari- ations that exist in the density of an electrical charge at different portions of the surface of all insulated conductors except spheres. The density of charge varies at different points of the surface of conductors of various shapes. It is uniform at all points on the surface of a sphere. It is greater at the extremities of the longer axis of an egg-shaped body, and greatest at the sharper end. It is greater at the corners of a cube than at the middle of a side. It is greatest around the edge of a circular disc. It is greatest at the apex oi a cone Charge, Electric The quantity of electricity that exists on the surface of an in- sulated electrified conductor. When such a conductor is touched by a good conductor connected with the earth, it is dis- charged. (See Condenser.) Charge, Free The condition of an electric charge on a conductor isolated from any other conductor. It is impossible to obtain a perfectly free charge, since it is impossible to complete^ isclate an insulated conductor. The charge, however, can be comparatively free. The charge, on a completely isolatea conductor readily leaves it when it is put in contact with a good conductor connected with the ground. (See Charge, Bound.) Charge, Induced Electrostatic The charge produced by bringing a body Into an electrostatic fiel In order to obtain a permanent charge, /. e., a charge which will be maintained when the body is withdrawn from an electrostatic field, it is nec- essary to connect the body with the earth so that it may lose, or'part with, a charge of the same name as the inducing charge. Then, on the with- drawal of this charge, it will possess a charge op- posite in name to the inducing charge. (See Condenser.) Charge, Influence A charge pro- [ClUL duced by electrostatic induction. (See / duction, Electrostatic) Charge, Negative According to the double-fluid hypothesis, a charge of negative electricity. According to the single-fluid hypothesis, any deficit of an assumed electrical fluid. Charge, Positive According to the double-fluid hypothesis, a charge of positive electricity. According to the single-fluid hypothesis, any excess of an assumed electrical fluid. Charge, Residual The charge pos- sessed by a charged Leyden jar for a few moments after it has been disruptively dis- charged by the connection of its opposite coatings. The residual charge is probably due to a species of dielectric strain, or a strained position of the molecules of the glass caused by the charge. Such residual charge is not present in air con. densers. In other words, a Leyden jar does not give up all the electric energy charged in r;, on a Single disruptive discharge. Charge, Return A charge induced in neighboring conductors by a discharge oi lightning. Under the influence of induction a lightning stroke produces during its discharge an electric shock in the human body, or a charge in neigh- boring bodies, which is called the back or re- turn stroke of lightning. (See Stroke^ Light- ning, Back or Return.) Charged Body. (See Body, Charged) Charging Accumulators. Sending an electric current into a storage battery for the purpose of rendering it an electric source. There is, strictly speaking, no accumulation of electricity in a storage battery, such, for example, as takes place in a condenser, but a mere storage of chemical energy s which may afterward become electric. (See Cell, Storage.) Charging Leyden Jars by Cascade. (See Cascade, Charging Leyden Jars by) Chart, Inclination A map or chart on which the isoclinic lines are marked. (See Map or Chart t Inclination. Lines. Cluu] 94 [Chr. Chart, Isodynamic A map or chart on which the isodynamic lines are marked. (See Map or Chart, Isodynamic. Lines, Isodynamic?) Chart, Isogonal An isogonic chart. (See Map or Chart, Isogonal.) Chart, Isogonic A map or chart on which the isogonic lines are marked. (See Map or Chart, Isogonic. Lines, Isogonic?) Chatterton's Compound. (See Com- pound, Chatterton 's.) Chemical Change. (See Change, Chem- ical?) Chemical Effect. (See Effect, Chemical?) Chemical Equivalent. (See Equivalent, Chemical?) Chemical Galvano-Cantery. (See Cau- tery, Galvano-Chemical?} Chemical Phosphorescence. (See Phos- phorescence, Chemical?) Chemical Photometer. (See Photometer, Chemical?) ' Chemical Potential Energy. (See En- ergy, Chemical Potential?) Chemical Recorder, Bain's (See Recorder, Chemical, Bains?) Chemistry, Electro That branch of electric science which treats of chemical compositions and decompositions effected by the electric current. (See Electrolysis, De- composition, Electrolytic?) That branch of chemistry which treats of combinations and decompositions by means of electricity. Electro-chemistry treats of the formation of new molecules, by the combination of atoms under the electric force, as well as the decomposition of molecules by electricity. The action of a series of sparks passed through air, in forming nitric acid, is an instance of the former, and electrolytic decompositions in gen- eral afford instances of the latter. Chimes, Electric Bells rung by the attractions and repulsions of electrostatic charges. The bells B and B, Fig. 121, are conductively connected to \hefrime or positive conductor -4-, of a frictional machine. The bell C, is insulated from this conductor by means of a silk thread, but is connected with the ground by the metallic chain. Under these circumstances the clappers, 1, 1, insu- lated by silk threads, t, t, are attracted to B, B, by an induced charge and repelled to C, where they lose their charge only to be again attracted to B. B. In this way the bells will con- tinue ringing as long Fig, lit. Electric Chimes. as the electric ma- chine is in operation. Choking Coil. (See Coil, Choking?) Chronograph, Electric An elec- tric apparatus for automatically measuring and registering small intervals of time. Chronographs, though of a variety of forms, generally register small intervals of time by causing a tuning fork or vibrating bar of steel, whose rate of motion is accurately known, to trace a sinuous line on a smoke-blackened sheet of paper, placed on a cylinder driven at a uni- form rate of motion by clockwork. If the fork is known to produce, say, 256 vibrations per second be used, each sinuous line will represent 567 part of a second. Fig. 122. Electric Chronograph. An electro-magnet is used to make -marks on the line at the beginning and the end of the observation, and thus permit its duration to be measured. In the form of electric chronograph shown Clir.] 95 [Cir. in Fig. 122, an electro-magnet, the armature of which carries a pen, is supported on a carriage moved by clockwork over a sheet of paper wrapped on a rotating cylinder. A clock is so connected with the circuit of the electro-magnet that it makes or breaks the circuit at the end of every second second, and so moves, or displaces, the armature, as to cause an elevation or depres- sion in the otherwise continuous sinuous line, that would be drawn on the paper by the double motion of its rotation and the movement of the pen-carriage. When it is desired to know with great precision the exact time of occurrence of any event, such, for example, as the transit of a star over the meridian, the observer, who carries in his hand a push button, or other form of electric key, closes or opens the circuit at the exact moment and so superposes an additional mark on the sinuous line. Since the exact time of starting the clock is known, and the intervals between the regular successive marks are two seconds each, it is easy to estimate from its position between any two such marks the exact value of the additional mark inter- posed. Fig. 122, taken from Young, shows a form of chronograph by Warner & Swasey. The de- tails of this apparatus will be understood from an inspection of the drawing. Chronograph Record. (See Record, Chronograph .) Chronoscope, Electric An appa- ratus for electrically indicating, but not necessarily recording, small intervals of time. This term is often used for chronograph. The interval of time required for a rifle ball to pass between two points may be determined by causing the ball to pierce two wire screens placed a known distance apart. As the screens are successively pierced, an electric circuit is thus made or broken, and marks are registered electrically on any apparatus moving with a known velocity. Cigar-Lighter, Electric (See Lighter, Cigar, Electric?) Cipher Code. (See Code, Cipher!) Circle, Azimuth The arc of a great circle passing through the point of the heavens directly overhead, called the Zenith, and the point directly beneath, called the Nadir. Circle, Dipping A term some- times applied to an inclination compass. (See Compass, Inclination?) Circle, Galvanic A term some- times used for galvanic circuit. (See Circuit, Galvanic?) Circle of Reference. The circle, by refer- ence to which simple harmonic motion may be studied, by comparison with uniform mo- tion around such circuit. (See Motion, Simple Harmonic?) Circle, Voltaic A name formerly employed for voltaic cell or circuit. (See Cell, Voltaic. Circuit, Voltaic?) Circuit, Air-Magnetic That part of the path of a line of magnetic induction which takes place wholly through air. Circuit, Alternating Current A circuit in which an alternating current of electricity is flowing. (See Current, Alter- nating?) Circuit, Astatic A circuit consist- ing of two closed curves enclosing equal sur- faces. Such a circuit is not deflected by the action of the earth's field. The circuit dis- > posed, as shown in Fig. 123, is astatic and . produces two equal ' and opposite fields at S and S'. (See Mag. A 1 Ci | o +j s' " I B Fig. 123. Astatic Circuit. netism, Ampere's Theory of.) Circuit, Balanced-Metallic A me- tallic circuit, the two sides of which have similar electrical properties. Circuit Breaker. (See Breaker, Circuit?) Circuit, Broken An open circuit. A circuit, the electrical continuity of which has been disturbed, and through which the current has therefore ceased to pass. Circuit, Closed A circuit is closed, completed, or made when its conducting continuity is such that the current can pass. Circuit, Closed Iron-Magnetic The name applied to the path of any line dr.] 96 [Cir. of magnetic force, which takes place entirely through iron, steel, or other paramagnetic sub- stance. Circuit, Closed-Loop Parallel A variety of parallel circuit in which the lead and the return circuit are arranged in the form of concentric circuits, with the recep- tive devices placed radially between them, Circuit, Closed-Magnetic A mag- netic circuit which lies wholly in iron or other substance of high magnetic permeability. All lines of magnetic force form closed circuits. The term closed -magnetic circuit is used in con- tradistinction to a divided circuit, or one in which an air gap exists in the substance of high mag- Fig. 124. Closed-Magnetic Circuit. netic permeability forming the remainder of the circuit. This introduces so high a resistance that such a circuit is sometimes called an open-mag- netic circuit. An iron ring, such as shown in Fig. 124, forms a closed-magnetic circuit. Circuit, Closed-Magnetic, of Atom A closed-magnetic circuit, or closed lines of magnetic force supposed to lie entirely in the atom itself. The assumption of closed lines of magnetic force in atoms or molecules was made in order to explain the original polarity of the same, and to account for some of the other phenomena of magnetism. When the atom is subjected to a magnetizing force, such, for example, as the field of an electric current, these closed lines of force are assumed to open out and produce lines of polarized atoms. According to Lodge, for every single line of force produced by the current passing through a coil of wire surrounding an iron core, some 3,000 lines of magnetic force are added to it from the iron. Therefore an iron core greatly increases the magnetic strength of a hollow coil of wire. Circuit, Closed-Magnetic, of Molecule A closed-magnetic circuit assumed to lie wholly within the molecule. As it is not known whether the assumed mag- netic circuit lies within the atom or the molecule, it is called indifferently the closed-atomic or closed-molecular circuit. (See Circuit, Closed- Magnetic^ of Atom.} Circuit, Completed A closed circuit. A circuit, the conducting continuity of which is unbroken. A completed circuit is also called a made or closed circuit. Circuit, Compound A circuit con- taining more than a single source, or more than a single electro-receptive device, or both, connected by conducting wires. The term compound circuit is sometimes ap- plied to a series circuit. (See Circuit, Series.) The term, however, is a bad one, and is not generally adopted. Circuit, Constant-Current A cir- cuit in which the current or number of am- peres is maintained constant notwithstanding changes occurring in its resistance. The series-circuit, as maintained for arc-lamps, is a constant-current circuit. (See Regulation, Automatic.') Circuit, Constant-Potential A circuit, the potential or number of volts of which is maintained approximately constant. The multiple-arc or parallel circuit is an ap- proximately constant-potential circuit. Circuit, Derivative A derived or shunt circuit. (See Circuit, Shunt.) Circuit, Derived A term applied to a shunt circuit. If, in addition to the galva- nometer G, the conductor S, Fig. 125, be connected with the circuit of the battery B, a derived circuit will thus be established, and a current will flow through S, diminishing tf ' J2S ' the current in the galvanom- eter. (See Circuit, Shunt.) Derived Circuit. dr.] Circuit, Divided-Magnetic A magnetic circuit which lies partly in iron, or other substance of high magnetic perme- ability, and partly in air. A divided-magnetic circuit is shown in Fig. 126. 97 Fig, 1 2b. Divided Magnetic Circuit. Where the iron ring is separated by the air gap, a high magnetic resistance is introduced, owing to the fact that the iron is at these points replaced by air, whose magnetic reluctance is great. Circuit, Double-Wire A term sometimes used for a simple multiple circuit with two conductors or wires. (See Circuit, Multiple^ The term double-wire circuit is used in contra- distinction to single-wire circuit. (See Circuit, Single- Wire.) Circuit, Earth A circuit in which the ground or earth forms part of the con- ducting path. Circuit, Earth, Telegraphic That portion of a telegraphic circuit which is completed through the earth or ground. Circuit, Electric The path in which electricity circulates or passes from a given point, around or through a conducting path, back again to its starting point. All simple circuits consist of the following parts, viz.: (I.) Of an electric source which may be a voltaic battery, a thermopile, a dynamo-electric machine, or any other means for producing elec- tricity. (2.) Of leads or conductors for carrying the electricity out from the source, through whatever apparatuses placed in the line, and back again to the source. (3.) Various electro-receptive devices, such as electro-magnets, electrolytic baths, electric motors, electric heaters, etc., through which [Cir. passes the current by which they are actuated ot operated. Circuit, Electrostatic The circuit formed by lines of electrostatic force. Lines of electrostatic force, like lines of mag- netic force, form closed circuits. Hence the origin of the phrase electrostatic circuit. (See Force, Electrostatic, Lines of.) Circuit, External That part of a circuit which is external to, or outside the elec trie source. The circuit external to the source consists of two distinct parts, viz. : (I.) The conductors or leads. (2 ) The electro-receptive or translating de- vices. It is in the external circuit only that useful work is done by the current. Circuit, Forked A term sometimes used in telegraphy for a number of circuits that radiate from a given central point. Circuit, Galvanic A term some- times employed instead of voltaic circuit. The term galvanic in place of voltaic is unwar- ranted by the facts of electric science. (See Cir- cuit, Voltaic.) Galvani thought he had discovered the vital fluid or source of animal life. Volta first pointed out the true explanation of the phenomena ob- served in Galvani's frog, and devised means for producing electricity in this manner. The terms voltaic battery, cell, circuit, etc., are there- fore preferable. Circuit, Ground A circuit in which the ground forms part of the path through which the current passes. As the ground is not always a good conductor, the terminals should be connected with the gas or water pipes, or with metallic plates, called ground plates. Such connection, or any similar ground connection, is usually termed the ground or earth. Circuit, Ground, Telegraphic An earth circuit used in any system of telegra- phy. (See Circuit, Earth, Telegraphic?) Circuit, Grounded A ground cir- cuit. Circuit, Incomplete An open oi broken circuit. Cir.j A circuit whose conducting continuity is incomplete. Circuit, Inductive Any circuit in which induction takes place, Circuit, Internal That part of a circuit which is included within the electric source. The alectric current passing through the inter- nal circuit does no useful work. Circuit, Leg of One part of a twisted or metallic circuit. Circuit, Line The wire or other conductors in the main line of any telegraphic or other electric circuit. Circuit, Line, Telegraphic The conductor or line connecting different tele- graphic stations. Circuit, Local-Battery The cir- cuit, in a telegraphic system, in which is placed a local battery as distinguished from a main battery. (See Telegraphy, American or Morse System of.) Circuit, Loop A term sometimes applied to a circuit in parallel or multiple-arc. (See Circuit, Multiple?) Circuit Loop Break. (See Break, Circuit Loop?) Circuit, Made A completed circuit. A circuit, whose conducting continuity is unbroken. A made circuit is often called a completed or closed circuit. (See Circuit ', Closed.) Circuit, Magnetic The path through which the lines of magnetic force pass. All lines of magnetic force form closed circuits. 98 [Cir. Fig. 127. Magnetic Circuit. In the bar magnet, shown in Fig. 127, part of this path is through the air. In order to reduce or lower the resistance of a magnetic circuit, iron is often placed around the magnet. The magnet is then said to be iron-clad. The armature of a magnet lowers the magnetic resistance by affording a better path for the lines of magnetic force than the air between the poles. The magnetic circuit always tries to shorten its path, or to render itself as compact as possible. This is seen in the action of an armature drawn towards a magnet pole. Circuit, Main-Battery A term sometimes used for line circuit. (See Circuit, Line.) Circuit, Metallic A circuit in which the ground is not employed as any part of the path of the current, metallic conductors being employed throughout the entire circuit. Circuit, Multiple A compound cir- cuit, in which a number of separate sources or separate electro-receptive devices, or both, have all their positive poles connected to a single positive lead or conductor, and all their negative poles to a single negative lead or conductor. The connection of three Bunsen cells, in mul. tiple, is shown in Fig. 128, where the three car- Fig. 128. Batteries connected in a Multiple Circuit. bons, C, C, C, are connected together so as to form the positive, or -J- terminal of the battery, and the three zincs, Zn, Zn, Zn, are similarly con- nected together so as to form the negative, or terminal. The electromotive force is the same as that of a single cell, or source. The internal resistance of the source is as much less than the resistance ot any single source as the area of the combined negative or positive plates is greater than that of any single negative or positive plate ; or, in othet words, is less in proportion to the number of cells, or other separate sources so coupled. The connection of six cells in multiple or parallel circuit, is shown in Fig. 129. ir.J 99 [Cir. In the case of the six cells, the current would be, where E, is the electromotive force, r, the in- ternal, and r', the external resistance. Fig. 129. &'* Cells Connected in Multiple. In the case of voltaic cells the effect of multiple connection on the internal resistance of the source is to increase the area of cross-section of the liquid in the direct proportion of the number of cells added, and consequently to decrease the re- sistance in the same proportion. When strong or large currents of low electro- motive force are required, connections in multi- ple-arc are generally employed. The multiple-arc connection was formerly called connection-far -quantity. This term is now abandoned. The total -resistance for the parallel circuit is obtained as follows: calling the separate resist- ances of the separate electro-receptive devices, R', R", R"', etc., etc., etc., total resistance, p _ R' X R" X R'" R' R" -f- R" R'" 4- R' R'" or, what is the same thing, the conductivity is the sum of the reciprocal of the separate resistances, '. e. : III Conductivity = -pr- + -pir -f- ?><- The joint resistance of only two separate resist- ances joined in a multiple-circuit is equal to the product of the separate resistances divided by their sum. When the separate resistances joined in multiple arc are all of the same value, the joint resistance is equal to the resistance of one of them divided by their number. A term often (See Circuit, Mul- Circuit, Multiple-Arc used for multiple circuit. ttjfr.] Circuit, Multiple-Series A com- pound circuit in which a number of separate sources, or separate electro-receptive devices, or both, are connected in a number of sepa- rate groups in series, and these separata groups subsequently connected in multiple. In Fig. 130, a multiple-series circuit of six ._ c \ J Fig. 130. Multiple~Series-Connected Cells. sources is shown, in which three separate groups of two series-connected cells are coupled in multi. pie. The current takes the paths indicated by the arrows. The electromotive force of the source will be increased in proportion to the number of cells in series, and the internal resistance de- creased in proportion to the number in parallel. Fig. 131. Cells Connected in Multiple- Series. -J!L+r'. 2 In Fig. 131, six cells are arranged in two groups of three series-connected cells, and these three groups connected in parallel. Calling r, the resistance of each separate cell, the total resistance for the multiple-series circuit for a circuit containing three cells in parallel and two in series is, R 2r T for three in series and two in parallel, If, therefore, the circuit of this battery be closed by a resistance equal to r, the current would be in the case of Fig. 130, 2E Cir.] 100 [Cir. Circuit, Negative Side of The side ot a circuit opposite to the positive side. (See Circuit, Positive Side of.) That side or half of a circuit connected to or leading from the positive terminal of the source of CNrrent. Circuit, Open A broken circuit. A circuit, the conducting continuity of which is broken. Circuit, Open-Iron Magnetic The path of a line of magnetic induction, which passes partly through iron, and partly through an air space. The magnetic circuit is always closed, that is the lines of magnetic force always form closed paths. The term "open" is used in contradis- tinction only to "closed " iron magnetic circuit, in which the entire path of a line of force passes through iron. (See Circuit, Magnetic.) Circuit, Parallel A name some- times applied to circuits connected in mul- tiple. (See Circuit, Multiple!) Circuit, Parallel-Tree A form of parallel circuit in which the receptive devices are placed in parallel between the leads and returns, and the branches and sub-branches arranged in a tree-like form. Circuit, Positive Side of That side of a circuit, bent in the form of a circle, in which, if an observer stood with his head in the positive region, he would see the current pass round him from his right hand towards his left. (Daniell) Circuit, Recoil A term sometimes applied to the circuit that lies in the alterna- tive path of a discharge. (See Path, Alter- native?) Circuit, Return That part of a circuit by which the electric current returns to the source. In a multiple-circuit the lead that is con- nected to the negative terminals of the separate' sources. Circuit, Series A compound cir- cuit in which the separate sources, or the sep- arate electro-receptive devices, or both, are so placed that the current produced in each, or passed through each, passes successively through the entire circuit from the first to the last. The six cells, shown in Fig. 132, are connected in series by joining the positive pole of each cell with the negative pole of the succeeding cell, the negative and positive poles at the extreme ends Fig. 132. Series Circuit. being connected by conductors with the external circuit. The connection of three Leclanche" cells ut series is clearly shown in Fig. 133. The carbons, C +,. C+ Fig. 133. Voltaic Cells Connected in Series. C, C, of the first and second cells are connected to the zincs, Zn, Zn, of the second and third cells, thus leaving the zinc, Zn, of the first cell, and the carbon, C, of the third cell, as the terminals of the battery. The direction of. the current is shown by the arrows. The resistance of such a connection is equal to the sum of the resistances of all of the separate sources. The electromotive force is equal to the sum of the separate electromotive forces. If the electromotive force of a single cell is equal to E, its internal resistance to r, and the resistance of the leads and electro-receptive d- vices to r', then the current in the circuit, C- - F+7" If six of such cells are coupled in series, the cur- rent becomes _6E_ ~~6r + r'' If, however, the internal resistance of each cell be so small as to be neglected, the formula becomes C = 5 Cir.] 101 [Cir. or the current is six times as great as with one cell. The total resistance of the separate sources or electro-receptive devices of the series circuit is as follows, calling R', R", R'", etc., the separate resistance and R, the total resistance, R = R' +R" -f-R'", etc. The series connection of battery cells is used on telegraph lines, where a high electromotive force is required in order to overcome a consider. able resistance in the circuit, or in similar cases where the resistance in the external circuit is great, on account of a number of electro-receptive devices being connected to the line in series. The series connection was formerly called connection for intensity. The term is now aban- doned. Circuit, Series-Multiple -- A com- pound circuit, in which a number of separate sources, or separate electro-receptive devices, or both, are connected in a number of sepa- rate groups in multiple-arc, and these sepa- rate groups subsequently connected in series. In the series- multiple circuit the resistance of each multiple group is equal to the resistance of a single branch divided by the number of branches. If, for example, r, is the resistance of each sepa- rate branch of say seven parallel circuits in each of the separate groups of multiple circuits, then the resistance, R, of each separate multiple group is The total resistance of the series-multiple cir- cuit is equal to the sum of the resistances of the separate multiple groups. The total resistance of the three groups is R = - + I + L = J1L. 7777 An example of the series-multiple circuit is shown in Fig. 134, which is the method adopted F'g- 134- Series-Multii>le Circuit. in the use of distribution boxes. Here a number c multiple -groups or circuits are connected with each other in series, as shown. (See Box, Dis- tribution, for Arc Light Circuits. ) Circuit, Short A shunt, or by-path. of comparatively small resistance, around the poles of an electric source, or around any portion of a circuit, by which so much of the current passes through the new path, as vir- tually to cut out the part of the circuit around which it is placed, and so prevent it from re- ceiving an appreciable current. Circuit, Shunt A branch or add* tional circuit provided at any part of a cir- cuit, through which the current branches or divides, part flowing through the original cir- cuit, and part through the new branch. A shunt circuit is in multiple circuit with the circuit it shunts. In the case of branch circuits each of the cir- cuits acts as a shunt to the others. Any number of additional or shunt circuits may be thus pro- vided. (See Laws, J&rchhojfs.} Circuit, Simple A circuit containing a single electric source, and a single electro- receptive device, connected by a conductor. The term .simple circuit is sometimes applied to a multiple circuit. The term is not, however, a good one, and is not in general use. Circuit, Single- Wire A term some- times used for a grounded circuit. (See Circuit, Grounded?) The single-wire circuit is sometimes used in the distribution of incandescent lamps in multiple-arc. One pole of the dynamo is put to ground, and the other pole to a single wire or lead. The electro- receptive devices have one of their poles con. nected to this lead and the other pole to earth. The single-wire circuit is a very objectionable circuit so far as safety is concerned. It is frequently used,, however, in the wiring of ships. Circuit, Through A telephonic or telegraphic circuit that has been completed through to a given station by cutting out inter- ruptions or breaks in the line by the connec- tion together of sections of different wires. Circuit, Time-Constant of The time in which a current due to a constant electromotive force will rise in a conductor to a definite fraction of its maximum value. The rauo of the inductance of a circuit to its resistance. ' *** Cir.J 102 [Cle. The time required from the moment of closing the circuit, for a current to rise to a value equal to e I of the full value, or .632 of the maximum value. In the above, e, equals 2.71828, or the base of the Napierian system of logarithms. The time-constant is proportional to the con- ductivity of the circuit and its formal resistance. Approximately the time constant of a circuit is the time from closing the circuit, in which the current rises to two-thirds of its maximum value, this maximum value being determined by the E formula, C = . R Thetime-constant of a circuit may be reduced (i.) By decreasing the self-induction of the cir- cuit. (2.) By increasing the resistance. In the case of a magnetic conductor the time- constant is proportional to a quantity (the perme- ability) which is determined by the capacity of the conductor to utilize part of the energy in producing magnetization of its substance. (Flem- ing-) Circuit, Yoltaic The path through which the current flows out from a voltaic cell or battery, through the translating devices and back again to the cell or b-*tery. Circuits, Forked A term employed in telegraphy to indicate circuits that radiate from any single point. Forked circuits are employed in simultaneously transmitting messages to several stations. Circuits, Varieties of Conducting paths provided for the passage oT an electric current. Electric circuits may be divided, according to their complexity, into (i.) Simple. (2.) Compound. According to the peculiarities of their connec- tions, into (i.) Shunt or derived. (2.) Series. (3.) Multiple, multiple-arc or parallel. (4.) Multiple-series. (5.) Series-multiple. Either the circuits, the sources, or the electro- receptive devices may be connected in series, in multiple, in multiple-series or in series-multiple. According to their resistance, circuits are divided into (i.) High-resistance. (2.) Low-resistance. According to their relation to the electric source, into (I.) Internal circuits. (2.) External circuits. According to their position, or the work done, circuits are divided into very numerous classes; thus, in telegraphy, we have the following, viz.: (i.) The line -circuit. (2.) The earth or ground circuit. (3.) The local-battery circuit. (4.) The main -battery circuit, etc. Circular Bell. (See Bell, Circular) Circular Units. (See Units, Circular^ Circular Units (Cross-Sections), Table of (See Units, Circular (Cross- Sec- tions), Table of.) Clamp, Carbon A carbon clutch. (See Clutch, Carbon, of Arc Lamp) Clamp for Arc Lamps. A clamp for gripping the lamp-rod, /. e., the rod that sup- ports the carbon electrodes of arc lamps. (See Lamp, Electric, Arc) Clamp, Rod A carbon clutch. (See Clamp for Arc Lamps) Clark's Compound. (See Compound, Clark's) Clark's Standard Yoltaic Cell. (See Cell, Voltaic, Standard, Clark's) Clark's Standard Yoltaic Cell, Ray- leigh's Form of (See Cell, Voltaic, Standard, Ray leigh's Form of Clark's) Clay Electrode. (See Electrode, Clay) Cleansing, Fire The removal of grease from metallic articles, that are to be electro-plated, by subjecting them to the action of heat. This cleansing is for the purpose of obtaining a uniform, adherent coating. Clearance-Space. (See Stiace. Clearance) Cle.] 103 [CIo. Clearing-Out Drops. (See Drops, Clear- ing-Out^) Cleat, Crossing A cleat so arranged as to permit the crossing of one pair of wires under or over another pair without contact with each other. Cleat-Wiring. (See Wiring, Cleat.) Cleats, Electric Suitably shaped pieces of wood, porcelain, hard rubber or other non-conducting material used for fasten- ing and supporting electric conductors to ceilings, walls, etc. A simple form of wooden cleat is shown in 3S- Fig. 135. Wooden Cleat. Clepsydra, Electric An instrument for measuring time by the escape of water or Other liquid under electrical control. Climbers, Pole Devices employed by linemen for climbing wooden telegraph poles. A climber with straps for attachment to the leg and foot is shown in Fig. 136. Clip, Cable A term sometimes used for cable hanger. (See Hanger, Cabled) Clock, Electric A clock, the works of Which are moved, COn- Fig. 136. Climber and trolled, regulated or straps. wound, either entirely or partially, by the elec- tric current. Electric clocks may be divided into three classes, viz.: (i.) Those in which the works are moved en- tirely or partially by the electric current. (2.) Those which are controlled or regulated by the electric current. Fig. Controlling Clock. (3.) Those which are merely wound by the current. ' A clock moving independently of electric power is prevented from gain- ing or losing time, by means of a slight re- tardation or acceleration electrically imparted. The entire motion of the balance wheel is sometimes imparted by electricity. An example of one oi many forms of controll- ing electric clocks is shown in Fig. 137, where the split battery (See Battery, Split), P N, is connected, as shown, to the spring contacts S and S'. In this way currents are sent into the circuit in alternately opposite directions. The pendulum bob, Fig. 138, of the con. trolled clock is formed of a hollow coil of insu- lated wire, which encircles one or both of two permanent magnets, A and A', placed with their opposite poles facing each other. When the pendulum of the controlling clock is in the position shown in Fig. 137, the current passes in the direction E P Sn W, etc., and through the coil C, Fig. 138. When the pendulum of the controlling clock is in con- tact with S', the current flows through Wn S' N E, etc., and through the coil C in the opposite direc- tion. In this manner a slight motion forwards or backwards is imparted to the pendulum, which is thus kept in time with the controlling clock. Mercury contacts are sometimes employed in place of the springs S and S'. Induction currents may A. also be employed. Clocks of non-electric ac- Fig. 138. Controlled tion may be electrically Clock. controlled, or correctly set at certain intervals, either automatically by a central clock, or by the depression of a key operated by hand from an astronomical observatory. Clo.] In a system of time-telegraphy, the controlling clock is called the master clock, and the con- trolled clocks, the secondary clocks. Secondary clocks are generally mere dials, con- 104 [Clo. Fig. 139. Mechanism of Secondary Clock. taining step-by-step movements, for moving the hour, minute and second hands, as shown in Fig- 139- In Spellier's clock, a series of armatures H, Fig. 140, mounted on the circumference of a Fig. r 4.0. Spellier's Electric Clock. wheel, connected with the escapement wheel, pass successively, with a step-by-step movement, over the poles of electro-magnets. On the com- pletion of the circuit, they are attracted towards the magnet, and on the breaking of the circuit they are drawn away by the fall of the weight F, placed on the lever D, pivoted at E. A pulley at E, runs over the surface of a peculiarly shaped cog on the escapement wheel. Clock, Electric Annunciator A clock, the hands or works of which, at cer- tain predetermined times, make electric con- tacts and thus ring bells, release drops, trace records, etc. Clock, Electrical-Controlling In a system of time telegraphy, the master clock, whose impulses move or regulate the second- ary clocks. (See Clock, Electric?) Clock, Electrically-Controlled In a system of time telegraphy, a secondary clock, that is either driven or controlled by the master clock. (See Clock, Electric!) Clock, Electrolytic, Tesla's A time piece in which the rotation of the wheel work is obtained by the difference in weight of the two halves of a delicately pivoted and well- balanced wheel placed in an electrolytic bath. In the electrolytic clock of Nikola Tesla, a deli- cately formed and balanced disc of copper is sup- ported on a horizontal axis at right angles to the shortest distance between the two electrodes, and placed in a bath of copper sulphate. Its two halves become respectively electro-positive and electro-negative when a current is passed through the bath, and consequently metal is deposited on one half and dissolved from the other half. The rotation of the disc under the influence of gravity is caused to mark time. An electrolytic clock could therefore be made to answer roughly as an electric meter. Clock, Master The central or con- trolling clock in a system of electric time-dis- tribution, from which the time is transmitted to the secondary clocks in the circuit. (See Clock, Electric!) Clock, Secondary Any clock in a system of time telegraphy that is controlled by the master clock. (See Clock, Electric!) Clock, Self-Winding A clock that at regular intervals is automatically wound by the action of a small electro-magnetic motor contained within it. This motor is usually run by one or more vol- taic cells, concealed in the case of the clock. Closed-Circnit. (See Circuit, Closed!) Closed-Circuit Battery. (See Battery, Closed-Circuit!) Closed-Circuit, Single-Current/ Signal- ing (See Signaling, Single-Current, Closed-Circuit^ CIo.] 105 [Coe. Closed-Circuit Thermostat. (See Ther- mostat, Closed-Circuit) Closed-Circuit Voltaic Cell. (See Cell, Voltaic, Closed-Circuit) Closed-Circuit Voltmeter. (See Volt- meter, Closed-Circuit) Closed-Circuited. Placed in a closed or completed circuit. A voltaic battery, or other source, is closed-cir- cuited when its poles or terminals are electrically connected with each other. Closed-Circuited Conductor. (See Con- ductor, Closed-Circuited) Closed-Circular Current. (See Current, Closed- Circular) Closed-Coil Disc Dynamo-Electric Ma- chine. (See Machine, Dynamo-Electric, Closed-Coil Disc) Closed-Coil Drum Dynamo-Electric Ma- chine. (See Machine, Dynamo-Electric, Closed-Coil Drum) Closed-Coil Dynamo-Electric Machine. (See Machine, Dynamo-Electric, Closed- Coil) Closed-Coil Ring Dynamo-Electric Ma- chine. (See Machine, Dynamo-Electric, Closed-Coil Ring) Closed-Iron-Circuit Transformer. (See Transformer, Closed-Iron-Circuit) Closed-Loop Parallel-Circuit. (See Cir- cuit, Closed-Loop Parallel) Closed-Magnetic Circuit. (See Circuit, Closed-Magnetic) Closed-Magnetic Core. (See Cqre, Closed- Magnetic) Closure. The completion of an electric circuit. Cloth Discs, Carbonized, for High Re- sistances Discs of cloth carbonized by heating to an exceedingly high temperature in a vacuum, or out of contact with air. After carbonization the discs retain their flex- ibility and elasticity and serve admirably for high resistances. When piled together and placed in glass tubes, they form excellent variable resist* ances when subjected to varying pressure. Cluh-Footed Magnet. (See Magnet, Club-Footed) Clutch, Carbon, of Arc Lamp A clutch or clamp attached to the rod or other support of the carbon of an arc lamp, pro- vided for gripping or holding the carbon. (See Lamp, Electric Arc) Clutch Rod. (See Rod, Clutch) Coating, Metallic A covering or coating of metal, usually deposited from solutions of metallic salts by the action of an electric current . (See Plating, Electro) Coating of Condenser. A sheet of tin foil on one side of a Leyden jar or condenser, directly opposite a similar sheet on the other side for the purpose of receiving and collecting the opposite charges. (See Jar, Leyden. Condenser) Coatings of Leyden Jar. The sheets of tin foil or other conductor on the opposite sides of a Leyden jar or condenser. (See Jar, Leyden. Condenser) Code, Cipher A code in which a number of words or phrases are represented by single words, or by arbitrary words or syl- lables. The message thus received requires the posses- sion of the key to render it intelligible. Code,Telegraphic The pre-arranged signals of any system of telegraphy. (See Alphabet, Telegraphic. Alphabet, Tele- graphic, Morse's. Alphabet, Telegraphic, International Code) Co-efficient, Algebraic A number prefixed to any quantity to indicate how many times that quantity is to be taken. The number 3, in the expression 3a, is a co- efficient and indicates that the a, is to be taken three times, as a -j- a -f- a = 3a. Co-efficient, Economic, of a Dynamo- Electric Machine The ratio between the electrical energy, or the electrical horse- power of the current produced by a Hvnamo, and the mechanical horse-power expended in driving the dynamo. The economic co-efficient is usually called the efficiency. Coe.] The efficiency may be the commercial effi- ciency, which is the useful or available energy in the external circuit divided by the total mechan- ical energy; or it may be the electrical efficiency, which is the available electrical energy divided by the total electrical energy. The efficiency of conversion is the total elec- trical energy developed, divided by the total mechanical energy applied. If M, equals the mechanical energy, W, the useful or available electrical energy, and w, the electrical energy absorbed by the machine, and m, the stray power, or the power lost in friction, eddy currents, air friction, etc. Then, since 106 [Coi. The Commercial Efficiency - W_ W = ~M~~ - w-J-m The Electrical Efficiency W W + w The Efficiency of Conversion __ \V_4-_w_. W-f w M~~ w + w + m* Co-efficient of Electro-Magnetic Inertia. (See Inertia, Electro-Magnetic, Co-effi- cient of) Co-efficient of Expansion. (See Expan- sion, Co-efficient of) Co-efficient of Expansion, Linear (See Expansion, Linear, Co-efficient of) Co-efficient of Magnetic Induction. (See Induction, Magnetic, Co-efficient of) Co-efficient of Magnetization. (See Magnetization, Co-efficient of) Co-efficient of Mutual- Inductance. (See Inductance, Mutual, Co-efficient of) Co-efficient of Mutual-Induction. (See Induction, Mutual, Co-efficient of) Co-efficient of Self-Induction. (See In- duction, Self, Co-efficient of) Coercitive Force. (See Force, Coerci- tive) Coercive Force. (See Force, Coercive) Coil, Choking A coil of wire so Fig. 14.1. Choking- Coil. wound on a core of iron as to possess high self-induction. Choking-coils are used to obstruct or cut off an alternating current with a loss of power less than with the use of a mere ohmic resistance. Fig. 141 shows a choking-coil. It consists of a circular solenoid of insulated wire, wound on a core of soft iron wire. A thorough divis- ion of the core is obtained by forming it of coils of insulated iron wire. In this way, no eddy currents are produced in the coil. When a simple periodic electromotive force is applied to the terminals of such a coil, if the magnetic permeability of the coil is constant, a simple periodic current is produced, which lags be- hind the phase of the im- pressed electromotive force by a constant angle. If the impressed electromo- tive force is sufficiently great to more than satu- rate the core, the choking coil ceases to choke the current. The higher the periodicity the greater is the choking effect of a given coil, or the smaller the coil may be made to produce a given effect. Since an open -magnetic circuit requires a greater current to saturate it than a closed-mag- netic circuit, the complete throttling or choking power of such a coil is increased by forming its core of a closed magnetic circuit, i. e., of a circuit i n which there is no air space or gap . (See Circuit, Divided- Magnetic. Circuit, Closed- Magnetic.) Coil, Electric A convolution of in- sulated wire through which an electric current may be passed. (See Magnet, Electro.} The term coil is usually applied to a number of turns or to a spool of wire. Coil, Impedance A term sometimes applied to a choking-coil. (See Coil, Chok- ing.} Such a coil has a high self-induction. Its im- pedance is therefore high. (See Induction, Self. Impedance.} Coil, Induction An apparatus con* sisting of two parallel coils of insulated wire employed for the production of currents by mutual induction. (See Induction, Mutual. Induction, Electro-Dynamic.} CoL] 10 ," [Coi. A rapidly interrupted battery current, sent through a coil of wire called the primary coil, induces alternating currents in a coil of wire called the secondary coil. As heretofore made, the primary coil consists of a few turns of a thick wire, and the secondary coil of many turns, often thousands, of fine wire. Such coils are generally called Ruhmkorff coils, from the name of a celebrated manufacturer of them. In the form of Ruhmkorff coil, shown in Fig. 142, the primary wire, wound on a core formed Fig. 142. Ruhmkorff Coil. of a bundle of soft iron wires, has its ends brought out as shown at f, f. The fine wire, forming the secondary coil, is wrapped around an insulated cylinder of vulcanite, or glass, surrounding the primary coil. This wire is very thin, and in some coils is over one hundred miles in length. If the core of an induction coil were made solid it would heat considerably and therefore cause a loss of energy. The core is therefore laminated, usually by forming it of a bundle of soft iron wire. Too great a division of the core, however, is inadvisable, since, although the eddy currents therein are thereby avoided, yet, too great a division of the core acts practically so to decrease the magnetic permeability that the greatest efficiency cannot be obtained. The ends of the secondary coil are connected to the insulated pillars A and B. The primary current is rapidly broken by means of a mercury break, shown at L and M. The commutator, shown to the right and front of the base, is provided for the purpose of cutting off the current through the primary, or for chang- ing its direction. When a battery which produces a comparatively large current of but a few volts electromotive force is connected with the pri- mary, and its current rapidly interrupted, a torrent of sparks will pass between A and B, having an electromotive force of many thousands of times the number of volts of the primary cur- rent, but of a correspondingly smaller current strength. In such cases, excepting losses during conver. sign, the energy in the primary current, or C E, is equal to the energy in the secondary current, or C' E'. As much therefore as E', the electro- motive force of the secondary current, exceeds E, the electromotive force of the primary current, the current strength C', of the secondary, will b less than the current strength C, of the primary. This is approximately true only, and only in in. duction coils possessing a closed magnetic circuit. (See Transformer.'] Fig. 143 shows diagramatically the arrange- Fig. 143. Circuit Connections of Induction Coil. ment and connection of the different parts of an induction coil. The core II', consists of a bundle of soft iron wires, each of which is covered with a thin insu- lating layer of varnish or oxide. A primary wire P P, consisting of a few turns of comparatively thick wire, is wound around the. core, and a greater length of thin wire S S, is wound upon the primary. This is called the secondary. So as not to confuse the details of the figure it is repre- sented as a few turns. The terminals of the battery B, are connected to the primary wire, through the automatic inter- rupter, in the manner shown. It will be seen that the attraction of the core TI', for the vibrating armature H, will break contact at the point o, and cause a continued interruption of the battery current. The condenser cc', is connected ?s bl.wwn. It acts to diminish the sparking at the contact points on breaking contact, and thus, by making the battery current more sudden, to make its in ductive action greater. The reactions which take place when a simple Coi.] 108 [Coi. periodic electromotive force is impressed on the primary of an induction coil are substantially thus stated by J. A. Fleming : (i.) The application of a simple periodic im- pressed electromotive force produces a simple periodic current, moving under an effective elec- tromotive force of self-induction, and brings into existence a counter- electromotive force of self- induction, which cautes the primary current to kg behind, by an angle called the angle of lag. (2.) The field around the primary, and, there- fore, the induction through the secondary, is in consonance with the primary current, and the im- pressed electromotive force in the secondary is in quadrature with the primary current. (See Consonance. Quadrature, In.) (3.) The secondary-impressed electromotive force gives rise to a secondary current moving under an effective electromotive force and creat- ing a counter electromotive force of self-induc- tion. (4.) This secondary current reacts in its turn on the primary, and creates what is called the back electromotive force, or the reacting-induc- tive-electromotive force of the primary circuit. (5.) There is then a phase-difference between the primary and secondary-currents, and also be- tween the' primary-impressed electromotive force and the primary current If, as in Fig. 144, two electric circuits are Fig. 144. Electr-c and Magnetic Link. linked with a magnetic circuit, and a small periodic electromotive force be impressed on the primary, the following phenomena occur: (I.) A periodic primary current is set up in the primary circuit, which, though of the same periodic time as the impressed electromotive force, differs from it in phase. (2.) A wave of counter electromotive force is produced in the primary circuit by the inductive action, which does not coincide either with the impressed electromotive force, nor with the primary current. (3.) A wave of magnetization is produced in the iron core, which lacs behind the primary current by somewhat less than 90 degrees oi phase. (4.) A wave of impressed electromotive force is produced in the secondary circuit, due to and measured by the rate of change of magnetic in- duction in the core, and lagging 90 degrees, or more, behind the magnetization wave. (5.) A wave of secondary current, lagging be hind the secondary electromotive force in phase except where the circuit consists of a few turns o' conductor, or is connected with an external cu - cuit of practically no inductance. [Fleming.} Coil, Induction, Inverted An induction coil in which the primary coil is made of a long, thin wire, and the secondary coil of a short, thick wire. By the use of an inverted coil, a current of high electromotive force and comparatively small cur- rent strength, *'. <., but of few amperes, is con- verted or transformed into a current of compar- atively small electromotive force and large cur- rent strength. For advantages of this conversion see Electricity, Distribution of, by Alternating Currents. Inverted induction coils are called converters oe transformers. (See Transformer.} Coil, Induction, Medical An induction coil used for medical purposes. A form of induction coil used for medical pur poses is shown in Fig. 145. Fig. t4j. Medical Induction Gat. Coil, Induction, Microphone Alt induction coil, in which the variations in the circuit of the primary are obtained by means of microphone contacts. (See Microphotie^ The carbon -button telephone transmitter is a microphone in its action, its electric resistance varying with the varying pressure caused by the sound waves. The carbon-button is in the prim- ary circuit of an induction coil, variations t Coi.] 109 [Coi. primary of which, under the influence of the sound waves, produce corresponding variations in the currents induced in the secondary. Coil, Kicking- A term sometimes applied to a Choking-Coil. (See Coil, Chok- ing) The term kicking-coil has arisen from the fact that the impedance due to self-induction opposes the starting or stopping of the current somewhat in the manner of an opposing kick. Coil, Magnet A coil of insulated wire surrounding the core of an electro-mag- net, and through which the magnetizing cur- rent is passed. (See Magnet, Electro?) Coil, Primary - That coil or con- ductor of an induction coil or transformer, through which the rapidly interrupted or alter- nate inducing currents are sent. In the Ruhmkorff induction coil the primary coil consists of a comparatively short length of thick wire, the secondary coil being formed of a comparatively great length of fine wire. In the transformer or converter, the primary coil consists of wire that is longer and thinner than that in the secondary coil. In other words, the transformer or converter consists of an inverted induction coil. (See Coil, Induction. Trans- former. ) Coil, Reaction A magnetizing coil, surrounded by a conducting covering or sheathing, which opposes the passage of rapidly alternating currents less when directly over the magnetizing coil than when a short distance from it. A term often used for choking-coil. (See Coil, Choking.) Coil, Reaction, Balanced A coil employed in a system of distri- bution by means of transformers for maintaining a constant cur- rent in the sec- ondary Circuit, Fi S- I4<> Balanced-Reaction Coil. despite changes in the load placed therein. A balanced-reaction coil is shown in Fig. 146. A reaction coil is placed in the circuit of lamps in series in a constant potential system. The sheath- ing of this coil is maintained in a balanced position by the counter weight P, and the spring S. If now a lamp is extinguished in the circuit, the increase of current, due to decreased resistance, causes the sheath to be deflected, and, thus increasing the self-induction of the coil, reduces the lamp current to its normal value. Coil, Resistance A coil of wire of known electrical resistance employed for measuring resistance. In order to avoid self-induction and the mag- netizing effects of the coils on the needles of the galvanometer used in electric measurements, as well as the disturbing effects of self-induction, the wire of the resistance coil is doubled on itself before being wound, and its ends connected with the brass bars, E, E, Fig. 147. The inser- Fig. 147. Connections of Resistance Coils. tion of the plug-key cuts the coil out of the cir- cuit by short-circuiting. (See Box, Resistance. Bridge, Electric. Coil, Resistance, Standard.} The coils are made of German silver, or plati- noid, the resistance of which is not much affected by heat. Coil, Resistance, Standard A coil the resistance of which is that of the stand- ard ohm or some multiple or sub-multiple thereof. The standard ohm, as issued by the Electric Standards Committee of England, has the form shown in Fig. 148. The coil of wire is formed of an alloy of platinum and silver, insulated by silk covering and melted paraffine. Its ends are sol- dered to thick copper rods, r, r', for ready con- nection with mercury cups. The coil is at B. The space above it, at A, is filled with paraffine. A hole, at t, runs through the coil for the readv Coi.l no [Coi. insertion of a thermometer. The lower part of the coil, B, is immersed in water up to the shoul- der of A, and the water stirred from time to Fig. 14.8. Standard Ohm. time. Since the coil is heated by the current, sue- cessive observations should be at least ten minutes apart. Only mild currents should be passed through the coils. Coil, Resistance, Standardized - Resistance coils whose resistances have been carefully determined by comparison with a standard ohm or other standard coils. Coil, Ruhmkorff A term some- times applied to any induction coil, the secondary of which gives currents of higher electromotive force than the primary. (See Coil, Induction?) Coil, Secondary - That coil or con- ductor of an induction coil or transformer, in which alternating currents are induced by the rapidly interrupted or alternating currents in the primary coil. (See Coil, Induction. Transformer^) Coil, Shunt - A coil placed in a de- rived or shunt circuit. (See Circuit, Shunt) Coil, Spark A coil of insulated wire connected with the main circuit in a system of electric gas-lighting, the extra spark pro- Fig. I4Q. Spark Coil. duced on breaking the circuit of which is em- ployed for electrically igniting gas jets. Spark coils are employed where the number of gas jets to be simultaneously lighted is not too great. When this number exceeds certain limits, the spark from an induction coil is more ad van- tageously used. A spark coil is shown in Fig. 149. Coils, Armature, of Dynamo-Electric Machine The coils, strips or bars that are wound or placed on the armature core. To avoid needless resistance the wire, or othe* conductor, of the armature coils, should be as short and thick as will enable the desired electro- motive force to be obtained without excessive speed of rotation. The armature coils should enclose as many lines of force as possible (i. e., they should have as nearly a circular outline as possible). In drum-armatures, the breadth of the armature is frequently made nearly equal to its length, unless other considerations prevent. When the armature wire consists of rods or bars, it should be laminated or slit in planes parallel to the lines of force so as to avoid eddy currents. Other things being equal, the Fig. Jjo. Series Connection of Armature Coils. greater the number of coils, the more uniform the current generated. The separate coils should be symmetrically disposed; otherwise irregular in- duction, and consequent sparking at the commu- tator results. The coils of pole-armatures should be wound near the poles rather than on the middle of the cores. In order to avoid undue heating, spaces for air ventilation are not inadvisable. Various con- nections of the armature coils are used. In some machines all the coils are connected in a closed circuit. In some, the coils are independ- ent of one another, and, either for the entire revolution, or for part of a revolution, are on an open circuit. Coi.] Ill [Col. In alternating current dynamos in order to ob- tain the rapid reversals or alternations of current, which in some machines are as high as 12, coo per minute, a number of poles of alternate polar- ity are employed. The separate coils that are used on the armature may be coupled either in series or in multiple-arc. Where a comparatively low electromotive force is sufficient, such as for incandescent lamps in multiple-arc, the separate coils are united in parallel; but for purposes where a considerable electromotive force is necessary, as for example, in systems of alternate current distribution, with converters at considerable distances from the generating dynamo, they are often connected in series, as shown in Fig. 150. Coils, Binding Coils of wire wound on the outside of the armature coils, and at right angles thereto, to prevent the loosening of the armature wires by the action of cen- trifugal force. The binding coils are generally made of hard brass wire. Coils, Compensating A term some- times applied to the series coils placed on a shunt-wound dynamo. Coils, Conjugate Two coils so placed, as regards each other, that an interrup- tion of the current in one produces no induced current in the other. When two coils are conjugate to each other, the lines of force of one do not pass through the other. Consequently such coils can produce no induc- tion in one another. Coils, Henry's A number of sepa- rate induction coils so connected that the currents induced in the secondary wire of the first coil, are caused to induce currents in the secondary wire of the second coil, with whose primary it is connected in series, and so on throughout all the coils. A series of three of Henry's coils is shown in Fig. 151. An intermittent battery current is sent b secondary, d, of the second coil, is connected with the primary, e, of the third coil, and the cur- rents finally induced in f, are employed for any useful purpose, such as the magnetization of a bar of iron at g. The current in b, is sometimes called a Secon- dary Current, or a Current of the Second Order; that induced by this secondary current in d, is called a Tertiary Current, or a Current of the Third Order y that in f, a Current of the Fourth Order. Henry carried these successive induc- tions up to currents of the Seventh Order. Henry's coils in reality consist of separate in- duction coils, connected, as above explained, in series. In Fig. 152, the tertiary current induced in A n Fig. 132. Tertiary Currents of Coils. IV, may be employed to give shocks to a person grasping the handles, e and f. Coils, Proportional Pairs of re- sistance coils, generally of 10, 100 and 1,000 ohms each, forming the proportional arms of the balance or bridge, and employed in the box, or commercial form of Wheatstone's bridge. (See Bridge, Electric, Commercial Form of.} Cold, Production of, by Electricity An absorption of energy and consequent reduction of temperature at a thermo-electric junction by the passage of an electric current across such junction in a certain direction. When an electric current passes across a thermo- electric junction, the junction is either heated or cooled. In the case of an antimony-bismuth couple, if the current passes from the antimony Fig. Jjl- Henry's Coils. into a, the secondary, b, of which is connected with the primary, c, of the second coil. The Freezing of Water by Electricity. to the bismuth the junction is heated; if it passes from the bismuth to the antimony it is cooled. In the apparatus shown in Fig. 153, the antimony- bismuth couple is arranged as shown for the Col.] 112 [Coin. freezing of water by means of the electric cur- rent. A and B, represent plates of antimony and bismuth respectively. A small cavity, at E, serves to hold a drop of water. When a current has passed in the direction shown by the arrows, a drop of water, previously cooled to the tempera- ture of melting ice, is solidified by the lowering of the temperature at the junction. Collecting Brushes of Dynamo-Electric Machine. (See Brushes, Collecting, of Dynamo-Electric Machine?) Collectors, Electric Devices em- ployed for collecting or taking off electricity from a moving electric source. Collectors of Electric Frictional Ma- chines. The metallic points that collect the charge from the glass plate or cylinder of a frictional electric machine. Collectors of Dynamo Electric Machines. The brushes that rest on the commutator cylinder, and carry off the current generated on the rotation of the armature. Collectors are properly called commutators when they are employed to cause an alternate current to become continuous, or to flow in one and the same direction. Colloids. One of the two classes into which substances are separated by dialysis. By dialysis bodies are separated 'into crystal- loids, or bodies capable of crystallizing, and col- loids or jelly-like bodies, incapable of crystallizing. Colloids possess great cohesion and but slight diffusibility. (See Dialysis.) Colombin. An insulating substance, con- sisting of a mixture of sulphate of barium and sulphate of calcium, placed between the parallel carbons of the Jablochkoff candle. Column, Barometric A column, usually of mercury, approximately 30 inches in vertical height, sustained in a barometer, or other tube, by the pressure of the atmos- phere. The space above the barometric column con- tains a vacuum known as the Torricellian vac- uum. (See Vacuum, Torricellian.) Column, Electric A term formerly applied to a voltaic pile. (See Pile, Voltaic?) Colza Oil. (See Oil, Colza?) Combination Gas Fixtures. (See Fx~ tures. Gas, Combination?) Combined Tangent and Sine Galvanom- eter. (See Galvanometer, Combined Tan~ gent and Sine?) Comb Lightning Arrester. (See Arrester, Lightning, Comb?) Comb Protector. (See Protector, Comb?) Commercial Efficiency. (See Efficiency, Commercial?) Commercial Efficiency of Dynamo. (See Efficiency, Commercial, of Dynamo?} Commercial Form of Electric Bridge. (See Bridge, Electric, Commercial Form of.) Communicator, Electric A terra formerly employed for a telegraphic key. (See Key, Telegraphic?) Commntating Transformers, Distribu- tion of Electricity by (See Elec- tricity, Distribution of, by Commutating Transformers?) Commutation. The act of commuting, as of currents. Commutation, Diameter of In a dynamo-electric machine a diameter on the commutator cylinder on one side of which the differences of potential, produced by the movement of the coils through the magnetic field, tend to produce a current in a direction opposite to those on the other side. That diameter on the commutator cylinder of an open-circuited armature that joins the points of contact of the collecting brushes. Thus in Fig. 154, the directions of the induced electromotive forces are indicated by the arrows. The diameter of commutation is therefore the line n n'. The term neutral line is also sometimes given to this line. It lies at right angles to the line of maximum magnetization m m. In a closed-circuited armature, that is, in an arm* ature the coils of which are connected in, a closed circuit, the collecting brushes rest on the commu- tator cylinder at the neutral line, or on the diame* ter of commutation. In an open-circuited armature, however, where the coils are independent of each other, the collecting brushes must be set at m m, at right angles to the mutral line n n. The term diame Com.] 113 [Com. ter of commutation is, therefore, often applied to this second position. According to this use of the Fig. 154* Diameter of Commutation, term, the diameter of commutation is that diameter on the commutator which joins the points of con- tact of the collecting brushes. The neutral linenn', Fig. 154, it will be noticed does not occupy a vertical position, but is dis- placed somewhat in the direction of rotation, thus necessitating the shifting of the brushes forward in the direction of rotation. This necessary shift- ing of the brushes is known technically as the lead of the brushes. (See Lead, Angle of.) It will thus be seen that the term diameter of commutation is used in two different senses. In reality, the term refers to the position of cer- tain points on the commutator as distinguished Irom points on the armature coils. On the com- mutator, the diameter of commutation is the line drawn through the two commutator bars at which the currents from the two sides are opposed to each other. It is evident that the commutator may be inten- tionally twisted with respect to the armature, so as to bring its diameter of commutation into any desired convenient position. Commutation, Dissymmetry of A commutation in which the neutral line does not coincide with a diameter of the commu- tator. (See Commutation, Diameter of.) Commutator. In general, a device for changing the direction of an electric current. Commutator, Burning- at Arcing and consequent destructive action on the commutator segments of a dynamo-electric machine. When the arcing is pronounced, the intense heat soon 'destroys the commutator. Commutator Cylinder, Neutral-Line of (See Line, Neutral, of Commutator Cylinder^ Commutator, Dynamo-Electric Machine That part of a dynamo-electric ma- chine which is designed to cause the alter- nating currents produced in the armature to flow in one and the same direction in the ex- ternal circuit. One end of an armature coil is connected with A', Fig. 155, and the other with A, The brushes are so set that A, and A', are in contact with B', and B, respectively, as long as the current flows in the same direction in the armature coil connected therewith, but enter into contact with B, and B', Fig. 153. Commutator when the current changes of Dynamo - Electric its direction, and continue Machine. in such contact as long as it flows in this direc- tion. By the t(se of a commutator the (urrent will therefore flow throttgh any circuit connected with the brushes in one and the same constant direction. Two-part Commutator In action, the commutator is subject to wear from the friction of the brushes, and the burning action of destructive sparks. The rommutator A Fig. TS7- Two-part Commutator. . Two-part Commutator. segments are, therefore, made of comparatively thick pieces of metal, insulated from one another Com.] 114 [Com. and supported on a commutator cylinder usually placed oruthe shaft of the armature. The ends of the armature coils are connected to commutator strips or segments. The number of metallic pieces or segments, A. and A', on the commutator cylinder depends on the number, arrangement and connection of the armature coils, and on the disposition of the magnetic field of the machine. Figs. 156, 157 and 158 show the connections of an armature coil to the plates of a two-part commutator. A four-part commutator for a ring-armature, and the **- '5** Commutator. connections of the coils thereto, are shown in Fig. 159. The commutator strips may either connect the separate coils in a closed-circuited armature, in which the coils are all connected with one an- other, or, in an open -circuited armature, in which the separate coils are independent of one another. Commutator, RuhmkoriTs A name given by Ruhmkorff to a device placed on his induction coil for the purpose of changing or reversing the direction of the battery current through the primary. This reverser is shown in Fig. 160. (See Coil, Ruhmkorff.') Fig. 160, Ruhmkorff's Commutator Two metallic strips, V, V, supported on a cylinder of insulating material, are in contact with the battery terminals A, and D, through iwo vertical springs that b?ar on them. On a half rotation of the cylinder by the thumb screw L, the strips V, V, change places as regards the ver- tical springs, and thus reverse the direction o{ the battery current. Commuted Currents. (See Currents, Commuted^ Commuter, Current Any appa- ratus by means of which electrical currents, flowing alternately in different directions, may be caused to flow in one and the same direction. A Commutator. Commuting. Causing to flow in one and the same direction. Commuting Currents. (See Currents, Commuting^ Compartment Manhole of Conduit. (See Manhole, Compartment, of Conduit.) Compass, Azimuth A compass used by mariners for measuring the horizon- tal distance of the sun or stars from the mag- netic meridian. (See Azimuth, Magnetic!] A mariner's Compass. A single magnetic needle, or several magnetic needles, are placed parallel to one another on the lower surface of a card, called the compass card. This card is divided into the four cardinal points, N, S, E and W, and these again subdivided into thirty-two points called Rhumbs. In the azimuth compass these divisions are sup> plemented by a further division into degrees. A form of azimuth compass is shown in Fig. l6l. In order to maintain the compass box in a Fig. l6r. Azimuth Compass, horizontal position, despite the rolling of the ship, the box, A B, is suspended in the larger box, P Q, on two concentric metallic circles, C D, and Com.j 115 E F, pivoted on two horizontal axes at right angles to each other. This kind of support is technic- ally termed Gimbals. Sights G, H, are provided for measuring the magnetic azimuth of any ob- ject. Compass, Boxing the Naming. Consecutively, all the different points or thumbs of the compass from any one of them. (See Compass, Points of.} Compass-Card. (See Card, Compass) Compass, Inclination A magnetic needle moving freely in a single vertical plane; and employed for determining the angle of dip at any place. An Inclinometer. (See Inclinometer) A dipping circle. (See Circle, Dipping) The needle M, Fig. 162, is supported on knife Fig. ibz Inclination Con: past. tdges so as to be free to move only in the verticat plane of the graduated vertical circle C C. This Circle is movable over the horizontal graduated circle H II. In order to determine the true angle of dip, the vertical plane in which the needle is free to move must be placed exactly in the plane of the magnetic meridian. To ascertain this plane the vertical circle is moved until the needle points vertically down* wards. It is then in a plane 90 degrees from tha magnetic meridian. The vertical circle is then moved over the horizontal circle 90 degrees, in which position it is in the plane of the magnetic meridian, when the true angle of the dip is read off. For an explanation of the reason of this> see [Com, Component, Horizontal and Vertical^ of thk Earth's Magnetism. Compass, Mariner's A name often applied to an azimuth compass. (See Com- pass, Azimuth?) Compass, Points of The thirty-two points into which a compass card is divided. Sixteen of these points are shown in Fig. 163. Fig. 163. Points of Compass. The position of the remaining points will be readfly seen by an inspection of the figures. These points are as follows: I. North. 8. N. by E. 3. N. N. E. 4. N. E. by N. 5. N. E. 6. N. E. by E. 7. E. N. E. & E. by N. g. East. 10. E. byS. 11. E. S. E. 12. S. E. by E. 13. S. E. 14. S. E. by S 15. S. S. E. 16. S. by E. 17. South. 18. S. by W. 19. S. S. W. 20. S. W. by Su 21. S. W. 22. S. W. by W. 23. W. S. W. 24. W. by S. 25. West. 26. W. by N. 27. W. N. W. 28. N. W. by W. 29. N. W. 30. N. W. by N. 31. N. N. W. 32. N. by W. Boxing the Compass consists in naming all these points consecutively from any one of them. The direction in which the ship is sailing is de. termined by means of a point fixed on the inside of the compass box, directly in the line of the ves- sel's bow. Compass, Rhumbs of The points of a mariner's compass. (See Compass^ Points of) Com.j 116 Compensated Alternator. (See Alter- nator, Compensated^ Compensated Excitation of Alternator. (See Alternator, Compensated Excita- tion of.) Compensating Coils. (See Coils. Com- pensating.) Compensating Magnet. (See Magnet, Compensating^ Complement of Angle* <$&$ Angle, Com- plement of.) Completed-Circuit. (See Circuit, Com- pleted.) Component. One of the two or more sep- arate forces into which any single force may be resolved ; or, conversely, the separate forces which together produce any single resulting force. When two or more forces act simultaneously to produce motion in a body, the body will move Ftg. 164. Composition of Forces, with a given force in a single direction called the resultant. The separate forces, or directions of motion, are called the components. Two forces acting simultaneously on a body at A, Fig. 164, tending to move it in the direction Fff.r6f. Rttotution o/Fcne*. of the arrows, along A B, and A C, with intend- tiesproportioned to the lengths of the lines A B, and A C, respectively, will move it in the direc- tion A D. obtained by drawing B D, and L> C, parallel to A C, and A B, respectively, and then drawing A D, through the po.nt of intersection, D. This is called the Comrosition of Forces. A D, is the resultant force, and A B and A C, are its components. Conversely, a single force, acting in the direc- tion of D B, Fig. 165, against a surface, B C, may be regarded as the resultant of the two sep- arate forces, D E, and D C, one parallel to C J, and one perpendicular to it. D E, being parallel to C B, produces no pressure, and the absolute effect of the force will, therefore, be represented by CD. This separation of a single force into two or more separate forces is called the resolution of forces, the force, D B, being resolved into the components, D E and D C. Component Currents. (See Currents, Component?) Component, Horizontal, of Earth's Mag- netism That portion of the earth's directive force which acts in a horizontal di- rection. That portion of the earth's magnetic force which acts to produce motion in a com- pass needle free to move in a horizontal plane only. Let A B, Fig. 166, represent the direction and magnitude of the earth's magnetic field on a mag- netic needle. The magnetic force will lie in the plane of the magnetic merid- ian, which will be assumed to _D A be the plane of the paper C A D. The earth's field, A B, can be resolved into two compo- j nents, AD, the horizontat com- j ponent, and A C, the vertical j component In the case of a magnetic ! needle, like the ordinary com- J pass needle, which is free to | move in a horizontal plane only, the horizontal component alone directs the needle. A weight . ,. , patients of Earth, t is applied to balance the vertical Magnetism. component. When the needle is free to move in a vertical plane, and this plane corresponds with that of the magnetic meridian, the entire magnetic force, A B, acts to place the needle, supposed to be properly balanced, in the direction of the lines of force of the earth's magnetic field at that point Com.] 117 [Con. Component, Yertical, of Earth's Magnet- ism - - That portion of the earth's directive force which acts in a vertical direc- tion. In the vertical plane at right angles to the plane of the magnetic meridian, the vertical component alone acts, and the needle points vertically down- wards, in no matter what part of the earth it may be. In Fig. 166, A C, is the vertical com- ponent of the earth's directive force. Composite Balance. (See Balance, Com" Composite-Field Dynamo. (See Dynamo, Composite-Field) Composition of Forces. (See Forces, Composition of.) Compound Arc. (See Arc, Compound?) Compound, Binary -- In chemistry, a compound formed by the union of two different elements. Water is a binary compound, being formed by the union of two atoms of hydrogen with one atom of oxygen. Its composition is expressed in the mical symbols, H S O, which indicates that two atoms of hydrogen are combined, or chemically united, with one atom of oxygen. Water is therefore a binary compound, because it is formed of two different elementary substances. Compound, Chatterton's -- A com- pound for cementing together the alternate coatings of gutta-percha employed on a cable conductor, or for filling up the space between the strand conductors. The composition of Chatterton's compound is as follows: Stockholm tar ........ I part by weight. Resin ............... I ' " Gutta-percha ......... 3 " " (Clark &> Saline.) Compound Circuit. (See Circuit, Com- pound.) Compound, Clark's -- A compound for the outer casing of the sheathing of sub- marine cables. The composition of Clark's compound is as fol- Mineral pitch .65 parts by weight. Silica 30 ' " Tar 5 " (Clark & Sabine.) Compound - Horseshoe Magnet. (See Magnet, Compound-Horseshoe) Compound Magnet. (See Magnet, Com- pound) Compound Radical.^ (See Radical, Com- pound) Compound-Winding of Dynamo-Electric Machines. (See Winding, Compound, of Dynamo-Electric Machine.) Compound- Wound Dynamo-Electric Ma- chine. (See Machine, Dynamo-Electric, Compound- Wound) Compound-Wound Motor. (See Motor, Compound- Wound) Concentration of Lines of Force. (See Force, Lines of, Concentration of) Concentric Carbon Electrodes. (See Electrodes, Concentric Carbon) Concentric Cylindrical Carbons. (See Carbons, Concentric Cylindrical) Condenser. A device for increasing the capacity of an insulated conductor by bring- ing it near another insulated earth-connected conductor, but separated therefrom by any medium that will readily permit induction to take place through its mass. A variety of electrostatic accumulator. If the conductor A, Fig. 167, standing alone f Air Condenser. Fig. 167. and separated from other conductors, be con. nected with an electric machine, it will receive only a very small charge. Con.] 118 [Con. If, however, it be placed near C, but separated from it by a dielectric, such as a plate of glass B, and C, be connected with the ground, A, will receive a much greater charge. (See Dielectric.) Suppose, for example, that A, be connected r>th the positive conductor of a frictional electric machine, it will by induction establish a negative Charge on the surface C, nearest it, and repel a positive charge to the earth. The presence of these two opposite charges on the opposed sur- faces of A and C, permits A, to receive a fresh charge from the machine. (See Induction, Electrostatic.) The charge in a condenser in reality resides on the opposite surfaces of the glass, or other dielectric separating the metallic coatings, as can be shown by removing the coatings after charg- ing. The condenser resulted from the discovery of the Leyden jar. (See Jar, Ley den.) The capacity of a condenser is measured in microfarads. (See Farad.) In practice condensers are made of sheets of tin foil, connected to A and B, respectively, and separated from one another by sheets of oiled silk, paraffined paper, or thin plates of mica, as shown in Fig. 168. Fig. 1 68. Condenser. A Leyden jar or condenser does not store elec- tricity any more than a storage battery does. The same quantity of electricity passes out of the opposite coating of the jar that is passed into the other coating. The jar, therefore, possesses no store of electricity. What it really possesses is a store of electrical energy. According to Ayrton, if the capacity of a con. denser, in farads, be F, and the difference of po- tential, with which it is charged, be V, volts, the store of electric energy it possesses, or the work it Can do when discharged, is, Fx V* Work = ' foot-pounds. Condenser, Adjustable A con- denser, the plates of which can be readily adjusted so as to obtain the same capacity as that of the conductor to be measured. In order to obtain a comparatively wide range of adjustability, a condenser is composed of say four separate sections: consisting of one of 2 microfarads, one of I microfarad and two of $ microfarad, thus making in all 4 microfai ads. Condenser, JEpinus A name given to an early form of condenser. (See Con- denser!) Condenser, Air A condenser in which layers of air act as the dielectric. A form of air condenser is shown in Fig. 169. Fig. tbq. Air Condenser. It consists essentially of one set of thin plates of glass partially coated on both sides with sheets oi tin foil, so as to leave uncoated a space of about one inch around the edge of the glass. The glass plates do not act as dielectrics, but merely as sup- ports for the tin foil, hence the foil on both sides of the plates is connected electrically. Another set of plates alternating with the above have the tin foil placed over the whole surface of the glass. These plates are placed, alternately, over one another on a stand between guide rods of vulcan. ite E, E, E, E, in the manner shown, and are separated from one another by fragments of glass of the same thickness. The plates with the foil over their entire surface are all connected to- gether and to the terminal B, to form the outer coating, and the plates with the foil over nearly all their surfaces are all connected together and to the terminal A, to form the inner coating of the condenser. There is thus formed a condenser in which practically two extended conducting surfaces an Con.J 119 [Con. separated from each other by a thin layer of air, which acts as the dielectric. Condenser, Alternating-Current -- A condenser suitable for use in connection with a system for the distribution of electric energy by means of alternating currents. Alternating-current condensers must have a very thin dielectric in order to avoid too great bulk. This, of course, introduces a difficulty as regards liability of failure of insulation, which must be carefully avoided. Condenser, Armature of -- (See Arm- ature of a Condenser.) Condenser, Capacity of -- -The quan- tity of electricity in coulombs a condenser is capable of holding before its potential in volts is raised a given amount. The ratio between the quantity of electric- ity in coulombs on one coating and the poten- tial difference in volts between the two coat- ings. (Ayrton!) The capacity is directly proportional to the charge Q, and inversely proportional to the po- tential V, or, or, since Q = K V, the quantity of electricity re- quired to charge a condenser to a given potential is equal to the capacity of the condenser multi- plied by the potential through which it is carried. The capacity of a condenser increases in direct proportion to the increase in the area of its coat- ings. When the coatings are plane and parallel to each other, the capacity of the condenser is in the inverse ratio to the distance between the coatings. Condenser, Coating of -- (See Coat- ing of Condenser!) Con denser, Plate - -A condenser, the metallic coatings of which are placed on suitably supported plates. Condenser, Poles of -- (See Poles of Condenser.} Condenser, Time-Constant of - The time in which the charge of a condenser tails to the 1-2.71828 part of its original value. Condensers, Distribution of Electricity by Means of -- .(See Electricity, Distri btttion of by Alternating Currents, by means of Condensers . Electricity, Distribution of, by Continuous Currents, by means of Con- densers.) Conduct. To pass electricity through con- ducting substances. To determine the general direction in which electricity shall pass through the ether or dielectric surrounding the so-called conduct- ing substance. (See Conduction, Electric!) Conductance. A word sometimes used in place of conducting power. Conductivity. Conductance, Magnetic A word sometimes used instead of magnetic permea- bility. (See Permeability Magnetic!) The magnetic conductance is equal to the total induction through the circuit divided by the magnetizing force. Conducting Cord. (See Cord, Conduct- ing.) Conducting, Electrical Possessing the power of passing electricity through any conducting substance. Possessing the power of determining the direction in which electricity shall pass through the ether surrounding a substance, (See Conductor.) Conducting Power. (See Power Con- ducting.) Conducting Power for Electricity. (Se* Power, Conducting, for Electricity.) Conducting Power for Lines of Mag netic Force. (See Forte, Magnetic, Lines of, Conducting Power of,) Conducting Power, Tables of (See Power, Conducting, Tables of.) Conduction Current. (See Current, Con- duction!) Conduction, Disruptive A species of conduction in which the resistance of * u * conductor is suddenly overcome. Disruptive conduction is seen in the disruptive discharge of a condenser, or Leyden jar. Conduction, Electric The se a horizontal line, and negative elec- tromotive forces, by values be-low the line. The curves ABC, and C D E, Fig. 177, are B Fig 177- Curve of Electromotive Forces of Alternating Currents. often called phases, and represent the alternate phases of the current. Current, Alternative A voltaic alternative. (See Alternatives, Voltaic^ Current, Assumed Direction of Flow of The direction the current is as- sumed to take, t. e., from the positive pole of the source through the circuit to the negative pole of the source. The electricity is assumed to come out of the source at its positive pole, and to return or flow back into the source at its negative pole. This convention as to the direction of the electric cur- rent is in accordance with the assumption of the direction of flow of lines of magnetic forces. The old idea'of a dual or double current flowing in opposite directions is still maintained by some, (See Force, Lines of, Direction of.) Current, Axial In electro-thera- peutics a current flowing in a nerve in the opposite direction to the normal impulse in the nerve. Current. Break-Induced The cur- rent induced by a current in its own, or in another circuit, on breaking or opening the same. The current induced in the secondary on the breaking of the primary circuit. The break-induced current set up by a current in its own circuit is sometimes called the direct- induced current. Lord Rayleigh has shown that within certain limits the break-induced current has a greater effect in magnetizing steel needles, the smaller the number of turns of wire in the secondary. In Cur.] 135 [Cur. the case of a galvanometer, it is well known that the opposite is true. The deflection of the gal- vanometer needle depends on the strength of the whole current. The magnetizing power depends, for the greater part, on the strength of the cur- rent at the beginning of its formation Current. Closed -Circular - - A cur- rent flowing in a circular circuit. A small closed-circular current may be replaced magnetically by a thin disc of steel, magnetized in a direction perpendicular to its iace, and the edge of which corresponds to the edge of the circular conductor. Current-Commuter. (See Commuter, Current?) Current. Conduction The current that passes through a metallic or other con- ducting substance, as contradistinguished from a current produced in a non-conductor or dielectric. (See Current, Displacement) Current, Constant A current that continues to flow m the same direction for some time without varying m strength, This term is sometimes used to mean a con tinuous or direct current in contradistinction to an alternating current, but it ought to be applied only to unvarying currents, such, for example as a constant current of 10 amperes. Current, Continuous - An electric current which flows in one and the same direction Although the term continuous current is used as synonymous with constant current, it is not entirely so; a continuous current flows constantly in the same direction A constant current not only flows continuously in the same direction, but maintains an approximately constant current strength This term continuous current is used in the opposite sense to alternating current, and in the same sense as a direct current. Current, Creeping of Electric A change in the direction of path of a current from the direct line between the points of connection with the source. When the terminals of any electric source are placed in contact with any two points of a metallic sheet of conducting material, the flow of the cur- rent ib not confined to the direct line between the Critical Curve of Dynamo Current points of contact, but creeps or diffuses into por- tions of the conducting plate surrounding this direct line. (See Current, Diffusion of.) In a somewhat similar manner, the current is said to creep, or to establish a partial short- circuit around the poles of a poorly insulated voltaic battery, or other electric source. Current, Critical The current at which a certain result is reached, Current, Critical, of a Dynamo That value of the current at which the characteristic curve begins to depart from a nearly straight line, (Silvanus Fig 178 P Thompson.} In Fig. 178 the critical current is shown in three different cases, as oc- curring where the dotted vertical line cuts the characteristic curves. The speed at which a series dynamo excites itself is often called the critical speed. Current, Demarcation. - A term sometimes applied to an electric current ob- tained from an injured muscle. " Every injury of a muscle or nerve causes at the point of injury a dying surface, which behaves negatively to the positive intact substance." (Landois & Stirling.) Current Density. The current of elec- tricity which passes in any part of a circuit as compared with the area of cross-section of that part of the circuit. In a dynamo- electric machine the current den- sity in the armature wire should not, according to Silvanus P. Thompson, exceed 2.500 amperes per square inch of area of transverse section of conductor. The current density in a dynamo wire, of necessity depends on the sectional area of the coils . If, for example, a current of 50 amperes be safe in an armature section of eight turns it may be safely increased to 100 amperes if the conductors are cross- sectioned so as to make but four turns. (Urquhart.) In electro- plating, for every definite current strength that passes through the bath, or in other words, for a definite number of coulombs, a definite weight of metal is deposited, the charac- Cur.] 136 [Cur: ter of which depends on the current density. The character of an electrolytic deposit will therefore depend on the current density at that part of the circuit where the deposit occurs. The following table from Urquhart gives the practical working value for the current density for electro-metallurgical deposits : CURRENT DENSITY (OR AMPERES ON CATHODE). Amperes Solution of per square foot. Copper, acid bath 5.0 to 10.0 Copper, cyanide bath 3.0 " 5.0 Silver, double cyanide 2.0 " 5.0 Gold, chloride in cyanide i.o " 2.0 Nickel, double sulphate 6.0 " 8.0 Brass, cyanide 2.0 " 3.0 Tin Current, Diacritical Such a strength of the magnetizing current as pro- duces a magnetization of an iron core equal to half-saturation. The diacritical current is the current which, flowing through the diacritical number of ampere- turns, will bring up the magnetism produced to half -saturation. , The diacritical number of ampere-turns is such a number of ampere-turns as would reduce the magnetic permeability to half its lull value. Current, Diffusion of - A term em- ployed to designate the difference in the density of current in different portions of a conductor. (See Current. Creeping of , Elec- tric) Current, Diffusion of Electro-Therapeu- tic The difference in the density of current in different portions of the human body between the electro-therapeutic elec- trodes. When the electrodes are placed at any two given points of the human body, the current branches through various paths, extending in a general direction from one electrode to the other, according to the law of branched or derived cir- cuits, and flowing in greater amount, or with greater density of current, through the relatively better conducting paths. (See Current Density.') This is sometimes called the creeping of the Current. (See Current, Creeping of .} Current, Direct A current con- stant in direction, as distinguished from an alternating current. A continuous current. Current, Direct-Induced The cur- rent induced in a circuit by induction on it- self, or self-induction, on breaking or opening the circuit. (See Currents, Extra.} This is called the direct-induced current because its direction is in the same direction as the induc- ing current. Current, Direction of The direc- tion an electric current is assumed to take out from one pole of any source through the circuit and its translating devices back to the source through its other pole. Conventionally, the current is assumed to come out from the positive pole of the source and to go back to the source at the negative pole. Current, Displacement The rate of change of electric displacement. A brief conduction current produced in a dielectric by an electric displacement. (See Displacement, Electric?) This is called a displacement current in order to distinguish it from a conduction current in any conductor. The displacement current continues while the displacement of electricity is going on. Dis- placement currents have all the properties of con- duction currents, and, like the latter, produce a magnetic field; in fact, they resemble extremely brief conduction currents. The difference between conducting substances and dielectrics, lies in the fact that the conducting substances do not possess an elastic force, en- abling them to resist electric displacement. In other words, conducting substances possess no electric elasticity, and can have no true displace- ment current established in them. (See Elasti- city, Electric.} A displacement current, like a conduction cur- rent, possesses a magnetic field, or is encircled by lines of magnetic force. (See Field, Magnetic, of an Electric Current. ) Current, Electric - The quantity of electricity which passes per second through any conductor or circuit. The rate at which a definite quantity of elec- tricity passes or flows through a conductor or circuit. Cur.] 137 [Cur. The ratio existing between the electro- motive force, causing the current, and the resistance which may, for convenience, be regarded as opposing it, expressed in terms of quantity of electricity per second. The unit of current, or the ampere, is equal to one coulomb per second. (Set Ampere. Coulomb.) The word current must not be confounded with the mere act of flowing; electric current signifies rate of flow, and always supposes an electromotive force to produce the current, and a resistance to oppose it. The electric current is assumed to flow out from the positive terminal of a source, through the circuit and back into the source at the nega- tive terminal. It is assumed to flow into the positive terminal of an electro-receptive device such as a lamp, motor, or storage battery, and out of its negative terminal; or, in other words, the positive pole of the source is always con- nected to the positive terminal of the electro-re- ceptive device. Professor Lodge draws the following com- parison between the motions of ordinary mat- ter, heat and electricity: "Consider the modes in which water may be made to move from place to p'.ace; there are only two. It may be pumped along pipes, or it may be carried about in jugs. In other words, it may travel through matter, or, it may travel with matter. Just so it is with heat, also. Heat can travel in two ways: it can flow through matter, by what is called 'conduction,' or, it can travel with matter, by what is called 'convection.' There is no other mode of con- veyance of heat." * * * "For electricity the same is true. Electricity can travel with matter, or it can travel through matter, by con- vection, or by coiMuction, and by no other way." In the above, the radiation of heat is apparently lost sight of. In the opinion of some, an electric current con- sists of two distinct currents, one of positive and the other of negative electricity, flowing in oppo- site directions. Each of these currents is supposed to be equal in amount to the other. The electric current is now regarded as passing through the dielectric surrounding the conductor, rather than through the conductor itself. (See Current, Electric, Method of Propagation of, Through a Circuit.') The current that flows or passes in any circuit is, in the case of a constant current, equal to the electromotive force, or difference of potential, divided by the resistance, as c-t K (See Law of Ohm.) Current, Electric, Method of Propagation of, Through a Circuit When an electric current is propagated through a wire or other conductor, it is not sent or pushed through the conductor, like a fluid through a pipe or other conductor, but is, so to speak, rained down on'the surface of the conductor from the medium or dielectric surrounding it. Poynting, who has carefully studied this mat- ter, remarks as follows, viz.: "A space contain- ing electrical currents may be regarded as the field where energy is transformed at certain points into the electric or magnetic kind, by means of batteries, dynamos, thermopiles, etc., and in other parts of the field this energy is being again transformed into heat, work done by the electro- magnetic forces, or any other form yielded by currents. "Formerly the current was regarded as some- thing traveling in the conductor, and the energy which appeared at any part of the circuit was supposed to be conveyed thither through the conductor by the current. But the existence of in- duced currents and electro-magnetic actions have led us to look on the medium surrounding the conductor as playing a very important part in the development of the phenomena. If we believe in the continuity of the motion of energy, we are forced to conclude that the surrounding _ medium is capable of containing energy, and that it is capable of being transferred from point to point. We are thus led to consider the problem, how does the energy about an electric current pass from point to point; by what paths does it travel, and according to what laws ? Let us take a spe- cific case. Suppose a dynamo at one spot gen- erates an electric current, which is made to operate an electric motor at a distant place. We have here, in the first place, an absorption of energy from the prime motor into the dynamo. We find the whole space bet ween, and around the conduct- ing wires magnetized and the seat of electro- magnetic energy. We have further a retrans- formation of energy in the motor. The question which presents itself for solution is to decide how the energy taken up by the dynamo is trans- mitted to the motor, by what path it travels Cur.] 138 [Cur. and according to what laws ? Briefly stated, the tendency of recent views is that this energy is conveyed through the electro-magnetic medium or ether, and that the function of the wire is to localize the direction or to concentrate the flow in a particular path, and thus provide a sink or place in which the energy can be dissipated. * * * " Taking again, for instance, the case of the dis- charge of a condenser by a conductor. He says: "Before the discharge we know that the energy resides in the dielectric, between the conducting plates. If these plates are connected by a wire, according to these views, the energy is transferred outwards along the electrostatic, equipotential sur- faces, and moves on to the wire and is there con- verted into heat. According to this view we must suppose the lines of electrostatic induction, running from plate to plate, to move outwards, as the dielectric strain lessens, and while still keep- ing their ends on the plates, to finally converge in on the wire and be there broken up and their energy dissipated as heat." In other words, some of the energy of the ex- panding lines of induction is changed into mag- netic energy; this energy is contained in ring- shaped tubes of force, which expand outwards from between the plates and then contract on some other part of the conductor. The time of the discharge, then, consists of the following steps, viz. : (I.) The time during which the energy of the charge is nearly all electrostatic and is repre- sented by the energy contained in the lines or tubes of electrostatic induction, running from plate to plate of the condenser. (2.) The time during which the discharge is at its maximum and the energy consists of two parts, viz.: energy associated with the outward ex- panding lines of electrostatic induction, and energy associated with the closed lines or tubes of mag- netic force, which at first are expanding and after- wards contracting. (3.) The time when the energy has been ab- sorbed, or the period in which the energy in the wire or the conductor has either been dissipated in the form of non -luminous radiation or obscure heat. (4.) The time during which this non-luminous heat gives up its energy again to the surrounding medium in the shape of heat waves. Current, Electro-Therapeutic Polarizing 1 The current which produces the phenomena of electrotonus. (See Electro* tonus.) Current, Element of A term employed in mathematical discussions to in- dicate a very small part of a current for ease in considering its action on a magnetic needle or other similar body. Current, Faradic In electro- therapeutics, the current produced by an in- duction coil, or by a magneto-electric machine. A rapidly alternating current, as distin- guished from a uniform voltaic current. A voltaic current that 'is rapidly alternated by means of any suitable key or switch is sometimes called a voltaic alternative. The discharge from a Holtz machine is sometimes called a Franklinic Current. (See Alternatives, Voltaic. Current^ Franklinic?) Current Filaments. (See Filament, Current.) Current, Franklinic A term some- times used in electro-therapeutics for a cur- rent produced by the action of a frictional electric machine. The term, Franklinic current, is used in con- tradistinction to Faradic current, or that produced by induction coils, or, in contradistinction to a galvanic or voltaic current, or that produced by a voltaic battery. Current, Generation of, by Dynamo-Elec- tric Machine The difference of potential developed in the armature coils by the cutting of the lines of magnetic force of the field by the coils, during the rota- tion of the armature. If a loop of wire whose ends are connected to the two-part commutator, shown in Fig. 179, be A Fig. 779. Induction in Armature Loop. rotated in the magnetic field between the magnet poles N and S, in the direction of the large arrow, differences of potential will be generated which Cur,] 139 [Cur. will cause currents to 3ow in the direction indi- cated by the small arrows during its motion past the north pole from the top to the bottom, but in the opposite direction during its motion past the south pole from the bottom to the top. If, now, col- lecting brushes rest on the commutator in the positions shown in the Fig. 180. the vertical line 180 Fig. 180. Action of Commutator. of the gap between the poles corresponding with the vertical gap between the commutator seg- ments, the currents generated in the loop will be caused to flow in one and the same direction, and B', will become the positive brush, since the end of the loop is connected with it only so long as it is positive. As soon as it becomes negative, from the current in the loop flowing in the opposite direction, the other end, which is then positive, is connected with the positive brush. A similar series of changes occur at the nega- tive brush B. Theoretically, the neutral points, where the brushes rest, would be in the vertical line coincid- ing with that of the gap between the poles. An inspection of the figure show ; that the neutral line, or the diameter of commutation, is dis- placed in the direction of rotation. (See Commu- tation, Diameter of.) The displacement of the brushes, so necessitated, is called the lead. The cause of the lead is the reaction that occurs between the magnetic poles of the field magnets Fig i8r Cause of Lead of Brushes, and those ( of the armature, the result of which is to displace the field magnet poles, and to cause a change in the density in the field. This is shown in Fig, 181. where the density of the lines of force indicates the position of the diameter of commu- tation as being near, or at right angles to the di- ameter of greatest average magnetic density. (See Lead, Angle of. Lag, Angle of.) Current-Governor. (See Governor, Cur- rent.) Current, Homogeneous Distribution of Such a distribution of a current through any conductor in which there is an equal density of current at all portions of any cross-section of the conductor. When the flow of a constant current is estab- lished in a solid conducting wire, there is a homogeneous distribution of current in that con- ductor. Current, Induced The current produced in a conductor by cutting lines of force. The induced current results from differences of potential produced by electro-dynamic induction. (See Induction, Electro- Dynamic.') Current - Induction. (See Induction, Current?) Current, Intensity of An old term sometimes employed to indicate the current which resulted from a considerable difference of potential, or a great electromotive force. This term was also formerly used as synony- mous with strength of current. This use of the term is now abandoned. Voltaic batteries, connected in series so as to give a considerable difference of potential were spoken of as being connected for intensity. This term has also been used for the quantity of electricity conveyed per second across a unit area of cross -section. Intensity of current is more properly called density of current. (See Current Density.} Current, Intermittent A current that does not flow continually, but which flows and ceases to flow at intervals, so that elec- tricity is practically alternately present and absent from the circuit. Current, Inverse-Secondary - The make-induced current. (See Current, Make- Induced) Current, Jacobi's Unit of Such a current that when passed through a volta- meter will liberate a cubic centimetre of Cr.J 140 [Cur. oxygen and hydrogen at O degrees C. and 760 mm. barometric pressure. One Jacobi's unit of current equals * 10.32 ampere. (Obsolete.) Current, Make-Induced The current induced by a current in its own circuit on making or closing the same. The current produced in the secondary of an induction coil on the making or com- pletion of the circuit of the primary. The make-induced current is also called the inverse-secondary current, because its direction is opposite to that of the inducing current. Current, Make or Break Induced, Dura- tion of The time during which the induced inverse or direct -secondary currents continue. Blaserna made a number of experiments, which he claims shows : (I.) The greater the distance apart of the pri- mary and the secondary, that is, the less their mutual-induction, the less the maximum value of the secondary current, and the greater the delay in establishing that maximum. (2.) The delay in establishing the maximum of the break or direct-secondary current is not as great as in the case of the make, or inverse-sec- ondary current. (3.) When the coils are near together, the in- duced currents at starting are established by a series of electric oscillations. (4 ) The primary current establishes itself by a series of electrical oscillations. (5.) That the interposition of dielectric sub- stances, such as glass between '.he coils, Deduces the time between tht making or breaking of the primary current and the beginning of the sec- ondary current. This last conclusion was nega- tived by some experiments of Bernstein. Blaserna determined in the case of certain -ex- periments the following value for the durations of the secondary currents : Inverse -secondary current lasts 000485 second. Direct -secondary current lasts .000275 second. Helmholtz contradicts the results of Blaserna, and asserts : (i.) That no perceptible difference in the zero points of the currents is produced by varying the distance between the primary and secondary. (2 ) That the sparks produced by the breaking of the primary last for an appreciable time, some thing like T ^ 5ff to ^VTS of a second. (3.) The duration of the break-spark is never constant, but depends in great part on the amount of platinum given off from the contacts at each spark. Current-Meter. A form of galvanometer. (See Galvanometer.} Current, Momentary A current that continues to flow but for a short time. Current, Multi-Phase - A rotating current. (.See Current, Rotating.) Current, Muscle In electro-thera- peutics, the current flowing through a muscle Muscle currents are produced either by stimu lation, or during activity of a muscle. According to L. Hermann, uninjured muscles, or perfectly dead muscles, yield no currents, but such cur- rents result only from an injury, (See Current, Demarcation , ) Current, Non-Homogeneous Distribution of Such a distribution of current pass- ing through a conductor m which there is an unequal density of current at all portions of any cross-section of the conductor. When a rapidly alternating current is passed through any solid conductor, the current density is greater at the surface and less towards the centre. The current distribution in such a con ductor is non -homogeneous, and the want of uni formity of current density is greater as the rapid ity of alternation or periodicity is greater. Current, Outgoing The current sent out over the line from a station provided with a duple* or quadruplex transmission, as distinguished from the received current. (See Current, Received} Current, Periodic A simple periodic current. (See Currents, Simple Periodic} Current, Periodic, Power of An amount of work, per second, equal to the product of the electromotive force taken at successive moments of time during a com- plete cycle, multiplied by the current strength taken at the corresponding moments during the cycle. Since the electromotive force and current in Car.] / a periodic circuit may be represented by two simple harmonic functions, the mean value of the two, when of different amplitude and phase, is equal to the product of their maximum value by the cosine of their difference of phase divided by two. Current, Polarization In electro- therapeutics, the constant current which when passed through a nerve produces in it the electrotonic st Ue. (See Electrotonus.} Current Pulsating A pulsatory current. (See Current, Pulsatory?) Current, Pulsatory A current, the strength of which changes suddenly. The pulsatory current usually consists of sudden and distinct impulses, or rushes of current, in contradistinction to an undulatory or harmonically varying current. Current, Received The current received from the distant end of the line at a station provided with a duplex or quadruplex transmission as distinguished from the out- going, current. A term sometimes used in telegraphy to distinguish between currents that come in over the line from a distant station, and those that are sent out to a distant station. Current, Rectilinear A current flowing through straight or rectilinear por- tions of a circuit. In studying the effects of the attractions or repul- sions produced by electric currents the name ex- pressing the peculiarity of shape of any part of the circuit is often applied to the current flowing through that part of the circuit. Thus we speak of a rectilinear current, a sinuous current. Current, Reverse-Induced The current induced by a current in its own cir- cuit at the moment of making or closing the circuit. The current induced in the secondary on closing or making the circuit of the primary. This is called the reverse-induced current, be- cause its direction is opposite to that of the current in the inducing circuit. Current, Reversed A current whose direction is changed at intervals. iSee Cur- rent, Alternating.} 141 [Cnr. Current Reverser. (See Reverser, Cur- rent?) Current, Reversing a Changing the direction of an electric current. Current, Rotating A term applied to the current which results by combin- ing a number of alternating currents, whose phases are displaced with respect to one an- other. A rotating current is sometimes called a poly- phase or multiple-phase current, particularly if there are three or more currents combined . The rotating current is employed by Tesla, Dobrowolsky and others in a system of distribu- tion by transformers in place of the ordinary alternating current. In practice, three alternating current are combined. The currents and their combination are obtained by means of a specially constructed alternator. When three currents are combined the displacement between each set of phases is 120 degrees. A rotating current, unlike an alternating current, possesses, in a certain sense, a definite direction of flow. Its effect on a magnetic needle is to cause rotation. Hence motors constructed on the principle of rotating currents will start with a load. Current, Rotatory - Phase Alternating A term sometimes employed for a rotating electric current, (See Current, Ro- tating?) Current, Secretion . In electro- therapeutics, a current following stimulation of the secretory nerves. Current, Simple-Harmonic A term sometimes used instead of simple-periodic current. (See Currents, Simple Periodic.} Current, Sinuous A term some- times applied to currents flowing through a sinuous conductor. Sinuous currents exert the same effects of attrac- tion or repulsion on magnets, or on neighboring circuits, as would a rectilinear current whose length is that of the axis of such sinuous current. This can be shown by approaching the circuit A' B', Fig. 182, consisting of the sinuous con- ductor A', and rectilinear conductor B', to the movable conductor A B C, on which it produces 110 effect. The current A', therefore, neutral- Cur.] 142 [Cur. izes the effects of the current B'; or, it is equal to it in effect. Fig. 182. Rectilinear Equivalent of Sinuous Current. In calculating the effects of sinuous currents it is convenient to consider them as consisting of a Fig. 183. Sinuous Currents. succession of short, straight portions at right an- gles to one another, as shown in Fig. 183. Current, Steady A current whose Strength does not vary from time to time. In a steady current the quantity of electricity flowing through each unit of area of the equi- potential surface of the conductor is the same for each succeeding interval of time. Such a current is sometimes called a uniformly distributed cur- rent. Current Streamlets. (See Streamlets, Current?} Current Strength. The product obtained by dividing the electromotive force by the resistance. The current strength for a constant current according to Ohm's law is Current strength is proportional to the amount of the magnetic or chemical (electrolytic) effects it is capable of producing. For a simple-periodic current, the current strength necessarily varies from time to time. The average current strength of a simple, periodic current is equal to the average impressed electromotive force divided by the impedance. (See Impedance. ) The maximum current strength is equal to the maximum impressed electromotive force divided by the impedance. Current, to Transform a To change the electromotive force of a current by its passage through a converter or trans- former. To convert a current. Current, Transforming a Chang- ing the electromotive force of a current by its passage through a converter or transformer. Current, Undulating An undu- latory current. (See Currents, Undulatory.} Current, Uniformly-Distributed A term sometimes employed in the sam: sense as steady current. (See Current. Steady.) Current, Unit Strength of Such a strength of current that when passed through a circuit one centimetre in length, arranged in an arc one centimetre in radius, will exert a force of one dyne on a unit mag- net pole placed at the centre. This absolute unit is equal to ten amperes or practical units of current. (See Ampere.) Current, Variable Period of The period which exists while an electric current is being increased or decreased in strength, or while it' is being reversed. Currents, Action Physiological cur- rents obtained during the activity of a muscle or nerve. Currents, After In electro-thera- peutics, currents produced in nervous or muscular tissue when a constant current, which has been flowing through the same, has been stopped. After currents are due to internal polarization. Currents, Alternating-Primary The currents employed in the primary of a Cur.] 143 [Cur. transformer to induce alternating currents in the secondary. (See Transformer?) Currents, Alternating-Secondary The currents induced in the secondary of a transformer by the alternating currents in the primary. (See Transformer) Currents, Alternating, Shifting of Phase of (See Phase, Shifting of, of Alter- nating Currents?) Currents, Amperian The electric currents that are assumed in the amperian theory of magnetism to flow around the mole- cules of a magnet. (See Magnetism, Amperes Theory of.) The amperian currents are to be distinguished from the eddy, Foucault^ or parasitical currents,. since, unlike them, they are directed so as to pro duce useful effects. (See Currents, Eddy.) It is not believed that the amperian currents are produced in magnetizable substances by the act of magnetization. The atoms or molecules were magnetic originally. All the magnetizing force does is to arrange the molecules or atoms, or to set them in one and the same direction. Currents, Angular Currents flow- ing through circuits that cross or are inclined to one another at any angle, (See Dynamics, Electro) Currents. Atomic A term some- times used instead of molecular or amperian currents. (See Currents, Amperian) Currents, Attractions and Repulsions Of The mutual attractions or repul- sions exerted by currents on one another through the interaction of their magnetic fields. (See Dynamics, Electro) Currents, Commuted Electric cur- rents that have been caused to flow in one and the same direction. (See Commutator) Currents, Commuting Causing several currents to flow in one and the same direction. Currents, Component The two or more currents into which it may be conceived that a single current can be divided, so as to produce the same effects of attraction or repulsion that the single current would do. The idea of component currents is based on the similar idea ot the components of any single force. Currents, Continuity of The freedom from variation in current strength or current direction. Currents, Convection Currents produced by the bodily carrying forward of static charges in convection streams. (See Streams, Convection) In a convection current, the static charge is bodily carried forward. Rowland has shown experimentally that a moving electric charge is the equivalent of an electric current. He rotated a gilded ebonite disc between two gilt glass discs, near which were placed a number of delicate magnetic needles. When certain rapidity of rotation was obtained, the discs were found to affect the mag- netic needles the same as would a current of elec- tricity flowing in a circular conductor, whose form coincided with the periphery of the disc. Currents, Converted Electric cur~ rents changed either in their electromotive force or in their strength, by passage through a converter or transformer. (See Trans- former) Currents, Converting Changing the electromotive force of currents by their passage through a converter or transformer. .(See Transformer) Currents, Diaphragm Electric cur- rents produced by forcing a liquid through the capillary pores of a diaphragm. (See Osmose, Electric) Currents, Earth Electric currents flowing through the earth, caused by a differ- ence of potential at different parts. The causes of these differences of potential are various and are not well understood. Currents, Eddy Useless currents produced in the pole pieces, armatures, field- magnet cores of dynamo-electric machines or motors, or other metallic masses, either by their motion through magnetic fields, or by variations in the strength of electric currents flowing near them. Sensible eddy currents are producd in the mass Cur.l 144 [Cur. of the conducting wire on the armature of a dynamo-electric machine when the wire is com- paratively heavy. Such currents are called eddy currents, heal currents, Foucault currents, or parasitical cur- rents. They form closed -circuits of comparatively low resistance, and tend to cause undue heating of armatures or pole pieces. They not only cause a Fig, 184. Foucault Currents in Pole Pieces. useless expenditure of energy, but interfere with the proper operation of the device. To reduce them as far as practicable, the pole pieces, armature cores or armature wires, are laminated. (See Core, Lamination of.) These local currents are perhaps preferably called Foucault currents when they take place in magnetic cores, pole pieces or armature cores, and eddy currents when they occur in the armature wire or conductor. When the armature conductor is made up of copper bars, for exam- ple, the eddy currents in the latter are usually considerable. Since Foucault currents in dynamo-electric ma- chine cores are due to variations in the magnetic Foucault Currents in Pole Pieces. strength of the field magnets, or of the arma- ture, they will be of greatest intensity when the changes in the magnetic strength are the greatest and most sudden. These changes are most marked, and conse- quently the Foucault currents are strongest at those corners of the pole pieces of a dynamo from which the armature is moved in its rotation, as will be seen from an inspection of Fig. 184. Fig. 185, shows Foucault currents generated in pole pieces. Currents, Eddy-Conduction A term employed for ordinary eddy currents in conductors, in order to distinguish them from eddy-displacement currents. (See Currents, Eddy-Displacement.) Currents, Eddy Deep Seated Eddy currents set up in the mass of a conductor sub- jected to electro-dynamic induction in con- tradistinction to superficially seated eddy cur- rents. (See Currents, Eddy, Superficial.) Currents, Eddy-Displacement Eddy currents produced in the mass of a dielectric or insulator, when lines of magnetic or electrostatic force pass through the di- electric or insulator. Eddy-displacement currents are produced in a dielectric or non-conductor, when it is moved across a magnetic field, so as to cut the lines of magnetic force. Eddy displacement currents would also occur' if a dielectric is subjected to varying electrostatic induction. Currents, Eddy, Superficial Eddy currents produced in conducting substances that are limited to the outer layers thereof. The eddy currents produced by alternating currents are superficial if the alternating currents are sufficiently rapid. The oscillatory currents pro- duced during the discharge of a Leyden jar are more superficial in proportion as the discharge takes place rapidly. When currents are pro- duced in a magnetizable body by the discharge of a Leyden jar, they are more and more super- ficial, as the discharge of the jar is more and more rapid. The reason a slow discharge of a jar or condenser produces a greater magnetizing effect is, because of the checking or screening action the superficial eddy currents exert on the interior of the mass of the magnetizable substance when the discharge is very rapid. Currents, Electrotonic - In electro- therapeutics, currents due to internal polariza- tion in the nerve fibre between the conduct- ing core of the nerves and the enclosing sheaths. Currents, Extra Currents pro- duced in a circuit by the induction of the current on itself on the opening or closing of Cur.] 145 the circuit. (See Currents, Extra. Induc- tion, Self.) The extra current induced on breaking, flows in the same direction as the original current and acts to strengthen and prolong it.. The extra current induced on making or com- pleting a circuit flows in the opposite direction to the original current and tends to oppose or re tard the current. Both of these currents are called induced or extra, currents. The former is called the direct- induced current, and the latter the reversed-in- duced current. (See Current, Direct-Induced. Current, Reversed-Induced.') In order to distinguish this induction from that produced in a neighboring conductor by the pas- sage of the electric current, it is called selj -induc- tion. (See Induction, Self. Induction, Mutual.} The effect on a telegraphic line of the self-in- duced or extra currents is to decrease the speed ot signaling by retarding the beginning of a signal, and prolonging its cessation . The greater the number of turns of wire in a circuit, or magnet, and the greater the mass ot iron in its core, the greater the strength of the extra currents. Currents, Foucault A name some- times applied to eddy currents, especially in armature cores. (See Currents, Eddy?) Currents, Heating Effects of The heat produced by the passage of an electric current through any circuit. (See Heat, Elec- tric) Currents, Imbibition Currents produced in tissues by the imbibition or ab- sorption of a fluid. Imbibition currents are a species of diaphragm currents. The absorption of a fluid at the demarcation surface of an injured nerve or muscle, or at the contracted portion of muscles, produces imbibition currents. Such currents are also produced in plants by the movement of fluids produced by bending the stalk or leaves, or by active movements of certain sensitive plants. Currents, Induced-Molecular or Atomic Currents induced in the atoms or molecules of a magnetizable substance on its being brought into a magnetic field. These currents are called induced-molecular or induced-atomic currents in order to distin- guish them from the molecular, atomic or amperian currents, or the currents which are assumed to be always- present. It is by the presence of these assumed induced-molecular currents that the phenomena of diamagnetism are explained by Weber. (See Diamagnetism, Weber's Theory of.) Currents, Local A name sometimes applied to eddy currents. (See Currents, Eddy.) Currents, Molecular or Atomic A term sometimes employed for amperian currents. (See Currents, Amperian.) Currents, Natural A term some- times applied to earth currents. (See Cur' rents. Earth?) Currents, Negative A term em- ployed in single-needle telegraphy for cur- rents sent over a line in a negative direction by depressing a key that connects the line with the negative pole of a battery and so deflects the needle to the left, (See Teleg- raphy, Single-Needled) Currents, Network of A term sometimes applied to a number of shunt or derived circuits. (See Circuit, Sktmt. Cir- cuit, Derived. Laws, Kirchhoff's^) Currents of Motion. A term sometimes employed in electro-therapeutics for the cur- rents of electricity that traverse healthy muscle or nerve tissue during the sudden con- traction or relaxation thereof. The existence of these currents is denied by some. Currents of Rest. A term sometimes em- ployed in electro-therapeutics for the cur- rents of electricity that traverse healthy muscle or nerve tissue while the muscles are passive. The existence of these currents is denied by some. Currents, Orders of Induced elec- tric currents named from the order in which they are induced, as currents of the first, second, third, fourth, etc., orders. An induced current can be caused to induce an- other current in a neighboring circuit, and this a third current, and so on. Such currents are dis- Cur.] 146 [Car. tinguished by the term, currents of the second, third, fourth, etc., order. (See Coils, Henry's.) Currents, Parasitical A name sometimes applied to eddy currents. (See Currents, Eddy?) Currents, Positive A term em- ployed in single-needle telegraphy for currents sent over the line in a positive direction by de- pressing a key that connects the line with the positive pole of a battery and so deflects the needle to the right. (See Telegraphy, Single-Needled) Currents, Reversed A name some- times applied to alternating currents. (See Current, Alternating?) Currents, Secondary The currents produced by secondary batteries in contra- distinction to the currents produced by primary batteries. The currents produced by the secondary conductor of an induction coil, as distinguished from the currents sent into the primaries. This second use of the term secondary current is more usual. Currents, Self-Induced A current produced by self-induction. An extra current. (See Induction, Self. Currents, Extra?) Currents, Simple Periodic Cur- rents, the flow of which is variable, both in strength and duration, and in which the flow of electricity, passing any section of the con- ductor, may be represented by a simple peri- odic curve. A current of such a nature that the con- tinuous variation of the flow of electricity past any area of cross-section of the con- ductor, or the variations in the electromotive force of which can be expressed by a simple- periodic or harmonic curve. (See Curve, Simple-Harmonic?) Alternate currents are simple-periodic currents. The average current strength of simple-periodic currents is equal to the average impressed electro- motive force divided by the impedance. The transmission of rapidly varying or sim- ple-periodic currents through conductors differs rery greatly from the transmission of steady cur- rents. With a steady current, the current density is the same for all areas of cross-section of the conductor. For a rapidly intermittent current, the current density is greater near the surface, and when the rate of intermission is sufficiently great, the current is entirely absent at the centre of the conductor. Lord Rayleigh has shown that when the rate ot intermission is 1,050 per second, the effective re- sistance of a wire i6omm. in length, and 30 mm. in diameter, is i . 84 times its resistance to steady currents. He found that the increase of resist- ance is greater in the case of conductors of great diameter than in those of small diameter. As regards the character of conductor best suited for transmitting rapidly alternating cur- rents, it can be shown : (I.) That for transmitting alternate currents o< moderate frequency, say of about 1,000 per sec- ond, copper conductors should be used in prefer- ence to rods of iron. (2.) That the conductor should be in the form of thin strips, or if tubular, of thin walls. (3.) That the mere stranding of the conductor, z. e., forming it of separate insulated conductors connected in parallel, will be of no effect in pre venting the current from acting on the outside of the conductor, unless the conductor be arranged in the form of a cable, in which one part forms a lead, and another part the return. Stephan draws the following analogy between the flow of alternating currents in a conductor and the flow of heat in a hot wire : " Suppose a wire or conductor, uniformly heated from centre to circumference, be suddenly taken into a space where the temperature is high, the outer portions of the wire first rise in temperature, and afterwards the inner portions. In the case of a conductor of circular cross-section, the heat penetrates successive concentric layers. The same phenomena occur when an electromotive force is suddenly set up between the ends of a cylindrical conductor. The current gradually penetrates the conductor from the outside to the centre. " Now suppose the heated wire is carried into a cooler space, the heat waves pass out radially from the centre towards the circumference. The cooling wire corresponds to the case of a con- ductor in which the external electromotive force is suddenly removed." According to this conception, the heat conduct- ing power of any substance corresponds to its electrical conducting power. Cur.] 147 [Cur. According to Stephan, in the case of a con- ductor of iron of 4 mm. in diameter, traversed by an alternating current of 250 alternations per second, the current density on the surface is about twenty-five times as great as that at its axis. Where the conductor is of non-magnetic mate- rial, the difference in the current density is not s>o marked. Rapidly intermittent currents produce a real increase in the resistance of the conductor, which must not be confused with the fact that the impe- dance is greater than the ohmic resistance, but rather as an actual increase in the rate at which energy is dissipated per unit of current. Since current density is greatest at the outside portions of a conductor, and the central portions are nearly, if not entirely, deserted by the cur- rent, we may regard the conductor as having the ohmic resistance of a hollow cylinder of the same diameter as the conductor, with a cor- respondingly smaller area of cross-section, and therefore, of greater ohmic resistance per unit of length. The condition of affairs in the case of a con- ductor in which a current of electricity is begin- ning to flow, is now very generally regarded somewhat as follows, viz.: The current begins at the surface of the con- ductor, and more or less slowly soaks through towards the centre. If the current is constant, the current soon reaches the deepest layers; but, if it is rapidly intermittent, before it can soak very far into the conductor towards its axis, it is turned back towards the surface, and so becomes con- fined to layers which will be more and more super- ficial, as the rapidity of reversal increases. Therefore, for convenience, we may regard a solid conductor, through which a rapidly inter- mittent current of e'ectricity is flowing, as being practically converted into a hollow cylinder of the same diameter as the solid conductor, the area of cross -section of which hollow cylinder becomes smaller and smaller, as the rapidity of alternation is increased. Another, and perhaps the more correct concep tion of the condition of affairs in a solid conductor traversed by a rapidly alternating current of elec- tricity, has been pointed out by Maxwell, and after- wards by Heavyside, Rayleigh and Hughes. This conception is to regard the central portions of the conductor as possessing a counter electromotive force greater than the outer portions. The entire current flowing across any section of a conductor miy be regarded as made up of little current streamlets, parallel to one another. The central streamlets, or filaments, from their mutual induction on one another, experience a greater resistance in reaching their full strength than the surface filaments do. Taken in this sense, we may state generally that the transmis- sion of rapidly alternating currents through con- ductors depends on the inductance, rather than on the resistance; but for steady currents, it de- pends more on the resistance than on the induct- ance. In periodic or oscillatory currents, as those produced by the discharge of a Leyden jar, or condenser, the surface streamlets have a current density far greater than the central streamlets. The true or ohmic resistance of the circuit is a minimum when the current is uniformly distrib- uted through all parts of the cross-section of the conductor, and the dissipation of energy through the generation of heat is less than for any other distribution. The conception of a periodic current flowing through a conductor, starting from the surface and gradually soaking in towards the centre, regards the energy of an electric current not as being pushed through the conductor, as water through a pipe, but as actually being absorbed at its surface, from the surrounding dielectric, or as being, so to speak, rained down on the conductor from the space outside of it. Currents, Swelling In electro- therapeutics, currents that begin weak and are gradually made stronger and then weaker. Currents, Swelling-Faradic A term employed in electro-therapeutics for fara- dic currents that are caused to gradually in- crease in strength and then to gradually de- crease to zero strength. Currents, Transient Currents that are but of momentary duration. Currents, Undnlatory Currents the strength and direction of whose flow gradually change. The term undulatory currents is used in con- tradistinction to pulsatory currents, in which the strength changes suddenly. In actual practice, such currents differ from undulatory currents more in degree than in kind, since, when sent into a line, the effects of retardation tend to obliterate, to a greater or less extent, the sudden Cur.] 148 [Cur. differences in intensity on which their pulsatory character depends. The currents produced in the coils of the Sie- mens magneto-electric key, in which the me- chanical to-and-fro motion of the key sends elec- trical impulses into the line, are, in point of fact, undulatory in character, when they follow one an- other rapidly. The currents in most dynamo-electric machines, the number of whose armature coils is compara- tively great, are, so far as the variations in their intensity or strength are concerned, undulatory in character even when non-commuted. The currents on all telephone lines that trans- mit articulate speech are undulatory. This is true, whether the transmitter employed merely varies the resistance by variations of pressure, or actually employs makes-and-breaks that rapidly follow one another. (See Current, Pulsatory. Current, Intermittent.') The ballistic curve has a smaller vertical height than the parabola. The projectile also has a Curtain, Auroral A sheet of auroral light having the shape of a curtain. (See Aurora Borealis^) Curve, Asymptote of A straight line which continually approaches a curved line, but meets or becomes tangent to such curved line only at an infinite distance. In Fig. 186, the curve C D, continually ap- proaches the asymptote y z, but never meets it. It is at first difficult to un- derstand how one line can continually approach an- other and yet never meet it. But it will be readily under- _ stood if it is remembered y '* that in all cases of asymp- Fig- z86. Asymptote totic approach each advance "? Curve - becomes smaller and smaller. This mathematical conception is like a value which, although constantly reduced to one-half of its former value, is nevertheless never reduced to zero or no value. Curve, Ballistic The curve ac- tually described by a projectile thrown in any other than a vertical direction through the air. The path of a projectile in a vacuum is a para- bola that is, the path A E B, Fig. 187. In air, the effects of fluid resistances cause the projectile to take the path A C D, called a ballistic curve. Fig. l8j. Ballistic Curve. smaller vertical range. Instead of reaching the point B, it continually approaches the perpen- dicular E F. Curve, Characteristic A diagram in which a curve is employed to represent the ratio of certain varying values. The electromotive force generated in the arma- ture coils of a dynamo-electric machine, when the magnetic field is of a constant intensity, is theo- retically proportional to thft speed of rotation. In practice this is modified by a number of circum- stances. The relation existing between the speed and electromotive force may be graphically rep- resented by referring the values to two straight lines, one horizontal and the other vertical, called respectively the axes of abscissas and ordinates. (See Abscissas, Axis of.} If, in a given case, the number of revolutions is marked off along the horizontal line from the point o, Fig. 188, in distances from o, proportional to the number of revolu- tions, and the corre- sponding electromo- tive forces are marked off along the vertical line in distances from o, proportional to the electromotive forces, the points where these lines intersect will form the characteristic curve as shown in Fig. 188. Curve, Characteristic, of Parallel Trans- former A curve so drawn that its ordinate and abscissa at any point represent the secondary electromotive force and the sec- ondary current of a multiple connected trans- former, when the resistance of the secondary circuit has a certain definite value. With a constant electromotive force in the pri 600 Revolutions. Fig. z88. Characteristic Curve. Car.] 149 [Cur. mary circuit, i. f nn electro source. (See Source, Electric. Arrangement or Device. Electromotive^ Derice, Safety, for Arc Lamps, or Series Circuits Any mechanism which auto- matically provides a path for the current around a lamp, or other faulty electro-recep- tive device in a series circuit, and thus pre- vents the opening of the entire circuit on the failure of such device to operate. (See Lamp, Electric Arc?) Device, Safety, for Multiple Circuits A wire, bar, plate or strip of readily fusible metal, capable of conducting, without fusing, the current ordinarily employed on the circuit, but which fuses and thus breaks the circuit on the passage of an abnormally great current. The terms safety-catch, safety-plug, safety* atrip and safety -fuse are also used for this safety device. (See Fuse, Safety.} Device, Translating - A term em- bracing electro-receptive and magneto-recep- tive devices. (See Device, Electro-Recefr* jive.) Translating devices are placed in an electric circuit, and when traversed by the current effect a change, or translation in the form of the electric energy whereby useful work is accomplished. Translating devices depend for their operation on the luminous, heating, magnetic, or chemical effects of the current. Devices, Electro-Receptive, Multiple Connected A connection of electro- receptive devices, in which the positive poles of a number of separate devices are all con nected with a single positive lead or conduc- tor, and the negative poles all connected with a single negative lead or conductor. The multiple-arc-connection of electro-receptive devices is suitable for constant potential circuits.^ or those in which the electromotive force is main- tained approximately constant. In such circuits the energy absorbed by each device will increase as its resistance decreases, since the energy ab- sorbed is proportional to the current passing. (See Circuits, Varieties of.) Multiple-arc-connected electro-receptive devices are employed in incandescent lamp distribution. Each device added reduces the resistance :,f the entire circuit. Dev.] 158 [Dia, Deyices,Electro-Receptive,Multiple- Arc- Connected A term used in place of multiple-connected electro-receptive devices. (See Devices, Electro-Receptive, Multiple- Connected?) Devices, Electro-Receptive, Multiple- Series-Connected A connection of electro-receptive devices in which a number of separate' electro-receptive devices are con- nected in groups in series, and each of these separate groups afterwards connected in mul- tiple-arc. The multiple r series connection permits electro- receptive devices to be placed on mains whose electromotive force would be too high to permit a single service to be connected directly to them. It is of great value in the distribution of incandes- cent lamps by constant currents, since by per- mitting a higher electromotive force to be em- ployed on the main conductors, it reduces the dimensions of the conductors required for the economical distribution of the current. (See Circuit 's, Varieties of.) Devices, Electro-Receptive, Series-Con- nectad The connection of electro- receptive devices in which the devices are placed consecutively in the circuit, so that the current passes successively through all of them from the first to the last. The series-connection of electro-receptive de- vices is suited to constant -current circuits. The work done in the device is developed by the fall of potential in each device. This kind of con- nection is used in most systems of arc light and telegraphic lines. (See Circuits, Varieties of.) Devices, Electro-Receptive, Series-Mill- tiple-Connected A connection of electro-receptive devices in which a number of separate electro-receptive devices are joined in separate multiple groups, and each of these groups subsequently connected with one an- other in series. The effect of series-multiple connections is to split up the current into a number of separate currents of smaller strength, but of the same electromotive force. It is applicable to such cases as the combination of arc and incandescent lamps in the same circuit. (See Circuits, Varieties of .) Devices, Translating, Multiple-Con- nected -A term sometimes used for multiple-connected electro-receptive devices. (See Devices, Electro-Receptive, Multiple- Connected^ Devices, Translating, Multiple- Arc-Con- nected A term used in place of multiple-connected electro-receptive devices. (See Devices, Electro-Receptive, Multiple* Connected?) Devices, Translating, Multiple-Series- Connected A term sometimes used instead of multiple-series-connected electro- receptive devices. (See Devices, Electro- Receptive, Multiple-Series-Connected?) Devices, Translating, Series-Connected ' -A term sometimes used for series- connected electro-receptive devices. (See Devices, Electro - Receptive, Series -Con- nected?) Devices, Translating, Series-Multiple- Connected A term sometimes used for series-multiple-connected electro-recep- tive devices. (See Devices, Electro-Recep* tive, Series-Multiple-Connected?) Dextrorsal Helix. (See Helix, Dex- trorsal?) Dextrorsal Solenoid. (See Solenoid, Dex trorsal?) Diacritical Current. (See Current, Dia- critical.) Diacritical Number. (See Number, Dia- critical?) Diacritical Point of Magnetic Satura- tion. (See Saturation, Magnetic, Diacrit- ical Point of.) Diagnosis, Electro. Diagnosis by means of the exaggeration or diminution of the re- action of the excitable tissues of the body when subjected to the varying influences of electric currents. The electric current has also been applied in order to distinguish between forms of paralysis, and as a final test of death. Diagnostic, Electro Pertaining to electro-diagnosis. (See Diagnosis, Electro.) Diagometer, Rousseau's An ap- paratus in which an attempt is made to Dia.] 159 [IKa. determine the chemical composition and con- sequent purity of certain substances by their electrical conducting powers. The arrangement of the apparatus is shown in Fig. 197. A dry pile. A, has its negative, or Fig. ZQ7- Rousseau's Diagometer. terminal, m', grounded. Its positive, or -f- ter- minal is connected to a delicately supported, and slightly magnetized needle, M, terminated by a conducting plate, L. Opposite L, and at the same height, is a fixed plate of slightly larger size. The needle M, when at rest in the plane of the magnetic meridian, is in contact at L, with the fixed plate. If, therefore, the upper plate of the pile is con- nected with the needle M, both plates are similarly charged and repulsion takes place, the needle coming to rest at a certain distance from the fixed plate. The substance whose purity is to be determined is placed in the cup G, which is connected, through L, with the fixed plate, A branch wire from the -f- terminal of the pile is then dipped into the substance in G, and its purity determined from the length of time required for the two plates at L, to be discharged through the material in G. It is claimed that the instrument will detect the difference between pure coffee and chicory. Its practical application, however, is very doubtful. Diagram, Thernio-Electric A diagram in which the thermo-electric power between different metals is designated for different temperatures. The differences of potential, produced by the mere contact of two metals, varies, not only with the kind of metals, and the physical state of each metal, but also with their temperature. This difference of potential, maintained in conse- quence of the difference of temperature between the junctions of a thermo-electric couple, is ap- proximately proportional to the differences of temperature of these junctions, if these differences are not great, and is equal to the product of such differences of temperature and a number depend ent on the metals in the couple. This number is called the thermo-electric power. (See Couple^ Thermo-Electric. Thermo-Electric Power.) ' In Fig. 198 (after Tait), the thermo-electric 200c 2oO 300 live effect is much increased, and besides, the projected air molecules find an obstacle and the bombardment becomes so intense that the streams become luminous. If by any mechanical means we could effect such a violent agitation of the molecules we could produce the same phenom- enon. A jet of air escaping through a small hole under enormous pressure and striking against an insulating substance, such as glass, may be luminous in the dark, and it might be possible to produce phosphorescence of the glass or other insulators in this manner. " The greater the specific inductive capacity of the interposed dielectric, the more powerful the effect pioduced. Owing to this the streams show themselves with excessively high potentials even if the glass be as much as one and one-half to .two inches thick. But besides the heating due to bom- bardment, some heating goes on undoubtedly in the dielectric, being apparently greater in glass than in ebonite. I attribute this to the greater specific inductive capacity of the glass in conse- quence of which, with the same potential differ- ence, a greater amount of energy is taken up in it than in rubber. It is like connecting to a battery a copper and a brass wire of the same dimen- sions. The copper wire, though a more perfect conductor, would heat more by reason of its tak- ing more current. Thus what is otherwise con- sidered a virtue of the glass is here a defect. Glass usually gives way much quicker than ebo nite ; when it is heated to a certain degree thfc discharge suddenly breaks through at one point, assuming then the ordinary form of an arc." Discharge, Conductive A dis- charge effected by leading the charge off through a conductor placed in contac* with the charged body. Discharge, Convective A dis- charge which occurs from the points on the surface of a highly charged conductor, through the repulsion by the conductor of air particles that in this manner carry off minute charges. Dis.] 1C7 [Dis. A convective discharge, though often attended by a feeble sound, is sometimes called a silent discharge, in order to distinguish it from the noisy, disruptive discharge, which is attended by a sharp snap, or when considerable, by a loud report. A convective discharge is also called a glow or brush discharge. The latter is best seen at the small button at the end of the prime or positive conductor of a frictional electric machine. The positive discharge from a point or small rounded conductor is always brush-shaped; the negative discharge is always star shaped. In rarefied gases, the discharge is convective in character and produces various luminous effects of great beauty, the color of which depends on the kind of gas, and the size, shape and material of the electrodes, and on the degree of the vacuum. Thus in the rarefied space of the vessel shown in Fig. 209, the discharge becomes an ovoidal mass of light, sometimes called ] the Philosopher' 1 s Egg. When the discharges! in rarefied gases follow one another very rapid- ly, alternations of light and darkness, or stratifi- cations, or stria are pro- ] duced. The breadth of the dark bands increases as the vacuum becomes higher. The light por- tions start at the positive electrode, and are hotter | than the dark portions. The effects of luminous Fi s-sog. Discharge i convective dischargesare R^efiedAir. best seen in exhausted glass tubes, called Geissler lubes, containing residual atmospheres of various gases. (See Tubes, Geissler.) Discharge, Dead-Beat A non- oscillatory discharge. (See Discharge, Oscillatory?) Discharge, Disruptive A sudden, and more or less complete, discharge that takes place across an intervening non-con- ductor or dielectric. A mechanical strain of the dielectric occurs, which suddenly breaks down as it were and per- mits the discharge to pass as a spark, or rap^ succession of sparks. In air, the spark, when long, generally takes the zigzag path, as shown in Fig. 210. The sparks produced by disruptive discharges consist of heated gases, together with portions of the conductor that are volatilized by the heat. The discharge of a Ley- den jar or condenser may be disruptive, as when the discharging rod is held with one knob con- nected with one coating, and the other near the other coating. It may be gradual, as when the two coatings are alter- nately connected with the ground. The discharge of a Leyden jar as, in- deed, the disruptive dis- charge in general, is os- cillatory. The stress is often suf- ficient to pierce the glass. Discharge, Dura- tion of The Fig. 210. Disruptive Discharge. time required to effect a complete disruptive discharge. The disruptive discharge is not instantaneous; some time is required to effect it. Estimates of the duration of a flash of lightning based on the duration of a Leyden jar discharge, are mislead- ing from the enormous difference in the quantity and the potential in the two cases. The fact that the disruptive discharge is oscillatory and consists of a number of discharges taking place in alter- nately opposite directions shows that the discharge is not instantaneous. Leyden jar discharges, are, however, accom- plished in very small periods of time. Discharge, Flaming The white and flaming arc-like discharge that occurs between the terminals of the secondary of an induction coil, when, with a great number of alternations per second, the current through the primary is increased beyond that required for the sensitive-thread discharge. (See Dis* charge, Sensitive- Thread!) Dis.] 168 [Dis. According to Tesla the flaming discharge is best produced when the number of alternations is not too great and certain relations between ca- pacity, self-induction and frequency are observed. These relations must be such as will permit the flow through the circuit of the maximum current, and thus may be obtained with wide variations in the frequency. The flaming discharge develops considerable heat, and is characterized by the absence of the shrill note accompanying less pow- erful discharges. This is probably due to the enormous frequency. Some idea of the flaming discharge may be had Fig. 211. Flaming Discharge (Tesla). from an inspection of Fig. 211, taken from Tesla. Discharge, Glow A form of con- vective discharge. (See Discharge, Con- v&ttve.) Discharge, impulsive A dis- charge produced in conductors by suddenly created differences of potential. Impulsive discharges are influenced more by the inductance of a conductor than by its true ohmic resistance. (See Inductance. Resistance, Ohmic. ) A mass of guncotton simply ignited in the open air, produces but little effect on any resisting object placed below it. If, however, it be rapidly ignited by means of a detonator, and is thus fired with much greater rapidity, it may shatter any- thing placed beneath it. In a similar manner, a rapidly discharged cur- rent, or impulsive discharge, produces, through the inductance of the conductor, a series of effects somewhat similar to the above, in which a great impedance is produced by a sudden change of direction. Discharge, Induced Currents, Effects Produced by Varying classes of effects produced by the discharges of induced currents. The effects produced by discharges of induced currents are classified by Fleming as follows: (l.) Effects depending on the entire quantity of the discharge. a. Galvanometric effects. If the needle of the galvanometer has a period or time of oscillation that is long, as compared with the time of duration of the discharge, the sine of one-half the angle of deflection is proportional to the whole quantity of the discharge. b. Electro-chemical effects. The quantity of an electrolyte broken up is proportional to the quantity of electricity which passes through it. (2.) Effects depending on the average of the square of the current strength at any instant dur- ing the discharge. a. Heating effects. The rate of dissipation as heat, according to Joule's law, is proportional to the square of the current strength passing. b. Electro-dynamic effects. When a discharge passes through a circuit, part of which is fixed and part movable, the forces of attraction and repulsion which take place be- tween them at any instant are proportional to the square of the current strength. (3.) Effects depending on rate of change of the current. a. Physiological effects. The effect of the discharge in producing physi- ological shock increases with the suddenness of the discharge. Of two discharges which reached the same maxima that which reached it first would produce the greatest physiological effect. Recent investigations by Tesla and others would appear to partly disprove the above statement b. Telephonic effects. The telephone, like the body of an animal, is affected more by the rate of change than by the current strength at any instant. c. Magnetic effects. Rayleigh has shown that the magnetic effects of the discharge depend upon the maximum current strength during the discharge, or upon the initial current strength, in cases where the current dies away gradually. Since the time required for the permanent magnetizing of a steel wire is small compared with the duration of the induced cur- rent, the amount of magnetism acquired depends essentially on the initial or maximum current strength during the discharge, irrespective of the time during which said discharge lasts. Dis.J 169 [Dis. d. Luminous effects. These are also dependent in the case of induced discharges on the rate of change of the current. Discharge-Key. (See Key, Discharged) Discharge, Lateral A discharge, taking place on the discharge of a Leyden jar, or other disruptive discharge, between parts of the jar or conductors, not in the circuit of the main discharge. If a charged Leyden jar is placed on an insulat- ing stool, and is then discharged by the discharg- ing rod, the lateral discharge is seen as a small spark that passes between the outside coating of the jar and a body connected ^vith the earth at the moment of the discharge through the rod. A lateral discharge is also seen in the sparks that can be taken from a conductor in good con- nection with the earth, by holding the hand near the conductor, while it is receiving large sparks from a powerful machine in operation. These discharges are due to induction. If a Leyden jar be discharged by means of a con- ducting wire bent as shown in Fig. 212, in which Fig. 212. two parts of the circuit are closely approached as at A, whenever a spark occurs at B, another spark produced by a lateral discharge occurs at A. Although the resistance of the metallic circuit is enormously less than the resistance of the air Bpace through which the lateral discharge occurs, yet the counter electromotive force produced in the metallic circuit by the impulsive discharge, renders its resistance far greater than that of the air space. The path of a lateral discharge is called the alternative path. (See Path, Al- ternative, ) Discharge, Luminous Effects of The luminous phenomena attending and pro- duced by an electric discharge. The luminous effects vary as to color, intensity, shape and accompanying acoustic phenomena according to a variety of circumstances, the prin- cipal of which are as follows, viz. : (i.) With the kind of gaseous medium through which the discharge passes. Thus, a spark passed through hydrogen has a crimson or reddish color; through carbonic acid or chlorine, a greenish color. (2.) With the density of the medium. In a partial vacuum, the discharge from an induction coil becomes an ovoidal mass of light. As the vacuum increases, the light at first grows brighter, but as a higher vacuum is reached, striae of al- ternate dark and light bands appear. Finally, with very high vacua the discharge fails to pass. (See Discharge, Convective.') (3.) With the nature of the substances forming the points from which the discharge is taken. This is due to the partial volatilization of the ma- terial of the electrodes. (4.) With the kind of electricity, i. e., whether positive or negative. A positive charge assumes the shape of a fan; a negative discharge, that of a star. (5.) On the density of the discharge. The in- troduction of a Leyden jar or condenser in the circuit of a Holtz machine, for example, causes the spark to change from the faint bluish to the silvery white. (6.) The disruptive discharge through air is at- tended by snapping or crackling sound, which, in the case of lightning, reaches the intensity of thun- der. When the disruptive discharge takes place through a vacuum a faint hissing sound is heard, or all sound may entirely disappear. (7. ) Luminous effects resulting from molecular bombardment occurring in comparatively high vacua. These luminous effects may result : (a.) From actual incandescence of some refrac- tory material produced by the blows of the mole- cules; or, (b.) As a result of phosphorescence or fluores- cence due to such blows. Canary glass, or glass stained by uranium oxide, fluoresces and emits a yellowish green light; solu- tion of sulphate of quinine emits a bluish light. Discharge, Non-Oscillatory A dead-beat discharge. (See Discharge, Dead- Beat.} Discharge, Oscillating A number of successive discharges and recharges which occur on the disruptive discharge of a Leyden jar, or condenser. A discharge which periodically decreases by a series of oscillations. A discharge which produces a dying-away- backwards and forwards current. Dis.] 170 [Dis The disruptive discharge ot a Leyden jar, or condenser, is not effected by a single rush of elec- tricity. When discharged through a compara- tively small resistance, a number of alternate partial discharges and recharges occur, which produce true oscillations or undulatory discharges. These oscillations are caused by the induction of the discharge on itself, and are similar to the self-induction of a current. The existence of the oscillating discharge in the case of a Leyden jar or condenser, proves, in the opinion of some, that electricity, taken along with matter, possesses i property similar to inertia. Discharge, Oscillatory A term sometimes used for an oscillating discharge. (See Discharge, Oscillating) Discharge, Periodic An electric discharge which changes its direction at reg- ular intervals or periods. An alternating discharge. Discharge, Periodically-Decreasing An oscillating discharge whose decrease is periodic. (See Discharge, Oscillating?) Discharge, Sensitive-Thread The thin, thread-like discharge that occurs be- tween the terminals of the secondary of an in- duction coil of high frequency. The sensitive-thread discharge occurs, accord- ing to Tesla, when the number of alternations per Fig- 2 1 3- Sensitive- Thread Discharge ( Tesla). second is high and the current through the primary small. This discharge has the form of a thin, feebly -colored thread. Though very sensi- tive, being deflected by a mere breath, it is never- theless quite persistent, if the terminals be at one-third of the striking distance apart. Tesla ascribes its extreme sensitiveness, when long, to the motion of suspended dust particles in the air. The general appearance of the sensitive-thread discharge is shown in Fig. 213, taken from Tesla. Discharge, Silent A name given to a convective discharge in order to distin- guish it from the more noisy disruptive dis- charge. The convective discharge in reality is attended by a feeble sound, which, however, is quiet when compared with the more pronounced sound of the disruptive discharge. (See Discharge, Connec- tive.} Discharge, Stratified The form of alternate light and dark spaces assumed by the discharges of an induction coil through a partially exhausted gas. (See Tube, Strati- fication?) The striae are explained by Curtis as follows: 'Under the influence of the electric rhythm of the rapidly following discharges the molecules of the residual gas collect in alternately dense and rarefied spaces. The light bands correspond to the spaces where the molecules are comparatively crowded together, and their concomitant friction produces the luminous disturbance. The dark spaces are where the molecules are further apart, and where their collisions are consequently lest frequent." Discharge, Streaming A form as- sumed by the flaming discharge between the terminals of the secondary of an induction coil when the frequency of the alternations increases beyond a certain limit, and the potential has consequently increased. The streaming discharge partakes of the general characteristics of the flaming discharge. Lumi- nous streams pass in abundance, not only between the terminals of the secondary, but, according to Tesla, who has carefully studied these phe- nomena, between the primary and the secondary, through the insulating dielectric separating Fig. 214. Streaming Discharge (Tesla). them. The streams not only pass between th terminals, but also issue from all points and pro- Dis.] 171 [Dis. jections, as will be seen from Fig. 214, taken from Tesla. When the streaming discharge reaches a cer- tain higher limit it becomes a brush-and spray discharge. (See Discharge, Brush-and- Spray.} The streaming discharge obtained from an in- duction coil with high frequencies differs from that of an electrostatic machine in that it neither pos- sesses the violet color of the positive static dis- charge nor the brightness of the negative, but is intermediate in color. -- A term some- times applied to an oscillatory discharge. (See Discharge, Oscillatory^) Discharge, to Electrically - To equalize differences of potential by connecting them by means of a conductor. Discharge, Undulatory -- A dis- charge, the strength and direction of which gradually change. (See Currents, Undu- Discharge, Unidirectional - An electric discharge which takes place from the beginning to the end, in one and the same di- rection. Discharge, Telocity of -- The time required for the passage of a discharge through a given length of conductor. According to modern views it is the ether sur- rounding the wire or conductor which conveys the electric pulses. All the energy which gets into the conductor is dissipated as heat. The velocity of propagation of discharge of the pulses produced by the oscillating discharge of a Leyden jar through .the inter-atomic or inter- molecular ether, i.e., through the fixed ether within different substances, varies with the substance. Through free ether the velocity is that of light, or 185,000 miles a second. The velocity of discharge through long con- ductors or cables is much lessened by incapacity of the cable, and the effects of induction, and will therefore vary in different cases. (See Retard- ation.} Discharger, Universal - An appa- ratus for sending the discharge of a powerful Leyden battery or condenser in any desired direction. The universal discharger consists es ; ent'al'y of metallic rods, supported on insulated pillars and capable of ready motion, both towards and from one another, as well as in vertical and horizon- tal planes. The object which is to receive the discharge is placed on an insulated table between the rods', and the latter connected with the opposite coatings of the battery or condenser, when the discharge passes through it. The term universal discharger is sometimes ap- plied to the discharging tongs. Discharging, Electrically -- The act of equalizing differences of potential by connection with a conductor. Discharging Rod. (See Rod, Discharg- Discharging Tongs. (See Tongs, Dis- charging^) Disconnect. To break or open an electric circuit. Disconnecter. A key or other device for opening or breaking a circuit. Disconnecting. The act of opening or breaking an electric circuit. Disconnection. A term employed to des- ignate one of the varieties of faults caused by the accidental breaking or disconnection of a circuit. Disconnections of this kind may be : (I.) Total ; as by a switch inadvertently lefi open; or by the accidental breaking of a part of the circuit. (2.) Partial ; as by a dirty contact; a loose, o badly soldered joint; a poorly clamped binding screw; a loose terminal, or a bad earth. (3.) Intermittent; as by swinging joints, alter- nate expansions or contractions on changes oi temperature; the collection of dust and dirt in dry weather, and their washing out in wet weather. Disconnection, Intermittent - Any fault in a line which occurs at intervals or intermittently. Disconnection, Partial -- A partial fault in a line caused by any imperfect con- tact. Disconnection, Total --- A fault in a line occasioned by a complete break in the circuit. Disguised Electricity. (See Electricity,. Disguised.) Dis.J 172 [Dis. Disjunctor. A device employed in a sys- tem for tne distribution of electric energy by means of continuous currents by condensers, for the purpose of periodically reversing the constant current sent over the line. (See Electricity, Distribution of, by Continuous Current by Means of Condensers?) Dispersion Photometer. (See Photome- ter, Dispersion?) Displacement Current. (See Current, Displacement?) Displacement, Electric A displace- ment of electricity in a uniform and non- crystalline dielectric when lines of electro- static or magnetic force pass through it. The quantity of electricity displaced in any homogeneous, non-crystallizable dielectric, by the action of an electric force through the unit area of cross-section, taken perpen- dicular to the direction of the electric force. Electric displacement is produced under an elastic strain, which continues only while the elec- tric force is acting. Displacement, Electric, Lines of Lines of electric induction along which elec- tric displacement takes place. Displacement, Electric, Oscillatory A displacement of electricity in a di- electric or non-conductor of an oscillatory character. Displacement, Electric, Theory of A theory which regards the electricity produced on an insulated conductor, by in- duction through a dielectric, as displaced out of the dielectric on to the conductor, or into the dielectric from the conductor, by the in- fluence of the electric force. This conception was introduced into science by Maxwell, after a careful study of Faraday's denial of action at a distance. Suppose a small insulated sphere to receive a charge of electricity + Q. It will, by induction, produce an equal and opposite charge Q, on the inner surface, and a similar charge on the outer surface of the small hollow sphere, placed near it, but separated by the dielectric. There has, therefore, been a displacement of electricity throueh the dielectric. The medium of the dielectric has connected the two bodies, and the phenomena have appeared by the action of the electric torce on the substance of the dielectric; or, in other words, there has been no action at a distance. According to this conception, an electric cur- rent, called a displacement current, exists in the dielectric, while displacement is taking place. Displacement Waves. (See Waves, Dis- placement?) Disruptive Electric Conduction. (See Conduction, Electric, Disruptive?] Dissimulated or Latent Electricity. (See Electricity, Dissimulated or Latent?) Dissipation of Charge. (See Charge, Dissipation of?) Dissipation of Energy. (See Energy, Dissipation of.} Dissipation of Energy, Hysteresial ' (See Energy, Hysteresial, Dissipation of. Hysteresis.} Dissipation, Specific Hysteresial - The specific loss of energy by hysteresis in the case of a particular substance. (See Hysteresis.} Dissociate. To separate a compound sub- stance into its constituents. Dissociation. The separation of a chemi- cal compound into its constituent parts. Dissymmetrical Induction of Armature. (See Armature, Dissymmetrical Induc- tion of.} Dissymmetrical Magnetic Field. (See Field, Magnetic, Dissymmetrical.} Dissymmetry of Commutation. (See Commutation, Dissymmetry of.} Distance, Critical, of Lateral Discharge Through an Alternative Path The distance at which a discharge will take place through an air space of given dimensions, ii. preference to passing through a metallic cir- cuit of comparatively small resistance. Distance, Explosive A term some- times employed for sparking distance. (See Distance, Sharking?) Uist&uce. syarking The distance Dis.j 173 [Dot. at which electrical sparks will pass through an intervening air space. (See Spark, Length of.} Distant Station. (See Station, Distant.} Distillation, Destructive The action of heat on an organic substance, while out of contact with air, resulting in the decomposition of the substance into simpler and more stable compounds. The different products resulting from destruc- tive distillation may be successively collected by the ordinary processes of distillation. Distillation, Dry A species of de- structive distillation. (See Distillation, De- structive.} Distillation, Electric The dis- tillation of a liquid in which the effects of heat are aided by an electrification of the liquid. Beccaria discovered that a liquid evaporates more rapidly when electrified than when unelectrified. Crookes has shown that evaporation is aided by negative electrification, or that evaporation takes place more rapidly at the negative terminal during a discharge than at the positive. (See Evaporation, Electric. ) Distributing Box of Conduit. (See Box, Distributing, of Conduit?) Distributing Station. (See Station, Dis- tributing.} Distributing Switch for Electric Light. (See Switch, Distributing, for Electric Lights.} Bistribution-Box for Arc Light Circuits. (See Box, Distribution, for Arc Light Circuits} Distribution, Centre of In a sys- tem of multiple-distribution, any place where branch cut-outs and switches are located in order to control communication therewith. The electrical centre of a system of distri- bution as regards the conducting network. Distribution of Charge. (See Charge, Distribution of} Distribution of Electricity. (See Elec- tricity, Distribution of} Distribution of Electricity by Alternat- ing Currents (See Electricity, Dis- tribution of, by Alternating Currents.} Distribution of Electricity by Alternat- ing Currents by Means of Condensers. (See Electricity, Distribution of, by Alter- nating Currents by Means of Condensers.} Distribution of Electricity by Caminu- tating Transformers. (See Electricity, Distribution of, by Commutating Trans- formers?) Distribution of Electricity by Constant Potential Circuit. (See Electricity, Multi- ple Distribution of, by Constant Potential Circuit} Distribution of Electricity by Contin- uous Current by Means of Transformers. (See Electricity, Distribution of, by Contin- uous Current by Means of Transformers.) Distribution of Electricity by Motor- Generators. (See Electricity, Distribution of, by Motor-Generators} Distribution, Series, of Electricity by Constant Current Circuit. (See Electricity, Series Distribution of, by Constant Current Circuit} District Call-Box. (See Box, District Call} Diurnal Inequality of Earth's Magnet- ism. (See Inequality, Diurnal, of Earth's Magnetism?) Divided Magnetic Circuit. (See Circuit, Divided Magnetic} Door-Opener, Electric A device for opening a door from r. distance by elec- tricity. Various devices consisting of electro-magnets, acting against, or controlling springs or weights, are employed for this purpose. Dosage, Electro-Therapeutical The apportioning of the amount of the cur- rent and the duration of its application to the body for the treatment of disease. Dosage, Galvanic Electro-thera- peutical dosage. (See Dosage, Electro- Therapeutical) . Dotting Contact. (See Contact, Dotting} DOU.J 174 Double-Break Knife Switch. (See Switch, Double-Break Knife?) Double-Carbon Arc Lamp. (See Lamp, Electric Arc, Double-Carbon) Double-Cone Insulator. (See Insulator, Double-Cone) Double- Connector. (See Connector, Double) Double-Contact Key. (See Key, Double- Contact) Double-Cup Insulator. (See Insulator, Double-Cup) Double-Curb. (See Curb, Double) Double-Curb Signaling. (See Signaling, Curb, Double) Double-Current Signaling. (See Signal- ing, Double-Current) Double-Current Translator. (See Trans- lator, Double-Current) Double-Curr ent Transmitter. (See Transmitter, Double-Current) Double-Current Working The employment, in systems of telegraphy, by means of suitable keys, of currents from voltaic batteries, in alternately opposite directions, thus increasing the speed of signaling. (See Working, Reverse-Current) Double-Fluid Electrical Hypothesis. (See Electricity, Double-Fluid Hypothesis of-) Double-Fluid Voltaic Cell. (See Cell, Voltaic, Double-Fluid) Double-Magnet Dynamo-Electric Ma- chine. (See Machine, Dynamo-Electric, Double-Magnet) Double-Pen Telegraphic Register. (See Register, Double-Pen, Telegraphic.) D o n b 1 e-Refraction. (See Refraction, Double) Double-Refraction, Electric. (See Re- fraction, Double, Electric) Double-Shackle Insulator. (See Insula- tor, Double-Shackle) Double-Shed Insulator. (See Insulator, Double-Shed) Double-Tapper Key. (See Key, Double- Tapper) Double-Touch, Magnetization by A method for producing magnetization by the simultaneous touch of two magnet poles. (See Magnetization, Methods of) Double-Transmission. (See Transmis- sion, Double) Double-Trolley. (See Trolley, Double) Doubler of Electricity. An early form of continuous electrophorus. (See Electro- phorus) Drifting Torpedo. (See Torpedo, Drift- ing) Drill, Electro-Magnetic A drill applied especially to blasting or mining opera- tions, operated by means of electricity. Drip Loop. (See Loop, Drip) Driven Pulley. (See Pulley, Driven) Driven Shaft. (See Shaft, Driven) Driving Pulley. (See Pulley, Driving) Driving Shaft. (See Shaft, Driving) Driving Spider. (See Spider, Driving) Drop, Annunciator A movable signal operated by an electro-magnet, and placed on an annunciator, the dropping of which indicates the closing or opening of the circuit with which the electro-magnet is con- nected. The falling of the drop may be attended by the sounding of a bell or other alarm, or, it may give a silent indication. Drop, Annunciator, Automatic A drop for an annunciator, which on the closing of a circuit, falls and holds the circuit closed until the drop is raised. Drop, Annunciator, Gravity A drop for an annunciator, acted on by gravity when released by the movement of the arma- ture of an electro-magnet. Drop, Automatic A device for au- tomatically closing the circuit of a bell and holding it closed until stopped by resetting a drop. JDro.J .175 [Dyn. The automatic drop is especially applicable to burglar alarms. On the opening of a door or shutter, the closing of the circuit moves the armature of an elec- tro - magnet, and, by the falling of a drop, closes the cir- cuit and holds closed until me- chanically opened by the replacing of the drop. The general appearance of the automatic drop is shown in Fig. 215. Drop, Calling 1 A n an _ Fig. 2 is- Automatic Drop. nunciator drop employed to indicate to the operator in a telegraphic or telephonic system that one subscriber wishes to be connected with another. Drop of Potential. (See Potential, Drop of-} Drops, Clearing- Out Restoring the drops of annunciators to their normal position after they have been thrown out of the same by the closing of the circuits of their magnets. These clearing-out devices as placed on most forms of annunciators are generally mechanical in operation. Drum Armatur e. (See Armature, Drum.) Drum, Electro-Magnetic A drum, used in feats of legerdemain, operated by an automatic electro-magnetic make and break apparatus. Dry Distillation. (See Distillation, Dry.) Dry Electrode. (See Electrode, Dry.) Dry Pile. (See Pile, Dry) Dry Voltaic Cell. (See Cell, Voltaic, Dry.) Dub's Laws. (See Laws, Dub's.) Duplex Cable. (See Cable, Duplex.) Duplex Cut-Ont. (See Cut-out, Duplex) Duplex Flat Cable. (See Cable, Flat Duplex) Duplex Telegraphy. (See Telegraphy, Duplex^ Duplex Wire. (See Wire, Duplex^ Duration of Electric Discharge. (See Discharge, Duration of.) Duration of Make-Induced Current. (See Current, Make or Break Induced, Du- ration of.) Dust Figures, Lichtenberg's (See Figures, Lichtenberg's Dust.) Dyad. A chemical element which has two bonds by which it can unite or combine with another element. An element whose atomicity is bivalent. Dyeing, Electric The application of electricity either to the reduction or the oxidation of the salts used in dyeing. Goppelsroder, in his processes of electric dyeing^ forms and fixes ani'.ine black on cloth as follows, viz.: the cloth, saturated with an aniline salt, is placed on an insulated metallic plate, inert to the aniline salt, and connected with one pole of a battery or other electric source. The other pole is connected with a metallic plate on which the required design is drawn. On the passage of the current, the design is traced in aniline black on the cloth. A minute or two suffices for the operation. A species of electrolytic writing is obtained on cloths arranged as above by substituting a carbon pencil for the metallic plate. On writing with this pencil, as with an ordinary pencil, the pas- sage of the current so directed is followed by the deposition of aniline black. By means of a somewhat similar process writ- ing in white on a colored ground is obtained. Dynamic Electricity. (See Electricity, Dynamic?) Dynamics, Electro That branch of electric science which treats of the action of electric currents on one another and on themselves or on magnets. The principles of electro-dynamics were dis- covered by Ampere in 1821. A convenient form of apparatus, for showing experimentally the action of one current on another, consists of two upright metallic columns Dyn.J 176 [Dyn. or pillars, which support horizontal metallic arms containing mercury cups, y, and c, Fig. 216. Fig. 2 rb. Deflection of a Circuit by a Current. The circuit is bent in the form of a rectangle, circle or solenoid, and terminates in points that dip in the mercury cups. The current is led into and out of the apparatus at the points -}- and at the base of the upright supports. When a magnet, or another circuit, is ap- proached to the movable circuit thus provided, attractions or repulsions are produced according to th2 position of the magnet, or the direction of the currents in the two circuits. If a magnet A B, Fig. 217, be placed, as shown, Fig. 217. Deflection of Circuit by a Magnet. below the movable circuit C C, the circuit will tend to place itself at right angles to the axis of the magnet. This movement is the same as would occur if electric currents were circulating around the magnet in the the assumed Amperian cur rents. It also illustrates the prin- ciple of the electric motor. (See Magnetism, Am- pere's Theory of.) Ampere has given the results of his investigations as to the mutual attractions and repulsions of cur- rents in the following statements, which are known as Ampere's Laws : (l.) Parallel portions of a circuit attract one another if the currents in them are flowing in the same direction, and repel one another if the currents are flow- ng in opposite direc- tions. A current flowing through a spiral tends to shorten the spiral from the attraction of the parallel currents in contiguous turns. Similar poles of two solenoids repel each other, as at A, A', Fig. 218, because, when opposed to each other, the currents that produce these poles A B Fig. 218. Action of Solenoid Poles. Fig. 2 rq. Antptre's Stand. are flowing in opposite directions, as may be seen from an^inspection of the drawing. Dissimilar solenoid poles, on the contrary, at- tract each other as at A, B, in Fig. 218, since c Fig. 2 2O. Electro- Dynamic Attraction. the currents which produce them flow in the same direction. In Fig. 219, a form of Ampere's stand is shown, in which one of the circuits is in the form of the 177 [Dyn. coil M N ; its action on the movable circuit C B, is to repel it, since the currents, as shown, are flowing in an opposite direction in the adjacent portions of the fixed and movable circuits. (2.) Two portions of a circuit intersecting each other mutually attract each other when the cur- rents in both circuits flow either towards or from the point of intersection, but repel each other f they flow in opposite di- rections from this point. Thus, in Fig. 220, the , currents in both circuits P P Q and A B C D, flow towards and from the Fig. 22T. Continuous Rotation of Current. point of intersection Y, and attract one another and cause a motion until the two circuits are parallel. If the currents flow in opposite directions they repel each other, and, if free to move, will come to rest when parallel to each other ; therefore, two portions of a circuit crossing each other tend to mjve until they are parallel, and their currents are flowing in the same direction. (3.) Successive portions of the circuit of the same rectilinear current, that is, a current flowing in the same straight line, repel one another. A circuit O A, Fig. 221, movable on O, as a Fig . 222. Mutual Action of Magnetic Fields. centre, will be continuously rotated in the direc- tion of the curved arrow by the rectilinear cur- rent, P Q; for, the directions of the currents being as shown by the arrows, there will be attraction in the positions (i) and (2), and repulsion in pe- tition (4). The cause of the mutual attractions and repul- sions df electric circuits will readily appear from a consideration of the mutual action of their magnetic fields. Thus an inspection of Fig. 222 shows : (l.) That parallel currents flowing in the same direction attract, because their lines of force have opposite directions in adjoining parts of the cir- cuit of these lines. (2.) That parallel currents flowing in opposite directions repel, because their lines of force have the same directions in adjoining parts of the cir- cuit. These laws may therefore be generalized thus, viz. : Lines of magnetic force extending in oppo- site dirtctions attract one another; lines of magnetic force extending in the same direction repel one another. Ampere proved that a circuit, doubled on itself so that the current flows in opposite directions in the two parts, exerts no force on external objects. This expedient is adopted in resistance coils to prevent any disturbance of the galvanometer needles. He also showed that a sinuous circuit, or one bent into zigzags, produces the same effects of attraction or repulsion as it would if it were straight. (See Coil, Resistance.} The term sinuous current is sometimes applied to the current in a sinuous circuit. (See Current, Sinuous.) This must be distinguished from the term sinusoidal current, which applies to fluctua- tions in the current and not to peculiarities in the shape of the conductor. When two inclined magnets, free to move, are left to their mutual attractions and repulsions, they gradually come to rest with their axes parallel to each other. Two conductors through which electric cur- rents are flowing act on one another as two magnets would. A conductor conveying a current of electricity tends to rotate round a magnetic pole. A mag- netic pole tends t._> rotate continuously round an electric current. The motion of a magnet near a conductor produces an electromotive force in that conductor provided the conductor cuts the lines offeree. A magnetized substance becomes magnetized when placed in a magnetic field. A conductor through which a current of elec- tricity is passing tends to wrap itself around a neighboring magnetic pole. The following ex- periments illustrate this tendency: (i.) The experiment suggested by Lodge: A powerful current of electricity is passed through some eight feet in length of gold thread such as is employed for making lace. The thread is hung in a vertical position, near a vertical bar 178 magnet. As soon as the current passes, the thread will wrap itself around the bar magnet, one half of it twisting itself round the north pole, the other half round the south pole. (2.) The experiment suggested by Professor S. P. Thompson: An electric current is sent through a stream of mercury while it is flowing between two poles of a powerful electro-magnet; when the current is sent through the magnet, the stream is twisted in spiral directions which vary, either with the direction of the current, or with the direction of the magnetic polarity. (3.) Somewhat similar effects can be shown by the rotation of a stream cf gas round a magnetic pole placed in an exhausted glass receiver. Dynamo. The name frequently applied to a dynamo-electric machine used as a gener- ator. (See Machine, Dynamo-Electric?) Dynamo Balancing Rheostat. (See Rheostat, Dynamo Balancing?) Dynamo-Battery. (See Battery, Dy- namo?) Dynamo Brush Trimmer. (See Trim- mer, Dynamo Brush?) Dynamo, Composite-Field A dynamo whose field coils are series and separately excited. Additional separately excited coils placed on the field of a series wound dynamo render it self- regulating. A composite dynamo is a form of compounded dynamo. Dynamo, Compound-Wound. A com- pound-wound dynamo-electric machine. (See Machine, Dynamo-Electric, Compound- Wound?) Dynamo, Contact A form of dyna- mo in which the space between the arma- ture and field magnet poles is so reduced that they actually touch one another. In contact dynamos both field and armature revolve. This form of dynamo has not been very successful in practice. Dynamo-Electric Machine. (See Ma- chine, Dynamo-Electric?) Dynamo-Electric Machine, Alternating Current (See Machine, Dynamo- Electric, Alternating Current?) Dynamo-Electric Machine Armature. (See Armature, Dynamo-Electric Machine.} Dynamo-Electric Machine Armature Coils. (See Coils, Armature, of Dynamo- Electric Machine?) Dynamo-Electric Machine Armature Core. (See Core, Armature, of Dynamo- Electric Machine?) Dynamo-Electric Machine Battery. (See Battery, Dynamo-Electric Machine?) Dynamo-Electric Machine, Bi-Polar (See Machine, Dynamo-Electric, Bi- Polar?) Dynamo-Electric Machine, Collecting Brushes of (See Brushes, Collecting, of Dynamo-Electric Machine?) Dynamo-Electric Machine Commutator (See Commutator, Dynamo-Electric Machine?) Dynamo-Electric Machine, Compound- Wound - - (See Machine, Dynamo- Electric, Compound- Wound?) Dynamo-Electric Machine, Generation of Current by fSee Current, Genera- tion of, by Dynamo-Electric Machine?) Dynamo-Electric Machine, Field Mag- nets (See Magnets, Field, of Dynamo- Electric Machine?) Dynamo-Electric Machine, Methods of Increasing the Electromotive Force Gene- rated by (See Force, Electromotive, Generated by Dynamo-Electric Machine, Method of Increasing?) Dynamo-Electric Machine, Mouse-Mill, Sir William Thomson's - (See Ma- chine, Dynamo-Electric, Mouse-Mill, Sir William Thomson's?) Dynamo-Electric Machine, Multipolar (See Machine, Dynamo-Electric, Multipolar?) Dynamo-Electric Machine, Pole-Pieces of (See Pole-Pieces of Dynamo-Electric Machine?) Dynamo-Electric Machine, Reversibility of (See Machine, Dynamo-Electric, Reversibility of?) 179 Dynamo-Electric Machine, Varieties of (See Machine, Dynamo-Electric, Varieties of.) Dynamo, Inductor A dynamo- electric machine fey alternating currents in which the differences of potential causing the currents are obtained by magnetic changes in the cores of the armature and field coils by the movement past them of laminated masses of iron inductors. The coils corresponding to the armature and field magnets of the ordinary dynamo are sta- tionary. The laminated masses of iron, employed to cause magnetic changes in the cores of the field and armature coils, are fixed on an inductor wheel which is rapidly revolved in front of them. The magnets corresponding to the field magnets are called the primary poles, and are magnetized by an exciter. The magnets corresponding to the armature are called the secondary poles and are placed so as to alternate with the primary poles. The inductors are so shaped that they carry the magnetism of one pole of the primary magnet to the secondary poles when the inductor is in one position, and of the opposite pole when in a slightly different position. The inductor wheel therefore acts as a magnetic commutator and changes the position of the secondary magnet as it rotates, thus producing electromotive force. The number of alternations per revolution is equal to twice the number of inductors placed on the inductor wheel. Dynamo, Inverted A dynamo-elec- tric machine in which the armature bore or chamber is placed below the field magnet coils. The term inverted is used in contradistinction to the overtype dynamo. (See Dynamo, Over- type.} Dynamo, Mouse Mill A form of dynamo-electric machine designed by Sir William Thomson to act as the replenisher of one of his electrometers. (See Replenisher?) Dynamo, Multiphase A polyphase dynamo. (See Dynamo, Polyphase. Dyna- mo, Rotating Current?) Dynamo, Overtype A dynamo- electric machine, the armature bore or cham- ber of which is placed above the field magnet coils instead of below them as in many forms. The overtype form of dynamo possesses tha advantage of better avoiding magnetic leakage. Dynamo, Polyphase A name some- times applied to a rotating current dynamo. (See Dynamo, Rotating Current?) Dynamo, Pyromagnetic A name sometimes applied to a pyromagnetic gen- erator. (See Generator, Pyromagnetic?) Dynamo, Kotary-Phase A term sometimes employed for a rotating current dynamo. (See Dynamo, Rotating Current?) Dynamo, Separately-Excited A separately-excited dynamo-electric machine. (See Machine, Dynamo-Electric, Separ- ately-Excited?) Dynamo, Series A series-wound dynamo- electric machine. (SeeJ/a- chine, Dynamo- Electric, Series- Wound?) Dynamo, Shunt A shunt- wound dynamo- electric machine. (See Machine, Dynamo - Electric, Shunt- Wound?) Dynamograph. A term some- times applied to a type-writing tele- graph that records the message in type-written char- acters, both at the sending and the receiving ends. Dynamometer. [= A name given to a variety of appar- f,- f . 223 , Parsons' Dyna- atus for measuring mometer. the power of an engine or motor. In all dynamometers the strain on the belt or other moving part is measured, say in pounds, and the speed of the moving part is also measured in feet per second. The product of the strain in 180 pounds by the velocity in feet per second, di- vided by 550, will give the horse power. One of the many forms of dynamometers is shown in Fig. 223. It is known as Parsons' Dy- namometer. The driving pulley is shown at A, and the driven pulley at C. Weights hung at Q 1 , are va- ried so as to maintain the axes of the suspended pulleys, D and B, as nearly as possible at the same height. Then the tension T x and T 2 , on the sides O and O', of the belts, will be repre- sented by the following equation : T _ T _ ^ Q 1 1 i i -- - , Since the same current passes through both tht fixed and movable coils, and they both act on each other, the deflecting force here is evidently proportional to the square of the strength of th from which, knowing the belt speed, the horse power may be deduced. There are several other forms of dynamometer, such as the cradle dynamometer, in which the machine is supported on knife edges and the torque or pull exerted on or by the machine is balanced by weights sliding on a lever. In these dynamometers the power is transmitted through them and they are therefore called transmission dynamometers. Dynamometer, Electro -- A form of galvanometer for the measurement of electric currents. In Siemens' Electro-Dynamometer, shown in Fig. 224, there are two coils ; a fixed coil, C, se- cured to an upright support, and a movable coil, L, consisting often of but a single turn of wire. The movable coil is suspended by means of a thread and a delicate spring, S, capable of being twisted by turning a milled screw -head through an angle of torsion measured on a scale by means of an index connected to the screw-head. The two ends of the movable coil dip into mercury cups so connected that the current to be measured passes through the fixed and movable coils in series. When ready for use the movable coil is at right angles to the fixed coil. The current to be meas- ured is then sent into the coils, and their mutual action tends to place the movable coil parallel to the fixed coil against the torsion of the spring, S. The amount of this force can be ascertained by determining the amount of torsion required to bring the movable coil back to its zero position. Fig, 224.. Siemens' Electro- Dynamometer, current to be measured. The deflecting force, and consequently the current strength, is there- fore proportional to the square root of the angle of torsion, and not directly to the angle of tor- sion. Dyne. The unit of force. The force which in one second can impart a velocity of I centimetre per second to a mass of I gramme. The dyne is the unit of force, or a force capa- ble, after acting for one second on a mass of I gramme, of giving it a velocity of I centimetre per second. The weight of a body in dynes, or the force with which it gravitates, is equal tj its mass in grammes, multiplied by the acceleration imparted to it in centimetres per second. For this latitude the acceleration is about 981 centi- metres per second. E,] 181 [Bad. E. A contraction sometimes used for earth,, A contraction sometimes used for electro- motive force, or E. M. F., as in the well- known formula for Ohm's law, E. M. D. P. A contraction for electro- motive difference of potential. (See Poten- tial, Difference of, Electromotive^) E. M. F. A contraction generally used for electromotive force. (See Force, Electro- motive?) Earth. A fault in a telegraphic or other line, caused by accidental contact of the line with the ground or earth, or with some con- ductor connected with the latter. This is more frequently called a ground. Earths are of three kinds, viz. : (I.) Deader Total Earth. (2.) Partial Earth. (3.) Intermittent Earth. The term earth is also applied to a plate buried in the ground, and intended to make a good con- tact between the earth and a wire circuit, which is connected with the plate. Earth Circuit. (See Circuit, Earth?) Earth-Circuited Conductor. (See Con- ductor, Earth-Circuited?) Earth Currents. Electric currents flow- ing through different parts of the earth caused by a difference of potential at different points. The causes of these differences of potential are Tarious and are not well understood. Earth, Dead or Total A fault in a telegraphic or other line in which the line is thoroughly grounded or connected with the earth. Dead earth is sometimes called total earth. Earth-Grounded Wire. (See Wire, Earth- Grounded. ) Earth, Intermittent A swinging earth. (See Earth, Swinging or Jntermit- tent?) Earth or Ground. That part of the earth or ground which forms part of an electric circuit. A circuit is put to earth or ground when the earth is used for a portion of the circuit. The resistance of an earth connection may vary in time from the following causes, viz.: ( I. ) The corrosion of the ground plate. This is especially apt to occur in the case of a copper plate. (2.) From polarization, a counter-electro- motive force being produced, thus introducing a spurious resistance into the circuit. (See Resist- ance, Spurious.) Earth, Partial A fault in a tele- graphic or other line in which the line is in partial connection with the earth. The term partial earth is used in contradistinc- tion to dead or total earth. Earth, Return A circuit in which the return current passes back to the source through the earth. Earth, Swinging or Intermittent A fault in a telegraphic or other line in which the action of the wind, or occasional expansion by heat, brings the line into inter- mittent contact with the earth. Earth, Total A term sometimes used for dead earth. (See Earth, Dead or Total?) Ebonite. A tough, hard, black substance, composed of India rubber and sulphur, which possesses high powers of insulation and of specific inductive capacity. Ebonite is often called vulcanite. Vulcanite rubbed with cat-skin acts as one of the best known substances for becoming electri- fied by friction. For this purpose both substances should be thoroughly dried. Economic Co-efficient of Dynamo-Elec- tric Machine (See Co-efficient, Economic, of a Dynamo-Electric Machine?) Eddy Currents. (See Currents, Eddy.) Eddy Currents, Deep-Seated (See Currents, Eddy, Deep-Seated?) Eddy Currents, Superficial (See Currents, Eddy, Superficial?* Edd.j Eddy-Displacement Currents. (See Cur- rents, Eddy-Displacement^ Eel, Electric An eel possessing file power of giving powerful electric shocks = The gymnotus electricus. The electricity is produced by an organ ex- tending the entire length of the body. According to Faraday, the shock given by a specimen of the animal examined by him was equal to that of 15 Leyden jars, having a total surface of 25 square feet. Fig. 225 shows the general appearance of the animal. Effect, Acheson The increase in the electro- motive force of the sec- ondary of a transformer by the action of the changes in temperature of its core. (See Electricity, Cat.) Effect, Chemical Eel, The effect occasioned by atomic combina- tion, which results in a loss of those properties or peculiarities by which the substances en- tering into combination are ordinarily recog- nized. Atomic combination, resulting in the for- mation of new molecules The formation of new molecules necessitates the possession by the new substance of properties dis- tinct and separate from those of its constituents. Black carbon, and yellow sulphur, for example, both solids, unite chemically to form a frans- parent colorless liquid. Chemical changes differ from physical changes, which latter can occur in a substance without the formation of new molecules, and consequently without the loss by it of the properties it ordi- narily possesses. Thus a sheet of vulcanite, electrified by friction, Still retains its characteristic density, shape, color, etc. Effect, Counter-Inductive The opposal of current or charge oy means of a counter-electromotive force produced by ui- duction. Fig. 223. Electric [Eft In the Thomson counter-electromotive force lightning arrester, a counter-electromotive force, produced by the inductive effects of the passag of the bolt to earth, protects the instrument by opposing the passage of the bolt. (See Arrester % Lightning Counter-Electromotive Force.") Effect, Edison An electric dis- charge which occurs between one of the ter- minals of the incandescent filament of an electric lamp, and a metallic plate placed near the filament but disconnected therefrom, as soon as a certain difference of potential is reached between the lamp terminals. The effect of the discharge is to produce a cur- rent in a circuit connected to one pole of the lamp terminals and the metallic plate, as may be shown by means of a galvanometer. Effect, Electrotonic An altered condition of excitability of a nerve produced when in the electrotonic state. (See Elec- trotonus?) Effect, Faraday The rotation of the plane of polarization of a beam of plane polarized light by its passage through a magnetic field. Lodge suggests the following explanation for the Faraday effect : As is well known, a strongly magnetized medium possesses a different magnetic susceptibility to additional magnetizing forces in the same direction than it does in the opposite direction. It therefore follows that the vibra- tions are resolved into two opposed circular com- ponents, which travel through the medium with different rates of velocity, since one tends to mag- netize it and the other to demagnetize it. The plane of rotation will therefore be rotated. He also suggests the following explanation for the Faraday effect, viz.: He assumes that the Amperian molecular currents in such substances as exhibit rotation in a magnetic field do not consist of two equal and opposite electrical cur- rents, but that one of the currents is slightly stronger than the other. Suppose, for example, that in iron the positive Amperian current is weaker than the negative, and that the ether as a whole is rotating with the negative current. Any ethereal vibration entering such a medium will begin to screw itself in the direction opposed to that of the magnetizing current. In copper, or other similar substances, the rotation should take place in the opposite direction. Elf. 183 [Eff, Effect, Ferranti An increase in the electromotive force, or difference of potential, of mains or conductors towards the end of the same farthest from the terminals that are con- nected with a source of constant potential. The Ferranti effect refers to the increase of the electromotive force on the mains employed in systems for the transmission of electrical energy \y means of alternating currents. It was found, for example, in the currents used on the mains connected with one of Mr. Ferranti's alter- nating dynamos and leading to the town of Dept- ford, that instead of finding a drop of potential at the ends of the mains farthest from the dynamo, as was expected, a notable increase in the poten- tial occurred. These effects were observed dur- ing the laying of the mains. Testing the poten- tial by placing an incandescent lamp in the circuit across the mains, the increase of the potential with the increase of the length of the main was shown by the increased brilliancy of the light of the incandescent lamp. Various explanations have been given as the cause of the Ferranti effect. Effect, Hall A transverse elec- tromotive force, produced by a magnetic field in substances undergoing electric dis- placement. This transverse electromotive force is probably Fig. 2S(>. Hall Effect. due to magnetic whirls, in a manner similar to the Faraday effect. The Hall effect is produced by placing a very thin metallic strip, conveying an electric current, in a strong magnetic field. Tne cross A B C D, Fig. 226, is cut out of a gold leaf or other very thin metallic sheet. The ends A and B, are connected with the terminals of a battery S, and the ends C and D, with the galvanometer G. None of the battery current can therefore flow through the galvanometer. If, now, the metallic cross be placed in a power- ful magnetic field, the lines of force of which are perpendicular to the plane of the cross, the deflec- tion of the galvanometer needle will show the existence of a current, which, if the battery cur- rent flows in the direction of the arrow, or from A, to B, and the lines of magnetic force pass through the paper from the front to the back of the sheet, when the cross is formed of gold, silver, platinum or tin-foil, will flow through C D, from C to D, but in the opposite direction if formed of iron. These effects cease if the conductor is increased in thickness beyond a certain extent. As regards the production of the Hall effect by the influence of a magnetic field on conductors, Mr. Shelford Bidwell suggests that since magnet- ism affects the conductivity of metals in a complicated manner, it is possible that metallic substances conveying an electric current in a magnetic field are more or less strained by the mechanical forces, and that, therefore, heat may be unequally developed, and that the resistance thus being modified in places, there may be pro- duced disturbances of the flow which may rapidly produce in part a transverse electromotive force. Effect, Hall, Real A transverse elec- tromotive force produced in conductors con- veying electric currents, by magnetic whirls, in a manner similar to that in which the Far- aday effect is produced. (See Effect, Fara- day^ Effect, Hall, Spurious An appa- rent transverse electromotive force produced in conductors conveying electric currents in magnetic fields, by changes, produced by mag- netism, in the conductivity of the metals, and the co'nsequent production of local distur- bances in the electrical flow, thus resulting in an apparent transverse electromotive force. Effect, Impulsion The restoration or loss of sensitiveness of a photo-voltaic eel' to the action of light, produced by means of an impulse such as that of a tap or blow, or electro-magnetic impulse. Eff.] 184 [Eff. Effect, Joule The heating effect produced by the passage of an electric cur- rent through a conductor, arising merely from the resistance of the conductor. The rate at which this occurs is proportional to the resistance of the conductor through which the current is passing multiplied by the square of the current. (See Heat, Electric. ) Effect, Kerr A term applied to the electrostatic optical effect discovered by Dr. Kerr, viz., that a beam of plane polarized light is elliptically polarized when transmitted across an electrostatic field. The Kerr effect does not take place in free space, but occurs in different senses or directions in dif- ferent media. Like the Faraday effect, the Kerr effect de- pends on the presence of a dense medium, and the direction of the effect depends on the character of the medium. Effect, Mordey A term some- times applied to a decrease in the value of hysteresis in the iron of a dynamo armature at full load. Effect, Peltier The heating ef- fect produced by the passage of an electric current across a thermo-electric junction or surface of contact between two different met- als. (See Junction, Ther mo-Electric.) The passage of the current across a thermo- electric junction produces either heat or cold. If heat is produced by its passage in one direction, told is produced by its passage in the opposite direction. The Peltier effect may, therefore, mask the Joule effect. The Peltier effect is the converse of the thermo- electric effect, where the unequal heating of metal- lic junctions results in an electric current. (See Effect, Joule. Effect, Thomson.) The quantity of heat absorbed or emitted by the Peltier effect is proportional to the current strength, and not, as in the Joule effect, to the square of the current. Effect, Photo-Yoltaic The change in the resistance of selenium or other substances effected by their exposure to light. The photo-voltaic effect is seen in the case of the selenium cell. (See Cell, Selenium?) Effect, Seebeck A term sometimes used instead of thermo-electric effect. (See Effect, Thermo-Electric?) This term has nearly passed out of use. Effect, Skin The tendency of alter. nating currents to avoid the central portions of solid conductors and to flow or pass mostly through the superficial portions. The so-called skin effect is more pronounced the more frequent the alternations. Effect, Thermo-Electric The pro- duction of an electromotive force at a thermo-electric junction by a difference of temperature between that junction and the other junction of the thermo-electric couple. (See Couple, Thermo-Electric. Junction, Thermo-Electric^) Effect, Thomson The production of an electromotive force in unequally heated homogeneous conducting substances. A term also applied to the increase or de- crease in the differences of temperature in an unequally heated conductor, produced by the passage of an electrical current through the conductor. The Thomson effects vary according to whether the current passes from a colder to a 1 otter part of the conductor, or the reverse. The Thomson effects differ in direction in differ- ent metals, and are absent in lead. Thomson has pointed out the similarity between this species of thermo-electric phenomena, and convection by heat, or the phenomena of a liquid circulating in a closed rectangular tube, under the influence of differences of temperature, in -which the heated fluid gives out heat in the cooler parts of the cir- cuit, and takes in heat in the warmer parts. This would presuppose that positive electricity carries heat in copper like a real fluid, but that in iron it acts as though its specific luat were a negative quantity, in which respect it is unlike a true fluid. " We may express," says Maxwell, " both the Peltier and the Thomson effects by stating that when an electric current is flowing from places of smaller lo places of greater thermo-electric power, heat is absorbed, and when it is flowing in the reverse direction heat is generated, and this whether the difference of thermo-electric power in the two places arises from a difference in the Eff.] 185 [Ele. nature of the metals, or from a difference of tem- perature in the same metal." Effect, Toltaic A difference of potential observed at the point of contact of two dissimilar metals. This difference of potential was formerly as- Cribed to the mere contact of dissimilar metals, and is even yet believed by some to be due to such contact. It is, however, perhaps more ac- curately ascribed to the greate-r affinity of oxygen of the air for the positive metal than for the negative metal; that is, to a chemical action on the positive element of a voltaic couple. Effective Electromotive Force. (See Force, Electromotive, Effective?) Effective Secondary Electromotive Force. (See Force, Electromotive, Second- ary, Effective?) Effects of Capillarity on Voltaic Cells. (See Capillarity ; Effects of, on Voltaic Cell?) Efficiency, Commercial The useful or available energy produced divided by the total energy absorbed by any machine or ap- paratus. The Commercial Efficiency = W _ W ~M~ W + w -f- m, when W = the useful or available energy; M = the total energy; w, the energy absorbed by the machine, and m, the stray power, or power lost in friction of bearings, etc., air friction, eddy cur- rents, etc. Efficiency, Commercial, of Dynamo The useful or available electrical energy in the external circuit, divided by the total mechanical energy required to drive the dynamo that produced it. (See Co-efficient, Economic, of a Dynamo-Electric Machine?) Efficiency, Electric The useful or available electrical energy of any source, divided by the total electrical energy. W The electric efficiency = _, where W, W-f-w equals the useful or available electrical energy, and w, the electrical energy absorbed by the machine. , Efficiency of Conversion. The ratio be- tween the energy present in any result and *he energy expended in producing that result. Efficiency of Conversion of Dynamo. (See Conversion, Efficiency of, of Dynamo?) Efficiency of Transformer. (See Trans- former, Efficiency of?) Efficiency, Quantity, of Storage Battery The ratio of the number of ampere- hours taken out of a storage or secondary battery, to the number of ampere-hours put in the battery in charging it. Efficiency, Real, of Storage Battery The ratio of the number of watt-hours taken out of a storage battery, to the number of watt-hours put into the battery in charg- ing it. Efflorescence. The drying of crystals by losing their water of crystallization and be- coming pulverulent or crumbling. The term is sometimes loosely applied to the deposition of solid matter by the -crystal- lization of a salt, above the line of the liquid, on the surface of a vessel containing a vaporiz- able saline solution. The liquid, by capillarity in a porous vessel, or by adhesion to the walls of an impervious vessel, rises above the level of the main liquid line, and, evaporating, deposits crystals on the vessel. This process is technically called creeping, and is often the cause of much annoyance in voltaic cells. Egg, Philosopher's A name given to the ovoidal, or egg-shaped mass of light that appears when a convective discharge is taken between two electrodes in a partial vacuum. The philosopher's egg is but one of the shapes assumed by the convective discharge. (See Dis- charge, Convective.) Elasticity, Electric The quotient arising from dividing the electric stress by the electric strain. It can be shown mathematically that the elec- tric elasticity is equal to 4, or 4 x 3. 1416, divided by the specific inductive capacity. Electrepeter. An instrument for chang- ing the direction of an electric current. The old term for switch, key, or pole changer. (Obsolete.) Electric. Pertaining to electricity. Ele.] 186 [Ele. Electric Absorption. (See Absorption, Electric?) Electric Acoutemeter. (See Acouteme- ter, Electric?) Electric Actinometer. (See Actinomecer ; Electric?) Electric Adhesion. (See Adhesion, Elec- tric?) Electric Aging of Alcohol. (See Alco- hol, Electric Aging of?) Electric Alarm. (See Alarm, Electric?) Electric Alarm Speaking-Tube Mouth- Piece. (See Speaking-Tube Mouth-Piece, Electric Alarm?) Electric Amalgam. (See Amalgam, Electric?) Electric Ammunition Hoist. (See Hoist, Ammunition, Electric?) Electric Analysis. (See Analysis, Elec- tric?) Electric Analyzer. (See Analyzer, Elec- tric?) Electric Anemometer. (See Anemome- ter, Electric?) Electric Annealing. (See Annealing, Electric?) Electric Annunciator Clock. (See Clock, Electric Annunciator?) Electric Arc. (See Arc, Electric?) Electric Arc Blow-Pipe. (See Blow- Pipe, Electric Arc?) Electric Argand Burner, Hand-Lighter (See Burner, Argand Electric, Hand- Lighter?) Electric Argand Burner, Plain-Pendant (See Bitrner, Argand Electric, Plain-Pendant?) Electric Argand Burner, Ratchet-Pend- ant (See Burner, Argand Electric, Ratch et-Penda /.) Electric Balance. (Gee Balance, Elec- tric?) Electric Balloon. (Gee Balloon, Elec- tric?) Electric Battery. (Gee Battery, Elec- tric?) Electric Bell, Continuous-Sounding (See Bell, Continuous-Sounding Electric?) Electric Bell, Differential. (See Bell, Differential Electric?) Electric Bell, Mechanical. (See Bell, Electro-Mechanical?) Electric Bell Pull. (See Pull, Bell, Elec- tric?) Electric Bioscopy. (See Bioscopy, Elec- tric?) Electric Bi-Polar Bath. (See Bath, Bi- Polar?) Electric Blasting. (See Blasting, Elec- tric?) Electric Bleaching. (See Bleaching, Electric?) Electric Blow-Pipe. (See Blow-Pipe, Electric?) Electric Boat. (See Boat, Electric?) Electric Bobbin. (See Bobbin, Electric?) Electric Body-Protector. (See Body-Pro- tector, Electric?) Electric Boiler-Feed. (See Boiler-Feed, Electric?) Electric Branding. (See Branding, Elec- tric?) Electric Breeze. (See Breeze, Electric?) Electric Bridge. (See Bridge, Electric?) Electric Buoy. (See Buoy, Electric?) Electric Burner. (See Burner, Auto- matic Electric?) Electric Buzzer. (See Buzzer, Electric?) Electric Cable. (See Cable, Electric?) Electric Calamine. (See Calamine, Elec- tric?) Electric Call-Bell. (See Bell, Call.} Electric Calorimeter. (See Calorimeter, Electric?) Electric Candle. (See Candle, Electric?) Electric Case-Hardening. (See Case- Hardening, Electric?) Electric Cauterization. (See Cauteriza- tion, Electric?) Electric Cauterizer. (See Cauterizer, Electric?) Ele.] 187 [Ele. Electric Cautery. (See Cautery, Elec- tric^ Electric Charge. (See Charge, Electric?) Electric Chimes. (See Chimes, Electric?) Electric Chronograph. (See Chrono- graph, Electric?) Electric Chronoscope. (See Chronoscope, Electric?) Electric Cigar-Lighter. (See Lighter, Cigar, Electric?) Electric Circuit. (See Circuit, Electric.) Electric Cleats. (See Cleats, Electric?) Electric Clepsydra. (See Clepsydra, Elec- tric?) Electric Clock. (See Clock, Electric?) Electric Coil. (See Coil, Electric?) Electric Column. (See Column, Elec- tric?) Electric Communicator. (See Commu- nicator, Electric?) Electric Conducting. (See Conducting, Electrical?) Electric Conduction. (See Conduction, Electric.) Electric Convection of Heat. (See Heat, Electric Convection of?) Electric Cord. (See Cord, Electric?) Electric Counter. (See Counter, Elec- tric?) Electric Creeping. (See Creeping, Elec- tric?) Electric Cross. (See Cross, Electric?) Electric Crucible. (See Crucible, Elec- tric?) Electric Current. (See Current, Elec- tric?) Electric Cystoscopy. (See Cystoscopy t Electric?) Electric Damping. (See Damping, Elec- tric?) Electric Death. (See Death, Electric?) Electric Decomposition. (See Decom- position, Electric?) 7 Vol. ] Electric Density. (See Density, Elec- tric?) Electric Deposition. (See Deposition, Electric?) Electric Determination of Longitude. (See Longitude, Electric Determination of.) Electric Displacement. (See Displace- ment, Electric.) Electric Distillation. (See Distillation, Electric.) Electric Door-Bell Pull. (See Pull, Electric Door-Bell?) Electric Double-Refraction. i See Double-Refraction, Electric?) Electric Dyeing. (See Dyeing, Electric?) Electric Dynamometer, Siemens'. (See Dynamometer, Electro?) Electric Eel. (See Eel, Electric?) Electric Efficiency. (See Efficiency, Elec- tric?) Electric Elasticity. (See Elasticity, Elec- tric?) Electric Elevator. (See Elevator, Elec- tric?) Electric Endosmose. (See Endosmose, Electric?) Electric Energy. (See Energy, Electric?) Electric Entropy. (See Entropy, Elec- tric?) Electric Escape. (See Escape, Electric?) Electric Etching. (See Etching, Elec- tro?) Electric Evaporation. (See Evapora- tion, Electric?) Electric Excitability of Nerve or Mus- cular Fibre. (See Excitability, Electric, of Nerve or Muscular Fibre?) Electric Exhaustion. (See Exhaustion, Electric?) Electric Expansion. (See Expansion, Electric?) Electric Exploder. (See Exploder, Elec- tric Mine?) Ele.] 188 [Ele. Electric Explorer. (See Explorer, Elec- tric?) Electric Field. (See Field, Electric) Electric Figures, Breath (See Figures, Electric, Breath) Electric Figures, Lichtenberg's - (See Figures, Electric, Lichtenberg's) Electric Fishes. (See Fishes, Electric) Electric Fly. (See Fly, Electric) Electric Flyer. (See Flyer, Electric) Electric Fog. (See Fog, Electric) Electric Force. (See Force, Electric) Electric Furnace. (See Furnace, Elec- tric) Electric Fuse. (See Fuse, Electric) Electric Gas-Lighting. (See Gas-Light- ing, Electric) Electric Gas-Lighting, Multiple - (See Gas-Lighting, Multiple Electric) Electric Gas-Lighting Torch. (See Torch, Electric Gas-Lighting) Electric Gastroscope. (See Gastroscope, Electric) Electric Gilding. (See Gilding, Electric) Electric Governor. (See Governor, Elec- tric) Electric Hand-Lighter for Argand Burner. (See Burner, Argand Electric Hand-L ighter) Electric Head-Bath. (See Bath, Head, Electric) Electric Head-Light. (See Head-Light, Locomotive, Electric) Electric Heat. (See Heat, Electric) Electric Heater. (See Heater, Electric) Electric Horse Power. (See Power, Horse, Electric) Electric Hydrotasimeter. (See Hydro- tasimeter, Electric) Electric Ignition. (See Ignition, Elec- tric) Electric Images. (See Images, Electric) Electric Incandescence. (See Incandes- cence, Electric) Electric Indicator for Steamships. (See Indicator, Electric, for Steamships) Electric Indicators. (See Indicators, Electric^ Electric Inertia. (See Inertia, Electric) Electric Insolation. (See Insolation, Electric) Electric Installation. (See Installation, Electric) Electric Insulation. (See Insulation, Electric) Electric Irritability. (See Irritability, Electric) Electric Jar. (See Jar, Electric) Electric Jewelry. (See Jewelry, Elec- tric) Electric Lamp, Arc (See Lamp, Electric, Arc) Electric Lamp-Bracket. (See Bracket, Lamp, Electric) Electric Lamp, Incandescent (See Lamp, Electric, Incandescent) Electric Lamp, Semi-Incandescent (See Lamp, Electric, Semi-Incandescent) Electric Lamp, Socket for. (See Socket, Electric Lamp) Electric Launch. (See Launch, Elec- tric) Electric Letter-Box. (See Letter-Box, Electric) Electric Light. (See Light, Electric) Electric Lighting, Central Station (See Station, Central) Electric Lighting, Isolated (See Lighting, Electric, Isolated) Electric Light or Power Cable. (See Cable, Electric Light or Power) Electric Lock. (See Lock, Electric) Electric Locomotive. (See Locomotive, Electric) Electric Log. (See Log, Electric) Electric Loom. (See Loom, Electric) Electric Loop. (See Loop, Electric) Electric Machine, Frictional (See Machine, Frictional Electric) Ele.] J89 [Ele. Electric Main. (See Main, Electric?) Electric Masses. (See Masses. Electric) Electric Measurements. (See Measure- ments, Electric.) Electric Megaloscope. (See Megalo- scope, Electric?) Electric Meter. (See Meter. Electric?) Electric Mine-Exploder. (See Mine-Ex- ploder, Electro-Magnetic. Fuse, Electric?) Electric Motor. (See Motor, Electric?) Electric Motor, High-Speed (See Motor, Electric, High-Speed?) Electric Motor, Low-Speed (See Motor, Electric, Low-Speed?) Electric Mnltipolar Bath - (See Bath, Multipolar, Electric?) Electric Musket. (See Musket, Electric?) Electric Organ. (See Organ, Electric?) Electric Oscillations. (See Oscillations, Electric?) Electric Osmose. (See Osmose, Electric?) Electric Osteotome. (See Osteotome, Electric?) Electric Overtones. (See Overtones, Electric?) Electric Pen. (See Pen, Electric?) Electric Pendant. (See Pendant, Elec- tric?) Electric Pendant-Lamps. (See Lamps, Electric Pendant?) Electric Pendulum. (See Pendulum, Electric?) Electric Permeancy. (See Permeancy, Electric?) Electric Phosphorescence. (See Phos- phorescence, Electric?) Electric Photometer. (See Photometer?) Electric Piano. (See Piano, Electric?) Electric Plow. (See Plow, Electric?) Electric Position-Finder. (See Finder, Position, Electric?) Electric Potential. (See Potential, Elec- tric?) Electric Power. (See Power, Electric.) Electric Probe. (See Probe, Electric ) Electric Prostration. (See Prostration, Electric.) Electric Protection. (See Protection, Electric, of Houses, Ships and Buildings.) Electric Protection of Metals. (See Metals.. Electrical Protection of) Electric Pulse. (See Pulse, Electrical?} Electric Pyrometer, Siemens'. (See Pyrometer, Siemens' . Electric) Electric Radiometer, Crookes' (See Radiometer, Electric, Crookes ) Electric Range-Finder. (See Finder, Range, Electric?) Electric Ratchet-Pendant for Argand Burner. (See Burner, Argand Electric, Ratchet-Pendant.) Electric Ray. (See Ray, Electric?) Electric Reaction Wheel. (See Wheel, Reaction, Electric) Electric Rectification of Alcohol. (See Alcohol, Electric Rectification of) Electric Refining of Metals. (See Metals, Electric Refining of) Electric Register, Watchman's (See Register, Watchman's Electric.) Electric Registering Apparatus. (See Apparatus, Registering, Electric?) Electric Relay-Bell. (See Bell. Relay, Electric?) Electric Repulsion. (See Repulsion, Electric?) Electric Resistance. (See Resistance, Electric?) Electric Resonance. (See Resonance, Electric) Electric Retardation. (See Retardation, Electric) Electric Rings. (See Rings, Electric) Electric Safety Lamps. (See Lamp, Electric Safety.) Electric Saw. (See Saw, Electric) Ele.] 190 [Ele. Electric Seismograph. (See Seismo- graph, Electric.} Electric Shadow. (See Shadow, Elec- tric) Electric Shock. (See Shock, Electric} Electric Shower Bath. (See Bath, Shower Electric.} Electric Shunt Bell. (See Bell, Shunt, Electric.} Electric Single-Stroke Bell. (See Bell, Single-Stroke Electric} Electric Siphon. (See Siphon, Electric.} Electric Soldering. (See Soldering, Electric} Electric Sphygmograph. (See Sphygmo- graph, Electrical} Electric Sterilization. (See Steriliza- tion, Electric} Electric Storm. (See Storm, Electric} Electric Striae. (See Sir ice, Electric} Electric Submarine Boat. (See Boat, Submarine, Electric} Electric Sunstroke. (See Sunstroke, Electric} Electric Surgings. (See Surgings, Elec- tric} Electric Swaging. (See Swaging, Elec- tric} Electric Tanning. (See Tanning, Elec- tric.} Electric Target. (See Target, Electric} Electric Teazer. (See Teaser, Electric Current} Electric Telehydrobarometer. (See 7V/- ehydrobarometer, Electric} Electric Tell-Tale Signal. (See Signal, Electric Tell-Tale} Electric Tempering. (See Tempering, Electric. } Electric Tension. (See Tension, Elec- tric} Electric Thermo-Call. (See Thermo- Call, Electric} Electric Thermometer. (See Thermom- eter, Electric} Electric Throwback-Indicator. ( See Indicator, Electrical Throwback} Electric Time-Ball. (See Ball, Electric Time} Electric Time-Meter. (See Meter, Elec- tric Time} Electric Torpedo. (See Torpedo, Elec- ' trie} Electric Tower. (See Tower, Electric} Electric Tramway. (See Tramway, Elec- tric} Electric Transmitters. (See Transmit- ter, Electric} Electric Trumpet. (See Trumpet, Elec- tric} Electric Turn-Table. (See Turn-Table, Electric} Electric Typewriter. (See Typewriter, Electric} Electric Yalve. (See Valve, Electric} Electric Valve Burner, Argand (See Valve Burner, Argand Electric} Electric Varnish. (See Varnish, Elec- tric} Electric Vibrating Burner. (See Burner Vibrating, Electric} Electric Volatilization. (See Volatiliza- tion, Electric} Electric Water or Liquid Level Alarm. (See Alarm, Water or Liquid Level} Electric Welding. (See Welding, Elec- tric} Electric Whirl. (See Whirl, Electric} Electric Whistle, Automatic Steam (See Whistle, Steam, Automatic Elec- tric} Electric Wood Mouldings. (See Mould- ings, Electric Wood} Electric Work. (See Work, Electric} Electrical Controlling Clock. (See Clock, Electrical Controlling} Electrically. In an electrical manner. Electrically Controlled Clock. (See Clock, Electrically Controlled} 191 Electrically Discharge, To (See Discharge, To Electrically^) Electrically Discharging. (See Dis- charging, Electrically!) Electrically Energizing. (See Energiz- ing, Electrically!) Electrically Operated Alarm. (See Alarm, Electrically Operated!) Electrically Retarding. (See Retard- ing, Electrically') Electrician. One versed in the principles and applications of electrical science- Electrician, Electro-Therapeutical A medical electrician. Electrician, Medical One skilled in the application of electricity to the human body for diagnosis or curative purposes. A medicai electrician should possess a full knowledge, not only of the principles and appli- cations of electric science, but also of physics and chemistry and of the medical sciences. Electricity. The name given to the un- known thing, matter or force, or both, which is the cause of electric phenomena. Electricity, no matter how produced, is oe- lieved to be one and the same thingc The terms frictional-electridty, pyro-electricity, magneto-electricity, voltaic or galvanic electricity, thermo-electricity, contact-electricity, animal or vegetable-electricity, etc., etc., though convenient for distinguishing iLeir origin, have no longer the significance formerly attributed to them as representing different kinds of the electric force. (See Electricity, Single-Fluid Hypothesis of. ) Electricity, Accumulated Elec- tricity collected in or by means of accumula- tors. Electricity, Accumulating Ob- taining successively increasing electrical charges. (See Electricity, Accumulation of.) Electricity, Accumulation of A general term applied indifferently to (i.) The gradual collecting of electric energy in a Leyden jar or condenser. (2.) The increase of an electric charge by the action of various devices called accumu- lators. (3.) The production of a charge by the use of machines called influence machines. (4.) The collection of electric energy in the so-called storage batteries or accumulators. Electricity, Animal - Electricity produced during life in the bodies of animals. All animals produce electricity during life. In some, such as the electric eel or torpedo, the amount is comparatively large. In others, it is small. Some of these animals, when of full size, are able to give very severe shocks, and use this curious power as a means of defense against their enemies. If the spinal cord of a recently killed frog be brought into contact with the muscles of the thigh, a contraction will ensue. (Matteucci.) The nerve and muscle of a frog, connected by a water contact with a sufficiently delicate galvanometer, show the presence of a current that may last several hours. Du Bois-Reymond showed that the ends of a section of muscular fibres are negative, and their sides positive, and has obtained a current by suitably connecting them. In the opinion of some electro-therapeutists no electric current exists in passive, normal nerve or muscular tissue. In an injured tissue a current, called a demarcation current, is produced. (See Current, Demarcation.) All muscular contractions, however, apparently produce electric currents. In electro-therapeutics, it is probable that greater success would accrue in practice if the human body were regarded as an electric source as well as an electro-receptive device. Electricity, Atmospheric The free electricity almost always present in the atmos- phere. The following facts have been discovered con- cerning atmospheric electricity, viz. : (i.) The free electricity of the atmosphere is generally positive, but often changes to negative on the approach of fogs and clouds. (2.) It exists in greater quantity in the higher regions of the air than near the earth's surface. (3.) It is stronger when the air is still than when the wind is blowing. (4.) It is subject to yearly and daily changes in its intensity, being stronger in winter than ia summer, and at the -nicul -2 of the day than either at the Beginning or the close. 192 Ulle Electricity, Atmospheric, Origin of - The exact cause of the free electricity of the atmosphere is unknown. Peltier ascribes the cause of the free electricity of the atmosphere to a negatively excited earth, which charges the atmosphere by induction. (See Induction, Electrostatic.) Free atmospheric elec- tricity has also been ascribed to the evaporation of water; to the condensation of vapor; to the friction of the wind; to the motion of terrestrial objects through the earth's magnetic field; to in- duction from the sun and other heavenly bodies; to differences of temperature; to combustion, and to gradual oxidation of plant and animal life. It is possible that all these causes may have some effect in producing the free electricity of the at- mosphere. Whatever is the cause of the free electricity ol the atmosphere, there can be but little doubt that it is to the condensation of aqueous vapor that the high difference of potential of the lightning flash is due. (See Potential, Difference of. ) As the clouds move through the air they collect the free electricity on the surfaces of the minute drops of water of which they are composed, and when many thousands of these subsequently collect in larger drops the difference of potential is tnor- mously increased in consequence of the equally enormous decrease in the surface of any single drop over the sum of the surfaces of the drops that have coalesced to form it. Electricity, Atom of A quantity of electricity equal in amount to that pos- sessed by any chemical monad atom. Professor Lodge points out the fact that the charge of a monad atom of any element is the smallest charge a body can possess, and is pessibly as indivisible as the atom itself. He points out the fact that chemical affinity or atomic attraction may be due to the electrical attraction of atoms contain- ing unlike charges; that although the difference of potential between the atoms is small, probably somewhere between i and 3 volts, the distances separating them are so very small that their mutual attractive force must be almost infinitely great. As D'Auria has pointed out, if the centres of at- traction of the atoms be the centres of the atoms themselves, then the atoms, if approached to actual contact, would be separated from one another by a distance equal to half th" sum of their diameters. If, however, the centre ot at- traction be situated at any point on the surface of the atoms the distance of separation would be- come equal to zero, calling d, the distance be- tween them, m and m 1 , their respective masses, and S, a co-effecient varying with the substance, and f, the force of mutual attraction, then : f = from which we see that the value of f x becomes infinite when the atoms are in contact. Electricity, Cal Electricity pro- duced by changes of temperature in the core of a transformer. The changes of temperature in the transformer core can produce a difference of potential in the secondary circuit which increases the electro- motive force induced in the secondary by the variations in the primary. This is sometimes" called ihe Acheson effect. (See Effect, Ackeson.) Electricity, Conservation of A term proposed by Lippman to express the fact that when a body receives an electric charge in the open air, the earth and heavenly bodies receive an equal and opposite charge, thus preserving the sum of the total positive and negative electricities in the universe. Electricity, Contact Electricity produced by the mere contact of dissimilar metals. The mere contact of two dissimilar metals re- sults ia the production of opposite electrical charges on their opposed surfaces, or in a differ- ence of electric potential between these surfaces. The cause of this difference of potential is now very generally ascribed to the voltaic couple being surrounded by the atmosphere, the oxygen of which acts more energetically on the positive element than it does on the negative element. The mere contact of dissimilar metals cannot produce a constant electric current. An electric current possesses kinetic energy. To produce a constant electric current, therefore, energy must be expended. The voltaic pile through the contact of dis- similar metals produces a difference of potential, yet the cause of the current is to be found in chemical action. (See Cell, Voltaic.) Electricity, Disguised - Dissimu- lated electricity. (See Electricity, Dissimu- lated or Latent.) 193 Ele Electricity, Dissimulated or latent The condition of an electric charge when placed near an opposite charge, as InaLeyden jar or condenser. In this case, merely touching one of the charged surfaces will not effect its complete dis- charge. Electricity in the condition of a bound charge vvas formerly called latent electricity. This term is now in disuse. Such a charge \z now called a bound charge. (See Charge. Bound. Charge, Free.} Electricity, Distribution of Va- rious combinations of electric sources, circuits and electro-receptive devices whereby elec- tricity generated by tha sources is carried or distributed to more or less distant electro- receptive devices by means of the various cir- cuits connected therewith. A number of different systems for the distribu- tion of electricity exist. Among the most import- ant are the following, viz. : (l.) Direct or continuous-current distribution. (2.) Alternating-current distribution. (3.) Storage battery or secondary distribution. (4.) Distribution by means of condensers. (5.) Distribution by means of motor-gener- ators. Electricity, Distribution of, by Alterna- ting- Currents A system of electric distribution by the use of alternating currents. A system of electric distribution in which lamps, motors, or other electro-receptive de- vices are operated by means of alternating currents that are sent over the line, but which, before passing through said devices, are modi- fied by apparatus called transformers or con- verters. Such a system embraces : (I.) An alternating-current dynamo-electric machine or battery of machines. (2.) A conductor or line wire arranged in a metallic circuit. (3.) A number of converters or transformers whose primary coils are placed in the circuit of the line wire. (4.) A number of electro-receptive devices placed in the circuit of the secondary coil of the converter. (See Transformer.'] Electricity, Distribution of, by Alterna- ting Currents by Means of Condensers A system of alternate current distribution in which condensers are employed to trans- form current of high potential received from an alternating current dynamo to currents of low potential which are ted to inally so low as to be inappreciable when com- pared with the change of resistance. In systems of distribution by alternating cur- rents this is avoided by passing a current of but small strength and considerable difference of potential over a line connecting distant points, and converting this current into a current of largo strength and small difference of potential ai; tKc places where it is required for use. Electricity, Distribution of, by Contin- uous Current, by Means of Condensers A system of distribution devised by Doubrava, in which a continuous current is conducted to certain points in the line where a device called a " disjunctor " is employed, to reverse it periodically, and the reversed cur- rents so obtained directly used to charge con- densers in the circuit of which induction coils are used. This method of distribution is a variety of dis- tribution by means of constant currents. The condensers are used to feed incandescent lamps or other electro-receptive devices. Electricity, Distribution of, by Continu- ous Current, by Means of Transformers A system for the transmission of elec- tric energy by means of continuous or direct currents that are sent over the line to suitably located stations where motor-dynamos are used for transformers. The dynamo armature is used with two sepa- rate circuits, one of a short and coarse wire, and one of a long fine wire. This construction will permit the conversion of a high to a low potentia. or vice versa; or two separate dynamos can be placed on the same shaft and one used as the motor. It is evident that a. motor generator can be con- structed to convert continuous currents into alter- nate, or alternate currents into continuous cur- 195 [Ele. rents. In this last case the armature and fixed circuits must be kept separate. Another form of continuous current conversion is effected by means of the motion of a commutator which effects a rotation of magnetic polarity in a double- wound armature of fine and coarse wire. Electricity, Distribution of, by Motor Generators A system of electric dis- tribution in which a continuous current of high potential, distributed over a main line, is employed at the points where its electric en- erg)- is to be utilized for driving a motor, which in turn drives a dynamo, the current of which is used to energize the electro-recep- tive devices. This method of distribution is a variety of dis- tribution by means of continuous or direct cur- rents. In another system of distribution by means of motor generators, the motor and dynamo are combined in one with a double-wound armature, the fine wire coils in which receive the high po- tential driving current and the coarse wire coils lurnish the low potential current used in the dis- tribution circuits. Electricity, Double Fluid Hypothesis of A hypothesis which endeavors to ex- plain the causes of electric phenomena by the assumption of the existence of two different electric fluids. The double fluid hypothesis assumes: (i.) That the phenomena of electricity are due to two tenuous and imponderable fluids, the posi- tive and the negative. (2.) That the particles of the positive fluid repel one another, as do also the particles of the nega- tive fluid; but that the particles of positive fluid attract the particles of the negative and vice -versa. (3.) That the two fluids are strongly attracted by matter, and when present in it produce elec- trification. (4.) That the two fluids attract one another and unite, thus masking the properties of each. (5.) That the act of friction separates these fluids, one going to the rubber and the other to the thing rubbed. Professor Lodge is disposed to favor the double rather than the single fluid hypothesis. He states in support of this belief the following facts, viz. : (I.) An electric wind or breeze is produced both at the positive and negative terminals of an electrical machine, and this whether the point be attached directly to these terminals, or whether it be held in the hand of a person near them. (2.) The well known peculiarities connected with the spark discharge, seen in Wheatstone's experiments on the velocity of electricity. (3.) An electrostatic strain scarcely affects the volume of the dielectric, thus suggesting or show- ing a distorting stress, which alters the shape of the substance of the dielectric, but not its size. (4.) The effects of electrolysis in what he as- sumes the double procession of the atoms past each other in opposite directions. (5.) The phenomena of self-induction, or the behavior of a thick wire on an alternating current. (6.) The apparent absence of momentum in the electric current, or moment of inertia in an elec- tro-magnet so far as tested. Electricity, Dynamic A term some- times employed for current electricity in con- tradistinction to static electricity. Electricity, Franklinic A term sometimes employed in electro-therapeutics, for the electricity produced by a frictional or an electrostatic-induction machine. (See Current, Franklinic^] Electricity, Frictional Electricity produced by friction. This term as formerly employed to indicate static charges as distinguished from currents, is gradually falling into disuse, and the frictional electric machines are being generally replaced by continuous-induction machines, like those of Holtz, Topler-Holtz, or Wimshurst. The character of the charge produced by fric- tion depends on .the nature of the rubber as well as on that of the thing rubbed. In the following table the substances are so ar- ranged that any one in the list becomes positively electrified when rubbed by any which follows it : Positive. Cat's fur. Polished glass. Wool. Cork at ordinary temperatures. Coarse brown paper. Cork heated. ' White silk. Black silk. Shellac. Rough glass. (Forbes. 1 ) Ele.] 196 [Ele. Negative. It will be seen that the character of the charge produced by friction depends on the character of the surfaces rubbed. This is seen from the fore- going table, where (i.) The roughness of the surface, as in the case of glass, produces a difference in the nature of the charge; thus, rough glass is at the bottom of the table, and smooth, polished glass near the top. (2.) The state of the surface as shown by the color. Black silk rubbed with white silk is nega- tive to it (3.) The state of the surface, as varied by the temperature. Hot cork receives a negative charge when rubbed against a piece of cold cork. Forbes has pointed out that these differences are probably due to the change produced in the ability of the surface to radiate heat or light. A substance or body which radiates the most light or heat is negative. Thus, a hot body radiates more heat than a cold body, and is negative to it. A rough surface is negative to a smooth surface because it radiates more heat than a smooth sur- face. For the same reason a black surface is neg- ative to a white surface. In this latter case, how- ever, the black surface is the worse radiator of light. The contact of dissimilar substances has long been considered by some as one of the requisites for the ready production of electricity by friction. In fact, the production of electricity by friction has been ascribed as an effect due to a true contact force at the points of junction of the rubber and the thing rubbed. Others, however, deny the existence of a true contact force of this nature. (See Force, Contact.) Electricity, Galvanic * A term used by some in place of voltaic electricity. (See Electricity, Voltaic?) The use of the term galvanic electricity would appear to be less logical than the word voltaic, since Volta, and not Galvani, was the first to find out the true origin of the difference of potential produced in the voltaic pile. Electricity, Hertz's Theory of Electro- Magnetic Radiations or Waves A theory, now generally accepted, which regards light as one of the effects of electro-magnetic pulsations or waves. The recent brilliant researches of Dr. Hertz, of Carlsruhe, show that when an impulsive discharge is passing through a conductor, ether waves are radiated or propagated in all directions in the space surrounding the conductor, and that these waves are in all respects similar to those of light, except that they are much longer. The electro-magnetic waves are set up in the luminiferous ether, and move through it with the same velocity as that of light. Moreover, electro- magnetic waves possess the same powers of reflec- tion, refraction, interference, resonance, etc., etc., as are possessed by waves of light. (See Resona- tor, Electric.) When an alternating or simple faradic current or pulse of electricity is transmitted from one end to the other of a long metallic conductor, the pulses are believed to travel through the universal ether surrounding the conductor rather than through the conductor itself. The velocity of this propagation in free ether is the same as that of light, and, indeed, is identical with that of light itself. In the inter-atomic or inter-molecular ether, whether of conductors, or of dielectrics, the velocity of propagation varies with the nature of the medium. The waves produced by electric pulses are of much greater length than those of light. According to Lodge a condenser of the capacity of a micro-farad, if discharged through a coil hav- ing the self-induction of I ohm, will give rise to waves in the ether 1,200 miles in length, and will possess a rate of oscillation equal to about 157 complete wave-lengths per second. A common pint Leyden jar discharged through an ordinary discharging rod, will produce a se- ries of waves about 15 to 20 metres in length, and will possess a rate of oscillation equal to about ten million per second. Lodge calculates that in order to obtain the short waves requisite to influence the Tetina of the eye, and thus produce light, the circuit in which the electrical oscillations take place must have at least atomic dimensions, and that the phenomena of light may therefore be due to local oscillations or surgings in circuits of atomic dimensions. (See Light, MaxwelFs Electro-Magnetic Theory of.) Electricity, Latent A term for- merly applied to bound electricity. Electricity, Magneto Electricity produced by the motion of magnets past con- ductors, or of conductors past magnets. Electricity produced by magneto-electric Ele.] 197 [Ele. induction. (See Induction, Electro-Dyna- mic.} Electricity, Multiple-Distribution of, by Constant Potential Circuit Any system for the distribution of continuous cur- rents of electricity in which the electro- receptive devices are connected to the leads in multiple-arc or parallel. (See Electricity, Distribution of, by Constant Currents?) Electricity, Natural Unit of A term sometimes used in place of an atom of electricity. The natural unit of electricity is an amount equal to the charge possessed by any monad atom of a chemical element. The natural unit of electricity is equal to the hundred thousand millionth of the ordinary electrostatic unit, or less than a hundred tril- iionth of a coulomb. (See Electricity, Atom of.) Electricity, Negative One of the phases of electrical excitement. The kind of electric charge produced on resin when rubbed with cotton. Electricity, Photo Electrical dif- ferences of potential produced by the action of light. Electricity, Plant Electricity pro- duced in plants during their growth. Electricity, Positive One of the phases of electric excitement. The kind of electric charge produced on cotton when rubbed against resin. Electricity, Production of, by Light The production of electric differences of potential by the action of light. Hallwachs nas noticed that a clean metallic plate becomes electrified when light falls upon it. Differences of potential are produced in a selenium cell when its electrodes are unequally illumined. A thermo cell is an illustration of a difference of potential produced by non-luminous radiation. Electricity, Pyro Electricity de- veloped in certain crystalline bodies by un- equally heating or cooling them. Tourmaline, in the crystalline state, poscesses this property in a marked degree. When a crystal of tourmaline is heated or cooled, it acquires opposite electrifications at opposite ends or poles. In the crystal of tourmaline shown in Fig. 227, the end A, called the analogous pole, acquires a positive electrification, and the end B, called the antilogous pole, a nega- tive electrification, -while the temperature of the cry stalls rising. While cooling, the opposite electrifications are pro- duced. A heated crystal of tourmaline, suspended by a fibre, is attracted or repelled by an electrified body or by a second heated tourmaline, in the Fi s- 227. Pyro Electric same manner as an elec- Crystal. trified body. Many crystalline bodies possess similar prop- erties. Among these are the ore of zinc known as electric calamine or the silicate of zinc, bjra- cite, quartz, tartrate of potash, sulphate of quinine, etc. Electricity, Radiation of The radiation of electric energy by means of elec- tro-magnetic waves. (See Electricity, Hertz's Theory of Electro-Magnetic Radiations or Waves.) Electricity, Resinous A term formerly employed in place of negative elec- tricity. It was at one time believed that all resinous substances are negatively electrified by friction. This we now know to be untrue, the nature of electrification depending as much on the char- acter of the rubber as on the character of the thing rubbed. Thus resins rubbed with cotton, flannel or silk, become negatively excited, but when rubbed with sulphur or gun cotton, positively excited. The te;ms positive and negative are now exclusively employed. Electricity, Series Distribution of, by Constant Current Circuit Any sys- tem for the distribution of constant currents of electricity in which the electro-receptive devices are connected to the line-wire or circuit in series. (See Electricity, Distribu~ tion of, by Constant Currents^ Jfle.] 198 [Ele. Electricity, Single-Fluid Hypothesis of A hypothesis which endeavors to ex- plain the cause of electrical phenomena by the assumption of the existence of a single electric fluid. The single-fluid hypothesis assumes: (i.) That the phenomena of electricity are due to the presence of a single, tenuous, imponder- able fluid. (2 ) That the particles of this fluid mutually repel one another, but are attracted by all matter. (3.) That every substance possesses a definite capacity for holding the assumed electric fluid, and, that when this capacity is just satisfied no effects of electrification are manifest. (4.) That when the body has less than this quantity present, it becomes negatively excited, and when it has more, positively excited. (5.) That the act of friction causes a redistribu- tion of the fluid, part of it going to one of the bodies, giving it a surplus, thus positively electrifying it, and leaving the other with a deficit, thus negatively electrifying it. The single-fluid hypothesis has been provis- ionally accepted by some with this modification, that a negatively excited body is thought to be the one which contains the excess of the assumed fluid, and a positively excited body the one which contains the deficit. They make this change on account of the phenomena observed in Crookes' tube, where the molecules of the residual gas are observed to be thrown off from the negative and not from the positive terminal. (See Tube, Crookes'.) Another view considers electricity to be due to differences of ether pressure, electricity being the ether itself, and electromotive force, the differences of ether pressures. Positive electrification is as- sumed to result from a surplusage of energy, and negative electrification from a deficit of energy. At the present time the views of Hertz are generally accepted. (See Electricity, Hertz's Theory of Electro -Magnetic Radiations or Waves.) Electricity, Specific Heat of A term proposed by Sir William Thomson to indicate the analogies existing between the absorption and emission of heat in purely thermal phenomena, and the absorption and emission of heat in thermo-electric phe- nomena, (See Heat, Specific^ As we have already seen heat iz either given out or absorbed, when an electric current passes from one metal to another across a junction be- tween them. (See Effect, Peltier.') So, too, when electricity passes through an un- equally heated wire, the current tends to increase or decrease the differences of temperature, ac- cording to the direction in which it flows, and according to the character of the metal. (See Effect, Thomson.'] " If electricity were a fluid," says Maxwell, "running through the conductor as water does through a tube, and always giving out or ab- sorbing heat till its temperature is that of the conductor, then in passing from hot to cold it would give out heat, and in passing from cold to hot it would absorb heat, and the amount of this heat would depend on the specific heat of the fluid." Electricity, Static A term applied to electricity produced by friction. The term static electricity is properly em- ployed in the sense of a static charge but not as static electricity, since that would indicate a par- ticular kind of electricity, and, as is now gen- erally recognized, electricity, from no matter what source it is derived, is one and the same thing. Electricity, Storage of - A term improperly employed to indicate such a storage of energy as will enable it to directly reproduce electric energy. A so-called storage battery does not store elec- tricity, any more than the spring of a clock can be said to store time or sound. The spring stores muscular energy, i. e., renders the muscular kinetic energy potential, which, again becoming kinetic, causes the works of the clock to move or strike. In the same way in a so-called storage battery, the energy of an electric current is caused to produce electrolytic decompositions of such a nature as independently to produce a current on the removal of the electrolyzing current. (See Cell, Secondary. Cell, Storage.) Electricity, Thermo - Electricity produced by differences of temperature at the junctions of dissimilar metals. If a bar of antimony is soldered to a bar of bis- muth, and the free ends of the two metals are connected by means of a galvanometer, an appli- cation of 'neat to the junction, so as to raise its Ele.J 199 [Ele. temperature above the rest of the circuit, will pro- duce a difference of potential, which, if neutral- ized, will cause a current to flow across thejuat- tion from the bismuth to the antimony (against the alphabet, or from B to A). If the junction be cooled below the rest of the circuit, a current is produced across the junction from the antimony to the bismuth (with the alphabet, or from A to B). These currents are called thermo-electric currents, and are proportional to the differences of tem- perature. Even the same metal, in different physical states or conditions, such as a wire, part of which is straight and the remainder bent into a spiral as at H C, Fig. 228, if heated at F by the flame of F. Fig 228. Tfier mo- Electricity. a lamp will have a difference of potential devel- oped in it. The same thing may also be shown by placing cylinder of bismuth J, Fig. 229, in a gap in a A Fig, 22(). Thermo- Electric Circuit. hollow rectangle of copper A B, inside of which a magnetic needle, M, is supported. The rectangle of copper being placed in the magnetic meridian, on heating the junction by the flame of a lamp F, the needle will be deflected by a current produced by the difference of tem- perature. Thermo-electricity is generally obtained by means of the combination of a thermo-electric couple, in a thermo-electric cell. (See Couple, Thermo-electric. Cell, Thermo- Electric.'] Since the difference of potential produced by a single thermo-electric couple is small, a number of such couples or cells are generally connected in series to produce a thermo-electric battery. (See Battery, Thermo-electric. ) Electricity, Unit Quantity of The quantity of electricity conveyed by unit current per second. The practical unit quantity of electricity is the coulomb, which is the quantity conveyed by a current of one ampere in one second. Electricity, Unit Quantity of, Natural The quantity of electricity pos- sessed as a charge by any elementary monad atom. (See Electricity, Atom of.) Electricity, Varieties of A classi- fication of electricity according to its state of rest or motion, or to the peculiarities of its motion. Lodge classifies the different varieties of elec- tricity as follows, viz. : (i.) Electricity at Rest, or Static Electricity. This branch of electric science treats of phenom- ena belonging to stresses and strains in insulated media, when brought into the neighborhood of electric charges, together with the modes of ex- citing such electric charges, and the laws of their interactions. (2.) Electricity in Locomotion, or Current Elec- tricity. This branch of electric science treats of the phe- nomena produced in metallic conductors, chem- ical compounds and dielectric media, by the pas- sage of electricity through them, and the modes of exciting electricity into motion, together with the laws of its flow. (3.) Electricity in Rotation, or Magnetism. This branch of electric science treats of the phe- nomena produced in electricity in whirling or vortex motion, the manner in which such whirls may be produced, the strains and stresses which they produce, and the laws of their interactions. (4.) Electricity in Vibration, or Radiation. This branch of electric science treats of the study of the propagation of periodic or undulatory dis- turbances through various kinds of media, the laws regulating wave velocity, wave length, re- flection, interference, dispersion, polarization and other similar phenomena generally studied under light. A misleading classification of electricity is sometimes made according to the sources which produce it. This is misleading, since electricity, no matter how produced, is one and the same. Ele.] 200 [Ele. The so-called varieties of electricity may be di- vided int'> different classes according to the nature of the source. The principles of these are as fol- lows : (l.) Frictional- Electricity, or that produced by the fricti m of one substance against another. (2.) Voltaic-Electricity, or that produced by the contact of dissimilar substances under the in- fluence of chemical action. (3.) Thermo-Electricity, or that produced by differences of temperature in a thermo couple. (4.) Pyro-Electricity, or that produced by dif- ferences of temperature in certain crystalline solids. (5.) Magneto-Electricity, or that produced by the motion of a conductor through the field of permanent magnets. This is a variety of (6.) Dynamo-Electricity, or that produced by moving conductors so as to cut lines of magnetic force. (7.) Vital-Electricity, or that produced under the influence of life or accompanying life. Electricity, Titreous A term for- merly employed to indicate positive elec- tricity. It was formerly believed that the friction of glass with other bodies always produces the same kind of electricity. This, however, is now known not to be the case. The term is now replaced by positive elec- tricity. (See Electricity, Resinous.} Electricity, Yoltaic Differences of potential produced by the agency of a vol- taic cell or battery. Electricity is the same thing or phase of energy by whatever source it is produced. Electrics. Substances capable of becom- ing' electrified by friction. Substances like the metals, which, when held in the hand could not be electrified by friction were formerly called non-electrics. These terms were used by Gilbert in the early history of the science. This distinction is not now generally employed since conducting substances if insulated, may be electrified by friction. Electriflable. Capable of being endowed with electric properties. Electrification. The act cf becoming electrified. The production of an electric charge. Electrified Body. (See Body, Electri- fied) Electrify. To endow with electrical prop- erties. Electrine. Relating to electrum, or am- ber. Electrization, Therapeutical Sub- jecting different parts of the human body to the action of electric currents for the cure of diseased conditions. Electro-Biology. (See Biology, Electro) Electro-Brassing. (See Brassing, Elec- tro) Electro-Bronzing. (See Bronzing, Elec- tro) Electro - Capillary Phenomena. (See Phenomena, Electro-Capillary) Electrocesis. A word proposed for cur- ing by electricity. Electro-Chemical Equivalent. (See Eqtiivalent, Electro-Chemical) Electro-Chemical Meter. (See Meter, Electro-Chemical) Electro-Chemical Telephone. (See Tele- phone, Electro-Chemical) Electro-Chemistry. (See Chemistry, Electro) Electro-Chromic Rings. (See Rings, Electro-Chromic) Electro-Contact Mine. (See Mine, Elec- tro-Contact) Electro-Coppering. (See Coppering, Electro) Electro-Crystallization. (See Crystalli- zation, Electro) Electrocution. Capital punishment by means of electricity. Electrode. Either of the terminals of an electric source. The term was applied b) Faraday to cither o* the conductors placed in an electrolytic bath and conveying the current into it, and this is its strict meaning. The terms pole or terminal apply to the ends of a break in any electric circuit. Electrode, Aural - A therapeutic electrode, shaped for the treatment of the E!e.] 201 [Ele. ear. (See Electrode. Electro-Thera- peutic^] Electrode, Brush A therapeutic electrode fashioned like a wire brush or other conducting brush. (See Electrode, Electro- Therapeutic^ Electrode, Cautery-Knife A knife- shaped electrode, that is rendered incan- descent by the passage of the electric cur- rent. Electrode, Clay A therapeutic elec- trode of clay shaped to fit the part of the body to be treated. (See Electrode, Electro- Therapeutic^] Electrode, Disc A disc-shaped elec- trode employed in electro-therapeutics. (See Electrode, Electro- Therapeutic?) Electrode, Dry A therapeutic elec- trode applied in a dry state. (See Electrode, Electro- Therapeutic?) Electrode, Electro-Therapeutic In electro-therapeutics the electrode mainly concerned in the treatment or diagnosis of the diseased parts. Either the positive or the negative electrode may be the therapeutic electrode, and one or the other is employed according to the particular character of the effect it is desired to obtain. The other electrode is placed at any convenient and suitable part of the body, and is called the indifferent electrode, The therapeutic electrode is generally placed nearer the organ or part to be treated than the indifferent electrode. Electrode-Handle, Pole-Changing and Interrupting A handle provided for the ready insertion of electro-therapeutic electrodes, and provided with means for inter- rupting or changing the direction of the cur- rent. Electrode, Illumined That elec- trode of a selenium cell which is exposed to the light. (See Cell, Selenium?) Electrode, Indifferent In electro- therapeutics the electrode that is employed merely to complete the circuit through the organ or part subjected to the electric cur- rent, and is not directly concerned in the treatment or diagnosis of the diseased parts. Either the positive or the negative electrode may be the indifferent electrode. (See Electrode, Electro- Therapeutic.) Electrode, Moist A therapeutic- electrode applied in a moist condition. (See Electrode, Electro- Therapeutic?) Electrode, Needle A therapeutic electrode in the shape of a needle, and em- ployed for electrolytic treatment. (See Elec- trode, Electro- Therapeutic?) Electrode, Negative The electrode connected with the negative pole of an elec- tric source. Electrode, Non-Illumined That electrode of a selenium cell that is protected from the direct action of light. (See Cell, Sel- enium?) Electrode, Non- Wasting A term sometimes applied to the negative electrode of an arc-lamp when made of iridium or other similar material. Electrode, Positive The electrode connected with the positive pole of an electric source. Electrode, Rectal A therapeutic electrode, suitably shaped for the treatment of the rectum. (See Electrode, Electro-Thera- peutic?) Electrode, Sponge - A moistened sponge connected to one of the terminals of an electric source and acting as the electro- therapeutic electrode. Electrode, TJrethral - An electro- therapeutic electrode suitably shaped for the treatment of the urethra. (See Electrode, Electro- Therapeutic?) Electrode, Vaginal An electro- therapeutic electrode suitably shaped for the treatment of the vagina. (See Electrode, Electro- Therapeutic?) Electro-Deposi! s. (See Deposits, Elec- tro?) Electrodes. T'"se terminals of an electric source. The positive electrode is sometimes called the 202 [Ele. Anode, and the negative electrode the Kathode. No matter for what purposes employed, they are generally in electro-therapeutics termed electrodes. In precise use these terms should be restricted to the electrodes when used for electrolytic de- composition. The electrodes are made of different shapes and of different materials according to the character of the work the current is to perform. Electrodes, Carbon, for Arc-Lamps Rods of artificial carbon employed in arc lamps. These are more properly called simply arc- lamp carbons. Arc-lamp carbons are moulded into the shape -of rods, from plastic mixtures of carbonaceous materials" and carbonizable liquids. On the sub- sequent carbonization of these rods the ingredients are caused to cohere in one solid mass by the de- posit of carbon derived from the carbonizable materials. (See Carbons* Artificial.') Carbons for arc-lamps are generally copper- coated, so as to somewhat decrease their resist- ance, and insure a more uniform consumption. Arc-lamp carbons are sometimes provided with a central core ot softer carbon, which fixes the po- sition of the arc and thus insures a steadier light. (Se' Zarbons, Cored.) Electrodes, Cored Carbon elec- trodes of a cylindrical shape provided with a central cylinder of softer carbon. The use of cored electrodes for arc lamps is for the purpose of steadying the light by maintain- ing the arc in a central position. This is effected by the greater vaporization of the softer carbon of the core. Electrodes, Cylindrical Carbon - Carbon cylinders used for electrodes of arc- lamps, or for battery plates. Electrodes, Electro-Therapeutic Electrodes of various shapes employed in electro-therapeutics. The electro-therapeutic electrode, as distin- guished from the indifferent electrode, is especially shaped for the particular purpose for which it is designed. When the electricity is intended to affect the skin or superficial portions of the body only, it is applied dry, and is then generally metallic. To reach the deeper structures, such as the muscle or nerve trunks, moistened sponge electrodes are employed. Before their use the skin should be thoroughly moistened. Sponge-electrodes are generally made conducting by a solution of some saline substance, such as common salt. Electrodes, Erb's Standard Size of Standard sizes of electrodes generally adopted in electro-therapeutics. The following standard sizes have been pro- posed by Erb, viz. : (i.) Fine electrode. ... ^ centimetre diameter. (2.) Small " 2 " " (3.) Medium " 7.5 " " (4.) Large " ....6x2 " " (5.) Very large do 8 x 16 " " Electrodes, Non-Polarizable Electrodes employed in electro-therapeutics, that are so constructed as to avoid the effects of polarization. Non-polarizable electrodes are obtained by employing two amalgamated zinc wires, dipped into saturated solution of zinc chloride placed in glass tubes, and closing the lower ends of the tubes by a piece of potter's clay. The contact of an electrode so prepared with the tissues of the body does not produce a polarization. Electro-Diagnosis. (See Diagnosis, Elec- tro^ Electro-Diagnostic. (See Diagnostic, Electro?) Electro-Dynamic Attraction. (See At- traction, Electro-Dynamic?) Electro-Dynamic Capacity. (See Ca- pacity, Electro-Dynamic?) Electro-Dynamic Induction. (See Induc- tion, Electro-Dynamic?) Electro-Dynamic Repulsion. (See Re- pulsion, Electro-Dynamic?) Electro-Dynamics. (See Dynamics, Electro?) Electro-Dynamometer. (See Dynamom- eter, Electro?) Electro-Etching. Electric etching. (See Etching, Electro?] Electrogenesis. Results following the application of electricity to the spinal cord or nerve after the withdrawal of the electrodes. Electro-Gilding. (See Gilding, Electro^ Ele.] 203 [Ele. Electro-Kinetics. (See Kinetics, Elec- tro?) Electrolier. A chandelier for holding electric lamps, as distinguished from a chan- delier for holding gas-lights. Electrology. That branch of science which treats of electricity. (Obsolete.) Electrolysis. Chemical decomposition effected by means of an- electric current. When an electric current is sent through an electrolyte, i. e., a liquid which permits the cur- rent to pass only by means of the decomposition of the liquid, the decomposition that ensues is called electrolytic decomposition, The electrolyte is decomposed or broken up into atoms or groups of atoms or radicals, called ions. The ions are of two distinct kinds, viz. : The electro -positive ions, or kathions, and the electro- negative ions, or onions. Since the anode of the source is connected with the electro-positive terminal, it is clear that the amons* or the electro-negative ions, must appear at the anode, and the kathions, or electro-positive ions, must appear at the kathode. Hydrogen, and the metals generally, are kathions. Oxygen, chlorine, iodine, etc., are anions. The vessel containing the electrolyte, in which these decompositions take place, is sometimes called an electrolytic cell. An electrolytic cell is called a voltameter when it is arranged for measuring the current passing by means of the amount of decomposition it effects. (See Voltameter.} Electrolysis by Means of Alternating Currents. Electrolytic decomposition ef- fected by means of alternating currents. When an alternating current is passed through dilute sulphuric acid, in a voltameter provided with large platinum electrodes, no visible decom- position occurs. If, however, the size of the electrodes be decreased below a certain point, then visible decomposition occurs. Verdet showed that when no other break ex- ists in the circuit of the alternating current within the voltameter, no indications of elec- trolysis are obtained, unless the alternating current is very powerful. If, however, a break is made in the secondary circuit, so that the dis- charge has to pass as a spark, then visible signs of electrolysis are produced by comparatively feeble alternating currents. When electrolysis occurs by means of alternat- ing currents (i.) The gases collected at both electrodes have the same composition. (2.) Where the quantities of electricity that al- ternately pass in opposite directions are unequal, the electrodes show manifest polarization, and, when connected by a conductor, yield a current like a secondary battery. (3.) The electrodes manifest no sensible polari- zation where the quantities of electricity that al- ternately pass in opposite directions are equal. Electrolysis, Faraday's Laws of The principal facts of electrolysis are given in the following laws: (i.) The amount of chemical action in any given time is equal in all parts of the circuit. (2.) The number of ions liberated in a given time is proportional to the strength of the cur- rent passing. Twice as great a current will liberate twice as many ions. The current may be regarded as being carried through the elec- trolyte by the ions: since an ion is capable of carrying a fixed charge only of -f- or electri- city, any increase in the current strength necessi- tates an increase in the number of ions. (3.) When the same current passes successively through several cells containing different elec- trolytes, the weights of the ions liberated at the different electrodes will be equal to the strength of the current multiplied by the electro-chemical equivalent of the ion. (See Equivalence, Elec- tro-Chemical, La-d) of .} The chemical equivalent is proportional to the atomic weight divided by the valency. (See Equivalent, Chemical.} The electro-chemical equivalent of any element is equal to the weight in grammes of that element set tree by one coulomb of electricity, and is found by multiplying the electro-chemical of hydrogen by the chemical equivalent of that element. (See Equivalent, Electro- Chemical. ) Electrolyte, Polarization of The formation of molecular groups or chains, in which the poles of all the molecules of any chain are turned in the same direction, viz.: with their positive poles facing the negative plate, and their negative poles facing the Ele.] 204 [Ele, positive plate. (See Cell, Voltaic. Hypoth- esis, Grotthus') Electrolytic or Electrolytical. Pertain- ing to electrolysis. Electrolytic Analysis. (See Analysis, Electrolytic) Electrolytic Cell. (See Cell, Electro- lytic, Teslas) Electrolytic Clock. (See Clock, Electro- lytic) Electrolytic Conduction. (See Conduc- tion, Electrolytic) Electrolytic Convection. (See Convec- tion, Electrolytic) Electrolytic Decomposition. (See De- composition, Electrolytic) Electrolytic Hydrogen. (See Hydrogen, Electrolytic) Electrolytic Writing. (See Writing, Electrolytic) Electrolytically. In an electrolytic man- ner. Electrolyzable. Capable of being elec- trolyzed, or decomposed by means of elec- tricity. Electrolyzed. Separated or decomposed by means of electricity. Electrolyzing. Causing or producing electrolysis. Electro-Magnet. (See Magnet, Electro) Electro-Magnetic Ammeter. (See Am- meter, Electro-Magnetic) Electro-Magnetic Annunciator. (See Annunciator, Electro-Magnetic) Electro-Magnetic Attraction. (See At- traction, Electro-Magnetic) Electro-Magnetic Bell-Call. (See Call, Bell, Magneto-Electric) Electro-Magnetic Bell, Siemens' Arma- ture (See Bell, Electro-Magnetic, Siemens' Armature Form) Electro-Magnetic Brake. (See Brake, Electro-Magnetic) Electro-Magnetic Cam. (See Cam, Electro-*,* agnetic) Electro-Magnetic Dental-Mallet. (See Dental-Mallet, Electro-Magnetic) Electro-Magnetic Drill. (See Drill, Electro-Magnetic) Electro-Magnetic Engine. (See Engine, Electro-Magnetic) Electro-Magnetic Exploder. (See Ex- ploder, Electro- Magnetic) Electro-Magnetic Eye. (See Eye, Elec- tro-Magnetic) Electro-Magnetic Impulse. (See Im- pulse, Electro-Magnetic) Electro-Magnetic Induction. (See In- duction, Electro-Magnetic) Electro-Magnetic Medium. (See Me- dium, Electro-Magnetic) Electro-Magnetic Meter. (See Meter, Electro-Magnetic) Electro-Magnetic Momentum of Sec- ondary Circuit. (See Momentum, Elec- tro-Magnetic, of Secondary Circuit) Electro-Magnetic Pop-Gun. (See Pop- Gun, Electro-Magnetic) Electro-Magnetic Radiation. (See Ra- diation, Electro-Magnetic) Electro-Magnetic Repulsion. (See Re- pulsion, Electro-Magnetic) Electro-Magnetic Resonator. (See Res- onator, Electro- Magnetic) Electro-Magnetic Shunt. (See Shunt, Electro-Magnetic) Electro-Magnetic Solenoid. (See Sole- noid, Electro-Magnetic) Electro-Magnetic Strain. (See Strain, Electro-Magnetic) Electro-Magnetic Stress. (See Stress, Electro-Magnetic) Electro-Magnetic Theory of Light, Max- well's (See Light, Maxwell's Elec- tro-Magnetic Theory of) Electro-Magnetic Vibrator. (See Vi- brator, Electro-Magnetic) Electro-Magnetic Voltmeter. (See T W/- meter, Electro-Magnetic) Ele.] 205 [Ele. Electro-Magnetic Units. (See Units, Electro-Magnetic?) Electro-Magnetics. (See Magnetics, Electro?) Electro-Massage. (See Massage, Elec- tro?) Electro-Mechanical Alarm. (See Alarm, Electro-Mechanical?) Electro-Mechanical Gong. (See Gong, Electro-Mechanical?) Electro-Metallurgical Crystalline De- posit. (See Deposit, Crystalline, Electro- Metallurgical?) Electro-Metallurgical Galvanization. (See Galvanization, Electro- Metallurgical?) Electro-Metallurgical Nodular Deposit. (See Deposit, Electro - Metallurgical Nodular?) Electro - Metallurgical Regnline De- posit. (See Deposit, Electro-Metallurgical Reguline?) Electro-Metallurgical Sandy Deposit. (See Deposit, Electro-Metallurgical Sandy?) Electro-Metallurgy. (See Metallurgy, Electro?) Electrometer. An apparatus for measur- ing differences of potential. Electrometers operate, in general, by means of the attraction or repulsion of charged conduc- tors on a suitably suspended needle or disc. As no current is required to flow through the appa- ratus electrometers are especially adapted to many cases where voltmeters could not be so readily used. Electrometer, Absolute An elec- trometer the dimensions of which are such that the value of the electromotive force can be directly determined from the amount of the deflection of the needle. A form of attracted-disc electrometer. (See Electrometer, At traded- Disc?) Electrometer, Attracted-Disc A form of electrometer devised by Sir William Thomson, in which the force is measured by the attraction between the two discs. Thomson's Attracted-Disc Electrometer is shown in Fig. 230. It consists of a plate C, sus- pended from the longer end of a lever 1, within the fixed guard plate, or guard ring B, immediately above a second plate A, supported en an insulated stand, and capable of a measurable approach Fig. 230. Attracted-Dise Electrometer. towards C, or a movement away from it. The plate, C, is placed in contact with B, by means of a thin wire. By means of this connection the distribution of the charge over the plate, C, is uniform. The electrostatic attraction is meas- ured by the attraction of the fixed disc, A, on the movable disc, C, connected respectively to the two bodies whose difference of potential is to be measured. One of these may be the earth. The fulcrum of the lever 1, is formed of an aluminium wire, the torsion of which is used to measure the force of the attraction; or, it may be measured directly by the counterpoise weight Q. This instrument is sometimes called an absolute electrometer, because, knowing the dimensions of the apparatus, the value of the difference of poten- tial can be directly determined from the amount of the motion observed. Electrometer, Capillary An elec- trometer in which a difference of potential is Fig. 231. Capillary Electrometer measured by the movement of a drop of sulphuric acid in a tube filled with mercury. tie.] 20G [Ele. A form of capillary electrometer is shown in yi^. 231, in which a horizontal glass tube with a drop of acid at B, has its ends connected with two vessels M and N, filled with mercury. If a current be passed through the tube, a move- ment of the drop towards the negative pole will be observed. Where the electromotive force does not exceed one volt, the amount of the movement is proportional to the electro- motive force. Electrometer, Quadrant An elec- trometer in which an electrostatic charge is measured by the attractive and repulsive force of four plates or quadrants, on a light needle of aluminium suspended within them. The sectors or quadrants are of brass, and are so shaped as to form a hollow cylindrical box when placed together. The four sectors, or quad- rants, are insulated from one another, but the opposite ones are connected by a conducting wire, as shown in Fig. 232. A light needle of aluminium, u, maintained at some constant potential, by connection with the inner coating of a Ley den jar, is suspended, gener- ally by two par- allel silk threads, so as to freely swing inside the hollow box. This needle, when at rest, is in the position shown by the dotted lines, with its axis of symmetry exactly under one of the slots or spaces between two Apposite sectors. (See Suspension, Bi-Filar.} The quadrant electrometer, shown in Fig. 233, .ias one of its quadrants removed so as to show the suspended aluminium needle. A similar form of instrument is shown in Fig. 234, with all the quadrants in place, and the whole instrument covered by a glass shade. To use the quadrant electrometer the pairs of sectors are connected with the two bodies whose difference of potential is to be measured, and the deflection of the needle observed, generally through a telescope, by means of a spot of light reflected from a mirror attached to the upper part of the needle. Sometimes the segments are made in the shape of a cylinder, and the needle in the shape of a suspended rectangle. Electrometer, Registering An elec- trometer, the deviations of the needle of which are automatically registered. Fig. 232. Quadrant Elec- trometer. Fig. 233. Quadrant Electrometer, Showing Suspended Needle. The registration of this class of electrometer is obtained by means of photography. The spot of Fig. 234. Quadrant Electromettr. light, reflected from the mirror ot the electrometer, falls on a fillet' of sensitized paper, moved by clockwork. Ele. 207 [Ele. Electromotive Arrangement or Device. (See Arrangement or Device, Electromo- tive?} Electromotive Difference of Potential. (See Potential, Difference of Electromotive?) Electromotive Force. (See Force, Elec- tromotive^) Electromotive Force, Average (See Force, Electromotive, Average or Mean.} Electromotive Force, Back or Counter (See Force, Electromotive. Back.) Electromotive Force, Direct (See Force, Electromotive, Direct?) Electromotive Force, Inductive (See Force, Electromotive, Inductive?) Electromotive Force, Secondary-Im- pressed (See Force. Electromotive \ Secondary-Impressed?) Electromotive Force, Simple-Periodic (See Force, Electromotive, Simple- Periodic?) Electromotive Force, Transverse (See Force, Electromotive. Transverse?) Electromotive Impulse. (See Impulse, Electromotive?) Electro-Motograph. (See Motograph, Electro?) Electro-Muscular. (See Muscular, Elec- tro?) Electro-Muscular Excitation. (See Ex- citation, Electro-Muscular?) Electronecrosic. Pertaining to capital punishment by means of electricity. Electronecrosis. A word proposed for capital punishment by means of electricity. Electro-Negative Ions. (See Ions, Elec- tro-Negative?) Electronegatives. The atoms or radicals that appear at the anode or positive terminal during electrolysis. The anions. (See Electrolysis. Anton?) Electro-Nervous Excitability. (See Ex- citability, Electro-Nervous?) Electro- Nickeling. (See Nickeling, Electro?) Electro-Optics. (See Optics, Electro?) Electrophanic. Pertaining to capital pun- ishment by means of electricity. Electrophanical. Pertaining to capital punishment by means of electricity. Electrophauize. - To inflict capital pun- ishment by means of electricity. Electrophany. Capital punishment by means of electricity. The word electrophany would appear to be far preferable to the word electrocution, since it is in accordance with etymological usage, while elec- trocution is not. Electrophila. A devotee of electricity. Electrophobia. A word proposed for fear of electricity. Electrophoric. Pertaining to an electro- phorus. (See Electrophorus?) Electrophorus. An apparatus for the production of electricity by electrostatic induc- tion. (See Induction, Electrostatic?) A disc of vulcanite, or hard rubber B, contained in a metallic form, is rub- bed briskly by a piece of cat's skin and the insu- lated metallic disc, A, is Fig. 233. Electrophortts, placed on the centre of the Charging. vulcanite disc, as shown in Fig. 235. The negative charge produced in B, by fric- tion, produces by induction a positive charge on the part of A, nearest it, and a negative charge on the part furthest from it. In this condition, if the disc be raised from the plate by means of its insulating handle, as shown in Fig. 236, no electrical effects will be noticed, since the two op- posite and equal charges unite and neutralize each Fig. 236. Electrophorus, ., Tr i ,, Discharging, other. If, however, the disc A, be first touched by the finger, and then raised from the disc B, it will be found to itively charged. B Kle.] 208 [Ele. E 1 e c t r o-Physiology. (See Physiology, Electro) Electropic Medium. (See Medium, Elec- tropic) Electro-Plating. (See Plating, Electro) Electro-Plating Bath. (See Bath, Elec- tro-Plating) Electro-Pneumatic Signals. (See Sig- nals, Electro-Pneumatic) Electro-Pneumatic Thermostat. (See Thermostat, Electro-Pneumatic) Electropoion Liquid. (See Liquid, Elec- tropoion) Electro-Positive Ions. (See Ions, Elec- tro-Positive) Eleetropositives. The atoms or radicals that appear at the kathode or negative termi- nal of any source during electrolysis. Thekathions. (See Electrolysis. Kathion) E 1 e c t r o-Prognosis. (See Prognosis, Electric) , Electro-Puncture. (See Puncture, Elec- tro) Electro-Receptive Devices. (See Device, Electro-Receptive) Electro-Receptive Devices, Multiple-Arc- Connected (See Devices, Electro- Receptive, Multiple- A re- Connected) Electro-Receptive Devices, Multiple-Se- ries-Connected (See Devices, Elec- tro-Receptive, Multiple-Series-Connected) Electro-Receptive Devices, Series-Con- nected (See Devices, Electro-Recep- tive, Series-Connected) Electro-Receptive Devices, Series-Mul- tiple-Connected (See Devices, Elec- tro-Receptive, Series-Multiple-Connected) Electroscope. An apparatus for showing the presence of an electric charge, or for de- termining its sign, whether positive or nega- tive, but not for measuring its amount or value. In the gold-leaf electroscope, two gold leaves, n, n, Fig. 239, suspended near each other, show by their repulsion the presence of an electric charge. Two pith balls may be used for the same purpose. The pith balls B, B, shown in Fig. 237, form a simple electroscope. If repelled by a charge, when approached by a similar charge in S, they will at once be still further repelled, as shown by the dotted lines. To use an electroscope for determining the sign of Fig- 237' Pi th Bal1 Electroscope. an unknown charge, the gold leaves or pith balls are first slightly repelled by a charge of known name, as, for example, positive, applied to the knob C, Fig. 239. They are then charged by the electrified body whose charge is to be determined. If they are further repelled, its charge is positive. If they are first attracted and afterwards repelled, its charge is negative. Two posts B, Fig. 239, connected with the earth, increase the amount of divergence by in- duction. Electroscope, Condensing, Volta's An electroscope employed for the detection of feeble charges, the leaves of which are charged by means of a condenser. The condensing electroscope, Fig. 238, is formed of two metallic plates, placed at the G top of the instrument, and separated by a suitable dielectric. The upper plate, P, is removable by means of the insulated han- dle, G. To employ the elec trdscope, as for exam- ple, to detect the free charge in an unequal- Fig. ^23 8. ~ Condensing Elec- ly heated crystal of troscope. tourmaline, the crystal is touched to the lower plate, while the upper plate is connected to the ground by the finger. On the subsequent re- moval of the upper plate an enormous decrease Ele.J 209 [Ele. ensues in the capacity of the condenser, and the charge now raises the potential of the lower plate, and causes a marked divergence of the leaves L, L. (See Electricity, Pyro.) Electroscope, Gold-Leaf An elec- troscope in which two leaves of gold are used to detect the presence of an electric charge, or to determine its character whether positive or negative. When a charge is imparted to the knob C, Fig. 239, the gold leaves n, n, diverge. This will oc- cur whether the charge be positive or negative. To determine the char- acter of an unknown charge, the leaves are first caused to diverge by means of a known positive or neg- ative charge. The un- known charge is then given to the leaves. If they di- Fig. 23Q. Gold- Leaf Electroscope. verge still further, then the charge is of the same name as that originally possessed by the leaves. If, however, they first move to- gether and are afterwards re- pelled, the charge is of the opposite name. Electroscope, Pith -Ball - An electroscope which shows the presence of a charge by the repulsion of two similarly charged pith balls. (See Electroscope?) Any two pith balls, suspend- ed by conducting threads, but insulated from the earth, will serve as an electroscope. Electroscope, Quadrant, Henley's An electro- scope sometimes employed to indicate large charges of electricity. A pith ball placed on a light arm A, of straw or other simi- lar material, Fig. 240, is pivoted at the centre of a graduated circle B'. The arm, C, is at- Fig. 240. Henley's tached by means of the screw Electroscope. to the prime conductor of an electric machine. The similar charge imparted to A, by contact with C, causes a repulsion which may be meas- ured on the graduated arc. This instrument approaches the electrometer in the character of its operation, since by its means, approximately correct measurements may be made of the value of the repulsion. It should not, how- ever, be confounded with the quadrant electrom- eter. (See Electrometer, Quadrant.') Electroscopically. By means of the elec- troscope. (See Electroscope?) Electroscopy. The art of determining the kind of charge a body possesses, by means of an electroscope. Electro - Sensibility. (See Sensibility, Electro?) Electro-Silvering. (See Silvering, Elec- tro?) Electro-Smelting. (See Smelting, Elec- tro?) Electrostatic Attraction. (See Attrac- tion, Electrostatic?) Electrostatic Capacity. (See Capacity, Electrostatic?) Electrostatic Circuit. (See Circuit, Electrostatic?) Electrostatic Field. (See Field, Electro- static?) Electrostatic Induction. (See Induction, Electrostatic?) Electrostatic Induction Machine. (See Machine, Electrostatic Induction?) Electrostatic Leakage. (See Leakage, Electrostatic?) Electrostatic Lines of Force. (See Force, Electrostatic, Lines of.) Electrostatic Repulsion. (See Repulsion, Electrostatic.) Electrostatic Screening. (See Screening, Electrostatic?) Electrostatic Stress. (See Stress, Elec- trostatic.) Electrostatic Units. (See Units, Electro- static?) Electrostatics. That branch of electric science which treats of the phenomena and measurement of electric charges. Ele.] 210 [Ele. The principles of electrostatics are embraced in the following laws, viz.: (i.) Charges of like name, *. e., either positive or negative, repel each other. Charges of unlike name attract each other. (2.) The forces of attraction or repulsion be- tween two charged bodies are directly propor- tional to the product of the quantities of elec- tricity possessed by the bodies and inversely proportional to the square of the distance be- tween them. These laws can be demonstrated by the use of Coulomb's torsion balance. (See Balance, Tor- sion.') Calling q, and q 1 , the quantities of electricity possessed by the two bodies, and r, the distance between them, then, if f, is the force exerted by their mutual action, /_5 ( 1 1 : r~" Electro-Technics. (See Technics, Elec- tro) Electrothanasing. Producing death by electricity. Electrothanasis. A word proposed for death by electricity. The death referred to here is death other than that caused by capital punishment. Electrothanasise. To produce death by electricity. The death here referred to is other than that caused by capital punishment. Electrothanatose. To cause death by electricity. Electrothanatosic. Pertaining to capital punishment by means of electricity. Eleetrothanatosing. Causing death by electricity. Electrothanatosis. A word proposed for death by electricity. The death here referred to is death other than that caused by capital punishment. Electro-Therapeutic Bath. (See Bath, Electro- Therapeutic) Electro-Therapeutic Breeze. (See Breeze, Electro- Therapeutic) Electro-Therapeutic Diffusion of Cur- rent. (See Current, Diffusion of, Electro- Therapeutic) Electro-Therapeutic Dosage. (S e e Dosage, Electro- Therapeutical) Electro-Therapeutic Electrode. (See Electrode, Electro- Therapeutic) Electro-Therapeutic Electrodes. (See Electrode, Electro- Therapeutic) Electro-Therapeutic Galvanization. (See Galvanization, Electro- Therapeutical) Electro-Therapeutic Head-Breeze. (See Breeze, Head, Electro- Therapeidic) Electro-Therapeutics. (See Therapeu- tics, Electro) Electro-Therapeutist. (See Therapeu- tist, Electro) Electro-Therapy. (See Therapy, Elec* tro) Electro-Thermal Meter. (See Meter, Electro- Thermal) Electro-Tinning. (See Tinning, Elec- tro) Electrotisic. Pertaining to capital pun- ishment by means of electricity. Electrotisiny. Producing capital punish- ment by means of electricity. Electrotisis. A word proposed for capi- tal punishment by means of electricity. Electrotonic Current (See Current, Electrotonic) Electrotonic Effect. (See Effect, Electro- tonic) Electrotonic Excitahility. (See Excita- bility, Electrotonic) Electrotonic State. (See State, Electro- tonic) Electrotonus. A condition of altered functional activity which occurs in a nerve when subjected to the action of an electric current. Ele.j 211 [Ele. The electrotonic state is produced by the passage through a nerve of a constant current called the polarizing current. Electrotonus is attended by the modification of the nerve in the following respects, viz. : (i.) In its electromotive force. (2.) In its excitability. The passage of the constant current produces a change in the electromotive force of that part of the nerve traversed by the current. This alteration in muscular excitability may consist in either an increased or a decreased func- tional activity. The decreased functional activity ccurs in the neighborhood of the anode, or the positive terminal, and is called the anelectrotonic state. The increased functional activity occurs in the neighborhood of the kathode, or the negative terminal, and is called the kathelectrotonic slate. (See Anelectrotonus. Kathelectrotonus.} This altered functional activity affects not only the intra polar parts of the nerve, or that part between the electrodes, but also the extra-polar portions, or, in other words, the remainder of the nerve. The electrotonic state is characterized by two varieties, viz.: those in which the electromotive force of the nerve is decreased, and those in which the electromotive force of the nerve is increased. These varieties of electrotonus are called respec- tively the negative and positive phase of electro- tonus. (See Electrotonus, Negative Phase of. Electrotonus, Positive Phase of.) Electrotonus, Negative Phase of A decrease in the electromotive force of a nerve effected by seeding a current through the nerve in the opposite direction to the nerve current. (See Current, Nerve?) Electrotonus, Positive Phase of An increase in the electromotive force of a nerve effected by sending a current through the nerve in the same direction as the nerve current. The increase in the electromotive force not only affects the portions of the nerve in the intra-polar regions, but in the extra polar regions as well. Electrotype. A type, cast, or impression of an o,bject obtained by means of electro- metallurgy. (See Metallurgy, Electro. Elec- trotyping^) Electrotyping, or the Electrotype Pro- cess Obtaining casts or copies of objects by depositing metals in molds by the agency of electric currents. The molds are made of wax, or other plastic substance, rendered conducting by coating it with powdered plumbago. The mold is connected with the negative battery terminal, and placed in a metallic solu- tion, generally of copper sulphate, opposite a plate of metallic copper, connected with the posi- tive battery terminal. As the current passes, the metal is deposited on the mold at the kathode, and dissolved from the metallic plate at the anode, thus producing an exact copy or cast and at the same time maintaining constant the strength of the bath. Electrozemia. A word proposed for capi- tal punishment by means of electricity. Elect rum. A name given by the ancienis to various substances that could be readily electrified by friction. The term electrum included a number of sub- stances, but was applied mainly either to amber or to an alloy of gold and silver. Element. Any kind of matter which can- not be decomposed into simpler matter. Matter that is formed or composed of but one kind of atoms. Oxygen and hydrogen are elements or varie- ties of elementary matter. They cannot be de- composed into anything but oxygen or hydrogen. Water, on the contrary, is compound matter, since it can be decomposed into its constituent parts, oxygen and hydrogen. There are about seventy well-known elements, some of which are very rare, occurring in ex- tremely small quantities. The evidence of the true elementary condition of many of the elements is based, to a great ex- tent, on the fact that so far they have resisted all efforts made to decompose them into simpler sub- stances. We should bear in mind, however, that until Davy's use of the voltaic battery, potash, soda, and many other similar compounds were re- garded as true elements. It is not improbable that many of the now so-called elements, may hereafter be decomposed into simpler constitu- ents. The following table gives the names, chemical Ele.] 212 [Ele, symbols, approximate atomic weights and equiva- lents of the principal elements : Names ot Elements. i >* CA Approximate Atomic Weight. Chemical Equivalent.* Al. Sb. As. Ba. Be. Bi. B. Br. Cd. Cs. Ca. C. Ce. Cl. Cr. Co. Cu. D. E. F. Ga. Ge. G. Au. H. In. I. Ir. Fe. La. Pb. Li. Mg. Mn. Hg. Mo. Ni. Nb. N. Os. O. Pd. P. Pt. K. R. Rb. Ru. Sm. Sc. Se. bi. Ag. Na. Sr. S. Ta. Te TI. Th. Sn. Ti. W. U. Va. Yb. Y. Zn. Zr. 27. 120. 74-9 136.8 9.1 207.5 10.9 79.8 in. 8 132.6 40. 12. 140.4 35-4 52- 58 9 63.2 144.6 165.9 19. 68.9 72.3 196.3 i. 113.4 126.6 192.7 55-9 *38.5 206.5 7- 24. 53-9 199.7 95-5 57-9 93-8 14. 198.5 to. 105.7 31- 194.4 39- 104.1 85.3 104.3 150.02 78!8 28.3 107.7 23. 87-4 a> 182.1 128. 203.7 233-4. 117.7 i8 3 .' 238.5 Si-3 172.8 89.8 64.9 89.4 9 > [compounds 40 in eus, 24 in ic 24.9 iaous, 15 in ic 68. A 4.6 69.2 3-6 79.8 55-9 66.3 20 6 35.4 26 mous, 17.3 in ic 29-5 31.6 19. 196. a in out, 65. 4 in ic 37-8 126.6 96.4, 64.2, 48.3 28 in ous, 18.6 in ic 103.3 7 12 2 7 199.7 in ous, 99.9 in ic 28 '4 8 52.9 in ule, against the force of gravity, will result in t!ie movement of the armature to the pole, and tha-, therefore, no dif- ferentiation as to the final result will be produced by a powerful current, and a current just strong enough to start the action. If, however, the armature move against the action of a spring, the latter can be so arranged that the force with which it opposes the motion of the armature in- creases, the nearer the armature is to the pole, and in this way the movement of the armature can be made proportional to the strength of the current energizing the electro-magnet. A similar method consists in mechanical devices that cause the armature to work with lessened mechanical advantage as it approaches the po'e. Or, thepolar surfaces may be so shaped by cut- ting, or by the addition of suitable projections, as to cause the approach of the armature to be attended by a nearly constant force. Equator, Geographical An imag- inary great circle passing around the earth midway between its poles. Equator, Magnetic The magnetic parallel or circle on the earth's surface v/here a magnetic needle, suspended so as to be free to move in a vertical as well asinahcrizontal plane, remains horizontal. An irregular line passing around the earth approximately midway between the earth's magnetic poles. (See Dip or Inclination, Angle of?) Equator of Magnet. (See Magnet, Equa- tor of.) Equatorial. Pertaining to the equator. Equatorially. In the direction of the equator. Equipotential Surface of a Conductor through which a Current is Flowing. (See Surface, Equipotential, of a Conductor through which a Current is Flowing?) Eqnipotential Surface, or Level Surface Of Escaping Fluid. (See Sttrface, Equipo- tential, or Level Surface of Escaping Fluid.) Equipotential Surfaces,Electrostatic (See Surfaces, Equipotential, Electro- static?) Eqnipotential Surfaces, Magnetic - (See Surfaces, Equipotential, Magnetic?) Equivalence, Electro-Chemical, Law of The amount of chemical action pro- duced by an electric current, passed through various chemical substances, is proportional to the chemical equivalent of each substance, Equ.] that is, to its atomic weight, divided by its valency. (See Valency.) Thus, the atomic weight of oxygen is sixteen times greater than the atomic weight of hydrogen. Oxygen is a diad; that is, has twice the combin- ing power of hydrogen. The passage of a given quantity of electricity will liberate eight times, by weight, as much- oxygen as hydrogen; or, to put it in another way, the passage of a given quan- tity of electricity will liberate two atoms of hydrogen for every atom of oxygen. The atomic weight of chlorine is 35.4. The passage of a given amount of electricity will liberate a weight of chlorine 35.4 greater than the weight of hydrogen; or, for every atom of chlorine it will liberate one atom of hydrogen. Here the passage of a given amount of electricity liberates one atom of the monad element hydrogen for every atom of the monad element chlorine. The atomic weight of gold is 196.2, and its atomicity or valency is 3. The passage of a given amount of electricity will liberate 10.6.2 _ 65.4 in ic compounds as great a weight of the triad element gold as of hydrogen; or, will liberate them in the proportion of one atom of gold for every three atoms of hydrogen. Generalizing, it appears, therefore, that the passage of the same quantity of electricity through an electrolyte liberates the same number of atoms of a monad element, no matter what their nature may be. It liberates one-half as many of the diad atoms as it does of the monads, and one-third as many of the triad atoms as of the monads. Professor Lodge points out, that assuming the truth of the theory that a current of electricity flows in an electrolyte by means of a true electric convection, each atom carrying an electric charge, then it would seem that every monad atom carries an equal charge of electricity, whether it be an atom of hydrogen, chlorine, potassium, silver, or mercury. That each diad element carries twice as much, and that each triad element carries three times as much. In general, the number of atoms liberated by a given current of electricity is equal to the num- ber of atoms of hydrogen, divided by the valency of the atom. ' ' The electric charge, ' ' says Lodge, "belonging to each atom of matter, is a simple multiple of a definite quantity of electricity, which quantity is an absolute constant, quite independent of the nature of the particular substance to which the atom belongs." 218 [Equ- The specific charge thus hypothetically given to each atom of matter is believed never to be lost. Atoms capable of entering into combination are supposed to be oppositely charged, and chemical affinity is, according to this supposition, believed to be the result of the mutual attractions of opposite electric charges naturally and originally pos- sessed by the atoms of matter. Lodge points out the following results which naturally flow from the hypothesis that the atoms of matter possess definite positive and negative charges of electricity, viz.: (i.) That the amount of electricity possessed by each monad atom is exceedingly small, being about the hundred thousand millionth part of the ordinary electrostatic unit, or less than the hundred trillionth of a coulomb. (2.) The charge being small, the potential is necessarily low. Probably something between one and three volts is a high difference of potential between two oppositely charged atoms. (3.) The nearness of the attracting atoms, how- ever, can cause a very strong electrostatic attrac- tion between them. (4. ) That chemical affinity, or atomic attraction, is caused by the presence of these electric charges. (5.) That the electrical force between two atoms at any distance is ten thousand million billion billion times greater than their gravitation attraction at the same distance, or, the force has an intensity per unit of mass capable of producing an acceleration, nearly one trillion times greater than that of gravity at the earth's surface. Equivalent, Chemical The quo- tient obtained by dividing 1 the atomic weight of any elementary substance by its atomicity. (See Weight, Atomic. Atomicity?) The ratio between the quantity of an ele- ment and the quantity of hydrogen it is capable of replacing. That quantity of an elementary substance that is capable of combining with or replac- ing one atom of hydrogen. The chemical equivalent has a different value from the atomic weight whenever the valency is greater than unity. Thus the atomic weight of gold is 196.2, but since in ic compounds one atom of gold is capable of combining with three atoms of hydrogen, the weight of the gold equiva- lent to that of one atom of hydrogen is one-third of 196.2, or 65 4. Eqn.j 219 [Esc. Equivalent Conductivity. (See Conduc- tivity, Equivalent?) Equivalent, Electro-Chemical A number representing the weight in grammes of an elementary substance liberated during electrolysis by the passage of one coulomb of iiectricity. (See Electrolysis. Coulomb?) The chemical equivalent of a substance multiplied by the electro-chemical equivalent of hydrogen. The electro- chemical equivalent is, therefore, found by multiplying the electro-chemical equiva- lent of hydrogen by the chemical equivalent of the element. It may be determined experimentally that one coulomb of electricity, expended electrolytically, will liberate .0000105 gramme of hydrogen. Therefore a current of one ampere, or one coulomb - fer-second, will liberate .0000105 gramme of hy- drogen per second. The number .0000105 is the electro-chemical equivalent of hydrogen. In the same manner the electro-chemical equiva- lents of the other elements are obtained by multi- plying the electro-chemical equivalent of hydrogen by the chemical equivalent of the substance. Thus, the chemical equivalent of potassium is 39.1, therefore its electro-chemical equivalent is 39.1 X .0000105 =.00041055. By multiplying the strength of the current that passes by the electro- chemical equivalent of any substance we obtain the weight of that substance liberated by electrolysis. (See Equivalence, Electro -Chemical, Law of.) To determine the electro-chemical equivalent of the other elements see table of chemical equiva- lents on page 212. Equivalent, Jonle's The mechan- ical equivalent of heat. (See Heat, Mechan- ical Equivalent of.) Equivalent of Heat, Mechanical (See Heat, Mechanical Equivalent of.) Equivalent Besistance. (See Resistance, Equivalent.) Equivolt. A term proposed by J. T. Sprague for the unit of electrical energy, ap- plied especially to chemical decomposition. Sprague, defines an equivolt as follows : "The mechanical energy of one volt electromotive force exerted under unit conditions through one equiva- lent of chemical action in grains." 8 Vol 1 This term has not been generally accepted. (See Volt-Coulomb. Joule.) Erb's Standard Size of Electrodes. (See Electrodes, Erb's Standard Size of.) Erg 1 . The unit of work, or the work done when unit force is overcome through unit distance. The work accomplished when a body is moved through a distance of one centimetre with the force of one dyne. (See Dyne.) A dyne centimetre. The work done when a weight of one gramme is raised against gravity through a vertical height of one centimetre is equal to 981 ergs, because the weight of one gramme is i X 981 dynes, or 981 ergs. The following values for the erg, the unit of work, and the dyne, the unit of force, are taken from Hering: I erg = i dyne centimetre. I erg = o.ooooooi joule. 981 ergs = i gramme centimetre. 1,937.5 ergs = I foot grain. 13,562,600 ergs .= I foot-pound. i dyne = i .0194 milligrammes. I dyne = 0.015731 grain. i dyne = 0.0010194 grammes. I dyne = 0.00003596 ounce avoirdupois. 63.568 dynes I grain. 981 dynes = i gramme. Ergmeter. An apparatus for measuring the work of an electric current in ergs. Erg-ten. A term proposed for ten million ergs or i X 10 10 = 10,000,000,000. In representing large numbers containing many ciphers the following plan is generally adopted for representing the number of ciphers that are to be added to a given number. Thus, suppose it is desired to represent the number 3,800,000,000. When written 38 X io 8 it indicates that 38 is to be multiplied by lo 8 or 100,000,000, or, in other words, that 38 is to be followed by 8 ciphers, thus 3,800,000,000. A negative exponent, as 3 X io~ 8 represents the corresponding decimal thus, .00000003. i erg X io 10 , or 10,000,000,000 is called an erg -ten. I X J 6 = an erg -six. These terms are not in general use. Ten meg-ergs is a pref- erable phrase to an erg-ten. (See Meg-erg. ) Escape, Electric A term some- Esc.] 220 [Eva. times employed to indicate the loss of charge on an insulated conductor. (See Leakage, Electric?) Escaping Fluid, Flow-Lines of - (See Flow-Lines of Escaping Fluid?) Escaping Fluid, Stream-Lines of - (See Stream-Lines of Escaping Fluid.} Essential Resistance. (See Resistance, Essential.} Etching, Electro -- A term some- times employed instead of electro-engraving. (See Engraving, Electric?) Etching, Galvanic --- Electro-En- graving. (See Engraving, Electric.} Ether. The tenuous, highly elastic fluid that is assumed to fill all space, and by vibra- tions or waves in which light and heat are transmitted. Although the existence of the ether is assumed in order to explain certain phenomena, its actual existence is very generally credited by scientific men, and, in reality, proofs are not wanting to fairly establish such existence. Light and heat are believed to be due to trans- verse vibrations in the ether. Magnetism appears to be due to whirls or whirlpools, and an elec- tric current is believed by some to be due to pulses of waves of ether set in motion by differ- ences in the ether pressures. It is not correct to regard the luminiferous ether as possessing no weight, or as being im- ponderable. Maxwell estimates its density as 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 is very readily moved or set into vibration, its rigidity being estimated at about - 1,000,000,000 that of steel. According to the speculations of some physi- cists the ether is not discontinuous or granular, but it is similar to what might be regarded as an almost impalpable jelly. Ethereal. Pertaining to the universal ether. Eudiometer. A voltameter in which sep- arate graduated vessels are provided for the reception and measurement of the gaseous products evolved during electrolysis. (See Voltameter.} In all cases electrodes for eudiometers must be used which do not enter into combination with the evolved gaseous products. In the case of oxygen and hydrogen, platinum is generally used. A form of eudiometer is shown in Fig. 241. Two separate glass ves- sels, provided at the top with stop cocks, and open at their lower ends, rest in a vessel of water A, over platinum electrodes, connected electrically with binding posts K, K. Both ves- sels are filled with water slightly acidulated with sulphuric acid, and, when connected with a battery of sufficient electromotive force (not less than 1.45 volts), electrolysis takes place, Fig. 241. Eudiometer. and hydrogen gas collects in the vessel over the platinum electrode connected with the neg- ative battery terminal, and oxygen in the vessel over the electrode connected with the positive battery terminal. The volume of the hydrogen is approximately twice as great as that of the oxygen. (See Water, Electrolysis of.) The proportion is not exactly 2 to i, because, (i.) Some of the hydrogen is occluded or ab- sorbed by the platinum electrode. (2.) Some of the oxygen is given off as tri- atomic oxygen, or ozone, which is denser and occupies less space than free atomic oxygen. Eudiometric. Pertaining to the eudiom- eter. (See Eudiometer?) Endiometrically. By means of the eudi- ometer. Evaporation. The change from the liquid to the vaporous state. Wet clothes exposed to the air are dried by the evaporation of the water. Evaporation is greater: (I.) The more extended the surfaces exposed. (2.) The higher the temperature of the air. (3.) The dryer the air, or the smaller the quantity of vapor it contains already. (4.) The stronger the wind. (5.) The smaller the barometric pressure. Evaporation, Electric The forma- Eva.] 221 LExc. lion of vapors at the surfaces o f substances by the influence of negative electrification. The term electric evaporation was proposed by Crookes for the formation of metallic vapors of such substances as metallic platinum, exposed in high vacua to the effects of negative electrifica- tion. He shows that under these circumstances the surface molecules of the platinum lose their power of cohering and fly off into the space around them, i. e , suffer true evaporation. This action takes place under atmospheric pressures, but, like ordinary evaporation, is greatly facili- tated by the presence of a high vacuum, True electric evaporation takes place with liquids as well as with solids. In an experiment with water, the influence of the kind of the elec- trification was clearly shown. A vessel of water Fig. 24.2. Electrical Evaporation. exposed to the air was first positively electrified, but after an exposure of i| hours only a trifling evaporation was noticeable. The water was then negatively electrified, and at the end of i^ hours had lost y^ 1 ^ part of its weight more than did the positively charged water. Professor Crookes experimented with cadmium, and, in order to show that electric evaporation is different from evaporation produced by the agency f heat, tried the following, viz.: A high vacuum U-tube, shaped as shown in Fig 242, was pro- Fig 243. Electrical Evaporation. vided with platinum poles sealed in the glass at A and B. Two pieces of cadmium, C and D, were placed in the tube in the position shown, and the "hb^ uniformly heated by means of a gas- burner :jid air oath, and maintained at a constant temperacure. i'he current was then passed for ibout an hour, B, being made the negative pole. No metal was deposited in the neighborhood oi the positive pole, the portions of the tube sur- rounding the positive pole being quite clean, while the corresponding portions of the other limb of the tube were thickly coated, as shown by the shading in the drawing. In another experiment, in which the tempera- ture was kept lower than in the preceding, viz., just below the melting point of the cadmium,, after the current had passed for an hour, the limb of the tube through which the current had passed had received a thick coating, while the other was nearly free from coating, as shown in Fig. 243. Here the increase in the amplitude of the mole- cular oscillation under the influence of the elec- tricity is manifest. Evaporation, Electrification by - An increase in the difference of potential ex- isting in a mass of vapor attending its sudden condensation. The free electricity of the atmosphere is be- lieved by some to be due to the condensation of the vapor of the air that results in rain, hail, clouds, etc. It is probable, however, that the true effect of condensation is mainly limited to the increase of a feeble electrification already possessed by the air or its contained vapor. The small difference of potential of the exceedingly small drops of water in clouds is enormously in- creased by the union or coalescing of many thousands of such drops into a single rain drop. (See Electricity, Atmospheric.] Exchange, Telephonic, System of A combination of circuits, switches and other devices, by means of which any one of a number of subscribers connected with a telephonic circuit, or a neighboring telephonic circuit or circuits, may be placed in electrical communication with any other subscriber connected with such circuit or circuits. A telephone exchange consists essentially of a multiple switchboard, or a number of multiple switchboards, furnished with spring-jacks, an- nunciator drops, and suitable connecting cords. A call bell, or bells, is also provided. The annun- ciator drops are often omitted. (See Board., Multiple Switch.) Excitability. Electric, of Nerve or Hi ns- cnlar Fibre The effect produced by an electric current in stimulating the nerve of Exc.] 222 [Exh. living animal, or in producing an involuntary contraction of a muscle. Du Bois-Reymond has shown that these effects depend : (l.) On the strength of the current employed. The excitability occurs only when the current begins to flow, and when it ceases flowing; or, when the electrodes first touch the nerves, and when they are separated from it. Subsequent investigations have shown that this is true only for the frog's nerves, and is true for the human nerves only in the case of moderate currents, strong currents producing tetanus. (2.) On the rapidity with which the current used reaches its maximum value, that is, on the rapidity of change of current density. (See Current Density.') Excitability, Electro-Nervous In electro-therapeutics the electric excitation of a nerve. Excitability, Electrotonic The actual excitability of a nerve when in the electrotonic condition. (See Electrotonus. Anelectrotonus. Kathelectrotonus.) Excitability, Faradic Muscular or nervous excitability following the employment of the rapidly intermittent currents produced by induction coils. (See Coil, Induction.) Faradic excitability is different from galvanic excitability, or that produced by means of a con- tinuous voltaic current. (See Excitability, Gal- vanic. ) Excitability, Galvanic A term sometimes employed for electric excitability of nerve or muscular fibre. (See Excitability, Electric, of Nerve or Muscular Fibre?) Excitation, Compensated, of Alternator. (See Alternator, Compensated Excitation *f) Excitation, Direct The excitement of a muscle by placing an electrode on the muscle itself. Excitation, Electro-Muscular - In electro-therapeutics the galvanic or faradic excitation of the muscle, or its excitation by the continuous currents of a voltaic battery, or the alternating currents of an induction coil. Excitation, Faradic - Excitation of muscle or nerve fibre by means of rapidly alternating currents of electricity. (See Excitability, Faradic?) Excitation, Indirect The excite- ment of a muscle from its nerve. Exciter of Field. (See Field, Exciter of.) Exciting Liquid of Voltaic Cell. (See Cell, Voltaic, Pr -imary. Exciting Liquid oj '.) Execution, Electric Causing the death of a criminal, in cases of capital pun- ishment, by means of the electric current. Electric execution has been adopted by the State of New York, in accordance with the following law : "The Court shall sentence the prisoner to death within a certain week, naming no day or hour, and not more than eight nor Jess than five weeks from the day of sentence. The execution must take place in the State prison to which con- victed felons are sent by the Court, and the execu- tioner must be the agent and warden of the prison. "No newspaper may print any details of the execution, which is to be inflicted by electricity. A current of electricity is to. be caused to pass through the body of the condemned of sufficient intensity to kill him, and the application is to be continued until he is dead." Exhaustion, Electric Physiological effects resembling those produced by sun- stroke, resulting from prolonged exposure to the radiation of unsually large voltaic arcs. (See Sun-Stroke, Electric) Exhaustion of Primary Voltaic Cell. (See Cell, Voltaic, Primary, Exhaustion of.) Exhaustion of Secondary Voltaic Cell. (See Cell, Voltaic, Secondary, Exhaustion of.) Exhaustion of Voltaic Cell. (See Cell, Voltaic, Exhaustion of.) Exhaustion, Reaction of - A con- dition of nervous and muscular irritability to electric excitation when a certain reaction, produced by a given current strength, cannot be reproduced without an increase of current strength. The reaction of exhaustion may be regarded as a special variety of the reaction of degeneration. (See Degeneration, Reaction of.) The reaction of degeneration embraces the following modifications of irritability, viz. : Exp.J 223 [Eye. (i.) Disappearance or diminution of nervous irritability to both galvanic and faradic currents. (2.) Disappearance of far:.dic and increase of galvanic irritability of muscles, generally associ- ated with an increase of mechanical irritability. (3 ) Disappearance of faradic and increase of galvanic muscular irritability associated generally with increased mechanical irritability. (4.) Tardy, delayed contraction of muscles in- stead of quick reaction of normal muscle. (5.) Marked modifications of normal sequence i.f contraction. Liebig 6 Rohe. Expanding Magnetic Whirl. (See Whirl, Expanding Magnetic?) Exploder, Electric Mine A small Expansion, Co-efflcient of The fractional increase in the dimensions of a bar or rod when heated from 32 degrees to 33 degrees F. or from o degree to I degree C. The fractional increase in the length of the bar is called the Co-efficient of Linear Expansion. The fractional increase in the surface is called the Co-efficient of Surface Expansion. The fractional increase in the volume is called the Co-efficient of Cubic Expansion. Expansion, Electric - The increase in volume produced in a body on giving such body an electric charge. A Leyden jar increases in volume when a charge is imparted to it. This result is due to an expansion of the glass due to the electric charge. According to Quincke, some substances, such as resinous or oily bodies, manifest a contraction of volume on the reception of an electric charge. Expansion Joint. (See Joint, Expan- sion?) Expansion, Linear, Co-efflcient of A number expressing the fractional increase in length of a bar for a given increment of heat. The co-efficients of expansion of a few sub- stances are given in the following table: Temp. Aluminium 16 to 100 degrees C. .0.0000235 loo " ..0.0000188 100 100 100 100 TOO 100 100 100 Brass o Copper o German silver. . o Glass o Iron. ". . 13 T .ea Brackett.} magneto-electric machine used to produce the currents of high electromotive force employed in the direct firing of blasts. Exploder, Electro-Magnetic A small magneto-electric machine used to pro- duce the currents of high electromotive force employed in the direct firing of blasts. Explorer, Electric An apparatus operated by means of induced currents, and employed for the purpose of locating bullets or other foreign metallic substances in the human body. (See Balance, Induction, Hughes'.) Explorer, Magnetic - A small, flat coil of insulated wire, used, in connection with the circuit of a telephone, to determine the position and extent of the magnetic leakage of a dynamo-electric machine or other similar apparatus. (See Magnetophone.) Explosive Distance. (See Distance, Ex- plosive.) Extension Call-Bell (See Bell, Exten- sion Call.) External Circuit. (See Circuit, Exter- nal.) External Secondary Resistance. (See Resistance, External Secondary ) Extra Currents. (See Currents, Extra.} Extraordinary Resistance. (See Resist- ance, Extraordinary?) Extra-Polar Region. (See Region, Ex- tra-Polar?) Eye, Electro-Magnetic A term pro- posed for a certain form of spark-micrometer employed by Hertz in his experiment on elec- tro-magnetic radiation. This apparatus has received the above name because it enables the observer to see or localize an electromagnetic disturbance. The particular spark-micrometer that has re- ceived the name of the electro-magnetic eye had the form of a circle 35 centimetres in radius, and was formed of a copper wire 2 millimetres in di- ameter. Like all spark-micrometer circuits, it had its terminals separated by a small air-space. Eye, Selenium An artificial eye in Fac.] 224 [Far. which a selenium resistance takes the place of the retina and two slides the place of the eyelids. The selenium resistance is placed in the circuit of a battery and a galvanometer. When the slides L, L, Fig. 244, are shut, the galvanometer deflection is less than when they are open. The opening of the aperture between the slides L, L, may be automatically accomplished by the action of the light itself, by moving them by an electro-magnet placed in the circuit of a local bat- tery, and a selenium resistance may be so arranged that when light falls on it the slides L, L, are moved together, and when the amount of such light is small they are moved apart, by the action of a spring, In this way there is obtained a device roughly resembling the dilatation or con- .B Fig. 244.. Selenium Eye, traction of the pupil of the eye from the action of light on the iris. (See Photometer, Selenium.) Fac-Simile Telegraphy, or Panteleg- raphy. (See Telegraphy, Fac-Simile.} Fahrenheit's Thermometer Scale. (See Scale, Thermometer, Fahrenheit's?) Fall of Potential. (See Potential, Fall of.) False Magnetic Pole (See Pole, Magnetic, False.) False Resistance. (See Resistance, False.) False Zero. (See Zero, False.) Fan Guard. (See Guard, Fan.) Farad. The practical unit of electric capacity. Such a capacity of a conductor or condenser that one coulomb of electricity is required to produce in the conductor or condenser a difference of potential of one volt. As in gases, a quart vessel will hold a quart of gas under unit pressure of one atmosphere, so, in electricity, a conductor or condenser, whose capa- city is one farad, will hold a quantity of electricity equal to one coulomb when under an electromotive force of one volt. It may cause some perplexity to the student to understand why there should be in electricity one unit of capacity to represent the size of the vessel or conductor, and another to represent the amount or quantity of electricity required to fill such vessel. But, like a gas, electricity acts, in effect, as if it were very compressible, so that the quantity required to fill any condenser will de- N "' Fig 24. J. Elevation of Standardized Condenser. pend on the electromotive force under which it is put into the conductor or condenser. For purposes of measurement, capacities of conductors are compared with those of condensers Fig, 246. Plan of Standardized Condenser. whose capacities are known in microfarads, or fractions thereof. The microfarad, or the of a farad, is used because of the very 1,000,000 great size of a farad. Far,] 225 [Fau. Fig. 245 shows an elevation, and Fig. 246 a plan of the form often given to a standardized condenser or microfarad. The condenser is charged by connecting the terminals of the elec- tric source to the binding posts N and N. It is discharged by means of the plug key P', that connects the brass pieces A and B, when pushed firmly into the conical space between them. The condenser is made by placing sheets of tin foil between sheets of oiled silk or mica in the box and connecting the alternate sheets to one of (he brass pieces B, and the other set to the brass piece A, as will be better understood from an inspection of Fig. 247. Fig. 247 Method of Construction of a Condenser. Condensers are generally made of the capacity of the ^ of a microfarad. Sometimes, however, they are made so that either all or part of the condenser may be employed, by the insertion of the different plug keys. The form of condenser shown in Fig. 248 is Fig. 24.8. Standard Condenser capable of ready division into five separate val- ues, viz.: .05, .05, .2, .2 and .5 microfarad. Farad, Micro The millionth part of a farad. (See Farad.} Faraday Effect. (See Effect, Faraday.} Faraday's Cube. 'See Cube, Faraday's) Faraday's Dark Space. (See Space, Dark, Faraday's) Faraday's Net. (See Net. Faraday's) Faradic Apparatus, Magneto-Electric (See Apparatus, Faradic . Mag- neto-Electric) Faradic Brush. (See Brush, Faradic) Faradic Current. (See Current Fara- dic) Faradic Excitation. (See Excitation.. Faradic) Faradic Induction Apparatus. (See Apparatus, Faradic Induction) Faradic Irritability. (See Irritability, Faradic) Faradic Machine. (See Machine, Fara- dic) Faradization. In electro-therapeutics, the effects produced on the nerves or muscles by the use of a faradic current, in order to distinguish such effects from galvanization or those produced by a voltaic current. (See Galvanization) Faradization, General A method of applying the faradic current similar to that employed in general galvanization. (See Galvanization, General) Faradization, Local A method of applying the faradic current in general simi- lar to that employed in local galvanization. (See Galvanization, Local) Fault. Any failure in the proper working of a circuit due to ground contacts, cross- contacts or disconnections. (See Contacts. Cross) Faults are of three kinds, viz. : (i.) Disconnections. (See Disconnection) (2) Earths. (See Earth) (3.) Contacts. (See Contacts) Various methods are employed for detecting and localizing faults, for the explanation of which reference should be had to standard elec- trical works on testing or measurements. Fault, Ironwork, of Dynamo A ground or connection between the current of a dynamo and any part of its ironwork. Fau.l 226 [Fie. If the dynamo is in good connection with the ground, as is frequently the case in marine plants, this fault is the same as a ground. Faults, Localization of Determin- ing the position of a fault on a telegraph line or cable by calculations based on the fall in the potential of the line measured at different points, or by loss of charge, etc. For details, see standard works on electrical measurements. Feed, Clockwork, for Arc Lamps An arrangement of clockwork for obtaining a uniform feed motion of one or both elec- trodes of an arc lamp. The clockwork is automatically thrown into or out of action by an electro-magnet, usually placed in a shunt circuit around the carbons. Feed, To To supply with an electric current, as by a dynamo or other source. Feeder. One of the conducting wires or channels through which the current is dis- tributed to the main conductors. Feeder, Standard or Main The main feeder to which the standard pressure indicator is connected, and whose pressure controls the pressure at the ends of all the other feeders. The term pressure in the above definition is used in the sense of electromotive force or differ- ence of potential. Feeder-Wires. (See Wires, Feeder) Feeders. In a system of distribution by constant potential, as in incandescent elec- tric lighting, the conducting wires extend- ing between the bus-wires or bars, and the junction boxes. A feeder differs from a main in that a main consists of a conductor that may be tapped at any point to supply a customer, while a feeder leads direct from the dynamo or other source to a main and is not tapped at any point. Feeders, Negative The feeders that are connected with the negative terminal of the dynamo. (See Feeders.) Feeders, Positive The feeders that are connected with the positive terminal of the dynamo. (See Feeders.) Feeding Device of Electric Arc Lamp. (See Device, Feeding, of an Arc Lamp. Feed, Clockwork, for Arc-Lamps^) Feeding-Wire. (See Wire, Feeding^ Feet, Ampe"re The product of the current in amperes by the distance in feet through which that current passes. It has been suggested that the term ampere- feet should be employed in expressing the strength of electro-magnetism in the field magnets of dynamo-electro machines or other similar ap- paratus. Ferranti Effect. (See Effect, Ferranti^ Ferro-Magnetic Substance. (See Sub- stance, Ferro-Magnetic?) Fibre, Quartz A fibre suitable for suspending galvanometer needles, etc., made of quartz. The quartz fibre is obtained by fusing quartz and drawing out the fused material as a fine thread, in a manner similar to the production of glass fibres. Quartz fibres possess marked advantage over silk fibres, in that they are 5.4 times stronger for equal diameters, and especially, in that they return to the zero point, after very considerable deflections. Quartz fibres are readily obtained by fusing quartz pebbles together in the voltaic arc, and drawing them apart with a rapid, but steady, uni- form motion. Fibre Suspension. (See Suspension, Fibre?) Fibre, Vulcanized A variety of in- sulating material suitable for purposes not requiring the highest insulation. Vulcanized fibre is, however, seriously affected by long exposure to moisture. Fibrone. An insulating substance. Field, Air That portion of a mag- netic field in which the lines of force pass through air only. Field, Alternating An electrostatic or magnetic field the positive direction of the lines of force in which is alternately reversed or changed in direction. Field, Alternating Electrostatic An electrostatic field, the potential of which is rapidly alternating. Fie.] 227 [Fie. An alternating electrostatic field is, according to Tesla's experiments, produced in the neighbor- hood of the terminals of the secondary of an in- duction coil, through whose primary, alternations of high frequency are passing. Field, Alternating Magnetic. A mag- netic field the direction of whose lines of force is alternately reversed. Field, Density of The number of lines of force that pass through any field, per unit of area of cross-section. Field, Electric A term sometimes used in place of an electrostatic field. (See Field, Electrostatic^) Field, Electro-Magnetic The space traversed by the lines of magnetic force pro- duced by an electro-magnet. (See Field, Magnetic?) Field, Electrostatic The region of electrostatic influence surrounding a charged body. Electrostatic attractions or repulsions take place along certain lines called lines of electro- static force. These lines of force produce a field called an electrostatic field. Electric level or potential is measured along these lines, just as gravitation levels are measured with a plumb line along the lines of gravitation force. (See Poten- tial, Electric.') Work is done when a body is moved along the lines of electrostatic force in a direction from an oppositely charged body, or towards a similarly charged body, just as work is done against gravity when a body is moved along the lines of gravitation force, away from the earth's centre, or vertically upwards. Field, Exciter of In a separately excited dynamo-electric machine, the dyna- mo-electric machine, voltaic battery, or other electric source employed to produce the field of the field magnets. (See Machine, Dyna- mo-Electric,} Field, Intensity of The strength of a field as measured by the number of lines of force that pass through it per unit of area of cross-section. (See Field, Electrostatic. Field, Magnetic^ Field, Magnetic The region of magnetic influence surrounding the poles of a magnet. A space or region traversed by lines of magnetic force. A place where a magnetic needle, if free to move, will take up a definite position, under the influence of the lines of magnetic force. Unit strength of magnetic field is the field which would be produced by a magnetic pole of unit strength at unit distance. Magnetic attractions and repulsions are assumed to take place along certain lines called lines of magnetic force. The directions of these lines in any plane of a magnetic field may be shown by sprinkling iron filings over a sheet of paper held in a horizontal position to a magnet pole inclined Fig. 249. Magnetic Field. to the paper in the desired plane and then gently tapping the paper. The groupings of iron filings so obtained are sometimes called magnetic figures . The directions of the lines of force thus shown will appear from an inspection of Fig. 249, taken in a plane joining the two poles of a straight bar magnet, and Fig. 250, taken in a plane at right angles to the north pole of a straight bar magnet. In Fig. 249, the repulsion of the lines of force at either pole is shown by the radiation of the chains ot magnetized iron particles. The mutual attraction of unlike polarities is shown by the curved lines. In Fig. 250, the repulsion of the similarly mag- netized chains is clearly shown. Lines of magnetic force are assumed to pass out from the north, pole and back again into the magnet at its south pole. This assumed direction Fie.] 228 [Fie. is called the direction of the lines of magnetic force. Faraday expressed his conception of lines of magnetic force as follows: "Every line offeree must therefore be consid- ered as a closed circuit, passing, in some part of its course, through a magnet and having an equal amount of force in every part of its course. There Fig, 230. Magnetic Field. exist lines of force within the magnet of the same nature as those without. What is more, they are exactly equal in amount to those without. They have a relation in direction to those without and are, in fact, continuations of them." When a conductor, such as a wire through which a powerful current of electricity is flowing, is dipped in a mass of iron filings, a chain of iron filings is formed, the north end of which is urged around the conductor in one direction and the south end in the opposite direction, so that the movable chain of filings surrounis or grips the conductor in concentric rings or circles. The density of a magnetic field 'is directly pro- portional to the number of lines of force per unit of area of cross-section. A single line of fo*ce, or a unit line of force, is such an intensity of field as exists in each square centimetre of cross-section of a unit magnetic field. A magnetic field is uniform, or possesses ttni- form intensity, when it possesses the same num- ber of lines of force per squire centimetre of area of cross-secti >n. Field, Magnetic, Alternating - The magnetic field produced by means of an alternating current. Field, Magnetic, Dissymmetrical A field whose lines of force are not symmet- rically distributed in adjacent halves. Field, Magnetic, Expanding of- An increase in the length of the lines of mag- netic force in any field, or an increase in the length of their magnetic circuit. Field, Magnetic, of an Electric Current The magnetic field surrounding a cir- Fig. 231. Field of Current. cuit through which an electric current is flow- ing. An electric current produces a magnetic field. This was discovered by Oersted -f in 1819, and may be shown by sprinkling iron filings on a sheet of paper, placed on the wire conductor conve) ing the cur- rent, at right angles to the direc- tion in which the current is pass- ing. Here the lines of force appear as concentric circles, ex- tending around the conductor, as shown in Fig. 251. Their direction, as regards the length of the conductor, is shown in Fig. 252. The electric current sets up these magnetic whirls around the conductor on its passage through it. The direction of the lines of ' J Fig. 2 5 2. Direc- magnetic. force produced by an tion of Lines of electric current, and hence its force, magnetic polarity^ depends on the direction in which the electric current flows. This direction Fie.] 229 [Fie, may be remembered as follows: If the current flows towards the observer, the directions of the lines of magnetic force is opposite to that of the hands of a watch, as shown in Fig. 253. Fig 233. Direction of Lines of Force. It is from the direction of the lines of magnetic force that the polarity of a helix carrying a cur- rent is deduced. (See Solenoid, Magnetic. Mag- net, Electro ) A magnetic field possesses the following prop- erties, viz.: (i.) All magnetizable bodies are magnetized when brought into a magnetic field. (See Indue, tion, Magnetic.") (2.) Conductors moved through a magnetic field so as to cut its lines of force have differences of potential generated in them at different points, and if these points be connected by a conductor, an electric current is produced. (See Induction, Electro-Magnetic. ) Field, Magnetic, Pulsatory A field, the strength of which pulsates in such manner as to produce oscillatory currents by induc- tion. Field, Magnetic, Reversing That portion of the field of a dynamo-electric ma- chine, produced by the field-magnet coils, in which the currents flowing in the armature coils are stopped or reversed after the coil has passed its theoretical position of neutrality. Sparkless commutation is obtained by placing the brushes on the commutator so as to corre- spond with the reversing field. Field, Magnetic, Shifting A term proposed by Professor Elihu Thomson to ex- press a field of magnetic lines of changing position with respect to the axis of the pole from which they emanate. A shifting magnetic field is especially a phe- nomenon of a rapidly alternating magnetic field occurring in a substance like hardened steel in which the coercive force is lairly nigh. It, for example, a single magnet pole of an electro- magnet, whose coils are traversed by a rapidly alternating current of electricity , 15 placed near one end of a steel file, the changing polarity developed thereby moves or shifts Irom the point directly over the pole towards the distant end. The presence of this shifting field can be shown by the rotation of discs of copper suitably inclined to ihe end of the file. In a similar manner a prismatic mass of steel, placed with one of its flat sides on the pole of a rapidly alternating magnetic field, will have a magnetic field developed in it, which will move or shift from the flat base towards the upper edge. Movable masses of good conducting metal, such as copper, will be set in rotation in a direction such as would be caused by an escape of gas therefrom. . The shifting magnetic field travels from the upper portions of the prism just as a stream of escaping gaseous substance would. Field, Magnetic, Spreading-Out A term sometimes used to represent an expand- ing magnetic field. (See Field, Magnetic, Expanding of.) Field, Magnetic, Stray That por- tion of the field of a dynamo-electric machine which is not utilized for the development of differences of potential in the armature, be- cause its lines of force do not pass through the armature. Field, Magnetic, Strength of The dynamic force acting on a free magnetic pole, placed in a magnetic field. If a free magnetic pole could be placed in a magnetic field, it would begin to move towards the opposite pole of the field, under its magnetic attraction, just as an unsupported body, free to move, would begin to fall towards the earth. The strength of a magnetic field corresponds to the acceleration of the force of gravity in the case of a falling body. The strength of the mag- netic pole corresponds to the mass of the falling body. The force impressed in the case of the magnetic field is equal to the strength of the pole multiplied by the strength of the field. Field, Magnetic, Symmetrical A field whose lines of force are symmetrically distributed in adjacent halves. Fie.] 230 [Fil. Field, Magnetic, Uniform A field traversed by the same number of lines of magnetic force in all unit portions of area of cross-section. (See Field, Magnetic?) Field, Magnetic, Waste A term sometimes employed for stray field. (See Field, Magnetic, Stray.) Field, Rotating-Current A mag- netic field produced by means of a rotating current. (See Current, Rotating?) Field, Uniform Density of A uni- form density in all equal areas of cross- section of field. Field, Yortex-Ring The field of influence possessed by a vortex-ring. Professor Dolbear points out the fact that the direction of the rotation of a fluid constituting a vortex-ring resembles the magnet flux in a mag. netic field, and shows, from the action of such rings on one another, that they possess a true field, or atmosphere of influence outside their actual bodies. He infers that such rings possess true polarity, since the motions producing them have different directions on opposite sides or ends. Figure of Merit of Galvanometer. (See Galvanometer, Figure of Merit of.) Figures, Breath Faint figures of condensed vapor produced by electrifying a coin, placing it momentarily on the surface of a sheet of clean, dry glass, and then breath- ing gently on the spot where the coin was placed. The moisture collects on the electrified portions of the plate and torms a fairly distinct image ol the coin. Figures, Electric Figures of various shapes produced on electrified surfaces by the arrangement of dust particles or vapor vesicles under the influence of electric charges. Electric figures are of two varieties, viz. : (i.) Dust figures. (2.) Breath figures. Figures, Lichtenberg's Dust Figures produced by writing on a sheet of shel- lac with the knob of a charged Leyden jar and then sprinkling over the sheet dried and powdered sulphur and red lead, which have been previously mixed together, and are so rendered, respectively negative and positive. The red lead collects on the negative parts of the shellac surface, and the sulphur on the posi- tive parts, in curious figures, known as Lichten- berg's Dust Figures, one of which is shown in Fig. 254. Fig* 2 54- Lichtenberg's Dust Figures. These figures show very clearly that an electric charge tends to creep irregularly over the surface of an insulating substance. Figures, Magnetic A name some- times applied to the groupings of iron filings on a sheet of paper so held in a magnetic field as to be grouped or arranged under the in- fluence of the lines of force of the same. (See Field, Magnetic?) Filament. A slender thread or fibre. The term is applied generally to threads or fibres varying considerably in diameter. Filament, Current A term some- times employed in place of current streamlet. (See Streamlets. Current?) Filament, Magnetic A polarized line or chain of ultimate magnetic particles. This is sometimes called a uniform magnetu filament. A bar-magnet possesses but two free poles. When broken ai Us neutral point or equator, the bar will develop free poles at the broken ends. This is explained by considering the magnet to be composed of a number of separate particles, separately magnetized. A single chain or fila- ment of such particles is called a magnetic filament. (See Magnet, Neutral Point of. Mag* nettsm, Hughes' Theory of. Magnetism^ E-wing's Theory of.) Filament of Incandescent Electric Lamp. F11.J 231 [Fir. (See Lamp, Incandescent Electric, Fila- ment of.) Filament, Uniform Magnetic A term sometimes applied to a magnetic fila- ment. (See Filament, Magnetic.) Filaments, Flashed Filaments for an incandescent lamp, that have been sub- jected to the flashing process. (See Carbons, Flashing Process for) Filamentous Armature Core. (See Core, Armature, Filamentous.) ; Film Cut-Out (See Cut-Out, Film.) Finder, Induction A term some- times employed for a magnetic explorer. Finder, Position*, Electric A de- vice by means of which the exact position of an object can be obtained. By means of a position -finder a gunner can be telephoned or otherwise ordered to fire at ob- jects he cannot see, and yet obtain a fair degree of accuracy. Finder, Range, Electric A de- vice by means of which the exact distance of an enemy's ship or other target can be readily determined. The operation of an electric range-finder is based on a method somewhat similar to the solving of a triangle for the purpose of determining distances. If the base line of a triangle and the two angles at the base are known, the other two sides and the included angle can be determined. In the range-finder, the resistance of a German silver wire corresponds to the graduated arc of the theodolite used to measure the angles, and a rheostat, as a receiving instrument, measures the values of the angles. The base line is a constant, so that the receiving instrument is marked in yards instead of angles. To use the range-finder, two observers watch the target object continu- ously through a telescope. They do this and nothing else, while a third observer watches a galvanometer and so alters a resistance, by moving a contact or slide key along a resistance wire, as to keep the needle of the galvanometer constantly at zero. The exact distance being thus ascer- tained, the gunner can make the proper allowance in firing.' Finder, Wire Any form of galva- nometer used to locate or find the corre- sponding ends of different wires in a bunched- cable. The different wires in a cable are usually tagged and numbered at the end of the cable and at the joints. The telephone has been successfully em- ployed as a wire finder. Fire Alarm Annunciator. (See Annun- ciator, Fire Alarm.) Fire Alarm, Automatic (See Alarm, Fire Automatic.) Fire Alarm Contact (See Contact, Fire Alarm.) Fire Alarm Signal Box. (See Box, Fire Alarm Signal.) Fire Alarm Telegraph Box. (See Box, Fire Alarm Telegraph.} Fire Ball. (See Ball, Fire.) Fire Cleansing. (See Cleansing, Fire.) Fire Extinguisher, Electric A thermostat or mercury contact, which auto- matically completes a circuit and turns on a water supply for extinguishing a fire, on a certain predetermined increase of tempera- ture. Fire, Hot, St. Elmo's A term pro- posed by Tesla for a form of powerful brush discharge between the secondary terminals of a high frequency induction coil. (See Dis- charge, Brush-and- Spray?) This form of St. Elmo's fire differs from the ordinary form in being hot. Its general appear- ance is shown in Fig. 255, taken from Tesla, Fig. 255. St. Elmo's Hot Fire. Describing its production he says : '-In many of these experiments, when powerful effects are wanted for a short time, it is advantageous to use Fir.] 233 [Flo. iron cores with the primaries. In such case a very large primary coil may be wound and placed side by side with the secondary, and, the nearest terminal of the latter being connected to the primary, a laminated iron core is introduced through the primary into the secondary as far as the streams will permit. Under these conditions an excessively powerful brush, several inches long, which may be appropriately called ' St. Elmo's hot fire, ' may be caused to appear at the other terminal of the secondary, producing strik- ing effects. It is a most powerful ozonizer ; so powerful indeed, that only a few minutes are suf- ficient to fill the whole room with the smell of ozone, and it undoubtedly possesses the quality of exciting chemical affinities." Fire, St. Elmo's Tongues of faintly luminous fire which sometimes appear on the pointed ends of bodies in connection with the earth, such as the tops of church steeples or the masts of ships. The appearance of the St. Elmo's fire is due to brush discharges of electricity. Fishes, Electric A term applied to various fishes, such as the eel and the ray, which possess the ability of protecting them- selves by giving electric shocks to objects touching them. (See Eel, Electric.} Fishing 1 Box. (See Box, Fishing?) Fittings or Fixtures, Electric Light The sockets, holders, arms, etc., required for holding or supporting incandescent electric lamps. Fixed Secondary. (See Secondary, Fixed.) Fixtures, Telegraphic A term gen- erally limited to the variously shaped supports provided for the attachment of telegraphic wires. Fixtures, Telegraphic House-Top Telegraphic fixtures placed on the roofs of buildings for the support of the lines. Flaming Discharge. (See Discharge, Flaming.) Flash, Side A sparking or lateral discharge taking place from the sides of a conductor, when an impulsive rush of elec- tricity passes through it. The phenomenon of siae flashing is due to a lateral discharge which takes the alternative path, instead of a path of much smaller ohmic resist- ance. The tendency to side flash results from the fact that the metallic circuit possesses induct- ance. (See Path, Alternative. Discharge, Lat- eral. Inductance. ) Flashed Carbons. (See Carbons, Flashed.) Flashed Filaments. ( See Filaments, Flashed.) Flashes, Auroral Sudden variations in the intensity of the auroral light. Intermittent flashes of auroral light that occur during the prevalence of an aurora. (See Aurora Borealis.) Flashing of Carbons, Process for the (See Carbons, Flashing Process for.) Flashing of Dynamo-Electric Machine. (See Machine, Dynamo-Electric, Flashing of.) Flat Cable. (See Cable, Flat.) Flat Duplex Cable. (See Cable, Flat Duplex.) Flat Ring Armature. (See Armature, Flat Ring.) Flats. A name sometimes applied to those parts of commutator segments the surface of which, through wear, has become lower than the other portions. (See Commutator.) Fleming's Gauss. (See Gauss, Flem- ing's.) Fleming's Standard Toltaic Cell. (See Cell, Voltaic, Standard, Fleming's.) Flexible Electric Light Pendant. (See Pendant, Flexible Electric JLight.) Flexible Lead. (See Lead, Flexible.) Floating Battery, De la Rive's. (See Battery, Floating, De la Rive's.) Flow. In hydraulics, the quantity of water or other fluid which escapes from an orifice in a containing vessel, or through a pipe, in a given time. Flow-Lines of Escaping Fluid. Lines \vithin the mass of a fluid in motion, drawn at Flo.] 2 a number of points, so that the flow at any instant is tangential at such points to the curved path. Flow, Magnetic The magnetic flux. (See Flux, Magnetic!) Flow of Current, Assumed Direction of (See Current, Assumed Direction of Flow of.) Flow of Energy. (See Energy, Flow of) Flow of Lines of Electrostatic Force. (See Force, Electrostatic, Lines of, Assumed Flow of.) Flow of Magnetic Induction. (See In- duction, Magnetic, Flux or Flow of) Fluid, Depolarizing An electro- lytic fluid in a voltaic cell that prevents polari- zation. (See Cell, Voltaic, Polarization of) Fluid Insulator. (See Insulator. Fluid) Fluoresce. To become self-luminous when exposed to light. A body is said to fluoresce when it shines, by means of the light it produces. In this respect it differs from an illumined body, which shines by reflected light. Fluorescence. A property possessed by certain solid or liquid substances of becoming self-luminous while exposed to light. In fluorescence the refrangibility of rays of light is changed. The invisible rays beyond the violet, the ultra-violet, become visible, so that the light is transformed, the particles absorbing one wave length and emitting another. (See Incan- descence.) Canary glass, or glass colored yellow by oxide of uranium, or a solution of sulphate of quinine, possesses fluorescent properties. The path of a pencil of light brought to a focus in either of these substances, or a beam or cone of light passed through them, is rendered visible by the particles lying in this path becoming self-luminous. The path of a beam of light entering the dusty air of a darkened chamber is visible from the light being diffused or scattered in all directions by the float- ing dust particles. In a fluorescent substance, the path of the light is also rendered visible by the particles which lie in its path, throwing out light in all directions. There is, however, this difference, that in the [Fly. case of the dust particles the Kght which comes directly from the beam is reflected ; while in the case of the fluorescent body the light comes from the particles themselves, which are set into vibra- tion by the light that is passing through, and has been absorbed by their mass. Fluorescence is, therefore, a variety of phos- phorescence. (See Phosphorescence.) Fluorescent Possessing the capability of fluorescing. Fluorescing. Exhibiting the property of fluorescence. Flush Box. (See Box, Flush.) Flimograph. An apparatus for electri- cally registering the varying height of water in a tidal stream or in the ocean ; or, in general, differences of water levels. Flux, Magnetic The number of lines of magnetic force that pass or flow through a magnetic circuit. The total number of lines of magnetic force in any magnetic field. The magnetic flux is also called the magnetic flow. A Committee of the American Institute of Electrical Engineers on " Units and Standards " proposed the following as the definition of mag- netic flux. " The magnetic flux through a surface bounded by a closed curve is the surface integral of mag- netic induction taken over the bounded surface, and when produced by a current is also equal to the line integral of the vector potential of the cur- rent taken round the boundary." " The uniform and unit time rate of change in flux through a closed electric circuit establishes unit electromotive force in the circuit." Fluxes range in present practical work from loo to 100, 000,000 C. G. S. lines, and the working units would perhaps prefix milli- and micro-. Flux of Magnetic Induction. (See In- duction, Magnetic, Flux or Flow of) Flux or Flow of Magnetism. (See Mag- netism, Flux or Flow of) Fly. Electric A wheel or other de- vice driven by the reaction of a convective discharge. (See Flyer, Electric. Convec- tion, Electric) Fly.] 234 L for. Flyer, Electric A wheel arranged so as to be set into rotation by the escape of convection streams from its points when connected with a charged conductor. A wheel formed of light radial armsP, P, P, etc., shaped as shown in Fig. 256, and capable of rotation on the vertical axis A, is set into rapid rotation when connected with the prime conduc- tor of a frictional or in- fluence machine, through the convection streams of air particles, which are Fig. 236. Electric Flyer. shot off from the points or extremities of the radial arms. The wheel is driven by the reac- tion of these streams in a direction opposite to that of their escape. (See Discharge, Convective. ) Focus. A point in front or back of a lens or mirror, where all the rays of light meet or seem to meet. (See Lens, Achromatic) Fog, Electric A dense fog which occurs on rare occasions when there is an unusual quantity of free electricity in the atmosphere. During these electric fogs the free electricity of the atmosphere changes its polarity at frequent intervals. Following Horn of Pole Pieces of Dynamo-Electric Machine. (See Horns, Following, of Pole Pieces of a Dynamo- Electric Machine?) Foot-Candle. (See Candle, Foot.) Foot-Pound. A unit of work. (See Work.) The amount of work required to raise I pound vertically through a distance of i foot. The same amount of work, viz., 3 foot-pounds, is done by raising I pound through a vertical distance of 3 feet, or 3 pounds through a verti- cal distance of I foot. Apart from air friction, the amount of work done in raising I pound through I foot, viz., I foot-pound, is the same whether this work be done in one second or in one day. The power, or the rate of doing work, is, however, very dif- ferent in the two cases. (See Power.) Force. Any cause which changes or tends to change the condition of rest or motion of a body. Force, Centrifugal The force that is supposed to urge a rotating body directly away from the centre of rotation. If a stone be tied to a string and whirled around, and the s'ring break, the stone will not fly off di- rectly away from the centre, but will move along the tangent to the point where it was when the string broke. The centrifugal force in reality is the force which is represented by the tension to which the string is subjected during this rotation. Force, Coercitive A name some- times applied to coercive force. (See Force, Coercive?) Force, Coercive The power of re- sisting magnetization or demagnetization. Coercive force, in the sense of resisting demag- netization, is sometimes called magnetic reten- tivity. Hardened steel possesses great coercive force; that is, it is magnetized or demagnetized with difficulty. Soft iron possesses very feeble coercive force. It is on account of the feeble coercive force of the soft iron -ore of an electro-magnet that its main value depends, since it is thereby enabled to rapidly acquire its magnetization, on the comple- tion of a circuit through its coils, and to rapidly lose its magnetization on the opening of such circuit. Force, Contact A difference of elec- trostatic potential, produced by the contact of dissimilar metals. That a difference of potential is produced by the mere contact of dissimilar mitals is now gen- erally recognize!. Such a force is generally called the true contact force. (See Force, True Contact. ) According to Lodge, a true contact force has no existence. There is no evidence, he thinks, of a peculiar electromotive force at the point of contact, but that the phenomena are due simply to the fact that the metals are immersed in air or oxygen, which is capable of combining with one of them, and that, therefore, the cause of the phenomena is the greater action, for instance, of the oxygen of the air on the zinc than on the cupper. For.] 235 [For. According to this view, the voltaic effect is due not to the difference of potential between the zinc and copper, but to the difference of the action of the air or moisture. Force de Cheyal or Cheral Vapeur. The French term for horse-power. The force de cheval is equal to 75 kilogramme- metres per second, or 32,549 foot-pounds per minute. The English horse-power is equal to 33,000 foot-pounds per minute. I force de cheval equals .98634 horse-power; I horse-power equals 1.01385 force de cheval. (Hering.) Force, Electric The force developed by electricity. This term is generally limited to the force of attraction or repulsion produced by an electro- static charge. Force, Electromotive The force starting electricity in motion, or tending to start electricity in motion. The force which moves or tends to move electricity. The term is an unfortunate one. Strictly speak- ing, electromotive force is not a force at all : at least, it is not a force in the Newtonian sense, where force is only that which acts on matter. The term electromotive force is generally writ- ten thus : E. M. F. The unit of electromotive force is the volt. When electric induction takes place, there results a change in the distribution of the thing called electricity, whereby a movement occurs that results in a positive and a negative charge. The cause which produces this movement is called the electromotive force. There is an unfortunate want of uniformity at present in the use of the term "electromotive force." By some, the electromotive force is re- garded as something which causes the difference of potential ; by others the electromotive force is regarded as being produced by the difference of potential; and, by still others, electromotive force is regarded as the entire electric moving cause produced i>y any source; while anything less than this is called by them potential difference. Those who regard the electromotive force as the cause which produces the potenthl difference look on the electromotive force as acting within the source and maintaining a potential difference at its terminals. Silvanus P. Thompson uses the term electro- motive force in his "Elementary Lessons in Electricity and Magnetism" as follows: "The term ' electromotive force ' is employed to denote that which moves or tends to move electricity from one place to another. For brevity we some- times write it E. M. F. In this particular case it is obviously the result of difference of potential and proportional to it ; just as in water pipes, a difference in level produces a pressure, and the pressure produces a flow as soon as the tap is turned on, so difference of potential produces electromotive force, and electromotive force sets up a current as soon as a circuit is completed for the electricity to flow through." Mascart and Joubert, in their work on ' Elec- tricity and Magnetism," Vol. I., say: "In all cases the difference of potential V 1 V 2 , may be considered as producing the motion of electrical masses ; it is often called the electromotive force." Maxwell, in his "Elementary Treatise on Elec- tricity," spe iking of the potential differences which may be shown to exist at the terminals of a Daniell voltaic cell when on opjn circuit, says : "This difference of potential is called the electro- motive force of a Daniell cell." Balfour Stewart, in his " Electricity and Mag- netism, ' ' says : ' ' This difference of electric level we shall call E, and, indeed, it is merely a manner of expressing the cause of electromotive force." Prof. Fleming, in his "Short Lectures to Elec- trical Artisans," says: "The difference of elec- trical level or potential must be caused by some electromotive force acting in the conductor." Prof. Anthony, in "A Review of Modern Electrical Theories," regards the potential dif- ference as due to electromotive force. He says : " Difference of potential results from a changed electrical distribution, an electrical strain, and represents the tendency to return to the state of equilibrium. Electromotive force is the some- thing from without that produced the electric strain." Hering, in his "Principles of Dynamo-Electric Machines," says : " Difference of potential is, as the name implies, the difference of electrical po- tential between any two points of a circuit, and may, therefore, be applied to that at the poles of a machine, battery or lamp, or at the ends of leads, or, in general, to any tw > points in a cir- cuit. The term 'electromotive toice,' however, For.] 236 [For. applies only to the maximum difference ot potential which exists in the circuit, or, in other words, the total generated difference of potential." This last paragraph expresses the distinction between the two terms as ordinarily used in con- nection with dynamos and batteries. Force, Electromotive, Absolute Unit of A unit of electromotive force ex- pressed in absolute or C. G. S. units. The one-hundred- millionth part of a volt, since i volt equals io s C. G. S. units of elec- tromotive force. (See Units, Practical?) Force, Electromotive, Average or Mean The sum of the values of a number of separate electromotive forces divided by their number. The square root of the mean square of the electromotive force of an alternating or vari- able current. When a wire in the armature of a dynamo- electric machine cuts the lines of magnetic force in the field of the machine, the electromotive force produced depends on the number of lines of force cut per second. This will vary for dif- ferent positions of the coil. The mean value of the varying electromotive forces between the brushes is the average electromotive force. Force, Electromotive, Back A term sometimes used for counter electro- motive force. Counter electromotive force is the preferable term. (See Force, Electromotive, Counter.] Force, Electromotive, Counter An opposed or reverse electromotive force, which tends to cause a current in the oppo- site direction to that actually produced by the source. In an electric motor, an electromotive force contrary to that produced by the current which drives the motor, and which is pro- portional to the velocity attained by the motor. Counter electromotive force acts to diminish the current in the same manner as a resistance would, and is therefore sometimes called spurious resistance in order to distinguish it from an ohmic or true resistance. Counter electromotive force is sometimes ex- pressed in ohms, though it is not a true ohmic rests ance. (See Resistance, Spurious.) The counter electromotive force of a voltaic battery is due to the polarization of the cells. Since this force is due to the current in the cell, it can never exceed such current or reverse its direc- tion. It may, however, equal it and thus stop its flow. (See Cell, Voltaic, Polarization oj.) In a storage cell, the charging current produces an electromotive force counter to itself, which, as in a motor, is a true measure of the energy stored in the cell. Economy requires that the electro- motive force of the charging current should be as little as possible greater than that of the counter electromotive force of the cell it is charging. In a voltaic arc a counter electromotive force is believed to be set up by polarization. Force, Electromotive, Counter, of Can- vective Discharge Resistance to the passage of an electric discharge through a high vacuum, somewhat of the nature of a counter electromotive force. The resistance to the passage of convective dis- charges, therefore, is due to the following causes: (i.) True ohmic resistance. (2.) Counter electromotive force. Force, Electromotive, Counter, of Mutual Induction The counter electromotive force produced by the mutual induction of the primary and secondary circuits on each other. Force, Electromotive, Counter, of Self- induction That part of the impressed electromotive force which is producing, or which tends to produce, at any instant a change in the current strength. Force, Electromotive, Counter, of Self- induction of the Primary A counter electromotive force produced in the primary circuit of an induction coil by the action thereon of a simple periodic electromotive force. The counter electromotive force produced in the primary circuit of an induction coil by the application of a simple periodic impressed electromotive force to the primary circuit. Force, Electromotive, Counter, of Self- induction of the Secondary A counter electromotive force produced in the secondary by the periodic variations in the effective electromotive force in the secondary. For.] 237 [For. Force, Electromotive, Direct An electromotive force acting in the same direc- tion as another electromotive force already existing. The term direct electromotive force is em- ployed in contradistinction to counter electromo- tive force. (See Force, Electromotive, Counter. ) Force, Electromotive, Effective - The difference between the direct and the counter electromotive force. Force, Electromotive, Effective, of Sec- ondary The difference between the direct and the counter electromotive force in the secondary of an induction coil. Force, Electromotive, Generated by Dy- namo-Electric Machine, Method of Increas- ing The electromotive force of a dy- namo-electric machine may be increased in the following ways, viz : (I.) By increasing its speed of rotation. (2.) By increasing the strength of the magnetic field in which the armature rotates. (3.) By increasing the size of the field through which the armature passes in unit time, the in- tensity remaining the same. (4.) By increasing the number of armature windings, i. e., by making successive parts of the same wire pass simultaneously through the field. Force, Electromotive, Impressed The electromotive force acting on any cir- cuit to produce a current therein. The impressed electromotive force may be re- garded as producing two parts, viz. : The effective electromotive force and the counter electromotive force. Force, Electromotive, Inductive A term sometimes used in place of counter electromotive force of self-induction. Force, Electromotive, Inverse An electromotive force which acts in the oppo- site direction to another electromotive force already existing. (See Force, Electromotive, Counter.) Force, Electromotive, Motor - A term proposed by F. J. Sprague for the coun- ter electromotive force of an electric motor. (See Force, Electromotive, Counter?) This term was propose I by Sprajue as express- ing the necessity for the existence of a counter electromotive force in an electric motor, in order to permit it to utilize the energy of the electric current which drives it. Force, Electromotive, of Induction The electromotive force developed by any inductive action. In a coil of wire undergoing induction, the value of the induced electromotive force does not depend in any manner on the nature of the ma- terial of which the coil is composed. It has been shown: (l.) That the electromotive force of induction is independent of the width, thickness or material of the wire windings. {Faraday.} (2.) That it is dependent on the form of the conductor, and the character of the change it ex- periences as regards the magnetic induction which takes place through it. Since any increase in the strength of a current flowing through a coiled circuit, produces a coun- ter electromotive force, which opposes the electro- motive force producing the current, it is clear that the impressed electromotive force must do work against this counter electromotive force all the time the current strength is increasing. The movement of a circuit of a given length through a given field with a given velocity pro- duces the same electromotive force whether the circuit be formed of conducting material or non- conducting material, or consists of an electrolyte. Force, Electromotive, of Secondary or Storage Cell, Time-Jail of A gradual decrease in the potential difference of a stor- age battery observed during the discharge of the same. When a secondary or storage battery is first discharged, a slight decrease of its potential dif- ference takes place and a potential difference of a slightly decreased value is maintained nearly con- stant during a protracted period of discharge. Force, Electromotive, of Secondary or Storage Cell, Time-Rise of A gradual increase in the potential difference of a secondary or storage cell observed on begin- ning the discharge after a prolonged rest. When a secondary or storage cell is discharged and then given a prolonged rest by opening its circuit, a gradual but decided rise in its potential difference is observed on again beginning its dis- charge. For.) 23S [For. Force, Electromotive, Photo An electromotive force produced by the action of light on selenium. (See Cell, Selenium?) Force, Electromotive, Reacting Induc- tive, of the Primary Circuit The back or counter electromotive force produced in the primary circuit by the current set up by in- duction in the secondary. Force, Electromotive, Secondary Im- pressed An electromotive force pro- duced in the secondary coil or circuit by a periodic electromotive force impressed on the primary. Force, Electromotive, Simple-Periodic An electromotive force which varies in such manner as to produce a simple periodic current, or an electromotive force the variations of which can be correctly repre- sented by a simple-periodic curve. Force, Electromotive, Thermo An electromotive force, or difference of potential, produced by differences of temperature acting at thermo-electric junctions. Force, Electromotive, Transverse An electromotive force excited by a mag- netic field in a substance in which electric displacement is occurring. It is to a transverse electromotive force that the Hall effect is due. (See Effect, Hall.) Force, Electromotive, Zigzag An electromotive force, the curve of which would have the general form of a zigzag. Force, Electrostatic The force pro- ducing the attractions or repulsions of charged bodies. Force, Electrostatic, Lines of Lines of force produced in the neighborhood of a charged body by the presence of the charge. Lines extending in the direction in which the force of electrostatic attraction or repul- sion acts. An insulated charged conductor produces around it an electrostatic field, in a manner some- what similar to the magnetic field produced by a macnet or an electric rur-^nt. (See Field, Electrostat'u . > Lines of electrostatic force pass through dielec- trics. Whether the force acts to produce electro- static induction, by means of a polarization of the dielectric, or by means of a tension set up in the substance of the dielectric, is not known. Force, Electrostatic, Lines of, Assumed Flow of A mathematical conception in which the phenomena of electricity are com- pared with the similar phenomena of heat. In heat no flow of heat occurs over isothermal surfaces, or surfaces at the same temperature. Between different isothermal surfaces, the flow will vary with the power of heat conduction. In electricity, no flow occurs over equipotential sur- faces. Specific inductive capacity corresponds to heat conductivity, and the lines of force to the lines of heat conduction. (See Capacity, Specific Inductive. ) Force, Lines of, Contraction of A decrease that occurs in the length of the circular lines of force that surround a circuit through which an electric current is passing, while the current is decreasing in intensity or strength. The contraction or decrease in the average diameter of the circular lines of force of an elec- tric circuit is similar to the expansion or growth of lines of force, excepting that the movement is one of decrease in diameter, and takes place in the opposite direction, i. e., towards the circuit, instead of away from it. (See Force, Lines of, Growth or Expansion of.} Force, Lines of, Cutting Passing a conductor through lines of magnetic force, so as to cut or intersect them. The cutting of lines of magnetic force produces differences of potential. This is true whether the conductor moves through a stationary field or whether the field itself moves through the stationary conductor, so that the lines of force and the conductor cut one another. This cutting is mutual. Each line of force cuts and is cut by the circuit Since all lines of force form closed-cir- cuits or paths, the cutting of the circuit by the lines of force, or the reverse, forms a link or chain, and the cutting takes place at the moment of linking or unlinking, i. e., of cutting. Force, Lines of, Diffusion of The deflection of the lines of magnetic force from For.] 239 [For. their ordinary position, between the poles that produce them. Force, Lines of, Direction of The direction in which it is assumed that the lines of magnetic force pass. It is generally agreed to consider the lines of magnetic force as coming out of the north pole of a magnet and passing into its south pole, as shown in Fig. 257. Fig. 2J7. Direction of Lines of Force. This is sometimes called the positive direction of the lines of force and agrees in general with the direction in which the electric current is assumed to flow, which is from the positive to the nega- tive. That is to say, the lines of magnetic force are assumed to flow or pass out of the north pole and into the south pole of a magnet. Of course there is no direct evidence of any flow, or of any particular direction characterizing the lines of force. (See Field, Magnetic.) The lines of electrostatic force are assumed to pass out of a positively charged surface and into a negatively charged surface. Force, Lines of, Growth or Expansion of The increase in the length of path through which lines of force pass, consequent on an increase in the strength of the mag- netization of a magnet, or on an increase in the strength of the magnetizing current. The circular lines of force which surround a con - ductor through which a current is flowing, may be regarded as starting from the surface c f the con- ductor and growing in bizj as they spread out- wards, at the same time new lines of force being formed in their places. This action continues while the strength of the current is increasing, somewhat like the series of concentric waves which are formed on the surface of water, when a stone is dropped into it. In their growth or expansion outwards from the conductor, if the lines of force cut or pass through neighboring conductors, they produce therein differences of electric ootential, capable, on being connected by a conductor, of produc ing electric currents. Force, Lines of. Radiation of The passing of lines of force out of the north pole of a magnet or solenoid. In gross matter all lines of magnetic induction either pass through magnetized iron, or other paramagnetic substance which surrounds an electric circuit. Since lines of force pass through a vacuum, the ether which occupies such a space must also be regarded as permitting the passage of lines of force. Force, Loops of A term sometimes employed in the sense of lines of force. (See Force, Magnetic, Lines of.) The term "Lines of Force" is generally adopted in place of Faraday's term "Loops of Force." Force, Magnetic The force which causes the attractions or repulsions of mag- netic poles. Force, Magnetic, Line of Arbitra- rily a single line of magnetic force. Practically the lines of magnetic force which pass through a unit area of cross-sec- tion of a magnetic field of unit strength. Force, Magnetic, Lines of Lines extending in the direction in which the mag- netic force acts. Lines extending in the direction in which the force of magnetic attraction or repulsion acts. (See Field, Magnetic?) Faraday regarded the lines of magnetic force as possessing tension along one direction. Lines of force act as if they were stretched elastic threads, possessed of the property of lengthening or short- ening, and of repelling one another. Force, Magnetic, Lines of, Conducting Power for A term employed by Fara- day for magnetic permeability. (See Perme- ability, Magnetic?) Force, Magnetic, Lines of, Positive Direction of The direction in which a free north-seeking pole would move along the lines of force when placed in a magnetic field. For.] 240 [For. Force, Magnetic, Telluric -The earth's magnetic force. Force, Magneto-Motive The force that moves or drives the lines of magnetic force through a magnetic circuit against the magnetic resistance. A Committee of the American Institute of Elec- trical Engineers on "Units and Standards" pro- posed the following definition. 1 he magneto-motive force in a magnetic cir- cuit is 47t multiplied by the flow of the current linked with that circuit. The magneto-motive iorce between two points connected by a line is the line integral of the magnetic force along that line. Difference of magnetic potential constitutes magneto-motive force." The same committee gave the electro-magnetic dimensional formula Li M^ T -1 . The flow or flux of lines of magnetic force in any magnetic circuit is proportional to the mag- neto-motive force divided by the magnetic resist- ance ; or, expressing the law in the form of Ohm's law for current: .. . Magneto -Motive Force Magnetic I 1 lux = ^__~T Reluctance. In this formula the word reluctance is used in place of magnetic resistance. In the case of an electro-magnet, the magneto-motive force is pro- portional to the strength of the current which flows and the number of times it circulates; or, more simply, is proportional to the number of ampere turns. (See Turns, Ampere.) Force, Magneto-Motive, Absolute Unit of 471 multiplied by unit current of one turn. Force, Magneto-Motive, Practical Unit of A value of the magneto-motive force equal to 4* multiplied by the amperes of one turn, or to TO of the absolute unit. Force, Motor Electromotive - - A term proposed by F. J. Sprague for the counter electromotive force of a motor. During the rotation of the armature of an electric motor in its field, a counter electromotive force is produced in its coils, which acts as a spurious resistance and opposes the flow or pass- age of the driving current through its coils. As the speed of the motor increases, this counter electromotive force increases and the strength of the driving current decreases until a certain maximum speed is reached, when, theoretically, no current passes. When a load is placed on the electric motor, the speed, and consequently the counter electro- motive force, is decreased and more driving cur- rent is permitted to pass. It was this considera- tion, viz. : that the load automatically regulates the current required to drive the motor, that kd to the name motor electromotive force. (See Force, Electromotive, Counter.) Force, Resolution of The separa- tion of a single force, acting with a given intensity in a given direction, into a number of separate forces -, acting in some other direction. Thus the force D B, Fig. 258, acting with the intensity and in the direction shown, may c be resolved into two component forces, D Fig. 238. Resolution of Force. E and D C, acting in the directions and having the intensities shown. The single force D B, has been resolved into two separate forces D E and CD. Force, True Contact A force or effect entirely distinct from the voltaic effect, which exists at the points of contact be- tween two dissimilar metals. The truth of the existence of a true contact force at the junction of dissimilar metals is seen by the reversible heat effects observed, when a current of electricity is passed across a junction of two dissimilar metals. When the current is passed in one direction, an increase of temperature is pro- duced, but when passed in the opposite direction, a decrease of temperature. (See Effect, Peltier.) Hence there would appear to be a force existing at the junction, helping the electricity along in one direction, but opposing it in the opposite di- rection. In one direction the electricity does work and consumes its own energy in so doing. In the other direction it opposes the passage of the current, and there results a generation of heat. Force, Tubes of Tubes bounded by lines of electrostatic or magnetic force. Lines of force never intersect one another. Hence a tube of force may be regarded as con- For.] 241 taining the same number of lines of force at any and every cross-section. Tubes of electrostatic force always terminate against equal quantities of positive and negative electricity respectively. They terminate when they meet a conducting surface. The term tubes of force is somewhat mislead- ing, since such so-called tubes are in general cones rather than tubes. Force, Twisting A term sometimes used for torque. (See 'Torque) Force, Unit of A force which, act- ing for one second on a mass of one gramme, will give it a velocity of one centi- metre per second. Such a unit of force is called a dyne. (See Dyne.) Forces, Composition of Finding th direction and intensity of a single force which represents the total effect of two or more forces acting simultaneously on a body. (See Component.) Forces, Parallelogram of A paral- lelogram constructed about the two lines that represent the direction and intensity with which two forces are simultaneously acting on a body, in order to determine the direction and intensity of the resultant force with which it moves. If the two forces A C and A B, Fig. 259, simul- taneously act in the direc- B ID tion of the arrows on a body at A, the direction and intensity of the re- sultant A D, is deter- pig. 239. Farallelo- mined by drawing C D e ram of Forces. and B D, parallel respectively to A B and A C. The diagonal A D, of the parallelogram AC D B, thus produced, gives this resultant. (See Com- ponent. ) Fork, Trolley The mechanism which mechanically connects the trolley wheel to the trolley pole. (See Trolley.) Forked Circuits. (See Circuits, Forked) Forked Lightning. (See Lightning, Forked) Formal Inductance of Circuit. (See In- ductance, Formal, of Circuit) Forming Plates of Secondary or Stor- age Cells. (See Plates of Secondary or Stor- age Cells, Forming of.) Formulae. Mathematical expressions for some general rule, law, or principle. Formulae are of great assistance in science in expressing the relations which exist between cer- tain forces or values, and the effects that result from their operations, since they enable us to ex press these relations in clear and concise forms. Thus in the formulation of Ohm's law: C _ E -R we see that the continuous current C, in any cir- cuit, is equal to the electromotive force E, divided by the resistance R. Again, we see that the cur- rent is directly proportional to the electromotive force, and inversely proportional to the resistance. Formulae are usually written in the form of an equation and therefore contain the sign oiequality or =. Formulae, Photometric (See Pho- tometric Formula.) Foucault Currents. (See Currents, Fou- cault!) Four-Way Splice Box. (See Box, Splice, Four- Way.) Frames, Sectional Plating Frames employed for so holding the objects to be plated that they shall receive a greater depth of deposit on certain portions of their surface than elsewhere. Sectional printing frames depend for their action on the fact that the portions receiving the greater depth of deposit are nearer one of the electrodes than the rest of the surface. Franklinic Electricity. (See Elec- tricity, Franklinic.) Franklinization. Electrization by means of a frictional or influence machine as distin- guished from faradization or electrization by means of an induction coil. This term is used only in medical electricity. Free Charge. (See Charge, Free.) Free Magnetic Pole. (See Pole, Mag- netic, Free.) Frequency of Alternations. (See Alter- nations, Frequency of) Fri.] 242 [Fun. Friction Brake. (See Brake, Friction?) Frictional Electrical Machine. (See Machine Frictional Electric?) Frictional Electricity. (See Electricity , Frictional.} Frog 1 , Galvanoscopic The hind legs cf a recently killed frog employed as an elec- troscope or galvanoscope, by sending an elec- tric current from the nerves to the muscles. (See Electroscope?) In 1786, Luigi Galvani made the observation that when the legs of a recently killed frog were touched by a metallic conductor connecting the nerves with the muscles, the legs were convulsed as though alive. He repeated this experiment and found the move- ments were more pro- nounced when two dis- similar metals, such as iron and copper, were employed in the manner shown in Fig. 260. The classic experi- ment created intense excitement in the scien- tific world, and Galvani at first believed that he had discovered the true vital fluid of the animal, but afterwards recognized it as electricity, which he believed to be obtained from the body of the animal. Volta claimed that the movements were due to electricity caused by the contact of dissimi- lar metals, and thus produced his famous voltaic pile. (See /*'/,?, Voltaic.} Frog, Trolley The name given to the device employed in fastening or holding together the trolley wires at any point where the trolley wire branches, and properly guiding the trolley wheel along the trolley wire on the movement of the car over the track. Frog, Trolley, Right-Hand A trol- ley frog used at the point where the branch trolley wire leaves the main line on the right of the direction in which the car is moving. Frog Trolley, Standard The trol- ley frog used at the point where two branch lines make equally converging angles to the main line. Frog, Trolley, Three-Way A trol- Fig: 260. Galvanoscopic Frog ley frog used where the line branches in three directions. Frying of Arc. (See Arc, Frying of.} Fulgurite. A tube of vitrified sand, be- lieved to be formed by a bolt of lightning. The fulgurite consists of an irregular shaped tube of glass formed of sand which has been melted by the electric discharge. Fnll Contact. -(See Contact, Metallic.} Fuller's Mercury Bichromate Voltaic Cell. (See Cell, Voltaic, Fuller's Mercury Bichromate?) Fulminate. The name of a class of highly explosive compounds. Fulminating gold, silver and mercury are highly explosive substances. Fulminates are employed in percussion caps. Function, Trigonometrical Cer- tain quantities, the values of which are de- pendent on the length of the arcs subtended by angles, which are taken for the measures of the arcs or angles instead of the arcs themselves. The trigonometrical functions are the sine, the co-sine, the tangent, the co-tangent, the secant and the co-secant. These are generally abbreviated thus, viz. : sin., . cos., tan., cot., sec. and co-sec. The sine of an angle or arc is the perpendic- ular distance from one L c extremity of the arc to the diameter passing through the other ex- tremily. Thus in Fig. 261 B D, G is the sine of the angle B O A, or of the arc, B A. The co-sine of an an- gle or arc is that part of Fig. zbr. Trigonometri- the diameter which lies cal Functions. between the foot of the sine and the centre. Thus, D O, is the co-sine of the angle B O A, or of the arc B A. The co-sine of an arc is equal to the sine of its complement. Thus E O B, or B E, the comple- ment of B A, has for its sine I B. which is equal to O D. (See Ang*e, Complement of.} If the arc is greater than a right angle, or 90 F\ Fun.] 243 [Fus. degrees, such, for instance, as the angle TOG, or the arc B E F G, B D, is its sine. This is also the sine of B O A, or B A, which is the supple- ment of T O G, or B E F G. Hence the sine of an arc is equal, to the sine of its supplement. The same is true of the co-sine. The tangent of an angle or arc is a straight line touching the arc at one extremity, drawn perpendicular to the diameter at that end of the arc, and limited by a straight line connecting the centre of the circle and the other end of the arc. Thus C A, is the tangent of the angle B O A, or the arc B A. The co-tangent of an angle or arc is equal to the tangent of its complement. Thus E T, is the co-tangent of the angle B O A, or the arc B A. The tangent of an angle or arc is equal to the tangent of its supplement. Thus A C, is the tan- gent of the angle B O A, or the arc B A. It is also equal to the tangent of the angle B O G, or the arc B E F G, the corresponding supplement of the angle B O A, or the arc B A. The secant of an angle or arc is the straight line drawn from the centre of the circle through one extremity of the arc and limited by the tan- gent passing through the other extremity. Thus O C, is the secant of the angle B O A, or of the arc B A. The secant of an angle or arc is equal to the secant of its supplement. The co-secant of an angle or arc is equal to the secant of its complement. Thus O T, is the co-secant of the angle BOA, or of the arc B A. It will be observed that the co-sine, the co- tangent and the co-secant are respectively the sine, tangent and secant of the complement of the arc, or in other words, the complement-sine, the complement-tangent and tiie comple.nent- secant. Fundamental Units. - (See Units, Funda- mental.') Furnace, Electric A furnace in which heat generated electrically is employed for the purpose of effecting difficult fusions for the extraction of metals from their ores, or for other metallurgical operations. In electric furnaces, the heat is derived either from electric incandescence or from the voltaic arc. The latter form is frequently adopted. The substance to be treated is. exposed directly to the voltaic arc. In some forms of furnace the crushed ore is permitted to fall through the arc, and the melted matter received in a suitable ves- sel in which the separation of the substances so formed is afterwards completed. In other forms of furnace, the ore is placed between two elec- trodes of carbon or other refractory substance, between which a powerful current is passed. In the Cowles furnace, when aluminium is reduced, molten copper forms an alloy with the aluminium as soon as separated. Very numerous applications of electricity to furnace operations have been made. Fuse Block. (See Block, Fuse.) Fuse Board. (See Board, Fuse.) Fuse Box. (See Box, Fuse.) Fuse, Branch A safety fuse or strip placed in a branch circuit. (See Fuse, Safety.) Fuse, Converter A safety fuse con- nected with the circuit o( a converter or transformer. Fuse, Electric A device for elec- trically igniting a charge of powder. Electric fuses are employed both in blasting operations and for firing cannon. Electric fuses are operated either by means of the direct spark, or by the incandescence of a thin wire placed in the circuit. They are there- fore either high tension, or low tension fuses. The advantages of an electric fuse consist in the fact that its use permits the simultaneous fir- ing of a number of charges in a mining operation, thus obtaining a greater effect from the explosion. A fulminate of mercury is frequently employed in connection with some forms of electric fuses. Fuse, Electric, High-Tension A fuse that is ignited by the heating power of an electric spark. High tension fuses, therefore, require a high electromotive force. This is obtained either by means of induction coils or Ly some form of electrostatic induction machine. Fuse, Electric, Low-Tension A fuse that is ignited by heating a wire to incan- descence by the passage through it of an electric current. Fuse, Electric, Stratham's A form Fas.] 244 [Gal, ot fuse, in which the ignition is effected by the electric spark, is shown in Fig. 262. The spark passes through a break A B, in the in- sulated leads D. Since gunpow- der is not readily ignited by an electric spark, a peculiar priming material is employed at A B, in the place of ordinary powder. Fuse Links. (See Links, Fuse.) Fuse, Magazine A safety fuse so arranged as to readily permit the replacement of the fuse when, burned out. A spool contains a coil of fuse ^y~ 2 fr 2 wire. In order to release the Stratham's burned-out fuse, a wedge-shaped Fuse. device is provided to open the clamps that hold the fuse strip to release the portions of burned- out fuse left, and connection with the fuse strip is severed while the attachment of the new strip is being made. Fuse, Main A safety fuse or strip placed in a main circuit. (See Fuse, Safety?) Fuse, Platinum A thin platinum wire rendered incandescent by the passage of an electric current and employed for the igni- tion of a charge of powder. (See Fuse, Electric?) Fuse, Safety A strip, plate or bar of lead, or some readily fusible alloy, that au- tomatically breaks the circuit in which it is placed on the passage of a current of suf- ficient power to fuse such strip, plate or bar, when such current would endanger the safety of other parts of the circuit. Safety fuses are often called safety strips or safety plugs. Safety fuses are made of alloys of lead, and are placed in boxes lined with non-combustible material in order to prevent fires from the molten metal. Fig. 263 shows a fusible strip F, connected with leads L, L. Safety fuses are placed on all branch circuits, and are made of sizes proportionate to the number of lamps they guard. Fig. 263. Safety Fuse. Since incandescent lamps are generally placed in the circuit in multiple-arc, or in multiple-series, one or more of the circuits can be opened by the fusion of the plug without interfering with the continuity of the rest of the circuits. In series circuits, however, such as arc-light circuits, when a lamp is cut out, a short circuit or path around it must be provided in order to avoid the extin- guishing of the rest of the lights. Fuse Wire. (See Wire, Fuse.) Fusible Plug. A term commonly applied to a safety plug. (See Fuse, Safety G Gains. The spaces cut m the faces of telegraph poles for the support or placing of the cross arms. Galvanic Battery. (See Battery, Gal- vanic?) Galvanic Cell. (See Cell, Voltaic?) Galvanic Circle. (See Circle, Galvanic.) Galvanic Circuit. (See Circuit, Gal- vanic?) Galvanic Dosage. (See Dosage, Gal- vanic?) Galvanic Electricity. (See Electricity, Galvanic?) Galvanic Excitability of Nerve or Mus- vjular Fibre. (See Excitability, Electric, of Nerve or Muscular Fibre?) Galvanic Irritability. (See Irritability, Galvanic?^ 245 [Gal. Galvanic Multiplier. (See Multiplier, Galvanic?) Galvanic Polarization. (See Polariza- tion, Galvanic?) Galvanic Taste. (See Taste, Galvanic?) Galvanism. A term sometimes employed to express the effects produced by voltaic electricity. Galvanization, Central A variety of general galvanization in which the kathode is placed on the epigastrium and the anode moved over the body. Galvanization, Electro-Metallurgical The process of covering any conduc- tive surface with a metallic coating by elec- trolytic deposition, such, for example, as the thin copper coating deposited on the carbon pencils or electrodes used in systems of arc lighting. The term is borrowed from the French, in which it has the above signification. It is prefer- ably replaced by the term electro-plating. (See Plating, Electro.) The term galvanization is never correctly ap- plied to the process for covering iron with zinc or other metal by dipping the same in a bath of molten metal. Galvanization, Electro-Therapeutical In electro-therapeutics, the effects produced on nervous or muscular tissue by the passage of a voltaic current. Galvanization, General A method of applying a current therapeutically by the use of electrodes of sufficient size to direct the current through practically the entire body. Galvanization, Labile - A term employed in electro-therapeutics, in contradis- tinction to stabile galvanization, to designate the method of applying the current by keep- ing one electrode at rest in firm contact with one part of the body, and connecting the other electrode to a sponge which is moved over the parts of the body that are to be treated. Galvanization, Local The applica- tion of galvanization to parts or organs of the body in contradistinction to general galvani- zation. Galvanization, Stabile A term employed in electro-therapeutics in which the current is caused to pass continuously and steadily through the portions of the body un- dergoing galvanization. In stabile galvanization, the current is applied to and removed from the body gradually, in order to avoid shocks at the beginning and end of the application. Galvanized Iron. (See Iron, Galvan- ized?) Galvano. A word sometimes used in France in place of the word electro, to signify an article reproduced in copper by electro- metallurgy, especially an electrotype or wood- cut. Galvano-Causty. (See Causty, Galvano.) Galvano-Cautery. (See Cautery, Gal- vano?) Galvano-Cautery, Chemical A term sometimes applied to electro puncture or the application of electrolysis to the treat- ment of diseased growths. (See Cautery, Electric. Puncture, Electro?) The term chemical galvano-cautery would ap- pear to be poorly chosen, as it would imply the existence of a cautery action, which in point of fact does not exist Galvano-Faradization. In electro-thera- peutics, the simultaneous excitation of a nerve or muscle by both a voltaic and a faradic cur- rent. Galvano-Magnet. A term sometimes used for electro-magnetic. Electro magnetic is by far the preferable term, and is almost universally employed in the United States. Galvanometer. An apparatus for meas- uring the strength of an electric current by the deflection of a magnetic needle. The galvanometer depends for its operation on the fact that a conductor, through which an elec- tric current is flowing, will deflect a magnetic needle placed near it. This deflection is due to the magnetic field caused by the current. (See Field, Magnetic, of an Electric Current.) This action of the current was first discovered by Oersted. A wire conveying a current in the Gal.] 246 [Gal. direction shown by the straight arrow, Fig. 264, or from + to , will deflect a magnetic needle in the direction shown by the curved arrows. The following rules show the direction of the Fig. 264. Oersted's Experiment. deflection of a magnetic pole by an electrical cur- rent : (I.) Place the right hand on the conductor through which the current is flowing, with the palm facing the north pole, and with the fingers pointing in the direction of the current. The thumb will indicate the direction in which the north pole tends to move. (2.) Suppose an ordinary corkscrew so placed along the conductor, through which a current of electricity is passing, that when twisted, it will move in the direction of the current. The han- dle will then turn in the direction in which the north pole of the magnet tends to move. (3.) Imagine one swimming along the con- ductor in the direction of the current and facing the magnet. The north pole wiil tend to move towards the left hand of the swimmer. Prof. Forbes has shown that the direction of the deflection of a magnet by a current is such A B C Fig. 265. Amptre's Apparatus. that if the magnet were flexible, it would wrap itself round the current. If the wire be bent in the form of a hollow rec- tangle F, D, E, G, Fig. 265, and the needle, M, be placed inside the circuit, the upper and lower branches of the current will deflect the needle in the same direction, and the effect of the current will thus be multiplied. Mercury cups are pro- vided at A, B and C, for a ready change in the direction of the current. (See Needle, Astatic.) This principle of the multiplication of the de- flecting power of a current was first applied to gal- vanometers by Schweigger, who used a number of turns of insulated wire for the purpose of obtain- ing a greater deflection of the needle. He called such a device a multiplier. In extremely sensi- tive galvanometers, very many turns of wire are employed, in some cases amounting to many thousands. Such galvanometers are of high re- sistance. Others, of low resistance, often con- sist of a single turn of wire and are used in the direct measurement of large currents. A Schweigger's multiplier or coil C, C, oi many turns of insulated wire, is shown in Fig. 266. The action of such a coil on the needle M, is com- paratively great, even when the current is small. Fig. 266- Schweigger's Multiplier. In the case of any galvanometer, when no cur- rent is passing, the needle, when at rest, should in general occupy a position parallel to the plane of the coiL On the passage of the current, the needle tends to place itself in a position at right angles to the direction of the current, or to the length of the conducting wire in the coil. The strength of the current passing is determined by observing the amount of this deflection as meas- ured in degrees on a graduated circle over which the needle moves. The needle is deflected by the current from a position of rest, either in the earth's magnetic field or in a field obtained from a permanent or an electro magnet In the first case, when in use to meamre a current, the plane of the galvanom- eter coils must coincide with the planes of the magnetic meridian. In the other case, the instru- Gal.] 247 [Gal. ment may be used in any position in which the needle is free to move. Galvanometers assume a variety of forms ac- cording either to the purposes for which they are employed, or to the manner in which their deflec- tions are valued. Galvanometer, Absolute A galva- nometer whose constant can be calculated with an absolute calibration. (See Calibra- tion, Absolute?) Such a galvanometer is called absolute because if the dimensions of its coil and needle are known, the current can be determined directly from the observed deflection of the needle. Galvanometer, Aperiodic A gal- vanometer the needle of which comes to its position without any oscillation. A dead-beat galvanometer. (See Galva- nometer, Dead-Beat?) Galvanometer, Astatic A galva- nometer, the needle of which is astatic. (See Needle, Astatic?] Nobili's astatic galvanometer is shown in Fig. 267. The astatic needle, suspended by a fibre b, has its lower needle placed inside a coil, a, con- sisting of many turns of insulated wire, its upper needle moving over the graduated dial. The cur- rent to be measured is led into and from the coil at the binding posts, x and y. Fig. 267. Astatic Galvanometer. In this instrument, if small deflections only are employed, the deflections are sensibly propor- tional to the strength cf the deflecting currents. Galvanometer, Ballistic A galva- nometer designed to measure the strength of currents that last but for a moment, such, for example, as the current caused by the dis- charge of a condenser. The quantity of electricity passing in any cir- cuit is equal to the current multiplied by the time. Since the current caused by the discharge of a condenser lasts but for a small time, during which it passes from zero to a maximum and back again to zero, the magnetic needle in a ballistic galva- nometer takes the form of a ballistic pendulum, i. e., it is given such a mass, and acquires such a slow motion, that its change of position does not Fig. 268. Ballistic Galvanometer. practically begin until the impulses have ceased to act. In the ballistic galvanometer of Siemens and Halske, the coils R, R, Fig. 268, have a bell- shaped magnet, M, suspended inside them by means cf an aluminium wire. The magnet is pro- vided with a mirror S, for measuring the deflec- tions. The bel'-shap-d magnet is shown in ele- vation at M, and i.i p'ane at n, s. In using the ballistic galvanometer, it is neces- sary to see that the needle is absolutely at rest be- fore the charge is sent through the coils. A form of ballistic galvanometer by Nalder is shown in Fig. 269. The ordinary form of compensating magnet is, in this galvanometer, replaced by the small mag- net A, capable of rotation in a horizontal plane, but incapable of being raised or lowered, as is usual in such magnets. This form of compensating mag- net possesses the advantage of being able to alter the direction of the field on the needle system, Gal.] 248 [Gal. without considerably altering its intensity. When the galvanometer is for ready use the magnet A, is turned until the needle is brought to zero. The Fig. 2bg. Nalder's Galvanometer. combined field of earth and magnet A, are then brought to the degree of sensitiveness required Fig. 270. Nalder's Galvanometer. by rotating, magnet B, on its shaft, or altering its distance from the needle. In order to insure ease in replacing the fibre, the front coil is hinged as shown. The fibre D, is supported on E, one end of which it is free to turn, so as to permit of the removal of torsion; D, being twisted can be raised or lowered at E. The needle system with heavy bell-shaped magnet is shown in Fig. 270. Galvanometer, Combined Tangent and Sine A galvanometer furnished with two magnetic needles of different lengths. The small needle is used for tangent measure- ments, and the long needle for sine measure- ments. Galvanometer Constant. (See Constant, Galvanometer?) Galvanometer, Dead-Beat A gal- vanometer, the needle of which comes quickly to rest, instead of swinging repeatedly to-and- fro. (See Damping?) Galvanometer, Deprez-D'Arsonval A form of dead-beat galvanometer. The movable part of the Deprez-D'Arsonval galvanometer consists of a light rectangular coil C, Fig. 271, of many turns of wire, supported by two silver wires H J and D E, between the poles of a strong permanent horseshoe magnet A A. The position of the coil may be altered as to height by screws at H and E. The sup- porting wires, prevent by their torsion the swinging cf the coil, as does also the cylinder of soft iron B, placed inside the coil, and sup- ported independently of it. The movements if of the coil are observed by means of a spot of light reflected from a mirror J, attached to the wire H J. Galvanometer, Detector -- A form of galvanometer employed for rough testing work. A form of detector galvanometer is shown in Fig. 272. 271. Deprez-D" Arson- val Galvanometer. Fig. 2J 2. Detector Galvanometer. A gal- vanometer containing two coils so wound as to tend to deflect the needle in opposite directions. The needle of a differential galvanometer shows no deflection when two equal currents are sent through the coils in opposite directions, since, under these conditions, each coil neutralizes the other's effects. Such instruments may be used in comparing resistances. The Wheatstone Bridge, however, in most cases, affords a prefer- able method for such purposes. (See Bridge Electric. ) Gal.] 249 A form of differential galvanometer is shown in Fig- 273- Sometimes the current is so sent through the two coils, that each coil deflects the nee- dle in the same di- rection. In this case the instrument is no longer differential in action. If the magnetic needle, in such cases, is suspended at the exact centre of the line which joins the centres of the coils, the advantage is gained by obtaining a field of more nearly uniform intensity F 'S- 2 73- Differential Galva- around the needle. nomtttr. Galvanometer, Figure of Merit of The reciprocal of the current required to pro- duce a deflection of the galvanometer needle through one degree of the scale. The smaller the current required to produce a deflection of one degree, the greater the figure of merit, or the greater the sensitiveness of the galvanometer. Galvanometer, Marine A galva- nometer devised by Sir William Thomson for use on steamships where the motion of mag- netized masses of iron would seriously disturb the needles of ordinary instruments. An unscreened needle would be so much af- fected by the motion of the engines, the shaft and the screw, as to be useless for galvanometric measurement. The needle of the marine galvanometer is shielded or cut off from the extraneous fields so produced, by the use of a magnetic screen or shield, consisting of an iron box with thick sides, inside of which the instrument is placed. The needle is suspended by means of a silk fibre attached both above and below, in line with the centre of gravity of the needle. In this man- ner, the oscillations of the ship do not affect the needle. Galvanometer, Mirror A galva- nometer in which, instead of reading the de- flections of the needle directly by its move- [Gal, ments over a graduated circle, they are read by the movements of a spot of light reflected from a mirror attached to the needle. This spot of light moves over a graduated scale, or its movements are observed by means of a telescope. Fig. 2-j 4. Mirror Galvanometer. A form of mirror galvanometer designed by Sir William Thomson is shown in Fig. 274. Tht needle is attached directly to the back of a light, silvered glass mirror, and consists of several small magnets made of pieces of a watch spring. The needle and mirror are suspended by a single silk fibre and are placed inside the coil. A compen- sating magnet N S, movable on a vertical axis, is used to vary the sensitiveness of the instrument. The lamp L, placed back of a slot in a wide screen, throws a pencil of light on the mirror Q, from which it is reflected to the scale K. A form of lamp and scale with slot for light is shown in Fig. 275. Fig. 2JS. Galvanometer Lamp and Scale. Galvanometer, Potential A term sometimes applied to a voltmeter. (See Voltmeter?) Galvanometer, Reflecting A term sometimes applied to a mirror galvanometer, (See Galvanometer, Mirror) Gal.] 250 [Gal. Galvanometer, Sensibility of The readiness and extent to which the needle of a galvanometer responds to the passage of an electric current through its coils. (See Gal- vanometer^) Galvanometer-Shunt. (See Shunt, Gal- vanometer?) Galvanometer, Sine A galva- nometer in which a vertical coil is movable around a vertical axis, so that it can be made to follow the magnetic needle in its deflections. In the sine galvanometer, the coil is moved so as to follow the needle until it is parallel with the coil. Under these circumstances, the strength of the deflecting currents in any two different cases is proportional to the sines of the angles of deflection. A form of sine galvanometer is shown in Fig. 276. The vertical wire coil is seen at M. A needle of any length less than the diameter of the coil M, moves over the graduated circle N. The coil M, is movable over the graduated horizontal circle H, by which the amount of the movement 276. Sine Galvanometer. necessary to bring the needle to zero is measured. The current strength is proportional to the sine of the angle measured on this circle, through which it is necessary to move the coil M, from its position when the needle is at rest in the plane of the earth's magnetic meridian, until the needle is not further deflected by the current, although parallel to the coil M. Galvanometer, Tangent An instru- ment in which the deflecting coil consists of a coil of wire within which is placed a needle very short in proportion to the diameter of the coil, and supported at the centre of the coil. Fig. 277. Tangent Galvanometer. A galvanometer acts as a tangent galvanometer only when the needle is very small as compared with the diameter of the coil. The length of the needle should be less than one-twelfth the diameter of the coil. A form of tangent galvanometer is shown in Fig- 277. The needle is supported at the exact centre of the coil C. Under these circumstances, the strengths of two different deflecting currents are proportional to the tangents of the angles of deflection. Tan- gent galvanometers are sometimes made with coils of wire containing many separate turns. Galvanometer, Tangent, Obach's A form of galvanometer in which the deflect- ing coil, instead of being in a fixed vertical position, is movable about a horizontal axis, so as to decrease the delicacy of the instru- ment, and thus increase its range of work. Galvanometer, Torsion A galva- nometer in which the strength of the deflecting current is measured by the torsion exerted on the suspension system. A ball-shaped magnet, shown at the right of Fig. 278, is suspended by a thread and spiral Gal.] 251 [Gal. spring between two coils of high resistance, placed parallel to each other in the positions shown. On the deflection of the magnet, by the current to be measured, the strength of the current is determined by the amount of the torsion re- quired to bring the magnet back to its zero point. Pig. 278. Torsion Galvanometer, The angle of torsion is measured on the horizontal scale at the top of the instrument. In the torsion galvanometer, unlike the electro- dynamometer, the action between the coils and the movable magnet is as the current strength causing the deflection. In the electro-dynamometer, since an increase of current in the deflecting coils also takes place in the deflected coil, the mutual action of the two is as the square of the current strength causing the deflection. Galvanometer, Upright A gal- vanometer, the needle of which moves in a vertical plane. (See Galvanometer, Ver- tical. Galvanometer, Tertical A gal- vanometer the needle of which is capable of motion in a vertical plane only. In the vertical galvanometer, the north pole of the needle is weighted so that the needle as- sumes a vertical position when no current is pass- ing. In the form shown in Fig. 279, two needles 9 Vol. 1 are sometimes employed, one of which is placed inside the coils C, C. The vertical galvanometer is not as sensitive as the ordinary forms. It is employed, however, in various forms for an electric current indica- tor, or even for a rough current meas- Galvanometer Voltmeter. An in- strument devised by Sir William Thom- son, for the meas- urement of differ- ences of electric potential. Fig, 2TQ. Vertical Galva- nometer. This instrument is so arranged that by a single correction for the varying strength of the earth's field in any place, the results are read at once in volts. A coil of insulated wire shown at A, Fig. 280, has a resistance of over 5,000 ohms. A magnetic needle, formed of short parallel needles placed above one another, and called a magnetometer needle, is attached to a long but light aluminium index, moving over a graduated scale. A mova- ble, semi-circular magnet B, called the restoring magnet, is placed over the needle, and is used for varying the effect of the earth's field at any point. The sensitiveness of the instrument may be varied either by the restoring magnet or by sliding the magnetometer box nearer to or further away from the coil. The voltmeter galvanometer depends for its operation on the fact that when a galvanometer of sufficiently high resistance is introduced be- Fig. 280. Galvanometer Voltmeter. tween any two points in a circuit, the current that passes through it, and hence the defiection of its needle, is directly proportional to the difference of potential between such two points. Gal.] 252 [Gas. Galvanometers for the commercial measure- ments of currents assume a variety of forms. They are generally so constructed as to read off the amperes, volts, ohms, watts, etc., directly. They are called amperemeters or ammeters, volt- meters, ohmmeters, wattmeters, etc. For their tiller description reference should be had to standard works on electrical measurement. Galranometric. Of or pertaining to the galvanometer. (See Galvanometer?) Galvanometrical. Of or pertaining to the galvanometer. (See Galvanometer.} Galvanometrically. In a galvanometric manner. Galvano-Plastics. (See Plastics, Gal- vano) Galvanoplasty. The art of galvano- plastics. (See Plastics, Galvano) GalYano-Puncture. (See Puncture, Gal- vano) Galvanoscope. A term sometimes im- properly employed in place of galvanometer. A galvanoscope, strictly speaking, is an instru- ment intended rather to show the existence of an electric current than to measure it in degrees. It may, however, be roughly calibrated, and then it differs from a galvanometer only in delicacy and accuracy. Galvano-Therapeutics. A term some- times used for electro-therapeutics. Electro therapeutics is by far the preferable term and is almost universally employed in the United States. Gap, Air A gap, or opening in a magnetic circuit containing air only. (See Gap, Air, Magnetic?) The air gap between two magnetic poles may be regarded as the space in which an armature acting as a magneto receptive device is placed, which by the action upon it of the lines of mag- netic force passing through the gap has differ- ences of potential generated in its coils of insulated wire. Gap, Air, Magnetic A gap filled with air which exists in the opening at any part of a core of iron or other medium of high permeability. The space between the pole pieces and arma- ture core is called the air gap in dynamos or motors even though partly filled with copper con- ductors. It is also called the interference space. The gap or air space of an electro-magnet de- creases the strength of its magnetization be- cause The increased reluctance of the air gap causes a decrease in the number of lines of magnetic force which pass through the magnetic circuit. Gap, Spark A gap forming part of a circuit between two opposing conductors, separated by air, or other similar dielectric which is closed by the formation of a spark only when a certain difference of potential is attained. Gap, Wire-Gauge (See Gauge, Wire, Gap.) Gas-Battery. (See Battery, Gas) Gas Burner, Argand, Plain-Pendant, Electric (See Burner, Argand Electric, Plain-Pendant) Gas Burner, Argand, Ratchet-Pendant, Electric (See Burner, Argand Elec- tric, Ratchet-Pendant) Gas Burner, Automatic Electric (See Burner, Automatic Electric) Gas Burner, Plain-Pendant, Electric --(See Burner, Plain-Pendant Elec- tric) Gas Burner, Ratchet-Pendant, Electric (See Burner, Ratchet-Pendant Elec- tric) Gas-, Carbonic Acid A gaseous sub- stance formed by the union of one atom of carbon with two atoms of oxygen. Carbonic acid gas is formed during the com- bustion of carbon by a sufficient supply of air. Gas, Dielectric Density of A term sometimes emploved instead of dielectric strength of gas. (See Gas, Dielectric Strength of) Gas, Dielectric Strength of The strain a gas is capable of bearing without suffering disruption, or without permitting a disruptive discharge to nass through it. The dielectric strength of a gas depends (I.) On the nature of the gas. (2.) On its pressure. Gas.] 253 [Gau. It has been calculated roughly that it requires 40,000 volts per centimetre to pass a disruptive discharge through dry air at ordinary pressures. Gas-Jet, Carcel Standard (See Car eel Standard Gas- Jet.) Gas-Jet Photometer. (See Photometer.) Gas-Lighting, Electric The electric ignition of a gas-jet from a distance. Gas-Lighting-, Multiple Electric A system of electric gas-lighting in which a number of gas-jets are lighted by means of a discharge of high electromotive force, derived from a Ruhmkorff coil or a static induction machine. Such devices are operated by means of minute electric sparks which are caused to pass through the escaping gas-jets. The spark for this pur- pose is obtained either by means of the extra current from a spark coil, by means of an induction coil or by static discharges. (See Currents, Extra. Coil, Spark. Coil, Induction.) A gas tip for use in multiple gas-lighting ap- paratus is shown in Fig. 281. The spark is formed immediately over the slot in the burner, and therefore ignites the escaping gas. Gas, Occlusion of The absorption or shutting up of a gas in the pores, or on the surfaces of various substances. Carbon possesses in a marked degree the prop- erty of occluding or absorbing gases in its pores. These occluded gases must be driven out from the carbon conductor employed in an incandescent lamp, since otherwise their expulsion, on the in- candesence of the carbon, consequent on the light- ing of the lamp, will destroy the high vacuum of the lamp chamber and thus lead to the ultimate destruction of the filament (See Lamp, Electric, Incandescent. ) Gassing. The evolution of gas from the plates of a storage or secondary cell. Gastroscope. An electric apparatus for the illumination and inspection of the human stomach. Fig. 28 r. Multifile Gas- yet. The light is obtained by means of a platinum spiral in a glass tube surrounded by a layer of water to prevent undue heating. The platinum spiral is placed at the extremities of a tube, pro- vided with prisms, and passed into the stomach of the patient. A separate tube for the supply of air for the extension of the stomach is also provided. Gastroscopy. The examination of the stomach by the gastroscope. (See Gastro- scope.) Gange, Battery. A form of portable gal- vanometer, suitable for ordinary testing work. A form of battery gauge is shown in Fig. 282. Fig. 282. Battery Gauge. Gauge, Electrometer A device em- ployed in connection with some of Sir Wil- liam Thomson's electrometers to ascertain whether the needle, connected with the layer of acid that acts as the inner coating of the Leyden jar used in connection therewith, is at its normal potential. Gauge, Wire, American A name sometimes applied to the Brown & Sharpe Wire Gauge. (See Gauges, Wire, Varieties of.) Gange, Wire, Birmingham A term sometimes applied to one of the English wire gauges. Gauge, Wire, Gap A wire gauge in which gaps are left for the introduction of the wire to be measured, Gau.] 254 [Gau. Gauge, Wire, Micrometer A gauge employed for accurately measuring the di- ameter of a wire in thousandths of an inch, based on the principle of the vernier or mi- crometer. (See Fig. 283.) The wire to be measured is placed between a fixed support B, and the end C, of a long mova- ble screw, which accurately fits a threaded tube a. A thimble D, provided with a milled head, fits over the screw C, and is attached to the upper part. The lower circumference of D, is divided into a scale of twenty equal parts. The tube A,is graduated into divisions equal to the pitch of the screw. Every fifth of these divisions is marked as a larger division. The principle of the operation of the gauge is as follows: Suppose the screw has fifty threads to the inch, the pitch of the screw, or the distance between two contiguous threads, is therefore ^ or .02 of an inch. One complete turn of the screw will, therefore, advance the sleeve D, over the scale a, the .02 of an inch. If the screw is only moved through one of the twenty parts marked on the end of the thimble or sleeve parts, or the ^ of a com- plete turn, the end C, advances towards B, the sV of ?V> *' * Tinnr or I mc h- Suppose now a wire is placed between B and C, and the screw advanced until it fairly fills the Fig. 283. Vernier Wire Gauge. space between them, and the reading shows two of the larger divisions on the scale a, three of the smaller ones and three on the end of the sleeve D, then Two large divisions of scale a = .2 inch Three smaller divisions of scale a.. = .06 " Three divisions on circular scale onD = .003 " Diameter of wire .263 Serious inconvenience has arisen in practice NEW LEGAL STANDARD WIRE GAUGE (ENGLISH). Tables of Sizes, Weights, Lengths and Breaking Strains of Iron Wire. Size on Wire Gauge, Diameter. Sectional area in sq. inches. Weight of Length of Cwt. Breaking Strains. Size on Wire Gauge. Inch. Millimetres. ioo yards. Mile. Annealed. Bright. 500 464 432 400 37' 348 324 300 276 252 232 212 192 55 1 60 144 128 116 104 092 080 072 064 056 048 040 036 12.7 n. 8 n. IO.2 9-4 8.8 8.2 7.6 e: 4 5-9 5-4 4-9 4-5 4.1 3-7 3-3 1.6 2.3 2. 1.8 1.6 1.4 1.2 I. .9 1963 1691 1466 1257 1087 0951 0824 0707 0598 0499 0423 353 0290 0243 0201 0163 OI29 010)6 0085 0066 0050 O04I 0032 OO2, 00l8 0013 0010 Lbs. '93 -4 166.5 144.4 123.8 107.1 93-7 69.9 58.9 49.1 41.6 34-8 28.0 24. 19 8 16. 12.7 10.4 ' 4 6.5 5- 4- 3-2 2.4 1.8 1.2 I. Lbs. 344 2930 2541 2179 1885 1649 1429 1225 i37 864 732 612 502 422 348 282 223 '83 148 114 88 7 56 42 3 2 21 18 Yards. 58 67 78 9 1 105 120 138 101 190 228 269 322 393 467 566 700 882 1077 1333 1723 2240 2800 3soo 4067 6222 9333 11200 Lbs. 10470 9017 7814 6702 5796 5072 4397 377 3'9 2660 2254 1883 1544 1298 1072 869 687 564 454 355 268 218 172 131 97 67 55 Lbs. 15700 13525 11725 10052 8694 7608 6595 5655 4785 399 338i 2824 2316 1946 1608 1303 1030 845 680 532 402 326 257 197 MS IOO 82 7/0 6/0 5/o 4/0 3/o 2/0 1/0 I 2 3 4 I 8 9 10 ii 12 '3 '4 15 16 17 18 '9 20 6>o S/o **f 3 6 I....... 5 I....... (Issued by the Iron and Steel Wire Manufacturers' Association.) tiau.] 255 [Gau. from the numerous arbitrary numbers of sizes of wires employed by different manufacturers. These differences are gradually leading to the abandonment of arbitrary sizes for wires and em- ploying in place thereof the diameters directly in inches or thousandths of an inch. Gauge, Wire, Bound A device for accurately measuring the diameter of a wire. The round wire gauge shown in Fig. 284 is very generally used for telegraph lines. Notches Fig. 284. Round Wire Gauge. for varying widths, cut in the edges of a circular plate of tempered steel, serve to approximately measure the diameter of a wire, the sides of the wire being passed through the slots. Numbers, indicating the different sizes of the wire, are affixed to each of the openings. Gauge, Wire, Self- Registering A wire gauge arranged to give the exact di- ameter of the wire to be measured directly without calculation. A form of self- register- ing wire gauge is shown in Fig. 285. The wire or plate is inserted in the gap between a fixed and Fig-. 283. Wire and a movable plate. The Ptate Gauge. numbers corresponding to the diameter of the wire or plate are shown on one side of the gauge and the gauge numbers on the other side. Gauge, Wire, Standard A wire gauge adopted by the National Telephone Exchange Association at Providence, R. I., and by the National Electric Light As- sociation, at Baltimore, Md., in February, 1886. The value of the standard as compared with the other gauges will be seen from an inspection of the table in this column: Gauges, Wire, Varieties of The following table gives a comparison of the principal wire gauges in use. COMPARISON OF THE DIFFERENT WIRE GAUGES. "3 bo !- s . rt 'f< *.**, *f 41 o y ^S h tit .SO C fl> Jse- t- S rt 4) *i3 JJi a-s I s I s jjjf 1r? I** <5 ^ 3 a " So o m 2 Is o, s oooooo .46 00000 V oooo . 4 6 454 393 4 .400 000 .40964 425 .362 36 .372 00 .3648 38 331 33 .348 o 32495 34 .307 305 324 I .2893 3 283 .285 .300 2 25763 284 .263 .265 .276 3 . 22942 259 .244 .245 .252 4 .20431 238 225 225 .232 5 -i8i 94 22 .207 .205 .212 6 . 16202 203 .192 .19 .192 7 .14428 18 .177 '75 .176 8 .12849 165 .162 .16 ,160 9 IT 443 148 .148 .145 .144 10 .10189 '34 '35 .13 .128 n .090742 12 .12 .1175 .116 12 .080808 109 .105 .105 .104 13 .071961 095 .092 .0925 '4 .064084 08 3 .oi 08 .080 .083 IS -057068 072 .072 .07 .072 .072 16 05082 06 S .063 .061 .064 -065 17 .045257 OSB .052 0525 .056 .058 18 .040303 049 .047 045 .048 049 '9 3S390 042 .041 039 .040 .04 20 .031961 035 .035 .034 .036 035 21 .028462 032 .032 .032 0315 22 .025^47 028 .028 27 .028 .0295 23 .022571 025 .025 .024 .024 .027 24 .0201 022 .023 .0215 .022 .025 2=; .0179 02 .02 .019 .020 .023 26 .01594 018 .Ol8 .018 .018 .0205 27 .014195 016 .017 .017 .0164 .01875 28 .012641 014 .Ol6 .016 .0148 .0165 29 .011257 013 .015 015 .0136 .0155 3 .OIOO25 012 .014 .014 .OT24 CI375 3 1 .008928 01 .0135 .013 .OIl6 .01225 32 .00795 009 013 .012 .OI08 .01125 33 .00708 008 .Oil .Oil .0100 .01025 34 .006304 007 .OI .OI .0092 .0095 35 .005614 005 .0095 .OOg .0084 .009 36 .005 004 .009 .COO .0076 0075 37 .004453 .0085 .00725 .0068 .0065 38 .003965 .008 .0065 .006 .00575 39 003531 .0075 00575 .005^ .005 40 .003144 .007 .005 .0048 .0045 1 256 [Gau. NUMBER, DIAMETER, WEIGHT, LENGTH AND RESISTANCE OF PURE COPPER WIRE. American Gauge. No. Diameter. Inches. Weight, sp. gr. = 8.889. Length. Resistance of Pure Copper at 70 Fahrenheit. Grs. per !t. Lbs. per 1,00-3 feet. Ft. per Ib. Ohms per 1,000 ft. Feet per ohm. Ohms per Ib. DOOO... .46000 4475-33 640.40 1-56 .051 19605.69 .0000798 000. .. .40964 3549- 7 507.01 1.97 .064 I5547-87 .000127 oo... .36480 2814.62 4^2.09 2.49 .o8t 12330.36 .000202 o... .32486 2*33.28 319.04 3-'3 .102 97 a 3-63 .000320 I... . 28930 1770.13 252.88 3-95 .129 7754-66 .00051 2... 2 5763 1403.79 200.54 4.99 163 6149.78 .000811 3--- .22942 . i i i 3 . 20 159-03 6.29 .205 4876.73 .001289 4... .20431 882.85 1 .'6. 12 7-93 .259 3867.62 .00205 5... .18194 700.10 1OO.OI 10. OO 326 3067.06 .00326 6... . 16202 555- o 79.32 12. 6l .411 2432.22 .00518 I M429 440. 27 62.90 15.90 5i9 1928.75 .00824 8... .12849 349.18 49.88 20.05 654 1529-69 .01311 9... "443 276.94 39-56 25.28 .824 1213.22 .02083 so... .10190 219.57 31-37 31.88 1.040 961.91 33H ii. .. .09074 I74-15 24.88 40.20 1.311 762.93 .05269 i.*. .. .08081 138.11 19-73 50.69 -653 605.03 .08377 13-.. .07196 109.52 15-65 63.91 2.084 479.80 -13321 14... .06408 86.86 12.41 80.59 2.628 380.51 .2118 15- .05707 68.88 9.84 101.63 3-3M 301.75 .3368 16... .05082 54-63 7.81 128.14 4.179 239.32 5355 17... .04525 43-33 o. 19 i6z.59 5.269 189.78 8515 18 .. . 04030 34-35 4.91 203 . 76 6.645 150-5 !-3539 19... .03589 26.49 3-78 264.26 8.617 116.05 2.2772 20... .03196 91. OI 3-9 324.00 10. 566 94-65 3-423 31... .02846 I7-I3 2-45 408.56 J 3-323 75.06 5,443 22. .. 025347 13-59 1.94 5i5-i5 16.799 59-53 8.654 23... .022572 10.77 1-54 649.66 21.185 47-20 13-763 24... .0201 8-54 1.22 819.21 26.713 37-43 21.885 25... .0179 6.78 97 1032.96 33 684 29.69 34-795 26. . 01594 S-37 77 1302.61 42.477 23-54 55-331 27. . .014195 4.26 .61 1642.55 53-563 18.68 87-979 28. . .012641 3-38 .48 2071.22 67-542 14.81 139.893 29. . .011258 2.68 38 2611.82 85.170 11.74 222.449 30. . .010025 2.13 3 3293.97 107.391 9-3i 353-742 31. .008928 1.69 .24 4152.22 I35-402 7-39 562 . 22 I 32. . .00795 i-34 .19 5236.66 170.765 5.86 894.242 33- .00708 i. 06 !5 660.271 815.312 4.64 1421.646 34- .0063 .84 .12 8328.30 271-583 3.68 226l.82 35- .00561 .67 .10 10501.35 342.413 2.92 3596.104 36. . .005 -53 .08 13238.83 43 r -7i3 2.32 57I5-36 37- .00445 .42 .06 16691.06 544-287 1.84 9084.71 38. .003965 34 05 20854.65 686.511 1.46 14320.26 39- 003531 .27 .04 26302 . 23 865.046 1.16 22752.6 40. . .003144 .21 .03 33I75-94 1091.865 92 36223.59 Gauss. The unit of intensity of magnetic field. The term gauss for unit of intensity of mag- netic field was proposed by S. P. Thompson as being that of a field whose intensity is equal to lo 9 C. G. S. units, that is, io 8 lines of force per square centimetre. J. A. Fleming proposes, for the value of the gauss, such strength of field as would develop an electromotive force of one volt in a wire one million centimetres in length, moving through such a field with unit velocity. Fleming's value for the gauss was assumed on account of the small value of the gauss proposed by S. P. Thompson. It is one hundred times greater in value than Thompson's gauss. Sir William Thomson proposes, for the value of the gauss, such an intensity of magnetic field as is produced by a current of one weber (ampere) at the distance of one centimetre. Oanss, Fleming's Such a strength of magnetic field as is able to develop an electromotive force of one volt in a wire one million centimetres in length moved through the field with unit velocity. (See Gauss.) Gauss, S. P. Thompson's Such a strength of magnetic field that its intensity is equal to io s C. G. S. units. (See Gauss.) Gaii.] 257 [Gen. Gauss, Sir William Thomson's Such an intensity of magnetic field as would be produced by a current of one ampere at the distance of one centimetre. (See Gauss.} Geissler Mercurial Pump. (See Pump, Air, Geissler, Mercurial.} Geissler Tubes. (See Tubes, Geissler.} General Faradization. (See Faradiza- tion, General?) General Galvanization. (See Galvaniza- tion, General.} Generation of Current by Dynamo-Elec- tric Machine. (See Current, Generation of, by Dynamo-Electric Machine?) Generator, Dynamo-Electric An apparatus in which electricity is produced by the mechanical movement of conductors through a magnetic field so as to cut the lines of force. A dynamo-electric machine. (See Machine, Dynamo-Electric?) A dynamo electric machine operates on the general principles of electro-dynamic induction. Strictly speaking, however, in a dynamo-electric generator the conductors are actually moved through the lines of force. In this respect, there fore, a dynamo-electric generator differs from a transformer, in which the lines of force are moved through the conductor. (See Induction, Electro- Dynamic. Transformer. Induction, Mutual.} Generator, Motor A dynamo-elec- tric generator in which the power required to drive the dynamo is obtained from an elec- tric current. Motor generators are used in systems of elec- trical distribution for the purpose of changing the potential of the current. They consi.-t of dynamos, the armatures of which are furnished with two separate windings, of fine and coarse wire respectively. One of these, generally the fine wire, receives the driving or motor cur- rent, usually of high potential, and the other, the coarse wire, furnishes the current used, usu- ally of low potential. The advantage of having the windings, which receive the driving current, of fine wire, is to enable a current of high potential to be dis- tributed over the line from distant stations to places where it is desired to use the energy of the current at a much lower potential. Motor generators often consist simply of two distinct machines mechanically connected, one acting as a motor and the other as a dynamo. Motor generators are sometimes called dynamo- motors or dynamotors. Aldrich draws the following distinction between a dynamo-motor and a dynamotor : (I.) A dynamo-motor is an energy transformer with the dynamo and motor in the same electric circuit. (2.) A dynamotor is an energy transformer with the dynamo and motor iu the same magnetic cir- cuit. Fig. 286. Edison's Pyro-Ma^netic Generator. Generator, Pyro-Magnetic An ap* paratus for producing electricity directly from heat derived from the. burning of fuel. Gen.] 258 [Gil. The operation of the pyro-magnetic generator is dependent upon the fa:t that any variation in the number of lines of magnetic force that pass through a conductor will develop differences of electric potential therein. Such variations may be effected either by varying the position of the conductor as regards the magnetic field, or by varying the magnetic field itself. The latter method of generating differences of potential is utilized in the pyro-magnetic generator, and is effected in it by varying the magnetization of rolls of thin iron or nickel by the action of heat. A form of pyro-magnetic generator devised by Edison is shown in Figs. 286 and 287. Fig. 287. Edison's Pyro- Magnetic Generator. This apparatus is sometimes called a pyro- magnetic dynamo. Eight electro magnets are provided, each with an armature consisting of a roll of corrugated iron. Each of these armatures is provided with a coil of insulated wire wound on it and pro- tected by asbestos paper. The armatures pass through two iron discs as shown. The armature coils are connected in series in a closed-circuit, the wires from the coils being connected with metallic brushes that rest on a commutator sup- ported on a vertical axis. A pair of metallic rings is provided above the commutator to carry off the current generated. The vertical axis is provided below with a semi- circular screen called a guard plate which rotates with the axis and cuts off or screens one-half the iron armatures from the heated air. When the axis is rotated, the difference in the magnetization of the armatures, when hot and cold, develops electromotive forces which result in the production of an electric current. Generator, Secondary A term fre- quently employed for a converter or trans- former. The word transformer is now almost univer- sally employed. (See Transformer.) Generator, Watt A term sometimes employed for stating the power in watts that any electric source is capable of producing. Estimating the power of a dynamo-electric machine by the number of watts it is capable of producing is very convenient in practice, and is now very generally adopted. A dynamo capable of furnishing a difference of potential of 1,000 volts, and a current of 10 amperes, would be said to be a 10,000 watt-generator. The term watt-generator, though applicable to the case of any electric source, is in practice generally limited to the case of dynamo-electric machines or secondary batteries. Generators, Motor, Distribution of Elec- tricity by (See Electricity ; Distribu- tion of, by Motor Generators) Geographical Distribution of Thunder Storms. (See Storms, Thunder, Geograph- ical Distribution of.) Geographical Equator. (See Equator, Geographical.) Geographical Meridian. (See Meridian, Geographical.) German Silver Alloy. (See Alloy, Ger- man Silver.) Gilding, Electric The electrolytic deposition of gold on any object. Electro-plating with gold. (See Plating, Electro.) The surfaces of the object to be gilded are made electrically conducting, if not already so, and are then connected to the negative terminal of a voltaic cell or other source, and immersed in a plating bath containing a solution of a salt of gold, directly opposite a plate of gold, connected with the positive terminal of the source. The objects to be plated thus become the kathode, and the plate of gold the anode of the plating bath. On the passage of a suitable current, the gold is dissolved from the plate at the anode and deposited Gil.] 259 [Gov. on the object at the kathode. (See Bath, Gold. Kathode. Anode. ) Gilt Plumbago. (See Plumbago, Gilt.) Gimbals. Concentric rings of brass, sus- pended on pivots in a compass box, and on which the compass card is supported so as to enable it to remain horizontal notwithstand- ing the movements of the ship. (See Com- pass, Azimuth.) Each ring is suspended on two pivots placed directly opposite each other, that is, at the ends of a diameter, which in one ring is at right angles to that in the other. Girder Armature. (See Armature, Gir- der) Globe, Vapor, of Incandescent Lamp A glass globe surrounding the cham- ber of an incandescent electric lamp, for the purpose of enabling the lamp to be safely used in an explosive atmosphere, or to permit the lamp to be exposed in places where water is liable to fall on it. Such a vapor globe is shown in Fig. 288. In the event of accidental breakage of the outside globe, the lamp chamber proper prevents the igni- tion of the explosive gases. In such cases, however, the outer pro- tecting chamber should be promptly replaced. In some forms of vapor globes, a valve is pro- vided, opening outwards, in order to permit the ex- panded air to escape when a given pressure is reached, and yet, at the same time, to prevent the entrance of gas or vapor from without. Glow Discharge. , T^ - 7 Fl S iS8 l/apor Globe. (bee Discharge, Glow.) Glow Lamp. (See Lamp , Electric Glow) Gold Bath. (See Bath, Geld) Gold-Leaf Electroscope. (See Electro- scope, Gold-Leaf) Gold-Plating.-(See Plating, Gold) Gong, Electro-Mechanical A gong struck or operated by mechanical force at times which are dependent on the passage of an electric current. The motive power is the mechanical force de- veloped by a bent spring, the fall of a weight, etc. , and, by suitable mechanism, is permitted to act only on the passage of an electric current. Gorernor, Centrifugal A device for maintaining constant the speed of a steam engine or other prime mover, despite sudden changes in the load or work. In a ball governor, any increase in speed causes the balls to fly out from the centre of rota- tion by centrifugal force. This motion is utilized to control a valve or other regulating device. If the speed of the engine falls, the balls move towards the centre, shifting the valve or regulat- ing device in the opposite direction. Governor, Current A current regu- lator. A device for maintaining constant the cur- rent strength in any circuit. Current governors are either automatic or non- automatic. (See Regulation, Automatic.) Governor, Electric A device for electrically controlling the speed of a steam engine, the direction of current in a plating bath, the speed of an electric motor, the re- sistance of an electric circuit, the flow of water or gas into or from a containing vessel, or for other similar purposes. The particular form assumed by the apparatus varies with the character of the work it is intended to accomplish. In some cases an ordinary ball or centrifugal governor is employed to open or close a circuit; or, a mass of mercury in a rotat- ing vessel is caused, at a certain speed, to open or close a circuit; or, the resistance of a bundle of carbon discs is caused to vary, either by pressure produced by centrifugal force, or by the move- ment of an armature. Governor, Periodic A name ap- plied by Ayrton & Perry to a form of gover- nor for an electric motor, in which the cur- rent is automatically cut out for a certain portion of each revolution. Governor, Spasmodic A name given by Ayrton & Perry to a form of gover- nor for an electric motor, in which the cur- Gov.J 260 [Gra- rent is automatically cut off in proportion as the work is cut off. The spasmodic governor consists essentially of a cone dipping into the surface of mercury in a rotat- ing vessel. As the speed of the governor increases on a lightening of the load, the surface of the mer- cury is curved by the increased centrifugal force, until finally the mercury leaves the contact point and thus cuts off the current. Governor, Steam, Electric A de- vice used in connection with a valve to so electrically regulate the supply of steam to an engine, that the engine shall be driven at such a speed as will maintain either a con- stant current or a constant potential. In the electric governor, the steam valve is operated by an electro-magnet, whose coils, in the case of a constant current machine, are of thick wire placed in the main circuit, and, in that of a constant potential machine, are of thin wire placed in a shunt around the mains. Gradnators. Devices, generally electro- magnetic, employed in systems of simultane- ous telegraphic and telephonic transmission over the same wire, so inserted in the line cir- cuit as to obtain the makes and breaks re- quired in a system of telegraphic communi- cation so gradually that they fail to sensibly influence the diaphragm of a telephone placed in the same circuit. Gramme. A unit of weight equal to I54323S grains. The gramme is equal to the weight of one cubic centimetre of pure water at the temperature of its maximum density. It has various multiples and decimal divisions of the former, the kilogramme or one thousand grammes is the most frequently used ; of the latter, the centigramme or the one- hundredth of a gramme, and the milligramme or the one -thousandth of a gramme. (See Weights and Measures, Metric System of.) Gramme Atom. (See Atom, Gramme) Gramme Molecule. (See Molecule, Gramme!) Gramophone. An apparatus for record- ing and reproducing articulate speech. (See Phonograph.} Gramophone Record. (See Record, Gramophone.) Graphite. A soft variety of carbon suit- able for writing on paper or similar surfaces. Graphite is the material that is employed for the so-called black lead of lead pencils. It is sometimes called plumbago. Strictly speaking, the term graphite is only applicable to the variety of plumbago suitable for use in lead pencils. Graphite is used for rendering surfaces to be electro-plated, electrically conducting, and also for the brushes of dynamos and motors. P'or the latter purpose it possesses the additional advantage of decreasing the friction by means of its marked lubricating properties. Graphophone, Micro A modifica- tion of the phonograph in which, instead of a single diaphragm, a number of separate non- metallic diaphragms are caused to act on a single diaphragm to record the speech, so that the separate diaphragms can be thrown into strong vibration when reproducing the speech. Graphophone, Phonograph A term sometimes applied to the graphophone. (See Graphophone, Micro. Phonograph) Graphophone Record. (See Record, Graphophone) Gray's Harmonic Telegraphic Analyzer. (See Analyzer, Gray's Harmonic Tele- graphic) Gray's Harmonic Telegraphy. (See Te- legraphy, Gray's Harmonic Multiple) Gravitation. A name applied to the force which causes masses of matter to tend to move towards one another. This motion is assumed to be that of attraction, that is, the bodies are assumed to be drawn to- gather. It is not impossible, however, that they may be pushed together. Gravitation, like electricity, is well known, so far as its effects are concerned ; but, as to the true cause of either, particularly the former, we are in comparative ignorance. The general facts of gravitation may be suc- cinctly stated by the following law, generally known as Newton's law. Every particle of matter in the universe is at- tracted by every other particle of matter, and itself attracts every other particle of matter, with a force which is directly proportional to the pro- duct of the masses of the two quantities of matter Ura.] 261 [Gua. and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them. Gravity Ammeter. (See Ammeter, Grav- ity.} Gravity, Centre of The centre of weight of a body. Bodies supported at their centres of gravity are in equilibrium, since their weight is then evenly distributed around the point of support. Gravity-Drop Annunciator. (See An- nunciator, Gravity-Drop.) Gravity, Voltaic Cell (See Cell, Voltaic, Gravity.) Gravity Voltmeter. (See Voltmeter, Gravity?) Great Calorie. (See Calorie, Great.) Grenet Voltaic Cell. (See Cell, Voltaic, Grenet?) Grid. A lead plate, provided with perfor- ations, or other irregularities of surface, and employed in storage cells for the support of the active material. The support provided for the active material on the plate of a secondary or storage cell. The grid receives its name from its resemblance to a gridiron. The active material is generally maintained on the grid by means of variously shaped apertures or holes. These are generally larger near the centre, so as to prevent the falling out of the material after it has been hardened by compression. (See Cell, Secondary. Cell, Stor- age.) Various forms have been given to the grid. The object of these forms, in general, is to in- sure the retention of the active material by the grid. The grids are preferably suspended from suit- able supports fastened to the top of the battery jars, instead of resting on the bottom of the bat- tery jars. Grip, Cable A grip provided for seizing the end of a cable when it is to be drawn into a duct or conduit. Grove's Voltaic Cell. (See Cell, Voltaic, Grove.) Grothuss' Hypothesis. (See Hypothesis, Grothuss'.) Ground Circuit. (See Circuit, Ground.) Ground Detector. ( See Detector, Ground.) Ground or Earth. A general term for the earth when employed as a conductor, or as a large reservoir of electricity. The term ground is also applied to a fault caused by an accidental and undesired connection between an electric circuit, line or apparatus and the ground. (See Fault.) ' Ground Plate of Lightning Protec- tor. (See Plate, Ground, of Lightning Protector?) Ground-Return. A general term used to indicate the use of the ground or earth for a part of an electric circuit. The earth or ground which forms part of the return path of an electric circuit. The ground-return is generally used in the Morse system of telegraphy as practiced in the United States. Ground-Wire. The wire or conductor leading to or connecting with the ground or earth in a grounded circuit. This is sometimes called an earth -grounded wire. A circuit is grounded when it is completed in part by the ground or earth. Grounded Circuit. (See Circuit, Grounded?) Growth or Expansion of Lines of Force. (See Force, Lines of. Growth or Expan- sion of) Guard, Fan A wire netting placed around the fan of an electric motor for the purpose of preventing its revolving arms from striking external objects. Guard, Lightning A term some- times used for lightning rod. (See Rod, Lightning?) Guard, Transformer, Lightning A transformer lightning arrester. (See Ar* rester, Lightning, Transformer.) Gua.] 262 [Hal. Guard, Wire Shade A guard of wire netting provided for the protection of a shade. A form of wire shade is shown in Fig. 289. Fig. 289. Wire Shade Guard. Gutta-Percha. A resinous gum obtained from a tropical tree, and valuable electrically for its high insulating powers. Gutta-percha readily softens by heat, but on cooling becomes hard and tough. Un'ike India- rubber, it possesses bat little elasticity. Its specific inductive capacity is 4.2, that of air being I, and of vulcanized rubber, 2.94. (See Capacity \ Specific Inductive ,) Gutta-percha is obtained largely from the East Indies, from a tree which yields a brownish gum. It is a fibrous and tenacious substance with but little flexibility, and is unaffected by acids. Oils produce less effect upon it than on India-rubber. Gutta-percha is one of the best insulating mate- rials known for sub-aqueous cables. Gymnotus Electricus. The electric eel. (See &l, Electric.} Gyrometer. A speed indicator. (See In- dicator, Speed.} H. A contraction for the horizontal inten- sity of the earth's magnetism. H. A contraction proposed for one unit of self-induction. H. A contraction used in mathematical writings for the magnetizing force that exists at any point, or, generally, for the intensity of the magnetic force. The letter H, when used in mathematical writings or formulae for the intensity of the magnetic force, is always represented in bold or heavy faced type, thus : H . H-Armature Core. (See Core, Arma- ture, H.) Hail, Assumed Electric Origin of A hypothesis, now generally rejected, framed to explain the origin of the alternate coatings of ice and snow in a hail stone, by the alter- nate electric attractions and repulsions of the stones between neighboring, oppositely charged, snow and rain clouds. It is now generally recognized that the electric manifestations attending hail storms are the effects and not the causes of the hail. (See Para- greles.} Hair, Electrolytic Removal of The permanent removal of hair from any part of the body, by the electrolytic destruction of the hair follicles. A platinum negative electrode is inserted in the hair follicle arid the positive electrode, covered with moist sponge or cotton, is held in the hand of the patient. A current of from two to four milli-am- peres from a battery of from eight to ten Le- clanche elements is then passed for from ten to thirty seconds. A few bubbles of gas appear, and the hairs are then removed from the follicles by a pair of forceps. (See Mini-Ampere.) When the work is properly done there is no destruction of the skin and therefore no marks or In the removal of hair from the face, it is pref- erable that the current should slowly reach its maximum strength. Half-Shades for Incandescent Lamps. Shr/ies for incandescent electric lamps, in which one-half of the lamp chamber proper is covered with a coating of silver, or other reflecting surface for reflecting the light, or is ground for the purpose of diffusing the light. The half-shade is applicable to cases where it is desired to throw out the light, not in all direc- tions, but on one side only of any plane. Some- times the dividing plane is taken parallel to the length of the incandescing filament and sometimes at right angles to it. When the lamp is placed Hal.J 263 [Hea. within a surrounding globe the reflecting surface may be placed on this globe instead of on the lamp chamber. Hall Effect. (See Effect, Hall.} Hiilloyau Lines. (See Lines, Halleyan.) Halpine-Savage Torpedo. (See Torpedo, H alpine- Savage?) Handhole of Conduit. A box or opening communicating with an underground cable, provided for readily tapping the cable, and of sufficient size to permit of the introduction of the hand. Hand-Lighting Argand Electric Burner. (See Burner, Argand Electric, Hand- Lighter^) Hand-Lighting Electric Burner. (See Biirner, Hand-Lighting Electric?) H a n d R e gulation. ( See Regulation, Hand.) Hand-Regulator. (See Regulator, Hand.) Hanger-Board. (See Board, Hanger.) Hanger, Cable A hanger or hook suitably secured to the cable and designed to sustain the weight of the cable by intermediately sup- porting it on iron or steel wires strung above the cable. 29 ' Cable Ha "S er - A cable hanger or cable clip is shown in Fig. 290. The mode of supporting the cable C, by the hanger hook H, will be readily un- derstood from an in- spection of the figure. The weight per foot of an aerial cable is gener- ally so great that the poles or supports would re- quire to be very near together, unless the device of intermediate supports, by means of cable clips or hangers, were adopted. Hanger, Double-Curve Trolley -- A trolley hanger generally employed at the ends of single and double curves, and on inter- mediate points on double track curves, sup- ported by lateral strain in opposite directions. Hanger, Single-Curve Trolley A trolley hanger supported on a single track curve, except at the ends and on the inside curve of a double track line, by lateral strain in one direction. Hanger, Straight-Line Trolley A trolley hanger on a straight trolley line suit- ably supported by a span wire so as to have a vertical strain only. Hanger, Trolley . A device for sup- porting and properly insulating trolley wires. Hard-Drawn Copper Wire. (See Wire, Copper, Hard-Drawn.) Harmonic Receiver. (See Receiver, Har- monic.) Harmonic Telegraphy. (See Telegraphy, Grays Harmonic Multiple.) Head Bath, Electric (See Bath, Head, Electric) Head Breeze, Electro-Therapeutic (See Breeze, Head, Electro- Therapeutic.) Head Light, Locomotive, Electric An electric light placed in the focus of a par- abolic reflector in front of a locomotive engine. The lamp is so placed that its voltaic arc is a little out of the focus of the reflector, so that, by giving a slight divergence to the reflected light, the illumination extends a short distance on either side of the tracks. Heat. A form of energy. The phenomena of heat are due to a vibratory motion impressed on the molecules of matter by the action of some form of energy. Heat in a body is due to the vibrations or oscillations of its molecules. Heat is transmitted through space by means of a wave motion in the universal ether. This wave motion is the same as that causing light. A hot body loses its heat by producing a wave motion in the surrounding ether. This process is called radiation. ( See Radiation. ) The energy given off by a heated body cooling is called radiant energy Radiant energy is transmitted by means of ether waves; it is of two kinds, viz. : (I.) Obscure Htat, or heat which does not affect the eye, although it can impress a photo- graphic image on a sufficiently sensitive photo- graphic plate. Hea.J 264 [Hea. (2.) Luminous I feat, or heat which accompanies tight. (See Energy, Radiant.] Heat is conducted, or transmitted through bodies, with different degrees of readiness. Some bodies are good conductors of heat, others are poor conductors. Heat is transmitted through liquids by means of currents occasioned by differences in density caused by differences of temperature. These currents are called convection currents. Heat is measured as to its relative degree of in- tensity by the thermometer. It is measured as to its amount or quantity by the calorimeter. (See Thermometer, Electric. Calorimeter.) The heat unit most commonly employed is, perhaps, the calorie, or the amount of heat re- quired to raise one gramme of water one degree centigrade. Another heat unit, very generally employed in the United States and England, is the quantity of heat required to raise one pound of water one de- gree Fahrenheit. This is called the English heat unit. (See Calorie. Units, Heat. Joule. Volt- Coulomb.) Heat, Absorption and Generation of, in Voltaic Cell The heat effects which attend the action of a voltaic cell. The chemical action of the exciting liquid or electrolyte on the positive plate or element of a voltaic cell, like all cases of chemical combination, is attended by a development of heat. When, however, the circuit of the cell is closed, the energy liberated during the chemical combi- nation appears as electricity, which develops heat in all parts of the circuit. (See Heat, Electric. Cell, Voltaic.) Hea*, Atomic A constant product obtained by multiplying the specific heat of an elementary substance by its atomiciveight. (See Weight, Atomic.} Dulong and Petit have discovered the remark- able fact that the product of the specific heat of all elementary substances by their atomic weights '3 nearly the same. The product is called the atomic heat, and is about equal to 6.4. Dulong and Petit's law may be stated as fol- ows, viz. : All elementary atoms require the same quantity of heat to heat them to the same number of degrees. The atomic heat of any body divided by its specific heat gives its atomic weight. The heat imparted to any body performs three kinds of work, viz.: (i.) That expended in external work, such, for example, as in overcoming the atmospheric pressure. (2.) That expended in internal work, or in overcoming the attractions of the atoms and driv- ing them apart. (3.) That expended in overcoming the temper- ature, or the true specific heat, or heat expended in increasing the molecular vis-viva. The expenditure ot energy is greatest in the third head. The exact value of the three factors is as yet unknown, and in the opinion of Weber and others the correctness of Dulong and Petit's law cannot be regarded as being satisfactorily established. Regnault has proved that Dulong and Petit's law is true for compound bodies, i. e., in all compounds of similar composition the product of the specific heat by the total chemical equivalent is constant. The following table from Anthony and Bracket illustrates the law of Dulong and Petit: Elements. Specific Heat ofEqual Weight. Atomic Weight. Product of Specific Heat into Atomic Weight. f, Mercury Silver o 0314 (Solid) 199.71 6.128 Gold Tin fi Lead 5 6 i7 "This product the atomic heat of elements, the molecular heat of compounds has the follow- ing physical meaning: Of any substance whose atomic or molecular weight we know, we may take a number of grammes numerically equal to the atomic or molecular weight; for example, 35-5 grammes of chlorine, 16 grammes of marsh gas; we may call such quantity the gramme atom or the gramme molecule of the substance. The atomic heat or the molecular heat of a substance is the number of calories of heat necessary to raise the temperature of a gramme atom or a gramme molecule of the substance through i degree C."(Damett.) Heat, Electric - The heat developed by the passage of an electric current through a conductor. Hea.j 265 [Hea. Heat is developed by the passage of a current through any conductor, no matter what its resist- ance may be. If the conductor is of considerable length, and of good conducting power, the heat developed is not very sensible, since it is spread over a consid- erable area, and is rapidly lost by radiation. H, the heat generated in any conductor of a resistance R, by the passage through it of an elec trie current C, is equal to H = C 2 R, in watts. But one watt = .24 small calorie per second. Therefore, the heat which is generated, H = C 2 R X -24 calories per second. For the case of a uniform wire of circular cross- section the resistance R, in ohms is directly pro- portional to the length 1, and inversely propor- tional to the area of cross-section ;rr 3 , or R =:-.. that is, H = C., The temperature to which a wire of a given re- sistance is raised, will of course vary with the mass of the wire, its radiating surface, and its specific heat capacity. If the same number of heat calories are generated in a small weight of a conductor, whose radiating surface is small, the resulting temperature will of course be far higher than if generated in a larger mass provided with a much greater radiating surface. In general, however, its temperature increases as the square of the current strength when the resistance is con- stant, and increases as the resistance of the wire per unit of length is greater. The temperature a wire acquires by the passage of a current through it varies inversely as the third power of the radius. If two wires of the same material have the same lengths, but different radii, the temperature, acquired by the pas- sage of an electric current, will depend on the heat developed per second, less that radiated per second. Since the former varies as , and the r 2 latter as r, that is, as 1 X 2itr, the temperatures attained vary as J-, and not as , as frequently r 8 r 2 stated. (Larden.) The current required to raise the temperature of a bare copper wire a given number of degrees above the temperature of the air is given in the following tab 1 * BARE COPPER WIRES. Current required to increase the temperature of a copper wire t" Centigrade above the surrounding air, the copper wire being bright polished or blackened. Diameter in Centimetres CURRENT IN AMPERES. and Mils (thousandths of an inch). t = i C. t = 9 C. t = 23 C. Cm. Mils. Bright Black Bright Black Bright Black .1 40 I.O 1.4 3.0 4.1 4.8 6.6 .2 80 2.8 3-9 8-3 11.5 '3-5 18.7 3 4 1 20 1 60 5-2 8.0 7.2 II. 15-3 23.6 31.2 32.7 24.9 38-3 34-4 53 200 n. i 15.4 33- 45-7 53-5 74-1 - 240 14-6 20.3 43-4 60.0 70.3 97-4 I 280 '8.5 25.6 54-6 75.6 88.7 123 .8 310 22.6 3 I- 3 66.7 92.4 1 08 '50 9 350 26.9 37-3 79.6 no 129 179 I.O 39 3'-5 43-6 93-3 129 210 2.O 79 89.2 123 264 365 428 593 3-o I ZOO 164 227 485 671 787 1090 4.0 1570 252 349 746 '035 121 1 1675 s- 6.0 7.0 1970 2360 2760 353 463 584 488 642 808 '043 '37i 1728 1444 1828 2392 1699 2225 2803 2343 3080 3882 8.0 3150 7 J 4 988 2110 2922 3422 474' 9.0 3540 851 1178 2519 3486 4088 5659 IO.O 34-4 394 997 1380 2950 4084 4788 6626 Diameter in Cent metres CURRENT IN AMPERES. and Mils (thousandths o an inch). t = 49 C. t = 81 C. Cm. Mils. Bright. Black. Bright. Black. .1 40 ^ 5 8-9 7-9 II. .2 80 18.3 =5-3 22.4 31.0 3 170 33-5 46.4 41.2 57-o 4 1 60 51-7 71-5 63.4 87.8 5 aoo 72.2 99.9 88.6 123 .6 240 94.9 13* 116 161 7 380 119 165 M7 203 .8 310 146 202 179 248 9 350 '74 2 4 I 214 296 I.O 390 204 283 251 347 2.0 790 577 799 709 981 3-0 1180 1061 1468 '33 1805 4.0 157 1633 2260 2006 2776 S-o 1970 2283 3160 2802 3880 6.0 2360 3000 4'54 3685 5100 7.0 2760 378i 5233 4642 6426 8.0 3150 4620 6396 5671 7850 9.0 3540 55" 7630 6769 9370 IO.O 34.4 3940 6425 8935 7926 10973 7OOOO (Forbes.) Heat, Electric Convection of A term employed to express the dissymmetrical distribution of temperature that occurs when a Hea.] 26t> [Hea. current of electricity is sent through a metallic wire, the middle of which is main- tained at a constant temperature, and the ends at the temperature of melting ice. The distribution of heat during the pas- sage of a current through an unequally heated conductor. If the central portions of a metallic bar are heated the curve of heat distribution is sym- metrical. On sending an electric current through the wire it is heated according to Joule's law, and the curve of heat distribution is still sym- metrical. But the current in passing from the colder to the hotter parts of the wire produces an additional heating effect at this point, and in passing from the warmer to the colder parts o f the wire produces a cooling effect. (See Effect, Peltier. Effect, Thomson.) The curve of heat distribution is then no longer symmetrical. The term Electrical Convection of Heat, has been given to the dissymmetrical distribution of heat so effected. Sir William Thomson, who studied these effects, found that the electrical convection of heat in copper takes place in the opposite direction to that in iron; that is to say, the elec- trical convection of heat is negative in iron, (*'. r heat is greater than that of any other common substance. Different quantities of heat are required to raise the temperature of a given weight of dif- ferent substances through i degree. The spe- cific heats of substances are generally compared with water or with hydrogen, the capacity of these substances for heat being very great. According to Dulong and Pettit, the specific heat of all elementary atoms is the same. For example, the heat energy of an atom of hydrogen is equal to that of an atom of oxygen, but since a given mass of hydrogen, under similar condi- tions of temperature and pressure, contains sixteen times as many atoms as an equal mass of oxygen, therefore, when compared weight for weight, hydrogen has a specific heat sixteen times greater than that of oxygen. Or, in general, co nparing equal weights, the specific heat of an elementary substance is in- versely proportional t > its atomic weight. (See Heat, Atomic.} Heat, Specific, of Electricity Electricity, Specific Heat of.) (See Heat Unit. The quantity of heat required to raise a given weight of water through a single degree. There are a number of different heat units. The most important are: (I.) The British Heat Unit, or Thermal Unit, or the amount of heat required to raise I pound of water I degree Fahr. This unit represents an amount of work equal to 772 foot pounds. (2.) The Greater Calorie, or the amount of heat required to raise the temperature of i.oco grammes of water I degree C. (See Calorie.) (3.) The Smaller Calorie, or the amount of heat required to raise the temperature of one gramme of water I degree C. (4.) The Joule, or the quantity of heat developed in one second by the passage of a current of one ampere through a resistance of one ohm. I joule equals .0002407 large calories. I joule equals. 2407 small calories. I foot-pound equals 1.356 joules. I pound- Centigrade equals 1884.66 joules. I " ' 1389.6 foot pounds. I " Fahrenheit 1047.03 joules. Heat Unit, English - (See Units, Heat.) Heat Unit or Calorie. (See Calorie.) Heat Unit or Joule. (See Joule) Heat, White - The temperature at which light of all wave lengths from the red to the violet is emitted from a heated body, and the body, therefore, glows with a white light. A solid substance heated to white incandescence emits a continuous spectrum, i. e., a spectrum in which all the wave lengths of light from the red to the violet are present. Heater, Electric A device for the conversion of electricity into heat for purposes of artificial heating. Electric heaters consist essentially of coils or circuits of some refractory metal through which the current is passed. These coils or circuits are surrounded by air or finely divided solids, and are placed inside metallic boxes or radiators, which throw off or radiate the heat produced. When employed for the heating of liquids the coils are placed directly in the liquid to be heated, or are surrounded by radiating boxes placed in the liquid. Heating Effects of Currents. (See Cur- rents, Heating Effects of.) Hedgehog: Transformer. (See Trans r former, Hedgehog) Hecto-Ampdre One hundred am- peres. Heliograph. An instrument for tele- graphic communication that operates by em- ploying flashes of light to represent the dots and dashes of the Morse alphabet, or the movements of the needles of a needle tele- graph to the right or the left. (See Alphabet, Telegraphic) The flishes of light are thrown from the sur- face of a plane mirror. Motions to the right or left may be employed in order to distinguish between the dots and dashes, or the same may be effected by the re ativ: durations of t'le flas.'ic-. of Ke!.] 2G8 [Hoi. light, or by the intervals between successive flashes. Telegraphic communication has been carried on between steamers during foggy weather by means of their fog horns; or between locomotives by their steam whistles. Helix, Dextrorsal A name some- times applied to a dextrorsal solenoid. (See Solenoid, Dextrorsal?) The magnetic polarity of a helix or solenoid depends not only on the direction in which the current is passed, but also on the direction in which the wire is coiled or wound . (See Magnet, Electro.} Helix, Sinistrorsal A name some- times applied to a sinistrorsal solenoid. (See Solenoid, Sinistrorsal?) Hemihedral Crystal. (See Crystal, Hem- ihedral?) Henry, A The practical unit of self- induction. It has been generally agreed in the United States to ca^ll the practical unit of self-induction a henry, in place of a secohm or quadrant. The name henry should be adopted, not only by American electricians, but also by those of other countries, since the terms secohm or quadrant are contrary to the generally adopted usage of employing for such the names of distinguished electricians, who have passed from their labors. The fact that of all discoverers in the field of self- induction, none possesses so great a claim as that of Prof. Henry, must be generally acknowledged. As early as 1832 he published in Silliman's Jour- nal a paper in which he described experiments, showing clearly that the spark obtained by break- ing the current of a battery, in which along wire was interposed, was greater than when a short wire was employed, and that this increased length of spark was further increased by coiling the wire, and that the phenomena were ascribed to the ac- tion of the current on itself. A committee of the American Institute of Electrical Engineers, after careful consideration, recommended to the Institute that the value of the practical unit of inductance should be equal to io 9 C. G. S. units of inductance, usually ex- pressed by a length equal to one earth quadrant or 1,000,000,000 centimetres. The value of the practical unit of inductance, or the "henry," may in some cases be too high for convenience; in such cases it may be expressed by some fractional dimension, such, for example, as milli-henry. Hercules Stone. (See Stone, Hercules?) Hermetical Seal. (See Seal, Hermeti- cal.) Hertz's Theory of Electricity. (See Elec- tricity, Hertz's Theory of.) Heterostatic. A term applied by Sir William Thomson to distinguish a form of electrometer in which the electrification is measured by determining the mutual influ- ence of the attraction exerted by the charge to be measured and the attraction of an oppo- site charge imparted to the instrument by a source independent of the charge to be meas- ured. The term heterostatic distinguishes this form of electrometer from an idiostatic instrument, or one in which the measurement is effected by deter- mining the repulsion between the charge to be measured and the repulsion of a charge of the same name, *'. e., positive or negative, imparted to the instrument from an independent source. (See Electrometer.') Hick's Automatic Button Repeater. (See Repeaters, Telegraphic?) High-Bars. A term applied to those com- mutator segments, or parts of commutator segments, which, through less wear, faulty construction or looseness, are higher than ad- joining portions. (See Commutator?) High-Frequency Currents, Electric Light- ing by (See Lighting, Electric, by High-Frequency Currents?) High Resistance Magnet (See Magnet, High Resistance?) High Speed Electric Motor. (See Mo- tor, Electric, High Speed?) High Tension Electric Fuse. (See Fuse, Electric High Tension?) Hissing of Arc. (See Arc, Hissing of?) Holder for Safety Fuse. A box or other receptacle of refractory material for holding a safety fuse, and catching the molten metal when fused. The holder or fuse box is provided to prevent the Hoi.] 269 molten metal of the fuse from setting fire to any combustible material on which it might other- wise fall. Holders, Carbon, for Arc Lamps A clutch or clamp attached to the end of the lamp rod or other support, and provided to hold the carbon pencils used on arc lamps. (See Lamp, Arc, Electric?) Holders for Brushes of Dynamo-Electric Machine. A device for holding the collect- ing brushes of a dynamo-electric machine. (See Machine, Dynamo-Electric?) Hole, Armature A term sometimes applied for armature bore or chamber. (See Bore, Armature?} Hole, Armature Bore, Elliptical An armature bore or chamber ellipsoidal in shape. Holohedral Crystal. (See Crystal, Holo- hedral?) Holtz Machine. (See Machine, Holtz?) Home Station. (See Station, Home?) Homogeneous Current Distribution. (See Current, Homogeneous Distribution of.} Hood for Electric Lamp. A hood pro- vided for the double purpose of protecting the Fig. 2Qi. Arc Lamp Hood. body of an electric lamp from rain or sun, and for' throwing its light in a general down- ward direction. Hoods for arc lamps are generally conical in shape. A form of hood for an exposed arc lamp is shown in Fig. 291. Horizontal Component of Earth's Mag- netism. (See Component, Horizontal, of Earth's Magnetism.) Horns, Following, of Pole Pieces of a Dynamo - Electric Machine The edges or terminals of the pole pieces of a dy- namo-electric machine towards which the armature is carried during its rotation. Fig 2Q2. Horns of Dynamo, According to S. P. Thompson, the following horns, b, d, Fig. 292, are those towards which the armature is carried ; the leading horns, a, c, those from which it is carried. As the change in the magnetic intensity is more sudden when the armature is moved from the pole pieces, and least when moved towards them, it is clear that the leading horns in a dynamo electric machine, and the following horns in an electric motor, become heated during rotation by the production of Foucault currents. (See Cur- rents, Foncault. Machine, Dynamo Electric.) Horns, Leading, of Pole Pieces of a Dy- namo-Electric Machine The edges or terminals of the pole pieces of a dynamo- electrical machine from which the armature is carried during its rotation. Thus, in Fig. 292, a and c, are the leading horns of the pole pieces. Horns of Pole Pieces of Dynamo-Electric Machine. The edges of the pole pieces of a dynamo-electric machine towards or from which the armature is carried during its rota- tion. These are called the following and the leading horns. Horse-Power. A commercial unit power or rate of doing work. for Hor.] 270 [Hoa A rate of doing work equal to 33,000 pounds raised i foot per minute, or 550 pounds raised I foot per second. A rate of doing work equal to 4,562.33 kilogrammes raised I metre per minute. A careful distinction must be drawn between work and power. The same amount of work is done in raising I pound through 10 feet whether it be done in one minute or in one hour. The power expended or the rate of doing work is, however, quite different, being in the former case sixty times greater than in the latter. I horse-power = 550 foot-pounds per second. " = 33,000 foot-pounds per min- ute. " = 4,562.33 kilogramme-metres per minute. " = 745,941 watts. " = 1.01385 metric horse-power. Horse-Power, Electric (See Power, Horse, Electric?) Horse-Power Hour. (See Hour, Horse- Power). Horse-Power, Metric A unit of power in which rate of doing work is equal to 75 kilogramme-metres. (See Horse- Power.) Horseshoe Electro-Magnet. (See Mag- net, Electro, Horseshoed) Horseshoe Magnet. (See Magnet, Horse- shoe?) Hot, Red Sufficiently heated to emit red light only. (See Heat, Red.) Hot St. Elmo's Fire. (See Fire, Hot, St. Elmo's.) Hot, White Sufficiently heated to emit all the colored lights of the spectrum. (SeeJfeat, White.} Hotel Annunciator. (See Annunciator, Hotel) Hour, Ampdre A unit of electrical quantity equal to one ampere flowing for one hour. The ampere-hour is in reality a unit of quanti- ty like the coulomb. It is used in the service of electric currents, and is equal to the product of the current delivered by the time in hours. The ampdre hour is not a measure of energy, but when combined with the volt, and expressed in watt hours, it is a measure of energy. The capacity of any service for maintaining a flow of current is measured in ampere-hours. Thus, if any service, such as a primary or sec- ondary battery, has a capacity of 80 ampere- hours, it will supply 8 amperes for ten hours, 01 it may give 10 amperes for eight hours. The storing capacity of accumulators is gener ally given in ampere-hours. The same is true ol primary batteries. One coulomb equals .0002778 ampSre-hours. One ampere-hour equals 3,600 coulombs. Hour, Horse-Power A unit of work An amount of work equal to one horse- power for an hour. One horse power is equal to 1,980,000 foot- pounds, or 745.941 watt hours. Hour, Kilo- Watt A unit of electri- cal power equal to a kilo-watt maintained for one hour. Hour, Lamp Such a service of elec- tric current as will maintain one electric lamp during one hour. The number of lamp-hours is obtained by mul- tiplying the number of lamps by the average number of hours during which the lamps are burning. The use of lamp-hours is for the purpose of estimating the current supplied to a consumer by counting the number of hours each lamp is in service. To convert lamp-hours to watt-hours, multiply the number of lamp-hours by the number oi watts per lamp. The watt hours, divided by 746, will then give the electrical horse-power hours. (See Hour, Watt.) Hour, Watt A unit of electrical work. An expenditure of an electrical work of one watt for one hour. Lamp-hours are converted to watt-hours by multiplying the number of lamp-hours by the number of watts per lamp. (See Hour, Lamp.) House Annunciator. (See Annunciator, House.} House Main. (See Main, House.} House-Service Conductor. (See Conduc- tor, House-Service} Hon.] 271 [Hyp. House-Top Fixtures, Telegraphic (See Fixtures, Telegraphic House- Top.} House Wire. (See Wire, House?) Hughes' Electro-Magnet. (See Magnet, Electro, Hughes'.) Human Body, Electric Resistance of (See Body, Human, Resistance of.) Hydro-Electric Bath. (See Bath, Hydro- Electric?) Hydro-Electric Machine, Armstrong's (See Machine, Armstrong's Hydro- Electric?) Hydrogen, Electrolytic Hydrogen produced by electrolytic decomposition. It is the electrolytic hydrogen liberated in a voltaic cell at the surface of the negative plate, which causes polarization and consequent de- crease in the resulting current strength, by rea- son both of the counter-electromotive force it produces and the increased resistance it produces in the cell. Electrolytic hydrogen is atomic hydrogen; i. e., hydrogen with its bonds open or free. It there- fore possesses much stronger chemical affinities than does molecular hydrogen. Electrolytic oxygen which is evolved at the same time as the electrolytic hydrogen has been successfully em- ployed in electric bleaching. Hydrogen per- oxide is also formed and acts as a bleaching agent. Hydrometer or Areometer. An appa- ratus for determining the specific gravity of liquids. (See Areometer or Hydrometer?) Hydro-Plastics. (See Plastics, Hydro?) Hydro-Plasty. The art of hydro-plastics. (See Plastics, Hydro?) Hydrotasimeter, Electric An elec- trically operated apparatus designed to show at a distance the exact position of any water level. In most forms of the electric hydrotasimeter a float placed in the liquid and connected with an electric circuit breaks this circuit, and, at intervals, sends positive impulses into the line when rising and negative impulses when falling. These are registered- by means of an index moved by a step- by-step motion, positive currents moving it in one direction and negative currents moving it in the opposite direction. Hygrometer. An apparatus for determin- ing the amount of moisture in the air. Hygrometrical. Of or pertaining to the hygrometer. Hygrometrically. In the manner of the hygrometer. Hypothesis. A provisional assumption of facts or causes the real nature of which is unknown, made for the purpose of studying the effects of such causes. When the facts assumed by a hypothesis can be shown to be presumably true the hypothesis becomes a theory. A theory, therefore, gives a more correct expression of the relations between the causes and effects of natural phenomena than does a hypothesis. Hypothesis, Double-Fluid Electric (See Electricity, Double-Fluid Hypothesis of.) Hypothesis, Grothiiss' A hypothe- sis proposed by Grothiiss to account for the electrolytic phenomena that occur on closing the circuit of a voltaic cell. Grothtiss' hypothesis assumes: (i.) That before the electric circuit is closed the molecules of the electrolyte are arranged in an irregular or unpolarized condition, as repre- Fig. 293. GrotkOss' hypothesis of Electrolytic Polari- zation. sented at (i), Fig. 293. These molecules are shaded as shown in Fig. 294, to indicate then- com- position and polarity. (2.) When the circuit is closed and a current Hyp.] 272 [Hys, begins to pass, a polarization of the electrolyte, as shown at (2), ensues, whereby all the negative ends of the molecules of hydrogen sulphate, o sulphuric acid, are turned towards the positive or zinc plate, and all the positive ends towards the negative or copper plate. This, as will be seen, will turn the SO 4 ends towards the zinc, and the H z ends towards the copper. (3.) A decomposition of the polarized chain, whereby the SO 4 unites with the zinc and the H 2 liberated reunites with the SO 4 of the molecule next to it in the chain, and its liberated H s with Fig. 294. Conventionalized the one next to it, and Molecule. so on until the last liberated H 2 in the chain is given off at the surface of the copper or negative plate. This leaves the chain of molecules as shown at (3). (4.) A semi-rotation of the molecules of the chain, as at (3), until they assume the position shown at (4). This rotation is required, since all the molecules in (3) are turned with their similar poles towards similarly charged battery plates. Hypothesis, Single-Fluid Electric (See Electricity, Single-Fluid Hypothe- sis of.) Hypothetical. Of or pertaining to a hy- pothesis. Hypsometer. An apparatus for determin- ing the height of a mountain or other eleva- tion by ascertaining the exact temperature at which water boils at such elevation. The use of a thermometer to measure the height of a mountain or other elevation is based on the fact that a given decrease in the tempera- ture of the boiling point of water invariably at- tends a given decrease in the atmospheric press- ure. Therefore, as the observer goes further above the level of the sea, the boiling point of water becomes lower, and from this decrease the height of the mountain or other elevation may be calculated. Hypsometrical. Of or pertaining to the hypsometer. Hypsometrically. In the manner of the hypsometer. Hysteresial Dissipation of Energy. (See Energy, Hysteresial Dissipation of.) Hysteresis, Molecular friction to mag- netic change of stress. A retardation of the magnetizing or de- magetizing effects as regards the causes which produce them. The quality of a paramagnetic substance by virtue of which energy is dissipated on the reversal of its magnetization. The ratio of magnetic induction to the mag- netizing force producing it, or, in other words, the magnetic permeability, is greater when the magnetizing force is decreasing, than when it is increasing. This phenomenon is seen in the well known retention of magnetism in iron after the withdrawal of the force causing the magnetization, and was called by Ewing hysteresis, from 'vtfrefitao, to lag behind. If a curve is constructed in which the hori- zontal abscissas represent the magnetizing force, or the magnetizing current to which they are proportional, and the vertical ordinates the number of lines of induction passing through the body that is being magnetized, both in the case of gradually increasing and gradually decreasing currents, the curve will be found to have greater values for the decreasing than for the increasing current Constructing a curve in this manner for the case of a ring of iron, which has been first suddenly magnet- ized and- then demag- netized, taking the magnetizing force along the line F H, Fig. 295, and the result- ing magnetization along the line M N, a loop is formed in the curve, as shown in the figure. The arrows show the direction of Fig. 295. Curves of Hys- the magnetizing force; teresis (Swing). the shaded area the work done due to hysteresis. The area of this loop represents the amount of energy per unit of volume expended in perform- ing a magnetic cycle, i. e., in carrying the iron ring through a magnetization and subsequent demagnetiz ation. The physical meaning of the loop is that a lag- 273 [Hys. ging of magnetization has occurred. This lag- ging of the magnetization is due to hysteresis. Ewing gives the value for the energy in ergs dissipated per cubic centimetre, for a complete magnetic cycle for a number of substances, as follows : Energy dissipated in ergs per cubic centimetre, during a complete cy cle of doubly reversed strong magnetiza- Sample of Iron operated upon. tion. Very soft annealed iron 9,300 ergs. Less soft annealed iron 16,300 " Hard drawn steel wire 60.000 " Annealed steel wire 70,500 " Same steel, glass hard 76,000 " Piano-forte steel wire, normal temper 116,000 " Same, annealed 94,000 ' ' Same, glass hard 117,000 " Approximately 28 foot-pounds of energy are required to make a double reversal of strong magnetization in a cubic foot of iron. Energy expended in this way takes the form of heat. This heat, however, is to be distinguished from heat produced by Foucault currents. According to Ewing, hysteresis is greatly de- creased by keeping the iron in a state of mag- netic vibration. In this way, the energy dis- sipated in a complete magnetic cycle is corre- spondingly decreased. This observation of Ewing agrees with the prior observation of Hughes, who noticed that tapping or twisting a bar of iron greatly accelerates the removal of its residual magnetism. The phenomena of hysteresis, according to Fleming, accounts for part of the energy which is dissipated in a dynamo-electric machine: (i.) In the field magnets. In an ordinarily constructed continuous current dynamo, work is done in magnetizing the field mapnets. not only to give the iron its initial mag- netism, but also to constantly reproduce the mag- netism which the machine loses by reason of the continual vibrations to which it ii subjected dur- ing its run. If sufficient residual magnetism were retained, on the withdrawal of the magneti- zing force there would be no necessity for the current in the field magnets ; but, since this is removed by even a small vibration, the energy of the exciting current must needs be expended. (2.) In the armature of the dynamo. The soft iron of the core is subjected to succes- sive magnetizations and demagnetizations. Ac- cording to Fleming, in the case of a core having a volume of 9,003 cubic centimetres, with fifteen reversals per second, the loss is equal to about i horse-power. Hysteresis, Static That quality in iron, or other paramagnetic substance, by virtue of which energy is dissipated during every reversal of its magnetization. Static hysteresis is so named in order to dis- tinguish it from viscous hysteresis. (See Hystere- sis, Viscous.) Hysteresis, Yiscous The time-lag observed in magnetizing a bar of iron t which is referable neither to induction in the iron, nor to self-induction in the magnetizing current, but to the magnetic viscosity of the substance. A sluggishness exhibited by iron for mag- netization or demagnetization due to magnetic viscosity. The difference between static and viscous hysteresis is thus stated by Fleming in consider- ing the analogous mechanical case of lifting a weight in a viscous fluid. "Apart from fluid resistance, the work done in lifting the weight against gravity, say one hundred times, is a hun- dred times the work required to be spent to lift it once ; but if fluid resistance comes into play, and if this varies as the square of the velocity of the moving body, . then the total work done in lifting t'.ie weight through the fluid will be de- pendent also upon the rate at which the cycle is performed." 274 [111. I. H. P. A contraction for indicated horse- power, or the horse-power of an engine as obtained by the means of an indicator card. I. W. Cr. A contraction for Indian wire gauge. Idio-ElectricSo A name formerly applied to such bodies as amber, resin or glass, which are readily electrified by friction, and which were then supposed to be electric in them- selves. This distinction was based on an erroneous conception, and the word is now obsolete. Idiostatic. A term employed by Sir Wil- liam Thomson to designate an electrometer in which the measurement is effected by de- termining the repulsion between the charge to be measured and that of a charge of the same sign imparted to the instrument from an independent source. (See Heterostatic) Idle Poles. (See Poles, Idle.) Igniter, Jablochkoff A small strip of carbon, or some carbonaceous material that is readily rendered incandescent by the current, placed between the free ends of the parallel carbons of a Jablochkoff candle, for the establishment of the arc on the passage of the current. The igniter is necessary in the Jablochkoff elec- tric candle, since the parallel carbons are rigidly kept at a constant distance apart by the insulat- ing material placed between them, and cannot therefore be moved together as in the case of the ordinary lamp. (See Candle, Jablochkoff.) Ignition, Electric The ignition of a combustible material by heat of electric origin. The electric ignition of wires is generally ac- complished by electric incandescence. Ignition may be accomplished by the heat of the voltaic arc. (See/fcotf, Electric. Furnace, Electric.') The ignition of combustible gases is accom- plished by the heat of the electric spark. (See Burner, Automatic, Electric.} Illumination, Artificial The em- ployment of artificial sources of light. A good artificial illuminant should possess the following properties, viz.: (i.) It should give a general or uniform illumi- nation as distinguished from sharply marked regions of light and shadow. To this end a number of small lights well dis- tributed are preferable to a few large lights. (2.) It should give a steady light, uniform in brilliancy, as distinguished from a flickering, unsteady light. Sudden changes in the intensity of a light injure the eyes and prevent distinct vision. (3.) It should be economical, or not cost too much to produce. (4.) It should be safe, or not likely to cause loss of life or property. To this intent it should, if possible, be inclosed in or surrounded by a lantern or chamber of some incombustible mate- rial, and should preferably be lighted at a dis- tance. (5 ) It should not give off noxious fumes or vapors when in use, nor should it unduly heat the air of the space it illumines. (6. ) It should be reliable, or not apt to be un- expectedly extinguished when once lighted. ' The electric incandescent lamp is an excellent artificial illuminant. (l.) It is cap able of great subdivision, and can, therefore, produce a uniform illumination. (2.) It is steady and free from sudden changes in its intensity. (3.) It compares favorably in point of economy with coal oil or gas, provided its extent of use is sufficiently great. (4.) It is safer than any known illuminant, since it can be entirely inclosed and can be lighted from a distance or at the burner without the dangerous friction match. The leads, however, must be carefully insu- lated and protected by safety fuses. (See Fuse, Safety.) (5.) It gives off no gases, and produces far less heat than a gas-burner of the same candle power. It perplexes many people to understand why the incandescent electric light should not heat the air of a room as much as a gas light, since it is quite as hot as the gas light. It must be re- membered, however, that a gas-burner, when lighted, not only permits the same quantity of 111.] 275 gas to enter the room which would enter it if the gas were simply turned on and not lighted, but that this bulk of gas is still given off, and is, indeed, considerably increased by the combina- tion of the illuminating gas with the oxygen of the atmosphere ; and, moreover, this great bulk of gas escapes as highly heated gases. Such gases are entirely absent in the incandescent electric light, and consequently its power of heating the surrounding air is much less than that of gas lights. (6.) It is quite reliable, and will continue to burn as long as the current is supplied to it. Illumination, Lighthouse, Electric The application of the electric arc light to lighthouses. A powerful arc light is placed in the focus of the dioptric lens now commonly employed in lighthouses. Since the consumption of the carbon electrodes would alter the position of the focus of the light, electric lamps for such purposes are constructed to feed both of their carbons, instead of the upper carbon only, as in the case of the ordinary arc lamp. Such lamps are called focus- ing lamps. Illumination, Unit of A standard of illumination proposed by Preece, equal to the illumination given by a standard candle at the distance of 12.7 inches. According to Preece, the illumination of the average streets of London, where gas is employed, is equal to about one-tenth of this standard in the neighborhood of a gas lamp, and about one- fiftieth in the middle space between two lamps. The term unit of illumination, in place of in- tensity of light, was proposed by Preece in order to avoid the very great difficulty in determining the intensity of a light in a street or space where there were a number of luminous sources, and where the directions of incidence of the different lights vary so greatly. A carcel standard at the distance of a metre will illumine a surlace to the same intensity of illumination as a standard candle at the distance of 12,7 inches. (See Candle, Foot.) Illumined Electrode. (See Electrode, Illumined?) Imbibition Currents. (See Currents, Im- bibition.] Images, Electric A term some- times applied to the charge produced on a neighboring surface by induction from a known charge. A positive charge produces, by induction, on a flat metallic surface near it, a negative charge which is distributed with varying density over the surface, but acts electrically as would an equal quantity of negative electricity placed back of the plate at the same distance the positive charge is in front of it. The correspondence of this charge with the image of an object seen in a plane mirror, has led to the term electric image. Maxwell defines electric image as follows: " An electric image is an electrified point, or system of points, on one side of a surface, which would pro- duce, on the other side of that surface, the same electrical action which the actual electrification of the surface really does produce." Impedance. Generally any opposition to current flow. The sum of the ohmic resistance and the spurious resistance of a circuit measured in ohms. A quantity which is related to the strength of the impressed electromotive force of a sim- ple periodic or alternating current, in the same manner that resistance is related to the steady electromotive force of a continuous current. In the case of steady currents, the current strength is equal to the electromotive force dl. vided by the resistance ; or, Electromotive force Current strength =; Resistance. In the case of a simple period ic or alternating cur. rent, the average current strength is equal to the average impressed electromotive force divided by the impedance; or, Average current strength = Average impressed electromotive force Impedance. Since impedance, like true resistance of the cir- cuit, can be measured in ohms, it is sometimes called the virtual resistance. Impedance is a quantity equal to the square root of the sum of the squares of the inductive resistance of the circuit and the ohmic resistance. In the case of simple periodic or alternating currents, the average current strength is equal to the average impressed electromotive force, divided by the impedance ; the maximum current strength lmp.J 276 [Inc. is equal to the maximum impressed electromotive force, divided by the impedance. The impedance of a circuit can be repre- sented geometrically as fol lows: Draw a right angled triangle (Fig. 296), the base of which represents the ohmic resistance of the cir- cuit, and the perpendicular, the inductive resistance C RESISTANCE Fig. 2<)b. Geometrical ' Representation of Itn- then the hypothenuse will pedance. represent the impedance. Since the ohmic resistance equals R, and the in- ductive resistance equals the inductance L, mul- tiplied by 2 it n, in which n, is the frequency, the value of the impedance is equal to /R a + 4 it* n L. Impedance Coil. (See Coil, Impedance!) Impedance, Impulsive or Oscillatory The impedance which a conductor offers to an impulsive or oscillatory dis- charge. The impulsive impedance varies in simple pro- portion to the frequency of the periodic current. It depends on the form and size of the circuit, but it is independent of its resistance or permeability. Imponderable. That which possesses no weight. A term formerly applied to the luminiferous or universal ether, but now generally aban- doned. It is very questionable whether it is possible for any form of matter to be actually imponderable or to possess no attraction for other matter. An imponderable fluid, as, for example, the universal ether, as the term is now generally em- ployed, is a fluid whose weight is comparatively small and insignificant, and not a fluid an infinite quantity of which would be entirely devoid of weight. Impressed Electromotive Force. (See Force, Electromotive, Impressed!) Impulse, Electro-Magnetic An im- pulse produced in the ether surrounding a conductor by the action of an impulsive dis- charge, or by a pulsating field. Impulse, Electromotive An im- pulse producing an impulsive rush of elec- tr'city. The term is employed to distinguish between the ordinary electromotive force which produces a steady current of electricity and an electromotive impulse which produces an impulsive rush of elec- tricity or impulsive discharge. Impulsion Cell. (See Cell, Impulsion!) Impulsion Effect. (See Effect, Impul- sion!) Impulsive Impedance. (See Impedance, Impulsive or Oscillatory!) Incandesce. To shine or glow by means of heat. Incandescence. The shining or glowing of a substance, generally a solid, by reason of a sufficiently high temperature. Incandescence, Electric The shin- ing or glowing of a substance, generally a solid, by means of heat of electric origin. Electric incandescence of solid substances differs from ordinary incandescence, in the fact that un- less the substance is electrically homogeneous throughout, the temperature is not uniform in all parts, but is highest in those portions where the resistance is highest and the radiation smallest. The deposition of carbon in and on a carbon conductor by the flashing process is quite different as performed by electrical incandescence, than it would be if the carbons were heated by ordinary furnace or other heat. (See Carbons, Flashing Process for.} Incandescence, Thermal The shin- ing or glowing of a substance, generally a solid, by means of heat other than that of electric origin. Incandescent. Shining or glowing with heat. Incandescent Ball Electric Lamp. (See Lamp, Electric, Incandescent Ball!) Incandescent Electric Lamp, Life Curve of (See Curve, Life, of Incandescent Lamp!) Incandescent Electric Lamp, Life of (See Lamp, Electric, Incandescent, Life of!) Incandescent Straight Filament Lamp. (See Lamp, Incandescent, Straight Fila- ment.} Inc.] 277 [Ind Incandescing. Glowing or shining by means of heat. Inclination, Angle of The angle which a magnetic needle, free to move in a vertical and horizontal plane, makes with a horizontal line passing through its point of support. The angle of magnetic dip. A magnetic needle, supported at its centre of gravity, and capable of moving freely in a ver- tical as well as in a horizontal plane, does not retain a horizontal position at all parts of the earth's surface. The angle which marks its deviation from the horizontal position is called the angle of dip or inclination. (See Dip, Magnetic.) Incandescent Electric Lamp. (See Lamp, Electric, Incandescent.) Inclination Chart. (See Chart, Inclina- tion.) Inclination Compass. (See Compass, In- clination.) Inclination, Magnetic The an- gular deviation from a horizontal position of a freely suspended magnetic needle. (See Dip, Magnetic. Chart, Inclination.) Inclination Map. (See Map or Chart, Inclination!) Inclination of Magnetic Needle. (See Needle, Magnetic, Inclination of) Inclinometer. A name sometimes given to an inclination compass. (See Compass, Inclination.) Incomplete Circuit. (See Circuit, In- complete.) Increased Electric Irritability. (See Irritability, Electric, Increased.) Increment Key. (See Key, Increment.) Increment Key of a Quadrnplex Tele- graphic System. (See Key, Increment, of Quadruple* Telegraphic System.) India Rubber. A resinous substance ob- tained from the milky juices of several tropi- cal trees. India rubber or caoutchouc is obtained from the Siphonia elastica of South America. India rubber is quite elastic and possesses high powers of electric insulation. When vulcanized or combined with sulphur, it still retains its powers of electric insulation in a high degree. In this state it is highly electrified by friction. (See Caoutchouc.) Indicating Bell. (See Bell, Indicating!) Indicator, Automatic Any auto- matic device for electrically indicating the number of times a circuit has been opened or closed, and thus the number of times a given operation has occurred which has caused the opening or closing of such circuit. An annunciator with an automatic drop is sometimes called an automatic indicator. (See Annunciator, Electro-Magnetic. Annunciator Drop, Automatic.) Indicator, Electric A name ap- plied to various devices, generally operated by the deflection of a magnetic needle, or the ringing of a bell, or both, for indicating, at some distant point, the condition of an electric circuit, the strength of current that is passing through it, the height of water or other liquid, the pressure on a boiler, the temperature, the speed of an engine or line of shafting, the working of a machine or other similar events or occurrences. A term sometimes used in place of annun- ciator. (See Annunciator, Electro-Magnetic.) Indicators are of various forms. They are generally electro-magnetic in character. They are automatic in action. Indicator, Electric Circuit A de- vice, generally in the form of a vertical gal- vanometer, employed to indicate the presence and direction of a current in a circuit, and often to roughly measure its strength. (See Galvanometer, Vertical.) Indicator, Electric, for Steamships An electric indicator operated by circuits connected with the throttle valve and revers- ing gear of the steam engine. The signal "stop, "for example, sent by the navigating officer to the engineer, causes him to close the throttle. This act places the indicator needle at "=top," and thus informs the officer that his signal has been obeyed. In the same Ind.] 278 [Inch manner, the opening of the throttle sets the in- dicator needle to "ahead," etc. Indicator, Electric Throwback An annunciator with a drop that is electrically replaced. (See Annunciator, Electro-Mag- netic^) Indicator, Lamp An apparatus used in the central station of a system of in- candescent lamp distribution to indicate the presence of the proper voltage or potential difference on the mains. Fig. 297. Edison-Htrwell Lamp Indicator. The lamp indicator of Edison and Howell is shown in Fig. 297. It consists essentially of a Wheatstone bridge with the resistances arranged as shown. A galvanometer at G, serves, by the movements of its magnetic needle, to act as an indicator. This needle remains at zero, when the potential difference is the exact voltage re- quired on the circuit with which the indicator is connected. The incandescent lamp at L, being one of the resistances, and being constantly traversed by the current, will have a fixed resist- ance for the temperature at which it is designed to run. The other resistances are so proportioned as to insure the needle at G, remaining at zero. If, however, the potential varies, the temperature of the lamp L, varies, and, being carbon, its re- sistance also varies, a rise of temperature cor- responding to a fall of lamp resistance, which destroys the balance of the bridge and deflects the galvanometer needle. The attendant then regulates the potential to bring the needle back to zero. Indicator, Mechanical Throwback An annunciator with a mechanical drop. (See Annunciator, Electro-Magnetic. An- nunciator, Drop. Annunciator, Gravity?) Indicator, Pendnlnm An annun- ciator, the indicating arm of which is operated by means of a pendulum. (See Annunciator, Pendulum?) Indicator, Potential An apparatus for indicating the potential difference between any points of a circuit. A voltmeter is a potential indicator. It is, however, more than an indicator, since it gives the value of the potential difference in volts. (See Voltmeter.} A lamp indicator is a potential in- dicator. (See Indicator, Lamp.) Indicator, Semaphore An annun- ciator in which a gravity drop or shutter is caused to fall by the action of the electric current, thus exposing a number of other signals back of the drop or shutter. Indicator, Speed A name some- times applied to a tachometer. (See Tachom- eter:) A form of speed indicator is shown in Fig. 298. The endless screw drives the wheel when the triangular point is held firmly against the centre of the revolving shaft or pulley. Fig. 298. Speed Indicator. Indicator, Voltaic Battery A de- vice for indicating the condition of a voltaic battery. Indifferent Point. (See Point, Indif- ferent?) Indirect Excitation. (See Excitation, Indirect?) Induced Atomic Currents. (See Cur- rents, Induced, Atomic or Molecular?) Induced Current. (See Current, In- duced?) Induced Direct Current. (See Current, Direct, Induced?) Induced Electrostatic Charge. (See Charge, Induced Electrostatic?) Induced Molecular Currents. (See Cur* rents. Induced Molecular?} Ind.] Induced Reverse Currents. (See Cur- rent, Reverse, Induced?) Inductance --- The induction of a circuit on itself, or on other circuits. Self-induction. A term now generally employed instead of self-induction. That property in virtue of which a finite electromotive force, acting on a circuit, does not immediately generate the full current due to its resistance, and when the electromotive force is withdrawn, time is required for the current strength to fall to zero. (Fleming.) A quality by virtue of which the passage of an electric current is necessarily accompanied by the absorption of electric energy in the formation of a magnetic field. The inductance of a circuit depends: (i. ) On the form or shape of the circuit. (2.) On the magnetic permeability of the space surrounding the circuit. (3.) On the magnetic permeability of the circuit itself. For the variations of current strength in elec- tric circuits, inductance is not unlike mass, or moment of inertia, as regards variations of velo- city. Time is required to produce velocity in a heavy body by the action of any force; so also time is required to produce a current by the action of an electromotive force. The electro-magnetic energy present in any given current is equal to the square of the current multiplied by the inductance. Since one of these factors (the current strength) represents the force, the other, the inductance, must have the dimension of a distance or length. Inductance, therefore, is measurable in units of length. If the circuits are formed of magnetizable materials, the inductance of a circuit is the ratio between the total inductance taking place through the circuit to the current producing it. If the circuit is formed entirely of non-magnetic material, surrounded entirely by materials of constant magnetic permeability (such as air, in- sulators and diamagnetic materials generally), the inductance is a constant quantity and depends only on the form or shape of the circuit. In this case, the total inductance through the circuit is pro- portional to the magnetizing force, and the mag- netic resistance, or the magnetic conductance of the magnetic circuit, is equal to the total indue- 279 [Ind. tion through the circuit, divided by the magnetiz- ing force. In cases where the magnetic circuit is partly or wholly of paramagnetic substances, where the induction bears no constant ratio to the magnetiz- ing force, and where the induction takes place partly or wholly in media of variable permeability, the co-efficient of self- induction, or the inductance, must be denned in three ways: (i.) As the ratio between the counter electro- motive force in any circuit and the time rate or variation of the current producing it. (2.) As the ratio between the total induction through the circuit and the current producing it. (3.) As the energy associated with the circuit in the form of magnetic field, due to unit current in that circuit, or as the co-efficient by which half the square of the current must be multiplied to obtain the electro-kinetic energy of the circuit at that instant. - (Fleming.) A flat sheet or strip of metal possesses less in- ductance than a round conductor of equal cross- section. This may be explained by conceiving that a flat conductor presents a greater absorption sur- face to the dielectric. Therefore, the perfect form for a conductor transmitting rapidly alternating currents is that of a flat sheet or strip of copper, or preferably a copper tube. The experiments of Hughes show that the in- ductance of a conductor may be regarded as an effect due to the time required for the rapidly periodic current to penetrate the conductor, and that the decrease in the inductance, produced by forming the conductor of a strip or bar, is due to the decreased distance the current has to pass to the inner parts. Inductance, Absolute Unit of A unit of length equal to one centimetre. A length equal to an earth quadrant or IO centimetres is called the practical unit of induct- ance. The practical unit of inductance was form- erly called a secohm or quadrant It is now gen- erally called a henry. (See Henry, A.) Inductance Bridge. (See Bridge, In- ductance) Inductance, Co-efficient of A con- stant quantity, such that when multiplied by the current strength passing in any coil or cir- cuit, will represent numerically the induction through the coil or circuit due to that curren*. Iiid. 280 rind. A term sometimes used for co-efficient of self-induction. (See Induction, Co-efficient of-} Inductance, Constant The induct- ance which occurs in circuits formed wholly of non-magnetic materials, immersed in or surrounded by media of constant magnetic permeability or magnetic conductance for lines of magnetic force. (See Permeability, Magnetic?) When the lines of magnetic force pass through such materials as ordinary insulators, or diamag- netic materials, such as copper, the inductance is constant, provided the geometric form of the cir- cuit remains the same. Inductance, Formal, of Circuit That part of the counter electromotive force of a circuit which depends on the form of the circuit. Inductance, or Self-Induction, Practical Unit of A length equal to the earth quadrant or 10 centimetres. The absolute unit of inductance is equal to i centimetre. Inductance, Oscillatory, Electric Inductance produced by electric oscillations. Inductance, Unit of A term now generally used for unit of self-induction. The value of the inductance may be given either in absolute or in practical units of induct- ance. The absolute unit of inductance is equal to a length of one centimetre. The practical unit of inductance is equal to 1,000,000,000 centi- metres or jo 1 centimetres. The praciical unit of inductance was formerly called a secohm. The term henry is generally used for this unit. (See Henry, A.) Inductance, Variable The induc- tance which occurs in circuits formed partly or wholly of substances like iron or other paramagnetic substances, the magnetic permeability of which varies with the inten- sity of the magnetic induction, and where the lines of force have their circuit partly or wholly in such material of variable magnetic permeability. Induction. An influence exerted by a charged body or by a magnetic field on. neigh- boring bodies without apparent communica- tion. A medium is necessary to connect the body producing the induction and that in which the induction is produced. (See Induction, Electro- static. Induction, Magnetic. Induction, Electro- Dynamic. ) Induction, Apparent Co-efficient of A term sometimes used for co-efficient of apparent magnetic induction. (See Induc- tion, Magnetic, Apparent Co-efficient of.} It is called the apparent co-efficient of induction because its value is different from what it would be if the eddy currents were entirely suppressed. The eddy currents increase the resistance of the primary and decrease its inductance. Induction-Balance, Hughes' (See Balance, Induction, Hughes'?) Induction, Balance of, in Cable The removal of induction in a cable by neutralization by the presence of equal and opposite effects. A balance is obtained of the inductive effects of the neighboring conductors, whether in the bunched cable or outside of it. Induction-Bridge. (See Bridge, Induc- tance?) Induction, Co-efficient of A term sometimes used for co-efficient of magnetic induction. (See Induction, Magnetic, Co- efficient of} Induction Coil. (See Coil, Induction} Induction Coil, Inverted (See Coil, Induction, Inverted. Transformer} Induction, Current A term some- times used for voltaic induction. (See Induc- tion, Voltaic. Induction, Electro-Dynamic} Induction, Dissymmetrical, of Armature An induction produced by the passage of a different number of lines of magnetic force through adjoining halves of the arma- ture. Induction, Electro-Dynamic = Elec- tromotive forces set up by induction in con- ductors which are either actually or practically moved so as to cut the lines of magnetic force. Ind.J I These electromotive forces, when permitted to act through a circuit, produce an electric current. Electro-dynamic induction may be produced in any circuit in two ways: (I.) By causing expanding or contracting lines of magnetic force to pass through that circuit. (2.) By causing the circuit or conductor to pass through the lines of magnetic force. In all cases the lines of force are made to pass through the conductor or wire. There are four cases of electro- magnetic induc- tion: (i.) That in which expanding or contracting lines of magnetic force, produced by rapidly vary- ing the current in any circuit, are caused to pass through or cut that circuit and consequently to produce differences of potential therein. (2.) That in which expanding or contracting lines of magnetic force produced by any circuit by the rapidly varying strength of the electric current passing through that circuit, are caused to pass through another neighboring circuit and thus produce differences of potential therein. (3.) That produced by moving a conductor through a magnetic field so as to cut its lines of magnetic force. In this way the strength of the magnetic field may remain practically constant, but this strength as regards the field of the fixed conductor is varying, as the magnet producing such a field is moved toward or from such cir- cuit, and m this way differences of potential are produced in the circuit. (4. ) That produced by moving an inducing field past a fixed conductor. This may le accom- plished by moving an electro-magnet, an electric circuit, or a permanent magnet past the conductor in which the difference of potential is to be in- duced. There are therefore four distinct varieties of electro-dynamic induction: (i.) Self-induction or inductance. (See Induct- ance.) (2.) Mutual induction, or, as it is sometimes called, voltaic current induction. (See Induction, Mutual.} (3.) Electro-magnetic induction, or, as it is sometimes calleJ, dynamo-electric induction. (4.) Magneto-electric induction. If the terminals of a voltaic cell be connected with the ends of a comparatively long coil of in- sulated wire, no appreciable spark will be observed on closing the cell, because the current induced by self-induction is in the opposite direction to the 281 [Ind. current of the cell and weakens it. On breaking contact, however, a spark is readily observed. This is due to the induced current on breaking, which, flowing in the same direction as the cur- rent of the cell, strengthens it. Fig. 299. Mutual Induction The coil B, Fig. 299, consists of two parallel coils of insulated wire, the terminals of one of which, called the primary coil, are connected with the battery cell P N, and those of the other, called the secondary coil, with the galva- nometer G. Under these circumstances it is found : (i.) That at the moment of closing the circuit through the primary coil, a momentary current is produced in the secondary coil in a direction opposite to that of the current through the primary, as is shown by the direction of the deflection of the needle of the galvanometer. (2.) At the moment of breaking the circuit through the primary coil, an induced current is produced in the secondary coil in the same direc- tion as that flowing through the primary coil. (3.) These induced currents are momentary, and continue in the secondary only while the in- tensity of the current in the primary is varying, *. ? Ind.j 286 [Ind. induction which takes place in the field of a magnet whose field is stationary as regards the body in which induction is occurring. The term static magnetic induction is used in contradistinction to dynamic magnetic induction which occurs in a moving field. (See Induction^ Electro-Dynamic. } Induction, Magnetic, Surface-Integral of A term employed in the same sense as the magnetic induction which takes place over a given area. Induction, Magneto - Electric A variety of electro-dynamic induction in which electric currents are produced by the motion of permanent magnets, or of conductors past permanent magnets. (See Induction, Elec- tro-Dynamic.} Induction, Mutual Induction pro- duced by two neighboring circuits on each other by the mutual interaction of their mag- netic fields. (See Induction, Electro-Dy- namic. Currents, Extra) Induction produced in neighboring charged conductors by the mutual interaction of their electrostatic fields. (See Field, Electro- static.} The mutual induction of two conductors or cir- cuits, is equal to the ratio of the induction which takes place through one of the circuits, to the strength of current in the other circuit, which is producing the induction Induction, Mutual, Co-efflcient of The quantity which represents the number of lines of force which are common to or linked in with two circuits, which are pro- ducing mutual induction on each other. The maximum value the co-efficient of mutual induction can have, is equal to the square root of the product of the inductance of the two circuits, or "1/L X N, in which L and N, are the constant co- efficients of self-induction of the two circuits. Induction, Mutual, Loops of Loops or lines of induction produced in any circuit by variations in the intensity of the current flowing in a neighboring circuit. The lines of induction produced by a circuit, in which a current of electricity is flowing, are closed loops or circles surrounding the circuit once or more. The wire or circuit is formed by coiling a conductor a number of times in a cir- cular coil, and this circular coil is placed near another coil in which a varying current is flowing. As the lines of induction grow or increase, ihey cut the circular coil, forming lines of induc- tion in the shape of loops, a number of whfch pass around it. They are called loops of mutual in- duction. Induction, Open-Circuit The in duction produced in an open circuit by means of electric pulses in neighboring circuits. The researches of Hertz have shown that when an impulsive discharge, or an oscillatory dis- charge, occurs, an induction occurs even in open circuited conductors. He shows that these induc- tive- effects are due to electro-magnetic waves or oscillations set up in the surrounding ether, which are propagated through free ether with the velocity of light. When these electro-magnetic waves or radiations impinge on any circuit, if it? dimensions be such that sympathetic vibrations can be excited therein, such vibrations are set up and cause similar phenomena to those of the ex- citing cause, viz., oscillatory discharges or elec- tro-magnetic vibrations. Hertz calls these sym- pathetic circuits, resonators, from their resem- blance to acoustic resonators. (See Resonators, Electric.) Induction, Oscillatory A name sometimes applied to open-circuit induction. (See Induction, Open-Circuit) Induction, Reflection of A term proposed by Fleming to express an action which resembles a reflection of inductive power. The coils A and B, Fig. 308, are arranged as Fig. 308. Reflaction of Induction* shown, so as to act as the primary and secondary respectively of an induction coil, and are placed Ind.] 287 [Inu conjugate or perpendicular to each other. (See Coils, Conjugate.) Therefore, no sounds are heard in the telephone T, when the current is rapidly reversed. If, however, a plate of copper, C, is placed in the position shown, then sounds are heard in the telephone. The action here resembles a reflection of the inductive action from A to B, by means of the plate C. The explana- tion is, of course, simple. Though A, can exert no action on B, because the two coils are conju- gate to each other, yet A, can produce secondary currents in C ; and these reacting on B, produce tertiary currents in C, and, therefore, sounds in the telephone. Induction, Self Induction produced in a circuit at the moment of starting or stop- ping the currents therein by the induction of the current on itself. (See Currents, Extra.) A coil having unit self-induction, is sometimes said to have one tube of induction, or line of force added to its field for each increase of one unit of current. Induction, Self, Absolute Unit of A term sometimes employed for absolute unit of inductance. (See Inductance, Absolute Unit of.) Induction, Self, Ayrton & Perry's Standard of A standard for the com- parison of values of self-induction. The standard of self-induction of Ayrton & Perry consists of three bobbins of wire, two fixed and one movable. The movable bobbin is so ar- ranged as to be capable of motion through 1 80 degrees within the fixed bobbins. The coils are wound on the surface of the zone of a sphere. This apparatus permits of the ready compari- son of the self-induction in different circuits, or in the same circuit under different conditions. Induction, Self, Co-efflcient of The number of lines of force the current would induce or enclose in itself when the current flowing through it is equal to one absolute unit. A term sometimes employed in the sense of inductance of a circuit. The co-efficient of self-induction is defined by Fleming as follows : "In the case of circuits con- veying electric currents, which are wholly made of non-magnetic material, and wholly immersed in a medium of constant magnetic permeability, the total induction through the circuit per unit of current flowing in that circuit, when removed from the neighborhood of all other magnets and circuits, is called the co-efficient of self-induction; otherwise the ratio of the numerical values of the electro -magnetic momentum of such circuit, and the current flowing in it, when totally removed from all other currents and magnets, is the nu- merical value of the inductance of the circuit. ' ' Since the magnetic lines due to a current in a circuit thread through the convolutions of the cir- cuit itself, any variation in the current induces a difference of potential in the circuit itself, since the lines of force produced by the current in the circuit pass through or cut the circuit. The ratio between this self-induced electromo- tive force, and the rate of change in the current which causes it, is called the co-efficient of self- induction.- (S. P. Thompson.) For a given coil the co-efficient of self-induction is, according to S. P. Thompson : (i.) Proportional to the square of the number of convolutions. (2.) Is increased by the use of an iron core. (3.) If the magnetic permeability is assumed as constant, the co-efficient of self-induction is nu- merically equal to the product of the number of lines of magnetic force due to the current, and the number of times they are enclosed by the circuit. Induction, Self, Magnetic A re- tardation in the appearance of magnetization, after the application of the magnetizing force, due to the influence of the magnetic lag. Magnetic retardation. This retardation in the magnetization has re- ceived the name of magnetic self-induction or re- tardation because it corresponds to the retarda- tion in the starting or stopping of a current, in a conducting circuit, due to the self-induction of thfe current. Induction, Self, Unit of The unit of inductance. (See Inductance, Unit of.) The unit of self-induction is now generally called the unit of inductance. Induction, Symmetrical, of Armature An induction produced by the simul- taneous passage of the same number of lines of magnetic force through adjoining halves of the armature. Ind.] 288 find. Induction Telegraphy, Current Induc- tion System of (See Telegraphy, In- duction, Current Induction System of.) Induction Telegraphy, Static Induction System of (See Telegraphy, Induc- tion, Static Induction System of.) Induction Top. (See Top, Induction.) Induction, Total Magnetic The total magnetic induction of any space is the number of lines of magnetic induction which pass through that space, where the magnetiz- able material is placed, together with the lines added by the magnetization of the magnetic material. Induction, Tubes of A portion of a magnetic field containing a number of closely contiguous lines of induction termi- nated by equipotential surfaces^ or surfaces perpendicular to the lines of induction. Tubes of induction possess the following char- acteristics : (I.) The product of a normal cross-section of a tube and the mean magnetic induction which takes place over that section is the same for all tross-sections of the tube. In other words, the flux or flow of induction is constant throughout the entire length of the tube. (2.) The normal cross-section of any equipoten- tial surface at any point of a tube of induction is inversely proportional to the magnetic induction at that point. (3.) All tubes of induction form endless tubes. This is necessary, since all lines of induction form closed circuits. (4.) All tubes of induction may be expressed by a single line of induction, which, in the case of a uniform field, occupies the centre of the tube. (See Force^ Tubes of.) Induction, Toltaic A variety of flectro-dynamic induction produced by cir- cuits on themselves or on neighboring circuits. Mutual induction. (See Induction, Elec- tro-Dynamic.) This kind of induction is usually called current induction. Induction, Unipolar A term some- times applied to the induction that occurs when a conductor is so moved through a magnetic field as to continuously cut its lines of force. If the conducting wire, ABC, Fig. 309, be n> 39' Unipolar Induction. tated (in a direction toward the observer) around the pole N, of a magnet, it will continuously cut its lines of magnetic force in practically the same direction, and will therefore produce a difference of potential that will result in a continuous cur- rent in the direction of the arrows. The end A, is supported in a recess in N, while the end near C, slides on a projection on the middle of the magnet. Unipolar induction occurs in the case of Stur- geon's wheel, in which a metallic disc mounted on an axis is rotated between the poles of a mag- net so as to cut the lines of magnetic force. In this case a difference of potential is generated which will produce a current that flows from the axis to the periphery, provided contact points are placed on the axis of rotation and the periphery of the disc connecting these parts of the disc in a closed circuit. Unipolar dynamos operate by the continuous cutting of lines of magnetic force. Strictly speaking, there is no such- thing as a unipolar dynamo or unipolar induction, since a single magnetic pole cannot exist by itself. Con- tinuous cutting of lines of magnetic force, how- over, can exist, and produces, unuke the ordinary bipolar induction, a continuous current without the use of a commutator. Inductionless Resistance. (See Resist- ance, Inductionless.) Inductive Capacity, Specific (See Capacity, Specific Inductive!) Inductive Circuit. (See Circuit, Indue* five.) 289 Inducwre Electromotive Force. (See Force, Electromotive. Inductive.) Inductive Retardation. (See Retarda- tion, Inductive.} Inductive Resistance. (See Resistance, Inductive.) Inductinty, Specific Magnetic A term sometimes employed for specific mag- netic conductivity. (See Conductivity, Spe- cific Magnetic?) Inductometer, Differential An apparatus for measuring, by means of a gal- vanometer, the momentary currents produced by the discharge of a cable. Currents produced by the discharge of a cable are of so short a duration that they do not pro- duce much more than a momentary effect on a galvanometer needle. The inductive charge in a cable, or the quan- tity of electricity produced in it by induction, is: (i.) Directly as the electromotive force of the charging battery; (2.) Inversely as the square root of the thick- ness of the coating of gutta-percha or other insu- lating material between the conducting wires and, the metallic sheathing; (3.) Directly as the square root of the diameter of the copper wire of the conductor; and (4. ) Dependent on the specific inductive capa- city of the insulating material employed in the cable. In order to cause the cable discharge to more thoroughly affect the galvanometer needle, Mr. Latimer Clark employed a differential instrument with a large battery and three reversing keys, by means of which he gave a rapid succession of charges to the cable. He called the instrument a Differential Inductometer. Indnctophone A device, suggested by Mr. Willoughby Smith, for obtaining electric communication between moving trains and fixed stations by means of the currents devel- oped by induction in a spiral of wire fixed on the moving engine, by its motion past spirals on the line, into which intermittent currents are passed. Tne spiral on the engine is placed in the circuit of a telephone. (See Teletrrat>}' . / ductive.\ Inductor Dynamo. (See Dynamo, Indue* tor.) Indnctorium. A name sometimes applied trt a Ruhmkorff induction coil. (See Coil, Induction.) Inequality, Annual, of Earth's Magnetic Variation or Inclination Annual variations in the value of the magnetic varia- tion or inclination at any place. (See Varia- tion, Magnetic. Inclination, Magnetic.) Inequality, Annual, of Earth's Magnet- ism Variations in the value of the earth's magnetism during the earth's revolu- tion depending on the position of the sun. Annual variations in the earth's magnetism. (See Variations, Magnetic, Annual.) Inequality, Diurnal, of Earth's Magnetic Variation or Inclination Diurnal variations in the value of the earth's magnetic variation or inclination. (See Variation, Magnetic. Inclination, Magnetic.) Inequality, Diurnal, of Earth's Magnet- ism Inequalities or variations in the value of the earth's magnetism, dependent on the position of the sun during Jhe earth's rotation. Inequality, Lunar, of Earth's Magnetic Variation or Inclination - Small va- riations in the value of the magnetic variation or inclination, dependent on the position of the moon as regards the magnetic meridian. Inequality, Lunar, of Earth's Magnet- ism Small variations in the value of the earth's magnetism dependent on the po- sition of the moon as regards the magnetic meridian. Inertia. The inability of a body to change its condition of rest or motion, unless some force acts on it. The inertia of matter is expressed in Newton's first law of motion, as follows "Every body tends to preserve its state of rest or of uniform motion in a straight line, except in so far as it is acted on by an impressed force." All matter possesses inertia. Inertia, Electric A term some- times employed instead of electro-magnetic inertia. (See Inertia, Electro-Magnetic.) Ine.J 290 [Ins. A term employed to indrate the tendency of a current to resist its stopping or starting. By self-induction an electromotive force is pro- duced in a wire or other conductor at the moment of starting the current in it that tends to oppose the starting of such current, and also an electro- motive force at the moment of stopping the cur- rent, in such a direction as to prolong or continue the current. In other words, self-induction tends to retard the rise or fall of the current. Fleming traces the following comparison be- tween the moment of inertia of a rotating wheel and the energy of its rotation on the one side, and the inductance of a circuit and the electro-mag- netic energy of the circuit on the other. (i.) The angular momentum of a fly-wheel is equal to the numerical product of its moment of inertia and the angular velocity of the wheel. Similarly the electro-magnetic momentum is equal to the product of the inductance of the circuit by the current flowing through it at any instant. (2.) The rate of change of the angular mo- mentum of the wheel, at any instant, is a measure of the rotational force of the couple acting at that instant. Similarly the rate of change of the electro-mag- netic momentum of the circuit is the measure of the electromotive force acting on it so far as mere change of current is concerned, and irre- spective of that part of the electromotive force re- quired to overcome the ohmic resistance. An electric current does not start or stop in- stantaneously. It requires time to do either, just as a stream of water or other fluid does, and it is this property which is referred to by the term electric inertia. Inertia does not appear to be possessed by electricity apart from matter. ' It is doubtful," says Lodge, "whether electricity of itself, and disconnected from matter, has any inertia." Inertia, Electro-Magnetic A term sometimes employed instead of inductance, or the self-induction of a current. (See In- ductance. Inertia, Electric?) Inertia, Electro-Magnetic, Co-efflcient of A term sometimes employed in place of the co-efficient of inductance or self-induct- ance of a circuit. Inertia, Magnetic The inability of a magnetic core to instantly lose or acquire magnetism. A magnet core tends to continue in the mag. netic state in which it was placed. The magnetic inertia is sometimes called the magnetic lag. To decrease the magnetic inertia, the strength of the magnetizing current is increased and the length of the iron core decreased. The iron should also be quite soft. (See Lag, Magnetic. Force, Coercive.') Inferred Zero. (See Zero, Inferred) Infinity Plug. (See Plug, Infinity.) Influence. A term sometimes used instead of electrostatic induction. (See Induction, Electrostatic) .The word influence is used by some to apply to the case of electrostatic induction, as distin- guished from electro-magnetic or magnetic induc- tion. Influence Charge. (See Charge, Influ- ence) Influence Machine. (See Machine, In- fluence) Inker, Morse A form of tele- graphic ink-writer. (See Ink- Writer, Tele- graphic) Ink- Writer, Telegraphic A device employed for recording the dots and dashes of a telegraphic message in ink on a fillet or strip of paper. A telegraphic ink-writer is a form of telegraphic recorder. (See Recorder, Morse.) Inside Wiring. (See Wiring, Inside) Insolation, Electric A term some- times employed for electric sunstroke, or electric prostration. (See Sunstroke, Elec- tric. Prostration, Electric) Installation. A term embracing the entire plant and its accessories required to perform any specified work. The act of placing, arranging or erecting a plant or apparatus. Installation, Electric The estab- lishment of any electric plant. An electric light installation, for example, in- cludes the steam engine and boilers, or other prime movers, the dynamo-electric machines, the line wires or leads, and the lamps. Insulated Body. (See Body, Insulated^ ins.] 291 fins. Insulating- Cements. (See Cements, In- sulating^ Insulating Sleere. (See Sleeve, Insula- ting) Insulating Stool. (See Stool, Insula- ting) Insulating Tape. (See Tape, Insula- ting) Insulating Tube. (See Tube, Insula- ting) Insulating Varnish. (See Varnish, Elec- tric) Insulation, Electric Non-conduct- ing material so placed with respect to a cori- ductor as to prevent the loss of a charge, or the leakage of a current. In the case of coils the character of the insula- tion of the coil of wires through which the cur- rent is to pass must be considered from the stand- point of the cooling of the coil by radiation. In considering the safest and most economical current density to employ in any dynamo or motor, the depth of the coil, i. e., the thickness of its coils, must be considered, as well as the char- acter of the materials employed for the insulation. Such substances as silk or wool, which are char- acterized by low heat conduction, retain the heat longer than cotton. Hence the depth of a silk covered coil should necessarily bele^s than that of one covered with cotton. Insulation Joint. (See Joint, Insula- tion.} Insulatian, Porons An insulating material containing air or gas placed between the conductor and the insulating covering. A strip of perforated paper is used for cover- ing the bare conductor, and the insulating ma- terial is placed on the outside of this ; or, a cord is wrapped separately around Ae conductor, and the insulating material is placed on the outside of this. By these means, as will be seen, a layer of air exists between the conductor and its insulating covering. Insulation Resistance. (See Resistance, Insulation) Insulation, Static A term em- ployed in electro-therapeutics for a method of treatment by convection stream or dis- charges, in which the patient is seated on an insulated stool connected to one pole or electrode of an influence marline, while the other pole or electrode is connected to the ground. Insulator Cap. (See Cap, Insulator) Insulator, Dice-Box A name some- times applied to a double-cone insulator. (See Insulator, Double-Cone) Insulator, Double-Cone An insu- lator in which the line wire passes through and is supported by means of a tube consisting of two inverted cones joined at their smaller bases. Insulator, Double-Cup An insula- tor consisting of two funnel-shaped cups, placed in an inverted position on the sup- porting pin and insulated from one another by a free air space, except near the ends, which are cemented. The wire is wrapped in a groove on the outside of the outer cup. This possesses the advantage of exposing it to the rain, which thus cleanses the insulator and improves its power of insulation. The inner cup is supported on a pin and the outer cup cemented to it. Any leakage must, there- fore, pass over the entire surface of both cups. Insulator, Double-Shackle A form of insulator used in shackling a wire, consist- ing of two single-shackle insulators. Insulator, Double-Shed A double- cup insulator. (See Insulator, Double-Cup) Insulator, Fluid An insulator pro- vided with a small, internally placed, annular, cup-shaped space, filled with an insulating oil, thus increasing the insulating power of the support. The line wire is wrapped in a groove on the outside of the insulator. Any surface leakage between the wire and ground in wet weather must occur between the outer surface of the insu- lator, which is kept cleansed by the rain, and the inner surface, where it is supported by the pin. But to do this, the current must cross the oil in the cup, which, from its high power of insulation, effectually prevents leakage. Insulator, Inrert An insulator Ins.] 292 [Int placed on the top of the wire instead of under- neath it, as was formerly done. Insulator, Oil A fluid insulator filled with oil. (See Insulator, Fluid.) Insulator Pins. (See Pins, Insulator.} Insulator, Single-Shackle A form of insulator used for shackling a wire. (See Shackling a Wire.) Insulator, Single-Shed An insula- tor with a single inverted cup. The wire is wrapped around a groove on the outside of the cup, where it is exposed to the cleansing action of the rain. The cup is inverted and supported on a pin, to which it is screwed and cemented. Insulator, Telegraphic or Telephonic A non-conducting support of tele- graphic, telephonic, electric light or other wires. Insulators are generally made of glass, earthen- Fig, 3 to. Glass Insulator. Fig. 311 Porcelain Insulator. ware, porcelain or hard rubber, and assume a variety of forms, some of which are shown in Figs. 310, 31 1 and 312. Of whatever material they are made, it is necessary that the surface on which the wire rests, or around which it is wrapped, should be smooth, so as to avoid fbrasion, either of its insulat ing covering or of the wire it- self. Two things are to be con sidered in the selection of an insulator, viz.; (i.) The insulating power of the material of which the in- sulator is composed, so as to Fig. 3x2. Hard reduce the leakage as much as Rub! >er Insulator. P0sible. (See Leakage ; Electric. \ (2.) The tensile strength of the material so that in case of heavy wires no breaks may result from the fracture of the insulator. Some forms of insulators are shown in Figs. 310,311 and 312. They are screwed to the pins by the threads shown. The insulating materials of which they are tormed are of glass, porcelain and hard rubber respectively. Insulator, Window-Tube A tube of vulcanite or other insulating material pro- vided for the insulation of a wire entering a room. The wire conductor passes through the middle of the tube, which is firmly fixed in an opening passing through the window frame. Insulator, Z A form of double- cup insulator in which the insulating material, earthenware or porcelain, is made in a single piece, instead of in two separate pieces. The body of the insulator is conical in form, and the interior air space presents a shape ap- proximately that of the letter Z. The double form is used in order to diminish the leakage. Intensity Armature. (See Armature, Intensity?) Intensity, Connection of Toltaic Cells for A term formerly employed for series- connected voltaic battery cells. (Obsolete.) Intensity, Magnetic Density of magnetic induction. Magnetic flux per square centimetre. A committee of the American Institute of Elec- trical Engineers on "Units and Standards," pro- poses the following definition for magnetic inten- sity: The induction density at a point within an ele- ment of surface is the surface differential at that point. The practical unit of magnetic intensity is to 9 or 100,000,000 C. G. S. lines per square cen- timetre. In practice, excluding the earth's field, intensi- ties range from 100 to 20,000 C. G. S. lines per square centimetre, and the working unit should, perhaps, have the prefix milli or micro. Intensity, Magnetic, Pole of The earth's magnetic poles as determined by means of the osculations of a magnetic need e. lot,] 293 [loii. The points ot the earth's greatest magnetic intensity. Intensity of Current (See Current, In- tensity of.} Intensity of Field. (See Field, Inten- sity of.) Intensity of Light. (See Light, Inten- sity of.} Intensity of Magnetization. (Sec Mag- netization, Intensity of.} Intensity, Photometric, Unit of - The amount of light produced by a candle that consumes two grains of spermaceti wax per minute. (See Candle.) Inter Air Space. (See Space. Inter Air.) Intercrossing. In a system of telephonic communication, a device for avoiding the dis- turbing effects of induction by alternately crossing equal sections of the line. (See Connection, Telephonic Cross.) Interference of Electro-Magnetic Wares. (See Waves, Electro-Magnetic, Interference of.) Interlocking Apparatus. (See Appa- ratus Interlocking.) Intermittent Contact. (See Contact, In- termittent.) Intermittent Cross. A form of electnc cross. (See Cross. Electric.) Intermittent Current. (See Currant. In- termittent.) Intermittent Disconnection. (S-* Dis- connection, Intermittent ) Intermittent Earth. (See Earth, Inter- mittent.) Internal Circuit. (See Circuit, In- ternal.) internal Polarization of Moist Bodies. 'See Polarization, Internal, of Moist Bodies.) Interrupter. Any device for interrupting or breaking a circuit. Interrupter, Automatic An auto- matic contact breaker (See Make~and- Break. Automatic.) Interrupter, Reed A term some times applied to a tuning-fork interrupter. (See Interrupter, Tuning-Far k.) Interrupter, Tuning-Fork An in- terrupter in which the successive makes and breaks are produced by the vibrations of a tuning-fork or reed. The tuning-fork or reed is maintained in vibra- tion by any suitable means. Such interrupters are applied to various uses. Synchronous mul- tiplex telegraphy affords an example of such uses. Invariable Calibration of Galvanometer (See Calibration, Invariable, of Galva- nometer.) Inverse Electromotive Force. (See Force. Electromotive, Inverse.) Inverse or Make-Induced Current. (See Current, Make-Induced) Inverse Secondary Current (See Cur. rent, Inverse Secondarv^ Inversion, Thermo-Electric An inversion of the thermo-electric electromotive force of a couple at certain temperatures. (See Diagram, Thermo-Electric.) Invert Insulator. (See insulator, In- vert.) Inverted Induction Coil. (See Coil, Induction. Inverted.) Inverted Type of Dynamo. (See Dy- namo, Inverted) Invisible Electric Floor Matting. (See Matting, Invisible Electric Floor.') Ions. Groups of atoms or radicals which result frcra the electrolytic decomposition of a molecule. The iont are respectively electro-positive and electro-negative. The electro-positive ion ap- pears at the plate connected with the tlectro- negative terminal^ or at the kathode, and is called the kaihion. The electro-negative ion appears at the plate connected with the clearo-positive teYminal^ 01 at the anode t and is called the anion. (See Electrolysis, Kathion. Anion.) Ions, Electro-Negative The neg- ative atoms, or groups of atoms, called rad- icals, into which the molecule? of an electro- lon.J [Iso. lyte are decomposed by electrolysis. (See Electrolysis) The electro-negative ions are called the anions, because they appear at the anode of a decompo- sition cell. (See Anions. Anode.) Ions, Electro-Positive The pos- itive atoms, or groups of atoms, called rad- icals, into which the molecules of an electro- lyte are decomposed by electrolysis. (See Electrolysis.) The electro-positive ions are called the kathions, because they appear at the kathode of a decom- position cell. (See Kathion. Kathode.) Iron-Clad Electro-Magnet. (See Mag- net, Electro, Iron-Clad?) Iron-Clad Magnet. (See Magnet, Iron- Clad) Iron Core, Effect of, on the Magnetic Strength of a Hollow Coil of Wire - An increase in the number of lines of mag- netic force, beyond those produced by the current itself, due to the opening out of the closed magnetic circuits in the atoms or molecules of the iron. The atoms or molecules of the iron possess naturally closed magnetic circuits, or closed lines of magnetic force, lying entirely within the mass of the iron. When the iron is placed in a magnetic field, these minute closed circuits open out and are added to the lines of force produced by the circuit itself. The opening out of these closed atomic or molecular lines of magnetic force is at- tended by the formation of lines of polarized molecules or atoms. Roughly speaking, according to Lodge, for each single line of magnetic force produced by the electric current, there are some 3,000 lines of magnetic force added to it from the iron, the ex- act number varying with the kind of iron, the physical condition of the iron and the degree of magnetization. Iron, Galvanized Iron covered by a layer of zinc by dipping it in a bath of molten zinc. The process of galvanizing iron is designed to prevent the corrosion or rusting of the iron on exposure to the air. (See Metals, Electrical Pro- tection of.) The word galvanized probably had its origin in an assumed galvanic or voltaic action, in causing the zinc to adhere to the iron. The true galvanic or voltaic action, viz., the galvanic protection, comes after the galvanizing process is completed. Iron-Work Fault of Dynamo. (See Fault, Iron- Work, of Dynamo) Irreversible Heat. (See Heat, Irreversi- ble) Irritability, Electric Irritability of nervous or muscular tissue by an electric discharge. Irritability, Electric, Diminished A decreased irritability of nervous or muscu- lar tissue, produced by an electric current of given strength. Diminished electric irritability is often present in certain diseases of the motor apparatus. Irritability, Electric, Increased An irritability of nervous or muscular tissue produced by a much weaker electric current than that required to produce it in normal tissue. Irritability, Faradic Muscular contractions produced by the action of a faradic current on a nerve. The action of the faradic current is to cause a prolonged tonic contraction, which continues while the current continues. Though the natural action is to produce a contraction, followed by a relaxation on each make and break, yet the makes and breaks follow one another so rapidly that the relaxation has not time to occur before the next contraction follows. Irritability, Galvanic Muscular contractions produced by the action of a gal- vanic current. The action of a galvanic current is to cause a single, quick, momentary contraction of a muscle on each starting or completion of the circuit. The contractions are stronger in the case of galvanic currents when the direction of the cur - rent is reversed with a commutator instead of by an actual break at the poles. Such a break is called a voltaic alternative, and the currents so pro- duced voltaic alternatives. (See Alternative.-, Vo'.taic.) Isobaric Lines. (See Lines, Isobaric) Isobars. Lines connecting places on the ISO.] 295 [Jar. earth's surface which have the same barome- tric pressure. The isobaric lines are generally corrected for iiSerences of elevation of the surface. Isobars are often called isobaric lines. A study of the isobaric lines, or isobars, is of great assistance in making forecasts or predictions of coming changes in the weather. Isocuasmen Curves. (See Curves, Iso- ckasmen?) ISOChronism. Equality of time of vibra- tion or motion. Isochronize. To produce equality of time of vibration or motion. (See Jsochron- zsm?) Isochronizing. Producing equality of time of vibration or motion. (See Isochron- tsm.) Isochronous Yibrations or Oscillations. (See Vibrations or Oscillations, Isochron- ous^ Isoclinic Chart. (See Chart, Inclina- tion^) Isoclinic Lines. (See Lines, Isoclinic?) Isodynamic Chart. (See Chart, Isody- namic?) Isodynamic Lines. (See Lines, Isody- namic?) Isodynamic Map. (See Chart, Isody- namic?) Iso-Electric Points. (See Points, Iso- Electric?) Isogonal. Pertaining to the isogonic lines. Isogonal lanes. (See Lines, Isogonal.) Isogonal Map or Chart (See Map or Chart, Isogonal?) Isogonic. Pertaining to the isogonal lines. Isogonic Chart (See Chart, Isogonic?) Isogonic Lines, (See Lines, Isogonic?) Isogonic Map. (See Map, Isogonic?) Isolated Electric Lighting. (See Light- ing, Electric, Isolated?) Isolatine. A kind of insulating material. Isothermal Surfaces. (See Surfaces, Iso- thermal?) Isotropic Conductor. (See Conductor, Isotropic?) Isotropic Medium. (See Medium, tropic?) J. A contraction proposed for Joule. Jablochkoff Candle. (See Candle, Jab- tochkoff.) Jacketed Magnet. (See Magnet, Jack- eted?) Jacobi's Law. (See Law,Jacobi's?) Jar, Electric A name formerly given to the Leyden jar. Jar, Leyden A condenser in the form of a jar, in which the metallic coatings are placed opposite each other on the outside and the inside of the jar respectively. The metal coatings should not extend to more than two-thirds of the height of the jar, the rest of the glass being varnished to avoid the creeping of the charges over the glass in damp weather, i'hc inside coating is connected by means of a metallic chain to a knob on the top of the jar, as shown in Fig. 313. The conductor supporting the knob passes through a dry cork or plug of some insulating material. To charge the jar, the outside coating is con- nected with the earth, as by holding it in the hand, and the outside coating is connected with the conductor of a machine. (See Condenser. Accu- mu/jfor. ) The inner coating of the jar is usually con- nected with the knob by means of a chain or wire ***3*3. as shown above. This necessitates a support for the ball and stem, which is generally obtained by a cork or wooden plug inserted in the mouth of Jar.T 296 [Jet. the jar. Such a form, however, is extremely ob- jectionable, since, although the top of the jar be Covered with shellac varnish to avoid leakage, it affords but a poor insulation in damp weather, be- sause both the metallic rod supporting the ball and 'fig, 3 1 4.0 Sir William Thomson's Leyden Jar. the damp wood or cork are in connection with the glass and thus facilitate leakage. To overcome these objections a form of jar has been devised by Sir William Thomson, in which the knob is supported on three feet, which rest on the inner coating. In this form the uncoated glass can be readily kept dry and clean. This form is shown in Fig. 314. A layer of sulphuric acid is sometimes employed for the inner coating of the Leyden jar. This serves the double purpose of acting as a coating and an absorber of moisture during damp weather. Jar, Leyden, Capacity of The quantity of electricity a Leyden jar will hold at a given difference of potential. The capacity of a jar is equal to the quantity of electricity divided by the difference of potential such quantity produces in the jar; or the capacity = y, where Q = the quantity, and V, the differ- ence of potential. Jar, Leyden, Coatings of (See Coatings of Leyden Jar.) Jar, Lightning A Leyden jar, the coatings of which consist of metallic filings. As the discharge passes, an irregular series of sparks appear, which somewhat resemble in their shape a lightning flash. Hence the origin of the term. Jar of Secondary Cell. The containing vessel in which the plates of a single secondary cell are placed. Jar, Porons A porous cell. (See Cell, Porous.) Jar, Scintillating A Leyden jar, the coatings 'of which, instead of being formed of continuous sheets of tin-foil or other con- ducting substances, are formed of small pieces of such substances, placed at regular intervals on the glass or dielectric so as to leave a small space between them. Such a jar has received the name of scintillat- ing jar, because when discharged by connecting its two opposite coatings the discharge appears as minute sparks, which jump across the space between the metallic pieces. Jar, Unit A small Leyden jar some- times employed to measure approximately the quantity of electricity passed into a Leyden battery or condenser. As shown in Fig. 315, the unit jar consists of a small Leyden jar j, whose outer coating is con- nected with a sliding metallic rod b, provided at each end with a rounded knob, and the inner coating of which is con- nected with a metallic knob c, placed as shown, inside a glass jar d, opposite a ball on the lower end of b. When, now, the inside of the unit jar, or the end con- nected with c, is connected with the charging source, such as a machine, and the outside at a, is connected with the jar or jars to be charged, for i ,, . , Fig- 3 ' 5- Unit Jar. every spark that passes be- tween d and c, a definite quantity has passed a. The value of this unit charge may be varied by varying the distance between d and c. The smaller the unit jar is in proportion to the jar to be charged, and the shorter the distance between c and d, the more reliable are the com- parative results obtained. Jars, Leyden, Charging, by Cascade (See Cascade, Charging Leyden Jars by.) Jet, Gas, Carcel Standard A lighted gas jet employed for determining the candle-power of gas by measuring the height Jet.] 297 [Joi. of a jet of gas burning under a given press- ure, and used in connection with the light of a larger gas burner, burning under similar conditions, for the photometric measurement of electric lights. Fig 316. Seven-Carcel Standard G.^s Jet. Fig-. 317. Carcel Candle Burner. In Fig. 316 is shown a section of a seven-carcel standard gas jet, and in Fig. 317, a section of a candle burner, connected within the same service pipe. The gas for both burners is received in a chamber, from whence it passes by an opening to the burner, under the constant pressure obtained by the weight of the bell C, ar.d the tube A. The burner shown in Fig. 317, which is used as the standard of comparison, will give a candle->ower determined from the height of the jet of the burning gas. This height is measured in milli- metres by the motion of a circular screen. The determination of the candle-power of gas by means of a jet photometer is only approximately correct, unless many precautions are taken. Jet Photometer. (See Photometer, Jet^ Jewelry, Electric Minute incan- descent electric lamps substituted for the rarer gems in articles of jewelry. The lamps are lighted by means of small pri- mary or storage batteries, carried in the pocket or elsewhere on the person. Joint, . American Twist A tele- graphic or telephonic joint in which each of the two wires is twisted around the other. (See /(?//, Telegraphic or Telephonic^ The twisted joint is sometimes subsequently soldered. Fig 318. American Twist Joint. The American twist joint is shown in Fig. 318. This joint is easily made and is very serviceable. Joint, Bell-Hanger's A joint for telegraphic or telephonic wires in which the ends are merely looped together. (See Joint, Telegraphic or Telephonic?) Joint, Britannia A telegraphic or telephonic joint in which the wires are laid side by side, bound together and subsequently soldered. (See Joint, Telegraphic or Tele- phonic^) Fig. 311). Britannia Joint. The Britannia joint is shown in Fig. 319. No, 16 wire, B. W. G., is used as the binding wire. Joint, Butt An end-to-end joint. A joint effected in wires by placing the wires end on and subsequently soldering. Butt joints are formed by bringing the ends to be joined together and securing them while in such position. Joint, Butt and Lap, of Belts The joint in a leather belt, employed for transmit- ting power from a line of shafting where the ends are simply brought together and laced, is called a butt joint, in contradistinction to a lap joint, or a joint formed by placing one end of the belt over the other and lacing or rivet- ing the two. In using delicate galvanometers, the slightest change in the speed of the engine driving the dynamo-electric machine producing the current, causes an annoying fluctuation of the needle that prevents accurate reading, when lap joints are usect in the belt instead of butt joints, unless the former are very carefully made. Lap joints may also cause a flickering in the lights. When, however, lap joints are made by cutting the belt by an oblique section and properly securing them so that their Joi.] 298 [Joi. elevation at the joint is no greater than elsewhere, the lap joint is preferable to the butt joint. Joint, Expansion A joint for under- ground conductors, tubes or pipes, exposed to considerable changes of temperature, in which a sliding joint is provided to safely permit a change of length on expansion or contraction. Joint, Insulation A joint in an insu- lating material or covering in which a conti- nuity is insured in the conducting as well as the insulating substance. Joint, Lap A joint effected by over- lapping short portions near the ends of the things to be joined, and securing them while in such position. Joint, Lap, for Wires A joint effected between two wires by overlapping their ends and subsequently soldering. Joint, Magnetic The line of junc- tion between two separate parts of magnetiza- ble materal. Magnetic joints should be of such a nature as to permit the passage of the lines of magnetic force with the least increase in the resistance of the magnetic circuit Magnetic joints in the field magnets of a dynamo- electric machine should be as few as possible, since the resistance of the best magnetic joint to the passage of the lines of force is necessarily greater than that of the same material without such joints. Joint, Metallic Conducting A joint in a conductor in which a continuity of con- ducting power is secured. Joint Resistance of Parallel Circuits. (See Resistance, Joint, of Parallel Circuits?) Joint, Sleeve A junction of the ends of conducting wires obtained by passing them through tubes and then twisting and soldering. All joints should be soldered, but in so doing care must ba taken that the soldering liquid or solid employed is free from acids or other corro- sive materials, and that all traces of the soldering liquid or solid are removed from the wire before the joint is covered with insulating material. Kerite, okonite or other insulating tape, should preferably be wrapped around the joint after it is soldered. in making a joint in a giitta-percha covered wire, such as a submarine cable, the following method may be employed: The bared and cleansed wires are twisted together and soldered. The soldered joint is then covered with a layer of plastic insulating material made of a mixture of gutta-percha, tar and rosin. (See Chatterton's Compound.'} In order to insure a good junction between this and the gutta-percha covering on the rest of the -wire, the outer surface of the gutta- percha is removed for about two inches from each side of the joint, so as to remove its oxidized sur- face. After the coating is put on, it is warmed gently by a warm joining tool, not by the flame of a lamp. A sheet of -warmed gutta-percha is then wrapped around the joint, and while it and the joint are still hot, another coating of the plastic insulating material is applied. Successive layers of gutta-percha and some other insulating material are generally applied in the case of sub- marine cables. (Culley.) Joint, Telegraphic, Mclntire's Parallel Sleeve A joint for telegraphic or other wires, in which the ends to be joined are slipped into parallel sleeves or tubes, which are afterward twisted around each other. A general view of the parallel sleeve joint, both before and after twisting, is shown in Fig. 320. Fig. 330. Mclntire's Parallel Sleeve Joint. The twisting is done by means of the specially devised twisting clamp shown in Fig. 321. Fig. 321. Twisting Clamp for Mclntire's Para Joint, Telegraphic or Telephonic A juncture of the ends of two electric con- ductors so as to insure a permanent junc- tion whose resistance shall not be appreci- ably greater per unit of length than that of the rest cf the wire. Joi.] 299 In making a joint, care should always be taken to scrape the insulating material from the wires and clean their surfaces before twisting them to- gether. Telegraph wires were formerly joined by the ordinary bell-hangers' joint; that is, the wires were simply looped together. The constant vibrations to which the wires are subjected caused such a joint to be abandoned and an improvement intro- duced by bolting the ends together, as shown in Fig. 322. [Kao. Fig. 322. Telegraphic Joint. Joint, Testing of Ascertaining the resistance of the insulating material around a joint in a cable. The resistance of the insulating material of a cable at a joint is necessarily high, since the joint forms but a small part of length of the cable. It should not, however, be large as compared with an equal length of another part of the cable with a perfect core. Two methods for testing cable joints are gener- ally employed, viz. : (I.) A conductor is charged through the joints for a given time, and the deflection obtained by its discharge compared with the discharge of the same condenser charged for an equal length of time through a few feet of perfect cable. (2.) A charged conductor is permitted to dis- charge itself through the joint, and the amount lost in a given time noted. For description of different methods, see Kempe's " Handbook of Electrical Testing." Joulad. A term proposed for the Joule. This term is not generally adopted. (See Joule.} Joule. The unit of electric energy or work. The volt-coulomb. The amount of electric work required to raise the potential of one coulomb of elec- tricity one volt. The joule may be regarded as a unit of energy or work in general, apart from electrical work or energy. I joule .......... = 10,000,000 ergs. I joule .......... = . 73732 foot-pounds. I joule .......... = i volt-coulomb. I joule .......... = .24 calorie. 4.2 joules ......... = i small calorie. I joule per second = i watt. The British Association proposed to call one joule the work done by one watt in one second. Joule, as a Heat Unit. The quantity of heat developed by the passage of a current of one ampere through a resistance of one ohm. Joule Effect. (See Effect, Joule) Joule's Cylindrical Electro-Magnet (See Magnet, Electro, Joule's Cylindrical.) Joule's Law. (See Laws of Joule?) Junction Box. (See Box, Junction^ .Tump-Spark Burner. (See Burner, fump-Spark^ Junction, Thermo-Electric. A junction between any thermo-electric couple. (See Cell, Thermo-Electrzc) K. A contraction for electrostatic capa- city. (See Capacity, Electrostatic^ K. C. C. In electro-therapeutics, a brief method of writing kathodic closure contrac- tion, or the effects of muscular contraction abserved at the kathode on the closure of a circuit. K. I). C. In electro-therapeutics, a brief method of writing kathodic duration con- traction, or the effects of muscular contrac- tion observed at the kathode after the current has been passing for some time. K. W. A contraction for kilo-watt. (See Watt, Kilo.) Kaolin. A variety of white clay some- times employed for insulating purposes. Jablochkoff sometimes employed kaolin be- tween the parallel carbons of his electric candle Kap.] 300 [Key. for the purpose of insulating them from each other. He also devised an electric lamp in which a spark of considerable difference of potential, obtained from an ordinary induction coil, was caused to raise a surface of kaolin to incan- descence by passage over it. Eapp Lines. (See Lines, Kapp) Kartarert. A kind of insulating material. Katelectrotonus. A word sometimes used instead of kathelectrotonus. (See Kathe- lectrotonus) Kathelectrotonic State. (See State, Kathelectrotonic) Katheleetrotonic Zone. (See Zone, Kathelectrotonic^ Kathelectrotonns. In electro-therapeu- tics, the condition of increased functional ac- tivity that occurs in a nerve in the neighbor- hood of the kathode or negative electrode. (See Electrotonus.) Kathion. The electro-positive ion, atom or radical into which the molecule of an electrolyte is decomposed by electrolysis. (See Electrolysis. Ions.) Kathion is sometimes written cathion. In electrolysis the kathion, or the electro-posi- tive ion or radical, appears at the kathode or electro-negative electrode. Similarly, the anion, or the electro-negative ion or radical, appears at the anode or the electro-positive electrode. Kathodal. Pertaining to the kathode. (See Kathode.) Kathode. The conductor or plate of an electro-decomposition cell connected with the negative terminal or electrode of a battery or other source. The word kathode is sometimes applied to the negative terminal of a battery or source, whether connected with a decomposition cell or not. It is preferable, however, to restrict its use to de- composition cells. (See Anode.) The word kathode is sometimes written cathode. Kathodic. Pertaining to the kathode. (See Kathode.) Kathodic Electro-Diagnostic Reactions. (See Reactions, Electro-Diagnostic) Keeper of Magnet. (See Magnet, Keeper Kerite. An insulating material. Kerr Effect (Se& Effect, Kerr.) Key Board. (See Board, Key.) Key, Capillary Contact A form of fluid contact in which the circuit is closed or broken by means of a wire which is dipped into or removed from the surface of a mass of mercury. In order to avoid an increase in the resistance of the circuit, due to the formation of oxide ot mercury, the contact surface of the mercury is kept covered with a layer of dilute alcohol. Key, Discharge A key employed to enable the discharge from a condenser or cable to be readily passed through a galva- nometer for purposes of measurement. Key, Discharge, Kempe's A dis- charge key constructed as shown in Fig. 323. Fig. 323. Kempe's Discharge Key. The solid lever, hinged at one extremity, plays between two contacts connected to two terminals, and has two finger triggers at its free end marked 'Discharge" and "Insulate," connected respec- tively to two ebonite hooks. The hook attached to that marked " Discharge " is a little higher than the other, so that when the lever is caught against it, the key rests in an intermediate position be- tween the contacts, and, when caught against the lower trigger, it rests against the bottom contact. When in the last position, a depression of the " Insulate " trigger causes the lever to spring up against the second hook, thus insulating it from either contact, and on the depression of the "Dis- charge " trigger, the lever springs up against the top contact. Key, Discharge, Webb's A dis- charge key constructed as shown in Fig. 324. A horizontal lever L, Fig. 324, passing between two contacts and hinged at J, is pressed upward by a spring. The free end of this lever termi- nates in two steps, I and 2. A vertical lever, pro- Key.] 301 [Key. vided with an insulating handle, is jointed at J', and has at C, a projecting metallic tongue that engages in the upper step when the lever H, is vertical, and on the lower step when it is slightly mored from the free end. When the projection C, rests on the lower step 2, the lever L, is intermediate between the top and bottom contacts, and is, therefore, discon- If Fig. 324. Webb's Discharge Key. nected from either of them; but, when it rests on the upper step, it is in contact with the lower contact. When the lever H, is so moved as to have the projection C, away from both steps, the lever L, is pressed by its spring against the upper contact. The battery terminals axe connected with the condenser terminals when the lever L, is touching the lower contact, but when the lever L, touches the top contact, the condenser is connected with the galvanometer terminals. Key, Double-Contact Form of Bridge, Sprague's A key designed to succes- sively close two separate circuits. K 123 4 Fig. 325. Spr ague's Double-Contact Key. Sprague's double-contact key is shown in Fig. 325. On depressing K, the contacts c, c, are first closed and afterwards contacts at c', c'. Metallic pieces, I, 2, 3 and 4, serve to make contacts with apparatus used in connection with the key. The battery circuit is connected to I and 2, and the galvanometer to 3 and 4, so that the bat- tery circuit is closed first, and the galvanometer afterwards. This form of key is used in connec- tion with the Wheatstone Bridge. Key, Double-Contact, Lambert's A key used in cable-work, and constructed as shown in Fig. 326. fff 326. Lambert's Double- Contact Key. In Thomson's method for the determination of electrostatic capacity, the capacity of the cable is compared with that of a condenser containing a known charge. These two charges are so con- nected electrically as to discharge into and neutralize each other if equal, but if not, t> pro- duce a galvanometer deflection by a charge equal to their difference. A Lambert double contact key is shown in Fig. 326. The connections are such that the pushing forward of K, depresses keys that permit a bat- tery to simultaneously charge the condenser and the cable. On drawing K, back, the two charges are allowed to mix. Then on depressing K, the difference of the charges, if any, is discharged through the galvanometer. . Key, Double-Tapper The key used in a system of needle telegraphy to send electric impulses through the lines in alter- nately opposite directions. (See Telegraphy, Single-Needle?) Key, Increment A telegraphic key so connected that an increase cr increment in the line current occurs whenever the key is depressed. The increment key is used in duplex and quad- ruplex systems of telegraphic transmission. Key, Increment, of Quadruples Tele- graphic System A key employed to increase the strength of the current and so operate one of the distant instruments in a Key.] 302 [Key. quadruplex system by an increase in the strength of the current. (See Telegraphy, Quadruplex^) Key, Magneto-Electric A tele- graph key for sending an electric impulse into a line, so arranged that a coil of wire on an armature connected with the key lever is, < by the movements of the key, moved toward or from the poles of a permanent magnet, the movements of the key thus producing the currents sent into the line. Key, Plug A simple torm of key in which a connection is readily made or broken by the insertion of a plug of metal between two metallic plates that are thus introduced into a circuit. A form of plug key is shown in Fig. 327. Fig. 327. Plug Key. Key, Reversing - A key inserted in the circuit of a galvanometer for obtaining deflections of the needle on either side of the galvanometer scale. A form of reversing key is shown in Fig. 328. The galvanometer terminals are connected-to the binding posts 2 and 3, and the circuit terminals to the other two posts. On depressing K, the 3 Fig. 328. Reversing Key. Current flows in one direction and on depressing K', it flows in the opposite direction. Clamps, operated by handles, are provided so as to close either of the keys permanently, if so desired. Key, Reversing, of Quadruplex Tele- graphic System A key employed to reverse the direction of the current and so operate one of the distant instruments, in a quadruplex system, by a change in the direction of the current. (See Telegraphy, Quadruplex.) Key, Short-Circuit A key which in its normal condition short circuits the gal- vanometer. Fig. 329. Short-Circuit Key. Such a short-circuit key is provided for the purpose of protecting the galvanometer from in- jury by large currents being accidentally passed through its coils. In the form shown in Fig. 329, the spring S, rests against a platinum contact ; but when depressed by the insulated head at K, it rests against an ebonite contact, and throws the galvanometer into the desired circuit. The key is provided with double binding posts at P and N, for convenience of attachment to re- sistance coils, batteries, etc. In the form of a short-circuit key shown in Fig. 330, a catch is provided for the purpose of keep- ing the key down when once depressed. Its arrangement will be readily understood from an inspection of the figure. JC Fig. 330. ShoH-Circuit Key. Key, Sliding-Contact The key em- ployed in the slide form of Wheatstone bridge, to make contact with the wire over which the sliding contact passes. (See Bridge, Electric, Slide Form of.) 303 [Kit. Key, Stationary Floor An electric key or push button placed on the floor so as to be readily closed by the foot. This form of key is especially suitable for use in connection with an electric bell and annuncia- tor for readily calling an attendant. (See Annun- ciator, Electro-Magnetic.} Key, Telegraphic The key em- ployed for sending over the line the successive makes and breaks that produce the dots and dashes of the Morse alphabet, or the deflec- tions of the needle of the needle telegraph. (See Telegraphy, American System of.) Kick. A recoil. Kicking Coil. (See Coil, Kicking.) Kilo (as a prefix). One thousand times. Kiloampere. One thousand amperes. Kiloampere Balance. (See Balance, Kiloampere^) Kilodyne. One thousand dynes. (See Dyne.) Kilogramme. One thousand grammes, or 2.2046 pounds avoirdupois. (See Weights, French System of) Kilojoule. One thousand joules. Kilometre. One thousand metres. Kilowatt. One thousand watts. Kilowatt Hour. (See Hour, Kilowatt!) Kine. A unit of velocity proposed by the British Association. A kine equals I centimetre per second. Kinetic Energy. (See Energy, Kinetic.) Kinetic Theory of Matter. (See Matter, Kinetic Theory of.) Kinetics, Electro A term some- times applied to the phenomena of electric currents, or electricity in motion, as distin- guished from electrostatics, or the phenom- ena of electric charges, or electricity at rest. Kinetograph. A device for the simultane- ous reproduction of a distant stage and its actors under circumstances such that the actors can be heard at any distance from the theatre. The sounds heard by the distant audience are actual reproductions of those uttered during the performance, though not at the time of their utterance. The appearance of the stage and its actors represents the appearance of a previous reproduction of the play or opera or other per- formance, as taken by means of a Kodak camera with a film cylinder and drop shutter, operated by an electric motor, exposing, say, forty plates a second. By means of a projecting lantern these photographic pictures are thrown on a curtain on a stage at the distant theatre in regular order of sequence, while a loud-speaking phonograph puts song and speech into the mouths of the mimic actors and thus gives the phantom stage the semblance of life and reality. Kite, Franklin's A kite raised in Philadelphia, Pa., in June, 1752, by means of which Franklin experimentally demonstrated the identity between lightning and electricity, and which, therefore, led to the invention of the lightning rod. It is true that Dalibard, on the loth of May, 1752, prior to Franklin's experiment, succeeded in drawing sparks from a tall iron pole he had erected in France. This experiment was, how ever, tried at the suggestion of Franklin, to whom it must properly be ascribed. A description of this kite is given by Franklin in the following letter: Letter XI, from BENJ. FRANKLIN, Esq., of Phil- adelphia, to PETER COLLINSON, Esq., F. R. S., London. "OCT. 19, 1752. "As frequent mention is made in public papers, from Europe, of the success of the Philadelphia experiment for drawing the electric fire from clouds by means of pointed rods of iron erected on high buildings, etc., it may be agreeable to the curious to be informed that the same experi- ment has succeeded in Philadelphia, though made in a different and more easy manner, which is as follows: " Make a small cross of two light strips of cedar, the arms so long as to reach to the four corners of a large thin handkerchief when extended ; tie the corners of the handkerchief to the extremities of the cross, so you have the body of a kite, which, being properly accommodated with a tail, loop and string, will rise in the air like those made of paper, but this, being of silk, is fitter to bear the wet and wind of a thunder gust without tearing. To the top of the upright stick of the cross is to 304 [Lag. foe fixed a very sharp pointed wire rising a foot or more above the wood. To the end of the twine, next the hand, is to be tied a silk ribbon, and where the silk and twine join, a key may be fastened. This kite is to be raised when a thun- der gust appears to be coming on, and the per- son who holds the string must stand within a door or window, or under some cover, so that the silk ribbon may not be wet, and care must be taken that the twine does not touch the frame of the door or window. As soon as any of the thunder clouds come over the kite the pointed wire will draw the electric fire from them, and the kite, with all the twine, will be electrified, and the loose filaments of the twine will stand out every way, and be attracted by an approach- ing finger. And when the rain has wet the kite and twine so that it can conduct the electric fire freely, you will find it stream out plentifully from the key on the approach of your knuckle. At this key the phial may be charged, and from electric fire thus obtained spirits may be kindled, and all the other electric experiments be per- formed, which are usually done by the help of a rubbed glass globe or tube, and thereby the sameness of the electric matter with that of light- ning completely demonstrated. "B. FRANKLIN." Knife Break Switch. (See Switch, Knife Break) Knot or Nautical Mile. A length equal to 6,087 feet. The English statute mile is equal to 5,280 feet. The value of the nautical mile is therefore in excess of that of the statute mile. Kohlrausch's Law. (See Law of Kohl- rausch.) Krizik's Bars. (See Bars, KriziPs.) Kyanized. Subjected to the kyanizing process. (See Kyanizing) Kyanizing. A process employed for the preservation of wooden telegraphic poles by injecting a solution of corrosive sublimate into the pores of the wood. (See Pole, Tele- graphic?) L. A contraction for co-efficient of in- ductance. (See Inductance, Co-efficient of.) L. A contraction for length. Labile Galvanization. (See Galvaniza- tion, Labile.) Lag, Angle of The angle through which the axis of magnetism of the armature of a dynamo-electric machine is shifted by reason of the resistance its core offers to sud- den reversals of magnetization. An armature of a bi polar dynamo electric ma- chine has its magnetism reversed twice in every rotation. The iron of the core resists these mag- netic reversals. The result of this resistance is to Bhift the axis of magnetism in the direction of ro- tation. The angle through which the axis has thereby been shifted is called the angle of lag. The term, angle of lag, is sometimes incorrectly applied so as to include a similar result produced ly the magnetization due to thi armature current itself. It is this latter action which, in armatures With soft iron cores, is the mam cause of the angle of lead. (See Brushes, Lead of. Lead^ Angle of.) Lag, Angle of, of Cnrrent An angle whose tangent is equal to the ratio of the inductive to the ohmic resistance. An angle, the tangent of which is equal to the inductive resistance of the circuit, divided by the ohmic resistance of the circuit. An angle, the co-sine of which is equal to the ohmic resistance of the circuit, divided by the impedance of the circuit. Lag, Magnetic A magnetic viscos- ity as manifested by the sluggishness with which a magnetizing force produces its mag- netizing effects in iron. The tendency of the iron core of a magnet, or of the armature of a dynamo-electric ma- chine, to resist, and, therefore, retard mag- netization. This retardation, or lag, is called the magnetic lag. The lead necessary to give the brushes of a dy- namo-electric machine to insure quiet action has by Lam.J 305 [Lam. some been erroneously ascribed to the magnetic lag. The lead, though due to lag in part, in reality is mainly due to the resultant magnetization of the armature both by the field magnets and by its own current. (See Lead, Angle of.) This dis- placement of the brushes is measured by an angle sometimes, though erroneously, called the angle of lag. (See Lag, Angle of.) Lamellar Distri- bution of Magnet- ism. (See Magnet- ism, Lamellar Dis- tribution of.) Laminated Core. (See Core, Lami- nated) Laminating Core. (See Core, Lami- nation of.) Lamination of Armature Core. (See Core, Armature, Lamination of) Lamination of Cores. (See Core, Lamination of) Lamp, All-Night A term some- times applied to a double - carbon arc lamp. (See Lamp, Electric Arc, Double* Carbon) A form of all-night arc lamp is shown in Fig. 351. When the consumption of the first pair of carbons has Fig. 331. All-Night Arc reached a certain limit Lamp. the current is automatically switched over to the other pair. Lamp, All-Night Electric A lamp provided with carbon electrodes so as to burn all night without recarboning. A double-carbon electric lamp. (See Lamp; All-Night) Lamp, A~e An electric lamp, the source of whose light is a voltaic arc. Lamp, Arc, Electric An electric lamp in which the light is produced by a vol- taic arc formed between two or more carbon electrodes. The carbon electrodes are placed in various positions, either parallel, horizontal, inclined to one another or vertically one above the other. The latter is the form most generally adopted, since it permits the ready feeding of the upper carbon. The carbons are maintained during their con- sumption at a constant distance apart, by the aid of various feeding devices. Such devices are op- erated generally by trains of wheel-work, by me- chanical or electrical motors, or by the simple action of a spring, by gravity or by the attraction of a solenoid. The carbon pencils or electrodes are held in carbon holders, consisting of chitches or clamps, attached to the end of the lamp rods. When the lamp is not in operation the carbons are usually in contact with one another; but, on the passage of the current, they are separated the required distance by the action of an electro-magnet whose coils are traversed by the direct or main current. In order to maintain the elec- trodes a constant distance apart, the up per carbon in some lamps is held in position by the operation of a clutch, or, in others, by a detent, that engages in a toothed wheel. The position of this clutch or de- tent is controlled by the action of an electro-magnet whose coils are usually situated in a shunt or de- rived circuit, of high resistance, around the electrodes. When the carbons are at their normal dis- tance apart, the shunt current is not of sufficient strength to move the clutch or detent from the position in which it prevents the downward motion of the upper carbon rod. When, however, by the burning or consumption of the carbons, the resistance of the arc has increased to an extent which can be predetermined, the increased current that is thereby passed through the shunt circuit is now sufficiently strong to release the clutch or de- tent, thus permitting the fall or feed of the upper carbon. In a well designed lamp this occurs Fig. 332. Arc Lamp. Lam.J 306 [Lam. so gradually as to produce no perceptible effect on the steadiness of the light. Arc lamps are generally placed in series circuits, that is, in circuits in which the current passes suc- cessively through all the lamps in the circuit, and returns to the source. In ortler to avoid the break- ing of the entire circuit through the extinguish- -ng of a single arc, on the breaking of its cir- -uit, an automatic safety device is provided for each lamp. This safety device consists essentially of an electro-magnet so placed in a shunt circuit, that, as the resistance of the arc becomes too great, the increased current, which will then flow through the coils of the electro-magnet, at last produces a movement of its armature which closes a short circuit around the lamp, and thus cuts it out of the circuit. Arc lamps assume a great variety of forms. A well known form is shown in Fig. 332. Lamp, Arc, Triple Carbon -- An arc lamp in which three carbon electrodes are used. The positive carbons consist of two ordinary cylindrical carbons, placed parallel to each other. The negative carbon is shaped like the figure 8. The arc is established between one of the positive carbons and the corresponding side of the nega- tive carbon. The feeding of the lamp is attended by a shifting back and forth of the arc between the positive carbons and from side to side of the negative carbons. The design of the triple carbon arc lamp is to produce a lamp of long life. Lamp Bracket, Electric - (See Bracket, Lamp, Electric) Lamp Bulb. (See Bulb, Lamp, Carcel An oil lamp employed in France as a photometric standard. Fig. 333 shows a formofcar- cel lamp. Like the standard candle, the carcel is a standard only when it consumes a given weight of the light-producing substance in a given time. Lamp, Chamber of -- The glass bulb or chamber of an incandescing electric lamp in which the incandescing 333- Carcel Lamp. conductor is placed, and in which is maintained a high vacuum. The transparency of the lamp chamber and consequently the efficiency of the lamp may de- crease ( I . ) From the settling of dust or dirt on its outer walls. (2.) From the deposit of carbon or metal on its inner walls. To obviate the first cause of diminished trans- parency the outside of the lamp chamber should be frequently cleansed. The diminished trans- parency, due to the second cause, cannot be removed. When it has reached a certain point, it is more economical to replace the old lamp by a new lamp. In a properly made lamp the dimming of tne lamp chamber is not apt to occur unless a stronger current than the normal current is passed through the lamp. Lamp Clamp. (See Clamp for Arc Lamps) Lamp, Contact A form of semi- incandescent electric lamp in which a carbon pencil is pressed against a slab of carbon or other refractory material. The source of light in an electric contact lamp is twofold, viz.: (l.) A minute arc formed at the points of im- perfect contact. (2.) The incandescence of the carbon pencil, and the points of the slab of carbon against which it is pressed. Lamp Contacts. (See Contacts, Lamp) Lamp, Electric, Arc, Carbon Elec- trodes for (See Electrodes, Carbon, for Arc Lamps) Lamp, Electric, Arc, Differential . An arc lamp in which the movements of the carbons are controlled by the differential action of two magnets opposed to each other, one of whose coils is in the direct and the other in a shunt circuit around the carbons. Sometimes the differential coils are placed op the same magnet core. Lamp, Electric, Arc, Double Carbon An electric arc lamp provided with two pairs of carbon electrodes, sa arranged that when one pair is consumed, the circuit is auto- matically completed through the other pair LUIU.J 307 [I.uu. Lamp, Electric Glow A *erm em- ployed mainly in Europe for an incandescent electric lamp. (See Lamp, Electric, Incan- descent^) Lamp, Electric, Incandescent An electric lamp in which the light is produced by the electric incandescence of a strip or filament of some refractory substance, gener- ally carbon. The carbon strip or filament is usually bent into the form of a horseshoe or loop, and placed inside a glass vessel called the lamp chamber. The lamp chamber is exhausted by means of a mercury pump, generally to a fairly high vacuum. In order to insure the complete removal from the lamp chamber of all the air it originally con- tained, the carbon strips that are placed within it are maintained at a high temperature during the process of exhaustion. This temperature, in practice, is obtained by sending the current through the carbon strip as soon as nearly all the air is removed. Towards the end of the pumping operation the current is increased so as to raise the carbons to their full bril- liancy. The lamp chamber is also maintained at a fairly high temperature. To insure this heating of the walls of the lamp chamber by the incandescent carbons during pumping, for the purpose of driving off all the air adhering to the walls of the chamber, they are sometimes covered with some readily removable preparation of lamp black. The operation of driving off the gases absorbed by the carbons is termed the occluded gas process, and is essential to the successful sealing of an incandescent lamp. By its means, a considerable quantity of air or other gaseous substances shut up or occluded by the carbon is driven out of the far i.on, which it \vould be impossible to get rid of by the mere operation of pumping. In order to insure the success of the operation, it is necessary that tlie heating mut take place while the lamp is being exhausted, since otherwise the expelled gases would b? re-absorbed. (See Gas, Occlu- sion of } Both t!ie exhaustion and the incandescence con- thiue. up to the moment the lamp chamber is hermetically sealed; otherwise, some of the air mi'/ht remain in the lamp chamber. The lamp chamber is herme L ally sealed, usually by the iusion of the glass ia the manner adopted in the sealing of Geissler tubes or Crookes' radiometers. For the preparation of the carbon strip, its carbonization and the flashing of the strip, see Carbonization, Processes of. Carbons, Flashing Process for. The ends of the carbon strip, or filament, are attached to lead- ing-in wires of platinum that pass through the glass walls of the lamp chamber, and are fused therein by melting the glass around them in the same manner as are the leading-in wires of the Geissler tubes and other similar apparatus. Incandescent lamps are gener- ally connected to the leads or cir- fig-. 334. Incan- cuits in multiple-arc or in multi- Ascent Electric pie-series. They are, however, sometimes connected to the line in series. (See Circuits, Varieties of.) In the case of multiple-arc or multiple-series connection, the resistance of the filament is com- paratively high. In the case of series-connec- tion the resistance is comparatively low. Incandescent electric lamps assume a variety of different forms. In all cases, however, the shape of the filament is such that the leading-in wires that carry the current to and from the filament shall en- ter and leave the lamp chamber at points that are comparatively near together. This is for the purpose of avoiding the unneces sary production of shadows. Commercial incan- descent electric lamps are generally marked with the potential dif- ference in volts that must be applie.l at the terminals in order to furnish the current necessary to properly operate teem. If this potential difference is made greater, the can- Fig. 33S' Swan fncanJescent Lam.] 308 [Lam. Tie-power of the lamp is greatly increased, but its life greatly decreased. The lamp chamber is more liable in such cases to become less transparent from the deposit of a '.bin layer of carbon or metal on its inner surfaces. In the Swan lamp the filament is made of cot- ton thread. These threads are immersed in a mixture of two parts of sulphuric acid and one of water, which converts the cellulose of the thread into artificial parchment. The filaments are rap- idly washed as soon as they are removed from the sulphuric acid until all traces of the acid are re- moved. They are then passed through discs so as to insure a uniform area of cross-section, and are then wrapped on rods of carbon or earthen- ware of the required outline, packed in a crucible filled with powdered charcoal, and carbonized. The form generally given to the Swan filament is that shown in Fig. 335. Lamp, Electric, Incandescent Ball An incandescent electric lamp in which the light is produced by a sphere or ball of carbon placed in an exhausted receiver of glass. When subjected to the effects of electrostatic waves of high frequency of alternation, such a lamp becomes luminous from the incandescence of the carbon ball or sphere. Tesla's incandescent ball electric lamp is a modifica- tion of his straight filament lamp. (See Lamp, Incan- descent, Straight Filament .) The construction of Tes- la's ball incandescent elec- tric lamp will be readily understood from an inspec- tion of Fig. 336. Lamp, Electric, In- candescent, Half-Shades for (See Half- Shades for Incandescent Lamps.) Lamp, Electric, Incandescent, Life of The number of hours that an incan- descent electric lamp, when traversed by the normal current, will continue to afford a good commercial light. The failure of an electric incandescent lamp results either from the volatilization or rupture of the carbon conductor, or from the failure of the vacuum of the lamp chamber. Since the em- ployment of the flashing process, and the process for removing the occluded gases, it is not unusual for incandescent lamps to have a life cf several thousand hours. (See Carbons^ Flashing Pro- cess for.') The life of an incandescent electric lamp should not be considered as continuing until the filament actually breaks. As soon as the lamp chamber has become covered with such a deposit of car- bon or coating of metal as to considerably de- crease the amount of light which passes through the chamber, the lamp should be considered as useless. Lamp, Electric, Incandescent, Three- Filament, for Multi-Phase Circuits An incandescent lamp for use on multi- phase circuits, provided with three leading-in wires, connected to the free ends of three filaments, the other ends of which are con- nected in a common joint. When properly acting, the current passing through each filament should, at any instant, equal the sum of the currents ia the other two filaments, which, as is well known, is the property of any three-phase circuit. Lamp, Electric, Outrigger for (See Outrigger for Electric Lamp) Lamp, Electric, Pendant An in- candescent electric lamp suspended by flexible twin-wire. Lamp, Electric, Safety An in- candescent electric lamp, with thoroughly insulated leads, employed in mines, or other similar places, where the explosive effects of readily igmtable substances are to be feared. Such lamps are often directly attached to a portable batter)', in which case they can be read- ily carried about from place to place. Lamp, Electric, Semi-Incandescent An electric lamp in which the light is due to the combined effects of a voltaic arc and electric incandescence. In the Reynier semi-incandescent lamp, shown in Fig. 337, a thin pencil of carbon C, is gentlj pressed against a block of graphite B. A lateral contact is provided at L, through a block o< graphite I, by means of which the curn-nt \ re Lam.] 309 [Lam. to the lower part only of the movable rod C, which part alone is rendered incandescent. In this lamp, the light is due both to the incan- C Fig. 337* Semi- Incandescent Lamp, aescence of the rod C, and to the small arc formed at J, between its lower end and the contact block B, though mainly from the latter. The semi- incandescent electric lamp has not as yet been in- produced to any considerable extent. Lamp, Electric, Series-Connected Incan- descent An incandescent electric lamp adapted for use in series circuits. Fig, 338. Serbs Incandescent Electric lamp. A form of series incandescent lamp, attached to pendant and shade, is shown hi Fig. 338. In thQ series connected incandescent lamp, un- Hlce the multiple-connected incandescent electric lamp, the resistance of the filament is low. This Is done in. order to prevent the total resistance of the circuit from requiring too high an electro- motive force for operation. In order to preserve the continuity of the circuit on the failure of any lamp to operate, some form of automatic cut-out is employed. This is generally some form of film cut-out. (See Cut-Out, Film.) Lamp Hour. (See Hour, Lamp.) Lamp, Incandescent, Electric Filament Of A term now generally applied to the incandescing conductor of an incandescent electric lamp, whether the same be of very small cross-section or of comparatively large cross-section. The term filament is properly applied to a con- ductor containing fibres or filaments extending in the general direction of the length of the incan- descing conductor. Such a conductor is made of carbonizable fibrous material, cut or shaped prior to carbonization so as to have its fibres extend- ing with their greatest length in the direction of length of the filament. Lamp, Incandescent, Straight Filament An incandescent electric lamp in which a straight filament, placed in an ex- hausted glass chamber, is rendered luminous by the effects of electro- static waves or thrusts of high frequency. The straight filament in candescent lamp is the in- vention of Tesla. One form of such a lamp is shown in Fig. 339. The glass globe b, of the lamp is provided with a cylindrical neck, inside of which is placed a tube m, of conducting material, on the side and over the end of the insulating plug n. The light-giving fila- ment e, is a straight car- bon stem, connected to the plate by a conductor cov- ered with a refractory in- sulating material k. An insulated tube-socket p, provided with a metallic lining s, serves to sup port the lamp and connect it with one pole of the source of current. It will be noticed that the coat- 33Q. Tesla's Straight Filament In- candescent Lamp. Lam.] 310 [Law. ings s and m, form the plates of a condenser. The other terminal of the machine may be con- nected to the metal coated walls of the room, or to metallic plates suspended from the ceiling. Lamp Indicator. (See Indicator, Lamp.) Lamp, Pilot In systems for the operation of electric lamps, an incandescent lamp employed in a station to indicate the difference of potential at the dynamo ter- minals, by means of the intensity of its emitted light. Lamp Rod. (See Rod, Lamp?) Lamp Socket Switch. (See Switch, Lamp Socket?) Lamps, Bank of A term applied to a number of lamps, equal to about half the load, that were formerly placed in view of the attendant in circuit with a dynamo that is to be placed in a parallel circuit with another dynamo, one of the lamps of which is also in view. When the lamps "in bank " were judged to be of the same brilliancy as the one fed by the other dynamo, the attendant switched the dynamo par- allel with the other, and at the same time cut off the bank of lamps from the switched in dynamo. The method is, however, wrong. The proper way is to make the voltage of the dynamo equal to that of the circuit. Then connect it and finally raise its electromotive force until it takes its share of the load. Lamps, Cartoning Placing carbons in electric arc lamps. When the carbons are consumed, the lamp requires recarboning. The old carbon ends are replaced by new carbons, and the lamp rods cleansed. Large Calorie. (See Calorie, Great.) Latent Electricity. (See Electricity, Latent) Lateral Discharge. (See Discharge, Lateral.) Lateral Induction. (See Induction, Lat- eral.) Lateral Leakage of Lines of Magnetic Force. (See Leakage, Lateral, of Lines of Magnetic Force?) Lateral Magnetic Leakage. (See Leak- age, Lateral, of Lines of Magnetic Force?) Latitude, Magnetic The distance a place is situated north or south of the mag- netic equator All places that have the same magnetic latitude have the same value for the magnetic inclination and magnetic intensity, or are on the same isocli- nal and isodynamic lines. The magnetic latitude is the same at all points of a magnetic parallel. Launch, Electric A boat, the mo- tive power for which is electricity, suitable for launching from a ship. Up to the present time electric launches have been propelled by means of electric motors, driven by means of powerful storage batteries. A form of electric launch constructed for the English Government is shown in Fig. 340. It is - 340, Electric Launch. 48^ feet in length over all, by 8 feet 9 inches beam, with an average draft of 2 feet 3 inches. Its speed is 8 knots per hour. It will carry forty fully equipped soldiers. Law, Jacobi's -- The maximum work done by a motor is reached when the counter- electromotive force is equal to one-half of the impressed electromotive force, or, Law, Joule's ---- The heating power of a current is proportional to the product of the resistance and the square of the current strength. (See Heat, Electric?) Law, Natural -- A correct expression of the order in which the causes and effects of natural phenomena follow one another. The law of gravitation, for example, correctly expresses the order of sequence of the phenomena which result when unsupported bodies fall to the earth. It should be carefully borne in mind, how- ever, that natural laws cannot be regarded as explaining the ultimate causes of natural phenc- Law.] 311 [Law. mena, but merely express their order of occur- rence or sequence. We are ignorant, for example, of the true cause of gravitation and are only acquainted with its effects. This is true of all ultimate physical causes, save for our belief in their origin in a Divine will. Law of Electro-Chemical Equivalence. (See Equivalence, Electro-Chemical, Law of) Law of Kohlrausch. In electrolytic con- duction, each atom has a rate of motion for a given liquid, which is independent of the element with which it may have been com- bined. In the following table, the rate of motion of various kinds of atoms through nearly pure water for a difference of potential of one volt per linear centimetre, is given: H I.o8 centimetres per hour. K 0.205 centimetre " Na 0.126 " " Li 0.094 " " Ag 0.166 " " C 0.213 " " 1 0.216 " " NO 8 0.174 " " Law of Ohm, or Law of Current Strength. The strength of a continuous current is directly proportional to the differ- ence of potential or electromotive force in the circuit, and inversely proportional to the re- sistance of the circuit, /. e., is equal to the quotient arising from dividing the electromo- tive force by the resistance. Fig. 341. Current Strength in Circuit. Ohm's law is expressed algebraically thus: C = 5; or, E = C R. If the electromotive force is given in volts, and the resistance in ohms, the formula will give the current strength directly in amperes. The resistance of any electric circuit, as, for example, that shown in Fig. 341, consists of three parts, viz.: (i.) The internal resistance of the source, r. (2.) That of the conducting wires or leads, r'; and (3.) That of the electro-receptive, r", energized by the current. Ohm's law applied to this case would be: _ = That is, the resistance of the entire circuit is equal to the sum of the separate resistances of its different parts. Since C= H, (i); then E = C R, (2); and R = ?, (3). But, since a current of one ampere is equal to one coulomb per second, then, in order to deter- mine in coulombs the quantity of electricity pass- ing in a given number of seconds, it is only neces- sary to multiply the current by the time in seconds, or Q = C T (4). Hence, referring to the above equations (i), (2), (3) and (4); according to Ohm's law: (i.) The current in amperes is equal to the electromotive force in volts divided by the resist- ance in ohms. (2.) The electromotive force in volts is equal to the product of the current in amperes and the resistance in ohms. (3.) The resistance in ohms is equal to the elec- tromotive force in volts divided by the current in amperes. (4.) The quantity of electricity in coulombs is equal to the current in amperes multiplied by the time in seconds. Law of Yolta, or Law for Contact-Series. A law for the differences of electric potential produced by the contact of dissimilar metals or other substances. " The difference of potential between any two metals is equal to the sum of the differences of potential between the intervening substances in the contact series" (See Electricity, Contact. Series, Contact.) Law, Pfluger's A given tract of nerve is stimulated by the appearance of kathelectrotonus and the disappearance of an- electrotonus ; not, however, by the disap- Law.J 312 Law, pearance of kathelectrotonus nor by ihe ap- pearance of anelectrotonus. (Landois and Stirling?} Law, Poynting's At any point in a magnetic field, or a conductor conveying current, the energy moves perpendicularly to the plane containing the lines of electric force or the lines of magnetic force, and the amount of energy crossing the unit of area of this plane per second is equal to the product of the intensities of the two forces multiplied by the sine of the angle between them, divided by 4?t. If E, represents the electric force of a small body charged with positive electricity, and H, the magnetic force or forces of a smaller free unit north pole, and, if these forces at any point in the magnetic field are inclined at an angle, 9, then e, the flow of energy per second at this point, in a direction oerpendicular to the planes of E and His, E H sin. 9 C : \it There is, therefore, a difference in the direction of the flow of electricity and the flow of electric energy. Electricity may be conceived as passing through the conductor something like water through a pipe, but electrical energy does not travel in this way. Electrical energy travels through the surrounding dielectric, which is thereby strained, and it propagates this strain from point to point until it reaches the conductor and is there dissipated. Law, Toltametric The chemical action produced by electrolysis in any elec- trolyte is proportional to the amount of elec- tricity which passes through the electrolyte. This is called the Voltametric law, because any vessel containing an electrolyte, and furnished with electrodes, so that electrolysis may take place on the passage of the current, and is provided with means for measuring the amount of the electrolysis which occurs, is called a Voltameter. (See Voltameter. Electrolysis.'] Laws, Amptfre's, or Laws of Electro- Dynamic Attraction and Repulsion Laws expressing the attractions and repul- sions cf electric circuits en one another or on magnets. Laws, DuVs " The magnetism ex- cited at any transverse section of a magnet is proportional to the square root of the distance between the given section and the near end of the magnet." " The free magnetism at any given trans- verse section of a magnet is proportional to the difference between the square root of half the length of the magnet and the square root of the distance between the given section and the nearest end." Laws, KirchhoiTs The laws for branched or shunted circuits. These laws may be expressed as follows: (I.) In any number of conductors meeting at a point, if currents flowing to the point be considered as -[-, and those flowing away from it as , the algebraic sum of the meeting currents will be zero. This is the same thing as saying as much elec- tricity must flow away from the point as flows to- ward it. (2.) In any system of closed circuits the alge- braic sum of the products of the currents into the resistances is equal to the electromotive force in the circuit. In this case all currents flowing in a certain direction are taken as positive, and those flowing in the opposite direction as negative. All elec- tromotive forces tending to produce currents in the direction of the positive current are taken as positive, and those tending to produce currents iu the opposite direction, as negative. E This follows from Ohm's law; for, since C = , R the electromotive force E = CR, and this is true, no matter how often the circuit is branched. Laws, Lenz's Laws for determining the directions of currents produced by electro- dynamic induction. The direction of the currents set up by electro- dynamic induction is always such as to oppose the -notions by which such currents were pro- duced. Laws of Becquerel, or Laws of Mag- neto-Optic Rotation. Laws for the mag- neto-optic rotation of the plane of polarization of light. (See Rotation, Magneto-Optic^ Laws of Con^omfo, o Laws of Electro- Law. I 3 static and Magnetic Attractions and Re- pulsions. Laws for the force of attraction and repulsion between charged bodies or be- tween magnet poles. The fact that the force of electrostatic attrac- tion or repulsion between two charges, is directly proportional to the product of the quantities of electricity of the two charges and inversely propor- tional to the square of the distance between them, is known as Coulomb'' s Law. Coulomb also as- certained that the attractions and repulsions be- tween magnet poles are directly proportional to the product of the strength of the two poles, and in- Tersely proportional to the square of the distance between them. This is also called Coulomb's Law. Coulomb's law, in order to be accurate, must take into account the specific inductive capacity of the intervening medium. The correct expres- sion for the force between two quantities q and q', of electricity would be, therefore, where K, is equal to the specific inductive capacity of the medium separating the two charges. In a similar manner when the force is exerted between two magnet poles, to be accurate, we must take into account the magnetic permeability of the medium between the two magnets. The cor- rect expression for the force between two magnet poles is, therefore, p. _ " when ju, is the magnetic permeability. Laws of Faraday, or Laws of Electrolysis -- Laws for the effects of electrolytic decomposition. (See Electrolysis!) These laws are as follows: (i.; The amount of an electrolyte decomposed is directly proportional to the quantity of elec- tricity which passes through it ; or, the rate at which a body is electrolyzed is proportional to the current strength producing such electrolysis. (2.) If the same current be passed through dif- ferent electrolytes, the quantity of each ion evolved is proportional to its chemical equivalent. Laws of Jonle. Laws expressing the de- velopment of heat produced in a circuit by an electric current. These laws may be expressed as follows : (l.) The amount of heat developed in any cir- [Lea. cuit is proportional to its resistance, providing the current strength is constant. (2. ) The amount of heat developed in any cir- cuit is proportional to the square of the current passing, providing the resistance is constant. (3.) The amount of heat developed in any cir- cuit is proportional to the time the current con- tinues. Or, H = C* RtX0.2 4 . Where H, equals the heat in small calories, C, equals the current in amperes, R equals the re- sistance in ohms, t, equals the time in seconds, and 0.24, the heat-units per second developed in a resistance of i ohm by the passage of i am- pere. Lay Torpedo. (See Torpedo, Lay.) Layer, Crookes' A layer, or stratum, of the residual atmosphere of a vacuous space, in which the molecules, recoil- ing from a heated or electrified surface, do not meet other molecules, but impinge on the walls of the vessel directly opposite such heated or electrified surface. A Crookes layer may result as the effect of two different causes, viz. : (i.) The rarefaction of the gas is such that the distance between the walls of the vessel and the heated surface is less than the mean-free-path of the molecules. (2.) The wall is so near the heated surface that the distance between the two is less than the ac- tual mean-free-path of the molecules. Under these last-named circumstances Crookes' layers may result, whatever be the density of the gas. Laying-Up Cables. (See Cables, Lay- ing- Up.) Lead, Angle of The angular devia- tion from the normal position, which must be given to the collecting brushes on the com- mutator cylinder of a dynamo-electric ma- chine, in order to avoid destructive burning. (See Commutator, Burning ; Leakage) Leakage, Electric The gradual dissipation of a current due to insufficient in- sulation. Some leakage occurs under nearly all circum- stanres. On telegraphic lines, during wet weather, the leakage is often so great as to inter- fere with the proper working of the lines. Leakage, Electrostatic The grad- ual dissipation of a charge due to insufficient insulation. The leakage of a well insulated conductor, placed in a high vacuum, is almost inappreciable. Crookes has maintained electric charges in high vacua for years without appreciable loss. Leakage, Lateral, of Lines of Magnetic Force The failure of lines of magnetic Lea.] 315 [Len. force to pass approximately parallel to one another through a bar of iron or other mag- netizable material, when it has come to rest in a magnetic field in which it is free to move. The escape of the lines of magnetic force from the sides of a bar or other similar magnet, instead of from the poles at the end. When a bar of magnetizable material, sus- pended so as to be free to move, comes to rest in a magnetic field in which it is undergoing mag- netization, it has its greatest length parallel to the direction of the lines of force. If the bar is a long, thin, straight bar, the lines of force do not all pass in or come out at its ends. On the con- trary, many of these lines of force or induction pass in or come out at other points. The mag- netic induction is, therefore, unequal at different sections of the bar. In other words, the mag- netic flux or intensity is not constant per unit of all cross-sections of such bar. Leakage, Magnetic A useless dis- sipation of the lines of magnetic force of a dynamo-electric machine, or other similar device, by their failure to pass through the armature where they are needed. Useless dissipation of lines of magnetic force outside that portion of the field of a dynamo-electric machine through which the armature moves. Such a leakage can be detected by an instru- ment called a magnetophone. (See Magneto- phone.} Magnetic leakage results in lowering the effi- ciency of the dynamo. (See Co-efficient, Econo- mic, of a Dynamo-Electric Machine. ) Leclanche~'s Voltaic Cell. (See Cell, Voltaic, Lcdanch^ Leg". In a system of telephonic exchange, where a ground return is used, a single wire, or, where a metallic circuit is employed, two wires, for connecting a subscriber with the main switchboard, by means of which any subscriber may be legged or placed directly in circuit with two or more other parties. Leg of Circuit. (See Circuit, Leg of.) Legal Earth Quadrant. (See Quadrant, Legal Earth) 11 Vol. 1 Legal Ohm. (See Ohm, Legal.) Legging-Key Board. (See Board, Leg- gtng-Key.) Length of Spark. (See Spark, Length of) Lens, Achromatic A lens the images formed by which are free from the false coloration produced in other lenses by dispersion. An ordinary lens can be rendered approxi- mately achromatic by the use of a diaphragm. Achromatic lenses generally consist of the com ^%" 34 2 - Equal and Opposite Refracting Angles. bination of a double convex lens of flint glass arx? a concave lens of crown glass. The ray of light entering the prism A B Cj Fig. 342, suffers dispersion (separation into pris made colors). This dispersion in the sam' Principle of Achromatitm. medium is proportional to the angle g, between the incident and emergent faces, called the re- fracting angle. If, now, another prism B C D, of the same ma- terial, with a refracting angle g', equal to g, is combined with the first prism in the manner shown in Fig. 342, it will produce an equal but opposite dispersion, so that the ray of light will emerge at R', free from rainbow tints, but par- allel to its original direction. The variety of glass called crown glass pro- duces only half as great dispersion of light as the variety called flint glass, under the same refract* t-en.] 316 ing angle g. If the prism A B C, of crown glass, Fig- 343, whose angle g, is twice as great as the refracting angle g , of the prism B C D, of flint glass, be placed together in the manner shown, then the ray R, will be transmitted at R' , free from color, but will not eiixrge par ailed to its original direction ; in other words, it suffers refraction or bending. Consequently such a combination can be used to free a pencil of light from false colora- tion and yet permit it to undergo refraction, and thus act as a lens. (See Refraction.') The construction ot achromatic lenses is based on this principle. The crown glass is generally made with two Fig. 344. Piano-Convex Fig. 343. Achromatic Achromatic Lens. Lens. convex surfaces ; the flint glass, with one con- cave and one plane surface, as shown in Fig. 344- Sometimes both surfaces of the flint glass are made curved, as in Fig. 345. Lenz's Law. (See Law, Lens's.) Letter Box, Electric A device that announces the deposit of a letter in a box by the ringing of a bell, or by the move- ment of a needle or index. These devices generally act by the closing or opening of an electric circuit on the fall of the letter into the box. Leyden Jar. (See far, Leyden) Leyden Jar Pattery. (See Battery, Ley den Jar.} Lichtenberg's Dust Figures. (See Fig- ures, Lichtenberg's Dust) Life Curve of Incandescent Electric Lamp. (See Curve, Life, cf Incandescent Electric Lamp?) Life of Electric Incandescent Lamp. (See Lamp, Incandescent, Life of.) Light, Auroral - The light given off during the prevalence of an aurora. (See Aurora Bore alts) Light, Electric Light produced by the action of electric energy. Electric light is produced by electric energy in various ways, the most important of which are as follows, viz.: (I.) By the passage of an electric discharge through a gas or vapor, either in a rarefied condi- tion, at ordinary atmospheric pressure, or at pres- sures higher than that of the ordinary pressure. In any of these cases the gas or vapor is heated to incandescence by the passage of the discharge. (2.) By the incandescence of a solid by the heating power of the current, as in the incandes- cent lamp. (3.) By the incandescence of a solid by the ac- tion of a rapidly alternating electrostatic field, as in Tesla's incandescent lamp. \4. ) By the volatilization of a solid and the form- ation thereby of a voltaic arc. (5.) By the combination of the effects of incan- descence and the voltaic arc. The amount of light produced in proportion to the amount of energy expended to produce it is probably least in the case of light produced by the sparks of a Wimshurst or Holtz machine, or as in ( I ), than in any other case in which electric energy acts to produce luminous energy. Light, Electric, Pumping of (See Pumping of Electric Light) Light, Intensity of The brilliancy or illuminating power of a light as measured by a photometer in standard candles or other standard units. (See Photometer. Candle, Standard) Light, Maxwell's Electro - Magnetic Theory of A hypothesis for the 317 cause or light proposed by Maxwell, based on the relations existing between the phe- nomena of light and those of electro-magnet- ism. Maxwell's electro-magnetic theory of light as- sumes that the phenomena of light and magnet- ism are each due to certain motions of the ether, electricity and magnetism being due to its rMa- tions, and light to oscillations, or its to-and-fro motions. Maxwell proposed this theory to show that the phenomena of light, heat, electricity and magnet- ism could all be explained by one and the same cause, viz., a vibratory or oscillatory motion of the particles of the hypothetical ether. Maxwell died before completing his hypothesis, and it has never since been sufficiently developed to thor- oughly entitle it to the name of a theory. This theory has more recently been elaborated by Hertz. (See Electricity, Hertz's Theory of Elec- tro-Magnetic Radiations or Waves .) There are, however, numerous considerations which render it probable that electric and mag- netic phonomena, like those of light and heat, have their origin in a vibratory or oscillatory mo- tion of the luminiferous ether. A few of these, as pointed out by Maxwell, S. P. Thompson, Lodge, Larden and others, are as follows: (I.) It is possible that the thing called elec- tricity is the ether itself, negative electrification consisting in an excess of the ether, and positive electrification in a d-ficit. (See Electricity, Sin- gle- Fltdd Hypothesis of.) (2.) It is possible that electrostatic phenomena consist in a strain or deformation of the ether. A dielectric may'differ from a conductor in that the former may have such an attraction for the ether as to give it the properties of an elastic solid, while in the latter the ether is so free to move that no strain can possibly be retained by it. (See Dielectric. Conductor.) (3.) Dielectrics are transparent and conductors are opaque. There are exceptions to this in the case of vul- canite and many other excellent dielectrics. Nor should this similarity be expected to be general in view of the well known differences that exist be- tween diathermancy and transparency. (4.) It Is possible that an electric current con- sists of a real motion ot translation of the ether through a conductor. (5.) It is possible that electromotive force re- sults from differences of ether pressures. This would of course follow from (4). (6.) The vibrations of light are propagated in a direction at right angles to the direction in which the light is moving. The magnetic field of a current is propagated in planes at right angles to the direction in which the current is flowing. (7.) It is possible that lines of electrostatic and magnetic force consist of chains of polarized ether particles. (8.) The velocity of propagation of light agrees very nearly with the velocity of propagaiion of electro-magnetic induction. (See Ratio Velocity.) (9. ) In certain axial crystals the difference of transparency in the direction of certain axes, corresponds with the direction in which such crystals conduct electricity. Recent investigations render it almost certain that light and electro-magnetic waves or radia- tions are one and the same, and, therefore, have the same velocity of propagation through free ether. Through fixed ether, that is, through the ether that exists between the molecules of differ- ent kinds of matter, as is well known, the velocity of propagation differs with different substances. (See Electricity, Hertz's Theory of Electro-Mag- netic Radiations or Waves. ) Light, Northern (See Aurora Borealis^) Light, Platinum-Standard The light emitted by a surface of platinum one square centimetre in area, at its temperature of fusion. This is called the Violle Standard and is ex- tensively used in France. Light, Search, Automatic A search light in which a parallel or slightly diverging beam of light is automatically caused to sweep the horizon, and thus disclose the ap- proach of a torpedo boat or other similar danger. This is called an automatic search light because it may be caused to automatically sweep the hori- zon, instead of being manipulated by hand, as usual. Light, Search, Electric An electric arc light placed in a focusing lamp before a lens or mirror, so as to obtain either a parallel beam or a slightly divergent pencil of light 318 for lighting the surrounding space for pur- poses of exploration. Light, Southern (See Aurora Australis?) Light, Tail A light displayed at the rear end of trains in order to avoid rear colli- sions. (See Railroads, Block System for.} Lighter, Cigar, Electric An ap- paratus for electrically lighting a cigar. A cigar lighter consists essentially of a wire or rod of refractory substance, rendered incandes- cent by the passage of a current obtained from a voltaic battery, secondary generator, or other electric source. Lighter, Electric, Argand A name sometimes given to an argand electric plain- pendant burner. (See Burner, Argand- Electric, Plain-Pendant?) Lighter, Electric, Argand Valve A name sometimes given to an argand elec- tric ratchet-pendant burner. (See Burner, Argand- Electric, Ratchet-Pendant?) Lighthouse Illumination, Electric (See Illumination, Lighthouse, Electric?) Lighting, Arc Artificial illumina- tion obtained by means of an arc light. The term arc lighting is used in contradistinc- tion to incandescent lighting. In the United States, and, indeed, generally, a number of arc lights are placed in series on the line circuit, con- nected generally with a series dynamo. Each of the lamps is provided with a safety cut-out, which cuts out or removes a defective lamp from the circuit by automatically turning or switching the current through a shunt of low resistance. Lighting, Electric, by High Frequency Currents A system of electric lighting, in which rods, bars or filaments of carbon or other refractory substances are raised to in- candescence when placed in a rapidly alternat- ing electrostatic field. This system of electric lighting was invented by Nikola Tesla. Its general principles will be understood from an inspection of Fig. 346. G, is a dynamo producing alternating currents of comparatively low potential. A portion of its current P, acting as the primary of an induction coil, induces alternating currents of high potential in the secondary circuit S, which, charging the condenser C, is disruptively dis- charged into the circuit A, provided with an air gap at A' through P'. The inductive action of P', on S', products oscillatory currents of Fig. 346. Tesla.' s High Frequency Currents System of Lighting:. enormous frequency and potential in the second- ary circuits connected therewith. In the ap- paratus shown in Fig. 346, two incandescent electric lamps are connected with the secondary circuit, one with a single straight filament, and the other with a ball conductor. The other terminal of S , is connected to the walls of the room to be lighted. (See Lamp, Incandescent, Straight Filament. Lamp, Electric, Incandes- cent Ball.} Lighting, Electric, Central Station - The lighting of a number of houses or other buildings from a single station, centrally lo- cated. Central station lighting is distinguished from iso- lated lighting by the fact that a number of sepa- rate buildings, houses or areas, are lighted by the current produced at a single station, centrally located, instead of from a number of separate electric sources located in each of the houses, etc., to be lighted. (See Electricity, Distribution of. ) Lighting, Electric Gas Igniting gas jets by means of electric discharges. Electric sparks are caused to pass through a jet of escaping gas, and thus to light it. These sparks are obtained from a spark-coil, i. e., a coil of insulated wire connected in series with the circuit so as to produce an extra current on the sudden breaking of the circuit, the discharge of which produces a spark capable of igniting the gas. In cases where a number of burners are to be simultaneously lighted the sparks required for 319 lighting the gas are obtained from the secondary of an induction coil. (See Burner, Automatic Electric.) Lighting, Electric, Isolated A system of electric lighting where a separate electric source is placed in each house or area to be lighted, as distinguished from the central station lighting, where electric sources are provided for the production of the current required for an entire neighborhood. Lighting, Electric, Long-Arc System of A system of electric lighting in which long arcs are maintained between the carbon electrodes. Lighting, Electric, Short-Arc System A system of electric lighting in which short voltaic arcs are maintained between the carbon electrodes. Systems of short arcs require an electromotive force of about 25 volts, which is about one-half that employed in long arcs. To develop an equal amount of heat energy in a short arc as in a long arc, therefore, requires that the current be of double strength. The greater part of the light of a voltaic arc is given off from a tiny crater, which is formed in the end of the positive carbon. In the short-arc system the crater lies so near the negative carbon that much of its. light is necessarily obscured, and troublesome shadows are sometimes produced. The long-arc system avoids these difficulties. Lightning. The spark or bolt that results from the disruptive discharge of a cloud to the earth, or to a neighboring cloud. (See Electricity, Atmospheric. Kite, Franklin's?) Lightning Arrester. (See Arrester, Lightning?) Lightning, Back-Stroke of An electric discharge, caused by an induced charge, which occurs after the direct dis- charge of a lightning flash. The shock is not caused by the lightning flash itself, but most probably by a charge which is in- duced in neighboring conductors by the discharge. A similar effect may be noticed by standing near the conductor of a powerful electric machine, when shocks are felt at every discharge. The back-stroke has been ascribed by many to the oscillations by which a disruptive discharge is effected. (See Discharge, Oscillating.) The effects of the return shock are sometimes quite severe. They are often experienced by sensitive people, on the occurrence ot a lightning discharge, at a considerable distance from the place where the discharge occurred. In some instances, the return stroke has been sufficiently intense to cause death. In general, however, its effects are much less severe than those of the direct lightning discharge. Lightning, Ball A name some- times given to globular lightning, (See Lightning, Globular?) Lightning, Chain A variety of lightning flash in which the discharge takes a rippling path, somewhat resembling a chain. Lightning Conductor. (See Rod, Light- ning?) Lightning, Forked A variety of lightning flash, in which the discharge, on nearing the earth or other object, divides into two or more branches. Lightning, Globular A rare form of lightning, in which a globe of fire appears, which quietly floats for a while in the air and then explodes with great violence. The exact cause of globular lightning is un- known. Phenomena allied to it, however, have been observed by Plant6 during the series dis- charge of his rheostatic machine. Similar pheno- mena are sometimes, though rarely, observed during the discharge of a powerful Leyden battery. Sir Wm. Thomson ascribes the effect to an optical illusion due to the persistence of the visual impres- sion of a bright flash. This, however, would not account for the explosion which almost invariably attends globular lightning. Lightning Guard. (See Guard, Light- ning?) Lightning, Heat A variety of lightning flash in which the discharge lights up the surfaces of the neighboring clouds. Sheet lightning is unaccompanied by thunder. It may be regarded as a brush discharge from one cloud to another. Heat lightning is a variety of sheet lightning. (See Lightning, Sheet.) L'g.3 320 [Liu. Lightning Jar. (See Jar, Lightning!) Lightning, Return-Stroke of A term sometimes applied to the back-stroke of lightning. (See Lightning, Back-Stroke of.) Lightning Rod. (See Rod, Lightning!) Lightning Rod for Ships. (See Rod, Lightning, for Ships.) Lightning, Sheet A variety of lightning flash unaccompanied by any thunder audible to the observer, in which the entire surfaces of the clouds are illumined. The cause of sheet lightning has been ascribed to reflection from clouds of lightning flashes that occur too far below the horizon either to permit them to be directly seen, or the thunder to be heard. If a Geissler tube, which contains several con- centric tubes, be charged by a Holtz machine, and then touched at different parts by the hands, a succession of luminous discharges will be seen in the dark, that bear a remarkable resemblance to the flashes of heat or sheet lightning. Lightning Stroke. (See Stroke, Light- ning.) Lightning Stroke, Back or Return (See Stroke, Lightning, Back or Return.) Lightning, Summer A name some- times given to heat lightning. (See Light- ning, Heat!) Lightning, Volcanic The lightning discharges that attend most volcanic erup- tions. Volcanic lightning is possibly sometimes due to the friction of volcanic dust particles against one another, or against the air, but is more probably caused by the sudden condensation of the water vapor that is generally disengaged during volcanic eruptions. Lightning, Zigzag The common- est variety of lightning flashes, in which the discharge apparently assumes a forked zig- zag, or even a chain-shaped path. This form is seen in the discharge of a Holtz machine, or of a Ruhmkorff Induction Coil. Photographic pictures of such lightning dis- charges appear to show that these discharges are in reality zigzag curves, rather than sharp angu- lar zigzags. Limiting Stop. (See Stop, Limiting!) Limb, Rheoscopic A term some- times applied to a sensitive nerve muscle prep- aration, employed to detect the presence of an electric current. (See Frog, Galvano- scope.) Line. A wire or other conductor connect- ing any two points or stations. Line, Aclinic A line connecting places on the earth's surface which have no magnetic inclination. The magnetic equator of the earth. (See Equator, Magnetic.) Line Adjuster. An instrument invented by Delany for overcoming the effects of leak- age on the adjustment of the relays in a way line. When any key is opened, the line circuit is simultaneously broken at both ends so that there is a moment of no current, which causes all the relays to respond. Line, Aerial An air line as dis- tinguished from an underground conductor. Line, Agonic A line connecting places on the earth's surface where the mag- netic needle has no declination, or where it points to the true geographical north. (See Agonic.) Line, Artificial A line so made up by condensers and resistance coils as to have the same inductive effects on charging or dis- charging as an actual telegraph line. In duplex telegraphy by the differential method, the artificial line used must have its capacity balanced against that of the line, so as to avoid the effects of self-induction, and other effects pro- duced by charging and discharging. Line, Capacity of The ability of a line or cable to act like a condenser- and therefore like it to possess a capacity. (See Cable, Capacity cf.) Line Circuit. (See Circuit, Line!) Line Circuit, Telegraphic (See Circuit, Line, Telegraphic!) Line, Neutral, of a Magnet A line joining the neutral points of a magne-t of Liii.j 321 [Liu. points approximately midway between the poles. This is sometimes called the equator of the magnet. The neutral point is the point where the lines of force outside the magnet extend parallel to the surface of the magnet. (Hering.) Line, Neutral, of Commutator Cylinder A line on the commutator cylinder of a dynamo-electric machine connecting the neutral points, or the points of maximum positive and negative difference of potential. (See Machine, Dynamo-Electric,} Line of Least Sparking. (See Sparking, Least Line of.) Line, Single-Wire . A term some- times used for a solid-wire conductor. (See Line, Solid.) Line, Solid A line formed of a single conductor, as distinguished from a line formed of several conductors or by a stranded cable. Line, Stranded A line formed of several strands or separate conductors twisted into one. Line, Telegraphic, Telephonic, etc. The conducting circuit provided for the transmission of the electric impulses or cur- rents employed in any system of electric transmission. Line, Telpher The conducting line used in a system of "".elpherage. (See Tel- phe> age.) Line, Through A line extending between two terminal points, as distinguished from a line containing way stations. Line, Trunk In a system of tele- phonic communication any line connecting distant stations and used by a number of subscribers at each end for purposes of inter- communication. Line, Way A line communicating with way stations. Line Wire. (See Wire, Line.) Lineman. On? who puts up and repairs line circuits and attends to the devices con- nected therewith. In a system of electric lighting the lineman attends to carboning the lamps, cleaning the lamp rods, and, generally, to the minor details of the lines, insulators and the electro-receptive de- vices placed on the line. Lines, Halleyan A term sometimes applied to the isogonal lines. The isogonal lines are sometimes called the Halleyan lines, from Halley, who published the first chart of such lines in the year 1701. Lines, Isobaric Lines connecting places on the earth's surface which simulta- neously have the same barometric pressure. The isobaric lines are sometimes called isobars. Lines, Isoclinic Lines connecting places that have the same angle of magnetic dip or inclination. (See Dip, Magnetic.) Lines, Isodynamic Lines connect- ing places which have the same total mag- netic intensity. The magnetic intensity of a place is determined by the number of oscillations that a small mag- netic needle, moved from its position of rest in the magnetic meridian of any place, makes in a given time. This method is similar to that em- ployed for determining the intensity of gravity at any place by observing the number of oscillations that a pendulum of a given length makes in a given time at that place. If, for example, a mag- netic needle at one place makes 21 1 oscillations IP ten minutes, and 245 in the same time at another place, then the relative intensities of magnetism at these places are as the squares of those num- bers, or as 44,521 : 60,025, or as I : 1.348. Lines, Isogonal - Lines connecting places that have the same magnetic declina- tion. (See Declination.) Lines, Isogonic - A term sometimes used for isogonal lines. (See Lines, Isogcnal.) Lines, Isothermal Lines connect- ing points or places which have the same mean temperature. Lines, Kapp A term proposed by Mr. Gisbert Kapp for a unit of lines of mag- netic force. One Kapp line = 6,000 C. G. S. magnetic lines. Since there are 6.4514 square centimetres in -a square inch, I Kapp line per square inch 6,oco 64514 930 C. G. S. lines per square cm Llii.j 322 [Loc. The totll number of Kapp lines passing through a magnet and air space is equal to the ampere turns divided by the total magnetic reluctance in the magnetic circuit. (Urquharl.) Lines of Electric Displacement. (See Displacement, Electric, Lines of.} Lines of Electrostatic Force. (See Force, Electrostatic, Lines of.) Lines of Force, Cutting (See Force, Lines cf, Cutting} Lines of Force, Direction of (See Force, Lines of, Direction of} Lines of Inductive Action. (See Action, Inductive, Lines of} Lines of Magnetic Force. (See Force, Magnetic, Lines of} Lines of Magnetic Force, Conducting Power for - (See Force, Magnetic, Lines of. Conducting Power for} Lines of Magnetic Induction. (See In- duction. Magnetic, Lines of} Lines, Overhead A term applied to telegraph, telephone and electric light or power lines that run overhead, in contradis- tinction to similar lines placed underground. Lines, Vortex-Stream Lines ex- ttnding in the direction in which the particles cf a fluid are moving. A vortex stream is supposed to be composed of a number of vortex -stream lines. Linked Magnetic and Electric Chain. (See Chain, Linked Magnetic and Electric.} Links, Fuse - Strips or plates of fusible metal in the form of links, employed for safety fuses for incandescent or other circuits. Liquid, Bright Dipping A liquid *used in electro-plating for dipping articles preparatory to electro-plating, so as to insure a bright plating deposit on them when after- wards subjected to the plating process. A bright dipping liquid is prepared by the ad- dition of I volume of common table salt to a mixture of loo volumes each of sulphuric and nitric acids. For small objects or articles of copper, cr other readily corroded metals, the above solution is diluted by the addition of one. eighth its volume of water. Liquid, Electropoion A battery liquid consisting of i pound of bichromate of potash dissolved in 10 p'ounds of water, to which 2& pounds of commercial sulphuric acid has been gradually added. This liquid is employed with the carbon-zinc cell or the bichromate of potash cell. Liquid, Exciting, of Voltaic Cell- The electrolyte or liquid in a voltaic cell, which acts on the positive plate. Liquid Level Alarm. (See Alarm, Watet or Liquid Level} Liquid Resistance Load. (See Load Liquid Resistance} Liquid, Stripping A liquid em- ployed to remove a coating of one metal from the surface of another, without affecting the other metal. The character of the stripping liquid used will depend on the kind of metal to be removed, and whether the stripping is to be accomplished by solution effected by chemical action, or by electro- lytic action. Liquid, Specific Resistance of (See Resistance, Specific, of Liquid} Liquor, Spent Any liquor, such as that in the acid or other baths used in electro- plating, that has become weakened by use. Listening Cam. (See Cam, Listening} Load, Liquid Resistance An arti- ficial load for a dynamo-electric machine, consisting of a mass of liquid interposed be- tween electrodes. A liquid is generally rendered better conduct- ing by the addition of a small quantity of soluble salt, such, for example, as sulphate of soda. Local Action of Dynamo-Electric Ma- chine. (See Action, Local, of Dynamo- Electric Machine} Local Action of Voltaic Cell. (See Ac* tion, Local, of Voltaic Cell.) Local Battery. (See Battery, Local.) Local Battery Circuit. (See Circuit Local-Battery} Loc.J 323 [Loo. Local Currents. (See Currents, Local.} Local Faradization. (See Faradization, Local.} Local Galvanization. (See Galvaniza- tion, Local) Localization of Faults. (See Faults, Localization of.} Lock, Electric A lock that is au- tomatically unlocked by the aid of electricity. The electric lock is so arranged that the action of a push button at a distance unlocks the door. A speaking tube communicates with the house, and the pressing of a push button on any floor of the house unlocks the door. The mere shutting of the door locks it. A form of electric lock is shown in Fig. 347. 347- Electric Lock. Locomotive, Electric -- A railway engine whose motive power is electricity. (See Railroads, Electric) Locomotive Head Light, Electric -- (See Head Light, Locomotive) Lodestone. A name formerly applied to an ore of iron (magnetic iron ore), that natu- rally possesses the power of attracting pieces of iron to it. Lodestone, or magnetic iron ore, must be re- garded as a magnetizable substance that has be- come permanently magnetic from its situation in the earth's magnetic field. Such beds of ore concentrate the lines of the earth's magnetic field on them, and thus become magnetic. Lodge's Standard Voltaic Cell. (See Cell, Voltaic, Standard, Lodge's) Log, Electric An electric device for measuring the speed of a vessel. A log, operated by the rotation of a wheel, is caused to register the number of its rotations by a step-by-step recording apparatus operated by breaks in the circuit, made during the rotation of the wheel, at any given number of turns, say ico, or some other convenient multiple. Such a log may be kept constantly in the water, and ob- served when required, or it can be caused to make a permanent record ot its actual speed at any time during the entire run. Logarithm. The exponent of the power to which it is necessary to raise a fixed num- ber, in order to produce a given number. A table of logarithms enables the operations oi multiplication, division, the raising of powers, and the extraction of roots, to be readily per- formed by simple addition, subtraction, multi- plication or division, respectively. When thor- oughly understood, logarithms greatly reduce the labor of mathematical calculations. For the man- ner in which they are used, the student is referred to any standard work on mathematics. Logarithmic Curve. (See Curve, Loga- rithmic) Long-Coil Magnet. (See Magnet, Lcttg- Coil) Long-Core Electro-Magnet. (See Mag- net, Electro, Long-Core) Long-Shunt Compound- Wound Dynamo- Electric Machine. (See Machine, Dyna- mo-Electric, Compound- Wound, L o ng- Shunt) Longitude, Electric Determination ol The determination of the longitude of a place, by differences in time between it and a place on the prime meridian, as simultane- ously determined telegraphically. In determinations of this character allowance must be made for the retarding effects of long telegraphic lines, or cables. Loom, Electric A device by means of which Jacquard cards in the ordinary loo' are replaced by a simple perforated metal plate, the perforations in which correspond to those in the Jaccuard card. Loo.] 324 [Lur. The necessary movements are effected by means of electro-magnets. Loop Break. A device for introducing a loop in a break made at any part of a circuit. The rigidity of the line wire, between the points of attachment of the loop introduced, is main- tained by means of some inflexible non-conducting material inserted in the break. Loop Circuit. (See Circuit, Loop.} Loop, Drip An inclined loop placed where the outside conductors enter a build- ing. The inclination is upwards towards the point of entrance to the building. This device of a drip loop is adopted for the purpose of prevent- ing the rain water from flowing along the inclined wire into the building. This is effected by making the wire incline from the building, thus throwing the drainage from the building. Loop, Electric A portion of a main circuit consisting of a wire going out from one side of a break in the main circuit and returning to the other side of the break. Loops are employed for the purpose of con- necting a branch telegraph office with the main line; for placing one or more electric arc lamps on the main line circuit; for connecting a mes- senger call or telephone circuit with a mainline; and for numerous similar purposes. Loops of Force. (See Force, Loops of,} Loops of Mutual Induction. (See Induc- tion, Mutual, Loops of.} Low-Resistance Magnet. (See Magnet, Low-Resistance.} Low-Tension Electric Fuse. (See Fuse, Electric, Low- Tension.} Loxodrograph. An apparatus for electri- cally recording on paper the actual course o' a ship by the combined action of magnetism and photography. Luces. Plural of lux. (See Lux^ Luminescence. A limited power of emit- ting light, possessed by certain bodies which have previously acquired potential energy by exposure to light or radiant energy. The term luminescence was proposed by E. Wiedemann to cover the case of the emission of light under circumstances differing from the emis- sion or radiation of light by incandescence. Lu- minescence applies to the case of a radiation, generally selective in character, that is apparently due to effects allied to, or the same as, those of fluorescence and phosphorescence. For example, magnesium oxide or zinc oxide, when heated above a certain critical temperature, radiates far more light than equally hot carbon. The spectrum of such luminescent light is espe- cially rich in certain wave lengths. The ability of the substance to continue to furnish this extra light is, however, limited. After a comparatively short time, the additional light, or selective radia- tion, disappears. The luminescent light is appa- rently due to molecular potential energy stored in the substance during its exposure to light. Lumi- nescence may be developed in bodies in the fol- lowing manner, viz. : (I.) By heat. (2.) By chemical action. (3.) By friction. (4.) By exposure to the sun, or by actual impact of light waves. (5.) By electricity. (6.) By vital forces, as in the fire fly, or the glow worm. Luminescence, Rejuvenation of Reimparting by exposure to light, or any other suitable means, the power of luminescence to a substance after it has lost this power. Luminous Absorption. (See Absorption, Luminous!) Lunar Inequality of Earth's Magnetic Variation or Inclination. (See Inequality, Lunar, of Earth's Magnetic Variation or Inclination!) Lunar Inequality of Earth's Magnetism. (See Inequality, Lunar, of Earth's Mag- netism?) Lux. A name proposed by Preece for the unit of intensity of illumination. The illumination given by a standard candle at the distance of 12.7 inches. The illumination given by I carcel at the distance of i metre. The illumination given by a lamp of io,ooc candles at 105.8 feet. (See Illumination Unit of.} 325 M M. A contraction sometimes used to ex- press a gaseous pressure of the .oooooi of an atmosphere. 1,000,000 M. equals 760 mm. of mercury or I atmosphere of pressure. A vessel containing air, which has been ex- hausted to the .oooooi of its pressure at 760 mm., or one atmosphere, has a pressure or ten- sion of I M. This contraction is used by Crookes in his re- searches on the properties of radiant matter. (See Matter ; Radiant, or Ultra Gaseous. ) >u. A contraction used in mathematical writings for magnetic permeability, or the specific conductibility of any substance for lines of magnetic force. mm. A contraction for millimetre. (See Weights, French System of.} M. P. H. A contraction sometimes used in railroad work to indicate miles per hour. Machine, Armstrong's Hydro-Electric A machine for the development of electricity by the friction of a jet of steam passing over a water surface. Steam generated in a suitably insulated boiler, Fig. 348. Armstrong's Hydro-Electric Machine. Fig. 34?, is allowed to escape through a tortuous nozzle, from a series of apertures opposite a pointed comb, attached to an insulated conductor. The cooling of the steam during its passage through a flat box, termed the coolino box, con- nected with the nozzles, causes a partial condensa- tion, so that the box always contains a small quantity of water. The friction of the drops of water against the orifice, and, possibly, their friction against the water surface itself, are the cause of the electricity produced. A conductor connected with the pointed comb furnishes positive electricity. The boiler fur- nishes negative electricity. The hydro-electric machine is not a very economical source of elec- tricity, and is only employed for experimental purposes. It was discovered accidentally through a shock given to an engineer, who placed his hand in a jet of steam escaping from a leaking boiler he was endeavoring to mend. The causes were first studied by Sir Wm. Armstrong, who, in 1840, devised the apparatus just described. Machine, Dynamo-Electric A machine for the conversion of mechanical energy into electrical energy, by means of magneto-electric induction. The term is also applied to a machine by means of which electrical energy is converted into mechanical energy by means of magneto- electric induction. Machines of the latter class are generally called motors, those of the former, generators. Prof. S. P. Thompson defines a dynamo-elec- tric machine as follows, viz. : " A machine for converting energy in the form of mechanical power into energy in the form of electric currents, or vice versa, by the operation of setting con- ductors (usually in ihe form of coils of copper wire) to rotate in a magnetic field, or by vary- ing a magnetic field in the presence of conduc- tors." The tejm dynamo was first applied to such machines, because in the form in which this machine first appeared, viz.: the series- wound machine, it was self-exciting, or required no ex- citement other than what it received by the rota- tion of its armature in the field of its magnets, or, indeed, in the field of the earth. (See Machine, Dynamo-Electric, Reaction Principle of.) A dynamo-electric generator, or a dynamo-elec- Mac.] 326 [Mac. f ric machine proper, consists of the following parts, viz.: (i.) The revolving portion, usually the arma- ture, in which the electromotive force is developed, which produces the current. It must be borne in mind that it is not current, but difference of electric potential, or electromotive force, that is developed by any electric source front which a current is obtained. For ease of reference, however, we will speak of an electric current as being generated by the armature, or by the source. No ambiguity will be introduced if the student bears the above in mind. (2.) Thejie/d magnets, which produce the field in which the armature revolves. (3. ) hi pole pieces, or free terminals of the field magnets. (4. ) The commutator, by which the currents de- veloped in the armature are caused to flow in one and the same direction. In alternating machines, and in some continuous current dynamos Zhis part is called the collector, and does not rec- tify the currents. (5.) The collecting brushes, that rest on the commutator cylinder and take off the current generated in the armature. Machine, Dynamo-Electric, Alternating- Current A dynamo-electric machine ia which alternating currents are produced. The field magnets may be either permanent jnagnets or electro-magnets. When electro-mag- aets are used, their coils may be separately ex- cited by another machine whose current is con- tinuous; or, they may be excited by the commuted :rrent of a separate coil on the armature; or, they may be partly excited by commuted currents and partly by commuted currents from a transformer, placed in the main circuit of the dynamo. Machine, Dynamo-Electric, Armature of (See Armature, Dynamo- Electric Machine?) Machine, Dynamo-Electric, Bed-Piece of The frame or base on which a dynamo is supported. The bed-piece is sometimes called the dynamo frame or base. Machine, Dynamo-Electric, Bi-Polar A dynamo-electric machine, the armature of which rotates in a field formed by two magnet poles, as distinguished from a ma- chine the armature of which rotates in a field formed by more than two magnet poles. A dynamo-electric machine whose armature rotates in the field formed by more than two poles is called a multi-polar machine. (See Ma- chine, Dynamo-Electric, Multi-Polar.) Machine, Dynamo-Electric, Carca*s of ; A term sometimes used in place of the field magnet frame of a dynamo-electric machine. (See Machine, Dynamo-Electric, Frame of.) The term, field magnet frame, would appear to be the preferable term. The term, however, is used in France, and is derived from the French word for skeleton. Machine, Dynamo-Electric, Closed-Coil A dynamo-electric machine, the armature coils of which are grouped in sec- tions, communicating with successive bars of a collector, so as to be connected continu- ously together in a closed circuit. The Gramme dynamo and most continuous- current dynamos are closed-coil dynamos. Machine, Dynamo-Electric, Closed-Coil Disc A closed-coil dynamo-electric machine, ihe armature core of which is disc- shaped. Machine, Dynamo-Electric, Closed-Coil Drum A closed-coil dynamo-electric machine, the armature core of which is drum-shaped. Machine, Dynamo-Electric, Closed-Coil Ring A closed-coil dynamo-electric machine, the armature core of which is ring- shaped. Machine, Dynamo-Electric, Collectors (See Collectors of Dynamo-Electric Machines.} Machine, Dynamo-Electric, Compound Winding of (See Winding, Com- pound, of Dynamo-Electric Machine.) * Machine, Dynamo-Electric, Compound- Wound Machines whose field mag- nets are excited by more than one circuit of coils, or by more than a single electric source. The object of compound winding is to make Mac.] 327 [Mae. the dynamo self-regulating under changes in its working load. A shunt- wound dynamo renders both series and multiple circuits approximately constant as regards their working. Multiple cir- cuits, however, require great constancy of poten- tial, and for this purpose the compounding of the dynamos is necessary . In the compound dynamo, the shunt coils are superposed on the series coils, or are used in con- nection with them. The shunt coils consist of a much greater number of convolutions of fine wire than the series coils, which are of coarse wire. Separate excitation is sometimes compounded either with series or with shunt field magnet coils. Compound dynamos are of two classes, viz.: (l.) Those designed to produce a constant potential, and (2. ) Those designed to produce a constant cur- rent. For Constant Potential : In the long-shunt compound-wound dynamo, the terminals of the shunt coil are connected with the binding posts of the machine. As the cur- rent leaves the armature it has two paths to take : one, the thick series coils, to the external circuit, and the other the finer and longer shunt coils. The resistance of the shunt coils is greater than that of the armature. Current variations in the armature will, therefore, produce no appreciable effect on the magnetizing power of the shunt, which acts as a nearly uniform exciter of the field. In a shunt-wound dynamo connected to a multiple circuit, the introduction of an additional number of receptive devices into the circuit re- quires more current, and this would tend to cause a slight drop in the potential. The object of the series coils is to prevent this drop. The series coils, therefore, act as compensators. If the coils are too powerful the compensation will have the effect of increasing the potential. The combination of a series and separately ex- cited machine is shown in Fig. 351. The field is in series with the armature, but has also an ad- ditional and separate excitation. The combination of a series and shunt machine insures the excitation of the field both by the main and by the shunted current. Such a com- bination is shown in Fig. 353. For Constant Current : The combination of shunt and separately ex- cited machines is shown in Fig. 356. In this machine the field is excited by means of a shunt to the external circuit, and by a current produced by a separate source. The combination of a series and magneto ma- chine is shown in Fig. 352. This, also, is designed to give a constant current. Machine, Dynamo-Electric, Compound- Wound, Long-Shunt A compound- wound dynamo- electric machine, in which the shunt-field magnet coils form a shunt to the binding posts of the machine. In the short-shunt compound-wound dynamo - electric machine, the ends of the shunt coil are connected to the brushes of the machine. Machine, Dynamo-Electric, Compound- Wound, Short-Shunt A compound- wound dynamo-electric machine in which the shunt-field magnet coils form a shunt to the armature only, as distinguished from the armature and series coils combined. In the short-shunt dynamo-electric machine, the ends of the shunt coil are connected to the brushes of the machine, and not to the binding posts of the machine, or to the external circuit, as in the long-shunt machine. Machine, Dynamo-Electric, Continuous- Current A dynamo-electric machine, the current of which is commuted so as to flow in one and the same direction, as dis- tinguished from an alternating dynamo. Machine, Dynamo-Electric, Double-Mag- net A term sometimes applied to a dynamo-electric machine, the field magnets of which have two consequent poles. Machine, Dynamo-Electric, Economic Co-efficient of A name formerly ap- plied to the efficiency of a dynamo-electric machine. (See Machine, Dynamo-Electric, Efficiency of.) Machine, Dynamo-Electric, Efficiency of The ratio between the electric energy or the electrical horse-power produced by a dynamo, and the mechanical energy or horse-power expended in driving the dynamo. The Efficiency may be the Commercial Effi- ciency, which is the useful or available energy in the external circuit divided by the total median- ical energy ; or it may be the Electrical Efficiency, which is the available electric energy divided by the total electric energy. Mac.] 328 [M:C. The Efficiency of Conversion is the total elec- trical energy developed, divided by the total mechanical energy applied. If M, equals the mechanical energy, W, the useful or available electrical energy, and w, the electrical energy absorbed by the ma- chine, and m, the Straf Power, or the power lost in friction, eddy currents, air friction, etc. Then, since M = W -f w + m, o lira Commercial Efficiency . . = - = - M W - . W + w -4-m Electrical Efficiency ____ = W _ . W -f- w Efficiency of Conversion = + w W + w M W-(- w -f- m Machine, Dynamo-Electric, Flashing of A name given to long flashing sparks at the commutator, due to the short cir- cuiting, of the external circuit at the com- mutator, by arcing over the successive com- mutator insulating strips. Machine, Dynamo-Electric, Frame of The bed-piece that supports a dyna- mo-electric machine. The frame is sometimes called the dynamo bed- piece. The word frame is sometimes applied to the field magnet cores and yokes. Machine, Dynamo-Electric, Local Action Ot (See Action, Local, of Dynamo- Electric Machine?) Machine, Dynamo-Electric, Mouse-Mill, Sir Wm. Thomson's - A dynamo- electric machine designed by Sir Wm. Thomson, named from the resemblance of its armature to a mouse mill. The armature conductor of this dynamo con- sists of parallel bars of copper, arranged on a hollow cylinder, like the bars on a mouse mill. Machine, Dynamo-Electric, Multipolar A dynamo-electric machine, the armature of which revolves in a field formed by more than a single pair of poles. This form is usually adopted for large machines as being more economical. Fig. 349 shows a multipolar dynamo with four poles. Machine, Dynamo-Electric, Open-Coil A dynamo-electric machine, the armature coils of which, though connected to Fig. 34Q. Multipolar Dynamo with Four Poles. the successive bars of the commutator, are not connected continuously in a closed circuit. The Brush and the Thomson-Houston arc dy- namos are open-coil machines. Machine, Dynamo-Electric, Open-Coil Disc An open-coil dynamo-electric machine, the armature of which is disc- shaped. Machine, Dynamo-Electric, Open-Coil Drum An open-coil dynamo-electric machine, the armature core of which is drum- shaped. Machine, Dynamo-Electric, Open-Coil Ring An open-coil dynamo-electric machine, the armature core of which is ring- shaped. Machine, Dynamo-Electric, Output of The electric power of the current gen- erated by a dynamo-electric machine ex- pressed in volt-amperes, watts or kilo-watts. S. P. Thompson suggests that dynamo- electric machines be rated as to their practical safe ca- pacity in units of output of 1,000 -watts, or one kilo-watt. According to this, an 8-unit machine might give, say, 100 amperes at a difference of potential of 80 volts, or 2,000 amperes at a differ- ence of potential of 4 volts. Such a unit would be far more expressive than the usual method ot rat- ing a machine as having a capacity of such and such a number of lights. Machine, Dynamo-Electric, Reaction Principle of The mutual interaction 329 [Mae. between the current generated in the armature coils of a dynamo-electric machine and the field of the machine, each strengthening the other until the full working current, which the machine is capable of developing, is produced. When the armature of a series or shunt dynamo commences to rotate, the differences of potential generated in its coils are very small, since the field of the magnet is weak, being merely the residual magnetism. The current so produced in the armature, circulating through the field magnet coils, increases the intensity of the mag- netic field of the machine, and this, reacting on the armature, results in a more powerful current through it. This current again increases the strength of the magnetic field of the machine, which again reacts to increase the current strength in the armature coils, and this continues until the machine is producing its full output. A dynamo-electric machine very rapidly "builds /," or reaches its maximum current after starting. The reaction principle was dis- overed by Soren Hjorth, of Copenhagen. Machine, Dynamo-Electric, Reversibility of The ability of a dynamo to act as - 35. Separately Excited Dynamo a motor when traversed by an electric cur- rent. (See Motor, Electric.) Machine, Dynamo-Electric, Separate Coil - A dynamo- electric machine in which the field magnets are excited by means of coils on the armature, separate and dis- tinct from those which furnish current to the external circuit. Machine, Dynamo-Electric, Separately Excited A dynamo-electric machine in which the field magnet coils have no con- nection with the armature coils, but receive their current from a separate machine or source. A separately excited dynamo-electric machine is shown in Fig. 350. Separate excitation for constant current ma- chines has not come into any extended use in the United States. Machine, Dynamo-Electric, Series and Magneto A compound-wound dy- namo-electric machine in which the arma- ture circuit of a magneto-electric machine is connected in series with the armature and field magnet circuits of a series dynamo. The circuit connections of a series and magneto dynamo are shown in Fig. 351. Fig 3 ST. Series and Magneto Dynamo. Machine, Dynamo-Electric, Series and Separately Excited - A compound- wound dynamo-electric machine in which there are two separate circuits on the field magnet cores, one of which is connected in series with the field magnets and the exter- nal circuit, and the other with some source by which it is separately excited. Mac.] 330 [Mac. A series and separately excited compound- Wound dynamo-electric machine is shown in Fig- 352. Fig. 352. Series and Separately Excited Dynamo. This machine is employed for maintaining a constant potential at its terminals. Machine, Dynamo-Electric, Series and Shunt Wound A compound-wound Fig. 353. Series and Shunt- Wound Dynamo. dynamo-electric machine in which the field magnets are wound with two separate coils, one of which is in series with the armature and the external circuit, and the other in shunt with the armature. This is usually called a compound-wound ma chine. (See Machine, Dynamo Electric, Com- pound- Wound.) A compound-wound series and shunt dynamo- electric machine is shown in Fig. 353. This ma- chine is designed to maintain constant potential at its terminals. There are two varieties of series and shunt - wound dynamos, viz. : (I.) Long-shunt compound-wound dynamo. (2.) Short-shunt compound-wound dynarno. (See Machine, Dynamo-Electric, Compound- Wound, Long- Shunt. Machine, Dynamo-Electric, Compound- Wound, Short -Shunt.) Machine, Dynamo-Electric, Series- Wound A dynamo-electric machine, in which the field circuit and the external circuit are D D D D Fig. 354.. Series Dynamo. connected in series with the armature circuit, so that the entire armature current must pass through the field coils. A series dynamo -electric machine is shown in Fig. 354. Here the armature circuit, the field circuit and the external circuit are all connected in series. Since in a series-wound dynamo the armature coils, the field and the external series circuit are in series, any increase in the resistance of the external circuit will decrease the electromotive force from the decrease in the magnetizing currents. A de- crease in the resistance of the external circuit will, in a like manner, increase the electromotive force from the increase in the magnetizing current Mac.] 331 [Mac. The use of a regulator avoids these changes in the electromotive force. 355- Series Dynamo, The dynamo shown in Fig. 355 is series con- nected. The armature is ring shaped. The armature core cons ; sts of a ring made of soft iron wire. The field is bi-polar, and is obtained by the use of four magnet coils and two consequent poles. Machine, Dynamo-Electric, Shunt and Separately Excited A compound- wound dynamo-electric machine, in which ig- 5f6. Shunt and Separately Excited Dynamo. the field is excited both by means of a shunt fo the armature circuit, and by a current produced by a separate source. A bhunt a id separately excited compound- wound dynamo electric machine is shown in Fig. 356. This machine maintains a constant current in its circuit, notwithstanding changes in its ex- ternal circuit. Machine, Dynamo-Elect ic, Shnnt- Wound -Adynamo-electricmachinein which the field magnet coils are placed in a shunt to the armature circuit, so that on y a portion of the current generated passes through the field magnet coils, but all the difference of potential of the armature acts at the terminals of the field circuit. A shunt dynamo-electric machine is shown in Fig- 357- O D D D D Fig. 357. Shunt Dynamo. In a shunt dynamo-electric machine, an in- crease in the resistance of the external circuit in- creases the electromotive force, and a decrease in the resistance of the external circuit decreases the electromotive force. This is just the reverse of the series -wound dynamo. In a shunt-wound dynamo a continuous balanc ing of the current occurs. The current dividing at the brushes between the field and the e.vtiTiial circuit in the inverse proportion to the resistance of these circuits, if the resistance of the rxfrrml circuit becomes greater, a proportionately yre.itrr current passes through the field magnets, and 5-0 causes the electromotive force to become greater. If, on the contrary.the resistance of the external circuit decreases, less current passes through the field, and the electromotive force is proportion- ately decreased. Mac.] 332 [Mac. In a shunt-wound dynamo the resistance of the shunt should be at least four hundred times that of the armature. It is sometimes as much as one thousand times as great. (Urguhart.) To obtain complete regulation of the machine some form of compounding is necessary. (See Machine, Dynamo-Electric, Compound- Wound. ) Machine* Dynamo-Electric, Single Mag- net A dynamo-electric machine, in which the field magnet poles are obtained by means of a single coil of insulated wire, instead of by more than a single coil. Machine, Dynamo- Electric, Sparking of An irregular and injurious oper- ation of a dynamo-electric machine, at- tended with sparks at the collecting brushes. Sparking consists in the formation of small arcs under the collecting brushes. One cause-of sparking is to be found in the brushes leaving one commutator strip before making connection with the next strip. Sparking from this cause may be avoided by so placing the brushes as to cause them to bridge over the space between two consecutive bars, thus permitting them to touch one bar before leaving the other. Two brushes, electrically con- nected, are sometimes employed for this purpose, or the slots between contiguous bars are slightly inclined to the axis of rotation. Sparking causes a burning of the commutator strips, and an irregular consumption of the brushes, both of which produce further irregu larities by the wear of the brushes against the commutator bars. At the moment the brush touches two contigu- ous commutator bars, it short circuits the coil terminating at those bars. On the breaking of this closed circuit, a spark appears under the brushes. This spark is often considerable, since from the comparatively small resistance of the coil, it is apt, when short-circuited, to produce a heavy current if not exactly at the neutral point. Another cause of sparking is to be found in the self-induction of the armature coils. The extra current on breaking forms an injurious spark under the brushes. This spark may be consid- erable, since the current produced in the coil on momentarily short circuiting it by the brushes simultaneously touching the adjoining commu tator currents may be large. Sparking occurs when the brushes are not set close to the neutral line. Since the principal cause for the change in the lead of the brushes is the magnetizing effect of the armature coils, it is preferable to make the number of windings of these as few as possible, and to obtain the neces- sary differences of potential by increasing the speed of rotation and the strength of the mag- netic field of the machine. Short armature coils also lessen the sparking due to self-induction. Sparking at the brushes is also caused by the jumping of improperly supported or constructed brushes. When the brushes are not set close to the neu- tral point, long flashing sparks are apt to occur. Alack of symmetry of winding of the arma ture coils will necessarily be attended by injurious flashing, from the impossibility of properly ad- justing the brushes. Machine, Dynamo-Electric, Synchroniz- ing Adjusting the phases of two alternating current dynamos so as to per- mit their being coupled or joined in par- allel. Machine* Dynamo-Electric, to Short Cir- cuit a To put a dynamo-electric ma- chine on a circuit of comparatively small electric resistance. Machine, Dynamo-Electric, Unit of Out- put of A unit for the electric power furnished by the current of a dynamo- electric machine. A unit of output equal to 1,000 watts or i kilowatt. A machine furnishing a current of 100 amperes at a difference of potential of So volts, would have an output of S,ooo watts, and would, therefore, be rated as an 8-unit machine. Machine, Electric, Rubber of A cushion of leather covered with an electric amalgam, and employed to produce elec- tricity by its friction against the plate or cylinder of a frictional electric machine. (See Machine, Frictional Electric. ) Machine, Electrostatic Induction of A machine in which a small initial charge produces a greatly increased charge by its inductive action on a rapidly rotated disc of glass or other dielectric. An excellent type and example of such a ma- chine is found in the Holtz machine, which con- Mac.] 333 [JLic. sists of the following parts, as shown in Fig. 358, viz ; (i.) A stationary glass plate A, fixed at its edges to insulated supports- (2.) A movable plate B, capable of rapid rota- tation on a horizontal axis, by a driving pulley. Fig. 358. Holtz Electric Machine. (3.) Armatures of varnished paper f, f', placed on opposite sides of the fixed plate at holes or windows P, P', cut in the plate. The armatures are placed on the side of the fixed plate away from the moving plate, or on the back of the plate, so that the plate, on its rotation, moves towards tongties of paper attached to the middle of the arma ure. (4.) Metal combsp'.aced in front of the movable disc opposite the armatures, and connected with the brass balls m, n, one of which is movable towards and from the other by means of a suitably supported insulating handle connected with it. A small initial charge is given to one of the armatures by holding a plate of electrified vul- canite against it, and rotating the machine while the balls m, n, are in contact. As soon as the ma- chine is charged the balls zrzgradttally separated, when a torrent of sparks will pass between them so long as the plate is rotated. When the balls are separated too far the sparks cease to pass. The balls must then be again brought into contact and gradually separated as before. The Holtz machine can be regarded as a re- volving electrophorus provided with means for constantly discharging and recharging the upper metallic plate. (See Electrophorus.} The action of the machine is well described by S. P. Thompson in his "Elementary Lessons on Electricity and Magnetism, " as follows: "Suppose a small -f- charge to be imparted at the outset to the right armature f ' ; this charge acts inductively across the discs upon the metallic comb, repels electricity through it, and leaves the points negatively electrified. They discharge negatively electrified air upon the front surface of the movable disc ; the repelled charge passes through the brass rods and balls, and is dis- charged through the left comb upon the front side of the movable disc. Here it acts inductively upon the paper armature, causing that part of it which is opposite itself to be negatively charged and repelling a -|- charge into its farthest part, viz., into the tongue, which being bluntly pointed, slowly discharges a 4. charge upon the back of the movable disc. If now the disc be turned round, this + charge on the back comes over from the left to the right side, in the direction indicated by the arrow, and, when it gets opposite the comb, increases the inductive effect of the already exist- ing _f- charge on the armature, and therefore repels more electricity through the brass rods and knob into the left comb. Meantime the charge, which we saw had been induced in the left arma- ture, has in turu acted on the left comb, causing a -f- charge to be discharged by the points upon the front of the di:C ; and drawing electricity through the brass rods and knobs, has made the right comb still more highly , increasing the discharge of ly electrified air upon the front of the disc, neutralizing the-f- charge which is be- ing conveyed over from the left. These acti. us re- sult in causing the top half of the moving disc to be ly electrified. The charges on the front serve, as they are carried round, to neutralize the electricities let off by the points of the combs, while the charges on the back, induced respect- ively m the neighborhood of each ot the arma- tures, serve, when the rotation of the disc con- veys them round, to increase the inductive influ- ence of the charge on the other armature." The student will be aided in following Prof, Thompson's explanation by the diagrammatic sketch, shown in Fig. 359. Here the rotating plate is shown for convenience in the form of a cylinder. The armatures are shown on the back of the plate at f and f, opposite the brass collecting combs P' and P, with their discharging rods and balls a, a. The effect of the positive charge given to the right hand armature f', directly through the comb P', rods a, a, comb P, to left hand arma- ture f, is readily seen. The rotation of the plate being in the direction of the curved arrow; the charging of the front of the plate by convection streams from the combs, and the back of the plate Mac. ] 334 from the points of the paper armatures, as well as the character of the charge, will be understood. There thus results, as is shown, a positive charge on both the front and back of the upper half of f'f- 35Q- PM* offfoltz Machine. the rotating plate, and a negative charge on both sides of its lower half. A reversal of polarity of the plate occurs at the line P a a P'. Sometimes the reversal does not occur, and the machine either loses its charge entirely, or in part. A conductor S S, furnished with points, is sometimes provided to lessen the chances of lack of reversal. Machine, Faradic A machine for producing faradic currents. There are two varieties of faradic machines, viz.: magnet o-faradic apparatus and simple in. duction apparatus. Machine, Frictional Electric A machine for the development of electricity by friction. A frictional electric machine consists of a plate or cylinder of glass A, Fig. 360, capable of rota- tion on a horizontal axis. A rubber formed of a chamois skin, covered with an amalgam of tin and mercury, is placed at B. By the rotation of the plate the Fig, 360. Frictional Electric Machine. rubber becomes negatively and the glass posi- tively excited. An insulated conductor D, called the prime or positive conductor, provided with a comb of points, becomes positively charged by in- duction. The machine will develop electricity best if a conductor attached to the rubber is con- nected with the ground, as by a chain. Machine, Holtz A particular form of electrostatic induction machine. (See Machine, Electrostatic Induction.} Machine, Influence An electrical machine depending for its action on electrostatic induction. The Wimshurst and Holtz machines are influ- ence machines. (See Machine, Electrostatic In- duction. Machine, Wimshurst Electrical. Ma- thine, Holtz.} Machine, Influence, Wimshnrst's Alter- nating An electrostatic induction machine by means of which a series of rapidly alternating charges are produced. Although such a machine furnishes a torrent of sparks between its terminals, yet it is unable to furnish a permanent charge to a Leyden jar or condenser, since its oscillatory discharges, continually undo at any small interval of time what was done at the preceding interval, and thus leave the jar un- charged. Machine, Magneto Blasting A magneto-e 1 e c t r i c machine employed for generating the , . . Fig ibi. Magneto El,'cttic current used in elec- MaMftt . trie blasting. Machine, Magneto-Electric A ma- chine in which there are no field magnet coils, the magnetic field of the machine being due to the action of permanent steel magnets. A dynamo in which currents are produced by the motion of armature coils past permanent mag- nets. (See Machine, Dynamo-Electric. ) A magneto- electric machine is shown in Fig. 361. Another form of magneto-electric machine is shown in Fig. 362. This latter form of machine is known as a hand generator, in contradistinction to one driven by power and called a power generator. Mac.] 335 [Mac. The field is obtained by means of a number of separate permanent magnets so combined as to Fig. 362. Magneto- Electric Machine. act as a single magnet. The armature is rotated by hand. Machine, Mouse-Mill A form of convection induction machine, invented by Sir William Thomson to act as the re- plenisher of his electrometer. (See Ma- chine, Electrostatic Induction.} Machine, Rheostatic A machine devised by Plante in which continuous static effects of considerable intensity are obtained by charging a number of con- densers in multiple-arc and discharging them in series. The condensers are charged by connecting them with a number of secondary or storage bat- teries. Machine Telegraphy. (See Telegraphy, Machine. ) Machine, Tiippler Holtz - A modified form of Holtz machine in which the initial charge of the armatures is obtained by the friction of metallic brushes against the armatures. Machine, Wimshurst Electrical A form of convection electric machine invented by Wimshurst. Like the Holtz machine, the Wimshurst ma- chine is a convection induction machine. It is, however, more efficient in action, and will prob- ably soon supersede the former machine. The Wunshurst machine consists of two shellac-var- nished glass plates that are rapidly rotated in op- posite directions. Thin metallic strips are placed on the outside of each of the plates, in the radial positions shown in Fig. 363. These strips act both as inductors and carriers ; the carriers of one plate acting as inductors to the other plate. Two curved bra<=s rods, terminating in fine wire brushes that touch the plates, are placed as shown, one at the front of the plate, and one at the back, at right angles to each other. Pairs of conduct- Fig. 363. The Wimshurst Electrical Machine. ors, connected together, provided with collecting points, are placed diametrically opposite each other, as shown. Sliding; conductors, terminated with metallic balls, are provided for discharging the conductors. Leyden jars, the inner coatings of which are connected with two discharging rods, and the outer coatings together, may be em- ployed in this as in the Holtz machine. The exact action of this machine is not thor- oughly understood. Machines, Dynamo-Electric, Varieties of Dynamo-electric machines may be divided into classes according to (i ) The manner in which the magnetism of the field magnets is obtained. (2.) The character of their armatures. (3.) The nature of the current obtained, whether continuous or alternating. (4.) The form of their field magnets. (5.) The nature of their magnetic fields. (6.) The manner in which the current of the field magnets, the armature and the external circuits are connected. Mack A term proposed by Mr. Oliver Heaviside for a unit of self-induc- tion. The term Mack is derived from Maxwell. The unit of self induction has also been a secohm and a quadrant. Mad.] 336 [Mag. The term Max would seem to be indicated. In the United States the unit of sell -induction is called a Henry, after Prof. Joseph Henry. (See Henry, A.) Made Circuit. (See Circuit, Made ) Magazine Fuse. (See Fuse, Magazine. ) Magne-Crystallic Action. (See Action, Magne-Crystallic. ) Magnet. A body possessing the power of attracting the unlike pole of another magnet or of repelling the like pole ; or of attracting readily magnetizable bodies like iron filings to either pole. A body possessing a magnetic field. (See Field, Magnetic.} The lines of force are assumed in passing through the magnetic field to come out at the north pole of the magnet and to go in at the south pole. All lines of force form closed magnetic circuits. If a magnetizable body is brought into a magnetic field, the lines of magnetic force are concentrated on it and pass through it. The body therefore be- comes magnetic The intensity of the resulting magnetism depends on the number of lines of force that pass through the body, and the polar- ity on the direction in which they pass through it. A magnetized bar cannot be regarded as a source of energy in itself. Energy must be ex- pended to magnetize the iron, and must also be expended to demagnetize it. Magnet, Anomalous A magnet pos- sessing more than two free poles. There is no such thing as a unipolar magnet. Fig. 364. Anomalous Magnet. All magnets have two poles. Sometimes, how- ever, several magnets are so grouped that there appear to be more than two poles in the same magnet. A.. JB> C D Fig. 36 J. Anomalous Magnet. Thus, in Fig. 364, the magnet ABC appears to possess three poles, two positive poles at A and C, and a central negative pole at B. It is clear, however, that the central pole is in reality formed of two juxtaposed negative poles, and that ABC actually consists of two magnets with two poles to each. The magnet A B C D Fig. 365, which in like manner appears to possess four separate poles, in reality is formed of three magnets with two poles to each. Since unlike magnetic poles neutralize each other, it is clear that only similar poles can thus be placed together in order to produce addition- al magnet poles. Fig. 366. Anomalous Magnet. The six-pointed star shown in Fig. 366, is an anomalous magnet with apparently seven poles. The formation of the central N-pole, as is evi- dent from an inspection of the drawing, is due to the six separate north poles, n, n, n, n, n, n, of the six separate magnets Sn, Sn, etc. Such a magnet would be formed by touching the star at the point N, with the S-pole of a sufficiently powerful magnet. The extra poles are sometimes called con- sequent poles. Their presence may be shown by means of a compass needle, or by rolling the magnet in iron filings, which collect on the poles. Magnet, Artificial - -A magnet pro- duced by induction from another magnet, or from an electric current. Any magnet not found in nature is called an artificial magnet. Magnet, Axial A name sometimes given to a solenoid with an axial or straight core. Magnet, Bell-Shaped A modifica- tion of a horseshoe magnet in which the approached poles are semi-annular in shape, and form a split tube. Bell -shaped magnets are used in many galra- Mag.] 337 nometers, because they can be readily dampened by surrounding them by a mass of copper. The needle in its motion produces currents that tend to oppose, and, therefore, to stop its motion. (See Laws, Lfnz's.) Magnet, Club-Footed An electro- magnet whose core is in the Jorm of a horse-shoe and is provided with a mag- netizing coil on one pole only. Magnet Coil. (See Coil, Magnet ) Magnet, Compensating A magnet placed over a magnetic needle, generally over the magnetic needle of a galvanome- ter, for the purpose of varying the direc- tion and intensity of the magnetic force of the earth on such needle. (See Galvanom- eter, Reflecting.} A magnet, called a compensating magnet, is sometimes placed on a ship, near the compass needle, for the purpose of neutralizing the local variations produced on the compass needle by the magnetism of the ship. Magnet, Compound A number of single magnetsplaced par- allel and with their similar poles facing one another, as shown in Fig. 367. Compound magnets are stronger in proportion to their weight than single magnets. Magnet, Compound Horseshoe A horse- shoe magnet composed of several separate horse- shoe magneto placed with S their similar poles to- gether. Fig. 367. Compound Magnet. A compound horseshoe magnet is shown in Fig. 368. A horseshoe magnet possesses greater portative power than a straight bar magnet of the same weight. (See Power, Portative. ) (i.) Because its opposite poles are nearer to- gether; and (2 ) Because the magnetic resistance of its circuit is less, the lines of magnetic force closing through the armature, and thus concentrating the magnetic attraction on the armature. Electro-magnets are generally made of the horseshoe shap-i. [Mag. Magnet, Controlling A name sometimes applied to the controller in the Thomson-Houston automatic system of current regulation. (See Controller ) Generally any mag- net which controls some particular ac- tion. Magnet, Cylindri- cal A magnet in the shape of a cylinder. A helix or solenoid through which a cur- rent of electricity is passing is, so far as ex- ternal space is con- cerned, the exact magr netic equivalent of a cylindrical magnet. Magnet, Damping Any magnet employed for the ... . . Fig 368. Compound Horst- purpose of checking shot Magnet. the velocity of motion of a moving body or magnet. Dampening magnets generally act by the resist- ance which they offer to the passage of a metallic disc, so moved as to cut the lines offeree of their field. Magnet, Electro A magnet pro- duced by the passage of an electric current through a coil of insulated wire surround- ing a core of magnetizable material. The magnetizing coil is called a helix or sole- noid. (See Magnetism, Ampere's Theory of.) Strictly speaking, the term electro- magnet is limited to the case of a magnet provided with a solt iron core, which enables it to rapidly acquire its magnetism on the passage of the magnetizing current, a-id as rapidly to lose its magnetism on the cessation of such current. An elect! ic current passed around a bar of magnetizable material, in the manner and direc- tion shown in Fig. 369, will produce the polarity N and S, at its ends or extremities as marked. The directions of the currents required to pro- duce N and S, poles respectively are shown in Fig. 37- The cause of this difference of polarity will be readily understood from a study of the direction Mag.] 338 [Mug. of lines of magnetic force in the field produced by an electric current. Fig, 3tx). Polarity of Current. The direction of this polarity may be predicted by the following modification of a rule by Ampere: Imagine yourself swimming in the wire in the direction of the current ; if, then, your face is Fig. 370. North and South Magnet Poles. turned toward the bar that is being magnetized, its North seeking pole will be on your left. A Fig. 371. Deflection of Fig. 372. Drfl ction of Magnetic Needle. Magnetic Needle. If, for example, the conductor A B, be traversed by a current in the direction from B, to A, as shown in Fig. 371, the north pole N, of the needle N S, placed under the conductor, is de- flected, as shown, to the left of the observer, who is supposed to be swimming in the current, facing the needle. It the current flow in the opposite direction, as from A, to B, as shown in Fig. 372, the N, pole of the needle is deflected as shown, but still to the left of the observer supposed to be swimming as before. In any electric circuit, the lines, of magnetic force, produced by the passage of the current, form circles around the circuit in planes at right angles to the direction of the current, as shown in Fig. 373. The direction of these lines of force is the same as that of the hands of a watch, if the cur- rent be supposed to flow away from the observer. (See Field, Magnetic, of an Electric Current.} Fig. 373. Direction of Lines of Force. Remembering now that the lines of force are supposed to come out at the north pole cf a magnet, and to pass in at the south pole, it is evident that if the current flows in the direction shown in Fig. Fig. 374. Direction of Lines of Forct, 374, the lines of force will come out at the north pole and pass in at the south pole. Since in a right-handed helix the wire passes around the axis in the opposite direction to that in which it passes in a left-handed helix, it is evident that the helices shown in Fig. 375 at I, and 2, will produce opposite polarities at the points of entrance and exit by a current flowing in the direction of the arrows. If the current be sent through the right-handed helix, shown at I, from b, to a, that is, from the left to the right in the figure, a south pole will be produced at b, and a north pole at a. If, how- ever, it be sent from a, to b, the polarity will be reversed. If the current be sent through the left-handed Mag.] 339 [Mag. helix, shown at 2, from a, to b, that is, trom the left to the right in the figure, a north pole will be pro- duced at a, and a south pole at b. If, however, it be sent in the opposite direction, the polarity will be reversed. Therefore, in an electro-magnet, on the core of which several layers or thicknesses of wire are wound, in which the current flows through one layer, in, say a direction from right to left, the cur- rent must return through the next layer in the opposite direction, or from left to right. The polarities of the same extremities of the helices are, however, the same in all cases, since the layers are successively right and left handed to the current. The winding shown at 3, pro- duces consequent poles. The following laws express the more important principles concerning electro-magnets : (l.) The magnetic intensity (strength) of an electro-magnet is nearly proportional to the strength of the magnetizing current, provided the core is not saturated. (2.) The magnetic strength is proportional to the number of turns of wire in the magnetizing coil ; that is, to the number of ampere turns. (See Turns, Ampere.) (3 ) The magnetic strength is independent of the thickness or material of the conducting wires. These laws may be embraced in the more gen- eral statement that the strength of an electro- - 37 f- Right-Handed, Left- Handed and Anomalous Helices. magnet, the size of the magnet being the same, is proportional to the number of its ampere turns. (See Turns, Ampere.) A short interval of time is required for a cur- rent to thoroughly magnetize a powerful electro- magnet. A few moments are also required for a power- ful magnet to thoroughly lose its magnetism. At the same time electro-magnets are capable of acquiring or losing their magnetism with very great rapidity. It is, in fact, on this ability pos- sessed to so remarkable a degree by soft iron, that he value of an electro-magnet for many purposes depends. (See Lag, Magnetic.) A difference exists between the action of a mag- netized disc and a hollow coil of wire through which a current of electricity is passing. So far as the space outside either is concerned, the action is the same, but the coil is penetrable on the inside and the disc is not, and for the inside of the space, therefore, there is a difference in the ac- tion. Magnet, Electro, Bar An electro- magnet, the core of which is in the form of a straight bar or rod. Magnet, Electro, Cylindrical An electro-magnet, the core of which consists of a hollow cylinder provided with a slot extending parallel to its axis. The gap in the cylinder suffices for the placing of the magnetizing coils, and forms the pules. This form of electro-magnet was devised by Joule. Its construction will be understood from an inspection of Fig. 376. Fig. yjb. Cylindrical Electro- Magnet. Magnet, Electro, Horseshoe An electro-magnet, the core of which is in the shape of a horseshoe or U. Magnet, Electro, Hughes' An electro-magnet in which a U-shaped per- manent magnet is provided with pole pieces of soft iron, on which only are placed the magnetizing coils. A quick acting electro-magnet, in which the magnetizing coils are placed on soft iron pole pieces that are connected with and form the prolongations of the poles of a permanent horseshoe magnet. Hughes devised this form of electro magnet in order to obtain the best effects from currents of but short duration. He thus obtained a quick acting magnet, neces- sary to insure the success of his system of printing telegraph, where the magnetizing currents at times have a dura. ion cf but the .20 of a second. Mag.] 340 [Mag. - 377- Iron- dad Electro- Magnet. Magnet, Electro, Joule's Cylindrical An electro- magnet provided with a hollow cylindrical core. (See Magnet, Electro, Cylindrical. ) Magnet, Electro, Iron Clad An electro-magnet whose magnetizing coil is almost entirely surrounded by iron. The effect of the iron casing is to greatly re- duce the magnetic re- sistance of the circuit. A form of iron-clad elec- tro-magnet is shown in Fig- 377- Here one of the poles is connected with a casing of iron, external to the coils, and is thus brought nearer to the other pole. Magnet, Electro, Long-Core An electro-magnet with a long core of iron. A long-core electro-magnet magnetizes and demagnetizes much more slowly than a short- core electro-magnet. Magnet, Electro, Short-Core An electro-magnet with a short core of iron. A short-core electro-magnet possesses the power of being magnetized and demagnetized much more rapidly than a long-core magnet. Magnet, Electro, Yoked-Horseshoe A horseshoe electro-magnet, in which the two straight limbs are formed of two straight rods or bars, yoked together atone pair of ends by a yoke or bar of iron. In some cases the magnetizing coils are placed on each of the limbs. Sometimes, however, a single coil is placed at the middle of the yoke and the limbs are left bare. Even with the closest possible fitting the re- sistance ot the magnetic circuit is much greater in this form of electro-magnet, owing to the smaller permeability of the air gap at the joints, than it would be if the entire core were made of a single piece of iron. A yoked electro- magnet is, however, more convenient to make and use. Magnet, Electro, Zigzag - -A multi- polor electro-magnet, the magnetizing coils of which are separately wound in grooves cut in the face of straight or curved bars. A form ot zigzag electro-magnet devised by Joule is shown in Fig. 378. The spiral char- acter of the produces the alternate North and South polari- ties shown in the figure. Magnet, Equator of A point ap- proximately midway between the poles ofa straight bar magnet, i j Fig. 378. Zigzag Electro- or nearly midway Magnet: from the poles of a horseshoe magnet if measured along the bar from each pole. .This term was proposed by Dr. Gilbert. It is now almost entirely displaced by the term neutral point, Magnet^ High-Resistance - A term sometimes used in place of long-coil mag- net whose coils have a high electric resist- ance. (See Magnet, Long- Coil. ) The term long-coil magnet is, perhaps, the preferable one, because the resistance of a coil, per se, has nothing to do with its magnetizing power, which is determined by its ampere turns. (See Turns, Ampere, Magnet, Long-Coil.} Magnet, Horseshoe magnetized bar of steel or iron bent in the form ofa horseshoe or letter U. Magnet, Iron Clad A magnet whose magnetic resistance is lowered by a casing of iron connected with the core and pro- vided for the passage of the lines of mag- netic force. (See Magnet, Tubular.") Magnet, Jacketed A term some- times applied to a form of iron-clad mag- net. (See Magnet, Iron-Clad. ) Magnet, Keeper of A mass of soft iron applied to the poles of a magnet through which its lines of magnetic force pass. (See Field, Magnetic. ) The keeper of a magnet differs from its arma- ture in that the keeper while acting as such is always kept on the poles to prevent loss of mag- netization, while the armature, besides acting as a keeper, may be attracted towards, or, if an electro- magnet, be repelled from the magnet poles. While performing its functions the keeper is always fixed, the armatuie generally, though Mag.l 341 [Mag. not always, is in motion. A keeper is, of course, only used with permanent magnets. Opinion is divided as to the efficacy of the keeper in preventing loss of magnetization in certain cases. Magnet, Long Coil -An electro- magnet whose magnetizing coil consists of many turns of thin wire. Magnet, Low-Resistance A term sometimes used in place of short-coil magnet. (See Magnet, Short-Coil.) This term, short-coil magnet, is the preferable one. Magnet, Marked Pole of A name formerly applied to that pole of a magnet which points approximately to the geo- graphical north. If the pole of the magnet that points to the geographical north be in reality the north pole of the magnet, then the earth's magnetic pole in the Northern Hemisphere is of south magnetic polarity. In the United States, and Europe generally, this is regarded as the fact. The French, however, formerly called the pole ot the needle that points to the earth's geo- graphical north, the south or austral pole. In America and England it is called the north fole, the marked pole, or the north seeking pole, and the Northern Hemisphere is assumed to possess south magnetic polarity. (See Pole, Magnetic, Austral. Pole, Magnetic, Boreal.) Magnet, Moment of - -The effective force of a magnetic couple as obtained by multiplying one of the forces of the couple by the perpendicular distance between the directions of the forces. The moment of a magnet is equal to the prod- uct of the volume of the magnet and the in- tensity or magnetization, or simply its magnetiza- tion. Magnet. Natural A name some- times given to a lodestone. (See Lode- stone. ) Magnet, Neutral Line of (See Line, Neutral, of a Magnet.) Magnet, Permanent -A magnet of hardened steel or other paramagnetic sub- stance which retains its magnetism for a long time after being magnetized. A permanent magnet is distinguished, in this respect, from a temporary magnet of soft iron, which loses its magnetization very shortly alter being taken from the magnetizing field. Magnet, Portatiye Power of The lifting power of a magnet. The portative or lifting power of a magnet, depends on the form of the magnet, as well as on its strength. A horseshoe magnet, for example, will lift a much greater weight than the same magnet if in the form of a straight bar. This is due not only to the mutual action of the approached poles, but also to the decreased re- sistance of the magnetic circuit, and to the greater number of lines of magnetic force that pass through the armature. The portative power is proportional to the area of contact and the square of the magnetic intensity, the formula being p _ A X B " 87TX98i, in which P, is the lifting power in grammes, A, the area of contact in square centimetres, and B, is the number of lines of force per square centi- metre. Magnet Operation (See Operation, Magnet. ) Magnet, Receiving A name some- times given to the relay of a telegraphic system. (See Relay.) In general, any magnet, used directly in the receiving apparatus, at the receiving end of a line connecting a system of elec- tric communication between transmitting and receiving instruments. Magnet, Regulator A magnet, the operation of which is to automatically effect any desired regulation. The magnet in the Thomson-Houston system of automatic regulation, by means of which the commutator collecting brushes are automatically shifted to such positions on the commutator as will main- tain the current practically constant, de- spite the changes in the resistance of the circuit external to the machine. (See Regulation, Automatic.} Magnet, Relay - -An electro-magnet, whose coils are connected to the main line of a telegraphic circuit, and the movements Mag.] 342 [Mag. of whose armature is employed to bring a local battery into action at the receiving station, the current of which operates the register or sounder. Magnet, Short-Coil An electro- magnet whose magnetizing coil consists of a few turns of short, thick wire. Magnet, Simple A simple mag- netized bar. The term simple magnet is used in contradis- tinction to compound magnet. (See Magnet, Compound. ) Magnet, Sluggisn A magnet that magnetizes or demagnetizes sluggishly. An electro-magnet becomes sluggish when sur- rounded by a sheathing of copper, on account of the currents induced in the sheathing in a direc- tion opposite to those passing through the mag- netizing coil. Magnet, Solenoidal A thin, uni- formly magnetized straight bar of steel, of such a length that its poles, situated at extremities or ends of its longer axis, act on external objects as if equal and oppo- site quantities of magnetism were con- centrated at such extremities. It derives its name solenoidal from the simi- larity between its action and that of a solenoid. Unless very carefully magnetized, a magnet will not act as a solenoid magnet. (See Magnet, Electro. Magnetism, Solenoidal Distribution of.) Magnet, Tubular A form of horse- shoe magnet, in which one pole is brought near the opposite pole by a hollow cylin- der or tube of iron, which is placed in con- tact with one of the magnetic poles, so as to completely surround the other, except in the plane of cross-section of that pole. A form of iron-clad magnet. (See Magnet, Iron-Clad.} There is thus obtained a magnet, with two con- centric poles, one solid and the other annular, the portative power of which is much greater than that of a horseshoe magnet of equal dimensions. Magnet, Field, of Dynamo-Electric Ma- chine One of the electro-magnets employed to produce the magnetic field of a dynamo-electric machine. The field magnets consist of a suitable frame, or core, on which the field magnet coils are wound. Thejif/d magnet cores are made of thick and solid iron, as soft as possible. They should con- tain plenty of iron in order to avoid too ready magnetic saturation. All edges and corners are to be avoided, since they tend to cause an irregular distribution of the field. The field magnets should in general have suffi- cient magnetic strength to prevent the magnet- izing effect of the armature from unduly influ- encing the field, and thus, by causing too great a lead, produce injurious sparking. Magnetic or Magnetical. Pertaining to magnetism. Magnetic Adherence. (See Adherence, Magnetic. } Magnetic Air Circuit. (See Circuit, Air, Magnetic. } Magnetic Air (Jap (See Gap, Air, Mag- netic. } Magnetic Attraction. (See Attraction, Magnetic. } Magnetic Axis. (See Axis, Magnetic. } Magnetic Axis of a Straight Needle. (See Axis, Magnetic, of a Straight Needle.} Magnetic Azimuth. (See Azimuth, Mag- netic } Magnetic Battery. (See Battery, Mag- netic.} Magnetic Bridge. (See Bridge, Mag- netic.} Magnetic Circuit. (See Circuit, Mag- netic.} Magnetic Closed-Circuit. (See Circuit, Closed Magnetic. } Magnetic Conductance. (See Conduct- ance, Magnetic.} Magnetic Core, Closed (See Core, Closed- Magnetic. Magnetic Core, Open (See Core, Open- Magnetic. ) Magnetic Couple. (See Coupe, Mag- netic} Mag.] 343 [Mag. Magnetic Curves. (See Curves, Mag- netic. } Magnetic Day of Disturbance. (See Day of Disturbance, Magnetic. } Magnetic Declination. (See Declina- tion } Magnetic Density. (See Density, Mag- -efic. ) Magnetic Dip. (See Dip, Magnetic.) Magnetic Elements of a Place. (See Elements, Magnetic, of a Place. } .Magnetic Equalizer. (See Equalizer, Magm tic. } Magnetic Explorer. (See Explorer, Mag- netic } Magnetic, Ferro Magnetic after the manner of iron or other paramagnetic body. (See Paramagnetic. } Magnetic Field. (See Field, Magnetic.} Magnetic Field, Reversing. (See Field, Magnetic, Reversing.} Magnetic Field, Shifting. (See Field Magnetic, Shifting.} Magnetic Figures. See Figures, Mag- netic. Field, Magnetic.} MiirnHic Filament. (See Flameni Magnetic} Magne'.ic Flow. (See Flow, Magnetic.} Magnetic Flux. (See Flux, Magnetic.} Magnetic Force. (See Force, Magnetic.} Magnetic Inclination. (See Inclination, Magnetic } Magm tic Induction. (See Induction, Magnetic } Magnetic Induction, Dynamic. (See Induction, Magnetic, Dynamic. } Magnetic Induction, Static- (See Induction, Magnetic, Static} Magnetic Inertia. (See Inertia, Mag- netic } Magnetic Intensity. (See Intensity, Magnetic.} Magnetic Joint. (See Joint, Magnetic.} Magnetic Lag. (See Lag, Magnetic.} Magnetic Latitude. (See Latitude, Mag- netic. } Magnetic Leakage. (See Leakage, Mag- netic.} Magnetic Lines of Force. (See Force* Magnetic, Lines of. } Magnetic Mass. (See Mass, Magnetic. } Magnetic Memory. (See Memory, Mag- netic. } Magnetic Meridian. (See Meridian, Magnetic} Magnetic Moment. (See Moment, Mag- netic} Magnetic Normal Day. (See Day, Nor- mal, Magnetic.} Magnetic Observatory. (See Observa- tory, Magnetic. Magnetic Output. (See Output, Mag- netic. } Magnetic Parallel. (See Parallels, Mag- netic } Magnetic Permeability. (See Permea- bility, Magnetic.} Magnetic Permeance. (See Permeance, Magnetic. } Magnetic Permeation. (See Permeation, Magnetic. } Magnetic Poles. (See Poles, Magnetic. } Magnetic Poles, False. (See Pole, Magnetic, False.} Magnetic Proof Piece. (See Piece, Mag- netic Proof.} Magnetic Proof Plane. (See Plane, Proof, Magnetic.} Magnetic Reluctance. (See Reluctance, Magnetic.} Magnetic Repulsion. (See Repulsion, Magnetic} Magnetic Resistance. (See Resistance, Magnetic.} Magnetic Retardation. (See Retarda- tion Magnetic} Mag.] 344 [Mag. Magnetic Retentiyity. (See Retentivity, Magnetic.') Magnetic Saturation. (See Saturation, Magnetic. ) Magnetic Screen or Shield. (See Screen or Shield, Magnetic. ) ' Magnetic Screening. (See Screening, Magnetic.) Magnetic, Self Induction. (See Induc- tion, Self, Magnetic.) Magnetic Shells. (See Shells, Magnetic.) Magnetic Shunt. (See Shunt, Magnetic ) Magnetic Sidero A term proposed by S. P. Thompson to replace the term ferro-magnetic. (See Magnetic, Ferro.) Magnetic Solenoid. (See Solenoid, Mag- netic. ) Magnetic Sounds. (See Sounds, Mag- netic. ) Magnetic Spin. (See Spin, Magnetic.) Magnetic Storm. (See Storm, Mag- netic.) M gnetic Strain. (See Strain, Mag- netic.} Magnetic Stress. (See Stress, Magnetic. ) Magnetic Susceptibility. (See Suscepti- bility, Magnetic.) Magnetic Theodolite. (See Theodolite, Magnetic ) Magnetic Unit Pole. (See Pole, Unit, Magnetic. ) Magnetic Units. (See Units, Magnetic) Magnetic- Vane Ammeter. (See Ammeter, Magnetic- Vane. ) Magnetic Vane Voltmeter. (See Volt- ' meter, Magnetic-Vane.) Magnetic Variations. (See Variations, Magnetic. ) Magnetic Variation Transit. (See Tran- sit, Magnetic Variation.) Magnetic Variometer. (See Variometer, Magnetic. ) Magnetic Viscosity.- (See Viscosity, Mag- netic) Magnetic Whirl. (See Whirls, Magnetic.) Magnetic Whirl, Expanding (See Whirl, Magnetic, Expanding.) Magnetics, Electro That branch of electric science which treats of the rela- tions that exist between electric circuits and magnets. Magnetism. That branch of science I which treats of the nature and properties of magnets and the magnetic field. (See Field, Magnetic.) A property or condition of matter at- tended by the existence, of a magnetic field. Magnetism, Ampere's Theory of A theory or hypothesis proposed by Ampere, to account for the cause of magnetism, by the presence of electric currents in the ultimate particles of matter. Fig. 37 drive the mo;or, renders electric mo ors very economi- cal in operation. The relations between the power required to drive the generating dynamo, and that produced by the electric motor, are such that the maximum work per second is done by the motor when it runs at such a rate that the counter electro- motive force it produces is half that of the current supplied to it. The maximum work or activity of an electric motor is therefore done when its theo- retical efficiency is only 50 per cent. This, however, must be carefully distinguished from the maximum efficiency of an electric motor. A maximum efficiency of 100 per cent, can be at tained theoretically ; and, in actual practice, con- siderably over 90 per cent, is obtained. In such cases, however, the motor is doing work at less than its maximum power. This is Jacobi's law of maximum effect, but does not apply to actual motors on account of the Jimitations of current carrying capacity. For example, a motor of 9 horse power and 90 per cent, efficiency loses I horse-power in heat within Mot.] 373 [Mot. itself. Hence, if run according to Jacobi's law, it would only produce the same amount, *'. e., I horse-power in useful work instead of 9. More than this would overheat it. An efficiency of 100 per cent, is reached when the counter electromotive force of the motor is equal to that of the source supplying the driving current. Supposing now the driving machine to be of the same type as the motor, and the two machines are running at the same speed. If now a load is put on the motor so as to reduce its speed, and thus permit it to produce a counter electromotive force of but 90 per cent., its efficiency will be but 90 per cent. In such a case, therefore, the efficiency is represented by the relative speeds of the generator and the motor. Motor, Electric, Alternating-Current An electric motor driven or operated by means of alternating currents. (See Motor, Electric?) Dr. Louis Duncan divides alternating motors into two classes, viz. : (i.) Those in which there is but one trans- formation in the machine, viz., that of the electric energy of the armature current into the mechani- cal energy of the armature's rotation. (2.) Those in which there are two transforma- tions, viz.: (a.) The transformation of electrical energy from the main current to electrical energy in the armature current. (b.) The transformation of the electric energy of the armature current into mechanical energy. Alternating motors of the first type are iound in the ordinary alternating-current dynamo re- versed. Those of the second type in Tesla's or Thomson's motors. Motor, Electric, Direct-Current An electric motor driven or operated by means of direct or continuous electric cur- rents, as distinguished from a motor driven or operated by alternating currents. (See Motor, Electric?) Motor, Electric, High-Speed The ordinary electric motor. The term high-speed electric motor is used in contradistinction to low -speed electric motor. (See Motor, Electric, Low-Speed.} Motor, Electric, Low-Speed A slow-speed motor. (See Motor, Electric, Slow-Speed?) Motor, Electric, Overload of A load greater than that which an electric motor can carry while at its greatest efficiency of operation, or a load which causes injurious heating of a motor. Motor, Electric, Reversing Gear of - Apparatus for so reversing the direction of the current through an electric motor as to re- verse the direction of its rotation. (See Rail- road, Electric?) Motor, Electric, Slow-Speed - An electric motor so constructed as to run with fair efficiency at slow speed. The electric motor develops a counter electro- motive for;e when in motion, which, of course, increases with the increase of motion. The elec- tric motor has, as generally constructed, its great- est efficiency at high speed. When used on street railroads, the high speed requires to be decreased by various forms of reduction gear. The loss of power which all such gear involve, together with the noise attending their use, render any decrease in speed that can be obtained on the part of the motor, without serious loss of efficiency, desir- able. Motor-Electromotive Force. (See Force, Motor Electromotive.} Motor, Pyromagnetic - - A motor driven by the attraction of magnet poles on a movable core of iron or nickel unequally heated. The intensity of magnetization of iron decreases with an increase of temperature, iron losing most of its magnetization at a red heat. A disc of iron placed between the poles of a magnet, so as to be capable of rotation, will rotate, if heated at a part nearer one pole than the other, since it be- comes less powerfully magnetized at the heated part. In the form of pyromagnetic motor devised by Edison, and shown in Fig. 400, in elevation, and in Fig. 401, in vertical section, the disc of iron is replaced by a series of small iron tubes, or di- vided annular spaces, heated by the products of combustion from a fire placed beneath them. In order to render this heating local, a flat screen is placed dissymmetrically across the top to prevent Mot.] 374 [Mov. the passage of air through the portion of the iron tubes so screened. The air is supplied to the furnace by passing down from above through the Fig. 400. Pyromagnetic Motor. tubes so screened. This is shown in the draw- ings, the direction of the heating and the cooling air currents being indicated by the arrows. The Fig. 40 1. Pyromagnetic Motor. supply of air from above thus insures the more rapid cooling of the screened portion of the tubes. Motor, Rotating-Current An electric motor designed for use with a rotat- ing electric current. Unlike alternating current motors, rotary-cur- rent motors will, like continuous-current motors, readily start with a load. (See Current, Rotating, ) Motor, Series-Wound An electric motor in which the field and armature are connected in series with the external circuit as in a series dynamo. (See Machine, Dynamo- Electric, Series- Wound?) Motor, Shunt-Wound An electric motor in which the field magnet coils are placed in a shunt to the armature circuit. (See Machine, Dynamo-Electric, Shunt- Wound?) Motor Standards. (See Standards, Motor?) Moulded Mica. (See Mica, Moulded?) Moulding, Electric Wood Mould- ing of dried, non-conducting wood, provided with longitudinal grooves for the reception and support of electric wires or conductors. Wood mouldings are employed for the protec- tion and concealment of electric conductors. Moulding Wiring. (See Wiring, Moulding?) Mouse-Mill Dynamo. (See Dynamo, Mouse-Mill?) Mouse-Mill Machine. (See Machine, Mouse-Mill?) Mouth Pieces. (See Pieces, Mouth?) Movable Secondary. (See Secondary, Movable?) Mover, Prime In a system of dis- tribution of power the motor by which sec- ondary motors or movers are driven. In a steam plant, the steam engine is the prime mover; the shafts or machines driven by the main shaft are sometimes called the secondary m vers. The main shaft is called the drivhg shaf . Its motion is carried by means of belts to other shafts, called driven shafts. The pulleys on the driving or driven shafts aie called respectively the driving and driven pulleys. Movers, Secondary The shafts or machines driven by the main shafts in order to distinguish them from the steam engine or other mover which drives it. (See Mover, Prime?) Mai.] 375 [Mul. Multi-Cellular Electrostatic Voltmeter. (See Voltmeter, Multi-Cellular Electro- static^) Multiphase Current. (See Current, Mul- tiphase.) Multiphase Dynamo. (See Dynamo, Multiphase) Multiphase System. (See System, Multi- phased) Multiple-Arc Circuit. (See Circuit, Multiple-Arc?) Multiple- Arc-Connected Electro-Recep- tive Devices. (See Devices, Electro-Recep- tive, Multiple-Arc-Connected?) Multiple-Arc-Connected Sources. (See Sources, Multiple-Arc-Connected.) Multiple-Arc-Connected Translating De- vices. (See Devices, Translating, Mul- tiple- A re- Connected?) Multiple-Brush Rocker. (See Rocker, Multiple-Brush ) Multiple-Brush Yoke. (See Yoke, Mul- tiple-Pair Brush?) Multiple Cable Core. (See Cable, Mul- tiple-Core?) Multiple Circuit (See Circuit, Mul- tiple?) Multiple Conduit (See Conduit, Mul- tiple.) Multiple-Connected Battery. (See Bat- tery, Multiple-Connected) MuMiple-Connected Electro-Receptive Devices. (See Devices, Electro-Receptive, Multiple- Connected) Multiple-Connected Electro-Receptive Devices, Automatic Cut-Out for (See Cut-Out, Automatic, for Multiple-Connected Electro-Receptive Devices?) Multiple-Connected Translating Devices. (See Devices, Translating, Multiple-Con- nected?) - Multiple Connection. - (See Connection, Multiple?) Multiple Distribution of Electricity by Constant Potential Circuits. (See Elec- tricity, Multiple Distribution of, by Constant Potential Circuits?) Multiple Electric-Gaslighting. (See Gaslighting, Multiple Electric?) Multiple-Series. A multiple connection of series groups. (See Connection, Series Multiple) Usage in regard to this term is divided. By some the term multiple-series is applied to a series connection of parallel groups. This is done on account of the order of the words, multiple-series indicating, it is claimed, a series connection of multiple groups. Multiple-Series Circuit. (See Circuit, Multiple- Series.) Multiple-Series-Connected Electro-Re- ceptive Devices. (See Devices, Electro- Receptive, Multiple- Series- Connected.) Multiple - Series Connected Sources. (See Sources, Multiple-Series-Connected.) Multiple-Series-Connected Translati ng Devices. (See Devices, Translating, Mul- tiple-Series-Connected) Multiple-Series Connection. (See Con- nection, Multiple-Series. ) Multiple-Switch Board. (See Board, Multiple-Switc I.) Multiple Transformer. (See Trans- former, Multiple?) Multiple Transmission. (See Trans- mission, Multiple?) Multiple Working of Dynamo-Electric Machines. (See Working, Multiple, of Dynamo-Electric Machines) Multiplex Telegraphy. (See Teleg- raphy, Multiplex) Mnltiplicafor. A word sometimes used for multiplier. Multiplier, Galvanic A term for- merly applied to a galvanometer. (See Gal- vanometer?) Multiplier, Schweigger's The name first given to a coil consisting of a Mul.] 376 [Nee, number of turns of insulated wire, provided for the purpose of increasing the strength of the magnetic field produced by an electric current, and consequently the amount of its deflecting power on a magnetic needle. Schweigger's multiplier was in fact an early form of galvanometer. (See Galvanometer.) Multiplying 1 Power of Shunt. (See Shunt, Multiplying Power of.) Multipolar Armature. (See Armature, Multipolar) Multipolar Dynamo-Electric Machine. (See Machine, Dynamo-Electric, Multipo- Muscular, Electro -Pertaining to Multipolar-Electric Bath. (See Bath, Multipolar Electric.) Muscle Current. (See Current, Muscle) Muscles, Electrical Excitation of -- (See Excitation, Electro-Muscular) the influence of electricity on the muscles. Muscular or Nerve Fibre, Excitability of (See Excitability, Electric, oj Nerve or Muscular Fibre) Muscular Pile, Matteucci's (See Pile, Muscular, Matteucci's) Musket, Electric A gun in which the charge is ignited by a platinum wire ren- dered incandescent by the action of a bat- tery placed in the stock of the gun. Mutual Inductance. (See Inductance) Mutual Induction. (See Induction, Mutual.) Mutual Induction, Co-efficient of (See Induction, Mutual, Co-efficient of.) Myria (as a prefix). A million times. N. A contraction employed in mathe- matical writings for the whole number of lines of magnetic force in any magnetic cir- cuit. N. A contraction for North Pole. This N, may be distinguished from the N, used for expressing the whole number of lines of mag- netic force, by making the former light and the latter heavy. N. H. P. A contraction for Nominal Horse-Power. Nominal horse-power is a somewhat indefi- nite term for a quantity dependent on the length of stroke and the dimensions of the cylin- der. This quantity is a dependent one, be- cause it varies necessarily with the type of en- gine. Nascent State. (See State, Nascent.) Natural Currents. (See Currents, Nat- ural) Natural Law. (See Law, Natural?) Natural Magnet. (See Magnet, Nat- ural^ Natural Unit of Electricity. (See Elec- tricity, Natural Unit of) Natural Unit of Quantity of Electricity, (See Electricity, Unit Quantity of, Natu- ral) Nautical Mile. (See Mile, Nautical) Needle Annunciator. (See Annunciator, Needle) Needle, Astatic A compound mag- netic needle of great sensibility, possessing little or no directive power. An astatic needle consisting of two separate magnetic needles, rigidly connected together and placed parallel and directly over each other, with opposite poles opposed. An astatic needle is shown in Fig. 402. The two magnets N S, and S' N', are directly opposed in their polarities, and are rigidly connected to- gether by means of the axis a, a. So disposed, the two magnets act as a very weak single needle when placed in a magnetic field. Were the two magnets N S, and S' N', of ex- actly equal strength, with their poles placed in exactly the same vertical plane, they would com- pletely neutralize each other, and the needle flee.] 377 [Xee. would have no directive tendency. Such a sys- tem would form an Astatic Pair or Couple. In practice it is impossible to do this, so that the Fig. 402. Astat c Needle. needle has a directive tendency, which is often east and west. The cause of the east and west directive ten- dency of an unequally bal- anced astatic system will be understood from an in- spection of Fig. 403. Un- less the two needles, N S, and S' N', are exactly op- ; a posed, they will form a Fi.'.4<>3- Astatic Pair. single short magnet, N N NN, S S S S, the poles of which are on the sides of the needle. The system pointing with its sides due n-rth and south will appear to have an east and we.-t direc- tion. The principal use of the astatic needle is in the astatic galvanometer, in which the needle is de- flected by the passage of an electric current through a conductor placed near the needle. Therefore it is evident that one of the needles must be outside and the other inside the coil. In the most sensitive form of galvanome- ter there is also a coil surrounding the upper needle, the two coils being op- positely connected, so that the deflection on both needles is in the same direction, and the deflecting Fig 404. Astatic System. power is equal to the sum of the two coils, while the direc ive power of the needles is the differ- ence of their magnetic intensities. In the astatic system, as shown in Fig. 404, the current, which flows above one needle, flows be- low the other, and therefore deflects both needles in the same direction, since their poles point in opposite directions. In some galvanometers a varying; degree of sensitiveness is obtained by means of a magnet, called a compensating magnet, placed on an axis ab .ve the magne ic needle. As the compensat ing magnet is moved towards or away from the needle the effect of the earth's field is varied, and with it the sensitiveness of the galvanometer. Such a magnet may form with the needle an astatic system. (See Magnet, Compensating. Galvanometer, Astatic. Galvanometer, Mirror. Multiplier, Schweigger' s). Needle Electrode. (See Electrode, Nee- dle) Needle, Elongation of A phrase sometimes used for the angular deflection of a needle. Needle, Magnetic A straight bar- shaped needle of magnetized steel, poised near or above its centre of gravity, and free to move either in a horizontal plane only, or in a vertical plane only, or in both. A magnetic needle free to move in a vertical plane only is called a dipping needle. A mag- netic needle free to move in a horizontal plane only, as shown in Fig. 405, is the form employed Fi*. 40 j Magnetic Needle. in the mariner's compass. This form of magnetic needle is the one most commonly employed. For use as a mariner's compass the needle is supported on gimbals and placed in a box pro- vided with a card on which are marked the points of the compass. (See Compass, Azimuth. Compass, Points of.) Needle, Magnetic, Annual Variations of Variations in the value of the mag- N-er.J 378 [Nee. netic declination that take piace at regular penods of the year. The annual variations of the magnetic field were discovered by Cassini in 1786. Needle, Magnetic, Daily Tariation of Variations in the value of the magnetic declination that take place at different periods of the day. It was noticed, for example, in London that the north pole of the magnetic needle begins to move westward between 7 and 8 A. M. and continues this movement until I P. M., when it begins to move towards the east until near 10 p. M., when it again begins its westward course. Needle, Magnetic, Damped A magnetic needle so placed as to quickly come to rest after it has been set in motion. (See Damping?) Magnetic damping is readily effected by caus- ing the needle to move near a metallic plate. On the motion of the needle the currents set up in the plate by dynamo electric induction tend, accord- ing to Lenz's law, to oppose the motions pro- ducing them. (See Induction, Electro-Dynamic. Laws, Lenz's.) Needle, Magnetic, Declination of The angular deviation of the magnetic needle from the true geographical north. The variation of the magnetic needle. The declination of the magnetic needle is either E. or W., (See Declination, Angle of.) Declination, or variation, is different at dif- ferent parts of the earth's surface. Lines connecting places which have the same value and direction for the declination are called isogonal lines. A chart on which the isogonal lines are marked is called a variation chart. The value of the declination varies at dif- ferent times. These variations of the declination are: (l.) Secular, or those occurring during great intervals of time. Thus, in London, in 1580 the magnetic needle had a variation of about n degrees east. This eastern declination decreased in 1622 to 6 degrees E., and in 1680 the needle pointed to the true north. In 1692 the declina- tion was 6 degrees W.; in 1730, 13 degrees W. ; in 1765, 20 degrees W. ; and in 1818 the needle reached its greatest western declination and is now moving eastwards. The declination, how- ever, is still west. (2.) Annual, the needle varying slightly in its declination during different seasons of the year. (3.) Diurnal, the needle varying slightly in its declination during different hours of the day. (4.) Irregular, or those which occur during the prevalence of a magnetic storm. It has been discovered that the occurrence of a magnetic storm is simultaneous with the occur- rence of an unusual number of sun spots. (See Spots, Sun.) Needle, Magnetic, Deflection of The movement of a needle out of a position of rest in the earth's magnetic field or in the field of another magnet, by the action of an electric current or another magnet. The deflection of the needle is sometimes called its elongation. This latter term is, however, but little used, and is unnecessary. Needle, Magnetic, Dipping A magnetic needle suspended so as to be tree to move in a vertical plane, employed to de- termine the angle of dip or the magnetic in- clination. (See Dip, Magnetic, Inclination, Magnetic. Inclinometer. Chart, Inclina- tion^] A dipping needle is shown in Fig. 406. The angle B O C, which marks the deviation of the needle from the horizontal position, is called the angle of dip. Nee.] 379 [Neg. Needle, Magnetic, Directive Tendency of The tendency of a magnetic needle to move so as to come to rest in the direction of the lines of the earth's magnetic field. The directive power of the magnetic needle is due to the attraction of the earth's magnetic poles for the poles of the needle, or to the action of the earth's magnetic field. Since the force of the earth's magnetism forms a couple, there is no tendency for the needle to move bodily forward towards either of the earth's poles. Its tendency is merely to rotate until it comes to rest within the lines of the earth's magnetic field, entering at its south pole, passing through its mass and coming out at its north pole. Of course this would be true in the case of a directing magnet only when it is at a great dis- tance from the needle. Otherwise, there would be motion towards the poles as well as rotation. Needle, Magnetic, Inclination or Dip of The deviation of a mechanically bal- anced magnetic needle from a horizontal po- sition. The direction of a magnetic needle in all parts of the earth, except at the magnetic equator, differs from a level or horizontal position. One of its ends inclines or dips towards the ground. (See Dip, Magnetic. Needle, Magnetic, Dipping.) Needle, Magnetic, Orientation of The coming to rest of a magnetic needle in the earth's magnetic field. Needle, Magnetic, Variation of The angular deviation of a magnetic needle from the true geographic north. The declination of the magnetic needle. (See Declination.} Needle of Oscillation. A small magnetic needle employed for measuring the intensity of a magnetic field by counting the number of oscillations the needle makes in a given time, when disturbed from its position of rest in such field. (See Magnetization, Intensity of. Lines, Isodynamic.) This use of a magnetic needle in determining the magnetic intensity of any place is analogous to the use of the pendulum in determining the in- tensity of gravity at any place. Suppose, for example, that at a certain place the needle made 245 oscillations in ten minutes, and 13 Vol. 1 that at another place it made 211 in the same time. Then the relative intensities at these two places would be as the square of these two num- bers, or as I : 1.3482. Needle, Telegraphic A needle em- ployed in telegraphy to represent by its move- ments to the left or right respectively the dots and dashes of the Morse alphabet. (See Telegraphy, Needle System of.) Needle, Throw of A phrase some- times used for the angular deflection of a needle, particularly when the needle is swing- ing. The displacement of the magnetic needle is called the deflection, the elongation, or the throw. The first will appear to be the preferable term when the needle conies to rest in a displaced posi- tion. Negative Charge. (See Charge, Nega- tive^ Negative Direction of Electrical Con- vection of Heat. (See Direction, Negative, of Electrical Convection of Heat.) Negative Direction of Simple-Harm on ic Motion. (See Motion, Simple-Harmonic, Negative Direction of.) Negative Electricity. (See Electricity, Negative.) Negative Electrode. (See Electrode, Negatived) Negative Element of a Voltaic Cell. (See Element, Negative, of a Voltaic Cell.) Negative Feeders. (See Feeders, Nega- tive^ Negative Omnibus Bars. (See Bars, Negative Omnibus?) Negative Phase of Electrotonus. (See Electrotonus, Negative Phase of.} Negative Plate of Storage Battery. (See Plate, Negative, of Storage Cell.} Negative Plate of Voltaic Cell. (See Plate, Negative, of Voltaic Cell.} Negative Pole. (See Pole, Negative.} Negative Potential. (See Potential, Neg- ative^ Negative Side of Circuit. (See Circuit, Negative Side of.} 380 [Nig. Negative Wire. (See Wire, Negative!) Negatively. In a negative manner. Negatively Excited. Charged with nega- tive electricity. (See Electricity, Negative?) Nerve or Muscular Fibre, - Excitability of (See Excitability, Electric, of Nerve or Muscular Fibre.} Nerves, Action of Electricity on Stimulating and other actions produced in nerves by the passage of electricity through them, dependent on the direction and char- acter of the current. (See Electrotonus. Galvanization. Faradization. Galvano- Faradization?) Net, Faraday's An insulated net of cotton gauze, or other similar material, capable of being turned inside out without being thereby discharged, employed for de- monstrating that in a charged, insulated con- ductor the entire charge is accumulated oh the outer surface of the conductor. Fig. 407. Faraday's Net. Faraday's net, as shown in Fig. 407, consists of a bag N, of cotton gauze, or mosquito netting, supported on an insulating stand I. When tested by a proof plane, no free electric charge is found on the inside, though such a charge is readily v detected by the same means on the outside. By I the aid of the silk strings S, S, the bag can be turned inside out, when the charge will then all be found on the then inside, or the now outside. Faraday was in the habit of protecting his delicate electroscopes against outside electrifica- tion by covering them with gauze. To properly act as an electric screen, the gauze should be con- nected with the earth. Faraday constructed a small insulated room, twelve feet in height, breadth and depth, covered on the inside with tin-foil, and, on charging this room from the outside, he was unable to detect the presence of any charge on the inside, even by the aid of his most delicate instruments. This room is often referred to as Faraday's Cube. Nets, Torpedo Steel wire netting suspended from or attached to a ship's side for the purpose of ensuring protection against moving torpedoes. Network of Currents. (See Currents, Network of. Laws, Kirchhoff's?) Neutral Armature. (See Armature, Neutral?) Neutral Feeder. The feeder that is connected with the neutral or intermediate terminal of the dynamos in a three-wire sys- tem of distribution. (See Feeders?) Neutral Line of Commutator Cylinder. (See Line, Neutral, of Commutator Cylinder?) Neutral - Omnibus Bars. (See Bars, Neutral-Omnibus.) Neutral Point. (See Point, Neutral.) Neutral Points of a Dynamo-Electric Machine. (See Points, Neutral, of Dynamo- Electric Machine?) Neutral Points of Magnet. (See Points, Neutral, of Magnet?) Neutral Points of Thermo-Electric Dia- gram. (See Points, Neutral, of Thermo- Electric Diagram?) Neutral-Relay Armature. - (See Arma- ture, Neutral-Relay?) Neutral Section of Magnet. (See Sec- tion, Neutral, of Magnet?) Neutral Wire. (See Wire, Neutral.) Neutral Wire Ampere-Meter. (See Am- pere-Meter, Balance or Neutral Wire?) New Ohm. (See Ohm, New.) Nickel Bath. -(See Bath, Nickel?) Nickeling, Electro Electroplating with nickel. (See Plating, Electro?) Nickel-Plating.- (See Plating, Nickel?) Night Bell.- (See Bell, Night* Nod.] 381 [Noi. Nodal Point. (See Point, Nodal.} Nodes, Electrical Points in an open circuited conductor, through which electrical oscillations are passing, which possess a con- stant mean value of potential, while the poten- tial at its ends alternates between two fixed limits. Points on a conductor where the strength of the induced oscillatory current is equal to zero. The nodal points on a conductor through which electrical oscillations are passing therefore cor- . respond closely to the nodes on a vibrating wire or cord. Dr. Hertz employed the following appara- tus in order to show the position of two nodes in a conductor: An induction coil, A. had its sec- ondary terminals connected as shown in Fig. 408, Fig. 408. Nodes in Conductor. to two metallic spheres, C and C'. The spark mi- crometer circuit, a c d b, was placed near it, as shown, and the sparking distance of the secondary urcuit of the induction eoil adjusted, ho that the spark micrometer circuit was in unison wiih it. When sparks were passed between the terminals of the induction coil A, sparks pas=enic-multiple teleg- raphy. (See Telegraphy, Synchronous-Multi- plex, Delany's System. Telegraphy, Gray's Har- monic-Multiple. ) Pendulum, Laws of The laws which express the peculiarities of the motion of a simple pendulum. A simple pendulum is one in which the entire weight is considered as concentrated at a single point, suspended at the end of a weightless, in- flexible and inextensible line. The following are the laws of the simple pen- dulum : (I.) Oscillations of small amplitude are approx- imately isochronous; that is, are made in times that are sensibly eqinl. (See Vibration or Wave, Amplitude of. Jsochronism.) (2.) In pendulums of different lengths, the duration of the oscillations is proportional to the square root of the length of the pendulum. (3.) In the same pendulum, the length being preserved invariable, the duration of the oscilla- tion is inversely proportional to the square root of the intensity of gravity. The intensity of gravity, at any latitude, may be determined by the number of oscillations of a pendulum of a given length. In the same man- ner the intensity of a magnetic field, or the in- tensity of magnetization of a magnet, may be de- termined by the needle of oscillation, by observing the number of oscillations a needle makes in a given time when disturbed from its position of rest. (See Needle of Oscillation.) Since a simple physical pendulum is a physical impossibility, the virtual length of a pendulum, that is, the vertical distance between its point of support and the centre of oscillation, is taken as the true length of the pendulum. If the irregularly shaped body, shown in Fig. 419, whose centre of gravity is at G, is made to swing like a pendulum, either on S, or O, its oscillations will be performed in equal times, and the body will act as a simple pendulum, whose virtual length is SO. If, while suspended at S, it be struck at O, it will oscillate around S, without producing p !g 4T9 centr- any pressure on the supporting of OscMati . axis at S, on which it turns. If fl mating entirely submerged in a liquid, a blow at O, would c ause it to move in a straight line in the direction of the blow, without rotation. The point O, is caUed the centre of percussion, or the centre of oscillation. The centre of oscil- lation is always below the centre of gravity. Pentane Standard. (See Standard, Pen- tane.} Percussion, Centre of That point in a body suspended so as to move as a pendu- lum at which a blow would produce rotation, but no forward motion, or motion of transla- tion. Perforator, Paper An apparatus employed in systems of automatic telegraphy for punching in a fillet of paper the circular or elongated spaces that produce the dots and Per.] 393 [Per. dashes of the Morse alphabet, when the fillet is drawn between metal terminals that form the electrodes of a battery. (See Telegraphy, Automatic.) Perforator, Pneumatic - A paper perforator operated by means of compressed air. (See Perforator, Paper.) Period of Open-Circuit Oscillation. (See Open-Circuit Oscillation, Period of.) Period of Simple-Harmonic Motion. (See Motion, Simple-Harmonic, Period of) Period of Vibration. (See Vibration, Period of.) Period, Vibration The period of a single or a whole vibration in a conductor, in which an oscillatory vibration is being pro- duced by electrical resonance when respond- ing to its fundamental vibration. Hertz gives the following value for the vibration period: Calling T, the single or half vibration period; L, the co-efficient of self-induction in abso- lute magnetic measure, and therefore expressed in centimetres; C, the capacity of the terminals, in electrostatic measure, and therefore also expressed in centimetres; v, the velocity of light in centi- metre second?, then, when the resistance of the con- ductor is small, T = it L C . v Periodic and Alternate Discharge. (See Discharge, Periodic. Discharge, Alternat- ing^ Periodic Current, Power of The rate of transformation of the energy of a cir- cuit traversed by a simple periodic current. Fig. 420. Power of Periodic Current. (Fleming.) If the thin line in the curve, Fig. 420, repre- sents the impressed electromotive force in an in- ductive circuit, and the thick line the correspond- ing current, then, at any instant, say at the point M, the rate at which energy is being expended on the circuit, is equal to the ordinate P M, multi- plied by the ordinate Q M. The mean power is the mean of all such products taken at points of time very near together. The power of a periodic current, or the work expended per second on such a circuit, is equal to half the product of the maximum values of the current, at any instant, and the maximum value of the impressed electromotive force, multiplied by the cosine of the angle of lag. Periodic Governor. (See Governor, Periodic) Periodically Decreasing Discharge. (See Discharge, Periodically Decreasing) Periodicity. The rate of change in the alternations or pulsations of an electric cur- rent. Periodicity of Auroras and Magnetic Storms. (See Auroras and Magnetic Storms, Periodicity of.) Permanency, Electric The prop- erty possessed by most metallic substances, while in the solid state, of retaining a constant electric conducting power at the same tem- perature. The electric permanency of hard drawn wire is small, since such wire becomes gradually an- nealed, and thus changed in its electric resist- ance. Matthiessen showed that some specimens of annealed German silver wire increased in their conducting power at the rate of about .02 per cent, yearly. Permanent Intensity of Magnetization. (See Magnetization, Permanent, Intensity of.) Permanent Magnet Voltmeter. (See Voltmeter, Permanent Magnet.) Permanent State of Charge on Telegraph Line. (See State, Permanent, of Charge on Telegraph Line) Permeability Curve. (See Curve, Per- meability) Permeability, Magnetic Conducti- bility for lines of magnetic forces. The ratio existing between the magnetiza- tion produced, and the magnetizing force pro- ducing such magnetization. If jit equals the permeability, B, the magnetiza- Per. 394 [Phe. tion produced, or the intensity of magnetic induc- tion, and H, the magnetizing force; then, The permeability of non-magnetic materials, such as insulators, or non-magnetic metals, such as copper, etc., is assumed to be practically equal to that of air, or to unity. The magnetic permeability decreases as the magnetization increases. When a piece of iron has been magnetized up to a certain intensity, its permeability becomes less for any further magnet- ization; or, the substance shows a tendency to reach magnetic saturation. In good iron, this limit is reached at about 125,000 lines of force to the square inch of rea of cross section. The magnetic permeability varies greatly, not only with different specimens of iron, but also with the previous history of the iron, as to whether or not it has before been subjected to magnetization or demagnetization, and also as to whether the value of the permeability is taken while the magnetiza- tion is increasing or decreasing. Permeameter. An apparatus devised by S. P. Thompson, for roughly measuring the magnetic permeability. Thompson's permeameter consists essentially of a rectangular piece of soft iron, provided with a slot, for the reception of the magnetizing coil. A hole bored in one end of the block serves to receive the bar or rod of iron whose permeability is to be determined. On the magnetization of the bar to be tested, the square root of the force required to detach the rod from the lower surface of the iron block, is a measure of the permeation of the lines of magnetic forces through its end faces. Permeance, Magnetic - Magnetic permeability. (See Permeability, Magnetic!) Permeating, as of Lines of Force. The passing of lines of force through a mag- netic substance. (See Permeability, Mag- netic^ Permeation, Magnetic -- The pass- age of lines of magnetic force through any permeable substance. Permissive Block System for Railroads. (See Railroads, Permissive Block System for.} Pfluger's Law. (See Law, PJluger's^] Phantom Wires. (See Wires, Phantom^ Phase, Angle of Difference of, between Alternating Currents of Same Period The angle which measures the shift- ing of phase of a simple periodic current with respect to another due to lag or other cause. Phase, Shifting of, of Alternating Cur- rent A change in phase of current due to magnetic lag or other causes. Phase of Vibration. (See Vibration, Phase of.) Phelps' Stock Printer. (See Printer, Stock, Phelps .} Phenomena, Electro-Capillary Phenomena observed in capillary tubes at the contact surfaces of two liquids. Where acidulated water is in contact with mercury, each liquid possesses a definite sur- face tension, and each a definite shape of sur- face. The two liquids, however, do not actually touch, there being a small interval or space be- tween them. This space acts as a minute accu- mulator. But the liquid and water, being different substances in contact, possess different potentials. Any cause which alters the shape of these con- tact surfaces, and consequently the extent of the spaces between them, necessarily alters the capa- city of the condenser, and consequently the dif- ference of potential. Therefore the mere shaking f the tube, or heating it, will produce electric currents from the resulting differences of po- tential. Conversely, an electric current sent across the contact-surfaces will produce motion as a result of a change in the value of the surface tension. An electro-capillary telephone has been constructed on the former principle, and an electrometer on the latter. (See Electrometer, Capillary.) Phenomena, Porret -An increase in the diameter of a nerve fibre in the neigh- borhood of the positive pole when traversed by a voltaic current. When a voltaic current passes through fresh living substance the contents of the muscular fibre exhibit a streaming movement in the direction the current is flowing, viz., from the positive to the Phe.J 395 [Pho. negative. This causes the fibre to swell up or increase in diameter at the negative electrode. Pherope. A name sometimes applied to a telephote. (See Telephote.) Phial, Leyden A name sometimes applied to a Leyden jar. (See Jar, Leyden.) Philosopher's Egg. (See Egg, Philoso- pher 's.~) Phonautograph. An apparatus for the automatic production of a visible tracing of the vibrations produced by any sound. Phonautographic apparatus consists essentially of devices by which the sound waves are caused to impart their to-and fro movements to a dia- phragm, at the centre of which a pencil or tracing point is attached. The record, is received on a sheet of paper, or wax, or on a smoked glass or other suitable surface. Leon Scott's Phonautograph, which is among the forms best known, consists of a hollow conical Fig. 421. Scott's Phonautograph. vessel A, Fig. 421, with a diaphragm of parch- ment stretched tightly like a drumhead over its smaller aperture B. A tracing point attached to the centre of the diaphragm, traces a sinuous line on the surface of a soot-covered cylinder C, that is uniformly rotated under the tracing point. As the cylinder is advanced a short distance with every rotation, a sinuous spiral line is .traced on the surtace. Phone. A term frequently used for tele- phone. Phonic Wheel. (See Wheel, Phonic.) Phonogram. A record produced by the phonograph. (See Phonograph) Phonograph. An apparatus for the re- production of articulate speech, or of sounds of any character, at any indefinite time after their occurrence, and for any number of times. In Edison's phonograph the voice of the speaker, received by an elastic diaphragm of thin sheet iron or other similai material, is caused to indent a sheet of tin-foil placed on the surface of a cylinder C, Fig. 422, that is maintained at a uniform rate of rotation by the crank at W. In Fig. 422. the form shown in Fig. 422, the motion is by hand. In a later improved form the cylinder is driven by means of an electric motor or by clockwork. In order to reproduce the speech or other sounds the phonogram record is placed on the surface of a cylinder similar to that on which it was received (or is kept on the same surface), and the tracing point, placed at the beginning of the record and being maintained against it by gentle pressure, is caused, by the rotation of cylinder, to follow the indentations of the phono- gram record. As the point is thus moved up and down the hills and hollows of the record surface, Fig. 423. Edison's Improved Phonograph. the diaphragm, to which it is attached, is given to- and-fro motions that exactly correspond to the to-and fro motions it had when impressed origin- ally by the sounds it recorded on the phono- gram record. A per on listening at this did- Pho.] [Pho. phragm will therefore hear an exact reproduction of the sounds originally uttered. In this manner the voices of relatives, 'dis- tinguished singers or statesmen can be preserved for future generations. In Edison's improved phonograph the record surface consists of a cylindt r of hardened wax. The rotary motion of the cylinder is obtained by means of an electric motor. Two diaphragms are used, one for recording, and one for reproducing the sound waves. As shown in Fig. 423, the record- ing diaphragm is in position against the cylinder. The recording diaphragm is made of malleable glass. The reproducing diaphragm is formed of bolting silk covered with a thin layer of shellac. In the Graphophone of Bell and Tainter the point attached to the diaphragm is caused to cut Fig. 424.. Bell and Tainter's Graphophoiu. or engrave a cylinder of hardened wax. Two separate diaphragms are employed, one for speak- ing, and the other for hearing. The recording surface is made of a mixture of beeswax and paraffine. A uniformity of rotation of the cylinder is obtained by means of a motor pro- vided with a suitable governor. An ordinary con- versation of some five minutes, it is claimed, can be recorded on the surface of a cylinder 6 inches long and I \ inch in diameter. In the Gramophone of Berliner, a circular plate of metal, covered with a film of finely divided oil or grease, receives the record in a sinuous, spiral line. This record is subsequently etched into the metal by any suitable means, or is photographic- ally reproduced on another sheet of metal. Glass covered with a deposit of soot is some- times employed for the latter process. The ap- paratus is shown in Fig. 425, as arranged for the reproduction of speech. In Mr. Berliner's apparatus, the record surface is impressed by a point attached to the trans- mitting diaphragm, in a direction parallel to tke record surface, and not, as in the instrument of Mr. Edison, in a direction at right angles to the same. This method would appear to be the best calculated for a more exact reproduction of ar- ticulate speech, since it permits comparatively loud speaking or singing, without interfering Fig, 425. Berliner's Gramophone. with the quality of the reproduced sounds. Since the resistance to indentation, or vertical cutting, increases more rapidly than the increase in the amplitude of vibration of the cutting point, it follows that the louder the sounds recorded by the phonograph or graphophone, the less complete would be the quality of the reproduced sounds, or the less the probability of the peculiarities of the speaker's voice being recognized. In order to avoid this, the speaker in the phonograph and the graphophone speaks in an ordinary conversa- tional tone only. (S^e Vibration or Wave,, Am- plitude of ) For purposes of dictation, and, indeed, most commercial purposes, this is rather an advantage than otherwise. Phonograph Record. (See Record Phonograph.} Phonoplex. Literally sound folds. A system of telegraphy. (See Telegraphy, Phonoplex.} Pho.] 397 [Pho. Phonoplex Telegraphy. (See Telegra- phy, Phonoplex^) Pkonopore. A modified form of har- monic telegraph. Phonozenograph. An instrument devised by De Feltre to indicate the direction of a distant sound. A Deprez-D'Arsonval galvanometer, a Wheat- stone's bridge, and a microphone of peculiar con- struction, are placed in the circuit of a voltaic battery and a receiving telephone. The observer determines the direction of the distant sound by means of the sounds heard under different condi- tions in the telephone. Phosphoresce. To emit phosphorescent light. Phosphorescence. The power of emitting light, or becoming luminous by simple ex- posure to light. Bodies that possess the property of phosphor- escence, when exposed to a bright light acquire the power, when subsequently carried into the dark, of continuing to emit light, for periods varying from a few seconds to several hours. The diamond, barium and calcium sulphides, dry paper, silk, sugar, and compounds of ura- nium, are examples of phosphorescent substances. The effects of phosphorescence appear to be due, in some cases, to sympathetic vibrations set up in the molecules of the phosphorescent body by the exciting light. (See Vibrations, Sympa- thetic.') In other cases, however, that are not exactly understood, the wave length of the emitted light is more rapid than that of the exciting light. The fire-fly, the glow-worm, and decaying animal or vegetable matter, exhibit a species of phosphorescence that appears to be due to the ac- tual oxidation or gradual burning of a peculiar, specific, chemical substance. Phosphorescence may therefore be divided into two classes, viz. : (i.) Physical phosphorescence, or that produced by the actual impact of light, .and, (2.) Chemical phosphorescence, or that caused by actual chemical combination or combustion of a specific substance. Tin's is sometimes called spontaneous phosphorescence. Physical phosphorescence may be produced in a variety of ways, viz. : (I.) By an Elevation of Temperature: A variety of fluorspar, called chlorophane, shines with a beautiful greenish blue light when heated tj less than a red heat. Here the non- luminous rays are apparently transformed into luminous rays. A phosphorescent substance like fluorspar eventually loses its ability to phosphoresce. It regains it, however, on exposure to the light, i. t., if such an exhausted body be exposed to sunlight it again phosphoresces on exposure t;> non-luminous heat. The light emitted, during phosphorescence by heat, is, probably, wholly due to potential energy acquired during exposure to the light. (See Luminescence.) The phosphorescence by heat exhibited by fluorspar is sometimes called fluorescence. It is preferable, however, to call the phenomena phosphorescence. (See Fluores- eence. ) (2.) By Mechanical Effects: The flashes of light emitted during the attri- tion or friction of some bodies, when not traceable directly to electricity, are, most probably, to be ascribed to phosphorescence. (3.) By M jlecular Bombardment. The molecular bombardment due to the mole- cules of residual gas shot off from the negative electrode of an exhausted receiver through wnch an electric discharge is passing, produces many brilliant effects of phosphorescence. (4.) By Electricity. An electric spark produces phosphorescence in such substances as canary glass, solution of sul- phate of quinine, etc., etc. (5.) Exposure to Sunlight, or, in fact, to any light. The different rays of the sun are not equally able to excite phosphorescence. As a rule the violet or ultra violet rays excite the greatest phos- phorescence. The light excited is often, though not always, of a greater wave length than the exciting light. Phosphorescent paints for rendeiing the posi- tion of a push button, electric call, match safe, gas pendant or some other similar object visible at night, consist essentially of sulphides of cal- cium or barium, or of mixtures of the same. Phosphorescence, Chemical A variety of phosphorescence, in which the errit- ted light is produced by the actual combustion 398 [i'ho. of a specific chemical substance by the oxygen of the air. Chemical phosphorescence is seen in the fire fly and the glow-worm. (See Phosphorescence.} Phosphorescence, Electric Phos- phorescence caused in a substance by the passage of an electric discharge. " The phosphorescent material is placed in an exhausted glass tube, as shown in Fig. 426, and submitted to the action of a series of discharges, as from a Ruhmkorff coil, or Holtz machine. The violet-blue light of such discharge is very efficient in producing phosphorescence. Phosphor- escence is thus effected by subjecting the phos- phorescent material to the molecular bombard- ment which is produced by such discharges in a high vacuum. (See Bombardment, Molecular.) Phosphorus. Electric Smelting of Fig. 426. Electric Phosphorescence. Phosphorescence, Physical Phos- phorescence produced in matter by the actual impact of light waves resulting in a vibratory motion of the molecules of sufficient rapidity to cause them to emit light. Physical phosphorescence is distinguished from chemical phosphorescence in that in the former the energy required to produce molecular vibra- tions is imparted by the light to which the phos- phorescent body is exposed, while in chemical phosphorescence the energy producing the light is derived from the chemical potential energy of the specific substance burned. (See Phosphor, escence. ) Phosphorescent, Possessing the proper- ties or qualities of phosphorescence. Phosphorescing 1 . Emitting phosphores- cent light. (See Phosphorescence?) Phosphorescope. An apparatus for meas- uring the phosphorescent power of any sub- stance. (See Phosphorescence?) - An electric process for the direct production of phosphorus. In the electric smelting of phosphorus, the crude material, consisting of a mixture of bones or animal phosphates and carbon, is fed into a space between two electrodes connected to the poles of a source of powerful alternating currents. The apparatus is similar in general to the Cowles fur- nace for the reduction of aluminium. The heat produced by the alternating currents decomposes the phosphates, and the volatilized phosphorus is condensed in suitable chambers. Photochronograph. An electric instru- ment for automatically recording the transit of a star across the meridian. In a small camera connected with the eye -piece of the transit instrument is placed a sensitized plate. A sidereal clock has an electric attachment to its pendulum, so made that a shutter alternately exposes and conceals the photographic plate, and thus permits the image of a star to be formed on the plate at intervals during its passage across the field of the telescope. An image of the spider lines is afterwards fixed on the plate by the light of a lamp, held for a few moments before the ob- ject glass of a telescope. A shutter is provided, by means of which this light is prevented from falling on the trail of the star across the field of the glass. In this manner the time of passage of the star across the meridian is automatically re- corded on the photographic plate. The photochronograph is also adapted for similarly automatically recording the transit or passage of any heavenly body across any imagin- ary line in the heavens. Photo-Electric Cell. (See Cell, Photo- Electric?) Phot o-Electricity. ( See Electricity, Photo?) Photo-Electromotive Force. (See Force, Electromotive, Photo?) Photometer. An apparatus for measuring the intensity of the light emitted by any luminous source. There are various methods for measuring the intensity of a beam of light passing through any given space, or emitted from any luminous Pho. 399 [Pho. source; these methods are embraced in the use of the following apparatus: (l.) Calorimetric Photometer, in which the light to be measured is absorbed by the face of a thermo-electric pile, and the electric current thereby produced is carefully measured. Since obscure radiation or heat will also thus produce an electric current, it is necessary first to absorb all the heat by passing the beam of light through an alum cell. (2.) Actinic, or Chemical Photometers, in which the intensity of the light is estimated by a com- parison of the depth of coloration produced on a fillet of photographic paper under similar con- ditions of exposure to a standard light, and the light to be measured. The combination of pure hydrogen and chlorine, or the decomposition of pure mercurous chloride, have been employed for the purpose of determin- ing the intensities of two lights by measuring the amount of chemical action effected. (3.) Shadow Photometers, in which a shadow produced by the light to be measured is compared with a shadow produced by a standard candle. (See Candle, Standard.) Fig. 427. The Shadow Photometer. Rumford's photometer, shown in Fig. 427, is an example of this form of instrument. The standard candle, shown at L, casts a shadow C", of an opaque rod C, on the screen at B. The light to be measured L', is moved away from the screen until its shadow C', on the screen at A, is judged by the eye to be of the same depth. The distance between the screen and the lights is then measured in straight lines. The relative intensities of the two lights are then pro- portional to the squares of their distances. If, for example, the candle be at 10 inches from the screen, and the lamp at 40 inches, then the intensities are as io s : 40' or as 100 : 1,600, or the lamp is a 16 candle-power lamp. This photometer is based on the fact that the shadow of each source is illumined by the light of the other source. These results are more accurate if the two shadows are adjoining or nearly adjoining. (4. ) Translucent-Disc Photometers. The light to be measured and a standard candle are placed on opposite sides of a sheet of paper the centre of which contains a grease spot. The standard candle is kept at a fixed distance from the paper and both it and the paper are moved towards or from the light to be measured until both sides of the paper are adjudged to be equally illumined. In Bunsen's photometer a vertical sheet of paper' with a grease spot at its centre, is exposed to the illumination of a standard candle on one side, and the light to be measured on the other. The sheet of paper is placed inside a dark box provided with two plane mirrors placed at such an angle to the paper that an observer can readily see both sides of the paper at the same time. This box can be slid along a graduated, hori- zontal scale towards, or from, the light to be measured, and carries with it the standard candle mounted on it at a constant distance of 10 inches. If the box is too near the light to be measured, the grease spot appears brighter on the side of the sheet of paper nearest the candle. If too near the candle, it appears brighter on the side of the sheet of paper nearest the light to be measured. The position in which the spot appears equally bright on both sides, is the position in which both sides of the paper are equally illumined, and the relative intensities of the two lights are then directly as the squares of their distances from the sheet of paper. Shadow, and translucent-disc photometers being dependent on equal illumination, are re- liable only when the color of the lights compared is the same. For the determination of the photo- metric intensity of very bright lights, the standard candle is replaced by a carcel lamp, a standard gas jet, or by the light emitted by a given mass of platinum, heated to incandescence by a given current of electricity. (See Lamp, Carcel. Gas- jet, Carcel Standard. Light, Platinum Stand- ard.} Preece's photometer belongs to the class of translucent disc photometers. A tiny incandes- cent lamp is placed in a box, the top of which has a white paper screen on which is a grease spot. The box is placed in the street where the intensity of illumination is to be measured, and the inten- Pho.] 400 [rko. sity of the light of the incandescent lamp is varied until the grease spot disappears. The current of electricity then passing through the incandescent lamp acts as the measure of the iliumination. In the case of the shadow photometer, or of Bunsen's photometer, if the intensity of illumina- tion is the same, the relative intensities of the two lights may be determined as follows: Calling I, and i, respectively the relative inten- sities of the standard light, and the light to be measured, and D, and d, their respective dis- tances from the screen, then I : i : : D 8 : d 2 , or I X d 2 = i X D 2 ; / d 2 that is, i = I ^ Or, the intensity of the light to be measured is (d 8 \ = j times the intensity of the standard light. If, for example, D and d, represent 10 and 100 inches, respectively, the intensity of i, is 100 times the intensity I, the standard 1'ght. (5.) Dispersion Photometers. A class of pho- tometers in which, in order to more readily com- pare or measure a very bright or intense light, like that of an arc lamp, the intensity of the light is decreased by dispersion a readily measurable amount. Ayr ton &* Perry's Dispersion Photometer. A photometer in which, in order to bring an in- tensely bright light, like an electric arc light, to Fig. 428. Ayrton &* Perry's Dispersion Photometer. such an intensity as will permit it to be readily compared with a standard candle, its intensity is weakened by its passage through a diverging (concave) lens. Ayrton & Perry's dispersion photometer is shown in two different positions, Figs. 428 and 429. The apparatus is supported on a tripod stand E, arranged so as to obtain exact leveling. A plane mirror H, movable around a pin placed directly under its centre, can be rotated and thus reflect the light after its passage through the diverging lens, while still maintaining its distance from the electric light. The horizontal axis of this mirror is inclined 45 degrees to its reflecting surface in order to avoid errors arising from varying absorption at different angles of reflection. The inclination of the beam to the horizontal is indicated by means of an index attached to the mirror and moving over the graduated circle G. A black rod A, casts its shadow on a screen of white blotting paper B. A standard candle, placed in the holder D, casts its shadow alongside the shadow cast by the electric light. The lens is now displaced until the shadow of the electric light is of the same intensity as that of the candle, when viewed successively through sheets of red and green glass. A graduated scale serves to mark the distances of the candle and the lens, respectively, from the screen, from which data the intensity ot the electric light may be calculated. Fig. 429. Ayrton and Perry's Dispersion Photometer. (6.) Selenium Photometers. Instruments in which the relative intensities of two lights are de- termined by the variations produced in a selenium resistance. In Siemens' Selenium photometer a selenium cell is employed in connection with an electric circuit for determining the intensity of light. The tube A B, Fig. 430, is furnished at A, with a diaphragm, and at B, with a selenium plate, connected by wires G G, with the circuit of a battery and a galvanometer. A graduated scale L M, bears the standard candle N. The tube A B, is capable of rotation on the vertical axis F. A reflecting mirror gal- vanometer is used in connection with the selenium photometer. The light to be measured is placed PaO.] 401 [Pho. at right angles to the scale L M, and the tube A B, directed towards it, and the ga.vanometer de flection compared with the deflection obtained when turned towards the standard candle. (7.) Gas-jet Photometers. Instruments in which the candle-power of a gas-jet is determined by measuring the height at which the jet burns when under unit conditions of volume and press- ure of gas consumed . Fig. 430. Siemens' Selenium Photometer. In determining the candle-power of an intense light like the electric arc light, a large gaslight is used instead of a standard candle, and the photometric power of this gaslight is carefully determined by comparison with a gas- jet photom- eter. (See Jet, Gas, Car eel Standard.} Photometer, Actinic A photom- eter in which the intensity of any light is meas- ured by the amount of chemical decomposi- tion it effects. (See Photometer.) In some actinic photometers the intensity of the light to be measured is determined by the com- parison of the depth of coloration of a sensi- tized film under similar conditions of exposure to a standard light and the light to be measured. Photometer, Calorimetric A pho- tometer in which, the light to be measured is absorbed by the face of a thermo-electric pile, and the intensity of the light estimated from the strength of the electric current thereby produced. In order to avoid the error arising from the current produced from the absorption of the ob- scure radiation from the light, all tlie hear, is first absorbed by passing the light through an alum cell. (See Photometer. ) Photometer, Chemical A photom- eter in which the intensity of the light to be measured is determined from the amount of chemical action effected m a given time. Photometer, Dispersion A photom- eter in which the light to be measured is de- creased in intensity a known amount so as to more readily permit it to be compared with a standard light of much smaller intensity. (See Photometer?) ~~ Photometer, Electric An electrical instrument for measuring the intensity of illumination. A form of electric photometer invented by C. R. Richards depends for its indications on the variations that occur in the resistance of a wire on change of temperature. An iron wire, whose change of temperature is utilized for measuring the intensity of any light to whose radiations it is opposed, is covered by a deposit of lampblack. On exposure to the light whose intensity is to be measured, the light is absorbed l i tion will show that (' ==~===^ the junctions are formed successively at opposite faces of the pile, so that if the junctions be numbered succes- sively, the even junc- tions will come at one face, and the Ft'f. 434. Series-Connected Thermo- Electric Couples. odd junctions at the other. This is necessary in order to permit all the thermo-electric couples to add their differences of potential ; for, if, as in fig. 43S> a thermo-electric chain be formed, Pile, Tjenno-Electric -A number of separate thermo-electric couples, united in Fig. 435. Thermo-Llectnc Circuit. no currents will result from equally heating any two consecutive junctions ], J, of the metals A and B, since the electromotive forces so produced oppose each other. Thermopiles have been constructed by Clamond, of couples of iron and an atioy of zinc and antimony, of sufficient power to produce a voltaic arc whose illuminating power equaled 40 pr.i 405 ffcla. carcel b - irr?e r ^. Many practical difficulties exist which will have to be surmounted, however, before such piles can be employed as commercial electric sources. Pile, Voltaic A battery consisting of a number of voltaic couples connected so as to form a single electric source. A form simi ar to Volta's original pile, consist- ing ot alternate discs of copper and zinc, separated from each other by discs of wet cloth, and piled on one another, so as to form a numher of separate voltaic couj-les connected in series, is shown in Fig. 436. The thick plates marked Zn, are of zinc ; the opper plates, marked Cu, are much Pin, Insulator A bolt by means Fig- 43(>. Voltaic Pile. thinner. The discs of moistened cloth are shown at d d. One end of such a pile would then be terminated by a plate of copper, and the other by a plate of zinc. The copper end forms the positive electrode, and the zinc end the negative electrode. (See Cell, Voltaic ) Pilot Lamp. (See Lamp, Pilot.) Pilot Transformer. (See Transformer, Pilot.) Pilot Wires. (See Wires, Pilot.) of which an insulator is attached to the tele- graphic support or arm. The insulator pins or bolts are generally fixed to the insulator by means of screw threads turned on their ends. They are then cemented to the insulators by any suitable moisture-proof cement. The pin and insulator con- nected to one another by means of a screw thread are shown in Fig. 437. Pin, Switch - A metallic pin or plug pro- vided for insertion in a telegraphic switch board. A form of switch pin is shown in Fig. 438. The metallic end is conical in form, and is provided with two longitudinal slots at Fig. 437. Insulator right angles to each other in 1'in. order to insure a light spring connection with the metallic contact plate in which the pin is in- serted. Pith. A light, cellular material, forming the central portions of most exogenous plants. An excel'ent pith, suitable for electrical purposes, is furnished by the dried interior of the elder- berry stick. Pith Ball. (See Balls, Pith.) Pith - Ball Electroscope. (See Electroscope, Pith-Ball.) Pivot Suspension. (See Sus- pension, Pivot) Plain-Pendant Argand Elec- tric Burner. (See Burner, Plain-Pendant Electric) Plain-Pendant Electric Burner. (See Burner, Plain-Pendant Electric.) Plane Angle. (See Angle, Plane) Plane, Proof A small insulated conductor employed to take test charges from the surfaces of insulated, charged conductors. 40G [Pla. The proof-plane is used in connection with some form of electrometer. (See Balance, Cou- lomb''! Torsion.') Plane, Proof, Magnetic A small coil of wire placed in the circuit of a delicate galvanometer, and used for the purpose of exploring a magnetic field. When the coil is suddenly inverted in a mag- netic field, if a long-coil galvanometer provided with a heavy needle is used, the number of lines of force which pass through the area of cross-sec- tion of the coil will be proportional to the sine of half the angle of the first swing of the needle. Plant. A word sometimes used for in- stallation, or for the apparatus required to carry on any manufacturing operation. An electric plant includes the steam engines or other prime motors, the generating dynamo or dvnamos, the lamps and other electro-receptive devices, and the circuits connected therewith. Plant Electricity. (See Electricity, Plant. Plants, Electricity of.) Plants, Electricity of Electricity produced naturally by plants during their vig- orous growth. DuBois-Reymond and others have shown that plants while in a vigorous vital state are active sources of electricity. If one of the terminals of a galvanometer be inserted into a fruit near its stem, and the other terminal into the opposite part of the fruit, the galvanometer at once shows the presence of an electric current. Buff has shown that the roots and interior por- tions of plants are always negatively charged, while the flowers, fruits and green twigs are posi- tively charged. Plant tissue or fibre, like the muscular fibre of animals, exhibits in many cases a true contraction on the passage through it of an electric current. This is seen in the Mimosa sensitiva, or Sensitive Fern, in the Venus' Fly-Trap, and in several other species of plants. Fouillet concludes from numerous observations that the free positive electricity of the atmosphere is partly due to the vapors disengaged by grow- ing plants. The peculiar geographical distribution of thun- der storms, however, does not favor this assump- tion. (See Storm, Thunder, Geographical Dis- tribution of.) Plastics, Galvano A term some- times employed for electrotyping, that is where the deposits are sufficiently thick to permit of ready separation from the object which forms the mould. Literally, the cold moulding or shaping of metals by electrotyping. (See Plating, Elec- tro. Metallurgy, Electro?) The word galvano-plastics is sometimes used as synonymous with electrotyping, electro-plat- ing, or electro-metallurgy generally. Plastics, Hydro The art of elec- trically shaping or depositing metals in the wet by electrotyping. (See Plastics, Gal- vano.) Plate, Arrester, of Lightning Protector That plate of a lightning protector which is- directly connected with the circuit to be protected, as distinguished from the plate that is connected with the ground. (See Arrester, Lightning?) Plate Condenser. (See Condenser, Plate?) Plate, Ground, of Lightning Arrester That plate of a comb lightning arrester which is connected to the earth or ground. (See Arrester, Lightning, Comb?) Plate, Negative, of Storage Cell That plate of a storage cell which, by the action of the charging current, is converted into or partly covered with a coating of spongy lead. That plate of a storage battery which is connected with the negative terminal of the charging source, and which is therefore the negative pole of the battery on discharging. The usage is the reverse of that in the case of the primary battery. Plate, Negative, of Yoltaic Cell - The electro-negative element of a voltaic couple. (See Couple, Voltaic?) That element of a voltaic couple which is negative in the electrolyte of the cell. (See Electrolyte?) The negative plate of a voltaic rell is the plate not acted on by the electrolyte. In a zinc carbon Pla.] 407 [Pla. couple in dilute sulphuric acid, the carbon plate is the negative plate. (See Cell, Voltaic.) The negative plate is to be carefully distin- guished from the negative pole, which is the ter- minal connected to the positive plate. The terminal connected to the negative plate is the positive pole. (See Cell, Voltaic.) Plate, Positive, of Storage Battery - That plate of a storage battery which is converted into, or covered by, a layer of lead peroxide, by the action of the charging current. That plate of a storage battery which is connected with the positive terminal of the charging source and which is, therefore, the positive pole of the battery on discharging. 'It will be noticed that the usage in this respect is the reverse of that in the case of primary bat- teries, in which the positive plate is positive in the liquid only; the end which projects from the liquid, or the terminal connected with it being negative. In storage batteries, the positive plate is con- nected with the positive pole. (See Battery, Storage. Cell, Voltaic.) Plate, Positive, of Voltaic Cell - The electro-positive element of a voltaic couple. (See Couple, Voltaic.} That element of a voltaic couple which is positive in the electrolyte of the cell. (See Electrolysis.) The positive plate of a voltaic cell is the plate out from which the current flows through the electrolyte. The zinc plate of a zinc-carbon couple is the positive plate. (See Cell, Voltaic. ) The current leaves the cell, however, to flow or pass through the external circuit at the wire or terminal connected with the negative plate. (See Cell, Voltaic.) Plate, Primary, of Condenser That plate of a condensing transformer in which the inducing charge is placed in order to induce a charge of different potential in the secondary plate. Plate, Secondary, of Condenser That plate of a condensing transformer in which 'the induced charge is produced by the induction of a charge on the primary plate. Plate, Zinc, of Voltaic Cell, Amalgama- tion of Covering the surface of the zinc plate of a voltaic cell with a thin layer of amalgam in order to avoid local action. (See Action, Local, of Voltaic Cell. Zinc, Amal- gamation of.) Plates, Arrester A term sometimes applied to the two plates of an ordinary cflmb lightning arrester. (See Arrester, Lightning, Comb.) The plate that is connected to the line to be protected, is more correctly called the arrester plate, and that connected to the ground the ground plate. Plates of Secondary or Storage Cell, Forming of Obtaining a thick coating of lead peroxide on the lead plates of a storage battery, by repeatedly sending the charging current through the cell alternately in opposite directions. The effect of sending a current between two lead plates immersed in dilute sulphuric acid, is to coat one of the plates with lead peroxide. On the sending of the current in the opposite direction, the other plate is coated with lead peroxide. If now the current is sent in the opposite direction, more peroxide is deposited on one of the plates, and the peroxide at the other plate is converted into spongy lead. At the end of charging, the battery will form an independent source of current. (See Cell, Storage. ) Platform, Pole A platform, capable of supporting several men, placed on a termi- nal pole provided with a cable box, for the purpose of affording a ready means of inspect- ing and arranging the conductors in the box. Plating Balance. (Se&Balance, Plating.) Plating Bath, Electro - - (See Bath, Electro-Plating?) Plating, Copper Electro-plating with copper. (See Plating, Electro. Bath, Copper^ Plating, Electro The process of covering any electrically conducting surface with a metal by the aid of the electric current. By the aid of electro-plating, the baser metals are covered w th silver, gold or platinum, or with any other metal, such as nickel or copper. Pla.J 408 [Pla. The process of electro-plating is carried on as follows: The object to be plated is connected with the negative terminal of a battery and placed in a so- lution of the metal with which it is to be plated, opposite a plate of that metal connected to the positive terminal of the bat ery. If, for example, the object is to be plated with copper, it is pi ced in a solution of copper sulphate or blue vitriol, opposite a plate of copper. By this arrangement the object to be plated forms the kathode of the plating bath, and the plate of copper forms the anode. On the passage of the current the copper sul- phate (Cu SO 4 ) is decomposed, metallic copper being deposited in an adherent layer on the arti- cles attached to the kathode, and the acid radical (SO 4 ) appearing at the anode, where it combines with one of the atoms of the copper plate. Since for every molecule of copper sulphate decomposed in theelecirolyte,anewmoleculeol copper sulphate is thus formed, by the gradual solution of the copper anode, the strength of the solution in the bath is maintained as long as any of the copper plate re- mains at the anode, and the ordinary activity of the cell is not otherwise interfered with. When any other metals, such as gold, silver or nickel, for example, are to be deposited, suitable solutions of their salts are placed in the bath, and plates of the same metal hung at the anode. The character and coherence of the metallic coatings thus obtained depend on the nature and strength of the plating bath, and on the density of the current employed. The size and position of the anode, as compared with the size and posi- tion of the objects to be plated, must therefore be carefully attended to, as well as the strength of Fig. 43Q. Electro- Plating the metallic solution and the current strength passing. (See Current Density.} Fig. 439, shows a bath arranged for silver- plating. The anode consists of a plate of i-ilver. The spoons, forks, etc., to be plated are immersed in a suitable silver solution and connected with the kathode. The electro-plating process when employed for the production of electrotype plates is called electrotyping. Here the object is to obtain a re- production in metal of any particular form, such as of type or of some natural object. It was called by Jacobi the galvanofilastic process. The term electrotyping is, however, more generally adopted. (See Electrotyping, or the Electrotype Process.') Plating, Gold Electro-plating with gold. (See Plating, Electro. Bath, Gold.} Plating, Nickel Electro - plating with nickel. (See Plating, Electro. Bath, Nickel} Plating, Sectional Plating an article with a greater thickness of metal at certain points than at the rest of the surface. Sectional plating is employed for such objects as spoons, etc., which are, by this method, given a greater thickness of deposit at the under portions of the bowl and handle, where the spoon usually rests, and is, therefore, exposed to the greatest wear. Sectional plating is effected by means of sec- tional plating frames. (See Plating, Electro. Frames, Sectional Plating. ) Plating, Silver Electro-plating with silver. (See Plating, Electro. Bath, Silver?) Platinoid. An alloy consisting of German silver containing I or 2 per cent, of metallic tungsten. Platinoid is suitable for use in resistance coils on account of the comparatively small influence pro- duced on its electric resistance by changes t f temperature. Its resistance is 60 per cent, higher than that of German silver. Platinum. A refractory and not readily oxidizable metal, of a tin-white color. The co-efficient of expansion of platinum by heat is very nearly that of ordinary giass. Pla- tinum is, therefore, generally employed ior the leading-in conductors of an incandescent lamp. These conductors are fused into the glass of t>e lamp chamber. On the heating of the wires by Pla.] 409 [Plu. the current, the glass expands t qually with the wires, and the vacuum in the lamp chamber is not, therefore, injured. Platinum Alloy. (See Alloy, Platinum- Silver^) Platinum Black. Finely divided platinum that possesses, in a marked degree, the power of absorbing or occluding gases. Platinum black is obtained by the action of potassium hydrate on platinum chloride. Unlike metallic platinum it is of a black color. Platinum Fuse. (See Fuse, Platinum?) Platinum-Silver Alloy. (See Alloy, Plat- inum-Silver^ Platinum Standard Light. (See Light, Platinum Standard^) Platymeter. An instrument invented by Sir William Thomson for comparing the capacities of two condensers. Plow. The sliding contacts connected to the motor of an electric street car, and placed within the slotted underground conduit, and provided for the purpose of taking off the current from the electric mains placed therein, as the contacts are pushed forward over them by the motion of the car. Similar contacts, placed in the rear of the motor car and drawn after the train, form what is techni- cally known as the sled, or when rolling on over- head wires as trolleys. (See Railroad, Electric.) Plow, Electric A plow driven by an electric motor placed either on a wagon to which the plow is attached, or by a stationary electro-motor, by the aid of cords or other flexible belts. One of the first practical applications of the elec- tric transmission of energy was for the operation of a plow, driven electrically, by an electric current generated at some distance, and transmitted to the electric motor by suitable conductors. Pliicker Tube. (See Tube, Pliicker.) Plug. A piece of metal in the shape of a plug, provided for making or breaking a cir- cuit by placing in, or removing from, a con- ical opening formed in the ends of two closely approached pieces of metal which are connected with the circuits to be made or broken. As the plug is inserted in the opening it bridges over the opening and thus closes the circuit con- nected with the separate pieces of metals. On removing the plug the circuit is opened or broken. Plug. In telegraphy, an inexpert operator. Plug, Double A plug so constructed that when inserted in a spring-jack it makes two connections, one at its point and one at its shank. (See Spring-Jack.) Plug, Fusible A term sometimes applied to a safety fuse. (See Plug, Safety.) Plug, Infinity A plug hole in a box of resistance coils, in which the two pieces of brass it connects are not connected by any resistance coil, and which, therefore, leaves, when withdrawn, an open circuit of an in- finite resistance. Plug, Safety A wire, bar, plate or strip of readily fusible metal, capable of con- ducting, without fusing, the current ordinarily employed on the circuit, but which fuses, and thus breaks the circuit, on the passage of an abnormal current. (See Fuse, Safety.) A safety plug is only used on circuits in which the electro-receptive devices are connected with the leads in multiple. In this case the fusing of the safety plug, and the consequent opening of the circuit with which it is connected, does not affect the rest of the circuit. On series-connected circuits a different form of safety device is used. (See Cut -Out, Automatic, for Series-Connected Elec- tro-Receptive Devices. ) Plug, Short-Circuiting A plug by means of which one part of a circuit is cut out by being short-circuited. Plug Switch. (See Switch, Plug.) Plug, Wall A plug provided for the insertion of a lamp or other electro-re- ceptive device in a wall socket, and thus con- necting it with a lead. Plugging. Completing a circuit by means of plugs. Plugs, Grid Plugs of active ma- terial that fill the spaces or apertures in the lead grid or plate of a storage battery. Plu.] 410 [Poi. The active material forming the plugs is placed in the spaces in the grid while in the plastic con- dition. On the subsequent hardening of this ma- terial, these grid plugs cannot readily fall out, since the spaces are so shaped that their interior portions are 01 greater diameter than at the sur- face of the plates. Plumbago. An allotropic modification of carbon. Plumbago, the material commonly known as black lead, is the same as graphite. Powdered plumbago is employed in electrotyping processes for rendering non-conducting surfaces electrically conducting. For this purpose powdered plum- bago is dusted on the surfaces, which thus acquire the power of receiving a metallic lustre by fric- tion. Stove polishes are formed of mixtures of plumbago and other cheap materials. (See Graphite.} Strictly speaking, the term graphite is properly applied to such varieties of plumbago as are suit- able for direct use for writing purposes, as in lead pencils. Plumbago, Coppered - - Powdered plumbago coated with copper, for use in the metallization of objects to be electro-plated. (See Metallization?) Plumbago, Gilt Powdered plum- bago whose conducting power for electricity has been increased by coating it with metallic gold. Gilt plumbago is used for rendering non-con- ducting surfaces electrically conducting and thus preparing them for electro-plating. To prepare gilt plumbago, dissolve in ico parts of sulphuric ether I part of chloride of gold, mix in this 60 parts of powdered plumbago, and ex- pose to air and light until all ether has volatilized. Then dry in an oven. Plumbago, Silvered Powdered plumbago coated with metallic silver for use in the metallization of objects to be electro- plated. Plunge Battery. (See Battery, Plunged) Pneumatic Perforator. (See Perforator, Pneumatic?) Pneumatic Signals, Electro - (See Signals, Electro-Pneumatic?) Pockets, Armature - Spaces pro- vided in an armature for the reception of the armature coils. (See Coils, Armature, of Dynamo-Electric Machine?) Poggendorff's Voltaic Cell. (See Cell, Voltaic, Poggendorff's.} Point, Carbon : A term formerly applied to the carbon electrodes used in the production of the voltaic arc. Point, Indifferent A point in the intra-polar regions of a nerve where the ane- lectrotonic and kathelectrotonic regions meet, and where the excitability is therefore un- changed. This is sometimes called the neutral point. Point of Lightning Rod. (See Rod, Lightning, Points on.) Point of Origin. (See Origin, Point of.) Point, Neutral In electro-thera- peutics, a term sometimes used instead of in- different point. (See Point, Indifferent.) Point, Nodal The null point in a circuit traversed by electric oscillations. (See Point, Null.) Point, Null Such a point on a micrometer circuit, that when joined or con-, nected with the second- ary circuit of an in- duction coil, the sparks in the micrometer cir- cuit are either very greatly decreased or are entirely absent. The null point on the micrometer circuit is situ- ated symmetrically with respect to the micrometer knobs. If the induction coil A, Fig. 440, has its second- ary circuit connected as shown with the microm- Fig. 440. Null Point. eter circuit at the point e, situated at the centre of the micrometer circuit, the point will be a null point, and the effects of sparks at the micrometer knobs, at M, will be greatly decreased. Under the conditions shown in the figure, the electrical oscillations in the micrometer circuit must be re- garded as in the condition of stationary waves or vibrations. It would seem, therefore, that defi- nite waves or vibrations are setup in the microm- Poi.] 411 [Pol. eter circuit, in the same way as are the vibra- tions produced in an elastic bar set in vibration by a violin bow, or by a blow from a hammer. Points, Consequent The points or places in an anomalous magnet where the consequent poles are situated. (See Magnet, Anomalous. Pole, Anomalous?) Points, Corresponding - Points where the lines of electrostatic force sur- rounding an insulated charged conductor enter the surfaces of neighboring conductors. Points on the surface of a body placed in an electrostatic field where the lines of elec- trostatic force enter its surface, and thus pro- duce a charge equal and opposite to that of the surface of the body at the points from which they came. Corresponding points receive, in accordance with the laws of electrostatic induction, charges equal and opposite to those of the surfaces from which the lines of electrostatic force originate. Points, Electric Action of The effect of points placed on an insulated, charged conductor, in slowly discharging the conductor by electric convection. (See Con- fection, Electric.} The cause of this action of points is to be at- tributed to the increased density of a charge on the surface of a conductor at the points and the consequent production of convection streams of air, which thus gradually carry off the charge. (See Charge, Distribution of.) Points, Iso-Electric A term some- times used in electro-therapeutics for points of equal potential. Points, Neutral, of Dynamo-Electric Ma- chine Two points of greatest differ- ence of potential, situated on the commutator cylinder, at the opposite ends of a diameter thereof, at which the collecting- brushes must rest in order to catry off the current quietly. These are called the neutral points because the coils that are short-circuited by the brushes lie in the magnetically neutral points of the armature. (See Line, Neutral, of Commutator Cylinder.) Points, Neutral, of Magnet Points approximately midway between the poles of 14 Vol. 1 a magnet. (See Line, Neutral, of a Magnet. Magnet, Equator of.) Points, Neutral, of Therino-Electric Dia- gram The points on alhermo-electric diagram where the lines representing the thermo-electric powers of any two metals cross one another. A mean temperature for any two metals irr a thermo-electric series, at which, if their two junctions are slightly over and slightly undep the mean temperature (the one as much above as the other is below), no effective electromotive force is developed. (See Dia- gram, Ther mo-Electric. Couple, Thermo- Electric^) Points or Rhumbs of Compass. (See Compass, Points of.) Polar Region. (See Region, Polar.) Polar Tips. (See Tips, Polar.) Polarity, Diamagnetic A polar- ity the reverse of ordinary magnetic polarity, the existence of which was assumed by Fara- day to explain the phenomena of diamag- netism. (See Diamagnetism.) Faraday assumed that diamagnetic substances, when brought into a magnetic field, acquired north magnetism in those parts that were nearest the north pole, instead of south magnetism, as with ordinary magnetic substances. The north pole thus obtained would, he thought, explain the apparent repulsion of a slender rod of a-iy di- amagnetic material delicately suspended lu a strong magnetic field, and cause it to point equa- torially, or with the lines of force passing through its least dimensions. This supposition was sub^e- quently abandoned by Faraday. It has recently been r.vived by Tyndall. (S_-e Diamagnetism.) The action of a diamagnetic body, when placed in a magnetic field, is now generally ascribed to the fact that the atmosphere, by which such body is surrounded, is more powerfully paramagnetic than the diamagnetic substance. The diamag netic substance comes to rest in an equatorial posi- tion, because in that position there is the greatest length of air in the path of the magnetic lines, which has a smaller magnetic resistance than the diamagnetic substance. Polarity, Magnetic The polarity acquired by a magnetizable substance when brought into a magnetic field. Pol.] 412 [Pol. The direction of magnetic polarity, acquired by a substance when brought into a magnetic field, depends on the direction in which the lines of magnetic force pass through it. Where these lines enter the substance a sou:h pole is pro- duced, and where they pass out, a north pole is produced. The axis of magnetization lies in the direction of the lines of force as they pass through the body, and the intensity of magnetiza- tion depends on the number of these lines of force which pass through the body. The cause of magnetic polarity is not definitely known. Hughes' hypothesis attributes it to a property inherent in all matter. Ampere at- tributes it to closed electric circuits in the ultimate particles. Whatever its cause, it is invariably manifested by a magnetic field, the lines of force of which are assumed to have the direction already mentioned. (See Magnetism, Hughes'" Theory of. Magnetism, Ampere's Theory of. Magnet- ism, Swing's Theory of.) Polarization, Galvanic A term sometimes applied to the polarization of a voltaic cell. (See Cell, Voltaic, Polariza- tion of.) Polarization, Internal, of Moist Bodies A polarization exhibited by such moist bodies as the nerves, muscular fibres, the juicy parts of vegetables and animals, or in general by all bodies possessing a firm struc- ture filled with a liquid, on the passage through them of a strong electric current. Polarization, Magnetic Rotary The rotation of the plane of polarization of a beam of plane-polarized light consequent on its passage through a plate of glass subjected to the stress of a magnetic field. (See Rota- tion, Magneto-Optic?) Polarization of Dielectric. (See Dielec- tric, Polarization of.) Polarization of Electrolyte. (See Elec- ^ trolyte, Polarization of.) Polarization of Yoltaic Cell. (See Cell, Voltaic, Polarization of.) Polarized Armature. (See Armature, Polarized.) Polarized Relay. (See Relay, Polarized.) Polarizing Current. (See Curr f ,it , Polarization.) Polarizing Electro-Therapeutic Current. (See Current, Electro- Therapeutic Polar- izing?) Pole, Analogous That pole of a pyro-electric substance, like tourmaline, which acquires a positive electrification while the temperature of the crystal is rising. (See Electricity, Pyro?) Pole, Anomalous A name some- times given to those parts or poles in an anomalous magnet which consist of two simi- lar free poles placed together. (See Magnet, Anomalous.) Pole, Antilogous That pole of a pyro-electric substance, like tourmaline, which acquires a negative electrification when the temperature of the crystal is rising, and a positive electrification when it is falling. (See Electricity, Pyro.) Pole, Armature (See Armature, Pole?) Pole Changer. A switch or key for chang- ing or reversing the direction of current pro- duced by any electric source, such as a bat- tery The commutator of a Ruhmkorff coil is a sim- ple form of pole changer. It is, however, usu- ally called a commutator. (See Coil, Induction. ) Pole-Changing and Interrupting Elec- trode Handle. (See Electrode-Handle, Pole-Changing and Interrupting?) Pole-Changing Switch. (See Switch, Pole-Changing?) Pole Climbers. (See Climbers, Pole?) Pole, Consequent A magnet pole formed by two free north or two free south poles placed together. (See Magnet, Anom- alous?) Pole, Magnetic, Austral A name formerly employed in France for the north- seeking pole of a magnet. That pole of a magnet which points to the earth's geographical north. It will be observed that the French regarded the magnetism of the earth's Northern Hemisphere Pol.] 413 [Pol. as north, and so named the north-seeking pole of the needle the austral or south pole. The north-seeking pole of the magnet is some- times called the boreal or north pole. (See Pole, Magnetic, Boreal,) Pole, Magnetic, Boreal A name formerly employed in France for the south- seeking pole of a magnet, as distinguished from the austral or north-seeking pole. That pole of a magnet which points to- ward the geographical south. If the earth's magnetic pole in the Northern Hemisphere be of north magnetism, then the pole of a needle that points to it must be of the oppo- site polarity, or of south magnetism. In this country we call the end which points to the nonh. the north-seeking pole or marked pole. In France the end which points to the north was formerly called the austral pole. Austral means sjuth pole. (See Pole, Magnetic, Austral.) Pole, Magnetic, False A term pro- posed by Mascart and Joubert to designate the place or places on the earth which appar- ently act as magnetic poles, in addition to the two true magnetic poles, near the earth's geographical poles. According to these authorities, the earth pos- sesses two magnetic poles only, viz., a negative pole in the Northern Hemisphere and a positive pole in the Southern Hemisphere. The addi- tional poles are called by them the false magnetic poles. Pole, Magnetic, Free A pole in a piece of iron, or other paramagnetic sub- stance, which acts as if it existed as one mag- netic pole only. A free magnetic pole has in reality no physical existence. The conception, however, is of use in describing certain magnetic phenomena. If the bar of iron be so long as to practically place one pole beyond the sensible action of the other, either pole may be regarded as a free pole. Pole, Magnetic, Marked That pole of a magnetic needle which points approxi- mately to the earth's geographical north. (Obsolete.) The north-seeking pole of a magnetic needle. Pole, Magnetic, North - That pole of a magnetic needle which points approxi- mately to the earth's geographical north. The north-seeking pole of a magnetic needle. Pole, Magnetic, North-Seeking That pole of a magnetic needle which points approximately towards the earth's geographi- cal north. Pole, Magnetic, Salient - A term sometimes applied to the single poles at the ex- tremities of an anomalous magnet, in order to distinguish them from the double or consequent pole formed by the juxtaposition of two simi- lar magnetic poles. (See Magnet, Anoma- lous^) Pole, Magnetic, South - That pole of a magnetic needle which points approxi- mately towards the earth's geographical south. The south-seeking pole of a magnetic needle. Pole, Magnetic, South-Seeking That pole of a magnetic needle which points approximately toward the geographical south. Pole, Negative That pole of an electric source through which the current is assumed to enter or flow back into the source after having passed through the circuit ex- ternal to the source. Pole-Pieces of Dynamo-Electric Machine. (See Pieces, Pole, of Dynamo-Electric Machined) Pole Platform. (See Platform, Pole) Pole, Positive That pole of an electric source out of which the electric cur- rent is assumed to flow. Pole Steps. Short rods or bars shaped so as to be readily inserted in holes near the base of telegraph or electric light 'poles, so as to serve as steps to enable a lineman to reach the permanently placed steps. Permanent steps are placed only at some dis- tance from the ground, in order to prevent the ready climbing of the poles by unauthorized persons. Pole, Telegraphic A wooden or iron upright on which telegraphic or other wires are hung. Wooden poles are generally round. Pol.J 414 [Pol. The terminal pole, or the last pole at each end of the line, or where the wires bend at an angle of nearly 90 degrees, is made larger than usual and is often cut square. The holes for the poles must be dug in the true line of the wires, and not at an angle to such line. As little ground should be disturbed in the dig- ging as possible. Earth borers, or modifications of the ordinary ship auger, are generally em- ployed for this purpose. When the pole is placed in position the ground should be rammed or punned around the pole. In setting the pole, it is generally buried at least 5 feet in the ground. In England the poles are planted to a depth of about one-fifth of their length. In embankments and loose ground, they are planted deeper than in more solid earth. On curves, the poles should be inclined a little so as to lean back against the lateral strain of the wire, since by the time the ground has completely set, the strain of the wire will have pulled them into an erect position. Care must be taken to so plant the poles on that side of a road or railway that the prevailing winds will blow them off the roadbed, should it overturn them. As to location, the top of steep cuttings is preferable to the slope. In all exposed positions, it is preferable to strengthen the poles by stays attached to both sides. Where the number of wires is unusually large, heavy timber, or in case of its absence, double Fig. 441. Telegraphic Brackets. Fig. 442. Telegraphic Anns. poles suitably braced together, must be employed. In long lines the poles should all be numbered in order to afford ease of reference in case of repair. When, even with the best punning, and other precautions, the pole is judged to be unable to resist the strain on it, stays and struts are em- ployed. A stay is used when it is desired to re- move the/w//or tension from the pole ; a strut, when it is desired to remove the thrust or pressure. The arms or brackets, or the cross-pieces that support the insulators, should all be placed on the same side of the poles. Some common forms of brackets are shown in Fig. 441, and of tele- graphic arms in Fig. 442. Saddle brackets should be placed on alternate sides of the poles. When the strain on an insula- tor is too great, on account of the wire going off at a sharp angle, a shackle is used. This is a special form of insulator which confines the strain to one spot. Fig. 443. Double Shackles. A form of double shackle is shown in Fig. 443. The wire passes around the recess at B, between the two insulators. On curves, or in any situation where there is a probability, in case of the breaking of an insula- Fig. 444. Hook Guard, tor, of a wire getting into a dangerous position, guards should be employed. Guards are of two kinds, viz.: hoop guards and hook guards. A form of hook guard is shown in Fig. -*|/|/|- When wooden poles are employed various pre- servative methods are adopted to protect the wood from decay, which is very apt to occur, especially where the pole enters the ground. Some of these forms are as follows, viz. : ( I . ) Charring and tarring the butt end of the pole where it enters the ground, so as to expel the sap and destroy injurious plant or animal germs. Pol.] 415 [For. The charred end is then cleansed and dipped in a mixture of tar and slaked lime. (2.) Bumetizing, or the introduction of chloride of zinc into the pores of the wood, by placing the poles in an open tank tilled with a solution of this salt. (3 ) Ayanizing, or the similar introduction of corrosive sublimate, or mercuric chloride. (4.) Boucherizing, or the injection of a solution of copper sulphate into the pores of the wood. (5.) Creosoting, or the application of creosote to well seasoned poles. Pole, Telegraphic, Punning of Ramming or packing the earth around the base of a telegraph pole for the purpose of more securely fixing it in the ground. Pole, Telegraphic, Terminal The pole at either end of a telegraphic line. As the first or last pole in a telegraphic line is not supported on opposite sides by the line wires, it is generally made stouter than the intermediate poles, and greater care is taken to fix it securely in the ground. Pole, Testing A term sometimes employed in electro-therapeutics for the in- different pole or electrode. (See Electrode, Indifferent?) Pole, Trolley The pole which sup- ports the trolley bearing and rests on the socket in the trolley base frame in an over- head wire electric railway system. Pole, Unit, Magnetic A magnetic pole of such a strength that it would act with a unit or dyne of force on another unit pole at a distance of one centimetre. Poles, Consequent The name given to single magnetic poles formed by two free N. poles or two free S. poles placed together. (See Magnet, Anomalous?) Poles, Idle Poles or electrodes in Crookes' tubes, between which discharges are not taking place. The idle poles have no connection with the in- duction coils or other sources from which the elec- tric discharges are obtain* d. These poles are pro- vided for attaching galva.nometer wires, etc., in the study of the Edison effect, or for the study of the electrical condition of the dark space and other regions of the atmosphere of the tube. Poles, Magnetic The two points where the lines of magnetic force pass from the iron into the air, and from the air into the iron. The two points in a magnet where the magnetic force appears to be concentrated. In reality the magnetic force is most concen- trated at the neutral points of a magnet, through which all the lines of force pass. All magnets possess at least two poles, one positive or north, and the other negative or south. The lines of magnetic force are assumed to come out of a magnet at its north pole, and to enter it at its south pole. Poles, Magnetic, of Verticity (See Verticity, Poles of, Magnetic?) Poles of Condenser. The terminals of a condenser. (See Condenser.} Poles of Magnetic Intensity. (See In- tensity, Magnetic, Pole of.) Polyphase Current. (See Current, Multi-Phase:) Polyphotal Arc Light Regulators. (See Regulator, Polyphotal Arc-Light?) Popgun, Electro-Magnetic A mag- netizing coil, provided with a tubular space for the insertion of a core, much shorter than the length of the coil, which, when the ener- gizing current is passed through the coil, is thrown violently out from the coil. The movement and consequent expuUion of the core is due to the action of the lines of magnetic force which complete their circuit through the core. Porcelain. A variety of insulating ma- terial. A translucent variety of earthenware. Porous Cell. (See Cell, Porous?) Porous Cup. (See Cup, Porous?) Porous Insulation. (See Insulation, Porous?) Porous Jar. (See far, Porous.) Porret's Phenomena. (See Phenomena, Porret?) Por.J 416 TPos. Portative Power. (See Power, Porta- placed on the top of the carrier and connected the several helices successively with the electric Portelectric. An electric carrier. A system of electric transportation by means of the successive attractions of a num- ber of hollow helices of insulated wire on a hollow solenoidal iron car. The solenoidal car forms the movable core of the helical coils. As it moves through these coils it automatically closes the circuit of an electric cur- rent through the coils in advance of it and opens the circuit of the coils in its rear. In this way the solenoidal car advances in a line coincident with the axis of the helical coils, being virtually sucked through them by their magnetic attractions. This system of electric propulsion is unique in systems of electric traction. The motor becomes a mere mass of iron or other paramagnetic material. The system is suitable for the carriage of mail or other comparatively light articles at a high speed. In an experimental plant at Dorchester, Mass., a track of 2,784 feet in length was laid in the ap- proximate form of an oval. The track was formed by an upper and lower rail of steel, suit- ably supported by stringers. The car, which forms the movable core of the solenoidal coils, was of wrought iron, and was cylindrical in shape, with conical ends. It was Fig. 4^5. Portelectric Track. 12 feet in length and 10 inches in diametei, and weighed about 500 pounds. It would carry about 10,000 letters. It had two flanged wheels above and two below. The solenoidal coils, by the attractive power of which the core was moved, embraced the track and the movable core or carrier. They were fixed along the track at intervals of 6 feet from centre to centre. Each coil was formed of 630 turns of No. 14 copper wire. The upper track rail is divided into sections which form conductors for the driving current. A central wheel was Fig. 446. Portelectric Car. source as the carrier was drawn forward. A speed of about 34 miles an hour was reached. A section of the track is shown in Fig. 445, and the shape and general structure of the carrier in Fig. 446. Portrait, Electric A portrait formed on paper by the electric volatilizatio? of gold or other metal. An electric portrait is obtained by cutting OH a thin card a portrait in the form of a stencil. A sheet of gold leaf is then placed on one side of the Fig. 447, Electric Portrait. paper stencil, and a sheet of paper on the othei side ; sheets of tin-foil are then placed on the out. side, as shown in Fig. 447, and the whole firmly pressed together. If, now, a disruptive discharge is passed through from one sheet of tin-foil to the other, the gold leaf is volatilized, and a purplish stain is left on the paper of the outlines of the stenciled card, thus forming an electric portrait. Position, Energy of A term used for stored energy, or potential energy. (See Energy, Potential.) Positive Direction of a Simple-Harmonic Motion. (See Motion, Simple-Harmonic, Positive Direction of.) Pos.] 417 [Pot. Positive Direction of Lines of Magnetic Force. (See Force, Magnetic, Lines of, Positive Direction of.) Positive Direction of the Electrical Con- Tection of Heat. (See Direction, Positive, ef Electrical Convection of Heat?) Positive Direction Round a Circuit. (See Direction, Positive, Round a Cir- cuit^ Positive Direction Through a Circuit. (See Direction, Positive, Through a Cir- cuit?) Positive Electricity. (See Electricity, Positive?] Positive Electrode. (See Electrode, Positive?) Positive Feeders. (See Feeders, Posi- tive?) Positive-Omnibus Bars. (See Bars, Posi- tive Omnibus?) Positive Phase of Electrotonus. (See Electrotonus, Positive Phase of?) Positive Plate of Storage Battery. (See Plate, Positive, of Storage Battery?) Positive Plate of Yoltaic Cell. (See Plate, Positive, of Voltaic Cell?) Positive Pole. (See Pole, Positive?) Positive Potential. (See Potential, Posi- tive?) Positive Side of Circuit (See Circuit, Positive Side of?) Positively. In a positive manner. Positively Excited. Excited or charged with positive electricity. (See Electricity, Positive?) Post, Binding A device for con- necting the terminal of an electric source with the terminal of an electro-receptive de- vice, or for connecting different parts of an electric apparatus with one another. The conducting or circuit wire is either intro- duced in the opening a, or c', Fig. 448, and clamped by the screw b, or b', or is placed in the space d, d, and kept in place by means of a thumbscrew. Sometimes two openings are provided at c, and c', for the purpose of connect- ing two wires together. A device for coupling or connecting the ends of two wires to each other. It is then called a coupler. (See Couple, Voltaic.') I' Fig. 448. Binding Posts. Pot, Porous The porous jar or cell of a voltaic cell. (See Cell, Porous?) Potential, Alternating A poten- tial, the sign or direction of which is alter- nately changing from positive to negative. An alternating potential may be obtained either in the case of an electrostatic field, or in that of a magnetic field. Potential, Alternating Electrostatic The potential of a charge that is under- going rapid alternations. Potential, Alternating, Magnetic The difference of magnetic potential pro- duced by alternating electric currents. Potential, Constant A potential which remains constant under all conditions. A machine or other electric source is said to have a constant potential when it is capable, while in operation, of maintaining a constant difference of electric pressure between its two terminals on changes of load. (See Circuit, Constant -Potential. ) Potential, Difference of A term employed to denote that portion of the electromotive force which exists between any two points in a circuit. The difference of potential at the poles of any electric source, such as a battery or, dynamo, is that portion of the total electromotive force which is available, and is equal to the total electromotive force, less what is lost in the source. Some difference of opinion exists as to the exact meaning that is attached to the phrase difference of potential. A positively electrified body is said to have a higher electric potential than the earth, whose potential is taken as zero. Pot.] 418 [Pot Potential, Difference of, Methods of Measuring Methods employed for de- termining differences of potential. These methods are as follows: (i.) By the Method of Weighing, that is, by obtaining the -weight required to overcome the attraction between two oppositely charged plates, or oppositely energized coils; or by measuring the repulsion between similarly charged surfaces, or similarly energized coils. (2.) By the Use of Electrometers, or apparatus designed for measuring differences of potential. (See Electrometers. ) (3-) -By the Use of Galvanometers. Differences of potential, in the case of currents, may be determined from the quantity of electri- city which flows per second through a given circuit, that is, by the number of amperes, just as the pressure of water at any point in the side of a containing vessel can be determined by the quantity of water that flows per second. Differ- ence of potential in the case of currents, there- fore, may be measured by any galvanometer which measures the current directly in amperes, provided the resistance of the circuit is known. Potential, Drop of A term some- times used instead of fall of potential. (See Potential, Fall of.) Potential, Electric The power of doing electric work. Electric level. Electric potential can be best understood by comparison with the case of a liquid such as water. The ability of a water supply or source to do work depends: (I.) On the quantity of water. (2. ) On the level of the water, as compared with some other level; or, in other words, on the dif- ference between the two levels. In i like manner the ability of electricity to do work depends: (i.) On the quantity of electricity. (2.) On the electric potential at the place where the electricity is produced, as compared with that at some other place; or, in other words, on the difference of potential. In the case of water flowing through a pipe, when its flow has been fully established, the quan- tity which passes in a given time is the same at any cross-section of the pipe. In the case of electricity, the quantity of elec- tricity flowing through any conductor, or part of a circuit, is the same at any cross-section. A gal- vanometer introduced into a break in any part of the conductor would show the same strength of current. But, though the quantity of water which passes is the same at any cross-section of a pipe, the pressure per square inch is not the same, even in the case of a horizontal pipe of the same diameter throughout, but becomes less, or suffers a loss of head, or difference of pressure, at any two points along the pipe. This difference of pressure causes the flow of water between these two points against the resistance of the pipe. So, too, in the case of a conductor carrying an electric current, when the full current strength has been established, the quantity of electricity that passes is the same at all cross-sections. Fig. 449. Hydraulic Gradient. The electric pressure or potential, however, is by no means the same at all points in the conductor, but suffers a loss of electric head or level, in the direction in which the electricity is flowing. It is this electric head or level, or dif- ference of electric potential, that causes the elec- tricity to flow against the resistance of the con- ductor. These analogies can be best shown by the fol- lowing illustration: In Fig. 449, a reservoir, or source of water, at C, communicates with the horizontal pipe A B, furnished with open vertical tubes at a, b, c, d, e, f, g, and B. If the outlet at B, is closed, the level of the water in the communicating vessels is the same as at the source; but if the liquid escape freely from B, the level of the water in the branch pipes will be found on the inclined dotted line, or at a', b', c', d', e', f, g', which may be called the hydraulic gradient. The pressure per square inch, at any cross sec tion of the horizontal pipe, which is measured by the height of the liquid in the vertical pipe at that point, decreases in the direction in which the liquid is flowing. The force that urges the liquid Pot.] 419 Pot through the pipe between any two points, may be called the liquid-motive force (Fleming) and is measured by the difference of pressure between these points. In Fig. 450, the dynamo-electric machine at D, has its negative pole grounded, and its positive pole connected to a long lead, A B, the positive pole of which is also grounded. A fall of poten- tial, represented by the inclined dotted line, occurs between A and B, in the direction in -which the electricity is flowing. Fig. 450. Fall of Electric Potential The dynamo-electric machine may be regarded as a pump that is raising the electricity from a lower to a higher level, and passing it through the lead A B. The electric pressure or potential producing the flow is greatest near the dynamo and least at the further end, the differences at the points a, b, c, d, e, f, and g, being represented by the vertical lines aa', bb', c c', d d', e e', f f, and gg' The electricity flows between any two points as a and b, in the conductor A B, in virtue of the difference of electric pressure or potential be- tween these two parts, or the difference between a a' and b b' . Differences of potential must be distinguished from differences in electric charge, or electrostatic density. If two conductors at different potentials are connected by a conductor, a current will flow through this conductor. When their potential is the same, no current flows. The density of a charge is the quantity of electricity per unit of area. The electric potential is the same at all points of an insulated charged conductor; the density is different at different points, except in the case of a sphere. The potential, however, is the same, since no current flows, or the charge does not re- distribute itself. The density on an insulated, isolated sphere, is uniform over all parts of the surface, and its potential is the same at all points. If now the sphere be approached to another body, its density will vary at different parts of its sur- face, and while the charge ic redistributing itself so as to produce these differences in density the potential will vary. As soon, however, as this redistribution is effected and no further current exists, the potential is the same over all' points, though the density differs at different points. An electric source not only produces but also maintains a difference of potential. In the case of the flow of liquid in a pipe, ii a continuous current of the liquid be maintained from the higher level in the reservoir to a lower level, as, for example, by means of a pump, it must flow through the pump to the reservoir, from the lower level towards the higher level. In case of an electric source, since the thing called electricity flows through a closed circuit, if its direction of flow in that part of the circuit external to the source i. e. t in the external or useful current - be from a higher to a lower level, then its flow through the remainder of the circuit i. e., through the source must be from the lower to the higher level. Since, however, the electrical po- tential of a body represents the work the elec- tricity is capable of doing, the work done by the electricity may be regarded as being that done when it passes from the higher to the lower level. Potential, Electrostatic The power of doing work possessed by a unit quantity of positive electricity charged or re- siding on an insulated body. Potential, Electrostatic, Difference of Difference of potential of an electric charge. (See Potential, Difference of. Electrostatics?) Potential Energy. (See Energy, Poten- tial) Potential, Fall of A decrease of potential in the direction in which an elec- tric current is flowing, proportional to the re- sistance when the current is constant. (See Potential, Electric) Potential Galvanometer. (See Galva- nometer, Potential) Potential Indicator. (See Indicator, Potential) Potential, Magnetic The amount of work required to bring up a unit north- seeking magnetic pole from an infinite dis- tance to a given point in a magnetic field. Pot.] 420 [Pun. Potential of Conductor, Methods of Varying (See Conductor, Potential of, Methods of Varying?) Potential of Conductors. (See Conduc- tor, Potential of.) Potential, Negative That potential in the circuit external to the source towards which the electric current flows. Generally the lower potential, or lower level. Potential, Positive That potential in the circuit external to the source, from which the electric current flows. The higher potential or higher level. Potential, Uniform A potential that does not vary. A constant potential. (See Potential, Con- stant.) An electric source is said to generate a uniform potential when it maintains a constant difference of potential at its terminals. Potential, Unit Difference of Such a difference of potential between two points that requires the expenditure of one erg of work to bring a unit of positive elec- tricity from one of these points to the other, against the electric force. (See Erg) The practical unit of difference of potential is the volt. (See Volt.) Potential, Zero An arbitrary level from which electric potentials are measured. As we measure the heights of mountains from the arbitrary mean level of the sea, so we measure electric levels from the arbitrary level of the po- tential of the earth. Potentiometer. An apparatus for the galvanometric measurement of electromotive forces, or differences of potential, by a zero method. (See Method, Null or Zero) In the potentiometer the difference of potential to be measured is balanced or opposed by a known difference of potential, and the equality of the balance is determined by the failure of one or more galvanometers, placed in shunt circuits, to show any movement of their needles. The principle of operation of the potentiometer will be understood from an inspection of Fig. 451. A secondary battery S, has its terminals con- nected to the ends of a uniform wire A B, of high resistance called the potentiometer wire. There will, therefore, occur a regular drop or fall of po- tential along this wire, which, since the wire is uniform, will be equal per unit of length. This drop of potential can be shown by connecting the terminals of a delicate galvanometer, generally of high resistance, to different parts of the wire, when the deflection of the needle will be propor- S Fig. 451. Potentiometer. tional to the drop of potential between the two points of the wire touched. If, now, the terminals of a standard cell be inserted in tne circuit of the galvanometer, so as to oppose the current taken from the potentiometer wire, and the con- tacts of the potentiometer wire be slid along the wire until no deflection of the galvanometer needle is produced, the drop of potential between these two points on the wire will be equal to the differ- ence of potential of the standard cell. (See Cell, Voltaic, Standard.) Suppose, now, it be desired to measure the dif- ference of potential between two points a and b, on the wire C, through which a current is flow- ing. Connect the points b and d, and a and c, as shown, with the delicate high resistance gal- vanometer G, in either of them. Now slide c, towards d, until the needle of G, shows no deflec- tion. The potential between a and b, is then equal to that between c and d. Potentiometer Wire. (See Wire, Po- tentiometer) Power. Rate of doing work. Mechanical power is generally measured in horse power, which is equal to work done at the rate of 550 foot-pounds per second. The C. G. S. unit of power is one erg per second. The practical unit of power is the watt, or 10,000.000 ergs per second. The kilowatt is even more frequently used as the unit of power than the watt. (See Power, Unit of.) Power, Absorptive The property Pow.] 42 L [Po>v. possessed by many solid bodies of taking in and condensing gases within their pores. Carbon possesses marked absorptive powers. The absorption of gases in this manner by solid bodies is known technically as the occltision of gasts. '(See Gas, Occlusion of.) One volume of charcoal, at ordinary tempera- tures and pressures, absorbs of Ammonia 90 volumes Hydrochloric acid 85 Sulphur dioxide 65 Hydrogen sulphide 55 Nitrogen monoxide 40 " Carbonic acid gas 35 " Ethylene 35 " Carbon monoxide 9.42 " Oxygen 9.25 " Nitrogen 6.50 " Hydrogen 1.25 " (Saussure.) Power, Candle An intensity of light emitted from a luminous body equal to the light produced by a standard candle. (See Candle, Standard.) The light-giving power of one standard candle. Power, Candle, Nominal A term sometimes applied to the candle-power taken in a certain favorable direction. This term is generally used in arc lighting. In the ordinary arc lamp the greatest amount of light is emitted at a particular point, viz., from the crater in the upper or positive carbon. (See Arc, Voltaic.) Power, Candle, Bated A term sometimes used for nominal candle-power. Power, Candle, Spherical The average or mean value of candle power taken at a number of points around the source of light. Power, Conducting The ability of a given length and area of cross-section of a substance for conducting light, heat, elec- tricity or magnetism, as compared with an equal length and area of cross-section of some other substance taken as a standard. Power, Conducting, for Electricity The ability of a given length and area of cross-section of a substance to conduct elec- tricity, as compared with an equal length and area of cross-section of some other substance, such as pure silver or copper. No substance is known that does not offer some resistance to the passage of an electric current. The following table is taken from Sylvanus P. Thompson's ' ' Elementary Lessons in Electricity and Magnetism' ' : GOOD CONDUCTORS. Silver, Copper, Other metals, Charcoal. PARTIAL CONDUCTORS. Water, The human body, Cotton, Wood, Marble, Paper. NON-CONDUCTORS. Oils, Porcelain, Dry wood, Silk, Resins, Gutta-percha, Shellac, Ebonite, Paraffine, Glass, Dry air. Heat decreases the conducting power of ele- mentary substances. This decrease in the con- ducting power is approximately proportional to the increase of temperature. Carbon is an ex - ception to the law, being a better conductor at a red or white heat than when cold. The resistance of some alloys, such as German silver and platinoid, is but little affected by mod- erate changes of temperature. These alloys are, therefore, employed in the construction of resist- ance coils. At a red heat insulators become fairly good conductors of electricity. At very low temperatures the conducting powers of the metals increase. Wroblewski has shown that at extremely low temperatures copper increases in its conducting power for electricity. He cooled copper to 200 degrees C., the temperature of the solidification of nitrogen, and found that at this temperature its conducting power increased to about nine times its conducting power at O degrees C. It may be remarked here that at exceedingly low temperatures a metal would take in or absorb heat from the surrounding medium with very great rapidity. In this sense it might be said that Pow.J 422 [Pow. its conducting power for heat was greatly in- creased. Kohlrausch estimates the conducting power of distilled water at .000000000025, that of mer- cury being taken as unity. The best conductors of electricity are the best conductors of heat. This fact is well illustrated by the following table from Ayrton : RELATIVE CONDUCTIVITIES PER CUBIC UNIT. Name of Metal. Electricity. Heat. Silver, annealed ico 100 Copper, " 94.1 74.8 Gold, " 73 54.8 Platinum 16.6 9.4 Iron 15.5 IO.I Tin 11.4 15.4 Lead 7.6 7.9 Bismuth i.i 1.8 The electric conductivity of porous conductors decreases much more rapidly than the heat con- ductivity. Practically perfect insulators for electricity can be obtained, but are unknown for heat. Edlund believes the universal ether to be al- most a perfect conductor. He bases this belief on the phenomena of sun spots, the occurrence of which is almost immediately followed by the occurrence of magnetic disturbances on the earth. Lodge regards the luminiferous ether as being almost a perfect non-conductor, because he thinks that conductors must be opaque. It may be sug- gested in this connection that Edlund's hypothesis as to the conductibility of magnetic effects through the ether is also capable of an explanation by the effects of magnetic induction. The conducting power for alternating currents is not the same as for steady currents. When the alternations become very high, the difference between these conducting powers of the metals becomes almost inappreciable. Iron is an enormously worse conductor of electricity than copper for rapidly alternating currents, at least when the alternations are not too great. When, however, the alternations are extremely high, such as those which are produced by the discharge of a Leyden jar or lightning flash, the iron is as good a conductor as the cop- per. The reason for this is evident. The dis- charge in such cases keeps to the extreme outer layer of the conductor, so that the composition of the substance is practically of no effect. Hughes has shown that the resistance of an iron telephone line of the usual diameter, to periodic currents of about loo per second, is somewhat more than three times its resistance for steady currents. There is no such thing as conduction of elec- tricity in gases. Electricity makes its way through a gas by a sudden piercing of the dielectric, or, in other words, by a disruptive discharge. (See Discharge, Disruptive.') In such a disruptive discharge it may be assumed that the gas be- comes a conductor of electricity while the dis- charge is passing. It would then partake of the nature of an electrolytic conductor, since the dis- charge takes place by means of a true locomotion of atoms. (See Conduction, Electrolytic.) Power, Conducting, for Heat The ability of a substance to transmit heat through its mass. The metals are good conductors of heat. They are also good conductors of electricity. The conducting powers for heat and electricity are nearly identical. As the temperature of a body increases, its conducting power for heat is de- creased. Carbon forms an exception to this statement. The flow of heat across a wall formed of a homogeneous material, the exposed faces of which are of equal extent and are maintained at a con- stant difference of temperature, takes place in accordance with the following laws: (l.) The rate of flow across all perpendicular sections is the same. (2.) A uniform drop of temperature occurs from one side of the wall to the other in the direc- tion in which the flow is taking place. (3. ) The rate of flow is proportional to the dif- ference in temperature. The similarity between the laws of the flow of heat under the circumstances just named and the flow of electricity through a conductor is evident; the electrical current being the same in all parts of the circuit, a drop of potential occurring in the direction in which the current is moving, and the flow being proportional to the difference of potential. Power, Conducting, Tables of Tables in which the relative conducting Pow.] 423 [Povv. powers of different substances are given. (See Resistance, Tables of.) Power, Electric Power developed by means of electricity. Power, Electric, Distribution of The distribution of electric power by means of any suitable system of generators, connect- ing circuits and electric motors. Power, Electric Transmission of The transmission of mechanical energy by converting it into electric energy at one point or end of a line, and reconverting it into mechanical energy at some other point on the line. (See Energy, Electric, Transmission of.) Power, Horse A rate ot doing work equal to 550 foot-pounds per second, or 33,- ooo foot-pounds per minute. I horse- power=745- 94 X io 7 ergs per second. " =745.941 watts. (See Watt.) " =42.746 Ib. Fahr. heat units per min. (See Units, Heat.} " =23.748 Ib. Cent, heat units per min. (See Units, Heat.) Power, Horse, Electric Such a rate of doing electric work as is equal to 746 watts or 746 volt-coulombs per second. This rate is equivalent to 33,000 foot-pounds per minute, or 550 foot-pounds per second. Just as I pound of water raised through the vertical distance of I foot requires the expendi- ture of a foot-pound of energy, so I coulomb of electricity acting through the difference of poten- tial of I volt requires a certain amount of work to be done on it. (See Coulomb. Volt. Po- tential, Electric.) This amount is called a volt-coulomb or joule, and measured in foot-pounds is equal to .737324 foot-pounds. The volt -coulomb, or joule, isthere- fore the unit of electric work, just as the foot- pound is the unit of mechanical work. The electric work of any circuit in joules is equal to the product of the volts by the coulombs. If we determine the rate per second at which the coulombs pass, and multiply this product by the volts, we have a quantity which represents the electrical power, or rate of doing electrical work. But I ampdre is equal to I coulomb per second; therefore, if we multiply the current in am- peres by the difference of potential in volts, the product is equal to the electrical power or rate of doing electrical work. The product of an ampere by a volt is called a volt-amp&re, or a watt. One watt = .0013406 horse-power, or Ons horse-power = 745.941 watts. C E Therefore the electrical horse-power = z 1 746 where C = the current in amperes and E = the difference of potential in volts. Power, Multiplying, of Shunt (See Shunt, Multiplying Power of.) Power of Periodic Current. (See Cur- rent, Periodic, Power of.) Power, Portative -The carrying power of a magnet. (See Magnet, Porta- tive Power of.) Power, Projecting, of Magnet The power a magnet possesses of throwing or pro- jecting its lines of magnetic force across an intervening air space or gap. The greater the air space the greater the mag- netic reluctance, and consequently the greater the magnetizing force required to overcome it. Mag- nets of great projecting power are generally of great length, to accommodate the long coils of wire required. Power, Resuscitating, of Secondary Bat- tery Cell The power possessed by an apparently completely discharged secondary or storage cell of furnishing additional current after a protracted rest. This resuscitating power is probably due to depolarization. It is therefore present in primary as well as in secondary batteries. Power, Stray That part of the power employed in driving a dynamo, which is lost through friction, air churning or air currents, eddy currents, hysteresis, etc. Power, Tliermo-Electric A num- ber which, when multiplied by the difference of temperature of a thermo-electric couple, will give the difference of potential thereby generated in micro-volts. (See Diagram, Thermo-Electric) Pow.] 424 LPri. Power, Units of Various units em- ployed in the measurement of power. The following table of units of power is taken from Hering's work on dynamo-electric machines. Unit of Power. i erg per second. . = .0000001 watt. I watt, or I volt- ampere, or i joule per second, or I volt-coulomb per second = looooooo ergs per second. " = 44.2394 foot-pounds per min. " = 6. 1 1622 kilogram - metres per min. =. 0573048 Ib.-Fah., heat unit per min. " = .318360 Ib.-Cent., heatunit per min. " = .0144402 klgr.-Cent. heat unit per min. " = .0013592 metric horse- power. ' = .0013406 horse power. I foot-pound per Klin = 226043 ergs per second. " = .0226043 watt. " = .13825 kilogram-metre per min. " = .00003072 metric horse- power. " = .000030303 horse-power. I kilogram - metre per min = 1635000 ergs per second. " = .163500 watt. " =7.23314 foot-pounds per min. = .0002222 metric horse- power. " = .0002192 horse-power. I metric horse- power, or i French horse- power, or I che- val-vapeur, or I force de cheval, or i Pferdekraft. = 735.75 X io 7 ergs per second. " = 735.750 watts. " = 32549.0 foot-pounds per min. " = 4500 kilogram-metres per min. I metric h.-p., etc. =42.162 Ib.-Fah., heat units per min. " = 23.423 Ib.-Cent., heat units per min* " = 10.625 klg.-Cent., heat units per min. " = .98634 horse-power heat units per min. I horse-power =745.94 x io 7 ergs per second. " = 745-941 watts. " . . . . = 33000 foot pounds per min. " = 4562.33 kilogram - metres per min. " =42.746 Ib. -Fah., heat units per min. " = 23.748 Ib.-Cent., heat units per min. " = 10.772 klg.-Cent., heat units per min. " = 1.01385 metric horse- power. I Ib.-Fah., heat unit per min. . . . = 17.45 X io 7 ergs per sec. " = 17.4505 watts. " = .23718 metric horse-power. " = .023394 horse-power. I Ib. Cent., heat unit per min = 31.41 x io 7 ergs per sec. " =31.4109 watts. " = .04269 metric horse-power. " = .042109 horse-power, i klgr.-Cent., heat unit per min = 69.25 x io 7 ergs per sec. " = 69.249 watts. " = .0941 2 metric horse-power. = .092835 horse-power. Poynting's Law. (See Law, Poyntmg's.) Practical Unit of Inductance, or Self- induction. (See Inductance, or Self-Induc- tion^ Practical Un it of.) Practical Unit of Magneto-Motive Force. (See Force, Magneto-Motive, Practical Unit of.) Practical Units. (See Units, Practical?) Pressel. A press switch or push connected to the end of a flexible, pendant conductor. Pressure Wires. (See Wires, Pressure!) Primary Battery. (See Battery, Print' ary.) Pri.] 425 [Pro. Primary, Breaking the Breaking or opening the circuit of the primary of an induction coil. (See Primary, The.) Primary Coil. (See Coil, Primary.} Primary, Making the Closing or completing the circuit of the primary of an induction coil. (See Primary, The.} Primary Plate Condenser. (See Plate, Primary, of Condenser?) Primary Spiral. (See Spiral, Primary) Primary, The That conductor in an induction coil, or transformer, which re- ceives the impressed electromotive force, or which carries the inducing current. On changes in the jurrent intensity in the primary, currents are induced in the secondary. (See Induction, Electro-Dynamic. Coil, Induc- tion. Transformer.') Prime Conductor. (See Conductor, Prime) Prime Motor. (See Mover, Prime) Prime Mover. (See Mover, Prime) Printer, Stock, Callahan's A form of printing telegraph used in sending stock quotations telegraphically. (See Telegraphy, Printing. Ticker, Stock) Printer, Stock, Phelps' A form of printing telegraph used in sending stock quo- tations telegraphically. (See Ticker, Stock. Telegraphy, Printing) Probe, Electric A metallic con- ductor inserted in the body of a patient in order to ascertain the exact position of a bullet, or other foreign metallic substance. Two conductors are placed parallel to each other, and are separated at the extremity of the probe by any suitable insulating material. On contact with the metallic substance, an electric bell is rung by the closing of the circuit, or the same thing is more readily detected by the de- flection of the needle of a galvanometer, or by a telephone placed in the circuit. Process, Electrotyping (See Elec- trotyping, or the Electrotype Process) Processes of Carbonization. (See Car- bonization, Processes of) Production of Electricity by Light.' (See Electricity, Production of, by Light) Prognosis, Electric In electro- therapeutics, a prognosis, or prediction of the fatal or non-fatal termination of a disease, from an electro-diagnosis based on the exag- gerated or diminished reactions of the excit- able tissues of the body when subjected to the varying influences of electric currents. (See Diagnosis, Electro) Projections, Pacinotti Radial projections or teeth in an armature core ex- tending from the central shaft, so as to form slots, pockets, or armature chambers, for the reception of the armature coils. The term Pacinotti projections was given to these teeth because they were first introduced by Pacinotti in his dynamo-electric machine. Projector, Mangin A special form of search light. The Mangin reflector consists of a concavo- convex mirror, the convex surface of which is silvered and acts as a reflector. The radii ot curvature of the two surfaces are such that the light undergoes the two refractions, i. e., on en- tering and on passing out of the mirror, in such a manner as to pass out of the mirror in absolute parallelism, and thus destroy all aberration. Fig. 452. Mangin Projector. The Mangin projector is shown in longitudinal and in cross-section in Fig. 452, and the projector B, is placed in one end of the cylinder A, furnished with the openings for the ventilation of the cham- ber. The cylinder is supported on trunnions, and by means of screws can be given any desired inclina- tion, in a manner which will be readily under- stood from an inspection of the drawing. The source of light is an arc lamp of the focus- ing type. A smill disc is placed in front of the Pro.] 426 [Pul. arc in order to stop the direct light from the arc which would have divergent rays. The door C, is formed of a number of cylindrical lenses, placed parallel to one another, which cause the rays to diverge horizontally, when so desired. Prony Brake. (See Brake, Prony) Proportional Coils. (See Coils, Propor- tional^) Proportionate Arms. (See Arms, Pro- portionate^ Proportionate Arms of Electric Bridge. (See Arms, Proportionated) Prostration, Electric Physiological exhaustion or prostration, resembling that produced by sunstroke, resulting from pro- longed exposure to the radiation of an unusu- ally large voltaic arc. (See Sunstroke, Electric?) Protection, Electric, of Houses, Ships and Buildings Generally Means for protection against the destructive effects of a lightning discharge, consisting essentially in the use of lightning rods. (See Rod, Light- ning^ Protection, Electric, of Metals (See Metals, Electrical Protection of.) Protectiye Sheath. (See Sheath, Pro- tective) Protector, Cable A device for the safe discharge of the static charge produced on the metallic sheathing of a cable, or on conductors surrounding or adjacent to the cable, consequent on changes in the electro- motive force applied to the conducting core of such cable. The cable protector is provided for the purpose of preventing the discharge of the charge from piercing and thus injuring the insulation of the cable itself. Protector, Comb A term some- times applied to a lightning protector or ar- rester, in which both the line and ground plates are furnished with a series of teeth, like those on a comb. (See Arrester, Light- ning) Protector, Toltaic Battery A de- vice for automatically disconnecting a voltaic battery, whenever the circuit in which it is placed becomes grounded. The battery protector is used in systems of elec- tric gaslighting, where, unless great care is exer- cised in insulating the circuits, considerable annoy- ance is often experienced from the readiness with which grounds are established. This arises from the high electromotive force of the spark ob- tained from the spark coil, piercing the insula- tion and establishing a ground through the gas pipes. Protoplasm, Effects of Electric Currents on Contractions observed in all pro- toplasm on the passage of an electric current through it. Protoplasm, the basis of plant and animal life, or the jelly-like matter that fills all organic cells, whatever may be the origin of such cells, suffers contraction when traversed by an electric cur- rent. An increased activity in the movements of a form of microscopic life called the anuzba is occa- sioned by slight shocks from an induction coil ; stronger discharges produce tetanic contractions, with, in some cases, expulsion of food or even of the nucleus. A uniform strength of current pro- duces contraction and imperfect tetanus. Pull. A contact maker, similar in general construction to a push button, but operated by means of a pulling rather than a pushing force. The pull is preferable to the push in exposed positions, such as outer doors, where moisture is apt to injure pushes. Pull, Chain A chain pendant at- tached to a pendant burner for the move- ment of the wipe-spark spring and the ratchet in an electrically lighted gas burner. Pull, Door Bell, Electric A cir- cuit-closing device attached to a bell pull and operated by the ordinary motion of the pull Pull, Electric Bell A circuit-clos- ing device operated by a pull. Fig. 453 shows a form of electric bell pull. On pulling the bell handle, contact springs, that rest on a ring of insulating material when the Pul.] 427 IPum, pull is in its normal position, are brought into con- tact with a metal ring, thus completing the cir- '? 453 Electric Bell Pull. euit. The bell pull is often used to replace the ordinary push button. Pulley, Driven -- A pulley attached to the driven shaft. (See Mover, Prime?) Pulley, Driving --- A pulley attached to the driving shaft. (See Mover, Primed) Pulsating Current. (See Current, Pul- sating?) Pulsation. A quantity of the nature of an angular velocity, equal to i it multiplied by the frequency of the oscillation, or, equal to 2 it divided by the duration of a single period. Pulsatory Current. (See Current, Pul- satory?) Pulsatory Magnetic Field. (See Field, Magnetic, Pulsatory?) Pulse, Electrical -- An electric oscil- lation. A momentary flow of electricity from a conductor, which gradually varies from the zero value to the maximum, and then to the zero value again, like a pulse or vibration in an elastic medium. Electric pulses are set up in conductors con- rected with the coatings of a Leyden jar, on the discharge of the same. Such pulses produce a series of electrical oscillations, which move alter- nately backwards and forwards, until the dis- charge is gradually dissipated. (See Oscillations, Electric.) ' The circumstances influencing the rate of propagation of an electric pulse through different parts of a closed circuit, according to Lodge, are (i.) The extra inertia, or the so-called magnetic susceptibility in the conducting substance, es- pecially at its outer parts. (2. ) An undue constriction or throttling of the medium through which the disturbance is pass- ing. (3.) The nature of the insulating medium. Pump, Air, Geissler Mercurial - A mercurial air pump, in which the vacuum is attained by the aid of a Torricellian vacuum. In the Geissler Mercury Pump, Fig. 454, a vacuum is obtained by means of the Torricellian vacuum produced in a large glass bulb that forms the upper ex- tremity of a barome- tric column. The lower end of this tube or column is con- nected with a reser- voir of mercury by means of a flexible rubber tube. To fill the bulb with mer- cury the reservoir is raised above its level, *. Barrel of Bianchi's Air Pump. at the top and bottom of the cylinder, and in the piston, respctively. These valves are mechan- ically opened and closed at the proper moment by the movements of the piston, i. e., their action is automatic. This enables a much higher vacuum to be obtained than when the valves open and close by the tension of the air. Mechanical pumps are unable to readily pro- duce the high vacua employed in most electric lamps. Mercury pumps are employed for this purpose. (See Pump, Air, Mercurial.) Pump, Air, Mer- curial A de- vice for obtaining a high vacuum by the use of mercury. Mercury pumps are in general of two types of construction, viz. : (i.) The Geissler pump. (z.) The Sprengel pump. (See Pump, Air, Geissler Mercurial. Pump, Air, SprengeFs Mercurial.) Punip, Air, Sprengel's Mercurial A mercurial air pump in which the vacuum is obtained by means of the fall of a stream of mer- cury. In the Sprengel mercury pump, Fig. 456, the fall of a mer- cury stream causes the exhaustion of a reservoir connected with the vertical tube, by the mechan- ical action of the mercury in entang- ling bubbles of air. These bubbles are largest at the begin- ning of the txhaus- tion, but become smaller and smaller Fig. 456. SprengeFs Mer- near the end, until, curial Air Pump. at last, the characteristic metallic click of mer- cury or other liquid falling in a good vacuum is heard. The exhaustion may be considered as completed when the bubbles entirely disappear from the column. The Sprengel pump produces a better vacuum than the Geissler pump, but is slower in its action. In actual practice, the mercury that has fallen through the tube is again raised to the reservoir connected to the drop tube by the action of a mechanical pump. Pumping of Electric Lights. A term sometimes applied to a pulsating or period- ical increase and decrease in the brilliancy of the light. This action is generally due to the periodic slip- ping of the belt or other driving mechanism. In the case of arc lamps it may also be caused by the improper action of the feeding device of the lamp. Puncture, Electro The application of electrolysis to the treatment of aneurisms or diseased growths. The blood is decomposed by the introduction of a fine platinum needle connected with the anode of a battery, and insulated, except near its point, by a covering of vulcanite. The kathode is a sponge-covered metallic plate. Puncture, Galrano A term some- times applied to electro-puncture. (See Puncture, Electro?) Punning of Telegraph Pole. (See Pole, Telegraphic, Punning of.) Push, A name sometimes applied to a push button, or to a floor push. (See Push, Floor. Button, Push.) Push Button. (See Button, Push.) Push-Button Rattler. (See Rattler, Push-Button.} Push, Floor A push button placed on the floor of a room so as to be readily operated by means of the foot. (See But- ton, Push.) Pyknometer, A term sometimes used for the specific gravity bottle employed in determining the specific gravity of a liquid. Pyrheliometer. An apparatus for mea- suring the energy of the solar radiation. 429 [Qua, The pyrheliometer consists essentially of a short cylinder, the area of whose base is accu- rately determined. The cylinder being filled with a known weight of water, the water surface is ex- posed for a definite time to the sun's radiation, and the increase in temperature carefully deter- mined. The product of the weight of the water thus heated by the increase in degrees, gives the number of heat units, from which the total energy absorbed is readily calculable. In order to avoid loss by reflection or diffusion from the water surface, it is covered by a layer of lamp- black. (See Units, Heat. Calorimeter.) Pyro - Electricity. (See Electricity, Pyro) Pyro-Magnetic Generator or Dynamo. (See Generator, Pyro-Magnetic^) Pyro-Magnetic Motor. (See Motor, Pyro- Magnetic^ Pyrometer. An instrument for deter- mining temperatures higher than those that can be readily measured by thermometers. Pyrometers are operated in a variety of ways. A common method is by the expansion of a metal rod. Pyrometer, Siemens' Electric An apparatus for the determination of tempera- ture by the measurement of the electric resist- ance of a platinum wire exposed to the heat whose temperature is to be measured. The platinum wire is coiled on a cylinder of fire-clay, so that its separate convolutions do not touch one another. It is protected by a platinum shield, and is exposed to the temperature to be measured while inside a platinum tube. The resistance of the platinum coil at O degree C. having been accurately ascertained, the temper- ature to which it has been exposed can be calcu- lated from the change in its resistance when ex- posed to the unknown temperature. Pyrometer, Siemens' Water A pyrometer employed for determining the tem- perature of a furnace, or other intense source of heat, by calorimetric methods, /. e., by the increase in the temperature of a known weight of water, into which a metal cylinder of a given weight has been put, after being exposed for a given time to the source of heat to be measured. When copper cylinders are employed, the in- strument possesses a range of temperatu e of 1, 800 degrees F. ; when a platinum cylinder is used, it has a range of 2,700 degrees F. Q Q. A contraction for electric quantity. Quad. A contraction sometimes em- ployed in place of quadruplex telegraphy. (See Telegraphy, Quadruplex^ Quadrant. A term proposed for the unit of self-induction. An earth quadrant is equal to io 9 centi- metres. In the United States the word henry is used for the unit of self-induction. (See Henry, A.} Quadrant Electrometer. (See Electro- meter, Quadrant.) Quadrant Electroscope, Henley's. (See Electroscope, Quadrant, Henley's.) Quadrant, Legal A length equal to 9,978 kilometres, instead of the assumed 10,000 kilometres. Quadrant, Standard A length equal to 10,000 kilometres. Quadrature, In A term employed to express the fact that one simple periodic quantity lags 90 degrees behind another. The electromotive force of s-elf-induction is said to be in quadrature with the effective electro- motive force or current. Quadrnplex Telegraphy, Bridge Method of (See Telegraphy, Quadruplex, Bridge Method of.) Qualitative Analysis. (See Analysis, Qualitative.) Quality or Timbre of Sound. (See Sound,. Quality or Timbre of.) Quantitative Analysis. (See Analysis,, Quantitative.) Qua.] 430 [Rad. Quantity Armature. (See Armature, Quantity?) Quantity, Connection of Battery for (See Battery, Connection of, for Quantity.} Quantity Efficiency of Storage Battery. (See Efficiency, Quantity, of Storage Bat- tery) Quantity, Unit of Electric A definite amount or quantity of electricity called the coulomb. (See Coulomb?) Although the exact nature of electricity is un- known, yet, like a fluid (a liquid or gas), electricity can be accurately measured as to quantity. A current of I ampdre, for example, is a current in which one coulomb of electricity passes in every second. A condenser of the capacity of I farad, is large enough to hold I coulomb of electricity if forced into the condenser under an electro- motive force of i volt. (See Capacity, Electro- static. Farad. Volt. Ampere.} Quiet Arc. (See Arc, Quiet?) Quiet Discharge. (See Discharge, Si- lent?) Qnicking Solution. (See Solution, Quicking?) R. A contraction used for ohmic resist- ance. p. A contraction used for specific resist- ance. Radial Armature. (See Armature, Radial?) Radially Laminated Armature Core. (See Core, Armature, Radially-Laminated?) Radiant Energy. (See Energy, Radiant) Radiant Matter. (See Matter, Radiant, or Ultra-Gaseous?) Radiate. To transfer energy by means of waves. Radiating. Transferring energy by means of waves. Radiation. Transference of energy by means of waves. When an elastic body is set into vibration, whether it be the vibrations that produce light, heat or electricity, energy is charged on the body, and the body will then continue to vibrate until it imparts to some medium surrounding it an amount of energy exactly equal to that orig- inally imparted to itself. In the case of a sonorous body the energy is transferred from the vibrating body to the air around it. For example, in the case of an elastic metallic wire set into vibration, the wire will con- tinue to vibrate until it does as much work on the surrounding air as was originally done on it, in order to set it into vibration. In the case of a heated body the energy is transferred from the body to the luminiferous ether around it. For example, in the case of the same wire heated above the temperature of the air, the energy imparted to the molecules of the metal by the source of heat causes them to move towards and from one another. These to and -fro motions of the molecules cause the surrounding ether to be set into waves, and as much energy is imparted to the ether, as was originally imparted to the wire in order to heat it. In the case of a luminous body the energy is transferred from the body to the luminiferous ether. For example, if the wire is heated to luminosity by a certain amount of energy im- parted to it, the surrounding ether is now set into waves of both light and heat, which differ from one another only in their wave length, and the luminous body will continue to radiate light and heat until it imparts to the surrounding ether an amount of energy exactly equal to that originally imparted to it. So, too, in the case of a body charged with electricity. If disruptively discharged, the im- pulsive rush of electricity, so produced, causes the energy charged on it to be radiated as electro- magnetic waves into the surrounding ether. The discharging body is, to all intents and purposes, in the same condition as the vibrating elastic wire, and dissipates or radiates its energy in much the same manner. Radiation, Electro-Magnetic The sending out in all directions from a con- Had.] 431 [Rad. ductor, through which an oscillating discharge is passing, of electro-magnetic waves in all respects similar to those of light except that they are of much greater length. (See Elec- tricity, Hertz's Theory of Electro-Magnetic Radiations or Waves.) Radiation of Electricity. (See Electri- city, Radiation of.) Radiation of Lines of Force. (See Force, Lines of, Radiation of.) Radical, Compound A group of unsaturated atoms. A group of elementary atoms, some of the bonds of which are open, or not connected or joined with the bonds of other atoms. (See Atomicity?) For example, hydroxyl, HO, is a compound radical, with one of the two bonds of the diad oxygen atom, open or unsaturated. Radical, Simple An unsaturated atom with its bond or bonds free. A single unsaturated atom as distinguished from an unsaturated group of atoms. Radicals. Unsaturated atoms or groups of atoms, in which one or more of the bonds are left open or free. Radicals are either Simple or Compound. The radical may be regarded as the basis to which other elements may be added, or as the nucleus around which they may be grouped. Thus H a O, forms a complete chemical molecule, because the bonds of all its constituent atoms are saturated, thus H O H. But H O , or hydroxyl, is a radical, because its oxygen atom possesses one unsaturated or free bond. By combining with the radical (NO 8 ), it forms nitric acid, thus H O (NO 2 ) or H NO 8 . During electrolysis, the molecules of the elec- trolyte are decomposed into two groups of simple or compound radicals, called ions. These ions are respectively electro-positive and electro-negative, and are called kathions and onions. (See Ions. Electrolysis.) Radiometer, Crookes' An appara- tus for showing the action of radiant matter in producing motion from the effects of the reaction of a stream of molecules escaping from a number of easily moved heated sur- faces. (See Matter, Radiant, or Ultra- Gaseous^) Radiometer, Electric, Crookes A radiometer in which the repulsion of the molecules of the residual atmosphere takes place from electrified instead of from heated surfaces. (See Radiometer, Crookes'!) Radio-Micrometer, Boys' An elec- trical apparatus for measuring the intensity of radiant heat. The action of the radio-micrometer depends on the deflection, by a magnetic field, of a suspended thermo-electric circuit composed of three metals, viz.: two bars of antimony and bismuth, or of their alloys, which are soldered side by side to the end of a minute disc or strip of copper foil, as shown in Fig. 457. This disc or foil of copper is Fig. 457. Boys' Radio-Micrometer. provided for the purpose of receiving the radia- tion that is to be measured. The upper ends of the thermo-couple are soldered to the ends of a long, narrow, inverted U-shaped piece of copper wire, which completes the thermo-electric circuit. The absorption of radiant energy by the cop- per disc connected to the thermo-electric couple produces an electric current, and the circuit, being suspended in a magnetic field, is at once deflected to a degree dependent on the intensity of the radiation, or of the current generated at the thermo-electric junction. The means adopted for the suspension of the system are shown in Figs. 457 and 458. A small piece of straight wire is soldered to the up- Had.j 432 [Rai. QUARTZ FIBRE GLASS TUBE per end of the copper stirrup, which completes the thermo-electric circuit. This wire is cemented to the lower end of a glass tube, the upper end of which is provided with a mirror, and the whole suspended, as shown, by a quartz fibre in the field of a powerful magnet. In a radio-micrometer made by Prof. Boys, the minuteness of the suspended circuit may be judged from the following ac- tual dimensions, viz. : Thermo- electric bars, x ^ x ^fa inch ; copper circuit of number 36 copper wire, I inch long and about ^j inch wide ; copper heat-receiving surface, black- ened on the face exposed to the radiation, -fa inch in diameter, or i x & inch; receiver, ^ inch square, yfa inch thick ; quartz fibre 4 inches long, ^fo^ inch in diameter. This instrument, when pro- perly adjusted for extreme sen- sitiveness, should give clear in- dications when the blackened surface is warmed but the Fig. 458. Boys' Tillf&ffffiT degree Centigrade. It Radio-Micrometer. will respond to the heat radiated on the surface of a half penny from a candle flame at a dis- tance of 1,530 feet. In order to avoid the disturbance due to the magnetic qualities of the antimony and bismuth bars, the central portions of the metallic block, inside which the system is suspended, is made of iron, as shown by the heavier shading in Fig- 457- This mass of iron serves as a magnetic screen to the thermo-electric bars, but permits the action of the field on the circuit. Radiophone. A name sometimes given to the photophone. (See Photophone^ Radiophony. The production of sound by a body capable of absorbing radiant energy when an intermittent beam of light or heat falls on it. The action of radiant energy, when absorbed by matter, is to cause its expansion by the conse- quent increase of temperature. This occurs even when the body is but momentarily exposed to a COPPER WIRE Bt. flash of light, but the instantaneous expansion thus produced immediately dies away, and by itself is indistinguishable. If, however, a suffi- ciently rapid succession of such flashes fall on the body, the instantaneous expansions and contrac- tions produce an appreciable musical note. The sounds so produced have been utilized by Bell and Tainter in the construction of the Phtto- phone. (See Photophone.'] Railroad, Electric A railroad, or railway, the cars on which are driven or pro- pelled by means of electric motors connected with the cars. The electric current that drives the motor is derived either from storage batteries placed on the cars, or from a dynamo-electric machine, or battery of dynamo-electric machines, conveniently situated at some point on the road. The current from the dynamo is led along the line by suitable electric conductors and is passed into the electric motor as the car runs along the tracks in various ways, viz. : Systems for the electric propulsion of cars may, therefore, be divided into the dependent system, in which the driving current is obtained from conduc- tors placed somewhere outside the cars, and the independent system, where the current is derived from primary or secondary batteries placed on the cars. (See Railroads, Electric, Dependent System of Motive Power for. Railroads, Electric, Independent System of Motive Power for.} In the dependent system, the conductors which supply the car with current are placed either overhead, on the surface of the road-bed or un- derground. Thus arise three divisions of the dependent system: (I.) The Surface System. (2. ) The Underground System. (3.) The Overhead System. (I.) The Surface System. By placing one or both rails in the circuit of the dynamo and taking the current from the tracks by means of sliding or rolling contacts connected with the motor. (2.) The Underground System. By placing the conducting wires parallel to each other in a longi- tudinally slotted underground conduit in the road- bed, and provided with two central plates, insu- lated from one another and connected respectively to the motor terminals, and taking the current by means of a traveling brush or roller, called a plow, sled or shoe. On the movement ot the car over the track, these traveling contacts touch the ilai.j 433 [Rai. two parallel line conductors in the conduit and 3- Semaphore Signal Absolute System. lute system, and that shown in Fig. 464 in the per- missive system. These signals consist essentially of an upright support provided with a movable arm A B, called the semaphore arm, capable of being set in any of two or three positions. The semaphore signal is placed outside the signal tower, often several hundred feet away, but is readily set from the tower in any of the desired positions by the operator, by the movement of rods connected with levers. In the permissive system, the semaphore arm can be set in three positions, viz. : (i.) In a horizontal position, or where the semaphore arm makes an angle of 90 degrees with the upright. (2.) Or it may be dropped down from the horizontal position through an angle of 75 degrees, as shown in Fig. 463. (3.) Or it may occupy a position exactly inter < Rai.] 435 [Rid. mediate between the first and second, or 37 30' below the horizontal, as shown in Fig. 464. Position No. I is the danger signal, and when it is displayed the train may not enter the block it governs. Position No. 2 shows that the track is clear, and that the train may safely enter the block it governs. Position No. 3, which is used in the permissive block system, only signifies caution, and permits the train to cautiously enter the block and look out for further signals. The semaphore arm consists of a light wooden arm, 1 1 inches wide by 5^ feet in length, painted red or other suitable color that can be easily dis- tinguished by daylight. By night the positions of the semaphore arm are indicated by colored lights. These lights are Fig. 464. Semaphore Signal Permissive System. operated as follows, viz. : in the absolute system, the semaphore arm A B, pivoted at A, bears at its shorter end a disc or lens of red glass R, and, in the permissive system, below this another disc or lens of green glass G. An oil lantern, pro- vided with an uncolored glass lens, is so sup- ported on a bracket fastened to the upright that when the semaphore arm points to danger the red glass is immediately in front of the lantern ; when it points to caution, the green glass is in front of the lantern; but when it points to safety, the lantern is left uncovered save by its uncolored glass. At night, therefore, when the semaphore arm is set to danger, a red light is displayed; when it points to caution, a green light is displayed ; and when it points to safety, a white light is displayed. In some systems the position of the semaphore arm is shown at night by means of light reflected from a parabolic mirror ; at the focus of which the signal lantern is placed. This method possesses the advantage over other systems of rendering it very improbable that the engineer would mistake an ordinary light for a signal light. The green light is only used in the permissive block system. In the absolute block system, the semaphore arm has two positions only ; viz., dan- ger, or horizontal, and safety, or 75 degrees below the horizontal. A single arm is used when it is intended to govern a single track only. Where the condition of a number of tracks is to be indicated, several arms are employed, one above the other. When seman r.ore signals are placed on each side of a double-track road, the semaphore arm point- ing to the right of the vertical support governs the line running to the right. When the semaphore signals are placed at junctions or switch-crossings, the operator in the signal-tower opens or. closes the switches from the tower by the movements of levers that set the switches, and then displays the proper semaphore signal for that crossing or route ; red, or danger, if the route is blocked, and white, or safety, if it is clear. Here the interlocking apparatus is em- ployed, which consists in devices by means of which, when a route has once been set up and a signal given for that route, the switches and sig- nals are so interlocked that no signal can pos- sibly be given for a conflicting route. The signals or switches are operated by means of iron rods passing over rollers or pulleys. These rods are attached by suitable connections to the switch or semaphore signals, and are operated by means of levers from the signal- tower. Switches can be operated as far as 1,000 feet from the tower; signals as far as 2,500 feet. Colored switch-signals are placed opposite the end of the switches to indicate the positions of the switch. These signals consist of red and white discs for day, and a lantern provided with red and white glasses for night. When the switch on any line is open, the switch-signal shows red; when shut, it shows white. These switch- signals are only used in the yards. No passenger train is permitted on a block, after another train has passed the signal station, until a dispatch has been received from the station ahead that the train has passed and the block is thus cleared. As an additional precaution against rear col- Rai.] 436 [Rai. lisions, tail-lights are displayed at the ends of the trains. These consist of lanterns placed on each side of the rear end of the last car. These lanterns are furnished with three glass slides. The side of the lantern towards the rear of the car shows a red light; that to the front and side of the car shows a green light. The engineer, looking out of the cab, can thus see a green light, which serves as a "marker** and indicates to him that his train is intact By day a green flag, placed in the same position as the lantern, serves the same purpose as a marker. An observer on the track, or in the tower, sees the red lights on the rear of the train when it has passed. Freight trains are now run on separate tracks, except in places where the extra tracks are not yet completed. Here they do not run on schedule time, but are permitted to follow one another at intervals that depend on the condition of the tracks as shown by the signals displayed. Railroads, Electric, Continuous Over- head System of Motive Power for A variety of the dependent system of motive power for electric railroads in which a con- tinuous bare conductor is connected with the terminals of a generating dynamo, and sup- ported overhead by suitable means, and a traveling wheel or trolley is moved over the same by the motion of the car, in order to carry off the current from the line to the car motor. (See Railroads, Electric, Depend- ent System of Motive Power for .) Railroads, Electric, Continuous Surface System of Motive Power for A variety of the dependent system of motive power for electric railroads, in which the ter- minals of the generating dynamo are con- nected to the continuous bare metallic con- ductor that extends along the entire track on the surface of the roadway or street, and from which the current is taken off by means of a traveling conductor connected with the mov- ing car. (See Railroads, Electric, Continu- ous Underground System of Motive Power for.) Railroads, Electric, Continuous Under- ground System of Motive Power for A variety of the dependent system of motive power for electric railways, in which a con- tinuous bare conductor is placed under- ground in an open slotted conduit, and the current taken off from the same by means of sliding or rolling contacts carried on the mov- ing car. (See Railroads, Electric, Depend- ent System of Motive Power for) Railroads, Electric, Dependent System of Motive Power for A term now generally used for a system of motive power for the propulsion of electric railway cars, in which the electric current is taken from wires or conductors connected with electric sources external to the cars. A dependent system of motive power for elec- tric railways includes three distinct varieties, namely : (i.) The Underground System. (2.) The Surface System. (3.) The Overhead System. In all of these systems the bare conductor con- nected with the terminals of a generating dynamo may form either one continuous wire or it can be divided into separate portions or sections. The underground system embraces two distinct varieties : ist. A continuous bare conductor placed in an open slotted conduit. 2d. A sectional bare conductor placed in an open slotted conduit. In the first variety of the underground system, bare conductors are placed in an open slotted conduit, and connected with the terminals of a dynamo-electric machine which generates the current that is to be employed for the propulsion of the cars. Traveling contacts placed on the car and connected with an electric motor, carry off the current from the bare conductor by rolling or sliding over it. In the second variety of the underground sys- tem, a section of a bare conductor, or bare metal- lic points that, on the passage of the car over them are automatically connected with the gen- erating dynamo, replace the continuous metallic conductors of the first system. In the surface system, the wires or conductors that are connected with the generating dynamo, instead of being placed in the underground open slotted conduit, are placed directly on the surface of the street or roadbed and the current carried off from the same by suitable contacts placed on the car. In most cases, however, in which the surface system is adopted, the conductors that are con- Eai.] 437 [Rai. nected with the generating dynamo do not ex- tend throughout the entire length of the track, but are limited to sections of the track that are suitably connected with the generating dynamo. In some of these systems arrangements are devised, by which the car, as it passes over the track, automatically connects these sections with the generating dynamo while passing over the same, and disconnects them after such sections have been passed. The overhead system embraces two varieties: (i.) A continuous trolley wire. (2.) A divided or sectional trolley wire. In the continuous trolley wire system, the cur- rent is taken off from the continuous wire by means of a trolley wheel that moves over the trolley wire. Such a system is especially suitable for suburban Districts or small towns. In such a system the trolley wire is connected with a number of feeder wires that either extend from the generating sta- tion the entire length of the line, and are con- nected with such line at suitable points; or, sepa- rate feeders extend from the station to points on the line where they are tapped into the trolley wire. In the divided or sectional trolley wire system the wire is divided into suitable sections, and feeders extend the entire length of the line and are connected to the central points of each section; or, the feeders extend the entire length of the line and tap into both ends of the section. The author is indebted to G. W. Mansfield for the principal facts contained in the above descrip- tive matter. Rail roads. Electric, Diyided Overhead System of Motive Power for A sec- tional overhead system of motive power for electric railroads. (See Railroads, Electric, Sectional Overhead System of Motive Power for,} Railroads, Electric, Divided Surface System of Motive Power for A sec- tional system of motive power for electric railroads. (See Railroads, Electric, Sec- tional Surface System of Motive Power for.) Railroads, Electric, Divided Under- ground System of Motive Power for A sectional system of motive power for electric railroads. (See Railroads, Electric, Sectional Underground System of Motive Power for.} Railroads, Electric, Double-Trolley Sys- tem for A system of electric railroad propulsion, in which a double trolley is em- ployed to take the driving current from two overhead trolley wires. The double-trolley system differs from the single-trolley system in that it employs no earth return. The parallel wires also avoid the effects of injurious induction in neighboring telegraph or telephone wires. (See Railroads, Electric, Dependent System of Motive Power for.") Railroads, Electric, Independent System of Motive Power for A term for the electric propulsion of railway cars by means of primary or storage batteries placed on the car and directly connected with the motor. This is called the independent system, because, unlike the dependent system, the energy required for the propulsion of the car is obtained directly from the energy of the electric source placed on the car, instead of, as in the dependent system, outside of the car. Railroads, Electric, Sectional Overhead System of Motive Power for A variety of the dependent system of motive power for electric railroads, in which sections of bare conductors are supported overhead on poles placed along the railroad track, and the cur- rent taken off from the same by means of traveling conductors such as the trolley wheel, which is moved over the trolley wire by the motion of the car. Various systems are employed for connecting the different sections of the trolley wire by means of feeder wires with the generating dynamo. (See Railroads, Electric, Dependent System of Motive Power for.} Railroads, Electric, Sectional Surface System of Motive Power for A variety of the dependent system of motive power for electric railroads in which conduc- tors are placed on the roadbed or along the track, and the current taken off from the same by means of contacts connected with the mov- ing car, and so arranged as to automatically switch in such bare sections on the passage Rai.] 438 [Ray. of the car over them, and to switch them out as the car leaves them. (See Railroads, Electric, Dependent System of Motive Power for) Railroads, Electric, Sectional Under- ground System of Motive Power for A variety of the dependent system of motive power for electric railroads in which a sectional conductor is placed underground in a slotted conduit, and the current taken from the same by means of sliding or rolling con- tacts connected with the moving car. (See Railroads, Electric, Dependent System of Mot i-ve Power for.) Railroads, Electric, Section Line of Any part of the overhead electric conduc- tors insulated from other parts so as to permit its supply of electric power to be separately controlled. Railroads, Electric, Signal Service Sys- tem for The system of electric signals used on railways for ascertaining the condition of the roads, sending instructions to engineers, and conveying intelligence generally from stations along the road to the running trains. Railroads, Electric, Single-Trolley Sys- tem A system of electric railroad propulsion in which a single trolley is em- ployed to take the driving current from a single overhead trolley wire. The earth, or a conductor placed along the track on the roadbed, acts as the return. (See Railroads, Electric, Dependent System of Mo- tive Power for.) Railroads, Permissive Block System for A block system in which more than one train is permitted under given conditions to occupy the same block simultaneously. (See Railroads, Block System for.) Railway, Electric An electric rail- road. (See Railroad, Electric) Range, Molecular The distance at which the molecules of matter exert a sensi- ble attraction for one another. This distance has been estimated in the case of zinc and oxygen as equal to about the ten-mil- lionth of a millimetre. Ratchet-Pendant Argand-Electric Burner. (See Burner, Argand-Electric, Ratchet- Pendant^ Ratchet-Pendant Electric Burner. (See Burner, Ratchet-Pendant, Electric) Ratchet-Pendant Electric Candle Burner. (See Burner, Ratchet-Pendant Candle Electric) Ratio, Velocity A ratio, in the nature of a velocity, that exists between the dimensions of the electrostatic and the elec- tro-magnetic units. This ratio will be understood from the com- parison of the following units. In each case the numerator gives the dimensions in the electro- static and the denominator the dimensions in the electro-magnetic system : Quantity, Here the value of the ratio, viz., the length divided by the time, is clearly in the nature of a velocity, for V = . Potential, Capacity, L-i T* L-i T Resistance, j ^zj _ V 3 A remarkable similarity exists between the value of the -velocity expressed in C. G. S. units, and the velocity of light, which is of great signifi- cance in the electro-magnetic theory of light. (See Light, Maxwell's Electro-Magnetic Theory of.) The velocity of light is 2.9992 X io 10 cen- timetres per second. The velocity ratio, v, is 2.9800 X io 10 centi- metres per second. Rattler, Push-Button A device connected with a push button to show that the bell connected at a distant point, in the circuit of a push button, rings when the button is pressed. Ray, Actinic A ray of light or other form of radiant energy that possesses the Ray.] 439 [Rec. power of effecting chemical action. (See Decomposition ) All rays of light, and even some of those in- visible to the human eye, are actinic to some particular chemical substance or another. Whether the ether waves produce the effects of heat, of light or of chemical decomposition de- pends on the nature of the material on which they fall, as well as on the character of the waves themselves. Ray, Electric (Raia torpedo) A species of fish named the ray, which, like the electric eel, pos- sesses the power of producing elec- tricity. The electric or- gan is situated at the back of the head, and consists of hundreds of poly- gonal, cellular laminae, supplied with numerous nerve fibres, as shown in Fig. 465. (See Fishes. Elec- tric.') Rayleigh's Form of Clark's Standard Yoltaic Cell. (See Cell, Voltaic, Stand- ard, Rayleigh's Form of Clark's) Fig. 463. The Raia Torpedo. Reaction. In electro -therapeutics mus- cular contractions following the closing or opening of an electric circuit. Reaction Coil. (See Coil, Reaction!) Reaction of Degeneration. (See Degen- eration, Reaction of.) Reaction of Exhaustion. (See Exhaus- tion, Reaction of.) Reaction Principle of Dynamo-Electric Machines. (See Machine, Dynamo-Elec- tric, Reaction Principle of) Reaction Telephone. (See Telephone, Reaction) Reaction Time. (See Time, Reaction) Reaction Wheel, Electric (See Wheel, Reaction, Electric) Reactions, Kathodic and Anodic Electro- Diagnostic The reactions which oc- cur at the kathode or anode of an electric source placed on or over any part of a living body. Fig. 466. Kathodic and Anodic Reactions. Fig. 466, from De Watteville's " Medical Elec- tricity" represents what he assumes takes place at the points of entrance and exit of the current in a nerve submitted to the action of the anode of an electric source. Two zones are formed, an anodic and a kathodic zone; the virtual anode is formed by the portion of the skin nearer the nerve, and the virtual kathode by the adjoining muscles. There are thus formed two zones of influence one immediately around the anode, called the polar or anodic electrotonic zone, and one sur- rounding this and including the virtual kathode, and called the peripolar, or kathelectrotonic zone. Reading* Telescope. (See Telescope, Reading) Real Efficiency of Storage Battery. (See Efficiency, Real, of Storage Battery) Real Hall Effect (See Effect, Hall, Real) Recalescence. The property, possessed by incandescent steel when cooling, of again becoming incandescent after a certain degree of cooling has been reached. The property of recalescence was first pointed out by Barrett. A steel wire heated at the middle or near one end to a bright red, and allowed to cool in a dim light, will cool until a low red heat is reached, when it will be observed to reheat at some point in the originally heated portion. This reheating is manifested by a brighter red spot Roc. 440 [Rec. which moves along the portion originally heated. This reheating is called recalescence, and is due to latent heat (potential energy), which, disap- pearing when the bar was heated, again becomes sensible (kinetic energy) on cooling. The temperature at which recalescence takes place is sensibly the temperature at which heated steel regains its magnetizability. Received Current. (See Current, Re- ceived.} Receiver, Gramophone The re- ceiver employed in the gramophone. (See Gramophone.} Receiver, Graphophone The re- ceiver employed in the graphophone. (See Phonograph.} Receiver, Harmonic A receiver, employed in systems of harmonic telegraphy, consisting of an electro-magnetic reed, tuned to vibrate to one note or rate only. (See Te- legraphy, Grays Harmonic Multiple?) Receiver Magnet. (See Magnet, Receiv- ing) Receiver, Phonographic The ap- paratus employed in a telephone, phono- graph, graphophone or gramophone for the reproduction of articulate speech. (See Phonograph?] Receiver, Telephonic The receiver employed in the telephone. (See Tele- phone^ Receptive Device, Electro (See Device, Electro-Receptive?) Receptive Device, Magneto - (See Device, Magneto-Receptive?) Reciprocal The reciprocal of any number is the quotient arising from dividing unity by that number. Thus, for example, the reciprocal of 4, is \ or .250. The conducting power of any circuit is equal to the reciprocal of its resistance ; or, in other words, the conducting power is inversely propor- tional to the resistance. The following table contains the reciprocals of the numerals up to 100 : TABLE OF RECIPROCALS. Re- Re- Re- Re- Re- cipro- No. cipro- No. cipro^ No. cipro- No. cipro- cal. cal. cal. cal. cal. 0.5000 22 o 0455 42 o 0338 62 o 0:61 82 O O 22 -3333 23 o 435 43 o 0233 63 o 0159 83 O O 2O o 2500 24 o 0417 44 o 0227 64 o 0156 84 009 O 2OOO 25 o 0400 45 O O222 65 o 0154 85 008 o 1667 26 o 0385 46 o 0217 66 o 0152 86 006 o 1429 2 7 o 0370 47 o 0213 67 o 0149 87 005 o 1250 28 o 0357 48 o 0208 68 o 0147 88 O04 IIII 29 o 0345 49 o 0204 69 o 0145 89 O O 2 o 1000 3 o 0333 5 O O2OO 70 o 0143 90 O O I o 0909 3i o 0323 5i o 0106 7' o 0141 9 1 O O O o 0833 32 o 0313 52 o 0192 72 o 0139 92 o o 09 o 0769 33 o 0303 53 o 0189 73 o 0137 93 o o c8 o 0714 34 o 0294 54 o 0185 74 o 0135 94 06 o 0667 35 o 0286 55 o 0182 75 o 0133 95 o o 05 o o6as 36 o 0278 56 o 0179 76 o 0132 96 o o 04 o 0588 37 o 0270 57 o 0175 77 o 0130 97 o o 03 o 0556 38 o 0263 58 o 0172 78 o 0128 98 o o 02 o 0526 39 o 0256 59 o 0169 79 o 0127 )<) O O OI o 0500 4 o 0250 60 o 0167 80 o 0125 IOO o o oo o 0476 4 o 0244 61 o 0164 81 o 0123 ( Clark or* Sabine. ) Recoil Circuit. (See Circuit, Recoil.} Record, Chronograph A record made by means of a chronograph for the pur- pose of measuring and recording small inter- vals of time. (See Chronograph, Electric?) Record, Gramophone The irregular indentations, cuttings or tracings made by a point attached to the diaphragm spoken against, and employed in connection with the receiving diaphragm for the reproduction of articulate speech. Record, Graphophone The record made by the movement of the diaphragm of the graphophone. (See Phonograph.} Record, Phonographic The record produced in a phonograph, for the subse- quent reproduction of audible articulate speech. Record, Telephonic The record produced by the diaphragm of a receiving telephone. Various methods have been proposed for ob- taining telephonic records, but none of them have yet been introduced into actual commercial use. Recorder, Chemical, Bain's A n ap- paratus for recording the dots and dashes of Rec.] 441 [Rcc. a Morse telegraphic dispatch, on a sheet of chemically prepared paper. A fillet of paper soaked in some chemical sub- stance, such as ferro-cyanide of potassium, is moved at a uniform rate between the two ter- minals of the line, one of which is iron tipped, so that on the passage of the current, a blue dot, or a dash, will be made on the paper according to the length of time the current is passing. In order to insure a moist condition of the paper fillet, some deliquescent salt, like ammonium nitrate, is generally mixed with the ferro-cyanide of potassium. Fig. 467. Bain Recorder. A Bain recorder is shown in Fig. 467. A, is a drum of brass, tinned on the outside. The paper fillet is drawn from the roll and kept pressed against the cylinder A, by a small wooden roller B. The needle, which is a metallic point, is placed in connection with one end of the line wire, and the brass drum is connected with the other end through the earths Care must be ob- served to connect the needle point with the posi- tive electrode, as otherwise the paper will not be marked. (See Electrolysis.') The Bain recorder is now almost entirely re- placed by the Morse sounder. (See Sounder, Morse Telegraphic.} Recorder, Morse An apparatus for automatically recording the dots and dashes of a Morse telegraphic dispatch, on a fillet of paper drawn under an indenting or marking point on a striking lever, connected with the armature of an electro-magnet. This apparatus is sometimes called a Morse register. The Morse recording or registering apparatus is shown in Fig. 468. The paper fillet passes between a pair of rollers r, driven by the clockwork W. The upper roller is provided with a groove, so that the movement of the stylus at the bent end of the lever L, by the electro-magnet M, moving its armature attached to the lever L, may indent or emboss the paper fillet. When no current is passing, the armature of the magnet and the lever L, are drawn back by the action of an adjustable spring at n. Fig. 468. Morse Recorder. In the drawing, the ordinary Morse sounder is shown on the right. The sounder has almost entirely replaced the recording apparatus. Recorder, Siphon An apparatus for recording in ink on a sheet of paper, by means of a fine glass siphon supported on a fine wire, the message received over a cable. One end of the siphon dips in a vessel of ink. The record is received on a fillet of paper moved mechanically under the siphon. The ink is dis- charged from the siphon by electric charges im- parted to the ink by a static electric machine. Fig. 46 >p. The Siphon Recorder. In the annexed sketch of the siphon recorder, Fig. 469, a light rectangular coil b b, of very fine wire, is suspended by a thin wire f f, between the poles N, S, of a powerful compound permanent magnet, and moving on the vertical axis of the supporting wire f f, and adjustable as to tension, at h. A stationary soft iron core a, is magnetized SIPHON RECORDER Fig. 470. Record of Siphon Recorder. by induction and strengthens the magnetic field of N, S. The cable current is received by the Rec.] 442 coil b b, through the suspending wire f f , and is moved by it to the right or the left, according to its direction, to an extent that depends on the current strength. The fine glass siphon n, which dips into a reservoir of ink at m, is capable of movement on a vertical axis 1, and is moved backwards or for- wards, in one direction by a thread k, attached S E T T L ED Fig. 471. Record of Siphon Recorder. to b, and in the opposite direction by a retractile spring attached to an arm of the axis 1. As the paper is moved under the point of the siphon, an irregular curved line is marked thereon. Two records as actually received by a siphon recorder are shown in the Figs. 470 and 471. Movements upwards correspond to the dots, and downwards to dashes. Rectification of Alcohol, Electric - (See Alcohol, Electric Rectification of.} Rectified. Turned in one and the same direction. The alternate currents in a dynamo-electric machine are rectified or caused to flow in one ajid the same direction by means of a commutator. The word commuted, generally used in this connection, would appear to be preferable to the word rectified. (See Commutator.) Rectilinear Co-ordinates, Abscissa of (Set Abscissa of Rectilinear Co-ordinates) Rectilinear Current (See Current, Rec- tilinear^) Red Heat (See Heat, Red) Red Hot (See Hot, Red) Reducteur or Resistance for Yoltmeter. A coil of known resistance as compared with the resistance of the coils of a voltmeter, and connected with them in series for the purpose of increasing the range of the instru- ment. (See Voltmeter) Reducteur or Shunt for Ammeter. A shunt coil connected in multiple with the coils of an ammeter for the purpose of changing the value of the readings. The ratio of the resistance of the reducteur and the ammeter coils is known. A reducteur in- creases the range of current measured by the am- meter Refining of Metals, Electric the refining of metals by the application of elec- trolysis. When certain precautions are taken, metals thrown down from their solutions, are obtained in a chemically pure condition. This fact is utilized in the electrical refining of metals. If, for exam- ple, a plate of impure copper is to be refined electroly tically, it is used as the anode of a copper bath, and placed opposite a thin plate of pure cop- per forming the kathode. The passage of the current gradually dissolves the copper from the plate at the anode, and deposits it in a chemically pure condition on the plate at the kathode. Somewhat similar principle* are employed for electrically refining other metals. Reflect. To throw off from a surface, ac- cording to the laws of reflection, as of waves in an elastic medium. (See Reflection, Laws of) Reflecting. Throwing off from a surface, according to the laws of reflection. (See Reflection, Laws of) Reflecting Galvanometer. (See Gal- vanometer, Reflecting) Reflection. The throwing back of a body or wave from a surface at an angle equal to that at which it strikes such surface. (See Reflection, Laws of) Reflection, Laws of The laws gov-r erning the reflection of light (I.) The angle of reflection, or the angle in- cluded between the reflected ray and the perpen- dicular to the reflecting surface at the point of incidence, is equal to the angle of incidence, or the angle included between the striking ray and the perpendicular to the reflecting surface at the point of incidence. (2.) The plane of the angle of incidence co- incides with the plane of the angle of reflection. Reflection of Electro-Magnetic Wares. (See Waves, Electro-Magnetic, Reflection of) Reflection of Induction. (See Induc- tion, Reflection of) Reflector. A plane or curved surface, capable of regularly reflecting light. Reflector, Parabolic A reflector, Ref.j 413 [Keg. or mirror, the reflecting surface of which is a paraboloid, or such a surface as would be obtained by the revolution of a parabola about its axis. A parabolic curve, which may be regarded as a section of a parabola, is shown in Fig. 472. A parabola has the following properties: If lines F P, F P, etc., be drawn from the point F, called the focus, to any point, P, P, etc., in the curve, and the lines Pp, Pp, Pp, etc., be then drawn severally parallel to the axis, V M, then all such angles, F P p, F P p, will be bisected by verticals to tangents at the point P, P, and P. Therefore, if a light be placed at the focus of a parabolic reflector, all the light reflected from the surface of the parabola will pass off sensibly par- allel to the axis V M. In Locomotive Head 'lights ; a lamp is placed at the focus of a parabolic reflector, and the parallel beam so obtained is utilized for the illumination of the track. In a search light an v ! electric arc lamp is placed at p \ the focus of a parabolic reflec- tor, or at the focus of a lens. A parabolic reflector is used for search lights, some- Fig. 472. Parabolic times in connection with an Reflector. arc lamp. A focusing arc lamp must be used for this purpose, so as to maintain the voltaic arc at the focus of the parabolic reflector, notwithstand- ing the unequal consumption of the positive and negative carbons. (See Arc, Voltaic.') Refract. To change the direction of waves in any elastic medium in accordance with the laws of refraction. (See Refraction) Refracting. Changing the direction of waves in an elastic medium in accordance with the laws of refraction. Refraction. The bending of a ray of sound, light, heat, or electro-magnetism at the surface of any medium whose density differs from that through which such ray was previously passing. Rays of sound, light, heat or electro-mag- netism are transmitted or propagated in straight lines as long as the density of the homogeneous medium through which they are pissing under- goes no change. That is, as long as the medium 15 Vol. 1 is homogeneous or isotropic. (See Medium, Iso- tropic.) As the rays enter the surface of a medium which differs in density from that through which they have been passing, they are bent or refracted at the surface of such a medium. This bending takes place towards a perpen- dicular to the refracting surface at the point of in- cidence, when the medium in to which the rays are entering is of greater density than that they are leaving, and from the perpendicular when the medium they are entering is of less density than that they are leaving. The refraction or bending of the ray is caused by the difference in the velocity with which the waves are propagated through the two media. There is no refraction or deviation when the two rays enter the new medium at right angle, to its surface, or when there is no angle of inci- dence. Refraction, Double The property possessed by certain substances of splitting up a ray of light passed through them into two separate rays, and thus doubly refracting the ray. Certain specimens of calc spar possess the prop- erty of double retraction. Each of the two rays into which the original ray is separated is polar- ized. Such calc spar is called doubly refracting calc spar. Refraction, Double, Electric The property of doubly refracting light acquired by some transparent substances while in an electrostatic or electro-magnetic field. Transient or momentary powers of double refraction, acquired by a transparent sub- stance while placed in an electric field. The intensity of double refraction is propor- tioned to the square of the electric force. The action of an electric field in endowing a substance with the power of double refraction while kept in such field, is due to the strain pro- duced by the electrostatic stress of the field. A similar transient power of double refraction is acquired by many bodies when subjected to the strain produced by a simple mechanical stress. Refreshing Action of Current (See Ac- tion, Refreshing, of Current?) Region, Extra-Polar A term ap- plied in electro-therapeutics to the region. Reg.] which lies outside or beyond the therapeutic electrode. The term extra-polar region is used in contra- distinction to polar region. (See Region, Polar.) Region, Polar A term applied in electro-therapeutics to that region or part of the body which lies directly below the thera- peutic electrode. Register, Double-Pen Telegraphic A telegraphic register provided with two separate styluses or pens for recording the telegraphic message on a fillet of paper. (See Register, Telegraphic!) Register, Morse A name sometimes given to a Morse recorder. (See Recorder, Morse?) Register, Telegraphic An appa- ratus employed at the receiving end of a tele- graphic line for the purpose of obtaining a permanent record of the telegraphic dispatch. The telegraphic register consists essentially of means whereby a fillet or tape of paper is drawn mechanically under a pen or stylus attached to the armature of an electro-magnet and moving therewith. The pen or stylus presses against the paper whenever the armature is attracted to the elec- tro-magnet, and is held there while the cur- 444 [Reg. Fig. t73 t*k- Writing Register. cent is passing through the coils of the electro- magnet. By these means the dots and dashes of the telegraphic alphabet are recorded on the paper fillet as embossed or printed dots and dashes. The Morse register is an apparatus of this description. (See Recorder, Morse.) A form of ink-writing telegraphic register is shown in Fig. 473. It is self-starting. Register, Time, for Railroads A telegraphic recording apparatus or register designed to record all telegraphic messages transmitted over a line. The record is received on an endless band or fillet of paper. It is useful in case of disputes as to the time certain messages were sent over the line. Register, Watchman's Electric A device for permanently recording the time of a watchman's visit to each of the dif- ferent localities he is required to visit at stated intervals. These registers are of a variety of forms. They consist, however, in general, of a drum or disc of paper driven by clockwork, on which a maik is made by a stylus or pencil, operated on the clos- ing of a circuit by the pressing of a push button or the pressing of a key by the watchman at each station. Registering Apparatus, Electric (See Apparatus, Registering, Electric!) Registering Electrometer. (See Elec- trometer, Registering!) Regulable, Automatically Capa- ble of being automatically regulated. (See Regulation, Automatic!) Regulate, Automatically To regu- late in an automatic manner. (See Regula- tion, Automatic!) Regulation, Automatic Regulation automatically effected. Regulation, Automatic, of Dynamo-Elec- tric Machine Such a regulation of a dynamo-electric machine as will automati- cally preserve constant either the current or the potential difference. The automatic regulation of dynamo-electric machines may be accomplished in the following ways, viz.: (I.) By a Compound Winding of the Machine. This method is particularly applicable to con- stant-potential machines. By this winding, the magnetizing effect of the shunt coils is maintained approximately constant, while that of the series coils varies proportionally to the load on the ma- chine. The series coils are sometimes wound close to -Keg.] 445 [Beg. the poles of the machine, and the shunt coils nearer the yoke of the magnets. Custom, how- ever, varies in this respect, and very generally the shunt coils are placed nearer the poles than the series coils. (See Machine, Dynamo -Electric, Compound- Wound.") (2.) By Shifting the Position of the Collecting Brushes. In the Thomson-Houston system of current regulation, the current is kept practically con- stant by the following devices: The collecting brushes are fixed to levers moved by the regula- tor magnet R, as shown in Fig. 474, the arma- ture of which is provided with an opening for the entrance of the paraboloidal pole piece A. A dash-pot is provided to prevent too sudden move- ment. When the current is normal, the coil of the regulator magnet is short-circuited by contact points at S T, which act as a shunt of very low re- sistance. These contact points are operated by the solenoid coils of the controller, traversed by the main current. The cores of this solenoid are suspended by a spring. When the current be- comes too strong, the contact point is opened, and the current, traversing the coil of the regu- lar magnet A, attracts its armature, which shifts the collecting brushes into a position in which a smaller current is taken off. A carbon shunt, r, of high resistance, is pro- vided to lessen the spark at the contact points S T, which occurs on opening the circuit. Fig. 474- Thomson- Houston Regulator* In operation the contact points are continually opening and closing, thus maintaining a practi- cally constant current in the external circuit. (3.) By the Automatic Variation of a Resist, ance shun ting the field magnets of the machine, as in the Brush system. In Fig. 475 the variable resistance C, forms a part of the shunt circuit around the field mag- nets F M.. This resistance is formed of a pile of carbon plates. On an increase of the current, such, for example, as would result from turning out some of the lames, the electro magnet B, placed in the main circuit, attracts its armature A, and, compressing the pile of carbon plates C, lowers their resistance, thus diverting a propor- tionally larger portion of the current from the field magnet coils F M, and maintaining the cur- rent practically constant. In some machines the same thing is done by hand, but this is objectionable, since it requires the presence of an attendant. (4.) By the Introduction of a Variable Resist- ance into the shunt circuit of the machine, as in the Edison and other systems. Fig. 47 S- The Brush Regulator. This resistance may be adjusted either auto- matically by an electro-magnet whose coils are in an independent shunt across the mains, or may be operated by hand. In Fig. 476, the variable resistance is shown at R, the lever switch being in this case operated by hand whenever the potential rises or falls be- low the proper value. Fig. 476. The Edison Regulator. The machine shown is thus enabled to main- tain a constant potential on the leads to which the lamps L, L, L, etc., are connected in multiple arc. (5.) Dynamometric Governing, in which a series dynamo is made to yield a constant cur- rent by governing the steam engine that drives it, by means of a dynamometric governor. This governor operates by maintaining a constant torque or turning moment, instead of by means of Beg.] 446 [Rel. the usual centrifugal governor which maintains a constant speed. (6.) Electric Governing of the Driving Engine, in which the governor is regulated by the cur- rent itself instead of by the speed of rotation, as usual. Regulation, Hand Such a regula- tion of a dynamo-electric machine as will pre- serve constant, either the current or the potential, said regulation being effected by hand as distinguished from automatic regu- lation. Regulator, Automatic A device for securing automatic regulation as dis- tinguished from hand regulation. (See Regulation, Hand. Regulation, Automatic?) Regulator, Hand - A resistance box, the separate coils or resistances of which can be readily placed in or removed from a circuit by means of a hand-moved switch. The term hand regulator is used as distin- guished from automatic regulator. (See Regu- lator, Automatic. Regulation, Automatic.} Regulator Magnet. (See Magnet, Regu- lator^ Regulator, Monophotal Arc-Light - A term sometimes employed for an electric arc lamp in which the whole current passes through the arc-regulating mechanism, and which is usually operated singly in circuit with a dynamo. Regulator, Polyphotal Arc-Lamp A regulator for an arc lamp suitable for maintaining a number of lamps m series cir- cuit with the dynamo. Polyphotal regulators differ from monophotal regulators in that their regulating electro mag- nets are energized by a shunt circuit around the electrodes of the lamp, while in monophotal regu- lators such electro-magnets are placed in the di- rect circuit The terms monophotal and poly- photal are not generally used in America. Reguline Electro-Metallurgical Deposit. (See Deposit, Electro-Metallurgical, Reg- Relative Calibration. (See Calibration^ Relative?) Relay. An electro-magnet, employed in systems of telegraphy, provided with contact points placed on a delicately supported arma- ture, the movements of which throw a battery, called the local battery, into or out of the circuit of the receiving apparatus. A relay is sometimes called a receiving magnet. Rejuvenation of Luminescence. (See Luminescence, Rejuvenation of.) Fig. 477 Telegraphic Relay. The use of a relay permits much smaller cur- rents to be used than could otherwise be done, since the electric impulses, on reaching a distant station, are required to do no other work than attracting a delicately poised movable contact, and thus, by throwing a local battery into the circuit of the receiving apparatus, to cause such local battery to perform the work of register- ing. Its use is especially required in the Morse system of telegraphy in order to cause the sounder to be distinctly heard. A form of relay that is much used is shown in Fig- 477- The electro- magnet M, is wound with many turns of very fine wire. In the form used by the Western Union Telegraph Company, there are about 8, 500 turns, having resistance of 150 ohms. A screw m, is provided for moving the electro- magnet M, a slight distance in or out, for the pur- poses of adjustment. A semi-cylindrical arma- ture A, of soft iron, is attached to the insulated armature lever a, the lower end of which is sup- ported by a steel arbor, which is pivoted between two set screws. A retractile spring S', regulable at S, is pro- vided for moving the armature away from the electro-magnet. There are four binding posts, two of which are placed in the circuit of the electro-magnet, and two in that of the local bat- tery. The ends of the line wire are connected with the former, and the receiving instrument placed ii. the circuit of the latter. A platinum Rel.] 447 [Rel. contact is placed on the end of a screw supported at F, opposite a similar contact, near the end a, of the armature iever. The contact is regulable by means of a screw c. On the energizing of the electro -magnet, the attraction of its armature closes the platinum contact, and, by thus completing the circuit of the local battery, causes an attraction of the armature of the receiving apparatus. On the cessation of the current in the main line, the spring S , pulls the armature away from the magnet, breaks the circuit of the local battery, and thus permits a similar spring on the receiving instrument to pull its armature away. Thus all the movements of the armature of the relay are reproduced with in- creased intensity by the armature of the receiving instrument. The connections of the relay to the local bat- tery and the registering apparatus, will be better understood from an inspection of Fig. 478, which represents a form of relay much used in Germany. Relay, Differential A telegraphic Fig. 478. Telegraphic Relay, German Pattern. The retractile spring f, is regulated by the up- and-down movements of its lower support, which slides in the vertical pillar S. The line wire is shown at m m, connected at one end to earth by a ground wire. The registering apparatus R, is connected in the circuit of the local battery L, as shown. The contacts are made by the end B, of the lever B B', attached to the armature A, of the electro- magnet M M. Relay Bell. (See Bell, Relay, Electric) Relay, Box-Sounding Telegraphic A relay the magnet of which is surrounded by a resonant case of wood for the purpose of increasing the intensity of the sound made by the armature of the magnet. A form of box-sounding relay is shown m Fig. 479- Fig. 479 Box- Sounding Relay relay containing two differentially wound coils of wire on its magnet cores. When the currents which pass through these two coils are of the same strength, there is no movement of the armature, since the fields of the two coils neutralize each other. The differential relay is used in the differential method of duplex and quadruplex telegraphy. (See Telegraphy, Duplex Differential Method of. Telegraphy, Quadruplex Differential Method of .} Relay Magnet A name sometimes given to a relay. (See Relay) Relay, Microphone A device for automatically repeating a telephonic message over another wire. Fig. 480. Microphone Relay. A form of microphone relay is shown in Figs. 480 a'nd 481. Several minute microphones mounted on the Fig. 481. Microphone Relay. diaphragm of the telephone whose message is to be repeated, so vary the resistance of a local bat- tery included in their circuit as to automatically repeat the articulate speech received. The microphones may oe connected either in Rel.] 448 [Bel. multiple arc or in series, as shown respectively to the left and right in Fig. 480. Relay, Pocket Telegraphic A form of telegraphic relay of such small dimensions as to permit it to be readily carried in the pocket. Relay, Polarized A telegraphic re- lay provided with a permanently magnetized armature in place of the soft iron armature of the ordinary instrument. In the form of polarized relay shown in Fig. 482, N S, is a steel magnet, whose magnetism is consequently permanent, with its north and south poles at N, and S, respectively. The cores of the electro-magnet m, m', are of soft iron, and, since they rest on the north pole of the permanent steel magnet, the poles, brought very near to- gether by the armatures at n, n', will be of the same polarity as N, when no current is passing through the coils m, m' ; but when such current does pass, one of these poles becomes of stronger north polarity, while the other changes its polar- ity to south. By these means to-and fro movements of the armature lever, with its contact point, are effected without the use of a retractile spring ; movement in one direction occurring on the closing of the circuit due to the electro-magnetism developed Fig. 482. Polarized Relay. by the coils m, m', and movement in the opposite direction, on the losing of this magnetism on breaking the circuit, by the permanent magnet- ism of the steel magnet N S. These movements are imparted to the soft iron lever c, c', pivoted at B, and passing between the closely approached soft iron poles at n, n'. This lever rests at the end c', against a contact point when moved in one direction, and against an in- sulated point when moved in the opposite direc- tion. It rests against the insulated point when no current is passing through the coils m, m'. If the armature lever were placed in a position exactly midway between the poles n, and n', it would not move at all, being equally attracted by each; but if moved a little nearer one pole than the other, it would be attracted to, and rest against, the nearer pole. When alternating currents are employed on the line, the lever c, c', must be adjusted as nearly as possible in the middle of the space between n and n', in which case it will remain on the side to which it was last attracted, until a current in the opposite direction moves it to the other side. LB SOB Fig. 483. A Detail of the Polarized Relay. The space between the magnet poles n, n', and the contacts of the armature lever at D, and D', are shown in detail in Fig. 483, which is a plan of Fig. 482. The binding posts for the line battery are shown at L B, i, and 2, and those for the local battery at A and B. The dotted lines show the connections. Since the polarized relay dispenses with the re- tractile spring, it is far more sensitive than the ordinary instrument. Once adjusted, no further regulation is required, in which respect it differs very decidedly from non-polarized relays. There are other forms of polarized relays, but the above will suffice to illustrate the general principle of their operation. Relay Shunt, Steam's (See Shunt, Relay, Steam's.) Reluctance, Magnetic A term re- cently proposed in place of magnetic resist- ance to express the resistance offered by a Rel.] 449 [Rep. medium to the passage through its mass of lines of magnetic force. The term reluctance, in the sense of resistance to passage of lines of magnetic force, has been proposed in place of resistance, for the purpose of carrying out the conception of regarding the flow of lines of force in a magnetic circuit as being due to a magneto-motive force, and being opposed by a reluctance of the substances form- ing such circuit to the passage of such lines. According to this conception, The magnetic flux = The magneto-motive force The reluctance. Reluctance, Magnetic, Unit of Such a magnetic reluctance in a closed cir- cuit that permits unit magnetic flux to traverse it under the action of unit magneto- motive force. In present practical work reluctances vary from 100,000 to 100,000,000 of the practical units. Reluctivity. A term proposed for mag- netic reluctance. (See Reluctance, Mag- netic^) This term is not generally adopted. Removable Key Switch. (See Switch, Removable Key?) Renovation of Secondary Cell. (See Cell, Secondary or Storage, Renovation of.) Renovation of Secondary or Storage Cell. (See Cell, Secondary or Storage, Renovation of.) Reofore. A rheophore. (See Rheophore.) Repeaters, Telegraphic Tele- graphic devices, whereby the relay, sounder or registering apparatus, on the opening and closing of another circuit, with which it is suitably connected, is caused to repeat the signals received. Repeaters are employed to establish direct communication between very distant stations, or to connect branch lines to the main line. Fig. 484, shows Wood's Button Repeater. This repeater 'consists simply of a three-point switch L, capable of being placed on the points i, 2 and 3 ; and a ground switch at 4. The circuits are arranged between the sounders S, S', relays M, M', main batteries B, B', and the two main lines E, and W, in the manner shown. Fig. 484. Woofs Button Repeater. If the lever L, is in the position shown in the drawing, the lines E and W, form independent circuits. If the ground switch 4 is closed, and the lever L, is placed on 2, 2, the eastern line repeats into the western. If the lever L, is placed on the plates 3, 3, the western line repeats into the eastern. This repeater is non- automatic and can be worked in but one direction at a time ; moreover, it requires the services of an attendant. The automatic repeater can be operated in both directions, and dispenses with the constant ser- vices of an attendant at the repeating station. In sending a dispatch through a repeater, the dots and dashes are prolonged so as to give the lever of the repeating instrument time in which to move backwards and forwards. Fig. 483- HicVs Automatic Button Repeater. In Hick's Automatic Repeater, shown in Fig. 485, the switch or circuit-changer is automatic in its action. The relay magnets are shown at M, M', the sounders at R and R' ; f, f, are platinum con- tacts operated by levers 1 and 1', and L and L', are extra local magnets, that act on armatures Rep.] 450 [Rep. placed directly opposite the armatures of the relay magnets. The extra local magnet L, is cut out of the circuit of B', the extra local battery, when the main circuit is broken, and the armature is in contact with c. As soon as this happens, how- ever, the spring s, drawing away the armature, and thus opening the short-circuit of no rcsist- ance between c and a, establishes a circuit through L. On a, coming in contact with c, the circuit is again broken. The tension of the spring s, is so regulated that a very rapid vibration of a, is maintained so con- stantly, that it is impossible to close the main cir- cuit when L, is not cut out. The armature a, will therefore respond to very weak impulses of the relay magnet On breaking the western main circuit N, the lever a, vibrates very rapidly. The lever 1, of the sounder R, first breaks the circuit of L, and after- wards that of the eastern main circuit E, which passes through M. Both L' and M', being broken, a slight tension of s', will hold a, in place, thus avoiding the breaking of the western main circuit through the closing of the local cir- cuit through R. On the closing of the western circuit, the reverse of these operations occurs. The author has taken the above explanation mainly from Pope's work on " Modern Practice of the Electric Telegraph." Repeating Sounder. (See Sounder, Re- peating.} Replenisher. A static influence machine devised by Sir William Thomson for charging the quadrants of his quadrant electrometer. Two brass carriers C and D, shown in Fig. 486, are electrically fixed to the end of the vulcanite rod E, which is capable of ro- ., tation by the thumb screw at M, in the direction shown by the arrow. Hol- low metal half-cylinders, A and B, act as inductors, a strip of brass fixed around Fig. 486. The Reflen- the edges of a piece of vul- canite P, connecting the metallic springs S, and S', as shown. The action of the replenisher is readily under- stood from the following considerations, as sug- gested by Ayrton in his "Practical Electricity " : A and B, Fig. 487, are two insulated hollow metallic vessels having a small difference of po- tential between them, A, being the higher. C, and D, are two small uncharged conductors held by insulating strings. If C and D, be held near A and B, as shown, the potential of C, will, by induction, be raised somewhat above that of D, so that when connected by a conductor, such as the metallic wire W, a small quantity of positive electricity will flow from C, to D, thus leaving D, positively, and C, negatively charged. If, now, C and D, are removed from W, and placed in the bottom of B and A, as shown in Fig. 488, the difference of potential between A, and B, will be thereby increased, and if they are then withdrawn, and totally discharged, and Fig. 487. Action of Replenisher. again placed in the first position shown, an ad- ditional charge can be given to A and B, and this can be repeated as often as desired. In the replenisher, A and B, correspond to the vessels A and B ; the brass carriers C and D, to the balls C and D, and the spring S S, and M, Fig. 488. Action of Replenisher. to the wire W. No initial charge need be given to A and B, since they are invariably found to Rep.] 451 [Res. be at a sufficient difference of potential to build up the charge. Replenisher, Carriers of The moving conductors of a replenisher which carry the charges and thus permit of an ac- cumulation of such charges. (See Re- plenisher.) Repulsion, Electric - The mutual driving apart or tendency to mutually drive apart existing between two similarly charged bodies, or the mutual driving apart of similar electric charges. Repulsion, Electro-Dynamic The mutual repulsion between two electric circuits whose currents are flowing in opposite direc- tions. Parallel currents flowing in opposite directions repel one another, because their lines of magnetic force have the same direction in adjoining parts of the circuit. (See Dynamics, Electro.) Repulsion, Electro-Magnetic The mutual repulsion produced by two similar electro-magnetic poles. Repulsion, Electrostatic The mutual repulsion produced by two similar electric charges. Repulsion, Magnetic The mutual repulsion exerted between two similar mag- netic poles. Repulsion, Molecular The mutual repulsion existing between molecules arising from their kinetic energy. (See Matter, Ki- netic Theory of.) Residual Atmosphere (See Atmosphere, Residual.) Residual Charge. (See Charge, Resid- ual.) Residual Magnetism. (See Magnetism, Residual.) Resin. A general term applied to a variety of dried juices of vegetable origin. Resins are, in general, transparent, inflamma- ble solids, soluble in alcohol, and, in general, excellent non-conductors of electricity. Rosin is one of the varieties of resin. Resinous Electricity. (See Electricity, Resinous.) Resistance. Something placed in a circuit for the purpose of opposing the passage or * flow of the current in the circuit or branches of the circuit in which it is placed. The electrical resistance of a conductor is that quality of the conductor in virtue of which there is a fixed numerical ratio be- tween the potential difference of the two opposing faces of a cubic unit of such con- ductor, and the quantity of electricity which traverses either face per second, assuming a steady flow to take place normal to these faces, and to be uniformly distributed over them, such flow taking place solely by an elec- tromotive force outside the volume considered. The term is used in the first definition in the concrete sense of something intended for or used as a resistance. For the physical definitions and facts see Resistance, Electric. Gases offer very high resistance to the flow of an electric current. Their non-conducting power causes the increase of resistance which attends the polarization of a voltaic cell. (See Cell, Voltaic, Polarization of.) Resistances consist of coils, strips, bars or spirals of metal, or plates of carbon, or metallic powders, powdered or granulated carbon, or liquids. Resistance, Absolute Unit of The one thousand millionth of an ohm. (See Ohm. Units, Practical.) Resistance, Assymmetrical - Con- ductors or parts of conductors, which offer a greater resistance to the flow of an electric current in one direction than in another. Assymmetrical conductors are unknown, so far as structural peculiarities are concerned, but can be obtained by the use of counter electromotive forces, acting as resistance. This term was pro- posed by Wilke in discussing the obtaining of continuous currents by commutatorless dynamo- electric machines. The resistance of the human body is possibly an assymmetrical resistance. An evident application of an assymmetrical re- sistance is to direct alternating currents so as to cause the current that passes to flow in and to the same direction. Resistance, Balanced A resistance so placed in a circuit as to be balanced or made equal to another resistance connected therewith. Kes.] 452 [Res. Resistance, Balanced, for Dynamos A resistance that possesses a range suf- ficient to balance one dynamo against another with which it is desired to run in parallel. ( Urquhart) Resistance Box. (See Box. Resistance^ Resistance Bridge. (See Bridge, Resist- ance) Resistance Coil. (See Coi2. Resistance^ Resistance Coil, Standard (See Coil, Resistance, Standard) Resistance, Conductivity The re- sistance offered by a substance to electric conduction, or to the passage of electricity through its mass. Resistance, Dielectric A term sometimes employed for the resistance of a dielectric to mechanical strains produced by electrification. The dielectric resistance of the glass, or other dielectric of a Leyden jar or condenser, is fre- quently overcome by the passage of the charges on the conducting surfaces, and the glass is thus pierced. The term dielectric resistance would appear to be badly chosen; for. like all substances, dielec- trics possess a true ohmic resistance, which in creases with the increase of length, and decreases with the increase of area of cross-section. The resistance of the dielectric, however, differs from the ordinary ohmic resistance of conductors, in that the resistance of the dielectric is suddenly overcome, and the discharge passes disruptively as a spark. Resistance, Effect of Heat on Electric Nearly all metallic conductors have their electric resistance increased by an in- crease of temperature. The carbon conductor of an incandescent elec- tric lamp, on the contrary, has its resistance decreased when raised to electric incandescence. The decrease amounts to about three-eighths of its resistance when cold. The effects of heat on electric resistance may be summarized as follows: (i.) The electric resistance of metallic conduc- tors increases as the temperature rises. In some alloys this increase is small. (2.) The electric resistance of electrolytes de- creases as the temperature nses. (3.) The electric resistance of dielectrics and non-conductors decreases as the temperature rises. RESISTANCE AND CONDUCTIVITY OF PURE COPPER AT DIFFERENT TEMPERATURES. v to w JJ V o 5 " 2 V o B t* ^ a S rt 11 I 1 B ^ I o 3 "O V B gj 8 M o 00000 I.OOOOO 16 .06168 .94190 I 00381 .99624 17 .06563 .93841 a 00756 .99250 18 .06959 93494 3 01135 .98878 '9 07356 .93148 4 S 01515 01896 .98508 .98139 20 21 .07742 .08164 .928x4 .62452 6 02280 97771 22 08553 .92121 I 02663 03048 97406 .97042 2 3 24 .08954 09365 .91782 9'445 9 03435 .96679 25 .09763 .91110 10 03822 .96319 26 0161 .90776 ii 04199 9597 27 0567 .90443 12 04599 95603 28 1972 .90113 >3 04990 95247 29 1382 .89784 4 05406 .94893 30 . 1782 .89457 15 05774 94541 (Latimer Clark.) Resistance, Electric The ratio be- tween the electromotive force of a circuit and the current that passes therein. The reciprocal of electrical conductivity. Resistance can be defined as the reciprocal of electrical conductivity because even the best electrical conductors possess appreciable resist- ance. Ordinarily the resistance of a circuit may be conveniently regarded as that which opposes or resists the passage of the current. Strictly speak- ing, however, this is not true, since from O&m's law (See Law of Ohm, or Law of Current Strength} E C = , from which we obtain R E R = , which shows that resistance is a C ratio between the electromotive force that causes the current and the current so produced. Resistance may be expressed as a velocity. The dimensions of resistance in terms of the electro-magnetic units are L (See Units, Electro- Magnetic.) But these are the dimensions of a velocity, which is the ratio of the distance passed over in unit time. Resistance may therefore be expressed as a velocity. Res.] 453 [Res. "The resistance known as 'one ohm' is in. tended to be io9 absolute electro-magnetic units, and, therefore, is represented by a velocity of icP centimetres or 10,000,000 metres (one earth quad- rant) per second." (Sylvanus Thompson.) Resistance may be represented by a velocity, one ohm being the resistance of a wire, which, if moved through a unit field of force at the rate of 1,000,000,000 (lo 9 ) centimetres per second will have a current of one ampere generated in it. (See Resistance, Ohmic. Resistance, Spurious.) The true value of the ohm is exactly to 9 centi- metres. The material standards employed, *. e., the B. A. and "legal " ohms, are not absolutely of this value. One mil-foot of soft copper at 10.22 degrees C. or 50.4 degrees F. has the standard resistance of exactly 10 legal ohms ; at 15.56 or 59.9 degrees F., it has a resistance of 10.20 legal ohms, and at 23.9 degrees C. or 75 degrees F., 10.53 legal ohms. RESISTANCE. Resistance of Wires of Pure Annealed Copper at o" C. (Density = QJ v a a P s Mi nealed Copper at O degree C. |j ! c? bboj 01 qj O Jz Ohms Metres Ohms .2 M b*. CD 3 5 *** fi per per per *~ Kilometre. Ohm. Kilogramme. 5 '75 5-7 .8 1230.5 .00456 4-4 135.28 7-4 i. 06 944.38 .00784 3-9 106.35 9-5 1.35 722 .0128 3-4 80.8 12.5 i. 80 563-92 .0222 3 62.93 16 2-3 439-0? .0365 7 51 19.8 2.8 355.65 557 4 40.23 25 3-6 281 .088 .2 33.82 29 4.2 236.08 a 3 27-95 36 I95-I5 .185 .8 22.7 44 6-3 158.08 .278 .6 17.89 56 8 124.9 448 5 15.75 63 9.1 109.75 574 4 13-7 73 10.5 95-651 -763 3 11.84 85 12 82.42 1-03 .2 10.06 100 '4 70.247 1.42 .1 8-47 119 17 59.024 2.02 6-99 144 20 48.782 *-95 .O 5.66 178 25 39-5I5 4.19 .8 4-47 225 S 2 31.225 7.21 7 2.83 ' 294 42 23.9 12.3 .6 2.52 400 57 17-56 ' 22.78 5 1.74 576 81 12.305 46. 8 1 4 I-I75 902 122.4 8.173 110.41 34 .808 1251 177.9 5.622 222.55 3 .7181 1607 228.5 4-377 367-2 .24 .4026 2508 357 2.801 895.36 .a .2797 3614 -945 1.857.6 .16 .179 559 803.1 1-245 4,489 .12 .1007 9929 1428 7 I4.I79 .1 .0699 14369 2056 .486 29.549 .08 .0447 24570 3213 3" 78,943 .06 0252 5713 >73 227,515 .04 OII2 88878 12848 .078 1142,405 The following table, based on Matthiessen's measurements, gives the relative resistances of equal lengths and cross-sections of a number of different substances used in electricity as com. pared with silver. LEGAL MICROHMS. Resistance in Microhms at o degree C. NAMES OF METAL. Relative Resistance. Cubic Centimetre. Cubic Inch. Silver, annealed... 1.504 0.5921 Copper, annealed. Silver, hard drawn 1.598 1.634 0.6292 0.6433 '063 Copper, h'rd dr"wn * 1.634 0.6433 !o86 Gold, annealed. . . . 2.058 0.8102 369 Gold, hard drawn. Aluminium, ann'ld 2.094 2.912 0.8247 1.147 393 935 Zinc, pressed 5.626 2.215 3-741 Platinum, annealed 9.057 3-565 6. 022 Iron, annealed.. . 9.716 3-825 6.460 Nickel, annealed . 12.47 4.907 8.285 Tin, pressed 13.21 5-202 8.784 Lead, pressed... . German silver... . 19.63 20.93 7 .728 8.240 13-05 13.92 Antimony, pressed 35-5 13.98 23.60 77 1C Bismuth, pressed. . 94-32 67 *5 87-23 (Ayrton.) The above resistances are for chemically pure substances only. Slight impurities produce a very considerable increase in the resistance. Resistance, Electric, of Liquids -- The resistance offered by a liquid mass to the passage of an elec- trie current As a rule the electric re- sistances of liquids, with the single exception of mer- cury, are enormously high- er than those of metallic bodies. To roughly determine the resistance of a liquid, a section is taken between two parallel metallic plates A and B, Fig. 489, placed as shown in the figure, and an electric current is pass- ed between them. In order to accurately vary the size of the plates immersed in the liquid, and 4$<). Resistance oj Liquid. (Hospitalier. ) hence the area of cross-section of the liquid con- ductor, as well as the distance between the plates, the apparatus shown in Fig. 490 may be used, in K*S.J 454 [Res. TABLE OF CONDUCTING POWERS AND RESISTANCES IN OHMS B. A. UNITS. NAMES OF METALS. Conducting power at o de- gree C. Resistance of a wire one foot long weighing one grain. Resistance of a wire one metr- long weighing one gramme. Resistance of a wire one foot !ng nftro '"eh in diameter. Resistance of a wire one metre long, one milli- metre in diam- eter. Approximate percentage of variation in re- sistance for i de- gree of tempera- ture at 2odeg. 0.2214 0.2421 0.2064 0.2106 0.5849 0-5950 0.06822 0.5710 3-536 1.2425 1.0785 1.317 3- a 36 3-324 5-54 18.740 4.243 3.652 8.391 0.1544 o. 1689 o. 1440 0.1469 0.4080 0.4150 0.05759 0.3983 2.464 0.7522 0.8666 0.9184 2.257 2.3295 3-525 13.071 2.959 1.850 1.668 9.936 9- J 5i 9.718 9.940 12.52 12.74 17.72 32.22 55-9 59-4 75-78 80.36 U9-39 2:6.0 798.0 600.0 43-35 127.32 66.10 o 01957 o 02103 o 02057 o 02104 o 02650 o 02697 o 03751 o 07244 o 1166 o 1251 o 1604 o 1701 o 2527 o 457' 1 689 I 270 0.3140 0.2695 0.1399 o-377 100.00 0.388 Copper, hard drawn ..... 99-55 o-355 77.96 Zinc, pressed ............ 29.02 0.365 16.81 13.11 12.36 8.32 4.62 1.24 0.365 0.387 0.389 o-354 O.O72 O.O3I 0.044 0.065 Antimony, pressed ...... Bismuth, pressed.. . ...... Platinum - silver, alloy, German silver, hard or Gold, silver, alloy, hard which these distances are readily adjustable, as shown. Resistance, Equivalent A single resistance which may replace a number of separate resistances in a circuit without alter- ing the value of the current traversing it. Resistance, Essential A term sometimes used instead of internal resist- ance. f*f- 49O. Apparatus for Measuring Resistance eophone consists essentially in the combination of a microphone and telephone with a mechanical hammer and induction balance. Sch. 467 [Scr. Schweigger's Multiplier. (See Multi- plier, Schweigger 's.) Scintillating Jar. (See Jar, Scintillat- ing^ Scratch Brush. (See Brush, Scratch?) Scratch Brush, Circular (See Brush, Scratch, Circular?) Scratch Brush, Hand (See Brush, Scratch, Hand?) Scratch Brushing. (See Brushing, Scratch?) Screen, Electric A closed conduc- tor placed over a body to screen or protect it from the effects of external electrostatic fields. An electric screen is sometimes called an elec- tric shield. The ability of a closed, hollow conductor to act as a screen, arises from the fact that all points on its inner surface are at the same potential, and therefore are not affected by an increase or de- crease in the potential of the outside of the con- ductor as compared with that of the earth. (See Net, Faraday 1 s.) No considerable thickness is required for the efficient operation of an electric screen. Screen, Magnetic A hollow box whose sides are made of thick iron, placed around a magnet or other body so as to cut it off or screen it from any magnetic field ex- ternal to the box. Magnetic screens are placed around delicate galvanometers to avoid any variations in their field due to extraneous masses of iron or neigh- boring magnets. They are also sometimes placed around watches to shield or screen the works from the effects of magnetism. To act effectively, when the external fields are at all powerful, magnetic screens must be made of thick iron. They differ in this respect from electrostatic shields, which will afford protection against electrostatic charges although they may be but mere films. Screen, Methven's A vertical rec- tangular metallic screen used in connection with a standard argand burner, for furnish- ing a standard amount of light for photo- metric purposes. In a rectangular screen a small vertical slot is made of such dimensions as to permit an amount of light to pass just equal to two standard candles. The proper burning of the argand lamp is de- termined by supplying sufficient gas to produce a flame exactly 3 inches high. The glass chimney used in the burner is 6 inches high, and is provided with two horizontal wires placed on each side of the burner at the required height. Methven's screen possesses the advantage of being easily used and of furnishing a reliable standard of light. Extended experiments made with it appear to show that the amount of light produced depends rather on the height of the gas flame than on the quality of the gas itself. In using Methven's screen care should be taken ( i . ) To see that the gas flame is of exactly the required height. (2.) That the chimney on the lamp is quite clean. (3.) That the top of the flame is as regular as possible. As this last point is almost impossible to obtain in actual practice, the flame is ad justed so that the highest point extends about one- eighth of an inch above the height of the horizontal wires. (4.) That the lamp and apparatus be permitted to acquire its normal temper- ature before the readings are taken. Fig. 498 shows the con- struction of the ordinary Methven standard screen. The vertical slot in the screen is placed as shown before the standard argand Ft '&- 49&- burner. Horizontal wires Standar for the adjustment of the height of the flame are placed one on each side of the gas chimney. Screening, Electrostatic Screening or shielding from the inductive effects of a charge. A continuous metallic surface surrounding an air space to be shielded, completely protects any body placed within such air space from electro- static influence. (See Cube, Faraday's.) Screening, Magnetic Preventing magnetic induction from taking place by in- terposing a metallic plate, or a closed circuit of insulated wire, between the body producing Scr.] 468 [Scr. the magnetic field and the body to be mag- netically screened. A magnetic needle is screened from the action of the earth's field by placing it inside a hollow iron box, which prevents the lines of force of the earth's field from passing through it by concen- trating them on itself. This action is dependent on the fact that iron is paramagnetic and there- fore offers the lines of force less resistance through its mass than elsewhere. A plate of copper would not effect any such magnetic shielding or screening. In any magnetic field, however, in which the strength of the field is undergoing rapid, periodic variations, a plate of copper or other electric conductor may act as a screen to protect neigh- boring conductors from the effects of magnetic induction, and its ability to thoroughly effect such a screening will depend directly on its conducting power. If, for example, the copper plate c (Fig. 499), be interposed between a coil of copper ribbon a, and the fine wire coil b, it will greatly reduce the intensity of the induced currents, produced when rapidly alternating currents are sent through a. If, however, the copper plate be slit, as shown to the right at a, the screening effect is lost, but is regained if the slit be connected by a conductor. Similarly a flat coil of insulated wire effects no screening action when open, but when closed acts as the uncut copper plate. Here the screening action is due to thp fact that the energy of the field is spent in producing eddy currents in the interposed metal screen or coils. If the metal screen is discontinuous in the direction in which the eddy currents tend to flow, the inability of the screen to absorb the energy as eddy currents prevents its action as a screen. Fig. The word magnetic screening is generally em- induction from occurring in a neighboring con- ductor, by interposing some conducting substance in which eddy currents can be freely established. As to the efficiency of the screening action, if the makes-and -breaks do not follow one another very rapidly, the following principles can be proved : (i.) If the screening material have absolutely no electrical resistance it will effect a perfect mag- netic screening when placed between the primary and secondary, no matter what its thickness may be. (2.) If the screen have a finite conductivity, the screening will be imperfect, unless the thick- ness of the material employed is considerable. If, however, the makes-and-breaks follow one another very rapidly, then The screening effect of even imperfect conduc- tors will become manifest with comparatively thin screens of metal. As to magnetic screening, therefore, it follows that the less the conductivity, the greater must be the speed of reversal, in order that the screen- ing action may be effective. Where a screen of iron is employed, an ad- ditional effect is produced by the fact that the small magnetic resistance of the metal, or its con- ductivity for lines of magnetic force, causes the lines of induction to pass through its mass, and thus effect a screening action for the space on the other side. This action is, by some, called mag- netic screening. In the case of iron screens, considerable thick- ness is required in the metal plate, in order to obtain efficient screening action of this latter character. On account of this action of iron, in conducting away lines of force, a much smaller speed of reversal is required, in order to obtain effective screening action, where plates of iron are used, than in the case of plates of other metal. The apparatus shown in Fig. 500 was employed SOO. Willoughby Smith's Apparatus. by Mr. Willoughby Smith, in studying the effects of magnetic screening. The flat coils A, and B, were employed for the primary and secondary coils respectively, and ployed in the latter sense of preventing magnetic were connected to the battery C, and the galva- Sen] 469 [Sec. nometer F, as shown. Current reversers, D and E, were so arranged as to reverse galvanometer and battery alternately, and so cause the oppo- site induced currents to affect the galvanometer in the same direction. If the commutators were caused to reverse the current slowly, a plate of copper interposed between A and B, produced but little effect on the galvanometer, but if the re- versers were driven at a very rapid rate, a marked decrease of deflection occurred. The screening action of the metals, or their ability to diminish the galvanometer deflection, is in the order of their electrical conductivity, ex- cept in the case of iron, which, as we have seen already, has an additional screening power, due to its conducting away the lines of magnetic force. It follows from the preceding principles that the use of lead covered cables, for the conveyance of periodic currents, of the frequency of, say, sixty to one hundred alternations per second, is of but little or no advantage for protecting neighboring telephones from inductive action, because (i.) Lead is a poor conductor. (2.) The rapidity of alternation is too slow. J. J. Thomson made some experiments with electrical oscillations produced by resonance, of about io s in frequency. He obtained this fre- quency of oscillation from oscillations set up in the primary of an induction coil, in a secondary circuit of suitable dimensions. The presence of these secondary vibrations or waves was shown by means of the sparks seen at the terminals of a spark-micrometer circuit. Under these circum- stances he found that the interposition of a thin sheet of tin foil or gold leaf at once completely stopped the secondary sparks by the shielding action it exerted. Screening, Magnetostatic Screen- ing from the inductive effect of a stationary magnetic field. Magnetostatic screening differs from electrostatic screening in that the plate of iron or other para- magnetic material surrounding the space to be screened must have a fairly considerable thick- ness. This arises from the fact that the magnetic susceptibility of the substance is not infinitely great. Screw, Binding A name some- times applied to a binding post. (See Post, Binding.} Seal, Hennetical Such a sealing of a vessel, designed to hold a vacuum, or gas- eous atmosphere under pressures greater or less than that of the atmosphere, as will pre- vent either the entrance of the external at- mosphere into the vessel, or the escape of the contained gas into the atmosphere. Hermetical sealing may be accomplished either by the use of suitable cements, or by the direct fusion of the walls of the containing vessel. The latter method is generally employed. Search Light, Automatic (See Light, Search, Automatic?) Search Light, Electric (See Light, Search, Electric?) Secohm. The practical unit of self-induc- tion, or the practical unit of inductance. The secohm is equivalent to a length equal to that of an earth quadrant, or 10'' centimetres. The word secohm is a contraction for second, ohm, and implies the fact that the product of the ohm and the second are taken. The word henry is now generally used in the United States for secohm. (See Henry.} Secohmmeter. An apparatus for measur- ing the co-efficient of self-induction, mutual induction and capacity of conductors. (See Secohm. Induction, Mutual. Induction, Self.) The principle of the secohmmeter depends upon successively performing the cycle of magnetic operations, by making and breaking the circuit of a galvanometer by means of a commutator capable of working at a definite speed. Second, Ampere One ampere flow- ing for one second. (See Hour, Ampere.} Second, Watt A unit of electrical work. A watt -second equals the work due to the ex- penditu re of an electrical power of one watt for one second. It is the same as a volt-coulomb. The watt-second and the H. P. hour, etc., are units of work, since Power = ?E_, Time therefore, power X time = work. Secondary Battery. (See Battery, Sec- ondary.} Secondary Battery, Cell of (See Cell, Secondary.) Sec.] [Sec. Secondary Cell. (See Cell, Secondary?) Secondary Cell, Jar of (See Jar of Secondary Cell.) Secondary Clock. (See Clock. Second- ary.) Secondary Coil. (See Coil, Secondary) Secondary Currents. (See Currents, Secondary) Secondary, Fixed - The secondary of an induction coil, that, as is common in such coils, is fixed, as contradistinguished from a movable secondary. (See Secondary, Movable.) Secondary Generator. (See Generator, Secondary.) Secondary Impressed Electromotive Force. (See Force, Electromotive, Second- ary Impressed) Secondary, Movable The second- ary conductor of an induction coil, which, in- stead of being fixed as in most coils, is mova- ble. The peculiar movements observed in the secondary of an induction coil when the second- ary is free to move, have been carefully studied by Prof. Elihu Thomson. The secondaries employed for this purpose are in the shape of rings, discs, spheres, wedges, bars, wheels, etc., etc. The primary is in the form of a straight cylin- drical coil surrounding a straight core. The coils are traversed by rapidly alternating currents and possess considerable impedance. Among the many phenomena concerning the behavior of movable secondaries in such a rapidly alternating field are the following, viz.: (A.) A metallic ring, resting on lugs attached to the coils of the primary, is thrown violently off the magnet on the passage of alternating currents through the primary. (2.) Two metallic rings of the same diamete, brought into the field are mutually attracted to each other, with sufficient force to sustain the weight of one of the rings when the other ring is held in the field. (3.) Metallic spheres are set into rotation when so held near the primary pole as to be shielded from the action of part of the rapidly alternating field. Wken held on one side of the pole, this rotation occurs in the opposite direction to that when held on the opposite side. (4.) Metallic discs similarly placed are simi- larly set into rotation. (5.) The speed ot rotation of spheres or discs varies in different positions. (6.) Spheres or discs of diamagnetic substances attain their maximum rotation when held in posi- tion at right angles to those of paramagnetic sub- stances. (7.) Bars of steel or substances possessing high coercive power, placed dissymmetrically on the primary as regards their centres of gravity, ex- hibit the phenomena of a shifting magnetic field. (See field, Magnetic, Shifting.) (8.) A wedge-shaped piece of steel placed with a flat face on the primary, exhibits a shifting magnetic field, and acts on movable metallic masses near it, just as though a fluid substance was escaping with great velocity from its edges. Secondary Movers. (See Movers, Second- ary.) Secondary Plate of Condenser. (See Plate, Secondary, of Condenser) Secondary Spiral. (See Spiral, Second- ary.) Secretion Current. (See Current, Secre- tion.) Section Line of Electric Railway. (See Railroads, Electric, Section Line of) Section, Neutral, of Magnet A section passing through the neutral line or equator of a magnet. (See Line, Neutral, of a Magnet. Magnet, Equator of) Section, Trolley - A single contin- uous length of trolley wire, with or without its branches. Sectional or Divided Overhead System of Motive Power for Electric Railroads. (See Railroads, Electric, Sectional Over- head System of Motive Power for.) Sectional or Divided Surface System of Motive Power for Electric Railroads. (See Railroads, Electric, Sectional Surf ace System of Motive Power for) Sec.] 471 [Sep. Sectional or Divided Underground System of Motive Power for Electric Bail- roads. (See Railroads, Electric, Sectional Underground System of Motive Power for.} Sectional Plating. (See Plating, Sec- tional.) Sectional Plating Frame. (See Frames, fictional Plating.) Seebeck Effect. (See Effect, Seebeck?) Seismograph, Electric An appa- ratus for electrically recording the direction and intensity of earthquake shocks. Seismograph, Micro An electric apparatus for photographically registering the vibrations of the earth produced by earth- quakes or other causes. The micro-seismograph consists essentially of a microphone placed on the ground and connected with a telephone. A small concave mirror mova- ble about a horizontal axis is supported on a plate of aluminium supported on a platinum wire connected with the diaphragm of the telephone. The movements of the diaphragm of the telephone are permanently recorded on a strip of sensitized paper that is moved before the mirror. Selective Absorption. (See Absorption, Selective?) Selenium. A comparatively rare element generally found associated with sulphur. Selenium Battery. (See Battery, Selen- ium?) Selenium Cell. (See Cell, Selenium?) Selenium Eye. (See Eye, Selenium?) Selenium Photometer. (See Photometer, Selenium?) Self-Induced Current. (See Currents, Self-Induced?) Self-Induction. (See Induction, Self.} Self-Induction, Co-efficient of (See Induction, Self Co-efficient of.) Self-Becording Magnetometer. (S e e Magnetometer, Self -Recording?) Self-Begistering Wire Gauge. (See Gauge, Wire, Self -Registering?) Self-Winding Clock. (See Clock, Self- Winding?) Semaphore. A variety of signal apparatus employed in railroad block systems. The semaphore used on the Pennsylvania Rail- road consists of a wooden post, in the neighbor- hood of twenty feet in height, on which a wooden arm or blade six feet in length and a foot in width, is displayed. When the block is clear, during the day the arm is placed pointing downwards at an angle of 75 degrees with the horizontal ; during night semaphore displays a white light. When the block is not clear, the arm or blade is placed in a horizontal position by day, or displays a red light at night. (See Railroads, Block System for.) Semaphore Arm. (See Arm, Semaphore?) Semaphore Indicator. (See Indicator, Semaphore?) Sender, Zinc A device employed in telegraphic circuits, by means of which, in order to counteract the retardation produced by the charge given to the line, a momen- tary reverse current is sent into the line after each signal. A zinc sender generally consists of a low resist- ance Siemens relay introduced between the line and the front contact of the signaling key. Sensibility, Electro An effect pro- duced on a sensory nerve by its electrization. Sensibility of Galvanometer. (See Gal- vanometer, Sensibility of.) Sensitive Thread Discharge. (See Dis- charge, Sensitive Thread?) Separate Coil Dynamo-Electro Machine. (See Machine, Dynamo-Electric, Separate Coil.) Separate Touch, Magnetization by (See Touch, Separate?) Separately Excited Dynamo. (See Dy- namo, Separately Excited) Separately Excited Dynamo-Electric Machine. (See Machine, Dynamo-Electric, Separately Excited.) Separator. An insulating sheet of ebonite, or other similar substance, corrugated and perforated so as to conform to the outline of the plates of a storage battery, and placed between them at suitable intervals, in such a Sen] 472 [Ser. manner as to avoid short-circuiting, without impeding the free circulation of the liquid. Series and Magneto Dynamo-Electric Machine. (See Machine, Dynamo- Electric, Series and Magneto?) Series and Separately Excited Dynamo- Electric Machine. (See Machine, Dynamo- Electric, Series and Separately Excited?) Series and Shunt-Wound Dynamo-Elec- tric Machine. (See Machine, Dynamo- Electric, Series and Shunt- Wound?) Series Circuit. (See Circuit, Series?) Series-Connected Battery. (See Battery, Series- Connected?) Series-Connected Electro-Receptive De- vices. (See Devices, Electro-Receptive, Se- ries-Connected. ) Series-Connected Electro-Receptive De- vices, Automatic Cut-out for (See Cut-out, Atttomatic, for Series-Connected Electro-Receptive Devices?) Series-Connected Sources. (See Sources, Series-Connected?) Series-Connected Translating Devices. (See Devices, Translating, Series-Con- nected?) Series-Connected Yoltaic Cells. (See Cells, Voltaic, Series-Connected?) Series Connection. (See Connection, Series?) Series, Contact A series of metals arranged in such an order that each becomes positively electrified by contact with the one that follows it. The contact values of some metals, according to Ayrton and Perry, are as follows: CONTACT SERIES. Difference of Potential in Volts. Zinc Lead Lead Tin Tin Iron Iron Copper Copper Platinum Platinum | Carbon f "3 .210 .069 .146 .238 The difference in potential between zinc and carbon is equal to 1.089, and is obtained by add- ing the successive differences of potential between the intermediate couples, thus: . 210 -f .069 +.313 + .14 6-|- .238 +.113 =1.089. This fact is known technically as Volta' 's Law, which may be formulated as follows: The difference of potential, produced by the con- tact of any two metals, is equal to the sum of the differences of potentials between the intervening metals in the contact series. Series Distribution of Electricity by Constant Currents. (See Electricity, Se- ries Distribution of, by Constant Current Circuit?) Series-Multiple. A series of multiple connections. (See Circuit, Series-Multiple?) Series-Multiple Circuit. (See Circuit, Series-Multiple?) Series - Multiple-Connected Electro-Re- ceptive Devices. (See Devices, Electro-Re- ceptive, Series-Multiple-Connected?) Series-Multiple-Connected Sources. (See Sources, Series-Multiple-Connected?) Series-Multiple-Connected Translating Devices. (See Devices, Translating, Series- Multiple-Connected?) Series-Multiple Connection. (See Con- nection, Series-Multiple?) Series, Parallel A term some- times applied to a multiple-series connection. (See Connection, Multiple-Series?) Series, Thermo-Electric A list of metals so arranged according to their ther- mo-electric powers, that each metal in tke series is electro-positive to any metal lower in the list. Series-Transformer. (See Transformer, Series?) Series Turns of Dynamo-Electric Ma- chine. (See Turn-s, Series, of Dynamo- Electric Machine?) Series Winding. (See Winding, Series,} Series-Wound Dynamo. (See Dynamo, Series?) Series-Wound Dynamo-Electric Machine. (See Machine, Dynamo-Electric, Series^ Wound?) Ser.J 473 [She. Series-Wound Motor. (See Motor, Se- ries- Wound.} Service Conductors. (See Conductors, Service.) Service, Street In a system of in- candescent lamp distribution that portion of the circuit which is included between the main and the service cut-out. Serving, Cable The covering of hemp or jute spun around the insulated core of a cable to act as a protection against the pressure of the iron wire which forms the armor of the cable. Shackling a Wire. Inserting an insula- tion between the two ends of a cut wire. Shaded or Screened. Cut off or screened from the effects of an electrostatic or mag- netic field. (See Screening, Magnetic. Screen, Magnetic. Screen, Electric.) Shadow, Electric - A term some- times used for molecular shadow. (See Shadow, Molecular.) Shadow, Molecular The compara- tively dark space on those parts of the walls of Crookes' tubes, which have been protected from molecular bombardment by suitably placed screens. Fig jo i. Molecular Shadow. If a, in the Crookes tube, shown in Fig. 501, be connected with the negative pole of an elec- tric source, and the cross-shaped mass of alu- minium at b, be connected with the positive elec- trode, on the passage of a series of rapid discharges, phosphorescence is produced by the molecular bombardment from a, in all parts of the vessel opposite a, except those lying in the projection of its geometrical shadow. (See Phos- phorescence, Electric. ) Shadow Photometer. (See Photometer, Shadow?) Shaft, Driven A shaft which re- ceives its power from the driving shaft. (See Mover, Prime?) Shaft, Driving- The main line of shafting which takes its power directly from the prime mover. Shallow-Water Submarine Cable. (See Cable, Submarine, Shallow- Water.) Sheath, Protective A device at- tached to a transformer or converter, to pre- vent any connection from taking place between the high-potential primary circuit and the low-potential secondary circuit. The protective sheath devised by Prof. Elihu Thomson consists essentially in an earth -con- nected copper strip or divided plate interposed between the windings for the secondary and pri- mary circuit. Should the primary circuit lose its high insulation it becomes grounded. Sheet, Current The sheet into which a current spreads when the wires of any source are connected at any two points near the middle of a very large and thin con- ductor. A continuous electric current does not flow through the entire mass of a conductor in any single line of direction. If the terminals of any source are connected to neighboring parts of a, greatly extended thin conductor, the current spreads out in a thin sheet known as a cur- rent sheet, and instead of flowing in a straight line between the points, spreads over the plate in curved lines of flow, which, so far as shape is concerned, are not unlike the lines of magnetic force. Sheet Lightning. (See Lightning, Sheet) Shellac. A resinous substance possessing valuable insulating properties, which is ex- uded from the roots and branches of certain tropical plants. The specific inductive capacity of shellac as compared with air is 2.74. She.] 474 [Shn. Shell, Magnetic A sheet or layer consisting of magnetic particles, all of whose north poles are situated in one of the flat surfaces of the layer, and the south poles in the opposite surface. (See Magnetism, La- mellar Distribution of.) Shell Transformer. (See Transformer, Shell) Shield, Magnetic, for Watches A hollow case of iron, in which a watch is per- manently kept, in order to shield it from the influence of external magnetic fields. (See Screen, Magnetic.) Shifting Magnetic Field. (See Field, Magnetic, Shifting.) Shifting Zero. (See Zero, Shifting) Ships, Lightning Rods for (See Rod, Lightning, for Ships.) Ship's Sheathing, Electric Protection of Attaching pieces of zinc to the copper sheathing of a ship for the purpose of prevent- ing the corrosion of the copper by the water. (See Metals, Electrical Protection of.) Shock, Break A term sometimes employed in electro-therapeutics for the physiological shock produced on the opening or breaking of an electric circuit. Shock, Electric The physiological shock produced in an animal by an electric discharge. Shock, Opening The physiological shock produced on the opening or breaking of an electric circuit. Shock, Static A term employed in electro-therapeutics for a mode of applying Franklinic currents or discharges, by placing the patient on an insulating stool and apply- ing one pole of a static machine provided with small condensers or Leyden jars, to an insulated platform on which the patient is placed, while the other pole is applied to the body of the patient by the operator. * The electrode applied to the body of the pa- tient is provided with a ball electrode. Shocks are given to the patient on the approach of this electrode by the discharge of the Leyden jars. Short-Arc System of Electric Lighting. (See Lighting, Electric, Short-Arc Sys- tem^) Short-Circuit. To establish a short cir- cuit. (See Circuit, Short.) Short-Circuit Key. (See Key, Short- Circuit.) Short-Circuiting. Establishing a short circuit. (See Circuit, Short.) Short-Circuiting Plug. (See Plug, Short-Circuiting ) Short-Coil Magnet. (See Magnet, Short- Coil) Short-Core Electro-Magnet. (See Mag- net, Electro, Short-Core) Short-Shunt Compound-Wound Dyna- mo-Electric Machine. (See Machine, Dy- namo-Electric, Compound- Wound, Short- Shunt) Shunt. An additional path established for the passage of an electric current or dis- charge. Shunt. To establish an additional path for the passage of an electric current or dis- charge. Shunt and Separately Excited Dynamo- Electric Machine. (See Machine, Dynamo- Electric, Shunt and Separately Excited) Shunt Circuit. (See Circuit, Shunt.) Shunt Dynamo-Electric Machine. (See Machine. Dynamo-Electric, Shunt- Wound) Shunt, Electric Shunt, Electric) Bell (See Bell. Shunt, Electro-Magnetic In a sys- tem of telegraphic communication an electro- magnet whose coils are placed in a shunt circuit around the terminals of the receiving relay. The electro-magnetic shunt operates by its self-induction. Its poles are permanently closed by a soft iron armature so as to reduce the resist- ance of the magnetic circuit. (See Induction, Self.) Shu.] 475 [Shu. On making the circuit in the coils of a receiv- ing relay, a current is produced in the coils of the electro magnetic shunt in the opposite direction to the relay current; and, on breaking the circuit in the relay, a current is produced in the coils of the electro-magnetic shunt in the same direction as the current in the relay. The connection of the coils of the electro-mag- netic shunt with those of the receiving relay, how- ever, is such that on making the circuit in the relay the current in the shunt coils flows through the relay in the same direction, and on breaking the circuit it flows in the opposite direction. Therefore this shunt produces the following effects: (i.) At the commencement of each signal in the receiving relay, it produces an induced cur- rent in the same direction which strengthens the current in the relay. (2.) At the ending of each signal in the receiv- ing relay, it produces a current in the opposite direction, which hastens the motion of the tongue of the polarized relay. (See Relay, Polarized.) Shnnt, Galvanometer A shunt placed around a sensitive galvanometer for the purpose of protecting it from the effects of a strong current, or for altering its sensi- bility. (See Ihunt} The current which will flow through the shunt wire depends on the relative resistance of the gal- vanometer and of the shunt. In order that only total curtent shall pass through the galvanome- ter, it is necessary that the resistances of the shunt shall be the \, fa or 5^, of the galvanom- eter resistance. Fig. 302 shows a shunt, in which the re- sistances, as compared with that of the galva- nometer, are those above referred to. The galva- nometer terminals are connected at N, N. Plug Fig. JO2. Galvanometer Shunt. keys are used to connect one or another of the shunts with the circuit. (See Shunt, Multiplying Power of.) Shunt, Magnetic An additional path of magnetic material provided in a mag- 16 Vol. 1 netic circuit for the passage of the lines of force. Shunt, Multiplying Power of - _ A quantity, by which the current flowing through a galvanometer provided with a shunt, must be multiplied, in order to give the total cur- rent. The multiplying power of a shunt may be de- termined from the following formula, viz.: / X C, in which = the mul- tiplying power of a shunt whose resistance is s; g, is the galvanometer resistance; C, the current through the galvanometer, and A, the total cur- rent passing; s and g, are taken in ohms, and C and A, in amperes. Suppose, for example, that but ^ the entire current is to flow through the galvanometer; then the resistance of the shunt must evidently be g, for, s i i or, ios = 10 s s = 9 s=g; or, Shunt or Reducteur for Ammeter. (See Reducteur or Shunt for Ammeter) Shunt Ratio. The ratio existing between the shunt and the circuit which it shunts (See Shunt, Multiplying Power of.} Shunt, Relay, Stearns' ---- A shunt employed in the differential method of duplex telegraphy to short-circuit the relay and then permit the line current to be cut off directly after it has completed its work in closing the local circuit. The use of the relay shunt permits the slacken- ing of the armature spring of the relay, because the decreased duration of the line current does not produce so strong a magnetization of the iron. Shunt-Turns of Dynamo-Electric Ma- chine. (See Turns, Shunt, of Dynamo- Electric Machine?) Shunt->Vouu SO?. Right-Handed Helix. Fig. 508. Left-Handed Helix. Fig. S9- Helix, -with Consequent Poles. The polarity of the solenoid depends on the direction of the current, and therefore on the direction of winding. In any solenoid, however, the polarity may be reversed by reversing the direction of the current. (See Magnet, Electro. } A Right. Handed, or Dextrorsal Solenoid, is one wound in the direction shown in Fig. 507 at I. Sol.] 481 [Sou. A Left-Handed, or Sinistrorsal Solenoid, is one wound in the direction shown in Fig. 508 at 2. The solenoid shown in Fig. 509 at 3, is wound so as to produce consequent poles. (See Poles , Consequent. ) Solenoid, Right- if anded A dex- trorsal solenoid, the winding in which is right- handed. (See Solenoid, Practical?) Solenoid, Sinistrorsal A solenoid in which the winding is left-handed. (See Solenoid, Practical?) Solenoidal. Pertaining to a solenoid. Solid Angle. (See Angle, Solid.) Solid Line. (See Line, Solid.) Solution. A liquid in which another sub- stance, generally a solid, is dissolved. The liquid may contain either a solid, another liquid, or a gas. Solution, Bain's Printing The solution used in Bain's chemical telegraph. Bain's solution is made by mixing together one part of a saturated solution of potassium ferro- cyanide, with two parts of water. Solution, Battery The exciting liquid for voltaic cells. (See Cell, Voltaic.) Solution, Chemical, Bain's A solu- tion employed in connection with Bain's re- cording telegraph. (See Recorder, Chemical, Bain's) Solution, Quicking A solution of a salt of mercury, in which objects to be elec- tro-plated are dipped after cleansing, just before being placed in the plating bath. If the articles have been properly cleansed, im- mersion in the quicking solution will cover them with a uniform, silver-like coating, which will in- sure an adherent, uniform coating in the plating bath. Solution, Saturated A solution in which as much of the solid or other substance has been dissolved in the liquid as it will take at a given temperature. Solution, Super-Saturation of The condition assumed by a warmed satu- rated solution of a. salt, when placed in a closed vessel out of contact with the air, and allowed to cool without being shaken. Under the above circumstances the solution may be cooled without depositing any crystals. Such a solution is said to be super-saturated. It will immediately deposit crystals if a crystal of the salt dissolved or a crystal of an. isomorphous salt be dropped in the solution, or often if merely shaken. It is important in standard voltaic cells in which zinc sulphate is used, that the solution be saturated but not super saturated. Sonometer, Hughes' An apparatus for determining Lhe amount of inductive dis- turbance in an induction balance, by compar- ing the sounds heard in a telephone, as a result of such induction, with the sounds heard in the same telephone under circum- stances in which the amount of disturbance is directly measurable. An apparatus devised by Professor Hughes to be used in connection with the induction balance, in order to measure the amount of disturbance of balance produced therein in any particular case. Sonorescence. A term proposed for the sounds produced when a piece of vulcanite or any other solid substance is exposed to a rapid succession of flashes of light. (See Photopkone.) Sound. The sensation produced on the brain, through the ear, by the vibrations of a sonorous body. The sound waves that are capable of pro- ducing the sensation of sound on the brain through the ear. The word sound is therefore used in science in two distinct senses, viz.: (i.) Subjectively, as the sensation produced by the vibrations of a sonorous body. (2.) Objectively, as the waves or vibrations that are capable of producing the sensation of sound. Sound is transmitted from the vibrating body to the ear of the hearer by means of alternate to- and-fro motions in the air, occurring in every direction around the vibrating body and firming spherical waves called waves of condensation and rarefaction. Unlike light and heat, these waves require a tangible medium such as air to trans- mit them. Sound, therefore, is not propagated in a vacuum. The vibrations of sound are longi- tudinal, that is, the to-and-fro motions occur in i he same direction as that in which the sound is traveling. The vibrations of light are iransversf, SOU.] 482 that is, the to-and-fro motions are at right angles to the direction in which the light is traveling. Sound. (Objectively.) The waves in the air or other medium which produce the sen- sation of sound. Sound. (Subjectively.) The effect pro- duced on the ear by a vibrating body. Sound, Absorption of Acoustic ab- sorption. (See Absorption, Acoustic?) Sound, Characteristics of The peculiarities that enable different musical sounds to be distinguished from one another. The characteristics of musical sounds are: (i.) The Tone or Pitch, according to which a sound is either grave or shrill. (2.) The Intensity or Loudness, according to which a sound is either loud or feeble. (3.) The Quality or Timbre, the peculiarity which enables us to distinguish between two sounds of the same pitch and intensity, but sounded on different instruments, as for example, on a flute and on a piano. Sound, Quality or Timbre of That peculiarity of a musical note which enables us to distinguish it from another musical note of the same tone or pitch, and of the same intensity or loudness, but sounded on another instrument. The middle C, for example, of a pianoforte, is readily distinguishable from the same note on a flute, or on a violin ; that is to say, its quality is different. The differences in the quality of musi- cal sounds are caused by the admixture of addi- tional sounds called overtones which are always associated with any musical sound. Briefly, nearly all so-called simple musical sounds are in reality chords or assemblages of a number of different musical sounds. In the case of the many different notes that are present in an apparently simple note or tone, one of the notes is far louder than all the others and is called the fundamental tone or note, and is what is recognized by the ear as the note proper. The others are called the overtones. The overtones are too feeble to be heard very distinctly, but their presence gives to the fundamental note its own peculiar quality. In the case of a note sounded on the flute, these overtones are dif- ferent either in number or in their relative intensi- ties from the same note sounded on another instru- [Son. ment Their fundamental tones, however, are the same. The peculiarities which enable us to distinguish the voice of one speaker or singer from another are due to the presence of these overtones. The overtones must be correctly reproduced by the diaphragm of the telephone, or phonograph, graphophone, or gramophone, if the articulate speech is to be correctly reproduced wit'n all its characteristic peculiarities. Sounder, Morse Telegraphic An electro-magnet which produces audible sounds by the movements of a lever attached to the armature of the magnet. The Morse sounder has nrw almost entirely supplanted the paper recorder or register. On short lines it is placed directly in the telegraphic circuit. On long lines it is operated by a local battery, thrown into or out of the action by the relay. (See Relay.) Fig. 310. Morse Sounder. The Morse sounder, shown in Fig. 510, con- sists of an upright electro-magnet M, whose soft iron armature A, is rigidly attached to the striking lever B, working in adjustable screw pivots as shown. The free end of the lever is limited in its strokes by two set screws N, N. The lower of these screws is set so as to limit the approach of the armature A, to the poles of the electro-magnet; the upper screw is set so as to give the end B, sufficient play to produce a loud sound. A re- tractile spring, attached to the striking lever near its pivoted end, and provided with regulating screw S S, pulls the lever back when the current ceases to flow through M. The dots and dashes of the Morse alphabet are reproduced by the sounder, as audible signals, that are distinguished by the operator by means of the different sounds produced by the up and down stroke of the lever as well as by the differ Sou.] 483 [Son. ence in the intervals of time between the succes- sive signals. Another form of telegraphic sounder, similar in its general construction to that already de- scribed, is shown in Fig. 511. Fig. 511. Telegraphic Sounder. Sounder, Repeating -- A telegraphic sounder which repeats the telegraphic dis- patch into another circuit. Sounds, Magnetic -- Faint clicks heard on the magnetization of a readily mag- netizable substance. One of the earlier forms of Reis' telephone, operated by means of a rapid succession of these faint magnetic sounds. Source, Electric -- Any arrangement capable of maintaining a difference of poten- tial or an electromotive force. The following are the more important electric sources, arranged according to the character of the energy which is converted into electric energy. ELECTRIC SOURCES. 1. Voltaic Cell or Primary Battery. 2. Charged Storage Cell or Secondary Battery. 3. Thermo Cell or Thermo Battery. 4. Selenium Cell or Sele- nium Battery. 5. Magneto - Electric Ma- ~| chine. 6. Dynamo-Electric Ma- chine. 7. Frictional Electric Ma- chine. 8. Electrostatic Induction Machine. 9. Magneto-Electric Tele- phone Transmitter. Chemical Poten- tial Energy. Radiant Energy. Mechanical Energy. 10. Pyromagnetic Generator. 11. Animal or Plant .......... Vital Energy. Sources, Multiple-Arc-Connected A term sometimes applied to sources connect- ed in multiple. (See Sources, Multiple-Con- nected?) Sources, Multiple-Connected The connection of a number of separate sources so as to form a single source by joining the positive poles of all the separate sources to a single positive lead or conductor, and all the negative poles to a single negative lead or conductor. The multiple connection of sources results in each of the sources discharging its current into the main conductor in a direction parallel to that of the other sources. The electromotive force in the same is that of any single source, but the resistance of the com- bined source decreases with each source added. Supposing the resistance of each source be the same, then if ten such sources are connected in multiple -arc, the resistance of the combined source is but one-tenth the resistance of a single source. (See Circuit, Multiple.') Sources are combined in multiple-arc whenever the current furnished by the separate sources is insufficient to properly operate the electro-recep- tive or translating device with which it is con- nected. Sources, Multiple-Series-Connected The conection of a number of separate sources so as to form a single source by con- necting a number of the sources in groups in series, and joining these groups together in multiple-arc. The battery of sources obtained by connecting a number of separate sources in multiple-series will have an electromotive force equal to the sum of the separate electromotive forces of the sources connected in any of the separate series- connected groups. The current produced will be greater in propor- tion to the number of separate groups in parallel. The internal resistance will be increased in pro- portion to the number of coils in series, and de- creased in proportion to the number of groups in multiple-arc or parallel. Sources are connected in multiple-series when both the electromotive force and the current of any single source are insufficient to operate the electro-receptive or translating device. (See Circuit^ Multiple- Series.} Sou.] 484 [Spa. Sources, Parallel Connected A term sometimes applied to multiple-connected sources. (See Sources, Multiple-Connected^) Sources, Series-Connected The connection of a number of separate electric sources so as to form a single source, in which the separate sources are placed in a single line or circuit by so connecting their op- posite poles that the current produced in each passes successively through each of the sources. The series-connection of sources results in an electromotive force equal to the sum of the sepa- rate electromotive forces produced by each source that is, a rise of potential occurs with each source added. This connection increases the re- sistance of the circuit by the amount of the resist- ance of each source introduced into the circuit. The value of the resulting current depends on the total electromotive force and resistance of the series-connected sources. Sources are connected in series when the electromotive force furnished by a single source is insufficient for the character of work required to be done. (See Circuit ', Series.) Sources, Series-Multiple-Connected The connection of a number of separate electric sources, so as to form a single source, in which the separate sources are connected in a number of separate multiple groups or circuits, and these groups or circuits separ- ately connected together in series. (See Cir- cuit, Series-Multiple.) Southern Light. A name sometimes given to the Aurora Australis. (See Aurora Aus- tralis.) Space, Clearance The space be- tween the revolving armature of a dynamo- electric machine, or electric motor, and the polar faces of the pole pieces, Space, Dark, Crookes' A dark space surrounding the negative electrode in a rarefied space through which electric dis- charges are passing. Crookes' dark space lies immediately between the negative electrode and its glow or luminous discharge. It differs, therefore, from Faraday's dark space, which lies between the luminous dis- charges of the negative and positive electrodes. The radius of Crookes' dark space increases with the degree of exhaustion. It varies also with the character of the residual gas, with the temperature of the negative electrode, and some- what with the intensity of the spark. When the vacuum becomes sufficiently high, the dark space fills the entire tube through which the discharges are passing. Crookes has found that in the case of substances that become phosphorescent under the electric discharge, phosphorescence best takes place when the body is placed on the boundary of the dark space. Space, Dark, Faraday's The gap in the continuity of the luminous discharges that occurs between the glow of the positive and negative electrodes. Faraday's dark space is seen in a partially ex- hausted tube through which the discharges of an induction coil are passing. It occurs in as low a vacuum as 6 millimetres of mercury. As the vacuum becomes higher, the length of the dark space increases. Space, Inter-Air A term some- times employed for the air space between the outer surface of the revolving armature of a dynamo-electric machine and the adjacent faces of the pole pieces. (See Space, Clear- ance.) Space, Interferric A term some- times used for air gap. (See Gap. Air.) Span Wire. (See Wire Span.) Spark Coil. (See Coil. Spark) Spark Gap. (See Gap, Spark.) Spark, Length of The length of spark that passes between two charged con- ductors depends : (I.) On the difference of potential between them. (2.) On the character of the gaseous medium that separates the two conductors. (3.) On the density or pressure of the gaseous medium between the conductors. Up to a certain pressure, a decrease in the density causes an increase in the length of the distance the spark will pass. When this limit is reached, a further decrease of density decreases the length of spark. A high vacuum prevents the passage of a spark even under great differ- ences of potential. Spa.] 485 [Spa. (4.) On the kind of material that forms the electrodes between which the charges pass. (5.) On the shape of the charged conductor. (6.) On the direction of the current. Sparks from the prime conductor are denser and more powerful than those from the negative conductor. It will be observed that the length of the spark practically depends mainly on two circumstances, Ariz., on the differences of potential of the oppo- site charges, and the conducting power of the medium that separates the two bodies. Spark, f -Shaped A variety of three-branched spark obtained by the dis- charge of a Leyden jar through a peculiar form of induction coil. (See Spark, Three- Branched.} Spark, Three-Branched A pecu- liar form of branched spark obtained by the discharge of a Leyden jar through a peculiar form of induction coil. The three- branched spark was obtained by Elihu Thomson by the use of the following appa- ratus: The discharges of a Leyden jar, charged by a Topler-Holtz machine, were sent through an in- duction coil, the primary and secondary of which L charged from a Topler-Holtz machine. The discharge, in passing from the knob of the jar to the wire L, representing the line, passed by the Fig. 312. Apparatus for Three-Branched Sparks. were of few turns. The circuit connections were as shown in Figs. 512 and 513, and the apparatus- is described by Thomson as follows: "A double coil was made, Fig. 512, in which the inner turns were about twelve and the outer turns twenty. These were kept separate from each other and a branch wire taken from the line and slid from point to point on the outer wire enabled the effective length of the same to be adjusted. The inner coil was connected through a small spark gap, as at A, to the outer coating of a Ley- den jar, while the wire L, was brought near the pole of the jar, which was continually being Fig. 313. Apparatus/or Tand Y Shaped Sparks. inner coil. When a certain length of the outer coil was employed, only a very short, almost im- perceptible spark was obtainable at a. If the balance of the turns were disturbed by including more or less than the proper number of the outer turns, not only did a vigorous spark occur, but the gap at a, could be quite considerably extended, in accordance with the amount of departure taken from the proper number of turns required to pro- duce the balance. This ex- periment indicates that it is possible to make a selective path for the Leyden jar dis- charge, and to have a struc- ture so proportioned that the discharges reaching line will pass to earth without F *- tending to go through the cir- cuit of the dynamo. The action is apparently due to a balance of electromotive forces such that the discharge which tends to pass from the line in going to earth induces in the coil con- nected to the dynamo a counter electromotive force which nearly wipes out the potential of the discharge before it reaches the dynamo. This balance of inductive effects is certainly very strik- ing, and once obtained, it is disturbed, as, in the experiments, by changing the relative lengths of the coils in inductive relation through so small an amount as an inch or two. " It may be mentioned here that some curious Three- Branched Sparks. Spa.] 486 [Spe. effects of spark were obtained in these experi- ments. When a disturbance of the balance ex- ists and a spark is obtained at a, the character of the spark is different from that of the Leyden jar discharge. It appears to be less luminous, the noise less sharp, and its color would indicate a greater power of volatilizing metal and perhaps a greater duration. It is in part, no doubt, due to a current local to the coils in series with one an- other. 'Another curious effect was the production of T-shaped and Y- s ^ a P e< ^ sparks, or three- branched sparks (such as are shown in Figs. 513 and 5 14.)" "These were obtained by separating the elec- trodes at A, an inch and a half or thereabouts, and bringing the third eJectrode from the outer coil to the position shown in Fig. 513. The dis- charges were now obtained as before from the charged jar. In this case the discharge appears to split and unite in air, producing the curious shaped sparks shown. It would seem that to ob- tain these effects particularly the sparks which were three- branched from a common point in the centre between the discharge electrodes the dielectric air must break down simultaneously be- tween the three electrodes. It would easily ex- plain the T-shapes to assume the straight part above to form first, and the cross or transverse spark to strike from the side of this spark to the third electrode." Spark Tube. (See Tube, Spark,} Spark, Wipe In an electric gas- lighting pendant burner, a spark obtained from a spark coil by the wiping contact of a spring, moved by the pulling of the pendant. (See Burner, Ratchet-Pendant, Electric?) Spark, Y-Shaped A variety of three- branched spark obtained by the discharge of a Leyden jar through a peculiar form of induc- tion coil. (See Spark, Three-Branched!) Sparking Discharge. (See Discharge, Disruptive) Sparking Distance. (See Distance, Sparking!) Sparking, Line of Least The line on a commutator cylinder of a dynamo con- necting the points of contact of the collecting brushes where the sparking is a minimum. In some forms of dynamos the line of least sparking lies parallel to the lines of magnetic force of the field. In most forms, however, it is at right angles to such lines. The exact position of all these lines is changed by the angular lead of the brushes. (See Lead, Angle of.) Sparking of Dynamo-Electric Machine. (See Machine, Dynamo-Electric, Sparking of.) Spar Torpedo. (See Torpedo, Spar.) Spasmodic Governor. (See Governor, Spasmodic) Speaking-Tube Annunciator. (See An- nunciator, Oral or Speaking- Tube) Speaking-Tube Mouth Piece, Electric Alarm A mouth piece for a speaking tube, so arranged, that the movement of a pivoted plate covering the mouth piece au- tomatically rings a bell at the other end of the tube. Specific Conduction Resistance. (See Resistance, Specific Conduction) Specific Conductivity. (See Conduc- tivity, Specific) Specific Heat (See Heat, Specific) Specific Heat of Electricity. (See Elec- tricity, Specific Heat of) Specific Hysteresial Dissipation. (See Dissipation, Specific Hysteresial.) Specific Inductive Capacity. (See Ca- pacity, Specific Inductive) Specific Magnetic Capacity. (See Ca- pacity, Specific Magnetic) Specific Magnetic Conductivity. (See Conductivity, Specific Magnetic) Specific Magnetic Inductivitv. (See In- ductivity, Specific Magnetic) Specific Resistance. (See Resistance, Specific) Specific Resistance of Liquids. (See Resistance, Specific, of Liquids) Speech, Articulate The successive tones of the human voice that are necessary to produce intelligible words. The phrase articulate speech refers to the join- ing or articulation of the successive sounds in- volved in speech. The receiving diaphragm of a Spe.J 487 [Spo. telephone is caused to reproduce the articulate speech uttered near the transmitting diaphragm. Speed, Critical, of Compound- Wound Dynamo The speed at which bath the series and shunt coils of the machine give the same difference of potential when the full load is on the machine, as the shunt coil would if used alone on open-circuit. Speed Indicator. (See Indicator, Speedy Speeding. Varying the number of revolu- tions per minute. The speeding of a dynamo is for the purpose of obtaining the current requisite to properly operate the electro receptive device placed in its circuit. Spent Acid. (See Acid, Spent '.) Spent Liquor. (See Liquor, Spent.) Spherical Armature. (See Armature, Spherical!) Sphygmogram. A record made by a sphygmograph. (See Sphygmograph!) Sphygmograph. An instrument for re- cording the peculiarities of the normal or abnormal pulse. Sphygmograph, Electrical An in- strument for electrically recording the peculi- arities of the pulse. Sphygmophone. An apparatus in which a microphone is employed for the medical examination of the pulse. (See Microphone.) Spider, Armature A light frame- work or skeleton consisting of a central sleeve or hub keyed to the armature shaft, and pro- vided with a number of radial spokes or arms for fixing or holding the armature core to the dynamo-electric machine. Spider, Driving Radial arms or spokes connected to the armature of a dynamo- electric machine and keyed to the shaft ,so as to act as a driving wheel for the armature. Spin, Magnetic A term sometimes employed instead of magnetic field. The term magnetic spin is sometimes used in- stead of magnetic field because the magnetism is now generally believed to be due to the effects of a rotary motion or spin in the surrounding uni- versal ether. Spiral, Primary The primary of an induction coil or transformer. (See Trans- former. Coil, Induction!) Spiral, Boget's A suspended wire spiral conveying a strong electric current and devised to show the attractions produced by parallel currents flowing in the same direc- tion. The lower end of the wire spiral dips into a mercury cup. On the passage of the current, the attraction of the neighboring turns of the spiral for each other shortens the length of the spiral sufficiently to draw it out of the mercury and thus break the circuit. When this occurs the weight of the spiral causes it to fall and again re-estab- lish the circuit. A rapid automatic-make-and- break is thus established, accompanied by a brill- iant spark at the mercury surface due to the ex. tra spark on breaking. Spiral, Secondary The secondary coil of an induction coil or transformer. (See Transformer. Coil, Induction.) Splice Box. (See Box, Splice?) Split Battery. (See Battery, Split.) Split Lead Tee. (See Tee, Split Lead.) Spluttering of Arc. (See Arc , Splutter- ing of.) Spots, Sun Dark spots, varying in number and position, which appear on the face of the sun and are believed by some to be caused by huge vortex motions in the masses of glowing gas that surround the sun's body. Sun spots occur in greater number at intervals of about every eleven years. Their occurrence is generally attended with unusual terrestrial magnetic variations. (See Storm, Magnetic.) In the opinion of most astronomers the sun spots mark depressions in the atmosphere of the sun. Their exact causes are unknown, though they appear to be dependent on a local cooling or condensation of the sun's atmosphere. When observed through a telescope the sun spot appears as a dark region surrounded by a less dark region. Though darker by contrast with thi rest of the sun's face, yet such spots are in reality much brighter than the most brilliant arc light. The outline of the sun spot is quite irregular. Spr.J 488 [Sla. Spreading-Out Magnetic Field. (See Field, Magnetic, Spreading-Out?) Sprengel Mercury Pump. (See Pump, Air, SprengeFs Mercurial?) Spring Ammeter. (See Ammeter, Spring?) Spring Contact. (See Contact, Spring?) Spring, Hold-Off A spring which acts to keep one thing away from another in opposition to some force tending to keep it in contact with such a thing. Spring, Hold-On A spring which acts to keep one thing against another in op- position to some force tending to pull it away. A hold on spring is sometimes employed in a dynamo-electric machine for the purpose of keep- ing the collecting brushes in proper pressure against the segments of the commutator. Spring-Jack. A device for readily insert- ing a loop in a main electric circuit. The spring-jack is generally used in connection with a multiple switch board. (See Board, Multiple Switch.) Spring-Jack Cut-Out (See Cut-Out, Spring-Jack.) Spurious Hall Effect. (See Effect, Hall, Spurious?) Spurious Resistance. (See Resistance, Spurious?) Stabile Galvanization. (See Galvaniza- tion, Stabile?) Staggering. A term sometimes applied to the position of the brushes on a commutator cylinder, in which one brush is placed slightly in advance of the other brush so as to bridge over a break. When a break occurs in the circuit ot the arma- ture wires, the device of staggering the brushes is adopted for temporarily bridging over the break. When a break occurs, the rewinding of the arma- ture is the only radical cure. Standard Candle. (See Candle, Stand- ard?) Standard Carcel Gas Jet (See Jet, Gas, Carcel Standard?) Standard, Dynamo The supports for tha bearings of a dynamo-electric ma- chine. . . Standard Earth Quadrant (See Quad- rant, Standard?) Standard of Self-Induction, Ayrton & Perry's (See Induction, Self, Ayrton &*> Perry's Standard of.) Standard Ohm. (See Okm, Standard?) Standard, Pentane A standard source of light used in photometric measure- ments, in place of a Methven screen. The pentane standard is constructed in general in the same manner as the Methven standard. In place, however, of ordinary coal gas, a mixture of pentane and air is used. Pentane is a variety of coal oil left after several distillations of ordinary crude oil. It distills at a temperature not greater than 50 degrees centigrade. The mixture for burning consists of about twenty volumes of air to seven volumes of pen- tane. A burner of the pentane standard is some- what similar to the Methven standard, but differs in a number of minor details. Standard Resistance Coil. (See Coil, Resistance, Standard?) Standard Size of Electrodes, Erb's (See Electrodes, ErVs Standard Size of.) Standard Voltaic Cell. (See Cell, Voltaic, Standard.} Standard Voltaic Cell, Clark's (See Cell, Voltaic, Standard, Clark's.) Standard Voltaic Cell, Clark's, Raj leigh's Form of (See Cell, Voltaic. Stand- ard, Ray leigh's Form of Clark's?) Standard Voltaic Cell, Fleming's (See Cell, Voltaic, Standard, Fleming's.) Standard Voltaic Cell, Lodge's (See Cell, Voltaic, Standard, Lodges.) Standard Voltaic Cell, Sir William Thomson's (See Cell, Voltaic, Stand- ard, Sir William Thomson's.) Standard Wire Gauge. (See Gauge, Wire, Standard.) Sta.] 489 [Sta. Standardizing a Yoltaic Cell. (See Cell, Voltaic, Standardizing a.) Standards, Motor A name applied to the supports for the bearings of an electric motor. State, Allotropic A modification of a substance, in which, without changing its chemical composition, it assumes a condi- tion in which many of its physical and chem- ical properties are different from those it or- dinarily possesses. Thus the element carbon occurs in three widely different allotropic states, viz. : (i.) As charcoal, or ordinary carbon; (2.) As graphite, or plumbago; and (3.) As the diamond. State, Anelectrotonic The condi- tion of decreased functional activity which occurs in a nerve in the neighborhood of the anode or positive terminal of a source to whose influence it is subjected. (See Anelec- trotonus^} State, Electrotonic A peculiar state supposed by Faraday to exist in a wire or other conductor, whereby differences of po- tential are produced by means of its move- ment through a magnetic field. In his early researches Faraday regarded this state as a necessary condition in which a wire or conductor must exist, prior to its movement through a magnetic field, in orde to have a dif- ference of potential produced; but at a later day he abandoned this idea, and explained the true causes of electrodynamic induction. (See In- duction, Electro- Dynamic.) The term electrotonic state is to be carefully dis- tinguished from electrotonus, or the change pro- duced in the functional activity of a nerve by an electric current. (See Electrotonus. ) State, Kathelectrotonic The con- dition of increased functional activity of a nerve in the neighborhood of the kathode or negative terminal of a source to whose in- fluence it is subjected. (See Kathelectro- tonus.} The kathelectrotonic state is one of the states or conditions of electrotonus or altered functional activity produced in a nerve by an electric cur- rent. (See Electrotonus, } State, Nascent A term used in chemistry to express the state or condition of an elementary atom or radical just liberated from chemical combination, when it possesses chemical affinities or attractions more ener- getic than afterwards. According to Grothiiss' hypothesis, during the decomposition of a chain of polarized molecules, such for example as in the case of hydrogen sul- phate, H s SO 4 , in a zinc-copper voltaic cell, the two atoms of hydrogen H g , liberated by the com- bination of the SO 4 , with an atom of zinc, Zn, pos- sess a stronger affinity for the SO 4 of the molecule next to it, than does its own H 2 , and thus liber- ates its two atoms of hydrogen, which in turn unite with the SO 4 , of the next molecule in the polarized chain, and this continues until the two atoms of hydrogen liberated from the last mole- cule in the chain are given off at the copper plate. (See Hypothesis, Grothitss'.) The peculiar properties characteristic of the nascent state of elements is doubtless due to the fact that the elements are then in a. free state, with their bonds open or unsatisfied, and therefore possess greater affinities than when they are united in molecules. Thus H , H , or atomic hydrogen, should possess different affinities than H H, or molecular hydrogen. State, Passive The condition of a metallic substance in which it may be placed in liquids that would ordinarily chemically combine with it, without being attacked or corroded. It is very doubtful whether metallic bodies can be properly regarded as possessing an actual passive state. Iron, for example, which is one of the metals that is said to be capable of assuming this so-called passive state, can be placed in this condition by immersing it for a few moments in concentrated nitric acid, and subsequently wash- ing it. It will then, unlike ordinary iron, neither be attacked by concentrated nitric acid, nor will it precipitate copper from its solutions. This condition is now generally believed to be due to the formation of a thin coating of magnetic oxide on its surface. Many of the instances of the so-called passive state are simply cases of the well known electrical preservation of metals that form the negative element of a voltaic combination, under which circumstances the positive element only of the Sta.J 490 [Ste voltaic couple is chemically attacked by the elec- trolyte. (See Cell, Voltaic. Metals, Electrical Protection of. ) State, Permanent, of Charge on Tele- graph Line The condition of the charge on a telegraph wire when the current reaching the distant end has the same strength as at the sending end. State, Variable, of Charge of Telegraph Line The condition of the charge on a telegraph wire while the strength of the current is increasing up to the full strength in all parts. The duration of the variable state is directly as the length of the line, the electrostatic capacity and the total resistance. It is increased by leak- age, by static capacity and by the effects of the extra current. (See Currents, Extra.} Static Breeze. (See Breeze, Static.) Static Electricity. (See Electricity, Static) Static Energy. (See Energy, Static) Static Hysteresis. (See Hysteresis, Static) Static Insulation. (See Insulation, Static) Static Magnetic Induction. (See Induc- tion, Magnetic, Static) Static Shock. (See Shock, Static) Statics. The science which treats of the relations that must exist between the points of application of forces and their direction and intensity, in order that equilibrium may result. Statics, Electro That branch of electric science which treats of the phenome- na and measurement of electric charges. Some of the more important principles ot elec- trostatics are embraced in the following laws: (l.) Charges of like name, i. e., either positive T negative, repel each other. Charges ot unlike aame attract each other. (2.) The forces of attraction or repulsion be tween two charged bodies are directly propor- tional to the product of the quantities of electricity possessed by the bodies and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them. These laws can be demonstrated by the use of Coulomb's torsion balance. (See Balance, Cou- lomb' 1 s Torsion.) Statics, Magneto That branch of magnetism which treats of magnetic attrac- tions and repulsions, the distribution of lines of magnetic force and other facts regarding fixed magnets. Station, Central A station, cen- trally located, from which electricity for light or power is distributed by a series of con- ductors radiating therefrom. Station, Distant A term applied by an operator to the distant end ot the line in order to distinguish it from his own end. Station, Distributing A station from which electricity is distributed. A central station. Station, Home A term applied by an operator to his end of the line, in order to distinguish it from the other or distant sta- tion. Station, Transforming In a system of distribution by transformers or converters a station where a number of transformers are placed, in order to supply a group of houses in the neighborhood. (See Transformer. Electricity, Distribution of, by Alternating Currents.) Stationary Floor Key. (See Key, Sta- tionary Floor) Stationary Torpedo. (See Torpedo, Sta- tionary) Stay Rods, Telegraphic Metal rods attached to a telegraph pole, and securely fastened in the ground in order to counteract the effects of a pull or tension on the poles. (See Pole, Telegraphic.} Stay rods should be used in all exposed situa tions, or where the poles are exposed to severe strains. Steady Current. -^-(See Current, Steady.) Stearns' Relay Shunt. (See Shunt, Re- lay, Stearns ) Steel, Qualities of. Requisite for Mag- netization Qualities which must be SteJ 491 [Sto. possessed by steel in order to permit it to per- manently retain a considerable magnetization. For the purposes of permanent magnetization steel should possess the following qualities: It should be hard and fine grained. Hard cast steel answers the purpose very well. Scoresby showed that an intimate relation exists between the quality of the iron from which the steel is made, and the ability of the steel to take and re- tain considerable magnetism. The steel should be hardened as high as possi- ble and the temper afterwards drawn by heat to a violet-straw color. Practice is not uniform in this respect, the exact color varying with the quality of the steel. An admixture with the steel of about y^ of one per cent of tungsten is said to increase its mag- netic powers. Cast steel is not generally employed for mag- nets, wrought steel being generally preferred. Step-by-Step, or Dial Telegraphy. (See Telegraphy, Step-by- Step?) Step-Down Transformer. (See Trans- former, Step-Down?) Step-Up Transformer. (See Transform- er, Step-Up) Sterilization, Electric Sterilizing a solution by depriving it of whatever germs it may contain by means of electrical cur- rents. The following experiments were recently made on sterilization by means of electric currents: The fluid, with the culture, was placed in a glass test tube, wound about with a wire coil connected either with a dynamo or accumulator or other electric source. Some increase in temperature ras made, but never over 98 Fahr. When a Current 1.25 volts, 2.5 amperes passed, a com- plete sterilization of Micrococus Prodigiosus oc- curred at the end of twenty-four hours. Blood and water containing pathogenic germs was sterilized in five to thirty minutes. The above described effects would appear to be mag- netic rather than electric. Sticking. A word applied by telegraphers to the failure of the positive pole relay arma- ture to leave the magnet pole on the cessation of the current. In telegraphy, when from any cause a circuit is imperfectly broken by an operator's key, or at the points of contact of a relay or other instru- ment, such failure is called sticking. When an arc is formed at the points of a relay where the local circuit is made and broken, the relay "sticks." The arc is caused by burning of the platinum points. Sticking may be a result of a too weak retractile spring. Stone, Hercnles A name given by the ancients to the lodestone. (See Lode- stone?) Stool, Insulating A stool provided with insulating supports of vulcanite or other insulator, employed to afford a ready insulat- ing stand or support. Stop, Limiting A stop set so as to limit the motion of an electrically vibrating or oscillating bar to any predetermined extent. Such limiting stops are common on telegraphic and various other electrical apparatus. Stopping-Off. A process employed in electro-plating, in which a metallic article, al- ready electro-plated over its entire surface, is electro-plated with another metal over certain parts only. The process of stopping-off consists of covering the parts which are to receive the metallic coat- ing, with various stopping-off varnishes. By this means articles can be electro-plated on \ arts of their surfaces with gold and on the remainder with silver. The whole surface is first silvered and the portions intended to be afterwards gilded are then stopped off and the object placed in the gilding bath. Stopping-Off Varnish. (See Varnish, Stopping-Off.} Storage Battery. (See Battery, Storage?) Storage Capacity of Secondary Cell. (See Cell, Secondary or Storage, Capacity of?) Storage Cell. (See Cell, Storage?) Storage of Electricity. (See Electricity, Storage of?) Storm, Auroral A term sometimes employed to express an unusual prevalence of auroras. Storm, Electric An unusual con- dition of the atmosphere as regards the quan- tity of its free electricity. Sto.j 492 [Str. A thunder storm is a variety of electric storm. (See Storm. Thunder.} Storm, Magnetic Irregularities oc- curring in the distribution of the earth's magnetism, affecting the magnetic declina- tion, dip, and intensity. Magnetic storms have been observed to accom- pany auroral displays, and to be coincident with the occurrence of sun spots, or unusual outbursts of solar activity. The coincidence of magnetic storms and out- bursts of solar activity is unquestioned. Wolf, of Zurich, has shown by a comparison of nu- merous observations of sun spots, the unques- tioned correspondence, in the times of their greatest activity, which occur every n.i years, with the time of occurrence of an unusual number of sun spots. He has placed these results in the form of curves. Those shown in Fig. 515 are taken from observations at Paris and Prague. The full lines represent the periods of sun spots. The dotted lines the periods of magnetic storms. Fig. SfS- Wolfs Sun Spot Numbers. Storm, Thunder A storm during which electrical discharges accompanied by thunder take place between two clouds or be- tween a cloud and the earth. (See Elec- tricity. Atmospheric. Storms, Thunder, Geographical Distribution of.) Storms, Thunder, Geographical Dis- tribution of The following general facts as to the geographical distribution of thunder storms, show the intimate relation between the trequency of thunder storms and the time and place of the condensation of vapor. (i.) Thunder storms seldom, if ever, occur in the polar regions. This is probably because the rainfall in the polar regions results from the condensation of the vapor that was formed in the equatorial or tem- perate regions, so that a considerable time elapses between the evaporation and condensa- tion. (2.) Thunder storms seldom, if ever, occur in rainless districts, owing probably to the absence of the condensation of vapor. (3.) Thunder storms are most frequent and violent in the equatorial regions, where the rain- fall results from the condensation of the vapor by the action of ascending currents, conveying the vapor almost immediately after its formation into the upper and colder regions of the atmosphere. (4.) Thunder storms occur in regions beyond the tropics, at those seasons of the year when the rainfall results from the condensation of the vapor shortly after the time of its formation, viz., in the temperate zones in the hotter parts of the year. Straight-Line Trolley Hanger. (See Hanger, Straight-Line Trolley?) Straightaway Bunched Cable. (See Cable, Bunched, Straightaway?) Strain, Dielectric The strained condition in which the glass, or other dielec- tric of a condenser, is placed by the charging of the condenser. The deformation of a body under the in- fluence of a stress. (See Stress.) The stress in this case, *'. e., the force produc- ing the deformation or strain, is the attraction of the opposite charges. This stress, in the case of a Ley den jar, is often sufficiently great to cause a rupture of the glass. Strain, Electro-Magnetic The de- formation produced by an electro-magnetic stress. (See Stress^ Electro-Magnetic.) Strain, Electrostatic, Optical A strain or deformation produced in a plate of glass, or other transparent solid, by subject- ing it to the stress of an electrostatic field. (See Stress, Electrostatic.) To obtain the electrostatic stress, holes are drilled in the plate of glass, and wires from a Holtz machine or induction coil placed therein, the wires being separated by a thin layer of glass. The glass, on being traversed by a beam of plane polarized light, rotates the plane of polar- ization of the light in the same direction as the glass would if subjected to a strain in the direc Str.] 493 [Str. tion of the lines of electric force. (See Rotation, Magneto- Optic. ) Strain, Magnetic The deformation produced in the air-gap between two dissimi- lar magnetic poles, or in any substance placed therein, by the stress of the lines of magnetic force bridging such gap. Strain, Optical A deformation or alteration of volume produced in a plate of glass, or other transparent medium, by the action of any stress. (See Strain, Electro- Magnetic. Strain, Electrostatic, Optical?) Strain, Optical Electro-Magnetic A strain produced in a plate of glass or other transparent medium by placing it in a mag- netic field. (See Stress, Electro-Magnetic. Rotation, Magneto-Optic?] Optical strain, whether electrostatic or mag- netic, or even mechanical, often causes a medium to acquire the power of double refraction or ro- tary polarization. (See Refraction, Double, Electric. Rotation, Magneto-Optic.) Stranded Core of Cable. (See Core, Stranded, of Cable?) Stranded Line. (See Line, Stranded?) Strap Copper. (See Copper, Strap?) Straps and Climbers. Devices employed by linemen for climbing wooden telegraph poles. Stratham's Electric Fuse. (See Fuse, Electric, Stratham's?) Stratification Tube. (See Tube, Stratifi- cation?) Stratified Discharge. (See Discharge, Stratified.) Stray Field. (See Field, Magnetic, Stray.) Stray Power. (See Power, Stray?) Stream-Lines of au Escaping Fluid. Lines which show the actual path of the particles of an escaping fluid. When the escape has reached a steady condi- tion, the stream-lines correspond to the flow lines. Streamers. Pillars or parallel flashing columns of light frequently seen during the prevalence of an aurora. (See Aurora Bo- realis.) Streamers, Auroral A term some- times applied to the flashing columns or pillars of light that are thrown out in the shape of streams, from portions of the sky during the prevalence of an aurora. (See Aurora Bo- realis.) Streaming Discharge. (See Discharge, Streaming?) Streamlets, Current A theoretical conception of a series of parallel current streams or current filaments, flowing through a solid conductor. In the case of uniform distribution of an elec- tric current where the current density is the same for all areas of cross- section, these current stream- lets are all of the same strength. In the case of rapidly alternating currents, however, the current streamlets are of greater strength near the surface. When the rate of al- ternation is sufficiently great, they are almost entirely absent at the central parts. The conception of current streamlets is made in order to account for the increase in the resist- ance of a solid conductor through which rapidly alternating currents of electricity are passing. (See Currents, Simple-Periodic.) Streams, Convection Streams of electrified air or other gaseous or vaporous particles given off from the pointed ends of charged, insulated conductors. (See Con- vection, Electric?) Street Mains. (See Main, Street.) Street Service. (See Service, Street?) Strength, Field The intensity or total flux of magnetism of a dynamo. This term is also sometimes roughly used for the current strength in the field magnet circuit of a dynamo-electric machine. Strength of Current. (See Current Strength?) Strength of Magnetic Field. (See Field, Magnetic, Strength of.) Strength of Magnetism. (See Magnetism, Strength of.) Stress. The pressure, pull, or other force producing a deformation or strain. Str. 494 [Sub. Stress, Dielectric The force pro- ducing the deformation or strain in a dielec- tric. A dielectric strain, in the case of a Leyden jar or condenser, is sometimes sufficiently great to pierce the dielectric. Stress, Electro-Magnetic The force or pressure in a magnetic field, which produces a strain or deformation in a piece of glass . or other similar substance placed therein. (See Strain, Optical Electro-Magnetic) Stress, Electrostatic The force or pressure in an electrostatic field, which pro- duces strain or deformation in a piece of glass or other substance placed therein. (See Strain, Electrostatic, Optical.) Stress, Energy of A term some- times used in place of potential energy. (See Energy, Potential.) Stress, Magnetic The force acting to produce a strain in the air-gap between two dissimilar magnet poles by the action of the lines of magnetic force, bridging such air gap- Striae, Electric Parallel streaked bands, consisting of alternate light and dark spaces, produced in tubes containing low vacua, by the passage of rapidly alternating currents through them. (See Tube, Strati- fication.) Strip, Safety A strip or bar used as a safety fuse. (See Fuse, Safety.) Stripping. Dissolving the metal coating from a silver-plated or othe'r metal-plated ar- ticle. The object of the "stripping " process is tore- cover silver from imperfectly plated ware, or from old ware which is to be replated. Stripping of silver is accomplished either in the cold or by aid of heat, by the use of the following solutions, viz.: Concentrated sulphuric acid, (Baume', 66 degrees) ico parts. Concentrated nitric acid, (Baume, 40 degrees). IO " The objects are suspended in this liquid, which, provided it be not diluted with water, possesses the property of dissolving the silver without touching the metal underneath. Stripping Baths. (See Bath, Strip- ping^ Stripping Liquid. (See Liquid, Strip- ping^ Stroke, Lightning A disruptive discharge between two oppositely charged clouds, or between a cloud and the earth. (See Discharge, Disruptive!) Stroke, Lightning, Back or Return An electric shock, caused by an induced charge, produced by the discharge of a light- ning flash. The shock is not caused by the lightning flash itself, but by a charge which is induced in neigh- boring conductors by the discharge. These in- duced effects are, in fact, effects of electro-dy- namic induction. (See Induction, Electro-Dy- namic.) A similar effect may be noticed by standing near the conductor of a powerful electric machine, when shocks are felt at every discharge. The effects of the return shock are sometimes quite severe. These effects are often experienced by sensitive people on the occurrence of a light- ning discharge at a considerable distance. In some instances the return stroke has been sufficiently intense to cause death. In general, however, the effects are much less severe than those of the direct lightning discharge. Struts for Telegraphic Poles. Inclined wooden or iron poles, applied to telegraph poles in order to support the thrust or press- ure acting on them. (See Pole, Tele- graphic) Sturgeon's or Barlow's Wheel. A wheel capable of rotation on a horizontal axis, which, when placed between the poles of a magnet, rotates when a current is passed through it between the axis and the circumference. Sub-Aqueous Cable. (See Cable, Sub- Ayueous.) Sub-Branch. (See Branch, Sub.) Sub-Main. (See Main, Sub) Submarine Boat. (See Boat, Sub- marine, Electric) Submarine Cable. (See Cable, Sub- marine.) Submarine Mine. (See Mine, Sub- marine.) Sab.] [Sur. Submarine Telegraphy. (See Teleg- raphy, Submarined) Substance, Ferro-Magnetic A term proposed in place of paramagnetic, for substances that are magnetic after the man- ner of iron. (See Paramagnetic?) Subterranean Mine. (See Mine, Sub- terranean.} Subway, Electric An accessible underground way or passage provided for the reception of electric wires or cables. Underground electric conductors, like all elec- tric conductors, are liable to faults, crosses, etc. Unless they are readily accessible, very serious loss and damage may occur before the fault is located and corrected. Sulphating. A name applied to one of the sources of loss in the operation of a storage battery, by means of the formation of a coating of inert sulphate of lead on the battery plates. The addition of a solution of sulphate of soda to the sulphuric acid liquid is claimed to have the effect of decreasing the extent of the sulphating. Summer Lightning. (See Lightning, Summer?) Sun Spots. (See Spots, Sun.} Sunstroke, Electric, or Electric Prostra- tion or Insolation Physiological effects, similar to those produced by exposure to the sun, experienced by those exposed for a long while to the intense light and heat of the voltaic arc. Electric sunstroke is sometimes called electric insolation, or electric prostration. The effects of electric sunstroke were first noticed by Desprez in his classic experiments on the fusion or volatilization of carbon. On undue exposure to an intense electric light the eyes are irritated and the skin burned as by the sun. In some cases it is claimed that the effects of sunstroke, or excessive production of heat, as in true insolation, are produced. In the applications of electricity to electric furnaces, these same effects have been noticed in an inten- sified degree. From some recent investigations it would ap- pear that these effects are to be ascribed to the light rather than to the heat. The symptoms are as follows: Pain in the throat, face and temples, followed by a coppery red color of the skin, irritation and watering of the eyes, when the symptoms disappear. The skin peels off in about five days. Superficial Eddy Currents. (See Cur- rents, Eddy, Superficial.} Super-Saturation of Solution. (See Solution, Super-Saturation of.} Supplement of Angle. (See Angle, Sup- plement of.} Supply, Unit of, Electrical A unit, provisionally adopted in England by the Board of Trade, equal to 1,000 amperes flow- ing for one hour under an electromotive force of one volt. This would, of course, equal 1,000 watt-hours, and would be the same as 100 amperes flowing for ten hours under one volt. One unit of electrical supply is equal to 1.34 actual horse-power expended for one hour, and will feed 13. 4 Swan lamps of 21 candle-power for one hour. It is equal in illuminating power in Swan lamps to the light produced by loo cubic feet of gas consumed in twenty 14-candle burners in one hour. The unit of electrical supply is called a "Board of Trade unit," a B. O. T. unit, or simply a bot. It is equal to one kilo-watt hour. Support, Tripod Roof A support for a housetop telegraphic line. The tripod roof support, as its name indicates, consists of a three-legged support for any suitable insulator. A common form is shown in Fig. 516. Support, Underground Cable A support provided for holding a cable where it passes around the side of a man-hole, un- derground conduit, or other similar location. Surface, Demarcation The surface at which a demarcation current is generated. The surface which marks the point of in- jury in a muscle or nerve. Demarcation currents in electro-therapeutics, are currents produced in injured nerves or muscles. They are probably due to the chemical changes that take place between the injured and the uninjured tissues. The demarcation surface is Sur.] 496 [Sur. the surface separating parts in a normal condi- tion from those in an abnormal condition. An injury to a muscle or nerve causes or pro- duces at such surface a dying substance which is Fig. Jf6. Tripod Roof Support. negative to the uninjured, normal or positive sub- stance. Such a surface results in a demarcation current. Surface Density. (See Density, Surfaced) Surface, Equipotential, of a Conductor Through Which a Current is Flowing A surface described within the mass of a conductor, conveying an electric current, at points perpendicular to the direction of the flow, all possessing the same potential. Surface, Equipotential, or Level Surface of Escaping Fluid A surface de- scribed within the mass of a fluid in motion at all places perpendicular to the stream lines passing such surface. Surface Integral of Magnetic Induction. (See Induction, Magnetic, Surface-Inte- gral of.) Surfaces, Eqnipotential, Electrostatic Surfaces, all the points of which are at the same electric potential. (See Poten- tial, Electric?) Electric surfaces perpendicular to the lines of electric force over which a quantity of electricity, considered as being concentrated at a point, may be moved without doing work. (See Field, Electrostatic.} Equipotential surfaces correspond with a water level, over which a body may be moved horizon- tally without doing any work against the force of gravity. In the case of the charged insulated sphere, shown in Fig. 517, the equipotential surfaces, represented by the circles, are concentric. Fig. 317. Equipotential Surfaces. Surfaces, Equipotential, Magnetic Surfaces surrounding the poles of a mag- net, or system of magnets, where the mag- netic potential is the same. (See Potential, Magnetic?) Magnetic equipotential surfaces extend in a direction perpendicular to the lines of magnetic force. (See Field, Magnetic.) No work is required in order to move a unit pole over equipotential magnetic surfaces, be- cause in so doing it cuts no lines of magnetic force. Work, however, is done when the motion is from one equal potential surface to another. Equipotential surfaces, whether electric or mag- netic, cannot intersect one another, since their potential is the same at all points. Surfaces, Isothermal Surfaces con- necting points in a body which have the same temperature. Surging Discharge. (See Discharge, Surging.) Snrgings, Electric Electric oscilla- tions set up in a charged conductor that is undergoing rapid discharge. These surgings produce waves in the surround- ing ether that travel outwards with the velocity of Sns.] 497 [Sus. light. (See Electricity, Hertz's Theory of Elec- tro-Magnetic Radiations or Waves.} Susceptibility, Magnetic --- The ratio existing between the induced magnetization and the magnetic force producing such mag- netism, or the intensity of magnetism divided by the magnetic force. Susceptibility relates to the poles produced in a body by a magnetizing force, whereas permea- bility refers its power to conduct lines of force. When the inducing field has unit strength oi magnetization, the magnetic susceptibility will measure directly the strength of the magnetiza- tion. When a bar of iron is placed in a magnetic field, it is threaded by the lines of magnetic force, and thus becomes magnetized by induction. This induction will necessarily depend both on the number of lines of force in the magnetizing field and on the magnetic permeability of the magnet- ized body; or, in other words, the induction is equal to the product of the intensity of the mag- netizing field and the magnetic permeability of the body in which the induction occurs. The magnetic susceptibility is sometimes called the Co-efficient of Magnetization; calling K, the susceptibility, H, the magnetizing force, and I, the intensity of the resulting magnetization; then K=I. H The magnetic permeability is sometimes called the Co-efficient of Magnetic Induction, calling #, the permeability, B, the magnetic induction and H, the magnetic force producing the induction ; then Suspending Wire of Aerial Cable. (See Wire, Suspending, of Atrz'al Cable.) Suspension, Bifllar -- The suspen- sion of a needle by two parallel wires or fibres, as distinguished from a suspension by a sin- gle wire or fibre. A bifilar suspension is shown in Fig .518. The two threads, a b and a' b', are connected to the Fif.jiS. Bifilar needle M N, so as to per- sitm - mit it to hang in a true horizontal position. Any M b \ j . ffe &' N twisting, around the imaginary axis c c', causes the lines of suspension, ab and a' b', to tend to cross one another and so shorten the axis c c' . Harris, who was the first to employ the bifilar suspension, showed that the reactive force im- parted to the suspension threads by turning the needle, was: (i.) Directly proportional to the distance be- tween the threads. (2.) Inversely as their lengths. (3.) -Directly proportional to the weight of the suspended body. (4.) Proportional to the angle of twist or torsion of the threads on each other. Any deflection of the needle shortens the verti- cal distance between the points of support and the needle, and so tends to lift the needle. The motions are therefore balanced against the force of gravity instead of against the torsion of the fibre. Suspension, Combined Fibre and Spring The suspension of a needle by the combined use of a spiral spring and a single fibre. In this form of suspension the spring is intro- duced between the fibre and the needle. It is valuable for marine galvanometers and other ap- paratus exposed to tilting or rolling motions, be- cause it permits the instrument to be tilted through several degrees without causing any con- siderable variation in the deflections produced by the current or the charge. Suspension, Fibre Suspension of a needle by means of a fibre of unspun silk or other material. A fibre suspension generally means a single fibre or thread. It may, however, be applied to a bifilar suspension. (See Suspension, Bifilar.} A fibre suspension is to be preferred to a pivot suspension, since it eliminates all friction . It has, however, the disadvantage of necessitating level- ing screws. Suspension, Knife-Edge The sus- pension of a needle on knife edges that are supported on steel or agate planes. A suspension of this kind is used in the dip- ping needle, since it permits of freedom of mo- tion in a single vertical plane only. Suspension, Pivot Suspension of a needle by means of a jeweled cup and a me- tallic pivot. Swa.J 498 [Swi. The jeweled cup is placed above the centre of gravity of the needle, and is supported on a steel point. As a rule, compass needles have this variety of support. Swage. A particular form of anvil on which highly heated metallic plates are shaped by hammering them into forms the same as that of the anvil on which they are placed. Swage. To fashion heated metallic plates by hammering them into the form of an, anvil on which they are supported. Swaging. Fashioning highly heated me- tallic plates into any desired form by ham- mering while on suitable dies. Swaging, Electric The forming or shaping of metallic plates by hammering them against suitable anvils or dies while softened by electrical heating. The electro-swaging apparatus consists of a welding transformer provided with a movable clamp. The pressure required for the swaging is attained by the use of steam admitted into a cylinder by a lever which operates a four-way valve. The rod, bar, or plate of metal to be shaped or swaged, is first heated by the passage of a pow- erful heating current, obtained preferably from a welding transformer, one of the clamps of which is movable. When the metal is.suitably softened by the passage of the current, it is then subjected to swaging. Swelling Current. (See Currents, Swell- ing^ Swelling Faradic Current. (See Cur- rents, Swelling JFaradtc.) Swinging Annunciator. (See Annuncia- tor, Pendulum or Swinging.) Swinging Cross. (See Cross, Swinging or Intermittent!) Switch, Automatic, for Incandescent Electric Lamps A device by which incandescent electric lamps can be lighted or extinguished at a distance by means of push buttons. The automatic switch for incandescent lamps corresponds in electric lighting to the automatic gaslighting device in systems ot' electric gaslight- ing. It consists essentially of two electro- magnets, one for turning the switch which lights the lamp by cutting them into the circuit of the lighting mains or conductors, and the other for extinguishing them, by cutting them out. These electro-magnets are operated by two push buttons, a black one to extinguish the lamp and a white button to light it. The details of the automatic switch are shown in Fig. 520. The mains M 1 andM 2 , areconnected to one set of contacts, and the branches containing Fig, 519. Automatic Switch. the lamps to be lighted, to the contacts between them. The push buttons, P 1 and P 2 , are con- nected by their wires to the main M 1 and the branch B*. These buttons are made respectively positive and negative, and are marked -f- and . The third wire of the push button is connected as shown to the lamp L, and the switch magnet, SM. When the contact is closed atP 1 , the arma- ture of S M, closes the contact through C. When the button is released, connection is estab- Fig. J2O. Automatic Switch. lished between the magnet and the lamp L, in series. This is for the purpose of cutting down the circuit to the ^ of an ampere, and thus per- mitting a thin wire to serve between the button and the switch magnet. When the button, P 2 , is closed the lamps are turned out. Switch Board. (See Board, Switch?) Switch Board, Multiple (See Board, Multiple Switch?) Swi.] 499 [Swi. Switch Board, Telegraphic (See Board, Switch, Telegraphic!) Switch Board, Trunking (See Board, Switch, Trunking?) Switch, Break-Down A special switch, employed in small three-wire systems, for connecting the positive and negative bus- wires in such a manner as to practically convert it into a two-wire system and permit the system to be supplied with current from a single dynamo. (See Wires, Bus.} Switch, Changing A switch de- signed to throw a circuit from one electric source to another. A changing switch, for example, is of use in disconnecting a circuit from one dynamo and connecting it to another; or, in other words, to suddenly transfer the load from one dynamo to another. Switch, Changing-Over A term sometimes applied to a changing switch. (See Switch, Changing!) Switch, Distributing A multiple switch board. (See Board, Multiple Switch!) Switch, Distributing, for Electric Lights A switch employed in a system of arc lighting by series-distribu- tion, by means of which any particular dynamo-electric machine or a number of Fig. J2T. Double- Break Knife Switch. separate dynamo-electric machines can be connected with the same circuit without interfering with the lights. (See Board, Mul- tiple Switch!) Switch, Double-Break A term sometimes used for double-pole switch. (See Switch, Double-Pole.) Switch, Double-Break Knife A knife switch provided with double-break con- tacts. A double-break knife switch is shown in Fig. 521- Switch, Double-Pole A switch that makes or breaks contact with both poles of the circuit in which it is placed. A switch consisting of a combination of two separate switches, one connected to the positive lead and the other to the negative lead. Double-pole switches are used in most systems of incandescent lighting in order to insure the thorough separation of the circuit from the main conductor or leads when cut out and to diminish the spark. Switch, Feeder The switch em- ployed for connecting or disconnecting each conductor of a feeder from the bus-bars in a central station. Switch, Four-Point A switch by which a circuit can be completed through four central points. Switch, Knife A switch which is opened or closed by the motion of a knife - 532. Lamp-Socket Switch. contact which moves between parallel contact plates. A knife-edge switch. (See Switch, Knife- Edge} Switch, Knife-Break - A knife switch. (See Switch, Knife.} Switch, Knife-Edge -- A term some- times used in place of knife switch. (See Switch, Knife.) Swi.] 500 [Swi. Switch, Lamp-Socket A switch placed in the socket of an incandescent lamp and provided for throwing the lamp in and out of the circuit. A form of lamp socket switch is shown in Fig. 522. Its operation will be understood from an inspection of the drawing. Switch Pin. (See Pin, Switch^ Switch, Plug A switch in which a metal plug is withdrawn to throw into a cir- cuit a coil or other device, the ends of which are connected to metallic blocks that are suf- ficiently near together to be joined and short- circuited by the insertion of the plug. Switch, Pole-Changing A switch employed for changing the direction of the current in any circuit. A form of pole-changing switch is shown in Fig. S23- Fig. 323. Pole-Changing Switch. If the two outer contacts are connected to the same pole as the source, as, for example, the positive, and the two intermediate contacts are connected to the other pole, or to the negative, then in the position shown in the cut, the current will flow through any receptive device connected with the switch, in one direction, but if the switch is moved to the left, it will flow in the op- posite direction. Switch, Removable Key A plug switch. (See Switch, Plug.) Switch, Reversing A switch for reversing the direction of the battery current through a galvanometer. A simple reversing switch consists of four in- sulated brass segments mounted on a plate of ebonite and furnished with openings between them for plug connections. The battery terminals are connected to two di- agonally opposite segments, as B, and D, Fig. 524, and the leading wires of the galvanometer, or other instrument, to the other segments, as C and A, If, now, the plugs are placed between B and C*, and A and D, the battery current flows in one direction. If, however, the plugs are Fig. 5 2 4" Reversing Switch. placed between A and B, and C and D, the bat- tery current will flow in the opposite direction. The battery current is cut off if one plug is re- moved. In practice, however, it is preferable to remove both plugs, so as to avoid any current from want of sufficient insulation. Switch, Snap A switch in which the transfer of the contact points from one position to another is accomplished by means of a quick motion obtained by the operation of a spring. The object of the snap switch is to prevent the switch resting in any half way position, and thus preventing the establishing of an arc. Switch, Telephone, Automatic A device' for automatically transferring the con- nection of the main line from the call bell to the telephone circuit. In most telephone circuits, as now arranged, the automatic switch, besides transferring the main line from the call bell to the telephone circuit, Fig: 323. Automatic Telephone Switch. closes the local battery circuit of the transmitter on the removal of the telephone from its support- ing hook. Swi.] 501 [Sym. The means whereby this is accomplished are shown in Fig. 525. On the removal of the tele- phone from the hook L, the lever is pulled up- wards by the spring Z, thus closing the contacts I, 2 and 3, by which the local battery S, is closed through the circuit of the transmitter, the tele- phone disconnected from the circuit of the call bell M, B, and connected with the circuit of the trans- mitter. On replacing the telephone on the hook L, its weight depresses the lever, breaking con- nection with I, 2 and 3, and establishing connec- tion with the call circuit. Switch, Three-Point A switch by means of which a circuit can be completed through three different contact points. Switch, Time An automatic switch hi which a predetermined time is required either to insert a resistance in or remove it from a circuit. Switch, Two-Point A switch by SYMBOLS COMMONLY USED IN ELECTRICAL WORK. means of which a circuit can be completed through two different contact points. Switch, Two- Way A switch pro- vided with two contacts connected with two separate and distinct circuits. Switch, Yale-Lock, for Burglar Alarm (See Alarm, Yale-Lock Switch Burglar?) Switched-In. Placed in a circuit by means of a switch. (See Closed-Circuited^) Switched-Out. Cut out of a circuit by means of a switch. (See Open-Circuited^) Symbols and Diagrams, Standard Elec- tric Standard symbols and diagrams used in electro-technics. The standard electric diagrams and symbols shown on pages 501, and 502, were arranged by Prof. F. B. Crocker, and are reproduced from the Electrical Engineer. MECHANICAL. ELECTRICAL. MAGNETIC. Lori. Length D. Diameter E.orE.jf.F. Electromotive T. Volt N. North pole Morni. Mass r. Radius force amp. Ampere S. South pole fort. Time H.P. Horsepower P.D. Potential difference co. Ohm m . Strength of pole T. Velocity I.H.P. Indicated " C. Current O. Megohm. H. Magnetizing force fort. Force B.H.P. Brake " B. Resistance B.A.U. Brit. Ass'n Unit (C.G.S.) g. Acceleration due to gravity. WndNlitr Alternating Current Transformer System Crocker's Chart of Standard Electric Symbols and Diagrams. Sym.J 503 [Sys. Symmetrical Induction of Armature. (See Induction, Symmetrical, of Armature, ,) Symmetrical Magnetic Field. (See Field, Magnetic, Symmetrical!) Sympathetic Electrical Vibrations. (See Vibrations, Sympathetic Electrical!) Sympathetic Vibrations. (See Vibra- tions, Sympathetic!) Synchronism. The simultaneous occur- rence of any two events. A rotating cylinder, or the movement of an index or trailing arm, is brought into synchronism with another rotating cylinder or another index or trailing arm, not only when the two are mov- ing with exactly the same speed, but when in ad- dition they are simultaneously moving over simi- lar portions of their respective paths. In the Breguet Step-by-Step or Dial Telegraph (See Telegraphy, Step-by-Step), the movements of the needle on the indicator are synchronized with the movements of the needle on the manipulator. In systems of Fac- Simile Telegraphy the move- ments of the transmitting apparatus are syn- chronized with those of the receiving apparatus. In Delany's Synchronous Multiplex Telegraph System, the trailing arm that moves over a cir- cular table of contacts at the transmitting end, is accurately synchronized with a similar trailing arm moving over a similar table at the receiving end. Delany, who was the first to obtain rigorous synchronism at the two ends of a telegraphic line hundreds of miles in length, accomplishes this by the use of La Cour's phonic wheel, through the agency of correcting electric im- pulses, automatically sent in either direction over the main line, when one trailing arm get: a short distance in advance or back of the other. With alternating current dynamos, where one dynamo is feeding incandescent lamps connected to the leads in multiple, and it is desired to couple another alternating current dynamo in parallel with the first, it is necessary to obtain a complete synchronism of the two dynamos before coupling them, since otherwise the lamps will show variations in their light, and the machine may suffer. Synchronizable. Capable of being syn- chronized. (See Synchronism!) Synchronize. To cause to occur or act simultaneously. (See Synchronism.) Synchronized. Caused to occur or act simultaneously. (See Synchronism!) Synchronizing Dynamo-Electric Ma- chine. (See Machine, Dynamo-Electric, Synchronizing!) Synchronous Multiplex Telegraphy. (See Telegraphy, Synchronous Multiplex, Delany's System!) System, Astatic An astatic com- bination of magnets. An astatic needle consists of an astatic system of two magnetic needles. The needles are rigidly fixed together with their opposite poles facing each other. The two needles form an as- tatic pair or couple. (See Needle, Astatic.) System, Block, for Railways (See Railroads, Block System for!) System, Centimetre - Gramme - Second (See Units, Centimetre - Gramme - Second!) System, Continuous Underground, of Motive Power for Electric Railroads (See Railroads, Electric, Continuous Un- derground System of Motive Power for!) System, Dependent, of Motive Power for Electric Railroads (See Railroads, Electric, Dependent System of Motive Power for.) System, Independent, of Motive Powei for Railroads (See Railroads, Elec- tric, Independent System of Motive Power for.) System, Multiphase A term fre- quently applied to a system of rotating elec- tric currents. (See Current, Rotating!) System of Distribution of Electricity by Commntating Transformers. (See Elec- tricity, Distribution of, by Commutating Transformers!) System of Distribution of Electricity by Condensers. (See Electricity, Distribution of, by Alternating Currents by Means of Condensers. Electricity, Distribution of, by Continuous Current by Means of Condens- ers!) System of Distribution of Electricity bf Means of Alternating Currents. (See Elec* 504 [Tai. tricity, Distribution of, by Alternating Cur- rents.} System of Distribution of Electricity by Motor Generators. (See Electricity, Dis- tribution of, by Motor Generators^) System, Three-Wire A system of electric distribution for lamps or other trans- lating devices connected in multiple, in which three wires are used instead of the two usually employed. In the three-wire system two dynamos are gen- erally employed, which are connected with one another in series. The three conductors are connected as shown in Fig. 527, the central conductor to the junction of the two dynamos and the two others to their free terminals, and the difference of potential be- tween the central and the two outer conductors is maintained the same. The lamps, or other electro-receptive devices, are placed in multiple- arc between either branch, and so distributed that the current in each branch is the same. When such balance is established no current flows through the central or neutral conductor. But when that balance is disturbed, the surplus current in one branch is taken up by the central conductor. The three-wire system effects considerable economy in the weight of wire required. Since in the multiple- series-connection of electro -receptive devices whatever difference of potential is im- pressed on the mains is fed to each device, no higher difference of potential can be employed on the mains than that which the devices are capa- ble of taking. In the case of an incandescent lamp, if such difference be exceeded, too strong a current is passed through the lamps with a consequent decrease in their life. In the three- wire system of distribution a higher difference of potential can be maintained on the mains than is required for any lamp placed in Fig. 327- Three-Wire System. connection therewith, and in this manner a con- siderable saying is effected in the cot of the leads. A DICTIONARY OF ELECTRICAL WORDS VOLUME TWO T. A symbol used for time. T-shaped Spark. (See Spark, T-Shaped) Table, Quadruplex, A-Side of That side of a quadruplex system which is worked by means of reverse currents. (See Telegraphy, Quadruple*) Table, Quadruplex, B-Side of - That side of a quadruplex system which is worked by means of strengthened currents. (See Telegraphy, Quadruplex.) Tables of Conducting Powers. (See Powers, Conducting, for Electricity. Re- sistance, Electric) Tachograph. An apparatus for recording the number of revolutions per minute of a shaft or machine. Tachometer. An apparatus for indicating at any moment on a revolving dial the exact number of revolutions per minute of a shaft or machine. A tachometer is sometimes called a speed in- dicator. Tachyphore. A term proposed by Wurtz for a system of electric transportation, in which a carriage, formed of magnetic ma- terial, is propelled by the sucking action of solenoids placed along the track and ener- gized in succession during the passage of the car. This is generally called the portelectric sys- tem. (See Portelectric.) Tail Light. (See Light, Tail) 1 Vol. 2 Tai.J 505 [Tag. Tailings. False markings received in sys- tems of automatic telegraphy, due to retard- ation. (See Retardation?) Tailings. A term applied to the current that runs out of a line at the receiving end. The current that continues to run out at the receiving end of the circuit after the send- ing current is broken. The tailings in a telegraphic line are due to the effects of self-induction and static capacity follow- ing the breaking of the circuit which produce a current in the same direction as that sent into the line. Consequently, on the breaking of the cir- cuit, the current continues to flow out of the line at the distant or receiving end. This prolongation of the original current is known technically as the tailing or the tailing current. Talk, Cross In telephony an indis- tinctness in the speech transmitted over any circuit, due to this circuit receiving, either by accidental contacts or by induction, the speech transmitted over neighboring circuits. Tangent. One of the trigonometrical functions. (See Function, Trigonometrical?) Tangent and Sine Galvanometer, Com- bined (See Galvanometer, Combined Tangent and Sine.) Tangent Galvanometer. (See Galva- nometer, Tangent?) Tangent Scale. (See Scale, Tangent?) Tangentially Laminated Armature Core. (See Core, Armature, Tangentially Lam- inated^) Tank, Cable A water-tight tank in which a section of a cable is placed for pur- poses of testing. The cable is tested either when merely covered by water, or when subjected to a pressure ap- proximately equal to or in excess of that to which it will be subjected when laid in the water. Reid has constructed cable tanks for testing under pressures as great as 4,500 pounds per square inch. The pressure is obtained by means of force pumps. When a cable section is subjected to these pressures any flaws or defects would be at once detected by the entrance of the water. Tanning, Electric An application of electric currents to tanning leather. The dressed hides are steeped in a solution of tannin through which an electric current is passed. It is claimed, that by this process, the hides are thoroughly tanned in from one to four days, in place of from four to twelve months, as re- quired by the ordinary process. The tanning solution is placed in a vat fur- nished with suitable electrodes and filled with the tanning liquid, and the articles to be tanned are placed between the electrodes and a motion erf revolution given to the vat. By these means the time required for the completion of the pro- cess is considerably shorter than that required by the ordinary process. Tap. A conductor attached to a larger conductor in a shunted circuit. Tap, AmpSre A tap provided for carrying off a current of one ampere. Tap Wires. (See Wires, Tap) Tape, Insulating -A ribbon of flexible material impregnated with kerite, okonite, rubber or other suitable insulating material, employed for insulating wires or electric conductors at joints, or other exposed places. Sometimes the tape is formed entirely of some or another the above named insulating materials. Taped Wire. (See Wire, Taped.} Tapper, Double-Key (See Key, Double Tapper.) Target, Electric A target in which the point struck by the ball is automatically registered by means of electric devices. A variety of targets have been devised. Gen- erally, however, the target is divided into a num- ber of separate sections provided with circuits of wires, on the making or breaking of any of which, by the impact of the ball, the section struck is au- tomatically indicated on an electric annunciator. (See Annunciator, Electro-Magnetic.) Taste, Galvanic A sensation of taste produced when a voltaic current is passed through the tongue or in the neighborhood o the gustatory nerves, or nerves of taste. TeaJ 506 [Tel. Teaser. An electric current teaser. (See Teaser, Electric Current.} Teaser, Electric Current A coil of fine wire placed on the field magnets of a dynamo-electric machine, underneath the se- ries coil wound thereon, and connected as a shunt across the main circuit. The name' teaser was applied by Brush to the coil of fine wire used as above described to main- lain constant electromotive force under variations of load. Technics, Electro - The science which treats of the physical applications of electricity and the general principles applying thereto. Tee, Lead A tee-shaped lead tube provided for the purpose of taking a branch joint from a main cable to a service line. Tee, Split-Lead - A tee-shaped lead tube that is split for readily covering a joint at a loop in a cable. Tel-Autogrram. The recorded message obtained by means of a tel-autograph. (See Tel-Autograph^ Tel-Autograph. A telegraphic system for the fac-simile reproduction of handwriting. Teleautograph. An orthography some- times employed for tel-autograph. (See Tel- Autograph!) Tele- Barometer, Electric An elec- tric recording barometer for indicating and recording barometric or other pressures at a distance. Telegrapher's Cramp. (See Cramp, Telegrapher's?) Telegraphic. Pertaining to telegraphy. Telegraphic Alarm. (See Alarm, Tele- graphic) Telegraphic Alphabet. (See Alphabet, Telegraphic) Telegraphic Alphabet, Continental Code (See Alphabet, Telegraphic : Inter- national Code.} Telegraphic Alphabet, Morse's (See Alphabet, Telegraphic :' Morse's) Telegraphic Arm. (See Arm, Tele* graphic) Telegraphic Bracket. (See Bracket. Telegraphic) Telegraphic Cable. (See Cable, Tele- graphic) Telegraphic Code. (See Code, Tele- graphic) Telegraphic Earth-Circuit. (See Cir- cuit, Earth, Telegraphic) Telegraphic Embosser. (See Embosser, Telegraphic) Telegraphic Fixtures. (See Fixtures, Telegraphic) Telegraphic Fixtures, House-Top (See Fixtures, Telegraphic House- Top) Telegraphic Ground Circuit. (See Cir- cuit, Ground, Telegraphic) Telegraphic Joints. (See Joint, Tele- graphic or Telephonic) Telegraphic Key. (See Key, Telegraph- ic) Telegraphic Line Circuit. (See Circuit, Line, Telegraphic) Telegraphic Needle. (See Needle, Tele- graphic) Telegraphic Paper Winder. (See Wind- ers, Telegraphic Paper) Telegraphic Pocket Belay. (See Relay, Pocket Telegraphic) Telegraphic Register. (See Register, Telegraphic) Telegraphic Switch Board. (See Board, Switch, Telegraphic) Telegraphic Translator. (See Trans- later, Telegraphic) Telegraphically. In a telegraphic manner. Telegraphing. Sending a communication by i.ieans of telegraphy. Telegraphy, Acoustic A non-re- cording system of telegraphic communica- tion, in which the dots and dashes of the Morse system, or the deflections of the needle in the needle system, ate replaced by sounds Tel.] 507 [TeL that follow one another at intervals, that represent the dots and . dashes, or the de- flections of the needle, and thereby the letters of the alphabet. Morse invented a sounder, for this purpose, which is used very generally. (See Sounder, Morse Telegraphic.} Steinheil and Bright each invented acoustic systems of telegraphy in which electro-magnetic btlls are used. For details of the apparatus and system see Telegraphy, Morse System of. Telegraphy, American System of A term sometimes applied to the Morse sys- tem of telegraphy. (See Telegraphy, Morse System of.) Telegraphy and Telephony, Simultane- ous, Over a Single Wire Any system for simultaneous transmission of telegraphic and telephonic messages over a single wire. These systems are based, in general, on the fact that a gradual make-and-break in a tele- phone circuit fails to appreciably affect a tele- phone diaphragm. By the use of graduators the makes and breaks required for the transmission of the telegraphic dispatch are effected so grad- ually that they fail to appreciably influence the telephone diaphragm, and thus permit simultane- ous telegraphic and telephonic transmission over a single wire. (See Graduators.) Telegraphy, Autographic A name sometimes applied to fac-simile telegraphy. (See Telegraphy, Fac-Szmzle.) Telegraphy, Automatic A system by means of which a telegraphic message is automatically transmitted by the motion of a previously perforated fillet of paper contain- ing perforations of the shape and order re- quired to form the message to be transmitted. The paper passes between two terminals of the main line, the circuit of which is completed when the terminals come into contact at the perforated parts, and is broken when separated by the un perforated parts of the paper. In the automatic telegraph some form of regis- tering apparatus is employed. In the Wheatstone system, the perforations me hanically control the movements ot the levers which make contacts between the line and the battery. The advantage of automatic telegraphy arises from the fact that the rate of transmission or re- ception of signals does not depend on the expert- ness of the operators, and the messages may be perforated on the slips preparatory to transmis- sion. Type printing telegraphs are often used for registering apparatus, in which case the im- pulses required for the transmission of the dif- ferent letters are automatically sent into the line by the depression of corresponding keys on a suitably arranged key -board. Telegraphy, Chemical A system by means of which the closings of the main- line-circuit, corresponding to the dots and dashes of the Morse alphabet, are recorded on a fillet of paper by the electrolytic action of the current on a chemical substance with which the paper fillet is impregnated. (See Recorder, Chemical, Bain's?) Telegraphy, Contraplex Duplex telegraphy in which transmissions are simul- taneously made from opposite ends of the line. When the transmissions are simultaneously made from the same end of the line, the system is called diplex telegraphy. (See Telegraphy, Di- Telegraphy, Dial A system of telegraphy in which the messages are received by the motions of a needle over a dial plate. (See Telegraphy, Step-by-Step^) Telegraphy, Diplex A method of simultaneously sending two messages in the same direction over a single wire. Diplex telegraphy is to be distinguished from duplex telegraphy, where two messages are simul- taneously transmitted over a single wire in oppo- site directions. Telegraphy, Double-Needle A sys- tem of needle telegraphy in which two sepa- rate and independently operated needles are employed. This system differs from the single-needle sys- tem only in the (act that two needles, entirely in- dependent of each oi hi r, are mounted side by side, on the same dial, so as to permit their simultane- ous operation by the right and left hand of th^ Tel.] 508 I'el. operator. Each needle has then-fore a separate wire. The increase in speed of signaling thus obtained is not, however, sufficiently great to balance the increased expense of construction. Single -needle instruments, therefore, are preferred to those with two needles. / Telegraphy, Duplex, Bridge Method of A system whereby two telegraphic messages can be simultaneously transmitted over a single wire in opposite directions. Various duplex telegraphs have been devised. The Bridge Duplex is shown in Fig. 528. The receiving relay is placed in the cross wire of a Wheatslone bridge. (See Bridge, Electric.} F ; g. 328. Duplex Telegraphy, Bridge, Method. When the ends of this cross wire are at the same potential, whicn will occur when the resist- ances in the four arms are proportionately equal, no current passes. The battery is connected through the trans- mitter K, which is arranged so that the battery contact is made before the connection of the line to earth is broken, to H, where the circuits branch to form the arms of the bridge. Adjust- able resistances A, B, are placed in the two arms of the bridge. The line wire L, connected as shown, forms the third arm, and a rheostat or other adjustable resistance R, connected to a condenser C, as shown, forms the fourth arm. (See Rheostat.) The relay M, is placed in the cross wire of the bridge thus formed. Small resistances V, and W, are placed in the circuit of the battery to pre- vent injurious short circuiting. A similar disposition of apparatus is provided at the other end of the line. If, now, the four re- sistances at one end are sui'ably adjus eH, the relay will not respond to the outgoing cu;rent; but, since an earth circuit ii emp'oyed, it \\ill respond tc the incoming current. The relay at either end, therefore, will only respond to signals from the other end. The operator may thus signal the distant station w hile, at the same time, his relay, not being affected by his sending, is in readiness to receive signals from the other end. Telegraphy, Duplex, Differential Method of A system of duplex telegraphy in which the coils of the receiving and transmit- ting instruments are differentially wound. A differential system of duplex telegraphy is shown in Fig. 529. The coils of the receiving and transmitting galvanometers at A and B, are differentially wound. One of the coils of A, is connected to that of B, through the line, as shown; and the other, in each to the rheostat; at R, and R'. As thrse coils are differentially wound, when equal currents flow in opposite directions through either of the instruments at A B, no deflection of the galvanometer occurs. The battery at A, has its copper terminal, and that at B, its zinc terminal, connected to earth. When the keys at A and B, are depressed simul- taneously, the currents sent into the li;ie flow in the same direction and strengthen each other. Suppose now that only the key at A, be de- pressed. The current divides equally between rheostat and line, the resistance e a b b a' e', r', being made equal to th^ resistance e c d R. This current passes through both coils of the instrument at A, and produces no deflection of the needle; but since it only passes through one coil at B, it deflects the galvanometer needle, and produces a s-ijnal. b b' Earth Fig.szq. Duplex Telegraphy, Differential Method. If the keys at A, and B, are simultaneously closed, the effect on the line is to add the current of the two batteries, but each rheostat circuit is traversed by its own battery current only. The line-connec:ed coils of the ga vanometer have, the -el re, the stronger currents flowing through them, and the needles of both are moved, just as if, with a single battery discharging into the line, its resistance had been decreased. Each Tel.J 509 [Tel. sender's instrument is unaffected by the currents he sends into the line, and is, therefore, ready to be operated by the currents sent into the line by the sender at the other end of the line. The two currents in duplex telegraphy, there- fore, do not pass each other on the line; on the contrary, they are sent into the line in the same direction. Since, when either key is moving there is a small interval of time when the circuit is broken for incoming currents, the keys are generally made so as to close the second contact before breaking the first. In order to avoid disturbing the balance on the introduction of the resistance of the batteries at A or B, on closing the circuits, an equal resistance is added at r and r', between the back stop and the earth. Since the proper operation of duplex telegraphy requires a balance in the resistance of the circuits of the differentially wound coils, a rheostat at R, and R', is necessary. Besides balancing the line for resistance, it is necessary to balance it for capacity. A condenser is, therefore, necessary when the circuit exceeds in length about 100 miles, or has much cable or underground wire. Telegraphy, Fac-Simile - A system whereby a fac-simile or copy of a chart, diagram, picture or signature is telegraphically transmitted from one station to another. Fac-simile telegraphy is sometimes called auto- graphic telegraphy, or pantelegraphy. Bakewell's fac-simile telegraph, which was one of the first devised, consists of two similar metal cylinders c, c', arranged at the two ends of a telegraph line L, at M and M', as shown in Fig. 53- These cylinders are synchronously rotated 530. Bakewell's Fac-Simile Telegraphy. and provided with metallic arms or tracers r, r', placed on a horizontal screw in the line circuit and moved laterally over the surface of the cylinder on its rotation. At the transmitting station the chart, writing, or other design is traced with varnish, or other non-conducting liquid, on the surface of the metallic cylinder, as at M, and a sheet of chemi- cally prepared paper, similar to that employed in the Bain chemical system is placed on the surface of the receiving cylinder at M'. (See Recorder, Chemical, Bain's.) The two cylinders being synchronously rotated, the metallic tracer breaks the circuit in whick it is placed when it moves over the non-conducting lines on the cylinder, and thus causes correspond- ing breaks in the otherwise continuous blue spiral line traced on the paper-covered surface of M'. The telegraph keys at R, R', are used for the purposes of ordinary telegraphic communication before or after the record is transmitted. Caselli's Pan-Telegraph is an improvement on Bakewell's Copying Telegraph. Better methods are employed for maintaining the synchronism between the transmitting and receiving instru- ments, for which purpose a pendulum, vibrating between two electro-magnets, is employed. Telegraphy, Fire Alarm A systeu. of telegraphy by means of which alarms can be sent to a central station, or to the fire engine houses in the district, from call boxes placed on the line. The alarms are generally sounded by an ap- paratus similar to a district call, so that the pall- ing back of a lever rotates a wheel, by means et which successive makes and breaks are produced, the number and sequence of which enable the receiving stations to locate the particular box from which the signal is sent. In the case of some buildings, the alarms are automatic, and either call for help from tke central office, or for the watchman in the build- ing, or else turn on a series of water faucets er jets, in order to extinguish the fire. In tbese cases thermostats are used. (See Thermostat. ) Telegraphy, Gray's Harmonic Multiple A system for the simultaneous trans- mission of a number of separate and distinct musical notes over a single wire, which separate tones are utilized for the simultane- ous transmission of an equal number of tele- graphic messages. The separate to ies are thrown into the lines by means of tuning forks automatically vibrated by electro-magnets. forks inierrupt the Tel.] 510 circuit of batteries connected with the main line at the sending end of the line. The composite tone thus formed, is separated into its component tones by receiving electro- magnets called harmonic receivers, the armature of each of which consists of a steel ribbon or plate tuned to one of the separate notes sent into the line. As the complex or undulatory current passes through the coils of each harmonic re- ceiver, that note only affects the particular arma- ture that vibrates in unison with its ribbon or rued. The operator, therefore, at this receiver is in communication only with the operator at i he key of the circuit that is sending this par- ticular note into the line. The same is true of the other receivers. The Morse alphabet is used in this system, the dots and dashes being received as musical tones. In practice it was found that there was no diffi- culty in each operator recognizing the particular sound of his own instrument in receiving, although many instruments were in the same room. By a subsequent invention the signals received are converted into the regular Morse characters by means of an ingenious device. Telegraphy, Induction - A system for telegraphing by induction between moving trains and fixed stations on a railroad, by means of impulses transmitted by induction between the car and a wire parallel with the track. Two systems of inductive telegraphy are in actual use, viz., (i.) The Static Induction system of W. W. Smith and Edison, and (2. ) The Current or Dynamic Induction system of Willoughby Smith and Lucius J. Phelps. In the System of Static Induction, one of the condensing surfaces which receives or produces the charge, consists of a wire placed on the road so as to come as near the top of the cars of the moving train as possible. The other condensing surface is composed of the metal roofs of the mov- ing cars. Each condensing surface is connected to suit- able instruments and batteries, and to the earth ; the line wire at the fixed station being connected to earth through a ground plate, and the metal roof of the cars to earth through the wheels and track. Under these circumstances variations in the charge of either of the condensing surfaces pro- duce inductive impulses that are received by the- other surface as telegraphic signals. The Morse alphabet is employed, but in place of the ordinary receiver or sounder, a telephone is used. In the System of Current Induction, the line wire is placed near the track, so as to be parallel with a coil of insulated wire placed on the side of the car, and which receives the inductive impulses. The coil of wire on the train is connected with instruments and batteries, and forms a metallic circuit. The line wire is also connected with suitable batteries and receiving and transmitting instruments. An induction coil is generally employed, since the greater and more rapidly varying difference of potential of its secondary wire renders it better suited for producing effects of induction. A tele- phone is employed as a receiver, as in the system of static induction. The metallic car roof and the lower truss rods have been successfully used as the secondary conductor of the induction coil. The automatic make-and-break used for operat- ing the induction coil, causes the Morse characters employed in this system to be received in the receiving telephone as shrill buzzing sounds. The receiving telephones used on the trains have a resistance of about 1,000 ohms. Telegraphy, Induction, Current System of A system of induction telegraphy depending on current induction between a fixed circuit along the road, and a parallel circuit on the moving train. The circuit on the train generally consists of a coil of wire. (See Telegraphy, Induction. ) Telegraphy, Induction, Dynamic System of A term sometimes used in place of a system of telegraphic current induction. (See Telegraphy, Induction?) Telegraphy, Induction, Static System of A system of inductive telegraphy de- pending on the static induction between the sending and receiving instrument. A fixed wire placed along the road so as to come near another wire or metallic surface on the mov- ing train, imparts to the latter a static charge, which is utilized for the transmission of dispatches. The metal roof of the car is generally used for the condensing surface receiving the charge. (See Telegraphy, Induction.) Tel.] oil [Tel. Telegraphy, Machine A term some- times applied instead of automatic telegraphy. (See Telegraphy, Automatic?) A system of telegraphy is properly called ma- chine telegraphy when both the transmission and the receiving of the telegraphic messages are ac- complished by machine, instead of by the hand, as usual. Telegraphy, Morse System of A system of telegraphy in which makes and breaks occurring at intervals corresponding to the dots and dashes of the Morse alphabet ace received by an electro-magnetic sounder or receiver. A metallic lever A, Fig. 531, is supported on a pivot at G, between two set screws D, D, so as to have a slight movement in a vertical plane. This motion is limited in one direction by a stop at C, called the anvil or front contact, and in the other direction by a set screw F, which constitutes its back stop. The front stop C, is provided with a platinum contact or stud, which may be brought into contact with, or separated from, a similar stud placed directly opposite it. These contacts are connected to the ends of the circuit so that on ig- 531- Telegraphic Key. the movements of the key, by the hand of the operator placed on the insulated head B, the line is closed and broken in accordance with the dots and dashes of the Morse alphabet. A spring, the pressure of which is regulated by the screw F', is provided for the upward movement of the key. A switch H, is provided for closing the line when the key is not in use. The system generally used in the United States is known as the " Closed- Circuit System," the bat- tery being connected to line whether the line is in use or not. This battery is generally placed at both ends of the line. In Europe, the " Open-Circuit System " is gen- erally used. Alternating currents and polarized relays are employed. One pole is connected to the line at the front of the key, and the other pole to the back of the key. When the line is not in use, it is connected to earth at both ends by switches conveniently placed for the operators. With this system, intermediate stations must each have a main battery, while in the closed-circuit system, the terminal batteries answer for all inter- mediate offices, which in some cases amount to as many as fifty. In the Morse system, eacji station is provided with a key, relay, sounder or register, and local battery. The closed-circuit, connecting one station with another, being broken by the open- ing of the switch H, or the working of the key, so as to open and close its contacts, the armature of the relay opens or closes the circuit of the local battery and operates the sounder or register- ing apparatus connected therewith. (See Sounder, Morse Telegraphic. Apparatus, Registering, Telegraphic. ) Telegraphy, Multiplex A system of telegraphy for the simultaneous transmis- sion of more than four separate messages over a single wire. (See Telegraphy, Syn- chronous-Multiplex, Delany's System.} Telegraphy, Needle System of - A system of telegraphy in which signals are transmitted by means of the movements of needles under the influence of the electric current. (See Telegraphy, Single-Needle?) Telegraphy, Phonoplex A system of telegraphic transmission in which pulsatory currents, superposed on the ordinary Morse currents, actuate a modified telephonic re- ceiver, and thus permit the simultaneous transmission of several separate messages over a single wire without interference. Telegraphy, Printing A system of telegraphy in which the messages received are printed on a paper fillet. In Callahan's Printing Telegraph, two type wheels are employed, one of which carries letter type and the other numerals on its circumference. These printing wheels are placed alongside of each other, as shown in Fig. 532, but on separ- ate and independent axes. The type wheels are moved by a step -by -step device. The impulses necessary to bring the T.I.] 512 |TeL desired letters in positi -n for printing are auto- matically sent by a circuit maker and breaker. These impulses are sent into the line by the de- pression of keys on a suitably arranged key- board. When the proper letter or numeral is reached at the receiving end, the printing wheel is stopped, and a paper fillet is pressed against its surface. The printing wheel is kept covered with ink by means of an inked roller. The transmitting instrument is similar in its operation to the Breguet manipulator. Separate transmitters are used for each of the wires. (See Telegraphy, Step- by - Step . ) Fig. S3 2 - Callahan's Printing Telegraph. Telegraphy, Quadruplex A system for the simultaneous transmission of four mes- sages over a single wire, two in one direction and the remaining two in the opposite direc- tion. Quadruplex telegraphy consists in fact of du- plex telegraphy duplexed. There are various systems of quadruplex teleg- raphy. The most important are the bridge method and the differential method. (See Teleg- raphy, Quadruplex, Bridge Method of. Telegra- phy, Quadruplex, Differential Method of.} Telegraphy, Quadruplex, Bridge Method of A system of quadruplex telegraphy by means of a double bridge duplex system. (See Telegraphy, Quadruplex.) In the bridge method of quaHruplex telegraphy, as in the differential metho-l, changes in the po'ar- ity and strength of the current are utilized to e-tablish a double duplex -ystcm of transmission. Fig. 533 from Prescott's " EU-ctncity an I Electric Telegraphy, "from which the following desciiption is taken, shows the method first employed by the Western Union Telegraph Company in 1874. A double current transmitter, or pole changer, is shown at T', with its operating key K' and local battery e'. This instrument interchanges the poles of the main battery E', wnen K, is de- pressed, and thus reverses the polarity of current on the line. The increment transmitter T 2 , is connected to the battery wire 12 of T', in such a way that when K', is depressed, the main battery E', is placed in series with battery E, of say twice the strength of E', thus permitting a current of three- fold the original strength to be sent into the line. Fig. 533. Quadruplex Telegraphy, Bridge Method. Two receiving instruments R' and R 2 , a e placed at the distant end of the line. R', is a polarized relay whose armature is deflected in one direction by positive currents, and in the opposite direction by negative currents, independ- ently of their strength. That is to say, R', re- sponds to changes in the direction of the currents that pass through its coils, but not to changes in their strength. (See Relay, Polarized.} Relay R 2 , is non-polarized and the movements of its soft iron armature depend on a change in the strength of the current only. That is to say, R a , responds to changes in the strength of the current passing through its coils, but not to changes in their direction. These two relays R and R 8 , are placed in the bridge wire of a \Vheatstone bridge. Ti.e entire apparatus of transmitting keys and relays is duplicated at each end of the line. Under these conditions, signals transmitted from either end of the line affect the instruments at the other end of the line, but not own instruments, in the sime manner as in the case of the bridge du plex. (See Telegraphy, Duplex, Bridge Method of.} Telegraphy, Quadruplex, Differential Tel.] 513 [Tel, Method of A system of quadruplex telegraphy by means of a double differential duplex system. Quadruplex telegraphy depends for its opera- tio.i on the use of two differentially wound relays it each sta'ion. One of these relays A, as shown in Fi^. 534, which shows the general arrangement of the system, gives signals on a change in the i.irection < I the current, but none on a change in the current strength. The other B, gives signals on changes in current strength, but none on changes in direction. They are, therefore, in- dependent of each other, and operate sounders that are under the independent control of two distinct receiving operators. A table, divided into four sections, is provided with places for two sending and two receiving clerks. The name " A side " is given to the side worked by the reversed currents, and the "B_ side "to that worked by the strengthened cur- nnts. CORRECTING BATTERY 1. BATTERY 2. Fig. 3 3 4. Quadruple* Telegraphy, Differential Method. Referring to Fig. 534 the reversing key on the " A side " is merely indicated so as to avoid con- fusion by too great detail ; as is also the case with the increment key or the strengthening key at B. From the connections it will be seen that when the increment key is at rest, the reversing key sends currents from battery I. When the incre- ment key is depressed, the reversing key is shifted from battery I, and connected by its copper con- necti n C, with the battery 2, of double the strength of I. Since, however, I, is thus connect- ed in series with C, the current strength is in- creased threefold. From the reversing key the current passes to the junction of the two coils with which the relay B, is differentially wund. It divides here between these coils, which are connected to simi- lar coils on relay A, as shown. The current from one coil on A, is sent to line, while that trom the other coil goes to earth through the compen- sating rheostat. This arrangement forms a du- plex system, the outgoing currents of which have no effect on the home relays. Resistances R 2 and R ;i , are connected to the batteries I and 2, and the stops in the increment key in the manner shown, to the resistance of R 3 and R 3 . The former is used in order to main- tain the resistance of the circuit, whether the bat- tery is in or out of circuit. The latter is called the spark coil, and is intended to decrease the sparking on closing circuit. When both are at rest, battery I, has its zinc connected to line through A, and its copper to earth through R 2 , C I, the lever of key B and key A, which last two are permanently connect- ed. A reversed or spacing current goes to line, without affecting the home relays, since it passes in opposite directions and with equal strength through differentially wound coils. When, however,, the key A, is worked alone, it reverses the current and the signal is recorded by tlje distant relay A. If key B, is worked alone, it breaks connection with copper at the junction of the two batteries, and makes contact with terminal copper of battery 2, so as to send a zinc current of threefold strength. The distant relay B, records a signal because the current is now strong enough to move it. Relay A, however, is not affected, since the current has not been reversed. When both keys are simultaneously in action, then whenever B, is pressed, although the strength of A, may be increased, since its direction is not changed, the polarized tongue of its relay is un- affected by the movement of B, but any increase of current causes the armature of the distant re- lay of B, to move. This armature is held in position by springs of such a strength as to prevent its motion by a weak current, and being unpolarized, responds to either positive or negative currents. It, there- fore, re-ponds to B, and records a signal. When A, is pressed, it reverses the current, and conse- quently moves the distant relay A, but has no effect on B, since it causes no alternation in the strength of the current. The author has taken the above almost liter- ally fromCulley's " Handbook ot Practical Teleg- raphy, " to which the reader is referred for a fuller description and details of apparatus. Tel.] 514 [Tel. Telegraphy, Simplex A system of telegraphy in which a single message only can be sent over the line. Telegraphy, Single-Needle A sys- tem of telegraphy by means of which the F'- S3S- Single-Needle Telegraphic Apparatus. signals transmitted are received by observing the movements of a vertical needle over a dial. Fif. S3 6. Wheat stone and Cooke's Single- Needle Appa- ratus, Internal Arrangement. Movements of the top of the needle to the right of the observer represent the dashes, and move- ments to the left, the 'dots of the Morse alpha- bet. The single-needle apparatus of Wheatstone and Cooke's system is shown in Figs. 535, and 536. Fig. 535, shows the external appearance, and Fig. Fig. S3 ? Wheatstone and Cooke's Single-Needle Ap- paratus. External View. 536, the internal arrangements as seen from the back. An astatic needle is placed inside two coi) of insulated wire C C. Only one of these needles N, is vis- ible on the face of the receiving instrument. The current from the line enters at L, passes through the coil C C, and leaves at N. The movements of the needle to the right or the left are ob- tained by changing the direc- tion of the current in the coils C C. This is effected by work- ing the handle when sending, and thus moving the commuta- tor at S, S, and bringing the contact springs resting thereon into different contacts. In the more modern form of single-needle in- strument, shown in Fig. 537, a single magnetic needle N S, Fig. 538, only is placed in the coil. This needle is rigidly attached to a light needle a, b, used only as a pointer, and is alone visible in the front of the instrument. The relative dis- position of these needles is shown in Fig. 538. The reversals of the current, required to deflect the needle to the right or left, are obtained by Fig. 338. Needle and Pointer. Tel.] 515 [Tel. means of a double key or tapper, shown in Fig. 539- The levfrs L and E, are connected respectively to line and earth, and, when not in use, rest against C, connected with the po.-iiive side of the battery; but when de- pre of the tines of the fork, make and bnak contact with delicate contact springs y, y 1 . Tel.] 51? |Te<, The fork being mechanically started into a vibratory motion, will automatically make and break its local circuit, and thus send impulses into the fork magnet A, that will continuously maintain the vibrations of the fork, in a well known manner. The making and breaking of the contacts x and y, consequent on the fork's vibration, open and close another local battery placed in a circuit called the motor circuit, in which is also placed an electro-magnet D, the function of which is to maintain the continuous rotation of the trans- mission apparatus C. disc C, is rotated by the electro-magnet D, the trailing contact f, sweeps around the circular Fig. 343. Delany's Synchronous Mutiplex Telegraph. The continuous vibration of the fork makes and breaks the contacts at x and y, and thereby makes and breaks the motor circuit. The alter- nate magnetizations and demagnetizations of the cores of the motor-magnet D, cause the rotation of the transmission apparatus C. The motor magnet and transmission wheel or disc C, provided with projections c, c, is the in- vention of Paul La Cour, and is styled by him a "phonic wheel." The transmission apparatus is illustrated in de- tail in Figs. 544 and 545, and is an exact coun- terpart of the receiving apparatus at the other end of the line. A base plate E, provided with f'f- 544- 'I he I'honic II heel. binding posts, carries a vertical rotary shaft F. A circular table F 1 , is provided with a series of insulated contacts arranged symmetrically around the axis of rotation of the shaft. A radial arm F z , connected with the shaft F, carries at its outer extremity a trailing contact finger f. As the Fig* 545- Th* Phonic Wheel. table F 1 , and is brought successively into contact with the insulated contact pieces placed on the upper face of the table F 1 . The main line Q, Q, has one of its ends con- nected with the trailing finger f. As the shaft F, rotates, the line is therefore brought into suc- cessive electrical connection with the series of in- sulated contacts in the upper face of the table FI. Any suitable number of insulated contacts may be placed on the circular table F 1 ; sixty are shown in Fig. 546. In practice these contacts are connected in accordance with the number of circuits which it is desired to simultaneously maintain on the same wire. In the special case shown in the figure above referred to, it is ar- ranged so that four separate circuits shill be established on the same line wire. The sixty contacts are placed in six indepen- dent series, numbered from I to 10, consecu- tively. In the arrangement here shown two of the contact pieces in each series of ten are con- nected in the same circuit, and, as there are six series, each of the circuits so connected will have twelve contacts for each rotation of the disc, and twelve electrical impulses, as will be afterwards described. The detailed mechanism, by means of which the separate and independent circuits so obtained are utilized for the transmission and reception of messages, is shown in Fig. 546. R, R 1 , R s and R 3 , are polarized relays; S, S 1 , S* and S ;J are ordinary Morse sounders, although in the practice of this invention some improvement has been in- troduced in connection with the receiving instru- ments. The connections with the main and the local batteries M B and L B, are clearly shown in the figure. It will be noticed that the relay R, is connected Tel.] 518 [Tel. -with the wire r, and with the contacts I and 5 ; R 1 is connected by r 1 , with the contacts 2 and 6, R e , by the wire r', with the contacts 3 and 7, and R 8 , by the wire r 3 , with the contacts 4 and 8. Similar instruments and circuits are placed at each end of the line. Without further describing the operation of the instruments shown in the figure, it need only now be borne in mind that the corresponding relays at the distant stations are connected with the corre- spondingly numbered contacts. When, therefore, the trailing contact finger at each station simul- taneously touches the contacts bearing the same number, the corresponding instruments connected Pig, 34.6, Working and Receiving Currents. with these contacts at each station will be placed in communication over the main line, the trailing contact finger f, completing the connection of the main line with the contact arm in the man- ner already described. Telegraphy, Time A system for the telegraphic transmission of time. A system of time telegraphy includes a master clock, the movements of whose pendulum automati- cally transmit a number of electric impulses to a number of secondary docks and thus moves them ; or self-winding clocks are employed, which are corrected daily by an impulse sent over the line from a master clock. (See Clock, Electric.') Telegraphy, Writing A species of :ac-simile telegraphy, by means of which the motions of a pen attached to a transmit- ting instrument so vary the resistance on two lines connected with a receiving instru- ment as to cause the current received thereby to reproduce the motions, on a pen or stylus, which transfers them to a sheet of paper. A system of writing telegraphy consists essentially of transmitting and receiving in- struments connected by a double line wire. The transmitting instrument is shown in Fig. 547- Fig. 547. Transmitter of Writing Telegraphy. A stylus or pen resting on a top plate, is con- nected by the rod C, with a series of steel contact springs S, S, secured to the base and placed at right angles to one another. A series of resist- ances R, R, are connected with the lower ends of these contact springs. Two contact bars, B, B, are provided on the side facing the springs with platinum contacts opposite the contacts on the springs. The stylus rod C, is securely fixed to the base, but a spring at the lower end per- mits of its free movement. A pressure block at P, is fastened to the stylus rod, as shown, and in its normal position the pressures are adjusted so that contact is secured with the first spring. A movement of the stylus, as in writing, presses the contact bar against the spring, vary- ing the position and number of contacts, and thereby cutting in or out the resistance necessary to effect the proper movement of the receiving pen. The receiving instrument is shown in Fig. 548. It consists of two electro-magnets placed at right angles to each other. A double armature sup- Tel. 519 [Tel. ports the receiving stylus or pen in the manner shown. The variations in the current sent over the line by the varying resistances introduced into the circuit, or cut out or in by the action of the transmitting stylus, causes variations in the position of the double armature, under the vary- ing magnetic attraction of the receiving electro- magnet, and thus causes the receiving pen to correctly reproduce the motions of the trans- mitting pen. Fig. 548, Receiver of Writing Telegraph. This system has been operated over a line nearly 500 miles in length, when it successfully reproduced written characters. The author is indebted for the drawings and the general facts to the Electrical Engineer of New York. Tele-Hydro-Barometer, Electric An apparatus for electrically transmitting to, and recording at a distant station the height of water or other liquid. Tele-Manometer, Electric A gauge for electrically indicating and record- ing pressure at a distance. The tele-manometer includes a pressure gauge furnished with electric contacts operated by the movements of the needle of the steam gauge, for instance, and indicating and recording apparatus. An alarm bell is provided to call attention to any rise of the pressure above or its fall below the given or predetermined limits for which the hands have been set. Telemeter. An apparatus for electrically indicating and recording at a distance the pressure on a gauge, the reading of a ther- mometer, or the indications of similar in- struments. (See Tele-Hydro-Barometer, Electric. Tele-Manometer, Electric. Tele- Thermometer, Electric?) Telephone. To communicate by means of a telephone. Telephone. An apparatus for the electric transmission of articulate speech. The articulating telephone, though first brought into public use by Bell, was invented by Reis, in Germany, in 1861. In America, after very protracted litigation, Bell has been decided legally to be the first inventor, but scientific men very generally recognize the principles of the in- vention to be fully anticipated by the earlier in- struments of Reis. Bell, however, is ittstly en- titled to the credit of inventing the first really successful telephone. In Bell's magneto-electric telephone, the transmitting and receiving instruments are iden- tical. A coil C, of insulated wire connected with the line, is placed on a core of magnetized steel, mounted opposite the centre of a circular dia- phragm of thin sheet iron, rigidly supported at its edges. In transmitting, the message is spoken into the mouth-piece at one end, as at D, in Fig. 549, and the to-and-fro motions thus imparted to the metallic diaphragm attached to the mouth-piece P, produce in- duction currents in the coil C, on the magnet M. (See In- duction, Electro-Dynamic.} These impulses, passing over the main line E L, Fig. 550, produce similar movements in the diaphragm P', of the receiving instrument, at D', and thus cause it to repro- duce the message, in articu- late sounds, to one listening at the receiving in- strument. A ground circuit is shown in the figure, as usually employed in practice, except for long distance and in large cities. Tel.] 520 [Tel. A magneto-telephone constitutes in reality a magneto-electric machine, driven or propelled by the voice of the speaker, in which the currents so produced instead of being commuted are em- ployed uncommuted to reproduce the uttered speech. In actual practice the instrument above de- scribed is replaced by the electro-magnetic tele- E a L D' B Fig. SS- Telephone Circuit. phone, in which the to-and-fro motions of the transmitting diaphragm are caused to vary the resistance of a button of carbon, or a variable con- tact transmitter similar to that employed by Reis in some of his instruments. The variable resistance is placed in the circuit of a battery, so that on speaking into the trans- mitter, electric impulses are sent over the line and are received by a tele- phone with a magnet core provided with a coil in the main-line circuit. The telephone is ar- ranged for actual com- mercial use in the United States in the manner/ 7 /^. 55 ' Telephone Ap- shown in Fig. 551. paratus. Telephone. Bi A term sometimes applied to a double telephone receiver so ar- ranged as to permit of easy application to both ears of the listener at the receiving in- strument. Telephone Cords. (See Cords, Tele- phoned) Telephone, Electro-Capillary - A telephone in which the movements of the transmitting diaphragm produce currents by means of variations in the electromotive forces of the contact surfaces of liquids in capillary tubes. (See Phenomena, Electro- Capillary^) In Breguet's telephone both the transmitting and the receiving instruments are similar in con- struction and operate by means of electro-capil- lary phenomena. A vertical capillary tube com- municates at its upper end with an air space below a diaphragm, and at its lower end with a mercury surface on which rests a layer of acidu- lated water. A line wire connects the mercury reservoirs of the transmitting and receiving instruments, the remainder of the circuit being formed by another wire connecting the mercury near the upper parts of the two vertical tubes. The alterations in the contact surfaces at the transmitting end produced by the movements of the diaphragm, cause electric impulses that pro- duce similar movements of the diaphragm at the receiving end. Telephone, Electro-Chemical A name sometimes given to the Edison electro- motographic telephone. (See Telephone, Electro-Motographic?) Telephone, Electro-Motographic A telephone in which the receiver consists of a diaphragm of mica or other elastic material operated on the principle of the electro- motograph. A straight lever, which forms part of the line circuit, is rigidly attached at one end to the centre of the receiving diaphragm, and rests near its other end on the surface of a chalk cylinder moistened with a solution of caustic potash or potassium iodide, maintained in rotation by suit- able mechanical means. Electric impulses being sent into the line by the voice of a speaker talking at a transmitter of ordi- nary construction reduce the friction between the lever and the cylinder, and produce slipping movements of the lever that reproduce articulate speech in the receiving diaphragm. Telephone, Reaction An electro- magnetic telephone in which the currents in- duced in a coil of wire attached to the dia- phragm are passed through the coils of the electro-magnet, and thus react on and strengthen it. Telephone Switch, Automatic (See Switch, Telephone, Automatic?) Telephonic. Pertaining to the telephone. Telephonic Alarm. (See Alarm, Tele" phonic?) Tel.] 521 [Tel, Telephonic Cable. (See Cable, Tele- phonic^) Telephonic Exchange. (See Exchange, Telephonic, System of.) Telephonic Exchange, System of (See Exchange, Telephonic, System of.) Telephonic Joints. (See Joint, Tele- graphic or Telephonic?) Telephonically. In the manner of the telephone. (See Telephoned) Telephoning. Communicating by means of the telephone. Telephote. An apparatus for the tele- graphic transmission of pictures by means of the action of light on selenium 1 . (See Tele- photography^) The telephote is sometimes called the pherope. Telephotography. A system for fac- simile transmission by means of dots and lines transmitted by means of a continuous current whose intensity is varied by a trans- mitting instrument containing a selenium re- sistance. (See Telegraphy, Fac-Simile. Resistance or Cell, Selenium?) The transmitter consists of a dark box mounted on an axis, so as to be capable of a sidewise motion. The picture to be transmitted is thrown continuously on the face of the box by any lantern projection apparatus, and a small opening containing a selenium resistance receives wise continuous current in the circuit of which the selenium resistance is placed. The picture is received at the other end on a sheet of chemically prepared paper moved syn- chronously with the transmitting box. Telescope, Reading A telescope employed in electric measurements for read- ing the deflections of the galvanometer. The image of numbers on an illumined scale is seen in the mirror through the telescope, shown in Fig. 552. Teleseme. A self-registering hotel an- nunciator, by means of which a dial operated in a room indicates on the annunciator the article or service required. Tele-Thermometer, Electric - An electric recording thermometer for indicating and recording temperature at a distance. The tele- thermometer consists essentially of a transmitter and a receiver. The transmitter consists of a delicate thermometer provided with suitable contacts. The receiver, which is in circuit with the transmitter, has, in some forms, a recording dial on which a continuous record, for a day or week, is made. In cases where it is desired that a given maximum temperature shall not be exceeded, an alarm bell, connected with contacts on the dial face, is rung. Telluric Magnetic Force. (See Forct, Magnetic, Telluric?) Telpher Line. (See Line, Telpher^ Telpherage. A system for the convey- ance of carriages suspended from electric ffg. 352. Reading Telescope. the alternations of light and shade, and transmits the same a-; variatio .sin the strength of the other- fif-SSS- C.rcuitfor Telphtrage System conductors, and driven by means of electric motors, that take directly from the conductors the current required to energize them. Tern.] 522 [The. Two lines are provided, an up and a down line, that cross each other at regular intervals. Each line is in segments, and the alternate segments are insulated from each other, but are connected electrically by cross-pieces on the supporting posts. In this way the line shown in Fig. 553 is obtained. The two lines are maintained at a difference of potential by a dynamo-electric machine at D, Fig. 554. As the train at L T, or L' T', is of such a length as to come into contact with two different segments at the same time, it receives a current sufficient to run the motor connected with it, the current being received through a conduc- tor joining a pair of wheels that are insulated from the truck. The general arrangement of the line is shown in the annexed Fig. 554 Fig. SS4- Circuit for Telpherage System. Temperature Alarm. (See Alarm, Tem- perature.} Temperature, Effects of, on Electric Re- sistance (See Resistance, Effect of Heat on Electric?) Tempering, Electric A process for temperaing metals in which heat of elec- tric origin is employed instead of ordinary furnace heat. Temporary Intensity of Magnetization. (See Magnetization, Temporary Intensity of.) Tension, Electric A term often loosely applied to signify indifferently surface density, electromotive force, dielectric stress, or difference of potential. This term is now very generally abandoned. Terminal, Cable A water-tight covering provided at the end of a cable to prevent injury to the cable insulation by the moisture of the air. Terminal, Negative The negative pole of a battery or other electric source, or the end of the conductor or wire connected with the positive plate. Terminal, Positive The positive pole of a battery or other electric source, or the end of the conductor or wire connected to the negative plate. Terminals. A name sometimes applied to the poles of a battery or other electric source, or to the ends of the conductors or. wires connected thereto. The two terminals are distinguished as the positive and the negative. Their names are un- like those of the battery plates to which they are connected, the positive terminal being con- nected with the negative plate and the negative terminal with the positive plate. Terrestrial Magnetism. (See Magnet- ism, Terrestrial) Testing, Methods of Various methods for determining the values of the current strength in any circuit, the difference of potential, the resistance, the coulombs, the farads, the joules, the watts, etc. (See Measurements, Electric) The investigation of an apparatus or cir cuit for the purpose of determining whether it is in standard or working condition. Testing of Joints. (See Joint, Test- ing of.) Testing Pole. (See Pole, Testing) Testing Transformer. (See Trans- former, Testing.) Tetanus. Continuous, spasmodic contrac- tion of the muscles. Tetanus, Acoustic Tetanus pro- duced in a muscle by means of alternate currents induced in a coil of wire by a mag- netized steel spring vibrating near the coil with sufficient rapidity to give a musical note. The rapidity of the inductive shock can be de- termined from the pitch of the musical note; hence the use of the term acoustic. Theatrophone. A system of telephonic communication between theatres or operas and subscribers, by means of slot machines. Any person at a cafe, club, restaurant or other public place, by the theatrophone, is automati- cally placed in communication with the theatre by means of a Deceiving telephone so as to hear The.] 523 [The. the performance by dropping a given piece of money in the slot of the machine. Theodolite, Magnetic An appa- ratus for measuring the declination or varia- tion of the magnetic needle at any place. A divided circle, like that on a theodolite, is supported horizontally. The needle is formed of a tubular magnet, having an achromatic lens at one end and a scale at the focus of the lens at the other end. Theory, Alternation, of Muscular Nerve Current A theory proposed by L. Hermann, in which the currents of nerves or muscular fibres are regarded as a result of their alteration from an original condition. Hermann states: (i.) That protoplasm undergoing partial death at any part, either while dying or by metamor- phosis, becomes negative to the uninjured part (2.) Protoplasm, when excited at any part, be- comes negative to the unexcited part. (3.) Protoplasm, when partially heated at any part, becomes positive, and, on cooling, negative to the unchanged part. (4. ) Protoplasm is strongly polarizable on its surface, the polarization constantly diminishing with excitement and while dying. According to this theory, passive, uninjured and absolutely fresh tissues are devoid of elec- tric currents. This matter must still be regarded as unsettled. (See Theory, Molecular, of Mus- cles or Nerve Current. ) Theory, Contact, of Toltaic Cell (See Cell, Voltaic, Contact Theory of.) Theory, Difference A theory as to the cause of the electric currents excited be- tween injured and uninjured protoplasm. Theory, Molecular, of Muscles or Nerve Current A theory proposed by Du Bois Reymond, in which every nerve or mus- cular fibre is regarded as composed of a series of electromotive molecules arranged in series and surrounded by a neutral con- ducting fluid. " The molecules are supposed to have a posi- tive equatorial zone directed towards the surface and two negative polar surfaces directed toward the transverse section. Every fresh transverse section exposes new negative surfaces, and every artificial longitudinal section new positive area." (Landois and Sterling.) Theory of Electric Displacement. (See Displacement, Electric, Theory of.) Therapeutical Electrization. (See Elec- trization, Therapeutical?) Therapeutic Bath, Electro (See Bath, Electro- Therapeutic?) Therapeutics, Electro, or Electro- Therapy The application of electricity to the curing of disease. (See Biology, Elec- tro^ Therapeutist, Electric One skilled in electro-therapy. An electro-medical practitioner. Therapy, Electro A term some- times used instead of electro-therapeutics. (See Therapeutics, Electro, or Electro- Therapy^) Therapy, Magneto Alleged electro- therapeutic effects produced by the move- ments of magnets over the body of the patient. It is asserted by eminent authorities that such effects have an actual existence. They should, however, until more carefully investigated, be accepted with extreme caution. Therm. A heat unit propose 1 by the British Association. A therm is the amount of heat required to raise the temperature of one gramme of pure water at the temperature of its maximum density one degree centigrade. (See Calorie.} Thermaesthesiometer. An instrument employed in electro-therapeutics for testing the temperature sense in nervous diseases. The thermaesthesiometer consists of two ther- mometers movable on a standard, with flat ves- sels of mercury in order to readily apply them to the skin. The mercury vessel of one of the two thermometers is surrounded by an insulated platinum wire and may be warmed at pleasure by passing a galvanic current through the wire. The two vessels, brought to different tempera- tures, are set on the same part of the skin, one after the other, so as to test the sensibility of the skin for the differences in temperature. Thermal Absorption. (See Absorption, Thermal?) The.] 524 [The. Thermal Cautery. (See Cautery, Ther- mal^ Thermal Incandescence. (See Incan- descence, Thermal?) Thermic Balance. (See Balance, Ther- mic, or Bolometer?) Thermo-Battery. (See Battery, Thermo?) Thermo Call. A call operated by means of thermo currents. Thermo-Cell. (See Cell, Thermo-Elec- tric?) Thermo-Electric Battery. (See Battery t Ther mo-Electric?) Thermo-Electric Cell. (See Celt, Thermo-Electric?) Thermo-Electric Couple. (See Couple, Thermo-Electric?) Thermo-Electric Diagram. (See Dia- gram, Thermo-Electric?) Thermo-Electric Effect. (See Effect, Thermo-Electric?) Thermo-Electric Inversion. (See In- version, Thermo-Electric?) Thermo-Electric Pile, Differential (See Pile, Thermo, Differential?) Thermo-Electric Pile or Battery. (See Pile, Thermo-Electric?) Thermo-Electric Power. (See Power, Thermo-Electric?) Thermo-Electric Series. (See Series, Thermo-Electric?) Thermo-Electricity. (See Electricity, Thermo^ Thermo-Electrometer. A name some- times, but not happily, applied to an electric thermometer. (See Thermometer, Electric?) Thermo-Electromotive Force. (See Force, Electromotive, Thermo?) Thermolysis. A term applied to the chemical decomposition of a substance by heat. Thermolysis, or dissociation, is an effect pro- duced by an action of heat somewhat similar to the effect of electrolysis, or chemical decomposi- tion produced by the passage of an electric cur- rent. When a chemical substance is heated, the vibration of its molecules is attended by an inter- atomic vibration of its constituent atoms so that a decomposition ensues. If the temperature is not excessive, these liberated atoms recombine with others which they meet. At higher temperatures, however, such recombination is impossible, and a permanent decomposition ensues, called ther- molysis or dissociation. Thermometer, Electric A device for determining the effects of an electric dis- charge by the movements of a liquid column on the expansion of a confined mass of air through which the discharge is passed. Thermometer, Electric Resistance A thermometer the action of which is based on the change in the electric resistance of metallic substances with changes in tem- perature. The electric resistance thermometer is used, among other purposes, for determining the temper- ature of the sea at different depths. Its operation is based on the electric resistance of two perfectly similar coils of insulated wire, enclosed in separate water- tight copper cases. One coil is placed where the temperature is to be determined, and the other in a vessel of water, the temperature of which is altered until the two coils show the same resist- ance, when, of course, the temperature of the distant coil is the same as that of the water sur- rounding the other coil. Thermometer Scale, Centigrade (See Scale, Thermometer, Centigrade?) Thermometer Scale, Fahrenheit (See Scale, Thermometer, Fahrenheit?) Thermophone. Any instrument by means of which sounds are produced by the absorp- tion of radiant energy. (See Photophone?) A telephone has been constructed in which the motions of the receiving diaphragm are effected by the expansions and contractions of a thin me- tallic wire connected to the diaphragm and placed in the circuit of the main line. Thermostat. An instrument for automati- cally maintaining a given temperature by the closing of an electric circuit through the ex- pansion of a solid or liquid. Thermostats are often used in systems of auto- matic fire telegraphy and in systems of automatic temperature regulation in connection with indi- The.] 525 [Tic. eating instruments for sounding an alarm or giv- ing notice when the temperature changes. They are operated either on open or closed cir- cuits. Thermostat Alarm. (See Alarm, Ther- mostat?) Thermostat, Closed-Circuit A thermostat maintained normally on a closed circuit. In closed-circuit thermostats, the adjustment for any degree of temperature within a given range is effected by means of a screw. Thermostat, Electro-Pneumatic An instrument for automatically indicating the existence of a given temperature by the closing of an electric circuit on the expansion of a gas. Thermostat, Mercurial A thermo- stat operating by the ex- pansion of a mercury column. A mercurial thermostat is shown in Fig. 555. One terminal is connected di- rectly with the mercury; the other is placed in the arm to the left. On a cer- tain predetermined tem- perature being reached, the rise of the mercury column completes the circuit and rings an alarm bell. By connecting the thermostat with an annunciator, the particular locality where an excessive temperature has been reached is indicated. Such a system is in use in a well known system of fire alarm. . 5SS- Mercurial Thermostat. Thermostat, Open-Circuit A ther- mostat maintained normally on an open cir- cuit. In open -circuit thermostats the adjustment for temperature within a given range is effected by varying the distance of the fixed and movable contact points. Thermostatic. Of or pertaining to a ther- mostat. (See Thermostat!) Thompson's Gauss. (See Gauss, S. P. Thompson's!) Thomson's Gauss. (See Gauss, Sir Wil- liam Thomson's!) Three-Branched Sparks. (See Spark, Three-Branched!) Three-Filament Incandescent Electric Lamp for Multiphase Circuits. (See Lamp, Electric, Incandescent, Three-Filament, for Multiphase Circuits?) Three-Way Trolley Frog. (See Frog, Trolley, Three- Way?) Three- Wire System. (See System, Three- Wire.} Throttling 1 . Choking, or stopping off. Through Circuit. (See Circuit, Through!) Through Line. (See Line, Through!) Throwback Indicator, Electrical . (See Indicator, Electric Throwback!) Throwback Indicator, Mechanical (See Indicator, Mechanical Throwback!) Throw of Needle. (See Needle, Throw of!) Thumb-Cock Electric Burner. (See Burner, Thumb-Cock Electric!) Thunder. A loud noise accompanying a lightning discharge. Thunder is due to the sudden rush of the sur- rounding air to fill the partially vacuous space accompanying the disruptive discharge of a cloud. This space is caused mainly by the condensation of the vapor formed on the passage of the discharge through drops of rain or moisture in the air, as well as by the expansion of the air itself. Thunder Rod. (See Rod, Thunder?) Thunder Storms, Geographical Distribu. tion of (See Storms, Thunder, Geo- graphical Distribution of!) Tick, Magnetic A faint metallic click heard on the magnetization and demag- netization of a magnetizable substance. Ticker Service, Stock The simul- taneous transmission of stock quotations or other desired information to a number of subscribers. The stock ticker-service includes a central transmitting station connected with a given num- Tic.] 526 [Tis. her of subscribers, each of whom is furnished with a stock ticker. The transmitter at the cen- tral station consists of a keyboard and a cylinder furnished with spiral pins. The spiral pins are connected through a series of pole-changers to separate line wires radiating in all directions from the central office. The connections are such that, a rapid rota- tion being given by means of an electric mo- tor to the cylinder, the impulses sent out by the keyboard are transmitted to each of the separate circuits. Since each of these circuits has a num- ber of ticker printers connected with it, reports of fluctuations in prices are simultaneously printed in hundreds of different offices. Ticker, Stock A form of step-by- step telegraphic instrument employed for au- tomatically sending and recording stock quo- tations to any desired number of subscribers. (See Telegraphy, Step-by-Step.) A form of printing telegraph. Callahan's Printing Telegraph is used as a stock ticker. (See Telegraphy, Printing.) Phelps' Stock Printer is employed extensively as a stock ticker. This form of printing telegraph requires but a single wire, and has a working speed of almost thirty words a minute, A. double type-wheel, maintained in motion by clockwork, is stopped at the desired characters by the motion of a polarized relay, working be- tween the poles of two electro magnets, furnished with a soft iron or non-polarized armature. The release of the armature of the printing mag- net releases a train, and thus insures the impres- sion of the character it is desired to print. The type-wheel is driven by a step-by-step movement obtained by means of rapidly alter- nating pulsations. Although these pass through the coils of the printing magnet, they follow one another too rapidly to charge its coils, so that the armature is unaffected until a pause is made, when, its armature being attracted, it releases the printing mechanism. The message is received on a fillet of paper, fed by a suitable mechanism. Time-Ball, Electric (See Ball, Electric Tinted) Time-Constant of Circuit (See Circuit, Time-Constant of.) Time-Constant of Condenser. (See Con- dtnser, Time-Constant of.) Time-Constant of Electro-Magnet. (See Constant, Time, of Electro-Magnet?) Time Cut-Out, Automatic An au- omatic cut-out arranged on a storage bat- tery so as to cut it in or out of the circuit of the charging source at predetermined times. Time-Fall of Electromotive Force of Secondary or Storage Cell During Dis- charge. (See Force, Electromotive, of Sec- ondary or Storage Cell, Time-Fall of.) Time-Lag of Magnetization. (See Mag- netization, Time-Lag of.) Time, Reaction The time required for the effects of an electric current to pass from a nerve to a muscle. Time-Rise of Electromotive Force of Secondary or Storage Cells During Dis- charge. (See Force, Electromotive, of Sec- ondary or Storage Cell, Time-Rise of.) Time-Switch. (See Switch, Time.) Time, Telegraphic, Register for Rail- roads (See Register, Time, for Rail- roads?) Time Telegraphy. (See Telegraphy, Time?) Tinned Wire. (See Wire, Tinned?) Tinning, Electro Covering a sur- face with a coating of tin by electro-plating. (See Plating, Electro?) Stannic chloride, or the perchloride of tin, dis. solved in water in the proportion of 30 parts of the salt to 1,250 of water, makes a good tinning bath. Tinnitus, Telephone A professional neurosis, or abnormal nervous condition of the auditory apparatus, believed to be caused by the continual use of the telephone. Tips, Polar The free ends of the field magnet pole pieces of a dynamo-electric machine. Tissue, Nerve or Muscular Excitability of- Electric stimulation of nervous or muscular tissue. Ton.] 527 [Tor. The general effects of electric stimulation of nervous or muscular tissue may be summarized as follows: (l.) Electric stimulation of a motor nerve, pro- duces a contraction of the muscles to which such nerve is distributed. (2.) Electric stimulation of a sensory nerve, produces pain in the parts to which the nerve is distributed. (3.) Electric stimulation of mixed motor and sensory nerves produces both of the effects men- tioned under (i) and (2.) Tongs, Cable Hanger Tongs pro- vided with long handles for the purpose of attaching the hangers of an aerial cable to the suspending wire or rope. Tongs, Discharging A term some- times used for a discharging rod. (See Rod, Discharging?) Tongue, Relay, Bias of A term employed to signify such an adjustment of a polarized relay, that on the cessation of the working current, the relay tongue shall always rest against the insulated contact, and not against the other contact, or vice versa. Sometimes, as in the split-battery duplex, the bias is toward the uninsulated contact. (See Relay ; Polarized,} Tool, Lead Scoring A tool for readily scoring the surface of the lead of a lead-covered cable, when the same is to be removed preparatory to making joints. Toothed-Ring Armature. (See Arma- ture, Toothed-Ring?) Top, Induction A top consisting of an iron disc supported on a vertical axis, which, when spun before the poles of a steel magnet, assumes an inclined position, through the influence of the currents induced in the disc. The top maintains the inclined position so long only as the strength of the induced currents is sufficiently great ; that is, while speed of rotation is sufficiently great. Toppler-Holtz Machine. (See Machine, Toppler-Holtz?) Torch, Electric Gaslighting A gaslighting appliance consisting of the com- bination of a portable voltaic battery and a spark or induction coil. The torch is mounted on the end of a rod pro- vided with means for turning on the gas. A key is then touched and the gas lighted by the spark produced by an induction coil or a small electro- static induction machine. Torpedo, Automobile A torpedo which contains in itself the power for its own motion. The moving power may be that derived from compressed air or gas, or from a storage bat- tery contained within the torpedo. An auto- mobile torpedo provided with a storage battery and electric motor would then be distinguished from an electrically propelled torpedo, connected by means of cables with a driving dynamo located outside the torpedo on a ship, or on the shore. Torpedo Boat. (See Boat, Torpedo?) Torpedo Cable. (See Cable, Torpedo?) Torpedo, Drifting A torpedo sus- pended from a float, and connected by means of rope with similar torpedoes, allowed to drift with the current, so as to catch against a vessel. Torpedo, Electric A name some- times given to the electric ray. (See Ray, Electric?) Torpedo, Electric An electrically operated torpedo. This latter usage of the term is the commoner. Torpedo, Halpine-Savage A special form of torpedo, in which electricity is both the propelling and directing power, and in which the electric source furnishing the pro- pelling current is contained within the torpedo. In the Halpine Savage torpedo, the propelling power is obtained from a storage battery placed within the torpedo. Torpedo, Lay A moving torpedo, in which the moving power is carbonic acid gas, or compressed air, or other similar power not electric, and the guiding power is electric. The Lay torpedo has the form of a cylindrical boat furnished with conical ends. The explosive is placed in the fore part of the torpedo. Flags are Tor.] 528 [Ton. attached to the torpedo, showing the operator the exact course taken by it. The torpedo is started, stopped and steered by means of electric currents sent to the torpedo through an insulated cable connected with the torpedo. Torpedo Nets. (See Nets, Torpedo^ Torpedo, Outrigger A pole or spar torpedo. The torpedo is placed in a metallic case and supported on the end of a spar or outrigger. The spar is depressed until the torpedo is sunk below the water line. The torpedo is fired when its end conies in contact with the side of the enemy's vessel. Torpedo, Sims-Edison A special form of torpedo in which electricity is both the propelling and the directing power, but the electric source is situated outside of the torpedo. The torpedo is propelled by means of an electric motor placed in the torpedo, and driven by means of an electric current transmitted through a cable connected with the sending station. Torpedo, Spar A torpedo, attached io the end of a spar, and designed to be exploded by percussion against the side of an enemy's vessel, when thrust against the side below the water-line. The spar torpedo is but little used, having been replaced by more efficient forms. Torpedo, Stationary A term some- times employed instead of a submarine mine. (See Mine, Submarined) A stationary torpedo is so named in order to distinguish it from a torpedo which is moved through the water by any means. (See Torpedo, Towing.) Torpedo, Towing A torpedo ar- ranged to be towed on the surface after a ves- sel and explode when it strikes the side of an enemy's vessel. The torpedo is shaped so that it maintains dur- ing its motion a certain distance from the sides of the towing boat or vessel. Torque. That moment of the force ap- plied to a dynamo or other machine which turns it or causes its rotation. The mechanical rotary or turning force which acts on the armature of a dynamo^ electric machine or motor and causes it to rotate. In the case of the armature of a dynamo- electric machine the torque is equal to the radius of the armature, multiplied by the pull at the circumference, or the radius of its pulley multiplied by the pull at the circumference of the pulley. A torque is exerted on the shaft of a motor from the electro-magnetic action, or pull at the periphery of the armature. The torque is usually measured in pounds of pull at the end of a radius or arm I foot in length. Torricellian Yacuum. (See Vacuum, Torricellian?) Torsion Balance, Coulomb's (See Balance, Coulomb's Torsion?) Torsion Galvanometer. (See Galvanom- eter, Torsion?) Total Disconnection. (See Disconnec- tion, Total?) Total Earth. (See Earth, Total?) Total Magnetic Induction. (See Induc- tion, Total Magnetic?) Touch, Double A method of mag- netization in which two closely approximated magnet poles are simultaneously drawn from one end of the bar to be magnetized to the other and back again, and this repeated a number of times. Touch, Separate A method of magnetization in which two magnetizing poles are simultaneously applied to the bar to be magnetized and drawn over it in opposite di rections. (See Magnetization by Touch?) Touch, Single A method of mag- netization in which a single magnetizing bar is drawn from one end to the other of the bzr to be magnetized, and returned through the air for the next stroke. (See Magnetization, Methods of?) Tourmaline. A mineral consisting of natural silicates and borates of alumina, lime, iron, etc., possessing pyro-electric properties, (See Electricity, Pyro.) Tow.] 529 [Tra. Tower, Conning A shot-proof tower from which the commander of a turret ship directs the movements of a vessel during action. Tower, Electric A high tower pro- vided for the support of a number of electric arc lamps, employed in systems of general illumination. Tower System of Electric Lighting. The lighting of extended areas by means of arc lights placed on the tops of tall towers. The tower system of electric illumination is only applicable to wide open spaces, since otherwise objectionable shadows are apt to be formed. Towing Torpedo. (See Torpedo, Taw- ing) Traction, Magnetic The force with which a magnet holds on to or retains its armature, when once attached thereto. Magnetic traction is to be distinguished from magnetic attraction, or the ability of a magnet pole to draw an armature or other magnets to- wards it from a distance. Train Wire. (See Wire, Train) Tramway, Electric A railway over which cars are driven by means of elec- tricity. An electric railroad. The term tramway is sometimes applied to roads in cities, as distinguished from inter-urban roads. Transformer. An inverted Ruhmkorff induction coil employed in systems of dis- tribution by means of alternating currents. A transformer is sometimes called a converter. The word transformer is, however, the one most employed. A transformer consists essentially of an induc- tion coil, Fig. 556, in which the primary wire is long and thin, and consequently has many turns, as compared with the secondary wire, S, S, which is short, thick, and has few turns. To prevent heating and loss of energy in con- version, the core of the transformer is thoroughly laminated; to lower the resistance of its mag- netic circuit, the transformer is usually iron-clad. In a system of electrical distribution by means of transformers, alternating currents, of small Current strength and comparatively considerable difference of potential, are sent over a line from a distant station, and passing into the primary wire of a number of converters, generally connected to the line in multiple arc, produce, by induction Fig. 556. Transformer. currents of comparatively great strength and small difference of potential in the secondary wires. Various electro -receptive devices are connected in multiple arc to circuits connected with the sec- ondary wires. This method of distribution greatly reduces the cost of the main conducting wires or leads in all cases where the distance is considerable, since considerable energy may be conveniently sent over a comparatively thin wire, with but a trifling loss, if the difference of potential is sufficiently great. The general arrangement of the converters on the main line, and the connection of the second- ary circuits with the electro-receptive devices in _L_L Fig. SS7- Transformer Circuits. such a system, are shown in Fig. 557. The trans- formers are supported on the line poles, as more Tra.] 530 [Tra. dearly shown In Fig. 558, in which the terminals of the primary and secondary of the converter are readily seen. When the converter is properly constructed, the loss of conversion at full load is but small ; that is to say, the number of watts in the secon- dary is very nearly equal to the number in the primary. A current of IO amperes, at 2,000 volts, when passed into a converter the number of whose turns in the primary is twenty times the number in its secondary, will produce in its sec- ondary a current whose strength is about twenty times as great, that is, nearly 200 amperes, but whose voltage is only about one-twentieth, or, loo; the watts in the two cases are nearly the same, or theoretically 20,000 watts. The ratio between the windings of the primary and the secondary circuits is called the co-effi- cient of transformation. In general, the shorter the wire on the second- ary, and the smaller its number of turns, the greater is the reduction in the difference of po- tential, and the greater the current produced. The reduction is nearly proportionate to the ratio of the number of windings of the two coils. Transformer, Constant-Current Fig. 338. Transformer Attached to Poles. Transformer, Closed Iron Circuit A transformer the core of which forms a complete magnetic circuit. These transformers are sometimes called iron- clad transformers. Transformer, Commuting A term sometimes applied to a variety of motor gen- erator in which neither the armature nor the field magnets revolve, the variations in the polarity of the magnetic circuit being obtained by means of special comrrutators. transformer in which a current of a constant potential in the primary is converted into a current of constant strength in the secondary, despite changes in the load on the secondary. Transformer, Core A transformer in which the primary and secondary wires are wrapped around the outside of a core consisting of a bundle of soft iron wires or plates. A Ruhmkorff coil is a core transformer. Transformer, Efficiency of" The ratio between the whole energy supplied in any given time to the primary circuit of a transformer and that which appears in the form of electric current in the secondary circuit. The energy applied to the primary circuit of a transformer is dissipated: (i.) By eddy currents in the core of the trans- former. (See Currents, Eddy.) (2.) By hysteresis, or magnetic friction. (See Hysteresis. ) (3.) By heating of the primary circuit. (4.) By heating of the secondary circuit. When a transformer is overloaded, its efficiency decreases. There is a certain range of second- ary resistance and current, within which a trans- former is most advantageously operated. Transformer Guard. (See Guard, Trans- former, Lightning?) Transformer, Hedgehog A name applied to a particular form of open-iron cir- cuit transformer. (See Transformer^) The advantages claimed for the hedgehog trans- former are that it can be made to give a higher all-day efficiency, since it insures a smaller loss from hysteresis in the iron. The efficiency for very small loads, or for no loads is greater than in the closed-circuit transformer. Transformer, Leakage Current of A term sometimes used for the current which escapes from the primary through the dielec- tric of a transformer to the secondary circuit. The term is a bad one, since the true leakage current would be the current which represents the leakage between the primary or secondary circuit and the ground. Tra.] 531 [Tra. Transformer Lightning Arrester. (See Arrester, Lightning, Transformer?) Transformer, Multiple Any form of transformer which is connected in multiple to the primary circuit. A multiple or parallel transformer is self-regu- lating under variable loads, provided the electro- motive force in the primary is maintained con- stant. Transformer, Oil A transformer which is immersed in oil in order to insure a high insulation. Transformer, Open-Iron Circuit A transformer the iron of which does not form a complete magnetic circuit, but is formed instead partly of iron and partly of air. Transformer, Pilot A small trans- former, placed at any desired portions of a line in order to determine the drop of poten- tial. The pilot transformer is used in connection with a lamp or other suitable indicating device. Its use is similar to the use of the pilot incandescent lamp. Transformer, Rotary-Current A transformer operated by means of a rotary current. (See Current, Rotating?) The rotary current transformer for a rotary current of three separate alternating currents com- bined, transforms all three currents together. There are three cores, connected at one set of ends and at the other to the circumference of an iron ring. Each core contains a primary and secondary wire. Transformer, Rotary-Phase A ro- tary current transformer. (See Transfor- mer, Rotary-Current?) Transformer, Series Transformers which are connected in series with the pri- mary circuit. A series transformer is not as readily made self- regulating under variations in the load as a mul- tiple transformer. If, however, its core is not saturated, and the electromotive force of its secondary is small, it can be made fairly self-regu- lating. Series transformers are used in the Jablochkoff system for feeding arc lamps in the shape of Jablochkoff candles. Transformer, Shell A transformer in which the primary and secondary coils are laid on each other, and the iron core is then wound through and over them so as to en- close all the copper of the primary and secondary circuits within the iron. The iron shell surrounding the copper may consist of the thin plates of iron, built up so as to leave a rectangular space for the introduction of the primary and secondary. Transformer, Step-Down A trans- former in which a small current of compara- tively great difference of potential is con- t verted into a large current of comparatively small difference of potential. An in verted Ruhmkorff induction coil. Transformer, Step-Up A trans- former in which a large current of compara- tively small difference of potential is con- verted into a small current of comparatively great difference of potential. The term step-up transformer is used in contra- distinction to the step -down transformer. The old form of Ruhmkorff coil is an example of a step-up transformer. Transformer, Testing A trans- former employed in any system of distribu- tion for the purposes of testing for grounds, condition of line, drop of potential, etc. Transformer, Welding A trans- former suitable for changing a small electric current of comparatively high difference of potential, into the heavy currents of low difference of potential required for welding purposes. Welding transformers have in general a very low resistance in their secondary coils, and almost invariably consist of a single turn or at the most of a few turns of very stout wire. Transforming Currents. (See Current, Transforming a.) Transforming Down. Transforming by means of a step-down transformer. (See Transformer, Step-Down?) Transforming Station. (See Station, Transforming.) Transforming Up. Transforming by means of a step-up transformer. (See Transformer, Step-Up?) Tra.] 532 [Tra. Transient Currents. (See Currents, Transmission, Multiple The simul- Transient.) Transit, Magnetic Variation An apparatus for measuring the declination or variation of the magnetic needle at any place. The variation transit generally consists of an altitude and azimuth instrument, the telescope of which is so arranged as to be readily converted into a microscope. Transition Resistance. (See Resistance, Transition.) Translator, Double-Current A telegraphic translater or repeater designed to operate on double current transmission. A tele- Translater, Single-Current graphic translater or repeater designed to operate a single-current transmission. Translater, Telegraphic A term sometimes applied to a telegraphic repeater. (See Repeaters, Telegraphic?) Translating Device. (See Device, Trans- lating?) Translating Devices, Multiple-Arc-Con- nected (See Devices, Translating, Multiple-Arc-Connected.) Translating Devices, Multiple-Con- nected (See Devices, Translating, Multiple- Connected.) Translating Devices, Multiple-Series- Connected (See Devices, Translat- ing, Multiple-Series-Connected?) Translating Devices, Series-Connected (See Devices, Translating, Series- Connected.) Translating Devices, Series-Multiple- Connected (See Devices, Translat- ing, Series-Multiple-Connected.) Translucent- Disc Photometer. (See Photometer, Translucent-Disc.) Transmission, Double The simul- taneous sending of two messages over a sin- gle wire in opposite directions. (See Teleg- raphy, Duplex, Bridge Method of.) taneous sending of more than two messages over a single line or conductor. Transmission of Energy. (See Energy, Electric, Transmission of.) Transmitter, Carbon, for Telephones A telephone transmitter consisting of a button of compressible carbon. The sound waves impart to-and-fro movements to the transmitting diaphragm, and this to the carbon button, thus varying its resistance by pres- sure. This button is placed in circuit with the battery and induction coil. (See Telephone.') Transmitter, Double-Current The transmitting instrument employed in systems of telegraphy, by means of which the direc- tion of the currents on the line is alternately changed, according to whether the key rests on its front or on its back stop. Double-current transmitters are used in con- nection with instruments, such as polarized re- lays, which respond to change in the direction of the current, rather than to changes in its in- tensity. Transmitter, Electric A name applied to various electric apparatus employed in telegraphy or telephony to transmit or send the electric impulses over a line wire or con- ductor. The sending instrument as distinguished from the receiving instrument. In most telegraphic systems, the transmitting instrument consists of various forms of keys for in- terrupting or varying the current. In the tele- phone the transmitter consists of a diaphragm operated by the voice of the speaker. (See Tele- phone.) Transmitter, Water-Jet Telephone - A telephone transmitter consisting of a jet of water issuing vertically downwards from a small orifice. The jet forms a part of the circuit of the re- ceiving telephone. In order to reduce its resist- ance, the water is rendered acid by the addition of sulphuric acid, and a battery of high electro- motive force is employed. Since the jet has a high resistance, a battery of high resistance can be used without inconvenience. Tra.] 533 [Tre. Transposing. In a system of telephonic communication a device for avoiding the bad effects of induction by alternately crossing equal lengths of consecutive sections of the line. (See Connection, Telephonic Cross.) Transverse Electromotive Force. (See Force, Electromotive, Transverse.} Treatment, Hydro-Carbon, of Carbons Exposing carbons, while electrically heated to incandescence, to the action of a carbonizing gas, vapor or liquid, for the pur- pose of rendering them more uniformly elec- trically conducting throughout. (See Car- bons, Plashing Process for?) Tree, Parallel, Circuit (See Cir- cuit, Parallel- Tree.) Trembling Bell. (See Bell, Trembling.) Trigonometrical. Of or pertaining to trigonometry. (See Trigonometry.) Trigonometrical Function. (See Func- tion, Trigonometrical^) Trigonometrically. In a trigonometrical manner. Trigonometry. That branch of mathe- matical science which treats of the methods of determining the values of the angles and sides of a triangle. There are in every triangle three sides and three angles. If any three of these parts are given, except the three angles, the values of the remaining parts can be determined by means of Fig. SS9- Dynamo Brush Trimmer. trigonometry, by what is called the solution of ihe triangle. (See Function, Trigonometrical.) Trimmer. An employee of an electric light company who renews the carbons in arc lamps. Trimmer, Dynamo Brush A de- vice for insuring rapid and accurate trimming of dynamo brushes. The brush trimmer consists of a knife, placed as shown in Fig. 559 on a rigid support. The brushes are placed under a clamp, and against a straight edge, so that a single cut with the knife blade insures a clean and true cut. Trimming. A term sometimes applied to the act of placing the carbons in an electric arc lamp. The phrase, carboning a lamp, would appear to be preferable to trimming a lamp. Triple-Carbon Arc Lamp. (See Lamp, Arc, Triple-Carbon^ Tripod Roof Support. (See Support, Tripod Roof) Trolley. A rolling contact wheel that moves over the overhead lines provided for a line of electric railway cars, and carries ofl the current required to drive the motor car. Trolley Crossing. A device placed at tha crossing of two trolley wires, by which tha trolley wheel running on one wire may cross the other. Such a device can also be made to hold the two wires together. Trolley Crossing, Insulated A de^ vice used at the crossing of two trolley wires, which insulates the wires from each other, but which permits the trolley wheel of one line to cross the other trolley line. Trolley Cross-Over. (See Cross-Over, Trolley) Trolley, Double The traveling con- ductors, which move over the lines of wire in any system of electric railways that employs two overhead conductors. In one form of double trolley a bar of wood carries two hangers, separated from each other, and furnished with diverging feet, with clips that embrace the two conducting wires. These wires serve also as the track for the two-wheeled trolley. The trolley consists of two plates connected to and insulated from each other under the conductors, Tro.J 534 [Tub. and carrying flanged wheels, extending in over the conductors. Swinging from the axles of the poles are arms, which form a bail-like draft loop, with insulated material between their lower ends, and furnish means for connection with the car motor. In order to remove this trolley from the conducting wires, these arms are pressed together at points between two points of hangers, which allows them to pass between the inner ends of the wheel axles. The trolley cannot be removed from the wires except at the end of the track, and it is therefore found in practice to be particularly useful in mines, where, from the nature of the galleries, the trolley wheel is very apt to become detached from the trolley wires. Trolley, Drop The trolley wheel and rod for an electric car which drops away from the wire on slipping from the wire, and is reset upwards through proper elastic press- ure. Trolley Fork. (See Fork, Trolley) Trolley Frog. (See Frog, Trolley) Trolley Frog, Standard (See Frog, Trolley, Standard) Trolley Hanger. (See Hanger, Trolley) ' Trolley Pole. (See Pole, Trolley) Trolley Section. (See Section, Trolley) Trolley, Single A traveling con- ductor or wheel which moves over a single conductor in a system of electric railways, and takes off the current for driving the elec- tric motor, in connection with an earth or grounded return conductor. Trolley Wheel. (See Wheel, Trolley) Trolley, Wire (See Wire, Trolley) True Contact Force. (See Force, True Contact) True Resistance. (See Resistance, True) Trumpet, Electric An electro- magnetic buzzer, the sound of which is strengthened by means of a resonator in the shape of a trumpet. (See Buzzer, Electric. Resonator, Electric) The electric trumpet is used to replace electric bells. It gives a louder and more penetrating sound than the electric bell. Trunking Switch Board. (See Board, Switch, Trunking) Tube, Crookes' A tube containing a high vacuum and adapted for showing any of the phenomena of the ultra-gaseous state of matter. (See Matter, Radiant, or Ultra- Gaseous) Tube, Insulating A tube of insu- lating material provided for covering a splice in an insulated conductor. Tube, Mercury Vacuous glass tubes in which a flash of light is produced by the fall of a small quantity of mercury placed in- side it. The light is caused by the electricity produced by the friction of the mercury in falling against the sides of a spiral glass tube placed inside the vacuous tube. Tube, Pliicker : A modification of a Geissler tube adapted for the study of the stratification of the light, and the peculiar- ities of the space adjoining the negative elec- trode. (See Tubes, Geissler) Tube, Spark A high vacuum tube, across which, when the vacuum is sufficiently high, the spark from an induction coil will not pass. A spark tube, connected with incandescent lamps while undergoing exhaustion, acts as a simple gauge to determine the degree of ex- haustion. When an induction coil discharge ceases either to pass, or to pass freely, the vacuum is considered as sufficient, according to circum- stances. Tube, Stratification An exhausted glass tube, the residual atmosphere of which displays alternate dark and light stria', or stratifications, on the passage through it of an induction coil discharge. (See Discharge, Luminous Effects of) Tubes, Geissler Vacuum tubes of glass containing various gases, liquids or solids, provided with platinum electrodes, passed through and fused into the glass, de- signed to show the various luminous effects Tub.] 535 [Twi. of electric discharges through gases at com- paratively low pressures. Geissler tubes are made of a great variety of shapes, and often include tubes, spirals, spheres, etc., within other tubes. These enclosed tubes are made either of ordinary glass, or of uranium glass in order to obtain the effects of fluorescence. The vacuum in Geissler tubes is by no means what might be called a high vacuum. Indeed, if the exhaustion of the tube be pushed too far, much of the brilliancy of the luminous effects is lost. Some of the many forms of Geissler tubes are shown in Fig. 560. Fig. 360. Geisder Tubes. Tubes of Force. (See Force, Tubes of.) Tubes of Induction. (See Induction, Tubes of.) Tubes, Yacuum Glass tubes, from which the air has been partially exhausted and through which electric discharges are passed fcr the production of luminous effects. (See Tubes, Geissler) Tubular Braid. (See Braid, Tubular.} Tumbling Box. (See Box, Tumbling) Tuning-Fork or Reed Interrupter. (See Interrupter, Tuning-Fork. Interrupter, Reed) Turn, Ampere A single turn or winding in a coil of \vire through which one l/npere passes. ..Vn ampere-turn is soinetiiues called an ampere- winding. Magneto-motive force in a magnetic circuit is proportioned to the number of ampere- tarns linked with it. The practical unit of mag- neto-motive foice is _L_ x ampere turn = .0796 4 "t ampere turn. Therefore the magneto-motive force, m. m. f., is found by multiplying the am- pere turns by 4 it or 12.57. The number of amperes multiplied by the number of windings or turns of wire in a coil give the total number of ampere-turns in the coil. In a coil of fixed dimensions the magnetizing force developed by a given number of ampere-turns remains the same as long as the product of the amperes and the current remains the same. That is to say, the same amount of magnetizing force can be obtained by the use of many windings and a small current, as in shunt dynamos, or by a few turns and a proportionally large current, as in series dynamos. (See Machine, Dynamo-Elec- tric.} Turns, Ampere, Primary The ampere-turns of the primary of an induction coil. Turns, AmpSre, Secondary The ampere-turns of the secondary of an induc- tion coi j . Turns, Dead The number of revo- lutions a self-exciting dynamo makes before it excites itself. Turns, Dead, of Armature Wire Those turns of the wire on the armature of a dynamo-electric machine which produce no useful electromotive force or resultant current, on the movement of the armature through the magnetic field of the machine. The wire on the inside of a Gramme or ring armature is dead wire, but not dead turns. Turns, Series, of Dynamo-Electric Ma- chines The ampere-turns in the series circuit of a compound-wound dynamo- electric machine. (See Machine, Dynamo- Electric, Compound- Wound.) Turns, Shunt, of Dynamo-Electric Ma- chine The ampere-turns in the shunt circuit of a compound-wound dynamo-elec- tric machine. (See Machine, Dynamo-Elec- tric, Compound- Wound.) Tnrn-Table, Electric A table, suit- able for show windows, revolved around a vertical axis by means of an electric motor. Twig. A sub-branch. (See Branch, Sub.) Twin Wire. (See Wire, Twin.) Twi. 536 [Unl* Twist in Leads. (See Leads, Armature, Twist in.) Twisted Bunched Cable. (See Cable, Bunched, Twisted.) Twisted-Pair Cable. (See Cable, Twisted- Pair.) Twisting Force. (See Force, Twisting.) Two-Fluid Voltaic Cell. (See Cell, Vol- taic, Two-Fluid.) Two-Point Switch. (See Switch, Two- Point) Two, Three, Four, etc., Conductor Cable (See Cable, Two, Three, Four, etc., Conductor.) Two-Way Splice Box. (See Box, Splice, Two- Way!) Two-Way Switch. (See Switch, TW+. Way.) Type-Printing Telegraph. (See Teleg- raphy ', Printing!) Typewriter, Electric A typewrit- ing machine, in which the keys are intended to make the contacts only of circuits of electro-magnets, by the attraction of the arzna* tures of which the movements of the type levers required for the work of printing ar* effected. Electric typewriters secure a uniformity of im- pression that is impossible to obtain with hand worked machines. They also greatly lessen the mechanical labor of writing . (See Dynamograph . ) U. A contraction sometimes used for unit. Ultra-Gaseous Matter. (See Matter, Radiant, or Ultra-Gaseous!) Underground Cable. (See Cable, Under- ground!) Underground Conductor. (See Con- ductor, Underground!) Undulating Currents. (See Currmf, Undulating!) Undulatory Currents. (See Currents, Undulatory.) Undulatory Discharge. (See Discharge, Undulatory.) Ungilding Bath. (See Bath, Ungild- Unidirectional Discharge. (See Dis- charge, Unidirectional.) Unidirectional Leak. (See Leak, Uni- directional!) Uniform Density of Field. (See Field, Uniform Density of.) Uniform Magnetic Field. (See Field, Magnetic, Uniform!) Uniform Magnetic Filament. (See Fila- ment, Uniform Magnetic!) Uniform Potential. (See Potential. Uniform.) Uniformly Distributed Current (See Current, Uniformly Distributed.) Unipolar Armature. (See Armature, Unipolar!) Unipolar-Electric Bath. (See Bath, Un-:* polar-Electric!) Unipolar Induction. .'See TrtJvct&n, Unipolar!) Unit Angle. (See Angle, Unit. Velocity, Angular.) Unit Angular Velocity. (See Velocity^ Angular.) Unit, B. A. A term formerly ap- plied to the British Association unit of re- sistance, or ohm. (See Ofi*n.) Unit-Difference of Potential or Electro- motive Force (See Potential, Unit. Difference of.) Unit, Magnetic, A A term some- times used for a line of magnetic force, or the amount of magnetism irduccd in an area of one square centimetre at the centre of a coil having a diame t er of 10 centimetres and carrying a current of 7.9578 amperes. Unit, Natural, of Electricity (See Electricity, Natural Unit of.) 2 Vol. 2 Uni.] 537 [Uni. Unit of Acceleration. (See Acceleration, Unit of.} Unit of Activity. (See Activity, Unit of.) Unit of Current, Absolute (See Current, Absolute Unit of.) Unit of Current, Jacobi's (See Current, Jacobi's Unit of.) These units are more frequently called the centimetre-gramme-second units. Units, Centimetre-Gramme-Second A system of units in which the centimetre is adopted for the unit of length, the gramme for the unit of mass, and the second for unit of time. This is the same as the absolute system of units. Units, C. G. S. The centimetre- gramme-second units. (See Units, Funda- mental.) Units, Circular Units based upon the value of the area of a circle whose diame- ter is unity. The advantages possessed by the circular units of cross- section arise from the fact that in these units the areas are equal to the squares of the diameter. No necessity exists, therefore, for mul- tiplying by .7854. Unit of Electrical Supply. (See Supply, Unit of, Electrical.) Unit of Electromotive Force, Absolute (See Force, Electromotive, Absolute Unit of.) Unit of Electrostatic Capacity. (See Capacity, Electrostatic, Unit of.) Unit of Heat (See Heat Unit.) Unit of Inductance. (See Inductance, Unit of.) UnitofMass. (See J/ determined by the volume of the gases r olved. a some forms of volume voltameter in which ailute sulphuric acid is electrolyzed, both the hydrogen and the oxygen are measured, either separately or together. In one form of volume voltameter the hydrogen only is collected, and thus the error in volum- etric determinations arising from the decrease in volume from the formation of ozone is avoided. The evolved oxygen is isolated from the hydrogen by placing a porous jar between the electrodes. The negative electrode, is formed of platinum fused in the tube, which, for ease of connec- tion, is partially filled with mercury. The graduated glass tube, in which the hy- drogen is collected, is maintained at a nearly con- stant temperature by means of a water column. A thermometer is provided for corrections of volume as affected by temperature. The voltameter contains dilute sulphuric acid, about 30 per cent, of acid. Voltameter, Weight - A voltameter in which the quantity of the current passing is determined by the difference in the weight of the instrument after the circuit has passed for a given time. A weight voltameter consists essentially of platinum electrodes and some means for thor- oughly drying the evolved gases. A vessel filled with pumice stone moistened with sulphuric acid, or a chloride of calcium tube, may be used for this purpose. The voltameter is carefully weighed before and after the decomposition. The differ- ence in weight gives the weight of the sulphuric acid decomposed. Voltametric Law. (See Law, Voltamet- rzc.) Voltmeter. An instrument used for meas- uring difference of potential. (See Galva- nometer. Potential, Difference of. Volt) A voltmeter may be constructed on the principle of a galvanometer, in which case it differs from an ammeter, or ampere meter, which measures the current, principally in that the resistance of its coils is greater, and that in an ampere meter the coils are placed in the circuit, while in a volt- meter they are placed as a shunt to the circuit. The difference of potential is determined from the reading of a voltmeter, by the fact that accord- ing to Ohm's law, the product of the current and the resistance is equal to the electromotive force, E as C = from which we obtain C X R = E. R In the ordinary operation of a voltmeter, the action of the current in passing through a coil of insulated wire is to produce a magnetic field, which causes the deflection of a magnetic needle. Since the resistance of the voltmeter is constant the current passing, and hence the deflection of the needle, will vary with the value of E. The magnetic field produced by the current deflects the magnetic needle against the action of another field, which may be either the earth's field, or an artificial field produced by a permanent or an electro-magnet. Or, it may deflect it against the action of a spring, or against the force of gravity acting on a weight. There thus arise varieties of voltmeters, such as permanent-magnet voltmeters, spring voltmeters, and gravity voltmeters. Or, the current produced by a given difference of potential may be used to heat a wire, and the value of the potential difference determined by the movement of a needle by the consequent expansion of a wire. Cardew's voltmeter operates on this principle. (See Voltmeter, Cardew's.) Or, the potential difference to be measured may be utilized to charge a readily movable needle, and thus produce electrostatic attractions and repulsions. This form of instrument is in reality a form of electrometer. (See Electrometer, Quadrant. Attraction, Electrostatic.) Voltmeter, Cardew's A form of voltmeter in which the potential difference is measured by the amount of expansion caused by the heat of a current passing through a fixed resistance. The current produced by the difference < f potential to be measured is passed through a high Vol.] 548 resistance wire of platinum silver, the expansion of which is caused to move a needle across a graduated arc. The wire is thin and therefore quickly acquires the temperature due to the current. The Cardew voltmeter possesses an advantage of being independent of changes of temperature. It is also capable of being used to measure the potential difference of alternating currents. Toltmeter, Closed-Circuit A volt- meter in which the points of the circuit, be- tween which the potential difference is to be measured, are connected with a closed coil or circuit, and which gives indications by means of the current so produced in said circuit. All galvanometer- volt meters are of the closed- circuited type. The Weston standard voltmeter shown in Fig. 563 is a closed-circuit voltmeter. Fig. 563- Weston Standard Voltmeter. Voltmeter, Electro-Magnetic form of voltmeter in which the A difference of potential is measured by the movement of a magnetic needle in the field of an electro- magnet. (See Voltmeter?) Yoltmeter, Gravity A form of volt- meter in which the potential difference is measured by the movement of a magnetic needle against the pull of a weight. Sir William Thomson's balance instruments are used as gravity voltmeters. (See Voltmeter ) Voltmeter, Magnetic-Vane A volt- meter in which the potential difference is measured by the repulsion exerted between a fixed and a movable vane of soft iron placed within the field of the magnetizing coil. A pointer, fixed to the moving vane, serves to measure the amount of the repulsion, and conse- quently the potential difference producing 'the magnetizing current. The moving vane moves under the magnetic repulsion against the action of a spring. Discs of copper for damping the movements f the movable vane, are placed be- fore and behind it. Voltmeter, Multi-Cellular Electrostatic An electrostatic voltmeter in which a series of fixed and movable plates are used instead of the single pair employed in- the quadrant electrometer. The movable pairs of plates are connected to a movable axis and placed vertically above one another. To the top of the axis is fixed a light aluminium needle or pointer, which moves over a graduated scale. A series of fixed plates, suita- bly supported and insulated from the ground, alternate with the needle plates. Voltmeter, Open-Circuit A volt- meter in which the points of the circuit where potential difference is to be measured are connected with an open circuit and give in- dications by means of the charges so pro- duced. Electrometer-voltmeters are of the open-cir- cuited type. Voltmeter, Permanent Magnet A form of voltmeter in which the difference of potential is measured by the movement of a magnetic needle under the combined action of a coil and a permanent magnet, against the pull of a spring. (See Voltmeter^) Voltmeter, Beducteur or Resistance for (See Reducteur or Resistance for Voltmeter?) Voltmeter, Vertical Electrostatic - A form of voltmeter the needle of which moves in a vertical instead of in a horizontal plane. The construction of the vertical electrostatic voltmeter is, in general, similar to that of the- quadrant electrometer. (See Electrometer, Quad- rant.) Vol.] 549 [Wat. The fixed and movable sectors, the pointer and the graduated scale, however, are in vertical in- stead of horizontal planes. Fig. 364. I'erticai t.lrctrostatic loltmeter. The general arrangement of the vertical elec- trostatic voltmeter will be readily understood by an inspection of Fig. 564. Volume Voltameter. (See Voltameter, Volume?) Vortex Atom. (See Atom, Vortex!) Vortex Cylinder. (See Cylinder, Vor- tex?) Vortex-Ring Field. (See Field, Vortex- Ring^ Vulcabeston. An insulating substance composed of asbestos and rubber. Vulcanite. A variety of vulcanized rub- ber extensively used in the construction of electric apparatus. Vulcanite is sometimes called ebonite from its black color. It is also sometimes called hard rubber. Though an excellent insulator, vulcanite will lose its insulating properties by condensing a film of moisture on its surface. This can be best re- moved by the careful application of heat. The surface is very liable to become covered by a film of sulphuric acid, due to the gradual oxi- dation of the sulphur. Mere friction will not re- move this film, but it may be removed by wash- ing with distilled water. A thick coating of var- nish will obviate this last defect. Vulcanized Fibre. (See Fibre, Vulcan- z'zed.) W. A contraction sometimes used for watt. W. A contraction sometimes used for work. W. A contraction sometimes used for weight. Wall Plug. (See Plug, Wall.} Wall Socket. (See Socket, Wall.) Ward. A term proposed by James Thom- son for a line and direction in a line. Sir William Thomson thus defines the ward of magnetization:' " The ward in which the magnet, izing force urges a portion of the ideal northern magnetic matter or northern polarity." Waring Anti-Induction Cable. (See Cable, Anti-Induction, Waring!) Waste Field. (See Field, Magnetic, Wasted Watches, Demagnetization of Pro- cesses for removing magnetism from watches. C fO OOOOO O AJOOOOOOO I OOOOO OO I O O O O OOOOO Source of Alternating Current. Fig, 565. Wright's Demagnetization Apparatus. The demagnetization of watches can be readily effected by a method proposed by J. J. Wright. Wat.] 550 [ Wat. The watch is held by its chain and slowly lowered to the bottom of a hollow conical coil of wire, and then slowly withdrawn from the coil. The wire is wound on the coil, as shown in Fig. 565, in the shape of a cone, viz.: with a single turn at the top, and gradually increasing in number of turns towards the bottom. The conical coil is connected with a source of rapidly alternating currents. As the watch is lowered into the coil, it gradu- ally becomes more and more powerfully magnet ized with alternately opposite polarities, thus completely removing any polarity it previously possessed. As it is now slowly raised from out the hollow cone, this magnetization becomes less and less, until, if removed from the conical coil while high above its apex, all sensible traces of magnetism will have disappeared. Watchman's Electric Register. (See Register, Watchman's Electric?) Water Battery. (See Battery, Water.') Water-Dropping Accumulator. (See Ac- cumulator, Water-Dropping.} Water, Electrolysis of The de- composition of water by the passage through it of an electric current. Water does not appear to conduct electricity when pure; it is therefore not quite certain that pure water can be electrolytically decomposed. The addition of a small quantity of sulphuric acid, or of a metallic salt, however, renders its electrolysis readily accomplished. (See Vol- tameter. ) In the opinion of most, it is the sulphuric acid that is decomposed rather than the water. Water Horse-Power. The Indian Gov- ernment's term for horse-power developed by falling water. The estimate is made by the following simple rule : 15 cubic feet of water falling per second through I foot equals I horse power. Water- Jet TelepSione Transmitter. (See Transmitter, Water-Jet Telephone?) Water -Level Alarm. (See Alarm, Water or Liquid Level.} Water-Proof Wire. (See Wire, Water- Proof.) Water Pyrometer. (See Pyrometer, Siemens' Water.} Water Rheostat. (See Rheostat, Water} Water Voltaic Cell. (See Cell, Voltaic, Water.} Watt. The unit of electric power. The volt-ampere. The power developed when 44.25 foot- pounds of work are done per minute, or 0.7375 foot-pounds per second. The T ff of a horse-power. There are three equations which give the value of the watts, viz. : (i.) C E = The watts. (2.) C 8 R = The watts. (3.) E* = The watts. R Where C = the current in amperes ; E = th*> electromotive force in volts, and R = the resist ance in ohms. (See Energy, Electric.} Watt Arc. (See Arc, Watt} Watt Generator. (See Generator, Watt} Watt-Hour. A unit of electric work. A term employed to indicate the expendi- ture of an electrical power of one watt, for an hour. Watt-Hour, Kilo - - The Board of Trade unit of work equal to an output of one kilo-watt for one hour. Watt, Kilo One thousand watts. A unit of power sometimes used in stating the output of a dynamo. A dynamo of 20 units, or a 2O-unit machine, is one capable of giving an output of 20 kilo-watts. Watt-Meter. A galvanometer by means of which the simultaneous measurement of the difference of potential and the current passing is rendered possible. The watt-meter consists of two coils of insu- lated wire, one coarse and the other fine, placet at right angles to each other as in the ohm-metet, only, instead of the currents acting on a sus- pended magnetic needle, they act o:\ each other as in the electro-dynamometer. Watt-Minute. A unit of electric work. An expenditure of electric power of one watt for one minute. Watt-Second. A unit of electric work. An expenditure of electric power of one watt for one second. Web.] 551 [Wav. Wave. A disturbance in an elastic me- dium that is periodic both in space and time. Wave, Electric An electric disturb- ance in an elastic medium that is periodic both in space and time. (See Oscillations, Electric?) Waves, Amplitude of The ampli- tude of a vibration. (See Vibration or Wave, Amplitude of.} Waves, Displacement Waves pro- duced in the ether of dielectrics by means of electric displacement. The electric stress applied to a dielectric to pro- duce electric displacement soon strains it to its utmost and no further displacement can occur until the direction of the electric power is re- versed. A rapidly intermittent current therefore can pass through a dielectric and thus produce a series of displacement waves. Dielectrics, therefore, may be considered as pervious or transparent to rapidly intermittent or reversed periodic currents, but opaque or imper- vious to continuous currents. A condenser inter- polated in a telephone circuit does not prevent tele- phonic communication, though it does effectually stop all continuous currents. Waves, Electro-Magnetic Waves in the ether that are given off from a circuit through which an oscillating discharge is passing, or from a magnetic circuit under- going variations in magnetic intensity. Waves, Electro-Magnetic, Interference of Interference effects similar to those produced in the case of waves of light, ob- served in the case of electro-magnetic radi- ations, or waves, in which one system of waves, retarded a half wave length behind another system of equal wave length and am- plitude, results in a complete loss of motion of the particles of the ether they tend to simultaneously affect. In order that complete interference may take place, it is necessary (l.) That the two waves, or system of waves, must meet in opposite phases. That is, that one be retarded -back of the other one-half a wave length, or some odd number of half wave lengths. (2.) That the waves simultaneously affect the same particles of ether in which they are mov- ing. (3.) That the energy charged on the ether in the shape of waves of electro-magnetic radiation, must be equal in the case of each system of waves. (4.) That the two systems of waves must have the same wave length. These conditions, it will be seen, are exactly the same as in the case of the interference of light. It will, of course, be readily understood that if electro-magnetic radiations can produce the effect of resonance, they must also necessarily produce interference effects. Waves, Electro-Magnetic, Reflection of Reflection of electro-magnetic waves similar to the reflection of waves of light. In his experiments on electro-magnetic radia- tions, Dr. Hertz shows that true reflection of electro- magnetic waves occurs from the surfaces of certain substances placed in the path of the waves. In some experiments made in a large room, Dr. Hertz obtained undoubted indications of re- flection of electro-magnetic waves from the walls of the room. Waves of Condensation and Rarefaction. The alternate spheres of condensed and rarefied air by means of which sound is transmitted. (See Waves, Sound.} Waves, Sound Waves produced in air or other elastic media by the vibrations of a sonorous body. (See Sound.) Way Line. (See Line, Way.) Weather Cross. (See Cross, Weather.} Weber. A term formerly employed for the unit of electric current, and replaced by ampere. (See Ampere.} The term weber was originally used to express a quantity of electricity equal to what is now called one coulomb, and a current designated by one weber per second. It was, however, used finally as a unit of current. Weber. A term proposed by Clausius and Siemens for a magnetic pole of unit strength, but not adopted. This same term was also employed to derig. nate the unit strength of current, now replaced by the term ampdre. Web.] 552 [Wei. Weber's Theory of Diamaguetism. (See Diamagnetism, Weber's Theoiy of.) Weight, Atomic The relative weights of the atoms of elementary sub- stances. Since the atoms are assumed to be indivisible, they must unite or combine as wholes and not as parts. Although we cannot determine exactly the actual weights of the different elementary atoms, yet we can determine their relative weights by ascertaining the smallest proportions in which any two elements that combine atom for atom will unite with each other. Such numbers will represent the relative weights of the atoms as compared with hydrogen. Weight Voltameter. (See Voltameter, Weight?) Weights and Measures, Metric System of A system of weights and measures adopted by almost all civilized nations except English-speaking, and by the scientific world generally. For measures of length, the one ten -millionth part of the quadrant of a meridian of the earth is taken as the unit of length. This unit of length is called a metre, and various subdivisions and multiples of its length are made on the decimal system. For a system of weights, the weight of one cubic centimetre of pure water at 39.2 degrees Fahr., the temperature of the maximum density of water, is taken as the unit of weight. This is called a gramme, and various multiples and sub- divisions of this unit are made on the decimal system. The following table of French measures and their corresponding English values are taken irom Deschanel's " Elementary Treatise on Natural Philosophy ": Length. \ millimetre = .03937 inch, or about ^ inch. i centimetre = .3937 inch. I decimetre 3.937 inches. I metre = 39.37 inches = 3.281 feet = 1.0936 yard. I kilometre = 1093.6 yards, or about mile. Deschanel gives the length of the meter as equal to 39.370432 inches. U. S. Coast Survey Bull. No. 9 of 1889, gives value of meter = 39.36980 inches. Therefore, 39.37 is probably as accurate as any other figure. Area. I square millimetre = .00155 square inch. I square centimetre = .155 square inch. I square decimetre =15.5 square inches. I square metre =1550 square inches = 10.764 square feet = 1.196 square yards. Volume. I cubic millimetre = .000061 cubic inch. I cubic centimetre = .061025 cubic inch. I decimetre = 61.0254 cubic inches. Cubic metre = 61025 cubic inches = 35.3156 cubic feet = 1.308 cubic yards. The litre (used for liquids) is the same as the cubic decimetre, and is equal .to 1.7617 pint, or .22021 gallon. Mass and Weight. i milligramme = .01543 grain. I gramme = 15.432 grains. I kilogramme = 15432.3 grains = 2.205 pounds avoirdupois. More accurately, the kilogramme is 2.20462125 pounds. Miscellaneous. I gramme per square centimetre = 2.0481 pounds per square foot. I kilogramme per square centimetre = 14.223 pounds per square inch. I kilogram metre = 7.2331 foot-pounds. I force de cheval 75 kilogrammetres per second, or 542^ foot pounds per second, nearly, whereas i horse-power (English) = 550 foot- pounds per second. Conversion of English into French measures; Length. i inch = 2.54 centimetres, nearly. I foot = 30.48 centimetres, nearly. i yard = 91.44 centimetres, nearly. i statute mile = 160933 centimetres, nearly. More accurately, I inch = 2.5399772 centi metres. Area. I square inch = 6.45 square centimetres, nearly. I square foot = 929 square centimetres, nearly. i square yard = 8361 square centimetres, nearly. I square mile = 2.59 X lo 1 square centimetres, nearly. Volume. I cubic inch = 16.39 cubic centimetres, nearly. I cubic foot = 283 1 6 cubic centimetres, nearly. Wei.] 553 I cubic yard = 764535 cubic centimetres, nearly. I gallon = 4541 cubic centimetres, nearly. Mass. l gr\in = .0648 gramme, nearly. I ounce avoirdupois = 28.35 grammes, nearly. I pound avoirdupois = 453. 6 grammes, nearly. I ton = 1.016 X io 6 grammes, nearly. More accurately, I pound avoirdupois = 453.59265 grammes. Velocity. i mile per hour = 44.704 centimetres per second. I kilometre per hour = 27.7 centimetres per second. Density, l pound per cubic foot = .016019 gramme per cubic centimetre. 62.4 pounds per cubic foot = I gramme per cubic centimetre. Force (assuming g = 981). Weight of I grain = 63.57 dynes, nearly. " I ounce avoirdupois = 2.78 X io 4 dynes, nearly. " I pound avoirdupois = 4.45 X io 8 dynes, nearly. 11 I ton = 9.97 X io a dynes, nearly. " I gramme = 981 dynes, nearly. 41 I kilogramme 9.81 X io 5 dynes, nearly. Work (assuming g = 981). I foot-pound = 1.356 X io 7 ergs, nearly. I kilogrammetre = 9.81 x io 7 ergs, nearly. Work in a second by one theoretical "horse- power" = 7.46 X io 9 ergs, nearly. Stress (assuming g = 981). I pound per square foot = 479 dynes per square centimetre, nearly. I pound per square inch = 6.9 X io 4 dynes per centimetre, nearly. I kilogramme per square centimetre = 9.81 X io 5 dynes per square centimetre, nearly. 760 millimetres of mercury at o degree C. 1.014 X lo 15 dynes per square centimetre, nearly. 30 inches of mercury at o degree C. = 1.163 X io" dynes per square centimetre, nearly. Welding, Electric Effecting the welding union of metals by means of heat of electric origin. In the process of Elihu Thomson, the metals are heated to electric incandescence by currents obtained from transformers, and are subsequently pressed or hammered together. Fig. 566, shows the Thomson apparatus for the direct system of electric welding. The dynamo is combined with the welding apparatus. The armature contains two separate windings; one of fine wire, in series with the field magnet coils, and another of very low resistance, being fcrmeci of a U-shaped bar of -copper. No commutation is used, the alternating currents being welt adapted for heating purposes. The terminals of the dynamo are, therefore directly co mected to- the clamps that hold the bar to the welder. Fig. 567, shows the apparatus for the Thomson Indirect System of Electric Welding. This sys- tem is applicable to heavy work, and to cases where more than one welding machine is operated by the current from a single dynamo. In this case a high tension current is converted Fig. J66. The Thomson Direct Welder. into the large welding current employed, by means of a suitably proportioned transformer. The welding process is the same in either sys- tem, and consists essentially in leading the weld- ing current into the pieces to be united through their points of junction when brought into firm end contact. As the current is led across the junction the temperature rises sufficiently to soften, the metal, when the pieces are firmly pressed to- gether by the motion of the clamps or holders. In the process of Benardos and Olzewski, the heat of the voltaic arc is employed for a some- what similar purpose, but by a different process. In the Thomson system of electric welding alternating currents are employed. They are either supplied by an alternating current dynamo or by a transformer. The process of welding is substantially as fol- Wei.] 554 [Win. lows, viz.: the welding junctions are made slightly convex, so as to touch in but one part of their opposing faces. They are made to touch near their centres and the welding heat is first reached near their points of junction. Pressure is then applied by means of a screw, lever or hydraulic pre-sure until all the surfaces are at the welding temperature. This operation requires in practice but a few seconds for small work, and at the most but a Fig. 367. The Thomson Indirect Welder. few minutes for larger work. The heating is practically local, extending in most cases a dis- tance equal to about the diameter of the weld. For the purpose of controlling the electro- motive force, and thus adapting the same welder to different classes of work, when a transformor is used, a second transformer provided with a mov- able core is placed in series with the first. A number of coils of insulated wire are placed in a segment of a split-ring laminated-core. These may be connected in series or in multiple by a switch. An iron armature placed within, the split ring encloses the annular core and acts as the low-resistance secondary. When this is placed so as to embrace the primary coils, the difference of potential will be different than if moved to one side or the other of the ring. Welding Transformer. (See Trans- former, Welding.} I Wheatstone's Electric Balance. (See Balance, Wheatstone's Electric.) Wheatstone's Electric Bridge. (See Bridge, Wheatstone's Electric.} Wheel. Barlow's or Sturgeon's A wheel or disc of metal capable of rotation on a horizontal axis, that is set into rotation when placed between the poles of magnets and traversed by a current of electricity from the centre to the circumference. Wheel, Phonic A wheel maintained in synchronous rotation by means of timed electric impulses sent over a line, and em- ployed in Delany's synchronous multiplex telegraphic system. The phonic wheel was invented by La Cour, but was first put into successful operation in multiplex telegraphy by Delany in his system of synchronous multiplex telegraphy. (See Telegraphy, Synchron- ous Multiplex, Delany's System.) Delany ob- tains the exact synchronism of the phonic wheel by means of a series of correcting electric impulses, automatically sent over the line on the failure of the phonic wheel at either end of the line to ex- actly synchronize with that at the other end. Wheel, Reaction, Electric A wheel driven by the reaction of a convective dis- charge. (See Flyer, Electric.) Wheel, Trolley A metallic wheel connected with the trolley pole and moved over the trolley wire on the motion of the car over the tracks, for the purpose of taking the current from the trolley wire by means of rolling contact therewith. Whirl, Electric A term employed to indicate the circular direction of the lines of magnetic force surrounding a conductor conveying an electric current. (See Field, Electro-Magnetic^ This is more correctly called a magnetic whirl. (See Whirl, Magnetic.) Whirl, Expanding Magnetic One of the magnetic whirls which are sent out from a conductor through which a current of gradually increasing strength is passing, or from a magnet whose magnetism is increas- ing. These magnetic whirls, according to Hertz, move outward through free ether with the velo- city of light. Whirl, Magnetic The lines of mag- netic force which surround the circuit of the conductor conveying an electric current. Whistle, Steam, Automatic Electric A steam whistle, employed on foggy days in some systems of railway signals, when the Whi.] 555 [Wir visual signals cannot be seen, in which the passage of the steam through the whistle is automatically obtained by the closing of an electric contact, or the passage of the loco- motive over a certain part of the track. White Heat (See Heat, White.) White Hot. (See Hot, White.} Wimshurst Electrical Machine. (See Machine, Wimshurst Electrical.) Wind, Electric - The convection stream of air particles produced at the ex- tremities of points attached to the surface of charged, insulated conductors. (See Con- vection, Electric. Flyer, Electric.) Windage of Dynamo. A term proposed for the air gap between the armature and the pole pieces of a dynamo. This term is not much used. Winders, Telegraphic Paper Ap- paratus for winding or coiling the paper fillets used on telegraphic registers. \Vhen moved by means of a spring they are styled automatic winders. Winding 1 , Ampdre A single wind- ing or turn through which one ampere passes. Ampere-winding is used in the same significa- tion as ampere-turn. (See Turn, Ampere.) Winding, Bifllar A winding of a coil of wire in which, instead of winding the wire in one continuous length, it is doubled on itself and then wound. This method is employed in resistance coils, so as to avoid the induction effects. (See Coil, Resistance.) Winding, Compound, of Dynamo-Electric Machine A method of winding in which shunt and series coils are placed on the field magnets. (See Machine, Dynamo- Electric, Compound- Wound.) Winding, Series - A winding of a dynamo-electric machine in which a sin- gle set of magnetizing coils are placed on the field magnets, and connected in series with the armature and the external circuit. (See Machine, Dynamo-Electric, Series- Wound.) Window-Tube Insulation. (See Insula- tor, Window-Tube.) Wipe Spark. (See Spark, Wipe.} Wiping Contact. (See Contact, Wiping^ Wire, Air-Line That portion of c circuit which is formed by air-strung wires, in contradistinction to the portion which passes through underground or submarine cables. Wire, Binding, for Telegraph Lines The wire used for securing lines of ^vvire conductors to the insulators. The line wire rests against the insulators at as small an area of contact as possible, generally only a mere edge. In order to attach the wire to the insulator, and protect the wire from chaf- ing, it is secured to the insulator by binding with wire. Wire, Block A line or wire em- ployed in a block system for railroads, con- necting a block tower with the next tower on each side of it. (See Railroads, Block System for.) Wire, Braided A conducting wire covered with a braiding, as distinguished from a wire that is merely wrapped with insulating material. Cotton or silk is used for braiding. The cov- ering is often coated by a layer of some insu- lating gum or varnish dissolved in a rapidly drying liquid. It is sometimes covered with melted paraffine. Fig. 568. Braided Wire. A copper wire covered with insulating material and then braided is shown in Fig. 568. Wire, Calling A wire employed in a telegraphic or telephonic system, by means of which a subscriber communicates with the central office, or one central office communi- cates with another. This wire is termed the calling wire in order to distinguish from the wire actually used ior talking or telegraphing. Wire, Conductibility and Sizes of For tables giving the resistance, size, weight per foot, etc., of wire according to some of the principal wire gauges see pages 254 and 256. Wir.] 556 [Wir. Wire, Copper, Hard-Drawn Copper wire that is drawn three or four times after annealing. The drawing subsequent to annealing renders the wire hard and elastic, with but a trifling de- crease in its conductivity. A hard-drawn wire, of course, possesses greater limits of elasticity than soft-drawn wire, and, therelore, m the case of air lines, permits of the use of a longer distance between adjacent poles. Wire, Copper, Soft-Drawn Copper wire that is softened by annealing after drawing. (See Wire, Copper, Hard- Drawn,) Wire, Dead, of Armature - That part of the wire on the armature of a dynamo which produces no electromotive force or resultant current. It is called dead because it does not move through the field of the machine. Wire, Duplex An insulated con- ductor containing two separate parallel wires. Wire, Earth-Grounded A wire one terminal of which is grounded or put to earth, so that the earth forms a part of the circuit in which the wire is placed. Wire, Feeding 1 A term sometimes applied to the wire or lead of a multiple cir- cuit which feeds the main. In a system of electric railroads the feeding !rires feed the trolley wires. Wire Finder. (See Finder, Wire.) Wire, Fuse A readily fusible wire employed in a safety catch to open the cir- cuit when the current is excessive. (See Catch, Safety.) Wire Gauge, Vernier (See Gauge, Wire, Micrometer) Wire, Grounded (See Ground or Earth.) Wire, House In a system of in- :andescent electric lighting any conductor that is connected with a service conductor and leads to the meter in the house. Wire, Insulated Wire covered with any insulating material. Cotton and silk are generally employed for in- snlating purposes, either alone, or in connection with various gums, resins, or other materials, which are rendered plastic by heat, but which solidify on cooling. India rubber, caoutchouc, and various mixtures and compounds are also em- ployed for the same purpose. For most of the purposes of line wires, high in- sulating powers, combined with a low specific inductive capacity, are required in the insulating materials. For overhead wires a waterproof covering is necessary. In the neighborhood of combustible materials, some fireproof covering is desirable. Wire, Lead A lead fuse wire. Wire, Line In telegraphy the wire that connects the different stations with om another. In bell and annunciator circuits, the term lin. wire is sometimes applied to all circuits other than the main line. In arc light circuits the term line wire is applied to the entire metallic circuit, to which the lamps are connected in series. Wire, Main The principal wire. In any system of bell circuits, the mam wire is the wire which runs from one pole of the battery to one of the springs of all the pushes, in distinc- tion from the line wires, or the rest of the wires in the battery circuit. Wire, Message - A line or wire em- ployed in a block system for railroads, ex- tending along the road and used for local traffic or business. (See Railroads, Block System for) Wire, Negative A term sometimes applied to that wire of a parallel circuit which is connected to the negative pole of a source. Wire, Neutral The middle wire of a three-wire system of electric distribution Wire, Omnibus An onmibus. bar. (See Bars, Omnibus) A bus bar or wire. (See Wires, Bus) Wire, Paraffined Wire wrapped or braided with some textile material and after- wards coated with paraffine. The term paraffined wire is sometimes limited to a wrapped wire that is afterwards paraffine coated. Wir.] 557 fWir. Wire, Positive The wire or con- ductor connected to the positive pole or ter- minal of any electric source. Wire, Potentiometer The wire of a potentiometer which has been calibrated in order to measure the drop of potential in any circuit. (See Potentiometer} Wire, Return The wire or con- ductor by means of which the current returns to the electric source after having passed through the electro-receptive devices. (See Sources, Electric. Device, Electro-Recep- tive.} Wire, Shade Guard (See Guard, Wire Shade.} Wire, Slide - A wire of uniform oiameter employed in Wheatstone's electric bridge for the proportionate arms of the bridge. A sliding contact key moves over the slide wire and determines the length of the arms. Some forms of bridges have a double or a triple slide wire. (See Bridge, Electric, Slide-Form of.) Wire, Span The wire employed in systems of electric railways for holding the trolley wire in place. The span-wire is used when the poles are erected on both sides of the street or road-bed, and the trolley wire, suitably insulated from the span wire, is suspended therefrom. Wire, Suspending, of Aerial Cable The wire from which an aerial cable is strung or suspended. In case the aerial cable is unusually heavy the suspending wire is replaced by a wire rope. (See Cable, A?rial.) Wire, Taped - A conducting wire covered with an insulating material in the shape of tape. A wire covered with an insulating material and subsequently taped is shown in Fig. 569. Taped Wire. Copper wire covered with a coating of tin prior to its being insu- lated. Wire, Tinned The coating of tin is for the purpose of insur- ing greater ease in soldering. It is also useful in case vulcanized rubber is used for the insulator, to prevent the sulphur from attacking the copper. Wire, To To fix or place the con- ductors or mains for any electric circuit. Wire, Train A line of wire em- ployed in a block system for railroads, con- nected with the general dispatcher's office, and used for sending train orders only. (See Railroads, Block System for} Wire, Trolley The wire over which the trolley passes in a system of electric rail- ways, and from which the current is taken to drive the motors on the cars. A bare conductor or wire, supported over- head on suitable hangers and provided for transmitting current by the trolley to the motor connected with the car on the passage of the trolley wheel over its surface. (See Wheel, Trolley} Trolley wires, being necessarily bare, are carefully insulated at their points of attachment to all supports. Wire, Trolley, Continuous A trol- ley wire or conductor employed in overhead dependent systems of electric railways. (See Railroads, Electric, Dependent System of Motive Power for.) Wire, Trolley, Sectional or Divided A trolley wire or conductor for systems of electric railroads in which the wire is divided into a number of separate sections that are suitably connected with the generating dyna- mo by means of feeder wires. (See Rail- roads, Electric, Dependent System of Motive Power for.} Wire, Trunk A main line or wire, extending between two distant stations, such as between two large cities, and provided solely for communication between them, not being tapped at intermediate points. Wire, Twin - A conductor, consist- ing of two separately insulated wires, bound together by an additional insulating covering. Wire, Water-Proof A wire pro- tected from the weather by a coating of any waterproof material. Wir.J 558 [Wir. Wire, Wrapped Wire that is insu- lated by placing strands of some insulating material, like cotton, parallel to its length, and then wrapping a number of strands around the wire. The wrapped wire is afterwards either coated with paraffine or other insulator, or is used with- out such coating. Wires, Bus A term sometimes used for omnibus bars or wires. The wires which receive the full current generated by the electric source, and carry it to the feeders. The bus-wires collect the current from all the sources, hence the name. Wires, Breaking- Weight of The weight required to be hung at the end of a wire in order to break it. Ordinary copper wire will break at about 17 tons to the square inch of area of cross section. Common wrought iron breaks at 25 tons to the square inch. These figures are to be regarded as approximate only, since almost inappreciable differences in the physical condition of metals, as well as slight variations in their chemical com- position, often produce marked differences in their breaking weights. Wires, Cross (See Cross, Electric) Wires, Crossing A device employed in telegraphic circuits whereby a faulty con- ductor is cut out of the circuit of a telegraph line by crossing over to a neighboring, less used, line. To cut out a faulty section of wire in any cir- cuit, such as C D, in the circuit A B C D E, Fig. 570, a cross-connection is made to a line X Y, running near it, and which may be temporarily thrown out of use. By this means the interrup- tion of an important circuit may be repaired. ABODE Fig. 570. Crossing Wires. Wires, Dead Disused and aban- doned electric wires. The term dead is often applied to a wire through which no current is passing. The term, however, is more properly applied to a wire formerly employed, hut subsequently abandoned. Dead wires in the neighborhood of active wires are a constant menace to life and property, and should invariably be carefully reimved. It is often a matter of considerable importance to be able to determine whether or not a current is passing through a wire. When the wire is not enclosed in a moulding, or fastened against a wall, this can readily be ascertained by bringing a small compass needle near the wire, when it will tend to set itself across the wire. The term dead wire, as will be seen, is used in two distinct senses. Wires, Leading-In The wires OT conductors which lead the current through (into and out of) an electric lamp. The term leading-in wires is generally applied to incandescent electric lamps, Geissler or Crookes tubes, and to various other apparatus. Wires, Leading-Tip Wires em- ployed for raising an aerial cable to the cable hangers. Wires, Omnibus A term sometimes used for bus wires. (See Wires, Bus.) Wires or Conductors, Continuous Wires or conductors free from joints. Wires or conductors without soldered or twisted joints or without any joints whatso- ever. Wires, the entire lengths of which have been taken from the hitherto uncut coil of wire from the draw plate. Strictly speaking, any metallic circuit consists of a continuous wire, whether in one piece or in several sections or pieces. The preferable term would appear to be un jointed wires or conductors. Wires, Phantom A term applied to the additional circuits or wires obtained in any single wire or conductor by the use of some multiplex telegraphic system. (See Telegraphy, Multiplex. Telegraphy, Syn- chronous-Multiplex, Delany's System?) Wires, Pilot In a system of incan- descent lighting, where a comparatively low potential is employed on the mains, thin wires leading directly from the generating station to different parts of the mains, in order to determine the differences of potential at such points. Wir.] 539 [Wor. Pilot wires indicate on a voltmeter the differ- ence of potenti il at the various points. The pilot wires extend to the various seats of supply, and so give instant warning of any change in the value of the potential. Wires. Pressure -- In a system of incandescent electric lighting, wires or con- ductors, series-connected with the junction boxes, and employed in connection with suit- ible voltmeters, to indicate the pressure at the junction boxes. The pressure wires are sometimes called the wires. The joule. (See Wires, Tap -- The wires or conduc- tors used to carry the current from the feed- ers or mains at the pole to a near point on the trolley wire. Wiring 1 . Collectively the wires or con- ducting circuits used in any system of electric distribution. Wiring 1 . Placing or establishing the wires or conductors for any electric circuit. Wiring, Case -- Placing or establish- ing electric conductors or wires that are held in place on the walls or ceiling of a room, by means of continuous cleats. Wiring, Cleat ---- Placing or estab- lishing electric conductors or wires that are held in place on the walls or ceiling of a room by means of suitably shaped insulating cleats. Wiring, Inside The conductors that, in a system of incandescent electric lighting, lead to the interior of the house or area to be lighted. Wirin-r, Moulding Electric con- ductors or wires that are held in place on the walls or ceiling of a room by means of suit- ably shaped mouldings. Work. The product of the force by the distance through which the force acts. A force whose intensity is equal to one pound acting through the distance of one foot, does an amount of work equal to one foot-pound. Work is to be distinguished from the more gen- eral term energy . Work, Electric Joule.} The product of the volts by the coulombs. I joule = 10,000,000 ergs, or .73732 foot-pounds. " = i volt-coulomb. " =1 watt for I second. Work, Electric, Unit of The volt- coulomb or joule. (See Volt-Coulomb. Joule?) Work, Unit of - The erg. The amount of work done when a force of one dyne acts through the distance of one centimetre. (See Erg.} Raising one gramme against gravity, through the distance of one centimetre, requires an amount of work equal to 980 ergs. Work, Units of Various units em- ployed for the measurement of work. The following table of Units of Work is taken from Hering's work on Dynamo-Electric Ma- chines : WORK. I erg = i dyne-centimetre. I " = .0000001 joule. I gramme-centimetre . . =981.00 ergs. I " . . = .ooooi kilogr. -metre. I foot-grain = 1937 5 ergs. f 10,000,000 7373 2 4 pound, .101937 = \ kilogram - metre, .0013592 metric horse power for i one second. .0013406 horse-power for one second. " =.0009551 pound- " Fah., heat unit. " = .0005306 pound- Centig. , heat unit. " = .OCO24O7 kilogr.- Centig.. heat unit. ' = .0002778 wan -hour. I foot-pound = 13562600 ergs. " = 1.35626 joules. " = . 13825 kilogr. metre. " =.0018434 metric horse-power for e second. " ..i, =.00181818 horse- power for one rrcond. i joule, or i volt-cou- ") lomb, or I watt during every second or i volt-ampere during every second . . ergs, foot - i volt ampere during every second i _. Wor. 56U [Wor. I foot-pound = .0012953 pound- Fah., heat unit. " ,.... = .0007196 pound- Centig., heat unit. " = .0003264 k i 1 o g r . - Centig., heat unit. " = .0003767 watt-hour. I kilogram-metre =98 100000 ergs. " = 9.81000 joules. " = 7.23314 foot-pounds. " = .01333 metric horse- power for one second. 11 =.013151 horsepower for one second. " = .009369 pound-Fah., heat unit. " =.005205 pound- Centig., heat unit. " = .002361 kilogr.- Centig., heat unit. " = .002725 watt-hour. I watt-hour = 3600 joules. " = 2654.4 foot-pounds. " =366.97 kilogram. metres. " =3-4383 pound-Fah., heat units. 44 = 1.9102 pound- Centig., heat units. " =.8664 kilogr.- Centig., heat units. " =.0013592 metric horse- power-hour. " =.0013406 horse. power-hour. I metric h.-p.-hour . . . . = 2648700 joules. " . . . . = 1952940 foot-pounds. " ....=270000 kilogram- metres. " . . . . = 2529.7 pound-Fah., heat units. 41 .... = 1405.4 pound- Centig. , heat units. 44 . . . . = 637.5 kilogr. -Centig., heat units. . . . . = 735-75 watt-hours. * . . . . = .98634 horse-power* hour. I norse-power-hour = 2685400 joules. kt .... = 1980000 foot- pounds. " ....=273740 kilogram- metres. I horse-power-hour = 2564.8 pound-Fah., heat units. " .... = 1424.9 pound- Centig. , heat units. " =646.31 kilogr.- Centig., heat units. " = 745.941 watt-hours. " = 1.01385 metric horse- power-hour. HEAT. I gram-Centig = .001 kilogram -Centi- grade. I pound-Fahr = 1047.03 joules. " = 772 foot-pounds. " = 106.731 kilogram- metres. " =.55556 pound-Centi- grade. " =.25200 kilogram- Centigrade " = .29084 watt-hour. * = .0003953 metric horse - power-hour. " = .0003899 horse- power hour. i pound-Centig = 18.84.66 joules. " = 1389.6 foot-pounds. " = 192. 1 16 kilogram- metres. " = 1.8000 pound- Fahrenheit. " = .4536 kilogram-Centi- grade. 44 = .52352 watt-hours. " ... =.0007115 metric horse - power-hour. " =.0007018 horse- power-hour. i kilogram-Centig = 4154.95 joules. " = 3063.5 foot-pounds. " =423.54 kilogram- metres. ' =3.9683 pound- Fahrenheit. =2.2046 pound-Centi- grade. " = 1.1542 watt hours. * = .001569 metric horse- power-hour. " .....= .0015472 horse- power-hour. Working, Direct The transmis- Wor.] 561 [Yok. sion of signals over a telegraph line with- out the use of relays or repeaters. Working, Multiple, of a Dynamo-Elec- tric Machine A term sometimes used for the parallel working of dynamo-electric machines. (See Working, Parallel, of Dy- namo-Electric Machines.) Working:, Parallel, of Dynamo-Electric Machines The operation of working several dynamo-electric machines as a single source, by connecting them with one another in parallel or multiple arc. The effect of parallel working is to reduce the internal resistance of the dynamo. If a current be required in a circuit at an electro- motive force equal only to that of a single machine, and the requirements of the circuit are equal to the output of more than a single dynamo, a num- ber of dynamos must then be coupled in mul- tiple. Working, Reverse-Current A term sometimes used in telegraphy for a method of working by means of a double current in place of a single current. The double-current system of working was de- vised by Varley to permit Morse characters to be sent rapidly through underground conductors. In order to avoid the retardation due to induction, the current was reversed between each signal. This reversion in the conductor hastened the dis- charge of the conductor. Working, Series, of Dynamo-Electric Machines Such a coupling of several dynamo-electric machines as will deliver the current supplied by them in series. . As in all series connections of sources, there re- sults an electromotive force equal to the sum of the electromotive forces of the different dynamos. Worming, Cable A central core of hemp or jute around which are wrapped the several separate conductors of a cable con- taining more than a single separate conduc- tor. Wood's Button Repeater. (See Repeat- ers, Telegraphic.) Wrapped Wire. (See Wire, Wrapped.) Writing, Electrolytic Imprinting written characters on cloths, or other textile fabrics, by the electrolytic decomposition of a dyeing substance with which they are im- pregnated. The cloths, etc., to be written on, are impreg- nated with an aniline salt, and placed on an insu- lated metallic plate next to the salt, which is con- nected to one pole of an electric source. The other pole is connected to a carbon electrode, which is used as the writing stylus or pencil. By suitably connecting the terminals the writing is obtained in color on a white ground, or in white on a colored ground. (See Dyeing, Electric.) Writing Telegraphy. (See Telegraphy, Writing.) T-Shaped Sparks. (See Spark, Y-Shaped) Yale-Lock-Switch Burglar Alarm. (See Alarm, Yale-Lock-Switch Burglar) Yoke, Multiple-Brush - A term sometimes applied to multiple brush rocker of a dynamo or motor. (See Rocker, Mul- tiple-Pair Brush.) Yoke,' Multiple-Pair Brush A device for holding a number of pairs of brushes of a dynamo-electric machine in such a manner that they can be readily moved or rotated on the commutator cylinder. The brushes are placed side by side on the com- mutator cylinder. In such cases the several pairs of brushes are so arranged that they can be thrown off or out of contact with the commutator cylinder while cleaning the cylinder, without stop- ping the machine. Yoke, Single-Brush A term some- times used for single-brush rocker. (See Rocker, Single-Brush.) Yok.] 562 [Zon. Yoke, Single-Pair A single-brush rocker. (See Rocker, Single-Brush?) Yoke, Single-Pair Brush A device for holding a single pair of collecting brushes of a dynamo-electric machine in such a way that they can be readily moved or rotated on the commutator cylinder. Yoked-Horseshoe Electro-Magnet. (See Magnet, Electro, Yoked-Horseshoe.} Z. A symbol sometimes used in electro- therapeutics for contraction. The use of Z, is for the purpose of avoiding the letter C, which has already been used for cur- rent or ampere in Ohm's law. Increasing strengths of contraction are represented by Z', Z", Z'". Z. A symbol for electro-chemical equiva- lent. Zero, False A zero taken midway between any two equal and opposite deflec- tions of a measuring instrument. Zero, Inferred A zero deduced or inferred from the deflection produced by a charge that is to be measured by comparison with the value of the deflection by means of a known charge in an electrical measuring instrument. An inferred zero is usually completely off the scale, hence its name. It does not actually exist. Zero Methods. (See Method, Null or Zero.} Zero Potential. (See Potential, Zero.} Zero, Shifting A zero that changes or shifts in position ; a polar zero in a measur- ing instrument. Zigzag Electro-Magnet. (See Magnet, Electro, Zigzag} Zigzag Electromotive Force. (See Force, Electromotive, Zigzag} Zigzag Lightning. (See Lightning, Zig- zag} Zinc, Amalgamation of - The cov- ering or amalgamation of zinc with a layer of mercury. To amalgamate a plate of zinc, its surface is first thoroughly cleaned by immersing the plate in dilute sulphuric acid of about I part of acid to 10 or 12 parts of water. A few drops of mercury are then rubbed over its surface, thus coating it with a bright metallic film of zinc amalgam. Care must be taken not to use too much mercury, since the zinc plate would thus be rendered brittle. Zinc-Carbon Voltaic Cell. (See Cell, Voltaic, Zinc-Carbon} Zinc-Copper Voltaic Cell. (See Cell, Voltaic, Zinc-Copper} Zinc, Crow-Foot A crow-foot- shaped zinc used in the gravity voltaic cell. (See Cell, Voltaic, Gravity} The term "crow-foot " refers to the shape of the claws. It is hardly a happy term. Zinc-Lead Voltaic Cell. (See Cell, Vol- taic, Zinc-Lead} Zinc Sender. (See Sender, Zinc} Zincode of Voltaic Cell. A term for- merly employed to indicate the zinc terminal or electrode of a voltaic cell. The negative electrode or kathode are prefer- able terms. Zone, Anelectrotonic A name sometimes given to the polar zone. (See Zone, Polar} Zone, Kathelectrotonic A name sometimes given to the peripolar zone. (See Zone, Peripolar} Zone, Peripolar A term proposed by De Watteville for the zone or region sur- rounding the polar zone on the body of a patient undergoing electro-therapeutic treatment. Zone, Polar A term proposed by De Watteville for the zone or region surround- ing the therapeutic electrode applied to the human body for electric treatment. APPENDIX References to Words, Terms and Phrases which appear in the Appendix are preceded by the words "See Appendix"; all other references apply to the main portion of the Dictionary. A. A symbol proposed for ampere, the practical unit of electric current. a. A symbol proposed but not adopted for acceleration. The defining equation is a = This letter is sometimes, though rarely, employed as the symbol for ampere. a. A symbol proposed for angle ex- pressed in circular measure. SLTC The defining equation is a= : radius A. li. An abbreviation used for ampere hour, a commercial unit of electric quan- tity. A. t. An abbreviation lor ampere-turn, a practical unit of magneto-motive force. Abscissas. Plural of abscissa. Absorptive. Possessing the power of ab- sorption. (See Absorption.} Acceleration, Angular The time rate of change of angular velocity. Accumulation Method for Testing Joints in Electric Cables. (See Appendix Method, Accumulation, for Testing Joints in Electric Cables.} Accumulator, Bi-Metallic A term applied to a secondary or storage cell in which two different metallic substances are employed in connection with a single elec- trolytic fluid composed of a solution of a salt of one of the metals of the plates. Many different bi-metallic accumulators have been designed; for example, the cop- per-lead accumulator, in which plates of copper and lead are immersed in an electro- lyte of copper sulphate; or the copper-zinc ac- cumulator, in which plates of zinc and copper are immersed in an electrolyte of zinc sul- phate; or the zinc-lead accumulator, in which plates of zinc and lead are immersed in an electrolyte of zinc sulphate. Accumulator, Charge A term sometimes employed for a Leyden jar or condenser. (See Jar, Leyden. Condenser.") Accumulator, Copper-Lead An electro-chemical or electrolytic accumula- tor consisting of plates of copper and lead immersed in a solution of copper sulphate. Accumulator, Copper-Zinc An electro-chemical or electrolytic accumu- lator consisting of plates of copper and zinc immersed in a solution of zinc sul- phate. Accumulator, Current A term sometimes employed for a Barlow wheel when used as an electrical accumulator. (See Accumulator.} A series-wound dynamo-electric machine constitutes in reality a current accumulator. Accumulator, Electro-Chemical 563 Ace. j 564 The name generally given to the ordinary secondary or storage battery, in which the difference of potential is produced by chemical action. (See Cell, Storage.} Accumulator, Electrolytic An electro-chemical accumulator. (See Appen- dix Accumulator, Electro- Chemical.} Accumulator, Storage A term sometimes employed for storage cell. (See Cell, Storage.} Accumulator, Zinc-Lead An elec- trolytic accumulator consisting of plates of zinc and lead immersed in a solution oi line sulphate. Acoustic Interference. (See Appendix Interference, Acoustic.} Acoustic Resonance. (See Appendix Resonance, Acoustic?) Acoustic Telegraph. (See Appendix Telegraph, Acoustic.} Actinometer. An instrument devised to Measure the relative intensity of the sun's rays, or of such artificial light as the elec- tric light, etc., etc, The actinic power of the sun's rays to cause chemical decomposition varies with the condition of the atmosphere and the position of the sun above the horizon. Action, Gyrostatic, of Dynamos on Ship- board The action which occurs at the bearings of a dynamo running on board a tossing ship, whereby gyrostatic stresses are set up. Action, Protective A term pro- posed for the protective action afforded by a magnetic field to paramagnetic metals when exposed to chemical action. The proposed term is not good in view of the fact that it is used to cover a number of other kinds of protective actions. Experiments as to the protective action of a magnetic field on iron, nickel and cobalt were undertaken by Prof. Rowland and Dr. Bell. The results of these experiments, as stated by the experimenters, are as follows : [Ala. "When the magnetic metals are exposed to action in a magnetic field, such action is decreased or arrested at any points where the ratio of the variation of the square of the magnetic force tends towards a maximum." The results obtained by Rowland and Bell were apparently at variance with some more recent experiments of Squier, and showed that the currents produced by couples of similar metals when exposed to chemical action in a magnetic field had a direction of flow through the liquid from the magnetized to the non-magnetized electrode i. e., in the opposite direction to that pointed out by Squier in the phenomena of the protective throw. (See Appendix Throw, Protective.) Adielectric. A term proposed for sub- stances that are not dielectrics, that is, substances whose electric conductivity at ordinary temperatures decreases as the tem- perature increases. Adjustable Rheostat. (See Appendix Rheostat, Adjustable.} Aelotropic. Heterogeneous with respect to direction. Aelotropic Medium. (See Appendix Medium, Aelotropic.) After-Working of Dielectric. (See Ap- pendix Dielectric, After-Working of.} Age-Coating of Chamber of Incandescent Electric Lamp. (See Appendix Chamber of Incanaescent Electric Lamp, Age- Coat- ing of.} Ageing of Incandescent Electric Lamp. (See Appendix Lamp, Incandescent Electric, Ageing of.} Agglomerate Leclanche' Voltaic Cell. (See Appendix Cell, Voltaic, Agglomerate Leclanche.} Air Telegraphy. (See Appendix Teleg- raphy, Air.} Alarm, Frost An alarm sounded or set in operation by means of mechan- ism operated by a fall of temperature to or below 32 F. Alarm, Photo-Electric A selenium All.] 505 [AH. cell proposed for use in connection with the circuit of an electric source and suitable electro-receptive devices, so as to, permit the passage of a stronger current through the circuit and the consequent sounding of an alarm on the exposure of one of its faces to the light. By means of this device a burglar, carry- ing a light, can be made automatically to ring an alarm bell, and thus call the attention of a watchman or policeman to his presence. Allotropism. Allotropy. (See Allo- tropy.} Alternating Current Arc. (See Appendix Arc, Alternating Current.} Alternating Current Potentiometer. (See Appendix Potentiometer, Alternat- ing Current.} Alternating Current Rotary Transformer. (See Appendix Transformer, Alternat- ing Current Rotary.} Alternating Electromotive Force. (See Appendix Force, Electromotive, Alternat- ing.} Alternation, Periodicity of The number of alternations per second pro- duced by a generator. The term periodicity of alternation is synonymous with frequency, a briefer and more commonly employed word. When any particular periodicity or fre- quency is spoken of, as, for example, 250 alternations per second, 125 complete periods or cycles per second are meant. Commercially, the word alternations is used for half-periods or double-frequencies. A dynamo with 250 alternations per second has 125 periods per second. Alternations, Co-phasal Alterna- tions whose electromotive forces similarly and simultaneously vary. The maximum and minimum electromo- tive forces of co-phasal alternations are both simultaneously and similarly directed. Any number of periodic functions are said to be co-phasal when the ratio between their instantaneous values is constant ; when one is a maximum all the remainder will be maxima, and when one is a minimum all the remainder will be minima. Alternator, Compensated An al- ternating current dynamo-electric machine for sustaining a uniform voltage at some point of its circuit under varying loads, in which the field magnets are excited partly by rectified or commuted currents taken from separate armature coils, and partly by currents furnished by the com- muted current from a small transformer, whose primary coil is placed in the main circuit. Alternator, Compound An alter- nating current dynamo-electric machine whose field magnets are compound-wound. The current from the machine is commonly run through a series transformer whose sec- ondary winding is connected with the field magnets through a commutator. Alternator, Magnetic An alter- nating dynamo-electric machine in which permanent field magnets are employed. Alternator, Magneto A term sometimes employed for magnetic alter- nator. (See Appendix Alternator, Mag- netic.} Alternator, Multiphase An alter- nating current dynamo capable of produc- ing multiphase currents. Alternator, Separate-Coil An al- ternating current dynamo-electric machine in which the field magnets are excited by means of current taken from the coils on the armature, which current is first recti- fied, or caused to flow in one and the same direction, by means of a commutator. Alternator, Separately-Excited An alternating current dynamo-electric ma- chine in which the field magnets are ex- cited by means of current furnished from a separate source. JLU.] 566 [Amp. Alternator, Two-Phase An alter- nating current dynamo capable of produc- ing two-phase currents. The term di-phase alternator would appear to be preferable. Alternators, Parallel Connection of The connection of two or more alternat- ing current dynamo-electric machines in parallel, so as to form a single electric source. When two alternating current dynamo- electric machines are connected in parallel, if the armature self-induction and resistance are not too high, and the engines driving the dynamos are under control, or in other words governed, then such machines, even if out of synchronism, when connected, will almost immediately pull each other into synchron- ism, each promptly exercising an automatic control over the other. When alternators possess marked synchro- nizing power, care must be exercised to adjust them fairly to equality of E. M. F. and phase, in order that they may not be in- jured by mechanical shock due to excessive cross currents, when first connected in parallel. A certain amount of armature self- induction is therefore desirable to render parallel working safe. It is a matter of prime importance in the parallel running of alternators that the shape of the wave of E. M. F. is the same in all machines. Otherwise cross currents will flow between the machines under all adjust- ments. A difficulty is occasionally experi- enced in the parallel connection of alternators of different size, due to differing wave form. Alternators, Parallel, Hunting of A periodical increase and decrease in the speed of alternators when running in parallel connection as motors or as dynamos under certain conditions. Alternators, Series Connection of The connection of two or more alternating current dynamo-electric machines in series, so as to form a single electric source. The series connection of alternating dyna- mo-electric machines is impracticable in or- dinary work; for, should such connection be made when the two machines are furnishing currents in the same phase, as soon as either machine' differs in the slightest degree in phase from the other such difference would tend to rapidly increase, until the two ma- chines were in opposite phases, when, of course, no current would be produced. Hence, alternators can be run in series only when their armatures are mechanically and rigidly connected with each other. Amalgamating Solution. (See Appendix Solution, Amalgamating.) Amalgamator, Electric Any ap- paratus for the electrical treatment of gold or silver ores with mercury. An electric amalgamator consists essen- tially of an amalgamator driven by elec- tric instead of by ordinary mechanical power. American Morse Code. (See Appendix Code, American Morse.} Ammeter, Steel-Yard A form of ammeter in which the strength of the cur- rent is measured by means of the electro- magnetic forces applied to one extremity of a steel-yard lever provided with sliding weights for balancing these forces. Ampere, B. A. Such a current as would deposit 0.001118 gramme of silver per second from a neutral solution of nitrate of silver in distilled water. This value of the ampere was adopted by the British Association at its meeting held in Edinburgh in August, 1892, the English Board of Trade, and by the Chicago Congress of 1893. Equal to the international ampere. Ampere-Centimetre. A term proposed as a unit of magnetism. The ampere-centimetre as a unit of mag- netism is based on an assumption denied by some that any unit length of circuit, say one centimetre, conveying a unit current of one ampere, will generate a constant number of lines of magnetic force. The proposed unit has not been accepted. Ampere, International r The value Amp.] 567 [App. of the international ampere adopted by the Chicago Congress ot 1893 as equal to one- tenth of the unit of current of the C. G. S. system of electro-magnetic units, and which is represented sufficiently well for practical use by the unvarying current which when passed through a solution of nitrate of silver in water, and in accord- ance with certain specifications, deposits silver at the rate of o.oomS of a gramme per second. Ampere Meter, Milli An ampere meter, which measures in milli-amperes the current passing through it. Ampere Yards. (See Appendix Yards, Ampere.] Anaesthesia. Insensibility, especially to pain. Anaesthesia, Electric Nervous in- sensibility produced by means of electricity. Local anaesthesia is obtained by means of induction apparatus in which the number of makes and breaks can be readily varied. It has been found in certain cases, when the makes and breaks follow one another with a given rapidity, which can be determined by means of the musical note produced, that such slight operations as the lancing of a felon can readily be performed without pain, after the part has been subjected to the action of the current for but a few minutes. Anemograph, Electric An ap- paratus for electrically registering the direc- tion and velocity of the wind. Angle of Maximum Sensitiveness of Gal- vanometer. (See Appendix Galvanom- eter, Angle of Maximum Sensitive- ness of.) Angle, Phase The angle com- prised between two different current maxima. Angular Acceleration. (See Appendix Acceleration, Angular.) Annunciator, Speaking-Tube An oral annunciator. (See Annunciator, Oral.) Annunciator, Swinging A pendu- lum annunciator. (See Annunciator, Pen- dulum.) Annunciator Wire. (See Appendix Wire, Annunciator.} Anodic Kays of Vacuum Tube. (See Ap- pendix Rays, Anodic, of Vacuum Tube.) Anomalous Helix. (See Appendix Helix, Anomalous.} Anomalous Solenoid. (See Appendix Solenoid, Anomalous.} Anomalous Spiral. (See Appendix Spiral, Anomalous.} Anti-Node. The point on a vibrating body midway between two successive nodes. (See Appendix Node.} The point of maximum motion in a vibrat- ing body. Apparatus, Individual Signalling Any apparatus by means of which individ- ual signals are operated. (See Appendix Signal, Individual.} Lockwood arranges the different methods according to which individual signals can be operated underthe following heads, namely: (i.) Signals operated at each sub-station or circuit with different strengths of current. (2.) Signals operated by currents of op- posed direction. (3-) Signals operated both by changes in the strength and direction of the current. (4.) Electro-magnetic step-by-step devices, acting to bring the sub-station signals to a ringing point differing for each sub-station, and then to close a local branch or shunt cir- cuit, including a local bell, to operate alter, nating mechanism, or in some way to introduce a bell magnet into the circuit. (5.) Signals operated by means of various arrangements of clockwork bells. (6.) Signals operated by means of galva- nometers, the movements of whose needles cause bells to ring. To which may be added, signals operated by currents of different periodicity. Apparatus, Polyphase Apparatus App.J 568 [Arm. operated by polyphase currents. (See Ap- pendix Currents, Polyphase.} Apparatus, Selective Signalling A term sometimes used in place of indi- vidual signalling apparatus. (See Appendix Apparatus, Individual Signalling.} Apparent Resistance. (See Appendix Resistance, Apparent.} Arc, Alternating Current - An arc formed by means of an alternating current. Since in the alternating current the elec- trodes become alternately positive and nega- tive, neither carbon in the case of a carbon arc is markedly brighter than the other, and the rate of consumption of both carbons is the same. Arc, Carbon A voltaic arc formed between two carbon electrodes. The carbon voltaic arc is the one ordina- rily employed, and is formed through a cloud of volatilized carbon. (See A re, Voltaic.} Arc, Common, of Aurora Glory The inner or common arc of an aurora glory. (See Appendix Glory, Aurora.} Arc, Continuous Current A vol- taic arc produced by means of a continu- ous electric current. In a continuous current arc the light is principally emitted from a crater in the posi- tive carbon. Arc, Copper A voltaic arc formed between two copper electrodes. A copper arc is formed through a cloud of volatilized copper. Most metallic arcs are longer than carbon arcs. They possess the characteristic color of the volatilized metal; for example, the copper arc is green. (See Arc, Voltaic.} A copper or other metallic arc would be formed from copper or other metallic rod if it formed the. positive electrode, and a block of carbon or other non-metallic substance formed the negative electrode, since it is the material of the positive electrode that is vola- tilized. Arc Lighting Dynamo-Electric Machine. 3 Vol. 2 (See Appendix Machine, Dynamo- Electric, Arc Lighting} Arc, Two Thousand Candle Power, Pro- posed Definition for The light of an arc produced by 10 amperes of current and 45 volts potential difference between the carbons. A 45O-watt arc restricted as above. Such an arc is sometimes called a full arc. The difficulty in measuring the photometric intensity of a continuous current carbon arc is so great that considerable controversy has arisen as to whether or not a given candle power is present in certain cases. This dif- ficulty arises not only from the fact that the light is of much greater intensity in certain directions than in others, but also from the fact that the candle power of an arc having a certain watt value may differ greatly with the quality of the carbons employed. The adoption of the above definition would, therefore, seem to be extremely advisable. , Armature, Balanced An armature of an electro-magnet whose motion to- ward or from the magnetic poles is op- posed by the pull of a spring, or the action of a weight, so that on the cessation of the magnetic attraction the armature will be caused to assume the position it had before the magnetic action began. Strictly speaking, such an armature is not balanced; the term, however, is a convenient one. Armature, Balanced An armature of a dynamo-electric machine so constructed or adjusted that the line joining the centres of inertia of all its cross sections practically coincides with the axis of rotation. A balanced dynamo armature runs smoothly and without mechanical jars or vibrations. Armature, Balanced An armature of a dynamo or motor in which the winding is such as to insure electrical symmetry. Armature, Coreless, of Dynamo or Motor An armature of a dynamo or motor Arm,] 569 [Ato. not provided with a core of iron or other magnetizable material. Armature, Di-Phase An armature of a motor wound so as to be operated by di-phase currents. Armature, Magnetic Sticking of The adherence of the armature of an elec- tro-magnet to the poles, after the current has ceased to pass through the magnetizing coils. The cause of sticking is to be ascribed to the residual magnetism. Sticking is sometimes avoided by means of core pins, or by a non-magnetizable coat- ing of armature or core. (See Appendix Pins, Core.) Armature, Polyphase An arma- ture of a motor wound so as to be operated by polyphase currents. Armature Reaction. (See Appendix Reaction, Armature,) Armature, Three-Phase A tri- phase armature. (See Appendix Arma- ture, Tri-Phase.} The term tri-phase armature would appear to be preferable. Armature, Tri-Phase An arma- ture of a motor wound so as to be operated by tri-phase currents. Armature, Two-Phase A di-phase armature. (See Appendix Armature, Di- Phase.) The term di-phase armature would appear to be preferable. Arms, Side A term applied to the supports for the bearings of railway mo- tors. Arrival Curve of Telegraphic Circuit. (See Appendix Curve, Arrival, of Tele- graphic Circuit.) Arriving Current of Telegraphic Circuit. (See Appendix Current, Arriving, of Telegraphic Circuit.) Asbestos-Porcelain. A porous substance somewhat resembling ordinary porcelain. Asbestos-porcelain is made by obtaining asbestos fibres in an exceedingly fine powder and forming this powder into a paste with water, consolidating it under heavy press- ure, and subsequently exposing the dried particles to the effects of a high temperature. Asbestos-porcelain, it is claimed, forms a material which, though resembling ordinary porcelain, is highly porous. It has been suc- cessfully used for the porous cells of voltaic batteries, for which purposes it is claimed to offer a better conducting path for the current than the ordinary unglazed earthenware gen- erally employed for such purposes. (See Cell* Porous.} Astatic Multiplier. (See Appendix Multiplier, Astatic.} Atmosphere, Electric A term for- merly employed for a space filled with electric effluvia. (See Appendix Effluvia, Electric.} A term sometimes employed for an elec- tro-static field. A space occupied by or permeated with electric sparks or glow. Atmosphere, Magnetic A term formerly employed for a space filled with magnetic effluvia. (See Appendix Effluvia, Magnetic.} A term sometimes employed for a mag- netic field. Atom, Dyad An atom whose val- ency, atomicity or combining power is two. (See Atomicity. Element.} Atom, Heptad An atom whose valency or atomicity is seven. (See Atom- icity. Element.} Atom, Hexad An atom whose valency or atomicity is six. (See Atomicity. Element} Atom, Monad An atom whose valency or atomicity is one. (See Atomicity. Element.) Atom, Pentad An atom whose valency or atomicity is five. (See Atom- icity. Element.) Ato.] 570 [Bac. Atom, Tetrad An atom whose valency or atomicity is four. (See Atom- icity. Element?) Atom, Triad An atom whose valency or atomicity is three. (See Atom- icity. Element.} Atomic. Of or pertaining to the atom. (See Atom.) Attachment, Electric Clamp A device employed in connection with a floor push, adapted for ready clamping to a table or other support for the purpose of holding a push button electrically con- nected with the floor push. Attachment Plug. (See Appendix Plug, Attachment.') Audible Telegraphic Signal. (See Ap- pendix Signal, Telegraphic, Audible.} Audiometer. A word sometimes used in place of Sonometer. (See Appendix Sonom- eter.} Aura, Electric A term formerly employed for the breeze produced by elec- tric convection. (See Convection, Electric.} Aurora, Electrostatic A luminous phenomenon attending the production of an electrostatic corona. (See Appendix Corona, Electrostatic.} Aurora Glory. (See Appendix Glory, Aurora.} Aurora, Polar A term sometimes used indifferently for the aurora borealis, or the aurora australis. Austral Fluid. (See Appendix Fluid, Austral.} Auto-Exciting. Self-exciting. Auto-Induction. (See Appendix Induc- tion, Auto.} Automatic Guard for Series-Connected Incandescent Lamps. (See Appendix Guard, Automatic, for Series-Connected Incandescent Lamps.} Automatic Photo-Electric Switch. (See Appendix Switch, Automatic Photo-Elec- tric.} Automatic Repeater. (See Appendix Repeater, Automatic?) Automatic Telegraph. (See Telegraph, Automatic} Automatic Telegraphic Transmitter. (See Appendix Transmitter, Automatic Telegraphic.) . Auto-Reyersible or Multiple Tele-Radio- phone. (See Appendix Tele-Radiophone, Auto-Reversible or Multiple.) Axial Current. (See Appendix Cur- rent, Axial} gg. A symbol employed for magnetic induction. The defining equation is $:=/* 3C B. A. Ampere. (See Appendix Ampere, B. A} B. A. Ohm. (See Ohm, B. A.) (See Ap- pendix Ohm, B. A.} B. T. U. A contraction for Board of Trade unit, the commercial unit of elec- trical work adopted by the British Board of Trade, viz., the kilowatt-hour, or the amount of work which would be accomplished in one hour at the rate of one kilowatt. This contraction is a bad one, since it is already employed for British thermal unit. B. T. U. A contraction for British thermal unit. Back Magnetization. (See Appendix Magnetization, Back.) Backing Pan. (See Appendix Pan, Backing.) Bac. 571 [Bat. Backward Induction of Dynamo Arma- ture. (See Appendix Induction, Back- ward, of Dynamo Armature.} Bad Earth. (See Appendix Earth, Bad.} Balance, Coulomb's Electric --- A term sometimes employed for Coulomb's torsion balance when used for measuring the force of electric repulsion. (See Bal- ance, Coulomb's Torsion.} Balance, Coulomb's Magnetic Torsion -- A nam. sometimes given to Cou- lomb's torsion balance when employed to measure the force, of magnetic repulsion. (See Balance, Coulomb's Torsion.} Balance, Duplex --- The condition of a line in duplex telegraphy, when send- ing signals leave the home instruments un- affected and ready for response to received signals, Balance, Electro-Dynamic -- A bal- ance form of electro-dynamometer. (See Dynamometer, Electro. Balance, Centi- Ampere.} Balanced Armature. (See Appendix Armature, Balanced.} Balancing Wire or Conductor. (See Appendix Wire or Conductor, Balanc- Barker's Revolving Contact Breaker. (See Appendix Breaker, Contact, Barker's Revolving.} Barker's Wheel. (See Appendix Wheel, Barkers.} Base, Socket -- A base for holding a lamp socket in position. Basket, Dipping -- A perforated basket of non-corrosive material, em- ployed for the reception ot articles that are to be prepared for the process of electro- plating by dipping them in the cleansing bath. (See Dipping.} Basket, Stoneware Dipping -- A stoneware basket in which the articles are placed that are to be subjected to the dip- ping process in electro-metallurgy. (See Appendix Basket, Dipping.} Bath, Electric Light A variety of electro-therapeutic bath, in which all the patient's body, except the head, is exposed to the radiant light and heat of a number of incandescent electric lamps placed in- side a closed chamber or box. By the use of the electric light bath it is claimed that the temperature of the body is rapidly increased, and that the effect on the skin is the same as that of sunshine. The therapeutic value of such a bath is, perhaps, to be questioned. Battery, Compound A term pro- posed by Henry for a number of separate voltaic cells, coupled so as to iorm a single cell, in contradistinction to a single cell. The term battery wasoriginally sometimes loosely applied either to indicate a single voltaic cell, or a numberof cells so joined to- gether as to form a single electric source. Indeed, the term is still loosely employed even at the present day by some writers. In the time of Henry the word battery was ap- parently indifferently applied to a single cell or a number of cells, and Henry pro- posed the term compound battery to distin- guish between a single cell, or, as he called it, a battery, and a number of cells joined so as to form a single source, which he terms a compound battery, but which is to-day, by all careful writers, termed a battery. Battery, Distant A battery em- ployed in a telegraphic system at the re- ceiving end of the line. Battery, Dry A number of sepa- rate dry voltaic cells combined so as to act as a single source. A dry pile. (See Pile, Dry.} Battery, Element of (See Ap- pendix Element of Battery} Battery, Home The battery em- ployed in a telegraphic system at the send- ing end of the line. Bat.] 572 [Bic. Battery, Polarization A term sometimes employed for a secondary or storage battery. The term secondary or storage battery would appear to be preferable. Battery, Secondary, Current Efficiency of The ratio between the ampere- hours of the discharge and the ampere- hours of the charge. Battery, Secondary, Efficiency of The ratio between the amount of electrical work given out by a battery during its dis- charge, and the amount of work expended in charging it. The efficiency of a secondary battery varies with the rates of charge and discharge ; the higher these rates the lower the efficiency. The efficiency of a secondary battery is ob- tained by dividing the amount of electrical work in joules or watt-hours, which a battery will produce after being charged, by the amount of similarly estimated electrical work expended in charging it. This is generally known as the watt-efficiency. The current-efficiency is obtained by divid- ing the ampere-hours of the discharge by the ampere-hours of the charge. Battery, Secondary, Watt-Efficiency of The ratio between the amount of electrical work in watt-hours a battery will yield after being charged, and the amount of work in watt-hours expended in charg- ing it. Battery Syringe. (See Appendix Syringe, Battery.} Battery System for Electric Railway. (See Appendix Railway, Electric, Bat- tery System for.} Bead, Chain. (See Appendix Chain, Bead} Bead Lightning. (See Appendix Light- ning, Bead.} Bearing, Magnetic The angle in- cluded between the horizontal line from an observer to an object and the observer's magnetic meridian. Bega. A prefix proposed by Houston and Kennelly for a thousand million, or io 9 Begadyne. A term proposed by Houston and Kennelly for one thousand million dynes, or io 9 dynes. Begerg. A term proposed by Houston and Kennelly for one thousand million ergs, or io 9 ergs. Beginning of Current. (See Appendix Current, Beginning of.} Begohm. A term proposed by Houston and Kennelly for one thousand million ohms ; i.e., io 9 ohms. Bell, Electric, Continuous Action An electric bell which continues to ring when once started until stopped either by hand or automatically. Bell, Extension A term some- times employed for extension call bell. (See Bell, Extension Call.} Belt, Creeping of An action of a belt due to its retractility, whereby the driv- ing pulley travels somewhat faster than the driven pulley. Suppose the belt possesses true elasticity or retractile power, then it will be stretched on the work side and come back to its original length on the idle side. It therefore reaches the driving pulley in a stretched con- dition and leaves it in a contracted condition. It also reaches the driven pulley in a con- tracted condition and leaves it in an elongated condition. Suppose this stretch or elonga- tion is one per cent, in a given case, the driv- ing pulley must move 101 feet for every 100 feet of the driven pulley, then there is no slip of the belt, only a creep. The slip of a belt may cause a consider- able loss of peripheral velocity in the pulley. Belt, Slipping of The slipping of a belt on the revolving pulley it covers, causing a loss of speed. Bicro. A prefix proposed by Houston and Kennelly denoting the thousand- millionth part, or io~ 9 - Bic.] 573 [Bon. Bicrofarad. A term proposed by Hous- ton and Kennelly for the thousandth part of a microfarad, or io- 9 farad. Bierohenry. A term proposed by Hous- ton and Kennelly for the thousand"- millionth part ol a henry, or one centimetre. Bi-Metallic Accumulator. (See Appendix Accumulator, Si-Metallic.} Biologist, Electro One skilled in the art of electro-biology. Bioscopist, Electro One skilled in the science of electro-bioscopy. Blavier's Formulae. (See Appendix Fortuities, Blavier's.} Blavier's Test. (See Appendix Test, Blavier's.') Block, Ceiling - - An attachment fastened to ceilings for suspending flexi- ble cords and connecting them with the supply wires of an incandescent system. Block, Double, Duplex - In teleg- raphy, especially in submarine telegraphy, duplex transmission obtained by the aid of a condenser inserted in each arm of the Wheat- stone balance. (See Telegraphy, Duplex, Bridge Method of.} Block, Service The set of termi- nals from which service wires are taken to the interior of a building, usually secured to a pole or to the exterior of a building. Blow, To A phrase frequently employed to indicate the fusion of a safety fuse. (See Fuse, Safety.} Blowing of Fuse. (See Appendix Fuse, Blowing of.} Blowing Point of Fuse. (See Appendix Fuse, Blowing Point of.} Blue Magnetic Pole. (See Appendix Pole, Magnetic, Blue.} Board, Distributing A term sometimes employed in a system of tele- graphic or telephonic communication for a cross connecting board. (See Board, Cross- Connecting.} Board, Distributing Switch A switch board employed for distributing electric current to different circuits. A distributing switch board is usually pro- vided with wedge-plugs and spring-jacks. Board, Lightning Arrester In a system of telephonic or telegraphic com- munication the board to which the light- ning arrester is connected. The lightning arrester board often forms part of the test-board. Board, Test In a system of tele- phonic or telegraphic communication the board, provided with devices for readily connecting testing instruments to any par- ticular line, to which all the separate lines are connected. Bob, Polishing A disc of hard, tough wood, provided on its edge with a ring or rim of tough leather or hide, and employed, when mounted on a shaft and put into rapid rotation, for polishing ar- ticles so as to prepare them for electro- plating. (See Plating, Electro.} The polishing bobs are charged for use with any suitable abrasive material, such as emery, etc. Bobbed. A word sometimes employed to characterize a surface that has been polished by the action of a bob. (See Ap- pendix Bob, Polishing.} Body, Induct eons A term proposed by Faraday for a body in which a charge is induced by the action of a neighboring charged body. Body, Inductric A term proposed by Faraday for the body containing the in- ducing electric charge. Bolognian Stone. (See Appendix Stone, Bolognian.} Bond, Electric Rail An electric bond or connection between contiguous rails of a road using a grounded return. In a system of electric roads, where the return circuit is grounded, the track offers an Bon.] 574 [Bro. excellent return provided the return joints between contiguous rails are electrically con- nected. To do this thoroughly, requires, of course, such an electric connection as will render the bonds of no higher linear resist- ance than the main body of the rails. Bony Current. (See Appendix Cur- rent, Bony.') Booster. A scarcely euphonious word employed to designate a dynamo inserted in a special feeder or group of feeders ot an Edison incandescent system in order to raise the pressure above the rest of the system. Boreal Fluid. (See Appendix Fluid, Boreal.') Bougie-Metre. A name proposed for the practical unit of illumination. A unit of illumination equal to the normal illumination from the bougie-decimale at a distance of one metre. This unit was proposed by a Sub-Commit- tee of the American Institute of Electrical Engineers on the provisional programme of the Chicago International Electrical Con- gress of 1893, on the occasion of the World's Columbian Exposition. The bougie-decimale is practically equal to one English standard candle. By making the distance equal to one metre, the practical unit of illumination will be approximately equal to y^ carcel-metre, or one metre-candle, or to one metre-kerze. Bow, Yoltaic A voltaic arc. (See Arc, Voltaic.'] Bowl, Stoneware Dipping A per- forated bowl made of stone or earthen ware in which articles are placed that are to be subjected to the dipping process in electro- metallurgy. (See Dipping.} Box, Section In a system of elec- tric street railways the box containing the section switches and fuses used for the control of a section or a line section. Box, Starting, of Shunt-Wound Motor A box provided with a rheostat or variable resistance. The armature resistance of a shunt-wound motor is generally made very low, in order to insure high efficiency and constancy of speed. In starting the motor, if it is con- nected to the constant potential circuit and the driving current be permitted to pass directly through its armature, the rush of current would be sufficient to injure the machine. To avoid this the current is first sent through a rheostat, or starting box, and, when the speed of the motor is suffi- ciently high, and a suitable counter-electro- motive force is generated in the armature, the resistance coils are gradually cut out until the motor is connected directly to the constant potential mains. Branched Series. (See Appendix Series, Branched.} Break Key. (See Appendix Key, Break.} Break, Quick A break of a cir- cuit obtained by means of a quick-break switch. (See Appendix Switch, Quick- Break.} Breaker, Contact Any device for opening or breaking an electric circuit. Breaker, Contact, Barker's Revolving A form of contact breaker in which a toothed wheel is rapidly revolved so that its teeth pass successively into and out of a mercury surface, and a rapid making and breaking of an electric circuit connected therewith is thus obtained. Breaking Down of Dielectric. (See Ap- pendix Dielectric, Breaking Down of.} Bridge, Thomson's A modified form of Wheatstone's bridge proposed by Kelvin for the measurement of very small resistances. Broiler, Electric A device for broiling b'y means of electrically generated heat. Rods of insulated metal are suitably con- nected in parallel, and raised to incandescence Biu. 575 [Bur. by means of electrically generated heat. (See Heat, Electric.} In one form of apparatus made, when a potential difference of no volts is applied to the terminals, a current of seven amperes passes and heats the broiler sufficiently for use in about three or four minutes. Brush, Cup A brush employed in cleansing surfaces that are to be prepared for electro-plating, and suitably shaped lor polishing the inside of a cup or other simi- lar hollow surface. Brush, Inside Box A brush em- ployed in cleansing surfaces so as to prepare them for electro-plating, suitably shaped for polishing the inside of tubular surfaces. Brush, Potash A brush employed in cleansing, by the use of a caustic, sur- faces that are to be electro plated. Brush, Thimble A brush employed in cleansing articles that are to be pre- pared for electro-plating, and suitably shaped for such surfaces as the inside of a thimble. Brushes, Distributing, of Electric Motor The brushes of an electric motor corresponding in position to the collecting brushes of a dynamo-electric machine. It is evident that the brushes of an electric motor differ somewhat in their function from the collecting brushes of a dynamo-electric machine, since in the former case the brushes act to distribute a current generated outside the motor to certain coils on the armature of the motor, while in the laiter case they com- mute the direction of the current generated in the armature. Brushes, Finishing A term em- ployed in electro-plating for finer brushes than scratch brushes. Bucking'. A word employed in the operation of street railway passenger cars for the sudden stopping of a car, as if by a collision. The car sometimes refuses to go further ; it often, however, stops and then goes ahead again almost immediately as if nothing had occurred. The cause of bucking is to be as- cribed to the fact that the armature being grounded, if a second ground occurs in any part of the machine, between the armature and the trolley, with the ordinary method of connecting up, a heavy current flows, produc- ing an intensely strong magnetic field and at the same time the armature is short cir- cuited by means of the two ground connec- tions. Under these circumstances the dynamo, being short circuited, operates as a powerful electro-magnetic brake. This effect also occurs when the armature is short-cir- cuiied by heavy sparking at the brushes, or bad insulation (not to ground) in the com- mutator. The term bucking is sometimes used loosely for any cause which prevents an electric motor from properly operating. Buffing. Preparing surfaces for the re- ception of an electro-plating by subjecting them to the polishing action of a revolving wheel covered with a buff on the surface of which rouge has been spread. Building Iron. (See Appendix Iron, Building.} Building Process for Moulds of Electro- types. (See Append x Process, Build- ing, for Moulds of hlectrotypcs.} Buoy, Electrically Illumined A buoy illumined by means of an electric in- candescent lamp. The electric buoys are connected with the generating station on the shdre by means of heavily armored cables. Spar buoys have been successfully lighted by such means. Burglar Alarm Contacts. (See Appendix Contacts, Burglar Alarm.} Burglar Alarm Matting. (See Appendix Matting, Burglar Alarm.} Burglar Alarm Trap. (See Appendix Trap, Burglar Alarm.} Burned-Out Incandescent Lamp. (See Bar.] 576 [Cal. Appendix Lamp, Burned-Out Incan- descent.") Burnishing. A word employed in electro-plating for a process by means of which surfaces are prepared for electro- plating by subjecting them to the action of burnishing tools. The burnishing action consists essentially in smoothing and brightening a surface by crushing down the small inequalities of the surface. The burnishing action is not unlike the smoothing action of a hot iron in ironing. Button, Commutator-Press A form of press button in which the current from a Hittery or other source is reversed in direction to the current previously flow- ing from the ordinary signalling button. Button, Push, Double-Contact A push button provided with two contacts. Button Repeater. (See Appendix Re- peater, Button.} Buzz. A verb expressive of the action of an electric bell when it fails to strike dis- tinctly and only gives a sound something like that of a buzzer. An electric bell will "buzz" if the con- tacts are out of proper adjustment, or if the current passing is too strong. By-Pass of Discharge. A term some- times employed for alternative path. (See Path, Alternative.} C. A symbol used for capacity. The defining equation is C= ^ E! The same symbol is also used for current. C. A symbol used for coulomb, the practical unit ot electric quantity. The same symbol is also used for current and proposed for capacity. cm. An abbreviation frequently em- ployed for the centimetre, the C. G. S. unit of length. cm 12 . An abbreviation frequently em- ployed for square centimetre, the C. G. S. unit of surface. cm 3 . An abbreviation frequently em- ployed for cubic centimetre, the C. G. S. unit of volume. cm : s. An abbreviation frequently em- ployed for centimetre per second, the C. G. S. unit of velocity. cm : s 2 . An abbreviation frequently em- ployed for centimetre per second per sec- ond, the C. G. S. unit of acceleration. C^ R Loss. (See Appendix Loss, Cable, Concentric A cable pro- vided with both a leading out and a return conductor, one forming a central core or conductor and the other an enclosing tubular conductor, suitably insulated from each other. In a concentric cable the central conductor is heavily insulated and enclosed in a metallic tube which latter acts as a return conductor. Cable, Linear Capacity of The quo- tient of the capacity of a cable by its length. Cable, Linear Insulation of The product of the insulation resistance of a cable and its length. The linear insulation is preferably meas- ured in kilometre megohms, or mile megohms. Cage Protector for Lightning Discharges. (See Appendix Protector, Cage, for Lightning Discharges.} ( ;illan Voltaic Cell. (See Appendix Cell, Voltaic, Callan,} Callan's Electro-Magnetic Repeater. (See Appendix Repeater, Electro-Mag' netic, Callan's} Cal.] 577 LCel. Calorimetry. The science of measuring quantities of heat. (See Calorimeter.} Capacitance. A term analogous to resistance, proposed by Hospitalier for the true or specific capacity of a medium. Capacity for Heat, Mean Thermal The mean thermal capacity for heat of a body between two stated temperatures is the quantity of heat required to raise it from the lower of these temperatures to the higher, divided by the difference of tem- peratures. (See Heat, Specific.} Capacity, Kilometric, of Cable The capacity of a cable in microfarads per kilo- metre. (See Cable, Electric.} Capacity, Magneto-Inductive A term sometimes employed for magnetic per- meability. (See Permeability, Magnetic.} The word permeability is preferable. Capacity, Specific Dielectric A term sometimes employed in place of specific inductive capacity. (See Capacity, Specific Inductive.} Carbon Arc. (See Appendix Arc, Car- bon.} Carbon Pencil. (See Appendix Pencil, Carbon} Carbons, Skew Adjustment of, in Arc Lamp The adjustment of the car- bons of an arc lamp by means of which the positive carbon is placed a short distance in front of, back and out of a vertical line with, the negative carbon. The skew adjustment is employed in a projector or search light for the purpose of insuring the formation of the crater on the edge of the positive carbon so that the prin- cipal part of the light is thrown out hori- zontally. Cardan's Suspension of Compass Needle. (See Appendix Suspension of Compass Needle, Cardan's} Carrying- Capacity of Safety Fuse. (See Appendix Fuse, Safety, Carrying Capacity of} A process for the casting of metals that have been fused by means of heat of electric origin. The metals are fused by heat in a specially provided furnace from which all the air has been exhausted. The fused metal is then run into moulds from which the air has also bedn exhausted. The vacuum and the electric melting, it is claimed, produce a greater liquidity of the metal than do the ordinary methods, and hence insure a readier flow and more sharply marked castings. The metal of the casting is also for the same reason extremely close and fine grained, and is free from blow-holes. Castor and Pollux Light. (See Appen- dix Light, Castor and Pollux} Cataphoric Electrode. (See Appendix Electrode, Cataphoric} Cataphoric Medication. (See Appendix Medication, Cataphoric^ Ceiling Block. (See Appendix Block, Ceiling.} Ceiling Rosette. (See Appendix Rosette, Ceiling.} Cell, Double-Liquid A term some- times employed in place of double-fluid cell. (See Cell, Voltaic, Double-Fluid.} Cell, Dry Gelatine A term applied to a type of dry voltaic cell in which the exciting liquid is absorbed by, or com- bined with, a variety of gelatinous sub- stances. The term gelatine dry cell is by no means limited to cases in which gelatine, either in whole or in part, forms the material for the retention of the exciting liquid. On the con- trary, such cells most frequently contain a mixture of various mineral substances which on standing assume a gelatinous or semi- gelatinous condition from the water com- bining with the substances. Cell, Earth A term frequently applied to a variety of cell consisting of any voltaic couple buried in a compara- tively moist stratum of earth. Cel.] 578 [Cel. In such cases the moisture of the earth acts as the electrolyte and the electromotive forces developed depend on the character of the voltaic couples employed. The term earth cell is sometimes improp- erly applied to the case of two similar metal- lic plates buried in the earth at considerable distances from one another. In such cases the current produced is obtain2d in part at least by means of the difference of potential caused between the two points of the earth at which the separate plates are located. It is evident, however, that the current produced by such earth cells, improperly so- called, is in reality obtained from the earth as an electric source, the plates with their metallic terminals simply forming conduct- ors for carrying off the current generated by the difference of potential already existing in the earth. (See Currents, Earth.) Cell, Galvanic A term sometimes employed instead of voltaic cell. (See Cell, Voltaic.) Cell, Gas A term sometimes ap- plied to one of the cells of a gas battery. (See Battery, Gas.) Cell, Lead Sulphate of Copper A form of storage cell in which two plates of lead are immersed in a solution of copper sulphate. On the passage of the charging current one lead plate becomes coated with lead peroxide and the other with metallic copper. (See Cell, Storage.) Cell, Lead Sulphate of Zinc A form of storage cell in which two plates ot lead are immersed in a solution of zinc sulphate. On the passage of the charging current one plate becomes coated with lead peroxide and the other with metallic zinc. This cell, according to Reynier, has an electromotive force of as high as from 2.8 to 2.6 volts, but soon falls to from 2.3 to 2 volts. (See Cell, Storage.) Cell, Light A term sometimes employed for a photo-electric cell. (See Cell, Photo- Electric.) Radiant energy, whether of the luminous type, as in the case of light, or of the non- luminous type, as in the case of heat, pro- duces a difference of potential under a variety of circumstances. In some cases violet-colored light seems to produce the most marked effects. Roughly speaking, photo-electric, or light cells, can be grouped into two fairly sharply marked classes, namely: (i.) Those in which the electricity accom- panies some chemical decomposition which acts to produce a current. (2.) Those in which slight molecular changes occur which result in the production of an electric current. The production of electricity in cells of the latter type, by the action of light alone, is probably analogous to the production of pyro-electricity in the case of certain crys- talline bodies. (See Electricity, Pyro.) Cell, Magneto-Chemical A cell in- vented by Balsamo, in which two similarly magnetized bars are immersed with the north pole of one and the south pole of the other in a solution of oxalic acid. Under these circumstances the magnet having its north pole immersed in the ex- citing liquid acts like the zinc plate, and the one having its south pole like the copper of an ordinary zinc-copper couple immersed in dilute sulphuric acid. The influence a magnetic fluid exerts on chemical action has been investigated by Rowland and Bell, and by Squier. (See Appendix Action, Protective. Throw, Pro- tective. Throw, Concentration.) Cell, Photo-Electric Impulsion A term sometimes applied to an impulsion cell. (See Cell, Impulsion.) Cell, Primary A term sometimes employed for a voltaic cell. (See Cell, Vol- taic.) The term primary cell is employed in con- tradistinction to secondary or storage cell. (See Cell, Storage.) Cell, Regenerative A term pro- posed for an early form of storage or sec- Cel.J [Cha. ondary cell, invented by Thomson and Houston, consisting of two plates of cop- per immersed in a solution of zinc sul- phate. Two plates were placed, one at the bottom of the solution, and the other near the top. On the passage of the charging current, one of the plates through the decomposition of the zinc sulphate was partially con- verted into copper sulphate and the other plate was coated with metallic zinc. The con- nections were such that the plate partially converted into zinc sulphate was placed at the bottom of the cell, and the one partially converted into and covered by metallic zinc, at the top. The passage of the charging current thus produced a variety of gravity cell. On the exhaustion of the cell there remained two in- ert plates of copper immersed in a solution of zinc sulphate. Cell, Thermo-Cheinical A variety of heat cell in which a difference of po- tential is produced and maintained between two plates immersed in a suitable liquid when one plate is kept at a higher tem- perature than the other. A heat cell forms in reality a species of storage battery in which the charging of the cell is obtained by the expenditure of heat energy. In true heat cells a chemical action occurs which is readily and completely reversible by heat. Cell, Voltaic, Agglomerate Leclanche A variety of Leclanche' cell in which the mixture of carbon and dioxide of manganese is made into a solid mass by pressure. The advantage claimed for the agglomer- ate Leclanchfe cell is that the porous cup em- ployed in the other forms of this cell is dis- pensed with. Cell, Voltaic, Callan A zinc-iron couple, the elements of which are immersed respectively in an electrolyte of dilute sul- phuric acid, and an electrolyte consisting of a mixture of strong nitric and sulphuric acids. In the Callan cell the iron plays the part of the negative element. It is not attacked by the nitric acid provided the acid be suffi- ciently strong. The reasons generally as- signed for the non-action of the acid on the iron are either the so-called passive state of the iron or the formation on the surface of an insoluble oxide. (See Slate, Passive.) This cell is sometimes called the iron cell, or the Maynooth. It is difficult to maintain this cell in good action, owing to the liability of the nitric acid to act on the iron when- ever its strength falls below a certain point. Cell, Toltaic, Heat A cell in which heat energy is changed or converted into electric energy. Park Benjamin divides heat cells into three classes, namely: (i.) Those in which heat acts upon the materials of the cell by causing fusion or de- composition. (2.) Those in which heat acts to set free chemical affinities whereby the cell is caused to operate, regeneration after exhaustion taking place at a lower temperature. (3) Thermo-chemical cells, or those in which the difference of potential is maintained between two plates immersed in a liquid by heating one plate to a higher temperature than the other. Cell, Voltaic, Maynooth A name sometimes given to the Callan voltaic cell. (See Appendix Cell, Voltaic, Callan.) Cell, Voltaic, Single-Liquid A term sometimes employed in place of a single- fluid cell. (See Cell, Voltaic, Single- Fluid.) Cessation of Current. (See Appendix Current, Cessation of.) Chain, Bead A chain employed in connection with a pendant electric burner. (See Burner, Plain Pendant Electric.) Chain, Galvanic A term tormerly applied to a galvanic, or more properly Cha.] 580 LChr. speaking, voltaic circuit. (See Circuit, Voltaic.} Chamber of Incandescent Electric Lamp. Age-Coating of The gradual darken- ing of the enclosing glass chamber of an incandescent electric lamp. This coating may be due to a deposit of carbon or a hydrocarbon, or a deposit of metal deflagrated or volatilized by the heat of the filament. Charge Accumulator. (See Appendix Accumulator, Charge.") Charge Current on Telegraphic Line. (See Appendix Line, Telegraphic, Charge Current on.) Charge, Linear Density of The amount of electricity per unit of length of conductor. (See Charge, Electric.) Charge, Minus A negative charge. (See Charge, Negative.) Charge, Plus A positive charge. (See Charge, Positive.) Charge, Sweeping-Out A phrase employed in double-current signalling for the freeing of the line from a charge pro- duced by the sending of one signal, by re- versing the direction of the current through the line. The "sweeping-out" of the charge on a telegraphic line decreases the amount of re- tardation. (See Retardation.) Charge, Volume Density of The amount of electricity per unit of volume. (See Charge, Electric.) Check, Telephone Time A device by means of which, in a telephone ex- change system, a drop shutter is automati- cally released at a particular trunk wire indicator, at the beginning of the time that a subscriber is given the use of the trunk line, and automatically disconnected, and the central station operator's attention is called to the fact of such disconnection. By the use of the time-check, disputes as to the length of time a subscriber is given the use of a trunk line is avoided. A telephone time-check is sometimes called a telephone meter. (See Appendix Meter, Telephonic} Chemical Generator of Electricity. (See Appendix Generator, Chemical, of Elec- tricity.} Chemical Telegraph. (See Appendix-^ Telegraph, Chemical.} Chemism. A word sometimes em- ployed for chemical affinity. (See Affinity, Chemical.} Chemistry, Thermo That branch of chemistry which treats of the measure- ment of chemical energy in thermal units. According to Berthelot : (i.) The amount of heat set free in any chemical reaction is a measure of the total work done during that reaction. (2.) Changes produced in any system not attended by external effects produce an evolu- tion of heat dependent only on the initial and final states of the system. (3.) Every chemical change effected in a system independent of external energy tends to produce that body or system of bodies, the formation of which evolves a maximum heat. Choke Magnet. (See Appendix Mag- net, Choke} Chronograph, Spark A form of electric chronograph in which the time of a certain event is indicated by means of the spark of a Ruhmkorff or spark coil. In a form of spark chronograph for meas- uring the time in which a falling body moves through different parts of its path, the path of the body is marked on a moving sheet of paper by means of a series of sparks frcm a Ruhmkorff coil. Chronometer, Electric An elec- trically controlled or operated mechanism for indicating or recording time. (See Clock, Electric.) Cir.] 581 [CIo. Circuit Closer. (See Appendix Closer, Circuit.} Circuit Closer for Pull Bell. (See Ap- pendix Pull Bell, Circuit Closer for.} Circuit, Consumption A circuit in which the energy of the electric current is consumed or utilized for energizing electro- receptive devices. Electric energy is consumed in all parts of an electric circuit. The term consumption circuit, however, is limited to that part of an electric circuit in which the electro-receptive devices are placed which are energized by the passage of the electric current through them. Circuit, Electrical Tuning of (See Appendix Tuning of Electrical Circuit.} Circuit, Magnetic, External A term sometimes employed for that part of a magnetic circuit which lies outside of a magnet. (See Circuit, Magnetic.} Circuit, Magnetic, Internal A term sometimes employed for that part of a magnetic circuit which lies within the mag- net. (See Circuit, Magnetic.} Circuit, Multiple-Parallel A term sometimes employed for a multiple of parallel circuits. (See Circuit, Multiple.} Circuit, Parallel-Arc A term sometimes employed in place of parallel or multiple circuit. (See Circuit, Multiple.} Circuit, Resonant A circuit whose dimensions are such as to bring it into res- onance with, or to tune it to, the period ot another circuit. Circuit, Surging-^ An electrical circuit through which electrical surgings are passing. Lodge employs this term, surging circuit, in the following restricted sense. ' I have been accustomed especially to apply the name ' surging circuit ' to the case where sparks are obtained not between two distinct parts of a circuit, but between two points on one and the same good conductor. under circumstances when it does not form the alternative path to anywhere, and when it would ordinarily be supposed that there was no possible reason for a spark at all." The term surging circuit is applied gen- erally to circuits through which surging dis- charges are passing; as, for example, the condenser-motor circuit in the Stanley-Kelley system. Circuit, Telegraphic, Working Efficiency of The variation or margin between the joint resistance of the conductor and the resistance of the insulator by which the con- ductor is supported. According to F. L. Pope the working effi- ciency may be increased in two ways, viz.: (i.) By increasing the insulation resist- ance. (2.) By decreasing the resistance of the conductor. Circular Magnetization. (See Appendix Magnetization, Circular.} Clamp, Feeder Any clamping de- vice for connecting or fastening a feeder wire to a trolley wire. Clip. A slight break in the signal re- ceived in a system of duplex telegraphy under certain circumstances. Clip, Feeder In a system of elec- tric street railways a clamp furnished with a device whereby a feeder wire may be readily connected to a trolley wire. Clips, Stay-Eye Iron bands clamped to the string beams of the roof with an iron ring projecting from the sur- face of the roof, to which the stay rods of telegraphic or telephonic standards are screwed. Clock, Directing A term some- times employed instead of controlling or master clock. (See Clock, Electrical- Controlling^ Clock, Electric, Watchman's A watchman's electric register. (See Regis- ter, Watchman's, Electric.} Clp.j 582 [Com. Clock, Primary Electric A term sometimes employed in place of the con- trolling or master clock. (See Clock, Master?) Clock, Standard In a system of time telegraphy the master clock. (See Clock, Master."] Closed-Circuit Transformer. (See Ap- pendix Transformer, Closed- Circuit?) Closed-Conducting Sheath for Lightning Protection. (See Appendix Sheath, Closed-Conducting, for Lightning Protec- tion.} Closer, Circuit Any device for completing or closing a circuit. Clown's-Hat Curve. (See Appendix Curve, Clown' s-Hat} Code, American Morse A term sometimes employed for the Morse tele- graphic alphabet. (See Alphabet: Tele- graphic, Morse's.} Code, Dot-and-Dash A term some- times employed for the Morse telegraphic code. (See Code, Telegraphic.} Code, International Morse A term sometimes employed for the interna- tional telegraphic alphabet. (See Alpha- bet, Telegraphic: International Code} Coil, Faradic A term sometimes employed in place of a Fradic machine or medical induction coil. (See Machine, Faradic.} Coil, Ground A small rheostat employed in duplex telegraphy at the home station for the purpose of giving the appara- tus in such station an equal resistance to the currents coming from the distant sta- tion. (Pope.) The resistance of the ground coil should be equal to the resistance of the spark coil, plus the internal resistance of the battery. Coil, Induction Ribbon An induc- tion coil, the primary and secondary cir- cuits of which are made of metallic ribbons instead of wires. Coil, Induction, Self A coil of wire possessing a self induction. A choking coil. (See Coil, Choking} Coil, Spark, Telegraphic A small rheostat employed in duplex telegraphy at the home station in connection with the ground coil. (See Appendix Coil, Ground.} The resistance of the spark coil should be made sufficiently great to prevent the po- larization of the battery when it is momenta- rily short-circuited. Coils, Differential Coils that are differentially wound. (See Appendix Winding, Differential.} Coils, Field, of Dynamo The coils of wire wound on the field magnet cores for the production of the magnetic field. Coked Core of Incandescent Filament. (See Appendix Core, Coked, of Incandes- cent Filament} Coked Filament. (See Appendix Fila- ment, Coked.} Coking, Electrical Subjecting a carbon to the coking process. (See Ap- pendix Process, Coking, for Filament of Incandescent Electric Lamp} Coking of Filament. (See Appendix Filament, Coking of} Coking Process for Filament of Incandes- centElectric Lamp. (See Appendix Proc- ess, Coking, for Filament of Incandescent Electric Lamp} Collecting Combs. (See Appendix Combs, Collecting} Comazant. A term formerly applied to St. Elmo's fire. A corposant. (See Corposant. Fire, St. Elmo's.} Combination Fittings for Chandeliers, Brackets, etc. (See Appendix Fittings, Com.] 583 [Con. Combination, for Chandeliers, Brackets, etc.} Combs, Collecting A term some- times employed for the collecting points of a frictional electrical machine, or of an electrostatic induction machine. (See Ma- chine, Frictional Electric. Machine, Electrostatic Induction.} Common Arc of Aurora Glory. (See Ap- pendix Arc, Common, of Aurora Glory.} Commutator P^ress-Button. (See Ap- pendix Button, Commutator-Press^ Commutatorless. Not provided with a commutator. (See Commutator, Dynamo- Electric Machine.} Compass, Declination A decli- nometer. (See Declinometer.} Compensated Alternator. (See Appen- dix Alternator, Compensated.} Compensating- Alternating Dynamo-Elec- tric Machine. (See Appendix Machine, Dynamo- Electric, Compensating- Alter- nating.} Compensator, Magnetic A device for neutralizing the effects produced on a magnetic needle by the local magnetism of a ship. Complex-Harmonic Alternating Electro- motive Forces. (See Appendix Forces, Electromotive, Complex-Harmonic Alter- nating.} Complex-Harmonic Curients. (See Ap- pendix Currents, Complex-Harmonic.} Complex-Magnetic Shell. (See Appen- dix Shell, Complex-Magnetic.} Compound Alternator. (See Appendix Alternator, Compound.} Compound Battery. (See Appendix Battery, Compound.} Compound Electro-Magnet. A term sometimes applied to an induction coil. (See Appendix Magnet, Electro-Com- pound} Compound Magnet. (See Appendix Magnet, Compound.} Concentration Throw. (See Appendix Throw, Concentration} Concentric Cable. (See Appendix Cable, Concentric} Concentric Wiring. (See Appendix Wiring, Concentric} Conductance, Specific Specific conductivity. (See Conductivity, Specific.) Conductibility. Possessing the power of conducting electricity. Conductivity. Conducting Cord and Tip. (See Appen- dix Cord and Tip, Conducting.) Conducting Cord Tip. (See Appendix Tip, Conducting Cord.) Conduction Lightning Protection. (See Appendix Protection, Conduction Light- ning} Conduction Lightning Protector. (See Appendix Protector, Conduction Light- ning.) Conduction, Metallic A term sometimes employed for the conduction of electricity through a solid conductor in con- tradistinction to its conduction through an electrolyte. (See Conduction, Electrolytic.) Conduction Resistance. (See Appendix Resistance, Conduction.) Conductivity, Percentage, of Wire The conductivity of a particular copper wire compared with the conductivity of another wire of the same dimensions of pure material at a standard temperature. The percentage conductivity is readily ob- tained by multiplying the calculated resist- ance of the pure material by 100 and dividing the result by the measured resistance of the particular wire. Conductor, Electric, Glowing of Emitting light from any conductor heated to electrical incandescence. Con.] 584 [Con. The current strength required to produce a glow in a conductor varies in a marked manner with the character and density of the gas surrounding the conductor. Conductor, Electric, Melting of Fusion of a conductor by means of the heat of electric currents. The strength of current required to fuse or melt a conductor varies with a number of circumstances, so that a wire which will not fuse under the influence of a certain current strength may fuse at another time under a much smaller current strength if the con- ditions are different. Among these influences may be mentioned the nature of the medium surrounding the conductor, as well as the temperature of said medium. Sometimes, too, a coating of oxide forms on the surface of the conductor, which modifies its ability to throw off or radiate its heat. When subjected to alternating currents a fuse wire has its fusing point gradually lowered. Conductor, Electric, Volatilization of The volatilization of a conductor pro- duced by the passage of an electric current through it. The current required to volatilize a con- ductor will necessarily vary with the same circumstances that modify its electric glow- ing or melting. (See Appendix Conductor, Electric, Glowing of. Conductor, Electric, Melting of.) Conduct or or Line Wire, Dip of The sag of a telegraphic or telephonic wire or conductor between two supports due to its weight. Conductor Resistance. (See Appendix Resistance, Conductor.) Conductor, Semi A term some- times applied to substances, such as acids, saline salts, water, etc., whose power of conduction for electricity is neither very high nor very low. Substances that occupy an intermediate position between conductors and so-called non-conductors for electricity. Conductor, Stranding of Forming a conductor of several smaller conductors for the purpose of reducing the self-induc- tion or eddy currents, or of increasing its flexibility. (See Induction, Self.) Conductor System for Railroad. (See Appendix Railroad, Conductor System for.) Conflict, Electric -A term proposed by Oersted for a magnetic field surround- ing a conductor through which a current of electricity is flowing. Oersted speaks as follows of his discovery of the magnetic qualities of the region around a conductor through which an electrical cur- rent is flowing : " That this conflict performs circles around the wire, for without this con- dition it seems impossible that one part of the wire when placed below the magnetic needle shall drive its pole to the east, and when placed above it to the west." Connector, Copper A particular form of connector employed in the gravity voltaic cell for connecting the copper ele- ment to the circuit wire or conductor. A name applied technically to a form of electric light fitting or coupler for connect- ing large wires or conductors. Consonance. Literally, sounding at the same time. Strictly speaking, two sounds are said to be in consonance when they are sounded to- gether. In this sense we speak of pleasing consonances or harmonious chords. Often, however, the word consonance is used in contradistinction to dissonance as indicating two sounds that are in unison with each other. The word consonance is also frequently employed in the sense of increasing or re- enforcing a sound; such, for example, as the method of increasing the sound produced by a vibrating string or cord by stretching the cord over an elastic body like a table. In such cases the table takes up the motions or vibrations of the cord, and, by thus setting in motion a greater mass of air, increases the Con.] 535 [Con. amplitude of the waves and consequently the intensity of the sound. This use of the word consonance is to be distinguished from resonance, in which an increase in the inten- sity of the sound is also produced by waves or vibrations set up in another body with, however, this difference : in the case of reso- nance the re-enforcement is effected by vibra- tions set up in a body that is tuned to vibrate in exact unison with a vibrating body; while in the case of consonance no such tuning is necessary ; or, briefly, consonant vibration is forced vibration, while resonant vibration is natural or free vibration excited by the vibrating body. Consonator. Any body possessing the power of increasing the strength of sound by consonance. (See Appendix Con- sonance.') This use of the word consonator is analo gous to the use of the word resonator; viz., a body having the power of increasing the strength of sound by resonance. (See Reso- nator?) A consonator, however, differs from a resonator in the manner in which it strengthens the sound. Constant-Potential Motor. (See Appen- dix Motor, Constant-Potential.} Constant, Yerdet's The mag- neto-optic constant of a transparent sub- stance, usually expressed in minutes of arc rotation of the plane of polarization, for a luminous ray of definite wave length through the magnetized substance at a definite temperature between points on the ray path whose magnetic potential differs by unity. Verdet's constant is usually taken for the D line at the temperature of I5C. Its value for monohydrated sulphuric acid according to Bichat, and Mascart and Joubert equals 0.0104 ' Consumption Circuit. (See Appendix Circuit, Consumption.} Contact Breaker. (See Appendix Breaker, Contact.} Contact, Drop Relay A form of relay contact in which the attraction of an armature on the passage of a current releases a drop and thus completes a local circuit which remains closed until the drop is replaced or reset. By the suitable combination of a drop re- lay and a bell, the bell may become a con- tinuous ringing bell. Contact, Floor A term sometimes employed in place of floor push. (See Push, Floor.} Contact, Full A variety of fault produced by a part of the circuit being accidentally placed in contact with a good metallic circuit. (See Contacts.} Contact, Relay A term frequently applied to a form of electro-magnetic in- strument by means of which a local circuit is co'mpleted by the passage of a current. A relay contact is in reality a form of key or push, which, instead of being opened or closed by means of the hand, is closed by means of an electro-magnet. Relay contacts are of two kinds, namely, spring relay con- tacts and drop relav contacts. Contact Resistance. (See Appendix Resistance, Contact.} Contact, Spring Relay A form of relay contact which is interrupted by the action of a spring, as soon as the current is broken. Contact Theory of Electricity. (See Appendix Theory, Contact, of Elec- tricity} Contact, Total A term sometimes employed for full metallic contact. (See Contact, Full-Metallic.} Contact, Window or Blind A variety of burglar-alarm contact by means of which an alarm bell is rung by a slight pressure against a blind caused by any at- tempt to enter from without after having broken 'the glass in the window. (See Alarm, Burglar.} Con.] 586 [Cor. Contacts, Burglar Alarm Con- tacts by means of which the opening or closing of a door or window, or the passage of a person across a given space, is caused to ring an alarm bell. (See Alarm, Burglar.} Continuous Action of Electric Bell. (See Appendix Bell, Electric, Continuous Ac- tion of.) Continuous Current Arc. (See Appendix Arc, Continuous Current.) Continuous Current Transformer. (See Appendix Transformer, Continuous Cur- rent.) Contracting Magnetic Whirl. (See Ap- pendix Whirl, Contracting Magnetic.) Contraction, Over-Maximal An in- crease in the electrical stimulation of a motor nerve beyond the point where an apparent maximum stimulus has been reached. Between the condition of the first maxi- mum and the second maximum an increase in the strength of the current is followed by a decrease in the stimulation. On, how- ever, a further increase in the current strength a second increase in the contrac- tion, termed the over-maximal contraction, occurs. Contraplex Telegraph. (See Appendix Telegraph, Contraplex.) Convection Transference. (See Appen- dix Transference, Convection.) Conversion of Electromotive Force. (See Appendix Force, Electromotive, Conversion of.) Conversion, Ratio of A term some- times employed instead of ratio of trans- " formation. (See Appendix Transforma- \ tion, Ratio of.) Convert. To transform or change. Converter, Rotary A rotary trans- former. (See Appendix Transformer, Rotary.) Converting. Transforming or changing. Co-phasal. Two or more quantities which vary harmonically, and whose rates of increase or decrease at any given time maintain a constant ratio. Co-phasal Alternations. (See Appendix Alternations, Co-phasal.) Copper Arc. (See Appendix Arc, Cop' per.) Copper Connector. (See Appendix Connector, Copper.) Copper-Lead Accumulator. (See Appen- dix Accumulator, Copper-Lead.) Copper Resistance. (See Appendix Resistance, Copper.) Copper Shell of Electrotype. (See Ap- pendix Shell, Copper, of Electrotype.) Copper-Zinc Accumulator. (See Appen- dix Accumulator, Copper-Zinc.) Cord and Tip, Conducting A con- ducting cord provided at one of its ends with a tip for the purpose of ready inser- tion in a wall socket. Cord, Incandescent Lamp A flex- ible lamp cord of two strands suitable for use with a pendent incandescent lamp. Core, Coked, of Incandescent Filament A filament for an incandescent elec- tric lamp, formed of a core of electrically coked carbon, whose surface is covered with a deposit of carbon derived from the electrical decomposition of a hydrocarbon gas or vapor. Core Loss of Transformer. (See Appen- dix Loss, Core, of Transformer.) Core Pins of Magnet. (See Appendix Pins, Core, of Magnet.) Cores, Krizik's Cores for magnetic solenoids shaped so as to insure an ap- proximately uniform pull in different posi- tions in the solenoid. (See Bars, Krizik's.) Coreless Armature of Dynamo or Motor. (See Appendix Armature, Coreless, of Dynamo or Motor.} Cor.] 587 [Cor. Corona, Electrostatic A luminous effect produced on the surface of a thin sheet of mica, or other similar insulating material, when placed between two elec- trodes between which discharges of com- paratively high difference of potential are passing. Steinmetz describes the phenomena of the electrostatic aurora and corona in the Elec- trical Engineer for April 5, 1893, as follows : "Very interesting luminous effects take place when a thin sheet of good insulating material, as mica, is placed between the elec- trodes. At a difference of potential of 830 volts and a thickness of mica of 1.8 milli- centimetres, in darkness a faint bluish glow becomes visible between the mica and the electrodes. This glow is very perceptible at 970 volts, and faintly visi- ble in broad daylight at 1,560 volts. With increasing difference of potential, this bluish glow increases in intensity, forming a sharply defined, smooth blue line around the elec- trodes at their point of contact with the mica. " At a difference of potential of 4.5 kilo- volts thickness of mica of 2.3 milli-centi- metres violet creepers of about two mm. length break here and there out of the line of bluish glow. These creepers are distinctly different from the blue glow surrounding the electrodes and increasein number and length with increasing potential, until they form a broad electrostatic aurora surrounding the electrodes on either surface of the mica sheet, consisting of an infinite number of small violet streamers, rushing with a hiss- ing noise over the mica. This corona in- creases rapidly in width until it reaches the edges of the mica sheet. Then white sparks of intense brightness pass from electrode to electrode over the surface of the mica, first few in number, then with increasing poten- tial, covering the whole sheet with an in- finite number of streaks of lightning with a roaring noise. The amount of current pass- ing through these sparks is exceedingly small, for no perceptible reaction upon the primary circuit was noticed. The length of these sparks is many times larger than the sparking distance in air, being tenfold at 17 kilovolts. They are intensely hot, and leave whitish marks, due to calcination, on the mica when passing over it. The sheet of mica, and especially the electrodes, become heated very rapidly, the mica twists and be- gins to splinter, to separate into sheets, until finally it breaks down. " The width of the electrostatic corona is half the length of these sparks. The length of these sparks depends somewhat upon fre- quency and the thickness of the mica sheet, being greater for higher frequency and thin- ner mica disc, but apparently only in so far as the capacity, or rather the charging cur- rent of the condenser, represented by the mica disc as dielectric, is increased there- by." Corrosion, Electrolytic A term frequently employed for the corrosion ot water or gas pipes or other masses o.t metal buried in the earth by electrolytic action. In the case of such large currents as those employed in the electric railway car systems, or other similar earth-connected circuits, the corrosion may become marked. In such cases electrolytic corrosion is due to the return current. The amount of corrosion varies according to whether the railroad tracks are made the positive or negative terminal of the driving source. It is claimed by some that electrolytic cor- rosion is lessened by connecting the trolley line to the negative terminal of the battery and the tracks to the positive terminal. Perrine describes this matter as follows : "A more complete system of ground- ing seems, however, to offer at least a par- tial solution of this difficulty, which may only be completely worked out in a careful study of the special conditions in some par- ticular case. " For such a complete system of ground- ing, in order to reduce to a minimum elec- trolytic corrosion, the negative pole of the dynamo should be connected to the trolley and feeder line ; then at the station connec- tions should be made not only with the rails Cos. 588 [Con. and wells, but also with all water and gas pipes, which piping system should also be frequently connected to the track and track feeder, so that whatever current passes by the medium of these pipes should flow out of the earth into them, and thence to the rails by means of metallic and not electrolytic conduction. If 'this be completely accom- plished there can be no corrosion of the pipes caused by the current flowing out of the pipes to the rails, and the only corrosion possible will be that due to the local action caused by the difference of potential along the pipes themselves." It would appear that the total corrosion of pipes that are not in metallic connection with the circuit is independent of the polarity of the terminal, since the same amount of cur- rent which enters the pipe from the ground must leave it by again passing to ground. In this manner the area of entrance into the pipe is protected and its area of exit cor- roded electrolytically. By changing the terminals the protected and corroded parts are merely interchanged. By making the shunt current passing through the pipes leave the pipes by means of a metallic conductor instead of by the ground, the entire system of pipes is brought below the potential of the ground and a pro- tection or partial protection is thus effected. Experiments made on the West End Rail- road of Boston and elsewhere, appear to show that it makes but little difference which terminal is connected to earth. It is by many considered best to alternately connect the positive and negative terminals to earth for a period of a week at a time and not to depend on the earth for a return, or make use of a supplemental wire, but to double- bond the rails with heavy copper wire, plac- ing the connections back z\ to 3 feet respect- ively from the end of the rails to avoid the motion of the joint. With a rail 70 pounds to the yard, on a four track road, this is equivalent to about 28 inches cross-section of steel, the carrying capacity of which is 4^ square inches of copper. If, therefore, an equally good connection is made from the rails to the generator at the power station, there is thus provided a path capable of carrying 10,000 amperes without undue heating. Rails bonded in this manner and used as returns, will avoid the variable resistance of the earth arising from dry weather, poor contact with earth, frost, etc., and will consequently avoid electrolytic corrosion in neighboring pipes. Cosine Law of Illumination. (See Ap- pendix Illumination, Cosine Law of.} Coulomb, International The value of the international coulomb adopted by the Chicago Congress of 1893, as equal to the quantity of electricity transferred by a cur- rent of one international ampere in one second. Coulomb Meter. (See Appendix Meter, Coulomb.} Coulomb's Electric Balance. (See Ap- pendix Balance, Coulomb's Electric.} Coulomb's Magnetic Torsion Balance. (See Appendix Balance, Coulomb's Mag- netic Torsion.} Counter, Electro-Chronometric An apparatus employed in a system of elec- trical clocks to so transmit the motion of an ordinary clock to a number of sepa- rate clocks as to control or operate them. Electro-chronometric counters consist es- sentially of two parts, namely, (l.) The indicator or apparatus connected with the regulating clock and operating to periodically make and break the current of a battery. (2.) The mechanism that moves the clock hands when actuated by the current sent into the line by the indicator. Counter-Electromotive Force of Elec- trolysis. (See Appendix Electrolysis, Counter-Electromotive Force of.} Couple, Molecular Voltaic A vol- taic couple formed of the atoms or radicals of a molecule. Lermantoff has shown that during the development of the photographic image in moist collodion a true electrolysis occurs, each silver molecule produced by the action of the light on the sensitized plate forming a Cra.] 589 [Cur. voltaic couple with a molecule of silver nitrate and a molecule of iron sulphate of a developer. Crater of Arc. A crater formed in the end of the positive carbon electrode in a carbon voltaic arc. (See Arc, Voltaic.') Creeping of Belt. (See Appendix Belt, Creeping of.") Cross-Fire. A term employed in teleg- raphy for an escape or leakage of current from one telegraphic line to another, due to defective insulation. A cross-fire is sometimes called a weather cross. (See Cross, Weather.) Cross-Induction of Dynamo Armature. (See Appendix Induction, Cross, of Dynamo Armature.) Cross, Metallic A form of fault attended by a leakage or escape of current from a telegraphic line due to the absolute contact between two or more wires or con- ductors, so that part of the current from one line passes to the other. Cross-Over, Trolley In a system of electric street railways a device permit- ting the ready passage of a trolley wheel in a continuous direction from one to another of two adjacent wires. Cross, Peltier's A cross made by placing two plates of dissimilar metals in contact at right angles to each other, and employed for the study of the Peltier effect. (See Effect, Peltier.) Crossing Frog. A term sometimes em- ployed in place of trolley cross-over. Crystal, Pyro-Electric Any crys- talline substance capable of producing pyro-electric phenomena on being unequally heated. Tourmaline, electric calamine, boracite, quartz, tartrate of potash, and sulphate of quinine are examples of pyro-electric crys- tals. Cubic Energy. (See Appendix Energy, Cubic.) Cup Brush. (See Appendix Brush, Cup.) Current Accumulator. (See Appendix Accumulator, Current.) Current, Arriving, of Telegraphic Circuit A term employed to designate the current on a telegraphic line or conductor near the distant end of the wire close to where it enters the ground or earth. Current, Axial A term proposed for a current whose direction coincides with the direction of the lines of magnetic force. This use of the term axial current is in contradistinction to a radial current, or one whose direction is at right angles to the direction of the lines of magnetic force. The term axial current is employed in elec- tro-therapeutics in a different sense to the above. (See Current, Axial.) Current, Beginning of A term sometimes employed for the making or closing of the current in any circuit. Current, Bony A term proposed by Becquerel for the electric current re- sulting ffom the difference of potential ex- isting between two different parts of a bone of a recently killed animal. If a bone be taken from a recently killed animal and the marrow connected by means of metallic terminals with the surface of the bone, an electric current will flow through the circuit, for which Becquerel proposed the 'name bony current. This term is not generally adopted. Current, Cessation of A term sometimes employed for the breaking oi the current in any circuit. Current, Demagnetizing A cur- rent whose magnetic field is employed to decrease the strength of an already existing magnetic field by directing its lines of force oppositely to that of the existing field. Cnr.] 590 [Cur. Current, Effective A term pro- posed by Ayrton, but not accepted, for the current producing a given effect. This term, Ayrton thinks, is an unfortunate one, since the effective current will of course depend on the character of the effect the cur- rent is desired to produce. If, however, the word "effect" be under- stood to mean " power," then the vagueness ceases, and, since the power is proportional to the square of the current, the effective current is the square root of the mean squares, but all the effects produced by an alternating current are proportional to the square root of the mean squares. The ordinary meaning of effective current is that given it by the definition of the Elec- trical Congress of Paris, in 1889, viz., the square root of the time average of the square of the current. An alternating or periodically varying current has an "effective" strength such that if this effective strength were steadily maintained in the same direction through a given resistance it would generate as much heat in a given length of time as the periodi- cal current. When electrolysis or the magnetization of iron is the effect produced, the effective cur- rent is identical with the mean current. Where a heating or dynamometric effect is to be produced, the effective current is equal to the square root of the mean square of the current. Current, Effective Starting, of Motor The indicated value of the starting current of a motor as observed on an ammeter. Current Efficiency of Secondary Battery. (See Appendix Battery, Secondary, Current Efficiency of.) Current, Entering, of Telegraphic Cir- cuit A term employed to designate the current on a telegraphic line or con- ductor near the battery. Current, Harmonics of A term sometimes used for the upper harmonics of a current. (See Appendix Current, Upper Harmonics of.) Current, M. A term proposed by Ayrton for mean current. This term, M. current, is employed to sig- nify the average value with respect to time, and is obtained by dividing the total quantity of electricity which passes through a given circuit in a given number of seconds by the number of seconds. It has not been gen- erally accepted. Current, M. S. A term proposed by Ayrton for mean square current. This term was proposed in order to avoid the use of the alleged vague term, effective current. It applies to cases where the effec- tive current has a value equal to the mean square of the current. It has not been gen- erally accepted. Current, Maximum Starting, of Motor The highest value that the starting current of a motor attains. Current of Charge on Telegraphic Line. (See Appendix Line, Telegraphic, Charge Current on.) Current, Polyphase A term now generally employed in place of multiphase current. (See Current, Multiphase.} Current, Polyphase Alternating, Pro- posed A. I. E. E. Definition for A combination of more than two alternating currents differing in phase. Current, B. M. S. A term pro- posed by Ayrton tor the square root of the mean square of the current. This term was proposed in order to avoid the use of the alleged vague term, effective current. It applies to cases where the effec- tive current has a value equal to the square root of the mean square of the current. It has not been generally accepted. Current, Radial A term proposed for a current whose direction is at right angles to the direction of the lines of mag- netic force. Car.] 591 [Cur. This use of the word radial current is in contradistinction to the word axial current, whose direction coincides with that of the lines of magnetic force. (See Appendix Current, Axial.) Current, Simple or Two-Phase Alternat- ing 1 Two alternating currents whose phases differ by 90 or by 270. Current, Sinusoidal A term some- times employed for sinuous current. (See Current, Sinuous.) A simple-harmonic current in respect to time. A current whose strengths graphically set forth as ordinates as time to abscissas follow a sinusoidal curve. Current, Starting, of Motor The current which a motor requires in order to start from a state of rest. Current Transformation. (See Appen- dix Transformation, Current.) Current, Triphase A term some- times employed in place of three-phase current. (See Appendix Currents, Three- Phase.) Current, Triphase Alternating, Proposed A. I. E. E. Definition for Three al- ternating currents whose phases differ by 60 or 120. Current, Tubular A term some- times applied to a current that traverses the superficial portions only of a conductor. When a rapidly intermittent current is sent through a solid conductor, the current den- sity is greater at the surface of the conductor than in the central portions, and, when the rapidity of alternation becomes very great, is confined to an exceedingly thin outer layer. A tubular current possesses no magnet- izing power on anything placed inside the tube. Current, Upper Harmonics of A series of higher harmonic currents of greater- frequency than the fundamental current impressed on a simple-harmonic current by any means. (See Appendix-^ Currents, Complex-Harmonic.) Current, Yirtual A somewhat vague term sometimes employed for a cur- rent virtually equivalent to something else. A term employed for the square root of the mean square of the current strength,, Current, Working, of Motor The current required to maintain a motor when its load is on. Currents, Complex-Harmonic Currents which result from the superposi- tion of several simple-harmonic currents. (See Current, Simple-Harmonic.) Currents resulting from the co-existence of the higher harmonic currents with the fundamental harmonic current. Unless certain precautions are taken the currents produced in the secondary circuit of a transformer or induction coil are by no means simple-harmonic currents. It is true, of course, that the fundamental frequency has the same frequency as that of the cur- rents sent through the primary circuit, but the currents so induced in the secondary, however, are complex-harmonic currents, their frequency depending, according to Pu- pin: " On the fundamental frequency of the ohmic resistance, and especially on the self- induction and electrostatic capacity of the primary or secondary circuits." Complex-harmonic currents of the second- ary of induction coils possess a fundamental frequency the same as the frequency of the currents impressed on the primary, but they hav*e associated with them a number of higher harmonic currents, which correspond to the overtones of a musical note. These overtones are due to rapid elec- trical oscillations accompanying the spark discharges. The association of these higher harmonic currents with the fundamental harmonic current produces what are called complex-harmonic currents. Complex-harmonic currents always exist when there is iron in a circuit, especially if the iron is highly magnetized, when they are due to the fact that the magnetization pro- Cur.J 592 [Cur. duced is not proportional to the magnetizing iorcc. It is only In circuits of constant resistance, containing no iron, that the current produced by a simple harmonic or sine wave of E. M. F. is a sine wave. Magnetic hysteresis, or a periodically varying resistance as by an electric arc, causes a distortion of the cur- rent and a consequent superposition of higher harmonics on the fundamental wave. Consequently the primary currents of trans- formers at open secondary circuit or very light load are complex harmonics, and approach more nearly to true sine shapes at increasing loads. When, however, the second- ary . M. Fs. of a transformer are simply harmonics, the secondary currents are also simply harmonics, in circuits without iron cored coils. Currents produced by complex-harmonic E. M. F. are also complex harmonic ; gen. erally, however, the higher complex harmonics of the E. M. F. wave are larger than the com- plex harmonics of the current wave. Currents, Mutually-Induced -- Cur- rents set up or produced by means of mutual induction. (See Induction, Mu- Currents, Polyphase - Currents 4itfering in phase from one another and, therefore, requiring separate circuits for Hse. The currents may differ from one another by one-half phase, by one-third of a phase, a quarter phase and so on, when they are respectively called di phase or two -phase currents, triphase or three-phase currents, and four -phase currents. An ordinary alter- nating current is called a single phase or uni- phase current. The latter term is the. prefer- able one. The term polyphase currents is applied to all currents over three-phase, though some- times also to all currents over two-phase. Currents, Polyphased, Alternating - Two or more alternating currents dif- fering in phases from each other. Currents, Skin -- A term some- times applied to the currents that are lim- ited to the surface of a solid conductor. Rapidly alternating currents are limited to the surface of solid conductors since before any such currents have time to penetrate toward the centre of a solid conductor their direction is reversed, thus limiting them to the surface portions. Currents, Three Phase Triphased currents. (See Appendix Currents, Tri- phased, Alternating.) Currents, Triphased, Alternating Three alternating currents differing 1 20 in phase from each other. In the two-phase system two currents differ- ing in phase 90 have a common return wire whose area should be V 2 greater than either leading wire. In the three-phase system each of three currents differing in phase 120 uses alter- nately one or two of the three wires for a return. Curve, Arrival of Telegraph Circuit A curve of ordinates and abscissas which represent respectively the times and the gradual increase of current at the re- ceiving end of a telegraph circuit from the time the circuit is closed until the time the current has reached its full strength. Curve, Clown's Hat A term pro- posed for the curve of a current or electromotive force in which the pressure generated increases or decreases at a maximum rate of change, The name is taken from the shape of the curve being somewhat similar to the shape of a peaked or clown's hat. Curve, Top-Hat A term proposed for the current or E. M. F. in which the pressure generated is fairly constant for a considerable time at its maximum rise and fall. The name is taken from the shape of the curve being somewhat similar to that of a top-hat, or flat crowned hat. A current for the primary of a transformer r induction Cut.] 593 [Dec. coil, however, of the top-hat type, makes a bad form of secondary current curve, for in such a curve the rate of change, whether increasing or decreasing, would be small. The current whose curve of electromotive force is sharp and peaked like a clown's hat would, of course, be preferable. Cut-In, A A term sometimes employed in place of film cut-out. An automatic-guard cut-out. (See Cut- Out, Film.") (See Appendix Guard, Auto- matic, for Series- Connected Incandescent Lamps.} Cut-Out, D. P. A contraction for double-pole cut-out. (See Appendix Cut- Out, Double-Pole,} Cut-Out, Double-Pole A cut-out which provides in one operation the cut- ting out of both the positive and the nega- tive leads. Cut-Out, Electro-Magnetic A term sometimes employed for a cut-out operated by means of an electro-magnet. (See Cut- Out, Automatic, for Series-Connected Electro-Receptive Devices.) A form of electro-magnetic cut-out is used in charging accumulators and sometimes in street railway circuits. Cut-Out, S. P. A contraction for single-pole cut-out. (See Appendix Cut- Out, Single-Pole.) Cut-Out, Single-Pole A cut-out by means of which the circuit is broken or cut in one of the two leads only. Cut-Out, Wedge A form of cut- out employed on telegraphic circuits. The ends of the instrument wire are con- nected to the opposite sides of a wedge formed of two brass plates suitably insulated from one another. The ends of the line wire or conductor are suitably connected to two metallic pieces that are maintained in elec- trical contact by means of a spring electri- cally connected to one of the pieces and caused to bear with elastic pressure against the other piece. In order to introduce an instrument into the line circuit, a switch- wedge, or plug, is inserted between the two pieces, and, thus separating them, opens the circuit of the line wire or conductor, and at the same time connects it with the instru- ment thus introduced. Cyclic. Of or pertaining to a cycle. (See Cycle.) D. B. Switch. (See Appendix Switch, D.B.) D. P. Cut-Out. (See Appendix Cut- Out, D. P.) D. P. Switch. (See Appendix Switch, D. P.) Damping Magnet. (See Magnet, Damp- ing.) Dark Discharge. (See Appendix Dis- charge, Dark.) Dark Segment of Aurora. (See Appen- dix Segment, Dark, of Aurora.) Dead Ground. (See Appendix Ground, Dead.) Declination Compass. (See Appendix Compass, Declination.) Decomposition, Electro-Chemical A term often employed for electrolytic decomposition. (See Electrolysis.) Decomposition, Molecular The separation or breaking up of a molecule into its constituent atoms or radicals. Molecular decomposition may be effected in the following ways, namely: (1) By electrolysis, or the action of an electric current. (2) By thermolysis, or the action of heat. (3) By actinism, or the action of light. Def.] 594 [Die. (4) By chemism, or the action of superior chemical affinity. (5) By pressure. Deflecting Magnet. (See Appendix Magnet, Deflecting.} Degree, Water-Gramme The amount of heat required to raise the tem- perature of one gramme of water at 4 C., the temperature of its maximum density, one degree centigrade. A small calorie. (See Calorie, Small.} Delta Triphase System. (See Appendix System, Delta Triphase.} Demagnetizing Current. (See Appen- dix Current, Demagnetizing.} Depolarizer. The material employed in a voltaic cell for the purpose of depolarizing it. (See Cell, Voltaic, Polarization of.} In most cases the depolarizer is a different liquid and is kept separate from the exciting liquid or electrolyte. In some cases, how- ever, the depolarizer is mixed with the excit- ing liquid. Deposit, Electro Metallurgical Burnt A term sometimes applied to a black deposit of metal which is thrown down when the intensity of the depositing cur- rent is too strong. (See Deposit, Electro- Met a llurgica I. } Deviation, Quadrantal, of Mariner's Com- pass The deviation of the magnetic needle due to the induced magnetism in the iron of a ship acting as a mass of soft iron, and not as a permanent magnet. Quadrantal deviation changes sign and passes through successive opposite maxima four times in one complete revolution of the ship. Quadrantal deviation is corrected by plac- ing masses of soft iron, usually spherical in shape, in suitable positions on each side of the compass. Deviation, Semi-Circular, of Mariner's Compass The deviation of a mag- netic needle due to the permanent mag- netism in the iron of a ship having its resultant in the horizontal plane. Semi-circular deviation passes through two opposite maxima and two zero points as the ship completes a revolution, and these zero points of deviation occur when the resultant magnetic axis of the ship coincides with the magnetic meridian. Semi-circular deviation is corrected by fastening a permanent magnet in the proper position near the compass to neutralize the influence of the ship's iron. Diagram, Load A diagram or curve representing to scale the load or ac- tivity of a plant at different times. Dial, Induced Single-Needle A dial employed in single-needle telegraphy in which both the needle and its axle are formed of soft iron and have magnetism induced in them by means of permanent horseshoe magnets placed so as to act magnetically on the needle. The object of the induced single-needle telegraphic dial is for the purpose of avoid- ing the weakening of the magnetism of the needle, or its total loss or reversal, by vari- ous means, such, for example, as a discharge of lightning, the effect of earth currents, etc. Dial Telegraph. (See Appendix Tele- graph, Dial.} Dialyzing. Subjecting to the process of dialysis. (See Dialysis.} Diamagnetized. Endowed with dia- magnetic properties. (See Diamagnetism.} Diamond Drill. (See Appendix Drill, Electric, Diamond} Dielectric, After- Working of A term sometimes employed for a residual charge. (See Charge, Residual.} The term after-working of a dielectric was proposed by Boltzmann. It is not much used in the United States. Dielectric, Breaking-Down of - Such a weakening of a dielectric that per- mits a disruptive discharge to pass through Die.] 595 [Dis. its substance. (See Appendix Dielectric, Disruptive Strength of.} Dielectric, Disruptive Strength of The resistance which an insulating medium or dielectric offers to the disrupt- ive passage of an electric discharge through it. According to Steinmetz the disruptive strength of different materials shows no re- lation to their electric resistance. Dielectric Hysteresis. (See Appendix Hysteresis, Dielectric.) Difference of Tension. (See Appendix Tension, Difference of.) Differential Coils. (See Appendix Coils, Differential.) Differential Electro-Dynamometer.- (See Appendix Dynamometer, Electro, Differ- ential.) Differential Electro-Magnet. (See Ap- pendix Magnet, Differential, Electro.) Differential Winding. (See Appendix Winding, Differential.) Diffusing Globes for Electric Lights. (See Appendix Globes, Diffusing, for Electric Lights) Di-Phase Armature. (See Appendix Armature, Di-Phase.) Di-Phase Generator. (See Appendix Generator, Di Phase.) Di-Phase Motor, (See Appendix Motor, Di-Phase.) Diplex Telegraph. (See Appendix Telegraph, Diplex.) Dip of Line Wire or Conductor. (See Appendix Conductor or Line Wire, Dip of-} Dipping Basket. (See Appendix Bas- ket, Dipping) Dipping Hook. (See Appendix Hook, Dipping.) Dips. Acid solutions employed in elec- tro-plating in which articles that are to be plated are cleansed by dipping. Direct-Current Dynamo-Electric Ma- chine. (See Appendix Machine, Dyna- mo-Electric, Direct- Current.) Direct-Current Exciter. (See Appendix Exciter, Direct- Current) Direct-Current Rotary Transformer. (See Appendix Transformer, Direct-Cur- rent Rotary.) Direct Reading Galvanometer. (See Appendix Galvanometer, Direct Read- ing.) Direct Working of Telegraphic Sounder. (See Appendix Working, Direct, of Telegraphic Sounder.) Directed Streaming Discharge. (See Appendix Discharge, Directed-Stream- ing.) Directing Clock. (See Appendix Clock, Directing.) Disc, Retarding A copper disc supported on a rotating shaft, and so placed as to cut the lines of force from a magnet for the purpose of retarding the speed of rotation. In Elihu Thomson's recording electric meter a copper disc, moving in the field of a permanent magnet, is so retarded that the resulting number of revolutions is directly proportional to the energy to be measured. . Discharge, Dark A term applied by Faraday to that portion of a convective discharge, separating the positive from the negative electrode, that occurs under certain circumstances through a rarefied gas. Discharge, Directed-Streaming A Tesla discharge which assumes the shape of a hollow luminous cone. The discharge takes place between a sphere or ball S (Fig. 570), and a ring-shaped electrode. Dis.] 596 [Dis. W, thereby producing a hollow luminous cone such as is shown in the figure. 57O. Directed-Streaming Discharge. Discharge, Luminous Disc-Shaped A name given to a variety of Tesla dis- charge that occurs between ring-shaped ter- minals. The terminals are arranged as shown in Fig. 571. On the passage of the current a luminous Irfc shaped terminals C, C, which presents the ap- pearance shown in the figure. Discharge, Slow, Method of An insulation test for a well-insulated telegraphic line, by the observation of the rate at which a charge leaks out when the conductor is left insulated. A well-insulated cable will take, say, half an hour to fall to half charge, and, with uniform cables, this time is independent of their length. Discharge, Spark An electric dis- charge effected by means of a spark. A disruptive discharge. (See Discharge, Dis- ruptive.) Discharge, Tesla An exceedingly high frequency discharge. The Tesla discharge is so named after its dis- coverer, Nikola Tesla. Dish, Chafing, Electric An elec- trically heated chafing dish. An electric heater is applied to an ordinary chafing dish, so as to permit the electrical heat- ing to take the place of ordinary heating. A form of electrically heated chafing dish is shown in Fig. 572, and will be readily understood from inspection. (See Heater, Electric.) Fig. 5f I. Luminous Disc-Shaped Discharge. disc-shaped discharge occurs between the ring- Fig. 572. Electric Chafing Dish. Disruptive Strength of Dielectric. (See Appendix Dielectric, Disruptive Strength of.) Dissonance, Electric Electric dis- agreement. Two alternating currents are in electric dis- sonanee when their periods are different. The term electric dissonance is employed in contra- distinction to electric consonance. Distance, Striking The distance through which a disruptive discharge will pass. (See Discharge, Disruptive.) Distance, Striking, for Various Sub- stances Tables of Steinmetz give the following values for the striking distances of various mediums under certain circumstances. Dis.] 597 [Dis. 8 IN MILLI-CENTIMETRES, V IN KILO-VOLTS. Air S = 36 (, i-3 V _ I )+54V + i. 2 V 18 < V < 24.. Mica S= .2 4 V+.oi4 5 V 8 < V < 20.3 Vulcanized Fibre 8 = 7.66 V + 2. 3 V* 2.2 < V < 22.5 Dry Wood Fibre S = 7.66 V 2.8 < V < 21.6 Paraffined Paper ; S = 3 V 6.9 "5: V < 24.8 Melted Paraffin, 65 C S = 12.4 V 3.9 < V < 27.1 Boiled Linseed Oil. 21 C 8 = 12.5 V 7.6 < V < 21.3 Turpentine Oil 8 = 15.7 V 7.1 < V < 15.6 Copal Varnish S = 30 V 9.7 "^ V "^ 20.4 Crude Lubricating Oil S = 60 V 4.4 "^ V "f~ 15.9 Vulcabeston S = 28 V 4.0 < V < 12.6 Asbestos Paper S = 23 V 2.7 "^ V "5: 5.0 Creeping discharge over surface of Mica S = 55 (V 2)" 4.5 _V_ 17.1 In the above table d equals the thickness of the dielectric in milli-centimetres, or thousandths of a cm.; e equals the Napierian base, and V equals the potential difference in kilo-volts. The last column gives the lowest and highest values of V m the experiments on the different materials. The following table gives the data concerning a disruptive discharge through air: TABLE I. DISRUPTIVE DISCHARGE THROUGH AIR. S = 36 _ t 1+54 V + 1.2 V. Maximum Differ- Sparking Distance Electrostatic Gra- Sparking Distance Difference. Difference in ence of Potential in Kilo- Volts. observed in Milli- centimetres. dient, in Kilo- Volts per cm. calculated in Milli- centimetres. 8 8 per cent, of 8 calc. obs. calc. V 8 g 8 A % obs. calc. .18 3-0 60 2.2 .8 (-36) .26 4.6 57 3.8 .8 (-21) .29 5.1 57 4.5 .8 13-3 .46 8.1 57 8.9 + -8 + 9- .48 9.1 53 9-5 + -4 + 4-2 53 ii 48 II. O '43 16 48 44 30 17.1 + i.l + 1-3 + 6,4 + 2.6 1.76 68 26 66.4 1.6 2.4 2.46 100 25 105.7 + 5-7 + 5-4 3.96 190 21 197 + 7 + 3-5 5-5 287 ig 297 +10 + 3-4 9-5 575 17 584 + 9 + 1.6 12.7 860 15 16 iS-7 1150 IIIO 40 -3% 19 6 1440 14 1480 +40 + 2.7 21.6 173 13 1800 +70 + 3-9 24.0 20IO 12 1950 60 Average 14.7 4-2 Distant Battery. (See Appendix Bat- tery, Distant?) Distortion of Magnetic Field. (See Appendix Field, Magnetic, Distortion of) Dis.] 598 Distributing Board. (See Appendix Board, Distributing) Distributing Brushes of Electric Motor. (See Appendix Brushes, Distributing, of Electric Motor.) Distributing Switch Board. (See Appen- dix Board, Distributing- Switch.) Distribution of Complex Lamellar Mag- netism. (See Appendix Magnetism, Com- plex Lamellar, Distribution of.) Disturbance, Magnetic A term sometimes employed for the temporary varia- tions in the intensity of the earth's magnet- ism caused by a magnetic storm. Divided Touch. (See Appendix Touch, Divided?} Door Trigger. (See Appendix Trigger, Door.) Dot-and-Dash Code. (See Appendix Code, Dot-and-Dash.) Double Block, Duplex. (See Appendix Block, Double Duplex.) Double-Bronze Wire. (See Appendix Wire, Double-Bronze.) Double-Contact Push. (See Appendix Push, Double-Contact.) Double-Contact Push Button. (See Ap- pendix Button, Push, Double-Contact) Double-Current Telegraphic Working. (See Appendix Working, Double-Current Telegraphic) Double-Curve Pull-Off. (See Appendix Pull-Off, Double-Curve) Double-Curve Trolley Hanger. (See Hanger, Double-Curve Trolley.) Double Liquid Voltaic Cell. (See Cell, Voltaic, Double Liquid) Double-Pole Cut-Out. (See Appendix Cut-Out, Double-Pole) Double-Wire System for Electric Light Leads. (See Appendix Leads, Doubt?- Wire System for Electric Light) Drifting of Zero Point. A term fre- quently employed in place of shifting of zero point. (See Appendix Shifting of Spot of Light) Drift of Needle. (See Appendix Needle, Drift of) Drill, Electric Diamond A dia- mond drill driven by electric power. Drill, Electro-Percussion A drill for quarrying or mining purposes, in which the reciprocating motion is obtained by send- ing alternately a current through a pair of sole- noids of which the drill stock forms the core. Drill, Electro-Keciprocating An electro-percussion drill. (See Appendix Drill, Electro-Percussion) Drop Relay-Contact (See Appendix Contact, Drop-Relay) Drop Trolley. (See Trolley, Drop) Dry Battery. (See Appendix Battery, Dry) Dry Gelatine Cell. (See Appendix Cell, Dry Gelatine) Duplex Balance. (See Appendix Bal- ance, Duplex) Duplex Telegraph. (See Appendix Telegraph, Duplex) Duplex Telephony. (See Appendix Telephony, Duplex?) Dust, Electrical Aggregation of, in Dust- Laden Air A coalescence of a great number of separate particles of dust, in dust- laden air, by means of the action of an elec- trical brush discharge. If a brush or convection discharge be passed through dust or smoke-laden air, contained for purposes of observation in a glass globe, the electrical aggregation of the particles of dust or smoke rapidly clears the air. This method is practically employed in the manufacture of lamp- black. Dyad Atom. (See Appendix Atom, Dyad) Dynamic Multiplier. (See Appendix Multiplier, Dynamic) Dynamics. That branch of mechanics Dyn.J which treats of the action of a force in pro- ducing motions or pressures. Dynamo-Electric Machine for Electro- Plating. (See Appendix Machine, Dy- namo-Electric, for Electro-Plating!) Dynamo, Idle Wire of (See Appen- dix Wire, Idle, of Armature of Dynamo!) Dynamometer, Electro, Differential A double dynamometer with the moving coils rigidly connected and oppositely influ- enced, so that the movement of the suspen- sion system can be reduced to zero by elec- trical adjustments when the instrument is under operation. Dynamo, Motor (See Appendix Motor, Dynamo?) Dynamo or Motor Frame. (See Appen- dix Frame, Dynamo or Motor!) Dynamo Standards. (See Appendix Standards, Dynamo!) Dynamos Coupled in Potential Series. (See Appendix Series, Potential, Dynamos Coupled z'n.) Dynamotor. A continuous current trans- former. 599 [Eff. A term now generally employed for motor- generator. (See Generator, Motor!) A motor-dynamo, or motor-generator, is prac- tically a dynamo driven by means of an electric current. The motor-dynamo consists of two dis- tinct or separate armatures placed on the same shaft, or two separate armature windings placed on the same core. On sending the current through one armature or winding it acts as a motor and turns the shaft, thus producing current in the other armature or winding. Such a ma- chine is sometimes called a rotary transformer, though this name is preferably limited to a ma- chine containing only a single armature, which acts as a generator and motor armature. (See Transformer, Constant Current.') Such a machine is employed for transforming continuous currents into continuous currents of different potential, or for transforming alternating or polyphase currents into continuous currents, or vice versa. Dyne : cm. An abbreviation proposed for dyne-centimetre, the C. G. S. unit of moment of couple. Dyne : cm 2 . An abbreviation proposed for dyne per square centimetre, the C. G. S. unit of pressure. E. A symbol proposed for electromotive force. The defining equation is E = RC. e. A symbol proposed for difference of potential. The defining equation is e = rC. E. H. P. A contraction for electrical horse- power. Earth, Bad A term sometimes em- ployed for a ground or connection to earth, the electric resistance of which is compara- tively high. (See Earth or Ground. ) Earth Cell. (See Appendix Cell, Earth.) Earth, Good A term sometimes em- ployed for a ground or connection to earth, the electric resistance of which is compara- tively low. (See Earth or Ground!) Earthed. Connected to ground or earth. Easement. A permit, obtained from the owner of a property, for the erection of poles or attachments for telephonic, telegraphic or other electric lines. Effect, Page The faint sounds pro- duced when a piece of iron is rapidly magnet- ized and demagnetized. A faint click is produced when a bar of iron is magnetized or demagnetized. When, therefore, such a bar undergoes rapid magnetization and de- magnetization these separate sounds link them- selves into a continuous musical note, thus pro- ducing what is known as the Page effect. In the Eff, 600 [Elo. larger masses of iron employed in transformer cores and alternator armatures, the Page effect sometimes rises to a loud humming noise. Effects of Temperature on the Electric Resistance of Metals. (See Appendix Resistance, Electric, of Metals, Effect of Temperature on.) Effective Current. (See Appendix Cur- rent, Effective?) Effective Starting Current of Motor. (See Appendix Cur rent, Effective Starting, of Motor?) Efficiency of Electric Lamp. (See Appen- dix Lamp, Electric, Efficiency of.) Efficiency of Electric Motor. (See Appendix Motor, Efficiency of Electric?) Efficiency of Radiation. (See Appendix Radiation, Efficiency of.) Efficiency of Secondary Battery. (See Appendix Battery, Secondary, Efficiency of.) Effluvia, Electric A term em- ployed in the early history of electricity for supposed effluvia proceeding from an electri- fied body and causing electrical phenomena. Effluvia, Magnetic A term em- ployed in the early history of magnetism for assumed, imponderable effluvia which were supposed to be given off by magnets. The doctrine of magnetic effluvia may be re- garded as a forerunner of the doctrine of lines of magnetic force introduced into science by Fara- day. In some of his earlier writings Boyle framed the hypothesis of a magnetic atmosphere, or region surrounding a magnet He conceived the idea that magnetic effluvia, emitted from one of the poles of the magnet, passed through the space surrounding the magnet and re-entered it at its other pole. As will be seen, this concep- tion closely resembles the modern conception con- cerning the flow of lines of magnetic force, or of magnetic flux. Egg, Electric A term formerly em- ployed for an egg-shaped vessel containing a partial vacuum through which an electric discharge is passed for the purpose of obtain- ing luminous effects. Elastance. A word proposed for the re- ciprocal of permittance. (See Appendix Permittance.) Elastivity. The elastance of a dielectric referred to unit volume. If the dielectric possesses great permittance it has of course but little elastance. Electric Amalgamator. (See Appendix Amalgamator, Electric?) Electric Anaesthesia. (See Appendix Ancesthesia, Electric?) Electric Anemograph. (See Appendix Anemograph, Electric?) Electric Atmosphere. (See Appendix Atmosphere, Electric?) Electric Aura. (See Appendix Aura, Electric?) Electric Broiler. (See Appendix Broiler, Electric?) Electric Casting. (See Appendix Cast- ing, Electric^] Electric Chaflng-Dish. (See Appendix Dish, Chafing, Electric?) Electric Chronometer. (See Appendix Chronometer, Electric?) Electric Clamp Attachment. (See Ap- pendix Attachment, Electric Clamp?) Electric Coil Heater. (See Appendix Heater, Coil, Electric?) Electric Conflict. (See Appendix Con- flict, Electric?) Electric Deck-Planer. (See Appendix Planer, Electric Deck?) Electric Dissonance. (See Appendix Dissonance, Electric?) Electric Door-Trip. (See Appendix Trip, Door, Electric?) Electric Effluvia. (See Appendix Efflu- via, Electric?) Electric Egg. (See Appendix Egg .Elec- tric?) Electric Escapement (See Appendix Escapement, Electric.) 4 Vol. 2 Ele.] G01 [Ele. Electric Excitation. (See Appendix Excitation, Electric?) Electric Flat-Iron. (See Appendix Flat-iron, Electric?) Electric Fluid. (See Appendix Fluid, Electric?) Electric Forge. (See Appendix Forge, Electric?) Electric Glue-Pot. (See Appendix Glue-Pot, Electric?) Electric Gnomon. (See Appendix Gno- mon, Electric?) Electric Harpoon. (See Appendix Har- poon, Electric?) Electric Horology. (See Appendix Horology, Electric?) Electric Hummer. (See Appendix Hummer, Electric?) Electric-Light Bath. (See Appendix Bath, Electric-Light?) Electric Machine Tool. (See Appendix Tool, Electric Machine?) Electric Matter. (See Appendix Mat- ter, Electric?) Electric Meteorograph. (See Appendix Meteorograph, Electric?) Electric Meteorology. (See Appendix Meteorology, Electric?) Electric Mining. (See Appendix Min- ing, Electric?) Electric Pendulum. (See Appendix Pendulum, Electric?) Electric Photo-Micography. (See Ap- pendix Photo-Micography, Electric?) Electric Pocket Gauge. (See Appendix Gauge, Electric Pocket?) Electric Pressure. (See Appendix Pressure, Electric?) Electric Radiation. (See Appendix Radiation, Electric?) Electric Radiator. (See Appendix Ra- diator, Electric?) ^ Electric Rail Bond. (See Appendix Bond, Electric Rail.} Electric Residue. (See Appendix Rest- due, Electric?) Electric Spark. (See Appendix Spark> Electric.) \ Electric Stopper Lamp. (See Appendix Lamp, Electric Stopper.) Electric Stove-Plate. (See Appendix Stove-Plate, Electric?) Electric Telegraph. (See Appendix Telegraph, Electric?) Electric Tourniquet. (See Appendix Tourniquet, Electric?) Electric Wand. (See Appendix Wand, Electric?) Electric Windmill. (See Appendix IVindmill, Electric. ) Electrical Aggregation of Dust in Dust- Laden Air. (See Appendix Dust, Electri- cal Aggregation of, in Dust-Laden Air.) . Electrical Aggregation of Raindrops. (See Appendix Raindrops, Electrical Ag- gregation of.) Electrical Baking Oven. (See Appendix Oven, Baking, Electrical.) Electrical Bombardment Lamp. (See Appendix Lamp, Bombardment, Electri- cal?) Electrical Coking. (See Appendix Cok- ing, Electrical?) Electrical Equivalent of Heat. (See Appendix Heat, Electrical Equivalent of?) Electrical Harmonics. (See Appendix Harmonics, Electrical?) Electrical Stimulus of Nerve. (See Appendix Stimulus, Electrical, of Nerve?) Electrically Illumined Buoy. (See Appendix Buoy, Electrically Illumined.) Electrically Tuned System. (See Appen- dix System, Electrically Tuned.) Electricity, Reversible Heating Effect of A term sometimes employed in place of the Peltier effect. (See Effect, Peltier?) Ele.] 602 [Ele. An effect of this character is called reversible, because when the current is passed across an electro-thermal junction in one direction, heat is produced, while if it is passed in the opposite di- rection, cold is produced. Electricity, Spontaneous A term formerly employed for the electricity pro- duced by the melting of sulphur. This term is, of course, not employed at present, since electricity can never, properly speaking, be produced spontaneously. Electrification, Negative The charging of a body with negative electricity. The negative charge. Electrification, Positive The charging of a body with positive electricity. The positive charge. Electripherous. A word proposed for anything capable of bearing or transmitting electricity. This word is unnecessary and its use should not be encouraged. Electrize, To To charge or electrify a body. The word corresponds to magnetize, to render a body magnetic or endow it with magnetic prop- erties. The word is sometimes spelled electrise. Electrizer. That which electrizes or charges with electricity. Electro-Biologist. (See Appendix Biol- ogist, Electro?) Electro-Bioscopist. (See Appendix Bioscopist, Electro) Electro-Chemical Accumulator. (See Appendix Accumulator, Electro-Chemicaf.) Electro-Chemical Decomposition. (See Appendix Decomposition, Electro-Chemi- cal) Electro-Chemical Filtration. (See Ap- pendix Filtration, Electro-Chemical.) Electro-Chronometric Counter. (See Appendix Counter, Electro-Chronometric.) Electro-Compound Magnet. (See Appen- dix Magnet, Electro-Compound.) Electro-Culture. Stimulating the growth of vegetation by means of electricity. The term is a bad one, since it should equally apply to a similar stimulation of animal growth. The term electro-culture has been proposed to characterize the electric stimulation of vegetation, which consists essentially in sending an electric current either through the plant whose growth is to be stimulated, or through the earth near the plant. In an experiment recently tried in France, a kilogramme of potatoes placed in the path of a weak current, under conditions exactly similar to those of an equal weight of potatoes uninfluenced by the electric current, produced 21 kilogrammes of healthy tubers as compared to 12 J kilogrammes of non -electrically stimulated tubers. These experiments developed the fact that if a quantity of manure be planted near the positive pole of an electric source, the assimilable parts of the manure are transported or carried towards the negative pole. The phenomena would, therefore, appear to be connected with those of electric osmose or cata- phoresis. (See Osmose, Electric. C diaphoresis.) Electrode, Cataphoric In electro- therapeutics an electrode impregnated with the medicament it is desired to introduce into the part to be treated by cataphoric medica- tion. (See Appendix Medication, Cata- phoric.) Electro-Deposition. A term sometimes employed for electric deposition. (See Metal- lurgy, Electro.) Electro-Dynamic Balance. (See Appen- dix Balance, Electro-Dynamic) Electro-Dynamic Interrupter. (See Ap- pendix Interrupter, Electro-Dynamic) Electro-Dynamic Rotation. (See Appen- dix Rotation, Electro-Dynamic) Electro-Dynamic Whirls. (See Appen- dix Whirls, Electro-Dynamic) Electro-Genesis. A word proposed for the production of electricity. Electro-Genie. Producing electricity. Electro-Gilding. (See Appendix Gild- ing, Electro) Electrograph. A curve produced by a recording electrometer. Electrography. A word proposed for that branch of science which treats of electricity. Ele.] 603 [Ele. A word proposed for the copying of fine en- graving on copper or steel by means of elec- tro-deposition. It will be seen that the word electrography has been proposed for two entirely distinct senses. The first use of the word would appear to be entirely unjustifiable. Electro-Kinetic Energy. (See Appendix Energy, Electro- Kinetic?) Electro-Lithotrity. (See Appendix Lithotrity, Electro?) KIcrtrolizatioii. The act of being elec- trolyzed. The word is sometimes spelled electrolisation. Electrologist. An electrician. The use of this word is entirely unnecessary. Electrolysis, Counter - Electromotive Force of The counter-electromotive force produced in a plating bath or a second- ary cell by electrolysis. Electrolyte. The exciting liquid in a voltaic cell. A compound liquid which is separable into its constituent ions by the passage of elec- tricity through it. Electrolytic Accumulator. (See Appen- dix Accumulator, Electrolytic?) Electrolytic Corrosion. (See Appendix Corrosion, Electrolytic?) Electrolytic Meter. (See Appendix Meter, Electrolytic?) Electro-Magnetic Cut-Ont. (See Appen- dix Cut-Out, Electro-Magnetic?) Electro-Magnetic Gyroscope. (See Ap- pendix Gyroscope, Electro-Magnetic?) Electro-Magnetic Interference. (See Appendix Interference, Electro-Magnetic?) Electro-Magnetic Multiplier. (See Ap- pendix Multiplier, Electro-Magnetic?) Electro-Magnetic Separator. (See Ap- pendix Separator, Electro- Magnetic?) Electro-Magnetic Sorter.- (See Appen- dix Sorter, Electro-Magnetic?) Electro-Magnetic Telegraph. (See Ap- pendix Telegraph, Electro-Magnetic.) Electro-Metallurgical Burnt Deposit (See Appendix Deposit, Electro-Metal- lurgical Burnt?) Electrometer, Heterostatic - An electrometer in which the electrification to be tested is not the only electrification em- ployed. (See Heterostatic?) Electrometer, Idiostatic An elec- trometer in which the electrification to be tested is the only electrification employed. (See Idiostatic?) Electrometer, Long-Range A form of attracted-disc electrometer in which the range of the scale is comparatively long. Electrometer, Repulsion An elec- trometer in which the differences of potential are measured by means of the repulsion existing between two similarly charged bodies. Coulomb's torsion balance is an instrument of this class. A gold-leaf electrometer, when ar- ranged so that the amount of deviation can be readily measured, is also a repulsion electrometer. form of electrometer in which the needle is unaffected when it is placed symmetrically as regards the deflecting segments. A quadrant electrometer is a form of sym- metrical electrometer. Electrometer, Thermo A term sometimes employed for an electric ther- mometer. This use of the term probably arose from the fact that such an instrument may be employed to measure roughly the difference of potential be- tween points between which a spark passes. Electrometer Voltmeter. (See Appen- dix Voltmeter, Electrometer?) Electrometric. Of or pertaining to an electrometer. Electromotive Force, Transformation of (See Appendix Transformation, as of Electromotive Force?) Electronome. A term proposed for a measurer of electricity. This term is not only unnecessary, but is devoid of any precise meaning and may serve as an Ele.] 604 [End. illustration of the thoughtless manner in which electric words are proposed. Electropath. One skilled in the art of electro-therapy. Electropathy. A word proposed for the treatment of disease by means of electricity. The word electro-therapy or electro-thera- peutics is generally used. Electro-Percussion Drill. (See Appen- dix Drill, Electro-Percussion.) Electrophone. A word proposed by Ader for a form of telephone employing carbon contacts. Electro-Physiologist. (See Appendix Physiologist, Electro?) Electro-Potential Energy. (See Appen- dix Energy, Electro-Potential?) Electro-Puncturation. (See Appendix Puncturation, Electro?) Electro-Reciprocating Drill. (See Ap- pendix Drill, Electro-Reciprocating.) Electroscope, Semaphoric A name sometimes given to Henley's quadrant elec- troscope. (See Electroscope, Quadrant, Henley's?) Electroscopic Gauge. (See Appendix Gauge, Electroscopic?) Electrostatic Aurora. (See Appendix Aurora, Electrostatic?) Electrostatic Corona. (See Appendix Corona, Electrostatic?) Electrostatic Influence. (See Appendix Influence, Electrostatic?) Electrostatic Motion. (See Appendix Motion, Electrostatic?) Electrostatic Motor. (See Appendix Motor, Electrostatic?) Electrostatic Strain. (See Appendix Strain, Electrostatic?) Electro-Steeling. (See Appendix Steel- ing, Electro?) Electro-Stereotype. (See Appendix Stereotype, Electro?) Electro-Synthesis. (See Appendix Syn- thesis, Electro?) Electro-Thermancy. (See Appendix Thermancy, Electro?) Electro-Thermotic. (See Appendix Thermotic, Electro?) Electro-Tint. (See Appendix Tint- Electro?) Electrotome. A term formerly applied to an automatic contact breaker which vibrated with sufficient rapidity to produce a musical note. (See Contact Breaker, Automatic?) Electro-Tonicity. (See Appendix Toni- city, Electro?) Electro, Turtle-Back An electro- type curved so as to be capable of being em- ployed in the cylinder of a rotary newspaper press. Element of Battery. A term sometimes applied to a single electric source or a battery of sources. Element of Voltaic Battery. A term sometimes applied to a single cell of a voltaic battery. The term element is properly applied to a single complete voltaic cell only when such a cell forms one of a number of cells so connected in a battery as to form a single electric source. It would appear that the use of the word ele- ment in the case of a single voltaic cell, whether connected with the battery or not, is inadvisable. Elliptical Rotary Magnetization. (See Appendix Magnetization, Elliptical Ro- tary?) Elongation, Maximum Negative The position of a vibrating body when it is at the extremity of its path on the negative side. Elongation, Maximum Positive The position of a vibrating body when it is at the extremity of its path on the positive side. Emission, Selective A selective radiation. (See Appendix Radiation, Se- lective?) End-to-End Joint. (See Appendix Joint, End-to-End?) End.] 605 [Fac. Endosmose, Voltaic A term some- times employed in place of electric osmose. (See Osmose, Electric.) Energetics. That branch of mechanics which treats of the transfer, transformation or modification of energy. Energy, Cubic A term sometimes employed for volumetric energy. (See Appendix Energy, Volumetric?) Energy, Electro-Kinetic Electric energy that is actually engaged in doing work. (See Energy, Kinetic?) Energy, Electro-Potential Elec- tric energy possessing the power of, but not actually doing, work. (See Energy, Poten- tial?) Energy, Specific Volumetric en- ergy. Energy, Tolumetric A term pro- posed by Hospitalier for a quantity equal to the work divided by the volume. Energy, Volumetric, C. G. S. Unit of An erg per cubic centimetre. Entering Current of Telegraphic Cir- cuit. (See Appendix Current, Entering, of Telegraphic Circuit?) Epoch. The time reckoned in the case of a vibrating body from the point of reckoning to the point of maximum positive elongation. Equalizing Wires. (See Appendix Wires, Equalizing?] Equatorial Region of Magnet. (See Appendix Region, Equatorial, of Magnet?) Ergometer. A term proposed for an in- strument for measuring the amount of work done by a machine. This would more properly be called an erg- meter. The word, however, is seldom used. Erg : s. An abbreviation proposed for erg per second, the C. G. S. unit of power. Error, Heeling, of Mariner's Compass The error in deviation of the mag- netic needle produced by that portion of the induced and permanent magnetism of the iron in a ship brought into action by the roll- ing or heeling of the vessel. Escape. A term employed in telegraphy for leakage of the current from the line wire or conductor, from the effect of insufficient or faulty insulation, or from contact of the line with wet buildings or other uninsulated bodies. Escapement, Electric . An electri- cally actuated clock escapement. Evanescent Telegraphic Signal. (See Appendix Signal, Telegraphic, Evanes- cent.) Exciter, Direct Current A source of direct current, generally a direct current dynamo, employed for exciting the field mag- nets of an alternating current dynamo. Excitation, Electric The produc- tion of electrification by any means. Exhausted Plates of Storage Cell. (See Appendix Plates, Exhausted, of Storage Cell?) Extension Bell. (See Appendix^//, Extension?) External Magnetic Circuit. (See Ap- pendix Circuit, Magnetic, External?) External Magnetic Field. (See Appea- dix Field, Magnetic, External?) F. A symbol proposed for farad, the practical unit of capacity. F. A symbol proposed for force. The defining equation is F = M X A. The same symbol is also proposed for farad. eF. A symbol proposed for magneto- motive force. The defining equation is eF = qit N I. F. M. A contraction sometimes employed for field magnets. Fac-Simile Telegraph. (See Appendix Telegraph, Fac-Simile?) Factor, Power - The factor, less than unity, which must be applied to the ap- Fal.] 606 [Fil. parent activity in an alternating current cir- cuit as obtained by the product of the volts and the amperes, in order to obtain the true activity. * With sinusoidal currents and electromotive forces, the power factor is also equal to the cosine of the angle of lag in the current before or behind the pressure. Fallback Indicator. (See Appendix Indicator, Fallback?) Farad, International The value of the international farad adopted by the Chi- cago Congress of 1 893 as equal to the capac- ity of a conductor charged to a potential of one international volt by one international coulomb of electricity. Faradic Coil. (See Appendix Coil, Far- adic?) Faradism. A word sometimes employed for faradization. Faradization would appear to be the preferable word. (See Faradization. ) Fault, Low Test A term sometimes applied to a fault in an underground cable when the insulation resistance falls below a certain minimum value, say, for example, 5 megohms per 100 volts per mile. Fault, Resultant The apparent position and magnitude of a fault in a cable due to the resultant of all its leakage upon the electrical measurements made. Feeder Clamp. (See Appendix Clamp, Feeder.) Feeder Clip. (See Appendix Clip, Feeder?) Feeder for Trolley Conductor. A wire or conductor of low resistance, employed for transmitting electric current directly from the power station to the trolley wire, and serving to maintain the potential at the point of junc- tion. Ferro-Magnetic. A word sometimes em- ployed in place of paramagnetic. Ferro-Magnetism. A word sometimes applied to the magnetism possessed by iron, or, in general, by paramagnetic substances. (See Paramagnetic?) Field Coils of Dynamo. (See Appendix, Coils, Field, of Dynamo?) Field, Magnetic, Distortion of A change in the direction or grouping of lines of magnetic force, in the field of a dynamo- electric machine or electric motor, produced by the reaction of the armature, or the mag- neto-motive force of the armature current. This distortion of the field renders it necessary to give a lead to the collecting or distributing brushes. (See Lead, Angle of. Lead of Brushes of Dynamo-Electric Machine. ) Field, Magnetic, External That portion of a magnetic field which lies outside the magnet or external to it. (See Field, Magnetic?) Field, Magnetic, Internal That portion of a magnetic field which lies within the magnet. Field of Force. (See Appendix Force, Field of?) Field Plates. (See Appendix Plates, Field?) Field Spools of Dynamo-Electric Ma- chine. (See Appendix, Spools, Field, of Dynamo-Electric Machine?) Figures, Karsten's A name some- times given to electric breath figures. (See Figures, Breath?) Filament, Coked A carbon fila- ment for an incandescent electric lamp that has been subjected to electrical heating in a vacuum, not only until thoroughly freed from its occluded gases, but also until its carbon is changed into a variety of coke. The coked carbon filament is the invention of Lodyguine. The coking is carried on in a vacuum, the process being continued for about eight seconds after the occluded gases have been driven off. The carrying off of the occluded gas is effected in the usual manner, and the strength of the cur- rent is then increased considerably. Under these circumstances the carbon of the filament becomes changed into a variety of coke. It is claimed that under the coking process the filament has its permanent or cold resistance greatly decreased until it becomes approximately Fil.] 607 [Flu. of the same value as that of the hot resistance of the filament before it was coked. The process is sometimes carried further than this, depending on the character cf the original carbonization. It is necessary, however, to stop the coking treatment when this point of resistance has been reached, since, if the heating be continued beyond this, the resistance of the filament again rises. Filament, Coking of Subjecting a filament to the coking process. (See Fila- ment, Coked.) Filament, Incandescent A fila- ment that is rendered incandescent by the passage of an electric current. (See Lamp, Incandescent, Electric Filament of.) In other words, a filament is incandescent only while it is actually emitting its own light Filament, Incandescing A fila- ment that can be rendered incandescent by the passage of an electric current. (See Lamp, Incandescent, Electric Filament of.) Filament, Mounting of A suitable connection for the filament to the leading- in wires inside the chamber of an incan- descent electric lamp. Filament, Treated Coked A car- bon filament the core of which has been elec- trically coked and whose surface is covered with electrically deposited carbon derived from the decomposition of a hydrocarbon gas or vapor. Filtration, Electro-Chemical A term formerly employed in place of electric endosmose. (See Osmose, Electric. Phe- nomena, Par ret.) Finishing Brushes. (See Appendix Brushes, Finishing) Fire Alarm Telegraph. (See Appendix Telegraph, Fire Alarm) Fire Glow. (See Appendix Glow, Fire) Fittings, Combination, for Chandeliers, Brackets, Etc. Fittings that provide for the use of both gas and electricity Five- Wire System. (See Appendix Sys- tem, Fi've- Wire) Flash, Multiple Lightning Several lightning flashes that apparently come from the same cloud. Lodge traces the cause of multiple lightning flashes to the same circumstances that produce in a Leyden jar the tendency of the jar to neu- tralize its charges by overflowing. (See Appen- dix Jar, Leyden, Overflow of .) Flashing. A process to which carbons are subjected, in order to give them a uniform electrical resistance throughout their entire length. (See Carbons, Flashing Process for.) Flat-Iron, Electric An electrically heated flat-iron. A hollow flat-iron provided with a suitably placed electric heater. (See Heater, Electric.) Floor Contact. (See Appendix Contact, Floor) Fluid, Austral A term formerly employed for the magnetic fluid that was supposed to exist around or emanate from the austral pole of a magnet. (See Pole, Magnetic Austral.) Fluid, Boreal A term formerly employed for the magnetic fluid that was supposed to exist around or emanate from the boreal pole of a magnet. (See Pole, Magnetic, Boreal.) Fluid, Electric An assumed fluid which was formerly believed to be the cause of electric excitement. A belief in electric fluids no longer exists among intelligent electricians. Fluid, Magnetic A term formerly employed for an assumed fluid which was be- lieved to cause magnetic phenomena. The belief in magnetic fluids no longer exists. Fluid, Negative A specific fluid which was formerly believed by the advo- cates of the double-fluid electric hypothesis to be the cause of negative electric excite- ment. (See Appendix Fluid, Positive.) A deficit of an assumed single electric fluid. (See Electricity, Single-Fluid Hypothesis of.) Fluid, Positive A specific fluid which was formerly believed by the adherents Flu.] 608 [Fra. of the double-fluid electric hypothesis to be the cause of positive electric excitement. A surplusage of an assumed single electric fluid. According to the views of the single-fluid elec- tric hypothesis, positive excitement was supposed to be due to the surplusage of an assumed single electric fluid, the negative excitement being as- sumed to be due to its deficit. (See Electricity, Single- Fluid Hypothesis of.) Flush-Key Switch. (See Appendix Switch, Flush-Key.) Force, Electric, Transformation of Producing or effecting a change in the value of the electromotive force by means of an induction coil, transformer or condenser, or by electric resonance. (See Transformer?) Force, Electromotive, Alternating An electromotive force periodically passing through zero between positive and negative values. (See Current, Alternating?) Force, Electromotive, Conversion of A change in the value of the electromo- tive force produced by means of an induction coil,- transformer or condenser, or by electric resonance. (See Transformer?) Force, Electromotive, Impressed, Pro- posed A. I. E. E. Definition for The ratio of the total activity in an electrically conducting circuit to its instantaneous cur- rent strength. Force, Electromotive, Opposing . A term sometimes employed for counter- electromotive force. (See Force, Electro- motive, Counter?) Force, Electromotive, Voltaic A term sometimes employed for the electromo- tive force generated at the electrodes of an electrolytic cell, in contradistinction to the counter-electromotive force produced at such electrodes by their polarization. Force, Field of - The space trav- ersed or crossed by the lines of electrostatic or magnetic force. An electrostatic field. (See Field, Elec- trostatic^) A magnetic field. (See Field, Magnetic?) Force, Magne-Crystallic A name proposed by Faraday for the force assumed as the cause producing the change in the nature of the magnetism of certain crystalline bodies in different directions. (See Action, Magne- Crystallic?) Force, Volta Electromotive An electromotive force produced by means of the voltaic cell. (See Cell, Voltaic.) Forces, Electromotive, Complex-Har- monic Alternating The electromo- tive forces producing complex harmonic alter- nating currents. (See Appendix Currents, Complex-Harmonic.) Forge, Electric A forge so ar- ranged that the metals to be subjected to forging can be electrically heated while in place on the forge. Formulae, Blavier's The formulas employed for computing the Blavier test (See Appendix Test, Blavier's?) Formulas. Plural of formula. Four-Pole Dynamo-Electric Machine. (See Appendix Machine, Dynamo-Electric, Four-Pole?) Fourth State or Condition of Matter. (See Appendix Matter, Fourth State or Condition of.) Four- Way Switch. (See Appendix Switch, Four- Way.) Four-Wire System. (See Appendix System, Four- Wire?) Frame, Dynamo or Motor A term applied to the iron body of a dynamo or motor, including the pole pieces and stand- ards of the machine, but exclusive of the base plates and bearings. (See Machine, Dynamo-Electric. Motor, Electric?) Frame, Trolley Base A frame for receiving the standard which supports the trolley pole. Franklinism. A word sometimes em- ployed for franklinization. Franklinization would appear to be the prefer- able word. (See Franklinization.) Fre.] 609 [Gal. Free or Insulated. (See Appendix Insu- lated or Free.) Frequencies, Harmonic Frequen- cies higher than the fundamental, present in complex-harmonic currents. (See Appen- dix Currents, Complex-Harmonic.) Frequencies, Tesla A term em- ployed for exceedingly high frequencies. The frequencies employed by Tesla amounted to many hundreds of thousands per second. Frequency, Fundamental The nominal or lowest frequency of a current which has harmonics. Frequency, Yibration A term expressing the number of vibrations per second. In the case of a musical note the vibration fre- quency corresponds to the pitch of the note. Frog Crossing. (See Appendix Cross- ing Frog.) Frost Alarm. (See Appendix Alarm, Frost) Full Contact. (See Appendix Contact, Full) Full Load. (See Appendix Load, Full.) Fundamental Frequency. (See Appen- dix Frequency, Fundamental.) Fuse, Blowing of A term some- times employed for the fusing or volatiliza- tion of a fuse wire or safety plug. (See Fuse, Safety.) Fuse, Blowing Point of The tem- perature or the current strength at which a fuse blows out or melts. The exact current strength at which a fuse blows out or melts varies, not only with the tem- perature of the wire, but also with the position in which the fuse wire is placed in the fuse block, and the nature of the block, its size, whether the current is direct or alternating, etc. The ratio, which should exist between the carry- ing capacity of a fuse, and the condition of its ultimate fusing, will of course depend on the character of the circuit the fuse is intended t guard. With small currents, such for example as are employed in electric lighting, a narrow margin may be employed without detriment, but in the case of railway systems, however, a wider range is necessarily given to the blowing point of the fuse, for the amount of current required in such systems, near heavy grades, is so much in com- parison to what is ordinarily employed that if too narrow a limit were given to the fusing point considerable annoyance would be experienced from the fuse blowing out too frequently. Fuse, Safety, Carrying Capacity of - The current strength a fuse wire or plug can carry without the line it protects becom- ing dangerously heated. g. An abbreviation proposed for one gramme, the C. G. S. unit of mass. g. cm 2 . An abbreviation proposed for gramme centimetre squared, the C. G. S. unit of moment of inertia. Galvanic Cell. (See Appendix Cell, Galvanic) Galvanic Chain. (See Appendix Chain, Galvanic.) Galvanic Ring. (See Appendix Ring, Galvanic.) Galvanist One skilled in the "art of galvanism." (Obsolete.) The word has no precise meaning, since the word galvanism is employed in two entirely dif- ferent senses ; namely, as current electricity and as a particular method of applying electricity to the curing of diseases. Galvanoglyphy. The process of produc- ing an electrotype. This word, though good etymologically, is un- necessary ; moreover, the word electrotype is almost universally employed. Galvanography. A term proposed for the copying of fine engravings on copper or steel plates by means of electro-deposition. Galvano-Magnetic. A word proposed for electro-magnetic. Gal.] 610 [Gen. The use of this word is unwarranted and should not be encouraged. Galvanometer, Angle of Maximum Sensi- tiveness of The angle of deflection at which a given small alteration in the strength of the current produces the greatest change in the deflection of the needle. Galvanometer, Direct Beading A galvanometer in which the absolute value of the deflection in current strength is ob- tained directly without the use of tables or curves. Galvanometer, Helmholtz - A double-ring tangent galvanometer, the two ring coils of which are parallel to each other and are placed on opposite sides of the mag- netic needle at such positions that their mag- netic field at the needle may be as nearly uniform as possible, and much more nearly uniform than a single coil could produce. Galvanometer, Optical A form of galvanometer proposed by Potier based on the magnetic rotary power of liquids. (See Refraction, Double, Electric?) Galvanometer, Pocket A galvan- ometer small enough to be readily carried in the pocket. Galvanometer Voltmeter. (See Appen- dix Voltmeter, Galvanometer?) Galvanotonus. A term proposed by Pfliiger for the state of tetanus produced in a muscle that has been overstimulated electri- cally. Galvanotropism. Movements produced in living organisms by the passage of elec- tricity through them. The word galvanotropism has been proposed to describe such phenomena as the movements observed in the roots of plants, when placed be- tween two opposite electrodes. The direction of these movements seems to be such as would place the longer axis of the root in the direction of the plane of the current. Gap, Air, Shunting An air gap in a circuit placed around a galvanometer or other instrument for the purpose of affording protection to the galvanometer or other instru- ment from the effects of powerful disruptive discharges. The inductive resistance of the coil to the rapidly varying oscillatory discharges is so great that the discharges take instead a path through an air gap. Since such an air gap thus shunts the discharge from the galvanometer or other coils, it is called a shunting air gap. Gas Cell. (See Appendix Cell, Gas.) Gas Polarization. (See Appendix Po- larization, Gas.) Gauge, Electric Pocket A gauge for an electric battery or other similar source small enough to be readily carried in the pocket. Gauge, Electroscopic A term ap- plied by Gaugain to a form of discharging gold-leaf electroscope. (See Electroscope, Gold-Leaf.) Gauss, Proposed A. I. E. E. Definition for A practical unit of magnetic intensity* the value of which is equal to one C. G. S. unit ; that is, one C. G. S. line per square centimetre. This unit is a modification of that proposed by a Sub-Committee of the American Institute of Electrical Engineers on the Provisional Pro- gramme for the International Electrical Con- gress, held in Chicago, 1893, on the occasion of the World's Columbian Exposition. Generator, Chemical, of Electricity A term sometimes employed in place of a voltaic pile or battery. This use of the term generator is sanctioned by the similar use of the word in other connections. Of course it will be understood that it is difference of potential and not electricity that is generated. Generator, Di phase A generator which delivers two-phase or diphase currents. Generator, High-Voltage Electro-Mag- netic An electro-magnetic generator arranged so as to give a high electromotive force. Generator, Polyphase - A gener- ator which delivers more than single-phase currents. The term polyphase is frequently employed only in the sense of greater than diphase. Generator, Railway A dynamo- Gen.] 611 [Gro. electric machine which develops the current employed in systems of electric railways. Generator, Self-Compounding Polyphase A polyphase generator whose field magnets are compound-wound. Generator, Thermo-Electric A term sometimes employed for a thermo-elec- tric pile. (See Pile, Thermo-Electric^) The term is equally applicable to the pyro- magnetic generator. Generator, Three-Phase A tri- phase generator. (See Appendix Gener- ator, Tri-Phase^ The term tri-phase generator would appear to be preferable. Generator, Tri-Phase A generator which delivers three-phase or tri-phase cur- rents. Generator, Two-Phase A di-phase generator. (See Appendix Generator, Di- Phase.} The term di-phase generator would appear to be preferable. Gilbert. A term proposed for the prac- tical unit of magneto-motive force. A unit of magneto-motive force having the value of the absolute unit or equal to ampere-turn. 4* This unit is a modification of that proposed by a Sub-Committee of the American Institute of Electrical Engineers on Provisional Programme for the International Electrical Congress, held in Chicago, in 1893. Gilding, Electro Electric gilding. Electro-plating with gold. (See Gilding, Electric^ Glass Screw Insulator. (See Appendix Insulator, Glass-Screw.) Globes, Diffusing, for Electric Lights. Globes so constructed as to insure a diffusion of the light. The diffusion is generally obtained by means of ground glass. In order to avoid the loss of light that attends the use of ground glass, diffusion globes have been made of clear glass furnished with a number of refraction or total internal re- flecting lenses, in the manner of the well-known Fresnel lens. Glory, Aurora A term proposed by Nordenskjb'ld for an almost constant crown of light, single, double or multiple, which occupies a nearly fixed position in the heavens. Nordenskjold describes the aurora glory as fol- lows: " Our globe, even during a minimum aurora year, is adorned with an almost constant crown of light, single, double, or multiple, whose inner edge was usually, during the winter of 1878-79, at a height of about 0.03 of the radius of the earth (120 miles) above its surface, whose surface was somewhat under the earth's surface, having its centre a little north of the magnetic pole, and which, with a diameter of about 0.32 radius of the earth (about 1,280 miles), extends in a plane perpendicular to the earth's radius which passes through the centre of this luminous ring. " Glow, Fire A term employed by the ancients for an aurora. (See Aurora Borealis. Aurora Australis.) Glow Illumination. (See Appendix Illumination, Glow?) Glow Lamp. (See Appendix Lamp, Glow.) Glowing of Electric Conductor. (See Appendix Conductor, Electric, Glowing of.) Glue-Pot, Electric An electrically heated glue-pot. An electric heater is applied to a glue-pot of ordinary construction. (See Heater, Electric,} Gnomon, Electric A term formerly applied to a variety of pith ball electrometer. Good Earth. (See Appendix Earth, Good.) Ground Coil. (See Appendix Coil, Ground?) Ground, Dead A term sometimes applied to a fault or interruption in a tele- graphic line in which the escape to earth or ground is so great that it is impossible to operate the line. Dead earth. (See Earth, Dead or Total.) Grounding. A word sometimes employed Gro.] 612 [Ear. n electro-metallurgy for a preparatory pro- cess in burnishing. (See Appendix Bur- nishing^) Grouping System for Electric Light Leads. (See Appendix Leads, Grouping System for Electric Light?) Guard, Automatic, for Series-Connected Incandescent Lamps A device placed on each series-connected incandescent elec- tric lamp for the purpose of short circuiting the holder should the lamp filament break, A film cut-out. (See Cut-Out, Film?) An automatic guard may consist of a sheet of paraffine paper placed between two metallic knobs. Gyroscope, Electro-Magnetic A gyroscope driven by an electro-magnet. Gyrostatic Action of Dynamos on Ship- board. (See Appendix Action, Gyrostatr'c, of Dynamos on Shipboard?) H. A symbol used for field intensity. F The defining equation is H = Here F = the force and m the strength of the pole. H. An abbreviation proposed for henry, the practical unit of mutual induction, self- induction, or inductance. This abbreviation is seldom used. h. An abbreviation for hour, one of the practical units of time. 3C. A symbol proposed for magnetizing force. The defining equation is 3C = 4 * N \ \j Where N, is the number of windings, and L, the length of the solenoid generating the mag- netizing force. HP or H* A contraction for horse-power. This contraction is universally employed in all English-speaking countries. Harmonic Frequencies. (See Appendix Frequencies, Harmonic?) Harmonic Motion. (See Appendix Mo- tion, Harmonic?) Harmonic Telegraph. (See Appendix Telegraph, Harmonic?) Harmonics, Electrical A term sometimes employed in place of the upper harmonic currents generally. (See Appen- dix Currents, Complex-Harmonic?) Harmonics of Current. (See Appendix Current, Harmonics of?) Harmonics, Weeding-Out of Get- ting rid of, or removing some or all of the upper harmonic currents from a funda- mental harmonic current. The weeding-out process is generally effected by means of electric resonance. The presence of self-induction or capacity in the circuit has the same effect. It is partly on this account that we cannot yet speak across the Atlantic cable, the upper harmonics of the voice being weeded out more than the lower and made to lag more. (See Appendix Harmonics, Weeding. Out oj ', by Electrical Resonance.) Harmonics, Weeding-Ont of, by Electri- cal Resonance The weeding-out of the upper harmonics of a complex-harmonic current by altering the natural period of the system until it is in unison or in resonance with the fundamental harmonic. "A resonant circuit," says Pupin, "behaves towards a complex-harmonic electromotive force just the same as an acoustic resonator toward a source of complex sound. It brings out prom- inently that harmonic with which it is in reso- nance. To express this numerically, say that the ratio of the amplitude of the fundamental har- monic electromotive force to that of the next higher harmonic (supposing it to be even no higher than an octave) is 2 to I. Then the cir- cuit can be easily brought into resonance with the fundamental harmonic in such a way as to increase the ratio of the amplitudes of the cor- responding simple harmonic currents 60 : i . The- oretically (and to a great extent practically also) that ratio can be made anything we please by in- creasing continually the coefficient of self-indue- Har.J 613 [Her. tion and diminishing the capacity without de- stroying the resonance. In other words, we can, by the proper single tuning, weed out the upper harmonics as much as we please. But, as will be indicated later on, it is flot always advisable to avail ourselves too much of a means of weeding out the upper harmonics by using very large self- induction. The best method of tuning depends on the nature of the problem before us." Harpoon, Electric A harpoon con- taining a bomb, that is electrically fired or exploded by the harpooner after imbedding the harpoon. Heat, Electrical Equivalent of A quantity representing the electrical energy produced by the action of a given amount or quantity of heat energy. Heater, Coil, Electric An electric heater in which the heat is pro- duced by the pas- sage of an electric current through a coiled metallic rib- bon. A form of coil heater is shown in Fig- 573- Heater, Pri- mary Electric A term proposed for the main electric heat- er in a building. (See Heater, Elec- tric) Heeling Error 573- G>M Heater. of Mariner's Compass. (See Appendix Error, Heeling, of Mariner's Compass. Helix. A word sometimes used in elec- tricity and magnetism in place of coil or sole- noid. (See Coil, Electric?) Helix, Anomalous A helix so wound as to produce an anomalous magnet. (See Magnet, Anomalous) Helix, Left-Handed A term some- times employed in place of a left-handed solenoid. (See Solenoid, Left-Handed. Solenoid, Practical) Helix, Magnetic A coil that is rendered magnetic by the passage through it of an electric current. (See Coil, Electric) Helix, Magnetizing A magnetiz- ing coil. (See Coil, Electric) Helix, Right-Handed A term sometimes employed in place of right-handed solenoid. (See Solenoid, Right-Handed. Solenoid, Practical) Helmholtz Galvanometer. (See Appen- dix Galvanometer, Helmholtz) Henry, International The value of the international henry adopted by the Chicago Congress of 1893, as equal to the induction in a circuit when the electromotive force induced in this circuit is one interna- tional volt, while the inducing current varies at the rate of one ampere per second. Henry, Proposed A. I. E. E. Definition for The name adopted by the Elec- trical Congress of 1 893 for the practical unit of inductance. A unit of inductance having the value of io 9 absolute units, or nearly the length of an earth's quadrant. This name was proposed by a Sub-Committee of the American Institute of Electrical Engineers on Provisional Programme of the International Electrical Congress, in Chicago, 1893, on the occa- sion of the World's Columbian Exposition. This name was adopted by the said Inter- national Electrical Congress in August, 1893, with the. following definition : A henry is the induction in a circuit when the electromotive force induced in this circuit is one international volt, while the inducing current varies at the rate of one international ampere per second. Heptad Atom. (See Appendix Atom, Heptad) Hertz's Axial Oscillator. (See Appen- dix Oscillator, Hertz s Axial) Hertz's Linear Oscillator. (See Appen- dix Oscillator, Hertz's Linear) Hertz's Oscillator. (See Appendix < Oscillator, Hertz's) Her,] 614 [Idl. Hertzian Waves. (See Appendix Waves, Hertzian.} Heterostatic Electrometer. (See Appen- dix Electrometer, Heterostatic!) Hexad Atom. (See Appendix Atom, Hexad!) High-Frequency Transformer. (See Ap- pendix Transformer, High-Frequency!) High- foliage Electro-Magnetic Gener- ator. (See Appendix Generator, High- Voltage Electro-Magnetic!) Home Battery. (See Appendix Battery, Home!) Hook, Dipping A metallic hook provided for holding articles that are to be cleansed, in order to prepare them for electro- plating by subjecting them to the dipping process. (See Dipping!) The dipping hook should be made of metal as nearly resembling the article to be plated as pos- sible, so as thereby to prevent voltaic action tak- ing place between the two metals with a conse- quent marking at the points of contact. Horizontal Intensity of Earth's Magnet- ism. (See Appendix Magnetism, Hori- zontal Intensity of Earth's!) Horology, Electric That branch of electric science which treats of the applica- tions of electricity to the regulation or opera- tion of clocks. (See Clock, Electric!) Hummer. A word sometimes employed in place of buzzer. (See Buzzer, Electric!) If inn in cr, Electric A term some- times used for electric buzzer. Hunting of Parallel Alternators. (See Appendix Alternators, Parallel, Hunting of-) Hysteresis, Dielectric A term pro- posed by Steinmetz for a variety of molecular friction, analogous to magnetic hysteresis, pro- duced in a dielectric under changes of electro- static stress. The losses caused by dielectric hysteresis are probably proportional to the frequency and to the square of the E. M. F., i. e,, to the electrostatic field intensity. Losses ascribed to defective insulation are often, in the opinion of Steinmetz, caused, at least in part, by dielectric hysteresis. Hysteresis, Magnetic A variety of molecular friction produced in the molecules of a magnetizable substance during changes of magnetic stress. According to Steinmetz, the loss occasioned by magnetic hysteresis is proportional to the fre- quency and to the 1. 6th power of the magnetic variation. According to Steinmetz, for a magnetic cycle performed between the limits of magnetic induc- tion B x and B, the loss in ergs per cubic cm. is ,1.6 ( B *7 Bf ) 1 where n, the coefficient of hysteresis, averages .0033 in average good sheet iron, .013 in cast iron, .003 to .03 in cast steel, and reaches as high as .08 in hardened steel. With alternating magnetism the formula can be written L=nB 1 ' 6 The actual existence of magnetic hysteresis is denied by some able electricians. 7. A symbol current. proposed for intensity of E The defining equation is I = =r- 3 A symbol used in France and Germany for intensity of magnetization. _m The defining equation is c) y Idiostatic Electrometer. (See Appendix Electrometer, Idiostatic!) Idle Wire of Armature. (See Appendix Wire, Idle, of Armature!) Idle Wire of Armature of Motor. (See Wire, Idle, of Armature of Motor!) Idle Wire of Dynamo. (See Appendix Wire, Idle, of Armature of Dynamo!) IdL] 615 [Ind. Idle Wire of Motor. (See Appendix Wire, Idle, of Armature of Motor.) Illumination, Cosine Law of The intensity of the illumination emitted from or received by any element of surface is propor- tional to the cosine of the angle between its normal, and the direction of the radiation. Illumination, Glow A term pro- posed for an illumination similar to that of the glow-worm ; that is, illumination without sensible heat. All artificial sources of light, such, for example, as a coal-oil lamp, a gas jet, an incandescent elec- tric lamp, or an arc lamp, contain a much greater percentage of non-luminous than of luminous radiation, that is, of heat than light, being at the most a few per cent, of light, and considerably over 95 per cent, of heat. The most economical artificial lighting is, of course, impossible under these circumstances. In the light emitted by a firefly or a glow worm, practically all the radiation consists of. light or radiation within the limits of visibility. The term glow illumination has been proposed for illumination by light such as is furnished by a firefly or glow-worm; viz., for the light emitted by any source which is capable of producing luminous radiation only. In some forms of Tesla lamps the illumination closely approaches glow illumination. Immediate False Zero. (See Appendix Zero, Immediate False.) Incandescent Bombardment Lamp. (See Appendix Lamp, Incandescent Bom- bardment.) Incandescent Filament. (See Appendix Filament, Incandescent^) Incandescent Lamp Cord. (See Appen- dix Cord, Incandescent Lamp.) Incandescent Lighting Dynamo-Electric Machine. (See Appendix Machine, Dy- namo-Electric, Incandescent Lighting.) Incandescing Filament. (See Appendix Filament, Incandescing.) Inclination Magnetometer. (See Appen- dix Magnetometer, Inclination) Indicator, Disc, Mechanical Replacement Of Such a replacement or resetting of a disc, arm, shutter or semaphore of an indi- cator as must be done by hand. A non-automatic replacement of an indi- cator disc. Indicator, Fall-Back A term some- times employed in place of drop indicator. Indicator, Light, of Railroad Signal A device by means of which an indi- cation is given as to whether a signal lamp is lighted or not. The light indicator is operated by means of a metallic bar, which increases in length by means of the heat of the lamp when lighted. Indicator, Polarized A term some- times employed for an indicator provided with a polarized armature. Indicator, Pole An apparatus em- ployed for readily determining whether the poles of a dynamo battery or other source are positive or negative. A convenient form of pole indicator consists of a small electrolytic cell filled with a solution of a metallic salt. On the passage of the current through the electrolyte the character of the poles is readily determined by the change in color of the liquid adjacent to one pole of the indicator. There are other well-known forms of pole in- dicators. Indicator, Tele A term sometimes employed in place of telemeter. (See Telem- eter) Indicator, Telephone An indi- cator employed on a telephone circuit to indi- cate the number of the correspondent calling. (See Indicator, Electric) A telephone indicator, as generally constructed, consists of some form of mechanical drop oper- ated by the attraction of the armature of an electro-magnet which, permitting the fall of a drop or shutter, exposes the particular number of the correspondent calling. Indicator, Tri-Polar An electro- magnetic indicator, with three poles. A straight- bar magnet is employed, one end of which forms one pole and the other end is con- nected with a U-shaped piece of soft iron, so as to bring the two free ends of the latter up to the Ind.] 616 [Ind. line on the other pole. There are thus produced three poles; hence, the name, tri-polar. Indifferent Point (See Appendix Point, Indifferent?) Individual Signal. (See Appendix Signal, Individual!) Individual Signaling Apparatus. (See Appendix Apparatus, Individual Signal- ing. Induced Electric Surgings. (See Appen- dix Surgings, Induced Electric!) Induced Single-Needle Dial. (See Ap- pendix Dial, Induced Single-Needle!) Inductance, Mutual, Proposed A. I. E. E. Definition for The mutual induc- tance of one electric circuit upon another is the ratio of the total magnetic induction linked with the second, due to a uniform cur- rent in the first, to the strength of that current. The mutual inductance between two electric circuits is reciprocally equal when the environ- ing medium has constant inductivity. The C. G. S. unit of mutual inductance is one centimetre; the practical unit of self-inductance is one henry. The following modification of the definition would appear to be preferable, viz. : the mutual inductance of one circuit on another is the ratio of the sum of the linkages of lines of magnetic induction with the second, due to a uniform cur- rent in the first, to the strength of that current. Inductance, Non-Ferric A term proposed to distinguish an inductance in which no iron or magnetic metal enters. A coil of copper forms a non-ferric inductance ; the insertion of an iron core into the coil makes it become a ferric inductance. Inductance, Self, Proposed A. I. E. E. Definition for The ratio of the total magnetic induction, linked with and estab- lished by an electric current, to the uniform strength of the same. The inductance of a conducting circuit is con- stant when its environing medium has constant inductivity. A modification has been proposed for this definition similar to that proposed for mutual inductance. Inductance, Specific A term pro- posed for the comparative value of induc- tance. (See Inductance,') Inductance Speed. (See Appendix Speed, Inductance!) Inducteous Body. (See Appendix Body, Inducteous!) Induction, Auto A term sometimes employed instead of self-induction. (See In- duction, Self.) Induction, Backward, of Dynamo Arma- ture The component of the armature magnetization opposing the magnetization of the field magnets. (See Appendix Induc- tion, Cross, of Dynamo Armature.) Were there no forward lead given to the brushes, there would be no back induction ; there would, however, be cross induction. Induction, Cross, of Dynamo Armature A term sometimes employed in place of the induction produced in the armature of a dynamo-electric machine from the ampere turns acting across the main magnetic cir- cuit, /'. e., those due to the ^current in the armature, and is the lead of the brushes tending to produce magnetic poles crosswise to the regular poles of the machine. Induction, Magne-Electric A term formerly employed for magneto-electric in- duction. (See Induction, Magneto-Electric!) Induction, Magnetic, Terrestrial The production of magnetism by the action of the earth's magnetic field. Induction Motor. (See Appendix Mo- tor, Induction!) Induction Telegraph. (See Appendix Telegraph, Induction!) Indnctivity. A word proposed for spe- cific inductance. (See Appendix Induct- ance, Specific!) Inductivity, Proposed A. I. E. E. for The inductivity at any point in an isotropic medium is the ratio added to unity of 4 n times the intensity of the magnetiza- tion there existing to the magnetizing flux density. Ind.J 617 [Int. The ratio of the flux density to the mag- netizing force. The conventional symbol is fi and it is synony- mous with permeability. Inductric Body. (See Appendix Body, Inductric.) influence, Electrostatic A word sometimes employed in place of electro- static induction. (See Induction, Electro- static.) There would appear to be no real necessity for the abandonment of the term induction for the effects produced by an electrostatic field. The general similarity of the phenomena would, indeed, appear to render it advisable to retain the word electrostatic induction, to show its close relation to electro-magnetic induction. In-Put. The energy absorbed by a ma- chine in driving it or causing it to perform a certain amount of work. This word is used in contradistinction to out- put. Inside Box Brush. (See Appendix Brush, Inside Box.) Instrument, S. N., Telegraphic A contraction employed for single-needle tele- graphic instrument. Insulated or Free A term em- ployed in telegraphy. A wire is said to be free insulated when it is disconnected from its apparatus and left insu- lated. Insulation, Kilometric, of Cable The insulation of a cable measured in kilo- metre-megohms or the average insulation of one kilometre in megohms. Insulation Lightning Protection. (See Appendix Protection, Insulation Light" ning.) Insulation Lightning Protector. (See Appendix Protector, Insulation Light- ning.) Insulator, Glass-Screw A glass in- sulator provided with a screw thread inside the glass for the purpose of ready attach- ment to the insulator pin. Insulator, Shackle A term some- tfmes employed for any form of shackle in- sulator. (See Insulator, Single- Shackle. Insulator, Double-Shackle.) Insulator, Tree A variety of insu- lator suitable for attachment to trees, and designed so as to keep the conductor from being brought into contact with the branches. The insulator -proper is mounted on a shaft which plays in a ball and socket joint, the cup of which is fastened to the tree ; the line is there- fore kept in its normal position despite the move- ments of the tree. In-Take. A word sometimes used in place of In-Put. Intensity of Radiation. (See Appendix Radiation, Intensity of.) Interference, Acoustic Interfer- ence of sound waves. The term acoustic interference is employed in contradistinction to luminous interference. Interference, Electro-Magnetic A term sometimes employed for the interference of electro-magnetic waves. The term electro-magnetic interference is em- ployed in contradistinction to acoustic or lumi- nous interference, even though it be granted that luminous waves are electro -magnetic waves. Interference, Luminous A term sometimes employed for the interference of light waves. The term luminous interference is used in contradistinction to acoustic or electric inter- ference. Internal Magnetic Circuit. (See Ap- pendix Circuit, Magnetic, Internal.) Internal Magnetic Field. (See Appen- dix Field, Magnetic, Internal.) International Ampdre. (See Appendix Ampere, International?) International Coulomb. (See Appendix Coulomb, International?) International Farad. (See Appendix Farad, International?) International Henry. (See Appendix Ifenry, International.) International Joule. (See Appendix Joule, International?) Int.] 618 [Int. International Morse Code. (See Appen- dix Code, International Morse?) International Ohm. (See Appendix Ohm, International?) International Volt (See Appendix Volt, International?) International Watt (See Appendix Watt, International?) Interrupter, Electro-Dynamic A name proposed by Pupin for an interrupter for the primary circuit of an induction coil con- sisting of an elastic wire stretched like the wire of a sonometer or monochord between the poles of a permanent horseshoe magnet. The term sonometer interrupter might, per- haps, be more descriptive of the apparatus em- ployed. The circuit connections are such that when the wire is set into vibration these vibrations are con- tinued under the action of the field produced by the magnet. The construction and operation of an electro-dynamic interrupter are given by its inventor, Pupin, as follows : "In the meantime experience suggested the form given in Fig. 574 as best suited to the pur- pose for which the interrupter was first de- signed. The diagram of Fig. 575 explains the Fig. 574- A / h Fig. ^re- construction of the apparatus more clearly. A stout aluminium, or phosphor-bronze wire, the vibrator, is stretched between the pole pieces d and e, of two permanent Weston magnets, such as this distinguished electrician uses in his voltmeters. " Fig- 576 * ves th e fr nt ^ ew * one of the magnets. The cross-section of the vibrator is seen therebetween the pole pieces N, S, as a black dot. The short line a b extending from the vi- brator to the mercury cup below is the dipper, a short, thin, amalgamated copper wire, which is soldered to the vibrator. The vibrator rests on two hard-rubber bridges f g. One of its ends is rigidly attached to the wooden frame of the apparatus, the other end is attached to a lever h, which, worked by a micrometer screw, varies the tension of the vibrator. There are three mercury cups, a, b, c, and three dippers (which unfortun- ately do not appear in Fig. 574). The middle cup b, is I fixed in position, and the middle dipper, being at the nodal point of the vibrator, makes a permanent contact there. The other two dippers make contact with mercury cups which can be raised or lowered by means of a nut and screw as represented in Fig. 574, and indicated in diagram 575. The con- struction of the adjustable mercury cups and the stretching lever were copied from Dr. Max Wien's magnetic interrupter (Wiedem. Ann. 1891 and 1892). The middle cup (see Fig. 577) is connected to one pole, F, of the gravity or storage cell, the other two cups are connected one to one end and the other to the other end of the primary of the Fig. S7(>- Fig. S77> small coil A B. From the middle point, C, of the primary a wire leads to the other pole of the cell. Auxiliary small coils, E and D, and condensers, H and G, are inserted in the circuits as indicated. Their functions will be explained further below. "The vibrator vibrates with a node at the middle dipper as soon as the tension has reached a certain, by no means high, limit. A permanent contact is therefore maintained at this point, and the contact is made at one of the cups just at about the same moment as it is broken at the other cup. Leaving the condensers out of con- sideration for the present, it is evident that this form of the current make-and-break produces the same effect upon the iron core of the coil as an alternating current would. The advantage of this needs no comment ; but although the iron core consists of the finest iron wire that can be obtained in the market, yet it must be remem- Int.] 619 [Iso. bered that the vibrator is expected to work some- times at the rate of 512, or more, complete periods per second. Another immediate advantage which this interrupter offers is a considerable diminution of sparking. The addition of con- densers, besides performing other functions which will be discussed presently, reduces the break sparks almost to invisibility, even when currents as large as half of an ampere are used. Each half of the primary coil consists of 532 turns of No. 22 silk-covered wire wound over an iron core of 30 centimetres in length, 4 square centi- metres in cross-section, and consisting of very fine, soft iron wire." Interrupter, Sonometer A term sometimes employed in place of electro- dynamic interrupter. (See Appendix In- terrupter, Electro-Dynamic^) Interrupter, Telegraphic A de- vice for making and breaking a circuit at a definite rate. A telegraphic key or other analogous de- vice. Interrupter, Telegraphic, Mechanical A form of mechanical telegraphic sounder for learners in which no battery is required. A mechanical telegraphic interrupter is pro- vided with a full-size key with a full set of adjust- ments. In fact, it resembles an ordinary key, except in that it requires no battery to operate it. It differs, therefore, from the snappei sounder, which is not intended to resemble a sounder, but merely to give the sounds of the Morse characters with the simplest mechanism. Interruption, Telegraphic A term sometimes employed in telegraphy for faults in general. According to Pope, telegraphic faults or inter- ruptions arise from the following causes, viz. : (l.) Disconnections or breaks. (2.) Partial disconnections or resistance. (3.) Escapes. (4.) Crosses. Ions, Migration of A term em- ployed to express the movement of the ions in an electrolyte during electrolysis. The hypothesis of GrOthuss attempts to explain the fact that in electrolysis the anions and kathions do not appear in any part of the electrolyte ex- cept at the electrodes, no ions apparently being set free in the liquid. (See Hypothesis, GrOtkuss' . ) When copper electrodes are employed in the electrolysis of a solution of copper sulphate, the solution becomes from two to three times weaker at the kathode than at the other electrode. Hittorf explains this fact on the assumption that during the migration the 864 radical moves through the liquid more rapidly than the Cu radical. GrOthuss' hypothesis has been objected to be- cause it requires a finite force to bring about the decomposition of the electrolyte, and the experi- ments of Helmholtz prove that the interior of an electrolyte is unable to withstand the slightest electrostatic stress. Clausius has modified GrOt- huss' hypothesis so as to bring it more into accord with the kinetic theory of matter. He believes that some of the moving molecules of the electrolyte are broken up into their constituent ions as a result of occasional molecular impact,, and that it is these separated ions only that appear at the electrodes. Arrhenius asserts that during electrolysis the greater part of the molecules of the electrolyte are thus dissociated. The veloc- ity of the dissociated ions is assumed to be pro- portioned to the potential gradient in the elec- trolyte. According to this theory a continuous movement of positively charged ions occurs towards the negative electrode or kathode and of negatively charged ions towards the positive electrode or anode. Iron, Building A heated iron tool, by means of which the mould impressed by the printed page, it is desired to electrotype, is built up preparatory to being placed in the electroplating bath. A building iron consists essentially of a suitably shaped iron tool which is employed while hot in connection with strips of wax for bringing up or raising the blank spaces in a mould between the pages and paragraphs. Iron-Loss in Transformer. (See Ap- pendix Transformer, Iron-Loss in.) Isonisation. A term proposed for a de- crease in the strength with which the separate atoms or radicals are held together in the molecules of an electrolyte. A term proposed for that modified dis- sociation of a molecule which consists in a ISO.] 620 [Key. weakening of the force which holds the ions of the molecules together in an electrolyte. The term isonisation does not, as might be supposed, refer to the complete separation of an electrolyte into its ions by electrolysis, but to a preparatory weakening of the bonds which hold the ions together in a solution in which elec- trolysis is about to occur. This term was proposed by Fitzgerald for the purpose of covering the peculiar action of elec- trolysis so far as its behavior to aqueous solutions of metallic salts is concerned. Isotropic. Homogeneous with respect to direction. Employed in reference to the properties of a medium. Jack Switch. (See Appendix Switch, Jack) Jar, Leyden, Overflow of A term sometimes employed for the discharge of a Leyden jar by a disruptive discharge around its edge. Joint, End-to-End A term fre- quently employed in place of butt joint. (See Joint, Butt) Joint, Sliding An expansion joint. (See/iw/, Expansion) Joule, International The value of the international joule adopted by the Chi- cago Congress of 1893, as equal to io 7 units of work in the C. G. S. system, and which is represented sufficiently well for practical use by the energy expended in one second by one international ampere in an international ohm. Joule-Meter. Any apparatus capable of measuring energy in joules. An energy meter as distinguished from a watt-meter. Jumper. A temporary shunt or circuit put around a lamp or loop on a series circuit, to enable it to be readily removed or repaired. A jumper usually consists of a piece of wire of sufficient size to carry the current past the faulty lamp or other device which it is desired to tem- porarily remove or repair. K. A symbol for moment of inertia. The defining equation is M X L 2 . K (Kappa). A symbol proposed for mag- netic susceptibility. 1 | The defining equation is K = j^- i. e. Q cH- n kg. An abbreviation for kilogramme, the practical unit of mass. kg: cm 2 . An abbreviation proposed for kilogramme per square centimetre, the prac- tical unit of pressure. kgni. An abbreviation for kilogrammetre, the practical unit of moment of a couple or of work. kgm: s. An abbreviation proposed for kilogrammetre per second, the practical unit of power. KR. A contraction for the total capacity of a telephone wire or conductor multiplied by its total resistance. KB Law. (See Appendix Law, The KR) Kapp Line. (See Appendix Line, Kapp) Karsten's Figures. (See Appendix Figures, Karsten's) Kathodic Rays of Vacuum Tube. (See Appendix Rays, Kathodic, of Vacuum Tube) Kerite Tape. (See Appendix Tape, Kerite) Key, Break A key which breaks or opens the circuit when depressed. Key.] 621 [Lam. Key, Strap A telegraphic key formed of a single plate of elastic material. The elastic strip of conducting material is fixed at one end. Its motion in one direction is effected by the hand of the operator, and its re- turn in the opposite direction by the elasticity of the material. Key, Successive Contact A key so arranged as to make or break one contact after another. A successive contact key is frequently used in connection with a Wheatstone bridge ; where it is desirable to make or close the battery circuit before making or closing the galvanometer cir- cuit, or to break the battery circuit after break- ing or opening the galvanometer circuit. This is done by means of a successive contact key. A successive contact key is also sometimes called a double contact key. (See Key, Double-Contact Form of Bridge, Spr ague's. Key, Double-Con- tact, Lambert's.) Key, Tapper A term sometimes employed in place of Morse tapper. (See Appendix Tapper, Morse?) Kick of Relay. A momentary effect, more powerful than usual, produced on the armature of a relay by the current of charge on the closing of the circuit. The kick varies in its amount or intensity not only with the electrostatic capacity ot the line, but also with its length and with the perfection of its insulation. Kilerg. A kilo-erg. Kilo-Erg. One thousand ergs. Kilo-Volt. One thousand volts. Kilometric Capacity of Cable. (See Appendix Capacity, Kilometric, of Cable?) Kilometric Insulation of Cable. (See Appendix Insulation, Kilometric, of Cable?) Kinematics. That branch of mechanics which treats of motions, irrespective of the mass moved or the forces which produce or oppose its motion. Kinetics. That branch of dynamics which treats of the action of forces in producing or modifying motion. Krizik's Cores. (See Appendix Cores, Krizik's?) L m . A symbol proposed for co-efficient of mutual induction. L s . A symbol proposed for co-efficient of self-induction or inductance. $ The defining equation is L, = Y Lag, Translation -A term proposed by Elihu Thomson, who defines it as follows : " Lag due to the traverse of a conductor con- veying current past a magnet pole, whereby the action of the current in that conductor becomes displaced in the direction of the motion and produces a moving field, the iron mass or body tending to accommodate itself to the direction of the lines of force in the moving field." The phenomena of a shifting field are observed when a coil with an iron wire core is energized by an alternating current so as to produce an alternating field, and a wheel made up of iron discs around which is a rim or band of copper overhanging the edges of the disc is placed in such field. On the energizing of the coil, the wheel, which is mounted on pivots, when mechanically started in rotation in either direc- tion, will increase both in speed and torque to a degree depending on the frequency of the current, the friction to be overcome on the alternating field and on the iron and copper of the wheel. (See Field, Magnetic, Shifting. ) Lamp, Arc, Striking Mechanism of - The mechanism in an arc lamp by means of which the carbons are separated to the distance at which it is desired the arc shall be maintained between them. Lamp, Bombardment, Electrical A lamp in which the light is produced in a vacuous space by means of the bombard- Lam.] 622 [Law. ment of the molecules of the residual gas by the passage of electrical discharges. The molecules in their rapid to-and-fro motions are caused to strike against, and thus raise to in- candescence, strips or bars of refractory material, such as carbon, etc. Tesla's straight-filament incandescent electric lamp is a form of electric bombardment lamp. (See Lamp, Incandescent, Straight-Filament.} Lamp, Burned-Out Incandescent A term sometimes employed for an electric incandescent lamp which is no longer able to furnish efficient electric light. An incandescent electric lamp is, strictly speak- ing, to be regarded as burned out when it no longer furnishes a suitable light, and this, whether the filament or chamber has been actually destroyed or not. Lamp, Electcic, Efficiency of Strictly, the ratio of the luminous energy emitted by the lamp, to the energy absorbed by the lamp. The term efficiency of a lamp is less accur- ately used to signify its relative watts per candle power. The Edison lamps are of high efficiency if 3.1 watts per c. p., and of low efficiency if greater. Lamp, Electric Stopper A term now generally em- ployed for an in- candescent elec- tric lamp in which the chamber is stopped, not as formerly by the fusion of the glass, but by the action of a glass stopper hermeti- cally sealed by the use of suit- able cement. Fig. 578 shows a lamp of this type. Lamp, Glow A lamp the light of which is produced by glow illumination. (See Appendix Illumination, Glow) The term glow lamp is already generally em- ployed in England and Germany for the ordinary incandescent electric lamp. It would appear that the term incandescent lamp generally employed in America is preferable. The term glow-lamp should be limited, as above, to a lamp producing an approximately cold light ; namely, a lamp operating by glow illumination. Lamp, Incandescent Bombardment An electric lamp in which a refractory material is rendered incandescent by the molecular bombardment produced by the passage of an electric discharge through a rarefied space. Most of Tesla's lamps are of the bombardment type and are of a great variety of forms, but in all of them refractory substances like carbon are rendered incandescent by the passage of very rapidly alternating currents through rarefied gases. (See Lamp, Electric, Incandescent Ball. Lamp, Incandescent, Straight Filament. ) Lamp, Incandescent Electric, Ageing of A term sometimes employed for a Fig. 51 8. Electric Stopper Lamp. gradual decrease in the economical light emitted by an incandescent electric lamp attending its continued use. Lamp, Phosphorescent A lamp whose light is obtained by means of the phos- phorescent effects attending the discharges of electricity through a rarefied space. In phosphorescent lamps the phosphorescent effects are produced by causing the molecules ot the residual gas to strike against some readily phosphorescent material. Such lamps are some- times called bombardment lamps. But the term bombardment lamp is [perhaps more properly restricted to cases where molecular bombardment raises a substance of high refractory power, such as carbon, to incandescence; while the term phosphorescent lamps is limited to cases where the material so raised to luminescence is a phos- phorescent material. (See Bombardment, Molec- ular.} Law, The KR. A generalization claimed by some as a law, but denied by most, which assigns a limit to the distance through which intelligible telephonic com- munication can be carried on to cases where the product of K, the capacity of the tele- Lea.] 623 [Lig. phone circuit, multiplied by R, its resistance, does not exceed a certain value. Preece originally fixed the limits of intelligible communication of speech by means of a telephone to cases where the product of K and R did not exceed 15,000. Preece's figures do not agree with the results of practical telephone work in the United States ; such, for example, as in the case of the line now in actual operation between Boston and Chicago. Preece's general method of calculating the K R of a metallic circuit was by multiplying the total capacity of the line by its total resistance and then dividing by four, since the capacity of an insulated loop is taken as one-fourth of the capacity of the entire length of the line measured against the ground. Even when calculated in this way the K R of the Boston-Chicago con- ductor line is nearly 54,000. Lead Sulphate of Copper Cell. (See Ap- pendix Cell, Lead Sulphate of Copper?) Lead Sulphate of Zinc Cell. (See Ap- pendix Cell, Lead Sulphate of Zinc.) Leads, Double-Wire System for Electric Light A term employed for a parallel or multiple system of leads for electric light. (See Circuit, Parallel. Circuit, Multiple?) Leads, Grouping System for Electric Light A term sometimes employed for series-multiple circuits. (See Circuit, Series-Multiple?) Leads, Single Wire System for Electric Light A term sometimes employed for a circuit in which the current after passing through the lamps is returned by means of the earth or ground. This is called the single wire system for electric light leads because but a single wire or con- ductor is employed in the circuit, the return being made through the ground or earth. Leak, Telegraphic, Resistance of The resistance offered by a leak in a tele- graphic line or circuit. Leakance. A word proposed by Heavi- side for leakage conductance. It will be seen that the proposed word is an abbreviation or contraction for leakage-conduct- ance. Lease, Way A permit obtained from the owner of a property for the erection of poles or other attachments for telephonic or telegraphic lines. Left -Hand Trolley Switch. (See Ap- pendix Switch, Left-Hand Trolley.) Left-Handed Helix. (See Appendix Helix, Left-Handed?) Left-Handed Rotation. (See Appendix Rotation, Left-Handed?) Left-Handed Spiral. (See Appendix Spiral, Left-Handed?) Lever Switch. (See Appendix Switch, Lever?) Light, Castor and Pollux A term formerly used in place of St. Elmo's fire. Light Cell. (See Appendix Cell, Light} Light Indicator of Railroad Signal. (See Appendix Indicator, Light, of Rail- road Signal.) Light Load. (See Appendix Load, Light.) Light, Northern An aurora bore- alis. Lighting, Vacuum-Tnbe Artificial illumination obtained by the passage of elec- tric discharges through vacuum tubes. A practical system of electric lighting by means of vacuum tubes was not long ago regarded as an impossibility ; now, however, through the labors of many distinguished men, especially those of Tesla, such a system, which seems to possess many advantages, bids fair in event of certain- difficulties being overcome to become a formid- able rival to the incandescent electric lighting. In a system of vacuum-tube lighting, some source of high alternating potential furnishing from 50,000 to 100,000 volts or more is employed. Such discharges are most readily obtained by means of an alternator and disruptive discharges from condensers in connection with an oil trans- former. The oil transformer is employed on ac- count of the high resistance of the oil as a dielec- tric. One of the most important advantages which vacuum-tube lighting possesses over light- ing by means of the ordinary incandescent electric lamp is that it produces a cold light or illumination of the type of glow illumination. (See Appendix Illumination, Glow.) 624 [Lum. Lightning Arrester Board. (See Appen- dix Board, Lightning Arrester?) Lightning, Bead A form of light- ning discharge in which the flash produces a discontinuous line of light, thus causing the discharge to assume a bead-like appearance. Lightning Tube. (See Appendix Tube, Lightning?) Limit, Magnetic A term sometimes employed for the temperature at which a magnetic substance loses its magnetism on exposure to heat. Line, Eapp A term proposed, but not generally adopted, for the English unit of magnetic induction. This term, which defines the lines per square inch instead of per square centimetre, does not harmonize with the C. G. S. system of units, and, therefore, should not be encouraged. Line, Telegraphic, Charge Current on The current produced by the initial rush of electricity into a telegraphic line on the closing of the circuit. Lines of Magnetization. (See Appen- dix Magnetization, Lines of.) Linear Capacity of Cable. (See Appen- dix Cable, Linear Capacity of.*) Linear Density of Charge. (See Appen- dix Charge, Linear Density of.) Linear Insulation of Cable. (See Ap- pendix Cable, Linear Insulation of.) Liquid, Quickening A term some- times applied to a quicking solution. (See Solution, Quicking.) Lithanode. A name employed for a solid highly conducting block of lead peroxide pre- pared by a certain process for the plate of a storage cell. (See Cell, Storage?) The word lithanode is properjy applied to the product produced by Fitzgerald's process. Lithotrity, Electro A term pro- posed for a crushing or removing of urinary calculi by means of electrolysis. Load. The work thrown upon an electro- magnetic system or machine. The load on a dynamo, for example, means the value of its activity or rate of doing work. Load Diagram. (See Appendix Dia- gram, Loaa.) Load, Full A term indicating the condition of running with a comparatively large amount of work. Load, Light A term indicating the condition of running with a comparatively small amount of work. Locomotive, Telpher An electric motor by means of which telpher cars are drawn on a telpher line. (See Telpherage.) Long-Range Electrometer. (See Appen- dix Electrometer, Long-Range.) Loop Test. (See Appendix Test, Loop*) Loss, C 2 R A term for the loss of energy in a conductor due to the ohmic re- sistance offered by the conductor to its pas- sage. The product C 2 R = activity in watts. In this formula, C, is the current in amperes and R, is the ohmic resistance in ohms, and, when multi- plied by the proper factor, it will give the value of the loss in heat units. Loss, Core, of Transformer A loss of energy in the core of a transformer due to hysteresis and Foucault or eddy currents, etc. Low-Frequency Transformer. (See Ap- pendix Transformer, Low-Frequency.) Low-Test Fault. (See Appendix Fault, Low- Test?) Luminous Disc-Shaped Discharge. (See Appendix Discharge, Luminous Disc- Shaped.) Luminous Interference. (See Appendix Interference, Luminous?) Mac.] 625 [Mac. 9H. A symbol for magnetic moment. The defining equation is 9ft = m /. m. An abbreviation for minute, one of the practical units of time. m. A. symbol for strength of magnetic pole. f he defining equation is F = =r-g- m. An abbreviation for metre, the prac- tical unit of length. /*. A symbol for magnetic permeability or inductivity. OW GA2) The defining equation is n = -=- - erC m 2 . An abbreviation for square metre, the practical unit of surface. m 3 . An abbreviation for cubic metre, the practical unit of volume. m. a. A contraction for milli-ampere. (See Mzllz- Ampere,) m : s. An abbreviation proposed for metre- per-second, the practical unit of velocity. m : s 2 . An abbreviation proposed for metre-per-second-per-second, the practical unit of acceleration. M. Current. (See Appendix Current, M.) M. P. A contraction proposed for man- power. M. S. Current. (See Appendix Current, M. S.~) Machine, Dynamo-Electric, Arc Lighting A dynamo-electric machine suitable for supplying current to arc lamps. Arc lights are almost invariably connected to the circuit in series. In such cases the series- wound dynamo is preferable for feeding such cir- cuits. (See Machine, Dynamo-Electric, Series- Wound.)- Machine, Dynamo-Electric, Compensat- ing-Alternating A term proposed for a compensating alternator. (See Appen- dix Alternator, Compensated!) Machine, Dynamo-Electric, Direct Cur- rent A term sometimes employed in place of continuous current dynamo-electric machine. (See Machine, Dynamo-Electric, Continuous Current?) Machine, Dynamo-Electric, for Electro- Plating A dynamo-electric machine suitable for use in electro-plating. (See Ma- chine, Dynamo-Electric. Plating, Electro!) An electro-plating dynamo-electric machine possesses many advantages over a voltaic battery for the ready production of the current required in electro-plating. By its use the tedious, expen- sive, and often unhealthy charging of a voltaic battery is entirely dispensed with, since the mere running of a belt over a pulley, and the proper speeding of the machine, is all that is required to furnish a suitable current. Dynamo-electric machines for electro-plating should be furnished with a device for the purpose of preventing a reversal of the polarity of the dynamo by means of the current produced by the polarization of the electrodes or articles con- nected with the plating bath. The tendency of this current is of course opposed to that of the current furnished to the bath, and, should the ma- chine be continued in use as a source of cur- rent for plating while its polarity is reversed, the metal already deposited on the articles that are being electro-plated will be removed. In the early history of the art, considerable difficulty was experienced with series-wound machines due to reversals in the polarity of the dynamos, by means of the current sent back- wards through the dynamo by the counter E. M. F. of the electro-plating bath, whenever, by reason of a decrease of current strength, or a de- crease of the speed of the dynamo, its E. M. F. fell below the counter E. M. F. of the bath. Weston prevents such a reversal of the polarity of the dynamo by opening the circuit of the ma- chine as soon as the speed of the machine falls below a certain point. He does this by means of the centrifugal force acting on a small quantity of mercury in a small hollow conical-shaped vessel. Mac.] 626 [Mag. Brush first accomplished this same result by means of a shunt which he called a ' ' teaser. ' ' His early plating machine containing this device was the prototype of the compound wound dy- namo-electro machine. In it the coils of the field magnets are excited partly by the main current and partly by a current shunting across the brushes of the machine. A machine so con- .structed possesses the great advantage of render- ing the machine self-regulating under certain circumstances. This additional or shunt circuit takes a variety of forms. (See Machine, Dynamo- Electric^ Compound-Wound.') The difficulty of reversed polarity has disap- peared since the introduction of the shunt or compound-wound dynamo, *'. A process employed in electrotyping by means of which those parts of an electrotype mould that are not to be copied in the electrotype are covered with clean hot wax. The stopping-out process is similar to the stop- ping-off process in electro-plating. Wherever the black lead or plumbago surface is covered with clean wax, the copper fails to be deposited. Proposed A. I. E. E. Definition for Impressed Electromotive Force. (See Ap- pendix Force, Electromotive, Impressed, Proposed A. I. E. E. Definition for?) Proposed A. I. E. E. Definition for Gauss. (See Appendix Gauss, Proposed A. I. E. E. Definition for?) Proposed A. I. E. E. Definition for Henry. (See Appendix Henry, Proposed A. I.E. E. Definition for?) Proposed A. I. E. E. Definition for Iu- ductivity. (See Appendix Inductivity, Proposed A. I. E. E. Definition for?) Pro.] 640 [Pul. Proposed A. I. E. E. Definition for Mho. (See Appendix Mho, Proposed A. I. E. E. Definition for -.) Proposed A. I. E. E. Definition for Mutual Inductance. (See Appendix In- ductance, Mutual, Proposed A. I.E. E. Defi- nition for?) Proposed A. I. E. E. Definition for North Pole of Magnet. (See Appendix Magnet, North Pole of, Proposed A. I. E. E. Defini- tion for?) Proposed A. I. E. E. Definition for Oersted. (See Appendix Oersted, Proposed A. I. E. E. Definition for.) Proposed A. I. E. E. Definition for Ohm. (See Appendix Ohm, Proposed A. I. E. E. Definition for?) Proposed A. I. E. E. Definition for Poly- phase Alternating Current. (See Appen- dix Current, Polyphase Alternating, Pro- posed A.I. E. E. Definition for?) Proposed A. I. E. E. Definition for Re- luctivity. (See Appendix Reluctivity, Proposed A. I. E. E. Definition for?) Proposed A. I. E. E. Definition for Self- Inductance. (See Appendix Inductance, Self, Proposed A. I. E. E. Definition for?) Proposed A. I. E. E. Definition for South Pole of Magnet. (See Appendix Magnet, South Pole of, Proposed A. I. E. E. Defini- tion for?) Proposed A. I. E. E. Definition for Triphase Alternating Current. (See Ap- pendix Current, Triphase Alternating, Proposed A. I. E. E. Definition for?). Proposed A. I. E. E. Definition for Volt. (See Appendix Volt, Proposed A. I. E. E. Definition for?) Proposed A. I. E. E. Definition for Watt. (See Appendix Watt, Proposed A. I. E. E. Definition for?) Proposed A. I. E. E. Definition for Web- er. (See Appendix Weber, A. I. E. E. Definition for?) Protection, Conduction Lightning The protection of any instrument from the passage of a current due to lightning around its coils, and so disturbing the magnetism of the needle. Protection, Insulation Lightning The protection of any instrument from the jumping of a spark across it from layer to layer. Protective Action. (See Appendix Ac- tion, Protective?) Protective Throw. (See Appendix Throw, Protective?) Protector, Cage, for Lightning Dis- charges A term sometimes employed for protecting sheaths for lightning dis- charges. (See Sheath, Protective?) The method consists essentially in surrounding the body to be protected by conducting wires in the form of a cage. Protector, Conduction Lightning A lightning protector by means of which a current is prevented from passing around the coil of a galvanometer or other needle instru- ment, and thus disturbing the magnetism of the needle. Protector, Insulation Lightning A lightning protector by means of which a discharge is prevented from jumping across the coil of an instrument from layer to layer, and thus damaging the insulation. Pull Bell, Circuit Closer for A device suitable for attachment to a mechanical door pull, so as to make an electrical contact for the ringing of an electric bell, without pre- venting the original bell from being operated by the mechanical pull. Pull-Off, Double Curve In a system of electric street railways a hanger supported by a lateral strain in opposite directions, used generally at the ends of both single and double curves and at intermediate points on double track curves. A double curve hanger. Pull-Off, Single Curve In a system of electric street railways a hanger supported Pill.] 641 [Baa. in one direction by a lateral strain except at the ends and on the inside curve of double tracks. A single curve hanger. Puncturation, Electro A term pro- posed for electro-puncture. Electro-puncture would appear to be the .pref- erable term. (See, Puncture, Electro.} Push, Double-Contact A push pro- vided with two contacts, so arranged that the pressure of the push opens one contact and closes the other. Push, Morse A terjn sometimes employed in place of double-contact push. (See Appendix Push, Double-Contact!) Push, Pear A pear-shaped push provided for attachment to a flexible con- ducting cord. Push, Sounder An apparatus, con- sisting of a push so combined with a sounder as readily to enable the one pushing it to know whether a distant bell has rung or not on the depression of the push button. Push Switch. (See Appendix Switch, Push) Pyro-Electric Crystal. (See Appendix Crystal, Pyro-Electric!] Pyrogravure. A process for the decora- tion of wood, copper or glass by the burning action of an electrically or otherwise heated tool. Q Q. A symbol used for quantity of elec- tricity. The defining equation is Q = CT. Quad. An abbreviation sometimes em- ployed for a unit of self-inductance. (See Quadrant!) The same abbreviation is also employed for quadruplex, but the context will generally pre- vent any confusion. Quadmeter. A secohmmeter. (See Sec- ohmmeter!) Quadrantal Deviation of Mariner's Com- pass. (See Appendix Deviation, Quad- rantal, of Mariner's Compass!) Quadruplex Telegraph. (See Appendix Telegraph, Quadruplex!) Quality of Radiation. (See Appendix Radiation, Quality of.} Quantity Meter. (See Appendix Meter Quantity!) Quick Break. (See Appendix Break, Quick!) Quick-Break Switch. (See Appendix Switch, Quick-Break!) Quickened. A term employed in electro- plating for a surface which has been prepared for the reception of a deposit of silver, by dipping the article into a quickening liquid. (See Solution, Quicking!) Quickening Liquid. (See Appendix Liquid, Quickening!) Quickening Solution. A quicking solu- tion. (See Solution, Quicking!) Quicking Process. (See Appendix Pro- cess, Quicking!) R. A symbol used for resistance. E The defining equation is R = -^ oft. A .symbol proposed for magnetic re- sistance or reluctance. The defining equation is f{, = v-^ p. A symbol used for specific electrical resistance or reluctivity. The symbol v has been proposed for this quan- tity by Hospitalier. R. M. S. Current (See Appendix Cur- rent, R. M*. S.} Raad. A name formerly given by the Bad.] 642 [Rai. Arabians to the torpedo or electrical ray. (See Torpedo, Electric. Ray, Electric.} Radial Current. (See Appendix Cur- rent, Radial.} Radian. Unit angle. An angle such that its circular arc is equal in length to its radius. Its value in degrees is approximately 57 17' 45"- The radian is not employed in practical appli- cations, since the degree is the unit angle in ordinary use, but in mathematics angles are nearly always discussed in terms of the radian. Radian Per Second. Unit angular velocity of a rotating body. Radiation, Efficiency of A term sometimes employed to represent the ratio of the non-luminous to the luminous radiation in the case of a body emitting light and heat. The efficiency of the ordinary sources of arti- ficial light is very low. The efficiency of the radiation of the firefly or glow-worm is very high, practically all its radiation belonging to the luminous type. Radiation, Electric The transfer- ence of electric energy by means of waves set up in the surrounding ether. During the oscillatory discharge of a Leyden jar, or, in general, during any disruptive discharge, the electricity surges or rushes to and fro, send- ing out or radiating its energy into the surround- ing ether by means of waves. It does this until all its energy is either directly dissipated in this manner, or is converted into heat in the conductor, which is afterwards dis- sipated as heat-waves. The lengths of the waves thus sent out into space by means of direct radiation of the electri- cal energy depend on a variety of circumstances, the most important of which are : (l.) On the capacity of the condensers. (2.) On the self-induction of the radiating system. Radiation, Intensity of The ratio existing between the amount or quantity of radiation and the surface. Radiation, Quality of Variations in the radiation due to differences, both in the various wave lengths present and in the polarization. Radiation, Selective Radiation limited to waves of a particular wave length. The character of the radiation depends. (I.) On the nature of the body. (2.) On the condition of its surface. (3.) On the temperature. Langley has shown that in the case of a lumin- ous body the proportion existing between the visible radiation and the invisible radiation varies greatly in different cases. In the case of a gas flame, 2.4% of the radiation is luminous. In the case of the arc light about 10 per cent, is lumin- ous, while in the light emitted by the firefly or the glow-worm practically all the radiation is luminous. Radiator, Electric An electric heater so placed as to radiate its heat into the room or space to be heated. Any electric heater applied to heat the air or space that surrounds it may be regarded as an electric radiator. Electric radiators are generally so placed as to prevent direct contact with their heated surfaces. Radiophonic Sounds. (See Appendix Sounds, Radiophonic?) Railroad, Conductor System for A system for the propulsion of cars by means of electricity taken from a conductor placed near the road. (See Railroads, Elec- tric, Dependent System of Motive Power for} Railway, Electric, Battery System for A system for the propulsion of cars by means of electricity derived from storage or secondary batteries placed on the cars. (See Railroads, Electric, Independent Sys- tem of Motive Power for.} Railway Generator. (See Appendix Generator, Railway} Raindrops, Electrical Aggregation of The coalescence of a number of separate raindrops into a single drop by the action of electricity. Rayleigh has observed the fact that if a verti- cal water-jet is subjected to the influence of an electrified stick of sealing wax held a short dis- Rat.J [Rep. tance from the drop, the jet at once shrinks upon itself and greatly changes its appearance, a great number of separate drops collecting into single larger drops. Examining the drops by means of intermittent illumination the coalition of the separate drops can be readily seen. When no difference of potential exists between the separate drops they do not unite or coalesce, but when a difference of potential exists, coalescence occurs, and, since such coalescence causes an increased difference of potential, the drops rapidly increase, both in size and potential difference. Ratio of Conversion. (See Appendix Conversion, Ratio of.) Ratio of Transformation. (See Appen- dix Transformation, Ratio of.) Bays, Anodic, of Tacuum Tube The rays of light which appear in the neigh- borhood of the anode of a vacuum tube through which a rapid electric discharge is passing. Bays, Kathodic, of Vacuum Tube The rays of light which appear in the neigh- borhood of the kathode of a vacuum tube through which a rapid electric discharge is passing. Reactance. A term proposed by Hospital- ier for a quantity of the same dimensions as the resistance, which does not absorb energy, and the square of which added to the square of the resistance gives the square of the im- pedance to simple harmonic currents. Calling Ceff, the effective current, E e ff, the effective electromotive force, a?, the pulsation, or 2 TI times the frequency, then Eeff Ceff = The factor in the parenthesis is what Hospital- ier proposes to call the reactance. Reaction, Armature The reactive magnetic influence produced by the current in the armature of a dynamo or motor upon the magnetic circuit of the machine. Red Magnetic Pole. (See Appendix Pole, Magnetic, Red?) Redressed. Commuted or caused to take the same direction. The commutator redresses or commutes the currents in the armature and causes them to flow in the same direction. Regenerative CelL (See Appendix Cell, Regenerative.) Region, Equatorial, of Magnet A term sometimes employed for the portions of a magnet which lie near the equator. (See Magnet, Equator of.) Registering Declination Magnetometer. (See Appendix Magnetometer, Register- ing Declination.) Regulating Socket. (See Appendix Socket, Regulating.) Relay Contact. (See Appendix Contact, Relay.) Relay, Kick of (See Appendix Kick of Relay.) Relay, Polar, Telegraphic A tele- graphic relay provided with a polarized arma- ture. (See Armature, Polarized.) Reluctancy. An alternative word pro- posed for reluctivity. (See Reluctivity. Re- luctance, Magnetic.) Reluctivity, Proposed A. I. E. E. Defini- tion for The reciprocal of permea- bility. Remanent Magnetism. (See Appendix Magnetism, Remanent^) Repeater, Automatic A telegraphic repeater which acts automatically. (See Re- peaters, Telegraphic.) Repeater, Button A form of manual repeater. (See Repeaters, Tele- graphic.) Repeater, Electro-Magnetic, Callan's A term formerly applied to a variety of vibrating contact breaker. Repeater, Manual A telegraphic repeater which is operated by hand. (See Repeaters, Telegraphic.) Repeater, Non-Automatic A term sometimes employed for manual repeater. (See Repeaters, Telegraphic.) Rep.] 644 [Rev. Repeating Telegraphic Station. (See Appendix Station, Repeating Telegraphic^) Repulsion Electrometer. (See Appendix Electrometer, Repulsion?) Residue, Electric A term proposed for residual charge. The term electric residue would appear to be entirely unnecessary. Resistance, Apparent A term sometimes employed for the impedance of a circuit or the resistance it offers to the pas- sage of an alternating current. Resistance, Conduction The re- sistance offered by a conductor to the pas- sage of an electric current. Resistance, Conductor A term fre- quently employed for cop per resistance. (See Appendix Resistance, Copper?) Resistance, Contact A resistance produced by the contact of two surfaces. Resistance, Copper A term fre- quently employed for expressing the resist- ance of a telegraphic conductor. The value of the copper resistance is generally expressed in ohms-per-mile, ohms-per-knot or ohms-per-kilometre. Resistance, Electric, of Metals, Effect of Temperature on A change in the re- sistance of a metal following a given change in temperature. At decreasing temperatures an increase occurs in the electric conducting power of the metals. Dewar, by means of the intense cold produced* by liquefied oxygen, found that at very low tem- peratures all pure metals increase in their conduct- ing power as the temperature decreases. The temperature curve is such that, the resistivity of pure metals would be zero at, or even before, the absolute zero of temperature. In such a case, if a wire or conductor of pure metal were placed in the approximately absolute zero of inter- stellar space, electricity would pass through it without loss. This must, however, be regarded only as a hypothesis. According to Dewar, most non-conducting bodies show a conductivity decreasing with the temperature. Resistance of Telegraphic Leak. (Sec Appendix Leak, Telegraphic, Resistance of.) Resistance, Passive A term some- times employed for the ohmic resistance of a circuit. (See Resistance, Ohmic.) Resistance, Specific Magnetic A word proposed for reluctivity. (See Reluc* tivity.) Resistance, Transition A term formerly employed for the resistance experi- enced by a voltaic cell shortly after closing a circuit. The transition resistance was inferred from the decrease in the current strength, and was for- merly attributed to a change in the character of the electrode. It is now generally ascribed to the electromotive force of polarization. This term is also employed in a somewhat similar sense in electro-therapeutics. (See Re- sistance, Transition.) Resistivity. A term proposed for specific resistance. (See Resistance, Specific) Resistivity is the inverse of specific conductivity. Resonance, Acoustic The excite- ment or production of waves or vibrations of sound in an elastic body by means of succes- sive impulses received by such body from the sound waves striking it. Acoustic resonance is a particular case of sym- pathetic vibrations. Like all cases of such vibVa- tions, there must exist between the sonorous body in which the waves of vibrations are excited, and the body which is producing the exciting waves, an identity of wave length; or, in other words, there must exist between the two strict syn- chronism, so that the effects of timed impulses may be permitted. Resonant Circuit. (See Appendix Cir- cuit, Resonant^ Resultant Fault. (See Appendix Fault, Resultant.) Resultant Magnetic Pole. (See Appendix Pole, Resultant Magnetic.) Retarding Disc. (See Appendix Disc, Retarding. Reversals. In telegraphy, alternate cur- rent signals transmitted for the purpose of Key.] 645 [Sea. adjustment ; as, for example, in obtaining a duplex balance. Reversible Heating Effect of Electric- ity. (See Appendix Electricity, Reversible Heating Effect of ".) Rheostat, Adjustable An adjustable resistance, in a compound-wound dynamo- electric machine, employed to adjust com- pounding for a greater or less than tested speed or a greater or less wiring loss. A term sometimes employed for a rheostat, or a resistance that can readily be adjusted or altered. (See Rheostat?) Strictly speaking, any rheostat is an adjustable resistance; therefore, this latter use of the term adjustable rheostat would seem to be unnecessary. Ribbon Induction Coil. (See Appendix Coil, Induction Ribbon!) Right-Hand Trolley Switch. (See Ap- pendix Switch, Right-Hand Trolley?) Right-Handed Helix. (See Appendix Helix, Right-Handed?) Right-Handed Rotation. (See Appendix Rotation, Right-Handed?) Right-Handed Spiral. (See Appendix Spiral, Right-Handed?) Ring, (ial vanic A term sometimes applied to a galvanic, or, more properly speak- ing, voltaic circuit. (See Circuit, Voltaic?) Ripple Marks. (See Appendix Marks, Ripple, Electrical?) Rise. In interior house wiring that portion of a conductor which rises vertically from one floor to another. Rocking Switch. (See Appendix Switch, Rocking?) Rosette, Ceiling A ceiling block of ornamental and rosiform design. Rotary Converter. (See Appendix Con- verter, Rotary?) Rotary Transformer. (See Appendix Transformer, Rotary?) Rotation, Electro-Dynamic " The rotation of a magnetic field produced as the resultant of two or more magnetic or mag- netizing forces of variable intensity acting at an angle to one another, whose maxima do not coincide, but whose periods are the same." Gutmann. Rotation, Left-Handed A rotation the direction of which is opposite to that of the hands of a watch when one looks directly at the face of the watch. Rotation, Right-Handed A rota- tion the direction of which is the same as that of the hands of a watch when one looks directly at the face of the watch. A direction the same as that of an ordinary right-handed screw, when we turn the upper side of the right-hand outwards. Rubber Tape. (See Appendix Tape, Rubber?) Rumble. A barrel or other hollow box revolved by mechanical power in which small articles that are to be electro-plated are placed for the purpose of polishing them. When subjected to the rotation of the barrel the articles became polished by friction against one another. Some dry sawdust is frequently placed in the barrel, to aid in the polishing pro- cess. Running Torque of Motor. (See Appen- dix Torque, Running, of Motor.) s S. A symbol proposed for surface. The defining equation is S = L X L. 8. An abbreviation proposed for second, the C. G. S. unit of time. S. N. Telegraphic Instrument. (See Ap- pendix Instrument, S. N., Telegraphic.) S. P. Cut-Out. (See Appendix Cut-Out, S.P.) Sag of Conductor or Line Wire. (See A ppendix Conductor or Line Wire, Dip of.) Scalar Potential. (See Appendix Po- tential, Scalar.) Sec.] 646 [Ser. Secondary Spiral of Induction Coil. (See Appendix Spiral, Secondary, of In- duction Coil.) Section Box. (See Appendix Box, Sec- tion.) Segment, Dark, of Aurora A dark or non-illumined portion of the sky in the neighborhood of an aurora. Segment, Unlighted, of Aurora A term employed by Nordenskjold in place of dark segment of aurora. (See Appendix Segment, Dark, of Aurora) Selective Emission. (See Appendix Emission, Selective.} Selective Radiation. (See Appendix Radiation, Selective.) Selective Signal. (See Appendix Sig- nal, Selective.) Selective Signalling Apparatus. (See Appendix Apparatus, Selective Signal- ling.) Self-Compounding Polyphase Genera- tor. (See Appendix Generator, Self -Com- pounding Polyphase.) Self-induction Coil. (See Appendix Coil, Induction, Self.) Self-Starting Synchronous Motor. (See Appendix Motor, Synchronous, Self-Start- ing.} Semaphoric Electroscope. (See Appen- dix Electroscope, Semaphoric.) Semi-Circular Deviation of Mariner's Compass. (See Appendix Deviation, Semi- Circular, of Mariner's Compass?) Semi-Conductors. (See Appendix Con- ductor, Semi?) Sensitiveness of Telephone. (See Ap- pendix Telephone, Sensitiveness of) Separable Conducting Cord Tip. (See Appendix Tip, Conducting Cord, Sep- arable.) Separate-Coil Alternator. (See Appen- dix Alternator, Separate-Coil.) Separate - Coil Alternating Dynamo- Electric Machine. (See Appendix Ma- chine, Dynamo-Electric, Separate-Coil Al- ternating.) Separately-Excited Alternating Dynamo- Electric Machine. (See Appendix Ma- chine, Dynamo-Electric, Separately Excited Alternating.) Separately-Excited Alternator. (See Appendix Alternator, Separately-Excited) Separator, Electro-Magnetic A device for separating the useful ore from the dross in low grade finely granulated iron ores. Septum. A wall or diaphragm through which osmotic diffusion can take place. (See Osmose. Osmose, Electric) Series, Branched A term some- times employed in place of series-multiple. (See Series-Multiple.) Series Connection of Alternators. (See Appendix Alternators, Series Connection of) Series, Potential, Dynamos Coupled in A term sometimes employed in teleg- raphy for a particular coupling of dynamo- electric machines in series. In the application of a number of dynamo-elec- tric machines to the operation of telegraphic lines in a central station, where a number of different lines enter or leave the station, different voltages are required on the different lines. These differ, ent voltages are most readily obtained by coup- ling the machines in what is called potential series. In potential-series coupling, the dynamos are connected together in series, that is, the positive brush of one dynamo is connected to the negative brush of another, its positive brush to the nega- tive of another, and so on throughout the series. One terminal of the battery of dynamos is grounded, and the other connected to the line. The terminals of the various telegraphic lines are then connected to points of junction of contiguous dynamos where their opposite brushes are con- nected. By these means the requisite difference of potential is readily obtained. Series Working of Alternating Dynamo- Electric Machines. (See Appendix Ma- chines, Dynamo-Electric, Alternating, Serif* Working) Sen] 647 [Sig. Service Block. (See Appendix Block, Service. Shackle Insulator. (See Appendix In- sulator, Shackle?) Shading, Magnetic A term some- times employed for magnetic screening. (See Screening, Magnetic. ) Sheath, Closed-Conducting, for Light- ning Protection A form of lightning conductor proposed by Maxwell, consisting essentially of a net-work or cage-like con- ductor surrounding the house or building to be protected. The theory for the protection of a building by means of a conducting sheath is based on the well known fact that there is no trace of electrostatic charge inside a hollow conductor. It is now well known that there are circum- stances under which the closed-conducting circuit does not thoroughly protect a building on which it is placed. If the number of such circuits is suf- ficiently great so as to form a close- meshed cage, the protection thus afforded is excellent. Such a sheath, however, might be dangerous to touch. Lodge, who has studied the matter of lightning protection very thoroughly, thus humorously re- marks concerning the system of sheath lightning protection: " It would be unpleasant, when you are driven home out of a storm, to find it so highly charged as to knock you down directly you tried to enter. An earth connection is necessary as well." Shell, Complex-Magnetic A mag- netic shell whose strength varies from one part to another. A complex magnetic shell will result from the overlapping of a number of simple magnetic shells. Shell, Copper, of Electrotype A thin sheet of electrolytically deposited copper. The copper shell is rendered sufficiently rigid for use by being covered with a backing of type metal. In order to permit this metal readily to adhere to the back of the shell it is thoroughly cleansed and then covered on the back with sheets of tin- foil, which are melted in the backing-pan pre- paratory to receiving the coating of type metal. Shell, Simple Magnetic A mag- netic shell whose strength is everywhere equal. Shifting of Spot of Light. A movement of a spot of light on a scale produced by other causes than those acting during the proper operation of the instrument, and caus- ing the spot of light to move away from its true zero position. In the case of a galvanometer the spot of light, instead of remaining at the zero point, shifts or moves from one side to another of the zero point. This movement is sometimes called the drifting of the zero point. The shifting of the spot of light is, of course, caused by the drift of the needle. Shunting Air Gap. (See Appendix Gap, Air, Shunting?) Shunt-Out. A cut-out device for remov- ing an electro-receptive device from a circuit, without breaking the circuit, by providing a short circuit between its terminals. An electro- magnetic cut-out provides a shunt- out of the device it is desired to cut-out It will be seen, however, that all a shunt-out does is to provide a by-path, the resistance of which is so small as compared with the resistance of the de- vice cut-out, that practically all the current flows past the device through the shunt path, thus prac- tically cutting it out from the circuit ; or, more properly speaking, cutting it out from the opera- tive current. Side Arms. (See Appendix Arms, Side.) Signal, Individual In any system of electric communication devices by means of which bells or other signals, at two or more stations electrically connected in the same circuit, are not operated at all of the stations by the calls sent over the line to the call bell at any particular station, but in which each particular bell is only operated by its own call to the exclusion of the other calls. Signal, Selective A term some- times employed in place of individual signal. (See Appendix Signal, Individual.) Signal, Telegraphic, Audible Tele- graphic signals that can be heard. Sig.] 648 [SoU Examples of audible telegraphic signals are to be found in the signals given by various sounders of the Morse type. The signals of electric bells are also audible signals. Signal, Telegraphic, Evanescent Telegraphic signals that leave no permanent record. Examples of evanescent telegraphic signals are found in the audible signals produced by most forms of telegraphic sounders. Signal, Telegraphic, Permanent Telegraphic signals that are recorded by any means which leaves a permanent record. The various forms of recording or registering apparatus employed in telegraphy produce per- manent signals. (See Recorder, Morse. Rec- order, Chemical, Bain's. Recorder, Siphon. Reg~ ister, Telegraphic.) Signal, Telegraphic, Visual Tele- graphic signals that can be seen. Examples of visual telegraphic signals are to be found in the various galvanometric receiving ap- paratus employed in cable telegraphy, or, in gen- eral, in needle telegraphy. The signals received on the siphon recorder, for example, are visible signals. (See Recorder, Siphon.) Simple Alternating or Two-Phase Cur- rent. (See Appendix Current, Simple or Two-Phase Alternating?) Simple-Magnetic Shell. (See Appendix Shell, Simple-Magnetic?) Single-Current Telegraphic Working. (See Appendix Working, Single-Cur- rent, Telegraphic.} Single Curve Pull-Off. (See Appendix Pull-Off, Single Curve?) Single-Liquid Yoltaic Cell. (See Cell, Voltaic, Single-Fluid?) Single-Phase Motor. (See Appendix Motor, Single-Phase?) Single-Pole Cut-Out. (See Appendix Cut-Out, Single-Pole?} Single-Wire System for Electric Light Leads. (See Appendix Leads, Single- Wire System for Electric Light?) Sinusoidal Current. (See Appendix Current, Sinusoidal?) Six-Pole Dynamo-Electric Machine. (See Appendix Machine, Dynamo-Electric, Six-Pole?) Six-Wire System. (See Appendix Sys- tern, Six- Wire?) Skew Adjustment of Carbons in Arc Lamp. (See Appendix Carbons, Skew Ad- justment of, in Arc Lamp?) Skin Currents. (See Appendix Cur- rents, Skin?) Sliding Joint. (See Appendix -Joint, Sliding.} Slinging Wires. (See Appendix Wires, Slinging?) Slipping of Belt. (See Appendix^//, Slipping of.) Smashing Point of Incandescent Elec- tric Lamps. (See Appendix Point, Smash- ing, of Incandescent Electric Lamps.) Snapper Sounder. (See Appendix Sounder, Snapper.) Socket Base. (See Appendix Base, Socket?) Socket, Pendant An attachment to a socket provided with a chain or chains for turning on or off a lamp not readily accessi- ble. Socket, Regulating A lamp socket fitted with an adjustment under control of a key or switch for regulating the degree of incandescence of the filament. Socket, Temporary A simple and unfinished form of socket for holding a lamp temporarily. Solenoid, Anomalous A term sometimes applied to a solenoid with conse- quent poles. (See Solenoid, Practical.) Solution, Amalgamating A solu- tion of mercury employed for readily amal- gamating the zincs of a voltaic battery. Maycock gives the following as a good amalga- mating solution: Two pounds mercury. Five pounds nitric acid. Ten pounds hydrochloric acid. The mercury and nitric acid are mixed together, Son.] 649 [Spa. and, after the mercury is dissolved, the 10 pounds of hydrochloric acid are added. To use this liquid the zincs are first cleansed and then dipped into the solution and afterwards rinsed with clean water. Sonometer. A monochord. (See Appen- dix Monochord?) Sonometer Interrupter. (See Appendix Interrupter, Sonometer?) Sorter, Electro-Magnetic An elec- tro-magnetic separator, sometimes applied to a magnetic separator. (See Appendix Sep- arator, Electro-Magnetic?) Sounder Push. (See Appendix Push, Sounder?) Sounder, Snapper A sounder for producing the sounds corresponding to the Morse characters, as they are heard on a sounder, in which the audible signals are produced by the flexure of a spring. A sounder snapper consists essentially of a dented spring plate firmly connected at one end and the other end moved to-and-fro by hand. It is used to produce sounds similar to those of the regular electro-magnetic sounder, only, in- stead of being operated by an electric current, it is operated solely by hand. Sounder, Telegraphic Box A sounder, the receiving magnets of which are enclosed in a hollow box for the purpose of increasing the intensity of the sound by means of resonance. Sounds, Radiophonic Sounds re- sulting from the direct action of radiation on certain bodies. (See Sonorescence.) It is the photophonic sounds, produced in the receiving instrument of a photophone, that are employed for the transmission of speech or other intelligence. (See Photophone. ) Mercadier gives the following conclusions as the result of his experiments on radiophonic sounds: (i.) " The radiophone (radiophonic sound) does not appear to be an effect produced by the mass of the receiving plate vibrating transversely, like an ordinary vibrating plate. The nature of the molecules of the receiver and their mode of aggregation do not appear to exercise a predom- inant influence on the production of sounds. " The radiophonic phenomena appear to result principally from an action exercised at the sur- face of the receiver, and are amplified when this surface is covered with substances like lamp- black, platinum-black, and the like. (2. ) " Radiophonic sounds result from the direct action of radiations on the receivers. Radiophonic sounds are produced principally by the undula- tions of great length of wave, called ' calorific.' (3.) " The medium in which radiophonic vi- bration is produced is the layer of condensed air on the surface of the receivers. This layer of air, particularly when the surfaces are smoked, or covered with a substance absorbing heat, is alter- nately heated and cooled by intermittent radia- tions, with the result that periodic and regular dilatations and contractions are set up ; hence a vibratory movement communicated to the ad- jacent gaseous layers, which also vibrate directly under the same influence. (4. ) " Radiophonic sounds cannot be produced unless the medium which surrounds the receiving surfaces is gaseous. A liquid or solid medium cannot produce them; but a gaseous medium containing vapor, particularly vapor of am- monia or ether, develops them in a remarkable way : those vapors which have the greatest ab- sorbing thermic power give out the greatest effects." Source, Magnetic Any arrangement of parts capable of producing lines of mag- netic force. A permanent magnet, an electro-magnet, or a circuit through which an electric current is passing, may act as a magnetic source. Spark Chronograph. (See Appendix Chronograph, Spark?) Spark Discharge. (See Appendix Dis- charge, Spark?) Spark, Electric The phenomena produced by a disruptive discharge in the air space or gap through which the discharge passes. Spark, Negative A spark produced by the discharge of a negatively charged con- ductor. Spark, Positive A spark produced by the disruptive discharge of a positively charged conductor. Spa v 650 [Sta. Sparking Terminals. (See Appendix Terminals, Sparking?) Speaking Telegraph. (See Appendix Telegraph, Speaking?) Speaking-Tube Annunciator. (See Ap- pendix Annunciator, Speaking- Tube?) Specific Conductance. (See Appendix Conductance, Specific?) Specific Dielectric Capacity. (See Ap- pendix Capacity, Specific Dielectric?) Specific Energy. (See Appendix En- ergy, Specific. Specific Inductance. (See Appendix Inductance, Specific?) Specific Magnetic Resistance. (See Ap- pendix Resistance, Specific Magnetic?) Specific Magnetism. (See Appendix Magnetism, Specific?) Spectro-Photometer. (See Appendix Photometer, Spectre.) Spectrum, Magnetic A term some- times employed in place of magnetic figure or magnetic field. The term magnetic spectrum is unfortunate since magnetic figures so produced can hardly be regarded as spectra, but merely as collections of iron filings arranged in the order which the lines of magnetic force take in the space or at- mosphere outside the magnet. Speed, Inductance A term pro- posed for the product of a coefficient of self- induction by an angular velocity. Speeding of Machine. (See Appendix Machine, Speeding of.) Spiral. A term sometimes employed in electricity and magnetism in place of an open coil. (See Coil, Electric.) Spiral, Anomalous A term some- times employed in place of an anomalous helix or solenoid. (See Appendix Solenoid, Anomalous.) Spiral, Left-Handed A term some- times employed in place of left-handed solenoid. (See Solenoid, Left-Handed. Sole- noid, Practical.) Spiral, Magnetic A term some- times employed in place of magnetic helix. (See Coil, Electric?) Spiral, Magnetizing A term some- times employed in place of a magnetizing helix or coil. (See Coil, Electric?) Spiral, Primary, of Induction Coil A term sometimes employed for the primary of an induction coil. (See Coil, Induction?) Spiral, Right-Handed A term sometimes employed in place of right-handed solenoid. (See Solenoid, Right-Handed. Solenoid, Practical?) Spiral, Secondary, of Induction Coil A term sometimes employed for the sec- ondary of an induction coil. (See Coil, In- duction?) Spontaneous Electricity. (See Appendix Electricity, Spontaneous?) Spools, Field, of Dynamo-Electric Ma- chine A term sometimes employed for the forms on which the field coils are wound. Spring Relay Contact (See Appendix Contact, Spring Relay?) Spring Voltmeter. (See Appendix Voltmeter, Spring?) Standard Clock. (See Appendix Clock, Standard?) Standard Trolley Switch. (See Appen- dix Switch, Standard Trolley?) Standards. Telegraphic or -telephonic supports placed on the roof of a building for the purpose of supporting telegraphic or telephonic wires or conductors. Standards, Dynamo A term ap- plied to the supports for the bearings of a dynamo. Starting Box of Shunt-Wound Motor. (See Appendix Box, Starting, of Shunt- Wound Motor?) Starting Current of Motor. (See Appen- dix Current, Starting, of Motor?) Starting Torque of Motor. (See Appen- dix Torque, Starting, of Motor?) Static Transformer. See Appendix Transformer, Static.) Sta.J 651 [Str. Station, Repeating Telegraphic A station situated at some intermediate point on a long telegraphic line where the currents from the sending station are passed through a relay by means of which they are sent on to the next station by means of a current from a local battery. Station, Translating Telegraphic A receiving station. The station at which the signals are re- ceived. Stay-Eye Clips. (See Appendix Clips, Stay-Eye) Steeling, Electro The art of cover- ing copper electros with hardened iron. Steel-Yard Ammeter. (See Appendix Ammeter, Steel- Yard.) Steeps. A word sometimes employed in electro-plating for dips or dipping liquids or solutions. Steno - Telegraphy. (See Appendix Telegraphy, Steno.) Stereotype, Electro A word some- times employed for electrotype. The term electrotype would appear to be preferable. Sticking of Magnetic Armature. (See Appendix Armature, Magnetic Sticking of.) Stimulation, Unipolar, of a Nerve The stimulation of a nerve produced by the application of a single electrode to the nerve. This term was proposed by Du Bois Reymond, and is sometimes employed in electro-therapeu- tics. According to Reymond unipolar stimula- tion of a nerve is due to the action of the to- and-fro motions of the electric current between the free ends of the open induction circuit at the moment of induction. Stimulus, Electrical, of Nerve The effect which electricity produces by its passage through a nerve. Landois and Sterling give the following facts concerning the electric stimulation of a nerve : The stimulation is more powerful (I.) At the moment the current is completed. (2.) At the moment the current ceases. (3.) When a constant electric current increases or decreases in its strength. The more rapid the variations, the more energetic the stimulation. (4.) To stimulate a nerve, the current must have a certain duration. (5.) The electric current is most active when applied to the longer axis of the nerve, and be- comes inactive when applied at right angles to this axis. (6.) The greater the length of nerve treated by the current, the smaller is the stimulus that is required. Stone, Bologniau A term origin- ally applied to a calcareous substance that became phosphorescent on exposure to light. Stoneware Dipping Basket. (See Appen- dix Basket, Stoneware Dipping.) Stoneware Dipping Bowl. (See Appen- dix Bowl, Stoneware Dipping.) Stopping-Off Process. (See Appendix Process, Stopping-Off?) Stopping-Out Process. (See Appendix Process, Stopping-Out.) Storage Accumulator. (See Appendix Accumulator, Storage) Storage Battery, Formed Plates of - (See Appendix Plates, Formed, of Stor- age Cell?) Stove, Plate, Electric A form of electric stove in which the heat is imparted to the plate from a suitably shaped resist- ance. A form of plate stove is shown in Fig. 580, a Fig. 580. Electric Plate Stove. part of the top being cut away to show the elec- tric heater. Strain. The deformation produced by the action of a stress. Strain, Electrostatic A strain or deformation produced in any medium by Str.] 652 [Swi. means of the stress caused by an electro- static field. Stranding of Conductor. (See Appendix Conductor, Stranding of.) Strap Key. (See Appendix Key, Strap.) Streams, Phantom A term some- times applied to a variety of the Tesla stream- ing discharge. (See Discharge, Streaming.) Striking Distance. (See Appendix Dis- tance, Striking.) Striking Distance for Yarious Sub- stances. (See Appendix Distance, Strik- ing, for Various Substances.) Striking Mechanism of Arc Lamp. (See Appendix Lamp, Arc, Striking Mechan- ism of.) Stroboscope. An instrument employed in the study of periodic motion. The stroboscope is based on the illumination at frequent intervals of the body whose motion is to be studied. Stroboscopic. Of or pertaining to the stroboscope. Struck. A word employed in electro- plating to characterize a surface that has been covered with a film of electro-deposited nickel by being placed in a bath and exposed for a few moments to the action of a strong current. When the surface of the article to be plated has been struck or covered with a thin film of nickel, the remainder of the coating is deposited on the surface by the action of a weaker current. Successive Contact Key. (See Appendix Key, Successive Contact?) Surging Circuit. (See Appendix Cir- cuit, Surging.) Surgings, Induced Electric Elec- trical surgings induced in neighboring con- ductors by means of electrical surgings or oscillating discharges. (See Discharge, Oscillating) Suspension of Compass Needle, Cardan's A term sometimes employed for gim- bal suspension. (See Gimbals) Sweeping-Out Charge. (See Appen#x Charge, Sweeping-Out.) Swinging Annunciator. (See Appendix Annunciafor, Swinging.) Switch, Automatic Photo-Electric A switch that is automatically opened or closed on the exposure of its face to differ- ences of illumination. A selenium cell is so placed in a circuit in com- bination with an electro-magnetic switch that when one of the selenium faces is exposed to the decreasing illumination of approaching night a current is produced by such decrease of light, the direction of which is such as to automatically turn on or light an electric lamp, and conversely, on the approach of daylight and the consequent increase of solar illumination, to turn off the light. A contraction for (See Switch, Double- A contraction for (See Switch, Double- Switch, D. B. double-break switch. Break?) Switch, D. P. double-pole switch. Pole?) Switch, Flush Key A switch whose mechanism is contained in a box, the face of which is flush with the wall or other support to which the switch is attached. The switch is opened or closed by means of a key. Flush Key Switch. A form of flush switch is shown in Fig. 581 in which a removable key, instead of the ordinary, fixed key, is employed for opening and closing the switch. Swi.] 653 [Sys. Switch, Four- Way A term some- times employed in place of four-point switch. (See Switch, Four-Point!) Switch, Jack A term sometimes employed in place of spring-jack. (See Spring-Jack!) Switch, Left-Hand Trolley In a system of electric street railways a trolley switch designed for use at a point where a branch trolley leaves the main line to the left-hand side in the going direction. Switch, LeYer Any form of switch in which the circuit is closed or opened by means of the movement of a lever arm. Switch, Push A switch included in a push case and operated by means of a push button. In push switches successive motions of the but- ton make or break the circuit. Switch, Quick-Break A switch by means of which a circuit is rapidly or quickly broken. Switch, Right-Hand Trolley In a system of electric street railways a switch de- signed for use at a point where a branch trolley wire leaves the main line to the right in the going direction. Switch, Rocking A form of switch operated by means of an electro-magnet by which storage cells are automatically removed from the circuit of the charging dynamo to prevent the battery from discharging through it in case the voltage of the dynamo falls below the E. M. F. of the battery. Switch, Standard Trolley In a system of electric railways the device em- ployed to hold together the trolley wires at any point where the wire branches, and for automatically guiding a trolley wheel along the wire over the track taken by the car. Switch, T. P. A contraction for Triple-Pole Switch. (See Appendix Switch, Triple-Poie, Switch, Three-Way A term some- times employed in place of three-point switch. (See Switch, Three-Point?) Switch, Three- Way Trolley In a system of electric street railways, a trolley switch designed for use at a point where the line branches in three directions. Switch, Triple-Pole A switch con- sisting of a combination of three separate switches for opening or closing the three cir- cuits at the same instant. Symmetrical Electrometer. (See Appen- dix Electrometer, Symmetrical?) Symphonance. A word proposed in place of resonance. (See Resonance, Electric?) (See Appendix Resonance, Acoustic?) Synchronous-Multiplex Telegraph. (See Appendix Telegraph, Synchronous-Multi- plex?) Synthesis, Electro The combina- tion of electro-positive and electro-negative radicals under the influence of electricity. Syringe, Battery A syringe ar- ranged to readily transfer the acid or spent liquids from a voltaic cell or batter}' for the introduction of fresh liquid. System, Delta Tri-Phase A tri- phase system in which the terminal connec- tions resemble in form the Greek letter delta. System, Electrically Tuned A term sometimes employed for a circuit or system of circuits that has been brought into electrical resonance with another circuit or system of circuits. (See Resonance, Elec- tric.) System, Fiye-Wire A system sim- ilar in its arrangements to the three-wire system in which four dynamos are connected to five wires or conductors. (See System, Three- Wire?) In such a case there are three wires or con- ductors occupying the position corresponding in general to the neutral wire or conductor in a three-wire system. System, Four- Wire A system sim- ilar in its general arrangement to the three- wire system, in which three dynamos are connected to four wires or conductors. (See System, Three-Wire?) In such a case there are two wires or conduct- ors occupying in general a position correspond- Sys.] 654 [Tel. ing to the neutral wire of the three-wire system. (See System, Three- Wire.) System, Municipal, of Electric Lighting A series system of incandescent light- ing invented by Edison for use in cities, par- ticularly for street or window lamps, and operated at a total continuous current pressure of 1,000 volts. System, Six-Wire A system sim- ilar in general to the three-wire system in which five dynamos are connected to six conductors or leads. (See Appendix Sys- tem, Five- Wire?) System, Y Tri-Phase A tri-phase system in which the terminal apparatus re- sembles in form the capital letter Y. t. A symbol used for time. t : m. An abbreviation proposed for revo- lutions per minute, a practical unit of angular velocity. T. P. Switch. (See Appendix Switch, T. P.) Tap Wire in Quadruples Telegraphy. (See Appendix Wire, Tap, in Quadruplex Telegraphy?) Tape, Kerite A kerite covered in- sulating tape. Tape, Rubber Insulating tape made of rubber. Tapper Key. (See Appendix Key, Tap- per.} Tapper, Magneto A term some- times employed in place of magneto key. (See Key, Magneto-Electric?) Tapper, Morse A form of tele- graphic key provided with two contacts, one in front and the other in the back, arranged so that the depression of the key makes one contact and breaks the other. Teeth, Pacinotti A term some- times employed in place of Pacinotti pro- jections. (See Projections, Pacinotti?) Telegram. A telegraphic dispatch or com- munication. Literally, anything written by means of a tele- graph. Telegraph. Any instrument or combina- tion of instruments for conveying a commu- nication or dispatch to a distance by means other than the unassisted voice. Telegraph, Acoustic A general term embracing the apparatus employed in acoustic telegraphy. (See Telegraphy, Acoustic?) Telegraph, Automatic A general term embracing the apparatus employed in automatic or machine telegraphy. (See Telegraphy, Automatic?) Telegraph, Chemical A general term embracing the apparatus employed in chemical telegraphy. (See Telegraphy Chemical?) Telegraph, Contraplex A general term embracing the apparatus employed in contraplex telegraphy. (See Telegraphy, Contraplex?) Telegraph, Dial A general term embracing the apparatus employed in dial telegraphy. (See Telegraphy, Dial?) Telegraph, Diplex A general term embracing the apparatus employed in diplex telegraphy. (See Telegraphy, Diplex?) Telegraph, Duplex A general term embracing the apparatus employed in duplex telegraphy. (See Telegraphy, Duplex, Bridge Method of. Telegraphy, Duplex, Differential Method of.) Telegraph, Electric An electrical instrument for conveying a communication or dispatch to a distance by means other than the unassisted voice. Electric telegraphs are of a great variety of forms. They may be divided into classes, either according to the number of dispatches they can simultaneously transmit, or according to the Tel.J 655 [Tel. method employed for transmitting or receiving the dispatches. According to the number of messages they can transmit simultaneously, telegraphs are divided into duplex, diplex, contraplex, quadruplex, multiplex, phonoplex, harmonic, synchronous- multiplex, etc., etc. According to the differences in the method of transmitting and receiving the messages, they are divided into the electro-magnetic, the needle, the chemical, the dial, the fac-simile, the writing, the acoustic, the speaking, the induction, the automatic, the fire-alarm, etc., etc. Telegraph, Electro-Magnetic A general term embracing the apparatus em- ployed in the various systems of electro- magnetic telegraphy. Telegraph, Fac-Simile A general term embracing the apparatus employed in fac-simile telegraphy. (See Telegraphy, Fac- similed) Telegraph, Fire-Alarm A general term embracing the apparatus employed in fire-alarm telegraphy. (See Telegraphy, Firt-Alarm.) Telegraph, Harmonic A general term embracing the apparatus employed in harmonic telegraphy. (See Telegraphy, Gray's Harmonic Multiple?) Telegraph, Induction A general term embracing the apparatus employed in induction telegraphy. (See Telegraphy, In- duction?) Telegraph, Multiplex A general term embracing the apparatus employed in multiplex telegraphy. (See Telegraphy, Multiplex.} Telegraph, Needle A general term embracing the apparatus employed in needle telegraphy. (See Telegraphy, Needle Sys- tem of.) Telegraph, Phonoplex A general term embracing the apparatus employed in phonoplex telegraphy. (See Telegraphy, Phonoplex.') Telegraph, Quadruplex A general term embracing the apparatus employed in quadruplex telegraphy. (See Telegraphy, Quadruplex, Bridge Method of. Teleg- raphy, Quadruplex, Differential Method of.) Telegraph, Speaking A general term embracing the apparatus employed in speaking telegraphy. (See Telegraphy, Speaking. Telephone?) Telegraph, Synchronous-Multiplex A general term embracing the apparatus employed in synchronous-multiplex teleg- raphy. (See Telegraphy, Synchronous- Multiplex?) Telegraph, To To write or com- municate at a distance by means of the tele- graph. Telegraph, Writing A general term embracing the apparatus employed in writing telegraphy. (See Telegraphy, Writing?) Telegraphic Box Sounder. (See Appen- dix Sounder, Telegraphic Box?) Telegraphic Interrupter. (See Appen- dix Interrupter, Telegraphic?) Telegraphic Interruption. (See Appen- dix Interruption, Telegraphic?) Telegraphic Polar Belay. (See Appen- dix Relay, Polar, Telegraphic?) Telegraphic Spark Coil. (See Appendix Coil, Spark, Telegraphic?) Telegraphist. One skilled in the art of transmitting intelligence by means of the tele- graph. Telegraphy, Air A term some- times employed for induction telegraphy. (See Telegraphy, Induction?) The term air telegraphy has been applied on account of the fact that the electric impulses on one line wire or conductor are transmitted across an air space to a neighboring line wire or con- ductor, *'. e., the air acts as the dielectric through which the induction takes place. Telegraphy, Steno A system of telegraphy in which the sounds of a word are represented by characters in place of letters. Steno-telegraphy differs from ordinary telegra- phy in the same manner that shorthand writing differs from longhand writing. Tel 656 [Ten. The object of steno-telegraphy is, of course, to insure increased economy in speed. Tele-Indicator. (See Appendix Indi- cator, Tele.) Tele-Meteorograph. A form of meteoro- graph. (See Appendix Meteorograph.} Telephone Indicator. (See Appendix Indicator, Telephone.) Telephone, Pan A word proposed for a certain sensitive form of telephone. The particular form of telephone for which the name pan-telephone was proposed was an instru- ment with a microphone transmitter. Telephone, Sensitiveness of The ability of a telephone properly to respond to currents much smaller than those required for the operation of some other telephonic apparatus. The telephone is characterized by its extreme sensitiveness, requiring, as it does, for its opera- tion a very small current. It is for this reason that the current produced in the telephone circuit by the induction of neighboring conductors causes the annoying cross-talk in the telephone. Telephone, Thermo A telephone transmitter consisting of a tense wire, one end of which is connected with the transmitting diaphragm, placed in circuit with a receiving telephone battery, and having a current pass- ing through it of sufficient strength to heat it. On speaking near the wire the waves in the air periodically cool the wire, and its resistance varies, and accordingly the current in the line varies. A thermo receiver is made in a similar manner, and the telephone current heats the wire periodically and sets the diaphragm in motion. Telephone Time Check. (See Appendix Check, Telephone Time) Telephonic Meter. (See Appendix Meter, Telephonic) Telephonist. One skilled in the art of telephony. Telephony. The art of transmitting intel- ligence by the use of the telephone. (See Telephone) Telephony, Duplex A system of telephony by means of which a single line wire or conductor can be simultaneously used by two subscribers. Telephony, Multiplex A system of telephony by means of which a single line wire or conductor can be simultaneously used by a number of subscribers. Tele-radiophone. A form of radiophone arranged for the simultaneous transmission of telegraphic and telephonic messages. i Tele-radiophone, Auto-reversible or Mul- j tiple A photo phone so arranged that a number of telegraphic communications may be simultaneously sent over a line wire or conductor either all in one direction or part in one direction and the remainder in oppo- site directions. The adjectives auto-reversible and multiple refer to the fact that the messages can be transmitted either all in the same direction, or a number in one direction and the remainder in the opposite direction. A multiple auto-reversible tele-radiophone is an invention of Mercadier's, based on the electrical properties of selenium. A number of selenium cells of variable resist- ance are employed at the sending station, where they are placed in the circuit of a battery of a few elements and of a line wire extending to the re- ceiving station, which is connected with a number of receivers equal to the number of selenium cells of variable resistance. When luminous radiations are intermitted so as to have the relative succession and duration of the characters of the Morse alphabet, and these impulses are sent over the line, they affect the receivers at the other end. Each transmitter sends into the line impulses of a definite rate and only affects that receiving instrument at the other end which is tuned in unison with it. The ap- paratus is similar in its general action to Gray's system of multiple harmonic telegraphy. (See Telegraphy, Gray'' s Harmonic Multiple. ~) Telpher Locomotive. (See Appendix Locomotive, Telpher) Temporary Socket. (See Appendix Socket, Temporary) Tension, Difference of An objec- tionable term sometimes employed in place of difference of potential. Ter.J 657 [Tho. This use of the term should be strictly avoided, as it is unnecessary and to a great extent mean- ingless. Terella. Literally, a little earth. A sphere of hardened steel, or, as used by Gil- bert, of loadstone, having marked thereon the poles and equator, and so magnetized that the dis- tribution of its magnetism shall resemble the dis- tribution of the earth's magnetism. Terminals, Sparking Terminals between which a series of disruptive dis- charges are passed,, Sparking terminals are generally provided with rounded or blunt or disc-shaped ends so as to pre- vent a convective discharge from taking place. Terrestrial Magnetic Induction. (See Appendix Induction, Magnetic, Terres- trial) Tesla Discharge. (See Appendix Dis- charge, Tesla?) Tesla Frequencies. (See Appendix Fre- quencies, Tesla.) Test, Blavier's A test introduced by Blavier for focalizing a single fault in a single telegraphic line or conductor by meas- uring the resistance at one end of the line when the other end is alternately freed and earthed. Test Board. (See Appendix Board, Test.) Test, Loop A localization test for a single fault in a loop of two telegraphic wires, or in a complete metallic circuit. Test, Overlap A localization test for a single fault in a single telegraphic line by ob- serving the resistance from each end and deducing from the amount to which the sum of the resistances overlap the total conductor resistance of the line. Tetrad Atom. (See Appendix Atom, Tetrad.) Theoretical Magnet (See Appendix Magnet, Theoretical.) Theory, Contact, of Electricity A theory that ascribes the production of elec- tricity in a voltaic cell, and to some extent the production of electricity by friction, to the contact of dissimilar substances or surfaces. The act of contact is assumed to produce a difference of potential. While mere contact may unquestionably produce a difference of potential, it requires the liberation of the chemical potential energy of the metal of the positive plate of a voltaic couple to maintain such differences of potential as to produce a continuous flow of a current. Thermancy, Electro A term pro- posed for that branch of electricity which treats of the effects produced by an electric current on the temperature of a thermo- electric junction. Thenno-Chemical Cell. (See Appendix Cell, Thermo-Chemical.) Thermo Chemistry. (See Appendix Chemistry, Thermo.) Thermo-Electric Generator. (See Ap- pendix Generator, Thermo-Electric?) Thermo-Electric Pair. (See Appendix Pair, Thermo-Electric!) Thermo-Electrometer. (See Appendix Electrometer, Thermo?) Thermo-Multiplier. A thermopile. Thermo Pair. (See Appendix Pair, Thermo?] Thermo-Phone. An electrical instrument for producing sounds by means of electrically produced heat. Thermostatic. Of or pertaining to a thermostat. Thermo-Tetephone. (See Appendix Telephone, Thermo?) Thermotic, Electro Of or pertain- ing to heat produced by electricity. Thimble Brush. (See Appendix Brush, Thimble?) Thomson. A name proposed for the unit of conductivity. The term mho is to-day generally employed for the unit of conductivity. The plan of em- ploying the names of celebrated deceased elec- tricians is a good one and should not be departed from, no matter how deservedly great the name of the living electrician. Tho.] 658 [Tip. Thomson's Bridge. (See Appendix Bridge, Thomson's.} Three-Phase Armature. (See Appendix Armature, Three-Phased] Three-Phase Currents. (See Appendix Currents, Three-Phased) Three-Phase Generator. (See Appendix > Generator, Three-Phased] Three-Phase Motor. (See Appendix Motor, Three-Phase^ Three-Way Switch. (See Appendix Switch, Three-Way^) Three-Way Trolley Switch. (See Appen- dix Switch, Three- Way Trolley?) Throw, Concentration A term proposed by Squier for the deflection of a magnetic needle by a current produced under certain circumstances by a couple formed of similar plates of iron or other paramagnetic metals when exposed to chemical action while under the influence of a magnetic field. The concentration throw is a phenomenon mark- ing the reversal of the direction of current pro- duced by a couple of paramagnetic metals when exposed to the action of a magnetic field. Squier has observed in the case of a couple formed of similar plates of iron exposed to the action of nitric acid while in a ir >gnetic field, that under certain conditions the effect of suddenly putting on a magnetic field was to produce a less rapid deflection of the galvanometer in the opposite direction, so that the electrode which was formerly protected, by being the negative plate of the couple, was now the one acted on by becoming the positive plate. It is the above phenomenon for which Squier proposes the term of concentration throw. According to Squier, " The ' protective throw ' is due to the actual attraction of the magnet for the ion, and is always in the direction to protect the more strongly magnetized parts, while the ' concentrated throw ' is always in the opposite direction, and depends upon the distribution of the iron salts present in the solution, and the con- vection currents in the liquid. The concentration of the products of the reaction about the point, would tend to produce a ferrous reaction instead of a ferric reaction, and experiments show that a higher electromotive force is obtained with cells in which a ferrous reaction takes place than with those in which a ferric reaction occurs, and this change in the character of the reaction produced by the concentration probably accounts, at least in part, for the increased electromotive force at the point." Throw, Protective A term pro- posed for the protection afforded by a mag- netic field to paramagnetic metals exposed to chemical action. When two similar electrodes of iron, or other paramagnetic metals, are exposed to chemical action while under the influence of a strong mag- netic field, they act as a voltaic couple and the direction of the current produced depends on the direction of the lines of magnetic force. In the case of iron exposed to the action of nitric acid, one electrode being in the shape of a pointed cylinder and the other in the shape of a disc, when the lines of magnetic force of the field coin- cide in the direction with the length of the disc, the current produced passes through the liquid from the disc to the electrode, that is, from the less magnetized electrode, to the more magnet- ized electrode, the presence of the magnetic field determining the direction of the current pro- duced. In this, as in all similar cases of voltaic couples, the negative plate or electrode is pro- tected from the chemical action, the positive plate alone being acted on. The name protective throw is proposed by Squier for the protection so afforded, who has studied the phenomena. The proposed term would appear to be an unfortunate one, the pro- tection not being afforded by the throw of the needle. Tint-Electro. A term proposed for a method of electric engraving. Tip, Conducting Cord A blunted or rounded conductor placed at one of the ends of a wire for the purpose of readily in- serting it into a binding post or into a hole in a plate. Tip, Conducting Cord, Separable A cord and tip arranged so that the tip is readily detachable from the cord. The method of attachment can be insured ia a variety of ways. A screw thread forms one of the most obvious. Ton.] 659 [Tra. Tonicity, Electro A term some- times employed for electrotonus. (See Electrotonus.) Tool, Electric Machine A machine tool of any character driven directly by elec- tric power. In electric machine tools the motor is generally so placed that the moving power is thus connected directly to the machine instead of transmitted to it by means of belting. Among the many advan- tages possessed by electric machine tools is that such tools do away entirely with lines of shafting. Top-Hat Curve. (See Appendix Curve, Top-Hat.) Torque, Running', of Motor The torque exerted by a motor while running. Torque, Starting-, of Motor The torque exerted by a motor at the moment of starting. The starting torque in a well-constructed motor, either of the alternating or continuous type, is always in excess of the torque it exerts at full load. Total Contact. (See Appendix Contact, Total.} Total Intensity of Earth's Magnetism. (See Appendix Magnetism, Total Intensity of Earth's?) Touch, Divided A term sometimes employed in place of separate touch. (See Touch, Separate?) Tourniquet, Electric A term some- times employed in place of electric flyer. (See Flyer, Electric?) Transference, Convection The transference of electricity in a liquid sub- stance unattended by chemical changes in the liquid. Convection transference of electricity appears to partake of the nature of atomic convection, the charge being carried by each atom or group of atoms in the direction in which the electricity is being transferred. Transform. To change or convert. To convert or change the electromotive force and consequently simultaneously to change the current strength of the circuit by any means. Strictly speaking, a transformer is regarded as changing the electromotive force. It therefore produces at the same time changes in the value of the current strength. When we speak of a step- down transformer we refer to a transformer which lowers or decreases the value of the electromotive force, although, of course, at the same time, it is employed to raise or increase the strength of the current. Tranformation. The act of transforming or changing. Transformation, as of Electromotive Force A change in the value of the electromotive force by means of an induction coil or transformer. (See Transformer?) Electric power is equal to the product of the current by the electromotive force. By the use of a transformer the electromotive force, and con- sequently the current strength, are changed or altered in value. Since in a well-constructed transformer but very little energy is lost in trans- formation, the product of C E, in the primary very nearly equals the product of C' E', in the secondary. It follows, therefore, that as the elec- tromotive force increases in the secondary, the current strength decreases and vice versa. In the case of a transformer the transformation is directly proportional to the ratio of the number of turns of the primary and the secondary cir- cuits. Transformation, Current The act of changing the value of the current in any circuit by changes effected in its electromotive force. (See Transformer?) The act of changing the character of the cur- rent, such, for example, as a direct into an alternat- ing current or the reverse, or a single alternating current of short wave length and high frequency into triphase or polyphase currents. It will be observed that the term current trans- formation is employed in two distinct senses. Transformation of Electric Force. (See Appendix Force, Electric, Transforma- tion of.) Transformation, Ratio of The ratio between the electromotive force produced in the secondary of an induction coil or trans- former and the electromotive force impressed on the primary. Tra.] 660 [Tra. The ratio of transformation depends on the rel- ative number of turns of the secondary and pri- mary coils of the transformer. In a well-con- structed transformer there is very little energy lost in producing a transformation by means of mutual induction. Consequently the energy pro- duced in the secondary must very nearly equal the energy that has been expended in the primary. Suppose, for example, that the number of turns of the secondary of an induction coil is one-fiftieth that of the primary ; then the difference of potential induced in the secondary will be but one-fiftieth that impressed on the primary. In order to make the product of the current strength and the difference of potential in the secondary equal to the product of the current strength and difference of potential in the primary, the cur- rent strength in the secondary will have to be fifty times greater than the current strength in the primary; or, in other words, the product of C and E, in the primary will very nearly equal the product of C' and E' in the secondary, *'. e., C E = C' E' nearly, assuming their lag factors to be equal. Transformer, Alternating-Current Ro- tary A term sometimes employed for an alternating current motor which at the same time, by means of a suitable commu- tator, delivers continuous currents on a sep- arate circuit. Transformer, Closed-Circuit A term sometimes employed for closed-iron- circuit transformer. (See Transformer, Closed Iron Circuit!) Transformer, Continuous Current A term sometimes used for motor-dynamo or dynamotor. (See Transformer, Constant Current!) Transformer, Direct-Current Rotary A term sometimes employed for a motor- generator. (See Generator, Motor.} Transformer, High-Frequency A transformer in which the frequency of the currents employed is high. Transformer, Iron-Loss in A loss of energy in a transformer due to magnetic hysteresis or molecular magnetic friction and to the setting up of eddy or Foucault currents in the iron. According to Steinmetz, there is no sensible magnetic viscosity in a transformer up to 204.5 complete periods per second. If the eddy or Foucault currents are excluded, the hysteresis loss of a transformer can, up to 200 complete periods per second, be exactly predetermined by calcula- tions based on tests at slow cycles, magnetic viscosity being absent. Transformer, Low-Frequency A transformer in which the frequency of the currents employed is low. Transformer, Non-Polar A term sometimes employed in place of closed-iron- circuit transformer. (See Transformer, Closed Iron Circuit!) Transformer, Open-Circuit A term frequently employed for open-iron-circuit transformer. (See Transformer, Open Iron Circuit!) A variety of open-circuit transformer is shown in Fig. 582. fig. 58 2. Open- Circuited Transformer, Transformer, Polar A term some- times employed for open-circuit transformer. (See Appendix Transformer, Open-Cir- cuit!) Transformer, Rotary A term gen- erally employed for the combination of a motor and generator in one machine, /. e., one armature and one motor. Sometimes employed in place of a con- tinuous current transformer. (See Trans- former, Constant Current. The rotary transformer is employed either to transform continuous currents into continuous currents of different potential, in which case its armature contains two windings, the generator Tra.] 661 [Tri. winding and the motor winding, and the ratio of transformation is equal to the ratio of the turns of the two windings; or for converting alternate or polyphase currents into continuous currents, in which case if the maximum alternate current potential equals the continuous current potential, it generally contains one armature winding only, which is connected, to the continuous current commutator, and at two, three or four equidistant points to collector rings. Such rotary transformers are used extensively in long-distance power transmission for convert- ing the alternating or polyphase currents into continuous currents for railway circuits, or for supplying alternating current circuits, or for elec- tric welding. The term rotary transformer should not be con- founded with rotary current transformer. (See Transformer, Rotary Current.) Transformer, Static A term some- times employed for an ordinary transformer as distinguished from a rotary transformer. (See Appendix Transformer, Rotary?) Transforming. Converting or changing the electromotive force and consequently the current strength in any circuit. Transition Resistance. (See Appendix Resistance, Transition?) Translating Telegraphic Station. (See Appendix Station, Translating Tele- graphic.} Translation Lag. (See Appendix Lag, Translation?) Translation, Manual In telegra- phy, especially in sub-marine telegraphy, the translation of a message from one circuit directly to another by an operator, who trans- mits to the second circuit, direct from sig- nals received on the first, without writing dowji or transcribing the message. Transmitter, Automatic Telegraphic An apparatus employed in a system of automatic telegraphy for sending or trans- mitting the prepared messages. The message for automatic telegraphy is pre- pared by properly punching or perforating a slip or fillet of paper. This fillet is passed through a transmitter so as to transmit automatically. Transposition. In telephony a reversal in the relative position of two parallel conductors. Transpositions are made in conducting wires in order to neutralize the electromotive forces produced by neighboring currents. Trap, Burglar Alarm A spring burglar-alarm contact held in an open posi- tion by the pull of a string against the action of a spring. The slightest disturbance of the spring draws the contact in one direction, and the destruction of the string permits the spring to draw it in the opposite direction, in either case insuring the closing of a circuit and the ringing of an alarm bell. Treated Coked Filament. (See Appen- dix Filament, Treated Coked?) Tree Insulator. (See Appendix Insu- lator, Tree?) Tregadyne. A term proposed by Houston and Kennelly for a million million dynes, or a million megadynes, or io 12 dynes. Trega. A prefix proposed by Houston and Kennelly for a million million or io 12 . Tregerg. A term proposed by Houston and Kennelly for a million million ergs, or a million megergs, or io 12 ergs. Tregohm. A term proposed by Houston and Kennelly for a million million ohms, or a million megohms, or io 12 ohms. Triad Atom. (See Appendix Atom, Triad.} Trico. A term proposed by Houston and Kennelly for the million millionth part, or io- 12 . Tricofarad. A term proposed by Houston and Kennelly for the millionth part of a microfarad, or io~ 12 farad. Trigger, Door A device by means of which notice is given of the opening or closing of a door or window. Trigger, One-Way Door A door trigger which operates on the opening of the door only. Trigger, Two-Way Door A door trigger which operates both when the door is opened and when it is closed Tri.] 662 Trip, Door, Electric A device for ringing a bell so as to announce the entrance of a customer. The bell is rung only when the door passes the trip, but does not ring when the door is opened, or when it is being closed. Tri-Phase Armature. (See Appendix Armature, Tri- Phase?) Tri-Phase Current. (See Appendix Current, Tri-Phase?) Tri-Phase Generator. (See Appendix Generator, Tri-Phase. } Tri-Phase Motor. See Appendix Motor, Tri-Phase. } Triphased Alternating Currents. (See Appendix Currents, Triphased, Alternat- ing.} Turtle-Back Electro. (See Appendix Electro, Turtle-Back?) Two-Phase Alternator. (See Appendix Alternator, Two-Phase?) Two-Phase Armature. (See Appendix Armature, Two-Phase?) Two-Phase Generator. (See Appendix Generator, Two-Phase.} Two-Phase Motor. (See Appendix Mo- tor, Two-Phase?) Two-Pole Dynamo-Electric Machine. (See Appendix Machine, Dynamo-Electric, Two-Pole.) Two-Thousand Candle-Power Arc, Defi- nition for (See Appendix Arc, Two- Thousand Candle-Power, Proposed Defini- tion for.} Two-Way Door Trigger. (See Appendix Trigger, Two- Way, Door} Triple-Pole Switch. (See Appendix Switch, Triple-Pole?) Tri-Polar Indicator. (See Appendix Indicator, Tri-Polar} Trolley Base Frame. (See Appendix Frame, Trolley Base} Trough, Plating A term some- times employed in place of plating bath. (See Bath, Electro-Plating} Tube, Lightning A fulgurite. (See Fulgurite} Tubular Current. (See Appendix Cur- rent, Tubular.) Tuning of Electrical Circuit. Altering the period of a circuit or varying the capacity or self-induction of the circuit so as to bring it into resonance with another circuit. Uui-Phase Armature Winding. (See Ap- pendix Winding, Uni-Phase Armature} Uni-Phase Motor. (See Appendix Mo- tor, Um- Phase.} Unipolar Stimulation of Nerve. (See Appendix Stimulation, Unipolar, of a Nerve} Unit, C. G. S., of Volumetric Energy (See Appendix Energy, Volumetric, C. G S. Unit of} Unlighted Segment of Aurora. (See Appendix Segment, Unlighted, of Aurora} Unmarked Magnetic Pole. (See Appen- dix Pole, Magnetic, Unmarked} Unsymmetrical Polyphase Motor. (See Appendix Motor, Polyphase, Unsymmet- rical} Upper Harmonics of Current. (See Appendix Current, Upper Harmonics of.) Vac.] 663 [Yol. T. A symbol used for volt or for volume. The defining equation is V = L X L X L. The same symbol is also employed for volt v. A symbol used for velocity. The defining equation is v = 7= The same letter is proposed as a symbol for volt. Its use should be limited to one or the other quantity. v. A symbol for the ratio between th e units of resistance in the electrostatic and electromagnetic C. G. S. system of measure- ment ; *'. e., for velocity ratio. (See Ratio, Velocity.) Yacuum-Tube Lighting. (See Appendix Lighting, Vacuum- Tube.) Yariable Period of Telegraph Line. (See Appendix Period, Variable, of Tele- graph Line.) Variation Magnetometer. (See Appen- dix Magnetometer, Variation?) Vector Potential. (See Appendix Po- tential, Vector.} Verdet's Constant. (See Appendix Con- stant, Verdet's.) Vertical Intensity of Earth's Magnetism. (See Appendix Magnetism, Verticalln- tensity of Earth's.) Vertical Magnetic Needle. (See Appen- dix Needle, Vertical Magnetic.) Vibration Frequency. (See Appendix Frequency, Vibration.) Vibrator. An electromagnetic device pro- vided on a siphon recorder for maintaining the siphon in continual vibration so that ink is thrown down upon the fillet of paper be- neath. Virtual Current (See Appendix Cur- rent, Virtual.) Visual Telegraphic Signal. (See Appen- dix Signal, Telegraphic, Visual.) Volatilization of Electric Conductor. (See Appendix Conductor, Electric, Vola- tilization of.) Volt, International The value of the international volt adopted by the Chicago Congress of 1893 as equal to such an electro- motive force that, steadily applied to a con- ductor whose resistance is one international ohm, will produce a current of one interna- tional ampere, and which is represented suffi- ciently well for practical use by y^ff of the electromotive force between the electrodes of the voltaic cell known as Clark's cell, at a temperature of 15 C., and prepared in ac- cordance with certain specifications. Volt, Proposed A. I. E. E. Definition ftt The product of the A. I. E. E. am pere by the A. I. E. E. ohm. Volt-Ammeter. A term proposed for any electric instrument capable of measuring either the volts or the amperes in a circuit, or both. A measurer of the volt-amperes or the watts. A wattmeter. The word wattmeter would appear to be pref- erable. Volta-Electric. Of or pertaining to voltaic electricity. (See Electricity, Voltaic.) Volta-Electricity. Voltaic electricity. (See Electricity, Voltaic.) Yolta-Electrometer. A voltameter. (See Voltameter.) Volta-Electrometric. Producing voltaic electricity. (See Electricity, Voltaic.) Volta-Electromotire Force. (See Ap- pendix Force, Volta-Electromoti-ve.) Volta-Plast A word proposed for the voltaic battery employed in electrotyping. The use of this word would appear to be en- tirely unnecessary. There is nothing peculiar about this employment of the voltaic battery. Vol.] 664 [VoL Volta-Type. A word proposed for elec- trotype. The use of this word would appear to be en- tirely unnecessary. The word electrotype is pref- erable. Voltagraphy. Electrotypy. The word electrotypy would appear to be far preferable. Voltaic Battery, Element of (See Appendix Element of Voltaic Battery?) Voltaic Bow. (See Appendix Bow, Vol- taic.} Voltaic Cell, Callan (See Appen- dix Cell, Voltaic, Callan.) Voltaic Cell, Maynooth (See Ap- pendix Cell, Voltaic, Maynooth?) Voltaic Electromotive Force. (See Ap- pendix Force, Electromotive, Voltaic?) Voltaic Endosmose. (See Appendix Endosmose, Voltaic?) Voltaic Heat Cell. (See Appendix Cell, Voltaic Heat?) Voltaic Mag-net. (See Appendix Mag- net, Voltaic?) Voltaic Pair. (See Appendix Pair, Voltaic?) Voltaism. A word sometimes employed in electro-therapeutics for treatment by means of the voltaic current. The production of electricity by means of voltaic couples. The latter use of this word was the meaning given to it by Sturgeon in 1842, who defined it as follows: "The production of electricity by the association of metals and other organic bodies "by the simple contact of inorganic bodies." Voltmeter, Electrometer A volt- meter in which the difference of potential to be measured charges insulated conductors, the electrostatic attractions and repulsions of which produce a deflection of a suitably sus- pended metallic needle. A term frequently employed for voltam- eter. (See Electrometer. Voltameter?) Voltmeter, Galvanometer Any form of galvanometer so arranged as to readily measure difference of potential. A term sometimes employed for a galva- nometer. Galvanometer-voltmeters may be constructed in a great variety of forms. In all such cases, however, the difference of potential is measured by the deflection of a needle of a galvano:-ieter by means of the magnetic field produced by the current which flows through a conductor connecting the two points whose differ- ence of potential is to be measured. In any galvanometer- voltmeter a magnetic field produced, as above described, by the difference of potential which is to be measured, may deflect a magnetic needle against the following forces, namely: (i.) Against a magnetic field. (See Appendix Voltmeter, Magnetic?) (2.) Against the action of a spring. (See Ap- pendix Voltmeter, Spring. ) (3.) Against the action of gravity acting on a weight. (See Appendix Voltmeter, Weight.') Voltmeter, Magnetic An instru- ment in which the magnetic field of a cur- rent, which is proportional to the difference of potential to be measured, deflects a mova- ble needle against the action of the field of a magnet. (See Voltmeter?) Voltmeter, Spring An instrument in which the magnetic field of a current, which is proportional to the difference of po- tential to be measured, deflects a movable needle against the action of a spring. (See Voltmeter?) Voltmeter, Weight An instrument in which the magnetic field of a current, which is proportional to the difference of potential to be measured, deflects a movable needle against the action of a weight. (See Volt- meter?) Volume Density of Charge. (See Appen- dix Charge, Volume Density of?) Volumetric Energy. (See Appendix Energy, Volumetric?) 6 Vol. 2 Wan.] 665 [Whi. W W. A contraction used for the physical quantity energy, whether it be electrical, ther- mal, mechanical or chemical, or, in general, to represent the product of the force by the distance. W. A symbol used for electric energy. The defining equation is W = C E T. The same letter is proposed as the symbol for work and moment of a couple. W. A symbol proposed for the moment of a couple. This letter is also employed as the symbol for work. The denning equation is F X D. W. h. An abbreviation proposed for watt- hour, the practical unit of electric energy. Wand, Electric A term some- times used for an electrophorus in the form of a torch. An electric wand is employed for gas lighting by a spark produced by means of a small static machine in the handle upon the electrophorus. Watchman's Electric Clock. (See Appen- dix Clock, Electric, Watchman's} Water-Gramme Degree. (See Appendix Degree, Water-Gramme!) Watt-Efficiency of Secondary Battery. (See Appendix Battery, Secondary, Watt- Efficiency of.) Watt, International The value of the international watt, adopted by the Chicago Congress of 1893, is equal to io 7 units of power in the C. G. S. system, and which is the work done at the rate of one joule per second. Watt, Proposed A. I. E. E. Definition for The product of the square of the A. I. E. E. ampere and the A. I. E. E. ohm. Wares, Hertzian A term sometimes employed for electro-magnetic waves. Waves in the ether that are produced by oscil- latory discharges passing through a circuit or by a magnetic circuit undergoing variations in its magnetic intensity. (See Electricity, Hertz's Theory of Electro-Magnetic Radiation, or Waves.) Way Lease. (See Appendix Lease, Way.) Weber, A. I. E. E. Definition for A name proposed for the practical unit of magnetic flux, A unit of magnetic flux having the value of one absolute unit or line. This unit is a modification of that proposed by a Sub-Committee of the American Institute of Electrical Engineers on Provisional Programme for the International Electrical Congress held in Chicago, U. S. A., in 1893, on the occasion of the World's Columbian Exposition. The term weber was formerly applied to the unit of current; it never, however, came into very extensive use in the United States. Wedge Cut-Out -(See Appendix Cut- Out, Wedge.} Weeding-Ont of Harmonics. (See Ap- pendix Harmonics, Weeding-Out of.} Weeding-Out of Harmonics by Electrical Resonance. (See Appendix Harmonics, Weeding-Out of, by Electrical Resonance?) Weight Voltmeter. (See Appendix Voltmeter, Weight) Wheel, Barker's A term some- times applied to a Barker revolving contact breaker. (See Appendix Breaker, Contact, Barker's Revolving.} Whirl, Contracting Magnetic A magnetic whirl which is decreasing or mov- ing in towards the electro-magnet or circuit which is producing it. When variations occur in the strength of the magnetism produced by variations in the strength of the current, expanding or contracting whirls are produced around the conductor which move outwards or from the conductor when the strength of the magnetism is increasing, and in- wards or towards the conductor when such strength is decreasing. These whirls produce Whi.] 666 [Wir. electro-magnetic waves in the surrounding ether which are called Hertzian electro-magnetic waves. (See Whirl, Expanding Magnetic. Electricity, Hertz's Theory of.) Whirls, Electro-Dynamic A whirl- ing or rotary motion produced in a cloud of copper oxide in a voltameter when traversed by a powerful electric discharge while under the influence of a magnetic field. The direction of the rotation is opposite to the hands of a watch before a north magnetic pole and in the same direction as the hands of a watch before a south pole. Winding, Differential A ny double winding of the magnet coils such that the two fields produced thereby are opposed to each other. Winding, Single-Phase Armature A uni-phase armature winding. (See Ap- pendix Winding, Uni-Phase Armature?) Winding, Uni-Phase Armature The winding of the armature of a motor such as to enable it to be operated by uni-phase currents. Windings, Phase The separate windings on the armature of a polyphase motor. (See Appendix Motor, Polyphase?) Windmill, Electric A term some- times employed in place of electric flyer. (See Flyer, Electric?) Window or Blind Contact (See Appen- dix Contact, Window or Blind?) Wire, Annunciator Insulated wire suitable for use in connection with annuncia- tors, or other similar purposes. Wire, Double Bronze A conduct- ing wire furnished with an aluminium-bronze core and a copper-brass envelope. A double bronze wire possesses great tensile strength, extreme toughness, and a comparatively low electrical resistance. A No. 1 1 standard gauge double bronze wire has a breaking strain of 850 pounds and a re- sistance of 443 ohms per mile at 60 degrees Fahr. Such a wire is so tough that it will stand from eight to ten bends of 180 degrees each in alter- nate directions through a radius of 5 millimetres. Wire, Idle, of Armature A term sometimes employed in place of dead wire. (See Wire, Dead, of Armature?) Wire, Idle, of Armature of Dynamo A term applied to that part of the wire on the armature of a dynamo-electric machine in which no useful electromotive force is pro- duced. The dead wire on an armature. (See Wire, Dead, of Armature?) Wire, Idle, of Armature of Motor A term applied to that part of the wire on the armature of a motor in which the field pro- duced by the driving current never exercises useful action in driving the motor, in so far as no counter electromotive force is generated in it. Wire or Conductor, Balancing A term sometimes employed for a neutral wire or conductor of a three-wire system. Wire, Tap, in Quadruples Telegraphy The intermediate wire or conductor, in a system of quadruplex telegraphy, which divides the battery into two unequal parts, called respectively the long end and the short end. Wires, Equalizing Two wires or conductors, one of which is employed for connecting the two positive brushes and the other for connecting the two negative brushes of two compounded dynamos when coupled in parallel. In general, wires or conductors employed for equalizing electrical pressure or difference of potential in two or more circuits. In the coupling of two compound-wound dynamos, the equalizing wires are connected one to the two positive brushes and the other to the two negative brushes of the coupled machines. By these means the electrical pressure or differ- ence of potential at the terminals of the two dyna- mos is made equal, and consequently the currents in the two fields are also made equal. Wires, Slinging A term sometimes employed in electro-plating for the wires or conductors by which the articles that are to be electro-plated are hung from the kathode in the plating bath. Wir.] 667 I/on. Wiring, Concentric Wiring by means of concentric cables. (See Ap- pendix Cable, Concentric.} Working Current of Motor. See (Ap- pendix Current, Working, of Motor.} Working, Direct, of Telegraphic Sounder A term sometimes employed for the method in which a telegraphic sounder is operated by means of the current re- ceived from the line wire or conductor from the distant station in contradistinc- tion to the method where the receiving instrument is operated by means of a local battery. Working, Double-Current Telegraphic A term sometimes employed for double-current signaling. (See Signaling, Double Current. ) Working Efficiency of Telegraphic Cir- cuit. (See Appendix Circuit, Tele- graphic, Working Efficiency of.) Working, Polyphase A general term employed to express the actual ap- plication of polyphase currents. In polyphase currents the armature of tht motor is provided with separate sets of coils grouped in two's, three's, etc., and put success, ively into action at suitable periods. Working, Single-Current Telegraphic A term sometimes employed for single-current signaling. (See Signaling, Single-Current. ) Writiug Telegraph. (See Appendix Telegraphy. Writing. Y Tri-Phase System. (See Appendix System, Y Tri-Phase.} Yards, Ampere The prpduct of the current in amperes by the distance in yards through which it passes. (See Feet, Ampere. Turn, Ampere.} Zero, Immediate False A term employed in Wheatstone bridge measure- ments for an observation made to that position of the galvanometer needle as zero, which is assumed, or which tends to be assumed, immediately after the opening of the circuit of the testing cur- rent. Zinc-Lead Accumulator. (See Appendix Accumulator, Zinc-Lead.} /one, Neutral, of Electrically Charged Insulated Conductor That portion of an insulated conductor, charged by electrostatic induction, which lies approx- imately midway between its positive and negative ends. Zone, Neutral, of Magnet A term sometimes employed for equator of mag* net. (See Magnet, Equator of.} APPENDIX B. A. A symbol for ampere (Partly Interna- tional usage). A. or An. A contraction for anode. a. A symbol proposed for acceleration. a. A symbol for an angle. A. B. C. Telegraph Instrument. A step-by-step dial telegraph instrument marked with the letters of the alphabet. A. C. A contraction for alternating cur- rent. A. C. C. A contraction for anodic closure contraction. A. D. C. A contraction for anodic dura tion contraction. A. H. A contraction for ampere-hour. A. H. E. A contraction for ampere-hour efficiency. A. O. C. A contraction for anodic opening contraction. A. T. A contraction for ampere-turn. A. W. G. A contraction for American wire gauge. Abnormal Dispersion. Anomalous dis- persion. Abnormal Earth-Current. A tempo- rary, stronger, and more variable earth current than usual. Abnormal Magnetization. Magnetiza- tion generally in concentric layers of al- ternate polarity, produced by oscillatory or Leyden-jar discharges. (Obsolete.) Abnormal Vapor - Densities. Vapor densities whose values do not appear to conform to Avogadro's hypothesis. Abreast. Connected in multiple or paral- lel. Abscissa. The co-ordinate of a point measured along the axis of abscissas. Absolute. (1) Complete in itself. (2) Not dependent on secondary bases. Absolute Block System for Railroads. A block system in which one train only is permitted to occupy a given block, or division of the road, at any one time. 669 Absolute Calibration. The determina tion of the absolute reading of an electro- meter, galvanometer, voltmeter, am- meter, or other instrument. Absolute Electro-Dynamometer. An electro-dynamometer for the measurement of electric currents in C. G. S. units by reference to the moment of a bifllar suspension and constants derived from the winding of the coils. Absolute Electrometer. An electrome- ter in which the value of the electromo- tive force is directly determined in abso- lute units from the deflection of its mov- able index. Absolute Expansion. The real expan- sion of a liquid, or the expansion it would have independently of any change in the dimensions of its containing vessel. Absolute Galvanometer. Any galvano- meter whose indications are directly de- termined in absolute units of current. Abs9lute Inductivity. The real indue tivity of a medium as distinguished from the ratio of its inductivity to the induc- tivity of vacuum. Absolute Insulation. The total insula- tion of a circuit or conductor without reference to its length. Absolute Permittivity. The real per- mittivity of a medium. as distinguished from the ratio of its permittivity to the permittivity of vacuum. Absolute Photometric Standard. A term for a fundamental standard of light employed in photometric measurements, in contra-distinction to a secondary standard. Absolute Unit of Current. (1) A cur- rent of such a strength that when passed through a wire one centimetre in length, bent in the form of an arc of a circle one centimetre in radius, will act with a force of a dyne on a magnetic pole of unit strength placed at the centre of the arc, (2) A current of 10 amperes. 4-bs.] 670 L ACl. Absolute Unit of Electromotive Force. (1) The C. G. S. unit of electro- motive force. (2) The one-hundred mil- lionth of a volt. Absolute Unit of Inductance. A length equal to one centimetre. (2) The one billionth (10- 9 ) part of a henry. Absolute Unit of Induction. A term sometimes used for the absolute unit of inductance. Absolute Unit of Magnetomotive Force. A unit of magnetomotive force equal to 4ir multiplied by unit current of one turn. Absolute Unit of Resistance. (1) The one thousand millionth of an ohm. (2) A microhm. Absolute Units. The centimetre- gramme-second system of units. Absolute Vacuum. (1) A space from which all traces of residual gas have been removed. (2) A term sometimes loosely applied to a high vacuum. Absolute Zero of Temperature. (1) The temperature of a substance in which its molecules are absolutely at rest, or possess no kinetic energy. (2) A tem- perature of approximately 273C. Absorption. The taking in or drinking in of one form of matter by another, such as a gas, a vapor, or a liquid by any sub- stance, usually a solid ; or of energy of sound, light, neat or electricity by ordi- nary matter. Absorption Current. The current of diminishing strength which flows into a dielectric under electrification, and which is partly capable of being restored during continued discharge. Absorption Dynamometer. The name given to a dynamometer in which me- chanical power is measured and at the same time absorbed, in contradistinction to a transmission dynamometer, in which the power to be measured is all or nearly all transmitted. Absorption, Electric. The apparent soaking of an electric charge into the glass or other solid dielectric of a Leyden jar or condenser. Absorption of Sound. Acoustic absorp- tion. Absorption Spectrum. A spectrum containing gaps or dark spaces due to ab- sorption by some medium which the radi- ation has traversed. Absorptive. Possessing the power of ab- sorption. Absorptive Power. The power possessed by certain substances of taking in and condensing gases within their pores. Acceleration. (1) The time-rate of change of velocity. (2) Increase or decrease of velocity. Accumulated Electricity. Stored elec- tricity, as in a condenser. Accumulating Electricity .S t o r i n g electricity. Accumulation of Electricity. (1) The collection of an electric charge in a Ley den jar or condenser. (2) The increase in an electric charge by devices called ac- cumulators. (3) The production of a charge by an influence machine. (4) The collection of electric energy by storage batteries or accumulators. Accumulator. ( 1) A word sometimes ap- plied to a current accumulator. (2) A Leyden jar or condenser. (3) A secondary or storage battery. Accumulator Distribution. Distribu- tion of electric energy by means of ac- cumulators. Accumulator Traction. Car traction in which the motors are driven by storage batteries carried on the car. Acetometer. (1) A hydrometer gradua- ted for determining the strength of com- mercial acetic acid or vinegar. (2) A acidometer. Acheson Effect. The change in the elec- tromotive force of the secondary of a trans- former due to changes of temperature in its core. Achromatic. Free from false coloration. Achromatic liens. A lens capable of forming images free from false coloration. Achromatic Ocular. An achromatic eye-piece. Achromatisable. Capable of being freed from false coloration. Achromatise. To free from false colora- tion. Achromatising. Freeing from false coloration. Acidimeter. An acidometer. Acidometer. A hydrometer for measur- ing the specific gravity of an acid liquid, and thereby determining its degree of acidity. Aclinic. (1) Of or pertaining to no mag- netic inclination. (2) Devoid of magnetic inclination or dip. Aclinic Line. (1) A line connecting places on the earth's surface which have no magnetic inclination. (2) The mag- netic equator of the earth. Aco.] 671 [Act. Acoustic. Of or pertaining to sound. Acoustic Absorption. The absorption by a vibrating body, of the energy of the sound waves produced by another vibrat- ing body. Acoustic Interference. Interference of sound waves. Acoustic Resonance. (1) The increase in the intensity of the sound emitted by a sonorous body by means of sympathetic vibrations set up in a co-periodic sounding body. (2) The condition by virtue of which a sonorous body is capable of having sympathetic vibrations produced in it by a neighboring sounding body. Acoustic Synchronizer. An instrument for indicating the synchronism of two alternating currents or alternators, by an acoustic apparatus in which silence is produced at synchronism. Acoustic Telegraph. Any telegraph whose signals are appreciated by the ear, as distinguished from a visual telegraph. Acoustic Telegraphy. Sound tele- graphy ; or, any system of telegraphy in which the signals are received by sound, in contradistinction to being received visually. Acoustic Tetanus. Tetanus produced by alternating currents from an induction coil, when its contact piece is vibrating with sufficient rapidity to produce a musi- cal note. Acoutemeter, Electric. An apparatus for electrically testing the delicacy of hearing. Actinic. Of or pertaining to the chemical effect produced by light or other form of radiant energy. Actinic Photometer. A photometer in which the intensity of light is measured by the amount of chemical decomposition it produces. Actinic Ray. A ray of light, or other form of radiant energy, possessing the power of producing chemical action. Actinism. The chemical effects of light. Actino-Electricity. Electricity p r o- duced in crystalline substances by the action of radiant energy. Actinograph. An apparatus for measur- ing and recording the intensity of the chemical effects of light. Actinography. The method of produc- ing records by the chemical effects of light. Actinometer. (1) An apparatus for meas- uring the intensity of the chemical effects of light. (2) A pyrheliometer. Actinometer, Electric. An apparatus for electrically measuring the intensity of the chemically active rays present in any radiation. Actinpmetry. The science of measuring the intensity of the chemical effects of radiant energy. Action Currents. Physiological currents produced in a muscle or nerve during ita activity. Active Coil or Conductor. A coil or conductor carrying an electric current. Active Component of Exciting Cur- rent. (1) The active current in an alter- nating-current circuit as distinguished from the wattless current. (2; In an alternating-current circuit the component of current which is in phase with the E. M. F. (8) In an alternating-current cir- cuit the product of the E. M. F. and the effective or apparent conductance. Active Current. (1) The working com- ponent of a current in an alternating-cur- rent circuit as distinguished from the wat- tless component of current. (2) The com- ponent of an alternating-electric current that is in phase with the impressed electro- motive force. Active Electromotive Force. In an al- ternating-current circuit that component of the impressed electromotive force which is expended in overcoming the ohmic resistance, as distinguished from the component which is expended in over- coming the induced C. E. M. F. Active Loop. Any single loop in a circuit that is traversed by an electric current. Active Mass. In electrolysis the quantity of an electrolyte which is disassociated" into its ions, and which is, therefore, active in conveying the electrolysing cur- rent. Active Material of Storage Cell. The substance or substances in a storage or secondary cell, that undergo decompo- sition while charging or discharging, and which serve to store the electric en- ergy. Active Molecules. (1) Those molecules in an electrolyte that, during the passage of an electric current, are resolved into their constituent ions and which, there- fore, alone affect the molecular conduc- tivity of the electrolyte. (2) The dis- associated molecules in an electrolyte. Active Plate of Voltaic Cell. A name sometimes given to the zinc or other plate of a voltaic or primary cell which is dis- solved during action. Active Polar Surface of Magnet. That Act/ 672 [Ady, surface oi t, magnet from which the use- ful flux emerges, or into which it enters. Active Pressure. In an alternating-cur- rent circuit that component of the im- pressed pressure which is expended in overcoming the olimic resistance. Active Pressure A term sometimes em- ployed for the pressure that is effective in producing a current, as distinguished from the impressed pressure. Active Wire. That portion of the wire on the armature of a dynamo or motor that is passed through the inducing mag- netic flux as distinguished from the re- mainder of the wire sometimes called " idle wire," which does not pass through such flux. Activity. (1) Power. (2) Rate-of-doing- work. (3) The work done per second, in uniform working. Actual Cautery. A cautery produced by the agency of a white heat. Actual Energy. (1) Energy actually employed in doing work, as distinguished from energy that, though possessing the power of doing work, 'is in the latent or potential state. (2) Kinetic energy. Actual Efficiency. Commercial effici- ency. Acute Angle. Any angle less than a right angle or 90 degrees. Acute-Angled Trolley-Crossing. A contact plate,suspended at the point of in- tersection of* two trolley wires crossing at an acute angle. Acyclic Region. (1) A region devoid of cyclosis. (2) A simply connected region. Adapter. (1) A screw-nozzle fitted to an incandescent electric lamp and provided with a screw-thread to enable it to be readily placed on a gas bracket, or chan- delier, in the place of an ordinary gas burner. (2) A device whicli permits in- candescent electric lamps of one manufac- ture to be readily placed in the socket of a lamp of another manufacture. (3) Ap- paratus designed to permit the ready use of a continuous-electric current employed for incandescent lighting to produce the feeble continuous currents employed in electro-therapeutic work. Adherence. The quality or property of adhesion. Adhesion. The mutual attraction which exists between unlike molecules, as dis- tinguished from the attraction of like molecules, or cohesion. Adhesion, Electric. The adhesion be- tween surfaces due to the attraction of unlike electrostatic charges. Adhesion, Magnetic. The adhesion be- tween surfaces due to magnetic flux. Adhesive Tape. A tape covered with in- sulating material and possessing adhesive properties, employed for covering bared conductors, at joints, or other similar places. Adiabatic Expansion. The expansion of a gas which neither receives nor gives out heat to the walls of the chamber in which the expansion takes place, as distin- guished from isothermal expansion. Adiathermancy. Opacity to heat. Adiathermanic. Of or pertaining to adiathermancy. Adielectric. (1) Not dilectric. (2) A term proposed for substances, not dielectrics, whose electric conductivity at ordinary temperatures decreases as the temperature increases. Adjustable Angle Crossing. A form of trolley crossing in which the angle of in- tersection is adjustable. Adjustable Condenser. A condenser whose capacity can be readily varied within certain limits. Adjustable Resistance. A resistance whose value can be readily varied within certain limits. Adjustable Rheostat. An adjustable re- sistance. Adjustable Vacuum Tube. A vacuum tube employed for X-ray work whose vacuum can be decreased by the action of heat on a vaporizable substance. Adjustable Wire Clip for Trolley Wire. A clip, capable of adjustment as to its position, inserted in an insulator and designed for holding a trolley wire in place. Adjuster for Lamp Pendant. Any de- vice for adjusting or altering the height or position of a pendant lamp. Adjusting Cleat. Any cleat that is ca- pable of adjustment as to alignment or height. Adjustment. Any regulation of an ap- paratus that will enable it properly to perform its functions. Adjustment of Relay. Such a regula- tion of a receiving relay as will permit it to readily respond to signals sent over the line. Admittance. (1) The reciprocal of the impedance in an alternating-current cir- cuit. (2) The apparent conductance of an alternating-current circuit or con- ductor. Advanced Quadrature. In an alternate Ady.] 673 [Air. ing- current circuit the condition of being 90 in phase ahead of some particular E. M. F., flux, or current. Adynamia System of Currents. A sys- tem of currents so opposed to each other in direction as to neutralize one another's magnetic effects. Aeolotropic. Heterogeneous with re- spect to direction. Aeolotropic Medium. (1) A medium possessing different properties in different directions. (2) A medium in which equal stresses applied in any direction do not produce equal strains. jEpinus' Condenser. An early form of air condenser. Aerial Cable. An electric cable sus- pended in the air. Aerial Circuit. (1) That portion of a cir- cuit which consists of aerial conductors or lines. (2) A circuit of overhead wire. Aerial Conductor. An overhead con- ductor. Aerial Line. An overhead line. Aerial Telephone Cable. A suitably supported overhead telephone cable. Aerodromic Transportation. Trans- portation by means of a balloon-supported car over a suitable support guide. Aerodynamics. The science which treats of the forces produced by air in motion. Aero-Ferric-Circuit Transformer. An open-circuit transformer. Aero-Ferric Inductance. The induct- ance possessed by a coil or coils whose magnetic circuit consists partly of air and partly of iron. Aero-Ferric Magnetic Circuit. A magnetic circuit that is completed partly through air and partly through iron. Aerolite. A meteorite. Aero-Therapeutics. Treatment of dis- ease by means of air under pressures other than that of the atmosphere. After Currents. Electric currents pro- duced in nerve or in muscular tissue, on the cessation of a constant current which has been flowing through it. After Glow of Exhausted Bulb. A fluorescent glow, observed in an ex- hausted glass chamber, after its with- drawal from electrostatic influence. Age-Coating of Electric Incandescent Lamp Chamber. A blackening of the chamber of an electric incandescent lamp due to the deposit thereon, during use, of carbon, or other opaque substance. Ageing of Alcohol, Electric. Artifl- 43 cially ageing alcohol by exposing it to tha action of electrically generated ozone. Ageing of Electric Incandescent Lamp. A gradual decrease in the effi- ciency of an electric incandescent lamp due either to the age coating of its cham- ber, or to the deterioration of its filament. Ageing of Magnet. Treating a perma- nent magnet for the purpose of rendering its magnetic condition more permanent. Ageing of Transformer. (1) A decrease in the efficiency of a transformer owing to the ageing of its core. (2) Fatigue of transformer. Ageing of Transformer Core. Increase in the hysteretic coefficient in the iron of a transformer core, during the first few- months of its commercial operation, from its continued magnetic reversals at com- paratively high temperature. Agglomerate Leclanche Cell. A form of Leclanche cell which dispenses with the porous cup by employing the carbon and black oxide of manganese formed into a solid mass by pressure. Agitator for Plating Vat. A device for ensuring a uniformity in the density of the plating solution in a depositing vat, by mechanical stirring. Agonal. Of or pertaining to an agone. Agone. (1) A line connecting places on the earth's surface where the magnetic needle points to the true geographical north. (2) The line of no declination. Agonic. Of or pertaining to an agone. Agonic Line. (1) A line connecting ter- restrial points having no declination or variation. (2) The agone. Air Battery. A form of voltaic battery whose electromotive force is increased by the direct absorption of oxygen from the air. Air Blast for Commutator. A jet of air applied to the surface of the commutator of a dynamo-electric machine to prevent destructive flashing. Air-Blast Transformer. A transformer which is cooled by a blast of air. Air Churning. The movement of the air that occurs in the vicinity of the arma- ture of a dynamo or motor during rotation resulting in a loss of energy to the machine. Air Condenser. A condenser in which air is the dielectric. Air-Cooled Transformer. (1) A trans- former which is cooled by the passage through it of convection currents of ait set up by its increase of temperature (2) An air-blast transformer. Air.] 674 [AIL Air-Core Solenoid. A solenoid which has no core other than air. Air-Core Transformer. A transformer which is destitute of a core other than that of air. Air-Expansion Lightning Arrester. A form of lightning arrester in which the arc, when formed, is blown out by the expansion of a mass of confined air under the influence of the heat of the arc. Air Field. That portion of a magnetic field in which the magnetic flux passes through air only. Air Film of Lamp Chamber. A film of condensed air that tends to remain on the walls of an exhausted lamp chamber after the action of the air pump. Air Gap. In a magnetic circuit, any gap or opening containing air only. Air Gap of Commutator. The air space between contiguous segments in an air- insulated commutator. Air Insulation. An insulation obtained by air, or by the action of air. Air Ley den. An air condenser. Air-Line Wire. That portion of a circuit which consists of overhead wires, in con- tradistinction to the portion which passes through underground conduits, or through a submarine cable. Air Magnetic Circuit. A magnetic circuit in which the flux passes wholly through air. Air Path. The path a disruptive discharge takes through the air. Air Pump. A device for removing air or other gas from a containing vessel. Air Reluctance. The reluctance of that portion of a magnetic circuit which con- sists of air. Air Resistance of Dynamo. The me- chanical resistance to the rotation of a dynamo due to the surrounding air. Air Space. (1) The space that exists be- tween the surface of an armature and the polar surface within which it rotates. (2) The space between opposed surfaces of a comb lightning-arrester. Air-Space Cut-Out. A modified form of paper cut-out in which the disc of paper or mica is replaced by an air-space. Air-Space Submarine Cable. A mul- tiple-conductor submarine cable, having a core in which an internal air space is provided for separating the conductors. Air Telegraphy. (1) Aerial telegraphy. (2) Induction telegraphy. (3) Wireless tel- egraphy. Air- Washing of Lamp Filament. A deleterious effect produced on the fila- ment of an incandescent electric lamp by the molecular bombardment of the resid- ual gaseous atmosphere of its chamber. Alarm, Electric. (1) Any automatic elec trie device by which attention is calle* to the occurrence of certain events, suck as the opening of a door or window, the stepping of a person on a mat or stair- case, the rise or fall of temperature be- yond a certain predetermined point, etc., by the closing or opening of an electric circuit. (2) A device for calling a person to a telegraphic or telephonic instru- ment. Alarm Point. In a system of fire teleg- raphy, any point from which an alarm is sent out. Alarm Wires of Submarine Cable. Extra insulated wires imbedded in the fibrous serving of a submarine cable, be- tween the sheathing wires and the con- ductor core, and capable of giving an alarm when their insulation is affected through injury to the cable, before the working conductor or central core may be injured. Aligned Magnetomotive Force. The magnetomotive force in a magnetic cir- cuit containing iron, due to the aligning of the molecular magnets of the iron under the influence of the impressed magnetic force or prime flux. " Alive." (1) A name sometimes given to a live wire or circuit. (2) An active wire or circuit. All-Day Efficiency of Transformer. The ratio of the energy commercially supplied by a transformer in 24 hours to the energy absorbed by it from the mains during that time. All-Night Arc Lamp. A double-carbon arc lamp. Allotropic. Of or pertaining to allo- tropism. Allotropic State. A modification of a substance by means of which, without any change in chemical composition, it acquires physical or chemical properties differing from those it ordinarily pos- sesses. Allotropism. The state or condition re- sulting from acquiring the allotropic state. Allotropy. The property of, or capacity for, acquiring the allotropic state. Alloy. A combination or homogeneous mixture of two or more metallic sub- stances. All]. 675 [Alt. Alloy. To form a combination or homo- geneous mixture of two or more metallic substances. Alphabetic Telegraph. (1) A telegraph in which the letters of the message to be sent are spelled out in succession from a dial. (2) An A, B, C, telegraph. Alteration Theory of Muscular or Nerve Currents. A theory which traces the origin of electric currents in the nerves or muscular fibres to an alter- ation from their original condition. Alternate Currents. Alternating cur- rents. Alternating. Periodically changing in direction. Alternating Arc. (1) An alternating-cur- rent arc. (2) An arc supplied from an alternating-current circuit. Alternating Continuous-Current Com- mutating Machine. A secondary gen- erator for transforming from alternating to continuous currents by the aid of a commutator. Alternating-Current Arc. A voltaic arc produced by alternating electric currents. Alternating-Current Armature- Wind- ing. A.n armature winding suitable for the production of alternating currents. Alternating - Current Dynamo - Elec- tric Machine. A dynamo-electric ma- chine producing alternating currents in its external circuit. Alternating-Current Electric Motor. A motor driven by alternating electric currents. Alternating-Current Electro-Magnet. An electro-magnet whose coils are traversed by alternating Currents, and which, although constantly reversing in magnetism, yet possesses a continued at- traction for its armature. Alternating - Current Phase - Meter. An apparatus for measuring the differ- ence between the phases of two alternat- ing currents. Alternating - Current Potentiometer. A potentiometer suitable for measuring the difference of pressure in an alternat- ing-current circuit. Alternating-Current Power. (1) Elec- tric power supplied through the medium of alternating currents. (2) The product of the effective alternating-current strength, the effective pressure under which that current is supplied, and the power factor. (3) With sinusoidal elec- tromotive forces and currents, the pro- duct of the effective current strength, the effective pressure under which that current is supplied, and the cosine of the phase-difference between the two. Alternating-Current Pressure Indi- cator. An alternating - current volt- meter. Alternating-Current Regulator. (1) A regulator for maintaining constant the pressure of an alternating-current gen- erator. (2) A regulator for controlling the strength of an alternating current. Alternating-Current Rotary Trans- former. A rotary transformer for transforming alternating into continu- ous-currents, or vice-versa. Alternating-Current Transmission. Transmission of power or energy by means of alternating currents. Alternating-Current Rush. (1) A term sometimes applied to the first rush or wave of alternating current passing into the primary coil of a transformer at the moment it is connected to the mains. (2) A term sometimes applied to the oscilla- tory discharge of a condenser. Alternating-Current Working. Feed- ing lamps, motors, or other receptive devices by means of alternating cur- rents. Alternating Currents. (1) Currents which flow alternately in opposite direc- tions. (2) Currents whose directions are periodically reversed. Alternating Discharge. (1) A dis- charge which periodically changes its direction. (2) An oscillatory discharge. Alternating Dynamo - Electric Ma- chine. An alternating-current dynamo- electric machine. Alternating Electromotive Forces. Electromotive forces whose directions are periodically reversing. Alternating Electrostatic Field. A field of electrostatic flux whose direction is periodically reversing. Alternating Electrostatic Potential. An electrostatic potential whose value is periodically changing sign. Alternating Influence Machine. An electrostatic influence machine which de- livers periodically alternating electric dis- charges or currents. Alternating Magnetic Field. A mag- netic field the direction of whose flux periodically changes. Alternating Magnetic Potential. A magnetic potential whose value is period- ically changing sign. Alternating Magnetic Call-Bell. A Alt]. 676 call-bell operated by the uncommuted currents of a magneto-electric machine. Alternating Magneto - Electric Ma- chine. A magneto-electric generator that produces alternating currents in its external circuit. Alternating Potential. A potential, whether electrostatic, electric, or mag- netic, that is periodically changing in sign. Alternating Sparking Distance. The air space across which an alternating- current disruptive-discharge would pass. Alternation. (1) A change in direction. (2) A change or reversal in the direction of an electromotive force or current. (3) A single vibration or oscillation as distin- guished from a complete cycle or double vibration. Alternation of Current. A change in the direction of a current. Alternations. Successive changes in the direction of a current or electro-motive force. Alternative Air-Path of Magnetic Flux. In a ferric magnetic circuit a field, outside the iron of the circuit, through which a portion of the magnetic flux passes. Alternative Path. The path or circuit taken by an impulsive discharge through an insulator in preference to a conducting path or circuit, of enormously smaller ohmic resistance, open to the discharge. Alternator. The name generally given to an alternating-current dynamo or gen- erator. Amalgam. A combination or mixture of a metal with mercury. Amalgam, Electric. A substance with which the rubbers of the ordinary fric- tional electric machine are covered. Amalgamate. To form into an amalgam. Amalgamating. Forming into an amal- gam. Amalgamating Solution. A solution of a salt of mercury employed for readily amalgamating the zincs of a voltaic battery. Amalgamation. The act of forming into an amalgam or effecting the combina- tion of a metal with mercury. Amalgamation of Zinc. Coating the surface of the zinc of a voltaic cell with mercury. Amalgamator, Electric. An electrically driven amalgamator for the treatment of gold or silver ores with mercury. Amazite. The name given to a particular kind of insulating material. Amber. A resinous substance generally of a transparent yellow color. American Morse Code. The Morse tele- graphic code employed in America, as distinguished from that employed in other parts of the world. American System of Telegraphy. The Morse system of telegraphy as em- ployed in America. American Telegraphic Code. The American Morse code of telegraphic sig- nals. American Twist Joint. A joint between two conducting wires in which each end is twisted around the other. American "Wire Gauge. The name gen- erally given to the Brown and Sharpe wire gauge, in which the largest wire, No. 0000, has a diameter of 0.46", the wire No. 36, 0.005", and all other diameters are in geometrical progression. Ammeter. Any form of galvanometer which is capable of measuring current strength directly in amperes. Ammeter Panel of Switchboard. In a central station the panel of the switch- board which carries the principal amme- ter or ammeters. Ammunition Hoist, Electric. An elec- trically operated hoist employed for rais- ing ammunition to the gun deck or turret of a ship. Amorphous. Possessing no definite crys- talline form. Amperage. The number of amperes pass- ing in a cirquit in a given time. Ampere. (1) The practical un , of electric current. (2) A rate of flow of electricity transmitting one coulomb per second. (3) The current of electricity which would pass through a circuit whose resistance is one ohm, under an electro-motive force of one volt. (4) A current of such a strength as will deposit 1.118 milli- grammes of silver per second from a spe- cifically prepared solution of silver ni- trate. Ampere-Arc. A single conductor, bent in the form of an arc of a circle, and used in an electric balance for measuring cur- rent. Ampere-Balance. A balance form of ammeter which measures currents of a few amperes, or which determines a cur- rent strength of one ampere. Ampere-Centimetre. A proposed unit of magnetic flux equal to the flux pro* Amp.] 677 [An*. duced by one ampere flowing through a circuit one centimetre in length. Ampere-Foot. A unit of current strength multiplied by the distance to which said current is carried, employed in calculat- ing the fall of electric pressure in distri- buting mains. (2) The magnetic flux or flux density developed in a coil. Ampere-Hour. (1) A unit of electrical quantity equal to the quantity of elec- tricity conveyed by one ampere flowing for one hour. (2) A quantity of elec- tricity equal to 3600 coulombs. Ampere-Hour Efficiency of Storage Battery. (1) In a cycle of charge and discharge, the ratio between the ampere- hours taken out of a storage battery and the ampere-hours put into it. (2) The quantity efficiency of a storage battery as distinguished from the energy effi- ciency. Ampere-Hour Meter. A meter which is capable of measuring an electric supply in ampere-hours. Ampere-Hour Output of Storage Bat- tery. The amount of useful electric quantity produced by a storage battery in ampere-hours. Ampere-Meter. An ammeter. Ampere-Minute. A unit of electrical quantity equal to the electric quantity conveyed by one ampere in one minute. Ampere-Ring. A word sometimes used for ampere-turn. Ampere-Second. (1) A unit -of electric quantity equal to the quantity of elec- tricity conveyed by one ampere flowing for one second. (2) A coulomb. Ampere-Stream in Armature. The ag- gregate current in amperes produced by all the conductors on a dynamo armature. Ampere-Tap. In a system of electric dis- tribution a tap provided in a branch cir- cuit for carrying off a current of one am- pere. Ampere-Turn. A unit of magneto-motive force equal to that produced by one am- pere flowing around a single turn of wire. Ampere- Volt. A word sometimes used for volt-ampere, cr watt. Ampere-Yard. A proposed unit of elec- tric current multiplied by distance through which said current is carried, sometimes employed in calculations. Ampere-Winding. A word sometimes used for ampere-turn ; i. e, , a single wind- ing or turn through which one ampere passes. Ampere-per-Square-Centlmetre. A unit of density of current expressed in amperes-per-square-centimetre of normal cross-section of conductor. Ampere-per-Square-Inch. A unit of density of current expressed in amperes per-square-inch of area of normal cross- section of conductor. Ampere's Rule for Deflection of Nee- dle. The north-seeking pole of a mag- netic needle is deflected by a current to the left-hand of an observer who is sup- posed to be swimming in the current while facing the needle. Ampere's Theory of Magnetism. A theory or hypothesis which ascribes the cause of magnetism to the presence of electric currents in the ultimate particles of a magnet. Amperian Currents. The electric cur- rents that are assumed, in the Amperian theory of magnetism, to flow in closed circuits around the ultimate particles of a magnet. Amphigenic Charge. A name proposed for an electric charge, whose surface den- sity varies in sign. Amplitude of Galvanometer Swing. (1) In a series of ballistic galvanometer deflections, the half sum of the deflection or elongation from zero, on one side of the scale, and the means of the preceding and following elongations on the other side. (2) When referred to radian measure the ratio of the above quantity to the distance of the scale from the mirror. Amplitude of Simple-Harmonic Mo- tion. The maximum cyclic value of a simple-harmonic or simple-periodic vibra- tion ; or, the distance in a straight line from the median position to the position of greatest elongation. Amplitude of Vibration or "Wave. The extent of the excursion of a simply vibrating particle on either side of its vi- brating point or point of rest. Amyl-Acetate Standard. (1) A photo- metric standard lamp of definite dimen- sions burning amyl-acetate. (2) The- Hefner-Alteneck standard lamp. Amyloid. (1) A substance employed in the manufacture of incandescent lamp filaments produced by the action of sul- phuric acid on cellulose. (2) Parchment- ized cellulose. Amyloid Filament. An incandescent lamp filament made from amyloid. Anaemic Cataphoresis. Cataphoretio medication accompanied by the applica- tion of bandages to retard local circula- tion in the parts treated. An*.] 678 [Ang. Anaesthesia. Insensibility to pain. Anaesthesia, Electric. Nervous insen- sibility obtained by electrical means. Analogous Pole. In a pyro-electric sub- stance like tourmaline, the pole that ac- quires a positive electrification while the temperature of the crystal is rising. Analysis. The determination of the com- position of a compound substance by sep- arating it into the elementary substances of which it is composed. Analysis, Electric. The determination of the composition of a compound sub- stance by electric means. Analyzable. Capable of being analyzed. Analyze. To separate into component parts. Analyzer, Electric. A gridiron of me- tallic wires which is transparent to per- pendicularly incident electro-magnetic waves, when the length of the wires is perpendicular to the electric oscillations, but is opaque to them, that is, possesses the ability to absorb or reflect them, when rotated 90 from its former position : i. e., when parallel to the electric oscillations. Analyzing. Separating into component parts. Anaphoresis. A term sometimes applied for the electric osmose which occurs in the neighborhood of the anode. Anchor. In a trolley system the diagonal tie wires which bind the trolley wire longitudinally to adjacent poles in order to maintain a uniform degree of tension in the trolley wire. Anchor Log. A log partially buried in the ground and serving as an anchor for a tel- egraphic pole. Anchor Platform. A frame-work at- tached to an anchor-pole by means of which the pole is solidly set in the earth. Anchor Pole. (1) A pole for overhead wires of sufficient stiffness to take the en- tire tension at points where an abrupt angle occurs, or where the conductors enter underground conduits. (2) A ter- minal pole. Anchor-Ring Core. A toroidal core. Anchor Strain-Ear. In an overhead trolley system a trolley ear or insulator employed for anchoring the trolley wire, or maintaining it taut, so as to ensure good and continuous contact with the trolley wheel. Anchored. (1) Kept in position by means of an anchor strain -ear. (2) Kept in posi- tion by means of an anchor, as a buoy or ship. (3) Maintained in a given position. Anchored Filament. An incandescent lamp filament supported at its centre 'to prevent injury to it by excessive vibra- tie" Aneiectric. A word formerly applied to conducting substances which it was be- lieved could not be electrified by friction. (Obsolete.) Anelectrotonic State. The state or con- dition of electrotonus. Anelectrotonic Zone. The polar zone. Anelectrotonus. The decreased func- tional activity which occurs in a nerve in the neighborhood of the anode or positive electrode. Anemograph. A recording anemometer. Anemograph, Electric. An electrically recording anemometer. Anemometer. An apparatus for record- ing the intensity and direction of the wind. Anemometer, Electric. An apparatus for electrically recording the intensity and direction of the wind. Anemometry. The measurement of the direction and intensity of the wind. Anemoscope. An instrument which in- dicates but does not measure the inten- sity, or record the direction of the wind. Aneroid. Devoid of liquid. Aneroid Barometer. An apparatus for measuring atmospheric pressure, which operates by the to-and-fro movements of one of the walls of a partially exhausted elastic metallic box. Angle. The deviation of direction be- tween two intersecting lines or planes. Angle Cathetometer. A cathetometer suitable for measuring angular deviation. Angle of Declination. (1) The angle which measures the deviation of the mag- netic needle to the east or west of the true geographical north. (2) The angle of va- riation of a magnetic needle. Angle of Dielectric Hysteretic Lag. In a condenser traversed by an alterna- ting current the angle whose tangent is equal to the ratio of the hysteretic con- ductance to the hysteretic susceptance of the condenser, or to the angle whose co- tangent is the ratio of the hysteretic re- actance of condensance to the hysteretic resistance of the condenser. Angle of Dip. (1) The angle which a magnetic needle, free to move in both a vertical and horizontal plane, makes with the horizontal line passing through its point of support. (2) The angle of inclina* tion of a magnetic needle. Aug.] 679 [Ann. Angle of Hysteretic Advance of Phase. The angle by which the equivalent sine wave of exciting current leads the sine wave of magnetism, in a transformer or choking coil containing iron. Angle of Inclination. The angle of dip. Angle of Lag. The angle of lag of a dy- namo-electric machine. Angle of Lag of Current. (1) An angle whose tangent is equal to the ratio of the inductive to the ohmic resistance in a cir- cuit. (2) An angle whose cosine is equal to the ohmic resistance divided by the impedance of a circuit. (3) An angle whose cosine is the ratio of the real to the apparent power in an alternating-current circuit. Angle of Lag of Dynamo-Electric Ma- chine. (1) The angle through which the axis of magnetization of the armature of a dynamo-electric machine is shifted by reason of the resistance its core offers to cyclic reversals of magnetization. (2) The angle through which the axis of magnetization of the armature of a dyna- mo-electric machine is shifted by reason of both hysteresis and armature reaction. (3) The backward angular deviation from the normal of the brushes of a motor in order to secure sparkless commutation. Angle of Lead. The forward angular de- viation from the normal position which must be given to the collecting brushes on the commutator of a continuous-cur- rent generator in order to obtain quiet commutation. Angle of Maximum Sensitiveness of Galvanometer. The angle of deflection at which a given small alteration in the current strength produces the greatest deflection of the change in the needle. Angle of Polar Span. The angular dis- tance which the pole pieces extend cir- cumferentially around the armature bore. Angle of Variation. The angle of de- clination of the magnetic needle. Angular. Of or pertaining to an angle. Angular Acceleration.. The time rate of change of angular velocity. Angular Couple . The angular force. . Angular Currents. Currents flowing through circuits which intersect one an- other at any angle. Angular Energy. The product of one- half the square of the angular velocity and the moment of inertia. Angular Force. The force which causes the rate pf change of angular momentum. Angular Momentum. The product of the moment of inertia at any instant and the angular velocity. Angular Torque. The angular twist or couple. Angular Velocity. (1) The velocity of a point moving relatively to a centre of rotation or to some selected point, and usually measured in degrees per second, or in radians per second. (2) In a sinusoidal- current circuit the product of 6.2832 and the frequency of the current. Angular Wire Gauge. A wire gaug^e measurer formed of a metallic strip con- taining a tapering, or acute-angled slot with graduated edges. Animal Electricity. Electricity pro- duced in the bodies of animals during life. Animal Magnetism. A term sometimes applied to hypnotism or artificial som- nambulism. Anion. The electro-negative ion or radical of a molecule. Anisptropic Conductor. A conductor which though homogeneous in structure possesses different conductivities in dif- ferent directions. Anisotropic Medium. (1) A medium in which equal stresses do not produce equal strains when applied in different directions. (2) An eolotropic medium. Annealing. The art of softening metals by heating and subsequent gradual cool- ing. Annealing, Electric. A process for an- nealing metals in which electric heat is substituted for ordinary heat. Annual Inequality of Earth's Mag- netism. (1) A variation in any of the elements of the earth's magnetism de- pendent upon the relative position of the sun and earth. (2) Annual variations in the earth's magnetism. Annual Load-Factor. (1) The ratio be- tween the mean output of a central station in one year, and the maximum output at any time during the year. (2) The ratio between the mean daily output of a cen- tral station in one year, and the mean daily maximum output in the same year. Annual Variations of Magnetic Needle. Variations in the magnetic de- clination that occur at regular periods of the year. Annunciator Board. A board on which annunciator drops are placed. Annunciator Clock, Electric. A clock employed in connection 'with an an- nunciator for automatically disconnect- Ann.] 680 [Ant. ing certain circuits at certain predeter- mined times. Annunciator Drop. An annunciator signal whose dropping indicates the clos- ing or opening of the circuit of a partic- ular electro-magnet connected therewith. Annunciator Wire. A class of insulated wire prepared for use in annunciator circuits. Anodal. Of or pertaining to the anode. Aiiodal Diffusion. A word sometimes * used for cataphoretic medication. A.node. (1) The conductor or plate of a decomposition cell connected with the positive terminal of a battery or other electric source. (2) The terminal of an electric source out of which the current flows into the electrolyte of a decompos- ing cell or voltameter. (3) In a vacu- um tube, electrolytic cell, bath, or re- ceptive device, the terminal at which the current enters, as distinguished from the cathode, at which the current leaves. Anodic. Of or pertaining to the anode. Anodic Closure Contraction. The muscular contraction produced by the closing of a voltaic circuit, the anode of which is placed over a nerve, and the cathode at some other part of the body. Anodic Contraction. The muscular con- traction produced in the neighborhood of the anode, either on opening or closing the circuit. Anodic Currents. In a polarized voltaic couple immersed in acidulated water, the electric currents produced by the agitation of the plate connected with the anode. Anodic Duration Contraction. The time during which a muscle continues contracted on the opening or closing of a circuit whose anode is placed over the part contracted. Anodic Electro-Diagnostic Reactions. The characteristic reactions which oc- cur at the anode of an electric source placed over any part of a living body. Anodic Opening Contraction. The muscular contraction produced by the opening of a voltaic circuit the anode of which is placed over a nerve and the cathode at some other part of the body. Anodic Rays. The radiation claimed to emanate from the anode of an X-ray tube. Anodic Zone. The zone or region sur- rounding the anode when employed as a therapeutic electrode. Anodograph. A word proposed for a radiograph. Anomalous. (1) Irregular. (2) Not in accordance with the ordinary rule. Anomalous Dispersion. An abnormal dispersion in which the order of the wave frequencies is inverted as regards their order in ordinary dispersion. Anomalous Helix. A helix wound so as to produce an anomalous magnet. Anomalous Magnet. A magnet possess- ing more than two free poles. Anomalous Magnetization. (1) The magnetization produced by the oscillatory discharge of a condenser or Leyden jar. (2) Magnetization which produces more than two free poles in a magnet. Anomalous Pole. A name sometimes given to those poles of an anomalous magnet which consist of two similar adjacent poles. Anomalous Solenoid. An anomalous helix. Anomalous Spiral. An anomalous helix. Answer Back Signal. A return signal. Answering Call-Box. A call-box at which an answering signal is obtained, indicating that the call has been received at the central station. Answering Board. In a telephone switchboard the board holding the an- swering jacks. Answering Jacks. In any panel of a telephone switchboard the jacks con- nected with the subscribers whose calling drops are placed in that panel, so that each call may be immediately answered at an adjacent jack. Answering Key. In a telephone switch- board a lever contact key which enables the operator to bring her head telephone into connection with any subscriber. Anti-Cathode of X-Ray Tube. (1) A deflection plate placed opposite the ca- thode of an X-ray tube. (2) A platinum plate supported inside an X-ray tube to receive the cathodic bombardment. Anti-Conical System of Distribution. A system of conical conductors employed in anti-parallel feeding. Anti-Hum. A device for lessening the humming sound due to the vibration of an aerial wire. Anti-Induction. Opposing or preventing induction and its effects. Anti-Induction Cable. A cable whose conductors are so arranged as to avoid the effects of induction, either from them- selves or from neighboring conductors. Anti-Induction Conductor. A con Ant.] 681 [App. ductor cQnstructed so as to avoid injur- ious inductive effects from neighboring circuits. Anti-Induction Telephone Cable. (1) A telephone cable in which the con- ductors are so arranged as to neutralize the effects of induction produced by neighboring circuits. (2) A telephone cable in which the effects of electrostatic in- duction from neighboring circuits is avoided by a metallic covering or sheath- ing that is grounded at suitable inter- vals. Antilogous Pole. The pole of a pyro- electric substance like tourmaline, which acquires a negative electrification while the temperature of the crystal is rising. Antimonious Lead. An alloy of lead and antimony employed for the grid of a storage battery because it is not acted on by the charging current. Antinode. The point in a vibrating string, wire, or plate, midway between adjacent nodes. Anti-Parallel Feeding. A method of feeding in a system of parallel distribu- tion in which the pressure at the ter- minals of all the translating devices is kept approximately uniform by employ- ing mains tapering in opposite directions ; that is, with their large ends connected to the generator terminals or bus-bars, and the mains proceeding in opposite directions around the circuit to be sup- plied. Anti-phase. (1) A phase relation be- tween two periodic currents such that they, tend to decrease the amplitude of the motion. (2) Phase opposition. Anvil of Telegraph Key. The front stop of a Morse telegraph key, upon which the lever descends in signalling. Aperiodic. (1) Not characterized by periodicity. (2) Devoid of periodicity. (3) Coming to rest steadily without oscil- lations. Aperiodic Galvanometer. (1) A gal- vanometer whose needle comes to rest without any oscillation. (2) A dead- beat galvanometer. A-Pole. A telegraph double-pole shaped like a letter A. Apparent Electromotive Force. The E. M. F. apparently acting in a circuit as measured by the drop of pressure due to the resistance of the circuit and the cur- rent strength passing through it. Apparent Coefficient of Induction. A term 'sometimes used for the apparent inductance in a circuit which either en- velops iron, or is inductively associated with secondary circuits. Apparent Coefficient of Magnetic In- duction. The apparent permeability of a substance as expressed by the amount of magnetic flux that passes through it per unit of normal cross-sectional area, differing from the true value on account of the presence of eddy currents. Apparent Conductor-Resistance. The impedance of a conductor which forms part of an alternating-current circuit con- taining both resistance and reactance. Apparent Efficiency of Alternator. The ratio of the electric activity delivered at the terminals of an alternator, as the product of volts and amperes supplied, to the activity mechanically absorbed at its pulley or shaft ; in contradistinction to the efficiency determined from the true electric activity delivered. Apparent Efficiency. The efficiency of a generator, motor, or other apparatus, in an alternating-current circuit based upon the volt-amperes or apparent power as dis- tinguished from efficiency based on real power. Apparent Efficiency of Alternating- Current Motor. The ratio of the power mechanically delivered by the motor to the apparent activity it receives at its ter- minals ; as distinguished from the effi- ciency based upon the real electric activity received. Apparent Energy. (1) The product of the effective current and the effective pressure in an alternating-current circuit. (2) Apparent activity, as opposed to true activity. (3) In a sinusoidal-current cir- cuit, or simple alternating-current circuit, the product of effective volts and effective amperes uncorrected for the cosine of the angle of their phase difference. Apparent Expansion. The increase in the volume of a liquid by expansion irre- spective of the expansion of its con- taining vessel. Apparent Insulation. The insulation resistance of a circuit, uncorrected for the effect of leakage in the measuring current. Apparent Impedance. (1) In an alter- nating-current circuit the virtual imped- ance in a primary circuit due to the presence of an associated secondary cir- cuit. (2) The joint impedance of a net- work of impedances. Apparent Insulation of Telegraphic Line. The insulation of a telegraph line App.] 682 [Arc. uncorrected for its conductor resistance, or for the drop in testing potential at the more remote portions. Apparent Magnetization. The magnet- ization due to the superposition of two separate magnetizations. Apparent Power. In an alternating- current circuit, the apparent watts, or the product obtained by multiplying the volts by the amperes, as read directly from a voltmeter and ammeter. Apparent Reluctance. The reluctance of a magnetic circuit, or portion thereof, under the influence of a complex of such superposed magnetic fluxes as may prac- tically be developed, as distinguished from its reluctance under a single mag- netising force. Apparent Resistance. The impedance in an alternating-current circuit or por- tion thereof. Apparent Torque Efficiency. In an alternating-current motor, the ratio of the torque actually developed to the torque which it would give at the same volt- ampere or apparent electric input in volt- amperes if there were neither internal losses nor phase displacement in the motor. Apparent Watts. The apparent power in an alternating-current circuit as dis- tinguished from the real power. Apron Grapnel. A form of grapnel for grappling a cable in which the prongs are protected from breakage on rocks by an apron or covering, only a sufficient space being left between the apron and the prongs for the entrance of the cable. Aqueous Solution. A solution of a salt or other substance in water. Arago's Disc. A disc of copper or other non-magnetic metallic substance which, when rapidly rotated under a magnetic needle supported independently of the disc, causes the needle to be deflected in the direction of rotation, and, when the velocity of the disc is sufficiently great, to rotate with it. Arborescent Discharges. Disruptive discharges obtained from a high-potential discharge of a series-connected battery. Arborescent Deposits. Tree-shaped electro-metallurgical deposits. Arc. (1) A voltaic arc. (2) A portion of a circle, or other plane conic section. Arc. To discharge in the form of a voltaic arc. Arc Ammeter. An ammeter on an arc circuit. Arc Blow-Pipe, Electric. A blow-pipe in which the air-blast is obtained by a convective discharge. Arc-Circuit Cut-Out. A cut-out placed in a series arc-light circuit to prevent the extinguishment of any lamp from break- ing the entire circuit. Arc-Circuit Cut-Out Box. A box fo\ holding an arc-circuit cut-out. Arc-Circuit Indicator. A device in the form of a simple galvanometer which in- dicates when the current is passing through an arc-light circuit. Arc Crater Photometric Standard. A photometric standard based on the inten- sity of light normally emitted from a definite area of the crater of a carbon voltaic arc. Arc, Electric. A term sometimes em- ployed for the voltaic arc. Arc-Lamp, Electric. (1) An electric lamp whose source of light is the voltaic arc. (2) An incandescent electric lamp, em- ployed to illumine the circles of telescopes or other instruments in an observatory. Arc-Lamp Compensator. A reactive or choking coil, placed in the circuit of a lamp or lamps for the purpose of auto- matically regulating the amount of cur- rent passing through the lamp or lamps. Arc-Lamp Globe. A glass globe sur- rounding the arc of an arc lamp. Arc-Lamp Hand-Board. An arc-lamp hanger-board. Arc-Lamp Hanger. A board from which an arc lamp is suspended, provided with electric connections for readily short-cir- cuiting the lamp. Arc-Lamp Spark-Arrester. A gauze chimney surrounding the arc and em- ployed for the purpose of preventing fires when arc lamps are placed near com- bustible materials, .as in shop windows. Arc-Lamp Suspension-Board. (1) A board for suspending an" arc lamp. (2) an arc-lamp hanger-board. Arc-Light . The light of the carbon voltaic arc. Arc-Light Circuit. (1) A circuit in which arc-lights are placed. (2) Gen- erally, a series-connected circuit. Arc-Light Cut-Out. A switch for short- circuiting an arc-lamp and so cutting it out of the circuit. (2) A cut-out which automatically removes an arc-lamp from the circuit. Arc-Light Diffuser. Any diffuser for scattering or diffusing the light from an arc light so as to avoid the production of intense shadows. Arc.] 683 [Arm, Arc-Light Generator. A dynamo-elec- tric machine that furnishes current for arc-light circuits. Arc-Light-Points. The carbon pencils between which the arc is maintained in an arc light. Arc- Light Projector. An arc lamp pro- vided with a reflector for obtaining a beam of approximately parallel rays of light. Arc-Light Meter. A form of electric current timer. Arc-Light Regulator. A device, gene- rally automatic, for maintaining the car- bons of an arc-lamp a constant distance apart during the operation of the lamp. Arc-Light Tower. A tower employed in out-door illumination for supporting a number of arc lamps. Arc-Light Transformer. A transfor- mer which supplies alternating currents to arc-lamps. Arc-Lighter. An arc-light generator. Arc-Lighting. Artificial illumination obtained by means of arc lights. Arc-Lighting Dynamo-Electric Ma- chine. An arc-light generator. Arc Plug-Switchboard. A switchboard provided with spring-jack contacts con- nected with the terminals of different circuits, and plug switches connected with the dynamo terminals, by means of which any dynamo can be connected with any circuit ; or a number of circuits connected with the same dynamo ; or a number of separate dynamos placed in the same circuit. Arc Micrometer. An apparatus for measuring the length of a voltaic arc by means of a micrometer. Arc Standard of Light. A photometric standard based on the intensity of the light emitted by a given area of crater of the positive carbon in a carbon arc. Arc Switchboard. An arc plug-switch- board. Arcing. Discharging by means of voltaic arcs. Areometer. An instrument for readily determining the specific gravity of liquids. Areometry. The measurement of the specific gravity of liquids by means of areometers. Argand Electric Burner. An Argand burner provided with a device for elec- trically igniting the gas. Argand Electric Lighter. An Argand electric burner. Argand Valve-Burner or Lighter. An Argand burner provided with means . whereby the gas can be both turned on and lighted electrically. Argymometry. The art of determining the weight of electrically deposited silver. Arithmetical Mean Value of Periodic Current of E. M. P. Wave. The arith- metical average of all the instantaneous values during one complete period. Arm of Balance or Bridge. One of the resistances of an electric balance 01 bridge. Arms of Balance or Bridge. Two sepa- rate resistances, the value of one of which is usually a decimal multiple of the other, employed in an electric bridge or balance, in connection with a known resistance, to determine the value of an unknown resistance. Armature. (1) A mass of iron or other magnetizable material placed on or near the poles of a magnet. (2) The armature of a dynamo-electric machine. Armature Bars. (1) Heavy copper bars of rectangular or trapezoidal cross-sec- tion, or of imbricated rectangular strips, or of rectangular bars of compressed stranded wire, or of special forgings, em- ployed on large drum armatures in place of the ordinary wire windings. (2) Heavy conductors employed for armature wind- ings. Armature Binding Wires. Coils of wire bound on the outside of the armature wires for the purpose of preventing their separating from the armature core by centrifugal force. Armature Bore. The space between the pole-pieces of a dynamo or motor provided for the rotation of the armature. Armature Chamber. (1) The armature bore. (2) An armature pocket. Armature Chambers. Spaces left in the armature core for the reception of the armature coils. Armature Core-Discs. The thin discs of sheet-iron that form, when assembled, the laminated core of the armature of a dynamo or motor. Armature Core of Dynamo. The masa of laminated iron on which the armature coils or conductors of a dynamo or motoi are placed. Armature Covering. A covering of can- vas or other suitable material placed on an armature for the purpose of protecting its conductors from injury or dirt. Arm.] C84 [Art. Armature Hole.- (1) The armature bore. (2) A hole made in the core for the recep- tion of an armature coil or winding. Armature Inductors. The bars, strips, or coils, placed on the dynamo armature core, in which electromotive forces are induced by rotation. Armature Loop. The single conducting coil or loop on a dynamo or motor arma- ture. Armature of Cable. The sheathing or protective coat placed on the outside of a cable. Armature of Condenser. A term some- times applied to the metallic plates or coatings of a condenser or Leyden jar. Armature of Dynamo. (1) Coils of in- sulated wire together with the iron core on or around which such coils are wound. (2) That part of a dynamo in which useful differences of potential or useful currents are generated. (3) Generally that part of a dynamo which is revolved between the pole-pieces of the field magnets. (4) That member of a dynamo in which the mag- netic flux is caused to successively fill and empty the coils and thereby gener- ate E. M. Fs. Armatures of Holtz Machine. The pieces of paper that are placed on the stationary plate of a Holtz, or other simi- lar electrostatic induction machine, near the openings in the same. Armature Pinion. A toothed wheel . placed on the armature shaft of a street- car motor for engaging the teeth of the reducing gear. Armature Pockets. Spaces provided in an armature core for the reception of the armature coils. Armature Projections. Those portions of the armature core between which the armature slots, pockets, or chambers are situated. Armature Reaction. The reactive mag- netic influence produced, by the current in the armature of a dynamo or motor, on the magnetic circuit of the machine. Armature Segment. That portion of an armature winding, or armature inductor, whose circuit is included between two contiguous segments of the commutator. Armature Slots. Slots provided in an armature ' core for the reception of the armature coils. Armature Spider. A metal frame-work, keyed to the armature shaft, and pro- vided with radial arms for firmly holding the armature core. Armature Stampings. Stampings of soft sheet iron intended for the core discs of a laminated armature core. Armature Turns. The separate turns of conductors on the armature of a dynamo or motor. Armature Varnish. An insulating var- nish sometimes applied to armature wind- ings for the purpose of increasing theil powers of resisting moisture and friction. Armature Winding-Space. Longitu- dinal grooves or spaces left in the arma- ture core for the reception of the arma- ture coils. Armed Magnet. A magnet provided with an armature. Armor of Cable. The protecting sheath- ing or metallic covering of a submarine or other electric cable. Armored. Provided with armor, as of the protective sheathing of a cable. Armored Cable. A cable provided with a protective sheathing or armor. Armored Conductor. A conductor pro- vided with a protective sheathing or armor. Army Telegraph. The telegraphic ap- paratus employed in field service in the army. Arrester Plate of Lightning Protec- tor. The ground -connected plate of a comb lightning-arrester. Arrester Plates. A term sometimes ap- plied to the two plates of an ordinary comb lightning-protector. Arrival Curve of Current in Sub- marine Cable or Telegraphic Cir- cuit. A curve showing the gradual increase in the strength of current reach- ing the receiving end of a submarine cable under a given condition of signal- ling. Articulate Speech. The successive tones of the human voice that are necessary to produce intelligible words. Artificial Cable. A circuit containing associated resistance and capacity, and employed in a system of duplex sub- marine telegraphy corresponding to the artificial line in duplex aerial line tele- graphy. Artificial Cable Leak. A leak purpose- ly introduced at some point in the circuit . of an artificial cable employed in duplex cable telegraphy. Artificial Carbons. Carbons obtained by the carbonization of a mixture of pul- verized carbon with a carbonizable liquid. Art.] 685 [AtOa Artificial Fault in Cable. A fault pur- posely made in an artificial cable for the purpose of studying its behavior under tests. Artificial Illumination. The employ- ment of artificial sources of light. Artificial Line. In duplex telegraphy a combination of resistance coils and con- densers which serves to balance an actual telegraph line. Artificial Magnet. A magnet produced by induction from another magnet or from an electric current. Asbestos Porcelain. A porous sub- stance, somewhat resembling ordinary porcelain, employed for the porous cells of voltaic batteries. A-Side of Quadruplex Table. That side of a quadruplex system which is worked by means of reversed currents. Asphyxia. Suspended respiration event- ually resulting in death from non-aeration of the blood. Assumed Direction of Flow of Cur- rent. A convention which regards the current as leaving an electric source at its positive pole, and returning to it at its negative pole. Assymmetrical. Devoid of symmetry. Assymmetrical Resistance. A resist- ance which is claimed to be greater to a flow of current in one direction than in another. Astatic. Devoid of magnetic directive power. Astatic Circle. A term sometimes used for astatic circuit. Astatic Circuit. A circuit, consisting of two closed curves enclosing equal sur- faces, which is not deflected by the earth's field on the passage of a current through it. Astatic Couple. Two magnets of equal strength so placed one above the other in a vertical plane as completely to neutral- ize each other's effects. Astatic Galvanometer. A galvanometer provided with an astatic needle or cir- cuit. Astatic Multiplier. An astatic galvano- meter. Astatic Needle. (1) A compound mag- netic needle of great sensibility, possess- ing little or no directive power. (2) An astatic needle consisting of two separate needles rigidly connected and placed par- allel one directly over the other with opposite poles opposed. Astatic Pair. An astatic couple. Astatic System. An astatic combination of magnets. Astaticizing. Rendering a system astatic. Astigmatism. A defect in the lenses of the eye which prevents horizontal and vertical lines from being in focus at the same time. Astronomical Meridian. A great circle passing through any point of the heavens and the north and south poles of the heavens. Asymptote of Curve. A straight line which continually approaches a curved line, but which meets it only at an in- finite distance. Asynchronism. Devoid of synchronism. Asynchronous. Occurring or acting non-simultaneously. Asynchronous Alternating-Current- Motor. A motor whose speed is not synchronous with that of its driving gen- erator, both machines having the same number of poles. Atmosphere. (1) A unit of gaseous or fluid pressure equal to 14'73 pounds per square inch. (2) The ocean of air which surrounds the earth. Atmospheric. Of or pertaining to the atmosphere. Atmospheric Cathode Discharge. An X-ray discharge which is assumed to ac- company and form part of the sun's radiation. Atmospheric Electricity. The free electricity which is present in the atmos- phere. Atom. (1) An ultimate particle of mat- ter. (2) The smallest quantity of ele- mentary or simple matter that can exist. Atom of Electricity. A quantity of electricity equal in amount to that pos- sessed by any chemical monad atom. Atomic. Of or pertaining to the atom. Atomic Attraction. (1) The attraction which causes the atoms to combine. (2) Chemical affinity. Atomic Capacity. The equivalence or valency of an atom. Atomic Currents. A term sometimes employed instead of molecular or Ampe- rian currents. Atomic Energy. Chemical potential energy. Atomic Heat. A constant product ob- tained by multiplying the specific heat of an elementary substance by its atomic weight- Ato.] 686 [Aut. Atomic Weight. The relative weight of the atoms of elementary substances. Atomicity. (1) The combining capacity of the atoms. (2) The relative equiva- lence of the atoms, or their atomic ca- pacity. Atomization. The act of obtaining li- quids in a spray of finely divided parti- cles. Atomize. To separate into a spray by means of an atomizer. Atomizer. An apparatus for readily ob- taining a finely divided jet or spray of liquid. Attachment Plug. A plug provided for insertion in a screw socket or spring jack, for the ready connection of a lamp or other receptive device to a circuit. Attract. To draw together. Attracted-Disc Electrometer. A form of electrometer in which the force is measured by the attraction existing be- tween two charged discs. Attracting. Drawing together. Attraction. Literally the act of drawing together. Attraction of Gravitation. (1) Mass at- traction ; or, the attraction which causes masses of matter to tend to move towards one another. (2) The attraction which causes bodies to fall to the earth. (3) Molar attraction. Attractions and Repulsions of Cur- rents. The tendency of active circuits to be attracted to or repelled from one another by the mutual action of their magnetic fields. Audible Code. A term employed in rail- way signalling for a code of audible sig- nals in railway service. Audible Telegraphic Signal. A signal which is received by the ear in contra- distinction to a visual signal or one re- ceived by the eye. Audiometer. A form of induction bal- ance or sonometer employed in testing the acuteness of hearing. Audiphone. A thin plate of hard rubber held in firm contact with the teeth and maintained at a certain tension by strings attached to one of its edges, employed for the purpose of aiding the hearing. Auger. A boring tool for cutting holes for telegraph poles. Aura, Electric. A term sometimes ap- plied to an electric brush or convective discharge. Aural Electrode. An electrode suitably shaped for the therapeutic treatment of the ear. Aurora. (1) Luminous sheets, columns, arches, or pillars of pale flashing light, generally of a reddish color, seen in the Northern and Southern heavens. (2) The Northern and Southern lights. Aurora Australis. (1) The Southern light. (2) A name given to an appear- ance in the Southern heavens similar to that of the aurora borealis. Aurora Borealis. The Northern light. Aurora Glory. A term proposed for the almost constant crown or crowns of light, which occupy a nearly fixed position in the heavens during the continuance of an aurora. Aurora Polaris. A general name for the aurora borealis or the aurora australis. Auroral. Of or pertaining to an aurora. Auroral Arch. An arch-like form some- times assumed by the auroral light. Auroral Bands. Approximately parallel streams of light that are sometimes seen during the prevalence of an aurora. Auroral Coronse. Crown-shaped appear- ances sometimes assumed by the auroral light. Auroral Curtain. A curtain-shaped sheet of auroral light. Auroral Plashes. (1) Sudden variations in the intensity of the auroral light. (2) Intermittent flashes of auroral light. Auroral Light. The light given off by an aurora. Auroral Storm. An unusual prevalence of auroras. Auroral Streams. Auroral streamers. Auroral Streamers. Flashing columns or pillars of light that are emitted from portions of the sky during the prevalence of an aurora. Austral. Of or pertaining to the South. Austral Fluid. A term formerly em- ployed for that magnetic fluid which was supposed to exist around or to emanate from the austral pole of a magnet. Austral Magnetic Pole. (1) The name formerly employed in France for the north-seeking pole of a magnet. (Not in general use.) (2) That pole of a magnet which points to the earth's geographical north. (Not in general use.) Auto-Car. -(I) An automobile car. (2) A car provided with storage batteries. Auto-Converter. (1) A choking coil con- nected across a circuit and tapped at va- rious points to enable a reduced E. M. F. Aut.J 687 [Aut. to be obtained. (2) An auto-transformer. (3) A choking coil connected to an induc- tion motor by a switch in such a manner as to facilitate the starting of the motor under load. Auto-Excitation. Self-excitation. Auto-Exciting. Self -exciting. Autographic Telegraphy. (1) Fac- simile telegraphy. (2) A writing tele- graph. Auto-Induction. A word sometimes em- ployed instead of self-induction. Auto-Kinetic System of Fire Telegra- phy. A system of fire telegraphy in which the transmitters are connected in series in a pair of circuits, so that, when an alarm is being transmitted from one alarm point, no other alarm, received at the same time, will be transmitted until the first has been recorded. Automatic Annunciator Drop. An annunciator drop which on the closing of a distant circuit falls and holds the cir- cuit closed until the drop is raised. Automatic Answer-Back. An auto- matic return-signal call-box. Automatic Argand Burner. An Ar- gand burner furnished with a device by means of which it can be either auto- matically lighted or extinguished at a distance. Automatic Gas Cut-Off. A device for automatically cutting out the battery from an electric gas-lighting circuit, on the accidental grounding of the circuit. Automatic Guard for Series-Con- nected Incandescent Lamps. (1) An automatic cut-out, placed on a series- connected incandescent lamp, for the purpose of short-circuiting the holder should the lamp filament break. (2) A film cut-out. Automatic Indicating-Grapnel. A grapnel which automatically completes the circuit of an electric bell or indicator on a cable ship, as soon as the cable is hooked. Automatic Indicator. Any automatic device for electrically indicating the number of times a circuit has befin opened or closed, thus showing the number of times any operation has occurred, which has caused the opening or closing of the circuit. Automatic Indicator for Grapnel. An apparatus employed with a grapnel for indicating when the grapnel conies off the sea bottom. Automatic Inker. An ink- writing Morse recorder which is automatically self- starting upon its operation by telegraphic currents. Automatic Interrupter. An automatic contact-breaker. Automatic Locking-Switch. A com- bined key and switch employed in sub- marine cables, whereby the switch is automatically locked and thus prevented from being left for sending, when it should be left for receiving, or vice-versa. Automatic Make-and-Break. A device whereby the to-and-f ro movements of the armature of an electro-magnet are caused to automatically make and break its cir- cuit. Automatic Multiple-Transmitter. In a telegraphic signalling or calling system, the means whereby the requisite number of spacing and electric impulses for any of a number of different calls, is auto- matically sent over a line, in order to pro- duce a given signal, such for example, in a system of police telegraphy, as a call for an ambulance, a call for a squad, etc. Automatic Oiler. An oil cup or reservoir that automatically spreads oil over the bearing of a machine in motion. Automatic Overload-Switch for Stor- age Battery. An automatic electro- magnetic switch, inserted in the discharg- ing circuit of a storage battery, by means of which, when the discharging current exceeds a certain safe limiting strength, it is automatically opened. Automatic Paper-Winder. An appa- ratus for carrying and automatically winding the paper fillet or strip used on telegraphic registers. Automatic Photo-Electric Switch. A switch that is automatically opened or closed on the exposure of its face to differences of illumination. Automatic Regulation of Dynamo- Electric Machine. Such a regulation of a dynamo-electric machine as will automatically preserve constant, either the current strength or the potential dif- ference at its terminals. Automatic Regulation of Motor. Such a regulation of a motor as will maintain constant its speed, or its torque. Automatic Regulator. A device for securing automatic regulation of a dy- namo or motor, as distinguished from hand regulation. Automatic Repeater. A telegraphic re- peater which is automatically operated, in contradistinction to a manual repeatei which is operated or controlled by hand. Aut.] 688 Automatic Rheostat. An automatic variable resistance. Automatic Rheotome. An automatic contact-breaker. Automatic Ringing - Through. A means by which in junction telephone working the attention of the distant ex- change can be secured by the act of estab- lishing connection at the originating ex- change without the necessity of calling up the distant exchange after connection has been made. Automatic Search-Light. A search- light in which a parallel, or slightly divergent beam of light, is caused au- tomatically to sweep the horizon and thus disclose the approach of a torpedo boat or other similar danger. Automatic Signalling. Telegraphic transmission by machine-made contacts as distinguished from telegraphic signalling by hand. Automatic-Call-Box. A form of tele- phone call-box by means of which the service of a telephone exchange can be ob- tained by a payment made into a box, thus dispensing with the services of an attendant. Automatic Chemical Telegraphy. Automatic telegraphy in which the sig- nals are recorded on a fillet or band of chemically prepared paper. Automatic Circuit-Breaker. A device for automatically opening a circuit when the current passing through it is exces- sive. Automatic Clearing Indicator. (1) A self-restoring drop. ( 2 ) A clearing indica- tor at a telephone exchange on a junction line, which automatically indicates when the conversation has terminated. Automatic Contact-Breaker. A device for causing an electric current to rapidly make and break its own circuit. Automatic Counter. In railway block- signalling, an electro-magnetic device for recording and indicating the signals of an audible code. Automatic Curb-Sender. In subma- rine telegraphy, a transmitter in which each signal is curbed automatically ; i. e., each signal is followed by one or more alternately directed impulses before earth- ing, for the purpose of clearing the line of its static charge. Automatic Cut-in. Any arrangement of parts that will automatically introduce a translating device or an electric source into a circuit on the occurrence of any predetermined event. Automatic Cut-Out. Any arrangement of parts that will automatically cut-out or remove a translating device or an elec- tric source from a circuit on the occur- rence of a predetermined event. Automatic Cut-Out for Storage Bat- tery. An automatic electro-magnetic switch, inserted into the charging cir- cuit of a storage battery, so arranged that if the charging current falls below a safe limiting strength the charging circuit will be opened. Automatic Cut-Out for Multiple-Con- nected Electro-Receptive Devices. (1) A device for automatically cutting an electro-receptive device, such as a lamp, out of a circuit. (2) A safety catch or safety base. Automatic Cut-Out for Series-Con- nected Electro-Receptive Devices. Means whereby an electro-receptive de- vice, such as an arc lamp, is to all intents and purposes automatically cut-out of, or removed from, a circuit, by means of a shunt of low resistance which permits the greater part of the current to flow past the lamp. Automatic Cut-Out of Magneto. A cut-out switch for automatically remov- ing the armature of a magneto from the telephone circuit by the action of a spring, as soon as the handle is released. Automatic Drop. An automatic annun- ciator drop. Automatic Electric Alarm-Bell. An electric alarm-bell furnished with an automatic contact-breaker. Automatic Electric Bell. (1) A trem- bling or vibrating bell. (2) An auto- matic electric alarm-bell. Automatic Electric Gas-Burner. An electric device for both turning on the gas and lighting it, and turning the gas off, and thus extinguishing the light, by alter- nately touching different buttons. Automatic Electric Safety System for Railroads. A system for automatically preventing tne approach of two trains, whatever their speed, beyond a pre- determined distance from each other. Automatic Fire- Alarm. An instrument for automatically telegraphing an alarm of fire from any locality on its increase in temperature beyond a certain predeter- mined point. Automatic Fire- Annunciator. An an- nunciator for automatically indicating the point from which a fire-alarm has been sent. Automatic Steam- Whistle, Electric.^ Aut.J 689 [Aux. A steam-whistle employed in absolute block systems for railroads, whereby, during fogs or snow-storms, when the signals are hidden from view, the loco- motive, on passing over a portion of the road at a convenient distance from the signal, is caused to make a succession of electric contacts, whereby a steam whis- tle is blown' on the moving train. Automatic Switch. (1) A switch which is automatically opened or closed on the occurrence of certain predetermined events. (2) In double-current telegraphy an electro-magnetic switch which enables the distant station to stop the sending operator at the home station. Automatic Switch for Incandescent Electric Lamps. (1) A safety fuse or safety cut-out. (2) Any switch by means of which incandescent lamps can be lighted or extinguished at a distance. (3) A device for automatically closing the circuit of a lamp or lamps on the opening of a door, or passage of a barrier. (4) A device for automatically opening the cir- cuit of a lamp or lamps after the expira- tion of a predetermined time or at the closing of a door. Automatic Telegraph. A general term embracing the apparatus employed in automatic or machine telegraphy. Automatic Telegraph-Sounder. A form of automatic telegraphic transmit- ter. Automatic Telegraph-Transmitter. (1) A device for automatically transmit- ting signals by means of embossed or per- forated slips drawn under suitable con- tact devices. (2) A transmitter employed in automatic telegraphy for sending pre- pared messages. Automatic Telegraphy. A system of telegraphy by means of which a tele- graphic message is automatically trans- mitted over a line by the motion of a pre- viously perforated fillet of paper, the perforations of which are arranged in the order and length required to form the characters to be transmitted. Automatic Telephone-Exchange. A system of telephony in which the sub- scribers are able to secure selective inter- communication without the aid of an exchange operator. Automatic Telephone Hook. An auto- matic telephone switch, operated by hang- ing up the telephone used in connection with it. Automatic Telephone Switch. (1) A device for automatically transferring the connection of the main line from the tele- 4-1 phone to the call-bell by the weight of the telephone when hung up. (2) A switch operated by the act of hanging up or taking down a telephone from a hook and employed to introduce or remove a call-bell from the line. Automatic Time Cut-Out. A device which automatically cuts a translating device or an electric source from a circuit at a certain predetermined time, or after the lapse of a predetermined time. Automatic Variable Resistance. A resistance the value of which can be auto, matically varied. Automatically Regulable. Capable of automatic regulation. Automatically Regulate. To regulate in an automatic manner. Automobile. (1) Self -movable. (2) Con- taining the power necessary for its own motion. Automobile Carriage. A horseless car- riage. Automobile Torpedo. A torpedo which contains the power required for its pro- pulsion. Automobile Vehicle. An automobile carriage. Auto-Reversible Tele-Radiophone. (1) A photophone arranged so that a num- ber of telegraphic communications may be simultaneously sent either all in the same direc f ion, or part in one direction, and the remainder in the opposite direc- tion. (2) A multiple tele-radiophone. Auto-Starter. (1) A self -starting mech- anism. (2) A self-starting ink-writer. (3) A self-starting motor. Auto-Telephone System. A system of multiple-circuit telephony in which a single battery is employed, whereby a number of telephone stations can be con- nected by a single cable without the use of a distributing board, or exchange. Auto-Transformer. A one-coil trans- former consisting of a choking coil con- nected across a pair of alternating-current mains, and so arranged that a current or pressure differing from that supplied by the mains can be obtained from it by tapping it at different points. Auxiliary Bus. A central-station bus- bar connected to an auxiliary pressure ; i. e., a pressure different from the main- station pressure. Auxiliary Alarm Telegraph. In a sys- tem of fire-alarm telegraphy, where an alarm received in any one circuit is auto- matically repeated over all the other cir Ave.] 690 [Bac, cults, means whereby the repetition of the signals are prevented from interfering with the incoming signals of any of the other circuits. Average Efficiency of Motor. (1) The efficiency of an electric motor based on its average or mean load. (2) The ratio of all the work that a motor delivers in a given time to the electric energy it has absorbed in that time. Average Electromotive Force. The mean electromotive force. Average Life of Incandescent Lamp. The mean time during which a number of incandescent lamps will continue to burn without breaking when connected with a circuit of given pressure. Average Value of Periodic Current or E. M. F. The arithmetical mean value of a periodic current or E. M. F., with respect to magnitude and without respect to sign or direction. Avogrado's Hypothesis. Equal vol- umes of different gases measured at the same temperature and pressure contain the same number of molecules. Axes of Co-Ordinates. A vertical and a horizontal line, usually intersecting each other at right angles, and called respec- tively the axes of ordinates and abscissas, from which the ordinates and abscissas are measured. 'Axial. Of or pertaining to an axis. Axial Current. In electro-therapeutics, a current flowing in a nerve in the oppo. site direction to the normal impulse oi the nerve. Axial Magnet. A name sometimes given to a solenoid with a straight core. Axis of Abscissae or Abscissas. The horizontal line in the axes of co-ordinates. Axis of Magnetic Needle. A straight line drawn through a magnetic needle, and joining its poles. Axis of Ordinates. The vertical line in the axes of co-ordinates. Azimuth. In astronomy, the apgle sub- tended at an observer between the plane of an azimuth circle and the plane of the meridian. Azimuth Circle. The arc of a great circle passing through" the zenith, or the point of the heavens directly overhead, and the nadir, or the point directly be- neath. Azimuth Compass. (1) A compass used for measuring the horizontal angular dis- tance of any distant object from the mag- netic meridian. (2) The mariner's com- pass. Azimuth Telegraph. On a war-ship a telegraph for indicating at any or all guns the azimuth of a target. Azimuth and Range Telegraph. On a war-ship a combined telegraph to the guns of the azimuth and range of a target. B &. A symbol for magnetic intensity, or induction density, usually expressed in C. G. S. units per normal square centi- metre. (Partly International usage. ) B. (1) A symbol for magnetic induction, or the amount of flux per normal square centimetre of the magnetized material. (2) A symbol for susceptance in alter- nating-current circuits. B. A. Ampere. The British Association ampere in a circuit whose resistance is one B. A. ohm under an E. M. F. of one B. A. volt. B. A. Balance. A type of balance or bridge, originally employed by the British Association Committee in duplicating B. A. ohms. B. A. Ohm. (1) The British Association ohm. (2) The resistance of a column of mercury one square millimetre in area of normal cross-section, and 104.9 centi- metres in length, at the temperature of zero centigrade. B. A. U. A contraction for British Asso- ciation unit or ohm. B. A. Unit. The British Association unit of resistance or ohm. B. S. G-. A contraction for British stand- ard gauge. B. & S. W. G-. A contraction for Brown and Sharpe's wire gauge. B. T. U. (1) A contraction for Bi'itish thermal unit. (2) A contraction for Board of Trade unit. B. W. G. A contraction for Birmingham wire gauge. Back Ampere-Turns. Ampere-turns on a dynamo armature which tend to oppose the flux produced by the field magnets. Back Electromotive Force. A term sometimes used for counter-electromotive force. Back Induction. An induction opposed to the field and tending to weaken or neutralize it. Bac.] 691 [Bal. Back Magnetization. A term some- times used for backward or back induc- tion. Back Magnetization of Armature. Counter-magnetomotive forces acting in the main magnetic circuit of the field coils, and tending to reduce the useful flux passing through the armature. Back of Electro-Magnet. The yoke of an electro-magnet. Back Pitch. The backward pitch of the armature windings. Back Stroke of Lightning. The return stroke of lightning. Back Stop of Key. A stop placed on the back of a telegraph key in order to limit its motion in the direction of release. Back-Turns of Armature. (1) Those turns on an armature whose current tends to demagnetize the field. (2) The back ampere-turns. Backing Metal. An alloy that is placed on the back of the copper shell of an elec- trotype in order to stiffen it. Backing Pan. The pan in which the cop- per shell of an electrotype is placed in order to receive its backing of type metal. Backward Induction of Dynamo Ar- mature. The component of the arma- ture induction that opposes the induction of the field magnets. Backward Pitch of Armature Wind- ings. A pitch which is always left- handed, or counter-clockwise, when re- garded from the commutator side. Backward Waves. In a closed circuit supplied by a dynamo or other source of electromotive force, a wave of potential that is assumed to start from the negative pole of the dynamo and travel around the circuit in the opposite direction to the forward wave of positive potential from the positive pole of the dynamo. Bad Earth. A term sometimes applied to a bad ground, or a connection to earth whose electric resistance is comparatively high. Bain Telegraph Code. An old form of telegraphic alphabet originally employed in connection with the Bain printing instrument. Bain's Chemical Recorder. An appa- ratus for recording the dots and dashes of a telegraphic despatch on a sheet of chemi- cally prepared paper. Bain's Chemical Solution. Bain's print- ing solution. Bain's Printing Solution. (1) The so- lution used in Bain's chemical recorder. (2) A solution of potassium f erro-cyanide and water. Baking Oven, Electric. An electrically heated baking oven. Balance Arm. One of the arms of an electric balance. Balance Arms. The arms of an electric balance. Balance, Electric. A term sometimes used for an electric bridge. Balance Galvanometer. A dynamo gal- vanometer employed for indicating when the pressure of the dynamo is equal to the pressure on the bus-bars. Balance Indicator. Any device for indi- cating when an electric balance has been obtained. Balance Indicator of Three-Wire Sys- tem. A device for indicating when a balance is obtained between the positive and negative leads of a three-wire system of distribution. Balance of Induction in Cable. The neutralization of induction in a cable by the presence of equal and opposite effects. Balance of Telegraphic Circuit. The condition of a duplexed telegraph line when the home relay ceases to respond to the home key. Balance Photometer. A photometer based on the decomposition of iodide of nitrogen by the action of light. Balanced Armature. (1) An armature whose weight is symmetrically distributed as regards its axis of rotation. (2) An armature that has been so adjusted by the addition of weights that its weight is symmetrically distributed with reference to its axis of rotation. Balanced Circuit. A telephonic, tele- graphic, or other circuit which has been so erected and adjusted as to be free from mutual inductive disturbances from neighboring circuits. Balanced Load. A load which is sym- metrically divided between two or more generating units, as in the three-wire, five-wire, multiple, or polyphase systems of distribution. Balanced Magnetic Circuits of Arma- ture. The magnetic circuits traversing the armature of a dynamo-electric ma- chine through which the magnetic fluxes produced by the field are symmetrically distributed in regard to flux density, total flux, and geometrical distribution. Balanced Metallic Circuit. A metallic Bal.] 692 [Ban. circuit, the two sides of which have sim- ilar electric properties. Balanced Polyphase System. A poly- phase system all the branches of which are symmetrical in regard to their electro- motive force, current, and phase. Balanced Reaction Coil. A coil em- ployed in a system of distribution by alternating-current transformers for maintaining a constant current in the sec- ondary circuit or circuits despite changes in the load placed therein. Balanced Resistance. A resistance so placed in a bridge or balance as to be bal- anced by the remaining resistances in the bridge. Balanced System. An electric system of distribution or communication which is so adjusted as to be free from mutual inductive disturbances from neighboring systems. Balancing. Rendering a metallic tele- phone circuit free from inductive dis- turbances from other lines. Balancing Coil of Armature. An aux- iliary field-winding in series with an armature, and having its magnetomotive force equal and opposite to that of the armature current, so that their total mag- netic effect upon the field is zero, and the field flux remains unchanged at all loads. Balancing of Telegraph Line. In du- plex or quadruplex telegraphy the opera- tion of adjusting the balance between the real and artificial lines, whereby the home signals do not affect the receiving instruments. Balancing Relay .A differentially wound relay. Balancing Resistance for Dynamos. A regulating resistance that possesses a sufficient range to balance one dynamo against another with which it is operated in parallel. Balancing Thermopile. (1) A double thermopile. (2) A differential thermo- pile. Balancing Wire or Conductor. A term sometimes employed for the neutral wire or conductor of a three-wire system. Balata. An insulating material. Ball Lightning. A name sometimes given to globular lightning. Ballistic Curve. The curve actually de- scribed by a projectile thrown through the air in any other than a vertical direc- tion. Ballistic Galvanometer. (1) A galvano- meter designed to measure the total quan- tity of electricity in a discharge lasting for a brief interval, as, for example, the cur- rent caused by the discharge of a conden- ser. (2) A galvanometer, in which the movable part is as little damped as pos- sible, suitable for measuring electric charges or discharges, and usually ad- justed to have a long period of vibration or slow swing. Ballistic Pendulum. A pendulum with a heavy bob employed to determine the velocity of a projectile fired into it. Balloon Buoy. A buoy used in submarine cable work somewhat resembling a bal- loon in shape. Balloon, Electric. (1) A balloon or air- ship provided with electric power so as to be capable of being started or moved against the direction of the wind. (2) An electrically dirigible balloon. Balloon Signalling for Military Pur- poses. Transmitting intelligence, as of the movements of an enemy's army, from observations made in balloons by means of telephone circuits directly connected with the balloons. Band Arc Lamp. An arc lamp in which the feeding of the carbons is effected through the movements of a band of cop- per, which carries the upper carbon holder and conducts the current into the arc. Band or Banded Spectrum. The con- dition assumed by the spectrum of a com- pressed gas or vapor when sufficiently heated, in which the lines of the ordinary spectrum are broadened into bands. Banjo. A wooden drum fastened upon a kite-shaped board, employed for tighten- ing a pole-strung telephone or telegraph wire. Bank Board. A small switchboard con- taining a bank of lamps used in an alter- nating-current series-incandescent system of street lighting, and usually supplied with an ammeter and switch for intro- ducing one or more relief lamps. Bank of Lamps. A group of electric lamps collected together in a common structure, usually for the purpose of ob- taining a load. Bank of Transformers. A group of transformers collected together in a com- mon structure usually either for the pur- pose of obtaining a load, or for readily varying the pressure. Banked Battery. A term sometimes applied to a battery from which a num- ber of separate circuits are supplied with current. Banking Transformers. (1) Grouping Bar.] 693 [Bat. transformers in a common structure either for the purpose of obtaining a load, or for readily varying the pressure. (2) As- sociating transformers in parallel. (3) Associating transformers in series. Bar Armature. An armature whose con- ductors are formed of bars. Bar Electro-Magnet. An electro-mag- net, the core of which is in the foi-m of a straight bar or rod. Bar Windings. Armature windings composed of copper bars. Bar-Wound Armature. An armature in which the conductors have the form of bars. Barad. (1) A unit of intensity of pressure. (2) A dyne per square centimetre. Bare Arc-Light Carbons. Arc-light car- bons or pencils unprovided with an elec- tro-plating of copper or other conducting metal. Bare Carbons. Arc-light or battery car- bons, unprovided with an electro-plating of copper. Barker's Wheel. An early form of reac- tion water wheel. Barlow's Wheel. A wheel or disc of metal, capable of rotation on an axis, that is set into rotation when placed be- tween the poles of magnets and traversed between its centre and circumference by a current of electricity, Barometer. An apparatus for measuring the atmospheric pressure. Barometric Column. A column, usually of mercury, approximately 30 inches in vertical height, sustained in a barometer or other tube by the atmospheric pres- sure. Barometric Gradient. The drop or fall of atmospheric pressure per unit of dis- tance as measured between two adjacent isobars. Barrel of Jack. In telephony a conduct- ing cylinder in a jack for making con- tact with the sleeve of a plug. Barrow-Reel. A reel supported on a barrow for convenience in paying out an overhead conductor during its installa- tion. Bar Winding of Armature. A winding consisting of insulated copper bars con- nected at their extremities. Base Frame of Generator. The frame on which a generator is supported. Basis Metal of Electro-Plating. The metal on whose surface an electro-plating is to be deposited. Batch Working. In telegraphy a method of operating consisting in "sending a plurality of messages in one direction over a line, and then a plurality of messages in the opposite direction, as distinguished from up-and-down working. Bathometer. An instrument for obtain- ing deep-sea soundings without the use of a sounding-line. Battery. A name frequently used for an electric-battery. Battery. (1) To place a storage battery on a storage-battery car. (2) To supply a battery to a station or circuit. Battery Car. A storage-battery car. Battery, Electric. A general name ap- plied to the combination, as a single source, of a number of separate electric sources. Battery Gauge. A form of portable gal- vanometer suitable for ordinary battery testing work. Battery Jar. A jar provided for holding the electrolyte of each of the separate cells of a primary or secondary battery. Battery Lamp. An incandescent lamp of such low voltage as to be readily oper- ated by the ordinary voltage of a battery of a few series-connected cells. Battery Motor. An electric motor so wound as to be properly operated by the comparatively low electromotive force Of an ordinary battery. Battery of Alternators. A number of separate alternators so connected as to be capable of acting as a single alternator. Battery of Generators. A number of separate generators so connected as to be capable of acting as a single generator. Battery Pole-Changer. A form of trans- mitter employed in duplex telegraphy for readily reversing the direction of the main battery so as to send signals to the line. Battery Solution. The exciting liquid or electrolyte of a primary or secondary cell. Battery Stand. The insulating or insu- lated stand provided for holding a pri- mary or secondary battery. Battery Syringe. A syringe for either re- moving the acid or spent liquids from a voltaic battery, or for introducing fresh liquid. Battery System for Electric Railroads. A system for the propulsion of street cars by means of storage batteries. Battery Transformer. A step-up trans- former so wound as to be readily operated Bat.] 694 [Bic. by a primary battery of a few series-con- nected cells. Battle Circuit. A circuit on a warship, connected with the conning tower and provided for use during action. Battle Lantern. A form of safety lantern for use in action on board a warship. Bead. Areometer. A form of hydrometer suitable for rapidly testing the density of the exciting liquid in a storage cell. Bead Chain. A chain of metallic beads sometimes employed for the pull in a pendant electric-burner. Bead Hydrometer. A bead areometer. Bead Lightning. A form of lightning discharge in which the flashes produce a discontinuous line of light possessing a bead-like appearance. Beaded Cable. A form of cable employed for high-tension transmission, provided with a sheathing of strung porcelain beads. Bec-Carcel. The carceL or French photo- metric standard. Becquerel Radiation. An invisible ra- diation, discovered by Becquerel, emitted by certain salts, especially those of ura- nium, capable both of penetrating many media opaque to ordinary light, and affecting a photographic plate. Becquerel Bays. Becquerel radiation. Bed-Plate of Dynamo-Electric Ma- chine. The base or frame of a dynamo- electric machine. Bega. A prefix for a billion, one thousand million, or 10 9 . Begadyne. One billion dynes, or roughly, the earth's gravitational force on a ton of matter. Beg-Erg. One billion ergs ; or, 73.7 foot- pounds, approximately. Beg-Ohm. One billion ohms, or one thou- sand megohms. Begohm Galvanometer. A galvano- meter which gives unit deflection through a resistance of one begohm in circuit with one volt. Bell Box. In telephony a box containing or designed to contain a telephone bell. Bell Hanger's Joint. A careless form of telegraphic or telephonic joint in which the ends of the wires are merely looped into each other. Bell Mouth of Cable Tank. A circular aperture provided in the top of a cable tank, through which a cable is led into or taken out of the tank. Bell Pull, Electric. Any circuit-closing device operated by a pull. Bell-Shaped Magnet. A modified form of horse-shoe magnet in the form of a split tube, and in which the approached poles are semi circular in shape. Bell Switch. A switch connected with a telephone alarm-bell for the purpose of throwing it in or out of circuit. Belt Circuit. A series lighting circuit extending in the form of a wide loop, belt, or circle, as opposed to a circuit formed of two closely associated parallel wires. Belt-Driven Generator. A generator driven by means of belting, as distin- guished from a direct-driven or rope- driven generator. Belt-Driving or Coupling. Driving or coupling by means of belts. Belt, Electric.^A belt suitably shaped so as to be capable of being worn on the body, consisting either of imaginary or real voltaic or thermo-electric couples, and employed for its alleged therapeutic effects. Belt of Current. The total current gen- erated by an armature at any moment, assumed as making a single turn around the armature. Belt Speed. The velocity of translation or linear speed of a belt in the transmission of power. Bessel's Functions. A series of mathe- matical functions often connected with problems in electricity and satisfying a certain relation first enunciated by Bessel in connection with an astronomical prob- lem. Bias of Relay Tongue. A term em- ployed to signify such an adjustment of a polarized relay that on the cessation of a working current the relay tongue shall always rest against the insulated contact, and not against the other con- tact, or vice versa. Bichromate Voltaic Cell. A zinc-car- bon couple employed with a solution of bichromate of potash and sulphuric acid in water. Bicro. A prefix for one billionth, one thousand millionth, or 10- 9 . Bicro-Ampere. The billionth of an am- pere. Bicro-Farad. The billionth of a farad. Bicro-Henry. The billionth of a henry. Bicron. A unit of length equal to the billionth of a metre, and indicated by the symbol pp. Bic.] 695 [Bi-T. Bicycle Car. An electrically propelled car whose weight rests on a single rail, and which is kept in position by a guide rail supported vertically above the main rail. Bicycle Electric Lamp. An incandes- cent lamp suitable for use on a bicycle and usually operated by a small voltaic battery. Bifllar Control of Galvanometer Needle. The control of a galvanometer needle whereby it returns to its position of rest, on the removal of the deviating force, by the operation of a bifilar sus- pension. Bifilar Suspension. S u s p e n s i o n by means of parallel vertical wires or fibres as distinguished from suspension by a single wire or fibre. Bifllar Winding. The method of wind- ing employed in resistance coils to obviate the effects of self-induction, in which the wire, instead of being wound in one contin- uous It^igth, is doubled on itself before winding. Bight of Cable. A single loop or bend of cable. Bimetallic Accumulator. An accumu- lator or storage cell whose positive and negative plates are formed respectively of two different metals. Bimetallic Helix. A compound helix of two metals of different expansibilities, such as copper and steel, firmly riveted or soldered together, so that the helix is twisted or moved in one direction by un- equal expansion, and in the opposite direc- tion by unequal contraction. Bimetallic Thermometer. A thermom- eter whose operation depends on the ex- pansion and contraction of a bimetallic helix. Bimetallic Thermostat. A form of ther- mostat employed for opening or closing a circuit by the expansions and contractions of a bimetallic arc-shaped spring. Bimetallic Wire. A compound tele- phone or telegraph wire consisting of a steel core and a copper envelope, suitable for long-span overhead-construction. Binary Compound. A compound formed by the union of two different elements. Binding Coils. Coils of wire, wound on the outside of the armature coils and at right angles thereto, to prevent the loosen- ing of the armature coils during rotation by centrifugal force. Binding Post. A metallic binding screw, rigidly fixed to some apparatus or support, and employed for conveniently making firm electric connections. Binding Screw. A name sometimes ap- plied to a binding post. Binding Wire for Telegraph Lines. (1) The wire employed for securing a tele- graph wire to the insulator which sup- ports it. (2) A tie wire. Binnacle Compass. A compass on board ship placed in a binnacle for use in steer- ing or directing the vessel. Biograph. An apparatus for obtaining on a screen, from a rapid succession of suit- able pictures, the appearance of the actual movements of natural objects. Bioplasm. (1) Any form of living matter possessing the power of reproduction. (2) Living protoplasm. Bioscope. A biograph. Bioscopy, Electric. The determination of the presence of life or death by the passage of electricity through the nerves or muscles. Bipolar. Having two poles. Bipolar Armature. An armature suit- able for use in a bipolar field. Bipolar Armature-Winding. Any ar- mature winding suitable for use in a bipolar field. Bipolar Bath. An electro-therapeutic bath, the current supplied to which enters at one part of the bath-tub and leaves at another. Bipolar Dynamo-Electric Machine. A dynamo-electric machine with a bi- polar field. Bipolar Generator. A bipolar dynamo- electric machine. Bipolar Magnetic Field. A magnetic field formed by two opposite magnetic poles. Bird Cage, Electric. A bird-cage-shaped wire screen employed by Hertz in his in- vestigations on the propagation of electro- magnetic waves for screening the spark micrometer. Bird Cage. In submarine cable-work, a mechanical distortion of the sheathing in which the wires are locally bulged out- wards leaving the serving or core visible or exposed. Birmingham Wire Gauge. An En- glish wire gauge. Bismuth Spiral. A flat spiral of bismuth wire employed for the measurement of strong magnetic fields. Bi-Telephone. A term sometimes ap- plied to a double telephone receiver ar- Biv.] 696 [Bol. ranged so as to permit the ready applica- tion of both ears of the listener to the receiving instruments. Bivalent. (1) Possessing an atomicity or valency of two. (2) Divalent. Bitite. A variety of insulating material. Black Electro-Metallurgical Deposit. A dark electro-metallurgical deposit that is thrown down from the metal in a plat- ing bath when too strong a current is employed. Black Lead. Plumbago or graphite. Black Leading Machine for Electro- Types. A machine for covering the printing surface of the wax impression employed in electro-typing with an elec- trically conducting surface of black lead. Black Light. Non-luminous radiation. Blake Telephone Transmitter. A form of carbon telephone transmitter. Blank Panel. A panel on a switchboard provided for the support of extra circuit connections or instruments. Blasting, Electric. The electric ignition of powder or other explosive material in a blast. Blavier's Formulae. The formulae em- ployed in the Blavier test. Blavier's Test. A test introduced by Blavier, for localizing a single fault in a single telegraph line or conductor, by measuring the resistance at one end of the line, when the other end is succes- sively freed and earthed. Bleaching, Electric. A bleaching pro- cess in which the bleaching agents are liberated as required by electrolytic de- composition. Block. To stop or check by means of a block system. Block-Facing. In a system of electric distribution mains a section of conductors extending in front of a city block-facing. Block System for Railroads. A sys- tem for avoiding the collision of moving railroad trains, by dividing the road into a number of separate blocks or sections of a given length, and so maintaining tele- graphic communication between towers located at the ends of each of such blocks, as to prevent, by the display of suitable signals, more than one train or engine from being on the same block at the same time. Block Wire. The line or wire employed in block systems for railroads connecting each block tower with the next tower on each side of it. Blooms. Masses of wrought or cast metal, generally rectangular in shape and ap- proximately six inches square and three or four feet in length, from which wires are obtained by rolling. Blow. To melt or fuse a safety fuse. Blow-Pipe, Electric. A blow-pipe in which the air-blast is obtained by a con- vective electric discharge. Blower, Electric. An electrically driven blower. Blowing a Fuse. The fusion or volatili- zation of a fuse wire or safety strip by the current passing through it. Blowing Point of Fuse. The current strength at which a fuse blows or melts. Blue Magnetic Pole. A term sometimes employed for the south-seeking magnetic pole. Bluestone Gravity Cell. A voltaic cell consisting of a zinc-copper couple whose elements are immersed respectively in electrolytes of zinc sulphate & nd copper sulphate. Board of Trade Unit. (1) A unit of elec- tric supply, or the energy contained in a current of 1.000 amperes flowing for one hour under a pressure of one volt. (2) A kilowatt-hour. Boat, Electric. An electrically propelled boat. Bobbed. A word employed to character- ize a surface that has been polished by the action of a bob. Bobbin, Electric. A coil of insulated wire suitable for the passage of an elec- tric current for any purpose, as, for ex- ample, energizing an electro-magnet. Body -Protector, Electric. A device for protecting the human body against the accidental passage through it of an electric discharge. Boiler-Feed, Electric. A device for electrically opening a boiler-feed appa- ratus when the water in the boiler falls to a certain predetermined point. Boiling of Secondary or Storage Cell. A term sometimes applied to the gassing of a storage cell. Bole. A unit of momentum, proposed by the British Association, equal to one gramme-kine. Bolognian Stone. A name formerlygiven to a calcareous substance that becomes phosphorescent on exposure to light. Bolometer. (1) An apparatus for electri- cally measuring small differences of temperature. (2) A fine wire or thin strip Bol.] 697 [Bra. of metal whose resistance is altered by incident radiant energy. Bolometric Spectrum. The luminous and non-luminous spectrum obtained by the use of a rock-salt prism, or a diffraction grating, for the measurement of radia- tion in the bolometric spectrometer. Bolometric Spectrometer. A spectro- meter designed for the measurement of radiation, luminous or otherwise. Bolt. A lightning discharge. Bombardment, Electric. M o 1 e c u 1 a r bombardment. Bombardment Incandescent Lamp, Electric. An electric lamp in which re- fractory material is rendered incandes- cent by molecular bombardment produced by the passage of an electric discharge through a rarefied space. Bonded Bails. In any electric system where the rails are used as a part of the circuit, as in a trolley system, rails con- nected at their joints by suitable bonds for the purpose of bringing them into good electric contact with one another. Bonding Resistance of Bail. The resist- ance offered in a rail circuit at the bonded joints. Bonsalite. An insulating substance. Bony Current. The electric current re- sulting from the difference of potential existing between the different parts of a bone in a recently killed animal. Booster. A dynamo, inserted in a special feeder or group of feeders in a distribu- tion system, for the purpose of raising the pressure of that feeder or group of feed- ers, above that of the rest of the system. Boreal Fluid. A term formerly applied to the fluid that was supposed to exist around, or to emanate from, the boreal pole of a magnet. Boring, Electric. Forming holes in metajs or minerals by the heat of the voltaic arc. Bot. A contraction sometimes used for Board of Trade unit of electric supply, or the kilowatt -hour. Boucherize.- To subject to the boucher- izing process. Boucherizing. A process for preserving wooden telegraph poles, or railroad sleep- ers, by injecting a solution of copper sul- phate into the pores of the wood. Bougte-Decimale. (1) The standard French candle. (2) A standard of lumi- nous intensity equal to the l-20th of that of the Yiolle molten-platinum standard. Bougie-Metre. A unit of illumination 7_ equal to the normal illumination from a bougie-decimale at the distance of one metre, sometimes called a lux. Bound Charge. The condition of a charge on a conductor placed near another con- ductor, but separated from it by a me- dium through which electrostatic induc- tion can take place. Bow Gear. The gear placed at the bow of a cable ship for the ready handling of a cable or the ropes used in cable work. Box Balance. A box form of electric bridge. Box Bridge. A commercial form of elec- tric bridge or balance in which both the arms of the bridge and the known resist- ances consist of standardized resistance coils placed in a suitable box. Box-Sounding Belay. A relay whose magnet is surrounded by a resonant case of wood, for the purpose of increasing the intensity of the sounds made by the ar- mature of the magnet. Boxing the Compass. Naming consec- utively all the different points or rhumbs of a compass from any one of them. Bracket- Arm. An arm supported by a bracket for carrying a line insulator. Bracket- Arm Hanger. A hanger for an overhead trolley line supported on a bracket arm. Bracket Pole. In a system of overhead wires, a pole employed for the support of the brackets provided for the suspen- sion of the overhead wires or conductors. Bracket Suspension-Ear. A trolley ear supported on a bracket arm, designed for the suspension of an overhead trolley wire. Brake Arm. An arm or lever connected with the brake shoe, and by which the brake power is applied. Brake Disc. An electro-magnet in the form of a disc, employed in an electric street-car brake. Brake Handle. A handle projecting above the dasher of a car for the opera- tion of the hand brake mechanism. Brake Shoe. A mass of metal whose out- line conforms to the tread of a car wheel, which is pressed against the circumfer- ence of the wheel on the operation of the brake mechanism, for the purpose of stopping the car. Braided Wire. A wire covered with a braiding of insulating material. Branch. (1) In a system of parallel distri- bution, any conductor from which outlets Vol. 2 Bra.] 698 [Bre. are taken or taps made. (2) One of the divisions of a divided conductor. Branches. (1) Conductors connected to the submains or supply conductors in a system of incandescent lighting. (2) Wires tapped to mains. Branch. Block. A porcelain block pro- vided with suitable grooves in which the terminals or conductors are placed for connecting a pair of branch wires to the mains. Branch Box. A box containing a branch block. Branch Circuits. (1) Additional circuits provided at points of a circuit where the current branches or divides, part of the current flowing through the branch, and the remainder flowing through the origi- nal circuit. (2) A shunt circuit. Branch Conductor. (1) A conductor placed in a branch or shunt circuit. (2) A smaller or sub-conductor tapping a main. Branch Coupling Box. In a system of street mains a coupling box suitable for connecting a house service connection with the incandescent mains supplying the house. Branch Cut-Out. A safety fuse or cut- out, inserted between a pair of branch wires and the mains supplying them. Branch Fuse. A branch cut-out or safety fuse. Branch of Multiple Circuit. Any of the separate circuits that are connected between the mains in a multiple circuit. Branch Point of Circuit. Any point of a circuit from which a branch is taken off. Branch-Wire Terminal Telephone Switchboard. A three-wire multiple switchboard for a telephone in which the jacks for any one subscriber are connected in successive panels in parallel instead of in series. Branched Magnetic Circuit. A mag- netic circuit in which the flux sub- divides into a number of separate mag- netic circuits. Branched Series. A term sometimes em- ployed for series-multiple. Branching Boards. Multiple telephone switchboards connected on the branching or multiple system. Branching Telephone System. (1) A system of multiple telephone switchboards' employing the branching or three-wire switchboard. (2) A system of multiple telephone switchboard in which the vari- ous jacks on one line are connected in parallel instead of in series. Branding, Electric. The process where- by a branding tool is heated to incan- descence by an electric current instead of by ordinary means. Bread-and-Butter Cable. A name given to a form of light submarine cable in which the sheathing consists alter- nately of yarns and wires. Breadth Coefficient of Armature Coil. The ratio of the effective electromotive force induced in an armature coil to the effective electromotive force which would be induced if the coil had no breadth ; i. e. , if all its wire could be compressed into the space occupied by a single turn. Breadth of Coil. The angular distance to which a coil extends circumferentially around an armature core. Break. Any lack of conducting continuity in a circuit. Break-Down Switch. A panel switch employed in small three-wire systems, for connecting the positive and negative bus-bars so as to convert the system into a two-wire system, and thus, in case of a break-down, to permit the system to be supplied with current from a single dynamo. Break-Induced Current. (1) The cur- rent induced in an active circuit by breaking or opening that circuit. (2) The current induced in a secondary circuit on the breaking of the circuit of the pri- mary. Break Key. A key which opens or breaks the circuit when depressed. Break Shock. A term sometimes em- ployed in electro-therapeutics for the physiological shock produced on the open- ing or breaking of an electric circuit. Break Signal. In telegraphy a name given to the signal which separates the preamble from the text of a message, or the text from the signature. Breaking Capacity of Switch. The strength of current which can be safely and effectively interrupted by a switch, as distinguished from the carrying capac- ity of the same. Breaking Down of Dielectric. Such a weakening of a dielectric subjected to electric pressure as permits disruptive discharges to pass through its substance. Breaking Down of Insulation. The failure of an insulating material, as evi- denced by the disruptive passage of an electric discharge through it. Ere.] G99 [Bri. Breaking In. (1) An interruption in the sending of a telegraphic despatch by an intermediate operator who endeavors to simultaneously use the line. (2) Introduc- ing a key into a telegraph circuit by open- ing its switch. (3) Interrupting the con- tinuity of a circuit. Breaking the Primary. Opening or breaking the circuit of the primary of an induction coil or transformer. Breaking Weight of Wire. The weight required to be hung on the end of a wire in order to break it. Breast Plate. The breast support for the microphone transmitter of a central telephone station operator. Breast Telephone Transmitter. A telephone transmitter supported for con- venience on a plate placed on the breast of the operator. Breath Figures, Electric. Faint figures of condensed vapor produced by electrify- ing a coin or other conducting object, placing it momentarily on the surface of a clean, bright, glass sheet, and then breathing gently on the spot where the coin was placed. Breeze, Electric. A brush discharge em- ployed in electro-therapeutics. Breguet's Manipulator. A sending in- strument employed by Breguet in his system of step-by-step, or dial telegraphy. " Bridge." A word sometimes employed for multiple-arc. Bridge Arms. The arms of an electric bridge or balance. Bridge Balance of Telegraph Line. Such a balance of a duplexed telegraph line, obtained by an electric bridge, in which the home relay ceases to respond to the home key. Bridge Duplex. The bridge method of duplex telegraphy, as distinguished from the differential method. Bridge, Electric. (1) A device whereby an unknown electric resistance is readily measured. (2) A device for measuring an unknown resistance by comparison with two fixed resistances and an adjust- able resistance. Bridge Method of Duplex Teleg- raphy. (1) A system whereby two telegraphic messages can be simultane- ously transmitted over a single wire in opposite directions, when a bridge balance of the line has been obtained. (2) A sys- tem of duplex telegraphy by means of a single-bridge duplex-system. Bridge of a Fuse. A small gap at a fuse in a metallic circuit filled with a semi- conducting compound in which heat is developed by a current. Bridge System of Quadruplex Teleg- raphy. A system of quadruplex telegra- phy by means of a bridge duplex system. Bridges. Heavy copper wires suitably shaped for connecting a dynamo-electric machine in an incandescent lighting sta- tion to the bus- bars. Bridge- Wire. The wire in a Wheat- stone's Bridge in which the galvanometer is inserted. Bridge with Secondary Conductors A form of Wheatstone bridge employ- ing an additional pair of resistances, and suitable for measuring very low Resist- ances. Bridging Bell. A polarized electric bell permanently connected across the circuit employed in the bridging-bell system of telephony. Bridging-Bell Telephone System. A system of telephone communication in which the call bells are placed in multiple- arc, permanently bridging the two line conductors of metallic circuits, or legged to the ground in grounded circuits, so that, when a call is sent out, every bell in the line rings, the particular station needed being indicated by a suitable code of signals. Bridging Coils. In telephony, coils which are connected across a telephone circuit, as distinguished from coils placed in series in the circuit. Bridging Indicator. In telephony, an indicator connected in shunt across a circuit instead of in series. Bridging Relay. In telephony or tele- graphy, a relay which is connected in shunt across a circuit instead of in series, Bridle Chain. In submarine cable work, the chain on a buoy which is connected to the buoy rope, and by which the buoy rope maybe picked up when the buoy is released at the slip chain. Bridle "Wires. (1) Wires connecting the separate line wires with a cable box or tower. (2) Wires for looping a telegraph station into a line or lines. Bright Deposit. In the electro-plating of silver a bright surface of deposited metal produced by a special final process in the plating. Bright Dipping. Cleansing a metal sur- face by dipping it in acid liquids for the purpose of ensuring a bright electro- metallurgical coating. Bri.] 700 [Bui. Bright Dipping Liquid. The liquid em- ployed in bright dipping. Brilliancy of Light. (1) The brightness of a luminous source. (2) The quantity of light that is emitted normally from unit surface of a luminous source. (3) The intrinsic intensity of a luminous source. Britannia Joint. A telegraphic or tele- phonic joint in which the ends of the wires are laid side-by-side, bound to- gether, and subsequently soldered. British Association Unit. A term for- merly applied to the British Association unit of resistance or ohm. Broiler, Electric. An electrically heated broiler. Broken Circuit. (1) An open circuit. (2) A circuit whose electric continuity has been disturbed, and through which the current has, therefore, ceased to pass. Brother-in-Law. A bell whose sound is the same as that of the car indicator, con- cealed by a dishonest conductor for the purpose of avoiding ringing the bell of the car indicator when a fare has been collected. Brush-and-Spray Discharge. -A stream- ing form of high-potential discharge pos- sessing the appearance of a spray of silvery white sparks, or of a branchbf thin silvery sheets around a powerful brush, obtained by increasing the frequency of the alternations. Brush Contact-Surface. (1) That portion of a commutator surface which is in con- tact with the brushes at any moment of time. (2) The surface area of a brush applied to a contact surface. Brush Discharge. The faintly luminous discharge which takes place from a positively charged pointed conductor. Brush Electrode. A conducting brush- shaped electrode employed in electro- therapeutic treatment. Brush-Holder Cable. A stranded con- ductor or cable employed in a dynamo or motor for direct connection to the brushes. Brush Holders for Dynamo-Electric Machine. Devices for supporting the collecting brushes of a dynamo-electric machine. Brush Pressure. (1) The electric pressure at the brushes of a dynamo-electric ma- chine. (2) Mechanical pressure on a brush. Brush Rocker. In a dynamo or motor any device for shifting the position of the Pushes on the commutator cylinder. Brush Shifting Device. A modified form of brush rocker. Brushes of Dynamo-Electric Ma- chines. Strips of metal, bundles of wire or wire gauze, slit plates of metal, or plates of carbon, that bear on the com- mutator cylinder of a dynamo, and carry off the current generated. B-Side of Quadruples Table. That side of a quadruplex table which is worked by means of strengthened cur- rents. Bucking. A term employed in the opera- tion of street-railway passenger cars for a sudden stopping of the car as if by a col- lision, due to opposition between two motors. Buckled Diaphragm. A fault in a telephonic transmitter or receiver due to a dent or warping in the diaphragm. Buckling. The warping or irregularities produced in the surface of the plates of storage cells by a too rapid discharge. Buffing. Preparing surfaces for the re- ception of electro-plating by subjecting them to the polishing action of a revolv- ing wheel covered with a buff, on the surface of which rouge has been spread. Bug. (1) A term employed in quadru- plex telegraphy to designate any fault in the operation of the apparatus. (2) Gen- erally, a fault in the operation of any electric apparatus. (3) A particular fault or difficulty in quadruplex telegraphy consisting of an interference between the A and B-sides. Bug-Trap. A device employed to over- come the bug in quadruplex telegraphy. Building-Iron. A heated iron tool by means of which, the mould impressed by a printed page, which it is desired to electro-type, is built up preparatory to its being placed in the plating bath. Building Knife. A heated knife-shaped tool employed in removing the wax that has been forced up around the sides of the matrix during the taking of the im- pression. Building Process for Electro-Type Metals. A process for bringing up the blank spaces in the mould of an electro- type by the addition of wax plates melted , into place by the building-iron, the high spaces thus built-up becoming depressions in the finished plate. Building Switch. A switch provided with an insulating handle for cutting a building in or out of an electric circuit, usually, a series circuit. Building Tool. A form of building iron Bui.] 701 [Bus " Building-Up " of Dynamo. The ac- tion whereby a dynamo-electric machine rapidly reaches its maximum E. M. F. after starting. " Built-in " Underground Conductor. An underground conductor which, in- stead of being placed in the duct of a conduit or tube so as to be capable of re- moval therefrom, at any time, is perma- nently "built in" or surrounded by the insulating and protective material. "Built-Up" Magnet. A composite per- manent magnet. Bullet Probe. A probe containing elec- trical conductors, so arranged that the contact of the probe with a bullet closes an electric circuit and operates an electric signal. Bunched Cable. A cable containing more than a single wire or conductor. Bunsen Screen. The screen of a Bunsen or translucent-disc photometer. Bunsen Voltaic Cell. A zinc-carbon couple whose elements are immersed respectively in electrolytes of dilute sul- phuric and strong nitric acids. Buoy, Electric. A buoy on which elec- trically produced luminous signals are displayed. Burette. A graduated glass tube em- ployed for readily measuring the volume of a liquid. Burglar-Alarm, Electric. An electric device for automatically announcing the opening of a door, window, closet, drawer or safe, or the passage of a person through a hallway, or on a stairway. Burglar-Alarm Annunciator, Elec- tric. An annunciator used in connec- tion with a system of burglar-alarms. Burglar-Alarm Contacts. Contacts fit- ted to windows, doors, tills, safes, floors, etc. , so that the movements of the various parts from their natural positions, sound an alarm. Burglar-Alarm Matting. A matting provided with a number of invisible con- tacts connected with an alarm bell, whose circuits are closed by treading on the matting. Buried Cable or Conductor. An un- derground cable or conductor placed di- rectly in the earth, in contra-distinction to one placed in a conduit or subway. Buried Transformer. A transformer, provided with a water-tight cover and placed below the surface of the ground. Burn-Out. The destruction of an arma- ture, or any part of an electric apparatus, by the passage of an excessive current due to short-circuit or other cause. Burned-Out Incandescent Lamp. An incandescent lamp which through con- tinued use is no longer able to furnisb electric light. Burner, Electric. A gas-burner that is capable of being electrically lighted. Burnetize. To subject to the burnetizing process. Burnetizing. A method adopted for the preservation of wooden telegraph poles, by injecting a solution of zinc-chloride into the pores of the wood. Burning at Commutator of Dynamo. An arcing at the brushes of a dynamo- electric machine, due either to their im- perfect contact or improper position, re- sulting in the loss of energy to the circuit, and the destruction of the commutator segments, or of the brushes. Burnishing. A process by means of which surfaces are prepared for electro- plating by subjecting them to the action of burnishing tools. Burnt Electro-Metallurgical Deposit. The black deposit of metal which is thrown down when the intensity of the depositing current is too strong. Bus. A word generally used instead of omnibus. Bus-Bar Connectors. Connectors em- ployed for connecting or joining the ends of bus-bars. Bus-Bar Stand. A bus-bar support on a switchboard. Bus-Bar Voltmeter. A voltmeter em- ployed in a central station for measuring the pressure between the bus-bars. Bus-Bars. Heavy bars of conducting metal connected directly to the poles of one or more dynamo-electric machines, and, therefore, receiving the entire cur- rent produced by the machines. Bus Field-Excitation. Excitation of the field of a generator by current taken directly from the bus-bai's. Bus-Rods or Wires. Terms frequently used for bus-bars. Bushing of Socket. A sleeve or cylinder of insulating material inserted at the entrance of a lamp socket for the pro- tection of the entering conductors. Busy-Back. A jack at a central telephone exchange connected with a battery and vibrator, in such a way that the operator by inserting the plug of an incoming line into this jack can notify a calling operator that the subscriber desired is busy. Bus.] 702 [Cab. Busy Test. A simple test whereby a tele- phone operator at a multiple switchboard can readily tell whether any wire or cir- cuit connected with the switchboard is or is not in use at any moment of time. Butt Joint. (1) An end-to-end joint. (2) A joint effected in wires by placing the wires end on and subsequently soldering or welding them. Butt Prop. A tool sometimes called a "dead man," used in the erection of telegraph poles. Button Repeater. A manual telegraphic repeater whereby the proper connections are made for repeating a message in either direction, by turning a button. Buzzer, Electric. (1) A call, not as loud as that of an electric bell, employing a humming sound by the use of a suffi- ciently rapid automatic contact-breaker. (2) A telephone receiver for morse circuits employing a vibrating contact key. Buzzing of Bell. An improper action of an electric bell, whereby it produces a buzzing sound instead of its proper ring- ing. By-Pass of Discharge. A term some- times employed for alternative path. C. A contraction for Centigrade. C. A contraction for current. C. A symbol for capacity. (Partly inter- national usage.) C.- -A symbol for coulomb. C. E. M. F. A contraction for counter electromotive force. C. G-. S. A contraction for centimetre- gramme-second. C. c. A contraction for cubic centimetre, the C. G. S. unit of volume. cm. An abbreviation for centimetre, the C. G. S. unit of length. cm 2 . An abbreviation for square centi- metre, the C. G. S. unit of surface. cm 3 . An abbreviation for cubic centi- metre, the C. G. S. unit of volume. C. M. M. Jfi 1 . A contraction for counter- magnetomotive force. C. P. A contraction for candle-power. C. 38,. A contraction for conductor-resist- ance. C 2 H Activity. (1) The PR activity. (2) That portion of the electric activity which is expended in heating the con- ductor, and due to the ohmic resistance offered by the conductor to the passage of the current. (3) The thermal activity of a circuit expressed in watts, and equal to the square of the current strength in amperes multiplied by the resistance in ohms. Loss. The loss of energy in a con- ductor due to the ohmic resistance and the current strength. 'C. G. S. Units. The centimetre-gramme- second units. Cabinet Seat Contact. A contact placed in a silence telephone cabinet, underneath a seat, and closed by the weight of a person on the seat. Cable. (1) An electric cable. (2) A mes- sage transmitted by means of an electric cable. Cable. To send a telegraphic despatch by means of a cable. Cable Alphabet. The code or telegraphic alphabet employed in cable signalling. Cable Box. A box provided for the re- ception and protection of a cable head. Cable Buoy. A buoy generally secured by a mushroom anchor and provided for temporarily holding or securing an end of a cable during its laying or repair. Cable Casing. The metallic sheathing of a cable. Cable Cell. A voltaic cell formed by an exposed broken end of a submarine copper conductor and the iron sheathing of the cable. Cable Clearing-House System. A system whereby every message sent over a submarine cable is returned to the head office and a comparison effected between the original message, as received for transmission, and the final message, as delivered to the addressee. Cable Clip. A term sometimes used for cable hanger. Cable Closing Machine. A machine for covering a cable with its sheathing. Cable Code. (1) A cable alphabet.. (2) A cable cipher. Cable Core. (1) The insulated conducting wires of an electric cable. (2) The elec- trically essential portion of a cable as dis- tinguished from its sheath or protection. Cable Cross-Connecting Board. In a telephone exchange, where a number of cables enter the building from the outside, a distributing board, placed in a termi- nal room to facilitate the work that ia Cab.] 703 [Cab. constantly going on of making and chang- ing the connections of the subscribers' lines to the switchboard cables. Cable Currents. (1) Various currents that exist in a submarine cable and interfere with the testing, consisting of earth cur- rents, electrostatic charge and discharge currents, and polarization currents due to a fault or break. (2) A current flowing through a cable in the absence of any im- pressed E. M. F. (3) The current which tends to flow in a broken cable from the exposed copper conductor at the fracture to the iron sheathing through the ap- paratus at the station. Cable Despatch. A despatch sent by means of a cable. Cable Drum. (1) In cable machinery, a drum on which cable is wound for coil- ing, shipping, laying, or turning over. (2) A drum or reel on which cable is wound for transport. Cable, Electric. A combination of an extended length of a single insulated elec- tric conductor, or of two or more sepa- rately insulated electric conductors, cov- ered externally with a metallic sheathing or armor. Cable Fault. Any failure in the proper working of a cable due either to a total or partial fracture of the cable, or to a heavy electric leakage. Cable Float. A float employed for tem- porarily relieving the tension on a cable while it is being paid out. Cablegram. A telegraph message re- ceived by cable. Cable Grapnel. A heavy pronged iron hook provided for picking up a cable by grappling. Cable Grip. (1) The grip provided for holding the end of an underground cable while it is being drawn into a duct. (2) In a cable road the grip by means of which a car is driven by the moving cable. Cable Ground. The locality of a cable operation or repair. Cable Hanger. A hanger or hook suit- ably secured to a cable and designed to sustain its weight by intermediately sup- porting it on an iron or steel wire strung above the cable. Cable Hanger Tongs. Tongs provided with long handles for attaching the hangers of an aerial cable to the suspend- ing wire or rope. Cable Head. A rectangular board pro- vided with binding posts and fuse wires for the purpose of receiving the wires of overhead lines where they enter a cable. Cable House. A hut provided for secur- ing and protecting the end of a submarine cable when it is landed. Cable Hut. A cable house. Cable Joint. An insulated electric con- nection made between the cores of two separate lengths of cable. Cable Junction-Box. A junction box for holding and protecting the insulated connections or joints between cables. Cable Laid-TJp-in-Layers. A cable all of whose conducting wires are in layers. Cable Laid-Up-in-Reverse-Layers. A cable the alternate layers of whose con- ductors are twisted in opposite directions. Cable Laid-up-in-Twisted-Pairs. A cable every pair of whose wires is twisted together. Cable Land Line. (1) A land line com- posed of cable. (2; A land line connected to a cable. Cable Laying. The process of placing a cable on the sea-bottom. Cable Lead. A lead formed of a cable of several stranded conductors, as dis- tinguished from a lead containing a single conductor. Cable Message. A cable despatch. Cable Office. An office connected with a cable. Cable Protector. (1) A device for the safe discharge of the charge induced in the metallic sheathing of a cable, or in the conductors surrounding or adjacent to the cables, consequent on changes in the electromotive force applied to the conducting core of the cable. (2) A fuse device provided for the protection of each of the wires of an aerial cable, placed in the cable head at the junction where an aerial line enters the cable head. Cable Rack. A rack placed at the back of a multiple telephone switchboard f^r supporting the cabled switchboard con- ductors and providing ready access to the same. Cable Repairing. The process of repair- ing a broken or faulty cable. Cable Resistor. A form of float or buoy provided for lessening the strain on a cable while paying it out. Cable Road. A system of car propulsion in which the cars are drawn by the movement of an underground cable to which the moving cars are attached by a suitable grip. 704 [Cal. Cable Sending-Key. A key employed for readily sending the positive and nega- tive current impulses required to trans- mit the cable alphabet or code. Cable Serving. A covering of hemp or jute spun around the insulated core of a cable in order to protect it from the pres- sure of the iron wire armor or sheathing of the cable. Gaol Ship. A ship provided with the apparatus required for laying or repairing submai'ine cables. Cable Signals. Signals received over the circuit of a cable. Cable Speaking-Set. The apparatus used in signalling over a cable. Cable Spinning-Jenny. A device for readily binding an aerial cable to a sup- porting wire. Cable Splice. A connection between the sheathing or armor of two lengths of cable. Cable Stopper. A flexible grip applied to a cable to keep it from moving or slipping. Cable Suspender. A device for suspend- ing an aerial cable. Cable Switchboard. A switchboard to which the cable conductors are connected. Cable Tank. A strong water-tight tank E laced on a cable ship and provided for olding a coiled section of cable that is ready for laying. Cable Telegraph. A general term in- cluding all the apparatus employed in cable telegraphy. Cable Telegraphy. Telegraphic com- munication carried on over a submarine cable. Cable Terminal. A water-tight covering provided at the free end of a telephone cable to prevent injury to the cable's in- sulation by the moisture of the air. Cable Terminal-Pole. The terminal pole of an aerial line provided where the ends of an aerial line are connected with an underground cable for the support of the cable head. Cable Terminal - Switchboard. A board in a cable head where the wires are spread out and connected in proper order to a number of binding posts which in their turn are connected through fuse wires to binding posts receiving the ends of overhead wires. Cable Transformer. An alternating- current transformer in which the pri- mary and secondary conductors have the form of a cable overlaid by an iron sheath or magnetic circuit. Cable Vault. A vault provided in a building where cables enter from under- ground conduits, and where the cables are opened and connected to fusible plugs or safety catches. Cable Testing. The process or methods of trying or measuring the electric or mechanical capabilities of a cable. Cable Well. A cable tank. Cable Winder. A cable spinning-jenny. Cable Work. Any operation connected with the manufacture, shipping, laying, testing, or repair of cables. Cable Worming. A central core of hemp or jute around which are wrapped the several separate conductors of any cable that contains more than a single con- ductor. Cabled. Transmitted by means of cable telegraphy. Cabling. Transmitting by means of cable telegraphy. Cadmium Standard Cell. A standard voltaic cell of very low temperature coefficient of variation in E. M. F. , em- ploying a cadmium-zinc couple. Cage Lightning-Protector. A term sometimes employed for a lightning pro- tector consisting of wires in the form of a cage surrounding the body to be pro- tected. Calamine, Electric. A crystalline va- riety of silicate of zinc that possesses pyro- electric properties. Calculagraph. A machine employed in long-distance telephony for registering the time during which the use of a line by a subscriber continues. Gal-Electric Generator. A generator whose operation depends on the produc- tion of electricity in the secondary coil of a transformer by changes of temperature in its iron core. Gal-Electricity. Electricity produced by changes of temperature in the iron core of a transformer. Calibrate. To determine the absolute or relative values of the scale divisions, or of the indications of any electrical instru- ment, such as a galvanometer, electro- meter, voltmeter, wattmeter, or other similar instrument. Calibrating. Determining or marking off the values or readings of a galvanometer, electrometer, voltmeter, wattmeter, or other similar electrical instrument. Call. (1) In telephony, the signal or call of Cal.] 705 [au. a subscriber for connection to some other subscriber. (2) In telegraphy, the signal for attention, or the call for response from the distant operator. Call-Bell, Electric. An electric bell used to call the attention of an operator to the fact that his correspondent wishes to communicate with him. Call-Key. Any suitable key for sending an electric call. Callaud Voltaic Cell. A name some- times given to the blue-stone gravity cell. Calling Circuit. In the Law system of telephony, a common calling- wire circuit connecting the centi'al exchange through all the subscribers' offices in a given group, and employed for sending calls to the central office. Calling Drops. In an isolated-station switchboard, drops employed for indicat- ing the particular subscriber calling. Calling Plug. That plug of a pair of plugs, at a central telephone switchboard, which is inserted in the jack of the sub- scriber wanted and through which that subscriber is called up. Calling Side of Telephone Circuit. That side of a telephone circuit over which a call arrives. Calling Station. Any station that desires to be placed in communication with an- other station. Calling Wire. A wire forming the call- ing circuit in a system of telephony. Call Signal. In telegraphy, the signal or group of signals indicating the particular station called. Call Wire. (1) A speaking wire. (2) A wire connecting two telephone exchanges, for the purpose of transmitting instruc- tions, as distinguished from a wire em- ployed for establishing communication between subscribers. (3) A wire employed for calling the attention of a central- station operator by a subscriber, as dis- tinguished from the wires through which he communicates with other subscribers. Call- Wire Key. A subscriber's key em- ployed to call the operator at a central telephone station. Call- Wire Switchboard. A switchboard at a telephone station auxiliary to a multiple switchboard in a call-wire system, and employed for suitably divid- ing up call-wires among the operators, so as to equalize their work. Call-Wire System. A system of tel- ephony in which special wires are em- 45* ployed to call the operator at the central station. Calorescence. The transformation of ob- scure heat rays into luminous rays on impact with certain solid substances. Caloric. A term formerly applied to the assumed fluid that was believed to be the cause or essence of heat. Calorie. (1) A heat unit. (2) The quantity of heat required to raise 1 gramme of water 1 centigrade. Calorific Intensity. The temperature at- tained in combustion. Calorimeter. An instrument for measur- ing the amount of heat contained in, or developed by, a given body. Calorimeter, Electric. An instrument for measuring the heat developed, in a given time, in any conductor, by an elec- tric current. Calorimetric. Of or pertaining to the calorimeter. Calorimetric Conductivity. Specific heat transference, or the conductivity of a substance based on the quantity of heat transferred in a given time, independently of the temperature attained. Calorimetric Measurement. The meas- urement of heat energy by means of a calorimeter. Calorimetric Photometer. A photo- meter in which the light to be measured is absorbed by the face of a thermo-pile, and its photometric intensity estimated from the strength of the electric current thereby produced. Calorimetry. The art of measuring heat energy by means of a calorimeter. Calorimotor. (1) A deflagrator. (2) A word formerly employed for a number of series-connected voltaic cells. (Obsolete.) Calory. A less preferable orthography sometimes employed for calorie. Canalization. (1) A network of conduct- ors. (2) A system of electric mains. Candle. (1) A unit of photometric inten- sity. (2) The photometric intensity which would be produced by a standard candle burning at the rate of two grains per minute. Candle Balance. A balance support pro- vided for the standard candle of a photo- meter, so arranged as continuously to weigh the candle and so determine its rate of consumption while in use. Candle, Electric. A Jablochkoff candle. Candle-Foot. A unit of illumination equal to that normally produced by a Can.] 706 [Cap. standard British candle, at a distance of one foot, and sometimes called a lux. Candle-Power. (1) The intensity of light emitted by a luminous body estimated in standard candles. (2) The photometric intensity of one standard candle . Canopy. (1) In a multiple telephone ex- change, an overhanging frame suitably supported from above, and containing plugs and drops. (2) An ornamental metallic covering employed in incandes- cent lighting for an electrolier or pendant outlet. Canopy Switch. An overhead switch placed at each end of a trolley car for the purpose of permitting the motorman to turn the current on or off the car as de- sired, when, for example, he wishes to in- spect a fuse block or controller without pulling down the trolley pole. Cant Hook. A tool employed in the erec- tion of telegraph poles consisting of a pole furnished with a curved pivoted hook employed for turning or rolling a telegraph pole. Caoutchouc. (1) A resinous substance possessing high powers of electric insula- tion, obtained from the milky juice of cer- tain tropical trees. (2) India rubber. Cap Wire. An overhead wire carried on the summit of a pole, as distinguished from an overhead wire carried on a cross arm. Capability of Dynamo - Electric Ma- chine. The maximum theoretical activ- ity of a dynamo as expressed by the square of its electromotive force divided by its resistance. Capacitance. (1) A term proposed in place of capacity. (2) The reactance of a condenser in an alternating-current circuit. Capacity Balance of Duplex System. The balance of capacity in duplex teleg- raphy as opposed to a balance of resist- ance. Capacity Circuit. A circuit containing capacity but no inductance. Capacity Current of Cable. (1) The current in a cable due to its capacity. (2) The charging or discharging current in a cable. Capacity Load. The apparent load or current of a high-tension generator due to the capacity of the distributing con- ductors as distinguished from the load or current usefully distributed. Capacity of Accumulator. The avail- able output of a storage battery expressed either in ampere-hours, or in watt-hours. Capacity of Cable. (1) The quantity of electricity required to raise a given length of cable to a given potential, divided by the potential. (2) In a multiple cable, the amount of charge at unit potential which any single conductor will take up, the rest of the conductors being grounded. (3) The ability of a conducting wire or cable to permit a certain quantity of electricity to be passed into it before ac- quiring a certain potential. Capacity of Cable Tank. The accom- modation of a cable tank expressed either voluminally in cubic feet, or in relation to the number of miles of a given type of cable which can be practically stowed away in it. Capacity of Condenser. (1) The quan- tity of electricity a condenser is capable of holding in coulombs when charged to a pressure of one volt. (2) The ratio be- tween the quantity of electricity in cou- lombs on one coating of a condenser and the potential difference in volts between the two coatings. Capacity of Leyden Jar. The quantity of electricity a Leyden jar will take under unit difference of potential. Capacity of Line. The ability of a line to act as a condenser, and, therefore, like it, to possess capacity. Capacity of Polarization of Voltaic Cell. The capacity of becoming polar- ized when subjected to a steady discharge. Capacity of Secondary or Storage Cell. The capacity of an accumulator. Capacity Pressure. (1) In a condenser connected with a source of alternating currents, a pressure in phase with the condenser current. (2) A pressure due to a capacity. (3) The pressure at the terminals of a condenser. Capacity Reactance. (1) The reactance of a condenser due to its capacity. (2) The condensance. (3) The capacitance. Capacity Resistance. (1) A term pro- posed for the resistance which a conden- ser or other substance possessing electric capacity offers to the passage of an alter- nating electric current. (2) The impe- dance of a condenser. Capillarity. The elevation or depression of liquids in tubes of small internal diam- eter. Capillary. Of small or hair-like diameter or size. Capillary Attraction. The molecular attractions concerned in capillary phe- Cap.] Capillary Contact-Key. A form of fluid contact-key in which the circuit is closed or broken by means of a wire which is dipped into or removed from the surface of a mass of mercury. Capillary Electrometer. An electro- meter in which difference of potential is measured by the movements of a drop of sulphuric acid in a tube filled with mercury. Capsizing Thermometer. A thermom- eter employed in deep sea soundings for cable work, which is caused to record the temperature at the moment the lead commences to ascend from the bottom, by causing the thermometer to be re- versed or capsized. Car Annunciator. An annunciator placed in a car for the purpose of calling a waiter or porter. Car Barn. A covered shed provided with tracks in which trolley cars are stored when not in use. Car Body. The wooden framework of a street-railway car which encloses the space provided for the passengers. Car-Brake, Electric. A car-brake that is operated by the electric current pro- duced by the motor acting as a generator when the current is turned off and the car is rapidly moving. Car-Brake Mechanism. The mechan- ism for applying the brake to a car- wheel. Car Controller. (1) A device placed at each end of the platform of a trolley car, under the control of the motor man for starting, stopping, reversing or changing the velocity of a trolley car. (2) A series- parallel car-controller. Car-Heater, Electric. An electric heat- er consisting essentially of suitably sup- ported coils of insulated wire traversed by an electric current. Car-Lamp, Electric. An incandescent lamp generally provided with an anchored filament, suitable for use in street-railway cars. Car-Propulsion, Electric. The propul- sion of cars by means of electric motors. Car Truck. The part of a car on which the car body rests. Car Wiring. The distribution of conduct- ors on an electric street car. Carbon. An elementary substance which occurs naturally in three distinct allo- tropic forms : graphite, charcoal and the diamond. Carbon Arc. A voltaic arc formed be- tween carbon electrodes. rOT [Car. Carbon Brushes for Electric Motors or Generators. Plates of artificial car- bon employed as the brushes of dynamos or motors. Carbon Button. A button-shaped carbon mass whose resistance varies with press- ure. Carbon Cell. (1) A silvered plate of glass Erovided on its silvered side with a num- er of zigzag furrows filled with carbon soot, and employed as the receiving in- strument in a photophone. (2) A voltaic cell employing carbon as one of its ele- ments. Carbon Clutch or Clamp for Arc Lamps. A clutch or clamp attached to the lamp rod or the support of the positive or upper carbon of an arc lamp, provided for gripping or holding the carbon. Carbon Diaphragm of Telephone. A thin sheet of carbon employed as the diaphragm in certain forms of telephone transmitters. Carbon Electrodes for Arc Lamps. The carbons of an electric arc lamp be- tween which the arc is maintained. Carbon Holder. A device employed in an arc lamp for supporting the lower or negative carbon. Carbon Megohm. A resistance of ap- proximately one megohm composed of a thin film or strip of graphite. Carbon Motor Brush. A carbon brush employed on a motor. Carbon Pencils. A word sometimes used for the carbons employed in arc lamps. Carbon-Point Lightning- Arrester. A lightning arrester in which the disruptive discharge occurs between opposed carbon points. Carbon Points. The carbon rods or pen- cils employed in arc lamps. Carbon B,heostat. An adjustable resist- ance formed of carbon plates or powder whose resistance can be varied by pres- sure. Carbon Telephone Transmitter. A telephone transmitter whose operation is dependent on variations in the resistance of a carbon button, or of a mass of loose granulated carbon, on the to-and-fro movements of the diaphragm. Carbon Tongs. A pair of tongs suitable for gripping arc-light carbons. Carbon Transmitter. A carbon tele- phone transmitter. Carbons. A general term applied to the carbons or negative elements of voltaio cells. Car.] 708 [Cat. Carbonic Acid Gas. A gaseous substance formed by the union of one atom of car- bon with two atoms of oxygen. Carboning Lamps. Placing carbons in electric arc lamps. Carbonizable. Capable of being carbon- ized. Carbonization. The act of carbonizing. Carbonize. To reduce a carbonizable sub- stance to carbon. Carbonized Cloth Discs for High Re- sistance. Discs of cloth carbonized by heating to an exceedingly high temper- ature while out of contact with air. Carbonizer. Any apparatus suitable for reducing a carbonizable material to car- bon. Carbonizing. Subjecting a carbonizable substance to the process of carbonization. Carbonizing Box. A box prepared for holding the carbon filaments of incandes- cent lamps during their carbonization. Carbonizing Frame. A suitably shaped block of carbon prepared for winding the cotton threads, or other plastic carboniz- able material, employed for the filaments of incandescent lamps, before submitting them to the carbonizing process. Carcass of Dynamo-Electric Machine. A term sometimes used for the iron f rame- work of a dynamo. Carcel. (1) A French photometric stand- ard of light. (2) The light emitted by a lamp of definite dimensions burning 42 grammes of Colza oil in an hour, with a flame 40 millimetres in height. Carcel Lamp. An oil lamp employed in France as a photometric standard. Carcel Standard. The carcel. Carcel Standard Gas-Jet. A lighted gas jet employed for determining the can- dle-power of gas by measuring the height of a jet of gas, burning under certain conditions, when used in connection with the light of a larger gas-burner burning under similar conditions, for a photo- metric measurement of electric lights. Cardan Suspension of Compass Needle. The gimbal suspension of a compass needle. Cardew Voltmeter. A voltmeter whose indications are obtained by the expansion of a long fine wire by the passage through it of the current to be measured. Carnot's Cycle. A cycle of steps or oper- ations proposed by Carnot for convenience in studying the transformation of heat into work. Carriers of Replenishes The moving conductors of a replenisher which carry the charges and thus permit an accumu- lation of such charges. Carrying Capacity. The maximum cur- rent strength that any conductor can safely transmit. Carrying Capacity of Safety Fuse. The maximum current strength which a fuse wire or block can carry without melting. Carrying Hooks. A pair of curved hooks pivoted together and provided with han- dles, for carrying telegi'aph poles. Cascade Charging of Leyden Jars or Condensers. A method of charging Leyden jars or condensers by means of the electricity liberated by induction from one coating when a charge is pass- ing into the other coating. Cascade Connection. A term sometimes employed for series connection. Cascade Connection of Condensers. A term sometimes employed for a series- connection of condensers. Case-Hardening, Electric. S u p e r- ficially hardening a piece of metal by means of electrically generated heat. Case Wiring. A wiring in which the elec- tric conductors are held in place on the walls or ceilings of a room by means of continuous cleats. Casings. Grooves or panelled channels for carrying wires in a house. Cast Rail-Bond. A method for bonding the successive track rails, in a system of trolley propulsion, by casting molten iron around all except the upper portions of the joint. Casting, Electric. A process for casting metals, in which the metals are fused by means of heat of electric origin. Castor and Pollux Light. A term for- merly used for the St. Elmo's fire. Catalisis. An objectionable orthography sometimes employed for catalysis. Catalysis. The influence produced on chemical combination or decomposition, by the presence of certain substances which, without undergoing any changes themselves, produce changes in the affini- ties of other substances by their mere contact or presence. Catalytic. Of or pertaining to catalysis. Cataphoresis. Electric osmose. Cataphoretic. Of or pertaining to cata- phoresis. Cataphoretic A c t i o n. Cataphoretic medication or demedication. Cat.] 709 [Cei. Cataphoretic Demedication. A means whereby material is removed from differ- ent parts of the body by means of cata- phoresis. Cataphoretic Electrode. (1) An elec- trode containing in solution the drug or medicament that is to be introduced into the body by cataphoresis. (2) The anode. Cataphoretic Medication. The intro- duction of a drug or medicament into the body by means of cataphoresis. Cataphoric. Of or pertaining to cata- phoresis. Catelectrotonus. An orthography some- times employed for cathelectrotonus. Catenary. A catenary curve. Catenary Curve. The curve described by the sagging of a wire, under its own weight, when stretched between two points of support. Cathelectrotonic. Of or pertaining to cathelectrotonus. Cathelectrotonic State. The condition of increased functional activity of a nerve in the neighborhood of the cathode to whose influence it is subjected. Cathelectrotonic Zone. A name some- times given to the peripolar zone. Cathelectrotonus. In electro-therapeu- tics the condition of increased functional activity that occurs in a nerve in the neighborhood of the cathode or negative electrode. Cathetometer. An instrument for the accurate measurement of small heights or distances. Cathion. The electro-positive ion, atom, or radical, into which the molecule of an electrolyte is decomposed by electrolysis. Cathodal. Of or pertaining to the cathode. Cathode. (1) The conductor or plate of an electro-decomposition cell connected with the negative terminal of a battery or other electric source. (2) The terminal of an electric source into which the cur- rent flows from the electrolyte of a de- composition cell or voltameter. (3) The electrode of a bath, tube, body, or device by which the current leaves the same. (4) The negative electrode. Cathode Cup. (1) A cup-shaped cathode of an X-ray tube. (2) A concave mirror attached to the cathode of an X-ray or other high-vacuum tube. Cathode Pictures. X-ray or Roentgen- ray pictures. Cathode Bay Spectrum. A succession of light and dark phosphorescent bands produced on a screen, in an exhausted Crookes tube, by magnetically deflected cathode rays. Cathode Rays. Radiation emitted from the cathode or negative electrode of a Crookes or X-ray tube. Cat ho die. Of or pertaining to the cathode. Cathode Streams. Cathode rays. Cathodic Current. In a polarized vol- taic couple immersed in acidulated water, the current produced by the agitation of the plate connected with the cathode. Cathodic Electro-Diagnostic Reac- tions. The reactions which occur at the cathode placed on or over any part of a living body. Cathodic Rays. The cathode rays, Cathodic Streamings. Cathode rays. Cathodogram. A Roentgen or X-ray picture. Cathodograph. A radiograph. Cation. An orthography sometimes em- ployed for cathion. Catoptrics. That branch of optics which treats of the reflection of light. Cauterization. The act of cauterizing or burning with a heated, solid or caustic substance. Cauterization, Electric. Subjecting to cauterization by means of an electrically heated wire. Cauterize. To subject to cauterization. Cauterizer, Electric. A name some- times given to an electric cautery. Cautery Battery. A term sometimes employed in electro-therapeutics for a multiple-connected voltaic battery adapt- ed for producing incandescence for cau- tery effects. Cautery Cabinet. A cabinet containing a cautery battery, switchboard, cautery knives and other necessaries for electric cauterization. Cautery Cell. A cell suitable for use in a cautery battery. Cautery, Electric. The application to the human body of variously shaped plat- inum wires, heated to incandescence by the electric current, for removing dis- eased growths, or for stopping hemor- rhages. Cautery Knife-Electrode. A knife- shaped electrode that is rendered incan- descent by the passage through it of an electric current. Ceiling Block. An attachment fastened to the ceiling for suspending flexible Cei.] 710 [Can. cords, and connecting them with the sup- ply wires of an incandescent system. Ceiling Board. An arc -light hanger board. Ceiling Bracket. (1) A ceiling canopy. (2) A bracket for supporting an insulated wire or wires to a ceiling. Ceiling Cut-Out. A cut-out placed in a ceiling block. Ceiling Fan. An electrically driven fan suspended from the ceiling. Ceiling Rose. An ornamental ceiling plate from which an electric conductor passes. Ceiling Rosette. An ornamental, rose- shaped ceiling block. Cell of Primary or Secondary Battery. A jar of a primary or secondary battery containing a single couple and its elec- trolyte. Celluloid Lamp-Filament. A lamp filament made by carbonizing celluloid, a modified form of cellulose. Celluvert Fibre. A variety of insulating material. Centi. A prefix for the one hundredth part. Centi- Ampere. The hundredth of an ampere. Centi- Ampere Balance. An ammeter in the form of a balance, capable of measur- ing current strengths readily expressed in centi-ampei'es (i. e., from 1 ff ampere to 1 ampere). Centigrade Thermometer Scale. A thermometer scale in which the length of the thermometric tube, between the melting point of ice and the boiling point of water, is divided into one hundred equal parts or degrees. Centigramme. The hundredth of a gramme ; or, 0. 1543 grains avoirdupois. Centilitre. The hundredth of a litre ; or, 0.6102 cubic inch. Centimetre. The hundredth of a metre ; or, 0.3937 inch. Centimetre-Gramme-Second System. A system based on the centimetre as the unit of length, the gramme as the unit of mass, and the second as the unit of time. Centimetre-Gramme-Second Units. The units of the centimetre-gramme- second system. Centipede Cable-Grapnel. A grapnel whose projecting prongs give it an ap- pearance somewhat resembling a centi- pede. Central. A name given to any central telephone exchange or office. Central Galvanization. A variety of general galvanization in which the cathode is placed over the epigastrium and the anode moved over the body. Central Lighting-Station. A station where the generators and distributing apparatus are placed for producing the current which lights the lamps in a given district. Central-Station Burglar- Alarm. A burglar-alarm whose contacts, situated at the place to be protected, are connected by suitable circuits with alarms placed in a centrally located station. Central-Station Lighting. The lighting of a number of houses or other buildings from a single centrally located station. Central - Station Multiple - Switch- Board. A switchboard employed in a central telephone exchange, in which each subscriber's jack appears in more than a single panel. Central Telephone Exchange. (1) A central telephone office connected with a plurality of subscribers or telephone stations. (2) A central exchange con- nected with a plurality of local exchanges. Central - Telephone - Exchange Mul- tiple-Switchboard. Any form of switchboard employed in a central tele- phone exchange, by means of which numerous subscribers connected there- with can be readily connected to one another. Centrally Grounded Wire of Railway Circuit. A conductor or wire extending along the roadbed, parallel to the rails of a pair of tracks, connected to the bond wires, and itself grounded at intervals. Cement-Lined Conduit. A conduit of wood, stone or metal, the surfaces of whose ducts are lined with cement. Centre-Pole Trolley Line Construc- tion. A form of aerial line construction in which the trolley wires are suspended from poles placed in the middle of the street or road. Centre of Distribution. In a system of incandescent distribution any point at which the supply current is branched or radially distributed to mains, to sub- mains, or to translating devices. Centre of Gravity. The centre of weight of a body. Centre of Oscillation. A point in a body swinging like a pendulum, which is neither accelerated nor retarded, during its oscillations, by the portions of the pen- Ceil.] 711 [Che. dulum that are situated above or below it. Centre of Percussion. That point in a body, suspended so as to move as a pen- dulum, at which a blow perpendicular to the radius would produce no pressure at the axis. Centre-Pole Construction. In a double- track trolley system, especially on broad streets, a system of pole construction in which poles are placed between the two tracks, provided with bracket arms ex- tending over each track for the support of the trolley wire. Centre Railway Line A trolley line of centre-pole construction. Centrifugal Force. That force which is supposed to urge a rotating body directly away from the centre of rotation. Centrifugal Governor. A device for maintaining constant the speed of a steam engine or other prime mover, despite certain changes in its load or work. Centrifuge. (1) An apparatus for separat- ing solids from liquids or liquids of differ- ent density from one another by centri- fugal forces. (2) A centrifugal separator. Centrifuge, Electric. A centrifuge driven by an electromagnetic motor. Centripetal. Seeking the centre. Cerebration. The action of the brain in producing thought. Chafe. A weak or worn place in the sheathing of a submarine cable due to attrition. Chaflng-DishjElectric. An electrically- heated chafing dish. Chain Cable-Grapnel. A grapnel whose prongs are attached to the linky of a chain. Chain Lightning. A variety of light- ning flash in which the discharge assumes a rippling, chain-like appearance. Chain Pull. A pendant chain attached to a pendant burner for the movement of the wipe-spark spring and the ratchet in an electrically-lighted gas-burner. Chamber of Incandescent Lamp. The glass bulb or chamber of an incandescent lamp provided for maintaining a high vacuum, and for the reception of the filament. Change-Over Switch. A switch pro- vided in a central station for transferring a working circuit from one dynamo to another, or from one battery of dynamos to another. Change , Ratio of Transformer. The ratio of transformation. Changing Switch. A change - over switch. Characteristic Curve. (DA diagram in which a curve is employed to represent the relation of certain varying values. (2) A curve indicating the characteristic properties of a dynamo-electric machine under various phases of operation. (3) A curve indicating the electromotive force of a generator, as a variable dependent on the excitation. Characteristic Curve of Dynamo. A curve showing the pressure at the ter- minals of a dynamo at different field ex- citations. Characteristics of Sound. (1) The pe- culiarities that enable different musical sounds to be readily distinguished from one another. (2) The tone or pitch, in- tensity or loudness, and the quality or timbre of sounds. Charge Accumulator. A word some- times given to a Leyden jar or condenser. Charge Current onTelegraphic Line. The current produced by the initial rush of electricity into a telegraph line on the closing of the circuit. Charge, Electric. The quantity of elec- tricity that exists on the surface of an insulated electrified conductor. Charged Body. A body containing an electric charge. Charged Cell. A cell of a storage battery that has been acted on by a charging cur- rent. Charging Accumulators or Storage Batteries. Sending an electric current into storage batteries or accumulators for the purpose of enabling them to act as electric sources. Charging Current. The current em- ployed in charging a storage battery or accumulator. Chatterton's Compound. An insulat- ing compound for cementing together the alternate coatings of gutta-percha em- ployed on a cable conductor, or for filling up the space between the stranded con- ductors. Checking Action. A term sometimes employed for a dampening action. Checking Instrument. An instrument in a cable station for recording sending or out-going signals on a recorder slip. Chemical Affinity. (1) Atomic attrac- tion. (2) The force that causes atoms to unite and form molecules. Chemical Annunciator. A term some- Che.] 712 [Ckr. times employed for electrolytic annun- ciator. Chemical Battery. A name sometimes given to a voltaic telegraph battery as distinguished from a dynamo. Chemical Change. Any change in mat- ter resulting from atomic combination and the consequent formation of new molecules. Chemical Effect. (1) Any effect occa- sioned by atomic combination, in which the substances entering into combination lose all those properties and peculiar- ities by which they are ordinarily recog- nized. (2) Atomic combination result- ing in the formation of new molecules. Chemical Equivalent. (1) The quotient obtained by dividing the atomic weight of an elementary substance by its atom- icity. (2) The ratio between the quantity of an element and the quantity of hy- drogen it is capable of replacing. (3) The quantity of an elementary substance that is capable of combining with or replacing one atom of hydrogen. Chemical Galvano-Cautery. A term sometimes applied to electro-puncture or the application of electrolysis to the treat- ment of diseased growths. Chemical Generator of Electricity. A term sometimes employed in place of a voltaic pile or battery. Chemical Phosphorescence. A variety of phosphorescence in which the emitted light is produced by the actual combus- tion of a specific chemical substance by the oxygen of the air, as in the phosphor- escence of the fire-fly, or the glow-worm. Chemical Photometer. A photometer in which the intensity of light to be meas- ured is determined by the amount of chemical action produced in a given time. Chemical Potential Energy. The po- tential energy possessed by the element- ary chemical atoms. Chemical Recording Meter. A meter which records by means of electrolysis the quantity of electricity supplied in a given time. Chemical Separation. Chemical decom- position. Chemical Telegraph. A general term for the apparatus employed in chemical telegraphy. Chemical Telegraphy. A system of telegraphy, in which the dots and dashes of the Morse alphabet, or other telegraphic code, are recorded on a fillet of moistened paper by the electrolytic action of the current on some chemical substance with which the paper is impregnated. Chemical Telephone. The name given to a telephone operating on the principles of the electro-motograph. Chemical Velocity. The ratio of the amount of substance transformed in any chemical process to the time required for its transformation. Chemism. A word sometimes employed for chemical affinity. Chief Operator. The senior operator on duty in a telegraph or telephone office. Chimes, Electric. A chime of bells rung by the attractions and repulsions of elec- trostatic charges. Chimney Bracket. A bracket for sup- porting an overhead wire fastened to a chimney corner. Chloride Storage Cell. A name given to a storage-cell in which the plates are formed of grids of antimonious lead, cast around pastilles or buttons of fused chlo- ride of lead, which, when properly sub- jected to the charging current, are con- verted into spongy metallic lead and lead peroxide, on the negative and positive plates respectively. Choke Coil. A name sometimes given to a choking coil. Choke Magnet. A word sometimes used for choking coil. Choking Coil. A coil of wire so wound on a core of iron as to possess high self- induction when used on alternating-cur- rent circuits. Choking Effect. The effect produced by a choking coil in obstructing or cut- ting off an alternating current with a smaller loss of power than would its use as a mere ohmic resistance. Chord Armature Windings. (1) Ar- mature windings partly formed by chords of arcs on the periphery to which they are applied. (2) An armature winding in which the wire is carried from one point on the surface to another along a chord of the included arc. Chromosphere. An intensely hot gaseous envelope surrounding the central lumin- ous nucleus or photosphere of the sun. Chronograph, Electric. An electric ap- paratus for automatically measuring and registering small intervals of time. Chronograph Record. A record ob- tained oy means of a chronograph. Chronometer, Electric. An electrically controlled and operated mechanism for indicating and recording time. Clir.] 713 [Cir. Chronoscope, Electric. (1) An appa- ratus for electrically indicating but not measuring small intervals of time. (2) An electrically operated device by which small intervals of time can be measured. Cigar-Lighter, Electric. An apparatus for electrically lighting a cigar. Cinematograph. A biograph. Cipher Code. A code in which a number of words or phrases are represented by single words, or by arbitrary words or syllables. Cipher Message. A code message. Circle of Reference. A circle by refer- ence to which simple-harmonic motion may be studied by comparison with uni- form motion around such circle. Circuit Breaker. Any device for open- ing or breaking a circuit. Circuit Closer. Any device for making or closing a circuit. Circuit-Closer Bell-Pull. A device, suitable for attachment to a mechanical door pull, which makes a contact for the ringing of an electric bell, without pre- venting the original bell from being operated by the mechanical pull. Circuit, Electric. The path in which electricity circulates or passes from a given point around or through a conduct- ing path back again to its starting-point. Circuit Indicator. A rough form of gal- vanometer employed to indicate the pres- ence and direction of a current in a cir- cuit, and, in some cases, to roughly indi- cate its strength. Circuit Loop-Break. A device for in- troducing a loop into any part of an aerial line circuit. Circuit Loop-Break Insulator. An in- sulator employed in a circuit loop-break. Circuital. (1) Of or pertaining to a cir- cuit. (2) Flowing or passing in a closed circuit. Circuital Flux. (1) A term sometimes employed for circular flux. (2) The flux surrounding any circuit. (3) Flux com- pleting a closed circuit. Circuital G-aussage. The gaussage as measured once completely around a closed magnetic circuit. Circuital Vector. A vector quantity which does not terminate in space but forms a closed curve or endless chain. Circuital Voltage. The voltage as meas- ured around a closed circuit. Circuitation. The line integral of a vector quantity taken around a circuit. Circular Bell. A term sometimes applied to a bell so constructed that all of its moving parts are contained in the gong. Circular Current. A current flowing through a circular path. Circular Flux. (1) A term sometimes employed for the concentric circular flux which surrounds an active cylindrical wire or conductor. (2) Generally, cir- cuital flux. Circular Magnetic Flux. Circular flux. Circular Magnetism. (1) The magnet- ism of a cylindrical rod of iron or steel one of whose poles extends circumferentially around the rod while the other pole is situated at and around its centre. (2) A circular distribution of magnetic flux. Circular Magnetization. The magnet- ization producing circular magnetism. Circular Mil. (1) A unit of area employed in measuring the cross-section of wires, equal, approximately, to 0.7854 square mils. (2) The area of a circle one mil in diameter. Circular Millage. The areas of cross- sections of wires or conductors expressed in circular mils. Circular Scratch Brush. A scratch brush of circular shape, 'suitable for being set in rapid rotation by a lathe. Circular Touch. A method of magnet- ization by touch in which four bars are placed in the form of a rectangle and the magnetizing magnet is placed in contact at any point, drawn around the rectangle a number of times, and removed at the point where its motion began. Circular Type of Periodically Alter- nating E. M. F. A periodically alter- nating E. M. F. having a curve whose values in different parts of a cycle are such that when plotted in a curve they will produce a circular outline. Circular Units of Area. Various units employed for measuring areas of cross- section by reference to the area of a unit circle, such, for example, as the circular mil. Circulating Power. A term employed by Hopkinson for the method of taking power out of a machine as a motor and utilizing this power to drive the generator with which it is connected. Circumferential Speed. The speed of any point on the circumference of a ro- tating wheel or armature. Circumflux. A term sometimes employed for the product of armature current and the total number of armature conductors divided by the number of poles. Cla.] 714 [Clo. Clamp for Arc Lamps. (1) A device for gripping the lamp rod of an arc-lamp. (2) The carbon clutch or clamp of an arc- lamp. Clamp Splicing-Ear. A trolley splicing ear in which the two ends of the wire are placed in the jaws of a clamp and then pressed together and secured by a bolt. Clamp Terminals. Simple screw-clamps serving as terminals for connecting the ends of flexible cords or other wires. Clark Element. A name sometimes given to a Clark standard voltaic cell. Clark's Compound. A bituminous and siliceous compound employed on the outer casing of the sheathing of a sub- mai'ine cable. Clark's Standard Voltaic Cell. A form of zinc-mercury couple employed, in con- nection with electrolytes of mercurous sulphate and zinc sulphate, as a standard cell. Clay Electrode. A therapeutic electrode of clay shaped so as to fit the part of the body to be treated. Clearance. The gap space between the surface of a rotating armature and the opposed polar surface of the field magnets of a dynamo or motor. Clearance Space. The clearance. Clearing. In telephony, the operation of disconnecting subscribers who have been in connection, and restoring the lines to their normal conditions. Clearing-Out Drops. (1 ) Electro-mag- netic drop-shutters placed in a telephone exchange in circuit with a pair of com- municating subscribers, so that the fall- ing of the shutter when they " ring off " indicates that the conversation is ended. (2) Ring-off drops. Clearing-Out Relays. Relays provided for operating clearing-out drops. Clearing Signal. (1) A ring-off signal. . (2) A signal in a telephone exchange to indicate that a telephonic conversation lias ended. Cleat Wiring. Placing or establishing electric conductors or wires on walls or ceilings by means of suitably shaped in- sulating cleats. Cleat, Electric. A suitably shaped piece of wood, porcelain, hard-rubber or other non-conducting material used for fasten- ing and supporting electric conductors to ceilings and walls. Cleavage Electricity. Electrification produced by the cleavage of crystalline substances. Clepsydra, Electric. An instrument for measuring time by the escape of water or other liquid under electric control. Click Wire. (1) A wire of a multiple telephone switchboard employed for the engaged test, by which a click is heard in the operator's telephone when the sub- scriber asked for is busy. (2) The busy test wire. Clip. A slight break in signalling where- by a signal is unduly shortened, that is likely to occur with an imperfect adjust- ment of duplex or quadruplex telegraphy. Clip Switch. A switch in which the switch-lever enters the base of a clip. Clipping of Telegraphic Signal. The curtailing of a telegraph signal due to defective adjustments or to disturbances on the line. Clock, Electric. A clock the works of which are moved, controlled or regulated, either entirely or partially, by the electric current. Clock Meter. An electric meter in which clock-work is employed. Clock Register. A register employed in connection with a clock for recording the time of an occurrence. Clockwise Motion. A rotary motion whose direction is the same as that of the hands of a clock, viewed from the face. Clockwork Feed for Arc Lamps. An arc-lamp mechanism in which one or both carbons are fed by trains of wheel work. Closed Car-Wheel. A car-wheel in which the portion of the wheel between the flange and the axle is formed of an imperforate mass. Closed Circuit. A completed circuit. Closed - Circuit Burglar-Alarm. A burglar alarm that is normally on closed circuit, and which operates on the open- ing of the circuit by the opening of the contacts. Closed-Circuit Signalling. A system of single-circuit signalling in which the sending batteries are placed at each end of the line and are so connected as to remain always in circuit. Closed-Circuit Thermostat. A ther- mostat maintained normally on closed circuit. Closed-Circuit Transformer. A term sometimes employed for closed iron-cir- cuit transformer. Closed-Circuit Voltaic Cell or Bat- tery. A voltaic cell or battery that can be left for a considerable time on a closed Clo.] 715 [Cod. circuit of comparatively small resistance without serious polarization. Closed-Circuit Voltmeter. A volt- meter intended to be in permanent con- nection with the pressure it is designed to measure. Closed-Circuited. Placed in a closed or completed circuit. Closed-Circuited Conductor. A con- ductor connected in a closed or completed .circuit. Closed-Circular Current. A current flowing in a circular circuit. Closed-Circular Solenoid. A circular solenoid closed upon itself so as to form a tore. Closed-Coil Armature. (1) An armature the coils of which are never on open cir- cuit during rotation. (2) A dynamo ar- mature whose coils are grouped in sec- tions and connected with successive bars of a commutator, so as to be continuously connected together in a closed circuit. Closed-Coil Winding. Any winding by which the armature coils are connect- ed in closed circuit during the operation of the machine. Closed-Conducting Sheath for Light- ning Protector. A method for light- ning protection consisting in forming a wire-sheathing or netting around the ob- ject to be protected. Closed Iron -Circuit Transformer. (1) A transformer, the core of which forms a completed magnetic circuit. (2) An iron-clad transformer. Closed Iron - Magnetic Circuit. A magnetic circuit all of whose path is completed by iron. Closed Loop. A single loop of wire or conductor placed on a closed circuit. * Closed - Loop Parallel - Circuit. A variety of parallel circuit in which both the leading and returning conductors form closed loops, between which the trans- lating devices are bridged. Closed Magnetic Circuit. A magnetic circuit which lies wholly in iron or other substance of high magnetic permeability. Closed Magnetic Circuit of Atom. A closed magnetic circuit whose flux is supposed to lie entirely within the atom. Closed-Magnetic Circuit of Molecule. A closed magnetic circuit assumed to lie wholly within the molecule. Closed Magnetic Core. A magnetic core so shaped as to provide a complete iron path or circuit for the magnetic flux of its field. Closet System of Parallel Distribu- tion. A system of parallel distribution and house wiring in which the various receptive devices are collected in groups each of which is supplied with a separate and independent supply circuit back to the service ; as distinguished from a tree system. Closed Trolley Car. A trolley car en- closed from the outer air as distinguished from an open or summer car. Closure. The completion of an electric circuit. Clown's Hat Curve. A curve of current or electromotive force in which the pres- sure generated increases or decreases at a rapid rate of change, and whose shape is somewhat similar to the shape of a peaked hat or a clown's hat. Club - Footed Electro-Magnet. An electro-magnet whose core is in the form of a horse-shoe and is provided with a magnetizing coil on one pole only. Cluster Call. A globe of metal from which a cluster of incandescent lamps radiate. Clutch for Arc Lamps. A carbon clutch or clamp for arc lamps. Clutching Device. (1) Any device em- ployed for clutching or holding the car- bons in an arc-lamp. (2) A device for clutching or holding any object subjected to occasional motion. Coarse Winding of Field Magnets. The series-winding of a compound-wound machine. Co-acting. Acting simultaneously or to- gether. Coating. An adherent layer or covering. Coating of Condenser. A sheet of tin foil placed on ona side of a Leyden jar or condenser, directly opposite a similar sheet on the other side, for the purpose of receiving and collecting an electric charge. Coatings of Leyden Jar. The sheets of tin foil or other conductor placed on op- posite sides of a Leyden jar or condenser. Code Name. In telegraphy, the symbol, word, or group of letters, standing for, or representing the name of some person, association, or thing, according to a pre- arranged code. Code or Coded Telegraphy. A system of telegraphy employed for sending de- spatches in which the time required for transmitting is considerably decreased by employing code words instead of the actual words of the message. Cod.] 716 [Coi. Coded Telegraph Messages or Code Messages. Messages that are sent by the use of prearranged words, any one of which may stand for a group of words, a phrase, or a complete sentence. Code Time. In telegraphy, the code sig- nals in the preamble of a message which signify and indicate the time at which the message was received for transmission. Coefficient of Electro-Magnetic Iner- tia. A term sometimes employed in place of the coefficient of inductance or self-inductance of a circuit. Coefficient of Expansion. The frac- tional increase in the length of a bar or rod, when heated from 32 to 33 degrees Fahr. , or from to 1 degree Cent. Coefficient of Hysteresis. (1) The work expended hysteretically in a cubic-centi- metre of iron, or other magnetic substance, in a single cycle of unit magnetic flux density. (2) The coefficient which multi- plied by the volume of iron, the frequency of alternation, and the l-6th power of the maximum flux density gives the hyster- etic activity. Coefficient of Inductance. (1) A con- stant quantity such that, when multiplied by the current strength passing through any coil or circuit, will numerically rep- resent the flux linkage with that coil or circuit due to that current. (2) A term sometimes used for coefficient of self-in- duction. (3) The ratio of the C. E. M. F. of self-induction in a coil or circuit to the time-rate-of-change of the inducing current. Coefficient of Induction. A term some- times used for coefficient of magnetic in- duction. Coefficient of Magnetic Induction. (1) A term sometimes used instead of magnetic permeability. (2) The ratio between the quantity of magnetic flux that passes through any area of normal cross-section of a magnetic circuit and ' the magnetizing force producing that flux. Coefficient of Magnetic Leakage. (1) The ratio of the flux through a leakage path to the flux through an armature. (2) The ratio of the mutual induction in a transformer as reduced by magnetic leakage to the mutual induction in the absence of magnetic leakage. Coefficient of Magnetization. A num- ber representing the intensity of magneti- zation produced in a magnetizable body divided by the magnetizing force, and usually represented by the symbol K. Coefficient of Mutual Inductance. (1) The ratio of the electromotive force induced in a circuit to the rate-of -change of the inducing current in a magnetically associated circuit. (2) The ratio of the total flux-linkage with a circuit proceed- ing from an associated inducing circuit, to the strength of current flowing in the latter. Coefficient of Mutual Induction. The coefficient of mutual inductance. Coefficient of Potential. (1) A co- efficient which multiplied into the charge of a body gives its potential. (2) The ratio of the potential of an electrified body to its charge, when all neighboring bodies are uncharged. Coefficient of Reflection. The percent- age value expressing the ratio of the intensity of the reflected ray to the in- tensity of the incident ray. Coefficient of Self-induction. (1) Self- inductance. (2) The ratio in any circuit of the flux induced by and linked with a current, to the strength of that current. (3) The ratio in any circuit of the E. M. F. of self-induction to the rate-of-change of the current. Coercitive Force. A name sometimes employed for coercive force. Coercive Force. (1) The power of resist- ing changes in magnetization. (2) In cyclic magnetization the demagnetizing force which must be applied to a mag- netic substance in order to completely demagnetize it. Coherer. A detector of electro-magnetic waves consisting of conducting particles forming a semi-conducting bridge be- tween two electrodes. Coil and Plunger for Electro-Magnet. A movable iron core which is attracted into a hollow coil or solenoid when a cur- rent passes through said coil. Coil, Electric. (1) A convolution of insu- lated wire through which an electric current may be passed. (2) A number of turns of wire, or a spool of wire, through which an electric current may be passed. Coil-Heater, Electric. A heater whose heat is obtained by the passage of an electric current through a suitably sup- ported coil of wire. Coil Winding. Loop or lap winding. Coil Winding of Alternator. (1) A form of winding applied to the armature of an alternator in which the wire is made into coils that are laid upon the surface of the armature core. (2) A term sometimes used for loop winding. Coi.] 717 [Com. Coiling Space of Cable Tank. The space provided in a cable tank for the re- ception of a cable. Coked Core of Incandescent Filament. An incandescent lamp filament formed of a core -of electrically coked carbon whose surface is covered with a deposit of carbon by the flashing process. Coked Filament. A carbon filament for an incandescent lamp that has been so sub- jected to electrical heating in a vacuum as not only to be thoroughly freed from its occluded gases but also to have its car- bon changed into a variety of coke. Coking, Electric. Subjecting carbon to the coking process. Coking of Filament. Subjecting a fila- ment to the coking process. Coking Process for Filament of In- candescent Lamp. A process for converting the carbon of an incandescent filament into coke by subjecting it, while in a vacuum, to the prolonged heating action of a powerful electric current. Cold Light. (1) Luminous radiation unaccompanied by obscure radiation. (2) Radiation confined within the limits of the visible spectrum. (3) The light of a fire-fly or glow-worm. Collapsing Drum. A visual-signal drum capable of manual distension and collapse. Collation. The repetition of a message or important parts of the same by an oper- ator at a telegraph station who has re- ceived it over the line, to the transmitting operator at the sending station. Collecting Ammeter An ammeter in a central station which collects, and, there- fore, indicates the total current received from two or more separate generators, and usually employed to indicate the total current output of a station. Collecting Brushes of Dynamo-Elec- tric Machine. Conducting brushes which bear on the commutator cylinder of a dynamo and carry off the current generated by the E. M. F. in the armature coils. (2) The brushes which bear on the collecting rings of an alternator armature. Collecting Combs. The collecting points of a frictional electric machine, or of an electrostatic induction machine. Collecting Panel. A panel in a switch- board which collects all the current sup- plied by the generators connected to that switchboard. Collecting Rings for Alternators. Metallic rings connected with the ter- minals of the armature coils of an alter- nator on which brushes rest to carry off the alternating currents. Collectors, Electric. Devices employed for collecting electricity from a moving electric source. Collectors of Alternators. The collect- ing rings. Collectors of Dynamo-Electric Ma- chine. The brushes that rest on the commutator cylinder and carry off the current generated on the rotation of the armature. Collectors of Frictional Electric Ma- chine. The metallic points that collect the charge from the glass plate or cylin- der of a frictional electric machine. Colloids. One of the two classes into which substances are separated by dial- ysis. Colombin. An insulating substance con- sisting of a mixture of sulphates of barium and calcium placed between the parallel carbons of the Jablochkoff candle. Column, Electric. A term formerly ap- plied to a voltaic pile. Colza Oil. The oil employed in the Carcel standard lamp. Comazant. (1) A term formerly applied to a St. Elmo's fire. (2) A corposant. Collector Rings. The collecting rings of an alternator. Comb Lightning-Arrester. A form of lightning-arrester in which the line wires are connected to two metallic plates pro- vided with serrations like the teeth of a comb, and placed near to another ground- connected plate, which may or may not be furnished with similar serrations. Comb of Storage Battery. The grid of a storage battery. Comb Protector. A comb lightning-ar- rester. Combination Anchor-Poles. (1) An anchor pole intended for the support of both aerial wires and aerial cables. (2) A composite anchor-pole. Combination Bracket. (1) A bracket for supporting a pair of insulators side by side. (2) A bracket for supporting both a gas lamp and an incandescent lamp. Combination Fittings for Chandeliers. Fittings that provide for the use of both gas and electricity. Combination Gas-Fixtures. Combina- tion fittings. Combination Lightning-Protector. A form of combined film and fuse light- ning-protector employed on telephone Com.] 718 [Com. circuits, arranged so as to ground the cir- cuit either under the action of high pres- sures, or under the action of an unduly strong current. Combination Line-Protector. A com- bination lightning-protector. Combination Protector. A combination lightning-protector. Combination Rheostat. A form of box rheostat, or resistance box, which con- tains within its cover several separate series of resistance coils. Combination Triphase- Winding. A triphase winding combining both the star winding and the triangular winding. Combined Fibre and Spring Suspen- sion. A suspension of a needle by the combined use of a spiral spring and a single fibre. Combined Tangent and Sine Galvano- meter. A galvanometer furnished with two magnetic needles of different lengths, one a small needle for tangent measure- ments, and the other a long needle for sine measurements. " Come Along." A small portable vise capable of ready attachment to an aerial telegraph or telephone cable, and used in connection with a line dynamometer to pull up the wire to its proper tension. Commercial Efficiency. The useful or available energy produced by any ma- chine or apparatus divided by the total energy it absorbs. Commercial Efficiency of Dynamo, or Generator. The ratio of the output of a dynamo, or the useful and available electric energy delivered at its terminals, divided by its intake, or the mechanical energy required to drive it. Commercial Efficiency of Motor. The ratio between the mechanical activity developed at a motor pulley and the elec- tric activity absorbed at its terminals. Common Arc of Aurora Glory. The inner or common arc of an aurora glory. Common Return. A return conductor common to several circuits. Common Side of Quadruplex System. In quadruplex telegraphy, the neutral or No 2. side, as distinguished from the polar or No 1. side. Communicator, Electric. A term for- merly employed for a telegraphic key. Commutating Machine. A rotary transformer. Commutation. The act of commuting or causing a number of electromotive forces or currents to take one and the same direction. Commutation Fringe. A term em- ployed for the induction produced by an edge or fringe of the magnetic flux at the pole tip, under which commutation takes place. Commutator. (1) Any device for chang- ing in one portion of a circuit the direc- tions of electromotive forces or currents in another portion. (2) A device for changing alternating into continuous currents, or vice versa. Commutator. A name sometimes given to a universal switch or pin switchboard. Commutator Bar. One of the insulated segments of a commutator. Commutator Coils. Coils wound around an armature core for the purpose of pre- venting sparking, connected at one of their ends to the main windings at points between the coil sections, and at the other end to the commutator segments. Commutator Motor. An alternating, current motor in which the armature is provided with a commutator. Commutator of Dynamo-Electric Ma- chine. The device employed to cause the electromotive forces generated in an armature, on its rotation in the magnetic field, to take one and the same direction externally. Commutator Press Button. A press button employed in a system of telephony, at a subscribers' station, for calling the central station by reversing a battery. Commutator Segments or Strips. The insulated bars of a commutator. Commutatorless. Devoid of a commu- tator. Commutatorless Continuous-Current Dynamo. (1) A dynamo that furnishes continuous currents without the aid of a commutator. (2) The so-called unipolar dynamo. Commuted. Caused to take one and the same direction. Commuted Currents or Electromotive Forces. Currents or electromotive forces that have undergone commutation. Commuted Magneto-Generator. A magneto-generator whose currents are commuted. Commutated. Commuted. Commutating. Commuting. Commuting. Changing direction. Commuting Transformer. A rotarj commutator. Com.] 719 [Com. Companion Loops. A pair of telegraphic loop-circuits, connecting a pair of branch offices with the main office, in which there is a duplex set, so connected therewith, that the instruments at the branch offices are made the virtual duplex instruments of the main station ; one branch office sending while the other is receiving. Comparator. An apparatus for compar- ing standards of lengths or gauges. Compartment Man-Hole of Conduit. A man-hole provided with suitably sup- ported shelves or compartments that pro- tect different cable sections. Compass. A mariner's compass. Compass Card. A card used in a mari- ner's compass on which are marked the four cardinal points of the compass ; North, South, East and West, and again sub-divided into 32 points called rhumbs, and also frequently divided circumferen- tially into degrees. Compass Sights. Small holes or narrow slits made in opaque plates, affixed to the compass box, for use in taking bearings. Compensated Alternator. An alterna- tor employed for sustaining a uniform voltage at some point of its circuit under varying loads, whose field magnets are excited partly by constant currents taken from a separate generator, and partly by currents supplied by the load current in the armature. Compensated Excitation of Alterna- tor. The excitation of an alternating- current dynamo whose field is partly sep- arately excited, and partly excited from the main circuit of the machine. Compensated Galvanometer. A dif- ferential- galvanometer for indicating pressure at a distant point of a continu- ous-current circuit, having one coil in shunt and the other in series with said circuit. Compensated Meter-Bridge. A meter- bridge so arranged that its indications are compensated for the effects of tem- perature. Compensated Besistance-Coil. A re- sistance-coil so arranged as to be compen- sated for the effect of temperature upon its resistance. Compensated System of Currents. In telegraphy with the Wheatstone auto- matic apparatus, a system of double-cur- rent signalling in which both the initial and final currents are weakened before removal by the interposition of a resist- ance in the battery circuit. Compensated Voltmeter. A central- station voltmeter connected to the bus- bars in such a manner that its indications are automatically corrected for the drop of pressure in some particular feeder or group of feeders, so that its readings correspond to the pressure supplied to the mains. Compensated "Wattmeter. A watt- meter so wound as to be compensated for the effect of reactance in its shunt circuit. Compensated Coils. A term sometimes applied to the series coils placed on a shunt- wound machine. Compensated Condenser. A condenser employed in duplex telegraphy to give to the artificial line a static capacity equal to that of the main line. Compensated Potential-Indicator. A compensated voltmeter. Compensating Line. An artificial line employed in duplex telegraphy. Compensating Magnet. A magnet placed over a galvanometer or other needle, for the purpose of varying the di- rection and intensity of the earth's mag- netic force on such needle. Compensating Pole. A small bar elec- tro-magnet, or electro-magnetic coil, placed perpendicularly between the pole- pieces of a dynamo to compensate for the cross magnetization of the armature cur- rents. Compensating Wire. In a system of differential duplex telegraphy, the arti- ficial line or wire, as distinguished from the real line or wire. Compensation Photometer. (1) A pho- tometer in which the illumination of the two parts of the photometer screen is equalized by diminishing the intensity of the pencil of light by polarization. (2) A polarization photometer. Compensator. An auto-transformer. Compensator for Alternating-Current Lamps. A choking coil or compensator, placed in circuit with the lamps in an alternating-current circuit, for the pur- pose of automatically regulating the cur- rent strength in the lamps. Compensator System. A system of al- ternating-current electric distribution from high-pressure mains to low-pressure translating devices, in which the latter are connected in derived circuits between sections of choking coils connected across the mains. Complement of Angle. What an angle lacks to make its value equal to 90, or a right angle. Complete Fault. Any fault which com- pletely interrupts telegraphic or telephon- Com.] 720 [Com. ic communication as distinguished from a partial fault. Complete Wave. (1) Two successive al- ternations, or a double alternation of a periodically-alternating quantity. (2) A cycle. Completed Circuit. (1) A closed cir- cuit. (2) A circuit whose conducting continuity is unbroken. Completing a Circuit. Closing a circuit. Complex Distribution of Lamellar Magnetism. A distribution of the mag- netism of a finite magnet into an infinite number of complex -magnetic shells. Complex-Harmonic Motion. Motion resulting from the superposition or co- action of a plurality of simple-harmonic motions. Complex-Harmonic Alternating E. M. F.s. Electromotive forces resulting from the combination of a fundamental- harmonic electromotive force and its harmonics. Complex-Harmonic rents produced by electromotive forces. Currents. Cur- complex-harmonic Complex - Harmonic Electromotive Forces . Com plex-harmonic alternating electromotive forces. Complex-Magnetic Shell. (1) A mag- netic shell whose strength varies from one part to another of its surface. (2) A distribution of magnetization equivalent to an association or superposition of a number of separate magnetic shells of arbiti'ary strength and area. Complex Quantities. Any quantity made up of two parts, one of which is measured along an axis of reference, and the other in a direction at right angles to such axis, these axes being sometimes described as the real and imaginary axes respectively. Component. One of the two or more separate forces into which any single force may be resolved ; or, conversely, the separate forces which together produce any single resulting force. Component Currents. The two or more currents into which it may be conceived that a single current may be divided so as to be the equivalent "of that single current. Component Electromotive Forces. The two or more E. M. F.s into which any given E. M. F. may be resolved. Component Inductions. The two or more inductions into which any given magnetic flux may be resolved so as to be its equivalent. Components of Impedance. The ener- gy component or effective resistance, and the wattless component or effective re- actance. Composite Anchor-Pole. A combina- tion anchor-pole. Composite Balance. A balance with two pairs of fixed coils of coarse and fine wire respectively, employed for measuring strong or feeble currents as desired. Composite Dynamo. A compound- wound dynamo. Composite Excitation. Any excitation of the field magnets of a dynamo in which more than a single winding is employed, such as a shunt and a series winding. Composite Field. The field of a com- positely-excited dynamo. Composite-Field Dynamo. (1) A dy- namo whose field has a composite excita- tion. (2) A dynamo whose field is com- pound wound. Composite Grid. A storage-battery grid made of a number of sheets of lead foil covered with graphite, placed between two plates of sheet lead which are held together with lead rivets. Composite Horse-Shoe Magnet. A compound horse-shoe magnet. Composite Kilo-Ampere Balance. A balance form of ammeter, provided with coarse and fine windings, so arranged that the instrument will serve as a kilo-ampere meter, as a centi-ampere meter, or, as a voltmeter. Composite Wire. (1) A wire provided with a steel core and an external copper sheath, possessing sufficient tensile strength to enable it to be ued in long spans without excessive sagging. (2) A bimetallic wire. Compositely-Excited Dynamo. (1) A compound-wound dynamo. (2) A com- posite-field dynamo. Composition of Forces. Finding the direction and intensity of a single force which represents the total effect of two or more forces that are acting simultane- ously on a body. Compound. An asphaltic composition employed in the sheathing of submarine cables. Compound Alternator. A compound- wound alternator. Compound Arc. An arc formed of mora than two separate electrodes. Compound Battery. A term formerly employed for a battery of voltaic cells, as t'om.] 721 [Con. contradistinguished from a single cell. (Obsolete.) Compound Cable. A multiple-core cable. Compound Circuit. A circuit contain- ing more -than a single source, or more than a single electro-receptive device, or both. (Not in general use.) Compound Condenser. (1) A name sometimes given to subdivided condenser. (2) A composite condenser. Compound Electro-Magnet. A word formerly employed for an electro-magnet consisting of an iron core wound with two or more separate magnetizing cir- cuits. (Not in general use.) Compound Magnet. A number of single magnets placed parallel, side by side, and with their similar poles adjacent. Compound Radical. (1) A group of un- satura ted atoms. (2) A group of elemen- tary atoms some of whose bonds are in- terconnected or joined with the bonds of other atoms. Compound Receiver. A telephone re- ceiver employed by an operator at a central station, and composed of two separate telephone receivers united into one common frame or receptacle with a single ear- piece, for the purpose of afford- ing a separate distinct circuit and dia- phragm, independently of the speaking circuit and diaphragm. Compound Telegraph-Wire. A bi- metallic telegraph wire. Compound Winding. A method of winding dynamos or motors in which both shunt and series coils are placed on the field magnets. Compound - Wound. (1) Having asso- ciated shunt and series windings. (2) Compositely wound. Compound-Wound Alternator. An alternator whose fields are compound- wound. Compound-Wound Continuous-Cur- rent Generator. A continuous-current generator whose fields are compound- wound, for the purpose of maintaining the pressure constant under all loads. Compound- Wound Field. A field pro- vided with compound windings. Compound-Wound Motor. A motor whose field is compound wound, for the purpose of maintaining its speed constant under all loads. Compound- Wound Voltmeter. (1) A compensated voltmeter. (2) A voltmeter having more than one winding. Concealed Wiring. Interior wiring 46 placed out of sight, and either built in the plaster of a room or carried through suitable conduits placed therein. Concentration of Lines of Force. Any increase in the intensity of a mag- netic flux. Concentration Throw. The deflection of a magnetic needle by a current, pro- duced under certain circumstances by a couple formed of plates or iron or other paramagnetic metal, when exposed to chemical action while in a magnetic field. Concentric Cable. (1) A cable provided with both a leading and return conductor insulated from each other, and forming respectively the central core or conductor, and the enclosing tubular conductor. (2) A cable having concentric conductors. Concentric-Carbon Electrodes. Con- centric-carbon electrodes employed in a modified form of Jablochkoff candle. Concentric Conductors. Cylindrical coaxial conductors insulated from each other. Concentric-Cylindrical Carbons . A cylindrical rod of carbon placed inside a hollow cylinder of carbon, but separated from it either by an air space, or by some refractory insulating material, employed in a form of Jablochkoff candle. Concentric Mains. Mains employing concentric cables. Concentric Wiring. Wiring by means of concentric cables. Condensance. Capacity reactance. Condenser. (1) A device for increasing the capacity of an insulated conductor by bringing it near another earth- connected conductor but separated there- from by any medium that will permit electrostatic induction to take place through its mass. (2) Any variety of electrostatic accumulator. Condenser Capacity. The capacity of a condenser. Condenser Circuit. Any circuit in which a condenser is inserted. Condenser Lightning- A r r e s t e r. A form of lightning arrester whose opera- tion depends on the connection of a con- denser with some part of the circuit to be protected. Condenser Pressure. The difference of potential at the terminals of a condenser. Condenser Rheostat. A rheostat in the circuit of a condenser in an artificial line of a duplex or quadruplex system. Condenser Signalling. Any form of Con.] 722 [Con. telegraphic or telephonic signalling in which condensers are employed. Condenser Working. Condenser signal- ling. Condensing Electroscope. An electro- scope provided with a condenser for the purpose of rendering evident feeble charges. Conduct. (1) To pass electricity through conducting substances. (2) To carry, or to possess the power of carrying, an elec- tric current. Conductance. (1) A word sometimes used in place of conducting power. (2) The reciprocal of resistance. (3) In a continuous-current circuit the ratio of the current strength to the E. M. F. (4) In an alternating-current circuit the quantity whose square added to the' square of the susceptance is equal to the square of the admittance. Conductance, Electric. Conducting power for electricity. Conductance Leak. A leak in a cable or circuit produced by conduction as dis- tinguished from a leak possessing induc- tion. Conductibility. (1) Possessing the power of conducting electricity. (2) Con- ductivity. Conducting Cord. A small insulated flexible cable usually consisting of a stranded conductor or conductors. Conducting Cord Tip. A blunted or rounded conductor placed at one of the ends of a cord or wire for the purpose of readily inserting it into a binding post or into a plug hole. Conducting Loop. A loop of wire or other electric conductor. Conducting Power. The ability pos- sessed by a given length and area of normal cross-section of a substance for con- ducting light, heat, electricity, or mag- netism, as compared with that possessed by an equal length and area of normal cross-section of some other substance taken as a standard. Conducting Power for Electricity. The ability possessed by a given length and area of normal cross-section of a sub- stance to conduct electricity, as compared with that possessed by an equal length and area of normal cross-section of some other substance taken as a standard, such, for example, as pure copper. Conducting Power for Heat. The ability possessed by a substance to trans- mit heat through its mass. Conducting Power for Lines of Mag- netic Force. (1) Permeability. (2) In- due tivity. Conduction Current. The current that passes through a metallic or other con- ducting substance, as distinguished from one produced in a non-conductor or dielectric. Conduction, Electric. (1) The so-called flow or passage of electricity through a metallic or other similar substance. (2) The ability of a substance to determine the direction in which electric energy shall be transmitted through the ether surrounding it. (3) The ability of a sub- stance to determine the direction in which a current of electricity shall pass from one point to another. Conduction Lightning-Protection. The protection of any instrument from the passage of a current due to lightning through its coils. Conduction Lightning-Protector. A lightning protector by means of which a current is prevented from passing through the coils of a galvanometer, or other needle instrument, and thus injuriously disturb the magnetism of the needle. Conduction Besistance. The resistance offered by a conductor to an electric current. Conductive. Possessing the power of conducting. Conductive Discharge. A discharge effected by leading the charge off through a conductor placed in contact with the charged body, as opposed to a convective or disruptive discharge. Conductivity, Electric. (1) The recip- rocal of electric resistivity. (2) The con- ductance of a substance referred to unit dimensions. Conductivity Resistance. The resist- ance offered by a substance to electric conduction, or to the passage of elec- tricity through its mass. Conductor. (1) Any substance which will permit the so-called passage of an electric current. (2) A substance which possesses the ability of determining the direction in which electric energy shall pass through the ether in the dielectric surrounding it. Conductor Resistance. A term fre- quently employed for copper resistance. Conductor System. A net-work of in- terconnected conductors employed for distributing electricity. Conduit Cables. A cable conductor of set of conductors laid in a conduit. Con.] 723 [Con. Conduit Conductors. Conductors in- tended for use in underground circuits, provided with an insulation suitable to maintain the electric integrity of the separate circuits. Conduit, Electric. An underground space, either single or provided with a number of separate spaces called ducts, employed for the reception of electric wires or cables. Conduit Trolley-System. A single or double-trolley system in which the trolley wire or wires are placed in an under- ground slotted conduit, the trolley wheel being replaced by a plow or sled pushed or drawn through the slot. Coned Plunger for Electromagnetic S o 1 e n o i d. A cone-shaped core, em- ployed in connection with a solenoid in- stead of the ordinary cylindrical core, for the purpose of obtaining a comparatively uniform pull through a fairly extended movement of the core. Conflict, Electric. A term proposed for the magnetic field surrounding an active conductor. Congelation. The act of freezing, or the change of a liquid into a solid on loss of heat. Conical Conductor. (1) A cone-shaped conductor, which gradually increases or decreases in diameter, thus assuming the form of a tapering cone, employed to obtain an approximately constant current density through a system of parallel dis- tribution. (2) In practice, a cylindrical conductor that tapers by sections, the diameter being reduced in each succeed- ing length. Conjoined E. M. P.'s. A number of elec- tromotive forces simultaneously acting in one circuit. Conjugate Coils. Two coils whose con- ductors are conjugate to each other. Conjugate Conductors. (1) In a con- ducting net-work, two conductors so re- lated that the introduction of an E. M. F. in one produces no current in the other. (2) Two conductors so placed as regards each other that an interruption of the current in one, produces no induced cur- rent in the other. Conjugate Functions. The real and im- aginary components of a function of a complex variable. Connect. To place or bring into electric contact. Connecting. Placing or bringing into electric contact. Connecting Bars. Metallic bars at a call-wire multiple-switchboard, for con- necting the operator's set with the call- wire jacks through a cord. Connecting In "Bridge." A phrase sometimes employed for connecting in multiple arc or parallel. Connecting Jack. A jack for introduc- ing a loop into a telephone circuit. Connecting Peg. A metallic block for bridging an air gap and so making an electric connection. Connecting Screws. A term sometimes employed indifferently for connectors or for binding posts. Connecting Side of Telephone Switch- board. That side of a telephone switch- board at which connections are made with subscribers wanted, as distinguished from the side at which calls are received. Connecting Sleeve. A metallic sleeve employed as a connector for readily join- ing the ends of two or more wires. Connecting-Up. (1) In telegraphy, join- ing up. (2) The operation of establishing an electric circuit. Connection. The act of placing in electric or magnetic contact. Connection Board of Transformer. A board usually located in an accessible place in a transformer case, and provided with binding posts for conveniently mak- ing or changing the connections of the transformer coils with the external cir- cuits. Connection for Intensity. A phrase formerly employed for connection in series. (Nearly obsolete.) Connection for Quantity. A phrase formerly employed for connection in mul- tiple. (Nearly obsolete.) Connection in Cascade. A term some- times employed for connection in series. Connection in Sequence. A term some- times used for connection in series. Connection of Battery for Intensity. A term formerly employed for the series- connection of the cells in a battery. (Ob- solete.) Connection of Battery for Quantity. A term formerly employed for a multiple or parallel connection of the cells in a bat- tery. (Obsolete.) Connector. A device for readily connect- ing or joining the ends of two or more conductors. Conning Tower. A shell-proof tower from which the commander on a turreted Con.] 724 [Coil. war-ship directs its movements when in action. Consequent Points. The points or places in an anomalous magnet where its conse- quent poles are situated. Consequent Pole. (1) A magnet pole formed by two free north or two free south poles placed together. (2) A mag- net pole developed at some point of a magnet other than its extremities. Consequent Poles of Dynamo. (1) Dynamo poles formed by the juxtapo- sition of two similar magnetic poles. (2) Dynamo poles developed at polar pro- jections unprovided with magnetizing coils. Consequent Resistance. A term pro- posed for the apparent resistance of a conductor traversed by alternating cur- rents, as modified by the skin effect, and as distinguished from its ohmic resist- ance or its inductive resistance. Conservation of Energy. (1) A term indicative of the fact that energy can never be annihilated, so that if it disap- pears in one form, it must reappear in some other form. (2) The indestructi- bility of energy. Consonance. (1) A phase agreement be- tween two simple-periodic waves or vibra- tions. (2) The reinforcement of sound waves, or their increase in intensity, by means of vibrating bodies that are not in resonance with, or are tuned to vibrate in unison with, the sounding body. (3) Forced unison. Consonance, Electric. In an alternat- ing-current circuit the co-phasing of the impressed E. M. F. with the primary cur- rent, due to the influence of capacity in an inductively associated secondary cir- cuit. Consonant Electric Circuit.-^!) An alternating-current circuit containing re- sistance and inductance, and inductively associated with a secondary circuit con- taining resistance, inductance, and capac- ity, in such a manner that the secondary inductance and capacity neutralize the inductance of the primary circuit. (2) A primary alternating-current circuit devoid of reactance or choking effect, owing to the presence of a condenser in a secondary circuit, as distinguished from the effect of a condenser inserted in the primary circuit directly. Consonator. Any body capable of rein- forcing sound by consonance. Constant. Possessing an invariable value. Constant Cell. Any voltaic cell which, under certain circumstances, is capable of furnishing a constant electromotive force and current. Constant Current. (1) A direct current, or one that always flows in the same di- rection. (2) A current whose strength is unvarying. Constant - Current Alternating - Cur- rent Dynamo. An alternator which supplies a constant effective current strength in its circuit. Constant-Current Arc-Lamp. A series- connected arc-lamp. Constant-Current Circuit. A circuit whose current strength is maintained constant notwithstanding changes in its resistance. Constant-Current Dynamo. A con- stant-current generator. Constant-Current Generator. A term applied to a generator intended to pro- duce a constant strength of current de- spite changes in its load. Constant-CurrentTransformation. A change or transformation in the strength of a constant current. Constant-Current Transformer. (1) A. transformer which is intended to raise or reduce a current strength in a given con- stant ratio. (2) A transformer designed to maintain a constant strength of current in its secondary circuit, despite changes of load. Constant Inductance. (1) The induc- tance of a circuit immersed in or wholly surrounded by a material of constant magnetic permeability. (2) An induc- tance which does not vary with the cur- rent strength. Constant-Potential Alternating-Cur- rent Dynamo. (1) An alternator which supplies a constant effective pressure at its terminals. (2) A compounded alter- nator. Constant-Potential Arc-Lamp. An arc lamp employed on constant-potential or incandescent mains. Constant-Potential Circuit. (1) A cir- cuit whose potential is maintained ap- proximately constant. (2) A multiple-arc or parallel-connected circuit. Constant-Potential Dynamo. (1) A dynamo that furnishes an approximately constant difference of potential or elec- tromotive force despite changes in its re- sistance or load. (2) A shunt or com- pound-wound dynamo. Constant-Potential Generator. A con- stant-potential dynamo. Con.] 725 [Con. Constant-Potential Motor. (1) A motor designed for operation by means of a con- stant-potential current. (2) Generally, a shunt-wound or compound-wound motor. Consumer. One who receives electric supply. Consumer's Terminals. In a system of electric distribution the terminals of a house service, the property of the house, and at which the electric supply is de- livered by the supply company. Consumption Circuit. Any circuit in which an electro-receptive device is placed. Contact Breaker. A device for breaking or opening an electric circuit. Contact Electromotive Force. Elec- tromotive force produced by the mere contact of dissimilar metals. Contact Electricity. Electricity pro- duced by contact electromotive forces. Contact Force. A contact electromotive force. Contact Lamp. A name sometimes given to a semi-incandescent lamp. Contact Resistance. Resistance pro- duced at the contact of two or more sur- faces. Contact Ring of Telephone Plug. A plug in a multiple telephone switchboard carrying an insulated metal ring or sleeve establishing a circuit for the busy test. Contact Rings of Alternator. The col- lector rings of an alternator. Contact Series. A series of metals ar- ranged in such an order that each becomes positively electrified by contact with the one that follows it. Contact Screw. A screw the end of which is provided with a platinum or other contact, employed to close the circuit of any electric device in whose circuit it is placed. Contact Theory of Electricity. A the- ory that ascribes the production of elec- tromotive forces, or of electricity, to the contact of dissimilar substances or sur- faces. Contact Theory of Voltaic Cell. The contact theory of electricity applied to the production of electricity in a voltaic cell. Contacts. (1) Conducting pieces or plates introduced into electric circuits at points where it is desired to open and close the circuit. (2) A variety of fault occasioned in any circuit by the accidental contact of any part of the circuit with a conduct- ing body. (3) A metallic cross or faulty connection between two telegraphic or telephonic circuits. Containing Cell. (1) A jar provided for holding or containing the solution or electrolyte employed in connection with a primary or secondary voltaic couple. (2) A jar or receptacle for containing any liquid or solution, as in an electro-plating bath. Continental Telegraphic-Code. A tele- graphic-code employed in Europe gener- ally. Continuator. A constant-current dyna- mo. (Not in use.) Continuity of Circuit. The uninter- rupted conducting condition of a circuit. Continuity -Preserving Transmitter. A transmitter employed in duplex teleg- raphy, so arranged that the line wire may be transferred from the battery to the earth without any break in the conti- nuity of the circuit. Continuous- Alternating Transformer. (1) A secondary generator for transform- ing continuous into alternating currents. (2) A dynamotor, motor-dynamo, or ro- tary transformer. Continuous Current. (1) An electric current which flows in one and the same direction. (2) A direct current. Continuous-Current Arc. A voltaic arc produced by a continuous current, as dis- tinguished from one produced by alternat- ing currents. Continuous-Current Armature- Wind- ings. Armature windings suitable for use in continuous-current generators. Continuous-Current Dynamo-Electric Machine. A continuous-current gener- ator. Continuous-Current Generator. Any generator capable of furnishing contin- uous currents. Continuous-Current Motor. A motor operated by continuous or direct currents. Continuous-Current Transformer. (1) A dynamotor or motor-dynamo. (2) A transformer from one continuous pressure and current to another. Continuous E. M. F.'s. Electromotive forces whose direction and value remain constant. Continuous - Sounding or Ringing Electric-Bell. (l)An electric bell, which on completion of its circuit continues sounding until stopped. (2) A trembling bell. Continuous Spectrum. (1) A luminous spectrum that is devoid of the Fraunhofer Coil.] 726 [Con. dark lines, or which contains all the phys- iologically effective luminous frequencies. (2) The spectrum of a sufficiently heated incandescent solid. Continuous- Surf ace Commutator. A dynamo commutator, whose surface con- tains no breaks in the gaps between con- tiguous commutator bars ; i. e., whose gaps are tilled with an insulating material instead of being left with air spaces. Continuous Trolley Wire. An un- jointed trolley wire. Continuous Winding. A term fre- quently employed for wave winding or undulatory winding of an armatui'e. Continuous Wire or Conductor. An unjointed wire or conductor. Continuously Insulated Cable. A length of cable extending continuously between two points without any taps. Contracting Magnetic Whirls. Mag- netic whirls which are decreasing or mov- ing in towards the electro-magnet or cir- cuit producing them. Contractures. In electro-therapeutics prolonged muscular spasms or tetanus caused by the passage of electric currents. Contraplex Telegraph. A general term embracing the apparatus employed in contraplex telegraphy. Contraplex Telegraphy. Duplex teleg- raphy in which transmissions are simul- taneously made from opposite ends of the lino. Controlled Clock. A clock whose works are controlled or regulated either entirely or partially, by an electric current. Controller. (1) The magnet employed in a system of automatic constant-current regulation, whose coils are traversed by the main current, employed automatically to throw a regulator magnet into or out of the main circuit on changes of the cur- rent passing. (2) Any electric mechanism for controlling a circuit or system. (3) An electric switching mechanism for control- ling the speed of a motor or motors. (4) A street-railway car-controller. Controller Resistance. Resistance em- ployed in connection with street-car con- trollers for starting or stopping the mo- tors, or for varying their speed. Controller Switch. (1) The switch oper- ating the switch cylinder of a street-car controller. (2) Any switch employed in connection with a street-car controller. Controlling Box. The box holding any controlling rheostat or controller. Controlling Block, Electric. In a sys- tem of time-telegraphy, the master clock whose impulses move or regulate the secondary clocks. Controlling Magnet. (1) Any magnet which controls some particular action, as, for example, the attraction of a needle in a galvanometer. (2) A name some- times given to the controller in an auto- matic system of current regulation. Controlling Stand. The support or stand provided for holding the apparatus em- ployed for controlling a motor. Convection Currents. Currents pro- duced by the bodily carrying forward of static charges in convection streams. Convection, Electric. The air streams which are thrown off from points on the surface of a charged insulated conductor. Convection of Heat, Electric. (1) A term employed to express the dissymmet- rical distribution of temperature that occurs when an electric current is sent through a metallic wire, the middle of which is maintained at one constant tem- perature, and the ends at another constant temperature. (2) Distribution of heat which attends the passage of an electric current through an unequally heated con- ductor. Convection Streams. Streams of elec- trified air, or other gaseous or vaporous particles, given off from sharp points on the surface of highly charged insulated conductors. Convection Transference. The trans- ference of electricity by means of convec- tion streams. Convective Discharge. The discharge which occurs from the points of a highly charged conductor, through the electro- static repulsion of similarly charged air particles, which thus carry off minute charges. Converging Magnetic Flux. Magnetic flux that converges or radiates from a point or points. Conversion of Electromotive Force. Any increase or decrease in the value of an electromotive force produced by means of a transformer. Convert. To transform or change an elec- tromotive force or current. Converted Currents. Electric currents whose strengths have been increased or decreased by means of a transformer. Converter. A name sometimes given to a transformer. Converter Bracket. (1) A bracket for holding a pair of insulators and a single light converter and shunt box in an alter- nating-current series-system of street light- Con.] 727 [Cop. ing. (2) A bracket for supporting an al- ternating-current converter. Converter Fuse. A safety fuse connect- ed with the circuit or circuits of a converter or transformer, and usually mounted in the transformer case. Converting. Transforming or changing an electromotive force or current. Converting Currents. (1) Changing the value of the current strength by means of transformers. (2) Changing a contin- uous into an alternating current, or vice versa. Converting Station. (1) A transform- ing station. (2) A station containing transformers. Conveyer, Electric. An electrically op- erated or controlled system of transport- ing material. Convolutions of Wire. The separate loops or turns in a helix or coil. Cooling-Box of Hydro-Electric Ma- chine. A box provided in Armstrong's hydro-electric machine for the steam to pass through before leaving the nozzle. Cooling Surface. The surface from which a hot body can dissipate its heat energy. Cooling Surface of Armature. That portion of an armature surface from which it can dissipate into the surround- ing air, the heat energy produced in it by the passage of the currents generated during its rotation. Cooling Tubes. Tubes inserted in the frame or casing of an alternating-current transformer for the supply of cold water from an external pump or source. Co-Periodic. Possessing the same peri- odicity. Co-Periodic E. M. F.'s, Currents or Fluxes. Electromotive forces, currents or fluxes, possessing the same periodicity. Co-Phasal. Possessing the same phase. Co-Phasal Alternations. Alternations possessing the same phase. Co-Phase. (1) Coincidence in phase of co-periodic motions. (2) Such a phase relation between two periodic but non- co-periodic quantities as tends to increase the amplitude of the motion. Copper Arc. An arc formed between copper electrodes. Copper Bath. An electrolytic bath containing an electrolyzable solution of a copper salt, and a copper plate forming the anode, and placed in an electrolyte near the object to be electroplated, which forms the cathode. Copper Battery. A battery employed in sending copper currents to line. Copper Conductivity Standard. (1) According to rules of the British Institu- tion of Electrical Engineers, a metre- gramme wire of standard conductivity, whose resistance is 0.1519 international ohm at!5C., corresponding to Matthies- sen's standard for hard copper. (2) Ac- cording to a committee of the American Institute of Electrical Engineers, a copper metre-gramme, of Matthiessen standard soft copper conductivity, whose resistance is 0.1501 ohm at 15C. Copper Connector. (1) A particular form of connector employed in the grav- ity voltaic cell for connecting the copper element to the circuit wire or conductor. (2) A special form of coupler for con- necting large wires or conductors. Copper Current. A term sometimes used in telegraphy for a positive current. Copper Efficiency. The ratio of the electric energy delivered by a copper con- ducting system, to the energy delivered to that system. Copper Fuse- Wire Terminals. Copper terminals provided for connection with the terminals of fuse wires or safety catches. Copper Heat. The heat which appears in a copper conductor due to the passage through it of an electric current. Copper-Lead Accumulator. An ac- cumulator or storage battery consisting of plates of copper and lead immersed in a solution of copper sulphate. Copper Loss. The total loss of energy produced by the passage of a current through the copper wire of a dynamo, motor, or conducting system generally. Copper Magnetic Circuit. That portion of a magnetic circuit which is completed through copper. Copper Plating. Electro - plating with copper. Copper Resistance. In submarine tel- egraphy, conductor resistance. Copper Resistivity. The specific re- sistance of copper of Matthiessen soft cop- per standard referred to the resistance of a cube one centimetre in length of edge, such a cube offering between parallel faces a resistance of 1.594 microhms at C. (2) The resistivity of a copper wire. Copper Ribbon. A variety of strap cop- per. Copper Shell of Electro - Type. The thin electrolytic deposit of copper which, when stiffened by the backing metal and Cop.] 728 [Cos. suitably mounted on a block, forms the electro-type. Copper Strap. Copper conductors in the form of straps or flat bars. Copper Tape. Rectangular straps or bars of copper employed for armature wind- ings. Copper Voltameter. A voltameter whose indications are dependent on the electrolysis of a solution of a copper salt. Copper-Zinc Accumulator. An accu- mulator or storage cell consisting of a plate of copper and a plate of zinc im- mersed in a solution of zinc sulphate. Coppered Arc-Light Carbons. Carbons employed in arc-lamps, covered electro- lytically with copper. Coppered Carbons. Carbons for arc- lamps, or batteries, that are electrolyti- cally coated with copper. Coppered Plumbago. Powdered plum- bago coated with copper for use in the metallization of objects to be electro- plated. Copying Telegraph. A fac-simile or automatic telegraph. Cord Adjuster. A device for adjusting the length of a pendant cord. Cord, Electric. A flexible, insulated elec- tric conductor, generally containing two parallel wires. Cord Peg. A cord to which a connecting peg is attached. Cord-Peg Connection. Connection in a switchboard by means of a cord peg. Cord Pendant. A flexible or stranded conductor employed for a lamp pendant. Cord Shelf. A shelf provided for the holding of the cord pegs of a telephone switchboard. Core Discs. Stampings or cuttings of sheet iron, employed, when suitably as- sembled, for the laminated core of a dynamo or motor armature, or other dynamo-electric apparatus. Core Losses. The hysteresis and the Foucault or eddy-current losses of the core of a dynamo, motor, or transformer. Core Losses of Transformer. (1) The hysteresis and Foucault-current losses in the core of a transformer. (2) The iron losses in a transformer. Core of Cable. (1) The insulated wires em- ployed for the transmission of the current through a conducting cable. (2) The elec- tric conductor and insulator as distin- guished from the mechanical serving and sheathing of a cable. Core Pins of Magnet.- -Pins in the cores of a magnet for securing their firm mechanical union with the yoke. Core Ratio of Cable. The ratio between the diameter of the core of a cable and the mean diameter of the conductor strand. Core Transformer. (1) A transformer in which the iron forms the core or central portion on which the wire windings are placed. (2) A transformer possessing a core capable of insertion or removal. Cored Carbons. Arc-light carbons pro- vided with a soft centre of carbon. Cored Electrodes. Cored arc-light car- bons. Coreless. Devoid of a core. Coreless Armature of Dynamo or Motor. An armature of a dynamo or motor unprovided with the usual core of iron. Corn-Plaster Fuse. A strip of fusible metal rolled up with an asbestos tape in the form of a cylinder and employed as a safety catch in a telephone switchboard. Cornice Bracket. A form of insulator bracket for use on the under side of cor- nices. Corposant. A name sometimes given by sailors to the St. Elmo's fire. Coronse. (1) Crown - shaped masses of light sometimes seen during the preva- lence of aurorse. (2) Auroral coronee. Corpuscle. (1) An ultimate particle in an assumed highly tenuous substance that was formerly believed to be emitted by highly heated bodies. (2) Any of the ultimate particles of the matter into which it has been assumed that the ulti- mate elementary atoms may be divided. Correcting Factor of Wattmeter. The correction which must be applied to the readings of an alternating-current wattmeter when the reactance in its shunt circuit cannot be neglected. Correcting Relay .(1) A relay employed in the Delaney system of synchronous- multiplex telegraphy to aid in obtaining synchronism. (2) In a quadruplex sys- tem, a relay intermediate between the polarized receiving relay and its sounder, for the purpose of preventing false signals or kicks. Correlation of Energy. A term some- times applied to the different phases under which energy may appear. Corrugated Reflector. A reflector formed of silvered corrugated glass. Cosine. (1) One of the trigonometrical functions. <8) The ratio of the base to Cos.] 7:>9 [Cou. the hypothenuse of a right-angled triangle in which the hypothenuse is the radius vector, and the angle between the base and hypothenuse the angle whose cosine is considered. Cosine Law of Illumination. The in- tensity of illumination, of a surface illumined by a single-point source, varies as the cosine of the angle of the rays incident upon the surface from that source. Oosinusoid. A curve of cosines. Cotangent. (1) One of the trigonometrical functions. (2) The reciprocal of the tan- gent of an angle. Coulomb. (1) The practical unit of elec- tric quantity. (2) Such a quantity of electricity as would pass in one second through a circuit conveying one ampere. (3) The quantity of electricity contained in a condenser of one farad capacity, when subjected to the E. M. F. of one volt. Coulomb Meter. A meter for measuring in coulombs, the quantity of electricity which passes through any circuit. Coulomb's Electric Balance. A tor- sion balance for measuring the forces of electric 01 magnetic repulsion. Coulomb's Torsion Balance. An ap- paratus for measuring the force of elec- tric or magnetic repulsion between two similarly charged bodies, or between two similar magnet poles, by opposing to such forces the torsion of a thin wire. Coulomb- Volt. A word sometimes em- ployed for the volt-coulomb or joule. Counter-Clockwise Motion. A rotary motion whose direction is opposed to that of the hands of a clock, as viewed from the clock face. Counter Communication Telephone Switch. A switch arranged in a tele- phone system in connection with a silence cabinet, whereby a person occupying the cabinet is unable to call up the exchange without the sanction and assistance of an attendant in the office outside the cabinet. Counter, Electric. (1) A device for counting and registering such quantities as the number of fares collected, gallons of water pumped, sheets of paper printed, votes polled, revolutions of an engine per second, etc. (2) Any counting device operated or controlled by electricity. Counter Electro-Dynamic Force. The electro-magnetic force which is set up in a dynamo armature opposing the im- pressed driving force. 8 Counter-Electromotive Force. (1) An opposed or reverse electromotive force which tends to set up a current in the opposite direction to that actually pro- duced by a source. (2) In an electric motor, an electromotive force produced by the rotation of the armature and op- posed to that produced by the driving current. Counter-Electromotive Force Cell. (1) An electrolytic cell inserted in the charging circuit of a storage battery to re- duce the charging current strength, usu- ally composed of opposed plates or grids of antimomous lead from the surfaces of which gases are disengaged by electrol- ysis. (2) Additional cells, generally with- out active material, employed with a stor- age battery which has to be charged at a pressure above the normal pressure, and inserted between the dynamo and the mains to maintain their pressure normal. Counter-Electromotive Force Light- ning- Arrester. (1) A lightning-arrester in which the passage of a discharge through the instruments to be protected is opposed by a counter electromotive force generated by induction on the pas- sage of the lightning discharge. (2.) A choking-coil lightning-arrester. Counter-Electromotive Force of Arc. An electromotive force produced during the formation of a carbon voltaic arc op- posed to that which maintains the arc. Counter-Electromotive Force of Con- vecti /e Discharge. Resistance to the passage of an electric discharge through a high vacuum, somewhat of the nature of a counter electromotive force. Counter-Electromotive Force of Elec- trolysis. A counter electromotive force produced by electrolysis in the plating bath of an electrolytic cell. Counter-Electromotive Force of In- duction. The counter electromotive force of self or mutual induction. Counter-Electromotive Force of Mut- ual Induction. (1) Counter-electro- motive force produced by mutual induc- tion between neighboring circuits. (2) Counter-electromotive force in the pri- mary circuit of a transformer produced by the mutual induction from the current in the secondary circuit. Counter-Electromotive Force of Polar- ization. Electromotive force developed in a voltaic cell or plating bath by polar- ization, and opposed to that which pro- duces the current of the cell. Counter-Electromotive Force of Self- induction. The counter-electromotive Vol. 9. Cou.] 730 [Cri, force produced in the primary circuit of an induction coil by the action thereon of an alternating electromotive force. Counter-Electromotive Force of Self- induction of the Primary. The counter-electromotive force produced in the primary circuit of a transformer by the action of induction of the primary current on itself, as distinguished from that produced by mutual induction .from the secondary current. Counter-Electromotive Force of Self- induction of the Secondary. The counter-electromotive force produced in the secondary by periodic variations in the effective electromotive force in the secondary circuit. Counter-Electromotive Force of Stor- age Battery. The electromotive force in a storage battery which opposes the electromotive force employed in charging. Counter-Electromotive Force of Volt- aic Cell. The counter-electromotive force in a voltaic cell due to its polariza- tion. Counter Inductive Effect. An opposal of current or charge by means of an elec- tromotive force produced by induction. Counter Pressure. A term sometimes used for counter-electromotive force. Couple. (1) In mechanics, two equal and parallel, but oppositely directed forces, not acting in the same line, and tending to produce rotation. (2) The two elements in a voltaic cell or thermo-electric cell. Coupled Cells. A number of separate cells so connected or coupled as to form a battery or single electric source. Coupling Box for Electric Tubes. A box provided for the ready connection of the conductors in the separate lengths of underground electric tubes. Coupling Clamp for Underground Con- ductors. An electric coupling between two lengths of underground conductors. Coupling Joint for Underground Tubing. A joint for the separate con- ductors in an underground tubing, con- sisting generally of a flexible conductor and connectors for ready attachment to the ends of the conductor. Coupling of Voltaic Cells or Other Electric Sources. Connecting a num- ber of separate voltaic cells, or other sep- arate electric sources, so as to enable them to act as a battery or single electric source. Coupling Transformer. A transformer which employs polyphasal coupling of magnetic circuits. Cradle Dynamometer. A dynamometer in which the dynamo to be tested is sup- ported in a cradle, and the mechanical energy it receives or transmits is measured by the torque developed by the cradle about its axis. Cradle Suspension of Street-Car Mo- tor. A method of supporting a street- car motor on its truck upon a spring cradle. Crater in Positive Carbon. A depression in the end of the positive carbon of an arc-lamp, which occurs after the arc has been maintained for some little time. "Creep" of Belt. A term sometimes used for the slip of a belt. Creepage. The residual elastic torsion of a suspension fibre. Creeping, Electric. A term sometimes applied to the creeping of a current. Creeping in Voltaic Cell. The formation by efflorescence of salts on the sides of the porous cup of the voltaic cell, on the binding posts, or on the walls of the vessel containing the electrolyte. Creeping of Belt. (1) An action of a driv- ing belt due to its retractility, whereby the driving pulley travels somewhat faster than the driven pulley. (2) Belt slip. Creeping of Current. (1) A term some- times employed for a change in the direc- tion of the path of a current from a direct line between the points of connection with the source. (2) Electrification or polariza- tion currents in an electrolyte. (3) The extension of a glow or streamer discharge over the surface of a dielectric. Creosoting. A process employed for the preservation of wood, such, for example, as telegraph poles, by injecting creosote into the pores of the wood. Crevasse. A narrow gap or slit effected, or imagined, in a magnet or magnetized substance, for the purpose of determining the magnetic forces on a small needle. Crith. A proposed unit of mass, or the weight of one litre or cubic decimetre of hydrogen at Centigrade, and 760 mil- limetres barometric pressure. Critical Angle. The angle of incidence at which a ray of light falling upon the surface of a body ceases to be reflected and is wholly absorbed or internally re- flected and refracted. Critical Current. The current strength at which a certain critical result is reached. Critical-Current of Dynamo. That value of the current of a dynamo at which Cri.] 731 [Cro. its characteristic curve begins to depart from a nearly straight line. Critical-Current of Magnetization. The current strength at which a small increase in the magnetizing current pro- duces a great increase in the magnetiza- tion of an iron core. Critical-Distance of Lateral Discharge through an Alternative Path. The distance at whicli a discharge will take place through an air space of given di- mensions, in preference to passing through a metallic circuit of comparatively small ohmic resistance. Critical Pressure of a Gas or Vapor. (1) The lowest pressure at which a sub- stance in the liquid state cannot be par- tially vaporized by increase of temper- ature, but changes wholly into a gas. (2) The lowest pressure at which a gaseous substance when cooled is condensed to a liquid in the presence of its vapor. (3) The pressure above which no amount of chilling will liquefy a gaseous substance. Critical-Speed of Compound- Wound Dynamo. The speed at which both the series and shunt coils of a dynamo give the same difference of potential when the full load is on the machine, as the shunt coil would have if used alone on open- circuit. (2) The speed at which a dynamo commences to build up its ex- citation. Critical Temperature of a Gas or Vapor. (1) The temperature of a vapor at a given pressure above which no pres- sure, however great, can convert the vapor into liquid. (2) The temperature above which a vapor is essentially a per- manent gas. Critical Temperature of a Substance. (1) The temperature above which no pressure applied to the substance in the gaseous form will effect liquefaction. (2) The temperature below which a gase- ous substance is a vapor, and as such cap- able of liquefaction by pressure. Critical Volume of a Gas or Vapor. The volume of a substance at the critical temperature and pressure. Crookes' Dark-Space. A dark space surrounding the negative electrode in a rarified space through which electric dis- charges are passing. Crookes' Effect. The effect produced in high-vacuum tubes due to the charac- teristic motions possessed by heated or electrified molecules when in the ultra- gaseous or radiant state. Crookes' Electric Radiometer. A ra- diometer in which the repulsions of the molecules of the residual atmosphere take place from electrified instead of from heated surfaces. Crookes' Layer. The dark space or layer enveloping the cathode of an excited Crookes' tube. Crookes' Radiometer. An apparatus for demonstrating the action of radiant matter in producing motion, from the effects of the reaction of a stream of molecules thrown off from a number of easily moved, unequally heated surfaces. Crookes' Tubes. (1) Glass tubes contain- ing high vacua, provided with platinum leading-in wires terminating in suitably shaped metallic surfaces, employed in demonstrating the peculiarities of the radiant or ultragaseous condition of mat- ter. (2) A name frequently given to X-ray tubes. Cross. (1) A connection or contact between two telegraph circuits. (2) A contact be- tween two conductors or circuits which should be insulated from each other. Cross- Ampere Turns. (1) Ampere turns on a dynamo armature possessing u cross- magnetizing tendency to distort the mag- netic field. (2) Ampere turns whicli tend to produce a cross magnetization, at right- angles to that produced by the field- magnets. Cross Arm. (1) A horizontal beam at- tached to a pole for the support of the insulators of telegraph, electric light, or other electric wires. (2) A telegraphic arm. Cross-Arm Bolts. Bolts employed for attaching the cross-arms to a pole. Cross-Arm Brace. Galvanized iron braces whose ends are respectively con- nected to the pole and the cross-arm for the purpose of stiffening them. Cross Bonding. In an electric railway the bonding between the ground feeder and the track for the purpose of ensuring a good conducting return circuit. Cross-Connected Dynamo. A dynamo the ends of whose armature coils are con- nected to corresponding segments all around the commutator. Cross-Connecting Board. In a system of telegraphic or telephonic communica- tion, a board to which the line terminals are run, before entering the switchboard, so as readily to place any line in connec- tion with any desired section of the switch- board. Cross-Connecting Conductors. (1) The conductors on a cross-connecting board which serve to connect the sections of a Croo 732 LCry. switch-board with the wires leading to a cable. (2) The conductors which connect corresponding commutator segments in a cross-connected armature. Cross-Connecting Telephone Switch- board. A telephone distributing board. Cross-Connecting Trough. A trough dividing a telephone test board from a distributing board, formed for holding the joints in the cross-connections between them. Cross-Connection of Armature Wind- ings. Armature windings in which the wires are interconnected at the corre- sponding segments of the commutator. Cross-Connection of Commutator. The interconnection of the armature coils to corresponding commutator segments. Cross Current. Current passing between the armatures of alternating current generators, or motors, operated in parallel, and due to differences in the phase or magnitude of the E. M. Fs. in the ma- chines. Cross Fire. (1) A term employed in tel- ephony or telegraphy for an escape or leak- age of current from one line to another, due to defective insulation. (2) Cross talk. Cross, Electric. (1) A connection, gen- erally metallic, accidentally established between two conducting lines. (2) A de- fect in a telegraph, telephone, or other circuit, caused by two wires coming into contact by crossing each other. Cross Induction. (1) An induction pro- duced by the armature current whose magnetization is at right-angles to that produced by the field. (2) Cross magneti- zation. Cross-Induction of Dynamo Arma- ture. Cross magnetization produced by a dynamo armature. Cross Magnetization. A magnetization set up by the currents circulating in the armature turns, which is at right-angles to the magnetization set up by the field flux. Cross-Over Block. A device to permit the safe crossing of one wire over another in moulding or cleat wiring. Cross System. A system of running over- head wires for the purpose of preventing mutual inductive disturbances, which con- sists in crossing or transposing the position of wires on the pole arms at suitable in- tervals, as distinguished from the twist system. Cross-Talk. (1) Cross-fire conversation over one telephone circuit which is heard in neighboring telephone circuit. (2) In- terference between neighboring tele- phone circuits. Cross- Wire-Suspension for Arc Lamp. Suspension of an arc-lamp by means of a pulley and cord, attached to a block and tackle suspended from a suitably sup- ported cross wire. Crossing Cleat. A cleat so arranged as to permit the crossing of one pair of wires under or over another pair without con- tact with each other. Crossing Prog. A frog sometimes em- ployed in place of a trolley cross-over. Crossing Wires. (1) A device employed in telegraphic circuits whereby a faulty conductor is cut out of the line circuit, by crossing it over to a neighboring less- used line. (2) In telegraphy, interchang- ing sections of wire between two way stations, so as to remove a fault from a circuit or to rearrange a circuit passing through the stations. Crow-Foot Zinc. A crpw-foot-shaped zinc employed in the gravity voltaic cell. Crown Telephone Receiver. A tele- phone receiver in which a number of permanent steel magnets are arranged in the form of a crown, all the poles of the same name centring at the soft-iron pole- piece carrying the coil, and the opposite coils being joined to the rim of the dia- phragm. Crucible, Electric. (1) A crucible suit- able for electro-metallurgical operations. (2) A crucible in which the heat of a vol- taic arc, or of electric incandescence, is employed, to perform difficult fusions, to effect the reduction of metals from their ores, or to form alloys. Crystal. A solid body bounded by sym- metrically disposed plane faces. Crystalline Electro-Metallurgical De- posit. A non-adherent, non-coherent film of electrolytically deposited metal. Crystallization. Solidification from solu- tion or fusion in definite forms. Crystallization by Electrolytical De- composition. Crystalline deposition of various metals by the passage, under cer- tain conditions, of an electric current through solutions of their salts. Crystallize. To separate from a liquid or vapor in the form of a crystalline solid. Crystalloid. Those portions of a mixed substance subjected to dialysis, that are capable of crystallization. Cryptoscope. (1) An apparatus consist- ing of a fluorescent screen placed at one end of a light-tight pasteboard. tub, and Cry.] 733 viewed at the other end through an eye- piece. (2) A fluoroscope. Cryptoscopic Screen. (1) The screen employed in cryptoscopy. (2) A fluores- cent screen. Cryptoscopy. The art of examining the body by means of a cryptoscope. Cube Knot. A unit of volume sometimes employed in calculations of insulation resistance of submarine cables. Cubic Energy. A term sometimes em- ployed for voluminal energy. Cup Brush. A brush suitably shaped for polishing the interior surface of a cup or other similar surface of an object that is to be electroplated. Cupric Electrolysis. In electro-thera- peutic treatment, electrolysis performed with copper electrodes whereby a salt of copper is carried into the tissues under the anode by cataphoric action. Curb Key. A telegraphic key employed in curb signalling. Curb Sender. An automatic transmitter employed in submarine telegraphy, which is operated by a punched paper strip and which sends curbed signals into the cable. Curb Signalling. In cable telegraphy, a system for reducing the effects of retarda- tion and increasing the speed of signal- ling, by following each signalling current with a definite sequence of reversed cur- rents or earthings. Curbed Signals. Signals sent by means of a curb key. Curbing. Employing curb signalling. Curl. (1) The vector part of the nabla of a vector point-function. (2) The line inte- gral of a vector once around any closed loop, and equal to the surface integral of a related vector passing through the loop. (3)The rotation or spin of a vector point- function. (4) A vector which indicates by its direction the plane, and by its length the magnitude, of the maximum vector rate-of-change of a vector point-function in the neighborhood of a given point. Current Accumulator. Any apparatus in which the strength of an electric cur- rent is increased by the motion past it of a conductor, the currents produced in which tend to strengthen and increase the current which causes the induction. Current Balance. A general name given to a variety of ampere balance which gives readings in various decimals or mul- tiples of amperes, and which determines the strength of current passing, through its action on a movable ring or coil placed between two fixed rings or coils. [Cur. Current Calorimeter. An electric ca- lorimeter. Current Commuter. (1) Any device that causes alternating currents to flow in one and the same direction. (2) A commu- tator. Current-Conveying Helix. An active helix. Current Density. (1) The current strength which passes in any part of a cir- cuit, divided by the area of cross-section of that part of the circuit. (2) The ratio of the current strength through any surface of section of active conductor to the area of that surface, assumed perpen- dicular to the current. Current Distribution. The spreading or ramification of electric currents through a conducting mass or network. Current Direction-Indicator. An in- strument for insertion in an arc or other circuit to indicate whether the proper direction of current is maintained. Current Diverter for Electric Bail- ways. A term sometimes given to the rheostat employed in starting and regulat- ing a street-car motor. Current Efficiency of Storage Battery. The ratio between the total useful elec- tric quantity delivered by a charged stor- age battery to the working circuit, to the total electric quantity employed in charg- ing the battery. Current, Electric. (1) The quantity of electricity per-second which passes through any conductor or circuit, when the flow is uniform. (2) The rate at which a quantity of electricity flows or passes through a circuit. (8) The ratio, ex- pressed in terms of electric quantity per- second, existing between the electro- motive force causing a current and the resistance which opposes it. Current Equalizer for Storage Bat- tery. A device for controlling the strength of the charging or discharging circuit of a storage battery. Current Filaments. A term sometimes employed in place of current streamlets. Current Governor. (1) A current regu- lator. (2) Any device, whether auto- matic or non-automatic, for maintaining constant the current strength in any circuit. Current Induction. A term sometimes used for voltaic induction. Current Meter. (1) Any form of current galvanometer. (2) An indicating amme- ter or recording ampere-hour meter, Cur.] 734 [Cut, Current Recording-Meter. A record- ing ammeter. Current Retarder. A term sometimes employed for rheostat. Current Reverser. (1) A switch or other apparatus designed to reverse the direc- tion of a current. (2) A current changer. Current Rush.. The impulsive rush of current that occurs when a transformer is first switched on, or connected with, an alternating-current circuit. Current Sheet. The area of active con- ducting surface carrying a current con- sidered as though the current existed as a material sheet. Current Spiral. A conducting helix or spiral provided for the passage of a cur- rent. Current Streamlets. A conception of a series of parallel current streams or cur- rent filaments flowing through a solid con- ductor. Current Strength.-^!) In a direct-cur- rent cii'cuit the quotient of the total elec- tromotive force divided by the total re- sistance. (2) The time-rate-of-flow in a circuit expressed in amperes, or coulombs per second. (3) In an alternating current the quotient of the total electromotive force divided by the impedance. Current System of Induction Teleg- raphy. A system of induction teleg- raphy on railroads, depending on current induction between a fixed circuit along i the roadway, and a parallel circuit on the moving train. Current Teaser, Electric. A coil of thin wire placed on the field magnets of a dynamo-electric machine in addition to the series coils wound thereon, and con- nected as a shunt across the main cir- cuit. Current Transformation. (1) The act of changing the strength of a current by changes effected in its electromotive force. (2) The act of changing a direct into an alternating current, or the reverse, or a Uniphase-alternating current into a mul- tiphase-alternating current. Current Transformer. A device for changing in one circuit the strength of current which flows in another. Current Turns. (1) The product of the number of turns in a coil by the current flowing through them. (2) A word some- times used for ampere-turns. Current Wave. (1) The progressive elec- tro-magnetic disturbance in the ether sur- rounding a conducting wire forming part of a circuit. (2) The progressive disturb- ance of electric flow traversing a con- ducting circuit, under the influence of a variation in its impressed electromotive force. Current Weigher. (1) A current bal- ance. (2) An ammeter in which the electro-magnetic force of the current is compared with the earth's gravitational force on a mass. Currents of Motion. A term sometimes employed in electro-therapeutics for the electric currents that are asserted to traverse healthy muscle or nerve tissue, during the sudden contraction or relaxa- tion of such muscle and nerve. Currents of Rest. A term sometimes employed in electro-therapeutics for the electric currents that are asserted to trav- erse healthy muscle or nerve tissue while the muscles are passive. Curve Guy-Poles. Anchor poles or pull- offs, employed in an overhead-trolley system, placed at a curve or turn-out, to which are attached the wire guys em- ployed to preserve the proper tension for the conductor at these points. Curve of Sines. (1) A curve representing at continuous successive positions the successive values of the sines of a pro- gressively varying angle. (2) A sinusoid. (3) When drawn to rectangular co-ordi- nates, a curve successively rising above and falling below the axis of abscissas cor- responding to the sines of angles measured along said axis. Curve of Cross-Over System. In a sys- tem of transposition for overhead wires, in order to avoid the effects of induction, the short bend of wire which effects the transposition at a pole cross-arm. Cushioning Chamber. In a dead-beat mirror galvanometer, a chamber before or behind a suspended mirror, for the Eurpose of dampening the motions of the itter. Cut-In. To introduce an electro-receptive device into the circuit of a source by completing or closing the circuit through it. Cut-In. (1) A term sometimes employed for filament cut-out. (2) An automatic guard cut-out. Cut-Off. Any device for cutting a battery or other electric source from a circuit, or from part of a circuit. Cut-Out. To remove an electro-receptive device or loop from the circuit of an elec- tric source. Cut-Out. (1) A device for removing an electro-receptive device or loop from the Cut.] 735 [D. P, circuit of an electric source. (2) A safety fuse.. Cut-Out Board. A board supporting a number of fuse cut-outs. Cut-Out Block. A block containing a fuse wire or safety catch. Cut-Out Box. A box containing a cut- out. Cut-Out Cabinet. Any enclosed space provided in a building for the reception of cut-outs or fuses. Cut-Out Switch. A short-circuiting switch by means of which an arc-light is cut out from its feeding circuit. Cutting and Holding Grapnel. In submarine telegraphy, a grapnel which, after engaging a cable on the sea bottom, automatically grips the cable, and cuts it beyond the grip. Cutting Lines of Magnetic Force. Passing a conductor through lines of magnetic force or flux, or passing mag- netic lines of force or flux through a con- ductor, so as to cut or intersect such lines or such flux. Cycle. (1) A succession of events which periodically recur, reckoning from any stage of the disturbance to the moment at which that stage next occurs. (2) A complete recurrence of any periodic change. Cycle of Alternations. The cycle of a periodically-alternating electromotive force, current or flux. Cycle of Magnetization. A single com- plete passage of any magnetic substance through the successive stages of a period- ically-recurring magnetic change. Cyclic. Of or pertaining to a cycle. Cyclic Magnetization. Magnetization produced in a magnetic substance when subjected to periodic cyclic changes in the magnetizing force. Cyclic Magnetic Variations. Secular magnetic variations occurring during great cycles of time. Cyclic Motion. Any motion which re- occurs in a cycle. Cyclic Stability. (1) In an alternating- current circuit the condition of uniform periodic motion in alternating quantities, such as pressure and current, attained after a definite number of cycles from the starting of the motion ; as distinguished from the variable state of motion when the circuit is first closed. (2) The per- manent state in an alternating-current circuit. Cyclometer. An instrument for record- ing the number of turns completed by a wheel, shaft, drum, or other rotating device, or for indicating the distance traversed by its periphery. Cyclosis. The existence of independent cycles in a diagram. Cyclotrope. A word proposed for trans- former or converter. (Not in use.) Cylindrical Armature. A term some- times applied to a drum armature. Cylindrical Carbon Electrodes. Car- bon cylinders employed for the electrodes of arc lamps or for battery plates . Cylindrical Core. (1) A cylindrical- shaped mass of iron employed for the core of a solenoid or helix. (2) A cylin- drical-shaped mass of soft carbon em- ployed in cored electrodes. Cylindrical Electro-Magnet. An elec- tro-magnet whose core consists of a hollow cylinder provided with a slot extending parallel to its axis. Cylindrical Magnet. A cylindrically shaped magnet. Cylindrical Ring-Armature. A ring armature whose core has the shape of a long cylinder. Cylindrical Vibrator. A weight in the form of a cylinder supported by a suspen- sion for the purpose of measuring its torsional rigidity. Cymogene. An extremely volatile liquid hydrocarbon given off from crude coal-oil during the early stages of its distillation. Cystoscopy, Electric. The examination of the human bladder by electric illu- mination. D d. A symbol for diameter. D. B. Switch. A contraction for double- break switch. D. C. A contraction for direct current. D. E. M. I 1 . A contraction for direct- electromotive force. "D." Operator. A term employed in mathematics for the operator which ef- fects the total differentiation of a func- tion with respect to time. D. P. Cut-Out. A contraction for double- pole cut-out. D. P. Switch. A contraction for double- pole switch. D.Q.] [Dea. D. Q. In submarine telegraphy, a signal serving to separate the address from the text of the message. Daily Variation of Magnetic Needle. The diurnal variation of the magnetic needle. Damped Galvanometer. A galvano- meter whose movable part i. e.. whose needle or coil when moved, comes to rest as quickly as possible. Damped Magnetic Needle. A magnetic needle so placed as to come quickly to rest after it has been set in motion. Damped Vibrations. (1) Vibrations that occur under circumstances in which the vibratory or swinging motions can be at once brought to rest, instead of repeatedly swinging to-and-fro, on the removal of the force causing the vibration. (2) Vibra- tions of successively diminishing ampli- tude. Dampening Factor. The property of an oscillatory alternating-current circuit of diminishing the amplitude of its oscilla- tions owing to the influence of electric resistance or of radiation. Damper. (1) A metallic cylinder so ar- ranged as to partially or completely sur- round the iron core of an induction coil for the purpose of varying the intensity of the currents produced in the secondary. (2) A dash-pot, or similar apparatus, pro- vided for preventing the too sudden movements of a lever or other part of a moving device. (3) Any device em- ployed for damping a magnetic needle. Damping. (1) The act of stopping a sudden vibratory motion without waiting for it to cease after repeated swingings to-and- fro. (2) The act of causing a periodically moving body to lose its energy of motion by the application of retarding forces. Damping Coil for Galvanometer. (1) An auxiliary coil employed with a gal- vanometer for receiving transient electric currents from a key under the control of an observer, for the purpose of checking the motion of the needle. (2) A short-cir- cuited coil, on or near a movable electro- magnetic system, for the purpose of damping its oscillations by the action of electric currents induced therein. Damping, Electric. A term sometimes employed for the decrease in the intensity of the electric oscillations produced in a resonant circuit by electric resistance, under circumstances where some of the higher overtones are set up in the circuit. Damping Magnet. Any magnet em- ployed for the purpose of checking the motions of a moving body or magnet. Damping Suspension. A suspension which is rendered dead-beat, or aperiodic, by the application of any retarding force or damping mechanism. Damping Tube. (1) A tube fitted with a glass cap and placed in an instrument to diminish the cavity in which a movable system swings, and thus damp its motion. (2) A conducting tube attached to a movable system and placed in the vicin- ity of fixed permanent magnets, in order to damp the vibrations of the system. Damping Vessel. A dash-pot. Dani ell's Voltaic Cell. A zinc-copper couple whose elements are immersed re- spectively in electrolytes of dilute sul- phuric acid and a saturated solution of copper sulphate. Dark Discharge. A term applied by Faraday to that portion of the convective discharge which occurs, under certain cir- cumstances, in the rarefied gas of an exhausted chamber between the positive and negative electrodes. Dark-Light Frequencies. Ether vibra- tions of the nature of light whose frequencies are too low to produce physiologically effective light. Dark-Segment of Aurora. A dark or non-illumined portion of an aurora glory, or crown of auroral light. Dash-Pot. A mechanical device for pre- venting a too sudden motion in the movable part of any apparatus. Day Load. A load on an apparatus, machine, or central station, occurring during the daytime as distinguished from a night load. Day of Magnetic Disturbance. A day during which the mean departure of the reading of a declinometer at any place, from the normal monthly value at that place, is at least one and one-half times the average. Daylight Color-Values. Such values of luminous frequencies as correspond to those present in ordinary sunlight or day- light. Dead - Beat. (1) Heavily damped. (2) Aperiodic. (3) Such a motion of a gal- vanometer needle, or other suspension system, in which the needle moves sharply from point to point and comes quickly to rest. Dead-Beat Discharge. A non-oscilla- tory discharge. Dead-Beat Galvanometer. (1) An aperi- odic galvanometer, or one whose needle comes quickly to rest instead of repeat- Dea.] 737 [Dee. edly swinging to-and-fro. (2) A heavily damped galvanometer. Dead Beatness. Possessing the property of aperiodicity. Dead Dipping. Dipping in acid liquids for the purpose of obtaining a dead or unpolished surface on an electro-metal- lurgical coating or deposit. Dead Earth. (1) A fault in a telegraphic or other line, in which the line is thor- oughly grounded or connected with earth. (2) A total earth. (3) An earth of inap- preciable or insignificant resistance. Dead-Ended Conductor or Wire. A conductor or wire whose end is deliber- ately left open or insulated, as, for ex- ample, by being wound around an insulator. Dead Ending. Leaving a conductor dead-ended. Dead Ground or Grounding. Such a grounding as will ensure a ground of negligible resistance. Dead Man. A support for raising a pole and supporting it in place while securing it in the ground. Dead Points of Motor Armature. Any positions of a motor armature when at rest, in which the driving current cannot start it. Dead Resistance for Testing Bank. (1) A resistance for a testing bank devoid of inductance. (2) An inductionless re- sistance. Dead Wires. (1) Any disused wires or abandoned wires, generally aerial. (2) A term applied to that portion of the wire on a dynamo which produces no electromotive force on its movements through the field flux. (3) That part of the wire on a motor which produces no useful effect on the passage through it of a driving current. Dead Wires of Dynamo Armature. The wires on the armature of a dynamo or motor which produce no useful elec- tromotive force or resulting current on the movement of the armature through the field of the machine. Dead Wires on Motor Armature. The wires on the armature of a motor which produce no useful torque on the passage through them of an electric current. Death, Electric. Death resulting from the passage of an electric discharge or cur- rent through the human body. Decalescence. An absorption of sensible heat that occurs at a certain time during the heating of a bar of steel. 47 Decay of Waves. The diminution in the amplitude of waves due to obstruction of any kind. Deci. A prefix for the one-tenth part. Deci-Ampere. One-tenth of an ampere. Deci- Ampere Balance. A balance form of ammeter whose scale is graduated to give direct readings in deci-amperes. Deci-Lux. The one-tenth of a lux. Deci-Polar Dynamo. A dynamo whose field is produced by ten magnet poles. Decimal Candle. A photometric stand. ard equal to the twentieth part of the Violle platinum standard. Deck Cable-Lead. Guide pulleys or leads, placed at suitable intervals on the deck of a cable ship, extending from a tank to the bow or stern sheaves, to aid in laying a submarine cable. Deck-Planer, Electric. An electrically driven rotary cutter or planer, suitable for planing the deck of a ship. Deflection of Magnet. The variation of a magnetic needle from the true geograph- ical North. Deflection Compass. A declinometer. Declinometer. A magnetic needle suita- bly arranged for the measurement of the magnetic declination or variation of any place. Decohere. To restore or regain the nat- ural condition of a coherer. Decomposition. The separation of a molecule into its constituent ions or radi- cals, or into its ultimate atoms. Decomposition, Ulectric. Chemical de- composition effected by means of an elec- tric discharge or current. Decomposition, Electrolytic. The sep- aration of a molecule into its consti- tuent ions or radicals by the action of an electric current. Decorative Series Lamps. Series-con- nected incandescent lamps employed to obtain decorative effects. De-Energize. To deprive an electro- receptive device of its operating current. De-Energizing. Depriving an electro- receptive device of its operating current. Deep Sea-Cable. That portion of a sub- marine cable which is laid in the deep water, at a distance from the coast or shore. Deep - Seated Eddy - Currents. The eddy currents that are set up in the mass of a conductor subjected to electro- dynamic induction, as distinguished Dee.] 738 [Dem. from the superficially -seated eddy -cur- rents. Deep- Water Submarine-Cable. A deep sea cable. Defective-Loop Repeater. <1) A device for employing the good wire of a defective loop to an office, to receive and transmit alternately, on a duplex, or on the com- mon side of a quadruplex set. (2) A re- peater connecting a branch office with a duplex or quadruplex set at a main office, and arranged to operate on a single wire of a pair or loop to said branch office when the other wire becomes defective. Deflagration. A violent but not explo- sive combustion of a substance. Deflagration, Electric. The fusion and volatilization of metallic substances by the passage through them of an electric current. Deilagrator. The name given to a partic- ular voltaic battery of small internal resistance, employed, in the early history of the voltaic battery, for the electric de- flagration of metallic substances. Deflecting Magnet. (1) The permanent magnet of a magnetometer, employed for deflecting a small magnetic needle sus- pended at a definite distance, in order to compare its influence with that of the earth's horizontal magnetic force. (2) The compensating magnet of a galvanometer. Deflection Method. A method employed in electrical measurements in which, as distinguished from the zero method, the amount of the deflection produced on any instrument, by a given current or a given charge, is utilized for determining the value of that current or charge. Deflection of Cable Dynamometer. (1) The sag, or distance to which a cable dynamometer sheave descends below the horizonal line corresponding to infinite tension. (2) The sag of a dynamometer sheave which increases as the strain on the cable diminishes. Deflection of Magnetic Needle. The movement of a needle out of a position of rest, either in the earth's magnetic field, or in the field of another magnet, by the action of the flux of an electric current or of a magnet. Deformation. (1) Any displacement of the particles of a solid with reference to one another, produced by the action of a stress. (2) A strain. Degeneration of Cell. Such a change in the muscular or cellular structure of a cell that incapacitates it from performing its ordinary functions. Degeneration of Energy. A degrada- tion of energy. Deka. A prefix signifying ten times. Deka- Ampere. Ten amperes. Deka- Ampere Balance. A balance-form of ammeter measuring tens of amperes (0 to 100 amperes. ) Deliquescence. The solution of a crys- talline solid arising from its absorption of the vapor of water from the atmosphere. Delivered Power. In a system of elec- trical transmission, the power that is delivered at one end of a line as distin- guished from the power sent into the line at its other end. Delta Connection. The connection of circuits employed in a delta triphase- systern. Delta Current. (1) The current between adjacent wires or terminals of a triphase- system. (2) The ring current. Delta Potential of Triphase System. (1) The effective difference of potential, or voltmeter pressure, between adjacent wires or terminals of a triphase-sj^stem. (2) The ring potential. Delta Triphase-System. A triphase system in which the terminal connections resemble the Greek letter delta, or triangle. Demagnetizable. Capable of being de- prived of magnetism. Demagnetization. The act of depriving a magnet of its magnetism. Demagnetization by Successive Re- versals. A process for removing the magnetism from a mass of steel, as in a watch, by subjecting it to many success- ive magneto-motive forces alternating in direction and gradually diminishing to zero. Demagnetize. To deprive of magnetism. Demagnetizing. Depriving of magnet- ism. Demagnetizing Current. The current which serves to remove the magnetization of some magnetic device. Demagnetizing Lines of Flux. Mag- netic flux produced by a magnetized bar in a direction opposite to the magnetizing force, and tending, therefore, to demag- netize the bar. Demand Recording-Meter. A meter which registers the maximum demand for electric energy, usually a meter which registers the maximum current strength supplied through it, in addition to the total quantity of electricity delivered. Dem.] 739 [Dia. Demarcation Current. A term some- times applied to the electric current ob- tained from an injured muscle. Density, Electric. The quantity of free electricity on any unit of area of surface of a charged body. Density of Charge. The quantity of electricity per-unit-of-area at any part of a charged surface. Density of Current. The quantity of current that passes per-unit-of-area of cross-section in any part of a circuit. Density of Electrification. The density of an electrostatic charge. Density of -Field. The quantity of mag- netic flux that passes through any field per-unit-of-area of cross-section. Dentiphone. An audiphone. Dephased. (1) Differing in phase. (2) Caused to differ in phase. Depolarization. The act of reducing or removing the polarization of a voltaic cell or battery. Depolarize. To deprive of polarization. Depolarizer. The material employed in voltaic cells for the purpose of depolar- izing them. Depolarizing. Depriving of polarization. Depolarizing Fluid or Liquid. An electrolytic fluid or liquid employed in a voltaic cell for the purpose of preventing or lessening polarization. Depositing Cell or Vat. Any electro- lytic cell in which an electro-metallur- gical deposit is made. Deposition, Electric. The deposit of a substance, generally a metal, by the action of electrolysis. Deprez-D' Arson val Galvanometer. A form of dead-beat galvanometer. Derivation. (1) A shunt or derived cir- cuit. (2) A leak. Derivative or Derived Current. The current that flows through a branch or derived circuit. Derived Circuit. (1) A branch or shunt circuit. (2) A derivation. Derived-Circuit Arc-Lamp. The name sometimes employed for a differential arc- lamp. Derived Units. Various secondary units obtained or derived from the fundamental units of length, mass, and time. Desk Loop. (1) In telegraphy, a loop or circuit, running to a desk in a telegraph office, and connecting the apparatus on such desk with main-line apparatus at some other table. (2) A circuit connect- ing an operator at one desk with a duplex or quadruplex set of apparatus at another desk for convenience in handling the traffic. Desk Push. An electric push attached to a desk for the purpose of ringing a call- bell, or closing some other electric circuit. Desk Set. Telephone apparatus arranged for use on a desk. Destructive Distillation. The action of heat on an organic substance while out of contact with air, resulting in the decom- position of the substance into simpler and more stable compounds. Detector Galvanometer. Any rough form of galvanometer or galvanoscope employed for detecting the presence of electric currents. Detector Peg. A peg used in connection with a detector galvanometer. Detonating Fuse. (1) A fuse that is ex- ploded by a percussion or blow. (2) A percussion fuse. Detorsion Bar. A bar placed in a mag- netic declinometer for the purpose of re- moving the torsion on the suspending thread of the magnet. Developed Winding. A winding of a dynamo-electric machine developed . or expanded upon a drawing or plane. Devil Claws. A device employed in stringing overhead wires. Dextrorsal Helix. A name sometimes applied to a dextrorsal solenoid. Dextrorsal Solenoid. A solenoid whose winding is right-handed. Diacritical Current. Such a strength of a magnetizing current as produces a mag- netization of an iron core equal to one- half saturation. Diacritical Number. Such a number of ampere turns at which a given core would receive a magnetization equal to one- half saturation. Diacritical Point of Magnetic Satu- ration. A term proposed for such a value of the co-efficient of magnetic satu- ration that its core is magnetized to ex- actly one-half of its possible maximum magnetization. Diagometer. An apparatus in which an attempt is made to determine the chemi- cal composition, and consequent purity, of certain substances by their electrical con- ducting powers. Dial Bridge or Rheostat. A resistance bridge or rheostat whose contact points are arranged in the shape of a dial. Dia.] 740 [Die. Dial Telegraph. A general term embrac- ing the apparatus employed in dial teleg- raphy. Dial Telegraphy. A system of teleg- raphy in which the messages are received by the movements of a needle over a dial plate. Dialysis. The act of separating a liquid mixture into its crystalloids and colloids by passing the liquid through a mem- brane. Dialyzing. Subjecting to the process of dialysis. Diamagnetic. The property possessed by substances like bismuth, phosphorus, antimony, zinc and others, of being ap- parently repelled when placed between the poles of powerful magnets. Diamagnetic Permeability. The per- meability to magnetic flux possessed by diamagnetic substances. Diamagnetic Polarity. A polarity, the reverse of ordinary magnetic polarity, the existence of which was assumed to ex- plain the phenomena of diamagnetism. Diamagnetically. In a diamagnetic manner. Diamagnetism. A name sometimes given to the magnetism of diamagnetic bodies. Diamagnetized. Subjected to the action of so-called diamagnetism. Diamagnetometer. A magnetometer designed for the study of diamagnetism. Diamagnets. Diamagnetic substances subjected to magnetic induction, and formerly called diamagnets in contra- distinction to ordinary or paramagnets. Diameter of Commutation. (1) The diameter of the commutator cylinder of a dynamo at which the brushes are applied. (2) That diameter on the commutator cylinder of an open-circuited armature, which joins the points of contact of the collecting brushes. Diaphragm. (1) A sheet of an elastic solid, generally circular in shape, securely fastened at its edges and capable of being set into vibration. (2) The porous wall or septum of an endosmometer. (3) The porous partition of a voltaic cell. (4) A disc of blackened metal provided with a circular aperture and employed for cutting off all the light from a lens except that falling on its central portions. Diaphragm Currents. Electric currents produced by forcing a liquid through the capillary pores of a diaphragm. Diaphragm of Voltaic Cell. (1) The porous partition or plate of a voltaic cell. (2) Generally, a porous cell. Diaphragm Photometer. A photometer which depends on the equality of the brightness obtained on the two halves of a diaphragm or screen, either by varying the distances of the lights from the screen or by varying the inclination of the luminous rays thereon. Dice-Box Insulator. A name sometimes applied to a double-cone insulator. Dielectric. Any substance which permits electrostatic induction to take place through its mass. Dielectric Absorption. The absorption of a charge or current by a dielectric. Dielectric Capacity. A term employed in the same sense as specific ijiductive capacity. Dielectric Circuit. A circuit formed in whole or in part through a dielectric as opposed to a conducting circuit. Dielectric Constant. A term sometimes employed in place of specific inductive capacity. Dielectric Current. (1) The rate-of -in- crease of the polarization of a dielectric produced by a change in the polariza- tion through the circuit. (2) A displace- ment current. Dielectric Density of a Gas. A term sometimes employed instead of dielectric strength of a gas. Dielectric Displacement. (1) Electric displacement taking place through a die- lectric. (2) The electromotive intensity in a dielectric multiplied by 4?r and divided by the dielectric co-efficient. Dielectric Elasticity. (1) The reciprocal of the dielectric co-efficient. (2) The measure of the electric force that must be exerted upon a dielectric in order to effect unit displacement. Dielectric Energy Current. That com- ponent of an alternating current passing through a condenser which is in phase with the impressed E. M. F. at its termi- nals. Dielectric Hysteresis. (1) A variety of molecular friction, analogous to magnetic hysteresis, produced in a dielectric under changes of electrostatic stress. (2) That property of a dielectric by virtue of which energy is consumed in reversals of electri- fication. Dielectric Hysteretic Admittance. (1) In an alternating-current circuit the apparent component of admittance due to dielectric hysteresis. (2) In a condenser traversed by an alternating current the admittance, which is the geometrical sum of the hysteretic conductance and the hy Die.] 741 [Dif. steretic susceptance, or whose reciprocal is the vector hysteretic impedance. Dielectric Hysteretic Impedance. In an alternating-current circuit, the ap- parent component of impedance due to dielectric hysteresis. Dielectric Hysteretic Lag. Lag in an alternating-current circuit due to dielec- tric hysteresis. Dielectric Medium. Any medium ca- pable of acting as a dielectric. Dielectric Polarization. (1) The polari- zation of a dielectric by means of which electric induction takes place. (2) Dielec- tric displacement. Dielectric Resistance. (1) The resist- ance which a dielectric offers to mechan- ical strains produced by electrification. (2) The resistance of a dielectric to dis- placement currents. Dielectric Static Hysteresis. Hystere- sis occurring in a dielectric under succes- sive electric reversals, and due to a quasi- electrostatic friction independent of the rate of reversal, as distinguished from dielectric viscous hysteresis which varies with the frequency of cyclic electric re- versals. Dielectric Strain. (1) The strained con- dition of the glass or other dielectric of a condenser produced by the charging of the condenser. (2) The deformation of a dielectric under the influence of an elec- tro-magnetic stress. Dielectric Strength of Gas. The elec- tromotive intensity a gas is capable of bearing without permitting a disruptive discharge to pass through it, and capable of measurement in volts per centimetre. Dielectric Stress.-^(l) The electro-mag- netic force producing a deformation or strain in a dielectric. (2) Electromotive intensity. Dietrine. A name given to a variety of insulating material. Difference of Potential. That quanti- tative property in space by virtue of which work is done when a mass of any kind is moved from one point to another. Difference of Electric Potential. (1) That quantitative property in space whereby work is done when an electric charge is moved therein. (2) The electric work done on a unit charge in an excur- sion between two points. Difference of Magnetic Potential. (1) That quantitative property in space whereby work is done when a magnetic pole moves therein. (2) The magnetic work done on a unit magnetic pole in an excursion between two points. Difference of Tension. A term some- tunes incorrectly employed for difference of potential. Difference of Thermal Pressure. A phrase sometimes employed for the dif- ference of temperature between any two points in a conducting substance that is assumed to cause the flow of heat through that conductor from the higher to the lower temperature. Difference Theory of Muscle and Nerve Currents. A theory proposed to explain the cause of the electric cur- rents in living tissues, by an alteration or change in the protoplasm, by injury, by differences of temperature, or by polari- zation. Differential Coils. Coils that are differ- entially wound, or that act differentially. Differential Compound Motor. (1) A compound motor in which the mag- neto-motive force of the working current is opposed to the magneto-motive force of the shunt excitation, for the purpose of maintaining the speed constant under all loads. (2) A compound-wound contin- uous-current motor. Differential Electric Arc-Lamp. A term formerly employed for a derived- circuit arc-lamp, in which the lifting magnet either consists of a core or sole- noid wound with series and shunt coils, or of two separate and opposed cores, one of which contains the series and the other the shunt winding. Differential Electric Bell. An electric bell whose magnetizing coils are differ- entially wound. Differential Electro-Dynamometer. (1) A double dynamometer with two mov- ing coils rigidly connected and oppositely acted on, so that the movement of the sus- pension system can be reduced to zero by electrical adjustments made while the in- strument is under operation. (2) A dyna- mometer for measuring the difference between two electro-dynamic forces. Differential Electro-Magnet. A differ- entially-wound electro-magnet. Differential Equation. An equation connecting quantities into which one 01 more differential coefficients or differ- entials enter. Differential Galyanometer. A gal- vanometer containing two coils, so wound as to tend to deflect its needle in opposite directions. Dif.] 742 [Dil. Differential Induction Coil. (1) An in- duction coil employed in duplex and quad- ruplex telegraphy, ' having two differ- entially-wound primary coils, one of which is placed in the main line of the circuit, and the other in the circuit of an artificial line. (2) In telephony, an induc- tion coil which sometimes forms part of the equipment of a multiple switchboard operator. Differential Inductometer. A galvano- metric apparatus for measuring the mo- mentary currents produced by the dis- charge of a cable. Differential Magnetometer. A mag- netometer having a divided magnetic cir- cuit and a needle differentially acted upon by the branches. Differential Method of Duplex Teleg- raphy. A system of duplex telegraphy in which the coils of the receiving and transmitting instruments are differenti- ally wound. Differential Method of Quadruplex Telegraphy. A system of quadruplex telegraphy by means of a double-differ- ential duplex system. Differential Permeability. The differ- ential coefficient of flux density to mag- netizing force in a substance undergoing magnetization. Differential Relay. A telegraphic relay containing two differentially wound coils of wire on its magnet core. Differential Speed. In an induction machine, the angular velocity of the field relatively to the rotor. Differential Susceptibility. The differ- ential coefficient of the magnetic intensity to the magnetizing force in a substance undergoing magnetization. Differential Thermo-Pile. A thermo- pile whose two opposite faces are exposed to the action of two nearly equal sources of heat, in order to determine accurately the difference in the thermal intensities of such sources of heat. Differential Voltmeter. A voltmeter consisting of two separate decomposition cells, one placed in a circuit of known resistance, and the other in a circuit whose resistance is to be determined. Differential Winding. Such a double winding of magnet coils that the two poles produced thereby are opposed to each other. Differential Winding of Field. (1) A field-magnet winding in which two ex- citing currents exert opposing magneto- motive forces. (2) A form of winding in which the magnetizing flux of the series coil is opposed by the magnetizing flux of the shunt coils. Differentially- Wound Dynamo-Elec- tric Machine. A compound-wound dynamo-electric machine. Differentially-Wound Motor. A com- pound-wound motor, in which the current in the shunt coils opposes, in its magnet- izing effects, the current in the series coil, so that the efficient magnetizing effect produce-d is the difference between the magnetizing effects of the two coils. Differentially Wound Translator. In telephony, a translator having one primary and two equal secondary coils, employed in duplex working. Diffraction Grating. A plate containing a series of parallel linear openings, slits or scratches, separated by opaque or smooth spaces, employed for producing spectra by diffraction or interference. Diffusing Globes for Electric Lights. Globes so constructed as to ensure a dif- fusion of the light around which they are placed. Diffusion Creep. A term sometimes used for the diffusion of an electric current. Diffusion of Electric Current. The flow of an electric current in the portions of a conducting substance that lie outside the parts in the direct line between the points where the terminals of an electric source are applied, so that a difference exists in the density of the current at dif- ferent points of such substance. Diffusion of Electric Waves. (1) The scattering of electric waves, or their deviation from a parallel beam. (2) The transmission of electric waves through a medium. Diffusion of Electro-Therapeutic Cur- rent. The differences in the density of current in different portions of the human body, lying between electro-therapeutic electrodes. Diffusion of Lines of Force. The diffu- sion of magnetic flux. Diffusion of Magnetic Flux. The lateral deflection of magnetic flux from the direct path between the poles that produce it. Digging Spoon. A spoon-shaped shovel used in digging holes for telegraph poles. Dilation, Electric. Electric expansion, or an increase in volume, produced in a body by an electric charge. Dilatometer. An instrument resembling a thermometer, employed in measuring the expansion of a liquid by heat. Dim.] 743 [Dip. Dimensions of Electro-Magnetic Units. The conventional exponential values of electro-magnetic units in terms of the fundamental units of length, mass, and time. Dimensions of Electrostatic Units. The exponential values given convention- ally to the units of the electrostatic system, in terms of the fundamental units of length, mass, and time. Dimensions of Magnetic Units. The exponential values given conventionally to the units of the magnetic system, in terms of length, mass, and time. Dimensions of Units. The exponential values given conventionally to units in terms of length, mass, and time. Diminished Electric Irritability. A decrease in the irritability of nervous or muscular tissue produced by a suitable electric current. Dimmer. A clicking coil employed in an alternating-current system of distribution for regulating the current strength pass- ing through incandescent lamps. Diode Working. A term employed for the two-way mode of telegraphic working established by the Delany Synchronous Multiplex Telegraphic System. Diopter. A unit of the refracting or focal power of a lens. Dioptre. An orthography commonly em- ployed for diopter. Dioptric. An orthography sometimes employed for diopter. Dioptric. Of or pertaining to dioptrics. Dioptric Shade. A shade for a luminous source made of refractive material, which prevents the light from passing, in cer- tain directions, by reason of its refractive power. Dioptrics. The science which treats of the refraction of light. Dioptry . An orthography frequently em- ployed for diopter. Dip. The inclination of a magnetic needle. Dip Circle. A dipping needle provided with means for accurately measuring the angle of dip. Dip of Line- Wire or Conductor. The sag, due to its weight, of an aerial con- ductor between any two of its adjacent supports. Diphase - Alternating Currents. (1) Two separate alternating electric currents whose phase difference is a quarter of a cycle. (2) Two-phase currents. (3) Quarter-phase currents. Diphase- Alternating E. M. F's. (l)Two separate alternating-electromotive forces whose phase difference is a quarter of a cycle. (2) Two-phase E. M. F.'s. (3) Quar- ter-phase E. M. F.'s. Diphase Alternator. An alternator that produces diphase E. M. F.'s. Diphase Armature. The armature of a diphase alternator, or diphaser. Diphase Armature- Winding. Any ar- mature winding capable of furnishing diphase currents. Diphase Circuit. A circuit, consisting either of three or four separate wires, em- ployed for the transmission of diphase currents. Diphase Field. A diphase magnetic field. Diphase Generator. (1) A generator capable of producing diphase E. M. F.'s. (2) A diphase alternator. Diphase Inter-Connected Circuit. (1) A diphase circuit consisting of two outgoing conductors, one for each phase or side of the system, and a single return- conductor common to both. (2) A di- phase system in which the two diphase cir- cuits are not electrically separated or in- dependent. Diphase Magnetic-Field. A magnetic field produced by diphase currents. Diphase Motor. A motor suitable for use with diphase electric currents. Diphase Rotary-Field. (1) A magnetic field produced by four or more magnet poles whose coils are so wound that their polarity not only alternates with changes in the direction of the current, but acts as though the field rotated. (2) A rotat- ing magnetic field produced by diphase currents. Diphase Transformer. A polyphase transformer suitable for use with diphase currents. Diphase - Triphase Transformer. A transformer for converting diphase into triphase currents. Diphaser. A word sometimes used for diphase alternator. Diplex Circuit. The circuit, including the line wire and apparatus, employed in any diplex system. Diplex Telegraph. A general term em- bracing the apparatus employed in diplex telegraphy. Diplex Telegraphy. Any method by which two telegraphic messages can be simultaneously sent in the same direction over a single wire. Dip.] 744 [Dh\ Diplex Telephony. Any method by which two telephone messages can be simultaneously sent in the same direction over the same wire. Diplex Transmission. The simulta- neous telegraphic or telephonic transmis- sion of two messages in the same direction over a single wire. Dipolar. (1) Possessing two poles. (2) Bi- polar. Dipping. (1) An electro-metallurgical process whereby a thin coating or depos- it of metal is obtained on the surface of another metal by dipping it in a solution of a readily decomposable metallic salt. (2) Cleansing surfaces for electro-plating, by immersing them in various acid liquors. Dipping Basket. A perforated basket of non-corrosive material, employed in electro-plating, for the reception of articles that are to be cleansed by dip- ping. Dipping Hook. A metallic hook em- ployed in electro-plating for holding ar- ticles that are to be cleansed by dipping. Dipping Magnetic-Needle. (1) A mag- netic needle suspended so as to be free to move in a vertical plane only, and em- ployed to determine the angle of dip or magnetic inclination. (2) An inclination compass. Dipping Needle. A term sometimes used for a dipping magnetic needle. Dipping "Wire. The wire employed in electro-metallurgy for suspending small articles that are to be cleansed by dip- ping. Dips. Acid liquors employed in dipping. Direct-Coupled Dynamo. A dynamo whose armature shaft is directly coupled to the driving shaft. Direct Coupling. Coupling the shaft of a dynamo armature directly to the driv- ing or engine shaft. Direct-Current. (1) A current whose di- rection is constant, as distinguished from an alternating current. (2) A continuous current. Direct-Current Dynamo-Electric Ma- chine.-~Any dynamo-electric machine capable of furnishing direct currents. Direct-Current Electric Motor. An electric motor driven by means of direct or continuous currents, as distinguished from a motor driven by alternating cur- rents. Direct- Current Rotary Transformer. (1) A term sometimes employed for a ro- tating secondary generator of continuous currents. (2) A motor-dynamo or dyna- motor. Direct-Current Transformer. (1) A transformer intended to vary the strength of continuous currents. (2) A direct-cur- rent secondary -generator. Direct-Driven Dynamo of Generator. A direct-coupled dynamo or generator. Direct-Deflection Method of Measur- ing Resistance. A method of measur- ing resistance based on the deflection of a galvanometer in circuit with a resist- ance and a battery. Direct-Electromotive Force. (1) An electromotive force acting on a circuit in the same direction as another electromo- tive force already existing in that circuit. (2) The electromotive force acting on any circuit in contra-distinction to the coun- ter-electromotive force set up in such cir- cuit. (3) A continuous-electromotive force as distinguished from an alternat- ing-electromotive force. Direct Excitation. (1) The excitation of a muscle, resulting from the placing of an electrode directly on the muscle itself. (2) The excitation of a dynamo electric machine by a separate source of direct currents, as distinguished from its excita- tion by commuted currents taken from its own armature. Direct-Induced Current. The break in- duced current. Direct Inker. An ink-writing Morse re- corder, wound for insertion in a tele- graphic line, as distinguished from one wound for a local circuit. Direct Lightning-Discharge. The act- ual lightning discharge, as distinguished from the back or return-stroke or dis- charge. Direct-Reading Galvanometer. A gal- vanometer in which the absolute value of the deflection and current strength are in- dicated directly, or without computation. Direct Sounder.^-A telegraphic sounder wound for a line circuit and not for use in the local circuit of a relay. Direct-Reading Potentiometer. A po- tentiometer which indicates directly on its scale the pressure measured at its ter- minals. Direct Working of Telegraphic Sounder. The working of a telegraphic sounder without the use of a telegraphic relay. Directed Streaming-Discharge. A Tesla or high-frequency discharge which Dir.] 745 [Di? assumes the shape of a highly luminous cone. Directing Clock. A controlling or mas- ter clock. Directing Magnet. A controlling or com- pensating magnet. Direction of Electric Current. A con- vention whereby an electric current is regarded as leaving a source at its positive pole, and re-entering it at its negative pole. Direction of Electrostatic Flux. A convention whereby it is assumed that electrostatic flux leaves a positively charged body at its positive pole, and ter- minates on a negatively charged body. Direction of Lines of Force. The direc- tion of magnetic or electrostatic flux. Direction of Magnetic Flux. A con- vention whereby it is assumed that mag- netic flux issues from a magnet at its north-seeking pole, and returns to it at its south-seeking pole. Direction of Negative Rotation. In the conventionally adopted system of kinetics, a clock-wise rotation about an axis as viewed from the front side of the clock. Direction of Positive Rotation. In the conventionally adopted system of kinet- ics the counter-clockwise direction of rotation about an axis as viewed from the front face of the clock. Directive Tendency of Magnetic Needle. The tendency of a magnetic needle to come to rest in the direction of the earth's magnetic flux. Disc Armature. (1) The armature of a dy- namo-electric machine whose windings consist of flat coils supported on the sur- face of a disc. (2) An armature having the form of a disc. Disc Electrodes. Disc-shaped carbon electrodes formerly employed in long- burning or all-night arc-lamps. Discharge. (1) The equalization of the difference of potential between the ter- minals of a condenser or source, on their connection by a conductor. (2) The re- moval of a charge from a conductor by connecting the conductor to the earth or to another conductor. (3) The removal of a charge from an insulated conductor, by means of a stream of electrified air particles. Discharge. To equalize differences of potential by connecting them by a con- ductor. Discharge Key. A key employed to pass the discharge from a condenser or cable through a galvanometer. Discharge of Magnetism of Field Magnets. A term sometimes employed^ for the unbuilding of a dynamo, or Or gradual failure to produce current on tin loss of magnetism of its field magnets. Discharging Rate. The strength of the- discharging current of a storage cell or battery. Discharge Resistance. The resistance that is placed in the path or circuit of a discharge. Discharging Rod. A jointed metallic rod, blunted at both ends, capable of adjustment as to the distance of the ends from each other, and provided with in- sulating handles, employed for the dis- ruptive discharge of Leyden batteries or condensers. Discharging Tongs. A pair of discharg- ing I'ods with an insulating handle, con- nected together by a rivet like a pair of tongs, for effecting the disruptive dis- charge of a Leyden jar or condenser. Discoidal Ring- Armature. A term sometimes used for disc armature. Discoidal Winding. The flat-ring wind- ing employed in a disc armature. Disconnect. (1) To break or open an eleo trie circuit. (2) To remove an electro- receptive device from a circuit. Disconnecting. The act of opening or breaking a circuit, or of removing elec- tro-receptive devices therefrom. Disconnecting Plug. An infinity plug. Disconnection. (1) A general term des- ignating a variety of faults caused by the- accidental breaking or disconnection of a circuit. (2) The intentional opening or breaking of a circuit, or the removal of an. electro-receptive device therefrom. (3 ) A. discontinuity in a circuit. Disconnector. A key or other device for opening or breaking an electric circuit, or for removing an electro-receptive device- therefrom. Discontinuity Plug. A name sometimes employed for an infinity plug. Discriminating Lightning- Arrester. The name sometimes applied to a non- arcing continuous-current lightning-ar- rester. Diselectriflcation. A general term em- ployed for the act of causing a charged body to lose its electric charge. Disguised Electricity. Dissimulated 6t latent electricity. Dis.j 746 [Dis. Disintegration of Storage Battery Plate. The gradual loosening or separa- tion of the active material of a storage battery plate from the perforations of the grid. Disjunctor. A device employed in a sys- tem for the distribution of electric en- ergy by means of continuous currents in connection with condensers, for periodi- cally reversing the constant current sent over the line. Dispersing Pad-Electrode. A thera- peutic pad-electrode, suitable for use with strong currents, applied directly to the body, for diffusing the therapeutic current through a large tract thereof. Dispersion Photometer. A photometer in which the light to be measured is de- creased in intensity by a known amount, so as to be more readily compared with a standard light of much smaller intensity. Displacement Current. (1) Therate-of- change of electric displacement. (2) An electric current produced in a dielectric by electric displacement, as opposed to a conduction cm-rent. Displacement, Electric. A displace- ment of electricity in a uniform non- crystalline dielectric when electrostatic flux passes through it. Displacement Flux. (1) The flux of elec- tric displacement. (2) The surface inte- gral of displacement effected through the surface. Displacement Lines. The lines along which displacement flux moves. Displacement Waves. Waves produced in the ether by means of electric displace- ments. Disruptive Discharge. A sudden and more or less complete discharge that takes place across an intervening non- conductor or dielectric. Disruptive Electric-Conduction . The conduction of electric energy which ac- companies a disruptive discharge. Disruptive Strength of Dielectric. The strain a dielectric is capable of bear- ing without suffering disruption, or with- out permitting a disruptive discharge to pass through it. Dissipation Function. (1) A function expressing the rate at which heat is produced by the passage of an electric current through a conductor. (2) A function, which, when differentiated with respect to a velocity as the inde- pendent variable., gives the applied " force required to overcome the dissipa- tive resistance to motion. Dissipation of Charge. The gradual but final loss of charge by leakage which occurs even in a well insulated conductor. Dissipation of Energy. The expendi- ture or loss of available energy. Dissipativity. The time-rate of dissipat- ing energy as heat per-unit- volume of a substance. Dissimulated Electricity. (1) A term sometimes applied to the condition of an electric charge when placed near an op- posite charge, as in a Leyden jar or con- denser. (2) A bound charge. Dissociate. To separate a compound sub- stance into its constituent parts. Dissociation. The separation of a com- pound substance into its constituents. Dissonance, Electric. (1) Electrical dis- agreement. (2) A term employed in con- tradistinction to electric consonance, to alternating electromotive forces, fluxes or currents, whose phases are in opposi- tion. Dissymmetrical Alternating-Electro- motive Forces. Alternating-electro- motive forces, in which an alternating semi-wave, when reversed in sign, does not reduplicate the preceding or suc- ceeding semi-wave. Dissymmetrical Induction of Arma- ture. Any induction produced in the armature of a dynamo that is unequal in amount, in opposite or symmetrically dis- posed portions of the armature. Dissymmetrical Magnetic Field. A field whose flux is not symmetrically dis- tributed. Dissymmetry of Commutation. A commutation in which the neutral line does not coincide with the diameter of commutation. Distant Battery. A battery employed in any telegraphic system at the distant receiving end of the line. Distant Station. A term applied by a telegraph operator to the distant end of the line, in order to distinguish it from his own, or the home end. Distillation, Electric. The distillation of a liquid in which the effects of heat are aided by the electrification of the liquid. Distorsion. The change in the shape or configuration of a medium, or an en- tity, produced by the action of a stress or disturbance. Distorsion of Magnetic Field. A change in the direction or distribution of the magnetic flux in the field of a dynamo Dis.j 747 [Dis. armature, produced by the magnetomo- tive force of the armature current. Distorsional Elasticity. Elasticity in a body, due to its distorsion or deformation. Distorsionless Cable. A cable that forms part of a distorsionless circuit. Distorsionless Circuit. (1) A telegraph- ic circuit in which leakage and con- ductor resistance are so balanced as to leave no tailings. (2) A telegraphic cir- cuit in which there is no distorsion of signals or electric waves. Distributed Capacity. The capacity of a circuit considered as distributed over its entire length, so that the circuit may be considered as shunted by an infinite number of infinitely small condensers, placed infinitely near together, as distin- guished from localized capacity, in which the capacity is distributed in discrete aggregations. Distributed Inductance. Inductance distributed throughout the entire length of a circuit or portion thereof, as distin- guished from inductance interposed, in a circuit in bulk at some one or more points. Distributed Winding of Dynamo Elec- tric Armature. A winding disposed regularly over the surface of the armature as distinguished from a pole winding, or a winding composed of a few localized coils. Distributing Board. <1) A term some- times employed in a system of telephonic or telegraphic communication, to a cross- connecting board. (2) A board at which the wires or cables from a telephone switchboard terminate and at which con- nections are made with the circuit wires. (3) An insulating board provided with screw connecting-pieces for readily con- necting branch circuits to mains in a dis- tributing system, with or without fuse cut-outs. Distributing Box. (1) A box containing means for readily changing the connec- tions of distribution circuits with their source of supply. (2) A device by means of which both arc and incandescent lights may be simultaneously employed on the same constant-current circuit. (3) A device for cutting into or out of an arc circuit, at will, a group of series incan- descent lamps. Distributing Box of Conduit. A name sometimes given to a man-hole of a con- duit. Distributing Brushes of Motor. The brushes which rest on the commutator of an electric motor and carry the driving current to it. Distributing Mains. The mains env ployed in a feeder system of parallel dis- tribution. Distributing Ppint. A point, usually at the junction of risers and mains, or mains and sub-main's, where all the fuses or safety catches, belonging to that part of the system, are collected. Distributing Station. (1) A station from which electricity is distributed. (2) A central station. Distributing Switch. A switch for clos- ing a plurality of distributing circuits at will upon the source of supply. Distributing Switchboard. (1) A mul- tiple switchboard. (2) A device for dis- tributing electricity over any of a number of circuits. Distributing Box. A box placed at a distributing point for holding all the f usea belonging to that portion of the distribut- ing system. Distributing Box for Arc-Light Cir- cuits. A device by means of which both arc and incandescent lights may be sim- ultaneously employed on the same line from a constant-current dynamo-electric machine. Distributing Centre. (1) In an electrical distribution system a centre or sub-centre of distribution. (2) A ramifying point. Distribution of Charge. The diffusion or dispersion of an electric charge over the surfaces of electrified bodies. Distribution of Electricity. The divi- sion and transmission of electric energy by means of various combinations of elec- tric sources, circuits and electro-receptive devices, so arranged that the electricity generated by the sources is carried or dis- tributed to more or less distant electro- receptive devices, by means of the various circuits connected therewith. Distribution of Electricity by Alter- nating Currents. A system of electric distribution in which the Jamps, motors or other receptive devices, are operated by means of alternating currents that are sent over the line or lines, in many cases after they have been modified by apparatus called transformers. Distribution of Electricity by Alter- nating Currents by Means of Con- densers. A system of alternating-cur- rent distribution in which condensers are employed to transform currents of high potential, received from an alternating- current dynamo, to currents of low poten- tial which are fed to the lamps or other electro-receptive devices. Dis.] 748 [Div, Distribution of Electricity by Com- mutating Transformers. A system of electric distribution in which motor gen- erators are used, but neither their field- magnets nor armatures are revolved, a .special commutator being employed to change the polarity of the magnetic cir- cuits. Distribution of Electricity by Con- stant-Currents. Any system of elec- tric distribution employing direct cur- rents, as distinguished from one employ- ing alternating currents. Distribution of Electricity by Con- stant Potential-Circuits. A system of electric distribution in which the re- ceptive devices are placed in multiple or multiple-series across constant-potential mains. Distribution of Electricity by Con- tinuous Currents by Means of Con- densers. A system of distribution in which a continuous current is conducted to certain points in a line, where a dis- junctor is employed to reverse it period- ically, the reversed currents so obtained being directly used to charge condensers in the circuit of which induction coils are employed. Distribution of Electricity by Con- tinuous Currents by Means of Transformers. A system for the trans- mission of electric energy by means of continuous or direct currents that are sent over the line to suitably located stations where motor-dynamos are used for trans- formers. Distribution of Electricity by Motor- G-enerators. A system of electric distribution in which a continuous high- potential current, distributed over the main line, is employed at the point where its energy is to be utilized for driving a motor, which in turn drives a dynamo whose current is employed to energize the electro-receptive devices. Distribution of Power, Electric. Any system in which mechanical energy is first converted into electro-magnetic en- ergy and then distributed over a line wire or circuit to electric motors, which again change the electro-magnetic energy into mechanical energy. Distributor. A word sometimes applied to the distributing mains in a parallel system of distribution. District Call-Box. A box by means of which an electric signal is automatically sent over a telegraph line and received by an electromagnetic device at the other end of the line. Diurnal Currents. Earth currents through telegraph circuits of normal strength and executing diurnal cycles. Diurnal Inequality of Earth's Mag- netism. Diurnal variations in the value of the earth's magnetic variation or in- clination. Diurnal Load-Factor. (1) The ratio be- tween the total number of units sent out from a station in twenty-four hours, to the amount which would have been sent out in the same time if the plant were working at its maximum load for the whole twenty-four hours'. (2) The ratio of daily average to daily maximum load. Diurnal Variation. An approximately regular variation of the magnetic needle which occurs at different hours of the day. Divalent. (1) Possessing an atomicity or valency of two. (2) Bivalent. Divergence. (1) The integral of outward- ly directed flux over the surface of an ele- ment of volume divided by that volume. (2) The opposite of convergence. Divergent Flux. (1) Flux that diverges or diffuses as it proceeds. (2) Flux that decreases in intensity along its path. Divergent Vector Quantity. A vector point function in space having diver- gence. Diverging-Lens Photometer. A pho- tometer in which the intensity of the light to be measured is decreased by means of a diverging lens. Diverging Magnetic Flux. Magnetic flux that decreases in intensity and di- verges or diffuses in direction along its path. Diversity Factor. A term proposed for the ratio of the average supply of electric power to a consumer to the maximum power supplied. Diviance. A term proposed for resistance to the flow of magnetic induction. Divided Circuit. (1) A branched or bifur- cated circuit. (2) A term sometimes employed for multiple circuit. Divided Core. A laminated core. Divided Magnetic Circuit. A mag- netic circuit which bifurcates or divides. Divided Telephone-Switchboard. A multiple telephone switchboard. Divided Touch. A term used in place of magnetization by separate touch. Divided Trolley Line. A term some- times used for a sectional trolley line. Dividing Engine. (1) A mechanical de- vice for dividing a thermometric, galvanos* Div.] 749 [Dou, metric, or other scale, into equal parts. (2) A device for dividing a tube or a scale into equal parts of a length, consist- ing essentially of a horizontal screw by means of which a carriage carrying suit- able marking gear can be moved along a parallel prismatic guide. Division Operator. A railway telegraph- operator in charge of a telegraph division or section of railway telegraph. Doctor for Plating. A device employed in electro-plating for coating surfaces that are too extended to be immersed at once in the plating bath. Dolly. A polishing brush employed in electro-plating, consisting of a number ol calico rings suitably clamped together in a wooden holder for attachment to a lathe. Domestic Telephone-Switchboard. (1)A telephone switchboard located in a house for readily connecting different rooms. (2) A local telephone switchboard for connecting apartments in a residence. Door-Bell Pull, Electric. A circuit- closing device attached to a bell-pull and operated by the ordinary motion of the pull. Door-Contact Lamp. A contact which lights a lamp and permits it to remain lighted only while the door operating its circuit remains in a certain position. Door-Opener, Electric. An electro- magnetic device for opening a door from a distance. Door Push. A contact closed or opened by the opening or shutting of a door to give a notice of the movement at a dis- tance, as in a burglar-alarm system. Door Trigger. A device by means of which notice is given of the opening or closing of a door or window. Dot-and-Dash Code. A term sometimes employed for the Morse telegraphic code. Dotting Contact. An electric contact obtained by the approach of one contact point towards another. Double Alternation. (1) A complete cycle or double vibration. (2) A com- plete to-and-fro movement. Double Armature "Windings. Two separate armature windings applied sym- metrically to a core, and whose ends are connected respectively to alternate com- mutator bars. Double-Balance Relay. In a closed-cur- rent system of alarm telegraphy, a pair of relays connected in series, one of which will close a local circuit if the main line current appreciably weakens, and the other of which will close a local circuit if the main line current appreciably strengthens. Double-Bar Switch. A switch or re- verser consisting of a pair of parallel metallic bars or strips which move to- gether upon independent centres so as to make contact simultaneously upon one or more pairs of contacts. Double-Block Duplex System. A system of duplex telegraphy in which a condenser exists in both arms of the duplex bridge. Double-Break Knife-Switch. (1) A knife switch which breaks a circuit at two points. (2) A knife switch provided with a contact for botli poles. Double-Break Switch. A term some- times used for double-pole switch. Double-Bracket Pole. A pole employed in an overhead line for the support of a double bracket. Double-Bracket Trolley Suspension. In a double-track trolley road, a pole pro- vided with two brackets, one extending over each track, and provided for holding the two trolley wires. Double-Block Duplex System. A du- plex system on the Wheatstone bridge system, employing a condenser in each arm of the bridge. Double-Break Switch. (1) A double- pole switch. (2) A switch which breaks a circuit in two places, as distinguished from a switch which breaks a circuit at a single point only. Double-Bronze Wire. A conducting wire possessing great tensile strength, provided with an aluminium-bronze core, and a copper-brass envelope. Double-Carbon Arc-Lamp. An arc- lamp which will burn all night without recarboning, containing two sets of car- bon electrodes so arranged that, when one set is practically consumed, the current is automatically switched to the other set. Double-Circuit Dynamo. A dynamo- electric machine provided with two sepa- rate circuits. Double-Conductor Cable or Wire. A cable or wire provided with two separate insulated conductors. Double-Cone Insulator. An insulator in which the line wire passes through and is supported by means of a tube consist- ing of two inverted, truncated cones, joined at their vertices. Double-Connector. A form of binding screw suitable for readily connecting two wires together. Dou.] 750 [Dou. Double-Contact Key. A key suitable either for making two separate succes- sive contacts, or for closing either of two circuits. Double-Contact Push. A push provided with two contacts so arranged that the pressure of a push opens one contact and closes the other. Double-Contact Push Button. A push- button provided with two contacts. Double-Cord Multiple-Switchboard. A multiple telephone switchboard in which connections are made by plugs and cords having two twin wires, as opposed to a switchboard in which single cord plugs are used. Double - Cord Switchboard. (1) A switchboard employing twin-wire or double-conductor connections. (2) A switchboard in which each connection is established through a pair of cords, as distinguished from a single-cord switch- board. Double-Cup Insulator. (1) An insulator consisting of two funnel-shaped cups,' placed in an inverted position on the sup- porting pin, and separated from each other by a Free air-space except at the ends which are connected. (2) A double-petti- coat insulator. Double-Curb. A device for increasing the speed of telegraphic signalling by ridding the line of its charge before the next signal is sent, by sending more than one reversal of current with or without grounding the line, as distinguished from a single-curb. Double-Curb Signalling. Signalling by means of a double curb. Double-Current Signalling. (1) Signal- ling by means of currents that alternately change their direction. (2) Signalling in which the marking currents have one direction and the spacing currents the opposite direction. Double-Current Telegraphic - Work- ing. Telegraphing or operating by means of double currents. Double-Current Translation. (1) The automatic repetition of a telegraphic mes- sage by means of double currents. (2) Telegraphic translation employing double currents. Double-Current Translator. A tele- graphic translator or repeater designed to operate on double-current transmission. Double-Current Transmitter. A trans- mitting instrument employed in a system of telegraphy in which the direction of the line current is alternately changed, according to whether the key rests on its front or on its back stop. Double-Current Working. A method of telegraphic working or transmission by means of double currents. Double-Curve Pull-Off. A double-curve hanger. Double-Curve Trolley Hanger. A hanger provided for holding an overhead trolley wire, supported by a lateral strain in opposite directions, and employed, gen- erally at the end of both single and double curves, and on intermediate points on double-track curves. Double-Curve Trolley-Suspension. Suspension by means of a double-curve trolley hanger. Double-Deck Switchboard. A switch- board arranged in two rows placed one above the other. Double-Dielectric Refraction. Double electric refraction produced in a dielectric by the action of an electro-magnetic stress. Double-Duplex Block. In submarine telegraphy, duplex transmission obtained by the aid of a condenser inserted in each arm of a Wheatstone's balance. Double-Filament Lamp. (1) An incan- descent lamp, frequently employed for the side-light of a ship, and provided with two carbon filaments so arranged that should one break, the other will continue burning. (2) A twin-filament lamp. (3) An incandescent lamp having two fila- ments connected in series, and, therefore, requiring twice the electric pressure of an ordinary lamp. Double-Flexible Conductor. A con- ductor consisting of two separate stranded flexible conductors, provided with an in- sulating covering common to both. Double-Fluid Electrical Hypothesis. A hypothesis which endeavors to explain the causes of electrical phenomena by the assumption of the existence of two dif- ferent electric fluids. Double-Fluid Voltaic Cell. (1) A vol- taic cell in which two separate fluids or electrolytes are employed. (2) A two-fluid voltaic cell. Double-Focus X-Ray Tube. An X-ray tube, suitable for use with alternating electric currents, in which two anti- cathodes are employed, so arranged that they act as a common source of X-rays. Double-Hatchet Switch. A term some timer used for a double-knife switch. Don.] 751 [Dou t Double-Horseshoe Field-Magnet. A multiple field-magnet of a dynamo formed by two separate electro-magnets. Double Insulation. Insulation of a con- ductor effected at two distinct points, so that if one insulation should fail the other will serve. Double-Key Tapper. A key used in a system of needle telegraphy to send elec- tris impulses through the line in alter- nately opposite directions. Double-Liquid Voltaic Cell. A double- fluid voltaic cell. Double-Loop. (1) In telegraphy, any pair of associated loops. (2) A pair of loops connecting a pair of branch offices with a central office. Double-Loop Repeater. In telegraphy, a pair of loops connecting a pair of branch offices with a central office, and so con- nected with a duplex set, or with the common side of a quadruplex set, in the main office, that one branch office can send messages on the duplexed line while the other office is receiving. Double-Magnet Dynamo-Electric Ma- chine. A term sometimes applied to a dynamo-electric machine, whose field magnets have two consequent poles. Double-Needle Telegraphy. A system of needle telegraphy in which two sepa- rate and independently operated needles are employed on two separate circuits. Double-Peg. A split peg which closes two separate contacts, when inserted in the switchboard to which it belongs. Double-Pen Telegraphic-Register. A telegraphic register provided with two separate styluses or pens for recording the message on a paper fillet. Double-Petticoat Insulator. (1) A double insulator, placed one within and beneath the other, to reduce the electric leakage over the surface. (2) A double- cup insulator. Double-Plug. A double peg. Double-Plug Key. A plug key made in two separate parts that are insulated from each other. Double-Pole Bell. An electro-magnetic bell having a polarized armature which plays between a pair of electro-magnetic poles. Double Pole. (1) A double telegraph pole. (2) Two telegraph poles placed side-by-side and braced together. (3) An H-pole. Double-Pole Cut-Out. (1) A cut-out which provides in a single operation the cutting out of both the positive and the negative leads. (2) Two safety fuses, mounted on the same holder, and con- nected respectively to the positive and negative mains. Double-Pole Fusible Cut-Out. A term sometimes used for double-pole cut-out. Double-Pole Safety-Fuse. An auto- matic double-pole cut-out. Double-Pole Switch. A switch which simultaneously breaks the circuit of both positive and negative leads. Double-Pole Telephone-Receiver. A telephone receiver in which both poles of a small electro-magnet are presented to the diaphragm. Double Pull-Off. (1) A pull-off employed on curves to hold a trolley wire in posi- tion when strain in both directions is nec- essary to hold it in place. (2) A double- curve pull-off. Double-Reduction. A gear wheel veloc- ity reducer employing two gear wheels and two pinions, or oneintermediate shaft. Double-Reduction Car-Motor. A car- motor provided with a double-reduction, or with one intermediate gear shaft be- tween the motor shaft and car wheel. Double-Reflection Tube. A term some- times employed for a double-focus X-ray tube. Double-Refraction. The property pos- sessed by certain transparent substances of splitting up a ray of light passed through them into two separate rays. Double-Refraction, Electric. The prop- erty of doubly refracting light acquired by some transparent substances when subjected to the stress of an electrostatic or electro-magnetic field. Double Ringing-Key. In a multiple tel- ephone switchboard, a pair of keys form- ing part of an exchange operator's set, employed in ringing up. Double-Shackle Insulator. A form of insulator employed in shackling a wire, consisting of two single-shackle insulators. Double-Shed Insulator. A double-cup insulator. Double-Speaking Telegraph. A term sometimes employed for the duplex tele- graph as employed on submarine cables* Double-Style Printing Apparatus. A double Morse receiver employing two printing levers or styluses marking dots in parallel lines, one responding to posi- tive currents and representing dots, and the other responding to negative currents and representing dashes. Don.] 752 [Dow. Double-Successive Contact-Key. A key so arranged as to successively close two separate circuits. Dpuble Tapper Key. A key employed in a system of needle telegraphy to send electric impulses over the line in alter- nately opposite directions. Double Telegraphic Transmission. Any method of simultaneously sending two messages over a single line wire or conductor. Double Telegraphy. A term sometimes employed for duplex telegraphic working. Double-Throw Switch. (1) A switch capable of being thrown into either of two contacts or pairs of contacts. (2) A switch which has three positions. (3) A throw-over switch. Double-Touch. Magnetization by double touch. Double-Transmission. (1) The simul- taneous sending of two messages over a single wire in opposite directions. (2) Du- plex or contraplex telegraphy. Double-Transmitter for Engine Tele- graph. A transmitter on board a twin- scre%v steamer for communicating orders electrically to the engine-room for both engines simultaneously. Double-Trolley. Two separate trolleys placed on the same car, and moving over two separate trolley wires which form a metallic circuit, in any double-overhead system. Double-Trolley Line. A metallic-circuit trolley line employing two trolleys, one connected with the positive conductor and the other with the negative conductor. Double-Trolley System for Electric Railroads. An electric railroad system employing double trolley wires and double trolleys so as to provide a complete metal- lic circuit. Double-Truck Car. A car supported on two separate single trucks, and employed with long cars for safety and ease in turn- ing around sharp curves. Double Vibration. (1) A to-and-fro or complete vibration. (2) A complete cycle of vibratory motion. Double- Winding of Armature. An armature winding provided with two separate windings or sets of coils, in which the separate windings are insulated from each otner and connected to the com- mutator at alternate segments, so that the brushes rest coincidently upon segments that are connected with each winding, thus permitting each winding to furnish half the current strength with an attend- ant decrease in the inductance of each circuit. Double-Wire Circuit. A metallic cir- cuit. Double- Wire Cleat. A cleat for support- ing a pair of wires. Double-Wire Moulding. A moulding for containing two wires, each in a sepa- rate groove. Double-Wire System for Electric- Light Leads. On board ship, a system of electric-light wiring, in which going and returning conductors are provided, as distinguished from a single-wire system in which the hull of the vessel is em- ployed as a common return. Double-Wire Telephone-Switchboard. A switchboard in a central telephone ex- change, employing metallic circuits, in which each subscriber is connected by an independent double wire or metallic circuit. Double-Word. In telegraphy, a word of more than the prescribed length and, therefore, counted and charged as two. Do able -Wound Gramme King. A gramme ring provided with two inde- pendent and symmetrically interspersed windings. Double-Wound Wire. Wire provided with a double winding of cotton, silk, or other insulating thread. Doubler of Electricity. An early form of continuous electrophorous. D9ubly He-Entrant Armature- Wind- ing. (1) A winding in which the armature is provided with two separate windings or conducting paths, each of which is in- dependently re-entrant. (2) A double- wound armature, each winding of which is re-entrant. Doubly-Wound Resistance Coils. A resistance coil wound, as is usual, with the wire doubled on itself, in order to minimize self-induction. Douche, Electric. An electrified shower- bath. Down-Contact of Switch. A contact which is made by the downward move- ment of a switch. Down-Lines. In the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, telegraphic lines on the side remote from the prin- cipal station of the circuit, as distin- guished from up-lines. Down-Side. In Great Britain, that side of a telegraphic circuit further from the metropolis or principal town of the cir- cuit, as distinguished from the up-side. Dra.] 753 [Dro. Drag. In submarine cable operations, a haul made with a gi-apnel across a line of cable in ths hope of hooking said cable. Drag of Magnetic Field. A word some- times employed for the torque or electro- dynamic force produced by a magnetic field on an active conductor placed in it. Draw-Bar. In a locomotive, the link or bar which connects it with its load. Draw-Bar Pull. The pull delivered by a locomotive at its draw-bar, as distin- guished from the pull exerted by its motor. Drawbridge Frog. A trolley frog for use at the point of overhead contact with a drawbridge wire. Draw Tongs. A species of vise employed in connection with a light block-and- tackle for obtaining the required tension on an aerial line wire. Draw Vise. (1) A device employed in stringing overhead wires. (2) A portable vise for holding and drawing up an over- head wire. Drawing-In-and-Out Conduit. A con- duit provided with ducts, so as to readily permit the wires or conductors to be placed in the conduit or removed from after they have been placed therein. Drawing-In Box. A flush box. Drifting of Needle. (1) The failure of the needle of a galvanometer to remain at its zero point when no current is passing through its coils, due usually to variation in the condition of the magnetic needle, to variation in the torsion of the suspend- ing system, or to local or other causes. (2) Elastic fatigue in the suspension of a magnetic system. Drifting of Zero Point. A term fre- quently employed for the shifting of the zero point. Drilling, Electric. (1) A term sometimes employed for the use of the voltaic arc in perforating a mass of metal or mineral. (2) Drilling by means of an electrically operated tool. Drip Loop. A loop inclined upwards at the point where outside conductors enter a building, so that the rain-water flows along said loop from the building, instead of towards it. Driven Circuit of Transformer. The secondary circuit of a transformer. Driven Coil of a Transformer. The secondary coil of a transformer. Driven Pulley. A pulley which receives its motion from a driving shaft. Driven Pulley of Dynamo. The pulley connected with the armature shaft of a dynamo. Driven Shaft. The shaft worked by a belt from the driving pulley. Driving Circuit of Transformer. The primary circuit of a transformer. Driving Coil of a Transformer. The primary coil of a transformer. Driving Current of Motor. The cur- rent which operates an electric motor. Driving E. M. F. The impressed or - working E. M. F. Driving Gear of Magneto. The gear wheels connecting a magneto telephone- transmitter armature with the driving handle, whereby the speed of revolution of the armature is increased. Driving Horns. In a smooth-cored ar- mature, mechanical projections for hold- ing the armature wires in place, and com- municating their electro-magnetic force to the armature. Driving Pressure. The driving or im- pressed E. M. F. Driving Pulley. That pulley of a ma- chine which is mounted on the driving shaft. Driving Pulley of Motor. The pulley attached to the shaft -of a motor, or the pulley through which a motor furnishes its mechanical power. Driving Shaft. The shaft connected di- rectly with a prime mover. Driving Spider. The radial arms or spokes connected to the armature of a dy- namo, and keyed to its shaft, so as to act as a driving wheel for the armature. Drop. (1) A word frequently used for drop of potential, pressure, or electromotive force. (2) The fall of potential which takes place in an active conductor by reason of its resistance. Drop. A shutter, or falling armature, of a drop annunciator. Drop Annunciator. An electro-mag- netic annunciator, which, on being en- ergized, releases a shutter and allows the same to drop. Drop-Handle. In single-needle teleg- raphy, a form of transmitter handle. Drop Indicator. A drop annunciator. Drop of Magnetic Potential. A fall of magnetic potential. Drop of Potential. The fall of potential, equal in any part of a circuit to the pro- duct of the current strength and the re- sistance of that part of the circuit. Drop of Telephone Switchboard. A small electro-magnetic annunciator in- serted in the line of each subscriber, Pro,] 754 [Dup. whereby any current received from a sub- scriber attracts the armature of the elec- tro-magnet and releases the shutter, there- by indicating the number of the particu- lar subscriber calling. Drop of Voltage. The drop or difference of potential of any part of a circuit. Drop Relay -Contact. A form of relay- contact in which, on the passage of a cur- rent, the attraction of an armature releases a drop and thus completes a local circuit,' which remains closed until the drop is reset. Drop-Shutter of Annunciator. The drop of an electro-magnetic annunciator. Drop-Trolley. A particular form of trol- ley wheel and pole which employs a swivel joint and springs forcing the trol- ley against the wire. Drop-Trolley Stand. A support for a trolley pole or mast provided with a swivel joint and suitable springs for ensuring a firm pressure of the trolley wheel against the trolley wire. Drum. A reel for holding wire or cable. Drum Armature. A dynamo armature whose coils are wound longitudinally over the surface of a cylinder or drum. Drum Armature- Winding. The wind- ing employed on a drum armature. Dry Battery. (1) A number of separate dry voltaic cells, connected so as to act as a single source. (2) A dry pile. Dry Cable. A dry-core cable. Dry Cell. A dry voltaic cell. Dry-Core Cable. A cable whose core is wrapped with paper or cotton which is not afterwards filled with paraffine, gutta- percha, or other insulating material, and, consequently, whose dielectric consists largely of dry air. Dry Distillation. A species of destruc- tive distillation. Dry Electrode. A therapeutic electrode applied in a dry state. Dry Front of Microscopic Objective. That front of a microscopic object glass which is turned towards the object, but is separated from it by a short distance or air gap, in contradistinction to an immer- sion lens. Dry Gelatine Cell. A type of dry voltaic cell in which the fluid electrolyte is ab- sorbed by, or combined with, a suitable gelatinous substance. Dry Pile. A dry battery. Dry Transformer. An air-insulated transformer, as distinguished from an oil- insulated transformer. Dry Voltaic Cell. (1) A misnomer for a voltaic cell in which the fluid electrolyte is held in suspension by saw-dust, gelatine, or other suitable material. (2) A sealed voltaic cell, which can, therefore, be in- verted without danger of spilling liquid. Dual Electrolysis. A term sometimes employed to denote the double decom- position that attends the electrolysis of a metallic salt ; viz. that of the salt and its solvent. Dub's Laws. A set of experimentally es- tablished laws relating to the tractive and attractive magnetic forces developed by electro-magnets under various conditions, of which the following are two : ' ' The attraction of V-shaped electro-magnets, with an equal number of windings, ispro- ' portional to the square of the magnetiz- ing current strength." "The attraction of V-magnets is, with equal currents, pro- portional to the square of the number of windings of the magnetizing spirals." Duct. A space left in an underground conduit for a separate wire or cable. Duct of Conduit. The space provided in a conduit for a conductor or cable. Dumb-Bell Vibrator. An electric vi- brator consisting of two spheres con- nected by a straight conductor contain- ing an air-gap. Dummy Moulding. A moulding not in- tended for the reception of a wire, but as part of an ornamentation, the moulding being symmetrically arranged on the ceil- ing with an electrolier as a centre, with only one or a few of the mouldings actu- ally having wires placed in them. Duopod. A two-legged screw support for a pendant or upright. Duplex Balance. The condition of a duplex telegraphic line, in which the home instruments are unaffected by the sending signals, and are, therefore, ready to respond to the received signals. DupLex Cable. A cable containing two separate conductors placed parallel to- each other. Duplex Circuit. (1) A circuit arranged for duplex transmission. (2) A metallic circuit. Duplex Cut-Out. A cut-out so arranged that when one bar or strip is fused or melted by an abnormal current, another can be immediately substituted for it. Duplex Electrolysis. A term some- times used for dual electrolysis. Duplex Flat-Cable. A flat laid-up cable containing two wires. Duplex Loop. A loop or pair of wires Dup.] 755 [Dyn. leading to a branch office, whereby a branch office can be brought into con- nection with a duplex set placed at the main office, for the duplex sending and re- ception of messages at said branch office. Duplex Telegraph. A general term embracing the apparatus employed in duplex telegraphy. Duplex Telegraphic Insulator. A double telegraph insulator. Duplex Telegraphy. A system of tel- egraphy whereby two messages can be simultaneously transmitted in opposite directions over a single wire. Duplex Telephony. Duplex telephonic transmission. Duplex Transmission. The sending of two telegraphic or telephonic messages simultaneously in opposite directions over the same wire. Duplex Wire. An insulated conductor containing two separate parallel wires. Duplex Working. Duplex transmis- sion. Duplexed-Diplex Telephony or Tel- egraphy. Quadruplex telephony or tel- egraphy. Duplicate Arc. A multiple arc contain- ing but two branches. Duration of Electric Discharge. The time required to effect a complete dis- ruptive discharge. Dust Telephone - Transmitter. (1) A form of microphone transmitter in which finely granulated carbon or carbon dust is contained within a suitably shaped box, connected with the terminals of the trans- mitter. (2) A granular telephone trans- mitter. Dyad. (1) A chemical element which has two bonds by which it can unite or com- bine with other elements. (2) A biva- lent element. Dyad Atom. An atom whose valency, atomicity, or combining power, is two. Dyeing, Electric. The application of electricity either to the reduction or to the oxidation of the salts used in dyeing. Dynamic Electricity. A term some- times employed for current electricity, in contradistinction to static electricity. (Obsolete.) Dynamic Induction. (1) A term some- times employed for mutual induction. (2) Kinetic induction. Dynamic Multiplier. (1) A term some- times employed for a self-induction coil or a coil possessing self-induction. (2) A spark coil. Dynamic System of Induction Teleg- raphy. A term sometimes used for the current system of induction telegraphy, as distinguished from an electrostatic system of induction telegraphy. Dynamics. That branch of mechanics which treats of the action of a force in producing motions or pressures. Dynamo. A dynamo-electric machine or generator. Dynamo Armature-Coils. The coils, employed on the armature of .a dynamo- electric machine. Dynamo Balancing-Rheostat. An ad- justable rheostat whose range is sufficient to balance the current of one dynamo against that of another, with which it is required to operate in parallel. Dynamo Battery. The combination of several separate dynamos to act as a single electric source. Dynamo Brush-Holders. Devices for supporting the collecting brushes of dy- namo-electric machines. Dynamo Brush-Trimmer. A device for rapidly ensuring the accurate trimming of dynamo brushes. Dynamo Changing-Switch. A switch designed to throw a dynamo from one circuit to another. Dynamo-Electric Generator. A dy- namo-electric machine. Dynamo-Electric Machine. (1) A ma- chine for the conversion of mechanical energy into electric energy, by means of electro-dynamic induction. (2) A dy- namo. Dynamo-Electric Machine Battery. A dynamo battery. Dynamo or Motor Frame. The iron body of a dynamo or motor, including the pole-pieces and standards, but excluding the base-plates and bearings. Dynamo or Motor Standards. The sup- ports on which a dynamo or motor arma- ture rests. Dynamo Pole-Changer. A pole-chang- ing transmitter employed in a system of duplex or quadruplex telegraphy. Dynamo Power. The power of a motor to act as a generator. Dynamo Power of a Motor. (1) A power possessed by an electric motor of produc- ing counter-electromotive force. (2) The number of volts of counter-electro< motive force produced by a motor per- revolution per-second. Dyn.] 756 [Ear. Dynamo Regulator. A name given to a form of rheostat employed in the regula- tion of a dynamo. Dynamo Resistance Box. A form of rheostat employed in the regulation of a dynamo. Dynamo Terminals. The main termi- nals of a dynamo. Dynamograph. A term sometimes ap- plied to a typewriting telegraph that records the messages in typewritten char- acters, both at the receiving and trans- mitting ends of the line. Dynamograph, Electric. A device for electrically recording the work done by any machine. Dynamometer. A general name given to a variety of apparatus for measuring power. Dynamometric Governor. A dyna- mometer employed on the shaft of an electric motor for the purpose of operat- ing a regulating apparatus. Dynamotor. (1) A particular type of rotary transformer. (2) A motor-gener- ator, in which a generator and motor armature-winding are rotated through a common magnetic field. Dynamotor Windings. Windings re- quired for the armatures of the dynamo and motor of a dynamotor. Dyne. (1) The C. G. S. unit of force. (2) The force which in one second can impart a velocity of one centimetre-per- second to a mass of one gramme. Dyne-cm. An abbreviation proposed for a dyne-centimetre, the C. G. S. unit of work. Dyne : cm-. An abbreviation proposed for a dyne-per-square-centimetre, the C. G. S. unit of pressure. Dyne-Centimetre-Per-Second. The C. G. S. unity of activity. E E. or e. A symbol for electromotive force. E. A contraction sometimes used for earth. E. H. P. A contraction for electrical horse-power. E. M. P. A contraction for electromotive force. E. M. P. of Self-induction. The E. M. F. generated in a loop of wire during the filling or emptying of that loop by mag- netic flux from its own current. Ear. (1) A metal piece supported by an insulator to which the trolley wire is fastened. (2) A trolley ear. Ear Piece. A circular opening into an air chamber placed over the diaphragm of a telephone, suitably shaped to per- mit the ready application of the listener's ear. Earth. (1) A fault in a telegraphic or other line caused by the accidental contact of the line with the ground or earth, or with some other ground-connected con- ductor. (2) That part of the earth or ground which forms a part of an electric circuit. Earth-Battery Current. A current on a telegraph line caused by voltaic action between two dissimilar earth plates, as distinguished from a true earth current. Earth Cell. A term frequently applied to a variety of voltaic cell, consisting of any voltaic couple buried in a comparatively moist stratum of earth. Earth Circuit. A circuit in which the ground or earth forms part of the con- ducting path. Earth-Circuited Conductor. A con- ductor connected to the ground or to an. earth-connected circuit. Earth Coil for Magnetic Measurement. A coil capable of being moved about a fixed axis, or fixed axes, employed for generating a measurable E. M. F. from the earth's magnetic field. Earth Connection. A conductor which establishes a connection between any apparatus or circuit and ground. Earth Currents. Electric currents flow- ing through the earth, caused by the difference of potential of its different parts. Earth Currents of Cable. Currents in a cable due to natural causes, such as climatic conditions or magnetic disturb- ances, as distinguished from the current* sent through the cable for the transmis- sion of messages. Earthenware Conduit. A conduit, gen- erally multiduct, made of glazed earthen- ware. Ear.] 757 [Edu Earth-Grounded Wire. A wire one ter- minal of which is grounded or put to earth, so that the earth forms a part of the circuit in which it is placed. Earth Indicator. An instrument suitable for the accurate determination of the magnetic inclination and the calibration of ballistic galvanometers. Earth Overlap Test. A localization test for the position of a partial earth in a telegraph line, conducted alternately by observers at each end of the line, the line being grounded at one end while its re- sistance is measured at the other, and resistance is added to one end until the fault is brought to the centre of the cir- cuit. Earth Plates. Plates of metal, buried in the earth or in water, connected to the terminals of earth wires. Earth Return. That portion of a ground- ed circuit in which the earth forms its conducting path. Earth Strip. In a multiple telephone switchboard a strip of metal, or top plate of a series of jacks, permanently connect- ed to earth through a battery, to furnish connections for the busy test. Earth-Switch for Telephone. (1) In a single-cord multiple telephone-switch- board, a device for maintaining a ground- connection with the shank of a plug when out of use, by supporting the plug, friction tight, against a ground-connected bar. (2) A switch at a telephone switchboard for automatically grounding the sleeve of a plug when out of use. Earth Wires. The wires that lead an earth-grounded circuit to the earth plates. Earth's Field. The magnetic field pro- duced in any place by the earth's flux. Earth's Flux. The magnetic flux pro- duced by the earth by virtue of its mag- netized condition. Earthed. Connected to earth or ground. Earthing. Connecting a line or conductor to earth or ground. Earthing Device. An instrument for automatically making connection be- tween a system of wiring and the earth, should the potential between them rise be- yond a certain predetermined safe limit. Earthkin. A terella. Easement. A permit obtained from the owner of a property for the erection of poles or attachments for telephone, tele- graph, or other aerial lines. Ebonite. (1) A hard, tough, black sub- stance, composed of India rubber and sulphur, possessing both high powers of in- sulation and high specific inductive capac- ity. (2) Vulcanite. Economic Coefficient. The ratio be- tween the net electric power, or the out- put of a dynamo, and the gross electric power, or power actually converted in the dynamo. Economic Coefficient of Dynamo-Elec- tric Machine. (1) The ratio between the electric power produced by a dyna- mo at its terminals, and the mechanical power expended in driving it. (2) A term sometimes employed for the ratio of the useful electric power at the termi- nals to the total electric power developed in the machine. Economy Coil. A choking coil employed for the purpose of reducing the pressure on arc lamps fed by step-down trans- formers. Eddy Conduction-Currents. (1) Eddy currents. (2) Foucault currents. Eddy-Current Loss. The loss of energy in a dynamo, motor, transformer, or simi- lar apparatus, due to the presence of eddy currents. Eddy Currents. Useless currents pro- duced in the pole-pieces, armature, and field-magnet cores of dynamos or motors, or in metallic masses generally, either by their motion through magnetic flux, or by variations in the strength of electric currents flowing near them. Eddy Displacement-Currents. Eddy currents produced in the mass of a di- electric or insulator, by the passage through it of electrostatic or magnetic flux. Edgewise System. A system of mount- ing central-station switchboard instru- ments, in which, for the purpose of econo- mizing space, their scales are presented edgeways vertically to the switchboard face. Edison Distributing-Box. A distribut- ing box employed in the Edison three- wire system of distribution. Edison Effect. An electric discharge which occurs between one of the termi- nals of the incandescent filament of an electric lamp and a metallic plate placed near but disconnected from the filament as soon as a certain difference of poten- tial is reached between the lamp terminals. Edison Electric-Tubes. The under- ground tubes employed in the Edison, three- wire system of distribution. Edison - Lalande Cell. A zinc-copper couple in which the copper is covered Eel.] 758 with a depolarizing layer of copper-oxide, and the couple immersed 'n an electrolyte of caustic soda zr r~tasr:. Eel, Electric. (1) Ai: eel possessing the power of giving powerful electric shocks. (2) The gymnotus electricus. Effective Ampere-Turns. O The re- sultant magnetizing force v- a magnetic circuit. (2) The square root, of the mean square of the ampere-turr.s in a periodi- cally-varying magnetizing force. Effective Conductance. (1) The ratio in an alternating-current circuit of the real electric power, or real activity, to the square of the effective pressure. (2) The virtual conductance of a circuit. (3) In an alternating-current circuit the ratio of the energy component of current to the total E. M. F. Effective Current-Strength. (1) The strength of an alternating or sinusoidal- electric current, determined by its heat- ing effect ; or, in other words, the therm- ally effective current strength. (2) That value of the current strength of a sinusoi- dal or alternating current which is equal to the square root of the mean square of the instantaneous values of the current during one or more cycles. (3) The square root of the time average of the square of the current. Effective Electromotive Force. (1) The difference between the direct and the counter-electromotive force. (2) The square root of the time average of the square of the E. M. F. (3) The virtual E. M. F. Effective M. M. P. The square root of the time average of the square of a peri- odically-alternating M. M. F. Effective Reactance. (1) In an alternat- ing-current circuit, the ratio of the watt- less component of an electromotive force to the total current. (2) Apparent react- ance. Effective Resistance. In an alternat- ing-current circuit, the ratio between the energy component of an electromotive force and the total current. Effective Secondary - Electromotive Force. (1) The vector difference be- tween the direct and counter-electromo- tive force in the secondary of an induc- tion coil. (2) The E. M. F. in a secondary circuit expended in overcoming resist- ance. (3) The square root of the time aver- age of the square of a secondary E. M. F. Effective Starting-Current of Motor. The indicated value of the starting cur- rent of a motor as observed on an am- - meter. Effective Susceptance. (1) In an alter- nating-current circuit, the ratio between the wattless component of a current and its total electromotive force. (2) Apparent susceptance. Efficiency. The ratio between an effect produced and the expenditure required to produce that effect. Efficiency of Voltaic Battery. (1) The ratio between the actual ampere-hour out- put per gramme of zinc dissolved, and the theoretical ampere-hour output. (2) The ratio of the energy delivered at the ter- minals of a battery to the theoretically computed energy liberated within it elec- trochemically. (3) The ratio of the en- ergy at terminals to the total electric en- ergy. Effective Value of Periodic Current or E. M. F. (1) The square root of the mean square of the current or E. M. F. extended over one or more complete cy- cles. (2) The virtual current or E. M. F. Efficiency, Electric. The useful or avail- able electric energy delivered by any source to its external circuit, divided by the total electrical energy within the-source. Efficiency of Dynamo, Electric. The electrical output of a dynamo, divided by the total electric activity in its armature circuit. Efficiency of Conversion. The ratio be- tween the enei'gy present in any result and the energy expended in producing that result. Efficiency of Conversion of Dynamo. The total electric energy developed by a dynamo, divided by the total mechanical energy required to drive the dynamo. Efficiency of Distribution. The ratio of the units of electric quantity or elec- tric energy sold, or distributed to consum- ers from a central station, to the units generated in that station. Efficiency of Electric Lamp. (1) The ratio of the luminous energy emitted by an incandescent lamp to the energy ab- sorbed by the lamp. (2) The ratio of the number of candles which can be obtained from an electric lamp to the electric ac- tivity in the lamp expressed in watts. (3) A term in common but inaccurate use for the ratio of the number of watts con- sumed by a lamp to the number of can dies it produces, expressed in watts pei candle. Efficiency of Electric Motor. (1) The ratio of the power delivered at a motor pulley to the electric power supplied at its terminals. (2) The ratio between the useful mechanical power delivered by a Elf.] 759 [Ele. motor and the electrical power put in to drive it. Efficiency of Radiation. The ratio of the luminous activity of a luminous body to its radiation activity. Efficiency of Secondary Battery. (1) The ratio of the electric quantity of dis- charge in ampere-hours to the electric quantity in a charge. (2) The ratio of the electric energy of discharge in watt-hours to the electric energy of charge. Efficiency of Transformer or Con- verter. The ratio of the power supplied at the secondary terminals of a trans- former or converter to the power supplied at its primary terminals. Efflorescence. (1) Pulverulence or crum- bling of crystalline salts, due to the loss of their water of crystallization on drying. (2) A term loosely applied to the deposi- tion of solid matter above the line of liquid on the surface of a vessel containing a va- porizing saline solution, by the crystalli- zation of the salt. Effluvia. The name given to a variety of assumed highly tenuous imponderable forms of matter that were formerly be- lieved to be given off by electrified or magnetized bodies. Effluvium, Electric. A term employed in the early history of electricity for the supposed highly-tenuous, imponderable matter given off from an electrified body, which was assumed to be the cause of electric phenomena. Efflux. The flow or quantity of liquid es- caping in a given time from an orifice in a containing vessel. Egg, Electric. An egg-shaped vessel con- taining a partial vacuum through which an electric discharge is passed, for the purpose of producing luminous effects. Elastance. (1) The reciprocal of the elec- trostatic capacity. (2) The reciprocal of permittance. Elastic. (1) Of or pertaining to elasticity. (2) Possessing elasticity. Elasticity. That property of a body in vir- tue of which its original configuration or form is regained, after a strain or distor- tion has been produced in it by the action of a stress. Elasticity, Electric. The quotient aris- ing from dividing the electric strain by the electric stress. Elastivity. The reciprocal of permit- tivity. Elbow Connection. A connection at an angle more or less approaching 90. Elbow Connector. A connector suitable for connecting conductors at an elbow. " Electrepeter. An old term for switch, key, or pole-changer. (Obsolete.) Electret. (1) A name proposed for a sub" stance possessing natural or inherent elec- trization. (2) A permanently polarized body. Electric. Of or pertaining to electricity. Electrical. An orthography for electric. Electrically. In an electrical manner. Electrically Conducting. Transferring electricity by electric conduction. Electrically Controlled Clock. A clock that is controlled, either wholly or par- tially, by electricity. Electrically Discharging. Equalizing differences of potential by connecting them with a conductor. Electrically Energizing. Causing elec- tricity tc produce any effect in an electro- receptive device. Electrically Illumined Buoy. An elec- trically lighted buoy. Electrically Retarded. Decreased speed of telegraphic signalling by means of electrostatic induction. Electrically Tuned System. Any cir- cuit or system of circuits that have been brought into electric resonance with an- other circuit or system of circuits. Electrician. One versed in the principles and applications of electricity. Electricity. The name given to the un- known cause of electric phenomena. Electricity Driving-Force. A term sometimes used for electromotive force. Electricity Meter.; (1) A coulomb meter. (2) A term sometimes used for electric meter. Electrics. A term formerly applied to substances capable of becoming electrified by friction. (Obsolete.) Electrifiable. Capable of being endowed with electric properties. Electrification. The production of an electric charge. Electrified. Endowed with an electric charge. Electrified Body. A charged body. Electrify. To endow with electric prop- erties. Electrlne. Of or pertaining to electrum or amber. Ele.] 760 [Ele. Electripherous. An unnecessary word proposed for anything capable of bearing or transmitting electricity. Electrization. Electrification. Electrize. To electrify or endow with an electric charge. Electrizer. Anything which electrifies or charges a body with electricity. Electro - Anaesthesia. Insensibility to pain produced by the use of electricity. Electro-Ballistics. The application of electricity to the determination of the velocity of projectiles. Electro-Bath.. The liquid or fluid em- ployed in electro-plating. Electro-Biological. Pertaining to elec- tro-biology. Electro-Biologist. One skilled in electro- biology. Electro-Biology. That branch of electric science which treats of the condition of living animals and the effects of electric- ity upon them. Electro-Bioscopist. One skilled in elec- tro-bioscopy. Electro-Bioscopy. The determination of the existence of life or death by the pas- sage of electricity through the muscles and nerves. Electro-Brassing. (1) The electrolytic deposition of brass from a solution con- taining salts of zinc and copper. (2) Coat- ing a surface with a layer of brass by electro-plating. Electro-Calorimetry. The art of meas- uring the quantity of heat developed in any conductor or circuit by an electric current. Electro-Capillarity. The science which treats of the mutual effects between elec- tricity and capillarity. Electro-Capillary. Of or pertaining to electro-capillarity. Electro - Capillary Electrometer. A capillary electrometer. Electro-Capillary Light. A bright light obtained by the discharge of an induction coil through a narrow capillary tube pro- vided with aluminium or copper elec- trodes, and filled with air at ordinary pressures. Electro-Capillary Phenomena. Elec- tric phenomena observed in capillary tubes at the contact surfaces of two liquids. Electro-Capillary Telephone. A tele- phone transmitter whose operation de- pends on the electric currents produced by forcing a liquid through a bundle of capillary tubes, by the to-and-fro move- ments of the diaphragm. Electro-Chemical. Of or pertaining to electro-chemistry. Electro-Chemical Accumulator. A storage battery. Electro-Chemical Actinometer. (1) An actinometer employing electrolytic ac- tion. (2) An electric actinometer. Electro-Chemical Decomposition. Electrolytic decomposition. Electro-Chemical Filtration. A term formerly employed in place of electric end osmose. Electro-Chemical Meter. An electric meter in which the current passing is measured by the amount of electrolytic decomposition it effects. Electro-Chemical Telephone. A name sometimes given to the Edison electro- motographic telephone. Electro-Chemical Series. A list of chemical elements so arranged that each will displace from its compounds any element lower in the list than itself. Electro - Chemically. In - an electro- chemical manner. Electro - Chemist. One skilled in the science of electro-chemistry. Electro-Chemistry. (1) That branch of electric science which treats of electric combinations and decompositions effected by the electric current. (2) The science which treats of the relation between the laws of electricity and chemistry. Electro-Chromic Rings. (1) A term sometimes applied to metallochromes. (2) Nobilli's rings. Electro-Chronographic. Of or pertain- ing to the electric chronograph. Electro-Chronometric Counter. An apparatus employed in a system of elec- tric clocks to enable the master clock electrically to control or operate a num- ber of separate or secondary clocks. Electro - Coppering. Electro - plating with copper. Electro-Crystallization. Crystallization effected during electrolytic deposition. Electro-Culture of Plants. Stimulating the growth of plants by electricity. Electro-Deposit. A coating or electro- plating of metal. Electro-Depositer. One who practises the art of electro-deposition. Electro - Deposition. (1) The deposit, usually of a metallic substance, by means 761 [Ele. of electrolysis. (2) Electrolytic deposi- tion. Electro-Deposits. Electrolytic deposits. Electro-Diagnosis. Diagnosis by means of the exaggeration or diminution of the reaction of the excitable tissues of the body when subjected to the varying in- fluences of electric currents. Electro-Diagnostic. Of or pertaining to electro-diagnosis. Electro-Diapason. An electro-magnet- ically operated tuning-fork. Electro-Dynamic Attraction. The mu- tual attraction existing between electric currents, or between conductors through which electric currents are passing. Electro-Dynamic Balance. A balance form of electro-dynamometer. Electro-Dynamic Capacity. A term sometimes employed for self-induction. Electro-Dynamic Force. A mechanical force exerted on the substance of a wire or conductor due to the dissymmetrical distribution of magnetic flux in its neigh- borhood. Electro-Dynamic Induction. Electro- motive forces set up by induction in con- ductors which are either actually or prac- tically moved so as to cut magnetic flux. Electro-Dynamic Interrupter. An in- terrupter for the primary circuit of an induction coil, consisting of an elastic wire stretched, like the wire of a sono- meter or inonochord, between the poles of a permanent horse-shoe magnet. Electro-Dynamic Machinery. Any ap- paratus designed for the production, transference, utilization, or measurement of energy by the medium of electricity. Electro-Dynamic Motor. (1) A motor operated by electro-dynamic force. (2) An electric motor. Electro-Dynamic Potential. An elec- tric potential produced by electro-dyna- mic induction. Electro-Dynamic Repulsion. The mu- tual repulsion between two electric cir- cuits whose currents are flowing in op- posite directions. Electro-Dynamic Rotation. (1) The ro- tation of a magnetic field produced as the resultant of two or more magnetic fields or magnetizing forces of variable inten- sity, acting at right angles to one another, whose maxima and minima do not coin- cide, but whose periods are the same. (2) Rotation produced electro-dynamically. Electro-Dynamic Screen. A conduct- ing scr.een employed for intercepting the 9 transmission of varying electro-magnetic forces. Electro-Dynamic Whirls. Whirlings, or rotary motions produced in a cloud of copper oxide in a voltameter, when the electrolyte is traversed by a powerful discharge, while under the influence of magnetic flux. Electro-Dynamics. That branch of elec- tric science which treats of the action of electric currents on one another, on themselves, or on magnets. Electro-Dynamical. Of or pertaining to electro-dynamics. Electro-Dynamometer. A form of gal- vanometer suitable for the measurement of electric currents. Electro - Dynamometer Balance. A name sometimes given to a current bal- ance. Electro-Etching. A term sometimes em- ployed for electric engraving. Electro-Extraction of Ores. Various electric processes for extracting metals from their ores. Electro-Filtration. A term sometimes employed for electric osmose or cata- phoresis. Electro-Genesis. A word proposed for the production of electricity. (Not in use.) Electro-Genie. Producing electricity. (Not in use.) Electro-Gild. To cover with a metallic coating of gold by electro-plating. Electro-Gilder. One who practises the art of electro-gilding. Electro-Gilding. (1) Electric gilding. (2) Electro-plating with gold. Electro-Gilt. Gilded by means of elec- tricity. Electro-Graphy. Galvanography. Electro-Inductive Repulsion. Repul- sion between bodies due either to the influence of electrostatically induced charges, or electromagnetically induced currents. Electro-Kinetic. Of or pertaining to elec* tro-kinetics. Electro-Kinetic Energy. Electrical energy that is actually engaged in doing work. Electro-Kinetic Units. A term some- times used for C. G. S. electro-magnetic units. Electro-Kinetics. A term sometimes ap- plied to the phenomena of electric cur- rents, or electricity in motion, as dis- Vol. 2 file.] 762 tinguished from electrostatics, or the phenomena of electric charges, or elec- tricity at rest. Electro-Lithotrity. A term proposed for the removal of urinary calculi by elec- trolysis. Electro-Magnet. (1) A magnet produced by the passage of an electric current through a circuit of insulated wire. (2) A magnetizing coil surrounding a soft iron core, that is capable of being magnetized and demagnetized instantly on the clos- ing and opening of the circuit. Electro-Magnetic. Of or pertaining to an electro-magnet or to electroTinag- netism. Electro-Magnetic Ammeter. A form of ammeter in which a magnetic needle is moved against the field of an electro- magnet by the field of the current it is measuring. Electro-Magnetic Annunciator. An electro-magnetic device for automatically indicating the points or places at which one or more electric contacts have been closed. Electro-Magnetic Attraction. The mu- tual attraction existing between the un- like poles of electro-magnets. Electro-Magnetic Bell. An electro- magnetically operated bell. Electro-Magnetic Bell-Call. A bell-call operated by an electro-magnet. Electro-Magnetic Brake. A brake for car wheels, whose braking power is either entirely derived from electro-mag- netism, or is thrown into action by elec- tro-magnetic devices. Electro-Magnetic Cam. A form of mag- netic equalizer which depends for its operation on the lateral approach of a suitably shaped polar surface. Electro-Magnetic Capacity of Line. A term sometimes used for the self-induc- tion or inductance of a line. Electro-Magnetic Cut-Out. A cut-out operated by means of an electro-magnet. Electro-Magnetic Dental Mallet. A mallet for filling teeth, the blows of which are struck by means of an electro-mag- netically driven mechanism. Electro-Magnetic Drill. A drum em- ployed in blasting and mining operations, operated by means of electricity. Electro-Magnetic Drum. A drum used in feats of legerdemain operated by means of an automatic electro-magnetic contact-breaker. Electro-Magnetic Engine. An electric motor. Electro-Magnetic Explorer. An appa- ratus operated by means of induced cur- rents, and formerly employed for the pur pose of locating bullets, or other foreign metallic substances in the human body. Electro-Magnetic Eye. (1) A term ap- plied to a certain form of spark micro- meter, employed by Hertz in his experi- ments on electro-magnetic radiation. (2) A term sometimes applied to a co- herer. Electro-Magnetic Field. The field pro- duced either by an electro-magnet or by an electric current. Electro-Magnetic Flux. Magnetic flux produced by means of an electro-magnet or by an electric current. Electro-Magnetic Gyroscope. An elec- tro-magnetically driven gyroscope. Electro-Magnetic Helix. An electro- magnetic solenoid. Electro-Magnetic Impulse. An im- pulse produced in the ether surrounding a conductor by the action of an impulsive discharge, or by a pulsating field. Electro-Magnetic Induction. A va- riety of electro-dynamic induction in which electric currents are produced by the motion either of electro-magnets, or electro-magnetic solenoids. Electro-Magnetic Inertia. A term sometimes employed for the inductance or self-induction of a current. Electro-Magnetic Interference. The interference of electro-magnetic waves. Electro-Magnetic Intermitter. An electro-magnetic vibrator. Electro-Magnetic Medium. Any me- dium in which electro-magnetic phe- nomena occur, or through which electro- magnetic waves are transmitted. Electro-Magnetic Meter. An electric meter in which the current passing is measured by the electro-magnetic effects it produces. Electro-Magnetic Mine-Exploder. A small magneto-electric machine employed in the direct firing of blasts. Electro-Magnetic Momentum. T h e product of the inductance of a circuit and the current strength it carries. Electro-Magnetic Motor. An electric motor. Electro-Magnetic Multiplier. A term sometimes employed for Schweigger's multiplier. Ele.] res [Ele, Electro-Magnetic Optical-Strain. Any optical strain produced by electro-mag- netic stress. Electro-Magnetic Pop-Gun. A mag- netizing coil, provided with a tubular space for the insertion of a core much shorter than the length of the coil, which is violently projected when the coil is en- ergized by a current. Electro-Magnetic Radiation. The radi- ation, from any conductor through which oscillatory discharges are passing, of electro-magnetic waves similar in all re- spects to those of light, save in their much greater wave length. Electro-Magnetic Repeater. A word formerly employed for a form of vibrating contact-breaker. Electro-Magnetic Repulsion. The mu- tual repulsion produced by two similar electro-magnetic poles. Electro-Magnetic Resonator. A term sometimes applied to a Hertz spark micro- meter, in which electro-magnetic waves are produced by electric resonance. Electro-Magnetic Retardation. A re- tardation in the magnetization or demag- netization of a substance. Electro-Magnetic Rotation. Rotation obtained by electro-magnetic attractions and repulsions. Electro-Magnetic Separator. (1) A de- vice for separating iron ore from the dross, in finely-pulverized, low-grade iron ores. (2) A device for magnetically re- moving particles of iron from brass filings or other non-magnetic material, and thus freeing such material from impurities. Electro-Magnetic Shunt. (1) In a sys- tem of telegraphic communication, an electro-magnet whose coils are placed in a shunt circuit around the terminals of the receiving instrument. (2) Any shunt coil provided with a magnetic core. Electro-Magnetic Solenoid. (1) A cy- lindrical coil of wire, each convolution of which is circular. (2) An electro-mag- netic helix. (3) A cylindrical current sheet. Electro-Magnetic Sorter. An electro- magnetic sepai'ator. Electro-Magnetic Strain. The effect produced by an electro-magnetic stress. Electro-Magnetic Stress. The force or pressure in an electro-magnetic field which produces a strain or deformation in a piece of glass or other substance placed therein. Electro-Magnetic Telegraph. A gen- eral term embracing the apparatus em- ployed in a system of electro-magnetio telegraphy. Electro-Magnetic Telegraphy. (1) A system of telegraphy employing or based upon electro-magnetism. (2) The ordi- nary Morse telegraphy. Electro-Magnetic Temperature-Regu- lator. A temperature regulator whose operation is dependent on the action of an electro-magnet which is thrown into operation by the expansion or contraction of a solid liquid or gas. Electro-Magnetic Twist or Pull. The torque of an electro-magnetic motor. Electro-Magnetic Units. (1) A system of C. G. S. units employed in electro-mag- netic measurements. (2) Units based on the attractions and repulsions capable of being exerted between two unit magnetic poles at unit distance apart, or between a unit magnetic pole and a unit electric current. Electro-Magnetic Vibrator. A name sometimes given to an automatic contact- breaker. Electro-Magnetic Waves. Waves in the ether, given off from a circuit through which an oscillatory discharge is passing, or from a magnetic circuit undergoing variations of magnetic intensity. Electro-Magnetic Voltmeter. A form of voltmeter in which the difference of po- tential is measured by the movements of a magnetic needle in the field of an electro- magnet. Electro-Magnetics. That branch of elec- tric science which treats of the relations that exist between electric circuits and magnets. Electro - Magnetism. Magnetism pro- duced by means of electric currents. Electro-Magnetist. One skilled in the art of electro-magnetism. (Not in use.) Electro - Massage. The application of electricity to the body during its mas-' sage. Electro-Mechanical Alarm. A mechan- ically operated alarm, that is started or set in operation by means of an electric current. Electro-Mechanical Bell. A bell whose striking apparatus is mechanically oper- ated, when called into action by an electro- magnet. Electro - Mechanical Gong. A gong struck or operated by mechanical force, at times which are dependent on the pas- sage of an electric current. Ele. 764 [Ele. Electro-Mechanical Indicator. A me- chanical indicator that is started or set into action by electricity. Electro-Medical. Of or pertaining to electricity employed electro-therapeuti- cally. Electro-Medical Apparatus. A general term for any apparatus employed in elec- tro-therapeutic treatment. Electro - Metallurgical Circuit . An electric circuit employed in electro-metal- lurgical processes. Electro-Metallurgical Galvanization. A process of covering any conducting surface with a metallic coating by elec- trolytic deposition, such, for example, as the thin copper coating deposited on the carbon electrodes used in arc-lights. Electro-Metallurgical Deposit. A me- tallic deposit thrown down on a conduct- ing surface by electrolysis. Electro-Metallurgical Dipping. A pro- cess for obtaining an electro-metallurgi- cal deposit on a metallic surface by dip- ping it in a solution of a readily decom- posable metallic salt. Electro-Metallurgical Galvanization. The electro-therapeutic effects produced on nerves or muscles by the passage of an electric current. Electro-Metallurgy. (1) That branch of electric science which relates to the elec- tric reduction or treatment of metals. (2) Electro-metallurgical processes effected by the agency of electricity. (3) Electro- plating or electro-typing. Electro-Motion. Motion produced by electricity. Electro-Motor. A term sometimes em- ployed for a voltaic couple. Electro-Muscular. Of or pertaining to the influence of electricity on the mus- cles. Electro-Muscular "Excitation. In elec- tro-therapeutics, the galvanic or farad ic excitation of a muscle, or its excitation by the continuous current from a voltaic battery, or by the alternating currents from an induction coil. Electro-U egative. (1) In such a state as regards electricity as to be repelled by bodies negatively electrified, and attracted by those positively electrified. (2) The ions or radicals which appear at the anode or positive electrode of a decomposition cell. Electro-Negative Ions. (1) The negative ions, or groups of atoms or radicals, which appear at the anode or positive terminal of a decomposition cell. (2) The anions. Electro-Negative Radicals. The elec- tro-negative ions. Electro-Negatively. In an electro-neg- ative manner. Electro-Negatives. (1) The anions or electro-negative ions of a radical. (2) The atoms or radicals that appear at the anode, or positive terminal of any source, during electrolysis. Electro-Nervous Excitability. The electro-therapeutic excitation of a nerve. Electro-Nickeling. Electro-plating with nickel. Electro-Optics. That branch of science which treats of the general relations ex- isting between light and electricity. Electro-Pathic. Of or pertaining to elec- tro-pathology. Electro-Pathology. Diagnosis by means of electricity. Electro-Percussion Drill. (1) A drill employed for quarrying or mining in which a reciprocating motion for the drill is obtained by sending an electric current alternately through one or the other of a pair of solenoids of which the drill stock forms the core. (2) Any reciprocating drill operated electrically. Electro-Photometer. An instrument for measuring the intensity of light by means of electricity. E 1 e c t r o-Photo-Micography. Photo- graphy of the magnified images of micro- scopic objects illumined by the electric light. Electro-Physiological. Of or pertain- ing to electro-physiology. Electro-Physiologist. One skilled in electro-phy siology . Electro-Physiology. The study of elec- tric phenomena of living animals and plants. Electro-Plating. The process of covering any conducting surface with a metal, by the aid of an electric current. Electro-Plating Bath. A tank contain- ing a metallic solution in which articles are placed to be electro-plated. Electro-Pneumatic. Of or pertaining to the combined action of electricity and air pressure. Electro-Pneumatic Block System. A block system for railroads in which the semaphores are operated pneumatically under the control of electro-magnetically operated valves. Electro-Pneumatic Signals . Signals operated by diaphragms or piston? Ele.] 765 [Ele. moved by compressed air, under electric control. Electro-Pneumatic Thermostat. An instrument for automatically indicating the existence of a given temperature by the closing of an electric circuit, on the expansion or contraction of a gas. Electro-Polar. Possessing electric poles. Electro-Positive. (1) In such a state, as regards an electric charge, as to be at- tracted by a body negatively electrified, and repelled by a body positively electri- fied. (2) The ions or radicals which ap- pear at the cathode or negative electrode of a decomposition cell. Electro-Positive Ions. The cathions or groups of atoms or radicals which appear at the cathode of a decomposition cell. Electro-Positively. In an electro-posi- tive manner. Electro-Positives. (1) The cathions or electro-positive ions of radicals. (2) The atoms or radicals that appear during elec- trolysis at the cathode, or negative elec- trode. Electro-Positive Radicals. The electro- positive ions. Electro-Potential Energy. Electric en- ergy possessing the power of doing work, but not actually doing work. Electro-Prognosis. In electro-therapeu- tics a prognosis, or prediction of the fatal or non-fatal termination of a disease, from an electro-diagnosis based on the exagger- ated or diminished reactions of the ex- citable tissues of the body, when subjected to the varying influences of electric cur- rents. Elect ro-Puncturation. Electro-punct- ure. Electro -Puncture. The application of electrolysis to the treatment of aneurisms or diseased growths. Electro-Pyrometer. An apparatus for the determination of temperature by the measurement of the electric resistance of a platinum wire exposed to the tem- perature which is to be measured. Electro-Receptive Devices. (1) Vari- ous devices suitable for being placed in an electric circuit and energized by the passage of an electric current through them. (2) Translating devices. Electro-Reciprocating Drill. An elec- tro-percussion drill. Electro-Refining. Various processes for the electric refining of metals. Electro-Skiagraph. A term proposed for a radiograph or X-ray picture. Electro-Semaphore. A semaphore oper- ated by means of electricity. Electro-Sensibility. An effect produced on a sensory nerve by its electrization. Electro-Siliceous Light. An effect ob- tained by the discharge of a powerful rheostatic machine, through a glass tube traversed by a platinum wire, and plunged in salt water, the heat of the discharge not only melting and volatilizing the wire, but also raising the glass tube to brilliant incandescence. Electro-Silvering. Covering a surface with an adherent coating of silver, by electro-plating. Electro-Smelting. The separation or re- duction of metallic substances from their ores, by means of the heat developed by electric currents. Electro - Statics. That branch of elec- tric science which treats of the phenomena and measurement of electric charges. Electro-Steeling. (1) The art of covering copper electrodes with a thin coating of hardened iron. (2) Covering a printing surface of an electro with a thin deposit of copper, for the purpose of hardening it. Electro-Ster^ttype. A word sometimes employed for electro-type. Electro-Stereotyping. Electro-typing. Electro-Synthesis. The chemical com- bination of electro-positive and electro- negative radicals under the influence of electricity. Electro-Technics. The science which treats of the technical applications of elec- tricity and the general principles involved therein. E 1 e c t r o-Telegraphy. Electric teleg- raphy. Electro-Therapeutic Bath. A bath fur- nished with suitable electrodes for use in the therapeutic applications of electricity. Electro-Therapeutic Breeze. An elec- tric breeze or convection current in air produced by the electrification of metallic points. Electro-Therapeutic Diffusion of Cur- rent. The difference in the density of a current in different parts of the human body between electrodes applied thera- peutically. Electro-Therapeutic Dosage . Propor- tioning the strength of an electro-thera- peutic current and the duration of its ap- plication to the body. Electro-Therapeutic Electrode. The electrode mainly concerned in the electro Ele.] 766 [Ele. therapeutic treatment or diagnosis of diseased or disordered parts of the body. Electro - Therapeutic Electrodes. Electrodes of various shapes employed in electro-therapeutics. Electro-Therapeutic Galvanization. In electro-therapeutics, the effects pro- duced on nervous or muscular tissue by the passage of a voltaic current. Electro - Therapeutic Head-Breeze. A form of electric breeze or convective electric discharge applied to the head. Electro-Therapeutic Polarizing - Cur- rent. The current which produces the phenomena of electro-tonus. Electro-Therapeutic Electrician. An electro-therapist. Electro-Therapeutics. (1) The applica- tion of electricity to the human body for the curing of disease or the improvement of health. (2) Electro-therapy. Electro-Therapeutist. An electro-ther- apist. Electro-Therapist. (1) One skilled in electro-therapy. (2) An electro-medical practitioner. Electro-Therapy. A word sometimes used instead of electro-therapeutics. Electro-Thermal Meter. An electric meter in which the current is measured by means of the heat generated by the passage of the current through a resist- ance. Electro-Thermancy . That branch of electricity which treats of the effects produced by an electric current on the temperature of a thermo-electric junc- tion. Electro-Thermic. Of or pertaining to the generation of heat by means of elec- tricity. Electro-Thermic Lightning-Arrester. A lightning arrester operated by the ex- pansion of a high-resistance shunt wire permanently connected to the circuit. Electro-Thermotic. Of or pertaining to heat generated by electricity. Electro-Tinning. Covering a substance with a coating of tin by electro-plating. Electro-Tint. An etching obtained by electricity. Electro-Tinting. A term proposed for a method of electric engraving. Electro-Type. To produce a fac-simile by electrolytically depositing metals in a mould. Electro-Type. A cast or impression of type obtained by means of electro-metal- lurgy. Electro-Type Process. The process of electro-typing. Electro-Typic. Of or pertaining to elec- tro-typy. Electro-Typing. Obtaining casts or copies of pages of type by depositing metals in moulds, by the agency of elec- tric currents. Electro-Typographic. Pertaining to printing by means of electricity. Electro-Typy. The art of producing electro-types. Electro-Vection. A term sometimes employed for electric endosmose. Electro-Vital. Pertaining to the rela- tions between electricity and vitality. Electrocesis. A word proposed for curing disease by electricity. (Not used.) Electro Compound-Magnet. A term formerly applied to an electro-magnet whose core was wound with two separate wires or conductors. (Obsolete.) Electro Contact-Mine. A submarine mine that is automatically fired on the completion of the current of a battery placed on shore, on the closing of floating contact points by passing vessels. Electrocution. Capital punishment by means of electricity. Electrode. (1) Either of the terminals of an electric source. (2) Either of the terminals of an electric source that are placed in a solution in which electrolysis is taking place. (3) Either of the electro- therapeutic terminals of an electric source. Electrodes. The positive and negative terminals of an electric source, at their points of application to a receptive de- vice. Electrodeless Discharge. The dis- charge obtained through the rarified gas of any vacuum tube that is unprovided with electrodes. Electrogen. A name sometimes applied to the unknown cause of electricity. (Not in general use.) Electrograph. (1) A curve produced by a recording electrometer. (2) A word sometimes used for radiograph. Electrographics. (1) The science of geo- metrically solving electrical problems by graphical methods. (2) The science which treats of the graphical representa- tion of electric quantities. Ele.] 767 [Ele. Electrolier. A chandelier for holding electric lamps, as distinguished from a chandelier for holding gas burners. Electrolier Arm. An electric fixture employed for attaching incandescent elec- tric lamps to gas fixtures or electroliers. Electrolier Cut-Out. Any cut-out con- nected in the circuit of an electrolier. Electrolier Switch. A switch conven- iently located for lighting or extin- guishing lamps in an electrolier. Flectrization. The act of being electri- fied, or electrifying. Electrologist. An unnecessary word proposed for electrician. Electrologist. One skilled in the science of electricity. (Not in general use.) Electrology. That branch of science which treats of electricity. (Obsolete.) Electrolysis. (1) Chemical decomposi- tion effected by means of an electric cur- rent. (2) The decomposition of the mol- ecule of an electrolyte into its ions or radicals. (3) Electrolytic decomposition. Electrolysis by Means of Alternating Currents. Electrolytic decomposition effected, under certain circumstances, by alternating currents. Electrolysis of Salts. The electrolytic decomposition of a salt into its constit- uent ions or radicals. Electrolyte. <1) Any compound liquid which is separable into its constituent ions or radicals by the passage of elec- tricity through it. (2) The exciting liquid in a voltaic cell. Electrolytic. Of or pertaining to elec- trolysis. Electrolytic Accumulator. A word sometimes applied to a secondary or stor- age battery. Electrolytic Analysis. A term some- times used for electric analysis. Electrolytic Annunciator. An annun- ciator consisting of a number of separate electrolytic cells, provided with a trans- parent cover, and so arranged that on the closing of the circuit of any particular cell by a distant push-button, a chemical decomposition is effected in the liquid of the electrolytic cell and a reddish- brown film formed over the surface of the electrode connected therewith. Electrolytic Assaying. Assaying by means of electrolysis. Electrolytic Bath. An electrolytic cell. Electrolytic Cell. (1) A cell or vessel containing an electrolyte in which elec- trolysis is carried on. (2) A plating cell or vat. Electrolytic Clock. A timepiece in. which the rotation of the clock-work is obtained by the rotation of a delicately pivoted and well balanced wheel by the- difference in weight of its two halves im- mersed in an electrolytic bath, on the- passage of an electrolyzing current. Electrolytic Condenser. A condenser consisting of a number of iron plates im- mersed in a solution of carbonate of soda, and inserted in a branch circuit for the purpose of giving the current in that cir- cuit a lead, by increasing the capacity. Electrolytic Conduction. A term some- times employed to indicate the passage of electricity through an electrolyte by means of charges imparted to its free ions or radicals. Electrolytic Conductivity. The recip- rocal of the electrolytic resistance. Electrolytic Convection. A term pro- posed for explaining the apparent con- duction of electricity by an electrolyte, without decomposition. Electrolytic Corrosion. The corrosion by electrolytic action of water-pipes, gas- pipes, or other masses of metal, buried in moist earth. Electrolytic Coulomb-Meter. A cou- lomb-meter whose operation depends on electrolytic decomposition. Electrolytic Diaphragm. A diaphragm in an electro-plating bath. Electrolytic Decomposition. The sep- aration of a molecule into its constituent ions or radicals by the action of an elec- tric current. Electrolytic Dissociation. Electrolytic decomposition. Electrolytic Epilation. The removal of hair by electrolysis. Electrolytic Etching. (1) Etching by means of electrolytic corrosion. (2) A form of electric etching. Electrolytic Exchange. Electrolysis. Electrolytic Generator. A continuous- current dynamo-electric generator de- signed for supplying electricity for elec- trolytic purposes. Electrolytic Heating. A method of elec- tric heating consisting in plunging the metal to be heated beneath the surface of a conducting liquid, while held in a metal clamp that is connected to the negative pole of a continuous-current source, while the positive pole of such source is con- nected, to the metal lining of the vessel containing the conducting liquid. Ele.l 768 [Ele. Electrolytic Hydrogen. Electrolytical- ly liberated hydrogen. Electrolytic Meter. An electro-chemical meter. Electrolytic Moulding. A term some- times employed for electro-typing. Electrolytic Refining. The refining of metals by electrolysis. Electrolytic Removal of Hair. Elec- trolytic epilation. Electrolytic Separation. Molecular dis- sociation produced by electrolysis. Electrolytic Synthesis. Synthesis of a substance by electrolytic means. Electrolytic "Writing. Imprinting writ- ten characters on cloths or other textile fabrics by the electrolytic decomposition of a dyeing substance with which they are. impregnated. Electrolytically. In an electrolytic man- ner. Electrolyzability. Possessing the power of being electrolyzed. Electrolyzable. Capable of being elec- trolyzed or decomposed by means of elec- tricity. Electrolyzation. The act of electroly- zing. Electrolyze. To separate or decompose by means of electricity. Electrolyzed. Separated or decomposed by means of electricity. Electrolyzer. (1) One who, or that which, causes electrolysis. (2) An elec- trolyzing apparatus. Electrolyzing. Causing or producing electrolysis. Electrolyzing Cell. An electrolytic cell. Electrolyzing Chamber. A chamber or space in which electrolysis occurs. Electrometer. An apparatus for measur- ing differences of electric potential. Electrometer Fatigue. The failure of the needle of an electrometer to return to the zero point, due to the elastic fatigue of its suspension. Electrometer Gauge. A device em- ployed in connection with some hetero- static electrometers, to ascertain whether the needle connected with the layer of acid, that acts as the inner coating of a Leyden-jar used in connection therewith, is at its normal potential. Electrometer- Voltmeter. A voltmeter in which the differences of potential to be measured are employed to charge in- sulated conductors, the electrostatic at- tractions and repulsions of which result in the deflection of a suitably suspended metallic needle. Electrometric. Of or pertaining to an electrometer. Electrometrical. (1) Of or pertaining to the measuring of electrical forces. (2) Of or pertaining to an electrometer. Electromotive Arrangement or De- vice. An electromotive source. Electromotive Force. (1) The force which starts or tends to start electricity in motion. (2) The maximum or total generated difference of potential which exists in a circuit. Electromotive Force of Induction. The electromotive force developed by any inductive action. Electromotive Impulse. An impulse producing an impulsive rush of elec- tricity. Electromotive Intensity. The vector electric force at a point, as measurable by the mechanical force that would be ex- erted upon a unit electric charge at that point. Electromotive Series. A name some- times given to a contact series. Electromotive Source. Any source such as a dynamo, or voltaic cell, capable of producing an electromotive force. Electromotograph. An apparatus in which the friction of a platinum point against a rotating cylinder of chalk is re- duced by electrolytic action, consequent on the passage of an electric current. Electromotographic Telephone. A loud-speaking telephone operating on the principle of the electromotograph. Electron. (1) A word formerly used for amber. (2) The electric atoms whose pro- jection from the cathode of a high-vacu- um tube is supposed to constitute the cathode rays or streamings. (3) An alloy of gold and silver. Electronecrosic. Pertaining to capital punishment by means of electricity. Electronecrpsis. A word proposed for capital punishment by means of electric- ity. (Not in use.) Electronome. A name proposed for a measurer of electricity. (Not in use.) Electropath. One skilled in the art of electro-therapy. . A word sometimes em- Electropathy ployed for ele ectro-therapeutics. Electrophanic. Pertaining to capital punishment by means of electricity. Ele.] 769 [Ele. Electrophanical. Pertaining to capital punishment by means of electricity. Electrophanize. To inflict capital pun- ishment by means of electricity. Electrophany. A word proposed for cap- ital punishment by means of electricity. (Not in use.) Electrophila. A word proposed for capi- tal punishment by means of electricity. (Nut in use.) Electrophobia. A word proposed for un- necessary fear of electricity. Electrophone. A word proposed for a carbon-contact telephone transmitter. Electrophor. An orthography sometimes employed for electrophorous. Electrophoric. Of or pertaining to an electrophorous. Electrophoric Medium. A word some- times employed for a dialectric medium. Electrophorous. A simple form of elec- trostatic induction apparatus. Electropoion Liquid. An exciting liquid, consisting of one part of bichro- mate of potash dissolved in ten parts of water, to which two and a half parts of sulphuric acid have been gradually added. Electroscope. An apparatus for showing the presence of an electric charge, or de- termining its character, whether positive or negative, but not for measuring its amount or value. Electroscopic Gauge. A term formerly applied to an early form of discharging gold-leaf electroscope. Electroscopically. By means of an elec- troscope. Electroscopy. The art of determining, by means of an electroscope, the character of an electric charge. Electrostatic. Of or pertaining to elec- trostatics. Electrostatic Attraction. The mutual attraction existing between unlike elec- tric charges. Electrostatic Aurora. Luminous phe- nomena attending the production of an electrostatic corona. Electrostatic Balance. A form of bal- ance employed for. the measurement of high, direct, or alternating electromotive forces, by the electrostatic effects pro- duced by their charges. Electrostatic Capacity. The quantity of electricity which must be imparted to a given conductor as a charge, in order to raise its potential to unity, all neigh- boring conductors being at zero potential. 49 Electrostatic Capacity of a Line. The power possessed by an electric line wire or conductor to act as a condenser. (2) The capacity of a line or conductor for holding an electric charge, as a condenser. Electrostatic Charge-Current of Cable. A momentary and violent rush of cur- rent that occurs on the application of an electromotive force to a submarine cable. Electrostatic Circuit. A circuit formed bylines of electrostatic flux with an elec- tric source. Electrostatic Corona. A luminous effect produced on the surface of a thin sheet of mica, or other insulating material, when placed between two electrodes, subjected to a compai'atively high difference of po- tential. Electrostatic Current. The time-rate- of-flow of electrostatic flux. Electrostatic Difference of Potential. The difference of potential due to elec- tric charges. Electrostatic Discharge. A term some- times employed for a disruptive dis- charge. Electrostatic Field. (1) The region of electrostatic influence surrounding a charged body. (2) A region traversed by electrostatic flux. Electrostatic Flux. A stress in the ether which proceeds from a charged body along definite curved lines or paths. Electrostatic Flux-Paths. The paths traversed by electrostatic flux. Electrostatic Force. The force which produces the attractions or repulsions of charged bodies. Electrostatic Generator. A general term applied to various forms of influence machines. Electrostatic Hysteresis. (1) The en- ergy consumed in an alternating-electro- static field by the dielectric medium. (2) Dielectric hysteresis. Electrostatic Indicator. A name some- times applied to an electrometer. Electrostatic Induction. The induction of an electric charge produced in a con- ductor brought into an electrostatic field. Electrostatic Induction-Machine. (1) A machine in which a small initial charge produces a greatly increased charge by its inductive action on a rapidly rotated disc of glass or other dielectric. (2) An electrostatic influence machine. Electrostatic Influence. A term some- times used instead of electrostatic induc- tion. Ele.] 770 [Ele. Electrostatic Leakage. The gradual dis- sipation of a charge due to insufficient in- sulation. Electrostatic Lines of Force. (1) Lines of force produced in the neighborhood of a charged body, by the presence of the charge. (2) Lines extending in the direc- tion in which the force of electrostatic at- traction or repulsion acts. Electrostatic Motion. Motion produced by an electrostatic field somewhat simi- lar to motion produced by a magnetic field. Electrostatic Motor. (1) A motor driven by means of the induction of two varying electrostatic fields at right angles to each other. (2) Generally, a motor driven by the interaction of two or more electro- static fields. Electrostatic Optical Strain. A strain or deformation produced in an optical medium by the stress of an electrostatic field. Electrostatic Potential. (1) The power of doing electric work possessed by a unit quantity of positive electricity residing on the surface of an insulated body. (2) That property in space by virtue of which work is done when an electric charge is moved therein. Electrostatic Repulsion. The mutual repulsion produced by two similar elec- trostatic charges. Electrostatic Resistance. The resist- ance offered by any medium to the passage of an electrostatic flux or an electrostatic current. Electrostatic Retardation. Retardation in signalling, on long telegraphic lines, due to electrostatic capacity. Electrostatic Screening. Screening or shielding from the inductive effects of an electrostatic charge. Electrostatic Strain. Strain produced by the stress of an electrostatic field. Electrostatic Stress. The force or pres- sure in an electrostatic field which pro- duces electrostatic strain in any sub- stance placed therein. Electrostatic Time, Constant. In an electric circuit or condenser, possessing capacity and resistance, the product of k the capacity and the resistance, usually expressed in seconds or farad-ohms. Electrostatic Units. Units based on the attractions or repulsions of two unit charges of electricity at unit distance apart. Electrothanasing. Producing accidental death by means of electricity. Electrothanasis. A word proposed for accidental death produced by electricity. (Not in use.) Electrothanasise. To produce accidental death by electricity. Electrothanatose. A word proposed for capital punishment inflicted by means of electricity. (Not in use.) Electrothanatosic. Of or pertaining to capital punishment by means of elec- tricity. Electrothanatosing. A word proposed for execution by electricity. Electrotisis. A word proposed for capital punishment by means of electricity. (Not in use.) Electrotome. A term sometimes applied to an automatic contact-breaker which vibrates with sufficient rapidity to pro- duce a musical sound. Electrotonic. Of or pertaining to electro- tonus. Electrotonic Currents. In electro-ther- apeutics, a current due to the internal polarization of a nerve fibre between the conducting core of the nerve and its en- closing sheath. Electrotonic Effect. An altered con- dition of excitability produced in a nerve when in the electrotonic state. Electrotonic Excitability. The actual excitability of a nerve when in the elec- trotonic state. Electro-Tonicity. A term sometimes employed for electrotonus. Electrotonus. The condition of altered functional activity which occurs in a nerve when subjected to the action of an electric current. Electrozemia. A word proposed for cap- ital punishment by means of electricity. (Not in use.) Electrum. A name given by the ancients to various substances that could be readily electrified by friction. Element. (1) Any kind of matter which cannot be decomposed into simpler mat- ter. (2) Matter that is formed or com- posed of but one kind of atoms. Element of Current. A term employed in mathematical discussions to indicate a very small part of a current, for ease in considering its actions. Element of Storage Battery. (1) A single set of positive and negative plates of a storage cell, so connected as to be ready for placing in the acid liquid of the containing jar or vessel. (2) A term some- Ele.] 771 [End. times applied to one of the storage cells of a battery. Element of Voltaic Cell. Either of the substances forming the couple of a voltaic cell. Elements of Armature Winding. The separated conductors forming the parts of an armature winding. Elementary Matter. Matter which can- not be decomposed into simpler matter. Elevator Annunciator. An annunciator connected with an elevator to indicate the floor from which a signal is sent. Elevator, Electric. An elevator oper- ated by means of an electric motor. Elevator Switch. A switch operated from an elevator for controlling the op- eration of the elevator motor. Elliptical Rotary-Magnetization. The magnetization which exists in a diphase motor when two alternating-magnetic fluxes coexist while out of phase with each other. Elliptical Rotation. A rotation as of a point on an ellipse. Elliptically Rotating Magnetic Field. (1) A magnetic field which is subject to elliptical rotation. (2) The rotation of magnetic flux produced by two diphase currents of unequal intensity, or of equal intensity, but not of 90 phase difference, Elongated Ring-Core. A hollow cylin- drical core of comparatively great length. Elongation of Needle. A phrase some- times used for the maximum angular deflection of a needle, or the maximum de- flection of the spot of light on a galva- nometer scale, when making one or more swings. Embedded Coils. (1) Coils or windings placed in grooves or perforations on the armature of a dynamo or motor. (2) Iron- clad armature coils. Embossing Telegraphic Instrument. A registering telegraphic instrument in which the signal is recorded in embossed characters on a paper fillet. Emergency Brake.-^-(l) A brake on a ve- hicle employed only in emergency. (2) In an electrically propelled vehicle a brake of greater power than the ordinary brake, and used only in emergency, as, for ex- ample, a reversing switch to reverse the direction of rotation of the motors. Emergency Cable. A small, compara- tively inexpensive and easily handled cable, employed in the case of breaks in a pole line due to floods, railroad wrecks. etc., for opening up communication dur ing repairs of the break. Emergency Crew. A crew or gang in a power distribution system for service in case of a break-down, emergency, or fault on the line. Emergency Switch. An accessory switch placed on a car controller for reversing the motion of a car when necessary. Electrotisic. Pertaining to capital pun- ishment by means of electricity. Electrotising. Inflicting capital punish- ment by means of electricity. Emissivity. The specific radiating power of a surface, or its ability to emit or throw out radiant energy, usually expressed in ergs per sq. cm. Emissivity of Filament. The ability of a filament to emit or radiate light and heat when traversed by an electric cur- rent. Emmetropic Eye. The normal human eye, or the human eye in its normal adjust- ment and capability of accommodation. Empanelled Wires. Wires placed inside mouldings, or behind panels. Emptied. A term sometimes applied to a discharged secondary or storage battery, or to a discharged condenser. Enamelled Rheostat. A rheostat whose coils consist of wires imbedded in a mass of enamel, in close juxtaposition to a mass of iron or other heat-conducting material. Enclosed Arc-Lamp . An arc-lamp whose carbons are enclosed by a closely fit- ting globe, so as to maintain an atmosphere around the arc practically devoid of oxy- gon, thus diminishing the rate of con- sumption of the carbons. Enclosure of Magnetic Flux. (1) Link- age of magnetic flux. (2) Confining mag- netic flux in a ferric magnetic circuit. End Connections. End windings. Endlessness. The condition of a closed ring of uniform cross-section in which the magnetizing coils are wound uniformly all around it, and a practically endless or uniform magnetic field is obtained throughout the length of the ring. Endoscopie Lamp. A lamp provided for the examination of a bodily cavity through its natural outlet. Endosmometer. An apparatus for meas- uring the strength of endosmotic currents. Endosmose. The unequal mixing of two different liquids or gases through the pores of an interposed medium. End.] 772 [Ent. Endosmose, Electric. (1) The unequal mixing of two liquids through the pores of an interposed septum on. the passage of an electric current through the septum. (2) The transfer of liquid through an im- mersed septum traversed by an electric current. Endosmosis. A word frequently employ- ed in place of endosmose. Endosmotic Equivalent. The ratio be- tween the amount of water that passes through a porous membrane into a saline solution, and the amount of salt that passes in the opposite direction. Endothactic Cut-out. A cut-out ar- ranged to throw a device into a circuit. Endothactic Switch.. A switch which is arranged to cut a device into a circuit. Endothermic. Of or pertaining to the absorption of beat. Endothermic Reaction. A chemical ac- tion attended with the absorption of heat. End-to-End Joint. A term frequently employed in place of butt-joint. End Windings. (1) End connections. (2) Conductors for connecting up bar windings at the end of an armature. Energetics. That branch of mechanics which treats of the transfer of energy or of its transformation. Energy. The power of doing work. Energy Component of Current. (1) In an alternating-current circuit the com- ponent of current which is in phase with the impressed E. M. F. (2) In an alter- nating-current circuit, the product of the E. M. F. and the effective conductance. Energy Component of E. M. F. (1) In an alternating-current circuit the com- ponent of E. M. F. which is in phase with the current. (2) In an alternating-cur- rent circuit, the product of the current and the effective resistance. Energy Current. (1) A term sometimes used for active component of current in an alternating-current circuit, as dis- tinguished from the wattless component of current. (2) The product in an alter- nating-current circuit of the effective con- ductance and the E. M. F. Energy Efficiency of Storage Battery. The watt-hour efficiency. Energy, Electric. The power which electricity possesses of doing work. Energy Electromotive Force. (1) The energy component of E. M. F. in an alter- nating-current circuit. (2) The compon- ent of E. M. F. which is in phase with the current strength. Energy Flux. (1) A stream of energy transfer. (2) A surface integral of energj transferred through a surface. Energy Meter. A term sometimes ap- plied to a wattmeter. Energy of Motion. A word sometimes used for kinetic energy. Energy of Position. A word sometimes used for potential energy. Energy of Strain. A term sometimes used for potential energy of deformation elasticity. Energy Resistance. In an alternating- current circuit, the energy component of impedance. Energy Storage-Capacity. The total amount of energy which a storage cell can store up expressed in watt-hours. Energy Transforming-Deviee. Any device which will transform or change energy from one form to another. Engaged Test. (1) In telephony, the busy test. (2) A test made by the operator at a central exchange to ascertain whether the subscriber desired is already engaged in telephonic communication. Engine. In telephony, a name sometimes, used for a ringer or magneto-generator. Engine Dynamo. A direct-connected dynamo. Engine Plane Signal. In a system of mine signalling a circuit containing a battery and bell at the engine house, and a pair of uncovered iron wires along the engine plane, or hoist run. for the purpose of giving signals to the man at the engine. Engine-Room Indicator. An indicator placed in an engine-room. Engine-Room Tachometer. A tacho- meter suitable for permanent attachment to an engine, dynamo, or other rotating machine situated in an engine-room. Engine Telegraph. A telegraph on board ship for communicating orders to the engine-room. English Heat Unit. <1) The British heat unit. (2) The heat necessary to raise a pound of water 1 F. Engraving, Electric. A method for elec- trically etching or engraving a metallic plate by covering it with wax, tracing the design on the wax so as to expose the metal, connecting the, metal with the positive terminal of a battery, and placing it in a bath opposite another plate of metal, so that it will be electrically corroded on its exposed parts. Entering Current of Telegraphic Cir- cuit. A term employed to designate the- Ent.] 773 [Equ. current on a telegraphic line or conductor near the battery. Entrefer. (1) The gap of non-magnetic material through which the field flux has to pass at the surface of the armature of a dynamo-electric machine, composed either of an air-gap or of air and copper. (2) The width of the non-magnetic gap, as distinguished from the width of the clearance or simple air-gap of a smooth cored armature. Entropy. (1) In thermo-dynamics the non-available energy in any system. (Clausius and Mayer.) (2) In thermo- dynamics the available energy in any system. (Tait, Thomson, Maxwell.) Entropy, Electric. A term proposed by Maxwell for use in thermo-electric phe- nomena, to include the doctrine of entropy in electric science. Environment. The accompaniments or surroundings of any thing or condition. Eolotropic. (1) Heterogeneous with re- spect to direction. (2) A medium in which equal stresses applied in different direction do not produce equal and similar strains. Eolotropic Dielectric. A dielectric pos- sessing eolotropic properties. Eolotropic Medium. Any medium pos- sessing eolotropic properties. Eolotropic "Wire-Grating. An eolo- tropic screen employed by Hertz in his experiments on electric radiation. Eolotropism. The possession of eolo- tropic properties. Eolotropy.-The doctrine, theory, or condi- tion of eolotropism. Epoch. In the case of a vibrating body, the time or the angle reckoned from the point of starting to the point of maximum positive elongation. Equal Arms Electric Balance. An electric Wheatstone bridge or balance em- ploying equal arms. Equal Deflection Method. A method of measuring a resistance, electromotive force or current which consists in obtain- ing the same deflection on a galvanometer in the circuit with a given shunt. Equalizer. (1) An equalizing bar. (2) A term employed for an equalizer wire. (3) A device for equalizing electric pressure over a system. Equalizer Feeder. A feeder whose sole or principal purpose is to equalize the pressure between the ends of two or more other feeders, as distinguished from sup- plying current to feeding points. Equalizer Feeder-Switch. A switch employed to throw a feeder equalizer in or out of circuit. Equalizer S witch. A switch governing a resistance suitable for feeder regulation. Equalizer Wire. (1) An equalizing bar. (2) A wire connecting the series windings of two or more compound-wound genera- tors operated iii parallel. Equalizing Bar. A bar joining the series coils of two parallel-connected, compound- wounds generators, so that any excess of current supplied by the armature of one machine must necessarily excite the other machine to the same extent. Equalizing Current. The current pass- ing through an equalizing bar between two dynamos. Equalizing Dynamo. A dynamo em- ployed in systems of three or five-wire distribution to supply one pair of mains which may be unduly loaded so as to equalize the pressure. Equalizing Resistance-Coils. Resist- ance coils employed in a system of feeder regulation. Equalizing Wires.-^(l) Two wires or con- ductors, one of which is employed for connecting the positive brushes and the other for connecting the negative brushes of compound-wound dynamos, when connected in parallel. (2) Wires connecting corresponding segments in a multipolar armature winding. Equator of Magnet. (1) A point ap- proximately midway between the poles of a straight bar magnet, or nearly mid- way from the poles of a horse-shoe mag- net, if measured along the bar from each pole. (2) A line of neutral points on a magnet. Equatorial. Of or pertaining to the equator. Equatorial Region of Magnet. The portions of a magnet which lie near the magnetic equator. Equatorially. In the direction of the equator. Equiangular Impedances. Imped- ances which have the same angle. Equilibrium. The condition of a body on which several forces are acting, so that their resultant is zero. Equilibrium of Radiation. The condi- tion of a radiating body in which the radiant energy it absorbs is equal to that which it emits. Equimolecular Solutions. Solutions which contain, in the same quantity of Equ.] 774 [Eth. tlie solvent, quantities of the dissolved substance proportional to their molecular weights. Equipotential. Of or pertaining to an equality of potential. Equipotential Electrostatic-Surfaces. (1) Surfaces on or surrounding charged bodies, all points of which are at the same electric potential. (2) Electric surfaces perpendicular to the lines of electric force, over which a quantity of electricity, considered as being concentrated at a point, may be moved without doing work. Equipotential Magnetic-Surfaces. Surfaces surrounding the poles of a mag- net or system of magnets, where the magnetic potential is the same. Equivalent Air-Gap. An air-gap which would have the same magnetic resist- ance as a joint, assuming the permeabil- ity of the metal to be unaffected by the cutting. Equivalent Conductance. (1) A con- ductance such that if inserted in a sinu- soidal-current circuit would absorb en- ergy at the same rate as the actual conductance in a non-sinusoidal current circuit. (2) Virtual conductance. (3) The effective conductance of an alternat- ing-current system or conductor. Equivalent Conductivity. The mole- cular conductivity of a solution divided by the valency. Equivalent Impedance. Such an im- pedance in a simple-harmonic-current cir- cuit as would, with the same effective current strength, absorb energy at the same rate as an actual impedance in a complex-harmonic-current circuit. Equivalent Heactance. Such a react- ance in a simple-harmonic-current circuit as would permit energy to be absorbed, with the same effective current strength, at the same rate as an actual reactance in a complex-harmonic-current circuit. Equivalent Resistance. (1) A single resistance which may replace a number of resistances in a circuit without alter- ing the current traversing it. (2) Such a resistance in a simple-harmonic-current circuit as would permit energy to be ab- sorbed, with the same effective current strength, at the same rate as an actual re- sistance in a complex-harmpnic-current circuit. (3) The effective resistance of an alternating-current system or conductor. Equivalent Resistance and Induct- ance. In an alternating-current circuit, or system of circuits, such a resistance and inductance as would, if substituted for the actual system, cause the same strength and activity of current to pusa through the conducting leads. Equivalent Resistance and Reactance. Such a resistance and reactance in a simple alternating-current circuit, as would cause the same current both in magnitude and phase to flow in the main leads, as when a number of multiple arc circuits are connected to them. Equivalent Sinusoid. A curve repre- senting a sinusoid, which, for purposes of analytical investigation, has been takenas the equivalent in power of a curve ol pressure or current which is not sinu- soidal. Equivolt. A term proposed for unit ot electric energy applied especially to chemical decomposition. (Not in general use.) Erb's Standard Size of Electrodes. Standard sizes of electrodes, generally adopted in electro-therapeutics. Erg. (1) The 1 C. G. S. unit of work, or the work done when unit C. G. S. force is overcome through unit C. G. S. dis- tance. (2) The work accomplished when a body is moved through a distance of one centimetre with the force of one dyne. (3) A dyne-centimetre. Erg-Meter. (1) An apparatus for meas- uring the work of an electric current in ergs. (2) An energy-meter. Ergometer. An erg-meter. Erg : s. An abbreviation proposed for erg- per-second, the C. G. S. unit of power. Erg-Ten. (1) A term proposed for ten mil- lion ergs ; 10 10 ergs, or one erg multiplied by low. ( 2 ) A kilo-joule. Error. In telegraphy, a blunder or inac- curacy either of transmitted signals, as in sending a message, or of deciphered, re- transmitted, or recorded signals, as in re- ceiving a message. Escape, Electric. (1) A partial loss of current to earth by imperfect insulation. (2) A loss of charge on an insulated con- ductor. Escapement, Electric. An electrically actuated clock escapement. Essential Resistance. A term some- times used for internal resistance. Etching, Electric. A term sometimes used for electric engraving. Ether. The highly tenuous, elastic fluid that is assumed to fill all space, and by whose vibrations or waves, light, radiant heat, and electro-magnetic radiation are transmitted. Eth.] 775 [Exp. Ether Flow Vortices. Vortices in the ether upon whose alleged existence is based a hypothesis for the explanation of magnetic phenomena. Ether Path of Reluctivity. A concep- tion employed in studying the reluctivity of a magnetic medium which regards the magnetic flux as taking two multiple- connected paths, one the path of metallic- reluctivity through the mass of the sub- stance, and the other the path of ether- reluctivity, through its associated ether. Ether Streamings. Streamings that are assumed to exist in the ether around a magnet, or around a charged conductor. Ethereal. Of or pertaining to the ether. Eudiometer. (1) A voltameter in which separate graduatedvesselsare prepared for the reception and measurement of the gaseous products evolved during electro- lysis. (2) A graduated glass tube for hold- ing and measuring the volume of the evolved gas. Eudiometric. Of or pertaining to an eudiometer. Eudiometrically. By means of an eudio- meter. Evanescent Telegraphic Signal. Any telegraphic signal which is not perma- nently recorded. Evaporation. The change from the liquid to the vaporous state. Evaporation, Electric. The formation of vapors on the surfaces of solid or liquid substances by the influence of neg- ative electrification. Even Harmonics. In a complex harmon- ically-varying quantity, the harmonics whose frequencies are even multiples of the, fundamental frequency. Ewing's Theory of Magnetism. A theory of magnetism proposed by Ewiug, based on the assumption of originally magnetized particles. Excitability of Nerve or Muscular Fibre, Electric. The effect produced by an electric current in stimulating a nerve of a living animal, or in producing an involuntary contraction of a muscle. Excitant. (1) That which excites. (2) The electric or magnetic force which energizes a receptive device. Excitation. (1) The production of elec- trification by any means. (2) The pro- duction of magnetism by any means. (3) The energizing of any electro or mag- neto-receptive device. (4) The produc- tion of the magnetic field in a dynamo or motor. (5) The stimulation of a muscle or nerve fibre. Exciter. Anything which causes an ex- citation. Exciter Dynamo. A dynamo used for the separate excitation of another dynamo. Exciter of Field. A dynamo, or othel electric source, employed in the separate excitation of tne field of a dynamo. Exciting Ampere-Turns. The ampere- turns in the field-winding of a generator or motor employed for the excitation of its field. Exciting Fluid or Liquid of Voltaic Cell. The electrolyte of a voltaic cell. Execution, Electric. Inflicting capital punishment by electricity. Exhaust Fan, Electric. An electrically driven exhaust fan. Exhaust Wheel, Electric. An electri- cally driven rotary device Tor drawing or exhausting the air from an apartment. Exhausted Storage Cell. An emptied storage cell. Exhausted Voltaic Cell. A voltaic cell in a state of exhaustion. Exhaustion, Electric. Physiological ef- fects resembling those produced by sun- stroke, resulting from prolonged exposure to powerful voltaic arcs. Exhaustion of Primary Voltaic Cell. The inability of a primary voltaic cell to furnish any further current, unless fresh electrolyte, or new positive ele- ments, or both, are supplied to it. Exhaustion of Secondary Voltaic Cell. The inability of the cell to furnish any further current until again acted on by a charging current. Exosmosis. The osmotic current which is directed towards the lower level. Exothactic Cut-Out. A cut-out de- signed to remove a device from a circuit. Exothatic Switch. A switch designed to cut a device out of circuit. Exothermic. Of or pertaining to an exo- thermic reaction. Exothermic Reaction. A chemical re- action attended by the evolution of heat. Expanding Magnetic Whirls. Mag- netic whirls sent out from a conductor through which a current of gradually in- creasing strength is passing, or from a magnet whose magnetism is gradually in- creasing. Expanding of Magnetic Field. The increase in the strength of a magnetic flux and of the region traversed by it. Exp.] 776 [Eye. Expansibility. (1) The quality of being expansible. (2) Possessing the capacity for expansion. Expansion. The act of increasing in length, surface, or volume. Expansion, Electric. The increase in volume produced in a body by giving it an electric charge. Expansion Joint. A joint suitable for tubes or pipes exposed to considerable changes of temperature, in which a slid- ing joint is provided to safely permit a change in length on expansion or contrac- tion. Expended Energy. The energy em- ployed to produce any result. Exploder, Electric. A small magneto- electric machine used to produce a high electromotive force, employed in the direct firing of blasts. Exploration of Magnetic Field. Mapping out the location and density of a magnetic field by any suitable means. Explorer, Electric. An apparatus oper- ated by means of induced currents for the purpose of locating bullets and other foreign metallic substances in the human body. Exploring Needle. (1) A form of ex- ploring probe. (2) A magnetic needle employed in exploring a magnetic field. Explosive Distance. A term sometimes employed for sparking distance. Extension Bell. (1) An extension call- bell. (2) A call-bell situated at a distance from the apparatus to which it calls at- tention. Extension Call-Bell. An additional bell connected with the call-bell of a telephone or other device, and placed in some other portion of a building, for the purpose of calling the subscriber to the instrument when he may be in a distant part of the house. Extension Plates for Poles. Double plates forming between them a loop for an upper extension or branch of a guy- rod supporting a pole. Extension Push-Button. An auxiliary push-button placed at a distance from a main push-button. Extensometer. A form of apparatus for measuring the elongation of a substance under stress. External Armature Generator. A generator in which the armature is ex- ternal to the field frame. External Characteristic of Dynamo. A curve showing the E. M. F. at the termi- nals of a dynamo under varying currents, as distinguished from an internal charac- teristic showing the internal E. M. F. External Circuit. That part of a circuit with which an electric source is con- nected that is external to that electric source. External Magnetic Circuit. (1) That portion of a magnetic circuit which lies outside the magnetic source. (2) That portion of the circuit of a magnet which lies outside its mass or core. External Magnetic Field. That portion of a magnetic field which lies outside the body of a magnet. External - Secondary Resistance. In the secondary circuit of a transformer, the resistance external to the transformer. Extra-Current Direct. A term some- times employed for the current produced in the primary of a transformer on, the breaking of its circuit. Extra-Current Inverse. A term some- times employed for the current produced in the primary current of a transformer on the making of its circuit. Extra-Current Neutralize!*. A device for reducing electro-magnetic retardation which consists of a shunted condenser in- serted in the main circuit. Extra Currents. Currents produced in a circuit by self-induction. Extra-High-Potential System. In the- National Electric Code a potential above 3000 volts. Extra-High-Potential "Wires. Wires suitable for use in extra-high-potential systems. . Extraneous Field. A leakage magnetic field. Extraordinary Resistance. A term sometimes used for external resistance. (Not in use.) Extra-European Message. In Europe a message sent to or received from some point beyond the geographical limits of Europe. Extra-Polar. Lying beyond or outside the poles. Extra-Polar Region. In electro-thera- peutics, the region which lies outside or beyond the therapeutic electrodes. Eye-Piece. The ocular of a telescope o* microscope. *] 777 [Fan. F. A symbol proposed for farad, the prac- tical unit of capacity. F. A symbol proposed for force. of. A symbol for magnetomotive force. (Partly international usage.) f. A symbol proposed for force. (Partly international usage.) P. M. A contraction for field magnets. F. W. G-. A contraction for French wire gauge. Fac-Simile Telegraph. A general term embracing the apparatus employed in fac-simile telegraphy. Fac-Simile Telegraphy. (1) A system whereby a fac-simile or copy of a chart, diagram, picture, or signature, is tele- graphically transmitted from one station to another. (2) Pan-Telegraphy. Factor. Each of the several quantities which are multiplied together to form a product. Factor of Safety. (1) The ratio of the computed or measured strength of a structure to the maximum strength it will be called upon to exert. (2) An amount by which the breaking load or stress in any system must be divided in order to obtain the safe load or stress. (3) A multiple of the calculated strength re- quired of a structure adopted to ensure safety. Factor of Safety of Demagnetization. The ratio of the demagnetizing force in an aero-ferric magnetic circuit corre- sponding to an actually existing residual flux density, to the actually existing mean demagnetizing force. Fahrenheit Thermometric Scale. The thermometric scale in which the length of the thermometer tube, between the melt- ing point of ice and the boiling point of water, is divided into 180 equal parts or degrees. Fall-Back Indicator. A term sometimes employed for drop indicator. Fall of Potential. The drop of poten- tial. Fall of Pressure. The drop of pressure. Fall of Pressure in Active Conductor. The fall of pressure due to the passage of the current, and equal to the product of the current strength by the resistance. False. (1) Untrue. (2) Provisionally as- sumed. False Discharge of Submarine Cable. An oscillatory discharge produced in a cable as distinguished from an aperiodic discharge. False Electric Current. A virtual elec- tric current distribution which has no ac- tual existence, but which is assumed in order to comply with the' conditions of an electro-magnetic field. False Electrification. A virtual electri- fication having no real existence, but which may be assumed in order to deter- mine a given distribution of electro-mag- netic energy in a medium. False Magnetic Currents. Virtual mag- netic currents having no real existence but assumed for the purpose of conform- ing to the requirements of a given electro- magnetic distribution. False Magnetic Poles of Earth. A term proposed to designate the place or places on the earth which apparently act as magnetic poles, in addition to two true magnetic poles in the neighborhood of the earth's geographical poles. False Resistance. A resistance arising from a counter electromotive force, and not directly from the dimensions of the circuit, or from its specific resistance. False Zero. (1) A zero of a measuring in- strument accepted at the position it nat- urally assumes under the action of forces other tha.n those impressed in the meas- urement. (2) A zero taken midway be- tween two unequal and opposite deflec- tions of a measuring instrument. (3) Iu Wheatstone-Bridge measurement, the po- sition of the galvanometer needle natu- rally assumed under the influence of E. M. F. in the bridge before the application of the testing battery. (4) In cable test- ing the position of the spot of light when the testing battery is disconnected and the galvanometer short-circuit key is open. (5) A cable zero, or zero to the existing current in a cable. (6) The natural zero. Fan Guard. A wire guard placed around an electric fan, to prevent the revolving blades from coming in contact with sur- rounding objects. Fan Motor. (1) An electric motor suit- Far.] 778 [Fee. able for driving a fan. (2) An electric motor carrying a fan. Far-Leading Dynamo. A motor-dyna- mo placed as a shunt across a pair of long mains, to compensate for their drop in voltage. Farad.-^-(l) The practical unit of electric capacity. (2) Such a capacity of a con- ductor or condenser that one coulomb of electricity is required to produce therein a difference of potential of one volt. Faraday Effect. The rotation of the plane of polarization of a beam of plane polarized light on its passage along a magnetic field. Faraday's Cube. An insulated room or cube covered on the inside with tin-foil, which, when charged on the outside, gives no electrical indications to an observer on the inside even to delicate instruments. Faraday's Dark Space. The gap in the continuity of the luminous discharges that occur between the positive and nega- tive electrodes. Faraday's Disc. A metallic disc movable in a magnetic field on an axis parallel to the direction of the flux. Faraday's Net. An insulated net of cot- ton, gauze, or other similar conducting material, capable of being turned inside out without being thereby discharged, and employed for demonstrating the fact that the charge of an insulated conductor is limited to its outer surface. Faradic. Of or pertaining to Faraday. Faradic Adapter. A device for readily permitting commercial incandescent- light circuits to be employed for electro- therapeutic work, with an induction coil. Faradic Battery. A term erroneously used for a faradic coil, or induction coil. Faradic Brush. A brush-shaped elec- trode employed in the medical applica- tion of electricity. Faradic Coil. A term sometimes used for a faradic machine, or medical induction coil. Faradic Current. (1) In electro-thera- peutics, a current produced by an induc- tion coil, or magneto-electric machine. (2) A rapidly alternating current, as dis- tinguished from a direct current. Faradic Excitability. Muscular or ner- vous excitability produced by the em- ployment of faradic currents. Faradic Excitation. The excitement of muscle or nerve fibre by faradio cur- rents. Faradic Induction Apparatus. An in- duction coil apparatus for producing fara- dic currents. Faradic Irritability. Muscular contrac- tions produced by the action of faradia currents on a nerve. Faradic Machine. Any machine for producing faradic currents. Faradism. A word sometimes employed for faradization. Faradization. In electro-therapeutics, the effects produced on the nerves or muscles by the use of faradic currents. Faradization of Skin. Treatment of the skin by faradic currents. Fast Repeater. A telegraphic repeater or translator especially designed for rapid signalling. Faradometer. A term proposed for an instrument designed for the measurement of faradic currents. Fast-Speed Telegraphy. Automatic or machine telegraphy. Fathom. (1) A unit of length equal to six feet or two yards. (2) Approximately, the one-thousandth part of a nautical mile. Fault. Any defect in the proper working of a circuit, due to ground contacts, cross contacts, or disconnections. Fault Resistance. The resistance of a fault. Fault Searcher. An instrument em- ployed in connection with a telephone or other sensitive current-detector, for de- termining the moment when a portion of the cable containing the fault comes 011 board ship, while the same is being picked up for purposes of repair. Feather Edge. A strip of wood laid by the side of a layout of cable in a cable tank to protect it from the pressure of superincumbent flakes. Feed. (1) To supply with an electric cur- rent. (2) To move or regulate one or both of the carbon electrodes in an arc- lamp. Feed-Line. A feeder. Feed- Wire Insulator. An insulator em- ployed for the support of a feed-wire. Feeder. One of the conducting wires through which the current is distributed to the main conductors, as distinguished from a conductor which supplies trans- lating devices directly. Feeder-and-Main System of Distri- bution. A system for the transfer of electric energy in which, for the pur- pose of preventing too great a drop of Fee.] 779 [Fer. pressure on the mains, they are connected at suitable points to the feeder wires, in- stead of to the generator or generators. Feeder Ammeter. An ammeter placed in the circuit of a feeder, usually at a switchboard. Feeder Block. A block containing a feeder cut-out. Feeder Box. A distribution box supplied by a feeder, into which a feeder enters to receive its distributing connections. Feeder Clamp. Any clamping device for connecting or fastening a feeder wire to a trolley wire or to a main. Feeder Cleat. A clamp furnished with a device whereby a feeder wire may be readily connected to a trolley wire. Feeder Distribution. A feeder - and- main system of distribution. Feeder Equalizer. A resistance coil in- serted in the circuit of a feeder, with or without means for adjustment, for the purpose of equalizing the pressure at the feeding points. Feeder - Equalizer Resistance. A feeder regulator. Feeder-Equalizer Switch. An equa- lizer switch employed in feeder systems. Feeder for Trolley Conductor. A wire or conductor of low resistance employed for transmitting elec.tric pressure direotly from the power station to some distant point of the trolley wire, for the purpose of maintaining the potential at that point. Feeder-Mechanism for Arc-Lamps. An arc-lamp feeding mechanism. Feeder Panel of Switchboard. A panel of a switchboard, furnished with the necessary switches, voltmeters, ammeters, and safety devices, to which the feeder wires are connected. Feeder Plug. A metallic bolt which, when inserted in a trolley car in place of an insulated bolt, establishes connection between the trolley wire and a feeder through the span wire. Feeder Potential. (1) The electric poten- tial of any feeder relatively to ground. (2) The difference of potential between any pair of feeder conductors. Feeder Regulators. (1) Artificial re- sistances introduced into the circuit of idle feeders, so as to increase the drop of pressure existing in them. (2) A form of special transformer, whose primary is con- nected across the mains and its secondary is in series with one feeder wire, and is employed to produce a pressure which, by means of a suitable reversing switch, either aids or opposes the alternating pres- sure on the mains. (3) A term sometimes applied to boosters. Feeder Switch. Any switch placed on a feeder panel that is connected with the separate feeders and employed for the purpose of connecting or disconnecting a generator with such feeder. Feeder System. A system of distribution in which the service wires are connected by means of feeders to certain centres of distribution. Feeder Tubes. Underground tubes pro- vided for the reception of the feeder wires. Feeders. Wires supplying currents to main conductors at different points, to equalize their potential under load, as distinguished from wires supplying cur- rents directly to the load. Feeding Centre. (1) A centre of distri- bution supplied by a feeder. (2) A feed- ing point. Feeding Conductors or Wires. Feed- ers. Feeding Device or Mechanism for Electric Arc-Lamps. A device for maintaining the carbon electrodes of an arc-lamp at a constant distance apart dur- ing their consumption. Feeding Point. (1) A point of connection between a feeder and the mains. (2) A feeding centre. Fender. A device placed in front of a street car for preventing accidental in- jury to pedestrians passing in front of the moving car. Ferranti Effect. (1) An increase in the electromotive force or difference of po- tential of mains or conductors carrying alternating currents,which exists towards the end of the same furthest from the terminals that are connected with the source. (2) A negative drop in pressure. Ferric Circuit. A ferric-magnetic cir- cuit. Ferric Inductance Coil. An inductance coil provided with an iron core. Ferric Magnetic Circuit. A magnetic circuit composed wholly of iron. Ferric Path of Reluctivity. That por- tion of the flux paths through iron or other magnetic material, in which the flux passes through the metal proper, as distinguished from that which is assumed to pass through the ether lying within such material. Ferro-Magnet. A word sometimes em- ployed for an ordinary magnet made of paramagnetic material, as distinguished Fer.] 780 [Fil. from a diamagnet, or one formed of dia- magnetic material. Ferro-Magnetic. A word sometimes em- ployed for paramagnetic. Ferro-Magnetic Substances. Para- magnetic substances. Ferrp-Magnetism. Magnetism possessed by iron or other paramagnetic substances. Ferro-Manganese Alloys. Various al- loys employed for the wires of resistance coils, whose electric resistance is not sen- sibly affected by changes of temperature. Fibre Suspension. Suspension of a needle or other system by a fibre of un- spun silk, quartz or other suitable ma- terial. Fibrone. A variety of insulating ma- terial. Fictive Layers. Layers in a dielectric possessing equipotential surfaces due to the accumulation of charges insufficient to produce a constant potential within the dielectric, but, nevertheless, capable of modifying its potential. Fiducial Point. (1) A fixed point or refer- ence point in the scale or indications of a galvanometer or other measuring in- strument. (2) A temporary zero point. Field. (1) A term sometimes used for a magnetic field. (2) A term sometimes used for an electrostatic field. Field Coils. The field-magnet coils of a dynamo-electric machine or motor. Field, Electric. A term sometimes used in place of electrostatic field. Field Frequency. The frequency of revolution in a rotating magnetic-field. Field-Magnet Coils. The magnetizing coils on the field magnets of a dynamo or motor. Field-Magnet Regulating Box. (1) The field regulating box. (2) A resistance box inserted in the circuit of the field magnets. Field Magnets. The magnets which pro- duce the magnetic field or flux in which the armature of a dynamo or motor ro- tates. Field of Force. (1) The space traversed by electrostatic or magnetic flux. (2) An electrostatic or magnetic field. Field of Vortex Ring. The field of in- fluence possessed by a vortex ring. Field Poles. The poles of the field mag- nets of a dynamo or motor. Field-Regulating Box.; (1) A resistance box, inserted in series with the field mag- net coils, for the purpose of varying the strength of the magnetizing current. (2) A regulating box or rheostat connected with the field circuit of a generator, for the purpose of controlling its pressure. Field Rheostat. A field-regulating box. Field Spools of Dynamo or Motor. The magnetizing coils of the field-mag- nets of a dynamo or motor. Field Strength. The magnetic intensity of a field. Field Telegraph Line. A semi-perma- nent telegraph line employed in army telegraphy, connecting headquarters with the divisional generals, and such other stations as may be required. Field Windings of Induction Motor. Field windings so arranged as to produce a rotating magnetic field when supplied by multiphase or uniphase currents. Fieldless Motor. A form of motor in which the torque is obtained by the mu- tual attraction of separate armatures. Figure-of-Eight Wire. A trolley wire whose cross-section resembles in outline the figure 8. Figure of Merit of Galvanometer. The reciprocal of the current strength re- quired to produce a deflection of a gal- vanometer needle through one division of the scale. Figures, Electric. Figures of various shapes produced on electrified surfaces by the arrangement of dust particles, or vapor vesicles, under the influence of elec- tric charges. Filament. A slender thread or fibre. Filament of Incandescent Lamp. The incandescing conductor of an incandes- cent electric lamp. Filament Shadows. Markings produced on the inner surface of an incandescent lamp chamber by the deposition thereon of carbon from the filament. Filamentous Armature Core. A lam- inated armature core formed of iron wire. Filar Micrometer. A micrometer ocular in which an angular or linear distance is measured by the movement of a fibre across the field of view, under the control of a screw adjustment. Film. (1) A thin pelicle or layer. (2) A name sometimes given to an electro-plat- ing or deposit. Film Cut-Out. (1) A cut-out in which a film or sheet of paper, or mica, is inter- posed between a line plate and the earth plate, which, when punctured by a spark, short-circuits the instruments on the Fil.] 781 [Fiv. line. (2) A cut-out for a series incan- descent lamp, in which a film of paper or other insulator is interposed between the lamp terminals, so that when the filament breaks, the pressure rises at the termi- nals, and both punctures and short cir- cuits the film, thus cutting out the broken lamp. Film Lightning-Arrester. A film-cut- out lightning-arrester. Filter Pump. A pump employed for in- creasing the rapidity of filtration of a liquid by atmospheric pressure. Filtration. The separation of a liquid from an undissolved solid or solids me- chanically suspended therein. Final Cable Test. (1) The test made after a cable is laid, to ascertain if the electrical specifications have been met. Final Cable Splice. (1) The splice in a cable which completes it. (2) The last splice. Finding Earth. In telegraphy, making earth. Finishing Brushes. In electro-plating, finer brushes than scratch brushes, em- ployed for polishing. Fire-Alarm Annunciator. An annun- ciator used in connection with a system of fire alarms. Fire-Alarm Contact. A contact so ar- ranged that an alarm is automatically given when a predetermined temperature is reached. Fire-Alarm Signal-Box. A signal box placed in a street, or other convenient position, by means of which an alarm of fire can be sent. Fire-Alarm Telegraph. A general term embracing the apparatus employed in fire-alarm telegraphy. Fire-Alarm Telegraphy. A system of telegraphy by means of which alarms can be sent to a central station, or to the fire- engine houses in a district, from call-boxes placed on the line, or from automatic fire- alarm contacts. Fire Ball. A term sometimes applied to globular lightning. Fire Cleansing. Removing grease by the action of fire from articles that are to be electro-plated. Fire Extinguisher, Electric. A ther- mostat or mercurial contact, which auto- matically completes a circuit and thus turns on a water jet for extinguishing a fire, on a certain predetermined increase of temperature. Fire-Fly Radiation. Any form of lumi- nous radiation containing a small propor- tion of non-luminous frequencies, and, in this respect, similar to the radiation of the fire-fly or glow-worm. Fire-Glow. A term employed by the an- cients for an aurora. Fire Telegraph. A fire-alarm telegraph. Firing Battery. A battery employed in mining, in military, or in naval opera- tions for firing a fuse. Firing Filament. (1) Subjecting suitably shaped carbonizable material to the car- bonizing process, so as to prepare it for use as the filament of an incandescent lamp. (2) Carbonizing a filament. Firing Rheostat. A rheostat in the firing circuit of a fuse detonator. Fish Plate. In a system of electric rail- roads, the plate connecting contiguous rails by bolts. Fished Wires. Wires that have been in- troduced into ducts by the application of the fishing process. Fishes, Electric. Various fishes, such as the eel and the ray, which possess the ability of either protecting themselves, or securing their prey, by giving electric shocks to the objects touching them. Fishing Box. A term sometimes used for junction box. Fishing Conductors. The process of threading conductors through the spaces left for them in floors, walls, tubes, or conduits by securing their ends to the end of a convenient length of wire and hauling the latter through in advance. Fishing Process. The process employed for the fishing of wires. Fishing of Wires. The process of draw- ing a wire into its place in a building through floors, walls, or ceilings by placing a wire in a hole at one end and engaging it by a hook from the other, so as to draw it through. Fiske's Electric Range-Finder. A de- vice by means of which the distance of an object can be readily obtained. Fiske's Electric Range-Finder . A de- vice by means of which the exact distance of an enemy's ship or other target can be readily determined. Fittings. {!) The sockets, holders, arms, etc., required for holding and supporting incandescent electric lamps. (2) Incan- descent light fixtures. Five-Point Jack. In a multiple tele- phone switchboard, a jack having five separate contact points. Fiv.] 782 [Fie, Piye-Point Branching Jacks. In a mul- tiple telephone branching switchboard, five-point jacks connected in parallel to a subscriber's line. Five- Wire System. A system, similar in its arrangement to the three-wire sys- tem, in which four series-connected dy- namos are suitably connected to five wires or conductors. Fixed Call-Boxes. District call-boxes so arranged with burglar-alarm circuits, that the alarm is sent to the district station connected therewith. Fixed Electric Lamp. A stationary in- candescent lamp as distinguished from a portable lamp. Fixed Resistance. A resistance whose value is approximately constant, as dis- tinguished from a regulable resistance. Fixed Secondary. The secondary of an induction coil that, as is common in such coils, is fixed, in contradistinction to a movable secondary. Fixture Cut-Out. A cut-out or safety plug attached to an electric lamp. Fixture Electric. (1) Fittings for electric light. (2) A support or electrolier for one or more incandescent lamps rigidly fas- tened to a wall or ceiling. (3) Any elec- tric apparatus forming part of a perman- ent installation. Fixture Wire. A class of insulated wire suitable for use in electric fixtures. Flag of Balance. A small arm pivoted friction-tight upon the movable coils of an electro-dynamometer balance, and capable of adjustment for the purpose of obtaining a correct initial balance. Flag Signalling. A system of semaphoric signalling in which a light flag, held in the hand, is waved to the left for the dots, and to the right for the dashes, of the Morse or Continental Code. Flake of Cable. A single horizontal layer of a coiled cable. Flame. A mass of imflammable gas in a state of combustion. Flaming Discharge. The white, flam- ing, arc-light discharge that occurs be- tween the terminals of a high-frequency, high-potential induction coil, when the current through the primary is increased in strength beyond that required for the sensitive-thread discharge. Flaming of Carbon Arc. An irregular burning of a voltaic arc, which occurs when the carbons are too far apart, and the current strength somewhat exceeds the normal. Flash Signalling. A method of sema phoric signalling by means of a lantern, or torch. Flashed Carbon Filaments. Carbon filaments that have been subjected to the flashing process. Flashing. Subjecting carbons to the flashing process. Flashing Lights. (1) Lights employed in light -house illumination, that are periodically shaded, so as to produce an intermittence of the light, and thus to permit such light to be readily distin- guished from adjacent lights. (2) Any light whose intensity is periodically in- termitted. Flashing of Dynamo - Electric Ma- chine. A name given to long flashing sparks at the commutator of a dynamo, due to the short-circuiting of the external circuit at the commutator. Flashing Process for Carbon Fila- ments. A process for improving the electrical homogeneity of carbon fila- ments by the deposit of carbon in their pores and over their surfaces, by exposing the filaments to a gradually increasing electrical incandescence, while surround- ed by a carbonaceous gas or liquid. Flat Board. A multiple telephone- switchboard whose surface lies in a hor- izontal plane, as distinguished from a vertical board. Flat Cable. A cable the separate con- ductors of which are laid up side-by-side, so as to form a flat-conductor. Flat Commutator-Segment. A com- mutator segment that has, through wear or otherwise, acquired a flat surface. Flat Duplex-Cable. A flat cable con- taining two separate conductors which are laid up side-by-side. Flat-Iron, Electric. An electrically heated flat-iron. Flat-Ring Armature. An armature whose core has the shape of a short cylin- drical ring. Flats. Those parts of commutator seg- ments, the surfaces of which, through wear or otherwise, have become lower than the other portions. Fleeting Knife of Cable Gear. The adjustable guide on the drum of a cable machine, which leads the cable to the sur- face of the drum. Flexible. Capable of being readily flexed or bent. Flexible Cable. A stranded cable, of one which can be readily flexed or bent. Fie.] 783 [Flu. Flexible Conduit-System. A system of conduits for underground wires, so constructed that the conductors or cables it is to cozitain can be introduced at any time after its completion. Flexible Electric Heater. An electric heater made of flexible material, so as to permit its local application to different parts of the body. Flexible Electric-Light Pendant. A pendant for an incandescent lamp, formed by its flexible supporting conduc- tors. Flexible Lamp-Cord. (1) A flexible cord provided for supporting an incandescent lamp. (2) A flexible cord maintaining electric connection with a semi-portable incandescent lamp. Flexible Lead. A conductor that is stranded for the purpose of obtaining flexibility. Flexible Twin-Lead. A lead containing two separate parallel stranded conduc- tors. Float Dynamometer. A dynamometer for measuring the mechanical activity of a dynamo or motor in which the machine is supported in a floating cradle and con- nected to its driver or load through a flex- ible coupling. Floor-Contact. A contact placed on the floor and arranged so as to be readily operated by the foot. Floor Push. A form of floor contact. Flow. (1) The quantity of liquid escaping from an orifice in a given time. (2) The quantity of a fluid that flows past a given point in a given time. Flow, Electric. Electric current. Flow of Energy. The transmission of energy through the medium or dielectric surrounding a conductor, now regarded as causing the current of electricity which was formerly assumed to flow through the conductor. Flow Of Electrostatic Flux. The trans- ference of electrostatic flux which con- stitutes, in reality, the so-called flow of electric current through a conductor. Flow of Heat. The quantity of heat which passes through a thermal conductor when subjected to a certain difference of temperature. Flow of Magnetic Flux. (1) The quan- tityof magnetic flux which passes through any magnetic circuit, under a given mag- neto-motive force, against a given mag- netic reluctance. (2) The time-rate of change of magnetic flux through a mag- netic circuit. Flow of Magnetic Induction. The transmission of magnetic flux from one point of a magnetic circuit to another. Fluctuating Electromotive Force or Current. An electromotive force or current which varies periodically in mag- nitude. Fluid. (1) Any substance which readily flows. (2) A liquid or a gaseous sub- stance. Fluid Depolarizer. A fluid substance employed in a voltaic cell as a depolar- izer. Fluid, Electric. Either of the assumed fluids which were formerly believed to be the cause of electric excitement. Fluid Insulator. An oil insulator. Fluidity. Possessing the properties of fluids. Fluorimeter. A fluoroscope. Fluoresce. To become luminous when exposed to radiant energy. Fluorescence. The property possessed by certain solid and liquid substances of becoming luminous when exposed to radiant energy. Fluorescent. Possessing the capability of fluorescing. Fluorescent Screen. A screen covered with fluorescent materials. Fluorescing. Emitting fluorescent light. Fluorograph, Electric. A visible X-ray picture obtained on a fluorescent screen. Fluoroscopic Examination. An X-ray examination of the human body by means of a fluorescent screen. Fluoroscopic Screen. A screen covered with fluorescent material, and used in connection with the X-rays for fluoro- scopic examination. Fluoroscopy. The art of examining the body by X-rays in connection with a fluoroscopic screen. Flush. Box. A box or space, flush with the surface of a roadbed, provided, in a system of underground wires or conduits, to facilitate the introduction of a con- ductor into the conduit, or the examina- tions of the conductors. Flush Key-Switch. A key switch that is flush with, or does not project beyond, the surface of the wall in which it is placed. Flush of Current of Arc-Lamp. The current that flows into an arc-lamp on starting, and which greatly exceeds in strength that which flows after the normal arc has been established. .Flu.] 784 [Foo. Plush Plate. A plate on which flush push-buttons are mounted. Plush Push. A push the upper surface of whose button or buttons are flush with the surface of the wall or plate in which it is placed. Plush Switch. Any switch sunk in a wall, so that its plane outer surface is flush with the surface of the wall. Fluviograph, Electric. An apparatus for electrically registering the varying height of water in a tidal stream, or in the ocean, or, in general, for any differ- ences of water level. Flux. (1) Magnetic or electric flux. (2) A surface integral of a vector quantity. Plux Density. The quantity of magnetic flux per unit of area of normal cross- section. Plux Density per-Square-Centimetre or per-Square-Inch. The quantity of magnetic flux passing through a circuit per square inch or square centimetre of area of normal cross-section. Plux of Displacement. The surface in- tegral of electric displacement passing through a closed curve. Plux, Electric. Electrostatic flux. Plux Horn. A term proposed for the leading horn or polar edge of a generator which supplies the magnetic flux neces- sary for reversing the current in the armature coil under commutation. Plux Intensity. (1) The density of a flux. (2) The surface density of a vector quantity at a point. Plux Leakage. Any failure of flux to pass through its proper receptive device. Plux Lines of Electrostatic Force. The lines or paths traversed by electro- static force. Plux of Heat. The flow of heat per unit of time through a given area. Plux of Light. (1) The total quantity of light emitted through a given area by a luminous source. (2) The total quantity of light emitted from a point source. Plux of Magnetic Induction. The flow of magnetic induction. Plux of Magnetism. (1) The flow of magnetic induction. (2) The surface in- tegral of magnetic induction through a given surface. Plux Oscillations. Oscillations in the intensity of electrostatic or of magnetic flux. Plux Phase. The phase of a simple-har- monic magnetic flux. Ply or Flyer, Electric. A light wire wheel provided with pointed radial arms, which is set into rapid rotation by the escape of convection streams from its points, when connected with a charged body. Plying Break of Armature Conductor. A discontinuity in an armature wire that can only be detected when the armature is rotating, owing to the influence of centrifgual force. Plying Soundings. Approximate sound- ings, in depths not exceeding two hundred fathoms, obtained without decreasing the speed of the ship below five or six knots per hour. Pocal Length. (1) The distance of a focus from a lens. (2) When not otherwise specified, the principal focal length of a lens or mirror. (3) The distance from the optical centre of a mirror or lens at which parallel rays are brought to a focus. Pocometer. An apparatus for readily de- termining the focus of a lens or optical combination. Focus. A point before or back of a mir- ror or lens, where all the rays of light coming from the lens or mirror either meet, or seem to meet. Focusing. Altering the distance between an object, and a lens or mirror, in order to obtain a sharp image of the object. Focusing Arc-Lamp. An arc-lamp de- signed for use in connection witli a re- flector or lens, whose mechanism feeds both carbons, and so permits the arc to be maintained at the focus of the reflector or lens. Fog, Electric. A dense fog which some- times occurs when there is an unusually large quantity of free electricity in the atmosphere. Foiled Conductor. A term applied to a conductor whose insulating coating is covered by a thin coating or layer of tin foil or lead. Following Edges of Pole-Pieces of Motor. Those edges of the pole-pieces of a motor which the armature is leaving. Following Horns of Pole-Pieces or Dynamo. Those edges or terminals of the pole-pieces of a dynamo which the armature is leaving. Foot-Candle. A unit of illumination equal to the normal illumination pro- duced by a standard candle at the dis* tance of one foot. Foot-Grain. A standard for comparing the resistances of wires at a given tern- Too.] 785 [Foil. perature, the length of the wire being one foot, and its weight one grain. Foot-Pound. <1) A unit of work. (2) The amount of work required to raise one pound vertically through a distance of a foot. Foot-Pound-per-Second.-^-{l) A unit of activity. (2) A rate-of -doing-work equal to the expenditure of one foot-pound per second. Foot-Switch. A switch capable of being readily operated by the foot. Force. Anything which changes or tends to change the condition of rest or motion in a body. Force, Electric. The force exerted be- tween electrostatic charges. Force of Field. The force in a magnetic or electric field independent of the im- pressed magnetic or electric force. Force of Flux. The total magnetic or electric force in a magnetic or electric field, as distinguished from the impressed magnetic or electric forces or from the force of a field. Force Pump. A pump provided with a solid piston, and employed for raising liquids through greater vertical heights than that through which such liquids could be raised directly by atmospheric pressure. Forced Electromagnetic Vibrations. Electro-magnetic vibrations that are set up in a system independently of its elec- tro-magnetic dimensions. Forced Vibrations. A term employed for vibrations set up in a body independ- ently of its nature and form, and other than the free vibrations which the body would acquire, if disturbed and then left to itself. Forge, Electric. A forge in which the metal to be operated on is electrically heated. for Trolley Wheel. The mechan- ism which connects the trolley wheel to the trolley pole. Forked Circuits. (1)A term used in teleg- raphy for a number of circuits that ra- diate from a given central point. (2) In telegraphy, a circuit which divides into two branches, thus connecting three ter- minal stations. Forked Lightning. A variety of light- ning flash, in which the discharge, on meeting the earth or other object, divides into two or more branches. Form Factor of Alternating-Current Curve. A factor equal to the square 50 root of the mean square divided by the true mean value of the alternating electro- motive force or current. Formal Inductance of Circuit. That part of the counter-electromotive force of a circuit which depends on the form of the circuit. Formed Armature- Windings. Arma- ture coils that are wrapped on a suitable form and afterwards placed on the arma- ture core. Formed Plates of Secondary Cell. Plates that have been submitted to the forming process. Formers. The forms employed in obtain- ing formed armature or other windings. Forming Block. A block for holding the jack connections of a set or row in a mul- tiple telephone switchboard, for conveni- ence in soldering their contacts with cable conductors, before inserting the set in the switchboard panel. Forming Storage - Battery Plates. Obtaining thick coatings of peroxide of lead and of spongy lead respectively, on the lead plates of a storage battery, by repeatedly sending the charging current between them in alternately opposite directions, while immersed in dilute sul- phuric acid. Formulae. Mathematical expressions for some general law, rule, or principle. Forward Induction. An induction in the field of a motor or dynamo, in which the current in the armature coils produces an induction which assists the field, in centra-distinction to the back induction, which opposes the field. Forward Lead of Dynamo Brushes. A displacement of the brushes on the commutator of a dynamo in the direction of rotation of the armature. Forward Pitch of Armature Winding. A pitch which is always directed right- handedly, or clockwise, when viewed from the commutator side. Forward Waves. In a closed-current circuit supplied by a dynamo giving a harmonic-alternating electromotive force, the wave of induced potential that is as- sumed to travel through the circuit, from the positive pole of the dynamo to its negative pole. Foucault Currents. (1) A name some- times applied to eddy currents, especially when in armature cores. (2) Useless cur- rents developed in a conducting mass, through which varying magnetic flux is moving. Fou.] 786 [Fre. Foucault Losses. Losses of energy in a dynamo or motor, due to Foucault cur- rents. Foundation Trench. A trench dug to receive the masonry employed in a foun- dation. Fountain, Electric. A fountain oper- ated by electric motors, provided with a variety of jets that are electrically illu- mined by different colored lights. Fountain Projector. An arc-light pro- jector employed in illumining the jets of an electric fountain. Four-Conductor Cord. A flexible oord containing four separate insulated con- ductors. Four-Pole Switch. (1) A switch em- ployed for making or breaking four con- tacts. (2) A switch employed to open or close a pair of diphase circuits. (3) A double double-pole switch for diphase cir- cuits, one double-pole switch being pro- vided for each circuit. Fourier's Series. A series of sines or of cosines of multiple arcs. Four-Piece Electro-Magnet. An elec- tro-magnet -constructed in four pieces ; namely, two cores, a yoke and an arma- ture. Four-Point Switch. (1) A switch whose circuit can be completed through four points, either singly, or simultaneously. (2) A four-pole switch. Four-Pole Dynamo-Electric Machine. A dynamo-electric machine whose mag- netic field is produced by four magnet poles. Four-Speed Regulator. A regulator provided with a motor by which four dif- ferent speeds can be obtained. Four- Way Splice-Box. A splice-box provided with four ways or tubular con- duits. Four- Way Switch. A four-point switch. Four - Wire Diphase - Circuit. A di- phase circuit, employing four wires in contradistinction to a three-wire diphase circuit. Four- Wire System. A system similar in its general arrangement to the three- wire system, in which three dynamos are connected to four wires or conductors. Four- Wire Transmission. A system of electric transmission employing four con- ductors. Fourth State or Condition of Matter. The ultra-gaseous or radiant condition of matter Fractional Distillation. (1) A method adopted for the separation of two or more liquids in solution, by first raising the liquid to the boiling point of the most volatile liquid, and retaining that temper- ature until all that liquid is evaporated, and then raising the temperature to that of the next most volatile liquid, and so on throughout. (2) The successive separa- tion by distillation of liquids that volatil- ize at different temperatures. Fractional Electrolysis. Successive electrolysis of different substances by gradually raising the E. M. F. Fracture of Cable. A parting or rupt- ure of a submarine cable. Frame of Dynamo or Motor. A dy- namo or motor frame. Franklinic Alternating E. M. F.'s. Alternating - electromotive forces ob- tained by means of a frictional or electro- static-induction machine. Franklinic Currents. The currents pro- duced by a frictional or electrostatic-in- duction machine. Franklinic Electricity. A term some- times employed in electro-therapeutics for the electricity produced by a frictional or electrostatic-induction machine. , I Franklinism. A word sometimes em- ployed for franklinization. Franklinization. A term employed in medical electricity for electrization by means of a frictional machine, as distin- guished from faradization or electrization, by means of an induction-coil. Franklin's Kite. The kite employed by Franklin in demonstrating the identity of lightning and electricity. Fraunhofer's Dark Lines. Spaces in the otherwise continuous spectrum of the sun where certain frequencies are absent. Free Charge. The condition of an elec- tric charge on a conductor isolated from other conductors. Free Ether. A term sometimes em- ployed for the ether that exists in the inter-planetary spaces, as distinguished from the inter-molecular or inter-atomic ether. Free Electricity. (1) In the old double- fluid hypothesis, a term employed for either the positive or the negative electricity when it is freed from the in- fluence of the other. (2) A term some- times employed for a charge on an insu- lated conductor that is isolated from other conductors. (3) A term sometimes employed for the electricity contained in a free charge. Fre.J 787 [Ful. Free Insulated. The condition of a tele- graph wire when it is disconnected from its apparatus and left insulated. Free Magnet Pole^ A pole in a piece of iron or other paramagnetic substance which acts as if it existed as one magnetic pole only. Free Magnetism. (1) In the theory of magnetic matter, magnetism resident upon the polar surface of a magnet and not neutralized by opposite polarity. (2) That portion of the imaginary magnetic matter of a magnet that is distributed over the surface of the magnet. Free Path. That path of a gaseous mol- ecule in which it does not collide or strike against another molecule. Free Vibrations. Vibrations dependent on the elasticity and shape of a body ac- quired when the body is acted on by a disturbing force and then left to itself. Freezing. Congealing or assuming the solid state by loss of heat. Freezing Mixtures. Various mixtures, such as salt and ice, which melt or dis- solve on being mixed, and thus absorb sensible heat from themselves, or from surrounding substances. Freezing of Shaft in Bearing. The fix- ing of a shaft in its bearing by the lique- fication and subsequent cooling of its anti-friction metal. Freezing Point. The point of congela- tion of a liquid. French Measures and Weights. A system of measures and weights em- ployed generally in physical science, based on the metre as the unit of length, and the gramme as the unit of weight. French Standard Candle. The bougie- decimale or the twentieth part of a Violle. Frequency of Alternation. (1) The number of cycles or periods executed by an alternating current in unit time. (2) The periodicity. (3) The number of alternations or half -cycles executed by an alternating current in a second or in a minute. Frequency Setter. In an alternating- current circuit having induction ma- chines, an alternator which supplies them with a definite frequency. Frequency Teller. A device for deter- mining the frequency of an alternating current. Friable. Easily crumbled or pulverized. Friction. Resistance to the sliding or rolling motion of one body over another. Friction Brake. (1) A Prony brake. (2) Any form of brake dependent for its operation on friction. Fringe of Lines of Force. A term some- times used for fringe of magnetic field. Friction, Electric. A term sometimei employed for electric resistance. Frictional Electric Machine. A ma- chine for the development of electricity by friction. Frictional Electricity. The electricity developed by friction. Frictional Torque. (1) Torque developed by friction. (2) In a motor the torque necessary to exert on the armature in order to overcome its friction. Fringe of Magnetic Field. The lateral extension or diffusion of magnetic flux from the edge of a pole piece whereby the field is not restricted to the space covered by the pole, but extends with diminishing intensity to a greater area. Frog. (1) A metallic guide placed on one side of a single track, where a car has to be driven from one track to another, so as to guide the car in the required direction. (2) A grooved piece of metal, serving as a guide, at the intersection of two rails in a track-crossing. (3) A trolley frog. Front Door Pull. A circuit-closing de- vice operated by a pull at a front. Front Stop of Key. A stop placed on the front of a telegraphic key in order to re- strict its motion in a downward direction. Frost Alarm. An electric alarm sounded or set in operation by means of a mechan- ism operated by a fall of temperature to or below the freezing point of water. Frying of Arc. The frying sound .that accompanies a voltaic arc when the car- bons are too near together. Fulgurite. A tube of vitrified sand be- lieved to be formed by a lightning dis- charge into the ground. Full Battery. A complete battery em- ployed in the quadruplex system, as dis- tinguished from a reduced battery. Full Contact. A complete contact. . Full Load. (1) An entire load. (2) The maximum load which a machine is de- signed to carry permanently. Full-Load Current. The current of maximum load of a source or station. Full-Load Efficiency of Motor. The efficiency of a motor when operating at full load. Full-Load Efficiency of Transformer. The efficiency of a transformer, or the ratio of the power yielded at secondary Ful.] 788 [Gal. terminals to the power absorbed at pri- mary terminals, when operating at full load. Full Metallic -Contact. A contact which, from its small resistance, estab- lishes a complete connection. Fuller Voltaic Cell. A zinc-carbon cou- Ele immersed in a solution of electropoion quid and provided with a layer of mer- cury around the lower part of the zinc. Fulminate. A name given to a class of highly explosive compounds. Fundamental Frequency. The nominal or lowest frequency of a complex har- monic electromotive force, flux or current. Fundamental Tone. The lowest or dom- inant tone, or that on which the pitch of a musical note is dependent. Fundamental Units. (1) The units of length, time, and mass, to which all other quantities can be referred. (2) Units of length, time, and mass, as distinguished from their derivations, or derived units. Furnace, Electric. A furnace in which electrically generated heat is employed for effecting difficult fusions, for the extraction of metals from their ores, or for other metallurgical operations. Fuse Block. A block containing a safety fuse or fuses. Fuse Board. A board of slate, or other infusible material, on which the safety fuses in a given installation are assem- bled. Fuse Box. (1) A box containing a safety fuse. (2) A box containing fuse wires. Fuse Carrier. A fuse block. Fuse, Electric. (1) A device for elec- trically igniting a charge of powder, by the heat generated in a small strip, wire or mass of poorly conducting material. (2) A safety wire or catch. Fuse Holder. A device for holding or protecting a safety fuse. Fuse Links. Strips or plates of fusible metal in the form of links employed for safety fuses. Fuse Panel. A panel in a switchboard provided for the support of safety fuses. Fuse Ribbons, Strips, or Wires. Ma- terial for safety fuses in the form of ru> bons, strips, or wires. Fused Electrolytic Bath. An electroly- tic bath in which the electrolyte is main- tained in a state of fusion during elec- trolysis by means of heat. Fusible Arrester. A safety catch. Fusible Plug. A term sometimes applied to a safety plug. Fusible Protector. A safety fuse which acts as a line protector. Fusing Current. A term sometimes ap- plied to the current which causes a fuse to blow or melt. G g. (1) An abbreviation or symbol for the gravitation constant, or the force with which the earth acts upon unit mass at any locality. (2) An abbreviation proposed for gramme, the unit of mass in physical in- vestigations. g. In telegraphy, an abbreviation for " go ahead." g. cm 2 . An abbreviation proposed for the gramme centimetre-squared, the centi- metre-gramme-second unit of moment of inertia. G. M. D. A contraction for geometrical mean distance. G. M. T. A contraction for Greenwich mean time, the standard time used in submarine telegraphy. G. P. A contraction for gutta-percha. Gain Plate of Copper Voltameter. The plate of a copper voltameter that increases in weight due to the deposition on it of metallic copper. Gains. The spaces cut in the faces of tel- egraph poles for the support and placing of the cross arms. Galvanic Adapter. An apparatus for obtaining from an electric light circuit feeble continuous currents such as are used in electro-therapeutic applications. Galvanic Arc. A term sometimes used for a voltaic arc. (Not in general use.) Galvanic Battery. An unadvisable term sometimes used in place of voltaic battery. Galvanic Cabinet. A suitably shaped box provided with a voltaic battery and all the accessories necessary for its use in electro-therapy. Galvanic Cautery. A term sometimes used in place of electric cautery. Galvanic Cell. A name sometimes used in place of voltaic cell. Galvanic Chain. A galvanic circuit. Gal.] 789 [Gal. Galvanic Circle. A term sometimes used for galvanic circuit. Galvanic Circuit. A name sometimes used for voltaic circuit. Galvanic Couple. A name sometimes given to a voltaic couple. Galvanic Dosage. A name sometimes given to electro-therapeutic dosage. Galvanic Electricity. A.n unadvisable term sometimes used in place of voltaic eler tricity. Galvanic Etching. A term sometimes used for electric engraving. Galvanic Excitability. A term some- times used for electric excitability of nerv- ous or muscular fibre. Galvanic Induction. A term sometimes used for voltaic induction. Galvanic Irritability. Muscular con- tractions produced by the action of vol- taic currents. Galvanic Multiplier. A term formerly applied to a galvanometer. Galvanic Polarization. A term some- times applied to the polarization of a vol- taic cell. Galvanic Ring. A term sometimes ap- plied to a voltaic circuit. Galvanic Taste. The sensation of taste produced when a voltaic current is passed through the tongue. Galvanism. An inelegant term some- times employed to express the effects pro- duced by voltaic electricity. Galvanist. One skilled in the art of gal- vanism. (Obsolete.) Galvanized. (1) Subjected to the influ- ence of galvanism. (2) Covered with a coating of zinc by immersion in a bath of molten zinc. Galvanized Iron. Iron coated with zinc. Galvanized Iron Wire. A zinc-coated iron wire. Galvanizing. (1) Covering iron with an adherent coating of zinc by dipping it in a bath of molten metal. (2) Subject- ing a nerve or muscle to the action of gal- Galvanizing Wire. Covering wire with a coating of zinc by dipping it in a bath of molten metal. Galvano. A word sometimes used in place of electro, either for an electro-type or for an article reproduced in copper by electro- metallurgy. Galvano-Caustic Loop. (1) A loop of platinum wire suitably supported, so as to be shortened at will, and employed for re- moving diseased growths by drawing it, while heated to electric incandescence, through the parts to be removed. (2) An electric cautery. Galvano-Caustics. A term sometimes employed for the destruction of diseased tissues by electrolysis. Galvano-Causty. A term sometimes em- ployed for galvano-cautery. Galvano-Cautery. An electric cautery. Galvano-Electric Cautery. An electric cautery. Galvano-Faradization. (1) In electro- therapeutics, the simultaneous excitation of a nerve or muscle, by both a voltaic and a faradic current. (2) A pulsating, con- tinuous current. Galvanoglyphy. A word proposed for the process of producing an electro-type. (Not in use.) Galvanography . The process of building up a picture in colored varnish, whose varying thickness gives the necessary gra- dations of light and shade ; subsequently black-leading the picture, and depositing a layer of copper by electro-plating, and employing the finished picture as an en- graved plate for printing. Galvano-Magnet. A word sometimes used for electro-magnet. (Not in use.) Galvano-Magnetic. A word proposed for electro-magnetic. (Not in use.) Galvano-Magnetism. A word proposed for electro-magnetism. (Not in use.) Galvanometer. (1) An apparatus for measuring the strength of an electric current by the deflection of a magnetic needle. (2) A current measurer. Galvanometer Constant. (1) The con- stant of calibration of the galvanometer scale. (2) The numerical factor connect- ing a current passing through a galvan- ometer with the deflection produced by such current. (3) The value of one divi- sion of the galvanometer scale in terms of resistance or current strength. Galvanometer Shunt. A shunt placed around a sensitive galvanometer in order to protect it from the effects of a strong current, or for reducing its sensibility. Galvanometer Switch. A switch em- ployed with a dynamo balance-galvan- ometer. Galvanometer Voltmeter. Any form of galvanometer arranged so as to readily measure a difference of potential. Galvanometric. Of or pertaining to a galvanometer. Gal.] 790 [Gea. Galvanometrical. Of or pertaining to a gal vanometer. Galvanometrically. In the manner of a galvanometer. Galvanometry . The determination of the current strength by means of a galvan- ometer. Galvano-Plastic Adhesion. Adhesion to surfaces produced by a galvano-plastic deposit between them. Galvano-Plastic Bath. A plating bath. Galvano-Plastic Matrix. A mould in which a galvano-plastic deposit is made. Galvano-Plastic Soldering. Uniting two metallic surfaces by a metallurgical deposit. Galvano-Plastics. (1) A term some- times employed for eleotrotyping, or for producing an electrolytic deposit suffi- ciently thick to permit of its ready sep- aration from the object on which it has been deposited. (2) Literally, the cold moulding or shaping of metals by electro- typing. Galvano-Plasty. Galvano-plastics. Galvano-Puncture. A term sometimes used for electro-puncture. Galvanoscope. (1) A galvanometer in- tended to show the existence of a current rather than to measure its strength. (1) A crude or simple form of galvanometer. Galvanoscopic Prog. The hind legs of a recently killed frog, employed as an electroscope or galvanoscope, by sending electric currents from the nerves to the muscles. Galvano-Therapeutics. An objection- able term sometimes employed for elec- tro-therapeutics. Galvano-Thermal Cautery A term sometimes used for electric cautery. GalvanotomiS. A term proposed for the state of tetanus produced in a muscle that has been over-stimulated electrically. Galvanotropism. Movements produced in living organisms by the passage of electricity through them. Gap Space. The air-gap or entrefer. Gap Wire Gauge. A form of wire gauge in which a gap or set of gaps is left in a plate of metal which may be bridged or filled by the wire to be measured. Gas Battery. A battery formed of gas cells. Gas-Burner, Electric. An electric gas- burner that can be electrically turned on and lighted, or electrically lighted after it has been turned on by hand. Gas Cell. A voltaic couple formed of metals in the presence of gases instead of solids as usual. Gas Engine. An engine whose motive power is derived from the heat of burning gas. Gas-Flame Photometric-Standard. A gas-jet photometer. Gas- Jet Photometer. A photometer in which the standard of light is a gas jet burning with or without a diaphragm at a definite height under standard conditions of volume and pressure. Gas-Lighting, Electric. The electric ignition of a gas jet from a distance. Gas-Lighting Torch. A gas-lighting ap- pliance, consisting of the combination of a portable voltaic battery and a spark coil. Gas Polarization. A term sometimes employed for that form of polarization which is due to the collection of hydrogen gas on the negative plate of a voltaic cell. Gas Voltameter. A voltameter whose indications are based on the volume of gas liberated at a fixed pressure and temperature. Gassing. The evolution of gas from the plates of a secondary or storage battery. Gastroscope, Electric. An electric ap- paratus for the illumination and inspec- tion of the human stomach. Gastroscopy. The examination of the stomach by the gastroscope. Gauge, Electric. Any form of portable galvanometer suitable for ordinary test- ing work. Gauss. (1) The name proposed in 1894 by the American Institute of Electrical En- gineers for the C. G. S. unit of magnetic flux density. (2) A unit o'f intensity of magnetic flux, equal to one C. G. S. unit of magnetic flux per-square-centi metre of area of normal cross-section. (3) A name proposed for the C. G. S. unit of magnetic potential or magnetomotive force by the British Association in 1895. Gaussage. (1) The value of the magnetic intensity in gausses. (2) A name proposed for the value of the M. M. F. in gausses. Gauze Brushes for Dynamo or Motor. Dynamo or motor brushes formed of wire gauze, or of bundles of parallel plates of thin woven wire. Gear Clutch Arc-Lamp. An arc-lamp provided with a gear clutch. Gearless Car Motor. A motor whose speed is such as to permit it to be con- Oei.] 791 [Glo. nected directly, without intermediate gearing, on the car-wheel axle. Geissler Mercurial Pump. A mercurial air pump in which the exhaustion is ob- tained by the aid of a Torricellian vac- uum. Geissler Tubes. Glass tubes, provided with platinum electrodes passed through and fused into the glass, containing the residual atmospheres of gases at a com- paratively low vacuum, either with or without fluorescent liquids, or solids, or both, employed to obtain various luminous effects on the passage of electric dis- charges. General Alternating- Current Trans- former. Any form of alternating-cur- rent apparatus ift which secondary cur- rents are induced, such as an induction motor or induction generator, as well the ordinary transformer. General Faradization. A method of employing the faradic current similar to its use in general galvanization. General Galvanization. A method of employing an electric current therapeut- ically by the use of electrodes of suffi- cient size to direct the current practically through the entire body. Generator. A dynamo-electric machine. Generator Ammeter. An ammeter measuring the total current output of a generator. Generator Bus-Bars. The bus-bars which receive the total generated pressure of a number of dynamos, or of a station. Generator Panels of Switchboard. That panel or set of panels of a central- station switchboard which contains the generator bus-bars, and supports the gen- erator ammeters voltmeters and switches. Generator Switch. A switch provided for the purpose of connecting or discon- necting a generator from the bus-bars. Generator Unit. (1) A dynamo-electric generator in a central station. (2) One of a number of independent generating machines in a central station. Generator Voltmeter. A voltmeter con- nected with the circuit of a generator, and employed to measure its pressure. Geographical Equator. The great circle of the earth midway between its poles. Geographical Meridian. Any great circle of the earth passing through its poles. Geomantic Lines of Force. the lines of the earth's magnetic force. (Not in general use.) German-Silver Alloy. An alloy, em- ployed for the wires of resistance coils, usually consisting of fifty parts of copper, twenty-five of zinc and twenty-five of . nickel. Gig, Electric. An electrically propelled gig- Gilb. A name proposed for the gilbert. Gilbert. (1) A name proposed for the C. G. S. unit of magnetomotive force. (2) A unit of magnetomotive force equal to that produced by j^ of one ampere- turn. Gilbertage. The value of the magneto- motive force of a circuit expressed in gilberts. Gilding, Electric. Electro-plating with gold. Gilt Plumbago. Powdered plumbago whose conducting power for electricity has been increased by electro- plating it with gold, used for rendering non-con- ducting surfaces electrically conducting. Gimbals. Concentric rings of brass, sus- pended on pivots in a compass box, on which the compass is so supported, as to enable it to remain horizontal notwith- standing the movements of the ship. Girder Armature. An armature with an H or girder-shaped core. Girder Joint for Rail Bond. A name given to a joint in steel rails consisting of two side-clamped girders supporting a tee- bar and double clamped. Glass-Bead Hydrometer. A bead areo- meter. Glass Fuse. A fuse contained in a glass tube with metallic ends. Glass Screw Insulator. A glass in- sulator provided with an inside screw thread for attachment to the insulator pin. Globe Holder for Arc-Lamp. A sup- port provided for holding the globe of an arc-lamp. Globe Net for Arc-Lamp. A thin wire netting placed on the outside of an arc- light globe. Globe Strain - Insulators. Insulators provided for the support of the strain wires in an overhead trolley system. Globular Lightning. A rare form of lightning in which a globe of fire ap- pears quietly floating in the air for a while and then explodes with great vio- lence. Glo.] 792 [Gra. Globular Spark. An experimentally produced globular discharge obtained from a large condenser. Glow Discharge. A form of convective discharge. Glow Illumination. (1) A term pro- posed for an illumination similar to that of a glow-worm ; that is, luminous radia- tion unaccompanied by non-luminous radiation. (2) A term sometimes used for illumination by incandescent electric lamps. Glow-Lamp, Electric. (1) A lamp whose light is produced by glow illumination. (2) A term sometimes used for incandes- cent lamps. Glow- Worm Radiation. (1) The radia- tion of the glow-worm or fire-fly. (2) Ra- diation that is practically confined within the limits of the visible spectrum. Glowing of Electric Conductor. The- incandescence of an electric conductor. Glue-Pot, Electric. An electrically heat- ed glue-pot. Glyphography. The art of forming an electro-type block, whose impressions will produce relief outlines on a flat sur- face, by covering a flat copper plate with a suitable insulating material, cut- ting through the same until the copper is exposed, and then coating the surface with plumbago and electro-plating. Gnomon, Electric. A term formerly ap- plied to a variety of pith-ball electro- meter. Gold Bath. An electrolytic bath consist- ing of a readily electrolyzable solution of a gold salt, a gold plate acting as the anode and placed in the liquid opposite the object to be electroplated, which forms the cathode. Gold-Leaf Electroscope. An electro- scope in which a pair of leaves of beaten gold is employed to detect the presence of an electric charge, or to determine its character, whether positive or negative. Gold-Plating. Electroplating with gold. Gong Signalling for Railroads. A system of railroad signals employing a code dependent on the sounds produced by gongs. Good Earth. (1) Total or dead-earth. (2) An earth connection whose resistance is negligibly small. Goose-Neck Double-Pull-Off. An in- sulator with a support shaped like a goose neck provided with two points for the attachment of the strain wires and em- ployed on curves to hold the trolley wire in position. Goose - Neck Pull - Off. An insulator, with a support shaped like a goose neck, employed on curves to hold the trolley wire in position, and provided with a single point for the attachment of the strain wire. Governor, Electric. A device for elec- trically controlling the speed of a steam engine, the direction of a current in a plating bath, the speed of an electric motor, the resistance of an electric cir- cuit, the flow of a liquid or gas into or from a containing vessel, or for other similar purposes. Graded Cyclic-Magnetization. A reg- ularly expanding or contracting cylic magnetization . Graded Winding of Galvanometer. A galvanometer winding composed of more, than one size of insulated wire provided with a view to increasing the sensibility of the galvanometer, and in which the finest wire is placed nearest the axis of the coil. Gradient. (1) The increase or decrease of an elevation or quantity with reference to some constant quantity. (2) The space- rate-of -change in a quantity. Gradient, Electric. (1) The rapidity of increase or decrease of the strength of an electromotive force or current. (2) The vector space-rate of descent of electric potential at any point. Graduators. Devices, generally electro- magnetic, employed in systems of simul- taneous telegraphic and telephonic trans- mission over the same wire, so inserted in the line circuit as to gradually ob- tain the makes and breaks required in a system of telegraphic communication, so that they fail sensibly to influence the diaphragm of a telephone placed in the same circuit. Gramme. (1) A unit of mass equal to 15.43235 grains. (2) The mass of a cubic centimetre of water at the temperature of its maximum density. Gramme Armature - Winding. The winding originally employed by Gramme on the armature of his dynamo-electric machine. Gramme Atom. Such a number of grammes of any elementary substance as is numerically equal to the atomic weight of that substance. Gramme-Calorie. (1) The amount of heat required to raise a gramme of water one degree Centigrade. (2) The gramme- degree-Centigrade. Gra.J 793 [Gro. Gramme Equivalent. Such a number of grammes of any substance as is nu- merically equal to the electro-chemical equivalent of that substance. Gramme Molecule. A weight of any substance, taken in grammes, numerical- ly equal to its molecular weight. Gramme-Ring Transformer. (1) A transformer whose primary and secondary coils are placed on a closed iron ring. (2) A transformer resembling a Gramme-ring armature. Gramaphone. An apparatus for record- ing and reproducing articulate speech. Gramaphone Record. A record of ar- ticulate speech obtained by means of a gramaphoue. Granular -Carbon Telephone - Trans- mitter. A dust telephone transmitter. Granular Telephone. A word some- times used for a granular carbon tele- phone transmitter. Graphite. A variety of soft carbon suit- able for writing on paper or on similar surfaces. Grapnel Toes. The prongs of a grapnel employed in grappling for a submarine cable. Graphophone. A form of apparatus for recording and reproducing articulate speech. Graphophone Record. A record of ar- ticulate speech received on a graph- ophone. Grappling. Recovering a sunken object, such as a cable, by means of a grapnel. Grapnel. A device for hooking and re- covering a submerged object, such as a cable. Gratings. A plate of glass or metal cov- ered with closely-ruled, parallel lines, employed for obtaining diffraction spec- tra. Gravitation. Mutual attraction produced between two masses of matter by the force of gravity. Gravity. The force which causes masses of matter to move or to tend to move towards one another. Gravity Ammeter. A form of ammeter in which the magnetic needle is moved against the force of gravity by the mag- netic influence of the current it is measur- ing. Gravity Annunciator-Drop. An an- nunciator drop which is operated by gravity under the influence of an electric current. 10- Gravity-Drop Annunciator. An a nunciator whose signals are operated by the fall of a drop. Gravity -Feed Arc-Lamp. An arc-lamp in which the upper or positi'*d carbon is fed, or permitted to drop towards the negative carbon under the influence of gravity, on the operation of the feeding mechanism. Gravity Needle-Drop. A needle annun- ciator furnished with a gravity drop. Gravity Voltaic Cell. A blue-stone gravity cell. Gravity Voltmeter. A form of volt- meter in which the potential difference is measured by the movement -of a mag- netic needle against the pull of a weight. Grease-Spot Photometer. (1) A translu- cent-disc photometer. (2) A Bunsen photometer. Greater Calorie. The amount of heat required to raise the temperature of one kilogramme of water from Centigrade to 1 Centigrade. Green Candle. A standard candle em- ployed in connection with a screen o! green glass in order more readily to com- pare the light of an arc with that of a standard candle. Grenet Voltaic Cell. A name sometimes given to the bichromate cell. Grid Indicator. (1) In telephony, , clearing indicator in which the armaturo is painted with alternate white and black horizontal stripes and fronted by a bras;? grid. (2) A form of telephone visual clearing indicator. Grid. (1) A lead plate provided with per- forations or other irregularities of sur- face, and employed in storage cells for the support of the active material. (2) The support provided for the active material on the plate of a secondary or storage cell. Grid Plugs. Plugs of active material, or of material that is readily rendered active by a charging current, inserted in the perforations of a grid for the purpose of decreasing the time required for the forming of the plates of a storage cell. Grip of Belt. The hold of a belt on the driving pulley. Grothuss' Hypothesis. A hypothesis proposed to account for the electrolytic phenomena that occur on closing the cir- cuit of a voltaic cell. Ground. A general term for the eaivh when employed as a return conductor. Vol. 2 Gro.J 794 <3round Circuit. A circuit in which the ground forms part of the path through which the current passes. Oround Coil. A small rheostat employed in duplex telegraphy at the home station, for the purpose of obtaining the balance of the line at that station. Ground Detector. ^{1) In a system of in- candescent-lamp distribution, a device placed in a central station for indicating, by the brightness of a lamp, the existence of a ground on the system. (2) An instru- ment for detecting or measuring grounds or leaks. Ground Indicator. (1) A tell-tale device employed on a line carrying a current, to instantly indicate any fault in the insu- lation. (2) An apparatus for detecting a loss of insulation. Ground Plate of Lightning Arrester. That plate of a comb lightning-arrester which is connected to the ground or earth. ground-Return. (1) A general term used to indicate the use of the ground or earth for part of an electric circuit. (2) The earth or ground which forms part of the return path of an electric circuit. Ground Shield of Transformer. (1) A metallic plate or shield in a transformer separating the primary and secondary coils and connected to ground so as to protect the secondary circuit from any possibility of becoming crossed with the primary. (2) A cylinder of slotted copper placed between the primary and secon- dary windings of a transformer, so that there can be no accidental contact be- tween the high pressure and the low pres- sure circuits. Ground Wire. The wire or conductor leading to 6r connected with the ground or earth in a grounded circuit. Grounded Circuit. A circuit, part of whose path is completed through the ground. Grounded Dynamo. A dynamo whose circuit is accidentally or intentionally grounded. Grounding. (1) A word sometimes em- ployed in electro-metallurgy for the pre- paratory process of burnishing. (2) Con- necting a circuit to earth or ground. Group Incandescent Switch. A switch which governs a portion or group of the lamps on an electrolier, or in a room. Grouping System for Switchboard Circuits. A system of central-tele- phone-station distribution in which the subscribers are divided into a convenient number of groups, and each group given to the charge of a single operator. Growth of Lines of Force. The expan- sion of lines of force. Grove's Voltaic Cell. A zinc-platinum couple immersed respectively in electro- lytes of sulphuric and nitric acid. Guard Arm. In telegraphic pole-setting, a short upright secured to a pole croos- arm so as to catch a wire should it become detached from the pole. Guard Ring of Electrometer or Con- denser. A conducting ring constructed to form the annular extension of a plate or disc in an air-condenser, for the purpose of preventing any disturbance of electric flux-distribution at the edge of such disc or plate. Guard Suspension Wire. In a trolley system, a wire supported on the tops of opposite poles for the suspension of a running guard wire, or guard- wires. Guard Wire. A wire hung above any active conductor, such as a trolley wire, in order to prevent it from coming into electric contact with falling wires. Guard-Wire Hanger. A hanger em- ployed for the suspension of a guard wire. Gutta-Percha. A resinous gum obtained from a tropical tree, and valuable elec- trically for its high insulating powers and for its indestructibility when employed in submarine cables. Gutter of Insulator. A channel on the side of an insulator, designed to carry off the rain water. Guy. A rod, chain, rope or wire employed for supporting or stiffening any structure such as a telegraph pole. Guy-Rod Bands. Bands by which a guy- rod is fastened to a pole. Guy Rods. Metallic rods employed as guys. Guy Rope. A rope employed as a guy. Guy Stubs. (1) A stub or anchor to which a guy is secured. (2) The stub of a pole set in the earth at an angle away from the pole to be guyed. Guy Wire. A wire employed as a guy. Guying. Stiffening by means of guys. Guys. Stays, suitably secured to a posl -> anchor, for the purpose of steadying *n overhead wire system. Gymnoticus Electricus. The electric eel. Gyration. The act of turning around an axis. Gyrometer. A rotary speed-indicator. Gyr.] 795 [Man. Gyroscope, Electric. A gyroscope driven by an electro-magnetic motor. Gyrostat. (1) A revolving flywheel de- signed to display gyrostatic action. (2) A flywheel possessing considerable moment of inertia, suitably supported on pivots within a case, so as to permit of being carried about, and employed to show the resistance which rotating bodies offer to changing their plane of rotation. Gyrostatic Action of Dynamo on Ship- board. The action which occurs at the bearings of a dynamo running on board a tossing ship, whereby gyrostatic stresses- are produced. H H. A symbol for the horizontal intensity of the earth's magnetism. H. A contraction for the henry or practi- cal unit of self induction. H. A contraction for the magnetizing force that exists at any point ; or, gen- erally, for the intensity of magnetic force. II . A symbol for field intensity. 3C. A symbol proposed for magnetizing force. (Partly international usage.) h. An abbreviation for hour, a practical unit of time. "H. B." Curves. (1) Curves indicating the relations between magnetizing force and magnetic flux density in a magnetic substance. (2) A term sometimes em- ployed for magnetization curves. H.P. or St. A contraction for horse- power. H.R. A contraction for high resistance. H- Armature Core. (1) An armature core in the shape of the letter H. (2) A girder, shuttle, or I-armature. H-Poles. In telegraphy a pair of parallel vertical poles braced together to form one structure, resembling the letter H. Hsematocrit, Electric. An electrically driven device for separating the white blood corpuscles from the red corpuscles by centrifugal force. Half-Deflection Method. A method of measuring an electromotive force, current or resistance, by adjusting the circuit in such a way as to halve the galvanometer deflection. Half-Gate. The condition of a turbine when operating with the gate half open. Half-Hoop Magnet. A magnet in the form of a semi-circle. Half-Load Efficiency. The efficiency which a device possesses at half its full load. Half-Shade for Incandescent Lamp. A reflecting shade whose outline conforms to that of the lamp chamber, and covers but half of its surface. Half- Wire Guard for Incandescent Lamp. A wire guard which covers but half of an incandescent lamp. Hall Effect. A transverse electromotive force produced by a magnetic field in substances undergoing electric displace- ment. Halleyan Lines. A term sometimes used for isogonal lines. Halpine-Savage Torpedo. A form of torpedo in which electricity is both the propelling and the directing power, and in which the electric source furnishing the propelling current is contained within the torpedo. Hand-Brake Mechanism. A car brake operated by hand. Hand Dynamo Machines. A hand gen- erator. Hand Generator. (1) A hand-driven dy- namo. (2) A hand-driven telephone mag- neto generator. Hand-Hole of Conduit. A box or open- ing, communicating with an underground cable, provided for readily tapping the cable, and of sufficient size to permit the introduction of the hand. Hand-Lighting Electric Burner. A name sometimes applied to a plain pen- dant burner. Hand-Operated Alarm. Any electric alarm operated by hand, as distinguished from an automatically operated electric alarm. Hand Regulation. Any regulation of a> dynamo effected by the hand, in contradis- tinction to automatic regulation, such as will preserve constant either the current; or the potential. Hand Regulator. A resistance box, whose separate coils can be readily placed in or removed from the circuit by means of a hand-operated switch. Hand Scratch-Brush. A scratch brush. Han.] 796 [Hea. operated by hand, as distinguished from one operated by means of a lathe. Hand-Signalling. Telegraphic signal- ling by hand, as distinguished from auto- matic or machine signalling. Hand Telegraphic Transmission. Manual telegraphic transmission. Hand Telephone. (1) A telephone re- ceiver held in the hand, as distinguished from a head telephone receiver. (2) An ordinary telephone receiver. Hanger Board. A form of board provided for the ready replacement or removal of an arc-lamp from a circuit. Hanger Cut-Out. A cut-out switch for an arc lamp placed under a hanger. Hard-Drawn Copper Wire. <1) Copper wire that is hardened by being drawn three or four times without annealing. (2) Copper wire not annealed after leaving the die. Hard Porous Cell. A hard-baked porous cell, whose use in a voltaic cell renders its resistance comparatively high, but which is better able to stand the disinte- grating action arising from the crystalli- zation of saline substances present in the battery. Hardening. Increasing the hardness of certain metals by heating them to a high temperature and then suddenly cooling. Hardness. That property of a body in virtue of which it resists scratching or cutting. Harmonic Analyzer. (1) A device for automatically resolving a complex har- monic into its simple-harmonic com- ponents. (2) A harmonic receiver. (3) A receiving instrument responding to a sin- gle harmonic frequency and which selects that frequency from a complex-harmonic current. Harmonic Capacity. The capacity of a condenser to a charge or current received from a harmonically varying E. M. F. Harmonic Currents. (1) Periodically al- ternating currents varying harmonically. (2) Currents which are harmonic functions of time. (3) Sinusoidal currents. Harmonic Electromotive Forces. (1) Periodically alternating E. M. F.'s vary- ing harmonically ; or harmonic functions of time. (2) Sinusoidal E. M. F.'s. Harmonic Frequencies. A series of frequencies whose values are integral multiples of the frequency of their fundamental. Harmonic Motion. (1) Simple-harmonic motion. (2) Simple-periodic motion. Harmonic Receiver. (1) The receiver em- ployed in systems of harmonic telegraphy, consisting of an electro-magnetic rod tuned to vibrate to a single note or rate only. (2) A receiver designed to respond to a single harmonic frequency in a com- plex-harmonic current. Harmonic Telegraph. A general term embracing the apparatus employed in harmonic telegraphy. Harmonic Telegraphy. (1) A system for the simultaneous transmission of a num- ber of separate and distinct musical sounds over a single wire, employed for simultaneously transmitting an equal number of telegraphic messages. (2) A system of telegraphy employing harmonic currents. Harmonic Vibrations. The over-tones or higher vibrations into which a com- plex-periodic vibration may be resolved. Harmonics. The higher component tones into which any complex tone can be re- solved. Harmonics, Electric. Currents of higher frequencies into which any complex-har- monic current may be resolved. Harmonics of Current. The harmonic currents into which a complex-harmonic current may be resolved. Harmonics of Sound Waves. The over- tones or harmonics into which any com- plex tone may be resolved. Harmonograph. A mechanical device for compounding any number of simple- harmonic motions of different amplitudes and phases. Harness. (1) The head and breast equip- ment of an exchange operator. (2) A term used by telephonists. Harpoon, Electric. A harpoon contain- ing a bomb that is electrically fired or exploded by the harpooner after the im- bedding of the harpoon. Harveyizing. A method of superficially hardening a steel plate. Haulage, Electric. Locomotion of a vessel or car by the agency of electricity. Head - Bath, Electric. A variety of electric breeze applied therapeutically to the head of a patient. Head-Gear Telephone. A telephone receiver held to the ear by means of a suitable head supporting-gear, thus leav- ing the hands of the operator free. Head-Board of Dynamo. An insulating board of a dynamo-electric machine for the reception of terminals or switches. Head-Board of Motor. A switchboard Hea.] 797 [Hel. connected with a motor for use in start- ing it. Head Guy. A guy attached to the top of a pole. Head Guying. A method of pole guying for checking lateral vibrations, in which the top of each pole is guyed to the bottom of the next succeeding pole for a distance of several poles. Head-Lamp. An electric lamp placed in the focus of a reflector supported on the head. Head-Light, Electric. An electric light placed in the focus of a parabolic reflector in front of an engine or car. Head of Liquid. (1) The vertical distance from the level of a liquid in a containing vessel to the centre of gravity of an orifice placed therein. (2) Difference of liquid elevation or level. Head Receiver. A head-gear telephone- receiver. Hearing Tubes. Tubes connecting a telephone receiver with the ears of the listener. Heat. (1) A form of energy. (2) A mode of motion. (3) A vibratory motion impressed on the molecules of matter by the action of any form of energy. (4) A wave mo- tion impressed on the universal ether by the action of some form of energy. Heat Alarm. A temperature alarm. Heat Coil. (1) A form of protector for switchboards or receptive apparatus gen- erally, consisting of a coil of fine German silver wire wrapped around a small me- tallic plug, held in its place by a drop of readily fusible solder, and so arranged that on the melting of the solder a spring is permitted to act so as to dead-ground the system. (2) A form of sneak-current arrester. Heat, Electric. The heat developed by the passage of an electric current through a conductor. Heat Insulator. Any non-conductor of heat. Heat Lightning. A variety of lightning flash unaccompanied by audible thunder, in which the discharge lights up the sur- faces of neighboring clouds. Heat Unit. (1) The quantity of heat re- quired to raise a given mass of water through one degree of the thermometric scale. (2) The calorie. Heat Units. Units based on the quantity of heat required to raise a given mass of a substance, generally water, through one degree of the thermometric scale. Heater, Electric. A device for the con- version of electricity into heat, employed for purposes of artificial heating. Heating Effects of Current. The heat generated by the passage of an electric current through any circuit. Heavy Escape. A term employed for a rapid loss of current on a telegraphic line, due to its accidental connection with the ground, as distinguished from a slight loss of current. Hedgehog Transformer or Converter. A name applied to a particular form of open-circuited iron-core transformer, in which a core of iron wire projects diver- gingly from each end of the coil. Heeling Error of Compass Needle. The error in a ship's compass needle due to the induced and permanent magnet- ism of the ship in a vertical plane, which produces no influence upon the needle until the ship heels over, either under a press of canvas, or from any other cause. Hefner-Alteneck Amyl-Acetate Stan- dard. (1) The arayl-acetate standard of luminous intensity. (2) A standard lamp of definite dimensions consuming amyl- acetate. H e f n e r-A 1 1 e n e c k Amyl-Acetate Lamp. The lamp employed in the Hef- ner-Alteneck amyl-acetate standard. Heilmann Locomotive. An electrically propelled locomotive which carries not only the steam plant necessary for the operation of the dynamo that furnishes its driving current, but also the motor propelling the truck. Hekto. A prefix for one hundred. Hekto-Ampere. One hundred amperes. Hekto- Ampere Balance. A balance form of ammeter measuring hundreds of amperes. Hekto-Watt Hour. (1) One hundred watt-hours. (2) A unit of work equal to one hundred watt-hours. Helical Coil. A wire coil containing a number of convolutions or spirals. Heliograph. (1) An instrument for tele- graphic communication, that operates by employing flashes of sunlight to repre- sent the dots and dashes of the Morse alphabet. (2) A portable instrument for visual telegraphic communication con- sisting essentially of a mirror supported so as to reflect a beam of sunlight to the dis- tant station, and means to intercept the beam at intervals corresponding to Morse code signals. Heliographic Transmission. A system Hel.] 798 [Met. of telegraphic communication employing the heliograph. Heliography. (1) A description of the sun. (2) A term sometimes applied to the fixing of images in the camera obscura. (3) Transmitting or receiving telegraphic signals by means of the heliograph. Holiostat. A mirror mounted on an axis parallel to the axis of the earth and so rotated by clock-work as to keep a beam of light reflected from its surface in a constant position, notwithstanding the rotation of the earth. Heliotropism. A bending and twisting action produced on the growth of stalks and stems by their exposure to any source of light. Helix. A word sometimes used in place of coil or solenoid. Holm Indicator. An electrical indicator on board ship for indicating the position at which the helm or rudder stands. Helmholtz's Galvanometer. A double- ring tangent-galvanometer, whose two ring coils are parallel to each other, and so placed on opposite sides of the mag- netic needle that their magnetic field at the needle may be as nearly uniform as possible, and much more nearly uniform than a single-coil ring can produce. Hemihedral Crystal. A crystal whose shape or form has been modified by the replacement of half of its edges or solid angles. Hemispherical Pole-Pieces. Pole- pieces of a dynamo-electric machine that provide between them a spherical space for the revolution of an armature. Hen. A word proposed for henry. (Not in use.) Henley's Quadrant Electroscope. A form of swinging-pendulum electro- scope formerly employed for indicating powerful charges of electricity. Henry. (1) The practical unit of self-in- duction. (2) An earth-quadrant, or 10 9 centimetres. Henry's Coils. A number of separate in- duction coils sp'connected that the cur- rents induced in the secondary of the first coil, induce currents in the secondary of the second coil with whose primary it is connected in series, and so on throughout all the coils. Heptad Atom. An atom whose valency, atomicity, or combining power, is seven. Hercules' Stone. A name given by the ancients to the lodestone. Hermetical Seal. A seal obtained in a glass vessel by the fusion of its walls, so as to enable it to hold either a vacuum or a pressure greater or less than that of the atmospheric pressure. Hertzian Waves. (1) Electro-magnetic waves given off by an electro-magnet whose intensity is undergoing rapid pe- riodic variations, or by a current whose strength is undergoing rapid periodic variations. (2) Electro-magnetic waves given off from a circuit through which an oscillatory discharge is passing. Hertz's Axial Oscillator. A term some- times employed for Hertz's linear oscil- lator. Hertz's Linear Oscillator. A form of Hertz's oscillator in which a straight or linear conductor is employed instead of a plate as in the ordinary oscillator. Hertz's Oscillator. A term sometimes employed for two insulated metallic plates to which are attached metallic rods, terminated by rounded poles or knobs, and separated by an air-gap or space through which disruptive dischar- ges pass. Hertzian Oscillations. Hertzian waves. Heterochromatic Photometry. (1) Photometric measurements made when the light chosen as a photometric standard emits rays whose frequencies differ from that of the light which is to be measured. (2) Photometry not restricted to light of one color as distinguished from mono- chromatic photometry. Heterogeneous Conductor. (1) A con- ductor which does not possess the same power of electric conduction in all direc- tions. (2) A non-isotropic conductor, or non-homogeneous conducting medium. Heterogeneous Dielectric. A non- homogeneous dielectric, or one which possesses different powers of induction in different directions. Heteropolar Dynamo. (1) A dynamo whose conductor moves successively past opposite magnet poles. (2) A bipolar or multipblar dynamo, as distinguished from a commutatorless dynamo. Heterostatic. (1) Diversely electrified. (2) A term employed to distinguish a form of electrometer in which the electrifica- tion is measured by determining the mutual influence of the attraction exerted by the charge to be measured, and the attraction of a fixed charge imparted to the instrument by a source independent of the charge to be measured. Heterostatic Electrometer. (1) An electrometer in which the electrification flex.] 799 [Hig. to be measured is not the only electrifica- tion employed. (2) An electrometer pro- vided with an independent charge. Hexad Atom. An atom whose valency or atomicity is six. Hexode Working. A term employed for a six- way mode of working by the Delany synchronous multiplex telegraph. Hick's Automatic Button Repeater. A manual form of telegraphic repeater. High-Admittance Motor. An alternat- ing-current induction motor characterized by high admittance. High Commutator Bars. A term ap- plied to those commntator segments, or parts of commutator segments, which, through less wear, faulty construction, or looseness, are higher than the adjoining segments. High-Economy Lamp. Any lamp of high efficiency. High Frequency. Any frequency much higher than that ordinarily employed. High-Frequency Currents. Currents produced by electromotive forces of high frequency. High-Frequency Induction Motor. An induction motor operated by high- frequency currents. High - Frequency Transformer. A transformer suitable for employment in connection with high-frequency electro- motive forces or pressures. High Insulation. An unusually good in- sulation. High-Potential Current. A term loose- ly applied for a current produced by high electromotive forces. High-Potential Insulator. An insula- tor suitable for use on high-potential cir- cuits. High-Potential Push-Button. A push button provided for safe use on a high- pressure system. High-Potential Switch. A switch suit- able for use on high-pressure circuits. High-Potential System. In the Na- tional Electric Code, any pressure of from 300 to 3,000 volts. High-Potential Testing Transformer. An alternating-current transformer for obtaining from an ordinary alternating- current circuit, a high alternating pres- sure suitable for testing insulation. High-Potential Wires. Circuit wires provided with high insulation, and, there- fore, suitable for connection with high- potential sources. High Resistance. A resistance for any circuit or apparatus, much higher than that ordinarily employed on such circuit or apparatus. High-Resistance Arrester. A form of lightning arrester consisting of a number of thin metallic plates separated from one another by means of thin sheets of mica, or other refractory insulating substance. High-Resistance Magnet. A term some- times used for a long-coil magnet of fine wire, possessing a high electric resistance. High-Resistance Telephone. A tele- phone having an unusually high resist- ance. High-Pressure Incandescent Lamp. An incandescent lamp provided with long, thin filaments whose electric resist- ance is high, and which, therefore, re- quires a comparatively high pressure for its operation. High-Reactance Motor. An alternating- current induction motor possessing com- paratively high primary reactance. High-Speed Electric Motor. (1) An or- dinary electric motor, as distinguished from a motor designed to run at a slow speed. (2) A motor which has its greatest efficiency when running at high speed. High-Susceptance Motor. An alter- nating-current motor possessing compara- tively high susceptance. High-Tension Accumulator. An ac- cumulator consisting of a number of series-connected secondary cells. High-Tension Bus. A bus-bar supplied by a high pressure. High-Tension Cable. A cable possessing high insulation and, therefore, suitable for bearing high electric pressures. High-Tension Circuit. A circuit em- ployed in connection with high electric . pressures. t High-Tension Fuse. A fuse for igniting an explosive, that is operated by the heating power of an electric discharge of high tension. High-Tension Switch. A switch suit- able for use in high-tension circuits. High Vacuum. (1) A space from which nearly all traces of air or residual gas have been removed, as distinguished from a low or imperfect vacuum. (2) Such a vacuum that the length of the mean free-path of the molecules of the residual atmosphere is equal to or exceeds the dimensions of the containing vessel. (3) A nearly perfect vacuum. High- Voltage Electro-Magnetic Gen- Hig.] 800 [Hor. erator. An electro-magnetic generator arranged so as to produce a high electro- motive force. High- Voltage Incandescent Lamps. Incandescent lamps constructed for more than the usual pressure ; usually lamps for more than 120 volts. Hissing Arc. A voltaic arc that emits a hissing sound, due to its carbons being too near together. " Hitching Up." A term sometimes em- ployed for boosting. Hittorf Effect. The effect produced by a Hittorf tube. Hittorf Rays. The rays emitted by a Hittorf tube. Hittorf Tubes. Various forms of high- vacuum tubes employed by Hittorf in his researches in electrical discharges through high vacua. Hold-Off Spring. A spring which acts to keep one thing away from another, in op- position to some force tending to keep it in contact with such thing. Hold-On Spring. A spring which acts to keep one thing against or in contact with another, in opposition to some force tend- ing to pull it away from such thing. Holder for Incandescent Lamp. An incandescent lamp-socket. Holder for Safety Fuse. A support, generally of porcelain or other infusible material, employed for holding a safety fuse and for catching the metal when fused. Holders for Brushes of Dynamo-Elec- tric Machine. Devices for holding the collecting brushes of a dynamo-electric machine. Holohedral Crystal. A crystal whose shape or form has been modified by the replacement of all its edges or solid an- gles. Holophane. A form of glass globe or enclosing chamber for a source of light, which has its external surface cast into lenticular ridges for the more general diffusion of the emerging light. Holophotometer. A photometer based on the employment of a Bunsen screen with a system of mirrors, so combined as to avoid errors due to the movements which the lights undergo while being compared. Holtz Influence Machine. A particular form of electrostatic influence machine. Home Battery. The battery in a sending station on a telegraphic line, as distin- guished from a distant battery. Home Station. The near or sending sta- tion on a telegraphic line, as distinguished from a distant or receiving station. Homogeneous Conductor. A c o n - ductor possessing the same resistivity throughout its length. Homogeneous Current-Distribution. Such a distribution of current through a conductor in which there is an equal density of current in all parts of a nor- mal cross-section of the conductor. Homogeneous Dielectric. (1) A die- lectric possessing similar properties in all directions. (2) A uniform dielectric. Homogeneous Light. (1) A light con- sisting practically of but a single fre- quency. (2) Monochromatic light. Homopolar Dynamo. (1) A dynamo whose conductor moves continuously past poles of one polarity only. (2) A com- mutatorless dynamo. (3) A so-called unipolar dynamo. Hood for Arc Lamp. A hood provided for the double purpose of protecting the body of an arc lamp from the weather, and for throwing its light in a downward direction. Hood Suspension for Arc Lamp. A suspension of an arc lamp from a hanger- board placed inside a suitably supported hood. Hop System of Space Relations. A system of space relations, employed by some electrical writers, which "fol- lows the hop tendril ; i. e., which consid- ers advance accompanied by left-hand ro- tation as positive ; or that a rotation is positive when accompanied by transla- tion in the manner of a female screw : or, that clockwise rotation is positive when viewed from the front of the clock. Horizontal Candle Power. (1) The intensity of light emitted by any source in a horizontal direction. (2) Tlie lumin- ous intensity of a source taken in a hori- zontal direction, as measured in units of luminous intensity. Horizontal Component. That portion of a force which acts in a horizontal direction. Horizontal Component of Earth's Mag- netism. (1) That portion of the earth's directive force which acts in a horizontal direction. (2) That portion of the earth's magnetic force which acts to produce motion in a compass needle free to move in a horizontal plane only. Horizontal Force of Needle. The hori- zontal component of the earth's magnetic force or magnetism. Hor.] 801 [Hug. Horizontal Intensity of Earth's Mag- netism. (1) The horizontal component of the earth's magnetic intensity at any point. (2) The earth's horizontal mag- netic force upon a unit magnetic pole. Horizontal Intensity of Light. (1) The intensity of a light measured in a horizon- tal direction. (2) The flux of a light con- tained in a small horizontal beam issuing from a source, divided by the solid angle of the beam. Horizontal Slit Photometer. A form of spectro- photometer whose slit is horizon- tal, lying in a straight line joining the sources of light. Horns of Pole-Pieces of Dynamo. (1) The edges or terminals of the pole-pieces of a dynamo towards or from which the armature is carried during its rotation. (2) The following or leading horns of the pole-pieces of a dynamo. Horology, Electric. That branch of electric science which treats of the appli- cation of electricity to the regulation and operation of electric clocks. Horse. A support for a dynamo-armature in the process of winding it. Horseless Carriage. An automobile car- riage. Horse-Power. (1) A commercial unit of power, activity, or rate-of-doing-work. (2) A rate-of-doing-work equal to 33,000 pounds raised one foot-per-minute, or 550 pounds raised one foot-per-second. (3) A rate-of-doing-work equal to 4,562 kilo- grams raised one metre per minule. Horse-Power, Electric. Such a rate-of- doing electrical work as is equal to 746 watts, or 746 volt-coulombs per second. Horse-Power-Hour. (1) A unit of work equal to the work done by one horse- power acting for an hour. (2) 1,980,000 foot-pounds. Horseshoe Electro-Magnet. An elec- tro-magnet whose core has the shape of a horseshoe, or the letter U. Horseshoe Magnet. A magnetized bar of steel or hardened iron, bent in the form of a horseshoe, or letter U. Hot Saint Elmo's Fire. A term proposed by Tesla for a form of flaming brush-dis- charge between the secondary terminals of a high-frequency, high-potential induc- tion coil. Hot - Wire Ammeter. An ammeter whose readings are based on the expan- sion of a wire due to an increase of tem- perature, by the passage through it of the current that is to be measured. 5* Hot- Wire Thermometer. A thermom- eter whose indications are dependent on the expansion of a bi-metallic wire or spiral. Hot - Wire Voltmeter. A voltmeter whose indications are based on the in- crease in the length of a metallic wire placed in the circuit of the electromotive force that is to be measured. Hotel Annunciator. An annunciator connected with the different rooms of a hotel. House Annunciator. An annunciator connected with the different rooms of a house. House Mains. The conductors connect- ing the service wires with the street mains, in a system of multiple-incandes- cent lamp distribution. House Regulator. An alternating-cur- rent apparatus for insertion in the circuit of a group of lamps in a house for the purpose of controlling the candle-power of that group. House-Service Conductor. In a system of multiple-incandescent lamp distribu- tion, that portion of the service wire which is included between the street mains and the cut-out within the house. House Telephone System. (1) A do- mestic telephone system. (2) A system for establishing telegraphic communica- tion between different places in a house. House Wiring. The wiring in a house for distributing electric currents therein. House Wires. The circuit wires em- ployed in a house in a system of distribu- tion. Howler. A term sometimes used for a loud buzzer. Hughes' Electro-Magnet.- (1) An elec- tro-magnet in which a U-shaped perma- nent magnet is provided with pole-pieces of cast iron on which only are placed the magnetizing coils. (2) A quick-acting electro-magnet whose magnetizing coils are placed on soft-iron pole-pieces that are connected with and form the prolonga- tion of the pole-pieces of a permanent horseshoe magnet. Hughes' Induction-Balance. An ap- paratus for the detection of the presence of a metallic conducting substance in the body by the aid of induced electric cur- rents. Hughes' Theory of Magnetism. A theory proposed to account for the phe- nomena of magnetism by the presence of originally magnetized particles or mole- cules. Hum.] 802 [Hys. Hummer, Electric. A word sometimes employed for an electric buzzer. Hunning's Transmitter. The original form of dust telephone transmitter. Hunting of Parallel-Connected Alter- nators. (1) Aperiodic increase and de- crease in the speed of alternators, when running under certain conditions in paral- lel connection as motors or dynamos. (2) Imperfect synchronous running. Hydraulic Gradient. (1) The gradient representing the drop of pressure between the surface of a liquid in a containing vessel and a discharging orifice connected therewith. (2) The rate-of-drop of pres- sure in a hydraulic system of distribution. Hydraulic Power Dynamometer, Any dynamometer suitable for measuring hydraulic power. Hydraulic Storage. A method of storage of energy consisting in forcing water into elevated reservoirs. Hydraulic Transmission. The trans- mission of power by means of pipes con- taining water under pressure. Hydraulics. That branch of science which treats of the transmission of water through pipes and the apparatus required for raising or moving water. Hydro-Carbon Treatment of Fila- ments. Treatment of incandescent lamp filaments by means of the flashing pro- cess. Hydro-Dynamics.: That branch of nat- ural philosophy which treats of the con- ditions of rest and motion in fluid bodies. Hydro-Electric Bath. An electro-thera- peutic bath in which one electrode is ap- plied to the metallic lining of the bath tub, and the other to the body of the pa- tient. Hydro-Electric Generator. A term sometimes used for voltaic battery. Hydro-Electric Machine. A term sometimes used for a machine in which electricity is developed by the friction of a jet of steam over a water surface. Hydro-Electro-Therapeutics. Cura- tive processes combining electro-pathic and electro-therapeutic treatment. Hydrogen Voltmeter. A voltmeter whose indications are based on the quan- tity of hydrogen evolved under a constant pressure and temperature. Hydro-Generator, Electric. An appa- ratus for the electrical development of the nascent hydrogen employed in the electrical rectification of alcohol. Hygrometer. (1) An apparatus for de- termining the specific gravity of liquids.. (2) An areometer. Hydrometric Telegraph. A form of in- strument by means of which signals ar transmitted by means of water pressure. Hydro-Plastics. The art of electrically shaping or depositing metals in the wet, by electro-plating. Hydro-Plasty. The art of hydro-plastics. Hydro-Platinum Rheostat. A water rheostat furnished with platinum elec- trodes. Hydrostatic Wire-Testing Machine. A machine, operated by hydraulic pres- sure, for testing the tensile strength of wires. Hydrotasimeter, Electric. An elec- trically operated apparatus designed to show at a distance the exact position of any water level. Hydrometer. An apparatus for deter- mining the amount of moisture present in the atmosphere. Hydrometrical. Of or pertaining to a hygrometer. Hydrometrically. In the manner of a hygrometer. Hyperphosphorescence. (1) A nam applied to a variety of phosphorescence in which, after due stimulus, the body ex- hibits a persistent emission of invisible rays, not included in the hitherto recog- nized spectrum. (2) A phosphorescence accompanied by the emission of the Becquerel rays. Hypothesis. A provisional assumption of facts or causes, the real nature of which is still unknown, for the purpose of study- ing their effects. Hypothetical. Of or pertaining to a hy- pothesis* Hypsometer. (1) An apparatus for deter- mining the height of a mountain or other elevation by ascertaining the temperature at which water boils on such elevation. (2) a hydro-barometer. Hypsometrical. Of or pertaining to a hypsometer. Hypsometrically. In the manner of a hypsometer. Hysteresial Dissipation of Energy. The dissipation of energy by means of hysteresis. Hysteresis. (1) A lagging behind of magnetization relatively to magnetizing force. (2) Apparent molecular friction due to magnetic changes of stress. (3) A retardation of the magnetizing or demag- netizing effects as regards the causes Hys.] 803 [Ice. which produce them. (4) That quality of a paramagnetic substance by virtue of which energy is dissipated on the reversal of its magnetization. Hysteresis Coefficient. (1) The hystere- tic coefficient. (2) The energy dissipated in a cubic centimetre of magnetic ma- terial by a single cyclic reversal of unit magnetic density. Hysteresis Conductance. The effec- tive conductance in a transformer or condenser due to the effects of hysteresis. Hysteretetic Constant. The hysteretic coefficient. Hysteresis Loop. The looped curve which forms the outlines of the graphic- ally represented hysteretic cycle to rec- tangular co-ordinates of magnetizing force and magnetic intensity or magneti- zation. (2) A cyclic magnetization curve, forming a closed loop. Hysteresis Losses. Losses of useful energy due to hysteresis. Hysteresis Measurer. An apparatus for conveniently estimating or measuring the hysteretic coefficient of a magnetic material. Hysteresis Meter. A hysteresis meas- urer. Hysteresis Tester. A hysteresis meas- urer. Hysteretic Activity. Activity expended in producing hysteretic effects. Systeretie Coefficient. The activity in watts which would be expended in one cubic centimetre of a metal when magnet- ized and demagnetized to a flux density of one gauss at one 'complete cycle or double-reversal per second. Hysteretic Condensance. In a con- denser traversed by an alternating current, the apparent reactance of the condenser, due to or modified by hyster- esis. Hysteretic Conductance. In a con- denser traversed by an alternating cur- rent, the apparent conductance of the condenser, due to or modified by hyster- esis. . Hysteretic Cycle. A cycle of complete magnetization and reversal. Hysteretic Energy Current. The com- ponent of current in phase with the im- pressed E. M. F. at the primary terminals of a transformer representing the power expended in hysteresis. (2) The energy component of the exciting current of a transformer. Hysteretic Energy Electromotive Force. The energy component of the E. M. F. of excitation in a transformer. Hysteretic Lag. The lag in the magnet- ization of a transformer due to hysteresis. Hysteretic Resistance. In a condenser traversed by an alternating current, the apparent resistance of the condenser due to or modified by hysteresis. Hysteretic Susceptance. In a con- denser traversed by an alternating cur- rent, the apparent susceptance of the condenser, due to or modified by hys- teresis. Hysteretic Torque. That portion of the torque of a dynamo-electric machine due to the influence of hysteresis, whereby mechanical work must be expended in de- veloping hysteretic energy as heat in the iron undergoing magnetic reversal. I I. (1) A symbol for strength of current. (2) A symbol for intensity of magneti- zation. ping over an insulated conductor where it passes through a partition, and employed for preventing the abrasion of the insu- lating material at that point. Insulating Varnish. An electric varnish formed of any good insulating material. Ins,] 813 Insulating Washer. A washer formed of insulating material. Insulation. Any medium or material that will prevent a body from gaining or losing light, heat, electricity, etc. Insulation Bracket. A bracket of insu- lating material, provided with an insu- lator. Insulation Break-Down. Any failure of the insulation which prevents it from insulating. Insulation, Electric. A non-conducting material so placed with respect to a con- ductor as to prevent either the loss of its charge, or the leakage of its current. Insulation Joint. A joint in an insu- lating material or covering in which con- tinuity is preserved both in the conducting and in the insulating substance. Insulation Lightning-Protection. The protection of an instrument by means of an insulating lightning-protector from the jumping of a spark across it from layer to layer. Insulation Lightning-Protector. A lightning protector by means of which a discharge is prevented from jumping across the coils of an instrument from, layer to layer, and thus damaging its insulation. Insulation Materials. (1) Materials whose resistivity is high. (2) Non-con- ductors. Insulation Resistance. (1) The resist- ance existing between a conductor and the earth, or between two conductors in a circuit through insulating materials lying between them. (2) The resistance taken between a line or conductor and the earth through the insulators, or be- tween two separate wires of a cable through the insulating materials separ- ating them. (3) A terin sometimes applied to the resistance of the insulating ma- terial of a covered wire or conductor. (4) The resistance of any insulation. Insulator. Any device employed for in- sulating a wire or other body. Insulator Bracket. A frame of wood or metal for holding the insulator of an overhead wire, and of such simple form as to be readily attached to a wall or support. Insulator Cap. A cover or cap placed some distance above an insulator, but separated from it by an air space. Insulator Pin. The bolt by which an insulator is attached to a bracket, pole- arm, or support. Intaglio. (1) An engraving in which the surface is so hollowed out that an im pression therefrom would give the ap- pearance of a bas-relief. (2) The copy ol a coin or other similar object obtained in an electro. Intake. A word sometimes used instead of input. Intake of Dynamo. The mechanical activity which a dynamo absorbs when running. Intake of Machine. The activity re- quired to operate a machine. Intake Wires. The wires which feed a distribution box. Integrating Meter. Any meter which leaves a record of, and sums up, or inte- grates, some quantity with respect to time. Integrating Wattmeter. (1) A watt- hour meter, or a meter which integrates the power which passes through it with respect to time. (2) An energy meter. Integrator. An apparatus for automat- ically performing the operation of inte- gration, or th.e continuous summing up of instantaneous values. Intensity. (1) The surface density of a vector or directed quantity. (2) The de- gree of concentration with which a num- ber of forces act. Intensity Armature. A term formerly employed for an armature with coils of many turns, and, consequently, of a com- paratively high resistance. (Obsolete.) Intensity Current. A term formerly employed for the current produced by a series-connected battery. (Obsolete.) Intensity of Current. (1) A term taken from the French language to indicate cur- rent strength. (2) Current density, or cur- rent strength per-unit-area of normal cross-section. Intensity of Field. The strength or density of a magnetic field as measured by the quantity of magnetic flux that passes through it per-unit-of-area of nor- mal cross-section. Intensity of Illumination. The quan- tity of light received per-unit-of -surface . Intensity of Light. (1) In a given direc- tion of emission, the ratio of the flux of light in a small solid angle containing that direction to the solid angle. (2) The candle-power of a light. Intensity of Magnetic Flux.; (1) The quantity of magnetic flux per-unit-of-area of normal cross-section. (2) The density of magnetic flux. Intensity of Magnetization. (1) A Int.] quantity which represents the intensity of magnetization produced in a sub- stance. (2) A quantity which represents the intensity with which a magnetizable substance is magnetized. (3) Magnetic moment per-unit-volume. (4) The sur- face density of imaginary magnetic mat- ter on any surface normal to the direc- tion of magnetization. Intensity of Radiation. (1) The ratio existing between the amount or quantity of radiation, and the surface from which that radiation takes place. (2) The ratio of the flux of energy in any small solid angle of a beam to the solid angle. Interactance. In an induction coil oper- ated on a simple alternating-current circuit, the product of the mutual in- ductance and the angular velocity cor- responding to the frequency of the cur- rent, and expressible in ohms. Inter Air-Space. A term sometimes employed for the air-space or entrefer. Inter-Atomic Ether. A term sometimes used for the ether existing between the constituent atoms of the molecules. Tnter-Connected Armature-Winding. (1) Such a connection of the separate circuits in a multipolar armature as will permit a single pair of brushes to be employed on the commutator. (2) A cross-connected armature. Inter-Connection. The cross-connection of an armature. Inter-Crossing. In a system of tele- phonic circuits, a device for avoiding the disturbing effects of induction, by alternately crossing equal sections of the line wires. Inter-Exchange Working. (1) Tele- phonic communication effected through the medium of more than a single ex- change (2) Telephone communication passing between two exchanges, or be- tween two subscribers connected there- with. Interference of Electro-Magnetic Waves. Interference effects, similar to those produced in the case of light and sound, observed in electro-magnetic waves when two systems of waves of equal frequency simultaneously act, in opposed phases, on the same medium. Inter-Ferric Gap. (1) An air-gap in an aero-ferric magnetic circuit between iron and iron. (2) The entrefer. Inter-Ferric Space. An inter-ferric gap. Interflange. The distance between the two flanges of a bobbin, measured par- allel to the bobbin's axis, and represent- 814 [Int. ing the length of the cylindrical spaca which may be occupied by wire w hen tha bobbin is wound. Inter-Induction. Mutual induction. Interior Conduit. (1; A conduit provided inside the walls of a house, or in other convenient spaces within a house, for the reception of the house wires. (2) A con- duit in the walls or floors of a building, provided for accommodating electrio conductors. Interior-Conduit Junction-Box. The box provided in a system of interior con- duits to receive the terminals of the feed- ers, and in which connection is made between the feeders and the mains, or the mains and branches. Interior-Pole Dynamo. A dynamo hav- ing field poles in the interior of a cylin- drical or Gramme-ring armature. Inter-Linked Diphase-System. A three-wire diphase-system. Inter-Linked Polyphase-System. A polyphase system of conductors so inter- connected that one wire serves as the return for another, and distinguished from a polyphase system in which each phase is provided with a separate circuit. Inter-Locking Apparatus. A device for mechanically operating railroad switcheg and semaphoric signals from a" distant sig- nalling tower, for the purpose of indicat- ing the position of such switches, by means of a system of inter-locking levers, so inter-locked as to render it impossible, af !;er a route has once been set and a sig- nal given, to clear a signal for a route that would conflict with the one previ- ously set up. Inter-Locking Magnet. A magnet em- ployed in a system of electric railroad signals for crossings, whereby a gong ig caused to ring at the crossings on the ap- proach of a train, and is automatically stopped by the same train after it has passed the crossing. Intermediate Cable. A type of cable intermediate between a shore-end cable and a deep-sea cable. Intermediate Station. Any station be- tween the terminal stations of a telegraph line. Intermediate Switch. A switch em- ployed at an intermediate telephone station for communicating with either terminal station at will, without inter- rupting the line. Intermittent. (1) Acting at interval* only. (2) Fluctuating or pulsating. Int.] 815 Intermittent Contact. The occasional contact of a telegraphic or other line with other wires or conductors, by swing- ing, or by alternate contractions and ex- pansions, occasioned by changes of tem- perature. Intermittent Cross. (1) An accidental contact, generally metallic, occasioned by wires being brought into occasional con- tact with one another, or with some other conductor by the intermittent action of the wind. (2) A swinging cross. Intermittent Current. A current that does not flow continuously, but which . flows and ceases to flow at intervals, so that electricity is practically alternately present and absent from the circuit. Intermittent Currents of Wheatstone System. In the Wheatstone automatic system the transmission of short initial and final currents in each signal. Intermittent Disconnection. Any fault in a line which occurs at intervals or intermittently. Intermittent Electromotive Force. An electromotive force which acts inter- mittently. Intermittent Earth. (1) A fault in a telegraphic or other line in which, by the action of the wind, or by occasional ex- pansion by heat, the line is brought into intermittent contact with the earth. (2) A swinging earth. Intermittent Integrating Meter. A meter which does not take a reading of the current or .power continucusly, but at regular intervals, and then adds up the result. Intermittent System of Currents. A system of currents employed in teleg- raphy, in which the initial and final currents are separated by an interval or insulation. Intermitter. An interrupter. Inter-Molecular. Between the mole- cules. Inter-Molecular Ether. A term some- times used for the ether that exists be- tween the molecules of matter. Internal Armature Generator. A gen- erator in which the armature is situated within the field-poles, as distinguished from a generator whose armature is exter- nal to the field. Internal Characteristic of Dynamo. A curve showing the E. M. F. generated in a dynamo under varying excitation, as distinguished from the external charac- teristic showing the E. M. F. at terminals. Internal Circuit. That part of a circuit which is included within the electric source. Internal Magnetic-Circuit. A term sometimes employed for that part of a magnetic circuit which lies within the magnetic core. Internal Magnetic-Field. That portion of 'a magnetic field produced by a magnet which lies within the magnetic core. Internal Polarization of Moist Body. A polarization exhibited by such moist bodies as nervous or muscular fibres, the juicy parts of vegetables and animals, or in general, by all bodies possessing a firm structure and filled with a liquid, on the passage through them of a strong electric current. Internal Poles of Dynamo. (1) The in- wardly projecting field poles of a dy- namo. (2) Magnetic field-poles internal to an armature. International Ampere. (1) The value of the ampere as adopted by the Inter- national Congress of 1893, at Chicago. (2) The value of an ampere equal to the one-tenth of a unit of current in the C. G. S. system of electro-magnetic units, and represented with sufficient accuracy for practical purposes, by the unvarying current, which, when passed through a solution of nitrate of silver in water, in accordance with certain specifications, deposits silver at the rate of 0.001118 of a gramme-per-second. International Coulomb. (1) The value of the coulomb as adopted by the Inter- national Electrical Congress of 1893, at Chicago. (2) The quantity of electricity equal to that transferred through a cir- cuit by a current of one International ampere in one second. International Farad. (1) The value of the farad as adopted by the International Electrical Congress of 1893, at Chicago. (2) The capacity of a conductor charged to a potential of one International volt by one International coulomb of electricity. International ?Tenry. (1) The value of the henry as adopted by the International Electrical Congrest. cf 1893, at Chicago. (2) The value of the induction in a circuit, when the electromotive force induced in the circuit is one International volt, and the inducing current varies at the rate of one ampere per second. International Joule. (1) The value of the joule as adopted by the International Electrical Congress of 1893, at Chicago. (2) A value equal to 10 7 units of work of Int.] 816 [Iny. the C. G. S. system and represented with sufficient accuracy for practical purposes by the energy expended in one second by one ampere in one International ohm. -International Morse Code. A term sometimes employed for the International telegraphic alphabet, as distinguished from the American Morse Code. International Ohm. (1) The value of the ohm as adopted by the International Electrical Congress of 1893, at Chicago. (2) A value of the ohm equal to 10 9 units of resistance of the C. G. S. system of electro-magnetic units,and represented by the resistance offered to an unvarying electric current by a column of mercury at the temperature of melting ice, 14.4521 grammes in mass, of a constant cross-sec- tional area, and of the length of 106.3 centimetres. International Telegraphic Code. The International Morse Code. International Unit of Activity. The International watt. International Unit of Work. The In- ternational joule. International Volt. (1) The value of the volt as adopted by the International Electrical Congress of 1893, at Chicago. (2) Such an electromotive force that steadily applied to a conductor whose resistance is one International ohm, will produce a current of one International ampere, and which is represented with sufficient accuracy for practical use by ^4$ of the electromotive force between the poles or electrodes of the voltaic cell known as Clark's cell, at a temperature of 15 Cent, when prepared in accordance with certain specifications. International Watt. (1) The value of the watt as adopted by the International Electrical Congress of 1893, at Chicago. (2) A value equal to 10 7 units of activity in the C. G. S. system, and equal to the work done at the rate of one joule-per- second. Inter-Node. The space between two ad- jacent nodes. Inter-Polar. Between the poles. Inter-Polar Gap. An air-gap or space between the faces of opposing pole-pieces. Inter-Polar Space. The inter-polar gap. Interpolated Commutator Segments. Blank commutator segments. Interrupted. Broken or opened. Interrupted Current System. A sys- tem of electric distribution effected by the aid of periodically interrupted contin- uous currents. Interrupter. Any device for interrupt- ing or breaking a circuit. Inter-Urban Communication. Tele graphic or telephonic communication be- tween adjacent cities. Inter-Urban Electric Railway. An electric railway suitable for use between adjacent cities. Inter - Urban Telephony. Telephonic communication carried on between adja- cent cities. Intra-Molecular. (1) Inter-molecular, 01 between the molecules. (2) Within the * confines of a molecule. Intra-Polar Electrolysis. Electrolytic action taking place in the region between the electrodes, as distinguished from that which occurs in their immediate vicinity. Intrinsic Brilliancy of Luminous Source. (1) At any point of a luminous surface the ratio of the luminous intensity along the normal to the small surface area from which it is emitted. (2) Luminous intensity per-unit-area of normal lumi- nous surface. Intrinsic Electrization. A term pro- posed for permanent impressed electriza- tion in a substance from internal causes. Intrinsic Intensity of Light. The quantity or flux of light emitted normally from a unit of surface of a luminous source. Intrinsic Magnetization. Magnetiza- tion due to impressed magnetic force, as distinguished from magnetization due to electric currents. Intrinsic Radiation of Luminous Source. (1) The radiation of a luminous source expressed in lumens-per-square- centimetre. (2) The flux density of light issuing normally from a luminous source. Invariable Calibration of Galvano- meter. In a galvanometer with absolute calibration, a method for preventing the occurrence of variations in the intensity of the field of a galvanometer, due to the neighborhood of masses of iron. Inverse Current. (1) The current which tends to be produced by a current in its own circuit on making or closing the cir- cuit. (2) The current produced in the secondary of an induction coil on the mak- ing or completion of the circuit of the primary. (3) The make-induced current. Inverse Electromotive Force. An elec- tromotive force which acts in the oppo- site direction to another already existing electromotive force. Inverse Secondary Current. Thn make-induced current. IllV.] 817 [Iro, Inversion, Electric. The determination of electric disti'ibution over the surfaces of neighboring electrified conductors by the geometrical method of inversion. Invert Insulator. An insulator support- ed in an inverted position. Inverted Arc. An inverted arc-lamp. Inverted Arc-Lamp. An electric arc- lamp in which the positive carbon is lowermost, or inverted, as compared with its position in the ordinary arc-lamp. Inverted Dynamo. A dynamo whose armature bore or chamber is placed below the field-magnet coils. Inverted Induction-Coil. A term some- times employed for a step-down trans- former. Invisible Electric-Contact Matting. A matting or other floor covering, pro- vided with a series of invisible electric contacts, which are closed by a person walking over them. Invisible Spectrum. That portion of the spectrum which is incapable of affecting the eye as light. Ionic. Of or pertaining to the ions. Ions. The groups of atoms or radicals into which a molecule is separated by electro- lytic decomposition. Ionic Attraction. The mutual ( attrac- tion produced by the cathions and the anions. Ionic Conductivities. Specific conduc- tivities of ions, so selected that their sums give molecular conductivities for any combination of ions. lonisation. (1) The decrease in the strength with which the separate atoms or radicals are held together in the mole- cules of an electrolyte. (2) A modified dissociation of the molecule of an elec- trolyte which consists in the weakening of the force which holds together its ions or radicals. Iron-Armored Conduit. (1) A conduit provided with an exterior iron casing or covering. (2) A conduit in which each duct has an iron casing or covering. Iron-Clad. Surrounded by iron. Iron-Clad Armature. (l)The armature of a dynamo or motor, whose insulated coils are entirely or nearly surrounded by the iron of the armature core. (2) An arma- ture in which the conductors are buried in slots, grooves, or tunnels below the surface of the armature core. Iron-Clad Armature Windings. Ar- mature windings that are entirely or nearly surrounded by iron. 52 Iron-Clad Coil. An iron-clad magnet. Iron - Clad Drop. An annunciator o telephone drop whose electro-magnet is iron-clad. Iron-Clad Dynamo. (1) A dynamo whose armature is iron -clad. (2) An iron-en- cased dynamo. Iron-Clad Electro-Magnet. An electro- magnet whose magnetizing coil is almost entirely surrounded by iron in some cases to increase its portative power, i others to increase its inductance, and i> yet others to shield its magnetic varia- tions. Iron-Clad Generator. An iron-clad dy- namo. Iron-Clad Inductance. An inductance associated with a ferric or aero-ferric mag' netic circuit, as distinguished from an inductance associated with a non-ferric magnetic circuit. Iron-Clad Magnet. (1) An electro-mag- net whose magnetic resistance is lowered by a casing of iron connected with the core, and provided for the passage of the magnetic flux. (2) An iron-clad electro- magnet. Iron-Clad Motor. A motor whose ar- mature is iron-clad. (2) An iron-encased motor. Iron-Clad Rheostat. A rheostat whose resistance coils are provided with an enamelled insulation, and imbedded in a mass of iron. Iron Core. The mass of iron on which are placed the magnetizing coils of an electro-magnet or solenoid. Iron-Core Loss. The hysteretic and Fou- cault losses due to the presence of an iron, core. Iron Covered Cable. A submarine cable provided with an iron sheathing. Iron-Enclosed Electro-Magnet. An iron-clad electro-magnet. Iron-Loss in Transformer. The loss of energy in a transformer due both^to mag- netic hysteresis or magnetic friction, and to the setting up of eddy or Foucault currents in the iron. Iron Magnetic Circuit. A ferric mag- netic circuit. Iron Reluctance. (1) The reluctance in a magnetic circuit due to the presence of iron in that circuit. (2) Reluctance in iron. Iron- Work Fault of Dynamo. A ground or connection between the circuit of a dynamo and any part of its iron frame. Irr.] 818 [Iso.. Irrationality of Dispersion. A lack of proportionality in the dispersions of spec- tra produced by different refractive media. Irreciprocal Conduction. (1) Conduc- tion in which the magnitude of the cur- rent is altered when its direction is re- versed. (2) The electric conduction in an assymmetrical resistance. Irregular Magnetic Flux. Magnetic flux which is not uniform, but is either converging or diverging, as distinguished from uniform magnetic flux. Irregular Variation. Any variation of the magnetic needle which occurs at ir- regular intervals. Irreversible Heat. (1) Heat produced in a homogeneous conductor by the passage of electricity through it in any direction. (2) In an electric circuit, the joulean heat- ing effect as distinguished from the Peltier effect. (3) In an electric circuit any development of heat by the current, which does not depend upon its direction. Iridescence. Interference effects pro- ducing rainbow-colored tints by the re- fraction of light from thin, transparent, finely striated surfaces. Irritability, Electric. The irritability of nerves or muscles produced by an elec- tric current or discharge. Irrotational Stress. (1) Stress unac- companied by rotation. (2) A stress de- void of curl. Isobaric Lines. Isobars. Isobarometric Lines. The isobaric lines. Isobars. (1) Lines connecting places on the earth's surface which simultaneously have the same barometric pressure. (2) The isobaric lines. Isochasmen Curves. Curves drawn on the earth's surface between zones having equal frequency of auroral discharges. Isochronism. Equality of time-vibration or motion. Isochrqnize. To produce equality of time- vibration or motion. Isqchronizing. Producing equality of time- vibration or motion. Isochronous Oscillations. Isochronous vibrations. Isochronous Vibrations. Vibrations or oscillations which perform their to- and-fro motions on either side of the position of rest in equal times. Isoclinal. Possessing the same inclina- tion. Isoclinal Lines. Lines connecting places on the earth's surface which have tha same magnetic inclination or dip. Isoclinal Chart. A map or chart on which isoclinal lines are marked. Isoclinic. Of or pertaining to the isoclinals. Isodynamic. Possessing equal force. Isodynamic Chart or Map. A map or chart on which isodynamic lines are marked. Isodynamic Lines. Lines connecting places which have the same total mag- netic intensity. Iso-Electric Points. A term sometimes used in electro-therapeutics for points of equal potential. Isogonal. Of or pertaining to the isogonal lines. Isogonal Chart or Map. A chart or map on which the isogonal lines are marked. Isogonal Lines. Lines connecting places on the earth's surface which have the same magnetic declination. Isqgonic. Of or pertaining to the isogonal lines. Isolated Electric Lighting. Electric lighting in which the plant is located on the premises that are to be lighted, as distinguished from a plant located at a station, central either to a number of buildings, or to an extended area to be lighted. Isolated Plant. An electric plant or dis- tribution system confined to a building or group of buildings as distinguished from a central-station system. Isolated-Station Telephone Switch- board. A switchboard established for the inter-communication of a number of telephoners, where the distance separating them is considerable, or where privacy in the communication is essential. (2) A small sub-station telephone switchboard. (3) A domestic telephone switchboard. Isqlatine. A variety of insulating mate- rial. Isolating Switch for Lamps. A short- circuiting switch designed to cut a lamp completely out of connection with a cir- cuit and without opening or breaking the circuit of other lamps. Isolux.-j (1) A line connecting points of equal illumination on any illumined sur- face. (2) A line of equal illumination. Isothermal Expansion of Gas. The ex- pansion of a gas whose temperature is maintained constant. ISO.] [Joe. Isomorphism. The quality of possessing the same crystalline form. Isomerism. A state or condition of com- pound substances which, though identical in composition, yet possess entirely dif- ferent properties. Isothermal Surfaces. Surfaces on a body, all points of which have the same temperature. Lsothermals. Lines connecting places on the earth's surface which have the same mean annual temperature. Isotropic. Possessing equal elasticity in all directions. Isotropic Conductor. (1) A substance which possesses the same powers of elec- tric conduction in all directions. (2) An electrically homogeneous conducting medium. Isotropic Dielectric. A dielectric pos- sessing the same powers of inductive capacity in all directions. Isotropic Medium. A medium possess- ing the same properties in all directions. Isotropism. The quality of possessing equal elasticity in all directions. Isthmus Method of Magnetization. A method of obtaining an exceedingly strong magnetization by so placing the body to be magnetized that it forms a narrow isthmus between the pole-pieces of a powerful electro-magnet. Isynchronous Vibrations. (1) Vibra- tions possessing equality of time of vibra- tion or motion. (2) Isochronous vibra- tions. J. A contraction proposed for joule. JablochkofF Candle. An electric arc light in which the two carbon electrodes are placed parallel to each other, and maintained at a constant distance apart by means of a strip of an insulating sub- stance placed between them. Jablochkoff 's Igniter. A small strip of carbon or carbonaceous material that is readily rendered incandescent by a cur- rent, placed between the free ends of the parallel carbons of a Jablochkoff candle, for the formation of an arc on the passage of the current. Jack Hole. In a telephone switchboard the hole leading into a jack. Jack Panel. The panel of a telephone switchboard provided for the support of the jacks. Jack Switch. A switch operated by means of a spring jack. Jacketed Magnet. A term sometimes applied to an iron-clad magnet. Jacobi's Law. The maximum activity is performed by an electric motor when its counter-electromotive force is equal to one-half of the impressed electromotive force. Jacobi's Unit of Current. Such a cur- rent that when passed through a volta- meter will liberate a cubic centimetre of oxygen and hydrogen per second at zero Cent., and 760 millimetres barometric pressure. Jacobi's Unit of Resistance. (1) The electric resistance of 25 feet of a certain copper wire weighing 345 grains. (2) The resistance of a copper wire one metre in length and one millimetre in diameter of cross-section. Jar, Electric. A name formerly given to a Leyden jar. Jar of Secondary Cell. The jai in which the electrolyte and plates of a sec- ondary cell are placed. Jaws of Switch. The metallic clips pro- vided for the reception of the knife-blades of a switch. Jet Photometer. An apparatus for de- termining the candle-power of an illu- minating gas by means of the height of a jet of such gas when burning under con- stant conditions of pressure and tempera- ture. Jewelry, Electric. Minute incandescent lamps substituted for gems in articles of jewelry. " Jockey Gear. The cable gear through which a cable has to pass when entering or leaving a picking-up or paying-out drum, and in which it passes under weighted wheels, called jockey wheels, for the purpose of maintaining a uniform tension of the cable upon the drum so as to prevent slip. Jockey of Relay. A form of extension tongue pivoted friction-tight upon the tongue of a sensitive relay employed in submarine telegraphy. Jockey Wheel. A weighted wheel riding over a cable on a grooved wheel in a Joi.] 820 [Jun. cable ship for the purpose of preserving uniformity of tension in the cable. Joining-Tip. (1) Connecting in series or multiple-arc. (2) Generally, connecting or placing in a circuit. Joining-Up a Wire. Connecting a wire to an apparatus or circuit after it has been disconnected or grounded. Joint. (1) The junction of two or more pieces or conductors. (2) The place where the junction of two or more pieces or conductors is effected. Joint Admittance. The total or com- bined admittance of a number of separate admittances connected in parallel. Joint Conductance. The combined con- ductance of a number of separate con- ductances connected in parallel. Joint-Cooling Tray. A tray employed for cooling a cable core-joint by a cooling mixture. Joint Magnetomotive Force. The re- sultant magnetomotive force of a number of simultaneously acting magnetomotive forces. Joint Reluctance. The combined reluc- tance of a number of parallel-connected reluctances. Joint Reluctivity. The reluctivity of a number of parallel-connected reluctivi- ties. Joint Resistance. The combined resist- ance of a number of parallel-connected resistances. Joint Trough. A trough of water or cooling solution in which a submarine cable joint is submerged for cooling. Jointless Conductor. A conductor in a single length and without joint. Joulad. A term proposed for joule. (Not in use.) Joule. (1) A volt-coulomb or unit of electric energy or work. (2) The amount of electric work required to raise the potential of one coulomb of electricity one volt. (3) Ten million ergs. Joule Effect. The heating effect pro- duced by the passage of an electric cur- rent through a conductor, arising from its resistance only. Joulean Effect. A word sometimes used for joule effect. Joule Meter. (1) Any apparatus capable of measuring energy in joules. (2) An energy meter, as distinguished from a wattmeter. Joule-Per-Second. A unit of activity, equal to the expenditure of one joule in each second. Joule's Cylindrical Electro-Magnet.^ An electro-magnet provided with a hoi* low cylindrical core. Joule's Equivalent. The mechanical equivalent of heat. Joule's Law. The heating power of a current is proportional to the product of the square of its strength and the resist- ance of the circuit through which it passes. Journal. That portion of a shaft which revolves on a bearing. Journal Friction. Friction produced by the rotation of a shaft on a bearing. Jumper. A temporary shunt or short cir- cuit put around a source, lamp or receptive device on a series-connected circuit, to en- able it to be readily removed or repaired. Jump Spark. A disruptive spark ob- tained between two opposed conducting surfaces, as distinguished from a spark obtained by or following a wiping contact. Jump-Spark Burner. A term some- times applied to a gas burner in which the issuing jet is ignited by means of a high- tension spark obtained between two op- posed points. Junction. In telephony, a wire or circuit, connecting two exchanges. Junction Board. In telephony, a switch- board at which junction wires terminate. Junction Box. A moisture-proof box Provided in a system of underground con- uctors to receive the terminals of the feeders, and in which connection is made* between the feeders and the mains, and through which the current is distributed to the individual consumers. Junction Calls. Telephonic calls arriving on a junction line. Junction Circuit. In telephony, a line connecting a trunk circuit with a local subscriber. Junction Line. (1) In telephony, a junc- tion. (2) A line connecting two telephone exchanges. Junction-Line Plug. In a central tele- phone exchange, a plug connected with a junction line. Junction Lines. Lines connecting two: or more telephone exchanges, as dis- tinguished from subscribers' lines. Junction Operator. In telephony, an operator at a junction board. Jan.] 821 [Key. Junction Surface of Voltaic Cell. The contact surface between the elements of a voltaic cell and the electrolyte. Junction Wires. Junction lines. Junction Working. Inter-exchange telephone working. Just Non-Oscillatory Discharge. A discharge which is just non-oscillatory. K K. A symbol for electrostatic capacity. K. A symbol for moment of inertia. K. A symbol for magnetic susceptibility. K. C. C. A contraction for cathodic clos- ure contraction. K. D. C. A contraction for cathodic dura- tion contraction. K. W. A contraction for kilowatt, kg. An abbreviation for kilogramme, a practical unit of mass. kg : cm 2 . An abbreviation for kilo- gramme-per-square-centimetre, a practi- cal unit of pressure. kgm. An abbreviation for kilogramme- metre, a practical unit of the moment of a couple or of work. kgm : s. An abbreviation proposed for kilogramme-meter-per-second, a practical unit of power. KB,. A contraction for the total capacity of a telegraph or telephone wire or con- ductor, multiplied by its total resistance. KB Law. (1) A well-recognized law that the limiting speed of signalling through a submarine cable, assuming a given re- ceiving and sending apparatus in uniform adjustment, varies inversely as the KR of the cable. (2) A generalization claimed as a law by some, but denied by most, which assigns the distance through which intelligible telephonic communication can be carried, to cases where the product of K, the capacity of the telephone circuit and R, its resistance, does not exceed a certain value. Kaolin. A variety of white clay some- times employed for insulating purposes. Kapp Lines. A term proposed for unit lines of magnetic force or flux. Karsten's Figures. A name sometimes applied to electric breath figures. Kartavert. A variety of insulating mate- rial. Katalysis. An orthography sometimes employed for catalysis. Katelectrotonus. Catelectrotonus. Kathelectrotonic State. The cathelec- trotonic state. Kathelectrotonus Zone. Cathelectro- tonic zone. Kathelectrotonus. Cathelectrotonus. Kathetometer. A cathetometer. Kathion. A cathion. Kathodal. Cathodal. Kathode. A cathode. Kathodic. Cathodic. Kathodic Electro-Diagnostic Beac- tions. Cathodic electro-diagnostic reac- tions. Kathodic Bays. Cathodic rays. Kations. Cathions. " Keeper " of Inductor Alternator. A word sometimes employed for inductor. Keeper of Magnet. A mass of soft iron applied to the poles of a magnet, and through which its magnetic flux passes. Kelvin. (1) A word proposed, but not adopted, for a kilowatt-hour or one thous- and watt hours. (2) A word proposed for the Board of Trade unit. Kelvin Balance. A form of electro-dyna- mometer balance designed by Lord Kelvin. Kerite. A variety of insulating material. Kerite Tape. A kerite-covered insulating tape. Kerr Effect. The elliptical polarization of a beam of plane polarized light, pro- duced by its passage across an electrized dielectric. Key-Board. Any board to which electric keys or switches are connected. Key-Board Transmitter. The trans- mitter employed in a step-by-step or print- ing telegraph. Key Lamp-Socket. A lamp-socket pro- vided with a key for lighting or extin- guishing the lamp. Keyless. Devoid of a key. Keyless Fire- Alarm Box. A fire-alarm box covered with a glass window which requires to be broken in order to send the alarm. Keyless Lamp-Socket. A lamp-socket unprovided with a key, and whose lamp, therefore, requires to be lighted and ex* tinguished by a switch placed elsewhere* Key.] 822 [Kuo. Keyless Wall-Socket. A socket placed on a wall, provided for the reception of a plug switch for the introduction of a lamp. Kick. A recoil. Kick of Coil. The discharge from an elec- tromagnetic coil. Kick of Relay. An impulse communicat- ed to the tongue of a relay by a discharge from the line. Kicking Coil. A choking coil. Kicks. In telegraphy, sudden impulses of a mirror spot, or siphon, due to a momen- tary earth current or discharge. Kilerg. One thousand ergs. Killing Wire. (1) A method formerly ad- opted for removing kinks, bends and flaws in iron by stretching it on the line in long lengths. (2) A method of straightening wire by subjecting it to tension. (3) A term sometimes applied to loss of elasti- city of contact springs of switches, due to their over-heating by the current. Kilo. A prefix for one thousand times. Kilo-Ampere. One thousand amperes. Kilo- Ampere Balance. A balance form of ammeter which measures thousands of amperes. Kilo-Dyne. One thousand dynes. Kilo-Erg. One thousand ergs. Kilo -Gauss. One thousand gausses. Kilogramme. One thousand grammes, or 2.2046 pounds avoirdupois. Kilogramme-Metre. A unit of work equal at Washington, D.C., to 9.81 multi- plied by 10 1 ergs. Kilo-Henry. One thousand henrys. Kilo-Joule. One thousand joules. Kilo-Lines. One thousand lines of force. Kilometre. One thousand metres. Kilometric Capacity of Cable. The ca- pacity of a cable in micro-farads per kilo- metre. Kilometric Insulation of Cable. The insulation of a cable measured in meg- ohm-kilometres, or the average insulation of one kilometre in megohms. Kilo-Volt. One thousand volts. Kilo-Watt. One thousand watts. Kilo- Watt-Hour. (1) The amount of work equal to that performed by an activ- ity of one kilowatt maintained steadily for one hour. (2) An amount of work equal to 3.600,000 joules. Kilo-Watt Hour Meter. A form of re- cording watt-meter. Kilo- Weber. One thousand webers. Kine. A unit of velocity, proposed by the British Association, equal to a centimetre- per-second. Kinematics. That branch of science which treats of motion, irrespective ot the mass moved, or of the forces which produce or oppose the motion. Kinetic Energy. Energy producing mo- tion, as distinguished from potential energy, or energy capable of producing motion. Kinetic Induction. Dynamic or mutual induction. Kinetic Theory of Matter. A theory which assumes that the molecules of mat- ter are in a constant state of motion or vibration towards or from one another, in paths that lie within the spheres of their mutual attractions or repulsions. Kinetics. That branch of dynamics which treats of the action of forces in producing or modifying motion. Kinetoscope. A means for obtaining the effect of moving objects by means of a rapid succession of suitable pictures. Kinetograph. (1) A term at one time applied to a device proposed for the simul- taneous reproduction of a distant stage and its actors under circumstances such that the actors can be heard at any dis- tance from the theatre. (2) An apparatus for reproducing on a screen the image of a moving object. KirehofPs Laws. The Laws for the pres- sures and currents in branched or divided circuits. Kneading Tools. Tools for shaping hot gutta-percha laid on a joint between gut- ta-percha covered wires. Knife-Break Switch. A knife switch. Knife-Edge Suspension. The suspen- sion of a needle or system on knife-edges, supported on steel or agate plates. Knife-Edge Switch. A term sometimes used for knife-switch. Knife-Switch. (1) A switch which is opened or closed by the motion of a knife contact between parallel contact plates. (2) A knife-edge switch or knife switch. Knob Insulator. An insulator shaped like a knob and divided into two parts suitable for supporting a single wire when clamped together by its supporting screw. Knot. (1) A nautical mile, or 6087 feet. (2) A length equal to one minute of arc in terrestrial latitude. (3) A unit of velocity at sea equal to one naut per hour, ob- Kno.] 823 [Lam. tained from an observation of a knotted log-cord thrown overboard. Knot-Pound. A standard of conductivi- ty of copper referred to a length of one knot and a conductor weight of one pound, and sometimes employed in sub- marine telegraphy. Kohlrausch's Law. In electrolytic con- duction, the rate of motion of each atom in a given liquid is independent of the element with which it may have been combined. Krizik's Bars or Cores. Iron bars or cores of various shapes, provided for sole- noids, in which the distribution of the metal is so proportioned as to ensure a nearly uniform attraction or pull in dif- ferent positions of the solenoid. Kruss' Optical Scale. A scale employed for measuring the height of a flame. Kyanized. Subjected to the kyanizing process. Kyanizing. A process employed for the preservation of wooden telegraph poles, or railroad ties or sleepers, by injecting a solution of corrosive sublimate into the pores of the wood. Ii. A symbol for coefficient of inductance. L. A contraction for length. L. A symbol for the coefficient of induc- tance or self-induction. (Partly inter- national notation.) Lm. A symbol proposed for coefficient of mutual-induction, or mutual inductance. Ls. A symbol proposed for coefficient of self-induction, or self-inductance. Labile Galvanization. A term employed in electro-therapeutics, in contra-distinc- tion to stabile galvanization, to designate the method of applying the current by keeping one electrode at rest, in firm con- tact with one part of the body, and con- necting the other electrode to a sponge which is moved over the parts of the body that are to be treated. Lag. (1) Falling behind. (2) To fall be- hind. Lag of Motor Brushes. A movement of the brushes of a motor to a position on the commutator, in the opposite direction to its rotation, in order to obtain freedom from sparking. Lag of Resultant Flux. The displace- ment in phase of the magnetic flux in an induction motor behind the impressed magneto-motive force. Lagging Electromotive Force. An electromotive force or component of elec- tromotive force lagging behind a current or flux. Lagging Current. A periodic current lagging behind the impressed electromo- tive force which produces it. Lagging of Current. An alternating current; which is retarded in phase be- hind the pressure which produces it. Tagging of Magnetization. (1) A re- tardation in the magnetization as com- pared with the magnetizing electromotive force. (2) A cyclic retardation of mag- netization in a transformer due to hys- teresis. Lambert's Discharge Key. A highly insulated form of double-contact key, used in testing. Lamellar. Composed of parallel plates or laminae. Lamellar Distribution of Magnetism. (1) The distribution of magnetism in magnetic shells. (2) Such a distribution of magnetism in a thin plate that the magnetized particles are arranged with their greatest lengths in the direction of the thickness of the plate, so that all the poles are situated at or near the faces of the plate, and, consequently, the extent of such polar surfaces is great when com- pared with the thickness of the plate. Lamellar Magnet. A magnet whose magnetism is characterized by lamellar distribution, Laminated. Built up or composed of laminae. Laminated Core. An iron core that has been sub-divided in planes parallel to its magnetic flux-paths, in order to avoid the injurious production of Foucault or eddy currents. Laminated Magnet. A magnet provided with a laminated core. Laminating. Sub-dividing into laminae. Lamination. The sub-division of an iron core into laminae. Lamination of Armature Core. The sub-division of the iron core of a dynamo or motor armature into a number of in- Lam.] 824 [Lam. sulated parallel strips or plates, for the purpose of avoiding eddy currents. Lamination of Conductors. (1) The division of a conductor into a number of parallel strands or wires, for the purpose either of lessening the eddy currents pro- duced in its mass, or for reducing the skin effect when alternating currents are employed. (2) A stranded conductor. Lamp Adapter.-; (1) A device which permits an electric lamp to replace an or- dinary gas burner on a gas bracket or chandelier. (2) A device which permits an electric lamp base of one manufacturer to be readily inserted in the socket of an- other manufacturer. Lamp Base. The portion of an incandes- cent lamp chamber through which the leading-in wires are passed, provided with two metallic plates or parts, suitably in- sulated from one another, and electrically connected to the ends of the leading-in wires. Lamp Bracket, Electric. A device similar to that employed for a gas burner, suitable for the support of an incandes- cent lamp. Lamp Bulb. The chamber or globe in which the filament of an incandescent lamp is placed. Lamp Cap. The base of an incandescent lamp. Lamp Chamber. The bulb of an incan- descent lamp. Lamp Circuit. A circuit containing an electric lamp or lamps. Lamp Clamp. A suitable grip for hold- ing the rod that supports the electrode of an arc-lamp. Lamp Contacts. Metallic plates or rings placed in an incandescent lamp base, and connected to the terminals of the filament. Lamp Cord. A flexible cord containing two separately insulated wires suitable for use in connection with an incandescent lamp. Lamp Cut-Out. (1) A device so arranged as to automatically cut a series-con- nected arc-lamp out of the circuit, as soon as the carbons are entirely consumed. (2) A safety catch or safety fuse con- nected with the circuit of a multiple-con- nected incandescent lamp. Lamp Dimmer. A reactive coil, em- ployed on an 'alternating circuit for the purpose of varying the intensity of incan- descent lights connected with such circuit. Lamp Efficiency. (1) Commonly, but illogically, the watts consumed by a lamp per candle-power delivered. (2) More nearly correctly, the reciprocal of this ; or the number of candles obtained from an incandescent lamp per watt supplied to it. Lamp Feet. (1) In a conducting loop, cir- cuit, or system, the product of the number of lamps supplied and the distance at which they are supplied ; each lamp being multiplied by its distance, and the sum of such products being taken. (2) A quan- tity sometimes used in computing dis- tribution systems of electric lighting. Lamp Filament. The filament of an in- candescent lamp. Lamp Fittings. (1) The.sockets, holders, brackets, etc., required for holding, or supporting, incandescent electric lamps. (2) Lamp fixtures. Lamp Frame. The frame of an arc-lamp provided for the support of the feeding mechanism, globe, etc. Lamp Hanger. A device provided for the suspension of an arc-lamp. Lamp Hood. A hood employed to protect an arc-lamp from rain or snow, and gen- erally so arranged as to throw its light in a downward direction. Lamp-Hour. (1) Such a service of electric current as is required to main- tain one electric lamp during one hour. (2) Such a quantity of electricity, or of electric energy, as will maintain one standard lamp in normal operation for one hour. Lamp Indicator. (1) An apparatus e*m- ployed in a central station to indicate the presence of the proper voltage, or poten- tial difference, on the mains. (2) A lamp employed on a telephone switch- board to indicate when the subscriber is calling, or when he has rung off. (3) A pilot lamp. (4) Any indicating apparatus employing an electric lamp as signalling device. Lamp Pendant. A flexible cord em- ployed for the support of a pendant lamp. Lamp Pillar. (1) A pillar supporting one or more lamps. (2) A lamp post. Lamp Posts. Posts provided for the sup- port of lamps. Lamp Protector. A lamp hood, cover or guard. Lamp Receptacle. (1) A lamp socket or holder. (2) A receptacle for a flex- ible connection leading to a lamp. Lamp Bod, (1) The rod provided in an Lam.] 825 [Law. ordinary arc-lamp for the support of the positive carbon. (2) In a focussing lamp, the rods provided for the support of the two carbons. Lamp Socket. A support provided for the reception of an incandescent lamp, so arranged that the introduction of the lamp therein, automatically connects the lamp terminals with the terminals of the supply wires. Lamp-Socket Rheostat. A regulable re- sistance placed in the socket of an incan- descent lamp for the purpose of altering the quantity of light it emits. Lamp -Socket Switch. (1) A switch E laced in the socket of an incandescent imp, provided for lighting and extin- guishing the lamp. (2) A lamp-socket key. Lamp Switches. Switches placed in the circuit of a group of incandescent lamps, either in the branches, or in the mains, for the purpose of simultaneously lighting or extinguishing a number of lamps. Land Line. (1) A telegraph line on land, either aerial or buried, as distinguished from a submarine cable. (2) An aerial telegraph line. (3) That portion of a sub- marine-cable circuit which extends over the land. Lantern Lamp. An incandescent lamp provided with a lantern-shaped chamber surrounding the lamp chamber. Lantern Projector. A focussing arc-lamp employed in connection with a projecting apparatus. Lap Joint. (1) The joint effected by over- lapping short- portions near the ends of the things to be joined, and securing them to each other while in that posi- tion. (2) A joint between the ends of two conducting wires in which the two ends after being laid together, side by side, are lapped firmly together by a piece of separ- ate wire. Lap-Joint for Wires. A joint between two wires, made by over-lapping their ends and subsequently soldering. Lap Winding. A winding for a drum armature, in which the successive con- ducting loops are arranged on the surface of the armature over-lapping one an- other. Large Calorie. (1) A term sometimes used for the great calorie. (2) A kilogramme- degree-centigrade. (3) One thousand lesser calories. Latent. Hidden, concealed. Latent Electricity. A term formerly applied to bound electricity. Lateral. Ah offset from a conduit system 11 for connecting services with the con- ductors of a conduit. Lateral Bracket. A form of bracket for running wires from corner to corner of buildings, and for supporting an insulator in an upright position. Lateral Discharge. (1) A Leyden-jar or other impulsive discharge occurring be- tween parts of the circuit not in the direct path of the main discharge. (2) A discharge occurring through an alterna- tive path. Lateral Induction. (1) Induction occur- ring between closely-approached portions of a circuit, through which an impulsive discharge is passing. (2) The induction produced by an impulsive discharge as manifested in a lateral discharge. Lateral Magnetic-Leakage. (1) The failure of magneto flux to pass in ap- proximately parallel paths through a bar of iron or other magnetizable material, which has come to rest in a field in which it is free to move. (2) The escape of magnetic flux from the sides of a bar magnet, or other similar magnet, instead of from the poles at its ends. Lattice Pole. A form of structural-iron pole designed for the support of overhead wires or conductors, made in the form of a light, strong lattice. Lattice Work of Pole. A composite pole whose upper portion consists of structural lattice work, employed in cases where the stresses produced on the top of the pole are excessive by reason of the weight of the cables, or the number of lines or aerial wires supported thereon. Launch, Electric. A launch whose mo- tive power is electric. Law. (1) In physics, any relation existing between natural phenomena and their causes. (2) The invariable manner in which physical causes produce their effects. (3) Any observed relation of sequences in the universe. Law of Electro-Chemical Equiva- lence. The amount of electrolytic libera- tion produced by an electric current passed through various chemical sub- stances is proportional to the chemical equivalent of each substance, that is, to its atomic weight divided by its valency. Law of Illumination. The illumination produced by a single-point source of light, varies inversely as the square of the dis- tance from that source. Law of Ohm. (1) The law of non-varying current strength in a circuit not subject to variation. (2) Ohm's law. Vol. 2 Law.] 826 [Lea. Law of Volta. (1) The law of contact series. (2) Volta's law. Laws of Becquerel. Laws for the mag- neto-optic rotation of the plane of polari- zation. Laws of Coulomb. Laws for the force of attraction and repulsion existing be- tween charged bodies, or between neigh- boring magnet poles. Laws of Faraday. Laws of electrolytic decomposition . Laws of Joule. Laws expressing the de- velopment of heat in a circuit by an electric current. Laws of Reflection. (1) The angle of in- cidence is equal to the angle of reflection. (2) Both the incident and the reflected rays lie in the same plane. Lay. The helical disposition of wires in a strand or sheath, in which each wire makes a complete revolution about the axis. Lay Torpedo. A moving torpedo, in which the motive power is either carbonic acid gas or compressed air, and the guid- ing power electricity. Layer. A name sometimes applied to an electro-plating deposit. Lay-Outof Cable in Tank. (1) The starting of a new flake in coiling a cable in a tank, by proceeding from the eye at the end of the finished flake, directly out- ward to the edge of the tank. (2) That part of a cable which connects the inside of one flake with the outside of the suc- ceeding flake in a cable tank. Laying-Up Cables. Placing or disposing separate cables or conductors in a bunched cable. Lead. (1) An insulated conductor leading to or from an electric source. (2) In telegraphy , an insulated conductor leading to an instrument, battery, circuit, or sta- tion. (3) In a multiple or parallel-con- nected circuit, a conductor or main con- nected to the positive terminal of the source. (4) In a system of electric distri- bution, an insulated conductor leading to a main, feeder, source, station, testing apparatus, or device. (5) A connecting wire. Lead Accumulator. An accumulator or storage cell which has been formed from two plates of lead immersed in dilute sulphuric acid. Lead Burning. Effecting a metallic junction between two lead plates or strips by partially fusing them together. Lead-Covered Conductors. Insulated conductors sheathed in lead. Lead-Encased Cable. A cable provided with a sheathing or coating of lead on its external surface. Lead of Brushes of Dynamo-Electric Generator. An angular deviation from the normal position, forwards, or in the direction of rotation of the 'armature, which is given to the brushes on the commutator, in order to obtain sparkless commutation. Lead of Current. An advance in the phase of an alternating current beyond that of the electromotive force producing the current. Lead of Motor Brushes. The angular displacement from the normal position in the direction contrary to that of the rotation of the armature, which it is necessary to give the brushes on an elec- tric motor, when its load is increased, in order to obtain freedom from sparking. Lead Scoring Tool. A tool for readily scoring the surface of a lead-covered cable, for the purpose of obtaining a clean surface preparatory to making a joint. Lead Sheathing. The coating of lead placed on the outside of a lead-covered cable. Lead Sleeve. A lead tube provided for making a joint in a lead-covered cable. Lead-Tin Alloys. Alloys of lead and tin, of low melting point, employed for safety fuses. Lead Tree. An arborescent deposit of lead obtained by the electrolysis of a solu- tion of a lead salt. Lead Voltameter. A voltameter consist- ing of lead electrodes immersed in a dilute solution of sulphuric acid and water. Leaded Cable. A cable provided with a lead sheathing. Leading Current. An alternating-cur- rent wave or component, in advance of the electromotive force producing it Leading Edge of Pole-Pieces of Arma- ture. Those edges or terminals of the field-magnet pole-pieces which the arma- ture is approaching in its rotation. Leading Horn of Pole-Pieces of Dy- namo. Those edges or terminals of the field-magnet pole-pieces towards which the armature of a dynamo-electric ma- chine is carried during its rotation. Leading-In Insulator. The insulator provided for the support of the wires leading into a building from an aerial cir- cuit. Leading-In Tube.y-(l) A tube of insulat- ing material provided for the reception Lea.] 827 [Lef. of the leading-in wires in a building. (2) An insulating tube. Leading-In Wires .-^(1) The wires that pass from an aerial circuit into a house or building. (2) The wires or conductors which lead the current through an in- candescent electric lamp; i.e., into and out of a lamp. (3) Wires leading a cir- cuit into a house, room, box, or apparatus. Leading Pole of Dynamo or Motor. The pole of a dynamo or motor approached by points on the surface of the revolving armature which lie between the poles at any instant. Leading-Up Wires. Wires employed for raising an aerial cable to the cable hangers. Leads. (1) In a system of parallel distri- bution. the conductors connected to the positive and negative terminals of a source. (2) Generally, the conductors in any system of electric distribution. (3) Conductors which lead the current to or from any source, circuit or device. (4) In electric testing the insulating conduc- tors leading the testing current to the cir- cuit or conductor tested. Leak. (1) Any loss or escape by leaking. (2) The point or place where a leak occurs. Leakage. A loss or escape by leaking. Leakage Conductance. Insulation con- ductance, or the reciprocal of the insula- tion resistance. Leakage Conductor. (1) A conductor placed on a telegraphic circuit for the purpose of preventing the disturbing ef- fects of leakage into a neighboring line by providing a direct path for such leak- age to the earth. (2) A conductor placed on a telegraphic line for the purpose of lessening the retardation of the line by assisting in its discharge. Leakage Current of Primary .^(1) The magnetizing current which flows into the primary circuit of a transformer when the secondary circuit is open, (2) A cur- rent employed in magnetizing only, as distinguished from a current usefully transformed. Leakage Current of Transformer. (1) The current which flows into the primary circuit of a transformer when the secon- dary circuit is opened. (2) The mag- netizing current. Leakage Drop. The drop produced in a circuit by leakage. Leakage, Electric. The gradual dissipa- tion of a charge or current due to insuf- ficient insulation. Leakage Factor. In a dynamo-electric machine, the ratio of the total flux, which passes through the field-magnet cores of a dynamo or motor, to the total useful flux passing from them through the armature. Leakage Flux. (1) That portion of the field flux which does not pass through the armature of a dynamo or motor, and which, therefore, produces no useful ef- fect. (2) The stray flux, or that from which no useful effect is obtained. Leakage Indicator.-^!) A magnetic ex- plorer. (2) An electric testing apparatus for revealing the presence of leakage in any circuit or system. Leakage Interference. Interference be- tween two or more circuits due to their mutual leakage. Leakage Magnetic Resistance. The re^ luctance to leakage magnetic flux. Leakage Method of Measuring Insu- lation. A method of measuring the in- sulation of a conductor or condenser by determining the rate at which it loses charge by leakage. Leakage Paths. The paths traversed by leakage magnetic flux. Leakance. A term proposed for leakage- conductance in a circuit. Leclanche's Voltaic Cell. A zinc-car- bon couple whose elements are used in connection with a solution of sal-ammo- niac, and a quantity of finely divided black oxide of manganese surrounding the carbon. Lecture Galvanometer. A'form of gal- vanometer suitable for showing the movements of a galvanometer needle to an audience at a considerable distance from the instrument. Left-Hand Trolley-Frog. A trolley- frog so arranged as to switch a car to the left. Left-Hand Trolley-Switch. A switch arranged to divert a car to the left of a main line. Left-Handed Armature-Windings. Armature windings applied to the core in a left-handed or sinistrorsal helix. Left-Handed Dynamo. A dynamo which runs left-handedly, or counter- clockwise, when regarded from the pulley end. Left-Handed Helix. (1) A left-handed solenoid. (2) A helix wound left-hand- edly, or counter-clockwise. Left-Handed Motor. A motor which runs left-handedly, or counter-clockwise, when regarded from the pulley end. Lef.] 828 [Ley. Left-Handed Rotation. A rotation in a positive or counter-clockwise direction. Left - Handed . Solenoid. A solenoid whose winding is left-handed, or counter- clockwise. Left-Handed Spiral. A left-handed helix. Left-Handed Winding. The winding of a solenoid or helix in a counter-clockwise direction. Leg. In a system of telephonic exchange, where a ground-return is used, a single wire ; or, where a metallic circuit is em- ployed, two wires, provided for connect- ing the subscriber with the main switch- board, so that any subscriber may be placed directly in circuit with two or more other subscribers. Leg Key. A Morse telegraphic key having long screw in its base for passing through a table. Leg of Circuit. (1) A branch of a bifur- cated or divided circuit. (2) A loop or offset in a series circuit. Leg of Electro-Magnet. One of the cores of an electro-magnet. Legal Earth Quadrant. (1) A practical unit of inductance as denned by the Elec- trical Congress of 1884, at Paris, and as distinguished from the true earth quad- rant. (2) The legal quadrant. Legal Ohm. (1) An ohm whose value is in accordance with the definition of the Electrical Congress of 1884, in Paris. (2) The resistance of a uniform column of mercury one square millimetre in area of cross-section, and 106 centimetres in length, at the temperature of Cent., or 32 Fahr. (3) The concrete standard ohm as defined by the Electrical Congress of 1884, at Paris, as distinguished either from the B. A. ohm, the true ohm, or the In- ternational ohm. Legal Quadrant. (1) The legal earth quadrant. (2) The unit of self-induction based upon the definitions of the Electrical Congress of 1884, in Paris. Legged. Placed in a circuit by means of a leg. Legging Key-Board. A key-board em- ployed for the purpose of legging an oper- ator into a circuit containing two or more subscribers. Legless Key. (1) A name sometimes given to a Morse telegraphic key provided with a flat base. (2) A self-closing key. Length of Spark. The air distance trav- ersed by a disruptive discharge. Lenard Effect. The effect produced by the Lenard Rays, in causing fluorescence, and in passing through some substances that are opaque to light. Lenard Rays. The peculiar radiation emitted from that external portion of a Lenard tube that is directly opposite the cathode. Lenard Tube. A form of high-vacuum tube provided with an aluminium plate, hermetically sealed in that portion of the wall of the tube lying directly opposite the cathode, and employed for producing Lenard rays. Lens. A medium, transparent to radiant energy, provided with a curved face or faces, and employed to bring a beam or pencil of light to a single point or focus. Lens Lamp. A.n incandescent lamp pro- vided with a small lens hermetically fixed in a portion of its wall, opposite a suitably placed reflector. Lens-Mirror Projector. A form of pro- jector whose operation is dependent on the combined action of a mirror and a lens. Lenz's Laws. Laws for determining the direction of currents produced by electro- dynamic induction. Lesser Calorie. (1) The small calorie. (2) The therm. (3) The water-gramme- degree-centigrade . Letter-Box, Electric. A device that announces tho deposit of a letter in a box by the ringing of a bell, or by the moving of a needle or index. Letter Printing Instrument. A type- printing telegraphic instrument. Level, Electric. An equipotential elec- tric surface. Level of Earth, Electric. A term some- times employed for the potential of the earth. Lever Brake for Car. A form of car brake operated by means of a brake handle. Lever Hook. (1) The hook in an auto- matic telephone switch on which a tele- phone receiver is hung when not in use. (2) A contact lever provided with a hook for supporting a telephone. Lever Switch. (1) A switch mounted upon a fulcrum axis like a lever. (2) A switch operated by the movements of a lever. (3) A telephone switch of a multi- ple telephone switch-board, operated by a lever. Leyden-Jar. A condenser in the form of a jar, in which the metallic coatings are ' placed opposite each other respectively on the outside and inside of the jar. Ley.] 829 I Urn. Leyden-Jar Battery. The combination of a number of separate Leyden jars so as to act as a single jar. Leyden-Jar Discharge. (1) The dis- ruptive discharge produced by a Leyden jar. (2) A name sometimes given to an oscillatory discharge. Leydic Resistance. A term proposed for the resistance offered by various metallic circuits to condenser discharges. Lichtenberg's Dust-Figures. Figures obtained by writing on a sheet of shellac with the knob of a charged Leyden jar, and then sprinkling over the sheet, dried, powdered sulphur and red lead, which have been previously mixed together and are thereby rendered respectively nega- tive and positive. Lichtenberg's Electric Figures. A term sometimes applied to Lichtenberg's dust-figures. Life Curve of Incandescent Electric Lamp. A curve in which the life of an incandescent electric lamp is represented by means of abscissae and ordinates that are respectively equal to the life in hours and the candle-power at constant pressure, or the pressure at constant candle-power. Life of Electric Incandescent Lamp. The number of hours that an incandes- cent electric lamp will continue to fur- nish a good commercial light when oper- ated at normal pressure. Lift, Electric. An electrically operated lift or elevator. Light. (1) That particular form of radiant energy by means of which objects are rendered visible. (2) The flow or flux of light emitted from a luminous source. Light Bath, Electric. A form of electro- therapeutic bath in which the patient is exposed to the radiation of a number of incandescent lamps. Light Cell. A term sometimes employed for a photo-electric cell. Light, Electric. Light produced by the action of electric energy. Light Escape. A partial ground or earth. Light-House Illumination, Electric. The application of the electric arc-light to light-houses. Light Indicator of Railroad Signal. A device by means of which an indica- tion is given electrically, at a distance, as to whether a signal lamp is lighted or not. Light Load of Machine. A partial load, or a load which is small by comparison with the capacity of the machine. Light Cable, Electric. A cable em- ployed for furnishing the current required for the maintenance of electric lights. Lighting Circuits. Any electric circuit for the distribution of light. Lightning. A spark or discharge that results from the disruptive discharge of a cloud to the ground, or to a neighboring cloud. Lightning Arrester. A device by means of which the apparatus placed in any- electric circuit is protected from the de- structive effects of a flash or discharge of lightning. Lightning - Arrester Board. The board to which the lightning arresters of a system of telephonic or telegraphic communication are connected. Lightning-Arrester Earth. The earth provided for the grounding of the earth- plate of a lightning arrester. Lightning Bolt. A lightning flash or dis- charge. Lightning Conductor. A lightning rod. Lightning Deviator. A term sometimes used for lightning arrester. Lightning Discharger. A term some- times used for lightning protector. Lightning Flash. A lightning discharge. Lightning Guard. A term sometimes used for lightning rod. Lightning Jar. A Leyden-jar whose coatings consist of metallic filings in the gaps between which an irregular series of sparks, somewhat resembling a light- ning flash, appear on the discharge of the jar. Lightning Rod. A rod, strap, wire, or stranded cable, of good conducting mate- rial, placed on the outside of a house or other structure, in order to protect it from the effects of a lightning discharge. Lightning Rods for Ships. A system of rods or conductors designed to afford electric protection for vessels at sea. Lightning Stroke. (1) A disruptive dis- charge occurring between two oppositely charged clouds, or between a cloud and the earth. (2) A lightning flash. Lightning Tube. A fulgurite. Lime Light. A source of light obtained by the incandescence of a cylinder of lime under the influence of the oxy-hy- drogen blow-pipe. Limit Switch. A small automatic switch on an electric street car, connected in series with the brake discs, and so arranged as to be capable of cutting out the fields ot Lim.] 830 [Lin. both motors when the braeking current is excessive. Limiting Distance of Speech. (1) The length of circuit, or the distance to which a circuit may be carried in a straight line, at which telephonic conversation is just practicable. (2) The limiting length of line to which telephonic speech can be carried successfully, depending upon the electric conditions of the circuit, and the nature of the apparatus employed. Limiting Speed of Cable. The speed to which the transmission of signals through a cable is limited, by reason of its electrostatic capacity and resistance. Limiting Stop. A stop set so as to limit the motion of an electrically vibrating or oscillating bar to any pre-determined extent. Limiting Temperature-Elevation. A temperature elevation of any apparatus which is not to be exceeded during its prolonged operation. Line. Generally, a wire or conductor connecting any distant points or stations. Line Adjuster. An instrument employed for overcoming the effects of leakage on the adjustment of the relays in a tele- graphic circuit. Line Arrester. The lightning arrester connected to a line or circuit. Line Circuit. (1) The wires or other conductors in the main line of a tele- graphic or other circuit. (2) A trans- mission circuit for electric energy. Line Crosses. Electric crosses occurring on lines. Line Crossing. (1) The place where two overhead trolley conductors cross each other. (2) A metallic plate uniting the ends of trolley wires, where one wire crosses another. Line Cross-Over. (1) A trolley crossing. (2) A trolley cross-over. Line Drop. In a telephone switchboard, an electro-magnetic drop connected to a line. Line Dynamometer. A dynamometer employed during the erection of an over- head line, in order to determine whether it has been pulled up to its proper tension. Line Insulator. An insulator employed for the support of an aerial line. Line Integral. A continuous summing up of some instantaneous quantity exe- cuted or conducted along a continuous line. Line Jacks. In a telephone switchboard, a jack connected to a line. Line of Least Sparking. The diameter of sparkless commutation. Line Peg. A peg or plug in a switchboard connecting the line with translating devices or with another line. Line-Pressure Compensator. A device for attachment to a voltmeter in an alter- nating-current system, whereby the volt- meter indications are compensated for the drop of pressure in the feeder, and are such as would be obtained if the instrument were directly connected to the mains. Line Reactance. The reactance of a line conductor. Line Section of Electric Railroad. Any part of a trolley, or other railroad line, so insulated from other parts as to permit of the separate control of its sup- ply of electric power. Line Selector. A wire selector. Line Wire. In telegraphy, the wire that connects the different stations with one another. Line-Wire Tier. A tie wire of soft copper or soft iron employed for holding the line wire to the insulator. Lines of Electric-Displacement. Lines of electric flux, along which electric dis- placement takes place. Lines of Electric-Induction. The lines along which electric induction takes place. Lines of Electrostatic-Flux. The lines along which electrostatic flux passes. Lines of Electrostatic-Force. (1) Lines of force produced in the neighborhood of a charged body by the presence of the charge. (2) Lines extending in the direc- tion in which the force of electrostatic attraction or repulsion acts. Lines of Inductive- Action. Lines of electrostatic force. Lines of Magnetic-Force. (1) Lines in which magnetic force acts. (2) Lines extending in the direction in which the force of magnetic attraction or repulsion acts. Lines of Magnetic-Induction. (1) Mag- netic flux-paths. (2) The lines in which magnetic induction proceeds. Lines of Magnetization. (1) A term sometimes applied for lines of magnetic induction. (2) A term sometimes applied to those portions of the lines of magnetic force which lie within the magnetized substance. Lineants. A term proposed as a unit of magnetic flux in place of webers, and Lin.] 831 [Loc. equal to the pressants divided by the resistants, or to the magneto-motive force divided by the reluctance. (Not used.) Linear Capacity. The quotient of the capacity of a line or conductor by its length. Linear Capacity of Cable. The electro- static capacity of a cable per-unit-of- length. Linear Coefficient of Expansion. The increase in a unit length of a substance when subjected to unit difference of tem- perature. Linear Density, Electric. The amount of electrification per unit of length. Linear Density of Charge. The density of charge per-unit-of-length. Linear Insulation. The product of the total insulation of a line by its length. Linear Insulation of Cable. The prod- uct of the insulation resistance of a cable by its length. Linear Spectrum. A spectrum consist- ing of a few isolated frequencies. Line-Man. One who puts up and repairs line circuits, and attends to the receptive devices connected therewith. Link-Fuse. A link-shaped leaden plate, provided with suitable ends for connection with the copper fuse- wire terminals. Link-Fuse Cut-Out. A cut-out employ- ing a link-fuse. Linkages. In a coil traversed by a cur- rent, the sum of the magnetic flux due to that current linked with the coil, obtained by considering the quantity of flux linked with each turn, separately and succes- sively, and adding the fluxes so obtained. Linked Magnetic and Electric Cir- cuits. A phrase sometimes employed to represent the interlinked condition of magnetic and electric circuits. Liquid Compass. A form of ship's com- pass in which the compass-needle is sus- pended, not only by the usual gimbals, but is also so arranged that its oscillations are checked by a surrounding liquid. Liquid Flow. The quantity of liquid that escapes from an orifice, or passes through any cross-section of a pipe or channel, in a given time. Liquid-Level Alarm, Electric. A de- vice for electrically sending an alarm when a liquid level differs materially from a given level. Liquid Resistance Load. An artificial load for a dynamo consisting of a mass of liquid interposed between suitable electrodes: Liquid Thermostat. A thermostat whose operation depends on the expan- sion of a liquid. Liquefaction. The conversion of a solid into a liquid by the addition of heat, or of a gas into a liquid, either by the removal of heat, or by the combined influence of low temperature and pressure. Listening Cam. In a telephone system a metallic cam or lever-key by means of which an operator readily places her tele- phone in circuit with a subscriber. Listening Key. In a telephone switch- board, a listening cam. Lithanode. Highly conducting lead per- oxide in a solid form suitably prepared for the plate of a storage cell. Line Trolley-Crossing. (1) The point or plate where two trolley wires cross each other at a street crossing. (2) A line crossing. Live Wire. (1) A wire through which current is passing. (2) A wire connected with an electric pressure or source. Liverpool Repeater. A name given to a form of telephone repeating induction coil in which the iron core is constructed of thin wires bent around over the coils, so as to overlap at the ends, and form a complete magnetic circuit. Load. The work thrown on any machine. Load-Diagram of Station. A curve which represents the output of a station for a given time, say for the twenty-four hours of the day. Load-Factor. The ratio of the average to the maximum load. Load of Dynamo. The current delivered by a dynamo. Load-Panel. The panel of a central- station switchboard provided with appa- ratus for indicating the total station-load. Loadstone. An objectionable orthogra- phy sometimes employed for lodestone. Local Action of Dynamo-Electric Ma- chine. The loss of energy in a dynamo by the establishment of eddy currents in its pole-pieces, cores, or other conducting masses. Local Action of Voltaic Cell. An irreg- ular consumption of the zinc, or positive element of a voltaic cell, by the fluid or electrolyte when the circuit is opened or broken, as well as when it is closed or in regular action. Local Battery. A voltaic battery thrown into or out of action by a relay and em- ployed at a station on a telegraphic line, Loc.] 832 [Lon. to operate a sounder, or a registering or recording apparatus, at that point only. Local Battery Circuit. The circuit in a telegraphic system in which is placed the local battery, as distinguished from the main battery. Local Calls. At a central telephone ex- change, a call received from a subscriber connected directly therewith, as distin- guished from a call received from another exchange. Local Currents. A term sometimes used for eddy currents. Local Faradization. A method of thera- peutically applying the voltaic current, similar in general to that employed in local galvanization. Local Galvanization. The application of galvanization to portions of the body only, in contradistinction to general gal- vanization. Local Jack. In a multiple telephone switchboard, an answering jack corre- sponding to a local line drop, or a jack separated from the main body of the switchboard and set in a local row for the convenience of the operator in answering calls. Localization of Faults. Determining the position of a fault on a telegraphic line or cable by electrical tests applied at one or both ends. Localization Test. A test of a faulty cir- cuit made to determine the position of the fault. Localized Capacity. Capacity inserted in a circuit in one or more condensers, as distinguished from distributed capacity, or that which is present throughout the entire circuit. Localized Inductance. Inductance in- serted in a circuit at one or more points, as distinguished from distributed induct- ance which is present throughout the entire circuit. Localized Vector. (1) A vector function of space. (2) A vector point-function. (3) A vector quantity which is a property of every point of a region. Locally Inter-Connected Switchboard. A switchboard sub-divided into sections, each provided with auxiliary jacks which are interconnected among the different sections. Lock, Electric. A lock that is automati- cally released by the aid of a distant push- button. Locomotive, Electric. (1) A locomotor whose motive power is electricity. (2) An electrically-driven locomotive engine. Locomotive Head-Light, Electric. An electric light placed in the focus of a par- abolic reflector in front of a locomotive engine. Locomotor. A travelling motor, as dis- tinguished from a stationary motor. Locomotor, Electric. An electrically driven locomotor. Lodestone. A name given to a piece of naturally magnetized iron ore. Lodge's Standard Voltaic Cell. A standard form of Daniell's cell. Log, Electric. An electric device for measuring the speed of, or the distance traversed by, a vessel. Logarithm. The exponent, or the power to which it is necessary to raise a fixed number called the base, in order to pro- duce a given number. Logarithmic. Of or pertaining to a loga- rithm. Logarithmic Curve. A curve in which the rate of increase or decrease of the or- dinate is proportional to the ordinate it- self. Logarithmic Decrement of Galvano- meter .- (!) In a series of galvanometer swings or deflections, the ratio of any pair. of successive amplitudes. (2) The ratio of any two successive total swings or deflections of a galvanometer needle. Logging Motor, Electric. (1) An elec- tric locomotor employed for hauling logs. (2) A form of telpher motor moving over a cable way, usually over a swamp, for hauling logs out of the same. Long- Arc System of Electric Lighting. A system of arc lighting employing long arcs and, consequently, high electro-mo- tive forces. Long-Closed Circuit. A series circuit in which all the devices are included as dis- tinguished from a series circuit in which some of the electro-receptive devices are cut-out. Long-Coil Magnet. (1) An electro-mag- net whose magnetizing coil consists of many turns of fine wire. (2) A high- resistance magnet. Long-Connection Armature-Winding. Such a connection of a two-circuit arma- ture winding that in each circuit electro- motive forces are produced by field pole& of one polarity only. Long Connection of Two-Circuit Gramme-Windings. A form of Gramme winding in which the two cir- cuits from brush to brush consist of con- ductors that are influenced by only one- half the poles. Ion.] 833 [Loo. Long-Core Electro-Magnet. An electro- magnet with a long core. Long-Distance Carbon Telephone Transmitter. A form of microphonic telephone transmitter suitable for use on long-distance circuits. Long-Distance Telephone Cabinet. An approximately sound-tight cabinet employed for convenience and secrecy in telephonic communication. Long-Distance Transmission. Trans- mission of electric energy over fairly con- siderable distances. Long End of Quadruplex Battery. The end of a quadruplex battery that is further from the point of intermediate connection than the short end. Long-Range Electrometer. An electro- meter the range of whose scale is compar- atively long. Long-Shunt Compound-Winding. A compound winding of a dynamo-electric machine in which the shunt coil is con- nected directly, or through resistance, with the terminals of the machine, as dis- tinguished from a short-shunt compound- winding. Long-Shunt Compound-Wound Dy- namo-Electric Machine. A com- pound-wound dynamo, in which the shunt-field magnet coils form a shunt to the binding posts of the machine. Longitudinal Magnetization. Such a magnetization of a bar or rod, that its separate magnetic particles are arranged with their axes lying in the direction of the length of the bar. Longitudinal Vibrations. Vibrations set up in an elastic medium in the direc- tion of propagation or transmission, as dis- tinguished from transverse vibrations which occur at right angles to the direc- tion of propagation. Loom, Electric. An electrically operated loom , in which the Jacquard cards of the ordinary loom are replaced by simple per- forated metal plates, whose perforations correspond to those in the Jacquard cards. Loop Bracket. (1) A insulating bracket from which a conducting loop can con- veniently be run so as to include a source or translating device. (2) A bracket for holding two insulators and wires, such as might form a loop. Loop-Break. A device for introducing a loop in a break made at any part of a cir- cuit. Loop-Circuit. (1) A term sometimes ap- plied to a circuit in parallel or multiple- arc. (2) A metallic circuit. (3) A circuit 53 having two wires, one out-going and the other returning, as distinguished from an earth-return circuit. Loop Cut-Out. A cut-out placed in a loop. Loop, Electric. A portion of a main cir- cuit consisting of a wire going out from one side of a break in the main circuit and returning to the other side of the break. Loop-Mile. (1) A mile of going and return conductor in a loop circuit. (2) A mile of double conductor. (3) A double mile of conductor. (4) A distance of one mile traversed by a pair of conductors. Loop or Spreader Bracket. A bracket used on cross-arms for taking off loops that are to be carried to service wires, branch mains, or transformers. Loop Switch. A switch for opening or closing a loop, or for throwing a loop into or out of a main circuit. (2) A switch for connecting a branch office with a du- plex or quadruplex switch at a main of- fice, so that the branch office assumes control of one set of apparatus ; i. e., sends and receives messages on the duplex or quadruplex system. Loop System of Distribution. A system of distribution employed in the early his- tory of electric lighting, in which each of a number of lamps was furnished with cur- rent through a single machine by means of a separate and independent loop or cir- cuit connected with the terminals of such machine. Loop-System of Parallel Distribution. A system of parallel distribution in which a pair of mains is connected to a generator in a manner designed to equal- ize the drop of pressure ; one main being connected at the home end directly to the generator, and the other being con- nected at its distant end to the generator through a separate wire. Loop Test. A localization test for a fault in a loop of two telegraphic wires, or in a complete metallic circuit. Loop Winding. A term sometimes used for lap-winding. Loop-Winding of Alternator. (1) Coil winding. (2) An alternator armature- winding in which the wire is laid on the surface of the armature core in loops or coils. Loops of Force. A term sometimes ap- plied for lines of force. Loops of Induction. A term sometimes applied for lines of magnetic induction. Loops of Mutual-Induction. Loops or lines of induction produced in any cir- Loo.] 834 [Lum. cuit by variations in the intensity of the current flowing in a neighboring circuit. Looping-In. A term sometimes employed for a method adopted in grounded tele- phone or telegraph circuits for connect- ing Several instruments in series in a loop in that circuit, so that any conversation must be transmitted through all the in- struments which happen to be in the cir- cuit between the parties connected. Loss Plate of Voltameter. (1) That plate of a voltameter from which the metal is electrolytically dissolved during the passage of the current. (2) The plate con- nected with the anode or positive ter- minal. Loose Carbon Transmitter. (1) A tele- phone transmitter employing loose car- bon or carbon dust. (2) A dust telephone transmitter. Loose Contact. A contact effected by two or more surfaces that rest loosely on one another, or by means of their weight only. Loose-Handle Switch. A form of switch in which the handle after it has been moved a short distance falls into a new position of equilibrium. Loss of Continuity. A disconnection or interruption of a circuit. Loud-Speaking Telephone. (1) A name given to any telephone characterized by the intensity of the sounds produced by its receiver. (2) A name sometimes given to the electro-motographic telephone. Loudness. That quality of a sound which depends on the amplitude of its vibra- tions. Low-Frequency. (1) A frequency of but comparatively few alternations per sec- ond. (2) Any frequency lower than that usually employed. Low-Frequency Trans forme r. A transformer designed for operation on a low-frequency circuit. Low-Potential Current. A term some- times used for a current on a low-pressure circuit. Low-Potential System. In the National Electric Code, a system having a pressure less than 300 volts. Low Pressure. A comparatively small pressure or electromotive force. Low-Pressure Circuit. A circuit de- signed for use in connection with low electric pressure. Low-Pressure Incandescent Lamp. An incandescent lamp whose filament is short and thick, and, consequently, of low electric resistance suited for a lo\* pressure. Low-Resistance Magnet. A magnet wound with low-resistance magnetizing coils. Low-Speed Electric Motor. An elec- tric motor designed to run normally at low speeds. Low Tension. A term sometimes used for low pressure. Low-Tension Bus. In a central station any bus-bar connected witli a low-tension generator. Low-Tension Electric Fuse. A fuse that is ignited by heating a wire to in- candescence by the passage of an electric current of low pressure, as distinguished from a high-tension fuse. Low-Tension Switch. A switch de- signed for use on low-tension circuits. Low Vacuum. (1) A vacuum in which the mean-free-path of the molecules of the residual gas is small as compared with the dimensions of the containing vessel. (2) A space from which only a portion ot~ the air or residual gas has been removed. Loxodograph. An apparatus for elec- trically recording on paper the actual course of a ship, by the combined action of magnetism and photography. Lubricating. Reducing friction by means of lubrication. Lubrication. The reduction of friction between surfaces, by rendering them slippery. Luces. A plural of lux. Lumen. (1) A unit of flux-of-light equal to the light received by a square metre of spherical surface, from a point source of unit intensity, placed at the centre of a sphere one metre in radius. (2) The flux of light through a steradian from a point source, whose intensity is one pyr. (3) A pyr-steradian. Lumen-Meter. An instrument for meas- uring the flux of light. Lumen-Second. A rad. Lumination. A term proposed for il- lumination. (Not in use.) Luminescence. A limited power for emitting light possessed by certain bodies which have previously acquired potential energy by exposure to light or radiant energy. Luminescence Lamp. (1) A fluorescent lamp. (2) A lamp rendered luminescent by bombardment. (3) An X-ray lamp. (4) A vacuum-tube lamp. Lum.] 835 [Mac. Luminiferous. Bearing or carrying light. Luminosity. A term sometimes used for the brightness of a source. Luminous Absorption. The absorption of luminous energy in its passage through bodies. Luminous Efficiency. The ratio which the luminous radiation emitted by a source bears to the total radiant energy emitted by such source in a given time. Luminous Flux. A phrase sometimes employed for flow of light. Luminous Frequencies. Physiological- ly effective frequencies, or those capable of producing the sensation of light. Luminous Heat. Heat radiation accom- panied by or containing physiologically effective frequencies. Luminous Intensity. The amount of visible radiation emitted from a luminous source per-unit-of-area of surface. Luminous Interference. Interference produced by light waves of the same frequency when out of phase with each other. Luminous Radiation. Radiation capa- ble of affecting the eye. Lummer-Brodhun Screen. A form of photometric screen requiring the use of but one eye, thus eliminating any errors due to the varying sensibility of the two eyes, each of the two sources of light that are being compared illumining its own field only, and these two fields being presented to the eye as a disc and circle respectively, the latter surround- ing the former, and yet having a sharp line of separation from it. Lunar-Inequality of Earth's Magnetic Variation. Small changes in the value of the magnetic variation or inclination, dependent on the position of the moon as regards the magnetic meridian. Lunar-Inequality of Earth's Magnet- ism. Small variations in the value of the earth's magnetic elements dependent on the position of the moon as regards the magnetic meridian. Lux. (1) A unit of illumination equal to the light received on each square metre of the interior of a sphere whose radius is one metre, from a bougie-decimale placed at its centre. (2) An illumination equal to a lumen-per-square-metre. (3) The normal illumination produced by one carcel at a distance of a metre. Lux-Second. (1) The time-illumination of one lux during one second. (2) A unit of time-illumination employed in photo- graphy. (3) A phot. M M. A contraction sometimes employed to express a pressure of the millionth of an atmosphere. m. A symbol for magnetic moment. m. A symbol for strength of magnetic pole. m. An abbreviation for metre, a practical unit of length. m. An abbreviation for minute, a practical unit of time. p. A symbol for magnetic permeability or inductivity. (International notation.) ft. A symbol for micron, the millionth of a metre, or one thousandth of a millimetre. pp. A symbol for bicron, the millionth of a millimetre, or thousandth of a micron. m 2 . An abbreviation for square metre, a practical unit of surface. m 3 . An abbreviation for cubic metre, a practical unit of volume. m.a. A contraction for milli-ampere. m : s. An abbreviation proposed for metre- per-second, a practical unit of velocity. m : s 2 . An abbreviation proposed for metre-per-second-per-second, a unit of acceleration. mm. A contraction for millimetre. M. Current. A term proposed for mean current. M. M. F. A contraction for magneto- motive force. M. P. A contraction for man-power. M. P. H. A contraction sometimes em- ployed in railroad work for miles-per- hour. M. S. Current. A term proposed for mean-square-current. Mac or Mack. A term at one time pro- posed for the practical unit of self-induct- ance, after Maxwell. Machine Seal of Lamp Chamber. A hermetical seal effected mechanically be- Mac.] 836 [Mag. tween the glass support of an incandes- cent lamp and the walls of the lamp chamber. Machine Telegraphic Transmission. High-speed telegraphic transmission ef- fected by means of an automatic tele- graphic transmitter. Machine Telegraphy. Automatic or high-speed telegraphy. Machine Tool, Electric. An electrically driven machine tool. Made Circuit. A completed circuit. Magazine Fuse. A safety fuse contain- ing a number of spare fuses, so arranged as to readily permit the replacement of the fuse when blown, either automatic- ally, or by hand. Magic Pane. A condenser formed of a sheet of glass, covered on one side with pieces of tin-foil, with small spaces left between them disposed in some design on the glass, which design becomes lumin- ous on the discharge of the condenser. Magne-Crystallic Action. A term pro- posed by Faraday to express differences in the action of magnetism on crystalline bodies in different directions. Magne-Crystallic Force. The force which produces magne-crystallic actions. Magne-Electric Induction. A variety of electro-dynamic induction in which electric currents are produced by the motion of permanent magnets past con- ductors, or of conductors past permanent magnets. Magnes Stone. An old name for mag- netite or for a natural magnet. Magnet. (1) Any body producing mag- netic flux. (2) A body possessing the power of attracting the unlike pole of an- other magnet, or of repelling the like pole, or of inducing magnetism in mag- netizable bodies. Magnet Coil. A coil of insulated wire surrounding the core of an electro-mag- net, through which the magnetizing cur- rent is passed. Magnet Cores. Bars or cylinders of iron on which the magnetizing coils of wire are placed. Magnet Operation. The use of a magnet for the purpose of removing particles of iron from the eye. Magnetic or Magnetical. Of or pertain- ing to a magnet. Magnetic A-B-C-Instrument. A step- by-step dial telegraph instrument employ- ing magneto-induced currents. Magnetic Adherence. Adhesion be- tween surfaces, due to their mutual mag- netic attractions. Magnetic Aelotropy. A difference in the magnetic susceptibility of a mass of iron in different directions. Magnetic Air-Circuit. That portion of a magnetic circuit which passes wholly through air. Magnetic Air-Gap. Any gap in an aero- ferric magnetic circuit filled with air. Magnetic Alternator. A magneto-alter- nator. Magnetic Atmosphere. (1) A term for- merly employed for a space filled with the assumed magnetic effluvia. (2) A magnetic field. Magnetic Attraction. The mutual at- traction exerted between unlike magnetic poles. Magnetic Axis. (1) The line along which a magnetic needle, free to move, but which has come to rest in a magnetic field, can be turned without changing the- direction in which it comes to rest. (2) The line connecting the poles of a bar magnet or needle. Magnetic Axis of Straight Needle. A straight line drawn through a mag- netic needle joining its poles. Magnetic Azimuth. (1) The arc inter- cepted on the horizon, between a mag- netic meridian and a great circle passing through the observed body. (2) A mag- netic bearing. Magnetic Battery. The combination of a number of separate magnets so as to be capable of acting as a single magnet. Magnetic Bearing. The horizontal angle included between a horizontal line from an observer's eye to an object and the observer's magnetic meridian. Magnetic Bearing Compass. A com- pass provided with means for taking bear- ings. Magnetic Belting. A method of driving machinery in which the belt is provided at frequent intervals with strips of sheet iron riveted to it perpendicularly to its length and the iron driving pulley mag- netized, so that the magnetic attraction increases the friction or grip on the pulley. Magnetic Blow-Out. (1) A device for extinguishing an arc by an electro-mag- net. (2) A device employed for extin- guishing an arc formed between the con- tact pieces of a street-car controller, or other similar device, by means of the flux produced by an electro-magnet which i& placed in the circuit of the current pro- ducing the arc. Mag.] 837 [Mag. Magnetic Blow-Out Lightning-Ar- rester. A lightning arrester in which the arc, when formed, is blown out by the action of the flux of an electro-mag- net placed in the circuit of the arc. Magnetic Bridge. An apparatus for measuring magnetic resistance, similar in principle to Wheatstone's electric bridge. Magnetic Centre of Gravity. A con- ception respecting the existence of a point from which the magnetic flux pro- ducing a magnet pole issues, similar to the conception of a centre of gravity in an unequally loaded plane. Magnetic Circuit. The path through which magnetic flux passes. Magnetic Circuit-Breaker. A circuit breaker operated by means of an electro- magnet. Magnetic Circuit-Closer. A circuit closer operated by means of an electro- magnet. Magnetic Closed-Circuit. A ferro-mag- netic circuit. Magnetic Clutch. (1) A form of clutch in which magnetic attraction is substi- tuted for ordinary mechanical force, to obtain the friction required in the clutch. (2) A clutch operated electro-magnetic- ally. Magnetic Coercivity. A term some- times used for coercive force. Magnetic Compensator. A device for neutralizing the effects produced by the local magnetism of a ship on a magnetic needle. Magnetic Concentration. The separa- tion of the useful ore from the dross in low-grade ores, by the use of an electro- magnetic separator. Magnetic Conduction - Current. ( 1 ) Time-rate of increase of magnetic flux through a boundary. (2) Time-rate of flow of magnetism. Magnetic Conductivity. Magnetic per- meability. Magnetic Connection. (1) A term some- times employed for inductive connection. (2) The connection of one circuit with another by means of inter-linked mag- netic flux. Magnetic Control of Galvanometer Needle. The alteration in the sensibility of a galvanometer needle effected by means of a compensating magnet. Magnetic Couple. The couple which turns or tends to turn a magnetic needle, placed in the earth's field, into the plane of the magnetic meridian. Magnetic Creeping. A term used for a gradual increase in the magnetization, following a sudden increase in magnet- izing force. Magnetic Cross-Flux of Transformer. A magnetic flux across the direction of main or working flux and representing magnetic leakage. Magnetic Current. The time-rate of in- crease of magnetic flux through a sur- face. Magnetic Curve-Tracer. An instru- ment for graphically recording the varia- tions of magnetic intensity in a mass of iron subjected to cyclic variations of mag- netizing force. Magnetic Curves. (1) Curved lines ex- tending in the direction of the flux-paths of a magnetic field, obtained by gently tapping a sheet of paper or glass sprinkled with iron filings and held in the field. (2) Magnetic figures. Magnetic Cycle. A cycle of magnetiza- tion. Magnetic Day of Disturbance. A day of magnetic disturbance. Magnetic Declination. The variation of a magnetic needle from the true geo- graphical north. Magnetic Deep-Sea Thermometer. A deep-sea thermometer containing small steel maximum and minimum limit markers which are reset by a permanent magnet. Magnetic Density. The strength of magnetism as measured by the amount of magnetic flux which passes through unit area of normal cross-section. (2) Inten- sity of magnetic induction. Magnetic Deviation. (1) The local mag- netic variation due to the presence of iron in the vicinity, as distinguished from the true magnetic variation of the local- ity considered. (2) On board ship, that part of the total magnetic variation due to iron in or on board the ship. Magnetic Diffusion. Magnetic leakage. Magnetic Dip. (1) The deviation of a freely suspended magnetic needle from a true horizontal position. (2) The mag- netic inclination. Magnetic Discontinuity. The more or less marked change in the permeability of a magnetic circuit produced by any joint in such circuit. Magnetic Displacement. (1) An imag- inary stress in the ether when subjected to magnetization and corresponding to electric displacement in electrostatics. (2) Magnetic induction. Mag.] 838 [Mag. Magnetic Dissymmetry. (1) A lack of uniformity of the magnetic flux in a magnetic circuit, or in portions of that circuit. (2) A lack of uniformity pro- duced in the flux through the armature core of a dynamo or motor during its op- eration. Magnetic Disturbance. A term some- times employed for temporary variations in the intensity of the earth's magnetism. Magnetic Divining Rod. A small dip- ping needle employed for the purpose of locating approximately the position of beds of iron ore. Magnetic Effluvia. (1) A term employed in the early history of magnetism for assumed imponderable effluvia which were supposed to be given off by magnets. (2) Magnetic flux. Magnetic Elements of a Place. The values of the magnetic intensity, the magnetic declination or variation, and the magnetic inclination or dip of any place. Magnetic Equalizer. A device for equalizing the otherwise unequal force exerted between a magnet pole and its armature at varying distances. Magnetic Equator. (1) The line con- necting places on the earth's surface where a magnetic needle remains horizontal, when suspended so as to be free to move in a vertical as well as in a horizontal plane, (2) An irregular line passing around the earth, approximately midway between its magnetic poles. Magnetic Excitation. Magnetization. Magnetic Explorer. (1) A small flat coil of insulated wire, used, in connection with the circuit of a galvanometer or telephone, to determine the position and extent of the magnetic leakage of a dynamo, or other similar apparatus. (2) A search coil so connected to a ballistic galvanometer that its movements through magnetic flux will be indicated by the galvanometer. Magnetic Fatigue. An increase in the hysteretic coefficient of iron due to an assumed fatigue after many cyclic re- versals. Magnetic Fatigue of Transformer. (1) An increase in the hysteretic loss of a transformer with time. (2) The ageing of a transformer core. Magnetic Field. (1) The region of mag- netic influence surrounding the poles of a magnet. (2) The space or region trav- ersed by magnetic flux. (3) A space traversed by magnetic flux in which a magnet needle, free to move, will assume a definite position. Magnetic Figures. A name sometimes applied to the groupings of iron filings obtained when a sheet of paper or glass, sprinkled with filings, is so held in a mag- netic field as to permit the filings to be grouped or arranged under the influence of the magnetic flux. Magnetic Filament. A polarized line or chain of ultimate magnetic particles. Magnetic Flow. A term sometimes em- ployed for magnetic flux. Magnetic Fluids. A term formerly em- ployed for the assumed fluids which were believed to be the cause of magnetic phenomena. Magnetic Austral Fluid. The assumed magnetic fluid existing at the south pole of any magnet. Magnetic Boreal Fluid. The assumed magnetic fluid existing at the north pole of any magnet. Magnetic Flux. (1) The streamings that issue from and return to the poles of a magnet. (2) The total number of lines of magnetic force in any magnetic field. (3) The magnetic flow that passes through any magnetic circuit. Magnetic Flux-Density. The quantity of magnetic flux in any part of a mag- netic circuit per-unit-of-area of normal cross-section. Magnetic Flux-Intensity. The density of magnetic flux. Magnetic Flux-Paths. Paths taken by magnetic flux in any magnetic circuit. Magnetic Force. The force which causes the attractions and repulsions of mag- netic poles. Magnetic Friction. A term sometimes used for magnetic hysteresis. Magnetic Fringe at Edge of Dynamo Pole-Pieces. The lateral dispersion or diffusion of magnetic flux through the air space which produces an apparent fringe of magnetic flux in the air sur- rounding the poles. Magnetic Gearing. A form of friction gearing employing magnetic adhesion. Magnetic Generator. A magneto-elec- . trie generator. Magnetic Helix. A magnetizing coil. Magnetic Hysteresis. (1) Apparent mo- lecular friction due to magnetic change of stress. (2) A lagging of magnetization behind the magnetic force producing it. (3) That quality of a magnetic substance Mag.] 839 [Mag. in virtue of which energy is absorbed on the reversal of its magnetization. Magnetic Image. The analogue in mag- netism of an electric image in electro- statics. Magnetic Impermeability. A term sometimes used for magnetic reluctivity. Magnetic Inclination. (1) The angular deviation from a horizontal position of a freely suspended magnetic needle. (2) Magnetic dip. Magnetic Inductipn. (1) In air, the density of magnetic force ; in iron or other magnetic material the sum of the prime flux, or magnetic force, and the magnetic flux thereby produced in the iron. (2) Total magnetic flux-density. (3) The production of magnetism in a magnetizable substance on its being brought into magnetic flux. Magnetic Inertia. The inability of a magnetic core to instantly lose or acquire magnetism. Magnetic Intensity. (1) Magnetic flux- density. (2) The quantity of magnetic flux per-unit-of-area of normal cross-sec- tion. (3) Magnetic induction. Magnetic Joint. A joint effected be- tween contiguous pieces of iron forming portions of a magnetic circuit. Magnetic Lag. (1) Magnetic viscosity manifested by the sluggishness with which a magnetizing force produces its magnetizing effects in a mass of iron. (2) The tendency of an iron core to resist, and, therefore, to retard its magnetiza- tion. (3) Hysteresis in iron. Magnetic Lag Motor. A form of motor whose torque depends on magnetic lag or hysteresis. Magnetic Latitude. (1) The meridional angular distance of a place north or south of the magnetic equator. (2) The lati- tude as deduced from the magnetic dip. Magnetic Leakage. (1) A useless disper- sion of magnetic flux of a dynamo or motor by its failure to pass through the armature. (2) Any useless dispersion of magnetic flux by its failure to pass through a magneto-receptive device placed in the magnetic circuit. Magnetic Leakage Factor. The ratio of the total flux generated in a magnetic circuit to the quantity usefully passing through an armature or magneto-recep- tive device. Magnetic Lightning-Arrester. (1) An electro-magnetic blow-out lightning-ar- rester. (2) Any lightning-arrester em- ploying an electro-magnet. Magnetic Limbs. (1) Magnetic cores. (2) Magnetic, arms. Magnetic Limit. A term sometimes em- ployed for the temperature at which a magnetic substance loses its magnetism on exposure to heat. Magnetic Line-Protector. An electro- magnetic device placed on a telegraphic or other line for the purpose of protect- ing its instruments from lightning dis- charges. Magnetic Lines of Force. (1) Lines of magnetic force. (2) Flux paths. (3) The lines along which a free magnetic pole would be urged. Magnetic Magazine. A term sometimes employed for a compound magnet. (Ob- solete.) Magnetic Mass. The quantity of mag- netism or imaginary magnetic mattei resident on a polar surface. Magnetic Memory. (1) That deviation of a magnetic condition of a magnetic substance from the complete response to an impressed magnetic force which is a function of antecedent magnetic states. (2) A term proposed for magnetic reten- tivity. (3) The . power possessed by a magnetic substance, in virtue of hyster- esis, to retain in any magnetic state, the history of antecedent states. Magnetic Meridian. (1) The great circle which passes through a place and through the poles of a magnetic needle at that place, when in a position of rest under the free influence of the earth's magnetism. (2) The terrestrial great circle coinciding in plane with the direction of the earth's local magnetic force. Magnetic Moment. (1) The product of the strength of one of the poles of a mag- net into the distance between them. (2) The sum of the two forces of the directive couple of a magnet multiplied by half the perpendicular distance between the directions of these forces. (3) The length of a magnet multiplied by the in- tensity of one of its poles. Magnetic Needle. (1) A magnetized steel needle, or thin straight strip or rod. (2) A straight bar of magnetized steel, supported at or above its centre of grav- ity, and free to move in a horizontal plane only, in a vertical plane only, or in both. Magnetic North. That point of the hori- zon which is indicated by the north-seek- ing pole of a magnet. Magnetic Observatory. An observatory in which observations are made of the Mag.] 840 [Mag. variations in the direction and intensity of the earth's magnetic field. Magnetic Oscillation. A magnetic vi- bration, or to-and-fro variation. Magnetic Output. The product of the magnetic flux produced by any source and its magneto-motive force. Magnetic Parallels. Lines connecting places on the earth's surface at right angles to the isogonal lines, or lines of equal declination or variation. Magnetic Permeability. (1) Conductiv- ity for magnetic flux. (2) The ratio be- tween the magnetic induction produced in a magnetic substance, and the magnet- izing force producing such magnetic in- duction. Magnetic Permeance. Magnetic perme- ability. Magnetic Permeation. The passage of magnetic flux through any permeable substance. Magnetic Perturbations. Abnormal magnetic variations, or disturbances. Magnetic Phantom. A term sometimes employed for magnetic figures. Magnetic Points of Cbnvergence. The magnetic paths of the earth around which the isogonic lines are drawn. Magnetic Polar-Area. The active area of the pole-pieces of a magnet. Magnetic Polar-Intensity. The intens- ity of the magnetic flux produced at the pole-pieces of a magnet. Magnetic Polarization. That condition of a magnetizable substance when it is subjected to polarization. Magnetic Polar-Surface. The magnetic polar area. Magnetic Polarity. Polarity acquired by a magnetizable substance when brought into magnetic flux. Magnetic Poles. Those parts of a mag- netic source from or at which the flux emerges or enters. Magnetic Potential. (1) That property of any space by virtue of which magnetic work is done when a magnet pole is moved therein. (2) The amount of work required to bring up a unit north-seeking magnetic pole from an infinite distance to a given point in a magnetic field. (3) The line integral of magnetic force on a unit pole in coming from an infinite distance to the point considered. Magnetic Proof-Piece. A magnetized ellipsoidal or square rod employed for as- certaining the distribution of magnetism over a magnet by the force required to detach the same. Magnetic Proof-Plane. A small coil of wire placed in the circuit of a delicate galvanometer, and used for exploring a magnetic field. Magnetic Reactance. In an alternating- current circuit the reactance of a coil as distinguished from the reactance of a condenser. Magnetic Reluctance. The resistance offered by a medium to the passage through it of magnetic flux. Magnetic Remanence. The magnetic flux-density left in iron or other magnetic* substance after the removal of a mag- netizing force. Magnetic Repulsion. Mutual repulsion exerted between two similar magnet poles. Magnetic Resistance. A term formerly used for magnetic reluctance. Magnetic Resistivity. (1) Magnetic re- luctivity. (2) The reluctance of a medium referred to the reluctance offered between parallel faces of a unit cube. (3) The magnetic analogue of electric resistivity. Magnetic Retardation. A retardation in the magnetization or demagnetization of a substance due to magnetic lag. Magnetic Retentiveness. A name some- times applied to magnetic retentivity. Magnetic Retentivity. (1) The resist- ance a body offers to change of mag- netization. (2) Hysteretic retention of magnetism when the magnetizing force is changed or wholly withdrawn. (3) That quality of iron or other magnetic substance in virtue of which it retains its magnetic flux after the withdrawal of the magnetizing force. (4) Magnetic rema- nence. Magnetic Ringer. A magnetic call-bell. Magnetic Rotary - Polarization. (1) Rotary polarization of a beam of plane polarized light, produced by its passage through magnetic flux. (2) Magneto- optic rotation. Magnetic Safety Factor. The factor of safety of demagnetization. Magnetic Saturation. (1) The maximum magnetization which can be imparted to a magnetic substance. (2) The condition of iron, or other magnetic substance, when its intensity of magnetization is so great that it fails to be further magnetized by any magnetizing force, however great. Magnetic Screen. (1) A hollow box whose sides are made of thick iron placed Mag.] 841 [Mag. around a magnet or other body, so as to shield its interior from a magnetic field external to the box. (2) A magnetic shield. Magnetic Screening. Preventing mag- netic induction from taking place by in- terposing either a thick iron plate,or a plate of good conducting material, between the body producing the magnetic field and the body to be magnetically screened. Magnetic Self-induction. (1) Electro- magnetic self-induction. (2) The power possessed by a magnet of inducing an op- posite polarity in its own particles. (3) Self- demagnetizing power in a magnet. Magnetic Sense. A name sometimes ap- plied to the assumed sense by means of which magnetic influences are claimed to be perceived. Magnetic Shade. A term sometimes used for a magnetic screen. Magnetic Shells. Sheets or layers con- sisting of magnetic particles in each of which all the north poles are situated in one of the flat surfaces of the layer, and all the south poles in the opposite surface. Magnetic Shield for Watches. A hol- low case of iron in which a watch is per- manently kept in order to partially shield it from the influence of external magnetic flux. Magnetic Shunt. An additional path of magnetic material provided in a magnetic circuit for the passage of magnetic flux. Magnetic Shunt-Circuit. An additional or branch circuit through which some of the flux is diverted from the main mag- netic circuit. Magnetic Shunt-Transformer. (1) A transformer provided with a magnetic shunt of regulable value, for the purpose of regulation. (2) A transformer situated in a magnetic shunt. Magnetic-Siren Telephone-Call. A magnetophone employed as a telephone call. Magnetic Solenoid. A spiral coil of wire, which acts like a magnet when an electric current is sent through it. Magnetic Sounds. Faint clicks heard on the magnetization and demagnetization of a readily magnetizable substance. Magnetic Source. Anything capable of producing magnetic flux. Magnetic Spectrum. (1) A term some- times employed in place of magnetic figures or a magnetic field. (2) The suc- cession of bright and dark fluorescent bands produced upon a suitable screen in a Crookes tube when the cathode rays are deflected by magnetic flux. Magnetic Spin. A term sometimes em- ployed for magnetic field. Magnetic Spiral. A magnetizing spiral or helix. Magnetic Sticking of Armature. The magnetic adhesion of the armature to the magnet poles under the influence of hys- teresis. Magnetic Storm. (1) Any unusually marked irregularity occurring in the dis- tribution of the earth's magnetism result- ing in a variation in the value of its mag- netic elements. (2) A comparatively violent and widespread temporary pertur- bation of the earth's magnetic elements in some way associated with solar disturb- ances and electric earth currents. Magnetic Strain. The result of subject- ing any medium to magnetic stress or magnetic flux. Magnetic Stream-Lines. (1) Magnetic flux-paths. (2) Lines of magnetic flux. (3) The curved paths along which a free magnetic pole would be urged in different parts of the field. Magnetic Stress. (1) The mechanical stress exerted by the attraction of magnet- ized bodies. (2) That property of flux which produces magnetic strain or mag- netic phenomena in bodies subjected to its influence. Magnetic Susceptibility. (1) The ratio existing between the induced magnetiza- tion and the magnetizing force producing such magnetization. (2) The intensity of magnetism divided by the magnetic force. Magnetic Telephone. (1) A name some- times given to an electro-magnetic tele- phone. (2) A magneto telephone. Magnetic Telephone-Transmitter or Receiver. A magneto-telephone-trans- mitter or receiver. Magnetic Theodolite. An apparatus for measuring the declination or variation of the magnetic needle at any place. Magnetic Tick. (1) A metallic click heard on the magnetization and demagnetiza- tion of a bar of iron or steel. (2) The Page effect. Magnetic Time-Constant. In an electric circuit or conductor, the ratio of the inductance to the resistance, usually ex- pressed in henrys per ohm, or seconds. Magnetic Traction. (1) Tractive or sup- porting power exerted by a magnet. (2) Hauling or carrying effected magneti- cally. 842 [Mag. Magnetic Unit Pole. An imaginary free magnetic pole situated at a point, of such strength that it would act with a force of a dyne on a similar unit pole distant from it one centimetre. Magnetic Units. (1) Units based on the force exerted between magnet poles. (2) Units employed in dealing with mag- nets and magnetic phenomena. (3) The magnetic system of C. G. S. electro- magnetic units, as distinguished from the electrostatic system. Magnetic-Vane Ammeter. An am- meter in which the strength of a magnetic field produced by the current that is to be measured is determined by the repulsion exerted between a fixed and a movable iron vane placed inside the field and magnetized thereby. Magnetic-Vane Voltmeter. A volt- meter in which the potential difference is measured by the repulsion exerted be- tween a fixed and a movable vane of soft iron placed within the field of the mag- netizing coil. Magnetic Variations. Variations in the value of the magnetic elements of a place. Magnetic Variation-Transit. An ap- paratus for measuring the magnetic decli- nation or variation at any place. Magnetic Variometer. An instrument for comparing the horizontal component of the earth's magnetism at different localities. Magnetic Viscosity. A property of iron or other paramagnetic substance in virtue of which a certain time is required before a given magnetizing force can produce its full effects. Magnetic Voltmeter (1) An instrument in which the magnetic field of a current proportional to the difference of potential to be measured deflects a movable needle against the action of the field of a magnet. (2) A voltmeter employing a permanent magnet. Magnetic Vortices. Imaginary vortices in the ether postulated to account for magnetic phenomena. Magnetics. A word sometimes used for that branch of science which treats of the laws and phenomena of magnetism. Magnetician. A word proposed for one skilled in the science of magnetism. Magnetification. The production of magnetism in any body. Magnetine. A word formerly applied for the assumed principle of magnetism ; i.e., the imponderable, hypothetical fluid to the presence of which magnetic pheno- mena were believed to be due. Magnetisation. An orthography some- times used for magnetization, and in similar words where the z is replaced by s. Magnetish. Possessing the property of magnetism to a limited degree. (Very rarely used.) Magnetism. (1) That property or condi- tion of matter which accompanies the production of magnetic flux. (2) Mag- netic.flux or streamings. (3) That branch of science which treats of the nature and properties of magnets and of magnetic flux. Magnetism of Rotation. A conception at one time entertained that revolving bodies became magnetized, as a deduction from Arago's experiment. Magnetist. A magnetician. (Seldom used.) Magnetite. A name given to mineral magnetic oxide of iron. Magnetizability. Possessing the ability of becoming magnetized. Magnetizable. Capable of being mag- netized. Magnetization. The act of imparting or acquiring magnetization. Magnetization by Double-Touch. - A magnetization effected by placing two magnets with their opposite poles to- gether on the middle of the bar to be magnetized, moving them to one end of the bar, then moving them over the sur- face of the bar to the other end, and continuing these to-and-fro movements a number of times, observing to stop in the middle of the bar, and when the mag- netizing magnets are moving in the oppo- site direction to that in which they began to move. Magnetization by Separate-Touch. Magnetization obtained by placing two magnetizing bars with their opposite poles at the middle of the bar to be mag- netized, drawing them away from each other towards its ends, returning them through tire air to the middle of the magnet, and repeating this a number of times. Magnetization by Touch. The produc- tion of magnetic poles in a magnetizable substance by touching it with a magnet. Magnetization Curves. Curves which graphically represent the relation of a magnetizing force to the intensity of magnetization or to the magnetic flux. Magnetization Cycle. (1) A cycle of magnetization. (2) A succession of mag- 843 [Mag. netic states which terminate in the original state. Magnetize. To endow with the property of magnetism. Magnetized. Endowed with the property of magnetism. Magnetizee. A word proposed to desig- nate a person who believes he is placed under the power of animal magnetism. Magnetizer. (1) One who, or that which, magnetises. (2) A word proposed to desig- nate a person who claims that he can place another under the power of his animal magnetism. Magnetizing. Endowing a body with magnetic qualities. Magnetizing Ampere-Turns. The am- pere-turns of a magnetizing coil. Magnetizing Currents. Currents that are employed in producing magnetization. Magnetizing Flux. Flux which is in- tended to magnetize a body, or to keep it magnetized, as distinguished from mag- netic flux which performs any other functions. Magnetizing Force, (1) The vector space- rate of descent of magnetic poten- tial. (2) The prime flux-density impressed upon a body, and which may induce magnetism in the same. (3) The force at any point with which a unit magnetic pole would be acted on. (4) The impressed flux-density of a field as distinguished from the total flux-density. Magnetizing Helix. A magnetizing spiral or solenoid. Magnetizing Spiral. A magnetizing helix or solenoid. Magnetizing Turn. A single turn in a magnetizing coil. Magneto. (1) A magneto-generator. (2) A small magneto-electric dynamo machine. Magneto-Alternator. An alternator whose field flux is produced by perma- nent magnets. Magneto-Blasting Machine. A mag- neto-electric machine employed for gen- erating the currents used in electric blasting. Magneto Call-Bell. A call-bell operated by a magneto-electric machine. Magneto-Chemical Cell. A cell, the voltaic couple of which consists of two magnetized steel bars, whose north and south poles are respectively immersed in a solution of oxalic acid. Magnetod. A name employed by Reich- enbach for the assumed force or principle of animal magnetism. Magneto-Dynamic Force. The force exerted between magnets, or between magnets and electric currents. , Magneto-Dynamics. That branch of dynamics which treats of the influence of magnet poles on one another. Magneto - Electric Alternating Ma- chine. A magneto-alternator. Magneto-Electric Bell. An electric bell whose actuating current is obtained from a magneto-electric machine. Magneto-Electric Brake. (1) A device for checking the swing of a galvanometer consisting of means for sending slight inverse currents through the coils of the galvanometer. (2) An electro-magnetic brake. Magneto-Electric Call-Bell. A call bell operated by a magneto-electric ma- chine. Magneto-Electric Dynamo. A dynamo- electric machine whose field magnets are formed of permanent magnets. Magneto-Electric Faradic- Apparatus. A small magneto-electric machine em- ployed in electro-therapeutics for produc- ing faradic currents. Magneto-Electric Force. A theoreti- cally-assumed mechanical force exerted between a magnetic current and an elec- tric field, corresponding to the electro- magnetic force known to be exerted be- tween an electric current and a magnetic field. Magneto-Electric Generator. A mag- neto-generator. Magneto-Electric Induction. A va- riety of electro-dynamic induction in which electric currents are produced by the motion of pel-man ent magnets past conductors, or of conductors past perma- nent magnets. Magneto-Electric Key. A telegraphic key so arranged that a coil of wire on an armature connected with a- key lever, through the movements of the key to- wards and from the poles of a permanent magnet, produces currents that are sent into the line. Magneto-Electric Machine. A mag- . neto-generator. Magneto-Electrical Medical Appara- tus. A small magneto-alternator em- ployed in medical electricity for the pro- duction of alternating or pulsating cur- rents. Magneto-Electric Multiplier. An early form of induction coil employed by Page. Mag.] 844 [Mai. Magneto-Electricity. (1) Electricity produced by the motion of magnets past conductors or of conductors past magnets. (2) Electricity produced by magneto- electric induction. Magneto-Generator. A dynamo-electric machine whose field flux is obtained from permanent magnets. Magnetogram. Any automatic record obtained by means of a magnetic instru- ment. Magnetograph. A permanent record ob- tained by the action of a self-recording magnetometer. Magneto-Induction Key. A magneto- electric telegraph transmitter so arranged that the movements of a key produce the electric currents that are sent into the line. Magneto-Inductor. An inductor con- sisting of a permanent magnet as distin- guished from an inductor consisting of an electro-magnet. Magneto-Inductive Capacity. A term sometimes employed for magnetic per- meability. Magneto Instrument. (1) A name for- merly applied to a magneto machine. (2) In telegraphy, a name sometimes em- ployed for a machine . operating or oper- ated by magnetically-induced currents. Magnetology . (1) A name sometimes ap- plied to the science of magnetism. (Not in general use.) (2) That branch of science which treats of magnetism. (Very seldom used.) Magnetometer. (1) An apparatus for the measurement of magnetic force. (2) Any apparatus for measuring the elements of the earth's magnetic force. Magnetometric. Of or pertaining to a magnetometer. Magnetometry. That branch of science which treats of the measurement of the strength of magnetic fields. Magn eto-Motive. Producing magnetic effects. Magneto-Motive Force. (1) The force which produces magnetic flux. (2) The force that moves or tends to move mag- netic flux. Magneto-Motive Intensity. A term sometimes used for the slope of magneto- motive force. Magneto-Motor. (1) A term formerly ap- plied to a voltaic battery coupled in par- allel. (2) A motor whose field is pro- duced by permanent magnets. Magneto-Optic Rotation. A rotation of the plane of polarization of a beam of plane polarized light on its passage through a transparent medium, when placed in a strong magnetic field in the direction of the beam. Magnetophone. A species of magnetic siren with which sounds are produced in a telephone by the periodic currents pro- duced in its coils by the rotation of a per- forated metallic disc in a magnetic field. Magneto-Pointer. A dial of a printing telegraph. Magneto-Polar. Possessing magnetic polarity. Magneto-Receptive Device. A device that is capable of being energized when placed in magnetic flux. Magnetoscope. Any apparatus for the detection of the presence of magnetism, but not for measuring it. Magneto-Signals. Any signals operated by a magneto-electric machine. Magneto-Static Ammeter. An ammeter whose magnet is acted on by a uniform field of force with two coils, while at- tracted by two systems of powerful per- manent magnets. Magneto-Static Current-Meter. A magneto-static ammeter. Magneto-Static Screening. Screening from the inductive effects of a stationary magnetic field. Magneto-Statics. The science which treats of magnetic forces at rest. Magneto-Tapper. (1) A term sometimes employed for a magneto-key. (2) Aeon- tact key which closes the circuit of a magneto. Magneto-Telephone Transmitter. A telephone transmitter formed of a power- ful compound magnet provided with a coil of insulated wire supported in front of one of its poles, and an iron core form- ing the pole-piece of the magnet. Magneto-Therapy. Alleged electro- therapeutic effects produced by the ap- plication of magnets to the human body. Magnet Wire. Insulated wire suitable for winding magnets and usually cotton- covered. Magpie Cable. A name given to a form of telephone cable in which the wires or conductors are arranged in double pairs. Main Battery. The battery employed in telegraphic systems for sending the signals over the main line, as distinguished from a battery employed for any other work. Main-Battery Circuit. ( 1 ) A term some- times used for line circuit. (2) The cir- Mai.] 845 [Man. cult of the main battery in any conduct- ing system. Main-Circuit Fuse. A safety fuse pro- vided for the protection of the main cir- cuit. Main-Circuit Switch. A switch inserted in a main circuit. Main Cut-Out. Any cut-out placed in the circuit of a main. Main Feeder. (1) The feeder to which the standard pressure-indicator is con- nected, and whose pressure controls the pressure at the ends of all the other feeders. (2) A standard feeder. (3) A principal feeder supplying a group of sub- feeders. Main Fuse. A main-circuit fuse. Main- Line-Circuit Switch. A main switch. Main-Line Cut-Out. A main cut-out. Main-Line Relay. A relay suitable for use in connection with a main telegraphic line. Main-Line Sounder. A sounder suitable for use in connection with a main tele- graphic line. Main Switch. (1) A switch connected with the electric mains, (2) A principal switch controlling a group of subsidiary switches. (3) A main-line-circuit switch. Main Telegraphic-Circuit. The princi- pal or line telegraphic circuit. Main Telegraphic-Current. The cur- rent employed on a main telegraphic line or circuit. Main Terminals of Machine. (1) The principal terminals of a machine. (2) The terminals connected with the external cir- cuit of a machine. Main-to-Dynamo Bonding. A phrase employed for a method of bonding the rails in an electric car system, in which the bonding is between a positive water main, or buried metallic system, and the negative terminal of the dynamo. Main-to-Track Bonding. A phrase em- ployed for a method of bonding of the rails in an electric car system in which the bonding is between a positive water main and a negative track. Main-Trunk Telephone-Line. (1) A main telephone line connecting two cities and usually erected with considerable care, as to conducting power, insulation, and freedom from electrical disturbance, so as to serve as a general link of com- munication either for communication be- tween those cities, or for communication through those cities. (2) A term used in contradistinction to a local telephone line connecting two stations. Main Tubes. The tubes in an under- ground system, provided for the mains. Main Voltmeter. (1) A voltmeter in a central station connected with the mains. (2) A principal or standard voltmeter. Main Wire. (1) Wire used in or intended for electric mains. (2) Wire constituting part of an electric main. (3) The prin- cipal electric conductor in a distribution or conducting system. Mains. (1) In a parallel system of distri- bution the parallel conductors carrying the main current, and to which translat- ing devices are connected. (2) In a sys- tem of parallel distribution, the principal conductors which extend from the risers, or service wires, along the corridors or passages along the floor to be lighted. Mains of Electric Railroads. The mains from which the driving current is supplied to the cars. Make. To complete or close a circuit. Make-and-Break. The operation of al- ternately completing and opening a cir> cuit. Make-Induced Current. (1) The cur rent produced by self-induction on tin making or closing of a circuit. (2) Thu current produced by mutual induction in the secondary of an induction coil or transformer, on the making or comple- tion of the circuit of the primary. Making Earth. In telegraphy, ground- ing. Making the Primary. Closing the cir- cuit of the primary. Making-Up Batteries. Joining voltaic cells in series or in parallel. Manganin. A high-resistivity metal of very low resistivity temperature-coeffi- cient. Mangin Projector. A special form of search-light projector. Mangin Reflector. A special form of dioptric reflector employed in connection with the Mangin projector, consisting of a circular glass reflector, silvered at the back, and whose inner and outer or front and back surfaces are both spherical. Manganin Resistance. A resistance made of manganin wires, strips, or sheets. Man-Hole Compartment of Conduit. A man-hole provided in a conduit for affording access to the same. Man-Hole of Conduit. An opening com- municating from the surface of the road* Man.] 846 Mas. bed with an underground conduit, of suf- ficient size to admit a man. Manometer. An apparatus for measur- ing the tension or pressure of gases. Manometric. Of or pertaining to a mano- meter. Man-Power. A unit of power equal to the one-tenth of a horse-power, or about 75 watts. Manual Alarm. A fire alarm operated by hand-power. Manual Igniting Device. (1) A pen- dent electric gas-lighting burner. (2) An electric gas igniter operated by hand. (3) A manual mine exploder. Manual Repeater. A telegraphic re- peater which is controlled or operated by hand, as distinguished from an automatic repeater. Manual Telegraphic Transmission. Transmission by hand, as distinguished from automatic or machine transmission. Manual Translation. The translation, especially in submarine telegraphy, of a message from one circuit to another, by an operator who transmits to the second circuit, direct from signals received on the first, without writing down or transcrib- ing the messages. Marconi Rays. Electro-magnetic waves employed in the Marconi system of wire- less telegraphy. Marconi "Waves. Electromagnetic waves employed in the Marconi system of wireless telegraphy. Margin of Relay Adjustment. The range of alteration permissible in the ad- justment of the armature of a relay with- out interfering with the working of the instrument. Marine Galvanometer. (1) A form of Thomson reflecting galvanometer, heavily encased in iron, devised for use on steam- ships where the motion of magnetized masses of iron would seriously disturb the reading of ordinary instruments. (2) Any form of galvanometer suitable for use on board ship. Marine Junction-Box. A water-tight junction box for effecting junctions be- tween mains, or mains and branches, on board ship. Marine Lamp-Socket. A form of spring socket for flexibly supporting an incan- descent lamp on board ship. Marine Search-Light or Lamp. An electric search-light suitable for use at sea. Marine Switch. A water-tight switch in an incandescent lamp, fixture, or circuit, on board ship. Marine Voltmeter. A form of voltmeter suitable for use on a ship. Mariner's Compass. (1) A compass mounted in such a manner as to be service- able on board ship. (2) A name often ap- plied to an azimuth compass. Mark Buoy. In submarine cable work, a buoy moored to the bottom of the sea by a mushroom anchor, and placed to mark a certain position, ,as distinguished from a cable buoy which is moored to the end of a cable. Marked End of Magnet. A name for- merly applied to the north-seeking pole of a magnet. Marked Pole of Magnet. A term some- times applied to the north-seeking pole of a magnet. Markers. Colored flags or signal lights, usually green, displayed in systems of block railroad-signalling, in order to avoid accident from the train breaking in two. Marking Current. The current em- ployed in automatic telegraphy to produce the dots and dashes of the Morse alphabet, as distinguished from the spacing current or that employed to leave spaces between such characters. Marking Disc. In a Morse ink-writer, the rotating inking disc, which marks the- signals. Mass. The quantity of matter contained in a body. Mass Attraction. The mutual attraction exerted between masses of matter. Mass Specific-Resistance. (1) Specific resistance referred to unit mass instead of unit volume. (2) The resistance taken be- tween the ends of a cylindrical wire of definite length, usually one metre, con- taining a mass, usually a gramme. (3) The resistance of a metre-gramme. Massage. The treatment of the body by kneading, rubbing or friction, for the purpose of effecting changes in its general nutrition. Mass, Electric. A mathematical concep- tion for quantities of electricity which are so distributed as to produce electrostatic forces in conformity with the laws of gravitational forces, and, therefore, cor- responding to material masses. Mass Specific Resistance. (1) The re- sistance of a known mass of a material ; namely, one gramme, in the form of a circular sectioned wire one metre in length. (2) The resistance of a foot-grain. Mas.] 847 [Mea. Mast-Arm for Arc-Lamp. A movable arm or bracket provided at the top of a pole for the support of a lamp arranged for the ready lowering of the lamp for re-carboning. Mast Compass. A compass secured to the mast of a ship, at an elevation sufficient to considerably reduce the component of local attraction from the ship's magnetiza- tion. Master Clock. A central or controlling clock employed in a system of electric time distribution, from which time is transmitted to the secondary clocks in its circuit. Mate of Wire in Twisted Pair. (1) One of the wires of a twisted pair. (2) The conjugate member of a wire in a twisted pair. Matt. (1) A word employed in electro- plating to designate the appearance pre- sented by an electro-plating of silver in which the deposit is interlaced and closely massed together. (2) A fused mass of im- pure copper employed as the raw material in electrolytic refinement. Matter. Anything which occupies space in three dimensions and prevents other matter from simultaneously occupying the same space. Matter, Electric. A term formerly ap- plied to the matter which was believed to constitute the effluvia formerly assumed to pass off from an electrified body. Matteucci's Muscular Pile. A pile formed by arranging a series of muscles so that their exterior and interior surfaces are alternately connected. Matthiessen's Metre-Gramme-Stand- ard.. 0) A standard of resistivity or con- ductivity in metallic wires. (2) The re- sistance of a wire one metre in length, and of such a diameter as would cause the wire to weigh one gramme. (3) Accord- ing to the American Institute of Electrical Engineers Committee, the standard estab- lished by Matthiessen for a metre-gramme of soft copper, 0.1417 international ohm at C., or 0.1501 international ohm at 15 C. Matthiessen's Mile-S t a n d a r d. A standard of resistance equal to the resist- ance of one mile of pure copper wire one- sixteenth of an inch in diameter, at 15.5 Cent. (No longer used.) Matthiessen's Unit of Resistance. Matthiessen's mile-standard. Maturing of Call. In a system of tele- phony where a number of calls have been received at an exchange and recorded for execution in order, the time at which any particular call is reached in its order. Maximum. (1) Possessing the greatest value. (2) In a continuous succession of values, a value greater than that which precedes or follows it. Maximum Activity of Motor. <1) The activity of a motor when working at its greatest possible rate, or the activity when the useful work done is equal to half the energy expended. (2) The full-load ac- tivity of a motor. (3) The maximum available activity of a motor. Maximum Efficiency of Transformer. The highest efficiency obtainable from a transformer. Maximum Horizontal Intensity of Light. The greatest intensity of light . emitted by a source in a horizontal direc- tion. Maximum Magnetization. A term sometimes used for magnetic saturation. Maximum Negative-Elongation. The position of a vibrating body when it is at the extremity of its path on the negative side. Maximum Positive-Elongation. The position of a vibrating body when it is at the extremity of its path on the positive side. Maximum Starting-Current of Motor. The highest value the starting current of a motor attains. Maximum Traction Truck. A form of double car-truck. Maxwell's Electro-Magnetic Theory of Light. (1) A hypothesis for the cause of light based on the relations existing between the phenomena of light and those of electro-magnetism. (2) A hy- pothesis that regards light as a purely electro-magnetic phenomenon. Mclntire's Parallel-Sleeve-Telegraph- ic Joint. A joint for telegraphic or other wires, in which the ends to be joined are slipped into sleeves or parallel tubes, which are afterwards filled with solder. Mean. (1) Average. (2) A quantity hav- ing an intermediate value between others. Mean Annual Station-Current. The average current delivered by a station throughout the year. Mean Current. (1) The time average of a current strength. (2) In an alternating- current circuit, the time average of a cur- rent strength without regard to sign or direction. Mean Electromotive Force. (1) The average electromotive force. (2) In an Mea.] 848 [Med. alternating-current circuit, the time aver- age of the E. M. F. without regard to sign or direction. Mean Horizontal Intensity of Light. The average intensity of light in a hori- zontal plane containing the source. Mean Illumination. The average illu- mination. Mean Load-Current. The average load- current. Mean Spherical Candle-Power. (1) An average candle-power numerically equal to the total quantity of light emitted by a point source divided by 12.566. (2) The average candle-power of a source taken at all points of the surface of a sphere. Mean Spherical Intensity of Light. The mean spherical candle-power. Mean Quadratic Current. A term pro- posed for the effective strength of an alternating current. Mean Thermal Capacity for Heat. The average capacity for heat. Measurement of Resistance. The de- termination of the value of an electric resistance by any suitable means. Measurements, Electric. Determina- tions of the values of the electromotive force, resistance, current, capacity, energy, etc., in any electric circuit or instrument. Measuring Current. (1) The current by which an electrical measurement is made. (2) A testing current. Mechanical Air Pump. A mechanical device for exhausting or removing the air from any vessel. Mechanical Characteristic of Motor. A term sometimes employed for the curve of the torque and speed of a motor as co- ordinates. Mechanical Circuit-Closer. (1) Any circuit-closer not operated electrically. (2) An automatic circuit-closer not oper- ated electrically. Mechanical Closer. A mechanical cir- cuit-closer. Mechanical Cut-Out (1) Any cut-out not operated electrically. (2) An auto- matic cut-out not operated electrically. Mechanical Depolarizer of Voltaic Cell. A method for removing the gas collected on the negative plate of a voltaic cell by the mechanical agitation of the liquid. Mechanical Equivalent of Heat. The amount of mechanical energy converted into heat that would be required to raise the temperature of a unit mass of water one degree of the thermometric scale. (2) The quantity of energy mechanically equivalent to one heat unit. Mechanical Equivalent of Light. The quantity of energy contained in one unit of light. Mechanical Frictions of Dynamo. The journal, brush and air frictions of a dynamo. Mechanical Magnet Lightning - Ar- rester. A mechanical device operated by an electro-magnet for the extinguish- ment of the arc established by a light- ning flash. Mechanical Mine. A submarine mine that is fired when struck by a passing ship through the action of some contriv- ance contained within the torpedo itself, and having no connection whatever with the shore. Mechanical Recording Meter. A me- chanically operated recording meter. Mechanical Seal. A mechanically made seal of the chamber of an incandescent lamp. Mechanical Telegraph. Any form of telegraphy by which communication is established by mechanical means. Mechanical Telegraphic Interrupter. A form of mechanical telegraphic sounder for learners, where no battery is required. Mechanical Telephone. A wire or string telephone, operated by longitudinal vibrations transmitted through a wire or string. Mechanical Throwback - Indicator. An annunciator drop provided with a drop that is mechanically replaced. Mechanical Torpedo. A torpedo that is exploded by percussion against any obstacle. Mechanical Vibrator. (1) A mechani- cally operated contact-breaker. (2) A mechanical means for obtaining the ejec- tion of the ink from the siphon in a siphon recorder. Mechanical Work. (1) The product of a force by the distance through which the force acts. (2) The expenditure of energy required for any change in the configura- tion of a material system. Medical Battery. A medical induction coil. Medical Electrician. An electro-thera- pist. Medical Induction-Coil. An induction coil used for medical purposes. Medical Magneto-Electric Apparatus. Meg.] 849 [Met. A terra applied to small magneto-electric machines employed in electro-therapeutics for the production of uncommuted or far- adic currents. Meg or Mega. A prefix for one million times. Mega-Dyne. One million dynes. Mega- Joule. One million joules. Mega-Lines. One million lines. Megalascope, Electric. An apparatus for the medical exploration of the cavi- ties of the body. Mega- Volt. One million volts. Mega- Weber. One million webers. Megerg. One million ergs. Megohm. One million ohms. Megohm Box. A resistance box contain- ing a resistance or resistances equal to a megohm. Megohm Galvanometer. A galvano- meter which gives unit deflection through a resistance of one megohm in circuit with one volt. Megohm Mile. A unit of linear insula- tion resistance equal in value to the pro- duct of a megohm by a mile, and such as is possessed by a mile of wire, the insula- tion of which is one megohm. Melting Points of Metals. Tempera- tures at which metals fuse. Membrane Diffusion. Osmose. Membrane Telephone-Receiver. An early form of telephone receiver whose diaphragm was formed of a sheet of gold- beater's skin. Mercurial Air-Pump. (1) A device for obtaining a high vacuum by the use of mercury. (2) The Geissler or Sprengel mercury pumps. Mercurial Connection. A form of read- ily adjustable connection obtained by providing the poles of one piece of appa- ratus with cups or cavities filled with mercury, in which the terminals of anoth- er piece of apparatus are dipped, in order readily to place them in circuit with each other. Mercurial Contact. An electric contact effected through the medium of mercury. Mercurial Phosphorescence. A term formerly employed for the light produced by the motion of a column of mercury in an exhausted tube. Mercurial Temperature - Alarm. An instrument for automatically telegraph- ing an alarm by means of a mercurial contact, on a pre-determined change of temperature. ,54 Mercurial Thermostat. A thermostat operating by the expansion of a mercury column. Mercury Break. A form of circuit breaker operated by the removal of a con- ductor from a mercurial surface. Mercurial Commutation. A change in the direction of a current obtained by means of a mercurial connection. Mercury Cup. A cup partly filled with mercury employed as a mercurial contact. Mercury Gauge. A vacuum or pressure gauge whose indications are dependent on the height of a mercury column. Mercury Piezometer. An instrument employed in cable work for measuring the depth of the ocean, by recording the pressure at the lowest . point reached by the sounding lead, and used as a check upon the length of sounding line. Mercury Switchboard. A switchboard in which connections are effected by mer- curial contacts. Mercury Tube. (1) A sealed glass tube containing mercury arranged to emit fluorescent light when agitated. (2) A resistance formed of a thread of mercury contained in a tube. Meridional. Of or pertaining to a meri- dian. Mesh Grouping of Polyphase Circuit. A triangular or delta-connection of three- phase coils as distinguished from a star connection. Message Wire. A line or wire employed in block systems for railroads extending along the road and used for local tele- graphic business. Messenger Call-Box. A district call- box. Messenger Rope. (1) In cable- work a rope drive for operating a drum or winch at a distance. (2) A rope supporting guide sheaves. Messenger Strand. A strand in a mes- senger wire. Messenger Wire of Aerial Cable. The supporting wire or rope from which the cable clips employed in the suspension of an aerial cable are supported. Metal-Cased Blake Transmitter. A form of telephone transmitter provided with a metallic covering. Metallic. Of or pertaining to a metal. Metallic Arc. An arc formed between metallic electrodes. Metallic Circuit. A circuit which is metallic throughout, in contradistinction to an earth-return circuit. Met.] 850 [Met. Metallic-Circuit Plug. In a telephone switchboard, a plug which makes contact both at its tip and at its sleeve, so as to close a double or metallic circuit con- nected therewith by a twin cord. Metallic Coating. An electrolytically deposited coating of metal. Metallic Connection. Connection by means of a metallic conductor. Metallic Conducting Joint. A joint in a conductor in which a continuity of con- ducting power is secured. Metallic Conduction. The conduction of electricity through a metal, in contra- distinction to its conduction through an electrolyte. Metallic Conductor. A conductor formed of a metal. Metallic Contact. (1) A contact of a metallic conductor obtained by bringing it into firm connection with another metallic conductor. (2) Contact between metal and metal. ]V Metallic Contact of Cable. A complete "cntact between the copper conductor of a s marine cable and its metallic sheath. Metallic Cross. A fault due to the actual contact between two or more wires or conductors, so that the current from one line passes to another. Metallic Electric Conduction. (1) A conduction of electric energy by means GJ. metallic substances. (2) Metallic con- duction. Metallic Electrodes. Variously shaped pieces of metal employed for electro- therapeutic electrodes. Metallic Electrolysis. A form of cata- phoretic medication in which a metallic electrode, connected to the positive pole of a continuous-current source, is brought into contact with the part to be treated, while the negative pole is applied to some other part of the body, and the metallic salt formed by electrolysis at the anode is cataphoretically driven into the tissues beneath the electrode. Metallic Filament. A metallic wire em- ployed as a filament of an incandescent lamp. Metallic Reluctivity. (1) The reluc- tivity of a metallic substance. (2) In a magnetic substance the reluctivity of the substance as considered independently of the reluctivity of the ether in its mass. Metallic Resistance. A term some- times applied to the resistance of wires or conductors, in contradistinction to the resistance of insulating materials. Metallic Resistivity. The resistivity of a metallic substance. Metallic Solution. A solution of a metallic salt. Metallization. Rendering a non-conduct- ing surface electrically conducting by covering it with a metallic coating so as to enable it to be readily electro-plated. Metallizing. Subjecting to the process of metallization. Metallo-Chromes. (1) A name some- times given to Nobili's rings. (2) Pris- matic colors which appear when a salt of lead, such as an oxide, is electrolyzed under certain circumstances. Metallurgy. That branch of science which treats of the reduction or treat- ment of metallic ores or metals. Metamerism. (1) A variety of isomerism. (2) The quality possessed by some chem- ical substances, differing in their proper- ties, although similar in their quantita-. tive composition, owing to a difference of molecular construction or arrangement of atoms in the molecule. (3) A term used in distinction to polymerism. Meteorites. Fragmentary eolids that when attracted to the earth become in- candescent on their passage through its atmosphere. Meteorograph, Electric. An appa- ratus for automatically registering by electricity various meteorological values such as the indications of a barometer or thermometer, the direction and velocity of the wind, the value of the rain-fall, etc. Meteorology. That branch of physics which treats of the phenomena of the atmosphere. Meteorology, Electric. That branch of physics which treats of the electric phenomena of the atmosphere. Meter, Electric. Any apparatus for meas- uring commercially the quantity of elec- tricity that passes in a given time through a consumption circuit. Meter-Motor. (1) A small motor em- ployed in operating an electric meter. (2) A meter comprising a small motor. Meter Sealing Tool. A tool for stamping a leaden seal which prevents the unin- dicated opening of a meter by an un- authorized person. Method of Recoil. A method of measur- ing a discharge through a ballistic gal- vanometer by reversing the direction of its swing. Method of Slow Discharge. An insu Met.] 851 [Mic, lation test for a telegraphic line, based on the rate at which a charge leaks out when the conductor is left insulated. Methven Carburetter. A device employ- ed in connection with a Methven screen, consisting of troughs of fine wire gauze filled with gasoline, so that the gas pas- sing through becomes charged with the vapor. Methven' s Screen. A vertical rectangu- lar metallic screen used in connection with a standard Argand burner as a photomet- ric standard. Metre. A unit of length equal, approxi- mately, to one ten-millionth part of a quadrant of a meridian of the earth taken through Paris ; or, approximately, to 39.37 inches, Metre-Bridge. A slide form of Wheat- stone's bridge in which the slide wire is one metre in length. Metre-Candle. (1) The illumination pro- duced by a standard candle at the distance of one metre. (2) A unit of illumination. Metre-Gramme. (1) A unit of resistance equal to that of the resistance of a wire one metre in length weighing one gramme. (2) A standard of comparison of resistivity or conductivity. (3) Mat- thiessen's metre-gramme standard of copper wire, which for soft copper wire, according to the committee of the Ameri- can Institute of Electrical Engineers, is 0.1501 International ohm at 15 C. Metre-Millimetre. A resistance stan- dard, consisting of a length of wire or other conductor, one metre long and having a diameter of one millimetre. Metric Factors. The factors employed for the conversion of the metric system units into those of other systems. Metric Horse-Power. A unit of power in which the rate-of -doing-work is equal to 75 kilogramme-metres per second. Metric System of Weights and Meas- ures. A system of weights and meas- ures based on the metre and the gramme. Mho. (1) The practical unit of conduct- ance. (2) Such a conductance as is equal to the reciprocal of one ohm. (3) A unit of electric conductance of the value of 10- 9 absolute units. Mho-Box. A conductance box, or box containing adjustable conductance, graduated in mhos. Mhometer. An insti-ument for measur- ing the value of a conductance in mhos. Mica. (1) A refractory, mineral substance employed as an insulator. (2) A double ilicate of alumina or magnesia and potash or soda. Micanite. A variety of insulating material made from and built up of small mica sheets bound together by some in- sulating cement. Micro. A prefix for the one-millionth. Micro- Ampere. The millionth of an am- pere. Micro-Coulomb. The millionth of a coulomb. Micro-Farad. The millionth of a farad. Micro-Gilb. A contraction for micro- gilbert. Micro-Gilbert. The millionth of a gilbert. Micro Glow-Lamp. A miniature incan- descent lamp. Micro-Graphophone. A modification of the phonograph, in which a number of separate non-metallic diaphragms are caused to act on a single diaphragm, for the purpose of obtaining stronger vibra- tions of the same. Micrometer Caliper. A micrometer wire gauge. Micrometer Eye-Piece. An eye-piece of a telescope, microscope or other optical apparatus provided with a micrometer. Micrometer Microscope. A microscope provided with a micrometer eyepiece. Micrometer Wire-Gauge. A sensitive form of wire gauge, usually constructed with a fine thread screw, having a gradu- ated head for close measurements of wire diameters. Micron. A unit of length equal to the millionth part of a meter. Microhm. The millionth of an ohm. Microphone. A form .of contact tele- phone-transmitter employed in connec- tion with a telephone for rendering faint or distant sounds distinctly audible. Microphone Induction-Coil. An in- duction coil employed in connection with a mici'ophonic telephone transmitter. Microphone Relay. A device for auto- matically repeating a telephonic message over another wire. Microphonic. Of or pertaining to the microphone.- Microphonic Contact. A loose contact capable of being employed for a telephone transmitter. Microscope. An optical instrument for the examination of objects too minute to be seen by the unaided eye. Microscopic. (1) Of or pertaining to the me.] 852 [Mix. microscope. (2) Of very minute dimen- sions. Microscopy. The art of microscopic ex- amination. Micro-Seismograph. An electric appa- ratus for graphically recording the direc- tion and intensity of faint earthquake shocks or earth tremors. Micro - Tasimeter. An apparatus in- vented by Edison for measuring minute differences of temperature, or of moisture, by the resulting differences of pressure upon a carbon button. Micro-Telephone. (1) A convenient form of writing table-set telephone used by some exchange operators in quiet ex- changes, or in busy exchanges, at night. (2) A form of combined transmitter and receiver. (3) A small semi-portable tele- phone set. Micro-Volt. The one-millionth of a volt. Migration of Ions. A term employed to express the movement of the ions in an electrolyte undergoing electrolysis. Migration Values of Ions. The veloci- ties of the ions. Mil. A unit of length used in measuring the diameter of wires equal to the one- thousandth of an inch. Milammeter. A milli-ammeter. Mild Steel. A term employed for soft steel. Mil-Foot. (1) A resistance standard con- sisting of a foot of wire, or other con- ducting material, one mil in diameter. (2) A standard of comparison of resistiv- ity or conductivity of wires. Milli. A prefix for the one-thousandth part. Milli- Ammeter. A milli-ampere meter. Milli-Ampere. The thousandth of an ampere. Milli-Ampere Meter. An ampere meter graduated to read in milli-amperes. Milli-Calorie. (1) The thousandth of a calorie. (2) The small calorie. Milli-Oersted. The thousandth of an oersted. Milli-Volt. The thousandth of a volt. Mimosa Sensitiva. A sensitive plant whose leaves fold or shut up, either when touched, or when traversed by electric currents. Mine Explorer, Electric. A small magneto-electric generator employed in the direct firing of blasts. Miniature Incandescent Lamp. A very small incandescent lamp, suitable for decorative, microscopic, dental or surgical purposes. Mining, Electric. The application of electricity to mining. Milling Locomotive, Electric. An elec- tric locomotive employed in mining opera- tions. Minotto's Voltaic Cell. A form of Dan- iells' cell employing a flat copper plate at the bottom of the cell beneath a mass of copper sulphate crystals, the cell being then filled with wet sand, or wet sawdust, on which rests the zinc plate. Minus Charge. A negative charge. Miophone. An apparatus, based on the use of the microphone, employed for the medical examination of the muscles. Mirror Galvanometer. A galvanometer whose readings are obtained by the move- ments of a spot of light reflected from a mirror attached to the needle or its sus- pension system. Mirror Magnetometer. A magneto- meter whose needle or suspension system is provided with a mirror. Mirror Receiver in Cable Telegraphy. In cable telegraphy, a mirror galvano- meter employed as a receiver. Mirror Receiving-Instrument. (1) A receiving signalling instrument employed in submarine telegraphy, whose needle or suspension system is provided with a mirror. (2) A mirror galvanometer mod- ified for use in telegraphing. Mirror Speaking - Instrument. A mirror receiving-instrument. Mixed Charge Test for Capacity. A test employed for determining the capac- ity of a submarine cable, in which an unknown capacity is charged to one po- tential, a known capacity is charged to an opposite potential, and the two charges are then mixed with the object of neutral- ization. Mixed Circuit. (1) In telephony, a circuit partly metallic and partly earth-circuited. (2) A term sometimes applied to the com- bination of a series and a multiple circuit. Mixed-Circuit Board. (1) A telephone switchboard arranged for the reception and inter-connection of metallic circuits and ground-return circuits. (2) A mixed- circuit switchboard. Mixed-Circuit Switchboard. A tele- phone switchboard connected with mixed circuits or circuits of which some are metallic and others are provided with ground return. Mixed Distribution. (1) A distribution Mix.] 853 [MoU of electric energy which combines both series and parallel distribution. (2) Series-parallel or parallel-series distribu- tion. Mixing Key. The key employed in simul- taneously charging a cable and a con- denser for producing the mixed charge employed in the mixed-charge test for capacity. Mixture Photometer. A photometer combining the principles of the compensa- tion and the polarization photometer. Moderate-Speed. Generator. A gener- ator designed to be run at a moderate speed, as distinguished from a slow-speed generator. Moderate-Speed Motor. A motor de- signed to work at a moderate speed, as distinguished from a slow-speed motor. Modulus of Elasticity . (1) The ratio of the simple stress required to produce a small elongation or compression in a rod of unit area of normal cross-section, to the proportionate change of length pro- duced. (2) Young's modulus. Moist Electrode. A therapeutic elec- trode moistened with water or some other liquid. Moist Voltaic Cell. A form of the so- called dry voltaic cell. Moisture-Proof Insulation. (1 ) Water- proof insulation. (2) A type of insulation which is not strictly water-proof, but which is capable of being immersed for a short time without suffering serious loss of insulation. Molar Attraction. (1) Mass attraction, as distinguished from molecular attrac- tion or cohesion. (2) Gravitation. Molar Vibration of Telephone Dia- phragm. The mass vibration of a tele- phone diaphragm, as distinguished from molecular vibration. Molecular. Of or pertaining to the mole- cules. Molecular Accommodation. A re- arrangement of the molecules of a para- ' magnetic substance resulting, by constant repetition, in a decrease in the hysteretic friction in cyclic magnetization. Molecular Agitation. Rapid mechanical vibration given to a mass of iron for the purpose of reducing its magnetic hyster- esis. Molecular Attraction. (1) The mutual attraction existing between neighboring molecules. (2) Cohesion or adhesion. Molecular Bombardment. (1) The col- lisions which occur between neighboring molecules, and which are accentuated and accelerated by heat. (2) The forcible rec- tilinear projection from the negative electrode of the residual gaseous molecules in an exhausted vessel, on the heating of the same, or on the passage through it of an electric discharge. Molecular Chain. A polarized chain of molecules that is assumed by Grothuss* hypothesis to exist in an electrolyte during its electrolytic decomposition, or in a vol- taic cell on the closing of the circuit. Molecular Conductance. The conduct- ance offered by a mass of an electrolyte equal to its molecular weight in grammes, when contained in an insulating vessel furnished with two opposite parallel con- ducting sides or faces, distant one centi- metre apart. Molecular Conductivity of Electro- lyte. (1) The conductance possessed by one gramme-molecule of an electrolyte when placed between electrodes one centimetre apart. (2) A term sometimes used for molecular conductance. Molecular Configuration. A term for the molecular groupings or the relative position of the molecules in a magnetizable substance. Molecular Currents. (1) A term some times employed for Amperian currents. (2) Atomic currents. Molecular Decomposition. Decomposi- tion of a molecule. Molecular Dissociation. (1) Molecular decomposition. (2) The disruption of molecules into ions, or atoms. Molecular Encounter. A collision be- tween two molecules of a gaseous sub- stance that takes place during the to-and- fro movements they describe in accord- ance with the kinetic theory of gases. Molecular Heat. The number of calories of heat required to raise one gramme- molecule of a substance one degree Cen- tigrade. Molecular Kinetics. The kinetics of the molecules. Molecular Magnetomotive Forces. (1) The magnetomotive forces inherently possessed by the molecules. (2) The aligned or structural-magnetomotive force as distinguished from the prime magnetomotive force. Molecular Magnetism. (1) The mag- netism resulting from molecular magneto- motive forces. (2) The inherent magnetic flux in a molecule of a magnetic substance. Molecular Magnetization. The in- Mol.] 854 [Mou. herent magnetization possessed by the molecules. Molecular Magnets. The inherently magnetized molecules. Molecular Oscillations. To-and-fro movements or oscillations of the mole- cules. Molecular Range. The distance at which the molecules of matter continue to exert a sensible attraction on one another. Molecular Repulsion. The mutual re- pulsion existing between molecules arising from their kinetic energy. Molecular Resistance. (1) The resistance offered by a mass of an electrolyte equal to its molecular weight in grammes, when contained in an insulating vessel having two opposite parallel conducting faces distant one centimetre apart. (2) The re- sistance of one gramme-molecule of an electrolyte when brought between two electrodes one centimetre apart. Molecular Rigidity. The resistance offered by the molecules of a substance to rotation or displacement. Molecular Shadows. The comparatively dark spaces on those portions of the walls of a Crookes tube, which have been pro- tected by molecular bombardment by suitably interposed screens. Molecular Streams. Rectilinearly di- rected streams of molecules, thrown off from the cathode of a high-vacuum tube, under the influence of heat or electric discharges. Muscular Theory of Muscle and Nerve Currents. A theory which re- gards every muscle or nerve fibre as formed of a number of series-connected electromotive molecules surrounded by a neutral conducting fluid. Molecular Transfer of Heat. The transfer of heat by means of molecular vibrations. Molecular Vibration of Telephone Diaphragm. The molecular vibration of a telephone diaphragm under the in- fluence of the changes in the magnetiza- tion of the telephone magnet, as distin- guished from its molar vibration. Monochromatic Photometry. (1) The photometry of monochromatic lights. (2) Photometry in which the spectra or the compositions of the lights to be compared are similar. Molecular Voltaic-Couple. A voltaic couple formed of the atoms or radicals of a molecule. .Molecular Vortices. The vortices in the ether which, according to a particular theory, are assumed to constitute the molecules, atoms or ultimate particles of matter. Molecule. (1) The smallest quantity of a compound substance that can exist as such. (2) A group of atoms whose chemical bonds or affinities are completely satisfied. Molten-Platinum Lamp. The violle or molten platinum standard. Molten-Platinum Standard of Light. (1) The violle. (2) The practical standard of white light adopted at the Electrical Congress of Paris, in 1884, and defined as the total quantity of light emitted by a square centimetre of molten platinum at the temperature of its solidification. Moment. (1) Torque. (2) The product of any quantity, directed with respect to an axis, and the perpendicular distance of its direction from that axis. Moment of a Couple. (1) The torque or effective power of a couple. (2) The in- tensity of one of the forces in a couple, multiplied by the perpendicular distance between the direction of the forces. Moment of a Magnet. The polar length of a magnet multiplied by the intensity of magnetism of one of its poles. Momentary Current. (1) A current that continues flowing but for a short time. (2) A current of brief duration. Momentum. (1) The product of the mass of a moving body by its velocity. (2) Quantity of motion in a system. Monad Atom. An atom whose valency or atomicity is one. Moniyalent. (1) Possessing a valency or atomicity of one. (2) Univalent, or mono- valent. Monochord. A sonometer. Monocular. An eye-piece or glass, pro- vided for a single eye. Monophotal Arc-Light Regulator. A term sometimes employed for an elec- tric are-lamp in which the whole current passes through the arc-regulating mech- anism, and which is usually operated singly in circuit with a dynamo. Monocycler. A monocyclic generator. Monocyclic. Of or pertaining to a mono- cycler, or to a monocyclic system. Monocyclic Alternator. A monocyclic generator. Monocyclic Armature. The armature of a monocyclic generator, provided with two sets of windings, one of which con- stitutes the main winding and corresponds to that of an ordinary uniphaser, while Mon.] 855 [Mot. the second is of smaller cross-section and fewer turns, and is connected to the centre of the main winding in diphase relation to it. Monocyclic Circuit. The circuit of a monocyclic generator. Monocyclic Generator. A form of polyphase generator provided with a mo- nocyclic armature. Monocyclic Motor. A form of induc- tion motor suitable for use on monocyclic circuits. Monocyclic System.; (1) A system of alternating-current distribution suitable for electric lighting with the additional capability of operating triphase induction motors. (2) A system for the distribution of alternating currents employing three wires, between two of which an ordinary uniphase pressure is maintained, while between either of them and the third, there is a diphased pressure. Monogenic Charge. A name proposed for such a distribution of an electric charge in which the sign of the surface density is everywhere the same. Monophase Generator. An alternator producing uniphase or monophase cur- rents. Monophase Motor. A uniphase motor. Mooring Chain. A chain employed for the mooring of a cable buoy. Mopped. Subjected to the action of a pol- ishing mop. Mordey Effect. A decrease in the value of the hysteresis in the iron of a dynamo armature at full load. Morse Alphabet. The Morse telegraphic alphabet. Morse Code. The Morse telegraphic al- phabet. Morse Embosser. A Morse register. Morse Ink-Writer. The name some- times given to a Morse inker. Morse Inker. A form of telegraphic ink- writer printing signals in the Morse code. Morse Push. A term sometimes employed for a double-contact push. Morse Recorder. An apparatus for au- tomatically recording the dots and dashes of the Morse telegraphic dispatch, on a fillet of paper drawn under an indenting or marking point on a striking lever con- nected with the armature of an electro- magnet, as distinguished from a Morse inker. Morse Register. A Morse recorder. Morse System of Telegraphy. A sys- tem of telegraphy in which makes and breaks, occurring at intervals corre- sponding to the dots and dashes of the Morse alphabet, are received by an electro- magnetic sounder, or other receiver. Morse Tapper. A form of telegraphic key provided with two contacts, one in front, and another on the back, so arranged that the depression of the key makes one contact and breaks the other. Morse Writer. A form of telegraphic Morse ink-writer. Morse Telegraphic- Alphabet. Various groupings of dots and dashes or deflec- tions of a needle to the right and left, em- ployed for representing the letters of the alphabet or other signs. Morse Telegraphic-Sounder. An elec- tro-magnet, the movements of whose ar- mature lever produce the audible sounds corresponding to the dots and dashes of the Morse code. Motional Electric Force. The electric force induced by the motion of magnetic flux, or of the medium supporting the flux. Motional Magnetic Flux. Magnetic flux produced by the motion of an elec- trostatic charge, or of electrostatic flux. Motorneer. A word proposed for motor- man. (Not in general use.) Motor Armature. The armature of an electric motor. Motor Car, Electric. An electrically propelled car. Motor Circuit. A circuit containing an electric motor. Motor-Controlling Rheostat. A rheo- stat connected with a motor, and em- ployed for starting the motor or for regulating its speed. Motor Cut-Out. A cut-out provided in the circuit of a motor for the purpose of throwing it out of circuit. Motor - Dynamo. (1) An electrically driven motor, rigidly connected to the armature of a dynamo, and employed for transforming or changing the pressure of a direct-current circuit. (2) The combi- nation, in a continuous-current generator of a motor and a dynamo, in separate structures, mechanically connected to form a single machine or structure. Motor-Electromotive Force. A term proposed for the counter-electromotive force of a motor. Motor, Electric. A device for transform- ing electric power into mechanical power. Motor-Generator. (1) A motor coupled Mot.] 856 [Mul. to a generator. (2) A motor-dynamo. (3) A form of secondary generator. Motorman. The man who operates a trolley car. Motor-Meter. (1) An electric meter whose operations depend on the movements of an electric motor. (2) A meter con- nected with the supply circuit of an elec- tric motor. Motor Slip. The deviation of an induc- tion motor from synchronous speed, or the proportional loss of synchronous speed due to load and losses of energy. Motor Standards. The supports for the bearing of an electric motor. Motor Starter. A term proposed for a motor starting-rheostat. Motor Starting-Box. A box containing a starting rheostat or controller. Motor Starting-Rheostat. An adjusta- ble rheostat provided for preventing an abnormal rush of current through a shunt- wound motor, on the starting of the same. Motor Suspension. The suspension pro- vided for the electric motors on a street- car truck. Motor Switch. A switch provided for the control of a motor. Motor Telegraph Printing System. A printing telegraph system in which two motors, one at the transmitting, and one at the receiving end of the line, are maintained in synchronous rotation. Motor Torque. The rotary effort de- veloped by an electric motor. Motor-Transformer. (1) A transformer or secondary generator operated by a motor. (2) A motor-generator, dynamo- tor, or rotary-transformer. (3) A dyn- amo-electric machine having two arma- ture windings, one to receive current as a motor, and the other to deliver current to a secondary circuit as a generator. Motor Truck. The truck of an electric car provided with supports for the sus- pension of an electric motor or motors. Motoring at Brushes. A term proposed for flashing at the brushes of a motor. Moulded Carbons. Artificial carbons made by moulding mixtures of carbona- ceous substances under pressure. Moulded Filaments. The formation of an incandescent filament by moulding a suitable carbonaceous paste by hydraulic pressure. Moulded Mica. An insulating substance consisting of finely divided mica, made into a paste with some f used insulating material, and moulded into the desired shape before cooling. Moulding Wiring. Electric conductor* or wires that are held in place on the walls or ceiling of a room by means of suitably-shaped mouldings. Mouldings, Electric. Mouldings of dried non-conducting wood, provided with longitudinal grooves for the recep- tion and support of insulated wires. Mounted Filament. The filament of an incandescent lamp placed on its support, ready for introduction into the lamp chamber. Mounting of Filament. Providing the filament and leading-in wires of an incan- descent lamp with a suitable glass sup- port ready for introduction into the chamber of an incandescent lamp, and its hermetical sealing therein. Mouse-Mill Dynamo. A form of dyna- mo-electric machine employed to drive a replenisher or influence machine. Mouse-Mill Machine. A form of induc- tion machine employed as a replenisher or high-tension source. Mouth-Pieces. Circular openings into air chambers, placed over the diaphragms of telephones, phonographs, gramophones, or graphophones, to permit the ready application of the mouth in speaking, so as to set the diaphragm in vibration. Movable. Capable of being moved. Movable Secondary. The secondary of an induction coil, which, instead of being fixed, as in most coils, is movable. Multi - Cellular Electrostatic Volt- meter. An electrostatic voltmeter in which a series of fixed and movable plates are employed, instead of the single pair of plates of the quadrant electrometer. Multi-Circuit Arc-Dynamo. A dynamo whose armature is provided with several circuits designed to avoid too high an electromotive force on any single circuit. Multi-Circuit Arc-Light Generator. (1) An arc-light generator designed to supply, several series-connected arc-cir- cuits, as distinguished from a generator designed to supply a single circuit. (2) A multi-circuit arc dynamo. Multi-Coil Alternating-Current Ar- mature-Winding. An alternator arma- ture-winding containing on its surface more than one coil or group of conduc- tors per pole of the field frame, as distin- guished from a uni-coil winding. Multi-Conductor Cable. A cable pro- vided with a plurality of conducting circuits. Mul.] 857 [Mul.. Multi-Duct Conduit. A conduit con- taining a plurality of ducts. Multi-Periodic Current. (1) A current composed of a number of associated com- ponent currents of different frequencies. (2) A complex-harmonic current. Multiphase. Containing more than a single phase. Multiphase Alternating- Currents . A number of separate alternating currents which differ in phase by a fixed amount. Multiphase Alternator. An alternator capable of producing multiphase cur- rents. Multiphase Apparatus. A general term for multiphase alternators, motors, or other receptive apparatus, suitable for use on multiphase circuits. Multiphase Circuits. The circuits em- ployed in a system of multiphase distri- bution. Multiphase Dynamo. A multiphase alternator. Multiphase Generator. A multiphase alternator. Multiphase Induction-Motor. An in- duction motor suitable for use in con- nection with multiphase currents, and operated by rotating magnetic fields. Multiphase Synchronous-Motor. A synchronous alternating-current motor supplied with multiphase currents as dis- tinguished from an asynchronous or in- duction multiphase motor. Multiphase System. A system for the distribution of energy by multiphase cur- rents. Multiphaser. A multiphase alternator. Multiple-Arc Circuit. A term often used for multiple circuit. Multiple- Arc-Connected Electro-Re- ceptive Devices. Electro-receptive de- vices connected with the driving circuit in multiple arc. Multiple- Arc-Connected Sources. A battery of multiple-connected sources. Multiple-Arc-Connected Translating Devices. Multiple-arc connected elec- tro-receptive devices. Multiple- Arc Resistance Box. A re- sistance box whose resistances are capable of being inter-connected in multiple arc. Multiple Armature-Windings. (1) A term sometimes used for multiple-circuit armature-windings. (2) A term some- times used for multiple-wound armature windings. Multiple Cable. A cable containing 12 more than a single conducting wire or circuit. Multiple Cable-Core. A cable contain- ing more than a single conducting wire or core. Multiple Call-Box. A call-box capable of automatically transmitting a number of different calls. Multiple Circuit. A circuit in which a number of separate sources or separate receptive devices, or both, have all their positive poles connected to a single posi- tive lead or conductor, and all their neg- ative poles connected to a single negative lead or conductor. Multiple - Circuit Multiple - Wound Armature. An armature providing a plurality of circuits between the brushes, and also a plurality of independent wind- ings connected to symmetrically inter- spersed independent commutator bars. Multiple Circuit Winding of Arma- ture. Such a winding as provides a mult- iplicity of circuits in parallel through an, armature. Multiple Conduit. A conduit provided with a number of separate ducts. Multiple - Connected. Connected in multiple-arc. Multiple-Connected Battery. A bat- tery whose separate cells are connected in multiple-arc. Multiple - Connected Electro - Recep- tive Devices. Multiple-arc-connected translating devices. Multiple- Arc-Connected Sources. A number of separate sources connected in multiple-arc, so as to act as a single source. Multiple Connection. Connection in parallel or in multiple-arc. Multiple-Contact Carbon Telephone Transmitter. (1) A telephone trans- mitter provided with a number of sep- arate contacts. (2) A dust telephone- transmitter. Multiple Converter. A multiple trans- former. Multiple Electric Gas-Lighting. A system of electric gas-lighting in which a number of gas jets are ignited by high electromotive force discharges obtained from a Ruhmkorff coil or static induction machine. Multiple Electrode Telephone. A telepnone transmitter possessing a plural- ity of active contacts. Multiple Electrolysis. Electrolysis pro- Vol. 2 Mul.] 858 [Mul. ducing or accompanied by secondary chemical reactions. Multiple - Harmonic Telegraph. A general term embracing the apparatus employed in multiple-harmonic teleg- raphy. Multiple - Harmonic Telegraphy. A system for the simultaneous transmission of a number of separate and distinct mus- ical notes over a single wire, which separate notes are utilized for the simul- taneous transmission of an equal number of independent telegraphic messages. Multiple Jacks. The reduplicating jacks of a multiple telephone switchboard. Multiple Lightning Flash. Several lightning flashes apparently coming from the same cloud, Multiple-Pair Brush-Rocker. A term sometimes used for multiple-pair brush- yoke. Multiple-Pair Brush-Yoke. A device for holding a number of pairs of brushes on the commutator; so that they can all be simultaneously moved oj- rotated thereon. Multiple-Parallel Circuit. A term sometimes employed for a multiple of parallel circuits. Multiple Quadruples. A system of re- peating from more than one quadruplex circuit to a brancli office, or repeating from one quadruplex circuit to another. Multiple Resonance. The partial re- sonance of a primary conductor devoid of a definite period of oscillation, and, there- fore, capable of performing all possible oscillations lying within wide limits. Multiple Rheostat. A form of rheostat whose resistances are capable of being thrown into a circuit in multiple, so that the carrying capacity increases as the re- sistance is decreased. Multiple Running. The operation of generators in parallel. Multiple-Series. A multiple connection of series groups. Multiple-Series Circuit. A circuit in which a number of separate sources, or receptive devices, or both, are connected in a number of separate groups in series, and these separate groups subsequently connected in multiple. Multiple-Series Condenser. (1) An ar- rangement of groups of condensers in series, which groups are connected in multiple. (2) A condenser divided into parts capable of being connected either in multiple, or in series, or in both. Multiple-Series-Connected Receptive or Translating Devices. A number of receptive or translating devices connected in multiple-series. Multiple-Series-Connected Sources. A number of separate electric sources so connected in multiple-series, as to be capable of acting as a single source. Multiple-Series Connection. Connec- tion in multiple-series. Multiple Switch. A switch provided with a number of separate contact plates for controlling a plurality of circuits. Multiple Switchboard. A switchboard to which the numerous circuits employed in systems of telegraphy, telephony, an- nunciators, or electric light and power circuits, are connected. M u 1 1 i p 1 e-Tablet Switchboard. A switchboard provided with a number of separate tablets or panels. Multiple Telegraphic - Repeater. A telegraphic repeater which repeats from one circuit to two or more Morse circuits. Multiple Telegraphy. A system for the simultaneous telegraphic transmission over the same wire of more than a single message in the same direction. Multiple Telephone Receiver. (1) A telephone receiver in a multiple tele- phone circuit. (2) A composite tele- phone receiver. Multiple Telephone Switchboard. A switchboard consisting in reality of a number of separate switchboards, each provided with separate operators and bearing transmitter keys, switches and generators, employed when the number of subscribers connected with the switch- board exceed a number such as can be handled by a single switchboard. Multiple Telephony. The simultaneous transmission over the same wire of a num- ber of separate telephonic despatches, in the same direction. Multiple Transformer. (1) Any form of transformer the coils or circuits of which are connected in multiple. (2) The or- dinary alternating-current transformer connected across a supply circuit, as dis- tinguished from a series transformer. Multiple Transmission. The simulta- neous sending of two or more messages over a single conductor in the same direc- tion. Multiple Unit System of Railway Traction. A system of electric railways in which each traction unit is provided with its own independent motors, in such a manner that all the units may be oper- ated collectively from a single point. Mul.] 859 [Mus. Multiple Valued Function. A func- tion which has more than one value for a single value of its variable. Multiple Wheel Printing Telegraph. A printing telegraph instrument pro- vided with a plurality of printing wheels. Multiple Windings. Independent wind- ings symmetrically disposed upon the same armature, insulated from each other, but brought to different segments of the commutator. Multiple-Wound Multiple-Circuit Armature. A multipolar armature having a plurality of windings, and each winding having a plurality of circuits between the brushes. Multiple- Wound Two-Oircuit Arma- ture-Windings. A multipolar arma- ture having a plurality of windings, each winding having two circuits between the brushes. Multiple Working of Dynamo-Elec- tric Machines. A term sometimes used for parallel working of dynamo electric machines. Multiples. The jacks in the various sec- tions of a multiple-telephone switchboard, which are connected to the same line or subscriber. Multiplex Telegraph. A general term embracing the apparatus employed in multiplex telegraphy. Multiplex Telegraphy. (1) A system of telegraphy for the simultaneous transmis- sion in opposite directions of more than two separate messages over a single wire from each end. (2) A term sometimes used for multiple telephony or simultaneous transmission of more than one message in the same direction over a single wire. Multiplex Telephony. A system of tele- phony for the simultaneous transmission in opposite directions of more than two separate messages over a single wire from each end. Multiplex Working. Multiplex trans- mission. Multiplicatpr. A term sometimes used for multiplier. Multiply. In a multiple telephone switch- board to reduplicate or to repeat at each section of the switchboard. Multiply Re-Entrant Armature- Wind- ing. An armature-winding provided with a plurality of separate conducting paths or windings, each of which is in- dependently re-entrant. Multiplying Power of Shunt. A quan- tity by which the current flowing through a galvanometer or other device provided with a shunt, must be multiplied, in order to give the total current. Multi-Point Secondary. A secondary coil arranged so that it can be readilj tapped at different points. Multipolar Armature. An armature suitaole for use in a multipolar field. Multipolar - Drum Armature - Wind- ings. Windings of a drum armature suitable for a multipolar field ; i. e. pro- ducing more than two poles on the arma- ture surface. Multipolar Dynamo. A dynamo pro- vided with a multipolar field. Multipolar Electric Bath. An electro- therapeutic bath in which more than two electrodes are employed. Multipolar Field. A field produced by more than two separate magnet poles. Multipolar Generator. A multipolar dynamo. Multipolar Motor. A motor whose field- magnets contain more than two separate magnet poles. Multipolar Railway - Generator. A generator having a multipolar field, em- ployed for furnishing current to trolley cars. Multipolar-Ring Armature- Winding. The winding of a ring armature adapted to a multipolar field. Multipolar Winding. A winding suit- able for use in multipolar generators or motors. Multi-Slot Armature - Winding. A multi-coil armature winding. Multi-Slot Alternating-Current Iron- Clad- Armature. An iron-clad arma- ture having more than one slot per field pole and furnishing alternating currents. Municipal Series Circuit. A series cir- cuit employed for the distribution of in- candescent lights and suitable for lighting streets. Municipal System of Incandescent Electric Lighting. A system for the distribution of incandescent electric lights, in which the separate lamps are connected to the circuit in series, each lamp being provided with a film or other automatic cut-out. Muscle Currents. In electro-therapeu- tics the electric currents flowing through a muscle during its stimulation or ac- tivity. Muscular Pile. Matteucci's muscular pile. Jttus.] 860 [Nat. Mushroom Anchor. An anchor resem- bling a mushroom in form and used for mooring buoys in submarine cable-work, so as to resist dragging along the sea-bot- tom and yet avoid becoming tightly en- gaged in rocks. Mushroom Deposit on Negative Car- bon. A flat deposit of graphitic carbon of a mushroom shape, that forms on the negative carbon of an enclosed arc-lamp. Musket, Electric. A gun whose charge is ignited by a platinum wire rendered incandescent by the action of a battery placed in the stock of the gun. Mutual Flux of Transformer. The magnetic flux which passes through both coils in a transformer as distinguished from magnetic flux which may traverse one coil, when excited to the exclusion of the other. Mutual Inductance. (1) The coefficient of mutual induction between two con- ductors. (2) The flux linkages in one circuit due to unit current in the other. Mutual Induction. (1) Induction pro- duced on each other by two neighboring circuits through the mutual inter-con- nection of their magnetic fluxes. (2) In- duction produced in neighboring charged conductors by the inter-connec- tion of their electrostatic fluxes. Myograph. An instrument for measur- ing nervous sensibility. Myopia. Near-sightedness. Myopic. Of or pertaining to near-sighted- ness. Myria. A prefix for ten thousand times. N N. A symbol for the whole number of lines of magnetic flux or induction in any mag- netic circuit- N. In submarine telegraphy, a code signal at the end of a message to indicate that there are no more messages to follow. N. A contraction for north-seeking mag- netic pole. n. (1) A symbol employed for frequency. (2) A contraction for a number. N. H. P. A contraction for nominal horse- power. Name Plate. A plate fastened to a dynamo-electric machine and bearing the name of the maker and other particulars such as the speed, power, weight, pres- sure, and current of the machine. Narrow-Gauge Street-Railway Mo- tor. A street-railway car motor of less breadth than usual, suitable for use on narrow-gauge tracks. Nasal Electrode. An electrode suitable for introduction into the nostril for its therapeutic treatment. Nascent State. A term used in chemistry to express the state or condition of an elementary atom or radical when just liberated from chemical combination, when it possesses chemical affinities or attractions more energetic than after- wards. Natural Current from Fault in Cable. The feeble current originating from the voltaic couple formed at a break or fault in a cable. Natural Currents. A term sometimes applied to earth currents. Natural-Draught Transformer. (1) An alternating-current transformer in which an air-space is left between the primary and secondary coils, through which a con- vection current of air passes on the heat- ing of the coils. (2) A transformer cooled by radiation and convection, as distin- guished fi'om an air-transformer. Natural Electret. A body whose mole- cules are inherently electrized, as distin- guished from a body whose molecules be- come electrized by induction. Natural Law. (1) A law of nature. (2) An observed co-relation of phenomena such that when one phenomenon or group of phenomena occurs in a certain definite way, another phenomenon or group of phenomena invariably follows. Natural Magnet. The name sometimes given to a lodestone. Natural Period. (1) The time in which a cyclic phenomenon naturally completes itself. (2) The time of complete free os- cillation of a vibrating substance or con- dition, when not subjected to external restraint. Natural Resultant Fault. In any cir- cuit, a fault which is the electrical equiv- alent in position and magnitude of all the actual small faults or leakages which may be present in that circuit. Natural Unit of Electricity. (1) A term sometimes used in place of an atomic Nat.] 861 [Neg. charge of electricity. (2) The quantity of electricity carried by a single monad atom of any elementary substance. Natural Unit of Quantity of Electric- ity. The quantity of electricity pos- sessed as a charge by any elementary monad atom. Naut. A nautical mile. Nautical Mile. (1) A knot or naut, or a distance of 6,087 feet ; or nearly 1.15 stat- ute miles. (2) The ^iJ^th of the earth's equatorial circumference, or / ff th of a de- gree of longitude at the equator. Nautical Telegraphy. Telegraphy con- ducted at sea or over the sea, either be- tween different vessels or on board a single vessel, Near-Sightedness. (1) Inability to see objects distinctly unless they are com- paratively near the eye. (2) Myopia. Nebula. A misty appearance in the heavens often resolved by a telescope in- to clusters of innumerable stars. Needle. A word frequently used for a magnetic needle. Needle Annunciator. An annunciator whose indications are obtained by the movements of a needle, instead of by the fall of a drop. Needle Electrode. A needle-shaped therapeutic-electrode employed for elec- trolytic treatment. Needle Instrument. A single-needle instrument. Needle of Oscillation. A small mag- netic needle employed for measuring the intensity of a magnetic field by the num- ber of oscillations it makes in a given time when disturbed from its position of rest in such field. Needle System of Telegraphy. A sys- tem of telegraphy in which the letters of the alphabet and numerals are indicated by the to-and-fro movements of a mag- netic needle. Needle Telegraph. A general term em- bracing the apparatus employed in needle telegraphy. Needle Telegraphy. The needle system of telegraphy. Negative Brush of Dynamo. The brush connected with the negative terminal of a dynamo. Negative Brush of Motor. The brush connected with the negative terminal of the driving source. Negative Bus-Bars. The negative om- nibus bars. Negative Charge. (1) According to the double-fluid hypothesis, a charge of nega- tive electricity. (2) According to the single-fluid hypothesis, any deficit of an assumed electric fluid. (3) An electric charge of the same character as that pro- duced on silk when rubbed by glass. Negative Conductor. The conductor connected to the negative terminal of an electric source. Negative Currents. In telegraphy, a term applied to the currents sent over a line from the negative pole of the battery. Negative Direction of Electrical Con- vection of Heat. A direction in which heat is transmitted by electric convection, through an unequally heated conductor opposite to that of an electric current. Negative Direction of Simple-Har- monic Motion. Simple-harmonic mo- tion in which the generating circle is moved over in the negative direction. Negative Electricity. (1) One of the phases of electric excitement. (2) The kind of electric charge produced on resin when rubbed with cotton. Negative Electromotive Force. Such an E. M. F. as is produced at the free pole of a battery or other source whose posi- tive pole is grounded. Negative Electrification. (1) The charging of a body with negative electric- ity. (2) A negative charge. Negative Electrode. The electrode con- nected with the negative terminal of a source. Negative Element of Electrolyte. (1) The element which in electrolysis ap- pears at the positive electrode. (2) The cathion. Negative Element of Voltaic Cell. (1) That element of a voltaic couple which is,not acted on by the electrolyte. (2) The element which forms the positive pole of the cell above the surface of the electrolyte. Negative Feeders. The feeders con- necting the negative mains with the negative poles of the generators. Negative Fluid. (1) A specific fluid which was formerly believed by the ad- vocates of the double-fluid electric hypothesis to be the cause of negative excitement. (2) A deficit of an assumed single electric fluid. Negative Inductance. A capacitance. Negative Lightning. A name given to a variety of lightning discharge whose existence is apparent in some photo- 862 [Neiu graphic negatives of lightning flashes, as black branches coming out from the main-lightning stem. Negative Omnibus-Bar. The bus-bar connected to the negative terminals of the generators. Negative Phase of Electrotonus. A decrease in the electromotive force of a nerve, produced by sending an electric current through the nerve in the opposite direction to the nerve current. Negative Plate of Storage Cell. (1) That plate of a storage cell which is con- verted into or partly covered with a coat- ing of spongy lead by the action of the current. (2) That plate of a storage cell which is connected with the negative terminal of the charging source, and which is, therefore, the negative pole of the cell on discharging. Negative Plate of Voltaic Cell. (1) The electro-negative element of a voltaic couple. (2) That element of a voltaic couple which is negative in the electro- lyte of the cell. (3) That portion of the pla,te of a voltaic cell above the liquid, which becomes the positive pole of the cell. Negative Pole of Receptive Device. That pole of a receptive device which is connected to the negative pole of a source. Negative Pole of Source. That pole of an electric source through which the current is assumed to enter, or flow back into the source, after having passed through the circuit connected to the source. Negative Potential. (1) A potential such as determines a tendency of electricity to flow towards it from the earth or from any point of positive potential. (2) Gen- erally, the lower potential or lower level. (3) That property of a point in space by virtue of which electric work is done by the movement of a small positive charge to that point from an infinite distance. Negative Rays. The molecular streams given off at the negative electrode or cathode of an induction tube, on the pas- sage of electric discharges through the tube. Negative Resistance. A property of a circuit or conductor containing an E. M. F. , whereby a current flowing through the conductor rises in pressure instead of falling. Negative Rotation. Right-handed or clockwise rotation, as viewed from in ront of the clock. Negative Side of Circuit. (1) The side of a circuit opposite to the positive sides. (2) That side of a circuit bent in the form of a circle, from which, if an observer stood with his head in the negative region, he would see the current pass around him clockwise, or right-handedly. (3) The side of a circuit connected with the negative pole of the source. Negative Spark. The spark produced by the discharge of a negatively charged conductor. Negative Terminal. (1) The terminal of a voltaic cell connected with the posi- tive plate or element. (2) The terminal of a source connected with the negative pole. (3) The terminal of a translating device connected with the negative pole of the source. Negative Wire. (1) A wire charged, or intended to be charged, negatively. (2) A wire connected with the negative pole of a source. (3) A wire of negative potential. Negatively Excited. Endowed with a negative charge. Net Efficiency. The final or ultimate efficiency of a series of machines or translating devices, through which en- ergy, or any other quantity, has to suc- cessively pass, as distinguished from the separate efficiency of each machine or device. Netted Globe. A globe surrounding an arc-lamp and provided with an external netting. Netting Wire. A wire net-work-shield inclosing the globe of an arc-lamp, both to protect it from mechanical injury and to prevent glass from falling in case of fracture. Network of Conductors. A term ap- plied to a number of interconnected con- ductors which may resemble a net in ap- pearance. Network of Currents. A term some- times applied to a number of shunts or derived circuits, or to the currents which flow in a network of conductors. Neutral Armature. A non-polarized armature. Neutral Ampere-Meter. An ampere- meter connected with the neutral bus-bar in a three- wire system of distribution. Neutral Conductor. The neutral wire in a three- wire system. Neutral Feeder. In a three-wire system a feeder connected with the neutral bus- bar. Neu.] 863 [Nip. Neutral-Line of Magnet. The equator of a magnet. Neutral-Line of Commutator Cylin- der. A line on the commutator cylin- der of a dynamo connecting the neutral points or points of zero potential. Neutral-Line of Dynamo Armature. (1) A line passing through the armature, symmetrically disposed as regards its entering and emerging flux. (2) A line of zero polarity. Neutral Omnibus-Bar, or Bus-Bar. In a three- wire system of distribution, the bus-bar connected with the neutral dynamo terminals, or the terminals unit- ing the positive and negative dynamos. Neutral Point. A term sometimes em- ployed in electro-therapeutics for indiffer- ent point. Neutral Points of Magnet. (1) Points approximately midway between the poles of a magnet. (2) Points of zero polarity. Neutral Points of Dynamo-Electric Machine. (1) Two points situated on the commutator cylinder at opposite ends of its diameter at which the collecting brushes must rest in order to obtain sparkless com mutation. (2) Points of zero potential on a commutator. Neutral Points of Thermo-Electric Diagram. (1) The points on a thermo- electric diagram where the lines repre- senting the thermo-electric powers of any two metals cross each other. (2) A mean temperature for any two metals in a thermo-electric series, at which, if their two junctions are slightly over or slightly under the mean temperature, the one as much above as the other is below, no effective electromotive force is developed. Neutral Relay-Armature. (1) A relay armature consisting of a piece of soft iron which closes a local circuit whenever its electro-magnet receives an impulse over the main line. (2) A normally unmag- netized relay armature. Neutral Section of Magnet. A section passing through the neutral line or equa- tor of a magnet. Neutral Salt. A salt possessing neither acid nor basic properties. Neutral Solution. A solution of neutral salt. Neutral Wire. (1) In a three-wire system of electric distribution the wire con- nected to the neutral dynamo-terminal. (2) The balance wire of a three- wire system. Neutral- Wire Ampere-Meter. An am- pere meter placed in the circuit of a neutral wire, in a three-wire system, for the purpose of showing the excess of cur- rent passing over one side of the system as compared with the other side, when a balance between the two is no longer maintained. Neutral Zone of Charged Insulated Conductor. That portion of an insu- lated conductor, charged by electrostatic induction, which lies approximately mid- way between its positive and negative end. Neutral Zone of Magnet. A term some- times employed for equator of magnet. Neutralization. The act or quality of rendering neutral, as in the discharge of an electrified body. New Ohm. A term sometimes used for the international ohm. Nib on Carbon Electrode. A term sometimes employed for the graphitic deposit on one side of the negative carbon, when the arc has been maintained be- tween the sides of two parallel carbon electrodes. Nickel Bath. An electrolytic bath con- taining a readily electrolyzable salt of nickel, a plate of nickel acting as the anode of the battery, and placed in a liquid near the object to be coated, which forms the cathode. Nickel Facing of Electro-Type. A thin electro-plating of nickel deposited on the surface of an electro-type for the pur- pose of hardening it. Nickel Plating. Electro-plating with nickel. Niello-Work. An enamelling process in which a pattern is traced upon a bright silver surface with a silver sulphide, or with mixtures of lead, copper and silver sulphide, artificially prepared, and which is afterwards fixed, by heating to the fusion point. Nigger. A term sometimes employed for a fault in any electric apparatus or sys- tem. Night-Bell. In a hotel or telephone ex- change, a bell switched into connection with a shunted circuit of an annunciator case, and intended, by its constant ring- ing, to call the attention of the night operator to the falling of a drop. Night-Switch for Telephone. A switch so arranged that, when turned to the on- position, any or all of the drops will, on falling, ring a bell, and thus call the atten- tion of the operator. Nipple of Negative Carbon. A tiny No.] 864 [Noil. projection of graphitic carbon, deposited during the maintenance of the arc, on the surface of the negative carbon oppo- site the crater of the positive carbon. No. 1 Side of Quadruples System. That side of the quadruplex system which is employed in operating the polar duplex system. , No. 2 Side of Quadruplex System. That side of a quadruplex system which contains the increment key and neutral relay. Nobili's Rings. Metallo-chromes. Nodal Point. A point in a vibrating string or wire free from vibration. Node. A nodal point. Nodes, Electric. (1) Points in a circuit or conductor through which electric oscillations are passing, which possess a constant value of potential, while the potential at the internode alternates be- tween two fixed limits. (2) Points in a conductor where the strength of the in- duced oscillatory current is equal to zero. Ifodular Electro - Metallurgical De- posit. A coherent electro-metallurgical deposit, of irregular outline, which occurs whenever the current density falls below its normal value. Noise. (1) Any discordant assemblage of musical tones. (2) Any sound of too short duration to permit its pitch to be readily distinguished. Noisy Arc. A voltaic arc whose mainte- nance is attended by frying, hissing or spluttering sounds. Nominal Candle-Power. A term some- times applied to the candle-power of a luminous source taken in a favorable direction. Non-Arcing Arrester. A non-arcing lightning arrester. Non-Arcing Fuse. A fuse wire formed of non-arcing metal, which, therefore, blows without the formation of a voltaic arc. Non-Arcing Metal. An alloy formed of mixtures of a certain group of metals, which, under certain conditions, will not permit the maintenance of an alternating- current ai'c between them. Non-Arcing-Metal Lightning- Arrest- er. A lightning arrester employing electrodes of non-arcing metals. Non- Arcing Metals. Metals forming non-conducting oxides such that an alternating-current arc is interrupted between them under certain conditions. Non-Automatic Repeater. A manual repeater. Non-Automatic Variable Resistance. A resistance, the value of which is regu- lated by hand. Non-Conductor. Any substance whose conductivity is low, or whose electric re- sistance is great. Non-Coperiodic. (1) Non-synchronous. (2) Devoid of coperiodicity. (3) Not isochronous. (4) Having a period differ- ing from the period considered. Non-Coperiodic Electromotive Forces, Currents and Fluxes. Electromotive forces, currents, or fluxes that are of dif- ferent periods or frequencies. Non-Electrics. A term formerly applied to substances like the metals or other good conductors, which appeared not to be capable of electrification by friction. Non-Ferric. Devoid of iron. Non-Ferric Inductance. (1) The in- ductance possessed by a circuit which does not contain, or is not magnetically associated with, iron. (2) The inductance of a coil with a non-magnetic core. Non-Ferric Inductance-Coil. An in- ductance coil devoid of iron. Non-Ferric Magnetic Circuit. (1) A magnetic circuit devoid of iron. (2) A mag- netic circuit containing only air, wood, copper or other non-magnetic materials. Non-Homogeneous Current-Distribu- tion. (1) A distribution of current pass- .ing through a conductor, in which there is an unequal density of current over any cross section of the conductor. (2) The skin effect. Non-Illumined Electrode. That elec- trode of a selenium cell which is pro- tected from the direct action of light. Non-inductive Load. (1) An induction- less load. (2) A load consisting of re- sistance. Non-Interfering Fire Telegraph. A system of fire-alarm telegraphy in which two calls, simultaneously delivered, are incapable of interfering with each other. Non-Interfering Street Signal Box. A street signal box connected with a cen- tral station for the delivery of an alarm, in such a manner that two signals given at the same time from two different boxes will not interfere with each other. Non-inductive Resistance. A resist- ance devoid of self-induction. Non-Isotropic Expansion. A property possessed by some crystalline substance of unequal expansion along different axes. Non.] 865 [Nos. Non-Luminous Radiation. Radiation incapable of affecting the eye. Non-Luminous Heat Radiation. (1) Heat radiation devoid of frequencies ca- pable of exciting or producing the sensa- tion of light. (2) Heat radiation devoid of luminous frequencies. Non-Magnetic Steel. Certain alloys of iron, such as manganese steel, or nickel steel, that are practically devoid of the ability of being magnetized. Non-Multiple Telephone Switch- board. (1) A telephone switchboard which is either not so large as to have rendered reduplication necessary, or which operates upon a system in which reduplication is dispensed with. (2) A single telephone-switchboard. Non-Oscillatory. (1) Not characterized by oscillations. (2) Maintaining the same direction of motion throughout. Non-Oscillatory Charge. A charge ob- tained by means of non-oscillatory electro- motive forces or currents. Non-Oscillatory Charging. Charging uniformly by currents which are always of the same direction, as opposed to charg- ing with oscillations in which the currents alternate. Non-Oscillatory Current. (1) A cur- rent that is devoid of periodic oscillation. (2) A uniform current. Non-Oscillatory Discharge. A steady discharge, or one characterized by free- dom from periodic oscillation. Non-Oscillatory Intermittent - Cur- rent. A current which is intermittent, but always in the same direction, as dis- tinguished from an oscillatory current whose direction alternates. Non- Overlapping Winding of Alter- nator. A winding in which the coils are mechanically separate and do not overlap. Non-Periodic Alternating-Current. An alternating current whose intensity varies non-periodically. Non-Periodically Varying - Current. A continuous current whose strength is subject to non-periodical oscillations. Non-Polar Transformer. A term some- times used for a closed iron-circuit trans- former. Non-Polarizable. Incapable of polariza- tion. Non-Polarizable Electrodes. Electro- therapeutic electrodes constructed so as to avoid the effects of polarization. Non-Polarized Armature. An arma- 55 ture of soft iron which is attracted to- wards the poles of an electro-magnet on the completion of the circuit, no matter in what direction the current passes through the coils. Non-Reactive Circuit. A circuit which possesses neither inductance nor capacity, and, therefore, has ohmic resistance only. Non-Sinusoidal Currents. Alternating currents that are not of the true sinusoi- dal type. Non-Synchronous Motor. (1) An asyn- chronous motor. (2) An alternating-cur- rent motor capable of starting at any load. (3) An induction motor. (4) An alternating-current motor which is not compelled to run in synchronism with its driving current. Non-Uniform Magnetic Flux. Mag- netic flux whose density varies in differ- ent portions of the magnetic circuit. Non-Vibrating Filament Lamp. An incandescent lamp with an anchored fila- ment. Normal. (1) Perpendicular to. (2) In accordance with rule. (3) Regular. Normal Current. The current strength at which a system or apparatus is de- signed to be operated. Normal Earth-Current. The usual earth current. Normal Magnetic-Day. A day during which the values of the earth's magnetic elements do not vary greatly from their mean value. Normal Voltage. The voltage at which a system or apparatus is designed to be operated. Normal Voltaic-Arc. A voltaic arc whose characteristic properties are those possessed by the ordinary arc. North Magnetic Pole. That pole of a magnetic needle which points approxi- mately to the earth's geographical north. North-Seeking Magnetic Pole. (1) The north magnetic pole. (2) That pole of a magnet which turns towards and approx- imately points to the north geographical pole of the earth. Northern Lights. (1) Luminous sheets, columns, arches or pillars of pale, flash- ing light, generally of a reddish color, seen in the northern heavens. (2) The aurora borealis. Nose Suspension of Motor. The sus- pension of a motor in a car truck by a projecting hook or nose from above, as distinguished from a suspension by a bar and spring from beneath. Nul.] 866 [Ohm. Null or Zero Method. (1) Any method employed in electrical measurements in which the values are determined by bal- ancing against them equal similar values, and ascertaining such equality not by the deflection of the needle, but by the ab- sence of such deflection. (2) Any method of 'measurement in which the criterion is no indication on the instrument em- ployed, as distinguished from a method depending upon the amounts or quantita- tive values of such indications. Null Point. (1) Such a point on a micro- meter circuit that when joined or con- nected with the secondary circuit of an induction coil, the sparks in the micro- meter circuit are either very greatly de- creased, or are entirely absent. (2) A nodal point. . o O. An abbreviation for ohm, the practical unit of resistance. O. K. A telegraphic signal of acquiescence meaning "all right," and said to be a perversion of the initial letters of the phrase " all correct." Q. A contraction for megohm. u. A contraction for ohm. o. A symbol sometimes employed for an- gular velocity. O. cm. An abbreviation proposed for ohm-centimetre, a standard of resistivity or conductivity. Oblique Induction. In the air gap of a dynamo, magnetic induction which is deflected from the perpendicular to the polar surface by armature reaction. Obscure Heat. Non-luminous heat. Observation Mine. A variety of sub- marine mine that is fired from a distant point when an enemy's vessel is observed to be within its destructive area. Obtuse Angle. Any angle whose value, is greater than 90. Occluded-Gas Process. A process for the removal of the residual atmosphere from a vacuum tube, or from the cham- ber of an incandescent electric lamp, consisting in heating the same to a high temperature while connected with the pumps, before sealing off. Occlusion of Gas. The absorption or condensation of a gas in the pores or on the surfaces of various substances. Ocean Cable. A submarine cable. Octo-Polar Dynamo. A multi-polar dy- namo whose field has eight poles. Octo-Polar Field. A field produced by the flux of eight separate magnet poles. Od. The name given by Reichenbach to the assumed force which he claimed to be the cause of animal magnetism. Odd Harmonics. In a complex harmon- ically varying quantity, the harmonics whose frequencies are odd multiples of the fundamental frequency. Odorscope. An apparatus in which the determination of an odor was attempted by the measurement of the effect its vapor or effluvia produced on a contact resist- ance. Odylic. Of or pertaining to the od force. Odylic Rays. Rays accompanying the od force, which, according to Reichen- bach, were emitted from magnet poles, and various other bodies, and were capa- ble of producing faint luminous sensa- tions in people sufficiently sensitive to their influence. Oersted. (1) The name proposed for the C. G. S. unit of magnetic reluctance. (2) The reluctance offered to the passage of magnetic flux by a cubic centimetre of air when measured between parallel faces. Off Position of Switch. (1) That posi- tion of a switch in which it throws a device or a portion of a circuit off from the working circuit. (2) The break posi- tion of a switch. Office Cable. (1) A cable of insulated wires suitable for indoor office-work. (2) A cable leading to a telegraph office. Office Loop. (1) In telegraphy, a loop, or two wires running to an office. (2) In telegraphy, a loop or pair of wires running from a circuit in an office to some desk in the same office, as distinguished from a loop running to some distant point. Offset. A side connection, or lateral, taken from a conduit or cable for connection to a service. Ohm. (1) The practical unit of electric resistance. (2) Such a resistance as would limit the flow of electricity under an electromotive force of one volt, to a cur- rent of one ampere, or one-coulomb-per- second. (3) A value equal to 10 9 or 1,000,000,000 absolute electro-magnetic units. (4) A value which is represented Ohm.] 867 [Ope. conventionally in C. G. S. units by a veloc- ity of 10 9 or 1,000,000,000 centimetres per second. Ohmage. The value of an electric resist- ance expressed in ohms. Ohmic. (1) Of or pertaining to the ohm. (2) Having the nature of an electric re- sistance. Ohmic Drop. The drop in pressure due the olimic resistance. Ohmic Resistance. (1) The true resist- ance of a conductor due to its dimensions and conductivity, as distinguished from the spurious resistance produced by counter-electromotive force. (2) A re- sistance such as would be measurable in ohms by the usual methods of continuous- current measurement. Ohm-Meter. A commercial galvanome- ter employed for practically measuring, by the deflections of a magnetic needle, the resistance of any part of a circuit to which it is connected, and through which a current flows. Ohm Mile. (1) A standard of conductivity of wires one mile in length and having a resistance of one ohm at a standard tem- perature. (2) The product of the weight of a mile of wire and its resistance in ohms at a given temperature. (3) Such a mass of a substance, at a standard tem- perature, as would enable a uniform wire of that substance, one mile in length, to offer a resistance of one ohm. Ohm's Law. The strength of a continuous electric current in any circuit is directly proportional to the electromotive force acting on that circuit, and inversely pro- portional to the resistance of the circuit. Oil-Cooled Transformer. A trans- former that is cooled by means of oil. Oil Cup. A cup filled with lubricating oil, so supported that its oil is slowly fed to a shaft and bearing, or in general, to the rubbing parts of a machine. Oil Guard. (1) A guard of sheet metal sup- ported so as to catch any drops of oil that may be thrown upon its surface, and thus protect any person or apparatus. (2) A guard placed over a direct-driven dynamo, to prevent oil from being thrown on it by the revolving engine. Oil-Insulated. Insulated by means of oil. Oil Insulator. A fluid insulator con- taining oil. Oil Insulator for Storage Battery. An oil insulator provided for the support of a storage battery. Oil Paper. An insulating material con- sisting of paper that has been soaked in an insulating oil. Oil Transformer. (1) A transformer im- mersed in oil in order to ensure and maintain high insulation. (2) An oil- insulated transformer. Okonite. A variety of insulating material. Olivette Box. A box containing an arc= lamp provided with an aperture closed by colored glass, and employed for the pur- pose of obtaining a uniform field of color over a large surface, such as a stage scene. Omnibus Bars. (1) Heavy bars of cop- per connected directly to the poles of a dynamo in a central station, and, there- fore, receiving their entire current. (2) Main conductors common to two or more dynamos in an electrical generating plant. Omnibus Wires. 'A word sometimes used for bus-bars. On Position of Switch. (1) That posi- tion of a switch in which it throws a de- vice, or portion 'of a circuit, on to a work- ing circuit. (2) The make position of a switch. One-Coil Transformer. A word some- times employed for auto-transformer. One-Fluid Voltaic Cell. A name some- times given to a single-fluid voltaic cell. One-Layer Armature- Winding. (1) An armature winding consisting of but a single layer of wire. (2) A winding which, although it may consist of several layers, would be possible of application in a single layer, as distinguished from a two-layer armature which must be laid in two layers. One-Metal Cell. An identical electrode cell. (2) A cell in which both elements are composed of one metal. One- Way Door-Trigger. A door-trigger which operates on the opening of the door only. Opacity. Possessing the property of non- transparency to radiation. Open-Arc. A non-enclosed voltaic arc. Open-Box Conduit. A conduit consist- ing of an open box of wood placed in a trench and closed with a wooden cover, after the introduction of the cable. Open Car- Wheel. A form of car-wheel in which the space between the flange and the axle is provided with symmetri- cal perforations. Open Circuit. A broken circuit, or a cir- cuit whose conducting continuity is broken. Open-Circuit Battery. A voltaic bat- Ope.] 868 [Ope. tery which is normally on open circuit, and which is used continuously on closed circuit only for comparatively small por- tions of time. Open-Circuit Burglar-Alarm. A bur- glar alarm whose battery is normally on open circuit, and is brought into action on the closing of such circuit as a door, window, or other point. Open-Circuit Current of Transformer. A term sometimes employed for the leak- age current of a transformer. Open-Circuit Electric Oscillations. Electric oscillations produced in open cir- cuits by the presence of electric surgings in neighboring circuits. Open-Circuit Induction. The induction produced in an open circuit by means of electric surgings in. neighboring circuits. Open-Circuit of Triphase Connections. The star-connection of triphase circuits. Open-Circuit Single-Current Signal- ling. A system of single-current signal- ling in which the sending batteries placed at each station are in circuit during sig- nalling only. Open-Circuit Thermostat. A thermo- stat maintained normally on an open-cir- cuit. Open-Circuit Transformer. (1) A trans- former whose magnetic circuit is partly completed through air. (2) An aero-fer- ric-circuit transformer. Open-Circuit Voltaic Cell. A voltaic cell that cannot be kept on closed circuit with a comparatively small resistance, for any considerable time, without seri- ous polarization. Open-Circuit Voltmeter. (1) A volt- meter in which the points of a circuit where the potential difference is to be measured, are connected with an open- circuit to give indications by means of the charges so produced. (2) An electro- meter- voltmeter. Open-Circuited. Provided with an open or broken circuit. Open-Circuited Conductor. (1) A con- ductor not forming a closed circuit. (2) A conductor not closed on itself, and whose metallic continuity, therefore, is not complete, but through which an oscillatory discharge is capable of passing. Open - Circuited Discharge. A dis- charge taking place through a circuit whose metallic continuity is incomplete. Open-Circuited Oscillation. An elec- tric oscillation or surging taking place in an open-circuited conductor. Open-Circuit Thermostat. A thermo- stat maintained normally on an open-cir- cuit. Open - Circuited Transformer. An aero-ferric-circuit transformer. Open-Coil Armature. An armature, some of whose coils are on open-circuit during a portion of the rotation of the armature. Open-Coil Armature- Windings. The windings of an open-coil dynamo arma- ture. Open - Coil Disc Dynamo - Electric Machine. (1) A disc- wound dynamo- electric machine whose armature coils are open-circuited during part of each revo- lution. (2) An open-coil dynamo-elec- tric machine, the armature of which is disc shaped. Open - Coil Drum Dynamo - Electric Machine. An open-coil dynamo-electric machine, the armature of which is drum- wound. Open-Coil Dynamo. A dynamo pro- vided with an open-coil armature. Open - Coil Ring Dynamo - Electric Machine. An open-coil dynamo-electric machine, the armature of which is ring- wound. Open - Iron - Circuit Converter. An open-iron-circuit transformer. Open-Iron-Circuit Transformer. An aero-ferric transformer. Open-Iron-Magnetic Circuit. An aero- ferric magnetic circuit. Open Magnetic Core. Any iron core which forms a portion of an aero-ferric circuit. Open Trolley-Car. A trolley-car open on the sides and ends. Open-Wire Symmetrical Twist. A system of stringing aerial telephone wives, so as to avoid cross talk, in which all the wires on a pole are helically twisted right- handedly along the line, one step being taken at each successive pole. Open Wiring. (1) Wiring that has been purposely left exposed to view. (2) Wir- ing supported on cleats or insulators as distinguished from channelled, panelled, or covered wiring. Open Work. Open wiring. Opening a Circuit. Breaking a circuit. Opening Shock. The physiological shock produced on opening or breaking an elec- tric circuit containing self-induction. Operator's Head Telephone. A head- gear telephone. Ope.j 869 [Osc. Operator's Position. The space or posi- tion allotted to each operator in front of a multiple telephone switchboard. Operator's Set. A telephone set at a central station employed by the operator. Operator's Shelf. A shelf at, on, or above a multiple telephone switchboard for supporting the apparatus used by the operators. Ophthalmoscope. An apparatus for ex- amining the living retina. Ophthalmoscopic. Of or pertaining to the ophthalmoscope. Opposed Electromotive Forces. Elec- tromotive forces that are opposed either to each other or to some other already existing electro-motive force. Opposed Magnetomotive Forces. Magnetomotive forces that are opposed either to each other, or to some other al- ready existing magnetomotive force. Optic Angle. The angle contained be- tween the optical centres of both eyes at any point to which they may be directed. Optic Axis. (1) The right line passing through the eye, so that the eye is sym- metrical on all of its sides. (2) The axis of symmetry of a crystal. (3) The prin- cipal axis of the eye, or its axis of figure. Optic Nerve. The nerve of vision. Optics. That branch of physics which treats of -the properties and phenomena of light. Optical Bench. A graduated support em- ployed for varying the distance between fixed and movable optical appliances. Optical Efficiency of Light. The ratio between the obscure and the luminous radiation. Optical Galvanometer. A galvanometer whose indications are based on the mag- netic rotary power of liquids. Optical Strain. A deformation produced in a plate of glass, or other transparent medium, by the action of a stress, attended by a change in some of the optical prop- erties of such medium. Optical Telegraph. A name sometimes applied to a semaphore. Oral Annunciator. An electric annun- ciator that is operated by a puff of breath transmitted through an ordinary speak- ing tube. Ordinary Jacks. In a multiple tele- phone-switchboard, the reduplicated jacks of each subscriber appearing successively in each section, as distinguished from the local or answering jack, which appears at a single panel. Ordinary Lines. The lines used for con- versation in a call-wire system of tel- ephony, as distinguished from the wires employed for calling. Ordinate. In graphics, a distance taken on a line called the axis of ordinates Ordinary Relay. A non-polarized relay. Organ, Electric. A wind organ in which the escape of air into the different pipes is electrically controlled, or propelled. Orientation of Magnetic Needle. The coming to rest of a magnetic needle in the direction of the earth's magnetic flux. Originating Call. The call t>f the sub- scriber who asks to be connected with some other subscriber, as distinguished from any other call which may follow in the process of securing connection. Originating Operator. In telephonic communication passing through more than one exchange, the operator who is nearest to the calling subscriber, and con- sequently the operator who first delivered the call, as distinguished from other oper- ators whose assistance may have been called in. Oscillating Current. (1) An oscillatory current. (2) A periodically alternating current usually of diminishing ampli- tude. Oscillating-Current Transformer. A transformer operated by an oscillating current. Oscillating Discharge. An oscillatory discharge. Oscillating Needle. A needle of oscilla- tion. Oscillation. A to-and-f ro motion or vibra- tion. Oscillation of a Function. The differ- ence between the greatest and the least values which a function assumes in a given interval. Oscillations, Electric. (1) The series of partial intermittent discharges of which the apparent instantaneous disruptive dis- charge of a Leyden jar, through a small resistance, consists. (2) Free electric vibrations of a disturbed electric system. (3) Electric surgings. Oscillator. Any device for producing oscillations. Oscillator, Electric. A device for pro- ducing electric currents of a constant period, independently of variations in its driving force. Oscillatory. Vibratory, or characterized by periodic to-and-fro movements. Oscillatory Charging. Charging by Osc.] 870 [Out. means of an oscillatory electromotive force or current. Oscillatory Current. A current which oscillates or performs periodic vibrations usually of diminishing amplitude. Oscillatory Discharge. (1) An appar- ently instantaneous discharge of a Ley den jar or condenser, which in reality consists of a number of successive discharges. (2) A discharge which periodically decreases by a series of oscillations. Oscillatory Dynamo. A dynamo whose armature coils have electromotive forces them by a vibratory or oscil- latory motion through a magnetic field, instead of the usual rotary motion. Oscillatory Electric Displacement. A displacement of an oscillatory character produced in a dielectric. Oscillatory Electric Inductance. Os- cillatory inductance. Oscillatory Electromotive Force. A rapidly periodic electromotive force, usually rapidly diminishing in amplitude. Oscillatory Generator. An oscillatory dynamo. Oscillatory Inductance. Inductance in the circuit of electric oscillations. Oscillatory Induction. A name some- times applied to open-circuit induction. Oscillatory Intermittent Currents. Intermittent currents which are oscillat- ory in character, such as the oscillatory discharges of a static machine. Oscillograph. (1) An instrument for re- cording rapid variations of an electrical current or pressure, usually consisting of a combination of a suitable form of gal- vanometer with a photographic recording apparatus. (2) A cathode-ray tube in which the cathode rays are deflected by the application of a magnetic field. Osmometer. An apparatus for measuring osmose. Osmose. An unequal mixing of liquids of different densities through the pores of a separating medium. Osmose, Electric. The unequal differ- ence of diffusion between two liquids placed on opposite sides of a diaphragm, produced by the passage of an electric current through the diaphragm. Osmosis. A term sometimes used for osmose. Osmotic. Of or pertaining to osmose. Osmotic Pressure. (1) The pressure pro- duced by osmose. (2) The virtual gas- eous pressure of a dissolved substance. Osmotic Pressure. (1) Pressure produced by osmose. (2) Pressure in a solution due to the presence of a dissolved sub- stance. Osteotome, Electric. An electrically propelled circular saw employed in the surgical cutting of bones. Outboard Bearing. (1) A journal bearing projecting beyond the base frame of a machine for giving adequate support to a long or heavy shaft. (2) A separate journal bearing supported outside the frame of a machine. Outboard Bearing of Dynamo-Electric Machine. (1) A bearing projecting be- yond the base frame of a dynamo-electric machine for the purpose of adequately supporting the rotor. (2) A bearing for the shaft of a dynamo rotor supported independently of the base of the dynamo. " Out-Current " of Telephone Relay. The current which is sent out by a tele- phone relay or repeater. "Out-Door" Transformer. A trans- former placed outside a building on the sides of its walls, or on suitably selected posts. Outers. (1) The outside conductors of a three-wire system as distinguished from the neutral conductor. (2) In telephony, the external pair of springs of a telephone jack. Outgoing Call. A call issued from an ex- change, as distinguished from an incom- ing call. Outgoing-Call Trunk-Line. A trunk line terminating at a central telephone station and conveying calls which are transmitted from the station, as distin- guished from an incoming call line on which such calls are received. Outgoing Current. The current sent out over a line from a station as distinguished from the received current, or the return- ing current. Outgoing End. The end of a junction telephone wire at which calls are trans- mitted. Outgoing Lines. (1) Lines in a tele- phone exchange on which calls are for- warded or transmitted, as distinguished, from incoming lines. (2) Outgoing wires. Outgoing Side of Telephone Switch- board. (1) The side of a switchboard at which the conductors leave it. (2) The side of a switchboard to which calls are transferred or from which calls are trans- mitted. Outgoing Signals. Signals sent out over Out.] 871 [Ove. a telegraphic line by the outgoing cur- rents. Outgoing "Wires. Wires by means of which the current is led out from a gen- erator or station. Outlet. (1) A place where branch wires come out in a wall or ceiling for connec- tion to a switch, lamp or other device. (2) In a system of incandescent-lamp dis- tribution, the places in a building where the fixtures or lamps are attached. Outlet Block. (1) A fuse block placed at or near an outlet. (2) A block containing an outlet fuse wire. Outlet Box. A box placed at or near an outlet for the ready making or changing of electric connections with the outlet conductors. Outlet Insulator. Any insulator em- ployed at an outlet. Output. The useful energy or activity given out by any machine. Output of Dynamo-Electric Machine. (1) The electric power of the current developed by a dynamo-electric generator or transformer, at its delivery terminals expressed in volt-amperes, watts, or kilo- watts. (2) The available mechanical power developed by a motor, or the power delivered at its pulley or shaft. Output Wires. Wires connected with a distribution box which take their supply from the box. Outrigger. An arm horizontally fastened to a pole for the purpose of trussing it. Outrigger for Arc-Lamp. A device for suspending an electric arc-lamp so as to cause it to stand out from the wall of a building. Outrigger Torpedo. A pole or spar tor- pedo. Outside Wiring. (1) Any wiring for a circuit outside of a house or other build- ing. (2) Out-door wiring. Outside Work. Out-of-door wiring. Over-Compounded. Such a compound- ing of a dynamo-electric machine as pro- duces under an increase of load an increase of voltage at its terminals. Over-Compounded Dynamo. A dy- namo in whicli the magneto-motive force of its series coils not only compensates for the drop in the armature, but also for the drop in a conductor leading from the generators to the motors or translating devices, thus permitting the external conductors to be regarded electrically as forming an extension of the armature winding, and thus permitting the genera- tor to deliver a constant pressure at its final terminals at the motor or device. Overflow of Leyden Jar. A term sometimes employed for the discharge of a Leyden jar by a disruptive discharge around its edge. Overhead Conductor. An aerial con- ductor. Overhead Feeders. Aerial feeders, as distinguished from buried or under- ground feeders. Overhead Lines. A term applied to aerial telegraph, telephone, electric light or power lines, that run overhead, in con- tradistinction to similar underground lines. Overhead Mains. Any system of aerial mains. Overhead Switch. (1) A switch con- trolling an overhead circuit. (2) A can- opy switch. (3) A switch placed over- head. (4) A switch placed above a motor- man on a car so as to be within his reach. Overhead Trolley-System. (1) An aerial trolley wire system. (2) A system of electric-street-car propulsion in which the required current is taken from an over- head trolley- wire. Overhead Trolley- Wire. An ordinary aerial trolley wire. Overhead Trolley. A trolley employed in an overhead trolley-system. Overhead Wires. Aerial wires. Overland Telegraph. Any telegraphic circuit provided with aerial conductors, as distinguished from a submarine or an underground telegraph. Overlap Test. A localization test for a single fault in a single telegraph line, by observing the resistance from each end and deducting therefrom half of the amount, by which the sum of these resist- ances overlap the total conductor resist- ance of the line, to determine the posi- tion occupied by the fault. Overlap Splice. A splice of a rope or cable in which the strands of one part overlap the parts of the other, as distin- guished from a splice in which the strands of both parts interlace. Overlapping Block System. An elec- trically operated block system in which the signals automatically delivered by a train occupying one section, appear at a considerable distance behind the train on the preceding section. Overlapping Winding of Alternator Armature. A winding in which the successive coils overlap, as distinguished Ove.] 872 [Pac. from a winding in which successive coils are mechanically separated. Overload. (1) Any load whose value ex- ceeds that of the normal. (2) An exces- sive load. Overload of Electric Motor. (1) A load greater than that which an electric motor can carry with its greatest effi- ciency of operation. (2) Any load which causes injurious heating of a motor. (3) Any load exceeding the full load for which a motor is designed. Overload Storage-Battery Switch. A switch placed in a discharging circuit of a storage battery, arranged so as to automatically break the circuit of the battery should the discharge become ex- cessive. Overload Switch. A switch designed to automatically open a circuit upon the occurrence of an overload. Over-Load Switch of Accumulator. (1) A switch inserted in the circuit of a storage battery which automatically opens or introduces resistance into the circuit when the current becomes exces- sive. (2) An overload storage-battery switch. Overloaded Conductor. A conductor carrying any electric current heavier than the normal current for which it was intended. Over-Maximal Contraction. An in- crease in the electric stimulation of a motor nerve beyond the point where an apparent maximum stimulus has been reached. Over-Running of Incandescent Lamps. The operation of incandescent lamps at a pressure above the normal. Over-Running Trolley. An overhead trolley, as distinguished from an under- ground trolley. " Overshoot." To err in compensation by exceeding in adjustment, so as to over- pass the limit. Overtone Currents. Electric currents of harmonic frequencies accompanying a fundamental periodic current. Overtones. Additional faint tones of higher frequency than the fundamental, and some multiple thereof, associated with the fundamental and tending to give it its characteristic quality. Overtones, Electric. Electric upper har- monics or rates of alternation higher than the fundamental rate. Overtype Dynamo. A dynamo-electric machine whose armature bore or cham- ber is placed above the field-magnet coils instead of below them. Overtype Magnet. A form of horseshoe bi-polar electro-magnet, standing verti- cally over the armature between its poles. Over-Winding of Series Motor. A series motor whose series-field winding is unduly strong. Over-Wound Motor Field. (1) A motor field so wound that its full strength is nearly attained with considerably less than the normal current. (2) A term sometimes employed for an over-com- pounded motor field. Oyster Pitting. A form of incandescent lamp-fitting employed on board a ship for water-tight bulkheads which cannot be pierced. Ozite. A form of insulating material. Ozokerite. A form of insulating material. Ozone. An allotropic modification of oxy- gen which possesses more powerful oxy dizing properties than ordinary oxygen, and formed by electric discharges in air. Ozonizer. An apparatus for producing ozone by means of electric discharges. P. A symbol for power. P. A symbol for electric power. P. A symbol proposed for pressure. 4>. A symbol for quantity of magnetic flux. P. C. A contraction for primary current. P. D. or p. d. A contraction frequently employed for potential difference. P. P. D. A contraction for primary po- tential difference. Pacinotti Projections. Radial projec- tions or teeth, in an armature core, so ex- tending from the central shaft as to form slots, pockets or armature chambers, for the reception of the armature coils. Pacinotti Ring. A ring-shaped arma- ture-core provided with projections em- ployed by Pacinotti to receive the arma- ture windings in his generator. Pacinotti Teeth. A term sometimes used for Pacinotti projections. Packing of Telephone Dust Transmit- Pag.] 873 [Par. ter. The partial cohering of the parti- cles of granulated carbon in a dust trans- mitter into a solid cake, thus seriously in- juring the delicacy of the apparatus. Page Effect. Faint sounds produced when a piece of iron is rapidly magnet- ized and demagnetized. Palladium. A metal of the platinum group. Palladium Alloys. Various alloys of palladium with other metals, some of which are entirely devoid of paramag- netic properties, and are, therefore, em- ployed for the hair-springs of watches, in order to render them free from the dis- turbing influence of strong magnetic fields. Palette Combination Wire-Gauge. A wire-gauge measurer consisting of a graduated cam pivoted in a frame hook, so that the wire to be measured is gripped between the hook and cam. Pan-Cake Armature-Coil. A flat arma- ture coil applied to and secured upon the surface of an armature. Panel Board. A switchboard which is not prepared in one piece, but which is constructed and connected in panels. Panel Feeder. The feeder connected with the bus-bars of any particular panel on a switchboard. Panel Fuse. A fuse placed in the circuit of a particular panel on a switchboard. Panel of Switchboard. One of the sep- arate vertical sub-sections of a composite- ly constructed switchboard. Panel Pressure. The pressure which is maintained at a particular switchboard panel. Panel Reflector. A reflector composed of strips or panels of silvered glass, or other good reflecting material. Panelled Conductors. Conductors placed in mouldings. Panelled "Wire. Wire placed inside mouldings or panels. Pan-Telegraphy. Fac-simile or auto- matic telegraphy. Pan-Telephone. A name proposed for a certain sensitive form of telephone. Paper Cable.-^-(l) A paper-insulated cable. (2) A cable in which paper is the solid insulator employed. Paper Carbons. Incandescent lamp fila- ments formed of carbonized paper. Paper Condenser. A condenser in which sheets of paper covered by some good in- sulating material are employed as a dielectric. Paper Cut-Out. A term sometimes used for film cut-out. Paper-Film Cut-Out. A paper or film cut-out. Paper Insulation. Insulation obtained by paper. Paper Perforator. An apparatus em- ployed in automatic telegraphy for punch- ing in a strip of paper, the circular or elongated spaces that produce the dots and dashes of the Morse alphabet. Paper Telephone Cable. A paper-insu- lated telephone cable. Parabolic. Of or pertaining to a parabola. Parabola. A conic section formed by the intersection of a right cone by a plane parallel to any side. Parabolic Reflector. (1) A reflector or mirror the surface of which is a parabo- loid, or such as would be obtained by the revolution of a parabola around its axis. (2) A reflector employed in connection with electro-magnetic radiation of which the section perpendicular to the long axis has the form of a parabola, the focus of which is occupied by the electric oscil- lator. Paradox. (1) Something which seems to contradict the ordinary laws of nature, but which is in reality the expression of such law. (2) A seeming inconsistency, or self-contradiction. Paraffine. A solid hydro-carbon possess- ing high insulating powers. Paraffined Wire. Wire wrapped or braided with some textile material and afterwards coated with paraffine. Paraffining. Coating or covering with paraffine. Paragrele. A French term for a light- ning rod, intended to protect a field against the destructive action of hail. Parallax. The apparent displacement of the position of an object, relatively to points in front or behind it, due to a dif- ference in the point of view. Parallax Error. An error in reading the position of a pointer on a scale due to par- allax. Parallel Arc-Circuit. A word sometimes used for multiple circuit. Parallel Circuit. A term sometimes used for multiple circuit. Parallel Conical Conductors. A sys- tem of conical conductors, or of conduc- tors successively diminishing in diameter, employed in parallel distribution. Parallel Connected Sources. A num- ber of separate sources connected in Par.] 874 [Par. parallel, so as to be capable of acting as a single source. Parallel-Connected Triphasers. Two or more triphasers connected in parallel to a common .set of triphase bus- bars or mains. Parallel-Connections of Alternators. A number of alternators connected to a single pair of leads or bus-bars in paral- lel or multiple-arc. Parallel Coupling. A term sometimes employed for the parallel connection of alternators. Parallel Distribution. A distribution of electric energy in which the receptive devices are arranged between one or more pairs of parallel conductors, extending to the limits of the system. Parallel Feeding. (1) Furnishing the current required for the operation of a number of receptive devices connected in parallel. (2) Multiple-arc distribution in which a pair of mains is supplied at one end as distinguished from an anti- parallel system. Parallel-Series. A term sometimes ap- plied to a multiple-series connection. Parallel Transformer. (1) A trans- former connected with a parallel-system of distribution. (2) A transformer that is connected to mains in parallel. (3) A transformer whose secondary coils are connected in parallel. Parallel Tree-Circuit. A system of parallel distribution in which the dis- tributing mains diverge and ramify from a common centre or central station, di- minishing in size as they proceed. Parallel- Wire Stretcher. A clamping tool for gripping and stretching wire. Parallel-Working of Dynamo-Electric Machines. The working of two or more dynamos in pai'allel. Parallelogram of Forces. A parallo- gram whose sides represent in length and direction the intensity and direction of two co-acting forces, and whose intermediate diagonal represents the resultant force. Paramagnet. (1) A magnet produced by iron or other magnetic substance. (2) A ferromagnet. Paramagnetic. (1) Possessing the proper- ties ordinarily recognized as magnetic. (2) Possessing the power of concentrat- ing lines of magnetic force. (3) Ferro- magnetic. Paramagnetic Permeability. Perme- ability to magnetic force. Paramagnetic Polarity. Magnetic po- larity, or the polarity possessed by para- magnetic substances. Paramagnetically. In a paramagnetic manner. Paramagnetism. The magnetism of paramagnetic substances. Parasitical Currents. A name some- times applied to eddy currents. Paratonnere. A French term for light- ning rod, sometimes employed in English technical works. Parcel of Wire. A word sometimes em- ployed for any quantity of manufactured wire presented at one time and in one piece for examination or testing. Parchmentized-Thread Filament. A filament for an incandescent lamp made from the carbonization of parchmentized thread. Parchmentizing Process. A process for converting cellulose thread into artificial parchment by treating it with dilute sul- phuric acid. Partial Contact. (1) A high-resistance or imperfect contact between two tele- graphic lines or circuits. (2) An incom- plete contact. Partial Disconnection. (1) A partial discontinuity. (2) A loss of complete metallic connection. (3) An imperfect metallic contact. Partial Earth. The fault in a telegraphic or other line in which the line is in par- tial connection with the earth. Partial Fault. In telegraphy or tele- phony, a fault due to an imperfect ground- contact, a cross-contact or a disconnec- tion, as distinguished from a complete fault or one that interrupts communica- tion. Partial Reaction of Degeneration. That form of alteration to electric stim- ulation in which the nerves show no ab- normal reaction to electric stimulation, while the muscles, when directly stimu- lated by a constant current, exhibit the reaction of degeneration. Partial Vacuum. An incomplete vac- uum. Partially Overlapping Winding of Alternator Armature. A winding in which some of the coils overlap each other and some of the coils do not over- lap. Parting of Cable. A complete rupture or breaking of a submarine cable. Party Lines for Telephone Service. (1) Lines which connect several sub- scribers in one circuit, as opposed to lines Par.] 875 [Pen. devoted to a single subscriber. (2) Lines connecting permanently together several telephonic stations, as distinguished from lines connecting each telephone station through an exchange. Partz Gravity Cell. A zinc-carbon couple employed with electrolytes of sul- phate of magnesia or common salt, and sulpho-chromic salt, in which the liquids are kept apart by their difference of density. Passive Resistance. A term sometimes used for ohmic resistance. Passive State. A condition of a metallic substance in which it may be placed in liquids that would ordinarily combine with it, without being attacked or cor- roded. Paste Joint for Lamp Filament. A form of joint between the leading-in wires and the ends of the lamp filament obtained by the employment of a moist hydro-carbon paste which is subsequently carbonized. Pasted Secondary Cell. A secondary cell in which the active material is applied to the surface of the grid or support in the form of a paint, paste, or cement. Path of Magnetic Leakage. A side path taken by deviating magnetic flux, as distinguished from the main path of usefully employed flux. Patrol Alarm-Box. In a system of sig- nal telegraphy or telephony, a box from which a call, communication, or alarm can be given by a patrol. Paying-Out. The operation of passing submarine cable out of the ship while laying it. Paying-Out Drum. A drum employed in laying a submarine cable and over which the cable takes several turns, whereby, by means of brakes, tension may be applied to the cable as it leaves. Paying-Out Leg. In a bight of cable at the bows of a cable ship, that side or leg which is paid out, as distinguished from the side or leg which is held stationary or picked up. " Pea " Lamp. A term sometimes given to a particular form of miniature incande- scent lamp. Peaked Type of Periodically-Alter- nating Electromotive Force. A type of electromotive force whose curve of graphical representation has a peaked shape, as opposed to a smooth or a flat shape. Pear Push. A pear-shaped push-contact, usually provided with a flexible cord pendant. Pedestal of Armature. A supporting pillar for an armature bearing. Peg-Circuit. A circuit that is opened or closed by means of metallic pegs. Peg-Switch. (1) A switch that is opened or closed by means of a peg. (2) A pin switch. Peg-Switchboard. A switchboard whose circuits are capable of being variously inter-connected by means of peg switches. Peltier Effect. The heating effect pro- duced by the passage of an electric cur- rent across a thermo-electric junction, or surface of contact between two different metals, as distinguished from a Joulean effect or heat due to resistance merely. Peltier's Cross. A cross, made by placing two plates of dissimilar metals in contact at right-angles to each other, employed for the study of the Peltier effect. Pen Carriage. The carriage in an elec- tric chronograph which carries the pen and moves over the sheet of paper on which the record is made. Pen, Electric. A device for manifold copying, in which a sheet of paper is made into a stencil by minute perforations ob- tained from a needle driven by a small electric motor, the stencil being after- wards employed in connection with an ink roller for the production of any re- quired number of copies. Pencil Microphone. A carbon micro- phone in which the loose carbon is in the form of one or more pencils. Pendant Argand. An Argand burner so arranged as to be lighted or extinguished by the pulling of a pendant. Pendant Cord. A flexible conductor pro- vided for conveying the current to a pendant lamp or push. Pendant, Electric. A hanging fixture provided with 'a socket for the support either of an incandescent lamp, or of a contact. Pendant Electric-Lamp. An incandes- cent lamp supported on a pendant cord. Pendant Pull-Switch. A switch which is operated by pulling upon a pendant cord or loop. Pendant Socket. An attachment pro- vided with a chain or chains for turning on or off a lamp not readily accessible. Pendulum Annunciator. (1) An an- nunciator whose indicating arm consists of a pendulous or swinging arm which, when at rest, assumes a vertical position, Pen.] 876 [Per. and which is moved to the right or left by the action of the current. (2) A swinging annunciator. Pendulum, Electric. (1) A pendulum so arranged that its to-and-fro motions send electric impulses over a line, either by making or breaking contacts. (2) An electric tuning fork whose to-and-fro movements are maintained by electric impulses. Pendulum Indicator. A term sometimes employed for a pendulum annunciator. Pendulum Myograph. An electric pendulum employed for physiological and chronographic purposes. Pendulum Selector. In a system of se- lective telephony, a pendulum which is adjusted to vibrate at different rates and thereby actuate the call-bell of some par- ticular station selectively. Pendulum Signaller. A pendulum armed with a contact maker for closing a circuit and transmitting signals. Pentad Atom. An atom whose valency or atomicity is five. Pentane Standard. A standard source of light obtained from the burning of pentane, and used in photometric meas- urements in place of a Methven screen. Penthode Working. A five-way mode of telegraphic working obtained by the use of the Delany synchronous multi- plex telegraph. Penumbra. A region of partial shadow surrounding the umbra or complete shadow, obtained when the source of light causing the shadow has an appreci- able area. Percentage Conductivity. The conduc- tivity of a wire expressed in percentage of the conductivity of Mathiessen's standard. Percentage Conductivity of Wire. (1) The conductivity of a wire in terms of the conductivity of pure copper. (2) The conductivity of a particular copper wire compared with the conductivity of a standard wire of the same dimensions. (3) The conductivity of a wire referred to Matthiessen's standard of conductivity for copper. Perfect Linkage. Linkage of magnetic flux between two associated coils or cir- cuits unaccompanied by magnetic leak- age, or such that all of the flux is linked with all the turns of each circuit. Perforated Armature. An armature provided with perforations for the in- sertion of the coils. Perforated Core-Discs. The separate core discs of a laminated armature core provided with perforations for the in- sertion of armature wires. Perforator. (1) A paper perforator. (2) In automatic telegraphy, an apparatus for perforating paper. Perforator Mallet. A mallet used with a perforator for striking its keys. Perforator Slip. The slip of paper pre- pared for use in a perforator. Period. (1) The interval of time between two successive passages of a vibration through a given point of its path taken in the same direction. (2) The time occu- pied in performing a complete cycle. Period of Open-Circuit Oscillation. The time in which the oscillation set up in an open circuit by electric resonance requires to make one complete to-and-fro motion. Period of Simple-Harmonic Motion. The interval of time which elapses be- tween two successive passages of a moving particle over the same point in the same direction. Period of Vibration. The time occupied in executing one complete vibration or motion to-and-fro. Periodic. Of or pertaining to a period. Periodic Alternating Electromotive Force. An electromotive force whose direction periodically varies. Periodic Current. (1) A current whose strength and direction periodically vary. (2) A simple harmonic or sinusoidal cur- rent. (3) A periodically alternating cur- rent. Periodic Discharge. (1) An electric dis- charge which periodically changes its direction. (2) An alternating discharge. Periodic Governor. A form of governor for an electric motor, in which the cur- rent is automatically cut off for a certain portion of each revolution. Periodic Motion. A term sometimes em- ployed for simple-periodic motion. Periodically Alternating Discharge. An alternating discharge. Periodically Decreasing Discharge. An oscillatory discharge whose successive oscillations decrease in intensity. Periodicity. (1) The number of periods executed per second by a periodically alternating quantity. (2) The number of cycles executed in unit time by an alter- nating current. (3) The frequency of an alternating current. Periodicitv of Alternation. (1) The Per.] number of alternations per second. (2) The frequency. (3) The number of alter- nations executed per second or per minute. Periodicity of Auroras, Magnetic Storms, and Sunspots. Coincidences between the occurrence of auroras, mag- netic storms and sun-spots. Peripheral Speed. The speed of a point on the circumference of a rotating cylin- der or wheel. Peripheral Velocity. (1) The rate of linear peripheral speed. (2) The tan- gential velocity at a periphery. Periphratic Region. A region which encloses other regions within itself. Peripolar Zone. The zone or region sur- rounding the polar zone on the body of a patient undergoing electro-therapeutic treatment. Periscopic Eye-Piece of Microscope. An eye-piece consisting of a triple eye- lens and a single field-lens, possessing a very large and flat field. Permanency, Electric. The property possessed by most metallic substances, while in a solid state, of retaining a con- stant electric conducting power at the same temperature. Permanent Charge by Induction. An induced charge permanently communi- cated to a conductor, as distinguished from a temporarily induced charge. Permanent Currents of Wheatstone System. (1) In the Wheatstone auto- matic system the use of a signalling cur- rent during the whole period in which a signal is transmitted. (2) The continued application of current in one or other direction oil the line. Permanent Current Telephone Work- ing. A system of telephony employing a constant normal strength of current on the line. Permanent Electret. A body whose molecules are permanently and inherently electrized, as distinguished from a body whose molecules are only inherently elec- trized while under the influence of some change of state. Permanent Intensity of Magnetiza- tion. A term employed for the intensity of a permanent magnetism produced in hard steel, as distinguished from the magnetization produced temporarily in soft iron. Permanent Laminated - Magnet. A term sometimes employed in place of compound-magnet. Permanent Magnet. A name sometimes 877 [Per. given to a magnet composed of hardened steel, whose magnetic retentivity is high. Permanen t-Magnet Voltmeter. A form of voltmeter in which difference of potential is measured by the movement of a magnetic needle under the combined action of a coil and a permanent magnet, against the pull of a spring. Permanent Magnetism. M agnetism possessed by permanent magnets. Permanent Magnetization. (1) A term employed for the magnetization produced in a mass of steel or hardened iron when brought into a magnetic field. (2) The magnetization of a permanent magnet. Permanent Magneto-Motive Force. The magneto-motive force of a permanent magnet. Permanent State of Charge on Tele- graphic Line. (1) The condition of the charge on a telegraphic line during the time the current passing is at full strength in all parts. (2) The charge in a telegraph line when insulated at one end and con- nected to an E. M. F. at the other. Permanent System of Currents. (1) A term sometimes used in telegraphy to represent the current sent into a line by a double-current key. (2) In a Wheat- stone's automatic telegraph system the usf of double currents, whereby a current is always flowing on the line. Permanent Telegraphic Line. A term employed for a telegraphic line that is in- tended to remain in use for an indefinite time, in contra distinction to a semi-per- manent line which is only designed for use during a comparatively limited time. Permanent Telegraphic Signals. Tele- graphic signals that are permanently re- corded as distinguished from transient or unrecorded signals. Permeability Bridge. A device for measuring the magnetic permeability of a medium, operating on the principle of a Wheatstone bridge. Permeability Curve. A curve repre- senting the permeability of a magnetic substance. Permeameter. An apparatus for deter- mining magnetic permeabilities by the measurement of the tractive force re- quired to detach a mass of soft iron having a plane surface, from a magnetic pole whose magnetic flux passes perpen- dicularly through the surface. Permeance, Magnetic. (1) The recipro- cal of magnetic reluctance. (2) The con- ductance of a medium to magnetic flux. Permeating. (1) The passage of mag- Per.] 878 [Pha. netic flux through a magnetizable sub- stance, or of electrostatic flux through a dielectric. (2) Intimately traversing the depths of a medium. Permeation. The passage of magnetic flux through any permeable substance. Permissive Block-System for Rail- roads. -A block-system in which two or more trains are, under certain conditions, permitted to occupy the same block sim- ultaneously. Permissivity. A word frequently used for permittivity. Permittance. (1) Electrostatic capacity. (2) The capability of a condenser or di- electric to hold a charge. Permittivity. (1) Specific permittance. (2) The dielectric constant. Perpendicular. (1) At right angles to. (2) A line at right angles to one or more other lines. Persistence of Energy. The indestruc- tibility of energy. Personal Equation. A constant obser- vational error peculiar to an observer, and depending upon his psychological condi- tion. Perviability. A word proposed for per- meability to electrostatic flux. Perviance. (1) Conductance to electric lines of force. (2) The reciprocal of divi- ance. Petticoat Insulator. (1) An insulator provided with a petticoat, or deep internal groove, around its lower extremity, or stalk. (2) A line-wire vertical insulator provided with an insulating inverted cup having a form resembling a petticoat. (3) An ordinary telegraph or telephone single- cup insulator. Pflugers Law. A given tract of nerve is stimulated by the appearance of cathelec- trotonus and the disappearance of anelec- trotonus, but not by the disappearance of cathelectrotonus and the appearance of anelectrotonus. Phantom Circuit. (1) Any of the addi- tional circuits established on a telegra- phic line by means of any variety of mul- tiplex telegraphy. (2) An imaginary cir- cuit virtually created by multiplexing a telegraph circuit. Phantom Streams. A term sometimes applied to a variety of the Tesla streaming discharge. Phantom Wires. (1) A term sometimes applied to the virtual additional circuits or wires obtained in any single wire or conductor by the use of any multiplex telegraphic system, cuits. (2) Phantom cir- Phase. The fractional part of a period, which has elapsed since a vibrating body last passed through the extreme point of its path in the positive direction. Phase Angle. The angle of phase, in a simple-harmonic motion, or the angular distance through which the corresponding circularly moving point has passed from the point of last maximum positive elonga tion. Phase Detector. A device for determin- ing the phase of an alternating current, electromotive force, or flux. Phase Diagram. A diagram representing the magnitude and relative phase position of electric pressures or currents. Phase-Difference Measurer. A device for measuring difference of phase, be- tween any periodically alternating quan- tities. Phase Indicator. (1) A device for indi- cating when the pressure of an alternator is in phase and synchronism with the pressure of the circuit with which it is to be connected. (2) A term sometimes - employed for a synchronizer. Phase Meter. A phase-difference meas- urer. Phase Modification. The alteration of the phase of any periodically alternating quantity. Phase of Simple-Harmonic Motion. The angle through which the correspond- ing circularly moving point has moved from the point of maximum positive elon- gation. Phase of Vibration. (1) The position of the particles in motion in a wave or vibration at any instant of time during the wave period, as compared with their mean position. (2) The phase angle of vibration considered as simple-harmonic motion. Phase Regulation. The regulation of the phase or phases of alternating currents or E. M. F.'s. Phase-Splitter .-7(1) Any apparatus which so acts upon an incoming alternating cur- rent that the same current goes out in different branches as a plurality of cur- rents differing in phase. (2) A device for producing a difference of phase between two currents, so as to enable a single-phase induction-motor to be self -star ting. (3) A device for making an alternating current split into two or more dephased compo- nents. Phase Splitting. The quality or opera' Pha.] 879 [Pho. tion cf causing a single alternating cur- rent to split into a plurality of relatively dephased components. Phase Transformation. A change of phase obtained by a transformer whereby two-phase currents may be transformed into three-phase currents, or vice-versa. Phase- Windings. The separate wind- ings on the armature of a polyphase motor. Phasing Current. The current produced between two dynamos when thrown into parallel, which arises from their being either not perfectly in phase, or not per- fectly equal in pressure, or both. Phasing or Wattless-Component. A component of alternating current, 90 out of phase with respect to a pressure, and, therefore, indifferent to it in respect to energy. Phasing Transformer. (1) A trans- former capable of effecting a change of phase. (2) A transformer for the supply of multiphase secondary-currents from Uniphase primary-currents, or, vice-versa. Phelp's Stock Printer. A form of print- ing telegraph employed in sending stock quotations telegraphically. Phenakistoscope. An optical toy de- pending on the persistence of a retinal image, in which the appearance of life is obtained from a succession of suitable pictures that are caused to rapidly pass before the eye. Phenomenon. Any event observed or known to occur in nature. Pherope. A name sometimes applied to a telephote. Philosopher's Egg. A name given to the ovoid or egg-shaped mass of light, that appears when a convective discharge is taken between two electrodes in a partial vacuum. Phonautograph. An apparatus for the automatic production of the visible trac- ings of the vibrations produced by any sounds. Phone. (1) A contraction frequently em- ployed for telephone. (2) A message sent by telephone. Phone. To send a message by telephone. Phoned. Communicated by telephone. Phonic Wheel. A wheel maintained in synchronous rotation by timed electric impulses sent over a telegraphic line, and employed in the Delany synchronous multiplex telegraph system. Phoning. Communicating by telephone. Phonogram. A term proposed for a de- spatch transmitted by means of a tele- phone. Phonograph. An apparatus for the re- cording and reproduction of articulate speech, or of sounds of any character, at any time after their occurrence, and for a number of times. Phonograph Record. A record obtained by means of a phonograph. Phonographic. Of or pertaining to the phonograph. Phonophore. A modified form of har- monic telegraph. Phonoplex. A general term embracing the apparatus employed in phonoplex telegraphy. Phonoplex Telegraphic-Receiver. A special form of telephone receiver em- ployed in phonoplex telegraphy, which responds to brief current impulses but not to prolonged impulses. Phonoplex Telegraphy. A system of double telegraphic transmission, in which telephonic currents, superposed on the ordinary Morse currents, actuate a modi- fied telephonic receiver, and thus permit the simultaneous transmission of two separate messages over a single wire without interference. Phonoplex Transmission. Double tele- graphic transmission obtained by the superposition of telephonic and Morse currents. Phonozenograph. An instrument de- vised to indicate the direction of a distant sound. Phosphoresce. To emit phosphorescent light. Phosphorescence. The power of emit- ting light, or becoming luminous by simple exposure to radiant energy. Phosphorescence, Electric. Phosphor- escence caused in a substance by the passage of an electric discharge. Phosphorescent. Possessing the quality of phosphorescence. Phosphorescent Glow. A phosphores- cent light emitted by the residual atmos- phere of a vacuum tube several seconds after an electric discharge has ceased to pass through it. Phosphorescent Lamp. A lamp whose light is obtained by means of the phos- Shoresceut effects attending electrical ischarges through a rarified space. Phosphorescing. Emitting phosphor- escent light. Phosphoroscope. An apparatus fol Pho.J 880 [Pho. measuring the phosphorescent power of any substance. Phot. (1) A unit of time-illumination, or the total illumination produced by one hi* for one second of time. (2) The lux- second. Photo-Chemical. Relating to photo- chemistry. Photo-Chemical Effect. Chemical ef- fects produced by the action of radiant energy. Photo-Chemistry. The chemistry of the effects of radiant energy. Photo-Chronograph. An electric instru- ment for automatically recording the transit of a star across the meridian. Photo-Electric. Pertaining to the com- bined action of light and electricity. Photo-Electric Alarm. (1) An alarm operated by means of a photo-electric cell. (2) A selenium cell proposed for use in connection with the circuit of an electric source and suitable electro-receptive de- vices, so as to cause the sounding of an alarm on the exposure of one of the faces of the cell to light. Photo-Electric Battery. Several pho- to-electric cells so combined as to be capable of acting as a single source. Photo-Electric Cell. A cell capable of producing difference of potential when its opposite faces are unequally exposed to radiant energy. Photo-Electric Impulsion-Cell. A photo-electric cell whose sensitiveness to light may be restored by slight impulses, such as mechanical blows or taps, or by electro-magnetic impulses. Photo-Electricity . Difference of electric potential produced by the action of light. Photo-Electromotive Force. An elec- tro-motive force produced by the action of light. Photo-Engraving. Engraving effected by the agency of light. Photo-Fluoroscopy. The photography of the image obtained on a fluoroscopic screen. Photographic Meter. An electric meter producing a photographical record. Photographic Negative . A photo- graphic picture whose lights and shadows are reversed with reference to the original. Photographic Positive. A photographic picture whose lights and shadows corres- pond to those in the natural object. Photometer. An apparatus for measur- ing the intensity of the light emitted by any luminous source. Photometer Bar. A graduated horizon- tal bar designed to carry a photometer screen and to indicate by the distance of the screen from the sources of light, the relative intensities of the lights com- pared. Photometer Bench. A photometer bar, with or without accessory photometric apparatus. Photometer Box. A darkened box in which is placed the photometer screen or disc. Photometer Disc. The photometer screen. Photometer, Electric. An electric in- strument for measuring the intensity of light or illumination. Photometer Gallery. A name some- times given to a photometric bench. Photometer Screen. An opaque or trans- lucent screen, employed in a photometer for measuring the intensity of light, and which receives the two illuminations to be compared. Photometric. Of or pertaining to a pho- tometer. Photometric - Surface of Luminous Source. A surface formed by the locus of points at the ends of lines, obtained by laying off lines in various directions pas- sing through the luminous source, whose lengths measure the intensity of the rays emitted in these directions. Photometrically. In a photometric man- ner. Photo-Micrography. The photography of microscopic objects. Photo-Micrography, Electric. The art of photographing microscopic images by means of the electric light. Photophone. An instrument for the tele- phonic transmission of articulate speech along a ray of light instead of along a conducting wire. Photophone Transmitter. The trans- mitter employed in radiophony, in con- nection with the photophone. Photophore. An apparatus in which the light of a small incandescent lamp is em- ployed for purposes of medical explora- tion. Photosphere. The luminous envelope which surrounds the sun, and which is the source of its luminous radiation. , Photo-Telegraphy. (1) Telegraphic com- munication carried on by means of light. (2) Heliography. (3) Radiophony. Photo-Voltaic Cell. A photo-electric- cell. Pho.] 881 [Pis. Photo- Voltaic Effect. A change in the resistance of selenium or other substance produced by its exposure to light. Physical Change. Any change in matter resulting from a re-arrangement of its molecular groupings, without the forma- tion of new molecules, as distinguished from a chemical change. Physical Equator. The geographical equator. Physical Phosphorescence . Phosphor- escence produced in matter by the impact of light waves, resulting in a vibratory motion of the molecules, of a rapidity suf- ficient to cause them to emit light. Physical. (1) Of or pertaining to nature. (2) Natural. Physiological. Of or pertaining to phy- siology. Physiological Coefficient of Illumina- tion. The illuminating value of one watt of activity at frequencies within visible limits of the spectrum. Physiological Rheoscope. A sensitive nerve-muscle preparation employed to determine the presence of an electric cur- rent. Physiologically. In a physiological man- ner. Physiologically - Effective Flux of Light. The physiologically-effective il- lumination received by any surface. Physiologically-Effective Radiation. That portion of the radiation which con- sists of physiologically active or luminous frequencies. Physiology, Electro. The study of the electric phenomena of living animals and plants. Piano, Electric. A piano whose strings are struck by hammers actuated by means of electro-magnets. Picking-TJp Gear. The gear provided in a cable ship for the recovery of a sub- merged cable. Pickle. An acid solution in which metal- lic objects are dipped in order to thor- oughly cleanse their surfaces before being electro-plated. Piece of Wire. A single length of wire without a joint or splice of any descrip- tion. Pierced-Core Armature. A perforated armature core. Piezo-Electricity. Electrification pro- duced in certain crystalline substances by pressure. Piezometer. An apparatus for determin- ing the compressibility of a liquid. $6 Pike Pole. A straight pole armed at one end with a metal point or pike, for use in setting up telegraph poles. Pile. (1) A word frequently used for voltaic or thermo-electric pile, though more fre- quently for the former. (2) A voltaic or thermo-electric battery. Pilot Brush. A small accessory brush placed on the commutator cylinder for the purpose of determining the variations in the electromotive force produced in various segments. Pilot-Hquse Controlling-Gear. Gear placed in the pilot house for the control of a search-light projector. Pilot Lamp. (1) A lamp connected across the terminals of a dynamo to show roughly the pressure which it is producing. (2) A lamp placed in a central station, generally on the dynamo itself, to indicate the dif- ference of potential at the dynamo ter- minals by means of the intensity of the emitted light. Pilot Motor. (1) A small motor which goes ahead of and serves to set in opera- tion a larger or working motor. (2) A small motor whose sole duty is to actuate contacts for controlling the operation of a large motor. Pilot Transformer. A small transformer placed at any desired portion of a line in order to determine its pressure. Pilot Wires. (1) The wires leading di- rectly to the generating station from dif- ferent parts of the mains, in order to de- termine the difference of potential at such parts. (2) Wires provided for con- nection to a pilot lamp, or other device for indicating the maintenance of normal pressure. Pins. Wooden pegs for supporting pole line insulators. Pin Plug. A plug consisting of a single metallic pin with or without an insulat- ing head, for bridging a discontinuity in a resistance box or switchboard. Pipe Conduit. A conduit formed of suit- ably prepared metallic pipes surrounded either on the interior or the exterior with a cementing compound. Pipe Pole. (1) A pole for aerial wires, formed of iron pipes, usually in lengths or sections of tapering diameter. (2) A pole of iron or steel in tubular form. Pipette. A glass tube suitable for holding and removing small quantities of liquid for analytical or other purposes. Piston Manometer. A manometer whose operation is dependent on the prin- ciple of hydraulic pressure. Pit.] 882 [Pla. Pitch.-^(l) The frequency of vibration of a musical tone. (2) The* frequency of an electrically produced tone. (3) The dis- tance between successive corresponding points of symmetry in a mechanical sys- tem, such as of screw threads or propeller blades. (4) The distance between succes- sive corresponding conductors on a dyna- mo armature. (5) In an armature wind- ing divided into coils or segments, the number of coils through which advance must be made in making end connections between the coils. Pitch Line. (1) A circle upon the periph- ery of which the pitch is measured. (2) A circle drawn around the external surface of an armature through the mid- dle of the length of the inductors placed thereon. Pitch, of Poles. The distance measured along the pitch line between the centres either of a pair of poles of opposite sign, or of a pair of poles of the same sign. Pitch of Windings. (1) In alternators, usually the distance measured along the pitch line between the centres of a pair of successive poles of opposite sign ; or, in some alternators, half this distance. (2) , In a continuous-current armature, the pitch. Pitch-Ratio of Alternator. The ratio of the width of a pole-piece, or an armature coil, to the pitch of the machine, or dis- tance between successive field-pole cen- tres as measured on the pitch line. Pith. A light cellular substance that forms the central portions of the stalls of certain plants. Pith Balls. Two balls of pith, suspended from an insulated conductor by conduct- ing threads of cotton, or other semi-con- ducting substance, and employed for showing the presence of a charge on the same by their mutual repulsion. Pith-Ball Electroscope. An electro- scope whose indications are obtained by the attractions or repulsions of pith balls. Pivot Suspension. Suspension of a needle by means of a jewelled cup and a metallic pivot. Pivotal Trolley. A trolley stand in which the pole is supported on a pivot, so as to be capable of rotation, for the pur- pose of reversing the direction. Plain-Pendant Argand Electric Burn- er. A plain-pendant electric burner suitable for lighting an Argand gas burner. Plain-Pendant Electric Burner. A gas burner provided with a pendant for the purpose of lighting the gas by means of a spark, after the gas has been turned on by hand. Plaited Electrode Accumulator. A form of storage cell or accumulator, in which the electrodes consist of plaited strips or ribbons of lead. Plane Angle. (1) An angle contained between two straight lines. (2) An angle lying in a plane. Plane of Polarization of Light. (1) The plane of incidence in a ray of light polar- ized by reflection. (2) A plane perpen- dicular to the plane of vibration of plane polarized light. Plane Vector. A quantity which pos- sesses not only magnitude but also direc- tion in a single plane. Planimeter. An instrument for auto- matically integrating the areas of plane curves, around the contour of which a fiducial point on the instrument is carried. Piano-Concave. Flat on one side and concave on the other. Piano-Convex. Flat on one side and con- vex on the other. Plant. An installation. Plant Efficiency. (1) The efficiency of a plant or electric installation. (2) The ef- ficiency of a plant as distinguished from the distribution system which it operates* or by which it may be operated. Plant Efficiency of Motor. The effi- ciency of a motor, as distinguished from the efficiency of the system with which it is connected. Plant Electricity. Electricity produced by plants during their growth. Plastic. Possessing the property of plas- ticity. Plastic-Circuit Microphone. A micro- phone which operates by varying the re- sistance of a plastic circuit. Plastic Rail-Bond. In street-railway systems, a rail-bond in which contact is secured with the rail-ends by^ sodium amalgam, or other conducting material applied in a plastic condition. Plasticity. (1) The property of readily changing form under continuous stress. (2) The property of possessing small re- sistance to distortional stress. Plate Condenser. (1) A condenser, the metallic coatings of which are placed on suitably supported dielectric plates. (2) A condenser made up of one or more pairs of conducting plates separated by a plate or plates of non-conducting material. Pla.] 883 [Pin. Plated. Electro-plated, or covered with an electro-metallurgical coating. Platform Controller. An electrical car- controller placed on the platform of a car for the purpose of starting, stopping and regulating the speed of the car. Platform Coupling. An electric coup- ling connecting two cars and placed on or beneath the platform of the cars. Platinating. Covering a conducting sur- face electrolytically with platinum. Plating. A word frequently used for elec- tro-plating. Plating Balance. An automatic device for disconnecting the current from an article to be plated, as soon as a certain Increase in weight has been reached. Plating Dynamo. A dynamo employed for furnishing the current required for a plating process. Plating Trough. A term sometimes em- ployed for plating bath. Platinoid. An alloy consisting of German silver with one or two per cent, of metal- lic tungsten, whose electric resistivity is only slightly affected by changes of tem- perature. Platinum. A heavy, refractory and not readily oxydizable metal of a tin-white color. Platinum Alloy. An alloy of platinum, commonly a platinum-silver alloy. Platinum Black. Finely divided plati- num that possesses in a marked degree the power of absorbing or occluding gases. Platinum Fuse. A thin platinum wire rendered incandescent by the passage of an electric current, and employed for the ignition of a charge of powder. Platinum-Iridium Alloy. An alloy of platinum and iridium employed for the manufacture of wire sometimes used in resistance coils on account of its low tem- perature coefficient of resistivity. Platinum Lamp. (1) A lamp whose in- candesjcent filament is formed of a plati- num wire. (2) A lamp of molten plati- num. (3) A violle. Platinum-Silver Alloy. A name usually applied to a particular alloy of one part of platinum and two parts of silver, pos- sessing a low temperature-coefficient of resistivity. Platinum Standard Light, (1) The luminous intensity emitted perpendicu- larly by a surface of platinum one square centimetre in area, at its temperature of fusion. (2) The Violle standard. Platinum Sulphuric Acid Voltameter. A platinum voltameter. Platinum Voltameter. (1) A voltameter employing platinum electrodes. (2) A voltameter furnished with platinum elec- trodes immersed in a dilute solution of sulphuric acid and water. Platining. (1) Covering a surface elec- trolytically with platinum. (2) Platinum plating ; or, electro-plating with plati- num. Platinizing. (1) Obtaining a platinum coating of a conducting surface by simple immersion in a solution of a platinum salt. (2) Platining. Platymeter. An instrument employed for comparing the capacity of two con- densers, or the specific inductive capaci- ties of two dielectrics. Plow. A term sometimes employed for the sliding contact and its support that is pushed before a car, along the trolley conductors in an underground trolley system. Plow, Electric. An electrically propelled plow employed in agriculture. Plucker Tube. A modification of a Geissler tube employed for studying the stratification of the light, and the pecul- iarities of the space adjoining the nega- tive electrode. Plug. (1) A suitably-shaped metallic key provided with an insulating handle and employed for closing or making contacts. (2) An incompetent telegraph operator. Plug Cut-Out. A cut-out employing fuse-plugs. Plug Hole. The hole provided in a plug switch for the introduction of a plug. Plug Key. A key-shaped plug. Plug Operator. A term of contempt sometimes applied to an inefficient tele^ graphic operator. Plug Resistances. (1) A number of separ- ate resistances that can be introduced into a circuit by unplugging. (2) The resist- ances of the ordinary resistance box. Plug Sleeve. The contact cylinder on the surface of a telephone-switchboard plug- Plug Switch. A switch operated by the insertion of a metallic plug between two insulated metallic segments connected to a circuit, and separated by air-spaces for the reception of the plug key. Plug Switchboard. A switchboard whose various circuits are inter-connected by means of plug keys. Plugging. (1) Completing a circuit by Plu.] 884 [Pol. means of plugs. (2) In a telephone switchboard, the operation of making the connections by inserting plugs in the proper jacks. Plumbago. (1) An allotropic modifica- tion of carbon. (2) Graphite. Plunge Battery. The couples of a vol- taic battery so supported on a horizontal bar as to be capable of being simultane- ously placed in or removed from the ex- citing liquid. Plunger Door-Contact. A form of elec- tric contact for doors in which the closing of the door forces in a small plunger against the tension of a spring, thereby either making or breaking an electric alarm circuit. Plunger Floor - Contact. A form of plunger contact suitable for being placed on the floor and operated by the foot. Plunger Switch. A switch, the operat- ing lever cylinder of which passes through a bushing in a switchboard, so as to make and break contacts at the back of the switchboard. Plus Charge. A positive charge. Pneumatic. Of or pertaining to pneuma- tics. Pneumatic Car-Brake Mechanism. A car-brake operated by air-pressure. Pneumatic Perforator. A paper perfor- ator operated by compressed air. Pneumatic Rodding. A method of in- troducing a cable or wire into the duct of a conduit by the movement of a dart driven through the duct by air pressure. Pneumatic Telegraph. A form of in- strument for transmitting signals by means of air pressure. Pneumatic Transmission. Transmis- sion of objects or of power, effected by means of compressed air. Pneumatics. That branch of physics which treats of the properties of gases either at rest or in motion. Pocket Galvanometer. A galvanometer suitable for carrying in the pocket. Pocket Gauge, Electric. A rough form of pocket galvanometer. Pocket Telegraphic-Relay. A relay sufficiently small to be readily carried in the pocket. Pockets in Inside Wiring System. Hollow spaces provided in the walls, floors or ceilings of a building for draw- ing wires in, for making connections, or for inserting safety devices. Poggendorff's Voltaic Cell. The name sometimes given to the Grenet cell. Point Discharge. A term sometimes ap- plied to a convective discharge. Point of Origin. (1) In graphics, the point where the axes of co-ordinates start. (2) The point at which a curve starts. Points on Lightning Rod. Points of unoxydizable metal placed on lightning rods to effect the quiet discharge of a cloud by convection streams. Points of Compass. (1) The thirty-two points into which the edge or periphery of a compass card is divided. (2) The rhumbs of a compass. Polar. Of or pertaining to a pole. Pointer Telegraph. A term sometimes used for a dial telegraph. Polar Aurora. A general term for the Northern or Southern light. Polar Bore of Field Frame. The bore or cylindrical hollow space excavated in a field frame for the reception of an ar- mature. Polar Duplex. A system of differential duplex-telegraphy employing polar-re- ceiving relays. Polar Duplex-Telegraphy .Telegraphic communication obtained by means of a differential duplex in which the current flowing from the home battery to line is reversed when the home key is depressed. Polar Electrolysis. (1) A form of elec- trolysis attended by destruction of the tissues. (2) Galvano- Caustics. Polar Relay. In telegraphy, a relay hav- ing a normally polarized armature, as distinguished from a neutral relay, in which the armature is normally in neu- tral magnetic condition. Polar Surface of Magnet. (1) The sur- faces of one or both poles of a magnet. (2) A surface of magnetic material from which or into which magnetic flux passes. Polar Tips. The free ends of the field- magnet pole-pieces of a dynamo-electric machine. Polar Transformer. A term sometimes employed for an open-circuit transformer. Polar Variation Diagram. A diagram drawn to polar co-ordinates and represent- ing some relation between periodically varying quantities. Polar Zone. The zone or region in the human body surrounding a therapeutic eleotrode. Polariscope, Electric. An electric ap- paratus for polarizing electro-magnetic waves and for revealing the presence of polarization. Pol., 885 [Pol. Polarity. (1) The possession of poles, or of opposite properties, at opposite ends. (2) The condition of electric or magnetic differentiation between properties of elec- tric or magnetic flux depending on and inherent in the direction of such flux. Polarity Indicator. Any device for de- termining the direction of a current or the polarity of a magnet. Polarization Battery. A term some- times employed for a secondary or storage battery. Polarization Current. In electro-thera- peutics the constant current which, when passed through a nerve, produces therein the electro-tonic state. Polarization Current from Fault in Cable. A current due to the polarization of a fault or break in a cable under the action of a testing current. Polarization, Electric.--(l) In dielectrics, the condition of being subjected to elec- trification. (2) In dielectrics, the condi- tion of containing or restoring a residual charge. (3) In electrolysis, the condi- tion of having free ions liberated at the electrodes, whereby a C. E. M. F. is set up. Polarization Fault-Current of Cable. A current produced in a cable due to the counter-electromotive force set up in a fault under the action of a signalling, testing, or natural current. Polarization of Dielectric. (1) A molec- ular strain produced in the dielectric of a Leyden jar, or other condenser, by the attraction of the electric charges on its opposite faces, or by electrostatic stress. (2) A term sometimes employed for elec- tric displacement. Polarization of Electrolyte. An as- sumed formation of molecular groups or chains in which the poles of all the mole- cules of any chain are turned in the same direction, that is with their positive poles facing the negative plate, and their nega- tive poles facing the positive plate. Polarization of I^ight. The condition of a ray of light in which the vibrations of the ether by which the light is propagat- ed are all limited to a single plane, the plane perpendicular to which is called the plane of polarization. Polarization of Voltaic Cell. The col- lection of a gas, generally hydrogen, on the surface of the negative element of a voltaic cell. Polarization Battery. A term some- times used for secondary or storage bat- tery. Polarization Photometer. A photo- meter in which the illumination of the stronger of two luminous sources to be compared is reduced by polarization. Polarized Armature. An armature which possesses a polarity independently of that imparted by the working cur- rent. Polarized Bell. An electro-magnetic bell provided with a polarized armature. Polarized Indicator. Any electro-mag- netic indicator employing a polarized armature. Polarized Ink-Recorder. An ink-re- corder employing a polarized armature. Polarized Radiation. Any radiation whose waves are polarized, or restricted to a particular plane of vibration. Polarized Relay. (1) A telegraphic re- lay provided with a permanently magnet- ized armature in place of the ordinary soft-iron armature. (2) A polar relay. (3) A non-polarized or neutral relay, as distinguished from a polarized relay. Polarized Ring-Off Drop. A ring-off drop in a telephone switchboard having a polarized armature. Polarized Sounder. A telegraphic sounder employing a polarized armature. Polarizing Current. A current which produces polarization. Polarizing Spectro-Photometer. A spectro-photometer employing a polari- scope. Pole Armature. (1) An armature whose coils are wound on separate poles that project from the periphery of a disc, drum, or ring armature. (2) An armature having polar projections. Pole Bands. Metallic bands placed around a pole for the purpose of support- ing guy-rods or brackets. Pole - Changing and Interrupting Electrode Handle. A handle provided for the ready insertion of the electro- therapeutic electrodes, containing means for interrupting or changing the direction of the current. Pole Changer. (1) A switch or key for reversing the direction of a current. (2) A reverser. (3) A generator of alter- nating currents at a telephone exchange, consisting of an electro-magnetically driven pendulum which periodically re- verses a call battery. Pole-Changing Key. (1) A pole changer. (2) A key which effects a reversal. Pole-Changing Switch. A switch em- ployed for changing the direction of the current in any circuit. Pol.] 886 [Pol. Pole Clamp. An iron clamp on a pole employed for the support of span wires or brackets. Pole Climbers. Devices employed by line-men for climbing wooden telegraphic poles. Pole Clip. A pole clamp. Pole Counter. A hand-operated register- ing device employed for counting tele- graph or other poles. .Pole Guys. A guy employed for the stif- fening of a pole. Pole Hood. A hood or cover placed at the top of a pole. Pole Indicator. Any device for readily determining the polarity of a pole, of a magnet, or of an electric source. Pole-Pieces of Dynamo or Motor. A mass of iron or steel connected with the poles of the field-magnets of a dynamo or motori and shaped to conform to the outline or contour of the armature. Pole Platform. A platform, capable of supporting one or more men, placed on a terminal pole, and provided with a cable box for the purpose of affording a ready means of inspecting and arranging the conductors in the box. Pole Roof. A metallic cap or roof of a telegraph or telephone pole. Pole Shoe. A plate of iron or steel mounted on, and forming the pole-piece of a field magnet, and sometimes used for supporting a field coil. Pole Steps. Steps permanently fastened to a wooden or iron pole to facilitate climbing. Pole Support for Arc-Lamps. A sup- port placed on the top or end of a pole for the reception of an arc-lamp. Pole Tips. A name sometimes employed for the horns of a dynamo field pole. Pole Top. A fixture for the top of an aerial pole provided with a number of arms and insulators for the support of additional aerial circuits. Poles of Condenser. The terminals of a condenser. Poles of Magnetic Intensity. The earth's magnetic poles as determined by means of observations of magnetic inten- sity. Poles of Magnetic Verticity. The earth's magnetic poles as determined by means of a dipping needle. Poling Boards. Short rough boards laid vertically against the sides of an excava- tion, in packed soil, and kept in place by cross struts. Polishing Bob. A disc of tough wood provided on its edge with a ring or rim of leather or hide, on which finely divided emery is placed, employed, when mounted on a shaft and put in rapid rotation, for polishing articles so as to prepare them for electro-plating. Polishing Mop. A disc formed of circu- lar pieces of calico, felt, or other similar soft material, mounted on a shaft and em- ployed, when put in rapid rotation, for polishing surfaces for electro-plating. Polycyclic System. A multiphase sys- tem. Polymerism. A species of isomerism in which chemical compounds of the same proportional constitution, as determined by analysis, have different properties, due to having different numbers of atoms in their molecules. Polymorphic Instrument. A term sometimes used for a polymorphic ma- chine. Polymorphic Machine. An apparatus capable of effecting the transformation of alternating-currents from one species to another. Polyphasal Coupling of Magnetic Cir- cuits. The inter-linking of magnetic circuits traversed by polyphase magnetic fluxes. Polyphase. Possessing more than a single phase. Polyphase Alternator. An alternator capable of supplying polyphase currents. Polyphase Apparatus. Apparatus oper- ated by polyphase currents. Polyphase Armature. An armature so wound as either to produce polyphase cur- rents, or to be operated by such currents. Polyphase Armature- Windings. Windings of polyphase generators. Polyphase Asynchronous Motor. (1) An asynchronous motor operated by mul- tiphase currents. (2) A multiphase in- duction motor. Polyphase Choking-Coil. (1) A choking coil in a polyphase system. (2) A click- ing coil operated by polyphase currents. Polyphase Circuits. The circuits em- ployed in polyphase-current distribution. Polyphase Currents. Currents differing in phase from one another by a definite amount, and suitable for the operation of polyphase motors or similar apparatus. Polyphase Dynamo. A polyphase gen- erator. Polyphase Generator. An alternator Pol.] 887 [Pos. which delivers two or more alternating currents definitely differing in phase. Polyphase Inductor - Alternator. An inductor alternator suitable for producing polyphase currents. Polyphase Inductor-Generator. (1) A polyphase genei'ator of the inductor type in which no conductor or winding is rotated. (2) A polyphase inductor-alter- nator. Polyphase Motor. A motor operated by means of polyphase currents. Polyphase Power. Power transmitted by means of polyphase currents. Polyphase Rotary - Converter. A ro- tary converter operated by or producing polyphase currents. Polyphase Switchboard. A switch- board suitable for controlling polyphase circuits. Polyphase Synchronous - Motor. A synchronous motor operated by polyphase currents. Polyphase Transformer. A transform- er suitable for use in connection with polyphase circuits. Polyphase Transmission. Transmis- sion of power by means of polyphase currents. Polyphase Working. A general term employed to express the application of polyphase currents. Polyphased Alternating-Currents. A term employed for polyphase currents. Polyphaser. (1) A term sometimes em- ployed for a polyphase alternator, or generator. (2) A multiphaser. Polyphotal Arc-Light Regulator. A regulator for arc-lamps suitable for use in a number of series-connected arc lamps. Poacelet. A name proposed for a unit of activity equal to 100 kilogramme-metres per second ; or, approximately, one kilo- watt. Pondermotive Force. The force re- quired for the movement of gross matter. Pony Insulators. A name given to a par- ticular type of glass telegraph insulator. Pony Telegraphic Relay. A name ap- plied to a particular form of telegraphic relay. Porcelain. A variety of insulating sub- stance, made from kaolin. Porcelain Insulator. Any insulator of porcelain for supporting a wire. Porcelain Wire-Tube. A porcelain tube employed for passing an electric wire through a partition. Porosity. A property of matter in virtue of which spaces or pores are left between its constituent atoms and molecules. Porous Cell. A jar of unglazed earthen- ware employed in a double-fluid voltaic cell to mechanically separate the two electrolytes. Porous Cup. A porous cell. Porous Insulation. An insulating ma- terial containing air or other gas. Porous Jar or Pot. A porous cell. Porret's Phenomenon. An increase in the diameter of a nerve fibre in the neigh- borhood of the positive pole, when trav- ersed by a voltaic current. Portable Conductors. Flexible cords containing insulated wires suitable for use with portable lamps, motors, or other devices. Portable Electrometer. A form of read- ily transportable Thomson electrometer. Portable Igniting Device. (1) A porta- ble electric mine-exploder. (2^ A porta- ble electric gas-igniter. Portable-Lamp Guard. A guard pro- vided for the protection of a portable lamp. Portable Tachometer. A portable speed indicator. Portative Power of Magnet. The lift- ing or sustaining power of a magnet. Portelectric. (1) An electric carrier. (2} A system of electric transportation by means of the successive attractions of a number of hollow helices of insulated wire on a moving iron core. Portrait, Electric. A portrait formed on paper by the electric volatilization of gold or other metal. Position-Finder, Electric. An electric device by means of which the position of a distant object can be determined. Positive Brush of Dynamo. The brush of a dynamo out from which flows the current generated in the armature. Positive Brush of Motor. The brush connected to the positive terminal of a driving source. Positive Carbon. That carbon of a vol- taic arc out from which the current flows into the arc. Positive Charge. (1) According to th double-fluid hypothesis, a charge of posi- tive electricity. (2) According to the single-fluid hypothesis, any excess of an assumed electric fluid. (3) A charge of electricity having a positive potential. Pos.] [Pot. Positive Currents. A term employed in telegraphy for currents sent over a line from the positive pole of a battery. Positive-Direction of Lines of Mag- netic Force. The direction in which a free north-seeking pole would move along the lines of force when placed in a mag- netic field. Positive - Direction of Simple - Har- monic Motion. The motion which a body moving with simple-harmonic mo- tion has, when its corresponding circularly moving point moves counter-clockwise. Positive-Direction of Electric Con- vection of Heat. A direction in which heat is transmitted through an unequally heated conductor by electric convection during the passage of electricity through the conductor, the same as that of the current. Positive-Direction Round a Circuit. In a plane circuit looked at from the posi- tive side, a direction opposed to that of the hands of a clock. Positive-Direction Through a Circuit. In a plane circuit carrying a positive cur- rent, a direction through the circuit simi- lar to that of the advance of a corkscrew which is twisted round in the direction of the current. Positive Electricity.^ (1) One of the phases of electric excitement. (2) That kind of electric charge produced on cot- ton when rubbed against resin. Positive Electrification. (1) The charge of a body with positive electricity. (2) A positive charge. (3) An electrification of positive potential. Positive Electrode. The electrode con- nected with the positive pole of an elec- tric source. Positive Electromotive Force. An E. M. F. which will communicate a posi- tive charge. Positive Feeders. The feeders that are connected with the positive terminal of a dynamo. Positive Fluid. (1) The specific fluid that was formerly believed by the adherents of the double-fluid electric hypothesis to be the cause of electric excitement. (2) The surplusage of an assumed single electric fluid. Positive Lead. In a system of parallel distribution, a lead connected with the positive generator-terminal, or with the positive bus-bars. Positive Omnibus-Bars. The bus-bars that are connected with the positive ter- minal of a dynamo. Positive Phase of Electrotonus. An increase in the electromotive force of a nerve produced by sending a current through the nerve in the same direction as the nerve current. Positive Plate of Storage Cell. (1) That plate of a storage cell which is converted into, or covered by, a layer of lead peroxide by the action of the charging current. (2) That plate of a storage cell which is connected with the positive terminal of a charging source, and which is, therefore, the positive pole* of the cell on dis- charging. Positive Plate of Voltaic Cell. (1) The electro-positive element of a voltaic couple. (2) That element of a voltaic couple which is positive in the electrolyte of the cell. (3) The plate which forms above the surface of the electrolyte, the negative pole of the cell. Positive Pole. That pole of an electric source out of which the current is as- sumed to flow. Positive Potential. (1) That potential in. a circuit external to a source from which the electric current flows. (2) The higher potential or higher electric level. Positive Rotation. Left-handed or coun- ter-clockwise rotation. Positive Side of Circuit. That side of a circuit bent in the form of a circle in which, if an observer stood with his head in the positive region, he would see the current pass around him counter-clock- wise. Positive Spark. A spark produced by the disruptive discharge of a positively charged conductor. Positive Terminal. The terminal con- nected with the positive pole of a source. Positive Wire. The wire connected with the positive pole of a source. Positively Excited. Charged with posi- tive electricity. Pot Operator. (1) The operator which i the double inverse of the curl operator. (2) The operator which acting upon a point function in space produces its vector potential. Potash Brush. A brush employed in cleansing, by the use of a caustic solution, surfaces which are to be electro-plated. Potential Dynamometer. An electro- dynamometer suitably arranged for the measurement of electric potential differ- ences. Potential, Electric. (1) The power of doing electric work. (2) Electric level. Pot.] 889 [Pra. Potential Energy. (1) Stored energy. (2) Potency or capability of doing work. (3) Energy possessing the power or potency of doing work, but not actually perform- ing such work. Potential Function. A point function of space, whose space differentiation gives a vector point-function. Potential Galvanometer. A term some- times applied to a voltmeter. Potential Gradient. (1) The rate-of-fall of potential at a point. (2) A line repre- senting the fall of potential in a circuit. Potential Indicator. An apparatus for indicating potential difference. Potential of Conductors. (1) The rela- tion existing between the quantity of electricity in a conductor and its ca- pacity. (2) That property of a conductor whereby electric work is done when an electric charge is moved towards it. Potential Beceptacle. A receptacle in a switchboard, wall, cover, base, or other device, for receiving a plug connected to a potential-indicator, or voltmeter. Potentiometer. An apparatus for the galvanometric measurement of electro- motive forces, or differences of potential, by a zero method, and by relation to a standard E. M. F. Potentiometer Voltmeter. A voltmeter operating on the potentiometer principle and employing a standard voltaic cell as its basis of measurement. Potentiometer Wire. A graduated wire employed in a potentiometer for the pur- pose of securing proportionate linear re- sistances and thereby proportional poten- tial differences. Pounds-Per-Mile-Ohm. (1) A standard of conductivity of telegraph or telephone wires. (2) The weight of a uniform wire offering one ohm per mile at standard temperature. Poundal. (1) The -weight of a pound, or the earth's attraction upon the mass of a pound of matter, at any terrestrial locality. (2) A gravitational unit of force. Power. (1) Rate-of-doing-work, express- ible in watts, joules-per-second, foot- pounds-per-hour, etc. (2) Activity. Power Cable. A cable employed for the electric transmission of power. Power Circuits. Circuits employed for the electric transmission of power. Power Coefficient. (1) In an alternat- ing-current circuit, the ratio of the power component of electromotive force to the power component of current. (2) 13 The apparent resistance of an alternating- current circuit. Power Cylinder. The commutating cylinder of a street-car controller as dis- tinguished from the reversing cylinder. Power, Electric. Power developed by means of electricity. Power Electromotive Force. A term sometimes employed for that component of the E. M. F. acting in the same direc- tion with the current, or in phase with it, and expended in overcoming effective or ohmic resistance. Power Factor. The ratio of the true watts to the apparent volt-amperes in an alternating-current conductor, circuit, or device. Power-Factor of Transformer. The ratio of the true watts absorbed by a transformer under a given load to the ap- parent watts absorbed. Power Generator. A generator of alter- nating currents at a central telephone ex- change. Power-House. A house provided with the plant necessary for the production of the electric power required in a system of electric distribution. Power Measurer, Electric. A watt- meter. Power Meter. A wattmeter. Power of Periodic Currents. With simple-harmonic currents, the product of effective current strength, the driving effective pressure, and the cosine of the difference of phase between them. Power-Wire of Monocyclic System. The wire or circuit of a monocyclic sys- tem employed for supplying currents for the operation of triphase electric motors. Poynting's Law. At any point in space, electro-magnetic energy moves perpen- dicularlv to the plane containing the lines of electric force and the lines of magnetic force, and the amount of energy per second crossing the unit area of this plane is equal to the product of the intensities of the two forces, multiplied by the sine of the angle between them, and divided by 4T. Practical Current. A term sometimes employed for the effective current in an alternating-current circuit. Practical Solenoid. A name applied to an ordinary solenoid, in order to distin- guish it from an ideal solenoid. Practical Unit of Inductance. (1) A unit of length equal to the earth's quad- rant, or 10 9 centimetres. (2) The henry. Vol. 2 Pra.] 890 [Pri. Practical Unit of Magneto-Motive Force. A value of magneto-motive force equal to 4?r multiplied by an ampere of one turn, or equal to one-tenth of an absolute unit of M. M. F. Practical Unit of Self-induction. A term frequently used for the practical unit of inductance. Practical Units. Definitely related mul- tiples or sub-multiples of the absolute or centimetre-gramme-second units. Preamble. In telegraphy, the opening words of a despatch containing the names of the sending and delivery stations, the number of words in the message, the code time, and other service instructions, as distinguished from the text of the mes- Prefix. In telegraphy, a code letter or group of letters prefixed to a message to indicate its nature or relative importance. Prepayment Meter. A device whereby a certain electric service is given by means of an electric penny-in-the-slot ap- paratus. Presbyopic. Far-sighted. Press Button. A push-button. Press Message. (1) A message directed to a newspaper or daily publication. (2) A news message. Press Telegram. A press message. Pressant. A name proposed for a unit of magneto-motive force. Pressel. (1) A press switch or push con- nected to the end of a flexible pendant conductor. (2) A pendant press-button. Pressure, Electric. A term sometimes employed for difference of potential, or electromotive force. Pressure Equalizer. (1) An automatic device employed in connection with a storage battery to maintain a uniform pressure at its terminals under different loads. (2) A regulating device employed in a system of electric distribution for maintaining the pressure uniform. Pressure Indicator. Any device for in- dicating the electric pressure in a circuit. Pressure Panel of Switchboard. That panel in a switchboard which contains apparatus for measuring the mean electric pressure in the power house. Pressure Recording-Gauge. Any form of recording voltmeter. Pressure .Wires. Small insulated copper conductors, employed in a system of un- derground street mains, extending from points of junction between the feeders and the mains to the central station, to indicate in the central station the pres- sure supplied to the mains. Pricking Wires. A method sometimes adopted for locating a wire, by connect- ing a battery with one pole to earth and the other pole to the wire sought for, by means of a brad-awl or needle inserted through the gutta-percha insulating ma- terial. Primary Admittance. The admittance of the primary coil or coils of an alternat- ing-current transformer or induction ma- chine. Primary Ampere-Turns. The ampere- turns in the primary coil of a transformer. Primary Battery. The combination of a number of separate primary cells to form a single electric source. Primary Cell. A term sometimes em- ployed for a voltaic cell. Primary Coil of Transformer. (1) That coil of an induction coil or transformer on which the primary electromotive force is impressed. (2) The driving coil of a transformer. (3) The coil which receives energy prior to transformation. Primary Currents. Currents flowing in a primary circuit, as distinguished from currents flowing in a secondary circuit. Primary Cut-Out. A cut-out placed in the primary circuit of a transformer. Primary Electric Clock. A term some- times employed in place of controlling or master clock. Primary Electric Heater. A term pro- posed for the main electric heater in a building. Primary Electromotive Force. The electromotive force applied to the pri- mary coil of a transformer. Primary Element of Induction Motor. The element connected with the line or lines, as distinguished from the element- closed upon itself. Primary Fuse Box. A fuse box placed in the primary circuit of an induction coil or transformer. Primary Impedance. (1) The imped- ance of the primary coil of a transformer, or of an induction machine. (2) The impedance 'of the primary coil of a trans former, or of an induction machine, in- dependent of the reactance of mutual inductance, or the C. E. M. F. of mutual linkage. Primary Plate of Condenser. That plate of a condensing transformer in which the inducing charge is placed in order to induce a charge of different potential in the secondary plate. Pri.] 891 [Pro. Primary Spiral of Induction Coil. The primary of an induction coil or trans- former. Prime Conductor. The positive conduc- tor of a frictional electric or electrostatic machine. Prime Flux-Density. The magnetic density of the prime magnetic flux in a ferric circuit. Prime Magneto-Motive Force. The magneto-motive force due to the magnet- izing current in a ferric circuit. Prime Magnetic Flux. (1) A term em- ployed for the flux produced in a ferric circuit by the prime magneto-motive force, as distinguished from the induced, aligned, or structural magneto-motive force. (2) Magnetizing force as distin- guished from magnetic induction. Prime Motor. A prime mover. Prime Mover. A motor which drives the secondary motors or movers. Primordial Atoms. The atoms or com- pounds into which it has been assumed that the so-called elementary atoms of ordinary matter are broken up by means of the cathode rays. Principal Circuit. A main circuit as dis- tinguished from a derivation circuit. Principal Current. A main current as distinguished from a derivation current. Principal Telegraphic Circuit. A term sometimes used for the main circuit. Principal Telegraphic Current. A term employed for the main current. Printing Telegraphy. A system of teleg- raphy in which the messages received are printed on a paper fillet. Prism Error of Compass. The error in a magnetic bearing due to an inaccurate setting of the prism relatively to the com- pass card. Probable Error of an Observation. A magnitude of accidental error in the re- peated observation of a quantity, such that it is just as probable that the real accidental error is greater as that it is less than this magnitude. Probe, Electric. A metallic conductor inserted in the body of a patient in order to ascertain the position of a bullet or other foreign metallic substance. Process of Carbonization. Means for carbonizing carbonizable material. Production of Cold by Electricity. The absorption of energy, and consequent reduction of temperature at a thermo- electric junction, by the passage of an electric current in a certain direction across such junction. Production of Electricity by Light. The production of electric difference of potential by the action of light. Prognosis, Electric. A prognosis or pre- diction of the fatal or non-fatal termina- tion of a disease from an electric diagno- sis, based on the exaggerated or dimin- ished reactions of the excitable tissues of the body, when subjected to the varying influences of electric currents. Progression of Magnetic Flux. In a polyphase motor, the circular motion of the magnetic flux around the field or armature. Projecting Power of Magnet. (1) The range within which a magnet produces sensible attraction or repulsion. (2) The power of an electro-magnet to repel a suitably placed armature. Projection Arc-Lamp. An arc- lamp suitable for use in a projector or search- light. Projector, Electric. A projector or search-light provided with an electric arc- light at its focus. Projection Armatures. Slotted arma- tures in which the width of the slot is suf- ficiently great to leave a distinct projec- tion in the armature surface as distin- guished from tunnel armatures in which the slot is very narrow. Prony Brake. A mechanical device for measuring the power of a driving shaft by the application of a brake to the periph- ery of a wheel firmly keyed on the shaft. Proof-Plane. A small insulated conduc- tor employed to take and carry electric charges from the surfaces of insulated charged conductors. Proportional Coils. Pairs of resistance coils, generally of 10, 100 and 1,000 ohms each, forming the proportional arms of a balance or bridge, and employed in the box or commercial form of Wheatstone's bridge. Proportionate Arms. The two resist- ances or arms of an electric bridge, whose relative or proportionate resistances only are required to be known, in order to de- termine in connection with a known re- sistance, the value of an unknown resist- tance placed in the remaining arm of the bridge. Proposed Definition for 2,000 Candle- Power Arc. (1) Such an arc as will re- quire at ordinary pressures 450 watts ac- tivity to maintain it. (2) A 450- watt arc. Pro.] 892 [Puin. Propulsion, Electric. A general term for driving by electric power. Prostration, Electric. Physiological ex- haustion or prostration, resembling that produced by sun-stroke, resulting from exposure to an unusually powerful arc. Protecting Battery. In submarine cable telegraphy, a battery permanently con- nected to a faulty cable through a high re- sistance, for the purpose of sending a negative current through the fault in order to keep the exposed surface of the conductor free from corrosion salts. Protection of Houses, Ships or Build- ings, Electric. Means for protection from the destructive effects of a lightning discharge, consisting essentially in the use either of lightning-rods or of an en- closing conducting shell. Protection of Metals, Electric. The protection of a metal from corrosion by placing it in connection with another metal, which, when exposed to the cor- roding liquid, vapor or gas, will form with the surrounding liquid the positive element of a voltaic couple and will, therefore, alone be corroded. Protection of Ship's Sheathing, Elec- tric. Attaching pieces of zinc to the copper sheathing of a ship for the purpose of preventing the corrosion of the copper by the water. Protective Action. (1) The electric pro- tection of metals. (2) The protection of structures from lightning by lightning protectors. Protective Sheath. A device attached to a transformer or converter, consisting of a copper strip or plate connected to the earth and interposed between the primary and secondary windings, to pre- vent any connection from taking place between the high-potential primary and the low-potential secondary circuit. Protective Throw. A term proposed for the protection afforded by a magnetic field to paramagnetic metals exposed to chemical action. Protoplasm. Bioplasm. Psychrometer. A form of recording hy- grometer. Public Supply Instruments. Electric meters designed for registering the cur- rent or energy supplied to a consumer. Pull. A contact-maker similar in general construction to a push-button, but oper- ated by a pull instead of by a push. Pull Contact. Any contact that is ef- fected by the movement of a pendant or pull. Pulley. A wheel placed on a shaft for the driving of the same by means of a belt. Pull-Off. (1) An insulator employed on curves to hold the trolley wire in proper position. (2) A steel wire attached to a trolley wire through an insulator, and employed to pull the trolley wire into position over a curve in the track. Pull-Off Pole. A pole provided for the suspension of a pull-off wire, or wires. Pulsating Current. A pulsatory current. Pulsating Electromotive Force. An electromotive force whose direction is pulsatory. Pulsating Motor. A motor employing a reciprocating movement in its armature as opposed to the ordinary rotary motion. Pulsation. (1) A quantity of the nature of an angular velocity, equal to 2 TT mul- tiplied by the frequency of the oscillation, or to 2 TT divided by the duration of a single period. (2) In a simple-harmonic current circuit, the angular velocity of the corresponding circularly moving point. Pulsation, Electric. An electric pulse or oscillation. Pulsation of Reactance. Variations periodically occurring in the apparent reactance of an alternating-current cir- cuit or machine. Pulsation of Resistance. Periodic vari- ations in the apparent resistance of an alternating current circuit or apparatus. Pulsatory Continuous-Current. A current whose direction remains constant, but whose intensity is subject to steady changes. Pulsatory Electromotive Force. An" electromotive force whose value is sub- ject to pulsatory changes. Pulsatory Magnetic-Field. A field whose strength pulsates in such a man- ner as to induce oscillatory currents in neighboring circuits. Pulsatory Magnetism. Magnetism pro- duced by pulsatory currents. Pulse, Electric. (1) An electric oscilla- tion. (2) A momentary flow of electricity through a conductor which gradually varies from zero value to the maximum, and then to zero value again, like a pulse or vibration in an elastic medium. Pumping of Alternating-Current Dy- namo. A pulsation in the motion of a synchronously-running alternating-cur- rent generator or motor, due to imperfect synchronism. Pumping of Electric Lights. A term Pun.] 893 sometimes applied to a pulsatory or peri- odic increase or decrease iu the brilliancy of lights. Punched - Clip Switch. A form of switch in which the clips are punched out of sheet metal. Puncher. In automatic telegraphy, a per- forator. Punning of Telegraph Pole. The proc- ess of packing the earth around the base of a telegraph pole. Pupillary Photometer. A photometer whose operation is dependent on the diminution of the diameter of the pupil of the eye with the intensity of the light striking the eye. Pure Spectrum. A single spectrum or distribution of luminous frequencies as distinguished from a spectrum which is formed by the superposition of a number of .spectra slightly displaced with refer- ence to one another. Push. A term sometimes applied to a push button. Push Box. A box provided for the recep- tion of the mechanism of a push button or push. Push Button. A device for closing an electric circuit by the movement of a button. Push-Button Battler. (1) A device con- nected with a push-button to show that a bell connected at a distant point in the cir- cuit of the button rings when the button is pressed. (2) A push-button combined with an electro-magnetic vibrator. Push-Button Socket. A socket provided with a push-button for the closing of a circuit. Push-Button Socket-Key. An incan- descent lamp-socket so provided with a push-button key as to permit the lamp to be readily lighted or extinguished by the same hand that holds it. Push-Button Switch. A switch oper- ated by a push-button. Push Contact. A name sometimes ap- plied to a push button. Putting Straight. The operation of re- storing the normal condition of wires which have been crossed at two way stations. Pyknometer. A term sometimes used for a specific gravity bottle, employed in determining the specific gravity of a liquid. Pyr. (1) A bougie-decimale. (2) A pro- posed unit of luminous intensity equal to the one-twentieth of the Violle standard. (3) A proposed name for the one-twen- tieth of the Violle standard. Pyrheliometer. An apparatus for meas- uring the energy of solar radiation. Pyro-Electric. Pertaining to pyro-elec- tricity. Pyro-Electric Crystal. Any crystalline substance capable of producing pyro- electric phenomena on being unequally heated. Pyro-Electricity. Electricity produced in certain crystalline bodies by their un- equal heating or cooling. Pyrogravure. A process for the decora- tion of wood, copper, or glass, by the burn- ing action of an electrically or otherwise heated tool. Pyro-Magnetic. Of or pertaining to pyro-magnetism. Pyro-Magnetic Electric Device. Any device operated by or employing pyro- magnetism. Pyro-Magnetic Generator or Dynamo. An apparatus for producing electricity directly from the heat derived from burning fuel. Pyro-Magnetic Motor. A motor con- sisting of an armature formed of a disc or ring of thin steel, which is set in mo- tion when unequally heated, by reason of the difference in the coercive force so produced. Pyro-Magnetism. A term sometimes applied to the phenomena of the com- bined effects of magnetism and heat. Pyrometer. An instrument for deter- mining temperatures higher than those which can be readily measured by ther- mometers. Pyrometer, Electric. A device for de- termining the temperature of a body by the measurement of the electric resist- ance of a platinum wire exposed to the heat to be measured. Pyr-Steradian. (1) The flux of light cor- responding to the luminous intensity of one pyr extending over the solid angle of one steradian. (2) A term sometimes used for lumen. Q.] 894 [Qua. Q or q. A contraction for electric quantity. Quad. (1) A contraction for quadruplex telegraphy. (2) An abbreviation some- times employed for the quadrant or the unit of self-inductance. Quad-Meter. (1) A secohm meter. (2) An instrument for measuring inductance. Quadrant. A term proposed for the earth quadrant or practical unit of self-induc- tion, now officially recognized as the henry. (2) The length of the arc, from the pole to the equator, on a terrestrial meridian circle extending through Paris, or very nearly 10,000 kilometers. Quadrant Electrometer. An electro- meter in which an electrostatic charge is measured by the attractive and repulsive force exerted by four plates or quadrants on a light needle of aluminium suspended between them. Quadrantal Deviation of Mariner's Compass. (1) The deviation of a mag- netic needle due to the induced mag- netism in the iron of a ship acting as a mass of soft iron, and not as a permanent magnet. (2) The deviation of a compass needle on board ship which changes sign once in each quadrant. Quadrantal Error. The quadrantal de- viation of a mariner's compass as dis- tinguished from either the semicircular or the heeling error. Quadrature. A term applied to express the fact that one simple-harmonic quan- tity lags 90 behind another. Quadruplex Circuit. A circuit em- ployed in quadruplex telegraphy. Quadruplex Connector. Any connec- tor suitable for connecting the four ends of four wires. Quadripolar Dynamo or Generator. A multipolar dynamo having four poles in its field frame, or four magnetic cir- cuits through its armature. Quadripolar Field. A field produced by four separate magnet poles. Quadruplex. Of or pertaining to quad- ruplex telegraphy. Quadruplex Balance. The balance ob- tained in a quadruplex circuit in order to permit quadruplex transmission. Quadruplex Circuit. Any single circuit over which four separate messages can be simultaneously transmitted, two in one direction and the remaining two in the opposite direction, Quadruplex Telegraph. A general term embracing the apparatus employed in quadruplex telegraphy. Quadruplex Telegraphy. A system for the simultaneous transmission of four messages over a single wire, two in one direction, and two in the opposite direc- tion. Quadruplex Telephony. The simulta- neous transmission of four telephonic messages, two in one direction and the re- maining two in the opposite direction. Quadruplex Transmission. Tele- graphic or telephonic transmission ef- fected by means of a quadruplex system. Quadruplex "Working. Operating a telegraph or telephone line by quadruplex apparatus. Quadruplex Re-Entrant Armature Winding. An armature provided with four independent conducting paths or windings, each of which is independently re-entrant. Qualitative Analysis. A chemical an- alysis which merely ascertains the kind* of elementary substances present. Quality of Musical Sound. (1) That property of a musical note which enables it to be distinguished from another which possesses the same wave length and am- plitude ; i. e., the same pitch and loudness. (2) The timbre of sound. Quality of Radiation. The character of radiation in regard to the frequency and amplitude of the vibration it contains. Quantitative Analysis. Chemical an- alysis which ascertains the different pro- portions in which the component sub- stances enter into a compound substance. Quantity Armature. An old term for an armature wound with a few coils and of comparatively low resistance. Quantity Connection for Condensers. A term formerly employed for the mul- tiple connection of a number of con- densers. Quantity Current. An old term for a current pi'oduced by a voltaic battery con- nected in multiple-arc. Quantity Efficiency of Storage Bat- tery. (1) The ratio of the number of ampere-hours taken out of a storage bat- Qua.] 895 [Raa. tery to the number of ampere-hours put in the battery in charging it. (2) The ampere-hour efficiency. Quantity, Electric. The amount of elec- tricity present in any current or charge. Quantity Meter, Electric. A coulomb meter. Quantity of Light. (1) Flux of light. (2) The product of the luminous intensity and the solid angle through which it is emitted. Quantivalence. A general term for the combining capacity of the elements. Quarter-Load Efficiency of Trans- former. The efficiency of a transformer at quarter -load. Quarter-Period. The time in which a vibrating body, or alternating quantity, completes one quarter of its cycle. Quarter - Phase. The condition of di- phase relationship or the separation of two alternating quantities by a quarter period. Quarter-Phase Armature. A polyphase armature which will produce quarter- phase currents. Quarter-Phase Armature-Winding. Such a winding of a polyphase armature as will permit it to produce quarter-phase currents. Quarter-Phase Bar- Winding for Ar- mature. A form of bar winding em- ployed in the armature of a quarter-phase generator. Quarter-Phase System. A two-phase system of alternating-current distribution employing two currents dephased by a quarter period. Quartz Fibre. A suspension fibre ob- tained by drawing a thread from a fused crystal of quartz. Quasi-Resonance. (1) Imperfect reso- nance. (2) The production of resonance in a primary alternating-current circuit by the adjustment of a secondary circuit or circuits. Quega. A prefix for a quintillion, or 10 15 . Quegohm. A quintillion ohms, or a thou- sand million megohms. Quick. To cover with an adherent film of mercury. Quick-Break. A break of a circuit ob- tained by means of a quick-break switch. Quick-Break Switch. A switch by means of which a circuit may be rapidly broken. Quickened. A term employed in electro- plating for a surface which has been pro- vided for the reception of a deposit of silver by dipping the article in a quicken- ing liquid. Quickening Liquid. A term sometimes applied to the quickening solution. Quickening Process. A process em- ployed in quickening. Quickening Solution. A solution of a salt of mercury in which objects to be electro-plated are dipped after cleansing, just before being placed in a plating bath. Quicking. Subjecting to the quicking process. Quicking Solution. A quickening solu- tion. Quiet Arc. A noiseless arc. Quiet Commutation. Commutation de- void of sparking. Quiet Discharge. A name given to a convective discharge in order to distin- guish it from a noisy disruptive discharge. Quintuple Harmonic. A harmonic of five times the frequency of the funda- mental. Quivering of Magnetic Field. The pul- sation of magnetic flux either under the leading pole-piece of a generator, or the trailing pole-piece of a motor, due to the successive commutations of the advan- cing armature coils. R. A contraction for ohmic resistance. R. A symbol proposed for magnetic resist- tance or reluctance. r. A symbol for radius. p. A symbol for specific electric resistance or resistivity. R. M. S. Current. (1) A term proposed for the square root of the mean square of the current. (2) The effective current. R. P. M. An abbreviation for revolutions per minute. R. Q. In submarine telegraphy, a request for repetition of a doubtful word, phrase, or sentence. Raad. A name formerly given by the Arabians to the torpedo or electric ray. Rac.} 896 [Rad. Raceway. A continuous space provided in a conduit for the insertion or removal of a conductor or conductors. Racing of Dynamo. A general term for any excessive speed produced in a dynamo- electric machine by the sudden removal of its load, as by the breaking of a belt. Racing of Motor. An increase in the speed of an electric motor when the load is suddenly removed. Rack-Rail-Incline Electric Railway. A means adopted for the passage of a trolley or other car over a steep grade by the use of a rack rail to be operated by the ordinary incline system where the line is too long. Racking of Armature Conductors. A term sometimes applied to a sudden drag exerted on the armature conductors of a dynamo or motor during operation. Rad. (1) A unit quantity of time-flux of light. (2) A lumen-second or one lumen, maintained during one second. (3) A name proposed for the lumen-second. Radial Armature. A term sometimes used for pole armature. Radial Current. A term proposed for a current which radiates from a centre. Radial Photometer. A photometer whose bench is movable about a vertical axis, so as to be readily turned into any azimuth, and employed to determine the intensity of the light emitted by a lum- inous source in various directions. Radial Truck. A triple-truck support for a car-body, in which the car is supported on the centres of the end trucks in such a manner that they may swivel freely, carrying the middle truck between them. Radially-Laminated Armature. An armature core whose iron consists of thin discs suitably supported on the shaft. Radian.-^(l) A unit angle. (2) An angle whose circular arc is equal in length to its radius ; or. approximately, 57 17' 45". Radian-per-Second. A unit of angular velocity of a rotating body. Radiant Efficiency. The ratio of the light-giving radiation to the total radia- tion. Radiant Energy. Energy transferred or charged on the universal ether. Radiant Matter. (I) That condition of the gaseous matter that constitutes the residual atmosphere of high vacua. (2) Ultra-gaseous matter. Radiant Vector. A vector point-func- tion which represents the rate and direc- tion at and in which energy is being trans- ferred in space. Radiophonic Transmission. (1) Trans- mission by means of a photophone. (2) Transmission of articulate speech along rays of light. Radiate. (1) To transfer energy by means of waves. (2) To issue radially, or by rectilinear divergence, from a common centre. Radiating. (1) Transferring energy by means of waves. (2) Issuing radially. Radiation. (1) A transference of energy by means of waves. (2) Issuing radially from a common centre. Radiation Constant. The amount of heat lost by radiation in unit time when the temperature of the radiating body is one degree of the thermometric scale above that of the surrounding air. Radiation, Electric. (1) The transfer- ence of electric energy by means of elec- tro-magnetic waves set up in the surround- ing ether. (2) That property of a rapidly oscillating or alternating-current circuit by virtue of which energy is expended by the circuit in the form of electro-mag- netic waves. Radiation Meter. (1) An instrument for measuring radiation. (2) A meter employed for the measurement of the radiation emitted by an electric oscilla- tion, whose operation is dependent on the elongation produced in a stretched wire by the heat developed therein by cur- rents induced by the rapidly oscillating field of force. Radiation of Electricity. The radiation of electric energy by means of electro- magnetic waves. Radiation of Magnetic Flux. (1) The passage of magnetic flux out of the north- seeking pole of a magnet or solenoid. (2) The issue of magnetic flux from a mag- netic pole in approximately radial paths. Radiator, Electric. (1) An electric heater so placed as to radiate its heat into a room or other space to be heated. (2) An electric circuit which radiates or produces electro-magnetic oscillations or waves. Radicals. (1) Unsaturated atoms or groups of atoms, in which one or more of the bonds are, left open or free. (2) Ions. Radiograph. The word now generally employed for a picture taken by means of X-rays. Radiography. (1) The process of taking radiographs, or X-ray pictures. (2) X-ray photography. Kad.] 897 [Rat. Radiometer. (1) A word frequently em- ployed for the Crookes radiometer. (2) An instrument in which the rotation of a light set of vanes is produced in an ultragaseous space, by radiant energy. Radio-Micrometer. An electric appara- tus for measuring the intensity of radiant heat. Radiophone. A name sometimes given to a photophone. Radiophonic. Of or pertaining to the radiophone. Radiophonic Sounds. Sounds resulting from the direct action of radiation on cer- tain bodies. Radiophony. The production of sound by a body capable of absorbing radiant energy, when an intermittent beam of heat or light falls on it. Radius of Gyration. In a rotating body, a radial distance from the centre of rota- tion at which, if the entire mass of the body were collected, its moment of inertia would remain the same. Rail-Bond, Electric. Any device where- by the ends of contiguous rails are placed in good electrical contact with one another, so that the resistance of the rails, employed as a portion of the return- circuit, may be as small as possible. Rail Bonding. Connecting rails by elec- tric bonds, for the purpose of effecting in- timate electric contact between them. Rail Joint. A rail bond. Railroad, Electric. A railroad or rail- way on which the cars are driven or pro- pelled by means of electric motors placed on the cars, or on locomotives. Railroad Switchboard. A switchboard employed in a railroad power-house, to which the generator and feeder terminals are attached. A circuit for operating an electric railway. Railway Current-Controller. (1) A term formerly given to a form of switch- board employed for controlling the output of an electric power-house. (2) A rail- road motor-controller for starting and stopping the cars, and for varying their speed. Railway, Electric. An electric railroad. Railway Generator. A dynamo-electric machine which develops the current em- ployed in systems of electric railways. Railway Line-Crossing. (1) Means pro- vided for supporting the separate trolley wires at places where two or more wires cross one another. ^ A trolley crossing. ' 57 Railway Line-Section. One of the in- dependent divisions into which the trolley wire and its feeder system are divided by means of section insulators, for the pur- pose of preventing an accidental ground at one point from interrupting the traffic over a considei-able portion of the road. Railway Motor. An electric motor em- ployed for the propulsion of an electric street or trolley car. Railway Power-Generator. A term sometimes used for railway generator. Railway Return Circuit. (1) A term frequently employed for the ground-re- turn of a trolley system. (2) The return circuit, generally a grounded circuit, em- ployed in trolley systems. Railway Return- Wire. (1) A copper . wire employed for the purpose of aiding and re-inforcing the ground-return, so as to decrease the wasteful expenditure of en- ergy due to the poor quality of the rail and track, with its numerous joints, as a conductor. (2) A term sometimes em- ployed for a railway return-circuit. Railway Section-Insulators. Insulators employed for the purpose of dividing the trolley wire or line into a number of inde- pendent sections. Railway Turn-Out. (1) In a single-track road, an extra track provided to permit the passage of a car in the opposite direc- tion. (2) A local section of track into which a car can be run, so as to leave the main line clear. Range Finder, Electric. Fiske's electric range finder. Range Indicating System. On war- ships a telegraphic indicating-system for announcing, at any or all of the guns, the range or distance of the target as signalled from the range finder. Ratchet -Pendant Argand Electric Gas-Burner. A ratchet-pendant electric burner adapted for lighting an Argand gas burner. Ratchet-Pendant Electric Gas-Burner. A gas burner in which one pull on a pendant turns on the gas and ignites it by means of an electric spark from a spark coil, and the next pull turns it off. Ratchet - Pendant Electric Candle Burner. A pendant for both lighting and extinguishing a candle gas-jet. Rate-of-Doing-Work. (1) Activity. (2) Power. Rated Candle - Power. A nominal candle-power. Ratio Arms of Bridge. A name some- Rat.] 898 [Rea. times given to the proportionate arms of a bridge. Ratio of Conversion. A. term sometimes employed instead of ratio of transforma- tion. Ratio of Transformation. The ratio be- tween the electromotive force produced at the secondary terminals of an induc- tion coil, or transformer, and the electro- motive force impressed on the primary terminals. Ray. (1) A term sometimes employed for a single line of light or other form of radi- ant energy, as distinguished from a pen- cil of rays or a beam. (2) A line of radiant energy flux. Ray, Electric. (1) A species of fish which possesses the power of producing electricity. (2) A single line of electric flux-energy. Rayleigh's Current-Weigher. A form of electro-dynamometer balance. Rayleigh's Form of Clark's Standard V oltaic Cell. A modified form of Clark's standard voltaic cell. Reactance. (1) The inductance of a coil or circuit multiplied by the angular ve- locity of the sinusoidal current passing through it. (2) A quantity whose square added to the square of the resistance gives the square of the impedance, in a simple-harmonic current circuit. Reactance Factor. The ratio of the re- actance of a coil, conductor, or circuit, to its ohmic resistance. Reactance of Condenser. (1) The recip- rocal of the product of the capacity of a condenser, and the angular velocity of the simple-harmonic pressure with which it may be connected. (2) A quantity which divided into the alternating-cur- rent pressiire at condenser terminals, gives the current strength in the con- denser. Reactance of Mutual Inductance. In an alternating-current circuit, the prod- uct of a mutual inductance and the an- gular velocity. Reacting Inductive Electromotive Force of Primary Circuit. (1) The C. E. M. F. of self-induction in a primary alternating-current circuit. (2) The C. E. M. F. of mutual-induction in a primary alternating-current circuit, or the C. E. M. F. due to current in the secondary circuit. Reaction. In electro-therapeutics, mus- cular contractions following the closing or opening of an electric circuit through the nerves or muscles. Reaction Coil. (1) A magnetizing coil surrounded by a conducting covering of sheathing which opposes the passage of rapidly alternating currents less when directly over the magnetizing coil than when a short distance from it. (2) A choking coil. Reaction Machine. An induction ma- chine. Reaction Motor. An induction motor. Reaction of Degeneration. An altera- tion in the behavior of nerves and muscles under electric stimulation, due to disease. Reaction of Exhaustion. A condition of nervous or muscular irritability to electric excitation, when a certain reac- tion produced by a given current strengtli cannot be reproduced without an increase in current strength. Reaction Principle of Dynamo-Elec- tric Machine. The mutual interaction between the current generated in the armature coils and the field coils of a con- tinuous-current dynamo-electric machine, each strengthening the other until the full-working current which the machine is capable of developing is produced. Reaction Telephone. An electro-mag- netic telephone in which the currents in- duced in a coil of fine wire attached to the diaphragm are passed through the coils of an electro-magnet, each thus re- acting on and strengthening the other. Reaction Time. The time required for the effects of an electric current to pass from a nerve to a muscle. Reaction- Wheel, Electric. A wheel driven by the reaction of a convective discharge. Reactive Circuit. A circuit containing either inductance or capacity alone, or both inductance and capacity. Reactive Coil. A reaction coil. Reactive Drop. The drop in a circuit or conductor "due to its reactance, as dis- tinguished from the drop due to its ohmio resistance. Reactive Effect. The choking effect of reactance in an alternating-current cir- cuit. Reactive Electromotive Force. In an alternating-current circuit, that com- ponent of the electromotive force that is in quadrature with the current and is employed in balancing the C. E. M. F. of inductance. Reading Microscope. A form of micro- scope employed for the measurement of very small distances. Reading Telescope. A telescope em Kea.] 899 [Rec. ployed in electric measurements for read- ing the deflections of a galvanometer. Real Cable. In duplex submarine cable- telegraphy the actual cable, as distin- guished from the artificial cable. Real Efficiency of Storage Battery. (1) The ratio of the number of watt-hours taken out of a storage battery to the number of watt-hours put into the bat- tery in charging it. (2) The energy effi- ciency, or watt-hour efficiency, of a stor- age battery, as distinguished from its quantity efficiency, or ampere-hour effi- ciency. Real Hall Effect. A transverse electro- motive force produced by magnetic flux through conductors conveying electric currents in a manner somewhat similar to that in which the Faraday effect is produced. Real Image. (1) An image formed by rays of light that actually meet in the various visible points, as distinguished from a virtual image. (2) An image which is capable of being received on a screen. Rebabbitting. The operation of replac- ing the Babbitt metal in the b earings of a machine. Recalescence. A property possessed by a bar or a mass of cooling incandescent steel, of again becoming incandescent after having cooled sufficiently to no longer emit luminous heat. Recalibration. A new calibration of an instrument. Received Current. A term used in teleg- raphy to distinguish the currents that come in over a line from a distant station, from those that are sent out to a distant station. Receiver. A name sometimes given to a receiving instrument of a gramophone, graphophone, telephone, or telegraph in- strument. Receiver Magnet. A receiving magnet. Receiving End of Line. That end of a line at which the currents arrive, as dis- tinguished from the end at which they are sent out. Receiving Leg of Telegraphic Loop. The wire of a telegraphic loop upon which messages are received, as distin- guished from the sending leg. Receiving Magnet. (1) A name some- times given to the relay of a telegraphic system. (2) In general, any magnet used directly in the receiving apparatus at the receiving end of a telegraph or telephone line- Receiving Signaller. (1) A receiving operator. (2) An operator engaged in re- ceiving a telegraphic message. Receiving Transformer. A transformer at the receiving end of a circuit. Receptacle. In incandescent lighting a permanent device for receiving an at- tachment plug. Receptive Device. (1) A translating de- vice. (2) In electrotechnics, a magneto- or electro-receptive device. (3) A device for receiving energy and utilizing or transforming it. Reciprocal. The quotient arising from dividing any quantity into unity. Reciprocating Motor. A motor with, a reciprocating action, or with a motion alternately in opposite directions, as dis- tinguished from a rotary motor. Reciprocal Vectors. Two vectors whose product is equal to the numeric unity. Recoil Circuit. A term sometimes ap- plied to the circuit that lies in the alter- native path of a discharge. Recoil Kick of Disruptive Discharge. A kick or reaction produced by a disrup- tive discharge. Recorder. A word sometimes used for either a telegraphic recorder, or a siphon recorder. Recorder Ammeter. An ammeter whose indications are permanently recorded. Recorder Battery. The local battery supplying the magnets, or mouse-mill, of a siphon recorder. Recorder Circuit. The circuit of a siphon recorder. Recorder Coil. The receiving coil of a siphon recorder. Recorder Magnets. The magnets which supply the magnetic flux in which moves the receiving coil of a siphon recorder. Recorder Shunt. A shunt of low resist- ance placed across the terminals of the coil of a siphon-recorder during sending. Recorder Signals. Signals received on a siphon recorder by the projection of ink upon a moving strip of paper from a small glass siphon connected with the receiving coil. Recorder Slip. The strip of paper re- cording, or prepared for recording, siphon- recorder signals. Recorder Switch. The switch employed in connection with a siphon recorder for changing from sending to receiving con- nections. Recorder - Vibrator. An electronic- Rec.] 900 [Red. chanical vibrator for forcing an inter- mittent flow of ink from the siphon of a recorder on to a band of paper moving beneath it. Recording Compass. A compass so ar- ranged as to record the directions of the needle, and to sound an alarm in case the course of the vessel deviates any pre- determined number of degrees. Recording Drum. A cylindrical drum covered by a sheet or strip of paper on which a chronographic or other record, is made. Recording Meter. Any form of electric meter that records its indications. Recording Voltmeter. A voltmeter whose indications are permanently re- corded. Recording Wattmeter. (1) A recording form of wattmeter. (2) A dial watt-hour or kilowatt-hour meter. "Recovery" of Condenser. The con- dition of a condenser whose dielectric has regained its neutral condition after having been strained by a charge. Rectal Electrode. An electrode suita- ble for the treatment of the rectum. Rectangular Curve. A curve whose out- line approximates or conforms to a rec- tangular shape. Rectangular Type of Periodically Al- ternating Electromotive Force. An electromotive force whose variations of strength are represented by a curve of rectangular outline. Rectangular Variation - Diagram . A diagram drawn to rectangular co-ordi- nates, and representing the variation of any quantity or quantities. Rectification of Alcohol, Electric. A process whereby the bad taste and odor of alcohol, due to the presence of alde- hydes, are removed by the electrical con- version of the aldehydes- into true alcohol through the addition of hydrogen atoms. Rectified. Commuted, or caused to tako one and the same direction. Rectified Currents. Commuted cur- rents. Rectifier. A name sometimes given to a commutator. Rectilinear Co-Ordinates. Co-ordi- nates measured from two rectilinear axes intersecting in the plane of delineation at a point called the origin. Rectilinear Current. A current flowing through a straight or rectilinear portion of a circuit. Rectifying Commutator. A term some- times applied to a commutator which commutes alternating into direct cur- rents. Red Candle. A photometric candle em- ployed in connection with a red glass screen, for the purpose of enabling the unpracticed eye to more readily compare it with the source whose intensity is to be measured. Red Heat. The temperature at which a body begins to glow or to emit red rays of light. Red Hot. Possessing the temperature of red heat. "Red" Magnetism. A name formerly applied to the magnetism at the north pole of a magnet, as distinguished from the so-called ''blue" magnetism at the south pole. Redressed. A word sometimes employed for commuted. Redressed Currents. Commuted cur- rents. Reduced Battery. A portion only of a main-line battery employed in quadruplex telegraphy. Reduced Deflection Method. A method of measuring electromotive force, resistance or current, by determinations based upon an observed reduction in current strength, and resulting deflection of a galvanometer in the circuit. Reducing Clamp for Underground Tubing. A clamp at a coupling box clasping an underground tube, of such dimensions as to permit of a change in the diameter of the next succeeding tube. Reducing Coupling. A flexible coupling connecting two conductors of different diameters. Reducing Switch.- -A switch so con- nected with a circuit as to bring a reduced or lowered pressure upon a sub-circuit. Reducteur Resistance for Volt-Meter. (1) A coil of known resistance as com- pared with the resistance of the coils of a voltmeter, that is connected with them in series for the purpose of increasing the range of the instrument. (2) A multi- plying coil, or multiplier of a voltmeter. Reducteur Shunt for Ammeter. (1) A shunt coil connected in multiple with the coils of an ammeter for the purpose of changing the value of its readings. (2) A multiplier. Reduction Factor of Galvanometer. The ratio between the horizontal inten- sity of the field of a galvanometer and the galvanometer constant. Red.] 901 [Reg. Reduction Gear. Gear employed on a street-car for suitably reducing the speed of the car below that of the motor which drives it. Reed Interrupter. A form of automatic make-and-break contact, operated by the vibrations of a reed. Reel Insulator. An insulator resembling a reel in shape, and suitable for use in connection with an engine plane signal system. Re-Enforcement of Sound. An increase in the intensity of sound by the use of sounding boards, resonators, or reflectors. Re-Entrancy. The intersection of a curve by itself. Re-Entrancy of Armature Winding. The condition or property of an armature winding, by virtue of which the conduct- ing path through the armature repeats itself or re-enters itself. Re-Entrant Armature- Windings. Ar- mature windings, which, when followed in either direction, lead back to the start- ing point. Refining, Electric. The refining of metals by the application of electrolysis. Reflect. To throw off from a surface ac- cording to the laws of reflection, as of waves in an elastic medium. Reflecting. Throwing off from a surface in accordance with the laws of reflection. Reflecting Galvanometer. A term sometimes applied to a mirror galvano- meter. Reflection. The throwing back of a body or wave from a surface at an angle equal to that at which it strikes the surface. Reflection of Electro-Magnetic Waves. The reflection of electro-magnetic waves that occurs from the surfaces of certain substances placed in the path of the waves. Reflector. A reflecting surface suitably shaped to reflect rays of light in any de- sired direction. Reflector Bracket. A bracket for sup- porting two insulators and for holding the support of a street lamp, with or with- out a reflector. Reflector Search-Light. A search-light consisting of a focussing lamp placed at the focus of a suitable reflector. Reflector Shade. A shade surrounding an arc-lamp, a portion of whose surface is covered with reflecting material. Refract. To change the direction of waves in any elastic media in accordance with the laws of refraction. Refracting. Changing the direction of waves in elastic media in accordance with the laws of refraction. Refraction. The bending of a ray of light, heat, or electro-magnetism, at the inter- face of any two transparent media, whose elasticity and density differ. Refractive Energy. A value equal to the index of refraction minus unity. Refractory. (1) Possessing the power of resisting fusion by heat. (2) Fusible only at extraordinarily high temperatures. Refreshing Action of Current. The restoration, after fatigue, of muscular and nervous excitability obtained by the action of voltaic alternatives. Regenerable Cell. A regenerative cell. Regenerated Cell. A cell which has had its ability for producing current restored by a charging process. Regenerative Armature. A word pro- posed for the armature of a dynamo that is capable of producing its own magnetic field-flux, when commuted with a back- ward lead. Regenerative Cell. (1) A name some- times given to an early form of of storage cell. (2) Any cell which can have its energy restored by the action of a charg- ing current. Regional Magnetic Disturbances. A term proposed for magnetic disturbances that are apparently confined to limited regions of the earth's surface. Register. A word frequently employed for any registering apparatus. Registering Apparatus, Electric. De- vices for obtaining permanent records by electrical means. Registering Declination-Magnetome- ter. A magnetometer employed for au- tomatically registering the magnetic de- clination. Registering Electrometer. An electro- meter whose indications are automatically registered. Registering Photometer. (1) A photo- meter which registers not the photometric but the actinic or chemical action of light. (2) A recording photometer. Regulating Box. (1) A rheostat inserted in the field circuit of a generator or motor for regulating the current passing through the field-magnet coils. (2) A rheostat. Regulating Cell for Storage Battery. A counter-electromotive force cell. Regulating Lamp-Socket. (1) A lamp socket containing a device controlled by Beg.] 902 [Rem. a key or switch for regulating the degree of incandescence of the filament. (2) A general term for any form of lamp socket which will permit the light to be econo- mically turned down or lowered in in- tensity. Regulating Wires. Adjusting the ten- sion of overhead line wires. Regulation of Dynamo. Such an ad- justment of a dynamo as will preserve constant either its current or its pres- sure. Regulation of Motor. Such an adjust- ment of a motor as will preserve constant its speed, or its torque, or both. Regulator for Dynamo. Any device by means of which the regulation of a dy- namo is effected. Regulator for Motor. Any device by means of which the regulation of a motor is effected. Regulator Magnet. (1) A magnet whose function is to automatically effect any desired regulation. (2) In a system of automatic constant-current dynamo-reg- ulation, the magnet by the movements of whose armature the commutator brushes are automatically shifted to such posi- tions on the commutator as will main- tain the current practically constant, despite changes in the resistance of the circuit external to the machine. Reguline Electro-Metallurgical De- posit. A flexible, adherent and strongly coherent film of electrolytically deposited metal. Rejuvenation of Luminescence. Re- imparting, by exposure to light or other suitable means, the power of lumines- cence to a substance after it has lost this power. Relative Inductivity. The ratio of the inductivity of a medium to the induc- tivity of vacuum. Relative Permittivity. The ratio of the permittivity of a medium to the permit- tivity of vacuum. Relaxation Distance. The distance in which an electro-magnetic wave travel- ling along the surface of a conductor, diminishes in amplitude in a ratio whose Naperian logarithm is unity. Relaxation Time. The time during which a logarithmically diminishing quantity diminishes in a ratio whose Na- perian logarithm is unity. Relay. In telegraphy, an electro-magnet provided with contact points placed on a delicately supported armature, the move- ments of which open or close a local re- ceiver circuit. Relay Bell. An electric bell in which a relay magnet is employed to switch a local battery into the circuit of the bell. Relay Contact. (1) A term frequently applied to a form of electro-magnetic in- strument by means of which a local cir- cuit is completed on the passage of a cur- rent. (2) The contact point of a relay. Relay Magnet. (1) A term sometimes given to a relay. (2) The permanent magnet of a polarized relay. (3) The electro-magnet of a relay. Relief Lamp. (1) An incandescent lamp whose socket is provided with a spring cut-out, so arranged that on the breaking of the lamp the circuit is automatically closed. (2) An incandescent lamp held in reserve for insertion in a series system to take the place of a lamp that has been cut out. Relief Operators. In telegraphy or tele- phony, operators coming on duty to re- lieve the operators at work. Relief Photometer. The name given to a class of photometers in which the two divisions of the screen are not placed in the same plane but at right angles to each other, the quality of the illumination being readily determined since the whole screen then appears as a single plane il- lumined surface, in which the edge of a dihedral angle of the screen is no longer perceptible. Relievo. (1) The opposite of intaglio. (2) A stone, electro, or other solid body, in which a figure is so represented that its outlines project or stand out from the surface. Reluctance. (1) A term applied to mag- netic resistance. (2) In a magnetic cir- cuit the ratio of the M. M. F. to the total magnetic flux. , Reluctancy. -fir term proposed for re- luctivity. Reluctivity The specific magnetic re- sistance of a medium. Reluctivity Constants. The constants which, wh en applied according to a form- ula to the magnetic force or magnptic flux density in iron or steel, give the re- luctivity of the iron or steel. Remaining Sockets. The sockets of a multiple telephone switchboard in circuit with any particular socket. Remanence. (1) Magnetic retentivity. (2) The property of magnetic substances to retain part of their magnetism owing to hysteresis. (3) The magnetic flux Rem.] density in a magnetic substance when the magnetic force is reduced to zero. Remanent Flux. Renianent magnetism. Remanent Magnetism. A phrase some- times used in place of residual mag- netism. Remanent Polarization. (1) A term proposed to describe the condition of a voltameter when a certain number of discharges having traversed it, all in the same direction, and a series of discharges exactly equal to the preceding have been established in the opposite direction, the currents of polarization are less in- tense in the second than in the first. (2) Residual polarization of immersed elec- trodes after a passage of the current. Removable Key-Switch. A plug switch. Removable Pole-Step. A pole step cap- able of being inserted into and removed from a socket for the equipment of a line- man, to enable a lineman to reach the permanent steps. Renovation of Secondary or Storage Cell. The recharging of a run-down or discharged storage cell. Renter. A term sometimes used for sub- scriber. Reofore. A rheophore. Repair- Wagon for Trolley Line. A wagon provided with a tower or telescopic support employed for the repair of trolley lines. Repeater. The name sometimes given to a telegraphic repeater, or translator. Repeating Relay. (1) A relay employed in a repeater. (2) The relay in a tele- graph circuit which repeats the signals into another circuit. Repeating Sounder. A telegraphic sounder whicn repeats a telegraphic despatch into another circuit. Repeating Telegraphic Station. A station situated at some intermediate point on a long telegraphic line which is divided into sections, where the currents received on one section are passed through a repeater by means of which they are sent on or repeated into the other section. Repeating Telephone Coil. An induc- tion coil provided with two windings, usualh r of an equal number of turns, each winding being connected to a telephone circuit, so that the two circuits are placed in intimate inductive association. Replenisher. A static influence machine employed for charging a quadrant elec- trometer or other electrostatic device. 903 [Res. Repulsion, Electric. The mutual driv- ing apart, or tendency to mutually drive apart, which exists between two similarly charged bodies, or between two similar electric charges. Repulsion Electrometer. An electro- meter in which the differences of poten- tial are measured by means of the repul- sion existing between two similarly charged bodies. Repulsion Motor. (1) An electric motor deriving its power from the repulsion be- tween electric charges. (2) An alternat- ing-current motor deriving its power from the repulsion between electric cur- rents. (3) An alternating-current motor in which the armature is provided with temporarily short-circuited windings by means of a commutator and brushes. Reserve-Cell Switch. A switch em- ployed in a storage-battery installation for the purpose of maintaining the pres- sure of discharge by introducing reserve cells into the circuit. Residual Atmosphere. The traces of air or other gas remaining in a space which has been nearly exhausted of its gaseous contents by a pump or other means. Residual Charge. The charge remain- ing in a Leyden jar after it has been dis- ruptively discharged. Residual Flux. Residual magnetic flux. Residual Magnetic-Flux. (1) Rema- nence. (2) Magnetic flux remaining in a magnetic circuit by virtue of hysteresis after the withdrawal of the magnetizing force. Residual Magnetism. (1) The magnet- ism remaining in a core of an electro- magnet on the opening of the magnetiz- ing circuit. (2) The small amount of magnetism retained by soft iron when re- moved from any magnetic flux. Residue, Electric. A term proposed for residual charge. Resilience. (1) A word sometimes em- ployed for elasticity. (2) The work done in deforming a bar up to the elastic limit. Resin. A general term applied to a variety of dried juices of vegetable origin. Resinous Electricity. A term formerly employed in place of negative electri- city. Resinous Electrification. A name for- merly applied to an electrification pro- duced in resin by its friction. Res.] 904 [Res. Resistance. (1) A word sometimes used for electric resistance. (2) Obstruction to flow. (3) Obstruction to force. Resistance Balance. A duplex or quad- ruplex balance adjusted for the resistance of a line by means of a rheostat. Resistance Balance of Duplex System. (1) A balance obtained in a duplex system by inserting in the artificial line a resist- ance corresponding to that of the sum of the resistances of the main-line wire, the distant relays, and the distant battery. (2) A balance of resistance in duplex tele- graphy as opposed to a balance of capac- ity. Resistance Board. A general term for a board on which resistances are so placed as to be capable of ready adjustment, con- nection, introduction, or removal from a circuit. Resistance Box. A term employed for a box containing graduated resistance coils. Resistance Bridge. A name frequently employed for a Wheatstone's resistance balance. Resistance Bridge-Box. A box form of Wheatstone's bridge. Resistance Coefficient. The resistance factor. Resistance Coil. (1) A coil of wire, strip, or conductor, possessing electric resist- ance. (2) A coil of wire, of known elec- tric resistance, employed for measuring an unknown electric resistance. Resistance Column. A name given to a particular form of resistance coil or rheostat. Resistance Conductivity. The resist- ance offered by a substance to electric conduction , or to the passage of electricity through its mass. Resistance, Electric. (1) The ratio be- tween the electromotive force of a circuit and the current that passes therein. (2) The reciprocal of electric conductance. Resistance Factor. The coefficient of frictional resistance to the movements of a suspended or oscillatory system. Resistance Losses. (1) Losses in any system for the transmission or the trans- ference of energy occasioned by friction. (2) Losses in an electrical distribution system due to resistance. Resistance of Human Body, Electric. The ohmic resistance which the human body offers to the passage of an electric discharge or current. Resistance of Human Skin, Electric. The ohmic resistance of the skin. Resistance of Liquid, Electric. The ohmic resistance of a mass of liquid. Resistance of Telegraphic Leak. The resistance offered by a leak in a tele- graphic line or circuit. Resistance of Voltaic Arc. Resistance offered by a voltaic arc to the passage of a current. Resistance Slide. (1) A rheostat in which the separate resistances or coils are placed in or removed from a circuit by means of a sliding contact or key. (2) Apparatus employed in telegraphy for charging a conductor to a given fraction of the max- imum potential of a battery, so as to adjust its charge in order to balance the vary- ing charge of the cable. (3) A set of coils by which a potential difference applied to the terminals is virtually divided into 10,000 parts, so that any ratio may be in- stantly selected. Resistance Thermometer, Electric. A thermometer whose indications are based on the change in the electric resistance of a metallic substance with changes of temperature. Resistance to Shearing. The quotient of the shearing stress by the shear pro- duced. Resistants. Bodies possessing the power of resistance. Resister. A name sometimes given to a float or buoy connected with a cable while it is being paid out, in order to diminish the risk of injury from tension. Resisting Torque. (1) The torque which it is necessary to give to a motor in order to enable it to move. (2) The torque of retarding or opposing forces. Resistive. (1) Possessing the property of resistance. (2) Offering resistance. Resistivity. (1) The specific resistance of a substance referred to the resistance of a cube of unit volume. (2) Specific re- sistance, or the inverse of specific con- ductivity. (3) A quantity in the C. G. S. electro-magnetic system represented di- mensionally in square centimetres per second. Resolution of Force. The separation of a single force acting with a given inten- sity in a given direction, into a number of separate forces acting in other directions. Resonance. (1) In a simple-harmonic cur- rent, circuit, or branch, containing both inductance and capacity, the neutraliza- tion or annulment of inductance-reactance by capacity-reactance, whereby the imped- ance of the circuit or branch is reduced to the ohmic resistance. (2) In an alternat- Res.] 905 [Ret. ing-current circuit, or branch, containing localized inductance and capacity, the re- enforcement of condenser pressure, in- ductance pressure, or current strength, due to the mutual neutralization or oppo- sition of inductance and capacity-react- ances. (3) In an alternating-current circuit, or branch, the attunement of a circuit containing a condenser to the same natural undamped frequency of oscil- lation as the frequency of impressed E. M. F. whereby the circuit responds to this frequency more than to any other. (4) In an alternating-current circuit, or branch, the annulment of inductance-reactance by capacity-reactance, whereby the imped- ance of the circuit or branch is not only reduced to its ohmic resistance, but its current is in phase with its impressed E. M. F. (5) In a secondary alternating- current circuit containing localized in- ductance and reactance, the attunement of the natural undamped frequency of oscillation to the frequency of the pres- sure impressed upon the primary circuit, whereby the secondary impedance is re- duced to its ohinic resistance, the second- ary current is a maximum for any given primary current strength, and the second- ary current is in phase with the induced secondary E. M. F. Resonant Capacity. The capacity of a resonant circuit, or such a capacity as will render an alternating-current circuit resonant. Resonant Circuit. (1) A circuit whose dimensions are such as to bring it into resonance with a neighboring circuit. (2j A circuit containing distributed in- ductance and capacity, in which resonant effects are thereby produced. Resonant Inductance. The inductance of a resonant circuit, or the inductance which will render it resonant. Resonant Rise of Potential. A rise of potential in a circuit due to its resonance. Resonator, Electric. (1) An open-cir- .cuited conductor whose dimensions are such that electro-magnetic waves or pulses are propagated through it at the same rate as they are taking place in a neighboring circuit, and which, conse- quently, has electro- magnetic pulses set up sympathetically in it by resonance. (2) A circuit tuned to oscillate in synchronism with another oscillating or alternating circuit. Rest.-^l) Freedom from motion. (2) The condition of a body in which it maintains an unchanged relative position with re- spect to neighboring bodies. Restoring-Coil Battery. In a telephone exchange the battery which operates the self-restoring annunciators. Restoring-Coil Circuit. In a telephone switchboard, the local circuit of the coil of a self-restoring annunciator. Restored Cell. A charged storage cell. Resultant. In mechanics, a single force that represents in direction and intensity the effects of two or more separate forces, Resultant Fault. The apparent position and magnitude of a fault in a cable due to the resultant of all its leakage, or faults compounded by the rules of parallel forces, or as represented by finding the centre of gravity of an unequally loaded rod. Resultant Induction. The magnetic induction in an armature of a dynamo or other magnetized body which is the re- sultant of several components of magnetic induction. Resultant Magnetic Field. A single magnetic field produced by two or more co-existing magnetic fields. Resultant Magnetic Field of Dynamo. The magnetic field which is the result of both the field due to the field magnets and to the current passing through the armature coils. Resultant Magnetic Pole. A term sometimes employed for a consequent pole. Resultant Reactance. The total react- ance in a circuit or conductor. Resuscitating Power of Secondary or Storage Cell. The ability possessed by a storage cell to regain its normal condi- tion under the influence of the charging current. Retardance. In a telephone circuit, a quantity alleged to represent the limita- tion of "the circuit in regard to the trans* mission of speech, and equal to the prod- uct of the total capacity of the line andi the total ohmic resistance. Retarding Coil. A choking coil. Retarding Disc. A copper disc supported' on a rotating shaft so placed as to cut magnetic flux, and be thereby retarded in its speed of rotation. Retardation. A decrease in the speed of telegraphic signalling caused by distrib- uted electrostatic induction and resist- ance. Retardation Coil. (1) A term sometimes used for choking coil. (2) An induction coil. (3) A retarding coil. Retardation, Electric. A retardation in. Ret.] 906 [Rev. the starting or stopping of an electric current due to self-induction. Retarded Quadrature. In a simple- harmonic-current circuit the condition of lagging in quadrature, or of phase differ- ence amounting to 90 in lag. Retentiveness. Possessing the property of retentivity. Retentivity. Possessing the power of re- taining magnetization or of resisting de- magnetization. Retort Carbon. Carbon obtained from a deposit on the interior of a gas retort, and formerly used for the production of arc-light carbons. Return-Call Annunciator. An annun- ciator connected with an answering call- box for showing that a call sent out has been received at the central station, Return Charge. (1) A charge produced by an oscillatory return or back stroke of lightning. (2) A charge produced induc- tively by a lightning discharge. Return Circuit. That part of a circuit by which an electric current returns to the source. Return Conductor. The return wire. Return Current. In telegraphy the elec- trostatic discharge from a cable or under- ground wire. Return Current. The discharge current from a telegraph line passing to ground at the sending end. Return Feeders. (1) The feeders through which a current returns to a central sta- tion. (2) Negative feeders. (3) The feeders connected with the track in a trolley system. (4) Ground feeders. Return Feeders for Railway Circuits. Copper conductors employed in rail- way circuits for re-enforcing ground-re- turn circuits, and usually insulated. Return Ground. (1) That part of the ground employed as a return. (2) The ground-return. Return-Signal Call-Box . An answer- ing call-box. Return Stroke of Lightning. An electric discharge induced by the direct discharge of a lightning flash, as distin- guished from the direct discharge itself. Return-Track Feeder. A feeder in a trolley system connected to the track. Return Wire. The wire or conductor by means of which the current returns to the electric source after having passed through the electro-receptive devices. Returns. In a system of distribution, those conductors through which the cur- rent flows back from the electro-receptive devices to the sources. ' Reversal. (1) A change in direction. (2) A semi-wave. Reversal of Phase. A change in the phase of a current due either to the re- versal of the current or of the conductor in which it is produced. Reversals. In telegraphy, alternate-cur- rent signals transmitted for the purpose of adjustment or for clearing the line of a charge. Reverse - Current Working. Teleg- raphic transmission by means of reverse currents, or double currents. Reverse Currents. (1) A name some- times applied to alternating currents. (2) A name sometimes applied to double- currents. Reverse-Induced Current. (1) The cur- rent induced by a current in its own cir- cuit at the moment of making or closing the circuit. (2) The current induced in a secondary circuit on making or clos- ing a primary circuit. Reverser. Any device for reversing or changing the direction of a current. Reverser Bars. The commutator con- nection employed in Sayer's armature winding which carries the current during the short time that the corresponding sections are passing under the brushes. Reversible Bridge. A bridge or balance so arranged that the proportionate coils can be readily interchanged, thus per- mitting the bridge coils to be readily tested by reversing. Reversible Electric Motor. (1) A mo- tor whose direction of motion is readily reversed. (2) A motor which is so ar- ranged as to be readily operated as a gen- erator. Reversible Heat. The heat produced in a heterogeneous conductor by the passage through it of an electric current. Reversible Heating Effect of Elec- tricity. A term sometimes employed in place of the Peltier effect. Reversible Regenerative Armature. A regenerative armature that is capable of generating electromotive forces when the direction of its rotation is reversed. Reversibility of Dynamo. The ability of a dynamo to operate as a motor when traversed by an electric current. Reversing. Changing any direction to its opposite. Reversing a Current. Changing the di- rection of a current. Rev.] 907 [Bib, Reversing Cell. A voltaic cell whose couple and electrolyte are contained in a hermetically closed vessel so arranged that when the cell is placed in one posi- tion the electrolyte does not touch the couple, and when reversed the electrolyte surrounds the couple. Reversing Controlling-Box. A motor controlling-box which enables the direc- tion of rotation of the motor to be re- versed. Reversing Cylinder. (1) The cylinder in a motor-controlling apparatus carrying the reversing contacts. (2) The contact cylinder of a reversing switch. Reversing-Gear of Electric Motor. Apparatus for obtaining a reversal in the direction of rotation of a motor. Reversing-Handle of Car Controller. (1) A switch handle placed on a car con- troller for the purpose of changing its direction of motion. (2) The handle of an emergency switch in a street-car con- troller. Reversing Key. (I) A key inserted in the circuit of a galvanometer for obtain- ing deflections of the needle on either side of the galvanometer scale. (2) A key which serves to reverse the current sup- plied to a circuit. Reversing Key of Quadruplex Tele- graphic System. The key in a quadru- plex system which reverses the direction of the current and so operates one of the distant instruments. Reversing Magnetic-Field. That por- tion of the field of a dynamo produced by the field-magnet coils, in which the cur- rents flowing in the armature coils are stopped or reversed after the coil has passed its theoretical position of neu- trality. Reversing Switch. A switch employed in reversing a circuit or current. Revolving Primary of Induction Motor. (1) A rotor primary. (2) In an induction motor, a revolving element connected with the line. Revolving System. The twist system of erecting telegraph or telephone wires, so as to avoid induction. Rheocord. A word formerly employed for rheostat. (Obsolete.) Rheometer. A word formerly employed for any device for measuring the strength of a current. (Obsolete.) Rheomotor. A word formerly employed to designate any electric source. (Obso- lete.) Rheophore. A word formerly employed to indicate a portion of a circuit convey- ing a current and capable of deflecting a magnetic needle placed near it. (Obso- lete.) Rheoscope. A word formerly employed in place of galvanoscope. (Obsolete.) Rhebscopic Limb. A word sometimes employed for a physiological rheoscope, such as the galvanoscopic frog. Rheostat. An adjustable resistance. Rheostat Frame. A perforated frame or casing in which the separate resistances of a rheostat are placed. Rheostat Handle of Car-Controller. The main switch of a car-controller. Rheostat Panel. A panel in any switch- board to which the rheostat circuits are connected. Rheostatic Machine. A machine de- vised by Plante in which continuous static effects of considerable intensity are ob- tained by charging a number of con- densers from storage cells connected in multiple-arc, and then discharging the condensers in series. Rheotome. A word formerly employed for interrupter. (Obsolete. ) Rheotometer. A compound bridge and rheostat. Rheotrope. A word formerly employed for commutator or current reverser. Rhigolene. A highly volatile hydro-car- bon obtained during the distillation of coal-oil, and sometimes employed in the flashing treatment of incandescent lamp filaments. Rhumbs of Compass. The points of a mariner's compass. Ribbed Armature-Core. A cylindrical armature core provided with longitudinal projections or ribs which serve as grooves for the reception of the armature coils. Ribbon Conductor. A flat, ribbon- shaped conductor. Ribbon Copper. A copper strip or rib- bon-shaped copper conductor. Ribbon Core. A form of laminated core made by iron ribbons. Ribbon Fuse. A fuse in the shape of a ribbon. Ribbon Induction-Coil. An induction- coil whose primary and secondary circuits are formed of metallic ribbons instead of wires. Ribbon Vibrator. An electro-magnetic contact-breaker consisting of a horizontal steel ribbon, the rate of vibration of 908 [Kin. which can be varied by varying its ten- sion. Bight - Angled Trolley - Crossing. A trolley crossing placed at a point where two streets intersect at right angles. Bight-Hand Trolley-Prog. A trolley frog used at a point where a branched trolley wire leaves the main line on the right hand in the direction of advance. Bight-Hand Trolley-Switch. A term sometimes used for a right-hand trolley frog. Bight-Handed Armature Winding. An armature winding applied to the core in a right-handed or dextrorsal helix. Bight-Handed Dynamo. A dynamo whose proper direction of rotation is right-handed regarded from the pulley end. Bight-Handed Helix. (1) A right- handed solenoid. (2) A helix wound right-handedly when regarded from either end. Bight-Handed Motor. A motor ar- ranged to run right-handedly or clock- wise when regarded from the pulley end. Bight-Handed Botation. (1) A direction of rotation which is the same as that of the hands of a watch, when one looks directly at the face of the watch. (2) Neg- ative rotation. Bight-Handed Solenoid. A dextrorsal solenoid or one whose winding is right- handed. Bight-Handed Spiral. A term some- times used for right-handed solenoid. Bight-Handed Winding. A winding applied in a right-handed direction. Ring Armature. An armature provided with a ring-shaped core. Bing-Armature Core. A ring-shaped armature core. Bing Clutch. A form of clutch employed for gripping the lamp rod of an arc-lamp when slightly moved from a horizontal position. Bing Clutch for Arc-Lamp. A ring- shaped clutch embracing the lamp rod, which grips or holds the rod when tilted or inclined, but permits it to fall when in a horizontal position. Bing-Connected Armature. An arma- ture provided with ring connections. Bing-Connected Generator. A gener- ator provided with an armature winding, in which corresponding points are con- nected to ring conductors for the purpose of equalizing the magnetic flux and the current distribution around the armature. Bing Connections of Armature Con- ductors in the form of rings in a multi- polar armature to each of which are con- nected corresponding points of the arma- ture winding for the purpose of equaliz- ing the current and magnetic flux in the machine. Bing Core. A ring-armature core. Bing Current of Triphase System. The current flowing between adjacent wires or terminals of a triphase system. Bing Magnet. A uniformly magnetized rod bent into a closed ring. Bing Main. A ring-shaped distributing main. Bing-Off. A term employed for a signal sent by a telephone correspondent when the conversation is finished. Bing-Off Drop. (1) A telephone drop re- leased by a ring-off signal. (2) A drop placed at a central telephone station, and operated by a subscriber when he rings off or hangs up his telephone. Bing-Off Signal. A signal given by a subscriber at the close of his conversation, to inform the central station that the connection may be discontinued. Bing-Off Telephone-Indicator. Any indicator on a telephone switchboard that is operated by a ring-off signal. Bing Potential of Triphase System. The effective difference of potential or voltmeter pressure between adjacent lines or terminals of a triphase system. Bing-Up. (1) In telephony, to actuate the call-bell of a subscriber wanted. (2) To call up an operator at an exchange or a distant subscriber. Bing Windings. Windings suitable for use in a ring-wound armature. Bing - Wound Armature. An arma- ture consisting of a ring core with coils of wire wound thereon. Binger. A telephone magnet. Binger Coils. The coils or winding of a telephone magneto. Binger Magnet. A permanent magnet employed in a telephone magneto or ringer. Binging Keys. In a telephone switch- board, keys for closing a generator upon a subscriber's circuit to ring his bell. Binging Key. In a telephone switch- board, a key employed to ring up a sub- scriber. Binging Key-Bars. In a telephone switchboard, metallic bars connecting the ringing keys with the instrument bara and generator. Kin.] 909 [Roo. Kings, Electric. A term sometimes used instead of Nobili's rings. Ripple Marks, Electric. Wave marks produced in a fine powder by a neighbor- ing Leyden-jar discharge. Risers. (1) Supply wires which lead the current from the service wires to the dif- ferent floors of a building. (2) The supply wires which rise to the various floors, as distinguished from floor mains, submains, or branches, which run along each floor. River Cable. (1) A cable suitable for use in a river. (2) A form of sub-aqueous cable. Riveted Railway-Joint. A rail-bond in which the connection between two con- tiguous rails is obtained by riveting spe- cially heavy fish-plates to each end of the rail. Riveting Apparatus. Electric. A rivet- ing apparatus employing electrically gen- erated heat. Roaring of Arc. A roaring sound attend- ing the formation of a powerful voltaic arc when the carbons are too near to- gether. Rock-Drill, Electric. An electrically operated rock-drill. Rocker Arm. An arm on which the brushes of a dynamo or motor are mount- ed for the purpose of shifting their posi- tion on the commutator. Rocker-Arm Circle. The frame of a dynamo-electric machine which supports the brush arms and is capable of adjust- ment in angular position. Rocking Switch. An automatic throw- over switch. Rod Clamp. A clamp employed in the lamp-rod of an arc-lamp. Rod Clutch. The clutch .employed for gripping an arc-lamp rod. Rod Switch. A switch provided for lighting and extinguishing a lamp, so ar- ranged that it can readily be pushed to its off or on position by means of a rod. Rodding a Conduit. The process of in- troducing a drawing-in wire through the ducts of an underground conduit by pushing a number of short sections of jointed rods through such ducts. Roentgen Effects. The peculiar effects produced by Roentgen or X-rays. Roentgen Ether Waves. A term some- times employed for Rontgen rays. Roentgen Radiograph. A word pro- posed for radiograph. Roentgen-Ray Picture. A word pro- posed for radiograph. Roentgen-Ray Screen . ( 1 ) A screen cov- ered with fluorescent material intended to receive a visible Roentgen picture. (2) A fluoroscopic screen. Roentgen Ray Transformer. An alter- nating-current transformer suitable for operating a Roentgen ray tube. Roentgen-Ray Tube. A vacuum tube for the production of Roentgen rays, or X-rays. Roentgen Rays. A peculiar radiation emitted in the neighborhood of that por- tion of a high vacuum tube on which the cathode rays fall. Roentgen Shadow Print. A radio- graph. Roentgen Streams. (1) Roentgen or X-rays. (2) A term applied to the Roent- gen rays, by those who regard them as consisting of actual streams of matter thrown off, either from the cathode, or from the residual atmosphere of the vacuum tube. Roentgen Tube. Any high-vacuum tube capable of producing Roentgen rays. Roentgengram. A word proposed for radiograph. Roentgengraph. A word proposed for radiograph. Roget's Spiral. (1) A spiral, helix or solenoid, freely suspended at its upper end so that its lower end shall dip in a mercury surface, which when traversed by a sufficiently powerful current will break its own circuit by the attraction produced by its adjacent convolutions when by its weight it will complete the circuit, and thus be alternately opened and closed. (2) A form of automatic con- tact-breaker. Roman Vitriol. A name formerly applied to blue-stone or copper sulphate. Rontgram. A word proposed for radio- graph. Rontgraph. A word proposed for radio- graph. Rontgraphy. A word proposed for radio- graphy. Roof Box of Push. A term sometimes employed for the upper covering of the box of a push-button. Roof Bracket. (1) An insulator bracket, either straight or offset for attachment to a roof. (2) A form of house fixture pro- vided for the support of overhead wires. Roof Standard. A form of house fixture provided for overhead wires. Roo.] 910 [Rub. Room Call, Electric. Any device placed in the room of a hotel for the purpose of automatically sending calls to the office. Hope Transmission. Transmission of power by means of ropes or cables. Rosette. (1) An ornamental plate pro- vided with service wires and placed in a , wall or ceiling for the ready attachment of an electric lamp or electrolier. (2) A word sometimes used in place of ceiling rose. Rosette Cut-Out. A rosette for an elec- trolier, provided with a cut-out. Rotary Converter. A secondary gener- ator for transforming alternating into continuous currents or vice-versd, con- sisting of an alternating-current machine whose armature winding is connected with a commutator ; or of a continuous- current machine, whose armature is tapped at symmetrical points and con- nected to collector rings ; so that, when the armature runs it is an alternator on one side and a direct current machine on the other. (2) A rotary transformer. Rotary Current. (1) A name applied to any system of polyphase currents which are capable of producing a rotary field. (2) A rota ting-current distribution. Rotary-Current Transformer. A transformer capable of being operated by a rotary current. Rotary Electric Field. A rotary elec* trostatic field. Rotary Electro-Type. (1) A term some- times used for a turtle-back. (2) Any electro-type with a curved surface suit- able for printing in a cylinder press. Rotary-Field Induction-Motor. An induction motor operated by a rotary field. Rotary -Field Motor. A rotary-field in- duction-motor. Rotary Induction Transformer. A rotary-current transformer. Rotary-Magnetic Field. (1) A field produced by a rotary current. (2) A mag- netic field in which a set of magnet poles is produced, whose successive posi- tions are such that a rotation of the field is effected. Rotary -Magnetic Polarization. The rotation of the plane of polarization of a beam of plane-polarized light, consequent on its passage through a medium sub- jected to the stress of a magnetic field. Rotary Magnetism. The magnetism produced by a rotary magnetic field. Rotary-Phase Alternating-Currents. Rotary-phase currents. Rotary-Phase Currents. A term some- times employed for a rotating electrio current distribution. Rotary -Phase Dynamo. A term some- times employed for a rotating-current dynamo. Rotary Transformer. (1) A term gener- ally employed for the combination of a motor and generator in one machine having a single armature-winding trav- ersed both by alternating and continuous currents. (2) A secondary generator for transforming from alternating to contin- uous currents or vice-versd. (8) A rotary converter. Rotating Brushes of Dynamo. (1) Eo- tating discs of metal employed in place of the ordinary brushes for carrying off the current from the armature of a dynamo. (2) Brushes revolved around the periphery of a commutator. Rotating Current. (1) A term applied to the current which results by combining a number of alternating currents, whose phases are definitely displaced with re- spect to one another. (2) A polyphase or multiphase current. Rotating-Current Field. A magnetic field produced by a rotating current. Rotating-Current Motor. A motor operated by a rotating current. Rotating-Current Transformer. A ro- tary-current transformer. Rotating Transformer. (1) A rotary transformer. (2) An induction motor. Rotating Vector. A line or vector quantity which rotates about a fixed point. Rotometer. A form of cyclometer at- tached to a drum for measuring the amount of cable passing over the drum in picking up or paying out a submarine cable. Rotor. That portion of a dynamo-electric machine which rotates. Rotor Armature. An armature which rotates. Rotor Circuit. The circuit of a rotor. Rotor Coils. The coils placed on a rotor. Rotor Currents. The currents produced in the rotor coils. Rotor Field. The field of a rotor. Round Wire-Gauge. A. wire gauge con- sisting of a circular plate provided on its circumference with slots of various sizes. Rubber of Electric Machine. That portion of a frictional machine which produces the electricity by rubbing against a disc or plate. Rul).] 911 [Saf. Rubber Tape. A form of adhesive, in- sulating tape made of rubber. Rubbing Contact. A contact effected by means of a rubbing motion. Rubbing Contact Key. A key provided with a rubbing contact. Ruhmkorff Coil. (1) An early form of induction coil or step-up transformer. (2) An induction coil having an iron-wire core, and a fine wire secondary coil of many turns for the production of power- ful induced E. M. F.'s, usually excited from a battery or continuous - current source through a suitable current breaker. Ruhmkorff Commutator. A com- mutator employed in a Ruhmkorff coil for reversing the direction of the current through the primary. Rumble. A barrel, or hollow box, rotated by mechanical power, in which small articles are prepared for electro-plating by the polishing obtained by their attrition against one another, or against hard ob- jects placed therein. Run-Down Cell. An exhausted cell. Running-Board. A device employed in the construction of a heavy overhead line, . consisting in placing a number of reels of wire, usually ten or more, on a spindle, and arranging a piece of wood as a cross- arm to which ten or more wires are at- tached, harnessing horses to the cross- piece, and then dragging the running board away as the wires are paid out from the reels, and passing them over their appropriate cross-arms, where they are at once secured to the insulators by line-men. Running Guard- Wire. A wire provided in a system of aerial trolley circuits, ex- tending parallel to and immediately above the trolley wire, intended to intercept any wire falling on the line from above. Running Position of Street-Car Con- troller. A position of the switch-handle of a street-car controller at which current is supplied to the car-motors and they are . kept in I'otation, as distinguished from a position in which the current is cut-off. Running Rope. A rope attached to the running-board employed in the stringing of aerial wires. Running Torque of Motor. The torque exerted by a motor while running, as distinguished from the starting torque. S. A contraction proposed for surface. S. A contraction proposed for second. 8. An abbreviation for second, the C. G. S. unit of time. S. C. A contraction for secondaiy current. S. G. In submarine telegraphy, the prefix for a service message, or a message relat- ing to the business of the company only. S. H. M. A contraction for simple-har- monic motion. S. P. D. A contractive for secondary pot- ential difference. S. N. Code. A contraction for single- needle code. S. N. Telegraphic-Instrument. A con- traction employed for single-needle tele- graphic instrument. S. P. Cut-Out. A contraction for single- pole cut-out. S. R. G. A contraction for standard rail- road gauge or 4'.8i''. S. W. G. A contraction for the British standard wire gauge. S. W. G. A contraction for Stubb's wire gauge. Saddle Bracket. A bracket holding an insulator and fastened to the top of a tele- graph or telephone pole. Safe Alarm. An electro-magnetic alarm connected with a safe and designed to give notice of an attempt to force the same. Safe Carrying Capacity of a Conduc- tor. The maximum electric current a conductor will carry without becoming unduly heated. Safety Catch. A safety fuse. Safety-Catch Holder. A holder for a safety fuse. Safety Cut-Out. A safety fuse. Safety Device. Any device by means of which a circuit is automatically opened or short-circuited when the current pass- ing through it exceeds certain pre-deter- mined limits. Safety Device for Arc-Lamps or Series Circuit. Any mechanical device which automatically provides a path for a cur- rent around a lamp, or other faulty re- ceptive device in a series circuit, and thus prevents the opening of the entire circuit on the failure of such device. 912 [Sea. Safety Device for Multiple Circuit. (1) A safety fuse. (2) A fuse wire or strip. (3) Any device for protecting a branch circuit, instrument or conductor from an excessive current. Safety Factor of Transformer. The ratio of the voltage with which a trans- former has been tested, to the voltage at which it is operated. Safety Fuse. A wire, bar, plate or strip of readily fusible metal, capable of con- ducting, without fusing, the current or- dinarily employed on the circuit, but which fuses and thus automatically breaks the circuit on the passage of an abnormally strong current. Safety Fuse-Block. A block provided for the reception of a safety fuse. Safety Lamp, Electric. (1) An incan- descent lamp, provided with thoroughly insulated leads,employed in mines or other similar places, where the explosive effects of readily ignited substances are to be feared. (2) A portable electric incandes- cent lamp and battery for use in mines where explosive gases may be found. Safety Link. A link-shaped safety-fuse. Safety Plug. (1) A safety fuse. (2) An insulating screw-plug containing a safety fuse, which by its insertion in a suitably prepared socket, automatically closes the circuit through such fuse. Safety Strip. A strip of fusible metal employed as a safety fuse. Sag of Conductor or Line Wire. The dip of an aerial wire or conductor, be- tween two adjacent supports, due to its weight. Sag Error. (1) Any error in installing an serial wire due to insufficient allowance for sag with change of temperature. (2) Any error in computing the length of an aerial wire due to insufficient allowance for sag. Saint Elmo's Fire. Tongues of faintly luminous flame which sometimes appear on the pointed ends of earth-connected bodies, such as the tops of church stee- ples, or the masts of ships. Salient Magnetic Poles. A term some- times applied to the single poles located at the extremities of an anomalous mag- net, in order to distinguish them from the double or consequent poles formed by the juxta-position of two similar mag- netic poles. Salimeter. A form of hydrometer suit- able for measuring the density of a saline solution. Saline Creeping. The fonnation,by efflo- rescence, of salts on the walls of a solid immersed in a saline solution. Saline Solution. A solution of a salt in a liquid. Sand-Barrel Setting for Pole. A stout barrel or cask, placed in the bottom of an excavation in a loose, sandy soil, as a pole foundation in which the butt of the pole is placed, and a firm loam or clay tightly packed into the barrel around the pole. Sand-Box for Electric Car. A box em- ployed for holding sand, so arranged as to distribute it over a track as desired, for the purpose of increasing the friction. Sanding Device. A device employed for sprinkling sand over a car-track. Sandy Electro-Metallurgical Deposit. A non-coherent electro-metallurgical de- posit, which occurs when the current density exceeds its normal value. Sash Lines. Ropes employed in raising telegraph poles to the vertical position. Saturated Solution. A solution in which as much of the solid has been dis- solved as the solvent will take at a given temperature. Saturating Flux. The flux required to produce magnetic saturation in any cir- cuit. Saw, Electric. An electrically operated saw. Saw - Tooth Lightning - Arrester. A name sometimes applied to a comb light- ning-arrester. Sayers Armature Winding. An arma- ture winding provided with additional coils called commutator coils which are subjected to the influence of an auxiliary pole and which are introduced into the main circuit to obtain sparkless commu- tation. Scalar. The name given to a quantity which has no directive property, or which has numerical magnitude only, such as temperature, or energy, as distinguished from a vector quantity. Scalar Potential. A potential possessing magnitude and sign without direction, as distinguished from a vector potential which possesses both direction and mag- nitude. Scale Zero. (1) An instrument zero. (2) A zero selected at the zero mark of a scale. Scarf Joint of Conductors. A joint be- tween the ends of conductors in which the ends are prepared by filing them diag- onally, so that when laid together and soldered, the joint is cylindrical in shape, Sch. 913 [Sec. presents no rough edge, and, unlike a butt joint, extends over an appreciable length. Schiseophone. An electro - mechanical appliance for detecting flaws or internal defects in rails or other metallic masses. Schweigger's Multiplier. A name formerly given to a coil consisting of a number of turns of insulated wire, pro- vided for the purpose of increasing the strength of the magnetic field produced by an electric current, and so increasing the amount of its deflecting power on a magnetic needle. Sciagraph. A word proposed for radio- graph. Sciagraphic Print. A word sometimes used for radiograph. Sciagraphy. A word proposed for radi- ography. Scintillating Jar. A Ley den jar whose coatings, instead of being formed of con- tinuous sheets of tin-foil, are formed of small pieces, placed at regular intervals on the glass or dielectric, so as to leave a small space between them. Scratch Brush. A brush made of wires, or of stiff bristles, employed for cleansing the surfaces of metallic objects before sub- jecting them to the electro-plating proc- ess. Scratch Brushing. Cleansing the sur- faces of articles to be electro-plated by friction with a scratch brush. Screen, Electric. A closed conductor placed over a body in order to protect or screen it from the effects of external electro-static fields. Screening. Protecting a body from the effect of an electrostatic or electro-mag- netic field by means of a screen. Screening Effect of Eddy Currents. A term sometimes used for the effect pro- duced by eddy currents in a solid mass of iron or steel, of shielding the interior of the mass from an externally applied alternating magnetic field. Screw Block-Fuse. (1) A form of plug cut-out. (2) A screw-plug in a receptacle or block containing a fuse. Screw Cleat. A cleat provided with a screw for its ready attachment to wood- work. Sea Cell Test. In a sub-marine system of electric torpedoes, a circuit test by means of a single voltaic cell in which sea water is the electrolyte. Sea Telegraphy. (1) Submarine Teleg- 58 raphy. (2) Telegraphy carried on at sea either between neighboring vessels or between different parts of the same ves- sel. Seal of Meter. A leaden seal placed on a meter, after it has been properly installed, for preventing its being tampered with. Sealing-In of Filament. Effecting a hermetical seal between the support of the filament of an in candescent lamp and the lamp chamber in which it is placed. Sealing-Off of Lamp Chamber. Her- metically closing a lamp chamber while it is connected with the pumps, by the fusing of the glass. Sealing Tools. Tools employed for place ing a seal on a meter. Sealing Wires. Wires employed for forming part of the seal of a meter. Search-Light, Electric. A focussing arc light placed in front of a reflector or lens, for the purpose of obtaining an approximately parallel beam of light for lighting the surrounding space. Searching Coil. A term sometimes ap- plied to an exploring coil. Secohm. (1) The practical unit of self- induction, or of inductance. (2) A length equal by definition to that of an earth quadrant, or very nearly 10 9 centimetres. (3) A henry. Secohmmeter. An apparatus for measur- ing the self-inductance, the mutual in- ductance, or the capacity of conductors. Secondary. A word frequently employed for the secondary coil of a transformer or induction coil. Secondary Accumulator. A storage- cell accumulator. Secondary Ampere-Turns. Ampere- turns in the secondary of a transformer or induction coil. Secondary Admittance. The admit- tance of a secondary circuit. Secondary Battery. A word frequently used for storage battery. Secondary Cell. A word frequently used for storage cell. Secondary Clock. Any clock in a system of time telegraphy that is controlled by a master clock. Secondary Coil of Transformer. (1) The coil of a transformer into which energy is transferred from the primary line and primary coil. (2) The secondary winding of a transformer or induction coil. (3) The driven coil of a transformer. (4) The coil in the external circuit of Sec.] 914 [Sec. which there is no directly impressed E. M. F. Secondary Currents. (1) The currents produced in the secondary of a trans- former. (2) The currents produced by secondary batteries. (3) Currents in any secondary circuit. Secondary Electromotive Forces. A name sometimes given to the electromo- tive forces produced by a secondary cell or battery. Secondary Element of Induction Motor. Those portions of an induc- tion motor, closed upon themselves, in which currents are induced. Secondary Frequency of Induction Motor. The frequency of the alternat- ing currents induced in the secondary circuits of an induction motor, compris- ing only a small fraction of the frequency in the primary circuit or circuits. Secondary Fuse-Box. A fuse box placed in the secondary circuit of a transformer or induction coil. Secondary Generator. (1) A generator which is not a prime source of energy, but receives its energy from some other electrical circuit either at some anteced- ent period, as in the case of a storage cell, or coincidently, as in the case of a trans- former. (2) A term sometimes employed for transformer. Secondary Generator. A device em- ployed in alternating-current circuits for obtaining the working pressure on one circuit by induction from a neighboring circuit. Secondary Impressed Electromotive Force. The E. M. F. impressed upon a secondary circuit, as distinguished from the E. M. F. that is active in producing current, or the E. M. F. exerted in over- coming self-induction. Secondary Impedance. In a secondary circuit, the impedance, either of part, or of all of the circuit. Secondary Movers. The driven shafts or machines, as distinguished from the driving shafts or machines. Secondary Plate of Condenser. That plate of a condenser in which a charge is induced by the presence of a charge on the opposite plate. Secondary Primary. A winding on an induction coil intermediate between the secondary and primary windings, ar- ranged with the aid of revolving contacts to serve, in each cycle, first as a secondary, and next as a primary winding, for the purpose of reducing the sparking at the contact wheel of the primary coil when excited from an incandescent-lighting continuous-current circuit. Secondary Resistance. The resistance of a secondary coil or circuit. Secondary Spiral of Induction Coil. A term sometimes employed for the sec- ondary winding of an induction coil. Secondary Standard of Light. Any standard of photometric intensity of light that is not a fundamental standard, but which is used as an intermediary to, or with reference to, a fundamental stand- ard. Secret Telephone System. A domestic telephone system arranged so that tele- phonic communication can be obtained between any two stations without being overheard by a person at any other sta- tion, and without the aid of an attendant or exchange. Secretion Current. A current following electric stimulation of the secretoiy nerves. Section. (1) Apart. (2) A cutting plane. (3) A graphical representation of the ap- pearance that is, or would be, presented by a body when exposed at a cutting plane. (4) In a trolley system, a portion or length of trolley conductor insulated from ad- jacent portions. Section Box. In a trolley system, a box containing the connection to a section and the switch by which it is connected to a feeder. Section Circuit-Breaker. A magnetic circuit-breaker controlling a trolley-wire section. Section of Multiple Switchboard. A complete division or reduplicating unit of a switchboard, in which every jack ap- pears once. Section of Switchboard. A term some- times used for a panel or a part of a panal of a switchboard. Section Insulator. An insulator in a trolley-wire system, which electrically disconnects one trolley section from an- other. Sectional Feeding-Point. In a street- railway system, a point where a feeder connects with a section of trolley wire or main-supply conductor. Sectional Plating. Plating an article with a greater thickness of metal at cer- tain points than at the rest of the surface. Sectional Plating-Frame. A frame em- ployed for holding an object to be electro- plated so that it shall receive a greater Sec.] 915 [Sel. depth of deposit on certain portions of its surface than elsewhere. Sectional Trolley-Line. A system of trolley wires divided into sections. Sectioned Coils for Magnet. (1) A term employed for a method of winding a magnetizing coil, in separate compart- ments. (2) Dividing a winding space into short axial sections, and filling each with wire. Secular. Of or pertaining to cycles of time. Section Switch. In a system of railway or power-distribution, a switch control- ling and supplying a section. Secular Variation. A variation in the magnetic declination, which occurs at cycles or great intervals of time, as op- posed to diurnal or annual variations. Seebeck Effect. A term sometimes em- ployed for thermo-electric effect. See-Sawing. A term employed to char- acterize the condition of two parallel-con- nected alternators when they do not syn- chronize properly. See-Sawing of Parallel-Connected Generators. (1) A term sometimes ap- plied to the hunting of generators. (2) Imperfect synchronism between gener- ators. Segment Switch. A switch in which a pivoted strip or lever moves over the arc of a circle divided into insulating seg- ments. Segments! Core-Disc. A dynamo core- disc which, instead of being made in one piece, is formed of suitable joined seg- ments. Seismic Photo-Chronograph. A chro- nograph that photographically records seismic disturbances. Seismograph, Electric. An apparatus for electrically recording the direction and intensity of earthquake shocks. Selectance. The property by virtue of which resonant electric circuits respond more to one frequency of alternating cur- rent than to another. Selective Absorption. The absorption of a particular or selected character of the waves of sound, light, heat or electricity. Selective Consonance. That property of a consonant alternating-current circuit by virtue of which it responds more to one frequency than to another. Selective Emission. Selective radia- tion. Selective Opacity. (1) Opacity limited to certain frequencies only. (2) Selectivity as regards transparency. Selective Radiation. (1) Radiation limited to certain frequencies. (2) Selec tivity as regards radiation. Selective Resonance. The property of a resonant circuit which renders it selective to a definite frequency of alternating current. Selective Signal.-^l) A term sometimes employed for an individual signal. (2) A signal which affects one only of a plurality of translating devices connected to a circuit. Selective-Signal Pendulum. A system of selective signalling in which the re- ceiving bells respond each to a single alternating-current frequency, and the transmitting frequency is adjusted cor- respondingly by altering the virtual length of a pendulum swinging in the transmitter. Selective Signalling - Apparatus. A term sometimes employed for individual signalling-apparatus. Selectivity. (1) The capability for devel- oping selective action. (2) The degree of capability for effecting selection. Selenium. A comparatively rare element, generally found associated with sulphur, the electric resistance of which is affected by light. Selenium Battery. A number of sepa- rate selenium cells connected so as to form a single cell or battery. Selenium Cell. A cell consisting of a mass of selenium fused in between two conducting wires or electrodes of platin- ized silver, or other suitable metal. Selenium Eye. A rough model of the human eye in which a selenium resist- ance takes the place of 'a retina and two slides the place of the eyelids. Selenium Photometer.^-(l) A photo- meter in which the intensity of the light is estimated by the comparison of the changes in the resistance of a selenium resistance, successively exposed under similar conditions to the light to be measured and to a standard light. (2) A photometer employing the photo-electric properties of selenium. Selenium Resistance. A mass of sele- nium employed as a resistance, whose value varies with the variations in the in- tensity of the light to which it is exposed. Self-Acting Make-and-Break. A term sometimes employed for an automatic make-and-break. Self- Aligning-Bearings. Journal bear- Sel.] 916 [Sel. ings so constructed and adjusted as to permit of a slight angular range of move- ment in order to conform to the surface of the shaft. Self-Cleaning Contact Key. A. name sometimes given to a key provided with a rubbing contact. Self-Closing Telegraphic Key. A tele- graphic key provided with an automatic switch in its knob, so that pressing the key opens the switch, and releasing the key automatically closes the switch. Self-Compounding Polyphase Gen- erator. A polyphase generator whose field magnets are compound-wound, and which supplies the series winding with currents conductively or inductively as- sociated with those in the line. Self-Contained Engine or Machine. An engine or machine all of whose work- ing parts are within the said engine or machine. Self-Cooling Transformer. (1) A trans- former which maintains its temperature within the necessary safe limits by natural radiation and conduction, without the use of any external cooling apparatus. (2) An oil or air-insulated transformer in which no forced circulation of the air or oil is employed. Self-Demagnetizing Force. The force exerted by a permanent bar magnet tend- ing to demagnetize itself, owing to the passage of some of its flux back through the bar in the opposite direction to the magnetization through the substance of the steel. Self-Excitation. An excitation of the field magnets of a generator obtained by leading a portion or all of its own cur- rent through its field coils, as distin- guished from separate excitation. Self-Excited. Excited by means of its own current. Self-Excited Alternator. An alternator whose fields are self -excited. Self-Excited Dynamo. A dynamo whose field is self-excited. Self-Excited Series-Wound Contin- uous-Current Generator. A contin- uous-current generator having a series- wound field which is excited by the cur- rent supplied from the armature of the generator. Self-Excited Shunt-Wound Contin- uous-Current Generator. A contin- uous-current generator having a shunt- wound field which is excited by a small part of the current supplied by the arma- ture and diverted from the external cir- cuit for that purpose. Self-Induced Current. A current in- duced in a circuit, on the opening or closing of the circuit, by changes in its own strength. Self-induction. Induction produced in a circuit by the induction of the current on itself at the moment of starting or stopping the current therein. Self-induction Coil. (1) A coil of wire possessing self-induction. (2) A choking coil. Self-Locking Annunciator Drop. A name sometimes given to a self-restor- ing telephone drop. Self-Locking Pole Ratchet. A ratchet- winder for raising and lowering an arc- lamp on a pole, and provided with a self- locking attachment. Self-Oiling Bearings. (1) Bearings pro- vided with automatic oilers. (2) Bear- ings which lubricate themselves when the shaft is rotating. Self-Oiling Journal. A journal pro- vided with automatic oilers. Self-Polarizing Relay. A relay provided not only with the ordinary set of magnet- izing coils, but also with an additional magnetizing coil for the magnetization of its tongue, so that the magnetism of the tongue is reversed when the current re- verses. Self-Recording Magnetometer. A magnetometer which is capable of con- tinuously recording the daily and hourly variations of the earth's magnetic field. Self-Registering Tachometer. A ta- chometer that provides a permanent re- cord of the varying speed of the machine to which it is connected. Self-Registering Wire-Gauge. A wire- gauge arranged so as to register the dia- meter of the wire to be measured. Self-Regulating Dynamo. A self-regu- lating generator. Self-Regulating Generator. A gener- ator so wound as to automatically main- tain either a constant-current in the cir- cuit, or a constant difference of potential between its terminals, despite changes in the resistance of its load. Self-Regulating X-Ray Tube. An X- ray tube provided with an automatic means of adjusting the degree of vacuum, and, therefore, the electric pressure at its terminals. Self-Regulation. Any form of automatic regulation. Sel.] 917 [Sen. Self-Restoring Annunciator Drop. An annunciator drop so arranged as to be capable of replacing itself, thus dispens- ing with a manual replacement. Self-Restoring Indicator. (1) An in- dicator which will automatically resume its proper position. (2) A self-restoring drop or annunciator. Self- Starting Alternating - Current Motor. (1) An alternating-current mo- tor which is capable of starting at any normal load. (2) A non-synchronous motor. Self-Starting Synchronous Motor. . An alternating-current synchronous mo- tor which is in any way enabled to be self -starting when connected with the mains. Self-Winding Clock. A clock that is automatically wound at regular intervals by the action of a small electro-magnetic motor, contained within the clock, and operated by one or more voltaic cells con- cealed in the case of the clock. Semaphore. A variety of visual signal apparatus employed in railroad block sys- tems. Semaphore Arm. A movable arm of a signal apparatus employed in block sys- tems for railroads, for the purpose of in- dicating the condition of the road as re- gards other trains. Semaphore Indicator. (1) An annunci- ator in which a gravity drop or shutter is caused to fall by the action of an electric cmrent, thus exposing a number or other signal back of the drop or shutter. (2) An indicator employed in a semaphoric signalling apparatus. (3) The movable shutter or drop employed in a semaphore. Semaphoric Electroscope. A name sometimes given to a particular form of quadrant electroscope. Semi-Circular. Of or pertaining to a semi-circle or half a circle. Semi-Circular Deviation of Mariner's Compass. A term employed in contra- distinction to the quadrantal deviation for the deviation of a magnetic needle, due to the permanent magnetism of the ship, having its resultant in a horizontal plane, and changing sign twice in a complete" revolution of the ship. Semi - Circular Error of Compass Needle. The semi-circular deviation of the mariner's compass. Semi-Conductor. A name applied to a group of bodies whose conducting power is, roughly, midway between that of good conductors and insulators. Semi-Incandescent Electric Lamp. An electric lamp in which the light is due to the combined effects of an electric aro and of incandescence. Semi-Period. (1) A half period. (2) Th time occupied by a reversal or alterna- tion. Semi -Permanent Telegraph Line. In military telegraphy, a line interme- diate in character and method of con- struction between a permanent line and a temporary line. Semi-Permeable Septum. A septum which will permit the passage through it of a solvent, but not of the dissolved sub- stance. Sending End of Line. The end of a telegraphic line from which the signals are sent. Sending Leg of Telegraphic Loop. The wire of a telegraphic loop upon which messages are sent, as distinguished from the receiving leg. Sending Signaller. The operator on a telegraphic line who is sending the sig- nals as distinguished from one at the other end who is receiving them. Sense of Magnetic Force. A word some- times used for direction of magnetic force. Sensibility of Galvanometer. (1) The readiness and degree to which the needle of a galvanometer will respond to the pas- sage of an electric current through its coils. (2) The reciprocal of the current required to produce a definite small angu- lar deflection. (3) The deflection pro- duced by a definite small current strength. (4) The figure of merit of a galvanometer. Sensitive Flame. A flame which alters its shape or size on the sounding of notes possessing the same frequency as that which it is capable of producing. Sensitive Discharge. A thin, thread-like discharge that occurs between the termi- nals of a high-frequency induction coil. Sensitive Telephone. A telephone that is able to properly respond to currents smaller than those ordinarily employed in telephone apparatus. Sensitive Tube. A coherer. Sensitiveness of Wheatstone's Bal- ance. The minimum change in the measured resistance which, under the con- ditions of the test and with the apparatus employed, is capable of either being de- tected, or of producing the unit of scale deflection in the galvanometer. Sent Current. The current employed u transmitting a signal. Sep.] 918 [Ser. Separable Conducting Cord Tip. A telephone plug arranged for ready con- nection with, or disconnection from, a flexible conducting cord. Separable Iron Core. An iron core which can be removed from the appara- tus in which it is used. Separate-Circuit Dynamo. (1) A term sometimes employed for a self-exciting dynamo in which a special or separate armature circuit is connected to the fields. (2) A dynamo capab'e of supplying a plur- ality of separate circuits. Separate-Circuit Motor. A term some- times applied to a motor whose armature is provided with two windings having two separate commutators, the main one be- ing supplied with the driving current. Separate-Coil Alternator. An alterna- tor whose field magnets are excited by means of current taken from the coils of the armature after it has been commuted. Separate-Coil Dynamo-Electric Ma- chine. A term sometimes used for a sep- arate-coil alternator. Separate-Coil Machine. (1) A machine in which the armature coils are mechani- cally separated from each other, as dis- tinguished from a machine in wiiich the coils are interlaced. (2; A dynamo-elec- tric machine in the armature of which there exists a separate coil or winding for the special purpose of exciting the field magnets. Separate Excitation. The excitation of the field magnets produced by a source external to the machine. Separate Touch. A phrase sometimes employed for magnetization by separate touch. Separately -Excited Alternator. An alternator whose field magnets are sep- arately excited. Separately-Excited Dynamo-Electric Machine. A dynamo-electric machine whose field coils are separately excited. Separately-Excited Field. The field of a dynamo that receives its magnetizing current from a source outside or separate from the dynamo. Separator. A corrugated and perforated insulating sheet of ebonite or other simi- lar substance, shaped so as to conform to the outlines of the plates of a storage bat- tery, and placed between them at suitable intervals in such a manner as to prevent their short-circuiting, but without imped- ing the free circulation of the liquid. Septum. The porous partition of an en- dosmometer. Series and Magneto Dynamo-Electric Machine. A compound-wound dynamo in which the armature circuit of a mag- neto-electric machine is connected with and excites the fine winding on the field magnets. Series-and-Separately-Excited Dyna- mo-Electric Machine. A compound- wound dynamo whose field-magnet cores are wound with two separate circuits, one connected in series with the field magnets and the external circuit, and the other with some source by means of which it is separately excited. Series - and - Shunt - Wound Dynamo- Electric Machine. A compound- wound dynamo whose field magnets are wound with two separate coils, one in series with the armature and the external circuit, and the other in shunt with the armature. Series-Arc Cut-Out. A device for auto- matically providing a short-circuit past a faulty lamp in a series-connected circuit, so that the failure of a lamp to operate may not interfere with the operation of the rest of the lamps. Series Board. A series-connected multi- ple telephone switchboard. Series Circuit. A circuit in which the separate sources or separate electro-recep- tive devices, or both, are so placed that the current produced in it or passed through it passes successively through the entire circuit from the first to the last. Series-Connected Battery. A battery of series-connected cells. Series-Connected Incandescent Lamps. A number of lamps connected to a circuit in series and provided with a film or other similar cut-out, to prevent the failure of a single lamp from extin- guishing all the rest. Series-Connected Electro-Receptive Devices. A number of electro- receptive devices connected to a circuit in series. Series-Connected Sources. A number of separate sources so connected in series as to act as a single source. Series-Connected Translating Devices. A term sometimes used for series-con- nected electro-receptive devices. Series-Connected Voltaic Cells. A number of voltaic cells so connected in series as to be capable of acting as a single source or battery. Series Connection. Such a connection of a number of separate electric sources or electro-receptive devices or circuits Ser.] 919 [Ser. that the current passes successively from the first to the last in the circuit. Series-Connection for Condensers. The connection of a number of condensers in series. Series-Connection of Alternator s . The connection of two or more alternators in series. Series Converter. A series transformer. Series Distribution. A distribution of electric energy in which the receptive devices are placed one after another in succession upon a single conductor, ex- tending throughout the entire circuit from pole to pole. Series Dynamo. A series-wound dynamo. Series Field-Terminals of Motor. The terminals of a compound-wound motor which are connected to the ends of a series field-winding. Series Grouping of Armature Con- ductors. (1) A two-circuit multipolar winding. (2) A winding for a multipo- lar armature in which only two paths are provided for the current between the brushes. Series Incandescent Lamp. An incan- descent lamp suitable for use in a series circuit. Series Incandescent Lighting System. A system of incandescent lighting in which the lamps are connected in series, as distinguished from a multiple system in which they are connected in parallel. Series Motor.-^l) A motor suitable for use in a series circuit. (2) A series-wound motor. Series-Multiple. A series-multiple con- nection. Series-Multiple Car-Controller. A controller provided for starting and stop- ping a double motor car, for varying its speed, or the torque of its motors, by con- necting the motors either in series or in parallel with or without resistances. Series-Multiple Circuit. A compound circuit in which a number of separate sources, or separate electro-receptive devices, or both, are connected in a number of separate groups in multiple arc, and these separate groups sub- sequently connected in series. Series-Multiple-Connected Electro- Receptive Devices. A connected sys- tem in which a number of separate elec- tro-receptive devices are joined in parallel in separate groups, and all of these groups subsequently connected in series. Series-Multiple-Connected Sources. The connection of a number of separate electric sources so as to form a single source, in which the separate sources are connected in a number of separate mul- tiple groups or circuits, and these groups or circuits separately connected together in series. Series-Multiple-Connected Translat- ing Devices. Series-multiple-connected electro-receptive devices. Series-Multiple Connection. Such a connection of a number of separate electro- receptive devices that the devices are placed in multiple groups or circuits and these separate groups afterwards con- nected with one another in series. Series-Multiple Switchboard. A tele- phone switchboard, in which a subscriber's jacks are connected in series, while plug connections are made in parallel or across the circuit. Series-Parallel Controller. A series- multiple car-controller. Series Tranformer. A term sometimes applied to a converter whose primary coil is connected in series with the primary coils of other similar transformers in the primary circuit. Series Turns of Dynamo - Electric Machine. The magnetizing field-mag- net coils of a dynamo that are connected in series with the armature circuit. Series Winding. A winding of a dynamo electric machine in which a single set of magnetizing coils are placed on the field- magnet cores and connected in series with the armature and the external circuit. Series- Wound Dynamo-Electric Ma- chine. A dynamo-electric machine in which the field circuit and the external circuit are connected in series with the armature circuit, so that the armature current passes through the field winding into the external circuit. Series- Working of Dynamo-Electric Machines. Such a coupling of several dynamo-electric machines as will deliver in series the current supplied by them. Series- Wound Field. The field of a dyn- amo in which the armature current passes through the magnetizing coil. Series- Wound Laminated Synchro- nous Motor. A series-wound syncho- nous motor provided with a laminated core. Series- Wound Motor. A motor provided with a series- wound field. Serrated Lightning Arrester. A terra sometimes applied to a saw-tooth light- ning arrester. Ser.j 920 [She. Service. A conductor or set of conductors supplying electric energy from electric mains to the premises of a consumer. Service Block. (1) A block connected with service wires. (2) A block for sup- porting and connecting service wires. Service Conductors. Service wires. Service Line. (1) A service wire. (2) In telephony, a line or circuit connecting a switchboard with a subscriber. Service Tube. A tube provided for the introduction of service wires. Service Wires. (1) The wires which lead into a building and which are connected to the supply mains or supply circuit. (2) The wires through which service is given to a consumer. (3) Delivery wires. Serving Mallet. A tool employed for placing the tarred yarn serving on a cable splice. Serving of Cable. The bedding of tape, yarn, jute or compound in a cable as dis- tinguished from the core or the sheathing. Serving Tool. A tool employed in placing the serving on a cable. Seven-Point Jacks. In a multiple tele- phone switchboard, jacks having each seven different points of contact. Sextant. An optical device consisting of a fixed and movable mirror, employed for measuring the angular distance between any two objects. Sextaplex Telegraph. A general term embracing the apparatus used in sex- taplex telegraphy. Sextaplex Telegraphy. A system of telegraphy whereby six distinct messages can be simultaneously transmitted over the same line, three in one direction and three in the opposite direction. Sextaplex Transmission. Transmitting intelligence by means of sextaplex teleg- raphy. Sextipolar. Possessing six poles. Sextipolar Dynamo. A dynamo posses- sing a sextipolar field. Sextipolar Field. A field produced by six magnet poles. Sextuple Telegraph. A general term for the appratus employed in sextuple teleg- raphy. Sextuple Telegraphy. A system of telegraphic communication in which six separate messages are simultaneously sent over a line in the same direction. Sextuple Transmission. The transmis- sion of intelligence by sextuple teleg- raphy. Sextuply Re-Entrant. An armature provided with six separate conducting paths or windings, each of which is inde- pendently re-entrant. Shackle Insulator. A term applied to any form of insulator used for shackling a wire, as distinguished from an insulator which merely supports a wire. Shackling a Wire. (1) Inserting an insu- lator between the two ends of a cut wire. (2) Securing the end of a telegraph or telephone wire to a shackle. Shaded. (1) Cut off or screened from the effects of an electro-static or magnetic field. (2) Screened. Shaded-Pole Motor. An alternating- current motor in which the rotary effort is obtained by placing short circuited coils on a portion of the polar faces. Shade-Holder. A ring or circle clamped to the socket of an incandescent lamp for supporting a shade. Shading Coil of Alternating-Current Motor. A conducting coil or loop cover- ing part of one or more poles in an alter- nating-current motor, for the purpose of retarding the magnetic flux through that portion of the pole, and thereby exerting a tangential drag on the armature. Shadow, Electric. A term sometimes used for molecular shadow. Shadowgram. A term sometimes used for radiograph. (Not in general use.) Shadowgraph. A word frequently used for radiograph. Shadow Photometer. A photometer in which the intensity of the light to be measured is estimated by a comparison of the distance at which it and the standard light produce shadows of the same inten- sity. Shallow- Water Submarine Cable. A submarine cable intended for use in shal- low water, where the cable is apt to be injured by friction against a rocky bot- tom, and therefore provided with heavier armor than a deep-sea cable. Shear. A strain consisting of an extension in one direction combined with an equal compression perpendicular thereto. Shearing Stress. A stress producing a shear. Sheathing of Cable. The armor or pro- tecting covering employed for surround- ing the core of a cable. Sheathing Wires. The metallic wires which form the armor of a submarine cable. She.] 921 [Sho. Shed of Insulator. A petticoat or in- verted cone of a telegraph insulator. Sheer. The curve which the line of ports or the deck of a ship presents to the eye, when observed from one side. Sheet Lightning. A variety of lightning flash, unaccompanied by thunder audible to an observer, in which the surfaces of clouds are illumined. Shell of Arc-Lamp. The outside casing of an arc-lamp. Shell of Commutator. A term some- times employed for the commutator form, separated from its shaft. Shell of Fixture. A light ornamental metallic casing covering some part of an electrolier. Shell Transformer. (1) A transformer whose primary and secondary coils are laid on each other, and the iron core is then wound through and over them, so as to completely enclose them. (2) A form of iron-clad transformer. Shellac. A resinous substance obtained from the roots and branches of certain tropical plants, which possesses high insu- lating powers, and high specific inductive capacity. Shifting Magnetic Field. (1) A magnet- ic field whose lines of magnetic force are changing position with respect to the axis of the magnet pole from which they emanate. (2) A rotary magnetic field. Shifting of Phase of Alternating Cur- rent. In an alternating-current circuit the changes in the phase relation of cur- rent strengtli to impressed E. M. F. de- pending upon variations in the frequency or in the impedance. Shifting of Spot of Light. Any move- ment of a spot of light on a scale causing that spot to move away from its true zero position, produced by causes other than those acting during the proper operation of the instrument. Shifting Zero.-^l) A zero that changes or shifts its position. (2) A false zero in measuring instruments. Ship Dynamometer. A dynamometer employed on board a cable ship for the purpose of indicating the strain on a grappling rope or on a cable. Ship Return-Circuit System. A name applied to a single- wire system or form of circuit in which the hull of the ship forms the return wire. Shock. (1) Objectively, a concussion or blow. (2) Subjectively, a violent nervous stimulus. 14- Shock, Electric. A physiological shock produced in an animal by an electric dis- charge. Shoe of Contact for Street Railway. The metallic contact piece which rubg against a surface rail or conduit rail in a street railway system. Shoe Plug. A form of sliding contact- plug for insertion in a jack of a telephone switchboard. Shore-End of Telegraphic Cable. (1) A shallow-water section of submarine cable. (2) The end of a submarine cable landed on a shore. Short Arc System of Electric Light ing. A system of electric lighting in which short voltaic arcs are maintained between carbon electrodes. Short Circuit. (1) A shunt or by-path of negligible or comparatively small resist- ance, placed around any part of an electric circuit through which so much of the current passes as to virtually cut out the parts of the circuit to which it acts as a shunt. (2) An accidental direct con- nection between the mains or main ter- minals of a dynamo or system producing a heavy overload of current. (3) To cut out of circuit by a short conductor. (4) To accidentally produce a short circuit. Short-Circuit-Key. A key which in its normal position short-circuits a galvan- ometer, or other device with which it is connected. Short-Circuited. (1) Placed on a short- circuit. (2) Cut out by means of a short- circuit. Short-Circuited Conductor. A con- ductor which has a short-circuit estab- lished past it. Short Circuiting. (1) Cutting out of circuit by means of a short-circuit. (2) Establishing a direct connection between the terminals of a source or device, or between mains connected to them. Short-Circuiting a Dynamo-Electric Machine. (1) Cutting out the external circuit of a dynamo by means of a short- circuit. (2) Connecting the poles or ter- minals of a dynamo by a circuit of negli- gibly small resistance. (3) Greatly over- loading a constant-potential machine, and underloading a constant-current ma- chine. Short-Circuiting Plug. (1)A plug which when inserted in its receptacle short cir- cuits the device connected therewith. (2) A plug employed in short-circuiting a coil or other resistance. Short-Closed Circuit. In a series dis* -Vol. 2 Sho.] 922 [Shu. tribution circuit, the condition of 'having short-circuited devices, as distinguished from a long-closed circuit from which all short circuits have been removed. Short-Coil Magnet. A magnet whose magnetizing coil consists of a few turns of short thick wire. Short Connection of Two-Circuit G- r a m m e-W i n d i n g. A form of Gramme winding in which the circuits from brush to brush consist of conduc- tors influenced by all the poles, so that the E. M. F.'s generated in the two circuits are necessarily equal. flhort-Connection Two-Circuit Arma- ture Winding. (1) Such a two-circuit winding that in each circuit between the brushes electromotive forces are induced by each and all the poles of the field frame. (2) Such a type of two-circuit winding as connects coils together lying in adjacent fields. Short-Core Electro-Magnet. An elec- tro-magnet provided with a short core. Short-End of Quadruplex Battery. The end of a quadruplex battery, the smaller portion of which is always in circuit, as opposed to the end of the extra battery thrown in circuit by the depres- sion of the increment key. Short-Shunt Compound- Winding. A compound winding of a dynamo-electric machine in which the shunt coil is connect- ed directly, or through resistance, with the armature brushes, as distinguished from a long-shunt com pound- winding. Short-Shunt Compound-Wound Dy- namo - Electric Machine. A com- pound-wound dynamo whose field-magnet eoils form a shunt to the armature only, as distinguished from a shunt to the armature and series coils combined. Short-Sightedness. (1) The condition of ' the eye in which distinct images are formed of those objects only which are near to the eye. (2) Myopia. (3) The condition of sight pertaining to an elon- gated eyeball. Short Timber. A term applied to timber that has been improperly subjected to preservative processes, and has thereby been rendered brittle. Short Wire Repeater. A repeater be- tween a duplex or quadruplex and a branch office wire. Shower-Bath, Electric. A device for carrying an electric charge to the body of a patient by the falling water. Shunt. An additional, or by-path estab- lished for the passage of an electric cur- rent or discharge. Shunt. To establish an additional, or by- path for the passage of an electric current or discharge. Shunt - and - Separately - Excited Dy- namo - Electric Machine. A com- pound-wound dynamo in which the field is excited both by means of a shunt to the armature circuit, and by a current pro- duced by a separate source. Shunt Bell, Electric. An electric bell whose magnetizing coils are connected to the line wire in shunt. Shunt Breaking Resistance. A re- sistance for insertion in the field of a shunt dynamo, before breaking its circuit, to prevent the production of a dangerously powerful induced pressure. Shunt - Circuit. (1) A derived circuit. (2) A branch or additional circuit, pro- vided in any part of a circuit, through which the current branches or divides, part flowing in the original circuit and part through the new branch or shunt. (3) A circuit for diverting or shunting a portion of the current. Shunt Coil. A coil placed in a shunt circuit. Shunt Dynamo. A shunt-wound dy- namo-electric machine. Shunt-Field Terminals of Motor. The terminals of the shunt field coils of an electric motor. Shunt for Ammeter. (1)A shunt coil con- nection in multiple with the coils of an ammeter for the purpose of changing the value of the readings. (2) A reducteur. Shunt Spool. A spool or coil of insulated wire placed in a shunt circuit. Shunt Street-Car Motor. A shunt- wound car motor. Shunt Ratio. (1) The ratio existing between a shunt and the circuit it shunts. (2) The ratio existing between the total current strength and the current strength in the branch to which the shunt is ap- plied. Shunt Rheostat. A rheostat placed in a shunt-circuit. Shunt Turns of Dynamo. The ampere turns in the shunt circuit of a shunt- wound or compound-wound dynamo. Shunt Winding. A term sometimes em- ployed for the shunt field coils on a shunt- wound dynamo or motor. Shunt- Wound Dynamo-Electric Ma- chine. A dynamo - electric machine whose field-magnet coils are placed in Shu.] 923 [Sie. shunt with the armature circuit, so that only a portion of the current generated passes through the field-magnet coils, but all the difference of potential of the armature acts at the terminals of the field circuit. Shunt-Wound Field. The field of a dynamo in which the field-magnet coils are placed in shunt with the armature and external circuit. Shunt- Wound Motor. A motor whose field-magnet coils are placed in shunt to the armature circuit. Shunted. Provided with a shunt. Shunting. Providing with a shunt. Shunting Air-Gap . (1) An air-gap in a circuit placed around a galvanometer or other instrument, for the purpose of pro- tecting it from the effects of a powerful disruptive discharge. (2) An air-gap shunt in a magnetic circuit. Shutter Apparatus. In a system of visual telegraphy, an apparatus for sud- denly displaying and obscuring a light by means of hand-controlled shutters. Shutter Indicator Armature. The ar- mature of an electro-magnet so arranged that when released it displays an in- dicator on an annunciator. Shuttle Armature. (1) A variety of drum armature in which a single coil of wire is wound in an H-shaped groove formed in a bobbin-shaped core. (2) The old form of Siemens' armature. Shuttle- Wound Armature. An ar- mature whose coils are placed on its core by first winding the wire on a shuttle and passing the same through the opening or gap provided for the coil. Side A of Quadruples Table. That side of a quadfuplex system which is worked by means of reversed currents.' Side B of Quadruples Table. That side of a quadruplex system which is worked by means of strengthened currents. Side-Bar Suspension of Motor. In a street railway car truck, a method of sup- porting the motors which consists in em- ploying a pair of bars or light girders mounted on springs parallel to the side frames and supporting the motors from these bars. Side Bracket. A particular form of single insulator bracket. Side Commutator. The commutator of a dynamo-electric machine placed on the side of the revolving armature. Side Current. A term applied by Hertz to the current produced in the side cir- cuit of a micrometer. Side Plash. A sparking or lateral dis- charge taking place from the sides of a conductor through which an impulsive rush of electricity is passing. Side-Lights, Electric. Red or green lanterns placed on permanent fixtures on either side of a ship. Side of Three-Wire System. <1) A term applied to the positive or negative con- ductors or leads in the three-wire system of distribution. (2) The positive or the negative half of a three-wire system. Side Pole. A trolley-wire pole mounted at the side of a track as distinguished from a central pole. Side Pole Line. An aerial line supported from poles placed on the side of a street or road, as distinguished from a centre pole line or from one supported from poles placed in the centre of the street or road. Side-Pole Trolley-Line Construction. A method for the suspension of aerial trolley lines in which the trolley and feed wires are suspended from poles placed on one side of the street or road. Side Suspension of Motor. A side-bar suspension of a motor in a truck. Side Telegraphic Eepeater. A tele- graphic repeater which operates adja- cent circuits from a main line. Sides of Three-Wire System. (1) The portions of a three-wire system which have respectively positive and negative poten- tials. (2) The positive and negative por- tions of a three-wire system. Siderial. Of or pertaining to the stars. Sidero-Magnetic. A term proposed for ferro-magnetic. Siemens Armature Electro-Magnetic Bell. A form of electro-magnetic bell, the movements of whose armature are obtained by the reversal of polarity that occurs when alternating currents are passed through a single-coil Siemens ar- mature. Siemens Differential Voltameter. A form of voltameter employed by Siemens for determining the resistance of the platinum spiral used in his electro- pyrometer. Siemens Electro - Dynamometer. A form of galvanometer employed for the measurement of electric currents. Siemens Electro-Pyrometer. An ap- paratus for the determination of temper- ature by the measurement of the electric resistance of a platinum wire exposed to the source of heat, the temperature of which is to be measured. Sie.] 924 [Sim. Siemens-Halske Voltaic Cell. A zinc- copper couple whose elements are em- ployed with dilute sulphuric acid and a saturated solution of copper sulphate re- spectively. 'Siemens Water Pyrometer. A pyro- meter employed for determining the tem- perature of a furnace or other intense source of heat, by the increase in the tem- perature of a known weight of water to which a metal cylinder of a given weight has been put, after exposure for a given time to the som - ce of heat to be measured. Signal Arm. A semaphore arm. .Signal-Service System for Electric Railroad. A system of electric signals used on railroads for ascertaining the condition of the road, sending instruc- tions to engineers, and conveying intelli- gence generally from stations along the road to running trains. Sight-Feeding Oiler. A glass oil-cup which permits the visible feeding of lu- bricating oil to the journal bearings. Signature. In telegraphy, a name of the sender of a message as it appears upon the same. Silence Telephone Cabinet. A long- distance telephone cabinet. Silent. A switch device for preventing the action of an electric alarm by short- circuiting it. Silent Discharge. A name sometimes given to a convective discharge, in order to distinguish it from the more noisy dis- ruptive discharge. Silhougraph. A word proposed for ra- diograph. Silver Bath. An electrolytic bath con- taining a readily electrolyzable salt of sil- ver, and a plate of silver acting as the anode, placed in the liquid near the object to be coated which forms the cathode. Silver Chloride Voltaic Cell. A zinc- silver couple immersed in electrolytes of sal-ammoniac or common salt, and silver chloride, respectively. Silver-Palladium Alloy. An alloy of silver with palladium and other metals, employed for the hair-springs, escape- ments and balance-wheels of watches, on account of its non-magnetic properties. Silver Plating. Covering the surfaces of the baser metals with an adherent coating of silver by the electric current. Silver Voltameter. A voltameter in which the quantity of electricity passing is determined by the weight of silver depos- ited. Silvered Plumbago. Powdered plum- bago covered with metallic silver, for use in the metallization of objects to be elec- tro-plated. Silurus Electricus. The electric eel. Similars. Conductors in the secondary winding of an induction machine which are similar to each other in respect to the magnitude of their induced electro- motive forces at any instant, and sym- metrically disposed relatively to the ro- tating poles. Simple Alternating-Currents. (1) Sin- usoidal-alternating currents. (2) Simple- harmonic currents. Simple Arc. A voltaic arc formed be- tween two electrodes. Simple Circuit. A term sometimes em- ployed for a circuit containing a single electric source and a single electro-recep- tive device. Simple Electric Candle Burner. A plain-pendant electric burner. Simple-Harmonic Currents. (1) Cur- rents whose flow is variable both in strength and duration, and in which the quantity of electricity passing by any sec- tion of conductor may be represented by a simple-harmonic curve. (2) A current of such a nature that the continuous va- riation of the flow of electricity past any area of cross-section of the conductor, or the continuous variations in electromotive force, may be expressed by a simple-har- monic curve. Simple-Harmonic Curve. The curve which results when a simple-harmonic motion in one line is compounded with uniform motion in a straight line at right angles thereto. Simple-Harmonic. Electromotive Forces. Electi'omotive forces which vary in such a manner as to produce simple-harmonic currents ; or, electromo- tive forces whose variations can be cor- rectly represented by a simple-harmonic curve. Simple-Harmonic Motion. (1) Motion which repeats itself at regular intervals in one line, taking place backwards or forwards, and which is the orthogonal projection of the path of a point moving uniformly in a plane circle upon a diame- ter of the circle. (2) Motion which is a simple-periodic function of the tim. (3) Simple-periodic motion. Simple-Harmonic Variation. A varia- tion of current or electromotive force which takes place in accordance with simple-harmonic law. Sim.] 925 [Sin. Simple Immersion. A term sometimes employed for an electrolytic deposit ob- tained by merely dipping a metal in a so- lution of a metallic salt. Simple Magnet. A simple magnetized bar. Simple Magnetic Shell. A magnetic shell whose strength is everywhere the same. Simple - Periodic Currents. A term sometimes used for simple-harmonic cur- rents. Simple-Periodic Curve. A simple-har- monic curve. Simple-Periodic Electromotive Force. A simple-harmonic electromotive force. Simple-Periodic Motion. Simple-har- monic motion. S i m p 1 e-Periodic Variation. Simple- harmonic variation. Simple Radical. (1) An unsaturated atom with its bond or bonds free. (2) A single unsaturated atom, as distinguished from an unsaturated group of atoms. Simple Rigidity. (1) In an isotropic body the ratio of shearing stress to the resulting shear. (2) Resistance to shear- ing. (3) In an isotropic body the edges of a unit cube to which tangential shear- ing stresses are applied, the ratio of the tangential force to the angular distortion effected in the cube. Simple Shunt. A coil arranged as a shunt, and unprovided with an iron core. Simple-Sine Motion. A term sometimes employed for simple-harmonic motion. Simple Voltaic Cell. A term sometimes used for a single-fluid cell. Simplex Telegraph. A general term embracing the apparatus employed in simplex telegraphy. Simplex Telegraphy .A system of teleg- raphy in which a single message only can be sent over the line wire. Simplex Working. (1) Transmitting messages by simplex telegraphy. (2) A word sometimes employed for simple telegraphic transmission: Sims-Edison Torpedo. A special form of torpedo in which electricity is both the propelling and directing power, but the electric source is situated outside the tor- pedo, and is connected with the same by a light cable. Sine Galvanometer. A galvanometer whose deflecting coil is placed in a verti- cal plane movable about a vertical axis, so that it can be made to follow the mag- netic needle in its deflections. Sine Law. (1) A law of magnitude de- nned by the sines of angles. (2) A mag- nitude which follows the sines of succes- sive angles. Single Brush-Rocker Arm. A device by means of which a single pair of brushes are so situated on a dynamo or motor as to be capable of being readily shifted into the desired position on the commutator cylinder. Single-Brush Yoke. A term sometimes used for single brush-rocker arm. Single-Circuit. An undivided circuit. Single-Contact Carbon Telephone. A form of microphonic telephone trans- mitter, in which a single contact is em- ployed. Single-Contact Key. Any key which makes a single contact only. Single-Cord Multiple-T elephone Switchboard. (1) A multiple telephone switchboard employing a single conduct- ing cord in establishing connections. (2) A multiple-telephone switchboard in which the circuits are all ground-return- circuits, and the subscribers' jacks are all connected in series. Single-Cord Switchboard. (1) A tele- phone switchboard in which an inter-con- nection between two subscribers is ef- fected through a single cord. (2) A tele- phone switchboard in which each line terminates in a plug. Single-Cord Telephone Switchboard. A telephone switchboard employing single conducting cords. Single-Cup Insulator. An insulator consisting of a single inverted cup. Single Curb. A device for increasing the speed of telegraphic signalling by ridding the line of its previous charge by means of a single reversed current sent through it after each signal, before connecting to the ground, as distinguished from a double curb in which a succession of two reversed currents follow each signal. Single-Curb Signalling. Signalling by means of a single curb. Single-Current Signalling. Signalling by means of makes or breaks in the cir- cuit of a single current. Single-Current Closed-Circuited Sig- nalling. A method of telegraphic sig- nalling in which the line circuit is nor- mally closed, being only broken by the sending operator, while the current in the circuit has only one direction. Single-Current Key. A key employed in single-current signalling. Single-Current Open-Circuit Signal- Sin,] 926 [Sin. ling. A method of telegraphic signalling in which the main-line batteries are fixed at each station, and are in circuit only when signalling. Single-Current Telegraphic Working. A term sometimes used for single-current signalling. Single-Current Translator. A tele- graphic translator suitable for use in single-current working. Single-Curve Suspension. (1) A sus- pension suitable for the support of a trol- ley wire at a single curve in the line, or single-track curve. (2) A form of suspen- sion having a single curved holder or support. Single-Curve Trolley Hanger. (1) A hanger supporting a single curve wire or single-track curve wire. (2) A trolley hanger supported by a single curved holder. Single-Curve Trolley-Suspension. (1) Suspension of a trolley wire by a single- curve trolley-hanger. (2) A single-track trolley-suspension at a curve in the track. Single-Coil Field Dynamo. A dynamo whose magnetic field is obtained from a single magnetizing coil. Single Field-Coil Multipolar Dynamo. A multipolar dynamo having a single field coil on a single core provided with a plurality of polar projections. Single-Fluid. Pertaining to the single- fluid hypothesis of electricity or magnet- ism. Single -Fluid Hypothesis of Elec- tricity. A hypothesis which endeavors to explain the cause of electrical phenom- ena by the assumption of the existence of a single electric fluid. Single-Fluid Voltaic Cell. A voltaic cell in which but a single fluid or electro- lyte is used. Single-Focus X-Ray Tube. An X-ray tube suitable for use in connection with pulsatory currents, and provided with a single deflecting plate or anticathode op- posite the cathode. Single-Line Repeater. In telegraphy, a repeater from a single circuit into an- other. Single-Liquid Voltaic Cell. A single- fluid voltaic cell. Single-Loop Armature. An armature consisting of a closed conducting circuit containing a single loop, so placed as to be capable of revolving in a magnetic field, as to cut its magnetic flux. Single-Magnet Dynamo-Electric Ma- chine. A term sometimes used for a single field-coil dynamo. Single-Needle Telegraphy. A system of telegraphy in which the transmitted signals are received by the movements of a vertical needle suitably suspended be- fore a dial. Single-Pair Brush-Rocker. A term sometimes used for single-pair brush yoke. Single-Pair Brush Yoke. A device for so holding a single pair of collecting brushes of a dynamo-electric machine that they can be readily moved or rotated on the commutator cylinder. Single-Pair Yoke. A single-pair brusk yoke. Single Peg. A peg provided with but a - single contact. Single Phase. (1) Uniphase. (2) Mono- phase. (3) Pertaining to ordinary alter- nating currents in a simple alternating- current system as distinguished from multiphase currents. Single-Phase Alternating Current. A uniphase alternating current. Single-Phase Alternator. An alter- nator capable of producing simple r single-phase currents. Single-Phase Armature Windings. Windings employed on the armature of a single-phase alternator. Single-Phase Armature Windings. Armature windings of single-phase ge- erators. Single-Phase Asynchronous Motor. A single-phase alternating-current motor capable of running otherwise than in synchronism with the current supplied to it from the circuit. Single-Phase Bar - Armature Wind- ings. Such a bar armature winding of an alternator as is capable of producing single-phase currents. Single-Phase Dynamo. A single-phaj* alternator. Single-Phase Generator. A single- phase alternator. Single-Phase Motor. A uniphate motor. Single-Phase Induction Motor. An induction motor operated by uniphase currents. Single-Phase Induction Motor. An in- duction motor operated or intended to be operated on a single-phase alternating- current circuit. Single-Phase Synchronous Motor. A synchronous motor capable of being opei* ated by uniphase currents. Sin.] 927 [Sin. Single-Phase Transformer. A transfor- mer suitable for supplying or transform- ing single-phase currents. Single-Phase Winding. A single-phase armature winding. Single-Phaser. (1) An alternating-cur- rent generator of single-phase currents. (2) A uniphaser. Single-Pole Cut-Out. A cut-out by means of which the circuit is broken or cut in one of the two leads only. Single-Pole Safety -Fuse. A single pole cut-out operated by a safety fuse. Single-Pole Switch. A switch which opens or closes a circuit at one of its leads only. Single-Pole Telephone Receiver. (1) A bar-magnet telephone with a coil on one end of the bar. (2) A telephone re- ceiver in which only one magnetic pole is presented to the diaphragm, as distin- guished from a receiver in which a pair of poles, each surrounded by a coil, is pre- sented to the diaphragm. Single-Pole Telephone Switch. A fcingle-pole switch employed on a tele- phone circuit. Single Pull-Off. multiple telephone switchboard. Test Wire for Multiple Switchboard. A wire running to a multiple switchboard and connecting all the jacks of the same number in the different sections for the- Tes,] 957 [The. purpose of enabling the operator to ascer- tain whether the subscriber needed is busy. Test Wire of Metallic Circuit. (1) The return-wire of a metallic circuit. (2) In telephony, that wire in a subscriber's me- tallic-circuit loop which serves for the ' busy test at the switchboard. Test Wires. (1) The wires in a multiple telephone switchboard, by which the busy test is made. (2) Any wires or cir- cuits used in making a test. (3) Wires to be tested or undergoing a test. Testing. (1) Submitting to trial for elec- tric capabilities. (2) Determining the value of the current strength, the dif- ference of potential, the resistance, the coulombs, the farads the joules, the watts, etc., in any circuit. (3) Making electrical measurements, generally. Testing Bank. A bank of lamps, or otner inductionless resistances, employed in testing a circuit. Testing Board. A board employed in a telephone switchboard for the purpose of testing the condition of the lines. Testing Car for Railway Circuits. An electric trolley-car provided for mak- ing electric tests along a line of street railway while the car is in motion. Testing Jacks. In a multiple telephone switchboard, or distributing board, special jacks sometimes inserted in any circuit for testing such circuit. Testing Magneto. A magneto-electric machine employed to produce the high electromotive force required in testing high-resistance circuits. Testing of Joints. (1) Determining the insulation or conductor resistance of a joint in any circuit. (2) Ascertaining the resistance of the insulating material around a joint in a cable. Testing Point of Spring Jack. The tip of a spring jack. Testing Pole. A term sometimes em- ployed in electro-therapeutics for the in- different pole or electrode. Testing Posts. Hollow posts provided with a door, placed above an underground cable, into which the wires are sometimes led, employed for ease in opening and testing. '1'esting Rod. An insulated conducting rod employed in testing insulators for dipping into the liquid contained in their sheds, when inverted in a testing bath. Testing Room. (1) A room on board a cable-ship provided with instruments for cable testing and signalling. (2) A room fitted with tables and apparatus for mak- ing electrical tests. (3) In a telephone exchange, a room usually near the switch room through which all telephone lines pass and arranged for conveniently test- ing such lines. Testing Switch. In a quadruples tele- graphic system, a switch for throwing the line from the sending battery to ground through a suitable resistance, for the purpose of enabling the distant sta- tion to obtain a balance. Testing Transformer. (1) A transformer employed in any system of distribution for the purpose of testing for grounds, for the condition of the line, for drop of po- tential, etc. (2) A transformer employed in testing. Tetanus. Continuous spasmodic contrac- tion of the muscles. Tetrad Atom. An atom whose valency or atomicity is four. Tetrivalent. Possessing a valency or atomicity of four. Tetrode Working. A term applied to a four-way mode of working the Delany synchronous multiple telegraph. Thaumatrope. An optical toy depending on the persistence of the retinal image, in which two different pictures placed upon the opposite sides of a card are caused, by the rapid rotation of the card, to appear as a single picture. Theatre Dimmer. (1) A dimmer employ- ed in theatres for varying the intensity of the illumination. (2) A rheostat or chok- ing coil employed in a theatre-lighting circuit. Theatre Dimming Rheostat. A rheo- stat employed in connection with a theatre dimmer. Theatrophone. A sytem of telephonic communication between theatres or opera- houses and subscribers. Theodolite. An instrument employed for measuring angles in vertical or horizon- tal planes. Theoretical Magnet. A hypothetical magnet, assumed for the purpose of mathematical discussion as possessing in- finite length and thinness, and uniform magnetization. Therapeutic Adapter. An adapter em- ployed in electro-therapeutic work. Therapeutical Electrization. Subject- ing different parts of the human body to the action of electric currents for the cure of a diseased condition. The.] 958 [The. Therm. (1) A heat unit equal to the amount of heat required to raise the tem- perature of a gramme of water, at the temperature of its greatest density, one degree Centigrade. (2) The smaller calorie. Therm Calorie. A word sometimes used for the smaller calorie. Thermsethesiometer. An instrument employed in electro-therapeutics for test- ing the temperature sense in nervous diseases. Thermal. Of or pertaining to heat. Thermal Absorption. The absorption of heat energy during its passage through a body. Thermal Activity. (1) The activity pos- sessed by a body, arising from its heat energy. (2) The rate of doing thermal work. (3) The rate of generating heat. Thermal Balance. (1) A differential galvanometer employed for determining small differences of temperature. (2) The bolometer. Thermal Batteries. (1) Thermo-piles. (2) Thermo-electric batteries. (3) An elec- tric source operated by heat energy. Thermal Cautery. A cautery heated by ordinary heat, as distinguished from an electric cautery, or one heated by heat of electric origin. Thermal Circuit Closer. A circuit- closer operated by changes of tempera- ture. Thermal Coil of Resistance Box. A coil of wire inserted in a resistance box, and possessing a high temperature suffi- cient, for the purpose of indicating by its resistance the temperature within the box. Thermal Current. A heat current, or one due to the flow or transference of heat through a conductor. Thermal Current-Strength. The quan- tity of heat per second transmitted across any area of normal cross-section of a con- ductor. Thermal Diffusiyity. A term proposed for thermometric conductivity, or the ratio of the calorimetrical conductivity to the specific heat per unit volume. Thermal Electromotive Force of Re- sistance Coils . A thermo-electric couple inserted in a resistance box, for the purpose of determining the tempera- ture within it. Thermal Equivalent of Work. The equivalent, in heat units, of a given quantity of mechanical work. Thermal Incandescence. The shining or glowing of a substance, generally a solid, by means of heat other than that ot electric origin. Thermal Resistance. The resistance . offered by a substance to the passage of heat. Thermal Resistivity. (1) Specific ther- mal resistance. (2) The specific thermal resistance of a substance referred to the thermal resistance of a unit cube between any pair of parallel faces. Thermally Effective Value. (1) In an alternating-current circuit, the effective values from thermal measurements or considerations. (2) The square-root-of- mean-square values. Thermic Balance. A bolometer. Thermic Interrupter. A device operat- ed by the expansion of a metallic wire employed for the purpose of preventing more than a certain number of arc-lamps being used in a circuit where the current is paid for by the number of lights, rather than by the current supplied. Thermo-Barometer. (1) A device for . determining the elevation of a mountain by observing the temperature at which water boils on that elevation. (2) A hypsometer. Thermo-Battery. A term sometimes ap- plied for a thermo-electric battery. Thermo-Call. A thermo-electric call. Thermo-Cell. A thermo-electric cell. Thermo-Chemical Cell. An electric cell, in which a difference of potential is produced by the combined action of heat and chemical action. Thermo-Chemistry. That branch of chemistry which treats of the measure- ment of chemical energy in thermal units. Thermochrosy. (1) A word expressive of the fact that ordinary radiant heat, like light, consists of an assemblage of waves of different frequencies. (2) Heat coloration. Thermo-Electric Battery. A combina- tion, as a single thermo-electric source, of a number of separate thermo-electric cells or couples. Thermo-Electric Call. An instrument for electrically sounding an alarm when the temperature rises above or falls below a fixed point. Thermo-Electric Cell. A name applied to a thermo-electric couple. Thermo-Electric Couple. Any two dis- similar metals which, when connected at their ends only, so as to form a complete The.] 959 [The. electric circuit, will produce an electric current when one end is more highly heated than the other. Thermo-Electric Current. A current produced by a thermo-electromotive force. Thermo-Electric Diagram. A diagram in which the thermo-electric power be- tween different metals is given for dif- ferent temperatures. Thermo-Electric Effect. The produc- tion of an electromotive force at a thermo- electric junction by reason of the differ- ence of temperature between that junc- tion and the other junction of the couple. Thermo-Electrio Electromotive Force of Voltaic Cell. The thermo-electro- motive force produced by a voltaic couple. Thermo-Electric Element. A name ap- plied to either of the metals that form a thermo-electric couple. Thermo-Electrio Force. (1) The force produced by a thermo-electric couple. (2) The electromotive force of a thermo- electric circuit. Thermo-Electric Generator. A ther- mo-electric pile. Thermo-Electric Inversion. An inver- sion of the thermo-electromotive force of a couple at certain temperatures. Thermo-Electric Junction. A junction of a thermo-electric couple. Thermo-Electric Neutral Point. A temperature at which two thermo-elec- tric forces are equal. (2) A temperature at which a junction of two metals has no thermal E. M. F. Thermo-Electric Pair. A thermo-elec- tric couple. Thermo-Electric Pile. A thermo-elec- tric battery. Thermo -Electric Potential-Difference. Difference of potential produced by a thermo-electric cell or pile. Thermo-Electric Power. A number which, when multiplied by the difference of temperatures of a thermo-electric couple, will give the difference of poten- tial generated thereby. Thermo-Electric Series. A list of metals, so arranged as to their thermo- electric powers, that each in the series is electro-positive to any lower in the list. Thermo-Electricity. (1) The electro- motive forces developed by a thermo- electric cell or battery. (2) Electricity produced by differences of temperature at the junction of dissimilar metals. Thermo-Electriflcation. E lectrifica- tion produced by differences of tempera- ture in a thermo-electric couple. Thermo-Electrometer. A name some- times, though not happily, given to an electric thermometer. Thermo - Electromotive Force. An electromotive force or difference of poten- tial produced by differences of tempera- ture at a thermo-electric junction. Thermo-Element. A name sometimes employed for a thermo-couple Thermo-Galvanometer. A galvanome- ter employed in connection with a thermo- pile for the purpose of showing difference, of temperature by means of the currents developed. Thermo-Luminescence. Luminescence produced in a substance by heat at a temperature below that of luminosity. Thermolysis. The decomposition of a molecule by heat. Thermo-Magnetic Generator. (1) A de- vice for producing electricity by the com- bined influence of heat and magnetism. (2) A pyro-magnetic generator. Thermo-Magnetic Motor. A pyro- magnetic motor. Thermometer, Electric. A device for. determining the effects of an electric dis- charge by the movements of a liquid column due to the expansion of a con- fined mass of air through which the dis- charge is passed. Thermometric Conductivity. The. ratio of the calorimetric conductivity to, the specific heat of unit volume. Thermometric Heat. A term proposed for heat in gross matter, as distinguished from radiant heat, or wave motion in the. ether. Thermometric Resistance Coil. A coil whose resistance is known at a given temperature, and employed to determine, an unknown temperature to which it is exposed, from the change in its resistance. Thermometry. That branch of science which treats of the determination of temperature. Thermo-Multiplier. (1) A word some- times used for thermo-pile. (2) A form of low-resistance galvanometer suitable for use in connection with a thermo-pile. Thermo-Pair. A thermo-electric couple. Thermophone. (1) An electric instru- ment for producing sound by means of electricity. (2) Any instrument by means, of which sounds are produced by the ab- sorption of radiant energy. Thermo-Pile. A thermo-electric battery.^ The.] 960 [Thr. Thermo-Pile Galvanometer. A form of galvanometer for detecting small dif- ferences of temperature, in which the thermo-pile is placed within the instru- ment. Thermoscopie Receiver. A name some- times given to a microphonic receiver. Thermostat. An instrument for auto- matically maintaining a given tempera- ture by closing an electric circuit through the expansion of a solid or liquid. Thermostatic Alarm, Electric. Any electric alarm operated by the action of a thermostat. Thermostatic. Of or relating to a ther- mostat. Thermostatic Regulation. Any regula- tion, such as in the temperature of a room, effected by the action of a thermostat. Thermostatic Regulator. A regulator whose action is dependent on a ther- mostat. Thermo - Telephone. (1) A telephone transmitter consisting of a continuous wire,one end of which is connected with a transmitting diaphragm placed in circuit with the receiving telephone battery, and having a current passed through it of sufficient strength to heat the wire. (2) A telephone receiver in which the dia- phragm is set in vibration by thermally- produced changes in the length of an at- tached wire. Thermo-Tropic Battery. A name pro- posed for a form of carbon batteiy, in which the E. M. F. is produced by the ac- tion of heat. Thermo-Tropic Current. The currents produced by a thermo-tropic battery. Thief Alarm. A term sometimes em- ployed for a burglar alarm. Third -Rail Electric Railway. An electric street-car railway in which a third rail, insulated from the track, is employed for one side of the circuit, the outside rails, together with return feeders, being employed for the other side of the circuit. Thimble Brush. A suitably shaped brush employed for cleansing such sur- faces as the inside of a thimble, and so preparing them for electro-plating. Thomson. A name proposed, but not adopted, for a unit of electric conduc- tivity. Thomson Effect. (1) The production of an electromotive force in unequally heated homogeneous conducting sub- stances. (2) The increase or decrease in the differences of temperature in an un- equally heated conductor, produced by the passage of an electric current through the conductor. Thomson's Bridge. A modified form of Wheatstone's bridge employed for the measurement of very small resistances. Three Ammeter Method of Measure- ment. A method of measuring activity in an alternating-current circuit by the combined use of three ammeters in a main and branch circuits respectively. Three-Bearing Generator. (1) A belt- driven dynamo-electric generator, pro- vided with a third shaft bearing situated between the armature and the pulley. (2) A generator whose rotor shaft has three bearings. Three-Bearing Motor. (1) A belt-driv- ing motor provided with a third shaft bearing between the pulley and the ar- mature. (2) A motor whose rotor shaft has .three bearings. Three-Bearing Railway Generator. A railway-generator having three bear- ings for its rotor shaft. Three-Bladed Switch. (1) A switch provided with three blades. (2) A switch closing three circuits simultaneously. Three-Branched Spark. A form of branched spark obtained by the discharge of a Leyden jar through a peculiar form of induction coil. Three - Circuit Way - Telegraphic Switchboard. A form of telegraphic switchboard suitable for use at a way station. Three-Coil Armature Winding of Al- ternator. An armature winding pro- viding three coils in a ring armature or three slots in a drum armature for each and every pole in the field frame. Three-Coil Armature Winding of Multiphase Alternator. An armature winding providing three coils in a ring armature or three slots in a drum arma- ture, per phase, for each and every pole in the field frame. Three Corner Telegraphic Repeater. A telegraphic repeater which repeats from one circuit to two circuits. Three-Current Test to Instrumental Zero. A localization submarine cable test, in which three separate measure- ments of resistance are made with differ- ent current strengths in succession, the Wheatstone bridge balance being taken to instrument zero. Three-Filament Incandescent Lamp for Triphase Circuits. An incandes- cent lamp intended for use on triphas* Thr.] 961 [Thr. circuits provided with three leading-in wires connected to the free ends of three filaments which are connected in a com- mon joint. Three-Part Commutator. A commuta- tor made up of three insulated segments. Three-Phase Armature. An armature possessing a three-phase winding. Three-Phase Armature- Winding. An armature winding such as will enable it to produce three-phase currents. Three-Phase Bar- Winding for Arma- ture. A bar winding for an armature, such as will enable it to produce three- phase currents. Three-Phase Circuit. Any circuit suit- able for the transmission of three-phase currents. Three-Phase Coil-Winding for Arma- ture. A coil winding for an armature, such as will enable it to produce three- phase currents. Three - Phase Continuous - Current Commutating Machine. A trans- former from triphase alternating to con- tinuous currents, employing a revolving armature provided with a commutator. (2) A triphase rotary transformer. Three-Phase Currents. Three alternat- ing-currents differing in phase from one another by one-third of a cycle. Three-Phase Dynamo. A three-phase generator. Three-Phase Generator. Any generator capable of producing three-phase cur- rents. Three-Phaser. A three-phase generator. Three-Phase Meter. A meter suitable for operation on a three-phase system, for recording the energy delivered on all three branches. Three-Phase Motor. Any motor suitable for operation by three-phase currents. Three-Phase Rotary-Converter. A ro- tary converter suitable for use in connec- tion with three-phase currents. , Three - Phase Rotating - Magnetic Field. A rotating field produced by the action of a three-phase current. Three-Phase System. A system for the transmission of electric energy by means of three-phase currents. Three-Phase Transformer. Three sep- arate transformers employed for the transformation of triphase currents. Three-Phase Transmission. Transmis- sion by means of three-phase currents. Three-Phase Two-Phase Transformer. An alternating-current transformer for transforming from three-phase currents to two-phase currents. Three-Phase Working. Three-phase transmission. Three-Phaser.-y