THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES ^•0. BAKER LAVYYrf^ Digitized by tine Internet Arcliive in 2007 witli funding from IVIicrosoft Corporation littp:// Cumulative Speller and Shorthand Vocabulary Cumulative Speller AND Shorthand Vocabulary . DESIGNED FOR USE IN BUSINESS COLLEGES, ACADEMIES, ETC. By CHARLES E. SMITH Author of "A Practical Course in Touch Typewriting NEW YORK Isaac Pitmem & Sons, The Phonographic Depot 2 West 45th Stieet Toronto, Canada The Commercial Text-Book Co. The Copp, Clark Co., Limited. s Ui'i<^ PREFACE. As the title indicates, the plan of this speller is cumulative. Each lesson consists of sixteen words, the first twelve of which are respellod phonetically and defined. The syllabication, pronunciation, and definition of the remaining four words should be assigned to the student, either as homework or seat-work. A homework dictionary, containing all of these special words, is included in the speller at the end of the first hundred regular lessons. This feature of the work is intended to afford the student a ready means of acquiring the dictionary habit — a habit so essential to all phono- graphers who take pride in turning out accurate work. Nearly all of the words assigned for homework are later on repeated in the regular lessons, so that the lessons review themselves and reduce to a minimum the necessity of having special review lessons- This book can, of course, be used in the ordinarv way by those who do not know shorthand, and also by those students who have not yet finished the study of the theory. The importance of using shorthand and typewriting in conjunction with the study of spelling can hardly be over-estimated. For those who have completed the study of the theory, the following plan is recommended : Allow the students to take their spelling lesson in the typewriting department. At least two lessons should be assigned, and the students should prepare the shorthand outlines so that they can take the words in shorthand from the teacher's dictation. This dictation should not occupy more than half a minute. The students should then be required to write the words on the typewriter from the shorthand outlines, and,afterwards exchange papers and con'ect with pencils. Two of the regular lessons when taken up in this way should not occupy more than ten minutes of the teacher's time and the results will be found most gratifying. The Standard Dictionary has been the chief authority consulted in the preparation of this work. It should be noted in such words as occurrence, commission, etc, that when the accent is on the second syllable, the last letter of the first syllable is regularly repeated in the second. In forming shorthand outlinos this repeated letter may generally be omitted except in a few negative words. 449425 Cumulative Speller & Shorthand Vocabulary. LESSON 1. 1 business biz'nes An occupation; trade; profes- SlOU- 2 tele phone tel'e-fon An instniment for reproducing sound at a distant point. 3 oc cup'pence ok-kur'ens An event ; a happening. i corn-mission kom-mish'un To give a commission to; to appoint; a document confer- ring raiJc or authority. 5 persuade' per-swad' To influence by entreaty or reasoning ; to win over. 6 sep'a pate sep'a-rat To disconnect; to keep apart. 7 ex hil'a-pate ei-il'a-rat To enliven; to cheer; to stinm- late. 8 precede' pre-sed' To go, happen, or exist before. 9 succeed' suk-sed' To follow; to come next in order ; to meet with success. 10 su'per-sede' siu'per-sed' To take the place of ; to replace. 11 re ceipt' re-set' The act of receiving ; a wiitten acknowledgment of anything received. 12 pec'i-pe res'i-pe A formula ; a medical prescrip- tion. Consult homework dictiotiary. 13 ppoflcient 14 inveig^le 15 alig^nment 16 nuisance V 'V 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 -v C ma, ale, nie, all, no, rule; at, met, it, not, up, full; arm; fiu (^few), aisle, oil, out; bat/i, bathe, exact. 1 CXTMIJLATIVB SPELLER LESSON 2. 1 deri-cit 2 ap- pears' 3 cal'en dap 4 quinine def'i-sit ar-rerz' kal'en-dar kwin'ain 5 de-liP'i-OUS de-lir'i-ua 6 fac-siml-le fak-sim'i-li 7 coun'tep-feit koim'ter-fit 8 Fah'pen-helt fa'ren-hait 9 max'i-mum max'i-imim 10 min'i-mum min'i-mum 11 coup ku 12 eou'p6' ku'pa' A deficiency, or falling short in amoimt ; shortage. Something due and unpaid. A systematic an-angement of days, months, and years ; a list of events. A bitter alkaloid contained in cinchona-bai'k : used for mala- rial affections. Wandering in mind. An exact copy or reproduction. To make fraudulently; any imitation. Designating that thei'momet«r scale in which the freezing- point of water is 32° and the boiling-point 212°. The gi-eatest possible quantity, amount, or degree. The least possible quantity, amount, or degree. A sudden telling blow; a master-stroke. A low close carriage. Consult homework dictionary. 13 peppieve 14 fopfeit 15 accommodate 16 ecstasy 6 .k^.^^.. 10 .~._--^-> 14 \yy /.... 7 ..^^^^ 11-1 16 Ijl -^ 8 Ky::^_ 12 --^ ^^ ~\ Talk, ale, me, fdl, no, rule ; at, met, it, not, up, full ; AND 8HOBTHAND VOCABULARY 8 LESSON 3. 1 Pe-plev'ln re-plev'in An action to regain possession of personal property. 2 g-ran'deup gran'diiir The quality of being grand; sublimity. To suffocate. To bring or come back to life ; to revive. An association of individuals for the prosecution of some enterprise. sin-til'a A spark ; hence, a trace ; least particle. per-mit' To give consent to ; to allow, per'mit A written permission, re-sip'i-ent One who receives, sat'is-f aid Gratified to the full ; contented. 3 as-phyx'i-ate as fix'i-at 4 pe-sus'ci-tate re-sus'i-tat 5 syn'di-cate sin'di-kat 6 scin-til'la 7 pep-mit' 8 pep'mit 9 PC cip'i ent 10 sat'ls-fied 11 Sta'tion-a-Py sta'shun-e-ri Remaining in one place ; fixed. 12 sta'tion-eP'y sta'shun-er'i Writing-materials. Consjtlt homework dictionary. 13 weapied 14 heinous 15 pneumatic 16 hypocpisy 2 "^ 3 8 .A- 5 ma, ale, me, all, n5, rule; at, met, it, not, up, full; AND SHORTHAND VOCABULARY 1 in-tpin'sic 2 cap'tain 3 valiant 4 ppivi-lege 5 wpi'ting 6 col-lat'ep-al 7 pla-capd' 8 plac'apd 9 g-uest 10 gfuessed 1 1 ex eel' 12 excel lent LESSON 5. in-trin'sik Pertaining to the inherent nature of a thing or person ; real. kap'ten The commander of a vessel, or of a company of soldiers. val'yant Strong and biave. priv'i-lej A right or advantage enjoyed by certain persons. rai'ting Marking on a surface in letters ; anything written in letters. kol-lafc'er-al Attendant; accompanying. Col- lateral security, property, money, etc. given as security additional to one's personal obligation. pla-k&rd' To announce by placards, plak'ard A paper publicly displayed, as a proclamation or poster, gest A visitor; boarder. gest Conjectured ; surmised, ek-sel' To be superior to ; to surpass, ek'sel-ent Having good qualities in a high degree. Consult homework dictionary/. 13 complement 14 compliment 15 reminiscence 16 impervious -^^ 3 \^__ 4 ■^ 6 ^.. 7 ..v. 8 ."V. 9 10 11 12 irm ; fill (few), aisle, oil, out; h&th, bathe, exact. CUMULATITE SPELLEB LESSON 6. 1 mu'ci lagre miu'si-laj An adhesive solution of gum in water. 2 appraise' ap'praz' To put a value on officially ; to value. 3 urti-mo nl'ti-mo In the last month: abbrevi- ated ult. 4 ppox'i-mo prox'i-mo In or of the coming month: abbreviated prox. 5 sched'ule sked'yul A written or printed statement. 6 non'pa-peir non'pa-rel' Of unequaled excellence. 7 In-val'id in-val'id Having no force or weight; null. 8 In'va-lid in'va-lid A sickly or disabled person. 9 besiege' be-sej' To lay siege to; to beset or harass. 10 sei'zupe se'ziur (se'zliur) The act of seizing ; a sudden or violent attack ; fit ; spell. 11 sa'la-ble (sale'a-ble) sa'la-bl That may be sold ; marketable. 12 leg-'i-ble lej'i-bl That may be read easily. Consult homework dictionary. 13 emigrrate 14 immigrate 15 abstinence 16 dependent 1 2 %> 3 ^ 4 '^-^ 13 14 15 16 L ma, ale, me, all, u6, rule; at, met, it, not, up, fyll; AND SHORTHAND VOCABTTLAEY LESSON 7. 1 knack 10 11 12 nak aux-iri-a-py neu'tpal a-poro-g>ize (a-poro-g-ise) ca-tapph' ai-il'i-a-ri niu'tral a-pol'o-jaiz ka-tar' The ability to do a thing readily and well ; cleverness. That which aids. Taking neither side. To offer an apology or excuse. Inflammation of a mucous membrane, as a cold in the head or lungs, ex'pla-na'tionex'pla-na'shun Act of making plain or clear. at-tPib'ute at-trib'yut To ascribe (something) as due and belonging ; to assign. at'tPi-bute at'ri-biut That which is attributed ; a characteristic. sten-Og''pa-phy sten-og'ra-fi The art of writing by the use of contractions or symbols • shorthand. pho-nog'pa-phy fo-nog'ra-fi The art of writing by sound ; shorthand. bla'ma-ble bla'ma-bl Culpable ; deserving censure. COP-PUpt'i-ble kor-rupt'i-bl That may be coriupted ; subject to decay. Consult homework dictionary. 13 epithet 14 epitaph 15 chauffeup 16 aqueous V? '^^ V 9 10 11 *^^^ 12 ^ 13 15 J 1« C^ arm ; fiu (few;, aisle, oil, out ; ba 12 V 16 .a ma, ale, me, all, d5, rule ; at, met, it, not, up, full * A.ND 8HOETHAND VOCABULABy 9 LESSON 9. 1 pep-eep'ti-ble per-sep'ti-bl That may be seen oi* appre- hended. 2 lr-l»ep'a-pa-ble ir-rep'a-ra-bl That can not be repaired, or rectified. 3 OC'ca-sion ok-ka'zhun An occurrence ; opportunity for some action, v. To cause. 4 an'thra-cite an'Mra-sait Mineral coal of nearly pure carbon ; hard coal. 5 bi-tu'ml-nous bi-tiu'mi-nus Containing mineral pitch, as soft coal. par'a-fer- Miscellaneous articles of equip- na'li-a ment; trappings. trans-port' To carry from one place to another; to banish ; to fill with delight, or ecstasy. trans'port A vessel for conveying troops, etc. ; delight ; ecstasy. pres'e-dent An example in the past that may be given as an authority ; previous usage- prez'i-dent A governing officer ; chief mag- istrate of a republic. thar'f or For that reason ; on that ground or account ; consequently. thar-for' For that; for this; for it. 6 pap'a-phep- na'li-a 7 tpans-popf 8 tpans'popt 9 ppec'e-dent 10 ppes'i-dent 1 1 thepe'fope 12 thepe-fop' Consult homework dictionary. I3deppecate H deppeciate isitinepant iBaccessopy \ 5 -\3 9 'V ,s 1^. ' V 10 % u i^ ^ K 11 ■} 15 :i_. r K 12 I 16 -^ &rm; fiu (few), aisle, oil, out; h&th, bathe, exact. 10 CUMULATITK SPELLBB 1 arfl-da'vlt af'i-da'vit 2 ma-Jop'i-ty ma-jor'i-ti 3 mi-nop'1-ty mi-nor'i-ti 4 5 6 naph'tha g^pa'tis sum'ma-py naf7^a gra'tis gum'a-ri 7 8 9 fpe quent' fpe'quent ceil'ing: fre-kwent' fre'kwent sel'mg 10 searing: sel'ing 11 ad hep'ence ad-her'ens 12 ad-hep'ents ad-her'ents LESSON 10. A voluntary sworn declaration in writing. The greater part ; excess ; legal age. The smaller number ; the state of being under legal age. A volatile, inflammable oil. Without recompense ; freely. An abridged account, a. Con- cise ; instant. To visit often. Occurring or appearing often. The overhead covering of a room. Fastening with a seal ; closing tightly. The act or state of adhering ; attachment. Followers; those who are devoted or attached. Commit homework dictionary. 13 variegated 14 ingredient is aggrandize 16 competitor \ X 5 n. 9 pr-. 13 ^y^ 6 e~^ 10 P-: 14 -^ 7 ^ 11 ^- 15 .n. 8 .5:^. 12 1^ 16 ^ ma,, ale, me, all, n5, rule ; at, met, ic, uoti, up full ; AND SHORTHAND VOCABULARY 11 1 aman'u- en'sis 2 i den'ti fy 3 mis-speir 4 license 5 vi'cious LESSON 11. a-man'yu- One who copies manuscript or en'sis takes dictation. ai-den'ti-fai To assert or pi'ove to be the same. mis-spel' lai'sens vish'ns 6 ppev'a-lence prev'a-lons 7 in cense' 8 in'cense 9 transient 10 fop'eig-n 11 assistance 12 assistants in-8*ns in'scns tran'si-cnt (tran'shent) for'en as-sist'iins as-sibt'ants To spell wrongly. To authorize; to permit- Addicted to vice ; depraved ; unruly. The act, state, or quality of being prevalent, or widely extended. To inflame or incite to anger. An aromatic substance that exhales perfume in burning. Lasting but a short time ; brief. Of or from another country ; alien. Help ; aid ; support. Those who assist, or help ; helpers. Consult homework dictionart/. 13 precede H proceeds 15 analyze 16 isolate 1 .-.^^ 5 \^ 9 \^ 13 ?N.- 2 1, 6 "N^^ 10 V^ 14 V 3 "^V 7 ^^ 11 A 15 r * Q. 8 ^_^ 12 \ 16 > arm; fiu ^few), aisle, oil, out; h&th, bathe, ezact. 2~ (446) 12 1 ex-tpeme' ex-trem 2 singing- sing'ing 3 singeing Binj'Ing 4 a-lign'ment a-lain'm 5 villain vil'en 6 ruffl-an ruf'i-an 7 rebel' re-bel' 8 peb'el reb'el 9 cup'pant kur'ant 10 cup'pent kur'ent 1 1 pro fl'cient 12 re-ppieve' CUMULATIVE SPELLER LESSON 12. The utmost degree or limit The uttering of sweet or melo- dious sounds. Burning slightly. a-lain'ment Placing in a line. A vile, wicked person- A lawless, brutal person ; a marauder. To resist authority by force. One who lesists authority. A small beri-y ; a seedlc-s raisin. Running ; passing from one to another; authentic. pro-fish 'ent Skilled ; expert ; well-advanced. re-prev' Temporarily to suspend a sentence. Consult hometcorJc dictionari/. 13 deficit 14 pneumonia 15 neupalgia 16 adjoupn 1 3«] 2 5.^,^ 4 C- 9 /, 10 ^^ ,3 \ ^ 14 ^^_^ 15 ^Yj 16 1^ mS., ale, me, all, no, rule ; at, met, it, not, up, full ; AND SHORTHAND VOCABULARY LESSON 13. 13 1 cat'e-gro'py 2 hy'bpid 3 ac cu'mu-late ak-kiu'mii 4 nui'sance niu'sans 5 fa-ce'tious fa-se'ehus 6 jeop'apd-y jep'ard-i 7 refuse' re-fiiiz' 8 refuse ref'ius 9 attendants kat'e-gor'i Any comprehensive class or description of things. hai'brid Mixed ; produced from incon- gruous or different sources ; a mongrel. ak-kiu'miu-lat To bring together ; to amass. An annoyance; vexation. Humorous ; jocular ; witty. Peril; exposure to death or injury. To decline ; to reject ; to deny. Rubbish ; anything discarded or worthless. at-tend'ants Those who accompany or wait upon ; servants. 10 at-tend'ance at-tend'ans The act of attending. 11 Inveigle in-ve'gl To lead astray ; to entice. 12 forfeit for'fit A penalty for a fault ; to lose. Consult homework dictionary. 13 resuscitate 14 miniature is receptacle i6 competent ^. 8 /\. \ 9 is, 10 ^ 11 tA^ 12 V^/v 13 /^ 14 15 /.__ arm; fiu (.few), eiisle, oil, out; h&th, bathe, exact. 14 CUMULATIVE 8PELLBR LESSON 14. I spon-ta'ne-OUSspon-ta'ne-us Produced without apparent cause ; arising from inherent qualities. diii'bi-u8 Doubtful ; ambiguous. ve'hi-kl A carriage; a medium by which something is trans- mitted or applied. ak-kom'o-dat To help; to provide for; to conform. 2 du'bi-ous 3 ve'hi-ele 4 ac-com'ino- date 5 pap'ti-Cle par'ti-kl 6 £^uap'an-tee' gar'an-te' 7 au'gGP 8 au'grur 9 occur' 10 oc-cupped' 1 1 weap'ied a'gur ok-kur' ok-kurd' wer'id 12 ac'qui-esce' ak'wi-es' A very small pnrt ; an unin- flected part of speech. To promise to perform under penalty for non-fiilliluiont. A boring tool. To foretell from omens; a prophet. To happen. Happened. Tired ; fatigued. To remain satisfied with. Con-iult homework dictionary. 13 intepcede 14 pupveyop 15 malleable 16 campaigrn 1 Vp 5 \y— 9 ^ 13 -f 2 -U 6 _^ 10 ^ 14 VV 3 V 7 ^ 11 ^^ 15 ^-{\ 4 1" ^ "^T.. 12 c^ 16 _^ ma, ale, me, all, no, rule ; at, met, it, not up, full ; AND SHORTHAND VOCABULARY , 13 LESSON 15. krai-te'ri-ou A standard for comparison. Fitly ; becomingly ; regularly. A feeling of dulness ; listless- ness. Rapture ; joyous excitement. An external valve controlling the supply of liquid. Hurtful ; injurious. The sixtieth part of an hour. Exceedingly small. Stated allowance for services. A biennial herb. Very wicked ; atrocious. 12 va'Pi-e-gafed va'ri-e-gafed Diversified; marked with dilferent colors. I cpi-te'pi-on krai-te'ri-( 2 duly diii'li 3 lan'guop lang'gwor 4 ec'sta-sy ek'sta-si 5 fau'cet fa'set 6 dere-te'pi-ous del"e-te'ri- 7 min'ute min'it 8 minute' mi-nixit' 9 sal'a-py sal'a-ri 10 cel'ep-y sel'er-i 11 hei'nous ha'nus Consult homeivork dictionary. isintpinsic 14 ostensible 1 5 acclamation 16 vitreous (f 7 .L 11 *^ 1^ 4 y(r:>.^^.^ 8 Y, 12 S^ 16 ma, ale, me, all, no, riile ; at, met, it, not, up, full AND SHORTHAND VOCABTTIiABT LESSON 21. 21 1 mep'can-tile mer'kan-til Commercial; pertaining to mer- chants. A white crystalline poison. 2 stpych'nin strik'nin ^stpych'nine) 3 a'que-OUS a'kwe-us Watery. 4 eom'pli-naent kom'pli-ment To express admiration. 5 ppod'i-gy prod'i-ji A thing exciting wonder; a monstrosity. 6 pap'OX-ysm par'ox-izm A periodic attack of disease; a convulsion. To assimilate, physically or mentally. A systematic airangement of wi-itings. Metallic coinage. Appai'ently right; plausible. To send in return, as money in payment for goods; also, to transmit. Something sent in return. 7 di-grest' di-jest' 8 di'g-est dai'jest 9 spe'cie spe'shi 10 specious spe'shus 11 pe-mit' re-mit' 12 pe mit'tance re-mit'ans Consult homework dictionary. 13 amanuensis 14 p^vepsible 15 essence 16 minutiae ) ) 10 11 12 •V 13 ^-^^^ 14 yv 16 arm; fiu (few), aisle, oil, out; h&th, bathe, exact. 22 CUMULATIVE SPELLER LESSON 22. 1 bound'a-py bonnd'a-ri A limit ; an object indicating a limit. 2 a-gree'ment a-gre'ment Mutual assent; coming into accord ; a contiuct. 3 coun'sel koun'sel To advise. 4 im-pep'vi-OUS im-per'vi-us Pennitting no passage. 5 dep'pe-cate dep're-kat To express disapproval. 6 mon'o-gPSiin. mon'o-gram Two or more lettei-s wi-itten a; one. 7 SUP-Vey' 8ur-va' To deteimine a boundary. 8 SUP-vey'OP aur-va'or One who sm-veys or overlooks. 9 en-POl' en-rol' To place on record ; to register. (en-poH) 10 en-pol'ment en-rol'ment The act of placing on a roll, or (en-poll'ment) registering. 11 OP'di-nance or'di-nans An authoritative regulation. 12 OPd'nance ord'nans Heavy guns ; artillery. Consult Jiomeworh dictionary. 13 singeing i4 responsible is exchequer i6 chancellor 1 S/ 5 I 9 ^ 13 '^ 2 ,_^ 6 .-: -:^-:7: 10 ^^ 14 /S. 3 ZT^^ 7 c,A^ 11 ^~P 15 ~f 4 ^/V.., 8 a^^ 12 X^ 16 l^ ma, ale, me, all, u6, riile ; at, met, it, not, up, full; AND SHORTHAND VOCABULARY LESSON 23. gram 'map gfram'ar 23 2 sep'g-eant sar'jent The science of language and the art of speaking. A non-commissioned officer. 3 in-gre'di-ent in-gre'di-ent An element in a mixture or compound. 4 Chap'la-tan shar'la-tan A quack ; one making extrava- gant pretensions. 5 ppo'ceeds pro'sedz Results; returns. (> an'te-ce'dent an'te-se'dent Going before ; prior. 7 tpans fep' trans-fer' To make over to another. 8 tpans'fep trans'fer The act of transfen-ing ; a street car ticket. 9 human hiu'man Belonging to man. 10 humane' hiu-man' Having the feelings of man ; kind ; tender ; refined. 1 1 fop'mep ly for'mer-li In time past ; heretofore. \2 fopm'al ly form'al-i In a formal manner. Consult homework dictionary. 13 facetious H competence 15 amenable 16 antique 1 !^. 5 2 o^ 6 3 -^ 7 4 n. 8 ^ I 9 10 11 12 A-:> 13 H :.^. 15 16 arm; fiu ffew), aisle, oil, out; h&th, bathe, exact. 24 CUMULATIVE SPELLER LESSON 24. 1 Viria§^e vil'aj A collection of houses smaller than a town. 2 cod'i-cil kod'i-sil A supplement to a will or testament. 3 ag^'gran-dize ag'ran-daiz To make gi-eat; to exalt. 4 de-pre'ci-ate de-prc'shi-at To unden-ate ; to lessen the worth of. To place in a detached position. To coiTCct with the rod. To oppose. Anything set before the raind or senses ; ultimate purpose. An unnaturalized foreign re- sident. One who studies insanity. 11 af -flpm'a-tive af-ferm'a-tiv Asserting a fact; aasenting. 12 ne^'a-tive neg'a-tiv Denying a fact ; vetoing. Consult homework dictionary. 13 spontaneous 14 ippesistible 15 valuable 16 tabular 5 i'so-late (is'o late) ai'so-lat (is'o-lat) 6 chas tise' (chas tize') chas-taiz' 7 object' ob-jekt' 8 ob'jeet ob'jekt 9 alien a'lien 10 alienist a'lien-ist 1 W7- 5 1 9 C '3 \^ 2 .1: 6 <- 10 G 14 ::^-- < 3 '2%^ 7 > '' "n '5 .V/S 4 ■kj 8 > 12 —\ le .1^. ma, ale, me, all, no, rule; at, met, it, not, up, fyll ; AND SHORTHAND VOCABULARY LESSON 25. 25 1 mu nic'i pal rriMi nis'i-pal 2 an-ni'hi- la'tion an-nii'tii- la'shun 3 com-pet'i-top kom-pet'i-tor 4 i-tin'ep ant ai-tin'er-ant 5 an'a-lyze (an'a lyse) an'a-laiz 6 kin'dep- g-ap'ten kin'der- gar'tn 7 ppo test' pro-test' 8 ppo'test pro'test 9 lieu liu 10 lieu ten'ant liu-ten'ant (lef -ten'ant) 11 mopt'g-a gee' mor'ga-je' 12 mOPt'g'a-gOP mor'ga-jor Belonging to a town or city. Utter destruction. One who competes. Going from place to place. To examine minutely. A play -school for young chil- di-en. To assert or deny earnestly. The act of protesting ; declara- tion of non-payment. Place ; stead : as, in lieu of. An officer acting for a superior ; a deputy. One who lends money on the security of property. One who boiTOws money on the security of property. Consult homeuork dictionary. i3deletepious 14 existence 15 contemptible iBg^lobulap 1 -^-v^-- 5 T 9 .^ 13 y^P 2 ^ 6 ,._^- 10 .fX. or (^^^ 14 :zP. 3 ■^ ' '^ " ^ 15 t^ 4 i- ' ^ 12 .r^. 16 r^:.z\. arm ; fiu (few), aisle, oil, out ; batA, bathe, exact. 26 CUMULATIYE SPBLLBB LESSON I ap-peap'ance ap-per'ans 2 in'can- des'cent inlcan- des'ent 3 complete' kom-plet' ' 4 ac ces'so py ak-ses'ori 5 a'ppo pos' a'pv6-p6' 6 g-ap'nish ee' gar'nish-e' 7 ppe-mise' pre-maiz' 8 ppem'is es prem'is-ez 9 skill skil 10 skilful (skillful) skil'ful 11 em'ploy-ee' em'ploi-e' 12 em-ploy'ep em-ploi'er 26. Coming into view ; personal presence. Made white with heat. To finish ; to fulfil. Contributing; aiding to the principal agent. Opportune; appropriate. One lawfully warned not to deliver money or goods. To make an introductory state- ment. Introdiictoiy statements or conditions ; land with or without buildings. Familiar knowledge ; dexterity ; efficiency. FuU of skiU. One who works for another. One who has others to work for him. Consult hometoork dictionary. 13 cuisine 14 intepmittent 15 lattice 16 moptap 1 ..x^ 5 X 9 ^. 13 C- 15 a. 4 -^^ 8 'VT, .v:X 16 !Zr. ma ale, me, all, no, rule ; at, met, it, not, up, full ; AND SHORTHAND VOCABULARY 27 1 ex'tpaop'di- na-py ex'tror'di- ne-ri 2 scheme skem 3 con'sci- en'tious kon'shi- en'shus 4 divisible di-viz'i-bl 5 in-au'gu pate 6 vet'ep-i-na-py 7 subject' 8 subject 9 pee'la- ma'tion LESSON 27. Out of the common ; remarkable. A plan ; a combination. Governed by conscience ; mor- ally right. Capable of being cut up into parts. in-a'giu-rat To begin with proper cere- monies. vet'er-i-ne-ri Pertaining to the diseases of domestic animals. 10 whith'ep 1 1 wheth'ep 12 weatli'ep sub-jekt' sub'jekt rek*la- ma'shun whith'er whetli'er weth'er To bring under the power of ; to subdue. One who is governed ; some- thing treated in a special way. Restoration. To what place. Which of two. Condition of the atmosphere ; to overcome difficulties. Consult homework dictionary. 13 pandom h disciple 15 laudable 16 tubulap "T, ^ .^rzr... 9 ^''^ 13 h. 10 ■c/- 14 > 11 O' 15 > 12 ^ ^ arm ; fiu (few), aisle, oil, out ; baf/t, bathe, exact. 3-(446) 18 CUMULATIVE SPELLER LESSON 28. 1 de-fend'ant de-fend'ant A person against whom a legal action is brought. 2 plaintiff plan'tif One beginning a legal action. 3 eon -fig'u- pa'tion kon-fiff'ytt- ra'shnn Arranging in a given form or shape. 4 appap'el ap-par'el To cover or clothe ; clothing. 5 do'nop do'nor One who gives. 6 mis'cel- la'ne-ous mis'el- la'ne-u8 Of several kinds ; mixed- 7 mis'con-duct' mislfon-dukt' To behave badly. 8 mis-con'duct mis-kon'dukt Bad behavior. 9 ppom'is-SO'py prom'i-so'ri Expressing a promise. Exalted mental power. A group of similai' things divis- ible into a smaller class or species. A gi'oup of similar things belonging to a larger class or genus. 10 grenlus jen'yus 11 gre'nus je'nus 12 spe'cies spe'shei Consult homeworJc dictionary. 13 metallic 14 discepnible 1 5 ostentatious 16 incessant I I 5 L 9 ^C^ 13 w^ 2 ^ 6 ^-c^ 10 4 '^ V 3 V^ 7 T 11 i3 ■^ b 4 \//' 8 z 12 b '« -^ mil, ale, me, all, no, rule; at, met, it, not, up, fi^: AND 8HOBTHAND VOCABTTLABY 29 LESSON 29. 1 min'i-a-tUPe min'i-a-tiur Much smaller than reality ; a small painting or portrait. 2 pneu-mo'ni-a niu-mo'ni-a Inflammation of lung tissue. 3 gpate'ful grat'ful Thankful. 4 eop"pe- kor" - Written communications ; adap- spond'ence spond'ens tation of one thing to another. 5 la'bel la'bei A mark denoting contents or ownership. 6 pup-vey'OP pur-va'or One who furnishes supplies. 7 ab-stpact' ab-strakt' To take away ; to abridge. 8 ab'stpact ab'strakt A summary ; not concrete ; ex- isting only in thought. 9 di-vep'sion di-ver'shun Amusement ; the act of turning aside. 10 pee'pe-a'tion rek''re-a'8hun Amusement; refreshment after labor. 11 as'slgn-ee' as"in-e' One to whom property is legally transferred. 12 as"sig^n-OP' as'in-or' One who assigns property or rights. Consult homework dictionary. 13 apologry 14 tangfible 15 convalescent 16 magrnificence 1 5 /X 9 1^ 13 V7 2 .^.^^ 6 VV 10 y^ 14 4 ''~\_s> 8 arm; fiu (few), aisle, oil, out; h&th, bathe, exact. 30 OUMTIULTIVE SPBLLSB 1 neup-argi-a 2 rescind' 3 in'de- pend'ence 4 ec-cen'tpic 5 pe-cep'ta-cle 6 malleable 7 compound' 8 com'pound 9 debit 10 debt'op 11 qualified 12 aggrieve' LESSON 30. niiir-arji-a A sharp, sudden pain in a nerve. re-sind' To cut off; to repeal or make void a legal act. in'de- Freedom from reliance on pend'ens others. ek-sen'trik Peculiar ; erratic ; not having the same center. re-sep'ta-kl A thing that contains or holds other things. mal'e-a-bl Capable of being hammered without breaking. kom-pound' To make by combining; to make terms. kom 'pound Made up of two or more parts or ingi-edients. deb'it To chai-ge, as with debt ; some- thing owed. det'or One who is in debt. kwol'i-faid Having necessary or certain qualities or conditions. ag-grev' To cause son-ow ; to oppress. Consult homework dictionary. 13 panorama 14 flexible 15 conscious 16 tenacious 1 .t2!?. 5 A- 9 2 .^... 6 c::CS. 10 3 ^^ 7 ^ 11 4 -^._^ 8 "^ 12 13 V^^Hi 15 K 2 /x) 3 U^ 4 n 5 \? 9 ^ 13 \.y^-X5^ 6 ^ '' -/^- 14 \ 7 V 1 1 \ 15 -/ 8 .V 12 S, 16 \ arm ; fiu (few), aisle, oil, out ; h&th, bathe, exact. 32 1 pep'Jupe CtJMUIiATlTB SPET.T.EB LESSON 32. I)er'jur To speak falsely under oath. 2 oom'pe-tent kom'pe-tent Having sufficient authority ; qualified. 3 in-flarn'ma- in-flam'a-bl Readily set on fire ; easily ble excited. 4 eon'tPO-vep'sykon'tro-ver'si A dispute ; a debate. 5 vit'pe-OUS vit'i-e-us Glassy ; having the qualities of glass. 6 ap'pep-tain' ap'er-tan' To belong by right. 7 in-hep'it-ance in-her'it-ans Something received from a parent or ancestor. 8 in-hep'ent in-her'ent Essential; a pei-manent quality. 9 dis-ease' diz-ez' A morbid or abnoi-mal condition. 10 de-cease' de-ses' Departui-e from life ; death. 1 1 COUP'ag^e kur'aj The mental quality which'meets dangers or difficulties calmly and fii-mly. 12 caP'Piagre kar'ij A wheeled vehicle. Consult homework dictionary. 13 opdinance 14 ppe valence 15 dispapity 16 embezzle 6 V-- ,0 .3. 3 .^f~>3^ ' ^ 11 "7 ' I 13 15 '^ V 12 :z^_. 16 ^ ma, ale, me, all, no, rule; at, met, it, not, up, fi^; AND SHORTHAND VOCABULARY 33 1 nee'tap nek'tar 2 su'pep-vlse' siu^per-vaiz 3 in'dis- pen'sa-ble in'dis- pen'sa-bl 4 in-tel'li-grence m-tel'i-jens 5 bap'srain bar'gen 6 su'pep- sti'tious siu'per- stisli'ua 7 im-popt' im-port' 8 im'popt im'port 9 alias a'li-as 10 alibi al'i-bai 1 em'pha-sis em'fa-sis 12 em'pha-size em'fa-saiz LESSON 33. A delicious drink. To look over ; to superintend. Necessary or requisite for the purpose. Mental ability ; news. To agree ; to trade ; to negoti- ate ; to haggle. Disposed to believe falsely or unreasonably. To bring in from abroad. Meaning; signification. An assumed name. A plea of being elsewhere when a crime was committed. An effort of the voice in speaking ; any special demon- stration. To speak with special stress or earnestness. Consult homework dictionary, ^ 13 sepgreant 14 pepmissible 15 intepspepse 16 optical 1 ^ 5 ^ ^^ 6 3 ■\ 7 * 7 8 9 10 II 12 r arm; fiu (few), aisle, oil, out; ba//i, bathe, exact. 34 1 op'ep-a'tion op'sr-a'shu 2 sup-ppise' 8ur-praiz' 3 vigilance vij'i-lans 4 o-be'di-ence o-bc'di-ens 5 sa-g>a'cious sa-^a'shiis 6 civilize (civilise) siv'i-laiz 7 con-cert' kon-sert' 8 concept kon'sert 9 op'u-lent op'yu-lent 10 pli'ant plai'ant 11 plaint plant 12 pe-al'it-y re-al'i-ti CXJMOLATITE 8PELLEK LESSON 34. op'sr-a'shun A mode of action; a working U) bring result. To astonish; an unexpected event. Watchfulness ; alei'tness. Dutiful ; complying with law or behest. Shrewd ; wise ; ready to decide. To reclaim from savagery. To act together ; to agree- A m\Ksical performance by a number of persons ; any agi-ee- ment of persons. Having much property. Easily bent; lithe; supple. Uttei-ance of soitow; a legal writ. The state of being ; actuality. Consult homework dictionary. 13 pealty 14 codicil 15 ppejudice 16 pumop 1 V 5 ^ 2 !:^ ^ •^■ 3 -y 7 ^ ' ^ 8 -^ 9 10 12 XI 13 _/]. 15 ^ 16 = \ 9 -VI. 13 ^ n 2 /u 6 y^ 15 ;^ 8 :\... 12 .-^X^* 16 Vs^ arm; fiu (few), aisle, oil, out; batft, bathe, exact. 40 CUMULATITS 8PBLLBB LESSON 40. 1 lp'l»e-sist'l-tole ir're-zist'i-bl That which cannot be success- fully opposed. 2 syn-op'sis sin-op 'sis A general view; a summary; an abstract. 3 chan'oel-lop chan'sel-or A high oflB.cer in legal, govern- ment, or university life. 4 where 'a- whar'a-bouts A place neai* which a person or bouts thing is placed. 5 com'pe-tence kom'pe-tens Ability; sufficiency; qualifica- tion. A sailor's or soldier's leave of absence. A collection of books, or other documents. Plural of library. High in station, merit, or esteem; distinguished. Close at hand ; impending. To weigh; a pair of scales; difference between two sides of an account. 12 bal'an-cingr bal'an-sing Weighing ; poising ; keeping in equilibrium. 6 fuplougrh furao 7 li'bra-py laiTara-ri 8 li'bpa-pies lai'bra-riz 9 em'i-nent eni'i-nent 10 im'mi-nent im'i-nent 11 bal'ance bal'ans Consult hometeork dictionary. 13 eccentric 14 exorbitant 1 5 insolvency 1 6 defalcate 1 %■ 6 -^V" 9 10 ^-~^_A-^ 13 _«i ^ 3 .^ 4 (;^^ 7 ^<\/ 8 ./:A^ 11 12 »5 ^ 16 L ma, ale, me, all, no, rtile; at, met, it, not, up, f^; AKD SHOBTHAND TOCABTJLABY LESSON 41. 1 dis-ci'ple dis-sai'pl 41 One who accepts or follows a teacher. 2 a-me'na-ble a-me'na-bl Tractable ; willing and ready to submit. 3 con-sen 'sus kon-seu'sus General agreement ; collective , opinion. glob'yu-lar Spherical; globe-shaped. kon'va-les'ent Recovering health after sick- ness. bangk'rupt Unable to pay one's debts ; insolvent. A protection or guard against harm ; justification ; apology. Intended or suitable for defense. A narrow passage of water ; any narrow passage. Direct ; not crooked ; unbroken ; uninterrupted. To submit to another for infor- mation or decision. Submitted to another. 4 glob'u-lap glob'yu-la 5 con'va- les'cent kon'va-les 6 bank'pupt bangk'ruf 7 de-fense' (de-fence') de-fens' 8 de-fen'sive de-fen'siv 9 strait strat 10 stpaigrht strat 11 pe-fep' re-fer' 12 pe-ftepped' re-ferd' Consult homework dictionary. 13 pesoupces 14 vouchep 15 fopg-epy 16 monetapy 1 K ' ^ 9 ^. « u^ 12 ^ 16 ^^^ arm ; fiu (few), aisle, oil, out ; bat/t, bathe, escact. 42 CUMULATIVE BPELLBE LESSON 42. 1 im-pep'a-tive im-per'a-tiv Expressive of command ; obli- gatory- 2 rep^ep-toire' rep'er-twar' A stock of pieces ready at command. 3 peP"pen- per'pen- At right angles to any straight die'u-laP dik'yu-lar line (vertical). 4 ex-pe'ri-enee ex-pe'ri-ens Knowledge obtained personally. 5 par-al'y-sis par-al'i-sis Inability to move; loss of active power. 6 pap'a-chute par'a-shut An umbrella-shaped apparatus used by balloonists. 7 sep'a-Pate sep'a-rat To disconnect ; to keep apart. 8 pa-Pade' pa-rad' A ceremonious procession, as of troops. 9 com-pape' kom-par' To examine with reference to likeness or unlikeness. 10 eom-pap'i-son kom-par'i-son The act of comparing. 11 pap'a-pet par'a-pet A low wall affording slight protection ; breastwork. 12 pam'papt ram'part An embankment around a fort. Consult homework dwtionary, 13 appapatus H papallel 15 pepmeate 16 perpetpate 2 y^ 6 X/? 10 \J^ 14 3 \/\ 7 N 11 V^.. 15 n 13 . ^ 2:ii.r3 6 A^ 10 :a, 14 ./2i 4 "~^ 8 ^ 12 ^ 16 arm ; fiu (few), aisle, oil, out ; ba(/(, bathe, exact 4-U46) 44 CUMULATIVE SPELLER LESSON 44. 1 ex-ist'ence ex-ist'ens 2 tan'gri-ble tan'ji-bl 3 can'celed kan'seld (cancelled) 4 valu-a-ble 5 ac-knowl'edg- ak-nol'ej- ment State of being or existing; life; continued being. Pei-ceptible to the touch ; visible. Marked out ; obliterated. ment 6 believe' 7. be-Uev'ing 8 im pan'el val'yu-a-bl Having value; costly; esteemed. An admission, as of receipt ; avowal ; confession. be-lev' To accept as true; to have faith. be-lev'ing Having faith. im-pan'el To enroll upon a jury list ; to swear in a jury. 9 im-pan'el-ing iiu-pan'el-ing The act of forming a jury. (im panel-ling') 10 apch arch To curve; to span; roguish; sly. 11 aPC ark Anything in the shape of a bow ; an arch. 12 ap'clli-tect ar'ki-tekt One who plans a building ; a builder. Consult homework dictionary. 13 opulent 14 millinery is synonymous i6 administrator . :4 5 "^ 9 -y- 6 V 10 3 TT^ 7 K 11 ^ S^. 8 ^^ 12 ^ 13 \v^ 14 15 ^;^J 16 U/ mk, ale, me, all, no, rule; at, met, it, not, up, full; AND SHORTHAND VOCABULARY 45 LESSON 45. 1 Pec'om-pense rek'om-pens To repay ; to give an equivalent 2 pe-mu'nep-atere-miu'ner-at To pay for senrices. 3 al'ti-tude al'ti-tiiid Height ; vertical elevation. 4 dy'na-mo dai'na-mo A machine for generating electricity. 5 con-stit'u-ent kon-stit'yu-ent A necessary part; a voter. 6 ac-ces'si-ble ak-ses'i-bl Approachable ; easily reached or attained. Hose, stockings, etc. An adhesive substance foi uniting stone, glass, etc. ; to unite firmly. To impose a penalty, especially for a crime ; to declare unfit for use. 10 eon-demn'ing kon-dem'ing Imposing a penalty; convicting. 11 in-i'tial in-ish'al Standing at the beginning or head ; the first letter of a name or word. 12 in-i'tialed in-ish'ald Marked with an initial. (in-i'tialled) 7 ho'siep-y 8 ce-ment' 9 eon demn' ho'zier-i (ho'zher-i) se-ment' kon-dem' Consult homework dictionary. 13 fascinate i4 volatile is sarsaparilla 16 certificate 1 -\ 5 ^. 9 U 13 W.. 2 .^^.r^r-™ 6 -^ 10 U^ 14 \J^ 3 ^.. 7 i/ 11 ^. 15 _^^^_ 4 Ln, 8 „ 12 v-<:y 16 oV arm ; fiu (few), aisle, oil, out ; bat/i, bathe, exact. 46 CUMULATIVE SPELLKC 1 tabu-lap 2 chenille' 3 con tempt'i- ble 4 tickler 5 in-ces'aant 6 in'tep- mit'tent 7 ppin'ci-pal 8 ppin'ci-ple 9 mem'o- pan'dum LESSON 46. tab'yu-ltir Arranged in the form of a table or list. she-nel' A soft, fluffy cord. kon-tempt'i-bl Vile ; despicable. tik'ler A reminder, or collection of memoranda; one who tickles. in-ses'ant Continued ; without leaving ofE. in'ter-mit'ent Occurring from time to time, with more or less regularity. First in rank, character, or value; a leader; property as opposed to interest. prin'si-pal prin'si-pl luem o- ran'dum A general truth; inherent characteristic. A note to help the memory. 10 mem'o-Pan'da mem''o-ran'da Plui*al of memorandum. 11 corn-pel' kom-pel' To drive by force; to over- power. 12 con-tPOl'ling" kon-trol'ing Directing ; resti-aining ; govem- ixig. Consult homework dictionary. 1 preparation 14 alcohol i5 withdrawal le superfluous • 1^ 5 ^_a. 9 s:::^^ ,3 X^ 2 .± 6 ^ 10 ^^-s/-) - f " k ' .V u V " ^ • ^ 8 .% 12 y-^ ■« \. ma ale, me, all, no, rule; at, met, it, not, up, fyll; AND SHORTHAND VOCABULARY 47 LESSON 47. 1 ho'ping^ ho'ping 2 ob-lit'er-ate ob-lit'er-at 3 lat'tice lat'is 4 eou'pon' ku'pon' 5 mag-nif'i- oence mag-nif'i-sens 6 caout'chouc ku'cliuk 7 tubular tiuTsiu-lar 8 si'ne-cupe sai'ne-kiur (sin'e-kiur) 9 syn'co-pe sin'ko-pi (sing'ko-pe) 10 liniment Hn'i-ment 11 lin'e-ap lin'e-ar 12 lin'e-al lin'e-al Cherisliing a desire ; trusting confidently that good will come. To wipe out ; to destroy without leaving any trace. Openwork made by the crossing of strips or bars. A ticket entitling the holder to some advantage, usually monetary. The state or condition of being great in character or action. India-rubber ; the juice of the tree from which it is made. Tube-shaped ; pipe-like ; pro- vided with tubes. An office or position having pay with few or no duties. A fainting fit ; the dropping of a vowel or syllable from the midst of a word. A liquid preparation applied to braises, etc. Of the nature of a line; con- sisting of lines. Made with lines; a pedigree descending in one line. Con-tult homework dictionary. 13 phenomena 14 tacit 15 mnemonic 16 nondesopipt -^ 6 Z2^ 10 ./^.. 14 a. '^ •> .^ ■' r arm; fiu (few), aisle. qU, out; h&th, bathe, exact. 48 CUMULATIVB SPELLER LESSON 48. 1 Pe-qvill»e'mentre-kwair'ment That which is demanded or claimed. 2 dis-cernl-ble di-zem'i-bl Capable of being seen or perceived. A tough knot in wood ; to growl. A mixture of sand and lime used in building ; a vessel in which drugs, etc. are pounded; a short cannon. A short, light cannon. Praiseworthy. To break ; to violate. 9 e-lim'i-nate e-lim'i-nat To cast out ; reject ; remove. 10 ppe-lim'i-na- pre-lim'i-ne-ri That which precedes the main py business; introductory. 11 al'to-geth'er al'to-geth'er Wholly; completely. 12 al'ways al'waz Perpetually; invariably. Consult homework dictionarp. 13 routine 14 instantaneous 15 storagre 16 incorporate 3 grnapl n&rl 4 mop'tar mor'tar 5 how'itz-ep hou'itz-er 6 laud'a-ble lad'abl 7 in-fpinge' in-frinj' 8 in- fpingre'ment in-frinj'm 3 Y 7 4 <^~^ 8 9 13 10 N^-'^ 14 11 ^ 15 12 V^ 16 ma, ale, me, all, no, rule; at, met, it, not, up, fyll; AND SHORTHAND VOCABULARY 49 LESSON 49. 1 di-l»eet'OP di-rekt'or A leader, especially of a cor- poration. 2 freight frat Goods in the process of trans- portation ; the cost of the same. 3 os"ten- os'ten-ta'shus Marked by vain display ; pre- ta'tious tending to be real. 4 con'scious kon'shus To be aware that one lives, feels, and thinks. 5 a.l-low'a.nce al-low'ans A deduction or addition; some- thing permitted. 6 COn-vePt'i-ble kon-vert'i-bl Interchangeable ; equivalent in scope or meaning. 7 mep'chan- mer'chan-daiz Goods in the process of buying dise or selling. 8 pro pa'ta pro ra'ta In proportion. 9 li'en lai'en A legal claim on property, as (le'en) security for debt. 10 cash-ier' kash-er' Acashkeeper; pay-master; to dismiss in disgrace. 1 1 an-nu'i-ty an-niii'i-ti A yearly allowance or income. 12 im-mu'ni-ty im-miii'ni-ti Freedom from burdens, duties, or penalties. Consult homework dictionary. 13 aprang-ement 14 hydpaulic 15 itemize 16 peimbupse I 1 5 ^-^_p 8 r 13 ^ 2 '^ " \ .0 .:. 14 'Kr. 3 b , ^ 11 :^ 15 u 4 J. 8 Vi 12 -^^ 16 /-Ac ^rm ; fju (few), aisle, oil, out; baf//, bathe, exact. 50 CUMULATIVE 8PBLLBB LESSON 50. 1 pap'a.l-lel par'a-lel Having a like course; pro- ceeding in the same direction without meeting. 2 cw'Ing* 6'ing The state of being obliged or indebted. 3 flex'i-ble flex'i-bl Easily bent; pliant. 4 hon'OP-a-py on'or-e-ri Done,made,orheldasanhonor. 5 te-na'ciOUS te-na'slms Tough; sticky; holding fast; adhesive. 6 ten'ta-tive ten'ta-tiv Experimental ; made by way of trial. 7 site sait Local position; a plot of ground set apart for use. 8 pe-Gum'bent re-kumljent Leaning back ; reclining. 9 succumb' suk-kum' To sink down, as under a burden; to yield. 10 ap'ma-ment ar'ma-ment A land or sea force; warlike equipment. 11 ap'mis-tice ar'mis-tis A truce; temporary cessation of hostilities. 12 ap'ma-tupe ar'ma-tiiir A piece of iron joining the poles of a magnet; the rotating core of a dynamo. Consult homework dictionary. isfuplough 14 beneficiapy i5copdupoy 16 bulletin 2 "^ 6 f 10 ^V:^ 14 \c:;^ 3 Q-4^ 7 r__ 11 "Vj^ 15 H/ ma, ale. me, all, no, rule; at, met, it, not, up, full; AND 8HOETHAND VOCABTJIiABY LESSON 51. 51 1 dis-par'1-ty dis-par'i-ti 2 su'pep-in- tend'ent 3 wherein 4 tes'ti-mo'ni- al Inequality ; the state of being dissimilai". One who manages or supervises. In which thing or place. tes'ti-mo'ni- A formal token of regard or al approval. siu per-in- tend'ent whar'in 5 op'eP-a'tOP op'er-a'tor A skilled worker ; one who operates. 6 diS-Sim'i-laP dis-sim'i-lar Unlike ; different. 7 fope'tell for'tel To teU in advance ; to predict. 8 fope'man for'man The head man overseeing a body of workmen. 9 peP-mis'sl-ble per-mis'i-bl Allowable; that which is pei"- mitted. 10 im-pass'a-ble im-pas'a-bl That cannot be passed. 1 1 pUP'chase pur'chas To buy ; that which is bought. 1 2 pup'chas-a- pur'chas-a-bl That may be bought. ble Consult homework dictionary. 13 defensive 14 matupity 15 oscillate 16 enunciation 1 ^4 5 \/ 9-^N;-^;;7- 13 l^ 2 ^ « ck 10 2V; 14 -^. 3 ^y^ ' \ „ -^ ,5 y. . J^ ' V, 12 % 16 ^ -^^ or^"^ arm ; fiu (few), aisle, oil, out ; h&th, bathe, exact. 52 1 ledgr'ep 2 cus'tom-ep 3 os'tpa-cize (os'tra cise) 4 em-bez'zle 5 ip-pa'tion-al 6 op'tic-al 7 spe-eiric spe-sif'ik 8 e-eon'o-my 9 sun'dpy 10 sun'dpies 1 1 con-cup' 12 con-eupped' CUMULATIVE SPELLER LESSON 52. lej'er A principal account book. kus'tuin-er A buyer; a purchaser; one with whom one deals. os'tra-saiz Exclusion from favors in society or politics. em-bezl To appropriate fraudulently. ir-rash'un-al Contrary to reasoning ; absurd. op'tik-al Pertaining to the science of eyesight. Distinct ; definite ; precise ; intended to produce a definite rgsult- e-kon'o-mi Good management; frugality. sun'dii Several ; various ; of an in- definite small number. sun'driz Items or things not separately specified. kon-kur' To run together ; to agree. kon-kui'd' Rim together ; agreed. Consult komeicork dictionary. 13 Incompapable 14 moptise 15 obviate 16 license (1 s -^ 9 ^ '3 ..vs 10 n 14 W^ 11 •^- '' x 12 -- 16 £S pia, ale, me, all, no, lule; at, met, it, not, up, full: AND SHORTHAND VOCABULABT 53 LESSON 53. 1 Cyl'in-deP sil'in-der A circular body of unifonn diameter. 2 in'eu-bus inlciu-bus An oppression or weighing down ; a nightmare. 3 liq'ui-date lik'wi-dat To pay debts ; settle ; adjust. 4 in"teP-spePSe' in'ter-spers' To distribute scatteringly. 5 an"ti-sep'tic an'ti-sep'tik Anything that prevents putre- faction. 6 ppej'u-dice prej'u-dis An opinion not resting on reason. 7 en-aet' en-akt' To make into a law ; to can-y out in action. 8 pen-in'SU-la pen-in'siu-la A piece of land almost sur- rounded by water. 9 pen"i- pen'i- A house of correction ; prison. ten'tia-ry ten'sha-ri 10 ac'cent ak'sent The sti*ess of the voice on cer- tain syllables. 11 as-sent' as-sent' To express agreement with a statement. 12 ascending^ as-send'ing Going up ; climbing. Consult homework dictionary. 13 retirement 1 4 equitable is porcelain 1 6 discrepancy 3 ^. 7 ^ 11 J 15 V! 4 5n_.^ 8 >^^^^ 12 ^ 16 ^^ arm; fiu (few), aisle, oil, out; hath, bathe, exact. 54 1 vae'u-um 2 ne-g-o'ti-ate CUMULATIVE SPBLIiEB LESSOK 54. vak'yu-um A space devoid of matter. ne-go'shi-at To bargain for propei-ty. service, etc. pumop sou've-nip' pique rumor sn've-ner' pek An imverified report. A token of remembrance. A feeling of slight irritation. Conducive to health; whole- some. 7 In-diet'ment in-dait'ment A formal charge of crime. 8 lic'O-Pice lik'o-ris A perennial herb of the bean family. 6 sa-lu'bPl-OUS sa-luTari-us 9 an-nounce' 10 To declare; to publish; to proclaim. an- an- A declaration ; public notice. nounce'ment nouns'ment 1 1 phys'l-oro-gy fiz'i-oro-ji 12 psy-chol'o-gy saikol'o-ji The science of vital organisms. The science of the mind and its perceptions. Consult homework dictionary. 13 acknowledgment 14 boycott is contagious 16 pecuniary _/Oi 5 N^ 9 ^^^ 13 "^ 6 ..^. 10 _^ 14 7 n, 11 ^. 15 12 a-// 16 8 ; vna., ale, me, all, no, rule; at, met, it, not, up, full; Ai(i> SHORTHAND VOOABtTIiAAT 55 LESSON 55. r vac'ci-nate vak'si-nat To inoculate with cowpox virus. 2 sup'plus sur'plus Excess over what is needed. 3 vep'i-fied ver'i-faid Proved to be true or exact. 4 tem'po-Pa-py tem'po-re-ri Lasting for a short time only. 5 spec'i-men spes'i-men One of a class of things re- garded as a model or sample. 6 pee^om-mend' rek'om-mend' To make attractive; to com- mend to f avoidable attention. 7 pto'xnain (ptomaine) to'min An alkaloid, usually poisonous, resulting from putrefaction. 8 bi'ey-cle bai'si-kl A vehicle with two wheels set in line. 9 se'pi-al se'ri-aJ Occurring at regular intervals. 10 ce'pe-al se're-al A graLu yielding plant. 11 ba-na'na ba-na'na The fruit of a large herbaceous tropical plant. 12 bandanna ban-dan'a A large, bright-colored hand- kerchief. Consult homework dictionary. 13 pepeptoipe H scjatica 15 ppetentious 16 judicial 13 14 15 16 1 Srd^. 5 v> ■ 9 2 r 15 V\ 16 L ma, ale, me, all, no, rule ; at, met, it, not, up, full ; AND SHORTHAND TOCAI?0LART 59 1 vouch'ep 2 fll'i-gpee 3 sub'ter-pa'ne- an 4 de fal'cate 5 pe-bate' 6 vit'pi-ol 7 pep'me-ate 8 injunction 9 salient 10 statue 1 1 stat'ute 12 stat'upe LESSON 59. vouch'er Any material evidence of an alleged act. fil'i-gre Fanciful; delicate; made of fine wire ; any ornamental openwork. sub 'ter-ra'ne- Underground; below the sur- an face de-falTiat To cut off ; to misappropriate money. re-bat' A deduction. vit'ri-ol A soluble sulphate of any metal. per'me-at To pass through the pores without breaking. in-jungk'shun A legal order requiring a person to do or not to do an act. sa'li-ent Standing out prominently ; con- spicuous; striking. stat'yii A figure in sculptural art. stat'yut A duly authorized law. stat'yur Natural height of men or animals. Consult homework diQiionary. 13 immunity 1 4 efficacious 1 5 dilapidated i6 edible 1 ^■ 5 ^ 9 ^ 13 crr^l 2 .VT 6 •y 10 ) 14 ^ 3 V"-^ 7 V, 11 1 15 \ 4 ^^ 8 ^ 12 l^ 16 K arm; fiu (few), aisle, oil, out; bat/(. Lathe, exact. 5— U40) 60 CUMULATIVE SPKLLBB 1 usury 2 ex cru'ci ate 3 com bus'ti- ble 4 fopgep-y 5 cite 6 wops'ted 7 a-nom'a-ly 8 ligament 9 capital 10 Capitol 1 1 a-non'y-mous 12 pseu'do-nym LESSON 60. yu'ziu-ri A premium paid for the use of money, especially when ex- ceeding the legal rate of interest. cx-krii'shi-jit To torture. kom-bus'ti-bl A substance that will )eadily ignite or burn. for'jer-i Something falsely made or altered with intent to defraud or deceive. sail To quote or name for aj-giunent ; to summon. wurs'ted Woolen yajn. (wust'ed) a-nom'a-li Irregularity ; deviation fiom nile. lig'a-ment A connecting tie, usually of fibrous tissue. kap'i-tal Chief ; principal ; the aggi'cgate of the products of industry. kap'i-tol A state-house ; the official building of Congress at Washington. a-non'i-mxi8 Having, or disclosing, no name. siu'do-nim A fictitious name, as of a writer. Consult hometpork dictionary. 13 tentative 14 sedentary 15 impetus 16 peptinent > V- 5 L 9 2 -T^ 6 ^ 10 7 8 /— . 11 12 13 i 14 V 15 q- 16 V- ma, ale, me, all, no, liile ; at, met, it, not, up, full : AND SHORTHAND VOCABULARY 61 LESSON 61. 1 nu'cle-us niu'kle-us A central part about which the rest accumulates. 2 syn-on'y- sin-on'i-mus Having the same or almost the mous same meaning. 3 sev'ep-ance sev'er-ans Separation ; the act of separa- ting. 4 pep'pe-tpate per'pe-trat To perform ; to be guilty of ; to commit. 5 de-fault'ep de-falt'er One who neglects to fulfil an obligation. 6 no'tice-a-ble no'tis-a-bl Worthy of, or attracting attention. 7 em-bap'pass- em-bar'as- Discomposure ; perplexity ; ment mcnt pecuniary difficulties. 8 so'bPi'quet' so'bre'ka' A nickname; a fanciful or (SOU''bPi''quet') humorous name. 9 sou'bPette' su'bret' An' actress who plays a lively part in comedy. 10 o-mit' o-mit' To leave out; to fail to include. 1 1 o-mit'ted o-mit'ed Left out ; excluded. 12 o-mis'sion o-mish'un The act of leaving out ; exclusion. Consult hometcork dictionary. 13 papesis 14 accelepate 15 ag'g^pe^ate 16 ciasualty 1 ^^ 5 [^ ^ '^ ^^ "^ 2 ^;;^^ ^ "1 10 ^ 14 __^ 3 ^ 7 /-v/^ 11 ^ 15 ^^ 4 "X 8 V- 12 ^2> 16 —O, arm; fiu (few), aisle, oil, out; bat/i, bathe, exact. 82 CUMULATIVE SPBLLBK LESSON 62. 1 impugn' im-piun' 2 hem''e hem'o-raj 3 milli-nep-y miri-ner-i 4 war'rant-y wor'ant-i 5 vol'a-tile vol'a-til 6 ab-bre'vi-ate ab-bre'vi-at 7 ac-cede' ak-sed' 8 joup'neys jur'niz 9 ben'e-flt ben'e-tit 10 ben'e-fit-ed beu'e-fit-ed 11 legible lej'i-bl 12 Ulegible ii-lej'i-bl To call in question ; to gainsay. A discharge of blood from a broken blood vessel. Relating to women's hats and their fixings. A legal deed of security. Evaporating at ordinary tem- perature ; fickle ; fleeting. To shorten, so that a part stands for the whole. To agree ; to assent. Travelings from place to place. To be useful or helpful to ; to derive improvement. Aided, helped or improved. That may be read easily. Diflicidt to read ; obscured, or effaced. Consult homework dictionary. 13 specific 14 coercion 15 obeisance 16 pealm 1 '^ 5 sZ. 9 v^ 13 .'^. 2 /^ 6 ^0 10 V^ 14 _y) 3 .^. ' nrf " ^ 15 Vp ♦ C^. « L .2 /I 16 <. ma, ale, me all, uo rule : at, met, it, not, up. fi^ ; ^ND SHORTHAND VOCABULABY LESSON 63. alto-hol 63 fi-nan'shal sar sa-pa- ril'a 1 al'CO-hol alto-hol A volatile, inflammable, color- less liquid ; an intoxicant. 2 nas'cent nas'ent Beginning to exist or develop. 3 in-vet'er-ate in-vet'er-at Deep-rooted; long-continued; malignant. 4 ad-min''is- ad-min'is- One who administers, regulates, tPa'tOP tra'tor or manages, especially in a legal capacity. Pertaining to finance or I'evenue ; monetary. A medicinal root; a beverage made therefrom, tas'it Understood without direct statement; silent. 8 eom-mu'ni-ty kom-miii'ni-ti A body of persons having common interests. 9 stPat'e-gy strat'e-ji The science of military posi- tions and combinations. 10 stPat'a-gem strat'a-jem An act or device for gaining advantage, especially in warfare. 11 quaP'Pel kwor'el To fall out; to dispute; to disagree. 12 quap'pel-ing kwor'el-ing The act of falling out. 5 fl-nan'cial 6 sap"sa-pa- pil'la 7 tacit Consult homework dictionary, 13 antiseptic 14 unique 15 encomium 16 pepemptopy 5 V^_, :^ 13 14 15 16 Vv/ arm; fiu (few), aisle, oil, out; baf/i, bathe, exact. 64 CUMULATIVE SPELLER LESSON 64. 1 8U-pep'flu-OUS piii-per'flu-us Moi*e than is needed. 2 ip-pes'O-lute ir-rez'o-lut Hesitating; undecided; not resolute. 3 mne-monle ne-mon'ik Aiding the memory. 4 pos"si-biri-ty pos'i-bil'i-ti The fact or state of being pos- sible. 5 as'cep-tain'a- as'er-tan'a-bl Capable of being found or dis- ble covered. 6 cep-tlfi-cate ser-tif'i-kat A written declai-ation or vou- cher. 7 ip'pi-ta-ble ir'i-ta-bl Easily provoked; impatient. 8 non'de-sePipt non'de-skript Not easUy described ; strange ; odd. 9 dl'ag^-no'sis dai'ag-no'sis The determination of the nature of a disease. 10 pen'dez-VOUS ren'de-vn An appointed place of meeting. 1 1 eb'on-y eb'on-i A hard, heavy wood, usually black. 12 ma-hogf'a-ny ma-hog'a-ni A large tropical tree, with hard, reddish wood. Consuft homework dictionary. 13 indictment 14 intpigrue 15 analyst 16 inanimate ^ \. 5 >^ 9 L^ 13 1, 2 "\- 6 «A^ 10 /^V 14 8 ' l,-^ 12 "2^^ 16 ^ ma, ale, me, all, no, rule; at, met, it. not, up, full; AND SHORTHAND VOCA15ULART 65 LESSON 65. 1 hy-dPau'liC hai-dra'lik Pertaining to the movement or energy of water. 2 pep'ri-mand' rep'ri-mand' To reprove sharply ; severe censure. 3 awk'waPd ak'ward Ungraceful ; difficult to handle. 4 eolo'nel kur'nel Thehighestofficerof aregiment. 5 in'stan-ta'ne- in'stan-ta'ne- Acting or occurring very OUS us quickly, or instantly. 6 ben"e-fl'eia-py ben'e-fish'ia- One who receives a benefit or ri privilege. 7 thep-mom'e- ther-mora'e- An instrument for measuring temperatui'e. A fixed quantity of yarn or tiiread wound and doubled. Past participle of wi-ite. The act of one who writes ; the thing written. To deprive of something valu- able or beloved. be-rev'ment The state of being deprived, or bereaved. C 0)1 s lilt hometcorJc dictionarj/. 13 supplus 14 innuendo 15 abhoppent 16 vepmilion tep ter s skein skan 9 wpit'ten rit'en 10 wpi'ting rai'ting 11 be-peave' be-rev' 12 be peave'ment be-rev'B 1 ri. 5 -^ 9 ^ 13 ./^ 2 y^.. 6 ^ 10 /•^ 14 -^ 3 z::^. 7 h:^:. 11 -V^. 15 v:C: 4 --^^ 8 O-D 12 vu- 16 ^.-^ arm; fiu ifew), aisle, oil, out; baf/i, bathe, exact. 66 CDMULATIVB SPELLER LESSON 66. 1 stop'ag'e stor'aj 2 i'tem-ize ai'tem-aiz 3 di'a-phpagrm dai'a-fram 4 haP'ass bar'as 5 cOP'du-POy kor'diu-roi 6 leg'a-cy le^'a-si 7 lith'O-gTPaph liM'o-graf 8 ten'e-ment ten'e-ment 9 coup'le 10 cu'po la 11 wool'en (woollen) 12 wo'ful (woe'ful) kupl kiu'po-la wul'en wo'ful The safe-keeping of goods in a warehouse; the price for keeping goods in store. To state in detail. A dividing membrane or parti- tion. To vex ; to wori-y. A thick, ribbed cotton stuff. Corduroy road, a log road across a swamp. Something left by will ; any- thing inherited. To print from a drawing on stone ; the print so made. A room or I'ooms for a family ; a dwelling-house. Two of a kind ; to join ; to place in a pair. A dome ; an arched roof. Made wholly or partly of wool. Sorrowful ; wretched. distressful ; Consult hometoorh dictionary. 13 subpoena 14 ig>nition 15 epysipelas 16 schism 5 !>. 6 n ^.. « I 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 nia, ale, me, all, no, i ule ; at, met, it, not, up, full; ANB SHOBTHAND VOCABULARY 67 LESSON 67. 1 ec'ze-ma. ek'ze-ma 2 tol'ep-ate tol'er-at 3 pe'lm-taupse' re'im-bm*s' 4 in-COP'po-rate in-koi'po-rat 5 com-mit'tee kom-mit'e 6 pedlep ped'lei (ped'dlep) 7 valleys val'iz 8 with-dpaw'al witli-dra'al 9 nat'u-pal nat'yu-ral 10 aP"ti-fi'Clal ar'ti-fish'al 1 1 in-den'tupe in-den'tiui- 12 man-da'mus mau-da'mus An inflammatory skin disease. To allow to exist ; to endure. To pay back ; to indemnify. To combine into one body ; to form a legal corporation. A person or persons appointed to consider or decide some matter. One who travels on foot to sell goods. Depressions between hills. The act of taking back; a recalling from a certain position. Produced by nature ; native ; ordinary. Produced by art ; manufactured ; not genuine ; crafty. A sealed contract, especially of apprenticeship. A writ issued by courts of superior jui'isdiction. Consult homework' dictionary. 13 technical 14 ineohepent 15 fopeclosupe 1 6 hereto fope 3 /-Ao 9 10 11 r 13 14 15 WZ^ V '2 ^"n^ '6 \_ ann ; fiu (few), aisle, oil, out hutlt, bathe, exact. 68 CUMULATIVE SPELLER LESSON 68. 1 mop'tise mor'tis A cavity made in a piece of timber, to receive the tenon of another piece ; to join by a tenon and mortise. 2 im-pet'u-ous im-pet'yu-us Passionate ; impulsive ; head- long. 3 ma tu'pi-ty ma-tiu'ri-ti Ripeness ; full development. 4 bul'le tin bul'e-tin A short, official report. 5 hi'ep-o g-lyph'ics hai'er-o- glif'iks Picture-writing, especially of the ancient Egyptians. 6 inoculate in-ok'yu-lat To communicate disease by the introduction of infectious matter. 7 a-vail'a-ble a-val'a-bl Usable; that may be used to advantage. 8 in sip'id in-sip'id Tasteless ; without flavor. 9 pol-lu'tion pol-lu'shun The act of making unclean. 10 pu'pi ty piu'ri-ti The state of being pure; cleanness; iiuiocence. 11 in-vei'gle in-ve'^l To lead astray ; to entice. 12 shpiel^ shrek A shai-p, shrill outcry, or scream. Consult homework dictionary. 13 pequisition 14 veracity 15 mening-itls 16 ultimatum c4 7 \^/\ 11 8 ^o^ 12 \P .A. 13 ^^ 14 W 15 16 ma, ale, me. all, no, i iile ; at met, it, uot, up, full : AND SHORTHAND VOCABULARY LESSON 1 nul'li-iy nul'i-fai 2 ohm om ' 3 oscillate os'i-lat ' 4 eloth'ing kloth'ing 5 nelgh'bop na'bor 6 popce'lain pors'lan 7 me-pidl-an me-rid'i-an a eat'a-paet kat'a-rakt 9 cleanse kleuz 10 vi'tl-ate vish'i-at 11 ppac'tise (ppac'tice) prak'tis 12 ppac'tice (ppac'tise) prak'tis 69. To deprive of legal force ; to annul. The unit of electrical resistance. To swing or move to and fro ; to waver. Dress; garments; apparel. One who lives near another; anything adjacent. A translucent pottery, usually glazed. Midday ; noon; a great circle of the earth, passing through the poles at any given place. A great fall or flood of water. To clean; to free from defile- ment. To debase ; to contaminate ; to render defective. To perform frequently or habitually. Any frequently repeated or customary action. Consult homework dictionary. 13 injunction 14 bete noipe 15 antithesis 16 opaque 1 ^ 5 -A, 9 2 ^ 6 :vr. 10 3 h 7 ■M 11 4 X. 8 It. 12 s V. 13 -^l^ 15 16 ■^ arm; fiu (few), aisle, oil, out; h&th, bathe, exact. 70 CUMULATIVE SPELLER LESSON 70. 1 eq'ul-ta-ble 2 ob'vi-ate 3 e-nun'ci- a'tion 4 chap'ac-tep 5 a-part'inent 6 co-los'sal 7 handi- capped 8 knot 9 pris'tlne 10 modern 1 1 cap'at 12 caret ek'wi-ta-bl ob'vi-at e-nun'si- a'shun i.e-nun'shi- a'shun) kar'ak-ter a-pirt'meiit ko-los'al hand'i-kapt not pris'tin moirem kar'at kar'et (kar'et) Fair ; conformable to right and justice. To meet in such a way as to avoid difficulty. The utterance of vocal sounds. The distinguishing qualities of a person or class. A room in a building ; a suite of rooms. Enonnous ; huge ; gigantic. Having obstacles to offset advantages ; hindered ; re- tarded. A.D. intertwining of one or more cords ; speed in nautical miles per hour ; to tie or tangle. Of the earliest state, or time. Recent ; not ancient. A twenty-fourth part : used to express the proportion of gold in an alloy; a unit of weight for precious stones, about 3.2 grains. A sign (a) indicating omissions. Consult homeworh dictionary. 13 anomaly 14 colleag-ue 15 ampere 16 connoisseur 1 ^ 5 ^ 9 .%^^ 13 ^W;^ 2 .^\^. 6 _j^ 10 ^ 14 _/"~ 3w^o'-"^ 7 ";;;2: n —y is '^ 4 " 8 y 12 / 16 ■) ma, ale, uie, all, no, rule; at, met, it, not, up, full; AND SHORTHAND VOCABULARY 71 LESSON 71. 1 ex-plie'lt ex-plis'it Plainly expressed. 2 verge . verj An'extreme edge or border. 3 e-lec'tpic'i-ty e-lek'tris'i-ti An invisible natural agent manifested in various forms of energy. 4 dis-erep'an- cy dis-krep'an-si A disagreement or difference; variance. 5 con-ta'g'ious kon-ta'jus Transmissible by contact, as a disease. 6 eon-tig''u-ous kon-tig^'yu-us Touching, or adjoining. 7 sci-at'i-ea sai-at'i-ka Neuralgia of the hip and thigh. 8 cas'tep (cas'top) kas'ter A small wheel on a swivel, attached to the leg of a table, etc. 9 ob-jee'tive ob-jek'tiv That which is external to the mind ; denoting the case of the object of a transitive verb or of a preposition. 10 sub-jec'tive 8ub-jek'tiv Proceeding from the mind. 11 an'a-lyze (an'a lyse) an'a-laiz To take apart; to examine minutely and ci itically. 12 syn'the size sin'the-saiz To put together ; to construct. Consult homework dictionary. 13 nucleus 14 reciprocate is instrumental 16 consensus 1 ^ 5 } 9 > 13 ^— <_jj 2 W 6 N 10 > 14 .y^^. 3 A- 3 7 t 11 r 15 T. 4 ^ 8 UD 12 ^ 16 •QJ3 arm, fiQ (few); aisle, oil, out; ba(/i, bathe, exact. 72 CXTHtriiATITIt! SPBLLBB LESSON 72. 1 In-dorse'ment in-dors'ment (en- (en- dopse'ment) dors'ment) 2 whole'sale' hol'sal' 3 boy'cott boi'kot 4 of-fl'ci ate of-fish'i-at 5 ppe-ten'tious pre-ten'shus 6 mis'sile mis'il 7 cap'ton kar'ton 8 rigfht'eous- ness rait'yus-nea 9 magr-nan'i- mous mag-nan'i- mu8 10 vicinity vi-sin'i-ty 11 con'fl dent kon'fi-dent 12 con'fl-dant' (con'fi-denf) kon'fi-dant' (kon'fi-dent') The writing of one's name on the back of a document; approval. ' Buying or selling in quantity ; on a large scale. To combine with others in refusing to have dealings with a person. To act as an officer. Showy; conceited; egotistical. A weapon thi*own, or intended to be thrown. A pasteboard box or the material for making it. The^quality of conforming with standards of right and justice. Great in spirit ; unselfish. Nearness in space or relation- ship; proximity. Bold audacious. One to whom secrets are entrusted. Consult homework dictionary. 13 accede 14 conspicuous 15 trivial 16 abscond 1 2 f<^ 3 \_ h 9 13 10 ■> s 12 V^ 16 No " 5: ma, ale, me, all, uo. rule ; at, met, it, not, up, full ; AND SHORTHAND YOCABTJLABY 73 LESSON 73. 1 le'nient 2 plu pal'i ty 3 vin'di cate 4 pe cu'ni-a-py 5 Ju di'cial 6 commu'ni ca'tion 7 stren'u-ous 8 ppo-mo'tep 9 envelop 10 en'vel ope 11 de-vel'op 12 de-vel'op- ment le'nient plu-ral'i-ti vin'di-kat pe-kiii'ni-e-ri ju-dish'al kom-miu'ni- ka'shun stren'yu-ns pro-mo'ter en-vel'op eu'vel-6p de-vel'op de-vel'op- ment Not severe; mild; nievcifiil. The greater number. To assert or provf> a right; to defend ; to justify. Relating to money. Pertaining to the administra- tion of justice. Interchange of thoiights or opinions ; correspondence ; intercourse. Active ; vigorous ; earnest. One who aids in the develop- ment or establishment of anything. To cover by wrapping. A wrapper of paper with gummed edges for enclosing a letter. To unfold and open up by degrees ; to increase in power. A gradual unfolding and exhibi- tion of something previously hidden or involved ; gradual growth. Consult horneivork dictionary, 13 nascent 14 autonomy 15 clientele 16 hypothecate 1 ^. 5 i> 9 ^^V/X 13 2 V 6 <^ 10 -\^/-x 14 3 W- 7 \ " <^ 15 4 \,^^^^ 8 V-. '^ i^ 16 L^ arm: fiu (few), aisle, oil, out; h&th, bathe, exact. 74 CXTMULATrVB SPELLBE LESSON 74. 1 can'vass kan'vas To sift; to scrutinize; to search for votes, or customers. 2 in'sta-bil'i-ty in'sta-bil'i-ti "Wantof firmness; inconstancy; changeableness. 3 haz'aPd-OUS haz'ard-us Involving danger, risk, or loss. 4 ppo-ee'dUPe pro-sed'yur An act or course of action. 5 cin'na-mon sin'a-mun An aromatic bark used as a spice. 6 pleu'pl-sy plu'ri-si Inflammation of the pleura, or covering of tlie lungs. 7 waive war . To relinquish, especially tem- porarily. 8 in-dem'ni-fy in-dem'ni-fai To compensate for loss or damage. 9 du'pli Cate diii'pli-kat To reproduce exactly ; double. 10 em-po'Pi-um em-p6'ri-um The chief trading center of a wide territory. 11 in-di'ted in-dai'ted Put into words; composed, dictated. 12 in-debt'ed in-det'ed In debt; under obligation. ConsuH homeirork dvtionary. isdiagrnosis 1 4 abrogate 1 5 pperogative 16 exemplary 1 2 3 ft 4 ma, ale, me, all, n5, rule: at, met, it, not, up, full; AND SHORTHAND VOCABULARY 75 LESSON 75. 1 al-leg^e' iil-l•^i' To assert to be true ; to declare. 2 luneh'eon lunch 'un Any light meal. 3 chapge'a-ble charj'a-bl Liable to be charged. 4 u-til'i-ta'Pi- yil-tiri-ta'ri- Relating to usefulness. an an 5 threat'en ^Aret'n To menace; to express bad intentions. 6 ef fi-ca'ciOUS efi-ka'shus Having effective energy. 7 at-tOP'ney at-tur'ni A person legally empowered to act for another, as a lawyer. 8 ac-cel'eP-ate ak-sel'er-at To quicken the motion of a moving body. 9 ve-gvet' re-gret' To remember with sorrow or distress ; to lament. 10 re-gpet'ting" re-gret'ing Remembering with sorrow. 11 en'tep-ppise en'ter-praiz An undei'taking; boldness and (en'tep-ppize) energy. 12 pec'Og-nize rek'og-naiz To know again ; to acknowledge (pec'Og" nise) formally. Consult homework dictionary. 13 peppimand 14 client 15 notapy 16 actuary 1 n ' 1 2 n ' ^ 4 Yy 8 _^ 9 /H 13 yV, 10 /^ ^ 14 ^ U ^ 15 --V 12 /O 16 ~V arm; fiu (few), aisle, oil, out; hath, hathp, exact. 6— (446 76 1 fpaud'u-lent 2 ex cise' CITMULATIVE SPELLER LESSON 76. frad'yu-lent Deliberately deceptive. ek-saiz' A tax levied on domestic commodities ; to cut out. 3 di-lap'i-da-ted di-lap'i-da-ted Impaired or ruined by misuse or neglect. 4 e-lic'it 5 sub'tep-fuge 6 shep'iff e-lis'it sub'ter-fiuj sher'if 7 ag'gpe-grate ag're- 8 im'ple-ment To draw out ; to bring to light. A false excuse. The chief executive officer of a county. Collected into a sum, mass, oi' total; amount; total. im'ple-ment Anything used in work, es- peciaUy in manual work. 9 in-fe'pi-op 10 ma-nip'u-late 1 1 ac-cpue' 12 ac-CPU'ing ak-kru'ing in-fe'ri-or Lower in quality or rank, ma-nip'yu-lat To work upon with the hands, ak-kru' To come as a natural result. Coming as a natural result or addition. Consult homeivork dictionary. 13 cupola 14 detepiopate 15 authentic 16 infepence ' V 5 V\ 9 2 Il> 6 > 10 • \ 7 1 11 * 4 8 .O^. 12 15 U- 16 .::r\^ ma, ale, me, alJ, u6, rule . at, met, it, not, up. full ; AND SHORTHAND VOCABULAKT 77 1 ben'e-fl'eial 2 eas'u-al-ty LESSON 77. ben'e-fish'al Helpful ; conferring benefits. kaz'yu-al-ti A fatal accident ; a chance, (kazh'yu-al-ti) 3 hes'i-tan-ey 4 defi-nite def'i-nit 5 as-sas'sin-ate as-sas'in-at 6 ed'i ble 7 a-tpo'cious 8 g-es'tupe 9 manifest 10 ac'cu-pa-cy 11 de-mup' 12 de muppage hez'i-tan-si Slowness or uncertainty of action or speech. Haying exact meaning, or limits. To murder under the impulse of wild passion. ed'i-bl Fit to eat ; suitable for food. a-tro'shus Horrible ; wantonly wicked. jes'tiur A movement, especially of the hands, to express emotion. man'i-fest To make plain ; a document used in shipping. ak'yu-ra-si The quality of being exact or correct. de-mur' To offer objections; to take exception. de-mur'aj The detention of a vessel or cargo beyond a specified time; a charge for such detention. Consult homework dictionary. 13 indentupe 14 ppdcinct 15 g-panapy 16 pavilion :::i^ ^ u 5 k. 9 L^ 13 6 K 10 :r4 14 7 V 11 K 15 8 /, 12 M 16 arm; fiii (few), aisle, oil, out; baf/i, bathe, exact. 78 CUMULATIVE SPELLER LESSON 78. 1 sta tis'tics sta-tis'tiks 2 dlll-g-ent dil'i-jent 3 sed'en-ta-py sed'en-te-ri 4 dis-tpain' dis-tran' 5 co-er'cion ko-er'shun 6 eo-papt'nep- ship ko-part'ner- ship 7 unique' yu-nek' 8 fe-po'cious £e-r6'shu8 9 shipped sliipt 10 eo-op'ep- a'tion ko-op'er- a'shun 11 In-i'ti ate in-ish'i-at 12 as-so'ci-ate aa-s6'shi-at Collected facts and figures on any subject. Careful ; painstaking. Sitting much of the time. To take and detain goods as security for debt. Forcible restraint ; compulsion. An arrangement to share in business. Being the only one of its kind. Wild ; fierce ; savage. Sent by any established mode of transportation, especially by a ship. Joint action ; working together for a -common object. To introduce; to instruct in first principles. To bring together ; to unite. Cmisult homework dictionary. 13 mandamus 14 alienate 15 peppetuity 16 delinquent 1 l^ ■d?. 5 _/> 9 ' J 10 ^ 14 -V- 3 _:r4. ' \ 11 .C^. 15 v^ 4 3, 8 KID 12 ^ 16 -^ ami; fiQ (fewj, aisle, oil, out; l>u£/(, bathe, exact. 62 CUMULATIVE ; SPBI.LBR LESSON 82. 1 omelet om'e-let A dish of eggs and milk, beaten together, and fried. 2 eigrhth at^A Next in order after the seventh. 3 analyst an'a-list One who separates a compound into its parts or elements. 4 cu'ti cle kiu'ti-kl The outer covering of the skin 5 here'to-fope' her'tu-for' Previously ; hitherto. 6 propagate prop'a-gat To cause to multiply or spread abroad. 7 pes 'er- voir" rez'er-vwor* A storage place for any liciuid. 8 wilful (willful) wil'ful Bent on having one's own way- 9 hoe'ingr ho'ing The act of working with a hoe. 10 tying tai'ing The act of fastening with cord, etc. 11 jew'el ep (jew'el-lep) ju'el-er A dealer in, or maker of jewelry. 12 tpav'el-ep (tpav'el-lep) trav'el-er One who makes a journey. Consult homework dictionary. 13 carton 14 ippetpievable 15 versatile 16 anomalous 4 zi^ 9 ; 13 n 10 ..L '^ \? 11 /■ '•' V 12 .A 16 .^.^ nia, ale, me, all, no, rule ; at, met, it, not, up. full ; AND SHORTHAND VOCABULARY 83 LESSON 83. sub'urb A place adjacent to a city. as'falt Mineral pitch ; hard bitunic*. in-an'i-mat Without animal life ; dead. am-bas'a-dor The representative of one government sent to anothei ve-ras'i-ti Truth ; the state of being true. lu'ker Money ; especially as an object of greed. fraj'il Frail; delicate; easily broken. shif'on A vei-y thin transparent fabric. pa-ja'maz Loose trousers commonly worn in India. a-set'ik Sour; like vinegar. as'et-il-en" A brilliant ilhuninating gas. 1 sub'upb 2 as'phalt 3 inanimate 4 am-bas'sa- dop 5 ve-pae'i-ty 6 lu'epe 7 fpag'ile 8 chiffon 9 pa-ja'mas 10 a-cet'ic 1 1 ac'et yl ene " 12 as-cet'i-Cism as-set'i-sizm The practice of extreme self- denial. Consult homework dictionary. 13 plupality 14 phlegmatic 15 meagep 16 archive 1 V\ M 10 13 'b>^ 14 3 V-- 7 V " f 15 --- 4 2! 8 ■:^ '^ I 16 .v^ arm; fiu few), aisle, oil. out; ba^/(, bathe, exact. 84 CUMULATrVB SPBIiLEB LESSON 84. 1 san'i-ta'Pi- san'i-ta'ri-um A place where the conditions um are made favorable to the cure of disease. 2 tPOUS'seau' trii'so' A bride's outfit. 3 in'nu-en'do in'yu-en'do A hint; an indirect aspersion . an insinuation. 4 bat-tal'ion bat-tal'yun A body of troops. 5 men'in-gi'tis men'in-jai'tis Inflammation of an enveloping membrane, especially of the brain. 6 el'e-e-mos'y- ere-mos'i- Relating to alms; given in na-py ne-ri charity. 7 CU'mu-la-tive kiu'miu-la-tiv Gathering strength by addition or repetition. 8 ex-CPes'cence ex-kres'ens An unnatural outgrowth. 9 vaude'ville vod'vil A miscellaneous entertainment. 10 e-gre'gioU3 c-gre'jius Remarkable, usually in a bad sense. 1 1 ep'i-lep-sy ep'i-lep-si A disease of the brain accom- panied by convulsions. 12 ap'o-plex-y ap'o-plex-i A sudden loss of sense and motion from an ofTusion of blood upon the brain. Consult homework dictionary. 13 indemnify 14 fictitious 15 contraband 16 aforesaid 1 %^ ' cr^. » V 13 "1— -^v ^ \ 6 ^^ 10 -^ U .Wy 3 "1 7 ,^. 11 ^ '= I * v 8 _,,_^ 12 -s- 16 M' ma ale, me, all, no, rule ; at. met, it, not, up, full ; AND SHORTHAND VOCABTJLAK\ LESSON 85. 85 1 in'ven-to'py in'ven-to'ri A detailed list, as of property. o cham'ois sham'i (shaniVo) A soft pliable leather ; a kind of antelope- 3 ab-hop'pent ab-hor'ent Hateful ; repugnant. 4 glyc'ep in (g-lyc'ep ine) glis'er-in A thick, oily, sweet liquid obtained from fat. 5 urti-ma'tum nl'ti-ma'tum A final statement. 6 venge'ance venj'ans The infliction of punishment for an injury ; revenge. 7 cha-gpin' slia-grrin' Humiliation ; wounded pride. 8 ex-on'ep-ate ei-on'er-at To vindicate; to free from responsibility. 9 ellipse' el-lips' An oval figure. 10 el-lip'sis el-lip'sis The omission of a word or phrase. 11 chap'ac-tep- is'tic kar"ak-ter- is'tik A distinguishing quality. 12 cap'i-ca-tupe kar'i-ka-tiur A picture or description marked by ridiculous exaggeration. Consult homework dictionary. 13 attopney 14 mepcenapy 15 incipient 16 vopacious 2 A 3 V:::: s 10 11 12 /^ ^3 "L 14 ,r-b^ 15 -^ 16 ^ arm; fiu (few;, aisle, oil, out; ba(/i, bathe, exaot. 86 cnMtJtATIVE SPELLER LESSON 86. 1 gel'a-tin (g-d'a tine) jera-tin 2 au-ton'o my a-ton'o-mi 3 vep-mirion ver-mil'yun 4 oblique' ob-lek' 5 6 bete noire (bete noip) chrysalis bat nwar kiis'a-lis 7 8 sur'ro-g-ate crescent Bur'o-gat kres'ent 9 hor'i-zon'tal hor'i-zon'tal 10 a-me'lio rate a-me'lio-rat 11 register rej'is-ter 12 regis trar rej'is-trar A substance of a jelly consist- ence obtained by boiling the solid parts, as the muscles, bones, etc., of animals. Power or right of self-govern- ment. A brilliant red pigment, or its color. To slant ; to deviate from the perpendicular. Black beast ; any object of especial dread. The form assumed by some in- sects before they become winged. A deputy ; a substitute. Increasing; said of the moon in its first quarter ; hence, ci'es- cent- shaped. On a level; parallel with the skyline. To make better, or more endur- able. An ofl&cial record of facts, names, etc. The official keeper of a register. Consult homework dictionary. 13 inferior H secretary 15 vertical 16 sanguine n '\^- ^ 5 8 _o. ^^ 10 .^^. 11 4 12 ^ 13 14 ^ 15 «^ 16 ma, ale. me, all, nd, rule, at, met, it, not, up, full AND SHORTHAND VOCABULARY 87 LESSON 87. 1 fpa-tep'nal fra-tei'nal Brotherly ; pertaining to bretn- ren. 2 e-ma'ci-a'ted e-ma'shi-a'ted Greatly reduced in flesh. 3 ig-ni'tion ig-nish'im The act of setting on fire. 4 pet'i-eent ret'i-sent Habitually silent. 5 an-tith'e-sis an-ti^A'e-sis Opposition of words or senti- ments; contrast. 6 eU'en-tele' klai'en-tel' A body of clients or customers. 7 tal'is-man tal'is-man Something supposed to produce magical effects ; a charm. 8 com- kom-pla'sen- Satisfaction ;beingplea8ed with pla'cen-cy si one's self or with one's con- dition. 9 in-fec'tiOUS in-fek'shus Having the quality of infecting or tainting. 10 ep"i-dei]l'ie ep'i-dem'ik General; common to many people. 11 SCPU'ti-ny skrfi'ti-ni A close investigation. 12 scru"ti-neOP' skru'ti-ner' One who examines votes and decides upon their validity. Consult homework dictionary. 13 demuppag^e 14 appaigri 15 expedient 16 pectitude 1 ^vO^ 5 -^ 9 ^ 13 M 2 P 6 ^.. 10 v_ 14 "^ 3 -- 7 Uts-^ 11 O-V^v' 15 ^- 4 A. 8 'S 12 O-'C--' 16 ./^ ami; fiu (few), aisle, oil, out; h&ih, bathe, exact. 88 CUMULATIVE SPBLLBR LESSON 88. 1 lu'CPa-tive lu'kra-tiv Productive of wealth ; highly profitable. 2 fOP'ceps for'seps Pincers for grasping small objects. 3 ep'y-sip'e-las er'i-sip'e-las An acute inflammation of the skin. 4 In-tep'ppet-ep in-ter'pret-er One who makes an intelligible translation, usually oral. o-pak' Not transparent ; dull. hai-po^//e-kat To pledge personal property. 5 opaque' 6 hy-poth'e- cate 7 poul'tice 8 co'coa-nut 9 pit'e-ous pol'tis A mollifying remedy applied to sores. ko 1 o-nut A large nut, the fruit of a palm- tree. pit'e-u8 Exciting pity, sorrow, or sym- pathy. 10 lab'y-Pinth lab'i-rin^A A place full of intricate wind- ings. 1 1 in-cap'cep-ate in-kar'ser-at To imprison. 12 o'pi-ate 6'pi-at Something tending to induce sleep. Consult homework dictionary. 13 distrain 14 propaganda is parliament 16 intimidate 1 3 4 VI 9 10 11 12 la, ale, me, all, no, riile : at, met, it, uot, up, full ; AND SHORTHAND VOCABULAKY LESSON 89. 1 dyeing" dai'ing Staining, or fixing a color in a substance. 2 ser'e-nade' ser'e-nad' Music performed in the open air at night to compliment someone. 3 schism sizm Factional or other division, especially of a church. 4 trav'es ty trav'es-ti A grotesque imitation. 5 col'leag>ue kol'eg An associate (not a partner). 6 sieve siv A utensil with a meshed strainer. 7 gTPa-tu'i-tous gra-tiu'i-tuB Given freely. 8 re eip'po-cate 1 re-sip'ro-kat To interchange ; to pass to and fro ; to alternate. 9 tanlc'ard tangk'ard A large drinking cup. 10 bop'ough bur'6 An incorporated town; any town. 11 im-pos'top im-pos'tor One who deceives. 12 im popt'ep im-port'er One who brings merchandise into a coimtry. Consult homework diHionari/. 13 tempopapily 14 obloquy 15 apsenal 16 quandapy 1 u 2 .•~ 3 -k 4 1 8 7 .q^. ../t^ 9 L 10 \/ 11 12 -^v!) 13 14 15 16 V. ■v' arm; fiu (few), aisle, oil, out; bat/i, bathe, exact. 90 1 inimical in-im'i-kal 2 bup-lesque' bur-lesk' 3 in'co-hep'ent in'ko-her'en 4 larceny lar'se-ni 5 ampere' am-par' 6 g>as'o line gas'o-len 7 pe-pugr'nance re-pug'nans 8 pic'a-yune' pik'a-yun' 9 cochineal koc'b 'i-nel 10 di-agr'o-nal dai-ag'o-nal 11 so-lil'o-quy so-lil'o-kwi 12 mon'o-log'ue mon'o-log C(TMUI.ATIVB SPELLBR LESSON 90. Unfriendly; liurtful. A ludicrous imitation. Unconnected; confused. Theft. The unit of electric cuiTent strength. A volatile prepai-ation of petro- leum used as fuel. A feeling of aversion. A small Spanish coin. A brilliant scarlet dye. Crossing obliquely. Talking to oneself, regardless of others. A composition spoken by one person. Consult homework dictionary. 13 extirpate 14 ig-nominious 15 exigrency 16 appliance 1 ^^- 5 -^ 9 2 V-- 6 -r 10 3 .^r^ 7 /\- 11 4 C^.. 8 \^. 12 K. 13 14 15 16 ma, ale, me, all, uo, rule ; at, met, it, not, up, full AND SHORTHAND VOCABULABY 91 1 gre-pa'ni-um 2 afa'po-g-ate 3 pumice 4 fu'ini-gate 5 cru'ci-ble 6 in-tes'tate 7 pre'am'ble 8 cul'pa-ble 9 ma-la'pi-al 10 ap'bi-tpa'tion 11 han'som 12 buffet LESSON 91. je-ra'm-um A cultivated flowering plant. ab'ro-gat pum'is fiu'mi-gat kru'si-bl in-tes'tat To annul ; to repeal. A polishing' material of volcanic origin. To smoke; to disinfect with fumes. A vessel in which metals are melted. A person who dies without having made a valid will. An introductoiy statement. Deserving of blame. Caused by malaria. ar'bi-tra'shun The detennination of a dispute by a party chosen by the disputants. A low, two-wheeled, one-horse cab. pre'am'bl kul'pa-bl ma-la'ri-al han'som buf 'et A sideboard ; a public place for (bu-fa') lunch or light refreshments. Consult homework dictionary. 13 salvage 14 coppobopate 15 debentupe 16 cuppency 1 1/^-^ 5 f^rV^ » ^ 13 rsy. 2 .V._ 6 3 ■° \ 14 -^7^ 3 V-^ 7 .^ 11 6^^ . ^ 4 \ 8 ^ 12 \ or \ 16 _yj arm; fiu (few), aisle, oil, out; ba(/j, bathe, exact. 7-(446) 9*2 CUMULATIVE SPBLLBB LESSON 92. 1 aP'chive ar'kaiv A place for keeping public documents ; the document itself. 2 diS-bUPSe' dis-burs' To pay out, as for current expenses. 3 ex'em-pla-py ei'em-ple-ri Worthy of imitation. 4 re-heapse' re-hers' To repeat for practice or improvement. 5 hy-poth'e-sis hai-po^A'e-sis Something assumed as the foundation of an argument ; supposition. 6 in-del'i-ble in-del'i-bl That which cannot be erased or blotted out. 7 ppo-vi'so pro-vai'zo A provision or condition in an agreement. 8 cal'um-ny kal'um-ni A false report ; slander. 9 de-gen'ep-ate de-jen'er-at To become worse or inferior. 10 fluc'tu-ate fluk'tiu-at To move like waves. 1 1 met'PO-pol'i- met'ro-pol'i- Pertaining to a chief city. tan tan 12 que'py kwe'ri To make inquiry. Consult homeworlc dictionary. 13 pesepvolp 14 despicable 15 peceivep 16 ppomlscuous 1 2 i^ 6 -\\ 10 (L^ 14 J^ 3 4 5 ^ 9 1 13 6 n^ 10 ^ 14 7 !N^ 11 v\ 15 S J^. 12 r-/- 16 "Tii. ale, me, all, no, rule ; at, met, it, not, up, fuU ; AND SHORTHAND VOCABULABY LESSON 93. 93 1 typ'ic-al tip'ik-al Having the nature of a type or pattern. 2 stip'u-late stip'yu-lat To specify as the terms of an agreement; to bargain. 3 pre-POg^a-tive pre-rog'a-tir An unquestionable official right 4 ac-cpued' ak-krud' Brought about as a natural result. 5 af-fll'i-ate af-fil'i-at To receive as a friend ; to con- sort. 6 pep'fo-rate per'f o-rat To bore through^; to pierce with holes. 7 quap'an-tine' kwor'an-ten' Enforced isolation in cases of disease. 8 flc-ti'tious fik-tish'us Having no real existence. 9 neg'li-gence negli-jens An act of neglect ; disregard for appearances. 10 ap-pup'te- ap-pur'te- Minor things attached to prin- nan-ces nan-sez cipal ones. 1 1 cleap'anee kler'ans A certificate allowing a vessel to sail. 12 un-wield'y un-weld'i Moved or managed with diffi- culty. * Consult homework . dictionary. 13 acetylene 14 initiative 15 mitigation 16 embapgro -V- 5 •v- 9 6 ■ V 10 7 c:y^ 11 8 .u^„. 12 ^ 13 14 15 16 ? arm; fiu (few), aisle, oil, out; hath, bathe, exact. 94 1 brief 2 chap'ep-on 3 pesl-due 4 ac'tu-a-py 5 pefep-ee' 6 vep'sa-tile 7 de-scent' 8 aP-Paign' ar-ran' 9 sub'se-quent 10 u-ten'sils yu-ten'silz 11 ac-com'plice 12 ae-com'plish CUMULATITE 8PELLEB LESSON 94. bref Short; a concise legal state- ment. shap'er-6n The attendant of a young unmarried woman in public. rez'i-diu A remainder from other parts. ak'tiu-a-ri One who calculates insurance and other risks. ref'er-e' A person to whom a thing is referred. ver'sa-til Facility for| varied occupations. de-sent' The act of coming or going down. To cause a person to plead guilty or not guilty ; to accuse. sub'se-kwent Following in time, or place, or order. Things serving a usefiil pur- pose. ak-kom'plis An associate or helper, gener- ally in a crime. ak-kom'plish To perform ; to carry out. Consult hometcork dictionary. 13 cumulative 14 discpetlon 15 ppoxlmity 16 clemency ^« 5 y 9 V 13 6 V 10 V 14 7 L 11 _."!>. 15 8 ■^ 12 .•:25 16 u ma, ale, me, all, no, rule; at, met, it, not, up, full; AND SHORTHAND VOCABULARY 95 LESSON 95. 1 challengpe 2 mea'gep (meagre) 3 can'ta-loup 4 ppe'einct 5 cis'tepn 6 a-nom'a-lous 7 typist 8 de-te'pi-o-pate 9 mas'sag^e 10 quap'py 1 1 tinc'tupe 12 en-clo'supe chal'enj A defiance ; an objection to a state ment. me'ger Def.cient; inadequate. kan'ta-lup A variety of muskmelon. pre'singkt A place with fixed boundaries ; a district. sis'tem A reservoir for holding water. a-nom'a-lus Irregular; exceptional; abnor- mal. taip'ist One who operates a typewriter. de-te'ri-o-rat To make worse ; to grow worse. mas'aj A system of treatment in which (mas'sazh') the body is nibbed and kneaded. kwor'i To cut or dig, especially stone ; anything eagerly pursued. tingk'tiiir To tint slightly; a medicinal solution. en-kl6'zhur The act of enclosing; an en- closed space. Consult homework dictionary. 13 ellipse 14 onepous 15 g^azetteep 16 Implicit • -^ 5 <^ 6 .^^^ 7 8 •k- 9 10 11 12 .2 13 14 15 16 ^. arm; fiii (few), aisle, oil, out; bat/t, bathe, exact. 96 CUMULATIVE SPELLBB 1 ton- tine' 2 eal'i-bep (call bpe) 3 in'fep-ence 4 pavilion 5 ex'pi-ate 6 ex-pa'ti-ate LESSON 96. ton-ten' 7 8 9 10 a'lien-ate bo'na fl'de quan'da-py dis pense' 1 1 in sup'ance in-shur'ans 12 en- cum'bpance A financial scheme of which the gain accrues to the survivor or survivors. The inside diameter of a tube ; degree of power or capacity. A deduction ; a conjecture. A temporary shelter; a tent; a canopy. To atone for. To give free range to ; to dis cuss fully. To estrange ; to make alien. In good faith ; without deceit. A state of hesitation. To deal out in portions. Dis- pense with, to do without. Compensation for damage oi- accident. en-kum'brans Any useless or burdensome addition ; a liability. kal'i-ber in'fer-ens pa-vil'yun ex'pi-at ex-pa'shi-at alien-at bo'na fai'de kwon'da-ri dis-pens' Consult homework dictionary/. 13 suppograte 14 quopum 15 osteopathy 16 intuition 3 .-.tA^ ' ^ 9 <^ 13 o^ 10 K 14 "^ 11 -^ 15 -V 12 ^ 16 3 ma, ale. me, all. no, rule ; at, met, it, not, up, full ; AND SHOETHAND VOCABULaEY 97 1 decimate 2 dis-sem'i.nate 3 de-lin'quent 4 mag-'a-zine' 5 gran'a-py 6 vict'uals LESSON 97. des'i-mat To kill one out of every ten ; to destroy a large pi'oportion of. dis-sem'i-nat To sow broadcast ; to scatter. de-ling-kwent Faulty ; failing in duty. mag'a-zen' A storehouse, especially for military stores or gunpowder; a periodical publication. gran'a-ri A storehouse for grain. vit'lz Food for human beings as pre- 7 pep'pe-tu'i-ty 8 um-tapel'la um-brera 9 skeptical 10 manifold pared for eating. per'pe-tiu'i-ti The state of being continued indefinitely. skep'tik-al m an 'i -fold 11 ma-nira (ma nil la) 12 an'ni vep'sa-py A light folding canopy to pro- tect from sunshine or rain. Refusing a generally accepted conclusion; unbelieving. To make more than one copy at once ; manifested in many ways. ma-nil'a A kind of cigarmade in Manila; a fiber. an'i-ver'sa-ri Recurring at a stated time ; the annual celebration of an event. Consult Iwmeworli dictionary. iSpeticent 14 cyclometep 15 phosphate 16 succop arm ; fiQ (few), aisle, oil, out ; h&th, bathe, exact. ■ I 6 --^. 9 "-^ 13 A. '- H 6 ■h" 10 2:^ 14 ^7^^^ 3 Y?:-:^ 7 •V^- 11 ^^ 15 _W 4 ^ 8 --v- 12 -^ 16 ^^ 98 CUMULATIVE SPELLER 1 pas'sion-ate 2 pa'tient 3 pup'pose 4 ppo-pose' 5 ap-ppo'ppi- a'tion 6 ppep'a- pa'tion 7 pap-take' 8 pop'ti-co 9 com-pap'a- tive 10 op'ep-a-tive 1 1 ppe-tend' 12 pop- tend' LESSON 98* pash'un-at Easily moved to joy or anger, pa'shent Enduring; tolerant; a person undergoing treatment. pur'pus A plan, design, or aim ; to resolve ; to intend, pro-poz' To offer as a plan or scheme ; to make any offer, ap-pro'pri- The act of setting apart for a'shun special use. prep'a- The act of making ready, ra'shun par-tak' To share ; to have a part in. por'ti-ko An ornamental porch with columns, kom-par'a-tiv Relative ; expressing a higher or a lower degree, op'er-a-tiv Exerting power, or force ; one employed in a mill, pre-tend' To assume a false appearance ; to simulate, por-tend' To indicate as being about to happen. Consult homework dictionary. isapeptupe H poptpay 15 opppessop 16 pepusep ' ^ = X 9 V 13 X 2 \y^ 6 X^ 10 \A 14 ^ 3 v%, 7 cs, 11 ^ 15 X ' X 8 V 12 \- 16 \y ♦ The words in this and the two following lessons are written distinguished by a difiFerence of outline. on the line, and are ma, ale, me, all, no, rule ; at, met, it, not, up, full ; B.0.B1^X«» AND SHOETHAND VOCABULA^^KA-^'^'' LESSON 99. 1 ppos'e-cute pros'e-kiut To pursue in order to attain an object ; to carry on a judicial proceeding against, per'se-kiut To pursue in order to injure or ■vex. per'sun-at To assume the character of another, pur-siu'ant Done in accordance with or by reason of something ; con- formable. Anything wrapped up or dis- tinct from other things. A small, light umbrella. A settled course; the highest adult male voice. A holding of property ; the term during which a thing is held. 9 pla'g^i-a-Pist pla'ji-a-rist One who takes the writings of another and palms them off as his own. 10 ppof'fep prof'er To offer for acceptance. 1 1 ppe-fep' pre-f er' To like better ; to give prece- dence to. 12 ppe-fePPed' pre-f erd' Past tense of prefer. 2 pep'se-cute 3 pep'son-ate 4 pup-su'ant 5 pap'cel 6 pap'a-sol 7 ten'op 8 ten'upe par'sel par'a-sol ten'or ten'yiir Consult homework dictionary. 13 advance 14 defiance 15 diveps 16 divepse 1 V 5 ^ ' > 13 "U 2 \/- 6 \y^ 10 N^ " L ,3 V ' L 11 V" •= L 4 \yX ^ ^ 12 N/ 16 1/ arm ; fiu (few), aisle, oil, out; bat/i, bathe, exact. 100 CXIMULATIVB SPEIXEE AND SHORTHAND VOCABULAET LESSON 1 col-lapse' kol-laps' 2 eclipse' e-klipa' 3 cul'mi-nate kul'mi-nat 4 ca-lum'ni ate ka-lum'ni-at 5 fop'wapd for'ward 6 fpo'wapd fro'ward 7 sup popt' sup-port' 8 sep'a-pate sep'a-rat 9 es'say-ist es'a-ist 10 sies'ta sies'ta 11 in-definite in-def'i-nit 12 un'de-flned' un'de-faind' 100. To fall together ; to fail utterly. To darken; to hide; to sui-- pass. To attain the highest degree. To defame ; to speak falsely and maliciously. To send onward ; toward the front ; advanced. Reluctant to yield ; perverse. To bear a weight; especially from bf low ; to endure ; to aid. To disconnect ; to keep apai't. A writer of essays. A mid-day or after-dinner nap. Not precise ; uncertain; without boundaries. Not explained in precise words ; without clear liraits. Consult homework dictionary. 1 3 unavoidable 14 inevitable i5ing>enious leingpenuous 5 ^. 9 ] 13 •"X 6 % 10 ] 14 ^ 7 V 11 n. 15 -L. 8 ^ 12 "A. 16 ^ ma, ale, me, all, n5, rule ; at, met, it, not, up, full : HOMEWORK DICTIONARY. ab-hop'pent, ab-hor'ent. Hateful ; repugnant. ab'po g'ate, ab'ro-gat. To annul ; to repeal. ab-SCOnd', ab-skond'. To hide ; to run away. ab'sti-nence, ab'sti-nens. Self-denial ; especially from strong drink. ac-cede', ak-sed'. To agree ; to assent. ac-cel'ep-ate, ak-sel'er-at. To quicken the motion of a moving body. ac-ces'so-py, ak-ses'o-ri. Contributing ; aiding to the principal agent. ac'cla-ma'tion, akla-ma'shun. A shout of applause or approval. ae-COm'mo-date, ak-kom'o-dat. To help ; to provide for ; to conform. ac'et-yl-ene*, as'et-il-en'. A brilliant illuminating gas. ao-isJlO'Wl'eiig-m.ent, ak-nol'ej-ment. An admission, as of receipt ; avowal ; confession. ac'qui-esce', ak'wi-es'. To remain satisfied with. ac'tu-a-py, ak'tiu-a-ri. One who calculates insurance and other risks. ad-jOUPn', ad-jui-n'. To put off to another day ; to postpone. ad-min'is-tPa'tOP, ad-min'is-tra'tor. One who administers, regulates, or manages, especially in a legal capacity. ad-mis'si-ble, ad-mis'i-bl. Allowable. ad-vanee', ad-vans', To move forward ; to pay beforehand. af'fi-da'vit, af'i-da'vit. A voluntary sworn declaration in writing af-fll'i-ate, af-fil'i-at. To receive as a friend ; to consort. a-foPe'said, a-for'sed. Said or mentioned before. a^'^pan-dize, ag'ran-daiz. To make great ; to exalt. ag'g'pe-g'ate, ag're-gat. Collected into a sum, mass, or total; amount ; total. arco-hol, alTfo-hol. A volatile, inflammable, colorless liquid ; an intoxicant. alien-ate, alien-at. To estrange ; to make alien. a-llgn'ment, a-lain'ment. Placing in a line. al-pao'a, al-pak'a. A South American animal resembling a sheep ; cloth made from the wool of the alpaca. arm; fiu (few), aisle, oil, out; h&th, bathe, exact. 101 102 CUMULATITE SPELLEB a-man'u-en'sis, a-man'yij-en'siB. One who copies manuscript or takes dictation. a-me'na-ble, a-me'na-bl. Tractable; willing and ready to submit. am-pepe', am-par'. The unit of electric current-strength. an'a-lyst, an'a-list. One who separates a compound into its parts or elements. ^n^ Ivse) f ^-n'a-laiz. To examine minutely. an-ni'hi-la'tion, an-nai'hi-la'shun. Utter destruction. a-nom'a-lOUS, a-nom'a-lus. Irregular; exceptional; abnormal. a-nom'a-ly, a-nom'a-li. Irregularity ; deviation from rule. an-tique', an-tek'. Ancient ; in the style of ancient art. an'tl-sep'tle, an'ti-sep'tik. Anything that prevents putrefaction an-tith'e-sis, an-ti^A'e-sis. Opposition of words or sentiments; contrast. ap'eP-tUPe, ap'er-tiiir. An open passage ; an opening. a-pol'o-gy, a-pol'o-ji. An excuse ; an acknowledgment of error. ap"pa-Pa'tus, ap'a-ra'tus. A machine, or a set of tools, etc. ap'pep-tain', ap'er-tan'. To belong by right. ap-pli'ance, ap-plai'ans. The act of applying ; something applied ; an instrument or tool. ap'pli-ca-ble, apli-ka-bl. Capable of or suitable for application. a'que-ous, a'kwe-us. "Watery. ap'chive, arTcaiv. A place for keeping public documents; the document itself. aP-Paign', ar-ran'. To cause a person to plead guilty or not guilty ; to accuse. aP-Pange'ment, ar-ranj'ment. The state of being arranged or put in order. ap'se-nal, &r'se-naL A place for keeping military stores; an ai-mory. at-tOP'ney, at-tur'ni. A person legally empowered to act for another, as a lawyer. au'di-tOP, a'di-tor. One who hears ; one who examines accounts. au -then 'tic, a- politics. pan'o-Pa'ma, pan'o-ra'ma. A complete view in every direction. pap'al-lel, par'a-lel. Having a like course; proceeding in the same direction without meeting. pap*a-phep-na'll-a, par'a-fer-nali-a. Miscellaneous articles of equipment ; trappings. pap'e-sis, par'e-sis. Partial paralysis affecting muscular motion but not sensation. pap'lia-ment, par'le-ment. A meeting for consultation. (P-) the supreme legislature of Great Britain, also of some of her colonies. paP'OX-ysm, par'ox-izm. A periodic attack of disease; a convulsion. pa-vil'ion, pa-vil'yun. A teniporaiy shelter ; a tent ; a canopy. pe-CU'ni-a-py, pe-kiu'ni-e-ri. Relatiug to money. ma, ale, me, §U1, no, rule ; at, met, it, not, up, f^U ; AND SHORTHAND VOCABULARY HI per'emp-to'ry, per'emp-to'ri. Positive in judgment; dogmatic; dictatorial. pep'me-ate, per'me-at. To pass through the pores without breaking. peP-mis'si-ble, per-mis'i-bl. Allowable ; that which is permitted. pep'pe-trate, per'pe-trat. To perform; to be guilty of; to commit. pep'pe-tu'i-ty, per'pe-tiii'i-ti. The state of being continued indefiniteij'. per'ti-nent, pcr'ti-nent. Related to the matter in hand. pe-PU'sep, pe-rii'zer. One who reads carefully or thoughtfully, pes'si-mism, pcs'i-mizm. Despair; belief in the worst. phe-nom'en-a, fe-nom'en-a. Plural form of phenomenon. phe-nom'en-on, fe-nom'en-on. Something seen; an appearance or extraordinary appearance. phlegmatic, fleg-mat'ik. Not easily roused^to feeling or action ; sluggish. phos'phate, fos'fat. A salt of phosphoric acid. pique, pek. A feeling of slight irritation. pit'tance, pit'ans. A small charitable gift ; any small allowance. pleu'Pi-sy, plu'ri-si. Inflammation of the pleura, or covering of the lungs. plu-pal'i-ty, plu-ral'i-ti. The greater number. pneu-mat'ic, niu-mat'ik. Containing air. pneu-mo'ni-a, niu-mo'ni-a. Inflammation of lung tissue. popce'lain, pors'lan. A translucent pottery, usually glazed. pop-tpay', por-tra'. To draw or paint; to describe vividly. ppe-cede', pre-sed'. To go, happen, or exist before. ppe'cinct, pre'singkt. A place with fixed boundaries ; a district. ppe-co'cious, pre-ko'shus. Developed in advance ; ripened prematurely. ppej'u-dice, prej'u-dis. An opinion not resting on reason. prep'a-Pa'tion, prep'a-ra'shun. The act of making ready, ppe-POg'a-tive, pre-rog'a-tiv. An unquestionable ofiicial right. ppe-ten'tious, pre-ten'shus. Showy; conceited; egotistical. ppev'a-lence, prev'a-lens. The act, state, or quality of being prevalent, or widely extended. ppo-ce'dUPe, pro-sed'yur. An act or course of action. ppo'eeeds, pro'sedz. Results ; returns. ppodl-gy, prod'i-ji. A thing exciting wonder; a monstrosity, ppo-fl'cient, pro-fish 'ent. Skilled ; expert ; well-advanced. arm; fiu (few), aisle, oil, out; lath, Lathe, exact. 112 CUMULATIVE SPELLER ppO-mis'CU-OUS, pro-rais'kiu-us. Mixed ; confused ; exercised or shared without discrimination. ppop'a-gan'da, prop'a-gan'da. Any plan for the spread of a doctrine or system. ppox-im'i-ty, prox-im'i-ti. The state of being near. pup-vey'OP, pur-va'or. One who furnishes supplies. quan'da-py, kwon'da-ri. A state of hesitation. quo'pum, kwo'rum. Number of members necessary for the transaction of business. Pan'dom, ran'dum. Done or uttered by chance. Pealm, relm. The dominions of a reigning sovereign. Pe'al-ty, re'al-ti. Real estate"; landed property in any form. Pe-ceiv'eP, re-sev'er. One who receives ; a person appointed by a court to manage the property of another pending judicial action concerning it. Pe-cep'ta-cle, re-sep'ta-kl. A thing that contains or holds other things. Pe-cip'PO-cate, re-sip 'ro-kat. To interchange; to pass to and fro ; to alternate. pec'om-mend', rek'om-mend'. To make attractive ; to commend to favorable attention. pec'ti- tude, rek'ti-tiud. The quality of being upright in principles an d conduct. Pe'im-bUPSe', re'im-burs'. To pay back ; to indemnify. Pem'i-nis'cence, rem'i-nis'ens. A memory. Pep'ep-toipe', rep'er-twar'. A stock of pieces ready at command. pe-ppieve', re-prev'. Temporarily to suspend a sentence. pep'pi-mand', rep'ri-mand'. To reprove sharply ; severe censure. peq'ui-si'tion, rek'wi-zish'un. A demand; a formal request. Pes'eP-VOiP', rez'er-vwor'. A storage place for any liquid. P©-SOUP'ces, re-s6r'sez The total of one's available property, or means of paying. re-spon'si-ble, re-spon'si-bl. Legally or morally answerable for a debt or duty ; able to distinguish between right and wrong. Pe-SUS'ci-tate, re-sus'i-tat. To bring or come back to life; to revive. pet'i-cence, ret'i-sens. The quality of keeping silent. pet'i-cent, ret'i-sent. Habitually silent. Pe-tipe'ment, re-tair'ment. The act of withdrawing. pe-vePS'i-ble, | re-vevs'i-bl. That which may be turned to (pe-veps'a-ble) ) an opposite position. POU'tine', ru'ten'. A regular method of action. ma, ale, me, »11, no, rule ; at. met, it, not. up, full ; AND SHORTHAND VOCABULARY 113 ru'mor, ru'mor. An unverified report. sa-g^a'clous, sa-ga'shus. Shrewd ; wise ; ready to decide. sal'vage, sal'yaj. The act of saving a ship or property from loss ; that which is rescued from shipwreck. san'g'Uine, sang'gwin. Of buoyant disposition; hepeful • red, like blood. ' sap'sa-pa-Pil'la, sar'sa-pa-ril'a. A medicinal root; a beverage made therefrom. schism, sizm. Factional or other division, especially of a church. SCi-at'i-ca, sai-at'i-ka. Neuralgia of the hip and thigh. sec'pe-tap''y, sek're-ter'i. One who writes for another ; the head of a department of government. sed'en-ta-py, sed'en-te-ri. Sitting much of the time. sep'geant, sar'jent. A non-commissioned officer. singeing", sinj'ing. Burning slightly. sou've-nip', su've-ner'. A token of remembrance. spe-cif'ic, spe-sif'ik. Distinct; definite; precise; intended to produce a definite result. specimen, spes'i-men. One of a class of things regarded as a model or sample. spon-ta'ne^ous, spon-ta'ne-us. Produced without appai-ent cause ; arising from inhei'ent qualities, spu'pi-ous, spiu'ri-us. Not genuine; false; forged. StOP'age, stor'aj. The safe-keeping of goods in a warehouse ; the price for keeping goods in store. StPen'u-OUS, stren'yu-us. Active; vigorous; earnest. sub-poe'na, sub-pe'na. A legal order requiring appearance at court under penalty. sub'tep-fuge, sub'ter-fiuj. A false excuse. SUC'COP, suk'or. To go to the aid of ; to help. su-pep'flu-ous, siu-per'flu-us. More than is needed. su'pep-in-tend'ent, siu'per-in-tend'ent. One who manages or supervises. su'pep-sti'tious, siu'per-stish'us. Disposed to believe falsely or unreasonably. SUP'plus, sixr'plus. Excess over what is needed. SUP'PO-gate, sur'o-gat. A deputy; a substitute. SUS-cep'ti-ble, sus-sep'ti-bl. Yielding readily. syn-on'y-mous, sin-on 'i-mus. Having the same, or almost the same, meaning. tab'u-lap, tab'yu'lar. Arranged in the form of a table or list. tacit, tas'it. Understood without direct statement; silent. arm; fiu (few), aisle, oil, out; h&th, bathe, exact. 114 CUMULATIVE SPELLEE tan'si-ble, tan'ji-bl. Perceptible to the touch ; visible. tap'iff, tar'if. A system of duties on imports ; any list of chaiges. tech'nic-al, tek'nik-al. Pertaining to the mechanical arts; formal, as in a technical defect. tem'po-Pa'Pi-ly, tem'po-re'ri-li. For a short time only. te-na'ciOUS, te-na'shus. Tough; sticky; holding fast; adhesive. ten'ta-tive, ten'ta-tiv. Experimental ; made by way of trial. tpiv'i-al, triv'i-al. Of little importance or value; insignificant. tu'bu-lap, tiu'biu-lar. Tube-shaped; pipe-like; provided with tubes. ul'ti-ma'tum, ul'ti-ma'tum. A final statement. un'a- void 'able, un'a-void'a-bl. That can not be avoided; inevitable. U-nique', yu-nek'. Being the only one of its kind. U'SU-Py, yu'ziu-ri. A premium paid for the use of money- especially when exceeding the legal rate of interest. U-tll'i-tap'1-an, yu-til'i-ta'ri-an. Relating to usefulness. val'u-a-ble, val'yu-a-bl. Having value; costly; esteemed. va'Pi-e-ffat'ed, va'ri-e-gat'ed Diversified; marked with different colors. ve-Pae'i-ty, ve-ras'i-ti. Truth; the state of being true. vep'i-fied, ver'i-faid. Proved to be true or exact. veP-mil'ion, ver-mil'yun. A brilliant red pigment or its color. vep'sa-tile, ver'sa-til Facility for varied occupations. veP'ti-cal, ver'ti-kal. Occupying a position directly above a given point or place ; upright. vi'ce veP'sa, vai'se ver'sa. In reversed relationship. vig't-lance, vij'i-lans. Watchfulness ; alertness. vign-ette', vin-yet'. To make with a gradually shaded off background or border. vi'ti-ate, vish'i-at. To debase; to contaminate ; to render defective. vit'Pe-OUS, vit're-us. Glassy ; having the qualities of glass. VOl'a-tile, vol'a-til. Evaporating at ordinary temperature ; fickle ; fleeting. vo-pa'ciOUS, vo-ra'shus. Eating with greediness ; ravenous. vouch 'ep, vouch 'er. Any material evidence of an alleged act. wap'pant-y, wor'ant-i. A legal deed of security. weaP'ied, wer'id. Tired ; fatigued. with-dpaw'al, with-dra'al. The act of taking back; a recalling from a certain position. ma, ale, me, all, no, rQle ; at, met, it, not, up, full ; AND 8HOKTHAND VOCABITIiARY LESSON 101. 1 Mon-sieup' mo-syu' 115 2 Ma'dame' ma'dam' (M- or Mons.) The French equivalent to Mr., or Sir; a Frenchman. (Mme.) The French equiva- lent to Mrs. 3 Mad'em-Oi- mad'em-wa- (Mile.) The French equiva- lent to Miss; an unmarried woman. selle' 4 Hepp 5 Fpau 6 Fpau'lein 7 Si'gniop 8 Si-g-no'pa zel' bar frou froilain se'nyor se-nyo'ra The German equivalent to Mr. or Sir. (Fr.) The German equivalent to Mrs.; a married woman. (Frl.) The German equiva- lent to Miss; an unmarried woman. (Sig.) English form of the Italian sign ore, equivalent to Mr. or Sir ; a gentleman. (Sigra.) The Italian equiva- lent to Mrs. 9 Si"g'no-Pi'na se'nyo-re'na The Italian equivalent to Miss. 10 Se-iiop' sa-nyor' 1 1 Seiio'pa (Sr.) The Spanish equivalent to Mr. or Sir. sa-nyo'ra (Sra.) The Spanish equivalent to Mrs., or lady. 12 Se'ho-pi'ta sa'nyo-re'ta (Srta.) The Spanish equivalent to Miss ; a young lady. ^ 4 ^ 7 rr:\_^- win'i-peg 12 Yo'kO-ha'ma ~^ yo'ko-bama ma, ale, me, fill, no, rule; at, met, it, not, up, full AND SHORTHAND VOCABULART LESSON 104. 117 1 Algiers' 2 Bang-'kok' 3 Bell-aipe' 4 Cam 'bridge 5 Co-lum'bi-a 6 Columbus 7 Des Moines 8 Gi-bral'tar 9 Ha-van'a 10 Ke'o kuk 11 Leav'en -worth 12 Vla'di vos tok' 1 Ant'werp Bar'ce lo'na Chirii-coth'e Glouces'ter Ha'vre Kis'sing en Leip'sic (Leipzig) 8 Man-hat'tan 9 Os-w^e'go 10 Pat'er-son,(N.J. 1 1 Que'beC 12 Sche-nec'ta-dy u A- I LESSON 105. ■7\ ^ al-jerz' banglfok' bel-ar' kam'brij ko-lumTji-a ko-lnrnHbus da moin ji-bral'tar ha-van'a ke'o-kuk lev'en-wur^A vla'de-vos-tok' ant'werp bar'fe-lo'na chilli-ko^A'e glos'ter ha'ver kis'sing-en laip'sik (laip'tsin) man-hat'an os-we'go pat'er-sun kwi'bek' ske-nek'ta-di irm ; fiu (few), aisle, oil, out; batft, bathe, exact. 118 CUMtJLATIVB SHELLER LESSON 106. 1 Auckland tt:^ ak'land 2 Bat'on Rougre H" -^ bat'on ruzh 3 Cleveland "rn^^ klev'land 4 Greenwich :rr:y. gren'ij 5 Ho^nO-lulU .yT^.. ho'no-lu'lu 6 Los An'gre les C^ los an'je-lez 7 Manila ^.^ ma-ne'la (Ma-nilla) --7- (ma-nira) 8 Ot'ta-wa Ix- ot'a-wa 9 Piq'ua \::: pik'wa oO 10 San Fran cis'CO san fran-sis ko 11 San'ti-a'g-O -^.-. san't€-a'g6 12 Zurich ^y::-. z^'rik LESSON 107. 1 Boi'se Cit'y \ -^■- boi'za si'ti 2 Bue'nos Ay'res v^ bonus a'rez (bwa nos ai res) 3 Cats'kill ...r.. kats'kil 4 HOU'ston -A- hu'stun 5 In'di-an-ap'O lis ^Z^Z. in'di-an-ap'o-lis 6 Lynchburg- '^^^>^ linch'burg 7 Melbourne ^/X/' mel'bum 8 Mont-peller ^^ mont^pcl'yer 9 Pi erre' ^>^ pear' 10 Prague V_ P^^^ 11 Ri'O de Ja- ^^X re'o da zha-ua'e-ro nel-ro 12 San Di-e'g-o M_ ^^-^^ de-a'go ma, ale. me all no, riile ; at, met, it, not, up. full; AND SHORTHAND VOCABULARY 119 LESSON 108. 1 Bpin'disi ) brin'de-se 2 Bpus'sels c^ brus'elz 3 Map seilles' ^ mar-salz' 4 Min'ne-ap'o-lis Pitts'bupgr ' — ~~~'^V(''^ min'e-ap'o-lis 5 V- pitsHaurg 6 Platte Ci ty ..L .f.. plat si'ti 7 Qui'to q. ke'-to 8 Raleigh y ra'le 9 San Jose' ^ san ho-sa' 10 Sa van'nah «^ sa-van'a 11 To pon'to \Ei to-ron'to 12 Varpa-pai'so LESSON 109. val'ija-rai'so 1 Butte ■^ but 2 Mas'sil'lon' c£.. mas*se"lyon' 3 Mo bile' ■c:^- mo-bel' 4 Mont'pe-al' Pueb'la ^--A^ irionfre-al' 5 V pweb'lfi (pu-eb'la) 6 Santa Fe' sau'tji fa 7 Scit'u-ate sit'yu-at 8 Sing'a-pope' ^^ sing^a-por' 9 Tal'la has'see \1 r tal'a-bas'i 10 Tep'pe Haute IX ter'e hot 11 Ti'con'dep o'ga l^- tai"koii"(ler-o'ga 12 TpI est' (Tpi-es'te) \ tiv-est' arm; fiu (few), aisle, oil, out; ba//t, bathe, exact. 120 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 CUMULATIVE SPELLEE LESSON 110. Ed'mon-ton Se-at'tle Se-bas'to-pol (Se-vas'to-pol) Sioux Ci'ty Smyp'na So'pel' South -amp'ton Stockliolm Syp'a-cuse Van cou'vep Vep'sailles' 12 Yosem'i-te 1 Ab'ys-sin'i-a 2 Ad'i-ron'dacks 3 Bering 4 Cap pa'th-lan 5 Co lorn 'bi -a 6 Dnie'pep 7 Ec'ua-dop' 8 Gua'te-mala 9 Haiti (Hay'tl) 10 Kam-chat'ka 1 1 Lab'ra-dop' 12 Mack'i-nac (Mack'i-naw) LESSON 111. A ed'mon-tun se-at'l se-bas'to-pol (se-vas'to-pol) su si'ti smer'na so'rel' sou^^ -hamp'tun stokliolm sir'a-kius van-ku'ver ver-salz' (ver'sal'ye) yo-sem'i-te ab'i-sin'i-a ad'i-ron'daks ber'ing kar-pa'^/ii-an ko-lom'bi-a ne'per ek'wa-dor' gwa'ta-malii (go'te-ma'la) ha'ti kam-chat'ka lab'ra-dor' mak'i-na ma, ale, me, all, no, rule ; at, met, it, uot, up, full ; AND SHORTHAND VOCABULARY LESSON 112. 1 Ant-aPC'tie ant-ark'tik 2 Balkan' V^Z biil-kan' 3 Cap'ib-be'an rin/N, kar'i-be'an 4 Eu-phra'tes ^ yu-fra'tez 5 Lop'paine' ^^-^ lo'ran' 6 Mac'e-do'ni-a "\^ mas'e-do'ni-a 7 Mep'pi-mae ^^y~^~ mer'i-mak 8 New Zealand ^-^ niu ze'land 9 POP'tu-g»al 'V' — por'tiu-gal 10 Rhine ..... rain 1 1 St. Law'pence «^ (Z.... eant la'rens 12 Thames |^-j, temz LESSON 113. 1 Ap'pa-laeh'i-an J^J.. ap'a-lach'i-an 2 Bos'phOP-US .->^^. bos'for-us 3 Ches'a-peake A ches'a-pek 4 Gui ana go-a'na 5 Guin'ea — -^ gin'e 6 Mad'a-gas'caP mad'a-gas'kar 7 Ma-dei'Pa rs/' ma-da'ra 8 Mo-non'g'a-he'la C^::::^:^^::!^ mo'non'ga-he'la 9 CPi-no'CO ^y_,^— 6're-n6'k6 10 Phil'ip-pine ^/^- fil'ip-in 1 1 Sal"va-dOP' d V__ eal'va-dor' 12 San'ta Cpuz '^~\-^ siin'ta krus arm; iiu (few), aisle, oil, out; ba//t. bathe, eiact. 121 122 CUMULATIVE SPELLBB LESSON 114. 1 Ap'a-pat "X^ ar'a-rat 2 Chile / che'la (Chili) -K- (chU'i) 3 Hon-du'pas ,f^^- hon-du'i-as 4 Mont Blanc ^^^-5^ montblai 5 Ni'ca-Pa'g-ua nelca-ra'prwa 6 Sean'di-na'vi-a ^"V skan'di-na'vi-a 7 Suez' o) 8u-ez' 8 Sus'que-han'na 4^^ sus'kwe-han'a 9 Thu-Pin'g-i-a (/^- thu-rin'ji-a 10 Typ'ol \/f- tir'61 1 1 Ven'ez-uela Vy, ven'ez-we'la 12 Zan'zi-bap' jL«/. zan'ze-bar' LESSON 115. 1 Ap'gen-tine .^^- dr'jen-tain 2 Ba-lu'chis-tan' ^ ba-lu'cbis-tan' 3 Lu-cepne' /^ lu-sern' 4 Man'i-to'ba I. man'i-to'ba 5 No'va Sco'ti-a V^ no'va sko'shi-a 6 Ppus'sia «\ ; pi-usb'ya ^ (pru'sbi-a) 7 Rhone y ron 8 Seine q-^ san 9 Si-le'si-a -0 sai-le'sbi-a 10 Si'nai '=^ sai'nai " (sai'na-ai) 11 Tpans-vaal' -^*^ trans-val' 12 Zam-be'si V. zam-ba'ze (Zam-be'se) ) ma, ale, nie, all, no, rule ; at, met, it, not, up, full ; AND SHORTHAND VOCABULAEY LESSOX 116. 1 Bar-ba'dos I bar-ba'doz 2 Mich"i-pi-cot'en \. mish''i-pi-k6t'en 3 Phoe'nix !vi;_^^ fe'nix 4 Po-tO'mac U^ po-to'iiiak 5 Ru-ma'ni-a ^^-^^ ru-ma'ni-a (Rou-ma'ni-a) ■^ 6 Sen'e-g'ani'bi a sen'e-gam'bi-a 7 Shen"an-do'ah ^^ shen'an-do'a 8 Tpin^i-dad' Lh trin'i-dad' 9 Tup'kes-tan' Lp. turltes-tan' u 10 U^u-g-uay ^__ u'ru-gwai' ^- — (u'ru-gwa) 11 W^UPt'tem-bePgr =v-<\ ver'tem-berHg (Wup'tem-bupg-) ^ — 12 Yu'kon ^^CZ yu'kon LESSON 117. 1 Bach Vj. bank 2 Beet'ho-ven N bat'6-ven 3 Bellini \^-:::r^. bel-ie'ne 4 Cho"pin' s^ sho'pan' 5 Liszt ^ list 6 Men'dels-sohn ^^%_^ men'dels-son 7 Mo"zaPt' '~=^ or ^ mo'zart' " (Ger. mo'tsart) 8 Pa-de-pew'ski \_ pa-de-ref'ski 9 Pa'ga-ni'ni Nv^^;^^^^^^^;;^^. . pa'ga-ne'ne 10 Sehu'bept u^- sbu'bert 11 Schu'mann ../. shu'man 12 Wag'neP v a_^ vJiHg'ner ^■r"^^. "'' ' wag'ner) arm; liu (few), aisle, oil, out; h&th, bathe, exact. 9-(446) ^23 STATES AND TERRITORIES. Al'a-ba'ma --- al'a-ba'ma A las'ka (T.) (^-L a-las'ka Ap"i-zo'na (T.) M^ ar'i-zo'na AP-kan'sas -rr^^. ar-kan'sas Cal'i-fop'ni-a ,,^. '^-\^ kal'i-for'ni-a Col'o-ra'do '^^^ koro-ra'do Con-nect'i-cut — ^^^'•— ^ kon-net'i-knt Del'a-ware ['^^ del'a-war District of J orl a- '*■••> <. ^ ^ r.- Co-Ium'bi-a ^-^.^ dis tnkt ov ko-lum'bi- FlOP'i-da !^:1^''.^. flor'i-da Geop'gri-a -/- joi'ji-a Guam gwam Ha-wai'l <^- ha-wai'e I'dahO -k'^... ai'da-ho irii-nois' ..?hrl irii-noi lirii-noiz') In"di-an'a in'di-an'a I'O-wa ^ ai'o-wa Kan'sas ^^T!?^. kan'sas Ken-tuek'y -^._ ken-tnk'i Lou''i-si-an'a f^^^ lu'i-zi-an'a Maine ^^ man Ma'py-land ,->X^ ma'ri-land Ala. Alaskt^ Ariz Ark. Cal. Colo. Conn. Del. D. C. Fla. Ga. Guam Hawaii Idaho lU. Ind. Iowa Kans. Ky. La. Maine Md. ma, ale, me, ftU, no, rule; at, met, it, not, up, 124 full CUMrLATIVE SPELLER AND SHORTHAND VOCABULARY 125 Mas'sa- ^or^^ ^ » i.-/ j. ehu'setts \ ™^« ^'^-c^m sets Mass. Mieh'i g-an .Cj.. mish'i-gan Mich. Min"ne-so'ta '~^ min'e so'ta Minn. Mis'siS-sip'pi -'^^ mis-i-sip'i Miss. Mis-SOu'Pi ■^^- mis-su'ri Mo. Mon-ta'na .../'—' mon-ta'na Mont. Nebraska ^^^.^^ ne-bras'ka Nebr. Ne-va'da ^T^ '^'' .T^. na-va'dji Nev. N®^ , , . v_^ ^^ niu hamp'shir N. H. Hamp shipe — - - New Jep'sey "~^ ) ' ) "i'^ jer'ze N. J. New Mex'i-CO w< ^-n n niu mex'i-ko N. Mex. New York: ^^ niu york N. Y. "MrtTJtVi \ — ' or CaP'O-li'na <.^ "«'-'^' kar'o-lai'na N. C. North Da-ko'ta _3.l ^ (^z' "^ noiVA da-ko'ta N. Dak. O-hi'O / 6-hai'6 Ohio — ' /— V or Ok'la-ho'ma ~ ^ okla-ho'ma Okla. Or'e-gon ^[^-^ or'e-gon Oregon Penn'syl-va'ni a ^"^ ^ pen'sil-va'ni-a Pa. Por'tO Ri'CO \/l/ — por'to re'ko P. R. Rhode Island /\^ rod ai'land R. I. ^^'Car'-O-Ii'na "^"^"^ ^ ^«"^^' kar'o-lai'na S. C arm; fiu (few), aisle, oil, out; h&th, bathe, exact. 126 CUMULATIVE SPELLER South Da ko'ta -C- h- i ■ %ovith da-ko'ta Ten'nes-see' ^ ten'es-se' Tex 'as Ld tez'as Tu-tu-ila (Samoa) ..^ tu-tu-e'la Utah ■A yu'ta Vermont' *=v ver-moiit' Vip-gin'i-a "z ver-jin'i-a Wash'ing-ton 4 wosh'iiig-tun West Vip-grin'i-a ^ t ur west ver-jm'i-s .A. Wis-con'sin c .^^-SL. -^ wio-kon'ain Wy-o'ming Al-bep'ta Brit'ish Co-lum'bi-a Man'i-to'ba New Bpuns'wick No'va Sco'ti-a On-ta'pi-o O y "z: ■-1/ Ppince Ed'wapd endent on a thing understood or remote. Examples : His aim was, to foster the interests of the natives. To continue, I will now show the consequence of my argument. 11. It is used also to set off an adverb or adverbial phrases when they cause a break in the construction of a simple sentence. Examples : This curiosity of theirs, ho.vever, was attended with vei-y serious effects. And yet I knew that every wrong, However old. however strong. But waited God's avenging hour. 12. It is used to set off prepositional phrases when they interrupt the sequence of a simple sentence, or when they are separated from words on which they are dependent. AND SHORTHAND VOCABULARY 131 Examples : American aristocracy is, to some extent, a matter of wealth. By study, we may add to oxar store of knowledge that acquired by our ancestors. 13. It is used to set off a conjunction when it is divided from the main clause dependent on it or when it introduces an example. Example : The collision was inevitable, but, by timely assistance, the crew was saved. 14. It is used occasionally to set off interjections. Example : Yet then from all my grief, O Lord, Thy mercy set me free. 15. It is used to set off a word which it is desired to emphasize. Example : Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God Almighty ! 2. The Semicolon (;) The semicolon is used to indicate a separation in the relations of the thought in a compound sentence — a degree greater than that expressed by the comma. 1. It is used to separate different statements ; that is, the different clauses of a compound sentence wliich are already separated by commas. Example : We may live without poetry, music, and art ; We may live without conscience, and live without heart: We may live without friends ; we may live without books; But civilized man can not live without cooks. 2. It is used to separate two or move simple menibers of a sentence when these require a pause greater than that which a comma would mark. Example : Who lives to nature rarely can be poor ; who lives to fancy never can be rich. 3. It is used before " as " when employed as an introductory to an example. Example : That which is not permitted or allowed ; as, the illicit sale of intoxicants. 132 cumulative spellek 3. The Colon (:) The colon is used as a sign of apposition or equality to connect one clause with another that explains it, as in introducing a list, a quotation, an enumei-ation, or a catalog ; or to join clauses that are grammatically complete yet closely connected in sense; or to mark any discontinuity in sense or gi-ammatical construction greater than that which is indicated by a semicolon, but not sufficient to require a period or a dash. 1. It is used to separate one complete clause from another. Examples : The power to bind and loose to Truth is given : The mouth that speaks it is the mouth of Heaven. Love is the emblem of eternity : it confounds ?11 notions of time : effaces all memory of a beginning, all fear of an end. 2. It is used in sentences in which the semicolon has been intro- duced when a gi-eater pause is required than can be indicated by a semicolon. Example : It surely was not obscurity ; it was not weakness : it was a want of that sen?itive taste which ought to breathe its delicate sense of fitness into the plainest phraseology. 3. It is used to introduce a formal quotation. Example : A writer in the Wextminster Review discourses in this fashion : " Another curious observation upon philosophic activity is that the coordination of all functions which constitute the whole intellectual energy of philosophic minds is preserved in its plenitude for only a short period of their whole duration of life."* 4. The Period (.) 1. The period or full stop is used after every complete declarative statement. Example : Consider the end. 2. After title-headings and side-heads. 3. After most abbreviations. Examples : A.M. for ante meridian ; LL.D. for Doctor of Laws ; e.g. for ejempli gratia (for the sake of example . 4. After Roman numerals, except when they are used to number pages. 5. The Dash (— ) The dash is used to mark (1) a change of thought or construction or (2) an emphatic or unexpected pause. * Phelps, English Style in Public Discourse, p. 133. AND SHORTHAND VOCABULARY i 33 Examples : 1. He may live without books — what is knowledge but grieving P He may live without hope — what i^hope but deceiving ? 2. What say ye ? Speak now — now or never. 6. The Interrogation Point (?) The note of interrogation or eroteme is used at the end of a sentence to designate (1) a single question or (2) more, and (3) is sometimes written in parentheses to express a doubt or challenge the accuracy of a statement. Examples : 1. Truths would you teach, or save a sinking land ? 2. Father of Light ! Great God of Heaven ! Hear'st Thou the accents of despair ? Can giiilt like man's be e'er forgiven ? ' Can vice atone for crimes by prayer ? 3. Petni. Manco Capac, with his wife, and sister Mama Ocello, arrives from China (?), and claims to have been sent by the Deity to reclaim the tribes from savage life. 7. The Exclamation Mark (!) The note of exclamation or ecphoneme is used after a word or phrase to express sudden emotion, and is sometimes repeated for emphasis. Examples : Ah ! What were man should Heaven refuse to hear I Never ! Never ! ! Never ! ! I 8. Quotation Marks ("..."; '...') 1. Double quotation marks or guillemets are used to designate that the matter within them is a direct quotation from another author or is dialogue. 2. Single quotation marks are used within double quotation marks to designate that the matter within them is a quotation from another author or speaker cited by the first author whose matter is printed within the double mark?. Examples : " Gi'ant White, referring to Milton, says ' Milton calls Raphael " the affable archangel," and makes Adam say to him, as he is about departing heavenward : ' Gentle to me and affable hath been Thy condescension, and shall be honored ever With grateful memoiy.' " 3. Double quotation mai'ks are sometimes used in citing titles, a of books, but titles are often printed in italic type, and when this is done quotation marks are not used. 134 cumulative speller and shorthand vocabulary 9. Parentheses ( ) 1. The parentheses are used to separate an explanatory or qualifying clause, or a sentence inserted in another sentence which is grammatically complete without it. Examples : The wallflower, on each rifted rock, From liberal blossoms shall breathe down (Gold blossoms frecked with iron-brown) Its fragrance. The columbine is a herbaceous plant of the crowfoot family (Ranunculaceae), vfith the leaflets shaped like those of the meadow-rue 2. They are used also in connection with the titles of books (a) to separate the place and date of publication from the text, thus presei"ving the continuity of same ; ( i) to enclose references or figures denoting numerical sections or other divisions; (c) to enclose notes of interrogation inserted to express doubt of the correctness of the statement made- Example : (a) Mrs. Massingbird published "Sickness, Its Trials and Blessings" (London, 1868). The uses referred to under (h and (c) above are so frequent as not to require illustration. 10. The Apostrophe (') The apostrophe is used to denote the possessive case, which is made in the singular by adding s with an apostrophe, as also in the plural of Bouns that do not end in * — as, man's, men's. The plural possessive, when the plural already ends with an s, is foniied by adding an apostrophe after the word — as, horses' teelh; that is " the teeth of horses." 11. The Caret (a) The caret is used only in writing, to denote where omitted words or letters are to be inserted. 12. The Dierbsis { " ) The dieresis or dialysis consists of two dots placed over a vowel. 1. It is placed above one of two vowels when these follow one another, to show that they do not form a diphthong — as Danae. 2. It is used sometimes (but, in general, modem practice discards it) over the second vowel in words where the vowel is doubled — as, zoophyte. The " Standard Dictionary " discards the dieresis altogether. ABBREVIATIONS. A. America; American A. B. (Artium Baccalaureus) Bachelor of Arts; able- bodied seaman Abp. Archbishop A. C. (ante Christum) Before Christ Acct. A. count A. D. (anno Domini) In the year of our Lord Afj^ /Advertisement; Adverb A. D. C. Aide-de-camp AgSt. Against Agrt. Agent A. I. Amei'ican Institute Al Of the first or highest class A. I. A. Associate of the Institute of Actuaries A. M. {ante meridiem) Before noon Amt. Amount Anon. Anonymous Ans. Answer A. R. A. Associate of the Royal Academy Ap. Arrival, arrivals Apt. Article Asst. Assistant A. V. Ad valorem — according to the value Av. Average ; avoirdupois Ave. Avenue B. A. A. B. Bal. Bart., Bt. B. C. B. C. L. Bds. [Bachelor of Arts; British America balance Baronet Before Christ ; British Columbia Bachelor of Civil Law Boards 135 136 CUMULATIVE SPELLER B. D. Bachelor of Divinity B/E Bill of Exchange Bk. Book, bank B. L. Bachelor of Laws b. 1. Bill of Lading BL, bbl., bPl . Barrel Bldg. Building B. M. Bachelor of Medicine B. Mus. Bachelor of Music Bot. Bought b, p. Bills payable Bque. Barque b. pec. Bills receivable Bpg-. Brig Brit. British Brls., bis. Barrels Bro. Brother Bros. Brothers b. s. Bill of Sale Bus. Bush. } Bushel Bx. Box Bxs. Boxes C C. Centigrade c. Cent ca. Case C A. Chai-tered Accountant Cam. Camb. Cambridge Cantab. ( Cantab rigiensis) Of Cambridge Capt. Captain C. B. Companion of the Bath C. E. Civil Engineer Cen. Am. Central America Cent. (Centum)— one hundred Cent. Centigrade Cert. Certificate Cf., conf. Compare C. i. f. Cost, insurance, and freight C. i. f. & c. Cost, insurance, freight, commission AND SHORTHAND VOCABULARY 137 C. i. f. G. & i. Cost, insurance, freight, commission and interest C. f. i. Cost, freight, and insurance C. H. Custom House, Coui-t House Ch. Chaldron (measure) C. J. Chief Justice Cil»., CiPC. (circa, circiter, circum) about Ck. Cask Cks. Casks CI. Centiliter, cloth Cid. Cleared cm. Centimeter C. O. Commanding officer Co. Company; County C. O. Care of C. O. D. Cash, or Collect, on Delivery Coll. Collector, college Com. Commission Cont. Conti*act; containing Cop. Sec. Corresponding Secretaiy Cp. Credit, creditor, crown Cps. Credits, crtditors Cs. Cases Ct. A hundred Cum d. With dividend Cum. Ppef. Cumulative preference CUPP., CUPt. Current — of the present month C. S. Civil Service Cwt. Hundredweight D D. Democrat Dan. Danish d. & wt. f. Daily and weekly till forbidden Dbk. Drawback D. C. L. Doctor of Civil Law D. D. Doctor of Divinity Def. Defendant Deg-. Degree D. G. (Dei gratia) By the grace of God Dept. Department Dft. Draft, Defendant J 38 CUMULATIVE SPELLEK Diam. Diameter Div. Dividend, division D. L. O. Dead letter office D. P. Doctor of Pliilosopby do. Ditto Dols. Dollars doz. Dozen Dp. Debtor, Doctor dp. Di"am d. s. Days' sight D. Sc. Doctor of Science D. T. Doctor of Theology D. V. {Deo volente) God willing Dwt. Pens y weight E E. East; Earl; English E. C. Eastern Central (Postal District. London Ea. Each Ed. Editor, edition Eds. Editors E. E. Errors excepte E. & O. E. Errors and omissions excepted e. g. {Exempli gratia) For example E. I. East Indies Enc. Enclosure Eng". English, Engineers Esq. Esquire et seq. And the following etc., &;c. {et cetera), and so on Ex. example Exch. exchange Ex. cp. (extra), without coupon Exd. Examined F F. France, Franc F. a. a. Free of all average (insurance) Fahp. Fahrenheit Fcp. Foolscap Fee. (fecit) He or she made it Fig-. Figure And shorthand vocabulary 189 F. G. S. Fellow of the Geological Society F. I. A. Fellow of the Institute of Actuaries Fl. Florin Fo., Fol. Folio f. o. b. Free on board f. p. a. Free of particular average (insurance) Fp. French F. R. A. S. Fellow of the Royal Astronomical Society F. R. C. P. Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians F. R. C. S. Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons Ft. Foot, feet, fort Fthm. Fathom Ft., in. Feet, inches Fu'p. Furlong G G/a General average (insurance) Gal. Gallon Gals. Gallons G. A. R. Grand Army of the Republic Gaz. Gazette G. B. Great Britain g". e. m. Greatest common measure Gent. Gentleman gri. Gill Gov. Government, Governor G. P. O. General Post Office Gp. Greek SP- Gross gr. wt. Gross weight gPS. Grains H Hdkf. Handkerchief H. H. His 'or Her) Highness Hhd. Hogshead H. M. His (or H«^r) Majesty H. M. S. His (or Her) Majesty's ship or service Hon. Honorable H. P. Horse power H. R. House of Representatives hps. Houi's 10— (446) 140 CUMULATIVE SPELLER ib., ibid. {ibidem) In the same place id. (idem) The same i. e. fid est) That is in. Inch, inches incog:. (incognito) Unknown inst. Instant — of the i^resent month Ins. Insurance Inst. Institute Int. Interest Inv. Invoice I. O. U. I owe you I. W. Isle of Wight It. ItaJian Ital. Italics J J. Judge Jan. January Jno. John Jul. July Jun. I Junior J. p. Justice of the Peace K. B. K. C. K. C. B. Kg. Kilo. K. G. Kt. Kp. K. S. I. K Knight of the Bath King's Counsel Knight Commander of the Bath Kilogramme Knight of the Garter Knight Kreuzer (coin) Knight of the Star of India L., 1., or £ Lat. lb. lbs. A pound sterling Latitude, Latin Pound in weight AND SHORTHAND VOCABULARY 141 L/C Letter of Credit 1. e. Lower case (printing) LL.B. Bachelor of Laws LL.D. Doctor of Laws Long'. Longitude L. R. C. P. Licentiate of the Royal College of Physicians L. S. {Locum si gill i) Place of the seal £) S. d. Pounds, shillings, pence Ltd. Limited M M. Thousand, Monsieur M. A. Master of Arts Mag". Magazine Max. Maximum M. B. Bachelor of Medicine ; Bachelor of Music M. C. Master of Ceremonies M. D. Doctor of Medicine Mdlle. Mademoiselle, Miss Mdme. Madame M. E. Methodist Episcopal Mdse. Merchandise Mem. Memorandum Messrs. Gentlemen, Sirs Mfd. Maniifactured Mfg. Manufacturing Mfp. Manufacturer Mar. March Min. Minimum, minute Mile. Mademoiselle. Miss MM. Messieurs, Sirs mo. Month Mons. Monsieur, Mi. Monsig*. Monsignor mos. Months MP. Mister, Sir Mrs. Mistress, Madam MS. Manuscript, mail steamer MSS. Manuscripts 142 CUMULATIVE SPELLER N N. North N. A. Novth America N. B. Take note, mark well N. B. North Britain, New Bmnswick N. E. Northeast nem. con. {nemine contradicente) No one contradicting N. F. Newfoundland Nom. Nominal Non seq. (Non sequitur) Itj^doea not follow N. P. Notary Public Nos. Numbers N. S. New Style, Nova Scotia N. S. W New South Wales N. W. Northwest N. Z. New Zealand Obdt. Obedient Obs. Obsei-vation O. H. M. S. On His (or Her) Majesty's Service O. K. All Correct Oz. Ounce P Pd. Paid P. E. Protestant Episcopal P. E. I. Prince Edward Island Pep an. Per annum Pep cent. % [ Per centum Pkgf. Package ; packing P. M. {Post meridiem)— afternoon ; Postmaster P. O. Post Office P. O. O. Post Office Order P. Q. Province of Quebec Pop. Population PPOf. Professor pp. Pages Ppes. President Ppo For AND SHORTHAND VOCABULART !43 Ppo tern. (Pro tempore) For the time being Ppox. (^Proximo) Of the next month P. S. ( Post scnptum) Written after P. T. O. Please turn over Q q. e. d. (Quod erat demonstrandum) Which was to be demonstrated Q. Question Q. M. Quartermaster Qps. Quarters Qts. Quarts q. V. (Quod vide) Which see Qy. Query R R. Eeoc. King R. Recipe, take • R. C. Roman Catholic Rs. Rupees R. A. M. Royal Academy of Music pe Re — in regard to, relating to Reed. Received Reet. Receipt Ref. Reference Reg-. Registered Rm. Ream R. I. P. (Requiescat in pace) May he (she) rest in peace R. N. Royal Navy R. R. Railroad R. S. V. P. {Repondez, s'il vovs plait) Reply, if you please Ry. Railway S. S South, saint, shilling S. A. South America Sat. Saturday S. E. Southeast Sec. Section, secretary, seconds Secy. Secretary Sen. Senate, Senator, Senior 144 CUMULATIVE SPELLEH Shipt. Shipment S. O. Seller's option Soc. Society Sov. Sovereign Spec. Special Sq. Square S. P. Q. R. ( Senatus Popuhisqve Romanus) People of Rome The Senate an^ SS. Saints S. S. Steamship St. Saint, street St. Stone (weight) Stgr. Sterling StP. Steamer s. w. Southwest Tep. Territory Thups. Thursday T. Tons T. O. Turn over Tp. Transpose Tpeas. Treasurer T. T. L. To take leave U Ult. (ZTltimo) In the lastmonth Univ. University U. K. United Kingdom U. S. United States, Uncle Sam U. S. A. United States of America U. S. M. United States Mail U. S. N. United States Navy V V. or Vs. ( Versus) Against Vap. Variant, variety Via By way of Vice-Ppes. Vice-President Viz. ( Tidelicet) Namely Vol. Volume A.ND SHORTHAND VOCABULARV 145 W VI. West W. A. Westei-n Australia ^v. c. Western Central (Postal District, London) AVhf. Wharf W. I. West Indies AVk. Week Wks. Weeks Wm. William Wt. Weight X xep. Without coupon xd. Without dividend Xmas. Christmas Y Yd. Yard Yds. Yards Yr. Your, year Other Special Signs Foot (as 2' 6' — two feet, six inches) Inches By (as 4 X 8— four by three) Degree, fas 30° — thirty degrees) Press ol Isaai Pitman ^Sons, Bath, Eneltmd. N— (446) Abridged Catalogue OF THE PUBLICATIONS OF Isaac Pitman & Sons Registered Trade Mark TEACHERS and others are cautioned against pur- chasing modifications of the Isaac Pitman Shorthand sold under various titles. The only authorized text- books of this system issued by the direct heirs of the Inventor bear the above registered Trade Mark design on cover, and the imprint of Isaac Pitman & Sons, a West Forty-Fifth Street, New York. ISAAC PITMAN & SONS' SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING PUBLICATIONS aRE USED IN THE HIGH SCHOOLS OF NEW- YORK, BOSTON. CLEVELAND, NEWARK, ROCHESTER, SYRACUSE. DENVER, ETC. ALSO IN THE EXTENSION TEACHING AT COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY. ISAAC PITMAN & SONS, 2 West 45th Street, New York Previous Lists Cancelled. Sept., 1912. PHONOGRAPHIC WORKS. BY ISAAC PITMAN, The Inventor of Phonography. Course in Isaac Pitman Shorthand. Cloth, embossed in gold 240 pp., $1.50. A Course of Forty Lessons in the Isaac Pitman System of Shorthand, specially designed for the Shorthand Amanuensis and adapted for use in Business Colleges, Academies, and High Schools. This work is officially used in the High Schools of New York, Brooklyn, and other large cities. Also in the leading business schools. Special features of this work are : — Position Writing from the Beginning. Words and Sentences introduced in the 1st Lesson. Business Letters in the 9th and subsequent Lessons. Phraseography taught from the 6th Lesson. Reporting Style taught from the Beginning. •,* A special Edition of "Course" is published in Lesson Sheet Form for the use of teachers and schools who give instruction by mail. $1.50. Key to " Course." Cloth, gilt, 60c. Key to "Course." Lesson Sheet Form, 60c. Isaac Pitman's Shorthand Instructor. Cloth, embossed in gold, 270 pp., $1.50. Twentieth Century Edition. An Exposition of Isaac Pitman's System of Phonography. Containing instruction for Iwth beginners and advanced students with copious lists of Phrases and Exercises, Business Letters, etc. Key to " Shorthand Instructor." 50c. ; cloth, 60c. Rules of Isaac Pitman Shorthand in a Nutshell. As the title indi- cates, this resume of the principles of Phonography is not intended to be an exhaustive exposition but aims at giving, in the briefest form, the pith of the system. It is intended to ser\ e the purpose of a book of easy reference and rapid revision, and its terseness of expression has this object in view. Supplementary Exercises in Isaac Pitman Shorthand. Part I. A series of graded exercises for use with the " Course." 26c. Pitman's Shorthand Writing Exercises and Examination Tests. Cloth gilt, 240 pp., 6O0. This work contains exhaustive classified lists of words illustrative of every rule in the syst(:m, and over one hundred graduated sentence exercises in ordinary print for writing or dictation practice. No word is introduced before the rule governing it has been mastered by the learner. Key to " Shorthand Writing Exercises." In Engraved Shorthand (1.26. The Phonographic Teacher. 48 pp., 25c. A Guide to a Practical Acquaintance with the Art of Phonography or Phonetic Short- band, containing a Series of Progressive Lessons. Preliminary Instructions for the Stndy of Isaac Pitman's Shorthand. A simple and extended exposition of the Art as presented in " Course in Isaac Pitman Shorthand." 40c. Key to the "Teacher." 20c. Of great value to the Private Student.- Rules of Isaac Pitman Shorthand in a Nutshell (Ready Oct., 1912), 60 pp., 36c. In this little book a speciality is made of the rules, and they are set forth in such a simple manner that the student cannot help but learn them. Each rule is correlative in that it is based on the rules preceding. Each rule is paralleled in such a way that it appeals to the apperceptive qualities of the student. Each rule has a list of illustrative words written in engraved shorthand as well as longhand. The Phonographic Exercise Book. 10c. Made of the best quality paper, and ruled in single or double lines. Graduated Test in Isaac Pitman 's Shorthand. 80 pp., 20c. A series of revisionary exercises, arranged on an entirely new plan, with the object of testing the student's knowledge of the system. Pitman's Shorthand Reading Lessons, No. 1. 48 pp., 20c. For use with the " Instructor," and furnishing reading practice and word-building from the beginning. Key to Shorthand Reading Lessons, No. 1, in ordinary type, 8c. Pitman's Shorthand Reading Lessons, No. 2. 61 pp., 25c. Key to Shorthand Reading Lessons, No. 2, in ordinary type. 6c. Pitman's Progressive Dictator. 220 pp., cloth gilt, Price 86c. An entirely new and complete Manual of Dictation comprising selections of original letters relating to twenty-seven different lines of business arranged with vocabularies of engraved shorthand outlines and phrases. Talks with Shorthand Students. An extended explanation of the principles of Isaac Pitman's Shorthand. Ill pp., 40c. ; doth, 50c. Progressive Studies in Phonography. 40c. ; cloth, 50c. A simple and extended exposition of the Art of Phonetic Shorthand, as set forth in the " Teacher," the " Manual," and the " Reporter." The " Fono " Headhne Shorthand Copy Books. Books A, B, and C. Each, 10c. Containing a series of engraved copies. Exercises in Phonography. 6c. A series of graduated exercises. Pitman's Shorthand Gradus. 6c. A series of Writing Exercises for use with the " Instructor " or " Manual." Slsop's Fables. 20c. ' In the Learner's Style. A valuable reading book in words of one syllable. Easy Readings. 20c. In the Learner's Style of Shorthand, with Key. The Learner's Shorthand Reader. 20c. A Compend of Phonography. 5c. Containing the Alphabet, Grammalogues, and principal Rules for Writing. fitman's Shorthand Mannal. 128 pp., 50c. ; cloth, 60c. Being a condensed edition of Part I of the " Instructor," and containing an exposition of the system, with numerous engraved shorthand examples interspersed with the text. Key to "Manual." 20c. The Phonographic Reader. 20c. A course of Reading Exercises in Phonography, with Key. Pitman's Shorthand Reporter. 117 pp., 60c. ; cloth, 75c. Being a condensed edition of Part 2 of the " Instructor " and an adaptation of Phonography to Verbatim Reporting. Key to the "Reporter." 20c. Reporting Exercises. 20c. Intended as a companion to the " Reporter " ; containing exercises on all the rules and contracted words in this book. Key to the " Reporting Exercises. " 40c.; cloth, 60c. In which all the Exercises are presented in Shorthand. Ibe Acquisition o! Speed in Phonography. 24 pp., 20c. In ordinary type. Containing chapters on the following subjects: The System — The Importance of Thoroughness and Method of Study . — Elementary Speed F'ractice — Tests of Speed — etc. The Grammalogues and Contractions of Pitnuin's " Reporter." 8c. 9fae Phonographic Phrase Book. 88 pp., 40c. ; cloth, 60c. Contain- ing above two thousand useful phrases in Phonography, with Key and an exercise occupying 43 pages, containing all the phrases as they occur in the book. Isaac Pitman's Shorthand Dictionary. 316 pp., cloth, $1.60. " Library Edition," roan, gilt, coloured edges, S1.76. Ninth Edition, Revised and enlarged, containing the Shorthand Report- ing Outlines, beautifully printed from engraved characters, of over 62,000 words and geographical names, with parallel Key in ordinary type. Also a complete list of Grammalogues and Contracted Words alphabetically arranged. The most compre- hensive Shorthand Dictionary published. Specimen pages free. " An exceedingly valuable work " — N. Y. Sun. " A practical and beautiful book." — Western Penman. Abridged Shorthand Dictionary. 224 pp., cloth, gilt, 75c. ; French morocco, gilt, size 3 X 4i in. Sl.OO- Contains over 22,000 words, with their shorthand characters, and a complete list of Gram- malogues and Contractions. OnmnlatiTe Speller and Shorthand Vocabnlary, Cloth, gilt, 146 rP-> 50c. For further particulars of this work see page lo. The Reporter's Assistant, 132 pp., 60c. ; cloth, 60c. A Key to the Reading of the Reporting Style of Phonography. All the words in the dictionary, not exceeding three consonants, were writte 1 in Shorthand, and, from this extensive list of qui lines has been draw.i all words that contain the same outline, and they have been classified according to their forms. Of great aid io reading one's notes. Technical Reporting. 60 pp., 50c. ; cloth, 60c. Comprising Phonographic Abbreviations for words and phrases commonly met with in Reporting Legal, Medical, Scientific, and other Technical Subjects, with type key. Praotica] Btisiness Letters in Shorthand. 64 pp., 30c. A series of Business Letters, in engraved Isaac Pitman's shorthand, containing 76 letters oa the following subjects : Railroad Correspondence — Life Insurance — Banking — Fruit and Produce — Real Estate, etc. A letterpress Key is provided at the end of the book. Business Ciorrespondence in Shorthand, Nos. 1, 2,\9. 4, 5. 6 and 7. 40 pp., each. 25c. each. A series of valuable books cor taining actual correspondence in various branches of business. Each book is Keyed in ordinary type and the matter counted for speed practice in either shorthand or typewriting. Stenographers, after completing their studies, feel the need of some practical material to enable them to keep up their practice and at the same time increase thetr speed. Of all such matter, business letters are the most valuable, and the advantage, therefore, of having for immediate reference such a practical collection of letter* will b^ at once recognised. List or Contekts. Business Correspondence in Shorthand No. L Subjects treated : Railroad Correspondence — Law (General) — Low (Patents) — Law (Pensions) — Banking — Stock Brokers' — Haid- ware— Lumber — Boots and Shoes — Miscellaneous — Power of Attorney Form, etc. Business Correspondence in Shorthand No. 2. Subjects treated : Real Estate Correspondence — Financial — Legal and Law — Hardware — Dry Goods — Insurance — Electrical — Foots and Shoes — Lumber — Publishing — Miscellaneous, etc. Business Correspondence in Shorthand No. 3. Subjects treated : Advertising Correspondence — Agents — Automobile — Bicycle — Boiler Appliance, etc. Business Correspondbncb in Shorthand No. 4. Subjects treated : Boiler Appliance Correspondence — Bookbinding — Builders' — Collections — Copying Office — Cotton — Desks — Dry Goods — Drugs, etc Business Correspondence in Shorthand No. 6. Subjects treated : Dry Goods Correspondence — Electrical Construction — Express — Financial Standing — Fire Insurance — Flour and Feed — Furniture, etc. Business Correspondence in Shorthand No. 6. Subjects treated : Groceries — Hardware — Hotel — Investment — Legal — Life Insurance, etc Business Correspondence _in Shorthand, No. 7. Subjects treated : Life Insurance — Lumber — Municipal — Paper and Envelopes — Patents and Trade Marks — Patent Foods — Pensions — Pianos — Pottery, etc. *,* This work is also published in the following convenient tonn* in cloth binding. Business Correspondence in Shorthand, Nos. 1 and 2, in on« volume. Cloth, gilt, 80 pp., 60c. Business Correspondence in Shorthand, Nos. S and 4, in one volume. Cloth, 80 pp., 60c. Business Correspondence in Shorthand, Nos. 5 and 6, in one volume. Cloth, 80 pp., 60c Business Correspondence in Shorthand, Nos. 1, 2, 3, and 4, In one volume. Special Shorthand Edition without Tyfie Kty. Cloth, gilt, 88 pp., 76c. Qndoatsd Dictatioii Books, 47 pp., 10c. each. For acquiring Speed in Shorthand and Typewriting. Adapted to any system. Tie reading matter is divided on a new and improved plan. Divided for speeds of 60, 80, 100. and 180 words per minute. No. 1. — Political Speeches. No. 2. — Sermons. No. 8. — Commercial. No. ^. — Speeches and Addresses. Key, in Shorthand, to the Giadoated Dictation Book, Nos. 1 and & 20c. each. Pifaiukn 'i Interlined Speed Practice Books. Nos. 1. 2. and 8. Each. 6c. Various mechanical expedients have been devised for afiording phonographers speed practice when it is not possible to obtain the assistance of a reader. The present interlined speed practice books furnish, perhaps, the most useful and convenient aid yet devised. Key, in Shorthand to "Interlined " Nos. 1. 2. and 3, Each So. An exact reproduction of the printed matter in the Reporting Style. Pitman's Commercial Correspoadence in Shorthand. 224 pp., cloth, 85c. A series of model business letters in engraved Phonography. The letters are examples of the best business style of the present day, and in this respect possess important advantages over other publications of a similar character. Commercial Correspondence & Commercial English. 272 pp., cloth, 85c. A practical Manual of Commercial Correspondence, forming a key to " Commercial Correspondence in Shorthand." All the letters are counted for shorthand and typewTiting speed practice, and editions are published in French and German, corresponding page for page. The Shorthand Commercial Letter Writer. 94 pp., 40c. ; cloth, 60c* A Guide to Commercial Correspondence in the Reporting Style of Phonography. Key to " Shorthand Commercial Letter Writer." In ordinary type. 20c. ; cloth, 40c. The Shorthand Commercial Letter Writer and Key. • In one volume. Cloth, 60c. The Phonographic Railway Phrase Book. 20c. An adaptation of Phonography to the Requirements of English Railway Business and Correspondence! The Phonographic Legal Phrase Book. 20c. An adaptation of Phonography to the Requirements of English Legal Business and Correspondence. The Phonographic Insurance Phrase Book. 20 pp., 20c. Banking Phrases in Shorthand. 20 pp., 20c. Instruction in Legal Work. 40 pp., 25c. In ordinary type. Fot Court Stenographers and Law Students. Reprinted from " Pitman's Twentieth Century Dictation and Legal Forms." How to Become a Law Stenographer. 168 pp., 7Sc., cloth, Sl.OO. For Stenographers and Typ-ists. A Compendium of Legal Forms containing a complete set of Legal Documents accompanied with full explanations and directions for arranging the same on the typewriter. This work will be found an indispensable companion for every stenographer intending to take a position in a law office. t 'Electrical Terms and Phrases. 50 pp., 50c. Pitman's Shorthand Writer's Phrase Books and Goides. Cloth- Price, each 76c. They comprise a comprehensive and exhaustiv e list of phrases, followed by Engraved shorthand forms. Th« following \ olumes are ready : Electrical and Engineering ; Shipping; Architects', Auctioneers', and Surveyors'; Printers' and Publishers'. ADAPTATIONS OF ISAAC PITMAN'S PHONOGRAPHY TO FOREIGN LANGUAGES. Taanigrafla Espa&ola de Isaac Pitman. 128 pp., cloth, gilt, $1.25 Adaptaci6ii & la Lengua Espafiola del Sistema de Fonografia del Autor. Para uso de Escuelas de Coinercio, Institutes y tambien para Estudio Pesonal. Being an Adaptation of Isaac Pitman's Shorthand to the Spanish Language. Designed for use in Business Colleges, High Schools, and for Self Instruction. Key to Taqoigrafla Espanola. Cloth, gilt, $1.00. With additional Exercises. Ftenoh Phonography. 40o. ; cloth, 50c. Third edition. Revised . and Enlarged. An adaptation of Phonography to the French . langruage. By T. A. Reed. Stenographie Pitman. Par Spencer Herbert. An adaptation o( . Isaac Pitman's Phonography to the French language. Cloth, SL25. German Phonography. Crown 8vo., 84 pp., 50c. ; cloth, 80c. An adaptation of Phonography to the German language. Uauuale di Fonografia Italiana. 50c. An Adaptation of Phono- graphy to the Italian language. By Giuseppe Francini. Dntch Phonography. $1.50. An adaptation of Phonography to the Dutch language. By F. De Haan. Pitman's Phonography adapted to Esperanto. Limp cloth, 50c. M ftnnfti of Latin Phonography. $1.00. An adaptation of Isaac Pitman's Shorthand to the Latin Language. By Rev. W. Tatlock, S.J. Japanese Phonography. Complete. $1.00. Spanish Phonography. By G. Parody. S1.50. SHORTHAND READING BOOKS. The student, to increase his speed, and to improve his knowledge of Phonography, cannot read too much well-engraved shorthand. One advantage of. studying the Isaac Pitman system — and one which cannot well be over-estimated — is, that the shorthand literature in that system is far in excess of all other systems combined. " We would emphasise still further the wealth a/ literature the Isaac Pitman system has. . . . These publishers are continually issuing new works in shorthand, and this in itself should make their system a great force in the shorthand world." — The Business Journal (New York). In the Corresponding Style. Select Readings, No. 1. 48 pp., 20c. An entirely new book of readings. Partial list of selections : — " A Rill from the Town • Pump " (Nathaniel Hawthorne) " The Heart of London " (Charles Dickens) ; "The Man in Black" (Oliver Goldsmith) " Household Superstitions " (Joseph Addison) ; " Caught in the Quicksand " (Victor Hugo), etc. Select Readings, No. 2. 48 pp., 20c. Containing " A First Night at Sea" (Richard H. Dana); "Niagara" (Dickens); "The Candid Man " (Bulwer Lytton), etc. Magby Junction and other Stories. By Charles Dickens. 60c. cloth, 60c. The Chimes. 127 pp., 50c. ; cloth, 80c. By Charles Dickens. The Battle of Life. 130 pp., 40c. ; cloth, 60c. By Charles Dickens. The Silver Ship of Mexico. 132 pp., 40c. ; cloth, 50c. By J. H. Ingraham. The Book of Psalms. 160 pp., 40c. ; cloth, 60c. Sell-Cnltore. 91 pp., 40c. ; cloth, 60c. By Prof. Blackie. Gulliver's Voyage to Lilliput. 88 pp., 40c. ; doth, 60c. By Dear Swift. Tales and Sketches. 96 pp., 40c. ; cloth, 60c. By Washington Irving ; with printed Key. Aobinson Croso?. 300 pp., 60c. ; cloth, 75c. By Daniel Defok. Illustrated. This work is extremely well adapted for use as a shorthand reader, and, in attractive cloth binding, forms a handsome prize volume. The Vicar of Wakefield. Illustrated. 280 pp., 60c. : cloth, eOc. In the Reporting Style. jliscellaneons Readings. A new reading book, with Key in ordinary type. 35c. ; cloth, 50c. Selections from American Authors. 112 pp., 40c. ; cloth, 50c. With Key in ordinary type at the foot of each page. The Cricket on the Hearth. 132 pp., 60c. ; cloth, 60c. By Charles Dickens. Brief Reporting Kotes in Shorthand, or Shorthand Dictation Exercises. 48 pp., 26c. With printed Key, and tne matter counted and timed for testing of Spceil either in Shorthand oi Typewriting. The Sign of Four. 171 pp., 60c. ; cloth, 60c. By A. Conan Dovle. Tales from Dickens. 147 pp., 50c. ; cloth, ftOc. Containing " The Puggs's at Ramsgate," " The Bioomsbury Christening " " The Great Winglebury Duel," and " Mr. Watkins Tottle," from " Sketches by Hot." Around the World in Eighty Days. 184 pp., 50c. ; cloth, 60c. By Jules Verne. The Haunted Man. 104 pp., 60c. ; cloth, gilt, 60c. By Chas. Dickens. T«cntv-oiie Original page Illustrations. Thankful Blo.s3om. 105 pp., 40c. ; cljth, 50c. By Bret. Hartr. A Christmas Carol. Ill pp., 40c. ; cloth, 50c. By Charles Dickens. t High Speed in Shorthand : How to Attain It 64 pp., 40c. Witk lype Key. ^ Shorthand Examinations : Uow to Prepare for and How to Pass Them, 26c. 8 t Won — And Lost. By John Taylor. 25c. t The Phantooi Stockman, 32 pp., 20c. By Guv Boothby. Qlnanings. No. 1 and 2. 48 pp. each. E»ch 20c. Containing reproductions (>( notable essays by T. A. Reed and others, on shorthand in-itters, with printed Key. The Legend of Sleepy Hollow. 62 pp., 20c. By Washington Irving ; with printed Key at the foot of each page. Rip Van Winkle. 32 pp., 20c. By Washington Irving ; witb printed Key. nie Bible in Shorthand. Cloth, beveled lx)ards, red edges, $8 ; roan, gilt edges, $3.50; morocco, gilt edges, S4.50. Each style has a silk marker and comes boxed. Containing the Old and New Testaments. The New Testament, 368 pp., roan, red edges, S1.50 ; Turkey morocco, gilt edges, S2. In an Easy Reporting Style. The Book of Common Prayer. 296 pp., roan, red edges, $1.60 ; Turkey morocco, gilt edges, 82. In an Easy Reporting Style of Phonography. The Church Services (entire). 935 pp., roan, S3 ; morocco, $4. In an Easy Reporting Style of Phonography. t Commercial Shorthand. 40c. A Reading and Dictation book with introduction by E. A. Cope. PITMAN'S JOURNAL. Terms of Subscription : Per Year in .'Advance, 60c. An American Magazine for Isaac Pitman Writers. Issued monthly, except July and August. Each number contains twenty-four pages (size 7J by 9i) and includes eight columns of beautifully engraved Phonography, furnishing invaluable means for study and practice to students of the art. TYPEWRITING. Practical Course in Touch Typewriting. By Chas. E. Smith, A uthor of " Cumulative Speller." Tenth Edition, revised and enlarged. 60c. ; cloth, 75c. A Scientific Method of Mastering the Keyboard by the Sense of Touch. The d-sign of this work is to teach touch typewriting in such a way that the student will operate by touch — will have an absolute command of every key on the keyboard, and be able to strike any key more readily without looking than would be the case with the aid of sight. A separate Chart contain- ing Keyboard and Diagrams printed in five colours, on a heavy double-calendered cardboard accompanies each copy. Contains specimens of actual Business Letters, Legal Forms, Specifications, Instructions for the Use of the Tabulator, etc., all printed in actual typewriter type. In ordering state whether Single or Double Keyb ..ird or Oliver Edition is desired. Adopted by the New \'ork Board of Education. " I am pleased to state that I consider ' A Practical Course in Touch Type%vriting ' the only text-book from which I studied, the best Typewriting instruction book that I have seen. The exercises are excellent, and have helped me wonderfully in working up speed. The whole course is very interesting from the beginning, and it cannot but produce the best results in the shortest time." — Rose L. Fritz, World's Champion Typist. bau Pitman's Typewriter Mannal, 85c. Sixth edition, rpvis«>d »nd eiilargi-d. A Practical Guide to Commercial, Literary, Legal, Dramatic, and all classes of Typewriting work. Contains 68 plates. All-finger or Touch Typewriting method. Semiagton Typewriter ManaaL We. ; cloth, 50c. Typewriter Backing Sheet. 10c. Designed to protect the type, the platen, and to assist in giving better and longer service to the writing machine and lessen the noise. The sheet is printed with line numerals from 1 to 60, which indicates the hearing of the end of the sheet. It prevents slipping of the paper and wrinkling of carbons. The New Doiversal System of Touch or Sight Type'^iting. By L W. Patto.n. Third Edition Revi<;cd and Enlarged. eOc. COMMERCIAL CORRESPONDENCE, BUSINESS ENGLISH, SPELLING, CIVIL SERVICE, Etc. Pitman's 20th Century Business Dictation Book and Legal Forms. 272 pp., stiff boards and cloth back. 75c. ; cloth, $1.00. (Fifth edition.) Containing an up-to-date collection of genuine letters (in ordinary type) which have been used in the transaction of actual work in large American business houses, classified under fifty distinct lines of business, each set of letters separate ; Legal Forms, and a judicious, selection of practice matter for general dictation. Also chapters on Spelling, Punctuation, Capitaliza- tion, and Short Practical Talks with the Amanuensis, etc. This work, which is the most complete dictation course published, is specially compiled for the teacher, the beginner, and the advanced student. All progressive Schools, without reference to the system of Shorthand taught, should insist upon each student procuring a copy. Also published in two parts, as foUotes : — Part L — Business Dictation. 168 pp., stiff boards and cloth back. 50c. Containing fifty distinct lines of business. Part 2.— Legal Forms and miscellaneous Selections, etc. 103 pp.. stiff boards and cloth back. 40c. nie Progressive Dictator. Containing a selection of business letters relating to twenty-seven different lines of business. In ordinary prii.t. 180 pp., cloth, 75c. Pitman's Cumulative Speller. 112 pp., cloth, 40c. By Charles E. Smith, author of " A Practical Course in Touch Typewriting." A modern and practical speller for Commercial Education. As the title indicates, the plan is cumulative. Each lesson consists of sixteen words, the first twelve of which are respelled phonetic- ally and defined. The syllabication, pronunciation, and definition of the remaining four words should be assigned to the student, either as homework or seat-work. A homework d'ctionary, containing all of these special words, is included in the speller at the end of the first hundred regular lessons. This feature of the work is intended to afford the student a ready means of acquiring the dictionary habit — a habit so essential to all who take pride in turning out accurate work. 10 •,• A special edition of " Cumulative Speller " is also issued with a Shorthand Vocabnlaiy for schools teaching the Isaac Pitman system. • Cloth, gilt, 145 pp., 50c. Pitman's Commercial Dictionary. The latest and best pocket dictionary, 384 pp., full cloth, lettering in colour, 25c. ; French morocco, gi t, 60c. At the suggestion of a number of teachers who have found the various present-day pocl