COLONIAL CLUB H 1894 I LIBRARY ^ OF THE University of California. GIFT OF GEORGE MOREY RICHARDSON. Received, ^August, i8g8. z/lccession No. /Uj / 3 / Class No. teiraaaiar^^^ ^ Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2007 with funding from IVIicrosoft Corporation THE CHARTER AND BY-LAWS OF THE COLONIAL CLUB OF (Cambridge WITH A LIST OF THE OFFICERS AND MEMBERS CLUB HOUSE 20QUINCY STREET CAMBRIDGE Prditclx at tje EiberfiiiUe Presd 1894 pp ?2,;ay No. 4074. CtimmontoeaItl& of fRn&6nt\jmtU&. Be it known that whereas T. W. Higginson, James J. Myers, Henry H. Gilmore, Charles W. Eliot, Alvin F. Sort- well, Joseph G. Thorp, Jr., C. W. Kingsley, Henry P. Wal- cott, William A. Munroe, Charles J. Mclntire, Daniel U. Chamberlin, Edmund Reardon, and Edmund A. Whitman have associated themselves with the intention of forming a corporation under the name of The Colonial Club, for the purpose of establishing and maintaining a place for a reading- room, library, and social intercourse, and have complied with the provisions of the Statutes of this Commonwealth in such case made and provided, as appears from the certificate of the President, Treasurer, and Directors of said corporation, duly approved by the Commissioner of Corporations, and recorded in this office. Now, THEREFORE, I, Henry B. Peirce, Secretary of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, do hereby certify that said T. W. Higginson, J. J. Myers, H. H. Gilmore, C. W. Ehot, A. F. Sortwell, J. G. Thorp, Jr., C. W. Kingsley, H. P. Wal- cott, W. A. Munroe, C. J. Mclntire, D. U. Chamberlin, E. Reardon and E. A. Whitman, their associates and successors, are legally organized and established as and are hereby made an existing corporation under the name of The Colonial Clue, with the powers, rights, and privileges, and subject to the limitations, duties, and restrictions which by law appertain thereto. Witness my official signature hereunto subscribed, and the seal of the Commonwealth of Massachu- setts hereunto affixed this fourteenth day of April in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hun- dred and ninety. HENRY B. PEIRCE, Secretary of the Commonwealth* I seal j PRESIDENTS, WITH DATES OF THEIR ELECTION. THOMAS WENTWORTH HIGGINSON . . . 1890 CHARLES W. ELIOT 1893 BY-LAWS ARTICLE I. GOVERNMENT. Section i. The officers of the Club shall be a President, four Vice-Presidents, a Sec- retary (who shall be Clerk of the Corporation), a Treasurer, and nine Directors, who with the President and Secretary shall be an Executive Committee ; a Committee on Admissions, and an Auditing Committee. The officers shall be elected by ballot at the annual meeting in each year, and shall serve until their successors shall have been elected. Section 2. The President, or, in his ab- sence, the Vice-President senior in order of election, and present, shall preside at all meet- ings of the Club. In the absence of the Presi- dent and all the Vice-Presidents, a presiding officer shall be chosen without ballot from the members of the Club. The President and Sec- retary shall be, ex officio, chairman and secretary of the Executive Committee. Section 3. The Secretary shall keep a 8 BY-LAWS OF record of the proceedings of the Club and of the Executive Committee, and of all matters of which a record shall be deemed advisable by the Club or by said committee, in books belonging to the Club. The records of the Secretary shall, at all reasonable times, be open to the inspection of any member of the Club. It shall be the duty of the Secretary to notify members of their election, to keep a roll of the members of the Club, to issue notices for all business meetings of the Club at least five days previous to such meetings (with a brief mention of the business to be transacted when a special meeting is called), and to conduct the correspondence. He shall also be the keeper of the seal and of all docu- ments of the Club. He shall be exempt from payment of the annual assessment. Section 4. The Treasurer shall collect, and, under the direction of the Executive Committee, disburse all moneys of the Club. He shall keep the accounts of the Club in books belonging to it, which shall be at all times open to the inspection of the Executive Committee and Auditing Committee ; he shall report in writing at each quarterly meeting of the Executive Committee the balance of money on hand, and the outstanding obligations of the Club, as far as practicable ; and he shall make a full report, at the Annual Meeting of THE COLONIAL CLUB g the Club, of the receipts and disbursements of the past year, with such suggestions as to the financial management of the Club as he may deem proper. He shall turn over immediately, to his successor, all the money, books, vouch- ers, and other property in his hands belonging to the Club. He shall be exempt from the payment of the annual assessment. Section 5. The Executive Committee shall have the management and control of the Club and of its property, and shall exercise a gen- eral superintendence over its interests and af- fairs. They may make and authorize all neces- sary purchases and contracts, but shall have no power to make the Club liable for any debt beyond the amount of money which shall, at the time of contracting such debt, be in the Treasurer's hands and not needed for the dis- charge of prior debts or liabilities. They shall have the power to make such regulations as they shall think proper ; and, generally, to do all things which may be necessary for the man- agement of its concerns. They shall always be subject to such instructions and limitations as may be from time to time prescribed by the Club, and shall make a report of their proceed- ings at each annual meeting. They shall appoint from their number a House Committee of three, who shall control the expenses and charges of the Club, regulate lO BY-LAWS OF prices, receive and redress complaints, and have the immediate charge and superinten- dence of the Club and Club House, subject, however, at all times, to the direction of the Executive Committee. The House Committee shall have power, subject always to the control of the Executive Committee, to engage and discharge the ser- vants of the Club, and to make necessary pur- chases and sales. The Executive Committee, of which five shall be a quorum, shall hold stated meetings during the first week of every month, — July, August, and September excepted, — for the transaction of business ; and special meetings may be called by the Secretary, on request of the President or any Vice-President, or of any two Directors, upon notice, printed or written, sent to each member at least twenty-four hours before the time appointed for such meeting. The House Committee shall hold meetings on Monday evening of each week, at eight o'clock. The Chairman of the House Com- mittee shall be exempt from payment of the annual assessment. Section 6. After the first election of the Directors and Committee on Admissions, each annual election shall be for three Directors and three members of such committee, to hold office for three years, to supply the place THE COLONIAL CLUB \l of the class retiring that year, and for such additional number, if any, as may be necessary to fill vacancies, to hold office during the re- mainder of the terms of the members whose places they fill. At the first election. Direc- tors shall be elected in three classes of three each, whose terms shall expire in one, two, and three years respectively. Section 7. The Auditing Committee shall be elected annually, and shall consist of three persons, two of whom shall be a quorum. The duty of the Auditing Committee shall be to audit from time to time at its discretion the accounts of the Treasurer, and to present its report at each Annual Meeting. Section 8. Any officer may be removed for cause, at a meeting of the Club, called for that purpose with two weeks' notice ; and a vacancy in any office, where not otherwise pro- vided for, may be filled for the residue of the term by the Club at any meeting thereof. Neglect on the part of any member of a stand- ing or special committee to attend three con- secutive meetings of such committee shall be deemed a tender of his resignation of his office, which the committee may accept unless an explanation of such neglect, satisfactory to the committee, shall be given. Standing Committees may fill vacancies in their membership. 12 BY-LAWS OF No person shall serve on more than one of the standing committees, or hold more than one office in the Club, at the same time. ARTICLE IL MEMBERS. Section i. The Committee on Admissions shall consist of the Secretary and nine other members of the Club, five of whom shall con- stitute a quorum. Meetings of the committee shall be held on the first Tuesday after the first Saturday of every month, except July, August, and September. The committee chosen in 1890 shall, at its first meeting, divide the elected members thereof, not including the Secretary, by lot or otherwise, into three classes of three each, the term of office of one class to expire at the an- nual meeting in 189 1, of the second class at the same time in 1892, and of the third class at the same time in 1893. At each annual meeting after that of 1890 three new members of the committee shall be chosen for the term of three years, and the members whose term of office expires shall not be immediately eligible for reelection. Whenever any person shall be proposed for membership, written application must be made THE COLONIAL CLUB 13 by a member of the Club to the Committee on Admissions, subscribed by him, setting forth the full name and occupation and place of res- idence of the person proposed, and the date of such proposal. If two thirds of the Committee after careful examination and consideration shall deem him a suitable person for member- ship, they shall cause his name to be placed on the notice board, as a candidate for admis- sion, for the space of ten days. All elections shall be by secret ballot: thirty votes shall be necessary to constitute a ballot on each nomination ; and one-fifth part of the votes cast, or more than twenty votes, being in the negative, shall constitute a rejec- tion. The ballot-box shall be kept in the cus- tody of the clerk at the office. Printed or written lists of the candidates to be balloted for shall be provided for the use of the mem- bers as ballots, which may be deposited in the box at any time after the nomination until the balloting shall be closed. Each member may write Yes or No against any names on his bal- lot j and his vote shall not be counted for or against any candidate not thus marked. The balloting shall be closed at seven o'clock of the evening of the tenth day thereof, and the votes shall be counted by at least two members of the Executive Committee, who shall report to the Committee on Admissions the election 14 BY-LAWS OF or rejection of the candidate, and the Secretary shall enter the same on the records of the Club, and shall post on the notice-board a list of the candidates elected. No one but the committee who count the votes, the Secre- tary, and the clerk shall, on any account, see the list of members who have so voted, or be informed as to the proceedings of the commit- tee, the votes cast, or the persons voting. No candidate who shall have been rejected shall be again proposed within six months. Any person duly elected a member shall, upon signing the By-Laws, and paying an en- trance-fee of twenty-five dollars and the annual assessment, or, if elected after the first day of October in any year, the entrance-fee and half of the annual assessment, become thenceforth entitled to all the rights and privileges of mem- bership, provided such acts shall be performed within two months from the date of such elec- tion. Persons elected members of the Club during the month of March in any year shall not be required to pay any assessment for that financial year. The number of members at any one time shall not exceed four hun- dred. Immediately after the election of a person to membership, the Secretary of the Club shall inform him of his election. Section 2. If any person elected shall not, THE COLONIAL CLUB 1 5 within two months after notice of his election, left at or sent to his address, as specified by the member proposing him, signify his accept- ance, and pay his admission fee and annual dues, he shall be deemed to have declined to become a member. Section 3. All resignations shall be made, in writing, to the Executive Committee ; but if made after the second Thursday of April, such resignations shall not discharge the mem- ber presenting it from his dues for the current year. Section 4. If the conduct of a member shall appear to the Executive Committee to be disorderly, in violation of the rules, preju- dicial to the interests or character of the Club, or contrary to its By-Laws, the committee shall inform him thereof in writing, and, if the nature of the offense in its opinion requires, request him to resign. Such member shall have the right of appeal to the Club. The Club may expel such mem- ber by a vote, taken by ballot, of a majority of the members present at any business meeting. Section 5. The fiscal year shall commence on the first day of April. The annual dues for members shall be thirty dollars, payable in advance on the first of April. If not paid within thirty days thereafter, it shall be the duty of the Treasurer to notify the delinquent 1 6 BY-LAWS OF member, and if such dues are not paid within twenty days after such notice, his name shall be posted by the Treasurer in a conspicuous place in the Club House ; and should he neg- lect payment, without good cause, until the first day of June, he shall thereupon cease to be a member. All indebtedness of members to the Club, other than for assessments, shall be paid on or before the first day of every month. And if at the expiration of the fourteenth day of any month, any member shall not have paid his dues to the Glub for the preceding month, he shall receive no further credit until such dues are paid. It shall be the duty of the clerk, upon the fifteenth day of each month, to post in some conspicuous place in the Club House the names of all members whose dues are then unpaid, together with the amount due from each member, there to remain until the same are paid. The Executive Committee may at any meeting declare forfeited the membership of any member whose name and the amount due from him having been posted as aforesaid shall have remained posted forty-five days, provided such amount or some part thereof shall remain unpaid at the time of such meet- ing. Section 6. Any member who has paid an admission fee and the annual dues for one THE COLONIAL CLUB \J year, and who may be absent from the State for a continuous period of a year, shall be ex- empted from the payment of the annual dues for the period of his absence, provided he shall have given previous written notice to the Treasurer of his intention so to be absent. Section 7. No dues or assessments other than those provided for in these By-Laws shall be levied, except by a two-thirds vote of mem- bers present at a regularly called meeting, the notice of which meeting shall state the subject to be considered. Section 8. The Board of Directors first elected shall have the power to elect in such manner as they see fit not more than 287 members. ARTICLE IIL STRANGERS. Section i. No person other than a mem- ber shall be admitted to the Club House, ex- cept by first entering his name, and that of the person introducing him, in a book kept for that purpose. Gentlemen residing within twenty miles of Cambridge may be introduced once in thirty days. Section 2. Gentlemen residing out of the city of Cambridge, and having no usual place l8 BY-LAWS OF of business or study within, shall be considered strangers, and any member of the Club may extend the privileges of the Club House, for not more than ten days, to any such stranger ; but this privilege shall not be granted oftener than once in thirty days. Section 3. The Executive Committee or the President may, at the request of any mem- ber, issue written invitations to strangers resid- ing as aforesaid, for a period of thirty days, and may renew the same at discretion. Any member who may avail himself of this privilege shall be held responsible for the pay- ment of all debts or liabilities to the Club that may be incurred by any person introduced by him. Section 4. Members may also invite gen- tlemen who are not members of the Club to private entertainments, in such rooms as may be designated for that purpose by the Execu- tive Committee ; and may introduce ladies to such rooms as may be appointed by the same committee. Any member who may avail himself of these privileges shall be held responsible for the payment of all debts or liabilities to the Club that may be incurred by any person introduced by him. THE COLONIAL CLUB ig ARTICLE IV. NON-RESIDENT MEMBERS. Persons having no customary place of abode, business, or study in Cambridge maybe elected non-resident members as in the manner herein- before provided, and shall pay an admission fee of fifteen dollars and half the annual as- sessment. They shall not be entitled to vote or hold office, nor shall they have any interest in the property of the Club. ARTICLE V. SEAL OF THE CLUB. The Seal of the Club shall bear the inscrip- tion " The Colonial Club, Cambridge, Mass., Incorporated 1890." ARTICLE VL OF MEETINGS. , Section i. The Annual Meeting of the Club after 1890 shall be held at eight o'clock p. M., on the first Monday of April, for the election of officers and the transaction of such other business as may come before it. The 20 BY-LA IP'S OF Annual Meeting of 1890 shall take place on the first Monday of June. At the monthly meeting of the Executive Committee in March of each year, a commit- tee of seven shall be appointed by it from members of the Club not members of the Ex- ecutive Committee or of the Committee on Admissions, who shall select, notify the Secre- tary of the Club, and post in a conspicuous place in the Club House, at least ten days be- fore the Annual Meeting, the name of a candi- date for each office to be filled at the ensuing annual election. It shall be the duty of the Secretary to have printed ballots prepared for the Annual Meeting. Section 2. A quorum of one tenth of the whole number of members of the Club shall be requisite for the transaction of business at any meeting of the Club. Section 3. Special meetings of the Club may be called at any time by order of the President, with the approval of three members of the Executive Committee, and shall be called by the Secretary whenever the President or any Vice-President shall be thereunto re- quested in writing by twenty-five members, setting forth the purpose of such meeting. At any such special meeting, no business, other than that specified in the call, shall be con- sidered. THE COLONIAL CLUB 21 Section 4. At the meetings of the Club, the order of business, so far as the character and nature of the meeting may admit, shall be as follows : — 1. Reading the minutes of the last meeting. 2. Report of Executive Committee. 3. Reports of Standing Committees. 4. Reports of Special Committees. 5. Report of the Treasurer. 6. Report of the Secretary. 7. Election of Officers. 8. General business. But this order of business may be changed by a majority of the meeting. Section 5. Any motion or resolution of- fered for the consideration of the Club shall, at the request of any member, be reduced to writing before it is acted upon. All special committees for any purpose shall be appointed by the presiding officer, unless otherwise ordered, and a majority thereof shall not be members of the Executive Committee. Section 6. No person not a member of the Club shall be present at any business meet- ing thereof unless specially invited by the Ex- ecutive Committee, 22 BY-LAWS OF ARTICLE VII. HOUSE RULES. The House Committee shall enforce the fol- lowing House Rules, and also make and en- force such other House Rules as they may from time to time find necessary for the wel- fare of the Club : — I. No person shall take from the Club House a newspaper, pamphlet, book, or other article the property of the club, nor mutilate, deface, or destroy the same. II. Books, pamphlets, and newspapers shall not be removed from the reading and drawing rooms. III. No member shall give any money or gratuity to a servant of the club. IV. No rooms in the house shall be let, nor shall any room be closed to any member, except by the order of the House Committee. V. The Club House shall be closed for the admission of members as early as one o'clock A. M. on each day. VI. No gambling shall be allowed in the club. VII. No dogs shall be allowed in the Club House. VIII. A reasonable charge shall be made for the use of card and billiard tables. THE COLONIAL CLUB 2$ IX. No games shall be allowed in the Club House from twelve o'clock on Saturday evening until its opening on Monday morning, or while any meeting of the club is in session. X. During a business meeting of the Club no smoking shall be allowed in the room where the meeting is held. XI. Smoking will not be permitted in the Library at any time, or in the Dining Room until after nine o'clock p. m. XII. Private Dining Rooms cannot be as- signed to parties numbering less than four persons. ARTICLE VIIL AMENDMENT OF BY-LAWS. Any By-Law of the Club may be amended, or a new By-Law made, at any regular meeting of the Club, the proposer having posted upon the notice-board notice of the proposed altera- tion or addition, for at least thirty days imme- diately preceding said meeting, and the Secre- tary having sent notice by mail to each member at least ten days before said meeting, when, if two thirds of those present and voting shall vote in favor of the proposed alteration or amendment, the same shall be adopted OFFICERS 1890. President. THOMAS WENTWORTH HIGGINSON. Vice-Presidents. CHARLES W. ELIOT. E D. LEAVITT. CHESTER W. KINGSLEY. EDMUND REARDON. Secretary, GEO. ROWLAND COX. Treasurer. EDMUND A. WHITMAN. Board of Directors. HENRY P WALCOTT. GARDINER M. LANE. CHESTER F SANGER. JAMES J. MYERS. CHARLES J. McINTIRE. FRANCIS V. B. KERN. EDGAR R. CHAMPLIN. CHARLES C. FOSTER. HENRY E. WARNER. OFFICERS 1891. President. THOMAS WENTWORTH HIGGINSON. Vice-Presidents. CHARLES W. ELIOT. CHESTER W KINGSLEY. HENRY P. WALCOTT. E. D. LEAVITT. Secretary. GEO. HOWLAND COX. Treasurer. EDMUND A. WHITMAN. Board of Directors. ALBERT F. HARLOW. H. O. HOUGHTON, Jr. CHARLES L. FULLER. BANCROFT G. DAVIS. GARDINER M. LANE. CHESTER F. SANGER. JAMES J. MYERS. CHARLES J. McINTIRE. FRANCIS V. B. KERN. OFFICERS 1892. President. THOMAS WENTWORTH HIGGINSON. Vice-Presidents. CHARLES W. ELIOT. E. D. LEAVITT. CHESTER W. KINGSLEY. HENRY P. .WALCOTT. Secretary. GEO. HOWLAND COX. Treasurer. EDMUND A. WHITMAN. Board of Directors. JAMES J. MYERS. BANCROFT G. DAVIS. ALVIN F. SORTWELL. GARDINER M. LANE. CHARLES R. SHAW. ALBERT F. HARLOW. H. O. HOUGHTON, Jr. CHARLES L. FULLER. OFFICERS 1893. President. CHARLES W. ELIOT. Vice-Presidents. RICHARD H. DANA. ARTHUR E. DENISON. JOHN W. HAMMOND. CHARLES J. McINTIRE. Secretary. GEO. HOWLAND COX. Treasurer. EDMUND A. WHITMAN. Board of Directors. GEORGE A. BARTLETT. ALVIN F. SORTWELL. HERBERT A. CHASE. CHARLES R. SHAW. EDWIN B. HALE. H. O. HOUGHTON, Jr. JAMES J. MYERS. ALBERT F. HARLOW. .CHARLES L. FULLER. OFFICERS 1894. President. CHARLES W. ELIOT. Vice-Presidents. RICHARD H. DANA. ARTHUR E. DENISON. JOHN W. HAMMOND. CHARLES J. McINTIRE. Secretary. GEO. HOWLAND COX. Treasurer. EDMUND A. WHITMAN. Directors. To serve till April, 1895. JAMES J. MYERS. CHARLES R. SHAW. ALVIN F. SORTWELL. To serve till April, 1896. GEORGE A. BARTLETT. EDWIN B. HALE. HERBERT A. CHASE. To serve till April, 1897. PHILIP S. ABBOTT ASA M. MATTICE. GEORGE P. JOHNSON. Connmittee on Adnnissions. To serve till April, 1895, WM. M. RICHARDSON. RUSSELL BRADFORD. HENRY B. DAVIS. To serve till April, 1896. J. BERTRAM WILLIAMS. FRANCIS E. SEAVER. EDWIN P. BOGGS. 30 OFFICERS To serve till April, 1897. WATSON G. CUTTER. HERBERT PUTNAM. BANCROFT G. DAVIS. Auditing Committee. WM. T. PIPER. GEORGE A. ALLISON. JOHN C. BULLARD. House Committee. ALVIN F. SORTWELL, Chairman. GEORGE A. BARTLETT. ASA M. MATTICE. Committee on Library and Publications. T. W. HIGGINSON, Chairman. HENRY O. HOUGHTON, Jr. CHARLES J. PETERS. Committee on Entertainment. ANDREW McFARLAND DAVIS, Chairman. JUSTIN WINSOR. ALBERT F. HARLOW. LIST OF MEMBERS Complete to Oct. i, 1894. Members will please send cor- rections to the Secretary. EDWIN H. ABBOT PHILIP STANLEY ABBOT FREDERICK D. ALLEN W. FRANK ALLEY GEORGE A. ALLISON ALBERT F. AMEE JOHN AMEE JAMES BARR AMES ROBERT R. ANDREWS JOHN H. APPLETON ARVID BAALACK FRANCIS W. BACON M. CLINTON BACON HOLLIS R. BAILEY WILDER D. BANCROFT WALWORTH O. BARBOUR FRANCIS J. BARNES GEORGE A. BARTLETT EDWARD L. BEARD JOSIAH Q. BENNETT E. SIDNEY BERRY ALEX. H. BILL CLARENCE H. BILLINGS CHARLES C. BLANEY STEPHEN H. BLODGETT 32 LIST OF MEMBERS OF WARREN K. BLODGETT, JR. EDWIN P. BOGGS AUSTIN D. BOSS WILLIAM F. BRADBURY RUSSELL BRADFORD GEORGE E. BRIGHAM ELMER H. BRIGHT JOHN BROOKS JOHN GRAHAM BROOKS J. MASON BROOKS SUMNER A. BROOKS LEROY S. BROWN OTIS S. BROWN ' SILAS E. BUCK JOHN C. BULLARD H. PRESCOTT BURLEIGH C LUCIEN CARR CHARLES T. CARRUTH MONTAGUE CHAMBERLAIN EDGAR R. CHAMPLIN GILBERT E. CHANDLER GEORGE S. CHASE HERBERT A. CHASE LOUIS S. CHASE EDWARD R. COGSWELL GEORGE H. CONVERSE FRANK GAYLORD COOK ARCHIBALD C. COOLIDGE JOHN H. CORCORAN WILLIAM F. CORNE SAMUEL F. COUES ROBERT COWEN GEO. ROWLAND COX MATT. H. CRAWFORD JOHN M. CROCKER SIMON G. CROSWELL THE COLONIAL CLUB 33 FRED L. CUNNINGHAM JOHN L. CURRIE CHARLES F. CUSHMAN GEORGE W. CUSHMAN RUFUS C. CUSHMAN FRANK B. CUTTER HENRY O. CUTTER WATSON G. CUTTER RICHARD H. DANA E. A. DAVENPORT ANDREW McF. DAVIS BANCROFT G. DAVIS HENRY B. DAVIS JAMES HENRY DAVIS ARTHUR E. DENISON JOHN O. DE WOLF DAVID T. DICKINSON CHARLES W. DIMICK EDWARD S. DODGE WILLIAM W. DODGE GEORGE B. DORR JOHN C. DOW EDWIN DRESSER WILLIAM B. DURANT OLIVER H. DURRELL E WALTER F. EARLE RICHARD ELA WALTER ELA CHARLES W. ELIOT EMMONS R. ELLIS HARRY ELLIS STEARNS R. ELLIS WILLIAM R. ELLIS HENRY ENDICOTT 34 LIST OF MEMBERS OF CHARLES J. ENEBUSKE ALBERT S. EUSTIS CHARLES C. EVERETT EDWARD F. EVERETT WILLIAM G. FARLOW CHARLES R. FARRINGTON WELLINGTON FILLMORE FREDERICK P. FISH GEORGE W. FITZ. CHARLES C. FOSTER FRANCIS C. FOSTER JABEZ FOX DANIEL E. FRAZIER CHARLES L. FULLER Qc GEORGE W. GALE THOMAS B. GANNETT JOHN L. GARDNER, 2D LEWIS EDWARD GATES ARTHUR OILMAN GEORGE M. GLAZIER GUSTAVUS GOEPPER WILLIAM GOEPPER GEORGE L. GOODALE FREEMAN C. GOODNOW ARTHUR GORDON GOODRICH CHARLES H. GRANDGENT LEVI R. GREENE JAMES B. GREENOUGH WILLIAM M. GRISWOLD WALTER C. GROVER H EDWIN B. HALE CHARLES G. HALEY THE COLONIAL CLUB WILLIAM C. HALL JOHN W. HAMMOND LEANDER M. HANNUM PAUL H. HANUS ALBERT F. HARLOW CHARLES HARRIS FRANK W. HASTINGS LEWIS M. HASTINGS SOLON S. HASTINGS ARTHUR GILLESPIE HATCH JAMES W. HAYWOOD JAMES W. HAZEN JOHN J. HENDERSON JOHN O. HENSHAW THOMAS WENTWORTH HIGGINSON JOHN L. HILDRETH STANLEY B. HILDRETH ADAMS S. HILL FRANK A. HILL F. STANHOPE HILL HENRY B. HILL WILLIAM H. HILL WILLIAM B. HILLS JAMES HENRY HILTON IRA N. HOLLIS EDWARD W. HOOPER JOHN HOPEWELL, JR. FRED. W. HOPKINS EDWARD R. HOUGHTON HENRY O. HOUGHTON HENRY O. HOUGHTON, JR. ARTHUR L. HOWARD ARCHIBALD M. HOWE FRED C. HOWE GEORGE E. HOWE BENJAMIN L. HOWES EUGENE L. HOWLETT RAY GREENE HULING 36 LIST OF MEMBERS OF FREEMAN HUNT THOMAS HUNT OLIVER HUNTINGTON BYRON S. HURLBURT DANA W. HYDE WM. A. HUNNEWELL J CHARLES L. JACKSON ROBERT TREAT JACKSON WILLIAM JAMES GEORGE P. JOHNSON HENRY WALTER JONES K STILLMAN F. KELLEY FREDERICK KENDALL \ OLINDUS F. KENDALL FRANK A. KENNEDY FRANCIS V. B. KERN CHESTER W. KINGSLEY GEORGE LYMAN KITTRIDGE Ii ROLAND O. LAMB WILLIAM B. LAMBERT GEORGE H. LAWRENCE WILLIAM LAWRENCE E. D. LEAVITT GRANVILLE B. LENFEST GEORGE V. LEVERETT JOSEPH P. LIVERMORE HENRY A. LOCKE EUGENE R. LUKE WALTER J. LUKE THE COLONIAL CLUB 37 RUFUS H. MANSON PHILIPPE B. MARCOU ALFRED R. MARSH M. SYLVESTER MARSHALL ASA M. MATTICE CHARLES J. McINTIRE HERBERT B. McINTIRE ALEXANDER McKENZIE JAMES MELLEN ALLYNE L. MERRILL GEORGE S. MERRILL STUART C. MILLER CHARLES H. MONTAGUE GEORGE A. MOORE F. MORELAND EDWIN V. MORGAN GEORGE F. MORGAN MORRIS H. MORGAN CHARLES H. MORSE CHARLES W. MUNROE WILLIAM A. MUNROE HUGO MUNSTERBERG JAMES J. MYERS BENNETT H. NASH GEORGE A. NASH WILLIAM H. NEAL WILLIAM W. NEWELL ALFRED B. NICHOLS EDGAR H. NICHOLS JOHN T. G. NICHOLS JAMES ATKINS NOYES^ 38 LIST OF MEMBERS OF O JOHN L. ODIORNE WILLIAM D. ORCUTT P ALFRED P. PAGE JAMES L. PAINE JOHN K. PAINE HENRY A. PARKER FRANCIS G. PEABODY JAMES MILLS PEIRCE ASA E. PERVERE CHARLES J. PETERS G. A. A. PEVEY E. BURT PHILLIPS CHARLES E. PIERCE WILLIAM TAGGARD PIPER EUGENE A. POPE ALFRED C. POTTER WALLACE PREBLE DAVID PROUDFOOT FREDERICK W. PUTNAM HERBERT PUTNAM R ALBERT H. RANLET EDMUND REARDON JAMES F. RHODES JAMES B. RICE, JR. REUBEN FRANCIS RICHARDS THEODORE WM. RICHARDS WILLIAM M. RICHARDSON DAVID A. RITCHIE WILL F. ROAF BENJ. R. ROBINSON EDWARD C. ROBINSON CHARLES J. ROLFE THE COLONIAL CLUB 39 DENMAN W. ROSS WILLIAM J. ROUNDS JOSIAH ROYCE CHARLES THEO. RUSSELL, JR. J. HENRY RUSSELL GEORGE H. RYTHER S GEORGE SANTAYANA DUDLEY A. SARGENT WILLIAM B. SAUL GEORGE E. SAUNDERS ENOS D. SAWYER GEORGE A. SAWYER JOHN S. SAWYER SAMUEL H. SCUDDER WINTHROP SALTONSTALL SCUDDER FRANCIS E. SEAVER NATHANIEL S. SHALER ADNA B. SHAW CHARLES R. SHAW WILLIAM L. SHEARER EDWARD C. SHERBURNE SAMUEL S. SIAS JOHN SIMPKINS SOLOMON S. SLEEPER CHAUNCEY SMITH CHAUNCEY SMITH, JR. CLEMENT L. SMITH FREDERICK M. SMITH JEREMIAH SMITH ALVIN F. SORTWELL WILLIAM P. SOULE HERBERT F. SPARROW CHARLES H. STEVENS EDMUND H. STEVENS HAROLD W. STEVENS JOHN LYMAN STONE 40 LIST OF MEMBERS OF WILLIAM E. STONE FLAVEL C. STRATTON FREDERICK C. DE SUMICHRAST RANDOLPH C. SURBRIDGE WILLIAM D. SWAN FREDERICK W. TAYLOR JOHN LEWIS TAYLOR FRANK H. TEELE WM. R. THAYER JOSEPH G. THORP JOSEPH G. THORP, JR. THOMAS B. TICKNOR HENRY N. TILTON JOSEPH TORREY, JR. CRAWFORD H. TOY ALFRED T. TURNER, JR. DANIEL LAWRENCE TURNER U SAMUEL USHER V A. ABBOTT VAUGHAN BENJAMIN VAUGHAN CHARLES E. VAUGHAN FRANCIS W. VAUGHAN W ENOCH H. WAKEFIELD, JR. HENRY P. WALCOTT ROBERT DeCOURCY WARD EDWARD J. WARDWELL FRANK W. WARDWELL CHARLES F. WARNER JOSEPH B. WARNER HENRY C. WARREN THE COLONIAL CLUB 41 H. LANGFORD WARREN ALFRED FOSTER WASHBURN ASHLEY WATSON JOHN C. WATSON JAMES A. WELLS BARRETT WENDELL WALTER WESSELHOEFT EDWARD C. WHEELER HENRY N. WHEELER CHARLES J. WHITE HENRY WHITE HERBERT H. WHITE JOHN WILLIAMS WHITE MOSES P. WHITE STEPHEN B. WHITING EDMUND A. WHITMAN WILLIAM H. WHITNEY CHARLES A. WHITTEMORE FRED W. WHITTEMORE RAYMOND S. WILDER J. BERTRAM WILLIAMS ROBERT W. WILLSON C. F. WILSON JUSTIN WINSOR WILLIAM H. WOOD HARRY J. WOOD CHARLES R. WOODS JAMES A. WOOLSON GEORGE G. WRIGHT MORRILL WYMAN, JR. Y HENRY D. YERXA Z FRANK ZINKEISEN 42 LIST OF MEMBERS NON-RESIDENTS ISAAC ADAMS Annisquam SMITH BAKER JONATHAN BIGELOW CLARENCE JOHN BLAKE Boston CHARLES S. CLARK Boston ADOLPHE COHN New York EDWARD CO WLES Somerville ALLEN DANFORTH Boston FREDERIC DODGE Belmont WALLACE S. DRAPER Boston FRANKLIN G. FESSENDEN Greenfield J. B. FLETCHER WYMAN K. FLINT Milwaukee BENJ. IVES OILMAN Boston WM. B. HAND Nyack, N. Y. CHARLES H. HAPGOOD Chicago, III. THEODORE P. HARDING Boston EDWARD D. HOOKER Arlington RICHARD HITTINGER Belmont GEORGE G. KENNEDY Roxbury WALDO LINCOLN Worcester CHARLES A. LOCKE Chestnut Hill WM. L. MERCER Somerville GORDON McKAY Newport, R. L GEORGE O. MORGAN Pittsburgh, Penn. PALMER ELLIS PRESBREY. . . .Brookline GEORGE PUTNAM Boston GEORGE M. RICHARDSON Berkeley, Cal. EDWIN P. SEAVER Newton PARKER F. SOULE Boston FREDERICK H. VIAUX Boston F. C. WOODMAN New York 3In spemoriam CHESTER F. SANGER. . .Died November, 1891 HENRY H. GILMORE.... *' December 24, " MAX RADER " April 1,1892 DR. WM. B. FISKE " May 8, " REUBEN AREY « July 7, " ALBERT A. RED WAY. . « July 24, « SAMUEL LONGFELLOW. " October 3, « EBEN N. HORSFORD.... " January 1,1893 SUMNER ALBEE " January 12, « HENRY R. GLOVER « May 28, « WILLIAM R. ROWLAND. " April 25, " GEN. E. W. HINCKS " February 14,1894 DR. FREEMAN SNOW.... " September 11, « JOSIAH PARSONS COOKE " September 3, « OF THE . UNIVERSITY 14 DAY USE RETURN TO DESK FROM WHICH BORROWED LOAN DEPT. This book is due on the last date stamped below, or on the date to which renewed. Renewed books are subject to immediate recall. LIBRARY U$E nil 'lA. lOfti JUL ^4 wDi III! ^ A 1Qfi1 JUL l^ iJOl \liiA:ro^r.i'' ^^«£g^"-^^ Colonial club of Cambriiige* ,01507 V _ - . ^^^^ ^^^^B; M Si A UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY \Ct ^^"^754