' .,•:■ ■■ ■.'■.•., ■.■■■■. . ■ ■■ ■• ■■■ ■ .■.'■/■;■;■„ .. ■:. f..: !■>■.■■■ '•":' ■:■..'" '• . ; ; '■• ■' ' ' "■ f/ . > /. Or//, -j. £.m:fi<.x: Magd: Coll . ()xon : THE FAERIE QUEEN E. By EDMUND SPENSER. With an exact Collation of the Two ORIGINAL EDITIONS, Published by Himfelf at London inQjJARTo; the Former containing the firft Three Books printed in 1590, and the Latter the Six Books in 1596. To which are now added, A new Life of the AUTHOR, AND ALSO A GLOSSARY. Adorn'd with thirty-two Copper-Plates, from the Original Drawings of the late W. Kent, Efq; Architect and principal Painter to his Majefty. VOL. II. L O N D O * i# : Printed for J. Brindley, in New Bond-Street, and S. Wright, Clerk of his Majefty's Works, at Hampton-Court. M.DCC.LI. 2.3 53 C * 3 ?h The thirde Booke of the Faerie Queene. Contaynlng The Legend of Britomartis. Or of Chaflitie. I. i T falles me here to write of Chaftity, W^tk> The faireft virtuej farre above the rer * ; S&«i For which what needes me fetch from Faery Forreine enfamples, it to have expreft ? Sith it is fhrined in my Soveraine's breft, And formd fo lively in each perfed part, That to all ladies, which have it profeft, Need but behold the pourtrai& of her hart, If pourtravd it might be by any living art.. V OL. 11. D % The thirde Booke of Cant. I. II. But living art may not leaft part expreffe, Nor life-refembling pencill it can paint, All were it Zeuxis or Praxiteles : His Daedale hand would faile, and greatly faint, And her perfections with his error taint : Ne Poets wit, that paffeth Painter farre In picturing the parts of beautie daint, So hard a workemanfhip adventure darre, For fear through want of words her excellence to marre. III. How then fhall I, apprentice of the (kill, That whylome in divineft wits did raine, Prefume fo high to ftretch mine humble quill ? Yet now my luckelefle lot doth me conftraine Hereto perforce. But, O dred Soveraine, Thus far forth pardon, lith that choiceft wit Cannot your glorious pourtraict figure plaine, That I in colourd fhowes may fhadow it, And antique praifes unto prefent perfons fit. IV. But if in living colours, and right hew, Thy felte you covet to fee pictured, Who can it doe more lively, or more trew, Then that fweete verfe, with Neclar fprinckeled, In which a gracious fervant pi